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Adc Academy | How to Climb on Adc from a Hardstuck GrandMaster old man

06-21-2024 · 5h 24m

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[00:00:00] ......... You
[00:01:39] Yo, what's up? What's up man? hello I'm good. How are you, man? Welcome back to the game. Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[00:02:32] This won't be perfect, but let's get ready! There is too much dog shit drama in the league scene. I'm going to go ahead and do that. never seen so little Are they three-man leashing? I belong here. We all belong here. so so so I mean Tarzan's always been kind of an asshole.
[00:04:22] I'm just surprised people are so shocked by it. so so uh so all right boys and girls
[00:05:42] this is gonna be a boring ass lane lane oh i should just'd over the wall.
[00:05:47] I knew he was probably going to flash on me, but... probably real i was like yeah i don't really care uh quick and find a close and he has been slain so An enemy has been slain. so um has been slain so I kind of want to just like dash in and take trades and shit but they have sustained we don't
[00:08:05] and my janna isn't uh she's not playing very aggro so i
[00:08:09] don't want to like
[00:08:12] go to him. I don't even think we need a gank bot. so There's no way we can gank this right now.
[00:08:55] Zac wasted his E! Zach wasted the d I mean, we could try and dive.
[00:09:17] It's just kind of a bad choice um Hmm. Cool. I'm sorry. uh fresh air a rare three it's just to me pretty sure i could just 1v2 them uh until sona gets a r uh nothing so oh that hurt.
[00:11:32] Oh my god! uh so so here it comes Oh man, what is going on?
[00:13:32] I think that Trist could have actually jumped in and killed that guy right there, but she chose not to. okay so Which one more wave and then we just get a... Static Shiv.
[00:13:41] We can win 2v2 really easy it's just that so uh in ready I'm just gonna back for some tempo. so I
[00:15:10] Don't know sona's ulta. I can 1v2 him pretty easily
[00:15:13] If someone results down Foreign the enemy I don't want to just try and go in, just like limit test it a bit. so so Hmm. I think we could have killed them all if uh
[00:16:30] When did jana are
[00:16:33] Did she are initially when we were fighting? She must have huh and I just didn't see it because i'm blind
[00:16:57] Oh I mean, that was my bad.
[00:16:59] I should have checked to see if Jaina had R.
[00:17:00] Because we can win that.
[00:17:03] I just miss-faced and I thought she had R because I'm bad. No? okay and uh so I'm going to go back and get the Damn, I could have spaced that.
[00:18:04] I was like trying to get close enough for one Q but I got a little too close oh well
[00:18:20] oh well Oh well.
[00:18:26] What's going on here?
[00:18:30] Friar Aaron, how are you doing? Hmm. I do kinda wish we didn't give up this bot turret but so so so What is even happening right now? That's funny. Oh yeah, I miss you.
[00:20:23] Miss you.
[00:20:26] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[00:20:34] I'm so old.
[00:20:39] Hmm... hmm uh is I think we could have fought that if Janna ulted, but...
[00:21:18] I see why she was like kinda scared.
[00:22:17] Yo Crimson! Thank you for the 67 man welcome back Don't worry, man. I'm wondering? Damn. That guy actually just one-shot me.
[00:22:25] ... so I definitely have figured out over time why the CLO is so funny because like i'm autopiloting right now just
[00:22:51] like chilling
[00:22:54] uh but i i realize like when you stop auto-pilot and you just notice everybody just wants to fight for fun and diamonds because
[00:23:01] it's like fun to fight but as the ad carry it's your job to literally just never actually go
[00:23:08] to the fights unless you can win them. oh I think I just got triple ulted. Yeah, we had a big lead early but...
[00:23:59] I wanted to fight them after I had my lead and uh...
[00:24:04] Nobody's playing as a team.
[00:24:07] Like, you see how Janna's not walking in to save that guy?
[00:24:11] I think people are just playing too selfish like 2KDA based right now.
[00:24:36] It's all good. this is what it is Yeah, they're just getting caught. Oh well.
[00:25:55] Okay. yes I'm here! quick first so Oh, what's going on there? Oh. Ooh!
[00:26:01] Cesaria is disappointing.
[00:26:07] I think it's more disappointing......than my Nivea's then my navy is 130 cs at 24 minutes but hey
[00:26:18] here's what it is so so what just instantly killed me? I guess it was Vlad.
[00:27:09] I think this Anivia is trying too hard to backseat the homies.
[00:27:16] She's not focusing on her own game, she's just... like backseat the homies
[00:27:19] but she's not focusing on her own
[00:27:29] gameplay has been destroyed. It is one of those Nice. I'm going to try and get the first one. so Your turret has been destroyed
[00:28:09] What are you doing?
[00:28:13] Not a chance!
[00:28:15] I'm not messing around
[00:28:49] And done I'm not messing around. oh We can win! What am I watching happen? Why are we formatting bot? awful why is my janna with me okay ready enemy so so Haha.
[00:30:20] Oh, I got their ASOL! Oh... He should just focus on the wave if they want to stall the game. so so um Hmm.
[00:31:11] RIP!
[00:31:19] ... I just played a, like, women test on this account and play for fun.
[00:31:37] This, this like ELO plays too slow for me.
[00:31:40] So I just don't care about sitting there and waiting for them
[00:31:43] to get ready to go in and shit.
[00:31:46] It just doesn't bother me. so Okay.. What's up boys and girls? How are you guys doing on this wonderful Friday evening. Thank you..... You know what? I don't know if I actually have it in me right now to play on diamonds. Playing in a low elo is boring because everybody just...
[00:33:55] You just have to slow your gameplay down and chill.
[00:33:59] It's just a really,
[00:34:02] really boring elo to play in.
[00:34:06] Everybody just plays pretty much
[00:34:08] like for perm fighting
[00:34:10] which is fun sometimes but it's also really boring... you you you
[00:39:40] Oh Okay..... you Thank you...................... you you you Silence. Okay...... Thank you. Okay......... Oh my god. Don't worry guys, we will only sit in queue for 10 minutes a game today.
[00:43:03] I got you guys.
[00:43:04] It's Friday evening,
[00:43:06] but the cue time is only going to be 10 minutes today, guys.
[00:43:12] Don't worry about it, okay?
[00:43:14] I got you......... you
[00:46:11] oh my god i feel like i'm the only person on the planet playing league of legends right now so Thank you.... I mean,
[00:46:12] I'll probably play Souls game
[00:46:14] whenever I...
[00:46:15] Either A.
[00:46:15] Upgrade my computer
[00:46:16] or B, buy a
[00:46:17] PS5.
[00:46:23] I'll do it eventually. away. Stream Deck?
[00:46:55] Isn't stream deck literally just like a little thing where you push buttons and it
[00:47:01] does stuff?
[00:47:04] I don't know if my stream is professional enough for that.
[00:47:07] I just don't care. Like I I'm not doing like scene changes and shit.
[00:47:13] But it'd probably be useful if you were like...
[00:47:17] Doing a lot of like scene changes. Oh, I misread.
[00:47:36] My bad.
[00:47:44] The console from Valve? Oh.
[00:47:45] Eh.
[00:47:48] I don't think I... I'm not, like, a handheld gamer these days. is like any game I play
[00:48:01] that would be like a
[00:48:03] single player game, I would probably want to stream
[00:48:06] it because there's not a lot of downside
[00:48:08] not to.
[00:48:12] But my computer is not good enough.
[00:48:19] I gotta wait until I can upgrade my computer to do that.. Hmm.
[00:48:39] What the fuck?.... I wonder if
[00:49:33] we'll get to play a game.
[00:49:36] Maybe this game will go through?
[00:49:40] Oh shit, We're playing! We get to video game.
[00:50:01] Let's go!
[00:50:09] Eeeh eehehh... um All right, chats.
[00:50:28] I am Janna.
[00:50:30] Ooh-woo.
[00:50:45] Pew! Pew! oh What's their bot lane?
[00:50:46] Oh, Maokai Jinx.
[00:50:58] So Rek'Sai could level 3 gank bot or he could...
[00:51:04] Level three gank top mid. Rek'Sai's like, he can level 3 gank anywhere.
[00:51:06] So we should ward this
[00:51:08] at 115 or 120.
[00:51:11] We should ward this Raptor camp.
[00:53:39] If he wards Raptors, we can see exactly where Rek'Sai is. nice so he's actually starting raptors so hmm so so so so so We should check to see where this Rekite is oh he's right here so Yeah, I saw him get healed in the bush. Don't have to back off.
[00:53:47] Hmm. I feel like this guy should've... what's it called?
[00:53:53] Froze this but so kind of an enemy has been slain I'm pretty sure
[00:54:25] Rek'Sai is going to go top right now.
[00:54:31] Yep. I'm okay still at level 2. so so so oh my god man oh man as you wish so And that guy actually fucking... Fucking... so Rek'Sai is one rex is 1000 bar right now so so so next is I'm just getting fed as fuck. harmony like i literally auto attacked two times it got two kills uh oh shut down but I'm going to try and get the so quickly so The diving has been slain. The divers guy. so so so so I don't really even know what to do this game because it just feels like the game is pretty much done.
[01:00:29] Like, the Jinx and Maokai are just fucked so...
[01:00:35] It's kinda hard to play. yeah
[01:00:46] like at this point it's just all like me covering
[01:00:49] making sure my team doesn't run it down that's pretty much all it is
[01:00:59] getting good vision making sure my team doesn't run it down. so four so so so An enemy has been slain. Yeah, I have to say that Yo, how did that Rek'Sai do
[01:02:30] that shit? That's some Houdini shit.
[01:02:36] ... which is Would you just take the turret? Okay.
[01:03:12] That's fun.
[01:03:16] I'll just wait for my Moonstone...
[01:03:20] I don't even know if you're supposed to rush Moonstone.
[01:03:21] I don't even know if you're supposed to rush Moonstone on Janna, but...
[01:03:23] Fuck it.
[01:03:28] I took like half his Siesta.
[01:03:58] My bad. i took like half a siesta my bad I mean, I'm pretty sure Rek'Sai is just gonna keep going bot. It's actually kind of wild how little Rek'Sai has done this game. LittleRexi has
[01:04:03] done this game.
[01:04:07] But somehow he still
[01:04:08] has some crazy fucking
[01:04:09] impact.
[01:04:14] ... Impact.
[01:05:43] That is what it is. If he had ran to me, I could have killed him. kill them um and so so Holy shit. Our H-Rox is rh rocks is definitely on he's not having fun we'll put it that way he's not having a great time. no wind on me so This is kind of funny because it's like... so Don't worry guys.
[01:07:03] Fed Janna is on duty. I should probably go bot.
[01:07:31] Well that was kinda fucked up, bro.
[01:07:41] Like why you doing that man? oh what's going on bot
[01:07:56] they're hard diving our bot lane.
[01:08:01] I'm on my way! You should kite to me. we're done Damn.
[01:08:35] If I had ulted or if I had nade-o'd that guy's thing,
[01:08:38] I would've just full stacked my mages.
[01:08:40] Like legit, I would have full stacked my magize.
[01:08:42] Like, legit,
[01:08:43] I would have full stacked my magize just now.
[01:08:46] I'd have like 22 stacks or some shit.
[01:08:47] Because I would have killed that fucking Maokai after.
[01:08:50] You know what it is? This game...
[01:08:52] I'm getting, like my
[01:08:56] ADHD is kicking in and I'm getting really fucking bored.
[01:09:00] I gotta reel it back.
[01:09:07] Cause we pretty much already won the game, but we have to end the game.
[01:09:14] But i'm not in League of Legends mode today, like just chill mode. I'm not in that fucking competitive 1v9 mindset so i'm just i'm just chilling
[01:09:27] So, I'm not like you know doing the macro for the boys
[01:09:36] And if you don't do the macro for the boys,
[01:09:37] the macro will not get done.
[01:09:39] So yeah Oh that is an absolutely fucking horrendous uh
[01:10:00] just do that so Nice job all. so your team has destroyed an inhibitor
[01:11:11] moonstone feels kind of trash
[01:11:43] but it doesn't feel great Thanks for watching! Oh, is that Katarina? Kat evolved?
[01:11:51] I didn't even know.
[01:11:57] Oh, interesting. Whoa! That's a lot of wards.
[01:12:06] Holy fuck they warded up the ever living shit out of bot side!
[01:12:12] The fuck? the so I mean, the problem with
[01:12:46] Bob and this game was like they couldn't really
[01:12:48] do anything once they fucked up early.
[01:12:52] Like, Jinx is immobile, right? Because she's so
[01:12:54] immobile
[01:12:54] we can just kill her so easily over and over again with janna and cassio
[01:13:01] and then once i get casio p all lead i can
[01:13:04] just go impact the whole map and then it's just it's just doomed you know
[01:13:16] they said report jinx. It's not her account. What?
[01:13:33] Oh, it is an account share.
[01:13:37] ... account share oh interesting..... My goodness.
[01:14:46] Dude, I gotta be real.
[01:14:47] I don't think
[01:14:48] I have any will
[01:14:49] or care about
[01:14:50] playing League today.
[01:14:57] Like it's just not interesting me today i did I did more damage than like three people in the game.
[01:15:11] I also did 3500 damage to turrets cool Okay. How are you guys doing?
[01:15:49] You guys have any cool plans this weekend?
[01:15:52] Or you guys just doing normal weekend stuff of chilling?...... This is it. Support preferred.
[01:17:11] Oh, my God! I mean, I guess this is support preferred oh my god i mean i guess like a jungle okay i'll jungle Bye. I don't have Lilia on this account.
[01:17:41] That doesn't feel good.
[01:17:45] Book! That doesn't feel good. Fuck!
[01:17:47] Manco!
[01:17:49] Hey, what's up man?
[01:17:50] Thank you so much for the raid.
[01:17:53] How you doing?
[01:17:54] What's up? Welcome, Timo lovers. I don't know what to call you guys. I just assume you guys love Timo.
[01:18:14] Man,
[01:18:24] you know what really sucks? Some autofill jungle red. I would totally dodge right now if not for two reasons.
[01:18:29] I have been streaming for an hour and 20 minutes,
[01:18:53] and I have played two League of Legends games. Dirty pigs, low-yellow scum. Oh we're just naming things that I am got it.
[01:18:57] I too am low elo.
[01:19:01] I feel you.
[01:19:07] Does every single jungler take fucking...
[01:19:09] Phaze Rush? They all take Phase Rush?
[01:19:11] They all take Phase Rush.
[01:19:13] Is it actually
[01:19:14] better?
[01:19:20] That's wild okay I mean I'm gonna trust it yo hi how was your stream though, Mega?
[01:19:34] I would think Conqueror
[01:19:35] Would be okay
[01:19:37] But I haven't played Hecarim
[01:19:38] In like a year
[01:19:41] Like I said, I would dodge uh i don't have that many junglers in this account
[01:19:46] but i waited like i've just been sitting in queue for like hours so i'm i'm just gonna play
[01:19:57] i need to buy lilia though i'm actually good at lilia
[01:20:05] she's op and i'm good at her so it's like i should just buy that champ i don't even know who i'm versus right now
[01:20:09] oh god okay does somebody what characters are these is korean or chinese
[01:20:17] i'm uncultured somebody help Chinese? Okay, we have a chance to win.
[01:20:25] Welcome
[01:20:27] to Summoner's Rage!
[01:20:29] We're going to the
[01:20:31] summoners' raid.
[01:20:33] I'm not sure if that's what you were talking about Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[01:20:36] We have a small chance to win.
[01:20:40] If that is like Korea... Oh, we lose. It's over.
[01:20:44] I go against the Korean Kane...
[01:20:47] GM Kane and fucking Masters?
[01:20:49] I just lose.
[01:20:49] I'm not out-jungling that guy.
[01:20:51] He's gonna walk into my jungle level 2 as Kane,
[01:20:54] stand there,
[01:20:54] and just look at me
[01:20:55] and I'm just gonna piss myself.
[01:20:59] We're not beating that,
[01:21:00] you know what I'm saying?
[01:21:00] Like,
[01:21:01] that shit,
[01:21:01] nah,
[01:21:01] that's not happening.
[01:21:07] Chinese, there's a chance
[01:21:08] something goes wrong
[01:21:09] and he rage quits.
[01:21:12] It's still bad, right?
[01:21:19] I'm still autofilled versus some Canemane but
[01:21:21] I'm assuming
[01:21:27] I'm supposed to start Raptors on
[01:21:29] Hecarim, because he probably
[01:21:31] does Raptors really well. But I don't want
[01:21:33] Path top this game. That sounds shitty.
[01:21:35] Pathing to a morgue Skarner lane
[01:21:37] sounds like fucking...
[01:21:41] Oh, I missed the first Q. It's doomed.
[01:21:42] Alright, we can go next.
[01:21:45] GG, boys. Yo, Mango, I hope you had a good stream though man.
[01:21:52] I am half asleep
[01:21:55] Uh...
[01:21:57] I can't wake up today. I don't know why
[01:22:01] So my streams's just boring as
[01:22:03] shit today. We played Janna
[01:22:05] last game, we sat in a
[01:22:07] 12 minute queue to get autofilled this fort
[01:22:09] and now we sat in a 12 minute queue to get autofilled the jungle
[01:22:16] it's going great today Okay, real talk though.
[01:22:28] Like jungle's kind of chill.
[01:22:31] Like I'm just kind of sitting here like hitting q there's no mac
[01:22:35] there's no micro look i can just watch bot lane This is great.
[01:22:58] Oh, that guy got shit on
[01:23:05] dude i should have probably gone down there to help that guy fix his wave.
[01:23:11] Manco, you're a good jungle player right? Yeah see how Kayn went down there?
[01:23:16] You ever go down there and just help that guy fix his wave instead of do your camps?
[01:23:21] After you see that shit. Or do you say fuck him and just full clear?
[01:23:27] Cause I swear to god, I shouldn't. Oh we can go next! Guys, my Renata just auto-attacked my red.
[01:23:48] And let's just say I don't have Red buff.
[01:23:52] And, I don't have my E. Wait, how did he kill that?
[01:24:05] What?
[01:24:10] I mean, I don't have E man. Well, that's tilting.
[01:24:23] Oh well.
[01:24:24] Uh... Ah.
[01:24:43] Dang it! well my volume better win that's all I'm saying
[01:24:45] because you like I'm already auto filled
[01:24:47] so like
[01:24:49] you better win that shit. That's all I'm saying bro.
[01:25:01] Well it's doomed.
[01:25:03] They died to a Level 4
[01:25:07] cane.
[01:25:11] ... All right, it's doomed mods. Oh, they got dove by the cane. Oh.
[01:25:36] Okay?
[01:25:38] I'm kind of liking the Skarner,
[01:25:40] like Proxian killing that guy.
[01:25:51] Okay. I think I do these camps get...
[01:25:54] I think we do
[01:25:54] I camps get... I think we do
[01:25:56] I don't know.
[01:25:58] I kind of want to do this camp, or
[01:26:00] try and do grubs
[01:26:02] It's really just going to depend
[01:26:06] because really just gonna depends
[01:26:11] his cane's top side right now which is not good and i took his camp so he's probably going to invade me
[01:26:16] oh no he's ganking mid.
[01:26:20] How is this Kayn able to just simply like walk around?
[01:26:25] Like how is this happening by the way?
[01:26:39] What the fuck, bro?
[01:26:47] Nah, don't chase that shit. Oh it's not worth. It's not worth it.
[01:26:48] I'm not Dauntance!
[01:27:02] Oh, I just want to get dragons, scale and let my team
[01:27:04] carry me.
[01:27:06] Trust me, I'm not going to solo carry this game on Hecarim
[01:27:08] guys. I'm not him okay like if
[01:27:12] i'm on 80 carry i'm him all right i'm him as fuck
[01:27:18] ah should gank fought but he's level 6.
[01:27:23] I don't think
[01:27:24] I can gank bot
[01:27:25] with that guy being
[01:27:25] level 6.
[01:27:26] I don't think
[01:27:26] it's possible.
[01:27:34] Sorry I'm not able to interact with you guys as much As normal my brain
[01:27:36] Is like actual mush today
[01:27:38] You know you have those days where like
[01:27:40] You wake up and you're like
[01:27:41] You just fogged out of your fucking mind that's You know you have those days where like, you wake up and you're like...
[01:27:44] just fogged out of your fucking mind?
[01:27:59] That's what it feels like right now. Oh, this isn't good. I might just be dead.
[01:28:01] Oh, I did not have smite. I shouldn't have contested it.
[01:28:05] That didn't have smite.
[01:28:07] Because whoever gets that crab
[01:28:09] gets six and wins that fight.
[01:28:11] Because I can actually 1v2 that if I get the crab
[01:28:13] but because I'm bad and I didn't have smite,
[01:28:15] I shouldn't have gone for that. No, I mean that was 100% my bad dude. okay guys it's cool.
[01:28:51] Okay guys don't help, it's fine.
[01:28:56] It's cool guys! Don't help at all! It's okay guys. Shut down.
[01:28:59] It's cool guys, don't help at all! It's okay guys.
[01:29:08] Yeah man, yeah I'm on my way, Skrner!
[01:29:12] I got you dude.
[01:29:16] This guy is like spam pinging me assist? Look like I am fighting for my life at Grunt! I can't even do anything with this guy's like spam pinging me assist look i'm fighting for my life at grump what do you want
[01:29:25] i've been level five for five minutes I mean, I'm just getting...
[01:29:47] Like, I got auto-filled
[01:29:48] versus a Kain one trick.
[01:29:53] Then I got my red stolen at level four or level three so i couldn't get four then i made a mistake and ran into the enemy team like a dead shit.
[01:30:02] Give me break!
[01:30:04] Trying my best.
[01:30:17] Okay. trying my best man my bobbin should win the next fight but if kane's down there oh my god what was that damage
[01:30:27] oh my god i'm like a full level down on this guy i can't play the game, man.
[01:30:45] Dude, I think I'm just fucked. I can't gank Mord.
[01:30:50] Really?
[01:30:59] You really put the ward on the other side?
[01:31:20] Yes! side. Okay. I mean, there's not much I can do.
[01:31:24] I'm losing every one of my camps because we have no prio top or mid.
[01:31:31] Like, my top is losing 1v1 and my mid is losing 1v1.
[01:31:35] My bot lane stole my red at level two or
[01:31:37] level three and now they're losing the game
[01:31:40] my mid died to a cane level 3 bot lane twice
[01:31:45] like it's not playable. Yeah they're blind.
[01:31:50] I'll be real, like I'm trying my best but we lose this? This ain't on me.
[01:31:54] This game is not my faults.
[01:32:07] Because, like... I can't go anywhere.
[01:32:31] Are you stupid or what? because like i can't go anywhere let's just hope to God we can get Dragon.
[01:32:41] I guess not, our Vlad's gone again. I mean, I don't know what to do!
[01:32:47] I mean we can't fight bro.
[01:33:14] How? Like my HP! we can't fight bro how do we like my hp how do you want to fight this you're a psycho Bro, I'm down 40 CS and almost 3 levels.
[01:33:18] There's not much I can do guys. Ehhhhh... I think it's just a really big bot top gap.
[01:33:36] Our mid is playing Vlad, so he's not really going to do anything.
[01:33:41] No, we're not fighting this. This guy is level 9! What do you mean?
[01:33:46] What are you doing?
[01:33:54] What bro they have everybody there
[01:34:00] you're wild man I think we're just in a low elo game.
[01:34:12] Like, this is like
[01:34:13] low GM
[01:34:15] high masters and I think we're playing with the people
[01:34:18] who are like...
[01:34:19] I think right now what's happening is
[01:34:21] we're just playing with
[01:34:22] Like,
[01:34:31] I didn't even get W'd by my Renata. She used it on MF at full HP.
[01:34:35] I mean...
[01:34:36] I'm down to 4-fit. I'm not gonna lie.
[01:34:39] I'm cool with it guys.
[01:34:45] I'll be real with you. Even if
[01:34:47] I was playing Lillia by the way, I don't even know if I win this game for my team.
[01:34:50] Because they're losing their lanes
[01:34:51] with no Kayn impact.
[01:34:54] The only lane that
[01:34:55] Kayn impacted was bot lane. Top lost
[01:34:57] 1v1 in jungle. I lost 2 Kayn
[01:35:00] because our mid had no prio,
[01:35:02] so Kayn started walking into my jungle on repeat.
[01:35:05] And our bot lane died
[01:35:06] to 3 Kayn ganks pre-sex.
[01:35:11] Oh, you died to three
[01:35:12] ganks from a cane who
[01:35:13] has no CC pre-6?
[01:35:16] I feel like that's
[01:35:17] impossible.
[01:35:20] So again I'm not gonna be too upset about this one.
[01:35:27] Like if you can't win your lane without your jungler helping you...
[01:35:31] You're just bad.
[01:35:33] Like, I'm sorry to say, but like, yeah,
[01:35:35] you just suck. I mean, there's nothing to farm, we have no vision. 5v5?
[01:36:08] Are you a psycho?
[01:36:30] What am I listening to? We have no vision. I can't even make it play bot right now either because like
[01:36:38] we have no wards our support hasn't gone back to get wards so enemy our top is down 90 cs holy holy
[01:37:22] i don't know how we're supposed to fight Does board shit on Skarner that bad?
[01:37:35] Or is this guy just first-timing Skarner or something?
[01:37:37] I actually don't know because that to me
[01:37:41] that seems wild like being down almost 100 cs at 17
[01:37:46] minutes i feel like something had to happen that was not good.
[01:37:52] But,
[01:37:53] I don't know the matchup so...
[01:37:55] Who knows? Wait a second.
[01:38:10] My support, who I gave his role to is playing his 0% win rate Renata.
[01:38:19] Like he literally hasn't played Renata. He hasn't won on Renata this season.
[01:38:28] Wait, what?
[01:38:31] Why did we play Renata?
[01:38:37] That's crazy.
[01:38:47] Jungle gap. Yeah man, jungle gap for sure.
[01:39:05] It is a jungle gap but i'm the only one auto filled your turn has been destroyed
[01:39:09] an ally has been slain you can't kill me I'm gonna hostage this game just because this Vlad is a douchebag.
[01:39:33] Straight up, I'ma waste his time.
[01:39:39] I'ma be a petty fuck
[01:39:42] because like i'm streaming right so i got all the time in the world to sit here and like beat then lose games with you guys this. Oh, my Vlad is a diamond player.
[01:40:07] He's the only one yapping in the game, and he's diamond. That makes sense.
[01:40:12] But quite literally, he's diamonds.
[01:40:18] And we got Diggle top too.
[01:40:21] Like, Diggle's...
[01:40:21] I think Diggle's a Camille one trick.
[01:40:24] So we got Diggle top on Camille
[01:40:25] or off Camille
[01:40:26] which is already a GG
[01:40:27] and then we got fucking
[01:40:29] Geronimo world first on jungle I tried my best.
[01:40:53] There's not much
[01:40:54] I could do.
[01:40:54] I mean,
[01:40:55] like I said,
[01:40:56] our ball lane died
[01:40:57] to pretty much
[01:40:58] every single gank.
[01:41:00] Like,
[01:41:00] my MF died to the first Kain gank at level 3.
[01:41:05] Then she died...
[01:41:07] They died again and got double killed
[01:41:08] to the next Kain gank.
[01:41:10] Then my support took my red buff at level 3.
[01:41:14] I mean...
[01:41:47] .... I just don't know why... I don't know why Barbaric Dictator chose to pick Renata.
[01:41:53] Like, Renata is dogshit into their comp anyway.
[01:41:57] We needed a frontline champ that wasn't Skarner.
[01:42:03] We needed something that could like butt heads with the Leona or
[01:42:10] we needed a peel champion.
[01:42:13] But like Renata is not
[01:42:14] a good peel champion unless they win bot lane.
[01:42:18] But they lost,
[01:42:19] they lost bot lane so
[01:42:21] they
[01:42:23] double killed them level 2
[01:42:24] but then after they double killed them
[01:42:27] they ran at the level two, but then after they double killed him,
[01:42:30] they ran it the fuck down afterward.
[01:42:38] So I couldn't really do much.
[01:42:41] It is what it is. I think the worst thing was losing my fucking red buff to a random auto attack. Like that was pretty bad. I need to buy lilia
[01:43:34] oh well it happens hopefully our queue time isn't 12 minutes.
[01:43:38] Yo, you guys have any cool plans this weekend?
[01:43:42] You guys planning on doing anything fun?
[01:43:46] Or are you just going to be losers like me and play League of Legends all weekends?
[01:43:59] What do you guys have planned. Dude, I keep getting support.
[01:44:01] Maybe I need to queue AD mid
[01:44:02] to get AD.
[01:44:12] I don't know why I get support every game.
[01:44:15] Like, I know it's like common...
[01:44:17] nobody plays Support but like...
[01:44:20] It's definitely frustrating. You're gonna sleep? Nice.
[01:44:33] Baby-proving the house,
[01:44:36] for a significant old.
[01:44:37] Ooh, that sounds like a fun
[01:44:39] in quotes chore. Sounds like a fun time.
[01:44:53] Dude, I have only gotten...
[01:44:58] I haven't even gotten to play AD carry today
[01:45:00] by the way.
[01:45:06] It was support, jungle
[01:45:08] support.
[01:45:11] I'm sad.
[01:45:14] Yeah, I played one AD carry
[01:45:16] game on my Smurf account. Hmm.
[01:45:32] I don't know what we need.
[01:45:34] I mean,
[01:45:35] I have a Swain.
[01:45:44] They have TF, Kaisa and... TF, Kaisa, Karthus. I mean, I don't even know.
[01:45:48] In theory, I should probably just pick like the problem is it's like
[01:45:54] swain is so dog in lane right like swain is so bad in lane phase that it's like hard to pick anything because
[01:46:03] anything i pick is not like good with him
[01:46:11] if i want gonna play support,
[01:46:12] I'm gonna have fun.
[01:46:15] I'm gonna do a Senna game.
[01:46:16] I don't care.
[01:46:20] I don't care if they're playing Pyke, fucking Pyke Kalista.
[01:46:24] Wait no that's gotta be Kalista solo in because they have a Kai'Sa
[01:46:31] That's got to be like close to top.
[01:46:41] I wonder if it is better to go approach velocity or jack of all trades with
[01:46:46] what Senna it's hard to tell cuz Jack is really OP.
[01:46:55] But I feel like Approach Velocity scales way too hard.
[01:47:03] This guy... this swing should should take cleanse or some shit.
[01:47:10] He's not going to be able to play lane phase versus them if he takes ghost.
[01:47:16] I guess we're just gonna sack the lane
[01:47:37] because if we look at uh dude what is this lobby? What is happening? So the enemy team is Masters, Grandmaster, Diamond Diamond Masters. I feel like North America's solo queue is literally dead.
[01:47:41] What is...
[01:47:43] My teammate named AnnieMid
[01:47:45] is playing Viego Jungle. It's the dream that makes us happy.
[01:47:48] What is happening? Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[01:48:02] 30 seconds until the end of your turn. Well, Jack of all trades is interesting.
[01:48:13] Because I only take it on 80 carries when I'm back
[01:48:17] I can just buy boots and dagger.
[01:48:21] There's actually a really funny little
[01:48:22] strategy right now that not a lot of people
[01:48:24] do for AD carry.
[01:48:26] And it's... All you have to do is spend...
[01:48:28] If you're Ezreal, you buy tier boots.
[01:48:31] And if you're...
[01:48:33] So it's 700 gold back
[01:48:36] and you get free 10 adaptive.
[01:48:37] And if you're any other AD carry,
[01:48:39] you just buy boots
[01:48:39] and dagger.
[01:48:41] Because Doran's Blade gives you
[01:48:43] AD health
[01:48:45] and Omnivamp, right?
[01:48:47] So it gives you three of the jack traits
[01:48:48] so all you need is movement speed
[01:48:50] and attack speed
[01:48:50] and then you
[01:48:52] just start the game after...
[01:48:53] You can go back on a 600 gold buy
[01:48:56] like on wave 4
[01:48:58] you can go back and get 10 free adaptive
[01:49:00] force. It's pretty broken.
[01:49:19] Like it's really really really really undervalued You can get 10 on Ezreal, but it a bit. You guys gotta give me a sec okay?
[01:49:30] I gotta shake off the rust.
[01:49:32] I haven't played this champ in a hot minute
[01:49:37] i'm not even sure if we're supposed to push to try and get level two probably not He's got a lot of push-outs. Just gotta let it push in.
[01:50:04] This Swain should back up.
[01:50:09] I'm pretty sure, by the way that the...
[01:50:13] The Pyke's just gonna try and flash.
[01:50:16] We need to let the wave sit here,
[01:50:18] And just let the Pyke make bad engages happen.
[01:50:28] Auto him?
[01:50:29] Yeah, out of the Kaiser.
[01:50:31] Nice!
[01:50:33] I gotta shake the fucking rust off
[01:50:34] of my
[01:50:35] Senna.
[01:50:39] Uh-oh. Senna. Uh oh.
[01:50:41] I mean, I gotta go help the jungler
[01:50:43] but I need to get level 3 first.
[01:51:14] Oh no! so I don't know if that was actually correct to go for that.
[01:51:16] Like, to flash him in. I think it was but...
[01:51:19] The Swain needs to just go push his wave.
[01:51:21] So this Swains doing the thing that a lot of players do, where what he's doing is he's trying to...
[01:51:29] He's trying to fight for fun, but your wave is way more important than fighting for fun.
[01:51:39] So he should just walk directly after that fight to fix his wave.
[01:51:43] Because if you push this wave in faster,
[01:51:46] He actually would have denied...
[01:51:48] Oh, that's not good.
[01:51:52] I'm just dead.
[01:51:53] If he had pushed that wave in faster, by the way...
[01:51:55] He actually would have denied that Pyke.
[01:51:57] That was my bad.
[01:52:01] And enemy has been slain. Watch today be any different. Sorry.
[01:52:15] You would have denied
[01:52:16] that Kaisa three full waves,
[01:52:21] by the way.
[01:52:23] Alright, so this is really rough.
[01:52:25] Our jungle's auto-filled,
[01:52:27] so he doesn't know where to be on the map.
[01:52:29] He should just be
[01:52:30] weaksiding bot the whole game
[01:52:32] because we don't want
[01:52:34] to play aggressive in this lane.
[01:52:37] We wanna scale up, because Swain scales well.
[01:52:40] Swain and Cinnabolt scale.
[01:52:42] Whereas like Jayce and Kalista...
[01:52:44] Dude that is a...
[01:52:47] That as a lane, we should be strong siding.
[01:52:54] Like,
[01:52:54] like,
[01:52:54] that guy should get ganked.
[01:52:56] Because Karthus' boss side right now? There's Like, that guy should get ganked.
[01:53:01] Because Karthus is boss side right now? There's no reason that guy doesn't just die.
[01:53:08] We gotta wave manage this. We should push this in.
[01:53:14] Karthus is gonna be bot in about two seconds, so we need to crash this.
[01:53:20] Okay... I guess I'm just dead.
[01:53:28] That's why I was saying we need to crash that, but it is what it is.
[01:53:40] What is happening here. I mean, I can't even help him fix the wave!
[01:53:48] The screen so loud you can't hear your own I mean, okay.
[01:54:06] I can't really do much.
[01:54:18] Like him hovering Swain made it impossible for me to pick a good fucking support too.
[01:54:23] And then they get to counterpick me right? So after I picked my support, they get to pick Py me right so after i picked my support they get to pick pike encounter my support pick with their pick
[01:54:27] so like i would have to pick something that can just exist without dying really easily
[01:54:34] like janna and i don't even know how good swain is
[01:54:38] with jana swains just a really hard champ to play
[01:54:42] with ball in because i don't know Swain's just a really hard champ to play with bot lane.
[01:54:47] Because I don't know what works well with him, so...
[01:54:51] He's also completely fucking us up.
[01:54:52] You need to push this in
[01:54:55] because we have a really tight timer right now
[01:55:00] we need to crash this so we don't keep dying to pike the pipe I mean, that's why
[01:55:28] I said we needed to crash it faster.
[01:55:30] He was pushing it too slow.
[01:55:35] Like,
[01:55:35] I don't think
[01:55:36] this Swain understands how wave management works.
[01:55:39] Because we're in pretty low elo now, like I think this is like low Masters
[01:55:43] So he's not having to wave manage usually.
[01:55:52] Don't need to pick Senna. I mean, bro, I don't know what you want me to pick
[01:55:54] though. That's my problem
[01:55:56] is like they just countered me, you know?
[01:55:59] They had support counterpick and they countered me.
[01:56:07] But typing about it in game is just worthless.
[01:56:12] Because it already happened, we gotta deal with it, so...
[01:57:42] You know what I'm saying? so Honestly, I'm just rusty. so so I'm gonna have to TF anyway. anyway let's see if i can just go impact the other lanes. so and say my name
[01:58:08] i type something like i should play around or each player on top
[01:58:12] oh i can't type Thanks for watching! okay um uh Yo, push the wave first.
[01:59:05] Come on guys! Push the waves! waves Whatever. As long as he dies, it's fine.
[01:59:28] Nice.
[01:59:29] I should have let the other guy tank though Ooh, that's not good.
[01:59:47] Oh!
[01:59:47] We got him though!
[01:59:49] Ooh, let's go!
[01:59:51] Nice job!
[01:59:53] You know what's funny?
[01:59:53] I actually think this game is winnable, believe it or not.
[01:59:56] Our top mid and jungle are really far ahead.
[02:00:01] And Swain is Swain.
[02:00:02] So once he gets two items, I'll just be a Swain. My fucking mouse.
[02:00:34] I mean, I don't know what Swain's doing here man.
[02:00:38] You can't fight that buddy.
[02:00:41] Our Azir is just getting shoved in.
[02:00:48] Like we can't fight this dragon.
[02:01:38] There's no shot. I got my upgrade at least. Those trapped in darkness need light the most. I think he's gonna try and hook me. Can we 1v2 this guy or no?
[02:01:43] I don't know.
[02:01:44] Because, I mean, Pyke is mid.
[02:01:46] But I don't know if we can beat
[02:01:48] this guy at 1v2.
[02:01:51] He's got a lot of items.
[02:02:03] Okay. I see myself. Oh we got one.
[02:02:16] Ooh, they can kill that guy?
[02:02:17] Oh!
[02:02:18] Huge shutdown.
[02:02:21] Fucking massive!
[02:02:23] Alright, so I'm fucking worthless this
[02:02:25] game, right? Because
[02:02:26] I'm worthless this game, you know what I'm gonna do?
[02:02:28] I'm gonna get...
[02:02:29] I'm gonna get Umbral and I'm just gonna walk around the map
[02:02:33] and try and...
[02:02:35] Like, I'm not the carry in this game right?
[02:02:37] So I'm going to go Umbral
[02:02:39] And then I'm gonna go probably Edge of Night
[02:02:41] So we'll go Umbral, Edge of Night And I'm just gonna walk around the map trying to give my team as much vision control as I can.
[02:02:51] That's pretty much all I can do, right? so so You're gonna stay next to me so I can heal you. is You know what's funny?
[02:04:02] Every time I int, everybody thinks that I'm really bad at the game because I'm doing badly.
[02:04:13] So it's always funny, cause I get spam pinged whenever I make a basic play.
[02:04:15] They think you're an idiot
[02:04:17] and then they'll spam ping you.
[02:04:19] They're like, oh man he did such a good job because they're trying to make you feel better.
[02:04:23] It's like shut the fuck up!
[02:04:27] Don't pity ping me!
[02:04:33] They just made a really big mistake.
[02:04:37] Like, they just made a massive mistake.
[02:04:40] TF just TP'd top.
[02:05:33] Okay. Okay, let's pink ward this. so We should just play for dragon. We have so much vision control right now, playing for dragon is huge. So yeah, if you guys ever get behind on supports, just make it your job to get as much possible vision control
[02:05:59] as you can. Trust me, I think that in itself is why support is a broken role.
[02:06:07] Because vision control, you might not realize it because like...
[02:06:12] People don't realize when people are warding for them but they really realize when they have no orbs
[02:06:19] so i think that's like the best way to put it
[02:06:31] so if you can just keep wards, like good ward uptime,
[02:06:32] You could always be useful.
[02:06:34] Right?
[02:06:41] Like look, I have more KP than this Pyke does now, and I just entered the entire early game.
[02:06:47] I think that Jayce is dead.
[02:06:49] Trying to help him though...
[02:06:53] Yeah, there's no way I can get up there and help him. He did a weird play. so It's always dark on the horizon if you only look up to the sky.
[02:07:26] We should push this mid wave in and then play for Baron side of the map right now. Wait, we can actually just come here!
[02:07:30] They're in your jungle bro they're in there I should be okay. Oh, that's not good.
[02:07:58] I don't know why the lane walked up like that.
[02:08:10] Oh my god! Oh my god! You
[02:08:21] Guys see that Holy fucking Azir, man. Once I get edge of knights,
[02:08:39] I'm pretty sure we win.
[02:08:42] The reason I'm going
[02:08:43] to edge this game
[02:08:43] is because
[02:08:44] I'm gonna make it
[02:08:45] so that they can't
[02:08:46] do what they just tried to do right there, right?
[02:08:49] Like when I'm trying to get vision and shit, I'm gonna go
[02:08:51] edge so that they can't
[02:08:52] pike hook me and
[02:08:55] TF card me and shit from vision.
[02:08:57] That's why I really like Edge of Night on Senna.
[02:09:00] If you need to be getting vision,
[02:09:01] it feels good because
[02:09:03] when you have to be getting vision and shit, it feels really nice to not walk around the map
[02:09:14] And just get shit on the whole time.
[02:09:27] Oh, they forfeited.
[02:09:31] Nice! We won this game. I can't believe it. My mid and top just popped off.
[02:09:36] Nice! Yo hey what's up Denver? Dude my Senna is so rusty Denver.
[02:09:40] Dude, my Senna's so rusty. That lane phase?
[02:09:42] We got countered in lane, right?
[02:09:45] Pyke just shits on me
[02:09:46] in lane. It's like an unplayable lane phase.
[02:09:51] The reason I died so much is because there's two ways
[02:09:53] that you play the lane phase, okay?
[02:09:55] You either A,
[02:09:56] uh... You let them push into you
[02:09:59] permanently and then you let Pyke roam pike roam right there's only two ways to
[02:10:02] play this either a let them push in do perma and then you let pike roam or you try and contest
[02:10:07] waves uh near your turret so you can fight on timers and shit, right?
[02:10:12] The biggest problem that game
[02:10:14] was the Swain was not wave
[02:10:16] managing correctly. And because
[02:10:18] the Swain wasn't using his wave...
[02:10:19] He wasn't doing good wave management.
[02:10:23] So what kept happening is the wave kept getting frozen in front
[02:10:25] of the enemy bot lane turret
[02:10:26] and as that wave kept getting frozen in front
[02:10:29] of the enemy bot lane turret on repeat
[02:10:30] Swain can't walk up to farm.
[02:10:33] And we can't walk up to break that without our jungler.
[02:10:36] So what we have to do is
[02:10:37] every time the enemy backs
[02:10:39] right? The way you counter
[02:10:41] that is every time the enemy backs
[02:10:43] you create a slow push and the way you counter that is every time the enemy backs, you
[02:10:44] create a slow push into a big
[02:10:46] push or
[02:10:47] there's two ways to play
[02:10:50] the lane. You can either when the wave bounces
[02:10:52] and they reset, you can either fast shove the wave bounces and they reset you can either fast shove
[02:10:55] the first wave and then have it immediately
[02:10:57] bounce back because it'll slow push
[02:10:59] into you or you can
[02:11:00] slow push it yourself. And if
[02:11:03] you slow push it yourself, you can get a spike.
[02:11:06] You can be at higher
[02:11:07] levels because their
[02:11:09] creeps are dying before your
[02:11:11] creeps so you're getting all that XP.
[02:11:13] So now you can maybe have an advantage in the creep wave fighting them
[02:11:17] so like even if they do counter you though you'll have more minions to fight them in but the problem
[02:11:21] with swain is like swain is literally a worthless champ until 6.
[02:11:26] The champ does nothing.
[02:11:29] So it's hard to find
[02:11:30] something to play around
[02:11:32] when the champ does
[02:11:34] literally nothing until 6.
[02:11:36] It's really hard to pick a support
[02:11:38] that can play around it.
[02:11:42] Or at least I don't know what would be
[02:11:44] viable.
[02:11:46] Like, I don't know what would be good versus...
[02:11:48] Because I didn't know that they
[02:11:50] were picking Senna, or I didn't know
[02:11:52] they were picking Pyke-Kaisa.
[02:11:54] They blinded Pyke and Kaisa, right?
[02:11:57] Sorry, I blinded Senna, and'Sa, right? Or sorry.
[02:11:59] I blinded Senna
[02:12:01] And they got to counter pick with Kai'Sa-Pyke
[02:12:03] So i didn't know what the fuck to pick
[02:12:05] It was kinda hard
[02:12:12] But almost But at least we were useful, right?
[02:12:13] That was good.
[02:12:16] We had good vision and with our vision
[02:12:18] we were able to set up good flanks with azir
[02:12:22] so pretty much every time that we were getting all that vision control
[02:12:26] right like we were matching the pike's vision control right like this is what's important look
[02:12:32] we're we were putting down wards just as much as pike was and we were destroying words just
[02:12:36] as much as pike was so the fact that they had a big lead but we were controlling the vision,
[02:12:42] it at least allowed our team to maybe make a comeback.
[02:12:49] Also I think that roam we did top where we killed Kalista.
[02:12:53] I think that put her
[02:12:54] so far behind against the Jace.
[02:12:59] Right? Like, I think that
[02:13:00] put her too far behind against the Jayce.
[02:13:02] And then what happened was...
[02:13:03] Jayce couldn't just take over the game at that point.
[02:13:10] I don't know, though.
[02:13:11] I don't play support, man..... Oh shit, I'm getting the Senna treatment.
[02:14:19] Uh-oh.
[02:14:21] Guys?
[02:14:23] I'm getting
[02:14:24] the Senna treatment.
[02:14:25] I just played a Senna game
[02:14:26] and I ran it
[02:14:28] down early? Oh god.
[02:14:30] Now this guy's gonna play Senna?
[02:14:32] Oh no!
[02:14:35] Oh no! holy yorick our team comp's crazy.
[02:15:04] They have Zyra-Zeri? Could be Jungle Zyra but probably not. It's probably support Zyra.
[02:15:08] Blind pick Senna.
[02:15:10] Yeah, it's pretty troll but
[02:15:11] I don't know.
[02:15:15] I think support
[02:15:15] is actually the most
[02:15:16] important
[02:15:17] like counterpick
[02:15:19] in the game right now
[02:15:19] outside of my top. I thought he was like, counterpick in the game right now.
[02:15:21] Outside of, like, top.
[02:15:24] I feel like it goes top then support.
[02:15:29] Like, maybe that's a hot take and people don't think support counterpick
[02:15:32] matters, but I think support counterpick is one
[02:15:34] of the most important things in the game
[02:15:36] because like
[02:15:37] I mean look how worthless I was last
[02:15:40] game right? You can shut down an entire champion early game
[02:15:45] it's just it's just as bad as top if you get counterpicked top you can't play right
[02:15:49] if you get counter picked in support you can't play. You can shut down an entire team comp
[02:15:55] by like counter picking support. So it's really interesting. Yeah, I wonder if it's going to take heal instead of exhausts........ so so where there's treasure there's glory and where there's glory girls are watching welcome to Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[02:18:39] 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[02:18:53] Who needs a map? the map Minions have spawned. There are too many random pings happening right now. I'm going to deafen.
[02:19:31] Wait, what is this mid-matchup?
[02:19:34] Aatrox versus Gragas and they both have ignite electrocute oh my god impossible comebacks are sort of my specialty
[02:19:52] the enemy bot lane just killed my jungler on his red The only problem with doing that is they give up their entire bot lane, like...
[02:20:18] They give up a lot of entire bot lane, like...
[02:20:19] They give up a lot of their bot lane power.
[02:20:22] So that they can uh...
[02:20:25] Because there's zero chance they get level 2 first here.
[02:20:28] It's not possible don't grief me on CS man come on I do think it's kind of funny that nobody watched for I'm at my best when the world's in a brink of annihilation.
[02:20:40] I do think it's kind of funny that nobody watched for that,
[02:20:44] like our Gragas didn't watch for uh...
[02:20:47] The enemy bot lane sneaking in.
[02:20:53] Oh! and sneaking in. That I do find kind of funny, not gonna lie. Come on
[02:21:13] What we're fine my cs CS is kinda trash right now because Desire has kind of fucked with my CS a bit. Oh.
[02:21:28] Alright, I got both their flashes that's actually huge.
[02:21:32] Uh...I should have warded.
[02:21:34] Like I'm autopiloting right now talking to stream because I'm stupid
[02:21:36] but we did get both flashes
[02:21:38] which is really nice.
[02:22:11] Need more power! so I can't tell if this Senna is actually a Senna one trick or not. Don't push this, stop!
[02:22:18] It's a cannon wave. Stop. Seriously, stop hitting the wave. Like we're not gonna be able to crash this before they go back I barely know what i'm looking for, but I always fight
[02:22:36] And there's like literally no reason to uh
[02:22:41] There's no reason to hard shove that in anyway because
[02:22:47] We just have to solo shove that in anyway because
[02:22:50] we just have to slow push it in like
[02:22:51] that like it's not that bad uh My Senna needs to go back.
[02:23:14] He's just so, like...
[02:23:16] He's completely oom
[02:23:17] and has half HP
[02:23:18] she needs to go back
[02:23:19] so we can actually play the game.
[02:23:22] She doesn't actually have
[02:23:23] to sit here
[02:23:23] and watch them farm
[02:23:24] these waves, by the way.
[02:23:26] This is like something
[02:23:27] I notice a lot of people do.
[02:23:29] Like,
[02:23:29] I can just hang out
[02:23:30] in the lane by myself man
[02:23:32] because she's not doing anything she's not like accomplishing any sort of like help
[02:23:40] cause all that's really happening right now is like she's just getting zoned back but we
[02:23:45] should be bullying this lane because like senna actually does really well versus poppy
[02:23:57] and that's why i was saying like you
[02:24:02] know That's what I was saying.
[02:24:11] He should probably go back.
[02:24:18] Okay. He should probably go back. It's okay now, I mean...
[02:24:19] ...I know the feeling of inting early on Senna man.
[02:24:26] I can't judge this guy too harshly i into last game on center i feel you bro We could actually just straight up kill these guys right now
[02:24:42] 2v2
[02:24:43] But it would really depend on if my Senna has the balls to walk up and be aggressive.
[02:24:58] The fuck? What is this? We are getting... hard ganked. I mean, we shouldn't freeze next wave in and then reset. This is what I mean by wave management. It's probably the most important thing that you can have Bob in.
[02:25:54] Mechanics are nice, right?
[02:25:55] You have all these people talking about Bob owners and mechanics
[02:25:57] and who has good, bad, etc.,
[02:25:59] but you don't even need mechanical skill
[02:26:01] if you have good wave management because it doesn't
[02:26:03] come into play that often until
[02:26:05] high elo. When you're in
[02:26:07] high, high elo
[02:26:08] like challenger or GM stuffics are really important but...
[02:26:14] mechanics don't matter that much
[02:26:18] in Masters and below.
[02:26:26] A lot of it is just not giving yourself a bad spot to be, you don't want to put your self in a spot where you have to be able to outplay them mechanically.
[02:26:37] Because if I get right here, like what? I'm down 4 CS
[02:26:46] ... I'm down 4 CS. Like my, uh... We're not doing too good
[02:26:48] team-wise and like we died early
[02:26:50] And I'm still only down 4 CS
[02:26:52] right? Cause they're not wave managing correctly.
[02:26:55] They're basically not playing the way that they should be playing to snowball their lead.
[02:27:00] We need to...
[02:27:02] We can't freeze this right now.
[02:27:49] Okay. We can't freeze this right now. so like where's my senna man what am i watching like where's my support Like what is this?
[02:27:51] Okay.
[02:27:52] This guy does not play Senna.
[02:27:58] He's just sitting behind everyone right now.
[02:28:01] What am I watching?
[02:28:04] Okay, that made me really tilted.
[02:28:07] So like... we had first move, right?
[02:28:09] We had first move on the fight that was happening in our jungle. My Senna sat in the lane
[02:28:11] farming as a Sanna player.
[02:28:13] As the support you should be moving before your AD.
[02:28:16] Like I should never be
[02:28:17] moving before you as the support. But like...
[02:28:19] For some reason my Senna is just AFK hitting minions in lane
[02:28:22] Doesn't even understand what's happening
[02:28:24] And then we walk to the fight
[02:28:26] Senna doesn't throw a single auto attack on any important targets.
[02:28:31] She just isolates herself, instead of playing with her team she isolates herself
[02:28:36] and then starts running in circles
[02:28:39] And ends up inting in the middle lane the lane trying to 1v1 the a trucks
[02:28:44] like i'm positive this guy does not play senna or he's very bad at center at it There's not much enemy is, unstoppable.
[02:29:12] Damn, there's not much I can do here.
[02:29:35] We just try to farm. We just turned farm and scale. There's not much I can do.
[02:29:41] Our support is very gapped.
[02:29:45] Like this guy has noIGA-gapped!
[02:29:51] So we just try and play normal.
[02:30:05] I mean, I'm just gonna die on repeat.
[02:30:08] That's unfortunate. Hmm... Hmm, hell wall. If you want to know what really is losing us this game, it's the fact that my mid and
[02:30:33] my jungle didn't watch the entrances at level one.
[02:30:39] Because the fact that the enemy bot lane was in our jungle
[02:30:40] just chilling at level one,
[02:30:42] that's a pretty illegal thing
[02:30:45] to happen.
[02:30:47] Like it's pretty impossible for that to ever be allowed. Like that was a pretty big mistake. Wait, why would he come down here now?
[02:31:24] Oh my support just came to soak XP.
[02:31:28] Wait you shouldn't be down here bro!
[02:31:32] What are you doing?
[02:31:38] We have no vision
[02:31:41] You're not supposed to we have no vision
[02:31:47] please put wards down
[02:31:56] and that is why i wanted them to put wards down.
[02:32:06] Okay. Because he has three wards available,
[02:32:08] He's just not putting them down.
[02:32:10] Like I'll show you our map right now we have zero
[02:32:12] wards. You remember last game when I told you
[02:32:15] vision is ten times more important
[02:32:16] than anything else that you're going to be able
[02:32:19] to do on support?
[02:32:21] This is what I was talking about.
[02:32:23] Like even if you're not doing well in the support role,
[02:32:25] you should be controlling vision
[02:32:27] the entire game.
[02:32:29] This man has 13 vision score
[02:32:31] at 14
[02:32:33] minutes.
[02:32:38] That might be illegal
[02:32:42] i think last game i had 30.
[02:32:48] i got 30 vision squad this time our last game because I was just putting wards down perma
[02:32:52] And that's the difference between a challenger player and a masters player
[02:32:58] When you have players like Senna who like she's not bad obviously, but she's not good. She doesn't know what she is doing in terms of how to help the team when she's behind. It just it is what it is mean she has no wards down right now.
[02:33:11] Like, i don't know how to get her to put wards down.
[02:33:15] She put one ward down and it got insta-taken out.
[02:33:20] Because this game is very winnable...
[02:33:26] But we can't win without vision.
[02:33:29] So right now, she's resetting with one ward on the map...
[02:33:34] She has 1 ward on the map and she is resetting for wards with 3 available.
[02:33:40] That's like what I tell you like support is supports all about vision never
[02:33:44] forget that
[02:33:48] support is not about like being the best player it's about controlling the vision of the team the best.
[02:33:58] That's genuinely all support's aboutiden's vision.
[02:34:18] I'm at my best when the world's on the brink of annihilation!
[02:34:20] I can't do anything, this is really sad.
[02:34:23] I mean, I can't even walk up mid
[02:34:27] I'm just gonna get flanked and die. It was a...murder.
[02:34:50] Marble is back! Senna is on top side of the map for some reason. Like, we need to be putting wards down where we're gonna actually be able to
[02:34:57] like play the game like how is this allowed Because, I mean we have no vision.
[02:35:09] Like I said, we have no wards down on the map so like we can't position.
[02:35:12] Like we know they're on dragon and shit but there's no positioning.
[02:35:18] This is stupid.
[02:35:30] Oh my god! Damn. I don't know what to do! Like, when this happens as an AD, you can't really do anything.
[02:35:38] You just have to wait until the end of the game. If you win, you win.
[02:35:41] If you lose, you lose but there's not much I can do, you know? What the fuck?
[02:36:31] The senator's back there. The Senna is back too, she's pretty worthless right now. Alright, I'm down to go next boys.
[02:36:39] It's a bit of a jungle support gap there's not much we can do.
[02:36:43] I don't really blame our jungler, outside of like nobody was watching
[02:36:45] for the invade level 1
[02:36:47] I think that would be
[02:36:49] the only thing that I'd be like,
[02:36:52] probably should do that.
[02:36:56] But... Outside of that,
[02:36:57] there's not much
[02:36:57] I can do this game.
[02:36:59] I'm just an AD carry
[02:37:00] living in a fucking
[02:37:01] world where ad carries are shitty
[02:37:07] like my role is really good it's just so based on the team team so so I mean, I'm just dead
[02:37:58] i should not have been that far up trying to stop that guy's back
[02:38:03] i think i'm just tilted like i think i should have gone top and farmed that wave so We are getting railed everywhere on the map.
[02:38:32] We got railed bot, top got railed mid is mids even
[02:38:40] everywhere else though holy my element When you've got talent, there's no such thing as a lucky shot. uh Hmm. I'm going to try and get the kill. gero lightsaber never gives up he learned that from me
[02:39:48] all right guys don't miss me too much no it's not AFK.
[02:39:55] She's just not warding and shit.
[02:40:00] Like she has no vision down this whole game
[02:40:01] She has 28 vision score at 22 minutes which is probably
[02:40:07] probably the lowest i've seen in like 300 games she's just tilted so she's not warding.
[02:40:17] Like when people get tilted they just stop warding altogether.
[02:40:24] I'm gonna go for the kill! I don't think going to this fight is worth it right now.
[02:40:38] I think I'm gonna try and take this mid turret.
[02:40:41] One of two things will happen.
[02:40:42] Aetra or Kayle will come to stop me,
[02:40:45] or somebody from the teamfight will come to stop me. Or somebody from the
[02:40:46] team fight will come to stop me.
[02:40:54] But I'm not
[02:40:54] working that much right now, so it's actually like fine you know Fuck.
[02:41:16] I think if I fought here, I actually might have been able to kill that guy
[02:41:20] or if i eat before he hit me with his slow
[02:41:32] either way we stopped their Baron push so that's good. Like I killed mid wave and we killed bot wave
[02:41:37] So we stalled out their push which is very very good so Your turret has been destroyed. Ow. oh he got the zyra i think nevermind
[02:42:30] that lived one hp oh well
[02:42:50] can't win them all. I think the difference between me and this Senna is when I get behind,
[02:43:10] I still try to win.
[02:43:17] Like last game We actually inted harder than this Senna
[02:43:19] But we had way more value in the game
[02:43:21] Than this Senna did
[02:43:22] That's like what I try and like
[02:43:24] Thrive into your guys heads
[02:43:27] but kda doesn't matter as much as you think it does
[02:43:31] a lot of the game is based on like your impact on the game
[02:43:35] and what you can do at like certain times to help your team. I'm going to go back and heal you. Fuck off, man. Look off man, I'm getting Zyra planted. Are we gonna even try or like...
[02:44:34] Damn, they really don't want to go in.
[02:44:39] Oh well.
[02:44:47] There's not much we can do this game, it is what it is.
[02:44:58] Oh!
[02:45:01] I think this game was just lost from champ select.
[02:45:04] Because our top laner was autofilled too, so that guy is never going to win his lane.
[02:45:09] I think the only person who was not autofilled was our jungler in our mid.
[02:45:15] So I think we just had a lost lane from champ selects
[02:45:17] to be honest.
[02:45:22] But I do think that Senna kind of trash, not gonna lie. So,.... you you........... you have a discord yeah i do I do. Just do xml support discord in the chat.. Okay... Hmm, what AD carry should we play?
[02:50:01] What do you guys think? Let me
[02:50:05] think. They have a very
[02:50:09] mobile divey comp.
[02:50:13] I could Lucian.
[02:50:17] Wouldn't be that bad.
[02:50:31] Okay. The only problem with Lucian is that Annie's really good versus me because I'm like low range,
[02:50:34] but...
[02:50:39] ...... Fuck, somebody dodged................. Hmm.. I will be right back.
[02:54:57] I'm going to go take a leak and grab some water....... I'm back, lads.
[02:56:21] Okay, chat.
[02:56:22] Poison League league shall we. oh okay Oh, okay.
[02:56:58] Man can we actually...
[02:57:01] win a game today?
[02:57:04] I feel like I'm playing bad, but it's because I have no motivation to play well.
[02:57:14] Like, I'll be real...
[02:57:17] I don't know why like uh some days you
[02:57:21] like just wake up and you don't want to play
[02:57:23] league
[02:57:25] and you're like well i still got to do it because this is the old job
[02:57:37] fucking wild.
[02:57:44] What are we on this account by the way? Are we 2 and 2?
[02:57:47] I think so, I think we're 2 and 2. Okay. into.
[02:57:53] We are!
[02:57:56] We won both support games, Lost Jungle and Lost AD.
[02:57:58] And we hard ran it on AD.
[02:58:00] Alright let's see if we can...
[02:58:03] Let's see if we can bring them back boys.
[02:58:06] They are 5- Why is this happening every game, by the way?
[02:58:13] What
[02:58:14] the fuck?
[02:58:17] Like, every single
[02:58:18] game today has had
[02:58:19] the enemy invading level one.
[02:58:24] This shit's crazy.
[02:58:25] Oh, no.
[02:58:29] Oh, no. yes here uh Not too bad.
[02:59:10] We got Edd's Flash, LeBlanc Ignite...
[02:59:13] It's actually not bad at all.
[02:59:27] I actually think we could've- Oh! we got Ez barrier too. We got barrier and flash.
[02:59:31] I don't know if the LeBlanc flashed but
[02:59:35] Nami should've 100 just backed off that turret Oh my god, I'm missing CS by tiny little margins right now.
[03:00:01] Dude, I swear... I'm not even kidding when I say this. Friday's solo queue is like actually a different beast of solo queue it always feels like on fridays
[03:00:13] the game quality jumps off a cliff but you could have like...
[03:00:20] All week is just like the games are fine.
[03:00:24] The second Friday rolls around,
[03:00:25] it's the worst quality games of all time.
[03:00:39] We have Ignite Poppy Top versus Ignite Niko top.
[03:00:43] Which is like impossible for the Poppy to ever actually solo kill Niko.
[03:01:27] Okay. An enemy has been slain. Why are we even fighting this, man? Like what am I watching? At least I got the wave in but like...
[03:01:30] What is my Vi doing? Farm your camps.
[03:01:39] This is wild to me.
[03:01:43] Man, my wave's fucked too.
[03:01:49] This does suck though. Like this is why I normally don't play solo queue on Fridays and Saturdays.
[03:01:56] I don't like it because it's... Solo queue on Friday-Saturday is literally just people who are like the casual players will play and they only
[03:01:58] play twice a week. You know, they only play on the weekends
[03:02:00] but they don't play to win. They play
[03:02:02] to have fun because they're casual which is fine
[03:02:04] there's nothing wrong with that
[03:02:05] but they basically just because they're casual, which is fine. There's nothing wrong with that.
[03:02:06] But basically just
[03:02:08] don't care about climbing.
[03:02:11] So what they do is they lock in shit
[03:02:13] that is really dogshit
[03:02:14] and then they coin flip the entire game early
[03:02:18] because for them it's fun to coin for everybody else who plays League. Like the people who are trying to climb,
[03:02:43] It's really shitty for me because...
[03:02:46] The game quality is literally just- I mean look at. There's 15 kills or 14 kills in fucking 6 minutes.
[03:02:53] Like Nami just walked up and died for free level 2. We have one of the worst team comps i've ever seen
[03:03:03] like this is not fun
[03:03:06] but weekend gaming it's like it is so unfun Keep your guns out, and you'll never need to draw. I personally just don't like Fiesta games though. A lot of people do like Fiesta games, because obviously League is's a you know for fun game
[03:03:44] yeah so a lot of people will like you know make the game as fast as possible possible.
[03:03:55] Oh, I'm dead.
[03:04:04] I needed to juke that LeBlanc binding.
[03:04:12] The problem we're having here is the early fight that we got into for no reason.
[03:04:14] Like, the early fight that we got into for no reason. Like, the early
[03:04:14] fight that
[03:04:15] Nami and
[03:04:19] LeBlanc kind of...
[03:04:20] This Vi kind of forced on us.
[03:04:23] It really put us behind. an enemy has been slain um Ooh, we got him.
[03:05:04] Not bad.
[03:05:05] I think I actually could have We got him. Not bad.
[03:05:10] I think I actually could have killed the Ezreal there if I kept my Cull on him instead of...
[03:05:21] Man, And this kind of sucks.
[03:05:24] I have no gold.
[03:05:27] But I got the Shreddown,
[03:05:30] so it's not that bad.
[03:05:34] But...I can't buy anything. What the fuck? Run, Poppy!
[03:06:05] Dude I'm actually pretty surprised Karthus isn't getting permaban too. I always ban Draven because like i don't like dealing with Draven Balin but... I'm always surprised when i see car this
[03:06:14] knob ends
[03:06:19] oh this isn't good oh okay I'm sitting good. Oh, okay that guy's gonna die
[03:07:09] Oh one shot Wow, that's annoying. I really gotta push one more way then. Dude, I'm so happy this Nami maxed fucking W.
[03:07:12] Sometimes Nami players, they max E.
[03:07:18] I'm done. Damn, I needed help pushing the wave though.
[03:07:24] Whatever, I should have pinged.
[03:07:28] Because we got to get that wave in.
[03:07:32] Nami was just going to help the Vi on dragon,
[03:07:35] but if you do that then
[03:07:35] we lose wave prio.
[03:07:44] Because doing dragon there is fine. There's nothing wrong with it, but you can't
[03:07:48] skip steps. League is a game about steps.
[03:07:52] You have to do step A then step B and then step C. If you don't do step A
[03:07:56] Then like you miss too much for step c to work
[03:07:59] and you just jump straight to step b or step c what ends up happening is like
[03:08:04] then you just kind of coin flip if like it's gonna work because every step gives you a better chance to win so you're
[03:08:14] just like lowering your chance the wind over all by skipping steps. Which is really frustrating.
[03:08:23] Should back up.
[03:08:44] We We can 2v2 him right now, but it's kinda scary. What the fuck?
[03:08:47] Wait, how is that chain That long by the way
[03:08:48] Okay Oh no, she waved so slow.
[03:09:00] It's fine. She should have just waved Ezreal, I don't know why she was waving LeBlanc.
[03:09:05] When I was fighting Ez here,
[03:09:07] she needed to wave the Ezreal so that I could all-in him.
[03:09:18] I'm gonna go back and get my Q and i mean it's fine
[03:09:21] i'm just sad because like i feel like every like we're playing lucianami but we're out a Blanc bully us because we're not using cooldowns.
[03:09:24] An enemy has been slain.
[03:09:26] An enemy has been slain.
[03:09:38] Not using cooldowns is probably the biggest reason people lose games in LoL.
[03:09:44] Because you holding cooldowns for the perfect time in your head, It's always wrong.
[03:09:45] Anytime you're in a fight, you blow that cooldown like it's nothing.
[03:09:50] Like if somebody is
[03:09:51] walking up to you in the lane
[03:09:52] and you know that you're strong,
[03:09:54] like you have the potential to fight them.
[03:09:57] If you blow
[03:09:58] your big cooldown first,
[03:10:00] what'll end up happening is your cooldown will come up
[03:10:02] before their cooldown because you're cycling
[03:10:04] your cooldown faster than they are.
[03:10:07] I don't know if that makes any sense
[03:10:08] like the way I phrased
[03:10:11] that, but
[03:10:11] essentially your cooldowns should always
[03:10:15] be used before their cooldowns because there's no downside to it.
[03:10:23] It's like you get your cooldown back on cooldown faster
[03:10:30] bro can you just cut nami like what are you doing man um
[03:10:44] ah come on bro why are we holding the wave?
[03:10:57] Like, we're 1v2 and you're holding cooldowns!
[03:11:02] Just use your wave!
[03:11:06] God...
[03:11:08] I don't know man, this shit pisses me off sometimes because it's so basic.
[03:11:12] Like we're in a 1v2, right?
[03:11:14] I didn't use R.
[03:11:15] That's because my R does less DPS.
[03:11:18] Listen.
[03:11:19] My R does less damage than a full rotation
[03:11:21] because my R...
[03:11:23] Okay?
[03:11:24] Like first of all, he can flash my R.
[03:11:26] He can't flash auto attacks.
[03:11:27] Okay?
[03:11:28] So if he uses...
[03:11:30] If he uses
[03:11:32] if he uses his e to to go over the nami wall right
[03:11:37] if nammy walls it forces him to have to use a spell
[03:11:40] to go over that wall or avoid that wall.
[03:11:43] What that does is it lets him not be able to use E either offensively
[03:11:48] or defensively after he does that, so my R literally doesn't do as much damage
[03:11:54] as just autoing them.
[03:11:57] Like, at this stage of the game
[03:11:58] point blank
[03:11:59] it just doesn't.
[03:12:02] Like, if I W-E auto Q, like the double tap autos passives do more. The difference is
[03:12:08] not my R versus her R. Her R does more than my R does that's the whole premise
[03:12:25] Right like my are like you just gotta understand the. I don't know how else to explain it.
[03:12:27] When you're a support,
[03:12:29] you are using your R to create space
[03:12:31] so that your team can play around...
[03:12:33] It's the equivalent of
[03:12:35] like imagine janna doesn't use her r in a
[03:12:40] fight but like you could say like oh if you
[03:12:44] had played the fight better you wouldn't need the janitor right
[03:12:47] but you should still be using the cooldown I mean, I can use my R next time point blank and just get killed.
[03:13:06] I just like,
[03:13:07] that's such a weird thing to say.
[03:13:11] Like, I don't know.
[03:13:12] It just makes me frustrated. so
[03:13:24] like saving cooldowns is never okay to me.
[03:13:29] I'm done.
[03:13:31] I just want to go next,
[03:13:32] I'm too tilted.
[03:13:43] Like, we've lost two kills now because Nami saves her R until after I die.
[03:13:46] Two kills in a row we've lost because of it.
[03:13:49] And I just like it just makes me mad
[03:13:52] Like, I know. I can't control her so I shouldn't be like focusing on that
[03:13:57] Like I get that and it's like logically. I understand that but emotionally
[03:14:01] Like i'm tilted because she's not like helping me play the game at all. You know? She's just doing her own thing playing for KDA and not giving a fuck
[03:14:06] And she's trolling
[03:14:10] So yeah it's frustrating as shit. because the entirety of the lane is based
[03:14:33] on the support.
[03:14:36] And when you're playing
[03:14:37] something like Lucian Nami,
[03:14:38] you need your support
[03:14:39] to also be on
[03:14:40] the same page as you.
[03:14:41] Like they don't need
[03:14:42] to be as good as you
[03:14:43] but they need to be on the same page right
[03:14:44] like oblong dashes in we can either focus a bonk or we can focus the
[03:14:49] ezreal but we need to play like together on whatever we're doing
[03:14:53] as a unit infinity has been slain I'm going to try and get the first one. Your turret has been destroyed.
[03:15:34] Like, I'm not trying to claim
[03:15:35] I'm playing perfect this game, by the way. I'm really not. I mean, I have not trying to claim I'm playing perfect this game by the way.
[03:15:36] I'm really not.
[03:15:37] I mean, I have nine deaths right?
[03:15:38] Like, I'm playing bad.
[03:15:40] I think I'm just frustrated because like...
[03:15:43] Like I said before, we're not working together.
[03:15:46] Right? And that's like really frustrating to not
[03:15:49] not have people working with you to win Wait, what caused us to want
[03:16:04] to forfeit this now?
[03:16:09] What? What?
[03:16:13] Wait, we actually just got back into the game kind of.
[03:16:15] Why would we forfeit now?
[03:16:18] What?
[03:16:20] Like, we finally got back in.
[03:16:24] I'm gonna go heal.
[03:16:28] They only have one drake, They're getting what? Second Drake? It's not bad.
[03:16:34] Guys! You don't need to fight...
[03:16:38] We don't have to fight Perma. We can just back off and play for waves. so my wife's eyes glow
[03:17:07] we're going to need uh wards on baron big do bar is so fucking fast.
[03:17:18] Somebody's gotta go mid
[03:17:39] More turret has been destroyed I mean, maybe it should be me who's maddened. Oh, I'm dead. That guy just 100-0'd me.
[03:17:41] I need some MR really bad.
[03:17:51] The problem is, when you're behind, you can't build MR.
[03:18:04] Like the idea is when your you're behind in a game...
[03:18:11] the only threat to your enemy team is killing them.
[03:18:15] So if I'm building like too much defensive stats then they could just play as reckless
[03:18:21] as they want because i'll never actually be able to kill them regardless like if
[03:18:25] they make a mistake I can't punish it.
[03:18:34] I mean we need a ward on baron Don't worry, I got Baron. winnable
[03:19:13] well i actually don't think support the block's that good um
[03:19:13] i think it was good this game because um when we fought them early uh me and nami weren't on the same page
[03:19:25] like i was saying Oh man.
[03:19:33] I should have danger pinged her.
[03:20:30] Mmm, I can't really walk anywhere right now. This perma-fighting is wild, man. so Oh, that was so close to being cool.
[03:20:32] That was so close to being cool!
[03:20:37] If I had more damage uh i would have killed him insta because he's got he's got frozen heart so
[03:20:41] i don't do any damage to him wait somebody's gotta cover this guy. Wait, what's this Riven doing?
[03:21:05] You gotta get in there, buddy.
[03:21:08] Oh no, we're gonna lose Drake.
[03:21:12] They are chasing kills.
[03:21:16] Okay maybe we can play this Drake but like Riven and Poppy have to come right now.
[03:21:23] Like they both have to come because their top laner is dead so we can fight this That's what I was saying.
[03:21:46] We needed to do it immediately though. Oh that's not good. is so I mean, they're just gonna die.
[03:22:31] I don't know what they're doing As long as we don't lose soul,
[03:22:47] we have a chance to win.
[03:22:52] Dude, this kind of sucks.
[03:22:53] I need Last Whisperer.
[03:23:03] We have no AP in this team comp either.
[03:23:10] Wait, did I pick Lucian after my team had picked full AD? Or was it before?
[03:23:16] I feel like I would have realized,
[03:23:18] but maybe I autopiloted that. so Not too bad. We need vision badly, we don't know where anybody in the enemy team is.
[03:23:56] We should get vision of Baron. so uh so so
[03:24:49] uh we gotta go get Baron right now.
[03:24:56] Because we're gonna need Baron to get Elder,
[03:25:00] I mean to get this dragon so All right, guys. We just need to get full control of dragon right now
[03:25:38] we push mid we get controller dragon Blanc's gonna look for a pick mid here. 100% she's going to look for a pick mid with Karthus ults, so we need to run down mid as a team.
[03:26:05] We need to get control of their jungle. Okay.
[03:26:18] Now we need to get dragon.
[03:26:23] Push one more wave mid here.
[03:26:30] Okay, now we go Drake. Guys, where's my team fighting?
[03:26:44] Come get dragon it's free!
[03:26:48] Whatever. I just need to kill this guy first Come get dragon. It's free
[03:26:54] Whatever I just hope ezreal doesn't stay doesn't steal this because that would be fucking tragic man
[03:26:58] Nice, okay So Nice.
[03:27:15] So now I can get a Maw!
[03:27:20] Like at this point in the game, like now that I actually have my core items... my last item will either be GA or some MR.
[03:27:25] Because now that we're back in the game,
[03:27:27] we can play to get a little bit more defensive items
[03:27:32] now that we actually have our damage core.
[03:27:39] I need to go ARAM with my team
[03:27:41] because I know they're're gonna die right now.
[03:27:44] Problem is, I can't actually get down to them fast enough right now.
[03:27:52] Okay so wait a second.
[03:27:54] Karthus is dead, right?
[03:27:56] I need to be very careful
[03:27:58] right now.
[03:28:00] Can we see LeBlanc?
[03:28:01] We see Graves. Who else could kill me?
[03:28:05] I guess Rellan? um so so All right, we should back off and wait.
[03:28:55] Oh no, I think Nami's gonna get caught here. She's gonna get caught trying to greed.
[03:29:05] We just wait for our team we don't need to make any crazy plays. I almost want to get a
[03:29:29] BT, but I think
[03:29:32] I need Maul.
[03:29:34] Like, I need to be able to survive
[03:29:36] a little bit, but I don't even know if Maul
[03:29:37] does anything. It's really hard because
[03:29:40] does ma actually do anything like i don't know Baron's up in a minute.
[03:30:01] LeBlanc could be in one of these bushes trying to cheese,
[03:30:05] so I'm going to stay away from the bushes.
[03:30:09] Graves is top with no empowered recall, oh that's a weird engage I don't know if I can follow up on that so We need to be careful. this Graves is pushing still. really um so so Okay, we just proxy one wave. Nice.
[03:31:49] Easy dub.
[03:31:56] Nice! nice
[03:31:58] can't believe we won that honestly
[03:32:04] that game was looking shitty early
[03:32:06] that vibe was really good. Like that Vi helped me carry
[03:32:15] that game like she just played good.
[03:32:19] I don't know.
[03:32:24] Like,
[03:32:25] She was doing everything so right.
[03:32:29] Scrating front line, building right, going so right. Creating front line, building
[03:32:30] right, going in right.
[03:32:32] That shit was wild.
[03:32:36] I thought we were gonna lose
[03:32:37] that game for sure man.
[03:32:38] I fucking inted.
[03:32:40] The lane phase was like...
[03:32:41] Like I said, I think the lane phase was literally just
[03:32:43] me and Nami were not on
[03:32:45] the same page. And then after
[03:32:47] we traded early because
[03:32:49] they actually win the early trade because they have barrier.
[03:32:52] So we got all their sums, essentially.
[03:32:58] And I was resetting.
[03:32:59] Nami died, which threw off our tempo really bad because then
[03:33:03] I'm in lane when she's not there.
[03:33:04] She's late to her level three. They get level
[03:33:06] three first and then we have
[03:33:08] Karthus on bot side. It's just like this huge
[03:33:11] snowball of shit
[03:33:12] that feels bad, man.
[03:33:17] But hey, we got the dub!
[03:33:19] We did it!
[03:33:21] Wait, I want to go look at how bad we were losing and then if we brought it back.
[03:33:26] Damn!
[03:33:27] We're losing by 7.5?
[03:33:29] Oh my god. Jesus.
[03:33:38] That's fucking wild.
[03:33:49] Dude, I swear to God...
[03:33:55] Hold on, let me go look at something I swear
[03:33:57] maybe I'm wrong on this, but it feels like all you have to do to climb on support is put more average wards down than everybody else in the game.
[03:34:21] Like, this was a 35-minute game, right?
[03:34:23] Both supports put 41 and 50 wards down.
[03:34:27] This is the rank one support
[03:34:28] player in NA.
[03:34:30] He put 73 wards
[03:34:32] down in a 40-minute game.
[03:34:35] He put 56
[03:34:36] wards down in a 36-minute game.
[03:34:43] He put 58 wards down in the 38-minute game, 46-28. 38 minute game.
[03:34:49] 46-28
[03:34:55] 20 minutes, he already had 27 wards done
[03:34:56] I stand by this
[03:34:59] if you just know when to back
[03:35:02] and when to get wards replenished
[03:35:03] you can climb on support so
[03:35:06] easy, just by knowing when to ward
[03:35:08] like, I feel like people don't war by knowing when to ward.
[03:35:12] Like, I feel like people don't ward because they want to save their wards.
[03:35:15] That's what it feels like.
[03:35:16] It feels like people don't ward
[03:35:17] because they're like,
[03:35:18] oh, I'm going to save it for a better time.
[03:35:20] But you get... They they're free they cost nothing
[03:35:23] wards cost tempo i guess right like wards cost tempo that's all they cost
[03:35:29] but until high elo nobody does anything with tempo.
[03:35:32] So it's like you could in theory just put three wards down and immediately back.
[03:35:47] Okay. Like, say I had objectives coming up in like one minute. You could walk over to the objective and put three wards down immediately back
[03:35:51] And then have three more wards so that when they
[03:35:53] start clearing your wards at the objective,
[03:35:56] you can just put new ones down.
[03:36:02] But I feel like nobody does that until
[03:36:03] high, high elo. It's really wild.
[03:36:07] I don't even know why...
[03:36:08] I don't see support streamers even talk about
[03:36:10] that. What do I ban? Ben driven.
[03:36:32] Dude, it's been two... It's been three and a half hours
[03:36:33] and I've played two AD carry games.
[03:36:39] Fuck!
[03:36:44] Sucha feels bad. I mean, it's what? Karma, Jhin.
[03:37:06] I should just play nautilus
[03:37:12] i don't know what this guy's gonna pick though if he picks like uh scaling ad
[03:37:16] i'm probably just going to pick Janna.
[03:37:22] What do you want
[03:37:23] to play in my main?
[03:37:27] Ashe?
[03:37:29] I'll pick Janna. Ashe? I'm pitching.
[03:37:33] I think Ashe Nautilus is good
[03:37:35] because it's 6, it's unbeatable but
[03:37:42] they have one dive champ already
[03:38:25] i want to be able to peel now they have two dive champs so i think janna is a good pick.. Made it to D1 on jungle with 75% winrate. Hey, let's go bro.
[03:38:27] You got this man.
[03:38:31] I believe in you dude.
[03:38:33] Oh, I'm going to play around our jungler like crazy. This jungler carried me
[03:38:35] three games in a row two days ago.
[03:38:37] This Vox guy is actually pretty good.
[03:38:41] If I play around him, I'm pretty sure we can win. I'll say this, if you hit D1, you can hit Masters.
[03:39:07] There's no difference in skill between D1 and the Masters?
[03:39:11] Like 0 LP or whatever?
[03:39:13] It's all just consistency like the gameplay is the same you just have to be consistent me minions have spawned
[03:39:42] with ease
[03:39:49] i'm gonna watch right here see if they invade late okay they're not like invading I think it's so much easier to watch for Light Invades as the support.
[03:40:05] Because you don't have to be in the lane at level 1 immediately,
[03:40:10] You can be like a few seconds late you know
[03:40:18] that jinn started w oh that's wild That Jhin started W?
[03:40:20] Oh, that's wild.
[03:40:43] 3... See if I can get this Karma to miss her W or use it on that guy, yeah. I'm just gonna play up in the lane
[03:40:44] because it's pretty unlikely
[03:40:45] Diana...
[03:40:47] It's pretty unlikely
[03:40:50] Diana probably tries to level 2 gank or whatever, so we have time
[03:40:55] To push the wave in. We want to get this crashed ASAP
[03:41:00] So I'm actually gonna nado the wave.
[03:41:07] We see Diana pathing down because she had blue buff in three camps
[03:41:10] so we know she's pathing down
[03:41:12] which means we need to let uh
[03:41:18] we need to back up i got backup
[03:41:24] i need ash for a run Back up, back up. I need Ash to throw a ward.
[03:41:29] All right,
[03:41:30] I'm just going to track the Diana here.
[03:41:39] Okay. track the Diana hair. Let's try and get level 3 before...
[03:41:42] There's gonna be a fight
[03:41:43] that breaks out right now.
[03:41:46] Damn, there's gonna be a fight that breaks out right now diana's on krugs so I
[03:42:17] Nice it's just back and leaving the wave like this.
[03:42:23] Pushing the wave here is worthless.
[03:42:32] I'm gonna win! Pushing the wave here is worthless. Because she's got the wave frozen already.
[03:42:35] I gotta go bot, this guy unfroze his wave.
[03:42:39] So two things! One...
[03:42:41] If that Ashe had just hit back
[03:42:43] right there we win the lane
[03:42:45] because I can rotate around
[03:42:47] well you see how there's a top fight about to happen?
[03:42:49] If Ashe just hits back right then and there,
[03:42:51] I don't have to walk bot to help this guy
[03:42:56] And I can rotate to that top fight
[03:43:05] But what ends up happening is because Ashe stays, I have to walk back bot
[03:43:13] That's why I was telling the guy he should reset. But, I mean...I can't control him so...
[03:43:16] Also, the Jhin already reset which means that because jen reset You see how like, the Ashe is just royally fucked right now? Like she can't lane. It's because even though she has doubles
[03:43:43] and she has two kills, she's not spent
[03:43:45] her gold.
[03:43:50] So if you don't
[03:43:51] spend your gold, you can't lane
[03:43:54] because it's not oh my god i'm bad oh my god oh my god but yeah if you don't spend
[03:43:59] your gold you can't win because like
[03:44:05] it's like an investment right so you have the gold in the bank but you don't have the actual uh
[03:44:10] you haven't spent it yet This is really rough too because I can't...
[03:44:31] I can't help everybody in the game right now.
[03:44:33] It's really crazy.
[03:44:45] I'm just getting some XP because like, if I can get level 6, the better...
[03:45:01] Like if I hit six before they do, I'll have my ults or whatever.
[03:45:07] We should dive this guy bot, by the way.
[03:45:12] Let me tank.
[03:45:14] I mean, let me tank, bro. Like what is happening right now?
[03:45:20] What is going on?
[03:45:21] Why isn't my Lee Sin doing a camp?
[03:45:26] What was that bro?
[03:45:27] What am i watching
[03:45:29] okay i'll be real like i think this leaves a good player but that was the
[03:45:32] greediest bullshit i've seen
[03:45:38] like actually he had no business doing Like, actually.
[03:45:40] He had no business doing that camp.
[03:45:45] He needed to help us.
[03:45:50] You don't ever do that type of thing. us. Like, you
[03:45:50] don't ever do that type of shit.
[03:45:53] This Ash is also being greedy right now.
[03:45:55] I don't know what the fuck I'm watching, man.
[03:45:57] Everybody just be's greedy.
[03:46:01] Like, they should've everybody just be greedy
[03:46:05] like they should just go back
[03:46:09] let me help the mid laner
[03:46:25] wait can you bait this? Okay. Okay...
[03:46:28] I'm almost six!
[03:46:31] Kill that minion, please!
[03:46:32] Kill the minion! Thank you.
[03:46:41] Okay... I might have trolled that guy a bit but in my defense...
[03:46:49] In my defense, I thought the bad guy was gonna walk into my R.
[03:46:55] I will take the L though, because that's kind of my bad.
[03:47:00] I just thought he was gonna walk into the R.
[03:47:01] Because like... I was ulting him away from the jinn and then i
[03:47:06] was gonna block the shots we just were not on the same page so You gotta back up.
[03:47:32] I gotta go back and buy.
[03:47:38] And get some wards.
[03:47:43] This game is really awkward, because the Lee Sin's playing really weird this game.
[03:47:57] Like he started dragging right as i backed right so so What the fuck?
[03:48:36] I mean,
[03:48:37] I can't help you bro.
[03:48:38] You're just griefing.
[03:49:13] Okay. you bro, you're just griefing. What am I watching? wait i can't like help anybody man everybody's just throwing An ally has been slain. What is happening? Just come farm!
[03:49:17] There's so many minions!
[03:49:21] Upon the wing... many minions I think we're just getting into this thing of like, my team is just trying so hard to get kills.
[03:49:49] They're not playing for objectives and they're not playing for
[03:50:46] did he just solo wind wall my W? Thanks for watching! um What the fuck is happening, man? I need to get wards but i can't go back so so so I Don't have wards. okay am I actually gonna be able to back finally Oh boy. okay
[03:52:30] dude this game is funny i'm trying so hard to fucking help them
[03:52:42] like i've collected more mid waves than my mid laner okay that's not true but it's like funny
[03:52:56] that's all you buddy, go ahead. so I mean, I don't know why Lee is doing rifts.
[03:53:24] He's like doing Rift Herald alone makes no sense like that's where all their vision is
[03:53:37] but all of the enemy vision is on Rift Herald.
[03:53:39] So it doesn't make any sense for him to be doing Rift Herald alone.
[03:53:44] They're gonna face check this I almost promise you.
[03:54:14] Okay... push mid. Diana is here. Upon the wind. She's in the bush!
[03:54:18] Well, she's bot somewhere. I don't know what's going on but...
[03:54:21] ...I don't have have Ward so this is like
[03:54:22] really awkward
[03:54:32] okay Okay. I need to go back and buy wards again, or get wards again.
[03:54:39] This is actually a really good time for me to go back and get wards.
[03:54:42] My Lee Sin's...
[03:54:43] I don't know what the fuck this guy's doing.
[03:54:53] Oh, I guess he's just like being faker real quick? Okay. Sure. Either you bro, whatever.
[03:55:03] Okay well that's why I need the dwarves.
[03:55:06] Haha!
[03:55:09] This is-I hate this Janna.
[03:55:11] I mean, I had no vision.
[03:55:20] Like, I don't know what you want me to do.
[03:56:02] Death is near. so so You guys solo is it your fault? Well I mean he's gotta blame someone. It can't be his fault. so so I think this Lee doesn't like the fact that I'm not doing his dumbass perma plays Like...
[03:57:10] We're just losing so much crap on the map right now because my team is doing this, by the way.
[03:57:16] Now we're gonna lose mid-turret? So, like, none of this is worth
[03:57:18] is what I'm trying to get through your guys' heads.
[03:57:19] Like...
[03:57:20] All this shit that, like, he's like, oh, I hate this guy, you know that like, he's like oh I hate this guy.
[03:57:24] You know, blah blah blah. But none of the shit is worth because we're just
[03:57:28] losing so much value on shit on the map. It's actually
[03:57:32] worthless.
[03:57:36] Mid-turret is am doing more than this karma like i guarantee you oh my god.
[03:58:17] Why are we playing topside right now when
[03:58:21] Dragon's about to come up?
[03:58:25] Ah! ah like this is just like this lee sin's just trolling. I don't know why.
[03:58:50] He's just an idiot. Why aren't we playing for Dragon?
[03:58:53] This is what I mean by players are bad in this elo and they don't know why they're bad.
[03:58:58] They have a really dumb mentality
[03:59:00] that like, they need to be permanently
[03:59:02] fighting around things that don't matter.
[03:59:05] Like what was that top fight? What is that for?
[03:59:07] You know what I mean?
[03:59:08] Like what did we gain now?
[03:59:10] We lose Baron.
[03:59:12] Oh, now he noticed so now
[03:59:15] He noticed that we should be doing dragon
[03:59:17] like a minute and a half after
[03:59:22] He should be playing for that anyway
[03:59:28] that's what i mean like it's really easy to tell good players from bad players and you can see why people get stuck in elos
[03:59:31] like this leasing could have the best mechanics
[03:59:33] in the game
[03:59:34] but if he doesn't play off of tempo
[03:59:36] of the map
[03:59:37] He's never gonna climb
[03:59:40] Because that- like what just happened is gonna happen.
[03:59:48] And we're fighting again!
[04:00:10] We're going to lose top tower now somebody's gotta push the mid wave What? He's just making me babysit him while he does dumb plays. I don't understand! so so so like i left mid and mid died
[04:00:54] so that i could go kill that guy, but yeah...
[04:00:57] It's so hard man. so Like what are we doing?
[04:01:30] I don't know why we would fight this. Ever.
[04:01:35] I have no vision.
[04:01:46] Like, I cannot help you guys with no vision by the way. This is just not going to go well.
[04:01:50] I have no ult, no vision... like this is just stupid.
[04:01:56] Yep okay they're overforcing.
[04:02:03] Yup!
[04:02:09] And for whatever reason my team couldn't just chill when we have three dragons...
[04:02:12] They needed to overforce a fight versus Baron team
[04:02:13] because
[04:02:16] my Lee Sin is tilted that for whatever
[04:02:18] fucking reason he's a moron.
[04:02:23] I mean, try your best.
[04:02:26] If you die, you die but like...
[04:02:27] Try. Just try.
[04:02:29] KDA doesn't matter.
[04:02:30] You having 8 kills
[04:02:32] Doesn't matter if you're in the loser's screen.
[04:02:33] Just hit them, bro.
[04:02:35] Oh, you didn't want to fight?
[04:02:37] This is another life lesson for you guys.
[04:02:39] Being 5-0 on AD Carry and having no deaths does not mean
[04:02:43] you played correctly.
[04:02:45] This Ashe actually
[04:02:46] played very poorly
[04:02:47] this game,
[04:02:47] regardless of her KDA
[04:02:48] because I got her
[04:02:50] a big lead.
[04:02:51] She didn't play to snowball.
[04:02:52] She played for KDA.
[04:02:55] That's the difference between me
[04:02:56] and Masters players... What? wait why am i getting flamed by a D1 player?
[04:03:59] This guy said that I had no impact on the map.
[04:04:02] Zero LP
[04:04:03] masters, 60 games played.
[04:04:08] Like negative win rates.
[04:04:11] Bad KDA, bad farm.
[04:04:14] I don't know what you want me to do, man.
[04:04:16] Like, you had a horrible early game.
[04:04:22] You had a horrible early game. I don't know.
[04:04:24] It is what it is,
[04:04:24] I guess we just move on.
[04:04:28] Delusion runs wild in master tier. There's no reason to argue with delusional people.
[04:04:37] Like, none of them are going to climb until they figure out why
[04:04:41] they can't climb. That's just how it is.
[04:05:11] Okay.. They blamed me? It's because they're bad.
[04:05:13] I told you guys before, nobody below a challenger is good at league like they're all trashed they're bad players
[04:05:20] that that 80 carry and not support or that ad 80 carrying that a jungler were duo q
[04:05:26] right so they were both being really stupid they didn't understand how the game works
[04:05:31] like essentially they were taking fights on the wrong side of the map perma.
[04:05:36] Not playing for tempo, not playing for like good control of stuff...
[04:05:40] They're just stupid.
[04:05:46] But I mean,
[04:05:48] I can't really be mad at him.
[04:05:49] It's just stupid to be mad at somebody who's a Diamond player.
[04:05:51] Like that Lee Sin and that
[04:05:52] Ash are both Diamond players.
[04:05:57] Being mad at Diamond
[04:05:58] players for not understanding macro is
[04:06:00] just, it's not worth it................. You're welcome...... We should play Heal Barrier here, but it's up to Nami.
[04:10:15] Because
[04:10:16] it's pretty likely this Draven takes Cleanse against that comp.
[04:10:30] We have a Nami and a galio so it's pretty likely he takes cleanse which means the it'd be better if we just take heal barrier, but...
[04:10:35] Alright. Apparently she doesn't want to.
[04:10:39] It is what it is a doobie what a doobie oh please don't die i can't lose a sidekick not again again Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[04:11:35] 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[04:11:45] I rarely know what i'm looking for, but I always find it. Minions have spawned.
[04:12:06] Know your environment.
[04:12:07] My environment is wet and muddy and probably filled with leeches, How did that...
[04:12:17] How'd the enemy fall in?
[04:12:20] How do they know we're here?
[04:12:23] I mean, they're ghosting.
[04:12:24] A hundred percent.
[04:12:26] Like, I don't claim ghosting very often
[04:12:28] but this is obvious.
[04:12:30] They scanned exactly where i put my ward down like they just walked up and no
[04:12:34] fear scanned it and then you're like okay well maybe
[04:12:37] they're just trying to get prio in the lane early and there's a
[04:12:39] guess but then he walked up and hooked
[04:12:42] directly where i was standing like bro that just doesn't happen by the way watch and learn!
[04:13:14] You're just terrifying aren't you?
[04:13:19] First, I'm not a monster. First of none.
[04:13:32] No way! Awesome! so I'm going to try and get the first one. never miss so uh I think I could have actually killed them both there.
[04:14:31] I fucked up.
[04:14:33] Like straight up, I'm pretty sure I just killed the Draven there without even trying.
[04:14:39] That was just better.
[04:14:47] Exploration runs in my family! so I need to push this sense so i can recall i mean it's not frozen but but...
[04:15:38] Dude, that guy lived? Oh my god.
[04:15:40] I should have thrown W.
[04:15:45] I can't believe that Pyke lives.
[04:15:47] I should have also E'd forward into him,
[04:15:49] I think. I mean, I think I'm dead.
[04:15:51] No, I'm definitely dead.
[04:15:53] Oh, we got a one for one! Thank God!
[04:15:57] Like, I fucked up that kill
[04:15:59] and then we almost fucking lost because of it.
[04:16:01] Thank God we got that one for one holy fuck my bad
[04:16:09] i mean it sucks that's on draven but
[04:16:13] so So.
[04:16:32] Watching since season 3 from the UK, how what's up you talk I'm good just John did my team's gonna die. I don't know what they're doing. playing poker drunk ah nice sounds like fun bro you winning Damn it. I should have just WEQ'd him.
[04:17:19] I didn't think that was gonna stun me, man!
[04:17:22] Because I don't want to E and then take the coin flip...
[04:17:26] My bad.
[04:17:28] Because if I E and then take the coin flip dodge there, it's just stupid.
[04:17:34] I didn't think he'd actually get the stun off. That was my bad.
[04:17:38] Like, I was saving my e for uh the hook i'm at my best when the world's on the brink of annihilation
[04:18:00] an enemy has been slain.
[04:18:01] An ally has been slain.
[04:18:05] You're between me and Glory! uh
[04:19:27] if i don't know the rules, then how can I be breaking those? uh this time Man, this is rough. Hmm What Hmm. What?
[04:19:31] I mean, even if Hecarim is Baara now...
[04:19:35] It'd be pretty wild if they could actually kill us, man. when you've got challenge there's no such thing
[04:19:51] damn that early misplay that i made when
[04:19:52] i was missed that kill on the fucking
[04:19:54] pike
[04:19:55] dude that actually just kind of fucked
[04:19:57] our lane uh has what am i watching
[04:20:32] what the fuck are these people doing?
[04:20:45] Why would you guys try and fight that drake instead of just playing for the
[04:20:50] What oh dear god, these people for the... What?
[04:20:52] Oh, dear god. These people suck.
[04:20:56] Oh, this is really gross.
[04:21:05] I don't know what to say. Like this is rough, man. uh uh uh hmm so I'm not sure why they're doing this. True explorers follow the compass in this place.
[04:22:25] What is happening? What the fuck is going on? uh so so Oh, thanks. Oh
[04:23:32] Big shutdowns what hello What? Well that was a wild fight.
[04:23:40] I'll be omitting that little mishap from the expedition logs.
[04:23:45] I must be sleeping...
[04:23:51] Stop! I mean they're both just bad. blink and still not uh so There's not much i can do uh has been slain uh uh No problem here!
[04:25:48] My, yes my mercy hmm your time for a true display of skill your turret has been destroyed
[04:26:26] hmm this is an awkward fight bro we can try but like you have slain.
[04:27:02] I never miss, but i have been known to fire a warning shot or two so Oh, I'm dead.
[04:27:35] I had to juke that. Damn.
[04:27:37] I didn't see her TP behind me.
[04:27:42] That's why I'm at him. um I'm pretty strong. Once I get
[04:28:02] Mana Moon, I think we can win the game but
[04:28:04] it really depends
[04:28:07] on like
[04:28:07] the mental of my boys
[04:28:12] doesn't feel like my team's got the best mental right now uh yes I mean, I can't really do anything there. so so so uh is uh Damn, I figured I could have killed that Ahri.
[04:30:03] Oh well...
[04:30:04] She still died so it's not that bad.
[04:30:18] It's kind of a hard game.
[04:30:27] I think it is winnable, but really hard because of the static Shiv-Yorick top which is a little interesting
[04:30:38] but i mean we give it our best I'm not even breaking all the buttons.
[04:30:48] Please, just look at me! My, yes my mercy! is Wow. Okay, I just got two Ow.
[04:31:11] Okay, I just got two-shot.
[04:31:13] He auto'd me twice and then ulted
[04:31:14] my bad.
[04:31:24] I guess I'm just bad, might be.
[04:31:31] Kinda sucks because I can't really go Frozen Heart this game. It's not good.
[04:31:39] Like they have three ADs, but none of them are really that impacted by going Frozen Heart.
[04:31:43] Like it's not that big of a deal.
[04:31:53] Looks like I go... Shogun and then probably Mortal Reminder.
[04:31:58] Because we need anti-healing.
[04:32:02] For the Draven plus the uh so uh Why didn't we just do Baron?
[04:32:48] I don't understand.
[04:32:53] I mean, what? oh my god They're definitely going to go to dragon.
[04:33:31] Which is going to be bad for us because three drakes is really fucking bad.
[04:33:36] I mean we are just trading bar for Dragon, so hopefully we...
[04:33:48] Hopefully we don't lose the game off that trade in like five minutes. How do I how do i buy anything i have no buy
[04:34:15] if anyone asks shojin i need 500
[04:34:20] and mortal reminder i need a little bit Shogun, I need 500.
[04:34:25] And Mortal Reminder, I need 500.
[04:34:29] I have no buy!
[04:35:18] That sucks. so oh That's not good. We should leave. We should leave! Damn it, man.
[04:35:39] I had to buy? Like, I had to stall my buyout. We got two turrets with Baron so that's not that bad but dying for free was kinda shitty. was kind of shitting.
[04:35:52] What is my J4 doing? What are you doing buddy? uh uh I'm going to use the same move as before
[04:36:20] and
[04:36:22] then
[04:36:24] I'll
[04:36:26] do
[04:36:28] a little uh so so Might just have to It's like the whole world is on trade.
[04:37:14] Might just have to go mid, man. uh Nami doesn't have wards.
[04:37:42] Yeah, this is really risky.
[04:38:22] We need wards for Dragon so we need to chill and go mid and prio-mid. uh Okay, I'm huge. huge we just push mid wave and play around me i'm four items, I'm fucking massive.
[04:38:36] I don't have the last whisper though, which is kind of shitty.
[04:38:40] Not gonna lie.
[04:38:42] Not having LW is not a great feel. Okay, I went like for the haste one because I could buy it which is you know
[04:39:08] Yeah Yeah Okay, we got our R. so so You can probably just go to Baron.
[04:39:51] I think Baron is easier to play around. I'm going to try and get the first one. We have to fight their mid.
[04:40:25] Yep, I'm dead. And that is why you have to play through mid!
[04:40:29] I got feared into...
[04:40:33] Just push this. you guys gotta push mid you can't stop baron
[04:40:38] you can't stop it push mid what is his macro well you're just gonna go die?
[04:40:57] Okay, wait a second.
[04:40:58] Galio's a smurf?
[04:41:00] Okay, hold on.
[04:41:02] I take everything back.
[04:41:04] I still think push mid was better but apparently
[04:41:05] I stand corrected on...
[04:41:09] You know what? I stand corrected on not knowing what the fuck York does that's my bad
[04:41:13] I will eat my words My death has been greatly exaggerated.
[04:41:24] Might be.
[04:41:28] But yeah, that's why we need
[04:41:29] fucking mid-priority.
[04:41:32] Because you saw how I got killed
[04:41:33] by that fucking...
[04:41:35] I got feared into the
[04:41:37] Draven, right?
[04:41:42] I can't stop that without being uh
[04:41:53] without having vision well i can stop it but i have to flash the heckle. I'm gonna push one more wave bot and then probably go mid. Draven's top. huh okay so I mean, I have to be careful here. we need to wait for yorick so so I have no mana.
[04:43:47] I say we just go get dragon. I have no mana man
[04:43:51] Okay, i literally have zero mana guys
[04:44:31] Oh okay so oh your team has destroyed i think we win because i'm pretty sure yorick just ends the game Yeah, I was gonna say.
[04:44:45] I'm pretty sure Yorick just ends the game regardless.
[04:44:48] Nice! GG!
[04:44:58] That was a crazy game, Jesus. I think that played well though. We had some good picks. That setup for Baron was really, really good. Like we killed like
[04:45:02] three people. We made the pick mid then we made
[04:45:04] the pick at dragon.
[04:45:08] I think we had a lot
[04:45:09] of good picks that game.
[04:45:51] Yeah. like the early game was pretty bad but once we got out of lane it was pretty free. lost mid to a support Dude, Static Shiv?
[04:45:53] Like what is this Yorick build by the way?
[04:45:54] He went... Shiv Leandry's
[04:45:57] Hollowed
[04:45:58] Radiance
[04:45:59] Shogun Last Whisper
[04:46:02] Like what the fuck am I looking at?
[04:46:07] Bro fuck am I looking at? Bro, you can't say
[04:46:08] don't look at Tarzan's channel.
[04:46:11] Then expect
[04:46:12] people not to look at Tarzan's
[04:46:14] channel. What's happening? What am i watching man
[04:47:15] what is happening So, so no. Okay hold on are these people? Are these people retarded?
[04:47:21] Like is this guy retarded? Is like... I mean this in the nicest way possible.
[04:47:24] Okay, like, I have to ask
[04:47:25] are these people so socially
[04:47:27] just stupid
[04:47:28] that he's like, dude, yeah
[04:47:30] he's taking time to reflect.
[04:47:33] Dude, he did it today and you guys decided
[04:47:39] To still put up a random stream
[04:47:42] but now Tarzan's
[04:47:45] not the one talking. It's this retard.
[04:47:48] Guys, you're not
[04:47:48] reflecting on anything!
[04:47:50] You're still streaming
[04:47:52] you just have this moron doing it instead. And Tarzan is typing to this moron as he's streaming on Tarzan's channel.
[04:48:02] You're not reflecting anything! Zane's channel.
[04:48:04] You're not reflecting anything!
[04:48:07] Like, what
[04:48:08] is...
[04:48:08] I swear to God
[04:48:12] like streamers are the most...
[04:48:15] Like I'm, listen, and I'm going to say this
[04:48:17] because I've been a streamer for 11 years.
[04:48:20] I've had my own drama.
[04:48:23] I've had tons of drama over 11 years of streaming.
[04:48:25] I'm retarded!
[04:48:27] I am a retarded streamer, okay?
[04:48:30] So I can say this...
[04:48:32] These people have no social awareness at all!
[04:48:36] They are the dumbest rocks worth of like,
[04:48:39] it's like dude I don't know what happened
[04:48:42] but none of these people grew up
[04:48:45] Like I was lucky enough to start streaming when I
[04:48:46] was 22, so I was already
[04:48:49] like...
[04:48:50] I had already had communication with other human beings
[04:48:52] before I was a streamer.
[04:48:54] So I was enough of a person at that point to understand how
[04:48:57] to be somewhat socially aware with things.
[04:49:00] And I still made mistakes.
[04:49:02] But these people have zero social awareness.
[04:49:04] This is like...
[04:49:08] Like, I don't even want... Like, I haven't commented on this drama at all because it's not my point.
[04:49:11] Like, I just don't care, right?
[04:49:12] I don't care about this drama.
[04:49:13] But this is crazy!
[04:49:15] This is getting to the point where obviously they're doing it for views and content. You know how they say no publicity is bad publicity? That's only true until the storm is over.
[04:49:33] Both people in this weird argument are idiots.
[04:49:40] Dantes is a young moron, right?
[04:49:42] Not to flame
[04:49:44] people or take sides, but like, Dantes
[04:49:45] manipulated people from what I saw.
[04:49:49] He's like 21. he's young as shit
[04:49:51] yet he's thrust
[04:49:53] into a world... This is why streaming
[04:49:54] is a bad idea for young people
[04:49:56] first of all because he's thrust
[04:49:58] into this world where like,
[04:50:00] he's told that he's the best person ever.
[04:50:02] He jacked off daily
[04:50:03] by thousands of people,
[04:50:05] girls,
[04:50:05] whatever
[04:50:06] because he's famous on the internet,
[04:50:07] right?
[04:50:08] So now he gets this inflated ego
[04:50:09] so then he starts, like,
[04:50:11] manipulating people
[04:50:12] behind the scenes.
[04:50:13] There's all kinds of crap, right?
[04:50:14] It's like...
[04:50:14] I can...
[04:50:15] Like, it's still...
[04:50:16] He's still a moron
[04:50:17] but at least he can, like,
[04:50:18] learn from the experience.
[04:50:20] He's young enough
[04:50:21] he can learn,
[04:50:21] he can improve, whatever.
[04:50:27] Tarzan is 30 years old
[04:50:28] and he's publicly sharing random
[04:50:33] people's health stuff
[04:50:35] for views on the internet.
[04:50:38] Like, you're a retard. And then
[04:50:39] instead of just apologizing...
[04:50:42] First of all, you're not smart enough as a human
[04:50:44] being to understand that
[04:50:46] maybe a video game isn't
[04:50:48] actually more important than some
[04:50:50] random person's private life?
[04:50:53] Okay, listen.
[04:50:54] I will call Diamond players
[04:50:56] retards all day long.
[04:50:58] I'll call myself retarded.
[04:50:59] I will flame people.
[04:51:00] I will tell people not to wake up.
[04:51:01] I will say all this toxic shit
[04:51:03] when I'm playing League, okay?
[04:51:04] I'll do it all day long.
[04:51:06] Like should I not do that?
[04:51:07] No,
[04:51:07] I probably shouldn't.
[04:51:08] I know I shouldn't do that,
[04:51:10] but it's a video game,
[04:51:11] okay?
[04:51:11] In the video game,
[04:51:13] I am not personally trying to attack these people and try to do this shit.
[04:51:19] Like dude there's a line and at 30 years old you have to understand where that line is
[04:51:25] so you're just an idiot. you have to understand where that line is.
[04:51:26] So,
[04:51:26] you're just an idiot.
[04:51:32] Like Tarzan is like he's not like sorry the reason I went on this rant is because I got triggered by this blatant fucking stupid lie.
[04:51:36] Oh,
[04:51:36] I'm reflecting on my mistakes
[04:51:37] so I'm not gonna be on my own stream
[04:51:39] while I'm streaming. So you have this
[04:51:41] fucking retard like still
[04:51:44] doing the content that he wants to do
[04:51:46] so he's still actively
[04:51:48] involving himself
[04:51:49] in drama
[04:51:50] but he's trying
[04:51:53] to claim
[04:51:53] that he's being a victim
[04:51:54] because he's going
[04:51:55] to self-reflect
[04:51:56] on his decisions.
[04:51:58] Bro, have some constructive
[04:51:59] thinking.
[04:52:00] Making a mistake...
[04:52:04] I feel like you should think
[04:52:07] through what you're doing before you do it.
[04:52:09] That would be a good thing to think about.
[04:52:12] Like, this is stupid.
[04:52:15] I don't even want
[04:52:15] to listen to this because it's so retarded.
[04:52:18] It's like... so now we dug up
[04:52:21] other random girls
[04:52:22] who clearly just want fame.
[04:52:25] These are just random girls
[04:52:27] that want attention
[04:52:28] on the internet
[04:52:29] and what we're doing is
[04:52:30] putting them on Tarzan's channel to stir up
[04:52:33] more drama while he
[04:52:34] reflects in his mistake.
[04:52:38] Are you just fucking stupid?
[04:52:42] What? Like, are you just fucking stupid? Like, you-you like...
[04:52:44] Guys.
[04:52:46] Guys, like your 30.
[04:52:49] Like as a fellow 30 yearyear old, grow the fuck up.
[04:52:55] Like I'm an asshole on League of Legends and I'm telling you to grow the fuck up.
[04:53:01] This is disgusting! You're morons!
[04:53:08] Like, even if
[04:53:09] they're doing it on purpose, it's still stupid.
[04:53:13] Like, say it's still stupid. Say
[04:53:13] it's all constructed to start
[04:53:15] drama and make views.
[04:53:17] You're still morons.
[04:53:20] I'm sorry, you're still stupid.
[04:53:26] Like this is just dumb. This entire drama
[04:53:28] is dumb.
[04:53:30] That's why like I don't give a shit
[04:53:32] and I don't talk about drama and shit.
[04:53:34] I thought I was gonna come here and laugh about this.
[04:53:37] I'm just annoyed. At this point, I'm just annoyed, man.
[04:53:41] Like, why is my entire timeline
[04:53:43] filled with stupid drama that I don't care about?
[04:53:45] And then like some poor girl gets caught up in the middle of it and we're just posting public bullshit
[04:53:49] about her. Like dude you guys are fucking idiots
[04:53:55] Like Twitch should ban both their fucking channels for like a month.
[04:54:00] I don't even know why they're allowed to do this.
[04:54:05] Just ban their dumb
[04:54:07] ass channels for a month.
[04:54:09] Maybe then they will learn
[04:54:10] their lesson because dude
[04:54:11] they're not learning any
[04:54:12] lessons.
[04:54:13] There's no...
[04:54:13] This is the other thing
[04:54:14] that's happening.
[04:54:15] Nothing bad is happening
[04:54:16] to them
[04:54:16] they're like oh i need to reflect i'm being cancelled but it doesn't matter
[04:54:20] being canceled as fake men like you only get cancelled if you let
[04:54:24] people cancel you you can like tarzan could literally turn on his stream for the next
[04:54:28] two years and be completely fine. It doesn't
[04:54:30] matter.
[04:54:33] Like, just, like...
[04:54:34] This is just disgusting. Just literally
[04:54:36] ban Dantes, ban Tarzan
[04:54:39] for fucking being stupid
[04:54:40] set a precedent that they're both morons
[04:54:43] and then just like
[04:54:44] ban them for like 30 days and let them come back
[04:54:46] this is just stupid
[04:54:47] also why are we in the 30 days and let him come back. This is just stupid.
[04:54:51] Also, why are we in the League of Legends section having
[04:54:53] a Just Chatting session?
[04:54:57] Like what is happening?
[04:55:04] Why are we showing pictures of people?
[04:55:07] Like this is the other thing that I think Is stupid. You know what's happening
[04:55:09] I guarantee, I don't even need to unmute this.
[04:55:11] You know what's going on, right?
[04:55:13] This girl
[04:55:14] probably fucked Dantas
[04:55:16] He probably
[04:55:19] because I've been a streamer
[04:55:20] okay?
[04:55:21] I've talked to girls
[04:55:22] like I understand
[04:55:24] I'm telling you exactly what's happening behind the scenes
[04:55:27] I'm going to break this down for you guys
[04:55:28] she got starstruck.
[04:55:32] Dante's thought she was hot.
[04:55:35] They probably fucked.
[04:55:37] Then,
[04:55:38] she caught feelings.
[04:55:39] Dante's was like,
[04:55:40] no,
[04:55:43] I'm talking to other girls.
[04:55:45] Or he lied to her about talking to other girls. Maybe he's a piece of shit.
[04:55:47] Either way, this
[04:55:49] is just worthless drama that
[04:55:51] just says Dante's is a fuckboy. So you have one Dantes is a fuckboy.
[04:55:53] So you have one of them as a fuckboy,
[04:55:55] and they're being flamed for being a fuckboy.
[04:55:58] Then the other one
[04:55:59] is a retard
[04:56:00] who's essentially like...
[04:56:04] He's a retard
[04:56:05] who's essentially reflecting
[04:56:07] on the fact that he outed medical shit
[04:56:09] from a third party
[04:56:10] that wasn't even involved in the drama.
[04:56:17] Like... that wasn't even involved in the drama. You people are dumb,
[04:56:20] That's all I'm gonna say, you people are dumb as dirt.
[04:56:23] I don't know what to say.
[04:56:25] Like, I can't know what to say. Like,
[04:56:25] I can't even watch this
[04:56:26] because it's so fucking stupid.
[04:56:30] Like,
[04:56:30] why are we showing pictures?
[04:56:31] Like,
[04:56:32] oh,
[04:56:32] there's a picture with a girl.
[04:56:34] Oh my God.
[04:56:37] They were physically next to each other IRL
[04:56:37] who the fuck cares
[04:56:39] it's like dude people live so perpetually
[04:56:42] online nowadays
[04:56:43] none of these people have actually experienced
[04:56:46] being a human being
[04:56:47] outside of the internet.
[04:56:49] It's hilarious
[04:56:49] and that's coming from me.
[04:56:52] I spent probably
[04:56:54] half of my 20s
[04:56:56] streaming League like 10 years half of my 20s streaming League.
[04:56:57] Like, 10 years. Half of my 20s was probably
[04:56:59] just streaming League of Legends.
[04:57:01] And I'm telling you, these people are so
[04:57:03] out-of-touch that it's
[04:57:05] ridiculous.
[04:57:08] Dude, just call Dante as a fuckboy
[04:57:10] Okay he is a fuck boy
[04:57:12] Now all the girls who might talk to him
[04:57:14] know he is a fuck boy
[04:57:16] They can choose to or not. Who cares? It happens.
[04:57:19] Join the real world.
[04:57:20] Tarzan's a fucking moron. He's a toxic retard.
[04:57:23] Call him a moron, stop watching
[04:57:25] him, or do watch him and just understand
[04:57:27] he's an idiot. It's really easy, guys. Like I don't
[04:57:29] understand. It's stupid. You know
[04:57:31] what I mean? It's just the dumbest shit ever.
[04:57:33] Why are we just sitting here like oh I'm exposing X
[04:57:35] Y and Z.
[04:57:37] You're not exposing anything.
[04:57:50] They didn't murder anybody. One's a fuckboy and one's a moron. Who cares? Like I don't get it. It's crazy!
[04:57:54] It is wild!
[04:57:58] Maybe I'm just too old.
[04:58:00] Like maybe at 33
[04:58:01] I don't care about this shit anymore.
[04:58:03] Like, maybe that's what it is.
[04:58:05] Right?
[04:58:06] Maybe I just don't care.
[04:58:09] But like...
[04:58:12] Just viewing it from the outside
[04:58:14] perspective of somebody who's literally
[04:58:16] been...
[04:58:17] I have been in my own drama.
[04:58:20] I have streamed this game, I've been a top 10
[04:58:22] streamer in the league section
[04:58:25] I have been
[04:58:26] my size now where I'm fucking
[04:58:28] small ass streamer. I've been both
[04:58:31] I've literally
[04:58:32] fucking you fucking done tons of shit,
[04:58:34] I've been at the top and bottom of streaming
[04:58:38] And I can tell you right now
[04:58:42] Streamers are morons.
[04:58:45] Streamers are idiots, like all of them.
[04:58:47] All of them are stupid.
[04:58:57] Okay. It is wild.
[04:59:07] Wait, wait. This made me laugh really fucking hard just now though. Look at this. Wait, this is funny.
[04:59:11] Moe... Somebody said Yasuo Mo. And he said me
[04:59:16] after 400 cheeseburgers
[04:59:18] maybe and then he got banned
[04:59:19] laughter
[04:59:20] laughter
[04:59:28] laughter laughter I'm sorry I had to laugh at that
[04:59:33] it does look that. I'm sorry, I had to. That was just fucking hilarious.
[04:59:38] It does look like Mo
[04:59:39] if he was fat. It kind of does actually
[04:59:41] though. That's so fucking funny. Oh my god. Dude, real talk though.
[05:00:15] I think like...
[05:00:16] I don't even know where to begin.
[05:00:18] League of Legends streamers
[05:00:20] are the dumbest
[05:00:22] of all types of streamers, too.
[05:00:24] Take it from me.
[05:00:26] A League of Legends for 11 years
[05:00:28] streamer. If you stream League of Legends,
[05:00:31] you're like a next level
[05:00:33] of stupid.
[05:00:34] Normal streamers are delusional and stupid.
[05:00:37] Just people on Twitch.
[05:00:39] The average Twitch streamer is an idiot
[05:00:41] if you stream league you're extra fucking stupid
[05:00:50] because you're like mentally ill.
[05:00:53] Streaming this game is
[05:00:54] like
[05:00:54] You have to just
[05:00:57] It warps your perception of reality. gravity You may not have style.
[05:01:19] Also, can we talk about this for a second? Riot made the new League of Legends character
[05:01:28] like canon autistic. did Riot just decide
[05:01:38] that they needed
[05:01:38] somebody who was like
[05:01:40] on the spectrum
[05:01:40] as a late champ
[05:01:41] like I
[05:01:44] like I'm not like mad about it.
[05:01:46] I don't think...
[05:01:47] I'm not outraged.
[05:01:49] It just feels...
[05:01:50] To me,
[05:01:51] what's the word called
[05:01:54] when you do it
[05:01:54] just to say you did it?
[05:01:58] I don't know what it is, but
[05:02:00] I can't think of it. It feels forced.
[05:02:03] They were already making this champion and they were like okay
[05:02:08] we don't have an autistic champion like we need
[05:02:12] this then i'm like why? Like it just feels weird. It's like you don't need that shit in video- it's not every single disease and every single fucking thing needs to be, like,
[05:02:27] represented in everything we do.
[05:02:30] Like, I don't care that it is,
[05:02:32] but if it was naturally
[05:02:34] just, like, happening,
[05:02:37] I'd be like, okay. But,. But it doesn't make sense...
[05:02:39] It feels forced! If something happens
[05:02:43] naturally, I don't get mad about it right? If it's good, if it makes sense
[05:02:47] but dude, it just feels stupid like if it makes sense but it's like dude
[05:02:48] it just feels stupid
[05:02:49] I don't know man
[05:02:57] It is what it is i don't care too much
[05:03:01] i just thought i i just i just read that this morning and i was like god damn it
[05:03:08] like all the people who feel included,
[05:03:11] Who are on the spectrum and they're like oh I feel cool having a champ that's autistic.
[05:03:15] All the power to you man.
[05:03:19] There is no place where I'm'm not gonna put them down for it.
[05:03:21] I just think it's, I just, it rubs me weird because it feels forced
[05:03:27] So you just slap the tag on to have that in your repertoire. On another note though,
[05:03:48] Aurora looks fucking terrible to play versus.
[05:03:53] Her entire kit looks fucking miserable
[05:03:55] to play versus.
[05:03:57] Just saying. She has like a fucking
[05:04:10] invis
[05:04:11] that resets.
[05:04:15] She has like four teleports,
[05:04:17] a fucking on-hit that makes her stronger.
[05:04:19] Like dude,
[05:04:20] that champ is going to be
[05:04:21] Thanos incarnate.
[05:04:22] It's another Zeri Cassante.
[05:04:25] Straight up, that champ's going to be another Zeri Cassante. Straight up, that champ
[05:04:26] is going to be another
[05:04:26] Zeri Cassante for two
[05:04:27] years.
[05:04:31] Like she's going to
[05:04:32] basically be like
[05:04:33] unbalanceable is what
[05:04:34] I'm saying.
[05:04:35] If her numbers are good,
[05:04:38] this is going to be the problem, right?
[05:04:39] If her numbers are good, she's
[05:04:42] going to be unbalanceable because she's going to be too
[05:04:44] good at the high level and
[05:04:45] the bad players are going to be too good at the high level and she's going to be too, like the bad players
[05:04:46] are going to be too bad at her.
[05:04:48] It's going to be like anything else.
[05:04:51] Like the gold players aren't going to be able to play
[05:04:52] her because she's hard. And then the pro
[05:04:54] players are going to play her too well
[05:04:56] and she's going to be fucking like
[05:05:00] Cassandra Anzeri where it's impossible
[05:05:02] to balance her.
[05:05:04] It's going to be stupid.
[05:05:13] Like, I like the idea of wanting to make new champions and shit.
[05:05:17] But when you make a champion have such a high skill ceiling to where, like...
[05:05:20] I talked about
[05:05:21] this before I even knew what her kit was.
[05:05:23] When you make a champion
[05:05:24] hard and then you say, oh, because
[05:05:27] it's hard, it's allowed to be op
[05:05:29] it's just dog shit it's a dog-shit design
[05:05:32] just because something's hard doesn't mean it should
[05:05:33] be op because then you have balance issues of like
[05:05:36] the highest level it's always op
[05:05:38] and it's going to be boring because it's pick-ban
[05:05:40] every game in pro play. And then it's going
[05:05:42] to be pick-ban every game in Challenger
[05:05:43] and then the low elo players aren't going to be able
[05:05:46] to play it so they're not going to have fun
[05:05:47] and the only people playing it are Challenger players, but
[05:05:51] then it's like not even fun because then it's too
[05:05:53] oppressive to play versus
[05:05:54] I mean
[05:05:56] did you guys actually enjoy watching Cassante
[05:05:59] and Zeri in pro play after like
[05:06:01] two months
[05:06:02] because I didn't.
[05:06:04] I don't watch that much
[05:06:05] pro play,
[05:06:06] but after two months
[05:06:07] of watching only
[05:06:08] Kassante and Zeri
[05:06:08] I got pretty bored
[05:06:10] of it.
[05:06:12] And playing in high elo
[05:06:13] like when Kassante and Zeri came out
[05:06:16] I was playing GM both times
[05:06:18] and playing in Grandmaster
[05:06:20] with everybody fucking picking Kassanthe Zeri every game...
[05:06:26] It gets miserable, you know?
[05:06:35] Dude I don't even know what to pick here.
[05:06:43] What's up? Hey, what's up, Soar door? How you doing, man?
[05:06:51] Well, Zeri might not have bothered you.
[05:06:54] I don't know where you are. Zeri bothered me because I'm specifically an AD carry
[05:06:57] player and I didn't want to learn Zeri when she came out.
[05:07:00] So basically
[05:07:01] when she first came out, she was the most broken
[05:07:03] AD carry to ever be released
[05:07:04] and she was so uncontrollably
[05:07:07] hard to play versus if the person was good that it was like just not fun
[05:07:30] well Yumi was just stupid for years. I mean...
[05:07:33] Riot's issue with Yuumi is that
[05:07:36] they made a champion
[05:07:37] that takes away the biggest skill parts of the game.
[05:07:44] Right? That was the issue with Yuumi.
[05:07:54] Like, they just simply took away too much of the skill parts of the game
[05:08:01] i'll be i'm gonna take a leak because there was no downside to playing here right
[05:08:06] you play her in pro play your support can never get caught you player in solo
[05:08:11] queue you can put a moron and support carry them the challenger like it was just a bad design Okay...... Dude, did somebody dodge?
[05:09:32] Man.
[05:09:34] Dude, it's Friday night?
[05:09:36] 9 p.m. on a Friday night
[05:09:38] in North America.
[05:09:43] 9 p.m. Friday night. 9pm
[05:09:44] Friday night
[05:09:46] 8 minute queue
[05:09:48] what the fuck is happening Am I gonna play Swarm?
[05:09:59] Wait, what's swarm?
[05:10:01] Is it like the new game mode from Riot or whatever, like Arena or something.
[05:10:12] Hope you're having a great day.
[05:10:13] You too man.
[05:10:14] What's up?
[05:10:16] We should not be cancelled online in front of 20k viewers.
[05:10:20] I mean, those people are just stupid.
[05:10:28] Like I said. Okay. But as I said, none of those people are smart.
[05:10:53] They're all idiots. Okay.
[05:11:06] Can I tell you guys something?
[05:11:14] As I said before you don't get cancelled
[05:11:20] like unless twitch literally bans their channel...
[05:11:40] They don't get his channel banned.
[05:11:43] Like, what I'm saying is you physically can't get cancelled.
[05:11:45] Like, what's cancelling you?
[05:11:46] Your own fear of talking on stream
[05:11:49] about stuff?
[05:11:50] This is what I mean.
[05:11:52] I feel like this cancel filter shit
[05:11:53] like you have to- for you
[05:11:55] to cancel somebody, you have to deplatform them
[05:11:57] That's the only way to cancel somebody
[05:11:59] But you can stop watching them
[05:12:01] Right? You do that but they're still gonna get viewers
[05:12:05] they're still going to be like doing the streaming
[05:12:12] also i don't think like
[05:12:14] Dantes should be cancelled for being a fuckboy.
[05:12:19] Like, I think that's just fucking stupid.
[05:12:21] What? He fucked around with multiple what he
[05:12:25] fucked around with multiple girls at the same time
[05:12:28] okay, he's a fuckboy
[05:12:29] I don't understand
[05:12:30] it's like, who cares?
[05:12:40] Tarzand is a shitty person.
[05:12:42] Right? He's a bad
[05:12:43] person. I don't care.
[05:12:45] Everything I've ever heard or interacted with Tarzand I think he's a bad person. I don't care. Everything I've ever heard or interacted
[05:12:47] with Tarzan, I think he's a terrible person.
[05:12:50] But you know
[05:12:51] what? I don't do...
[05:12:52] I don't ever
[05:12:54] watch his content.
[05:12:57] Like, I don't consume Tarzan's
[05:12:59] content because I don't like him.
[05:13:05] It's actually that easy, if you guys are curious. It's really just that easy.
[05:13:08] If you guys are curious,
[05:13:08] it's really just that easy.
[05:13:11] Like if you don't like
[05:13:12] somebody's content,
[05:13:13] just don't watch it.. Awesome. I'm saying.
[05:13:42] See, this is the thing though.
[05:13:45] I will say this.
[05:13:47] I did a stream
[05:13:48] almost 10 years
[05:13:51] ago, right?
[05:13:53] Like 9 years ago
[05:13:54] I did a stream about
[05:13:57] my relationship ending
[05:13:58] like he's doing now.
[05:14:02] Right? So, I kind of understand
[05:14:05] why he's doing this.
[05:14:08] I understand why he wanted to talk
[05:14:11] To his community about
[05:14:13] His girlfriend who's been on stream
[05:14:15] And they've been very vocal
[05:14:17] About dating
[05:14:18] So, I understand the perspective
[05:14:21] Of wanting to communicate
[05:14:23] To your community that you're no longer going to be seeing
[05:14:25] That person on stream and why
[05:14:26] Right
[05:14:27] That I understand
[05:14:29] Because
[05:14:31] I get it
[05:14:32] at an extent
[05:14:33] where it's like
[05:14:34] if you make something public
[05:14:35] and then,
[05:14:36] like,
[05:14:36] you don't want to have
[05:14:37] to deal with everybody
[05:14:37] constantly asking
[05:14:38] like where this person is
[05:14:39] why you're doing this
[05:14:40] and all that shit.
[05:14:41] So it's a very easy
[05:14:42] just like update, right? It's like an update thing
[05:14:44] of like hey we're not
[05:14:46] seeing each other anymore
[05:14:47] you know like
[05:14:49] this is why here you go
[05:14:51] but I think the drama of that is fine for me
[05:14:55] because it's his community,
[05:14:57] it's his choice.
[05:14:58] Okay?
[05:14:59] That makes sense.
[05:15:01] The drama between Tarzan and Dante
[05:15:03] where they're both
[05:15:06] just quote-unquote
[05:15:07] outing each other for all their
[05:15:09] bullshit behind the scenes.
[05:15:12] Dude...
[05:15:13] Like, none of it matters.
[05:15:16] I mean,
[05:15:17] It's just like...
[05:15:18] None of that shit...
[05:15:20] It's so dumb and petty.
[05:15:23] It's just stupid.
[05:15:29] All of that is just stupid and petty.
[05:15:37] Like, they're just trying to make drama for views. And I don't care about any of that.
[05:15:42] Like the whole making drama for views thing?
[05:15:42] I don't give a fuck. Well, that's the thing. I think from my understanding i haven't looked into this very much and i'm just going off of
[05:16:01] like what was impossible to miss on twitter because twitter has been blowing the
[05:16:05] up so it's kind of impossible
[05:16:08] to miss this shit on Twitter
[05:16:09] but from what I saw
[05:16:11] on Twitter
[05:16:12] when I was scrolling
[05:16:14] Dantes
[05:16:17] said they broke up
[05:16:18] and then Tarzan tried to make a joke out of it.
[05:16:22] Dantes got upset, and they're both immature morons
[05:16:25] so instead of talking know
[05:16:28] talking to each other face-to-face like human
[05:16:31] beings. They decided
[05:16:33] to both drama spam
[05:16:35] to try and make the other one look worse
[05:16:37] publicly? Like they're
[05:16:39] both fucking idiots?
[05:16:46] But like I said,
[05:16:47] Dantes is 20 and Tarzan's 30.
[05:16:51] So, like... I can't... Like, I still have and Tarzan's 30. So like,
[05:16:52] I still think Dante is a moron
[05:16:54] but I feel like he's got
[05:16:56] a little bit more of an excuse because he's just
[05:16:58] like I said before, it affects you
[05:17:00] differently.
[05:17:02] When you're young
[05:17:03] and you have all of this fame
[05:17:05] thrust upon you,
[05:17:06] internet fame or whatever, but he still has a lot
[05:17:09] of money, he's got a lot
[05:17:11] of viewers, all this shit.
[05:17:13] It gets to your head.
[05:17:14] So like when all of that inflation
[05:17:15] of like I get it right
[05:17:16] but Tarzan has been
[05:17:17] streaming almost
[05:17:18] as long as I have
[05:17:19] so like
[05:17:21] he should know better than to do this nonsense but
[05:17:24] he doesn't because he's a man child
[05:17:33] but uh yeah it is what it is men but yeah
[05:17:34] it is what
[05:17:35] it is man
[05:17:36] it's just
[05:17:40] stupid drama
[05:17:41] dude
[05:17:42] I
[05:17:44] just want to play League of Legends.
[05:17:47] What is happening? Like, you realize I haven't played a league game in 30 minutes? Look at this.
[05:18:07] Look at this! 30 minutes, man.
[05:18:29] Like what the fuck?
[05:18:40] I just wanna play League! Come on.
[05:18:43] I'm not even in high elo dude.
[05:18:46] What this game had two- three Grandmaster players, right?
[05:18:50] Four. I'm not even
[05:18:51] in high elo, dude.
[05:18:56] Like if this was fucking
[05:18:57] if I was in Challenger mmr i'd
[05:19:00] understand 30 minute queue times
[05:19:02] but this is fucking stupid
[05:19:08] in five hours i've played one, two, three, four, five, six, seven games in five hours.
[05:19:22] I have a mid Draven.
[05:19:26] Bro,
[05:19:27] I do not want to play with a Yone support
[05:19:28] mid Draven.
[05:19:36] Okay. port mid-draven. I'm gonna fucking dodge.
[05:19:37] I don't want to play with that.
[05:20:05] Okay.. And what on Jinx? Oh, yeah.
[05:20:05] I played a lot of Jinx.
[05:20:09] I stopped playing her
[05:20:10] because I had really bad
[05:20:11] Jinx games.
[05:20:14] Like,
[05:20:15] I don't know what happened
[05:20:15] but like,
[05:20:16] I lost like three in a row
[05:20:17] or something.
[05:20:18] Yeah.
[05:20:20] Like,
[05:20:20] I just can't win on her.
[05:20:23] She's not even bad.
[05:20:25] It just feels Bad to play her
[05:20:25] If your team doesn't play around you
[05:20:28] And you're playing Jinx, it feels really bad
[05:20:30] To play that champ
[05:20:31] Whereas if my team doesn't play around me and I'm playing Ezreal...
[05:20:37] You know it's not that bad. It's really easy to play around. RevolutionMid versus Yasuo. I'm not playing that.
[05:21:10] I am not going to sit there and play a full AD
[05:21:11] comp, dude.
[05:21:15] I'm not
[05:21:16] going to play full AD
[05:21:17] versus that comp.
[05:21:19] Fuck it.
[05:21:23] I'm hungry as fuck,
[05:21:24] I haven't eaten today.
[05:21:33] I was going to stream earlier today, but my... I got distracted IRL.
[05:21:37] My mom wanted to talk for a little bit.
[05:21:40] Then
[05:21:40] somebody else
[05:21:46] wanted to talk on Discord
[05:21:46] for a little bit.
[05:21:48] I don't know, man.
[05:21:48] It's just.... I think I'm going to go make dinner. I'll see how I'm feeling after.
[05:22:42] I don't know what my plans are for doing anything, but I might do another stream.
[05:22:57] It depends on how I'm feeling.
[05:22:58] I might stream some TFT
[05:22:59] after I make food.
[05:23:03] I might stream TFT? I might swim 50, or
[05:23:05] I might just
[05:23:06] after I eat
[05:23:09] see if league players
[05:23:11] are queuing up more.
[05:23:16] Because I actually want to play League right now, but
[05:23:17] I don't want to sit in like 40 minute
[05:23:20] queues to have people pick shitty comps.
[05:23:22] So it's kind
[05:23:24] of unfun, you know?
[05:23:28] And it's kind of unfun, you know? And playing in Diamond is miserable.
[05:23:30] I tried playing in Diamond earlier tonight
[05:23:31] or at the start of the day. Holy fuck!
[05:23:34] That's less fun than
[05:23:36] fucking...
[05:23:37] Ugh.
[05:23:41] Q times.
[05:23:44] Oh yeah.
[05:23:58] I... I will be back either tomorrow morning or later tonight.
[05:24:00] We'll just do a later stream.
[05:24:02] I don't know yet what the deal is going to be, though. But... I appreciate you guys watching regardless.
[05:24:28] Thanks for hanging out.
[05:24:29] Thanks for hanging out.
[05:24:30] Thanks for supporting me.
[05:24:33] Appreciate it a lot, guys.
[05:24:39] If I don't see you tomorrow, then
[05:24:41] hope you have a wonderful weekend.
[05:24:45] Hope you guys all
[05:24:46] win all your games or if
[05:24:47] you don't Q League, God bless.
[05:24:50] But thanks for watching. I'm going to leave. Have a good God bless. But, uh...
[05:24:51] Thanks for watching.
[05:24:52] I'm gonna leave.
[05:24:53] Have a good night.
[05:24:54] Bye guys!