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Geranimo - Lose is Improve | 33 Year old man battles the Challenges of the Rift || Challenger Grind

06-19-2024 · 4h 50m

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[00:00:00] . You Begins Our performance begins. Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[00:00:51] I am at my best only during the performance.
[00:00:55] 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[00:01:02] Summoning Summons The minion spawn. Afraid to get your feet wet? Swim at your own risk. Minions have spawned. ah Swim at your own pace.
[00:01:40] I'm moonlight as a shark collar.
[00:01:43] The ecstasy of killing...
[00:01:49] Baa-na-na-na-na-na-na um The world is cruel. so is so I love the feel. so great My clients expect the best. so I see that's so bad.
[00:03:51] Fucking hands are cold.
[00:04:17] Okay. It is only when the gun fires that I am alive. Oh, I missed all of them.
[00:04:23] I am so sad This art is a compulsion.
[00:04:45] I cannot resist it.
[00:04:50] You will learn what beauty truly is so my audience so so okay okay uh Yeah, I should have maybe flashed there. I think it could actually lift.
[00:06:45] Get that money and watch it burn! that old young but i'm not dead
[00:06:53] an enemy has been slain
[00:08:36] death is certain At least saving Flash isn't too bad. through my work you shall transcend so Oh, it's good. so It's painful. My enemy has been slain. an icon doesn't have to explain himself um I mean, I have a pretty big lead but because i have a bf sword we should try and get dragon. so so Oh, I'm so dead.
[00:09:25] Ah...I wanted to back off and just ulti there.
[00:09:31] Because we got too out-tempoed on my movement speed.
[00:09:43] I wanted to fight that whole time, but it was too hard because...
[00:09:49] I actually just let the Zerial fall off and reset.
[00:09:51] Like, disengage?
[00:09:55] This game might be doomed. Our jungler is
[00:09:57] not the best
[00:09:59] and Auto Lycus is not the best, and Auto Lycus is not the best.
[00:10:05] We got 2v2'd when I was up in BF Sword. Zeri flashed on me, but I still think even after Zeri flashed we should have won that Oh, this isn't good. is it again I mean, my Skarner is just camping top. Why are these guys just flaming each other? face the crowd
[00:11:34] oh now i'm just gonna hit by everything man
[00:11:39] damn kind of sad I'm playing kinda bad now. so so Oh
[00:12:43] It's not the worst we're losing so many objectives though, which does not feel good our cast is doing pretty good though let's see how it goes What's up guys? my critics are usually i hate this game.
[00:13:31] I don't think they can dive me me so it shouldn't be too bad
[00:13:36] i should not okay they drove me with no wave Oh well.
[00:14:01] Nami should not have roamed on that timer, but...
[00:14:04] It's not a big deal.
[00:14:07] Because roaming on that timer doesn't make sense.
[00:14:08] There's no objective up on top side,
[00:14:10] so it's like...
[00:14:12] What's the point?
[00:14:25] Okay. point, you know? You know what's interesting about this? I'm not even weak, and my team is choosing not to play around me.
[00:14:34] I don't understand
[00:14:52] Like if i was weak, I guess I could I would get it but like I live in the abyss with you, not afraid.
[00:14:57] The heart of the lion will master me.
[00:15:01] If i was really weak or something like I would understand it. But we've been doing well a lot.
[00:15:08] We can't really play this man I mean, I have IE.
[00:15:24] I'm gonna go award doms.
[00:15:33] I'm just going to go ie doms, I don't even care.
[00:15:38] I gotta do some damage. Okay.
[00:15:50] Okay.
[00:16:01] My CS is so bad right now.
[00:16:07] We need to push one more mid wave, I think.
[00:16:23] Second push it. my theater an enemy has been slain
[00:16:25] oh okay i guess we're just not doing dragon, I don't understand.
[00:16:28] We're not pushing mid and we're not doing dragon.
[00:16:31] Like what's happening?
[00:16:33] Like I walked bot but like why are we trying to take that turret?
[00:16:39] What is this macro?
[00:16:49] Oh. Like, I don't know what that was. I literally walked bot. I walked all the way bot for that.
[00:17:00] Or, I walked to dragon and then my team stayed
[00:17:04] And we just played off of a really dumb timer. I can't believe this is happening. Let's start the show.
[00:17:29] I can't believe this is a high-yolo game, this is wild. This is like a GM Chao game.
[00:17:33] Everybody in this game is so lost.
[00:17:37] ... I mean, I can't really get in there bro.
[00:17:48] Like this is not a good play. I mean, I don't know.
[00:18:04] This is just wild.
[00:18:07] We're always late to every play
[00:18:08] but I should have played that slower.
[00:18:14] Okay. but I should have played that slower. I mean, I don't even know what to say.
[00:18:20] I don't know if we can even win.
[00:18:23] The only human on my team is like,
[00:18:27] Kassadin.
[00:18:31] These people are not very good.
[00:18:35] My jungler and my top are just running it down. I mean, I can't ulti this. They'll just walk away.
[00:18:53] That guy don't get it.
[00:18:56] I don't know what's happening here.
[00:18:58] How is my jungler down three levels, man? I like a violent composition.
[00:19:23] Like, I'm down a full item even though we won land. This is wild.
[00:19:30] This is a massive jungle death.
[00:19:39] Like it's so hard to play anything here.
[00:19:41] Anytime we walk up in the wave too,
[00:19:43] We're just gonna die cause fuckin...
[00:19:49] Like if I walk anywhere near mid-wave...
[00:19:53]'s like a really good chance that I just get fucking railed by Hecarim.
[00:20:50] We don't even have a tier 2 tower. I provide catharsis for my clients and my victims. shhh I'm going to be slow. so I was hoping Nami would stay with me. I don't think we should be fighting that.
[00:20:52] That's my bad, I guess.
[00:20:53] I think we had a chance to fight it if Nami
[00:20:56] stood with me but it's not even her fault.
[00:20:58] I'll be real quick.
[00:21:05] Because I'm a lot stronger than she thinks I am.
[00:21:08] I think I'm a lot stronger than everybody in this lobby thinks I am.
[00:21:15] Dude, Auto Lycus legitimately sucks.
[00:21:20] Like this guy is like legitimately just bad.
[00:21:26] I think he just cheeses top laners that don't know how to play lane phase with set.
[00:21:29] Like, he plays ignite-set every game and cheeses people
[00:21:33] And if you can't kill them at level 2 two or three he just doesn't know what to do
[00:21:35] because he doesn't actually use his brain
[00:21:39] he's just the stat check player and he just loses after I swear each performance is the last, but I lie every time.
[00:21:50] Jesus
[00:21:54] I mean i can't even play the fucking game bro.
[00:21:59] Well, I mean she got fed because you have four deaths. I'm going to try and get the kill. I am pure.
[00:22:28] Dude, they are just being so disrespectful right now?
[00:22:32] Like why don't we just kill this guy? I don't understand.
[00:22:36] That guy has no r uh I wonder what they think when they see me.
[00:23:09] I mean, I'm two items but...
[00:23:15] I don't know if we can do anything. That's a 9-0 Camille. so so enemy double kill Hmm.
[00:24:05] What a awful game.
[00:24:07] I don't know why we played top side.
[00:24:09] My Skarner, weak-sided bot We killed them
[00:24:12] 2v2
[00:24:13] We had a good early game Killed them 2v2.
[00:24:16] We had a good early game, we killed them 2v2. Then we
[00:24:18] beat them again 2v2.
[00:24:22] My Skarner decided to weakside Bot lane for Auto Lycus, who's now getting gapped so hard.
[00:24:29] I don't...
[00:24:32] Dude, I feel like junglers don't understand how the game works in this elo.
[00:24:38] Like why are we doing that man? Hecarim just farmed the whole game and he's level 16. so everyone has been saved so so so
[00:25:32] how do we play for soul
[00:25:39] that's what i want to know. You will learn how easy drawing is.
[00:25:57] That guy just took our...
[00:25:59] ...fucking red buff.
[00:27:18] I mean, we gotta try and kill this guy so is I mean, we should just go for a fucking fight here. so We gotta push mid man god we got to do so much crap
[00:27:24] oh huge Oh, huge.
[00:27:33] Oh I got too close, damn.
[00:27:38] Alright, I'm gonna go for the bomb. oh i got too close damn uh i mean that's probably gg
[00:27:43] auto i guess didn't use his ulti and then we just lose.
[00:27:48] Damn, I think I could've carried this
[00:27:50] if top lane didn't literally just run it
[00:27:52] the fuck down in the whole game.
[00:28:00] Like, it's fucking painful man. It's just a top jungle diff. And we could have won bot, but...
[00:28:20] Uh. We got weak-sided so we had to play safe. That sucks.... I don't know why that guy
[00:29:12] played topside the whole game.
[00:29:15] The jungler?
[00:29:17] Like,
[00:29:18] Toplane was never
[00:29:19] the win call in that game ever. the enemy ball game wasn't very good either.
[00:29:35] Like, they were pretty trash. It's just like we couldn't play the game. so Thank you. I mean, set is just so worthless
[00:30:19] if you don't get a lead.
[00:30:20] And Auto Lycus
[00:30:21] just never gets the lead
[00:30:22] because like...
[00:30:26] Like, I think that I think Auto Lycus might be like...
[00:30:30] He literally only climbs because his champion...
[00:30:34] He's like Draven mains of top lane.
[00:30:37] Where he'll climb up to
[00:30:39] low GM
[00:30:40] and he'll sit there for a bit because people
[00:30:43] don't know how to play against him.
[00:30:44] And then he'll fall back down into Masters as soon
[00:30:47] as he goes against actual top top winners that know how to
[00:30:49] not fight him at level two it's just like really frustrating to deal with. so I mean, we had an incredibly good lead bot lane.
[00:31:26] It was just the way...
[00:31:27] Look what happened.
[00:31:33] We killed Zeri at level two.
[00:31:37] I almost killed Lulu as well.
[00:31:39] Nami got the return kill on Lulu.
[00:31:40] We fixed the wave,
[00:31:42] the wave was bouncing and Skarner path top,
[00:31:44] so I don't know, man. Maybe I'm thinking too much about it.
[00:31:56] I just feel like that game was really frustrating because it was so free.
[00:33:24] Okay. Okay...... I mean, if this guy wants to play Thresh,
[00:33:25] I'm down to play Jinx. Okay.... Hmm. Jinx is definitely a weird pick this game, I'll be honest.
[00:34:26] I don't think it's bad, but we have to not lose lane. oh okay So,........ Dude, you know what sucks?
[00:36:32] So when I was queuing earlier...
[00:36:33] I-I was actually gonna stream an hour ago.
[00:36:36] And I sat in a 25 minute...
[00:36:40] Like, I sat and
[00:36:41] fucking
[00:36:42] what was it 12 minute queue with
[00:36:45] 6 dodges or something absurd.
[00:36:48] It was like five then we finally got into the game so okay Teemo Belveth.
[00:37:31] So they just, like...
[00:37:33] The enemy team just wants us to have no fun.
[00:37:37] Fucking locking T-Mobile there.
[00:37:41] God.
[00:37:43] Like really bad? I mean,
[00:38:00] I don't know what to play.
[00:38:03] It's like
[00:38:04] I could play something with mobility
[00:38:05] to beat Belveth.
[00:38:10] Maybe Kaisa would be good. But we already have so much AP.
[00:38:22] So I'd have to go full AD, Kaisa?
[00:38:24] Which would be awkward- Oh my god.
[00:38:26] Dude!
[00:38:32] This is what was happening before i started my stream today
[00:38:57] i'd go through half a champ select and everyone would just dodge dude stop dodging God. God! It's like actually not playable to play in Grandmaster MMR at this time of day.
[00:39:04] Like it's actually not playable on NA.
[00:39:06] I sit through 30 lobbies to have 30 people fucking dodge. Thank you. Okay....... My dude, I get one game an hour.
[00:41:08] Actually though. get one game an hour actually though holy fuck we say gonna hang out with you guys, but... God.. Okay...... Dude, you know what sucks about high elo?
[00:42:42] Everybody glorifies high elo like it it's badass you know what happens
[00:42:45] when you get the hyalo we have an auto filled jungler and an autofilled jungler and an autofilled mid laner. I sat in a 12 16 minute queue.
[00:43:20] So I sat in queue for 16 minutes so that I can get an autofill jungler and an autofill
[00:43:23] mid.
[00:43:29] And the enemy jungler is going to be on roll,
[00:43:30] and the enemy mid
[00:43:30] is going to be on roll.
[00:43:33] And we're just going
[00:43:34] to get ass blasted my message juani says I don't care about winning or losing. But I'll try hard. That seems like a great start to the day.. Why do we have a top action?
[00:44:26] What is happening? happening so.. Oh, my God. oh my god ah
[00:45:50] bro i just want to play the game Stop dodging!
[00:46:08] Holy shit!
[00:46:33] I've played one game! I've been in queue sitting here for 90 minutes now. I played and I sat in cube for 25 minutes off stream
[00:46:40] before i started streaming doing this exact
[00:46:43] then i got a 28 minute game where my top of my jungle argued the whole game and we lost.
[00:46:57] Now, I'm sitting in another 20 minute queue to have two autofills in the lobby.. Fucking A.. Is everyone on roll? Are we chilling?... I don't know who Tommy Richmond is.
[00:48:54] I'm too old, man.
[00:48:55] I have no idea. Do they have Niko support?
[00:49:19] Lux mid, Niko supports.
[00:49:23] Oof who's their AD carry going to be?
[00:49:33] Wait,
[00:49:35] is it Lux AD? Oh, it is Lux AD. I hate taking cleanse, but like...
[00:49:56] If I get hit by a single fucking Niko or Lux Q,
[00:50:01] I'm just dead.
[00:50:36] And if they're good, they can flash it into me so it's even harder... Oh my god, what is our team comp?
[00:50:40] I can already tell you What's going to happen in this game by the way
[00:50:42] You guys ready? I'm going to tell you what's going to happen in this game, by the way. You guys ready? I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen
[00:50:44] before it happens.
[00:50:46] I'm going to farm bot lane
[00:50:47] and
[00:50:50] both
[00:50:52] junglers are gonna get into a fuckfest fighting each other...
[00:50:59] The whole game.
[00:51:01] So it's going to be both junglers fighting each other perma?
[00:51:04] Because it's Nidalee and lee sin
[00:51:09] and i'm just gonna push out bot waves and pray that our bard knows what he's doing
[00:51:15] welcome to league of legends Bard knows what he's doing. Welcome to
[00:51:16] League of Legends! Wait, my Ahri doesn't have a skin.
[00:51:45] My Ari doesn't have the new $500 skin we lose... I'm starting to think
[00:52:22] AD carry matters less and
[00:52:24] less, by the way.
[00:52:27] Like, I know AD carry is OP
[00:52:28] but I'm starting to think in solo queue
[00:52:31] this role is so trash.
[00:52:36] Even though it's
[00:52:37] OP. So, like legit
[00:52:57] I feel like you just pick
[00:52:58] ash, gin
[00:52:59] seraphine
[00:53:00] just pick stuff Gin, Seraphine.
[00:53:04] Just pick stuff that can do its job without needing
[00:53:10] to do its job
[00:53:19] what's up guys Let me change it.
[00:53:28] When I want it now. Double comet.
[00:53:39] Lux Niko, bot.
[00:53:49] Nah, these people for sure enjoy League of Legends.
[00:53:58] Like what the fuck man? fuck, man. Like when I look at people and I'm like
[00:54:00] that person enjoys the game
[00:54:01] but these people definitely don't.
[00:54:06] This is some
[00:54:07] like
[00:54:07] cringe fucking shit.
[00:54:19] Minions have spawned.
[00:54:28] I was paid to put on a killer show. And of course,
[00:54:28] Nidalee is starting bot side
[00:54:30] so she can weakside bot.
[00:54:32] Love it.
[00:54:40] Do not leash the Nidalee, Bard. What are we doing?
[00:54:45] We're not leashing Nid, bro.
[00:54:48] What the fuck.
[00:54:50] We should be in lane trying to fight these guys level one, because they're not very strong
[00:54:54] level one. is Bard, you should play further up then. He's too scared of Lee Sin for no reason.
[00:55:26] Oh my god, Bard, you're such...
[00:55:30] My Bard is definitely not an aggressive type of player. That's for sure. I shall choreograph this affair. Dude, it's impossible to avoid that by the way. Actually though. Like I'm not even capping or like hoping or whatever. Avoiding the Niko Q is actually impossible if she doesn't have like brain damage.
[00:56:16] It's like Luxy, right? Like, if they're good it's so hard to avoid those things. I can avoid the ease that was just my bad but avoiding the
[00:56:37] or i can avoid the cues but avoiding the
[00:56:41] the other thing is just too hard hurt anyone it is the performance that kills Oh, my God.
[00:56:58] Wait, dude, this is crazy.
[00:57:01] Hey, Barden just walked...
[00:57:01] Oh, my God.
[00:57:02] He's not gonna walk up.
[00:57:03] It is what it is.
[00:57:07] I'm gonna fucking lose my mind. Until they stop me, I will keep going.
[00:57:09] I'm gonna fucking lose my mind.
[00:57:13] This is the most cringe-boring gameplay ever.
[00:57:17] I'm just gonna stand here and throw spells at you the whole in
[00:57:18] because mages are fun and interactive
[00:57:24] this performance needs more Yes! Cool Cool.
[00:57:46] At least they won on that side.
[00:57:54] At least they won
[00:57:55] the fight in River.
[00:58:05] We're just gonna... I mean, this always happens. People are
[00:58:09] like, I don't care about the AD carry.
[00:58:14] And then people wonder how
[00:58:16] they lose games.
[00:58:20] That's why I hate mages because because like mages bot are boring.
[00:58:23] Because it's not like... Yes they're beatable but in solo queue when you have
[00:58:27] a bard? Like how do I beat him
[00:58:31] You know like... you have to really
[00:58:34] play something that
[00:58:35] can just engage on
[00:58:35] them and like actually
[00:58:37] make them nervous
[00:58:37] early game because
[00:58:39] if you don't make
[00:58:40] the mages nervous
[00:58:40] early they get to a
[00:58:41] point where you can
[00:58:42] never play versus
[00:58:43] them because
[00:58:44] they're just too long range with spells and shits
[00:58:50] cool let's start the show Those are kind of funny because you can dodge almost every spell and then get hit one time
[00:59:18] and lose half your HP.
[00:59:24] Like mages are just fun like that.
[00:59:27] You can dodge six spells in a row and they just
[00:59:31] walk up, throw a spell, walk back. Walk up, throw a spell, walk back.
[00:59:35] Rock up, throw a spell, walk back. And you're
[00:59:37] never in a position because they're not
[00:59:39] playing forward enough to abuse them
[00:59:41] for missing their spells.
[00:59:46] So it's like Lux missed E, right? So I want to punish her.
[00:59:48] But I can't!
[00:59:59] She misses E Yes, the gun is ironic. She missed Q? I want to punish her!
[01:00:02] I can't.
[01:00:24] Like it's stupid. So I think Mage Bot is just the most cringe picks in the game, because you're not actually playing the game.
[01:00:26] You're playing to farm for fucking why are we not killing the fucking locks man bro why is Lux, man.
[01:00:43] Bro, why did we not go on Lux there?
[01:00:49] Lux was literally standing against the wall.
[01:00:56] Cool, I die!
[01:01:00] Like, Lux was against the wall right here and we chased the Neeko for no reason. That's so frustrating man.
[01:01:11] Whatever. Can we at least get dragon? like i i get that like this is the role sometimes you don't get to be the main
[01:01:31] character like i understand that i'm not delusional. I just...
[01:01:37] Cool.
[01:01:43] ... Cool. Like, that guy is so incredibly bad.
[01:02:06] And... incredibly bad. Happiness is... And it just makes me
[01:02:09] so infuriated that you can't actually tell he's bad.
[01:02:20] Okay, here we go. I hate this game. Like, I had a bad R but...
[01:02:25] I still don't know why Bard wasn't chasing the Lee Sin.
[01:02:33] Like dude! Can you not let her freeze this man? We're 1v2 like
[01:02:40] uh look at the wave and then lux just breaks it anyway
[01:02:45] like dude holy fuck.
[01:02:57] My support might be the second dumbest person in the lobby.
[01:03:02] The enemy Lux might actually be dumber than the Bard.
[01:03:07] You have a perfect freeze with a double pick comp and I have to reset.
[01:03:11] And you decide to just push the wave, like mind off-push.
[01:03:14] Then when we get into a fight here our jungler gets insect by Lee Sin
[01:03:19] Bard has all of his cooldowns and just stands there
[01:03:21] and watches it happen.
[01:03:27] I live in the laws
[01:03:29] of you, not me. Yes! Man, if we can get dragon I'd be totally down with that.
[01:03:40] But like i said, I don't know man can you
[01:03:43] can you check the bushes for me man like i can't walk up dude
[01:03:50] all right n is men walks can just delete the way I'm so we have to run man in so Yeah, but damn that sucked
[01:04:55] dude how is that happening?
[01:04:57] How did I miss that man?
[01:05:01] Dude, I need to not play Jhin right now. I'll keep it real
[01:05:05] I should NOT play fucking Jhin at the
[01:05:08] moment.
[01:05:22] Okay, alright I got our Nidalee just dying. It's so boring, man. Wait, just go in.
[01:05:51] Wait why are we not going in on that?
[01:05:55] Ahri had ulti up!
[01:05:59] Oh... I'm surprised Ahri doesn't go in on that, man.
[01:06:07] That's crazy.
[01:06:08] Like what?
[01:06:09] Oh my god. Like what?
[01:06:20] Cool cool fun game bro
[01:06:29] yeah let's not punish these guys dude let's not this is this is fun Man, I love League. I gotta play Happy Feet, and I gotta play Perfects.
[01:07:13] Because all they're doing is throwing random spells with no mana.
[01:07:17] Like, no mana cost, no nothing and my Bard's just standing here watching it happen.
[01:07:21] Like Niko's walking up to the wave constantly...
[01:07:25] Doing this shit i don't know this is wild whatever i give up. I'm bad It is one of those millions for those I mean this game is done.
[01:08:33] They have better supports. They're playing Lux AD so they have no actual downside of playing Lux.
[01:10:10] And I'm just playing like dog so Now, life has no meaning until death shall inspire you. I'm going to go ahead and do that. oh like go help the team mario what are you doing Like what the fuck man. I must wait until the composition is ready. Heart shall blossom! Cool, don't block the Q man. Don't block the Q, man.
[01:10:28] Don't block the Q dude!
[01:10:31] Like don't do it. It's not worth it right? Like blocking the Q so I live and we kill him is just... that's not worth.
[01:10:36] Said we're gonna rush Echoes of Helia Bard.
[01:10:39] AFK the whole game.
[01:10:43] Please just hit yes. You guys, I waited 25 minutes for a
[01:10:47] game with four retards. Please let me out of the game.
[01:10:50] You are the worst players
[01:10:51] I've seen in a while.
[01:10:56] Please let me out.
[01:11:00] They have the better team, we lose. Just let me out.
[01:11:05] Like I cannot dude. Just let me out please
[01:11:23] wow my retard died. Who would have guessed? Who would have guessed somehow the retard died?
[01:11:29] Not me.
[01:11:34] If you're a support main and you're not in Challenger, dude I actually
[01:11:36] think you might be retarded.
[01:11:39] That role is
[01:11:40] such a joke.
[01:11:43] Like if you can't get the Challenger or this Boreman in...
[01:11:45] Holy fuck, you suck at games!
[01:11:47] You could literally turn your brain off.
[01:11:50] Play aggressive?
[01:11:52] And you will automatically have an advantage playing aggressive.
[01:11:56] Even if you're not better! If you're playing aggressive...
[01:11:59] You're gonna mind control the enemy to be scared of you.
[01:12:04] I'm not used to control the enemy to be scared of you.
[01:12:08] I'm not used to somebody playing aggressively! That's crazy, look i can't even walk up to get vision like Look at this. I can't play the game.
[01:12:31] Bard's full HP, full mana just standing there.
[01:12:34] What's Ahri doing? Oh! Getting killed by a full hp full mana just standing there what's already doing oh getting gapped in a side lane
[01:12:40] camille getting gapped in the sideline
[01:12:44] glad we played for top mid.
[01:12:46] They're really good players.
[01:12:52] Dude, I'm just gonna sell out.
[01:12:53] I'm done with this AD carry crap.
[01:12:56] This role... These champions done with this ad carry crap this this role this stamp these champions they're so trash
[01:13:06] i'm over it.
[01:13:12] I'm just gonna sell out and play
[01:13:16] Mage's Bot, so it just not worth playing ADs.
[01:13:23] You have to work twice as hard
[01:13:27] To quite literally...
[01:13:31] Do nothing. Like, I don't know it's just wild.
[01:13:38] Enemy jungler? Thanos. My jungler? Retardos.
[01:13:40] My support?
[01:13:42] Like, fucking drinks food through a straw.
[01:13:46] The years of sniffing glue caught up to him and his brain just
[01:13:48] fucking seizured.
[01:13:52] Like, Jesus christ you people are bad
[01:14:22] it blows my mind how you can be in the coo and be this bad. like dude i can't believe that you can be that dogshit at League.
[01:14:25] It doesn't compute in my mind
[01:14:27] you can be that bad.
[01:17:36] ............... you you... I think the part that's most annoying about this, by the way,
[01:17:39] is that I have to sit in 25-minute queues to get a game where I have four retards
[01:17:42] because I'm playing AD Carry.
[01:17:45] Thank you. Okay. so................... I just want people to play their champs that they have the most games on and the most experience
[01:21:49] on.
[01:21:51] That's all I want.
[01:21:52] It's not that hard.
[01:21:53] Like,
[01:21:54] I don't care if like if you're a J4 one trick
[01:21:57] I don't mind it, right?
[01:21:58] Like,
[01:21:58] it's whatever.
[01:21:59] Like
[01:21:59] play J4 fuck it but if you're like it, right? Like, it's whatever.
[01:22:01] Play J4 and fuck it. But if you're like a fucking...
[01:22:05] This guy only plays Seraphine.
[01:22:10] Right? He's like a Seraphine one-trick.
[01:22:13] So I was like, dude, if you're
[01:22:13] Seraphine one-trick, just play Seraphine.
[01:22:53] ..... I mean, Lisa, I don't give a fuck man. Like... I don't care what they play
[01:22:54] as long as they try to win
[01:22:55] and they play
[01:22:56] what they play.
[01:22:58] Like,
[01:22:59] as long as they
[01:22:59] play the champions
[01:23:00] they know how to play
[01:23:01] and they try to win
[01:23:01] I don't give a fuck
[01:23:02] what my supports do
[01:23:03] because, like,
[01:23:04] the bare minimum of support
[01:23:05] The absolute
[01:23:07] bare minimum of support nowadays is
[01:23:09] playing the game that you queued up to
[01:23:11] play
[01:23:13] That's pretty much support in a nutshell.
[01:23:16] If you're willing to play League of Legends and not tab out halfway through the game
[01:23:20] and not troll...
[01:23:24] Support is super fucking easy. like support's super easy
[01:23:30] why don't you take first strike what gods and spirits
[01:23:41] we gotta watch the entrances man
[01:23:45] i awarded it you don't have to stand on my team is watching entrances.
[01:24:11] Like, this is what I mean by like Jesus fucking Christ.
[01:24:14] Like you people stink. Let's see how close they can get
[01:24:32] like how are you how are we gonna not watch entrances against rexae so my seraphine is taking a lot of damage why isn't she throwing her spell yet?
[01:25:03] Oh. I take it back.
[01:25:11] ... Oh, I just missed him so much. Wait, she got Scanner Level 1? Why?!
[01:25:39] The fuck does that do?
[01:25:43] Hey bro we can't walk up because we don't know where the fuck Rek'Sai is. Wait, what are we doing men?
[01:26:04] I literally said
[01:26:06] We need
[01:26:06] So
[01:26:09] We knew Rexa was here
[01:26:11] Oh my god
[01:26:12] Why is every support player
[01:26:16] Mentally retarded?
[01:26:17] How are you people like humans, man?
[01:26:21] You take first strike. You whiff your first spell, fuck over 5 CS
[01:26:25] Then you take fucking
[01:26:28] Scanner
[01:26:28] in a lane where
[01:26:34] you have no business taking Scanner
[01:26:36] then you get Q level 2.
[01:26:41] Over W! Like,
[01:26:43] what am I watching, man?
[01:26:52] Hit him!
[01:26:57] He's trying to kill me. Just hit him.
[01:26:59] Sweet.
[01:27:02] My jungler took seven years to dive.
[01:27:05] My Seraphine whiffed all of her
[01:27:06] spells.
[01:27:11] Nice. I hold my... My jungler couldn't come.
[01:27:13] Seraphine whiffed every spell.
[01:27:15] She still doesn't have W,
[01:27:17] which is her strongest level 3 ability.
[01:27:21] Like dude you people are so bad at this game! which is her strongest level 3 ability. Like, dude,
[01:27:21] you people are so bad.
[01:27:27] We are not even in the same realm of gameplay
[01:27:29] knowledge.
[01:27:33] And realm of gameplay knowledge. And now,
[01:27:34] she's mid!
[01:27:36] Retard, the wave
[01:27:38] is pushing to them.
[01:27:41] Oh my fucking retarded fucking god Why would you not flank?
[01:28:01] Like walk around and go for him!
[01:28:08] Their support is a Kog'Maw who's in base Wait, bro. You're getting out-supp supported by a Kog'Maw.
[01:28:45] And I think he just dc'd Why didn't we snare that guy?
[01:29:04] Why did we use double q instead of double e
[01:29:15] oh my god no killing and the battle is one what What
[01:29:59] Like what? They're so bad What?
[01:30:03] They're so bad.
[01:30:07] The fuck was that? What am I watching right now?
[01:30:15] Bro.
[01:30:17] Please don't get solo killed by the enemy Kog.
[01:30:21] Like, I'm begging you.
[01:30:23] Like, please dear god bro.
[01:30:27] Please don't get fucking solo killed
[01:30:29] by the enemy support Kog'Maw.
[01:30:38] Okay. Please support Kog'Maw. Holy fuck.
[01:30:47] Aw, Quake. Ah, cool. I'm just dead.
[01:30:50] Like an auto attack to death with ignites...
[01:30:53] Or with exhausts, cool man. I got auto-attacked to death with Ignites.
[01:30:55] Or, with Exhaust. Cool man.
[01:30:58] Fun game.
[01:31:01] I mean my bad!
[01:31:05] Kog'Maw walked up used E to slow me and then I got exhausted and died.
[01:31:07] It's fucking miserable. I'm down 30 CS
[01:31:09] because my support has brain damage.
[01:31:12] 3kp to 5.
[01:31:15] We are strong-siding the o and two teemo right now as velbeth
[01:31:19] like i don't understand how we're not permanently ganking the flashless bot
[01:31:24] with an ash seraphine, but hey. What do I know man? Can you walk up with me Seraphine? You don't get to back here bro, that's not how this works!
[01:31:55] God it's like a literal retard.
[01:32:12] Like what am I watching?
[01:32:20] What are you doing? Use anything!
[01:32:35] We toted. I'm low E-wo. Yeah, I'm playing support the rest of the day
[01:32:37] I can't be bothered to play AD Carry
[01:32:39] These support players... every single support player
[01:32:41] and me and my supports have made
[01:32:43] me realize that like we
[01:32:45] need to have a mandatory
[01:32:47] IQ test at birth. We need to invent
[01:32:49] IQ birth testing so that we can cull the earth of these people and they don't even get a chance to survive.
[01:32:56] Like this is just wasting my time because they have low IQ.
[01:33:00] I-I don't... This is just dumb.
[01:33:06] I play support.
[01:33:09] I'm a little retarded.
[01:33:12] A little bit retarded because support is so hard.
[01:33:19] Like, seriously man, support is so fucking easy
[01:33:22] and you make it look so hard like dude
[01:33:25] like not a thought going through that seraphine's brain right now not a single
[01:33:28] thought
[01:33:38] i know it's a video game, but it's a competitive video game. Play to win or don't queue up.
[01:34:24] Oh nice! Nice! We whiffed every spell for fun. so so She ditched me, man.
[01:34:31] Like we could have double E'd the Gragas TP. Missed Q.
[01:34:38] Like dude... missed Q? I don't know what to say, man.
[01:34:46] Oh my god...
[01:34:53] How in any world can you ever lose on support role if you're a human being? Like, what are we doing?
[01:34:57] You just got to kill and your first thought is, oh I better go for more.
[01:35:04] Jesus fucking Christ man. I mean, I don't even want to play.
[01:35:17] Like, I'm just going to be honest with you.
[01:35:19] It's just not fun like this enemy kogma
[01:35:21] is a better support than my seraphine who rushed echoes of keelya seraphin
[01:35:30] my top laner is 031 with barely a cs lead with ignite mid has lost their turret Nah, I just...
[01:35:55] I can't stand players like this man.
[01:35:59] Bro you are getting gapped so hard.
[01:36:07] Don't even speak, subhuman piece of literal trash.
[01:36:10] You're playing Belveth?
[01:36:11] What is he going to do with Rek'Sai?
[01:36:12] Do not speak.
[01:36:17] You are less than human to me, we're not equal...
[01:36:19] I would spit in your face!
[01:36:24] Do not speak to me as we are... When we are very clearly not.
[01:36:33] Like, dude...
[01:36:35] I don't know what to say.
[01:36:36] I'm literally killing this guy
[01:36:38] dodging everything and my Seraphine
[01:36:41] is just like...
[01:36:42] Look at this! The The fact this guy can play Kog'Maw support and be aggressive,
[01:37:01] And just absolutely dumpster my fucking Seraphine because my Seraphine has no fucking friends IRL.
[01:37:06] It's just disgusting to me. because my Seraphine has no fucking friends IRL.
[01:37:08] It's just disgusting to me.
[01:37:13] 70 LP Seraphine player.
[01:37:17] My jungler is an autofilled fucking player playing jungle for fun.
[01:37:24] Bro, if you can't play jungle just ask.
[01:37:30] Like snipe me. If you can't play jungle, just ask. Like sincerely man if you can't play jungle just ask for your role
[01:37:35] Jesus fucking Christ in Christ. but charge is no better than making your allies have been slain.
[01:37:58] Your treasure has been destroyed! my aim is quickly
[01:38:19] this is my favorite part we're losing tier two tower top.
[01:38:23] 0-5 Teemo.
[01:38:26] First timing Teemo for fun.
[01:38:30] He's a Tryndamere one trick, and's like, nah I'll play some Teemo.
[01:38:35] Like you're so fucking bad. together we are strong I'm going to go back and check if there's any more enemies. An enemy has been slain.
[01:39:06] This is my warning to you, alien killing spree!
[01:39:27] Fod five heartbound and iceborn
[01:40:37] dude this ezreal literally just sits in our jungle doing nothing is This is disgusting. so Like, what is happening? We need vision, man. I'm glad you came mid teemo just kill him let's go so Why not just kill him when he E's over the wall? so I mean, this is just so bad of a game.
[01:42:01] Such a fiesta of a shitter game somebody's got to push can you guys somebody go with Our tribes are one. The world will tremble.
[01:42:16] Somebody's got to push...
[01:42:17] Can you guys...
[01:42:18] Somebody go top, please?
[01:42:20] Like I...
[01:42:20] I mean we need vision on Baron.
[01:42:47] Ugh. I can't even farm. I'm glad we're sharing farm with the Teemo, man. I'm glad my retard is mid stealing all of the camps
[01:42:53] fun men so is so
[01:44:15] you so so so cool fun Cool. Fun.
[01:44:23] I mean, it would have been nice to get escorted out of the dragon pit but whatever. Fuck me. but you know whatever fuck me
[01:44:33] what am I watching?
[01:44:40] Like, what are we doing?
[01:45:26] ... Dude, I mean, I don't have words for how dogshit this game is. cool nobody's pushing mid I like can't play because nobody is playing, like... Nobody's doing the macro and i'm playing ash Like, what is this how is this allowed so i need vision man why do we have no vision uh like we have zero wards down man it's so
[01:46:21] frustrating Like we have zero wards down man, it's so frustrating
[01:46:40] Is I mean, I don't know.
[01:46:41] We have no vision so I can't ever walk near bushes.
[01:46:48] Guys, let me out. This is disgusting.
[01:47:11] Kog'Maw support is out supporting a Seraphine with three items. your turret has been destroyed like nobody's side landing nobody's side-landing. Nobody's doing any macro at all. It's just like literally my Teemo is down two levels because he's not macro and he's just A ramming.
[01:47:24] I think the Teemo is a bot account.
[01:47:27] Because the guy had a really good win rate to GM on Tryndamere. Like, why are we not helping
[01:47:45] our jungler right now, man?
[01:47:47] Look how sad Like, why are we not helping our jungler right now man?
[01:47:53] Look how sad this is. My Seraphine's literally refusing to help the Jungler.
[01:47:56] Oddman... What am I watching?! odd man
[01:48:01] what am i watching
[01:49:07] do anything bro We're allergic to hitting spells. so so Thank you for watching! so I mean, we should try and force a fight here. Gragas is pushing bot. We're either gonna get flanked
[01:49:11] or he's going to keep pushing bot and we
[01:49:12] should force the fights so so so so so So Um Oh, Teemo's just dead. God he's so dumb. I'm gonna do baron hair i don't even know if
[01:50:52] we could stop it to be honest
[01:50:56] just give it it i won't Couldn't dodge everything, man. You have Baron! so At least we're in a good spot to just wait for Mountain Soul. so I'm afraid to lose.
[01:52:46] I am out of bullets.
[01:53:08] Shit! so is written except by us guys we should just group mid and try to fight with Arrow.
[01:53:34] Because Gragas is going to push top so we should just group up and use my arrow to fight uh so yes What?
[01:54:20] I'm coming down. And feel our love. um so so so so We just end the game no?
[01:55:25] No, we probably can't. We have to take dragon. We can't end because Gragas can wave clear. so I will teach them peace.
[01:56:01] It's hard to macro everyone right now.
[01:56:11] We should just look for an arrow.
[01:56:17] Honestly, we shouldn't even do macro right now?
[01:56:19] Top side or anything? this is just so worthless
[01:56:24] i actually think the way we win this low key we group up we just push mid
[01:56:37] we play for uh arrowing before baron and then we just win the game. Because I'm four item Ashe.
[01:57:14] Okay. i'm four item ash oh I'm going to use the power of you know what's funny i actually think i'm ridiculously strong right now.
[01:58:10] Because we have Mountain Soul, and i have a lot of defensive stats I should wait for our top laner to get...
[01:58:51] We need one more wave, Med. Your team has destroyed the turret. so What is my team doing by the way? Like what is this keep sieging we have baron
[01:59:00] i'm so confused guys we have Baron! Why are we not sieging?
[01:59:04] Hello?!
[01:59:12] Like literally just walk would be second arrow what is happening
[01:59:21] what the fuck we literally just win! Oh my god. Whatever.
[01:59:25] Dude, we win so hard!
[01:59:29] ... dude we win so hard
[01:59:37] like straight up 5v5 we went so fucking
[01:59:40] hard We win so fucking hard.
[01:59:47] Like, all they have to do is group by arrow? We Seraphine Arm on Arrow,
[01:59:49] They instantly die and we win.
[01:59:54] I don't know why we're doing this.
[01:59:57] Like, why would we prolong the game, man? Oh. Okay. I can't arrow because we don't have good vision of like this. so so Wow, crazy.
[02:00:51] We won that.
[02:00:52] Crazy how easy it is to just walk, bit and win!
[02:02:01] Like why? Why are we pissing ourselves?! ourselves.... Oh my god. Like, it is wild.
[02:02:06] Just like...
[02:02:08] I know I shouldn't be mad
[02:02:10] but it's like dude
[02:02:10] watching people like this seraphim like look at
[02:02:14] this well you guys gotta understand just like how much easier it is to play shit like
[02:02:23] that?
[02:02:25] Do you think Seraphine actually did
[02:02:27] anything, or did she
[02:02:29] just group and hit
[02:02:31] W? Group and hit W.
[02:02:39] Like, I want you to watch this like really watch this look at the lane face to eat the Q.
[02:02:59] Right?
[02:03:00] We're zoning them off.
[02:03:04] We could actually kill both of them right now.
[02:03:08] I'm not even kidding.
[02:03:10] Like, you might be Geronimo.
[02:03:11] You're tilted and coping.
[02:03:12] No, we can actually double-kill these guys right now.
[02:03:15] If this Seraphine gets E,
[02:03:19] double E's directly on the Ezreal right now,
[02:03:22] I just walk at him and he has to flash.
[02:03:29] Because of how strong Ashe and Seraphine are level 1.
[02:03:39] Watch this.
[02:03:43] So, we start the lane and this dude is literally 60% HP.
[02:03:46] Hasn't trained a single spell.
[02:03:48] Like, has literally not used the spell
[02:03:50] for the first two minutes...
[02:03:52] like 30 seconds of the fucking lane
[02:03:53] he's literally doing nothing!
[02:04:16] Like, what are we doing? 400 LP master support main standing, AFKing level one. Like at least like poke them! Use something!
[02:04:21] Like look how far back this guy is!
[02:04:24] Walk up and use spells man!
[02:04:27] Look at this.
[02:04:37] Then the one time he uses spells, he completely whiffs. Then takes half his HP.
[02:05:03] Like, Jesus Christ, man! and then this is the best part of this entire thing.
[02:05:09] Are you ready for this? This is my favorite part of the whole thing.
[02:05:15] We know Rek'Sai is coming! By the way, my ward is bugged.
[02:05:33] I don't know why it says I have a ward available when I don't.
[02:05:37] Because, I put my ward here. Just to clarify because I'm about
[02:05:41] talk about this...I put my ward right here at level 1, right?
[02:05:46] My ward has a 210 recharge.
[02:05:53] So like...
[02:06:00] There's no way I'm gonna have another ward for this next gank.
[02:06:10] I think I actually have to 8x this so you can see the ward cooldown. So it doesn't look like
[02:06:11] I'm just raging, watch.
[02:06:13] So right now we knew Rek'Sai
[02:06:15] was probably coming bot, right? I pinged it, we knew Rek'Sai was probably coming bot. I pinged it
[02:06:17] We need a ward
[02:06:19] This guy doesn't have
[02:06:21] a ward. So I was like okay fuck it
[02:06:23] We have to back up
[02:06:24] We knew that Rek'Sai was possibly coming bot,
[02:06:29] That's why I'm playing so far back.
[02:06:33] All Seraphine has to do by way, is stand right here.
[02:06:39] That's it.
[02:06:39] That's her job.
[02:06:40] Her job is like...
[02:06:40] We're waiting for the wave
[02:06:41] to come in anyway.
[02:06:42] Her job is stand
[02:06:43] right here
[02:06:44] so that we can see
[02:06:45] if the Rek'Sai
[02:06:46] is flanking us
[02:06:47] because she doesn't have a ward because she took
[02:06:49] fucking scanner for whatever
[02:06:51] goddamn weird reason she took scanner
[02:06:53] level one.
[02:06:58] So here
[02:06:58] we see him. We flash.
[02:07:04] I block the Q... she walks back up!
[02:07:11] What?! She walks back up! Why are we clicking forward?
[02:07:16] Look at this!
[02:07:18] What are we doing?
[02:07:27] Like, why?! why like 400 lp masters support main it's like she's coded to be an idiot.
[02:07:43] Like, I'm sorry man! It's just like dude- I can't...
[02:07:49] You're doing the same thing? Bro...
[02:07:57] I think you're an idiot listen we knew he was there
[02:08:03] i said on stream rex is probably ganking us i know you weren't watching the stream, so you don't understand what
[02:08:06] i'm saying. I said Rek'Sai is probably gankin' us here
[02:08:09] we're gonna play back... okay
[02:08:12] Seraphine didn't have a ward because she was retarded So then I was pinging Seraphine didn't have a ward because she's retarded.
[02:08:15] So then I was pinging Seraphine to watch for the gank and double E the Rek'Sai gank
[02:08:19] I have to flash away...
[02:08:22] I should've played probably even further back like i i know
[02:08:29] i was yapping bro i don't even know what you're saying i couldn't i didn't
[02:08:32] even type i can't type like i think you're delusional like you're retarded i can't even type. I can't type. Like,
[02:08:35] I think you're delusional.
[02:08:36] Like,
[02:08:36] you're retarded.
[02:08:37] I can't even type.
[02:08:40] So,
[02:08:40] I don't know what this
[02:08:41] yapping nonsense
[02:08:41] is coming from
[02:08:42] my men.
[02:08:46] Like, was I tilted that my Seraphine had brain cancer?
[02:08:48] Yeah, a little bit.
[02:08:50] But I don't know how the fuck...
[02:08:51] Like, I was literally the only person in that game
[02:08:54] like, dude,
[02:08:55] I know you're a challenger player Luke
[02:08:57] so am I
[02:08:58] this is what I'm trying to tell you
[02:09:00] nobody else in that game was using their brain at all
[02:09:04] go watch the VOD
[02:09:05] I did everything
[02:09:07] macro wise mid-game everything Go watch the VOD. I did everything, macro-wise
[02:09:08] midgame, everything.
[02:09:10] I pushed out every wave.
[02:09:11] I hawkstarted every single fucking
[02:09:13] camp that the Rek'Sai was on
[02:09:16] to stop my team from dying.
[02:09:19] I was on to stop my team from dying. I was going off in postgame?
[02:09:21] Yeah, because the three
[02:09:22] fucking morons
[02:09:23] on our team
[02:09:23] are three of the worst people
[02:09:25] I've ever played with
[02:09:26] in my life
[02:09:26] and I know that like
[02:09:28] you can't tell me you haven't been
[02:09:29] tilted. That's my third game in a
[02:09:31] row. Like sure, maybe
[02:09:33] I shouldn't type dude, but that's my third
[02:09:35] game in a row where I'm playing with horrible
[02:09:37] players. Look at this.
[02:09:40] I played with fucking Bankwish and Autolichus,
[02:09:42] who decided to run it the fuck down
[02:09:44] in my game all-game, then flame
[02:09:46] each other the whole time. This game,
[02:09:48] I play with two of the most retarded players I've ever seen in my jungle
[02:09:51] like you got to understand man
[02:09:53] I'm just tilted from the last two games
[02:09:55] and having
[02:09:57] to work extra hard to carry
[02:09:59] that with you is
[02:10:00] from the AD Carry perspective of like,
[02:10:03] all of these players are just so
[02:10:05] unhelpful that it's like
[02:10:07] it drives me crazy.
[02:10:14] Like did I make a mistake early yeah I did, I fucked up
[02:10:15] because like I said
[02:10:16] I thought Seraphine had a ward
[02:10:18] I knew Rek'Sai was probably coming bot but I said it on stream I was knew Rek'Sai was probably coming bot.
[02:10:22] I said it on stream.
[02:10:23] I was like,
[02:10:23] Rek'Sai is likely
[02:10:24] going to level 3 us
[02:10:25] so we need to play back.
[02:10:27] Okay?
[02:10:28] Then as I played back
[02:10:29] I assumed
[02:10:30] which was my mistake
[02:10:31] yet again I assumed Seraphine
[02:10:34] would understand to walk into the
[02:10:35] Rek'Sai and use her double E
[02:10:37] so that we could safely walk away
[02:10:40] right? I assumed that would be part
[02:10:41] of like what she would be positioning for but that guy didn't
[02:10:44] know rexai was bought because he's a even with big pinging he didn't know so i up my
[02:10:49] positioning i lost my flash that's on me i egoed it but then the rest of the lane phase was quite literally
[02:10:56] my seraphine walking into ezreal and uh kog'ma taking 80 percent of her hp and
[02:11:02] then me having to sit there getting playing fucking happy feet under the
[02:11:05] fucking turret the whole time while trying not
[02:11:07] to get dove by three people.
[02:11:13] Like I said, I didn't think you're a dog shit
[02:11:15] player.
[02:11:16] You're obviously
[02:11:16] good.
[02:11:17] I just think that
[02:11:18] that was unplayable
[02:11:21] from the AD carry
[02:11:21] point of view
[02:11:22] after I fucked up
[02:11:24] the level two
[02:11:24] where I lost my flash.
[02:11:26] That game was no longer playable for me.
[02:11:28] For the next 5 minutes.
[02:11:31] So yeah, I died twice.
[02:11:33] Because we're just going to die or I'm gonna lose our entire turret No, but I agree with you.
[02:11:55] I shouldn't be tilting.
[02:11:56] I should just be focusing and trying to win.
[02:11:58] Like, usually I do.
[02:12:00] You know what I mean?
[02:12:01] I don't know why I'm in a pissy mood today.
[02:12:04] I don't know why.
[02:12:10] Maybe I fucking woke up wrong.
[02:12:12] I don't fucking know.
[02:12:15] But I'm in a fucking pissy ass mood
[02:12:17] because support players make me want to throw my face
[02:12:20] into brick walls repeatedly.
[02:12:28] Welcome to the League of Draven.
[02:12:31] Like, every support player in this elo...
[02:12:33] I genuinely...
[02:12:35] They...
[02:12:37] I just want them to play the game to win.
[02:12:39] Right?
[02:12:40] These people just... Like... They... to play the game to win. Right? Like, these people
[02:12:40] just...
[02:12:41] They essentially
[02:12:43] just roll
[02:12:45] the dice
[02:12:45] constantly
[02:12:46] in this Evo
[02:12:47] on supports.
[02:12:48] They don't
[02:12:49] play
[02:12:50] for team comp. They don't play to do wave management. They don't play for team comp.
[02:12:51] They don't play to do wave management.
[02:12:53] They don't play to do anything.
[02:12:54] They turn their fucking brain off the entire game
[02:12:56] and just sit there like fucking rejects. so it is what it is
[02:13:06] I mean,
[02:13:06] I shouldn't be tilting.
[02:13:07] I'll take a breath
[02:13:08] but dude,
[02:13:09] holy fuck.
[02:13:10] Yo Jiggly,
[02:13:10] thank you for the 32 men.
[02:13:11] Welcome back. Like, there's not a bigger slap in the face
[02:13:26] than getting fucking dicked on by
[02:13:28] a Kog'Maw support. it's Let's climb. Yeah, I mean like I said, I think I'm playing...
[02:13:50] When I'm not tilted, I'm playing really well at the moment.
[02:13:53] I could probably get Challenger but but it's just gonna be a...
[02:13:56] It's such a grind. You just have to
[02:13:58] grind so hard on this role
[02:14:00] because AD carry is good,
[02:14:02] but it's so fucking miserable
[02:14:04] to play sometimes.
[02:14:10] Do your channel points disappear?
[02:14:10] I mean,
[02:14:11] I can refund you... I don't have VIP slots open right now.
[02:14:15] I would VIP you, but
[02:14:17] I don't have the slots open.
[02:14:20] I have to clear out
[02:14:21] a bunch of VIPs that haven't been here in a bit.
[02:14:24] But I mean
[02:14:25] I can refund you. Hold on. Wait, I don't even know how you...
[02:14:43] Wait did you do coaching? Or VIP? What did you do?
[02:14:47] Oh, you did coaching but asked for vip that's why i got confused okay
[02:14:54] i mean i'll just refund you i.. What do I want to play? Can't play Kaiser. I wonder if it's actually better to take free boots.
[02:15:51] Do I need Biscuit on Kaisa?
[02:15:56] I feel like it's good but Jack of all trades is way too good. I don't know what I want to play here.
[02:16:12] Do I want to play here.
[02:16:17] Do I wanna play biscuits or free boots? You know, let's try Freeboots.
[02:16:30] I don't think I need Tier 2 Boot early this game because it is Seraphine Senna so...
[02:16:34] It's just going to be us hooking
[02:16:36] them on repeat trying to kill them.
[02:16:38] So it's not a big deal.
[02:16:39] Anyway, I'm going to stop raging.
[02:16:41] I'm going to take a piss.
[02:16:42] I'll be right back.. Okay. Okay.. I need to practice Kaisa anyway.
[02:17:51] I'm not very good at this champ. so Okay. Yo, what's up boys?
[02:18:33] Sup sup.
[02:18:45] Oh I'm so fucking dog shit man.
[02:18:47] How's everybody doing today?
[02:18:50] How are we doing today guys? Apologies for apologies for tilting last game that won't happen again we'll just mute and play our best shh
[02:19:22] this place is beautiful i'm going to save it.
[02:19:54] I want to change the music up a little bit. Every kill I get, you're doing 10 push-ups.
[02:19:59] You're either going to be super buff or
[02:20:44] fucking i don't know uh so his skin Okay.
[02:20:47] I don't know why we're scared of this guy.
[02:20:49] We should just be going in and getting level 2.
[02:20:53] Like, what am I watching man?
[02:21:02] Wait, I'm dumb.
[02:21:04] I actually did fuck up.
[02:21:05] Fuck.
[02:21:08] You don't go boot rune when you go jack because you can get five...
[02:21:10] I could have gotten five adaptive.
[02:21:14] Dude, you know what pisses me off we get that kill on the seraphine right then my nautilus doesn't push the wave to get level two
[02:21:20] so we get into this situation where my nautilus is like scared of the Senna for some reason.
[02:21:26] And then he's nervous to push the wave in and get level 2.
[02:21:31] This is what I mean by support players make me fucking cringe.
[02:21:35] How are we giving up a level 2 spike...
[02:21:40] ...after we just killed them level 1?
[02:21:43] Like walk o... Get XP!
[02:21:48] We have to shove the wave bro.
[02:21:58] Oh my god.
[02:21:59] Oh no.
[02:22:04] Like, this is really basic wave managements.
[02:22:09] Just let it push, let it push, please
[02:22:13] Go help Skarner! It's not hard to do, go help Skarner. Go help Skarner.
[02:22:18] It's not hard to do, go help Skarner. Hmm This world is changing.
[02:22:37] Dude, I'm telling you
[02:22:37] I know I sound like a broken record when I say this
[02:22:40] But, I swear to god man
[02:22:42] Support players don't play League of Legends
[02:22:44] Like their early game
[02:22:46] Like late games support super, super easy.
[02:22:50] Because you just walk around and if you're Nautilus
[02:22:51] you hit six and you R and shit.
[02:22:54] But lane phase isn't hard either.
[02:22:56] You just walk up and if you have the advantage
[02:22:57] you have the advantage.
[02:23:00] ... up and if you have the advantage, you have the advantage.
[02:23:11] Our wave's in a really good spot right now, though.
[02:23:23] I don't know why they backed like the enemy just let me freeze this
[02:23:27] that was not a good play by them bye I will make a difference here. oh
[02:24:18] all right it's gonna slow push Oh, I can't go in on that. That's really hard.
[02:24:19] Back up!
[02:24:20] It's hard to go in on that when it's that deep. Back up.
[02:24:26] Hard to go in on that when it's that deep.
[02:24:28] Like,
[02:24:31] I can go in sometimes,
[02:24:33] but I also don't want to miss like cannons and shit.
[02:24:36] Like this is a really awkward moment
[02:24:38] to play when you're playing
[02:24:39] an engage lane because like what we
[02:24:42] should be doing is like we just slow push the wave, right?
[02:24:45] Then we crash it on the next wave but i
[02:24:47] also have to be close enough to follow up when stuff like this happens We should dive. Okay, maybe we can't dive now.
[02:25:12] Actually, we totally can.
[02:25:14] Maybe not. I just missed E or W.
[02:25:17] Damn if he didn't take that chunk we could have done it that easy
[02:25:21] because they're so low uh it's...
[02:25:34] That was my bad.
[02:25:35] I mean...
[02:25:36] So the way that works, right?
[02:25:39] Is when he hooked initially
[02:25:40] When he hooks here on the Kaisa it was a bad hook
[02:25:44] But when he hooked Senna I probably could have killed her if I was closer
[02:25:48] So that's my bad.
[02:25:50] The problem too is like when he tried to go in before the wave crashed, we should have
[02:25:54] just in theory waited for the wave right?
[02:25:57] Because if we stack that wave right this is how it works. If we stack that wave and we go in with that wave, right? This is how it works. If we stack that wave
[02:26:01] and we go in with that Wave Crash...
[02:26:04] Oh, we can just...
[02:26:06] Like, Nautilus can pretty much suicide
[02:26:07] to kill one of them, and then they miss
[02:26:09] all that XP, and it's
[02:26:11] super-duper OP. Okay. and then they miss all that XP and it's super duper
[02:26:12] OP.
[02:26:16] I mean, we probably give Drake here.
[02:26:20] We just hold the wave yet again.
[02:26:23] They keep letting me do this!
[02:26:27] I don't think...I mean, they don't they're helping Kayn
[02:26:31] be dragon which is kind of funny but
[02:26:36] i am almost six i think once i get six we can actually just straight up kill them This guy should just wait until I'm six to do that.
[02:26:58] Hey, I'm so close!
[02:27:02] We also know Kayn's bot, so it's kind of scary.
[02:27:07] We should dive. Okay. um Whatever. I think the dive works there if we do it immediately because Seraphine wasn't six uh What the fuck did I just watch?
[02:28:09] Or what am i watching right now?
[02:28:13] What. The. Fuck. Is happening?
[02:28:17] Okay... happening.
[02:28:19] Okay.
[02:28:22] What is fucking going on?
[02:28:25] I shouldn't have R'd in,
[02:28:26] I didn't think about the heal.
[02:28:29] Dude, the dive would have been so good
[02:28:31] had he just walked into
[02:28:33] the turret. So I'll tell you what
[02:28:35] happened on the dive. He tried to hook
[02:28:37] right? He was here and
[02:28:39] he tried to hook this way. All that Nautilus had to do on the dive was walk up here, hex flash and walk under the turret auto
[02:28:47] And then he can Q after
[02:28:54] And we just dive them without Seraphine being able to get six so I can make a hit with that.
[02:29:17] You have suspended an enemy!
[02:29:27] Ah, what the hell? huge
[02:29:41] hell yeah let's go. I missed that, fuck.
[02:29:43] Nice job though survival isn't the seraphine's gonna walk all the way
[02:29:48] after turret i can tell she's one of those cringe players I got my Q upgraded, that's good.
[02:30:09] What the fuck? Okay, I'm just retarded. I don't know. uh i mean i have r pain is bought though
[02:30:33] oh kane's top we can actually just go in once he gets his r up we probably just kill him straight
[02:30:37] out Once he gets his R up, we probably just kill him straight up.
[02:30:41] Yeah.
[02:30:46] The way we play this I'm pretty sure is when he ours
[02:30:50] i are behind the seraphine if i can oh Okay, that was really cool looking.
[02:31:16] I didn't even mean to do that but that was second uh Oh
[02:31:47] We have cn skarner that's what's happening I was wondering why my Skarner is like playing permanently to like int topside, but their
[02:31:58] duo queue.
[02:31:59] My top and jungle refuse to play around the lane that's winning.
[02:32:13] Skarner is just from cn so he's uh
[02:32:20] not playing so so When I notice my jungler is trolling like this,
[02:32:51] I usually just start taking every resource on the map.
[02:32:55] I don't like doing that to higher elo junglers. I don't like doing that to, like, higher elo junglers.
[02:32:57] I don't like taking all the resources and shits
[02:32:59] because what ends up happening when you do that is
[02:33:01] a lot of the time,
[02:33:03] they do need those resources early game. to feed if it doesn't I don't even care.
[02:33:38] I knew he was going to get outsmarted, but it doesn't matter. I don't even care.
[02:33:40] I knew he was gonna get outsmarted,
[02:33:42] but it is one of those. I'm just trying to force stuff to actually happen in the game right now because
[02:33:54] i'm so strong.
[02:33:55] Like, I want to force fights because I'm so strong. uh so so That's not good. I mean, we can probably win this fight but...
[02:34:46] Ahhhh!
[02:34:48] I had to walk back in.
[02:34:50] I don't know what is going on with my teammates man.
[02:34:55] I'm just gonna go for the kill. to walk back in i mean i don't know what is going on with my teammates man
[02:35:09] my scorner and my nautilus are just watching me like play the game uh like what is this man? Why are we even diving then? I mean, I don't even know what to say man.
[02:35:20] You people... ugh
[02:35:22] Like look at my team!
[02:35:27] Good thing I'm muted, because like...
[02:35:29] Jesus fucking Christ. This is just sad to watch, man.
[02:35:45] Like they are just so bad. Hit and move. I'm going to try and get the first one. hold our ground attack them in there Can you guys stop trying to cheese kills? You're driving me fucking crazy, man
[02:36:45] I'm dead I guess cool
[02:36:55] Ah Ah, stop cheesing kills! Just do the objective.
[02:36:58] God I can 100% tell I'm playing in cn low
[02:37:04] my jungler and top are like kills kill skills kills girls girls girls Kills, kills, kills.
[02:37:19] And we have a like... We have a fed AD carry
[02:37:20] and nobody wants to play around their fed AD.
[02:37:22] They're just like, nah.
[02:37:24] Fed AD? Nah. We gotta
[02:37:26] play around
[02:37:26] the only people who can't carry
[02:37:30] the game. We have to. We don't have a choice.
[02:37:32] Not unless you just stand on me the entire game.
[02:37:35] Like, unironically.
[02:37:37] Homie should literally just sit
[02:37:38] on top of my face.
[02:39:02] Okay. Because, I mean, we can just do that on repeat. Just chat one tap people stay alert stay of course uh i will not take it for granted so dude why are we just not fighting. My top laner doesn't TP.
[02:39:07] My Nautilus
[02:39:08] doesn't walk into the pit to R.
[02:39:14] Oh my god, man.
[02:39:15] Why are you people like this, dude?
[02:39:18] Like what brain cancer seeped into your fucking skull where you're like dude I
[02:39:28] we taught it I know what play.
[02:39:34] You guys have no idea how fucking annoying it is
[02:39:36] to play games with people
[02:39:37] with mental deficiencies,
[02:39:39] and every player below Challenger
[02:39:41] has a mental fucking deficiency in League.
[02:39:43] They just don't know it because, you know...
[02:39:46] they're mentally deficient.
[02:39:52] Like one teamfight guys and we win the game automatically.
[02:39:59] The thing that sucks about doing this too is I'm the only one actively trying to win
[02:40:06] like i have to do all the macro i have to keep not tilted whatever man.
[02:40:30] Like what are we doing? so You guys want to know the funnest part about this? Mid laner, first time in Quay. Top laner, first time in Renekton.
[02:41:04] Support? 40% win rate rate none of us
[02:41:16] and they forfeit because
[02:41:17] They're fucking garbage
[02:41:19] Bro just quit the game
[02:41:21] If your mentality is I don't want to play
[02:41:23] When I get behind
[02:41:24] Why even play man
[02:41:26] Quit league you've peaked.
[02:41:30] This is disgusting behavior. Thank you........ so........... You're in my chats.
[02:45:25] I'm not mad at you, man.
[02:45:27] I'm disappointed that
[02:45:28] I didn't get to play the game.
[02:45:30] Like,
[02:45:31] I'm better than
[02:45:32] the enemy team
[02:45:33] every game in this elo, right right because this is a smurf
[02:45:36] so i'm better than all these people i'm not mad about losing i'm mad about spending 20
[02:45:41] minutes of my life to have you guys forfeit because you don't want
[02:45:45] to play anymore
[02:45:46] when the game was very
[02:45:47] possibly winnable
[02:45:49] because I'm a three item
[02:45:50] smurfing AD carry player.
[02:45:52] That's why I'm frustrated.
[02:46:02] Like, yes there is a lot of stuff you could have done earlier in the game that you didn't do
[02:46:05] but it's not a big deal because like you have to learn right?
[02:46:07] Like,
[02:46:07] it's not,
[02:46:07] I'm not mad at you about that.
[02:46:08] That's why I don't get mad when people make mistakes in lane
[02:46:10] because you're not challenger and that's fine.
[02:46:14] You don't see the game.
[02:46:15] Like you still have to learn.
[02:46:17] It's not bad to be whatever rank you are as long as you're trying your best. That's why I'm not flaming
[02:46:21] you for your skill. I don't care about your skill. I just wanted a chance to play
[02:46:25] the game.
[02:46:34] That's all I asked, was I just wanted a chance to play the thing. The game is not lost
[02:46:49] because you've got to understand this. You're
[02:46:51] not playing in high elo, right?
[02:46:53] So let me explain something to you.
[02:46:55] You aren't playing in Challenger,
[02:46:57] right? All of these players are horrible players.
[02:47:01] And I'm not saying this to be
[02:47:02] mean, okay? Like you guys are objectively good.
[02:47:04] Like before I clarify
[02:47:05] this, Masters players
[02:47:08] are good at League. You guys are above average, well above average.
[02:47:11] You're not bad players but you guys have no...
[02:47:13] It's like the difference between you
[02:47:15] and Challenger is like
[02:47:17] you're a millionaire, Challengers are billionaires
[02:47:19] it's that big of a difference in understanding of how to
[02:47:21] close games and how to play the game at every
[02:47:23] stage, right? Like you're very, very
[02:47:25] not understanding
[02:47:27] of a lot of those aspects, and that's fine because
[02:47:29] everybody has to start somewhere and everybody
[02:47:32] has to learn, like I said. The problem I have
[02:47:34] is when you guys
[02:47:36] ego and say the games are over
[02:47:38] when they're not over...
[02:47:40] Maybe not ego, maybe that's the wrong word.
[02:47:43] But when you assume games are over that aren't over because of your personal
[02:47:45] experience thinking that it's
[02:47:47] unwinnable. But the thing is
[02:47:48] unless we are against SKT1
[02:47:51] there is a chance that they throw gold at us for free i get six items and i just
[02:47:56] 1v5 them regardless like there's points in games where like you have to force the enemy
[02:48:02] to siege on you force them to play correctly right there it's
[02:48:06] like why in pro do you ever wonder why pro games people are down 10 000 gold and pro play and they
[02:48:12] don't forfeit right you would think like oh like i get it it's a pro game
[02:48:15] they're not allowed to they could forfeit there's no rule there's literally no rule that says they
[02:48:19] can't forfeit the reason they don't forfeit is because there's always like 0.1% chance that
[02:48:25] people are human.
[02:48:27] So somebody can fuck something up,
[02:48:30] right? It can happen.
[02:48:32] Like that Camille just gets an ego,
[02:48:33] drops 1,000 gold into my lap or something with a bad dive,
[02:48:36] right? Let's say Xerath overextends
[02:48:38] and we get a good pick on him.
[02:48:40] Let's say they do a bad dive
[02:48:41] because it's solo queue and there's no way to talk to each other
[02:48:44] in the dive, right? Let's say they have a bad
[02:48:47] dive happen and we collect
[02:48:49] like 4,000 gold
[02:48:50] and they've stopped their snowball, right?
[02:48:53] Yeah, that stuff is unlikely to happen
[02:48:55] but it does happen.
[02:48:58] That's what I'm saying and if you're not willing to play the games out where
[02:49:01] You'll get the 1% chance of victory...
[02:49:05] I don't know why you're even playing the game.
[02:49:08] From my point of view,
[02:49:09] obviously the games should be for fun.
[02:49:11] It's a video game
[02:49:12] but from my point of view
[02:49:13] some of the most fun you can have in a game is coming back
[02:49:19] from a deficit. Like, when you're
[02:49:20] losing a game and you find ways to come
[02:49:23] back into the game and find ways to
[02:49:24] make big-ass comebacks
[02:49:27] and the enemy throws and you make a pick, and do all this fun shit
[02:49:29] that's not boring to me
[02:49:31] because that's league
[02:49:33] video game...that's any
[02:49:35] game. Imagine
[02:49:37] in shooters like BattleRant. You're 1v4
[02:49:41] and you have to clutch it up and kill
[02:49:42] four people, right?
[02:49:43] That's what people live for when they play games.
[02:49:47] At least competitive
[02:49:48] people. Maybe not everybody but
[02:49:49] that's what I feel like competitive at least competitive people. Maybe not everybody, but like...
[02:49:50] That's what I feel like competitive people live for
[02:49:53] is that moment where you can come back and win.
[02:49:56] And I'm not saying you have to do that every game,
[02:49:57] but I'm saying it's frustrating
[02:49:59] when I can... Because obviously I've played 10,000 games this long but I'm saying it's frustrating when like,
[02:50:01] because obviously I've played 10,000 games.
[02:50:02] This game is...
[02:50:03] I play it as a job.
[02:50:05] You know,
[02:50:05] I should be able
[02:50:06] to see all this stuff
[02:50:07] but when I see
[02:50:08] that we can win games
[02:50:12] and I'm like, dude, this is gonna be- We can pop off
[02:50:14] here. Like, and then
[02:50:16] my team forfeits? I'm just fucking
[02:50:18] annoyed, you know? It's not personal.
[02:50:20] I'm just annoyed as shit. Because, like dude...
[02:50:25] You can't make the claim that I can't carry
[02:50:27] Just let me try
[02:50:29] I guess is what i am saying
[02:50:33] That's like
[02:50:33] more so what
[02:50:35] I'm talking about. Let me at least try.
[02:50:55] ... Oh my god.
[02:51:08] They're gonna get all the two first first? Damn. We're so close to level 2 too! It actually feels bad, man. The poor putting a pro is just wrong?
[02:51:21] I mean, it's not.
[02:51:23] Sure, it's about integrity and sportsmanship
[02:51:24] but there's also...
[02:51:26] People are doing it because they want to win.
[02:51:38] It's not personal. was it like I said
[02:51:38] it's not personal man
[02:51:39] like
[02:51:39] I was just heated
[02:51:41] you know
[02:51:42] I was like emotional
[02:51:43] in the moments
[02:51:44] like I'm not
[02:51:44] trying to put you down
[02:51:45] for anything
[02:51:45] like
[02:51:46] I don't think
[02:51:47] you played that bad,
[02:51:48] like you were the only other person actually actively trying to win.
[02:51:54] I was just frustrated by
[02:51:56] the fact we forfeited. We could actually space this out if Melio Ws me.
[02:52:17] Oh, he did it too late. Ws me.
[02:52:21] Oh, he did it to wait.
[02:52:21] Damn.
[02:52:24] Nah, now we can't... Damn!
[02:52:25] We had that.
[02:52:26] If Emilio had W'd me
[02:52:27] when I initially walked up...
[02:52:34] Oh, am i down here
[02:52:41] uh oh that was such a good snipe damn it
[02:52:47] That was a really good play by them wait chase you can kill them
[02:52:50] Wait the guys want to. Just auto him!
[02:52:53] Oh no...
[02:52:56] Damn. I mean, I misplayed there.
[02:52:58] The way we play that is I have to walk into the minion wave
[02:52:59] to eat the hook and then we just kill after that's my bad we should be able to
[02:53:05] just beat these guys in a straight up limit test or not let me test straight
[02:53:08] up stat check 2v2 like we win 2v2 but I have to dodge the hook.
[02:53:21] Dude,
[02:53:21] I wish there were comms in League by the way.
[02:53:23] Because this Melee is not even bad.
[02:53:26] Right? Like the Melee's not a bad player.
[02:53:28] It's just like...
[02:53:29] I wish I could tell him when to use W
[02:53:31] because there was two times where
[02:53:33] I could have been like,
[02:53:34] hey, we can W right now and fight.
[02:53:36] Because they kind of fucked up their positioning a bit in the lane.
[02:53:49] Nah. Nah. nah fuck you fuck you
[02:54:02] i gotta be care here. Because we can get looped on from behind. I'm not even kidding.
[02:54:19] I think I actually could have killed them right there.
[02:54:33] Oh, my God! Damn. I'm really sad, I think I actually just straight up killed them both there if I didn't fuck up my spacing.
[02:54:52] I think we win this, actually. Yeah.
[02:54:54] That's what I meant by we can stat check them, by the way. I mean, I need to go back.
[02:55:14] We can try and play for this, but like
[02:55:16] I really gotta go back then.
[02:55:25] Okay. I really don't want to play for this dragon right now.
[02:55:29] This guy should be dead. He's trying to fix the wave for whatever reason
[02:55:36] whatever I need to go back ASAP though.
[02:55:57] Wait, what are we scared of? What's he pinging?
[02:56:01] ... I'm kind of confused. Uh-oh.
[02:56:17] Damn, I'm dead.
[02:56:19] Fuck.
[02:56:20] Man!
[02:56:21] I juked so poorly there.
[02:56:24] Like, I put the E down and then i tried to walk
[02:56:26] down instead of to the right
[02:56:29] you know what i need this game i need boot too
[02:56:33] who two is to be so helpful.
[02:56:43] I wish I was six, man. That shit would have been free.
[02:56:47] What?
[02:56:51] I think he was trying to execute to fix the wave but that trick or whatever...
[02:57:11] But it doesn't actually do anything because i just push this in You know what we should actually do? Oh, Emilio should have come with me
[02:57:24] i think we actually could have killed varus between turrets there we had a timer for it it was like a really really close timer but we did have a timer We should back up. i'm playing kind of bad this game but
[02:57:54] i think we'll be okay as long as we perform in team fights so
[02:58:20] i am I am um. I mean, I gotta back off.
[02:58:36] Oh this is gonna be a really hard game because I fucked up the early game.
[02:58:51] Like, I think it's winnable but i definitely need to lock in quite better You're the non-GG?
[02:59:09] Yeah, you're fine, man.
[02:59:12] Like I said,
[02:59:12] I wasn't trying to flame you, man.
[02:59:14] I was just letting off steam and I wasn't trying to flame you man. I was just letting off steam and
[02:59:16] I wasn't like trying
[02:59:18] to be toxic. You're fine
[02:59:20] I'm sorry
[02:59:24] Like I know not everybody takes the game as seriously
[02:59:27] As me. Because it's like my job
[02:59:28] So like, I get it
[02:59:30] They said I was just frustrated
[02:59:32] Because uh, I wanted to play
[02:59:34] And I've had a really bad day of solo queue today.
[02:59:37] Like,
[02:59:38] I've had a lot of
[02:59:38] those games today
[02:59:39] where people are just
[02:59:40] giving up
[02:59:40] and I just like
[02:59:41] wanted to play the
[02:59:42] game,
[02:59:42] you know?
[02:59:44] You're totally fine
[02:59:45] man.
[02:59:45] Like,
[02:59:46] I think you You're totally fine then. Like I...
[02:59:49] I think you played really well.
[02:59:52] Oh, I think I'm dead.
[03:00:03] I think I'm dead. Yep, ah! I had that guy all I had to do was flash the Q That's it by the way all I did was flash the Q and then I could just...
[03:00:07] Ow shouldn't have hit the table that hard.
[03:00:11] I had that guy, man.
[03:00:13] I might actually be able to kill him with ult.
[03:00:17] Oh he's gonna move, fuck. An enemy has been slain.
[03:00:39] Well yeah, I mean... I don't feel like...
[03:00:41] You know? League's a video game.
[03:00:43] I don't want to be
[03:00:45] an asshole to you over
[03:00:47] a video game.
[03:00:49] It was just me being frustrated. Emotional.
[03:01:18] I do hope you have a wonderful rest of your day though Dude, I'm so bad.
[03:01:22] He has Bork already, huh?
[03:01:30] Oh, he's gonna die cuz of me man I mean we should have waited for Taliyah.
[03:01:37] Like, I'm just playing tilted.
[03:01:38] I knew we should have waited for Taliyah there.
[03:01:39] It's not their fault.
[03:01:43] I mean,
[03:01:43] I'll say this though.
[03:01:45] Talia
[03:01:45] is more tilted
[03:01:47] than I am.
[03:01:48] Like,
[03:01:49] I'm tilted
[03:01:49] but Talia
[03:01:50] like
[03:01:51] has done nothing
[03:01:52] in this game
[03:01:53] correctly.
[03:01:54] Like my tilt is because I'm playing bad.
[03:01:57] Her tilt is because she thinks
[03:01:58] I'm playing bad.
[03:02:00] But I'm not tilted because she's playing bad.
[03:02:01] I just think it's cringe that she's pinging.
[03:02:22] ... Because I think it's really cringe when you're playing Taliyah, you're losing to Ekko because your full clearing the whole game.
[03:02:24] And you're not playing for like the proper wave states and shit. so I really want to get this turret.
[03:03:01] We should take this.
[03:03:07] Or not? Wait, I don't know why I wouldn't or not
[03:03:13] wait i don't know why i wouldn't action can't get there fast enough
[03:03:14] and uh i'm jinx so i can just run away
[03:04:01] actually it could be mid right now so I gotta be careful. I have the back door. Alright, I want to push this last wave in and then go buy. all right it's not too bad i actually think we can win we just gotta get uh
[03:04:04] we've got gotta get a shutdown.
[03:04:10] Alright, not too bad.
[03:04:14] I'm pretty strong now
[03:04:22] watching that turret die made me depressed one single minion just out of that shit. I'm almost positive action is going top right now.
[03:04:44] Yeah, there he is. top right now yeah there is Oh, not bad I'm not!
[03:05:37] Okay, sure bro. Guy's like being greedy for his fucking crab oh that bad guy just threw
[03:05:48] his 300 gold shutdown.
[03:05:56] Or my teammates are horrible players.
[03:05:59] Okay, I'm not gonna lie if you guys can't win like
[03:06:08] If you guys get 1v2'd by a Varus as a Mundo Alia,
[03:06:13] You guys are just bad at League.
[03:06:26] Like that means you genuinely didn't know how to like...
[03:06:29] Literally flash his R. Taliyah's bad. I mean, true she is but
[03:06:35] I think we can still win
[03:06:37] because the enemy is bad too
[03:06:41] Like i said when you think everybody in your game is bad the enemy's just as bad as your teammates are.
[03:06:46] Because everyone's in the same fucking elo.
[03:06:48] So like they're just as bad.
[03:06:52] So just play, you know?
[03:07:03] Like it's one dragon to dragon. We have a two item Jinx.
[03:07:05] Varus has a big shutdown, we can just take that eventually?
[03:07:07] We should just be thinking about the game as in terms of
[03:07:09] they don't have
[03:07:11] Varus Flash now.
[03:07:14] If they don't have Varus flash now we're chilling so so so so so okay
[03:08:28] this game is totally winnable.
[03:08:35] Even with Kraken... well I mean he's Sion.
[03:08:46] Let's just play! psion zion has like 40 000 hp so it's kind of hard to like kill him in
[03:08:50] early game
[03:08:53] but you notice that like he doesn't do anything right like
[03:08:56] that's like the the key that you got to remember is like
[03:09:00] he doesn't actually do anything.
[03:09:07] But he did pretty much nothing in that fight.
[03:09:11] It's kind of embarrassing.... uh oh that's really bad so I had my camera in a really bad spot.
[03:09:51] I couldn't see the Thresh. thresh Yeah, I know.
[03:10:09] I'm him.
[03:10:11] I'm fucking crazy good.
[03:10:39] Okay. so I mean, if I go back right now all I get out of going back is literally a pickaxe, which feels so fucking trash by the way.
[03:10:44] I told you guys we could win. It's just like
[03:10:46] my lane phase was really bad right
[03:10:48] like i played way in horrible so it kind of
[03:10:51] i feel like it was like it made people think i suck that's why they were like
[03:10:55] all the game is over over Hmm. so so so so Not bad.
[03:12:09] We're in a good spot now.
[03:12:13] I kind of think I should get Lifesteal over Doms, but I think Doms is probably better. so so oh this is a weird fight i don't like oh Hmm. hmm so Oh, that's really bad. Oh.
[03:13:59] My bad.
[03:14:06] I got hooked into fucking rail by that guy, that was my B.
[03:14:10] We got his flash but That was my B.
[03:14:13] We got his flash, but yeah it's still my bad.
[03:14:24] All we really do is just play for Baron and fight for Dragon, And fucking Mountain Soul. Like, this game is over. We just win as long as we play together. so oh my god he just got railed. so so This is really, really bad. uh so I
[03:17:36] Think we actually could have just ended instead of doing Baron, but it was what it Your team has destroyed a turret. destroyed so so I'm bad. Oh well.
[03:17:39] But nobody saw me walk into the fountain.
[03:17:41] I'm just bad.
[03:17:53] Told you though, that game was winnable right?
[03:17:56] That's why I tell you guys like don't get Like frustrated and shit
[03:17:58] Early game
[03:18:02] Because every game is winnable. You just have to play them out
[03:18:04] Right? Like we...that was like the same as last game
[03:18:06] where everybody thought
[03:18:07] we were losing early.
[03:18:08] But like if you just
[03:18:09] play the games out
[03:18:10] and I get...
[03:18:10] If I can get to three, four items
[03:18:11] like all 1v9 a lot of games
[03:18:13] because it's kind of
[03:18:15] just how the game works.
[03:18:17] Like, AD Carry is really reliant on perfect gameplay
[03:18:20] or just like...
[03:18:21] They had a better lane phase than us, right?
[03:18:23] Because we're between Xemelio
[03:18:24] and they're playing Thresh Varus.
[03:18:26] So they have a much better like...
[03:18:29] What's the word I'm going for?
[03:18:31] They have a much better
[03:18:32] early game laning than us
[03:18:34] and a much more forgiving lane phase
[03:18:36] whereas we just want to scale and play mid game because you saw
[03:18:39] like once we left the lane merely over there mario jinx just won v9s once he was leave lane. Okay. Hmm.
[03:19:11] Time is up. uh how you guys doing chat Okay... Yo, by the way, just to point this out to you guys.
[03:20:22] Don't ever take coup de grace right now
[03:20:30] it's popping what's up guys don't take coop man
[03:20:55] this this rune sucks just take cut down every game Also, don't take Taste of Blood and Treasure Hunter.
[03:20:55] That's also bad
[03:20:57] people lose in champ select because they do bad runes
[03:21:04] like pay attention do not autopilot your rune choices.. Like, last game
[03:21:36] I took scaling runes because I knew that we
[03:21:40] would probably have to scale.
[03:21:42] Also,
[03:21:43] would Ultimate Hunter be
[03:21:46] optimal on Varus? I think you should
[03:21:48] just take
[03:21:49] Scaling Runes or... Because Varus doesn't I think you should just take scaling runes
[03:21:51] or because Varus doesn't scale with AD
[03:21:53] as well as other champs
[03:21:54] You don't have to take Absolute and Gathering
[03:21:57] on Varus, but I would take either
[03:21:59] I would take either...
[03:22:03] I would go Jack of all trades.
[03:22:07] So, right now Jack of all trades is the most
[03:22:10] underrated rune for a lot of people.
[03:22:14] People don't understand how easy AD carries can actually get the value from jack.
[03:22:20] So I'll explain how jack works really quick for you guys.
[03:22:25] Just to kind of give you a little bit of insight on why I say Jack's OP,
[03:22:35] but the way this works, right?
[03:22:40] This rune is essentially each stat you have adds one haste,
[03:22:41] which is irrelevant.
[03:22:44] But it adds at breakpoints of 5 and 10 you get bonus adaptive
[03:22:46] which is essentially one of these.
[03:22:48] So you get an Adaptive Force rune
[03:22:51] for free
[03:22:52] with this.
[03:22:55] It's really,
[03:22:57] really easy to get
[03:22:58] this to five stacks
[03:22:59] to get the free 10.
[03:23:01] A lot easier than
[03:23:02] you probably think.
[03:23:09] So when you have a single doran's blade if you go back and you buy boots and dagger
[03:23:12] and most ad carries build build something out of boots and dagger.
[03:23:18] Most AD carries build something out of it.
[03:23:20] And it's 600 gold. So at
[03:23:22] 600 gold you can go back
[03:23:24] by boot dagger and you get 10 free Adaptive Force
[03:23:27] for buying Boots and Dagger.
[03:23:30] So you just bought
[03:23:31] essentially another rune
[03:23:33] for 600 gold
[03:23:35] you bought another adaptive force ring
[03:23:42] so the value is you get like eight whatever nine adaptive forces or ten
[03:23:46] adaptive forces for AD.
[03:23:48] I don't know what the math is,
[03:23:51] but whatever 10 adaptive
[03:23:52] forces for AD, you
[03:23:54] get that value
[03:23:55] at value um
[03:23:58] on a 600 gold buy
[03:24:04] so it's like incredibly,
[03:24:10] uh,
[03:24:11] incredibly overpowered.
[03:24:44] Yeah.. So if you're ever thinking, like what should I take secondary runes? Like you were asking ultimate hunter on Varus.
[03:24:47] You don't really need it.
[03:24:49] Well, you could right now you can take Hunter and Varus but I think having 10 extra Adaptive Force on most AD carries right now is more valuable than...
[03:25:00] Because you're getting it when you're like level 3
[03:25:02] like
[03:25:05] you gotta think about League
[03:25:06] in terms of like
[03:25:07] a game
[03:25:08] where the earlier
[03:25:09] you can get free stats
[03:25:11] or free gold
[03:25:11] the better it snowballs right so like you can get free stats or free gold,
[03:25:13] the better it snowballs.
[03:25:14] Later in the game, let's say you have three items,
[03:25:17] 10 adaptive doesn't do that much.
[03:25:19] But at zero items,
[03:25:21] when you're walking back to lane with boots,
[03:25:24] 10 adaptives like you just bought almost a long sword.
[03:25:28] So you have to think about it in the idea
[03:25:30] of how much value it gives for how little
[03:25:32] you're actually doing to get that value.
[03:25:51] I think the only 80 carries that I wouldn't take Jack on right now are like ones where you need other secondary runes. I can't think of any off the top
[03:25:56] of my head right now, like Jhin.
[03:25:58] I wouldn't take it on Jhin
[03:25:59] uh, I wouldn't take it on
[03:26:02] because you need like the secondary being difference
[03:26:04] um, Ashe you need approach velocity so you can't take it on Ashe secondary being difference.
[03:26:07] Ash, you need approach velocity so you can't take it on ash.
[03:26:53] Just stuff like that. so I Alright, an ad is going to start in apparently three minutes. So I'm gonna snooze the ad for 20 minutes
[03:26:57] Twitch only lets me stall the ad
[03:27:01] for 20 minutes.
[03:27:03] So if the game doesn't end in 20 minutes
[03:27:07] you guys get mad and I'm sorry.
[03:27:13] Apologies.
[03:27:17] I'm just being transparent with you boys!
[03:27:21] So hopefully we can end this game in 15. I mean, our team comp is kind of weird though.
[03:27:27] I don't know how I feel about our team comp right now it's kind of weird
[03:27:36] I'm gonna put this ward down in his bush because they have a really heavy kill lane.
[03:27:42] They're playing
[03:27:43] Samira Thresh and
[03:27:44] they want to be
[03:27:44] aggressive early,
[03:27:45] and we're playing
[03:27:45] Melio Jinx so we
[03:27:46] want to not be too
[03:27:47] aggressive early.
[03:27:49] So I'm putting that
[03:27:50] ward down so we can
[03:27:51] get some information early game
[03:27:54] so we don't just get cheesed and like face jack and lose our lane at level one I actually wonder if Nunu is going to gank top level 3 or bot level 3.
[03:28:20] Nunus do one of two things, they level 2 gank bot or they level 3 gang going they do it no matter what You can kind of see how I'm just like, uh, autoing them with rockets.
[03:28:44] It's because there's no there's no point not doing that They're gonna try and fight us right now? so another Easy peasy, boys.
[03:29:36] Oops.
[03:29:40] So you see I have 700 gold, right?
[03:29:43] This is going to be the perfect example of what I want to do.
[03:29:46] So you buy boots, dagger.
[03:29:51] And you see how I have five jack-of-all-trades now?
[03:29:53] I just have a 5 stack just from boot dagger.
[03:29:56] So now
[03:29:56] I get the plus 10 adaptive force.
[03:30:00] You see it? This is exactly what I was talking about. We make an adaptive force
[03:30:00] you see this is exactly what i was
[03:30:01] talking about we make an early play
[03:30:04] we only have 700 golden so i'm like oh
[03:30:07] well i can get 10 free adaptive force by
[03:30:09] just buying boot dagger and boots is already a really good item on most
[03:30:14] 80 carries like rushing tier 2 boots it's just already really good so yeah
[03:30:21] it's just
[03:30:22] ultra-valuable.
[03:30:28] Because now I have
[03:30:29] 82 AD.
[03:30:30] Samira has 82 AD.
[03:31:11] Wait, how does she have so much ad oh she's level three so Okay, that was really funny. I'm gonna freeze this wave.
[03:31:14] Well, try to freeze it.
[03:31:16] It's not gonna freeze but...
[03:31:19] It's still in a good spot in front of the turret here, but yeah, it's not frozen.
[03:31:23] Uh oh! oh So you see right there, I didn't just let my Melio die.
[03:31:45] I immediately walked up because I know that I have more
[03:31:48] stats than they do.
[03:31:50] So because I know I have more stats
[03:31:52] I know that I can just hit the Thresh
[03:31:54] kill him
[03:31:56] and front to back.
[03:31:59] Man, I cannot CS.
[03:32:01] I don't know why I can't CS right now but like dude
[03:32:03] I'm actually lower than Samira on CS.
[03:32:26] Like what the fuck is wrong with my brain? This is actually wild. But yeah, you gotta have the balls to go in and fight people. Because if you don't...
[03:32:28] You're not gonna be able to carry as
[03:32:30] ad carry like if your support gets caught or something right
[03:32:33] like just have the balls that like go in
[03:32:38] help people out like don't play ad carry to get carried
[03:32:42] you play it carry to be the carry that's the whole point of why you're playing that role
[03:32:47] somebody makes a mistake don't rage them for making a mistake.
[03:33:01] Wait right there, I got hooked, right? It is with this...
[03:33:03] I'll be careful
[03:33:11] I have two boots though
[03:33:12] So it's really hard for them to chase me down since Samara has no boots.
[03:33:20] I do need to be very careful though because um
[03:33:27] whoa So I think we actually could have killed Thresh there, by the way.
[03:33:48] Like high key?
[03:33:49] I'm pretty sure we just kill Thresh.
[03:33:52] Because he's 1 HP with no flash.
[03:33:56] Well... He's one HP with no flash. Whoa, oh I'm just dead.
[03:34:00] Okay that was well played.
[03:34:01] Like I did not get close enough to Melio there
[03:34:03] I should have flashed.
[03:34:07] I was trying to hover Melio's side in case they were in that bush, and uh...
[03:34:10] ...I just got shit on.
[03:34:13] Because if I got close enough to Melio and he could've used the spell on me...
[03:34:18] ...uh, I could've Flash Healed him. i got close enough to milio and he could have used the spell on me uh i could have flash healed
[03:34:24] we should get dragon though that's what i'm saying no you gotta be careful right because like
[03:34:30] thresh's flash just came up like literally right now just came up and i wasn't tracking his flash so i didn't think like oh he's gonna flash on me from the bush
[03:34:40] that's just my bad. I snowballed the Samira back into the game because I got lazy.
[03:34:46] Like, I was trying to push the wave and I was like, oh I can get this wave shoved in?
[03:34:51] Oh my god man. What is wrong with me?
[03:34:58] The only thing that I will say is this Thresh is not a bad mechanical player, but he's playing I mean, bro. We're just trying to help you push the wave. Relax!
[03:35:28] There's no way this guy can actually 1v2 us. so Wait a second.
[03:36:03] I trolled, maybe?
[03:36:05] Okay my bad.
[03:36:07] What the fuck?
[03:36:09] Oh my god, I flashed away from Thresh.
[03:36:15] Okay, I'm tilted at myself.
[03:36:18] We genuinely thought we'd win that-
[03:36:20] because the Samira's being retarded!
[03:36:21] She's being an idiot!
[03:36:22] She just E'ed forward into me...
[03:36:24] 1v2? I just miss spaced and then i mis-ead like i didn't use
[03:36:29] my space like i literally missed space whatever i'm just bad i'm'm bad. I'm bad.
[03:36:36] Luck can kill me.
[03:36:38] Now,
[03:36:38] I don't know what's going on top.
[03:36:39] We should be getting
[03:36:40] dragon on repeat.
[03:36:44] I don't want to
[03:36:45] freeze this right now, because we need to play for Drake.
[03:36:50] But I am so fucking bad at League it's not even funny.
[03:36:54] I don't know what is wrong with me today, I'm just playing bad.
[03:37:02] Just do the dragon! Bro, JUST do the dragon. I really want to go bot here. This is not a good play.
[03:37:22] What am i watching?
[03:37:29] Okay, I'm gonna go back to the plant. This kinda sucks because like I'm just literally running in circles throwing the game.
[03:37:37] You know what sucks the most?
[03:37:44] When you know that
[03:37:45] like,
[03:37:46] you have to work so much harder
[03:37:47] than another player
[03:37:48] because their champ is just
[03:37:49] designed to fucking stat check you
[03:37:55] but then you like fuck up so so I'm gonna go with Kraken Slayer.
[03:38:29] Samira has an item and I don't want to... Dude, everybody is so low.
[03:38:48] Holy fuck man!
[03:38:50] That's so tragic they're so low man my mid and my top are not having the greatest
[03:38:57] game so i gotta play perfect this game to carry them Oh, I'm dead. Bro!
[03:39:11] Okay, I got outplayed.
[03:39:13] I mean, I don't have any words so I just got outplayed. I mean, I don't have any words.
[03:39:15] So I just got outplayed.
[03:39:16] I saw the Thresh backing up here.
[03:39:18] He stopped his back and walked in
[03:39:20] when I W'd the Samira
[03:39:21] it didn't give me vision
[03:39:23] I should've trapped the bush.
[03:39:25] I tried to get close enough to the bush
[03:39:27] to ward it instead,
[03:39:29] but I just should've trapped.
[03:39:31] It was just pure ego.
[03:39:33] Man, I died three times and all three
[03:39:35] were easily avoidable because I'm just being stupid.
[03:39:39] I'm just
[03:39:39] egoing.
[03:39:50] We do outscale them incredibly hard, so it should be
[03:39:52] fine, but still annoying.
[03:39:57] Because Thresh, Samira has to snowball. And they're not really snowballing I'm just giving them free kills so... so I mean, I'm just dead.
[03:40:36] Yeah...
[03:40:40] This just sucks! Yeah.
[03:40:41] This just sucks.
[03:40:47] The sad part about this is, like... I don't know what you just said bro, like Imma be real.
[03:40:56] I don't know the fuck he just said.
[03:41:00] I will say this though, you're never allowed to be mad at your AD carry for making mistakes if you are playing a champion that's an enchanter.
[03:41:08] Like if you're playing a champion like Melio right?
[03:41:11] If you're playing Janna or something and you peel
[03:41:13] perfectly and help your AD and shit, I get it.
[03:41:16] But if you're playing Melio
[03:41:17] that's a good example. Melio doesn't
[03:41:19] actually do anything. You just
[03:41:21] spam E and W on your teammate and then you just like hope that your ad carry is
[03:41:26] good so if i make a mistake it's like yumi right it's like if i make a mistake yeah it's my bad
[03:41:31] well like you're not allowed to type like that's just cringe because like you chose the
[03:41:35] point milio so like all of the all of the burden for getting is on me. so Like, like right there. Right? Why didn't he use his Q on the Samira ult. He messed up.
[03:42:17] Use your barrier. No, see this is what I mean.
[03:42:19] All you have to do...
[03:42:21] She cleansed my
[03:42:22] traps, okay? All you have to do
[03:42:25] as Melio is save your Q. When she starts ulting,
[03:42:28] you Q her and then we just kill her because she has no damage.
[03:42:32] But he's focused too much on the fact that I made a mistake
[03:42:36] so now he's just griefing, and it's disgusting but you know
[03:42:43] It's just low elo gameplay so so
[03:43:07] why are we not fighting this by the way
[03:43:09] why are we not fighting this by the way
[03:43:09] why are we not fighting this, by the way? We should be.
[03:43:14] Like they're all so low...
[03:43:17] Why did we not ward the fucking-
[03:43:20] Why did we not ward the lantern there? See, like,
[03:43:21] there's so many things that I could critique this Melio
[03:43:23] for, right? Like, why didn't we ward
[03:43:25] the lantern and just kill that guy?
[03:43:28] Why are we not fighting aggressively on
[03:43:29] that timer because, like, we're super strong.
[03:43:33] My team is
[03:43:34] just tilted so they're trolling.
[03:43:39] This is why
[03:43:40] I tell you guys, like, you should always just full mute people in solo queue
[03:43:43] because they're a lot of these players are just bitches and they just whine and cry about everybody else's mistakes, but not their own
[03:44:12] Like, Jesus.
[03:44:20] Like look they're just typing to each other for no reason but it's like just play the game man.
[03:44:26] This is what I mean.
[03:44:28] This is the difference between Masters and Challenger.
[03:44:30] Masters players will type, type, type 1-1-1, type, type, type
[03:44:32] 1-1-1, play like dog shit
[03:44:34] type blame flame. Like dude just play it
[03:44:36] Just play the game guys
[03:44:37] Like unless you're in Challenger
[03:44:40] you're dogshit at League of Legends so you shouldn't be like
[03:44:42] You should not be like typing
[03:44:44] to people
[03:44:44] Like I should have snowball You should not be typing to people.
[03:44:49] I should have snowballed this game, right? Like, I made mistakes.
[03:44:53] Even though I fucked up,
[03:44:55] I still played better than my entire team
[03:45:06] right Right?
[03:45:10] But I can admit that like, I made mistakes.
[03:45:12] Because I should have been able to snowball the shit out of this game
[03:45:14] and I just egoed at
[03:45:16] the wrong time. that's my bad
[03:45:22] but the difference between like me and them is that
[03:45:26] like i can admit that i'm making mistakes and not blame my entire team
[03:45:29] for their mistakes when i'm making them as well
[03:45:36] to be honest that was a big shutdown. We can actually win.
[03:45:51] Once I get two items, we can win. Samira's not actually that good of a champion into a lot of CC
[03:45:55] and we have a lot of CC
[03:45:59] Like, Samira is really good at We have a lot of CC.
[03:46:03] Like, Samira's really good in non-coordinated games.
[03:46:07] If we just see...
[03:46:09] if we all play to win and scale,
[03:46:12] we'll win through scaling.
[03:46:21] I've got to walk in. I'm thinking.
[03:46:34] Because like, I am playing bad but it doesn't mean we can win.
[03:46:37] That guy is just an idiot.
[03:46:39] I don't know how you ever thought you could 1v1 the Smear though. so so so Huge. Samira's all the way in bot lane too, so this is actually a pretty good Baron. Just leave. Not bad.
[03:48:07] We can give Baron, it's not a big deal. You guys can just give, it's not a big deal well you guys can just give it's not a
[03:48:09] big deal so so so
[03:48:48] no there's no way
[03:48:50] i mean there's no way.
[03:48:54] I mean, there is no value in even fighting this right now.
[03:48:57] Like just stop guys! Oh my god.
[03:49:00] Like dude what are we doing?
[03:49:02] Why are we here? Like, why?
[03:49:04] Just play with me.
[03:49:05] We have Baron.
[03:49:06] There's no value in fighting dragon.
[03:49:07] It doesn't do anything.
[03:49:08] I pinged back 30 times.
[03:49:09] If you're a support, just stand with your ADE.
[03:49:12] I shouldn't have face checked that but if you are
[03:49:15] a support player, just stand with your AD carry
[03:49:19] Like if you're Emilio...
[03:49:22] I will never understand the retarded nature of players
[03:49:25] to watch people do objectives.
[03:49:27] There's stuff you could be doing on the map.
[03:49:29] You could be taking this, you could be taking this,
[03:49:30] you could be pushing this.
[03:49:31] Dude, why do you just want to stand there
[03:49:33] and watch them do the objective?
[03:49:34] Like for what?
[03:49:36] For what reason?
[03:49:37] Why are you just like –
[03:49:38] You know what?
[03:49:38] It sounds like a good idea to like let's watch them do this objective real quick.
[03:49:42] And you're like, what but you being near there doesn't change the fact
[03:49:51] they're gonna get it they have smite. We don't.
[03:49:57] It's really, really simple. Shmira is top.
[03:50:16] Wait, this guy's one hp
[03:50:22] oh Oh, fuck.
[03:50:30] Dude... Why did he not ulti sooner?
[03:50:34] By the way that was a good fight by me.
[03:50:38] I just needed Emilio to actually stand with me.
[03:50:42] Like if he just hits R
[03:50:43] when Amumu ults, I kill all three of them.
[03:50:51] Ooh. Ooh, huge. Actually huge. Nice job.
[03:50:55] I should stop playing with
[03:50:57] Melio though. I'm doing the thing that I do a lot
[03:51:00] when I'm
[03:51:01] in low elo. I expect the players
[03:51:04] to play correctly.
[03:51:07] Like, I expect them to
[03:51:08] play with me and use their spells right, but they don't.
[03:51:12] Everybody's terrified of their own shadow in this elo so you have to gauge if people are willing
[03:51:17] to play around you. And if not then just deal with it and play slow.
[03:51:26] Because I mean, the slower
[03:51:27] we play, the better right now because like I said
[03:51:29] we outscale.
[03:51:32] I was just like, okay, if Wei is
[03:51:34] just standing here mid at 20% HP,
[03:51:36] we could probably win.
[03:52:27] But I don't want to blame that guy for being in his elo. That's just stupid. Let's get i.e so I really need a new one. Oh.
[03:52:35] I guess we're just not using cooldowns. Why did the MooMoo get to walk into me solo-alt and
[03:52:38] use no spells?
[03:52:41] I mean, I don't know...I'm gonna be real like
[03:52:44] That shit pisses me off though. Like I don't know, I'm gonna be real. That shit pisses me off though.
[03:52:48] Like, I shouldn't have backed where I did
[03:52:49] but like...
[03:52:50] It kind of makes me mad that
[03:52:52] these people are so tunnel visioned on being tilted
[03:52:54] that they're not trying to win.
[03:53:14] Yeah. visioned on being tilted but they're not trying to win it really frustrates me man Like, what was that? Like, the Zyra is just throwing so I wish he had given that to me, but...
[03:53:49] ...I get it. i wish you'd given that to me but
[03:53:50] again at
[03:53:52] maybe only dragon we just a better
[03:53:56] he was scared so i get it so Wait, why are we backing?
[03:54:21] I mean if we're just gonna give Dragon...
[03:54:23] I guess. But I don't think we should. so What am I watching right now guys y'all are pussies.
[03:55:05] What?
[03:55:09] Does he not know why we're being pussies? Look at the fucking waves!
[03:55:13] ... I'm being a bitch is because that wave is fucking huge.
[03:55:34] And like, that guy one-shots me. Look, I just got killed by my Melio.
[03:55:38] My Melio literally got me killed
[03:55:41] By walking up to tier 2 tower and dying because he gave Samira the reset
[03:55:48] God, I hate these players
[03:55:50] man!
[03:55:52] And now we lose the game because Nunu walked
[03:55:54] up and got hooked. You couldn't
[03:55:56] wait five seconds, man.
[03:55:59] Go heal.
[03:56:01] Zyra's up in two.
[03:56:06] Like these players just... I wish that they would
[03:56:07] just play to win
[03:56:08] but like the jungler and the mid laner and the supports I wish that they would just play to win,
[03:56:09] but the jungler and mid laner
[03:56:11] are such losers.
[03:56:15] God, come on man!
[03:56:20] You guys gotta realize how easy this team... This game is to win.
[03:56:23] Samira has no cleanse now.
[03:56:24] Just literally stun her.
[03:56:26] Play as a team?
[03:56:27] Don't walk up and die for free.
[03:56:30] And then just play with your three-item Jinx.
[03:56:35] Like stop griefing!
[03:56:44] We got Baron and threw it away immediately because nobody wanted to play with Baron.
[03:57:10] My low elo macro makes me sick to my stomach in so many different ways. wait why are you guys fighting like why guys holy fuck just leave no
[03:57:16] no
[03:57:21] push mid push mad This is crazy like they genuinely just don't macro at all so Yeah, I'm not pushing to end that bro.
[03:58:19] Guys!
[03:58:20] Oh my god...
[03:58:23] Well we lose. Like, dude
[03:58:31] We're watching her literally just push
[03:58:35] Why are you dipshits not backing?
[03:58:38] My TF and my...
[03:58:45] God. They're just chasing a Thresh!
[03:58:48] We have to kill Thresh.
[03:58:50] Thresh needs to die.
[03:58:53] Like what are you?
[03:58:57] You people are gross!
[03:59:00] Hey, TF, Nunu, Mirio and Zyra
[03:59:04] you need to quit the game.
[03:59:08] You will never ever ever climb by the way.
[03:59:12] Not one of you
[03:59:13] will ever climb
[03:59:14] Bye bye diamonds
[03:59:17] peaking low mass stock
[03:59:19] Diamond peaking low mass stock diamonds peeking low master need to get cancer in their brain cells
[03:59:26] now please just end them please just do not let them ever be alive In game of course
[03:59:34] But oh baby brain cancers
[03:59:36] Please infest their fucking brains
[03:59:38] Please I'll pay to have it happen
[04:00:01] Please dear God. I hate Loilo so much.
[04:00:04] It's like playing Loilo makes me realize that Thanos should wipe out half of
[04:00:06] the retards on the planet.
[04:00:08] Actually, it's so crazy how bad everyone
[04:00:10] is.
[04:00:13] Their mental is so trash.
[04:00:15] Like, they're not even worth the fucking vagina that came out of them.
[04:00:20] I don't understand.
[04:00:22] This guy's D1?
[04:00:25] Yeah. This guy's D1? Look at this.
[04:00:27] Bad stats every game, losing every
[04:00:29] game you suck. Quit the game.
[04:00:33] Who Bing? We got another fucking CN player
[04:00:36] on NA, just completely
[04:00:38] being garbage. He's a Vayne top
[04:00:40] one trick? Plays TF?
[04:00:42] Gets shit on. What more can you want?
[04:00:46] We got YoYan, another CN player
[04:00:49] on NA.
[04:00:50] Plays Melio 200 LP Masters
[04:00:52] peaking as a support main
[04:00:53] 300 LP inflation minimum losing every game as a support
[04:00:57] main. Like I could
[04:00:59] Q support right now and drop
[04:01:00] fucking huge win streaks.
[04:01:03] Like the role plays itself. It's not even hard
[04:01:15] but yes i could have carried that game if i played perfect part of that game is my fault but the fact that these people get to breathe air near me makes me disgusted
[04:01:18] in so many different ways.
[04:01:20] It hurts my soul knowing they
[04:01:22] breathe air.
[04:01:31] You people are disgusting subhuman garbage.
[04:01:34] Please, dear God, quit the game.
[04:01:36] And if you want to quit the game of life too
[04:01:37] I would say don't do that but like you know each their own. I just can't stand these people, man.
[04:02:08] They make me sick to my stomach
[04:02:20] god everyone is so trash man.
[04:02:31] What do you owe is this?
[04:02:32] You've been watching for hours.
[04:02:34] How are you this stupid?
[04:02:37] It's Masters.
[04:02:56] It's Masters. Master Hero? Master Elo is the only Elo in League of Legends that makes me want to actually
[04:02:59] not be alive.
[04:03:01] Like, it mentally
[04:03:03] fucks me up playing in Masters because of how bad everyone is.
[04:03:06] How much they all ego each other and how much I wish that they didn't exist.
[04:03:12] Like, I don't even hate people as people.
[04:03:15] I'm okay with people trying
[04:03:16] their best to win and improving and shit
[04:03:18] but just the fact that these people type
[04:03:20] this much and they're literally...
[04:03:22] I could literally get to Masters with Yumi AD carry
[04:03:24] I could play Yumi AD and get to Masters! You people are disgusting!
[04:03:32] Why are we egoing and flaming? It is gross you are typing in these games. You're so trash. so. We have a mid Varus. mid-verse sweet like i'm sorry man i can't keep it in today like this pisses me off
[04:04:29] like i'm sick of losing games that
[04:04:31] I shouldn't lose because the players are actually just
[04:04:35] mentally retarded.
[04:04:39] I don't want to play anymore man
[04:04:41] i'm a bitch back baby boy i don't want
[04:04:43] to play anymore
[04:04:48] i'm insecure about my ability to carry.
[04:04:54] We should go next, because it's my team's fault.
[04:04:56] No, you just fucking suck, man.
[04:05:02] Just stop typing and play the fucking game like you're losers, none of you will ever make it
[04:05:07] in this game right? You'll never make money off the game
[04:05:09] you'll never be pro players in this game
[04:05:11] your rank doesn't actually fucking
[04:05:13] matter. Like, you're just playing the game
[04:05:15] for fun. Like you're not...
[04:05:17] This is not your job. You're not making money.
[04:05:20] You're not doing anything valuable
[04:05:21] to the League community.
[04:05:24] You're not going to be a pro player. Just play the fucking game.
[04:05:31] Like, Jesus
[04:05:32] Christ! like jesus christ
[04:05:41] it's disgusting disgusting I mean, I'm just going to mute all this game.
[04:06:07] I forgot my mute-all rule last
[04:06:09] game and I got tilted.
[04:06:11] I just gotta mute all.
[04:06:15] These players are not even worth communicating with.
[04:06:18] We mute all and we just play correct, fuck them.
[04:06:22] They're horrible players
[04:06:24] With delusions that they'll ever not be bad.
[04:06:35] And I can't deal
[04:06:36] with these fucking losers.. so. seraphine nami wow you guys for sure set to P. you
[04:08:18] like there's no world you guys don't set to be. I mean, I might have to take a quick break after this game to untilt depending on how the game goes.
[04:08:21] ..... Oh, how interesting. What an interesting rune page.
[04:09:12] That's giga-interesting, oh wow!. Like, we're in the ELO where my team's like
[04:09:33] I suggest dodging
[04:09:34] I'm insecure
[04:09:37] But dude Come on man If you're this insecure insecure. Like, dude, come on, man.
[04:09:40] If you're this insecure...
[04:09:42] I don't know what has happened
[04:09:44] with fucking
[04:09:45] League of Legends players nowadays.
[04:09:48] Oh, this guy has the $500 skin. I don't know what's going on with
[04:09:51] League of Legends player nowadays man but like dude...
[04:09:55] The game is not about just winning. The game is about playing the game.
[04:09:59] Stop being pussies!
[04:10:03] Absolute
[04:10:04] fucking bitch made, man. need backup i'll be there in the middle Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[04:10:27] 30 seconds.
[04:10:38] Winning is where the fun is.
[04:10:40] Okay, if winning is where the fun is, why do so many people
[04:10:42] not try to win
[04:10:49] you can't want to win and then not put an effort to win No way I let them down. I'm going to try and get the gun. better keep it that way i'll fight you so people need my spark so They're like the Ken Baron. so I missed one CS. I'm garbage. first I can't really use my potion because I don't know where Vi is.
[04:13:32] Like, she's pretty likely bot. There's a pretty good ass chance she's down here. Cheers. Ah, my bad.
[04:14:19] Dude, they're so fucking low.
[04:14:22] I'm really sad.
[04:14:43] Okay. They're both so fucking low, man. Like, I probably shouldn't have gone for that play But it is what it is
[04:14:44] Wait, this guy's just dead, isn't he? What the fuck am I watching? so Oh, interesting.
[04:15:18] That was a really awkward play.
[04:15:34] I maybe should have E'd over the wall there on that Nami. She should never get to walk over like that.
[04:15:38] Oh yeah, it was kind of cringe um so Wait, I think I'm an idiot.
[04:16:22] I should not have backed.
[04:16:23] They can blow this wave out because it's not a cannon.
[04:16:26] Even if it was a cannon they could probably still blow it out.
[04:16:29] I'm gonna miss like 2 CS here... or maybe 3?
[04:16:32] Fuck.
[04:16:33] I might even miss the whole wave, they did that really fast.
[04:16:37] Damn.
[04:16:38] That was bad.
[04:16:40] I should've just stayed in the lane.
[04:16:41] Going back for boots is like worthless, man.
[04:18:26] Okay. worthless men. so so so so so And enemy has been slain. please don't so We got two of them.
[04:18:29] It's not the absolute worst, but my wave is kind of fucked.
[04:18:31] I didn't push my wave in before rotating. Yeah, my wave's not looking great. so Wow, nice nothing so I can't go in visor to me i want to oh vice met we can actually dive uh so is so So I gotta get Nivi next, and then...
[04:21:24] I don't even know what people get after Navori.
[04:21:28] It looks like
[04:21:32] they go IE, but...
[04:21:37] Lifesteal would be pretty good too. so oh oh so so Man, what is happening?
[04:22:42] Why are we not going in?
[04:22:46] Ahri has ults. Kayria has ults,
[04:22:49] Kayn has ults, they're all 30%
[04:22:51] hugging the wall they're standing on.
[04:22:53] Guys!
[04:22:55] What am I watching?
[04:22:59] Aww... one of my watching home
[04:23:05] right now every night and why would we go in now?
[04:23:15] Wait, my jungler just went in...
[04:23:18] What the fuck. I mean, I don't understand man. That cane is your friend?
[04:23:43] Why does this guy have cancer?
[04:23:47] Like, why is this guy just running it down?
[04:23:51] Not to be rude, man. Your friend kind of blows.
[04:23:59] Like I don't even know what to say. Dude's giving him dragon for free, but then he's also not like
[04:24:06] playing with the bed
[04:24:08] Zeri to get the shutdown on mid. He's just like oh man
[04:24:13] Oh What the fuck's happening right now? Like, I don't know man.
[04:25:09] I don't know what the fuck's happening right now. so so so Okay, are we just gonna ignore the fact that they're going to face check this? Like, what are we doing? so so uh so so
[04:26:10] and we just have to scale That was actually really well played. I should have dashed.
[04:26:33] I fucked up because I should've dashed when I saw him walkup,
[04:26:37] cause I'd win that 2v1 believe it or not if I walked up
[04:26:41] or if I dashed but on a good note
[04:26:45] uh we do have
[04:26:49] um a good timer to fight this the strike if we want to
[04:26:57] I kind of griefed it but yeah
[04:27:03] You know what I dislike about champs like that though? Like, you can literally have no mechanical skill at all and play Seraphine.
[04:27:10] Because you could just walk up, hit W, and you've had more value than like five of my autos
[04:27:17] you delete like five of my auto attacks so I mean guys you can't fight this Oh Thank you for watching! Wow, they got flash-cued me. uh your turret has been destroyed Hmm.
[04:28:46] This is rough.
[04:28:48] What is my RA doing?
[04:28:50] Bro, what's happening right now?
[04:28:55] So this Ahri has brain cancer. Right we can all confirm that
[04:28:59] like this Ahri it's like a thousand percent brain cancer or what so so Huh.
[04:29:40] What am I watching happen right now? now
[04:29:51] yeah i just instantly died because our tank and our our tank didn't go in or what
[04:29:57] i mean my bad I just went too fast
[04:29:58] maybe
[04:29:58] I don't know man
[04:30:00] I shouldn't have
[04:30:00] followed the cane
[04:30:01] but
[04:30:01] we had Cassante
[04:30:03] up here
[04:30:04] and he saw
[04:30:04] the play happening
[04:30:05] but he didn't go in.
[04:30:07] He sat on the other side of the wall instead
[04:30:09] of like going... I should have waited, I guess?
[04:30:13] Like this is what I mean though about
[04:30:14] playing champs that don don't do anything this this
[04:30:18] surfing's trash there's nothing he's trash it doesn't matter like they're horrible players
[04:30:22] but i can't like push my lead enough with like my top and my mid losing this badly i can't put in my jungler went red or blue
[04:30:35] like i don't know how he ever kills anybody on their team as blue cane
[04:30:44] maybe I'm wrong but like so Like what is happening then? oh well i mean it's just a loser's q day all we can really do is play our best.
[04:31:34] We are in the loser's queue day.
[04:31:39] We had a good algorithm yesterday, and now we're in like the bad algorithm so Yeah, I mean this is just cancer man.
[04:32:07] I don't know.
[04:32:25] I don't know, like this guy spent $500 on an Ahri skin so that he could run it down in low Masters. That is depressing, bro. Like there's nothing that you should be ashamed of more than buying a $500...
[04:32:30] A $500 skin in a video game that you aren't even good at.
[04:32:38] Like, no joke?
[04:32:40] Like,
[04:32:42] you just spent $500 on a skin and you're not even good at the champion.
[04:32:50] That is disgusting.
[04:32:57] Like, this man's a cuck.
[04:32:59] He loves being dominated and bullied.
[04:33:00] It makes him happy. Homie, you got so gapped on RE. You had no idea where to even be on the map.
[04:33:31] This guy did 6000 damage. My top laner, 6000 damage but he's versus Vayne so it is what it is.
[04:33:37] My Kayn did 9,800 damage
[04:33:40] like I don't understand man these people
[04:33:44] suck how does this
[04:33:46] cane even like is jungle just this
[04:33:48] broken of a role that like
[04:33:49] this cane can be this dog shit at the roll and still Is jungle just this broken of a role that, like...
[04:33:50] This cane can be this dogshit at the roll
[04:33:51] and still climb?
[04:33:55] Like, what the fuck? I don't know, man. All these people suck.
[04:34:07] It's embarrassing watching
[04:34:09] these people play League.
[04:34:11] Simply embarrassing.
[04:34:14] I like sweat my ass off to have
[04:34:15] my mid laner and top laners
[04:34:17] just run it down every game
[04:34:20] because for some reason
[04:34:23] My jungler never plays bot he always plays the top
[04:34:25] mid and my top mid always
[04:34:27] run it down when he does
[04:34:28] the few games that I get played around
[04:34:31] bot lane we instantly win the game
[04:34:34] like it's not even close i drop like 10 kills and then the game is over at 15.
[04:34:40] but having people like this guy, I don't know man.
[04:34:44] It's just disgusting to me.
[04:34:50] We even played weak side! We played weak side we played weakside one lane
[04:34:58] and our mid in our top were so worthless
[04:35:01] that we couldn't actually play the game. Because every time I tried to play the game,
[04:35:06] they're just doing their own thing, jacking off in a corner.
[04:35:12] I don't know man.
[04:35:14] AD carry just feels so
[04:35:16] unfulfilling to play.
[04:35:20] Like the role is good but
[04:35:22] I have to work 30 times harder
[04:35:23] to accomplish the same thing that retards who play like locks seraphine brand
[04:35:29] like all these dumb ass champs like they don't have to think
[04:35:33] they quite literally like don't have to do anything
[04:35:39] like it's crazy Like, I promise you not a single one of these people that plays these mages would get past Diamond in Korea. Not one
[04:35:59] of them would get to Masters
[04:35:59] because all they do is sit there
[04:36:02] AFK farm
[04:36:03] They just sit there, AFK farm and hope somebody carries them that's all they do I don't know, man.
[04:36:32] I'm just tilted.
[04:36:35] Like, I'm playing with such dogshit players.
[04:36:39] I'm in a loser's queue today.
[04:36:40] I'm just accepting it.
[04:36:47] Like,
[04:36:48] I
[04:36:48] see
[04:36:48] it doesn't matter
[04:36:49] how well
[04:36:49] I play
[04:36:49] today.
[04:36:50] I've carried, like...
[04:36:52] What?
[04:36:52] Three games today of just one V9 or bangers
[04:36:55] where I straight up carried one V9, three of them.
[04:36:59] And I still can't.
[04:37:01] Like, it's just – this is just stupid. I'm just going to ban Seraphine.
[04:37:24] If you want to play bot lane,
[04:37:26] play a real fucking champ pussy.
[04:37:53] Okay.. I'm not even sure if you can hear me. nothing even sounds fun.
[04:37:57] Like, I'm not even kidding.
[04:37:58] Nothing even sounds fucking fun, man. So,.... Let me see... Feels bad, man. so so Welcome to Summoner's Raid.
[04:40:23] 30 seconds until convenient spawn. Let's admire me for a bit
[04:40:31] See how it goes. I'm going to go ahead and do that. Minions have spawned. so He has Mike cue the bush.
[04:41:23] If he cues it like this, he'll miss and then walk up or
[04:41:27] he just won't No way.
[04:41:51] I'm bad.
[04:41:55] I actually can't believe that guy lived there.
[04:41:59] I mean, I should have just walked back to my That guy lived there.
[04:42:03] I mean, I should have just walked back to my wave but...
[04:42:05] And just let him sit there But like Jesus man
[04:42:07] You know what it was? It's cause I auto'd
[04:42:09] without catching my axe and then had to to stop and catch it as well, so
[04:42:12] I'm just bad.
[04:42:15] The wave is in a really
[04:42:16] good spot though.
[04:42:19] Even though I entered,
[04:42:20] the wave is in a great spot for us.
[04:42:23] God axes... Even though I entered, the wave's in a great spot for us.
[04:42:35] So as soon we hit level 2, we just kill him ralph could actually just go in on ezreal right now Nice, now then.
[04:42:47] Because yeah he had no flash.
[04:42:55] Now the wave is in a good spot for us.
[04:42:59] I should actually just have backed there.
[04:43:02] It's kind of my bad. I should have backed right now...I should still probably back
[04:43:05] right now, but we'll see. Now I've waited too long, but... watch and learn so Yeah. yeah zyra has no mana so I mean, what are we doing? We can't let them freeze it.
[04:44:15] Okay they didn't freeze but yeah. Nice.
[04:44:24] We're gonna try and push...
[04:44:27] Probably try to rebuttal push or whatever, but I don't think it matters.
[04:44:36] Okay, I mean, I'm pretty fucking strong.
[04:44:38] We got the 10 adaptive already...
[04:44:40] ...we've got 104 AD with Vamp Scepter, so I can heal back the Poke.
[04:44:50] All we really have to do is just kill them on repeat now.
[04:44:54] Play off of dragons, kill them on repeat and win the game because they can't play the game.
[04:45:04] We just slow push. Rell should go stand in the bush.
[04:45:09] She should look for flanks right now, like ways to get behind them and then play like as they walk up, we surprise them with like...
[04:45:20] Uh, flanks and shit
[04:45:30] if bro had hex flash this would be fucking so much easier for her to engage.
[04:45:37] Oh that's not good?
[04:45:43] We're gonna have to fight, Rell.
[04:45:50] Oh no! There's no ward in the bush!
[04:45:52] Rell needed to just hit the Udyr and not go on the Ez.
[04:46:00] Damn. Like... to just hit the udyr not go on the ez damn like when rel basically when that gank happens we needed to just hit the ud here and kite into this alcove and hit him.
[04:46:08] What ended up happening was the rel was trying to mitigate, or she
[04:46:09] was trying to create space by
[04:46:10] going on the Ezreal and the Zyra
[04:46:16] but we needed to just peel for me.
[04:46:19] Like, Rudir had to die there. We didn't have a choice.
[04:46:24] Damn this sucks man.
[04:46:29] We should be aggro again like really agro Zyra has no mana
[04:46:37] Like the fact they're allowed to get away with doing this shit where their bad backtimers, no mana, nothing.
[04:46:43] Like I don't know... This is making me lose my mind, man. You know what I want to do? I want to kill them between turrets. Come here, come here!
[04:47:11] Come... what are we doing? Like, what are we doing?
[04:47:15] Dude just come!
[04:47:17] We double kill those guys right there if you come.
[04:47:20] They literally have no idea where they're going. We double kill those guys right there if you come.
[04:47:25] They literally had no idea, we just double killed them. Come on, bro.
[04:47:33] You gotta follow
[04:47:34] Paul's...
[04:47:40] I'm not even trying to be mean
[04:47:41] but you gots to.
[04:47:46] And I'm dead and that is what it is.
[04:47:50] See how the Zyra's willing
[04:47:51] to flash forward and fight?
[04:47:54] Like, Rell has like all of her cooldowns.
[04:47:56] When they were walking here
[04:47:58] Rell should have just been standing in that bush with me
[04:48:01] This is the difference between good and bad support players.
[04:48:04] Ezreal's not a bad support, but she's not a good support either. She's like scared.
[04:48:08] We're playing fucking Draven!
[04:48:10] This Ezreal has A-tier.
[04:48:12] Like walk up, kill them.
[04:48:16] You can't just sit there in lane
[04:48:19] and lose to a fucking Draven Zyra, man.
[04:48:21] I mean, as Zyra is a fucking...
[04:48:23] This shit drives me crazy.
[04:48:26] Is this what I mean by NA players
[04:48:27] are pussies? They have no killer instinct
[04:48:29] at all.
[04:48:37] Like, I don't know why they Don't want to fight
[04:48:37] Like, it just drives me crazy
[04:48:43] Rell has solo
[04:48:45] Lost us this lane by not tempoing correctly?
[04:48:49] Like, we had two kills early.
[04:48:51] She didn't do anything to help me snowball off those two kills.
[04:48:55] Nothing.
[04:48:58] AFK'd the entire lane.
[04:49:01] Like, I don't understand.
[04:49:04] I don't know man,
[04:49:05] I'm done after this game.
[04:49:07] I gotta take a break,
[04:49:08] I can't keep playing with retards.
[04:49:09] Like,
[04:49:09] I gotta be in the right
[04:49:10] mindset to be able
[04:49:11] to play with retards
[04:49:12] and I'm not in the
[04:49:13] right mindset
[04:49:13] to play with retards
[04:49:14] so...
[04:49:15] Like,
[04:49:16] playing with people
[04:49:16] with like brain damage
[04:49:17] is just not on my fucking bingo card today.
[04:49:24] These are just disgusting how bad everyone is.
[04:49:29] I don't know why my Rell
[04:49:31] is scared to do anything.
[04:49:35] Like it's a fucking
[04:49:37] Ezreal and I'm playing Draven rel like why are you pissing yourself I don't know man.
[04:49:58] I don't have an enemy to 1v9 this one.
[04:50:01] I mean, look at this.
[04:50:03] Like what's Rell doing?
[04:50:07] Either walk to the dragon or engage on them.
[04:50:08] Don't just hover.
[04:50:10] Walk to the dragon and make a play or engage on bot. But don't just stand there and do nothing man!
[04:50:18] I mean this is wild. Like...I dunno. Like, I don't know.
[04:50:24] Whatever.
[04:50:26] This game's 15.
[04:50:32] It is what it is.
[04:50:33] I'm gonna just AFK.