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Geranimo - Lose is Improve | 33 Year old man battles the Challenges of the Rift || Challenger Grind

06-18-2024 · 6h 22m

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[00:00:00] you
[00:00:16] so The Shadow of the Dragon
[00:00:21] The Shadow of the The shadows are to be feared. Welcome to Summoner's Rift. 30 seconds until minions spawn. I smell black magics. okay Minions have spawned on wings of night.. evil lurks around every so so Yeah, we barely got that kill. the innocent oh
[00:03:03] my cannon so hmm Hmm.
[00:03:41] Serengar's top?
[00:03:42] Okay. Okay. so That was a good try. okay
[00:05:11] oh no Oh no. has been slain so I'm gonna save Sivir, I'm so bad. oh I'm going to try and get the kill. uh so I can't give up my cannon.
[00:06:12] I'm sorry, bro! so an enemy has been slain
[00:06:34] an enemy has Did we just dive them
[00:06:58] it really depends on if Blitz wants to...
[00:07:03] Ooh.
[00:07:08] I'm so dead. Oof! Take that one. Beware. so I'm going to use the
[00:07:55] same skill as before, but with a different
[00:08:01] character. so so so Damn, I almost got the condemn range.
[00:08:45] I should have been there for that hook.
[00:08:47] It's like walking back bot like an idiot.
[00:08:52] Pretty sure I could just walk at this guy but
[00:09:07] oof, I did not think Rengar was just gonna be hanging out bot, my bad.
[00:09:11] I should have been more safe because we didn't know where Rengar was but...
[00:09:15] And we didn't see him on this ward.
[00:09:17] My bad. But... we didn't see him on this ward my bad like it was a good fight but they knew rangar was there so
[00:09:27] which is what it is.
[00:09:32] We got him, but at what cost?
[00:09:36] And this guy wants to bot.
[00:09:46] Oh my god, I can't see us.
[00:09:51] Ah!
[00:09:59] ... of judgment so These motherfuckers.
[00:10:34] How am I actually going to do anything in this lane anymore?
[00:10:38] I don't think I can! oh my god I'm going to try and get the Yeah, I don't know if I can do anything in this lane right now.
[00:11:10] Just gonna have to scale.
[00:11:14] I can't really snowball my lead.
[00:11:19] Ooh, let's try.
[00:11:29] Sivir just went mid! Dude, I don't know how but rangar always gets fed in this elo
[00:11:42] anytime i see a rengar i almost want to dodge because every time
[00:11:44] i play against ringer andlla, they always get fed.
[00:12:27] I feel like he's not that hard to avoid inting. so This isn't too bad though. Get some free turret plates they brought.
[00:12:33] Basically,
[00:12:34] they're putting Janna top right now to try and stop Yone from snowballing.
[00:12:38] But
[00:12:39] I mean what that does is that just lets me snowball
[00:12:43] so they're putting all of their eggs in like the yone not winning them the game
[00:12:47] basket which is kind of interesting because i
[00:12:50] don't think that's a good play by them.
[00:12:58] Because in theory we're going gonna get two dragons now
[00:13:04] and a five plate vein so like that seems kind of
[00:13:09] kind of bad, you know?
[00:13:17] I don't know. We'll see how it goes. Alright never mind i don't know what that was
[00:13:32] they were like trying to make a play before the uh...
[00:13:37] I mean this guy's just dead.
[00:13:59] Oh, he I tumbled here, I actually could have avoided that Rengar jump.
[00:14:02] Dang.
[00:14:09] Maybe I didn't need to flash after the Sivir, and I should have just used my heal. Right? Like maybe I should've just healed when I was running at her with my ults.
[00:14:16] And then saved Flash for Rengar, but it's hard to say. That's not good.
[00:14:29] Ooh, that's not bad though.
[00:14:38] We should have just ulted immediately.
[00:14:41] Nah, that Viego fucked himself.
[00:14:47] I think if he insta-arbed that guy, you would have killed him by the way. okay i am enemies okay Oh, interesting. okay so Oh, my ammo's gone. Ooh, wait how much gold do I need? so I mean, I don't like this at all bro so Oh man, I don't know if i like this oh
[00:17:41] let me just take mid turn here now so uh Oh, it's not too bad. Hopefully Rengar doesn't ult me in the face. That wouldn't feel good.
[00:19:04] Do I want to get Burk next, probably? so Kind of hard to 1v1 this Rengar right now,
[00:19:04] but I think I can do it as long as I stealth tumble his dash Rengar's invading? Evil Linai is the same. Well, Sione's pretty good.
[00:19:53] Yo I'm running down mid lane boys! What is this guy doing?
[00:20:24] That guy's a psycho.
[00:21:08] I kind of wanted to try and get this dragon, but I also think we can get Baron. so so Damn, I suck. That was not a good play by me.
[00:21:11] Man! I'm bad.
[00:21:31] I kinda wanna just go do Baron. Do I have fun on Vayne? She's kind of fun.
[00:21:47] I mean, I picked her this game because she is not bad in Deciver.
[00:21:51] Like, Vayne and Decivers are like a pretty niche matchup. It's not bad.
[00:22:00] Because you can just tumble forward and Sivir can never actually do anything to you.
[00:22:06] So it's kinda like a... like actually do anything to you
[00:22:11] so it's kind of like a unplayable for her once unless she wave manages perfect uh what is this guy doing Oh, I got the Rengar coming to me No way.
[00:23:05] I was A clicking, but I right clicked right as he jumped
[00:23:10] to like reposition.
[00:23:12] I'm stupid
[00:23:12] because he would have died
[00:23:15] with my A click
[00:23:16] but am not done.
[00:23:32] Oh, I like my Yone's name. Sesshou Maru.
[00:23:40] ... so
[00:23:49] i I sound like a boss, Ben... you
[00:25:46] yo what's up guys... Yo, what's up busy? How you doing man? What's up, bro?...... Working.
[00:27:07] I feel you, man. Orking.
[00:27:24] What's up, Loof? Good evening.
[00:27:33] You saw us four games in a row?
[00:27:36] Damn! Fucking wild. Damn.
[00:27:39] Fucking ripped, dude.
[00:27:40] I'm sorry to hear that.
[00:27:49] It's okay. You'll win your next four games in a row, I believe in you.
[00:28:03] And if you don't win your next four games in a row, that's still okay.
[00:28:28] Because then you'll win your next five games in a row you have 998 000 channel points dear god Dear God. You have so many points.
[00:28:32] So many points. Okay. You lost a shit ton during the gambling days?
[00:28:56] Well, maybe you shouldn't bet against me.
[00:29:19] Busy? Busy? No remorse! You always bet win? Oh, then you know what? I mean that's also a mistake. Let's be honest. Well, you gotta read the room, You know? Like sometimes I'm tilted and then we're for sure not winning that game so Dude, I saw there was like big Vanguard issues while I was asleep. so What's up, Kate?
[00:30:11] Apparently Vanguard was like
[00:30:13] Picking everybody out of games
[00:30:15] And just like losing Everybody was getting lever penalties and shit
[00:30:22] I mean it makes sense
[00:30:25] You know what's funny?
[00:30:38] We're gonna hear about it. I'm literally, as soon as like Wings of Death wakes up he's going to message me and tell me how much Vanguard sucks and why.
[00:30:41] And then he's going to say, look it fucked up.
[00:30:46] It'll happen like clockwork. Stop! work
[00:30:55] still hiding cute yeah we're uh we're actually playing in four different four different games at once it's crazy right I think frogs have always been gay.
[00:31:26] You know...
[00:31:30] I think Wings is smarter than me. He's taking like a month off to rest his hand so his hand
[00:31:38] heals because he had, like, hand issues. I just have been playing through the pain for three years
[00:32:11] Oops Oops. I don't know what it feels like to not have hand fan.
[00:32:12] Like, it's been so long,
[00:33:09] I actually forgot what it feels like I just fucking play. My hand hurts? I'm used to it. so That's not good I mean i'm pretty sure i'm just dead. No. Oh here's tunnel oh shit nice Dude, why am I missing so much CS.
[00:33:31] Uh-oh. Well, that was a good stun.
[00:33:35] Actually, though... Damn, I really don't want to lose those two casters.
[00:33:40] I lost them both!
[00:33:42] I wanted the walk up and auto but I think because Ashe has doubles it's really hard to do that.
[00:33:57] Oh my god, that was actually such a good fucking Bard stun.
[00:33:59] He just got them both killed.
[00:34:00] Maybe?
[00:34:02] Nah, I can't kill that guy. Damn.
[00:34:15] We should've just died this guy, no? I guess Rengar doesn't want to. He's just so well. everybody Holy shit.
[00:34:52] Wait, he actually went up?
[00:34:55] Holy moly.
[00:35:01] I don't know how
[00:35:02] I feel about this.
[00:35:04] This is a really weird game
[00:35:07] like straight up this is one of the weirdest games i've seen
[00:35:10] i don't know how i feel about this game so I'm not sure. i'm crazy you should see my sister so This is a bad timer for Bard to go back.
[00:36:07] Because I can't walk up, because Tom will just kill me. I'm waiting for Bard to go back.
[00:36:10] Because I can't walk up, because Tom will just kill me. Someone's trying to keep XP. Like this is definitely not very good. That's definitely like a field Batman right there because, like I said. getting that I mean, I'm just dead and like...
[00:37:00] The Bard had to block the first Q on me.
[00:37:05] But I mean, because I can't dodge that by myself unless I have tier 2 boots.
[00:37:19] Basically,
[00:37:20] there's two ways to play that.
[00:37:25] Either dodge the W or Bard has to just sit there and auto the Ashe the whole time.
[00:37:27] Or he needs to be able to portal,
[00:37:30] or he has to stand directly on me so I don't get Lick stunned by the Tom
[00:37:37] because Tom has to land his lick, just on me right? Just like land his Q or whatever so... It's okay.
[00:37:49] We still have good CS but it's too hard.
[00:38:07] Man...
[00:38:11] Them freezing this perma has been just like the bane of my life down here.
[00:38:15] ... down here
[00:38:25] like tom is just just sitting here walking at me on repeat man like i can't play the game.
[00:38:32] So it feels bad.
[00:38:36] The wave is to me.
[00:38:42] We have to care because...
[00:38:45] What's his face is bought right now?
[00:38:47] The Karthus. Okay, nothing. card this. Yep.
[00:38:51] Okay, not the worst.
[00:38:52] Wait, what is that?
[00:38:56] Whoa!
[00:38:57] Wait, they are trolling.
[00:39:01] Ashe wasted arrow and...
[00:39:09] Hmm hmm I mean, there's no way I can even hit that from this angle. I might stop this guy's back with my ulti.
[00:39:37] Just to keep tempo.
[00:39:43] Like, it only adds like 3 or 4 seconds, but...
[00:39:45] Or sorry 7 or 8 seconds
[00:39:47] But it's actually pretty nice though
[00:39:49] It helps my jungler a lot
[00:39:54] I'm gonna go back to the base though. It helps my jungler a lot. What the fuck?
[00:40:01] Nice!
[00:40:02] Yeah, I was saving my traps for when Bard R'd there because we guaranteed to get that kill if Bard R's...
[00:40:09] If that Ashe doesn't flash that Bard R, uh, we kill her with my traps after.
[00:40:18] So that's not bad.
[00:40:51] I kind of want to back here, because I don't think we can dive this guy. so I think Bard's playing fine. The matchup is kind of annoying.
[00:40:55] Like I don't blame Bard for like how hard lane is, because the matchup's a little annoying
[00:40:59] because we're double ranged against Tahm. The problem with Tahm is that he's like
[00:41:03] a really overpowered support champ.
[00:41:08] Because his entire premise is that he can just walk at you
[00:41:10] with no downside to it, right?
[00:41:13] I just missed 3 CS
[00:41:14] I want him to die.
[00:41:21] Yeah to die you know i'm not going to be sitting bot i'm gonna rotate mid here
[00:41:26] because i can't 1v1 the ash
[00:41:33] so if i can just go help maybe
[00:41:43] like a hope with a fight or something it's probably a better idea. Or my teammate is just gonna die before I get there there that's not good
[00:41:52] i think my idea was correct by the way to like go in like that but
[00:41:58] i couldn't really do anything.
[00:42:09] Because, if I can walk up bot, I would just be AFK.
[00:42:12] So I think it was the correct play to rotate him in.
[00:42:17] Somehow my
[00:42:18] Rengar died to Ashe 1v1
[00:42:20] which is insane.
[00:42:24] Oh, I'm dead.
[00:42:26] My bad.
[00:42:27] I should not have done that.
[00:42:55] Okay. so This is gonna be a hard game. Me dying right there was really bad.
[00:43:03] ... We scale, but it's still hard because mid is kind of behind.
[00:43:11] I'm behind.
[00:43:13] Top is doing fine, but like, you know, it's Camille versus fucking Teemo. I'm going to try and get the I mean, they don't have arrow so it's hard for them to dive me.
[00:43:44] But...I should still back off a bit so Yeah, I played that.
[00:44:17] Aside from the W I did fucking backwards, I played that so fucking good.
[00:44:24] Also why can Tom... Somebody explain to me why Tom Kinch can finish his e or is like his dash or whatever even if you trap him
[00:44:34] why is that allowed Oh my god.
[00:44:46] So I took IE, right?
[00:44:48] Because I was like, oh shit.
[00:44:49] Like, I want to scale for mid-game.
[00:44:54] I've missed five minions just quitting with 20 cred how obnoxious is that?
[00:45:06] Damn it, man. I'm so sad! I should have had the Ashe kill and I should have had the Tom Kench kill
[00:45:10] I just fucked up
[00:45:13] I need to go mid kensh kill i just fucked up
[00:45:16] i need to go mid
[00:45:21] is it considered a buffer like trist jump i mean it shouldn't be because that'd be awkward so I can't walk to top right now.
[00:45:58] My job in this game has become farm and push waves.
[00:46:04] Like, I-I can't really pressure the game.
[00:46:14] I'm just trying to farm and uh scale Really?
[00:46:43] It's okay, I can get mid turret.
[00:46:47] ... Oh, this guy's coming mid huh? Okay. I'm actually confused how they were allowed to do that just now and walk
[00:47:14] mid like that, and just go in. Because that should not be allowed. I got my first cannon in five minutes. talk I need to back and go buy Zeal.
[00:48:04] I have too much golds.
[00:48:12] ... I mean, I'm incredibly strong.
[00:48:21] Once I get PD, I'm gonna be super strong. So I wanted to do this this build because i wanted to be stronger at two
[00:48:27] items than one because if i'm cracking slayer jinx this game i don't think i have any value anyway
[00:48:33] because i don't think we're winning the early game. Like, we're not snowballing on them.
[00:48:36] So it's kind of like... Does it really do anything?
[00:48:42] Uh... I dunno about this man.
[00:48:53] Can't even hit their backline, bro. Like what is... What are we watching here?
[00:49:22] What was that? I mean, we are just really far ahead on the map. Like overall on the map, we're really really far ahead. We just have to not do dumb shit.
[00:49:26] I'm gonna hug the left side of mid because I didn't know where their team was.
[00:49:45] So there's no value in hugging the right side.
[00:49:48] Oh, that guy's dead top. That was a big shutdown we need to push one mid wave I don't think they can do Baron here.
[00:50:06] That'd be a really crazy-ass Baron.
[00:50:10] They might try. so wow Wow.
[00:50:45] Nobody was on the Ash that whole time?
[00:50:48] I was the only one hitting her.
[00:50:52] That actually sucks.
[00:50:54] Like, we just might lose the game because nobody was hitting Ashe.
[00:50:58] Because we had such a good fight there I just couldn't get up here to do damage
[00:51:02] so I had to hit the Ashe but Galio landed on me and then walked up instead of down.
[00:51:06] Like he didn't walk into Ash
[00:51:07] He walked up
[00:51:08] And the problem is
[00:51:14] Ash is strong enough at the moment. I can't actually stop that.
[00:51:19] Like, I can't out-damage her in a straight up tit for tat fight like that. Because she had Triforce Kraken.
[00:51:36] Damn, we actually had such a good fucking fight at Baron too.
[00:51:41] Like, we should have that Baron. The fact Ashe stole that is crazy. Okay.
[00:51:56] Don't mind me, guys.
[00:51:59] We're just not gonna barter that oh
[00:52:02] we lose I
[00:52:04] Got hit by a cinderella stun
[00:52:07] Bard still has his R, by the way.
[00:52:10] The fact Bard didn't
[00:52:11] R during that big fight
[00:52:13] that we just had tells me that this guy
[00:52:15] is not a very good Bard.
[00:52:27] A a bard are there goes crazy i agree it wasn't up oh that's i saw the cooldown up no No, he's wrong!
[00:52:31] He is actually wrong.
[00:52:33] He's lying.
[00:52:35] He's literally lying by the way.
[00:52:37] I'm not even kidding.
[00:52:39] He is 100 lying
[00:52:46] i literally saw his r cooldown up
[00:52:49] he just doesn't want to admit that he up
[00:53:35] he's just lying to cope. so. Like, we can go watch the replay right now. His R was 1000% up!
[00:53:37] But yeah that game was rough.
[00:53:39] I think Jinx was a bad pick.
[00:53:43] I think Jinx is always a good pick but I think that game, Jinx was kind of
[00:53:45] a bad pick. Because I knew with my team comp
[00:53:49] I wasn't going to get to play the game
[00:53:53] So... the Baron fight was really weird. Let's go look at the Baron fight really quick.
[00:54:02] First of all, Rengar is bot lane for some reason pushing.
[00:54:09] But we get dragon...
[00:54:11] They start Baron right?
[00:54:13] We should have won this really hard.
[00:54:17] Like we have a bunch of shrooms and shit, but...
[00:54:26] Rengar wasted his ulti hitting Teemo.
[00:54:32] So like, Rengar should have never jumped in on Teemo there. It doesn't make sense.
[00:54:36] What he should do is wait for galio to taunt then jump in
[00:54:43] right and then here
[00:54:50] nobody was watching the Ashe.
[00:54:51] They were tunnel visioning on these two.
[00:54:56] So here, Galio made a good ulti but you see where my Bard is right now?
[00:54:58] My Bard should just be autoing
[00:55:00] this guy. We should
[00:55:02] three-man walk at Ashe right now.
[00:55:04] That's all we have to do.
[00:55:09] My Bard is too far back.
[00:55:11] Like, I don't even know what he's doing back here. He's doing nothing.
[00:55:15] Why are we playing this far back against Ashe? It doesn't make sense.
[00:55:19] These two can't join the fight, right?
[00:55:24] So like
[00:55:24] Why is this guy
[00:55:25] Not just walking at the Ashe
[00:55:27] Autoing her
[00:55:27] Like if Bard
[00:55:28] Ashe has no flash
[00:55:29] If Bard was standing here with me, he auto-cues her
[00:55:32] she gets stunned against the wall
[00:55:34] instantly dies and we win the game
[00:55:36] But he put him.. He's just standing
[00:55:38] tanking Baron for fun
[00:55:48] And then he flashes forward they both flash forward on this guy
[00:55:56] which doesn't make sense to me because this guy has no flash like why if we just killed the ash
[00:56:03] like if galio and bard flash on the ash we get the reset and we just kill karthus anyway
[00:56:11] baron doesn't even matter i just want to clarify this this buff is worthless this doesn't even matter because if we kill Ashe and they get Baron,
[00:56:14] We kill them anyway,
[00:56:16] And then nobody has Baron.
[00:56:20] It doesn't matter.
[00:56:23] You understand?
[00:56:27] So like fighting for Baron is worthless. Kill the jungler? Yeah but it's worthless!
[00:56:29] Again I'm telling you right now
[00:56:31] It's worthless
[00:56:33] Like that's why I'm saying these two need to improve their thought process because this is a worthless play
[00:56:42] Killing the jungler doesn't do anything when we get like if they get baron
[00:56:46] we kill them so all they get is the xp from baron and then we
[00:56:49] we get to scale and we outscale them so it doesn't really matter
[00:56:55] and then i just sit here dying, right?
[00:56:59] And then we lose anyway.
[00:57:01] Like, we lose Baron and then...
[00:57:03] This is what I mean.
[00:57:04] These two misplayed this fight so horrendously
[00:57:07] that like we... and then even after
[00:57:09] that it wasn't even that bad but like i get caught by a c Syndra stun because I'm bad.
[00:57:22] Like, right here,
[00:57:25] I should have just backed off because the play was about to happen.
[00:57:27] Like, the fact that Syndra got this stun
[00:57:29] is nuts.
[00:57:33] But I want you guys to watch
[00:57:35] Bard's R, so there's five seconds left, right?
[00:57:38] He doesn't have it right now but now
[00:57:41] he has r
[00:57:46] so i up got caught by Cinderstone, die.
[00:57:51] Right? His R is up.
[00:57:55] So
[00:57:56] my team's still trying to fight
[00:57:59] this right?
[00:58:01] If Bard
[00:58:01] R's these two right now
[00:58:04] we win the game.
[00:58:06] Like despite me fucking
[00:58:07] up completely, if he
[00:58:09] throws his R on these two, we win.
[00:58:13] Because it's like
[00:58:14] the Ashe is dead right?
[00:58:17] Like the Ashe is just gonna die.
[00:58:19] There's no way the Ashe lives here.
[00:58:20] She just dies. So,
[00:58:22] well actually Tom's probably going to ult her
[00:58:23] but you get it.
[00:58:24] You stall out the fight
[00:58:25] and then you can kill the Ash after
[00:58:27] or you can do anything
[00:58:28] but you see how like
[00:58:31] there's no R happening?
[00:58:34] Bard's like, oh, it wasn't up.
[00:58:35] But it was.
[00:58:36] Like, even now.
[00:58:38] Even if Bard R'd now, these two could have walked away and we could
[00:58:41] have at least not lost the game
[00:58:53] but he's just holding it this is why this is why i think it's cringe when people lie about
[00:58:55] shit when you can literally just go check right like that that to me is cringe as
[00:59:00] because like dude i can literally just go check like don't cope and say it wasn't up
[00:59:06] because you didn't see what's up just improve like look this entire time
[00:59:11] he's just not using anything anything.
[00:59:19] Like, don't get me wrong,
[00:59:21] me getting caught at the end was bad.
[00:59:22] It lost us the game.
[00:59:24] But I do think there was like three or four times that game where we were like,
[00:59:24] The Baron fight should have been
[00:59:26] not them flashing on
[00:59:28] a worthless jungler, all
[00:59:30] that kind of shit.
[00:59:35] But yeah, I mean it just goes to show you the amount of cope people have.
[00:59:45] It is what it is.
[00:59:53] That Bard is a... I mean, he's a diamond bar player.
[01:00:03] Like there's nothing wrong with that but he definitely like
[01:00:04] got out supported in that game for sure.
[01:00:14] Our Rengar was really trash too.
[01:00:16] I think that's the same Rengar that I shit on
[01:00:17] in the game before maybe, that ring got was really bad Okay. The Camille was good.
[01:00:45] Like straight up, the Camille was actually a good player.
[01:00:48] The Bard and the...
[01:00:50] The Bard, the Galio, and the Rengar were kind of stupid. good player the bard and
[01:00:51] the the bard the Galio
[01:00:52] and the Rengar were kind
[01:00:53] of stupid but it is what it is. I don't really care.
[01:01:07] I just think
[01:01:08] it's cringe when you can just go look at the VOD, man. odd man Man, I really love playing Jinx,
[01:01:38] but
[01:01:38] games like that...
[01:01:41] My last two Jinx games actually
[01:01:43] both of my last two Jinx games actually both of my last two jinx games i i feel like
[01:01:48] i had no control over the game at all
[01:01:53] it felt really bad.
[01:02:00] Like, that shit was miserable man. It felt so bad.
[01:02:04] Like look at this... It felt so bad.
[01:02:07] Like, look at this.
[01:02:11] Like both of these last Jinx games I farmed like
[01:02:12] 9 CS a minute in lane
[01:02:14] My team pretty much did
[01:02:17] nothing but lose on top side of the map.
[01:02:23] This game, we lost
[01:02:24] on bot side of the map because
[01:02:26] Bard was perm roaming so I had to give up all my pressure
[01:02:29] and then ash just played decent and they had a tom
[01:02:32] so like tom was a really good pick as well cause tom just eats ash anytime we dive on her
[01:02:47] i don't know jinx is such a good pick for solo queue but it feels really bad.
[01:02:53] Because you don't have any agency to actually play the game.
[01:03:00] But your agency comes from
[01:03:02] being like a really high threat champ
[01:03:04] in teamfights and shit.
[01:03:07] But you don't have any actual
[01:03:08] agency.
[01:03:32] Yeah, But you don't have any actual agency. I think it was bad with Bard too.
[01:03:35] Like, when that guy locked in Bard, I should have just locked him like Ezreal or something.
[01:03:50] ... I mean,
[01:03:52] I don't know how Warwick's ever going to die to Cho.
[01:03:54] But I also don't know
[01:03:55] how Cho ever dies
[01:03:56] to Warwick
[01:03:56] so it's just
[01:03:57] they both just exist
[01:03:58] as well as
[01:03:59] This game's gonna be really funny.
[01:04:07] Because I can already tell you from draft what's going to likely happen this game.
[01:04:15] We have Belveth versus Nidalee. Both Belveth
[01:04:17] and Nidalee both want to be really aggro,
[01:04:19] so
[01:04:20] these two are going to be permanently fighting in the jungle.
[01:04:23] The problem is Warwick is stronger than
[01:04:26] Cho early top, Cho needs time to scale, Warwick just
[01:04:29] does his thing at level two so we have a losing top lane and
[01:04:33] losing mid lane. We have a losing top lane, a losing mid lane. We have a winning bot lane
[01:04:35] because Camille and Ez
[01:04:41] will shit on this bot lane
[01:04:42] really hard
[01:04:42] but their mid and their top
[01:04:46] are both extremely strong early.
[01:04:50] So,
[01:04:53] my jungler basically has to have the mental...
[01:04:56] Like he has to have the mental... Like, he has to have the understanding
[01:04:57] to play bot side this game
[01:04:59] and drop turret early so we can go
[01:05:01] help the other lanes. But that might
[01:05:04] not happen because it's solo queue.
[01:05:10] Okay. because it's solo queue. But that's... we should be
[01:05:12] playing bot side this game,
[01:05:14] because Smolder is really weak
[01:05:16] in lane. And Tristana and uh, Tristana and Cho... or Tristana and Warwick aren't
[01:05:25] that strong. Like Warwick is stronger than Cho early, but not to the point of like...
[01:05:32] ...Cho being worthless.
[01:05:41] I mean, yeah but
[01:05:41] if Smolder was like
[01:05:43] broken
[01:05:44] like when he was first released
[01:05:45] everybody would just be
[01:05:46] spam playing him
[01:05:46] He's not that good
[01:05:47] He's like an average ad right now he has a lot of weaknesses and he's like I'm going to try and get him.
[01:06:07] He missed. My Camille missed his E.
[01:06:20] That's not good, bro.
[01:06:29] Like why aren't we eating?
[01:06:32] Just E flash.
[01:06:33] Nidalee's not here, man! Like what do you mean she's got to go like...
[01:06:37] Okay I take it back apparently their jungle Nidalee level one is
[01:06:42] throwing a spear at me.
[01:06:43] I take it back.
[01:06:46] She shouldn't be there, but I'm just bad apparently.
[01:06:53] I think it's wild that my Camille whiffed her E level 1.
[01:07:02] But, it is what it is.
[01:07:06] Like the fact that this guy, like if I go look and this guy doesn't play Camille
[01:07:11] And he decided to pick Camille because he's autofilled
[01:07:14] I'm gonna lose my mind. I'm just going going to be honest i'm just going to lose it man
[01:07:20] well he's afk Sharo Lightfeather never gives up. He learned that from me.
[01:07:27] An enemy has been slain!
[01:07:31] Okay, my Camille is actually AFK
[01:07:38] You might want to play the game, bro. Just saying.
[01:07:42] We're getting bullied by a smolderman. Yeah you might wanna play League.
[01:07:49] Alright whatever.
[01:08:20] It is what it is. I'm just gonna have to 1v2 the lane. so Like right there, we should just be going in.
[01:08:26] What are we doing?
[01:08:30] Just go in, bro.
[01:08:35] You have flash right? Just go!
[01:08:40] Nah this guy is actually just trolling now. Oh my god.
[01:08:53] Such a loser, man. This Camille is such a loser man An enemy has been saved I'm going to try my best
[01:09:30] to carry, but
[01:09:31] I'm going to tell you right now
[01:09:32] Camille's not trying
[01:09:33] to win at all.
[01:09:34] The guy is mentally checked out of this.
[01:09:38] So we're still
[01:09:39] going to try our best. It's just going to be hard.
[01:10:43] Okay. and send you back to the river portal It's just a diamond player mentally checked out of the game because he's mad at his life so let's see if we can win so uh Like, just go in man. You're playing fucking Camille. God.
[01:10:58] Just go auto them! are you like standing there
[01:11:06] my camille is essentially just oh god
[01:11:12] oh dear god
[01:11:16] whatever again it's just straight up like both supports are really bad but we'll see
[01:11:37] honestly i would much rather this guy just not come balling and just roam
[01:11:40] i think i have an easier time one be2ing them than because i'll have bonus xp.
[01:11:47] Like, i'll get 6 before they do.
[01:11:52] So i would much rather this guy just straight up run forward steel i prefer liberate or procure uh We do not give him this dragon for free, bro. Thank you for watching! has been slain Kind of sucks.
[01:13:02] My jungler is doing the exact opposite of what I was saying he needs to do to win but who knows I mean there's no way we can win this fight unless... Unless they do that. so We should have just dove this small there. I want to go back and by tear.
[01:14:45] Ooh, our jungler is not
[01:14:46] playing well. Not jungler mid.
[01:14:50] That's a hard matchup for Malz,
[01:14:52] but he also went the wrong build.
[01:14:55] Like Malz kinda griefed, I'm not gonna lie.
[01:15:02] You never go that build on Malz anymore.
[01:15:08] Like the tear build is fucking atrocious. He did it because he wants survivability, but you get survivability through the fact that if Triss jumps on you, you just kill her.
[01:15:17] Wait a second.
[01:15:18] The enemy Tristana went Steel Caps.
[01:15:22] She went
[01:15:23] Plated Steel Caps
[01:15:24] versus Amal's Horror. Plated Steel Caps versus
[01:15:27] a Malzahar.
[01:15:29] What the fuck?
[01:15:34] Bro, you lose to
[01:15:35] the guy who went Pl played at Steel Caps?
[01:15:37] I don't even know what to say at that point.
[01:15:43] I'll be real man, that's crazy.
[01:15:51] Damn. Plated Steelcap Rush... exploited steel cap rush
[01:16:00] breaking them
[01:16:03] versus mouths that's wild wild. It's okay, like I said.
[01:16:20] I'll just have to 1v2 the bot lane.
[01:16:24] This happens a lot where you'll just get players who suck
[01:16:28] in the support role.
[01:16:31] And when you do, your job is pretty much just farm up and try your best to have agency.
[01:16:44] Oh, you're trolling man. Why are we hard shoving this? Don't do that.
[01:17:06] Don't do that man! Oh my god... What are we scared of? Nidalee? Why would we be scared of Nidalee, man.
[01:17:26] We're playing... I have Triforce. Oh, You know what sucks?
[01:17:28] If this dipshit had just fucking...
[01:17:30] If this Camille had just ulted and ignited, I would have killed
[01:17:32] both of them.
[01:17:34] He's just standing here man while I'm 1v2ing him
[01:17:41] Like do anything! Go in man
[01:17:45] I don't see anyone do anything go in man
[01:17:53] like this is this is crazy just going to nidalee why are we going forward hit the Nidalee who's behind us!
[01:17:56] Holy fuck, she didn't even use ignite.
[01:18:01] Nah this Camille is 1000% not trying to win like this is this is like some behavior that i see when i see people
[01:18:12] keep sniping me he's either tilted out of his mind or it's a Q sniper.
[01:18:18] There is no in between.
[01:18:20] Like straight up, there is no in between.
[01:18:24] Because this guy is playing so incredibly bad that he would have to be either trolling or Q-sniping. Okay.
[01:18:47] My Malzahar is just sitting mid while they're diving us under turret, five of them. Bro at least take the mid turret! turret.
[01:19:06] This is the worst Malz player I've seen
[01:19:08] in a long time he didn't take mid turret or he didn't like he wasn't there
[01:19:15] when mid died so he didn't get the local gold he didn't get the local gold for the first turret mid,
[01:19:22] so he cost himself
[01:19:23] 200 gold for free
[01:19:25] to walk bot and miss every ability
[01:19:27] and then R smolder.
[01:19:32] And this was after he spent the entire like four minutes hitting the turret
[01:19:37] while we were being dove
[01:19:41] dude low evvo is not real.
[01:19:45] The decisions players make in diamonds
[01:19:49] Make me question my own sanity
[01:19:52] I'm at my best for a while my own sanity.
[01:20:21] Because none of it makes sense. so How are we just letting this happen right now? I mean, like, Camille's scared shitless to do anything.
[01:20:29] Because Camille is just trolling on purpose but...
[01:20:34] Like we're doing what?
[01:20:37] Letting us mold their scale for fun.
[01:20:40] I mean,
[01:20:41] I don't know,
[01:20:41] man,
[01:20:41] this is like,
[01:20:43] what am I watching guys? where's my team right now
[01:20:51] guys fight them we win Oh my god.
[01:21:15] This is crazy, man.
[01:21:28] Like the enemy jungle is bad. The enemy team is bad but Tristana and Nami are literally just playing normal.
[01:21:37] They're not even playing well they They're playing normal and my team
[01:21:40] is trolling so we're losing.
[01:21:42] Look at this.
[01:22:01] Oh! This is why you don't play topside, by the way.
[01:22:05] Top laners are dogshit until Chao.
[01:22:08] Like every top laner in the game is bad until you get up into high elo.
[01:22:12] That's why Tyler can play Illaoi and just just gap every single one of these players without even trying it's not that he's like super good at top it's that everybody's super bad
[01:22:20] like top is just an easy role because they don't know what they're doing. so okay
[01:22:52] i don't really know what to do this game, I'll be real.
[01:23:03] I think we just farm it out and pray.
[01:23:07] Farm it out and pray that i can get a shutdown on their carries. uh huh huh
[01:23:51] goveth walked over to smite blue Guys, don't fight. Just wave clear.
[01:23:54] Like literally just wave clear, kill the minions!
[01:24:01] All you guys have to do is kill the waves, that's it.
[01:24:03] It's super easy to do, guys.
[01:24:05] No we just- You don't need dragon!
[01:24:07] Dragon's worthless! Fight this! just you don't need dragon dragons worthless like this why is my Warwick
[01:24:12] bar right now why would we not fight right now they're giving us a free
[01:24:16] shutdown guess go in so
[01:24:39] now I mean, he's so fed now.
[01:24:56] I don't know man this is just impossible.
[01:25:00] Hmm possible. The fact support
[01:25:14] is this important in League should
[01:25:15] never, ever, ever exist by the way.
[01:25:18] Like I know a lot about this a lot but
[01:25:19] like support needs to be gutted
[01:25:22] into a... your only job is
[01:25:24] ward things and support by
[01:25:26] like
[01:25:26] if you aren't a carry there should never
[01:25:30] be a carry support in the existence of the game
[01:25:32] because that's just the design of the role, right?
[01:25:34] Your role should dictate
[01:25:36] your design.
[01:25:38] So even if people
[01:25:40] don't want to play the role
[01:25:41] because it's not fun
[01:25:42] to not be able to carry
[01:25:43] you're just helping
[01:25:43] other people carry. That's literally
[01:25:45] the design of the role, right?
[01:25:47] In MMOs we have healers
[01:25:49] and we have healers
[01:25:50] because that's the nature of the role
[01:25:53] If you're a support player,
[01:25:56] You shouldn't be doing 10,000 damage.
[01:25:58] You shouldn't be able to solo carry the game.
[01:26:01] It doesn't matter how you feel about it.
[01:26:02] You just shouldn't.
[01:26:06] You shouldn't be able to lock in Camille support.
[01:26:10] Like, you should be forced to play enchanters, forced to play tanks.
[01:26:12] And the reason is like...
[01:26:13] My reasoning here is like
[01:26:16] It just doesn't make any sense
[01:26:17] because this is what you get.
[01:26:19] You get the person who AFKs mid
[01:26:21] like this,
[01:26:22] not trying to win the game because he's just either
[01:26:25] trolling or tilted or griefing or whatever he's doing,
[01:26:28] you get players like this.
[01:26:31] And I mean, look at this guy.
[01:26:32] He's just been running it down every game.
[01:26:35] He's just a bad player, right?
[01:26:37] Straight up just runs it down every game.
[01:26:47] Like, it's just stupid. Players like this should not be allowed to play League. You
[01:26:54] shouldn't be allowed to do that shit. That confirms it. I am a god.
[01:27:04] But the thing is, we let people with this level of intelligence get to the CeeLo playing support because the role is so easy
[01:27:12] and it's like okay if the roll is going to be easy make it so that
[01:27:15] like you actually have to play the role like don't let people be carries
[01:27:24] If nobody plays the role then you know what nobody plays the wrong
[01:27:31] But it's just not fun. Like, it's just stupid. Your turret has been destroyed. That's the thing though You you're not playing support.
[01:28:25] If you are the carry of the team
[01:28:27] You're not playing support at that point
[01:28:29] Your job... Play mid!
[01:28:31] This is what I think people need to understand
[01:28:33] If your queuing support your job
[01:28:39] is to support your team that's the entire role correct so why are we catering
[01:28:47] to people who want to be the main
[01:28:49] character
[01:28:49] walk around and just like play for
[01:28:52] do all this crazy damage shit
[01:28:54] Why are we catering to those players?
[01:28:57] We shouldn't be.
[01:28:59] Cater to the people who are wanting
[01:29:01] to play the role as a support.
[01:29:04] The other people will naturally lose
[01:29:06] because they won't play support anymore and they'll play mid
[01:29:14] and then you only have good support players in high elo
[01:29:37] you won't have these dog bellbeth players these dog support players is super unfun. It is one of those.
[01:29:59] It's just very frustrating.
[01:30:01] Well, that's the thing too is Camille just AFK'd in lane
[01:30:05] But I can't do anything when that happens
[01:30:09] Because my role is completely based on if my support's
[01:30:12] a human.
[01:30:14] So, like, if I'm playing a role that's
[01:30:16] completely based on my support being a human
[01:30:18] and my support... Like, think about this.
[01:30:20] My two losses today were
[01:30:23] literally my support
[01:30:24] completely fucking
[01:30:27] the lane up twice
[01:30:28] The fact that you can lose the game even if you're not worse than them because one player decides they don't want to play,
[01:30:37] That's so disgusting to me.. Okay.. so...................... You know what's really sad?
[01:35:28] My teammates just now
[01:35:29] were happy
[01:35:31] that...
[01:35:34] My teammates were like, I'm in the top 1%
[01:35:36] of all players. I'm really good at the game,
[01:35:38] right? Because I
[01:35:40] asked my support to hover what his pick was going to be, right?
[01:35:44] I said hey can you please hover your pick.
[01:35:47] And he told me i was a bitch.
[01:35:49] He wants to save me...
[01:35:52] Now he has to save them. I think people don't realize how much better I am, like, how much better Challenger players are than them when they're in Masters.
[01:36:07] Like, I don't think Masters players fully comprehend the level of difference
[01:36:11] between skill levels of Challenger to Masters.
[01:36:13] 30 seconds until minions fall. between skill levels of Challenger to Masters?
[01:36:20] Like straight up, I don't think they understand.
[01:36:23] Because they're like oh I'm in the top 1%, right?
[01:36:26] But that's saying if you have a million dollars you are in the top 1%, right? But that's like saying, if you have a million dollars,
[01:36:27] you're in the top 1%, correct?
[01:36:29] Wait.
[01:36:31] You know what beats a million?
[01:36:32] A billion.
[01:36:34] That's like what I'm trying to get through people's heads.
[01:36:40] Like, Challenger players have a billion dollars. They're
[01:36:44] billionaires. Masters players are billionaires.
[01:36:47] Masters players are millionaires.
[01:36:51] You're still rich, but you're nowhere near challenger rich.
[01:36:52] Do you understand what I'm saying?
[01:36:55] Do you guys kind of get what I'm going at here, the levels of difference.
[01:36:57] You're that much lower.
[01:36:59] You're literally
[01:37:00] hundreds of times lower than the Challenger in skill.
[01:37:14] This is wild that my Rakan isn't in lane with me right now, but it's fun. I mean you could literally just w that guy
[01:37:24] we should just be getting bush control Okay.
[01:37:33] We got the Corki's E.
[01:37:37] Can we use spells Mr. Recon?
[01:37:40] Okay so Corki's E is down and Pyke's Q is down
[01:37:46] Why are we playing so far back?
[01:37:49] Eh whatever far back. Eh, whatever.
[01:37:56] Like this is wild that like he's not helping me.
[01:37:59] Like do you understand how retarded this player is to me?
[01:38:01] Like, when I look at this player
[01:38:03] he's not even thinking about
[01:38:05] the same things I'm thinking about. This player
[01:38:07] is so far behind me in skill
[01:38:09] like and yeah that makes me like a douche
[01:38:12] but like it's not fun
[01:38:14] to play with people like this
[01:38:16] Like look at what's
[01:38:18] happening right now I'm literally 1v2ing the lane
[01:38:20] while Rakan watches.
[01:38:23] Why even play support if this is your mentality, man?
[01:38:29] It just doesn't make sense!
[01:38:33] W him!
[01:38:37] Oh my god, I have cancer. Just...
[01:38:39] Like can you play the game man?
[01:38:43] Wait what are we doing? play the game man
[01:38:48] like what are we doing this world is changing i just don't get why we're so scared to take trades
[01:38:51] we have sustained they don't because rakan has q he can out sustain them correct yes so why are we
[01:39:00] scared to take trades when recon can just out-sustain.
[01:39:08] Just W in, take a trade back up. W in, take a trade back up!
[01:39:10] It's really simple.
[01:39:19] An enemy has been slain.
[01:39:27] Wait dude, why are we not fighting this?
[01:39:31] Like nah, this is crazy!
[01:39:33] Like this is crazy!
[01:39:37] Why is my Rakan literally just letting me die? Like, what what the am i watching I survived the void.
[01:40:04] I refuse to let this end.
[01:40:06] Like, how are you a human being?
[01:40:09] Like dude, all of that Like, how are you a human being? Dude all I'm asking is for you to play the game!
[01:40:13] Why are we playing so far behind me. This is crazy! so like i had to walk into him
[01:40:59] if I didn't W the minion there, I would've killed that guy.
[01:41:09] I mean...I don't know what to say man. Just W him!
[01:41:14] Their jungler is maybe bot right now.
[01:41:18] Whatever...
[01:41:21] I will just try and scale, and...
[01:41:29] We'll just try to scale to the best of our ability right now. I mean, look at the sustain we have.
[01:41:46] It's wild! This is what I meant by
[01:41:48] all we have to do
[01:41:50] to win this game is to take trades.
[01:41:52] Right? We just take trades
[01:41:54] and then we win.
[01:41:57] Because, Rakondas has so much sustain if he lands Q.
[01:42:02] It's so free.
[01:42:14] Like, I hate that it's seen as cringe to try hard in games now.
[01:42:17] Like, if you're in a normal game or something, I get it, right?
[01:42:19] If you're playing like a normal game
[01:42:21] and it's casual or something,
[01:42:23] I get it. But dude...
[01:42:26] Why is it cringe to want to be competitive in a game that's meant to
[01:42:29] be competitive
[01:42:32] like i don't get it
[01:42:35] feed the beast what happened to everybody's drive
[01:42:39] to actually want to be good at the game?
[01:42:43] Why are you just like,
[01:42:44] oh, I made it to Masters.
[01:42:46] I don't care anymore.
[01:42:52] I'm just going to autopilot every game now, play 100 thousand games a season never improve and say like fuck it i'm close enough
[01:42:55] Like what?
[01:42:58] That is wild to me.
[01:43:06] Like, why are we focusing the support?
[01:43:30] This didn't look right... like why are we focusing the support Wait, think about this. He just fucking engaged on the supports.
[01:43:32] Whatever.
[01:43:36] We need to push the wave in.
[01:43:40] We're lucky the pike sucks.
[01:44:13] We should even kill this guy, to be honest. I think I trolled. I think you'd go shive now
[01:44:16] instead of cracking yeah he can still go crackin but i think it's shiv
[01:44:21] because i think this the extra wave clear is really, really OP. found your weakness
[01:44:41] kraken's probably better for killing tanks and shit but
[01:44:54] uh i'm not sure i can actually beat this corky 1v1 work he's so OP, dude.
[01:44:58] Like that champ is not balanced.
[01:45:02] Maybe if I can dodge like his big one rocket?
[01:45:09] Like I'm thinking if I could dodge his big one, and then dodge Q maybe?
[01:45:13] Apparently he can just Valk in and I'm at 20%.
[01:45:18] We should kill this guy right now though.
[01:45:22] He has no Valk for like 5 seconds, we should kill him. Go!
[01:45:25] Just go! Use your W.
[01:45:51] HE DOESN'T have Valk! I am not afraid. Wait, go in on that guy! Why did we just let him walk past us?
[01:45:55] Why didn't we W the flank?! I don't understand...
[01:45:59] What?
[01:46:09] W back to me. Or Q, I mean. Whatever it is.
[01:46:12] E.
[01:46:14] Okay nice.
[01:46:16] We should've backed our tempo's
[01:46:18] fucked but...
[01:46:26] Mmm this is a really bad spot to back because Pyke's gonna stop it.
[01:46:36] I should have backed where Khan was backing, That's my bad. Uh...
[01:46:38] I don't know if they can dive me.
[01:46:40] They definitely can, fuck.
[01:46:44] It's fine. it they definitely can fuck
[01:47:11] that's fine The fact this Rakan doesn't ever play forward though, drives me absolutely batshit. You guys have no idea how much it drives me crazy that this guy plays behind me the whole game as a Rakan.
[01:47:23] So I just just like eat everything We have ult.
[01:47:45] It's really hard for them to dive us now.
[01:47:50] We need to engage though. Yeah I I'm not going to ult on that.
[01:48:13] I actually wonder if
[01:48:14] I should have ulted...
[01:48:15] Uh...
[01:48:18] I wonder
[01:48:19] if I should've ulted on top of the Corki earlier.
[01:48:21] So like what I was doing in my head,
[01:48:23] was that I was trying to track the...
[01:48:38] In my head, I was trying to track the pike where he was standing so that I didn't get hooked right as I ulted.
[01:48:41] But it ran off and I couldn't ulti him. I waited too long. That's my bad.
[01:48:54] Ooh... an ally has been slain
[01:48:58] nettaway just got shit on
[01:49:31] all right so i'll bolt though We probably just kill this Corki so Damn, he actually got that off. I don't know why we were trying to stop the lilia because there's no way without
[01:49:34] my r that we can stop a little bit there we should have been playing to kill
[01:49:38] porky or killed a pike
[01:49:47] my issue was i didn't flash the stun, because I didn't think I was going to die in the stun. That was just a really bad decision by...
[01:49:51] Rakan's just standing there watching like, watching the guy do dragon.
[01:49:56] But we can't fight him. It's not possible.
[01:49:59] Because we don't have any hard CC.
[01:50:01] Rakan didn't have R.
[01:50:05] The only way you can actually fucking kill a Lilia is you have to like literally catch her in an actual CC.
[01:50:15] It's too, it's WAY too hard if you can't do that. uh I mean, this Corki's
[01:50:47] not very good at all.
[01:50:48] He's been playing Corki so he's like I mean this cork is not very good at all
[01:50:51] He's been playing quirky so he's like super fucking
[01:50:55] he has a lot of uh Oh so
[01:51:07] this suit hunts in the manner i choose Bro, what am I watching?
[01:51:27] Did I just watch my Rakan walk in a fucking circle?
[01:51:36] Dude, so Rakan whiffs W, right?
[01:51:40] Whiffs W.
[01:51:43] Walks in a circle.
[01:51:44] I don't know.
[01:51:46] I don't know how these people get to the C-low.
[01:51:47] I have no clue.
[01:51:50] Like, I just don't know, man.
[01:51:51] I don't know how this Rakan has ever climbed in his life.
[01:52:30] This shit is wild uh I mean, look at... Dude, the enemy pike is everywhere.
[01:53:01] Okay. This place is beautiful. I'm going to see it. I think I've taken out more wards than the recon has the entire game in the last five seconds
[01:53:05] this is actually crazy. I mean, we need vision. so Why would we not W that guy? I don't understand, man.
[01:53:57] We can one-shot Corki here if you go in.
[01:54:01] One shot him! one-shot Corki here if you go in.
[01:54:07] One shot him! One shot the Corki, man!
[01:54:21] Oh my god, I have cancer. Like all he has to do is literally R.
[01:54:28] Dude, why are we not helping each other?
[01:54:32] Corki's alone mad men
[01:54:38] like what are we doing i have kDA player Rakan.
[01:54:46] Flash is up, Ignite is up, Ulti is up.
[01:54:49] He's just standing here playing for KDA.
[01:55:07] Okay. here playing for KDA. I don't know man, it is wild to me. How easy League of Legends is at its core and how hard support players make this role look
[01:55:11] You will never have any idea how easy that role is if you've never played it.
[01:55:17] It's quite literally the simplest role in the game by a mile.
[01:55:22] Like, you can literally learn to play support at challenger level
[01:55:25] By watching a fucking YouTube video.
[01:55:27] Turning your brain on
[01:55:29] and watching a YouTube video,
[01:55:30] and you can play Challenger Support.
[01:55:37] I am so dead.
[01:55:45] Guys, my Rakan didn't ulti.
[01:55:51] Oh!
[01:55:54] My Rakan's a Q-Snipe int.
[01:55:57] Ah, ha, ha, ha.
[01:55:58] It's a Q sniper.
[01:56:00] Hey, you got me, Rakan.
[01:56:02] I didn't check, man.
[01:56:04] You got me, bro.
[01:56:05] Nice job.
[01:56:07] Yeah, managed to Q snipe an int.
[01:56:10] Proud of you, buddy. Like, I looked at his match history and it's just a Q-Sniper.
[01:56:14] No wonder he's like playing to not win.
[01:56:22] You got me, buddy! uh Don't worry.
[01:56:53] We got one Still one of them will buy five artifacts.
[01:57:08] No, the Recon's an interman.
[01:57:11] How do I...
[01:57:12] Like, do I need to explain this to you more than once?
[01:57:13] He Q sniped me with the intent of losing this game on stream for fun.
[01:57:21] Like, the games over. But I've already accepted it.
[01:57:25] I'm still gonna try to like improve and get better but this game is done.
[01:57:29] That is what it is.
[01:57:43] Like I said, it just comes with being a known streamer.
[01:57:46] You have hate watchers, you have people Q sniping and griefing, soft int'ing... It just comes with it right? It's just been this with this.
[01:57:53] I can't say that it's not really tilting, but you know.
[01:57:59] What can I do?illia right now. She's going gonna walk up to try and clear this wave.
[01:58:24] We should look for a play, I mean he won't but we should look for a play i mean he won't but we
[01:58:27] should so
[01:58:45] you see how he intentionally went as deep
[01:58:46] you see how he intentionally went as deep
[01:58:47] you see how he intentionally went as deep as possible as possible as possible he's not trying to win uh the apk isa builds fun but like shiv and nashers i like it so The only way we can maybe, like, do anything this game is to uh take really big risks
[01:59:35] basically i have to like do stuff like
[01:59:37] this where I'm just going out of my way
[01:59:46] to try and make plays like this.
[02:01:03] It's really the only way we can maybe win is if like, because the guy is trolling but nobody else on the team is trolling, right? Like they're all trying to win still. so so So because the other people are still trying to win, I might be able to pull it out. so What was the healing? Which healing?
[02:01:04] My healing?!
[02:01:06] Oh. Uh...
[02:01:09] Middle E, she's full AP. um down there i was surrounded by nothingness but i
[02:01:21] was never alone memories so go go go go um so Using my flash like that is not very good. We could probably just sit right here, actually. And just kill them.
[02:02:38] Oh! Nevermind! oh dude if I had kited my R was back up.
[02:03:07] No!
[02:03:09] When I walked into the lily I should have walked into the corky.
[02:03:13] Dude, I had that fuck I actually had
[02:03:20] that dang like no joke i had that
[02:03:32] fuck what's my team doing you guys should
[02:03:33] wait for me.
[02:03:41] Ooh, well played Vayne! Wait kill that guy! Condemn him!
[02:03:45] Oh! Okay Vayne's a beast
[02:03:51] let's go An ally has been slain. uh i don't think we can end because they kind of trolled but we'll see so I almost have BT. Yeah, that's what I thought.
[02:04:55] We gotta be careful...
[02:04:57] I'm split from my team.
[02:04:59] Okay, I can't play the game right now.
[02:05:07] This is really awkward, I can't get in there. We should just go top honestly.
[02:05:16] Actually I'm gonna go in the game Okay, not bad
[02:05:51] we forced the rally at tp not bad not bad because this dragon doesn't matter right
[02:05:55] like even if they get this like this the soul is pretty worthless. It doesn't do anything
[02:06:00] because Chemtech souls like whatever it's like I'm gonna be real
[02:06:01] like Chemtech soul compared to the other souls
[02:06:03] is not that big of a deal.
[02:06:05] Like if this was like
[02:06:06] Podsoul or something
[02:06:07] it would be a huge deal
[02:06:08] but...
[02:06:11] What is my...
[02:06:13] There it is!
[02:06:14] Recon's still
[02:06:15] trying to soft end the game.
[02:06:17] Like, they take the dragon and Rakan's like,
[02:06:19] don't worry guys.
[02:06:21] I'll make sure to die here.
[02:06:23] So it looks like I was trying to help the team.
[02:06:26] Once you know how toxic people are with like soft ending and
[02:06:31] you see it so much but genuinely like once you once you you notice people softending
[02:06:40] You just see it in everything people do
[02:06:45] Right?
[02:06:47] Like think about it. What would be the value in him
[02:06:49] sitting there watching them take the dragon and then dying
[02:06:51] afterward, right? The only value is
[02:06:53] it puts us... It takes
[02:06:55] away our pressure and gives them
[02:06:57] free kills.
[02:07:02] ... pressure and gives them free kills. The actual value would be...
[02:07:07] You go ward Baron, and we just play for Baron.
[02:07:19] Let's just go get Baron!
[02:07:21] We do this in like two seconds, man. Just do it. I don't want to fight in a choke against their team guys.
[02:08:16] Oh my god! End of game. so god fuck you rakan you bro off you tried so hard to lose that
[02:08:20] game you're such a fucking loser, man.. Like, me and the Vayne? 2v5 to that shit.
[02:08:53] I should have honored the Vayne. That was my bad.
[02:08:55] That guy played really good
[02:10:48] yo ggs by the way.. Who's the cat?. I'm sorry. Thank you.. Thank you.. You You.. I like this guy.
[02:11:23] You're a masochistic fuck!
[02:11:25] True.
[02:11:29] I've been...
[02:11:33] Nobody knows the pain What is this guy saying?
[02:12:01] I like, I like this guy.
[02:12:10] Holy fuck! Oh, dang.
[02:12:15] Nah, Tarzan played five games by the way in Emerald and quit. Like legit rage quit.
[02:12:38] Bro. Bro....
[02:13:03] .
[02:13:05] .
[02:13:07] .
[02:13:09] .
[02:13:11] .. Yo, chat.
[02:13:19] I'll be right back, all right?
[02:13:20] I'm going to grab some water.
[02:13:29] Dude,
[02:13:30] I like that guy.
[02:14:06] He's funny. Bye.. All right, let's queue up boys.
[02:14:08] I got to hide my cue though because as you see
[02:14:10] there are people
[02:14:12] trying to lose games. names.. Woo!
[02:14:45] Chat, how's your guys' day going?
[02:14:47] That game woke me up and i'm in a great mood
[02:14:52] i'm in a wonderful mood
[02:14:56] how's you guys day going? What's up?
[02:15:29] What's up, boys?. No, for real though. I'm in such a better mood. Like fuck those people man
[02:15:31] like there's nothing that feels
[02:15:38] better
[02:15:38] than having somebody try and lose you the game
[02:15:43] that fucking dipshit ass recon
[02:15:45] and then you end up
[02:15:50] being able to win
[02:15:51] that's such a good fucking feeling.
[02:15:59] I wonder if I still should have gone AP Kaisa though.
[02:16:05] I don't know, I'm still thinking AP Kaisa is probably better...
[02:16:11] be honest.
[02:16:26] Like, I want to watch the lane phase of what my Rakan was doing this whole time.
[02:16:46] Did he not have... Oh, he didn't level anything. Like right now by the way. This is when
[02:16:47] I knew Rakan wasn't a good player
[02:16:48] if you're curious because
[02:16:51] all he has to do...
[02:16:52] This Pyke should have to flash
[02:16:54] right now.
[02:16:59] Like, he walked up the bush's warded
[02:17:01] Right? We have a wave coming in
[02:17:03] All that Rakan has to do is W
[02:17:05] him, knock him up and then this guy basically will have
[02:17:08] to flash you w ignite and i'll have to flash out right down in there
[02:17:16] like it's it's something that like if i show you this freeze frame and you guys are in gold
[02:17:19] silver whatever.
[02:17:20] Well, you could even see that Corki has no E.
[02:17:25] Corki has barrier right?
[02:17:26] Like I'm going to go over all these things really quick.
[02:17:29] Corki's got barrier.
[02:17:30] He has no E.
[02:17:31] It's on cooldown for seven.
[02:17:34] Talon's Q is on cooldown for nine.
[02:17:37] You just go in and you just kill them
[02:17:47] that's what i was trying to tell you guys like this guy was trolling i could tell like you just see how people play it's like, I get that Masters is not high elo
[02:17:52] but you can see the way people play
[02:17:56] is disgusting, right?
[02:17:59] They don't play to win.
[02:18:01] Look at this guy!
[02:18:06] He just lets that guy walk away for free...
[02:18:09] And then I'm trying to get level 2, and he's not even... look at him.
[02:18:19] Like, he's not even using w to like peel
[02:18:28] yeah so you get it right like masters isn't high elo but it's high enough
[02:18:38] that this player should have the mental understanding to play for level 2 and to fight when like...
[02:18:47] He should have that understanding even though it's not high elo. And then he W'd
[02:18:48] exactly when Pyke hooked him.
[02:18:52] Wait,
[02:18:52] he did that on purpose?
[02:18:55] 100% he did that on purpose. 100% he did that on purpose.
[02:18:58] Because he could have W'd at any point before Pyke left.
[02:19:02] But he-he did it on purpose to make it look like he was soft inting or not soft ending
[02:19:12] like it's just it's stupid behavior is why I hate this.
[02:19:40] And then right here! this made me really mad. Look at what's happening right now! Corki's got no E, right? We know Corki has no E... Why would we not just fight this?
[02:19:43] We have Ignite, Flash, W.
[02:19:46] Nidalee has QW.
[02:19:47] Why would we not just fight?
[02:19:54] All you have to do is W Corki or W Pyke, she lands a max range spear and they instantly die to our combo
[02:19:56] And I still have heal. Like, look at this.
[02:20:03] Like watch! Look at where he is. My 30% HP Nidalee is walking up to help me kill this Corki while my full HP, flash ignite up W-up Rakan
[02:20:25] is in lane as far away as possible.
[02:20:47] Do you understand why i'm saying like this guy was not trying to win let me see
[02:20:55] like it's disgusting man.
[02:21:02] Because being bad or having a bad game is fine but like
[02:21:05] these things that i've shown you he's not even trying to play the game Missed the cannon. Like right now, we know Pyke has no hook.
[02:21:33] Why not E to me
[02:21:37] and we just W on top of the Corki
[02:21:42] And if Corki uses his Valk away
[02:21:47] The Rakan just to me at the end of the trade
[02:21:52] so he just goes ew if this guy valks away it ease back and we disengage because this guy can't engage on us. He has no fucking...
[02:21:56] He would have to flash his stun.
[02:22:34] Okay. so So, Yo, Kaisa feels pretty good though.
[02:22:35] I'm not going to lie.
[02:22:37] I actually really enjoy playing this champ.
[02:22:41] She feels pretty good!... so uh so Thank you.. Is Jinx the Omega AD at the moment?
[02:23:53] Um, I think Jinx is
[02:23:57] really good. so Okay. I think the only reason I don't like a team because you don't have an agency.
[02:24:41] Jinx and Zarya are both really, really good if your team is playing around you. They're extremely OP.
[02:24:52] But the problem is that if your team doesn't play around you those two champs aren't the best champs. Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[02:25:13] This world is changing, We decide into what?
[02:25:20] Oh, we're against Crimson? Alright well...
[02:25:22] We'll try our best.
[02:25:35] If it's actually Crimson, we'll probably just lose.
[02:25:45] Because he's playing Yone against Tom Kench
[02:25:47] which doesn't feel like it's a free matchup
[02:25:49] for Tom.
[02:25:51] And he's like... This guy's
[02:25:53] ranked fucking one
[02:25:54] challenger or some shit.
[02:26:32] ... so Get up. Stand firm. I'm just trying to pull the wave in case they're late to the lane, and they missed that minion.
[02:26:35] Yep. Alright so...
[02:26:38] Because they leashed we pulled the wave And cost Smolder one minion
[02:26:41] Might not seem like a big deal, but it is.
[02:26:58] Because because it means we'll get level 2 before he does. So even when normally, he'd be able to get level 2 on the timer... I really want this Janna to play forward with me.
[02:27:11] You see how she's kind of behind me right now?
[02:27:15] When we're level 2
[02:27:16] to their level 1, you always want to play forward
[02:27:18] because you can
[02:27:20] stat check them.
[02:27:23] There's no downside
[02:27:24] to playing in their face like that when you have...
[02:27:27] Like, an extra spell is way too OP.
[02:27:33] I think a lot of people underestimate how op an extra spell is I'm going to push this in, crash the wave.
[02:28:08] Damn, I didn't get my auto off.
[02:28:11] I mean this guy still has heal.
[02:28:17] Damn.
[02:28:23] I was really hoping that guy would heal me faster, but...
[02:28:27] It's all good. Leave the wave! Leave the wave!
[02:28:31] The wave is actually in such a good spot right now.
[02:28:37] Alright, I'm gonna try the static Shiv build this game. Last time we did the Kraken Slayer build, I'm going to try the Shiv build this game.
[02:28:55] Underneath a shed. some recoil at the side of me underneath the shed
[02:29:38] kaisa's really good right now so so good day i want this janna to have my children um uh so so um
[02:30:31] apparently they're buffing gp
[02:30:36] what do you guys think about that?
[02:31:08] You guys think the GP buff is warranted or no? hmm
[02:31:27] maybe you guys don't even know they're buffing GP. We should be playing... Janna should try and play further up with me.
[02:31:32] Oops.
[02:31:40] I want the Smolder to be zoned off minions. I really want to get this plane.
[02:32:06] How long?
[02:32:09] I need 1025, so like one wave.
[02:32:40] One wave and I can get winner gold, and we can play like ultra far forward. Push one more wave.
[02:32:41] I kind of want to stay.
[02:32:43] I think we can dive this guy.
[02:32:46] Vi is top.
[02:32:50] I'm pretty sure we could dive that smolder, but he does have barrier.
[02:32:59] Okay. so
[02:33:14] this place is beautiful. Ooh, that's not bad! Damn, I really want to dive him.
[02:33:31] I don't think I can.
[02:33:35] Screen is black?
[02:33:37] Wait how long was my screen
[02:33:39] black for?
[02:33:42] Nobody said anything.
[02:33:44] Hello?
[02:33:45] Was it just that guy? Oh, it wasn't black for you guys?
[02:34:01] Oh, okay.
[02:34:05] I got worried, man!
[02:34:06] I was like, oh jeez.
[02:34:08] I'm a bad streamer.
[02:34:41] Okay. I'm a bad streamer. uh Oh man. I fucked up.
[02:34:52] I needed to not get blinded.
[02:35:03] Wait, what's happening here?
[02:35:05] Bro? What am I logging?
[02:35:09] What are we doing buddy?
[02:35:13] That could not have been played worse.
[02:35:17] Like, real talk...
[02:35:22] that literally could not have been played worse by Lillian. what the fuck did i just watch I came for the hunt. uh uh They will have you. my w just came up That's worth. I'm not worth a shutdown, and that Smolder just missed literally five waves in a row.
[02:36:53] I think I could have lived if I was better at Kai'Sa, but it's definitely worth it to zone him off that many minions
[02:37:37] Because he is down a full level now so it's worth uh oh Uh oh. This is a interesting game. My, uh...
[02:37:43] We die to this guy 100%.
[02:37:46] I have my Q upgrade. He can't survive this.
[02:37:51] Tank it?
[02:37:58] WM, please.
[02:38:04] Thank you. Vi is on dragon.
[02:38:24] I want to kill her.
[02:38:27] She's not on dragon? dragon i want to kill her
[02:38:34] she's not on dragon she's hmm i don't know what she's doing actually thought she was on drake my bad i do want to play for a dragon though Why is Tom Kench mid?
[02:38:54] What the fuck?
[02:38:57] I mean, we're definitely losing Drake right now.
[02:39:00] And we're gonna lose top turret by the looks of it.
[02:39:04] Which is crazy.
[02:39:08] Because we should only be losing one thing okay I'm gonna push one more mid wave. Okay.
[02:39:55] Made 100 gold for my Rageblade?
[02:39:59] Oh, okay.
[02:40:01] So that's what they were doing they're trading rifts for dragon i was you know it's kind of wild when you do this build, apparently you max W second.
[02:40:26] Like, is it the W
[02:40:27] second max build or whatever?
[02:40:31] Uh-oh, there's a play going on.
[02:40:35] Means I gotta push
[02:40:36] mid here, and then
[02:40:37] make sure we don't lose tier 2 top as well.
[02:40:48] Damn it. That W hit by the way I would have killed that guy 100%
[02:40:49] Oh, if Janna comes up here
[02:40:55] we can get this guy's shutdown
[02:40:57] We can kill him right now.
[02:41:03] I missed his... damn.
[02:41:13] Uhhhhhhh
[02:41:16] Okay, ult him. Go mid! I'm doing everything too slow go mid
[02:41:46] i'm doing everything too slow ah Okay, I kind of want to get... I want to go back.
[02:41:48] Let me back, let me back, please.
[02:41:50] I have so much gold. Let me back. Let me back, let me back please. I have so much gold, let me back.
[02:42:00] This is rough because for some reason nobody's matching top.
[02:42:06] So I have to keep coming up here, which is really rough.
[02:42:22] Dude! Push top! but the hunt is the same
[02:42:25] dude push pop
[02:42:29] what does my mouth by doing man
[02:42:57] this is gonna drive me fucking crazy We need to break this mid turret. It's kind of hard to break this though. Okay, the Malphite's trolling.
[02:43:18] He took red.
[02:43:19] I don't know what this guy's doing but he took red buff
[02:43:48] that was a bad w Like, what are we doing man? Why are we losing mid turret for fun? Like, what are we doing? Why am I having this Malphite troll me right now?
[02:43:50] What did that do to you?
[02:44:16] How did the anger this guy? No, nice cheese Lux. That was really well done man.
[02:44:18] Nice job.
[02:44:33] Oh! All right, we got our W upgrade now.
[02:44:34] Oh, we're chilling.
[02:44:37] So now we just spam the Ws.
[02:44:39] Dude, I never actually... I've never played this kaisa playstyle
[02:44:41] like more than once or twice so this will be fun for me And then I think what you get after...
[02:45:16] Okay, hear me out.
[02:45:17] I could be completely wrong on this,
[02:45:19] but I think you get cancer
[02:45:21] after you miss your cannon,
[02:45:28] but... I think you get Zhonya's fourth.
[02:45:44] Survival is an instinctive Okay, let me go get... We got our Nashors.
[02:45:45] I think these
[02:45:47] So we're three full items and Smolder is
[02:45:49] one?
[02:45:51] Holy fuck the smolders behind!
[02:45:56] At 3 full items, level 12
[02:45:58] almost 13, Smolder is level 10
[02:46:00] with Essence Weaver
[02:46:02] Vamp Scepter fucking
[02:46:03] Swifties.
[02:46:06] Oh my...
[02:46:09] This guy is
[02:46:11] in pain. I'm in pain.
[02:46:32] Damn.
[02:46:34] That was
[02:46:35] the first misplay Janna made the whole game by the way she's playing
[02:46:40] this game so well so like the reason that went so bad is
[02:46:45] because i had to ulti over the wall to try and kill that guy.
[02:46:49] If she had just warded the wall, like when we were
[02:46:51] fighting here, if Janna had just put a ward right here
[02:46:53] I would have been able to kill the Smolder
[02:46:55] without having to ulti and then I could have saved my ulti
[02:46:57] for Vi.
[02:47:00] But, I mean, that's just something that happens. It's not his fault.
[02:47:02] It just is what it is.
[02:47:06] It's
[02:47:06] like something that you don't see a lot of people do
[02:47:08] properly for a long time.
[02:47:12] I think we should just do baron we're so far ahead that like the only the only actual person who can like us up right now is yone
[02:47:18] we should force baron Yone. We should have forced Baron.
[02:47:27] Can my team 1v3 to Yone?
[02:47:28] Or 3v1 the Yone?
[02:47:34] Oh, they can! Nice. Dude, I swear to god this Malphite is walking into my lanes intentionally taking my farm. Like, I think that's like a conspiracy theory or whatever
[02:47:39] like it's probably not actually happening but dude i'm losing it man Like he's been in my lane like eight times. We should just do Baron right now. Vi is going bot, do Baron. so so down now i was surrounded by the fire but i was never alone one What the fuck am I watching? an enemy so
[02:50:23] yeah i'm gonna keep it real with you boys i'm not diving now with you I just might stay. uh I'm going to go with the same one. Helen Keller of K'SaWs. Hey! I'm trying my best! Okay? They're just moving! so so so your team has destroyed an inhibitor
[02:51:28] don't stop me now and touch good time having a ball wait i didn't zhonya
[02:51:57] i was gonna zhonyas and then flash out now it looks like i'm just venting
[02:52:03] nobody say anything that's not fair listen oh Listen, oh Oh kill What do I even buy?
[02:52:37] Crypto Bloom? Probably him.
[02:52:46] Alright guys, guys, guys my bad, my bad, my bad i threw
[02:52:55] shut down
[02:52:59] bork no we need some sort of pen.
[02:53:04] Is this or terminus? so so I mean, we should just go top.
[02:53:44] I don't know why we're mid.
[02:53:45] I'm not doing macro either.
[02:53:54] Okay.
[02:53:56] Okay.
[02:54:21] Nothing like wasting your ult before a teamfight, I guess. I came for the hunt.
[02:54:37] Oh, staple fruit. And that almost hit me. That GP combo also did zero fucking damage
[02:54:42] and we're fine
[02:54:46] Both junglers are dead, I mean let's just go to Baron
[02:54:49] We just need to be careful of lux she could definitely still burn oh so down damn No way, that guy actually didn't fucking die.
[02:55:51] The hell?
[02:55:54] Jesus. die the hell
[02:55:57] jesus
[02:56:02] this is gonna be really awkward for a second because one of two things is about to happen.
[02:56:04] We're about to lose or win the game.
[02:56:09] Baron is up!
[02:56:10] Dragon is up!
[02:56:18] But my team is choosing to fight topside for fun.
[02:56:25] And my Lillia is not doing the objective.
[02:56:28] Oh, man, this is awkward.
[02:56:30] So... This is what I meant by one of two things about to occur.
[02:56:36] Like they're going for kills over
[02:56:38] playing the game to win.
[02:56:40] Which is, as you guys know,
[02:56:42] it's just Prime League, but...
[02:56:45] Welcome to League of Legends, you know?
[02:56:55] I'm gonna go for Soul. Fuck this. This game is too
[02:56:57] like... We shouldn't be doing
[02:56:59] Sol, we should be doing Baron and just ending
[02:57:01] because they have Smolder
[02:57:03] but I'm going to be 100%
[02:57:05] honest with you, man.
[02:57:07] I don't trust myself and I don't trust my teammates.
[02:57:43] I just realized that I have no lifesteal. But actually zero. The only lifesteal I have is for my pot, I think. That's not good. um
[02:57:53] smolder is over here by the way so so Okay, please tell me you guys can end the game against only Smolder.
[02:58:38] Please.
[02:58:42] Please end the game. Please end the game.
[02:58:44] Please end the game.
[02:58:46] Please end the game.
[02:58:48] Oh, thank god.
[02:58:53] Thank god I didn't throw this game. so.. This lock said I can never play support with low elo.
[02:59:51] Brother, you dropped 11 deaths and died 4 times in lane phase. please Okay. What a fun game. honestly you're kind of right the games today haven't been too bad.
[03:00:48] Oh, the Janna added me.
[03:00:50] Hey. Thank you, Spam. hey you goosebump Yeah.
[03:01:10] I feel that in my soul bro... Oh, that's good. Yeah, I could tell. so..... I'm going to play a TFT.
[03:03:55] You know how I've been climbing really well lately?
[03:04:01] I actually told myself I want to take small breaks
[03:04:08] between... Even if I'm not
[03:04:10] tilted, because I'm not even tilted right now, right?
[03:04:12] But I told myself I want to take small breaks
[03:04:14] every few hours
[03:04:15] to do something else.
[03:04:17] So I got my hand rest or something
[03:04:18] and it's been working
[03:04:21] really, really well.
[03:04:34] Sorry bro bye. Oh I mean I'm going gonna play more League. I'm just playing one TFT.
[03:04:40] Like I plan on...I'm still going to play more League today.
[03:04:43] I'm just gonna play 1 quick TFTE, like 30 minutes.
[03:04:46] And then we'll play some League.
[03:04:48] Because I still want to play jinx because i've been winning so
[03:05:08] i've not only been winning with jinx but i've been doing
[03:05:11] really well like my games are really really good
[03:05:17] like i can definitely feel that
[03:05:19] I'm playing Jinx well.
[03:05:20] Because even though I'm losing,
[03:05:22] I'm doing like 8 CS per minute
[03:05:23] not dying a lot.
[03:05:25] I'm having really high damage
[03:05:26] output in these games.
[03:05:31] Like, even when I'm 1 and 4, I'm still doing a fuckton. Like high CS per minute.
[03:05:46] This game, somebody AFK'd
[03:05:48] so I stopped caring.
[03:05:49] We had a...
[03:05:53] We had an Alistar top and he just you know it was what it was but i mean look like i'm telling you i think jinx is the way to climb.
[03:06:01] The problem is, I get really frustrated
[03:06:04] playing Jinx.
[03:06:15] Oh, also, I forgot to mention this to you guys. If you guys are like playing AD Carry right now if you're a kaisa player or an ezreal
[03:06:23] player
[03:06:25] don't follow the runes that like streamers are doing
[03:06:29] they're they're idiots follow the runes the koreans are doing so like this page right here is
[03:06:34] the korean ruin page and it is beyond broken
[03:06:41] this this is beyond broken.
[03:06:48] This rune right here, Jack of all trades...
[03:06:52] this rune is insane.
[03:07:00] You basically get 10 AD on your very first back
[03:07:04] because... on your very first back
[03:07:12] because doran's blade gives you a d life steal so that's two traits right
[03:07:16] dorian's blades give you 80 lifesteal and on your very first back
[03:07:18] if you buy boots
[03:07:20] and dagger
[03:07:21] all you have to buy is
[03:07:23] boots, dagger
[03:07:23] on your very first back
[03:07:24] or tear Tear is the same thing right? boots dagger on your very first back.
[03:07:27] Or tier.
[03:07:28] Tier's the same thing, right?
[03:07:30] So you can buy boots tier... Don't buy longsword. Go boots tier. I actually
[03:07:32] fucked up. I should have done
[03:07:34] boots tier this game, So you either go...
[03:07:37] You either go boot dagger if you're playing Kai'Sa
[03:07:44] or boot tier if you're playing Ez,
[03:07:46] and you instantly get this at level
[03:07:48] like four. At like
[03:07:50] four minutes, five minutes into the game,
[03:07:52] you get ten bonus adaptive force.
[03:07:55] To put it in perspective for you,
[03:07:56] that's like taking
[03:07:57] this rune right here as nine. to put it in perspective for you that's like taking
[03:07:58] this rune right here is nine right a cane game oh
[03:08:06] this room right here is 9 Adaptive Force, right?
[03:08:09] So you're basically getting a free offensive rune.
[03:08:17] Cutdown's the best value
[03:08:19] for any rune you're gonna get.
[03:08:24] Because
[03:08:24] Coop to Grace
[03:08:27] and Last Stand
[03:08:29] are only good situationally cut down is good almost always Yeah, I am that good.
[03:08:44] Like if you compare Cutdown versus Coop...
[03:09:09] Uh, Cutdown will always have more damage every game a loaded gun complex cocky and pull it
[03:09:31] sugar we're going down swinging. The Koreans are just really, really good at min-maxing like every bit of the game that they can.
[03:09:43] They are super good at min-maxing, like, the game. Squeezing out every little advantage they can get what What do I play here?
[03:10:00] Oh god.
[03:10:01] Do we coin flip this?
[03:10:03] Chat.
[03:10:07] Do we just go the standard reaper comp or did we go wandering for contents Fuck it, we'll be boring. boring look so So you put yourself in risk too much to play the last stand?
[03:11:05] No, yeah. Exactly.
[03:11:08] The reason the last stand comp sucks, or
[03:11:10] last stand rune sucks is because
[03:11:12] it's good situationally.
[03:11:15] Like if you're a champion like Vayne
[03:11:16] or something right? Like Vayne
[03:11:18] or something like Karthus it it's a really good on obviously.
[03:11:21] But if you're a champion like that,
[03:11:23] Obviously you are going have like really good
[03:11:35] ability to
[03:11:37] Sorry I'm confused on what
[03:11:41] I'm trying to do here.
[03:11:43] If you're Vayne or Karthus
[03:11:44] where you're going to be sitting low
[03:11:46] and really close range to the fight
[03:11:47] obviously Last Stand has value
[03:11:50] but you also need to be thinking about like what you're doing as an
[03:11:53] ad carry 99 of the game right think about it 99.9 percent of league of legends when
[03:12:00] you're playing a d what are you doing just hitting the front line right like you're
[03:12:05] just autoing frontline and if you're autoing front line how often
[03:12:11] like is that is that cut down gonna have value
[03:12:15] very often right because you're just you're hitting people at full hp
[03:12:19] often and if you're hitting somebody above 50
[03:12:22] hp which is very often the rune will always have value.
[03:12:26] Whereas coup and last stand
[03:12:28] have higher value
[03:12:29] than cut down does
[03:12:30] at the points
[03:12:33] in which they activate but they're not activating
[03:12:36] nearly as much as Cutdown is activating.
[03:12:44] ... so so Man, I should put some more time into learning how to play Kai'Sa better.
[03:13:15] She's so OP at the moment.
[03:13:19] And I'm not very good in her combos.
[03:13:46] Like, she's so good. She also fits into the like ability to solo carry games really well. Because, oh my god! Wait we're first pick there's a cane
[03:13:58] what the fuck?
[03:14:03] Wait, we have four Reaper at 2-5.
[03:14:07] Oh my god! Okay. I need a BF sword though. yeah four reaper at two five is insane by the way that's absolutely wild
[03:14:36] yes
[03:14:39] uh what do i want to do here, though?
[03:14:50] A chain.
[03:14:51] Or a giant's belt.
[03:14:53] Well that's worthless
[03:14:55] i'm trying to find something that i can
[03:15:02] slam the only thing i can think of slamming is Sunfire. Like, actually though.
[03:15:24] The only thing I can think of slamming is some fire Do you think this is better?
[03:15:44] So we can start stacking...
[03:15:46] And then we just give Reaper to this guy for now. So we can start stacking.
[03:15:49] And then we just give Reaper to this guy for now?
[03:15:55] Because one of these needs to be Edge of Night. One of these probably has to be...
[03:16:01] Even Shroud.
[03:16:05] So I should
[03:16:07] probably just slam a sunfire
[03:16:14] the problem is if i get a bow and i don't have a belt to like slam morelos
[03:16:20] if i get a bow
[03:16:21] and I don't have a belt
[03:16:22] to slam Morellos,
[03:16:23] I'm just fucked.
[03:16:25] Or not a bow,
[03:16:26] a rod.
[03:16:44] Okay. right like it's gonna feel bad This is the only downside?
[03:16:48] You guys are kind of witnessing The literal only downside
[03:16:49] Of like
[03:16:50] Forcing a comp At like literally 2-1?
[03:16:55] You don't have items and some comps require perfect items.
[03:17:14] Don't get me wrong, having four Reaper at this stage of the game is illegal but I don't have items. That crit that crit glove is like fucking not great you know? Yep see there's the rod.
[03:17:17] I need a BF! BFEF!
[03:17:21] Okay we have Last Whisper at least.
[03:17:28] I didn't make econ. I'm trolling.
[03:18:04] How do I play this? This guy's a Niko too. yes
[03:18:25] they guys all listen I guess I'll be sin. Guys, working out with
[03:18:41] Set makes you bigger.
[03:18:44] The problem is
[03:18:46] we're playing Cane Galaxy.
[03:19:41] Okay. is we're playing cane galaxy so i have to start win streaking very soon Okay, I think Pandora's just saved my ass. so I think Pandora saved me we'll have to see
[03:19:50] i would actually be if i had a bt or an edge of night i would actually be winning every one of these rounds because four reaper is
[03:19:54] so op but only if you have edge of knight and bt oh i'm taking so much HP on the Kain galaxy, bro.
[03:20:09] Sione...
[03:20:11] Thank god.
[03:20:16] Okay. Thank God. Okay...
[03:20:30] What? What Reaper do you take out, by the way, when you play this? It's probably Kha'Zix. I Wanted to reroll I did that because i want to reroll uh two items Okay.
[03:20:59] Okay. Wait, there's so many people playing Exalted. What the fuck?
[03:21:26] There's no good champions.
[03:22:15] I mean, I could take morgue but for ghostly but like i kind of want I don't know what I want. so Dude, I'm not even level 7 right now. My econ is really fucked.
[03:22:20] I'm loose streaking on King Galaxy with bad econ.
[03:22:23] This is not good.
[03:22:28] I need to hit something really big.
[03:22:32] Like, I need to get
[03:22:33] lucky and hit like a Sylas and a Galio
[03:22:35] right now.
[03:22:56] Dude, I would be winning every one of these fucking rounds if I had BT. Oh my god.
[03:22:59] The fact I haven't seen a single...
[03:23:06] Dude, the fact I haven't seen a single fucking...
[03:23:13] Uh...
[03:23:37] Cloak is insane. I should put in Yorick over this dog shit. This Qiyana doesn't do anything.
[03:23:40] Why is Qiyana even in my comp?
[03:23:53] Okay. bro okay i'm just gonna play for top four.
[03:24:03] Stage and a half till the game's over? Oh my god, give me a Cloak man.
[03:24:20] How am I even gonna get to 8 before losing all my HP? I'm gonna have to roll on 7, but I can't... like rolling on 7 is so bad. yeah
[03:24:40] okay Okay.
[03:24:45] I'm gonna have to Titans resolve this Yone.
[03:25:00] But, I also want to put Titans on Sylas when I get him. Okay, well... Did we finally win one or is this Lee Lee Sin gonna 1v9 my team?
[03:25:25] Okay. We won one.
[03:25:30] Alright. We're just going to have to go 8, pray we hit kane too silas gallio
[03:25:40] all right boys let's pray so No, no. so this is the part where i run No prison can hold me. What am I missing?
[03:26:42] Oh, I need a bruiser.
[03:26:45] I need a fourth bruiser. Is there a Malphite in my comp by the way.
[03:27:17] The fuck is this Malphite doing? Let's move! There we go.
[03:27:23] I really want this Wukong in my comp so Wait, I'm trolling.
[03:28:04] I think I just fucked up but we'll see.
[03:28:08] So I think the reason you have Wukong in the comp is
[03:28:10] You're supposed to go Morgana and
[03:28:12] Wukong so you get sage is Okay, at least we got Spark for Silas.
[03:28:44] So we have... We have
[03:28:47] Sylas items full-
[03:28:49] We just need a level 2 Sylas.
[03:28:53] We're not going 9 this game because of
[03:28:55] uh, it's Kayn so we can't we can't go on
[03:28:58] so we just gotta get a level two silos we got a donkey roll to save hp Let's move. I've got people to stop. I'm going to use the look Now I think we actually just replace
[03:29:55] Aatrox with Sylas I mean, with Morg
[03:29:57] so that we can get in
[03:29:59] Sage.
[03:30:04] 12% Omnivamp is kind of a lot. Okay. I'm coming for you.
[03:30:16] This never gets old!
[03:30:33] I think my positioning is going to be really important. I'm gonna go for the He's just like He's just like
[03:30:35] He's just like
[03:30:37] He's just like
[03:30:39] He's just like
[03:30:41] He's just like He's just like a Wukong. so so I think having a kindred too would be really sick. so so so Dude, there's no Morganas.
[03:32:14] Like actually though. so uh-oh i lose that guy's really strong there's only two more rounds
[03:32:48] so let's see how this goes. can hold me um so Oh, heal can't heal. oh he'll can heal oh okay the past it only clouds the future damn Damn.
[03:34:23] Yone had no items, so I didn't want to go for yonay over the kindred because my kindred has all my items
[03:34:30] And this is the last round of the game. So this is the most important rounds
[03:34:42] But I might lose this round because I didn't position correct. Oh no, I won!
[03:34:45] So I think we got third. Okay, not that bad honestly.
[03:34:55] Honestly from where we started this game?
[03:34:59] I think i'm okay with third Seriously, from where we started this game...
[03:35:02] I think i'm okay with third.
[03:35:07] Considering where we started, I'm cool with that.. Okay... Ooh.
[03:36:19] All right, let's play some games.
[03:36:37] Let's start climbing a bit into Masters.
[03:36:40] Hopefully we don't have to demote after one game.
[03:39:04] That would suck. Okay. So,.......... all right boys who's ready to game
[03:39:44] one's in the chat if you're still alive Okay.. Oh, I gotta hide my Q. My bad, my bad..... How's your guys week going so far?
[03:40:52] You guys doing anything cool?
[03:40:54] You guys have any cool plans this week, or is it just
[03:40:56] survive the heat wave?. you
[03:41:21] you you. It's cold where you are?
[03:41:41] That's wild. um All right, do I...
[03:42:11] Do we just pick Jinx or what?
[03:42:19] I lost my last two Jinx games, but I still think Jinx is really good to climb.
[03:42:24] I still think she's like the best
[03:42:25] I have TF support I still think she's like the best.
[03:42:28] I have TF support.
[03:42:32] Man! I wish he had hovered TF support before I chose James.
[03:42:52] That would have been good.
[03:42:53] Dang...... This guy plays TF support. Huh.
[03:44:05] I mean, fuck it. Challenger two seasons ago.
[03:44:31] Yeah. Yeah.. Okay.. Oh, for you.
[03:45:20] Be part of the wave, can't stop!
[03:45:26] It's time to... Stop!
[03:45:30] It's time to...
[03:45:35] I'm sad you banned Yorick. I'm happy he banned Yorick, I don't even think once about step up.
[03:45:41] I'm happy he banned Yorick.
[03:45:44] I don't think Yorick players should have fun playing the game.
[03:45:49] Who's with me?
[03:45:50] Who's with me? WHO'S WITH ME?!
[03:45:52] I don't think you should have fun playing League
[03:45:54] if you're a Yorick, man.
[03:45:56] I'm saying it!
[03:45:57] It's...
[03:45:57] Nah.
[03:45:58] Nah, it's disgusting.
[03:46:00] Disgusting...
[03:46:01] Disgusting fucking gameplay.
[03:46:07] Disgusting gameplay.
[03:46:09] I've gone against Yorick like three times in the past week.
[03:46:15] Like whenever I get autofilled top, it's always a Yorick player and it's unbeatable.
[03:46:23] Like, I...
[03:46:27] The only thing that beats Yorick is playing Nasus.
[03:46:31] That champion
[03:46:32] is fucking stupid.
[03:46:37] Like literally, it's like you play Nasus or some shit
[03:46:47] and you just Q his minions and farm.
[03:47:30] It's fucking stupid champ. um so We should back off a bit. Can I remove the thing? Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
[03:47:39] I'll do it when I go back. I don't know.
[03:47:54] Oh, I'm gonna miss the CS spot.
[03:47:57] Like on first back? I'll take the thing off the screen.
[03:47:58] My bad, man.
[03:48:07] I don't know about this constant shoving them in thing. As soon as ash realizes that they win 2v2
[03:48:12] this is going to get a lot more annoying by the way
[03:48:22] like i think when Ashe finally realizes that, I think they just sort of win. Why did I say hi in queue?
[03:48:33] Well, I was in queue. I forgot to turn it off.
[03:48:46] I'm sorry,
[03:48:47] I went to take a piss.
[03:48:58] Okay. Yes. Can you land Jhin?
[03:48:59] I think Jhin's good.
[03:49:01] I think he's good. I think he is like...
[03:49:05] I think he is...
[03:49:08] Good and bad.
[03:49:12] Like, he has clear weaknesses.
[03:49:13] Right? But I also think he's really
[03:49:17] good if you just need a champion that you can pick
[03:49:21] that is always going to be useful to your team.
[03:49:25] Right? Because you have no matter what, you could just W
[03:49:28] add help to the homies
[03:49:30] R for
[03:49:32] good team fighting, executes etc.
[03:49:37] Like I don't think he's S tier
[03:49:41] because I don't think he can solo carry you games unless you're just better
[03:49:46] Wait if your better than them yeah you can carry on any ad but
[03:49:49] i definitely think he's really good at helping his teammates
[03:49:52] uh win when they're getting ahead themselves.
[03:50:04] I'm a little nervous right now. We need to crash this wave.
[03:50:16] Ooh, I just missed two CS. you Okay, we see Kha'zix top.
[03:50:45] What time is it?
[03:50:46] Oh no! is it oh by the way.
[03:51:13] Yeah, we should just back.
[03:51:19] Our wave's fucked but we don don't really have a choice.
[03:51:21] We have to just back...
[03:51:24] Because if you sit there, when you take
[03:51:26] a bad trade, uh, just a little bit
[03:51:28] of advice to you guys.
[03:51:30] If you take bad trades like that don't ego it and try and overstay
[03:51:34] because sometimes you're just gonna have mismatches bot and you're just gonna get out traded
[03:51:39] and you're just gonna get out like whatever the best
[03:51:42] thing to do is just accept that you got shit on and it's like take a small L as
[03:51:49] opposed to like a giant L.
[03:51:53] Like I'd rather lose four or five minions here
[03:51:54] than to sit in the lane
[03:51:57] and just take a huge L of
[03:51:58] ...
[03:51:59] Like I can't play the game for the next five minutes.
[03:52:10] I don't have time to shove this in. If this was a non-cannon wave,
[03:52:15] I would probably insta-shove this if it were non-cannon wave
[03:52:19] But because its cannon wave, I just gotta slow push
[03:52:23] Which is fine cause like honestly TF roaming here is a really good... it's like really good for us. I
[03:52:41] Didn't be a little care
[03:52:47] Cuz ash when she had 6 can just kill me.
[03:52:51] Like if I walk up and act stupid here...
[03:52:55] So the Ashe is actually making a really big mistake right now.
[03:52:56] Her mistake is that she's
[03:52:57] not...
[03:53:01] That was a really big mistake by them.
[03:53:08] Like, that was horrendous.
[03:53:10] If I had put my E down better...
[03:53:12] I actually would have triple killed him, by the way.
[03:53:16] Like if I trapped that Kha'Zix under the turret with my E they'd just lose there.
[03:53:25] But if you're wondering why I said Ashe was making a mistake, it's because the wave
[03:53:31] was pushing towards her and she decided to push it in so they could go for that dive.
[03:53:38] But there's no value in that.
[03:53:40] They should just chill?
[03:53:43] Oh my god.
[03:53:44] I mean,
[03:53:44] I'm dead.
[03:53:44] There's no way.
[03:53:45] Just run.
[03:53:46] Just run, TF.
[03:53:47] Yeah.
[03:53:49] That was my bad.
[03:53:55] I needed to play safer more respectful we got a lot out of bat flash but because we got double R, double flash.
[03:54:01] Right, like double R, double flash is huge but
[03:54:03] I just messed up my positioning
[03:54:05] because we're playing weak side this game
[03:54:07] which means our jungler's gonna primarily
[03:54:09] be on top side of the map for most of this game.
[03:54:12] And, uh...
[03:54:13] The enemy jungler's gonna be like
[03:54:14] primarily bot.
[03:54:25] Okay. Oh.
[03:54:39] And if you play weak side, just have to be okay with farming it out and not playing for like a win.
[03:54:44] Or like- You're still playing the win but you're playing to win in a different way.
[03:54:49] Right? Like you're playing to scale and not feed.
[03:54:59] Oh! I'm going to speed. If you're wondering why didn't take cleanse, it's because they only have two CCs on the enemy team and both their CCs
[03:55:04] have to interact with each other.
[03:55:06] Like it's really easy
[03:55:07] to dodge arrows if you have boots, right?
[03:55:09] Like once I get boots, it'll be like
[03:55:11] ultra fucking easy for me to dodge arrows with boots.
[03:55:15] And if I
[03:55:16] take fucking...
[03:55:19] If I take cleanse and
[03:55:20] lane phase,
[03:55:22] I'm fine. If i take cleanse and lane
[03:55:34] We have a gank coming
[03:55:38] Oh We have a gank coming? Okay, this TF is a really good player.
[03:55:46] But yeah if you take cleanse and and lane um, if you're curious
[03:55:50] It's actually just really really bad most of the time because then
[03:55:54] Ash is gonna have a double summoner and they're just gonna walk up on me okay that's not the worst. TF lived! Oh my god.
[03:56:16] But yeah so what I was saying is like...
[03:56:20] Essentially if you take cleanse against Ashe when nobody else has CC on the enemy team
[03:56:25] What's gonna end up happening is that Ashe is just going to take Barrier or a Ghost or Heal
[03:56:30] They're going to take double sums and they're just going to force fights on you because
[03:56:32] they know that they can beat you in fights because you have
[03:56:34] Cleanse.
[03:56:36] And
[03:56:37] you're just going to lose lane phase, and it's just worthless.
[03:56:40] I used to always take cleanse versus ash
[03:56:42] and then i realized that it's just bad
[03:56:46] it's good for like the very situational like moments where it'll save you.
[03:57:14] Okay. If this guy gives me vision, I might be able to steal it. Nice.
[03:57:19] So here, I'm not going to walk up to the turret
[03:57:20] because I could just get ran down.
[03:57:23] So, I'm gonna immediately back red.
[03:57:26] We have stuff we can buy even if it's a really small buy.
[03:57:29] We can go get our core item and walk back the lane.
[03:57:35] And like I said,
[03:57:37] it's really boring to do this as an AD carry but this is just what you have
[03:57:39] to do to win sometimes. You have to be
[03:57:41] really bored, not have any
[03:57:43] sort of impacts on the game really
[03:57:45] outside of just like not losing
[03:57:47] your team in the game. Because if you look at
[03:57:49] what's happening this game right? Like my top side is
[03:57:51] just like it's just like a free win
[03:57:53] at this point.
[03:57:57] My top is doing extremely well my mids doing extremely well my jungler is doing extremely well
[03:58:00] all we really have to do is just chill and we win Oh.
[03:58:11] I'm dead, maybe? We got a wall here. um
[03:58:20] we gotta walk together to get out of here
[03:58:31] because we need to get off the turret because we don't know where kha'zix is there he is Okay, we win.
[03:58:35] That was basically their last-ditch effort to make a play this game
[03:58:39] Was them trying to kill me there. Kill us.
[03:58:45] This account is Masters, by the way.
[03:58:47] I didn't put it on the thing that says what my elo is, but this counts as Masters.
[03:59:01] Kinda wanna stay. I know I shouldn't stay here, but I kinda want to. ahead and do that. Bam, I need 2 CS.
[03:59:30] Yeah, I always have one account in Masters during the season.
[03:59:34] It's usually like my tryhard account.
[03:59:36] I'll have like 1 in Masters then I'll go into GM and then I'll go back to Masters
[03:59:40] You know the deal. And then I'll go back into Masters. You know the deal.
[03:59:43] And then I have one account that
[03:59:45] I just stream on for teaching
[03:59:46] and stuff like that.
[03:59:49] Damn, I cannot walk up.
[03:59:54] I didn't Damn I cannot walk up I need one fucking minion right now, man
[04:00:36] Just no way Nah, there's just no air. so all right i say we just leave.
[04:00:42] Dude, I almost died trying to get that last CS!
[04:01:00] That's just wild. Your treasure has been destroyed.
[04:02:33] Dude, is it me or is TF support broken as fuck? so so Also, why aren't they forfeiting? so so so GG! And just like that, we didn't do anything to help my team win, except for not die to their enemy bot lane and we win the game. 21.
[04:02:51] Oh,
[04:02:52] this is going to be one hell of a grind.
[04:02:57] 63% win rate, hard stuck
[04:02:59] 21 LP gains
[04:03:01] Fuck's sake.
[04:04:40] That's a feels bad, man. Okay.. Pro. Bro! What is this short that I got? Dude, Shogo really needs to take this Twitch thing out of his like this is so ugly
[04:04:41] actually. you you You You Oh, the ADC feeling.. Okay. I think we all know that AD carry feel.
[04:06:02] When you're playing well and it doesn't matter.
[04:06:07] You guys know what I'm talking about? What is this?
[04:06:30] They have a Kaisa.
[04:06:34] I don't want to play? It's Kai'Sa.
[04:06:41] There is a lot of stuff you can play
[04:06:45] You could just go Jinx,
[04:06:47] we have a Bard.
[04:06:51] Whenever there's a Bard picked on my team
[04:06:52] I question if
[04:06:54] I should dodge.
[04:06:58] 99.9% of Bard players are 4-able.
[04:07:03] So we'll see how this goes, but...
[04:07:07] I also have to pick a certain way, right?
[04:07:14] Like I have to pick a certain champ because Bard always has the same playstyle.
[04:07:18] So you have to like...
[04:07:19] God, they have Kai'Sa, Nautilus, Lillia. We have to like... God, they have Kaiza, Nautilus, Aliyah.
[04:07:22] We have Bard.
[04:07:26] Chad, it's not looking great for the draft at the moment.
[04:07:29] I'm not going to lie to you.
[04:07:30] This draft is not looking
[04:07:31] it's not looking glorious
[04:07:34] I mean, I could just try and play Jhin this game. Oh, they went Yasuo?
[04:07:57] Dude.
[04:08:11] Man, the enemy team just doesn't want me to enjoy my life today.
[04:08:14] Look at this team comp, man.
[04:08:18] What is this?
[04:08:25] Holy fuck! Okay... holy fuck these people hate happiness
[04:08:32] yo what's up Drizzt thanks man Happiness!
[04:08:37] Yo, what's up Drizzt? Thanks man.
[04:08:38] I hope you're doing good too.
[04:08:41] I'm doing well. Well... I'm doing okay.. Dude, fucking L Lilia man.
[04:09:12] Somebody with the $500 Ahri skin?
[04:09:15] Wait does he have the one that's actually...
[04:09:22] Wait. Does he have the one that's signed?
[04:09:32] Like what is this? Like is it actually the $500 one? The one that's signed and shit, or... I didn't even notice.
[04:09:57] It had the signature? Oh my god.
[04:10:00] Why does this guy
[04:10:01] have a $500 Ahri skin? God damn,
[04:10:03] man.
[04:10:05] He's just flexing on us, dude.
[04:10:10] This Ahri is just flexing on us. He's like, eh, check it out bruh.
[04:10:18] I can drop $500 on a video game skin.
[04:10:22] Get fucked.
[04:10:29] I will not suffer this ugliness.
[04:10:33] Okay. not suffer this ugliness
[04:10:47] i'm a little worried oh yeah they're invading up there in vain
[04:11:16] quickly have to be ugly I don't know what they were thinking. Oh, we already have Lillia coming in.
[04:11:22] Dude, what the
[04:11:30] getting level two ganked by lilia is not on my bingo card for the day Oops away That guy really just let me W him into a death. I rehearsed this I'm gonna get tier 2 boots early.
[04:12:35] This is going to help me a lot to dodge the skill shots and shit because I don't have
[04:12:39] flash.
[04:12:40] Wait, what? What's that? Oh, it's like... skill shots and shit, because I don't have flash.
[04:12:44] Wait, this Lillia just dies here, no? I'm... I believe we win this by't good. this is really not good
[04:13:25] uh
[04:13:32] okay oh Okay. Uh oh.
[04:13:37] Okay, not the worst?
[04:13:40] Got a one for one on that one.
[04:14:03] I'll just watch you. one He has no flash, so... Oops.
[04:14:04] Wow I just Qued the wrong minion.
[04:14:07] He has no flash
[04:14:09] so he can't really gap close on me?
[04:14:13] I need to back though
[04:14:20] Remember what I was talking about last game? Whether it's a good or bad back, I gotta just back. Maybe he can hold the wave, like right in front of the turret.
[04:14:33] I don't know, it's close.
[04:14:35] I don't know what I'm supposed to rush on Janna anymore.
[04:14:38] Do you still go Collector or...
[04:14:42] I dunno.
[04:14:43] I feel like it's IE, but...
[04:14:47] I dunno. It's hard to tell.
[04:14:49] Because, I feel like IE is just naturally better than Collector.
[04:14:53] Like, Collector is good or whatever but not
[04:14:57] in terms of like...
[04:15:05] It got heavily nerfed.
[04:15:09] Your two-item spike is really weak whoa
[04:15:19] maybe i go yumus Maybe I go with Gilmoose. Oh, that's a good.
[04:15:37] A really good Q.
[04:15:46] I don't want to I kinda wanna push this wave in.
[04:16:12] I'm almost 6, when we get 6 I can just ult and probably kill the kaisa to be honest Damn, he almost got to the bard cookie.
[04:16:16] Close.
[04:16:22] If they're still here I'm pretty sure they both die by the way
[04:16:26] Cuz I hit six if there's no hair and then they just bolt that
[04:16:55] Oh you inspire me Or Lillia stops them from dying, and I get really sad. Man!
[04:16:59] That was such a free double.
[04:17:04] Fucking Lillia, bro.
[04:17:15] Oh. Fucking Lillia, bro. I should have backed sooner, I threw my tempo off.
[04:17:19] It's fine.
[04:17:21] Fucking Lilia, man!
[04:17:24] Hmm.
[04:17:33] Okay. You know what I actually think I'm gonna do this game? I'm going to go Essence Reaver.
[04:17:35] I know, it sounds fucking wild but I'm gonna do it.
[04:17:38] Go Essence Reaver since I have the Double Long I know this sounds fucking wild, but i'm gonna do it
[04:17:43] Go essence reaver since I have the double long and I don't want to go. I don't want to go lethality
[04:17:47] We'll do essence into Oh yeah probably ie see how it feels i'm sure the CDR can't be bad.
[04:18:07] I just missed my cannon
[04:18:09] because I keep...
[04:18:14] I think I have brain damage.
[04:18:24] Like, holy crap I'm bad.
[04:18:34] That's not good.
[04:18:43] Nautilus is still five, we need to push this wave in
[04:18:54] uh oh i'm dead fuck why would he do that?
[04:19:03] Oh, he should have just ulted her and then E'd me out.
[04:19:06] Oh Bard fucks that up really bad.
[04:19:08] But I also shouldn't have been... I was trying to push the wave in right as he hit 6.
[04:19:13] I mean, I'll be real.
[04:19:14] Bard definitely messed that up. we should have had the wave. He just has 6. Yeah it's not...
[04:19:19] Like I'm not gonna flame bard for that too hard because like we just needed to push the wave in before that happened right?
[04:19:25] An enemy has been slain before that happened, right? Our sister Ied there because
[04:19:49] There's no reason not to
[04:19:50] I can ult through the minion wave
[04:19:52] Get the minions
[04:19:53] And I can stall their backs
[04:19:55] Like my ult will be their backs.
[04:20:00] Like, my ult will be back up and at this point
[04:20:03] I don't think my ulti is going to get me a kill
[04:20:05] if I'm being honest
[04:20:07] with you.
[04:20:34] Okay. don't bang on us with you nice Nice. Uh oh. I'm going to. I'm dead. Bye!
[04:20:46] I was greeting that, I was egoing, that was on me.
[04:20:50] God, that was so dumb of me i egoed so hard for no reason
[04:20:55] like i knew two people were mia i was thinking it was just the lilia and
[04:20:59] the kaisa but i mean i didn't even i didn't think about yasuo being mia that's my man
[04:21:06] like i did not think about yaso walking it down mid uh i bolt up in eight we can make a play and she has no ulti for that so Oh
[04:22:06] This guy says queue upgrade I gotta be a little care Black has defeated the Wondown
[04:22:07] Jailor
[04:22:09] Patronus
[04:22:21] The enemy has been slain yeah i should be okay
[04:22:30] i wonder if i do just go ie i'm pretty sure i do like i don't think going rfc would give me enough damage so we I just have to sit here and wait.
[04:23:07] Don't really have anything else to do. I got BF sword at least.
[04:23:26] Bard should just go roam.
[04:23:29] I think i'm at the point where I can wave clear without needing Bard bombing.
[04:23:33] So, if he just roams Perma at this point it's probably a really good play.
[04:23:38] I think I should actually go mid here instead of bot, by the way.
[04:23:43] So I think the macro here from what I understand about AD carry
[04:23:47] macro is that I go mid and we play for Rift
[04:23:51] and we just sack bot turret so That was pretty clean. as we scale up See what I mean? See why going mid had better impact on the fight?
[04:24:52] Because I think,
[04:24:55] On that exact timer where my entire team is making up by top side right
[04:24:59] i do think it's actually more valuable to go mid That's not good.
[04:25:16] He knocked him out of my w or he would have lived
[04:25:20] or i should have maybe saved his w i don't know I
[04:25:42] Don't people go essence you burn look on Jen by the way way this doesn't feel that bad like it's not like i'm like like feeling like i do no damage like
[04:25:47] i i feel like i do okay damage it's not the worst
[04:25:55] you know what though face checking there was probably not the right call call
[04:26:06] I'm so dead I am so alive. But yeah, Essence Reaver doesn't seem that bad.
[04:26:28] Like people get it on Lucian right? Because of the haste.
[04:26:31] I don't think having Haste on jim's the worst stat it's not ob but it's not bad i am the singer without a voice the dancer without legs so so you yes they will see I want to come mid and push this mid wave. uh uh Damn. That hit me?
[04:28:34] Bro, that hit me?
[04:28:39] Oh come on!
[04:28:47] Which one of you in chat paid that motherfucker to hit me with that hook?
[04:28:51] Which one of you...
[04:28:53] Who was it?
[04:28:57] Who the fuck was it?
[04:29:06] I don't know. I think we go RFC.
[04:29:10] Wow, my CS is really bad
[04:29:18] i just realized i have the worst cs on the planet right now I'm going to try and use the If I make five deals, they work more.
[04:30:06] That has no meaning. so with sadness Your turret has been destroyed.
[04:30:09] My line has been slain.
[04:30:12] Your team has destroyed the turret.
[04:30:31] This is my technique of killing demons into artworks! is Everyone wears a mask. I just chose to wear my own.
[04:30:36] Uh oh! I have none of us looping around behind me
[04:30:43] run see the way so Got him! I don't have to explain himself. We did it boys!
[04:31:49] That's right, we can't honor this guy who spent $500 on the Ahri skin.
[04:32:04] I can't do it.
[04:32:05] I can't do it man.
[04:32:07] I was gonna honor Ahri but then I remember they spent $500 on a skin?
[04:32:11] I can't do it bro.
[04:32:13] Like, I couldn't live with myself if i did that i'm sorry
[04:32:22] i couldn't do it i couldn't do it man i couldn't do it i wouldn't be able to live with myself, I'm sorry.
[04:32:29] Yo, what's up Remy? How you doing man? Oh, I should hide my queue again. So,. okay... Nothing, just chilling. You? I'm good! Glad to hear you're just chilling. Yo,
[04:34:32] Loki though, Jin didn't feel too bad just now. I actually kind of like that.
[04:34:41] Like it definitely didn't feel bad. I think it was just specifically because our team comp
[04:34:47] was really good for it, but...
[04:34:51] I definitely liked the Jinn feeling during that game. Okay. you
[04:35:57] you you you. Oh, this isn't good. I don't know how
[04:35:58] I like this team comp
[04:35:59] we have brewing.
[04:36:03] Yasuo mid
[04:36:04] Talia jungle.
[04:36:05] How do I help
[04:36:07] this?
[04:36:08] Oh, they picked Talia. What do I help this? Oh, they picked Talia.
[04:36:10] What do I pick here? Let me think.
[04:36:12] I don't like picking
[04:36:13] Immobile ADs against Talia.
[04:36:20] Ooh, Pyke. Oh, Pike.
[04:36:22] Okay.
[04:36:27] I like Pike. It gives me room to pick stuff....
[04:36:28] ... stuff let me think. We need AP.
[04:37:03] Do you guys think it's just a brand angle.
[04:37:06] What does brand use?
[04:37:11] I don't remember what runes people use on brands.
[04:37:13] I'm pretty sure it's Dark Harvest, but for solo queue, but it could be Comet.
[04:37:37] ... Okay. Oh! This is interesting.
[04:37:41] I'm copying
[04:37:48] a Korean
[04:37:49] brand
[04:37:51] one trick
[04:37:52] and He takes...
[04:37:59] He rushes
[04:38:00] Ravaz.
[04:38:17] Ooh, interesting. Interesting. rabbis oh interesting okay right right right
[04:38:19] right
[04:38:21] right
[04:38:23] right
[04:38:25] right right Okay, we do Rylah's Rush into... what?
[04:38:34] Wait. Why would he go Che cheap shot by the way?
[04:38:43] I feel like you can only proc that if you have...
[04:38:45] Wait, I just took this worthless
[04:38:47] rune.
[04:38:49] Wait, I thought
[04:38:50] you could only proc that rune.
[04:39:11] Okay. You can only proc that Cheat Shot rune if you actually land stun. Or you have Rylance,
[04:39:13] right?
[04:39:15] Okay.
[04:39:18] I think
[04:39:19] I want to rush
[04:39:19] Liandry's over the Death Torch thing.
[04:39:23] Like, I think Liandry is actually better.
[04:39:29] If I could be wrong but I think it's better.
[04:39:32] Somebody can correct me in chat if I'm wrong. We pop stars. downtown downtown all right
[04:40:09] we're gonna hover thresh
[04:40:13] i'm bad?
[04:40:17] So we know Thresh has hook level 1, because he doesn't have the flight indicator which means he has hook.
[04:40:26] Okay which means he has hook. Okay, we should just chill
[04:40:27] for a sec.
[04:40:29] Let them get level 2.
[04:40:36] Okay.
[04:40:39] We just let this wave push, try not to lose too much CS Let them get level 2
[04:40:40] And wait for our
[04:40:43] Like, wait to be even on the wave
[04:40:45] Because if we don't wait to be even on the wave because if we don't wait to be even on the wave we're gonna be
[04:40:48] uh Nice, got some good poke.
[04:41:11] I think we can actually just straight fight them.
[04:41:21] Because I'm level 3. um Jesus, how did that guy not die? That is crazy! Dude, it's wild that that MF and Thresh lived so long with full combo. Damn, I really want to get this Blasting Wands. chat can you hear me
[04:42:26] chat hello
[04:42:28] it's
[04:42:30] your host speaking
[04:42:32] there's a one in the chat please It's your host speaking.
[04:42:37] Press a 1 in the chat, please, if you are enjoying the stream today.
[04:42:38] Press 2 in the chat...
[04:43:23] ...if you can't believe i'm playing brand so so wow what the fuck
[04:45:01] that's the most insane lantern of all time. hmm some say the world will end in fire so Oh, Pyke's looping around. so oh i don't know about that one bro an ally has been slain Keep going. Wow.
[04:45:03] So, I can't one-shot the backline minions with my current HP and items...
[04:45:11] Or with my current items. That actually is such a feels bad man
[04:45:35] You hmm do i think i... do you guys think I can 1v2?
[04:45:37] How strong is Brand?
[04:45:39] Can I have 1v2 if I dodge Thresh hook
[04:45:41] with my R?
[04:45:50] ... with my r i hate this game
[04:45:53] an enemy has been slain oh they're rotating mid. That's interesting. I mean, I guess we'll just take Blades.
[04:46:11] I don't know what else to do here. so so so That guy actually didn't die? What the fuck? Dude, how many times am I going to put these people at one hp
[04:47:26] what the hell dude i've been playing these fights so fucking good.
[04:47:33] Like actually,
[04:47:35] I've been playing are so good
[04:47:50] He can first out of Ryl's i think it's just that
[04:47:53] rylize is op because it just keeps applying on his
[04:47:56] passing if i'm being honest i think that's why
[04:48:00] people get realized right it's more so that it just applies on his passive. So it's broken Because, I mean, clearly
[04:48:18] I'm not actually doing that much damage.
[04:48:21] I mean
[04:48:22] have we been watching the same game?
[04:48:40] You know,'m everybody keeps living at one fucking hp So do you max Q second or E second?
[04:48:45] I actually don't know.
[04:48:49] I'm getting ulted by Taliyah in about two seconds. Okay, well I couldn't move my character for that entire duration.
[04:49:00] So that's whatever.
[04:49:04] I shouldn't have been that far up.
[04:49:06] That's on me 100,000%.
[04:49:08] Because being
[04:49:11] that far up is just greedy. It doesn't do anything.
[04:49:15] I just wanted to play it but I should've
[04:49:16] respected Natalia.
[04:49:22] I'm gonna short you. I just wanted to play it, but I should have respected Natalia. Cheap shot
[04:49:23] has done kind of a lot of damage actually.
[04:49:26] Like
[04:49:26] now that I slow on Like...
[04:49:31] Now that I slow on every single ability, it's got
[04:49:33] a 4 second cooldown. So
[04:49:35] is that why he shakes Cheapshot?
[04:49:37] Because it procs on every rally slow, and your passive will keep proccing it permanently.
[04:49:46] I'm gonna watch it. I wanna see if that's actually how it works so Damn, that guy actually ran.
[04:50:25] Oh this Taliyah's mad.
[04:50:27] Boy she just smited that fucker!
[04:50:30] She just smited the minion. Oh, I am goaded on Brands.
[04:51:05] I fucking curbed the bullet on that one, man.
[04:51:12] Dude,
[04:51:13] dude,
[04:51:13] I'm actually goaded though.
[04:51:14] I curved the bullet.
[04:51:17] You guys saw that shit shit right? That was clean Foreign so did you guys see if cheap shot was still proccing from just the slow, or did that proc off only my stuns?
[04:51:40] So it's at 339.
[04:51:44] Like, did you guys see, or am I an idiot?
[04:51:57] Somebody pay attention for me. Next time I only slow them, see if it starts ticking before I land stun.
[04:52:08] Like if i'm in the middle of a fight, somebody wanted that minion.
[04:52:23] Hmm...
[04:52:24] I guess I'll go mad. uh I'm on get this dragon.
[04:53:15] Okay, let's test it right now. Okay, never mind.
[04:53:19] Nevermind.
[04:53:32] They forfeited, I was trying to test my cheap shots.
[04:53:49] Bro! I only got 20 LP? Dude dude is this account just dead like what is happening i have a 64 win rate and my MMR is not getting better
[04:54:26] what's happening What is happening?
[04:54:33] How can I have a 64% win rate and my MMR doesn't get better, it just, like, stays the same.
[04:54:39] What's happening?
[04:54:43] Hello? Hello, Riot? Hello? Hello Riot, hello. Please explain Riot.
[04:55:27] Look at this! I've been in Diamond 1 Master MMR for a year! Look at this! four percent Like, 1 in Masters? D1. 1 in Masters? D1-D1.
[04:55:29] What is happening?! One in Masters, D1-D1.
[04:55:32] Like what is happening?
[04:55:37] And now I'm getting 20 LP a win.
[04:55:39] Guys,
[04:55:41] I've won 79%. I've won 15 of my last 19 games.
[04:55:49] What is happening?
[04:56:10] What is happening? happening the enemy malphite had 300 lp masters So, like you're putting us in a game with A 300 LP master player and giving me 20 LP a win.
[04:56:15] Like, what? I don't know man this is wild
[04:56:30] what are these little medals mean, by the way?
[04:56:38] It says my CS per minute is high.
[04:56:41] But this guy also has a little medal.
[04:56:43] This one says two and this one says three.
[04:56:49] What does that mean
[04:56:57] how do i see what the medals mean?
[04:57:05] Can somebody help? Uhh... How do I look at the medals? Does something describe what it means on the site? hmm
[04:57:32] i don't know.
[04:58:13] Yeah, not sure. Oh well, we keep trying our best. Let's click on the main site and see if we can see what's going on.
[04:58:16] Okay...
[04:58:20] I'm assuming it has something to do with like premium.
[04:58:21] When you pay like, pay for
[04:58:22] premium it probably has something to do with that.
[04:58:25] I'll be real though
[04:58:26] I don't give two fucks about paying for premium
[04:58:28] that's not worth my time. um Yo, Nithril
[04:58:47] Can you put that in the Discord?
[04:58:51] Because on my end
[04:58:52] On stream it just looks like stars
[04:58:53] because I have links disabled.
[04:58:56] Could you put that in the Discord for me man?
[04:59:00] I'd appreciate it. Thank you. hmm........
[04:59:48] ...
[04:59:50] Ogma Alistair.
[04:59:55] Huh.
[04:59:59] This is going gonna be an interesting game, I gotta pick something that's decent against Mr Coggers. i'll play jinx just go even and farm
[05:00:26] if i ever wonder if like i wanna what i want to play ad was
[05:00:45] although i think jinn would have been a just because...
[05:00:51] We don't have a frontline for me to sit behind other than Thresh, right?
[05:00:54] Like, these three are basically just like carries.
[05:00:56] Like we have carry mid, carry jungle, carry top.
[05:00:58] So what I should've done for 80
[05:01:00] carries... I should've picked Ashe or Jhin.
[05:01:03] When you have heavy
[05:01:04] carries in other lanes...
[05:01:07] It's better
[05:01:08] to pick...
[05:01:15] ... uh when you have heavy carries on the lanes it's better to pick
[05:01:19] more supportive AD carries.
[05:01:28] So you can set up your team
[05:01:32] like Varus is good, Ashe, Jhin things like that. Hmm.
[05:01:50] Karma Top?
[05:01:53] What a weird game.
[05:01:58] Honestly, I would dodge this if I really wanted to win but...
[05:02:04] I don't think it's worth it.
[05:02:09] Okay,
[05:02:10] I'm going to wait to accept this queue.
[05:03:06] Okay. Okay... You don't use this word? It's fine, man.
[05:03:07] Don't worry about it.
[05:03:16] I wouldn't worry about it too much, man.
[05:06:34] ... Okay.. Okay... Okay. Yeah, right.......... All right, sorry. all right sorry i'm back what is going on here?.. I don't know.
[05:07:17] Okay, so
[05:07:18] Ezreal?
[05:07:20] Let's see.
[05:07:21] Ezreal, Rell?
[05:07:23] Okay,
[05:07:23] I picked Kai'Sa
[05:07:24] because we needed AP. so from I love this. um um Yeah, sorry.
[05:08:35] I have it so on Discord
[05:08:36] you have to put your phone number in
[05:08:38] to type because
[05:08:39] I was getting people making new discord accounts
[05:08:44] and just like spamming my discord the toxic so i had to make it a little more more um That fucking sucks.
[05:09:20] I cancelled an auto.
[05:09:30] That's why I always ward that bush level 1, but I got distracted IRL.
[05:09:33] Literally the I got distracted. IRL literally,
[05:09:35] literally the one time that
[05:09:39] nobody has cheese
[05:09:40] that Bush all day and then
[05:09:42] I get distracted
[05:09:43] And we get the bush cheese
[05:09:45] bro. That's so unlucky.
[05:09:48] Seraphine also completely wasted her double E
[05:09:50] level 1 blindly on the bush,
[05:09:53] so...
[05:09:54] That really fucking
[05:09:56] sucked man.
[05:10:12] They also used no cooldowns other than Ignite and Heal. But yeah, that's why it's important to always put that bush ward down.
[05:10:19] As I normally do it but like...
[05:10:22] Get fucking distracted. are acted Hmm. oh We need to push this in. Damn, I'm dead.
[05:11:19] I mean we needed to push it in before that wave crashed
[05:11:24] like i i pinged the push but like i should have backed up i guess Because I don't think the seraphine is on the same page as me with wave management.
[05:11:40] I gotta be extremely careful here. the same page as me with wave management.
[05:11:45] I gotta be extremely careful. Seraphine's pretty much... Me not warding
[05:11:47] level 1 and Seraphine face-checking,
[05:11:49] it's pretty much fucked us really, really,
[05:11:51] really hard.
[05:11:53] So our lane is
[05:11:54] for all purposes over until...
[05:11:57] We need to push the wave in, man. You gotta push it in.
[05:12:05] Like we don't have a choice. Push the wave. Use spells on the wave. Push it in.
[05:12:13] She's gonna hex flash. Push the wave in.
[05:12:20] Thank you. That's the importance of getting the wave under the turret.
[05:12:25] The problem is, like I said before...
[05:12:29] Sometimes your support won't help you and you just have to do it yourself.
[05:12:34] Seraphine is staying with 0 mana which is really bad. do it yourself
[05:12:39] seraphine is staying with zero mana which is really bad bro you got a back man you have no mana uh I mean, I gotta try and scale.
[05:13:28] Because Seraphine outscales Rell really hard.
[05:13:30] Rell is like a lane bully, Seraphine's a scaling enchanter.
[05:13:35] So she'll outscale we just have to get there.
[05:13:46] The Seraphine also looks like she's really...
[05:13:49] What's the word I'm going for where somebody doesn't know how to do something that well
[05:13:54] like see how she's just afk in the lane right now
[05:13:58] it looks like she is very um inexperienced that's the word i'm going for
[05:14:05] she's auto,
[05:14:14] She's full autopilot mode right now.
[05:14:17] She's not trying to
[05:14:18] Land spells
[05:14:20] Any of that shits She's not putting wards down. please die please die please die oh come the fuck on See what I mean though?
[05:14:46] Like, I asked her to ward the bush. She's not doing it
[05:14:48] So like, I gotta play pretty much
[05:14:50] Like
[05:15:03] I pretty much have to play like my support doesn't know what they're doing. Which sucks, but it is what it is. so We gotta push this wave in
[05:15:59] i have a good cs lead on this ezreal but Even with the CS lead, I'm not sure that it's too playable right now until I get level 6. Once we get level 6, maybe?
[05:16:12] Like with Seraphine ults like we might be able to kill Ez cause Kaisa's actually pretty
[05:16:16] good versus Ezreal.
[05:16:17] It's a very soft counter because ezra is a skill shot champ and kaisa
[05:16:21] is like a burst get in your face champ so i got can in theory like play it play it well.
[05:16:35] Whoa, okay!
[05:16:39] ... I mean we could actually win a fight right now by the way like I'm not even
[05:16:50] kidding uh we can kill this guy
[05:16:55] he hasn't bought yet he's sitting on sheen
[05:16:59] we have we have item advantage against this. You sure are you sure are please are
[05:17:19] That was the latest R ever, man. That was such a good time to fight. We just needed Serapine to actually be paying attention.
[05:17:50] She wasted her R when we couldn't follow up.
[05:17:54] I think this guy is auto-flashy. She wasted her R when we couldn't follow up.
[05:17:58] I think this guy is autofilled, he's gotta be.
[05:18:00] Because...
[05:18:04] Uh, I just don't think he plays Seraphine. That's the only thing I can think of.
[05:18:14] So like I said before, when you get somebody who doesn't play the role or is just autopiloting or whatever... You've got to play to scale.
[05:18:22] It's a good day here, Humpstahler! or whatever. You just gotta play to scale. No, this guy's gonna have
[05:18:23] Triforce, this Ezreal.
[05:18:25] We are in a really bad spot for the next, like,
[05:18:28] two minutes... three minutes.
[05:18:30] Until I get Shiv, we're in a
[05:18:32] horrible spot
[05:18:33] because, uh,
[05:18:35] I'm not even gonna be able to walk up to the wave against the Triforce
[05:18:38] as with Rell.
[05:18:44] And Seraphine's roaming mid
[05:18:46] after the Midlaner died.
[05:18:49] Like, bro, you gotta stay bot here.
[05:18:52] Come on, man.
[05:20:06] Come on! um Please don't do that to the wave, man. so Outro Music is I mean, unlucky. There's not really much I can do.
[05:20:08] This is just one of those games that like
[05:20:10] the enemy support
[05:20:12] is a lot better than my support.
[05:20:14] And when you get into games where the enemy supports are a lot better than your supports,
[05:20:18] You don't have a choice but to kinda chill.
[05:20:23] Like it's just... it is what it is.
[05:20:25] Support dictates the early game in League
[05:20:29] That's just how the game works Like I said, it doesn't feel good but it is what it is we might just lose because
[05:20:49] we got weak-sided and we got weak sided for a sigilani which does not feel good.
[05:21:09] So we might just lose the game, but we'll see. We also... uh...
[05:21:11] We did die level 1 which
[05:21:13] We got double killed level one
[05:21:15] Which really fucked us
[05:21:16] Really fucking ultra bad.
[05:21:19] Then they said the only reason we got double killed was because I didn't ward
[05:21:21] the bush, so...
[05:21:23] My Seraphine face checked it cause I didn't ward it.
[05:21:26] Like obviously she shouldn't be doing that but like you know
[05:21:28] You can't really...
[05:21:29] I can't control her so i have to ward for her.
[05:21:36] Which is my bad
[05:21:46] Well, that sucks. My butthole. hmm Hmm.
[05:22:25] Like I said, the Kai'Sa games are always winnable.
[05:22:28] The enemy Ezreal is not actually that good.
[05:22:31] From what I've seen he's not really like...
[05:22:35] Impressing me about his plays. From what I've seen, he's not really impressing me very much with his... Because he doesn't actually have good spacing.
[05:22:37] He just... The rel is basically shitting on us the whole game.
[05:22:48] I'm just dead.
[05:22:58] At least we got our flash, that's huge. But yeah this is just me, I autopiloted one thing this game and we lost.
[05:23:06] The worst part too is it wasn't even my fault that we lost, other than me auto-piloting because I had to tell my support what not to do and what to do.
[05:23:18] It just is what it is.
[05:23:24] Heh. Hmm. so We do outscale them, so that's the only saving grace we have right now.
[05:23:56] It's like maybe we can make a play where where they mess up and they just throw their lead at us
[05:24:01] right like maybe they'll mess up and they'll throw their lead
[05:24:03] at us then we just get shutdowns because i said we do outscale Now that guy's dead, am I even gonna try and help him?
[05:24:25] Not your dad as fuck.
[05:24:38] Because, like, we did just get two turrets on sidelines. Like, our top and our mid just got big shot or big turrets
[05:24:45] oh we gotta shut down the one can lee too oh that's huge.
[05:24:56] My job this game is to keep the map pressured when my team is doing stuff like
[05:25:00] that. And farm up.
[05:25:13] Right? That's my entire job, keep the map pressured
[05:25:17] when my team is making plays and come back into the game with farm
[05:25:21] and scaling.
[05:25:30] We got our Q and our E upgrade, it's really good.
[05:25:35] Okay I just can't do that right now. Apparently
[05:25:37] I'm just bad.
[05:25:58] ... I mean, I have better form than is so we do have both upgrades now
[05:26:02] now all we need is finish our item.
[05:26:15] I don't think this is a good play.
[05:26:22] Maybe this? I think I don't think we can fight. Wait, now we do it? He just TP'd. Oh, we are back in the game baby.
[05:27:06] Oh, we are so back. so I didn't want to get that.
[05:27:37] I wanted to get the AP because normally if you get both the AP components,
[05:27:42] You can get your W upgrade without having to finish Nashor's.
[05:27:46] But I didn't want to buy nothing so...
[05:27:56] I'm a little worried. They're not on it.
[05:28:04] I think they are faking it.
[05:28:12] Ooh, that's actually a really good pick. Oh, this is really awkward.
[05:28:30] I can't R into him. This world has changed. We've decided to watch.
[05:28:39] Who just pinged me top? Or who just pings top? They're gonna go for it right now.
[05:28:52] I'm 100% sure they're going to try and do better in here. there. We gotta push Madden. so I mean, I'm very strong but we still can't just like brute force a Brands.
[05:29:36] We need to push side until Sedge ults, bro. i'm not r-ing in on that sorry
[05:29:55] it's not gonna happen bro even if we get the pick on that, yeah thats not a good R
[05:30:09] I maybe could have killed the brand there, but i might have died throwing the game um I'm strong and ready to make it.
[05:30:32] I'll fight for the fire, looking ready to fight.
[05:30:37] $792 for my item.
[05:30:41] Honestly, if we wait for me to get Nashors,
[05:30:42] I think we just win the fights no matter what but This isn't good.
[05:31:10] Yeah, I mean this isn't playable. I don't know what that was. so so I mean, I'm dead.
[05:31:50] I'm bad.
[05:31:52] I didn't think that they were gonna stay.
[05:31:53] Fuck me.
[05:31:54] My bad.
[05:31:55] You got a 1v5 or what?
[05:32:09] Shut the fuck up. I do beat him 1v1, dude like... Why are we typing? I don't- Like come on man, like I'm literally the only other person on the team doing anything
[05:32:23] Like don't don't type to me like this what I mean is like dude like fuck off. I got caught. I'm the same level as my
[05:32:24] mid laner, who is down
[05:32:27] two levels on Brands.
[05:32:30] You have no
[05:32:31] reason to type.
[05:32:33] It just tilts people
[05:32:34] for no reason, man.
[05:32:36] Like, it's just toxic
[05:32:37] for zero.
[05:32:42] Like, I'm not the one who got caught.
[05:32:43] I'm not the one who fucked up that fight.
[05:32:44] I'm not the one who
[05:32:45] like fucking died side lane.
[05:32:50] That was my first big mistake this whole game and now i'm tilted we gotta wait for fucking lee sinman
[05:33:11] was that Brandoltz? so um so so What? ah so It's actually funny that this guy says I don't beat that Ezreal, by the way.
[05:34:45] Because I 1000% do. I don't even know what to get now.
[05:34:54] I think it's Zhonya so that
[05:34:55] I get some survivability so I can dive
[05:34:57] the... I think at this point my goal is to dive the back line
[05:35:02] and then go in one shot somebody and then zhonya's of these What is happening here? I won't. so I couldn't really do much.
[05:36:06] We're fighting in such a bad spot, man.
[05:36:09] Like we're fighting them in a spot where like
[05:36:10] we don't have the ability
[05:36:11] to go forward.
[05:36:13] Like we should just be sieging with my W.
[05:36:15] It doesn't make sense to engage there.
[05:36:20] Like, you know what's funny? The Brand
[05:36:23] is actually solo carrying this. Like yone was like flaming me or whatever
[05:36:28] but he's a Diamond player.
[05:36:49] Leona is just a Diamond player, he'll always be
[05:36:51] a Diamond player, it is what it is.
[05:36:53] The guy is 27 LP
[05:36:55] Masters.
[05:37:01] ...
[05:37:05] ...... Oh
[05:37:12] He's duo with the oh
[05:37:19] He's doing it the Seraphine. Yo Yone, you aren't good enough bro
[05:37:23] to parry players like Seraphine
[05:37:27] Please don't do all the abuse.
[05:37:29] Just to have bad players lose those games
[05:37:33] like you and her, it's cringe
[05:37:37] Watch VOD cringe watch uh watch vaude and watch why your heart's that low while through abuse Like, I mean,
[05:37:54] I'm gonna be real, dude.
[05:37:54] That was disgusting.
[05:37:56] Like...
[05:37:57] That Seraphine
[05:37:58] was dog shits.
[05:37:59] The Yone was dog shits
[05:38:00] and they're both dog shits but they don't realize they're dog shits. The Yone was dog shits, and they're both dog shits,
[05:38:01] but they don't realize they're dog shits, so we lose.
[05:38:04] I could have played a lot better that game,
[05:38:06] but the fact that like...
[05:38:08] The entire...
[05:38:09] The fact that...
[05:38:10] The fact that the jungler in the top got caught at Baron and then the Yone was flaming me even though his duo is literally running it down the whole lane phase on repeat,
[05:38:22] is just disgusting to me.
[05:38:28] Like, look at...
[05:38:30] The Seraphine is a Diamond player.
[05:38:32] Like this guy's like... The Seraphine is a diamond player.
[05:38:37] Like, this guy is a diamond level support player, okay?
[05:38:41] Maybe lower... This guy D3-D4 So I would say without dueling this player is a
[05:38:44] D3, D4 player okay?
[05:38:46] The only reason that their master
[05:38:48] is 0 is because this Yone
[05:38:50] probably carried them last season
[05:38:52] to masters right?
[05:38:55] So this Yone probably carried
[05:38:56] this guy last season
[05:38:57] to Masters.
[05:38:59] And then he or she...
[05:39:00] I don't know.
[05:39:00] They lost one game
[05:39:02] and then sat at 0 LP.
[05:39:03] Now,
[05:39:07] this person's getting on every single fucking game the serving this person doesn't perform gets carried does
[05:39:12] nothing every game they're just horrible at the game
[05:39:23] It's just not playable But this person doesn't know what they're doing,
[05:39:27] They don't know how to play the game.
[05:39:29] They face-checked early,
[05:39:31] Had...
[05:39:31] They had some good ults,
[05:39:32] But outside of the good ults,
[05:39:34] They have no other actual knowledge of League. I mean if you die nine times as
[05:39:39] a fucking support... You just suck.
[05:39:42] Like I don't wanna flame the guy this much because maybe it's just a bad game.
[05:39:48] But like...
[05:39:49] When your duo is flaming when you suck and your duo sucks?
[05:39:54] This guy had 6 CS per minute.
[05:40:05] Level 14. 487 against a Brand who had 8 CS a minute...
[05:40:10] Level 16 and the Brand is doing 10 times more.
[05:40:20] Like, the only reason Ezreal got fed was because we weaksided bot and Seraphine walked into Ezrel three times in lane, and then I had to deal with that.
[05:40:25] There's not much I can do, you know?
[05:40:26] The guy is just dog shits.
[05:40:53] Tiz would have it is what it is I made two really big mistakes this game. The first mistake was not warding the bush level 1.
[05:40:58] Right?
[05:41:00] Not warding that bush level one is why Seraphine died, because the guy's a diamond player. He was tabbed out autopiloting the whole game.
[05:41:06] You could see how he was playing lane phase, he was autopiloting the whole game. Or the early game at least. So that guy auto-piloting early game
[05:41:15] and me not warding the bush
[05:41:17] caused him to get caught
[05:41:19] and die
[05:41:21] Then he didn't know how to push the wave in, so we got ganked on fourth wave.
[05:41:27] Which is a really obvious gank and our Lee Sin was strong-siding Sejuani.
[05:41:32] So for some reason Lee Sin was strong- siding sedge instead of covering bot fights and our uh
[05:41:38] support was just a boost so it is what it is I don't need to be upset.
[05:41:50] I played really good mid-game.
[05:41:52] I think I could have carried.
[05:41:54] I think if I was better at kaisa i carry that game
[05:42:00] like it was hard for me to find good angles to like use my spells in the
[05:42:03] fights because the fights were all so bad
[05:42:06] we had the really good dragon fight and then team got caught at baron like
[05:42:16] idiots But yeah, it is what it is.
[05:42:20] I mean you can't do nothing to the room
[05:42:27] Yeah, I'm shaking my feet in
[05:42:33] And I won't let you go when I'm having fun too
[05:42:37] That's how it feels is and i choked it down to hold you close oh I'm sinking my deep in
[05:43:22] And I won't let you go
[05:43:24] When I have this fun to
[05:43:27] Set fire to the fuse all right I didn't ult into the Ez? What do you mean? Was there a reason for it? No, I mean the ulti ran off. Like I didn't hit R fast enough and the... it just went off.
[05:43:55] The passive stacks fell off.
[05:44:02] Oh no! Ah, reverses the E-girl
[05:44:10] and the Yone.
[05:44:15] Also bragging about having a win rate when you have 100 games played
[05:44:19] like playing on a new account that's like silver mmr
[05:44:23] and then wind streaking by dueling with
[05:44:25] people up to like 70%.
[05:44:27] That doesn't mean you're good, by the way.
[05:44:32] Like if you play on an account
[05:44:33] with low MMR and you think you're like a good player
[05:44:37] because you have a high win rate like it's just delusional
[05:44:44] like if you're a good player, your stats will show it.
[05:44:46] Not your...
[05:44:47] Your stats and your elo not your rating.
[05:44:50] Immediate toxic?
[05:44:51] He's a bad player!
[05:44:53] I heard his ego.
[05:44:59] Heh! I hurt his ego. When i called him out,
[05:45:01] I hurt his ego so he's upset okay so so let's dance so so so
[05:46:20] this melio's not the best.
[05:46:25] He's wasting cooldowns...
[05:46:29] Like, uh, when we were getting level 2 there he should have just walked up and auto'd but
[05:46:33] He was...
[05:46:34] He used W when I wasn't in range to abuse the W. so so so so Oh, weird. They only got first blooded by a fucking Ahri. so so I'm trying to go back on this timer, but I shouldn't. so so I'm going to go for the flash.
[05:49:00] Emilio did not use a heal or flash.
[05:49:02] What?
[05:49:03] If he Flash heals there,
[05:49:04] he lives.
[05:49:18] Okay. Like, I'm not even kidding. All he had to do to live there was flash heal. When we saw Hecarim you just heal away because like i'm the one slowed then you
[05:49:24] just use your q on the hecarim and we win but you cue
[05:49:27] the hecarim peel away man this is like a battle of two
[05:49:31] really bad support players.
[05:49:37] Like, low-key, it's wild how bad both of them are.
[05:49:43] Because you should never, ever, EVER not use sums on a fight like that. It just doesn't make sense.
[05:49:51] And we knew we were getting ganked. I pinged it and he still ignored it.
[05:49:58] By the way, I'm just gonna be mean right now because like...
[05:50:02] I'll be real, that last game made me tilted so like i shouldn't really
[05:50:08] be mean to the people in this elo because they're trying their best
[05:50:13] but i'm annoyed from that last game. I'm going to be doing dragon.
[05:50:45] Hecarim's top and janna is roaming so so so Outro Music I'm not close to six yet.
[05:51:33] Like, I'm kind of close but not like strong enough.
[05:51:36] I don't know if that's the case with me or not.
[05:51:38] I think it is.
[05:51:40] I think it is.
[05:51:42] I think it is. not like super close.
[05:51:47] The only problem- the only reason I'm playing kind of safe is because Lucian has a fucking...
[05:51:51] He has a BF. It's really scary.
[05:52:32] Okay. so so They still have, what's it called? Janna ult.
[05:52:33] That is why I am not committing to that. I Want to see I can probably kill this Lucian with ulti. if i was him i would be backing right there
[05:53:14] oh i got her nice she walked right into it.
[05:53:23] I wonder if I should go...
[05:53:27] I wonder if I should have gone the kraken slayer build for early game this
[05:53:31] game so i get snowball or being doing this build is fun
[05:53:36] i don't know it's hard to tell uh is I still have to scale versus this guy.
[05:54:18] It's still a hard matchup versus Lucian, so I have to scale.
[05:54:25] Taking any like unnecessary trades isn't worth it
[05:54:48] Fuck okay Oh my god, my hand's just dying.
[05:54:50] Guys?
[05:54:51] Uh... I had a seizure.
[05:54:57] All up on my keyboard just now.
[05:55:01] Like wait literally just brain damage.... Because I should have won that so hard.
[05:55:25] Like, I should've won that so hard.
[05:55:28] We gotta be careful, we don't know where Hek is and I don't have Flash because
[05:55:33] I'm really dumb. Yeah, it's just trying to get us to commit because I think Hecarim's boss on.
[05:55:52] Ooh that was actually a really good Nado.
[05:55:55] Yeah, he's gonna die.
[05:56:04] Fuck...
[05:56:21] I think i'm dead too. I just wanted to give that to Hecarim over my lane so I could at least play the game. Damn it, man!
[05:56:24] That was a good Nado. Uh...
[05:56:26] I do think we should have killed them.
[05:56:34] Kill him?
[05:56:35] Huge.
[05:56:36] Kill her?
[05:56:37] Huge. Surely she doesn't stop her back, right?
[05:56:47] Oh.
[05:56:48] I'm bad.
[05:56:51] This feels so
[05:56:52] bad because
[05:56:53] I'm 1-2 in a lane
[05:56:56] that we should be winning
[05:56:57] strictly because, like...
[05:57:03] If I'm just being completely honest,
[05:57:05] I've made one mistake.
[05:57:09] And me and Emilio don't have great synergy.
[05:57:13] Oh my god...
[05:57:19] Hecarim has no ult!
[05:57:22] Ooh, this guy trolls his builds solution Oh my cowing throwing gone.
[05:57:48] Calvex!
[05:57:50] Emilio, help him!
[05:57:53] What are you guys doing?
[05:57:56] Dude, I played that decent by the way.
[05:58:00] I was trying to kite down out of the Hecarim.
[05:58:04] I was basically zoning the other guy away and trying to cut down at the same time
[05:58:41] Me pinging that I was on my way gave him the balls to play that I'm really sad because, uh......I haven't actually made that many mistakes this game.
[05:58:44] I've made like two really big ones.
[05:58:47] Like right there, I should've killed the Lucian.
[05:58:49] Uh, by the way, like he should've died there.
[05:58:51] I messed up my spacing on my E.
[05:58:58] Look, I'm not kidding.
[05:58:59] The E...
[05:59:00] If Lucian just dashed through my E
[05:59:02] I would have killed him 100-0 in two seconds
[05:59:06] And then the other fights
[05:59:08] But it's okay
[05:59:09] Like I said the other fights but it's okay like i said every game is winnable despite how bad the early game can be so Oh
[05:59:50] Why is my amelio roaming it's not good we need to just take this turret Homie, we gotta just take this turret neilio homie we gotta just take the turret
[05:59:56] like this is our goal right now let's take turret
[06:00:05] like are we're just waiting until dragons up Dude this Ari's guy Dude, this Ahri's got...
[06:00:16] I was gonna say she's got good CS but then I just realized that I have bad CS.
[06:00:23] They should let me mid. I have bad CS.
[06:00:25] They should let me mid.
[06:00:27] Ahri should match Yone.
[06:00:31] At least for right now, because we're just waiting for Dragon.
[06:00:36] Is that Yone's TP? Oh, why would he TP there? That's wild.
[06:00:42] Ah, it's a crazy tp so so um so Who's the win-loss?
[06:01:42] I actually don't know.
[06:01:48] We're up a lot of LP. I think we've lost three and won six? Think we're 6-3, maybe? not sure Huge dude, this re is a smurf.
[06:02:25] You know what I mean though? Do you guys see what I'm saying?
[06:02:27] This Yone was the guy last
[06:02:29] game blaming
[06:02:31] me because his duo into the into the lane
[06:02:35] right like this yonek blamed me because it's duo into bobbin
[06:02:48] and then this game, his duo and him both do the same thing they did last game.
[06:02:55] And Misiona was like trying to brag about his win rate and shit It's like bro so bro you can polish a fucking turret as much
[06:03:08] as you want it's still a fucking third
[06:03:14] i'm dead.
[06:03:22] Damn, that fear fucked me.
[06:03:25] Ahhhh we almost got him
[06:03:27] that was my bad on the fear or on the traps dude my trap placement has been
[06:03:31] really bad like three times now i've lost kills due
[06:03:36] to traps.
[06:03:39] That actually sucks.
[06:04:01] Okay. like i'm playing bad stage
[06:04:05] maybe it's because i haven't eaten today
[06:04:17] should get some food going
[06:04:20] because i mean last game i played bad early. Really good mid-game. This game I played bad the whole game.
[06:04:26] Actually my lane wasn't bad. My lane phase was good but my mid game was kind of trash My red. so so so so so so Oh, this is the best team.
[06:06:07] Like I haven't gotten carried this hard in like days.
[06:06:13] My team is fucking insane smurfing this game.
[06:06:16] Wee! This game is fucking insane smurfing this game.
[06:06:43] Wee! so so lazari is crazy um Damn, man.
[06:07:04] That 70% win rate really means Yone is a good player, doesn't he?
[06:07:14] Motherfucker has seven cs per minute average over 100 games
[06:07:20] 7 death average over 100 games i don don't give a fuck what your
[06:07:21] win rate is, man. You fucking suck
[06:07:23] when you get to the elo where people are better than you.
[06:07:26] You still fucking suck.
[06:07:33] That's why 24?
[06:07:36] Let's go!
[06:08:01] I'll fucking take it. Mushin, come Discord.
[06:08:02] Do math with me.
[06:08:25] High school math is yo what are the odds this guy actually adds me let's add him
[06:08:48] what are the odds he actually adds me I think his ego is too hurt.
[06:08:50] I don't think he's going to add me.
[06:08:52] I think we hurt his ego too bad. Okay. Well, like I said,
[06:09:02] I didn't even care about...
[06:09:03] Like, look.
[06:09:04] Look, look, look.
[06:09:06] So this is
[06:09:06] this guy's account, right?
[06:09:08] This is what I was saying, guys, okay?
[06:09:11] So
[06:09:11] I played with this Yone last game, right?
[06:09:29] ... I played with this Yone last game, and his duo ran it down. Like we got gapped Bombing really fucking hard
[06:09:31] Like this guy was 10-1
[06:09:32] But it wasn't because we were like
[06:09:35] Getting shit on by them or something
[06:09:37] It was just like
[06:09:38] This guy kept running into the enemy team and dying.
[06:09:43] Right? And these two are duo. So I made one really big mistake this game
[06:09:48] during mid-game, and this Yone decided to type
[06:09:51] at me and be a toxic fuck.
[06:09:53] Right? I was like, okay.
[06:09:55] But at the end of the game it was
[06:09:57] like, Yone, you shouldn't type when you and your duo
[06:09:58] are this dog shit in the game. Your hard stock, right?
[06:10:01] Because like...
[06:10:03] Him and his duo literally both got
[06:10:05] gapped and caused this loss. Everybody played well
[06:10:07] except for those two. And it's like dude
[06:10:09] you did it again this game
[06:10:11] But you went 1-7 again
[06:10:15] Like and then he was like dude
[06:10:18] How am I hard stuck if I have a 70% win rate right because he's got a 72% one
[06:10:24] right but what you don't understand is this guy
[06:10:27] made this guy played on a new account in low elo.
[06:10:33] So he was climbing this account through
[06:10:35] silver and
[06:10:37] gold and plat.
[06:10:40] I don't doubt this guy's a Masters player right? This guys probably 100 LP Master Player.
[06:10:47] I don't doubt that! He's not bad but he's probably like a decent- you know he's probably like a 100 LPish player.
[06:10:53] Which isn't terrible, like his ego is insane so like he's gonna get stuck
[06:10:58] in this elo now that he hit where he usually sits elo wise he's going to start inting and get stuck.
[06:11:12] Because once people
[06:11:13] can't just gap their laners over and over again with like mechanics and shits,
[06:11:17] they just start losing and getting shafted over and over again.
[06:11:32] So like anybody who's a master, you can take any masters player. Okay?
[06:11:33] Any Masters Player
[06:11:37] Can go on a new account
[06:11:38] that's gold.
[06:11:41] He took this account from gold
[06:11:43] and played 130 games.
[06:11:46] Any Masters player
[06:11:47] can take an account from Gold 2
[06:11:49] to Masters 0 LP
[06:11:51] with a fucking 70% win rate
[06:11:54] if they're playing in legitimate
[06:11:56] gold MMR.
[06:11:58] Of course they can!
[06:12:06] The problem is, once you hit, this
[06:12:09] is why I tell you win rate isn't
[06:12:11] that big of a deal.
[06:12:13] Because instead of focusing on what people's
[06:12:15] win rates are in games that you play with people
[06:12:17] focus on like their stats or how good they are.
[06:12:21] When I go against
[06:12:22] somebody in lane phase,
[06:12:23] I can almost instantly tell
[06:12:26] how good people are by how they start the lane.
[06:12:33] Right? by how they start the lane. There was a perfect example of this, there was
[06:12:35] TF earlier. This is actually
[06:12:37] the perfect example.
[06:12:39] So earlier we had that TF right? We had a TF support. Two hours ago.
[06:12:43] We have a TF support. Okay? This guy...
[06:12:50] Was the best support player I've had in like a month.
[06:12:56] I'm not even making this up, a month.
[06:12:59] This was the best support player I had.
[06:13:03] 206. 207? This was the best support player I had. 2-0-6
[06:13:07] He played the lane so correct So properly
[06:13:09] Roamed on good timers
[06:13:11] Came back to lane on good timers, played around
[06:13:13] peeling me when I needed it,
[06:13:14] when they were committing the kills.
[06:13:17] And the game was just over
[06:13:18] because he was so good.
[06:13:20] And I could immediately tell
[06:13:22] he was a good player.
[06:13:23] You guys want to know what his highest
[06:13:24] rank ending was?
[06:13:32] 877 LPGM
[06:13:33] I'm not going to count this because I don't 877 LPGM.
[06:13:37] I'm not gonna count this because I don't think he played. He probably just didn't play, you don't drop
[06:13:39] that much so he probably just didn't
[06:13:41] play last season but if you get
[06:13:43] that's...just for the uninformed of how high this is. That's one game away from Challenger.
[06:13:52] He was 20 LP away from challenger at the end of the season.
[06:13:58] And I could tell this was a good player almost instantly when we got into game.
[06:14:09] He was playing forward on the wave,
[06:14:11] he was autoing the enemy team,
[06:14:12] he was playing cards,
[06:14:13] he was zoning
[06:14:14] when they were going for poke,
[06:14:15] he was playing bushes,
[06:14:16] he was helping me they were going for poke, he was playing bushes. He was helping me prio wave timers.
[06:14:20] Like the stuff that good players do
[06:14:23] doesn't get looked at by the average player
[06:14:26] as anything important.
[06:14:28] Like, they'll be like Geronimo he's just playing TF
[06:14:31] but his positioning in the lane
[06:14:33] His idea of when to back
[06:14:34] When to go in
[06:14:35] When to play tempo
[06:14:37] Everything on the map
[06:14:38] the way he was just playing the game is just like immediately i could tell
[06:14:41] he's a good player
[06:14:47] you know him yeah okay i didn't know who he was
[06:14:48] but I'm telling you like
[06:14:50] I can tell like
[06:14:51] he played super good
[06:14:52] this game
[06:14:52] right
[06:14:53] and I could just tell
[06:14:55] because I was like
[06:14:55] oh shit
[06:14:56] this guy is
[06:14:56] playing perfect
[06:14:58] So what I'm saying though is like is playing perfect.
[06:15:01] So what I'm saying, though,
[06:15:02] is all the stuff that high elo players do...
[06:15:05] It looks...
[06:15:07] You can't tell
[06:15:08] the difference between
[06:15:09] a high elo and low elo player
[06:15:11] during certain points of the game immediately because
[06:15:15] of the way that the game works. You can't immediately tell the difference between a good or bad player, right?
[06:15:23] I would say the biggest like knowledge of when i know somebody's a good or bad player when i'm playing with them in games with them is i will
[06:15:28] notice immediately how somebody passed i will notice immediately how somebody pass. I will notice immediately how
[06:15:32] somebody, if they know the matchup...
[06:15:35] Like say I'm playing
[06:15:36] Lucian Nami
[06:15:37] and we're against something really aggressive
[06:15:40] level 1 that can shit on us like ash karma if my nami doesn't
[06:15:44] want to fight level 1 but still wants to like pry away to try and push two i know they're
[06:15:49] probably decent because lucian nam is at level 1, but it's god
[06:15:53] tier level 2. Right?
[06:15:56] And Ash Karma's really good
[06:15:57] level 1 and doesn't get stronger
[06:15:59] at level 2.
[06:16:01] So these little things that people understand and like timers of when to fight
[06:16:05] how to trade how to space how to play forward like these don't seem like big deals to a lot
[06:16:11] of people but like that's the difference between Challenger and Masters. It's
[06:16:15] like, Masters players will exist.
[06:16:17] Like, this player is not...
[06:16:18] This support player is 50 LP Masters, right?
[06:16:22] So, like, this player
[06:16:23] has ended Masters, 50 LP Masters.
[06:16:24] This players not like... they're not horrible
[06:16:27] They're not running it down
[06:16:29] I didn't think that were very good obviously so i flamed them
[06:16:31] But this person is not just running into the enemy team
[06:16:34] Missing their spells, this guy had
[06:16:36] really good ultis.
[06:16:38] His teamfighting was actually really clean
[06:16:40] on Seraphine. Like, he knew what he was doing, teamfighting.
[06:16:42] The problem is, is, like...
[06:16:45] He didn't know how to actually play
[06:16:48] the lane phase or played to like win during the early game and because
[06:16:52] he ran it the fuck down so hard early without like knowing what
[06:16:55] he was doing just throwing spells wasting cooldowns not warding
[06:16:58] not playing the sides of the lane little tiny things he ended up dropping nine deaths and then
[06:17:03] if he hadn't dropped nine fucking deaths,
[06:17:10] we actually would have just straight won this game because of how close the game
[06:17:12] actually was at the end of the game.
[06:17:14] We got like three 1,000 gold
[06:17:16] shutdowns on our team this game.
[06:17:19] And we actually had a really...
[06:17:21] A bunch of really close
[06:17:22] team fights.
[06:17:25] So if the Ezreal
[06:17:26] wasn't just fed enough
[06:17:27] to solo carry a lot of these fights, or the Viego.
[06:17:31] We'd probably just win the game. so we're seven and three today it's not bad is I'm contempl controlling my faith.
[06:18:13] I'm just controlling my faith, yo.
[06:18:17] I'm just controlling my heart.
[06:18:19] I'm just controlling my heart.
[06:18:20] I'm just controlling my faith. Try to say it so we sound all right. What do you mean? Oh, you want me to play a separate game? up so I'm gonna try to get you, I kinda wanna go make dinner.
[06:19:21] They did not eat anything today and I woke up at 10 a.m
[06:19:28] so i woke up about nine hours ago and i haven't eaten any food I feel bad not committing to a longer stream, because I feel like I'm being a pussy.
[06:20:01] Because all I am doing is playing games. I just think that if I don't eat,
[06:20:03] I'll be 100% honest with you guys,
[06:20:05] If I don't eat right now
[06:20:07] I think I'm going get like, ragey.
[06:20:11] Because I'm in a good mood, but I'm also really- Like, I can tell I'm hungry.
[06:20:13] I'm gonna get hangry.
[06:20:16] I don't want to get hangry.
[06:20:31] Okay. I don't want to get hangry. Alright, I'm gonna go make some food. I might actually...I know I always say this but like
[06:20:35] if a second stream happens you'll know where to find me
[06:20:39] because I am kind of enjoying playing league right now like i'm i think my burnout at
[06:20:46] least i'm not feeling burnt out today and i'm feeling good about my gameplay
[06:20:59] one sec
[06:21:13] all right sorry about that. I'm feeling good about my gameplay and
[06:21:17] actually having fun streaming with you guys today. So I might do a second
[06:21:21] stream. I don't know yet, but if I don't...
[06:21:24] Yeah.
[06:21:25] Were you really surprised?
[06:21:27] Probably not.
[06:21:30] Thank you so much though
[06:21:31] for uh
[06:21:32] everybody hanging out with me today. Thank you for watching. Thank you for uh everybody hanging out with me today thank you for watching thank you for uh follows
[06:21:39] uh just hanging out chilling with me
[06:21:42] whatever you did do today i I appreciate it a lot guys. Thanks so much!
[06:21:47] I think GM is like 300 LP right now, so...
[06:21:51] If we can hit GM this week? I'd be pretty happy if we managed that.
[06:21:56] I don't think i've actually hit GM
[06:21:58] This season yet. The split
[06:22:00] I've been like one game off
[06:22:02] Of GM twice
[06:22:07] Like I've been one single game off GM
[06:22:09] twice now, so...
[06:22:11] We'll see if we can hit GM again.
[06:22:13] Because I usually at least hit GM every season.
[06:22:17] If I keep playing like I least hit gm every season
[06:22:22] if i keep playing like i am right now i think i can actually push to get chow because i think i'm mechanically playing well enough and i think my mental is in
[06:22:26] a really good spot right now where i'm not tilting
[06:22:31] right like i'm not tilting i'm not getting upset i'm not
[06:22:34] like raging this is usually
[06:22:37] when I do a lot of my climbing
[06:22:39] is when my mental's really good
[06:22:40] so we'll see how it goes
[06:22:41] but either way
[06:22:43] uh
[06:22:44] I wanted to say thank you guys
[06:22:45] for watching like normal
[06:22:47] and I hope you guys have a great rest of your night if i don't do a