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POog- !247 !Multi

10-01-2024 · 6h 50m

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[00:02:18] Oh seven people let us catch me out we get all up on stop chat. How are you guys doing people? How is life? Hello?
[00:02:27] Hello, are you guys doing chat house life? What up? What up?
[00:02:36] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm Tuesday Tuesday people whatever
[00:02:43] Are you guys doing hello? Hello?
[00:02:46] Same old same old
[00:02:49] Yeah, I think I figured out how to stream on fucking X. Oh my god
[00:02:55] Is this working right now?
[00:02:59] I'm echoing. Wow, that's so weird. I figured it out. We got two viewers
[00:03:07] We got two viewers boys
[00:03:11] We got YouTube bro, this is gotta catch them all but the platforms
[00:03:19] Actually the way
[00:03:21] Twitter does it seems to be oh
[00:03:24] That's how they do it. That's how they do
[00:03:33] I'm going to log in real quick so I can show you guys what's going on here.
[00:03:51] What is even the link to this shit?
[00:03:54] What do they even use?
[00:03:58] We'll see if it's stable but it's interesting because now the app that I use, the plugin
[00:04:06] that I use on OBS allows me to multi-broadcast a lot easier
[00:04:10] now.
[00:04:12] Oh, only max is to 720p.
[00:04:15] What the fuck?
[00:04:18] Are you serious, bro?
[00:04:21] Yeah, this is it right here.
[00:04:23] TikTok when soon.
[00:04:27] This is testing widescreen, because you
[00:04:30] could do vertical videos.
[00:04:32] But I'm going to not do that.
[00:04:36] So yes, this is seeing if it actually works.
[00:04:39] So the way this works is it accumulates the views
[00:04:42] of how many people check it out.
[00:04:44] It doesn't show an active view count like Twitch
[00:04:47] and like YouTube.
[00:04:50] This shows your views.
[00:04:55] Yes, no, it's different.
[00:04:57] This isn't saying 571 viewers.
[00:04:59] This is saying 571 people have viewed this stream.
[00:05:06] I can see why they do that
[00:05:08] because that number's gonna be bigger
[00:05:10] than the live concurrent viewer count.
[00:05:13] So they're obviously gonna make it seem like,
[00:05:20] it's still an important number,
[00:05:22] it's still an important metric,
[00:05:24] but you wanna see the actual live viewer count.
[00:05:28] But if you're like a new broad,
[00:05:31] you're trying to show your numbers off
[00:05:34] and how far you guys can go on your platform,
[00:05:36] you're gonna show off your views.
[00:05:39] because the number seems it's gonna show it like it's a bigger fucking number
[00:05:44] it's like showing your youtube views as the metric that people can track
[00:05:55] only 720p um i have a 1080p so i don't really know if that's just the limitation
[00:06:02] i have no idea what the max amount is for
[00:06:06] i did 9 000 bit rate it said they allowed 25 000 bit rate but nah
[00:06:13] Oh, wait, I think I see why.
[00:06:15] Maybe.
[00:06:19] Let me restart this shit.
[00:06:26] All right.
[00:06:28] Unreal Engine event is live.
[00:06:32] I don't know if we watched that.
[00:06:33] Okay, wait, I just went online and offline.
[00:06:36] Okay, so this is the active link.
[00:06:39] I wonder if this is the official link.
[00:06:45] Or does it refresh the link?
[00:06:47] Because it shows the duration.
[00:06:49] I just re...
[00:06:51] Then you hit the live button doesn't bring it back. I rescaled the output
[00:06:58] Who the fuck will watch on Twitter?
[00:07:04] There's gotta be two people who don't understand the internet and watch on this okay
[00:07:09] Next will be tech talk buddy. We're going everywhere. Yeah, do you just like refresh the way air?
[00:07:22] How do you just refresh the link? Okay, I think we're good now
[00:07:26] So you do refresh the link. It is an active link.
[00:07:29] Alright we're good. Shit. That's fucking weird though.
[00:07:32] It should be my actual username for the broadcast.
[00:07:37] Ain't nobody typing in all that.
[00:07:40] It should be slash profile slash live or some shit.
[00:07:48] Let me update the multi link here where all the emotes buddy the platform is they're still
[00:08:05] trying to figure that side of it out this fucking guy bro you got to use your phone emojis
[00:08:16] with multi streaming you can watch on twitch and youtube and x parentheses lol via this link
[00:08:31] all right there we go i updated it let me just see yeah sure i'm down whatever
[00:08:41] Next I gotta add in his tiktok I'm down buddy haters gonna hate
[00:08:55] alright chat you guys are just mad chat okay we're being phased out chat okay
[00:09:02] we got fans on other platforms now okay right guys give him five minutes alright
[00:09:11] he went the one guy watching he went to the bathroom alright right dude
[00:09:16] Let's do some parentheses here now on Twitter. I don't like calling it X. I'm still going to call it Twitter. I got a hype chest. What do we have in here? We got the golden copper. We got the golden fucking copper brah. There it is. Yes, indeed. All right, there's no new interesting wallpapers. It's a dead end.
[00:09:46] There it is. Yes, indeed. All right. There's no new interesting wallpapers. It's dead out there. Yeah, that's
[00:10:16] Zucosis game yesterday. Fucking sucked. Actually, it didn't fucking suck. That's being too harsh. It
[00:10:23] had super potential, but lol. They didn't pull it off. I'm not gonna play it today. The loop,
[00:10:32] I
[00:10:36] Had high hopes
[00:10:38] It presented it has a lot of solid elements, but the way it is is kind of potato. I
[00:10:46] Will say
[00:10:48] Starfield was actually pretty fun
[00:10:55] You know what the thing is
[00:10:57] Perceiving a game at launch and then revisiting a game very different and
[00:11:03] I don't know how you can fucking cop of that shit. You can't deny
[00:11:08] The mental is in a different state. It's been a fucking year. You revisit it
[00:11:16] Things have improved
[00:11:18] Maybe you're what you want to experience the setting you want to be in is
[00:11:24] Different now
[00:11:26] So revisiting the game after a year it felt like a better game to play it felt like a tighter game to play
[00:11:33] whatever bro you can fucking cop like Kipo whatever the fuck you want I think
[00:11:39] it's true it totally felt way way better it reminded me of like star citizen but
[00:11:45] they actually you know delivered their take on it without obviously being as
[00:11:52] open as a fucking star citizen but you felt some of the like even when you go
[00:11:56] I went to like the third person camera and shit.
[00:12:00] It felt Star Citizen-y.
[00:12:03] Like roaming around a fucking bunker or some shit.
[00:12:09] Bro, how are there not similarities, bro?
[00:12:11] We're playing two fucking space games
[00:12:13] where you visit planets, okay?
[00:12:14] There's gonna be similarities you can draw here.
[00:12:18] Let's be real.
[00:12:19] Like this isn't some alien shit that I experienced.
[00:12:24] You still have a gun in your hand.
[00:12:25] You do zero gravity shit.
[00:12:27] Like there's gonna be things
[00:12:29] you fucking pull from each other.
[00:12:30] So not playing Star Citizen in a long time, playing Star Field felt kind of like a more complete sci-fi game.
[00:12:42] I don't know, whatever, Chad. I really don't give a fuck what you think about that.
[00:12:47] Or if you're gonna play it, I don't give a shit.
[00:12:50] I'm just saying, I think the game was pretty solid going back to it.
[00:12:55] I can see if you're, it's not, it's not a 10 out of 10, but it's good enough.
[00:12:59] assuming they discounted it
[00:13:03] uh what was the game called again lol
[00:13:06] starfield holy shit it's still 70 bucks
[00:13:11] what the fuck oh fuckers it's been a year
[00:13:16] bro what I thought it was gonna be like
[00:13:23] 30 maybe like $40 now it's on game pass
[00:13:29] well that's how they do it bro you're either part of the club or you gotta
[00:13:38] play the premium that's how it is bro you got the fucking you got the game
[00:13:45] pass you got the lanyard bitch no well now you got to pay a little extra now
[00:13:55] you gotta pay a little extra bruh damn I actually thought this game was like 50
[00:14:03] bucks what are the mixed reviews saying yeah just now honestly this is this is
[00:14:12] interesting. This is interesting. I feel like a fair, democratic, okay, fucking everybody
[00:14:21] can agree. Can we all agree that a dollar, a fucking hour in terms of time and value
[00:14:34] is a solid formula? How the fuck is it not? What is your argument against that? I feel
[00:14:42] like that is the fairest rule in terms of value in terms of entertainment one dollar an hour
[00:14:59] come on man well then fuck whatever you base your shit on i to me that's a good scale to base
[00:15:08] shit on so fuck this guy i think this is stupid because he put 120 hours into the game that's a
[00:15:15] a lot of time. And he put a thumbs down. 70 is still valid. It's still valid. Sure. He
[00:15:30] tried experiencing everything. Sure. Sure. Okay. Fine. You could maybe he gave it a fucking
[00:15:42] fair shot. Fine. Fine. There's some this is this is solid. Okay. You know what? Fine.
[00:15:48] I actually take it back. The more I think about this, fine. There's two ways. If
[00:15:55] There's a $60 game and someone has a thousand hours in it and then it's like thumbs down.
[00:16:07] I feel like that person got the value of 60 bucks.
[00:16:13] Way more.
[00:16:17] Now, I also understand the side of this guy could have given it a full fucking effort.
[00:16:22] 120 hours.
[00:16:24] He tested every mechanic.
[00:16:27] The game is actually like what?
[00:16:30] 10 hours if you follow the story.
[00:16:32] He maxed out the reputations. He did everything. He followed every carrot, every system to the endpoint or to the point to understand what the fuck was going on.
[00:16:42] But he still put in 120 hours. Why are we defending Bethesda? Bro, no one's defending Bethesda. We're talking about reviews here that have high hours and then negative review of the game.
[00:17:05] This is a global thing not just Bethesda you fucking idiot. How do you not pull this from the conversation?
[00:17:13] Where is the language barrier?
[00:17:15] This is just interesting because that's the first thing you get hit with as
[00:17:22] Some this is if you're imagining a lot a lot a lot you're coming in you've never you know what the fuck this game is
[00:17:27] you see mixed reviews and
[00:17:30] You're like oh shit, and then you just get hit with this how much value do you put on this guy's review a lot?
[00:17:45] What is his history? He's from Norway. What games does he play?
[00:18:00] Can't you see oh wait do people have to display?
[00:18:03] This guy has 16,000 hours on a game. I've never heard of
[00:18:12] Unnamed space idle galaxy idle clicker bro. He was actually afk for 120 hours
[00:18:19] This guy plays games to AFK in them.
[00:18:24] Holy shit, what the fuck is Trimps? I've never heard of this game. Why does he have 16,000 hours in this shit?
[00:18:36] God damn, okay. Isn't it amazing? You think you've seen every side of gaming and then there's always some...
[00:18:50] Nobody will read my reviews so I'll just say I'm gay.
[00:18:54] This is the first time this has ever actually applied.
[00:18:58] When people say this in chat, they just say it and it backfires because it's Twitch chat and you catch it.
[00:19:04] This actually no one has fucking seen this until October 1st, 2024.
[00:19:11] Because no one knew this fucking game exists. This is such a niche ass who the fuck ever has heard of this game.
[00:19:22] All these little areas.
[00:19:24] I refuse to play this because looking at the, uh, um, yeah, yeah, I'm good.
[00:19:38] I respect, I respect it, you know, to each their own.
[00:19:41] I'm not a, I'm not a fuck here telling someone not to play this game, okay, to each their
[00:19:46] own.
[00:19:47] I don't get it, but that's fine.
[00:19:50] I ain't gonna play it judging from what I'm looking at, but I respect it if you
[00:19:55] like the fucking game.
[00:19:56] Yeah, you guys can vote and vote but that's just going down the goddamn fucking toilet bro, and then I ain't nobody ain't nobody playing that shit
[00:20:10] Bro, I will fucking ban you okay bitch
[00:20:13] And I want to see a goddamn essay on how this game works from you as your unbanned message and
[00:20:20] Then you have to give send me an image of how many hours you put into this game and then site
[00:20:28] what you learned, you piece of shit.
[00:20:32] Cause to me, this looks like fucking homework.
[00:20:37] This looks like, to me, this looks like,
[00:20:43] I mean, sure, I don't think I'm smart enough for this,
[00:20:45] straight up, no, for real.
[00:20:47] This looks like I'm applying for a fucking job
[00:20:49] and this is like one of those program languages
[00:20:52] that like your fucking dad knows
[00:20:54] or like your grandpa and they stopped using this.
[00:20:59] But there's only so many people who still know the language
[00:21:07] Where was that motherfucker who said that shit? All right, I'm ready to ban him. All right, whatever, bro
[00:21:22] Maybe we listen to that guy. You know what? Honestly, fine. I will listen to this guy because
[00:21:27] He's backed up by the most random fucking games
[00:21:31] Okay, most random recent activity. I would actually listen to this guy's reviews. I
[00:21:38] I take it back everything I said, but this is a circumstance. Okay, if I click this guy and it's like he plays fucking
[00:21:47] Counter-Strike
[00:21:49] Like okay, buddy. No one knows
[00:21:54] Yeah, like that guy is in like a weird part of steam. No one usually visits
[00:21:59] What does Carl Sagan play this guy thumbs it up?
[00:22:08] Doesn't show what games owned DLC bro. I have you know what hold up
[00:22:14] I have just accepted steam profiles. Is there anything sketchy in steam profiles?
[00:22:20] How does he have zero game zone? Is this hidden?
[00:22:25] Unless you can hide it, is it hidden? That's so random. Why do you leave reviews and then hide your games?
[00:22:33] Why do you do that? Why would you hide your games?
[00:22:41] Unless he's a fucking
[00:22:44] Unless it's all hentai games
[00:22:46] What other reason? What are you hiding?
[00:22:52] Yeah, I'm asking out loud here. Maybe I'm not seeing it.
[00:22:58] Wait, this guy, where are we at right here? I'm looking at it too because
[00:23:04] aren't the highest reviews the most helpful?
[00:23:09] What determines why this one is plastered up here?
[00:23:16] It's the most thumbs-dupped one?
[00:23:19] Or is it just sorted recently posted reviews by friends
[00:23:27] and then most helpful reviews?
[00:23:29] Yes, so most people voted this guy's review
[00:23:32] the most helpful here.
[00:23:36] Or was that guy my fucking friend
[00:23:37] that I was just talking about?
[00:23:38] No, it wasn't.
[00:23:39] That was some other dude.
[00:23:44] I mean, a lot of these people reviewed October 1st,
[00:23:47] but they're probably reviewing based off of the DLC as well.
[00:23:52] No, this guy isn't fuzzy, isn't?
[00:23:54] This is recently posted.
[00:23:56] Um, this is one of those games where online discussion is so over dramatic that it's difficult to get an accurate impression of it looking from the outside.
[00:24:10] If you're still on the fence by now, you probably won't know if you'll like it until you just bite the bullet and give it a shot.
[00:24:17] I did. Turns out I like it.
[00:24:20] That is honestly a great fucking review right there because that is very true.
[00:24:27] That is a fair neutral ass, you just gotta fucking fight the bullet.
[00:24:35] And...
[00:24:36] You either like it or you don't!
[00:24:39] And then hopefully you find that within like an hour or two hours or whatever.
[00:24:47] I mean, shit.
[00:24:49] AI wrote that?
[00:24:52] Maybe.
[00:24:55] Um, why even leave a review?
[00:25:06] You know what? I feel like his take...
[00:25:10] For this game is the perfect take for this game
[00:25:16] Compared to like an Elden Ring you wouldn't see a review like that on an Elden Ring, you know
[00:25:23] You yeah, this is this game is the definition of that guy's review. It's a hard game to read
[00:25:31] It's a hard game like you have to bite the bullet like going in Elden Ring. You're not really
[00:25:38] making a tough decision
[00:25:40] But yeah chat loves to suck Elden dick. Why did you fucking tag me fucker? Don't tag me with that garbage?
[00:25:54] That was just an example. I could have used like I don't know monster hunter or something that is
[00:26:01] Overwhelmingly positive for people really like it. Yes. We are doing cup of the day
[00:26:15] Are there any new releases dropping here?
[00:26:29] Throw it in Liberty
[00:26:31] But like I said, I got a bra unless I decide to pay to win to quickly skip the leveling because it's tedious and
[00:26:38] Just learn a class to play the endgame
[00:26:41] That's like the only way I can see having time to actually dedicate to an MMO
[00:26:46] I'd have to play it all stream and also play it off stream where I don't really have a lot of time to sit down on a computer
[00:26:53] Because I have a kid where every time I sit down she wants to get up and go somewhere else
[00:26:59] So, yeah.
[00:27:02] This game comes out tomorrow.
[00:27:04] Uh, what is this?
[00:27:13] Can you fart in the mic please?
[00:27:15] Wrong fucking tab, bro.
[00:27:22] Hey, Lyric, did you finish Zucosis?
[00:27:24] Yes and no.
[00:27:26] The game, um, requires you to beat it multiple times.
[00:27:38] And there's like 23 endings.
[00:27:40] the way the game works is it's like a slow it's like a short game where you keep playing it over
[00:27:47] and over just like it's like a roguelike single-player game in a way so that's why the game uh it's not
[00:27:57] like a playthrough. Tekken 8 Hihachi DLC hold up i'm sitting here i'll have a chill.
[00:28:15] Kong survivor date reveal extended preview when I saw this game. Is this the game that looked like it had nothing to do with King Kong and then King Kong shows up and it's like what the fuck this is a King Kong game.
[00:28:28] Let me see if there's anything else in the gaming world.
[00:28:36] Lords of the Fallen 2 is coming in 2026.
[00:28:48] Bro.
[00:28:52] I really wanted to like that game. I liked everything until I played it.
[00:28:58] Maybe I need to go back and try it again. They're actually making a second one, huh?
[00:29:06] Does it actually get better? Like, does the game truly...
[00:29:15] Like, I could totally play a Soulslike and this kind of reminds me of a game that, uh...
[00:29:20] Maybe I just like... Yeah, maybe my build just sucked and then I was just like, meh.
[00:29:26] Like, does it get sicker? I know apparently they changed a lot.
[00:29:37] This kind of reminds me of playing now with Soulslike that I had never beat and it's like a DLC now.
[00:29:45] This reminds me of just like a DLC to play.
[00:29:48] I know the new DayZ Early Access Frostline, I could gain access to it today, but I am on the fence of no.
[00:30:00] Because they're doing a streamer event, and I want to play this, but I want to play when it's live to the public.
[00:30:13] I don't want to play on a fucking streamer server, like I could, and just shoot any streamer I encounter.
[00:30:20] I could. Because I don't feel like interacting. I mean, whatever. It's a fucking game with guns.
[00:30:34] you're supposed to shoot and take loot, right? You need to beta test how the real public
[00:30:51] will act. Exactly. I don't think it's a tourney. I could I could gain access to this. I just
[00:31:02] thought meh. It would be kind of cool to see Daisy on a new map. Let me see here.
[00:31:23] Let me hit them up and see if they can still give me access.
[00:31:27] Uh, I hit them up on me and shit, bro.
[00:31:41] I'll play they I'll play this shit.
[00:31:45] I'll play this shit.
[00:31:46] Oh, it was X still 720p.
[00:31:48] I rescaled the output to 1080p.
[00:31:51] So maybe, uh, the broadcast is only limited to 720p.
[00:31:57] Or I fucked it up.
[00:31:59] It's one or the other.
[00:32:02] Let me, uh, download Daisy.
[00:32:05] and we'll see.
[00:32:06] Hey, I also would totally play...
[00:32:09] I don't know, though.
[00:32:10] Lord of the Fallen, I could give it a second chance.
[00:32:15] I really, I could totally play a fucking...
[00:32:18] Souls-like.
[00:32:20] I totally could.
[00:32:22] I'm not in the mood to play like a Neo or some shit,
[00:32:25] but like a fantasy Souls-like I could get into.
[00:32:29] I just don't know.
[00:32:32] I haven't seen much of the game.
[00:32:35] past where I exited.
[00:32:39] Mmmmmm.
[00:32:42] Yeah, I could replay Sekiro, but I don't want to replay.
[00:32:45] I'd rather play something I haven't experienced.
[00:32:48] Play with a randomizer? Nah.
[00:33:06] I could have brought a LizaP, waiting for the DLC for LizaP.
[00:33:12] Why don't you give Dragons Dogma 2 a second chance?
[00:33:16] Yeah, killed Knight comes out tomorrow.
[00:33:19] Oh, yeah, true these devs hit me up. They wanted to give our early access to the full release this game's a fun
[00:33:26] Ass game this game is great. I hope they're successful
[00:33:29] I don't know how much it's gonna be but if you this is kind of just like you go in and the action is fun enough
[00:33:38] With like clean shooting
[00:33:41] Yeah, this game was pretty fucking sick. I would play this again. Yeah, I totally would it's definitely a solid ass game
[00:33:53] Friday until dawn Sunday, we're doing a 50 50 sub Sunday and then we're jumping into Silent Hill 2
[00:34:02] because I do want to play Diablo when the expansion drops.
[00:34:07] So I want to see if I can beat Silent Hill 2 and then jump into Diablo expansion.
[00:34:19] Yeah, you can fucking Omega lol all you fucking want. I don't give a shit, bro. Okay
[00:34:26] D4 bad and and I
[00:34:30] That invested I want to just see where the story goes. I still like the cinematics and then I'm gonna piece the fuck out
[00:34:38] I'm not planning on fucking setting up camp there and playing the game for 10 seasons
[00:34:43] is wondering why I hate my fucking life and then start blaming the game and say the game sucks ass
[00:34:49] All right, that's your fucking fault
[00:34:52] I know that game sucks balls endgame
[00:34:57] But i'm willing to take a character through the fucking campaign
[00:35:01] And then put in that shit down and putting in another disc
[00:35:05] The end
[00:35:08] I understand there's faults
[00:35:11] I understand
[00:35:12] But that's also why I'm not putting a fuck ton of hours into it.
[00:35:19] And then something worth putting a lot of hours into is POE, but I still,
[00:35:24] I'm still interested enough in Diablo to play the fucking campaign.
[00:35:29] I don't think that's weird.
[00:35:35] I was into the story enough to see what, where they bring it.
[00:35:41] Granted, I don't know if they showed off the villain.
[00:35:43] Who's the villain of the new expansion?
[00:35:45] Oh wait, they did, they did.
[00:35:47] Isn't, uh, what's his face?
[00:35:48] Yeah, you have Mephisto, obviously. Oh, nice. Okay, they did hook up access.
[00:36:05] Oh, shit, man. There's nothing else to do. Why not? Yeah, they hooked it up. I feel like it.
[00:36:16] I don't mind going into a wintery forest trying to survive the wilderness under Daisy's
[00:36:30] These quap controls.
[00:36:55] Frost line play test.
[00:37:04] Yeah, we'll hit this shit up today.
[00:37:05] Fuck it, why not?
[00:37:06] Let's see what's going on.
[00:37:07] Oh my God, both my drives are fucked now.
[00:37:11] Hold up.
[00:37:13] Oh, true, cause Starfield was massive.
[00:37:16] Forever winter, fuck it, and forever fuck off.
[00:37:19] Okay, that game, okay.
[00:37:22] I'll come back in a year.
[00:37:25] I'll come back in a fucking year, okay.
[00:37:28] All right call me up in a year this game. I'm probably not gonna come back
[00:37:35] Detroit, I do want to do a replay eventually
[00:37:41] Dead Rising was sick but not sick enough where I want to fucking play through it
[00:37:47] Delta Force might have another beta
[00:37:50] Call of Duty, I don't think I'm going back
[00:37:53] Oh wait, shit. Don't you need Call of Duty? Fuck, I needed that. Because I do want to play the
[00:38:04] campaign. Yeah, I'm leaving this because chat is hilarious every time they see it. It triggers
[00:38:14] them now it triggers them so we leave this here for a history lesson slash yes it like
[00:38:28] sends a jolt down their spines so it's funny just to leave that there I don't know if the
[00:38:41] fuck new motto was I think I got room that's the part of gaming history right there dude
[00:38:54] Eventually it's the it's going to be removed from steam
[00:38:58] It makes it makes the steam account have more vanity
[00:39:02] It's gonna be like a car you get the car. You can't buy anymore. So like 40 years
[00:39:07] 40 years these fucking 27 gigs are ins are gonna be like value
[00:39:16] alright
[00:39:18] Cuz like five people are gonna have them
[00:39:22] Maybe like 300 years. They will make your steam account worth less. You think so? We'll see. Let's see. We'll bet on the future.
[00:39:38] You think there's going to be a Concord documentary? I don't think so. I don't think it was that deep, bro.
[00:39:53] I don't think there was like some controversy. I think they just tried something that failed miserably.
[00:39:59] Um, oh, they're doing a path of exile to early access live stream.
[00:40:16] It would be hilarious if they do this next Tuesday when Diablo's expansion launches.
[00:40:24] I wouldn't doubt it.
[00:40:27] What are they doing this?
[00:40:31] About a month from now.
[00:40:32] Oh, they're not doing it.
[00:40:36] That would be so fucked if they did that.
[00:40:38] Uh, but yeah. Well, there you go.
[00:40:48] Why did Deadlock succeed while Concord failed?
[00:40:52] Honestly, bro, that what you just asked is coming from someone who didn't play both, who hasn't played both games.
[00:41:00] They're both such different mechanically, they're such different fucking games
[00:41:06] that mechanically it doesn't make sense to compare.
[00:41:10] If you play Deadlock, you actually see
[00:41:13] the gameplay build out at the end of the day Concord was just like a generic fucking
[00:41:21] hero shooter that they pushed in a direction if we're talking about pure gameplay here
[00:41:30] say what you will about whatever fucking culture bullshit they applied to the game if we're
[00:41:37] talking straight mechanic they didn't do anything new mechanically they just literally
[00:41:45] their spin on what already exists mechanically and there's just better
[00:41:52] depictions of those mechanics that's if we're talking like straight up the whole
[00:42:00] actual game that's the reality deadlock is totally fucking different dude sure
[00:42:10] deadlock's art style is deadlock's art style has grown on me when you look at
[00:42:15] it's not appealing but the gameplay holy shit that is so different i can't think of any other game that
[00:42:21] has a gameplay loop like that to play right now the art style is not ready yet too yeah
[00:42:38] nabra so so different deadlock you play it and you see how they're trying to bring something new
[00:42:45] to the multiplayer space concord you played it was like been there done this three thousand times
[00:42:50] specifically mechanically speaking.
[00:42:55] Alright, we're going to go into a cup of the day into, I guess, the daisy new map expansion.
[00:43:06] Man, this spider must really want this fucking human, bro.
[00:43:45] Are humans that tasty?
[00:43:47] Dude, searching for the last M&M in the trail mix.
[00:43:56] Holy.
[00:43:57] Holy shit.
[00:44:11] That was fucking crazy.
[00:44:12] That was fucking crazy.
[00:44:13] That was fucking crazy.
[00:44:14] That was fucking crazy, man!
[00:44:21] What the shit?
[00:44:23] That was sick.
[00:44:26] Uh, okay.
[00:44:27] This must be one hell of an important person for the monster to keep chasing him.
[00:44:36] They're just a little bit of substance, most of the brrr.
[00:44:38] They're gonna go bankrupt, making these King Kong games.
[00:44:50] Bro, who the fuck is the guy in charge of the King Kong IP?
[00:44:54] Why are you just fucking throwing this goddamn monkey around dude?
[00:45:00] Who are these people?
[00:45:02] These motherfuckers, bro. The last Kong game and now this shit. What is happening?
[00:45:14] WB
[00:45:15] Bro, there's a guy in charge or there's like they have meetings about this
[00:45:19] You guys looked at you guys looked at their portfolio. We're like, you know that you guys are a great fit. Wow
[00:45:27] Wow, I can totally see this
[00:45:31] Yep. Yep.
[00:45:40] Are you trying this out tomorrow?
[00:45:42] Oh, Liars Bar.
[00:45:44] OK, yes, the devs hooked it up for a key with this.
[00:45:48] But the thing is, I got to invite people to play.
[00:45:52] But whatever, this comes out tomorrow
[00:45:55] and then you can press random matchmaking.
[00:45:58] And that sounds fucking awesome.
[00:46:02] I didn't know this game had random matchmaking.
[00:46:04] I thought this was online co-op only.
[00:46:07] Uh, so yeah, I will be playing this tomorrow. Yes. This looks like it'll be a good time.
[00:46:15] Calm down, bruh. We'll check that out tomorrow when it drops.
[00:46:22] No more room in hell, too.
[00:46:25] Yes, this is the game based off of a Half-Life mod.
[00:46:29] We've already seen this shit.
[00:46:32] Made by, um, this is made by the people who made Chivalry.
[00:46:44] And they're making an eight player co-op.
[00:46:47] Zombie game so you know the melee combat is going to be great because this is ship dead's new game I
[00:47:00] Hope they lean into more of the hardcore angle
[00:47:06] Where what you don't see the fucking UI you know though, there's gonna be nice weighted combat I
[00:47:13] like the
[00:47:15] aspect of it being a big map and eight players spawn in random areas of the map and you've got to work together to
[00:47:22] escape less of like killing hordes of zombies and more like oh shit I found
[00:47:29] another player we have to help each other or else we're gonna fucking die but
[00:47:35] like if you get hit by a zombie if you don't have if you don't have something
[00:47:40] like you will die like if they make it super hardcore I think it will be way
[00:47:45] more fun not your tip of the like oh here we go hordes of zombies swing
[00:47:51] and just fucking, here we go.
[00:47:56] Let me just pop a fucking syringe to heal myself up
[00:48:00] back to full.
[00:48:03] I think the concept of this could be sick
[00:48:05] if it's like, you know, just eight players
[00:48:07] and it's like, oh shit, I found someone.
[00:48:09] We have to escape together somehow.
[00:48:13] We'll see if they pull it off.
[00:48:15] This one could be great.
[00:48:16] We'll see I'm I'm bored of zombie games as well, but you know if they altered the formula a bit
[00:48:29] I think there's still some beauty to be had it pulled off correctly. I
[00:48:37] Believe
[00:48:49] Killing floor two is still good. See killing floor two is great, but killing floor two is to arcadey
[00:48:55] It's not what I'm picturing right now. I'm picturing like some hardcoreness that Tarkov has in that game
[00:49:03] Elements of that type of hardcore-ness, um, but still keeping it towards a more action game.
[00:49:14] Keeping that fun action.
[00:49:16] Alright people, we got some cup of the day here boys, okay?
[00:49:20] We got some cup of the day.
[00:49:24] There's not much else in the gaming world going on.
[00:49:27] Um, open planet too late.
[00:49:38] Let's see what we have here.
[00:49:52] You're describing Armoury Forger.
[00:49:56] No, I'm not. What are you talking about? How was I describing armor reforger? What are you talking about?
[00:50:06] What the fuck is he talking about?
[00:50:12] Choke of the century?
[00:50:14] Let's see what you got going on here people
[00:50:25] live
[00:50:27] Should I play throne?
[00:50:31] I'm not the right person to ask anyone here playing throne and liberty. Are you enjoying it?
[00:50:39] It looks like honestly if I had time and I was just chilling I would play it just to kind of like I would
[00:50:48] I'm not dying to play it, but it I from what I've seen I wonder if the end game is good
[00:51:06] Yeah, what do you do in the end game? I don't know what the loop is is are there bosses? There's raids how many player raids are there?
[00:51:14] This is the old map. I don't know how truly pay to win it is
[00:51:24] I don't trust twitch chat when they tell me a game is pay to win
[00:51:28] You got to like look more into it to see what degree of pay to win it truly is
[00:51:33] Especially for a free to play game
[00:51:40] Like it is it truly where it's like fucking dumb to play the game because someone can just credit card over you
[00:51:46] Or I feel like a lot of people any sort of whiff they
[00:51:51] Instantly yeah, I need more context
[00:51:53] But besides that I'm curious. I mean shit. How many people are playing it?
[00:52:03] I like following and tracking these fucking games even though I don't think it will show it unless it will show it on steam stats
[00:52:12] Steam stats? It's always interesting to see how popular an MMO is because they're
[00:52:21] obviously gonna make a huge splash. Oh so there's no data yet. Oh it officially
[00:52:29] releases today. Wait you can you can buy something to boost to max level? Wait the
[00:52:44] game just came out! What do you mean? No. Oh. Oh, you can't. Spectre Divide is shutting
[00:52:59] down? I don't believe you. No way. He hasn't just saying anything. That is Trousers game.
[00:53:17] I don't know. It looks like they sold a decent amount. It's free. Oh yeah, wait it is free.
[00:53:35] Oh my god, that game is free, right? It comes down to how many people bought stuff
[00:53:43] from the shop. 45,000 people in Spectre Divide? Really? Wait, for real? That's wicked good.
[00:53:56] That's amazing. Oh, 48K in TNL. I just looked at Steam stats, lies. Where are you pulling
[00:54:06] that number from? So today is the official release date for this game. Oh, it is.
[00:54:16] about to go live. What the fuck? I've never done frost with a truck. What is this shit?
[00:54:43] Is he just teaching how to drift and it's not actually this slow? Oh my god, it's October
[00:54:51] 1st! Fuck! This is the worst day to play this game, man! I fucking hate these maps.
[00:55:00] This is like bro this is like the only people who like the first in track mania cup of the day
[00:55:08] I would like the people who like
[00:55:11] Who think fucking
[00:55:14] Outdoor time in prison is fucking awesome. Okay
[00:55:20] Okay, dude, let us go outside
[00:55:26] What the fuck is this?
[00:55:29] Fuck off, bro!
[00:55:41] Yeah, these are the worst fucking maps, man.
[00:55:44] I- I'm all the flooring.
[00:55:46] These aren't fun to me.
[00:55:49] I need serious track, mania.
[00:55:51] Not this fucking trololol garbage.
[00:55:53] Whatever, man.
[00:56:02] Have fun if you wanna have fun.
[00:56:06] I'm leaving.
[00:56:07] I'll be back tomorrow.
[00:56:09] Fuck this shit.
[00:56:11] Refund the yachts.
[00:56:13] Whatever, we can hit a daisy.
[00:56:15] Daisy
[00:56:17] No, that's just fucking I'm not interested in that I'll come back tomorrow. I
[00:56:24] Forgot it was October 1st, bro. I never played cup on those days. Uh-uh, but the let the kids play. Let the kids play
[00:56:34] I'm all good Daisy expansion. Oh
[00:56:41] Yo, is this live right now? I don't know if these servers are live right now
[00:56:45] Now first stream on Twitter. Yes, and notice me a little Twitter. Yes, a little Twitter motherfucker
[00:57:07] You're here, bro
[00:57:14] You're here, bro
[00:57:16] You're the only guy you're the only guy here
[00:57:21] Look at this man
[00:57:23] Sold out for you man. This guy bought the whole place. Look at all the chat real estate
[00:57:30] Only your message there damn must be nice
[00:57:35] Nice!
[00:57:36] You just lay all your shit on the ground in this rectangle.
[00:57:42] Make yourself at home.
[00:57:43] Alright, let's see what we got here, chat.
[00:57:57] Alright.
[00:57:59] He loved and gifted a billion dollars!
[00:58:06] Whoa, thank you man.
[00:58:08] Didn't even know you could stream on Twitter.
[00:58:18] Same.
[00:58:22] Alright, let's see what we got here, boys.
[00:58:30] Daisy Frostline.
[00:58:33] I need a soundtrack.
[00:58:34] Yeah, let me see here throne and liberty high level chat. What should I type here throne and liberty
[00:58:45] like high level archer gameplay. Wait, don't you need to don't you need two weapons? Can you play
[00:58:55] as like an archer archer? What would be two weapons that you can like bow and dagger? Okay,
[00:59:07] So that would be the closest to being a rogue, huh?
[00:59:09] I don't know, one second, shall I hold up?
[00:59:46] All right, we're good.
[00:59:47] Let me see, N-Game,
[00:59:50] Bo-Dagger.
[01:00:00] Yeah, I don't know what the fuck.
[01:00:01] What do you even do here?
[01:00:02] Bo and Staff,
[01:00:05] Dual Crossbow,
[01:00:08] N-Game,
[01:00:10] DPS.
[01:00:14] Let me just see whatever.
[01:00:15] A warning to new players.
[01:00:16] Does no one know I...
[01:00:19] Level 45 raid boss longbow
[01:00:23] Is level 45 actually end game?
[01:00:26] Yeah, there's not a lot of content for the game in terms of like people uploading their raids and shit. Yeah, I mean it looks cool, bro
[01:01:28] Sure, dude. Oh my god, Daisy. It looks so good now
[01:01:33] There's always one fucking hall monitor in the chat
[01:01:37] This fucking a wart bitch
[01:01:40] Fucking finds his way. All right, let me see here
[01:01:48] DayZ front line. Final Fantasy is better. This has the demo Mandragora that sounds familiar.
[01:02:07] Oh yeah this game looked pretty sick. I don't think I would play the demo for it though.
[01:02:19] This looks like Tr- like a Trident Metroidvania. It has like a satisfying art style.
[01:02:37] Maybe it is actually worth checking out the demo for this.
[01:02:48] It's kind of sick.
[01:03:11] The passenger is lost.
[01:03:13] What the fuck was that?
[01:03:15] Oh, it sounded like an RTS.
[01:03:17] Damn, dude.
[01:03:29] What are we got going on here?
[01:03:31] Meh, I can make a better game.
[01:03:33] I don't believe you.
[01:03:35] Alright, I gotta find the servers.
[01:03:37] This is definitely Daisy.
[01:03:39] Guys, you should have updated it
[01:03:45] and said Daisy fucking frost liners some shit.
[01:03:47] I feel like I didn't download the DLC.
[01:03:49] I feel like I didn't download the DLC.
[01:03:51] Download the DLC.
[01:03:53] Did I?
[01:03:54] Daisy Frostline.
[01:03:55] OK, I have to double check.
[01:04:05] Official.
[01:04:06] I'm assuming it's an official server.
[01:04:08] OK, 45 man servers.
[01:04:12] All right, hold up.
[01:04:17] All right, I got a server.
[01:04:18] Let's see here.
[01:04:19] Yeah, I'm shooting everybody.
[01:04:21] I'll play friendly and then shoot people and take their
[01:04:24] loot.
[01:04:26] I had no intention of playing this on the streamer server.
[01:04:30] I'm not looking for friends.
[01:04:34] This is fucking rant gameplay.
[01:04:38] I'll say hi, then kill you, take your food, leave.
[01:04:43] Unless you decide to shoot me first.
[01:04:47] We'll see who comes out alive.
[01:04:55] Iran just attacked Israel, it's over.
[01:04:58] Oh my God, did that actually happen?
[01:05:18] That's crazy man.
[01:05:32] Oh, is this new music?
[01:05:36] Sounds like, is this Frostline's official soundtrack?
[01:05:46] Alright, let's see what happens here.
[01:05:55] Sounds like a load of the rings or something.
[01:05:57] I- I- that was not my first take.
[01:06:10] It's their business. Why do you care about anything, not in your local area?
[01:06:21] Cha- I read that.
[01:06:22] Tuttle ignite of fire.
[01:06:26] That was the worst take.
[01:06:32] That was the most impressive.
[01:06:35] You actually just type that like you live in a bubble.
[01:06:38] What should we all do to an extent?
[01:06:46] I'm all like, come on man.
[01:06:50] That was the easiest thing to poke a hole into.
[01:06:56] That's crazy bro.
[01:06:58] Come on man.
[01:06:59] You don't even have to say something like that.
[01:07:01] You just have to think a little bit.
[01:07:19] Crazy man.
[01:07:20] Now they got a couple of servers up so we're chilling here.
[01:07:30] re-added woof woof man man what's new in the expansion I have no idea the main
[01:07:50] selling point is they have a whole new map so I guess the comparison is they
[01:07:56] did like a Livonia DLC or some shit I wasn't really there for it I barely
[01:08:00] played it so other than the map being different I'm not sure how much of the
[01:08:05] gameplay changes have been added if anything this is like the mall ski at
[01:08:23] This would be the closest to like Daisy adding official Namask
[01:08:27] This is hardcore frozen survival. You won't last 20 minutes. There's a fine line of being annoying to fun
[01:08:53] So we'll see if they pulled it off because Namask is fun until it's like oh my god, bro
[01:08:59] You gotta like
[01:09:01] Ring your clothes. Oh, you're wet after walking in the snow for like a fucking minute. We'll see
[01:09:14] there's new diseases and hunting mechanics we'll see we'll see crazy that's
[01:09:44] crazy bro I wonder how much this is gonna sped out I don't know hey yo too nice
[01:10:08] scrappy left oh yeah bro I know chain server there's not many servers the
[01:10:15] other ones are EU servers and they're at like a hundred fifty paying this games
[01:10:20] I'm pretty sure daisy is more popular in Europe new episode of talk to a nice. I've been waiting, bro
[01:10:30] Everybody tune out. I gotta end early
[01:10:47] Buck shots getting multiplayer. Yes, it is
[01:10:51] And they loves to make stupid people famous. I
[01:10:55] mean shit
[01:11:04] living proof
[01:11:07] Every game in EU is popular. They keep games alive. It depends this game falls on the EU territory
[01:11:14] Blame social media for that? Oh yeah. It's not really surprising though. Social media,
[01:11:33] I mean, bro, the internet's been so unhinged. And then the more and more savvy people get,
[01:11:39] the unhingedness then becomes the norm. Slowly. Like it's like more and more people are savvy
[01:11:49] about it. They get it before it was more like very club underground, whatever the fuck you
[01:11:54] want to call it now it's like shit just gets looser and looser that's not a
[01:11:59] good thing yeah but this that shit seeps in you know all right there we go see
[01:12:16] you gotta just wait we're here we made it bro they have 45 man servers but
[01:12:30] official a lot of a lot of servers have like a hundred man thought they were
[01:12:36] gonna do like maybe 60 man servers or something I guess not once for lunch
[01:12:51] Today I had a shawarma yesterday. I decided to order from a Turkish restaurant that also does shawarmas
[01:12:58] I don't know what the fuck's going on with me. I've been in the mood lately
[01:13:04] Well, it's chicken and rice man. I need lunch
[01:13:09] Chicken and rice it hits the fucking spot
[01:13:14] Doesn't matter brykanyth that shit every day. Hey, did they add any new guns or anything?
[01:13:33] Throwed in Liberty at a hundred forty two thousand. Oh damn. I mean there's yeah for sure the game is gonna do numbers
[01:13:49] Bro a new MMO people are still fucking rabid looking for some good shit, you know
[01:13:55] It's not that surprising
[01:14:00] MMOs are always interesting to watch as the data point
[01:14:04] But the beginning obviously the highest amount it hits and then
[01:14:10] and you revisit it in a month and see where they're at in a month to see if people believe.
[01:14:21] Lost Ark had 3 million? Holy shit, I know Lost Ark did numbers. Lost Ark was way more
[01:14:28] hyped than Throne and Liberty. Nah, but Lost Ark was like, holy shit, if this comes to
[01:14:35] the west and then obviously it finally did. No dude Lost Ark was fucking crazy. Throne
[01:14:44] and Liberty was popular but not on the same level. Lost Ark was super hyped, included
[01:14:59] on this channel. Buddy why are you acting like you're fucking in that you got lied to?
[01:15:07] It was a great game. It was free to play bitch. Okay your fault you whipped out your
[01:15:12] credit card but clearly that gesture meant that whatever you played free was
[01:15:19] worthy of whipping it out yeah lost arc was great so what are you talking about
[01:15:24] it was hyped I enjoyed playing it I played it I fucking downloaded it on my
[01:15:29] steam deck and played that shit through the night I used to sleep at
[01:15:35] fucking 3 a.m. playing that I don't know the last game I played and then
[01:15:41] That's a wake-up. It's like 7 a.m. That was the last game. I played a shit ton off stream. That's not true
[01:15:49] I played some Elden Ring off stream, but like I'm talking about like a multiplayer like an Emma Mogue. I
[01:15:58] Think that was the last one
[01:16:00] The last MMO I played off stream
[01:16:05] Where it's like good enough, but I have to grind so I want to play off ours. I don't think there is anything else
[01:16:13] Since Bro can one person leave we've gone through two people
[01:16:21] Yeah lost Ark and then you hit the end game and then you did the end game is always the biggest turnoff
[01:16:27] I just got bored of the gamba in lost Ark. I thought the gearing was fucking stupid
[01:16:33] Getting to end game and like starting everything the worst part was the stupid fucking ship mechanic
[01:16:40] That was like wow that was the worst thing I've ever experienced
[01:16:44] The games like Mobilness or Eastern Systems seeped through the game very fast and I abandoned ship.
[01:16:53] The combat 10 out of 10, the boss fights were fucking sick.
[01:16:58] Needing to grind and follow that guide for the ships was dumb as fuck.
[01:17:03] And then needing to Gamba to gear upgrade was also dumb as fuck.
[01:17:08] You need Eastern Combat with like Western Mechanics.
[01:17:13] You need like Western Grinding with Eastern Gameplay.
[01:17:19] And a fusion of Western and Eastern Style, Art Style.
[01:17:24] Lost Ark was like, okay I ain't doing this shit. Have fun with that.
[01:17:32] Damn was the combat and the class is a good shit.
[01:17:35] Just play WoW. You know what?
[01:17:42] If you had a fusion of some WoW mechanics and WoW systems fused with
[01:17:50] Eastern Combat, I think that would be a good, I mean, shit, yeah, I totally agree.
[01:17:56] You can talk shit about WoW, but they've been successful for a fuck of a long time for a reason,
[01:18:00] and they're still relevant over a decade later.
[01:18:03] But if you actually, you know, that's not being a fanboy, that's the fact.
[01:18:09] It's the fact of the matter.
[01:18:11] why is he stalling cuz we're in queue bitch look at your fucking screen then
[01:18:16] type brainwashed players I don't think so man you're crazy you're crazy bro you're
[01:18:31] just hating just to hate cuz of its popularity aren't you a streamer why
[01:18:36] aren't you in queue this is a streamer session so this is all the priority
[01:18:41] queers queuing into a priority queue so no one's priority it's just a
[01:18:46] you same reason you hate cod yes same reason why call it yeah I can make
[01:18:57] fun of call of duty but the fact is it's the most popular FPS and the most popular
[01:19:05] FPS franchise and IP I accept that I know that but I can still make fun of it
[01:19:09] oh shit what in bruh same with why you can make fun of wow but it's still true
[01:19:21] they're doing some stuff right if they've been irrelevant for a fuck of a long
[01:19:26] time oh that's me I thought someone was running up to me all right I need
[01:19:33] The eerie music.
[01:19:35] Eerie music mix or something.
[01:19:43] This one, why not?
[01:19:53] We'll do this one.
[01:19:56] I don't know if my microphone works.
[01:19:58] Daisy, I don't know if I've ever played Daisy
[01:20:00] on this computer.
[01:20:02] Maybe I have that static mic issue.
[01:20:05] I hope not.
[01:20:08] I might though.
[01:20:12] All right, so how does this work?
[01:20:14] Oh, there's insulation.
[01:20:18] I thought that was in the Mulsk mechanic.
[01:20:21] All right, hold on, let me see here.
[01:20:23] We gotta turn this shit up.
[01:20:24] Extreme.
[01:20:26] I didn't play this game at 30 FPS for five years
[01:20:29] to play on low.
[01:20:33] 20 years later.
[01:20:35] Frank, that's shit up.
[01:20:39] Come on, Matt.
[01:20:42] Come on, Matt.
[01:20:46] True!
[01:20:47] Um, are we good?
[01:20:55] Okay, we're good.
[01:20:56] I think we're chilling here.
[01:20:59] Hmm.
[01:21:05] All right!
[01:21:07] we don't have a map it's Daisy so you pick a direction and fucking run and
[01:21:11] pray the Sun isn't out so I can't use the Sun
[01:21:17] where do I go it's cold as shit oh right here I was about to run into the forest
[01:21:27] and die a bear was gonna eat me someone just shot all right this is also a
[01:21:38] Daisy vanilla, so let's see how much vanilla has changed
[01:21:42] What do we have here sewing kit?
[01:21:46] All right
[01:21:47] I'm freezing my ass off. All right. Here we go. All right. We got a steak knife
[01:21:55] Is this still a pure block?
[01:21:59] Let me see
[01:22:01] First I figure it out. Oh, okay
[01:22:05] Everybody relax
[01:22:08] Relax
[01:22:10] Okay, all right, I survived
[01:22:16] Okay, apparently my foot is broken now. Oh, is this the first person only server? Hello test test test
[01:22:24] I'm not this is first person only. I hope it is
[01:22:29] This game is so bad
[01:22:34] this fucking guy
[01:22:37] You uncultured fuck
[01:22:39] You don't even know what you're saying right now
[01:22:44] You don't even know what you're saying, bro. Old equals good
[01:22:59] good. This fucking guy. We are not having the influential discussion with a bunch of god damn
[01:23:10] zoomers. You don't even know. If the gaming history books, the gaming history books there
[01:23:22] will be a daisy chapter. Okay. This game, this game was influential enough where it
[01:23:31] deserves a chapter in the gaming history book by a thousand percent you're crazy
[01:23:37] you're crazy if you don't agree you're fucking crazy you're fucking crazy bro
[01:23:53] all right so Daisy's style there's literally no loop probably because of
[01:23:57] optimization issues because if there's too much loot the servers go to shit
[01:24:01] because the engine is fucking POPEGA.
[01:24:05] Um...
[01:24:07] Alright. Thank God for the modders.
[01:24:10] Alright, wow, this is the worst house I've ever been in.
[01:24:17] Nice.
[01:24:18] Let me just make sure VoIP works.
[01:24:20] Uh, Windows G.
[01:24:23] Voice, LUL.
[01:24:24] Alright, that works.
[01:24:25] Uh, audio, test.
[01:24:27] Alright.
[01:24:29] Best.
[01:24:30] I think that works fine.
[01:24:32] Team kinda low.
[01:24:33] Alright now I don't give a fuck if this is a streamer server. I'm killing everybody.
[01:24:39] I don't care man. I am, uh, the lore is I'm a murderer
[01:24:44] who lost his mind in the cold, uh,
[01:24:48] and uh, yeah, that's kind of it. And I'm also scared to die so I just kill
[01:24:54] everybody.
[01:24:55] Or loot. Oh true, wait, we have heat packs.
[01:25:01] Alright, let me turn this on. Amazing. Now my right butt cheek
[01:25:10] is heated. What is this?
[01:25:15] Redial combination lock. I don't think I'm locking anything.
[01:25:21] Alright, nice. Holy shit. Thank God.
[01:25:36] Okay. Robba Bank?
[01:25:41] No one wants money anymore, dude. The value isn't there.
[01:25:45] I could make a fire. Yeah, wrong game.
[01:25:54] Yeah, I don't think TNL is gonna hit, like, lost arc numbers,
[01:25:58] but it will be a shit ton of players, for sure.
[01:26:01] Honestly, bro, the game is fucking beautiful, like, you know, it has everything going forward
[01:26:07] and then you can pick it apart.
[01:26:09] I don't know all the systems, but, you know, but I think for a free-to-play experience
[01:26:13] for an MMO, I mean, it has everything, shit.
[01:26:16] I mean, shit, I would try it.
[01:26:22] Type of gamer I was, if I was in streaming, I would try it to see if it sticks.
[01:26:31] I know people say pay to win, but I don't really fucking know.
[01:26:34] Honestly, I think the PvP kind of sucks. The PvP's like...
[01:26:41] PvP and MMOs fucking suck.
[01:26:46] Wow was peak.
[01:26:48] And there's a reason why, yes. Wow was literally peak MMO.
[01:26:53] I'm sorry. I don't think there will ever be an MMO. I've realized that will...
[01:26:59] PvP just sucks in MMOs.
[01:27:02] I have yet to see it good. I see the prospect of where they went with the, uh,
[01:27:07] thrown in liberty but PBE is where it's at IMO.
[01:27:17] Shroud spent three to four hundred dollars on gear. Wait really? I don't
[01:27:40] really know what what what you do with your credit card in that game if it's
[01:27:43] not cosmetics. You know what I will say just because Guild Wars 2 and how
[01:27:51] honestly Guild Wars 2 is a fucking beautiful game I don't think it's
[01:27:57] It stood the test of time very well.
[01:27:59] Well, I hope they pull off a really, really good Guild Wars 3.
[01:28:05] And I hope they use a Trinity system for it.
[01:28:08] But I'm curious.
[01:28:09] I hope Guild Wars 3 is really good.
[01:28:10] It's confirmed it's under development.
[01:28:14] I'm more hyped for that over, like, Ashes of Creation.
[01:28:20] I mean, shit.
[01:28:21] I hope they pull it off.
[01:28:25] Those motherfuckers, I'm believing.
[01:28:27] Ashes of Creation, it's like kudos to them.
[01:28:30] They're trying to develop a game, they're trying to make an MMO, and they're going through
[01:28:37] not a huge studio, or you know, they have to raise money.
[01:28:42] It's more like a community MMO.
[01:28:46] So kudos, but yeah.
[01:28:48] I'm not super hyped for it, but a Guild Wars 3 could be really good.
[01:28:58] I mean shit, Guild Wars 2 did big bosses and world pvp almost a decade ago.
[01:29:04] So if they improve on that formula and selfishly, I hope, I prefer Trinity and my MMOs.
[01:29:10] I hope they go more Trinity and more...
[01:29:13] The gear progression is more, um, uh, what do you call it?
[01:29:24] It isn't cosmetic gear progression, but power progression.
[01:29:29] I wonder if there's any loot on this boat.
[01:29:31] I just kind of ran here.
[01:29:36] I know that kind of goes against Guild Wars' style, but I hope they do that.
[01:29:40] We'll see.
[01:29:42] I like what they painted with the game so we'll see.
[01:29:45] I wonder when they're gonna show a trailer.
[01:29:47] Maybe in like a year or so?
[01:29:50] I don't know how long it's been under development for.
[01:29:56] Mr. Gunn lies, no I didn't.
[01:30:00] Yeah, Trinity is Tank, Healer, DPS.
[01:30:03] All right, I'm gonna keep...
[01:30:11] This is clearly the edge of the map
[01:30:13] seeing how we're next to water.
[01:30:15] Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
[01:30:17] Was it the big thing in this game, can't you?
[01:30:19] Aren't you supposed to go to island to island?
[01:30:23] Aren't you supposed to be in boats and shit?
[01:30:29] Isn't that how this expansion is?
[01:30:31] I saw people on little broken ice pieces traveling
[01:30:35] and you can get a boat.
[01:30:36] So they're kind of, it's not just like one land mass.
[01:30:48] Let me see here, hold up.
[01:30:50] Let's go paramedics jacket.
[01:30:51] What's the insulation?
[01:30:52] Badly damaged.
[01:30:55] Oh, they're both low insulation.
[01:30:57] Yikes.
[01:30:59] This one's pristine and it's medium.
[01:31:01] Okay, so I have to clearly worry about my temperature, because it's like a nemalsk, but
[01:31:08] now official mechanics.
[01:31:12] So I can just die from getting like hyperthermia or some shit.
[01:31:19] But I left my knife.
[01:31:20] I'm also remembering how to play the fucking clunky ass game, so I'm gonna do shit like
[01:31:25] that.
[01:31:27] I don't know where the fuck I put it.
[01:31:29] Whatever.
[01:31:30] knife. It was a shit knife anyways. Bro, it's a new mat. Only reason I'm playing this. Nice.
[01:31:41] Perfect disguise. I look like I'm going to help you and then I'm going to shoot you and
[01:31:44] take your food. Perfect. It writes itself. Was that a gun? No. Alright, we're going to
[01:32:04] have to travel inland here but I need food. If I decide to travel inland I'm just
[01:32:08] gonna die yeah I'm just gonna die yeah these servers are packed right now it's
[01:32:15] day Z you don't encounter people often you need a knife to do most stuff yes you
[01:32:22] do hopefully I find a new one all right I'm gonna just keep looking around all
[01:32:33] right anything up here give me okay look perfect cleaver saved very nice I
[01:32:43] I swear I have a zombie aggro right now.
[01:32:51] Guild Wars 3 was announced six months ago.
[01:32:54] Oh well shit, we're not going to see that for a while.
[01:32:59] What happened?
[01:33:00] I like the hack.
[01:33:03] Six months?
[01:33:04] I think Guild Wars 2 was in development for like five years.
[01:33:07] So if it was announced at their investor meeting, I'm getting deja vu because I
[01:33:13] remember talking about Guild Wars 2 while playing Daisy.
[01:33:17] Weird.
[01:33:18] That's not gonna be here for a long-ass time
[01:33:22] Yeah
[01:33:26] Yeah, this is the new official map and they give streamer access and I wasn't gonna play this but I realized
[01:33:33] I don't know what the fuck to play
[01:33:36] So I decided to participate
[01:33:39] It's 45 per
[01:33:43] Server I don't know in comparison to Chernar is how big is this map like are we talking Namalsk big here or is like
[01:33:52] Like what is this?
[01:33:57] I want to leave and travel but I will die in the forest if I don't find food for the journey.
[01:34:07] Thought this game would look better on YouTube?
[01:34:09] What?
[01:34:10] It looks like shit on YouTube?
[01:34:11] Oh yeah, wait a minute!
[01:34:12] This is the highest quality I've ever streamed.
[01:34:15] Oh fuck.
[01:34:16] Can I eat humans?
[01:34:19] Dried, frozen, cold.
[01:34:21] What if I make a fire in a house and eat human?
[01:34:23] I know there's like a sanity bar.
[01:34:25] Will it eventually kill me?
[01:34:29] Someone cooked here, burned.
[01:34:32] Someone's been here.
[01:34:33] I forgot if it slowly fucks you up.
[01:34:42] Like it's not worth eating humans to survive because it's like a guaranteed death.
[01:34:48] I know you laugh.
[01:34:52] Is it?
[01:34:53] It's not worth it, right?
[01:34:54] It will dehydrate you.
[01:34:58] You laugh and get the shakes.
[01:35:00] Yeah, so I remember the laughs being annoying to listen to constantly.
[01:35:05] It could have changed it.
[01:35:07] So for the sake of not being annoyed and surviving, I'm gonna try not eating the human.
[01:35:13] Yeah, it's just like a constant annoying laugh, audio file.
[01:35:19] Alright, what do we have here?
[01:35:26] Unless I have to.
[01:35:27] If I'm on the verge of death, fuck it, I'll do it.
[01:35:31] And then I have to remember how to make a fire.
[01:35:36] Maybe it's worth collecting some wood.
[01:35:41] There's a weird way to do this.
[01:35:42] You collect bark and then you get sticks and then you can make one of those things
[01:35:46] to create fire I think I just need some bark and then I need to do something I
[01:35:53] don't know if I looted these oh yeah don't you make a fire and get the fire
[01:36:05] buff oh yeah you need the fire oh shit bro fucking north face what okay
[01:36:23] apparently paramedics is better than the puffer. Come on buddy hurry up!
[01:36:34] Lyric playing Daisy, I left work. Buddy you're- okay that's a horrible reason you
[01:36:47] were looking to leave work and you just decided to use that as a reason.
[01:36:52] This motherfucker. You were leaving anyways. Don't pin that
[01:36:59] shit on me. Oh fuck I got Ebola! Alright let's see
[01:37:12] See how this works.
[01:37:13] Do I have any daisy players?
[01:37:16] I always forget how to make a fire.
[01:37:18] It's fucking weird.
[01:37:19] This crafting system is amazingly shit in terms of context.
[01:37:23] You have to remember how to do it, then it makes sense.
[01:37:27] Oh wait, I figured it out.
[01:37:29] Never mind.
[01:37:35] So the problem is I have to light the fire and I don't think I have anything to light
[01:37:38] it unless there's a way to make one of those things.
[01:37:43] Oh, can I use the flare to light the fire? Of course.
[01:37:50] You do the bark and the short stick and scroll down.
[01:37:56] The drill kit. Okay, so now we have everything and then I can use the road flare.
[01:38:07] Alright.
[01:38:11] Bro, I need food. I might have to eat a human.
[01:38:15] There's some houses down here that I didn't go through. Oh and with the drill, I don't need a flare.
[01:38:22] Do I need like, what do I use for tinder?
[01:38:30] Can I just throw rags in there?
[01:38:32] Maybe I should cut up a shirt or something
[01:38:34] that I come across.
[01:38:36] Can I use the bark?
[01:38:37] Okay.
[01:38:38] I need to get more bark.
[01:38:45] I can't use this.
[01:38:46] Yeah, I need bark.
[01:38:47] I need bark.
[01:38:48] Real quick, let me grab some.
[01:38:49] Just so I have some of my inventory.
[01:38:52] I'm gonna need some anyways.
[01:38:57] Light bark.
[01:38:58] Birch bark.
[01:39:01] All right.
[01:39:04] What do we have here?
[01:39:05] Beautiful shirt.
[01:39:07] Am I not wearing two layers?
[01:39:09] The fuck?
[01:39:09] Thought I was wearing a shirt underneath all this and then a jacket
[01:39:13] Can I put a shirt on?
[01:39:17] Denim jacket? You can't put a shirt on?
[01:39:20] Get rags
[01:39:24] Can I cut this shit here? Oh, whoops
[01:39:29] What is this? What is this?
[01:39:33] All right, why can't I cut this? I thought the cleaver can cut shit. No the fuck on the ground
[01:39:40] Oh the cleaver broke
[01:39:43] Oh my god, it's ruined
[01:39:47] Oh my fucking god, there you go beautiful hat
[01:39:58] It would be great to survive on one character. I'm trying to one tap this
[01:40:06] I want to see how long I can survive now
[01:40:09] But it's not looking good because there's no house that has given me food. So I might
[01:40:14] need to eat human I
[01:40:17] Don't think it's worth risking and running in a direction and hoping I come across another neighborhood
[01:40:23] But there's nothing here. I do think I might do to hunt for food
[01:40:31] but the thing is I might make like I could make a spear I don't know the
[01:40:38] successful way to hunt in this game and I think like a pack of wolves would kill
[01:40:42] me fishing and then I need to dig for a worm but then I probably need isn't the
[01:40:57] water on this map frozen I need to find like a little lake you just need a
[01:41:03] rope and a stick for fishing how do I make a rope there's no fiber in this
[01:41:08] game fuck should I leave oh my god I'm gonna die bro I'm gonna fucking die 12
[01:41:17] rat dude I am dead if I leave I need a tool to dig unless I could just dig
[01:41:28] this cleaver is useless can I dig with my hands I'm going back there's got to
[01:41:38] be something I missed if I leave I'm just gonna fucking die let me maybe I
[01:41:43] Okay, just get the fire buff and go from there.
[01:41:46] Let me get the fire buff.
[01:41:53] I live in here, posing.
[01:41:56] Let me learn how to put a fire down.
[01:41:58] Okay, choose placement.
[01:42:09] It doesn't want to be here.
[01:42:11] Can you not build in here?
[01:42:13] You can't.
[01:42:19] Ignite.
[01:42:30] Hopefully it doesn't go out fast, so I can just feed it with bark and shit, can't
[01:42:35] I?
[01:42:38] Everybody likes!
[01:42:41] Um, and let me see...
[01:42:44] You'll... I need more sticks.
[01:42:46] Sticks and logs.
[01:42:50] I can't feed the fire.
[01:43:00] That's not good.
[01:43:02] Can I like rip...
[01:43:04] shit out with hands?
[01:43:05] Oh, nice! I can. Okay.
[01:43:06] Nice.
[01:43:07] Yeah, can I... It's like, can I just use my goddamn hands?
[01:43:13] There we go.
[01:43:20] Alright, while we light this fire for immersion...
[01:43:22] Oh, fuck, hold up.
[01:43:23] You gotta collect these.
[01:43:29] Split.
[01:43:30] All right, let's see if this is enough. All right, let let me get the buff. Oh, I got the buff and then let me open my lunch
[01:43:52] I don't know if I should eat the human meat. I
[01:44:11] Got the I got the buff. There's a plus sign next to the thermometer. I am also losing health
[01:44:20] Okay, I'm gonna do one run and see if I can find food and if not, I will go back to the fire and
[01:44:27] I will eat as zombies on the roof
[01:44:38] Let me let me see here. I don't want to either because of the fucking laugh
[01:44:46] Oh
[01:44:48] What the hell is this?
[01:44:50] Give me something and then I can leave
[01:44:53] pristine best insulation upgrade
[01:44:59] Just put that leg in the sleeve pocket
[01:45:04] Look at that shit pristine
[01:45:06] Dude was planning on wearing it but died
[01:45:12] matching drip. Fuck this house. This house has no loot. Oh no. And water. Oh my god. Give
[01:45:32] me something. Give me something. What was that? Oh yeah, the fucking combination lock.
[01:45:39] I'm running to the end. Let me see these houses. Oh my god, I never looted here.
[01:45:58] I don't need a jacket maybe maybe a scrub hat
[01:46:12] nurse dress
[01:46:13] Time and place for that
[01:46:20] Nothing good
[01:46:21] Oh
[01:46:28] Don't tell me there's a zombie in here. What is this?
[01:46:34] Coding pills
[01:46:38] Double Coding
[01:46:40] Stay in there. I don't there's probably no living there. There's no loot
[01:46:47] This coding help at all. All right. I need to check these houses. Come on. Give me something
[01:47:02] Give me something. Come on.
[01:47:05] Okay.
[01:47:09] Missed can of beans lies.
[01:47:13] Oh my.
[01:47:17] That looks like someone was collecting bark and shit and like left it there.
[01:47:21] Nothing like a good punch.
[01:47:34] I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead.
[01:47:40] Never mind. I'm insane at punching.
[01:47:42] I'm insane at punching.
[01:47:44] Even the zombies are fra- Oh my god!
[01:47:50] Saved.
[01:47:56] Okay, and sardines.
[01:48:00] I will save her every bite.
[01:48:05] I'm about to- oh no, I can't make- I don't have anything sharp.
[01:48:10] I'm gonna have to run back to the fire.
[01:48:16] Hurry up, lady, hurry up.
[01:48:18] One, two, stop.
[01:48:24] Hey, stop.
[01:48:25] Hey, stop.
[01:48:26] You made me bleed.
[01:48:27] It was worth it.
[01:48:29] Fuck this shit.
[01:48:30] Take this shit.
[01:48:31] Realize I'm fucking dead.
[01:48:32] I'm gonna have to sew my wound.
[01:48:37] 24, 25.
[01:48:39] I have to sew my wound and this might cause an infection, but I'm already infected, so maybe, yeah, I'm already screwed.
[01:48:57] Fuck it, take the codeine at this point.
[01:49:06] Holy shit saved.
[01:49:08] Instead of running across and going to a new area, I'm just gonna use this.
[01:49:13] And make a fire here instead of running across.
[01:49:19] I would start the fire in the house and cook the food on the stove if I knew how to do it, unless you do the same shit and just add logs into the fire.
[01:49:28] It might just be easier to make a fire.
[01:49:31] Because I have to learn how to do this real quick
[01:49:34] How do you use this shit? It's all the same shit
[01:49:38] You can hand drill right aside. I need a rag
[01:49:43] All right, I have to do this fast. I don't need a rag. No, I don't I need sticks and I need bark
[01:49:57] All right, we have to do this fast
[01:50:16] I'm losing health rapidly
[01:50:27] Oh
[01:50:35] Fuck get bark fast. Oh, you can tree and you can squirt
[01:50:44] Roll for a bark? Dark bark?
[01:50:49] Dude, I don't know if I'm gonna actually survive this.
[01:50:51] Hopefully.
[01:50:53] I can't. They're frozen.
[01:50:55] Frozen? I have to thaw.
[01:50:58] Oh, I'm doing this too slow.
[01:51:00] Hold up. Boom and boom makes a fireplace.
[01:51:05] Wait, why am I making a fireplace? I don't need a fireplace.
[01:51:08] I need a hand drill.
[01:51:14] Oh, wait, I have a flare. I don't need that.
[01:51:16] We'll use the flare. We'll use the flare.
[01:51:18] Fuck me. Fuck me.
[01:51:20] How do I fill this shit? Place.
[01:51:22] Oh, you just place shit in it. Okay, anything, just place.
[01:51:26] Alright, does the flare work? Should be good.
[01:51:31] Please tell me this works.
[01:51:33] Ignite, save.
[01:51:34] I do need to go get more sticks so this goes out.
[01:51:47] I think I'm doing that right. I thought you- oh wait, cooking?
[01:51:50] You can only cook one at a time?
[01:51:55] Okay, we're good. It's cooking. It's cooking.
[01:52:00] Leave the flare.
[01:52:01] Let me go get more sticks.
[01:52:04] Sorry.
[01:52:18] Short stick. Wasn't there a long stick right here?
[01:52:21] Or short sticks. Oh God, I'm sneezing.
[01:52:28] You'll seven.
[01:52:32] Damage frozen cold. Can I just put, yeah, I can't, I just put this near it and
[01:52:37] just from proximity the sardines will thaw.
[01:52:41] I'm pretty sure that works. I still got the codeine buff. I don't have to worry about that. Oh my god, please survive.
[01:52:55] I can't add it. I can't. It doesn't let me.
[01:52:57] It works in the mall sky don't know if it works in this one
[01:53:05] Please bro. I'm not sure how often I need to replace the sticks, but I'm gonna assume I'm good here
[01:53:15] All right, I'm either gonna drop dead or survive here, but
[01:53:21] Hopefully sardines give me water or the spaghetti gives me some water
[01:53:25] We're at the mercy of this
[01:53:45] sardines gives hydration
[01:53:48] Hopefully the spaghetti does cold. Can I eat it cold? Should I wait?
[01:53:53] it's chilly maybe I wait fuck it I'll eat it cold man whatever I'm literally on
[01:54:02] the verge of death nothing like half frozen spaghetti but I'm also like on
[01:54:20] death's door so it's delicious still fucked still fucked more coding I'm gonna
[01:54:41] travel now to a new town once I eat this we're going to a new town because
[01:54:45] there's I don't know what the hell else to do I've scavenged this whole
[01:54:50] town and there hasn't been anything. I don't think putting shit close to it
[01:55:02] um, thaws it. It's not like Namalsk. It does. Oh wait, I have two temperature
[01:55:17] buffs now. Wait, there's, oh, so two pluses is um, heat buff. Unless it goes to a
[01:55:25] stage three. It does go to a three. Okay, so might as well just chill here.
[01:55:45] Reason to camp closing the door
[01:55:53] Heets the food faster is that true in real life? Yes, is that true in game? How deep are the heat mechanics?
[01:56:02] We avoided eating meat
[01:56:12] Feels good. All right. Let me just wait here and get the triple buff and then I'm holding w
[01:56:24] I'm officially holding w in a direction. I want to see this third plus
[01:56:39] Plus, you dropped the meat, not cooking it.
[01:56:45] I don't want to eat it.
[01:56:46] I just said I avoided eating this.
[01:56:49] I didn't want to eat a human.
[01:56:51] I don't want to eat human meat.
[01:56:53] No, that's why I dropped it.
[01:57:06] Can you pay a little attention?
[01:57:08] Motherfucker, can you pay attention?
[01:57:10] What do you want from me?
[01:57:12] There's nothing to do.
[01:57:13] We're chilling.
[01:57:17] We're waiting for three pluses, you fuck.
[01:57:33] Of course we're gaining health,
[01:57:34] because the food and water are up.
[01:57:41] Can I not get any warmer?
[01:57:43] Ahem.
[01:57:45] Oh, there we go. Now I just heard a gunshot.
[01:57:50] I don't- I wonder if the flare heats me.
[01:57:55] It doesn't.
[01:57:57] This isn't giving up off enough heat, because it is going down.
[01:58:02] I'm leaving. Whatever. Two's enough. Let's leave.
[01:58:12] Need logs for hotter fire. Yeah, I don't know if that's actually a mechanic or if you're saying that.
[01:58:21] Logically sure.
[01:58:22] But, I don't think that's how it works.
[01:58:25] I think in this game, fire on equals on. Done.
[01:58:29] Oh my god.
[01:58:33] Shelletting tablets. These tablets are used to cure heavy metal poisoning.
[01:58:38] And can be used to purify water.
[01:58:41] Alright, fuck it, we're good!
[01:58:46] No, why is my health going back down?
[01:58:49] What the hell?
[01:58:51] I'm buffed.
[01:58:53] Sure, I have a disease.
[01:58:55] I have tried too hard to live. I don't want to die
[01:59:04] It's been an hour. I can't I have something to live for
[01:59:13] I'm now connected to this one-hour life. I need to do whatever it takes to live. Oh, we're so dead
[01:59:26] I don't know why my health is going down. Maybe it's because of the disease. Oh my god another town
[01:59:34] Holy shit
[01:59:36] Okay, avoid the zombies. Oh
[01:59:38] oh fuck true do water pumps work if I get hit once I think I'm dead here I
[01:59:54] have to fight him one two oh you bitch and I'm motherfucker no why is this guy
[02:00:08] so tough what are you being restrained your hands I thought you could do shit
[02:00:16] It would take-
[02:00:17] I'm fucking dead.
[02:00:19] I'm fucking dead.
[02:00:48] I'm dead.
[02:00:49] I'm dead.
[02:00:52] I'm so fucking dead.
[02:01:01] Okay.
[02:01:02] Okay.
[02:01:03] Okay.
[02:01:22] The end.
[02:01:26] It's over boys.
[02:01:30] You know what?
[02:01:31] I'm impressed.
[02:01:32] Insane amounts of no loot.
[02:01:49] I need a fish and hunt though, right?
[02:01:51] So I need to see the best way to fish and hunt.
[02:01:54] Maybe if I die I spawn in, I make a spear out of a long stick and I just go right
[02:02:00] into the forest maybe that's the way instead of trying to find supplies in
[02:02:05] town initially yeah and find a starting well to quickly get my hydration up yeah
[02:02:18] maybe I just need to have a different start okay I'm never looting this
[02:02:25] building ever again there's there's no fucking loot in this shit whatever this
[02:02:30] building is never anything in there or tablets you know what at this point give
[02:02:46] some rags why would I eat the lead poison pills you want me to die don't you oh fuck
[02:03:08] I'm walking slow it's over it's over boys she is dying I don't know how to save
[02:03:24] myself my health is so low and the disease is just fucking killing me oh
[02:03:35] Oh shit upgrade dude
[02:03:47] Plus five strength
[02:03:50] Too bad. I'm still fucked. I have to pray to the gods to find food
[02:03:57] But then I have to thaw the food so you it's like you always want to keep a fireplace kit in your inventory
[02:04:04] Or in your backpack seeing how you always have to thaw food
[02:04:07] I could maybe protect myself via insulation if I end up getting good
[02:04:20] If that bar goes up
[02:04:24] I am finding better food, but yeah, the disease is just killing me.
[02:04:32] Medium insulation. This is best insulation. Yeah.
[02:04:39] I'm fucking dead. GG.
[02:04:46] I tried. It's over. Even the soundtrack left.
[02:04:57] Rub it up, buddy, you're fucking dead.
[02:04:59] Rub it up.
[02:05:04] I'm not playing anymore, you're fucking dead.
[02:05:07] Rub it up.
[02:05:10] Wait! I can run again randomly.
[02:05:13] maybe the air is a lie oh why did you stop all right come on oh no not a zombie
[02:05:26] I don't want to fight a zombie I don't want to fight a zombie even one zombie
[02:05:30] hit I'm dead oh shitty aggro'd I think shit what a great what a great
[02:05:55] attempt right there okay take two take two take two people I don't think I'm
[02:06:33] in the same town. Okay, new strat. I'm gonna always keep sticks on me and I'm
[02:06:41] always gonna keep bark on me. Anyone know how you make a spear? Is it just a long
[02:06:48] stick with a knife? Long stick, sharpen, split, sharpen. Yes. Okay, so if I
[02:06:56] encounter wolves, I am now gonna be... I'm gonna live by the forest and now I
[02:07:12] need a bunch of short sticks. Fuck, I can't. I need a backpack. So that's the
[02:07:16] downside you need a backpack in order to keep a bunch of sticks although
[02:07:23] backpack seemed like there you come across a couple you're freezing to death
[02:07:38] I'm aware I had better jeans now it was wearing short shorts and winter I could
[02:07:49] just get the fire buff I'll get a backpack get the fire buff and then
[02:07:52] I'm going to leave town. New strat. First character was remembering the game. Nice, we'll take
[02:08:02] the heat pack. I'll pop this now. It won't do much but it will work for now. Yeah, I really
[02:08:10] need a backpack first. I'll just put these in my pants. Taking hands. Alright, let's
[02:08:18] keep moving. Alright, my goal is to find the gun and then never find the ammo for
[02:08:24] it so the typical vanilla daisy experience that's the goal that's human
[02:08:32] meat I mean somebody's been here again but then you need the fucking mag that's
[02:08:43] across the map and then the bullets the bullets that's just luck worst
[02:08:51] insulation versus worst installation insulation nice don't do this lady you
[02:09:06] little fucking guy. Alright, your zombie days will end, ma'am. Don't do this. One...
[02:09:14] What did I tell you? What did I tell you? Huh? It might be worth killing the zombies,
[02:09:24] because I did get canned spaghetti from one of the zombies, so as long as I avoid getting hit.
[02:09:32] Alright, come on, backpack me. Let's move. Let's move. Come on now. I don't want to wear
[02:09:44] that that's gonna block my vision so my goal is to find one streamer and kill
[02:09:50] them in game that's the that's the goal here if there's 44 other people I want
[02:10:01] their loot oh a free pants we don't want those what do we have here nothing maybe
[02:10:25] maybe some good shit in here backpack come on backpack what is that nothing
[02:10:29] Back, back. Pants? Better pants? Jumpsuit pants.
[02:10:34] Medium insulation versus medium. 20 slots.
[02:10:40] And then, uh, oh nice, the sticks fit in the hoodie.
[02:10:45] Oh, shit. My steak knife broke.
[02:10:53] Are we doing this? Oh, shit. I'm in a corner.
[02:11:05] Do you want to kill them for the food, but 3B1 is not a good idea.
[02:11:34] Fight me, lady!
[02:11:37] What are you doing?
[02:11:38] She has spaghetti.
[02:11:42] She has spaghetti.
[02:11:43] What?!
[02:11:46] Where's my spear that I made?
[02:11:48] Oh, shit! God!
[02:11:49] Fucking dammit!
[02:12:10] She was carrying a liver pate.
[02:12:12] Oof!
[02:12:13] A fine EU cuisine.
[02:12:18] As they heard the zombie apocalypse
[02:12:22] was approaching, yeah.
[02:12:24] Suzanne told her family to wait.
[02:12:26] Let me grab the last liver pate and then they're left but due to that the zombies
[02:12:36] got them. Oh my god more food! What do you mean blind? Missed alcohol. What the fuck
[02:12:54] am I gonna do with that shit unless I can disinfect the rags with it? Worst
[02:13:01] insulation? Let's get uh what do you call it rags? I feel like this is already a
[02:13:06] a better start than the last life already better start I do need a bag that
[02:13:19] seems to be oh god don't tell me there's a night cycle there is isn't there and
[02:13:26] it's vanilla don't tell me hey what's up man what's up dude what's up dude oh my
[02:13:41] god it's so cold out here I thought you were a zombie I don't see a lot of
[02:13:45] people are word nice man what's your name dude where you going
[02:13:51] Where are you going?
[02:13:52] Home, dude, I'm going home.
[02:13:54] I know who lives over there, what do you mean?
[02:13:57] Farmer Joe lives up there.
[02:13:59] Farmer Joe?
[02:14:01] Yeah, that's his property. What are you doing?
[02:14:03] Why are you headed there?
[02:14:04] Is that him up there?
[02:14:06] Can you see him?
[02:14:07] Is that him?
[02:14:08] That's it. I thought you were going home.
[02:14:10] You don't know how to get home? Are you lying?
[02:14:12] You call me a liar?
[02:14:15] Yeah, you're a liar.
[02:14:16] You said you were going home.
[02:14:18] Why were you going to Farmer Joe's property, bro?
[02:14:22] You a thief?
[02:14:23] Kind of.
[02:14:24] Kinda.
[02:14:29] We don't take kindly to thieves, man.
[02:14:32] Who's we?
[02:14:33] Me and Farmer Joe. We run this town.
[02:14:37] You think so?
[02:14:38] Yeah, what do you mean? I know so. I know so.
[02:14:41] Oh, that's pretty sick.
[02:14:43] Give me your food right now, bro, and I'll let you go.
[02:14:45] And Farmer Joe doesn't even know.
[02:14:46] I don't have any food. I don't have any food.
[02:14:49] I mean, you're made out of meat, man.
[02:14:51] I'm seeing a full package of food right there.
[02:14:54] Right there. I'm seeing a great chicken tender right there, but it's not it's not free though. I'm like I'm not giving us out
[02:15:01] Oh
[02:15:05] Okay, now this is self-defense man
[02:15:11] Okay, buddy. All right. Okay. I'll I'll I'll
[02:15:17] I'll oh
[02:15:19] The next one. Oh shit the next one's gonna kill you the next one
[02:15:27] I don't think so. I don't think so. It's not free. This meat ain't free. Where's Farmer Joe? Where's Farmer Joe at?
[02:15:34] Right here, bitch!
[02:15:36] Oh, I was sneaky. I was sneaky. I'll give it to you. I was sneaky. Farmer Joe!
[02:15:41] Farmer Joe ain't got nothing.
[02:15:43] Oh, you're gonna lean across corners now? What is this, Apex Legends?
[02:15:48] Yeah, wait till I start screaming crouch.
[02:15:52] You're fucking dead, dude. You're dead. Don't come in here!
[02:15:54] Dude, the spear is the worst thing in fucking gaming history.
[02:16:02] What is this?
[02:16:03] Who designed this spear?
[02:16:06] Why does this guy, are you fucking kidding me?
[02:16:09] Who in Daisy's office designed the fucking spear?
[02:16:14] That was the worst spear in gaming fucking history.
[02:16:20] Why the fuck would you make it?
[02:16:23] So the guy holds the spear.
[02:16:27] This is him.
[02:16:29] What the fuck?
[02:16:30] This is me with the spear.
[02:16:32] And he holds the spear like this.
[02:16:40] You fuck.
[02:16:41] And then he swings and there was no distance.
[02:16:44] It was a long sharpened stick.
[02:16:48] What the fuck is this?
[02:16:56] It's not as...
[02:16:57] It was a sharpened long stick.
[02:17:00] Why isn't he holding it from here, bro?
[02:17:02] Like middle.
[02:17:03] At least go middle.
[02:17:04] What the fuck, man? His fucking steak knife had more range!
[02:17:10] That was fucking bullshit.
[02:17:27] That was fucking bullshit.
[02:17:29] What the fuck did I just do?
[02:17:31] Oh my god, did I just...?
[02:17:34] Oh my dude, I hit escape and it kicked you out of the server.
[02:17:49] You're kidding. You're kidding.
[02:17:51] I might need to go to EU.
[02:17:59] Let me see the queue. Let me see if there's more people playing now.
[02:18:07] Let me see hold up. Fuck man. I got one. I got one. Come on, bro. We're going to EU.
[02:18:28] I'll take the ping drop. I'll take it.
[02:18:38] Timer prolonged and position might be altered due to server change.
[02:18:42] Oh, is this like protection against like hoppers or something? Or something? What is this?
[02:18:48] Ah, let's see what we have here.
[02:19:16] Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom.
[02:19:19] Priority list?
[02:19:21] This is a streamer event. Everybody has priority here.
[02:19:24] So it's just a queue.
[02:19:26] Streamer event is them letting us play the expansion early,
[02:19:47] before it releases in like two weeks.
[02:19:49] Alright.
[02:19:55] Take fucking 10.
[02:19:57] Here we go.
[02:19:59] Oh, found some houses.
[02:20:02] Nice.
[02:20:19] I have to do this again. I need bark.
[02:20:21] The way I started this character is how you have to start every character.
[02:20:30] Nah man, you need bark, you need sticks, and I actually can put the sticks in my pants.
[02:20:43] Alright, come on.
[02:20:45] What the hell is this man? I don't want to use this, but oh it already ruined the steak knife, yikes.
[02:21:00] Knife is already broken.
[02:21:05] Make a torch for a heat buff while walking.
[02:21:08] Is that true?
[02:21:14] What are you doing? Is this not fit in here or some shit? It's like a visual bug. All right, what do we have?
[02:21:45] Nothing
[02:21:47] Get the fuck in here you double-stack zombie shit
[02:21:51] Back the fuck back the fuck up. No one's going on the roof. Did I do any damage to you guys? Oh
[02:22:09] Shit chill damn stamina takes a while to reach out. Oh
[02:22:12] Oh, should he has a backpack?
[02:22:18] Okay, we're good. We're chilling. We're chilling.
[02:22:33] All's good. That's loot right there.
[02:22:35] You mind we got a backpack?
[02:22:37] Even though that looks like the most disgusting backpack.
[02:22:39] We'll take it.
[02:22:48] Can I rip this out? The fireplace? No.
[02:22:50] Someone's been here because that fireplace has been used.
[02:23:04] I could- I could get the- the buff and use it real quick.
[02:23:08] Because, uh, I just have to put, like...
[02:23:13] I might have matches so I can light it.
[02:23:22] What the fuck is this flank?
[02:23:24] It was crazy. Hey, what is this pepper? Nice dude
[02:23:41] That's food right there, bro. That's food
[02:23:45] Yeah, do I maybe I just light this shit up and cook the pepper
[02:23:49] Why not?
[02:23:52] Better than nothing we can just throw the kindling I need sticks though, which I missed earlier
[02:23:58] Give this back. Let me quickly go get some sticks
[02:24:07] I can get our food going early, and then I'm out.
[02:24:12] No, the pepper's frozen. You can't eat it frozen.
[02:24:18] Sticks, sticks. Oh, there's more- dude, how the fuck am I not finding one bush that gives me sticks?
[02:24:34] What is this? What the fuck is this, man?
[02:24:39] Are my hands full? Oh my fucking god, I'm so good.
[02:24:45] I- I couldn't even tell I had matches in my hand.
[02:24:48] Alright, good shit.
[02:25:03] Might bleed using hands while I have to.
[02:25:07] Three is enough to thaw this.
[02:25:11] How's the bit rate on YouTube? I don't know, but it's the highest quality daisy I've ever streamed.
[02:25:17] So I'm gonna go ahead and assume the game looks way better.
[02:25:20] We're gonna eat this, get the buff, and leave.
[02:25:28] Get 12 rags, make a rope, make a fishing rod, go fishing.
[02:25:35] But I have to dig for bait, don't I? Or can I catch fish without bait?
[02:25:46] You can craft a face mask and gloves with rags.
[02:25:57] Finding rags are still kind of tough.
[02:25:59] I need to break it down, which I can't do.
[02:26:04] This is useless.
[02:26:14] There are fishing lures now.
[02:26:16] Yeah, half this shit you need to find.
[02:26:21] I could make a stone knife, but I've been finding sharp objects slowly.
[02:26:39] I'm impatient.
[02:26:40] We're just gonna do one buff of heat.
[02:26:44] Let's move.
[02:26:45] I'm just gonna keep trying to loot so I can actually move inland. I just need like a good kit
[02:26:54] To start running inland
[02:26:58] Fuck this spear. It's so horrible weapon
[02:27:02] The spear gets you killed. I guess I could just collect these slowly until I find something to break them all down for the sake of
[02:27:13] Getting rags. All right, what do we have here? Capri pants. And now I have no room
[02:27:33] Trash on trash
[02:27:36] Goddamn
[02:27:39] Mmm.
[02:27:40] Is it Halloween yet?
[02:27:43] It looks so much better on YouTube.
[02:27:46] It's also like 15,000 plus more bitrate on YouTube.
[02:27:52] It's more than double Twitch's bitrate.
[02:27:55] They fucking better look better.
[02:27:59] And it's AB1.
[02:28:03] It's not that much better.
[02:28:04] Oh really?
[02:28:05] Oh.
[02:28:09] Og hat.
[02:28:32] Hey, what's up?
[02:28:33] Oh my god, you scared the living shit out of me here, but-
[02:28:36] Yeah, that was the plan.
[02:28:37] Hey, just trying to survive out here.
[02:28:39] I'm just trying to survive out here. Have you have you looted this town?
[02:28:46] No
[02:28:51] Okay, I'll take the right you take the left and yeah, you're not a you're not a human eater, right?
[02:28:59] No, I'm not last person. I met eight humans. There's humans. Oh
[02:29:04] My god is what it is. You know people be like that
[02:29:08] All right, I don't know I don't trust you. I'm gonna keep an eye on you
[02:29:16] It's okay, you're totally fine not trust me. I don't trust myself. All right, we need some shit here. Come on
[02:29:35] Did I miss boots? Oh my god, holy shit, bro. This is better than a two-handed spear
[02:29:48] Dude, I already lost my my buff is already going away. Oh shit
[02:29:54] clean the trash? I should. Let's keep moving. Yes, this game is better on
[02:30:21] controller. Oh yeah. Yeah, does this car work? You know what they should have done
[02:30:41] with this game as well? They should have made it so the cars aren't such a pain
[02:30:44] in the ass to get working. It would have been amazing if the fucking cars
[02:30:48] weren't shit still. These motherfuckers actually made it so they broke it
[02:30:55] down so there's like 20 parts you need to put on a car that are spread across all
[02:31:00] around a map that takes an hour to go from left to right to finally get a car
[02:31:04] to work. It's a point! It's a point! Ain't nobody doing that shit. Um, is that loot over here?
[02:31:34] The closed situation's kind of yikes in terms of, you know, low insulation better than
[02:31:42] worst insulation. Alright, if there's nothing in here I'm moving inland.
[02:31:51] Morka pre-pants. Come on man. I'm going. I'm going. I'm going. I'm just gonna fall
[02:31:59] the road. I don't know where that person went. Oh yeah, can't you light the broom
[02:32:07] on fire and make like a fire broom? Oh my god, there's another place over there.
[02:32:12] There's a huge city. Alright, I just have to make it there and there's a
[02:32:20] promise of food. Oh my god that looks like a big ass town too. Is this actually a mobile heat buff?
[02:32:33] Let me see. Oh my god it is. Feels good. Feels nice. It's OP, it dries clothes off fast too.
[02:32:54] Oh shit. Feels good. Alright we just gotta keep on booking it through here.
[02:33:09] very nice very nice I don't think it's worth moving inland yet if I did the
[02:33:27] wall I'm literally fresh meat for the wolves what town is this noble noble
[02:33:45] Where are you going?
[02:33:49] Are you cold?
[02:33:50] Who's in there?
[02:33:53] You can come in.
[02:33:55] Sunday?
[02:33:56] Who's out there?
[02:33:58] My name's Joe.
[02:34:00] Yo.
[02:34:02] Sounds convincing.
[02:34:03] Do you want to get warm?
[02:34:05] Sure, why not? Thanks.
[02:34:08] Wait a minute, if you whack me with that broom,
[02:34:10] I'm gonna haunt you in your dreams.
[02:34:11] Oh, no I won't.
[02:34:13] I could though.
[02:34:15] I know you could,
[02:34:17] but I promise I will haunt you in your dreams.
[02:34:19] So, I'll see you.
[02:34:20] I haven't dreamed in a long time.
[02:34:23] Well, do you want to try it?
[02:34:27] Stop.
[02:34:29] Yeah, I won't.
[02:34:31] But you have to try it.
[02:34:32] Although I'm hungry, I'm just looking for food, trying to survive.
[02:34:36] Slash going crazy at the same time.
[02:34:40] Don't go crazy, Joe.
[02:34:41] We can look for some food together.
[02:34:46] I've cleared two tabs.
[02:34:46] You know what, Joe?
[02:34:47] What?
[02:34:48] That's fine.
[02:34:49] I want those gloves, give me the gloves.
[02:34:56] I'll trade you.
[02:34:57] You can give me an exchange.
[02:34:58] I'll trade you.
[02:34:59] What is that?
[02:35:00] This is the last Walmart shirt.
[02:35:02] Easy with the merchandise.
[02:35:09] Wow.
[02:35:10] Okay, nice.
[02:35:11] All right, good trade.
[02:35:13] You're sure?
[02:35:16] I'm not bothered.
[02:35:18] If you want the gloves, you can have the gloves, Joe.
[02:35:21] Oh, thanks.
[02:35:22] Good luck.
[02:35:23] You're welcome.
[02:35:24] Thank you.
[02:35:25] I would have killed her. I could have.
[02:35:28] Hey, yeah, this mobile broom is- is opious shit.
[02:35:37] You can just move around with this and you get a full heat buff.
[02:35:41] Might as well keep a bunch of brooms on ya.
[02:35:53] Okay, we got new fucking shoes too.
[02:35:56] Low insulation versus Pog. Never mind.
[02:35:59] It's low insulation to low insulation.
[02:36:03] I don't think it lights zombies on fire. Alright, what do we have here?
[02:36:13] Come on. Come on. Nope.
[02:36:19] Oh! A flag!
[02:36:23] What am I doing with this?
[02:36:25] Rags?
[02:36:28] That's kinda random. Why are there flags you can loot?
[02:36:36] So far everybody I've encountered is just like, clearly not doing very well, struggling to survive.
[02:36:44] But it's also a shore spawn, and shore spawn is like early game shit.
[02:36:49] Dry sack?
[02:36:50] Nah, we don't need that. We don't need that.
[02:36:52] Oh yeah, you can make arm bands. I forgot you could do that. Car battery. Truck battery.
[02:36:57] I don't need that. I'm not building a car. Okay, let's keep moving.
[02:37:05] Honestly, I missed that server I used to play on on that one map. It was like, honestly,
[02:37:10] it was a popular ass server. It was the perfect amount modded and such a good map.
[02:37:17] The one I said I was gonna retire on day one, whatever that map was, that was such a
[02:37:23] Like that flow of Daisy was perfect.
[02:37:27] But then the server died, Essaker.
[02:37:31] Perfect amount of PvP to finding gear where you felt like you were actually getting stronger
[02:37:36] and just being a good all around.
[02:37:43] But yeah, the server died.
[02:37:47] That was fucking beautiful.
[02:37:48] Whoa, a shovel!
[02:37:50] I can dig, but I think the broom is worth holding on to.
[02:38:01] Witchfork is the best weapon hands down.
[02:38:04] I don't know how long this broom lasts, but it's a heat buff and I can attack zombies
[02:38:19] with it I think.
[02:38:26] Insane hit feedback.
[02:38:30] Insane.
[02:38:33] I honestly think this is doing nothing.
[02:38:35] Oh wow, okay there we go.
[02:38:39] Hard hat.
[02:38:47] Crazy combat.
[02:38:48] Yeah, I know these buildings are the biggest lies in Daisy.
[02:38:54] There's never been a loot spot in this building.
[02:38:57] Biggest fucking line.
[02:38:58] It's just like a big square of nothing.
[02:39:01] Oh, that was badly damaged.
[02:39:12] These usually have something.
[02:39:15] And usually you gotta go all the way around.
[02:39:19] Day one is still alive.
[02:39:20] They have 66 players.
[02:39:24] There's a bunch of day one servers.
[02:39:25] The one I used to play on died.
[02:39:29] Unless ESEC-R is repopular again, I remember going there and it was just like 30 players.
[02:39:34] Alright, let's see what we have here.
[02:39:41] Oh shit, can I actually jump through this window?
[02:39:47] This is new.
[02:39:50] 30 is good for ESEC-R? Nah.
[02:39:53] There's the old school feel of playing on like a really popular server where there is a queue.
[02:39:59] And the server is just like popular 24-7.
[02:40:04] Men's suit jacket, low insulation.
[02:40:17] Badly damaged. Switch it out. Oh this is now the server is now going night time as
[02:40:24] well but this is illuminating me a decent amount. It's Halloween themed now. That's
[02:40:32] kind of cool that doesn't really incentivize me to go. Hey who's here?
[02:40:39] Bunch of dead zombies. Someone battled here. There's four zombies dead. Someone
[02:40:50] ran through here. There's a hospital here on the right. Didn't they confirm they're
[02:40:57] making you another Daisy? Whatever that means. Oh yeah someone came through here
[02:41:05] and killed a bunch of shit. Whatever that entails. Random ass tent. I'm like a
[02:41:18] lot that doesn't make me super excited. Daisy's all about the experiences.
[02:41:25] Daisy's greatness is session-based.
[02:41:28] You can have really shit sessions and incredible sessions.
[02:41:33] It's super reliant on the server.
[02:41:36] You're on as well.
[02:41:37] Okay, you broke the broom, you piece of shit.
[02:41:47] Battery Pog.
[02:41:53] More like bouldering, ZZZ.
[02:41:57] Good one, man.
[02:41:58] Bitch, I will load up fucking Bejlock and a heartbeat asshole.
[02:42:01] I was joking! Alright!
[02:42:13] Chill, man! Shit!
[02:42:16] You don't gotta go that floor, asshole!
[02:42:18] Yeah, brook!
[02:42:28] Fuck this place too, there's no loot in this building, I refuse!
[02:42:32] C'mon now, buddy!
[02:42:46] C'mon now, buddy!
[02:42:49] Yo, this is nighttime in Daisy, it's perfect!
[02:42:52] If it's pitch dark, fuck off!
[02:42:54] This is the perfect nighttime!
[02:42:57] It doesn't need to be pitch dark.
[02:43:00] You can still see shit.
[02:43:01] Tell me this is it.
[02:43:02] This looks like a winter dark.
[02:43:06] Tell me this is it.
[02:43:09] Missed food lies.
[02:43:13] Pitch dark is not better.
[02:43:15] You're insane.
[02:43:18] Missed something on the shelves.
[02:43:19] I'm not looting this shit either.
[02:43:27] Missed food, bottom shelf.
[02:43:29] If I go back there, I will AOE ban.
[02:43:31] AOE ban.
[02:43:41] Jokes on you, I don't even know
[02:43:43] what shelf you're talking about.
[02:43:44] this shelf? Oh my god. PUSHKA! PUSHKA! Nice. Unbanned.
[02:43:55] Can we mod? Ain't nobody getting modded, alright. That's not how it works.
[02:44:12] Shoot, punt! Yo, probably better than this shit in like, negative degrees. I'm not
[02:44:31] I'm not gonna eat this yet.
[02:44:32] Mm-mm, mm-mm, shit, man.
[02:44:41] Oh, it's ruined.
[02:44:42] Hey, anybody in here?
[02:44:43] Hello?
[02:44:45] I see you've murdered some things.
[02:44:48] Great job.
[02:44:51] Are you still in here?
[02:44:58] Dude left a raincoat.
[02:45:05] Two stab bests ruined.
[02:45:09] Nothing on the roof.
[02:45:13] We demand Bezlok.
[02:45:15] What else am I playing after this?
[02:45:17] Is there anything worthy of playing?
[02:45:23] Hey yo, Friday we're locked in until dawn.
[02:45:25] Saturday, I think until dawn's a one day game.
[02:45:30] Saturday, we're chilling.
[02:45:32] Sunday, we're starting Silent Hill 2.
[02:45:36] Tuesday, Diablo 4 expansion.
[02:45:43] Oh, it's totally getting darker.
[02:45:45] It's totally getting darker.
[02:45:47] Yeah, is this a fireplace?
[02:45:50] Whoa!
[02:45:52] Oh, it's burnt, fuck.
[02:45:54] I wonder if it's still worth cooking a thawing burnt fish and eating it.
[02:46:00] It's still food with a tummy ache.
[02:46:05] It's gonna be a 50-50 sub Sunday because I want to start silent hill early access comes
[02:46:10] out on Sunday.
[02:46:11] It's super fucking random.
[02:46:14] It's so random.
[02:46:16] I'm not looting this.
[02:46:17] Why do I keep going in here?
[02:46:18] So I'm starting on Sunday.
[02:46:20] Yes, they're doing early access for a single player game.
[02:46:25] It's actually kind of fucking weird and I wonder if that's kind of a weird precedent actually
[02:46:32] I think this is the first game that's having an early access
[02:46:35] Whoa, what happened? Oh my god, let me protect you
[02:46:42] I'm gonna protect you. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, you guys friends friendly
[02:46:57] Nice
[02:47:00] The last guy who said it was friendly stabbed me in the face
[02:47:04] Man, I'm not like that. Where from, guys?
[02:47:08] Ah, I'm from here, man. I'm from the town over, dude.
[02:47:12] From the town over.
[02:47:13] Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:47:15] I just woke up and, uh, well, damn. What the hell happened?
[02:47:18] A whole lot of audition.
[02:47:21] A lot of zombies everywhere.
[02:47:27] No food, no drink.
[02:47:29] Nothing?
[02:47:30] Yeah, something to eat maybe.
[02:47:32] Oh, I had something to eat.
[02:47:34] Actually fell asleep. I had an eye. I had food in my hand, but I fell asleep
[02:47:38] Still with me. I can share with you if you can start a fire. Oh
[02:47:44] Yeah, yeah, we can do it. Of course we can do it. I'm gonna sit some fire in a couple minutes, you know
[02:47:50] Nice man. Oh my god ammo for a gun. I will never see it. Yeah. Yeah, you get a gun or something, dude
[02:48:03] Yeah
[02:48:05] I got it.
[02:48:05] Can we use it?
[02:48:07] Sure, man.
[02:48:07] Here, you can, uh...
[02:48:09] I really appreciate it.
[02:48:10] Here you go, man.
[02:48:11] Here you go.
[02:48:12] There you go.
[02:48:12] Look at that.
[02:48:13] Right there.
[02:48:13] Boom.
[02:48:14] Thank you, my friend.
[02:48:16] Sure, man.
[02:48:17] What are you going to use those bullets on?
[02:48:19] Uh, that's not...
[02:48:22] Oh, it's not the right one?
[02:48:23] Oh, okay.
[02:48:25] Yeah.
[02:48:26] Oh, shit.
[02:48:27] Do you have, maybe, a hook?
[02:48:29] A hook?
[02:48:30] Or a fish rock?
[02:48:31] Or a fish?
[02:48:31] Uh, I don't know.
[02:48:33] No.
[02:48:35] Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
[02:48:36] Okay, let's go make some fire then. Oh
[02:48:41] Shit, oh wait a minute. I
[02:48:43] Thought that was some good shit. I could kill him. I just don't know where to start and I feel bad
[02:48:53] Fuck man. I said I was just gonna murder everybody
[02:48:58] Why am I like this? The bigger bitch?
[02:49:17] All right, fine, dude fine. Okay, you motherfucker. You want to see bro?
[02:49:23] You wanna fucking see, dude?
[02:49:27] Yo, bro!
[02:49:32] Where you at, man?
[02:49:33] Oh, shit.
[02:49:41] I got a medical thermometer.
[02:49:49] Are those pants?
[02:49:53] Suit jacket.
[02:49:56] Hiking pants.
[02:49:57] He fucking dipped.
[02:50:01] He knew something was up.
[02:50:02] Don't kill him.
[02:50:06] Nope, I'm gonna do it, dude.
[02:50:08] I'm gonna do it.
[02:50:11] I'm not living with it.
[02:50:12] You guys are.
[02:50:13] We have a lot of bandages
[02:50:15] No insulation
[02:50:22] That other guy left he knew what was going on. Let's make a fire
[02:50:27] Oh, yeah, I'm really hungry. I have hunger on the red. Oh, okay. Do you have food? I?
[02:50:36] Don't have really food on me. Can you share something? Oh, no
[02:50:41] I'm really really hungry man
[02:50:44] All right, let's start a fire
[02:50:46] I have everything we can start off can we do indoor fire indoor fire ah yeah we
[02:50:55] can go in this house in front of me and there is gonna be some okay for nice or
[02:51:01] something I have on me everything I think what the logo oh yeah look at this
[02:51:13] man what do we have man what do we have oh shit dude we're gonna be eating good
[02:51:28] man oh fucking shit what I do oh no what happened don't do it bro
[02:51:44] sash cat you're gonna hit me with a sash cat you say something yeah what's
[02:51:57] Yeah, actually, I don't really know how to make it.
[02:52:04] Oh no, it's all good bro.
[02:52:06] It's all good, I got it, I got it.
[02:52:08] Yeah, thank you man, I appreciate that.
[02:52:11] This is what you do, you gotta put the sticks in, the bark in, and then you gotta do a 360.
[02:52:21] Oh nice, nice, we're in the city.
[02:52:24] And then, shabloon, beep bop, date eight, let there be light.
[02:52:31] Ah, yeah, nice, nice.
[02:52:36] Insane, right? Insane.
[02:52:39] Yeah, true.
[02:52:42] I don't have fucking...
[02:52:47] What the fuck is this? Where the hell do you do this? How do I cook?
[02:52:51] How the hell do I cook? Oh, yeah, we need sticks though. This is gonna go out. We need sticks. We need sticks
[02:52:55] Oh God
[02:52:57] Hurry go get sticks man. Hurry
[02:52:59] Hurry the fire hurry
[02:53:02] It's going out to you hurry man
[02:53:05] We're not gonna be able to eat
[02:53:07] You know what fuck the stick man?
[02:53:10] Look at these
[02:53:13] Well, how the fuck do I do this?
[02:53:17] vicinity doesn't do shit cooking a tripod my ass
[02:53:21] Am I doing this right I can't put it at the top brah you just have to keep it in vicinity
[02:53:35] Before I was able to put it there. Oh nice dude nice good shit. Yeah, that's good. Good shit, man
[02:53:43] Put it in hands first. Oh
[02:53:47] Good call bro nice
[02:53:49] Yeah, that's all I have by the way, you know, I don't have like a whole market on me
[02:53:53] I've literally had one pouch
[02:53:55] You know how to make the know how to make wooden hook maybe for fish. Um, I I'm not sure
[02:54:02] Maybe you need a stick and like a knife
[02:54:08] Maybe maybe yeah
[02:54:11] I'm not sure. Oh wait, you need bones and I know where to get bones. Yeah
[02:54:22] Yeah, but it's close by you can make a wooden one
[02:54:25] Yeah, but I think you need bones to make the wooden hook and I know there's bones near pie
[02:54:35] Bones nearby. Oh
[02:54:39] Looks like this is almost done. Oh, yeah, it's almost done that
[02:54:49] Why can't wait to eat one bite of that is we have to split it
[02:54:55] Yeah, I think
[02:54:58] You're gonna be half. Are you are you dying? Are you so hungry? You're dying now
[02:55:09] Bandaiists, I'm hungry, bro.
[02:55:14] It's all good, bro. It's all good, man.
[02:55:22] Alright, we're gonna survive this. Okay.
[02:55:25] Alright, you and me, man. Alright, we're bonded now.
[02:55:28] Okay, we're friends. Alright.
[02:55:31] This Pajka is gonna bind us.
[02:55:34] Alright, I'm not gonna throw away the wrapper.
[02:55:36] Alright, I'm gonna put it in my bag.
[02:55:38] Alright, it's a symbol of a bond.
[02:55:42] So the thing is, my case is only one.
[02:55:46] I need food.
[02:55:48] Don't do this, man. Don't do this. Put it down.
[02:55:50] You're not that type of person. You're not.
[02:55:53] And I know you don't have any fucking ammo.
[02:55:55] I saw you trying to load the goddamn gun and you had no fucking ammo, bro.
[02:55:58] Okay, I will stab you. I will stab you.
[02:56:01] Put it down, put it down.
[02:56:03] What are you gonna shoot at? Nothing's coming out of there.
[02:56:05] Nothing's coming out of there, bro.
[02:56:07] Okay. Wow.
[02:56:09] I was friendly man. That's fucking bullshit, dude
[02:56:46] Welcome to the easy puzzle all my easy
[02:56:50] Okay, man. I gotta take a piss right the hell. Why can't I hear anything? Oh, this is a weird soundtrack?
[03:00:43] Like randomly just like cuts out now. This isn't it. Oh, here we go. This was the soundtrack I was looking for
[03:01:15] Oh, this is what the nighttime looks like. Oh
[03:01:26] Oh shit. Oh Daisy night time is actually not that bad.
[03:01:33] Daisy has in-game ambiance. Gonna come with the update or something. I don't
[03:01:41] remember it being any good. I'll say I forgot like Daisy's vanilla experience is
[03:01:46] so fucking hardcore because there's just like you're literally walking around
[03:01:50] picking up the worst shit ever to survive. It's just like an accumulation
[03:01:55] of the big like garbage ass loot with the hope of finding something still
[03:02:02] garbage but less less garbage yeah I have to go inland but like I also need to
[03:02:10] get to the point of being well fed enough to go inland and even that's a
[03:02:16] struggle I will go inland but if I just go inland like this I will die because
[03:02:26] Because I need an initial buff of heat and food.
[03:02:31] Okay, now everybody's fucking dying.
[03:02:34] That guy just made me realize this community, they're all fucking lost.
[03:02:38] I just realized all the people playing this play Daisy, so they've all been, you know,
[03:02:46] they've all been through the ringer, they're all murderers, they're all killers, I was
[03:03:03] at my fault.
[03:03:04] I put the axe away dude.
[03:03:05] I put the axe away, and he shot.
[03:03:09] It was, I took it out of my hands.
[03:03:10] He saw it.
[03:03:16] He fucking saw it.
[03:03:18] I shared my goddamn fucking pudding with him as well.
[03:03:26] You were planning it all along.
[03:03:29] Ah, okay.
[03:03:32] Come on, Dad, you're asking for it.
[03:03:44] Daisy, I swear to God, if you're doing like,
[03:03:46] hey, we're trying to make it more realistic
[03:03:48] so the server now stays fucking dark
[03:03:50] for 12 hours real time, I'm all the foreign.
[03:03:54] I swear to God, I will ult if or so fast.
[03:04:07] I don't know where the fuck I'm going.
[03:04:09] Let's go this way.
[03:04:15] You won't even realize you sunk 20 hours.
[03:04:24] Better than the blind night servers.
[03:04:27] Oh yeah, for sure.
[03:04:28] Blind night servers is just like, okay.
[03:04:34] One shot in the distance.
[03:04:37] Dude, I wanna go inland so bad.
[03:04:40] If I find a broom and light it on fire,
[03:04:42] I will go inland because I'll have a heat pump
[03:04:44] and then maybe I'll find food in the inland towns.
[03:04:48] Fine, that's what I'll do.
[03:04:50] Let me light a broom
[03:04:51] and then I don't have to worry about cold weather.
[03:04:55] I can literally travel and go in.
[03:04:59] Let me do it.
[03:05:01] Mystic gun lies.
[03:05:05] Double shovel.
[03:05:06] I can now dual wield a shovel, shovels.
[03:05:10] I'm a warrior and an MMO now.
[03:05:16] Eddie Bear.
[03:05:21] I have an idea, I have an idea.
[03:05:23] I know how to stunlock people.
[03:05:27] I know how.
[03:05:29] I know how this game works, it's clunky.
[03:05:31] So I'm gonna give them the teddy bear
[03:05:34] and it occupies their hands.
[03:05:36] So they have to put the teddy bear away, then kill me.
[03:05:40] Okay, so I'm gonna give it to them
[03:05:42] and then I can get the initial hit off
[03:05:45] during a melee fight.
[03:05:47] Strats.
[03:05:48] Damn, I thought the teddy bear was two-handed. It's one-handed.
[03:05:52] No one will know this. They won't.
[03:05:59] Everyone's got- clearly has a gesture.
[03:06:03] Oh shit!
[03:06:05] Oh damn yo, shovel is awesome.
[03:06:10] Oh my god, a fishing hook.
[03:06:14] So I need 14 rags to make a rope to make a fishing rod.
[03:06:18] And I could technically get fish now.
[03:06:22] I don't know if a fishing- oh my god, we're eating good.
[03:06:25] Holy, and I got the matches. Best run. This is the run. Whoever kills me, you're gonna...
[03:06:36] This is insane, loot. Frozen Bipsy! Frozen Bipsy! Nothing like a nice, cold Bipsy!
[03:07:00] 12 rags or just rope? Every shirt is 2 to 6 rags. Alright, here we go.
[03:07:17] Okay, um, I have room.
[03:07:20] I don't.
[03:07:21] It's five slots.
[03:07:22] Shit.
[03:07:23] Is that a house over there?
[03:07:25] It is.
[03:07:26] Alright, we're going outskirt houses, looking for a broom.
[03:07:31] You really did miss a gun.
[03:07:32] Oh shit.
[03:07:33] You can make gloves for a color action to be safe.
[03:07:35] It's a handle raw meat.
[03:07:38] When am I handling raw meat?
[03:07:40] When am I doing that?
[03:07:46] Unless it's for hunting.
[03:07:49] When I need to uh, butcher.
[03:07:59] What do you mean right now?
[03:08:01] What do you mean?
[03:08:10] Oh shit, we gotta hatch it.
[03:08:19] Are you serious? You made me bleed.
[03:08:29] You're fucking kidding.
[03:08:31] How does a zombie make me bleed twice?
[03:08:34] Holy shit, dude.
[03:08:44] It wasn't letting me melee with the short stick, so I have to put it down first and then get the shovel out.
[03:08:58] Whatever, I don't need sticks anyways.
[03:09:00] Another teddy bear we already got one
[03:09:06] Damn damn damn. I thought that was water. It's just like
[03:09:14] Rock these zombies are really good at catching me while I'm switching items
[03:09:21] Three hits. All right, we need a broom
[03:09:38] You know, I should have taken the hatchet too late. I'm not going back. I'm lazy
[03:09:43] If I don't scan and loot a house initially and grab everything I fuck that shit
[03:09:50] Yeah, it's like so far and it's like I already forgot which house it was in is that a guy right there? Oh
[03:10:00] It's a zombie
[03:10:10] Make a torch. I'm pretty sure I need alcohol. I have matches so a rag and a stick
[03:10:15] What if I do that? What if I yolo?
[03:10:22] rag
[03:10:24] Do I need alcohol?
[03:10:27] Oops, um actually I need my shirt for transportation. So
[03:10:33] Nice for matches. Let me first get a different tree
[03:10:37] Let me see if I can get something good.
[03:10:39] Get another shirt.
[03:10:45] A steak knife can cut rags too. I just need another shirt.
[03:10:51] Oh, I'm in this town.
[03:10:57] Right here. All right, seems like three hits for sure does it.
[03:11:14] All right, let's switch everything here.
[03:11:19] Off the glow stick.
[03:11:24] Go like that. Go here. Get some rags.
[03:11:28] And then we're gonna get a long stick.
[03:11:35] Actually, you probably need a short stick, right?
[03:11:39] Trapped arm wraps?
[03:11:45] Why not a torch?
[03:11:50] I'll find gloves, fuck the arm wraps.
[03:11:54] So this and a rag and then a match, and then we should be good.
[03:12:05] Did the zombie have a hat on him?
[03:12:10] Oh, shit he did.
[03:12:19] Okay, rags, stick, combine, torch.
[03:12:25] And we are going inland and praying I find something of value.
[03:12:31] Alright, match. Come on, ignite. Alright, let's move.
[03:12:51] I'm going inland, yellow. I did not drop the hat, it's literally on my head.
[03:12:58] Alright, fuck it, let's move! I feel slow right now. Weird.
[03:13:18] That torch last 60 seconds, IRL. Good thing we're in a video game.
[03:13:27] This path must lead to something. Why is this here?
[03:13:32] It's gotta be a reason.
[03:13:39] Oh my god.
[03:13:46] Wait, water!
[03:13:49] Tell me it's fresh.
[03:13:50] Uh, is this like mountain water?
[03:13:53] Maybe it's fresh.
[03:13:58] Or I'm gonna get a parasite.
[03:14:04] I'm scared.
[03:14:05] Why is the animation so weird?
[03:14:13] It like doesn't fill the bar.
[03:14:16] She like cuts out.
[03:14:18] I think this is supposed to fill with water,
[03:14:20] and it's not full.
[03:14:23] So it's not giving me water.
[03:14:25] I am holding, buddy.
[03:14:37] Oh, maybe it's because I had the torch in my hand.
[03:14:47] Okay, I don't want to drink too much because it's weird in this game.
[03:14:52] This game's like playing someone who's extremely immune to efficient.
[03:14:56] If you do- if you fuck up one thing, they're dying.
[03:15:01] Or something.
[03:15:02] That's what it feels like.
[03:15:03] If I drink too much water, he's gonna have a stomach ache, or fuck!
[03:15:06] there's a stomach icon you can drink till you get the stomach symbol too late
[03:15:23] we're going hopefully those three bars keep us going till the next water source
[03:15:28] if I die from dehydration it's a lesson you can eat snow as well okay so the
[03:16:01] broom it gives you a temperature buff but the torch doesn't give you a
[03:16:08] temperature buff. Yikes. Now I could make a campfire real quick and then put the
[03:16:17] Pepsi down as well. Hopefully the steak knife doesn't break. I wonder what the
[03:16:36] Inlands are like actually on this map. Uh oh. Oh shit. Oh shit. Okay. Maybe we'll
[03:17:03] come across a nice building. I'm pretty sure Pepsi restores a decent amount of
[03:17:11] HP or
[03:17:13] Food but like not a lot. Yeah, we're fucking dead
[03:17:24] Unless there's something around here. Oh
[03:17:27] My god, maybe I can make it there. That looks like a place with a lot of food. Okay. Let me get bark
[03:18:01] Maybe I just make a fire real quick
[03:18:03] You can eat snow, but I'm not sure if that will save you. I'm pretty sure you have to boil it
[03:18:24] I am not dead. I was really hoping
[03:18:43] To not have to shit man, where did I put that fucking stick? I just like threw it
[03:18:51] And it went in the ground
[03:18:54] Whatever, I'll just get another one. Come on. Give me a small tree bra. Give me a small tree
[03:19:08] Yeah, can I use firewood and bark to make a oh wait?
[03:19:12] What do you mean town full of loot? Did you just show up? We've been fucking scavenging empty shit towns for the past two hours
[03:19:27] What are you talking about?
[03:19:44] Literally looted a whole town and there was jack shit, so now I'm going up north
[03:19:50] Why can't I place it here? What the fuck is this? I just put it on the ground
[03:20:11] Is that a thing?
[03:20:14] Yes
[03:20:42] Time to eat another survivor
[03:20:58] Yeah, I'm thinkin' about it.
[03:21:01] Alright, let's go one more time here and then realize Lull and move on.
[03:21:35] Have I been here? I'm not sure.
[03:21:37] Maybe Starfield? DLC? Isn't that bad?
[03:21:47] Hey, I said I'd be in the stream. I actually enjoyed going back to that game.
[03:21:50] It was way better than I remember.
[03:21:52] Wait, is someone in here? The chimney's going.
[03:21:59] Oh my god! I thought I lost my house! It's still here!
[03:22:09] Oh my god in the fire I let hey come in come in what who are you this is my house man
[03:22:19] this seems to be the last owner I this is my house you know what this guy was
[03:22:31] he claimed he was the owner that looks like a zombie I just checked all the way
[03:22:37] here to see if the the you know this was infected infested but it looks like
[03:22:44] My house is still intact. Oh God. See look
[03:22:47] This is my blood stain
[03:22:49] It's all good. Don't matter. What's your name?
[03:22:54] That's mad. It's mad. My name's Dave. What about you? What about you? Oh nice man. My name's Joe dude
[03:23:01] Hodger you got any food so like now that I'm letting you use my stuff in my fireplace
[03:23:05] You have anything, you know, maybe you should
[03:23:08] I only had one can of drink how about one kind of drink. I'd literally spawned outside your hoose
[03:23:14] What if you drink half an eye drink half?
[03:23:16] And then you can live here
[03:23:21] Can I live here? Yeah, let's get warm then. Let's have drink half and half. Oh nice, man
[03:23:30] All right, so bro. Chosha. So that was more than half
[03:23:39] Little bit less
[03:23:41] Let me see here. Let me see. Let me swish it around. Okay
[03:23:55] Beautiful. Oh so good
[03:23:59] Thanks, man. There were some shots around it. Did you hear the shots?
[03:24:03] Yeah, there's some crazy people out there dude
[03:24:06] My neighbor went crazy. He killed them. We all want to explore the map, but I can't get past a certain point
[03:24:14] Same it's tough out there
[03:24:16] Well, I'm gonna go scavenge man. Thanks for the Pepsi. Until next time friend. He left
[03:24:26] He left I
[03:24:28] Don't need him
[03:24:31] Don't leave him. Don't leave me out
[03:24:34] He actually gave me half of it. Wow and then you ran into the forest
[03:24:44] Not pacifist run alright I will murder everybody okay that guy gave me a
[03:24:52] drink. How can I murder him?
[03:24:55] Cipolloski? Cipolloski?
[03:25:03] Alright let's go back to daytime here come on come on.
[03:25:20] Fine the next person I encounter will be murdered alright.
[03:25:26] fine next person I see you know if they're the nicest person ever nope they're
[03:25:37] dead they're fucking dead you know for real this time for real I won't be swayed
[03:25:51] well I guess you guys are just gonna have to see then huh oh my god and oh
[03:26:05] sure how are these low insulation those are amazing and someone tell him he
[03:26:16] needs to kill zombies to get food bro there's not even any fucking zombies
[03:26:21] Here bro, where do you see a zombie even they're dead because there's nothing to eat
[03:26:25] You know the zombies are gone
[03:26:38] It went to the water. I can't go inland just yet inland is death. I
[03:26:51] Need heat in order to go inland
[03:26:57] my friend
[03:26:59] The way this game is designed is you need to prep yourself
[03:27:04] Here and then trek when you have good supplies up north. You don't just spawn and go north
[03:27:12] I could be a rock, but I don't think you can really do that like sure
[03:27:16] I guess you could go north and use the steak knife to keep making campfires and tell you eventually
[03:27:24] Find food, but I don't think you can do that. I think you're gonna die before you see anything
[03:27:39] Once I once I get food water and the heat buff then I can go north
[03:27:44] If I find a broom I will go north because then I can have the heat buff while running. Oh my god another fireplace
[03:27:56] Let's see what we got here.
[03:28:25] Budanoka.
[03:28:26] Oh, shit, man.
[03:28:28] Wait, this flare gun has a...
[03:28:32] Can you kill people with this?
[03:28:36] I wonder if you can kill people with that.
[03:28:47] Eye insulation.
[03:28:51] Very nice.
[03:28:52] Test it.
[03:28:57] Yeah, I might...
[03:28:58] Oh, shit.
[03:28:59] Oh my god.
[03:29:00] Oh my god.
[03:29:01] Holy shit.
[03:29:02] Finally, the army is here.
[03:29:04] Help!
[03:29:08] I'm here!
[03:29:09] I've been waiting for rescue!
[03:29:10] Oh, must have been the wind.
[03:29:16] Must be hallucinating, because I haven't eaten in days.
[03:29:19] Thought I saw somebody.
[03:29:21] Give me something, bruh!
[03:29:48] Bleh!
[03:29:53] I already have a hat. I already have an insane hat.
[03:29:57] I would wear both of them, because it's cold as shit, but you can't.
[03:30:03] I would double hat that shit for sure.
[03:30:11] Oh, shit.
[03:30:14] Oh, shit.
[03:30:15] Oh, shit!
[03:30:17] What's your name, man?
[03:30:37] Hey, Smam, are you a robot? Oh, fuck, I thought I saw you earlier.
[03:30:47] Oh, no, did he hit his head? It's fine. Oh, wow, you look very, you look very
[03:31:00] Can you repeat, can you repeat that?
[03:31:07] You want me to repeat after you?
[03:31:12] Can you repeat this little bit?
[03:31:21] You're not going to kill me now right?
[03:31:25] No, no.
[03:31:26] Oh my god, it's gotten worse, the storm!
[03:31:32] Sha, I could fucking kill them right now, okay?
[03:31:34] I could whip out the fire broom and start fucking in.
[03:31:38] be one Kenobi-ing, okay? And then proceed to get shot by her. I need matches, though, to
[03:31:53] light the broom. Is this just a visual changer? Is it actually getting... Oh my god, dude.
[03:32:02] Who are you, dude? Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out. Oh, she
[03:32:05] had the Pepsi? They're gonna come, they're gonna come for us. Oh no, oh no. Oh no.
[03:32:15] Oh wait, do I sound like a robot?
[03:32:20] Yeah, like I'm really sketchy.
[03:32:23] Bro, why is it only Daisy that has this shit ass audio problem?
[03:32:29] On every fucking computer bro!
[03:32:33] Every fucking computer. Where's my audio dude?
[03:32:42] What the hell is half this shit?
[03:32:44] Windows G should have my audio.
[03:32:53] DIRST! DIRST!
[03:32:57] DIRST!
[03:32:58] DIRST!
[03:33:00] DIRST!
[03:33:01] Hey yo, how about now, bro?
[03:33:03] Bro, hello?
[03:33:07] Hello?
[03:33:09] Dude?
[03:33:10] He's dead.
[03:33:14] He's dead, he's gone.
[03:33:16] Oh my god.
[03:33:17] Oh my- Oh my god, dude, I can kill him.
[03:33:21] Oh, I can't hide the pistol.
[03:33:23] This gun sucks ass, though.
[03:33:25] Oh, shit, blood.
[03:33:28] You wink?
[03:33:30] This gun heals more than hurts.
[03:33:34] That's the only thing.
[03:33:36] Dude, I don't know about this.
[03:33:54] I don't know about this.
[03:33:56] I don't know, man.
[03:33:57] I'm scared.
[03:34:01] Yikes.
[03:34:07] All right.
[03:34:10] Oh, is that somebody?
[03:34:13] All right, do we risk it for the biscuit and try to shoot them?
[03:34:23] You can't kill him.
[03:34:27] Yeah, I don't think I can kill him.
[03:34:34] What if I knock him out?
[03:34:37] He's drinking water.
[03:34:38] This is an opportunity.
[03:34:39] I'm gonna fuck this up.
[03:35:01] I shot the wrong one.
[03:35:04] I shot the wrong one.
[03:35:05] Oh fuck it's a dead end!
[03:35:09] Drop the gun.
[03:35:10] There was no ammo in it bro, I don't need it.
[03:35:22] I'll go back for the gun eventually.
[03:35:31] Dude was drinking water, I shot him in the back.
[03:35:34] You know what, I think he got knocked out and he's probably awake again.
[03:35:40] You know that this gun just fucking knocks people out.
[03:35:43] Yeah he's probably still alive.
[03:35:46] Yeah, that gun sucks.
[03:35:48] Balls.
[03:36:00] Act like someone shooting? True.
[03:36:13] But knowing they just got shot at, they're probably gonna shoot before a talk.
[03:36:18] So if they see me, they'll shoot me just to scavenge shit, cause they got shot at.
[03:36:24] Nah, I don't think they're gonna, they're not gonna be abated.
[03:36:27] If I show up, they will definitely shoot.
[03:36:31] I'm a holster.
[03:36:44] Ay, ay, ay. I'll go back and see what's up.
[03:36:57] Maybe they won't... maybe they're back at the water area.
[03:37:15] Damn, this blizzard gets horrible after a while.
[03:37:19] I think it was right here. They must have left the area.
[03:37:29] I'm going, I'm going back to the dude.
[03:37:36] Trying to find where the water was.
[03:37:45] I could see him from a window. It was like right around here.
[03:37:50] Oh, is it here?
[03:38:00] How the fuck did I pass the trail?
[03:38:27] Yeah, it was not like right here and I saw them.
[03:38:29] The fuck?
[03:38:30] I was in one of these houses and I saw them drinking. I thought it was at this angle
[03:38:37] Unless it was this house. I think it was this house. Oh, yeah, I think it was this house
[03:38:48] I swear to God it was this house and I saw it through the window and this path leads to it. Oh, it is
[03:39:00] Oh, it's covered
[03:39:03] Yeah, he did get knocked out
[03:39:05] Bro, it's not memory loss when this shit looks fucking identical.
[03:39:19] Alright, you guys said I can drink till the stomach sign shows up.
[03:39:41] Man, you can drink a shit ton.
[03:40:05] I don't believe you guys.
[03:40:06] I drank it up.
[03:40:07] Nah, that was a shit ton of water.
[03:40:13] No more.
[03:40:16] Question mark all you want and it ain't happening.
[03:40:20] I'm gonna kill these zombies and hope they drop some sardines.
[03:40:23] We got triple squad zombies, really?
[03:40:40] Are you fucking kidding! Holy shit, man! It went from no zombies to every zombie on
[03:40:50] the server lives here. Okay, one at a time. Am I being able to attack him through the door?
[03:41:07] I'm dead. I'm so dead. Oh shit. Yep, I'm dead. Okay. Okay. Okay. Sure, dude. I thought I could
[03:41:59] I guess not. I have made... I made slight progress in the game.
[03:42:15] Slight progress. All right, take 10. Finally daytime.
[03:42:59] Bro, there's no point in going inland. There's no point. Not yet.
[03:43:07] I'm gonna go loot these houses. If I find a broom in matches, I'm flying up north.
[03:43:18] I found the broom, but there were no matches.
[03:43:31] Nice.
[03:44:04] Insane.
[03:44:10] Human stakes.
[03:44:11] Stab best.
[03:44:19] Ruined.
[03:44:31] Some shit pants.
[03:44:32] Another guy.
[03:44:33] Leave him outside.
[03:44:39] Now they never shut the door.
[03:44:42] Ooh, badly damaged.
[03:44:44] Nice.
[03:44:48] Not complete trash.
[03:44:49] Oh shit.
[03:45:02] Oh damn, worn.
[03:45:03] Or what else?
[03:45:05] Oh shit.
[03:45:06] Ballistic.
[03:45:07] That's the best best.
[03:45:08] Pistol suppressor.
[03:45:09] And gloves.
[03:45:18] Already better loot than like the other ones.
[03:45:20] That's the best best.
[03:45:32] Pistol suppressor.
[03:45:36] And gloves.
[03:45:37] Already better loot than like the past three hours.
[03:45:44] I think these are better.
[03:45:51] Actual loot.
[03:45:58] Let's move down here.
[03:45:59] I might just try to kill this guy as well.
[03:46:17] There's no point in taking the stab vest.
[03:46:22] Get aim higher.
[03:46:27] These guys are worth killing.
[03:46:28] Tire repair kit.
[03:46:31] Maybe unhand.
[03:46:34] Every zombie we see seem to be dropping some decent loot advantage real quick. Okay
[03:47:00] Do you have anything? I'm gonna walkie-talkie. Oh, there's something in here
[03:47:22] boxed headlight bulb
[03:47:33] insane insane are those bunch of houses
[03:47:37] I think I'll loot that this big building has no loot probably
[03:47:41] Man that was hit you with that fucking punch in middle animation
[03:48:02] And then they get behind you. What the fuck is this? Come on, man. Give me your backpack. Oh shit
[03:48:26] I had a pepper on him and
[03:48:28] Grandpa had a double bag good shit dude fishing hook. All right. We got some food
[03:48:45] Oh the cars are on the police station have good loot. All right. What's in here pants glow stick
[03:49:12] trash
[03:49:14] T-shirt that I will make into rags real quick
[03:49:17] Are you gonna play whole stream this shitty game? What do you want me to change to?
[03:49:25] What do you want me to play dude? I play new games every day, bro
[03:49:35] One now dude one now. That was a fucking hat. Oh salty sticks
[03:50:01] Wait, these are cold. Oh my god. I can eat them. Wow. This is the best loot I have found since
[03:50:11] This is the best life. This is the best life so far and
[03:50:18] And we got a motherfucking sickle.
[03:50:21] Holy.
[03:50:22] Actually best life.
[03:50:25] I should live here. You get some bushes.
[03:50:31] I have not played Mandragora demo.
[03:50:38] It did look cool enough to play.
[03:50:41] It looked like it was worth playing.
[03:50:44] The style looks sick. Alright, clearly the zombies is where you get a lot of the
[03:50:56] fishing hooks from. Instead of crafting.
[03:50:58] Okay, we got three. I can't light the fire just yet. I need a little- I need bark and shit to get bark.
[03:51:12] Dread dawn today. What the fuck is dread dawn?
[03:51:22] Oh, did this broke- uh, broke finally?
[03:51:24] Are you watching the VP debates? Yes.
[03:51:35] What's in here?
[03:51:50] Heyo, can I use- uh, I forgot. Can I use the hand drill in the fireplace?
[03:52:05] Or in the stove? You can, right? So, I need a stick and bark. I just threw it all in there.
[03:52:15] in there. I'll just get more. I need it anyways. Now I've been using matches and I used a flare.
[03:52:27] Alrighty, I have a short stick here. Okay. Oh shit! No! Don't do it! Stop! Fucking cosmetic!
[03:52:57] Alright, while this thaws, I am going to go look for food. Okay, look, you meant you were
[03:53:17] going to play Unsolved on Remake? What will it be? This Friday I'll be starting the
[03:53:21] playthrough for that, and then I'm going to jump over to Silent Hill 2. The playthrough starts
[03:53:28] on to uh Sunday. We're doing a 50-50 sub Sunday. Um I do need to heat myself but I'm gonna keep
[03:53:39] looking for some loot and then I'll run back and eat and uh heat myself. This is my last life and
[03:53:45] then I'm gonna play something else. Can I cut these? Make more rags. Can I cut these? Combine rags.
[03:53:54] Wait, Daisy's 50 bucks? Really? The chimney. Let me go kill this person. I mean isn't
[03:54:31] hell that loose like 50 bucks? Wait, I got a rope. Can't I fish? I have
[03:54:36] everything to fish. I could go fish now. I have hooks. I have a rope and I need a
[03:54:48] long stick. Yeah, I'm gonna get the buff or I swear if this fucking breaks.
[03:55:05] Aw fuck I need, uh, god damn it I need shit ass worms too, don't I?
[03:55:19] So I need a shovel to dig a hole.
[03:55:22] Unless I can use the hoe.
[03:55:26] I mean, I technically why the fuck can I use the hoe?
[03:55:39] Buff me bro!
[03:55:41] Ah!
[03:55:42] Hot rotten!
[03:55:43] No!
[03:55:44] There goes dinner.
[03:55:48] Need a hook as well.
[03:55:49] There's a hook right here.
[03:55:50] I dammit, you don't need worms?
[03:55:57] Is that true?
[03:56:10] You can still eat it just a little bit at a time, it's rotten.
[03:56:16] It just increases the chance, it slows fuck without it.
[03:56:25] Alright, it's daytime now.
[03:56:28] I have played, uh, Brawlhalla, yes.
[03:56:31] Uh, hold up, I was gonna do something.
[03:56:44] Oh yeah, true.
[03:56:45] Mmm-da-da-da-da.
[03:56:56] Alright, we need two buffs here.
[03:57:00] And then we'll, we'll figure it out, we'll go from there.
[03:57:06] We need two more, two more, chill, chill.
[03:57:08] And then
[03:57:14] Let me see where we go from there. Hold up. I'm just checking something real quick
[03:57:27] All right, so let me go fish. Yeah, these guys drop the fishing hooks like candy. Oh, yeah, you can dig up worms with the hoe
[03:58:01] Of course you can
[03:58:04] Sirepunk is almost five years old and 60 bucks. I would say
[03:58:12] Hey, do they ever discount it?
[03:58:17] Cyberpunk has come a long way.
[03:58:20] It's come a very long way.
[03:58:25] I would say like, the value is there for the game.
[03:58:33] Yeah, and I'm assuming it's on sale a lot, so.
[03:58:37] No way, it's always 60.
[03:58:39] There's gotta be times where it goes on sale.
[03:58:42] Which are three 50 bucks?
[03:58:58] I'm trying to go fishing.
[03:59:00] Please stop.
[03:59:01] Oh fuck, did you aggro me? You piece of shit.
[03:59:05] That looked like they did. Oh my god, he had s- oh my god dude.
[03:59:11] Killing zombies is the way. With the amount of shit you get, it's crazy.
[03:59:23] Zombies got all the loot.
[03:59:26] More loot on by the zombies than
[03:59:30] the buildings. Oh yeah, true, you wanna aim higher. I forgot that guy said you wanna
[03:59:44] aim for the head.
[03:59:45] I just saw it's a two-hit instead.
[03:59:52] Bro, hurry the fuck up!
[04:00:02] Who the fuck is that?
[04:00:08] Hello there!
[04:00:13] We are barely no problem.
[04:00:14] What's that dude?
[04:00:15] Ah, no English, English no.
[04:00:18] No!
[04:00:19] English too.
[04:00:20] Oh boy, he's so astringing, man.
[04:00:23] Oh my fuck.
[04:00:24] English too.
[04:00:25] Oh boy, he's so astringing.
[04:00:26] Fucking goddamn.
[04:00:30] Bro, hold on.
[04:00:31] This is either going to break everything or fix itself.
[04:00:39] What are the other?
[04:00:41] Uh, fuck, how do I disable the shit-ass device?
[04:00:46] I don't fucking see it.
[04:00:49] GG.
[04:00:52] I don't know...
[04:00:53] So fucking annoying.
[04:00:57] Uh, hold on, no English?
[04:00:59] I'm so fucking dead.
[04:01:02] Uh, I might need to do it in Device Manager.
[04:01:07] Kevin, Diego.
[04:01:08] Um...
[04:01:08] Número del padre del hijo del espíritu santi amén.
[04:01:11] I can see you, bye.
[04:01:12] Thank you
[04:01:14] What you're welcome?
[04:01:16] You are blessed. Thank you, man. Thank you. It's a beautiful wallet. Good. Bye. Good. Bye. I
[04:01:23] Don't know what he said
[04:01:25] All sound devices more sound settings. Oh, here we go
[04:01:30] This
[04:01:34] Hey, yo, how about now? Hello?
[04:01:40] You guys hear me?
[04:01:44] They left
[04:01:47] All right, we're gonna go fishing the sea now. I may have fixed it
[04:01:55] Last time you fixed it with a PC restart and now bro
[04:02:02] This is a new PC never played daisy on this and I saw the issue which makes me think it's a go XLR combo with the microphone
[04:02:09] I have
[04:02:11] Halloween merch drop. I was thinking of maybe doing a merch drop for the fall or sweatshirt
[04:02:18] I was thinking about it. I could if there's enough interest. I just haven't done merch in a bit. I
[04:02:30] I could see if there's a nice design that one of my artists have and we could do it up
[04:02:37] No, I would just do like like a sweatshirt or something
[04:02:41] All right, here we go start fishing as long as I don't get stabbed in the back. We should have this here
[04:02:47] We go. I have no idea how this works
[04:02:52] They don't even show you the fucking line
[04:02:55] Yank release
[04:02:57] Okay, so I just yank when it
[04:02:59] There's resistance. Like right there I just I let go. I should just get a bunch of fish
[04:03:29] and trade with people until I have enough gear to go north. I said I'll give them
[04:03:34] fish for like their jacket unless they decide to kill me which they may.
[04:03:39] Because not many people have a fishing rod and it seems like you get them
[04:03:47] pretty fast. Oh I never put more bait on this. Let's see how much longer it is
[04:03:56] without any bait they're gonna take my rod and my fish yeah what if I make a fire
[04:04:21] behind me and I just have a bunch of fish and people can come here and grab
[04:04:26] some fish and I have a fire going so they can see the fire in the distance
[04:04:32] and then they can help themselves to fish and then go inland you know what
[04:04:36] let's do it you have one fish buddy I have a hoe too so I can just keep
[04:04:45] digging up worms. Did I use my hand drill? I did, didn't I? One fish and one opportunity.
[04:05:05] I hear someone to do the digging. A hoe on five. I still have two more fish.
[04:05:19] Yeah, it's worth having a hook. Fuck, where did I just drop that bush? God damn it man. I just
[04:05:28] dropped a bush and I lost the sticks for it. Whatever. Longest sticking! Why would someone kill
[04:05:47] you for the fishing rod because I'm giving him food. Look we'll have a fire going right here.
[04:05:59] I'll be like a, I'm like an NPC dude. I don't know if this gets wet. I don't think it does.
[04:06:11] I need wood and bark though. I just use, I need sticks. Let's make a hand drill kit.
[04:06:19] One more stick. Actually no, I did a shit ton of sticks.
[04:06:23] Make the hand drill kit and then feed the fire. Who plays Daisy in 2024? Hey,
[04:06:34] Surprisingly, there's like 50,000 people playing dude. They'll kill you for the press fest. You know what? I tried to be nice
[04:06:44] Okay, I
[04:06:46] Gave these people ample. I gave them food. I don't even think anyone will show up. So it's okay
[04:06:58] All right, let's see what we have here
[04:07:12] is
[04:07:20] Super subtle the hand drill kit. Did I just fucking make it? Oh wait, okay. I thought I dropped it
[04:07:32] Yeah, what if we slowly make a village here, and now I can keep, uh, hoeing the ground for fish?
[04:07:41] Can I just set my fish on top of the fireplace, or do I put it in the vicinity? How does this work? Anyone know?
[04:07:49] Can I make a, uh, uh, can I make a, uh, tripod with three sticks?
[04:07:56] Or do I just put it in the vicinity? Will that cook it? Oh wait, you have to cut the fish? Of course, really?
[04:08:04] Gutt and bearer.
[04:08:06] I thought I was gonna eat that shit like castaway style.
[04:08:17] Fillet fillet.
[04:08:18] Can I just like set a stick down near a fire and have it cook?
[04:08:22] I have to sit there and cook it myself.
[04:08:30] Oh shit, what am I making right now, whoops.
[04:09:07] Okay, what if, okay, yo, if the fish doesn't go bad, what if I just have a stick- God
[04:09:13] fucking dammit.
[04:09:14] I keep thinking the thing you make goes automatically into your inventory.
[04:09:20] That's why I keep running away. I assume it goes in my inventory.
[04:09:23] Holy shit.
[04:09:25] Okay, so I will eat this one first.
[04:09:29] Can I put two on it?
[04:09:31] No, you can only do one at a time.
[04:09:33] Hopefully I get some hydration from the fish,
[04:09:39] because water will be an issue.
[04:09:45] Hey, yeah, before I do this, hold up.
[04:09:47] I'm trying to make it so I can remove the UI.
[04:09:49] I thought there was a way to hit tilde to remove that middle part, no?
[04:10:06] Oh, there we go.
[04:10:10] It'd be nice if there is a UI method that keeps the middle reticle and all the crafting shit, but removes everything else.
[04:10:21] I don't know if that's a way to craft. I don't know if that's a way to do it. I guess that's the best you can do right there.
[04:10:45] Looks like we're gonna be eating it.
[04:10:49] Yeah, it'd be sick if I could, like, stick the sticks in the ground with fish on them.
[04:10:58] It changes color when cooked and makes a noise.
[04:11:01] Mmm. Turn on foliage AA.
[04:11:04] They have good in-game music now. That sounded like a gunshot.
[04:11:16] Okay, does that mean it's done? Hot baked. Oh, yeah, wait, you're right.
[04:11:31] I don't know if this goes bad eventually, but I'm gonna leave this here and whoever shows up can eat.
[04:11:56] I'll keep cooking. I'll keep fishing. Oh!
[04:11:59] Oh, it's hot!
[04:12:03] Whatever, it hurts so bad, but it's so yummy.
[04:12:06] Now...
[04:12:07] Oh, is this- am I killing myself? All right, let that cool in my pocket.
[04:12:21] All right. Yeah, if I can if I can fish from right here game of the year. Oh my god. I can easy
[04:12:32] fish for days
[04:12:53] Come on now
[04:13:04] And even with the
[04:13:10] Worm it still takes a while
[04:13:13] There it is. Is it a hundred percent on the yank?
[04:13:24] Wait, you can fish out. Oh my god. You can fish out gear
[04:13:29] Easy is
[04:13:31] crazy
[04:13:34] worth
[04:13:35] Fuck the village. This is the way
[04:13:38] Very nice very nice, bro. This is how you survive an apocalypse. You don't go inland you stay by this sea
[04:13:52] We can build here
[04:13:54] We can live here
[04:13:56] It doesn't have to always we don't have to run anymore. Oh
[04:14:00] The fishing hook breaks after oh, I know what the fuck
[04:14:05] Wait fishing bait. Oh the fishing hook does break after a while
[04:14:09] So you definitely have to do some zombie killing after like two it breaks
[04:14:15] Yeah, tell me I can fish out an m4. I think it spawns on the ground because he puts it on the ground
[04:14:52] Now the fish is
[04:14:57] Sheesh
[04:14:59] And now look at this. This is an all-enclosed area. I don't even have to move. I turn around. I get some worms. I
[04:15:08] Don't know how you make a wooden hook if I knew how I would do it
[04:15:11] I don't know what you need other than what would you need like a stick and some shit
[04:15:16] All right. Look at that done. Oh that ruined very fast
[04:15:24] Is it literally just a
[04:15:27] Wonder if it's literally just that you just need a knife and a stick and you can make it. Oh, so it's easy
[04:15:38] Selfish to random people. Yeah, that's the plan
[04:15:41] I'm gonna cut it up and give people hot fillets, but I trade them for gear and
[04:15:45] And I have to hope they don't kill me.
[04:15:48] What is this?
[04:15:57] Another Pollock.
[04:16:00] Crazy right now.
[04:16:06] We can stack these and make it so my duffel bag has a bunch of sliced fish.
[04:16:12] Let me catch a bunch and then I go from there.
[04:16:16] Wow, the fishing hook is still alive.
[04:16:18] Oh my god, this fishing hook is tanking these right now.
[04:16:21] What the hell?
[04:16:33] Don't cut with a damaged knife.
[04:16:36] What did we even get?
[04:16:52] Unless this trout whoa steelhead trout. Oh shit. I thought I had that. Oh, yeah, this fishing hook is literally tanking
[04:17:00] It hasn't broken yet
[04:17:03] That's crazy
[04:17:04] It's a big one right there finally surviving
[04:17:11] That would be cool if they made it so you can sharp resharpen your hooks to fix them instead of need it
[04:17:23] Need instead of them breaking fires low on fuel or fish
[04:17:44] Yeah, we're catching this shit like crazy.
[04:17:49] Alright, my ballistic vest is gonna be smelling bad.
[04:17:53] Let me eat this.
[04:17:56] Uh, is this low?
[04:18:04] Alright, let me, um, a lot of my items are gonna start breaking here.
[04:18:09] Let me get more sticks to feed the fire.
[04:18:12] Can I just throw long sticks into the fire?
[04:18:14] Do I have to break them down into short sticks?
[04:18:16] Let's see here, because then this will be faster if I can just throw a long stick
[04:18:20] in.
[04:18:21] I don't see why I can't. It has to be a short stick.
[04:18:28] It also makes sense that you can't.
[04:18:32] Yeah, maybe putting down firewood would be way easier, right?
[04:18:40] Alright, um, let me see here. Let's do some cuts.
[04:18:44] This knife has ruined my sickles, almost damaged, which is not good.
[04:18:48] Oh, we got a bunch of food. I gotta go butcher mode here.
[04:18:54] So the problem with the in-game music is it cuts in and out.
[04:18:58] It's not bad. It just cuts in and out
[04:19:02] That's the problem with the ambient music
[04:19:05] This is consistent
[04:19:08] Sure, I could get two stone and just make a stone knife for cuts. I could do that
[04:19:16] Okay, so these are three slots
[04:19:21] The question is do I cook it for the player? So I just give him a fresh cooked fish
[04:19:28] That's gonna take a while. That's a lot of labor. It takes a bit
[04:19:37] Yeah, I don't know if it goes like bad sooner rather than later.
[04:19:44] Alright, let's see what we got here. I'm gonna eat that one on the stick right now.
[04:19:57] Yeah, we got a shit ton of food. Red caviar as well. Holy...
[04:20:03] Bro, fancy as shit.
[04:20:06] Look at all that food, bro. I gotta eat now, though. I'm starving.
[04:20:13] It takes a lot out of you.
[04:20:15] If I could cook while I'm fishing, that would be amazing, but I think I need a stove, and I put the fish in the stove.
[04:20:37] You gotta wait for the fish to change colors, that's how we know it's done.
[04:20:50] Yeah, I have to find a cooking pot. Should be finishing up here soon.
[04:21:08] Let him cook! There it is.
[04:21:16] You know what, I'll cook too. I have to wait for that one to be edible.
[04:21:21] Your ass is wet? Yes it is. My ass is getting waves. Alright hold on, hold on.
[04:21:41] Need some salt and lemon on that? Oh yeah that's all you need. Salt, lemon, you're
[04:21:47] eating good. You're eating like a god damn king. Audio on X is echoing. What?
[04:21:59] Nothing's changed over here. Why watch on X? Bro, let the one guy fucking
[04:22:19] Relax, buddy. Why do you care so much this fucking guy?
[04:22:33] All right, boys. We got cooked food. This shit takes a while. I could cook one more. I could keep fishing
[04:22:44] I got room. I could keep fishing actually and then go and see if I can find people
[04:22:49] Simple fishing rod. Yes
[04:22:52] What happens all my worms?
[04:22:56] Did I not stack all my worms? Did I use all the worms already? That was so fast.
[04:23:05] Holy, that was fast
[04:23:07] You have enough for three hours of life
[04:23:25] And provide fishing ready
[04:23:34] Chad do I go vendor mode or should I just fucking go inland with a bunch of cooked food?
[04:23:48] What do you guys think I could go full-out Skyrim vendor or
[04:23:52] Fuck it. Let me just cook all this and go up north
[04:23:57] All right inland is it is fuck this shit, then I don't need anymore. Let me cook all this and then travel
[04:24:03] We'll keep the fishing rod on my back.
[04:24:09] We don't need the farming hoe anymore.
[04:24:11] I will keep the sharpen stick and then let me cook some food and then we go to the north.
[04:24:22] People on the north, yeah, people are desperate, they will kill.
[04:24:25] What the fuck?
[04:24:26] Why can't I do this?
[04:24:27] It looks like I'm running out.
[04:24:33] Is that because it's re- oh shit, can I still salvage that?
[04:24:36] Uh-oh.
[04:24:39] I don't know if it's too late.
[04:24:50] Sush me!
[04:24:52] Sashimi? Fuck! Look for a stove instead? I think it's too late, man. It's too late.
[04:25:08] I have to, um, get bark and shit.
[04:25:14] You know what? I have it with me. Let me eat. This is cool down. Let's just go up north. Fuck it.
[04:25:21] Fuck it. I literally have heat buff. I have a whole fucking buffet on me like a apocalypse never happened
[04:25:29] Let's just go
[04:25:32] We're ready. Look at all the fish I have on me. I'm I'm in like this is already cut ready to eat
[04:25:46] Insane bones extra calories and now we hold W boys
[04:26:08] Everybody hold W. I'll keep the sickle in my hand. I'm going right for that be right there
[04:26:22] I'm be lining to the V. We're going in between the mountains
[04:26:27] The sickles ruined fuck rest in peace
[04:26:31] That thing was amazing
[04:26:33] What's up boys? Fuck out of here. Don't fuck out of here
[04:27:08] Give me the goddamn zucchini
[04:27:10] Oh Lee zucchini paired with fish lemon salt shish
[04:27:16] Oh, don't
[04:27:18] Is this an apocalypse anymore man shit doesn't seem like it. Oh is hitting it with a simple fishing rod. Whoops
[04:27:26] Let's not do that. Let's hit him with the sharp or I can go unarmed unarmed is fine. You're doing up damage
[04:27:37] Yeah, hopefully I come across water
[04:27:42] There's a house here. What the hell is that? Is that a water thing? Yes?
[04:28:08] Oh, we're chilling now, dude
[04:28:17] We got a- our belly is full as hell.
[04:28:21] Insane.
[04:28:22] But where's my stomach churning?
[04:28:47] It takes a while.
[04:28:50] Yeah, nothing like glove water.
[04:28:58] Mmm.
[04:28:59] I use these gloves.
[04:29:10] Alright, let's go.
[04:29:12] Heat buff.
[04:29:15] Food buff.
[04:29:16] I'm pretty sure you don't eat snow, don't you collect snow and then you...
[04:29:26] I'm pretty sure you collect snow and then put it in the vial and then you boil it
[04:29:32] and then you can... I don't think you can just eat the snow, can you?
[04:29:37] Don't you have to boil it?
[04:29:43] So you still need to go through the process.
[04:29:52] Alright, let's go through here.
[04:29:54] You're headed into the V.
[04:29:56] I don't think I changed my pathing. Unless was it that V?
[04:29:59] Shit.
[04:30:01] I think it was this V.
[04:30:22] Right after three hours, let's see what the hell is inland.
[04:30:29] Let's see here.
[04:30:31] Hey, yo, thank you petit caprice. Thanks, man.
[04:30:36] I don't think so, Rusty. It's a great game, but I don't think so.
[04:30:46] Death Stranding is a walking sim with Kojima plot.
[04:30:53] Kojima made the Door Dash delivery guy the main character.
[04:30:59] And he pulled it off.
[04:31:01] God damn it, he pulled the fuck off.
[04:31:13] It's the number one game amongst delivery drivers.
[04:31:17] According to polls. Look at that shit.
[04:31:26] Finally, I can see.
[04:31:27] Finally. I can see through your bullshit. What is that? Oh my god, reunited with a sickle.
[04:31:45] Holy. I wonder how long it takes for the fish to go bad. Hopefully not a long time.
[04:31:53] I lost the V again, but we're gonna just follow this path up north. That kind of V's out.
[04:32:09] Dry the fish at last ages. How do I dry it?
[04:32:17] Get a treadmill that syncs with cardio. I've been thinking of moving my setup
[04:32:24] I have a desk that is can be a standing desk and get one of those those
[04:32:30] Walking treadmill things. Oh my god more water. This would have had insane
[04:32:41] Shit in it honestly, I bet that's the best way to do it
[04:32:51] Even when I use the bike every night like if you have any like content you're watching anything to make it so you're
[04:32:58] not thinking of the exercise makes it fly the fuck by any activity so like if
[04:33:05] you can play an MMO and just walk and just think more about the walking part
[04:33:10] of it I mean the playing it and and just like not even realize you're walking
[04:33:16] easy 10k steps gamer exercise plans I mean I think it's a nice way to
[04:33:32] It's more like fusing things together, I don't know.
[04:33:35] Yeah, some streamers have done that.
[04:33:40] Play MMO while on treadmill, yeah, because you're just like,
[04:33:43] yeah, that's a great game.
[04:33:45] You're grinding in game and then you're not really thinking about the actual walking.
[04:33:50] That's boring game, can you next please?
[04:34:03] We are finally going inland to see the map after three hours, bruh?
[04:34:21] Oh, shit. Oh, shiiiish.
[04:34:27] Scytherlood!
[04:34:29] What were they mining here? If I go down there, I don't see anybody.
[04:34:37] I'm gonna go and loot that. There better be like a whole fucking kit.
[04:34:47] Yeah, I mean, this is kind of cool.
[04:34:50] Not a lot of cover, so easy to get sniped from the distance.
[04:34:53] And we're talking about Daisy's stamina here, so you're gonna be at like fully geared, half
[04:35:00] stamina running through a field like this when a sniper is shooting you.
[04:35:05] This is a nice place to fish though, true.
[04:35:10] You know what?
[04:35:11] For the experience, let the sniper shoot me in the face.
[04:35:14] Oh wait, is this oil?
[04:35:15] Oh wait, no, it's ice.
[04:35:19] It's fucking iced.
[04:35:25] Can you ice fish in Daisy?
[04:35:26] Can I like crack the ice?
[04:35:29] I would, I believe that.
[04:35:31] I wonder if you can actually do that.
[04:35:35] Yeah, can I ice fish?
[04:35:39] I could have swore that was a mechanic they added.
[04:35:49] Insane North Loop.
[04:35:51] Insane North Loop.
[04:35:53] Holy, a sewing kit dude.
[04:35:57] Rare.
[04:36:06] Okay, I'm wondering,
[04:36:08] I don't know where the fuck to go right now.
[04:36:10] I'm just gonna go from place to place.
[04:36:19] That's a lot of zombies down there.
[04:36:24] Need to reheat? Yeah.
[04:36:31] That's a shit ton of zombies right there.
[04:36:34] I might die doing this.
[04:36:37] Hopefully I can aggro like one at a time.
[04:36:50] This is official.
[04:36:58] What up dude?
[04:36:59] You're seeing this correct bro.
[04:37:14] Give me the loot dude.
[04:37:17] Hi guys.
[04:37:42] Fucking joking.
[04:37:46] Bro what the fuck is this slippery zombie bullshit?
[04:37:50] They like fucking slip around you like oiled up fish
[04:37:55] They like somehow get around you it's so weird
[04:38:00] Now I'm frustrated fucking die fucking die
[04:38:03] Dude, tell me I have a bandage bro. No need. Oh fuck. I do high installation
[04:38:23] worth
[04:38:26] It's like a bag hat fog
[04:38:30] All right, we got frozen water now, but I miss something
[04:38:35] Get some sticks
[04:38:53] I'm gonna have to make a fire as well always have some sticks and bark
[04:39:05] There's other zombies around here, isn't there an FOV? There we go. Oh much better. Oh
[04:39:19] Oh damn dude nice codeine. Oh jumpsuit pants. I can finally take off these shit-ass pants. Oh
[04:39:33] Worst insulation into low insulation will take it my temp just shut up
[04:39:40] Netting, track suit, jacket, versus, uh, uh, versus, oh, this is ruined, insane upgrades.
[04:39:59] Dude, I am dying so hard, what the fuck?
[04:40:35] Christine, worn, badly damaged.
[04:40:38] Uh, first, let me make a, I need to make a campfire fast.
[04:40:48] Don't tell me there's no trees around here, dude.
[04:40:51] I don't want to aggro another zombie.
[04:40:57] Light bar six of eight. Oh
[04:41:17] I don't need the glow stick. It's useless
[04:41:20] Okay, it has ammo on the server
[04:41:26] We'll live in here. Did you watch the unreal presentation? No, I didn't
[04:41:37] Glow sticks are not useless. Why do you say that? Why are they not? Maybe I should I cannot
[04:42:10] Cook real quick. All right, let's get a nice new ignition here. Come on, brother, please
[04:42:17] Please, please, I'm cold as shit, please, come on.
[04:42:24] All right, nice.
[04:42:27] All right.
[04:42:29] Simple fishing rod.
[04:42:31] And we have another dinner stick.
[04:42:33] Feels good.
[04:42:35] Woof!
[04:42:38] All right, saved.
[04:42:41] Yeah, I'll take a Cody and after I eat,
[04:42:43] I need food in my belly.
[04:42:51] So I wanna use the sewing kit to repair all my gear
[04:42:55] and same with my gloves,
[04:42:57] but the sewing kit is the only thing I have.
[04:42:59] Unless I have rags for advantage.
[04:43:04] Defrost the water.
[04:43:08] Can I just put the water next to it?
[04:43:11] All right, maybe there's a canteen spot.
[04:43:20] Or I do rags for new gloves.
[04:43:27] Let me see if they're ruined or not.
[04:43:36] You gotta wait for this to cool.
[04:43:40] I can, the zucchini has just dried.
[04:43:47] I don't need it to light that up.
[04:43:50] So the only thing about the water is,
[04:43:53] How do I know the water's clean in the canteen?
[04:44:05] You don't?
[04:44:08] It'd be a fish!
[04:44:09] You never know!
[04:44:11] It'd be a fish!
[04:44:13] Let's eat this too.
[04:44:15] Cook another fish.
[04:44:18] It'd be a fish!
[04:44:25] That's a different cut.
[04:44:29] Dump it, you don't need it.
[04:44:31] Cook all the fish before it spoils.
[04:44:35] Cooked fish isn't going to spoil.
[04:44:40] Yeah wait, is that a thing I can do?
[04:44:42] So what if I dump the canteen and I fill it with snow and I boil it?
[04:44:48] Unless I have to boil the water then put it in the canteen.
[04:44:52] Which means I need a pot.
[04:44:53] But why can't I just use the canteen?
[04:44:58] We can steam it.
[04:44:59] Let me see if that's a thing.
[04:45:20] You know what, it's worth keeping inventory clean by keeping one fish.
[04:45:24] Right there.
[04:45:29] Yummy.
[04:45:32] Yummy.
[04:45:33] Yummy.
[04:45:37] Delicious.
[04:45:39] Delicious. I can see if the canteen actually thawed
[04:45:43] Okay, it did thaw it. So let's go ahead and empty it because we don't know what the fuck lives in the water
[04:45:56] and
[04:45:57] Then I'm gonna see if this is a thing
[04:46:00] So I can fill this with snow
[04:46:04] Come on. It uses I've gotten shot in the fucking head yet
[04:46:16] Usually a good sign and
[04:46:18] And... extinguish. No. Let's just see if this is a thing. I don't know if it is. It probably isn't.
[04:46:27] I have no idea. I don't think it is. And then I can farm some zombies while we wait.
[04:46:37] Oh my god, this is ruined already? That was so fast.
[04:46:40] Dude, the flanks that these motherfuckers do...
[04:46:49] So bad.
[04:46:52] Duffle bag.
[04:46:54] Worst insulation, worst worn.
[04:46:57] Badly damaged.
[04:47:05] I don't know why this isn't working.
[04:47:09] It's worn.
[04:47:10] Oh, is I not putting it in the grid?
[04:47:21] Unless I can break that down into ra-
[04:47:25] Uh, oh, I have nothing to break shit.
[04:47:27] The sickle's ruined.
[04:47:29] Oh, the outskirt zombie.
[04:47:36] Oh, you have to take it off the body first.
[04:47:38] Yeah, headshots in this game are above the head, okay, so far we chillin' still red HP
[04:48:02] Hurry up, right one there
[04:48:21] Minecraft snow
[04:48:23] Pretty much
[04:48:24] Now you guys don't got shit. Hurry up man. Hurry up. Yeah, these guys don't got shit
[04:48:51] There's 45 players of server, so I can't really cut anything into rags just yet
[04:48:56] I might as well keep some of that stuff, you know being full HP and this but I'm surprised I'm at red HP
[04:49:08] I don't know how the fuck I'm at red HP actually
[04:49:14] Unless the zombies actually hit me a bunch. Oh, yeah, I'm yellow now. Okay. Yeah, maybe the zombies actually fuck me up
[04:49:21] Okay, that was the last one and none of them had loot. God damn it
[04:49:31] No, the fire went out. God shit. Whatever actually I'm good. I'm leaving
[04:49:36] I'm leaving. I have everything. Let me just get the canteen and I don't think I should drink this.
[04:49:44] I still don't think I should drink that. Alright, let's keep running.
[04:49:51] That's a fire barrel. What am I gonna do with that shit? It's so heavy.
[04:49:59] You know what? I am like the greatest supply caravan for a geared person who really needs supplies and has guns, ammo, but no food.
[04:50:19] I have so much fucking fish on me like if I would be the greatest thing for
[04:50:29] someone to kill if they needed loot with the amount of food I have right now
[04:50:34] insane military to the left oh shit okay let's go there empty the canteen
[04:50:59] again before it freezes maybe I'll come across another one of those water
[04:51:12] things. Dude, it's literally snow that I packed into the canteen. I can't drink it.
[04:51:25] I think I need to just put in one of those pills that clears the bacteria, and
[04:51:32] then I don't have to boil the water. Yeah, Hakuna, I'll be planning it on Tuesday.
[04:51:46] I'm pretty sure you need to cleanse the snow in this. If you could just eat
[04:51:52] fucking snow to quench your thirst, that mechanic would go right out the
[04:51:56] window. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you need to cleanse it. You
[04:52:00] You can't just eat the snow for mechanic wise.
[04:52:03] Alright, this building looks useless.
[04:52:08] Is that really all that was here?
[04:52:12] Yeah, cause then you could just use it as like an infinite source.
[04:52:19] Alright, this is the furthest north we've ever been.
[04:52:32] I really think I should just kill on site cause now it's like people desperate for
[04:52:36] uh, survivability.
[04:52:39] Even though I have nothing to kill with.
[04:52:41] Please give me a gun!
[04:52:49] A mosin with a scope!
[04:52:53] Better.
[04:52:54] Not bad.
[04:52:55] I'll take it.
[04:52:56] BDU pants. Holy, we chilling. This does kind of make me stick out.
[04:53:18] You can't combine the two, can you?
[04:53:21] Check the roof of the big building. I don't believe you.
[04:53:31] There's no way they keep loot up there. That's a waste of time.
[04:53:35] This is Daisy. That doesn't make sense.
[04:53:38] I refuse to go up there just to see nothing but roof.
[04:53:45] Nope, I
[04:53:47] Played this game enough to know it's just gonna be a flat roof with no gear
[04:53:52] There's more buildings down there. You know what I'm gonna eat this shit bro snacky for the road
[04:54:12] Bake that shit myself
[04:54:14] There's towers in the mountain like deer stands
[04:54:24] Save the rest for later. Yeah, can I just eat that? Can I just eat the caviar raw?
[04:54:33] Why can't I eat this raw? It's caviar. You're supposed to eat it raw
[04:54:36] All right, I don't know what that is over there. It looks like a barn.
[04:54:53] Oh, we got some zombies here.
[04:54:55] Motorcycle helmet is useless.
[04:55:04] I'll take the shmag just for the sake of hopefully finding a knife to cut shit so I can get resources.
[04:55:12] Oh! There it is.
[04:55:19] I just want a bunch of rags for no apparent reason.
[04:55:29] Are these badly damaged or ruined?
[04:55:33] So, if I swap to these, I can craft improvised hand wraps, there you go, got one rag here.
[04:55:59] Sewing kit can't repair that.
[04:56:03] Six stack, uh stacks of six.
[04:56:09] It'd be worth punching the zombies and not constantly trying to use my knife as it died
[04:56:18] it breaks so fast.
[04:56:24] It's like three hits.
[04:56:27] Three melee hits, they're done.
[04:56:30] Oh, there's a house over here.
[04:56:43] Okay dude.
[04:56:50] And you make me bleed.
[04:56:52] Are you fucking kidding?
[04:56:54] And you don't drop shit?
[04:56:59] Bro, don't give me a disease.
[04:57:01] Please don't give me a disease.
[04:57:03] Aw shit.
[04:57:12] Perfected.
[04:57:15] I'll quickly take a pill.
[04:57:17] Maybe the codeine, the vitamin boost, will save me.
[04:57:20] Do I need to take two of these? No.
[04:57:24] It takes a while for the disease to kick in.
[04:57:41] Oh shit, campfire tripod!
[04:57:54] Dude, that fucking stupid bullshit is so fucking annoying.
[04:57:59] I hate how they turn around and swing at you and hit you.
[04:58:04] Oh, it's so rage-inducing.
[04:58:06] What the fuck is this?!
[04:58:25] You're lucky you dropped powdered milk.
[04:58:28] Is it- I swear this sewing kit can cause an infection.
[04:58:31] Damn, I'm back to red.
[04:58:40] This is actually gonna make me super dehydrated.
[04:58:44] Oh my god, food for days.
[04:58:48] Alright, seeing how I get owned in combat, I take it all back and I'm gonna start using
[04:58:57] melee weapons.
[04:58:59] Oh, the sickle's broken, dude.
[04:59:02] We established that a while ago.
[04:59:04] High insulation, low insulation tracksuit.
[04:59:09] Beautiful upgrade.
[04:59:10] Absolutely beautiful upgrade.
[04:59:17] Holy...
[04:59:18] Fuck the campfire tripod.
[04:59:41] I need a- I need a pot with it.
[04:59:46] Although I can use it, should I grab it?
[04:59:50] It is three.
[04:59:53] It is a three by one in the inventory.
[05:00:01] You can sneak up behind zombies and assassinate them with a knife.
[05:00:05] Yeah right.
[05:00:07] Is that true?
[05:00:19] This game is that advanced?
[05:00:27] It's really hard to do.
[05:00:29] Yes, bitch, we figured it out.
[05:00:34] Okay, it's ten years, okay, but you can do it now asshole.
[05:00:38] Fuck that shit.
[05:00:51] It takes too long to stealth to them.
[05:00:52] I would rather go in guns blazing.
[05:00:55] Oh my God, I have ammo for this.
[05:00:57] Holy dude.
[05:01:01] Oh, we gotta make a choice here.
[05:01:02] I have a sharpen stick with fish on it, but it's too long.
[05:01:07] And then I have my fishing rod,
[05:01:08] which I don't wanna get rid of,
[05:01:10] but I need the gun on my back
[05:01:12] and I'm not doing a triple gun.
[05:01:17] One shot, one kill.
[05:01:18] So what do we do here?
[05:01:20] I say I drop this because, well,
[05:01:23] I can always get a sharp stick.
[05:01:27] So, simple fishing rod, I can always get another stick.
[05:01:32] All right, health.
[05:01:33] You need to start regenning faster.
[05:01:35] You slow fuck.
[05:01:36] It's been red for like an hour.
[05:01:40] Oh my God, that zombie just aggred me out of nowhere.
[05:01:55] We got a barrel.
[05:02:03] Reload again.
[05:02:03] No, I had literally one bullet.
[05:02:06] I looted one shell a long time ago.
[05:02:10] There's gotta be a player in this town who would think so.
[05:02:40] What is that?
[05:02:41] Trash?
[05:02:42] Oh my. Winchester rounds. Give me a Winchester with a hunting scope and we're doing good.
[05:02:55] We're doing good. This is my own music. Alright, let's keep moving here slowly. These are houses
[05:03:13] worth looting. You made this music? No, it's YouTube music. Hip-Hack. Oh, shit. An extra six
[05:03:23] slots
[05:03:24] And I wear a high insulation winter coiff best insulation. I'm good. I have my headwear is great
[05:03:34] There's a bear trap right there. I could put it on the road and see if someone that's fucked up
[05:03:42] Let me see actually I'm gonna end up stepping on it and dying
[05:03:46] No, I'm gonna end up killing myself. I
[05:03:54] Already know that's what's gonna happen
[05:04:12] medium insulation low insulation
[05:04:14] Use a stick to disarm it. Oh my god a tire
[05:04:27] Read me, bro
[05:04:31] Anything I need a nicer backpack
[05:04:35] Nothing in here road flare
[05:04:38] Road flare is worth it for a fast fire. Oh shit
[05:04:42] Dude's running like he's after a player did he aggro a player? What are you doing dude? Oh, okay?
[05:05:03] I didn't realize I aggroed everybody
[05:05:05] The last cola on earth
[05:05:23] Are we eating good, bro? End of potato? It was worth it. Holy shit, it was worth it.
[05:05:34] Holy shit, two shotguns. A GPS receiver. Is that worth picking up? That seems useless.
[05:05:44] I'm gonna assume it has no fucking ammo. Oh my god, I had a shot in it. Good thing
[05:05:55] I checked. Did I not just unload? I will say Daisy shotguns are very satisfying to
[05:06:15] shoot. I might need to stop in a house and get my fire buff back. Medium tent.
[05:06:27] Holy fuck, that's huge. I could set up the tent somewhere. Oh, that's what we're
[05:06:40] dealing with here. Yeah, what is the usage of this? Like, how does this shit
[05:06:49] even work? Hey, nobody- oh my god, vitamins. Does a tent keep you warm?
[05:06:58] Like, can I actually sit in the tent with a fire going and heat up?
[05:07:05] Storage and bases. Oh, I can melee with it. So if I get attacked by a zombie I can
[05:07:27] hit them with the tent. Trash on trash. Do you use it in a bush to store loot? I thought
[05:07:59] there would be like maybe one person in this town? Something tells me most of
[05:08:04] the people are on the shore. I've seen players on the shore not out here.
[05:08:14] The radio towers have the best loot. Oh really. Alright, we're gonna go out into the snow and set up a tent.
[05:08:46] I think we're good looting here. And make a fire.
[05:08:54] Loot spawns in clothes as well, you wanna check the clothes?
[05:09:02] Oh, can you please play a scary game? You can always come back Friday.
[05:09:08] There's nothing scary worthy of playing till then.
[05:09:11] Friday is until dawn, remake.
[05:09:25] Alright, right on the road, just fuck everybody.
[05:09:31] If we don't mess around, I set up my tents on the road.
[05:09:36] Look at that shit.
[05:09:43] Can I actually heat up in here?
[05:09:48] My temp isn't going up in here, that's stupid.
[05:09:51] Oh, can I actually close the door?
[05:10:05] Oh shit, hold up.
[05:10:07] First let me take one of these and eat it.
[05:10:10] Delicious.
[05:10:11] Okay, now we're gonna make a fireplace, so we need to go through the process
[05:10:17] of getting. I have a flare I don't want to waste it. Fuck me then I have to make the
[05:10:24] hand drill. Oh my god. Put that in the middle of the road. Yes sir. Hand drill. Fuck this
[05:11:17] pistol suppressor. Why is that pistol suppressor that big? Fuck I need more sticks. Whatever.
[05:11:27] Tell me I can put this right here. Oh man! What if I do have vicinity drop? Alright
[05:11:38] Let's pretend this is close enough
[05:11:40] Tell me I can walk past the fire and this isn't gonna block me because I want to go in there
[05:11:49] Worst case I'll pick it up. Shit. That was in town, huh?
[05:12:00] No, it's ruined. I need sticks
[05:12:03] This fire damage killed you in this game. I don't know if I've seen I can't the campfire. I actually heard you oh
[05:12:21] Oh my god. I need a long stick saved
[05:12:30] Fuck, but I can't sharpen it to make fish.
[05:12:34] Dude, I can't just go old school, just throw, I can't just go like, throw a fish on the fire.
[05:12:42] The tripod needs a, what do you call it, doesn't it?
[05:12:50] I could make a stone knife, but in this game, rocks are the most rare item in the game, even though you're on a rocky path.
[05:12:57] It's actually incredible how they've done it.
[05:13:01] Yeah, I refuse.
[05:13:02] I almost died.
[05:13:12] I ruined my shit. Is there no way to move the tent? I'm gonna put the fucking shit
[05:13:37] right here and see if it works. From the inside. Ow. Are you fucking kidding me dude?
[05:13:47] I don't want to shut the fire off bro. Alright chat, hold up. I'm just gonna
[05:14:24] I'm gonna get a quick drink while all that thaws feels good, man.
[05:16:30] Steam's stream sniper's dream!
[05:16:37] Alright, all this shit thawed, the fire went out, lol, lol, oh shit it did.
[05:16:42] Oh fuck, I can't open those, I have nothing sharp.
[05:16:46] Frozen ass potato?
[05:16:48] Like I'm using this, I should be able to...
[05:16:55] Why don't I close it, bro? Let me close it.
[05:17:21] Ah, feels good.
[05:17:22] Good.
[05:17:22] Whoa, triple warmth.
[05:17:25] Nice.
[05:17:27] Yeah, what if you just camp in here
[05:17:29] and I just wait for someone to show up
[05:17:31] and I make it look super homey, a tripod fire doing,
[05:17:37] and I wait for them to open the door?
[05:17:43] You know, I make it look like, oh, shit, bro,
[05:17:46] is that fish I smell?
[05:17:48] What the fuck?
[05:17:49] And they come across.
[05:17:55] It would maybe take an hour, but we could get one guy.
[05:18:03] It might take 24 hours to fish the content.
[05:18:10] War food!
[05:18:42] Excuse me.
[05:18:45] We can watch Korean street food?
[05:18:47] Yeah.
[05:18:49] I could just straight up wait.
[05:18:51] I could.
[05:18:53] Let me take a vitamin.
[05:18:55] I'm still a red HP.
[05:18:56] Oh my god.
[05:19:00] This wouldn't be a bad place to chill at.
[05:19:04] On this character.
[05:19:05] Move the tent to a safer area.
[05:19:19] More hidden.
[05:19:20] Surprise, bitch!
[05:19:25] Wait.
[05:19:26] Surprise, bitch!
[05:19:27] I think it's a gra- I need a- what if I put like, fish?
[05:19:41] What does this fish look like on the ground?
[05:19:44] No.
[05:19:45] I'm gonna end up- I'm gonna end up dying waiting to eat.
[05:19:55] I'm eating this fucking caviar before I die.
[05:19:58] YOLO.
[05:19:59] Delicious.
[05:20:01] Delicious make a line of fish to lure them in
[05:20:07] That's a good idea. I don't have enough
[05:20:11] You can cook fish inside house on stove
[05:20:15] You need a pot to cook on the stove. I just like attach this. Oh
[05:20:26] Shit dude, I'm assuming if someone can shoot through the tent and kill you I
[05:20:38] Just need a cooking pot now
[05:20:40] Servers restarting in 20 minutes.
[05:20:50] You don't need a pot, Lies. Yes you do.
[05:20:55] Use this stove fireplace in the house. It has a grill.
[05:21:05] Oh yeah, wait a minute. You're right. It does have a grill.
[05:21:08] Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:21:10] I guess I could do that then.
[05:21:12] Can I exit here? Nice.
[05:21:32] No, my knife is ruined. I don't have it anymore.
[05:21:52] It's gonna be hard finding someone.
[05:22:09] Did you see the volcano on your left?
[05:22:11] Oh, was that a volcano?
[05:22:13] Make a bone knife that requires a human corpse and I haven't encountered a human.
[05:22:20] Chat, we're gonna chill here for this game.
[05:22:39] That was fun.
[05:22:40] I'm still alive. I'm in a good spot if I want to revisit.
[05:22:44] Worst case, it's on an experimental server and it's not on a, what do you call it, server.
[05:22:51] Which means, you know, once it goes live that character's gone, but whatever, that's kind of the point of the game.
[05:23:02] All right, boys, we're jumping into some fucking BezLock.
[05:23:06] Let's do it up. We're BezGing.
[05:23:11] We're fucking BezGing. I don't know what to tell you. We're BezGing on the rest of the stream.
[05:23:26] BezLock, pull up your beds. ZZZ, let's go, let's go.
[05:23:38] Anyone still play this game?
[05:23:41] Are we keeping up with the popularity here?
[05:23:47] Let's go!
[05:23:53] 4 meg update, active devs.
[05:24:16] There's no point in playing this right now.
[05:24:17] So much shit will change until release.
[05:24:21] I disagree with you.
[05:24:23] The gist of the game is not going to change.
[05:24:27] I disagree.
[05:24:28] No one builds an empire without sacrifice.
[05:24:30] I did see you can type in a console command
[05:24:33] and see all the characters that are unreleased and play them.
[05:24:37] I'm too stubborn to die.
[05:24:40] I did see that.
[05:24:42] I don't know, they probably removed that, but that was kind of stupid.
[05:24:47] That's the only thing, I mean, whatever, I guess, but, hmm, they're kind of potato,
[05:24:54] they're still being developed. It's fine. I don't think so, that's still kind of weird.
[05:25:01] I have no idea how to fight Mirage.
[05:25:23] I have seen Mirage just like avoid crazy shit.
[05:25:27] I don't really know. He seems super powerful.
[05:25:31] The gun mirage is broken.
[05:25:39] Oh my verse, this is a 1v1 lane. It is.
[05:25:53] I have not played this game in a bit. I said like three days.
[05:26:17] Which I would consider to be a decent amount.
[05:26:24] I would consider that a lot.
[05:26:30] This is gonna be fun.
[05:26:32] Da da da da da da.
[05:26:40] Good job man, hide.
[05:26:45] Oh I hit him. Oh I didn't hit him.
[05:26:52] I think you messed that up.
[05:27:21] I'm watching what all you're doing there.
[05:27:23] Shoot. I'm still in day's aim.
[05:27:27] Blame Twitch.
[05:27:29] I changed the deadlock.
[05:27:31] I just did an update.
[05:27:51] Forget what you did.
[05:27:59] See, now we're even. Now he's gonna come back.
[05:28:12] He's gonna fly in and try to kill me.
[05:28:14] He's flying him right now.
[05:28:16] now he's already out should do a little shopping they can't outrun my mind
[05:29:16] all right we got some stuff here let me go and buy that real quick oh is it range
[05:30:36] you can wait here for a second dude popped everything you almost killed me that ult just
[05:30:58] didn't do it though comes in many forms all 50 for that teleported different he pushed up so fast
[05:31:47] Focus on stealing his soul.
[05:31:55] I used to like to take out my tower before I take out his shit.
[05:32:29] For sure, he won the lane.
[05:32:33] Mirage's ult looks like.
[05:32:37] I've never seen him teleport in before.
[05:32:43] So there's a bit of time so you can react to it.
[05:32:45] I feel like I would've killed him.
[05:32:50] I gotta farm up.
[05:33:14] Yeah, I gotta deny him as much as I can,
[05:33:22] but I'm at the mercy of him attacking the creeps.
[05:33:25] I'm not Tesla bullets?
[05:33:39] Oh, should I get a farm of homage?
[05:33:42] Gotta farm a lot for Tesla. I might be able to kill shit here.
[05:33:46] I can do tier 2. So strong. Oh shit, they're gonna take that.
[05:34:08] I wonder if I can kill these dudes over here with everything frocked.
[05:34:34] I underestimated her initial damage. It's actually really good.
[05:34:50] Especially with the Imusers. Most had Tesla bullets.
[05:35:11] Is he seriously still fucking pushing? Oh my god.
[05:35:15] I wasted the ult. Doesn't matter.
[05:35:26] Getting to fall back is better scare him off for now. I'm killing some of the other twos
[05:35:48] We're team kills go back for some Tesla he bought might show up in filming is I just heard him. He's near by
[05:36:39] Yes, try to catch me. I'm gonna get this and leave risky
[05:36:48] I'm gonna go back and get a bunch of items at once and more shit
[05:37:08] I'm gonna come into the peep battle very geared to help
[05:37:12] I'm just trying to farm up and then I'll go in
[05:37:15] It might yell at me
[05:37:17] It might yell at me right as soon as I go back
[05:37:24] comes in many forms
[05:37:32] All right, we go you farm this first six thousand twelve fifty
[05:37:52] Is anyone owning oh their guy is fucking on and their mirage is owning right now
[05:37:56] I got one of those for the mist
[05:37:58] It's a little rough here.
[05:38:10] The hell they didn't kill me at the end.
[05:38:45] Be fragged too.
[05:38:48] If you went right for the kamikaze, I don't blame him.
[05:38:53] The alibis is so much damage, it's crazy.
[05:38:55] I could go help him again.
[05:39:03] Oh no, she might die.
[05:39:08] I like how Mirage already spawned back,
[05:39:10] ready for another fight, after I
[05:39:12] saw him die.
[05:39:14] Dude,
[05:39:19] my concern is Bebop right now.
[05:39:21] It'd be worth getting stealth against this team.
[05:39:45] I've never used stealth in this game,
[05:40:03] in this game unless it's a stealth like, I hate to say this, but having a stealth item
[05:40:09] might be really good. Wait, did these guys just spawn here? I just saw a thing. Just
[05:40:25] quickly get upgraded. I need to get some ganks in. I can probably shut down Mirage with
[05:40:33] my damage right now. Oh there, these guys are way more coordinated. These guys are
[05:40:42] moving together, lane to lane. So it's gonna be kind of hard to pick him.
[05:40:46] The spirit turn is waiting to be claimed.
[05:40:49] Locking him down. You never should have moved with the speed of thought.
[05:41:36] Hey, is he down there with you? Wanna push up? Somebody's nearby, and I need my ult before I do.
[05:41:53] I might just joint this from them. They might hear me in here, but I'll ult and leave.
[05:42:04] I see people!
[05:42:05] They might be able to kill Lax.
[05:42:21] Wow, he fucking ulted out of there.
[05:42:37] Last man. I don't know why I engaged. That was stupid of me.
[05:42:57] Obviously, he was gonna push up and kill me.
[05:43:00] Well, they avenged me.
[05:43:10] Yeah, I should have left.
[05:43:12] I was like, I might be able to burst him down really fast.
[05:43:15] I should have kinda...
[05:43:28] Checked down in furnace.
[05:43:49] Lash needs to die.
[05:44:07] I need revenge on Lash.
[05:44:11] He's going right though.
[05:44:13] Kills you, dude. I fucking hate how that kills you.
[05:45:01] I hate that dot.
[05:45:05] I forgot how you counter the debuff reducer.
[05:45:09] I will fucking debuff reduce.
[05:45:11] What I remove, I'm not sure.
[05:45:13] Uh, extra regen?
[05:45:21] Maybe spear armor?
[05:45:23] We could do a reactive barrier, be more aggressive.
[05:45:40] Whatever I'm gonna say.
[05:45:41] Remover instead?
[05:45:44] Oh yeah, sure, remover is 3k.
[05:45:49] Hopefully the reducer actually helps.
[05:45:52] We'll see.
[05:45:53] I think it's a big difference, it probably is.
[05:45:57] See how one removes.
[05:46:03] The other reduces.
[05:46:04] There's a bebop as well. I could sell it for how to chance.
[05:46:44] Don't fuck outta here, bruh.
[05:46:46] Gotta keep my eye out for the enemy.
[05:46:50] You guys should just sell the reducer and go with the remover.
[05:47:00] They're kind of redundant, both together.
[05:47:02] Oh, is that a component of it?
[05:47:11] The burn is ours.
[05:47:15] That makes sense.
[05:47:16] I'm gonna try something here.
[05:48:56] Hex!
[05:48:57] We're waiting next-
[05:48:57] Hey, I can do enough damage.
[05:49:05] I was wondering if I could.
[05:49:08] All right, let's get Lucky Shot.
[05:49:19] I'm just setting for next week's game.
[05:49:26] He's getting blue.
[05:49:27] Um, I need to get purple.
[05:49:30] That's a shit ton coming over.
[05:49:32] I'll go yellow, actually.
[05:49:37] So I'm assuming I want to pop debuff remover when he's dead and I'm trying to run away, I remove the debuff.
[05:49:55] I'm gonna go on a whim and assume that's how you use it.
[05:50:01] Or if he bombs me.
[05:50:06] I'll catch him alone. They're all mine.
[05:50:11] Uh, there's a lot of them.
[05:50:20] I don't want to get caught here, I'm scared.
[05:50:22] The enemy could be here any second.
[05:50:35] I wish you didn't die. Damn, they were fucking wanted to kill me. They sent everybody over and Mirage poured it in.
[05:51:41] I'm not confident in my lifesteal to engage. I feel like I won't kill him fast enough. That's why lifesteal is a little weird.
[05:51:52] Let's get vampiric. Damn, I have so many items right now. I don't know what to remove.
[05:53:03] No more Infuser.
[05:53:32] You bitch!
[05:53:34] I should have just left. Oh my god eagle still I
[05:53:46] Should have fucking left you know what I should have done
[05:53:51] I should have my vampiric as I was attacking and I maybe would have killed
[05:53:56] What's his face? I don't know what my DPI is 800 1200 and now he is my mortal enemy
[05:54:09] Bro, you're fucking dead. I'm gonna find you and murder you constantly
[05:54:13] I'm gonna find great talent. He's dead
[05:54:16] He is now my mortal enemy. What do I get next? Do you think unstoppable is worth it or toxic bullets?
[05:54:23] I wonder what the next item is. I'm wiki geared right now, so it's like I need to find something.
[05:54:29] It could be going to mid boss. There's no one on the map. Yeah, there's, there he is.
[05:54:41] Fuck you. So yeah, see what she said? I didn't forget what she did, exactly.
[05:54:59] I have vampiric I should be able to heal up
[05:55:50] Although they are all dead the enemy could be here any second
[05:57:28] What should I get now? I think unstoppable is worth a dynamo. Maybe save me
[05:57:40] Leech knockdown. I have leech. I'm gonna kill Mirage. I might not need to ult fucking insane
[05:59:29] He's gonna survive. I might be able to kill him through it
[05:59:49] The mind is of weapons.
[06:00:07] I died in a mile, you motherfucker!
[06:00:39] What is this?
[06:00:40] Yeah, this build when it pops off is ridiculous.
[06:00:49] What do I get next? I have a lead.
[06:01:03] Siphon bullet.
[06:01:05] These all stacked, these all sound like things.
[06:01:07] They're patronized.
[06:01:10] This must be GG. I don't know if they can actually recover from this.
[06:01:14] Hey, but I don't know what's in his eagle after me.
[06:01:51] Oh, I want to go kill him so bad.
[06:02:20] Can he see me from here on the minimap?
[06:02:23] How the fuck did he...
[06:02:48] He has metal skin?
[06:02:49] I mean, just Abe. I was fucking stunned and he started 80D-ing.
[06:02:58] Animal is so peaceful.
[06:03:27] Hey, yo, Noko, what up, man?
[06:03:29] Headshots are double damage? Holy shit.
[06:03:32] Uh, this dude's 0 and 10. Are he fucking Abrams?
[06:03:52] Are they just parrying the shit out of him?
[06:03:54] I swear Abrams is only good punch build
[06:04:06] His all is better to escape with I don't want to pee pee anymore. I want to be a cause havoc now. Let's go to base should be over
[06:04:31] The early is ours Bob always has his alt. Oh, I know where this guy's going. I
[06:05:02] Just saw him on his on his ride
[06:05:05] I
[06:05:07] Purple lane I swear I did give doesn't save him from a punch to the face find this guy
[06:06:12] Where is it this guy stalling so hard horse stops him?
[06:07:46] Ever turns this corner is getting old that was pretty crazy damage at the end there
[06:08:38] Will you finish hollow body? I don't think so. No
[06:08:43] All right, I need a talent build
[06:08:50] Abrams did 6k damage insane
[06:08:53] Can you stream on my microwave too? Sure man. I'm multi-platform now, bro.
[06:09:18] Wait, is there a bird build that just like ascends low CD-Oats?
[06:09:25] Although one build is really good.
[06:09:29] What is it called? I don't know what it's called. I don't know if this is gonna be a fun build.
[06:09:39] Hi, so that's not what it's called. God damn it, Chad. What the fuck? I can't escape.
[06:09:48] I'll try this. It's better work. Yes. He has range on that guy. It's like he heals a lot of my damage.
[06:10:49] Damn, I gotta be careful.
[06:10:50] I should train.
[06:10:53] Can't stay on the ground forever.
[06:11:17] That guy is aggressive as fuck.
[06:11:18] Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da.
[06:11:34] Almost got him, but nah.
[06:11:47] Playing against him in rush.
[06:11:54] I knew he was fucking regen-ing like a motherfucker. I can't totally kill him.
[06:13:14] I can fucking hold.
[06:13:32] I'm gonna regen by the time I can do anymore damage.
[06:13:34] I have no idea how- wait, does he do stack and then he can like, burst the stack or something?
[06:14:23] This guy's insane, dude.
[06:14:31] You can tell this guy has played Mirage.
[06:14:34] All he's played is fucking Mirage since he's come out.
[06:14:37] I don't even know what the fuck to do against this guy.
[06:14:40] He's so aggressive and he can shoot through everything.
[06:14:44] What the fuck is this, man?
[06:14:46] Okay, so the stacks clearly erupt after the- the- the Mirage that just worked and burst didn't do shit.
[06:14:58] I can't play a different Mirage.
[06:15:20] Like, what in the shit is this dude?
[06:15:22] Does this guy have no, like, range loss on his attacks or something?
[06:15:27] Like, okay.
[06:15:29] This dude, like, what is this?
[06:15:35] That's insane!
[06:15:36] What?!
[06:15:38] I don't understand.
[06:15:50] Did he just actually find me and hit me and kill me there?
[06:16:04] I don't know how to versus this guy.
[06:16:05] Anyone want to switch lanes?
[06:16:06] Mirage is owning me.
[06:16:10] no okay that was his passive three why does this guy feel fucking more OP than
[06:16:21] any character in the game right now wait what the fuck is this or is this guy
[06:16:25] just like the greatest fucking player he literally shoots me through I'm
[06:16:30] getting some actually I'm actually pissed like I don't understand how
[06:16:36] this guy is doing what he's doing here one pop tap of course he survives the
[06:16:58] ult and has enough HP to survive fuck out of here you're fine my time
[06:17:38] as shit I've ever seen. I thought it only gave Kelvin health regen, it gives everybody
[06:17:55] in the dome health regen. I hate this Mirage's confidence right now, it's like actually fucking
[06:18:12] annoying that he can do this much damage. It's so fucking annoying. I've never seen
[06:18:22] a hero like this so it's pissing me off. Apparently it's gang purple lane, huh? Yeah, I wonder if
[06:19:28] I can farm up and recover. I just got decimated. Setting an ult on Mirage early, but not lane right
[06:19:38] I know.
[06:19:39] One haze.
[06:19:40] Killed everybody.
[06:19:51] I'm trying to drop the urn off of you some souls.
[06:21:24] Seems more like a spirit build, not really an alt build unless you build towards alt
[06:21:28] shit because a lot of this stuff is just spearing.
[06:21:32] So it works with my one as well, it's like even though it's an alt bit, the bird master,
[06:21:37] like these are all things you still use in a one build.
[06:21:39] I mean even with my previous build I used on it, there was a lot of my- my ult still did a shit ton of damage.
[06:21:51] So there's that. Do I send the bird to Mirage? Fuck you bitch.
[06:22:01] I'm- I'm sending a purple...
[06:22:04] Greatest fucking player in this game bitch! Did you sleep? Did you fucking sleep since the game came out?
[06:22:21] Holy fuck, I'm surprised you actually have a username in this game
[06:22:25] And it's not a bunch of fucking dashes so if you hide your identity because you're trying to go pro
[06:22:30] You're not one of those people
[06:22:33] Holy shit this guy dude
[06:22:43] I guess he had a lot of time to
[06:22:48] You know I forgot their balance here 9,200
[06:23:14] Okay, I should have went over that fuck. I don't know why I thought I could fly through
[06:23:19] I thought I could fly through that nope. I see my damage is starting to pick up heavily
[06:23:31] I just need to be in the back and not get killed
[06:25:12] I'm surprised Kelvin fell back. He would have killed me. I'm very surprised
[06:25:19] This is Hanzo's grandpa. First part's 3k.
[06:25:42] It's been defeated.
[06:25:48] Um, I could send in an eagle.
[06:25:51] I'll see someone. Appreciate your fucking questions.
[06:26:01] So because this is old build, I put a surge of power on my wolf.
[06:26:04] I hope that was the right move.
[06:26:06] Get the worker, get the worker.
[06:26:08] Extra charge. I thought it was a straight line and this bitch went in the subway.
[06:26:39] Fuck, I forgot. Where'd that-
[06:26:45] Chevy anime!
[06:26:47] of course every fucking retard is here reject let's just stick with retard I'm
[06:27:07] mad let's go with retard we're gonna stick with retard
[06:27:19] rebuy extra charge what do I get rid of extra spirit based that was based
[06:27:30] finally some emotion that was based if you catch him off this one will hit
[06:28:20] Honestly, that didn't do as much damage as I thought it would.
[06:28:56] I think they're in the vicinity. Direct it. There's more damage.
[06:29:02] Lol, I had no idea. That makes sense.
[06:29:05] Let's have been useless, okay? Let's just leave it at that.
[06:29:50] I agree. I am inagreance. I should have sent it yellow.
[06:30:10] Oh, B. They're all here.
[06:30:27] I actually pushed all the way up.
[06:30:36] I just don't want to get killed by A's and I would die by A's very fast that's just super aggressive
[06:31:02] I'm here. I'm really strong. I just got rid of shit. Just coming through. You're showing up through my trap, baby
[06:31:25] That bitch
[06:32:13] Souls will be loose here, bro. I'm the easy target. Okay. I always go for talent
[06:33:01] How long does we go for for the breath of it fast pills?
[06:33:04] to get him out of the picture.
[06:33:06] Oh, that's what they do.
[06:33:10] I would have grabbed that, but I think he was, you know, fight man.
[06:33:44] I'm sitting at all ear-way yellow.
[06:33:46] You can survive.
[06:33:48] Coming in hot. Three seconds.
[06:33:50] Fucking RIP.
[06:34:13] I stunned him there and the fucking thing didn't give a shit.
[06:34:17] It literally didn't do anything.
[06:34:19] That should have annihilated him with that cooldown.
[06:34:22] Okay? That should have fucking annihilated him.
[06:34:25] It didn't even attack him!
[06:34:26] Couldn't agree with you more, man.
[06:34:55] Yeah, we apologize profusely over in Kurtoblussari.
[06:34:59] We're reviewing your complaint right now. We're gonna get back to you.
[06:35:10] Oh, suck with Grave Talon and then...
[06:35:42] I'm here.
[06:35:42] These people are good with Grave Talon.
[06:35:44] Right on his face. Actually, no fuck that.
[06:35:48] I'm for evasive tactics.
[06:35:53] Where did he go?
[06:35:54] That needs to do more damage.
[06:36:15] I already killed those guys.
[06:36:16] Yeah, I know, but...
[06:36:44] I see Abrams.
[06:36:45] This is an interesting match.
[06:36:53] I'm not gonna rant, surviving this guy.
[06:36:57] Honestly, a good Abrams player, if you keep, you spam punch, but you, you just bait a heavy
[06:37:06] punch where you do a heavy punch and you turn your mouse and miss on purpose and they
[06:37:09] go on a very steep, seedy.
[06:37:14] Easier said than done, though.
[06:37:18] I got it all coming for Calvin, if you're ready.
[06:37:27] Is he chasing?
[06:37:28] I'm on my way to yellow sir. I'll be there shortly.
[06:37:32] I'm reporting. I'm reporting to yellow in right now.
[06:38:05] She was going in for a fucking montage machinima moment.
[06:38:09] And I just fucking flattened.
[06:39:05] I need battle of spirit.
[06:39:07] And the turrets guys.
[06:39:15] Heavy punches every time.
[06:39:26] He's like greats out of the chigero.
[06:39:54] You're fucking welcome.
[06:40:01] He survived?
[06:40:03] Okay.
[06:40:06] He's all coming to get him.
[06:40:07] Come in mid boss mid boss. I'm down for mid boss. I need to get a battle of spirit though
[06:40:22] It is necessary. I think you healed him
[06:40:32] Oh
[06:41:01] That's how we do it boys
[06:41:11] Someone's capping urn
[06:41:13] I need to get a rapid recharge. I really want to go purple lane.
[06:41:31] Easy chance to shake your destiny.
[06:41:33] I work as an Ivy. I was an Ivy doing a lot of damage. I must have missed her damage.
[06:42:14] Her bomb doesn't shit on a damage. Oh, it doesn't.
[06:42:27] Come on, dude, I need this.
[06:42:34] Coming back full HP.
[06:43:58] Reach our stronghold.
[06:44:30] Man exist I would prevent Calvin as well. Hey, Ron. He's a great. Yeah. He's a great hero
[06:44:51] He's just such a decisive character in terms of
[06:44:56] messing with the flow of the
[06:44:58] Matchup, he's yeah, his beam is like an a we slow and it's so
[06:45:04] This the effect on it feels like you're fucking dying
[06:45:13] No one else is like that. I'm sending out his eagle
[06:45:21] I thought you were fighting. Well I hit Kelvin. He's stunned.
[06:45:28] Oh shit, Inferness. He's fucking kidding.
[06:45:44] He does a bad guy with nothing to beat up.
[06:45:56] He keeps talking Cedar to look for excuse but
[06:46:17] doing one max ignore Kevlar and go recharge
[06:46:21] S&P first. Chat what do I do here? We won one, we lost
[06:47:00] One chat I will be on tomorrow. Thank you guys for chilling with me
[06:47:06] Like always you guys enjoy the rest of your night people. Thank you for chilling chat GG's till next time
[06:47:12] I will see you on
[06:47:14] Wednesday for another one till next time chat GG's
[06:47:19] And I will see you tomorrow chat peace out
[06:47:24] Goodbye chat enjoy night. Thanks for watching people. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye