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Informative Adc Stream | GrandMaster Adc Climbing the ladder of league

06-03-2024 · 7h 42m

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[00:00:00] Hello.
[00:00:12] Hello, boys. How we doing today? Hello lads.
[00:00:28] Welcome to the stream.
[00:00:33] Hello! to the stream. I'm not sure if you can see it, but the game is pretty much just a bunch of random enemies.
[00:00:48] You don't really have to worry about them being in your way or anything like that.
[00:00:53] The only thing you need to do is get rid of them and then go back up there. Let's admire me for a bit. me me 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[00:01:19] God Axes need victims
[00:01:23] Touch in the brain!
[00:01:27] ... so What is going on?
[00:01:59] If you do it right. subtle i don't do so Don't be jealous.
[00:03:52] Don't be jealous uh so watch and learn Oh, shit. push. I'm sorry. This gym? For real! It's super lit!
[00:03:58] Why do we have service down on this? Super! Glad to be of service, gentlemen.
[00:04:02] Glad to be of service.
[00:04:05] Wind bitch, I have your back.
[00:04:41] But you're gonna be okay. um I don't know. I'll see you later.
[00:04:45] Alright, how do you stop?
[00:04:53] Is it the mic or the music?
[00:05:00] Hello? Is that better, or worse? Well?
[00:05:03] Is that better or worse?
[00:05:12] Well... Well?
[00:05:17] That better?
[00:05:21] At least I might put that in. so so so Thanks for watching! Something I don't know how to do. Is that better?
[00:06:21] Is it better?
[00:06:22] Hello?
[00:06:23] Hello, hello, hello. Hello?
[00:06:36] Hello! It was better? Oh, good. Good, good.
[00:06:45] Nah you guys just got to hear me without the voice filter on.
[00:06:49] That's all that was.
[00:06:50] That was my true voice.
[00:06:54] That's what I sound like without a filter.
[00:07:02] Don't tell anyone.
[00:07:07] It would be fucking wild. People figure out I'm an alien it doesn't go well, you know. Yeah, yeah get it
[00:07:23] You should just dive bot. Fuck rotating meds. so Oh
[00:07:50] Oh Theult was wild.
[00:07:57] The only problem with that
[00:07:58] was I couldn't get on her or on him.
[00:08:02] That was unlucky.
[00:08:05] Janna aggroed
[00:08:06] him when I was up here, so I was trying to run down
[00:08:08] and then he ran down and the Shen ulted him.
[00:08:10] So it was a good old play, Sean.
[00:08:14] I don't think when janet roamed mid initially though i think it was a bad
[00:08:17] room because it gave him time to get levels like i think if the enemy
[00:08:22] uh rooms before you and you're already in
[00:08:24] bali need to dive on big waves
[00:08:26] because that was like a four three three four stacked wave and we would have killed that guy uh Damn.
[00:08:51] He was actually at the tower?
[00:08:55] I thought he would, like, move up the lane to not die, but he was literally at the tower.
[00:09:03] Just sitting there one HP.
[00:09:05] It's actually hilarious. so so so I'm going to you, Jin. I expected more. Disappointing.
[00:10:29] Yo, good morning!
[00:11:11] Hello friends. How's everybody's Monday going? oh oh Oh no! Oh my god. Feels bad.
[00:11:20] The fuck am I watchingven probably get dragon though
[00:11:30] probably a good idea so got him Gotcha bitch! Gotcha, bitch. What is happening here? What the fuck is going on in Dragon's Head right now? yeah i mean i'm pretty sure kha'Zix is behind me in the jungle somewhere.
[00:13:04] I don't know where but I'm pretty sure he's down there or back there.
[00:13:26] Oh no! so Worth it.
[00:13:30] I could have backed off and like ulted, but ehhh...
[00:13:37] ... It is what it is.
[00:13:45] I'm just asserting dominance at the moment. We just kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!
[00:13:49] Kill a million times!
[00:13:53] What's going on out here? what the who's that axe?
[00:14:23] What are these axes, man?! Why are they going all over the place Oh, my God. uh Dude, this Shen has ulted bot lane like fucking seven times.
[00:15:10] It's been three but you get the idea.
[00:15:18] My man just does not want to play top lane
[00:15:28] you know what though shen you're gonna lose your tower bro I'll be ready.
[00:15:51] Ooh.
[00:15:55] What is this guy doing?
[00:15:59] This guy is so overextended The fuck What the fuck? no an ally I got that.
[00:16:48] Get up!
[00:16:53] You're not going to make it this time, are you? so
[00:17:08] What are you people doing?
[00:17:14] Nah, you guys... You guys are tripping so uh They just send like the whole fucking five-man squad down there damn what do you people doing? You guys are what? Did this Zoe rush a Thornmail?
[00:18:26] What? Wait, that's wild.
[00:18:36] That guy rushed Thornmail?
[00:19:28] Oh! oh oh uh This guy's just inting to try and steal drake or what?
[00:20:10] What the fuck?! Not gonna lie, that's really fucking funny. Damn it. If I got one more auto-op, I actually could've killed that guy.
[00:20:14] I barely fucked up my shit.
[00:20:16] I should have healed off raptors too.
[00:20:18] Like if I was autoing raptors there and I kind of up
[00:20:21] I actually could have killed all of them What in the auto to ward.
[00:20:49] Dude, this is hilarious! Everybody's just Hilarious.
[00:20:54] Everybody's just fighting!
[00:20:58] They just wanna brawl!
[00:21:03] Why would you want to brawl with a Draven though? That doesn't make sense.
[00:21:11] Those are crazy! What?! what a first game of the day let me tell you what No following these footsteps.
[00:21:30] Welcome to the League of Draven!
[00:21:33] Do you think Zoe has to be up here right now
[00:21:37] because i don't uh either kha'zix is coming or he's always up here one of the other okay causes him plot oh there it is
[00:21:53] yes she's so cute.
[00:21:57] Throwing the spells at me.
[00:21:59] You're cute.
[00:22:17] Is this Shen trying to freeze this wave? Perfection.
[00:22:25] I want to go back, but we could try to do Baron baron but i'd rather get out here first deuce We can just go do Baron. dragon or baron
[00:23:03] we can push mid do baron doesn't really
[00:23:09] matter uh um i don't know if we do better now.
[00:23:32] We already took the inhib.
[00:23:34] We used our... We should have backed for Grake, but
[00:23:36] I definitely think
[00:23:39] uh
[00:23:39] we probably can do Baron just because the Zealot is funny.
[00:23:45] Who dares? Fuck it.
[00:24:42] Oh, I got the Baron. I am Thanos strong right now so I can't believe that Kha'Zix got away. Nevermind.
[00:24:46] I was like, wait a second where'd he go? That man's a fucking houdini
[00:25:40] Places uh Three shot that guy XD. Yo, Sathie.
[00:25:45] Thank you for the 26-month resub.
[00:25:46] I appreciate it, man.
[00:25:46] Welcome back.
[00:25:57] Thank you so much. Thank you, Thank you... Thank you........... All right. Sorry, I'm back.
[00:28:20] I'm back.
[00:28:22] Hello, boys!
[00:28:24] Hello!
[00:29:00] How's everybody doing today?. Good evening or morning.
[00:29:02] Whatever time it is, wherever the fuck you are.
[00:29:07] The boys.
[00:29:10] Oh my goodness....... All right, boys and girls.
[00:30:31] What are we going to do today?
[00:30:32] What is on today's agenda?
[00:30:37] I'm honestly not sure.
[00:30:38] I don't know what the fuck
[00:30:39] I want to do today.
[00:30:42] I'm waking up a bit.
[00:30:44] I'm still not fully awake.
[00:30:46] A bit groggy. Begragi. but we're here
[00:31:07] oh what'd you guys do this weekend? I had a nice
[00:31:17] weekend off. What did you guys do? Anything fun? Anything cool?. Wow. Brand where, where, where.
[00:32:31] Okay. Thank you.. leaning apart me and playing tarkov ah tarkov sounds interesting.......... I think it's time to gin it to win it, boys.. Oh, never mind.
[00:35:04] Somebody dodged.
[00:35:07] Alright, nevermind.
[00:35:09] Fuck it. We don't join in to win it. Oh, Oh! Okay. you you. All right, boys.
[00:37:04] What? Dude I have no energy today but I'm gonna try... We will try our best. Why? Is this cue time so long?
[00:37:07] Oh.
[00:37:09] Well, there's the age-old if you bitch about the cue time it will instantly pop well somebody didn't accept
[00:37:18] it oh no there is i hate league I hate League.. Didn't play a single game of LoL.
[00:37:58] I'm gonna be real,
[00:37:59] that sounds kind of nice.
[00:38:03] I didn't play
[00:38:04] that much League
[00:38:05] this weekend.
[00:38:12] Yes!
[00:39:50] Hmm........ Wait, they picked Jin and Janna? You sons of bitches!
[00:39:53] How dare you. uh wait
[00:40:11] wait is it like top Janna?
[00:40:15] Top Alistair?
[00:40:17] Why do we have a Caitlyn?
[00:40:20] Oh god, what is happening right now dude something's happening in the water.
[00:40:37] Is this going to be another dodge?
[00:40:38] I'm not losing, man.
[00:40:39] I got to go pee.... Bro.
[00:41:25] What the fuck?
[00:41:32] What is happening?.. Oh. this game is dead as fuck
[00:42:15] alright
[00:42:16] dude I think I need to
[00:42:22] start doing
[00:42:24] some sort of workout or something before stream
[00:42:29] to wake up.
[00:42:30] Before a walk, something.
[00:42:36] Because usually I wake up and then i just like start streaming within like an hour but my brain doesn't actually wake up sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't. It really depends.
[00:42:49] ABC! Easy as 1-2-3 three don't worry me ABC 123.
[00:43:08] Zyra.
[00:43:17] I don't know,
[00:43:19] I kind of want to play Draven for fun.
[00:43:21] Like it sounds fun. Zyra's annoying as fuck to play with but, to play Draven into.
[00:43:31] But I don't care man, fuck it.
[00:43:33] Let's just... let's play some Draven. some driving uh i think the good thing though is if i go BT rush against this team, like if we rush BT here it'll actually be really really good.. oh
[00:44:30] yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:44:36] The BT Life Steal is just going to be too OP for them. Like Vamp Rush? definitely not bad hair
[00:44:43] oh what are we doing Yeah, Blue Cheek Cop is kind of annoying. in Thank you. Okay. I did. what the. There's my
[00:46:23] breath to attack. Oh, shit.
[00:46:41] ... Oh shit. pain to serve interesting Welcome to Summoner's Rift.
[00:46:58] No fucking clue what this guy's talking about.
[00:47:04] What are you saying, bro? Zyra is in this bush.
[00:47:23] I see a plant...
[00:47:26] Oh!
[00:47:32] The fuck? my hand no following these footsteps
[00:47:47] who am i watching what the i got that Hello!
[00:47:59] Why did these guys do that?
[00:48:01] Why'd they invade like that? How interesting. I need to be blood everywhere I go. We should just keep going in.
[00:48:34] Oh yeah, that's pretty good let's do this
[00:48:54] i don't think a level two hecarim gang is that smart
[00:49:01] like you can just like full clear or at
[00:49:20] least like level three. You know what I'm saying? Like level two is wild! That's
[00:49:27] like some crazy shit. I really probably could kill these guys, to be honest.
[00:49:44] It really depends on... I'll take it. You can dive him.
[00:50:06] I don't know why you wouldn't.
[00:50:10] Hecarim's top!
[00:50:12] What?
[00:50:18] It's kind of funny. I don't think he knows that Hecarim is top
[00:50:29] Which is crazy, maybe he's autofilled though Oh Pretty sure I could have killed this Varus if I dodged the Zyra E. Damn, it was close.
[00:50:49] I think I actually do kill him though
[00:50:50] if I
[00:50:51] Yeah If I, uh...
[00:50:55] Yeah. If I dogged an Siree, I'm pretty sure I ahead and do that. doesn't get which he's doing
[00:51:37] right now
[00:51:41] as long as he doesn't roam and he stops with the adhd we're in a good spot
[00:51:47] if he does roam uh
[00:52:05] If he does roam i'm still probably gonna play aggro mama, i'ma keep it real but
[00:52:09] Like what is not was doing why are you just walking in circles in the jungle
[00:52:13] i don't understand what's even happening here
[00:52:16] what are you doing, bro?
[00:52:22] Dude's literally just walking around the jungle in circles right now. I got this i mean i can't follow up on that one
[00:52:40] it's not this is not very good.
[00:52:45] Because he's basically just... He's going in,
[00:52:49] not using cooldowns like he didn't use any cooldowns and then he died
[00:52:55] this guy is pretty bad i'm not gonna
[00:52:57] lie Now this is a move.
[00:53:03] Muted reported good luck.
[00:53:07] I've literally not typed them.
[00:53:21] The dude ran it down twice, walked in circles for five minutes then typed to himself in chat when nobody's typed a single word. That's how you know i think he might be
[00:53:25] retarded like i feel like that's like when you
[00:53:28] see people do that you know that like they're
[00:53:30] they're retarded
[00:53:33] that is comical to me.
[00:53:35] Like, are you good bro? Are you like chillin' or what?
[00:53:39] You hearing voices? What's going on? steps uh uh hahaha I might be able to 1v2 this if...
[00:54:31] Once I get Clems up.
[00:54:37] I just have to juke the Zyra E and then cleanse the fucking...
[00:54:45] Basically, you just juke Zyra E and then cleanse the other thing
[00:55:02] i mean we i could I mean, we...I can probably just have... I can kill them.
[00:55:06] See? We cleansed the Varus ults.
[00:55:12] Now, we just juke this Zyra E and I should actually be able to...
[00:55:15] Uh, I should be able to
[00:55:16] kill them though.
[00:55:25] It's a little hard just because Zyra and Varus are both soft counters for Draven.
[00:55:29] So, because I'm basically double countered here, it's kind of hard. What am I watching? so
[00:55:59] dude this nautilus is really bad.
[00:56:20] But it's okay. I mean, he's trying to get solo plates on a turret. That's...
[00:56:27] Are you good, bro? This will be a good learning experience for you guys though.
[00:56:30] When you get like really bad support players...
[00:56:33] You just kind of gotta ride it out and play the game.
[00:56:43] Like sure Nautilus is bad but like you know it is what it is.
[00:56:48] We just carry his ass and uh try to play the game without dying too much. Well, I'm dead.
[00:57:04] It's really hard to avoid that if I walk up at all.
[00:57:51] That was my bad. then What the fuck I mean we can double kill them they have no bear assault no uh oh okay so Damn Damn I actually got dove by fucking Hecarim again. Holy fuck
[00:57:59] I'm trying man, i'm pretty much 1v2 down there I've got pain to serve. all right we got bt though so it's not that bad i'm digging it Nice. Hmm.
[00:58:55] They might come down here and try to kill me.
[00:59:07] We should just kill them on dragon right now i'm almost positive if they do try and do drake doesn't work doing it but if they were to try and do drake we can just kill them blood everywhere i go
[00:59:32] shut up that wasn't very good.
[00:59:41] Yeah, I don't think we can fight that bro.
[00:59:45] Maybe if not with an R.
[01:00:12] If you had an R, we could totally do it but without our it's a little too Man. Don't be jealous.
[01:00:19] He pinked that? Holy.
[01:00:20] Oh, he pinked that! um so Oh, I should have cleansed them flash sooner.
[01:01:05] I couldn't tell who was tanking the turret at first because it was like...
[01:01:08] The Hecarim WAS tanking for a sec but then I got rooted by the uh...
[01:01:15] The Zyra. Not bad though, I mean we got a bunch of shit right there.
[01:01:29] I think that's actually really good for us. Ooh, not bad, not too bad. I'm gonna grab Dom's seconds.
[01:01:47] I feel like
[01:01:47] I kind of want Dom's right now because their
[01:01:49] team is, like...
[01:01:51] Even though they don't have armor, their team's building
[01:01:53] a few of them are building tanky armor. Their team's building...
[01:01:58] A few of them are building tanky-ish already,
[01:02:00] so I kind of want to get the early armor pen.
[01:02:02] And then my third item, I'll have within me buying all that AD
[01:02:04] for IE or whatever I'm gonna get next right like uh i'll have
[01:02:09] the armor pin already when they do build armor soon Daddy, daddy cool.
[01:02:39] Pretty sure we don't have to give Rift, but...
[01:02:46] Seems like we want to.
[01:02:48] Wait I don't think we needed to do that.
[01:02:50] Oh! I might be dead.
[01:02:55] I am indeed.
[01:03:01] Might be... overextended a tiny bit there. And i got ulted by MrHekagrim
[01:03:35] Oh, he's dead Ooh, nice try. all right ad carry loves to int yeah my bad man it's just it's all me. All in proof. I've got pain to serve. I mean, whether they beat us in sides or not, it's not like...
[01:04:08] Like, I'm just gonna play stupidly dumbly safe.
[01:04:21] Also, I just want to say if you insult the people that like, you need to be playing differently to win the game
[01:04:28] You're most likely going to get trolled
[01:05:00] Just saying. I mean that was an absolute horrendous fucking play.
[01:05:13] Because Diana's not very good at League. Like, they tried to take a fight before the third drake.
[01:05:18] Which is also funny because we shouldn't have even been losing drakes with how the game's been going.
[01:05:24] But the Diana is not very good. Okay. What the fuck
[01:05:34] Dude these people are funny.
[01:05:44] The loyal players
[01:05:45] are like wildly angry at nothing.
[01:05:51] Relax. angry at nothing. Relax!
[01:05:55] Relax, children. Relax.
[01:06:44] ... hear that um Done. done they're just too good bro Uh, let's get that. I'll be real, I like mentally can't be bothered with this game.
[01:06:48] I don't give a fuck.
[01:06:50] I'm just playing for fun. fun jesus christ you guys are paying so much.
[01:07:05] For what?
[01:07:16] Jesus... Shut down. Jesus.
[01:07:24] Haha! haha uh
[01:07:46] don't be jealous. Settle. I don't do settle. I'm not a good player.
[01:07:58] I'm just a bad person.
[01:07:59] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:00] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:01] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:02] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:03] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:04] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:05] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:06] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:07] I'm not a good player.
[01:08:08] I'm not a good player. I'm not a good player. I don't do settle. pop and get better than this uh
[01:08:48] i'm surprised they're bombing
[01:09:00] They should probably just be sitting around baron like right now we should just play around Baron.
[01:09:07] There's not really much we can do though because they're not sitting around Baron so I can't really play the game too
[01:09:09] much.
[01:09:16] ... These people are really angry, man. We probably just have to give the dragon, I mean you really want to try and stop this? We could try.
[01:09:45] Nautilus needs to go in though.
[01:09:53] ... Well, we got one but I couldn't really get out because I didn't have cleanse. cleanse yeah i mean we just lose
[01:10:13] because like we just lose that now and then the game's over
[01:10:30] aurelia bro you can flame anybody you want man i don't really care this game is just straight up like uh i stopped giving a
[01:10:37] jungle mid and support
[01:10:38] were just raging the whole game, but none of them
[01:10:40] are actually playing well.
[01:10:43] So I genuinely don't give
[01:10:45] a fuck.
[01:10:46] We lost four dragons with a bot that like we could have easily played around
[01:10:51] but we chose not to play around bobin because for whatever reason
[01:10:55] diamond players have the funniest little egos on the planet. That's all good though no worries boys Bam.
[01:11:34] Shen ulti OP. oh oh so Yo, Nautilus You inting because you're on stream or whatever bro?
[01:12:25] I'm gonna be real man
[01:12:27] I'm just warming up on my smurf
[01:12:29] I don't really care if you want to int on stream
[01:12:33] You inting my smurf it's not a bit it's
[01:12:38] not a big deal to me man it doesn't hurt my feelings i'll borrow
[01:12:43] wish you the best
[01:12:52] i don't know why people feel like i care when they hit me on stream
[01:13:11] like it's such a weird like phenomenon it's like i don't give a i mean I mean... You do you, bro! But first... I
[01:13:40] Am dying desire's fucking me in the ass.
[01:13:48] ... uh I dropped my axe. oh i'm lucky wow Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch.
[01:14:56] Another bop-dee-pow! oh your turret has been destroyed
[01:15:02] surprised they haven't ended the game yet
[01:15:05] they have uh infernal dragon soul They have fucking Infernal Dragonsoul.
[01:15:11] That's level 16, fuckin' 5 item Hecarim.
[01:17:03] Why aren't you guys ending the game? What's happening here? Thanks for watching! I'm going to go Hecarim can just fucking murder me under my own turret. Oh no, I've died. died is so You guys got this. I believe in you. Go get them! so
[01:17:40] damn you guys are gaming Oh darn, we've been vanquished. Bet you wish You didn't spam me
[01:17:41] What?
[01:17:44] Bro, are you inting because
[01:17:45] like you're...
[01:17:47] I couldn't care less. Okay. Dude, people are fucking wild to me.
[01:18:19] They'll like int them...
[01:18:20] They'll int them like selves.
[01:18:25] Like League players are funny
[01:18:26] because they're the only breed of human beings on the planet
[01:18:29] that will go out of their way to
[01:18:33] try and lose games for other people
[01:18:36] that don't give a fuck but like because they feel validated by like
[01:18:41] they make a mistake and now they i i don't know it's wild that's just crazy Yo, Shaven.
[01:18:52] Bigger than 77 man.
[01:18:53] Welcome back.
[01:19:00] Day Ruiner,
[01:19:03] dude, I couldn't care less.
[01:19:06] Bro, you're just running your own ELO into the grounds.
[01:19:09] Bro, you're inting me on an account I don't care about.
[01:19:13] Like what do you even...
[01:19:17] What is wrong man? Are you okay?
[01:19:19] Do you have a bad day?
[01:19:22] I don't care.
[01:19:24] That's the thing.
[01:19:24] I'm not mad.
[01:19:25] I don't give a fuck if you're in me.
[01:19:29] I play this game 15 hours a day, every day.
[01:19:32] I have 10 accounts, bro.
[01:19:36] This is my lowest ELO account.
[01:19:39] So like all you're
[01:19:40] doing is getting mad that I pinged you because I thought it was funny
[01:19:44] That you ran it down. Then you decided to int your own elo away
[01:19:49] Because you were mad that somebody pinged you in a children's video game?
[01:19:54] I mean, I don't get it, man.
[01:19:58] I think you're retarded personally.
[01:20:00] Like, I feel like –
[01:20:01] That's like saying, like, I spit in your face on the street and you shot yourself in
[01:20:04] the foot and said,
[01:20:05] ha,
[01:20:06] are you mad?
[01:20:08] And I'm like,
[01:20:08] what?
[01:20:11] Furious.
[01:20:12] I can't believe you did it.
[01:20:16] Absolutely crazy.
[01:20:23] He's alive?
[01:20:26] Wait, this guy's a streamer? Okay. That is hilarious. Are you okay? Okay. I feel kind of bad for the guy. Wait, what's happening? Hold on. What's going on?
[01:22:01] Right he is watching my VOD. Is he learning?
[01:22:09] He's watching my VOD from a game ago.
[01:22:13] Where I dropped a nuke.
[01:22:16] Is he learning? What's up?
[01:22:21] What am I watching
[01:22:22] I think he's trying to improve
[01:22:26] I can respect that
[01:22:29] but. Like, what's he doing?
[01:22:54] I think he's just trying to get better.
[01:23:01] Like, what's going on, bro?
[01:24:12] What's going on, bro? What's he like looking at? Like, genuinely, I'm confused. What? Oh What the fuck?
[01:24:33] Boy, that's actually hilarious. That's wild.
[01:24:37] So he got upset that I pinged him, like... You know what's funny?
[01:24:38] I don't think I pinged him that much.
[01:24:39] I think I pinged him twice.
[01:24:41] I think I pinged him that much i think it picked him twice i think i pinged him two times and then uh he got upset but i pinged
[01:24:47] them two times and he was so insecure that he just ran it down after.
[01:24:53] And then he like,
[01:24:54] That's hilarious.
[01:24:57] Maybe seeing if I pinged
[01:24:58] Janna?
[01:25:00] I mean...
[01:25:01] I didn't even ping him.
[01:25:05] I mean,
[01:25:06] I can go look
[01:25:06] but I don't think
[01:25:07] I pinged him that much
[01:25:07] did I?
[01:25:09] I'm pretty sure
[01:25:10] I just
[01:25:10] like I'm almost positive sure I just...
[01:25:13] Like, I'm almost positive. I just pinged like
[01:25:15] I would normally ping.
[01:25:17] Not spam but just laugh.
[01:25:21] I don't even remember.
[01:25:25] Like, it was so non-existent to me that I don't even remember if I pinged him or not.
[01:25:30] Like, let's go see.
[01:25:44] Okay. Like right here, like this guy is just trolling But I don't give a fuck really.
[01:25:45] It is what it is.
[01:25:50] And then he walks down into bot lane, right?
[01:26:01] Okay. right? I mean,
[01:26:02] this was just the worst
[01:26:04] play ever.
[01:26:07] Like, realistically right?
[01:26:09] This was just a bad hook
[01:26:11] because I can't follow up on this
[01:26:13] hook. Because like
[01:26:15] I'm way back here farming and he lands a hook after i just used my e then
[01:26:19] i'm like there's plants and here so like realistically like i can't ever follow up on
[01:26:24] this on this hook
[01:26:36] right so it's like okay well i mean there's not really much i can do there you just kind of hinted right so this is what it is
[01:26:43] wait nobody even pinged him Wait a second.
[01:26:52] Wait, nobody even ping them!
[01:27:04] Wait, he got- He said I pinged him. I literally didn't
[01:27:06] even ping.
[01:27:08] This man is hearing pings in his head!
[01:27:13] Wait, really?
[01:27:18] Dude I think he's like...
[01:27:20] I think he just has PTSD.
[01:27:28] Like low-key, I think you might have PTSD from like other people pinging him
[01:27:35] Yeah that's some schizophrenic behavior, I don't even know what to say
[01:27:40] Cause I was like,
[01:27:42] I don't think
[01:27:42] I pinged him at all.
[01:27:47] And then I came to lane
[01:27:48] and I didn't ping him
[01:27:49] at all.
[01:27:54] Like not once. not once.
[01:28:01] I didn't ping him here.
[01:28:03] I haven't pinged at all
[01:28:49] like low-key i've done a single thing so I still haven I pinged. Did I?
[01:28:53] Well, no!
[01:28:55] I mean, I just haven't pinged at all
[01:28:59] Like I haven't pings once the entire game
[01:29:03] That's not true. I peened the only time my pain was when he was in River
[01:29:05] You're right The only time I pinged was when I...
[01:29:07] I pinged Diana to dive this,
[01:29:09] because Diana should have dove this.
[01:29:11] Like, this Diana should always dive this play no matter what.
[01:29:14] Because like, this guy's 30%.
[01:29:16] He has no sums.
[01:29:17] Well, he has heal, but he dies anyway. And then like, he misses's 30%, he has no sums. We just heal when he dies anyway.
[01:29:19] And then, like, he misses this wave, the wave bounces
[01:29:21] and we know Hecarim's top. So, like
[01:29:23] Diana should always die at this play but I pinged
[01:29:25] all in or whatever, right?
[01:29:27] And then
[01:29:27] what? Before that, I ping right and then what before that i pinged
[01:29:36] i mean i don't think I pinged at all.
[01:29:48] The only time I pinged was when he was walking around river, like right now. Right? Like I think I pinged was when he was walking around river like right now
[01:29:50] right like i think i pinged assistance
[01:29:57] i didn't even ping him when he was in river.
[01:30:06] Like, I called him stupid on stream.
[01:30:09] Because this is the dumbest part.
[01:30:10] Like, he's just walking around bored.
[01:30:13] Like, he's just walking around bored like he's just confused
[01:30:16] wait i didn't even think
[01:30:24] i think he's just hearing pings in his head. Like, low-key, I think
[01:30:25] he's just hearing pings.
[01:30:30] Because here
[01:30:31] I just walked up and died.
[01:30:33] I got triple ulted or double ulted.
[01:30:36] Died like an idiot.
[01:30:38] Then I walked back.
[01:30:41] Didn't ping this entire time.
[01:30:48] Did I ping him when he died here, or what?
[01:30:52] Wait... When he walked up and died? I didn't pick him a single time that's wild why was he so angry
[01:31:15] i have no idea
[01:31:24] like i genuinely don't i think i pinged two times this entire game.
[01:31:28] And both pings were towards the Diana
[01:31:29] telling her to all-in under the turret.
[01:31:32] Or to like push the wave.
[01:31:33] It was like a push-the-wave ping
[01:31:34] and then like an all-in ping.
[01:31:38] Yeah, I don't know that's why I don't really know what to say man I
[01:31:41] don't have any words that's that's
[01:31:42] hilarious
[01:31:49] that's funny to me. Because he got so mad at me apparently pinging that he came to my chat and said,
[01:32:04] You spam pinged me like that again. I'll run it even harder.
[01:32:09] But... run it even harder. But
[01:32:10] I didn't
[01:32:12] even ping him.
[01:32:15] That's why
[01:32:16] I'm confused.
[01:32:18] I didn't
[01:32:18] even ping him. I didn't and ask him.
[01:32:37] Just for the holes of it... Hold on, I'm queuing up.
[01:33:19] Why does it do that? That's weird.
[01:33:26] Oh,
[01:33:27] I just checked the VOD
[01:33:30] and I pinged
[01:33:31] zero times in the first 10 minutes.
[01:33:40] I think you are hearing pings in your head.
[01:33:45] Wish you the best. Good luck. Question. Okay.
[01:34:13] You can go check.
[01:34:15] Have a nice day.
[01:34:21] I think that guy's a schizo!
[01:34:25] That's not how he remembers it.
[01:34:28] Okay, I mean that's fun.
[01:34:31] Dude, you know what I
[01:34:32] mean though by like... You know when I tell you
[01:34:34] league players are fucking psychotic?
[01:34:36] This is why.
[01:34:38] You guys ever hear me tell you
[01:34:39] lead players are psychotic?
[01:34:41] That's literally why.
[01:34:44] My man heard me ping him
[01:34:47] when I didn't ping
[01:34:48] him.
[01:34:49] Then he proceeded to
[01:34:50] run the game down
[01:34:51] because apparently
[01:34:52] I pinged him.
[01:34:53] So like a phantom
[01:34:54] ping caused this
[01:34:55] diamond player to be
[01:34:55] insecure and run it
[01:34:57] down because he was
[01:34:58] upset at life.
[01:35:02] That's why I say league players are funny.
[01:35:48] They do be funny.... Bro, Aoki did not need to do Hoshinshin this badly.
[01:35:52] He goes,
[01:35:54] Riot Games just turned 18 and Hashinshin decided to quit League.
[01:36:00] Come on, man.
[01:36:04] Like you don't...
[01:36:10] Let him fucking leave in peace!
[01:36:15] Oh my god
[01:36:24] oh my god that's that is fucked up.
[01:36:29] That is messed up, bro.
[01:37:15] Funny, but and girls i think it's a coin we play some games So, Wasn't he investigated by the FBI?
[01:37:17] Yeah, me too, dude.
[01:37:22] FBI decided that I have a large penis.
[01:37:25] That was their deduction of their investigation.
[01:37:29] That's about as true
[01:37:30] as them finding
[01:37:31] Hashinshin innocent. How large? You have to ask the FBI.
[01:37:46] They're the ones who investigated, bro. bro Okay. Hello.
[01:38:13] Hello, friends.
[01:38:19] Easy dubs.
[01:38:31] This account's still in its placements.
[01:38:33] I don't actually know what ELO I'm in.
[01:38:36] I think I've been, like, diamonds?
[01:38:38] Mid-diamonds?
[01:38:40] I actually
[01:38:41] don't know.
[01:38:47] ... I actually don't know. I think it's like D3, maybe?
[01:38:50] Because like I said, it's still in placements so...
[01:38:53] ...I can't tell what mmr is yet Thank you. Okay. I want to take cleanse because they do have fettle but I also kind of want to heal so
[01:39:32] that we can win lane you.. you so You make the league after a 2-1 break and gosh I'm only...
[01:40:26] you're rusty but you have no feel for anything? Yeah welcome to the league bro.
[01:40:29] You don't play league for like a month
[01:40:32] your hands fall off is wild i am a war mother only because no one else
[01:40:49] it really is.
[01:40:56] Wait, what's going on up here?
[01:41:00] Oh no.
[01:41:09] Holy shit! What the?
[01:41:13] What is...
[01:41:17] What is happening?!
[01:41:21] Minions have spawned to me, but it's a lie. What's happening?
[01:41:32] Ah, okay my scroll wheel is like super broken right now. What the fuck?
[01:41:39] Okay, I actually don't know who flashed.
[01:41:41] Nobody's like
[01:41:42] tracking anything.
[01:41:45] I don't think Jhin was even there
[01:41:47] because he has no assists.
[01:41:50] I think Rakan flashed and ignited
[01:41:52] and I can't be sure though.
[01:42:00] Okay. I can't be sure though alright so I auto'd the middle minion right there and what that does is that makes all three of these
[01:42:02] casters hit this minion
[01:42:03] so basically
[01:42:05] if the enemy team is leashing like they are it essentially um
[01:42:12] denies them a melee minion which denies them a lot of xp from their first uh what the Oh, interesting. Deny's done a lot of XP.
[01:42:41] What the fuck? Did we just get four-manned bot at level two?
[01:43:05] What the...
[01:43:16] Holy shit!
[01:43:19] What?
[01:43:22] We got level 2 Fiddlesticks games,
[01:43:27] Level 2 action games...
[01:43:34] And then their bot lane is still like- you want to know how early they did this? Their bot lanes level one.
[01:43:38] That's that's wild um
[01:44:01] yeah we can try and play aggro they're both still level one I mean, yeah. Both of them are still
[01:44:19] level 1 which is kind of wild. damn we really must be in like d3 three okay i'm gonna be real. There's almost no world that Jhin is coming back from this.
[01:45:06] This is kind of crazy. We don't let the Jhin walk up, by the way. has been slain
[01:45:27] where'd my taric go? Did he die?
[01:45:33] I mean...I guess you can just have it.
[01:45:38] At least the Rakan got it and Jhin is still level 2.
[01:45:44] Did my Taric just not commit to the dive?
[01:45:48] Oh, I guess we might be in too low, Elo.
[01:45:50] He might not be ready for it.
[01:45:53] No, I think he died.
[01:45:55] I think what happened was
[01:45:56] when I was diving...
[01:45:58] I don't think he knew that we should zone
[01:46:01] the Jhin. It's not his fault.
[01:46:07] Like, like I said, it is one of those.
[01:46:09] I mean, he just soloed the enemy Jhin.
[01:46:12] Hmm... I mean, he just solo'd the enemy Jhin. Don't push!
[01:46:27] Dude, I don't think the enemy Jhin can play League of Legends. The wave's frozen. Jhin is level 3 with the wave pushing into me. I have tier 2 boots.
[01:46:39] I mean, I'm gonna be real like I'm two levels up on Jhin.
[01:46:42] I have tier 2 boots. I don't think he can play the game so I can just walk up and kill him like that on repeat pretty much whenever I want.
[01:47:11] There's not much he can do. No, no leave it, leave it, leave it.
[01:47:17] Oh this guy... He doesn't know how to freeze the wave no no we don't
[01:47:18] push we don't push we don't put stop
[01:47:20] stop you don't need to push you don't
[01:47:22] need to push bro you don't need to push
[01:47:24] all these always so dumb.
[01:47:27] Oh no stop- oh he's
[01:47:29] so stupid.
[01:47:31] He's such an idiot.
[01:47:35] He's actually just the dumbest player I've ever met.
[01:47:40] So, if you guys are curious there's absolutely no reason to push the wave in
[01:47:42] because Jhin can't farm
[01:47:44] so if we push the wave in
[01:47:45] right?
[01:47:46] Jhin can then farm but if you don't push the wave in, right? Jin can then farm. But if you don't push the wave in, Jin can't farm so... so That's fine.
[01:48:28] Why is... what is Taric doing? I guess he can push- no bro, what are you- oh geez okay.
[01:48:30] I mean he's gonna die in a fiddle.
[01:48:35] I think the game might be going too fast
[01:48:36] for my Taric to understand what's happening.
[01:48:39] So you see how Jhin has... It's 8
[01:48:41] minutes into the game, and you see how the enemy Jhin is level
[01:48:43] 4 with fucking 20 CS?
[01:48:46] 15 CS at 8 minutes?
[01:48:48] We could, in
[01:48:49] theory, endlessly zone...
[01:48:52] Like if we hadn't pushed this wave in,
[01:48:54] This Jhin wouldn't be able to play the game for the next 10 minutes.
[01:48:59] The wave was infinitely frozen
[01:49:05] right and because the wave was infinitely
[01:49:07] frozen Bro, I know...
[01:49:16] Like, I'm straight up going to mute pings.
[01:49:21] This is wild.
[01:49:23] Because I'm trying to think
[01:49:24] while being spammed paint.
[01:49:32] What are you guys doing?
[01:49:35] What am I watching?
[01:49:38] What is happening here?
[01:49:41] I mean, Jin's dead but...
[01:49:46] Okay nice job. I mean, I don't even know what to say.
[01:49:50] So if you really want to know why a lot of players in like...
[01:49:54] Like this is like, You guys can players in like, this is like you guys
[01:49:56] can just see by how this is going right
[01:49:57] You guys can very obviously see how this is not
[01:50:00] really a high elo game right
[01:50:01] If you ever want to know why a lot of players
[01:50:04] get stuck in elOs like this,
[01:50:07] like transition ELOs,
[01:50:08] like Diamond and Plat and stuff like that.
[01:50:10] It's because they don't understand
[01:50:12] how important it is to put the enemy
[01:50:16] behind as opposed to get yourself ahead.
[01:50:19] So like, if I
[01:50:20] zone this Jhin
[01:50:22] for the entirety of the rest of the game
[01:50:24] he can no longer play the game
[01:50:26] and if he can't play the game
[01:50:27] then what happens right like if you can't farm
[01:50:31] that means that like being an 80 carry champion that can only
[01:50:41] being an ad carry champion that can pretty much only function with gold, because it's what AD Carry champs do.
[01:50:44] He has to sit there and be unable to play the game, right?
[01:50:53] Like I'm...
[01:50:56] This Taric's focusing too much on kills.
[01:50:58] But kills don't actually matter.
[01:50:59] What matters is XP.
[01:51:02] Because gold matters, but kills don't.
[01:51:07] So at the end of
[01:51:08] the day...
[01:51:14] What you want to do to put people behind properly in League is snowball by getting gold.
[01:51:17] But also denying the enemy golden resources and XP.
[01:51:23] The lower level they are, the harder it is for them to function because every level is gold.
[01:51:24] I mean we I'm down.
[01:51:38] I guess it's just like...
[01:51:40] I don't think we needed to.
[01:51:45] Because what I would have rather done there on that situation,
[01:51:47] instead of using our ult to dive that guy, I would have rather zoned the Jhin
[01:51:49] off the wave.
[01:51:51] Remember before? Like I was saying like, oh, you know we should zone Jhin to make sure he doesn't get XP.
[01:51:55] I think I would have much rather done that than dove the Rakan. the recon.
[01:52:08] Just personally, because it puts him further behind
[01:52:09] and putting the enemy AD carry further
[01:52:12] behind is always going to be more beneficial.
[01:52:19] Because he's level 6 and I'm halfway to 9.
[01:52:24] So here there are two ways to play this.
[01:52:25] I can either A fast shove the wave in and take the turret or B
[01:52:29] slow shove the wave and take the turret.
[01:52:33] I think slow shoving is probably better here.
[01:52:38] Because it gives me more time to auto, but I kind of fucked it up. Okay. Okay, so here if I really want to min-max what I do is I actually don't take the tower.
[01:53:01] I let the tower kill all of these minions because every one of these minions the tower is killing,
[01:53:07] Is a minion that the Jhin doesn't get.
[01:53:10] Because it just goes to the Abyss.
[01:53:12] Nobody's here to collect their XP so its just gone.
[01:53:17] I missed the cannon.
[01:53:18] I'm sad.
[01:53:20] Oh, well.
[01:53:20] It's fine.
[01:53:22] So,
[01:53:22] I should have
[01:53:23] about
[01:53:24] 20 more CS
[01:53:25] and the genie
[01:53:26] should have
[01:53:26] about
[01:53:27] 20 less CS, but
[01:53:29] it is solo queue
[01:53:31] so it's kind of hard to work with people.
[01:53:36] It is what it is, right?
[01:53:37] Solo queue, solo queue.
[01:53:39] I'm actually going to rotate mid now.
[01:53:42] The reasoning is
[01:53:43] because once you win bot lane
[01:53:45] you want to push your lead
[01:53:47] into other lanes.
[01:53:49] And I really want to push my lead into other lanes. And I really want to push my lead
[01:53:50] into other lanes as hard as I can.
[01:53:56] Our Orianna's 0-3, she's having kind of a bad time
[01:53:58] and the best way to play around that is to just...
[01:54:05] Make sure we have good vision so we don't get ulted by Fiddle while we're mid from one of the angles.
[01:54:10] Okay, we see Fiddles over here on Gromp.
[01:54:23] I'm not going to rotate To this fight
[01:54:24] I'm actually just
[01:54:24] Going to hit
[01:54:24] This middle turret
[01:54:25] You might be like
[01:54:28] But Geronimo
[01:54:29] Your team's trying
[01:54:30] To fight that over there
[01:54:30] Like go help
[01:54:31] But it's not
[01:54:32] Like that big of a deal Because at the end of the day, what I was talking about before, we are trying to get
[01:54:52] as much gold and as much resources as we can right that's our goal
[01:55:00] and the best way to get gold and resources.
[01:55:10] I actually don't think this is a good rotation by me.
[01:55:14] Okay, the Jhin ulted. Or, I mean, not the Jhin ulted. I mean not the Jhin, Malphite? Not bad.
[01:55:23] Okay, not the worst.
[01:55:31] Okay, not-not the worst!
[01:55:35] Uh... I'm gonna go back, I need gold.
[01:55:36] Oh, I'm dead go back. I need gold. Oh,
[01:55:36] I'm dead.
[01:55:38] Maybe?
[01:55:41] Help!
[01:55:42] Oh.
[01:55:45] Maybe I should have
[01:55:45] backed in a better spot.
[01:55:48] I wasn't even thinking about Akshan,
[01:55:50] I'll be completely honest with you.
[01:55:53] Straight up, I wasn't thinking Akshan was gonna come fuck me in the ass there.
[01:55:57] So... my bad i was like doing the calculations of
[01:56:01] if i could sell this item to get my triforce i was like can i sell this and get Triforce?
[01:56:11] And then boom!
[01:56:13] Auction.
[01:56:17] I'm gonna actually wait in base.
[01:56:18] It's only 20 gold. It's not that bad. Alright so now we're two full items at 15 16. i'm down a bunch of cs uh just because the way
[01:56:38] the game is like playing out right now
[01:56:40] and the way that we played the lane phase,
[01:56:42] I'm just going to be down CS
[01:56:44] because I have a lot of deaths.
[01:56:45] But if you look,
[01:56:46] it's not that bad to be down CS
[01:56:47] if the enemy AD carry is down more.
[01:56:49] So the enemy AD has 60 CS at 16 minutes.
[01:57:04] Why is this Taric not helping me? Taric, you fucker!
[01:57:10] He was like standing to my left watching me
[01:57:20] uh it is one of those i don't think he meant to do that, obviously.
[01:57:24] Oh, nice job team!
[01:57:28] Yeah, I mean......I think it was just tunnel visions.
[01:57:29] He obviously wasn't meaning to ignore me.
[01:57:33] I think somebody was here and I got opened up by action here so i had he just wasn't paying and it was born into
[01:57:48] i'm not gonna lie though this is a crazy game
[01:57:53] like i genuinely can't believe how far ahead we are on their AD Carry and it still feels like I can't play because of how far ahead action is. Oh, he didn't go for the turret.
[01:58:11] That's wild.
[01:58:12] I guess action could be mid here again.
[01:58:14] That was a good back off.
[01:58:18] Yeah. mid here again. That's a good back off. Yeah, I guess actually
[01:58:19] he's like Twitch or Eve.
[01:58:22] You basically just have to play
[01:58:23] safe until you see him.
[01:58:26] This is how he works as a champ okay we see him top so i can walk up mid now I had to go for an arrow, but...
[01:58:46] The fiddle is like
[01:58:47] To my right
[01:58:48] And that's why I have to be careful.
[01:58:50] Don't...
[01:58:51] I might just be dead, we'll see.
[01:58:56] Yeah, I'm just dead.
[01:59:01] Fuck! yeah i'm just dead fuck i needed the arrow faster i thought
[01:59:03] i could kill that guy without an arrow
[01:59:06] you know what's crazy about this game it
[01:59:08] just keeps turning into perma-ARAM.
[01:59:12] Like
[01:59:13] it'll be like one of us dies
[01:59:15] and then all five show up to kill me
[01:59:17] or to kill our teammate
[01:59:19] whoever it is
[01:59:23] and then some like all five will show up to do something and then all of a sudden
[01:59:26] it's a permaram again
[01:59:41] i think uh if I think if you guys really want to know the best way to climb in League, don't do what everybody in this game is doing where there's no objectives up. right? The only objective is Rift Right Now.
[01:59:43] I guess I can... Let me take the minimap cover off.
[01:59:48] Not a lot of people know
[01:59:49] that it's me so I can take the cover off so you guys can actually
[01:59:51] see the game.
[01:59:53] Okay, but look...
[01:59:56] So like, the only objective up on the map right now is Rift, right? There's no Dragon Up for like 50 whatever.
[01:59:59] There's not really any reason for us to be like
[02:00:02] For us or the enemy team
[02:00:03] to be perma-ARAMing right now.
[02:00:05] There's just no reason
[02:00:05] but it actually gives us
[02:00:07] a better chance of winning
[02:00:08] if we're ARAMing
[02:00:09] because we're stronger.
[02:00:11] So,
[02:00:11] like,
[02:00:12] the enemy team
[02:00:12] when you get behind
[02:00:13] in League,
[02:00:14] You don't just want to force fights.
[02:00:16] You wanna look for ways to get back into the game through
[02:00:20] getting picks on people or getting
[02:00:24] free gold through towers and bounties and objectives and shits
[02:00:27] like right now they shouldn't be focusing on trying to fight us
[02:00:29] right they should be focusing on trying to get towers Man, I've died so much this game.
[02:00:40] I am not being careful, that's why.
[02:00:42] I literally have like very very little
[02:00:50] i missed the cannon again pretty sure fiddle is right here
[02:01:13] yeah there. But yeah, the number one thing about playing League of Legends is your goal is not put yourself ahead. Your goal should be to put the enemy behind.
[02:01:17] That's something i try and
[02:01:19] drill into people's heads as much as humanly possible
[02:01:22] the more you can put people behind the better chance you have to win games Okay, I did not think about that.
[02:01:34] Hmm...
[02:01:36] Okay, I'll be real?
[02:01:38] Uh, I thought be real. Uh...
[02:01:39] I thought we were just gonna dive that guy when the wave was in the tower
[02:01:42] and then Ori whiffed ult
[02:01:44] and I just got caught
[02:01:45] That's my man
[02:01:55] I'm kinda of just playing for fun this one, but I should probably lock in because this is where people throw.
[02:01:57] Like, I mean,
[02:01:58] I've died three times stupidly cause I'm just trying to have
[02:02:00] fun, Which is not
[02:02:01] good.
[02:02:02] If we're trying to win, having fun is bad. Oh, I got the ADC's name is Cry now.
[02:02:18] That was a funny name. We should just do Baron, honestly. Get a pink ward, do Baron and win the game.
[02:02:30] It's actually pretty easy. Like like we're also strong at this point and uh it's pretty
[02:02:37] much impossible for the enemy team to come back as long as we don't get my triple fiddle alton Oh, we got triple fiddle ulted.
[02:02:57] Oh I'm dead.
[02:03:01] All my life? Holy shit!
[02:03:03] That Ori fucking shielding me? Oh, Orianna. Have my babies.
[02:03:11] Have them, Ori. Have them Ori, have babies?
[02:03:33] Is she like a...
[02:03:34] Because she's like a robot, right?
[02:03:37] Is she like
[02:03:40] can she huh you know like if i were to like
[02:03:56] never mind forget it Nevermind. Forget it.
[02:04:03] Oh, I missed the volley.
[02:04:07] I can't believe I missed that volley! I should've just volleyed him when he was on top of my face.
[02:04:14] Your team has destroyed an inhibitor.
[02:04:19] Oh, shit! destroyed an inhibitor
[02:04:26] god like
[02:04:34] oh nice job boys dude my tarik even though he might be a little bit
[02:04:39] adhd i think it played super good
[02:04:46] derek quite pretty well for being like he i think we could have snowballed harder but
[02:04:56] i mean it's still look here can't be too mad them. Where's my hawk shot?
[02:05:00] Hey! There it is! I was like, I shot a hawk shot up there. Where is it? so What a hero are these people. How do I check? Okay, so they're like D1.
[02:05:39] Oh my god.
[02:05:41] If you guys were to guess
[02:05:42] would you actually say that was a d1 game dude no way
[02:05:51] no way would i ever guess that
[02:05:56] was a diamond one game in like
[02:05:58] any world.
[02:06:00] If you told me to guess what
[02:06:02] Elo that was,
[02:06:03] I would never tell you, D1... When you're in your placements, does it put you in games with just MMR or does it
[02:06:45] put you in games with people who are also in placements.
[02:06:49] How does this work?
[02:06:53] No, that guy has 110
[02:06:55] games. But like this guy only has four games, right?
[02:07:06] And this guy only has 10 games.
[02:07:09] This guy has 60.
[02:07:12] This guy's like 20.
[02:07:15] I feel like it tries to put you in games
[02:07:18] with people who don't have that many games, like to even it out. But there aren't
[02:07:26] enough people probably. Probably.
[02:07:40] Who knows?
[02:07:41] Not I. Not I.
[02:08:47] Not I.. Wait, what is this? So,. Okay. you you you
[02:08:49] you
[02:08:51] you
[02:08:53] you
[02:08:55] you you Dude, no. I agree. This is why
[02:08:58] I tell you guys when Riot makes
[02:08:59] champions that are like quote unquote
[02:09:01] fun and unique
[02:09:03] or whatever they're like dude look how unique
[02:09:05] and fun these champions are that we're making.
[02:09:07] Like, they're so cool right?
[02:09:09] The problem is
[02:09:10] if you make a champion hard
[02:09:13] but
[02:09:14] That champion is absolutely broken
[02:09:16] If played at the highest level.
[02:09:19] That means that in basic play for 99% of
[02:09:23] the population, right? 99.9%
[02:09:27] of players aren't going to be able to play that champion at the level
[02:09:29] in which it required to play it so they're either not gonna enjoy the champion
[02:09:34] or the champions gonna be too broken for high elo.
[02:09:40] So, like, Kassante the average player can't play him because
[02:09:42] he's hard but
[02:09:43] that's what's supposed to balance
[02:09:46] him, right? Like when you make a champion hard
[02:09:48] you can make the champion stronger because it's harder to play.
[02:09:53] Therefore,
[02:09:54] You can balance it easier right?
[02:09:55] Like off of that.
[02:09:56] But the problem is,
[02:09:58] Is at the highest level, every pro player
[02:10:00] is playing the champion
[02:10:01] almost perfectly
[02:10:02] no matter what.
[02:10:03] So when you have people
[02:10:03] playing the champions
[02:10:04] perfectly,
[02:10:05] it means that
[02:10:06] that champion's
[02:10:06] going to be so over-tuned
[02:10:08] because you balanced
[02:10:09] it by saying
[02:10:09] the champion's hard
[02:10:10] so let's make it OP. So if you
[02:10:12] do play it perfect, it should be OP.
[02:10:14] But the problem is everybody in high elo
[02:10:16] if you're a pro player, it's your job
[02:10:18] to learn how to play stuff perfectly, right?
[02:10:20] You're in the top.0001 of all players
[02:10:23] who play this game. But the problem is
[02:10:25] for pro-play...
[02:10:27] If there wasn't a
[02:10:29] pro-play, it wouldn't matter, right? Nobody would
[02:10:31] actually give a fuck about Kassante being OP in Challenger.
[02:10:33] But the problem is, is Kassante's
[02:10:35] boring as fuck to watch.
[02:10:38] Like in pro play
[02:10:39] whenever I see Kassante
[02:10:41] get locked in and I'm watching a pro game,
[02:10:44] I'm like, God this is going to be stupid.
[02:10:46] Because you know the entire game is just going to be
[02:10:48] Kassante popping off.
[02:10:50] So it turns into this nightmare balance because the champion has cool
[02:10:55] designs, but it's too
[02:10:57] OP at the highest level. And then
[02:10:59] everybody is going to pick Banit at the highest level forever.
[02:11:01] So you have to nerf
[02:11:03] it. But when you nerf it for the highest level,
[02:11:06] you're also nerfing it for the average level,
[02:11:09] which means those players aren't good enough
[02:11:10] to play it anyway,
[02:11:11] so now it's even harder for them to play The Champs
[02:11:13] and The Champs can have an even lower win rate
[02:11:15] and nobody's going to want to play the champs, so the champ's gonna have an even lower win rate and nobody's gonna want to play it.
[02:11:19] It's just stupid.
[02:11:21] Like,
[02:11:22] I like it, but I also think
[02:11:24] that it's like, Riot has to choose.
[02:11:27] If Riot is going to release champions
[02:11:28] they're just basically for fun coin flip champs.
[02:11:32] Like I'm not against it
[02:11:33] because I think it's more fun
[02:11:34] to have champion diversity in the game.
[02:11:35] Like if you have a champion that's really op
[02:11:37] but really really hard like that's fine with me actually the problem i have with
[02:11:42] that is like if you're going to do that you have to not balance the game around pro play
[02:11:48] or
[02:11:50] low elo. You have to just let
[02:11:52] the game be imbalanced.
[02:11:55] Does that make sense?
[02:12:03] I don't know if any of that makes any sense. But if you're going to make champions like
[02:12:13] Asante, like Zeri all these champions that break the mold of the game because
[02:12:17] they are too OP and they break rules of the game because they're too OP and they break rules
[02:12:20] of the game. Like, it's not that he breaks
[02:12:22] like the rules of League. So does Zeri
[02:12:24] so does Yuumi right? These champions
[02:12:26] break the game
[02:12:27] And because they break the rules of the game,
[02:12:31] you have to be okay
[02:12:32] with those champions
[02:12:35] being... You have to be okay with your game
[02:12:37] being imbalanced. That's all I'm really saying.
[02:12:40] It's fine that you have a chance to break the rules
[02:12:41] but you need to be okay with them breaking the rules
[02:12:44] and not be like oh we thought only
[02:12:48] It would only matter at the highest level
[02:12:50] that it breaks the rules But dude, yeah you know, it would only matter at the highest level
[02:12:51] that it breaks the rules.
[02:12:52] But it's like dude
[02:12:52] I mean yeah
[02:12:53] but
[02:12:53] if a champion is good
[02:12:56] in pro player
[02:12:57] and challenger
[02:12:58] that champion
[02:12:59] will be pick banned
[02:13:00] every single game
[02:13:01] in existence like Like, forever.
[02:13:03] You'll never have a series where that champion
[02:13:05] is not picked and not banned for the
[02:13:06] existence of time.
[02:13:14] Here, you can watch Nemesis clip.
[02:13:16] I'm going to go get some water really quick before this game.
[02:13:18] Finish watching his clip.
[02:14:30] Tell me what he says. Thank you.... Thank you. I'll write them back. Oh, it seems we are in master games. What's your Mount Rushmore champ stuck
[02:14:32] in balance hell because of pro play?
[02:14:43] Uh... I would say if I had to pick like five champions
[02:14:46] that are just broken
[02:14:48] because of pro play.
[02:14:51] Yuumi,
[02:14:52] Zeri,
[02:14:54] Kassante,
[02:14:57] Ryze...
[02:15:03] I'm trying to think of other champions that were just like stupidly egregious in pro play and they couldn't be designed but it's like yumi zeri uh ryze um i don't know i'm trying to think uh rise um
[02:15:10] I don't know
[02:15:12] I'm trying to think of some more
[02:15:13] fucking scroll wheel man
[02:15:15] stop
[02:15:15] stop breaking
[02:15:16] please
[02:15:17] please stop breaking
[02:15:19] scroll wheel
[02:15:20] please I'm asking nicely man Please stop breaking scroll wheel, please.
[02:15:21] I'm asking nicely, man.
[02:15:23] Please? Yeah, Kalista's pretty up there.
[02:15:37] Because Kalista is too good in pro play and not good enough in you know it makes sense calista's pretty up there
[02:15:47] i don't think ivorin is i've never seen ivorin be a problem in pro play really not not really
[02:15:57] like i've seen callista be a prominent pro place into release orders are more like guidelines really Because like I said, the problem with...
[02:16:23] The problem with pro play is that they're too good at doing min-maxing what the champion's designed to do.
[02:16:29] Which means it has to be nerfed because that will be too OP for too long. But if
[02:16:36] you leave it be OP,
[02:16:38] it's not bad. It's just...
[02:16:40] I don't know.
[02:16:43] I don't think changing Kalista
[02:16:44] R would fix Kalista.
[02:16:46] I think because, like, Kalista
[02:16:48] Renata would still exist.
[02:16:53] Right?
[02:16:54] Like, Xayah, Rakan... If you make Xayah or recon too strong then zyra Rakan was way too OP for so long.
[02:17:20] For a LONG time, Zyra-ed. You can push that. Push it.
[02:17:43] I should have flashed, though
[02:17:44] because I knew he was going to flash so I should have flashed.
[02:17:46] I wanted to push this so I don't have to TP
[02:17:48] because I already have...
[02:17:53] Like this Gnar or I mean this Fizz
[02:17:55] already took Ignite versus TP.
[02:17:57] So if she pushes the wave
[02:17:59] I don't have to TP to the lane now.
[02:18:01] It's like a win-win because now
[02:18:03] I can just walk back
[02:18:04] and save my TP which means
[02:18:07] now I can tempo a different time
[02:18:09] of the lane.
[02:18:36] I mean, there's no way that was a smart idea bro. Like what am i watching? Yeah, I missed the cannon.
[02:18:47] Oh and that minion!
[02:18:49] Oh, I'm so bad! hurt him if you don't hit him
[02:19:02] i wonder if i I should TP here.
[02:19:07] Hmmmm,
[02:19:09] I don't think I need to.
[02:19:19] I think I will miss like one CS here, maybe.
[02:19:33] I'll get the XP but I'll miss like the actual CS. the only problem with not tping is that bot lane is going to be ganked by fizz fizz has a timer right now it's bot. You see how he's going bot?
[02:19:37] That's like basically your only downside
[02:19:39] to doing this is that Fizz will have the timer
[02:19:41] to run bot on that exact timer
[02:19:43] because you're off the map for
[02:19:45] an extended period of time so, because you are off the map for like an extended period of time so because you're off the map
[02:19:48] for a second that means that fizz has time for a
[02:19:50] second to make plays on the map. That's just the trade-off of playing
[02:19:54] uh... that's always going to be the
[02:19:57] trade-off right? I'm going to push this so that I can go help my team, because Hecarim is invading our jungle.
[02:20:15] Yup! Now I am level 6 Which means I can run over here...
[02:20:25] I think it's okay. I could have come earlier but i really wanted six
[02:20:32] that's fine i'm gonna but it should be okay.
[02:20:49] I gave up my lane so it's not the end of
[02:20:51] the world.
[02:20:55] And I still have TP.
[02:20:59] Like,
[02:21:00] Eve gets grubs for free
[02:21:01] I still have TP or Chumman. Not that bad.
[02:21:06] That puts Hecarim behind and putting Hecarim behind is really good. I don't know what this Fizz is doing.
[02:21:24] Like, does he not think
[02:21:25] I'm gonna kill him?
[02:21:26] Or like...
[02:21:27] I'm really confused. uh I kind of want to go bot here.
[02:21:54] Okay, I think I could actually get away with a bot room here.
[02:21:58] I think Hecarim might be on this and I think I could actually kill him too. That's not good.
[02:22:10] He actually got the fucking... wow.
[02:22:16] That's actually wild. He actually got the fucking... Wow.
[02:22:19] That's actually wild.
[02:22:22] Damn! That's actually wild, I messed up.
[02:22:25] You guys need to leave. I messed up? Don't die.
[02:22:28] Don't die for my sins please. They're gonna die for my sins.
[02:22:30] I mean i can't be mad at them
[02:22:32] like that's my fault
[02:22:43] Like I thought I could kill that guy before dying. Like 100% that's on me. Oh he is going to get a double kill.
[02:22:50] He's gonna die for it but I don't know if it's worth...
[02:22:52] Oh, he didn't even die for it.
[02:22:55] He's gonna...
[02:22:55] I think this guy is going to be greedy and go for this camp.
[02:23:03] Okay. 3D and go for this camp. Can you check for me, Ash?
[02:23:06] Okay.
[02:23:14] Fuck off. Fuck, I fucked up. That roam might have thrown my bot out of like...
[02:23:17] Because my bot lane is really weak right now. They're smolder ash and the ashes auto film so
[02:23:23] because the ash is autofilled uh i should just play mid
[02:23:30] like essentially um Like, essentially...
[02:23:33] My bot lane is just gonna lose. Right? Because the Ashe is a mid-main.
[02:23:37] So because he's autofilled and he's first timing Ashe,
[02:23:40] He's just going to lose, which is fine
[02:23:42] but I need to like not force them
[02:23:43] to make plays like
[02:23:46] I did the like Cardinal sin
[02:23:47] Which is my bad
[02:23:49] The cardinal sin
[02:23:50] Is you never make plays
[02:23:52] around the weakest part of your team.
[02:23:54] Because, you can see how now they're just getting railed even harder
[02:23:58] If you make plays around the weak players on your team
[02:24:01] You are essentially asking to lose the game so I mean that's just my fault. 100%.
[02:24:29] My Ashe is also whining and crying right now because she's, again,
[02:24:30] she's the one who's autofilling.
[02:24:34] So usually the autofill player will play bad, get mad,
[02:24:36] especially in Masters. in we're in like
[02:25:12] the the of the if you will Like Masters is like the, these players are just they don't play kill this guy? Why don't we kill these guys right now?
[02:25:19] I'm really confused. Uh...
[02:25:30] Okay, that was
[02:25:31] kind of bad because I'm doing
[02:25:33] it again by the way. I'm doing the cardinal sin.
[02:25:37] I mean
[02:25:38] it's my fault.
[02:25:40] Like, it was a good... I got the shutdown, right?
[02:25:41] But it's still not a good play
[02:25:42] because yet again, like I said,
[02:25:45] the cardinal sin of playing...
[02:25:48] You see how Fizz is now back in the game.
[02:25:49] He has two or gold shutdown,
[02:25:51] The Hecarim like I killed Fizz
[02:25:53] and I killed Hecarim right early.
[02:25:55] We shut both of them down
[02:25:56] but the problem is because our bot lane
[02:25:59] is our weak link
[02:26:00] Like this guy is very bad at Smolder
[02:26:01] and this guy's very bad at Ashe.
[02:26:03] And because they're the weak link of the game,
[02:26:04] I need to stay as far away from them
[02:26:06] as I possibly can
[02:26:07] because they're just like an anchor.
[02:26:09] That's like the best way to put it.
[02:26:10] Like think about your weakest players on
[02:26:12] your team like anchors and they will just lose you
[02:26:15] the game because they don't you know they're gonna anchor your wind down Ash needs to go bot.
[02:26:30] I know the Ashe is tilted,
[02:26:31] because both the Smolder and the Ashe are bad,
[02:26:34] but you need to go bot, bro.
[02:26:38] Okay.
[02:26:39] That is wild that that guy
[02:26:41] can kill me, by the way.
[02:26:43] Can you at least auto him
[02:26:44] so he doesn't just jump away? Oh my god.
[02:26:47] Holy shit! This
[02:26:48] Ashe might be the worst player I've ever seen.
[02:26:52] I
[02:26:52] didn't want to type. So,
[02:26:53] I try not to type
[02:26:54] on my TryHard accounts.
[02:26:56] Right?
[02:26:57] Like,
[02:26:57] I try really hard
[02:26:57] not to type
[02:26:58] on these accounts
[02:26:58] but I might need
[02:26:59] to type to this Ash
[02:27:00] to not come mid
[02:27:01] because this Ash
[02:27:02] is straight up
[02:27:03] griefing our game like out of like
[02:27:06] like i'm not gonna be able to win the game because it's just trolling so hard
[02:27:10] but me and yorick are both doing well eve's doing decently well
[02:27:14] the bovine is is making the game impossible
[02:27:16] because they're trying too hard to be relevant,
[02:27:18] but if you're autofilled,
[02:27:20] your job is not be relevant.
[02:27:21] Your job is don't be irrelevant.
[02:27:30] Like, your job should never be oh i'm auto filled time to play to win the game and i'm the carry if you're autofilled and you're mad about it, just dodge.
[02:27:41] If you're autofilled and you're not mad, play something really easy
[02:27:43] And get carried
[02:27:46] I mean if we lose this game it's my fault though.
[02:27:47] I fucked up so...
[02:27:50] I fucked up really hard. That's on me.
[02:27:56] I think Fizz is in here.
[02:28:04] Pretty sure he's right here still, this Fizz is like...
[02:28:08] What? What was that arrow? This fizz is like...
[02:28:09] What?
[02:28:12] What was that arrow from Ashe?
[02:28:14] What?
[02:28:18] She should've just arrowed the Fizz.
[02:28:22] I'm really confused... Oh, if we had an arrow right there, Fizz dies right then and there.
[02:28:26] Whoa!
[02:28:36] ... Whoa. That is wild that he just took half my HP
[02:28:39] with one fucking,
[02:28:40] One QW by the way.
[02:28:43] Kill him!
[02:28:45] Guys, you gotta do something,
[02:28:47] you know?
[02:29:11] Like hit him. do anything guys what am i watching Uh oh. Well, we might lose the game based completely on the fact that I roamed
[02:29:16] bought one time yeah I mean it's my bad then
[02:29:21] the one bot room it's not because I'm bad it's my bad then. The one bot room... It's not because I'm
[02:29:24] bad. It's not because that loses us the game.
[02:29:26] It's because when you put...
[02:29:27] Basically any time that you make a play
[02:29:30] around somebody else on the team that is
[02:29:32] weak, you're
[02:29:33] putting your game
[02:29:36] in somebody else's hands.
[02:29:38] That's why it's always bad
[02:29:39] if you're curious of like
[02:29:40] why you never play for losers.
[02:29:43] You never play for lanes they're losing, as jungle, as mid
[02:29:45] as top. The reason is because
[02:29:47] every time you do that, you're playing
[02:29:49] for somebody who's already shown that they're
[02:29:51] bad enough to lose their lane
[02:29:52] so when you play for that that they're going to very much so get shit on
[02:30:09] it kind of sucks too, because this Fizz is really fucking bad.
[02:30:20] Like it hurts knowing that I solo killed Fizz three times in lane and now he's just fucking one-shotting me but i mean it's my fault i like
[02:30:54] it through frustrating I mean, are we gonna play or like... okay I mean that guy's dead right? Nice.
[02:30:55] That's actually worth.
[02:30:56] He inted to kill me, I got the shutdown on the Fizz and the enemy Lucian inted to kill me i got the shutdown on the fizz and the enemy lucian intended
[02:31:00] to kill me 100 worth not bad not bad like we're just gonna have to this game's gonna
[02:31:07] be messy we're going to have to do some messy shit to win this
[02:31:11] like it's gonna be a messy one
[02:31:13] because I fucked up the early game.
[02:31:17] We do have a really good
[02:31:19] split pusher, so we have Yorick.
[02:31:21] So if Yorick is...
[02:31:25] Like, if we can just get Yorick fed,
[02:31:27] we can win easy.
[02:31:43] Okay. York might die here. Okay, Smolder's definitely gonna die.
[02:31:47] Yeah, York's dead.
[02:31:51] There's not much I can do to help him.
[02:31:52] Wait, that was such a good fucking Ash Arrow.
[02:31:56] Like... That was a good try. Holy fuck.
[02:31:59] I mean we should kill this guy.
[02:32:02] It makes no sense not to kill nasus right now
[02:32:07] he's literally just sitting here overextended this makes no sense not to kill this guy Dude, I actually misplayed that because
[02:32:29] I couldn't fucking auto.
[02:32:32] He's...
[02:32:33] This Nasus is so cringe. guys know he's maxing wither seconds
[02:32:40] like he maxed e and then now he's maxing weather seconds
[02:32:45] i'm just i knew he was in there, but
[02:32:47] I thought maybe I could kill him before he kills me because he's maxing
[02:32:49] E.
[02:32:52] I just
[02:32:53] egoed it. I was like, I want to try.
[02:32:56] Like, I'll be real, this game
[02:32:57] I am just playing
[02:32:59] tilted.
[02:33:01] I'm playing tilted because
[02:33:03] I'm getting frustrated that
[02:33:05] like- This is a typical Masters game You just have to keep mental the entire game or you'll probably just lose.
[02:33:13] Because you can kind of see these two players are not human right like they're
[02:33:21] not human beings
[02:33:24] basically our bot lane is two people who
[02:33:26] got autofilled didn't say they were
[02:33:27] auto filled and didn't want to play
[02:33:29] the game anymore.
[02:33:30] Damn it, I had to go for it because I didn't want to like not do it. I had to go for it, because I didn't want to not do it.
[02:33:45] Honestly, I didn't think
[02:33:46] I was going to get put in Masters on this account
[02:33:48] in four games.
[02:33:49] Like, I would have tried harder in this
[02:33:50] game if i knew i was going to be a master's immediately
[02:33:53] because when you're in low masters you get the real trash
[02:33:57] like our mid laner is a Katarina one trick
[02:34:12] Our AD carry is uh, or ad carries have bought accounts so AD carries a bot account. So we have a bot account
[02:34:14] and a Katarina one trick.
[02:34:17] Oh that's rough.
[02:34:23] Okay. But I mean, I could have carried this. Like I said,
[02:34:25] This is one of those games where like...
[02:34:27] I'm so much better than this Fizz that if I had played not to play bot side at all
[02:34:31] I would've carried this game.
[02:34:36] It's still winnable but it's really fucking hard now.
[02:35:22] ... so where's the hell so I mean, I had to go for it. Like we'll probably lose but it's worth it to go for plays like that. But yeah, I...
[02:35:39] This is like one of those games that's really wishy-washy
[02:35:42] because our jungler's actually not bad
[02:35:45] and our top laner's actually not bad but our bot lane is like one of
[02:35:50] those like it isn't interesting let's just say this it's interesting it's a very interesting game. Damn. I'm a little sad, I autopiloted for like two minutes this game and I threw my lead.
[02:36:37] It's really tragic, because it just goes to show you if you autopilot for two minutes
[02:36:38] you could just lose games.
[02:36:40] You should win because
[02:36:41] you have to carry that hard sometimes.
[02:36:46] That's kind of the difference
[02:36:47] between like...
[02:36:53] Like average and good is like... If you auto-pilot, you will just lose. Oh, I'm dead
[02:37:19] uh oh well I wonder why this Smolder though, I wonder why he decided to just play...
[02:37:37] Because, uh, I mean, I'm looking and it's like a legitimate somebody bought the account.
[02:37:42] Basically, it was like a Master Yi player who inflated the account up into...
[02:37:47] Essentially, the account was gold 1.
[02:37:49] Like I'll show you why I know it's a bot account by the way.
[02:37:52] I'm not just trying to flame the guy for being bad or whatever.
[02:37:54] Because I don't really give a fuck
[02:37:56] about that type of shit, let me show you.
[02:38:01] Like, I'll
[02:38:01] report it.
[02:38:09] But But yeah, here look.
[02:38:12] You can kind of tell when people buy accounts in League it's pretty easy if you've been around the block
[02:38:13] for more than once or twice
[02:38:15] because you have this.
[02:38:18] So if you look, right?
[02:38:19] This guy was Diamond 4, Gold,
[02:38:21] Gold, Gold, right?
[02:38:23] All of a sudden he's Masters so if you look
[02:38:25] at it like you're like oh man maybe he just improved a lot, right? If you look at, like, you're like, oh man, maybe he just improved a lot.
[02:38:28] Right? If you look at the champions
[02:38:30] he was playing back when he was fucking
[02:38:32] He was still playing Yi
[02:38:34] but now, last season
[02:38:36] he miraculously played only Yi with 72% win rate to Masters 1 LP.
[02:38:41] He didn't try and go higher or lower, he just sat one LP Masters right after being gold.
[02:38:51] And then now,
[02:38:53] he's just miraculously choosing not to play Yi.
[02:38:55] He's just playing Smolder and running it down every game.
[02:38:58] Even this game,
[02:38:59] he ran it down.
[02:39:04] This game, ran it down... He didn't run it down this game but
[02:39:08] That was a literal D4 game.
[02:39:11] So, like...
[02:39:12] He went from...
[02:39:15] Like, a literal D4 game 10 days ago doing well
[02:39:18] to being put into, like, D2, D3 and then running it down
[02:39:21] and then you know. I don't even
[02:39:23] think he should be in this game that's wild because
[02:39:25] he's got a negative win rate
[02:39:27] Oh I guess he had a positive. He was 2-1.
[02:39:32] Oh, it's because he's in placement, so I get that.
[02:39:36] But like I said, this game was my fault.
[02:39:39] I just...
[02:39:39] I just messed up when
[02:39:42] I threw my lead going bot, so it's on me.
[02:39:50] If you
[02:39:51] ever want to know if people with high win rates are actually good at League, by
[02:39:56] the way.
[02:39:57] The answer is no.
[02:39:58] This is actually a good example of like, you guys know how I tell
[02:40:04] you all the time win rate doesn't actually matter.
[02:40:06] This is a perfect example of me telling you
[02:40:08] win rate doesn't matter.
[02:40:09] So this guy is duo Q with the top laner right?
[02:40:12] The Sash was duo with the top laner, right? This Ashe was duo with the
[02:40:14] top. And this Ashe
[02:40:16] has... He's a Katarina one-trick
[02:40:18] who has 81% win rate duo
[02:40:20] with the top. But the problem is
[02:40:22] if he can be this bad off of his one trick,
[02:40:28] he's not actually a good player.
[02:40:30] He's just a duo-abusing fuck. because I can
[02:40:39] like,
[02:40:40] I could go play a random top laner and not go two and nine.
[02:40:51] Yeah. two and nine. It's not about autofill.
[02:40:52] I mean,
[02:40:53] autofill sucks
[02:40:54] but it's not about that.
[02:41:00] Like... sucks, but it's not about that. It's not about that.
[02:41:01] It's about the fact
[02:41:01] that this guy, because he was autofilled
[02:41:03] didn't want to try to win
[02:41:04] and then he was playing
[02:41:07] it was like the worst of every world right so........... I'm just going to dodge.
[02:43:29] I got a lobby where we had
[02:43:31] a guy first time in Hue
[02:43:32] and we had a guy Twitch support.
[02:43:40] This guy was in my lobby just now and he was like, hey...
[02:43:48] He hovered Smolder and I was like hey, link me your account real quick, please.
[02:44:02] And I am dodging this game. like this is not a real human being he's got a 42% win rate, D3.
[02:44:12] Ended D1 last season.
[02:44:16] Like, he's very clearly not trying to win.
[02:44:22] Yeah. He's very clearly not trying to win. If you think I'm being cringe, by the way...
[02:44:23] ...if you ever want to climb in League...
[02:44:25] have to do this type of stuff.
[02:44:27] The best way to climb in League is to dodge the lobbies where you have people who are trolling.
[02:44:34] Because if you don't dodge those lobbies, they're going to affect your MMR and they're going to affect your time and your mental.
[02:44:42] So it's always better to dodge lobbies where, like... Your fucking AD carry is this.
[02:44:45] Or, like, you have a teammate who's this.
[02:44:48] And he was, like, first timing Hwaye.
[02:44:50] He has no Hue games.
[02:44:53] And he was literally just about to first-time Hue, so I just dodged.
[02:44:58] It's just not worth it, you know? I think a lot of the time, Riot when you go on win streaks.
[02:45:18] I already hit the algorithm so the win streak basically i am four and one right
[02:45:26] so i'm four in one and because i'm four and one it's putting me
[02:45:30] in games with low ego players
[02:45:35] or it's putting me in games
[02:45:36] with autofill players
[02:45:37] and people who are like
[02:45:37] lower ELO, etc. So I have to, the algorithm's trying to lose me games.
[02:45:49] So I have to dodge until it's too hard for the algorithm
[02:45:54] to lose me the game.
[02:45:58] Riot's pretty clever with their algorithms, but.... Okay.... Oh, that Katarina was Drewdozer. Okay. Wait, that's wild. I thought Drew Dozer was a good player.
[02:47:55] Maybe he's just washed.. Huh.
[02:48:26] So this was
[02:48:27] Dauntess.
[02:48:29] I didn't even realize.
[02:48:31] Last game, we reversed Dauntess?
[02:48:39] ... We reversed Dantes. And we reversed Dante's and then we had... Apparently our top winner is Challenger.
[02:49:00] This is wild!
[02:49:03] I was telling you guys,
[02:49:05] I thought our top laner
[02:49:08] was doing fine in the Yorick.
[02:49:09] I thought he was playing well.
[02:49:12] But Drudos are like
[02:49:13] solo lost us that game
[02:49:15] with Smolder.
[02:49:17] That is wild oh well it happens it is what it is
[02:49:27] we just go again and we try our best, right boys?
[02:49:29] Right boys.
[02:49:33] We go again and we try
[02:49:37] our best. That's the best that we can do.. you
[02:50:12] what the fuck?
[02:50:16] Huh?
[02:50:19] Well, Hecarim's bad in like... He's a bad champ.
[02:50:21] Hecarim is a bad champion.
[02:50:23] He's good in solo queue.
[02:50:25] Hecarim is like
[02:50:26] A solo queue champion.
[02:50:28] Outside of solo queue,
[02:50:30] Hecarim is one of the worst
[02:50:31] Champs in the game.
[02:50:33] And if you're playing
[02:50:34] in higher
[02:50:36] ELO, Hecarim's one of the worst champs
[02:50:38] in the game.
[02:50:40] The reason he's good in lower ELO is because
[02:50:42] nobody punishes him for how bad he actually
[02:50:44] is.
[02:50:47] Hecarim is not a good
[02:50:48] champion,
[02:50:49] but nobody punishes the champ.
[02:50:55] For example, if you see a Hecarim all
[02:50:59] the enemy has to do is pick Kindred or Nidalee or something right?
[02:51:03] If he picks something early Sin like something that invades Hecarim early,
[02:51:06] you basically just
[02:51:07] invade the Hecarim early game
[02:51:09] and he can never play the game.
[02:51:11] But a lot of people don't do that. A lot of people won't
[02:51:13] invade him. Okay. Vomit, hecarim?
[02:51:48] I mean, that sounds terrible. Common Hecarim sounds fucking atrocious. so....... with w and run what wait that sounds so bad
[02:53:51] what the That's it. That sounds so fucking bad, but so funny. Okay... All right, boys and girls.
[02:54:53] Okay, boys
[02:54:54] and girls.
[02:54:56] Wait, what are my verses?
[02:54:59] Okay.
[02:55:00] Or versus...
[02:55:02] fucking Caitlyn and Lulu
[02:55:04] and like a bunch of
[02:55:06] fucking, oh my god.
[02:55:08] I almost want to take Ghost this game just because like...
[02:55:15] Their team comp is kind of wild.
[02:55:57] Whoa, their team comp is really wild. Okay somebody dodged. What is happening? Hello. topheimer
[02:56:59] bro what is happening what what is happening? What, what is that happening?... All right, boys.
[02:57:02] Let's see what champion we pick.
[02:57:04] Oh, I don't know. Oh.
[02:57:55] Okay.. Okay. So they have Trismid, Ash AD. I don't really know what else to pick.
[02:57:57] I don't want to pick Jinx into that.
[02:57:59] I think I could pick Corki.
[02:58:00] Corki would have been okay.
[02:58:07] Like, I don't think Corki would be bad. I probably, yeah, I don't know.
[02:58:31] Usually I pick Tristana into Ashe, so like that's
[02:58:33] kind of a weird thing, right?
[02:58:35] Right!
[02:58:37] Usually it's Tristan to Ashe, but like, oh, well
[02:58:39] rep.
[02:58:46] Alright boys and girls.
[02:59:06] Let's get into the game. Okay, on a good note, it looks like Tristana didn't take TP.
[02:59:10] And she went Halo Blades instead of PTA or Fleet.
[02:59:12] So...
[02:59:17] If that Tristana gets behind, she's gonna be fucked.
[02:59:24] That's not too bad. have a Lilia okay okay so the way
[02:59:30] we're gonna play this is uh low diamonds no there's were We're in well master. Hi diamond1. 30 seconds until minions spawn. It doesn't really matter though. I mean, I don't really care what elo we're in.
[03:00:09] I just want to play my best and climb.
[03:00:17] .... Every element must be in the same place. Okay, they actually used Ghost already?
[03:00:56] I mean, we can just kill this Ashe, no?
[03:00:58] Like, this is kind of griefing by her.
[03:01:05] Okay. by her. I think we just back off
[03:01:07] a bit, like...
[03:01:08] The problem is, it's like, we could kill them, but
[03:01:10] We have to We could kill them, but...
[03:01:15] We have to wait.
[03:01:17] I'm just trying to get XP.
[03:01:58] I am a singer without a voice the dance are without legs uh Oh, that's not good. I mean this is fine because
[03:02:07] Whoa, this is not fun. My L lilia's not very good
[03:02:15] yeah i mean I mean,
[03:02:19] I can't really play the game
[03:02:20] when the Camille goes in.
[03:02:23] Lilia is level three.
[03:02:25] What are you guys doing?
[03:02:28] Yikes.
[03:02:30] My Lilia tried to level three gank bot,
[03:02:34] and my Camille completely whiffed stun when she went in.
[03:02:39] Like, she went on the Ashe, but
[03:02:40] she should have gone on the Lulu from the start.
[03:02:48] So she just chose the wrong target.
[03:02:51] Like, it's always go on
[03:02:52] the target without the cooldowns.
[03:02:54] Or that I can hit too.
[03:02:58] Ooh. Yeah, no, we are heavily in low Masters. You can always tell when you're in low Masters because like your supports and your junglers are the worst players on the team.
[03:03:15] Like, support and jungle by far suck the most.
[03:03:17] Okay though we win this.
[03:03:19] We just need time. I mean, I don't know why we're not trying to OM.
[03:03:39] We should be
[03:03:49] I want to try and open them So Wow, they already bought two pinks?
[03:04:03] Ash bought a pink too. That's wild!
[03:04:08] Uh... I mean yeah, I don't know if we can actually win a fight right now.
[03:04:11] Maybe we just chill.
[03:04:13] Because the problem is,
[03:04:14] like, Ashe Lulu's pretty strong lane.
[03:04:17] So is, like, Camille
[03:04:18] Jhin. It's not the worst, but...
[03:04:21] Uh,
[03:04:22] we had to win, like, early game.
[03:04:31] Okay. We had to win early game. We had to win really hard
[03:04:33] early. I get nervous before every performance, but I need that feeling.
[03:04:56] Ashton was pink so... they haven't pinked the Tribal yet. The world is what matters. I mean, what am I watching here?
[03:05:26] Why aren't we like...
[03:05:27] Why aren't we like...
[03:05:31] Why aren't we trying to fight?
[03:05:33] Okay, I guess.
[03:05:36] This is illegal what Ashe is doing right now.
[03:05:55] All they have to do is fight but uh i mean it's okay i suppose There's not much we can do.
[03:05:56] I just have to sit here and just scale.
[03:06:04] Ash Lulu is better lane than ours unless we all-in them. And so like if we're not all-inning them it's too hard. Hopefully we at least get grubs
[03:06:15] That would be nice
[03:06:16] Because I'm going to be down a bunch of CS this game. yes Like right there, why didn't we just go in?
[03:06:50] That should have been a free fight by the way. She just flashes
[03:06:52] she just E-flashes and we just kill that ash right
[03:06:55] then in there that really sucks because ash i w are under the turret tanking the turret
[03:07:02] so i don't understand why we're not fighting.
[03:07:09] We need help badly right now, we are going to get dove.
[03:07:13] If I keep this up for 30 minutes, i'm going to be so annoyed so Nice. not bad not bad before the curtain goes up Dude this actually is cracking Dude, this Ashe already has Kraken Slayer. What the fuck? Wow!
[03:08:14] Uh oh... Our teams should not ever be ganking mid.
[03:08:17] Tristana's too hard to gank, like you never play around
[03:08:20] your mid this game ever.
[03:08:24] This is gonna be too hard of a game until
[03:08:26] uh
[03:08:27] we play around
[03:08:29] until I get items is so I can tell this Lulu and this Ashe are duo-queue.
[03:09:08] It kind of sucks because I have to play with like The random Camille support running it down.
[03:09:15] So it kind of feels Batman, but it is what it is.
[03:09:25] There's not much I can do here
[03:09:35] It's actually that bad like she's decent not that bad. Like she is decent enough that I can't just take over the lane
[03:09:37] by being like a better AD carry
[03:09:39] so I have to work with my support
[03:09:43] which means the game is going to be really hard because anytime you have to
[03:09:45] work with your support, the allowed to be this far back.
[03:10:05] Like, I don't understand how they're allowed to do
[03:10:07] this, this is wild for me. They're just so pushed up no mana nothing
[03:10:13] oh my god, what?
[03:10:24] Wait, my Kiana just whipped R?
[03:10:25] Like, what was that?
[03:10:32] What? Uh. uh okay oh my god the enemy mid ad are the best players,
[03:11:00] but the fact of the matter is
[03:11:01] I can't even play a game.
[03:11:05] This guy
[03:11:05] is
[03:11:06] actually griefing.
[03:11:10] Oh. Actually griefing.
[03:11:37] Hmm... Yeah, I don't know if I can play this. There's just... it's duo vs non-duo. duo i also have a bad feeling that
[03:11:45] i'm actually gonna put my map cover on they're playing too confident for no
[03:11:50] vision They're playing too confident for no vision.
[03:11:55] See how far up they are?
[03:11:57] They're playing too confident, in my opinion,
[03:11:59] for not having vision.
[03:12:01] So something's up so I mean,
[03:12:27] I don't really know how to do anything
[03:12:29] this game.
[03:12:39] Like, go in. You gotta go in bro like what are you doing right?
[03:12:47] Yeah I mean this is just dooms. He has flash ulti everything yeah i mean it's just dooms
[03:12:50] mike camille's a diamond player well she's masters but
[03:12:54] that's the same thing right my? Camille is like a master spy.
[03:12:59] And she doesn't know what she's doing so we might just lose.
[03:13:11] ... jungler basically the enemy mid and
[03:13:14] enemy AD are both smurfing
[03:13:16] and I'm the only smurf on our team,
[03:13:19] but the enemy AD is duo Q.
[03:13:23] So it's kind of rough.
[03:13:49] Okay. so oh I'm dead I don't think that was worth his flash though an enemy has been slain I am the sun, you're the sky.
[03:14:11] Music can't make me hear.
[03:14:13] An ally has been slain!
[03:14:18] Ape-San!
[03:14:21] Your cutter has given you a blow. okay this would be easier
[03:14:38] i would prefer if we go next so doesn't have to explain himself An enemy has been slain.
[03:15:25] I will not suffer this. an enemy has been slain three I mean, I don't know how to actually do anything this game it's basically like uh
[03:16:11] yeah i mean the early game was like giga cooked I just chose to my name is I'm going to go ahead and do that. you've awoken something deep inside me
[03:17:05] i wonder what they think I knew we would bust him hard on the adventure. huh and survive
[03:17:41] like why did we back off? Hmm.
[03:18:09] I mean, we can try and go for like...
[03:18:12] Uh, I don't think we can get this dragon though.
[03:18:18] I mean they're on it, they just killed our jungler.
[03:18:41] Yeah I mean its gone. It is what i meant though like
[03:18:43] it's winnable sure but
[03:18:45] like it's gonna be so incredibly hard.
[03:18:55] Because of, like, team comp and the fact they have three drakes.
[03:18:57] Because my jungler's not trying to pry with drakes.
[03:18:59] Which means we're just going to lose on the dragons.
[03:19:07] We also have very, very low wards so I can't play out. It's hard for me to when you die for it.
[03:19:24] We can give it a try though.
[03:19:27] Fuck it, just give it the ol' effort.
[03:19:32] I'm down to try fuck it
[03:19:49] So I mean, Camille went in too early. Keanu whiffed her R.
[03:19:51] Hymer didn't follow up on the Camille ults.
[03:19:53] I mean, this is just...
[03:20:01] Yeah, I mean like you see he's better bro.
[03:20:11] I mean it's literally support mid-diff.
[03:20:19] They are taking over the game.
[03:20:24] CamilleR'd too early.
[03:20:26] Mid-lift fourth R of the game.
[03:20:31] Yes!
[03:20:34] Camille is bad.
[03:20:36] It happens.
[03:20:37] But you also
[03:20:40] roamed and whiffed our... I was made to put on a killer show.
[03:20:48] Rukainbot, left! Yes that cost us a lot though. so Do I show my true face?
[03:21:18] Mmm, it's not bro.
[03:21:21] Okay let me break this down.
[03:21:24] You are a master right?
[03:21:27] I'm not.
[03:21:28] Game isn't winnable
[03:21:31] between me being
[03:21:33] disfed
[03:21:34] He can 1v5
[03:21:40] I don't know your inhibitor has been destroyed
[03:22:12] i don't know it was wild to me here is one of those i mean it happens bro Camille, you lost to a Lulu Ashe. That's Camille. I think you are
[03:22:14] more at fault than mid.
[03:22:20] I mean,
[03:22:20] I'm going to keep it real with you boys.
[03:22:22] Like, yeah, I feel like that guy's in a glass house throwing stones.
[03:22:26] That's wild.
[03:22:29] Like the Camille player is absolutely garbage.
[03:22:32] But she's like raging at the Qiyana and the Qiyana's bad too.
[03:22:37] These players both suck right? They're both bad.
[03:22:40] But it's like okay you're both terrible but you don't understand that you're
[03:22:44] terrible so you're flaming each other right
[03:22:46] like the game is not playable like or really it was really bad too but
[03:22:51] like i didn't want to flame the lilia for being bad because
[03:22:53] like it is what it is, right?
[03:22:57] Like I said, junglers below Grandmaster
[03:22:59] to me are all the same. None of them
[03:23:01] are good. The Elise was bad too.
[03:23:03] The Elise and the Lillia are trash.
[03:23:05] The only roles that really matter pre-GM
[03:23:07] I would say, are
[03:23:09] support and jungle
[03:23:11] but
[03:23:12] mid can matter because the mid was a smurf like the enemy made it was a chow he's a child
[03:23:20] player and because then my mid was a child player and my med was a diamond player, we lose. It is one of those
[03:23:27] Like it's not
[03:23:29] rocket science
[03:23:40] So you just gotta accept it and move on that's why i was telling him like just forfeit it's not a big deal because there's no reason to get mad about stuff like that it's
[03:23:45] just not worth playing it out though because i I mean, we had a top Heimer
[03:23:48] who lost, right? If Heimredinger ever
[03:23:50] loses lane, he's going to be worthless the rest
[03:23:52] of the game. So we had a top Heimer
[03:23:54] who lost. Then we had
[03:23:56] a...
[03:24:04] A jungler who made bad play.
[03:24:07] And then we had a mid laner who made a bad play
[03:24:10] and was outclassed
[03:24:11] and then the support
[03:24:11] was just really bad.
[03:24:16] Camille's support is fine
[03:24:17] but you have to be better
[03:24:18] than the enemy.
[03:24:23] It was just a hard draft.
[03:24:28] Because in theory we should win the draft But our draft was a lot harder to play than their draft.
[03:24:34] Like, their draft was essentially like really straightforward and easy
[03:24:39] to function with, right?
[03:24:40] The enemy team was straightforward, easy to function with. The enemy team was straightforward,
[03:24:41] easy to function.
[03:24:42] Lulu Ashe, you walk up,
[03:24:45] we have to engage on them
[03:24:46] and it's up to them
[03:24:48] to make the counter-engage.
[03:24:51] Lillia is a lot harder of a champ than Elise.
[03:24:53] I think she's a lot better, but she's a little harder.
[03:24:56] Elise is really simple and basic.
[03:24:57] And then you have Tristana,
[03:24:59] one of the most basic ADs in the game.
[03:25:02] AP Nasus is just wave clearing on repeat like it is what it is
[03:25:07] but you can't win those games so you just you just stack them and say, okay let's go next.
[03:25:13] Like there will always be games
[03:25:16] that are unwinnable in a league no matter what
[03:25:17] elo you're in because people will be autofilled
[03:25:19] or people will be outclassed or
[03:25:21] mismatched or whatever it is. It'll
[03:25:24] always exist.
[03:25:26] You've just got to be okay with that. because you know it is what it is... you
[03:26:19] you
[03:26:23] you you
[03:26:25] you you............... All right.... I'm going to try this first strike slipper garbage trap. i'm gonna give it a try so so so. Oh, fuck!
[03:31:01] What the fuck? oh Oh, my mic's down. Hello?
[03:31:33] Is that better?
[03:31:35] Are we showing? Is that better?
[03:31:38] Are we chilling?
[03:31:38] Hello.
[03:31:40] Are we vibing?
[03:31:41] Are we good?
[03:32:04] Hello, hello.. Sorry about that guys.
[03:32:05] I apologize. I apologize.
[03:32:15] Dude,
[03:32:15] I'm gonna try this.
[03:32:17] Apparently QT is running this like...
[03:32:18] This Siv sever thing.
[03:32:20] I'm gonna try this. It looks boring as fuck.
[03:32:24] But he's winning so much
[03:32:26] I wanna see if it's actually
[03:32:28] good.
[03:32:32] ... if it's actually good. I mean,
[03:32:33] it looks incredibly boring.
[03:32:39] Like,
[03:32:43] his entire strategy is literally just farm
[03:32:44] and he just spams the
[03:32:47] first strike thing because
[03:32:49] his W gives him first strike by bouncing through the minion wave. Like this looks so fucking dog shit.
[03:33:15] But like...
[03:33:16] I'm down to see why it's winning.
[03:33:21] Right?
[03:33:22] It looks to me like what this does
[03:33:25] is this just makes up for the fact
[03:33:28] that he's always got to play
[03:33:29] with a terrible fucking support player.
[03:33:31] You know what this makes me think of?
[03:33:33] This makes me think of? This makes me think of, like,
[03:33:35] your entire strategy is just
[03:33:37] you
[03:33:39] know your team is going to suck
[03:33:40] so you make it impossible
[03:33:42] to dive you, ever.
[03:33:46] Like, you make
[03:33:47] it impossible to take turrets and impossible
[03:33:49] to dive you. And then you always get
[03:33:51] like he takes
[03:33:52] a he goes fucking
[03:34:00] cash back first strike.
[03:34:02] So,
[03:34:03] he makes like
[03:34:03] he gets like two items
[03:34:05] because he finished his first item at 12 minutes He makes like, he gets like two items.
[03:34:07] Wait, has he finished his first item at 12 minutes?
[03:34:11] Second item at 18.
[03:34:12] He got IE at 18 minutes.
[03:34:13] Third item at 23.
[03:34:18] So he's just like essentially getting four items by 25 minutes every game.
[03:34:21] Two items by 15 this game?
[03:34:24] Like, he's just getting so much gold. Okay. So I kind of want to see what it's like. like you know let's see so It looks like it's boring as shit to play, though.
[03:35:06] Like, I'll be honest,
[03:35:06] it looks so boring.
[03:35:08] But it looks like...
[03:35:08] I mean, he wins, like,
[03:35:09] so many games. It just looks boring
[03:35:11] as fuck.
[03:35:15] So we'll see how it goes. We'll see how it goes.
[03:35:19] Because I think sometimes you just...
[03:35:23] Sometimes you've just got to be bored.. So let's give it a try, lads.
[03:35:49] Let's give it a try.
[03:35:50] All right. to try.
[03:36:02] I just want to try it out.
[03:36:02] I don't think I'm going to spam it, but I want to try it out. I don't think
[03:36:03] I'm going to spam it,
[03:36:04] but I want to try it out
[03:36:04] and see how it feels.
[03:36:31] All right.. Wait, what is this? Wait, what the fuck?
[03:36:42] Oh my god okay I'm gonna be real guys this items broken now what What?
[03:37:04] They made it?
[03:37:10] What the fuck.
[03:37:17] This item is already really OP.
[03:37:19] Like, Dom's is
[03:37:21] Really, really, really good
[03:37:23] So they made it so
[03:37:25] Dom's is now
[03:37:27] The best item in the game for crit.
[03:37:35] Where that's wild.
[03:37:40] Wait, Dom's just so OP.
[03:37:43] I don't even know
[03:37:44] what to say about that.
[03:37:45] That's crazy.
[03:37:49] I think Draven is really gonna like that though.
[03:37:52] Because now, before you could go BT Doms
[03:37:54] but you would have this shitty Quick Cloak
[03:37:56] But now you can go Noon Quiver
[03:37:57] You can just go BT Noon Quiver
[03:37:59] It's pretty OP, I like it You can just go BT Ninquiver.
[03:38:02] It's pretty OP, I like it.
[03:38:04] Okay, so what do we have here?
[03:38:07] Alright chat, wake up!
[03:38:09] Everybody time to wake up lads, time to wake up!
[03:38:10] Wake the fuck up! It's time to wake up. Wake the fuck up.
[03:38:13] It's time to wake
[03:38:14] the fuck
[03:38:15] up.
[03:38:29] Okay, All right. Let's see how this goes, let's see how this goes.
[03:38:33] Let's see how this goes.
[03:38:45] Welcome to the League of Dreams. Yo, Medicon!
[03:38:46] Bigger than 17 months, man.
[03:38:47] Welcome back.
[03:38:48] I promise. So what does...
[03:39:00] What does this actually do?
[03:39:04] Let's see. Okay, okay, okay, okay. What does this actually do?
[03:39:09] Let's see how... Okay, okay. Who thinks this is gonna be good?
[03:39:13] One in the chat if we're going to be rich. Two in the chat if we are going to be dead.
[03:39:19] Lies or whatever works out like that. in the chat if we're gonna be dead. No resident sleepers
[03:39:21] in the chats.
[03:39:22] Only pogchamps.
[03:39:24] No resident sleepers. None! None? champs. No resonance labels!
[03:39:27] None! a problem i've got a price
[03:40:02] money money money money money money
[03:40:22] what's else goes What's the other guys? money money money money money
[03:40:24] money money
[03:40:26] right Where are they?
[03:40:37] We're rich
[03:41:51] wait i already have 95 golds so so place so so What?
[03:41:55] Look at that Corki!
[03:42:08] Oh, you did not play that correctly. Miss Renata,
[03:42:11] you got a little
[03:42:14] . little uh i'm not gonna lie to you bro
[03:42:26] I don't know why I flashed.
[03:42:27] I'm retarded.
[03:42:31] How come the E, by the way, didn't...
[03:42:34] Can anybody tell me
[03:42:36] why the E didn't work?
[03:42:40] Like, my E didn't go off when he...
[03:42:42] I guess Corki's E isn't an actual ability.
[03:42:46] I was like, oh shit,
[03:42:47] I'm gonna be too fed and then i wasn't
[03:42:58] wait how much gold have I made from first strike?
[03:43:00] 72 GOLD!
[03:43:04] What?!
[03:43:06] I made 72
[03:43:08] Gold in the first fucking four minutes of the game Wait, that's wild! so so so so It's like so impossible for them to dodge all of like the first strikes We are getting ganked by Brand 100%. Oh
[03:45:17] I mean, I'm pretty sure he kills that guy now.
[03:45:19] You got him, right?
[03:45:21] What?
[03:45:25] Wait, why did he stop moving?
[03:45:43] Skarner? Skarn... scart How much gold have I made?
[03:45:45] 145 gold.
[03:45:47] That's pretty wild.
[03:46:03] Like, I just have an extra 145 gold, just by chilling. That is pretty fucking insane. Okay, okay, okay. Hold on.
[03:46:06] We just gotta keep going.
[03:46:23] Okay. right we just stand here and we just spam shove waves and stack for a strike
[03:46:30] easy peasy.
[03:46:38] Every time it's off cooldown, we W. we double you so Fuck.
[03:47:18] I should have fought with the Renata thing.
[03:47:20] That was my bad, Renata.
[03:47:22] I'm sorry.
[03:47:24] I should've fought with her W.
[03:47:26] I didn't think she would W me on that timer.
[03:47:27] That's my bad, my bad bro.
[03:47:31] Because she landed the Q and I was like oh we can all in here.
[03:47:35] But I don't actually think I do damage.
[03:47:39] So, I think when we do that We just have to permanently poke
[03:47:43] This build is like
[03:47:45] You literally just permanently poke
[03:48:09] scale and have infinite items that's like that's how you play this I mean they're kind of trolling though the enemy bombing they they're kind of trolling because they backed on a really bad tempo but okay
[03:48:28] i think we're about to be ganked by Brands.
[03:48:35] Yup, there it is. Ooh, she did not ulti or W me.
[03:48:56] Oh man, that was not good by her
[03:49:02] so she needed to ulti as they were running at us okay so
[03:50:07] the reason that was so bad is because she held her old team way too long Crack him like a tomb. uh i won't die Nice job. Huge!
[03:50:15] ... And then we go IE second. okay so so Not bad! God, we've almost taken the whole turret?
[03:51:23] Dude, we've almost
[03:51:24] taken the whole turret. How much gold have we made off this?
[03:51:28] So at 12 minutes...
[03:51:30] We have made...
[03:51:34] Okay.
[03:51:35] We have made 260 gold in 12 minutes and we've had 168 back so we've essentially made 400 extra gold saved in 12 minutes. So, we have 400 gold saved so far An enemy has been slain.
[03:52:10] The investments are kicking in boys. uh so so oh i did should have ulted that oh i should have eat that Okay, I...
[03:53:10] My reaction time is old man. That was my bad.
[03:53:13] I'm just
[03:53:14] bad. I should have
[03:53:15] eaten it.
[03:53:18] Oops. Oops.
[03:53:21] What is going on?
[03:53:23] This is wild.
[03:53:23] So we're still losing though.
[03:53:25] So who's the weak link here?
[03:53:27] Like what's happening?
[03:53:27] Okay, cannon's getting kind of railed by Malphite
[03:53:29] which is both embarrassing but
[03:53:32] funny at the same time
[03:53:33] but it's okay
[03:53:34] like it is
[03:53:38] what it is one of those. so Orky got full bot turret which is wild
[03:54:16] like i don't think that should have happened but you know it is one of those so All right.
[03:54:44] I think it's time to go get Infinity Edge.
[03:54:48] How much gold do we save on IE,
[03:54:50] I wonder?
[03:54:51] It's gotta be a decent amount.
[03:54:55] Right? like...
[03:54:57] The Shiv was 168.
[03:54:59] I thought he was way more expensive.
[03:55:08] Wow we saved like 200 gold on IE.
[03:55:11] Damn!
[03:55:16] 16 minutes? We have two full items with boots at 16.
[03:55:20] That's pretty sick. What's up, T-Split?
[03:55:24] That's okay. I know how much you love looking at a gray screen. It makes you feel at home. so Whoa, buddy! Just back up. What are you doing?
[03:56:01] What is going on over there? Yo, Kennen, you should go
[03:56:05] cover that wave.
[03:56:13] What am I watching?
[03:56:14] What is happening? Okay. oh Oh is I think my team is too tilted over nothing. We just scale it up.
[03:57:09] What does he get before this?
[03:57:17] Like what's his third item? Is it a doms? Oh it is. Yeah, he usually gets more domes before he gets this item but oh skarner did not play that correct All we really have to do here is just scale. Yo, what are we doing guys?
[03:58:22] Why aren't we playing the game?
[03:59:01] I ulted but nobody went in. Oof, we need to back up. I am really low.
[03:59:15] What is this? Don't we just kill do baron here but I don't want to ping it because everybody's low and it would be a really risky-ass Baron.
[03:59:26] Alright let's see...
[03:59:30] So I've made 600 gold off of first strike.
[03:59:34] We have three full items at 20 minutes,
[03:59:36] and I've gotten 500 gold for free.
[03:59:41] What did I just watch? That... TF just trolled that.
[03:59:47] TF trolled THAT really fucking hard!
[03:59:51] Like, that was like embarrassing.
[03:59:55] Pretty sure that guy's dead, I don't need to go down there.
[03:59:58] Right? Ah, I should've gone down there.
[04:00:01] Oh nice okay.
[04:00:42] Yeah they're on burn. I think it's okay using my ult for that. It kind of solidifies that they won't do Baron. Dude, the static shiv giving you the...
[04:00:43] Okay.
[04:00:44] I'm not going to lie though.
[04:00:45] The static shiv giving you the first strike proc is really fucking funny
[04:00:52] Okay, I think what we should do is
[04:00:55] Honestly just fucking fight them on this next
[04:00:58] dragon.
[04:01:01] Low-key.
[04:01:05] Oh, my first
[04:01:06] strike.
[04:01:23] Okay. Oh, my first strike. We should be invading as much as we can right now. Trust, come here! We need to group up.
[04:01:33] Push one mid wave and then group. so Thank you. We should actually go to Baron by the way. Like fuck dragon and go to Baron.
[04:02:14] We should do Baron, do Baron.
[04:02:20] I'm gonna try to get a kill here. so so so lot. okay
[04:03:12] what is this corky doing quirky you good bro so so And I really need to go back and buy.
[04:03:51] Bro, I don't know what to say because this feels like you just like an infinite gold hack.
[04:04:21] I have four items at 25 minutes.
[04:04:27] I've made pretty much 1400 effective gold with these two runes.
[04:04:37] Like there's no way that's balanced.
[04:04:42] Like for real? Like there's no way that's balanced Like 1400 gold
[04:05:36] Holy fuck! so so oh i'm dead. But I think my team killed them all?
[04:05:39] I think?
[04:05:41] Maybe?
[04:05:42] I don't know.
[04:05:44] The homies were a little late, but like, you know,
[04:05:46] I can't get too mad at them. They're just chillin'.
[04:05:52] Like they were
[04:05:53] a little bit late, but like, you know,
[04:05:54] I did have to like
[04:05:55] play that perfect and i didn't i mean yeah this is wild though you just
[04:05:59] have like nine cs a minute right 760 gold on first strike. 700 gold cashback
[04:06:09] I mean...
[04:06:15] It's kinda OP.
[04:06:19] It's kind of boring, but it's like...
[04:06:23] I feel like consistency? like, consistency-wise,
[04:06:28] you could do this
[04:06:29] every game.
[04:06:31] Because,
[04:06:32] like,
[04:06:32] we didn't win lane.
[04:06:33] Like,
[04:06:33] we went even
[04:06:34] in lane phase.
[04:06:36] Right?
[04:06:36] Like,
[04:06:36] we didn't win lane
[04:06:37] or anything. So so i definitely feel like you could do this every game
[04:06:45] and then you're just ahead like quirky only has two items and I'm at four.
[04:06:57] And Sivir's not weak at like max items.
[04:06:58] So you get 100% crit with like max items so you get 100
[04:06:59] with sever or you get like max item server she's not weak right like she's
[04:07:04] really good with six items because silver has some of the best
[04:07:07] like scaling in the game when it comes to just playing
[04:07:11] the game. Her actual
[04:07:15] scaling isn't bad. uh-oh so um so Pretty sure we can send this now Damn it!
[04:08:36] I tried.
[04:08:44] Cool, alright well we're Cool.
[04:08:49] Alright, well we're like six items.
[04:08:55] Wait you don't sell boots I forgot. Wait wait wait wait I'm an idiot, you don't sell boots. I forgot. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
[04:08:56] I'm an idiot. You do this.
[04:08:59] I forgot you don't sell boots anymore.
[04:09:00] I thought...
[04:09:00] I like forgot about the boot sale.
[04:09:03] All right guys, we are 30 minutes into the game.
[04:09:09] And... We are 30 minutes into the game. And we have, after 30 minutes,
[04:09:14] 1,900 extra gold from runes.
[04:09:27] And we are six full items at 30 minutes that is absolutely wild The homies are a little nervous to play the game right now. I get it, they're not very strong.
[04:09:55] Like, I think i'm the only one who's strong in this game so like I understand why they're nervous
[04:09:59] I've been there, I get it. so oh Uh-oh.
[04:10:41] Okay, yeah this is not balanced.
[04:10:56] This is NOT balanced oh my god holy okay okay okay so this is like
[04:11:00] like you don't even have to be good so the problem with this
[04:11:05] is you genuinely
[04:11:07] don't even have to be a good
[04:11:09] player to do this.
[04:11:13] Those were Diamond 1 Masters players.
[04:11:18] Right?
[04:11:20] D1 Master level players...
[04:11:24] And I dropped 6 items Sivir at 30 minutes with 60,000 damage.
[04:11:32] And I didn't do anything.
[04:11:44] Okay. I didn't do anything. I earned 21,000 golds just off this rune, I earned 947.
[04:12:00] And with the cashback,
[04:12:01] I had like 1700 or something.
[04:12:04] I don't remember what it was.
[04:12:05] It was ridiculous though.
[04:12:08] Hold on.
[04:12:08] I want to look at the...
[04:12:09] How do I look at
[04:12:10] the gold graph of the game?
[04:12:11] I have to go into the...
[04:12:13] I have to go here, right?
[04:12:15] So we'll get that.
[04:12:21] Oh! Oh my god, it's like...
[04:12:27] Whoop! Stonks.
[04:12:34] This is gross, dude!
[04:12:38] Holy fuck!
[04:12:42] This is actually disgusting.
[04:12:49] We were actually losing at one point somehow.
[04:12:58] We were like, losing at some point and then all of a sudden we just hit that like critical mass
[04:13:05] like look at the gold difference man like i know
[04:13:08] i had 18 kills at the end of the game right so like it's
[04:13:11] it's a little bit uh objective but Can I DM you?
[04:13:30] I mean, I guess so.
[04:13:32] If you want to...
[04:13:41] So, you can get six items for nineteen thousand six hundred and ninety five
[04:13:51] gold so all it costs to be six item silver is 19k interesting
[04:14:00] okay dude the dumbest part about it though is it's almost Okay.
[04:14:08] Dude, the dumbest part about it though is It's almost impossible to avoid Sivir getting free first strikes
[04:14:13] I think the biggest issue was
[04:14:22] On my first back I had already made you know what was actually the biggest issue with this my first back I had already made 80 gold on First Strike.
[04:14:34] 80 gold on your first back is like an extra what?
[04:14:42] Four casters? Five casters five casters so it's like an extra 5cs
[04:14:45] five caster minions because each caster is what, 15?
[04:14:50] Casters are what, 15 early so that yeah around there.
[04:14:55] Wow! Wow.
[04:15:03] It's pretty good.
[04:15:04] An extra, like, 5 CS on my level 3
[04:15:08] on my first back? think that's op it's not just a pure eco rune.
[04:15:23] I mean, it kind of is...
[04:15:24] When did my first strike actually do anything
[04:15:27] though? Like the damage?
[04:15:32] Like... damage. Like,
[04:15:32] I'll show
[04:15:34] you what I mean. So like if you compare
[04:15:36] this, like this is
[04:15:38] 1100 damage right from
[04:15:40] first strike? If we compare that to like an ash game with press the attack
[04:15:46] it's like just much like this was at 24 minutes minutes. That game, somebody AFK'd that doesn't count. But at 19 minutes I had the same damage from Press the Attack as the six item sever with first strike.. Dude, you guys know what i absolutely love about uh saying something like controversial
[04:16:51] on like your videos and for uh like tick tock in in youtube TikTok and YouTube
[04:16:57] and shit,
[04:16:58] you can rage bait people so
[04:17:01] easy to just type.
[04:17:19] ... I put out like a short or whatever, and it was me with Yumiumi and we made a cool play. Oh, whatever you want. But I love it.
[04:17:42] I have so many people
[04:17:44] on TikTok
[04:17:48] and on YouTube short,
[04:17:52] like saying like,
[04:17:53] oh you got carried by Yumi.
[04:17:56] And I'm like,
[04:17:58] no,
[04:17:58] yeah.
[04:19:09] You, like, yeah. You guys should keep typing and telling me how I got carried. Wait they picked my sever! You fucker. Let me think for two seconds.. What if we just do Kaitlyn with first strike? Kaylin's a little nerfed, but she's not that bad.
[04:19:10] She's still decent. And Cait Karma isn't bad. Wait, this entire game is going to be who can get the first strike off first that actually would have been so much fun I
[04:19:44] wanted to go fucking first-strike strike. That sounded so much fun!
[04:19:57] I was actually kind of excited about that.
[04:20:00] You
[04:20:00] son-of-a-bitch! Who dodged?
[04:20:06] Chat, which one of you
[04:20:07] wasn't?
[04:20:09] Which one of you fucks
[04:20:10] was the dodge man I'm gonna find you
[04:20:11] trust me I'll find you and oh
[04:20:26] let's just say you're not going to be happy Hold on a second. just to die Did you guys see this shit?
[04:21:09] I was looking at Reddit.
[04:21:10] There's a Reddit thread.
[04:21:13] Any good jungle streamers that don't
[04:21:15] whine and complain all the time?
[04:21:52] ..... Don't do it. Don't pick sever, don't pick sever, don't pick sever.
[04:21:54] Don't pick sever, don't pick Sever.
[04:21:58] Don't pick Sever!
[04:22:00] You don't want to play Sever.
[04:22:02] She's a shitty champion, you don't wanna play her.
[04:22:04] Don't pick Sivir.
[04:22:07] Sweet. What are these Sivir skins?
[04:22:19] What is Mythmaker's Sivir?
[04:22:25] What?! shaker sipper. What? I've never seen this outside of like, there's
[04:22:37] like the TFT skin or something.
[04:22:46] Cafe Cuties Sivir?
[04:22:51] Oh.
[04:22:53] Wait, why is she kind of like...
[04:22:57] Why is she kind of uh you know wow
[04:23:06] sneaky Bandit Zipper looks like it was drawn in 2004.
[04:23:17] This looks like it was drawn in 1990.
[04:23:21] This looks like Wonder Woman.
[04:23:25] This looks like 1990. Okay. Wait, what did you link me? What is this?
[04:24:01] I don't know if you've seen this guy, but he's on drugs dying and 500 people are making
[04:24:08] fun of him.
[04:24:09] What?
[04:24:10] What do you mean I mean, it seems like a dude sitting in a chair. chair
[04:24:38] report him i mean i'm not going to report the stream just because you said
[04:24:43] that he's doing that like i don't know what's happening, but like...
[04:24:49] Like no flame
[04:24:51] to you, right? Like I'm sure you're
[04:24:53] like- You gotta understand it from my point of view
[04:24:55] though, like I don't know anything about what situation you gotta understand it from my point of view, though.
[04:24:57] I don't know anything about what situation's going
[04:24:59] on or like what the fuck's going on.
[04:25:01] I'm just not gonna do that.
[04:25:03] If there's enough...
[04:25:04] My report's not going to change anything.
[04:25:08] If he's
[04:25:10] really in danger or something,
[04:25:12] message Twitch support
[04:25:14] or at Twitch on Twitter
[04:25:15] to get a fast response.
[04:25:19] Because, like, I mean,
[04:25:20] I can't do anything.
[04:25:20] It's not like my report
[04:25:21] is going to have any more impact
[04:25:22] than your report, right?
[04:25:24] Like, if that is actually
[04:25:26] something bad happening.
[04:25:29] So it's not...
[04:25:31] And I can't tell without more...
[04:25:33] I don't have time to look into
[04:25:34] that type of shit right now.
[04:25:38] I'm not trying to be rude.
[04:25:40] Respectfully,
[04:25:46] I just don't think that like that's a good good choice
[04:25:53] but it said if it's something you're worried about try and get in contact
[04:25:56] with twitch directly through like twitter or something like that. Dude, I'll be honest with you guys.
[04:26:16] Having to tell every jungler in existence that leashing is bad...
[04:26:19] It might just be my most hated thing
[04:26:23] about playing AD carry.
[04:26:28] Because everybody's been
[04:26:29] leashing for years, right?
[04:26:31] But leashing in this season is completely worthless.
[04:26:33] Unless there's like a really specific reason to be
[04:26:36] leashing it's pretty worthless.
[04:26:42] Okay we can't actually fight this.
[04:26:51] We have to let this push in because nautilus was late to the lane because he was leashing
[04:26:58] this is like exactly what i'm talking about so because not always was late to the win
[04:27:02] and he was only right to the lane because he was he was leasing but because he was only late to the lane because He was leashing But because he was late
[04:27:06] What ends up happening is
[04:27:09] We get pushed in
[04:27:11] Because
[04:27:11] I mean it's a Zyra Ashe lane
[04:27:14] Man my fucking I mean, it's a Zyra-Ash lane.
[04:27:17] Man, my fucking...
[04:27:27] So because it's a Zyra-Ash lane, we have to be relatively careful right well you see how easy it is for them to just simply like You see what I mean though?
[04:27:42] It's very, very easy for them to just simply gain control of the lane,
[04:27:48] and if they have control
[04:27:49] of the lane,
[04:27:50] it's really hard
[04:27:51] against stuff like Ashe
[04:27:52] or like Zyra
[04:27:54] to actually have control
[04:27:55] of what's about
[04:27:57] to occur.
[04:28:01] Here I don't want to let this guy freeze this so I'm going to push the swathe in wait that was actually a crazy
[04:28:06] fucking this nautilus is insane wait that was actually crazy
[04:28:24] well you guys saw that right? I haven't seen a support make a good play like that in like a week
[04:28:34] wait that's wild loyalty Not bringing the heat? Honestly, real talk. It makes you want to shout. Everything lights up, it makes you want to get tagged until i can w the wave because i want to proc my first strike so laws or whatever works at the time Fuck.
[04:30:04] You know what else is kind of fun about Sivir?
[04:30:07] You just push and then your support can just roam.
[04:30:11] This is actually kind of a wild strategy!
[04:30:15] You just have really good income
[04:30:17] with first strike,
[04:30:19] right?
[04:30:21] You push perma
[04:30:23] with the strat and then your support
[04:30:25] can just roam.
[04:30:29] Oh, And then your support can just roam Oh you fucker
[04:30:42] Um My cannon.
[04:30:45] Ooh, okay I might die here though. Yeah, I'm dead. That was my bad though 100% because I was tunnel visioning on trying to
[04:30:55] get my first strike gold too much. Might be.
[04:31:04] It's fine though. Like, I'm focusing on trying to i'm just gonna play normally and
[04:31:14] i'll just get first strike gold naturally
[04:31:17] i think that's the best way to play this we play normal and we'll just get it naturally uh I'm going to go ahead and do this. God damn it.
[04:32:03] They're too good at dodging everything.
[04:32:11] Ha!
[04:32:11] First strike, bitch.
[04:32:15] Hey, bitch. Hey hey
[04:32:17] Wait
[04:32:19] I just saw Zac he's bot
[04:32:21] Yeah
[04:32:47] ... so I don't know if I can actually play the game here uh-oh
[04:33:25] what Dude, there is no way you just kicked him away. way Listen.
[04:34:22] That was so bad. Yo Jason, thank you for the 18. Welcome back! What is happening? Stop. oh that's not good i don't think we can even play that, bro.
[04:34:41] Like hello? Like that is some damage. Oh, I'm dead.
[04:34:45] I think they killed that guy though.
[04:34:47] They should.
[04:34:47] He shouldn't just die.
[04:34:50] But I mean yeah my bad.
[04:34:52] Push the wave?
[04:34:56] I was greeting, trying to get my fucking static shiv.
[04:35:04] I only needed fucking one more wave.
[04:35:07] Wait, what is this?
[04:35:09] You guys can't just leave the...
[04:35:10] Whatever.
[04:35:12] I'll fix it.
[04:35:13] I'll fix it. I'LL FIX IT! There you fall I can't help that guy.
[04:35:50] I'm sorry, bro.
[04:35:51] You're doomed. The only thing I look up to is the power of the monster. I'm gonna keep it real with you.
[04:36:13] I don't know if i win that.
[04:36:17] Pressing attack is pretty broken. Like maybe I fucked up.
[04:36:21] There's a chance that I messed up there, I just don't know.
[04:36:26] I definitely messed up there i didn't get my cannon
[04:36:39] all right we'll push this wave in and hopefully...
[04:36:47] Hopefully we're gonna go back, we're gonna get static back and get Static Shiv.
[04:36:52] And hopefully we can play for this dragon because we are very strong on Boss side. is uh oh not osu's ult on the tryndamere over the wall that's not good
[04:37:20] this is really awkward.
[04:37:31] Like I can't fight Ashe 1v1 as Simmer.
[04:37:33] It's not possible.
[04:37:36] By the way.
[04:37:37] Like, it's actually just not possible.
[04:37:39] Even though I have a full item.
[04:37:41] Like, his Shiv is just bad.
[04:37:43] Oh, I'm just dead.
[04:37:46] Okay. just bad oh i'm just dead
[04:37:50] okay this ash doesn't that bad she's on me just now yeah i mean okay and as i have been slain
[04:38:07] kings come and go but you have to you have to make a play
[04:38:11] in elaine before you can do an objective well you can't do the objective
[04:38:15] if your bot lane is weaker
[04:38:16] and right now we are weaker because ash is a stronger champ than i am at this stage of the game here so i mean you guys can play me all you want but like there's just no way for me to fight that
[04:38:52] like it's not it's not fightable
[04:39:03] okay Like, it's not fightable. Like, Ashe played it right.
[04:39:05] She played it correct.
[04:39:06] The problem is, like, I can't walk...
[04:39:08] Okay, so what ends up happening? When they started Dragon
[04:39:11] Ashe was pushing in bot waves
[04:39:13] What ends up happening there
[04:39:15] If I walked to fight that as she's doing dragon
[04:39:17] What will happen
[04:39:19] Is I won't be able to actually play the game because she'll just push the wave in
[04:39:23] i will get denied and then all if she walks over i lose that whole wave
[04:39:27] right it's like the same thing that's happening right now to the enemy team, where
[04:39:34] the enemy is going to lose
[04:39:36] resources.
[04:39:45] We can't actually fight that just because the mouth peeped. But yeah, it's like the enemy uses resources to stop the dragon or to play off of certain like, certain things. And then because
[04:39:53] the enemy used those resources
[04:39:54] or because I pushed the wave in
[04:39:57] she's gonna lose a bunch of shits.
[04:40:00] Essentially what's happening is my team
[04:40:01] is raging because they're playing off tempo of each other and getting mad about it.
[04:40:11] It's a very common thing that happens in lower level play.
[04:40:16] Where they will play off tempo with each other and get angry at each other. Like, right now, Nautilus needs
[04:40:33] to not ever go in unless he can R.
[04:40:36] Because you see how Ashe just killed him?
[04:40:38] I can't play the game.
[04:40:40] You can only...
[04:40:43] He can only fight with R.
[04:40:45] He needs to just chill. He also doesn't understand
[04:41:03] that the reason I'm down so much CS
[04:41:05] it's because
[04:41:07] you engage poorly and I can't play.
[04:41:27] This Ash is getting a free lane because Zyra is better. That's it for no reason.
[04:41:29] I might mute them because
[04:41:33] I have a really bad feeling that I'm talking to Diamond players
[04:41:37] and I think Diamond players might have brain damage
[04:41:40] and I think talking to people with brain damage,
[04:41:42] it gives you brain damage.
[04:41:44] So it's good...
[04:41:45] It's just not worth like, you know...
[04:41:47] I might as well just keep my mental.
[04:41:55] Ooh! i might as well just keep my mental what is this guy doing Wait, I'm just gonna die. I feel like I should actually go Lord Dom's next instead of IE.
[04:42:27] Even though it sounds kind of troll,
[04:42:29] I think the Lord Dom's might actually be a better second item
[04:42:31] because their team is pretty much just a bunch of tanky champions But yeah, we're just going to try our best
[04:42:49] to wave clear and scale.
[04:42:51] That's all we can really do.
[04:42:58] Wave clear and scale!
[04:43:00] Fuck this mouse! house so I mean, there's not much I can do with that one.
[04:43:53] We shouldn't be fighting... When we're behind this much gold, we shouldn't be just forcing fights.
[04:43:59] It doesn't make sense.
[04:44:01] You let them take tower
[04:44:03] and then you play for scaling.
[04:44:07] What's happening is what's happening
[04:44:09] Is what happens in a lot of lower level games
[04:44:11] Where people
[04:44:13] Will get flustered if something goes bad
[04:44:15] And what they'll do is
[04:44:17] They'll start trying to get back into the game through fighting.
[04:44:19] I talk about this a lot, right?
[04:44:21] But people will try and get back into the game through fighting.
[04:44:24] But you can't get back into games through fighting when you're behind.
[04:44:27] You have to get back into the games through like,
[04:44:37] getting picks and number advantages. So you want to get objectives on the map and number advantages and things like that.
[04:44:40] You want to fight them when you have
[04:44:42] odds or when
[04:44:44] you get a pick on somebody through vision
[04:44:46] or... So like here, right? My team is trying to go for this dragon but we will not even if I'm there. We do not win this dragon fight.
[04:45:04] Like, until I get at least two items we can't... I can't kill their tanks.
[04:45:12] So like, this is one of those moments where I tell you guys,
[04:45:13] your team is going to do weird shit.
[04:45:16] They're gonna disforce fights, they're gonna be tilted yada-yada.
[04:45:20] You have to try your absolute hardest in games,
[04:45:25] especially in games like this where you don't think you can win.
[04:45:28] We might not be able to win this.
[04:45:29] It might just be doomed.
[04:45:31] But the way to get back into the game is not to like play the game
[04:45:36] The way that the enemy wants to play it, which is to fight permanently.
[04:45:43] Fighting perma is not how you win when you're behind.
[04:45:49] Like, look at the gold I just got from sitting on top side of
[04:45:53] the map, right?
[04:45:56] Like if I go mid we're not winning a team fight
[04:45:58] but now I have two items. So
[04:46:00] now even though like we still might
[04:46:02] lose because of just the snowball that's occurring
[04:46:04] even though we still might lose it's still better to because of just the snowball that's occurring.
[04:46:09] Even though we still might lose, it's still better to... Now we have a better chance than if I just show up
[04:46:11] to a fight with no items and just start like
[04:46:14] praying essentially.
[04:46:16] At least now we have a much better chance to win Okay.
[04:46:43] You might want to W to me? Or don't, okay.
[04:46:48] For whatever reason he did not to use his WK.
[04:46:49] Understood?
[04:47:06] Ah! ah i was trying to wave clear so that we could uh fight but i don't do enough damage to wave clear the whole wave without uh dying first
[04:47:14] oh that's a good chance to get a shutdown actually
[04:47:17] oh huge okay two shutdowns see that's a good point nice it's nice
[04:47:27] so vex actually got big shut down there that That's massive. That's massive.
[04:47:47] Dude, I think if Nautilus players want to play Nautilus, they should always ban... I think Nautilus players ban...
[04:47:48] I see them ban Morgana a lot.
[04:47:50] But I think Zyra is worse than Morganaa for them to be honest with you morgana's just the
[04:47:59] like dog champion they should always just ban zyra becausera's a lot better of a champ than Morg.
[04:48:10] Uh-oh, that guy's
[04:48:11] fucking... Uh oh, that guy's fuckin'... I mean, I don't do any damage man
[04:49:11] i only have two items my damage is very low uh so not bad huge kick huge Huge!
[04:49:27] Not that bad.
[04:49:28] We need to play for...
[04:49:30] we really need to play for Dragon, not Baron.
[04:49:33] Baron's the worst call here bro.
[04:49:35] We don't have the damage to kill Baron right now?
[04:49:37] Like Malthus is too strong and Tryndamere would end the game.
[04:49:41] So what we need to do is push out mid,
[04:49:42] push out bot
[04:49:43] and try and get vision on dragon
[04:49:46] but my team is gonna play for Baron
[04:49:47] Okay well that's...
[04:49:49] That is the worst call possible but it is what it is because i mean yeah you see how like they just stop baron without even trying
[04:50:08] that's what i meant, it's too easy.
[04:50:17] Also if you play for bot lane You have to get objectives on the timers
[04:50:21] Like Lee Sin did play for bot
[04:50:22] but like I said they never took objectives
[04:50:24] this is another thing that I think
[04:50:26] gets overlooked a lot
[04:50:28] to a lot of people when they play League
[04:50:30] they think that just playing on the side of the map
[04:50:32] automatically wins that side of the game.
[04:50:35] But it doesn't.
[04:50:36] You have to use your lead
[04:50:38] to get objectives.
[04:51:38] And a double kill! so uh-oh please don't hold me mouth i'm so dead he stopped chasing oh thank god i don't think so I mean, dude There are so many minions
[04:51:39] I'm dying to fucking supers, man
[04:51:42] Literally dying
[04:51:45] To super minions, man
[04:51:46] Yeah, I mean this game literally dying to super minions man
[04:51:48] yeah i mean this game was like this was hard we did play bot side
[04:51:53] but the problem was is after we played bot my team was forcing too many things on too bad of tempo and it was like we can't
[04:52:05] play that way if that makes sense.
[04:52:13] Like I said, it was essentially just like... I could tell it was a low elo
[04:52:15] game
[04:52:16] just simply off of how my jungler and support were playing diamond masters peak whatever
[04:52:23] so it's an autofill. He's just autofilled.
[04:52:34] Yeah, it's just a... It's an autofill jungler versus non-autofill
[04:52:37] jungler.
[04:52:38] It is what it is.
[04:52:44] Okay. It is what it is. Why am I being added right now by the jungler?
[04:52:48] You guys think he's...
[04:52:52] What do you think he's gonna say
[04:52:52] okay
[04:52:55] he unadded man I mean, the jungler got like giga gapped.
[04:53:06] Like that was a pure jungle gap
[04:53:08] because we lost three dragons
[04:53:10] and we lost all the objectives.
[04:53:16] Oh, he added me again. Okay. I mean
[04:53:28] there's not really much to say it was just jungle gap
[04:53:30] he was auto
[04:53:32] filled it's not even his fault I don't know why he's angry.
[04:53:35] We could add him and see. Oh well.
[04:53:43] Hmm um I got sawed once. It was once um um So your idea of league is everyone leaves their waves to come do Drake for fun
[04:55:00] like okay
[04:55:04] I get you are
[04:55:06] upset yes GM
[04:55:08] supports our bad players.
[04:55:15] GM is bad. Lowbrow.
[04:55:18] Yes I'm for sure Master Peak. You caught me.
[04:55:29] This is my main all improve.
[04:55:34] My bad man,
[04:55:41] It's okay to be bad at jungle.
[04:55:44] You don't need like, you don't need to be this angry.
[04:55:51] Okay? So you understand, you got gaps. That's completely okay. But you shouldn't blame others when you get gaps
[04:56:11] well lo evo claims whoever they think is bad doesn't mean they aren't
[04:56:19] low you know like what four diamonds climbing someone doesn't make it correct
[04:57:02] i mean I mean. You. You will be master 1 LP. Until you take accountability welcome the climb
[04:57:12] wish you the best
[04:57:16] your home is diamond
[04:57:25] i mute now and plug in diamonds aren't worth talking to gm is diamond to me.
[04:57:30] Bye-bye. I don't even know why he's angry.
[04:57:45] It's wild.
[04:57:47] Like,
[04:57:48] he played like dog shit.
[04:57:49] He admitted he played like dog shit. He admitted he played like dog shit.
[04:57:52] If you play bad and then you admit you play bad
[04:57:55] why would you be angry that somebody else
[04:57:57] quote unquote played bad in your game?
[04:58:01] Isn't that wild? That's what I'm saying.
[04:58:03] I feel like the majority of people who play this
[04:58:05] game need to take some self-accountability
[04:58:07] for their actions
[04:58:08] because the thing about like everybody
[04:58:12] in league is like unless you are literally
[04:58:14] in challenger, you are bad.
[04:58:16] Right? Like I'm bad right now.
[04:58:18] That guy's bad right now. Everybody's bad.
[04:58:21] Everybody is garbage. Unless you
[04:58:22] are currently in Challenger Elo, you are
[04:58:24] bad at League. It is what it
[04:58:26] is but
[04:58:27] I just
[04:58:31] don't think that like
[04:58:32] people should
[04:58:33] be focusing on other
[04:58:35] people as much. It's weird. It's weird behavior
[04:58:37] Like, I haven't
[04:58:39] responded or looked at his message and he's just spamming
[04:58:41] me.
[04:58:44] My man's angry as fuck over nothing.
[04:58:47] It's like one game
[04:58:48] that he played bad in, and now he's mad.
[04:58:52] Hey, I've been there, man.
[04:58:56] You just gotta move on you know
[04:58:56] I've been where you are
[04:58:57] Just
[04:58:59] You just gotta move on
[04:59:00] and play
[04:59:00] There's no shame in being
[04:59:03] like having a bad game.
[04:59:05] We all have
[04:59:06] bad games sometimes. Good lord, this guy is spamming me. Alright
[04:59:31] How many messages do you guys think this guy is going to send
[04:59:34] Before he removes me Because he realizes i'm not reading his
[04:59:40] what do you think what are you putting your money on
[04:59:45] he's at 12 right now which is wild we're gonna say chat. I'm okay with this.
[05:00:18] He is kind of capping at 12, though.
[05:00:20] He might be tuckered out.
[05:00:22] That is fair.
[05:00:24] Maybe he got tuckered out.
[05:00:26] You might be right, X-Carrion.
[05:00:37] Okay. Why is everybody picking Sivir, by the way?
[05:00:41] This guy didn't even pick the right runes wait, this guy went Sivir
[05:00:45] but he picked fucking Presti Attack
[05:00:47] that's not good
[05:00:48] shake that bush again It's not good.
[05:00:54] Shake that bush again!
[05:00:58] Shake that bush again!
[05:01:03] What the fuck?
[05:01:45] Oh, you are still here. cool Cool. I should uh
[05:01:49] What this Is Oh. I wonder if we can kill Sivir when she walks to land.
[05:02:21] Because she went back
[05:02:22] to heal.
[05:02:30] Ooh. Okay, not bad.
[05:02:34] We got our exhaust.
[05:02:35] That's not of funny. Like we're just like ultra pushed up.
[05:02:53] But he did already
[05:02:53] He already popped his thing.
[05:03:08] Yeah! I can't really play too far forward here.
[05:03:10] Thresh does have hook hook level one which isn't bad for us i mean
[05:03:15] let me get e and i'm gonna hawk shot through the jungle
[05:03:19] so we can see where the enemy jungler is starting. Okay, let's back up. Oh, that
[05:03:24] was a good hook by him. He doesn't have flay though, so it doesn't really fuck me over.
[05:03:28] I don't want to like hard shove this in. I kind of wanna chill.
[05:03:39] We should push now though because they see my Rengar. uh Not bad.
[05:04:09] So yeah, we immediately go in.
[05:04:14] It kind of sucks
[05:04:15] because I did miss a little bit of CS there.
[05:04:18] This guy
[05:04:19] still wants help for some reason.
[05:04:21] That's wild. Just auto this
[05:04:23] guy.
[05:04:27] Auto him again. Give him some little love tap trades on the on the turret they're not too bad We could actually just straight up dive this guy, yeah.
[05:04:40] Because he has no exhaust.
[05:04:42] I just have to push the wave
[05:05:25] So I mean that was a hilarious dive but it's okay. I'm okay with that. What are you rushing on, Jinx now? Kraken or...
[05:05:31] What did I do to this man? Oh, I played badly in his video game.
[05:05:37] Last game, I played badly in his game and he's been typing to me for 20 minutes now
[05:05:46] and i've said two things back to him.
[05:05:56] He doesn't even know I'm a streamer.
[05:05:57] Like, he doesn't even know
[05:05:58] I'm Geronimo.
[05:06:00] Like, I want to Geronimo. Like,
[05:06:00] I want to make this clear.
[05:06:01] Like he's doing this without knowing that like,
[05:06:04] I feel like he doesn't know I'm streaming.
[05:06:06] So like,
[05:06:07] he's not doing this for attention.
[05:06:15] He doesn't know i'm a streamer
[05:06:24] but he's he's by himself spam typing to a random guy on the internet while not being responded to
[05:06:57] you Okay, I just got creep'm just dead. Maybe should have focused Sever there.
[05:06:59] The only problem was...
[05:07:02] ...I got a little bit tunnel visioned on trying to finish off the Thresh really quick, but
[05:07:07] I should have swapped to Sivir.
[05:07:08] That was my bad. What is happening right now your family Oh, one of the homies added him.
[05:07:52] Yo, what's up boys?
[05:08:03] Yo, whoever added him your name is volley girl that is that what I just fucking was told bro hold, question, question.
[05:08:11] Your name is I'm a volley girl?
[05:08:15] Like actually?
[05:08:23] Okay. Wait, where was... Why was Renato so far back?
[05:08:26] You should walk up.
[05:08:29] 1-2-3 What is goodness You should walk up. 1, 2, 3
[05:08:39] She's mid.
[05:08:41] What?
[05:08:49] ... I am for real.
[05:09:07] Only Miss Jackson,
[05:09:11] I am for real. to make you thought the cry um Let me see. Oh, okay.
[05:09:48] Use the E. What's going on? ice force oh i don't know about this dive man this is not a good looking dive I got to look and dive.
[05:10:32] I think we just back off here. I do not like it.
[05:10:41] Let me see...
[05:10:47] Wait, how much gold do I need for a Kraken?
[05:10:51] I've never had these components. Let's see... Oh, my bad. I think I actually won that if I play that better. Ooh, interesting TP.
[05:11:25] Is he actually gonna go for it?
[05:11:26] Uh oh.
[05:11:27] Uh oh!
[05:11:28] I mean, I'm just dead.
[05:11:38] Huh?
[05:11:40] Imma keep it.
[05:11:47] I haven't been reading anything you were saying. Appreciate it. I do not seek the throne of Avalos.
[05:12:08] I didn't answer when I rushed on Jinx first. Oh yeah, I don't go Kraken Slayer. I think it's drug shits.
[05:12:10] I think Kraken Slayer is terrible.
[05:12:12] Like, I would recommend just going IE.
[05:12:15] IE on Jinx first, it feels
[05:12:17] kind of bad if you don't know how to CS
[05:12:19] like the timers
[05:12:21] and you have to get a BF or pickaxe
[05:12:26] but it's definitely the best
[05:12:27] two-item spike on Jinx
[05:12:29] because you can go IE into Hurricane and it feels
[05:12:31] really, really good. Or you can go
[05:12:33] like... You can go BF Sword into Zeal
[05:12:36] into IE. That's also a good one.
[05:12:38] Or you can go...
[05:12:41] A lot of it depends on your
[05:12:42] buy timers.
[05:12:47] Still good after the nerf?
[05:12:48] What, IE? Yeah of course.
[05:12:50] I mean IE is still like the best
[05:12:53] thing no matter what. Shut down.
[05:12:59] No matter what, on any crit ID. We shall unite! Like, just because it's nerfed doesn't mean it's not OP right? Oh, I should go back. hmm I mean Renata is topside what does
[05:13:35] Lee get more miserable I don't think it
[05:13:37] does
[05:13:37] I mean league is whatever you make it.
[05:13:40] Any game is like that.
[05:13:43] Personally, league makes us miserable because the players in league are usually...
[05:13:48] I'll be honest with you okay?
[05:13:49] The reason people are miserable with League players in the league are usually... I'll be honest with you, okay?
[05:13:52] The reason people are miserable with League is because of the players.
[05:13:57] That's pretty much what it is.
[05:13:59] They make themselves miserable and then
[05:14:02] they like rage at each other and shit like that it's
[05:14:05] it's kind of sad but it is worth this You just have to not really give a fuck and find it funny
[05:14:25] Like this guy, right?
[05:14:28] But you guys have been spamming me for like what 20 minutes now. I just think it's hilarious
[05:14:33] It's like good content
[05:14:37] i can make like uh i can make a youtube short or something out of it and laugh
[05:15:00] it's like easy content bro Double kill. But I would say like if you just want to enjoy a league for what it is, You can do that pretty easily. Just mute everybody and just play the game.
[05:15:03] If you wanna have fun with friends
[05:15:07] you know what i'm saying like whatever Damn. I actually couldn't see that sucks balls.
[05:15:31] Sorry, smokescreen. No, I feel you man.
[05:15:48] Renata's the same way? Yeah dude, I feel ya. Fucking fuck smokescreen.
[05:15:52] That shit is broken!
[05:15:56] Seriously... the target will be
[05:15:59] serious mental problems i mean i don't know man it is one of those
[05:16:04] you just gotta understand league players are league players
[05:16:14] no who cares Remember who helped you in your hour of need.
[05:16:28] This is your average Diamond Master player. Just, just your average Diamond Master gamer. so so so holy shit
[05:17:21] holy that was close
[05:17:27] god damn oh they forfeited i would probably
[05:17:31] listen i would probably i would forfeit after that one too.
[05:17:36] I'm
[05:17:37] stuck in a corner and you guys miss
[05:17:39] every ability on me? Yeah I'd
[05:17:41] probably forfeit too.
[05:17:46] Dude I got to too. Dude, I gotta give it to
[05:17:47] Renata though. I think she played pretty well
[05:17:49] despite everything.
[05:17:57] I do.
[05:17:57] I think she played well.
[05:18:03] GG.
[05:18:09] GG!
[05:18:15] And this man is my fucking biggest fan, look at this shit. Holy... Holy.
[05:18:21] Bro, I don't even know... Jesus Christ.
[05:18:24] I thought you were a psycho.
[05:18:27] Nah, he's not a psycho. He's just the typical Diamond player.
[05:18:31] This is what it looks like when your brain is on League of Legends hard-stuck in diamonds for too many years.
[05:18:37] You kind of just start doing this.
[05:18:44] It is what it is. Have a nice day.
[05:18:55] I hope you can get out of diamonds duo that would be some funny ass content not gonna lie I can't say it wouldn't be good content.
[05:19:34] I really can't.
[05:19:39] True story.
[05:19:40] True story. true story true story na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na I don't even know if you guys can hear the music or just you just hear me making funny noises
[05:20:26] yo real talk though.
[05:20:29] That Nautilus or whatever?
[05:20:31] That guy actually played fine until he got tilted and then he played bad.
[05:20:34] This guy, right?
[05:20:40] Like I don't think this was the worst player on the planet but the problem this guy had
[05:20:42] was he was just frustrating himself
[05:20:44] like he made two really bad engages
[05:20:47] because I mean
[05:20:48] he's obviously on a win streak. He's not a bad player
[05:20:50] but he made two bad engages
[05:20:53] bot lane and then he got mad
[05:20:54] that we couldn't win with his bad engages.
[05:20:58] I mean, our top laner just got railed by Malphite
[05:21:00] and then we had the autofill jungler.
[05:21:03] It was one of those... Oh, this isn't even
[05:21:12] This guy's fault
[05:21:13] He's just being put into a game
[05:21:15] That he doesn't belong in
[05:21:16] Like high key?
[05:21:18] That's not even his fault.
[05:21:31] Yeah. Hmm.
[05:21:34] What do you guys think we should play? I do want to do that sever strat again.
[05:21:43] I think it's good.
[05:21:44] Like,
[05:21:44] I think it's actually really good. I stand by it, man.
[05:21:59] That strategy is actually legit.
[05:22:43] Tell them to come! one of the Okay. I think a failure was actually really good versus ever.
[05:22:46] I kind of counterpicked myself, but I think it's okay.
[05:23:09] I want to try it again. 18 years!
[05:23:11] 18 years!
[05:23:13] Ooh, Sever's not bad against Pyke though.
[05:23:20] The only thing you have to be careful of is
[05:23:22] he's kind of...
[05:23:23] Pyke is kind of like Alistar in a way
[05:23:24] where if you Spell Shield the hook,
[05:23:27] he can still stun you.
[05:23:30] Right?
[05:23:30] Like that's kind of a thing with Pyke.. Sivers hot. She okay. There is that one skin we saw, that shit was crazy. Not gonna lie, that one oh yeah that made me feel a certain way You named your cat Sivir?
[05:24:26] That's kind of cool. I named my cat Midget and Kitten. I know, I'm very unique. wild huh
[05:24:58] yo what's up brumble? How you doing bruh?
[05:25:11] Man I really need to like disable the scroll wheel thing.
[05:25:17] I'll do that after stream today.
[05:25:17] Oh,
[05:25:18] I finally disabled it.
[05:25:20] My scroll wheel threw broken man.
[05:25:22] It's like for some reason,
[05:25:24] like, well, I know why it's like for some reason well I know why it's like
[05:25:24] I have a nervous habit of just
[05:25:28] it's like a tick I have where I just
[05:25:30] scroll out on my scroll wheel a ton
[05:25:32] I just do it right like my brain
[05:25:35] will just naturally do it or whatever so because of that
[05:25:41] I've liked broken it over time to where it's too sensitive. so I can't really take trades into Aphelios but with W start so i think our only way of trading
[05:26:18] into him is just debuting the minions I wonder if I should get E level 2,
[05:26:30] because Pyke might all-in.
[05:26:33] We're scaling anyway, right?
[05:26:35] So it's not that big of a deal
[05:26:36] if I have Q.
[05:26:38] Just being able to eat
[05:26:38] the ability
[05:26:41] is probably a bigger deal.
[05:26:48] If I could change the scroll wheel in game, like if it worked like that,
[05:26:51] I would do it.
[05:26:53] Like 100% I would do it but you can't change it in-game. in game like i have to go into the system settings or whatever I can't really walk up.
[05:27:14] Oh, what a bad roam.
[05:27:25] Damn, the Bard roamed and they lost the fight 2v3. That's not very good.
[05:27:46] Okay. What? Why would you ignite me, that can't really play the game because of the room. So we're just gonna chill.
[05:27:47] We'll just wait push the waves in and then we just wait for them has been lady Not actually that bad.
[05:28:51] Ooh, that was bad. That was a good play! I can't really counter
[05:28:53] that without my E.
[05:28:55] I shouldn't have walked up. I'm gonna miss that whole wave. This is just a little rough because of the way...
[05:29:09] The way we're playing it's really rough.
[05:29:12] Ooh, nice!
[05:29:14] Like I should be playing it a lot safer and just farming.
[05:29:41] Well, we did get two kills that's not bad The only thing that sucks is I missed so much CS there, man. I missed so much XP and CS, actually.
[05:29:42] I'm like a full level down.
[05:29:46] So that kind of blows, but... Outside of that, it's not the end of the world.
[05:29:50] We could do
[05:29:51] Baron here or Dragon. It's not the worst
[05:29:52] Dragon call. The only problem I see is like
[05:29:55] if we do get contested,
[05:29:56] Bard's in base.
[05:29:58] He should have backed much quicker. After he got his kills, he should just come but...
[05:30:08] Because I'm missing even more CS and and to help this guy with the dragon
[05:30:14] i i hate doing this by the way like this is really really bad for me
[05:30:19] this is like a pure teamwork thing, because I'm already in a lane that's kind of hard for me to play in.
[05:30:28] And now I'm giving up even more cs and levels to try and
[05:30:40] just trying help the team but i mean my team's doing really good right
[05:30:45] so at this point i'm just kind of like existing in the game it is one of those has been slain
[05:30:57] because like yeah i'm level fucking four it's got six on mobile four bro I mean, I cannot help you.
[05:31:11] What do you want me to do there? Like, I don't understand.
[05:31:20] You want me to walk up and just auto when he's got all of his chakrams
[05:31:24] up? I don't know, man.
[05:31:26] It was wild.
[05:31:30] Must be the auto when that guy has
[05:31:32] all of his fucking chakrams going.
[05:32:08] And I don't have fucking first strikeout. That's wild, man! I don't play the game Because he cleansed the stun instantly.
[05:32:08] And the second that he cleanses the stun, I can't play the game anymore.
[05:32:13] Like, he'll just kill us both. I don't know if this build is good in this elo.
[05:32:34] It's really interesting, because this build is purely for scaling, not fighting early game.
[05:32:43] Well you just want to scale right? That's the entire premise of the build.
[05:32:47] You just wanna scale up and get 10 CS a minute and have good scaling with good first strike
[05:32:51] Like items quicker and shit, but...
[05:32:58] Uh, this hero fights so much that it's like
[05:33:01] I'm just worthless in the fights early hmm um uh Not bad.
[05:33:53] Got both kills, I'll take it. Not bad at all. uh I wonder if I should just go
[05:34:32] cull and like
[05:34:33] ultra double dip.
[05:34:36] You just go culling
[05:34:37] and you just like double dip that shit in.
[05:34:42] This guy really just wants to tank them anyway, doesn't he?
[05:35:05] Yeah. Oh, Yeah, I need a hunter gold.
[05:35:08] If I was a little better by getting the first strike I would have my hunter gold.
[05:35:13] Okay. little better by getting the first strike so i would have my hunter gold feels bad Damn, this looks like an AD diff game.
[05:35:29] Crazy! Crazy.
[05:35:34] Yeah, this is an AD diff game. I'm gonna be real.
[05:35:38] Okay, I'mma keep it real bro
[05:35:40] there's no way I can help you i don't have mana
[05:35:49] that guy just wanted to die.
[05:35:56] Like, you should never make a play like that.
[05:35:57] It doesn't make sense because...
[05:36:03] The entire premise of why you should make players is when
[05:36:14] wow you guys really suck.
[05:36:18] Damn.
[05:36:22] I thought maybe I could R and live but yeah...
[05:36:24] Wait he's gonna die to me.
[05:36:28] What?
[05:36:32] Uh... Okay! Hey thanks guys!
[05:36:36] Listen I'm down.
[05:36:55] Appreciate it boys! Okay, that's so fucking funny though. Yo, this Rengar is not having a good time. Oh my scroll whaling gun! uh uh
[05:37:49] why would they instantly...
[05:37:50] Why would they leave lane?
[05:37:51] This was a really dumb play.
[05:37:53] Wait, they left lane and now I just get free plates.
[05:37:57] Okay.
[05:37:57] I mean, I'm down guys.
[05:38:01] I'm down to Gus. I'm
[05:38:01] down to get some three points with the six grubbies.
[05:38:05] Yeah!
[05:38:06] Give...
[05:38:06] Yeah! Give me them points!
[05:38:10] Mm-mm! Good!... them plates good yummy enter it oh god This is just fucking yummy, bro. Alright, I'm just gonna backfuck it.
[05:38:54] I don't think I can actually get that turret so I might as well just go mid Boop, boop.
[05:39:13] I can't actually tell if Sejuani
[05:39:16] is OP or this guy's just fed.
[05:39:19] That was a lot of fucking damage
[05:39:20] for a fucking support, I mean
[05:39:22] tank. This guy just did
[05:39:24] an obscene amount of damage for full tank. so uh Okay, what's happening?
[05:40:09] Oh Okay, what's happening? Oh Foreign okay where's the ringer is he in here oh
[05:40:28] we went then oh we found Galio though!
[05:40:33] Okay
[05:40:35] Nah I'm good. I'm gonna go mid
[05:40:49] Gold stays Yo, I found the Rengar guys. I'll give them this!
[05:40:50] I'm actually pretty impressed they didn't
[05:40:52] forfeit.
[05:40:54] Being down 20 kills
[05:40:56] is kind of wild.
[05:40:59] 20 kills at
[05:41:00] 16, like... The the fact they didn't forbid
[05:41:03] that's i mean i'm that's wild that's impressive so is okay
[05:41:42] here without you baby
[05:41:51] it's night girl it's only you and me!
[05:42:05] Ooh, I should have just backed. Why am i doing this random wolf?
[05:42:09] Like this random wolf camp is just stupid. It doesn't do anything for me. me i need to go buy my ie but i also need
[05:42:25] to come help the homies.
[05:42:33] On my way! But you just
[05:42:45] proc first strike on every double
[05:42:47] you want to wave. Because people are always standing behind the waves it's
[05:42:50] so broken men like they're always there it's absolutely disgusting so so so
[05:43:39] why haven't they forwarded yet what's happening I'm so rich.
[05:44:01] I have 4,000 gold. Wait, I'm so rich.
[05:44:06] I have 4500 golds.
[05:44:09] I am the richest man alive.
[05:44:13] Wait that's so broken.
[05:44:15] Wait, did you guys see that?
[05:44:17] Wait!
[05:44:20] I actually just was able to get a three item buy because of the cash background.
[05:44:23] Wait, that's insane
[05:44:33] wait that's actually crazy.
[05:44:41] I'm on my way.
[05:44:43] Oh he dead. Okay.
[05:44:45] Yeah let's do baron and fuck it
[05:44:53] i think i'm ridiculously strong now though we went from being like ultra far behind in lane phase
[05:45:00] to having three full items at 20 minutes. That is wilds
[05:45:15] and Thanks for the help! Dance with me.
[05:45:35] Clean it? It's just broken.
[05:45:40] I have to like disable it in the fucking, uh whatever it's called
[05:45:48] Like cause you can't actually disable it in the actual settings or whatever right? No, it's just
[05:46:09] legit broken.
[05:46:11] Like I have a tick.
[05:46:13] I talked about it earlier.
[05:46:15] I have a tick where
[05:46:16] I scroll my mouse wheel
[05:46:18] constantly throughout the game
[05:46:20] and I've done it since
[05:46:21] I got the mouse so I've done it since I got the mouse.
[05:46:24] So, I've like worn down The mouse wheel's sensitivity
[05:46:25] Trust me
[05:46:27] I've tried cleaning it out
[05:46:28] It doesn't do anything so like if i barely touch the mouse wheel at all it goes crazy
[05:46:38] because you will yes i'm aware bro.
[05:46:45] I know what you're saying.
[05:46:47] Like I'm telling you it's clean.
[05:46:49] Like I'm telling you the mouse wheel is fine. was fine despicable me.
[05:47:19] Have I tried talking to it nicely? I have not maybe I should, maybe I could just try talking to it nice and it'll work.
[05:47:29] I can see that!
[05:47:35] No worries. You can listen to this.
[05:48:25] Did you guys enjoy that? Do you guys enjoy when I blew on you? Because it did just happen.
[05:48:31] Trust.
[05:48:33] Trust.
[05:48:35] It did just happen.
[05:48:40] It's true, it's true.
[05:48:41] Actually true!
[05:48:45] Oh my god... I need to fucking stretch more
[05:48:49] Dude and stretch more dude getting old man my body just needs to stretch more I swear
[05:48:56] to God yeah I know what you mean man.
[05:49:02] I've done that too.
[05:49:03] Not gonna do that right now. Okay. We have the same bard as last game. Interesting.
[05:49:50] This is interesting.
[05:49:56] I wonder if it's the same Pike and same Rengar.
[05:50:00] That would be really fucking funny,
[05:50:01] I'm not going to lie,
[05:50:01] if it was.
[05:50:05] Okay.
[05:50:07] The only thing I don't like about this is that
[05:50:08] if I pick Sivir
[05:50:10] and they pick, like, Ashe
[05:50:13] it's a really bad
[05:50:14] situation.
[05:50:17] But if I pick Ash into Pyke,
[05:50:19] I'm also trolling.
[05:50:22] So it's like
[05:50:22] we'll just do it and fuck it.
[05:50:34] Because, yeah, like if they pick Ashe it's like... It makes the lane much harder.
[05:50:41] Because Siv silver can fight early like it's not that bad but you have to have like a hook or something or you have to have like uh She's better off just
[05:50:49] scaling. Because once you hit
[05:50:51] 15 minutes, you outscale them.
[05:50:55] Oh, it's
[05:50:55] Corki. Okay, that's fine.
[05:50:57] Corki is not as bad. Corkiorki is still pretty good, but you just wave clear and then scale.
[05:51:01] Yeah. Not bad, not bad, not bad.
[05:52:07] It's not bad, not bad, not bad. It's not bad it's not bad not bad not not bad... so I have Dodex. Why do I recognize that guy's name?
[05:52:12] Dotex.
[05:52:40] Dotex. name. Dotix. I don't know why I recognize his name. Like should I? Who knows? dance with me sever
[05:52:46] i actually should have awarded this already That was a late ward, that was real risky there.
[05:52:50] Real risky of a ward!
[05:52:53] Real risky. I mean, Corky with Hail? It's not too bad.
[05:53:19] It's not bad. Or it's not like OP
[05:53:20] but it's not like...
[05:53:25] Because I think
[05:53:26] Corki if he wants to actually get full damage on me, right?
[05:53:30] He has to either have to get hooked or he has to Valk in.
[05:53:34] And I think if he Valks in and Bard's not a bad player...
[05:53:37] Bard can just...
[05:53:44] Bard can just stun him pretty much anytime he balks. It's not so easy uh I'm bad. Not the worst.
[05:54:25] We already have some decent
[05:54:26] first strike gold.
[05:54:29] A nice two extra
[05:54:30] minions to make up for the
[05:54:33] shittiness of the ones we missed.
[05:54:38] Bard's already getting his
[05:54:39] roam on, okay.
[05:54:41] I will try my best not to die, Mr. Barden
[05:54:44] I got you bro, I'll try my best I didn't mean to eat that. i'm throwing Now how are we not killing them? what
[05:55:49] what am i watching hello Oh, I need a turret shot. I'm so bad.
[05:55:50] That was so close to not fucking inting that. Whatever.
[05:56:02] The wave's still fun.
[05:56:23] I was to a head wave and force 3. Wait I mean, this is wilds
[05:56:33] Ah Uh... What is happening here?
[05:56:39] I gotta go bot, bro. My wave is crashing.
[05:56:47] Oh my god...
[05:57:21] So many minions so Thanks for the first strike? I mean, I don't know.
[05:57:24] Like what do I say about that bro?
[05:57:29] The fuck? What? I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Ah!
[05:57:53] Bard should probably just peace out. I could peace out too or I can like fake back.
[05:57:58] I could do whatever. Like see if they just try and shove this. so I didn't want to use my e on that because like it doesn't
[05:58:31] that's just like a little bit of damage right
[05:58:34] i don't think i need to use my e on anything that's not the Pyke hook.
[05:58:42] Because, like,
[05:58:44] the little bit of damage is, like, whatever. It's not that big of a deal. But, like, the Pyke hook
[05:58:46] is me dying, so...
[05:58:49] You know. Oh, I'm so dead. Nah, I'm just dead.
[05:59:06] Oh, I'm terrible.
[05:59:08] I thought Bard was gonna come through the wall and
[05:59:12] i think he went to get a meep that was my bad like i walked up debated because barb
[05:59:19] was like here and then bard walked all the way
[05:59:21] up here to like grab a meep and then i just i just ran it down
[05:59:26] oh that sucked because we saw rexai going behind the dragon pit here ah whatever it might be it was just like miscommunication
[05:59:36] dang we got the shutdown on the quirky though that's big
[05:59:50] i could freeze this but i think i actually want to push because i have enough gold to go get my shiv I'm just gonna let them freeze it. If they try and freeze there, I'll just break the
[06:00:10] freeze when I get back. They're not freezing yet. I'm going gonna make sure I don't get hooked by Pyke.
[06:00:19] Not too bad...
[06:00:23] Backed on a cannon wave, we're chillin'. No worries. oh god damn that was actually clean nice job rex eye
[06:00:50] goddamn loyalty isn't earned it's bought oh my god.
[06:01:20] Damn, not bad.
[06:01:23] I didn't know his Valk was gonna be back up so soon.
[06:01:26] Like, I am just mad.
[06:01:28] Because he Valked in here and I guess it is 20 seconds. That's my bad.
[06:01:34] No... Yeah, I don't want that. I just keep egoing them because
[06:01:52] I want to fight.
[06:01:53] But, I can't really fight Corki as ever.
[06:01:56] Not until later on.
[06:01:58] Like, I need like two items.
[06:02:03] Because, I mean, Shiv is just such an option item right that's like i mean it's a terrible item the only reason you get it it's like it procs first strike strike we could I mean Pike is mid we
[06:02:16] get pretty easily like
[06:02:21] we can pretty fucking easily kill this guy with a good stun. He has no flash. I think we're fine. so and This is the cannon wave, but this guy's gonna stop my back most likely.
[06:03:19] We'll see.
[06:03:23] Ooh! I thought he was going to, that's why I ulted.
[06:03:26] That was my bad.
[06:03:31] I'm gonna get flanked by fucking Corki if I'm not careful so I can back.
[06:03:36] Damn, I suck. I honestly thought he was just going to come in
[06:03:39] because uh i thought quirky might be closer
[06:03:43] it was incorrect maybe I should have gone Swifties so it seems pretty okay like i don't think you actually auto that much with berserkers so I think Corki's in here.
[06:04:27] I'm pretty sure
[06:04:28] he's in there.
[06:04:31] But these are I'm pretty sure he's in there. But, he is just dodging my Q.
[06:04:37] I mean...I can walk towards river yeah
[06:04:45] told you Oh, okay.
[06:04:59] That is wild that you can get to a point on rengar this early in the game uh i need bard bot
[06:05:11] it is not wincon. I got. An enemy has been slain.
[06:05:42] An enemy has been slain.
[06:06:09] He's on me. an enemy has been slain the only thing i look up to is this guy Why is Rek'Sai saying that? Who cares. Nothing bad happened. You're fine, chill! I think Bard's playing well.
[06:06:11] I just want him to play bot side so we can play the game.
[06:06:13] I think Bard is playing really well this game.
[06:06:22] Ooh, I'm gonna die.
[06:06:26] I can smell Corki flanking me from above right now. Oh no, there he is. Okay.
[06:06:30] Rengar's coming though!
[06:06:32] Alright let's see if I can live!
[06:06:57] Bitch... bitch Bitch! Went Ovaad from the stream this weekend because i didn't stream this
[06:07:01] weekend
[06:07:09] it's wild.
[06:07:19] But I did not stream.
[06:07:28] The bot from the Pedro song, oh! I just didn't publish it. What the fuck?
[06:08:18] I mean, I'm not really sure what I'm watching here but... Oh, that was close bro. I think that Rek'Sai just giga trolled though.
[06:08:19] I don't know what that was.
[06:08:21] He tried to get into a rift and then he died.
[06:08:23] What the fuck is this?
[06:08:25] What is this pike doing? I need to get enough gold so i can get my fucking ie I Fucking Ludens, man.
[06:09:04] Ooh, this is awkward
[06:09:05] because I don't have the gold...
[06:09:07] Or I don't have the...
[06:09:08] I can't fight that bro.
[06:09:11] Oh, I threw my wave tempo off too.
[06:09:13] That's not good.
[06:09:16] Man, I really need to go get
[06:09:17] IE guys.
[06:09:50] Like, like, I want IE like i want ie before dragon I should be able to do something here because i am two items
[06:10:04] two items What are they even trying to do?
[06:10:05] What the fuck?
[06:10:07] You guys good or what?
[06:10:07] Like,
[06:10:08] what was that?
[06:10:10] That's kind of wild.
[06:10:26] We should try and do Baron here, or Dragon. We just push mid get Bryo for free because I'm Sever
[06:10:29] and then Rengar's top?
[06:10:31] Oh yeah this is free.
[06:10:32] Rengar's top.
[06:10:37] Let's do this quick! so Why don't we kill that guy? Why didn't we ult him?
[06:11:03] Wait, don't we just win that if you old i am so confused
[06:11:13] bartrand has altered the cori when he balks.
[06:11:16] Yeah, we can 100% win that. That's okay though.
[06:11:24] There isn't really much I can do here.
[06:11:27] Like, I can't really help the homies too much
[06:11:31] All I could really do is like push a wave and then walk to the lane
[06:11:35] We can and then walk to the lane.
[06:11:38] We can fight this, we just need Bard to actually play
[06:11:41] a fight.
[06:11:47] Nice! Nice.
[06:11:50] Now we go back mid, and push that wave again...
[06:11:53] Is Rengar actually playing correct? Oh he's pushing the waves in and shit? Which is really correct
[06:12:05] uh oh i'm dead wow they used two ults there.
[06:12:08] That's wild actually.
[06:12:13] I did not think Rengar was going to ult me from...
[06:12:15] Because he was bot and then he walked through
[06:12:17] and just ulted mid with Ori.
[06:12:42] We need And then he walked through and just ulted mid with Ori. Yeah, I mean the Rengar is just power farming. It is going to be
[06:12:43] a tough AD carry game.
[06:12:46] That's why I normally
[06:12:47] ban Rengar
[06:12:48] when I'm playing in Diamonds
[06:12:49] because in Diamond Elo
[06:12:50] Rengar is really OP because
[06:12:53] In this elo he can like scale infinitely cause people don't play correct
[06:12:58] And Rengar's one of the unique champs that like
[06:13:03] he can make you not play league of legends
[06:13:16] right like he's one of those champs that can do that. So we have to just play it to win...
[06:13:38] We have to play to get vision right now and then we have to play to force something on the map with our vision as fast as we can okay You got him?
[06:13:41] Okay, nice. Not bad, not bad.
[06:13:43] Nice!
[06:13:44] We get Baron. I wish our bard was paying attention but thank god rex i was
[06:13:50] because like the biggest the big issue there was that like i
[06:13:53] i specifically bought a pink ward so that I could stand in the pink ward and not die to the Rengar. I need Bard to
[06:14:16] sit with me pretty much permanently this game
[06:14:23] okay this is i'm gonna die in about five seconds if Rengar path top.
[06:14:30] This is really greedy of me to do this, because he can kill me without even trying right now and I won't be able to tempo him.
[06:14:57] Yeah nice run're not too bad Oh, that's a really interesting...
[06:15:01] Ooh, not bad.
[06:15:04] Okay, not bad at all!
[06:15:07] Uh-oh, I might die here.
[06:15:09] If that Corki was better...... that Corki could have killed me.
[06:15:11] If he knew how strong Corki is,
[06:15:14] if he valked into
[06:15:15] me there, it would have been a crit off.
[06:15:18] It would have been like
[06:15:19] who can crit harder?
[06:15:29] I don't think we can kill this guy now.
[06:15:39] Push one mid wave, go to dragon. I don't know what i can buy to not instantly die to Rengar.
[06:15:56] I have to buy armor but like, what do I get? Like a Randuin's?
[06:16:00] Like I don't know he has ie bro
[06:16:07] like i can go ga
[06:16:13] oh okay Oh, okay.
[06:16:17] That is 100% warded.
[06:16:19] Yeah, okay.
[06:16:21] Rengar's ulting me.
[06:16:23] I'm just gonna ult away.
[06:16:25] Yeah. I'm just gonna ult away. Yeah, I am positive Rengar ulted.
[06:16:33] Uh oh. Man this is awkward.
[06:16:38] We should be fighting this!
[06:16:41] Like the fact that we're not fighting right now is awkward to me because we are really strong.
[06:16:45] Oh, he just inted. awkward to me because we're really strong oh that was a that was an
[06:16:45] ins he dissented
[06:16:49] we should just stay in the lane and fight as a team don't go anywhere near
[06:16:52] the jungle guys I should be okay.
[06:17:02] Uh oh, I think Pike can kill me here.
[06:17:09] So what's happening here is like our team is not playing to uh...
[06:17:14] Our teams not playing to push, so we're getting shit on because, uh, we're not pushing.
[06:17:21] Like, we're not pushing waves.
[06:17:23] So like my team is just getting really scared so we need to push. okay Really? um Uh, am I gonna die here? what to say That's not so This is so frustrating because my team is not grouping.
[06:19:22] So, like we're not grouping up, so it's really frustrating. Come mid. Don't go in the jungle, just come mid. Guys! Oh my god, stop.
[06:19:48] Just come mid!
[06:19:56] Like, my team is trolling. They're just like playing off of...
[06:20:07] Oh, my God! I really hope we don't lose because I flashed on that guy.
[06:20:14] Okay nice not bad. Guys...
[06:20:18] Don't chase into jungle. Just walk mid with me and push waves. Make them come to us. I can't fight in jungle.
[06:20:29] Too hard. fight in jungle.
[06:20:30] Too hard.
[06:20:35] It's like, okay, so I just need my team to not...
[06:20:37] When we're fighting in here, it's way too hard
[06:20:39] because they can't position.
[06:20:40] Like, it's too hard to
[06:20:41] position when you're fighting in an area like that. So
[06:20:43] I need them to come with
[06:20:45] me mid.
[06:20:48] Sol.
[06:20:49] Sol over Baron. Go.
[06:20:52] It's like I'm being ignored completely by all of them. Please go to Sol!
[06:20:56] The Sol wins us... it makes it so much easier for me
[06:21:00] to play.
[06:21:04] Because Baron's OP for ending the game, but Sol makes it so
[06:21:06] if I'm autoing,
[06:21:08] I can stay alive versus
[06:21:09] their damage if I don't get insta-bursted. We should just chase this Rengar down.
[06:21:26] He just dies here.
[06:21:28] Yeah, nice.
[06:21:32] Now we go Baron and then we reset after Baron, and we win the game.
[06:21:37] Like it's a really boring style but that's just how you play it. Oh, okay.
[06:21:49] Okay? Any help?
[06:21:57] And that right there was why I wanted Ocean Soul. By the way, Ocean Soul just saved my life
[06:22:14] That was dude ocean soul unironically save my fucking life.
[06:22:17] That's why it's better than Baron, though, because
[06:22:18] if we have to fight to win,
[06:22:20] it's just going to be a
[06:22:21] better choice.
[06:22:23] Oh my god.
[06:22:25] GG.
[06:22:29] Dude, flank? GG Dude Playing versus
[06:22:29] Fucking
[06:22:30] Rengar and shit
[06:22:32] It's so
[06:22:33] Fucking frustrating
[06:22:34] Cause like
[06:22:34] Rengar is not a good
[06:22:35] Champion
[06:22:36] He's like
[06:22:37] I don't know how to explain it.
[06:22:38] He's not OP, but when you're an AD carry main
[06:22:41] he is fucking miserable
[06:22:42] to play versus. I only made 600 gold that time with the thing, but I mean,
[06:23:05] I still had a bunch of items though. The cashback rune's kind of OP.
[06:23:15] Okay. is kind of OP. I also think the
[06:23:16] Steel Sigil actually saved my life.
[06:23:19] I think that 30 armor actually saved
[06:23:21] my fucking life though.
[06:23:33] Dude, Sivir's kind of fun.
[06:23:36] In like a really boring way where you gain LP
[06:23:37] Like in that way she's really fun i kind of enjoy it Not bad, boys.
[06:24:00] Not bad.
[06:24:03] We're getting some nice severe abuse.
[06:24:09] And that's the end of the world.
[06:24:25] Oh my goodness. League is kind of a funny game, because... Look at what happened.
[06:24:29] Look at like what happened with the MMR right? So I won all my games
[06:24:31] till the 5th placement game
[06:24:33] In the fifth placement game, we had
[06:24:35] like I swear Riot
[06:24:38] listen, I don't know if you guys have
[06:24:39] listened to this. Tell me if you guys
[06:24:42] think this is true. I swear
[06:24:44] Riot actually has Smurf queue in ranked,
[06:24:47] even though they say they don't.
[06:24:49] Because in this one game alone,
[06:24:51] there were like five Smurfs.
[06:24:56] The top support me,
[06:25:00] the enemy jungle was Dauntless.
[06:25:04] And then this guy was a Smurf too,
[06:25:06] I think.
[06:25:10] Okay. And this guy was a Smurf too, I think. Like that's just
[06:25:11] wild placements where
[06:25:12] there's just a bunch of people
[06:25:14] who are like...
[06:25:15] Yo! are like, because this is a...
[06:25:20] Yo RF,
[06:25:22] you remember when we were talking about Drew Dozer yesterday?
[06:25:24] Dude.
[06:25:26] I played with him today and he ran it down.
[06:25:31] What? with him today and he ran it down. No joke, I
[06:25:35] played them literally today.
[06:25:37] That's such a coincidence we were talking about yesterday i played them today ran it down
[06:25:41] like crazy I went to this guy's stream earlier though.
[06:26:03] This is like some EU West guy who came
[06:26:05] to NA to climb on
[06:26:07] NA.
[06:26:09] He's actually pretty good.
[06:26:13] I mean,
[06:26:13] he's duo abusing
[06:26:14] but
[06:26:14] I would too
[06:26:16] if I was trying to
[06:26:16] play for fun. Okay. Yes, yes. Keep up the interaction everyone! Dude, I posted a clip where Yumi basically shielded me and I dodged like a really simple
[06:27:04] skillshot. Look at this. shielded me and I dodged a really simple skill shot.
[06:27:05] Look at this.
[06:27:07] I didn't give Yuumi credit
[06:27:08] and everybody is just
[06:27:11] like, oh it's so good
[06:27:13] It's so many interactions of people telling me Yumi's 1v9.
[06:27:19] It's so good.
[06:27:20] It's so good. You just have to clickbait the shit out of people, dude.
[06:27:33] And then you use interaction farm.
[06:27:34] Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[06:27:36] I think it's literally like
[06:27:38] you know what I need to do?
[06:27:40] On this account or something
[06:27:42] I need to have a play
[06:27:44] where I'm just playing really basically
[06:27:46] but it's good dodging.
[06:27:47] And then put it...
[06:27:48] I need to upload it and say,
[06:27:50] is this a scripter?
[06:27:55] And then just have everybody argue about it and just like fill my fucking,
[06:27:59] fill my interactions.
[06:28:03] It's so good.
[06:28:20] My TikTok is doing the same thing.
[06:28:23] Like it's... I mean
[06:28:24] okay, so the most like
[06:28:26] I had a clip on
[06:28:28] TikTok that got like 500,000 views.
[06:28:31] And the only reason it got that many views is because
[06:28:34] It was me autoing The Nexus
[06:28:38] Like, I died as Kog'Maw, right? I'm sure some people remember this but it was that clip of me
[06:28:42] dying as kaguma and autoing the nexus after i died and we would have lost the game like
[06:28:47] i literally just like got a free win because i would autoed in when i was dead and
[06:28:53] I asked if it was a bug or I said like have you seen that bug
[06:28:57] like this or something? And it was like hundreds of people just arguing in the TikTok comment section for weeks.
[06:29:07] Literally, just weeks of people arguing with each other.
[06:29:11] It's so fucking funny.
[06:29:20] Yo, RF.
[06:29:26] Why do people play Nidalee Jungle, bro?
[06:29:28] Can you enlighten me?
[06:29:30] I feel like it's so bad. Okay. Like, do they just hate happiness?
[06:29:38] Like what's going on?
[06:29:40] Okay guys.
[06:29:41] I'm autofill pop.
[06:29:42] I would really prefer to not first pick if possible.
[06:29:46] Would you guys mind
[06:29:47] if I didn't first pick
[06:29:48] top?
[06:29:53] Oh.
[06:29:56] Okay. Okay.
[06:30:01] Fuck it.
[06:30:04] Fuck it.
[06:30:07] I have to go pee, so
[06:30:09] I don't care.
[06:30:12] I have to go pee
[06:30:13] anyway, so I'm just gonna fucking do this.
[06:30:16] It is what it is.
[06:30:19] What is the...I forgot what the runes were,
[06:30:21] I mean like my secondary runes
[06:30:25] Remember that one trick guy plays electrocute Quinn in Challenger, but I forgot what his Okay. This looks correct.
[06:30:51] Alright, I'll be right back.
[06:30:53] I'm going to take a leak.
[06:30:55] Talk amongst yourselves. you.. you you One of my verse I didn't see.
[06:31:55] My burst is...
[06:31:57] Wait, what is that? Is it Zaktop or Pantheon?
[06:32:01] It's probably...
[06:32:02] I don't know.
[06:32:05] Was it probably Zach?
[06:33:21] I assumed it was Zach just because who would be support?. Okay. you you. All right, I'm back lads. I'm here.
[06:33:22] I'm ready to game. chat
[06:33:29] talk to me
[06:33:33] talk to my voice
[06:33:37] oh there's an ad going on.
[06:33:42] My bad. I didn't realize.
[06:33:48] It was like talk to me guys as an ad is playing.
[06:33:52] Might be. Well, you know what?
[06:34:07] Feel free to still talk.
[06:34:09] You have Adblock or Twitch Turbo or whatever it is.
[06:34:12] Don't forget to sub your favorite streamer to be an ad free experience.
[06:34:16] Your favorite streamers me I'm him. It's me.
[06:34:34] I'm him.
[06:34:37] Nom nom nom
[06:34:41] Such fucking good food Okay. Ah. I'm eating a sandwich if you're curious.
[06:35:23] It's not bad, it's not like the best sandwich,
[06:35:27] but you know,
[06:35:28] I'd give it a 4 out of 10.
[06:35:32] It could be worse.
[06:35:33] There could be dead flies on it or some shit.
[06:35:39] Who knows? there could be like dead flies on it or some show you know who knows
[06:35:44] not i no time Not I. Hmm.
[06:35:59] Maybe I should stop banning
[06:36:07] Draven.
[06:36:09] I only ban him because there's so many
[06:36:11] Draven one-tricks in this elo,
[06:36:13] and
[06:36:14] I get too tilted when
[06:36:17] I play Draven. Okay.. Oh, I turned the music off.
[06:36:58] Oops, my bad. bad my b um
[06:37:10] so they pick ash senna that is a brutal win
[06:37:15] like i could just pick tryst and we could just coin flip the entire game
[06:37:18] and see if i can just like jump in and kill them
[06:37:22] like it wouldn't be that bad
[06:37:24] It depends on what the support wants to pick though
[06:37:28] Yeah, yeah, that's not happening Yeah.
[06:37:35] That's not happening.
[06:37:44] Are these going to go Twitch twitch i'm definitely not playing german
[06:37:48] i mean that profile
[06:37:52] nah death we're not pointing trust he's going twitch hell to the no
[06:38:02] that would just be miserable i would just
[06:38:04] be sitting under my turret the whole game, missing every CS.
[06:38:09] Feels fucking bad man.
[06:38:13] Okay... What do I want to listen to?
[06:38:16] I don't know.
[06:38:17] I haven't been in the mood for any specific music
[06:38:20] in a bit.
[06:38:22] No music I haven't thought about
[06:38:24] and been like, oh, I really want to listen to this or that
[06:38:26] or whatever.
[06:38:27] But I haven't been in the mood
[06:38:28] to just, you know,
[06:38:29] listen to stuff.
[06:38:30] Let me see.
[06:38:32] I'm not sure.
[06:38:33] Let me think.
[06:38:37] Ba-da-ba-ba ba-da-ba-ba ba-ba. when did twitch become a good support?
[06:39:00] He's not. Not really, I mean he's like okay in solo queue but...
[06:39:06] People just like- A lot of the, either it's one tricks or it's people who get autofilled and don't want to play support.
[06:39:17] It's one of the two.
[06:39:20] It is what it is
[06:39:28] you never know.. He said at least he picked something
[06:39:55] he's comfortable on.
[06:39:59] Maybe.
[06:40:02] Who knows?
[06:40:04] Like I said, I don't really know.
[06:40:07] It's hard for me to tell what...
[06:40:11] We're getting into Masters where once you get into master's mmr the game quality just
[06:40:17] like coin flips like it's really hard to tell when do you hit masters if people are playing? Like, what's
[06:40:25] happening?
[06:40:27] Sometimes people just get mad.
[06:40:30] Sometimes people just get mad.
[06:40:31] They troll. Sometimes they play the game
[06:40:33] to win. Sometimes you get smurfs, sometimes
[06:40:35] you get AFKs.
[06:40:38] I mean, I don't know.
[06:40:40] It's wild.
[06:40:42] We're in the Wild West.
[06:40:45] I don't think we win level 1.
[06:40:49] I'm going to be honest.
[06:40:52] I'm almost positive
[06:40:54] we don't win this level 1,
[06:40:56] by the way Like, we do have a Twitch.
[06:41:14] So like if he starts Q...
[06:41:16] He has a lot of like bursting up time but i don't know man i want to go to the
[06:41:21] lane i don't want to choose that because if we get caught in it and not like if we get caught in that like
[06:41:29] area where ash
[06:41:32] volleys and then
[06:41:33] I don't know it's just not worth
[06:42:09] okay oh my missus hands so Not bad.
[06:42:13] Oh no, I ate a turret shot! Oh, I'm just terrible at League.
[06:42:16] Cool. My bad. And I ate a volley.
[06:42:24] Ate a turret shot and a volley. Cool.
[06:42:32] Damn, I thought I was going to be able to get that with the first strike.
[06:42:34] Oh,
[06:42:35] I got first strike still.
[06:42:35] Nice. We're getting some good damage off.
[06:42:49] Like Ashe is taking some really heavy damage.
[06:42:52] We need to crash the wave though.
[06:42:59] Oops.
[06:43:03] Hmm... Hmm.
[06:43:07] I don't know if I actually want to back air?
[06:43:10] I think we could...
[06:43:11] I think we can stay and maybe cheese them.
[06:43:15] Yi is
[06:43:16] top,
[06:43:17] right? So there's a chance
[06:43:20] like...
[06:43:24] Not bad.
[06:43:29] Ooh, maybe not a great Q.
[06:43:35] Not bad though, not bad! We got Ash Flash Ghosts and Senna heal.
[06:43:42] Huge! Now I'm gonna back. I couldn't even buy a component, bro.
[06:44:07] How much gold did I get with this? 69. Sweet, good number. Teenagers can't
[06:44:28] have any shit out of me Not too bad. works at the time
[06:45:10] i think we back off there Not bad.
[06:45:33] Oh, that guy died though. Still not bad though. Could have been a lot worse. I mean, I kind of want to go...
[06:45:53] Nah. It's not worth it. I take it back, it's not worth.
[06:45:56] I take it back. It's not worth the try and get that. That's a plate.
[06:45:58] That's a bait plate.
[06:46:01] Any plate that doesn't
[06:46:02] immediately give you something when you recall?
[06:46:04] Like if it doesn't give you like
[06:46:05] a something when you recall, like if it doesn't give you an item or something
[06:46:10] like that. It's always going to be a bait plate
[06:46:12] because then you're just bucking your tempo over and you want to be back in lane
[06:46:19] as soon as possible.
[06:46:20] You know what I'm saying, lads?
[06:46:23] All right so few things I wanna think about right now. Right? As we're going over this game.
[06:46:28] Like yeah my team is doing really well.
[06:46:30] Everybody on the teams doing great.
[06:46:32] We wanna watch the enemies levels
[06:46:34] So Sivir
[06:46:36] My level 6 is not nearly as good as like Ashe's level 6, right?
[06:46:39] Or Senna's level 6. So we want to watch the
[06:46:43] Senna and the Ashe levels really closely right now
[06:46:47] And make sure that they don't, they don't hit six
[06:46:49] without us noticing.
[06:46:51] And if they don't hit six without us noticing or
[06:46:53] like if they hit six and we don't notice or something
[06:46:55] uh and we just like walk up and throw our entire lead because we were being ego-y.
[06:47:04] You know? It's just how it kinda works.
[06:47:07] Cause right now I wanna make sure that I'm gonna walk the wave in,
[06:47:11] We also don't know where he is Wow, that Senna actually saved him.
[06:47:27] That's kind of wild.
[06:47:38] Wow. Damn it. That was warded? Man, I suck.
[06:47:47] I could have kept running and flashed.
[06:47:51] Damn that sucks.
[06:47:52] But yeah...
[06:47:53] I couldn't...
[06:47:54] Maybe I could've killed the Ashe?
[06:47:55] I'd have to go look.
[06:47:57] I'll be real.
[06:47:57] I'd have to go look.
[06:47:58] Like, I don't know if I could've killed Ashe
[06:47:59] when we were fighting under the turret.
[06:48:02] I would've had to flash for it and I don't know if that's worth...
[06:48:04] I mean, I wasted my flash anyway, so it is what it
[06:48:06] is, but yeah, like
[06:48:08] when we were right here fighting under the turret
[06:48:10] Nash was fighting, maybe I could have auto'd him
[06:48:12] a bit more too.
[06:48:14] I kind of walked alongside the Ashe for a second when he was all-inning Twitch,
[06:48:17] because I was trying to finish the minions so that I can get level 6.
[06:48:21] But again like I don't know if it's actually worth it
[06:48:23] because my six is kind of worthless.
[06:48:26] It is one of those, you know?
[06:48:31] Hmm.
[06:48:32] It's hard to tell.
[06:48:34] Like really hard to tell. Okay, so I'm going to push one more wave and then
[06:48:55] I'm going to try and back asap to get my shiv
[06:48:58] if i had better farm this game would already be over
[06:49:05] we should not open up yet, man. Just wait for it.
[06:49:13] My ult's up in five so just wait for it.
[06:49:21] I'm going to push the wave instead of walk up because
[06:49:24] I don't think I can walk up and actually assist
[06:49:26] anything right now,
[06:49:27] so it's better to push the wave up and actually assist anything right now.
[06:49:29] So it's better to push the wave so that we have the ability
[06:49:33] make a play after we make a play, like here I can walk
[06:49:37] up now and kind like walk past the wave
[06:49:40] now we can uh proxy this and now i can get a really fast push Reach it back.
[06:49:54] I just want to leave. Nidalee is going to die if she stays, but that's on her.
[06:50:09] Cool, we got Shiv. I'll grab boot.
[06:50:12] Actually you know what? i want boot i won't do it i am gonna go swift ease this game maybe
[06:50:16] i shouldn't have bought that that one uh that dagger because i do
[06:50:19] wanna go swepties this game.
[06:50:29] Because they have so many slows on their team, Swifties is going to have so much fucking value.
[06:50:37] I shouldn't be walking that close to that wall Not bad, got a good chunk.
[06:50:44] That is 100% warded. I don't know if
[06:50:48] I can actually help him.
[06:50:52] Okay nice.
[06:50:55] Well played!
[06:50:58] Nice too!
[06:51:00] Okay...
[06:51:03] So here I want to look and see where everybody is in the map.
[06:51:04] When you make a play like that,
[06:51:05] and you're like,
[06:51:06] oh, I want to get some free terraplates or whatever,
[06:51:10] think about where everybody is on the map, right?
[06:51:11] That's going to be my main goal.
[06:51:13] Like try not to die to something random. We find everybody on the map here and
[06:51:16] we just chill
[06:51:21] i do want to push this in asap uh like i said before, just because...
[06:51:27] That was my bad.
[06:51:31] If we push that in then they can't get- I couldn't get the plate.
[06:51:36] Dammit.
[06:51:36] I was hoping it would go down right as I walked away, but you only actually
[06:51:40] get the point if you hit it.
[06:51:42] If you're in proximity or whatever, that's fine,
[06:51:44] but you have to actually hit the plate to get it if you walk away.
[06:51:50] I'm just going to sit under
[06:51:52] the turret and try my best not to die.
[06:51:53] I'm just going to try and wave clear.
[06:52:09] Okay, so... I'm saving my spell shield because if I use it on something stupid, I just get Asher and die. So there's no point
[06:52:13] in using the spell shield. And now I'm going to sit at my turret
[06:52:17] and do nothing we just give a nice weight
[06:52:26] it's boring but it is what it is.
[06:52:39] Did she fall off until Q max after five? Wait, what?
[06:52:41] No.
[06:52:41] Sivir's got great scaling actually.
[06:53:01] Okay. the problem with sever is her early game is really, really fucking tragic.
[06:53:05] Her early game
[06:53:06] is just absolute dog water.
[06:53:10] So when you have a bad
[06:53:11] early game like that, it's really hard to...
[06:53:17] I think I'm just dead.
[06:53:19] Yeah, I'm dead.
[06:53:21] They all get double killed,
[06:53:23] but I should have flashed sooner
[06:53:24] before I got hit by the auto.
[06:53:26] It's not bad.
[06:53:31] If you weren't six
[06:53:32] it would have been that close.
[06:53:39] Wait, what do you mean? You mean when Twitch died earlier is that what you're saying?
[06:53:45] that wait is that where you referring to like when Twitch died earlier or whatever and I... Like the Ashe lived.
[06:53:51] Run to the chair fight.
[06:53:52] Oh yeah it's uh...
[06:53:55] I mean it's uh... I mean,
[06:53:56] It's not about falling off.
[06:53:57] It's just that I didn't auto.
[06:53:58] Like, I didn't properly play the 2v2.
[06:54:02] Like, I-
[06:54:03] I just missed an auto.
[06:54:05] And the one auto I missed, she ended up getting free stuff.
[06:54:36] She ended up living at literally 1 HP, right? And that 1 HP was because I missed an auto. Ash is actually pretty good versus Sivir. I think it's like a neutralizing lane like silver should never
[06:54:40] die to ash really but silver can't really fight ash if ash has like equal gold so If the Yi rage quit, why didn't they forfeit?
[06:55:08] I'm really confused.
[06:55:17] I panic open.
[06:55:29] I need to back up, but I can just die here
[06:55:45] oh there it is there's the forefoot okay Shut down. Victory!
[06:56:04] We fucking did it boys. Victory!
[06:56:32] The Twitch played really well, actually. Wait, this Yi has zero damage to champions.
[06:56:36] Like actually zero. Wait... I haven't seen somebody
[06:56:40] like have zero in
[06:56:44] without like actually leaving the game and In...
[06:56:49] Without actually leaving the game in years.
[06:56:59] Because usually people rage quit, but they rage quit after like something goes wrong that guy just raged
[06:57:03] i got his bridge quite after like doing nothing
[06:58:03] it's kind of wild. Not the worst. so. Yo, RF are you still here? Hello? Hello?
[06:58:10] I'm gonna take that as a no.
[06:58:14] Fucking rip, okay.
[06:58:45] What is happening let me think okay All right, guys.
[06:58:47] I might play one or two more and then we'll get off
[06:58:48] to make dinner. And then we'll come back tomorrow..... Addiction. now
[07:00:10] addiction dover drive oh what is happening we have a top Ornn with Teleport Ignite.
[07:00:11] Okay, I dig it.
[07:00:12] I dig it.
[07:00:13] We have Taliyah.
[07:00:32] At least we're getting into the ELO people start to play meta champs, that's super good. Vitalia jungle and shit like that but we do- I mean
[07:00:35] I say that but this guy is also playing Yone so it's like eh...
[07:00:39] Yeah no. Who knows?
[07:00:40] Who knows?
[07:00:44] Not I.
[07:00:46] Not I. Ooh, I like that.
[07:01:00] The exhaust heel barrier? Dude, I'll that. Exhaust heal barrier?
[07:01:03] Dude, I'll never fucking die.
[07:01:05] I like that.
[07:01:07] We just scaled.
[07:01:08] And then if Zed jumps on me?
[07:01:09] Haha!
[07:01:10] Good luck.
[07:01:13] We just scale it out. Oh, Malphite.
[07:01:28] I think Malphite's kind of a weird pick
[07:01:30] into our comp because
[07:01:31] Malphite's not very good for Sivir.
[07:01:35] That's kind of a hard game. Hi.
[07:01:51] Hi, kitten.
[07:01:53] Hi. How you doing hello how are you doing girl
[07:02:00] hi hi i know i see you well i see i see you. I see you, girl.
[07:02:07] Okay. Relax.
[07:02:08] Calm it down.
[07:02:10] Calm down.
[07:02:27] Okay. setting up a kitty cam have i thought about it? Actually, no.
[07:02:36] I'd have to get a whole other webcam
[07:02:37] that I have to like... My cat moves around so much.
[07:02:43] Like she doesn't just sit in one spot, she roams around the fucking area.
[07:02:53] Like, sometimes she'll sit behind me.
[07:02:55] Sometimes she'll sit to my left on the carpet.
[07:02:56] Sometimes she'll sit on the couch behind me.
[07:02:59] I'd have to get, like,
[07:03:01] a camera that, like... puts...
[07:03:02] Like, I'd have to, like,
[07:03:03] put the camera on top of...
[07:03:05] Like, on the cat.
[07:03:06] Okay. 30 seconds until minion spawn.
[07:03:17] You guys are about to have like cat action, Cam. I don't see any nerfed in the house. Oh, What?
[07:03:32] Kitten cam, kitten cam. kitty cam kitty cam they own from The one from last game. wealth is my kind of burden So I outed the first minion so we can do that. Don't want to miss a CS there. Hmm Oh that was a good exhaust!
[07:04:47] That was a very good exhaust.
[07:04:51] Because I messed up
[07:04:53] really hard just now.
[07:04:55] I should be okay.
[07:04:58] Oh, he did not need to heal. That was kind of a
[07:04:59] weird angle.
[07:05:05] ... Oh, I don't think these guys are very bad.
[07:05:15] I think I'm...
[07:05:16] I'm bad.
[07:05:20] Oh, I'm very bad.
[07:05:50] No just playing stupid. no i mean that was my bad i I literally just got outplayed.
[07:05:52] Started to finish right there.
[07:05:54] Got E, didn't eat anything...
[07:05:57] Then I walked up and got W'd.
[07:05:59] It was like me playing
[07:06:01] absolutely awful.
[07:06:07] Oops!
[07:06:08] You know, sometimes
[07:06:09] you play bad in this one.
[07:06:12] Been playing well all you know sometimes you play that but this was
[07:06:16] i've been playing well all day so i'm like oh
[07:06:35] on a good note they do have no uh no flash No flash. Kind of want to spam shove the wave in a bit. Just thought i'd get level two. I should be okay here. i told you like i can i can play fine
[07:06:50] uh our main issue is just like i played the early game really bad. Like
[07:06:56] So, like the first few level or the first two trades I played really bad
[07:07:00] I need to just lock in I was like, you know
[07:07:05] I wasn't thinking let's put it that way and i was like you know
[07:07:08] i wasn't thinking let's just put it that
[07:07:14] way off in my own head thinking about what i was gonna eat for dinner so That should be fun.
[07:07:43] Yeah, yeah we should back off it's fine though.
[07:07:45] Flash for flash is completely Yeah, yeah. We should back off. It's fine though.
[07:07:48] Flash for flash is completely okay when you're versus an engaged champ.
[07:07:55] So like Rakan flashing there is fun
[07:08:48] Well, I might get dove i mean i'm gonna try and clean this out so we don't um is Nice.
[07:08:48] Well played.
[07:08:53] Very well played. Now we got her back.
[07:09:06] Oh, she's just trying to get the thing? No, we got her back. Back on the cannon wave. Now I can walk back to the plot. we can escape so
[07:10:03] i mean yeah the jenny flash level two
[07:10:05] so like...
[07:10:07] I'm not really sure, right?
[07:10:13] I kind of want to...
[07:10:17] Wow! So J Traps don't take off your first strike. What? so so is so Damn, if I was 6 that would have been the freest triple kill in my life.
[07:11:18] Oh, I'm dead.
[07:11:22] I mean bro, I was just...
[07:11:29] I egoed it. I was gonna e the stun and then go in but
[07:11:33] it was my bed
[07:11:39] like jin's thing at 20 is so illegal I just got mad that was with the tilt play What?
[07:12:01] What?
[07:12:04] Man. What? WHAT?! Man, I'm sad that
[07:12:06] wasted my ult though. You guys have no idea.
[07:12:18] ... Hmm. Hmm.
[07:13:00] Yeah, I want to get this plate. uh um Oh, that's not good.
[07:13:01] I'm dead.
[07:13:05] My barrier just came up and I whiffed it too.
[07:13:07] Damn it man. Damn it, man.
[07:13:12] That guy's gonna die too. Fuck. At least we got the
[07:13:14] Rakan but...
[07:13:15] I'm playing bad.
[07:13:39] Bro! Yo! I'm playing bad. Bro, you are playing Yuumi. Relax! People are allowed to make misplays. It's part of the game. Your champ sits AFK. Chill.
[07:14:06] Jesus fucking Christ, bro! oh my jesus fucking christ bro I feel like if you're flaming,
[07:14:08] there's a few champions in League
[07:14:10] that you're not allowed to flame as.
[07:14:12] And I have to be honest,
[07:14:14] I feel like one of them is 1000% Yuumi.
[07:14:17] If you're a Yuumi player,
[07:14:19] you're not allowed to physically
[07:14:20] flame your teammates.
[07:14:25] Because... I mean... you're not allowed to physically like flame your teammates because like i mean think about it
[07:14:49] oh yeah i'm playing bad this game right that's my bad but like it's not like you know come on bro I can't really do anything here.
[07:14:51] They're just going to have... They're just going to have good... oh my mouse and gun. uh i mean so so um oh How?
[07:16:03] How is this Jhin allowed to sit here at 20% HP, that's wild.
[07:16:07] Like how is this allowed?
[07:16:17] I don't understand, first of all,
[07:16:19] why Yuumi got off me.
[07:16:20] Second of all,
[07:16:21] why we're letting this Jhin sit here
[07:16:23] at 20% the whole game.
[07:16:25] It does not make any sense.
[07:16:32] Like, the second that they see That, I guess I should ping it for Taliyah
[07:16:34] Maybe she doesn't see it
[07:16:37] Right, like there's a chance
[07:16:39] I just missed 5 CS.
[07:16:40] I'm playing so bad.
[07:16:42] Like this is so illegal what Jhin is doing.
[07:16:45] He's a little higher now but yeah staying at that level for that long
[07:16:49] That is so illegal.
[07:16:51] But it's like...
[07:16:54] ...
[07:16:56] ...
[07:16:58] ...
[07:17:35] ... the train chill um Oh, wow.
[07:17:43] I mean that was a crazy good flash R.
[07:17:45] Or R flash. Yeah! Let's go. so so so Taliyah should stop doing that.
[07:18:50] Because Taliyah keeps trying to invade instead of farm. I mean, that should be fine.
[07:19:24] This is wild how many people are fucking here, by the way.
[07:19:27] Like this should never be allowed ever,
[07:19:27] by the way. Okay. so Oh
[07:19:50] Why did you me get on that guy you never wanna leave my side as long as I don't break these
[07:20:05] promises
[07:20:07] it's still been
[07:20:09] all so wasted
[07:20:11] on myself
[07:20:12] promises it's still been is I mean, I dodged like 30 things during that game during that fight
[07:20:40] like my guy dodged so much crap during their fights fights all right don't jump don't jump on me bro
[07:21:05] you do you................... you you Dude, what the fucking...
[07:24:42] What? The absolute IRF mode am I watching?
[07:24:47] Holy IRF! holy earth i said oh
[07:25:23] i mean the only reason
[07:25:24] the game is actually hard
[07:25:25] is because Zed
[07:25:26] is super mega fed.
[07:25:55] Yeah! so so What? What was that?
[07:25:58] I guess they got Echowarm, but like...
[07:26:01] Was that just a random thing or something?
[07:26:04] I don't know. got akawar but like
[07:26:08] was that a necessary i don't know that's
[07:26:14] weird
[07:26:19] no they'll just do Baron if we go bot.
[07:26:20] Somebody has to go bot.
[07:26:23] We need to engage on the mid right now.
[07:26:26] Basically,
[07:29:57] we have to engage on them because they're starting Baron. so Zed's just gonna end the fucking game. so is so so what's what what so is so and we just run it down mid ends so so is um so I want to Dude i'm so close to my fucking item
[07:30:01] Yo, can
[07:30:01] I have item? Please?
[07:30:07] Whatever.
[07:31:04] Okay. is uh uh is Oh, whatever.
[07:31:07] Ugh!
[07:31:11] I'm gonna lose my mind, man! Okay. um is so Please, go in! uh i'm gonna lose my fucking minds this orange like refuses to use the r key bro so so man is okay Holy fuck!
[07:33:33] Dude. holy fuck dude
[07:33:37] we only won that game because of my macro
[07:33:43] we only won that game because I macroed my team.
[07:33:46] I refuse to believe we didn't.
[07:33:49] That was like actually,
[07:33:50] like I had to tell them exactly what to do.
[07:33:53] Start the finish,
[07:33:54] I have to tell them where to go, how to play, what to do start the finish i had to tell them where to go how to play what to
[07:33:57] do so so what is well so so so That is wild that that guy was actually thinking like Zed should have grouped.
[07:35:39] No, he's an absolute moron thinking zed should've grouped like how does that group
[07:35:44] this game like look at our team comp right like how did we group his only
[07:35:48] group timer would have been here when they had their lead, right? But look. I killed him.
[07:35:54] Like, look at this.
[07:35:55] The one time he grouped, right?
[07:35:57] I literally killed him. You can see it.
[07:35:59] So he grouped up. I killed him.
[07:36:02] Then he split-p he split pushed nobody could match
[07:36:05] him right so like he's applying pressure by
[07:36:07] split pushing nobody can match the zen so the enemy has to deal with us and
[07:36:12] uh honestly the zed played well i think
[07:36:15] the biggest problem was uh like we would have lost this game
[07:36:19] if my team didn't listen to me on how to like push the lanes together
[07:36:23] and like engage when we did if my team wasn't listening to like push the lanes together and engage when we did. If my team
[07:36:25] wasn't listening to pushing the waves
[07:36:27] and prioring all that shit,
[07:36:29] We would've just lost the game
[07:36:31] because Zed was pushing. Straight up,
[07:36:33] we were just lost.
[07:36:39] Like I think that Rakan is really dumb.
[07:36:45] Surely that guy's not... what elo is this guy
[07:36:47] that's wild
[07:36:52] i'm assuming he's like a master zero lp player
[07:36:55] i don't know. Let me go look.
[07:37:03] Yeah, he is. He's a master...
[07:37:05] No, he's a 300 LP master player.
[07:37:07] Okay. He's a master, no he is a 300 LP Master player.
[07:37:20] So his peak was 300 LP Masters. I mean, he wasn't even bad. He just like...
[07:37:23] The thing about it is
[07:37:24] in lane, I completely...
[07:37:29] And I mean completely fucked up early game.
[07:37:32] Like my lane phase was horrid.
[07:37:35] But I mean I was sitting there telling you guys
[07:37:36] like I'm making mistakes
[07:37:37] I'm playing bad etc.
[07:37:39] The thing is even if you have a bad lane phase of telling you guys, like, I'm making mistakes. I'm playing bad, etc., right?
[07:37:41] The thing is, even if you have a bad lane phase though,
[07:37:42] you can still win the game.
[07:37:45] That's just kind of how it works.
[07:37:48] I told you guys from start to finish of this game and I was telling my team from start to finish of this game, and I was telling my team from start to finish of this game,
[07:37:51] even though I was fucking up in lane
[07:37:52] really poorly or really badly,
[07:37:55] their team had no way
[07:37:57] of beating us in 5v5.
[07:37:58] Because we have Yuumi, Sivir,
[07:38:01] and Ornn. So we have Yuumi, Sivir, and Ornn.
[07:38:03] So we have Yuumi, Sivir, Ornn, and Taliyah, right?
[07:38:05] So we have Taliyah and half their team has dashes
[07:38:07] so Echo has a dash, this guy has a dash,
[07:38:09] this guy has a dash. So like basically their entire team has dashes
[07:38:12] so Taliyah's really effective right?
[07:38:14] Then we have Yuumi and Sivir and we have
[07:38:16] like a bunch of defensives. Once I
[07:38:18] get 3-4 items
[07:38:19] they can't play the game anymore because there are four melee champs versus
[07:38:23] a Sivir. So I mean you saw
[07:38:25] that mid fight right? That like really crazy
[07:38:27] ass mid fight where I dodged like half the
[07:38:29] fucking enemy team spells
[07:38:30] that was literally just because I was playing
[07:38:33] Sivir. That's all it was, right?
[07:38:34] I would have died 50 times
[07:38:37] if I wasn't playing Sivir during that fight.
[07:38:40] But because I'm playing Sivir in that
[07:38:41] fight, they can't catch me.
[07:38:44] Well, Yuumi was helpful obviously but it's like
[07:38:45] you have like Yuumi-Sivir and it's pretty much
[07:38:48] impossible for them to ever actually kill me
[07:38:50] if I'm not playing like an absolute moron
[07:38:52] because the only way that they can get on me
[07:38:55] is Malphite has to land ulti,
[07:38:57] then this guy has to land ults into
[07:38:59] this guy's ults into the stuns and everything.
[07:39:00] They have to lock me down. But the problem with doing that
[07:39:03] is especially if this guy goes Mikhaels.
[07:39:05] He didn't but...
[07:39:06] If he were to go Mikhaels and I have my E
[07:39:09] It's so hard!
[07:39:10] I don't know if you guys ever tried to catch a Sivir like
[07:39:13] With ulti going at level 11.
[07:39:15] But it's impossible.
[07:39:17] It's just stupid.
[07:39:22] That shit's wild to me though.
[07:39:24] Yo! MrRaph!
[07:39:25] Make him the 97 month resub bro i appreciate it a lot welcome back
[07:39:32] almost 100 months in a row. That is wild.
[07:39:37] That's crazy.
[07:39:43] Alright, so
[07:39:44] I think
[07:39:46] I'm gonna go make dinner.
[07:39:47] We did an eight-hour stream today, or almost
[07:39:49] eight. I think that's good.
[07:39:51] I'm gonna go make dinner and then
[07:39:53] chill for a little bit, so
[07:39:55] not too bad.
[07:39:58] Uh, So... Not too bad.
[07:40:03] We did lose a few games, which kind of felt bad.
[07:40:05] This game I don't-
[07:40:07] I do think this game was my fault.
[07:40:08] But it is what it is. This game and this game was my fault but it is what it is this game and this game this game was my fault
[07:40:11] but i think we would have lost this game regardless
[07:40:15] because our uh
[07:40:18] our support was auto filled i. I could have won this
[07:40:20] game if I had just traded the support.
[07:40:22] If I traded this guy and he was on his cat,
[07:40:24] he's like a challenger Katarina one trick but he was off
[07:40:26] roll so he sucks. If I had traded him
[07:40:28] we would have won this game but only lost three games not
[07:40:31] too bad and I'd say it was a good day overall
[07:40:36] we're getting like plus 30 in Diamond right now, so hopefully
[07:40:41] we can just keep winning and then
[07:40:45] keep our MMR good.
[07:40:47] Keep our MMR goaded right now
[07:40:49] and if we can get into mid-Masters by tomorrow,
[07:40:52] I'd be pretty happy with it.
[07:40:55] Because, I mean, we're playing against
[07:40:56] Masters players right now, but
[07:40:58] we're not in Masters yet because
[07:41:00] the way MMR works and shit.
[07:41:02] So, but I mean we have good MMR so that's all that matters
[07:41:07] But yeah thanks for watching boys.
[07:41:10] I appreciate it a lot if you like to stream don't forget to follow me on all my socials.
[07:41:14] You can find the socials beneath the stream.
[07:41:16] Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, YouTube, exclamation point Discord in the chat.
[07:41:21] You can join the Discord if you have any questions about um anything like
[07:41:25] in-game related like stream related just want to ask a question like whatever you can get ahold
[07:41:30] of that discord you could join talk to random people that are on the discord. Um, I promise
[07:41:35] they're cool. Well,
[07:41:37] not all of them because you know like I'm in the
[07:41:38] discord but it is what it is. Anyway,
[07:41:41] uh thank you so much for watching
[07:41:43] guys. I will be live tomorrow
[07:41:44] same time as today,
[07:41:46] around like 11 a.m., my time.
[07:41:51] And yeah, that'll be it.
[07:42:01] Appreciate it, dudes. appreciate it dudes i'll see you tomorrow have a good one bye