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Until Dawn Remake Playthru - !Multi !247 - !Starforge @starforgesystems

10-05-2024 · 6h 13m

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[00:02:16] Let's get married and all those other guys doing check
[00:02:20] Are you guys doing house life? Oh, what up a water? I guys don't show what up people Saturday Saturday people
[00:02:32] Can you preload?
[00:02:38] Silent Hill is the question
[00:02:40] No, you cannot I just realized is this game launching tomorrow at 1 p.m. I
[00:02:52] Just realized wait a minute. I was just assuming this is dropping. What time?
[00:02:57] It says in approximately 11 hours
[00:03:01] So I'm assuming with the
[00:03:08] Pre-purchase starts October 6th, so then I can play this shit. Oh
[00:03:16] Yeah, okay, I guess we're good then. Okay. I guess we're good. I
[00:03:20] Guess we're good then shit
[00:03:23] Nice, I thought they were gonna do like some seven hour
[00:03:26] Our 7 p.m. Thing. That's what I thought. Oh, yeah, we're gonna finish on Salad's on I
[00:03:38] I feel like we're doing good there. I've been enjoying the replay. We're almost done with it. I think I've been enjoying it
[00:03:47] And ain't that bad?
[00:03:51] It ain't that bad. Maybe some Liars bar after some shit. That's kind of fun. Liars bars decent. Hey, ain't that bad?
[00:04:02] You know, I need that bad. Hold up. I'm just adding something real quick. Hold up
[00:04:09] hold up hold up okay still no COTD um we could do COTD we could we could do COTD until
[00:04:35] dawn into um some other shit until dawn remake is being criticized for looking way worse than
[00:04:45] the original. I will say playing it this game I need to compare it side by side to the original
[00:04:54] but it looks really good and then I guess there's definitely a bit of like it's not as polished
[00:05:01] as the original. The original was like wicked polished like you didn't see like weird animations
[00:05:11] and shit um it was it was way more of the standard of like a sony published game so maybe i think
[00:05:24] this is just kind of like a this was on the ps4 yeah like these scenes look great and then also
[00:05:37] like playing this at 20 30 fps on a ps4 now playing it at 200 fps is fucking insane it looks so much
[00:05:46] better. Actually, hold up. I can see the quality, I wouldn't say the graphics are bad. It's you can
[00:05:56] clearly see the improvement if people are complaining about it not being polished. I agree.
[00:06:03] Graphics look like it's fucking insane. They changed the vibe. Yeah, they changed it a bit. Sure.
[00:06:09] The atmosphere is gone.
[00:06:10] The atmosphere is missing.
[00:06:14] Level of detail.
[00:06:32] I would say that's like fine.
[00:06:35] Okay, sure.
[00:06:41] Wow.
[00:06:42] Okay, sure the atmosphere changed there.
[00:06:45] It kind of just seems like a different time of day because this is the scene where they're
[00:06:49] all arriving to the cabin.
[00:06:57] So this is like early in the day.
[00:07:00] It's sunset now.
[00:07:02] I mean it definitely okay sure the lighting is because of the time of the day
[00:07:15] So what's weird is I don't know how they changed it, but like this litter this scene literally takes place when they like just get there
[00:07:23] It's definitely way darker though actually even in the house a
[00:07:29] Fuck I
[00:07:31] Wonder why they changed that it kind of does look like it's like a hmm Wow
[00:07:46] It's definitely different there definitely the way the darkness is depicted in the in the ps4 version is kind of more
[00:08:00] Black and white like you see the shadows and you see the lighted areas and the overall darkness
[00:08:08] Definitely lighter the fonts are downgraded. I wouldn't necessarily say this game was like
[00:08:24] So far, I don't know man
[00:08:26] I think people are kind of bugging, but I do see textures.
[00:08:34] I do see where you can criticize like the tone.
[00:08:40] The tone has changed.
[00:08:43] But I don't see like they, you know, that's where I see the difference.
[00:08:48] If I'm finding any reason to hate, unless there's like a blatant fuck up, I mean you
[00:09:06] can see the tone difference here.
[00:09:08] This is a massive difference but once again this is showing this is right when the game
[00:09:15] starts every chapter is an hour or so until dawn so this is clearly fucking taking place
[00:09:26] they're depicting it as the sun's going down like this is six seven p.m. or some shit
[00:09:32] wherever the fuck I forgot where this takes place and the original it's clearly darker
[00:09:38] Like it's like fucking eight or nine o'clock, you know
[00:09:45] That's what I see there it definitely looks spookier on these scenes on the ps4 version, but I mean, you know
[00:10:04] But I feel like what I'm saying is when it doesn't really make sense if you look at the interior shots
[00:10:09] Because the interior shots it looks way darker and that's way further into the night
[00:10:15] So the interior lighting is brighter
[00:10:17] but I would say overall the game looks jarringly way fucking better. Uncapped
[00:10:30] frame rate and how high quality looking the game is like it's definitely an
[00:10:36] improvement. I don't think this should have been a $70 game. I would say the
[00:10:40] worst part of it is the janky feel. It's it doesn't feel as polished as the
[00:10:44] PS4 version where you don't see like animation disconnects and random bugs
[00:10:49] here and there. That's where I would criticize the game. But the actual meat and potatoes is there.
[00:11:00] Yeah, it should have been a $35 game. I think they tried going full out, hey,
[00:11:06] Resident Evil is doing remaster. We can do the same thing. But honestly, Resident Evil's
[00:11:12] remasters are of superb quality. They almost got there with this game, but it's not at the
[00:11:22] same quality level remaster remake whatever the fuck resident evil games are older yeah like the
[00:11:36] scenes after the chapter ends with this guy holy shit this guy and you might as well it
[00:11:42] it looks insane his details insane insane detail ps4 looks better here the thing is though at the
[00:12:07] same time it's not like the ps4 version when it came out it was an insanely good looking game
[00:12:14] you know it was ridiculously good looking when it came out as well that was one of the big
[00:12:20] selling points of like holy shit a ps4 exclusive that looks this good you know um but wait what are
[00:12:28] they i wouldn't say this is sensationalized though way worse than the original honestly this game was
[00:12:38] great, but it's not like you being so diehard about it is kind of fucking
[00:12:43] pepega. This isn't like some fucking insane ass game. You know, it's
[00:12:48] until dawn. It's like a cabin story movie-esque video game. Like clearly they
[00:12:54] took it in a little bit of a different directorial fucking experience, but
[00:13:00] still keeping the essence of the game. Where you can criticize it is the
[00:13:09] technical side, the laggy side, the fucking stuttering side, the disconnect on animations.
[00:13:18] Sure, I will also say the music was weird. I think the beginning of the game was the most awkward
[00:13:25] and cringy slash weirdness, but then after you kind of settle into the game and they stopped doing
[00:13:33] that. The addition of the music feels more disconnected like it was thrown in there after.
[00:13:41] That is the other thing. That was a stupid thing they added.
[00:13:45] It's almost like, yeah, it felt odd.
[00:13:50] That felt, that was the biggest disconnect.
[00:13:52] But like I said, after like the first two, three chapters,
[00:13:55] they stopped doing that and then focused on the actual game.
[00:14:00] Maybe I should have played this is the one game where it might be worth
[00:14:03] actually playing in streamer mode so you don't listen to the fucking music
[00:14:07] because it's so randomly out of place.
[00:14:09] Well, like I said, then they stopped doing it and then the actual game shines.
[00:14:15] Um, I do see people can criticize the camera angles.
[00:14:31] True, true.
[00:14:34] The camera angles, you know, especially a third person game like this does matter and they did change the camera angles on how the game works.
[00:14:44] I can see people not liking that.
[00:14:46] I personally am enjoying it still enough where it's not that big of a factor
[00:14:52] Are you glad a resident evil is first person now, or do you miss third person?
[00:15:08] We have so many third person games I would say I'm you know what resident evil is like one of the best
[00:15:19] first person experiences
[00:15:21] It's not like shooty-shooty, but like shooty-shooty for a reason while
[00:15:27] pushing the story forward I think it's one of the best depictions of a first-person
[00:15:35] game that isn't just like throwing you into a fucking square level and killing
[00:15:41] waves of mobs to then run forward and progress the level and also because we
[00:15:47] just had so many third-person games I feel like resin the new resident evils
[00:15:52] are like a fucking hallmark of a great first-person shooty shooty game so fucking good I can't wait
[00:16:06] till the next one's announced dude I am I am thoroughly looking forward to it my only thing
[00:16:12] is can they top village can they top village I still think this was such a fucking good
[00:16:22] good game man. I wonder if they will though. We'll see. RE9. So damn good. Village was not
[00:16:40] the best. We can argue which Resident Evil is better but I would say for a modern Resident
[00:16:46] Evil story, Village was very very nice. While being original, not a remake. Hold on what
[00:17:04] else until dawn. Anything else looks like not really looks kind of slow out there.
[00:17:27] Are you playing metaphor next week? I don't know what that is. What is metaphor?
[00:17:37] Oh, is this one of those games? I saw this. I'm gonna be honest man, these type of games
[00:17:47] really do fall into I would only play it if it was a hashtag ad I'll be honest
[00:17:54] this isn't really my style of video game not saying it's bad I just don't
[00:18:04] really I don't I don't game to play these type of games but I know they're
[00:18:09] popular but shit brawl if a fucking raven flies over and it's like well
[00:18:16] of shit. I'll play it, chat over sub Sunday and do it up. Then I don't mind. I'll fucking
[00:18:25] check it out. I don't mind playing a video game. I beg you to play the last plague blight
[00:18:36] when you finish up down the side of the hill. You love this game. This guy's begging me.
[00:18:42] He says he's begging me.
[00:18:43] I beg you to play, buddy.
[00:18:48] You're really that passionate about this.
[00:19:01] Are you a dev?
[00:19:02] Staskoo, are you a dev?
[00:19:06] Now, don't get me wrong.
[00:19:07] Initial impression, it doesn't look bad.
[00:19:12] But you're very passionate.
[00:19:13] It just came out.
[00:19:15] Why are you begging me, dude?
[00:19:18] Every word I speak.
[00:19:19] Is it that good?
[00:19:21] I'm sorry, yeah.
[00:19:22] the difference between life and death in this blight. So listen closely. Is it is it like really good?
[00:19:44] Did you narrate this? Is that your voice?
[00:19:48] This, this, played world, it shifts and changes, it shifts in ways you've never imagined.
[00:19:59] Each day grows more unforgiving, but even in the starving dark, hope is free.
[00:20:10] If you stand together, help each other, and trust in the gifts of the world around you,
[00:20:21] there is a way forward.
[00:20:24] Ummm...
[00:20:26] I believe in you both, together.
[00:20:31] We will.
[00:20:33] Okay.
[00:20:38] You know, come on, I mean maybe dude, sure dude.
[00:20:44] I mean the reviews are pretty solid, bro, you know.
[00:20:47] People are enjoying it.
[00:20:48] Well there you go.
[00:20:51] I mean, Dan, yeah, we'll do some cup of the day
[00:20:54] that we're gonna finish until dawn.
[00:20:55] I think we got like two hours left.
[00:20:57] If you see any of the new Diablo 4 Raid,
[00:21:01] I did not track.
[00:21:02] They actually have footage of this.
[00:21:09] Oh, Darth Microtransit.
[00:21:11] He, they actually let him stream this shit.
[00:21:15] Stract.
[00:21:16] Well, I don't understand about Diablo 4 is
[00:21:18] If they if rating is so big I used to watch a lot of Darth Microtransaction was really into Diablo
[00:21:26] He's a pretty solid youtuber for that brief period of time. I was really into it
[00:21:32] um
[00:21:36] I don't I don't understand if if to me if one of their bullet points is rating
[00:21:43] Why aren't they advertising it?
[00:21:45] To me that's a massive end game activity. So why isn't that one of their bullet points?
[00:21:55] They aren't? I saw their trailer. There is not even a mention of it. You need to dig to see that's a thing.
[00:22:07] It is a bullet point? I haven't seen shit.
[00:22:11] Do they have like a Diablo 4? Like what has changed? Do they have like a what to know trailer?
[00:22:19] Because I haven't paid attention for a year. I've let you guys beta test
[00:22:24] Is there like a this is what's changed?
[00:22:29] Like a four minute trailer
[00:22:33] Latest campfire. I'm not watching three hours
[00:22:37] Kind of like before a wow expansion. I'm probably gonna play a ranger again or whatever the fuck assassin
[00:22:50] Yeah, I'm gonna play an assassin. I
[00:22:52] I mean, if they have 90% of player based solo players, why would they spend money for raid
[00:23:00] ads? Because I feel like adding raids is kind of like a big deal because the whole point
[00:23:05] is maxing out a character and having end game activities to get stronger. So adding
[00:23:10] a branch of raiding being one of the main end game activities sounds like a very big
[00:23:15] deal. This game fully came out. Oh yeah, Kill Knight. I just haven't had time. 27 minutes.
[00:23:33] Last minute expansion update. I've never heard of this YouTuber, but he condensed three hours into
[00:23:38] four minutes. Let me see. And then wait, NDA dropped on the raids. Let me see you.
[00:23:47] What is easily my favorite part of the entire Diablo 4 expansion? The part that I think
[00:23:52] most people are really going to enjoy and probably be a little bit surprised about. Now,
[00:23:56] Now it's gonna be a little bit of controversial
[00:23:59] because there are some people who will not be able to play this.
[00:24:02] That is the people who are solo only players.
[00:24:05] They have a party finder system in the game
[00:24:08] and you're going to want to use it
[00:24:09] because what I'm referring to is the Dark Citadel
[00:24:12] which is sort of Diablo IV's answer to raids
[00:24:15] or an in-game co-op dungeon
[00:24:18] with some challenge behind it.
[00:24:19] The Dark Citadel-
[00:24:20] Wait, did he say there's a party finder in-game for this?
[00:24:22] So they added a party finder?
[00:24:24] Citadel actually surprised us.
[00:24:26] I played this with Riker and I played it with Lucky and during our conversation while
[00:24:30] we were playing it, we were all surprised.
[00:24:34] We kind of thought we'd go in there and be some bosses, just a big tank and spade, but
[00:24:38] there's actually some mechanics behind the dark citadel.
[00:24:42] It's going to take you a little bit of time to learn what you actually need to do.
[00:24:46] So we didn't just blindly rush through.
[00:24:49] You actually have to pay attention to what the mechanics are and if you don't, there's
[00:24:52] a timer basically called impending doom.
[00:24:54] mess up the mechanics for too long it's just gonna wipe you and you're gonna have to restart over so
[00:24:59] it's the first time I felt the game is actually going to push back a little bit okay so let's
[00:25:05] explain what the dark citadel actually is it has three wings each of the wings have different
[00:25:09] mechanics you're required to complete in order to progress it is a team co-op based mode so your
[00:25:16] teammate is this max party it's a raid but with four players is diablo four player max party
[00:25:23] Steam blurfix, this is what you changed before, a catch card, video, I don't know,
[00:25:30] oh is that what I did? Thank you JC, I was wondering what I did. XRGB in the video format
[00:25:38] and color to full RGB. XRGB. I had reports that the stream became blurry again, it's because
[00:25:49] because I have to re-do shit for my capture card.
[00:25:55] Okay, that should change it.
[00:25:59] Alright.
[00:26:00] You have to do the mechanics in order to do it.
[00:26:02] Yeah, it's more like two to four players, but it doesn't scale.
[00:26:05] Always score player difficult.
[00:26:07] Throughout the dark citadel, where one person goes to one side,
[00:26:10] you go to the other side and the other person is stuck waiting on the other player.
[00:26:14] You really do have to either be cohesive or play with somebody that is going to know the mechanic as well
[00:26:20] You cannot carry somebody all the way through it because the other person has to carry their weight equally
[00:26:28] From a damaged perspective also it separates as long as someone knows the mechanics
[00:26:32] They can continually die over and over again
[00:26:34] There was many times I died many times in a row and I had a teammate with better gear than me
[00:26:38] I was able to carry the boss fight
[00:26:39] There's times where one person has to stay in the certain dimension
[00:26:42] The other person has to teleport to a different dimension to do a mechanic there
[00:26:45] And then the other person actually has to summon them back for instance. So you know, this is like actually
[00:26:51] Okay, either of the partners fell you both fell now
[00:26:54] I am sure that voice chat
[00:26:57] Enabled with a party finder playing with people you don't know is going to make this feel
[00:27:04] Incredible, but I will say this like a lot of things in life
[00:27:08] the potential for great success comes with the potential for great failure some of my
[00:27:14] It's kind of cool that they added raids like this
[00:27:17] Really almost any game when I'm I didn't think they were gonna go all out
[00:27:21] I want to have a really good interaction with them and because it's even though it's more like
[00:27:26] Micro raids because it's four players
[00:27:28] Opening up to the potential of having to play with another human is going to open it up to the potential of you
[00:27:34] Basically getting trolled or playing with someone. Yeah, I would say it's more like a dungeon
[00:27:37] But I don't really see this as a Diablo 4 raid problem.
[00:27:41] I just see this as a humanity issue and playing the dark citadel with Riker and Lucky and us learning the mechanics together and figuring it out and having the moments like, oh, that's how you do that.
[00:27:52] Or like having to sit there and we're like, come on, come on, come on, you don't work back. I'm going to die.
[00:27:55] Was actually I say this and I mean, sincerely, the most fun I have ever had in Diablo 4.
[00:28:01] There have been a lot of moments where I will get very bored with the game having to grind materials.
[00:28:06] How many of you guys are checking out the expansion the material grind is or after the base game
[00:28:11] You're like fuck the abloh even though. I know like 99% you don't play video games
[00:28:17] And any of you guys gonna be playing it or you're like now I'm good
[00:28:22] Let me rephrase how many of you guys got the original and then you're not gonna get the expansion. Oh
[00:28:37] It's on game pass isn't it? Oh, yeah, I forgot well then
[00:28:40] All right, then, parenthesis, if you have Game Pass, say, parenthesis, Game Pass.
[00:28:47] It's not.
[00:28:54] All right, I can't keep up, I don't fucking know. DLC, not on Game Pass.
[00:28:58] Oh, it's not, okay, so you have to get the expansion separate.
[00:29:04] I'd rather play Silent Hill.
[00:29:06] True. Well, I mean, it depends if you want, like, a...
[00:29:10] Yeah, I mean, sure.
[00:29:11] Ain't PoE too soon, fuck, D4?
[00:29:16] Well, you know, you play Vessel of Hatred, you do it up, and then it's a great then leap into PoE2.
[00:29:23] You know, this is kind of like the appetizer.
[00:29:26] Like this expansion's coming out at the perfect time to then have like a great runway into PoE2.
[00:29:36] I'd rather play the new Last Epoch League.
[00:29:52] As Last Epoch kept up, I played it for a bit, it was decent, you know, it was a good game.
[00:29:59] I forgot how heavy on levels I got. 6,000 people in game. It was good shit.
[00:30:06] There's definitely a lot of RPGs. Titan Quest 2. Yeah, Titan Quest 2 looks pretty great.
[00:30:29] Shit. This game's gonna be similar to...
[00:30:43] Like a Grim Dawn. Isn't it... Didn't Grim Dawn devs make the first game?
[00:30:58] This looks pretty sick. I mean when they showed it off. I mean
[00:31:39] That's a cool vibe to it. See how they end up
[00:31:47] Their depiction of an ARPG
[00:31:50] Not many mobs and Titan quest to
[00:31:57] They don't have they don't go heavy on like mob density. I never really played the first game
[00:32:08] Like the spell effects look awesome. That looks pretty sick. It's like grim dawn. Yeah
[00:32:35] Where was that 4 minute Diablo 4 developer update last minute expansion info?
[00:32:43] I think this is not uncovering the whole expansion, it's mainly... let me see.
[00:32:49] Those are just held a 2 hour long developer update and released some last minute information
[00:32:54] about the expansion in season 6.
[00:32:55] Here's the TLDR of the developer update as it relates to anything not covered in
[00:33:00] the last video.
[00:33:01] the game will actually launch at the same time for everyone worldwide so North America
[00:33:05] players can play on October 7th at 7pm EST.
[00:33:10] So first of all, I called it.
[00:33:12] Penitent, the mode that was previously open only from levels 51 to 60, will now be available
[00:33:17] from level 1.
[00:33:18] It will be extremely challenging, as you can see on screen here, and I could see-
[00:33:22] I don't know what Penitent is.
[00:33:25] Overall, the difficulties of the Torment tiers have been slightly increased and
[00:33:29] now torment for is truly tough sledding and is something you should work for once
[00:33:33] you're in there. That's what I'm talking about. I need a video where it's like this is what's
[00:33:36] changed now from when you played when the game first came out. Restoration, the
[00:33:41] scrolls that will reset a tempering brick have been added to additional places in
[00:33:46] the game like random drop chances, infernal hordes, and even a couple in
[00:33:50] the season journey track. As far as classes, they've made a bunch of
[00:33:54] adjustments. Barbarians have gotten some buffs and should be back on par with
[00:33:57] the other classes. Druids got some buffs notably to companions and some claw builds. Necro minions
[00:34:03] are back this season as the minions are going to be viable again and it sounds like Blizzard
[00:34:07] is committed to having this always be a thing. Sorks got lightning spear nerfed but it was
[00:34:12] so good before it could still be a top build and I think sorcerers will be fine. Rose
[00:34:17] should also still be in a very good spot although Victimize was nerfed and that is
[00:34:21] kind of sad. The seasonal mechanic will be a huge boss that spawns very frequently
[00:34:26] around the world. He'll spawn monsters, you follow and kill them, and you still have to
[00:34:30] do helltides in this game.
[00:34:32] He will open up to the realm of hatred where there's just a bunch more monsters to kill
[00:34:37] and loot to be had. They made a few updates to the ancestral gear drop rates to smooth
[00:34:41] out the progression as you go through torment difficulties. Rewards overall are getting
[00:34:45] a huge buff. Basically all of the random monsters and things like that will give you
[00:34:50] more loot and XP than before. The strongest runes were nerfed and they zoom out the
[00:34:55] camera as well. Isn't this game more zoomed out?
[00:35:02] A bunch of legendaries and unique items got another pass and made some adjustments to
[00:35:06] solidify a few more build options. Paragon glyphs were slightly nerfed to make that part
[00:35:11] of your progression not quite as crucial. It is still a very big part but more of an
[00:35:16] equal part to everything else like your skills, your gear, the mercenaries, runes,
[00:35:20] etc.
[00:35:21] They zoomed out the camera of the whole game, not just the World Bosses.
[00:35:24] The new class is 10 times stronger than any class that's kind of dumb.
[00:35:50] But I see why they have to do that.
[00:35:52] cost 200 but will give a guaranteed ancestral legendary.
[00:35:55] And remember, these are always greater aphix items, which are more rare and definitely
[00:36:00] sought after.
[00:36:01] The materials chest will also consume all your remaining aether like the gold one did
[00:36:05] before bosses will also drop a guaranteed infernal horde unique item along with some
[00:36:10] other loot.
[00:36:11] And the difficulty is based on the torment level instead of having their own tier system.
[00:36:15] Liz also made some adjustments to spark requirements for mythic uniques and gave additional options for crafting those through the rune system.
[00:36:23] So it should be a little easier to obtain at least one.
[00:36:26] Bro, I don't know what that even is.
[00:36:28] What is this?
[00:36:31] I don't know what this vendor even does.
[00:36:35] You get resplendent spark and then 50 million and you can craft a harlequin crest.
[00:36:41] Isn't that one of the legendaries or mythics?
[00:36:44] It's an uber unique.
[00:36:47] Is this the best gear in the game?
[00:36:57] So he's farming to then craft an item, which happens to be the best.
[00:37:01] This is an uber.
[00:37:02] How do you know if it's an uber?
[00:37:10] The whole game has changed since when you played it.
[00:37:13] I know, that's what, like, I understand that.
[00:37:17] It's purple.
[00:37:18] Oh.
[00:37:20] Look up the progression update from Diablo YouTube.
[00:37:23] I can't post the link.
[00:37:32] It says Mythic in the name.
[00:37:34] That's how you know it's an Uber.
[00:37:36] You can do level 50 in 30 minutes.
[00:37:39] Well, apparently you're supposed to hit level 35
[00:37:41] and then jump into the expansion.
[00:37:44] I wonder if you just port to an area at level 35
[00:37:47] and then continue the story.
[00:37:49] Like do you make a character start the season,
[00:37:51] press the skip campaign button,
[00:37:54] held tied to level 35,
[00:37:57] and then jump into the expansion.
[00:38:03] Like you just port her some shit or like maybe go to the quest and like, you know, you take a ship probably because at the end of the game you she takes a ship.
[00:38:13] I think you're forced into the expansion story straight away.
[00:38:17] Rax video.
[00:38:19] 20 fucking minutes.
[00:38:21] Dude, I ain't watching that shit.
[00:38:23] On stream.
[00:38:24] I'm not watching a 20 minute video on that.
[00:38:28] Progression update.
[00:38:33] Diablo 4 progression updates.
[00:38:36] Oh, so they have an official Diablo channel video on how you gear now and what they've changed two days ago
[00:38:49] Parks or two sparks plus some specific runes to
[00:38:53] Target craft the mythic unique you're looking for and speaking of runes
[00:38:58] They are guaranteed to be dropped from boss encounters whisper caches world bosses and first-time strongholds
[00:39:04] That's pretty nice. The pit now has 150 levels instead of the previous PTRs 100.
[00:39:09] Master working materials come from more places within the nightmare dungeons.
[00:39:13] Tons and tons of micro adjustments and bug fixes and much more. So that's the gist.
[00:39:18] The developer update was two hours long so I tried to give you the TLDR as best as I could
[00:39:22] and hit the high notes. If you like the No BS. Interesting. Let me just watch this
[00:39:28] real quick. The launch of vessel of hatred on October 8th
[00:39:30] We're making big changes to existing systems in the game.
[00:39:33] We want the player's journey to feel meaningful.
[00:39:35] How does this work now?
[00:39:36] To understand exactly where they are in the game in terms of power.
[00:39:39] I have help today from Adam Fletcher, who's the Associate Director of Community for Diablo
[00:39:44] and Aislin Hall, who's the Assistant Designer here on the team.
[00:39:46] Here's our guy.
[00:39:47] So now while leveling up your character, you'll have four difficulty choices to
[00:39:49] choose from.
[00:39:50] Normal, Hard, Expert, and Penetrate.
[00:39:53] In the base game, you used to play on a higher difficulty to level up faster.
[00:39:58] Do you not do that anymore?
[00:40:00] Normal, Hard, Expert, and Penitent.
[00:40:02] As you go up in difficulty, you'll
[00:40:04] gain more experience points and gold find.
[00:40:06] So now you can customize or level in journey how you want.
[00:40:08] Maybe you find a kickass item and want to push your character
[00:40:10] a little bit harder.
[00:40:11] Well, now you can.
[00:40:12] Also, from levels 1 to 15 on any difficulty,
[00:40:14] we replace the material drops you would have received
[00:40:16] with items, like armor and weapons.
[00:40:19] In addition, the butcher and treasure goblins
[00:40:20] are guaranteed legendary at any level.
[00:40:23] So chase away or run away if it's an early game butcher.
[00:40:26] The existing characters are being set to level 50, but the new max character level is 60.
[00:40:30] With this, players are gaining 10 more skill points, opening up even more build possibilities.
[00:40:34] And you're able to put points into ultimate abilities now, giving them...
[00:40:37] Wait, Paragon boards are shared?
[00:40:38] Talk about Paragon later on in this video.
[00:40:40] But also at level 60, the pit opens up, and pit progression is how you're going to
[00:40:43] unlock the end game difficulties.
[00:40:45] We're calling them Torments 1, 2, 3, and 4.
[00:40:47] To unlock Torment 1 difficulty, you'll need to clear a pit level of 20, either solo
[00:40:51] or in a group.
[00:40:52] For Torment 2, it's pit tier 35.
[00:40:53] For 3 it's pit to your 50 and for torment 4 it's level 65.
[00:40:57] The pit itself has been rebalanced.
[00:40:58] For example this version of 265 is more challenging than before but it's rewards our hunt here.
[00:41:04] Also the pit is what you grind tears.
[00:41:06] So this is a lot of emphasis on getting to the end and completing it before the timer
[00:41:09] runs out.
[00:41:10] So we're moving glyph leveling from nightmare dungeons to the pit.
[00:41:13] We feel that these play styles are more in line with each other and in nightmare
[00:41:15] dungeons players sometimes will punish for exploring around so we're moving master
[00:41:18] working materials from the pit to nightmare dungeons.
[00:41:20] So now you won't feel bad for taking a wrong turn or exploring a bit since we're beginning master working materials either way
[00:41:26] Previously when you were going through the pit you get all your master working materials at the end
[00:41:29] But now in nightmare dungeons you're gonna be able to go and like Ruben said kill all these monsters
[00:41:34] Explore all these little nooks and crannies and you're gonna get master working materials from all those different places
[00:41:38] Which really fits with the nightmare dungeon playstop
[00:41:41] Before I get into the glyph leveling I wanted to mention that ancestral mythic Uniques are dropping in torment one
[00:41:45] They will always have at least one greater aphix and always drop at the maximum item level, which is now 800 non-ancestral items cap out at 750
[00:41:53] So on glyphics V we're removing it now you upgrade your glyphs with attempts
[00:41:57] Here's how you gain attempts and level up your glyphs
[00:41:59] You gain three attempts from successfully completing a pit level and you gain one bonus attempt when you don't die during the run
[00:42:05] So four possible chances to help you catch lower level glyphs up
[00:42:09] Every 20 level difference between the completed pit tier and glyph rank grants a bonus upgrade per attempt
[00:42:15] We'll put a link to our blog in the description down below if anyone is interested in more detail
[00:42:20] But that's a special I forgot about the glyph system on the topic of glyphs
[00:42:23] The levels are being increased from 21 to 100. Well, you have the level every glyph to 100
[00:42:29] Which increases the radius from on a build how many glyphs are are you taking part in here?
[00:42:35] How many glyphs do you need to?
[00:42:39] Where for a build it's not like 30. I have to level to a hundred, right? Oh
[00:42:45] It's just five. Oh five glyphs. Are these the major glyphs that you slot in the Paragon board?
[00:42:57] Okay, if you have to do five, I guess that's not that bad. Okay. I thought it was gonna be like an annoying grind four to five
[00:43:03] And gives the glyph one additional affix
[00:43:05] Okay, time for Paragon boards each class is getting one completely new Paragon board these boards each have a new legendary
[00:43:11] legendary node to help support more builds and play styles.
[00:43:14] With legendary glyphs and new powers coming in, we've decided to reduce the amount of
[00:43:17] Paragon boards you can use to 5, including the starter board, which helps to make your
[00:43:21] choices more important and helps your build come online faster, since you won't have
[00:43:24] to link so many things together for it to function.
[00:43:27] Paragon levels are also being increased from 200 to 300, but players will all get the
[00:43:31] build defining parts of Paragon at around 200, so from there it's about getting
[00:43:35] rare magic nodes which are much more incremental in power, so you don't have to feel
[00:43:39] bad if you're not hating Paragon 300.
[00:43:41] Players can get what they absolutely need first for their build then grab other nodes
[00:43:45] They might find useful with so many Paragon levels to earn they now apply realm-wide
[00:43:49] So this level is now shared across characters within respective standard and hardcore partitions once your character hits max level
[00:43:55] For example a new season starts up and you make a seasonal character after reaching level 60
[00:44:00] You will start earning Paragon levels. Let's say you eventually make it to Paragon level 200
[00:44:04] Now when you make an additional seasonal character within the season
[00:44:06] I mean, that's good if you like making ults.
[00:44:15] I like shared shit, cause a lot of these games sometimes feel like a chore.
[00:44:35] Aislin, let's make your brain a little bit more.
[00:44:37] We have some community questions from that social post
[00:44:39] I mentioned earlier, so let's get into it.
[00:44:41] Kang Jong asks, what are our plans for visual clarity
[00:44:43] during dungeons or any activity really?
[00:44:45] So we know we get a lot of feedback
[00:44:47] on red on red and health hides,
[00:44:48] and so something that you might notice in the health hides
[00:44:50] is that we've adjusted the lighting.
[00:44:51] This is something that we want to improve on
[00:44:53] in all activities in the game,
[00:44:54] so you'll see more improvement in the game.
[00:44:55] It doesn't look like a health hide anymore.
[00:44:56] Dall says, what's the plan
[00:44:57] for master working materials in Stygian Stones
[00:44:59] come season six?
[00:45:00] Should players use or convert these before then?
[00:45:03] Players won't need to worry about converting these
[00:45:04] before season six.
[00:45:05] In Season 6, we're going to have systems in place that allow you to convert your mass working materials into the new mass working material that you'll need to fabricate your gear.
[00:45:11] Additionally, in Season 6, Stygian Stones won't be needed to summon Tormented Bosses anymore,
[00:45:15] but because of that, we're going to be increasing the sell price of them so that you can get a hefty amount of mule out.
[00:45:19] 8bit Bandit asks, how will Tormented Bosses be affected with the new World Difficulty update?
[00:45:24] In Season 6, Tormented Bosses are going to be available on all 4 Tormented Tears.
[00:45:28] That means that they're going to drop a really good loot starting in Tormented 1, and then drop even more of that in Tormented 4.
[00:45:33] It also means that no matter how powerful your build is, you're going to have a hard version of that boss to fight.
[00:45:37] Flour asks, since torment difficulty tears drastically change resistance penalties, and with the introduction of grand gems...
[00:45:43] Yeah, I don't fucking know. I'll play when it comes out. Sure, man.
[00:45:47] Are you going to play this off stream? You already set up my stream deck.
[00:45:52] Where are my steam deck?
[00:45:55] Please do something about your chat. I gave up long ago, Matt. I gave up.
[00:46:16] Alright, what else do we have here? Let me see uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[00:46:42] We could do a Liar's Bar. I don't think we have time though, 8 minutes on a game. I'm going into cup of the day here.
[00:47:03] Cup of the day is trash, well? I guess you won't be joining us.
[00:47:14] I guess you won't be joining us.
[00:47:24] Alright let's see what we got here. Uh, let's do Motherfuckin'
[00:47:29] You playing DBZ next week, I'm pretty sure.
[00:47:38] Yeah, let me download OpenPlanet so I can see shit on my game.
[00:47:44] Isn't this auto download or auto install?
[00:47:51] Do I have to like map it or some shit?
[00:47:54] 1.0, diplomacy is not an option.
[00:47:59] Uh, let me see, library.
[00:48:06] Can I see the location of this please?
[00:48:12] Is that something?
[00:48:13] Am I gonna do this?
[00:48:18] Hold up.
[00:48:21] Or is there shit options, accounts?
[00:48:25] Not account.
[00:48:26] How do you see where this shit, settings?
[00:48:29] Where do you download?
[00:48:34] Auto update.
[00:48:35] What the fuck?
[00:48:36] This setting doesn't show where it downloads stuff.
[00:48:39] The one on Upline.
[00:48:44] Oh, here we go.
[00:48:55] Okay.
[00:48:56] Traction track mania
[00:49:02] You play
[00:49:10] Where do you download friend manage?
[00:49:15] Properties and it is right here friend
[00:49:22] Where the exe is bro, that's literally where it's at you want me to fucking type it in
[00:49:41] UB
[00:49:44] game launcher
[00:49:46] Games, Drak, Mania, what the fuck?
[00:49:50] Where the fuck is this shit-ass EXE?
[00:49:53] Oh, there we go.
[00:49:56] All right, did that actually work?
[00:49:57] Let's see what we got here.
[00:50:02] See what we actually got here, bruh.
[00:50:15] I think it pops up to hit F11, doesn't it?
[00:50:22] Oh yeah, it does, or F3.
[00:50:38] Oh, see what we have here?
[00:50:40] Back to fuck up.
[00:50:41] PlayStation, I'll keep that plugged in.
[00:50:43] Why did you just take my controller?
[00:50:50] I got four minutes.
[00:50:52] I can set this up real quick.
[00:50:55] Yeah, chat mode for subsunday tomorrow, 50% subsunday, 50% we're jumping into, um, motherfucking
[00:51:04] Silent Hill 2 playthrough.
[00:51:09] I'm gonna get some plugins. No plugins.
[00:51:14] Split speeds, metals, dashboard.
[00:51:22] Oh, there's a checkpoint counter.
[00:51:29] I really like the speedometer here.
[00:51:31] Let's get the spedometer and let's get the dash-bwad.
[00:51:40] Alright, spedometer, spedam, spedam.
[00:51:47] How do I move these?
[00:51:50] Open on website.
[00:51:52] How the fuck do you do this again?
[00:51:58] Plugins?
[00:52:20] Yeah, where the fuck do you go in order to change your plug-in stuff?
[00:52:27] Things on an open planet.
[00:52:28] Oh, that's why.
[00:52:30] Okay.
[00:52:33] True.
[00:52:34] Okay, let me see here.
[00:52:35] Dashboard speedometers right here.
[00:52:39] Theme settings.
[00:52:49] That looks kinda weird.
[00:52:50] Oh, you can change the image on the background.
[00:52:56] Yeah, it looks better when it's not like that.
[00:52:58] Basic, basic digital.
[00:53:00] Trackmania Turbo Ascension.
[00:53:04] Basic digital is probably the nicest looking.
[00:53:07] Can I move this closer?
[00:53:09] Position XY
[00:53:12] Size I think size is fine
[00:53:16] Okay, that's point five. Let's go point six
[00:53:20] Wait seven. Oh shit
[00:53:25] Zero point six five
[00:53:27] Line it up a little bit
[00:53:33] like one point one
[00:53:36] Two I just four five make it disappear fine one point four
[00:54:04] That one point oh four whoops
[00:54:06] 1.04. Dashboard, yeah, 1.045 I could do.
[00:54:18] Um, accelerator, clock, speed.
[00:54:24] What is this right here? Oh, that forces it. Game, keyboard, gearbox, acceleration, speed, wheels.
[00:54:33] I don't need all of these, so I'm going to display some of them. Display up, down, arrows.
[00:54:39] I can do this real quick.
[00:54:45] For how many fucking songs? 160 songs.
[00:55:00] 229, 160, 96, god damn it, no wonder.
[00:55:07] Half of these sound like I've heard these 3,000 times.
[00:55:19] Okay, I want to take the gear box, actually we can't, we don't need the gear box anymore.
[00:55:25] Or the speed, because we're using that.
[00:55:27] This pedometer have...
[00:55:49] I thought this had something...
[00:55:56] Oh my god, where am I looking right now?
[00:55:58] Widget. Is this controller pad?
[00:56:01] Where the fuck is controller pad in this list?
[00:56:04] Unless that's the first one.
[00:56:11] And you set it to force keyboard.
[00:56:13] Oh, there we go. Okay.
[00:56:15] And then you go to keyboard.
[00:56:17] I need to make this smaller.
[00:56:26] Border width spacing...
[00:56:29] What?
[00:56:30] Man, I don't know how to make this smaller. Can I change this?
[00:56:38] Border with arrow padding. These aren't changing anything. Steer percentage size.
[00:56:46] Am I fucking blind? Is this not doing anything?
[00:56:52] Oh wait, whoops. Oh, that's changing the border.
[00:57:04] Empty border interactive alpha. Empty fill color. Where the fuck is the scale in this shit?
[00:57:13] You can drag it. It's in the correct position.
[00:57:17] I guess I'll just leave that. I don't really see you can scale with the drag window lies
[00:57:26] I thought you could too. Oh wait not lies. You can
[00:57:29] You have to do the bottom left or the bottom right there you go set up
[00:57:39] Done
[00:57:42] Good shit
[00:57:46] Okay
[00:57:47] Add the split speed plug-in. What does that do split speed? I saw it
[00:57:56] I'm gonna pick a random song and do a playlist of it
[00:58:23] I'm gonna do uh still healing so this might suck balls because obviously I'll do better if the music's good, right?
[00:58:44] I haven't heard this song a little bit
[00:58:47] All right, let's see here
[00:58:49] Baby shark. Yeah, can I get rid of the plug-in at the top? Yes, I can
[00:58:59] All right, here we go. No refund needed refund needed just to see what this is all about
[00:59:43] Engine off okay
[00:59:46] Engine off the whole way there. I think you're supposed to hit the roof on that on purpose
[01:00:03] Sure, man. Yeah, I have to slam on the brakes there. I wonder if you want to airbrake that
[01:00:50] To hit it flat. I'm not sure. Yeah, maybe I
[01:01:03] Hmm. Yeah, I'm gonna try airbraking
[01:01:17] Why are you focusing today? This map is way easier than yesterday's map
[01:01:24] It's not about focus. Yesterday's map was the map was destroying me. Oh shit, that wasn't worth it.
[01:01:45] Restart. Yesterday's map was ridiculous. I'm bad though. Keep that first checkpoint time.
[01:02:23] Airbrake. Bro, I apparently I owned. Damn, apparently I was really good that one attempt.
[01:02:41] Fuck, I tapped the side.
[01:02:59] We haven't seen blue in a long time.
[01:03:11] Anything?
[01:03:41] But I had a very bad landing.
[01:03:44] What the hell is this ending?
[01:03:48] What?
[01:03:49] I had no speed for that?
[01:03:52] What?
[01:03:53] Oh, air break.
[01:03:57] Oh, my fucking god.
[01:04:10] Okay.
[01:04:12] Map is designed for bonk.
[01:04:14] They're all designed with that in mind, brah.
[01:04:22] They're all like that, brah.
[01:04:33] My boints!
[01:04:34] Fuck, bro. I gotta drip that shit so hard, man.
[01:04:53] Oh my fucking god, bros!
[01:04:55] I'm fucking tapping shit!
[01:04:56] Yeah, what if I go right at the start?
[01:05:00] There's a big difference here?
[01:05:01] See, shit.
[01:06:10] Bro, this map is like not difficult,
[01:06:12] but fucking bullshit at the same time.
[01:07:00] We got the guild.
[01:07:02] Gilded.
[01:07:03] Feels good, feels good.
[01:07:06] All right, now do that every fucking time.
[01:07:13] Faster. More blue.
[01:07:14] Oh fuck man, I try to cut that shit full speed full w on the right turn, but it's a very specific angle
[01:07:28] I don't want to adjust my course
[01:07:35] Ah fuck
[01:07:36] This is the wing today
[01:07:47] No way bro. How does my ghost that fast?
[01:08:30] I'm gonna keep going. I need practice anyways. I need practice for the last turn
[01:08:36] Because you can easily just like not finish the map
[01:08:43] Okay, we'll take it whatever last attempt
[01:08:51] I need a god seed. God run here.
[01:08:54] Well, god run.
[01:08:57] 12-0-9. Congrats on doing well.
[01:09:33] My kids won't eat, but you get your Trackmania win.
[01:09:37] Don't fucking guilt trip me, buddy.
[01:09:40] I had the one sitting here, collecting coins and just tossing them around.
[01:09:47] Have I had all that on the line?
[01:10:03] No, I'm using a keyboard.
[01:10:09] Alright, here we go.
[01:10:10] Breaking news hundreds of non-believer yachts cancelled a staggering amount.
[01:10:20] Hundreds of yachts cancelled across many harbors.
[01:10:29] Many ship masters pondering what happened.
[01:10:33] Our boys here we go.
[01:10:46] We got 45 seconds here.
[01:10:49] Practice run pretend it's live.
[01:11:00] Last round.
[01:11:02] This is actually a really good run.
[01:11:34] I'm not going to finish here.
[01:11:36] Unless, yeah, that was actually a really good run. I don't think I beat my PB.
[01:11:42] Goldalrock! PLHF.
[01:11:57] Reliable is relive.
[01:11:59] 10-5-24. There are hands in this division.
[01:12:08] Hey, yeah, 1200 quali on a Saturday? The fuck?
[01:12:23] Whoa, my god, I cut that shit. Oh my god, I might not actually finish. Oh, no.
[01:12:48] My speed just went...
[01:12:51] No, you can still clear it. You can still clear it.
[01:12:58] Uuugh!
[01:13:10] YouTube chat is being cringe.
[01:13:13] Why are you guys being cringe right now? What are you doing?
[01:13:16] Um, what are you guys saying, bro?
[01:13:21] I read it through all that shit, alright?
[01:13:23] You motherfuckers and your YouTube goddamn work accounts
[01:13:27] and fucking Google space accounts and shit.
[01:13:29] They'll never deactivate it. What do you say?
[01:13:32] Here we go. Let's sit here.
[01:13:46] Oh, yeah keep it civil there. Okay. All right. Here we go. Hurry hurry hurry hurry. Oh my god. I thought I tapped it
[01:14:01] Oh my god, dude that okay
[01:14:58] That was scary and it felt like I had no speed on that final checkpoint. Oh, yeah
[01:15:10] There is a safe finish, but it's like very harsh
[01:15:14] That would have been a good time to do it because that was playing it very risky
[01:15:27] Continuing gaze eat today and now
[01:15:29] Alright here we go. I'm not playing anymore on the streamer server. Bro this wobbly fucking
[01:16:01] two wheel bullshit. I'm not happy with these runs. I'm not happy. Yeah I'm gonna be finishing
[01:16:31] until dawn after this. Yeah we have like maybe an hour left too. And then maybe some Liars
[01:16:37] Bar into uh we'll see what's happening. Tomorrow we're jumping into another big
[01:16:45] play through so here we go here we go this is a survival round I need to hit
[01:17:19] gear five during the no engine part yeah I need to be in gear five not being in
[01:17:40] gear five is what's killing my speed it's say you need to keep the car as
[01:17:46] straight as possible to get that gear up but I'm just I'm just my line is
[01:17:51] fucking shit. That's all it is. Survival. Survival run. Oh my god, dude. None of these runs are
[01:19:01] good. Hey, yo, Canada out here on the weekend. We got a triple Canadian Seraf. We got a
[01:19:10] triple Oski here. Come on, man. Come on. I'm hunting for this fifth gear and he's
[01:20:13] He's just not showing off.
[01:20:15] Showing off.
[01:20:19] The song is very random for the playlist we're in.
[01:20:22] How did that get into that radio?
[01:20:32] Alright, let's see here.
[01:20:38] I'm fucking fifth gear on this shit.
[01:21:35] I'm like at the 95% but I just can't get the switch.
[01:21:38] Oh, there's one Canadian.
[01:21:57] Switch to manual.
[01:22:58] Too wide after the bounce on the roof.
[01:23:03] I lose so much speed there.
[01:23:04] Got this map right now, dude.
[01:23:23] Fuck the drift up.
[01:24:15] man I don't know about this I haven't had a single attempt where I feel like I'm in
[01:24:23] control the map is in control right now the brakes there I fucked it all up
[01:24:54] this guy must be hitting these guys have to be breaking through to fifth gear I
[01:25:33] don't know what else they're doing is a smurf usually division one who fucking
[01:26:00] Smurf bitch. Why are you in the fucking no hands?
[01:26:05] Mental load up fucking forza division you fucking bitch. That's interesting. We got the flag
[01:26:46] We got the flag up
[01:26:49] They're looking at it. It won't be there for long
[01:26:58] It won't be there for long over it's over both my wheels getting across that finish line
[01:28:12] Come on now. Come on now
[01:28:20] We'll take that shit right there. We'll take that shit right there
[01:29:18] All right, all right. Damn. I'm surprised I didn't pee be me right there
[01:29:27] Okay, come on now. Come on. Hey shit. Okay. We're global
[01:30:32] We're global right now
[01:30:34] We got the whole world here excluding like five countries. Maybe maybe two. All right. Here we go. Here we go
[01:31:19] fucking choke dude
[01:31:21] Someone miss someone miss fuck everybody made it dude. I'm cursive this Murph shit
[01:31:59] You're fucking done dude. You're fucking done. I
[01:32:03] Bonk the
[01:32:05] I want the shimmy
[01:32:08] The end is here, but it okay. This guy's clearly has other forces working
[01:32:28] with him
[01:32:30] seeing how that guy decided the DNF and whoever wins this is cursed alright
[01:32:44] buddy you're fucking down here buddy you're fucking down here buddy you're
[01:32:53] fucking down here buddy next round it's out you're out wow two people went out
[01:32:57] that round you couldn't have fucked up when I was you couldn't have fucked
[01:33:01] this up when I was in a game both of you guys both of you dudes I mean you're
[01:33:16] done dude you're done here your time is up fresher you're about to get crushed
[01:33:22] fatal bonk ain't there done get him out of here get him out of here what are you
[01:33:42] gonna do rough there's another one dude there's another one coming your way
[01:33:45] there is another one approaching I know you're desperate bro you're sweating
[01:33:58] you're driving but there's another one it's not looking good I guess there isn't
[01:34:07] another one but you know what still I told them I told them did I not tell
[01:34:12] him shit I gotta take a shit give me two minutes I'll be back before the end
[01:34:16] that piece of shit won what happened to the music why did it randomly pause
[01:40:41] sorry chat the shit had to be shit all right people I tried greatest comeback
[01:40:51] ever
[01:40:53] Are you saying some crazy shit happened what happened?
[01:41:01] What's going on here?
[01:41:05] Okay, Blavitson back
[01:41:07] All right engines back on
[01:41:13] He's right behind him point three five. Oh, he bonked
[01:41:18] Wait, he must have bonked again plus two
[01:41:22] Point nine he's behind him kind of and then somehow just takes off right there. Holy shit. What?
[01:41:28] Where the hell did he get that speed boost from?
[01:41:32] He didn't bonk, he was trolling.
[01:41:38] Big speed drop off, holy.
[01:41:42] Alright people, we are going to finish until dawn so we can wrap this game up.
[01:41:52] Finishing this.
[01:41:55] We have like an hour left and then we'll go from there.
[01:42:02] Uh, until zone 2024.
[01:42:08] Where's my PlayStation controller?
[01:42:15] Kill Emily?
[01:42:18] I'm actually trying to see if I can get as many as I can to survive now, because I'm near
[01:42:22] the end and I'm surprised.
[01:42:24] No Bezlok?
[01:42:25] I don't know man, maybe.
[01:42:27] Maybe.
[01:42:28] Alright, it could be.
[01:42:29] We'll see how the day goes.
[01:42:30] See what there is to play.
[01:42:31] There is decent games to play after this.
[01:42:34] So I just want to, I'm near the end of this and then we can jump to other
[01:42:38] stuff. But hey man, you know, sometimes, you know, chat wants their favorite, they want
[01:42:48] their favorite bedtime story, BezLock, you know. Sometimes, Brez, sometimes. Mandragora,
[01:43:03] yeah, I gotta play that too. So I actually exited this game normally yesterday, but
[01:43:18] still asking me for a to do the shaders again. Yikes. So you have to do this every time you launch
[01:43:37] shaders in 2024. I mean, there's going to be shaders in 2025 as well, bro, probably 2026 as well,
[01:43:45] most likely 27. It can be because the patches. Oh, actually, they didn't have a 200 megabyte patch.
[01:44:03] What's the white dot at the top of the screen? Oh my God, I see it. Wait, it's gone.
[01:44:08] It's gone weird. I like disappears. Let's see what we got here
[01:44:27] It's the tip of the mouse a cursor. Yeah, this is so annoying TBH
[01:44:46] Yeah, man, it's like three minutes anyway, so whatever it's not that bad
[01:44:50] It's annoying on stream, but yeah
[01:44:52] Hopefully Silent Hill is not like a hundred gigs. That would suck. And probably at 350 gigs. Yeah, it's probably like 35 gigs, right?
[01:45:20] Most likely. It's le- Steam says 50. It's leaked 87 gigs. This guy says it's leaked and then someone said Steam says 50.
[01:45:39] If Steam says 50, it's most likely like 30. Because they're gonna overestimate how much you need, obviously.
[01:45:49] Uh, it is 50.
[01:45:51] Starcraft 2 rumored at 190 gigs.
[01:45:54] What?
[01:45:55] Uh, let's finish this shit, boys.
[01:46:00] Here we go.
[01:46:01] Continue.
[01:46:02] Hopefully we don't go into a crash loop.
[01:46:04] Oh!
[01:46:08] Oh my god.
[01:46:10] Alright.
[01:46:11] See what we got here.
[01:46:12] Are you doing the pumpkin shit this year?
[01:46:17] Um, I don't think so.
[01:46:20] Okay, so this is when Mike went off on his own.
[01:46:28] Alright.
[01:46:40] Chapter 9. I don't understand how these anthology games blew up. They're so bad.
[01:46:48] They really aren't. I think there's clearly an audience for these style of
[01:46:54] games, bro. It wouldn't keep making them if it wasn't. So I don't really know what
[01:47:01] to tell you, bro. They're pretty decent. Some are okay. They hit an edge. I will
[01:47:06] say they're more, I guess, I guess as a streamer, I enjoy them too, because
[01:47:10] It's kind of like a movie together
[01:47:13] They're a video game form and they're like decent enough to get the point across
[01:47:17] I wouldn't necessarily play all these if I was just a regular gamer
[01:47:22] So I will say being a streamer plays a big role. I mean Silent Hill is gonna have more gameplay
[01:47:35] than this game
[01:47:37] But it's also like you know, this is more like your choices matter
[01:47:40] That's what the big point of this shit is.
[01:47:45] I mean, it says I'm in on Taldan.
[01:47:50] I don't know, that's updated again.
[01:47:56] The Miracle Men, the successful rescue of all 12 miners.
[01:48:00] True.
[01:48:01] All right, we gotta go forward here.
[01:48:18] If Silent Hill 2 is as creepy as I remember, from what I've seen so far, the game doesn't
[01:48:23] look that creepy.
[01:48:24] I'm just looking for like a solid scary game to play.
[01:48:27] Honestly, nothing?
[01:48:34] I don't...
[01:48:36] A lot of supernatural shit...
[01:48:39] Can I not go in here? There's like something in here.
[01:48:41] Supernatural shit isn't like scary anymore.
[01:48:44] It's more about like the atmosphere and the vibe.
[01:48:49] Oh yeah, I've already actually looted this shit here. I've been here obviously.
[01:48:53] It's been here before. He's back at where the dogs were.
[01:48:56] And the cigar hasn't been smoked.
[01:49:01] Should I smoke weed? Question mark.
[01:49:05] Yeah, you should ask your parents.
[01:49:07] See what they say.
[01:49:08] All right, that doesn't work
[01:49:26] Fuckers gonna listen to a bunch of strangers, but not his parents
[01:49:36] Mother's acting like the the anonymous people online aren't always gonna lead you to the worst possible choice
[01:49:44] Yeah, that's never the case
[01:49:57] Charles Adam white Evelyn Daniels Charles Miller
[01:50:03] Why did he say holy hell just because of this did he recognize the names? I don't recognize the names
[01:50:08] or is it more just like the grave site? I think it's more the grave site. Oh fuck,
[01:50:21] premonition. Not finding this. Oh here we go. There it is. Hunger totem. I have no
[01:50:48] idea what the what the hell the hunger totem tells me. I don't know how that
[01:50:54] applies. The deer? Okay so this is just like a secondary area. I'm a little
[01:51:05] lost because I've already been here so I need to find the correct door another
[01:51:21] totem okay other side I can weird-ass totem lost totem I think that was Mike's
[01:51:48] face being caved in all right I am officially lost I want to say I need to
[01:52:01] go through here but I need to find something wait a minute I've never been
[01:52:11] up these stairs. Any other scary games this month? I don't know of anything else coming
[01:52:23] out that's worth playing. There are some indie scary games dropping here and there. Oh wait,
[01:52:38] a quiet place comes out October. Okay, this is definitely the way. On the 17th, they might
[01:52:52] pull that game off I'm not sure yet it looked better than I thought it was
[01:52:56] gonna look from the gameplay I just need a pitchfork in a mob all right he's got
[01:53:04] his torch now the gameplay look decent but we'll say
[01:53:12] porch and a shotgun that's very convenient and he just assumes it's
[01:53:19] loaded all right now we can go through that lock all right here we go we're
[01:53:50] gonna go through one of these locked doors no more room in hell is
[01:53:53] October 22nd. Oh, we're shooting it. Crazy that this game looks exactly the same nine
[01:54:12] years later. You're crazy, dude. It looks completely different.
[01:54:15] Oh, is this the wolf I gave a bone to?
[01:54:22] Hey, what's up when I run into you again? Good boy.
[01:54:31] Oh, that pal. Good one of me. Here's the plant.
[01:54:37] I happen to see a map of this place, so we're not flying blind.
[01:54:41] There should be a way through the psychiatric wing.
[01:54:45] It'll take us right outside the mine.
[01:54:46] All right, apparently there's a dog.
[01:54:50] I couldn't have said it better myself.
[01:54:53] Dog wants to get the hell out of here.
[01:54:57] Nice move.
[01:55:07] Smart doge.
[01:55:12] Oh, it wasn't this big guy with the flamethrowers, dog.
[01:55:15] He's dead.
[01:55:29] Okey-dokey, boy, calm down.
[01:55:33] Oh, my God, he knows.
[01:55:37] Boy, where's your master's flamethrower?
[01:55:41] Wish I could move like you, Wolfie.
[01:55:43] The hell, man?
[01:55:53] This is entertaining, but I have to watch it minimize, because I'm too scared.
[01:56:06] Really? This game?
[01:56:08] You do got moves.
[01:56:10] Don't know, Wolfie.
[01:56:12] Alright, boys.
[01:56:26] What do we have here, boy?
[01:56:28] Here, boy.
[01:56:34] What is that?
[01:56:36] The fucking- Oh my god!
[01:56:39] No!
[01:56:46] His brother!
[01:57:00] Oh, that dog was awesome.
[01:57:05] I played the Dead Space remake, it was awesome.
[01:57:08] Fuck man.
[01:57:11] Why are we doing this?
[01:57:12] It's definitely disgusting.
[01:57:13] Okay, I thought there was something in the dog's chest or something, alright.
[01:57:17] I did not want to look at that closer.
[01:57:19] What the hell is that noise?
[01:57:36] I am not going to replay the quarry.
[01:57:40] This game is like the best one of these type of games, so that's why it's worthy
[01:57:45] of a replay.
[01:57:46] I wouldn't replay the anthology games, those are like one and done's.
[01:57:51] Oh my god!
[01:57:56] Ah, those are one of Duns, bruh.
[01:58:03] Dog, where'd you go?
[01:58:11] Just flew on ahead.
[01:58:13] Well, apparently an in-house PlayStation studio is making a sequel to this game.
[01:58:21] Oh, god, the can!
[01:58:28] Why are we shooting? I'm not gonna shoot. Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
[01:58:31] I can survive.
[01:58:46] Straight!
[01:58:54] Christ, isn't that a different one to go?
[01:58:58] This one has clothes on.
[01:59:00] Oh, shit.
[01:59:04] We're leaving the dog?
[01:59:07] What the hell, dude?
[01:59:08] come on man what's the plan here wait we're gonna leave the way we came it was
[01:59:55] a cell not again but he's gonna run out of ammo some of these must be like
[02:00:44] optional yeah I feel like I'm just minus ammoing oh my god the dogs alive they
[02:01:11] fucking dead dies I'm done oh check if that thing is loaded
[02:02:01] Where are you?
[02:02:02] He's buying time. He can't kill it with the shotgun.
[02:02:18] Do we really do this? This is such a waste.
[02:02:37] I can't take this sequence. I can't tell if I'm wasting my ammo.
[02:02:42] I can't tell. I think I am.
[02:02:45] I don't want to then fuck up and he dies.
[02:02:51] What a time, boys.
[02:02:53] Enough of me brawling.
[02:02:54] I didn't shoot that time.
[02:03:14] Okay, so I don't have to.
[02:03:26] But he actually does have infinite ammo.
[02:03:41] Isn't he right next to me?
[02:04:52] Where'd he go?
[02:04:59] Maybe the dog was just...
[02:05:01] the ghost of a dog...
[02:05:04] helping me escape.
[02:05:21] I mean, shit, you just multi-killed the Wendigoes.
[02:05:35] No...
[02:05:36] Oh no...
[02:05:40] I saw the feet.
[02:05:42] I saw the goddamn feet.
[02:06:03] See, I'm looking good.
[02:06:08] Down the hallway to this door.
[02:06:13] Oh, man!
[02:06:16] Barricade escape, Barricade!
[02:06:29] This thing's really good at navigating the sanatorium.
[02:06:39] Hey buddy.
[02:06:41] Come on down.
[02:06:43] Please.
[02:06:45] Jump boy, we'll catch you.
[02:06:47] Okey dokey bud.
[02:06:49] What?
[02:06:50] Catch you on the flipside, huh?
[02:06:52] Oh my god, wait, I kept the wolf alive?
[02:06:55] Oh my god, I got the achieve.
[02:06:57] Yes, he lived.
[02:07:01] They'll send me a letter about how the dog started a family.
[02:07:07] Isn't this where the premonition happens, where Mike's face gets, unless we survived
[02:07:34] it, double achievement?
[02:07:49] Oh, I'm not surprised.
[02:07:52] Ugh, I'm not surprised.
[02:07:54] A bunch of people needed guides for that.
[02:07:57] Ugh.
[02:08:06] I'm kind of gippin' out here, guys.
[02:08:08] I think maybe you should go on without me.
[02:08:11] What?
[02:08:12] We're not leaving you. You're gonna be okay.
[02:08:14] Chris, are you gonna be okay?
[02:08:18] Yeah, yeah, just could go on.
[02:08:20] I... I can't keep up with you macho ladies.
[02:08:23] Oh god, Chris, just stop it, okay?
[02:08:25] Wait, no, did I just kill him?
[02:08:28] Go on ahead, okay?
[02:08:29] You gotta warn Mike. I'll be right behind you.
[02:08:31] Bro, why is he such a bitch?
[02:08:33] Just breathe.
[02:08:34] What happened?
[02:08:35] Breathe.
[02:08:37] Are you serious? I thought it was...
[02:08:39] Really, dude. Really.
[02:08:45] Really?
[02:08:46] Really?
[02:08:47] No!
[02:08:48] Chris, we're not leaving you.
[02:08:50] We're sticking together.
[02:08:51] Michael just have to wait.
[02:08:53] Okay.
[02:08:54] There you go.
[02:08:59] I didn't know I could do that.
[02:09:00] I had no idea I could, I knew you could do that.
[02:09:06] I went in that direction because there was something shining like he had an item.
[02:09:10] Where the hell did they go?
[02:09:22] Don't tell me they went ahead and now we, okay, they got it.
[02:09:25] It's just one way.
[02:09:26] Did they really go on ahead and leave us?
[02:09:36] Okay.
[02:09:37] Okay. Typical scary story cliche. Oh shit, don't go there. Oh wait, no, they did wait for us.
[02:10:05] I don't fucking know. What's this?
[02:10:25] Okay.
[02:10:45] Everybody's going. What happened? Yeah, what happened to Matt? I swear my choice is like
[02:10:58] a deleted Matt's cut scenes. No, I saved his life and there hasn't been a chapter about
[02:11:08] him. The last we saw him is when he jumped, saved himself and Emily fell. What the fuck
[02:11:19] I'm trying, Ash.
[02:11:27] It's been like four chapters.
[02:11:29] Yeah, we'll see.
[02:11:38] Until Dawn movie sounds kind of whatever.
[02:11:40] That doesn't make me excited.
[02:11:42] Hey, um, hey, we should close this, right?
[02:11:46] I mean, what if something's following us?
[02:11:49] Yes, fine, lose it.
[02:11:50] But we better keep moving.
[02:11:51] This game is movie enough.
[02:11:52] Watch out, please.
[02:11:54] A sequel's more interesting than a fucking movie theater
[02:11:57] movie on Until Dawn, you know?
[02:12:00] It's not needed. It's kinda random to be honest.
[02:12:03] Oh, I guess the concept is original enough for them to make it into a movie because people just want to see gory scary movies.
[02:12:16] So I mean, it could kind of fall into that category.
[02:12:20] Like just another cabin in the woods or something, but just kind of whatever.
[02:12:33] I mean, it's original enough
[02:12:35] to be kind of just like a scary movie concept where it's like exaggerated cliche cabin in the woods.
[02:12:47] Bro, they make eight fucking songs. There's like ten saw movies.
[02:12:52] Anybody? Jessica! Is it you?
[02:13:01] Oh, no! Rejoice! Don't investigate! Bullshit!
[02:13:04] Hello?
[02:13:05] Everybody's together. We literally saw her die.
[02:13:16] Gosh!
[02:13:17] Stick together. We're not doing it.
[02:13:21] Oh my god, I'm so glad to see you.
[02:13:32] Glad you're safe.
[02:13:34] Look. Look there.
[02:13:43] Oh, great.
[02:13:44] Great letters, so we're gonna make it up there
[02:13:48] I think I can do it. It's like the rock wall
[02:13:53] I'm gonna keep going. You should head back to the lodge. I've got to get Mike
[02:13:59] She's going by herself. I don't get it. Why did she wait? Why did they all come down here do that?
[02:14:13] And then go back to the lodge
[02:14:15] Was this in the original game?
[02:14:27] Was that what's this face?
[02:14:38] That was Josh
[02:15:15] Fucking beat you easy
[02:15:21] Free solo, they're not gonna rock climbing. I'm just really good at helping them rock climb
[02:15:43] There's two ways dude, what if I go up here and it looks like we're going this way and looks like we're
[02:16:14] Straight shit, I don't know
[02:16:18] Straight there's a door
[02:16:20] There's probably a totem on the left.
[02:16:23] What the hell is this, brah?
[02:16:37] I don't know, is this where Emily was?
[02:16:41] It kind of looks like it...
[02:16:43] It is.
[02:16:58] Bro, I didn't- I would-
[02:17:02] Didn't want tapper. It didn't want tapper.
[02:17:04] I agree. I agree. We'll use it as a weapon.
[02:17:17] Can't go through there. Oh, here we go.
[02:17:31] Did I get in or not?
[02:17:52] I think I got it.
[02:18:13] Let's find a way down to where this fucker lives.
[02:18:16] Repentance away Josh is alive. It looked like he just fell down dead
[02:19:29] push them away now you're all alone what the hell man you're my therapist I
[02:19:43] can't say that deep breaths Josh goodbye sisters okay I trust you I trust you I
[02:20:58] trust you oh well now never go full schizo
[02:21:24] Again to rerouted me. I'm going this way
[02:21:35] Why didn't you see much Josh? Why did you want us to die? I?
[02:21:53] swear
[02:21:55] I
[02:21:55] Swear I tried to find you. I
[02:21:58] said I said
[02:22:03] Am I supposed to get towards this door fine?
[02:23:02] Why did you want us to die? I'm gonna put your skin out. You shit that guy's gone. That's full fucking skit, so
[02:23:24] thing used to be a person leave your minor maybe someone who worked in the
[02:23:31] senatorium there's so much weird shit happening out there that wouldn't even
[02:23:35] begin to surprise me someone was capturing the wind it goes I'm all
[02:23:44] tied up in these are strange I saw some pretty fucked up shit yeah the dude with
[02:23:48] the flame thrower let's just let them all out when I blew the place out
[02:23:52] It's really smooth till there. How can you tell really terrible all of a sudden?
[02:24:03] Yeah, all right. Let's move it's getting more
[02:24:10] Point the way buddy point the fucking way buddy. I really don't want to go in there's no other way through
[02:24:19] really
[02:24:20] Yeah, I'm going in
[02:24:24] What it's okay. Sure. Oh my baby. Yes
[02:24:34] famous last words
[02:24:36] Oh shit.
[02:24:46] Is this really the way?
[02:25:12] You sure he went this way?
[02:25:21] She's eating bacteria.
[02:25:23] We're gonna make it.
[02:25:25] God, don't jinx it!
[02:25:27] We made it, we made it.
[02:25:28] Alright, what's this right here?
[02:25:39] Fucking move, buddy.
[02:25:42] What do we have here?
[02:25:55] Should've done that.
[02:26:02] Oh my god!
[02:26:04] That is her.
[02:26:09] But that Wendigo was in the water.
[02:26:24] They're showing me all my fuckups.
[02:26:26] We gotta be safe.
[02:26:36] Wait, wait, wait.
[02:26:37] I wonder if you're gonna actually save Jess
[02:26:59] Okay, I trust you I trust you oh my god
[02:27:28] Hey, man, don't hit me, please, please.
[02:27:32] Well, you deep in, man.
[02:27:34] Full mental jacket.
[02:27:35] We didn't think we'd get you back.
[02:27:37] Hey, let's just get the fuck out of here.
[02:27:39] Okay, Josh, do you have the key for the cable car?
[02:27:43] Uh, yeah.
[02:27:45] He's fine.
[02:27:51] You see that over there?
[02:27:53] That means there's a direct way out.
[02:27:55] Come on.
[02:27:59] There's no way Josh is gonna make it up there.
[02:28:01] Okay, if you help me up, I can go back to tell the others we're okay.
[02:28:05] Yeah, yeah good
[02:28:11] Careful
[02:28:13] All right, let's go you fuck up son of a bitch. All right, let's move
[02:28:24] What happened some Matt Matt's literally in front of me?
[02:28:31] Didn't you not hit me so much man. Uh, yeah, I'm sorry. I mean Mike. I thought you could yes
[02:28:38] That was wrong
[02:28:40] Whoops. Yeah, that's Mike. That's Mike. Yeah, Matt's the zoomer dude. I don't think there was any way to save the flamethrower guy
[02:29:06] We're moving man, we're moving chill. Oh, we're going back in the fucking water. Oh boy
[02:29:24] I'm a little worried about this. Oh shit. We know someone lives in here
[02:29:42] Start moving, bruh
[02:29:56] Notice tripping. I'm gonna try to save it
[02:30:02] Oh
[02:30:40] Wait what just happened? Oh
[02:30:43] Yeah, look there he is
[02:30:45] What was that?
[02:30:48] There wasn't even a QTE. He just died
[02:30:52] It was like a scripted event
[02:30:56] You missed a secret. I thought you could save everybody. I must have missed something you can
[02:31:08] Nah, I must have missed something that made it so I couldn't...
[02:31:15] Yikes, bruh, that was so awkward.
[02:31:25] It was just like such a sudden like, oh my god, there's no scenes to figure out how you
[02:31:30] got here this far.
[02:31:31] I just fucking get it.
[02:31:32] Just get it.
[02:31:33] It was, yeah, they meant they showed the butterfly, well, whatever.
[02:31:49] Fuck that man, I can't.
[02:31:50] This is real life.
[02:31:51] I can't restart.
[02:31:54] He dead?
[02:31:55] It's just unfortunate.
[02:31:56] What do you tell me there?
[02:32:05] What was that?
[02:32:07] What type of totem was that?
[02:32:11] Second time I killed Josh?
[02:32:13] Remember, they are blind.
[02:32:40] Yes, indeed.
[02:32:47] Can we open this door here?
[02:32:59] Oh my, dude, jeez!
[02:33:08] Run, hide, run!
[02:33:15] I don't fucking know, man, run, I think!
[02:33:17] Are you serious?
[02:33:27] Is that the cabin?
[02:33:52] Saved?
[02:33:57] And that's where the match's been for the past 10 hours.
[02:33:59] Left Josh for two seconds and he got his fucking face mushed.
[02:34:14] She still thinks he's alive, it's been like five minutes.
[02:34:53] Very wintery here.
[02:34:54] Go get to the cabin, slide down the hill.
[02:35:04] This is not the time to walk slowly.
[02:35:14] Don't tell me that's water.
[02:35:16] Oh my fucking god.
[02:35:17] Oh, that's gonna be cold as shit.
[02:35:36] Don't randomly kill her please.
[02:35:44] Waterdeb did not know how water works.
[02:35:46] Looks like the ps4 version's water
[02:35:49] Literally no recoil nothing nothing. It's just nothing
[02:35:54] Near the cabin. Holy shit. Wait youtube quality is bad. I didn't change anything. I could have been bad
[02:36:56] Why do you say something when you're a foot away from me? You look terrible. I look worse if we stay out here
[02:37:55] Yeah, wait, what about josh by the way? Are we not mentioning? Oh, there you go
[02:38:02] Off the way though. Why do you think we should do?
[02:38:12] You should check the basement, there'll be someone up down there.
[02:38:25] Back in the fucking cabin, the main one.
[02:38:53] We're at our chances of survival.
[02:38:55] Yeah, I'm playing on PC.
[02:38:57] Fucking clencher.
[02:39:13] Hey, should I have locked the door?
[02:39:17] Why are they all stationary there?
[02:39:24] Want to switch?
[02:41:36] Save, Mike?
[02:41:37] What the fuck do I do here?
[02:42:41] I was still, dude.
[02:42:42] I was a statue, man.
[02:42:45] Bro, the haptics feedback rumbles the controller dude. Bullshit, it came out on PS4, there is no haptics feedback, the haptics feedback makes the controller move so it forces you to fucking die.
[02:43:04] Why don't you shit, I was just sitting there.
[02:43:15] Is that, that's actually how the game ends, there's not like some conclusion?
[02:43:40] Or cause she died, we gotta, well, you know.
[02:43:43] There's an after credit scene.
[02:43:56] Oh man, I gotta...
[02:43:57] Oh wait.
[02:43:58] Anyone else in your group think that?
[02:44:07] Well, yeah, we...
[02:44:10] Is it possible they could have killed him?
[02:44:14] What?
[02:44:15] No.
[02:44:17] No, you don't understand.
[02:44:19] Don't you understand?
[02:44:20] He attacked you.
[02:44:22] He saved my life, and I watched him die.
[02:44:26] Or why she was down there.
[02:44:34] I know. I hurt her.
[02:44:36] Look right up to my face.
[02:44:41] Right here, right in front of my nose, and he could have shot me.
[02:44:44] He almost shot me.
[02:44:45] Look, there's a guy for however long, and you think you know him, but man...
[02:44:49] I tried to do something.
[02:45:05] was out of his fucking mind wanted to hurt us
[02:45:09] hey
[02:45:10] I thought he was the one who attacked Jess
[02:45:17] ha ha ha
[02:45:17] why would you hit Josh?
[02:45:19] ehh
[02:45:19] he was acting like a maniac
[02:45:21] and had to stop me
[02:45:23] shit dude
[02:45:24] I thought I said it was time
[02:45:25] I have my first play through I think Sam lived
[02:45:27] she was the only one to live
[02:45:29] okay
[02:45:30] put your arm in your stand
[02:45:38] she was trying to fuck with her heads
[02:45:40] ha ha
[02:45:45] worst ending
[02:45:46] I stabbed him
[02:45:47] and I tried to get away but I didn't know
[02:45:49] I swear I didn't know
[02:45:51] I'm not rolling back to save bro.
[02:46:34] I'm assuming Untill Dawn 2, if the rumors are true they're making another one, it will be different characters.
[02:46:40] Look how safe they are.
[02:46:41] Like a whole different story.
[02:46:48] I mean it would be kinda stupid if they don't go that route.
[02:46:50] It's on my phone.
[02:46:51] I hope it is.
[02:46:53] And the reason just is that-
[02:47:04] That thing.
[02:47:05] Okay, the when to go.
[02:47:08] It came out of the darkness and it just-
[02:47:11] I don't know.
[02:47:13] I heard screaming, I got out of there.
[02:47:15] UTV is just Emily?
[02:47:25] Honestly, I'm glad I replayed this though. The game was worth replaying.
[02:47:36] Worth. Worth, worth.
[02:47:46] I want to see what the ending credit is.
[02:47:48] The original is preferred? Well, whatever, man. We played both of them.
[02:48:01] And now both. I don't think they're... This game, this is like the conclusion of the game.
[02:48:05] We're not going to see another remake of this.
[02:48:08] Let it live, play it, don't play it, and then we move on.
[02:48:13] Right? Until the PS7 comes out.
[02:48:21] And we're all 70.
[02:48:23] And the gamers who grew up playing fucking Fortnite are now watching E3, and they're like,
[02:48:31] And the one boomer in the audience is like,
[02:48:35] Holy shit!
[02:48:37] And the zoomers who've never played it are like,
[02:48:39] They're like, what the fuck is this original IP on the PS7?
[02:48:45] And then, you know, the cycle continues.
[02:48:47] That's the cycle, bro.
[02:49:09] That's the fucking cycle, bruh.
[02:49:22] We survived in your first playthrough, no one.
[02:49:26] Other than Sam.
[02:49:29] She was the only one.
[02:49:30] Dev over sub Sunday!
[02:49:45] Tomorrow, 50% sub Sunday, 50% Silent Hill 2.
[02:49:50] Playthrough begins as much as this game was a fucking treat to play despite the criticism
[02:49:56] It was still good enough to play like I'm happy we went through this
[02:50:01] We'll jump into that tomorrow
[02:50:04] Now I'm going in super blind. I don't know what the hell to expect
[02:50:08] We will see where we land it. Oh, yeah, man. That was that was good shit. I
[02:50:28] Haven't played any Silent Hill before now
[02:50:30] know. Can I skip this and it goes to the final chapter? Or the final look? Bro, there's nothing
[02:50:46] for you. Oh, the new ending only shows up. Oh, okay, wait, what is the new ending? Okay,
[02:50:55] let me just see. All right, this is the new ending. Oh my god, this is on the PlayStation.
[02:51:15] Dude, playing this game uncapped is fucking crazy. I would not enjoy this game as
[02:51:22] much if it was capped like on the playstation. Oh so he becomes a Wendigo? That's an old one?
[02:51:32] Uh wakes up at 6am? I do sometimes. Wait what is that? Oh did she get? Wait what? That wasn't
[02:52:51] a Wendigo scratch right? They already confirmed a Wendigo scratch doesn't do anything. What
[02:52:58] was that? That's the sequel? That's the sequel teaser. I wonder if... oh shit, alright I'm
[02:53:13] good whatever. I'm good. Book finished. Wait until the second one gets announced. By the
[02:53:19] way, things there will maybe be a sequel up until now. If they put a new ending scene,
[02:53:23] why not? True. You know, the first one sold a decent amount. I don't know why they
[02:53:30] and the ones made by the studio on PC do well as well.
[02:53:35] So like, I'm not surprised if they make another one, you know?
[02:53:40] They should.
[02:53:40] Josh can truly be saved by the way.
[02:53:43] Oh, well, not in my playthrough, huh?
[02:53:46] I motherfucking died, bro, you died.
[02:53:58] Dude fucking died.
[02:54:06] Dude fucking died, bro.
[02:54:08] Shit.
[02:54:12] That's just what's going on here, bro.
[02:54:18] Have you seen character AI?
[02:54:20] Now what is that?
[02:54:23] It's time for some Liars Bar.
[02:54:31] Let me see here.
[02:54:46] I have almost a million potato coins.
[02:54:51] What should I do?
[02:54:53] You know what man, sometimes you're not supposed
[02:54:55] to do anything, you're just supposed to hold,
[02:54:58] hold, just wait and hold.
[02:55:06] Hold and believe.
[02:55:36] Ba-da-ba-da-ba-da-ba-da-ba-da-da-da-da.
[02:55:40] I'm surprised you're gonna try out the new Daisy Map.
[02:55:42] I'm surprised that you didn't catch the stream, buddy, because I did.
[02:55:46] Alright, here we go, boys. Triple fuckin' pig.
[02:55:55] Alright.
[02:55:58] I'm gonna roast you pigs.
[02:56:02] Oh, we switchin' now!
[02:56:06] Alright, boys, here we go. I need one win here. One win.
[02:56:10] One win, boys.
[02:56:12] Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!
[02:56:17] Rank one, world.
[02:56:20] Alright, people.
[02:56:24] Here we go, boys.
[02:56:26] Sheesh.
[02:56:29] How many do you have so far, uh, two?
[02:56:31] Give me my fucking cards, bro. Let's see here.
[02:56:36] God damn it.
[02:56:39] All right.
[02:56:42] We are still negative MMR, yes.
[02:56:45] Three of kings.
[02:56:47] Liar, liar.
[02:56:49] Whoa, oh, oh, shit.
[02:56:51] Damn, instant call out.
[02:56:54] God damn liar.
[02:56:58] One tap, one tap.
[02:57:02] Oh my god, dude.
[02:57:03] We just have got into the game
[02:57:10] That's some shit RNG dude
[02:57:14] All right, we'll take this right here buddy make a fucking move make a move buddy. Is he not know it's his turn
[02:57:49] three kings
[02:57:52] Three cards. That's gutsy
[02:58:00] No, I'm not calling it to Kings. Call me out, bro. Call me out, bro
[02:58:07] one king one king king liar one tap die please well ain't my first rodeo I know
[02:58:55] right whatever whatever still lose hmm that's not fun right there that's not
[02:59:03] fun to look at the good thing is he might be scared now he might be scared to
[02:59:08] call me a liar again so I've gained some I've gained some uh Kings we got we got
[02:59:13] some mental fucking game here going on one King because I'm gonna drop two
[02:59:19] debates here two Kings and he's not gonna call me out here he's he's he's
[02:59:24] scared now he's scared we got the psychological advantage two Kings call
[02:59:32] Call him out, call him out.
[02:59:34] Two kings.
[02:59:37] One king.
[02:59:39] I should have went with the ace.
[02:59:41] One king.
[02:59:42] No, no, no, no, no, call him out.
[02:59:44] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's that, bro?
[02:59:46] Oh, shit.
[02:59:47] Okay.
[02:59:48] All right, not my problem, not my concern.
[02:59:50] Not my concern.
[02:59:54] Not my concern, bro!
[02:59:56] Don't fail me now.
[03:00:00] All right.
[03:00:10] Come on.
[03:00:11] Five queens.
[03:00:12] One queen.
[03:00:26] Three Queens
[03:00:28] Don't call me out. What's feeling bold? Don't call me out. Don't call me out here. Don't call me out
[03:00:35] Don't call let it let it fly by fly by come play your two Kings Queens
[03:00:41] Play your Queens
[03:00:45] Three Queens. Yeah, bitch. What up, dude? I'm going home. I'm going home
[03:00:51] Oh, thrilling. Two queens.
[03:00:53] Save. We made it to the finish land.
[03:00:55] Two queens.
[03:00:57] What are you gonna do, bro? Call me up, bro.
[03:00:58] Call me higher.
[03:00:59] Oh, really? Really?
[03:01:07] You're done, buddy. You're done, buddy.
[03:01:09] Well, ain't my first rodeo.
[03:01:27] Oh, shit. Okay, okay.
[03:01:29] We can burn, too.
[03:01:33] Mmm, burning, too, being third in lines.
[03:01:36] Rough, but I think I've done a decent amount of psychological damage once again.
[03:01:42] Call him out. Call him out.
[03:01:44] Cards that's daring all about
[03:02:14] Play one you're not gonna call me out play one bitch just play the one let the circle move
[03:02:20] Let the circle move here, dude
[03:02:24] You're gonna end up like this guy, dude
[03:02:26] Come on man. Let it go, bro. Let it go. Come on through, dude.
[03:02:36] Aces. Thank you. Call him out. Call him out.
[03:02:39] One ace. Oh my fucking god. I kinda wanna call her out,
[03:02:53] cuz if I go out, it's just gonna reset the round.
[03:02:56] It's gonna reset the round. If I drop three, it's...
[03:03:02] Three aces.
[03:03:05] never mind what up done let's hope I have both
[03:03:21] oh no give this elo bro I might call her out this turn cuz I haven't called her
[03:03:51] out aces I'm gonna call her out liar oh how what are you doing now what are you
[03:04:05] Don't fail me now you got comfy
[03:04:15] She got comfy dude, is she gonna do it again though, what if she does it again?
[03:04:32] Plan one. She's thinking of how three kings
[03:04:40] Three cards. That's gutsy. Why are you tapping your fingers, huh? Whatever dude two Kings
[03:05:02] What is what it is?
[03:05:04] Liar!
[03:05:05] You motherfucker!
[03:05:10] No.
[03:05:11] If you...
[03:05:12] No bull, just fate.
[03:05:17] Are you kidding me right now?
[03:05:34] This hand is the worst shit I've ever seen!
[03:05:38] Two aces.
[03:05:39] Bruh, I gotta debate so many times for this.
[03:05:49] This is bad.
[03:05:50] Hopefully...
[03:05:51] Three aces.
[03:05:52] Call him out, call him out, call him out.
[03:05:54] Three cards.
[03:05:55] That's dad to aces god damn it
[03:06:03] One ace you still have a lot of bullets this guy died on the first bullet dude
[03:06:11] to aces
[03:06:15] one ace
[03:06:21] Liar oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god
[03:06:30] No
[03:06:32] Oh
[03:06:36] Thank you, okay, okay, okay
[03:06:44] All right, we're shilling bro. We're shilling
[03:06:47] Give me a good hand. Oh, oh my god, dude
[03:06:52] to Queens Oh
[03:06:54] Fuck dude, just take the bait bro. This is literally the same shit as the last hand three Queens
[03:07:01] Call him out
[03:07:03] Three cards
[03:07:04] That's daring. Call him out. Good job. Good job. Oof
[03:07:10] Nice nice. Bye, please. Bye. Bye
[03:07:17] Let's see if luck's still on my side minus 50
[03:07:22] Come on three aces three aces and a Joker Wow, okay if I survived the first round
[03:07:38] We're chilling I might actually drop three here. So I get called out. I
[03:07:42] I might just go with the with an aces. I might drop three here. I'm gonna risk it
[03:07:49] That's daring
[03:07:51] I'm playing three dude. Call me out douche
[03:07:56] No, I'm dropping three dude. I'm dropping a nuke. I'm dropping a fucking nuke right now one ace
[03:08:07] three aces
[03:08:13] That's a bold bark for such a small bite to aces are you fucking serious bro call him out?
[03:08:19] no no look at me are you kidding one ace play another one play another one play
[03:08:36] another one call to call two cards shit oh shit
[03:08:45] oh shit dude okay man oh it's me you're the bullet oh thank god why'd I play three
[03:09:05] alright original strat just keep playing one card all the way through one card
[03:09:13] the whole way through you know what I'm gonna play the one card one queen and
[03:09:25] It's legit. Call me liar. Yes. Let's see if luck's still on my side
[03:09:47] Jabeta dude walked into the fucking trap. Holy
[03:09:57] Interesting two aces you don't have to liar
[03:10:01] You don't have to
[03:10:02] Fuck my life
[03:10:04] GG
[03:10:08] GG just fucking kill me minus 50. It's me or the bullet
[03:10:14] Come on, man. It's very hard being in the lowest rank possible
[03:10:41] oh wait they reset the win loss nice nice all right good shit good shit very
[03:10:56] nice I don't think so dude not yet let me connect man let's move F4's lobby I
[03:11:17] thought they fixed this shit I guess instead of it like breaking it yeah I
[03:11:26] I guess instead of breaking it just shows a fail to connect so they kind of fixed it
[03:11:31] Play this sexy fox, please
[03:11:38] Bro, I ain't happening dude. I'm not gonna be your gateway into your weird fantasies
[03:11:47] Just because you get only fucking four channels in your country one of those being mine
[03:11:56] Please and here you go. Yeah, yeah
[03:12:13] Yeah, they need a sloth in this game. Yeah, I expect a new character to be introduced in this game every fucking month
[03:12:27] Dead's
[03:12:29] All right every goddamn month. I expect another playable character
[03:12:34] All right
[03:12:36] New animal every single time
[03:12:41] You know what I'm gonna call her out liar. I don't believe you
[03:12:46] Yeah, you think I'm fucking bullshit you think I'm bullshit, huh?
[03:12:50] Sneaky hawks
[03:12:54] Look don't fail me now. Oh
[03:12:58] Shit that would have been satisfying we just loaded in just a quick one-pack make it a three one be a three player match
[03:13:05] There it is
[03:13:09] What are we doing here? We okay?
[03:13:13] interesting interesting
[03:13:16] It's just guy gonna debate again is the question
[03:13:19] Two queens.
[03:13:23] Two queens.
[03:13:24] Let it happen. Let it happen. Don't call shit out.
[03:13:26] One queen.
[03:13:27] I saved.
[03:13:28] We're at the finish line, boys.
[03:13:30] Easy.
[03:13:31] One queen.
[03:13:32] Call me out. Call me out, Fox.
[03:13:33] Hey yo, Haku Fishing with the 20 gifties.
[03:13:36] Thank you, dude.
[03:13:37] Call me out.
[03:13:38] Three queens.
[03:13:39] Call me out.
[03:13:40] One queen.
[03:13:41] One queen.
[03:13:42] One queen.
[03:13:43] One queen.
[03:13:44] One queen.
[03:13:45] One queen.
[03:13:50] This one's for you, darling.
[03:13:51] Get him out of here. Get him.
[03:13:53] Ha ha the leaded we can do something here dude got killed on zero six
[03:14:19] cool easy
[03:14:21] Call them out. Call them out. It's bullshit. Call them out. Do I call her out here is the question?
[03:14:32] Three aces
[03:14:34] Do I believe three cards? That's gutsy. Do I believe?
[03:14:55] one ace
[03:14:57] All right, fine. Fine!
[03:15:01] Fine!
[03:15:05] I see how this is right now, then. Fine!
[03:15:08] I see how it is. Don't fuckin' look at me. Don't fuckin' look at me, bro.
[03:15:12] One ace.
[03:15:19] What do we have here, bro? What do we have here? Are we doing one's ace throughout?
[03:15:27] One ace.
[03:15:28] One's ace throughout here?
[03:15:30] One ace?
[03:15:34] I don't think so.
[03:15:36] I had been in this situation with one card.
[03:15:39] She's- She's shitting a brick right now.
[03:15:42] liar I'm I'm wrong I'm wrong no no no no no no boo are you fucking kidding man
[03:16:01] the zero is burned into my monitor all right here we go here we go dog build
[03:16:36] come on oh this is the best seat on in the house best seat see the bear
[03:16:45] smoking in the background best seat hi the whoever sits in this seat has the
[03:16:52] highest chance of winning statistically show us the goods come on what do I have
[03:17:05] here oh fuck yourself and it's actually a disgusting hand like I just puked I
[03:17:14] don't fuck liar I don't fucking liar you're a liar double low my fucking
[03:17:20] god dude let's see if luck's still on my side
[03:17:35] Buddy, okay, I think this work that ain't bad to Queens to Queens saved finish line
[03:17:57] saved
[03:18:08] All right, let me just easy clap queens
[03:18:12] To Queens even bad and I holy shit. No, no, no, what's good music for this isn't this games music?
[03:18:32] Liar!
[03:18:34] Oh shiiiish!
[03:18:44] Look, don't fail me now.
[03:18:48] There it is.
[03:18:52] Went OST.
[03:18:53] This better be amazing.
[03:18:55] You fucking fox.
[03:18:56] I-I think this is a little too much.
[03:19:09] I don't know if it fits.
[03:19:11] Two aces.
[03:19:13] Aaaaaaaah!
[03:19:14] That's a little risky here.
[03:19:16] Honestly, this dog didn't bat an eye.
[03:19:18] He didn't even look at me.
[03:19:20] I'm crazy.
[03:19:21] I think he's barely here right now, so I'm gonna drop a three stack.
[03:19:24] I'm gonna drop a three stack.
[03:19:26] He's just gonna play, not call me a liar.
[03:19:32] He's not even looking in my direction.
[03:19:36] Three aces.
[03:19:37] See?
[03:19:38] He doesn't even fuck.
[03:19:41] Honestly, Hearthstone fits way more.
[03:19:43] Cause we're in like a tabern.
[03:19:46] Uh, Hearthstone, uh.
[03:19:50] Two aces.
[03:19:52] Liar.
[03:19:53] Oof true bard core
[03:20:02] Well ain't my first rodeo your king's table. I only have two cards
[03:20:39] What's the plan here? I
[03:20:43] Don't believe that
[03:20:47] He's not gonna call me out again you scared I know for a fact he's scared
[03:20:57] Three kings he's not gonna call me out here. That's a bull. He already tried once
[03:21:03] You piece of shit. You piece of shit. How did you know, buddy? Huh?
[03:21:19] Let's see if Locke's still on my side.
[03:21:25] Said who?
[03:21:27] Wait, he left. Alright, whatever. He couldn't handle the pressure.
[03:21:35] I'm doing it again. I'm just throwing bombs at this guy.
[03:21:45] Liar! Liar!
[03:21:47] Are you kidding me? What the fuck?
[03:21:53] fuck my first rodeo no burn over are you really worth the dumbass okay bro i'm still
[03:22:09] fuck man i should do it again with no this isn't good i would do it again but i just don't have
[03:22:28] enough cards for it doing it three times one queen two queens fuck oh save dude please die
[03:23:23] please die don't fail me please die interesting yeah I'm playing triple I'm
[03:23:48] playing triple cards I'm playing triple cards I have to I have to hope he falls
[03:23:59] for it three kings you piece of shit you piece of shit call me out should I
[03:24:45] capture Kings yeah I'm realizing that after he didn't call me out King King he's
[03:24:57] gonna call me out I'm fucked I should I was thinking of calling her out it's a
[03:25:01] lie it's a fuck you bro fuck you bro fuck you bro I'm dead dude I'm bad man
[03:25:10] Where is my first rodeo?
[03:25:13] Up there!
[03:25:16] Please, please, four, four!
[03:25:27] Oh my god, this hand sucks ass, dude!
[03:25:32] And I play first?
[03:25:34] Oh my god.
[03:25:36] Two kings, three kings.
[03:25:43] Oh my fucking god, call him out.
[03:25:46] You so fucking deserve zero rank.
[03:25:56] Okay, bitch.
[03:26:05] Oh my god, good shit.
[03:26:07] fucking bitch liar please die please die die two kings someone's feeling bold
[03:26:43] two kings liar no no in serious right now let's see if luck still on my side
[03:27:13] Oh my god!
[03:27:15] Who? Asus?
[03:27:32] Liar!
[03:27:36] Dude, you motherfucker!
[03:27:38] You motherfucker!
[03:27:40] I don't think I'll ever be able to clear my-
[03:27:42] Well, ain't my first rodeo.
[03:27:47] Like a book!
[03:27:58] Like a book!
[03:27:59] Alright, I can't lose the fucking toucan plague.
[03:28:18] You're lucky. You're lucky.
[03:28:24] Alright, let's go pig shreds.
[03:28:32] Wow, they kicked me.
[03:28:46] Cards only? No host leaving?
[03:28:48] Oh, c'mon man, let's go here.
[03:29:00] here get me in oh shit where we going where we going wizard vans all right
[03:29:21] let's move maybe go to dice now the cards are way better than the dice two
[03:29:30] snipers jubated jubated piece into a new lobby and that's how you get rid of
[03:29:41] the stream snipers boys
[03:29:56] And then you fucking take me bro. They're scared of me nice
[03:30:20] All right, can I please win one goddamn game, please you make this work if we close our eyes
[03:30:52] Hope that pays off. Do I believe him? Do I believe him? I don't
[03:31:08] I don't he's trying to burn the cards early you bitch easy
[03:31:15] easy. One tap, one tap, one tap, one tap! Look at your cards dude. He's wondering if
[03:31:49] you should be baking. I was, I could have called him out. I could have. It's all about
[03:32:06] you motherfucker. This one's for you, of course not.
[03:32:21] I'm going to hacker bro and then even encounter the memory. The memory line. Dude, are you,
[03:32:38] This is the worst fucking hand I've ever seen in gaming.
[03:32:43] I'm actually impressed.
[03:32:52] That's a liar.
[03:32:53] Oh thank god.
[03:33:02] One pappin bro.
[03:33:03] One pappin bro.
[03:33:04] Well ain't my first rodeo.
[03:33:05] Get him out of here.
[03:33:06] Get him out of here.
[03:33:07] Ah shit.
[03:33:17] Try this for music.
[03:33:28] Two queens.
[03:33:31] Two queens?
[03:33:32] Bro call him out dude.
[03:33:34] He's burning the cards.
[03:33:35] He's burning the cards man.
[03:33:37] Look at him bro.
[03:33:38] His cigars and birdies.
[03:33:39] Put it on the cigar dude. I'm doing it. We're sending the nuke. Send the nuke. Send the nuke.
[03:33:52] Oh, saved. Oh my god, I fucked up. Oh my god. Oh my god, I fucked up.
[03:34:03] Bro, I then, okay.
[03:34:07] Survival. Call someone else out. Call someone else out.
[03:34:12] Liar. Oh, thank god. We're okay. We're okay.
[03:34:21] Well ain't my first role
[03:34:24] We all knew but
[03:34:25] Huh
[03:34:27] Alright we're chillin, we're chillin
[03:34:36] Okay we have two queens here
[03:34:44] This guy, no he burns
[03:34:51] He's gonna go back into his nature
[03:34:53] He's going back into his nature dude
[03:34:55] I'm gonna call him out here
[03:34:57] I'm calling him out here, it's not a quick
[03:34:59] You fuck man
[03:35:04] Okay bro
[03:35:06] Okay bro
[03:35:08] Okay, bro
[03:35:12] Oh
[03:35:14] Why are you calling out ones on the first?
[03:35:25] buddy
[03:35:27] Here's your fucking jabater, bro. I literally called about the first time you did that
[03:35:45] So it's some people want to burn their their shit cards fast king
[03:35:53] One clean that's how I got him to shoot first
[03:36:02] Yeah, well, you're either Jib-Bait or why would you go around the table, but you don't call ones
[03:36:17] King I don't believe that I don't believe that why would you not want no I don't see that
[03:36:25] He's gonna call me out here. I'm dead
[03:36:41] King okay, I feel like I have to call him out here cuz this guy's gonna call me out cuz I have no cards left
[03:36:48] I'm calling him
[03:36:50] It's me fucking die fucking die
[03:37:03] God damn it. I'm calling him out again. I'm calling him out again. I'm gonna call him out again here
[03:37:20] This is a survival round extreme debates to Queens just fucking go pig
[03:37:49] To Queen Queen
[03:37:54] Wow Queen
[03:37:58] Just let it go survival survival
[03:38:00] Call him out. I'll call him out dog. Call him out three Queens
[03:38:04] Well, calm the fuck out, bro. Yes, I agree. I agree shit on die die
[03:38:12] die
[03:38:14] die
[03:38:16] It's the first time I've stared down death good minus 50
[03:38:29] I'm pretty sure you do lose rank in this game
[03:38:37] do
[03:38:39] Oh we got a good one if he doesn't call me out here we got a good one you
[03:38:43] back to us one you won't do it again right
[03:39:15] three years
[03:39:21] brothers give me the confidence give me the confidence give me the confidence
[03:39:26] dude call them out call them out call them out
[03:39:30] one's feeling bold one ace
[03:39:34] One kiss, liar.
[03:39:37] You fuck, bro.
[03:39:39] Okay.
[03:39:48] What do you mean?
[03:40:29] No.
[03:40:31] No, dude. Even the bear's like, what the fuck?
[03:40:34] Okay, so now he thinks he's gonna call me out here,
[03:40:52] so I'm gonna play three to reverse Javate.
[03:40:55] I'm gonna reverse Javate here,
[03:40:57] because he's gonna think after calling me out three times,
[03:40:59] he's not gonna, see,
[03:41:01] bring it around the table
[03:41:04] Send it home.
[03:41:05] He's going to call me here.
[03:41:09] Please be right around every bit.
[03:41:16] Oh fuck.
[03:41:17] Well ain't my first rodeo.
[03:41:33] How the fuck are you looking at me buddy?
[03:41:35] Motherfuckers.
[03:41:36] I wonder I'm lightheaded bro.
[03:41:38] You're sniffing out all the fucking oxygen from this place.
[03:41:41] Oh fuck you bitch.
[03:41:45] Yeah I wonder if I should play.
[03:41:54] one key my fucking god this guy's such a motherfucker dude okay bro
[03:42:50] would it commit how did this guy just zero six see Chad this guy's actually
[03:43:15] good not like you motherfuckers who think you're fucking good he got he's a
[03:43:27] shit on me dude what even was that I got a red me for three rounds read me for
[03:43:34] three goddamn rounds holy if I watch the monitor and look at your hand you're
[03:43:56] easy to read all right where are we going here where we going here bro what's
[03:44:14] your plan here dude holy shit two kings I don't believe him I really want to call
[03:44:20] him out here but I'll let the whole table play kings that's brave one king
[03:44:29] Saved
[03:44:40] This is risky this is risky one king saved okay. Oh, come on man. I know I know
[03:45:04] Three cards you got more guts than brains friend. No, there are some debaters because they're there can only be a total of eight
[03:45:12] 8. Technically there's 8 legit cards amongst 4 players, so there's 8 legit cards and 20.
[03:45:21] 2 jokers, 6 of the actual face. What up man? 1 cat.
[03:45:30] No bull just fate. Oh shh! Oh my god! Dude just load it in!
[03:45:59] All I'm out here is the question. I kinda wanna call them out here.
[03:46:05] I'm so bad at this game, dude. Oh my god, I thought I was gonna die there. I actually thought I was dead there
[03:46:23] I was like I'm gonna get one tapped as well
[03:46:31] You know what?
[03:46:39] So just let it play just let it pass let it pass the gate. Thank you. Thank you. No suspicion
[03:46:47] No suspicion there
[03:46:50] To kings very nice. We passed the gate
[03:46:56] Easy. You guys feel like... Oh really? Are you sure? Are you sure? Minus 50.
[03:47:06] One tap, one tap, one tap. One tap!
[03:47:11] Ah, shit. Okay, okay. Oh my god, dude.
[03:47:36] That's a bull bar for such a small bite.
[03:47:39] Think that's legit. No, I think that's legit let it pass
[03:47:46] Three kings you're telling me there's already six things in the deck
[03:47:53] Do I call him I don't know man, I don't think so I don't think so
[03:48:00] Shad if I call everybody saying call is banned
[03:48:06] Oh my fucking god, dude. Oh
[03:48:11] Oh my god, if there is chat elo, you guys minus 50.
[03:48:16] Holy shit.
[03:48:19] Mods, clean them up. Mods, open fire.
[03:48:29] You have my permission.
[03:48:37] What happened? Now look at this shit. Now we're on the tracks of destruction.
[03:48:49] I'm dead. I'm dead.
[03:48:52] Oh my god, I'm alive.
[03:48:55] Dude, what are these cards right now, man?
[03:49:27] He's lying.
[03:49:28] Yeah, we fuckin' know, buddy. We know. Minus 50.
[03:49:39] One tab, one tab. Get him out of here. Get him out of here!
[03:49:41] Shit.
[03:49:51] Gimme a fat hand here. I'll play ones the whole way.
[03:49:54] Uh, I can. I can play ones here.
[03:49:58] My concern is playing two cards and she calling me out.
[03:50:01] calling me out. I'll believe it. I could play a three. I could play a three here. But last
[03:50:15] time I did this, it was a bad idea. I might just go ones. I could play two here and pray
[03:50:39] that she gets jubated.
[03:50:50] One, two, three.
[03:51:00] Game's so easy!
[03:51:02] Buddy, if I look at the leaderboard and you're not there,
[03:51:04] you're actually perma-band.
[03:51:06] Liar!
[03:51:17] Don't say I'm in.
[03:51:19] What up, dude?
[03:51:21] Okay, okay.
[03:51:25] It is what it is.
[03:51:27] You know, sometimes you just gotta survive the table.
[03:51:33] Ace.
[03:51:36] Oh.
[03:51:38] Two, aces.
[03:51:42] I hope she I kind of want to play both of these and she calls me out
[03:52:04] One is I should have done a fake
[03:52:09] To
[03:52:11] Liar one ace
[03:52:19] One is
[03:52:21] One ace all around call her out one ace. Oh shit
[03:52:31] He might have his last card that this might be the debate here. I have to call them. I have to
[03:52:39] Lie off. I have to juju. Yep. I'm fucking dead. I'm fucking dead
[03:52:46] I'm fucking dead dude. It's over
[03:52:50] Just another scarf
[03:52:53] I was one
[03:52:57] Bro am I like six of six? I must be like five of six right now. Please good hand. Oh my god
[03:53:09] I'm so scared dude. She's gonna instantly call me out
[03:53:16] Kings she's gonna instantly call me a liar
[03:53:20] Like oh fuck off, dude
[03:53:24] man
[03:53:26] Dude, that was the shittiest hand just another scarf with a collection
[03:53:34] Insane RNG. This game is actually a joke. Alright, let's see. Will she call me a liar
[03:53:54] again? I have to. I have to. Okay, this is where it's a little scary here. I hope she
[03:54:17] doesn't call this out. She might call this out here. I wouldn't be surprised if she does.
[03:54:22] You fuck, Gigi. I'm dead. Aw man. I shoulda- you know what? You know what? That was just
[03:54:42] stupid of me. When I had two cards left I shoulda played the real one. So it's like
[03:54:50] having one card in your hand like of course. Liar. Liar. Let me just see. Is this
[03:54:59] a legit lie it is let me just see her die
[03:55:08] all right we saw the end of the game
[03:55:15] there's a horse in the background obviously here obviously I'm losing
[03:55:21] cuz of stream snipers obviously no one quickly joins the server just add a
[03:55:53] I had a 15 minute delay, bro.
[03:55:55] I've never seen such a horrible suggestion.
[03:55:57] Alright, let's see what we got here.
[03:56:04] One in this shit. Come on, one win.
[03:56:15] Come on, one win!
[03:56:31] One ace!
[03:56:33] One ace.
[03:56:40] What's the plan here, bro? What's the plan here?
[03:56:42] News looking at this shit.
[03:56:46] One ace.
[03:56:48] Three aces.
[03:56:50] Come on, man. Make a move here.
[03:57:01] Make a move.
[03:57:03] Two aces.
[03:57:05] Call her out. Call her out man.
[03:57:14] Yeah I should have played two there.
[03:57:17] One ace. Two ace.
[03:57:29] Actually had three. Dude actually had three.
[03:57:39] Rip. Close one.
[03:57:44] Oh shit. Quad queen. Quad queen.
[03:57:55] Quad queen. Oh my god. Quad queen.
[03:57:59] Holy shit.
[03:58:00] Goddamn.
[03:58:01] Let it go, bro, let it go, dog, let it go, dog.
[03:58:12] Alright, we're saving now, we're saving.
[03:58:17] Man, that was a good hand too.
[03:58:20] Oh shit, his hand was bad.
[03:58:25] Don't get one tap, bro, it's not your time.
[03:58:28] It's not your time, dude, stay alive.
[03:58:31] Okay.
[03:58:36] Come on, three aces.
[03:58:42] Three aces.
[03:58:46] We'll take two.
[03:58:47] We'll take two.
[03:58:48] One ace.
[03:58:53] What's the plan here?
[03:59:01] This person's always thinking for a while.
[03:59:03] Three aces.
[03:59:06] Someone's two aces.
[03:59:08] Two aces, huh?
[03:59:09] I can call them out of here.
[03:59:10] I kinda want them.
[03:59:12] I kinda want them.
[03:59:17] One ace.
[03:59:18] I'ma just play my cards right now.
[03:59:20] Liar.
[03:59:21] Oh, you motherfucker.
[03:59:23] Okay, buddy.
[03:59:25] Oh, okay, bro.
[03:59:26] kinda messed up dude
[03:59:28] close one
[03:59:36] not a one tap, i don't get one tap bro
[03:59:42] i don't, i don't, i don't get one tap
[03:59:44] i am the one taper
[03:59:46] shit
[03:59:52] easy
[03:59:56] three cards
[03:59:58] bro just let it go dog
[04:00:00] just let it fucking go dude
[04:00:04] just let it fucking go bro
[04:00:06] three aces
[04:00:13] oof
[04:00:15] Nice. Oh, shoot. Rip. One tap. One tap. Wow, we're all one of six right now. Losing
[04:00:41] and lowest elo? Bitch. It's a public lobby's ban. This is all over. Oh my god. You can't
[04:01:01] do five cards. You can only play three max. I kinda wanna just call him out here instead
[04:01:17] of sending three. I'm listening to my own guts. I'm dropping the nuke boys. I'm dropping
[04:02:06] the triple nuke. No, I'm not. I'm at play survival here. Just drop ones. I'm thinking
[04:02:26] about it. Yeah, we might just do a one burn here. I'll do one legit. Two fakes. Someone
[04:02:57] get called out. Someone get called out. Someone call him out. The thing is, I don't know
[04:03:08] What if he's gonna call out with one card?
[04:03:10] One queen.
[04:03:18] Lion!
[04:03:19] Oh my fucking god, shit on bitch.
[04:03:22] You're done, bruh, you're done, dude.
[04:03:30] Let's see if luck's still on my side.
[04:03:32] You're done, dude?
[04:03:33] Ah, shit.
[04:03:34] Oh, ain't nobody got time to add the E.
[04:03:48] You can figure out what I'm saying.
[04:03:51] Alright, this game's actually trolling with these hands now.
[04:03:55] Okay, Debs, what are you doing, bro?
[04:03:57] Are these live?
[04:03:58] Are you guys live patching my hand?
[04:04:00] Please.
[04:04:01] It just drops two.
[04:04:13] Please.
[04:04:14] Call him out.
[04:04:15] Call him out.
[04:04:16] One, please.
[04:04:18] You know what?
[04:04:19] I don't think he's gonna call me out again.
[04:04:20] I think he's scared.
[04:04:21] Please.
[04:04:22] Please.
[04:04:23] I think he's scared.
[04:04:24] Recalls.
[04:04:25] He called me out.
[04:04:26] Okay.
[04:04:27] He's not scared.
[04:04:28] You fucking bitch.
[04:04:37] Just another scarf with a collection.
[04:04:39] Ah, say it.
[04:04:41] Course one.
[04:04:42] Fine.
[04:04:53] I'm just gonna keep doing fucking ones, bro.
[04:04:54] I'm done.
[04:04:55] I'm gonna just keep doing shit ass ones, bro.
[04:04:57] I'm done. I'm done.
[04:04:59] One is ace.
[04:05:23] One is.
[04:05:24] I'm dropping two.
[04:05:25] I'm dropping two.
[04:05:26] One is.
[04:05:27] I'm dropping two.
[04:05:31] One is.
[04:05:32] Saved.
[04:05:33] All right, we crossed the finish line.
[04:05:36] I'm not calling anybody out, dude.
[04:05:38] I'm just trying to go home.
[04:05:40] I'm trying to put my hand down.
[04:05:45] One is.
[04:05:47] Call me out, bro.
[04:05:47] Two is.
[04:05:48] Call me out, bro.
[04:05:50] Call me out bro.
[04:05:52] I dare you dude.
[04:05:53] I dare you.
[04:05:56] I'm going home bro.
[04:05:59] I'm leaving this table alive.
[04:06:02] I'm leaving this table alive.
[04:06:11] Yeah.
[04:06:12] I'm getting out of here.
[04:06:14] Ace.
[04:06:15] Okay.
[04:06:24] Sure dude.
[04:06:25] Sure.
[04:06:26] Ace.
[04:06:27] Liar.
[04:06:28] Liar.
[04:06:43] Dude man, you're cool.
[04:06:48] Look at what you did man.
[04:06:50] Mesta, I'll avenge you. Just kidding this hand fucking sucks
[04:07:19] What up what up you goddamn cards that ah
[04:07:33] Shit give me good hand good hand, please. Okay. We can make this work
[04:07:48] My concern I really want a bird my ace and king. I really really want to I
[04:07:55] Could do a 1-1
[04:07:57] Is it you motherfucker? I took too long you bitch, bro. I took two goddin long bro
[04:08:17] Okay, man is this thing on give you hereby
[04:08:21] The close one
[04:08:33] Cards someone's got a death wish one queen
[04:09:06] them liar dude this fucking guy bro dude they made it so when you spectate it
[04:09:37] shows question marks so you can't stream snipe it oh my god I just want to
[04:10:11] see one ace what three queens and lied anyways lie oh my god please please oh no
[04:10:28] dude he's owning everybody bro he's owning everybody bro
[04:10:37] alright whatever that's a man we're going again okay we're going again I had
[04:10:53] the pig debuff really dude really boys we got a I got a win one here dude okay I
[04:11:42] get a win when dude dude here all right I got a fucking win this shit come on
[04:11:57] dude interesting two kings interesting one key he send it home send it home
[04:12:34] 3 Kings. 3 cards. Someone's got a death wish.
[04:12:40] Wow, he let me pass the gate. Liar.
[04:12:50] Oh, shit. The reverse jubate into a full jubate.
[04:12:56] One tap, one tap, and it, and it, eggs it.
[04:13:04] I want to see a triple one tap. That'd be crazy.
[04:13:12] I
[04:13:21] To aces
[04:13:29] To aces loyal
[04:13:36] Loyal one ace
[04:13:39] To aces one ace show bro. Let it go around let it go around bro. Let it go around bro
[04:13:53] Let it go around
[04:13:56] One ace
[04:14:01] He doesn't have shit. He doesn't have shit liar. Oh whoa
[04:14:14] one tap one tap
[04:14:17] die
[04:14:20] Let's see if luck's still on my side
[04:14:23] Uh-huh
[04:14:25] All right, it's okay. It's okay. What are we doing here? What are we doing here? We can make that work
[04:14:41] one
[04:14:43] two queens
[04:14:48] My arm!
[04:14:49] Whatty!
[04:14:50] Are you fucking kidding me, bro?
[04:14:53] Are you fucking kidding me, dude?
[04:14:55] Okay, bro.
[04:14:56] How you know, man?
[04:15:00] Guess who wins?
[04:15:01] Huh!
[04:15:04] He's not gonna call me out twice.
[04:15:22] I don't believe it.
[04:15:25] Three aces.
[04:15:26] He won't.
[04:15:27] You're too slow.
[04:15:29] He won't do it.
[04:15:30] He's gonna let it go.
[04:15:31] He's gonna let it fly through.
[04:15:33] Let me pass.
[04:15:34] I showed, I showed you my documentation, there you go.
[04:15:53] I gotta play the real ace.
[04:15:59] Call me a man, call me a man.
[04:16:03] Oh shit, someone get called out.
[04:16:06] Someone get called out.
[04:16:10] No way, no way, no.
[04:16:13] No.
[04:16:15] No.
[04:16:19] Liar!
[04:16:20] Good, good, he doesn't have it.
[04:16:23] Oh, not my problem. You're fucked.
[04:16:30] Well, ain't my first rodeo.
[04:16:34] Oh, shit. Alright.
[04:16:36] I didn't con shit brought a scratch, and I can't move my hand, so I have to move my neck.
[04:16:49] Okay, we can work with this. We can work with this.
[04:16:55] Three kings.
[04:16:57] I believe you. I believe you.
[04:16:59] Hope that pays off.
[04:17:00] I might do a three-three and drop a three.
[04:17:03] Three kings.
[04:17:05] Liar!
[04:17:07] bro call me the fuck out bitch call me the fuck out there call me out man
[04:17:20] don't fucking look at me play your shit right now
[04:17:49] so I'm gonna call them and you're all banned fire you're all fucking banned if
[04:18:00] it's not red oh my god why did I do this why it's me you killed me guys you
[04:18:11] killed me huh it may as well have gone off okay it may as well have gone off
[04:18:18] Okay, okay, we can make this work here. I'm burning the three again. I'm burning the three three queens
[04:18:50] Okay, yeah, great job, man. Great job, bro
[04:19:02] Well ain't my first rodeo. Oh
[04:19:06] Shit no mixing real cards with fake ones is still a call-out. So there's no point in mixing
[04:19:17] You want to burn?
[04:19:22] I'm dropping three again. I'm dropping three boys. No, he's gonna call me out this time
[04:19:35] One ace guys look he's gonna call me out here three aces
[04:19:46] You
[04:19:50] Motherfucker was it a fluke when he called me out
[04:20:00] One tap
[04:20:07] Minus 50, please that was the guy that kept calling me a liar dude
[04:20:37] Three Queens, you know I honestly I believe that pays off. I believe you bro. I actually I believe you queen
[04:20:44] I believe you you probably have three
[04:20:48] No, no, no, he probably has three queens
[04:20:51] No, whenever I led you wrong other than that one time where you have to shoot yourself because I was wrong, okay
[04:21:00] what it ain't real dude it ain't real dude he has an ace bro he has an ace
[04:21:26] dude he has an ace liar oh my god oh my god please that ain't my first was die
[04:21:47] oh my god dude down to the liar yellow on the line yellow on the line interesting
[04:22:05] Interesting.
[04:22:12] One queen.
[04:22:13] Two queens.
[04:22:24] I feel like he's lying. I think he's lying.
[04:22:27] Liar.
[04:22:28] Oh my god.
[04:22:32] Oh my god.
[04:22:34] Yes.
[04:22:36] Yes. Please die here. Please.
[04:22:38] Well ain't my first rodeo.
[04:22:40] Please.
[04:22:42] Two.
[04:22:44] Okay. Okay. He survives around. He survives around. It's okay. It's okay.
[04:22:50] It's all good. It's all good.
[04:22:54] This is good. This is good.
[04:22:57] He left!
[04:22:59] Or the admin...
[04:23:00] The host left?
[04:23:04] Because when the host... Oh my god.
[04:23:08] That's fucking bullshit.
[04:23:13] Why is that a thing?
[04:23:15] We need host migration made right now.
[04:23:22] Come on, dude.
[04:23:27] Debbs, what are you doing?
[04:23:29] I was that was my first win
[04:23:34] That was such a difficult victory
[04:23:37] Don't they have like fucking guides on stack overflow now and how to just like copy paste fucking
[04:23:48] host migration
[04:23:50] Mama
[04:23:52] All right, I got another one just fucking paste that shit real quick update the fucking game
[04:23:58] What just happened? I think the game broke. Yeah, I'll have to get the lobby broke after we start the game
[04:24:19] All right, let's see what we got here.
[04:24:39] They've never recorded their integers never went such low on a negative elo that I have
[04:24:45] a very unique bug.
[04:24:47] It just like loaded me in but didn't.
[04:25:05] It sounds like a scuffed fucking ice cream truck music.
[04:25:08] All right, we need a fourth here.
[04:25:29] Here we go.
[04:25:30] Play Spaghetti Western?
[04:25:38] A hell?
[04:25:43] Rollercoaster Tycoon music, huh?
[04:25:45] Hey, I wear the fourth hat. What the hell is this?
[04:25:53] Maybe this dude's lobby is messed up.
[04:25:58] I was glad you believed too.
[04:26:06] Alright, I got one.
[04:26:08] Oh yeah, there's people in this one.
[04:26:14] Ready to have boys?
[04:26:16] Who wants to be a millionaire music?
[04:26:21] I would just be playing that same music over and over.
[04:26:26] It's like a small soundtrack.
[04:26:29] Oh shit, it's Liars Bullshit, I'm out, peace.
[04:26:34] Bro, dice suck balls.
[04:26:37] The dice were kind of fun,
[04:26:39] but the dice are just like a bad viewing experience.
[04:26:45] That was my fault, toxic.
[04:27:02] Spaghetti Western Mix.
[04:27:18] So many of these are fail to connect, hold up.
[04:27:36] This guy's playing four characters as one person.
[04:27:40] The fuck is this?
[04:27:40] Oh, they kicked me.
[04:27:47] I got one. We need a fourth. There he is.
[04:27:58] Alright people, I'm looking for some fucking elo and U3 are standing in my way.
[04:28:35] Four aces, come on. Interesting.
[04:28:41] We're starting with a nuke.
[04:28:44] Set the tone.
[04:28:47] Yeah, I don't fuck around. I come here and I go ham right off the gate.
[04:28:52] I don't fuck around, dude.
[04:28:55] I don't fuck around, bro. Okay, we're going.
[04:28:57] Those are three legit cards.
[04:29:00] You don't know what to think on that first hand. You don't know me.
[04:29:04] Two aces.
[04:29:05] You don't know me.
[04:29:10] Three aces.
[04:29:12] Debs, the fact that you didn't add-
[04:29:13] So much good ideas, wish.
[04:29:15] Debs, the fact that you didn't add fucking cards based off your- uh, hats based off your elo-
[04:29:21] Eases.
[04:29:21] Is the biggest fumble.
[04:29:26] Like, it's actually incredible.
[04:29:28] You already got the moving fucking heads. You have no cosmetic fucking hats.
[04:29:33] Holy.
[04:29:35] Liar.
[04:29:36] One tap.
[04:29:45] It's me or the bullet.
[04:29:47] Oh my god!
[04:29:52] Is that the admin?
[04:33:04] Two queens.
[04:33:09] Let it go.
[04:33:10] Let it go. Let it go.
[04:33:16] Two queens.
[04:33:18] Alright boys, sending it.
[04:33:28] Two queens.
[04:33:30] Liar!
[04:33:31] Done. One tap. One tap.
[04:33:41] One tap.
[04:33:44] Jeez. Relaxed.
[04:33:49] I don't know what happened to Ace Boy. Legend has it he joined an East Forge team.
[04:34:19] Okay, we did the psychological damage. Now she's not gonna call me out.
[04:34:23] She ain't calling me out now.
[04:34:28] Two aces
[04:34:33] Easy
[04:34:34] Go one and three or why not just drop three?
[04:34:38] Three cards
[04:34:40] That's daring
[04:34:41] No, no, no, what are you gonna do?
[04:34:42] What are you gonna do?
[04:34:44] What are you gonna do?
[04:34:45] Liar
[04:34:46] Oh, shit, bro
[04:34:56] Look
[04:34:57] Oh, okay
[04:35:01] Yo, she's doing something to the fucking revolver, bro
[04:35:06] She's jamming the goddamn fucking, uh, barrel
[04:35:10] I'm ass, lol.
[04:35:13] Okay, bro.
[04:35:18] Okay.
[04:35:19] Alright, double psychological damage.
[04:35:21] It's all about doing psychological damage to the person on your right.
[04:35:26] So now that we have double psychological damage, we're going to drop a triple Jibay.
[04:35:34] So now we're going with a triple Jibay.
[04:35:37] He's psychologically damaged.
[04:35:39] So he's not going to try to call me out now.
[04:35:43] So I'm safe on the right for a little while.
[04:35:46] Oh shit.
[04:35:51] One tap.
[04:35:52] One tap.
[04:35:53] Dead.
[04:35:54] Rip.
[04:36:07] What do we have here?
[04:36:08] I've been having good cards.
[04:36:15] And that's why the game cursed me.
[04:36:18] Two queens.
[04:36:24] One queen.
[04:36:28] Two queens.
[04:36:34] Drop all five you can't.
[04:36:35] You can't do fives.
[04:36:36] It's three cards backs.
[04:36:40] Three queens.
[04:36:42] That's bullshit bro.
[04:36:43] That's a bull.
[04:36:44] shit we got bullshitters amongst us really you're pushing it a lot I know
[04:37:04] about that man one queen I should have say I should have dropped one ace
[04:37:18] liar oh shit oh shit don't fail me the person was paranoid she was calling
[04:37:48] everybody out and then he was he was calling after he didn't trust her at
[04:37:53] Oh, that looks nice to Kings. I have to worry about this guy now and this guy calls out a lot
[04:38:01] Let me see here don't call me out bro. Don't call me out. Let King nice. We're safe. We're saved
[04:38:08] We're saved
[04:38:11] Call me out here, bro. Call me out here
[04:38:14] Yeah
[04:38:15] Hope that to King. Oh my god
[04:38:18] Oh, he wanted to go home.
[04:38:22] He wanted to go home.
[04:38:25] Oh, shit.
[04:38:35] He tried dodging the bullet.
[04:38:43] You're not calling the pig out?
[04:38:45] Oh, his reckoning is coming.
[04:38:47] He thinks I'm oblivious to the situation, which I kinda am.
[04:38:51] But just wait for the moment.
[04:38:55] You'll see.
[04:38:57] Why can't I see my cards?
[04:39:00] I'm hitting spacebar.
[04:39:02] Oh, shit.
[04:39:09] Flankee, me or the bullet?
[04:39:51] It feels good.
[04:40:10] Ah, you don't...
[04:40:23] Flankee!
[04:40:24] You don't have sheep brah?
[04:40:25] Call it, don't call it.
[04:40:29] Let me go home.
[04:40:30] Let me go home.
[04:40:35] Let me go home.
[04:40:36] Thank you.
[04:40:46] That's brave.
[04:40:47] Oh shit, he didn't care.
[04:40:50] Call him.
[04:40:51] Call him out.
[04:40:52] Hmm?
[04:40:59] You're more than...
[04:41:00] ...a fan.
[04:41:01] You're hard.
[04:41:02] You bitch.
[04:41:30] Liar.
[04:41:31] You think you're gonna go out here
[04:41:32] your uncontested motherfucker bro you think I didn't see your smelly ass on the left bro okay bro
[04:41:38] get the hell out of here dude you think I didn't notice your ass I've just been observing buddies
[04:41:45] all this burning that shit I wish he died dude oh my god I feel like I've been noticing him oh god
[04:42:00] I'm scared about this guy dude. This guy is unpredictable. I have a feeling his second card
[04:45:06] I think he lies with his second card. I
[04:45:11] Think he does I think this one he's gonna lie
[04:45:20] You fuck you fuck
[04:45:26] You piece of shit
[04:45:28] I'm gonna look at you. I'm not gonna die
[04:45:36] This guy just keeps playing one and I'm dead I'm dead
[04:46:13] It's over. It's over either or it's over
[04:46:20] Oh my god die. Oh my god die
[04:47:03] fucking die
[04:47:07] Fucking die for the plus 50
[04:47:11] plus 50 the best hand I've ever seen holy shit I got a jibbaton I got a good
[04:47:40] I got a jibbaton fucking die fucking die fucking die that was the best hand in
[04:48:21] the game all of them dead
[04:48:50] GG
[04:48:56] GG
[04:49:33] I'm calling it, I'm calling it
[04:49:39] Oh my god, please die
[04:49:40] Please fucking die, dude
[04:49:42] Holy shit, bro, please
[04:49:45] The hell is-
[04:50:16] I'm gonna do too legit
[04:50:18] Yes!
[04:50:20] Oh my god
[04:50:21] Oh my god
[04:50:23] End it, end it, bro
[04:50:27] End it!
[04:50:28] Oh my f***ing god!
[04:50:36] This is incredible. Bro, I might drop a nuke and do three queens.
[04:50:52] I might drop three queens as a hard jubate.
[04:50:57] We're doing it. Three kings. Three kings.
[04:51:00] Let it go! Let it go! Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
[04:51:09] Okay. Okay. One king.
[04:51:14] Call me out, call me out!
[04:51:17] Pretend to be nervous.
[04:51:19] Pretend to be nervous.
[04:51:21] YES!
[04:51:41] Plus 50.
[04:51:43] Insane!
[04:51:53] Road to Master.
[04:51:59] Look at this shit.
[04:52:00] Look at this shit.
[04:52:02] BAM!
[04:52:03] BAM!
[04:52:08] BAM!
[04:52:08] I'm just gonna grab a drink real quick.
[04:53:09] Believer's feels good.
[04:53:13] Still in Pinocchio League?
[04:53:14] Bro, this is- this is difficult shit, man.
[04:53:17] This is this is some difficult ass shit. I don't know what you want from me
[04:53:24] These guys are these guys are have our lifelong liars
[04:53:32] This is like getting into the fucking mindset of a serial killer to then compete
[04:53:42] All right, let's go
[04:54:03] New Joker movie is trash
[04:54:06] Yeah, it seems like the common theme
[04:54:10] What I've been hearing. All right boys
[04:54:22] Keep it clean
[04:54:24] Let me get the
[04:54:28] And we good
[04:54:31] All right
[04:54:34] Everybody agree I get the yellow don't fucking shake don't shake your goddamn head. Don't shake your fucking head
[04:54:40] Don't don't disrespect
[04:54:43] All right, we're dropping a nuke boys
[04:54:46] Insta nuke
[04:54:51] No, that's fucking brave, bro
[04:54:53] Oh you bitch you fucking bitch, okay, bro
[04:54:58] oh okay dude is there a fucking mirror beyond me bro you're the
[04:55:02] ahhhhhh
[04:55:04] wait what
[04:55:05] I don't get one death buddy
[04:55:09] this guy thinks I'm not crazy to do it twice
[04:55:16] all right I'm the crazy one fucker I'm the crazy one
[04:55:20] what do we have here
[04:55:23] burn it
[04:55:24] two queens
[04:55:25] come on man
[04:55:29] two queens
[04:55:30] you're fucked you're fucked
[04:55:35] you're fucked
[04:55:37] All right you're gonna call me out on this next move that's brave
[04:55:56] I'm nervous queen oh really oh now you're not gonna call me out on that oh
[04:56:05] sure dude you're right be right oh shit please die die die die die please it's
[04:56:27] me or the bullet fuck huh I see how it is oh shit man holy we got going on here
[04:56:53] bro I might just drop ones the whole way instead of trying to burn the king
[04:56:57] we I'm not gonna solo burn the king I'm a little worried to do that so I'm just
[04:57:03] gonna go ones the whole way one quim we're gonna do a safe round here reset
[04:57:08] the psychology of the table one queen the thing is one queen if I fail you're
[04:57:18] eating you lose minus 50 points so you're back down to zero one queen
[04:57:23] she has one card left whatever survival round all good all good bye bye please
[04:57:51] Let's see if Locke's still on my side.
[04:57:54] Make this work.
[04:58:17] I'm dropping a triple nuke.
[04:58:20] Triple nuke right there. Triple nuke.
[04:58:23] Triple nuke.
[04:58:25] Don't call it, bro. Just play your fucking card on.
[04:58:34] We made it home, boys. We made it home.
[04:58:38] Yeah, bitch.
[04:58:40] Yeeey!
[04:58:43] Oh shit. Oh shit.
[04:58:45] Oh shit. Die. Die, die, die.
[04:59:05] Ace table. Ace table.
[04:59:09] Quad ace. Quad ace.
[04:59:12] Oof. How are we doing this right now?
[04:59:17] You know what?
[04:59:19] She's been thinks I haven't been paying attention.
[04:59:22] I know you just fucking burn those.
[04:59:24] Look at the left always look at the whole time. That's the thing the left if you just are like
[04:59:36] They think they think they think we're not paying attention
[04:59:41] You know and then they get comfortable in debating going through the gate and then you check them on around
[04:59:54] Interesting I could play survival here
[05:00:03] You know what I could call her out again here
[05:00:08] Or I play survival and play tr- You know what?
[05:00:11] We're going. We're going.
[05:00:14] Call me out. Call me out. Call me out.
[05:00:16] That's brave.
[05:00:17] Call me out.
[05:00:17] All foolish.
[05:00:18] I'm shaking. Call me out.
[05:00:21] Lion.
[05:00:21] Yeah, motherfucker! I ain't nobody lying unless minus 50.
[05:00:32] Noble just faked.
[05:00:53] Aces.
[05:00:53] Interesting. So I think now he- Okay, now there's psychological damage.
[05:00:58] Okay?
[05:00:59] He had psychological damage so we can pass this gate, I think.
[05:01:03] Okay, okay, see three and now we're home
[05:01:12] Liar ain't the first time I've stared down death
[05:01:28] Oh
[05:01:31] No interesting
[05:01:48] Okay, see she went back to her original strap, I think so I'm gonna call her out
[05:01:53] I see they go back to basics, bro. They go back to the basic strat
[05:02:08] All you mother fuckers
[05:02:12] I might burn the two here, but it's a little risky. I should reset
[05:02:32] I should reset and go one ones, but I'm gonna risk it and just play two here
[05:02:39] okay we're home we're home extreme psychological damage we're home
[05:02:49] hope that pays off one king oh he doesn't even bother dude he's like fuck that
[05:02:54] shit he's like that shit oh damn he called her out though
[05:03:04] You too, Illa. Let's hope I have both.
[05:03:10] Oof! No, man. I know.
[05:03:20] I know. What are we dealing with?
[05:03:24] Alright.
[05:03:27] Two queens.
[05:03:28] Lies. Lies.
[05:03:31] Eh, nah, dude, nah.
[05:03:34] Ha, ha, ha, ha.
[05:03:35] Guess who wins.
[05:03:57] Why did he just do that?
[05:03:58] Well, good reaction to this absolute shit hand.
[05:04:04] Whole-
[05:04:05] Two queens.
[05:04:15] One queen.
[05:04:20] Three queens.
[05:04:22] Liar!
[05:04:23] He actually had three queens.
[05:04:25] Oh my god, you fuck!
[05:04:27] You did it twice?
[05:04:29] You piece of shit.
[05:04:32] Nooooo...
[05:04:36] Okay.
[05:04:38] Okay.
[05:04:54] He's gonna call me here don't do it. That's brave. Don't do it. Oh, you fucked up bitch. You fucked up bitch
[05:05:00] You fucked up bitch
[05:05:03] Yeah, bro minus 50
[05:05:06] Yoink dead Colby beef. Oh my god
[05:05:19] I don't know if he's debating here. It's hard to tell now. I could call him here. I'm a little worried
[05:05:39] Oh shit!
[05:05:42] Oh you keep the 50, I thought you lose it.
[05:06:23] What the my shit?
[05:07:07] Let me see something here.
[05:07:08] Fuck is that noise?
[05:07:22] Boys listen to me, okay boys.
[05:07:27] We're chilling here on this game.
[05:07:31] Tomorrow, sub Sunday, we're jumping into Silent Hill.
[05:07:35] I could play this all stream, but we're jumping into Deadlock.
[05:07:39] Alright, take it or leave it.
[05:07:42] Bedlock a humble chat story no no no bedlock chance favorite bedtime story
[05:07:54] ah nice chat listen I'm I gotta play this shit all right I told you bro there's a
[05:08:04] chance that I could get fucking recruited by like TSM or something I'm telling you
[05:08:12] look tomorrow we're jumping into sub-Sunday and then I'm locking myself
[05:08:27] self into a Silent Hill playthrough and then Diablo expansion is coming out. So as far as
[05:08:33] I know this is the last time in a bit to play this game. Unless something significant changes.
[05:08:42] We will see. When you find your courage, call me.
[05:08:48] Um, I'm gonna play her and...
[05:08:52] Let's go with those three.
[05:09:06] Try Pocket, nah.
[05:09:08] Since when do you play Diablo 4?
[05:09:09] Um, I played it on release for a while and then I quit and I waited a year and now the
[05:09:16] expansion's out so here I go going back to D4.
[05:09:32] You tried Lady...
[05:09:33] Uh, guys, I have not, no.
[05:09:40] I don't have time for an MMO, an MMO requires so much fucking time, but I don't feel like giving.
[05:10:00] I've actually never laid against this guy before, I don't know what to expect.
[05:10:05] Pay to win events is hard, I mean I could pay to win up and like, you know, just skip time but
[05:10:18] what the hell is this, bro, you died and then paused the game?
[05:10:32] What are you doing dude?
[05:10:34] Every single
[05:10:37] This dude I have Kelvin I burst is a God and he's always on the enemy team
[05:10:44] He's always on the enemy team. There's always on the enemy team
[05:10:59] That thing's hard to dodge but it's just like side damage. I probably want to go to God almost any there
[05:12:35] Deserve I think we can all do all agree deserve
[05:12:39] I'm actually gonna go buy some regen or whatever
[05:12:53] because Silent Hill doesn't come out you know these games have release dates
[05:13:01] I didn't buy regen realize there's release dates right why not today because it's not
[05:13:09] the release date friend I didn't know this was a remix I don't only listen to
[05:13:28] remixes I have no idea what the fuck this song is no idea what this is this is a remix
[05:13:36] good right now back so if you step on that it pops and does damage to you
[05:14:21] you regen's in that shit of course he does didn't kill me I do have to be
[05:15:01] careful you sure he can fuck me up yeah tell me they nerf to Izzy's that build
[05:15:17] was insane I haven't been keeping up with the patch notes of the game tell
[05:15:22] me they did that shit was crazy she went from the shittiest here to the best
[05:15:29] here on the game which I think she does she obviously needed buffs but those
[05:15:44] buffs are crazy you know the only thing about this eagle is it's kind of weird
[05:16:21] to control and it's kind of odd to get used to good guy hit with a parry that
[05:16:43] That was probably the worst fucking gank. Holy shit. He did no damage, used no abilities. What?
[05:16:48] What the hell was that?
[05:16:52] He'll probably be a pain in the ass later on in the match.
[05:16:59] I can actually buy this.
[05:18:06] That is one strong fucking goo.
[05:18:08] Are you fucking serious?
[05:18:24] As long as his teammates don't come- oh shit.
[05:18:41] I was some good shit too, got some good loot out of all of that, but you could LLS that.
[05:19:39] It's gonna be here.
[05:19:41] Yeah, the lore is this is Hanzo's dad.
[05:19:46] He wanted to join the Overwatch League, but realized there were a bunch of fucks, and then decided to join Chezbacca.
[05:19:53] It's a whole lore.
[05:19:57] All in the lane and they just one tap that whole shit?
[05:20:07] I'm missing purple.
[05:20:40] I'm gonna need to go blue.
[05:20:45] Find their trail.
[05:20:57] It's the worst shit I've ever seen.
[05:21:18] I messed everything up.
[05:21:30] I literally messed everything up there.
[05:21:32] Holy shit.
[05:21:36] I used all my stamina.
[05:21:38] That's not who I wanted to see, dude.
[05:21:42] Fuck, man.
[05:21:44] Dude's survived at 1 HP.
[05:21:46] They're totally gonna take yellow here.
[05:21:51] Absolute fucking yikes.
[05:21:59] be careful if she's actually the one who I gotta worry about the most she can
[05:22:19] just pop up and fucking kill me so fast I have to really be careful she still
[05:22:24] might be here I might die if she has her all I'm dead there's not a lot of mobs
[05:22:35] there this game might be over unless that guy comes back I'm surprised the
[05:22:56] team didn't pause it maybe they didn't realize he realized oh come back bro
[05:23:07] You're three and one this bow does look like a shit nerf gun
[05:23:18] It looks like he is using a nerf gun. Oh, don't take all the farm. I need that. I
[05:23:46] Might move this
[05:23:48] Not the best one to move this but I might as well
[05:23:52] I forgot can they see me moving the urn on the map? I should know this I played this game enough
[05:24:27] But I don't move the urn often whatever I would rather farm blue lane right now and not fight all that garbage. I
[05:25:02] I
[05:25:03] Take that as the way these early fights are fucking useless
[05:25:25] Oh shit, they never took that I need to grab those I have fat upgrades coming out
[05:25:33] It is about to get more interest I should have green
[05:25:38] I'll take this yoink mine. I'm gonna go by I can afford a bunch of shit here
[05:25:54] I just won't grab blue. All right. This is a good amount to buy my whole tier two
[05:26:19] Get fuckin' naked.
[05:26:22] But they should make it so the barrels and all that, it's not first come first serve, everybody gets it.
[05:26:51] He's with me.
[05:26:53] If it's popped in your vicinity, you all grab it.
[05:26:57] Speed up the farm of the game.
[05:27:00] I do think this game needs like a XP modifier.
[05:27:04] I'm gonna touch you bro if you ever do that shit again.
[05:27:07] I'm gonna do it again bro, just be aware.
[05:27:09] Whoa!
[05:27:11] Get ready to get in touch though, then I'll fucking send my bird after you.
[05:27:22] Triple!
[05:27:25] I just can't beat this fucking Yamada.
[05:27:28] Is he chasing you? I'm coming to you.
[05:27:39] Ah, no man.
[05:27:40] Did she pop her ult?
[05:27:41] I thought you better fucking chase him.
[05:27:43] What the...
[05:27:44] I have eyes on him.
[05:27:45] Ah, she fell back.
[05:28:12] But she's thinking about me.
[05:28:27] Yeah, let's do it. Come on, let's fight.
[05:28:29] What the fuck?
[05:28:30] Yo, Ivy is being a fucking blue light.
[05:28:32] What fucking fuck you I be
[05:28:37] When I said fuck you see that where it should be an item where you have to put their point
[05:28:53] Yeah, look at this damage
[05:29:18] Fuck is he
[05:29:26] No, you're a monkey. You're a monkey, Tesa.
[05:30:00] It was actually coming to our shit to buy it half HP.
[05:30:04] Crazy.
[05:30:05] No, I'm gonna chase this bitch and regret it.
[05:30:11] She popping off, she's three and three. That was fucking horrible.
[05:30:48] It has 12 and five.
[05:30:52] Can you flash your video settings? I'm literally maxed out, bro.
[05:31:05] Damn, we all died.
[05:31:06] Got caught. Nice FDS for maxed out. I mean it is a valid game.
[05:31:32] How's my farm? Are they just like farmed out the ass?
[05:32:32] Yeah, my farm is like pretty decent too. I don't know how I'm getting shit on.
[05:32:36] Like these guys take no damage.
[05:32:38] Even though this is like a heavy spirit build.
[05:32:42] Fuck me, whatever.
[05:32:48] I just started picking up my tier 3.
[05:32:52] Damn bro, what the fuck?
[05:33:22] Fuck bro!
[05:33:23] I hit two and this dumb fuck never flew.
[05:33:27] Why did he never fly? I can kill her. I just need range
[05:33:45] He popped this all the mister. Oh, I fucked this Yamato is do holy shit. He has 27k. He's not even like
[05:34:09] We're all getting on
[05:34:13] Literally everybody's getting fucking on right now. I don't know what the hell to do here
[05:34:24] I
[05:35:07] Confested at all GG
[05:35:21] Farm I don't know what the fuck is going on. I don't know how they popped off so hard all of a sudden
[05:35:27] There's no way we can win this
[05:35:47] Why is this guy mentioning an old flavor that I haven't been a part of in a long fucking time?
[05:36:02] That was like three years ago, bro each iced tea do you feel the fuck want to play him again?
[05:36:18] This guy is great, but that made it seem like he sucked balls. I guess I was just bad with him
[05:36:23] You need a reactive barrier for Wraith, Bebop, and all of them. What does reactive barrier do again?
[05:36:37] They should have another button here that says items, so you can just look at all the items and builds before going in-game.
[05:36:49] Unless resources is that. It is, by the way. It is. Guys, they have one.
[05:36:59] like me
[05:37:16] Abrams is a noob stopper, but I'm not sure if Abrams can keep up with as the elo rises
[05:37:25] Well the thing about this lobby I have to learn fast how good they are at parrying because then I have to jubate the
[05:37:30] Parry where you go like that and go like that but miss on purpose so they get hit by a five second CD
[05:37:36] That's what needs to happen here. This will be an interesting battle
[05:37:57] This matchup is gonna be a bit
[05:38:01] Interesting, it's worth getting this fast, so I can just keep popping it for HP.
[05:38:32] Killed my boy!
[05:38:51] I missed both.
[05:39:37] How much life steal is this?
[05:39:43] Fuck the Spirit one for that.
[05:40:12] Spirit strike.
[05:40:14] Got Spirit damage.
[05:40:15] I just had a parry.
[05:41:02] Abram 50, I don't think this is worth it.
[05:41:23] I'll be stupid, but...
[05:41:24] You ever chased me, dude?
[05:41:48] Oh, dude, that... Dude, his stun stuns me out of the air.
[05:41:58] That's crazy.
[05:41:59] I think he did. Let me see here and for to scare this guy. This guy wants revengeings now. He's worried
[05:42:28] He is definitely scared. I don't want to go. I killed this bebop mid maybe thinking about it
[05:42:42] We go kill blue lane. That's crazy. I hope you don't get bomb
[05:43:06] Do you wonder if I can flank this dude and kill him here?
[05:44:16] Honestly, that was worth
[05:44:18] fall into the wrong hands.
[05:44:20] Holy worth.
[05:44:23] Not anything.
[05:44:25] All I think about Abrams is he falls off
[05:44:27] kinda hard in the game.
[05:44:29] I swear his damage on his melee attacks don't keep up.
[05:44:32] You have to melee them way too much.
[05:44:37] Where it's like, yeah.
[05:44:39] I'm pretty sure his damage falls off tremendously
[05:44:42] from what I remember.
[05:44:44] His weapon gets insane late game
[05:44:46] So you switch from melee to left clicks, don't you?
[05:44:53] That's what you have to do.
[05:45:00] I guess you can still weep them in,
[05:45:02] but it is surprisingly aggressive after getting owned.
[05:45:26] I gotta get it, I'm surprised, man.
[05:45:30] He's playing like he's a 10-0.
[05:45:33] You got extensive base, I love it.
[05:46:11] Oh, someone's in here.
[05:46:59] The best thing to do on Abrams,
[05:47:00] which I have not been doing,
[05:47:01] is you want to do a melee leclerc
[05:47:06] for that extra damage
[05:47:08] you're warning the next time Lash is in my lane, please
[05:47:12] good luck, like, broken?
[05:47:34] eugh!
[05:47:34] the spirit urn is waiting to reclaim
[05:47:37] our blue blood is being redeemed
[05:47:55] everyone's callouts 10 minutes into the game on lanes
[05:47:58] what is this, bebop? and this dude had been stuck together the whole game
[05:48:31] they're constantly, I mean they're in the same lane, so it makes sense
[05:48:35] I'm coming to your haze, maybe you can kill one.
[05:48:38] Gonna be rough.
[05:48:41] I have that gun, I'm gonna kill you.
[05:48:42] Oh yeah, fuck that.
[05:48:44] Oh Yamato's here, bro, you're dead, bro.
[05:48:46] The hell just happened, but I think everything just...
[05:49:04] got popped on me.
[05:49:08] Protect you a little.
[05:49:09] That was annihilation.
[05:49:22] Coming blue.
[05:49:30] Oh, they're all full HP.
[05:50:10] That was not who I thought was I was gonna hit.
[05:50:23] Actually, not for Lash, fuck Lash.
[05:50:25] Lash mains are the worst players in the game.
[05:50:27] We got a check Yamato Yamato needs to fucking die
[05:50:51] She is going uncontested acting like she owns the place. I'm going for Yamato if you want to help
[05:50:57] Attempting to kill her. I thought I was dead dude. I was like I'm dead back purple lane come back purple for a gang potentially I
[05:52:02] Really want to bully Yamato and her old town. She needs to be bullied. Oh, damn. He fell back
[05:52:09] She needs to be bullied. Alt-down is the best time to kill her, but yeah, they're all converging purple
[05:52:18] Yamato's coming
[05:52:32] For before pink
[05:52:35] They should have looked like an hour ago, dude. Oh
[05:52:40] My god, bro surely feeding that was not worth
[05:52:59] Fuckin newbass killed me bro. I turned around that last string is so weird, dude
[05:53:30] I turned around thinking he was gonna rush. I was gonna hit him with a heavy punch
[05:53:34] What even what even is that string? He has his old pulls you. What does that string do?
[05:53:46] Kill debop nice. I don't think he's worth chasing down here
[05:55:21] I should have somewhere underneath.
[05:55:23] But let's just take these both parts.
[05:55:25] I clearly went the wrong way.
[05:55:38] So there's that.
[05:55:39] Didn't even have gone that way.
[05:55:42] I can get a lot of items here too.
[05:55:54] Oh wait, no mind.
[05:55:55] Life Strike is 3k.
[05:55:58] Gonna farm a little more.
[05:56:13] Let me go buy more.
[05:56:30] Are we using a build from 8-1?
[05:56:34] Yes.
[05:56:35] Life Strike.
[05:56:44] Life Strike is big survivability.
[05:56:50] Ability and I hope bebop chases. I'm going yellow care
[05:57:37] Am I better kill Yamato, I'm coming below it
[05:57:55] She near you holy words. She's she's the scariest
[05:58:31] Bob's got his all I'm not gonna put on
[05:58:38] I killed that so fast. I'm gonna go buy on their side
[06:00:18] Polar is this fire rate on this shit?
[06:00:21] Make my gun more powerful now
[06:00:23] I'm into you in furnace
[06:00:29] Yeah, baby you up slow. I'm waiting for one of them to push and just fucking annihilate
[06:00:50] I'm gonna try to come to you. Hey, oh
[06:01:00] Seconds on my oh
[06:01:03] She died died
[06:01:05] Oh, not believing. I would be surprised if Flash pushed here.
[06:01:31] Any point blank? Oh yeah, I'm gonna steal their Gamba.
[06:03:23] I guess this guy's going for it.
[06:03:27] I feel like I'm gonna run into one of them here.
[06:03:43] No, huh? Someone's gotta be here. They're all green.
[06:03:53] terrain. That's the next item. Infrared spirit armor. A little more and I got it.
[06:04:02] I'm coming up behind them green. I can kill them all.
[06:04:05] Last should decayed. Last should decayed.
[06:04:07] We're far. We're trying to get to you one line away.
[06:04:09] Alright. I'm just waiting for them.
[06:04:11] Uh, they're all gonna die.
[06:04:13] You guys know them?
[06:04:14] Ten seconds from now. Ten seconds from now they're all gonna die.
[06:04:16] I'm just showing.
[06:04:38] Oh shit, he made it home!
[06:04:40] Uh, careful he's having all the blood on the rock.
[06:04:47] I'm gonna do something.
[06:04:59] I thought someone was here, huh?
[06:05:01] over the shrimp we actually might be behind over here
[06:05:23] we got the title title
[06:05:49] are you fighting this or leaving?
[06:05:51] i think we're back up
[06:05:53] mid boss is gonna be up
[06:06:00] yeah fuck that i'm out
[06:06:02] i agree with what he said
[06:06:04] good voice line true
[06:06:06] even though i'm gonna be ridiculous here
[06:06:08] how is he hooking me through the fucking walls?
[06:06:14] dude this is a fucking phone call
[06:06:16] he's trying to protect like earlier
[06:06:18] dude like i'm completely around the corner
[06:06:20] and he's pulling me out of the fucking walls
[06:06:22] walls she fucked up she fucked the parry yeah the silence and it happens
[06:06:46] bro
[06:07:17] I'm arises here yeah, they're all
[06:07:25] I don't know how they're gonna be us here, but you never know
[06:07:35] Push they want to go to mid boss
[06:07:39] We're going with the overkill route. I think
[06:07:46] I'm gonna go kill this guy yellow. Yeah, they can kill him so fast. They don't need me if she is
[06:07:52] I hope she's pushing yellow. I
[06:07:54] I want her to be very mad
[06:08:04] Where is she oh my gosh, she's here
[06:08:47] Gg boys, let's say this team has tried parrying but sadly they tried just has failed I
[06:09:07] Can give it to they tried parrying every time they tried. It's not like they didn't they just you know
[06:09:14] He just hit him with a small hits.
[06:09:18] Sure the farm difference is pretty crazy.
[06:09:28] Just, there it is.
[06:09:30] You know I saw that they pass right by me, did they not see me?
[06:09:37] I saw, I sat down as I saw them miss me.
[06:09:41] And when I sat down, they both like walked by.
[06:09:47] Yeah.
[06:09:50] Chat, um, I think I'm gonna chill here.
[06:09:53] I know a little early, but I'm just going to show here a little early
[06:09:58] I'll be setting up sub Sunday. I would do it. No, I can't do it. I don't have time
[06:10:02] I'll be setting up sub Sunday in like two hours 50% sub Sunday. Then we're starting 50%
[06:10:11] Sub-Sunday into silent
[06:10:16] Silent Hill to play through begins
[06:10:19] chat I will see you tomorrow a sub Sunday into Silent Hill people probably like three games of Sub Sunday and then jumping into that brand new release
[06:10:30] Thank you guys for channel like always fall the channel fall Twitter
[06:10:33] You know it is and I will see you guys on motherfucking Sunday for a
[06:10:38] another one Gigi's all around you guys enjoy the rest of your night peace out people till next time and
[06:10:47] And I eat we will go from there. Goodbye chat. Enjoy a night. Bye-bye. Enjoy a night guys. Peace