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08-07-2024 ¡ 5h 51m

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kaicenat VODs on twitch
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[00:03:00] Girls go up, not on a bus now
[00:03:02] Used to want a G-Shock, now I'm walking with a bus now
[00:03:06] Flood up and I'm flooded with a iced out watch
[00:03:09] With a light butter, baby, pecan drop
[00:03:12] Pecan drop, put that phone in some drug
[00:03:15] Staminax, Carolina, Sala
[00:03:18] Got them rocks, diamond rocks with the black
[00:03:22] Suicide, 1600, that's the black girl that's check-free
[00:03:25] She ain't used to text me, now she won't caress me
[00:03:28] She keep trying to neck me
[00:03:30] I gotta tell my bestie
[00:03:32] So I'm call my bestie
[00:03:33] Then I found my bestie
[00:03:35] Wake up, make the check bleed
[00:03:36] You know that I'm smoking dope
[00:03:38] I'll be hot till next week
[00:03:40] Know I had to let her go
[00:03:41] Cause she can't arrest me
[00:03:44] Walk away my Tully, what do you do?
[00:03:47] Meet me in the alley
[00:03:51] I got rain shoes
[00:03:52] I got milk
[00:03:53] I got milk
[00:03:59] I
[00:04:41] Now, I don't give a fuck.
[00:04:43] How about that?
[00:04:44] Shit, yo.
[00:04:45] I don't give a fuck.
[00:04:48] Yo, to the calm, oh, y'all niggas ass.
[00:04:50] I can't wait for y'all niggas to hit 20K.
[00:04:52] I'm nuking the fuck out, y'all little niggas.
[00:04:55] Oh, my fucking god, I'm nuking the fuck out the nill niggas.
[00:04:59] Let me tell you why.
[00:05:01] Niggas, do you hear that, nigga?
[00:05:03] Do you hear that?
[00:05:04] Fuck out these nill niggas, though.
[00:05:16] Okay?
[00:05:17] Let me tell you why I'ma nuk the fuck out these nill niggas.
[00:05:20] Okay?
[00:05:21] No, they impressed me, bro. No, no.
[00:05:24] See, when you say shit like that, it makes you feel like these niggas,
[00:05:28] you're not, I don't give a fuck who watching.
[00:05:31] That'll got all of them with the fucking updates page, my nigga.
[00:05:36] Stop feeding these niggas attention.
[00:05:39] These niggas are 2%, 3% of the overall Twitch community,
[00:05:44] of the overall MGM community, bro.
[00:05:48] They're like 2% of them that are staying there.
[00:05:51] I fuck with them.
[00:05:52] Yeah, but what if I do the annoying shit that shit gets annoying as fuck, bro?
[00:05:56] Let me tell you what's going on, okay?
[00:05:58] I've been having a long fucking week!
[00:06:00] I'm about to say everything off my fucking chest right now.
[00:06:02] So, let's go ahead and begin.
[00:06:05] A lot of y'all don't understand, bro.
[00:06:07] A lot of shit is going on behind the scenes that I'm not able to control.
[00:06:10] That niggas know what I'm going through, right?
[00:06:12] That niggas know what I'm going through the last few days.
[00:06:15] I gave that blood going too soon.
[00:06:17] And that's the major I forget all what's going on.
[00:06:19] I gave you guys bloodbomb because I just wanted the situation to move on and she to move on.
[00:06:23] This is a whole new tech system. I haven't had to set up my desktop shit since 2021.
[00:06:31] It's a whole new system on camps or setups on everything. So everything has to be together.
[00:06:40] You feel me? Everything has to be together. It's starting all like it's a it's a new start.
[00:06:44] It's a new start chat. So when I'm chilling in my crib after doing a 30-hour stream
[00:06:51] Trying to plan you out some more bangers for y'all
[00:06:55] To come up in the next few days and also trying to plan out
[00:06:59] Recording with A&P and I got my updates page posting some shit
[00:07:04] to satisfy the fucking
[00:07:06] Community and niggas crying in my shit
[00:07:11] Fuck him out.
[00:07:16] Blood's a millionaire, we can't get his pot.
[00:07:18] Let's do shit at.
[00:07:21] Blood's lying, he has the U-Haul.
[00:07:24] He has the red room.
[00:07:25] He has his mom's house.
[00:07:27] Blood, let me tell you the truth motherfucker.
[00:07:29] Bro, I don't wanna go to my mom's crib.
[00:07:31] My mom has dealt with my bullshit for her whole life.
[00:07:34] She has dealt with me screaming at late nights.
[00:07:37] She has dealt with people coming to the crib.
[00:07:39] I'm not having random people go to my mom's crib.
[00:07:42] My mom got home crib, I got home crib,
[00:07:45] she's relaxing there, okay?
[00:07:47] News flash, my setup might even like really put together
[00:07:50] out over there, okay?
[00:07:51] It's not, it's not.
[00:07:55] The setup might even put together over there for real.
[00:07:57] You feel me?
[00:07:58] I say, you know what?
[00:07:58] Okay, look, my mom's crib is my mom's crib.
[00:08:44] I always had to get something I had real quick.
[00:08:46] My mom's crib is my mom's crib.
[00:08:48] I don't ever wanna bring my bullshit back over there.
[00:08:51] Yeah, niggas know what I do on stream.
[00:08:53] Let's be free or chat.
[00:08:55] Now niggas know what I do on stream, bro.
[00:08:56] Let's not bring that to my dues,
[00:08:57] because I'm not doing that.
[00:08:59] Okay?
[00:09:02] On top of that, red room.
[00:09:04] Did you guys not remember in January
[00:09:05] absolutely fucked up the red room?
[00:09:07] I can't even tell you what that looks like right now.
[00:09:09] Ceilings are caved in everywhere.
[00:09:15] Rats and roaches in that motherfucker.
[00:09:17] All the way in the Bronx
[00:09:19] where niggas do have to drop out, okay?
[00:09:22] I'll go fix it later or sooner
[00:09:24] I'm gonna be over there, okay
[00:09:26] Next I finished blood board. I cut out the DLC the blood board everything early
[00:09:34] So I could come back and do what I gotta do for AAP and guess what bro?
[00:09:38] It's my second week in New York at least they don't got shit nigga
[00:09:42] I'm going from hotel to hotel. I shop for two days. I have six suitcases
[00:09:47] nigga, I don't think I understand what the fuck going on
[00:09:50] 100%, I can go, first of all, nobody in AFP is supposed to be in Atlanta at the AFP house.
[00:10:09] Nobody.
[00:10:10] There's something going on there that I can't talk about that for future purposes.
[00:10:13] Okay?
[00:10:14] Nobody's allowed to go there.
[00:10:15] I got lucky to do Bloodmore there.
[00:10:17] Okay?
[00:10:18] Yes.
[00:10:19] I can go to an AFP.
[00:10:21] Yes.
[00:10:22] I can go to a random ass fucking house that I think that, ah, shit.
[00:10:28] chat. When we keep getting closer and closer to the new AMP house, and it's
[00:10:36] being said that we're gonna be able to do shit, I cannot book the BNB. And then
[00:10:42] when the day comes and we don't do shit, shit gets pushed back. Do you understand
[00:10:47] what's going on? These niggas that's got the cringe to give us is over here
[00:10:56] saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, well, it's looking good. It's looking good. We're
[00:11:00] gonna be able to do this right here. Yeah, all we got to do this is right
[00:11:02] I'm gonna do this right here.
[00:11:04] And nothing happens.
[00:11:06] Then you got, yes I can do an IRL, chat.
[00:11:08] Yes, I can do an IRL.
[00:11:09] But I'm planning crazy streets for instance.
[00:11:15] I'm not whining, bro.
[00:11:16] It's not me whining, I'm making out here
[00:11:19] what's going on from my perspective.
[00:11:21] Chat, it's a whole new thing going on
[00:11:24] with this technology shit.
[00:11:25] I had to restart on that side.
[00:11:27] You guys understand me?
[00:11:29] I had to revamp a whole pillar that I had built up for three years.
[00:11:35] Then on top of that, we're supposed to be in a pet house in New York.
[00:11:48] Then on top of that, I got the fucking stupid service!
[00:11:52] Call up with me!
[00:11:53] Fuck!
[00:11:54] Stop!
[00:11:59] Fuck!
[00:12:00] Fuck!
[00:12:16] What's going on, dude?
[00:12:22] Oh my god.
[00:12:41] No shade, bro.
[00:12:42] No nothing.
[00:12:47] It's a long week, bro. It's a long week, my nigga.
[00:12:50] It's a long week, bro. It's a lot of shit going on, bro.
[00:12:53] Okay? I'm over here petting out Hunger Games and I got niggas crying in a Twitter car.
[00:12:58] I'm talking about, dude, where the fuck is this guy at, dude?
[00:13:02] Please hit 20, Please, no.
[00:13:05] Please. I can't get through one deck like I just...
[00:13:08] I got... So my thought was, okay, let me go...
[00:13:11] This whole shit happened, right?
[00:13:13] Let me go give y'all blood board.
[00:13:15] 30 hours after not even 24 hours shit going on despite the fact I know a lot
[00:13:23] who did not like it because of the arm me not being played DLC but bro it's a
[00:13:29] very hard time right now okay now let me go ahead and say something all the
[00:13:36] matter of week I got the secret service I got a I'm gonna keep it a stack I'm
[00:13:42] I'ma go ahead and say it.
[00:13:43] I don't give a fuck.
[00:13:44] Okay, listen, I had a bad bitch
[00:13:47] that I've been trying to get on
[00:13:49] for like the last three, the last two years
[00:13:55] that I haven't spoke to in like a year.
[00:14:02] I haven't spoke to this girl in so goddamn long
[00:14:05] who gonna have the audacity to text me.
[00:14:08] We need you a part of the campaign.
[00:14:11] At first I was talking,
[00:14:12] I was thinking she was talking about like a game,
[00:14:14] a video game, like a modern warfare game, or some shit.
[00:14:19] Or if not that, a clothing brand.
[00:14:23] I'm like, what campaign?
[00:14:26] Surely gonna say, I'm gonna get it to details.
[00:14:44] I'm gonna give it a second shot for you, okay?
[00:14:49] What the fuck is constant that?
[00:14:50] Let's talk about, we're politics, my nigga.
[00:14:54] Fuck my words.
[00:15:00] I'm gonna say it right now.
[00:15:02] In this subway somehow, something was to go into where
[00:15:07] I do the stream of politics.
[00:15:08] I'm going to be 100% honest.
[00:15:11] I'm going to sit on my screen and say,
[00:15:14] why did you guys call me?
[00:15:15] Hey, I've never done any of the politics.
[00:15:23] And these blogs are like trying to say, yo,
[00:15:28] you gotta do the shit, god.
[00:15:31] And it's all the top blogs, but I'm like,
[00:15:34] Ro sent away, the niggas care about what constant that had to talk about for politics.
[00:15:42] You feel me? Jack, it's not even a particular person. It's all sides of the field.
[00:15:49] All sides of the field. I don't know what's going on. I haven't even been in tune.
[00:15:53] Shout out to Aiden. I know Aiden doesn't shit, but that's, but Aiden's more into that, you know?
[00:15:58] Like that's, Aiden's more into that. Jack, when I tell you, I don't know what's going on.
[00:16:03] I don't, like, I don't know shit, you feel me?
[00:16:09] I'm only gonna do shit if it makes sense
[00:16:12] and I don't know it and I apologize to people
[00:16:14] that wanna see it so bad, but that's just not my lane.
[00:16:17] You know, I can't force something that's not me.
[00:16:21] You feel me?
[00:16:22] I can't, I just can't sit there
[00:16:25] and board sign that's just not me and that's okay.
[00:16:29] You feel me?
[00:16:30] And that's okay.
[00:16:35] If I open this U-Haul truck, and there's two black vans
[00:16:39] outside, you know.
[00:16:51] I'm not going to lie though.
[00:16:53] Yeah, that's the reason.
[00:16:54] We're going to stream today.
[00:16:55] We're going to have a great stream today.
[00:16:57] But it's just a lot, bro.
[00:16:58] Like, nigga, I come to New York at the Bloodborne.
[00:17:01] Duke, that is not even in America.
[00:17:06] You know, like, we go for a video.
[00:17:08] Duke is not in America.
[00:17:11] Where is that?
[00:17:12] Oh, god, I don't know.
[00:17:13] Oh, god.
[00:17:14] Yo, let me tell you something.
[00:17:15] This is how it's crazy.
[00:17:17] Oh my god, I don't know where the raise at.
[00:17:21] I promise you, look, what do you call him?
[00:17:23] Let me see where he's at.
[00:17:25] This is real, bro.
[00:17:26] My man, you got, ew, kind.
[00:17:32] I need your ass, right?
[00:17:35] Got into two car accidents, okay?
[00:17:42] Phantom is lovely in the pet house, okay?
[00:17:51] Lightning just went off, by the way.
[00:17:54] Um, but yeah, chat,
[00:18:00] there's a lot of shit going on right now.
[00:18:01] Like, nigga, I'm gonna be honest,
[00:18:03] I'll keep it a set with child boys, right?
[00:18:07] The crib is like a few days away from being shown.
[00:18:11] Like, we know how the next crib looks and shit like that.
[00:18:14] But it just keeps getting pushed back for simple shit.
[00:18:17] And it's like, nigga, I just want to be home
[00:18:20] with the guys, bro.
[00:18:23] Nigga, I just flexed the first pet house
[00:18:26] was telling everybody, yeah, we in this crib, shit,
[00:18:29] I'm showing everybody just my ass to end up in a U-Haul. That's what you get for flexing, Kai. You a dumbass
[00:18:37] Okay, I'm a call rate that I don't know where the fuck is the guy. Let me call Ray
[00:18:48] But here's the thing y'all wasn't annoying me for a very long time today
[00:18:54] It's the first time in a long time
[00:18:57] When niggas made the niggas for a pair of social
[00:19:04] Get the edge and my mother turn off and it's a back on.
[00:19:08] Let me call Ray.
[00:19:09] Look, I don't know what he's at.
[00:19:10] Look, all day, where the fuck are you?
[00:19:40] Wait, yeah, where are you?
[00:19:43] Who are you with?
[00:19:46] You be with Chris the whole day.
[00:19:49] Chris, what?
[00:19:50] Oh, look, look, I don't know where Chris is at.
[00:19:52] Chris, where the fuck are you?
[00:19:58] What?
[00:20:08] Have a hotel?
[00:20:09] Do you stay at my hotel?
[00:20:15] See, yo, first of all, I didn't see Ray all day.
[00:20:25] What the fuck you got nothing to do with?
[00:20:36] What you got him doing though for the past like what you haven't done it?
[00:20:46] No nigga
[00:20:50] No nigga
[00:20:51] Yo yo send me that song that you're doing right
[00:20:57] The thug one
[00:21:00] The thug one
[00:21:10] Yeah let me see
[00:21:11] Okay send it to me
[00:21:16] Send it to me
[00:21:18] Alright
[00:21:21] I'm gonna keep it a sec
[00:21:22] I don't know what's going on bro
[00:21:27] I don't know what's going on
[00:21:28] So
[00:21:29] I've been playing it out the Minecraft thing right
[00:21:31] hardcore, my aircraft was speed, right?
[00:21:35] When it comes to shit like that, I handle everything.
[00:21:38] I handle everything, like on my side of the team
[00:21:40] and shit, we handle everything.
[00:21:42] Like we get the crib, we get everything and shit like that,
[00:21:44] right?
[00:21:45] So I was in the middle of doing that, and what happened?
[00:21:52] So I had to like stop what I was doing,
[00:21:54] got the you all, set everything up, nigga.
[00:22:01] What else am I talking about, fuck.
[00:22:11] I can't even, I don't even know how to show,
[00:22:12] how do I show y'all like this?
[00:22:15] I don't know how to show y'all like this,
[00:22:16] But I like this U-Haul though.
[00:22:18] It's very, it's very spacious.
[00:22:21] I'm fucking with this U-Haul.
[00:22:23] It's very, very spacious, bro.
[00:22:26] It's very, very, very spacious, bro.
[00:22:41] Very spacious, okay?
[00:22:45] Now check.
[00:22:47] Real shit.
[00:22:52] I don't even know if I'm gonna be here tomorrow.
[00:22:53] I don't know if I'm gonna be in this spot tomorrow,
[00:22:56] in the U-Haul tomorrow.
[00:22:57] We might have a new spot though.
[00:22:59] We might have a new spot.
[00:23:02] God, I'm lookin' like, oh my God, I hit this camera.
[00:23:05] Ooh.
[00:23:07] Yo, I'm gonna go to the gym after this, yeah, GG.
[00:23:23] Chet, I'm not gonna lie, not real shit,
[00:23:24] I've been havin' a bad, I'm gonna have,
[00:23:26] like Chet, I've been havin' a bad few days, bro.
[00:23:29] Like, I've been havin' a bad few days,
[00:23:40] like it's actually bad.
[00:23:45] Your Facebook ashy is fucking,
[00:23:47] well I am on a fuckin' logic tech bitch-ass nigga
[00:23:50] that your mom didn't wanna buy for your fuckin' setup
[00:23:52] because you're such a fuckin' loser, bro.
[00:23:54] Man, fuck you, man.
[00:23:55] I'll be on a great day, bitch.
[00:23:59] Come on for it, man.
[00:23:59] I'm just, there's a lot of shit goin' on.
[00:24:07] It is a lot of shit goin' on.
[00:24:10] Ain't your dumbass all happy and shit,
[00:24:11] streaming and shit?
[00:24:24] Nigga, that's the whole setup of that motherfucker.
[00:24:26] You're a phantom shit.
[00:24:32] You're a phantom ass.
[00:24:34] Christmas lights and all this other shit.
[00:24:37] Moving north.
[00:24:39] Lookin' on lights and shit, homie and shit.
[00:24:41] Got the Clem hat on and shit.
[00:24:47] Chillin'.
[00:24:48] I miss Lee, I was almost there.
[00:24:52] Chillin' bro, I'm hangin' bad.
[00:24:56] I'm jealous, nigga.
[00:24:59] You hear this?
[00:25:00] Who bein' shorting on who she is, bro?
[00:25:41] I left the ride at the DMs, something like that.
[00:25:43] I need to be part of the campaign.
[00:25:45] You blew my...
[00:25:46] Nah, I'm still doin' that.
[00:25:48] I've all your ass, nigga.
[00:25:49] Five people reached out yesterday.
[00:25:54] What am I supposed to talk about, Jack?
[00:25:58] Anyways, Jack, my fault.
[00:26:05] I had to get up on my chest, I had to vent it real quick.
[00:26:08] I had to vent a little, I had, I had to vent,
[00:26:12] I had to vent real quick.
[00:26:19] My daughter just turned off, my daughter's back home.
[00:26:25] Alright so, yo, I'm hearing that jizzy drop.
[00:26:29] What do you mean jizzy drop?
[00:26:32] Where do I go? Where's the link? Where do I go?
[00:26:35] Also, also motherfuckers, chat.
[00:26:38] Also, I'm on that.
[00:26:40] I'm using it to a lot of underground music tonight.
[00:26:44] I told Niggas to put me on to underground artists.
[00:26:46] I have a whole list.
[00:26:48] I have a whole list of a lot of underground artists.
[00:26:51] And I'm keeping a whole stack with y'all niggas.
[00:26:54] If the niggas that submitted is nice,
[00:26:57] I'm gonna see if they nice.
[00:26:58] Okay, let's see.
[00:26:59] Okay, let's see if,
[00:27:02] hold on, let me see what Ray been doing
[00:27:06] since he been with Chris and shit.
[00:27:08] Christian sent me two songs.
[00:27:13] Let's see what they've been doing, Chad.
[00:27:15] I don't know.
[00:27:17] What is it?
[00:27:18] Link it?
[00:27:19] I mean, I'm pin it, pin it, pin it.
[00:27:20] Pin it, pin it, pin it, pin it.
[00:27:26] Y'all rather get these streams than nothing, huh?
[00:27:29] I'm assuming y'all rather get these streams than nothing.
[00:27:31] Y'all niggas had me sparked.
[00:27:33] Bro, it's just a hard part right now.
[00:27:35] Like, I ain't lying.
[00:27:36] Like, y'all, y'all, bro,
[00:27:37] it's the thing is y'all should be getting everyday
[00:27:39] sheets, but it's a hard part.
[00:27:40] It's a hard 20 events right now.
[00:27:42] Like that ass.
[00:27:43] Are you gonna be a lot of y'all?
[00:27:44] I'm telling y'all niggas I'm gonna be real bro I'm going through shit I'll be real bro
[00:27:58] it's up to y'all niggas if y'all want to understand it or not but I'm gonna let y'all niggas know
[00:28:01] bro like shit oh shit like today I was actually mad bro today I was mad as fuck
[00:28:10] hold on okay Chris next door and Ray
[00:28:15] Delhi what gigabytes for your head top oh my gosh
[00:34:07] in this life I provide for them this world has some
[00:34:12] great things to write in them my right he's Muslim I died for him my role
[00:34:18] manager is drunk as hell if I'd be out I get knocked down they help me rise
[00:34:24] Again, red for only the game I say and buy when people something from the state is
[00:35:00] It's a one-on-one crossing a section. I think my brother learned this lesson. It's all just a part of the game
[00:35:27] We all got a roll with protection and just like the motherfucking judge the hammers come out for objections
[00:35:33] It was a hundred and forty three Rolexes in my collection. I put the ones on the front of the big
[00:35:38] You know just gonna roll like a Texan. She did she love me the Mexicans love me
[00:35:41] I'm on a single to mile he made a second possession the way that I'm used to playing the politics well
[00:35:49] I could win the election and niggas is over protect it's trying to send a message
[00:35:59] Pick up something from a city's it's a one-on-one
[00:36:30] Legislator one and I want read inside at the time of the month. I'm on it. That's how I got that safe feature option for features and
[00:38:12] 21 definitely on that list
[00:38:28] 21
[00:38:31] Knockin off the name brand niggas in your crew
[00:38:34] I heard you miss it dawg
[00:38:47] What do you say? What would y'all say?
[00:38:48] One number
[00:38:49] But it's six time, but it's six time
[00:39:09] But it says
[00:39:10] It's right my mother and tell her
[00:39:22] The shade that I'm in
[00:39:28] These days I have been sober
[00:39:29] I'm a drinkin' again
[00:39:33] Again away from the city
[00:39:36] Y'all's cursed old town
[00:39:41] Friends that I cheated like family
[00:39:44] They were just hanging on a lesson
[00:39:52] Here's your shit
[00:39:53] Since we do them fortunately
[00:40:39] We're gonna try and be it
[00:40:43] Speak on a family name
[00:40:48] He said my nice to my father in the center of the top the side of this
[00:42:31] Okay, what's next next is housekeeping nose
[00:42:35] I was good to know the good to
[00:42:37] What y'all want to hear?
[00:42:41] Something sweet.
[00:42:43] Something of person.
[00:42:44] Something sweet, no blitzing.
[00:42:46] Yeah.
[00:42:47] What?
[00:42:48] Something inspiring.
[00:43:42] Booking flights like I was your assistant
[00:43:46] I could never cheat you like no mistress
[00:43:49] But if I fuckin' like it all then what's the difference?
[00:43:53] West Coast girls do the same but in the hills
[00:44:35] Southside girls they know how to close the deal
[00:44:38] Up in the seas, all up in the seas
[00:44:41] Up in the seas, they do whatever they feel
[00:44:44] I had too many drinks, the hot bar and you could feel
[00:44:50] I don't know you see it poking at it shit. I got your out of the thing, but these two right here. It's it's like my favorite one though
[00:46:08] It's probably the best one then they go blue. It goes just like this
[00:46:12] But his second verse on that tough. I'm not gonna lie
[00:46:18] Glades, but you can't say nothing good. I
[00:46:21] Swear to God you can't say nothing good. Let's do a drink. Oh Chad
[00:46:25] Let me see outside of real quick 100% I think I think I understand a lot of y'all after the battle
[00:46:33] You feel me a lot of shit is a certain way and a lot of y'all don't like the nigga no more
[00:46:38] I shit. I think Drake lost the battle
[00:46:43] Because tomorrow I think I think Kendrick won
[00:46:47] 100% I think Kendrick won
[00:46:50] But if you have a good song about this nigga, it's okay to say the nigga got a good song right to soda
[00:46:57] What's this?
[00:46:59] Is that the files nigga?
[00:47:26] Let me see this shit. Hold on nigga, I'm a nosy nigga.
[00:47:29] Hey, open this shit up nigga.
[00:47:33] Nigga, open this shit up.
[00:47:35] What the fuck?
[00:47:38] Files to this nigga shit.
[00:47:40] Open this shit up.
[00:48:38] What else we got in this motherfucker? No, I gotta see this shit.
[00:48:40] Chad, I gotta see this shit. What else we got in this motherfucker?
[00:48:42] How do I play this shit off the bat?
[00:48:44] You can just, you can, we don't even have to listen as long as you.
[00:49:01] Yeah, no, for sure. That's literally what we've been doing.
[00:49:21] Let's go ahead and check.
[00:50:11] That house when I had the copper field, I don't do like none or none.
[00:50:30] It's yay shit, yeah.
[00:50:31] I don't do like none or none.
[00:50:43] Watch one person studio session.
[00:51:48] One opportunity.
[00:51:49] One opportunity.
[00:51:50] Like, this is a one, it's a light chat.
[00:51:53] A one to the light dance opportunity, right?
[00:51:56] If I was able to talk to a particular artist about just setting up my stream and he
[00:52:03] just in the studio, it's a full studio session, which I wouldn't watch that.
[00:52:07] But I have to be a really, really good one.
[00:52:19] Like I wouldn't get, like, it wouldn't be anything else.
[00:52:22] So, because Chet, I know, okay,
[00:52:26] I know that KC Fest on the way, right?
[00:52:30] Hey, look, hey, look, I'm telling you.
[00:52:34] Hey, all I gotta say, KC Fest
[00:52:40] is going to be a huge festival.
[00:52:45] Chet, I'm going to say this now.
[00:52:48] I'm telling you when I get it done. I
[00:52:55] Guarantee you chat when you guys see that set list
[00:53:01] It's gonna get to a point where y'all just want y'all gonna get a ticket y'all gonna want to take it I guarantee it
[00:53:08] Yo, I'm letting y'all know this right now, bro
[00:53:12] Once I see who if I get who I want to have you on it
[00:53:16] I'm telling you, bro, I'm telling you, bro, like I'll just side and I'm and I'm turning off my phone that whole that whole night or weekend
[00:53:30] Just cuz everybody will be rolling on my phone. I'm turning off my whole phone. What is this?
[00:53:35] air-drake plane
[00:53:38] Air-drake towards that. Oh, okay
[00:53:40] Who? I'm telling you, it's people that you would...
[00:53:44] It's people that you're gonna...
[00:53:46] When y'all see the list y'all gonna be like,
[00:53:48] How and when?
[00:53:52] Like, how and when?
[00:53:54] You feel me?
[00:53:55] Is this footage on his plane?
[00:53:58] He's not on the plane, he's not on the plane!
[00:54:00] I'm on my way to the beach!
[00:54:02] What is this, Seth?
[00:54:08] I'm on my way to the beach!
[00:54:15] Uh, will it just hurt?
[00:54:17] I think you... Did you see it? It'll hurt?
[00:54:19] No, it's things, bro. It's things.
[00:54:21] Go for it!
[00:54:22] Oh my God, that's just loud as fuck.
[00:54:24] Oh my fucking god
[00:54:27] What is all this chat? I mean it's database. What the fuck is this nigga? I mean it's nigga's database
[00:54:39] What is this?
[00:54:40] mini-dv nonstop over your microphone
[00:54:50] paradise red red lesbian
[00:54:54] si x-man studio
[00:54:56] X videos now this nigga watch your board
[00:55:14] I feel blessed way up I feel blessed way up I feel blessed way up I feel blessed way up I feel blessed way up I feel over your
[00:55:41] phone
[00:55:43] We got a phone password for these songs and
[00:56:03] footage or one drop
[00:56:12] Across the fucking dick pic or something that one every awkward area 29
[00:56:32] Y'all gonna be counting this motherfucker. No, how much what time you leaving out of here?
[00:56:36] 9 10 11 12 13 3 0 5 what
[00:56:54] I gotta count my money first.
[00:56:56] You stayed up the whole night.
[00:56:59] Now I gotta count my money.
[00:57:11] Hey, my friend told me, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
[00:57:16] No, no, no, nigga.
[00:57:18] Don't be asking how I know.
[00:57:19] Listen, I know cuz my man told me, bro.
[00:57:22] I know cuz my man told me.
[00:57:25] Okay?
[00:57:26] All right?
[00:57:27] Nah, I lied, bro.
[00:57:28] I told you how the story's talking about that.
[00:57:30] A bitch finessed me, Jack.
[00:57:31] I told you how that, though, right?
[00:57:32] I was getting pictures in the club and shit.
[00:57:35] She told me to wait for her all day.
[00:57:37] I waited up.
[00:57:38] She blocked my number at the end of the night.
[00:57:40] She told me, hold on, I gotta count my bag
[00:57:42] and all this other shit.
[00:57:44] And she blocked my number.
[00:57:46] She was crazy.
[00:57:49] Her loss.
[00:57:51] Okay?
[00:58:13] Are you getting here that?
[00:58:27] That's the guy that has so much to do.
[00:58:28] Have you ever found love?
[00:58:29] Yeah, you could be.
[00:58:30] And then the last question Howard respond to says,
[00:58:33] I'm tempted to set you up.
[00:58:34] I might have to.
[00:58:35] some people in mind I think
[00:58:37] What are you looking at?
[00:58:56] I'll be wondering what you think is me doing channel race for your time
[00:58:59] That's what they be doing this shit?
[00:59:01] They take
[00:59:43] You want to talk about the
[00:59:45] So I'll keep it
[00:59:46] That music video
[00:59:51] Fuck up your lying
[00:59:59] He did
[01:00:00] Hold on, hold on
[01:00:01] Every month to a month
[01:00:02] Every month to a
[01:00:06] Bumbaclot God
[01:00:08] Travis
[01:00:12] Scott
[01:00:15] Wait, every month to a vlog, oh, by the way, chat.
[01:00:21] Y'all do know.
[01:00:22] Chat, I wanna ask y'all a question.
[01:00:24] What is my, what is my, please don't click this video
[01:00:29] type of video.
[01:00:30] Explain to me what that video is.
[01:00:32] If you're a real one, explain to me what it is.
[01:00:35] But please don't click my video type of video.
[01:00:41] It's so funny.
[01:00:42] Okay, so it's another video that I'm dropping.
[01:00:47] It's a New York edition of me showing my pickups issue, but I wasn't because I shopped and I got six suitcases
[01:00:54] So I'm gonna drop another video that says please do not click this video
[01:00:57] Then we go to Paris in a few days. You guys are
[01:01:01] Getting a Iroh she read Paris. I know it's the Olympic time
[01:01:05] So we go to Paris again an Iroh stream and also y'all getting a Paris edition of
[01:01:11] Please do not click this video. Okay, so those you're getting they're getting all that yo
[01:01:17] I know how to do my shopping streams now check my shopping streams is not here's what I went wrong with my last one
[01:01:23] We keep trying to shop for a fit
[01:01:25] It's better that we go outside and just cop a lot of shit that we like
[01:01:30] I um and
[01:01:34] Let's put it together with madness and shit, but I've been planning out my Paris fits whether you're liking or not
[01:01:39] I want some different shit. My Paris fits gotta be crazy my nigga
[01:01:43] My parents my shit gotta be crazy bro. So it's gonna be tough bro. It's gonna be tough
[01:01:51] You know the sound for y'all sound nigga
[01:02:59] The sound I don't hear nothing
[01:07:55] Yo makes you I have your favorite underground artists. I'm not talking about your local artists from down the block
[01:08:01] I'm talking about actual underground artists that y'all always want to be to hear but never had a chance to be to hear
[01:08:07] I'm reacting to all that and I'm gonna be honest with y'all niggas.
[01:08:11] I get flamed for some of my opinions that I might say.
[01:08:17] But just put me on.
[01:09:57] Oh my god.
[01:10:08] I f***ed Chad.
[01:10:09] Welcome to Armourly's Radio.
[01:10:20] Armourly's Radio.
[01:10:21] I'm about to submit it.
[01:11:33] Are you guys ready?
[01:11:35] Okay, so all the dick suckers out there, the last time I reacted the way I did it
[01:11:40] because I did not know that Drake was on the track.
[01:11:43] I don't give a f*** y'all.
[01:11:45] I'm gonna stay and react to how I used to, okay?
[01:11:47] Look, I'm a duo reaction with not muted and then after the second reaction the mic will be muted.
[01:11:55] I asked them how much of the song can I play.
[01:11:58] They said, Naharabai.
[01:12:04] Welcome to Unreleased Radio.
[01:12:17] She said let's go stupid, let's do shots.
[01:12:37] Storm again, Tia, no one fucked below my crazy.
[01:12:40] I don't do cops if I drive home safe, then I'm in luck.
[01:12:43] Shawty with her earring with her dirty talk
[01:12:45] Balm and Shawty these are some props
[01:12:47] She say don't leave, I wanna grind on you
[01:12:49] I'm stupid if I don't say it of course
[01:12:51] Go fast, go fast, go fast, go fast, go fast, go fast
[01:12:55] You see the way I move, you reckon I'm the main ass
[01:12:57] Can I give a bad man a tattap
[01:12:59] Say somebody mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad
[01:13:03] All I get with them try to do your thing
[01:13:05] But they need to learn to do more than that
[01:13:07] Call my friends on the section
[01:13:09] Fill up with the G word, she is looking packed
[01:13:11] Don't want paparazzi to get me so I'm hiding in them
[01:13:14] You see the way I move, you rockin' like a man
[01:13:29] I spin and give a bad man a tata
[01:13:31] Say somebody mat, mat, mat, mat, mat, mat
[01:13:35] All I got is try to do your thing
[01:13:37] But you need to learn to do more than that
[01:13:39] Go fast, let me see you go slow
[01:13:41] Put your hands on your knees, get low
[01:13:43] Met a mother, she said she from Lagos
[01:13:45] I got Naira dollars, pesos
[01:13:47] Baby, what's a hundred thousand, that's play-doh
[01:13:49] Make you a wish, I'm a genie
[01:13:51] Get the keys to my keep like Beanie
[01:13:53] You know, I'm a big doll here we need take it to the room and we making a mess. She got two eggs
[01:13:58] It's the niggas press both of them
[01:14:00] Michelin this crack it out Birkin. She want the best. I want to cuff you out coming arrest
[01:14:05] I've been a shower. Bring him in the scratch of my flesh. Yes. Yes. Yes
[01:14:12] Oh some bad if you really want me do some damaging it is
[01:14:38] If I'm being honest, it's just not for me, it ain't for me, it ain't for me, I'm gonna keep it a whole stack.
[01:16:41] Yeah, I'm not even going to act like that, it's not for me, bro.
[01:16:46] Hey, to think about Armouries Radio, we keep everything Armouries, we keep everything Armouries is honest, okay?
[01:16:51] To think about Armouries Radio, we keep everything Armouries is honest, we have to, okay?
[01:16:55] Everything is Armouries, everything is honest, we got to, alright?
[01:17:02] This is Armouries Radio.
[01:17:04] You two American? Fuck no! I love, I love, I love African!
[01:17:10] Nigga, I love, I love, um, music from Africa, I love music from the Caribbean, I love music
[01:17:16] from America, I, I shit, I love fuckin' Dominican music, nigga!
[01:17:23] I love, love, nigga, I can show you my playlist, bitch!
[01:17:26] I got all the, I got all the Avestar song, I got, um, I got all the Burning
[01:17:32] I got all the video songs, I got motherfucking, um, 10 songs, I got motherfucking, um, nigga I got everything nigga, I got Adam and Duda on that motherfuck, I got a lot of shit, I got all the Tyler shit, I got a whole bunch of shit, check.
[01:17:46] I got Jamaican songs, I got Batman, Fog, I got Bumman, Pura, I got all that other shit nigga.
[01:17:52] You feel me?
[01:17:54] I got all that.
[01:17:56] To the next time on Release Radio.
[01:17:59] Yo shitaboo!
[01:18:01] Yo I'm gonna get out of here, I got a lot of yari shit.
[01:18:06] I don't got a lot of it but I got a lot of his shit.
[01:18:09] Chet I got a lot of his shit.
[01:18:11] Yo what more yari?
[01:18:13] Yo dude!
[01:18:20] I mean shit.
[01:18:22] I can ask him.
[01:18:24] I can ask him.
[01:18:32] Hold on, hold on, hold on.
[01:18:44] Chet I wanna get a whole list bro.
[01:18:46] Chet I wanna get a whole list of artists.
[01:18:48] I want to present to y'all. I want to be a stacked list and then do it again
[01:18:53] No cap. Wait, okay
[01:18:56] What what videos did I miss out on that we got a reaction check?
[01:19:04] What videos did I miss out on the doop drop?
[01:19:08] My brand new wide-body Lamborghini Urus
[01:19:15] Okay, let me go ahead and say something real quick. I dropped the misty. I'm sorry. I
[01:19:18] I tried to- I watched the Mr. Beast video. I'm sorry.
[01:19:22] But I'll try to make this. I watched it. I watched it. I watched it. I watched it.
[01:19:28] Yeah, I didn't watch it. I didn't like it. I don't know why.
[01:19:31] Um, it was weird. It was weird. It was weird, but it was weird.
[01:19:40] I'm saying. That's crazy.
[01:19:48] Got Duke Dennis. My brand new widebody Lamborghini motherfucking Urus.
[01:20:01] Duke Dennis and Fennel, you guys have made my cars look like shit.
[01:20:09] Facts are not, chat. Facts are not, and I respect it.
[01:20:13] You guys have made my Lamborghini become the worst out of the three.
[01:20:21] You guys have added a whole bunch of wide body kits to it.
[01:20:26] Now, here's what I'm gonna say, chat.
[01:20:28] I need you guys to build my cars.
[01:20:37] I have an AMG GT53.
[01:20:41] I have a Hellcat.
[01:20:43] I have a Traghawk.
[01:20:45] I have a Lamborghini.
[01:20:48] And I need you guys to tell me what should I equip.
[01:20:51] Captain Spider-Pool with a 20-fucking-gifted.
[01:20:56] Appreciate it.
[01:20:58] Oh, my God. Come on, Lamborghini.
[01:21:00] I don't know where my Lamborghini is.
[01:21:01] It's been in New York and I still don't know where it's at.
[01:21:05] Say it about it, I think.
[01:21:08] Chat, I need you out of build my shit.
[01:21:10] I can't go out like this.
[01:21:12] So here's my colors that I'm going with.
[01:21:14] I want to do red and black, red the primary color,
[01:21:17] black the secondary.
[01:21:19] Oh my god, Captain Spider Pool with another 20 fucking
[01:21:23] gifted.
[01:21:24] You sold it?
[01:21:25] Fuck no, I still got all my cars, bro.
[01:21:27] I still got all my cars, bro.
[01:21:29] I still got all my cars.
[01:21:31] But here's my question chat.
[01:21:33] That metallic? No.
[01:21:34] Doesn't he have me?
[01:21:35] I'm gonna look like an adult that is crazy.
[01:21:38] Crazy, bro.
[01:21:39] Like we got a lot playing.
[01:21:41] And to start it off,
[01:21:42] I just got all my calls for after saying
[01:21:44] because I didn't want to do it for a long time.
[01:21:46] But Captain Spider-Pool with the 20 gifted again.
[01:21:54] W fucking Spider-Pool, nigga.
[01:21:57] W.
[01:21:57] Fuck off, I'm loud.
[01:21:58] W fucking Spider-Pool.
[01:22:02] Lover's University.
[01:22:04] And I'm getting my lamb.
[01:22:06] It really started because I'm getting my lamb
[01:22:08] with the wild-body kid and all that.
[01:22:10] So I just figured I might as well get
[01:22:12] all of them the same color just to see, bro.
[01:22:14] Just to see how it started off.
[01:22:16] So, oh, whoa.
[01:22:18] Subscribe.
[01:22:20] Three mil. Three mil, bro.
[01:22:22] All right, subscribe, bro.
[01:22:24] Number one, my Jeep.
[01:22:26] If you know me, you know I love Jeep Landlifts.
[01:22:28] Yeah!
[01:22:30] I'm gonna get a jeep first man, I'm gonna get a jeep first man, I'm gonna get a jeep first.
[01:22:37] Now Duke, I'm not going to look at a nigga's ass, but do you have my carpet on your ass
[01:22:48] my nigga?
[01:22:50] Now Duke, so look at a nigga's ass!
[01:22:59] Let's take a look into my mother fuckin' room.
[01:23:12] Rip a piece of out piece out of my carpet out and put it on his ass.
[01:23:19] This freaky ass nigga.
[01:23:21] Show your boxes.
[01:23:26] Great.
[01:23:27] Great polo.
[01:23:29] Fuck nigga.
[01:23:30] Great polo.
[01:23:32] Fuck nigga.
[01:23:33] Great polo.
[01:23:35] Fuck nigga.
[01:23:37] Anyways, back to what I was saying nigga.
[01:23:43] I'm not one to look at a nigga's ass.
[01:23:47] This crazy bro, this crazy bro, I'm no count.
[01:23:55] Is this what you're talking about?
[01:23:57] Yeah, yeah, you see the strikes?
[01:24:01] I just strike.
[01:24:04] 3, 9, 2, look, SRT on the side, you know what I'm saying?
[01:24:09] This is crazy.
[01:24:11] I like this though.
[01:24:11] I've never seen no Jeeps, no Jeep Wranglers
[01:24:16] with racing strikes on them.
[01:24:18] If you want to do something a little different,
[01:24:19] change it up a little different.
[01:24:21] Y'all leave me the hat, I like it though.
[01:24:22] I actually like it a lot.
[01:24:23] It's a lot of colors I couldn't get.
[01:24:25] I couldn't get red, I couldn't get blue,
[01:24:26] I couldn't get purple,
[01:24:27] cause Phantom and Kyle got on,
[01:24:28] so I think I did a really good job on choosing my color.
[01:24:32] Jobs are my dog though, hey!
[01:24:33] I've been coming here since.
[01:24:35] Day one.
[01:24:36] Day one.
[01:24:37] Day one, baby day two.
[01:24:38] Nine, uh,
[01:24:39] you had that one.
[01:24:40] Day two, day two, day two.
[01:24:41] I've been coming here since day two, so, hey.
[01:24:44] I appreciate it for that.
[01:24:45] I appreciate it for that.
[01:24:45] Hey look.
[01:24:46] Okay.
[01:24:52] I need y'all out and you in the green blue suck.
[01:24:54] Come out of the air and get up my dog.
[01:24:56] We're sitting around here.
[01:24:58] This don't even do a justice in here.
[01:25:00] Oh yeah?
[01:25:01] Like the flick hits so hard outside,
[01:25:02] it don't do a justice.
[01:25:04] Oh, I see.
[01:25:05] I see the sparkle on them.
[01:25:07] I see the sparkle.
[01:25:10] He's one for one right now.
[01:25:11] Two strats for the five.
[01:25:13] Good to thank you so much.
[01:25:14] Appreciate it.
[01:25:15] He's one for one right now.
[01:25:21] And I really could have been like everybody else
[01:25:23] and got a trek home.
[01:25:24] But I really like Jeep though.
[01:25:25] If you know me, you know how to really love jeeps.
[01:25:28] And like, when I found out that they had a more
[01:25:31] 392 Jeep, that's the best of both worlds for me.
[01:25:34] Because it's like, I got a Jeep, which is my dream car.
[01:25:37] And they're gonna have this 392 Jeep in there,
[01:25:39] and they're gonna fall.
[01:25:40] Come on, but you can't beat that, right?
[01:25:42] And besides, it's different, but you don't really see,
[01:25:44] you don't see 392 Jeep on the road.
[01:25:46] I don't see one that I had to see.
[01:25:49] Hey, wait, what the hell?
[01:25:50] I don't see one other 392 Jeep on the road.
[01:25:53] That's a fun gift, you're beautiful.
[01:25:59] Oh my gosh.
[01:26:05] Yo what?
[01:26:11] Kill switch.
[01:26:29] Right now, it's okay.
[01:26:31] No, it's not.
[01:26:32] Okay, Ashley, look.
[01:26:33] Oh my fucking gosh.
[01:26:35] In the few pictures, it looked way better in person.
[01:26:38] This is good.
[01:26:38] Right now, my keys are just activated,
[01:26:42] and I didn't bring the keys to the keys for you,
[01:26:46] so I'm fucked right now.
[01:26:48] My whole life fucked up.
[01:26:51] My life not fucked up,
[01:26:52] but I just hate small ass inconveniences like this,
[01:26:55] because I wasn't prepared for it,
[01:26:57] So, stay prepared so you don't have to fucking get prepared.
[01:27:00] It's really something.
[01:27:02] I've been waiting for this day for two months.
[01:27:05] And today, it's the day that I'll put in my calls
[01:27:08] to get shit to New York.
[01:27:10] I'm living here now, so I might as well make myself at home.
[01:27:13] My Jeep, my hair cap, and my Lamborghini,
[01:27:16] I haven't seen my Lamborghini in two months, maybe.
[01:27:19] So, we're receiving my calls back right now.
[01:27:23] So, yeah, I'm happy.
[01:27:25] Yo dude, she shot her hands with shakin'
[01:27:27] Ha ha ha ha
[01:27:28] I said it back in the day
[01:27:29] Yo you say man
[01:27:30] I got your niggas
[01:27:32] I'm so scared
[01:27:33] I'm so scared
[01:27:34] You don't scare me
[01:27:35] I'm so scared
[01:27:36] I'm so scared
[01:27:37] If one of you niggas changed that my new spot
[01:27:51] I'm going to
[01:27:52] Go ahead and say it, I don't give a fuck
[01:28:20] I've been working this location
[01:28:22] So when you open it up
[01:28:23] I see this right here
[01:28:28] Well you know
[01:28:33] I am part of all the way in the back home
[01:28:35] So the fact that you muscle memory
[01:28:40] No, no, no, no, no, I worked it for a long time.
[01:28:42] I know how to do what they're for.
[01:28:46] You think I did?
[01:28:47] Yeah.
[01:28:48] I was working outside too, so when I was like, yo,
[01:28:50] I mean, shit, I was working for a while, appreciate it.
[01:28:52] Isn't that it?
[01:28:53] Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
[01:28:55] All right, man, just don't leave my shit.
[01:28:57] All right, I'll be in two.
[01:28:58] I got that.
[01:28:59] You ready to go?
[01:29:00] I'll be in two.
[01:29:01] Oh, OK, OK.
[01:29:02] All right, all right, I got that for two.
[01:29:03] All right, buddy.
[01:29:04] I'll be in two.
[01:29:05] I'll be in two.
[01:29:27] I don't think so.
[01:29:28] Don't drink it.
[01:29:43] It's sealed, nigga.
[01:29:51] It's sealed.
[01:29:55] Yeah, I'm good. Yeah, I'm fucking good.
[01:29:57] Oh yeah, it's sealed, sealed.
[01:30:06] Yo, your niggas are crazy.
[01:30:08] Yo, your niggas are demons.
[01:30:10] Do you understand me?
[01:30:13] Do you understand me that your niggas are fucking demons?
[01:30:17] How?
[01:30:17] How long did I show that background, chat?
[01:30:28] Two, three seconds.
[01:30:32] The niggas queen's like me.
[01:30:34] Well, you are, baby.
[01:30:35] You don't even make a little move of picky, right?
[01:30:37] I get so nervous.
[01:30:38] Hey, nice to meet you.
[01:30:39] This shit.
[01:30:40] There's a fact, bro.
[01:30:40] I'm blessed by your inspiration. You inspire more people than you imagine, bro.
[01:30:43] I appreciate it.
[01:30:44] Thanks, though, bro. God bless you, bro.
[01:30:45] Hey, so unfortunately, I got all my cars shipped to the penthouse.
[01:30:49] They don't even fucking live here, though.
[01:30:51] Hey, that's fucked up.
[01:30:53] I'm shipping my car to another nigga career right now.
[01:30:55] There they go.
[01:30:56] Whole ass nigga, you bitch ass nigga.
[01:30:58] Boy, you fucked up for that nigga.
[01:30:59] Oh!
[01:31:01] Look at the car.
[01:31:05] You gotta straighten it up, though.
[01:31:06] You see, I'm stripping a little bit, and my car rolled off of that motherfucker,
[01:31:10] and it rolled somewhere else.
[01:31:11] imma literally go knock his a** out
[01:31:16] i got a really big moustache
[01:31:18] i got a really big moustache
[01:31:20] i got a really big moustache
[01:31:22] i don't got a really big moustache right now
[01:31:24] oh you don't peaking
[01:31:30] none of my people working on that
[01:31:32] these slides don't fuck at the beach at your mahogany
[01:31:34] that's tough
[01:31:43] that shit look good though
[01:31:48] nobody
[01:31:50] shaggy one
[01:31:52] look at that thing
[01:32:06] We know, we know paperwork, know nothing.
[01:32:09] No confirmation, know nothing.
[01:32:12] I don't know how to drive in New York.
[01:32:13] I don't know how to drive in New York.
[01:32:16] Hey, shit, man.
[01:32:19] Get you my machine, man.
[01:32:21] You, bro, I know this nigga is not driving my fucking Jeep.
[01:32:26] I know Goodendale well is not driving my fucking Jeep.
[01:32:29] Ligga, no care.
[01:32:30] I think I just seen my shop that's
[01:32:32] been like up for two fucking dollars.
[01:32:33] I'm not mine.
[01:32:34] It's on top.
[01:32:36] You saw all that on the street.
[01:32:37] I see that with Dan Shaft.
[01:32:37] I thought it was John Bicell who offered to knock his ass out.
[01:32:40] Yeah.
[01:32:41] I don't want to say I don't knock his ass out.
[01:32:42] But I don't know who dropped it, but it's good.
[01:32:44] But I'm going to find out.
[01:32:46] I'm going to find out, yeah.
[01:32:47] I think you're going to take him.
[01:32:49] Oh, shit.
[01:32:51] Are you going to golf?
[01:32:54] Hey, so look, hold.
[01:32:57] Right?
[01:32:58] Hold.
[01:32:59] Nice.
[01:33:00] If you keep it in the bag, hold.
[01:33:02] I want you to learn more.
[01:33:03] My name is Josh and I'm here to see another landmobile.
[01:33:06] Call my dog right here.
[01:33:08] Why do I do this right here when I'm talking?
[01:33:10] Next time y'all see me doing this right here,
[01:33:12] well, I'm talking to say, do.
[01:33:13] It stops when you are.
[01:33:19] I'm a black ghost.
[01:33:20] Only thing I can do is get up and green light.
[01:33:23] I got hope, I got green light right here,
[01:33:26] and I feel like I'm doing this to be your permanent.
[01:33:28] All the time, I'm only here for two months.
[01:33:31] She look good though.
[01:33:33] What's going on, man?
[01:33:35] Who that is?
[01:33:36] That's my lad, Troy.
[01:33:37] Right there, that's my lad.
[01:33:39] Hey, let's get a bag for the day.
[01:33:41] So we're talking to you, it's three.
[01:33:42] It's three in the morning, and you can ask Willie.
[01:33:45] This has been one of the longest days of the summer,
[01:33:49] bro.
[01:33:49] Like, we just got back from Washington, DC,
[01:33:52] and we done spent the whole day standing up,
[01:33:55] receiving calls, waiting on all three of my calls
[01:33:58] to get shipped.
[01:33:59] And it is three in the morning.
[01:34:02] What time did we start this process you landed at 10 a.m. We got up at what fucking 11 for 12 o'clock
[01:34:11] I've been what I've been up all day receiving call three calls and six to six noon getting lied to
[01:34:18] All type of shit burn like nigga. No count. This better be the best car of all time
[01:34:33] Hey, no Cal, this don't even like the same fucking car.
[01:34:43] It's a shit book, way bigger than mine.
[01:34:48] Hey, back this fuck up, OG.
[01:34:50] Oh, come on, come on.
[01:34:53] Hey, no Cal, where's the way?
[01:34:57] This is worth the wait, what the fuck?
[01:35:00] Man, this got down to Dr. Doom, man.
[01:35:05] What a Dr. Doom, what a no Cal.
[01:35:07] Lucius is regular plain ass server when you brought him in.
[01:35:10] Yo, help me ASAP help me help me help me y'all need a nigga to wrap my shit and add our upgrades
[01:35:16] Yo, help me. Yo, I know yo, what's that? I didn't got a spoiler and some other shit. Holy shit
[01:35:23] Yo, hey, yo, I need all try hard. I need this most try-hard shit chat
[01:35:44] We are officially going to make the Deadpool collection. Hey, listen to me, bro. Listen to me. Yo, give me the best I
[01:36:02] need I need
[01:36:05] I NEED the upgrades that I was making nigga go.
[01:36:11] Like, that's the reaction I need, like...
[01:36:13] What the fuck?
[01:36:15] And the bitch will be like...
[01:36:17] Oh, shit.
[01:36:18] That's what I need!
[01:36:20] Cause chat?
[01:36:21] I don't like this, dude.
[01:36:22] I don't like this.
[01:36:24] I don't like this.
[01:36:25] These niggas shittin' on my shit.
[01:36:30] You know what I'm excited for?
[01:36:31] The AMG GT.
[01:36:33] I'm excited to revamp the AMG GT.
[01:36:35] I will admit I want to revamp the AMG GT bro. I want to actually
[01:36:42] I'm a and I will do a car on the second video
[01:36:46] Jack I'm gonna do a car a
[01:36:49] Car video for the second channel. I got your names and it'll be a legit one like I
[01:36:55] Have people recording the whole process and it'll be a cool as fuck. I got your name
[01:37:10] All right, look at this shit, nigga, don't tell.
[01:37:16] I'm fucking speechless right now, nigga, like,
[01:37:18] check, let me know what the fuck I should name the car.
[01:37:21] Nigga, it's Dr. Doom, it's stuck in my head.
[01:37:24] It's three in the morning, it's rock ball complete.
[01:37:26] We need to take our ass to sleep.
[01:37:28] We got shit to do in the morning.
[01:37:30] Check, I don't think y'all understand, though.
[01:37:31] No kill, Thursday moves the New Yorker.
[01:37:34] Thursday, we finished up the video.
[01:37:36] Y'all Friday, train time, Saturday, train time.
[01:37:39] Sunday morning, at Bob.
[01:37:40] Who do I go to, check?
[01:37:41] I don't want to go to a nigga that takes three months.
[01:37:44] I'm sorry.
[01:37:45] I'm just not doing it.
[01:37:47] I'm not doing it.
[01:37:48] Sandham shit took dumb long.
[01:37:49] Who fed him went to?
[01:37:52] Who fed him went to?
[01:37:53] He went to somebody on the West Coast.
[01:37:55] It took too long.
[01:37:57] I'm not doing it.
[01:38:00] What were you went to?
[01:38:01] Game.
[01:38:02] It took like three months, bro.
[01:38:05] What's the average amount of wait time
[01:38:07] for the upgrades on the car?
[01:38:12] Okay, it should be done by this time.
[01:38:16] Game, seven key trackhawk, AMG GT 53,
[01:38:32] Hellcat, Lamborghini, red and black.
[01:38:39] The best upgrades on all of them.
[01:38:42] Not the best upgrades,
[01:38:43] whatever makes this shit look cool is fucked.
[01:38:46] Five in the morning, had to catch a flight
[01:38:48] to Washington, DC, the broccoli city,
[01:38:50] and then at that five in the morning,
[01:38:51] We had to catch another flight.
[01:38:53] I'm gonna do this right here.
[01:38:57] They're gonna sweep, and we'll see how this goes.
[01:38:59] Look at that thing right there, will you?
[01:39:05] I got a red dickly's whip.
[01:39:07] I got a red dickly's whip.
[01:39:09] It ain't not clean, my po-
[01:39:11] See, the good thing about me is I don't got any problems.
[01:39:20] You know what I'm saying?
[01:39:21] I'm compassionate and understanding.
[01:39:23] You know, you ever wanna have a great friend like me who understands that it's life,
[01:39:28] but states will be made?
[01:39:30] Nah, this nigga look like future, bro.
[01:39:34] It's just him and me, bro.
[01:39:36] Ah, no glaze.
[01:39:42] This nigga looking like future more than future looking like future.
[01:39:45] Nah, it's me. I'm your guy.
[01:39:57] I'm your fucking guy.
[01:39:59] Hey, I'm Niggaz.
[01:41:03] I appreciate that, OG.
[01:41:05] He is fucking blast, bro.
[01:41:16] But we is blessed. I like to see my niggas like this both because of y'all niggas go
[01:41:25] Like they all niggas is blessed, right? Niggas is blessed my niggas
[01:41:30] Niggas is blessed. Yeah, yeah, I'm slacking. I know dude. I
[01:41:34] know I
[01:41:36] Know I'm not a car person chat. I'm more of a content niggas and
[01:41:41] Clothes I know a lot. I'll be honest all my all my money right now go in a straight it's a straight content and clothes
[01:41:48] I ain't gonna cap. I ain't gonna cap, bro. Tomorrow, I'm gonna be out of IRL stream. That's gonna shock it.
[01:41:55] Yo, you know what's crazy? I told this nigga Chris. I said Chris.
[01:42:00] Bro, I said Chris.
[01:42:03] Let's do this thrifting. I want to do a thrift stream with you, bro.
[01:42:06] I want to do a thrifting stream with you, and we're gonna hit up every store in New York.
[01:42:11] I'm not gonna stream. You're gonna stream. We're gonna hit up every store in New York.
[01:42:15] We're gonna eat. We're gonna have a full day and show
[01:42:18] So Chris next door dumbass like I told Chris set up the motherfucking shit, bro.
[01:42:28] I told him if you could I said I told Chris next door, bro, we're not doing a
[01:42:39] big stream. We're doing a fire shop a stream of Chris. I gave Chris I gave
[01:42:43] Chris that idea. I said, bro, I want to do the same with you, but I don't want to
[01:42:47] be the one truly you're gonna get you're gonna have it they're gonna have
[01:42:51] a whole bunch of this you're gonna have the whole list we're gonna go
[01:42:54] from store to store they're gonna spark stream early in the morning that
[01:42:57] we'll come back and at the end of the stream,
[01:43:00] we'll show everybody what we got on stream.
[01:43:03] But I don't keep on, I don't want to tell y'all
[01:43:05] just thought of my shit, I got a New York, oh my,
[01:43:08] I got so much fun ideas, bro.
[01:43:13] I'm not even gonna lie to y'all.
[01:43:20] Checking this shit one day at a time, man.
[01:43:22] Hey, bye, day, man, doing this shit by brick by brick.
[01:43:25] I'm trying to tell y'all off on the brunt,
[01:43:27] this type of shit don't have an overnight, bro.
[01:43:29] Never do, never will.
[01:43:30] Y'all lucky you gonna give this shit
[01:43:32] after overnight for you, bro.
[01:43:33] Just like this shit right here,
[01:43:34] He was knocked and killed overnight, bro.
[01:43:37] Took us years to get over here, didn't he?
[01:43:40] He still got a long way to fucking go.
[01:43:42] He's at a basketball, basketball tip time.
[01:43:55] Oh, this is tough.
[01:43:56] Wait, what's that on first bit, chat?
[01:44:00] Those capital shorts, right?
[01:44:04] Capital shorts?
[01:44:05] What's the beats?
[01:44:06] Get a bucket.
[01:44:07] Get a bucket.
[01:44:15] Get a towel on, man.
[01:44:15] Get a towel on, man.
[01:44:16] Get a towel on, man.
[01:44:17] Out he's got a ring on the shirt.
[01:44:20] I'll bug him.
[01:44:26] Brick by brick.
[01:44:27] I'm trying to tell them off on the road.
[01:44:28] This type of shit don't happen overnight, bro.
[01:44:30] Never do, never will.
[01:44:31] God, what you gonna give this shit
[01:44:33] after overnight for you, bro?
[01:44:34] Just like this shit right here,
[01:44:35] it's not gonna kill overnight, bro.
[01:44:38] Check out the years, nigga, to get it over here.
[01:44:41] And we still got a long way to fucking do it.
[01:44:44] These are the bar.
[01:44:45] Fashion tips on this, dude.
[01:44:54] Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
[01:44:55] It doesn't, it's hot.
[01:44:57] All right, yo, safety.
[01:44:59] Safe, ain't safety, gang.
[01:45:00] I can't do that.
[01:45:02] People standing around just watching me take pictures.
[01:45:08] What's your plan?
[01:45:09] Hey, I'm thinking about getting another car.
[01:45:16] I just don't know what car to get.
[01:45:18] I got three already, but I always wanted a Cybertron
[01:45:21] for this and everybody else got them.
[01:45:23] Water that shit down.
[01:45:25] If you don't go buy a house liquor,
[01:45:29] and want some agent shit,
[01:45:30] go buy you a crib, nigga.
[01:45:32] So, I was talking about Cybertron,
[01:45:34] Forge, or Muffin for this.
[01:45:36] Shit, if this bill gets $200,000, nigga,
[01:45:38] I give you the force or
[01:45:42] let me know that all my cars you're like a fucking feeling right now and I
[01:45:48] appreciate y'all man.
[01:45:49] None of this shit will even be possible man.
[01:45:51] We're up here all niggas just watching this shit right now.
[01:45:54] And I wish y'all like the video though man.
[01:45:56] Subscribe.
[01:45:57] We finna hit three million niggas after this video right here so.
[01:46:00] I wish you subscribe.
[01:46:02] I wish you a perfect time.
[01:46:03] I wish y'all like the video.
[01:46:04] and subscribe, comment, y'all have a deal with me.
[01:46:08] I'm gonna deal with you.
[01:46:10] This shit's so fucking crazy, bruh.
[01:46:12] Like, this is my car, bruh.
[01:46:14] We're hard for this shit, man.
[01:46:16] Got stars in my shit.
[01:46:17] Y'all seen the stars in my shit?
[01:46:18] Come what y'all seein' here right now?
[01:46:20] Y'all let me know which one y'all favor me.
[01:46:21] Personally, I think I still like my Jeep, the Vapor.
[01:46:23] Like, I still like my Jeep the best.
[01:46:26] Oh no, this is my favorite car of all time.
[01:46:29] That was cow.
[01:46:30] It is definitely one of the best.
[01:46:31] Did you see this video?
[01:46:31] What did he say about the cars?
[01:46:34] He is now creppin
[01:46:38] We did he added some to 60
[01:46:40] He added some to 60
[01:46:42] Fuck
[01:46:43] Bro, that a doom bro
[01:46:44] Hey so look everything that I got done to the lambs so far
[01:46:47] Wild body kit
[01:46:49] You know what I'm saying I got the route
[01:46:51] Carbohydra spoiler
[01:46:53] So good I was gonna get carbohydra
[01:46:55] Side skirts, milk
[01:46:57] Got brand new wheels, rims
[01:47:00] Stars in them, stars in it motherfucker
[01:47:03] You!
[01:47:05] Chill!
[01:47:06] Hey, dude.
[01:47:07] Hey, man, okay, I'm gonna see.
[01:47:20] It's a great video, dude.
[01:47:21] That was, I've never done,
[01:47:22] I'd be so interested in cars after that.
[01:47:25] ISW TV with the five,
[01:47:26] ISW, what the fuck going on, man?
[01:47:29] ISW, what the fuck, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[01:47:33] What the fuck going on?
[01:47:34] Mentorikid.
[01:47:37] Mentorikid.
[01:47:45] Do they have this?
[01:47:47] Does Duke in bed even have this or no?
[01:47:51] Does Duke in bed even have this or no?
[01:47:53] Wait, hold on, bro. Duke got this?
[01:48:11] Carl Niggas said Duke got this.
[01:48:16] Oh my god, I'm gonna get on an ASAP.
[01:48:21] Oh my god, I'm getting on an ASAP.
[01:48:23] Oh my god, I'm getting on an ASAP.
[01:48:26] Oh my god, I'm getting on an ASAP.
[01:48:28] You don't? Does he or not? Does he or not, bro?
[01:48:32] What's wrong?
[01:48:33] Wait, Mansory Kid.
[01:48:37] Is that how you pronounce it? Mansory Chat?
[01:48:40] Okay, how much is it just for the kid?
[01:50:44] Kid.
[01:50:45] Kid price.
[01:50:46] How much is it just for the kid, Chad?
[01:50:51] What's the best one?
[01:51:07] What do I click?
[01:51:08] What do I click?
[01:51:09] What do I click?
[01:51:10] What do I click?
[01:51:11] What do I click?
[01:51:12] I want to have to get new rims.
[01:51:13] I want to have to get, oh my gosh.
[01:51:14] Do I need new rims though?
[01:51:21] What do I click?
[01:51:22] What do I click, Chad?
[01:51:37] Liberty Walk?
[01:51:40] Where do y'all see Liberty Walk?
[01:51:47] Where's the Mansory Kid, bro?
[01:51:49] This is a Mansory.
[01:51:50] Mansory.
[01:51:53] Wait!
[01:51:54] It doesn't even...
[01:51:56] Wait!
[01:51:57] Wait, what?
[01:52:01] Liberty Walk is a different kid.
[01:52:02] Oh, Liberty Walk is a different kid?
[01:52:04] Is this $30,000?
[01:52:08] What's a Liberty Walk?
[01:52:16] Mansory Kid price.
[01:52:20] This is nearly $2 million custom Lamborghini RS.
[01:52:42] Forged carbon fiber throughout the whole car.
[01:52:46] This is the only two door Lamborghini RS.
[01:52:50] I gotta get off this. Oh my god.
[01:53:17] My mother if a nigga cop this and a bitch reject them in the vehicle live in Forte,
[01:53:22] you would like...
[01:53:27] Like it's nothing you can do.
[01:53:29] Like it's nothing.
[01:53:31] It's like it's nothing you can do.
[01:53:36] Chad. Okay. Alright, let's write it down.
[01:53:38] Let's write it down.
[01:53:39] So what do I do?
[01:53:40] Okay, I'ma say...
[01:53:43] Look, bad Steve Brickley.
[01:53:47] See, Brick me back.
[01:53:55] So chat.
[01:53:57] So chat.
[01:53:59] Chat, listen to me.
[01:54:01] Chat, listen to me when I say this, OK?
[01:54:03] Listen to me when I say this.
[01:54:06] For the Lamborghini years, it's because look, I'm telling you,
[01:54:10] I ain't going to lie, bro.
[01:54:11] Duke and Phantom, the big thing.
[01:54:12] I'm inspired by these niggas to go get something,
[01:54:16] to go upgrade my shit.
[01:54:18] Liberty, liberty.
[01:54:19] Oh, y'all talking about liberty, liberty, liberty.
[01:54:22] That commercial?
[01:54:23] Cause what the fuck are you all talking about?
[01:54:26] Like what?
[01:54:34] What's this?
[01:54:35] Part of my wifi, my wifi slow right now.
[01:54:37] Part of my wifi, don't make fun, bro.
[01:54:40] Part of my wifi, I'm gonna fucking you home.
[01:54:43] Don't make fun of my shit.
[01:54:46] This is not, wait, hold on a chat.
[01:54:49] This is, wait, no, I like the other one better.
[01:54:52] What the fuck?
[01:54:55] I like the other one, right?
[01:54:57] I like the mandatory, right chat?
[01:55:03] I like the mandatory.
[01:55:04] The ministry's better.
[01:55:06] Okay, can y'all lick me?
[01:55:07] Okay, how much is a ministry and where do I go?
[01:55:10] Yo, is there a nigga that's watching this video?
[01:55:12] Yo, listen to me.
[01:55:14] If you are a top tier car nigga,
[01:55:17] and you've had a company for so long
[01:55:20] and you work on Lamborghini's, you work on Hellcat's,
[01:55:23] you work on all that shit,
[01:55:24] and you are in the Atlanta or New York area
[01:55:28] and you're like, hey, I wanna do your shit
[01:55:33] and I got this price for you
[01:55:34] Ain't you gonna body it?
[01:55:36] Let me know, bruh.
[01:55:38] Plug me in, plug me in, bruh.
[01:55:42] Call Aiden, Aiden, get your shit done in.
[01:55:44] Aiden's in, yeah, off the East Coast, East Coast.
[01:55:47] It could be Florida, Atlanta, anything.
[01:55:51] I'll ship all my cars.
[01:55:57] Ask Uzi?
[01:55:58] I could.
[01:56:00] I could, but you know, like, I don't wanna see.
[01:56:04] I could ask Uzi.
[01:56:11] Yeah, Uzi cars, it's fire.
[01:56:15] What is this?
[01:56:16] Mansory wide body.
[01:56:17] Yo, why would I click on links now?
[01:56:19] It doesn't even open up like, hold on, chat.
[01:56:22] Let me see what this is real quick.
[01:56:24] This is so weird.
[01:56:25] It's just the way that the fucking Google Chrome
[01:56:26] was fucking like, let me chat, this is crazy.
[01:56:33] Brabus, what's that?
[01:56:34] What's barbus?
[01:56:36] Yo, yo, yo, chat!
[01:56:37] Also, also, what's barbus?
[01:56:39] What is that?
[01:56:39] What is brabus?
[01:56:42] Chat, also, we have to go to the underground artist too.
[01:56:47] So please remind me to do that.
[01:56:49] Oh, also Reddit too.
[01:56:50] That's not your drift of the way.
[01:56:52] We have ADHD, remember?
[01:57:00] Oh yeah, I'm getting this.
[01:57:01] Oh yeah, okay, that's the price.
[01:57:02] All right.
[01:57:06] I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it,
[01:57:08] I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it.
[01:57:13] I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it.
[01:57:20] Oh my God, I want it.
[01:57:21] Oh, I want it, I want it, I want it.
[01:57:30] What is a bra bus?
[01:57:35] What is a bra bus, bro?
[01:57:37] Okay, oh yeah, same for that.
[01:57:41] My chat niggas is big.
[01:57:43] My chat niggas, okay, okay.
[01:57:45] Okay, so is this all I need for my level?
[01:57:48] Is this all I need for my level right here?
[01:57:52] Is this all I need for my level?
[01:57:59] And a rap and a rap, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
[01:58:01] This and a rap, basically.
[01:58:02] Say it, man, say less.
[01:58:04] Okay, I want this.
[01:58:06] Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
[01:58:10] What else?
[01:58:11] Okay, so you said Barbados?
[01:58:15] Kid, hold on, hold on.
[01:58:17] Let me see if it's the Barbados kid.
[01:58:33] Ah, bro, we in this motherfucker.
[01:58:38] I got my chat know about cars. Let's go check. Let's go check. I think it's a small-ass niggas, man
[01:58:50] Let's go
[01:58:52] Let's go
[01:58:54] Wait, wait, barbo. Oh, brabis brabis
[01:59:00] Rob this say I should do something big first for this chat. I'm more like if I'm going to spend this much
[01:59:07] I'm lying. I'm I would want to say fire for y'all and then get it like it should be rewarding like it should be like
[01:59:14] I have the elderly. I want to get started for secondly for beating all
[01:59:20] well
[01:59:21] It's all right. Wait
[01:59:24] Come on. What am I looking at? Can somebody link one? Can somebody link a website?
[01:59:27] It's a mighty little website real quick
[01:59:31] Somebody link a website, bro. I need to see how it looks
[01:59:49] Clam. Oh
[01:59:51] My god, wait
[01:59:55] Why did I just see GTA 6 leaks? Oh my gosh?
[02:00:02] Gosh, why did I just see GT86 leaks?
[02:00:28] My source, trust me nigga, don't worry about it.
[02:00:30] Trust me bro, just trust me bro.
[02:00:34] I just seen some, just trust me bro.
[02:00:43] Wait, what is this?
[02:00:50] Oh shit, Rocket 900?
[02:00:53] What is that?
[02:00:58] What am I looking at?
[02:00:59] Oh, no, I wanna, okay, no, I wanna see,
[02:01:04] how would it look on a GT?
[02:01:06] Oh my, wait, hold on, wait, wait, what am I, okay.
[02:01:09] Let me look at this, okay, hold on.
[02:01:11] Okay, now how would it go with my car?
[02:01:16] AMG GT53,
[02:01:23] Marvis, Marvis.
[02:01:44] I'm so confused, I'm sorry, I'm not a car nigga, Jack.
[02:01:47] I'm so confused, bro, I'm a gamer.
[02:01:51] It's a car?
[02:01:52] Why are y'all recommending me cars?
[02:01:58] Yo, what?
[02:01:59] So for Mercedes it's not really good to take shit apart.
[02:02:25] I've heard that before.
[02:02:29] Well, you can or you can?
[02:02:45] What do I do?
[02:02:46] Do I just say like, so if I go to a car and the guy
[02:02:48] I say, yo, I want the AMG GT53 with the Barbus.
[02:02:52] They don't know what I'm talking about.
[02:02:55] If I be like, yo, I want it with the Barbus.
[02:02:59] But, that was the announcement.
[02:03:33] By the way, I know y'all be on Twitter and shit.
[02:03:37] And then y'all starting to see like a lot of niggas
[02:03:39] put in like the gambling shit, right?
[02:03:43] That's the like clips and shit.
[02:03:44] Like give me like steak or like rain back.
[02:03:49] I don't gamble.
[02:03:51] That ain't me.
[02:03:52] I respect them.
[02:03:53] If they get paid for that, that's cool.
[02:03:55] Get they mad, but I don't gamble.
[02:03:57] I'm a man, y'all niggas know.
[02:04:00] Type shit.
[02:04:03] The fuck was that?
[02:04:08] Chad, you need to get the G.
[02:04:12] Kids they just said you need to get the GT63.
[02:04:24] Okay, so what do I do?
[02:04:25] Okay, for the fact, for the fact check.
[02:04:29] My GT 53, is it paid off check?
[02:04:33] For the fact, it's not paid off with my first car.
[02:04:38] I just don't pay it off, I don't know why.
[02:04:41] All right, what do I do with it?
[02:04:42] What do I do with it?
[02:04:43] Sell it?
[02:04:52] Don't let this clip get to Ray.
[02:04:54] If Ray hears that I'm trying to sell my car,
[02:04:57] the first thing he's gonna say is,
[02:04:59] yo buddy I heard you say your ass you tight shit and I don't want I need
[02:05:08] car right now I can't walk I just need car right now
[02:05:10] don't sell that shit bro like give me that shit bro don't sell that shit bro
[02:05:20] I know how it drives I know how it drives I show you I don't want to walk
[02:05:25] I would take ubo ubo to a fucking expensive bro don't sell that shit bro
[02:05:30] fuck out of here nigga I would have if I give it to somebody I have to
[02:05:36] to somebody in my family, like I would have to get that to my little brother or like,
[02:05:40] like my sister, like I've never seen a girl with a GT 53, I might have to get that shit
[02:05:45] to my sister, I just might have to get that shit to my sister, bro.
[02:05:54] The boss everybody on his car, I just, I bought his car, he got it, he likes his
[02:06:01] car, his shit was expensive, he got it to the lady, traded in, okay I might just
[02:06:08] trade it in, nah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I might just trade
[02:06:13] I think I'm gonna trade it in.
[02:06:19] Nah, I can't give it away to a supporter
[02:06:20] because my dashboard has like recent websites
[02:06:23] that I've searched up in the past on it.
[02:06:25] And if somebody used to hold it, it couldn't get mad
[02:06:27] and it could get a little freaky,
[02:06:28] go down a lane and be like,
[02:06:29] nah, this thing is a freaky ass nigga.
[02:06:31] So I can't have niggas on that, all right?
[02:06:38] So look, so look, so I traded in.
[02:06:41] So chat with my GT53, how much money
[02:06:44] you guys think I can get by trying to go for the GT63?
[02:06:48] I'm probably gonna get ripped off,
[02:06:49] but at least a band, 50.
[02:06:58] Man that car goes for 120.
[02:07:03] How much is the GT?
[02:07:08] GT 63.
[02:07:09] I don't think I wanna get a different car though.
[02:07:12] GT3S 24.
[02:07:15] Wait, 2024.
[02:07:19] But I could trade that in for a brand new 2024.
[02:07:21] Oh my God.
[02:07:30] The reason why I don't wanna get a different type of car
[02:07:34] is because even if I do trade that one in,
[02:07:36] I'm going to chat.
[02:07:38] Even if I do trade that one in,
[02:07:40] this is what I'm gonna do.
[02:07:41] I'm going to, if I do trade that one in,
[02:07:48] I wanna look at the car as if like,
[02:07:50] it's still my car, like, it's my first car.
[02:07:52] So this is the only thing, it's just the same body.
[02:07:55] I feel like it's the only thing that will like,
[02:07:57] remind me like, hey, this is still your car.
[02:07:59] Plus it will feel brand new.
[02:08:00] You feel me?
[02:08:01] Like the GT, oh my gosh, our car collection's gonna be
[02:08:06] crazy.
[02:08:06] The only other car that I would get if I had to get one, which I don't think I'm gonna get, which I think I'm gonna get by the time I have kids and shit, is a Bugatti, bruh, is a Bugatti.
[02:08:31] No! Ah, no? Is it a ass? Fuck that shit! Well, fuck that Bugatti, bruh! Bugatti, bruh! We gonna get us a pretty band, nigga!
[02:08:57] school bus
[02:09:09] Fuck all that fuck all that shit nigga. Okay. Well, all right. All right. So, okay for okay
[02:09:19] Everybody down on my nose
[02:09:20] Lamborghini man's weekend
[02:09:22] We had a Lambo
[02:09:25] Mancery
[02:09:28] Plus
[02:09:30] Rack
[02:09:32] What else?
[02:09:33] What else? What else? What else? Oh, um AMG TT
[02:09:38] Robus, Robus plus Rap.
[02:09:51] Ah, what else?
[02:09:52] What do I get from my track-hawk?
[02:10:01] I get from my track-hawk.
[02:10:02] That Aiden got me.
[02:10:03] That I have to go fucking fix by the way.
[02:10:05] I don't think I, I don't think I,
[02:10:07] wouldn't fix my shit.
[02:10:11] Cause I didn't pay nothing, I don't think.
[02:10:18] Pay nothing for my, Aiden made that call, I think.
[02:10:23] Aiden, did you make that call?
[02:10:28] All right, cover it.
[02:10:30] Oh my God, he did, he did, man.
[02:10:35] Oh my God, he did, bro.
[02:10:37] Okay, what do I need for the track Hawk? Talk to me. Track Hawk. What do I need for it? What do I need for it? That's it. That's it. That's it. Plus new rap, right? Plus rap. I think I know somebody in Atlanta that can help. You know, you know, Atlanta's experts in that. You know what I mean?
[02:11:14] Hey, I know it again Elena.
[02:11:17] Oh, what do I need?
[02:11:23] Hennessy Toon?
[02:11:24] Why body health care to know?
[02:11:36] Same?
[02:11:37] Health care?
[02:11:38] Supercharger?
[02:11:44] But what?
[02:11:45] Lambo is a man tree plus rap.
[02:11:50] AMGT the bravers plus rap.
[02:11:52] Trackhawk?
[02:11:53] Why body plus rap?
[02:11:55] There's a track?
[02:11:56] Yo, just say yes or no when I talk chat.
[02:11:59] Trackhawk.
[02:12:00] Does it need a Toon?
[02:12:07] What type of tune?
[02:12:13] Stage two tune. I need a car person to just handle all that shit for me, bro
[02:12:25] Yeah, bro. I used to just have
[02:12:28] I used to just have things
[02:12:30] Like somebody now how cat chat how come what does it mean? Okay? Let's just check. There's a hell cat need a wide body
[02:12:58] There's a hell cat need a wide body
[02:13:03] No, yes
[02:13:20] Let me see.
[02:13:21] It's that star root.
[02:13:49] I'm not getting those star roots unless I'm in a fucking rose race nigga.
[02:13:53] I'm not getting those star roots.
[02:13:54] If it ain't a rose race, I ain't getting the star root buddy.
[02:13:59] I'm sorry nigga.
[02:14:00] I ain't doing that.
[02:14:02] Why, let's just say why body plus rap.
[02:14:07] Does the, does the, does the hell cat need a tune?
[02:14:25] Yes?
[02:14:31] Okay.
[02:14:32] that I'm not a try hard hellcat type of nigga and I'm mostly only going to be
[02:14:38] driving my lamb my AMG I'm not a try hard track Hawk type of dude okay but
[02:14:58] okay now what type of rap do I get for my cars I have the Cadillac too but the
[02:15:12] The Cadillac going to stay black.
[02:15:14] I'ma do, chat, what is, what's a satin red
[02:15:20] primary and black secondary?
[02:15:28] I don't like Matt, I don't like Matt, I don't like Matt.
[02:15:32] All right, so does Lamborghini Earths come in
[02:15:33] for a full satin block rap?
[02:15:35] Check it out.
[02:15:36] This is satin, chat, this is satin.
[02:15:38] Let me see how satin, satin red look.
[02:15:43] Let me see how satin red look.
[02:15:45] I like satin, let me see how satin red look.
[02:15:48] Ooh, ooh.
[02:15:50] Flooded my chain and it goes in.
[02:15:52] I don't want that girl, she moved.
[02:16:00] This is mad, I don't like mad.
[02:16:02] Where's, hold on.
[02:16:06] I want all my colors to be the same.
[02:16:08] That's ugly, really I love red bro.
[02:16:12] Satin red lamb, yours.
[02:16:16] All right, well I want it to be red,
[02:16:17] so I gotta decide.
[02:16:19] What's the best red of the car?
[02:16:21] Okay, this is basically how I want my car to be.
[02:16:27] Like black, no, not like this.
[02:16:31] I want like it to be black.
[02:16:35] I want it to be blacks at some places.
[02:16:37] Candy Apple Red?
[02:17:01] Monty wants to show you this video.
[02:18:04] You see, I got this on some old nigga shit.
[02:18:07] Fuck you mean mine red.
[02:18:17] Oh, bro, I think I'm gonna go sat and ran, gang.
[02:18:21] I might just have to go sat in red, bro.
[02:18:23] Why red?
[02:18:44] Oh, this is, oh, this is Matt.
[02:18:46] Why is it not, why does it keep showing me Matt?
[02:18:51] Why does it keep showing me Matt red?
[02:18:54] What, what, what, what's with my causes of sat in?
[02:18:56] My AMG is sat in chat.
[02:18:57] Now this is sat in, this is sat in look right here.
[02:19:00] Go a darker red.
[02:19:03] Red, let me, okay, bro.
[02:19:07] Somebody said, live or red.
[02:19:18] Somebody just said, red camo.
[02:19:21] Wait, camo red.
[02:19:35] want something unique bro I want something different brushed red I think
[02:19:46] red is just I want something unique dude I think I gotta go red chat Rosa
[02:20:10] Park right sexy red oh my no I chrome ready either chrome chrome red is not
[02:20:33] it bro I'm telling you anything chrome that's a cop no fuck no
[02:20:39] Ew. Ew, nigga.
[02:20:41] I'm going satin, bro.
[02:20:51] I'm going satin, though.
[02:20:53] So I'm going to satin red.
[02:20:54] Satin.
[02:20:55] It'll be satin red and black.
[02:20:56] Who the hell?
[02:21:56] They're going trespassers.
[02:21:57] All right, so let's go to five, 10, 20 minutes.
[02:22:28] I'm not about to end the stream, but hold on.
[02:22:31] No, no, no, no, no.
[02:22:32] I'm having too much fun right now.
[02:22:34] Rick would have drive this bitch at slowest possible.
[02:22:38] Oh, God.
[02:22:41] Yo, listen to me.
[02:22:42] Oh, God.
[02:22:43] We're gonna, I'm gonna hold this setup down.
[02:22:46] We're gonna drive this bitch as slow as possible
[02:22:50] to the next.
[02:22:55] God forbid there wasn't a stream right now.
[02:22:59] I am not ending the stream.
[02:23:01] The last time somebody hopped in this shit and drove it,
[02:23:07] everybody was mad at the stream and it only ended shit.
[02:23:10] I'll be damned.
[02:23:11] You know what they say.
[02:23:21] Just try to sell, try to sell,
[02:23:24] try to sell, green and fine under location.
[02:23:27] What?
[02:23:28] Try to sell green and fine under location.
[02:23:32] Oh, where is out there?
[02:23:34] Just pinpoint it and shit just to make sure we go chat.
[02:23:44] That's what I mean.
[02:23:46] OK, I'm going to tell you how to game play.
[02:23:49] Here's the game play, OK?
[02:23:51] Here's the game.
[02:23:51] Oh, fuck, what happened to my music?
[02:24:00] That's what we're going to do.
[02:24:07] Stream fast as much as we can.
[02:24:09] Pin, put the location.
[02:24:11] We're going to hold everything down
[02:24:13] in this motherfucking vehicle.
[02:24:19] Oh, WMAS.
[02:24:20] Tell them I said thank you.
[02:24:23] Fuck, I kinda wanted to do the drive shit.
[02:24:31] Hey, I kinda wanted to see how it is to drive
[02:24:34] to the location.
[02:24:36] Fuck, I'm so ready for that.
[02:24:39] All right, we good then.
[02:24:40] All right, we good, they bein' nice, they bein' nice,
[02:24:42] bro, they bein' nice.
[02:24:58] Please come to the street.
[02:24:59] All right, I don't want to say thank you.
[02:25:01] I won't be there tomorrow.
[02:25:15] Please get their first W.
[02:25:38] What, don't even wash the floor.
[02:25:40] You're cool.
[02:25:43] Okay, man, I don't know how to put them up
[02:25:44] to the floor, these wash them on the street,
[02:25:45] not that I'm doing it in the illegal,
[02:25:47] But, we're okay.
[02:26:21] Let's go, Jack.
[02:26:24] Let's go, Jack.
[02:26:27] Let's go.
[02:26:29] Let's fucking go.
[02:26:31] Chai, I ain't a lot.
[02:26:32] I was not ending this bitch, yo.
[02:26:33] Chai, I ain't a lot.
[02:26:34] I was not ending this bitch.
[02:26:35] I was not ending this bitch.
[02:26:37] I was not ending this bitch.
[02:26:38] I don't care, bro.
[02:26:43] I don't care.
[02:26:44] This shit not gonna end it.
[02:26:45] Wait, metallic red?
[02:26:47] Let me see.
[02:26:48] Metallic?
[02:26:51] Nigga, why don't I feel like I'm in lost custom?
[02:26:53] What I feel like I'm in Los Santos.
[02:26:57] This is how I want my shit to look,
[02:26:58] but like a different red.
[02:26:59] So this is how I want my shit to look,
[02:27:00] but like a different red, bro.
[02:27:03] Romani red?
[02:27:05] Romani's a fire, I might name my daughter Romani.
[02:27:08] Romani, why that sound, whoa.
[02:27:11] Romani sound tough.
[02:27:30] No, no, bro.
[02:27:30] Appreciate all the sounds.
[02:27:31] Everybody who's subbing right now, appreciate all the
[02:27:32] names, it's going to be fucking crazy.
[02:27:34] A and P yellow?
[02:27:36] Wait, black and yellow.
[02:27:57] Give me the red, okay.
[02:27:58] There we go, all right, on to the next,
[02:28:00] on to the next, on to the next.
[02:28:01] I ain't gonna lie, bro.
[02:28:02] That's where your niggas lost you, bro.
[02:28:04] Yeah, your niggas lost it right there.
[02:28:07] You, yeah, yeah, you fucking lost it.
[02:28:08] Yo, I'm not even gonna lie to you, Chad.
[02:28:10] Why do I keep hearing this X-Mot sound?
[02:28:12] I don't see where the turn it off at.
[02:28:13] Okay, I see it.
[02:28:16] The shade fucking frost with the 50 fucking giftloom.
[02:28:23] The shade, all my life, the shade.
[02:28:26] If my PS5 was hooked up right now,
[02:28:29] I would play you no problem.
[02:28:32] I will play you right now on NCAA and take your money.
[02:28:36] The shade, hold on, Ray, you owe me 5,000.
[02:28:40] Stop ducking me.
[02:28:41] Better with the five.
[02:28:42] The shade with the 50 gifted, appreciate it.
[02:28:44] Captain Spider pool with the 50 gifted.
[02:28:47] Oh my God.
[02:29:05] Appreciate that, bro.
[02:29:06] Appreciate that, bro.
[02:29:08] Yes, tomorrow we doing an IRL, I don't give a fuck.
[02:29:10] Y'all get, I ain't gonna lie.
[02:29:12] Yo, yo, I ain't like I deserve it, fuck it.
[02:29:14] Hey, tomorrow we on the side, bro, fuck it.
[02:29:20] Captain Spider-Pool with the fucking 50 gifted.
[02:29:23] Thank you so much.
[02:29:25] That boy D13 with the five gifted, thank you so much.
[02:29:29] Dragonblood red?
[02:29:41] Wait, no, first of all, let me call Ray.
[02:29:46] Ray, you owe me $5,000.
[02:29:51] I will find you.
[02:30:11] It's red with the five to say,
[02:30:13] Oh, we do got some unreleased from 2C2!
[02:30:16] Huh?
[02:30:21] Ray, I got a question, Ray.
[02:30:26] Is there something that you're forgetting to get me?
[02:30:41] Yo, what?
[02:30:47] You just say you're dick?
[02:30:53] So you don't know what you're supposed to be getting me.
[02:31:00] Where's my $5,000, buddy?
[02:31:16] Yo, you think you're a thug or something?
[02:31:17] What the fuck do you mean I'm not getting my $5,000?
[02:31:26] No, you haven't even, bro, you're lying.
[02:31:30] You're lying.
[02:31:34] I feel like you are, bitch.
[02:31:42] But you're a scammer.
[02:31:43] But everybody's saying, ready to scammer.
[02:31:53] Say less, say less.
[02:31:54] I'm jumping my song, I'm jumping my song.
[02:31:56] I'm jumping my, hey, I'm telling you, in my city,
[02:31:59] I'ma, no, let me turn it to a dream nigga.
[02:32:01] I will, bro.
[02:32:02] But let me turn it to a dream nigga.
[02:32:05] What?
[02:32:12] Are you gonna give me my,
[02:32:13] are you gonna give me my $5,000, yes or no?
[02:32:15] Are you gonna give me my $5,000, yes or no?
[02:32:18] Are you gonna give me my $5,000, yes or no?
[02:32:20] Yeah, I am.
[02:32:21] All right, all right, that's what I thought.
[02:32:24] What?
[02:32:28] No, wait a minute.
[02:32:33] You're lying.
[02:32:34] You're lying.
[02:32:35] You're lying.
[02:32:36] I'm not.
[02:32:37] I'm not.
[02:32:37] Yes, you are.
[02:32:39] What do you got?
[02:32:43] Gold.
[02:32:44] Buy somebody who got Zell.
[02:32:47] PayPal whoever got Zell.
[02:32:49] And tell them to send me my $5,000.
[02:32:55] Your shoes is in Atlanta waiting for you.
[02:32:58] How much is it?
[02:33:00] That's it.
[02:33:00] It's more than $5,000.
[02:33:04] You're off white sneakers that you've got
[02:33:07] that you're gonna have after gorgeous passing.
[02:33:09] Yes.
[02:33:23] How much are you gonna re-sell the shoes for?
[02:33:29] You know they go more for 10, right?
[02:33:33] Bro, no, I ain't.
[02:33:35] I'm not waitin', how about this?
[02:33:36] I'm not waitin' till you got 10 minutes
[02:33:38] to give you my shit, if I demand.
[02:33:46] What?
[02:33:50] Bro, how you nigga in the back?
[02:33:52] How you telling me?
[02:34:14] I'm gonna beat this nigga ass.
[02:34:22] I'm gonna beat this nigga's ass.
[02:34:39] Ray Quar want to be Ray Quar today.
[02:34:44] Knicker feeling brave, something about,
[02:34:45] I know you don't need the money bitch STAY LESS
[02:35:53] I ain't gonna lie
[02:35:53] I to admit it
[02:35:54] We are slacking on the Reddit to us, not having a fucking house.
[02:35:58] We are slacking. We are slacking. So we need to get the, like I noticed so much shit that
[02:36:05] y'all dropping the Reddit, I just wanted to check. If you guys are not in the Reddit,
[02:36:09] make sure you guys join the motherfucking Reddit. Make sure you guys join the motherfucking Reddit.
[02:36:16] Okay, I think I see that. All right, here we go. I'll be damned if God do this.
[02:36:22] This constant that position to, you see how TMZ
[02:36:25] titled this?
[02:36:28] They knew that some dumb niggas
[02:36:30] that don't know what petitioned mean.
[02:36:35] So they made it, they know,
[02:36:40] they know that some dumb niggas out there
[02:36:41] that don't know what petitioned mean.
[02:36:43] So the average reader will be like, constant that position
[02:36:46] to interview Kamala Harris
[02:36:48] after Donald Trump's team with Ada Ross.
[02:36:50] It makes it look like, oh, I'm about to do a streamer.
[02:36:53] And I know that this dumb niggas that don't know what this should mean because I was a dumb niggas and I had to go in the comments
[02:36:59] And I read a smart nigga say the way they worded it was wrong. So I agree with that smart nigga
[02:37:05] Well, I'm about to put a complex
[02:37:09] then a hundred
[02:37:15] React to hot month into that big dog
[02:37:18] React to a human kind of big dog with the 100 fucking gift
[02:37:22] Did you do underground artists? I did not forget.
[02:37:29] I appreciate all the gift there is a hundred and 18,000 in this bitch.
[02:37:35] Please read. I don't know if it's just me, but agent has been killing it.
[02:37:38] Since he's the only one doing it and watching content.
[02:37:41] Cobb, you can see this. You can do more.
[02:37:42] What agent is not mostly.
[02:37:44] Y'all don't get it from my perspective.
[02:37:48] Y'all don't.
[02:37:49] And it's cool, bro.
[02:37:50] Y'all don't understand, bro.
[02:37:52] Y'all don't understand it.
[02:37:54] Yes, Agent is doing crazy. Yes, that's fire. As he should, bruh.
[02:37:59] You feel me? But y'all don't under-fuckin' stand what the fuck is going on.
[02:38:05] Nega. W Agent though. Ryan B the new K-Lan, bruh. I think I've seen this.
[02:38:18] I've seen this. But we've seen a lot of these.
[02:38:21] What you gotta repeat?
[02:38:22] So, I got that personality on for half.
[02:38:35] And that ass is fat ice!
[02:38:38] I didn't say that.
[02:38:40] My Jacob, this is something that made a mural, yes, somebody did make a mural of Gray.
[02:38:47] This is the same artist in Germany who's made a mural of everybody in AMP and Gray.
[02:38:53] So I want to go to Germany and I need to see these in person, bro.
[02:38:57] We're going to Paris soon.
[02:38:59] I can't wait, though.
[02:39:03] I've seen this.
[02:39:04] I've seen this.
[02:39:05] Kai asked the way and bro, shreem.
[02:39:07] Let us meet one of the biggest dream of our time, Kaisenak.
[02:39:11] Did I see this?
[02:39:12] Ah yo, the brother humble your fuck, the brother humble your fuck.
[02:39:16] Mr. Najee in the supermarket, energy by everything for everybody.
[02:39:19] All people, kids, everybody.
[02:39:21] Yo, y'all wanna know the best feeling?
[02:39:23] Okay, so, I did the Mr. Meese video, right?
[02:39:25] Check.
[02:39:26] The best feeling that I've ever got.
[02:39:29] I'ma be so real with y'all niggas right now.
[02:39:32] Everybody get serious real quick.
[02:39:36] The best feeling that I've ever got.
[02:39:38] Yo, react with the tooth, with the 100, give it a GAAAAY!
[02:39:43] Listen to me, the best, the best feeling I ever got
[02:39:56] through in the Mr. Beast video was doing it in the Bronx,
[02:40:00] but I did it exactly in, I'll give you a little hit of what I did.
[02:40:05] I went to a grocery store that my mom used to go to growing up
[02:40:10] to get us food, and she had to walk up two big ass hills
[02:40:14] just to get to the house.
[02:40:16] I went to the grocery store chat.
[02:40:19] I went inside that grocery store.
[02:40:21] I told the artist, oh, I paid for everybody
[02:40:25] checking out the grocery.
[02:40:26] I don't know, I gotta go back to my,
[02:40:28] yo, tomorrow we do the IOS stream,
[02:40:30] we're going back and we do that again.
[02:40:31] I wanna do it again.
[02:40:32] I'm gonna just sit there and do it again.
[02:40:33] I just wanna do it again.
[02:40:34] Bro, it's the best feeling ever, bro.
[02:40:36] It's literally the best, I wanna just sit there
[02:40:38] and I wanna buy these foods, bro.
[02:40:40] I don't give a fuck.
[02:40:42] I wanna do that again.
[02:40:43] I don't write that down, bro.
[02:40:44] It's the best feeling ever.
[02:40:46] No one can't, that is making more of a world.
[02:40:52] No, I ain't gonna, oh my gosh, boy.
[02:40:57] He's untucked, boy, he's untucked.
[02:41:00] Y'all, we're going to Disneyland with Bonnie coming soon,
[02:41:02] Dubby's in the chat.
[02:41:04] Disneyland with Bonnie coming soon.
[02:41:06] They say that Bonnie didn't like me.
[02:41:09] Didn't land with Bonnie coming soon, I've seen this.
[02:41:12] I ain't gonna lie, you got 20 minutes
[02:41:14] until your first date, baby.
[02:41:16] I'm spending your birthday.
[02:41:19] And we'll bring sage how about that uncle cop
[02:41:32] Why you keep looking at me for not every single time I look away you look back at me
[02:41:41] You see something like yeah
[02:42:04] The fact this is the fair guy one of my mouth got some canal street
[02:42:08] This is the fair guy
[02:42:10] I got my mouth off of Canal Street, my boots,
[02:42:13] I'm sorry to put you on the blast,
[02:42:15] but man, I showed that shit off.
[02:42:17] Anybody who went to my high school
[02:42:18] that thought that shit was real, ha ha ha, I lied, okay?
[02:42:22] All right, I lied.
[02:42:27] Who thought that was real?
[02:42:28] That went to my high school, I lied.
[02:42:30] If you wanna talk shit, then fuck you,
[02:42:32] I don't give a fuck.
[02:42:33] Ha ha ha ha, I lied, I'm lying.
[02:42:38] Okay, so that shit, you know, go to Canal Street,
[02:42:41] you can't get this shit that's obviously fake.
[02:42:44] just get you a nice little something.
[02:42:46] You feel me?
[02:42:47] Get you a nice little one.
[02:42:49] Ah man!
[02:42:52] If I had to go and I was going to it,
[02:42:54] I would go to it, you know what I'm saying?
[02:42:56] Cause I guess it's, I like to stay still and talk.
[02:42:58] I want to stay still.
[02:42:59] Yo, that's like a kai, yo, I was tucking in my shirt.
[02:43:05] Nah, to show off the belt?
[02:43:13] I knew that by the way.
[02:43:15] I don't know.
[02:43:16] I didn't think I was gonna post that.
[02:43:19] She must be so proud of him.
[02:43:21] I love Armcathy, W. Armcathy.
[02:43:24] This message is to Kai and Kai Sanat only.
[02:43:27] If you're not Kai Sanat, keep following.
[02:43:30] Now that's her gone.
[02:43:32] Don't fall for the Oakie Dope, OK?
[02:43:35] Aiden thought that was cool, bringing Trump on his loaves.
[02:43:39] Twitch-straining thing.
[02:43:42] Once you get into a political race
[02:43:46] or show your political influence on your social media,
[02:43:51] you don't want the wolves that come out.
[02:43:54] Okay, I'm gonna say that, and I'll say it again.
[02:43:57] Once you involve your social media or your following
[02:44:01] into your political bruja, the wolves that come out,
[02:44:06] you're not gonna like it.
[02:44:08] So yes, it might be the thing to do or...
[02:44:12] Hey, I'm telling you, chat,
[02:44:13] I don't know nothing about politics,
[02:44:14] so here's what I'm saying.
[02:44:16] We are every eight.
[02:44:18] Hey, please do not have me around anybody.
[02:44:23] It'll be a joke.
[02:44:24] It'll be a joke.
[02:44:25] I'm telling you.
[02:44:30] I wouldn't like the fuck am I going to do?
[02:44:32] I don't know.
[02:44:34] I wouldn't know what to do.
[02:44:38] DDG ain't nothingness.
[02:44:41] People complain about everything.
[02:44:42] So do you guys think he will skip 70% of this one?
[02:44:45] Not, um, not.
[02:44:48] I'm beyond his check.
[02:44:50] OK.
[02:44:51] The reason why I didn't, I didn't do all the main ones, and I wasn't able to do the DLC due to me having to be in New York, due to me having to be in New York, I couldn't do mad shit.
[02:45:05] And to the niggas who did Bloodborne, and to the niggas who loves Bloodborne, shout out to y'all. You feel me? I know how y'all niggas feel.
[02:45:15] Because me watching somebody play Outer Ring, now I want them to go through the pain that I went through and to exchange a lot of shit.
[02:45:22] So I wish that I was able to do it. I'm gonna spend a black on Bloodborne and do it, okay?
[02:45:28] Now, here's the thing about Bloodborne. Here's where I went wrong. And I won't be out of this.
[02:45:34] Outer ring is such a good fucking game that when you rewind and go to an older souls game
[02:45:41] it's just like you just be like you feel me it it's just like pro like outer ring is so
[02:45:52] good but that should be me being honest like I think I spoiled myself with outer ring first
[02:45:59] was being bad so if I had to recommend anybody to get into souls game y'all should start
[02:46:04] from like the older ones and they go up or at least do one on one and they walk.
[02:46:09] I couldn't do the whole shit with blood work because I genuinely had to do in New York,
[02:46:13] but I'll raise my favorite one.
[02:46:20] You feel me? I wish I was able to experience all of them.
[02:46:22] But a lot of people saying that I will love Sekiro though.
[02:46:26] A lot of people said Sekiro is the hardest one.
[02:46:31] But I will like it.
[02:46:32] That was up your child. I love I'm gonna like actually
[02:46:34] But depending on how long this fucking minecraft shit goes you gotta see I never tell y'all which one I'm doing first
[02:46:40] Oh, Kaisen that you're the method tell switch. We don't want no brain rot tick-tock fee
[02:46:47] What the hell is this
[02:46:49] What do I do just call up the CEO of twitch and say hey change the fucking
[02:46:55] Loadout of the app or I'm leaving
[02:46:58] What do you have to do with it?
[02:47:00] What do you have to do with it?
[02:47:02] Okay, I'm not gonna lie.
[02:47:04] This app is dog shit.
[02:47:06] The face of it, look, look, look.
[02:47:08] The way it looks is dog shit.
[02:47:10] I would not admit.
[02:47:12] But!
[02:47:14] But!
[02:47:16] I think this app is, I think the way it looks is dog shit.
[02:47:18] What?
[02:47:20] The reason why I do like it
[02:47:22] is because I caught myself
[02:47:24] scrolling
[02:47:26] Finding new streamers I've never seen before and that is deep and that is the best thing
[02:47:34] about it.
[02:47:35] Look look look that's the best thing about it.
[02:47:36] I'm telling you it's more discoverability for the young like let me go on Twitch right
[02:47:41] now.
[02:47:42] Is this the UI?
[02:47:43] Is this how I look for the website?
[02:47:44] Oh it's not.
[02:47:47] Fuck.
[02:47:48] But yeah I generally caught myself on it and think.
[02:47:53] But yeah I'm gonna see what I do.
[02:47:55] I might just throw in some shit.
[02:47:57] I might just say some fake shit.
[02:47:58] I might just be like yo man,
[02:48:00] if you don't switch the motherfucking shit,
[02:48:03] I might just throw you a motherfucking mixer.
[02:48:12] I just might do it.
[02:48:20] I just might do it.
[02:48:22] Cod movie part two.
[02:48:24] Cod, I feel you and Ray should make up
[02:48:26] or continue that movie y'all did a while back now.
[02:48:29] That Ray knows more English and Ruby.
[02:48:30] Oh yeah, he'll be able to,
[02:48:31] he'll definitely be able to body a lot more.
[02:48:34] Make the fuck ups all.
[02:48:38] Not gonna lie, ever since I became a fan of Cod,
[02:48:40] Every so for three years, the greatest moment was when this, when this nigga said he was gonna fight my dad.
[02:48:49] Oh yeah, I remember that, I think I was in there.
[02:48:51] Fucking family.
[02:48:52] Mmm, okay, right.
[02:48:54] I remember that.
[02:48:56] Facts, you push Kaisen that in a dance circle at a party.
[02:49:19] It's my brother Kaisen and my home music.
[02:49:21] Look at the chopped cheese.
[02:49:22] No, it wasn't trash, bro. That shit was actually good.
[02:49:26] Lap them niggas ten times.
[02:49:28] Wait, did any new freestyles come out?
[02:49:30] I feel like nothing.
[02:49:40] Opps now, nah, that's not me. That's not me.
[02:49:45] Sit up!
[02:49:46] I'm not paying rent no more, nigga.
[02:50:02] Fuck you.
[02:50:04] I'm coming, I see this.
[02:50:19] Salute to that same agent.
[02:50:21] You safe around here, man.
[02:50:23] I appreciate that, man.
[02:50:24] Go on.
[02:50:25] He's great.
[02:50:26] Appreciate this.
[02:50:27] My first time with him.
[02:50:28] He won!
[02:50:29] He won!
[02:50:30] My God, agent, you fucking casual.
[02:50:34] What was the act?
[02:50:57] Yo, agent, you lucky them young niggas didn't get a yo ass.
[02:51:01] You pocket watching son of a bitch.
[02:51:03] You pocket watching son of a bitch.
[02:51:10] You lucky to make it, oh there was a high bridge.
[02:51:13] You lucky to get on your fucking ass nigga.
[02:51:17] That's they sick of you.
[02:51:19] You fucking ass.
[02:51:20] You might get paid.
[02:51:22] I didn't even say that.
[02:51:30] Chad listen to me, I think it was all,
[02:51:32] okay look, look, look, look, look, look, look.
[02:51:36] Sekiro will be the last stressful game
[02:51:40] that we marathon.
[02:51:41] Let me tell you I say,
[02:51:43] Sekiro will be the last stressful game.
[02:51:49] Do you know how bad I wanna get into the fun shit?
[02:51:53] Batman is definitely on the list.
[02:51:57] I've been talking to niggas
[02:52:00] that actually created the Batman movie.
[02:52:03] Mark my words.
[02:52:07] My room setup for Batman.
[02:52:11] If I ever play this motherfucker,
[02:52:13] The room set up in the trailer it will be the best shit that y'all see I might
[02:52:23] just play Batman in a back case nigga not even joking my nigga I'm so dead ass
[02:52:34] from are you actually gonna go shower come on wait for you we gotta stay
[02:52:39] like caught and niggas thought I was crazy I'm waiting for you
[02:52:47] I'm saying you said we're gonna go together, but you didn't call it
[02:52:54] CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT
[02:52:56] I'm gonna ask him how to hit you
[02:53:00] I don't give a fuck
[02:53:02] I don't give a fuck
[02:53:04] I'm just saying don't miss this
[02:53:06] You're not a mistletoe, is it?
[02:53:08] What the fuck?
[02:53:10] Hey, get this shit out of here, that's crazy as hell
[02:53:12] Why would you do that?
[02:53:14] Now we have to
[02:53:16] So
[02:53:27] I want to do 25 days of Christmas.
[02:53:34] OK?
[02:53:34] Hear me out.
[02:53:36] Hear me out.
[02:53:38] In December, I want to do 25 days of Christmas.
[02:53:42] And I'll do it.
[02:53:43] I'll do it.
[02:53:45] That's the thing, my birthday's in that bitch, Rob.
[02:53:48] I don't want to be on stream during my birthday, my nigga.
[02:53:52] Here's the thing, I will get a big ass house for all me
[02:53:58] my friends some crazy junky shit some crazy shit but I want to go to Africa I
[02:54:05] want to go to Africa too bro yeah I want to go to Africa bro I might have to
[02:54:13] do seven days of Christmas I might have to do seven days of Christmas can I do
[02:54:18] seven days of Christmas I think 25 this that's a subodon like 12 days of
[02:54:29] Christmas wait hold up wait let me see December hold on I'm gonna get the
[02:54:31] Let me make it December.
[02:54:32] Let me make it December.
[02:54:33] It depends.
[02:54:34] December 16th.
[02:54:36] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
[02:54:42] Yeah, I don't wanna shoot my birthday.
[02:54:43] I'm gonna be honest, bro.
[02:54:45] Should we just do 10?
[02:54:48] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
[02:54:52] We should just do seven.
[02:54:53] I think seven is perfect.
[02:54:56] I think seven is perfect.
[02:55:04] Right out of the home alone house?
[02:55:06] We are lying.
[02:55:07] Hey, what?
[02:55:11] Okay, you know, I'm saying it first. I'm saying it first. I'm saying it first.
[02:55:24] The first lady first. Okay, had enough.
[02:55:28] You're the back.
[02:55:30] You know that, you were to get you and a back, you're a back in America.
[02:55:35] And I want to try to do this I'll beat you. I don't give a fuck.
[02:55:38] For the first time in 12 years, it's home is for sale and wait for you to see the transformation.
[02:55:45] Everyone remembers this staircase.
[02:55:51] And the creepy basement with the radiator monster.
[02:55:55] It's a three point line with 25 foot in the homo loan house.
[02:56:03] And this was the biggest surprise.
[02:56:05] Okay, hear me out.
[02:56:12] Hear me out.
[02:56:16] And I'm-
[02:56:17] No, no, no, no, no, no!
[02:56:18] Whoever wants to be a part of it.
[02:56:19] Let me know, just let me lead.
[02:56:23] If you wanna be in this crib,
[02:56:24] let me know whether you're an A and P,
[02:56:26] whether whoever it is, whether you're my man's,
[02:56:28] whatever it is.
[02:56:30] Just let me know, but let me lead.
[02:56:32] I'm leading it, okay?
[02:56:35] Here's what we're gonna do.
[02:56:37] We're gonna do seven days of Christmas.
[02:56:40] I'm decking out the whole entire Christmas,
[02:56:45] I'm decking out the whole entire house.
[02:56:47] Christmas themed, only Christmas themed.
[02:56:54] Let me know.
[02:56:55] Christmas themed, just let me lead, okay?
[02:56:58] Everybody will have their room to stream it and shit.
[02:57:00] You decorate it how you want.
[02:57:02] It's gotta be Christmas themed.
[02:57:05] You have to spend whatever amount of time together.
[02:57:09] I'ma come up with a whole bunch of activities and shit.
[02:57:11] I'll paint out the whole shit.
[02:57:13] Everybody streaming, riding into that bitch for seven days.
[02:57:18] But come as Christmas Eve or 12 o'clock on Christmas Day,
[02:57:23] you guys have to get each other Christmas gifts.
[02:57:26] You don't have to give anybody, you don't have to give,
[02:57:29] and it doesn't have to be expensive,
[02:57:31] it just has to be really thoughtful Christmas gifts.
[02:57:34] Okay, all right, I would make it very, very, very,
[02:57:43] wholesome, it has to be wholesome vibes,
[02:57:46] it has to be thoughtful,
[02:57:49] It has to be just a good time, okay?
[02:57:54] Or some secret Santa shit.
[02:57:55] It could be extremely expensive gifts,
[02:57:58] or it could be, you know, very calm, thoughtful gifts.
[02:58:01] I feel like the chat would love that.
[02:58:05] I feel like the chat would like that.
[02:58:08] If, I don't know, if you stream,
[02:58:10] if there's any streamers and shit
[02:58:11] that likes shit like that, let me know.
[02:58:14] Let me know.
[02:58:15] Chet, come on, you know I stay cooking, bro?
[02:58:18] Come on, bro.
[02:58:19] You know I stay cooking, bro.
[02:58:21] What, so I'm good to go to Africa
[02:58:23] the first half of December then, right?
[02:58:30] Like, would it still be lit?
[02:58:32] Like, God not in Nigeria.
[02:58:35] What day do I wanna go to God in Nigeria?
[02:58:42] No?
[02:58:47] Oh, first thing we sleep, I bet.
[02:58:49] All my God he is, all my Nigerians
[02:58:51] should be on the middle of the best days to go.
[02:58:55] I just went for the Christmas house,
[02:58:57] for the Christmas decorated themed house
[02:58:59] and shit like that.
[02:59:02] Chad, I'm gonna go big for it.
[02:59:03] Yo, Sponsors is your time.
[02:59:05] Starting out, seven days of Christmas.
[02:59:10] Seven days of Christmas!
[02:59:16] What do you mean, bro?
[02:59:18] Yes, it would be 24 seven.
[02:59:21] It would be 24 seven.
[02:59:23] 24 seven, streaming.
[02:59:25] It would be 24 seven, like literally.
[02:59:29] Like no cut off times, like straight streaming.
[02:59:34] Yeah, I'll give Ty a little room.
[02:59:36] Ty a little streaming a room.
[02:59:37] Um, I tell Dads, tell Poo, pull up, fucking, um, whoever.
[02:59:44] Zoe, I don't give a fuck.
[02:59:48] Speed, if you want to, speed, speed don't usually like to do some shit, but if he's
[02:59:54] down, I don't give a fuck.
[02:59:55] He's not banned.
[02:59:56] I don't give a fuck.
[02:59:57] I don't give a fuck.
[03:00:01] I'm the way I can get Aiden unbanned by December.
[03:00:12] I would like to do with some shit, some Christmas she should wear.
[03:00:23] Oh, here's a celebrate Christmas, right?
[03:00:25] Fuck, here's a celebrate Christmas.
[03:00:29] Fuck.
[03:00:35] Is he in here?
[03:00:36] We got the C-E-O-B Santa.
[03:00:45] Yo, yo, we got the C-E-O-B Santa.
[03:00:50] No, we got K-S-O-B Santa.
[03:01:04] I know that.
[03:01:05] Okay, let me write this down.
[03:01:06] Yeah.
[03:01:07] All right, let me tell Bree.
[03:01:10] Seven days of Christmas.
[03:01:11] Okay, hold on.
[03:01:12] Seven days of Christmas, bro.
[03:01:13] She be willing, actually she be willing to do that.
[03:01:16] She be willing to do set 25, seven days of Christmas.
[03:01:22] Big red, yeah, yeah.
[03:01:23] That's why the house has to be big.
[03:01:25] Chad, you see, that's why I rather have a big ass house.
[03:01:28] I'd rather be a gigantic house.
[03:01:30] I'd rather be a big ass house.
[03:01:44] How many rooms are there, depending on how many people?
[03:01:47] I'll do, wait, I'll do, I'm trying to think.
[03:01:56] Is it best to have, like, is it best to,
[03:01:59] to it dominantly be my shit,
[03:02:02] or just have people working in there too.
[03:02:05] Cause I can set up, I wanna set up cams off the house.
[03:02:09] Who do they think it should be?
[03:02:10] Does it have everybody in there going crazy?
[03:02:12] Or it should be like, what do you think chat?
[03:02:16] Or should it just be my shit?
[03:02:22] Yours?
[03:02:24] And I can just have people visit cams whole house.
[03:02:35] Yeah, that's what I wanna do.
[03:02:36] I wanna do the whole house.
[03:02:40] I'll figure it out, I'll figure it out, I'll figure it out.
[03:02:50] I'll figure it out, I'll figure it out.
[03:02:53] I'll figure it out, I'll figure it out.
[03:02:55] I'll figure it out, I'll figure it out.
[03:02:57] There's so much shit, Jack.
[03:02:59] I'm telling you, oh my God, there's so much shit.
[03:03:07] I'm doing that, I'm doing that.
[03:03:09] Yo, and I'm doing Halloween in the Conjuring House!
[03:03:13] I'm not numb.
[03:03:18] That shit, hell no!
[03:03:29] This is a regulation-sized three-point line
[03:03:32] with 25-foot ceilings.
[03:03:34] We can get a crazy house for Christmas.
[03:03:37] It's not so hectic anymore.
[03:03:40] Oh my God, we can get a crazy house.
[03:03:45] It's scary up there.
[03:03:46] Oh my God!
[03:03:47] The most famous houses in America for the first time.
[03:03:53] I have seven artists who pull up for one each day.
[03:04:01] No, no, no, not the whole day, not the whole day,
[03:04:03] not the whole day.
[03:04:04] They got to come through Christmas freestyle,
[03:04:06] leave the crib.
[03:04:13] Christmas freestyle, leave the crib.
[03:04:15] Everything live.
[03:04:21] Come through Christmas freestyle on a Christmasy beat?
[03:04:26] Leave the house.
[03:04:28] Leave the house.
[03:04:29] Nothing more than for less.
[03:04:30] You're literally pulling up.
[03:04:31] You're doing a Christmasy beat, and you're leaving the house.
[03:04:35] OK, hold on.
[03:04:36] I'm going to do a lot of shit.
[03:04:41] I'm doing that.
[03:04:42] I'm doing that.
[03:04:43] I'm doing that.
[03:04:44] And then, yo, you see, I'm supposed
[03:04:46] to be planning out for Hunger Games and shit.
[03:04:49] You see, oh my gosh, it's going to be tough, bro.
[03:04:59] I know my words, though, Chad.
[03:05:00] I promise you, Hunger Games, if everything goes exactly
[03:05:06] how I want, it's going to be the best event ever streamed,
[03:05:11] ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.
[03:05:16] It will be hands down the greatest piece of live
[03:05:20] entertainment that you will ever see.
[03:05:22] Yeah, I know. Yeah, I think it's normal extra with it. I'm very extra with it, bro
[03:05:27] Yes, I'm telling you it is going to be the greatest event ever seen
[03:05:34] I'm extra with that shit
[03:05:43] You want to talk to me
[03:05:46] You want to talk to me
[03:05:52] You don't switch up man, I don't like that shit, I don't like that shit, you don't switch
[03:06:02] up.
[03:06:03] You don't switch up on me, you don't switch up on me, you don't switch up on me, I don't
[03:06:10] want to scream, I want to, I want to, because I've been seeing your clips bro, I want to
[03:06:34] see something real quick, chat, let's see chat, hold on, chat pre WL, just now?
[03:07:01] What you doing?
[03:07:09] You sleeping?
[03:07:18] Where you wanna go?
[03:07:19] I'm ready!
[03:07:20] Where you wanna go to?
[03:07:21] I don't have a house right now, I'm homeless,
[03:07:22] but where do you wanna come to?
[03:07:36] I'm sorry, I have three possibilities
[03:07:54] of why Bobby asked the way she wants.
[03:07:58] One, he just found out I'm homeless
[03:08:03] and she's tight.
[03:08:04] That's how she cried.
[03:08:06] Two, she's bi-poplar.
[03:08:19] She's racist.
[03:08:20] Or four, I was just too loud.
[03:08:31] I think it was good progress.
[03:08:35] Shut up or I'll be getting tired of you.
[03:08:43] Now, prostitutes live for fruit.
[03:08:45] Yo, wait, hold on.
[03:08:46] Okay, is my little brother actually on stream for 24-7
[03:08:51] or is he just leaving that bitch on?
[03:08:52] Cause he might've found a method, my nigga.
[03:08:57] He be on that bitch 24-7?
[03:09:02] Unless he found the B-Loo method.
[03:09:10] This place is kinda pleasant.
[03:09:11] It's not as like depressing as niggas made it out to seem
[03:09:15] with all the concrete and the big ass, great deal.
[03:09:23] This place is kinda pleasant.
[03:09:24] It's not as like you're pressing niggas made it out to scene with all the concrete and the big-ass break building
[03:09:32] It's actually pleasant. There's parks, trees, greenery, there's tourist attractions like the Yankee stadium and the vibes are good like
[03:09:40] I'm not that big, buddy. I used to be dusty. Ain't this shut up? Quick as fuck
[03:09:59] It's not as like you're pressing niggas made it out to scene with all the concrete and the big-ass break building
[03:10:05] It's actually pleasant. There's parks, trees, greenery, there's tourist attractions like the Yankee Stadium, and the vibes are good, like it's been kind of all smiles, e-mail.
[03:10:15] What is that?
[03:10:16] This thing got out. She got out.
[03:10:18] Nah, she knew what she was doing, chat. I think she knew what she was doing, chat.
[03:10:23] It's officially the last time I'll say it.
[03:10:25] Fuck you, baby.
[03:10:27] It's cute.
[03:10:32] Cut! Cut! Cut!
[03:10:38] Cut! Cut!
[03:10:40] I got a coupe, I got a coupe, but it's a mess up.
[03:10:45] Kept it playing, even whiskey, tell me, buddy.
[03:10:48] All right, ready to get in the starter early on working out?
[03:10:59] Show them you can sit up.
[03:11:00] You can sit up.
[03:11:01] You can sit up.
[03:11:03] Everybody going through glory, especially even Halo, chat.
[03:11:07] Halo going through the glory too, so am I.
[03:11:09] I have to go to the gym right after this.
[03:11:11] I think I'm playing.
[03:11:12] Hold on.
[03:11:13] Let me in my trailer to make sure that he's up.
[03:11:15] Stay up.
[03:11:16] I'm going to the gym right after this, bro.
[03:11:17] We still working.
[03:11:37] He just got fat, fat.
[03:11:41] Kai, I think she was...
[03:11:42] Okay, I heard this.
[03:11:43] He's gonna...
[03:11:44] AJ eating like he going to a hibernation.
[03:11:47] He can swallow that fat.
[03:12:40] Just give me my money.
[03:12:41] Get the fuck out of my thing, folks.
[03:13:07] Who this nigga talking to?
[03:13:09] Lol, man.
[03:13:09] Ling Ling.
[03:13:30] I seen this.
[03:13:30] I seen this.
[03:13:31] He got shot in his head.
[03:13:58] He's a bitch.
[03:14:15] Bip girl.
[03:14:16] Thank you, speak to me.
[03:14:18] Yeah.
[03:14:19] You do sports, like...
[03:14:32] I can jump up and down.
[03:14:33] I'm very alco-lady.
[03:14:35] You know, you sound like you can jump up and down with a team of large ones.
[03:14:39] Yeah, you sound like you can jump.
[03:14:45] One shoot, play basketball.
[03:15:11] Somebody say your legs look like toothpicks.
[03:15:13] Okay, bitch.
[03:15:14] Yeah, I do know I've been hitting legs with my trainer.
[03:15:18] I've been hitting legs.
[03:15:19] Legs is the hardest thing to grow.
[03:15:21] What is the quickest way you can do it, though?
[03:15:24] Jack, I've been doing it, bro, but what's the quickest way, though?
[03:15:27] So grow em all fuckers. Steroids, rock, rock, walk, roids, what? Baby leg, roids, quads until failure, bro.
[03:15:40] That could ruin brand deals, that could ruin partnerships, that could ruin opportunities, bro.
[03:15:47] Look at my fucking band in the back, nigga, I'm home. Bro, I need the opportunities complex, my fucking band is...
[03:15:54] Where the fuck was he even at?
[03:15:57] Rage ain't been the same since he got to LA raise a little smut
[03:16:04] God said it
[03:16:06] Raise a little smut little thought-ass nigga
[03:16:10] He just be throwin out ass everywhere
[03:16:13] Yeah, I fucking said it
[03:16:15] Fucking smart
[03:16:17] Gotta get ace on the string
[03:16:26] That's ready to tell y'all just fucking hit me
[03:16:29] That's B shit fake bro that shit be pissing me to fuck off bro
[03:16:44] I know what it gets to a boy
[03:16:46] I literally jumped up with two cars live
[03:16:56] Nick 830 bro. I don't know if he was trolling or not
[03:16:58] I don't think he was but bro. That's no way you're that dumb
[03:17:02] Yeah, there's no way you're that dumb, bro. He might be dumb, bro
[03:17:06] Yo, Rekha, yo, Rekha, yo!
[03:17:15] There's no reason, bro.
[03:17:17] Nah, dude, it gets to a point.
[03:17:19] You don't want to say yes, bro.
[03:17:21] Like, it gets to a point, dude.
[03:17:25] Yes.
[03:17:27] There's no car.
[03:17:35] There's no car.
[03:17:37] I told you, you think it's going crazy.
[03:17:42] It's like, everybody's got babies.
[03:17:44] I don't know what car.
[03:17:46] I don't know what car.
[03:17:48] I don't know what car.
[03:17:50] I told you without bars is crazy. I fuck with Rukai bruh. I fuck with him bruh.
[03:18:05] I ain't gonna cat. This is sad. I think I've seen this. I've seen this. It's too late. I've seen this.
[03:18:10] If you watch A&P, Kaisenan, MrBeast, or Aiden Ross, my advice for me and you would be enjoy
[03:18:27] these moments while they last.
[03:18:28] This is an area of contricration we might never ever get to see or get in life again.
[03:18:32] At some point they're all going to fall off and get old and not be in their prime
[03:18:36] time.
[03:19:00] I'm going to be the content creator that I just want to do so much for streaming
[03:19:04] to the point where like when I'm an OG,
[03:19:06] like the way I look at like cash and shit,
[03:19:09] like everybody be like, oh, nah, he did that.
[03:19:11] I don't think it's a point where I'm helping,
[03:19:13] like the up and coming ones, you know?
[03:19:15] That when I stop, like I'm able to give them advice
[03:19:18] and shit, that's not what I'm gonna do.
[03:19:22] That's what should be going on, bro.
[03:19:24] We need more content.
[03:19:25] They're gonna be in an era of
[03:19:26] what are they gonna do in life?
[03:19:27] What are they gonna do when they start a family?
[03:19:29] What are they gonna do when they all split apart?
[03:19:32] So enjoy these moments or we get to watch
[03:19:34] that we get to be kids and be teenagers
[03:19:37] because this is a moment that we're never gonna receive.
[03:19:41] This is an era that's gonna become an end of an era
[03:19:45] at some point.
[03:19:45] No, no, real shit.
[03:19:47] People might not chat.
[03:19:48] I ain't glad, it's a lot of people out there
[03:19:49] that don't fuck with us, actually.
[03:19:50] It's very new to the world.
[03:19:53] It's been around for ages and decades.
[03:19:56] It's been around for years,
[03:19:57] but there's a lot of people that don't fuck with us.
[03:19:59] Which is fine.
[03:20:00] But chat, I'm telling you.
[03:20:03] 10 years or so, it's gonna sink, bro.
[03:20:07] It's gonna sink in.
[03:20:09] And it's gonna be like, yo, remember,
[03:20:10] I could be like, I was there.
[03:20:12] I was really there, bro.
[03:20:15] I was really there, bro.
[03:20:16] You feel me?
[03:20:17] It all comes, you don't wanna say, man,
[03:20:18] I wish I joined these moments of watching these streamers
[03:20:21] and watching my favorite YouTubers.
[03:20:23] We gotta say, I enjoyed the moments
[03:20:25] and enjoyed watching.
[03:20:27] Damn.
[03:20:28] Damn!
[03:20:31] I'm fucked with that, bro.
[03:20:33] She's just, we're homeless.
[03:20:36] Oh.
[03:20:38] No no, no no no no no no no no no no no.
[03:20:42] Okay, oh my god.
[03:20:46] I know, no, no, that's not,
[03:20:50] Nick is just made up of fake story,
[03:20:52] that's how I, Nick and it's just a,
[03:20:55] you picking, Ty?
[03:21:06] He did jump a banger.
[03:21:11] He did jump a banger.
[03:21:24] Yes he was that dream car, yes,
[03:21:25] I seen him at the club.
[03:21:27] Wait, let me see how I was looking.
[03:21:28] He didn't want to do that.
[03:21:28] Hold on, let me see how I was looking.
[03:21:29] I was making numbers.
[03:21:30] Check it out.
[03:21:31] high in the flesh crazy I was kind of looking right now I'm
[03:21:36] I'm turning on the gas.
[03:21:38] I'm not here to get off my mask.
[03:21:40] I'm in a great position.
[03:21:42] I'm just out of my pants.
[03:21:44] I'm trying to be a good guy.
[03:21:46] Now this is your protection.
[03:21:48] Hell yeah.
[03:21:50] I'm just in a fight.
[03:21:52] I don't even know what's happening there.
[03:21:54] Okay.
[03:22:00] Get out of here.
[03:22:02] Get out of here.
[03:22:11] Get out of here.
[03:22:13] Oh my God.
[03:22:15] I'm right there! I'm right there!
[03:22:17] I'm right there!
[03:22:21] Get it?
[03:22:23] You're right, Gus!
[03:22:25] Oh! I'm right here!
[03:22:27] I'm security.
[03:22:43] Oh, god!
[03:22:45] Why do I kinda look good?
[03:22:47] Wait, hold on, Jack.
[03:22:50] Am I in my do-rag era?
[03:23:07] Oh, god, aye.
[03:23:09] Yo, shout out to my nigga Drake.
[03:23:11] My nigga...
[03:24:41] I scream.
[03:24:42] Know what I'm doing?
[03:24:43] I scream.
[03:24:44] This dick nigga.
[03:24:45] Fuck if you talking about it nigga.
[03:24:46] What's your fucking mouth nigga?
[03:24:48] Talk about a fucking rat.
[03:24:49] Ain't no fucking rat nigga.
[03:24:50] Fuck if you talking about it nigga.
[03:24:51] Suck my dick nigga.
[03:24:52] That's how I'm feeling nigga.
[03:24:53] Fuck if you talking about me, my old dick nigga.
[03:24:56] So everybody that's in my rat too fuck if you talking
[03:24:58] about a rat.
[03:24:59] Ain't nobody a fucking rat.
[03:25:00] The only person that's horizon is your fucking
[03:25:02] pop to your barrel nigga.
[03:25:04] Fuck nigga, I'm trying to shut up you nigga.
[03:25:06] Not talking like that nigga.
[03:25:07] Oh shit.
[03:25:08] Not talking like that nigga.
[03:25:09] It's like the shit out of you nigga.
[03:25:11] Fuck you talkin' about me, I'll spit on you bitch.
[03:25:14] Fuck all of you talkin' about my fuckin' rat.
[03:25:28] Yo, should I keep leaving my hair like this, Chad?
[03:25:30] Is it better?
[03:25:36] Love you, you like everything.
[03:25:38] I'm your wet and rain, I'm your wet and rain.
[03:25:41] You got us.
[03:25:42] I'm your wet and rain, we didn't forget, we didn't forget.
[03:25:46] Yo, what's going y'all?
[03:25:47] We back at it with another video.
[03:25:49] Oh, I got a B, I got a B.
[03:25:50] Oh, I got a B.
[03:28:40] I just seen a fella.
[03:28:44] Oh my God.
[03:28:45] Oh my, oh my gosh.
[03:29:10] I'm fucking a rat, but that's the only rat I jacked.
[03:30:18] Now I got dirty socks, bitch.
[03:30:21] Ah, man.
[03:30:25] I'm gonna keep pointing out the obvious, my nigga.
[03:30:29] Yo, we comin' with the part two of the classic
[03:30:32] Who Would You Rather Date, AME versus RDC,
[03:30:35] but we are at dream con.
[03:30:37] So RDC does have full field advantage,
[03:30:40] but we're gonna see what happens.
[03:30:41] It's a 1v1, y'all know how this goes.
[03:30:43] Kai versus Dylan, but we have Phantom going against-
[03:30:47] Who gonna win?
[03:30:47] Who's gonna carry?
[03:30:48] Who is going to carry?
[03:30:50] And then Mark-
[03:30:51] Who is going to carry?
[03:30:52] So, what are you doing?
[03:30:53] Aisha, from Winx Club.
[03:30:54] Who?
[03:30:55] Am I getting people 360?
[03:30:56] Don't hit me with the wing.
[03:30:57] I'm not trying to get bitch slapped, by the way.
[03:30:59] I mean, you could be, unless you like that.
[03:31:01] I don't know, maybe with you.
[03:31:02] I'm trying to say-
[03:31:03] Wait, is this looking good and money?
[03:31:04] Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on.
[03:31:07] Wait, nigga, is that a chain?
[03:31:09] Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on,
[03:31:10] hold on, hold on, hold on.
[03:31:14] This is getting them, honey.
[03:31:16] I can see it.
[03:31:16] So are you familiar with A&P and RDC?
[03:31:19] No.
[03:31:20] Well, RDC yes.
[03:31:21] RDC yes, but A&P no.
[03:31:22] Nope.
[03:31:23] OK.
[03:31:23] First round, who would you pick?
[03:31:25] Kai or Dylan?
[03:31:26] Neither.
[03:31:27] If you have to pick.
[03:31:34] Dylan.
[03:31:35] Dylan.
[03:31:36] It's rigged.
[03:31:37] Is there a convention?
[03:31:38] Yes.
[03:31:38] It was a closer by far.
[03:31:39] Well, I think I feel like I've seen Kai more,
[03:31:42] and I don't think Kai's attractive at all.
[03:31:44] You think, around?
[03:31:50] Your costume looks pretty, but I'm not going to say I'm
[03:31:55] theest fuck.
[03:31:56] Yeah, your cosplay is dog shit.
[03:31:58] I don't give a fuck.
[03:31:59] Fanum or bin?
[03:32:02] Fanum.
[03:32:03] Or a fanum.
[03:32:03] Agent or dense?
[03:32:05] Des.
[03:32:06] Ew, that was quick.
[03:32:07] Why'd you pick dense?
[03:32:08] I like his lips and the color of his skin.
[03:32:10] Wait a minute.
[03:32:11] Why does he sound like, oh, like,
[03:32:13] the hair looks weird.
[03:32:14] His hair, oh, Agent's hair looks weird.
[03:32:16] The hair looks weird.
[03:32:17] And also the patchiness and the little point dash.
[03:32:20] What about it?
[03:32:22] Thank you.
[03:32:22] Duke or Mark?
[03:32:24] Mark.
[03:32:25] Go back, yeah.
[03:32:26] I don't know, he looks like a boy.
[03:32:28] Duke looks like a boy.
[03:32:29] Yeah, no.
[03:32:30] Whenever a girl calls you a fuck boy,
[03:32:32] they find you highly attractive.
[03:32:34] Fella's loaded.
[03:32:35] Facts.
[03:32:36] Any girl that calls you a hoe or you a fuck boy,
[03:32:40] they set a third.
[03:32:41] They find you highly attractive.
[03:32:43] The way he's had his legs open for the camera,
[03:32:46] and then he's clicking the camera off?
[03:32:49] Yeah.
[03:32:50] Cheesy.
[03:32:50] Yeah, you mind getting the B with 360's
[03:32:52] get a full outfit?
[03:32:53] Well, we're all.
[03:32:54] Oh, this is nice!
[03:32:55] We're doing AMP versus RDC.
[03:32:57] Are you familiar with the groups or not?
[03:32:59] Very vaguely.
[03:33:00] I know RDC has put on this glorious event for us today.
[03:33:04] So that's glorious.
[03:33:06] Who'd you pick between Kai or Dylan?
[03:33:15] That to be me.
[03:33:16] I feel like I would find Kai a little bit more annoying
[03:33:18] to be there and make Dylan.
[03:33:19] You're not in a mood.
[03:33:20] Yeah.
[03:33:22] Fanom or Ben?
[03:33:37] That is a very large man.
[03:33:40] Large?
[03:33:40] I see you're right.
[03:33:42] Like, oh, OK.
[03:33:44] I mean, he only said he ain't nobody
[03:33:46] really pressed over it.
[03:33:47] That's that's fair.
[03:33:48] So he could protect you.
[03:33:49] That's fair.
[03:33:49] But what if I want them to?
[03:33:51] No, I'm kidding.
[03:33:51] Oh, you didn't want.
[03:33:52] That's toxic.
[03:33:53] Ben, you know what I'm saying?
[03:33:54] He look like he's a good guy.
[03:33:55] He looks like an upstanding young man.
[03:33:56] He's not toxic.
[03:33:57] He looks like an upstanding young man.
[03:33:59] Yeah.
[03:34:00] So who are you picking?
[03:34:03] I'm going to go with the nice young gentleman
[03:34:05] on the right.
[03:34:05] Go with Ben.
[03:34:06] Yeah, I'm going to go with Ben.
[03:34:07] Agent or dad?
[03:34:10] Go back.
[03:34:13] Go with dad.
[03:34:14] Yeah.
[03:34:14] Why don't you pick dad?
[03:34:15] He has like a confident vibe in the picture.
[03:34:17] He's pretty cute, you know?
[03:34:19] A last one, most controversial.
[03:34:21] That's go crazy.
[03:34:22] Duke or Mark?
[03:34:27] Who we picking?
[03:34:28] Y'all sending me out.
[03:34:29] Who we picking?
[03:34:30] Y'all trying to send me out.
[03:34:31] Keep it a honey.
[03:34:32] Keep it a honey.
[03:34:32] Y'all trying to send me out.
[03:34:33] Keep it a honey.
[03:34:34] Go back.
[03:34:36] Might have to go Duke.
[03:34:37] Go Duke?
[03:34:38] This is your conference.
[03:34:41] This is your kind.
[03:34:42] Just off vibes, you know?
[03:34:43] Off vibes.
[03:34:44] Just off vibes.
[03:34:45] Off vibes is Duke given.
[03:34:46] I don't know.
[03:34:47] It's kind of getting like future vibes.
[03:34:49] You like future.
[03:34:50] She's toxic.
[03:34:52] Hi for Dylan I'm big Dylan Dylan okay after me. I yeah
[03:35:16] No, I think so watch it go with Dylan. I feel like this person and I watch already see way more
[03:35:25] So he's on it. It's how do you look?
[03:35:27] Cette
[03:35:28] I'm only three bro!
[03:35:29] Whatever, you got the game.
[03:35:31] Hey, it's the glory bro.
[03:35:33] I'm telling you, I got the game fucked up in the good.
[03:35:36] I'm about the sixth, I'm talking.
[03:35:37] Won't you be hard on me, I'm a minor.
[03:35:45] Now you wanna that.
[03:35:46] Now you wanna that.
[03:35:47] Now you wanna that.
[03:35:48] Now you wanna that.
[03:35:53] I'm gonna, I gotta get in my bag.
[03:35:54] This is insane bro.
[03:35:55] I'm in my bag, bro.
[03:35:56] I gotta get in my bag real quick.
[03:35:57] Say that I gotta Bob.
[03:35:58] Say that I gotta Bob.
[03:35:59] I gotta Bob, I gotta Bob.
[03:36:00] W.
[03:39:01] I needed that.
[03:39:03] I think I got where 0 and 3.
[03:39:04] Guarantee you by the next one. I will not lose on the back watch
[03:39:10] watch closely
[03:39:13] Okay, I think it's also the fit in the picture. I just like rockin in more channel or been
[03:39:18] Okay
[03:39:27] That's hard I like the body
[03:39:30] Yeah, I like the car goes in the next thing that was going with them
[03:39:38] Agent or dead
[03:39:49] Was it close or was it by far
[03:39:57] So what put agent over days I like the picture I like what he looks in it last one Duke or mark
[03:40:08] Why would you do this to me?
[03:40:11] I actually can't do it.
[03:40:12] You have to pick.
[03:40:13] You have to pick.
[03:40:14] It's hard for me.
[03:40:15] You have to pick.
[03:40:16] Why is it hard?
[03:40:17] Because both.
[03:40:19] I like them both.
[03:40:20] It's on picture.
[03:40:21] I'm like a lot of you.
[03:40:22] But you also know how they look.
[03:40:23] It's just like a remember.
[03:40:24] You know what I'm saying?
[03:40:26] Mark.
[03:40:27] Okay.
[03:40:28] Okay.
[03:40:29] Really?
[03:40:30] No, this is...
[03:40:31] Are you feeling okay?
[03:40:32] No, this is...
[03:40:33] You both...
[03:40:34] I love to.
[03:40:35] I really do.
[03:40:36] I do.
[03:40:37] Okay, but he looks really good in that picture, but good in that picture.
[03:40:44] Mark?
[03:40:45] The sunlight?
[03:40:46] Yeah, in that picture, Mark.
[03:40:47] In that picture, something like hitting good, that golden hour.
[03:40:50] Okay.
[03:40:51] But you know how they both look.
[03:40:52] Yeah.
[03:40:53] Two pictures, but you know how they both look.
[03:40:55] You're a super mark?
[03:40:56] Yeah.
[03:40:57] You're a super mark.
[03:40:58] Okay, what are you going as?
[03:40:59] Raven?
[03:41:00] Raven.
[03:41:01] 4 and 0 right now.
[03:41:02] Come back in a century.
[03:41:03] You're still out of time.
[03:41:04] Let's look clock.
[03:41:05] You make it come back now.
[03:41:06] Here we go.
[03:41:07] Okay, here we go.
[03:41:08] Okay, here we go.
[03:41:08] We have the people get a 360, the full fit.
[03:41:10] Great, Kyle, great, Kyle.
[03:41:13] Kyle?
[03:41:13] Or Dylan?
[03:41:14] Kyle.
[03:41:15] Ahh!
[03:41:21] What a side side side, what a dick it is, huh?
[03:41:24] What a side side side, what a dick it is, huh?
[03:41:40] This is why I be talking about,
[03:41:43] this is what I be talking about.
[03:41:45] Let me get my W and keep it moving.
[03:41:48] Who did not try to fight for me,
[03:41:50] but I was down for O.
[03:41:52] Give me my W and keep it going.
[03:41:56] I'm wanting for that.
[03:42:00] I don't know, his facial hair doesn't do it for me.
[03:42:02] It's not all the way kept together.
[03:42:04] It's patchy a little bit.
[03:42:05] All right, Phantom or Ben?
[03:42:07] Why are you making that face?
[03:42:11] This idea could be, this is a dream come true.
[03:42:13] Zip two together, OK.
[03:42:15] Battle the lights games.
[03:42:16] I guess Ben.
[03:42:18] Oh Ben, why?
[03:42:19] What made Ben go over the top?
[03:42:20] He has that nerdy vibe, like the nerdy, like skinny,
[03:42:23] I like that. Okay. Can you be nerdy and short for you?
[03:42:27] No, I figured you think Kai's like waist level with you
[03:42:51] Person brah
[03:42:53] It doesn't feel it's not what I'm watching this shit. That's it. Probably
[03:43:02] Right. I do. It's like five
[03:43:06] Five oh agent or dance agent, but that's cuz I like agent. Are you late?
[03:43:15] That's that's my yeah, I just like his content the most now
[03:43:18] We had to go based off look not they content just like physically how they look would you super good? Yeah
[03:43:23] Yeah, so big Asian. Yeah last one do or mark
[03:43:28] I'm gonna go mark because I think Duke is kind of slimy
[03:43:34] Behind the scenes he's slimy he gotta be sliming. Yeah, so did he play it cool on camera, but
[03:43:42] Yeah, like like he's attracted but like I just feel like he's me. I don't know
[03:43:46] No, no, no, bro, on somebody's life.
[03:43:48] Wow, man, my f***.
[03:43:49] Next, next, next, next, next.
[03:43:51] Who would you pick, Kai or Dylan in this round?
[03:43:54] Kai.
[03:43:55] What?
[03:43:56] They wanna see me, but I was a shitin' thing
[03:44:02] and see me for two, oh my god, let's go, boy.
[03:44:08] All right, look at this.
[03:44:20] Kai, okay, it's Kai.
[03:44:21] Was it close or was it by far?
[03:44:23] Um, it was like, like by far.
[03:44:26] By far?
[03:44:26] Yeah.
[03:44:27] Kai's adorable.
[03:44:28] He's like chaotic and adorable, so.
[03:44:30] My adorable questions, I'ma go ahead and continue.
[03:44:36] Phantom or Ben?
[03:44:38] Ben.
[03:44:39] God damn it.
[03:44:40] You see, I think I'm adorable, chat.
[03:44:42] Is it my personality that's making me look adorable,
[03:44:44] or does my face make me look adorable?
[03:44:45] Be honest, be honest.
[03:44:47] Is it my personality or my face?
[03:44:50] Face, I'm growing a beard.
[03:44:52] So by tomorrow, I will have a beard.
[03:44:55] You find out what I'm not doing.
[03:45:29] So should I work out on stream?
[03:45:35] Should I work out on stream?
[03:45:37] So I can work out after, but should I work out on stream?
[03:45:41] They say yes.
[03:45:43] No, we're going to do the music right now.
[03:46:06] We're going to do the music right now.
[03:46:10] No, we're going to do the music.
[03:46:14] Okay, I could beg out two birds and one stone if I do it.
[03:46:16] I could beg out two words and one stone if I do it on stream.
[03:46:20] Like, that would be the last thing I do on stream.
[03:46:22] I feel like that's good.
[03:46:24] Right? I'm going to get through this.
[03:46:38] What was it?
[03:46:40] I don't watch amp as much.
[03:46:42] I've been like growing up watching RDC and I feel like Ben is just too, so all of them are.
[03:46:50] Because we're basically just talking about how they look, physical, not content.
[03:46:53] It's how they look.
[03:46:54] Were you still a big Ben?
[03:46:55] We bet, yes.
[03:46:56] Still couldn't be in it, right?
[03:46:57] Okay.
[03:46:58] Age yet?
[03:46:59] Or death?
[03:47:00] Death.
[03:47:01] Oh shit.
[03:47:02] We got a RDC round right now.
[03:47:03] Why'd you pick death?
[03:47:04] The facial hair.
[03:47:05] The beard.
[03:47:06] And that beard's been carrying him today.
[03:47:08] Okay, last one.
[03:47:09] That's the most controversial one.
[03:47:11] Oh, I bet.
[03:47:12] Duke or Mark?
[03:47:14] Mark.
[03:47:16] Hey, I'm sorry.
[03:47:17] I'm sorry.
[03:47:18] I'm not competing.
[03:47:20] Nope.
[03:47:20] Captain Atlanta not competing.
[03:47:21] Mark, Mark, Mark is fine to me.
[03:47:23] Like in my personal opinion, especially the earring.
[03:47:27] Yes.
[03:47:28] Really?
[03:47:29] OK.
[03:47:29] You guys are here, Dreamcon.
[03:47:30] Yeah.
[03:47:31] So you literally can tie it up right here.
[03:47:35] All right, you're not doing bad,
[03:47:37] because Phantom is also 2 and 4.
[03:47:39] Duke has the worst ratio.
[03:47:42] Oh my gosh!
[03:47:46] Duke is 1 and 5.
[03:47:53] You're familiar with Anthony and RDC.
[03:47:55] Yes.
[03:47:56] Anthony and RDC.
[03:47:58] Anthony and RDC, yes.
[03:47:59] You have them all kind of uniform.
[03:48:01] I was trying to send her some of the memes in the videos,
[03:48:03] OK?
[03:48:04] Kai or Dylan?
[03:48:06] Kai.
[03:48:11] Leg up.
[03:48:13] Real broken back, oh, five, six K, I guess.
[03:48:16] Kai.
[03:48:17] Yeah, Kai.
[03:48:17] Why?
[03:48:18] I just think Kai's cute.
[03:48:19] I love his personality.
[03:48:21] Because he's darker.
[03:48:22] Very ugly.
[03:48:24] He said no light skins, no light skins.
[03:48:26] He's not even Lyski, he's Indian, like he's a whole different type of Lyski.
[03:48:30] He's still Lyskinnid.
[03:48:31] So that's another reason.
[03:48:32] Really?
[03:48:33] Yeah.
[03:48:33] Phantom or Ben?
[03:48:35] Him.
[03:48:36] Yeah.
[03:48:36] Phantom, Phantom.
[03:48:37] Yeah, Phantom.
[03:48:38] I know, but I saw Phantom, I was like, yeah, Phantom.
[03:48:40] Sweet, sweet.
[03:48:42] Dominican's a Karrion right now, okay, okay.
[03:48:44] Agent or Des?
[03:48:46] Sweet.
[03:48:47] Agent.
[03:48:48] Show me Agent again.
[03:48:49] Yeah.
[03:48:51] Lyski Ethiopian, I should.
[03:48:54] The other one.
[03:48:54] Dead.
[03:48:55] Yeah, dead.
[03:48:56] Agent for me yeah, yeah, I go with that. I don't know. I feel like just off my pants
[03:49:00] He looks better than the other one. I go Asian
[03:49:06] He's coming for it. She's coming for your pictures. He said you need to get better. I love this picture. Yeah, dude or mark do I
[03:49:14] Want you to analyze the difference when they hear dude
[03:49:18] This is something that has to be studied in the science lab
[03:49:22] Take the nigga doop to Oscar. They need to run tests on this nigga
[03:49:26] Let me show you what's going on here better. I love this picture. Yeah, dude. Look analyze
[03:49:34] her face
[03:49:36] analyze her face
[03:49:38] Okay, or mark
[03:49:42] She like
[03:49:43] Come on nigga
[03:49:47] We call that the
[03:49:49] Come on nigga
[03:49:51] look
[03:49:52] You feel me? She don't even she don't even
[03:49:56] Say nothing. I just know
[03:49:58] Then you got the other friend who's like
[03:50:17] You do you arrange me
[03:50:22] Why is it by far oh yeah
[03:50:26] Why is it by far face?
[03:50:49] Face look at her face, dude
[03:50:54] They get used to be strong bro.
[03:51:32] I just bro like, wait till I'm done with my glow arc.
[03:51:45] There's only a few more stages of the glow arc bro that's left.
[03:51:49] There's only a few more stages.
[03:51:52] It's two.
[03:51:53] You're making a UZI, man.
[03:51:54] Look at them.
[03:51:55] Yeah, Bazookas.
[03:51:56] You look.
[03:51:57] Today I'm doing AMP versus RDC.
[03:51:59] Are you guys too?
[03:52:00] I'm 4-4 nigga.
[03:52:01] I'm 4-4 nigga.
[03:52:02] I'm 4-4 like Wendy's nigga.
[03:52:03] I'm 4-4 nigga.
[03:52:04] I'm familiar with those two groups.
[03:52:05] AMP are tiny, tiny, tiny.
[03:52:07] I ain't even.
[03:52:08] You know RDC mainly.
[03:52:10] Well, I'm here for the vibes today.
[03:52:13] I'm learning how to, I have no clue here for the animation.
[03:52:16] Hey, that's not a bad thing, though.
[03:52:18] That's good.
[03:52:18] That's good.
[03:52:19] That's good.
[03:52:20] That's actually good.
[03:52:20] That means that demographic is deep right now.
[03:52:22] Like, without having to know who RDC is,
[03:52:25] they'll still pull up to the convention.
[03:52:26] So that's really good.
[03:52:28] You know what?
[03:52:29] I can respect it.
[03:52:30] Kai?
[03:52:30] Hi.
[03:52:31] Or Dylan?
[03:52:31] Kai.
[03:52:32] Hi.
[03:52:33] I'm calling you daddy.
[03:52:37] She need a daddy.
[03:52:38] Come on now.
[03:52:42] To me he's cuter than the security note.
[03:52:44] More of my type.
[03:52:45] More of your type.
[03:52:46] Phantom or Ben?
[03:52:48] Right the Phantom.
[03:52:50] Wick.
[03:52:50] Well, he Dominican.
[03:52:51] So now is he really?
[03:52:52] She cheating.
[03:52:53] She cheating.
[03:52:54] Was it by far or was it close?
[03:52:56] By far.
[03:52:57] Oh, by far.
[03:52:58] Hey, agent or Dez?
[03:53:01] Dez.
[03:53:02] Dez.
[03:53:02] What's Dez?
[03:53:03] Dez.
[03:53:04] Why'd you go with Dez?
[03:53:04] I like the beer.
[03:53:05] The beer.
[03:53:07] I just like how he looks better.
[03:53:09] All right, Duke or Mark?
[03:53:12] Go back Duke Duke what?
[03:53:18] We're usually not like this actually so it's funny
[03:53:24] Was it close or was it by far?
[03:53:26] It was kinda close, yeah
[03:53:28] I'm going to go over
[03:53:31] His muscles
[03:53:33] His muscles?
[03:53:34] Not the same build
[03:53:35] I don't know
[03:53:37] I think it was a face
[03:53:38] Kai or Dylan
[03:53:40] Who looked the best?
[03:53:45] Car. Why? A nice smile. Yeah. Okay. Okay. He's little but he's has a pretty smile.
[03:54:05] Y'all may be like an install to you. Phantom or Ben? Phantom. Oh, what? He I like his
[03:54:23] phrase. He cares really nice. Yeah. Agent or Des? Des. What's big Des? I like the
[03:54:31] The beard I've gotten a lot today. The beard's carrying me. Okay. Last one Duke or Duke
[03:54:38] I can't
[03:54:49] You know sometimes in life
[03:54:51] You may be you and I may be me
[03:54:57] You may do whatever it takes to be you and I may be able to taste it
[03:55:04] You may
[03:55:07] Give somebody the world
[03:55:09] But they want Duke
[03:55:14] Just want Duke at the end of the day. They don't want no, they don't want you
[03:55:17] They don't want me. They don't want you.
[03:55:19] They just want Duke.
[03:55:25] Hey, look at the menu. You're trying to see what's on the menu.
[03:55:29] They can see Kai, they can see Phantom, but they just want Duke.
[03:55:38] So that's what I feel like.
[03:55:44] We need to storm the castle of D-Block.
[03:55:49] And nerf the D-Blockian for Bourbon.
[03:56:48] unlock both sides of the fields.
[03:56:52] That's crazy!
[03:56:53] That's the biggest glaze I've heard all day.
[03:56:56] Can't keep getting away with this!
[03:56:58] We're doing AMP versus RDC.
[03:57:00] Do you know those two groups?
[03:57:01] No, I don't.
[03:57:02] You just here to just dress up?
[03:57:03] Yeah!
[03:57:04] I could expect it.
[03:57:05] Kai or Dylan?
[03:57:08] Kai.
[03:57:08] Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
[03:57:12] For Kai, why?
[03:57:14] He looked more Shry.
[03:57:23] He looked good, didn't he?
[03:57:24] He looked dusty?
[03:57:39] It's not a good.
[03:57:40] I need a little shake to it.
[03:57:43] I know my shit was.
[03:57:49] RDC, do you know those two groups?
[03:57:51] No, I don't.
[03:57:52] You just here to just dress up?
[03:57:53] Yeah.
[03:57:54] I got to start with you.
[03:57:55] Kai or Dylan?
[03:57:57] Kai.
[03:57:58] I'm a little Kai.
[03:57:58] Why?
[03:58:00] He look moisturized.
[03:58:01] He look good in it.
[03:58:02] He look dusty.
[03:58:06] The beard is just not.
[03:58:07] It's not a good.
[03:58:08] I need a little shake to it.
[03:58:09] Yeah.
[03:58:10] But I like the caramel shirt and everything.
[03:58:13] OK, OK.
[03:58:14] Phantom or Ben?
[03:58:18] Phantom.
[03:58:18] Oh, a Phantom?
[03:58:19] Yeah.
[03:58:20] You did a little swirl.
[03:58:21] Are you like that one?
[03:58:22] I like how he went with the leather and the big chain.
[03:58:26] His hair looks great.
[03:58:28] Agent or Des?
[03:58:31] Go back there.
[03:58:32] I'll go with Des.
[03:58:34] Oh, a Des?
[03:58:34] Okay, it's done.
[03:58:36] Why'd you pick Des?
[03:58:37] I like his energy and his jacket.
[03:58:39] His energy, it's a picture.
[03:58:41] Can you not tell somebody's energy through a photo?
[03:58:43] Okay, you can tell.
[03:58:44] You can get a vibe, come on.
[03:58:45] Yeah, okay, okay.
[03:58:46] What's agent giving?
[03:58:47] What's the energy he's giving?
[03:58:49] He doesn't really wanna be there.
[03:58:50] He's just gotta get a beer for a friend.
[03:58:52] It's a bad picture of my nigga agent, though.
[03:58:53] Let's go on Agent's Instagram and see if he has
[03:58:55] a better picture.
[03:59:01] Let's go on Agent's Instagram and see if he has
[03:59:02] a better picture, bro.
[03:59:04] Never mind, I'm not signed in.
[03:59:10] And he don't really like.
[03:59:11] I was lucky thinking of saying this.
[03:59:12] Yeah, yeah.
[03:59:13] Duke or Mark?
[03:59:20] They're both like over six bucks, too, huh?
[03:59:22] Yes.
[03:59:24] Hi, Matty.
[03:59:25] Yeah, it does.
[03:59:25] Damn, I know.
[03:59:27] You gotta pick one.
[03:59:28] Let's go with Duke.
[03:59:29] You go with Duke?
[03:59:30] Why not?
[03:59:31] Like his energy, he got the lean back, the confidence.
[03:59:34] So it was close for you?
[03:59:35] Yes.
[03:59:36] Okay.
[03:59:37] And both have good energy, good outfit, yeah.
[03:59:40] Where you going this?
[03:59:41] In the gym?
[03:59:42] Look at the comeback.
[03:59:43] Agent, pick up your slack.
[03:59:47] They good like, like me and Phantom is carrying right now.
[03:59:51] Duke, pick your slack up.
[03:59:53] Like Duke, pick your fucking slack up right now.
[03:59:56] Like bro, like, he's like, me and Finn can't be doing
[03:59:58] all the carrying, bro, like that ass, bro.
[04:00:00] Like, pick this wack up, dude.
[04:00:02] Like for real, bro.
[04:00:06] Well, you know.
[04:00:07] Okay, can the people get a 360 real quick?
[04:00:11] I like them yeets.
[04:00:12] Is that Kai or Dylan?
[04:00:14] Kai.
[04:00:22] Yeah.
[04:00:23] Fanom or bend?
[04:00:26] Fanom.
[04:00:27] Oh, shit.
[04:00:28] Why'd you pick Fanom?
[04:00:30] I don't know.
[04:00:31] He just looked like a man.
[04:00:32] I don't know how they explain that.
[04:00:33] Like, he looked like he could pick me up
[04:00:35] Like
[04:00:40] Yeah, like yeah, okay, okay, she said baby got fun a little more parents
[04:00:48] Or this this
[04:00:51] Yeah, dude or been mark mark
[04:00:55] Mark always I mean I follow him since I was a child
[04:00:59] We can't be caring you bro
[04:01:01] I don't like do like do something like that change it
[04:01:05] We can't be just be carrying like this bro like damn this shit like this shit hurting in the back
[04:01:11] Yeah, that's always been mark. No no Duke glaze from you today not today not today
[04:01:17] Maybe if he was in mashed up with somebody else, okay, but not against mark. Okay, hi or Dylan. I'm gonna go with Dylan
[04:01:24] Hey, watch big Dylan. I like your smile. Okay, Phantom
[04:01:31] or Ben
[04:01:33] I'm gonna go with Ben because I know he's over six foot.
[04:01:38] Ah, not that height.
[04:01:40] We going with this height stuff again.
[04:01:42] Okay.
[04:01:43] All right.
[04:01:44] Okay.
[04:01:45] Agent or Des?
[04:01:47] Ooh, Des.
[04:01:49] Was it close or was it by far?
[04:01:51] By far.
[04:01:52] What was by far?
[04:01:53] Okay.
[04:01:54] Look at that mustache.
[04:01:55] Not mustache.
[04:01:56] Look at that beard.
[04:01:57] Okay.
[04:01:58] I've been getting that a lot with the beard.
[04:01:59] I've been getting that a lot.
[04:02:00] Okay.
[04:02:01] Last round.
[04:02:02] Go back.
[04:02:04] Go back.
[04:02:06] I'm not going to.
[04:02:11] Only because of the tattoos.
[04:02:13] It.
[04:02:15] I'm a doodling toxic.
[04:02:17] I don't know.
[04:02:19] You're going to base off how they look.
[04:02:21] Who do you think looked the most attractive?
[04:02:23] I'm going to go to.
[04:02:25] I'm going to go to.
[04:02:27] She don't even know the dude.
[04:02:29] You realize this is a stream con, right?
[04:02:31] I mean I'm not going to lie to you.
[04:02:33] Kai or Dillie?
[04:02:35] Kai.
[04:02:36] It gets, it's just like, that was so, that's, that's Bomb Mary, right?
[04:02:46] She told us shit.
[04:02:48] I'm not gonna lie to you, I came purely for the fix.
[04:02:51] Kai or Dillie?
[04:02:53] Kai.
[04:02:54] That's fast.
[04:02:55] Yeah.
[04:02:56] By far.
[04:02:57] Yeah.
[04:02:58] Dillie?
[04:02:59] Okay.
[04:03:00] Phantom or Ben?
[04:03:01] Phantom.
[04:03:02] Or Phantom?
[04:03:03] She's quick, she's quick.
[04:03:04] Okay.
[04:03:05] Or dead
[04:03:10] His lips are so beautiful. Oh, it's the lips scary the guy lips or beard is the content. Okay last one do
[04:03:17] mark
[04:03:20] She might shake some shit up. Why'd you think mark? I?
[04:03:24] I
[04:03:25] Use this attractive like I don't know
[04:03:28] What did you?
[04:03:29] Okay by far or was it close it's like they both attractive. I'm just gonna pick mark. We'll be mark more your side
[04:03:38] Ten-five final. It's no come back for this. No come back for men agent fucking
[04:03:46] 411 like the height of Kevin Hart the fuck out of here do take this one home on his bitch ass nigga
[04:03:54] First round who would you pick Kai or Dylan?
[04:03:58] um Dylan Dylan um okay Dylan Dylan what's going with us nine to eight he just
[04:04:20] kicked me with a all three handsome but like I don't know you like the spice
[04:04:26] maybe a little curry on the side it's a curry it's a curry it's a curry okay
[04:04:30] Phantom or Ben?
[04:04:32] I don't like being like that. Okay, but Phantom.
[04:04:36] You said don't play him, but you play him!
[04:04:38] But Phantom.
[04:04:40] What about Phantom?
[04:04:42] Oh yeah, Phantom.
[04:04:43] What degrees? Was it close or was it by far?
[04:04:46] By far.
[04:04:48] It's not gonna play my man.
[04:04:50] I love being him.
[04:04:51] That's your man, but you ain't pickle.
[04:04:53] That's crazy word. That's crazy word.
[04:04:55] Agent or Des?
[04:04:57] Des.
[04:04:59] What?
[04:05:00] Dead.
[04:05:01] Dead.
[04:05:02] Dead.
[04:05:03] I've never seen a pretty bad picture of Asia though because he's handsome, but he can't
[04:05:06] stop it.
[04:05:07] That's a solid picture.
[04:05:08] Kind of colorful.
[04:05:09] Alright, last one.
[04:05:10] The most controversial one.
[04:05:11] Duke or Mark?
[04:05:12] What do you think he's gonna play about face right now?
[04:05:15] But again?
[04:05:25] Oh, shit.
[04:05:26] Hey, why you think Mark?
[04:05:27] I just, I don't know.
[04:05:28] And you say it was closer by far?
[04:05:29] Um, it was close.
[04:05:30] So what part, what part of Mark over?
[04:05:32] I don't know.
[04:05:33] Actually, like, that's the most wrecking voice.
[04:05:35] boys the one I know the most at all of them so
[04:05:58] after a hard fought battle even with home field advantage
[04:06:03] amp took the crown from rdc with kai phantom and duke winning their
[04:06:09] perspective 1v1s and an A and P the winner hope you guys enjoyed the video and
[04:06:14] before you click off you might want to subscribe to this channel because this
[04:06:19] isn't the only thing that went down a dream con you're not gonna want to
[04:06:24] the movies that are about to be on this channel. Here's a sneak peek.
[04:07:19] Nigga, you literally have got money.
[04:07:25] Hey, man, I'm coming to my pay.
[04:07:27] It's you, shit.
[04:07:29] Look at everybody's faces.
[04:07:41] It's about time the chicken and the rice get together.
[04:08:01] Hey, underground music, underground music, underground music.
[04:08:05] Wacky, send me the list.
[04:08:08] Wacky, send me the list.
[04:08:09] Here we go. Here we go.
[04:08:10] Here we go, first reaction to a lot of niggas.
[04:08:13] Hey, if there is somebody that y'all been wanting me
[04:08:16] to react to for so long, okay?
[04:08:22] Send me the list.
[04:08:24] Send me the list.
[04:08:25] Wacky say he's tuned in.
[04:08:27] Check, y'all say W or L list.
[04:08:34] Yeah, to the DMs, to the DMs.
[04:08:36] Check, based off Wacky's list, be like W or L, okay?
[04:08:43] Okay, hold on go ahead and get it. Okay, walkie has a list in chat. Yeah, I say W list or L list
[04:09:13] Let's see if walkie knows ball
[04:09:17] Let's see him walkie knows ball. Oh this shit doesn't I'm not signed in
[04:09:28] It gets to a point. Oh
[04:09:31] I'm not even saw dinner. Oh my gosh
[04:09:37] The music matters for the ten get to appreciate it.
[04:09:43] Just pin it.
[04:09:44] Why can't you just pin it?
[04:09:47] No, I'm not siding on Twitter.
[04:09:49] Don't ask me, I never tell, I looked at you and you felt, but now you're in my way.
[04:10:13] Never heard that song?
[04:10:14] That's Melinda and shit.
[04:10:18] W at our list.
[04:10:22] We got Slyzzy, Casco Bay, Chow Lee, BOT2TheSinger, R2R, Moe, hold on.
[04:10:29] Hold on now, hold on now, hold on now, hold on now.
[04:10:32] No, I want to hit a top people first.
[04:10:35] Well, why don't you put the,
[04:10:36] yo, I need the most requested, bro.
[04:10:38] I need the most requested.
[04:10:41] Nigga singing L-list.
[04:10:43] Yo, walkie, your ass.
[04:10:47] Walkie, your ass.
[04:10:52] Listen, ladies and gents, here.
[04:10:54] Bro, I'm gonna take it and appreciate it.
[04:11:00] Yo, okay, right here.
[04:11:01] Look, who do y'all want to start with first?
[04:11:06] Who would y'all like to start with first?
[04:11:10] I didn't see.
[04:11:20] Sky water, these, no, I've heard these.
[04:11:23] These ain't underground no more.
[04:11:27] These is not underground, right?
[04:11:31] Okay, a lot of people that I haven't heard for,
[04:11:35] until Japan, I haven't heard until Japan.
[04:11:44] And I haven't heard, and I need to get put on to more,
[04:11:52] I know sky water, I know a lot of sky water.
[04:11:55] Somebody said, Jace, let's start off
[04:11:57] It's until Japan a good start.
[04:11:59] I stand out at J2.
[04:12:00] It's until Japan a good start.
[04:12:09] All right, it's my first time here until Japan.
[04:12:12] First song I'll kiss and tell, my until Japan.
[04:12:17] Until Japan kiss and tell.
[04:12:28] Let's see, we're doing J-Snacks.
[04:12:31] We're doing J-Snacks.
[04:13:09] I hate to see us fucking flyin'
[04:13:11] You got me finna spill my heart out on this cancino
[04:13:17] I'm bout to spend the whole crib at the damn casino
[04:13:20] Lookin' at the skyline puffin' on a kilo
[04:13:23] I let you waste all my time
[04:13:25] Could be cancino
[04:13:28] Hey, Javichi not gon' wear it simple
[04:13:30] I saw a flyin'
[04:13:42] Let me tell my shit
[04:15:44] You feel like we back in this shit?
[04:15:45] I got tired of fuckin' that beach cool
[04:15:47] I got tired of the world on my feet
[04:15:49] Oh, come on
[04:15:51] I'm talking about my money turn it up
[04:15:59] I'm a something like this I get turned off
[04:16:01] I'm the night's ass on the moon
[04:16:15] My sister and my cousin they fucking know who you are
[04:16:17] I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that Jesus piece on my wall
[04:16:45] I wouldn't be here if it wasn't here
[04:16:47] if I'm ready to get my hour
[04:16:49] I'm out of the tunnel real quick
[04:16:51] I'm about to show them what's up
[04:16:53] Yeah, we gonna play with my family
[04:16:55] push to be put up in army trauma
[04:16:57] Then we stand up solid and drive that moon
[04:16:59] for the one extension
[04:17:01] Yeah, we just gonna play with my family
[04:17:03] I'm on for the wallet, touch it.
[04:17:04] He is.
[04:17:05] I said fuck that game up.
[04:17:06] I gotta come back and put that little brother up.
[04:17:56] I'll get the studio.
[04:17:57] I'm gonna cash it up.
[04:18:02] I'll get some of my machine.
[04:18:03] I'll get the studio.
[04:18:06] This one is better than the,
[04:18:10] this one is better than the last one I just heard.
[04:18:18] What's the, what's the, what's the,
[04:18:19] what's the, what's the name of this one, Jack?
[04:18:23] What's the name of this one?
[04:18:25] This one is better than the last one I just heard.
[04:18:32] Like we back.
[04:18:33] Is that our album music?
[04:18:35] Until Japan, I'm done, done, until Japan.
[04:18:47] I feel like we back, I just added it.
[04:18:54] Oh my God, oh my God, somebody just reminded me
[04:18:57] I gotta shoot with Nike.
[04:18:59] Jack, I'm my first Nike shoot tomorrow.
[04:19:03] Like my first legit one tomorrow.
[04:19:06] Oh my gosh, that means I can't do a high row.
[04:19:11] Oh my fucking God.
[04:19:14] I can do that night, though.
[04:19:14] I can do that night, I can do that night.
[04:19:16] I can still stream at night.
[04:19:18] I won't be able to do a day at IRO,
[04:19:19] but I can still get a stream in.
[04:19:20] I got you.
[04:19:21] I can still get a stream in though.
[04:19:23] I won't be able to do an IRO one month.
[04:19:25] I can still get a stream in at night though.
[04:19:29] Pop! I went to an IRO yesterday.
[04:19:30] Fuck me!
[04:19:31] Tomorrow, bro.
[04:19:32] Fuck!
[04:19:34] Oh wait, did I just leak?
[04:19:35] Was I not supposed to say I had a night to stream in?
[04:19:39] They ain't gonna see this, right?
[04:19:41] All right, I just downloaded.
[04:19:43] I just downloaded, I'm gonna download that.
[04:19:45] Okay, cool.
[04:19:47] BITE THROUGH IT!
[04:20:45] I
[04:21:16] That's how I keep voting boosting but my headphones is low bro
[04:21:24] No, let me see how it sounds. How do I reset it? How do I reset it? No, let me see how it sounds to ya
[04:21:34] My life this happens all the time, bro
[04:21:46] Yeah, that sounds it sounds perfect for y'all, bro
[04:22:17] Have you ever heard of this?
[04:22:18] We got me here with a hundred steams
[04:22:20] That's all I want of my
[04:22:21] These people killed on camera
[04:22:22] Rockin' here in the city
[04:22:23] Know that I'm a rebel part
[04:22:27] Now me can't put you on
[04:22:29] I tell me shit off of my people
[04:22:31] They don't want to see my face
[04:22:32] I keep on fuckin' with these people
[04:22:34] I guess I do like to
[04:22:36] Couple of Phoebe's frontal punch
[04:22:38] From the left to the UK
[04:22:39] I can never put up fans
[04:22:41] I just actin' that way
[04:22:43] Tell me what to say
[04:22:44] It's true me, I must be crazy
[04:22:46] I ain't can't just stay here with you instantly
[04:22:49] Love the y'all, but I'm a dime-bash
[04:22:51] I wish these things would be honest for my love
[04:22:54] Please, I'm gonna bite you out of this
[04:22:58] I'm gonna bite you out of pain, baby
[04:23:12] I should flinch the pace
[04:23:13] It can't keep up with my pace
[04:23:15] It's in the defliging pace
[04:23:27] It can't keep up with my pace
[04:23:29] I should rest in it
[04:23:30] I should flinch the pace
[04:23:33] It can't keep up with my pace
[04:23:37] How's that?
[04:23:37] Ah, shit!
[04:23:38] My favorite one out of all of them though is, um, I feel like he's back after like, once.
[04:25:24] She said I need some, that's what I'm putting on my cake
[04:25:27] Yeah, I'm there to save the day
[04:25:29] Brother, it's me, bitch, there's a way
[04:25:31] I'm someone, needless, get away
[04:25:33] I'm okay, I got about a house
[04:25:35] I'm okay, I still got a house
[04:25:37] I'm okay, walking down the mark
[04:25:39] I keep it every dog a brown
[04:25:41] All these things keep you in me up
[04:25:43] This can die, I just do it
[04:25:44] But I don't find a niggas who don't die
[04:25:48] Rebel fighter, bitch, I need a tan
[04:25:50] Whoa, the fucking right right now
[04:25:52] Bro, I got this bitch and we burning it down
[04:25:53] How about that whipped and that smart girl frowning in her own plate
[04:25:56] The song was alright, but that part right there is just losing me
[04:26:17] I'm gonna do 3 songs per artist
[04:26:46] Let's do Jace.
[04:26:48] Jace is Jace on the list.
[04:26:51] Jace, are you on the list?
[04:26:57] Is Jace on the list?
[04:33:16] Damn.
[04:33:39] They gone.
[04:33:53] But at night, at night, she said I'm a tight-orc.
[04:33:57] We'd be like a line.
[04:33:58] Yeah.
[04:33:59] she wanna go on a flight, but at night, at night.
[04:34:01] We found we found we found, we found, we found, we found, we found, we found, we found, we found, we found.
[04:34:12] We found, we found, we found, we found.
[04:34:14] The second part of this song, The Lay Love Part, pretty cool.
[04:34:27] Pretty fire.
[04:34:28] First part, do not like.
[04:34:29] I'll be honest.
[04:34:31] First part, do not like.
[04:34:33] Okay next up, I risk this right now.
[04:35:09] Two minutes, which one?
[04:35:29] Remix or original?
[04:35:32] I don't know, which one?
[04:35:41] Remix or original?
[04:35:52] First one, so this one.
[04:35:55] So this one.
[04:35:58] This one?
[04:35:59] I'm gonna give it some heat.
[04:42:09] I'm not gonna laugh.
[04:42:11] How often is he dropped?
[04:42:32] Laying with that bitch in the plane, laying eyes here, how can I see?
[04:42:36] Why I say I'm real king, my king, real king, Amazon, real king?
[04:42:44] She ain't gonna love me, they don't see me when they ask for a stream
[04:42:56] I ain't gonna get green, some is old, these little bees, little bees old
[04:43:02] My big busy water like me own, and the coupon do not free low
[04:43:05] I can't just hand it real old, I see my song like me own
[04:43:10] It's only for them, I got a chain that I may go to
[04:43:13] Lame, you wanna grab my dick?
[04:43:14] Lame, that bitch is lit
[04:43:16] Lame, eyes out, can I see?
[04:43:18] Y cell, little key, R P
[04:43:21] Little keys, eyes on the key
[04:43:24] Diamonds on the ground, I'm saying that below this
[04:43:27] Lame, you wanna grab my dick?
[04:43:28] Lame, that bitch is lit
[04:43:30] Lame, eyes out, can I see?
[04:43:32] Y cell, little key, R P
[04:43:35] Wait, so why are we...
[04:43:56] Somebody say you're gonna use your house to get to see?
[04:44:16] Oh, he like, Nick Hill, Nick Hill, Nick Hill
[04:45:23] It's good because I'm made to be this hill
[04:45:29] Why you think he stayin' in school?
[04:45:30] I used to bang it out when I swore on the bees
[04:45:35] They be like Jason Foo
[04:45:37] It ain't shit to get out on the knees
[04:45:39] All I gotta do is keep it cool
[04:45:41] Ay, ay, who is he?
[04:45:43] I like grits in 5, 5, 6 my ARPs
[04:45:46] C'mon C's
[04:45:49] She love dudes, hate shakin' ass and love smokin' my weed
[04:45:52] I used to post up on that block
[04:45:54] 50 cent for a single, ain't had no weed
[04:45:56] I ain't, I'm in and came with no keys
[04:45:58] I ain't Christopher Reed
[04:46:01] So she a slut that she get slut like get my nothing, then I leave
[04:46:05] I'll talk a green tip, five five six in a blitz two
[04:46:09] It licks two, nigga shot a cat me
[04:46:17] Okay he ain't no blood, he ain't no man
[04:46:22] He be sayin' this and that, it's gon' get him clocked two
[04:46:25] Rhyme with a big Mac, this this ain't no fast food
[04:46:28] I just shot a foul ball, it's good because I made the rules
[04:46:31] Person is like a scene of ghosts, baby I'm not that one
[04:51:11] No! Why?
[04:51:13] Let's man, that nigga trash
[04:51:25] So who do you want you got Chucky you got
[04:51:41] Skywater I like sky water. Let me see. Let me do some more skywalk
[04:51:46] Skywater
[04:51:50] Let me see
[04:51:58] Make you feel it
[04:52:00] Oh, your baby came from a dark place, I played tight.
[04:52:05] No, I'm not slurping me.
[04:52:09] Yellow.
[04:52:09] Yellow.
[04:52:10] Yellow.
[04:52:11] Yellow.
[04:52:15] Next man?
[04:52:22] Jace?
[04:52:23] Yeah.
[04:52:24] I heard until Japan.
[04:52:27] That's the only two so far.
[04:52:36] Wait, wait, what's the top three thoughts from next man?
[04:52:49] Should I just start there to have the chat request
[04:52:51] everything else?
[04:53:02] Nah, just, just, oh, just request whatever, like.
[04:53:15] Wow, the song that they were supposed to, hold on, the song that they were supposed to put next to it was
[04:53:20] We Not Like You Shining Peace In Drink, Drink, Drink, Drink
[04:53:23] I bet, but that's, we not like you
[04:53:34] I don't know why you hate him, why do you hate him?
[04:53:39] What, what next man do?
[04:53:43] You're a little different, what that mean?
[04:53:52] The fuck?
[04:54:14] Is she a steam bitch like pictures in her throat, I tell her she'll be pissed off but tell my parents because he's been to the end
[04:54:36] Bitch I'm fucked up my parents because I make more than instant, I told her to tell her she's seen bitch like pictures in her throat, I tell her she's pissed off but I can't really tell
[04:54:54] Bitch I'm fucked up I sound like you
[04:55:10] I wasn't nothing crazy, that was calm, that also requires me to hang on, that was calm, that wasn't nothing crazy though
[04:55:33] Shining, shining peace. Shining peace. That wasn't a bad song.
[04:55:39] Drink, drink, drink.
[04:57:46] What's this? Somebody's gonna hear him trash.
[05:00:37] The first one. The first one was cool.
[05:00:55] The little Tony is filming.
[05:01:22] No, no, no. I've heard little Tony shit.
[05:01:25] I heard like some of his shit. I know I'm gonna like him.
[05:01:27] I've heard some of his shit. Not all his shit though.
[05:01:29] Okay, back.
[05:01:37] So I heard you say I'm a... I don't think so.
[05:01:50] I don't think so.
[05:01:51] No, stop it, stop it, wait, hold on, hold on, hold on.
[05:01:58] I heard like one of his songs before.
[05:02:06] Yeah, I wanna do, I wanna do,
[05:02:07] I wanna do a little song, yeah.
[05:02:12] Yeah, I don't say I'm so faggot.
[05:02:18] Yeah, tell us on this list right here.
[05:02:19] It's a big ass list.
[05:02:25] All right, so I'm gonna do,
[05:02:27] I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do a little song.
[05:02:31] Vod, 17, I don't wanna hear songs,
[05:02:33] but you better tell me what you need, right?
[05:02:40] All right, man, I'm gonna turn it on right now.
[05:02:44] All right, bet, tell us.
[05:02:56] Chahoo.
[05:02:59] Wait, let me see some of them real quick.
[05:03:00] Let me see some of them real quick.
[05:03:02] I'm not gonna give you this right now.
[05:03:05] So what do you say you said, Osama son?
[05:03:07] Chad, who out of the list with you,
[05:03:08] how do you want out of that right there?
[05:03:11] Who out of that list with you,
[05:03:12] how do you want out of that list right there, bro?
[05:03:17] Now he just gave me.
[05:03:19] Who's first?
[05:03:22] Who's first?
[05:03:23] Who's first?
[05:03:23] First.
[05:03:24] We eat at the bottom?
[05:03:33] With this?
[05:03:45] Oh, for your festival.
[05:03:48] If Chad says I'm as a Piguay,
[05:03:49] da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
[05:03:52] List me by walking.
[05:03:56] Okay.
[05:03:59] Awesome
[05:04:07] Keep going until my training gets here, okay
[05:04:14] I seen the nigga get hit in his chest. He knew he was hit. He was holding his neck a
[05:04:19] Bro, stop fucking playing Benz to fucking
[05:04:28] Street shit go I'm about to listen to vibe of 1700 or 1700
[05:04:34] if any nigga that a problem will be listening to this I am just a part of
[05:04:38] Just the audience, okay?
[05:04:42] All right, if I like a song I like a song
[05:04:47] Okay, I wouldn't know how this can go. It's just music. I would know how this can go
[05:04:54] All right, I'm a civilian
[05:04:58] On drop that shit bro like damn bro. I've been listening to this fucking real over and over again and shit
[05:05:27] in the red. I didn't get hit in the chat, he ain't no need to take me to home this
[05:05:31] now. I never needed a crowd. I was 16. I was getting wide out by myself. I need
[05:05:38] to go back like I was just down. I need some help. Yeah, I kill myself. Yeah, I'm a
[05:05:50] switch when she get right here by this people. She won't let the time like a
[05:05:53] bar. They got broken my check. My trainer is here. My trainer is here.
[05:07:48] Hold on. Let's do two more artists. Wait, let's continue with bond.
[05:07:53] I've seen the need wait wait who else who else
[05:08:38] You ain't no place I'll stop now find them up
[05:08:40] You ain't trying to keep us alive
[05:08:41] You watching this cock, you're wasting time for nothing
[05:08:43] Tryna go aim for the top, got a dumb ass shot
[05:08:45] He face the gas, nothing about that
[05:08:46] I'm not a cop, he ain't trying to run
[05:08:48] You knew that this town was coming
[05:08:49] I ain't my stuff, you don't need to check up on me
[05:08:51] You always ask for money
[05:08:52] Get out the SIT, this ain't how it works
[05:08:54] I'm still gon' come through, stop it
[05:08:55] I thought it was coming
[05:08:56] I got back in the whip, I clipped at a hundred drums
[05:08:58] It's me and the gang, them got 300 shots
[05:09:00] Well, no
[05:18:01] Yo, make sure I get on, yo
[05:18:03] At yo, at yo Jase
[05:18:05] I need, I need Jase shit
[05:18:07] shit. Yeah, I need Goose Creek. I need 20 minutes. I need 556. What's that other song
[05:18:16] that we listen to? Tretches? What song? Tretches. Here we go. If you had a
[05:18:30] dutch to your head and you said, yo, listen to this Osama son song and you're
[05:18:35] gonna put the gun down. What's the song you picking? You're gonna react to
[05:18:49] both blonde and trenches. They gonna do both. They gonna do both.
[05:18:55] Hey Jazz camera bruh! This is gonna be real cool in the shit!
[05:24:09] Somebody roll some weed up nigga! Somebody roll some weed up nigga!
[05:24:15] I don't like it. I just think that's a great song.
[05:26:27] I might get shit for this and shit like that but I like that bruh.
[05:26:36] But I still I think like during a I'm feeling like in a concert I know
[05:26:41] that shit will go crazy like a lot of performance. One more song! One more song! I gotta work
[05:26:51] out. One more song to be working out. One more song!
[05:33:19] I can't go home
[05:33:21] I can't let it all home
[05:33:23] I can't even bring my damn height
[05:33:25] Nigga really shit so so
[05:33:27] If I could just go back in damn time
[05:33:29] So they got a problem when they go
[05:33:31] Sometimes you think that my damn head
[05:33:33] Like where the fuck am I gonna go
[05:33:35] I get what you really never know
[05:33:37] I get what you really never know
[05:33:39] I write up a problem, get on go
[05:33:41] I can't help but rock and take it for
[05:33:43] That is time to go in
[05:33:45] I pray with a kid in my head
[05:33:47] Don't want me no hands, don't want any more
[05:33:49] I'm a gang of the cracks, never ain't left out
[05:33:51] Talked to the main name, bigot ain't fed a lamb
[05:33:53] Talked on the ain't name, fuckin' with the fans
[05:33:55] Talked to the main name, bigot ain't no bed
[05:33:57] Look, pack a big bitch, tell me he got shmack
[05:33:59] Nigga if it's fuck on nigga, then forgive him
[05:34:01] I was trying to hit it, he said I had to screw up
[05:34:03] Nigga, we can't do that, I'm on a plan
[05:34:05] Work with your mother, ride in your body
[05:34:07] Money counting dirty, put on a chase and messin'
[05:34:09] It's not purpose, she gon' get you D to 9
[05:34:11] Because she earned black, got FD to catch
[05:34:13] It's a bad party, my family ain't letting burn
[05:34:15] Oh
[05:34:45] I used to cut my stuff cause I felt worthless
[05:34:47] Give me tattoo so they wanna suck it
[05:34:49] Got brand new mama this ain't working
[05:34:51] Get in my band, cut me nigga like Birkin
[05:34:53] Don't be shattie drunk, I'm making her nervous
[05:34:55] Don't cut yourself bro
[05:34:57] Alright look champ, hold on, is that something I-
[05:35:18] Wait, I need to get these on after music real quick
[05:35:22] Hot on damn
[05:35:37] I ain't stupid, I can't baffle on their trombone
[05:35:39] Nels
[05:35:41] Ain't corn, I ain't gon' for nothing
[05:35:43] Nels
[05:35:45] When I see them niggas, I just shop
[05:35:47] I ain't going this ain't that
[05:36:00] Well Chucky better be the most okay
[05:39:22] So we gotta say some hitters bro, I think I say we saved. Oh we gotta save
[05:39:43] We gotta say something
[05:40:00] You have the fruits?
[05:40:01] Yeah, right here.
[05:40:33] Right there.
[05:40:58] Yo, Jack.
[05:40:59] Okay, look, Jack.
[05:41:08] So, this is going to be a thing.
[05:41:10] Now, a guy to give me, okay, so, I picked out to get a super stack list.
[05:41:15] Like, super, super stack.
[05:41:21] W, W, W.
[05:41:23] There's, like, a good five people to keep family.
[05:41:26] So, Chucky, who else?
[05:41:29] Chucky, who else?
[05:41:31] Lil Tony?
[05:41:32] Chucky, Lil Tony?
[05:41:33] Who else?
[05:41:34] Dave's lunch, Shay, Nino Pay, Tana.
[05:41:59] Loudly crying, loudly crying, loudly crying.
[05:42:01] No, we probably haven't on this already yet,
[05:42:02] but like, let's get a confirmed like starting five.
[05:42:06] So I'm gonna get a confirmed starting five, bro.
[05:42:18] Oh, shit, we gotta, oh, shit.
[05:42:24] Chad, we got some, wait, I don't see.
[05:42:27] Ladies and gentlemen, I thought it,
[05:42:29] I got a lot of ladies and gentlemen.
[05:42:31] Oh, ladies and gentlemen, shit.
[05:42:44] All right, go, Chad, I'm gonna play,
[05:42:46] I'm gonna play music.
[05:42:49] You'll be working out, bruh.
[05:42:51] Sounds like a plan chat.
[05:42:55] I'm gonna stretch real quick.
[05:43:10] Chaya, I'm gonna get legs today, bruh.
[05:43:12] Chaya, I'm gonna get legs today, bruh.
[05:43:14] GGs in the chat.
[05:43:20] GGs.
[05:43:26] What time is it?
[05:43:27] We got a late.
[05:44:15] All right, Chaya, let me see how I'm gonna do this one quick.
[05:44:29] Chaya, I want music, but no music.
[05:44:31] Now we gotta have music, Chaya.
[05:44:34] What about you today?
[05:44:51] Y'all want TTS?
[05:45:02] Actually, oh, wait, I'm not.
[05:45:04] I'm not.
[05:45:10] Oh Chad, I'm not shooting through IRL that run.
[05:45:14] Oh, they coulda switched.
[05:45:17] I coulda switched to the IRL cam chat.
[05:45:19] Fuck.
[05:45:31] I coulda switched to the IRL cam, fuck.
[05:45:34] Dan, I woulda been fired, Chad.
[05:45:41] No music?
[05:45:42] I gotta get my zone, I gotta get me the yellow one.
[05:45:52] Do you have to get me?
[05:45:56] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:45:57] I'm gonna get you.
[05:45:58] I'm gonna get you.
[05:45:59] Yeah.
[05:46:00] Alright Chad, now let me know
[05:46:01] how this sounds for the chicken shats.