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Geranimo - Try Hard climb Solo Q

06-07-2024 · 5h 50m

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[00:00:00] you
[00:01:37] you Minions have spawned. I'm going to use the same I am Agn, daughter of Freyja, war mother of the Aborosans. There will be peace in the trail game I am alone.
[00:04:00] I have given oaths to fear. I will take an oath. uh Fuck me. me so so uh so so What? What are you doing? so so And my C-Asc. and my CS is dog shit
[00:04:01] what's happening over here
[00:04:05] what happened
[00:04:06] oh the dogs Where are them? Oh! The taunts! No, I mean he's mad. first down my aim is steady I think we could have actually killed that guy if Bard went around the back, but it's all good you faced an ice board okay so so Oh, that's interesting. We're about to be six. I could probably just kill them.
[00:06:28] Oh, I'm dead.
[00:06:34] Damn. Dude, I needed one minion
[00:06:36] for six. Damn.
[00:06:38] That Nami had a really good bubble Dude, I needed one minion for six. Damn.
[00:06:41] That Nami had a really good bubble there. Like literally within like the millisecond I was about to hit 6, because I was tunnel visioning my...
[00:06:52] I was tunnel visioning really hard on getting level six so I didn't pay attention to the bubble.
[00:07:00] Oh well!
[00:07:04] Fuck me.
[00:07:08] ... The three sisters are a myth that has strangled our people.
[00:07:17] Barg did a bad run? It's gonna be hard for me to not die her I should ask
[00:07:25] milk there mmm it's hard for them doing gauge here without Nami sick, so it's not that bad.
[00:07:33] And I just want to crash the wave really quick right? That's my goal.
[00:07:38] I don't know where the Warwick is but we we just chill for a sec. I think Nami's backing. Oh, that's um Hmm.
[00:08:10] There's gonna be an interesting little transition right now because I think Nami is going to come back bot right now.
[00:08:19] And my Bard still roaming so it's gonna be a little hard to play.
[00:08:24] Not impossible, but hard. Okay, not bad.
[00:08:39] Got our ults.
[00:09:05] I'm getting flanked by Nami right now. I mean, I'm just waning down here 1v2
[00:09:08] it's not that bad it's just uh scary
[00:09:15] i don't want to keep power shoving the wave in, but I don't think I have a choice.
[00:09:22] Because with Bard roaming like this it's like...
[00:09:24] ...I don't wanna let them dive me. Dude, that Nami by the way. That bubble is so bullshit.
[00:09:37] Like that it's such a BS bubble that skin is like her animation literally looks the same as yes this is my warning to you
[00:09:56] whoa okay Well, this is going to be really awkward. He actually flashed on me. Jesus.
[00:11:01] What an awkward ass game we got going on. uh this is gonna be a hard a hard game to carry just because uh our top laner is really far behind. We can do it obviously, but it's gonna be hard
[00:11:14] like fiora is just one of those champs that... hmm
[00:11:33] bro it's like one of these champs, right? That's really hard to play with. hmm I want to kind of fight this guy, but the problem with fighting this guy is like
[00:12:07] I would have to take the coin flip that he doesn't just cleanse my
[00:12:10] arrow i dream of a nation because if you're cleansing my air i'm just dead right
[00:12:24] so it's just like not a great I mean, maybe
[00:12:34] I can kill him. He's pretty low with no life steal.
[00:12:38] It really just depends so much on...
[00:12:44] Will he react to it or not? I really want to get this dragon, but my jungler is top so it's a little hard.
[00:12:57] We have three grubs maybe i can get this plate so Hmm.
[00:13:31] Interesting game. interesting game I kinda wanna go mid.
[00:13:53] Because, I have an item and Rift is going to be up.
[00:13:59] I feel like going bot's kind of a waste of time because there's nothing down there.
[00:14:05] I feel like I can be so much more impactful in mid. Ooh, that kind of sucks though. I have a feeling that Warwick is above me on the map right now, so I gotta be careful.
[00:14:32] Oh there he is.
[00:14:36] I need assistance. Damn, he didn't die.
[00:14:57] Oh, that was so close, bro.
[00:15:53] Anami has 1 HP. Oh, that was so close bro. so I have seen Almost 11, it's not too bad. I hate this game. Oh, my team's making a play and I gotta stay on the map?
[00:15:57] What about this guy? so so Damn, that guy's gonna get fucking tear-two top. I'm really close to my PDA. i will not allow us Dude, Ashe does not do Wraith Camp quickly by the way.
[00:17:15] Holy fuck I do not do rates quick.
[00:17:21] Oh what the fuck?
[00:17:24] Wow! He could actually 100-0 me huh?
[00:17:28] I mean my bad, I should have just flashed
[00:17:30] sooner I mean
[00:17:33] I was just trying to make sure we didn't lose the turret but it's probably not
[00:17:36] I don't know
[00:17:37] Maybe it wasn't the right call
[00:17:39] Either way he doesn't have Flash now
[00:17:40] so he didn't get a shutdown and
[00:17:42] he doesn't have Flash so that's probably better for...
[00:17:44] I guess I don't have Flash.
[00:18:01] I feel like Samira players are all the same human being. They basically only go aggro, and if you beat them in the aggro fights they just want to go next
[00:18:12] we should fight we We have Shen ult's, we don't really have much to lose top.
[00:18:16] Shen pushed the wave out, let's just fight.
[00:18:21] I will trade them for the counter on his core. so so so Fuck. I mean, that's not good.
[00:19:05] What was that? Kindred is bunted for no reason.
[00:19:09] Especially against the wilds. Yeah, I mean that's really wild. Yo! Play with me and me only okay?
[00:19:24] I'm our team not you and me only, okay?
[00:19:29] I'm our team. Not you.
[00:19:33] Please play with AD Promise? I win
[00:19:39] No more solovable emissions.
[00:20:21] Let's just go in first. let's see how close they can get what am i watching Why are we giving up so many bot waves right now?
[00:20:24] Wait, this is actually wilds. Honestly, if we can get this off the map right now that would be massive.
[00:20:47] Because our bottom or top and hip got taken?
[00:20:52] Oh, that's actually so big.
[00:20:56] His top and hip got taken which means
[00:21:00] all we really have to do right now is defend the turrets now. so so so so We don't have to fight guys, this is not like you don't have to take fights, this is crazy.
[00:22:15] Guys you gotta stop trying to fight this is wild is um Oh, I'm dead. Damn.
[00:23:04] At least we didn't lose a turret top. It's not too bad. so so I need fucking 70 gold. and money has been slain the south should fear us Hmm.
[00:24:16] Now how do we play this? Let me think.
[00:24:28] We gotta push mid, and then we have to... I do have two level lead on this guy so it's not that bad. so so so oh
[00:26:01] nice an enemy has been slain We gotta get some towers if we can. can Hmm. This is interesting, I need to go...
[00:26:03] I'm gonna go Vamp Scepter and then I'm gonna go
[00:26:05] I'm not going to go BT though, I'm gonna go Vamp Scepter
[00:26:07] probably into Last Whisperer
[00:26:17] So now I'm probably just going to go Mortal Reminder, like the anti-heal Last Whisperer so that we can play the game.
[00:26:20] Uh oh, my team's getting caught.
[00:26:35] I just need my team to stay with me but they're not going to because for whatever reason they're just tilted. Yes Um I need help boys. Damn, I think Kindred could have ulted me, but it's not a big deal.
[00:27:09] But yeah that's why I need the last ones, because you see how little damage I do to that fucking, uh... forward.
[00:27:22] It's basically
[00:27:24] like one of those situations where Warwick built full tank so I can't really hit him very hard and I'm the only person Warwick can sit on.
[00:27:39] We should win at this point, we're pretty far ahead.
[00:27:43] The only actual threat is Fiora.
[00:27:51] I'm 3 level lead and almost two item lead on the samara now she's just way too far behind and if samira gets behind she can't play the game so so Oh, come on. I even got the flash off.
[00:28:35] I wonder if the Kindred's ever gonna use her ulti for anybody but herself.
[00:28:39] Like that's just kind of like making me sad you know
[00:28:42] but it is one of those i got hit by the bubble that's my own I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually surprised because Nami doesn't have bad bubbles.
[00:29:01] You guys can end, don't do don't guys can't end don't do that don't
[00:29:03] do don't uh-oh this is like where we lose
[00:29:13] i don't i mean Maybe they can end.
[00:29:14] Okay, they're fine.
[00:29:15] Never mind.
[00:29:15] I just didn't trust them
[00:29:16] to be real.
[00:29:18] Like,
[00:29:19] I did not trust these guys
[00:29:20] to end the game.
[00:29:22] Oh well, we won. Nice nice i'll just be the guy everybody uses their cooldowns on
[00:29:30] whatever man ever man... you you.... Hello, lads.
[00:31:15] How are we doing today?
[00:31:17] What's up, dudes? sup dudes Draven's ban rate is higher than Ashe's.
[00:31:39] Because even though
[00:31:40] Ashe is a better champ than Draven,
[00:31:43] people don't like playing versus Draven.
[00:31:49] Draven is more...
[00:31:53] Draven's less predictable. Like, you can- like, Draven sucks
[00:31:57] but if he gets one kill the game feels terrible. The reason people don't like playing for him is because he just punishes when I get solo-queued.
[00:32:11] So if your jungler feeds him a kill, you lose the lane. If your support feeds him a kill, you lose the lane. He has too much power in
[00:32:24] existing.
[00:32:32] Like, it's why they
[00:32:33] rarely, rarely play them
[00:32:34] in pro players because in pro-play is because...
[00:32:36] In Pro Play people know how to like play vs Draven.
[00:32:39] In solo queue, people don't know how to do versus Draven is not fight Draven.
[00:32:53] If you don't fight Draven, your chances of winning go up exponentially
[00:32:58] when you're versus one.
[00:33:01] But people...
[00:33:02] Again, like, you see, like...
[00:33:04] Even in, like, Masters games,
[00:33:06] people don't like to play safe. They like to just
[00:33:08] be stupidly aggro
[00:33:10] at all times so they don't play
[00:33:12] to win. They play
[00:33:14] to not use their brain
[00:33:15] and versus Draven you have to use your brand people don't like using their brain................ so I'm in the Band. 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[00:36:58] Winners don't duck Minions have spawned. Where's the action? so Hey, what's this guy doing? what why would he take half his hp
[00:38:14] what are you doing, man? I don't understand that. Once I get my bunt putting back up and I get level 3 we can just jump in. so Whoa, what is Vel'Koz?
[00:39:23] Motherfucker's cosplaying as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Like, what the fuck am I looking at right now?
[00:39:29] Is he like a flower? Like what is happening, what is this?
[00:39:34] What the absolute fucking gross face is that?
[00:39:39] Ugh.
[00:40:04] Ugh. oh I have 15 CS at 4 minutes. I'm a beast.
[00:40:08] I'm too good, guys.
[00:40:12] I just need Oh, it's already going. How interesting. Why would that guy do that? uh. I'm gonna do dragon at any time, really? Easy peasy.
[00:41:33] I'm down to fight this, like I'm down bros. The enemy has been slain so I mean you guys just dive that guy. Wait, they actually died? What?
[00:42:14] Bet it's impressive that guy inted that.
[00:42:18] All they had to do was wait
[00:42:20] for the wave
[00:42:49] like literally that was it you just wait for the wave there and you just win Rengar is above me, so I had to ulti to get that guy off of me. Because if he ults me and then... Actually, I probably didn't have to.
[00:42:55] I guess I'm not like that scared of dying to Ringo right now.
[00:43:11] Okay. I don't think Kraken is that bad. I mean, I was originally going Collector.
[00:43:14] Right? Like, I was originally going Collector.
[00:43:16] Right?
[00:43:17] Like, I was going Collector before when I was playing Trist.
[00:43:21] But I do like the
[00:43:22] Kraken spike you get
[00:43:24] at one item.
[00:43:28] Like, Collector one item's not bad but it's not nearly as big as Kraken. The two items spikes bigger with
[00:43:32] collector but... so Ready, bro?
[00:43:57] I want to jump in, but
[00:43:58] I can't because if Rengar is below him
[00:43:59] I just die.
[00:44:05] I'm pretty sure
[00:44:06] Rengar is below...
[00:44:07] He's on bot side side mid right now.
[00:44:09] And i don't have a ward so i can't really like contest the vision.
[00:44:16] Yeah, saw that coming Ulti, ulti. Thank you.
[00:44:49] Damn. It was close. If Seraphine ult didn't taunt me, I actually would have jumped over the wall and lived. They used all of their ults for that, so it's not that bad. Now I can freely go
[00:45:13] ham on them.
[00:46:13] ... so yes I missed three CS. Wait, this Lissandra is an idiot. There's no world taking half your HP is worth that. This is a little rough, Lissandra's just like a good pick into Tr, because it's hard for me to play aggro without good vision.
[00:46:21] There's always the chance that Rengar is lurking and if she has ult up right? It's actually really hard to play with her ulti up.
[00:46:34] It's kind of interesting because I don't think she can beat me in a 1v1 even with her r
[00:46:38] but i have to respect the ringar which sucks Okay, she wasted her ult. Hmm.
[00:47:00] Can't really do much here.
[00:47:08] I maybe could have helped that Tom. Oh, she just missed 3 CS. We could easily just die to this guy with Kindred if, uh...
[00:47:36] Because he has no R.
[00:47:57] So yeah, she can't really fight that with no r Why is Seraphine here?
[00:48:44] Bro, I'm gonna lose my mind How is my bot lane losing 1v2 right now? Oh. My god. now oh my god okay I'm not gonna lie I think I think my ballleyn might be awful. so fix so has destroyed A Bandle Gunner never turns tail, unless it's to taunt you. taught you so What am I watching right now?
[00:50:27] All right, they just used three ults.
[00:50:28] Fight them.
[00:50:29] Kill them all.
[00:50:37] Go! They have no ults
[00:50:45] like just kill them what am i watching
[00:50:55] guys when they don't have R, you fight. My team is scared of their own shadow.
[00:51:00] Like what the fuck?
[00:51:04] That is crazy so me so Teemo could be in stealth. Yep, there he is.
[00:51:56] This is kind of awkward.
[00:52:03] Oh, we got two drakes! So they've got rifts but we have dragons so it's actually fine.
[00:52:14] Oh no... actually fun timo is still up here in a bush so i'm just gonna back
[00:52:18] because rengar just did ref so he's top son We just need wards in the river right now.
[00:52:46] If we don't ward river, we're not gonna be able to push out and like, push our lane. so what the oh Dumbass Teemo.
[00:53:43] I'm actually going to go to QSS.
[00:53:44] I almost never buy this I'm actually gonna get a QSS.
[00:53:53] I almost never buy this dog shit item anymore, but there's two really important things that I have to QSS this game.
[00:53:56] I have to QSS the Teemo blind so that i can actually kill him in a side lane and i have to qss lissandra alts so like even though it's like not you know So getting a QSS is actually really, really big.
[00:54:25] Honestly that's not the worst just just because like i knew something like
[00:54:28] that was about to happen but we do get a bunch of stuff on the other side
[00:54:31] of the map so it's not a big deal we got teemo flash timo ignite rengar r
[00:54:36] it's not it's not that bad.
[00:54:46] We might lose mid here though which kind of sucks
[00:54:54] Whoa
[00:55:05] Oh We're going to lose mid and top. That's not good. The Rengar should die though, he has no R. so Dude.
[00:55:39] I hate Teemo so much. Like, I love playing the little shitter but i hate him as a champion What button? Okay. Ooh, not bad!
[00:56:21] Nice job!
[00:56:25] Oh, nice job. Maybe I should be top right now pushing? Right? Because I have TP.
[00:56:31] Wait, if I push top in here instead of, uh...
[00:56:37] running to the dragon.
[00:56:39] Probably better.
[00:57:22] But I just wanted a B at the drake, because like fuck it you know. so You know what's interesting? I wonder if they even know I have QSS. Like, I wonder if they hit tab yet.
[00:57:29] A lot of people don't hit tab when you buy something like this because it's so rare that people buy qss so early in the game
[00:57:32] and it's kind of funny because a lot of the time when i do stuff like this uh they don't notice and i just kill them I guess then, Rengar ult. Nice!
[00:57:53] We'll go back top. I think we should shoot faster. so Where is the Tito?
[00:58:34] Where you at, bro? Oh there he is. Is that all I'm doing?
[00:58:46] It's just matching the Teemo so he can't get a bunch of free
[00:58:49] shit on the map.
[00:58:58] Because I have QSS now, I can match him much easier than before.
[00:59:58] We could actually do Baron anytime by the way so so Thanks for watching! I'm a little scared of dying to fucking Rengar, but fuck it. Yeah, there it is It isn't one of. Not a big deal.
[01:00:12] Is this item even good? 50 MR, 10 lifesteal...
[01:00:16] Wait Merc Scepter got his wife steal again?
[01:00:20] What the fuck?
[01:00:24] Interesting.
[01:00:28] Hmm... very interesting. Oh.
[01:00:31] Very interesting.
[01:00:35] Fuck it, I'm just gonna buy because I can complete the item.
[01:00:36] I don't want to leave base with 2,000 gold.
[01:00:39] I don't want to leave base with 2 gold not able to get IE or whatever
[01:00:44] and
[01:00:45] Then just be like sitting on nothing, you know, it's so bad
[01:00:52] Looks like fuck it.
[01:00:55] Because dragon fights
[01:00:56] in a minute so I'd rather just get that shit going
[01:00:58] you know?
[01:02:35] Okay. i don't do much damage though i'll be honest so sorry get freaking annihilated so so so so so I mean, we're almost 16. Almost halfway to 17.
[01:02:43] I think our best bet is literally just group up
[01:03:21] I guess it's just group time Hmm. I'm dead. Dude, I got queued one time by that Teemo and I just insta-died, by the way.
[01:03:27] That's actually wild. Like one Q auto, boom dead. oh Ooh, I'll play it.
[01:03:53] He should still be patient though.
[01:04:01] ... so Yeah, I mean we can't really end the game until we get Baron. So...
[01:04:19] The best course of action here is just play for Baron vision on top side of the map.
[01:04:23] Damn! What am I gonna get? I mean, I guess
[01:04:27] I just get Lord Dom's last...
[01:04:32] Because this is like kind of my lifesteal item, the QSS.
[01:04:37] I would rather have BT but...
[01:04:41] We all can't have everything. everything
[01:05:14] he's dead Oh my fucking god, I'm gonna lose my mind with these mushrooms. I think I'm dead.
[01:05:27] Ugh! Whatever.
[01:05:31] My team's getting so much crap. I'm kind of scared of them ending, because if they die right now we lose baron I do have TP though, so they should be fine. so so so are more like guidelines We just gotta wait for the homies.
[01:07:02] I kinda wanna like slow push this so that uh
[01:07:09] we give the homies time to get into position on these sides but but so seven Not bad... oh.. Bro, what the fuck is... Dude, I lost the game yesterday. Look at this. Look at this game I lost yesterday.
[01:09:27] You guys want to know what real pain feels like?
[01:09:29] It's this. This is what like true pain feels
[01:09:36] Like in solo queue..... Anybody wants to play Trist? Okay. I guess I can pick Ashe or someone. Dude, I think Ashe's
[01:11:11] issue with why she's so OP
[01:11:13] by the way is because her slow is too good.
[01:11:17] Like being able
[01:11:19] to slow that much feels really shitty.
[01:11:25] You basically...
[01:11:26] If you get tapped by Ashe,
[01:11:27] you have to all-in her or you just die. here..... Greg's needs to be rebalanced. He's a dumb champ.
[01:12:30] Scales well, wins every matchup, high damage
[01:12:32] great engage.
[01:12:33] I don't think he wins his matchups.
[01:12:38] I think that's...
[01:12:39] I think that's wrong.
[01:12:41] I don't think he wins matchups.
[01:12:42] I think Gragas...
[01:12:43] Gragas' skill isn't winning matchups.
[01:12:47] It's like he's a neutralizing champ.
[01:12:49] You can't win in person..... Blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam
[01:13:54] oh my god I This is gonna be awkward.
[01:14:18] Ooh, there's the Camille. Okay.
[01:14:26] What is happening?
[01:14:29] We see that they're in the first bush.
[01:14:30] Honestly, they can't fight us level 1.
[01:14:33] We're playing ash
[01:14:41] it's pretty much impossible to fight ash level 1. unless you're playing something with like a hook quick
[01:14:46] not all striving can or whatever given oaths to few i have taken oaths from many
[01:15:03] pretty sure camille is still in this bush. I'm pretty positive about it.
[01:15:10] That was such a weird hook. He should have just played for the Jhin. um not bad i missed a little bit of CS but it shouldn't be too bad. I'm just gonna hawk shot through the jungle, see if we can see where the enemy... no no
[01:16:06] this is bad.
[01:16:07] No no don't do that.
[01:16:08] Okay, so now we're going to go back and get our No, no. Don't do that.
[01:16:13] Diving that guy when...
[01:16:23] Yeah, it's like just not a smart dive. Oh I missed the cannon.
[01:16:28] I'm the best player on the finite.
[01:16:33] We should back off because we know Kha'Zix is all-side right now
[01:16:40] on his bot camps so we can push this in and then we can help lilia
[01:16:47] we need to get level three all right Alright.
[01:16:54] The worst.
[01:16:57] We should fight this, by the way. Okay. so Bro. has been slain.
[01:17:26] Bro.
[01:17:30] Thank you, but you quote better
[01:17:36] I'm not gonna try and dive that guy. It's not worth it. I need to get back, and bye.
[01:17:41] Man my CS is so bad. What the fuck?
[01:17:44] What is going on with the old CS, man?
[01:17:47] What the absolute unholy fuck?
[01:17:53] Bum-bum-bum.
[01:18:24] Ba-na-na-na-na-na. um the ice is not pain it is surrender Part of me wants to try Max and Q this game, because... I actually feel like it's not that bad.
[01:18:31] Volley Max is just so nice, because once you get level 9
[01:18:34] You just volley spam people on objectives and it's really hard for them to do anything We should go for this Jhin. I don't want to give this guy any XP or anything. Oh my god.
[01:19:18] What is wrong with me?
[01:19:23] My CSing today has just been so bad all day.
[01:19:30] It's actually kind of wild.
[01:19:37] This Janna is level three by the way Nice. so We should have that without me because we cut their jungler Right when I hit six six i think i just told
[01:20:36] i mean jinn has no quins so we just double kill him when i hit six
[01:20:40] he like egoed into ghost or cleanse which means they just lose the fight. hmm interesting so so no one escapes hmm He's gonna try and kill me here? I should still push this because we still need...
[01:22:12] I still need so much gold for my Kraken.
[01:22:17] Like, spam shoving
[01:22:18] gives Jhin what he wants, so we should just chill.
[01:22:21] If I was like 100 gold away or some
[01:22:24] shit i would probably just keep spamming because i do want to like take that
[01:22:28] turret so I want to kill this guy, but I don't think I can actually kill him under the turret like i don't think it's possible
[01:23:01] all right we'll just put some more wave my so Cool. Cool! I will teach them peace. so this guy has a fucking warden's mail.
[01:24:32] The hell? Oh, I'm dead.
[01:24:35] Like actually though... Oh my god, I did not even think of Camille being top there.
[01:24:47] That was two tunnel visioned on that guy's warden's mail.
[01:24:54] I was like, oh!
[01:24:55] He's got a fucking warden's mail.
[01:24:57] I'm just trash.
[01:25:55] No, I just suck. average so uh hmm i mean i could just set mid.
[01:26:07] Hey Camille! How's it feel bro?
[01:26:11] How does it feel bro? Oh! than you
[01:26:24] oh camille doesn't feel good does it
[01:26:30] to get jumped
[01:26:36] rude bro Fucking rude, bro!
[01:26:47] I don't know why we're not taking plates to hop. That's wild! Wait... Wait, I totally could have killed that Kha'Zix just now.
[01:27:11] I suck. We should've invaded this Kha'Zix's jungle camps.
[01:27:15] We're at full mid-priority. We're ultra far ahead
[01:27:19] in every lane
[01:28:11] it's like one of those moments we just straight up like perma invade the kazakh jungle camps oh um hmm I'm just gonna hit the turret. I don't give a so I dream of a nation for my people. You see?
[01:28:48] Now.
[01:28:50] Now.
[01:30:47] Now. Bye......... My mid was Golden Gloom. Oh, it was! Cool.
[01:30:56] I didn't even look at the name. That's a blast from
[01:30:57] the past, Golden Glutes?.... I'm going to turn it off. No, but now, kick me down. I'm going to go I should play Ashe again.
[01:32:27] I kind of want to play Tristana for solo queue, because Ashe is good.
[01:32:32] But it feels less consistent than playing Trissed.
[01:32:39] Like, I like Tris in solo queue because
[01:32:41] if it comes
[01:32:44] to the point where I need to
[01:32:44] do the macro,
[01:32:47] it's a lot easier for me to do the macro as
[01:32:49] Trist.
[01:32:52] When you play Ashe,
[01:32:53] you just have to kind of tell your team
[01:32:55] to do the macro or win a fight really hard.
[01:33:00] As Trist, if nobody's going
[01:33:01] to lane, I can just go do it........ Should I take cleanse?
[01:34:34] I kind of want to take barrier. I kinda wanna take Barrier.
[01:34:42] Even though they usually take...
[01:34:47] Even though, like, USUALLY these people will take, like...
[01:34:55] Exhaust against Trist.
[01:34:59] They have no other CC on their team, except for Ahri Charm.
[01:35:05] I feel like it's actually really shitty to take cleanse here because if they all in me with Karma W,
[01:35:08] I just jump onto k1 and kill her
[01:35:14] so i feel like the barrier is just better in this specific spot I kinda like it.
[01:35:23] I kinda like it!
[01:35:25] I kinda like i-
[01:35:33] Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[01:36:37] 30 seconds until minions spawn. Wait, hit that guy. Minions have spawned. I'm not actually sure what to do here. Hmm. Oh.
[01:36:42] What?
[01:36:47] Okay.
[01:36:51] I guess the Sylas AFK'd.
[01:36:55] Damn, what a waste of time um. Welcome to the League of Draven.. oh my goodness today's friday right how are you guys doing on this beautiful friday evening................... you you
[01:41:35] you
[01:41:37] you
[01:41:39] you
[01:41:41] you
[01:41:43] you you We take the Titans against these two.
[01:41:56] Alright, I'll be right back. One sec, let me grab some water. Okay.... Holy mother of fuck.
[01:42:57] What is their team comp?
[01:42:59] They come back to like
[01:43:00] the most
[01:43:02] annoying
[01:43:03] fucking team fight team comp
[01:43:06] I've ever seen.
[01:43:08] Holy! Holy.
[01:43:15] Yo, low-key, I actually like Amivia's support for this game.
[01:43:17] You see, Amivia is not bad.
[01:43:18] It's actually not bad.
[01:43:21] Like if you think about Nivea support
[01:43:24] versus Nyla, every time she goes in
[01:43:26] it'll just be like...
[01:44:27] She'll always get queued in the face. okay so Thanks for watching! Welcome to Summoner's Rift. Let me get in there!
[01:44:33] 30 seconds until minions spawn Yo, what's up?
[01:44:42] Yo, Plagues.
[01:44:44] Hold on.
[01:44:46] I'll just play a song right now.
[01:44:50] I was going to say
[01:44:51] I'll do it after the game,
[01:44:52] but I mean,
[01:44:52] I'm just sitting here.
[01:44:57] Yo, Keeper.
[01:44:58] Thank you for the 15, man.
[01:44:58] We'll be back.
[01:45:03] What's up, RF?
[01:45:05] How's your new account going, bro?
[01:45:10] Do you feel like a different person are you using that early early account inflation
[01:45:21] i haven't seen you in my games, so you must be higher elo. I'm playing him like D1. suffering
[01:45:34] I really don't think we should fight this.
[01:45:46] Fighting them level 1 is whatever, but it's a good play. They are going to get level 2 before us though. Maybe. Oh.
[01:46:29] Ooh, she E'd away! What the hell?
[01:46:31] She doesn't have W either.
[01:46:34] Wait... we can actually just straight kill these guys right now.
[01:46:55] I'm gonna jump in. Yeah, I saw that coming. I was gonna help him but
[01:46:57] I should've just let him die
[01:46:59] I was trying to get level 3
[01:47:01] and I just fucked up
[01:47:07] I think the problem there was we got Nyla
[01:47:09] because we're one minion off of level 3.
[01:47:12] If I was three, we'd kill her 100%,
[01:47:13] but she has too much sustain.
[01:47:16] I also couldn't fight her after we killed the Seraphine, so I should have just ran away and let the Anivia die.
[01:47:31] Wait. Wait, they're trolling they both die right now
[01:47:35] if hecarim's here they both die right
[01:47:55] now so Oh. Dude, you know what's interesting? I swear...
[01:48:02] ...I notice this so much when I play in the CLO.
[01:48:07] The players aren't actually that bad, they're just stupid. Like right there
[01:48:11] right? They should've backed. Like they genuinely had no reason to not just back.
[01:48:41] Because like, what are they staying for pretty much right? If they had just backed on that wave push instead of trying to crash the wave, we would be so fucked right now.
[01:48:44] Whoa! What is this Anivia build?
[01:48:48] This is the first time I've seen
[01:48:49] a double Ruby Crystal vanivia build.
[01:48:53] The fuck am i watching?
[01:49:01] Oh interesting Oh, interesting.
[01:49:07] Nothing like seeing a Niva ahead of me
[01:49:11] in levels but I a full level. Nothing like seeing that. That's my favorite.
[01:49:19] They're like oh yeah bro! Like this champ just gets to be a full level up on you the whole way isn't that fun no Honestly, I could just straight up kill these guys right now.
[01:49:41] Like, I want to jump in on the Seraphine.
[01:49:45] But the problem with doing that is like nyla can use her w on the seraphim oh Ooh.
[01:49:58] Snifla's a really bad player.
[01:50:04] That was not a good play by them.
[01:50:13] This throws my tempo really far off, but I kind of want this for an item.
[01:50:19] One plate.
[01:50:23] It's going to cost me some tempo, but I think it's fine.
[01:50:30] The Hecarim doing dragon right there is
[01:50:32] really scary.
[01:50:42] You know what's funny? The gold I got from that plate didn't even buy me anything. I miscalculated.
[01:50:44] I actually did the calculations wrong in my head...
[01:50:47] math. wrong in my head by math no I think I just don't get the plate to be honest with you.
[01:51:05] Because the plate didn't do anything right, like actually?
[01:51:20] Oh, I can't play the game here.
[01:51:21] That sucks.
[01:51:27] This doesn't feel good.
[01:51:28] You know what?
[01:51:29] I'm risking it for the biscuit. That was my bad though. I think I could have maybe killed Sedge.
[01:51:49] The problem that I was having was like, Nyla had the ult right? So...
[01:51:53] What the fuck are you guys doing?
[01:51:57] Bro there is no way you guys were doing this.
[01:52:18] Cause it's like- I just killed them both here. Oh, maybe I'll just kill one.
[01:52:23] I needed that ward in that bush earlier.
[01:52:24] This one? kind of sucks
[01:52:33] because if i had that Bush of Water,
[01:52:35] that could have killed them both with better spacing.
[01:52:37] I wouldn't have had to jump in on the Nyloth
[01:52:39] and then take the damage.
[01:52:41] I would have killed them both
[01:52:42] if I had Triumph too, but
[01:52:43] I just think Absorb Life is too good. This rune's
[01:52:47] too broken, man. Like actually it's just too good to give up.
[01:52:55] ... Mm-hmm. I don't know if I want to jump in on this.
[01:53:16] I mean,
[01:53:16] I can but it's like scary with that old
[01:53:19] because i need to be able to alter off of me
[01:53:23] i either have to instantly proc the fucking fucking Where's my Hecarim at? Kill him.
[01:53:53] Just kill him.
[01:53:58] There you go.
[01:54:00] Dude, I almost had that Nylla too but i couldn't get my fucking kraken proc best do everything you can.
[01:54:32] Ooh, I was hoping the Anivia would ult that guy when he was under the chart there but oh
[01:54:36] snipers should die here like heckram double killed this they have no They have no cooldowns.
[01:54:52] Nice! I wonder if I go mid here? I don't know how this should transition,
[01:54:55] because Ahri has no...
[01:54:59] Ahri has no TP
[01:55:01] so like, I can definitely get to
[01:55:03] this wave but once I form this wave...
[01:55:07] Do I just push one wave and then go bot immediately?
[01:55:11] I don't know.
[01:55:25] Probably. This is an awkward game.
[01:55:29] Nyla's just such a hard counter to Tristana,
[01:55:31] it's so hard to play against it.
[01:55:36] Like, Nyla's good... Tristah's good...
[01:55:37] Tristana is good against Nylah later in the game.
[01:55:41] Right like later on when I start getting ranged and shit? But early game it's so fucking hard
[01:55:45] because your only play has to like all in but not
[01:55:49] like this hard counter you're all in so so so so You know what's another thing that I notice that happens a lot in like, ELOs
[01:56:56] like this? People will just let you hit them as they farm under the turret.
[01:57:10] This isn't good.
[01:57:19] Damn it!
[01:57:23] I think if I didn't jump, I had that guy. I was trying to jump over...
[01:57:24] Like,
[01:57:24] I thought he was going
[01:57:25] to throw an ability up.
[01:57:28] So I tried to jump
[01:57:29] over his ability
[01:57:29] but I don't think
[01:57:30] I needed a jump.
[01:57:32] I think just like
[01:57:33] two Kraken autos would have killed him.
[01:57:36] Or, like, two autos with Kraken.
[01:57:39] Dude, I think there's been three times now where Triumph
[01:57:43] would've saved me in a 2v2.
[01:57:44] Like all the time. where Triumph would have saved me in a 2v2.
[01:57:49] All three of my deaths, I think Triumph saves me actually.
[01:57:53] But it's just so...
[01:57:55] I feel like absorb lights are SO OP.
[01:58:03] But it feels so good man!
[01:58:10] Oh my god! It feels so good, man. Okay I have enough range now that I can actually fuck with Nyla really hard.
[01:58:16] Like I can out-ranch her very, very
[01:58:17] hard now with spacing
[01:58:21] So now we're in a good spot The only thing I don't like about this is, like,
[01:58:36] uh...
[01:58:36] I don't have cleanse.
[01:58:40] So... Until we get cleanse, it's gonna be really hard to play the game because i don't know where they are or i don't know where uh yeah... yeah. Sedge is hovering behind him back there.
[01:58:51] Fucking Sejuani just sitting back there so it's like if I
[01:58:56] walk up and fight them right now without cleanse i just get this that escape railed
[01:59:04] we should just go get rift honestly
[01:59:13] are we ready I'm gonna go get red. It's too hard to play aggressive on this timer.
[02:00:33] Honestly, I could probably just go oh there's sedge okay I guess probably dead. so Minions, no! Oh that got me anyway. so Ooh.
[02:00:42] Ooh! Soloed by the support the warmogs and maybe I just gave that guy to fucking but I bought her the ser Art? No, it just didn't hit me.
[02:00:52] Seraphine Art and
[02:00:53] the only person that the art would have hit
[02:00:54] would have been me so... Seraphine R's got a really short
[02:00:57] distance
[02:00:59] If it doesn't do
[02:01:01] the extension thing, the distance is
[02:01:03] really small
[02:01:43] ... so like whoever dodges it at the front is like saving everybody behind them is so worth the point in the game, though, where Nylah can't play against me anymore.
[02:02:13] Like, Nylah does really well versus Tristana in lane. Out of lane, though, you start getting to this point where like Nyla actually kind of sucks We want to try and take this T2. It's pretty fucking low. I'm pretty fucking
[02:02:14] low too, though.
[02:02:25] You guys think that's toxic? Taking his camp in front of him.
[02:02:29] Would we say that's toxic or so still so We should probably just region probably is back I'm pretty strong now.
[02:03:56] Nice little IE purchase. i'm pretty strong now nice little ie purchase Okay, it's solo queue you don't have to like during the mid game you don't have to back on certain stuff if you're winning. Doesn't matter. Bro, fuck Wei! You literally can't
[02:04:03] fucking move half the fucking lane or half of the time she uses spells on you.
[02:04:13] Like that champion is broken as fuck. so your planet has been so so No way!
[02:05:05] That guy's ult actually hit me over the wall?
[02:05:08] Oh, I got too close.
[02:05:11] Whatever, bro.
[02:05:13] Whatever, bro. Whatever, bro!
[02:05:16] I wonder if I should get Last Whisperer or if I should get BT?
[02:05:18] I kinda want Lifesteal.
[02:05:25] Like 50% crit's enough, I think.
[02:05:30] I think getting lifesteal when their entire team is burst champs... I think it's just better.
[02:05:33] If I get BT, I'm just gonna out-heal their whole comp by autoing.
[02:05:40] They have no Ignites so...
[02:05:43] They've got no antialing and no ignites
[02:05:46] which means basically i'm just gonna out heal everything until they get
[02:05:50] antihel I think we should do Baron. uh... which is the baron
[02:06:14] i think what's a He's not in the flash. so That was kind of my bad. I went to go greed the jungle camps. so so so I'm going to try and get the slayer. Yeah, Vreml stops healing but only if I hit Sedge.
[02:07:37] So it's like if I don't hit Sejuani in the fights they'd have no anti-healing
[02:07:42] right so Let's go to Baron.
[02:09:19] I'm five items, we just do baron so so sometimes so Oh, I suck. My bad.
[02:09:23] I meant to buffer my R as I jumped but I didn't hit it.
[02:09:40] It's all good though. I mean we went anyway I also cancelled Mato
[02:09:42] It is what it is GG! Not too bad. Thank you. you....... What the hell is going on
[02:12:05] nothing's free and for still it's hard still is hard.. Silence. Okay. I had my back door open?
[02:13:13] I think we had a hole in the
[02:13:17] screen door. Because I just saw like, the world's
[02:13:21] biggest mosquito fly past my head. the lowest rank I've ever been
[02:13:39] mmmm, I'm not sure.
[02:13:47] Probably whenever I started the game?
[02:13:49] Well, I don't know.
[02:13:53] Probably whatever is like normal Because I started when Elo
[02:13:56] wasn't a thing.
[02:13:58] When Rank wasn't a thing, it was
[02:14:00] like Elo. So it's just like numbers.
[02:14:09] Probably like silver.
[02:14:13] I'm assuming everybody starts in silver, right?
[02:14:15] Even back in season one when I first started, I assume it was like probably
[02:14:17] around silver. Silver goldish.
[02:14:26] I don't think
[02:14:26] I've ever been bronze just
[02:14:27] because like
[02:14:28] I'm good at
[02:14:29] video games
[02:14:30] like even
[02:14:33] playing MOBA
[02:14:33] for the first
[02:14:34] time like after
[02:14:35] I leveled my
[02:14:36] account in
[02:14:36] normals and
[02:14:37] shits I
[02:14:37] probably was like gold.
[02:14:40] Just because I'm very good
[02:14:41] at pushing buttons.
[02:14:43] So because I'm so good at pushing buttons, it's
[02:14:45] kind of hard to be low elo
[02:14:46] in anything. Anything I ever do i usually start like at the average I'll be right back.
[02:15:11] You've been doing well with Cardless, man.
[02:15:12] Keep it up, bro.
[02:15:14] Cardless OP!..... Oh, uh-oh
[02:16:31] I have that Seraphine
[02:16:35] that I had last game
[02:16:36] King Kony
[02:16:38] We'll see if my boy
[02:16:42] King Kony
[02:16:42] Can hit his W key like a champion... You spend Mundo top before they change his moves.
[02:17:31] New address character live patch is OP.
[02:17:35] Samira? Like the girl with the sword gun? Welcome to Summoner's Village.
[02:17:59] Yeah, Smear is good in solo queue. She ain't bad. I think she's fun.
[02:18:09] I suck at her, but she's fun.
[02:18:14] Just because I don't play
[02:18:16] her very much.
[02:18:24] It's all behind. It's all behind. Ooh! Minions have spawned.
[02:18:35] Miss murder can I?
[02:18:39] This is gonna be a...I got a 1v9 in this game. We have a clogged top and uh first time mount kai support so i'm gonna
[02:18:48] have to walk in we gotta walk in for this one if we don't we're gonna have trouble when you find the right gun Look at that.
[02:19:25] I auto'd her, backed out and she still got the fucking...
[02:19:29] Uh, auto on me.
[02:19:31] That's how fuckin' strong Jinx rockets are really, it's crazy. dude we should just wait a sec.
[02:19:56] Because I can already tell you what's gonna happen here, if I try and jump in right now... The Poppy is going to fuck with me.
[02:20:05] We should just go in the Poppy
[02:20:07] when she does that though.
[02:20:08] Like we don't have to go Jinx if the Jinx is so far back in the lane
[02:20:12] That it doesn't matter
[02:20:13] We should just go Poppy on that one
[02:20:22] Ah, she's too far back. If Jinx walks up like that we should go in on her when she walks up. oh
[02:20:40] I'm dead. Damn.
[02:20:42] I'm really sad.
[02:20:44] This guy's gonna get killed, too,
[02:20:45] because I messed up my mechanics.
[02:20:51] I think Jinx is gonna die, but it should be okay. Nice. Huge.
[02:20:59] Damn.
[02:21:01] I mean, i messed up uh i flashed forward instead of jumping
[02:21:06] i should have jumped
[02:21:09] because i thought it was only gonna take one one auto but i could have just jumped and then jumped again I need to kill one minion to get level 3 here.
[02:21:30] Okay, now we can fight.
[02:21:44] Uh-oh, I should not have jumped in i thought we were going to keep fighting
[02:21:45] and they went on fizz my bad
[02:21:50] wait don't don't do that what are you doing uh-oh
[02:22:41] he should have just walked away tried to juke w so so I shouldn't have jumped on the E though, because I knew he had W. Like, I should have just auto'd until he used his W.
[02:22:46] It's fine.
[02:22:47] I am okay with that because i want this guy to use
[02:22:50] uh his w right now
[02:22:54] oh oh i mean I'm just dead.
[02:23:03] Dude, why is Fizz bot again?
[02:23:03] Aww.
[02:23:06] My bad.
[02:23:09] I didn't realize Fizz was bot for the fifth time.
[02:23:11] Like, dude,
[02:23:12] I... Whatever.
[02:23:13] I just need to play safer.
[02:23:17] Fizz has roamed bot three times and TF
[02:23:18] has sat mid the whole time.
[02:23:20] Which feels bad,
[02:23:22] but it's not really TF's fault.
[02:23:25] Basically
[02:23:26] it's like a playstyle thing, right? Like,
[02:23:27] TF could push and roam, but
[02:23:29] he's choosing to
[02:23:31] get himself ahead, which is totally fine push and roam, but he's choosing to get
[02:23:32] himself ahead which is totally fine.
[02:23:34] I just have to
[02:23:35] play safer.
[02:23:51] Bring on the bad guy! We're lucky because Jinx is going Kraken Slayer,
[02:23:51] which is garbage. If Jinx is going Kraken Slayer, which is garbage.
[02:23:56] If Jinx was rushing IE this game would be a lot harder
[02:24:25] Because Kraken Slayers Jinx is really fucking bad bad Guys, I could use a little help.
[02:24:27] Guys?
[02:24:31] Like what?
[02:24:35] Yo, pony! Yo.
[02:24:37] Tony!
[02:24:38] Oh, bro.
[02:24:40] You are trolling. Yeah, you need to R as well. okay I think by support,
[02:25:18] I told you this game was gonna be hard.
[02:25:20] This is the same Seraphine that I sucked my dick into in Twisted last game,
[02:25:25] but he doesn't know what he's doing.
[02:25:28] Don't let up! what he's doing.
[02:25:34] So it's basically going to be unplayable for a bit.
[02:25:38] Okay, well I'm just dead.
[02:26:32] Alright, no, we go next. My support is awful. Back to the action.. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I mean, I don't think we can win this.
[02:26:34] They have a super fed AD carry and it's completely because my
[02:26:36] Maokai has cancer.
[02:26:39] I mean, look at this guy.
[02:26:40] Like, what are you doing?
[02:26:44] Like, holy Yeah, like what are you doing? Like holy fuck your bad.
[02:26:48] Like this is painful man.
[02:26:52] Yeeeah... report him. Cool, man.
[02:27:12] Just move on. Report Mao. I'll make the picket and... Gotta get back out there. so I'm going to use the
[02:27:57] same I mean, my mid and top are just jacking each other off because they're duo queue.
[02:28:16] The enemy Fizz has been bought 30 times. My Maokai is level 5 at 11 minutes, like this game's done.
[02:28:26] We just move on.
[02:28:31] Like it's not playable.
[02:28:37] I need to hide champ selects.
[02:28:44] I'm almost positive this Maok a stream sniper so i gotta hide champ select that's on me like right there he could have'ed the Jinx and we could've just killed her as she was tanking a tower.
[02:28:56] But he's just trolling now. He's listening to stream and just trolling.
[02:29:00] So there is not much I can do. That is what it is. I mean, I'll still play the game out but there's like a 90% chance we lose this.
[02:29:30] Fed Jinx with like a Poppy?
[02:29:32] It just it's impossible to get on her. back to base An ally has been slain
[02:30:04] An enemy has been slain
[02:30:09] an enemy has been slain enemy killing spree I mean, she's probably okay.
[02:30:25] I haven't played her this season very much.
[02:30:26] Okay, I don't think she this season very much.
[02:30:27] I don't think she's bad, she's probably just okay.
[02:30:35] I just think that there's better champs. so I'll be real, I don't have the mental to like walk in on this game. Whenever I get Q sniped
[02:31:07] and like trolled and shits. My mental immediately
[02:31:10] just like goes to shit.
[02:31:11] That's like why the
[02:31:12] Q snipers do it
[02:31:13] so they can get a reaction
[02:31:14] So I mean he
[02:31:15] got his reaction
[02:31:16] It's just annoying
[02:31:17] I just hate playing
[02:31:20] with people like this guy
[02:31:21] because he's just bad
[02:31:23] and he doesn't give a fuck
[02:31:24] because he's just
[02:31:26] enjoying being an asshole
[02:31:29] so I might as well just...
[02:31:32] The only upside to it is that
[02:31:36] like every time
[02:31:38] I go versus people like this, I beat their ass
[02:31:40] and every time they're on my team, They auto-lose.
[02:31:43] Because they are trolling or whatever
[02:31:45] So it's pretty easy to actually just win
[02:31:49] Like they'll never actually keep up with you in MMR
[02:31:51] So that is like the one upside.
[02:31:55] You're always out
[02:32:03] climb them Climb them. is get in my way i dare you so don't hit him so so Bring on the bad guys!
[02:33:37] Destroy it and turn it. so so so so so okay Thanks for watching! so oh
[02:35:12] games like this make me sad. so so so so Easy peasy. so so That was kind of dumb of them, though.
[02:36:49] To go top there.
[02:36:51] Just going top there secures that like we have a really good chance of getting dragon now
[02:36:56] Hey that's kind of a dumb play I'm not gonna lie so Like they would have won that fight outright if Fizz didn't go top there.
[02:37:27] They would have lost
[02:37:28] one turret.
[02:38:37] Guys, we don't give this to them by the way. so so so so i think i'm just gonna split to pull them to the side lane
[02:38:40] like we'll pull somebody to a sideline I think I have to go or Dom's second this game because they have Poppy, Shen. This guy has Zhonya's.
[02:39:07] So I think we go Dom second. hmm so okay so All I can do when I get behind on AD is try to be useful.
[02:40:17] Like this game, the best course of action in this game
[02:40:20] is just trying like...
[02:40:22] When I went mid there instead of going into the fight
[02:40:24] I think it's good.
[02:40:33] I even want to kind of go top right now.
[02:40:36] Because Shen will have ult for this fight, but if I pull
[02:40:40] Shen top... we'll be in a good spot
[02:40:44] Oh yeah because they have Baron.
[02:40:47] Wait we got Baron! Oh my god! And we just go ends um Oh, GG.
[02:41:34] Jesus, I can't believe we won that.
[02:41:37] Hecarim fucking smurfed the mid game.
[02:41:39] Holy crap!
[02:41:42] Hecarim's a monster.
[02:41:52] That Maokai was horrendous.
[02:41:58] Like, holy shit, Maokai was bad. Well played, though. Well, they fucked up.
[02:42:33] Like, they fucked up twice Like, they
[02:42:33] fucked up twice in a row and my team
[02:42:35] was...
[02:42:36] My team won the fights 45.
[02:42:39] So like
[02:42:39] basically
[02:42:42] the Jinx started
[02:42:44] the game 7-0
[02:42:45] and then she ended
[02:42:46] the game 7-7.
[02:42:49] Like,
[02:42:49] the guy didn't get
[02:42:50] another kill.
[02:42:50] I told you though
[02:42:51] this build is bad.
[02:42:52] Like
[02:42:52] the Kraken slayer build on jinx's dog shits it's so
[02:42:58] bad like if you go crack and pd on jinks you're trolling she won't have any damage.
[02:43:10] Report him? Wait, who? The Maokai?
[02:43:14] He didn't do anything reportable.
[02:43:16] He's just like being bad.
[02:43:24] I'm not going to report somebody for being bad at League.
[02:43:29] That's just kind of stupid. But yeah, I mean Jinx should have carried that game.
[02:43:43] That Jinx 1000% should've carried that game oh i should hide my cue Like the best Jinx build right now is to rush Infinity Edge into either PD or Hurricane.
[02:44:11] Like, if you rush
[02:44:12] Infinity Edge into PD Hurricane
[02:44:13] your first item spike is weaker
[02:44:15] than Kraken
[02:44:16] but your second item spike
[02:44:18] when you get the...
[02:44:20] When you finish the Hurricane IE or PD IE.
[02:44:24] Jinx turns into a fucking Thanos level god.
[02:44:27] When you get those two items.
[02:44:29] And then when your third item is Lord Dom's
[02:44:33] Then you turn into an even bigger Thanos level god
[02:44:37] You're like Thanos with all stones just fucking everybody with one auto
[02:44:41] It's pretty broken.
[02:44:45] The problem
[02:44:46] with Jinx and solo queue is you
[02:44:48] need your team to play around you or you need to play
[02:44:50] perfect spacing.
[02:44:52] Like there's no in between. You either play
[02:44:54] perfect spacing, or
[02:44:56] your team plays around you.
[02:45:05] Because Because... It just becomes
[02:45:11] too hard. I will be right back, Chad............ Oh, oh. I'm back. Hello friends!
[02:48:04] How are you guys doing?
[02:48:12] Well, I'm gonna go ahead and mute that one. Minions have spawned. I will show them the power of an iceborn.
[02:49:01] What are we leashing?
[02:49:09] Don't leash, little bro. We don't need to leash!
[02:49:16] Another Anivia support. Interesting. Oh, that's a good Q. good cue Is that a level 2 Skarner gank? He doesn't even have red!
[02:50:08] Bro, that's Skarner just ganked without red. Oh.
[02:50:25] Ooh! At least I got the cannon.
[02:51:44] ... We should help Mr. Rek'Sai the cold is not for I do not seek the throne of Avarosa. so so Dude, my potion was on two instead of... Like this is gonna sound like I'm coping.
[02:51:46] I actually killed that Lucian there and lived.
[02:51:49] It's gonna sound
[02:51:50] like I'm coping but I'm not.
[02:51:51] My fucking biscuit
[02:51:53] was on two
[02:51:55] and not three
[02:51:56] and I was spamming my
[02:51:59] 3 key.
[02:52:01] And I didn't have the mana.
[02:52:03] I'm so bad.
[02:52:06] That's
[02:52:07] so embarrassing.
[02:52:12] Okay, That's so embarrassing. Because that was a free kill.
[02:52:45] Like... like alistair played that near perfect I think I should actually go Q max against Lucian. I'm getting flanked by Mr Nibia.
[02:52:51] I mean, I still have flash bro.
[02:52:55] Okay well... That guy had flash too! Hehe
[02:52:57] Damn that sucks
[02:53:15] Well at least I got flashed on. hmm
[02:53:50] cooperating No. an mtv been so empty without me I do like you. Bro.
[02:53:51] No way! no way Let's see how close they can get. I'm going to go builder and forge lord.
[02:54:39] I think you should just roam.
[02:54:41] I unironically think I'll do better bot lane right now
[02:54:42] with Alistar roaming.
[02:54:43] I'm not even memeing.
[02:54:53] Because he's not accomplishing anything. He's just like... Essentially sitting bot and then I'm dying for his sins.
[02:54:57] Like, we got ganked by Skarner?
[02:55:02] And I died when he got caught.
[02:55:06] Shit's rough.
[02:55:13] It's okay though, no big deal.
[02:55:48] Like dude just... oh my god. insane Wait, am I ever gonna get a team like what's happening? Like holy shit guys.
[02:55:56] I'm watching my team slowly walk to the lane
[02:56:07] thank you
[02:56:10] good god Good God!
[02:56:22] Thank God I'm playing Ashe. At least I'll be fucking useful.
[02:56:57] ...the southerners cannot imagine... useful. so uh Whatever. My bad.
[02:57:01] Ha!
[02:57:05] Oh, I'm dead. I mean, this is just so shitty of a game.
[02:57:17] We're getting gapped because
[02:57:19] for whatever reason
[02:57:23] we just played the early game wrong.
[02:57:26] Like,
[02:57:27] me and Alistair were not on the same page
[02:57:29] And then I fucked up the biscuit thing
[02:57:30] Damn
[02:57:32] That just sucks
[02:57:33] Because like Anivia is not that good of a support champ
[02:57:38] But it is if she gets the lead.
[02:57:40] That's like the only time because I'm immobile and maybe it was good against Ashe
[02:57:44] because my immobility if I got another dash. We just gotta like slow the game down a bit and let everyone scale up.
[02:57:56] Because I'll always be useful because I have arrow and they have no cleans There will be peace in the frail war. I will kill you.
[02:58:15] An enemy has been slain.
[02:58:21] I should be able to survive this
[02:58:31] oh my god, really man?
[02:58:35] I should have flashed the fucking Anivia Q.
[02:58:39] Oh well.
[02:58:41] I had to like wait for her to get aggro on me before I could...
[02:58:44] Because I needed to arrow her while she was agroed onto the turret, right?
[02:58:48] So I had to wait for that.
[02:58:52] Oh, that's so unlucky!
[02:58:56] I actually had that.
[02:59:01] That's why I took the fight because I was like okay I can double kill them if they fuck up their dive
[02:59:39] There is no downside to it because I'm not worth that much gold. so What is Alistar doing? This game's winnable, it's just gonna be really hard. so Plan or tribe, they will join us. This is the Will of Avaros, Alien Rampage!
[03:00:06] I actually think our jungler's a lot better than their jungler and I think
[03:00:11] Our mid is playing Fizz so
[03:00:18] And that was an interesting choice. Why would he knock him into me? Hey bro, don't W the guy I'm kiting into me.
[03:00:31] Like, what
[03:00:32] the fuck?
[03:00:50] Like... Mike. Oh, god.
[03:00:57] This Alistar might be worse than the fucking Maokai from last game. I'm not even kidding.
[03:01:41] Ugh, whatever. Whatever. Whatever man. I have heard no better words than the strongest trial possible.
[03:02:23] This is the oath I must fulfill. The game is a bit more complex than the original. Yo! Thanks, Drake. I am a woman.
[03:02:25] I have given oaths to you so We stand up.
[03:02:57] Please stand up.
[03:02:58] Please stand up. Let up please stand up racket well I do so fuck him and fuck
[03:03:03] you too
[03:03:06] let alone with Stanley wouldn't it be weird to get me here mr brittany spears christina galera I made a candy
[03:03:30] mbd so There's some shitties just imitating.
[03:04:00] We stand up, we stand up we stand up
[03:04:05] this is gonna be a really wild ass game i'm not gonna lie We just gotta wait for my arrow.
[03:04:24] Basically, any time I have an arrow we can win because my team is so fed.
[03:04:28] So we just gotta chill for a second and like wait for arrow
[03:04:32] Because I was playing bad so What am I watching?
[03:05:11] Huh.
[03:05:15] That guy's just gonna live, oh no nice job
[03:05:20] wow
[03:05:25] what the fuck is happening in this game?
[03:05:31] I feel like my enemy team is going for me really hard.
[03:05:35] And then, my team's cleaning up. That's what I like to see boys.
[03:05:38] That's what I like to see boys carry me
[03:05:40] support and if you is good in solo queue against immobile champs like Jinx and Ashe and shit
[03:05:50] because you rush Swifties, and then you just
[03:05:54] basically...
[03:05:56] You just run around the map fucking with my positioning. It's actually not that bad
[03:06:06] oh i'm not dead but not because i did so This is gonna suck balls.
[03:06:39] Because we need to cover fucking top turret, but nobody's doing it. So we're just gonna lose fucking tier 2. Dude, that Illaoi is really strong.
[03:07:03] He's going to be level 13 with two full items like 2.5 oh my god this guy is
[03:07:09] going to be strong
[03:07:12] did i really need fucking Terminus.
[03:07:48] I don't think we can fight this. so What? How did I just teleport one of the enemies to me?
[03:07:54] Oh, no.
[03:07:59] I'm going one foot to my left?
[03:08:03] The fuck was that?
[03:08:20] ... Was that a weird interaction with Skarner ulting me and then Alistar maybe knocked him to the right as he ulted me
[03:08:29] well no i mean like there was a weird interaction with it where it's like I got picked up but then he teleported
[03:08:43] It was really awkward.
[03:08:52] Music the moment you want it.
[03:08:58] One shot, do not miss your chance to go. This opportunity comes...
[03:09:03] You know what? I'm not gonna get Terminus. I'm going to get anti-healing item,
[03:09:05] I'm going to get mortal reminder.
[03:09:16] I should have just bought the fucking anti-healing part of it right now.
[03:09:24] No! That actually missed damn I'm dead.
[03:09:39] That was a really good play by Anivia, I should not be playing around Alistar.
[03:09:49] Like, playing around Alistar is like not good because he doesn't understand
[03:09:51] that I can't...
[03:09:53] Well, he's not bad right? He's playing fine.
[03:09:56] He's really playing well.
[03:09:58] It's that I can't function unless we CC the Anivia
[03:10:02] because the Lucian doesn't actually matter
[03:10:04] he does damage but it doesn't matter But I can't dodge all of the anivia cues because
[03:10:08] what ends up happening like this guy's not a bad and they'd be a player so like what what's end
[03:10:14] up happening is like he's walking up an Nivea has this really interesting interaction you can do.
[03:10:19] I don't know if you guys play Nivea in chat, but there's an interaction you can do with a Nivea where you can essentially W them into...
[03:10:26] You throw your Q and then W them into... You can throw your Q and then
[03:10:28] W them into the queue.
[03:10:29] And it's, like, undodgeable because of the way
[03:10:31] your W interacts with, like,
[03:10:33] the pathing of the champion.
[03:10:42] It's really, really OP against low mobility.
[03:10:49] Because it is almost impossible to actually outplay it.
[03:10:59] So I think what I'm going to do is like, if we're going for a fight like that I'm probably just gonna play around the Anivia better. Like, I just have to position better is Oh? I, again
[03:11:36] fell for Alistair.
[03:11:40] Dude,
[03:11:40] I don't know why
[03:11:40] I'm falling
[03:11:41] for this guy. He's gotten me killed four times.
[03:11:43] But like, I'm making my own choice to do this? I'm just stupid.
[03:11:47] It's dumb right because it's like, I'm choosing to get shit on him.
[03:11:51] Oh he got outplayed. was well played by cat i'm just gonna go mid and group up
[03:12:01] doing this side lane shit's probably not it
[03:12:09] the goddess avarosa
[03:12:13] like i'm too weak to make cool plays in the sideline right
[03:12:16] now so let's just group
[03:12:24] oh we win this they're gonna one shot anivia and then i'm gonna look for Oh my god.
[03:12:42] Bro, no joke, i'm sad
[03:12:50] nobody was watching the uh delusion but me
[03:12:59] why Whatever.
[03:13:05] Whatever, it's just a bloody ass game.
[03:13:08] A doobie, what a doobie. You know what kind of sucks about them taking Lethal Tempo out of the game?
[03:13:24] You know what kinda sucks about it? Is that uh...
[03:13:34] you could make really cool spacing fights, like that last team fight. If I had Lethal Tempo,
[03:13:36] I could have actually outspaced lucian's auto attacks and lived
[03:13:43] it's kind of like i missed the rune because of that not even like the attack speed or whatever
[03:13:48] i just miss it because of like the cool plays you can make with spacing and shit.
[03:13:56] Holy fuck this guy can one shot me.
[03:14:00] He is full damage Katarina.
[03:14:08] Oh, I'm dead.
[03:14:13] I'm alive! I cannot help the homies right now. so so so so At least we're three items.
[03:15:21] So it's not that bad.
[03:15:24] We're not that far behind, it's not that bad. We're not that far behind,
[03:15:27] It's just a hard game
[03:15:29] It's hard to do damage
[03:15:33] I'm being dove by all of them or whatever
[03:15:38] But i don't do enough damage to fight them back on my own so i need peels but uh
[03:15:42] we also have like a dive comp right Right
[03:16:12] Hmm don't worry guys, I... uh-oh
[03:16:19] that sucks i mean that was a good Skarner ult.
[03:16:24] Okay this Rek'Sai is really good actually.
[03:16:33] Dude, this fucking Skarner keeps getting me with good ultis.
[03:16:45] Like I'm just dead and then we fucking field gold the arrow oh my god this is not my game we are
[03:17:04] this one is definitely not my game game. Why does my Kraken Slayer... Oh, it was bugged.
[03:17:07] I was like, wait, why does Kraken Slayer say
[03:17:08] it's done no damage?
[03:17:48] Okay. so yes Uh oh, that's not good.
[03:18:41] I got fucking W get in the fight. Nice, carry me. um Holy shit, I got carried this game. Holy fuck we got
[03:18:42] carried! Hard carried. My teammate smurfed it.
[03:19:05] 60k damage on Rek'Sai, holy fuck! side holy
[03:19:13] you guys are insane Arrow gave the team confidence. You mean that arrow
[03:19:26] that I completely whiffed at that red buff fight, the team sees the arrow.
[03:19:34] They're like, at least he tried. No, I think Rek'Sai is really OP. I have seen a lot of high elo players play Rek'Sai on streams and shit, and I think the champion is
[03:20:04] crazy OP,
[03:20:06] but nobody plays it.
[03:20:10] ...
[03:21:28] ..... Carry me, lads. Carry me... you monster Monster. If you guys are curious, I'm just hiding my Q so we don't get sniped and it ruins our mood.
[03:21:57] Because I am in a glorious mood right now... hmm hmm... Should I go exhaust this game?
[03:23:39] Or should I go
[03:23:40] barrier or heal?
[03:23:43] Let me think.
[03:23:46] I feel like barrierrier's not bad.
[03:23:55] Barrier's
[03:23:56] not bad here.
[03:24:01] Because Nivea has her egg, so like heal is whatever.
[03:24:05] Exhaust is okay.
[03:24:09] Because Corki has to fight me, so if I can just exhaust him he's not going to be able to fight me so if i can just exhaust them he's not gonna be able to fight me
[03:24:13] you know i'm gonna take exhaust
[03:24:16] just because quirky has to fight me in lane.
[03:24:20] Like, Corki has to... He can only do damage
[03:24:22] if he's hitting you, right? If he's going in.
[03:24:24] And if he can only do damage if he's committing
[03:24:26] to a fight, I can just exhaust him
[03:24:28] I'm pretty sure.
[03:24:37] Not bad.
[03:24:39] We got the same Manivia that we just played first.
[03:26:59] He was good. That was a good one.. The beacons are lit. Gondor calls for aid. so Okay. All right, lads. Let's change the music all back. Okay.. Hmm, what should we listen to? so um I bravely volunteer to charge in breakfast.
[03:27:35] Welcome to Summoner's Rift. Once you play guide. god stay like they can come thing and come
[03:28:04] minions We should be able to just rail these guys and win corgi's pretty op but we should be able to just rail him. Oh! That's warded. one Wah-baaah!
[03:28:29] Ooh, that was a good Q. Oh my god.
[03:28:37] We just gotta try and get level 2 firsts.
[03:28:42] Holy fuck, I am just getting railed.
[03:28:45] I'm... oh my my god i'm so bad
[03:28:49] getting hit with everything boys every little bit of poke I mean, the problem here is like
[03:29:10] I want to fight that guy. That Corki
[03:29:12] when I just exhaust and fight him
[03:29:14] but a Nidia has no spells
[03:29:16] And if I walk up an exhaust and fight that guy right now with Anivia's spells being done.
[03:29:21] Like, say I fight him
[03:29:22] with his E going
[03:29:22] and Anivia's spells are gone.
[03:29:24] I just kind of waste my exhaust
[03:29:25] and I die anyway.
[03:29:27] It doesn't feel good. so Oh my god, I hate League.
[03:30:05] Nice! We should push this way then.
[03:30:46] Oh no! We should push this way then. I'm gonna go back and buy items. hmm i dare yet again well actually think the call is too good here because this
[03:30:49] is going to be a kill in like basically the lane's gonna explode in a bit
[03:31:01] all right wave is going to bounce back those down and uh one of us is going to get a kill them or us I don't know who
[03:31:04] but one of us is going to get a kill here.
[03:31:06] Because we're both playing like hyper
[03:31:08] killings.
[03:31:52] Okay. so I don't know. uh I
[03:31:54] eat the echo as i jumped in
[03:31:55] damn it
[03:31:56] the fucking uh damn it.
[03:32:00] The fucking... I'm kind of sad about that, though. We all
[03:32:02] targeted different guys.
[03:32:06] Like we should have just gone for the Corki in my opinion.
[03:32:10] They went for Vel'Koz but I think we go Corki.
[03:32:15] I mean it is what it is, not a big deal.
[03:32:48] More like Guidelines! I mean it is what it is, it's not a big deal. uh i don't think we fight this bro like i don't have jump I gotta jump. We can maybe go to dragon?
[03:32:51] It's kinda risky, but we could try.
[03:32:54] Wait, what's happening?
[03:32:55] Oh, we can go help this guy.
[03:32:58] Maybe we kill him.
[03:33:01] There we go. Nice.
[03:33:03] Oh, he's just gonna go for it, huh?
[03:33:04] Okay. I didn't actually think
[03:33:06] I needed to...
[03:33:08] Ooh, I don't know if I like
[03:33:12] this dragon. This is the tankiest dragon. I have no items.
[03:33:18] This is not a good drake. Like, it's actually just so miserable to try and take this.
[03:33:39] Because I just missed probably like half a wave bot, so it just kind of like
[03:33:53] all right my queue is down so i don't want to get into a big fight.
[03:33:57] Oh no! Thank god he got that next round.
[03:34:02] Okay, my W is up and the Q's down.
[03:34:11] Alright not the worst... could've gone better or worse. I don't know if I like this.
[03:34:20] I don't have...
[03:34:23] Oh, I'm getting creep blocks.
[03:34:38] I wonder if I can maybe cheese? If this isn't warded? Okay.
[03:34:44] You know what, let's just push. I need to reset. Oh no! Whoa.
[03:34:53] This guy's a psycho!
[03:34:54] He's trying to fight, but I think it's actually just better to reset here. No joke.
[03:35:02] You can make the argument that we should maybe be fighting him
[03:35:04] because Corki is low,
[03:35:06] but...I mean, I have 1500 gold
[03:35:08] and don't want to sit on a 1500 gold buy
[03:35:10] quirky bought well before me because i had to do the dragon so i didn't have good bye timer Sometimes outnumbered, never outnumbered never outgunned so my
[03:36:07] uh-oh i don't know if I can actually get in there and help you bro. Yeah, I was gonna say, I don't know about that one. I think the Inivium might be a little tilted.
[03:36:17] Because that was a weird force. Our Gungor stopped. stop Easy peasy. This kind of sucks, because like...
[03:36:56] We actually do beat these guys.
[03:36:58] Like Vel'Koz is terrible against Anivia and Tristana.
[03:37:01] The problem is I can't play the game
[03:37:04] because we're basically never never playing together.
[03:37:07] Me and this
[03:37:08] me and this
[03:37:12] Anivia are really off tempo with each other
[03:37:14] in terms of our
[03:37:16] when we're in the In terms of our...
[03:37:21] When we're in the fucking W. My bad.
[03:37:34] Dude I should have jumped sooner.
[03:37:38] So what I was gonna do there if you're curious... sooner.
[03:37:40] So, what I was gonna do there if you're curious...
[03:37:41] I do it a lot on...
[03:37:42] I do it a lot
[03:37:43] on Tristana
[03:37:44] what I was just
[03:37:46] going to try and do
[03:37:47] which is basically like
[03:37:49] what I like to do on Trist is um...
[03:37:54] When they go for dives, I like to instantly kill the whole wave. You can jump in and E the minion wave, and you can pretty much insta-kill the wave. Oh, that guy just had R. Okay my bad. I'm just playing a little slow on everything
[03:38:42] I'm doing. Right? Like, like everything's
[03:38:44] I have the right idea, I'm just
[03:38:46] playing it a little bit too slow.
[03:39:05] ... so He has been slain.
[03:39:16] Working with Ned? Corki went mid.
[03:39:18] Yeah, I'm not going mid for that.
[03:39:19] I'm just gonna hit bot.
[03:39:21] Going all the way
[03:39:22] mid right now
[03:39:23] like even if Corki
[03:39:24] does get a kill
[03:39:24] it's just not worth it.
[03:39:27] Like we should just try and get back into the game on boss 7 so Huh.
[03:40:00] I think we just go for a dragon. so and we have no grubbies and anyway has been Dude, the amount of fucking pink wards that they are buying bot lane to control that bush is insane.
[03:41:07] Because it doesn't do anything!
[03:41:11] Like controlling that bush with pinks...
[03:41:17] At this point in the game it doesn't do anything.
[03:41:20] Earlier it had a lot of use but like right now it's actually just worthless maybe we just give mid turret or bot turret here.
[03:41:49] I don't want to give bot turret,
[03:41:53] but I think it's better to be mid. so okay so so so guys i'm pushing
[03:43:02] i'm coming guys
[03:43:08] oh my god I'm coming guys! so dominating oh i'm bad. Oopsies. I went a little too hard on the Super Mario. Yippee! Wahoo! Wahoo!
[03:44:16] Oh, let's see what Darius is up to.
[03:44:18] Okay, Darius is up to fucking that guy in the fuckin' ass.
[03:44:22] Nice job, Darius. Good work.
[03:44:31] Hi! Do you need an editor? I enjoy your content.
[03:44:39] Uh... I have a weird thing with...
[03:44:42] Like, I would love another.
[03:44:52] But like, I don't know if I have enough income to pay you what you would probably deserve right now, man.
[03:45:02] You can message me in my email though if you want to. Like, underneath the stream you can find my email and you can message that.
[03:45:19] It's probably easier for me to like reply Sometimes outnumbered, never outgoing. Watch the brush! Oh shit, I'm out. Goodbye bro. Pretty sure somebody's in there.
[03:45:57] That's where we echo?
[03:45:59] Oh, I should. Fuck. it's for echo oh i showed This is kind of hard.
[03:46:23] I can't really play the game.
[03:46:28] I think we have to give.
[03:46:32] Our jungler's dead, We should just give this man...
[03:46:33] Yeah, we can't. Oh!
[03:46:37] That guy just went in.
[03:47:30] Goddamn. god damn i mean all right let's fucking let's go hey so What a weird game. It's kind of like, it's kind of fun.
[03:48:41] Not gonna lie this one is actually kinda fun because it feels like the fights are really scrappy and close so Woo! oh so I think we just wait and then we waited to kill Baron there so that Zac would get it.
[03:48:45] My huge fan of Eminem? I mean, I wouldn't say I'm like a huge fan
[03:48:47] of like- I mean, I like him. Like
[03:48:49] I'd put him in, he's...
[03:48:51] You know,
[03:48:51] like, I'm a fan.
[03:48:53] I like his music.
[03:48:55] For me to be
[03:48:56] a huge fan of somebody,
[03:48:57] like,
[03:48:58] I'm a huge fan
[03:48:59] of, like, Linkin Park.
[03:48:59] Like,
[03:48:59] I'm a huge fan
[03:49:00] of,
[03:49:00] like...
[03:49:05] ... Blink-182!
[03:49:31] Oh shit what's happening? Oh we I just threw the game.
[03:49:33] I think I just threw the game. I think I just threw the game.
[03:49:37] Aww, I meant to
[03:49:39] exhaust the echo immediately when
[03:49:41] jumped over and then kill it.
[03:49:43] Man! Why do I suck?
[03:49:46] Why am I so old and bad?
[03:49:48] Don't answer that.
[03:49:49] Rhetorical question.
[03:49:52] God damn it, man.
[03:50:21] Oh! god damn it man i'm so fucking bad. Does anybody else think Sylas...
[03:50:25] Like, Sylas is one of those champs that you think
[03:50:28] is really fun.
[03:50:31] Sylas to me feels
[03:50:32] like one of those champs that would be really fun
[03:50:34] to learn how to play, but
[03:50:36] he's not good enough to actually win versus
[03:50:39] good players.
[03:50:42] If you go versus
[03:50:42] good players on Sylas,
[03:50:44] you just lose because people know how to play versus him.
[03:50:48] So you would just get frustrated.
[03:50:50] But if you're doing well,
[03:50:52] he feels probably really fun.
[03:50:54] But if you're doing badly,
[03:50:55] he probably feels like dog shits.
[03:51:03] He feels like one of those champs to me.
[03:51:11] Because he looks like he's incredibly fucking fun to play.
[03:51:15] If you're in a good matchup. Okay. so Wait, that hit me?
[03:51:35] What?!
[03:51:40] Oh my god. I'm bad.
[03:51:46] There must be a ward right there.
[03:51:48] I'm so dumb.
[03:51:52] Why am I even there? What am I doing, man?
[03:51:56] Am I- is my brain just broken right now?
[03:51:59] Did I enter the Twilight Zone and turn off all of my brain cells?
[03:52:04] Like, I feel like all all my brain cells like i feel like all my brain cells are currently off
[03:52:10] oh that was a good try by Silas.
[03:52:15] Uh-oh, my team's doing the thing where
[03:52:16] I got
[03:52:19] caught so they think they need to carry but
[03:52:21] they don't have to carry?
[03:52:22] They don't think they need to carry or they don't actually need to carry
[03:52:26] But they think they do because I messed up so they think I suck. Oh
[03:52:31] That's so bad
[03:52:34] It's like a very common thing that happens when you make a mistake in solo queue.
[03:52:41] Like I don't even really blame them, it's more of like uh
[03:52:44] You make a mistake and then your team feels like they need to go ham
[03:52:48] to try and carry. And then what happens is like, you get fucking staggered
[03:52:55] and then everybody tilts. so i gotta stop
[03:53:18] I gotta not make any more mistakes
[03:53:20] Because
[03:53:20] I can already tell my team's tilted
[03:53:23] So we just gotta chill and play smart and well
[03:53:26] Cause I mean I have been playing bad. I don't blame them. so Oh, he smited it.
[03:54:04] We need a ward here. you faster Oh.
[03:54:28] This isn't good. so uh Man.
[03:54:58] Man!
[03:55:05] That Ekko was 1 HP with my bomb ticking on him, and that set actually flashed over that wall and got on me. Man!
[03:55:11] Man!
[03:55:13] I played that so good too.
[03:55:18] Although instead of jumping here,
[03:55:19] I should have jumped on the echo
[03:55:21] because he can't kill me.
[03:55:22] If I jumped on him
[03:55:23] then he would've died
[03:55:24] and I could've jumped out.
[03:56:52] Whoa! Well played. me would have died and then i could have jumped out whoa what plan back to the action so oh nice we got it for free We should play drake. so Oh, man. Oh Uh-oh, oh, oh, uh-oh
[03:56:59] They should leave if they can.
[03:57:02] Oh no, they're dead.
[03:57:05] Ooh! Good spacing.
[03:57:09] Yeah he's dead but... that's good sp- wait?
[03:57:24] Okay this area is some fucking beasts your team has destroyed
[03:57:32] oh echo's still going i'm stupid whatever
[03:57:41] i might just drop in Man, Corki is actually such an OP champ.
[03:57:48] But I mean he has weaknesses but like dude they made that champion the highest burst champ i've ever seen in my life.
[03:57:50] Like he has very very clear weaknesses which makes him balanced. Like he's not...
[03:57:56] I wouldn't say he is overpowered to the extent of like unbeatable
[03:57:58] like pick ban every game. He is balanced
[03:58:00] but it's like Jesus Christ
[03:58:02] It's rough to play versus him
[03:58:04] He's worse than Draven.
[03:58:10] Okay, that's worth. you have seen an enemy
[03:58:19] i don't know why echo did that but
[03:58:22] you do you little bro you do you the only thing you.
[03:58:30] The only thing I don't like about Kraken Slayer on Triss is
[03:58:32] it has a really good early game spike
[03:58:34] because of, like, the nature of how your
[03:58:36] champ works.
[03:58:38] Like movement speed,
[03:58:39] attack speed, AD, etc.
[03:58:40] It gives her like everything she wants early
[03:58:41] but you can't get 100% crit
[03:58:43] because you have to go
[03:58:46] these three crit items but then you have
[03:58:49] to go bt or work or something right like you have
[03:58:51] to because you need lifesteal so it definitely feels interesting thing
[03:59:08] i have just been throwing this game. We gotta lock in.
[03:59:12] Basically, I'm dying stupidly on repeats.
[04:00:06] It's like such a field bad man. so so Nice. GG, nice job guys! Oh, Ekko actually played that clean.
[04:00:10] I don't think he can kill me but he's just trying to bait us and not uh hit the nexus.
[04:00:40] But I mean, if I just focus
[04:00:41] nexus we win so it doesn't matter.
[04:00:46] Okay.
[04:00:48] My team carried me that one, too.
[04:00:50] I think I did okay.
[04:01:06] I just could have played better.. Echo's chill. You love when he one-shots you at 20 minutes in the game? Yeah, I love that too! It's really fun.
[04:01:12] It's fun to know what the most fun part about that is too? He one shots you without landing a skill shot with a dash and if he
[04:01:22] he can do it in the middle of your team because he could just hit r and just like, oh it's K.
[04:01:33] Like I love it. That was a low elo game.
[04:01:37] I got 24 last
[04:01:40] game, and this game I got 21.
[04:01:45] MMR is
[04:01:46] weird. I mean, that was the same
[04:01:57] from last game.
[04:01:58] He wasn't bad.
[04:02:01] Lane phase was hard because the Vel'Koz wasn't bad either
[04:02:03] so it was like you had the Vel'Koz and the Anivia
[04:02:05] were both decent supports
[04:02:06] and then you had two hyper-aggressive
[04:02:09] AD carries that have to auto
[04:02:11] to do damage.
[04:02:13] That's why it was so awkward
[04:02:14] because it's,
[04:02:14] like,
[04:02:15] Trist and Corki both
[04:02:16] have to,
[04:02:16] like,
[04:02:17] auto to do damage
[04:02:17] and then Vel'Koz
[04:02:18] and Nivir are both
[04:02:19] in mobile supports
[04:02:21] but they're not actually supports.
[04:02:22] They're damage supports.
[04:02:24] So it was like...
[04:02:26] We couldn't actually win lane phase. Here, I'll put my win-l loss on the screen for you guys I feel bad because like,
[04:03:04] I'm not talking to you guys as much
[04:03:05] cause I'm just focusing on the game today.
[04:03:08] So we'll just put the win loss for today.
[04:03:27] Okay. Where do I even put this, man? Like up there or something.
[04:03:35] We'll just put the win-loss up there.
[04:03:42] I mean,
[04:03:43] I'm not going to lie to you, man.
[04:03:44] When I got into Discord with that guy last night
[04:03:46] and he said...
[04:03:48] He said I was a diamond player.
[04:03:52] It fueled a fire in my ego.
[04:03:57] Whenever somebody tells me something I know isn't true but I can't prove it,
[04:04:04] I make a point to go prove that really quick.
[04:04:08] It hurts
[04:04:09] my ego too much
[04:04:10] because I know how good
[04:04:15] I am and so it annoys
[04:04:17] me when I'm playing for fun or just dicking around and shit.
[04:04:21] And people are like,
[04:04:21] Oh,
[04:04:21] you just suck.
[04:04:22] I'm like,
[04:04:23] all right,
[04:04:23] bet.
[04:04:26] All right,
[04:04:26] bet bros.
[04:04:28] Let's see how much I suck. I mean, even the games
[04:04:45] I'm losing... Or I lost yesterday.
[04:04:47] I shouldn't have lost. Look at this game.
[04:04:52] This game was
[04:05:11] that was a uh that was a game
[04:05:14] like that one that i did more damage than my whole team combined.
[04:05:18] And I think I had like 21 thousand turret damage this game too
[04:05:25] I took every turret on the map. The reason this game...
[04:05:27] We literally only lost
[04:05:28] this because
[04:05:30] it was one of those
[04:05:32] games where we had somebody like splitting. This Akali was
[04:05:35] rage splitting the whole game,
[04:05:37] and
[04:05:38] basically I got
[04:05:40] quadruple flashed on
[04:05:42] ... flashed on by Gragas, Yi and Yasuo so I couldn't play the game. It was rough.
[04:05:59] You know what I wonder?
[04:06:00] I wonder if you actually just straight up sell Kraken Slayer at max items.
[04:06:04] I assume you do.
[04:06:08] Yeah. Slayer at max item. So I assume you do. Like,
[04:06:09] you probably sell this at max item
[04:06:10] if you ever actually
[04:06:13] get to the point where you're just like gaining
[04:06:15] gold with six items or whatever if you're that fed
[04:06:17] you probably sell dragon slayer and you probably get uh 100 crit.. Kraken lackluster? No, the item's really good.
[04:06:56] Kraken is extremely cost-efficient right now.
[04:06:58] Like, the reason it's good is the trade-off is you don't get crit
[04:07:03] but the stats are better so like the kraken slayer's trade off is like
[04:07:06] you get better early game damage on the third hit and you get 7% movement speed
[04:07:11] instead of crit.
[04:07:13] Having extra movement speed
[04:07:15] on an item that,
[04:07:16] on champions that want to chase you down
[04:07:18] like Tristana, Ashe, stuff like that.
[04:07:25] It's really
[04:07:26] good early game.
[04:07:28] The problem with Kraken is
[04:07:29] the trade-off is there. like so your trade off when you
[04:07:33] pick crack and slayer or when you picked a cracking slayer first item the trade-off is
[04:07:37] you're you're playing to end the game before you get six items.
[04:07:45] You're basically playing to win early enough that
[04:07:47] the enemy won't be able to get
[04:07:49] three items.
[04:07:51] You have to have a lead going Kraken that the enemy
[04:07:52] doesn't get three items.
[04:07:54] Because your
[04:07:54] three-item spike
[04:07:55] is much weaker
[04:07:56] going Kraken
[04:07:57] than it would be
[04:07:57] if you went full crit.
[04:08:00] But
[04:08:00] you're just playing
[04:08:01] to escalate the game
[04:08:02] rather than
[04:08:03] playing to scale.
[04:08:04] That's why on Jinx, I never go Kraken because even with a lead on Jinx
[04:08:10] she has too much power with her core.
[04:08:16] Like, Jinx with AD and crit is 2 OP.
[04:08:20] It's just 2 OP.
[04:08:23] Whereas there are other...
[04:08:24] It's like a Felios right
[04:08:25] With a Felios you don't go Kraken Slayer either
[04:08:27] It's like champions that have
[04:08:29] A really strong 3 item core
[04:08:31] You basically just go that
[04:08:33] 3 item core and you don't try to snowball early.
[04:08:36] But champions who want to control the pacing of the game, like Ashe
[04:08:40] Tristana, Zeri
[04:08:44] these champions wanna control the pacing of the game early.
[04:08:48] So you end up getting...
[04:08:51] I don't know what I just did but I don't like that.
[04:08:53] You end up getting
[04:08:59] The early Kraken, right?
[04:09:00] Or the early Shiv.
[04:09:05] You know what's funny? I actually think Vayne is really good with Static Shiv.
[04:09:08] ... I actually think Vayne is really good with static shiv.
[04:09:14] I haven't tried it, but I actually think Vayne is quite good with shiv
[04:09:19] because it gets you movement speed and attack speed.
[04:09:29] So I don't think you actually need the Shiv... Or, I don't think you actually need the Shiv. Or,
[04:09:29] I don't think you need like other stuff with Vayne. Okay.. Ash game?
[04:10:12] I mean,
[04:10:12] I've been picking Ash.
[04:10:18] If Tristan has picked
[04:10:20] or banned.
[04:10:25] Ashe is better than Trist, but Trist is better...
[04:10:27] At least I'm better at Tristana for
[04:10:29] taking over the game.
[04:10:31] Like, I think Ashe is the best AD carry in the game right now,
[04:10:34] but I think
[04:10:35] Tristana has more options. She has more
[04:10:37] win cons. Ashe's win con
[04:10:39] is you just group up and you arrow people
[04:10:41] and you start fights.
[04:10:46] Tristana's wincon is like if your team is just too weak to fight well if your team's too weak to start fights with ash
[04:10:52] you can split and like pull people away from fights. I just like that playstyle, personally. It opens up more win-comes. comes Oh, what the fuck?
[04:11:24] Somebody dodged.
[04:11:27] I was like what the
[04:11:29] fuck?! I just looked at my champ
[04:11:31] select that I was in... it was
[04:11:33] wild!
[04:13:46] That's a wild ass champ slide........... Let me think.
[04:13:47] What's going on?
[04:13:56] Honestly, I think our team comp's okay.
[04:13:57] The only thing I don't like about it is Mord's kind of trash
[04:13:59] because we don't have a tank feels bad. this guy's quinn mid honestly i haven't seen seen a Quinn mid in a long time.
[04:14:32] I should buy some items.
[04:14:34] It's probably a good call, huh?
[04:14:43] Okay. probably a good call huh i think the last time i saw quinn mid was when i played it
[04:14:48] like two months ago it's actually surprisingly good, I'm not even memeing.
[04:14:50] QuinnMate is like surprisingly
[04:14:51] good. um Thank you for watching! I think the reason people don't play
[04:15:31] Quinn Midmore is like Tristana's
[04:15:32] better
[04:15:33] listen if you guys still doubt...
[04:15:43] By the way.
[04:15:43] I just want to say this, okay?
[04:15:44] If you guys still doubt that Tyler1 didn't watch me on Twitch...
[04:15:51] Like, I was the first person he watched if you still doubt that
[04:15:58] like let me let me ask you why do you think he literally plays the same champions as me.
[04:16:10] Think about it. What, did he just happens to play Quinn and Draven? Let's get this party started.
[04:16:28] Trying to get XP.
[04:16:43] Fucking Tyler's dumbass. This is really awkward because it's kind of hard for me to play the game. so oh my mouse I see level 3. Once we get to level 3,
[04:17:24] I can play the game really easily. Okay, right when we get level 3 here. oh damn no No...
[04:17:51] That was, I feel like I did that correctly
[04:17:55] but maybe I should have flashed the W.
[04:17:59] Because I cleansed the stun instantly actually i did flash the w
[04:18:03] i just got murdered by kaisa damage my god
[04:18:14] i actually don't know why that went bad. I'd have to go watch the VOD because I dodged...
[04:18:16] I didn't get brand passives,
[04:18:18] I got shielded by Ivern
[04:18:21] I got shielded by Ivern. Right, like,
[04:18:22] I got shielded by Ivern.
[04:18:23] Uh...
[04:18:24] I didn't
[04:18:24] uh...
[04:18:26] get brand passive
[04:18:27] then we got hit
[04:18:28] with Q and E.
[04:18:34] Hmm... Hmm.
[04:18:37] It's really interesting, I'd have to go look.
[04:18:42] I did take the Kai'Sa W to the face, but...
[04:18:45] There's no way that's like-
[04:18:46] I guess I took a full-
[04:18:47] I think I took a full uh..
[04:18:49] Isolated fucking Q.
[04:19:33] Took an isolated full Q from Kai'Sa and W with passive, so I guess that makes sense. i really want to kill this guy so I think we can actually kill the Brands, but...
[04:19:36] I would need Bard to...
[04:19:38] Oh, I'm dead.
[04:19:40] Just dead.
[04:19:42] My bad!
[04:19:45] I think we can kill him but I need Bard to be in front of me
[04:19:48] okay so i gotta play this game a lot more safe
[04:19:52] our bard is a really passive player um that's not bad it's just like i have
[04:19:56] to change my play style because Brand is playing in our face right? So like because Brand is playing forward and Bard is playing behind me.
[04:20:06] I can't play forward as well. I have to play really passive.
[04:20:13] So just like a playstyle change. so Like, I think this is one of those players
[04:20:38] that's good
[04:20:39] after lane phase.
[04:20:44] There are some people who are good after lane and some people who are good in lane, and
[04:20:48] I think this guy...
[04:20:49] I think Bard is just a good after lane player.
[04:20:52] Because if he wasn't, there's no way he'd be in this elo so...
[04:21:38] We'll just wait. oh Oh, they're helping him with dragon. I want to push this. okay Hmm, Skunner's here somewhere.
[04:21:44] I don't think we should fight.
[04:21:46] Our jungler's top and skarner's...
[04:21:50] Yeah, there he is.
[04:21:54] No way!
[04:21:55] Aww. Man, that actually No way. Aww...
[04:21:58] Man, that actually hit me?
[04:22:02] Dude I swear that wasn't on me. Ah my bad.
[04:22:29] I should've just played selfish there. Like I said, I knew Skarner was there but I don't think Bard did so it's on me. Man.
[04:22:31] I think I'm gonna start... I'm gonna stop playing Tristana for the rest of the day after this game.
[04:22:35] I do think she's good,
[04:22:37] but
[04:22:37] all these supports i'm getting are like way too passive
[04:22:44] last game was like a good game where like everybody was just playing well, but...
[04:22:53] Like going even against the Brand support is-
[04:22:56] To me it's bad.
[04:22:58] We shouldn't be trying to go even against brand support but so just accept it I mean,
[04:23:40] I'm a little sad because I feel like uh
[04:23:47] Whatever
[04:23:57] Oh miss bard Oh, this bard is not good. Ulti man! Oh that is such a bad ult
[04:24:07] bard like help your teammate bro what am i what? Oh my...... Bard died to the Kai'Sa, giving that guy triumph so he would live.
[04:24:36] My PGG... I don't know, keep trying but
[04:24:40] Bard is really bad. um what
[04:25:04] ok huh Yeah, I mean... Oh my god. Nah yeah, that's 15. The port is in flight at the moment.
[04:25:28] We just moved on.
[04:25:34] Brandt is a good player and Bard is a Diamond 3 player
[04:25:38] So we're getting our first taste of my is a diamond three player.
[04:25:42] We're getting our first taste of my bard as I made a mistake earlier, my bard's
[04:25:44] an inflated gamer
[04:25:46] He got a lucky win streak
[04:25:48] so he got put into like higher elo games,
[04:25:51] but he's not... He doesn't actually belong
[04:25:52] in this elo, so it is what it is.
[04:26:00] I mean mean it happens
[04:26:01] with lower level players.
[04:26:09] It is worth it. No worries.
[04:26:11] I want to form it though because It is worth it. No worries.
[04:26:17] I want to Forfeit though because like, I'm in a really good mental today and because I'm tilt prone as a player
[04:26:23] it's better to forfeit and keep good mental than try and play out a 40 minute game that could be like, a win or loss.
[04:26:25] Like right? It's just better to keep your mental
[04:26:41] Because if Tristana loses to Brand Kai'Sa, like the game's so doomed. Quinn also lost to Ahri and she's down 20 CS too.
[04:26:50] So like we all just kinda got railed so might as well just call it Oh, that Quinn didn't use her Ignite. She would have had him. I'm gonna still try and win, but...
[04:27:33] Uh, I do think the game's over.
[04:27:35] Unless I can get a shutdown. Like if I can get the game is over. Unless i can get a shutdown
[04:27:37] Like if i can get the kaisa shutdown or something
[04:27:39] Yeah we could win An ally has been slain.
[04:27:56] You don't hurt him if you don't hit him. me oh yeah no there's no way that guy is too fed
[04:28:18] that guy's way too fed. so
[04:28:36] i might just drop in We also didn't ban skarner which is crazy hmm I'm going to go ahead and do that. so oh thank god. Nice. That was a good forfeit.
[04:29:53] Like I'm usually down to play games out but like...
[04:29:56] I watched that Bard's gameplay and he was not good at the game.
[04:30:03] So playing with that Bard it's just gonna be...
[04:30:05] We're just going to lose and i'm gonna get tilted so it's better to move on because i mean yeah Because, I mean, yeah.
[04:30:20] You can just kind of see how everybody's going to play the game.
[04:30:23] We have a first-time Quinn.
[04:30:27] Oh, that guy's first time in Quinn. That guy's
[04:30:28] first time in
[04:30:28] Quinn because
[04:30:29] he's an AD
[04:30:29] carry main who
[04:30:30] got autophobe,
[04:30:31] and then we
[04:30:31] have a Bard
[04:30:32] who's basically
[04:30:33] ended Diamond
[04:30:34] for the last
[04:30:35] five years.
[04:30:38] It's not his fault or anything, it's just like bad games happen
[04:30:41] but I don't think that Bard is very good
[04:30:43] and I think that if you play Bard and you're not good
[04:30:47] it becomes a lot harder to carry games. Like,
[04:31:06] the enemy had
[04:31:08] brand support and for some reason
[04:31:11] we didn't play aggressively early with brand support
[04:31:19] like uh like here look look where bard's standing Like, uh...
[04:31:20] Like here.
[04:31:21] Look.
[04:31:22] Look where Bard's standing right now.
[04:31:24] Like this is when I knew that Bard was a bad player.
[04:31:27] Like you see where he's standing?
[04:31:29] Like there's no reason to be over here.
[04:31:30] What is he accomplishing, right?
[04:31:31] Like, this is what I mean when I say like support players.
[04:31:34] I can tell from level one if they're good or bad players
[04:31:37] based on how they position in the lane
[04:31:39] because look at where the enemy is right now, right?
[04:31:43] They're both standing here.
[04:31:45] My Bard is, like, out of
[04:31:47] the fight. He's just
[04:31:49] AFK. He's creating no pressure.
[04:31:50] He's not trying to play the game. He's just dancing, waiting.
[04:31:55] So like I can't walk up and farm
[04:31:57] because now look at him.
[04:31:58] So now he finally walked up
[04:32:00] but he's not hitting Kai'Sa.
[04:32:04] So right now, in theory
[04:32:06] this Kai'Sa should just die.
[04:32:10] This
[04:32:10] freeze frame right here by the way, BrandsW
[04:32:12] is on cooldown. He's way over here. Bard should just
[04:32:14] walk over, auto-attack
[04:32:16] slow the Kai'Sa with passive
[04:32:18] Auto-attack ignite the Kai'Sa
[04:32:20] right now. That's all he has to do.
[04:32:22] He just auto-attacks Q ignites the Kai'Sa and we chase her
[04:32:25] down.
[04:32:27] But he uses his Q on the Brands
[04:32:29] so like I
[04:32:31] can't pressure the Kai'Sa
[04:32:32] because he's Q'ing the guy that doesn't matter.
[04:32:37] So, like, that's why I'm frustrated,
[04:32:38] right? Like, this guy clearly doesn't know what he's doing.
[04:32:41] He's wasting cooldowns, not
[04:32:42] playing to pressure. He's just existing.
[04:32:45] That's why I was like, we should probably just forfeit
[04:32:47] because he does not understand
[04:32:49] how to play the game.
[04:32:56] And then right here when we got level 3, look at where Bard is.
[04:32:59] Look at where he is!
[04:33:01] Like you know that this guy's coming to gank, right?
[04:33:03] We know Zac is coming to gank right now
[04:33:05] He throws a max range q misses or hits the minion and then he paths back
[04:33:14] why would we path backwards when we have our jungler right here.
[04:33:21] Right? Like,
[04:33:21] our jungler's coming for a gank and my bard
[04:33:23] is scared to fight them 2v3.
[04:33:27] So I jump in. Bard is nowhere to be found.
[04:33:29] I cleanse this, I flash the stun...
[04:33:32] Or I flash the passive and as you can see
[04:33:35] Bard's too far back so he has
[04:33:38] to Flash-In andy doesn't have his q because he wasted his cue on a
[04:33:44] minion so So like little things like this, they matter a lot.
[04:34:09] And this is why I make such a big deal about
[04:34:11] how important it is to learn
[04:34:13] how to play League of Legends and lane phase.
[04:34:16] Because, like, that guy
[04:34:17] sincerely just fucked up the entire game.
[04:34:22] Like, he obviously is not, not like intentionally trolling or anything but he's just autopiloting and he's not thinking.
[04:34:27] He's just throwing spells, not thinking, not caring.
[04:34:30] It is what it is.
[04:34:32] He's like a diamond player, but this kind of stuff will just lose you the game.
[04:34:38] We have a gank coming...
[04:34:46] Just all these things. we have just all kinds of shit and then the guy
[04:34:47] just doesn't play forward.
[04:34:56] So, then... So then Our Ivern gets killed
[04:34:57] Right
[04:34:59] Our Bard also
[04:35:01] Isn't even trying to help the Ivern
[04:35:02] With like a portal or anything
[04:35:04] He's not w-ing him
[04:35:06] he's not portaling he's not doing anything like i said he's just existing in the lane
[04:35:16] and then when we walk back up right like I'll show you again what I was talking about.
[04:35:20] So again, right now...
[04:35:24] Like Barth Like, Bard just dodged...
[04:35:29] Both of Brand's spells are down, right?
[04:35:32] We could, in theory,
[04:35:34] just fight them right now.
[04:35:36] But he is way back here so I can't do anything.
[04:35:39] Basically, he's playing too far back in the lane
[04:35:41] for what he's doing.
[04:35:50] It is a win It's just, it is what it is.
[04:35:52] I'm not expecting the guy to play above his skill level.
[04:35:54] People are in whatever they're in for whatever reason, right? Like, I'm not gonna
[04:35:56] flame the guy. I'm just saying
[04:35:58] that's why we lost lane
[04:36:00] because he was playing so passive
[04:36:02] and he wasn't like assisting
[04:36:06] anything in the game. He was just existing.
[04:36:10] So basically, if you just
[04:36:11] exist in the game and you're not helping your team
[04:36:13] to play
[04:36:14] as a support main,
[04:36:17] you're not ever going to actually be able to play the game like you're just
[04:36:22] gonna lose most of your games if you do that. That's why everybody says support is so broken
[04:36:28] it's not because support is like, you know, it's not because it's like oh it's
[04:36:32] You know the champs are broken or this is but it's because like supports dictate how
[04:36:36] How in like they set everybody else up in the game Welcome to Summoner's Rift. You can't tame the desert.
[04:37:03] 30 seconds until minions spawn
[04:37:11] I'm going to try and get a little bit of health Season 1?
[04:37:17] Yeah, kind of.
[04:37:19] It actually does remind me
[04:37:20] of season one.
[04:37:22] We got the old school 80 carries I forgot to update my win- i'll do it after this game Ooh.
[04:38:01] Dude, Vayne is so cringe
[04:38:02] by the way. This Vayne's decent.
[04:38:05] What that Vayne is doing right now,
[04:38:07] Is like...
[04:38:09] The most cringe shit ever.
[04:38:12] But it's actually what you're supposed to do as Vayne.
[04:38:17] Like when you know're against a jungler that
[04:38:19] Can't really fight you
[04:38:20] It's actually so broken
[04:38:22] To like walk up level 1
[04:38:25] And just fuck with him
[04:38:30] Yeah. To like walk up level one and just fuck with them Cuz fucking over the jungler if you let's say you miss like 1 minion or something, right?
[04:38:34] Fucking over. The jungler actually like doesn't matter
[04:38:38] Or sorry fucking over, your lane a bit doesn't matter
[04:38:40] when it comes to, like...
[04:38:47] Ooh.
[04:38:50] Fucking over the jungle is more important
[04:38:51] is what I was trying to say in so many words.
[04:39:22] Okay. okay Dude, these guys are literally just spam shoving us in. Like what?
[04:39:29] That feels so awkward. Make me... uh Wow, I'm just missing cs huh oh my god dude i should have 30 like two cs right now i'm just absolutely dog shit at league It's funny too, because this playstyle is pretty much just based around having good CS. Like you just cs your best
[04:40:47] because you want to maximize the gold you get through cs and first strike um not that bad What are you rushing him?
[04:41:22] Oh yeah, Shiv. I forgot that you rushed shit once ever.
[04:41:33] You know what's funny? This first strike is the only reason I could afford a...
[04:41:38] The extra 100 gold I got, this is why it's getting nerfed man
[04:41:42] the x or hundred gold that i got from first strike gave me enough to get the dagger on my recall
[04:41:48] which is like crazy broken, by the way.
[04:41:51] Because it's just an extra little bit of damage for free.
[04:41:55] 10% for free. It cost me nothing.
[04:41:59] ... nothing. It's fucking great! Pretty sure we just kill these guys.
[04:42:31] I'm pretty sure we just do.
[04:42:33] No!
[04:42:45] They might start roaming because they can't win lane. I could see TF just roaming, cause they can't do anything in the lane. Oh. uh okay uh oh No, this is not a good dive man. I mean I think this guy might just die. It's hard to tell.
[04:44:02] He kind of griefed.
[04:44:04] We can't dive that. Okay. so so hmm Hmm.
[04:44:44] We should try and get dragon.
[04:45:15] I'm pretty sure their bot lane is going to back because Ashe needs to go buy. okay nice we had to shove that wave in by the way uh i mean i think we can fight this but but
[04:45:29] yeah i've just been stunned this whole
[04:45:35] time i can't see bro!
[04:45:43] What the fuck? What the fuck? I've got values.
[04:46:02] They're ditching me. An enemy has been slain. Heroes go. Holy fuck. so One more wave, one more wave. Okay, we can back. I should be okay just I should Uh-oh. That's not good.
[04:47:54] I should be okay.
[04:47:55] I should actually go top.
[04:47:57] I should actually go mid here. I'm not even kidding.
[04:48:00] It's pretty... There are certain
[04:48:01] rare timers where you should actually not be bot coming out of base as an AD carry.
[04:48:08] And this is actually one of them. Because Malo's can go bot.
[04:48:19] You see how he TP'd bot?
[04:48:21] This is like one of those rare timers where it's actually better for me to go mid here.
[04:48:26] Because we're coming out of base, so I just...
[04:48:30] ...I don't default there, I just do that. I can go back bot now. Now we don't do that too hard.
[04:48:56] Oh, my first strike.
[04:48:57] It didn't proc! An ally has been slain.
[04:49:20] Everyone has a price.
[04:49:25] Hmmmm... Hmm.
[04:49:35] Oh, this is really awkward.
[04:49:41] I don't actually know how to help my team here. I can't 1v1 Ashe at the moment.
[04:50:03] Like, I can Pry out really easily but i can't 1v1 her not yet shave good on certain champs yeah Yeah. Like I just delete the wave, right? So we just push that
[04:50:05] wave in and then I rotate mid.
[04:50:22] An enemy has been slain Right, and then now we can just walk right bot.
[04:50:26] I do need to be able to care in case Ashe is like in this bush
[04:50:31] And then we...
[04:50:32] Push it again.
[04:50:38] Then we rotate again.
[04:50:47] It just gives you permanent priority to do stuff on the map as AD carry. But it also procs first strike pretty well.
[04:50:53] Oh, I'm bad.
[04:50:55] My bad.
[04:50:57] I honestly didn't think he was gonna throw it.
[04:51:00] I thought he was going to hold his E.
[04:51:02] Or is...
[04:51:03] I thought he's going to hold it
[04:51:04] because if I like I thought he was gonna hold it, because if I...
[04:51:05] Like, I thought he was better than he is.
[04:51:08] I know that's like a Geronimo, you're just
[04:51:09] coping. No, I genuinely
[04:51:11] like... It's better if he doesn't
[04:51:13] immediately throw the card, right? Because like it's kind of he doesn't immediately throw the card right because like
[04:51:16] it's kind of like good leona players won't throw their
[04:51:19] their w or their q right they won't use q
[04:51:23] immediately though e and then hold Q.
[04:51:29] Because like I can't predict when he wants
[04:51:31] to use his Q.
[04:51:33] So because I can't predict when he wants to use his Q,
[04:51:35] it's too hard. like you can wait out-
[04:51:37] it's your decision when you Q.
[04:51:41] So it's
[04:51:41] like if he didn't immediately
[04:51:43] stun me there...
[04:51:49] Uh, he could have held it until after my shit was dead.
[04:51:51] Or down, and then I'd die anyway.
[04:51:53] That's why I held my E.
[04:51:57] Because, I mean,
[04:52:00] it looked like I was trolling but I was literally fucking...
[04:52:34] Okay. Uhh... I don't know if I should be pushed up. and ash. Okay. Hmm, that's really interesting. I don't know what the fuck the homies are doing right now. yes Oh That sucks. I mean, I go Ard so it's not the end of the world.
[04:53:07] You guys just go get Dragon.
[04:53:17] Just...just go to Drake. Go do Drake. Echo can't fight you.
[04:53:24] Oh my god, what am I watching? Homie, just go to Drake.
[04:53:32] Oh man.
[04:53:40] Well played! You know what's funny about playing Sivir? A lot of your game when you're playing Simur is just wave clearing. It's kind of comical I'll fight for our cause. I make my own fortune. so so so so Oh, that's not good.
[04:55:37] Oh.
[04:55:39] Okay.
[04:55:42] I need to let Leona die there.
[04:55:46] My bad. um so so so so like leona's going for solo vision on repeat right now and it's so losing us the game.
[04:57:01] Wait for Drake.... loyalty isn't earned so so
[04:57:35] and we need vision now is when we only
[04:57:39] need to go in and get vision.
[04:57:40] I mean, I can't walk through here bro.
[04:57:45] Just ward? Oh my god.
[04:57:49] Put wards down!
[04:57:54] Like I'm not gonna lie this Leona is like...
[04:57:57] Absolutely fucking horrendous man I want to push mid here too. Okay, my Leona's just like...
[04:58:43] LEONA!
[04:59:02] It's a fan. Hey, bro.
[04:59:09] You didn't scanner the vein or stun her your being gapped so hard I've got values. of my I hate support players. They're so fucking bad, man. well
[05:00:06] legend It is what it is.
[05:00:17] Top support diff. I mean it is what it is man You didn't go boots.
[05:00:35] So yes, you lose.
[05:00:39] They do.
[05:00:47] Leo is low master.
[05:00:52] He doesn't know better.
[05:01:22] Your job is to not die. That's it, but a low elo game. That'd be helpful, sadly. so Who kills?
[05:01:48] I don't think we can win. Vayne is level 18 almost at fucking... look at this! How do we win? Double kill. Oh shit, maybe it went a bull.
[05:02:29] I take it back, maybe it is going to be a bull.
[05:02:34] Our jungler's really good.
[05:02:44] Like legit though that guy's actually really good. He played that almost perfectly. perfectly I just need to get Lord Dom's now and I think we're chilling maybe? so uh so We're big hands. Oh my god, Vayne and Gosu. and go to so okay Uh oh.
[05:05:40] Ooh, maybe not at all. hungry uh Jesus. I mean, I don't know what to say...
[05:05:45] My Malz and my Leona are bots.
[05:05:48] Like actually though.
[05:05:51] Like they're actual fucking bots.
[05:06:04] They don't understand that all they have to do right there by the way is... It's just funny. uh so so so I'm too behind. Like what?
[05:07:08] I'm a full item up!
[05:07:16] Okay. okay
[05:08:02] i mean i'm just confused. so so Guys, I'm too behind. I'm just too behind. I'm going to go ahead and do that. rip so An ally has been slain. so Well, we lose Baron because the team wanted to do whatever. Okay. I like how they go silent the second that they make a bad play.
[05:09:43] They know i'm right, but
[05:09:45] they go silence.
[05:09:52] Low elo players are so
[05:09:53] funny.
[05:09:56] It's all ego until you can't admit
[05:09:58] that you were maybe wrong.
[05:10:02] Idiots.
[05:10:29] ... learned I mean, I'm just done.
[05:10:33] They used three ults, but we'll see.
[05:10:34] Wait, no, push! Go! She has no R.
[05:10:45] Okay, I was wrong has been slain
[05:11:04] i baited that guy that's my bad
[05:11:08] i apologize I apologize.
[05:11:19] I'm not actually sure how we win if we don't ever like group.
[05:11:25] We're at this point where we need to win through 5v5, because I'm Sivir so winning 5v5 because i'm sever so we win 5v5 is very very hard okay I mean, I'm 6 items never so we should be able to win.
[05:12:09] Ooh, I don't like that.
[05:12:13] Oh, I like that a lot.
[05:12:24] And I actually do a lot of damage like we can we can kill this guy so We should just go end in to be honest so They have no damage. We should be able to end as long as they can't...
[05:13:26] I mean, they do have orn to wave clear Nice, GG.
[05:13:52] Nice job!
[05:13:54] I'll be real,
[05:13:55] I did not believe in that game.
[05:13:57] We played it out and we tried our best
[05:13:59] but I did not believe
[05:13:59] we were going to win that.
[05:14:01] That Leona was awful.
[05:14:04] Like that dragon fight where Leona
[05:14:05] literally just stood there and watched Vayne
[05:14:07] tumble around on us?
[05:14:10] That's disgusting.
[05:14:20] It's actually disgusting watching that... I mean, this guy's low elo. It is one of those ggs well I mean nobody
[05:15:29] understands macro
[05:15:30] until high elo
[05:15:32] knowing better
[05:15:33] macro than masters
[05:15:34] players is like it's
[05:15:35] not like there are probably gold players who have better macro than Masters players. It's not... There are probably
[05:15:37] gold players who have better macro than Masters
[05:15:39] players, to be honest with you.
[05:15:42] Macro doesn't exist
[05:15:43] in Masters half the time.
[05:15:54] Basically, people get to Masters by like
[05:16:01] being better mechanically and better at their champion than the enemy team. But a lot of times people don't actually know macro. I'm actually 8-1, I didn't update it. One second.
[05:16:37] I should update that, bye-bye. Okay. I'm not going to lie though,
[05:16:38] that Vayne was really good at Vayne. I don't know who who that vein is but that guy was
[05:16:42] good at topping like his his movement was very good good.
[05:17:05] It was Saskia? That makes sense. No, that makes complete sense. Like I-I...that makes complete sense to me.
[05:17:11] Because like you can instantly tell when people know what they're doing with their characters.
[05:17:16] If you watch them for, like, one or two fights and you're like, oh shit.
[05:17:19] Like, he knows how to play the game.
[05:17:34] You know what I think is weird?
[05:17:46] That Shaco thought i was behind uh
[05:17:52] that shaco thought I was behind
[05:17:55] when I had more items.
[05:17:57] He was like, you're too far behind.
[05:17:59] You shouldn't shot call.
[05:18:00] When I was...
[05:18:01] I think I had the most items of anybody in the game.
[05:18:03] Like, I think I had the most gold
[05:18:04] at the point that I was typing.
[05:18:07] I was like four items and everybody else
[05:18:09] was three because first strike
[05:18:10] but
[05:18:11] people only look at KDA
[05:18:14] because I think it was like 0-4, right?
[05:18:17] So I was 0-4.
[05:18:21] But I had like 9
[05:18:23] CS a minute and
[05:18:25] I had first strike in cashback.
[05:18:27] So,
[05:18:28] I was making...
[05:18:28] I had like a free
[05:18:29] 1,500-1,700 gold
[05:18:31] and I had
[05:18:33] more CS than the Ashe
[05:18:36] because More CS than the Ashe.
[05:18:41] Because I was just doing the macro and wave clearing everything
[05:18:42] the whole game. let's play an Ash game......... Jana is going.
[05:20:44] Oh, we have a mid-mouth.
[05:20:47] Mid AP mouth.
[05:20:49] Okay.
[05:20:53] Janna's going what?
[05:20:58] Ignite?
[05:20:59] I kind of wish
[05:21:00] Janna would take heal
[05:21:01] and I could take barrier,
[05:21:02] but
[05:21:02] it's up to him.
[05:21:12] Because I think barrier heal with janna ash is better because it's better to like
[05:21:19] play front-to-back than it is to like try and get a bunch of kills.
[05:21:25] Did they buff AP Mouth?
[05:21:31] No, I think people just play it for fun. I don't
[05:21:32] think it's actually that good.
[05:21:33] It has too much counterplay.
[05:21:45] But I think people just enjoy one-shotting people with meltlight. It's kind of fun. No, I'm trying. Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[05:22:07] Thirty seconds until minions okay that was really funny.
[05:22:37] The Blitz just hooks the fucking
[05:22:41] Mundo passive..... I'm going to go ahead and do that. i'm You cannot beat Ashe level 1 with Smolder. I have no idea what they were thinking, but like...
[05:23:43] you do you, guys.
[05:23:56] Did they flash? No... I think Smolder saved his flash because if he flashes, I just flash after him.
[05:24:05] So it's better that they save their cooldowns Damn katararina came bot.
[05:24:22] You know what's crazy? That guy actually fucking barely lived.
[05:24:34] I could have flashed down, but I would have died to Katarina, so's absolutely no point in doing that. What?
[05:24:54] Wait, that Katarina's trolling so hard.
[05:25:05] No, I mean he barely lived before I could play the game. What I mean is like he barely
[05:25:09] lived in terms of like... Nunu is behind me in the jungle but I have to push this wave so...
[05:25:16] You remember when he was at 1 HP and got the Q on me?
[05:25:19] If he died before we got the Q, I actually might've been able to outplay the fight
[05:25:29] oh i'm just bad damn I could have flashed, I guess.
[05:25:37] I thought I could avoid that.
[05:25:42] Me doing that, by the way?
[05:25:44] Like it has to be done. We can't just leave it frozen. so Okay.
[05:26:11] That was just an absolutely horrendous play.
[05:26:15] . horrendous play. Yeah, I mean...
[05:26:38] Like we are just massively stronger than them.
[05:26:43] Jenna Ashe is like one of the rare-
[05:26:45] This combo's 2 OP.
[05:26:50] But Jenna has a lot more this combo is too OP. Like, Janna Ashe
[05:26:51] is too broken
[05:26:52] doing what it does
[05:26:53] if that makes sense.
[05:26:56] Like I'm too good at
[05:26:57] like we kite too well.
[05:26:59] I don't know how else to phrase it.
[05:27:01] We have too many ways of kiting them
[05:27:04] as Janna Ashe,
[05:27:05] especially when it's two melees
[05:27:08] and then a guy who does negative damage.
[05:27:54] Okay. so i mean it just is one of those I'm almost positive the Nunu is here somewhere.
[05:27:57] And that's why i'm playing so safe.
[05:28:01] Like, I don't know where the fuck Nunu is.
[05:28:11] Gods and spirits guide us but our lives? Like I don't know where the fuck Nunu is. I mean, I-I don't know where he is.
[05:28:20] Oh, he's top? Okay, now we just fight. Okay. An enemy has been standing up.
[05:28:31] The second that we see them, the second we see Nunu on the map
[05:28:34] We can just immediately engage.
[05:28:43] I have tier 2 boots.
[05:28:44] They can't fight us.
[05:28:47] Ooh, that was a really good fuckin'...
[05:29:07] ... Fuck, he had barrier? Kill him! Thank you.
[05:29:14] Damn, I could've outplayed that. My bad.
[05:29:19] So close to a double.
[05:29:21] Damn it.
[05:29:25] If I had six, we'd definitely double kill him but I was one minion off
[05:29:27] six and I couldn't get six in the fight. Maybe I could have actually
[05:29:29] maybe there were minions that I could have maybe gotten
[05:29:31] I don't know. It's hard to tell
[05:29:33] it's like
[05:29:35] actually kind of hard to tell my people know only cold and parchment i will teach them peace so wait why don't we just kill this guy he's on his blue he's level five so so what is goodness but trying to do better Oh
[05:30:54] I'm good. Bye-bye damn, oh big though! Big, big, big.
[05:30:58] I think if Janna just blocked the hook we'd probably win that but...
[05:31:01] ...I could've dodged it if I was better.
[05:31:08] Like, that's like one of those things where it's like in a perfect world if I have like fucking Gumias or if I have Kyria supporting me we win that but I just have to be better.
[05:31:13] I just have to dodge that
[05:31:25] hurricane game no it's probably a PD game.
[05:31:29] The movement speed is too good.
[05:31:31] Like the attack speed and movement speed are way too fucking good so so Dude, the sun is quite literally in my face.
[05:32:16] I can't see.
[05:32:19] I'm not even like exaggerating, it's like you know when you're driving home and you're driving into the fucking sun?
[05:32:25] And you don't have your visor down?
[05:32:27] I'm getting that right now directly in my eye sockets.
[05:32:37] I can't fucking focus man yes uh-oh this isn't good please don't check please don't check please don't check. Please don't check. Please don't check.
[05:33:14] Please don't check.
[05:33:15] Please don't check.
[05:33:15] Please don't check.
[05:33:17] Thank God.
[05:33:21] That would have been so bad.
[05:33:25] Because I thought Blitz was going to rotate top because my team's on grubs.
[05:33:28] He did not, he came bot.
[05:33:31] And if that Blitz checked that bush
[05:33:32] I was 1000% dead. Oh! Nunu solo'd Mundo. How low was he? That's actually kind of wild. He actually outranges me, man. His Q outrangers my auto. so Quickly now.
[05:34:43] Dude, I can't see!
[05:34:47] Oh my god... I'm gonna lose my mind. so It's like giving me a headache.
[05:35:14] I'm not even kidding, It's actually kind of annoying.
[05:35:21] Like, I can't see but it's like...
[05:35:25] The way it's going through the trees outside
[05:35:29] this is gonna sound weird
[05:35:32] i don't know how else to explain this the way it's
[05:35:35] going through the trees outside in like the branches and shits
[05:35:39] it looks like a uh strobe light and it's hitting me in the face as I move my head. Okay, that's fine. Let's go.
[05:36:09] I honestly think that's fine.
[05:36:16] Dude, I... This is actually pissing me off.
[05:36:18] I don't have curtains on this window.
[05:36:19] I need to buy curtains. Alright, what are the odds that I land a cross map arrow right now?
[05:36:37] Perfectly.
[05:36:39] Oh!
[05:36:42] That guy's mad. mad so today so I am sad.
[05:37:46] I thought I'll be honest with you
[05:37:52] I was almost positive
[05:37:54] right there that's
[05:37:55] we would
[05:37:59] me and Janna
[05:37:59] wouldn't 2v2 that or to be three that but uh i kind of flashed
[05:38:04] and janet got hooked
[05:38:09] and then she couldn't get her r off after she got hooked
[05:38:14] yo arrow another arrow mid another arrow i got him i do not seek the throne of avarosa so i'm actually surprised they haven't
[05:38:48] forfeited
[05:38:52] i'm pretty sure there's almost zero chance they have to win
[05:39:08] Like i'm almost three item Ash at 17.
[05:39:15] Every everybody on our team is doing well except except for me. Like I'm doing the worst.
[05:39:21] Dude, I can't fucking see.
[05:39:31] Okay. fucking see. Leona is just
[05:39:33] fucking obnoxious.
[05:39:35] Do you guys think it's the
[05:39:37] Leona from last game? You know how
[05:39:39] I flamed that fucking Leona last game?
[05:39:42] You think, like, I'm getting fucking
[05:39:43] destroyed by the fucking sun now?
[05:39:47] Like this is the revenge so so so What am I watching? all we have to do is play for my infinity edge and then we just play for baron when the game it's quite literally that easy
[05:40:59] i believe in you guys You think this Nunu would be greedy enough to try and take
[05:41:21] this Wraith Camp?
[05:41:25] Like...
[05:41:25] Oh, no.
[05:41:38] Okay. Wait, Mundo just TP bot.
[05:41:40] Well that's not good.
[05:41:44] We should just do this. It's not warded, fuck it I'm just gonna start it
[05:41:51] I mean i have three items and I have Rift
[05:41:55] Why did Mundo TP bot?
[05:42:05] He actually TP'd bot to die. I'm not gonna lie, that's really fucking funny. We should actually wait for Malph and Mundo though. so No! That was almost so cool. Whoa!
[05:42:59] That was almost so cool.
[05:43:08] Like that was actually almost the coolest thing ever.
[05:43:11] Oh shit!
[05:43:19] Ooh, that guy's madge.
[05:43:23] No joke though, that would have been fucking sick!
[05:43:28] If I didn't have to flash that Blitzhawk and I could've flashed out of the Nunu ults...
[05:43:33] Holy fuck.
[05:43:38] Most hate is written except by us
[05:44:17] i have rift still so There will be peace in the Falewood. Oh, I really want to use Rift right now guys! It's just gonna
[05:44:21] use it! That's not good. oh I'm running out. We really need to close out the game Smolder might be a shitty champ, but it's not because he doesn't scale.
[05:45:29] That champ still scales. be a shitty champ but it's not because he doesn't scale
[05:45:34] the champ still scales better than like any other champion in the game
[05:45:38] so like yeah no i would still really like to like not not get over by smolder so so And GG! so um Nice.
[05:47:10] So, just let it be known really quick...
[05:47:14] Okay guys?
[05:47:17] I just
[05:47:18] want you to like...
[05:47:19] In chat, anytime
[05:47:22] you guys ever doubt
[05:47:24] my ability to instantly climb anytime I want.
[05:47:29] Please understand,
[05:47:31] I do not sit in low elo because I can't climb. Like, I'm going to keep it real with you boys. Okay? Like guys,
[05:47:53] but like every time somebody literally is like Toronto,
[05:47:58] here's the hard stuff diamond player. I is like, Geronimo. You're the hard stuff Diamond player!
[05:48:00] I'm like dude...
[05:48:01] I can unironically climb any fucking time I try.
[05:48:10] Like I could probably climb to GM.
[05:48:13] Like, my MMR is fixed,
[05:48:13] I think.
[05:48:14] Like, I think... I think I'm getting like
[05:48:15] 23 of win now
[05:48:16] and I'm in Masters games
[05:48:17] so I could probably
[05:48:18] climb to GM
[05:48:18] if I just focus and don't tilt.
[05:48:22] But dude, I'm telling you man, people are
[05:48:24] so wild.
[05:48:26] They will just lie to themselves
[05:48:28] with this like delusion.
[05:48:32] It is crazy.. That being said, hey what time is it? It's 6pm. I have not eaten food today so I'm gonna go make dinner.
[05:49:04] I can't fucking see right now anyway.
[05:49:07] Like, I can't play at the moment. So I'm going to take a small break.
[05:49:11] Oh my god, the sun just blinded me.
[05:49:15] We went nine and one.
[05:49:17] Our only loss was winnable too.
[05:49:19] I straight up think that if I played better in our loss,
[05:49:23] we win that game.
[05:49:27] It would have been very hard,
[05:49:29] but I do think it was winnable.
[05:49:35] But yeah... Well, yeah. Who knows?
[05:49:39] I might just keep tryharding on stream for the week.
[05:49:43] Maybe we'll just try hard up to mid-GM
[05:49:45] to shut everyone up, and then we can just play
[05:49:47] for teaching the game again on our Smurf or something. Oh, yeah.
[05:50:02] Anyway, I'm gonna call it because I'm gonna make dinner. So at least I might do a second stream tonight.
[05:50:07] It really depends on how I'm feeling after dinner.
[05:50:09] We'll see.
[05:50:10] But thanks for watching guys.
[05:50:11] I appreciate it a lot.
[05:50:12] You guys are awesome as always.
[05:50:14] If you like the stream don't forget to follow me on all the socials which you can find below the stream.
[05:50:21] Don't forget to!discord in the chat
[05:50:24] To join the Discord
[05:50:26] You can talk to people, hang out, have a good time.
[05:50:29] Message me on Discord. It's not that hard.
[05:50:31] I usually respond pretty quick.
[05:50:33] But yeah.
[05:50:34] Thanks for watching. Appreciate it a lot guys.
[05:50:36] Thanks for all the support today.
[05:50:40] You guys are awesome.
[05:50:44] I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your Friday evening.
[05:50:49] And if I don't stream later, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
[05:50:53] Thanks again.
[05:50:54] I really appreciate you guys' support.
[05:50:55] Love you guys.
[05:50:56] I will see you guys later.
[05:50:58] Have a great night.