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actual nuke hatewatchers don't even bother tuning in lmfao.

10-01-2024 · 16h 53m

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[00:00:26] Hello?
[00:00:33] So, yeah fuck it, it's a Nile game then.
[00:01:00] Do I just go to subscription service and just play some Callista?
[00:02:00] I didn't see a Callista.
[00:02:03] That's fine.
[00:02:22] I'm going to play some Karma, Karma, Poppy, Karma Tarek.
[00:02:46] I wanted to play, what's it called, Callista.
[00:02:49] Well honestly isn't it just something to Karma?
[00:02:51] Okay, geez then.
[00:02:52] Man, this is not fun. I got Brawl Hyrule too hard. I hit Karma and a... what's it called?
[00:02:58] The fuck? Also, this is better, right?
[00:03:08] Okay, honestly, isn't Karma fucking useless early?
[00:03:11] Isn't Olaf way better than Karma?
[00:03:13] The only reason that Karma was popping off is because...
[00:03:22] My Olaf died.
[00:03:24] But I don't think my Olaf's died this time.
[00:03:26] That was some fake news.
[00:03:30] Gwen?
[00:03:32] Olaf?
[00:03:36] Man, I'm fighting the other guy, and he has a gun as well.
[00:03:39] Why does it look like my gun got fucking cleared?
[00:03:53] Because it did get cleared.
[00:03:59] Aw, man.
[00:04:00] Bro, this is actually a bow-diff, man.
[00:04:06] But like, I'm using my remover when I can just play this next game, like, oh, okay.
[00:04:11] So, it's, uh...
[00:04:17] It's prismatic party, subscription service, into what?
[00:04:29] I mean, I can actually really easily play around Zilean, Olaf plus one.
[00:04:33] That's improvable.
[00:04:50] Eh...
[00:04:52] Am I actually playing Warrior?
[00:04:55] 10% Damage Amp and 10%
[00:04:59] Did you know that subscription service gives you 6 gold?
[00:05:11] The fuck? The fuck?
[00:05:19] I mean I guess it has to because like you wouldn't be able to buy your shop
[00:05:24] But like it just gives you 6 gold every single time like isn't this
[00:05:27] I'm gonna actually buy? Bro I thought this shit was trash
[00:05:30] But it's definitely not trash
[00:05:33] You win cloak oh you got oh god you got a fucking BG
[00:05:52] oh my god well that's not good
[00:05:55] nila karma karma olaf
[00:06:09] guen i don't have a fucking synergy on my board
[00:06:26] rejuice thank you for the prime everybody thank you thank you
[00:06:33] wait what are the how how can i look over quest work 500 viewers
[00:06:38] i started streaming five minutes ago what the again probably some people
[00:06:45] I just hope you don't comment on any TFT, anything TFT related to that.
[00:06:49] I'm serious.
[00:06:50] Because your analytical skills are just not there.
[00:06:53] I think you should just sit there and like, if you can, I think you should just, please don't type anything.
[00:06:59] TFT related, like I would appreciate it.
[00:07:03] These are the people on competitive TFT. That's what I'm saying, man!
[00:07:08] And then I just see this Alex M guy just sit there and just type to them and I'm just like, oh my lord.
[00:07:15] Alright, anyways, I need to win this round.
[00:07:23] I don't even think I beat this.
[00:07:25] Do I beat this?
[00:07:26] Who the fuck do I beat?
[00:07:30] Oh my please, please.
[00:07:32] Do I beat this?
[00:07:45] Hello?
[00:07:55] Oh wait?
[00:08:03] I just lost a street- I forgot to use my remover.
[00:08:50] They know me.
[00:08:52] They know me.
[00:08:57] Bro, I don't even want this Terracue.
[00:09:05] It doesn't even do anything.
[00:09:07] It's so fucking useless. Also, I am so fucking poor, man. I don't get it.
[00:09:16] Alright, what's my strongest level 6? I don't even know.
[00:09:19] Also, why is my crown guard in the back? I don't even know why I'm playing Tarek.
[00:09:35] I mean, surely, like, surely Poppy 2 plus Bastion. I mean, like, Twitch is the only thing, I mean, I can play that board, but like, I'm level 6.
[00:09:42] You know what actually could hear new recruit no kappa. I this is a new level of broke my benches 500 gold
[00:10:04] It's straight up 500 gold
[00:10:06] mate
[00:10:12] invested
[00:10:15] Double you con radiant relics roll the die
[00:10:19] Dark alley suspicious trench coat. I don't even like suspicious trench coat on Gwen. I think it's mid as fuck
[00:10:26] If I go roll the die, I mean it's actually fine
[00:10:29] I'm not eight, I'm not eight. Where is my front line? Where the fuck? I mean it's actually
[00:11:00] fine because I high rolled Olaf but like if I sell this, if I sell this and then next
[00:11:05] turn my Olaf doesn't roll the fucking juice, I am fucked. Yeah whatever. Fuck out of here
[00:11:28] GG Zen. Watch this.
[00:11:30] Like, please, like, just not the fucking Rabbidons, like Rabbidon's JG, man, like...
[00:11:34] Like, anything with HP, anything, literally anything, we're on FUCK!
[00:11:55] I mean, that's some HP, it's fine.
[00:11:56] What happened to my frontline?
[00:12:14] What, I mean, honestly, doesn't this give HP 150, 300 HP? It's not even that bad.
[00:12:18] I've heard of worse. GG Zen.
[00:12:19] You trash.
[00:12:21] Cybers Focus, Silver Mirror, Dawn?
[00:12:26] Is that... this does not look right.
[00:12:28] This looks like he just got fucking...
[00:12:30] I think he had like Crown Guard BT and now he has like whatever the fuck this is and let's just watch what's my entire board
[00:12:36] That'd be unfortunate
[00:12:37] Huh?
[00:12:44] But like it bro like it doesn't my Olaf items are straight up fucking suck man. It's not even okay
[00:12:50] It's fine watch this. I'm third pick. I'm third pick
[00:13:07] I mean, I don't really want karma. I want I wouldn't mind like BT for Gwen
[00:13:13] I wouldn't mind like a red buff. Is there a bow?
[00:13:15] Do I do I really take karma? I mean security karma to in one turn
[00:13:19] Maybe I can just go fast time.
[00:13:21] Or it's not guaranteed, but like, okay, I'm just gonna go belt then.
[00:13:24] And BS order is too easy to go belt. Okay, acceptable then.
[00:13:27] Okay.
[00:13:28] Okay?
[00:13:37] I mean, I have my level 8 board. I'm just gonna, I just...
[00:13:42] Like, come on, man. Like, oh, I think I saw Archangel.
[00:13:44] Oh, honestly, that's not even bad. I will actually allow it.
[00:14:03] Like, is it even that bad?
[00:14:13] Going long, 20 gold with, uh...
[00:14:17] What the forge? He's two-star Ezreal?
[00:14:20] Oh, no.
[00:14:21] I'm loading in with this trash
[00:14:24] My Gwen's dead. I think I'm eight. I think I'm eight
[00:14:38] Like I can't even put a radiant TG on Gwen because I have items on
[00:14:47] Radiant to blue
[00:14:49] Honestly, it's not even that bad. I mean now okay. It's okay
[00:14:56] Encanter
[00:14:57] Swain
[00:15:04] 28 to level
[00:15:06] He cares. I try to win this round and then I go for a 4-2
[00:15:20] All right, I just I just don't like if I can't skip level 8
[00:15:25] Okay, I have a question if I miss my shop here, right if I miss my shop of loot sub
[00:15:34] And I have to roll on 4-2
[00:15:38] What the fuck is the game plan?
[00:15:42] Okay, I
[00:15:47] Have to roll on 4-2 and then I nine on like 5-5, but I'm just gonna be down over this magic because I can probably just have this board
[00:15:53] Yeah, mate, okay
[00:16:22] belt belt bow BF I mean Fiora rock on I missed I mean that's fine like I key I
[00:16:38] can just roll it's not a big deal I have belt belt bow BF I mean I can't I
[00:16:44] can make war mugs but I can't even make I like I mean and then I move the
[00:16:50] war mugs to someone else and then I go for BT and then go for red buff but like
[00:16:53] I die oh that's oh yeah yeah I'm fuck I'm just level for any two-star
[00:17:14] I'm pretty sure a lot of this stage is just going to be whether my Olaf items rolls good
[00:17:28] stuff.
[00:17:29] If Olaf is actually good, it's just if it rolls bad items, if it just loads in with a
[00:17:38] fucking Archangel, my board is just worthless.
[00:17:45] Gollum?
[00:17:46] Refactor?
[00:17:47] Preserver Crown?
[00:17:48] I get a Preserver Crown?
[00:17:49] No.
[00:17:50] Gollum?
[00:17:51] A moveable object?
[00:17:52] fucking broken or just got them better
[00:17:54] Like when to briar
[00:18:16] Ever playing basis no, I mean she like it
[00:18:24] Like I surely I
[00:18:34] like I
[00:18:39] I mean, I fucking I I mean I can I can start feeding it
[00:18:42] But and then I just go for like I mean I have to go red buff on there. So though I
[00:18:45] Don't mind not having the BT like I like isn't it just red buff probably okay?
[00:18:48] You might really getting bullets last bit. I mean either way I'm going nine on can I a nine on five to here
[00:18:52] Like am I even capping around Briar from the spot?
[00:18:54] I have a question.
[00:18:56] Hello, at milk?
[00:18:57] Okay, I mean I can intend anyway.
[00:19:04] Like would you sell this?
[00:19:06] Like yeah, like Swain Briar and then yeah, okay, I mean I'm dead, like really?
[00:19:14] I'm pretty sure this Olaf, isn't Hunter actually kind of good?
[00:19:19] Like is Swain Briar better than this plus Rokon?
[00:19:23] Three preserver with what's it called?
[00:19:28] I'm not stupid it's close right like like three preserver with a with a fucking whatever the fuck this is or
[00:19:34] Is this one of those times where I'm just overthinking for no reason and I just fucking see the yellow unit and I just click
[00:19:39] But like surely right like I feel like my Olaf is actually good
[00:19:43] And then I also have a lot of effective HP with the preservers
[00:19:50] Also, I need to win this round around fucking eight is someone planning on killing this fucking swing. Hello you fucking piece of shit. Oh, okay
[00:20:10] Alright, I'm back then. Watch this. What's this? Okay, U-Trash. Wait, oh, okay, I got my 10 gold. Okay, nice.
[00:20:20] Oh, it probably depends on items. Oh, yeah, honestly, U-Ride is fucked.
[00:20:33] I'm not even kidding. Like, if my Olaf rolls like fucking Warmogs, fucking Gargoyle,
[00:20:37] I'm pretty sure he actually pops off with Hunter. No joke.
[00:20:40] He's actually unkillable and then just drain tanks and everything.
[00:20:43] Train tanks everything.
[00:20:44] Oh, yo, yo, wait one second, GA red.
[00:21:09] Oh yeah, you got a boss.
[00:21:29] Okay, next roll, I can roll for a charm.
[00:21:40] Manamazine, Zonjas, man that's okay, that's some fake news.
[00:21:43] Look at my Olaf items, just look at the shit.
[00:21:46] Can anyone kill this Olaf?
[00:21:47] I don't think so, buddy.
[00:21:49] It just kills a foal.
[00:21:50] That is good, then, crown guard, JG, gunblade, Olaf, Cassiopeia.
[00:22:21] one roll per charm and yeah it's gonna have pure 2 as well.
[00:22:27] Nevermind. Oh, I'd rather have this kind of closer to the middle then.
[00:22:35] I can even play like a random Camille on my board. It's not even bad.
[00:22:46] Like Camille 2. Is Camille 2 with no multi-strike or better than Karma 2?
[00:22:54] Let's say my Karma items are just shaved.
[00:22:59] It's Camille too with Radiant TG better than like just keeping the TG on Olaf anyone?
[00:23:11] Yeah, I don't even know why I asked this question. I don't get paid enough like whatever
[00:23:15] I'm gonna just stick here and just put in and click my my same units GG's then okay, honestly
[00:23:19] I don't think it is I'm pretty sure Olaf is actually way better
[00:23:22] This Camille unit is not really good. Good thing I've rolled these this turn. The fuck is this my come my Olaf has been has been
[00:23:43] Rolling good items the entire stage
[00:24:06] automatic components
[00:24:08] Oh wait, it's not automatic components.
[00:24:14] Wait, did I just...
[00:24:15] Wait, what the fuck? Did I just miss a shop?
[00:24:19] The fuck was that?
[00:24:20] No, it is automatic components, stupid ass game.
[00:24:24] I can't upgrade Vardo, it's too expensive.
[00:24:45] I'm just going to level Nessar and I'm just going to level Nessar and I'm just going to fucking send it.
[00:24:53] Oh god.
[00:24:54] These giant and mighty support golem.
[00:24:57] I actually killed the rockon.
[00:25:01] This one is straight up fucking smurfing.
[00:25:03] No capa.
[00:25:04] Never mind.
[00:25:08] My whole board is gone.
[00:25:10] I got zillion bombs. Oh my fucking eye. Oh my I kind of kept my strength by win this round and then okay
[00:25:16] Also, this is going for how how is the how are they just letting this guy get uncontested Kalista? It's just not good
[00:25:23] That's just not good, and I'm not over in this trash
[00:25:34] G
[00:25:36] G I don't even have karma to holy fuck
[00:25:46] This is just a reaper or something. What happened to my board?
[00:26:11] No, he doesn't even have an augment
[00:26:13] Then how did oh it got Camille to okay, never mind then
[00:26:18] My entire board died instantly. I
[00:26:20] Think I'm eight then
[00:26:28] Starax Bt
[00:26:30] Camille to 50 gold and I'm sitting here with nothing
[00:26:49] Okay, why did I even sell when I don't have a when I don't have a next in?
[00:26:53] Why did I sell this?
[00:26:54] Okay, I mean honestly Olaf doesn't do anything once I lose my item anymore though
[00:27:04] Okay, I need to get I need to get rid of this Olaf. I don't even want to play. I don't even want to play Swain
[00:27:12] I need a Diana. I need to find two star these. I can also drop Fiora.
[00:27:19] I am getting run the fuck over.
[00:27:24] I did not kill. I am feeding my Briar. I mean honestly, I'm too much regardless. I might as well just feed like who the fuck cares man.
[00:27:32] I
[00:27:55] my shop
[00:27:58] Like fuck it which plus one
[00:28:00] Bro, what does that even do?
[00:28:02] Whatever fuck it. Like I mean maybe I can play like Nico
[00:28:06] Honestly, 4 Witches ain't even bad.
[00:28:17] But it has to be like...
[00:28:19] Bro, I'm just gonna...
[00:28:21] I don't have the money to...
[00:28:25] Actually, I guess it's 4 break even.
[00:28:27] Okay, fewer or 2.
[00:28:29] And then I'll just witch.
[00:28:44] I mean, it's not really worth it. I'll just witch this piece of shit for now.
[00:28:46] Who the fuck cares? Also, I'm beating.
[00:28:48] GG's then. You trash.
[00:28:52] Like, Casio would be good. I can also play, like, Niko plus...
[00:28:54] Is there something else?
[00:28:56] And then I'll probably just witch...
[00:28:58] If it's 4, I'll put which on karma
[00:29:00] I'm stuck on karma 1 that can't be good
[00:29:15] Holy fuck. It's actually a feed dip. Yo, good job, Briar
[00:29:19] Do not trash
[00:29:20] Like Casio Pio over this and then Niko
[00:29:33] Bro like is this even is this even clickable?
[00:29:37] It's not that bad actually like it actually is not that bad. Also fuck this unit. It doesn't do anything
[00:29:44] Take some monies and Niko
[00:29:46] I'm gonna just put this on here, something until the edgy decent. Diana. I just realized I don't
[00:30:14] have a single morgana. Anyone? Hello? He dumps her down. He's 10 portal on 9. I'm gonna
[00:30:41] I met as well just feed man. I don't get it. Also, should I just try to remove her
[00:30:48] and go like, because I could go, I could go witch this with a, with a item plus
[00:31:02] Cumblade, I'm calling it a day, it's not even bad.
[00:31:04] But it has to be like, nevermind.
[00:31:18] He's actually fine, nevermind.
[00:31:30] Yeah, whatever, like it's anything, it's something.
[00:31:33] G?
[00:31:39] Like, fuck it, Gs.
[00:31:44] I mean, the Casio Pio throws items to the piece of shit.
[00:31:48] Oh, okay, am I dead?
[00:31:49] Like, do I have the DPS check for this?
[00:31:51] Or nah.
[00:32:01] Why does it look like my whole board is dead?
[00:32:06] It is dead, ah.
[00:32:10] Okay, I have a question.
[00:32:12] I have a question.
[00:32:13] Did I even play this game bad?
[00:32:15] Like, I'm genuinely asking, like, is it just Lootsub is just trashed, or Subscription Service is just trashed?
[00:32:21] Like, I don't, like, did I even mess up anywhere in this game?
[00:32:30] I feel like my board has been the strongest I could, it could be, throughout the entire game,
[00:32:36] given the amount of econ that I had.
[00:32:42] Like, 52930 and then I'm just sitting here playing Strongest Word the entire game.
[00:32:47] Anyone?
[00:32:48] Like, it has to just be subscription service, it's not me, right?
[00:32:54] Like, I think this augment is just doomed to go like 4th, 5th, like 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th.
[00:33:02] So like, didn't I actually just go 5th here?
[00:33:04] Oh wait, I did go 5th.
[00:33:06] But like, if you're going 3, like, if you're just doomed for a 3, 4, 5, or 6, so like,
[00:33:13] should I have just taken tiniest Titan then?
[00:33:16] The reason, okay.
[00:33:19] The reason I didn't take Tiniest Titan on 2-1 is because I had Gensu, like Bo-Rod and Glove,
[00:33:28] and the reason I wanted to, like if I find Gwen, I just go JG, if I find Kalista, I just
[00:33:32] go Gensu.
[00:33:33] But the reason I didn't want it is because I already rolled past one of the Gigabits.
[00:33:36] I already rolled past Giant and Mighty.
[00:33:39] So that's already like one out of the fucking, the three Gigabits that you can hit
[00:33:42] on Kalista.
[00:33:44] So like, is Tiniest Titan and the Kalista even good there?
[00:33:48] Anyone?
[00:33:49] Vince Carter, thank you guys this guy busy yapping fuck me. All right, let me see. Hello anyone I
[00:34:50] Don't get it. Did I do something wrong that game or no? Is it even worth holding this fucking? I
[00:35:41] Mean, I think six two is not even bad, but then I'm not making you on here really
[00:35:48] Really?
[00:35:50] Yeah, whatever fuck it. I'm not making you come on. It's called open or like it doesn't fucking matter
[00:35:54] Who cares I'm gonna hold everything
[00:35:56] Alright, I regret holding everything, this shop is just true trash, and I just lost the gold to hold trash, but that's because this shop was just so fucking trash I can't even play around it.
[00:36:18] Lilia Seraphine, Seraphine Nyla. Great.
[00:36:31] Glove Belt Bow. Glove Belt Bow.
[00:36:34] witchy well-up learning to spell royal guard royal garden to Clissa is royal
[00:36:44] guard even good nowadays every three seconds all fairs restore like is it
[00:36:51] actually good nowadays or no I mean let me roll this first like it's not these
[00:36:56] two I mean I have to like it unless I want to take you have my fucking sword
[00:37:00] and in hard force verus really oh nice it's gonna say okay I mean I'm not
[00:37:10] trying to do that so where's the guard at I don't even I don't even
[00:37:30] have a single fucking... I mean, it's fine. Oh nice, he reconnected. He had... No! He got
[00:37:39] combat caster? No! No, no, I don't think he knows. I don't think he knows. Like, maybe
[00:37:46] he just doesn't know that combat caster is just hard-core scholista. Oh, he left again.
[00:37:59] BF cloak tier? I mean, I could just sell... Does Nyla beat Lilia? Like, do I really
[00:38:23] want to sell here? Like, I'm pretty sure I can actually play around this for the
[00:38:26] entire board and I'm like I just don't make 20, I mean don't make 30 and like I'm not it's not it's
[00:38:31] I'm not even second for the bow so it's like like I feel like it's pretty reasonable to expect a rod as
[00:38:37] not first pick and then if the rod's gone that means the bow is there and if the bow is not
[00:38:44] there that means the if the bow and rod are gone then whatever I'm just gonna start complaining
[00:39:34] oh nice I'm putting a full open bro I wouldn't be surprised wait actually I can't even see if
[00:39:40] if he reconnected. You think he's AFK? I mean, I too should do this trash, like the fuck.
[00:39:54] You think he didn't reconnect? Maybe he's just AFK, you never know. And then I'm basically
[00:40:03] verse big. Is AFK worthy? Oh, bet! Okay? I mean, it's not even good. Even if the
[00:40:18] rod is gone, I could have just taken bow. Like, it's not even good. It's actually
[00:40:23] not good. I mean now I have one ginsu secured and then the one ginsu secured on 2-5 is the
[00:40:33] most important because now on 3-5 I'm about to just spawn with cheats. Watch this. So
[00:40:58] where are the Seraphine in the cat arena? I'm playing Royal Guard without the stuff.
[00:41:24] Does this gain AD and AP without Ferry in?
[00:41:27] No.
[00:41:28] I'm on a three streak?
[00:41:32] What?
[00:41:33] Okay.
[00:41:34] My board fucking sucks.
[00:41:54] Okay, also I have a question.
[00:41:55] If you have Royal Guard with Ferry plus one, surely it's, in your level nine, surely
[00:42:03] it's Seven Ferry, right?
[00:42:05] Royal Guard, let's say I do hit Ferry plus one this game, Ferry emblem.
[00:42:11] And then I'll put level 9 traits
[00:42:16] Seven fairy is plus Delta
[00:42:19] Hey, that's insane actually I
[00:42:25] That's actually insane
[00:42:27] How bad is seven very then like I knew it was bad, but like surely if you have
[00:42:39] Like royal guard with fairy plus one, but I mean no, no, I know I know seven various trash, but like a like bro, what?
[00:42:59] You get extra HP, you heal more and you give more AD and AP, I mean the units are trash, but like, yeah.
[00:43:07] So you play 5 fairies, plus you know you fucking don't, man, 9 fairies in the once.
[00:43:15] Because here it's just gamble, like both are like, equally as good.
[00:43:39] Protectors Vile plus half Gargoyle, and then our Protectors Vile plus half Wormogs.
[00:43:45] And then Redemption plus half Gargoyle is very equally as good.
[00:43:59] Maybe I wait once and maybe I get Earth's Crown back or something.
[00:44:02] I already lost my streak.
[00:44:03] I'm not gonna just chill, chill one.
[00:44:46] I kind of like protect myself more and try to get the Wormogs because I can heal
[00:44:51] him.
[00:44:54] Item ladder, combat bandages, Triforce.
[00:44:57] I feel like Exhaustiles is better.
[00:45:05] But I do get to roll once, so if it is around the same, 3.8, okay, that's how this is about to hold.
[00:45:18] Pandora's items. Okay, that's probably better actually. I can go Wormogs, Gargoyle, just go Trufuckin' Biss.
[00:45:30] Okay, is my spot a little too good? I don't get it. Like, Pandora's items and now I can just sit here and just get Trufus.
[00:46:03] true this like I'm not even I'm not even like low considering how garbage my board has been the
[00:46:07] entire stage my board has been so bad and I'm 80 HP and I sat to here on second pick like who knows
[00:46:27] is there a shape also how rich am I also how contested am I what is this I even plan he's a
[00:46:49] bf cloak tier cloak a tg gargoyle probably like some karma garbage nashers tooth uh multi striker
[00:46:58] maybe bt is i think he's karma actually he does ginsu glove with slammin he's golden
[00:47:10] eco with the preserver plus one last whisper i mean i'm one way contestant i'm third pick
[00:47:29] this has been my board this game it has a bow on it bro it had to have like a
[00:47:35] fucking worthless item for me to even think about getting into now mate
[00:47:38] He has a fucking bow, man. Oh my lord.
[00:47:45] Army. Army.
[00:47:47] Why so tense? Bring her home.
[00:48:17] Holy shit, I am rich.
[00:48:21] Like, okay, I'm rich, but I'm also so healthy
[00:48:26] that, like, Kinsu Glove, 40 gold with Slammin', Gargoyle.
[00:48:35] He made these. Is he even playing Callista? I don't even know what the fuck he's playing.
[00:48:42] I don't get it. I don't get it.
[00:48:57] I mean, it probably has to be full of stuff, probably.
[00:49:01] He's warm on Gargoyle on different units.
[00:49:08] He's level 750.
[00:49:11] I mean, if I 4-1 it for one copy, like I stack ones, I'm pretty sure I can't, like it looks
[00:49:25] like I'm rich but I'm not even that rich.
[00:49:34] Also, I'm just ditching, I mean, I feel like in my spot I'm not even rich.
[00:49:49] How much am I rolling?
[00:49:51] I'd be rolling like, I, yeah, but the thing is, I feel like there's enough
[00:49:57] karma players where I have one way contested I probably should just
[00:50:01] add because also I'm not even convinced that he's like committed karma or
[00:50:07] Callisto I mean I'm pretty rich actually like I if I were to level this
[00:50:29] turn oh wait I have oh it's perfect interval oh I bought the I bought the
[00:50:37] study the study pink oh okay because this is a straight to nine I don't have
[00:51:24] a zillion okay I can't roll anymore I don't have multi-strike I'm sorry
[00:51:32] Sorry guys. I don't have a zillion and I'm rock-on paired and then honestly if I'm rock-on paired I don't even mind
[00:51:43] I don't even mind what's it called. Also should I save the glove for TV?
[00:51:52] It's probably actually not bad on Kat.
[00:51:59] I don't know I don't know how many I don't even know if he's playing I don't even think he's playing Kalista and
[00:52:04] I don't mind just willing for charm of return and if I'm Kalista I just go choose your every fucking turn
[00:52:08] I'm not gonna say because he hit it very soon
[00:52:11] Yeah
[00:52:12] Cloggers are a teaming up a grab bag items are fucking worthless talk with this beyond worthless a part of all in this fine trash trash trash
[00:52:18] Call him as fine zillion is here. I can drop I hit a fucking randwin's
[00:52:24] Okay, I won the game then I just hit a random. There's no way. I'm rolling. I just okay. Oh, sorry. Sorry
[00:52:45] There's no ever only yeah
[00:52:47] I mean I'm done to roll an extra for Charm because it's too off and then I'm done to just make 31 turn.
[00:52:59] What the fuck is this shit?
[00:53:06] Actually I should probably scout and see how many what's it called they're gone.
[00:53:09] How many uh rock bombs they're gone.
[00:53:16] Like maybe I just like I shouldn't even roll for Charm here.
[00:53:31] I just don't I don't even bother rolling for Charm.
[00:53:33] Like I mean I'm 603 HP but like bro if I'm uncontested close so the chances of me hitting close to 2 here are like 100.
[00:53:40] I mean how about I roll for charm next turn it's one off charm on this guy's
[00:53:45] three rock on I can't roll he's three rock on one each three this guy has one
[00:53:49] close to two Clista so two Clista three rock on this evening rock on no how
[00:53:54] many rock on this guy probably does he doesn't think this guy has zero this
[00:54:04] guy's at one this guy's at three okay there's not a single rock on in the
[00:54:11] I mean there are but like it is probably again. It's probably like a few this guy has one is like in
[00:54:17] Like I'll get this guy dies over for charm next turn. I'm a roll for charm next turn regardless
[00:54:21] But I'm pretty healthy at Brandon's as well. I
[00:54:31] Hired like one of the best of war golems. Oh, he's dead. Is this the guy with?
[00:54:42] Rock on
[00:54:43] Oh, yes, okay, I'll probably roll to a premium term them and then my heck list of hair. I'm just send it
[00:54:56] This guy has two
[00:55:03] I'm actually okay with going away
[00:55:07] No
[00:55:09] No
[00:55:24] For rock on to Calissa all two cost champs. No, I'm not the roll for a premium charm
[00:55:43] Gigi am I stronger than this?
[00:56:00] I mean, it's pretty premium like it's better
[00:56:11] It's better than fucking losing the gold to see a fucking potential zillion two to lose another four gold
[00:56:16] Like that's like reverse premium and like next turn like I mean
[00:56:21] I'm really into a charm next turn because like I won this round and I can protect my five streak and
[00:56:25] And the rolls were actually like pretty good because I like I roll until charm here and then if I hit rock on 2
[00:56:33] That's a guaranteed five streak and if I hit a close to pair honestly even with close to pair
[00:56:37] I don't even know if I send it like
[00:56:39] Okay, I mean I'm still down to roll total arm like the streak and I'm probably gonna hit close to two here then do these
[00:56:46] It's not even good because I don't even want Milio I want Calista. Yeah, fuck it. Just bench
[00:56:54] Yeah, fuck it. Just bench the Milio then. Yeah, fuck it
[00:56:56] Yeah, fuck it just mentioned Emilio, yeah fuck it just mentioned Emilio, yeah fuck it
[00:57:08] like in like whatever man, yep, G, oh wait, wait it doesn't it give her con, oh no I was
[00:57:28] told that in par, like someone told me that it prioritizes one star and then I was like
[00:57:32] bet no it doesn't man, I'm about to get a rock on.
[00:57:35] I just lost a milio pair man, oh my no I'm fucking eight, okay the good news though,
[00:57:40] The good news about this though, is that I can deny the rest of the lobby for Rock on 2.
[00:57:46] So that, like, that's fine. I'm just gonna hold onto this Rock on for the rest of my life.
[00:57:50] Oh wait, oh, let me take it out of the police app.
[00:57:52] Oh my, and then now I'm just, okay.
[00:57:55] Now I'm down a Millio pair, but I mean, at least I can deny Rock on, and then now they can never hit until it gets fine.
[00:58:01] Oh, I'm sorry, like, okay, I had Millio pair, man, and now I'm fucked.
[00:58:08] And now I'm fucked. Also, I have hard, hard study award of the fuck.
[00:58:10] My second to here. What the fuck is this shit? I just keep getting dropped like oh
[00:58:31] I mean my pandas and pandas doesn't need to do anything when I just hit every single fucking true base
[00:58:36] You don't need anti heal or anti armor. That's just fake news. Don't worry
[00:58:55] It's actually a gig of fake news
[00:59:05] My second to here
[00:59:09] Yeah, probably
[00:59:12] Honestly, this is a straight to 10
[00:59:47] I mean, I'm done the sack one and then I'm gonna level and roll for like any upgrade or like any unit to play
[00:59:52] Also, I'm gonna put Hecarim over here. I don't want to clump around the Varus
[01:00:12] Maybe like Hecarim can just waste a fucking ult across the map. It goes right into the left maybe.
[01:00:21] I don't even know if my Hecarim position would have changed.
[01:00:23] Man, this comp is too fucking cool, man.
[01:00:36] Pandora's items!
[01:00:40] Pandora's items!
[01:00:47] Yeah, I'm not even gonna bother rolling on 9, but surely I mean I will roll on 9. It's pretty normal right now because it's the thing.
[01:00:53] I'm gonna roll until I can play something.
[01:00:56] Uh, I mean that, let me double win until I play something for sure.
[01:00:59] It threw a fucking titan, it's not a beefy or a strax.
[01:01:38] And now I think I'm 8. Not really, this Verus can never kill Kalista.
[01:01:42] It just gets straight up stat checked.
[01:01:48] Okay. Plus 10 again.
[01:01:51] Bro, this is my second fucking major gambit this game.
[01:01:57] I'm just up 20 old.
[01:01:59] I'm good.
[01:02:17] I mean there's Camille, Pear, and then I can just re-roll the red.
[01:02:21] Actually driver remover
[01:02:29] Where's my remover at buddy?
[01:02:37] Yeah, whatever fuck it's like it like I'm like I'm gonna be ten with a million gold
[01:02:41] There's no way I don't hit million to this game and honestly did I just win this game?
[01:02:45] guaranteed
[01:02:48] Yeah, I'm really like rerolling your dumb ass fuck you then you trash
[01:02:53] No diff I think from this spot. I'm guaranteed to make it to
[01:03:19] Camille to and I think Camille to with a hodge a million throwing and items and then I'm gonna get an
[01:03:24] I input around Karate so it's just a guarantee first it's like impossible not to be hers
[01:03:32] Also, it's perfectly in a role on 6-3 or 6-1 if I win this round
[01:03:36] I can probably 6-1 it and it doesn't matter how boring I'm I can choose your turn to the fuck there is
[01:03:40] Even trout honestly, that's like fucking true. We go this like what the fuck is this? Okay?
[01:03:44] I just I hit like it's better than last whisper
[01:03:47] It's it's straight up the only thing that might be better than even charred is GA
[01:03:51] I don't think I don't even know like it was even better. I mean, it's not it's not but it might it's close
[01:03:56] But anyways, game-temper-de-claw.
[01:04:13] Okay.
[01:04:14] I don't even know why I sold TK to make, uh, to make Econ, because why don't I just play
[01:04:20] it?
[01:04:21] I feel like it's already not that much value.
[01:04:22] I mean, I guess Bardo is pretty good if I hit more 2 as well.
[01:04:33] Monkka.
[01:04:36] Monkka.
[01:04:48] Uh, I can move with the TG to Morgana if it's Morgana too.
[01:04:55] Fairy, or Royal Guard.
[01:04:59] Punoko!
[01:05:00] Punoko!
[01:05:01] I'm a fuckin' beast!
[01:05:05] Yup. Yup.
[01:05:11] I might as well stack 3 and just 10 on in 3 turns or 2 turns.
[01:05:35] T-Tours.
[01:05:38] Honestly, am I not gonna actually have magic damage?
[01:05:41] I'm pretty sure Milio 2 actually pumps and so does Morgana 2.
[01:05:44] And there's no way I don't hit Morgana 2 this game.
[01:05:46] Okay?
[01:05:49] Like I'm gonna load in with Milio 2, Morgana 2, Camille 2 in 2 turns.
[01:05:53] And honestly, I need to hold R.
[01:05:55] I like if I'm a leo to you I kind of want to actually our reed dragon. Oh my my my rock-ons dead
[01:06:14] Yo, what the fuck is this?
[01:06:18] Okay, all right sack one more
[01:06:22] 68
[01:06:24] This turn 64 and one turn I got zillion Bob
[01:07:28] This game is not very good man
[01:07:30] Perfect dinner roll, and I'm going to send it.
[01:07:38] Am I missing something here?
[01:08:03] Am I missing something?
[01:08:09] I should have sold already,
[01:08:11] because, uh, honestly, I don't even think I should be upgrading the- the Tomcatch.
[01:08:15] Like, it- it doesn't even matter. Like, all I need is- is Millio 2, that's the only thing that fucking matters here.
[01:08:30] How come I didn't find a single upgrade?
[01:08:32] I did not find a single upgrade.
[01:08:38] The GA is gone, now what?
[01:08:49] I don't really like DB that much.
[01:08:51] I mean, it's fine.
[01:09:04] Did- did my TK cast us, right?
[01:09:06] Oh it did. I mean it's actually good and I just saw it as worthless now because I showed you.
[01:09:13] But also it's not actually good. It's fucking worthless. Just read it.
[01:09:17] Like I'm not like there's no way. The only reason you would sell TK is because it's 12 gold for me to hit Camille 2.
[01:09:24] Is this combat run good enough? It probably is.
[01:10:01] This Camille 2. I'm gonna go the last whisper. That can't be good.
[01:10:46] Pinoco, you fucking trash, let's go, you're actual garbage. Relax, buddy.
[01:11:07] Fucking garbage. Okay, Gigi's in.
[01:11:14] Hits Royal Guard and then a trash, Broly.
[01:11:36] If you were to watch 2-1, you think I was happy taking Royal Guard?
[01:11:41] The ultimate is fucking garbage. It's not even fucking good, man.
[01:11:46] Also, I just want you to know that this game...
[01:11:49] This game, like, it, Broly, oh my fucking god, this was the most uncontested first of my life.
[01:11:55] I actually got more dogs like I should be fucking I should be 1350 here guaranteed
[01:11:59] It's just straight up into like a more dog dip. I get on my
[01:12:03] He is really one-triggering Calista in SeaWorld. This is just sad. Yeah, what's gonna be more sad is
[01:12:12] Your fucking bank account after you give me 5k
[01:12:15] Your fucking trash
[01:12:35] 2 colon left parentheses. All right, I just load in
[01:12:47] All right, let's see. I mean first game. I played karma second game. I played Calista
[01:12:52] Let's see what I'm playing in this game guys.
[01:12:56] Let's see.
[01:13:34] Bro, when I play, like I might actually just call my dad.
[01:13:37] And next time I get double down, I'll just tell my dad
[01:13:41] to just don't interact, 4-1, just click these 8 units.
[01:13:47] And then he might actually be able to top 4.
[01:13:49] No joke.
[01:13:50] Not top 4, he might actually be able to go first.
[01:13:53] You just tell him to stop rolling after he hits 1 of Rakan 2 or Kalista 2,
[01:13:57] then go 9 and click the same fucking units there as well.
[01:14:01] First carousel, finish Gensu, second carousel,
[01:14:03] Rockhonor, Kalista, otherwise finished through this.
[01:14:07] GGs.
[01:14:08] Also, I just sold a Namzee.
[01:14:09] Like, what the fuck am I even doing?
[01:14:11] Honestly, it's fine.
[01:14:23] Uuugh!
[01:14:38] It's looking like...
[01:14:39] Let me see my last component.
[01:14:40] Ah, fuck, I sold my Namzee.
[01:14:44] I mean, I can play anything still.
[01:14:46] Vega is going to be Tracer, Stationer, Support, Upgrade, Champion.
[01:14:49] I mean, I can go set fast heart, play around Karma, I can go IE, but play around
[01:14:56] Chain.
[01:14:57] Well, am I close to playing around IE though?
[01:15:06] I actually really like beggars, gonna be choosers.
[01:15:08] I think, okay, I don't wanna contest this guy.
[01:15:09] I'm this guy's close to for sure.
[01:15:11] Oh, Glove, help us on the way.
[01:15:14] Maybe Ziggs.
[01:15:16] Probably Karma, probably Varus.
[01:15:18] I don't really wanna play Varus then.
[01:15:34] I don't even know why, since that's hard to play.
[01:15:36] I know for sure I'm not playing Varus,
[01:15:37] I'm playing Karma for sure.
[01:15:38] I'm gonna go get some water.
[01:16:55] Fuck, am I even fighting here?
[01:17:49] I just fought level five into level five.
[01:17:51] Is that even my fault?
[01:17:55] Like I fight 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 3. Like is there anyone else level 5 in the lobby?
[01:17:59] 4, 5, 4, 4, 4? Like I just, I just back to back level 5.
[01:18:05] They can't even, you know like they can't even, did I fight level 4 on 2, 1?
[01:18:08] Panic roll? Probably.
[01:18:10] I'm pretty sure, I mean his board's looking pretty good, so like it looks like he probably did.
[01:18:19] There's two bows.
[01:18:20] I could have actually lost this round and then potentially make, uh, make more, but I'm pretty sure I'm just always following here.
[01:19:29] Step right through our bow BF, and I'm just really good.
[01:19:31] It's like half red, half pf item for some piece of shit, half tank item or full tank item.
[01:19:36] And then I have infinite money to play around.
[01:20:01] Bastion.
[01:20:02] I mean I can also play Varus as well. It's not even that bad.
[01:20:12] I think I'm about to get scammed.
[01:20:32] He's shiven 8. Also it died instantly.
[01:20:40] I'll see if I have a single item, shiven 8.
[01:20:47] Back to losing. Lose, lose, lose.
[01:20:50] Lose, lose, lose.
[01:20:55] Like am I really contesting Varus bro? I fucking hate contesting Varus man
[01:21:02] It's so like it's a three-way contest if I play Varus
[01:21:05] But like I think my mid game is actually pretty okay around Varus like it's not even bad
[01:21:11] Bastion Blaster
[01:21:12] Like I can just I can play Blaster this turn
[01:21:25] Instead of like and then if I get Blaster plus money for sure play towards Varus
[01:21:29] I'm actually a Shogun Lasso's for an IE
[01:21:37] Waddle D Waddle-er
[01:21:40] Yeah, I appreciate the five gifted
[01:21:42] Thank you, Waddle D. Waddle D, it's only gold. Bro, I have AFK, man. It's not even good. I'm un-contested, I mean, I just go Shogun, I just flex.
[01:22:06] Change the Shiv. I mean, one gold. And I guess I can hold everything, but I don't know if it matters.
[01:22:13] Does it? I mean, I guess I don't have to stun this trend then.
[01:22:32] So I just wanted to thank you for streaming so often. After my dog passed away, it's in genuinely
[01:22:47] I mean, I appreciate the subs, but uh, yeah, I'm sorry about your dog, I mean, that's not
[01:23:05] good for you or your dog, fadge, wait, wait, wait, I mean, it's not good, I'm laughing because
[01:23:25] Now I feel kind of bad. Wait, what?
[01:23:28] Okay, I have a question.
[01:23:51] Like, doesn't this have to be a Varus game?
[01:23:53] I don't get it.
[01:23:54] This guy already has a Varus, but he's playing...
[01:24:03] I'm not gonna be destroyed anyway.
[01:24:05] That guy's Blaster plus one.
[01:24:08] Yeah, I don't care.
[01:24:11] I don't care if it runs here.
[01:24:13] It's too good.
[01:24:14] Shoot me for a buck.
[01:24:15] And fuck it.
[01:24:16] I said I was gonna win anyway, and then I lost.
[01:24:19] Oh, never mind. I barely won.
[01:24:21] It's fine. Look how rich I am.
[01:24:23] I'm just gonna 4-1 fucking send it
[01:24:25] But I'm pretty sure if you don't have like I'm kind of I don't really have good items though
[01:24:32] I mean I have to I have I have rumble Ezreal pair Tristana
[01:24:44] Well, his spot is actually really good. He's level 740 on 3-3 approaching Trubis. Oh wait, I'm level 740. Oh
[01:25:21] Okay, but the thing is he's playing towards Kalista and if he hits he just wins out
[01:25:25] I'm playing towards fucking
[01:25:30] Bevers
[01:25:31] Bevers
[01:25:32] Where's the other various player how much gold does he have? Does he even augment? No, he doesn't raise level five right now
[01:25:37] There's a Clista with a belt. I think he won the game then
[01:25:42] Also, this guy just took okay, it's fine
[01:25:45] I'm already with a cloak. I mean, I don't even like for wanting it though
[01:26:03] But I feel like I'm like unbelievably rich like I'm up. I'm level 750, but I'm like more than level 750
[01:26:15] Okay, I think if I've even showed but the thing is I want another remover
[01:26:18] because the thing is I want to move the items off of Shen. Actually I guess even Shen on
[01:26:24] Shen is fine in that corner. If I didn't even try it, it's probably stronger to go items
[01:26:29] on Ezreal. I mean, I did 5.7 last round. I guess it's not that big of a diff. Shoujin,
[01:26:43] red, IE, step fast heart. Gwen. Yes, the study. Camille. Camille. Camille. Like
[01:27:25] He's blaster plus one with Zeke's
[01:27:28] He's level six. He's he's kind of broke, but like I'm gonna have to be better than something. Oh fuck blaster like there's no way
[01:27:45] This is base damage is so fucking high
[01:27:47] We're stage whatever whatever the stage is
[01:27:58] Yeah, never mind. It looks like I did nothing. I mean it has no items
[01:28:07] God will sometime around TV. Okay, 53 HP
[01:28:11] It's fine. I'm not eight. Oh, I didn't use my mover. Oh fuck. Oh, sorry
[01:28:53] Holy fuck, I almost lost the wolf again. Wait, what is this shit?
[01:29:02] Wait, hold on, hold on, Waddle D. Wait, give me one second. I need to fucking roll for my shit.
[01:29:23] Hello?
[01:29:25] Oh.
[01:29:42] I should, I should have adapted Zerat, I'm trolling, sorry.
[01:29:46] No, Waddle D.
[01:29:47] Uh, no, I, I'm sorry man, like I, I didn't mean to make you feel worse if I did.
[01:29:50] But I'm guessing I didn't. I mean, I, I'm sorry to hear about your dog.
[01:29:53] I don't know why I'm laughing. I'm sorry, man.
[01:29:57] I appreciate the fucking subs.
[01:30:00] Thank you for streamer, so do.
[01:30:02] Is that even stronger than this still? And I just pair Hecarim? No?
[01:30:48] I mean, like the thing is my Varus is hard stuck one-stared, tier-tier cloak.
[01:31:04] And like now that I have two items on Varus, like I think there's actually a lot of value in just getting HP.
[01:31:09] Because I think my Varus can actually pump.
[01:31:12] Yay? Or no.
[01:31:15] Like it's my Ezreal and other pieces of trash are actually pumping here. Yeah.
[01:31:23] He hit Varus 2, no econ augment.
[01:31:32] How? That's weird. Like is this better and then I pair, let me see how much HP it is.
[01:31:44] I mean it's 450 health but I'm losing, let me see, I'm losing 4 Blaster which is 2, I get 1, 2.
[01:31:52] I guess Bardo maybe? Bardo? Cause like now I have items on Varus, this piece of shit.
[01:31:58] So if I get 2 cast off, I'm kind of down, it's Varus 1. How much damage does my Ezreal do? 1.8?
[01:32:04] Yeah, I feel this looks way better.
[01:32:12] Like I have three items here and then I have two items here, like it's actually good as fuck.
[01:32:17] Because that's various too.
[01:32:32] This arcane conduit augment is actually broken.
[01:32:35] If you make it to like 6-1, you actually have a 100% win rate.
[01:32:48] You just gotta spawn in three items orath, three item tk for free,
[01:32:51] 3 and I'm heckering and 3 and I'm already and don't even laugh like this Ari unit is actually not even bad man
[01:32:57] Like everyone laughs
[01:33:01] Everyone laughs at Ari, but like bro like a 3 and I'm Ari randomly just pumps 5k HP. No kappa
[01:33:09] She doesn't she doesn't even do she doesn't even do nothing like you're investing four components for 5k damage
[01:33:15] Like I mean that's pretty solid. I'd say G
[01:33:21] G
[01:33:22] One over charm I can fix streak as well. Yeah, Gg's um, oh wait, sorry
[01:33:35] I'm not protecting shit, uh, I mean I think I can play I can play bardo plus one as well
[01:33:47] Do I even care about this a Gwen? It rolled a fucking Nashor's tooth. How is that tailored?
[01:34:03] What the fuck does Nashor's tooth do on on this piece of shit again? Can someone remind me?
[01:34:10] Nashor's tooth, dish! Not really. I didn't kill a single fucking unit again, man. Oh my bro
[01:34:15] Okay, no one cares about Gwen to get the fuck off on board bench
[01:34:19] Also, how does that just hit bearish two with no econ augment explain that to me, man
[01:34:25] Okay, okay. Yeah, whatever. I don't even care if I win or lose then you trash
[01:34:59] Naces to karma to fiora to
[01:35:03] What the fuck is this? I mean, I'm just saying my giraffe is about it straight up shit on everyone
[01:35:14] It's dead. I mean, is this even a loss though?
[01:35:19] This is this is what I like to call plus 20 and then if I suck one, I'm still two lives
[01:35:25] Do I even want to suck one now?
[01:35:29] probably I
[01:35:31] Actually need the gold. I mean it'd be it'd be 44 to level regardless
[01:35:39] I mean I could level that's turn for for Morgana, which is not even a small upgrade preserve a whole board
[01:35:44] But I like I like the chance like I mean I'm still too lies like 32 even I get 30 owed which I won't I'm still too lies
[01:35:50] I think there's
[01:35:52] Like you have to hit something man, and I wouldn't be so fucking I mean I
[01:35:59] Just don't have enough money. That's what I'm on a lot of components
[01:36:03] Or like I like I needed your teams magic damage is dealt as
[01:36:06] I'm down the second one, like I actually have to bow, bow, bow, bow, bow, bow, tier, bow,
[01:36:18] bow, bow, bow, tier, bow, tier, bow, bow, bow, tier, bow, bow, I'm about to fucking win
[01:36:40] out.
[01:36:41] Hello?
[01:36:42] Can I get one cast off at least?
[01:36:43] Okay, nice.
[01:36:44] It's fine.
[01:36:45] How many units am I killing here?
[01:36:54] more and I'm happy. I might, I think I might be one life. Well I need to be able to roll
[01:37:07] or I might, well I actually need some units, but I need to hit some two stars which I probably
[01:37:13] won't. I hit this one again. I don't even know why I upgraded this. Why did I upgrade
[01:37:33] this? Why did I upgrade my bardo? I mean technically I'm still two lives, so it's
[01:37:41] not even that bad. But I'm sitting on, I mean I'm sitting on three fucking pairs
[01:37:45] and I paid 6 gold for the shit.
[01:37:47] This guy has a hunter fucking briar too.
[01:37:49] I'm on a fucking, I'm on a timer.
[01:37:51] I'm 8.
[01:37:52] In fact, I think I'm dead anyway.
[01:37:57] Oh, I actually have a life.
[01:38:01] 4-0-2-diff.
[01:38:02] I mean, actually, I mean, his unit actually, like, pumps.
[01:38:04] Like, bro, this is 0-0 items.
[01:38:06] Like, it's actually kinda good.
[01:38:08] I mean, he's dead. That's pretty good. Top 5.
[01:38:12] And then he put, uh, he put 3 varuses in the pool.
[01:38:14] I might just hit Varus 2 here.
[01:38:16] You never know.
[01:38:21] Shred and Sunder and ping a gold for that shit.
[01:38:23] It's 20% damage and durability and I can't even afford this man. I just say fuck the TK. Yeah fuck the TK.
[01:38:41] Aw. I can't. I mean please, please. Yeah whatever fuck this unit then. And yeah whatever the fuck that is.
[01:38:50] Oh wait, okay. Am I dead? I think I'm dead. I went eight. But didn't I almost win this game?
[01:39:21] Like, if I- If I hit Zerath 2 here, don't I actually win this game?
[01:39:26] I could have just removed the Red buff, go Last Whisperer on Varus.
[01:39:30] I actually would have won this game. I was one round off.
[01:39:35] Okay, actually, wait, I just realized...
[01:39:37] Bro...
[01:39:38] Boss Boss might be loading with cheese.
[01:39:41] He's level 9 on fight 2 with a guy- I think this Briar was- When- When the fuck did he get Briar? Does anyone know?
[01:39:49] His Briar looked like he had, like, an HP bug.
[01:39:55] Level 9 briar to like, okay, like I don't get it. I don't get it. What's that? I about to win that game
[01:41:07] Not really actually. I just realized I just remembered again that I just I remembered that I remembered
[01:41:14] Just 30 seconds ago that I don't think again. I can ever DPS check the fucking the the briar
[01:41:23] Wait, so can you check this board?
[01:41:45] Those those are my flight options to Macau
[01:41:48] Did you want to, did you want to, because we fly from the same airport, did you want to book the same one?
[01:41:54] Wait, you mean like you'll book it for me or what?
[01:42:09] What?
[01:42:10] No
[01:42:12] We can just...
[01:42:59] Okay, wait, so do I know the tech to save you 5k, what is it?
[01:43:11] I mean like, like did Arran playing, like, like, did I even make a mistake this game as well?
[01:43:15] Like, you know yesterday I played 20 hours and I didn't go 8th a single time.
[01:43:19] You know how Sarah has a fight with you just kick her off and let set to go sit there plus 5k
[01:43:25] I'd rather PayPal
[01:43:27] Set to go 50k
[01:43:30] Then kick it then kick Sarah off the plane like bro fuck off
[01:43:36] money
[01:43:39] Can't buy I don't even I don't even know what I was gonna like something. I mean yeah five cost BF
[01:43:44] It's all good. You've been yep. That's why soju is my role model
[01:44:09] You said you would have picked up ten gold opener every game over Sarah. Well, no, I mean I still would
[01:44:13] Bro, okay, the thing is, listen, if everyone else, okay, think about it this way.
[01:44:24] Let's say everyone in the lobby starts with 6 gold and you just load in with 16 gold.
[01:44:30] You don't have to scout a single time on 2-1.
[01:44:34] You just click triple this augment.
[01:44:36] You make 10, make 20, make 30, make 40.
[01:44:39] You can play strongest board, make 50.
[01:44:42] You can 7 on 3-2, you can 8 on 4-1, roll 50, you win the game.
[01:44:48] You would actually ADP, even I would ADP in the ones.
[01:44:51] It's so illegal man, like you would actually load in with 5K LP.
[01:45:13] You're just way too rich and you instantly win the game.
[01:45:18] Alright, I'm back then, of Verus.
[01:46:09] Of Verus.
[01:46:10] Of Verus.
[01:46:18] Alright, I'm out of here then.
[01:46:55] Honestly are there even that many premium six costs? Oh, yeah me 10. Oh, never mind. Oh, okay Gigi's then
[01:47:01] Are you really gonna take a 16 hour flight play three games and go straight home? Wait milk? I have a question
[01:47:12] If I win Macau
[01:47:15] Will you buy me a watch or no as like a celebratory gift?
[01:47:23] Yeah, Gigi's then no, oh, okay
[01:47:33] Well, you're not a very good friend then
[01:47:36] What the fuck is this?
[01:47:51] This guy bought me a birthday present like 4 years ago, and I still haven't gotten him a gift.
[01:47:58] Wait, what? I'm out of it.
[01:48:12] Okay, I have a question. Is Double Down full open and Gold Open or even that premium?
[01:48:22] I've unleashed the Beast plus, I mean it's not even paired though is the problem.
[01:48:28] I have no bow and no rod. No bow and no rod.
[01:48:34] Like I feel like it's not even premium.
[01:48:36] I mean I can open doors, I don't know, but isn't unleashed the Beast actually good?
[01:48:41] And I just play towards like some karma line like it's work Ashley good though, bro
[01:48:45] If I have poppy to the brothers pop unit
[01:48:48] Whatever fucking I
[01:48:50] Mean how bad can it be man? Also I sold
[01:48:54] When I also I'm not even playing the correct board like the fucking what's it called is way stronger, but it's fine
[01:49:05] Okay, what am I stealing? Oh, I'm stealing the least two. Okay. I won the game. I
[01:49:13] Hope I don't hit a lease next shop if I don't hit a lease next shop
[01:49:16] I win the game because then I'm not gonna be tilted for the rest of the game because then I basically like it's not even good then I
[01:49:29] Need a shape shifter one shape shifter games over
[01:49:34] Shape shifter games over shape shifter games over I
[01:49:38] Mean that's fine. I'll just make a con then like I was I was gonna like just double level
[01:49:41] But you know what I'll make 10. I wouldn't around anyway and then yeah, GGs you for ash
[01:50:03] zigzag
[01:50:09] when this fight I
[01:50:11] Think this I think this might just be wrapping right on to the back line. It is hello
[01:50:17] Please go up, please go up. Okay, isn't that a 50-50 on whether it goes up or down?
[01:50:21] But it just it just went down and now I think I just lost the fight. Oh, I think I won anyway. I think I win
[01:50:45] Okay, bye. Bye. Bye. Hey watchers. You know, I'm holding what's great bro. It's not even good then I
[01:51:01] Like I mean, okay, actually it's pretty good because I would have lost around I mean that bro like
[01:51:19] Like, it only changes the fight, and that's not even true, I just looked and didn't mind
[01:51:24] but it was somewhere in the bottom of the connoisseur room.
[01:51:26] Okay.
[01:51:27] Oh my, the next turn on minus one, man.
[01:51:30] Actually, that's not even true.
[01:51:35] If I get a 2-cost on a self-engined, it's fine.
[01:51:41] Reigning gold full open in gold opener with tier BF belt.
[01:51:45] Looks like a K3 soldier play.
[01:52:09] Star XBT glove.
[01:52:11] Casio 2 glove, glove, belt.
[01:52:20] Like I don't want to slam, I mean I don't really want TG but I also don't really want Guardbreaker.
[01:52:34] I mean I should have just went step by step, they're just making step by step like, okay.
[01:52:39] Nah, I'm going Guardbreaker, fuck it.
[01:52:41] Hey yeah, fuck it, Double Starex.
[01:52:43] Nice, I'm full open again I think.
[01:53:11] Mr. Soji, I am a pumpkin.
[01:53:32] Mr. Soji, I broke, shut up, I don't care.
[01:53:35] Level 520, my board is worth 3,000 gold.
[01:53:48] The fuck?
[01:53:50] Did I just win for free?
[01:53:52] I mean, maybe. I mean, it is Gold Opener, but, uh, I think he's probably a stone player.
[01:54:08] This guy is looking strong as fuck.
[01:54:10] Oh, I think I'm playing full open again.
[01:54:19] Alright, bet. May 20, May 30.
[01:54:36] Two people, five straights.
[01:54:37] The thing is, this guy also five straights and he's playing Karma as well.
[01:54:40] This guy's probably Varus.
[01:54:42] This guy's Molten Caramel.
[01:54:44] Spoils a war into Not Sure.
[01:54:46] I can't see his board.
[01:54:47] I don't even remember what he was playing.
[01:54:49] I'll just do a quick re-scout, give me one sec.
[01:54:53] Caramel, Shoujin, Bow, 10 flex, but it's probably Karma.
[01:54:57] Epitaph, BS sword, probably wants to play Kalista, but not if he doesn't have a bow.
[01:55:02] Mila reroll.
[01:55:04] Probably Kalista, but I'm not sure.
[01:55:06] I mean, I have to play Karma. I have a fucking Star Axe and BT. I mean, Karma, you can't even contest.
[01:55:14] Like, you can even buy fucking Olaf.
[01:55:17] It doesn't even matter, you can just, like, anything works.
[01:55:20] G?
[01:55:21] I didn't, I didn't remember.
[01:55:23] I didn't remove her now what I've used my ruler this turn
[01:55:49] Also is um, it's five elders even worse here
[01:55:53] Like I could go this was nylon get like it's warrior odds even bad like I don't even know how warrior plus one even works
[01:55:59] I'm down to try it man. I haven't played it a single time
[01:56:02] But I got run over by it once but he had a Morgana two on eight
[01:56:05] So I don't know if it's even right, but like it but also like it. I
[01:56:09] Mean I mean others is broken, but like
[01:56:13] Not really it's not actually broken
[01:56:15] What's broken is a shapeshifter for 300 and fucking at least two it died instantly
[01:56:31] Try this level to seven
[01:56:36] I can play shape as well
[01:56:39] probably
[01:56:41] If I win this round 32
[01:56:46] 53 may 20
[01:56:49] Tiny but deadly final ascension. I don't like any of these
[01:56:53] I feel like items from this watch when I'm on a full streak is so slow
[01:56:57] but I mean I don't really like Final Ascension this shit is fucking worthless man
[01:57:01] new recruits lucky gloves new recruits radiant re-factor like radiant
[01:57:08] starax works with radiant re-factor right he got lock it virtue of the marghtar
[01:57:43] marghtar how is that even allowed who's the carry I'm gonna forward to it
[01:57:54] And I'm about to I'm about to just load in with the Diana to a briar to or a morgana to
[01:58:03] Wait, that's a morgana first Diana Morgana or a briar
[01:58:06] to
[01:58:08] Level seven or level 650 extra for pumped
[01:58:11] I just for two like if I don't like karma one karma to no dip if I don't hit pure to who cares
[01:58:16] I'm rolling infinite fucking gold and I'm about to just load in with cheats. It's over then
[01:58:21] you trash
[01:58:25] Also is uh, it's four shape better than probably not. It's just like a man Vanguard warrior
[01:58:33] Niko
[01:58:35] Level one roll for charm 32
[01:58:39] I mean, I'm not the level regardless. It's just roll once for charm. I'm seeing like six pairs bucket
[01:58:44] Okay, never mind then another Niko it is
[01:58:47] Can I make 30 still?
[01:58:50] I got a reporter that's pretty good
[01:58:52] Kalista Kalista
[01:58:54] It's set to go your brother or something fuck no
[01:59:07] Broly
[01:59:08] Okay
[01:59:10] Bro, no, I would not want to be a lady for that guy like both
[01:59:13] Wait, how nice?
[01:59:28] Level this all seven thirty will streak
[01:59:37] Same
[01:59:41] The rods on a one cost that's pretty good. There's a good. There's a Gwen. Wait, there's a Gwen man. Come on
[02:00:02] Really are we over something like skull?
[02:00:27] I mean, I lose this plus this for RE plus one. What do I look like? RE plus nothing? I have nothing
[02:00:33] Stupid ass game
[02:00:41] Game gave me nothing then. I might win this round. I'll hold and I have to hold Zilean. I don't think I kill a single unit
[02:01:07] Oh, actually, this is this is a oh fuck. It's a one-unit loss because this shit doesn't count the moment
[02:01:14] It looks like that
[02:01:40] What?
[02:01:41] Question mark. Is this smolder?
[02:02:03] Okay, I mean, it's okay. I'll see you on uh
[02:02:08] I'm about a 4-2, I already have Casio-2, like for this Casio-2 it's not even that bad.
[02:02:13] If there's like a like one being the best, like the most premium, like the brighter Diana Morgana to see on a level 8 roll down,
[02:02:22] and 10 being like the fucking the Twitch, and the Casio-Pia, I like the Twitch for the Olaf,
[02:02:28] I would say Casio-Pia is like a solid 8, like that's not even that bad.
[02:02:33] And like it's already 2-starred, with Niko, 2.
[02:02:38] Like that's, I mean Niko 2 is like, it's actually like, I would say like it's like a 6th or a 5th.
[02:02:44] No, it's like, no, it's actually like a 5th or a 4th. Like it's, it's actually pretty good.
[02:02:48] Like the, the, like the second premium would be like, like Gwen would be a 2, Fiora would be a 3.
[02:02:55] Ryder, Diana, Morgana's a 1. Yeah. I'm back! I mean, I'm actually kind of down for this next turn.
[02:03:09] Another Starax. I'm down.
[02:03:13] Should I just Starax this?
[02:03:15] a swing twitch swing bardo zillion zillion bardo zillion I don't know why
[02:03:35] I'm not playing watercruiser instead of holy fuck oh huh okay that's a great
[02:03:59] as your 250 gold 82 HP I'm rolling a good amount I'm like don't don't pogo me
[02:04:07] after I'm loading with fucking cheats is all I'm gonna say okay I don't really
[02:04:47] want to roll okay double strikes okay I'm going straight to nine G G G I mean
[02:05:52] Terek 2 like it's certainly been premium from the spot probably not in fact I
[02:05:57] don't think it does anything you trash I mean it's nice is even decent not
[02:06:02] really I could have just made econ last turn I think I just missed 50 okay
[02:06:13] Honestly, I probably actually could, not really, because I'm pretty sure I win this game if I don't roll.
[02:06:21] Also, there's a warded guy with Nyla, he'll have one, it's fine.
[02:06:25] I win this game if I just go 9 on 5, 2. I just sat this to the rest of the stage.
[02:06:30] 9 on 5, 2. Just go through 0, use the golden eco on 5, 2, and I just went out.
[02:06:36] Let me see. I mean, he has 2 fioras, he is pretty low, but he has 2 fioras.
[02:06:53] It's like, bro, like, and this guy's 3-2 or like, nah, it's not even worth it.
[02:06:56] Like, I'm guaranteed like top 2, top 3, but without, and like, and I also have a really
[02:07:00] high chance to win the game if I don't fucking grief.
[02:07:07] I mean, I have half spark.
[02:07:09] I mean, five costs.
[02:07:10] I, you know, there's, there's a rise two.
[02:07:12] Rise two is rise two.
[02:07:20] Naysays two is also naysays two.
[02:07:29] This is preserver.
[02:07:32] I mean, this is scholar for the rise.
[02:07:35] I mean, Naysays two is better than Swain, like Shirley.
[02:07:38] And I can just move.
[02:07:39] and like don't I want spark but like is this Starax Gargoyle like too good I'm
[02:07:46] just gonna make it man who the fuck cares like if I don't get anti-mr who
[02:07:49] the fuck cares it's not even bad I have a giganesis yeah fuck out of here
[02:07:55] oh laugh I'm gonna be playing towards Briar anyway what we're all called it
[02:08:03] today I'm like my what's it called items or a fucking a morillo that's it
[02:08:09] Oh, is this about to just watch out my entire board?
[02:08:12] Holy...
[02:08:15] What the fuck is...
[02:08:17] I mean, it's fine. It's a one unit loss. It's fine.
[02:08:19] What the fuck is this shit? Hello?
[02:08:22] Huh? Karma? Karma?
[02:08:31] End the game on Fiora?
[02:08:36] Pay five gold for this?
[02:08:39] Milk, I have a question! Help! Help!
[02:08:41] Is this stronger or no?
[02:08:44] Yeah, you fucking trash. Get the fuck out of here.
[02:08:46] And then are you paying five gold for this or no?
[02:08:51] And I just end the game with Fiora.
[02:08:53] I'm actually kind of down.
[02:08:55] And then I have another Starax if I do find Briar.
[02:08:57] Yeah, whatever.
[02:08:59] Bro, it's Starax, whatever it's good enough.
[02:09:05] Also, I just realized I mined this toad.
[02:09:07] Because if you think about it, on Carousel, I could have went Zerath with Chain.
[02:09:10] But instead I went Rize with Chain.
[02:09:13] And then I lost another gold selling it.
[02:09:15] I don't get it.
[02:09:28] I didn't kill a single unit.
[02:09:30] Because this board is fucking illegal.
[02:09:32] I need to suck one more. I win the game.
[02:09:53] Tatarina, Tatarina, automatic components to Reforgers.
[02:10:21] I mean, Warlords is not even bad.
[02:10:39] I can go BT, another Starax, or I can go Eventroud.
[02:10:41] Eventroud, or BT?
[02:10:45] Eventroud, Eventroud?
[02:11:11] All right, don't worry guys, this is my last loss.
[02:11:13] This guy gave me a Lillia.
[02:11:53] Okay, I should move Starax BT to Morgana,
[02:11:58] To Morgana and I go for a murder like a last Morgana item on Paracel and then you're telling I'm splitting my items here
[02:12:05] Am I eight this this is collective just shit on my entire board man
[02:12:12] Where did my am I one life? I don't get it
[02:12:29] No, I mean I'm two lives, but like basically one life
[02:12:32] My board looks like it fucking sucks. My you mean is not even
[02:12:43] There's a Diana
[02:12:46] This is my board a
[02:12:54] BT a
[02:12:56] Astorax and yeah, you got a boss you trash then I mean I'm about a spike because on carousel
[02:13:07] I'm getting the third item on on the garbage. I
[02:13:11] Still have golden eco on bench, but that's what I hit Morgana to I also think I didn't find a single rock on this entire game
[02:13:24] Hello, I think I'm one like now this this this fucking trench coat on what's it called?
[02:13:29] Hello
[02:13:33] Hello, I mean there's Shiv
[02:13:41] Bro there's shit but like don't I actually need to go with what's it called like it's way too good
[02:13:52] It's more guys about to just gig a pump. We'll fuck off with the Yumi man
[02:14:11] another Morgana
[02:14:13] The chances to dodge a Diana to
[02:14:27] Diana to drop Fiora and that I have I don't even know what the fuck is on my board I
[02:14:41] Dropped for which for this I
[02:14:44] I mean, no, I mean, it's better for sure, but I need a Bastion.
[02:14:48] Like, I'm not dead, right?
[02:14:57] It didn't cast again.
[02:15:01] I'm dead.
[02:15:02] I mean, is my board even that bad?
[02:15:37] Like Bastion over Auri?
[02:15:39] I mean, I don't think, like, even if I had a Bastion over Auri, like, do I even win?
[02:15:45] I don't think so.
[02:15:46] Oh, if Bastion over, or Emilio over Auri and Bastion over Seraphine, like, that's
[02:15:50] my final board.
[02:15:53] And then like I can get Rakan over Cassiopeia, but I didn't see a single Rakan.
[02:15:58] I'll make it again.
[02:16:11] I have 5 streaked into a 6.
[02:16:14] Wait, no, my Callista, I'm pretty sure my Callista is my, like, it's probably, like,
[02:16:30] the Callista you have to play.
[02:16:32] And honestly my Callistas aren't good because Callista is just straight up, it's like,
[02:16:36] the reason Callista looks better than it is is because it's the best comp to play
[02:16:39] with no opener.
[02:16:40] Like, you actually bought 4 with Callista a lot, but like, it's not, like, it
[02:16:45] It doesn't matter how bad the botvores are.
[02:16:50] Wait, I feel like I didn't even play that game poorly.
[02:16:52] Like if I were to move, if I go, like my board,
[02:17:03] like I don't have a rock on, if I go rock on over,
[02:17:05] it'd just be rock on plus, but I just lose every round.
[02:17:12] I don't get it.
[02:17:14] I'm pretty sure Karma is actually my best comp,
[02:17:16] like no joke.
[02:17:22] But I mean, like that gank doesn't count man.
[02:17:25] Like I don't have rock on man.
[02:17:26] Like, I mean Karma two, Kalista two, Karma one,
[02:17:32] Karma one
[02:17:34] Karma seven hey
[02:17:37] Callista one karma four like that like okay like isn't that game actually like a fluke though like it actually is like yeah
[02:17:42] Like my final board like one bastion. I find one rock on like mommy. Did I miss a rock on? I don't think so. Oh
[02:17:51] I miss a rock on really okay, but like bro missing a rock on on the last life like a pro like that
[02:17:56] How come I'm losing every round is my board even bad
[02:18:12] Check molten caramel trench coat. Oh, no, I know it's broken because the trench coat counts as the thing
[02:18:18] You're sold rise to for a karma one, bro. I don't if that's your analysis. I think you should play a new game
[02:18:25] I'm serious
[02:18:34] I don't I I don't I'm just gonna leave it at that. I don't I really don't want to be disrespectful. I
[02:18:39] I'm trying to keep it positive here
[02:18:41] But I I strongly suggest you should just stop typing here and go find a new hobby
[02:18:47] With all due respect
[02:19:11] This stream has big ego
[02:19:15] Okay, you had a board that doesn't work
[02:19:29] well together yeah that's the second time he added me yeah your band I purposely
[02:19:36] ignored it the first time because I don't even know what the fuck you're
[02:19:39] trying to say and then he just goes ahead and asks me again yeah but you're
[02:19:44] out of here what does that even mean man like constructive criticism equals
[02:20:02] ban wait hello do you want to play some you want to play some league anyone
[02:20:08] You want to run some flex? Where's press of it? Where's Phoenix? Bro, I haven't seen Phoenix in forever.
[02:20:21] Let me message him, see what he's up to. I haven't talked to him in like a decade.
[02:20:25] Hello, what you doing? Very important. He said Val not in game though, why?
[02:20:49] Oh, never mind. I just realized I haven't seen you in my TFC games in a good week.
[02:20:57] where'd you go buddy okay also with buried treasures doesn't the the what's
[02:21:27] it called board fuck actually like if you find like it like doesn't this board
[02:21:31] actually fuck on that rumble like if you have buried treasures like rumble
[02:21:34] Tom Kench what is it like zillion but why is a zillion preserver plus I mean
[02:21:43] doesn't have to be zilean it's just when rumble tom kench hecarim shen
[02:21:50] varus 1 2 bardo plus plus 2 it's prefer these are at but like doesn't it
[02:22:04] doesn't support Ashley fuck it's not gonna sample size like three item
[02:22:13] Gwyn? Three item varus? Oh actually isn't it just any warrior? Oh isn't it just the arcane of,
[02:22:20] oh wait actually why don't, why don't I just play items on Fiora instead of Varus?
[02:22:24] Wait why don't I just do that then? Like why don't I just play Fiora, Gwyn instead of Varus?
[02:22:38] And why the fuck am I playing rumble on my board then? I mean actually it's not even bad.
[02:22:46] Man I might as well play a Varus, fuck it. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
[02:22:52] like Barry Treasurer is full win streak with I don't even know what you have a
[02:23:04] zero trait bard in oh I mean I mean wouldn't I lose rumble though I just
[02:23:08] drop rumble or what sorry like can I just play like preservers with the HP or
[02:23:17] is it not worth like is it for server better than Vanguard no blaster
[02:23:24] but I'm not even playing Varus anymore get off tatis tools unc let's play
[02:23:35] some let's play league. What's the point of Shen? That's a great fucking question actually.
[02:23:41] I mean isn't Bastion kind of good? Oh that's probably why I mean yeah it'd just be Diana.
[02:23:46] But doesn't this board actually look good? Also if you're if you have like Shen 2 like
[02:24:10] let's say you have no items for Taric. Is Shen 2 even is Taric 2 even better than Shen 2?
[02:24:20] Am I stupid? I feel like this Shen unit like randomly CCs are carrying and it's
[02:24:26] fucking over for them but I feel like I feel like this Terracunit just sits there and then pretends to
[02:24:35] fight and you just ate. Shen is better than no capa. I mean that's what I'm saying and the milk said
[02:24:42] why is Shen there? Why didn't you put Terrac? Why didn't you put Terrac? Well I'm trying to invest
[02:24:51] 12 gold in this piece of garbage. Oh you just put Varus? Okay I mean I'm down I mean Varus
[02:25:17] but then what if he finds a rat then then you just don't play I don't know but I think
[02:25:23] I mean, sometimes you have like the blaster and then, and then, I mean, it sounds like alright, I guess.
[02:25:28] But yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm a bear treasured into what the forge, just win the game for free then.
[02:25:35] I mean, I do a zillion, Baird, Shyvana, Jaxo, Shrino, Brofuckus unit.
[02:26:29] How do I buy this?
[02:26:44] I mean, if I buy my Shrino, it's in the, I mean, Shyvana is actually a Nego, Nego oval.
[02:26:51] In low key Akali is as well low key not really. I mean econ opener to level up fuck it
[02:27:05] It's also it's also charismatic party
[02:27:08] Invested next I did hit a single unit. I'm me
[02:27:28] Just be making sure this Nico. I don't want to go to cost. Yeah, whatever fucking yeah
[02:27:39] Great. Oh wait. Oh heck of a rim
[02:27:43] So what happened to my call?
[02:27:45] So what the fuck happened to my colleague then?
[02:27:47] Heck of a rim.
[02:27:55] What the fuck am I even fighting?
[02:28:10] Just one.
[02:28:11] Okay, that's good enough.
[02:28:15] Alright, it's fine.
[02:28:17] I'm pretty sure this augment, you hit what's it called, you just instantly win the game.
[02:28:22] And I'm just going straight to nine that I don't know what just watches prior to
[02:28:24] the end of the game.
[02:28:26] G?
[02:28:42] Bro, it's so expensive, man.
[02:28:43] Bro, it's not even me, man.
[02:28:52] I didn't pump, right?
[02:28:57] It just gives me EXP.
[02:28:58] It's not on me, like, I didn't bump.
[02:29:01] Like, I mean, I'm pretty, like, I didn't level,
[02:29:03] guys, it's not me, man.
[02:29:05] I didn't level to five to fucking play four out of five.
[02:29:08] Oh wait, oh wait, oh wait, no wait.
[02:29:11] Oh, I do have five units on my board.
[02:29:18] Bro, what is this guy even doing?
[02:29:33] Atnook, are you still here?
[02:29:36] Wait, what?
[02:30:17] Where'd Hecarim go?
[02:30:18] I mean, I sold me a colleague before I bought the thing,
[02:30:20] so I was just like, and then now I can't even play
[02:30:21] around Multi-Strike and mid-game,
[02:30:22] so now I'm just gonna go level to seven.
[02:30:24] I'm probably gonna be level seven on like three, two,
[02:30:26] I'm gonna find one 4 cost to play around. I'm not gonna fucking load in with some trash. Like don't worry, buddy
[02:30:32] Like level up like full loss make 20 and make 10 make 20 make 30 like make 40
[02:30:36] Every every like 10 gold is 20 gold
[02:30:39] No cap
[02:30:44] Bo's not on my side now. What?
[02:30:47] Miss Techrem 2
[02:30:48] I miss Jax 3. The fuck?
[02:31:44] Bro like why like why?
[02:31:47] Opens this round when he has this like come on man like and then I would have I would have a
[02:31:58] Like he would have lost history like he fucking he bought this summon dummy man like come on and then if I fight him next turn
[02:32:05] I'm about to lose like a bro if I find him that's what I'm out of here
[02:32:07] I'm actually about to lose five million gold and I'm just eight like please man
[02:32:12] If I find him next round like I I just a bro level up. I'm just down 30 over fun like surely not right
[02:32:51] acceptable and why not tempo with level up I
[02:33:08] LOL
[02:33:10] LOL tries to please please and I'm not caring for you dude. What the fuck is that even mean man?
[02:33:16] How it's not
[02:33:18] Triple I think are the subs like I don't even understand
[02:33:26] Like I'm down a prismatic relative to the lobby. I I I don't know
[02:33:32] It's just mind-blowing like how well I'm supposed to level the level to seven right now
[02:33:37] So I can I can just win like one round what I can just be making an infinite econ and then just be an entire
[02:33:43] stage what like I don't like is level up supposed to be a fucking tempo augment
[02:33:48] like I mean I played I played some upgrades and then after I lose the first
[02:33:52] three rounds like I mean I'm not gonna fucking like I'm supposed to contest
[02:33:55] boardier no man let's say fucking 10 each week for 50 gold by the way
[02:34:00] straight iron man like okay am I just playing Calista I mean I have I have I
[02:34:33] have IE last whisper Merolo all right let me see if I get a premium Calista
[02:34:37] If I get a premium Kalista Augment, I'm going to send it, a lot of the time.
[02:34:51] I'm like a moveable object, new recruit, giant and mighty.
[02:35:03] Invested, I'm just going to go straight to nine.
[02:35:05] This is just like last whisper, Sterak's, Morello, half hodge, I'm trying to send this
[02:35:25] fucking Stux.
[02:35:36] Lucky gloves, where I get Banshee's Veil, and I mean this seems fine for Kalista.
[02:35:48] I have to banish into a backline, should I just go, no probably not, because I want to go uh, I can go step by step just as well.
[02:36:31] Alright, it's not a bad loss. I need to roll for one Kalista and one Rokkon and then I just go straight to the 9 and cap out.
[02:36:43] A Raizo.
[02:37:05] Yeah, whatever, fuck it.
[02:37:06] Okay, and then on Karasol, I just go for any Rokkon, any Kalista.
[02:37:24] What was it again? What was what? 18G.
[02:37:28] What?
[02:37:29] I'm down to this level and I'm trying to just sit on, on some minerals.
[02:37:58] There's nothing.
[02:37:59] I mean, whatever.
[02:38:00] It's a Lillia as well.
[02:38:01] Like how bad could it be?
[02:38:02] Like whatever.
[02:38:03] It's a Lillia.
[02:38:04] Yeah.
[02:38:05] I mean.
[02:38:08] Just watch the spot to top two.
[02:38:09] Oh, it is for sure.
[02:38:10] I'm pretty sure it's actually a character top two.
[02:38:13] My spot is looking really good.
[02:38:15] I mean, it is good.
[02:38:16] It's actually really good.
[02:38:17] You said you wanted to trade me?
[02:38:20] No, because now relative, like now, like it's relative, right?
[02:38:24] you would be I don't even know what this means in terms of exp I'm done to just
[02:38:44] sit natural shops and then I'll roll a 4-1 for one rock on one Calista and then
[02:38:52] I'll uh and then I'll just delay my 9 unless I want to just go straight to
[02:38:59] fucking 9 I don't want to roll stuff I don't want to
[02:39:03] send stuff I start yet close pretty actually okay and then it goes way
[02:39:06] better I don't know if I win or lose these rounds it doesn't really matter I
[02:39:17] I win I win I lose I lose GG also there's no way I'm playing the correct board
[02:39:25] I should be playing Kroger for sure
[02:39:33] Honestly, I'm not just go straight to nine and roll on nine
[02:39:36] Like Fiora
[02:39:48] Like if I have if I have cog two
[02:39:57] I'm level eight
[02:39:59] Like it's not even worth rolling on when it's for an interval for nine. I get exp in intervals of six
[02:40:08] So right now I'm at 60 66
[02:40:11] Right now it's 70th the level
[02:40:13] It's 4-1 perfect interval. It's 44. I mean if 4-1 is perfect interval
[02:40:27] I mean, I don't even want to roll like I'm rolling for and then I delay my 9 then I would have to roll for one rock-on
[02:40:46] But like every time I roll I'm paying three go to roll one shot, and I'm 43 HP
[02:40:50] But I don't think I can sack until
[02:40:52] It is perfect interval like it's either sack three. I mean I could also just not perfectly roll it. I
[02:40:59] Don't even know if that's worth. I mean, it's not even stronger because I don't really want to roll
[02:41:13] Like I have to roll for, I'm not rolling, I don't give a fuck.
[02:41:18] If I die, I die.
[02:41:19] I mean, Shoujin is better on this, and I can just go protect myself, and then this just
[02:41:35] throws item.
[02:41:41] I mean, my board is like bad, but like, it's not that bad.
[02:41:45] I have a fucking dead zillion on my board, I think.
[02:41:49] Like I just 4-3 it.
[02:41:50] I mean, if my two lives I'm on 4-3, probably not.
[02:42:09] Refactor from this spot radiant ginsu radiant warmogs
[02:42:12] Radiant relics what the forge fucking useless ramble d-claw belt. Okay, fuck it. I
[02:42:29] Can go radiant ginsu, but it's not actually good. I mean it's the only like
[02:42:34] Like I'm radiant ginsu without tumbling it doesn't even sound good. I
[02:43:13] Think I'm gonna be one life on 401 guaranteed. Oh
[02:43:16] My this is the worst. I mean if I send it right now
[02:43:20] Am I just sending it off interval?
[02:43:22] I mean probably because I don't want to be one life I don't have I don't have a
[02:44:07] rock-on so why don't I just send it also I'm banshee's it was raiding in Gintsu
[02:44:27] okay also like with how it with how insane this this Callisto without rock
[02:44:35] on it like I could have just rolled like twice on 4-1 instead of and I'm
[02:44:44] pretty sure my board was actually fine but now I think I'm 8 I have I have
[02:44:48] double radiant ginsu I have no I mean it's fine like my spot's still not even
[02:44:59] that bad it's not good in fact it's like pretty not really not good I mean it's
[02:45:06] really got like really bad but I mean I I mean I yeah it's not very good I think
[02:45:12] I'm I mean I'm still two lives though I guess I yay I well okay GD's and I'm
[02:45:19] I mean close to 2, rock on.
[02:45:22] I mean my spot's not even good still, but at least I'm 2 lives.
[02:46:09] So that's the good news.
[02:46:15] I mean, am I 2 lives?
[02:46:25] Yeah, probably.
[02:46:27] Can I go straight to 9 or 10?
[02:46:31] I don't really want to roll on 9 odds for double rock on when they're probably all out of the bull.
[02:46:36] How many are gone?
[02:46:37] 1, 2, 3.
[02:46:43] Fuck, smooth or 2.
[02:47:01] Is there a region Millio last was close to?
[02:47:21] No, no, man. No, you're not why like it doesn't even scale off a fucking anti-armor
[02:47:27] Like it's you know, just fucking this true damage all over the place
[02:47:29] And honestly like if it doesn't waste time walking up it just the past thing you just killed the whole board G
[02:47:34] G. I mean, I'm sitting here rolling for rock on two eyes. I
[02:47:42] Oh
[02:47:43] I mean, I can also roll for Camille too and like in Morgana too, but like
[02:47:47] That guy's 1 rock on, I think someone else has 3, Varus, this guy has 1, this 5 gone.
[02:47:54] There's not that many in the pool.
[02:48:05] It's 64 and 2 turns, it's perfect.
[02:48:07] Alright, I sac 1 here, and if I win this round, I sac 1 more, and then I just 9 with infinite
[02:48:12] gold, and I just win the game, yay?
[02:48:28] I mean, maybe we're throwing items somewhere gone, plus 1, but if I lose this round,
[02:48:31] I have to just send it.
[02:48:32] Oh my, he rolled a fucking, is this a temporary trench coat?
[02:48:35] I think it is, man.
[02:48:37] It's her number one best item.
[02:48:40] It's so broken, man.
[02:48:45] I got fucking scammed.
[02:48:47] I got fucking scammed.
[02:48:52] That's a temporary, that's his temporary item, man.
[02:48:55] Like, oh my.
[02:49:06] And now I'm forced to roll on these odds.
[02:49:09] Fucking god.
[02:49:13] I mean, I got lucky.
[02:49:22] Like, this is just, I actually just got my life scammed and now I'm eight.
[02:49:26] Like, if I win that round, then I suck one and then even if I won life, I would
[02:49:49] be rolling on 10.
[02:49:50] And it just means it's the first I mean it's fine. I'm we're gonna to it should be fine
[02:49:56] I hope it's fine. Well, like he should be fucking dead man. He just scammed me so fucking hard
[02:50:18] I don't have a combat charm. I don't have a combat charm like bro. I'm not taking no fucking bramble. That's man
[02:50:49] Also, I should probably move the hodge to
[02:50:51] I'm a couple. They don't care. So
[02:51:07] Like bro, this guy just fucking just taxes me on his way out just his board is trash
[02:51:21] And I just get hit with the garbage
[02:51:23] And now I'm late. I have to roll for charm. Let's try two turns. I mean
[02:51:53] Just one life now
[02:51:58] I was actually probably moving items to here for sure
[02:52:03] And then I just do this
[02:52:05] I'm not really fucking 8th then, what a crazier viewer over here, I mean I'm going straight to 9th, I can actually 9 in one turn, is the thing, let's see if I'm not dead, I want to hold the bardo, I mean these units aren't even bad, one roll, anything else built, alright 56th to level, so it's 50, 40, 6, 5, 30, 36, 42, 48,
[02:53:34] 58
[02:53:35] 54
[02:53:36] It's 56, so it's actually, it's 36 to level
[02:53:39] Which means if I win this round, I mean, I don't win this round, I'm dead
[02:53:43] I have enough econ, I just need to not die
[02:54:08] 36, I mean, I can level and roll once though, that's fine
[02:54:12] Bro, this game was a guaranteed first if I don't get fucking scammed here
[02:54:19] Like, I, how, like, guys, can you, like, you know, I'm pretty sure
[02:54:23] That is straight up the only charm
[02:54:26] He can buy to fucking to beat me in that one round. I
[02:54:31] Don't think there's I don't think there's anything I wouldn't even lose the fucking summon dragon
[02:54:35] There's no way he can stack check my my work on
[02:54:38] I
[02:55:18] Wonder if
[02:55:21] Has one more please nice
[02:55:27] Should be on this woman
[02:55:49] Cheese guys. I'm just sitting here one life. I would have been I would have been ten on on five two
[02:55:54] and I just I just lose 30 gold for free whatever I should also roll them for one
[02:56:00] whatever sure whatever I should roll up for one anyway but like it I just I
[02:56:03] bro he just loads in he loads in with I I I don't know I don't know how I can
[02:56:19] lose to karma when they like it like I lost to a fiora player when they
[02:56:27] didn't have Briar or Zarath or Diana or anything the pressure backline but he
[02:56:33] He just loads in with a fucking suspicious trench coat that just explodes onto my backline.
[02:56:37] That is actually the only way I can lose.
[02:56:48] He gets artifact anvil.
[02:56:50] I fight it on 5-1 as well so he still has the remover.
[02:57:08] I hope he's pinata.
[02:57:15] Just ffmcruz.
[02:57:16] I'm about to start paying for the 1600, hello.
[02:57:19] Yeah whatever, Acer just DM me on discord, fuck it.
[02:57:24] Yeah fuck it, yeah just DM me, yeah whatever.
[02:57:40] Yo shoutout to, if you guys want to get better at the game, Acer is the top
[02:57:42] player.
[02:57:43] He has a website where he does like he like posts like content guides like all the stuff like a lot of stuff like that
[02:57:50] Like like for example in the previous patch like trade tracker being tailored to three when it was at five
[02:57:56] tft
[02:57:57] I think I think this is the website tft-coaching and he's coaching top players as well like the guys a straight-up demon
[02:58:05] And you know the guy in my chat Marcel P who's just sitting here chatting away
[02:58:08] He also got coached by by Aisa and had some great words to say as well
[02:58:15] G? G! Okay, I mean that, I mean I mean I, wait, what?
[02:58:25] I'm not even joking, he is the only person I learned from.
[02:58:32] Oh, okay. Yes, he.
[02:58:35] How much ace of paying you? Oh, don't worry about it.
[02:58:38] Oh, in queue? Alright, alright, I gotta check this one, let me know when you're popping.
[02:58:54] WTN. Wait, what?
[02:58:57] Can you even get banned for win trading in solo queue?
[02:59:15] Not if you don't get caught.
[02:59:34] Okay, the fuck he says in my game. Damn. Wait, what?
[03:01:39] Okay, I think I won the game. Does this do more damage?
[03:02:39] I mean, I'm just trying to kill one unit, man. I didn't kill a single unit.
[03:03:05] It doesn't matter. Like, watch this. Watch this. Oh, okay.
[03:03:23] You trust him. I mean, it's paired, BS sword,
[03:03:42] Cron Guard.
[03:03:44] Level 5!
[03:03:55] Bro, he just pumped a 5 to play one extra piece of trash if we're good for something odd, man.
[03:04:01] Like, come on.
[03:04:03] He loses the first round and just pumps the 5.
[03:04:06] How is this even allowed?
[03:04:08] Oh, my!
[03:04:10] He just double pumps the 5.
[03:04:25] Oh, Risky moves, redemption, play around and cloak.
[03:04:38] What is this guy even playing?
[03:04:41] Oh, oh, he's playing Callista for sure.
[03:04:43] So it's JG slammed
[03:04:48] Overcomer rumble 2 rumble 1 shogun
[03:04:50] Okay, it's not bad. I mean the moment I upgrade one of twitcher nomzee my board is actually good
[03:05:23] I wonder if I even want to play towards
[03:05:26] Should I just go shogun and flex both sides? I
[03:05:32] Don't really want to commit to a side
[03:05:34] But also like
[03:05:37] Is it help is on the way way better in karma?
[03:05:43] Probably I'll just go shogun and flex both crown guard shogun. I'm this guy's Calista
[03:05:59] This guy is, I'm not sure, is he ever just playing arireroll?
[03:06:04] I doubt it.
[03:06:05] I rumble, rumble, and then late 10-4, Shogun, chain, what do you go for on Varus at all?
[03:06:11] I can't see.
[03:06:12] I'm on BF.
[03:06:13] I think he's playing Varus, you know, a month 3 loss, I don't know how to make Shogun
[03:06:31] first.
[03:06:32] I might as well just wait.
[03:06:33] This looks like a 5 loss, actually if I fight him.
[03:06:38] I'm pretty sure I can actually beat people if I win this round and I just slam.
[03:06:43] Did that even go through?
[03:06:51] No, because I traveled.
[03:06:53] Okay, great. Actually, we did it. No, it didn't.
[03:06:56] Minus one. Nice.
[03:07:02] I probably could have killed...
[03:07:04] Could I have even killed an extra unit?
[03:07:06] It doesn't matter. I'll switch over to Econ.
[03:07:08] And I didn't get it.
[03:07:10] Unless I'm given an actual win or a run.
[03:07:12] Or a kill unit.
[03:07:14] pretty sure did he full sell oh oh nice I mean that's that that I mean that's
[03:08:02] pretty good I think I think this guy was contesting five loss for sure and I
[03:08:10] kind of just wait and see I was on the way with my HP 72 it's not gone I still
[03:08:38] don't want to swim because I want to see if I get like if I get blaster plus
[03:08:43] one or arcana plus one I'm just gonna just send blasters if I get I I mean
[03:08:51] no I think no matter what pair of items I get I'm flexing between carbon
[03:08:54] I just don't know which side.
[03:08:56] Yeah.
[03:08:58] And... a tier.
[03:09:00] I mean, I can go blue buff.
[03:09:02] I don't really want to go blue buff that much.
[03:09:04] Ezreal.
[03:09:06] I got room.
[03:09:13] Ari?
[03:09:17] Ari? Arcane odds?
[03:09:26] I mean, I kind of want to level 4.
[03:09:28] I don't have arcane odds, nevermind.
[03:09:30] I mean, I have Shogun,
[03:09:33] I have blue buff play around,
[03:09:35] I have tier, I will cover forge glove.
[03:09:37] See my augment like if I get blaster plus one. I'm a fucking send it this guy's looking kind of strong
[03:09:59] Fuck is this cast it into Zoe to blue buff card breakers step that started all three items
[03:10:07] raw chain
[03:10:11] But I'm gonna just I can go like shogun play around the love of forged here
[03:10:14] I could also just go shogun hodge within. I don't know where the fuck my
[03:10:22] Anti MR anti everything is I mean I already I mean I can just take comment asking go
[03:10:37] Karma
[03:10:38] Karma? Bro, I could go Hodge. Nah, fuck that. I'm not gonna go fucking Hodge, I'm not gonna go fuck.
[03:10:53] Okay, Shogun. I mean, I can go Blue, play around BF Rod. I can go Shogun, play around...
[03:11:00] I mean, if I have Combat Caster to do it, like, isn't Blue, like, Gigapremium?
[03:11:03] Yeah, whatever, fuck it. It just goes infinite. It's all good. Also, why the fuck did I even...
[03:11:10] Yeah, whatever, fuck you, then. I could have played Jinx. Oh, sorry, guys.
[03:11:16] Okay, and then now I just play towards Karma. Blue buff, Cromguard, play around Broad BF.
[03:11:30] Half BT, half Morello, half Spark, Sparko.
[03:11:43] Okay, I think I won the game, this is just Blaster, I just level here 4-2 it.
[03:12:21] Yeah, fuck it. I think I leveled the 7 to not kill a single fucking unit.
[03:12:49] G, mage plus 1, hunter plus 1, blue, BF, rod.
[03:13:21] I mean, I can't even, I can't even take that, I don't have a Reforger.
[03:13:24] Like I have I'm making a fucking BT first. I mean I have crown guard BT player on rod
[03:13:31] It's actually good to just finish the three items and then it's also I can go blue buff Gwen blue buff BT crown guard Gwen
[03:13:36] But like I I'm second pick and I took a one-cost cloak
[03:13:41] Is that right? Oh
[03:13:44] I won the game. I won the game. I won the game. Gee. I mean I could also go spark and just not slam
[03:13:58] I mean I'm kind of down to weight items and just in I also kind of want to wait and see what I hit
[03:14:02] but then like at that point then I'm just fucked yeah fuck it from on this
[03:14:09] yeah I don't really want to send spark right now it doesn't really do anything
[03:14:17] the BT also doesn't do anything but it's a it's half spark and it's half it's half
[03:14:26] BT so it's actually good as fuck it's just also can I put shavon over something
[03:14:41] shavon is better than than what's about for sure what a virus a virus wait
[03:15:02] Wait, isn't this a game where I can play this like fucking Rumble, Rumble, Arcana, fucking...
[03:15:08] I... something I... Gwyn, Verus Gwyn? Yeah? This is not even giving... oh my...
[03:15:23] Oh no... actually, oh wait, I have the anti-hill now. I mean, if I hit it on my roll down,
[03:15:34] I'm down, but I need to see if I get Verus items. If I don't get Verus items, then
[03:15:37] I'm not down. Alright, nice. Sorcery, I just go to it. I don't even know the
[03:15:58] fucking board I am going to be so fucking lost I am about to be so fucking
[03:16:07] lost I don't get it I mean I need rumble for sure I think the only thing I need
[03:16:17] to hold is rumble because everything else I can just get later I mean I'm not
[03:16:20] offering no drinks regardless a BS sword a BS sword a bow I mean I'm like if I
[03:16:40] go BT blue buff shiv like blue buff BT shiv but like how do I know I'm playing
[03:16:53] around karma. I don't. It's always BT though, right? It might actually be a various Gwen.
[03:17:10] Luba, BT, Crown, Shoujin, play around Bo. I'm about to get stunned. I won this round.
[03:17:34] I mean, honestly, item collector is not even bad if I have Locket as well. I'm in Crushless
[03:17:53] Dummy's in this hump. Little Buddies. Huh? Huh? What the fuck is this? What? What
[03:19:10] I HAVE NOTHING!
[03:19:29] Like, what the fuck?
[03:19:30] Hello?
[03:19:56] The fuck?
[03:20:11] I- I- I don't- I don't even get it.
[03:20:14] I- How? I rolled 50!
[03:20:16] I- I didn't even see a single Varus, so I can't even play the Varus side.
[03:20:23] I'm not even close to spiking and I'm at 10 gold left.
[03:20:32] Bro, I'm about to just take Diana and just- and just play for a fucking two-star Diana out.
[03:20:37] What the fuck is this?
[03:20:51] So yes, but I have nothing else like you can't play towards various anymore
[03:20:54] And then and then I'm like okay time to open that and then I hit nothing again. Oh
[03:21:00] Great various is back. Thanks for nothing then. I may have to buy this man. I can throw this is my board like it over a karma bear
[03:21:21] nice
[03:21:22] Very cool. I mean at least my items are good
[03:21:33] three little buddies buffing
[03:21:35] Three little buddies buffing one two
[03:21:37] five three little buddies fucking five I mean like I mean it's fine but like I
[03:21:45] great they're gonna single unit again he's 30 gold left I I don't even know
[03:21:53] what to say to this I the can't even find TK to the only thing I was offered
[03:21:57] with this stupid ass fucking taric that the straight-up nothing no great
[03:22:12] I'm fewer up here now yeah rumble paired as well what the fuck is this I
[03:22:19] I don't have a single two-star I I don't I go what oh thanks I guess he gave me a
[03:22:48] gold I mean maybe I take a good loss here and then 14 might be two lives it's
[03:23:05] fine I I just I don't even understand this game like this is just what even
[03:23:11] is this shit I I don't know I the only thing I could have
[03:23:19] update it was a fucking taric a fucking taric a zero item nasus 2 zero item
[03:23:26] taric 2 zero item nasus 2 that's it that's it I mean the good news is
[03:23:51] automatic components I guess I mean if I die here I die like whatever I just got
[03:24:26] my first offer guys yay I had to sell a fucking I had to sell my one pair for
[03:24:32] shit. Yay GGs. You know GGs guys GGs I I don't know like you have to find
[03:24:53] something man like I I don't like if you don't hit karma it doesn't matter you
[03:24:56] have to find the fact that I don't even like I just I I don't like I I don't
[03:25:06] even think I saw a rock on like I know rock on I can't find like the only
[03:25:10] thing I find is Terrik and Nasis not a single one of my carries are
[03:25:15] Operated when to fewer to tk2 various to when to or a rock on to plus. I mean he's Kalista one various to
[03:25:27] When to Kalista to
[03:25:30] This guy's playing rise. He's one life though. Like I I just I
[03:25:35] It's just it's just fucking pathetic like it I I don't even understand like I was open to everything I
[03:25:44] I I my items are so flexible if I hit when to I'll put items on going to I if I hit karma to I hit
[03:25:52] I put items on karma to if I if I hit I can hit Diana Morgana
[03:25:55] And the zero Morgana zero rock on zero fiora. I I just roll down and like I mean I guess I could have bought various blue buff fucking
[03:26:04] Blue buff three way contest Varus, and I could have bought tarot to I guess yay tarot to zero items crown guard tarot to
[03:26:33] like I like a crown of our territory is that even better than a fucking Diana one
[03:26:37] like my Diana did 13k damage against Clista or against Varus like it's like I
[03:26:48] just don't get it man like how can you not find a single two-star like have you
[03:26:55] seen that like I I think I've played a hundred games on this patch and I don't
[03:26:59] think there's been a single game where I just don't have a single two-star a
[03:27:03] a hundred games I don't even know the last time I went I don't even know the
[03:27:44] last time I went like a I don't even know the last time I went I'm not even
[03:27:49] doing I don't even understand how this game even remotely playable I 4 to 50
[03:27:55] gold with 60 HP on a five streak and then I just I would like 50 gold for
[03:28:04] one karma one Gwen that's it I I don't know I did I okay I don't know
[03:31:08] acceptable okay I'm back then I can actually play the fucking game I am so
[03:32:40] poor though but my level six is already set up I can just play this board
[03:32:56] rumble and then us for blaster on six but the problem is my level five is like
[03:33:00] fucking useless but I mean yeah I don't even want to upgrade I mean I guess
[03:33:09] okay if I lose this run I'm fucked is all I'm gonna say this guy has a
[03:33:14] triforce PT hacker right he's blaster plus one as well honestly when you're
[03:33:25] contested I'm pretty sure you just I I mean I win but like I don't even like I
[03:33:30] probably like you see a spot if he I mean I just I just need an econ augment and I
[03:33:54] can play the fucking game you can't augment please you're sort of more valuable
[03:34:03] than glove only have one remover though and I split then let's say I get a
[03:34:42] Varus or like anything else I'm 35 I guess it's okay I mean this game and you
[03:34:57] cannot like is this game set up set up well yes or no I guess I high rolled but
[03:35:03] I okay whatever I'm not gonna say set up well is this spot good yes or no
[03:35:07] Shogun, Bow, BF Sword, Crown Guard, even Shard Blaster plus one. Yes, it is. Okay.
[03:35:18] So when I bought, when I bought four, the only way I bought four is if I don't see
[03:35:22] Varus. And I don't want someone to say, please, okay, how about this? If I don't
[03:35:27] hit Varus this game, tell me what I'm supposed to play. Sorry for asking. I
[03:35:46] just looked at, I just read some of these, these suggestions. I just, I'm
[03:35:50] I'm sorry for even I'm asked like, oh wow. Okay. Okay. I mean four streak. I think he five streak
[03:36:25] His items are so do you last sister ie and he five streak he's beyond rich
[03:36:30] Also, he has true gigabits. I
[03:36:35] Honestly, I a true gigabit as well crown guard even shrouded play around the play around
[03:36:40] Bobi F
[03:36:46] So if I don't hit various this game, I mean I can probably play some flex board of
[03:36:51] Of like, oh, why don't you buy the Gwen and Blaster Gwen for Gwen for blaster?
[03:36:56] Oh, yeah, like just play some fucking flex. Okay. Yeah, let me let me just fucking play a something like a barely stronger board
[03:37:02] Be true zero the entire game and just let this guy TP to various to like oh my like it's just like I just
[03:37:08] I don't have air so unfortunately. I'm just gonna I'm out of here
[03:37:26] TV play around chain or forge the chain
[03:37:28] I mean I can go Shogun, Runan's DV. Let's say I go DV and play around Redbuff. Is that
[03:37:39] even bad? It's Runan's DV bad on Varus. I kind of like finishing my items. Oh never mind,
[03:37:59] I'm Six Blaster man. I'm just gonna fucking go for the one charge. Fuck that. Like I
[03:38:06] mean I'm gonna go DV but let me put Six Blaster. Shogun, Runan, that sounds Shogun,
[03:38:24] Runans? I won't even put Six Blaster, I can't find it.
[03:38:38] I mean, it's negative Delta, but I need an econ augment or I can't play that fucking game.
[03:38:55] Wait, isn't 3Dscrot actually fine? I can play Ezreal Hui, like it's actually fine.
[03:39:01] I need an econ though. No econ augment. Okay, I'm out of here then. GG's then.
[03:39:05] I mean, it doesn't do anything for my board right now, and that's why I'm gonna play like a random match and...
[03:39:20] re-roll it, the others are untakeable.
[03:39:26] It looks like I can hand the other fucking trash, like that other FF.
[03:39:29] I'm showing you rune's dv is not bad. It's actually not bad
[03:39:34] Am I really getting bow on carousel?
[03:39:39] I mean the thing is I think I'm gonna find anyway, so I'm not slamming but the chance to be getting a bow on carousel
[03:39:46] is
[03:39:48] Beyond zero actually wait is it a four because I play Shen
[03:39:52] Wait Shen Hecarim Hui Ezreal
[03:39:56] Shen Hecarim Hui Ezreal
[03:39:58] Wait honestly wait isn't three's a card fucking broken in Six Blaster?
[03:40:01] Wait it is the fuck. I mean it's not it's negative Delta for sure like
[03:40:16] I mean like you have to make it like it's not bad the sample size is not not the best, but I mean shogun runeans
[03:40:27] Where's death blade?
[03:40:31] It's 4.09 like where's ie?
[03:40:34] Children like 4.34 I
[03:40:37] Mean, I'm pretty sure I lose this fight anyway because I don't have anti-gale
[03:40:39] So I might as well just chill but I mean like bro like you can't just loading with shogun ie ie if you don't have
[03:40:45] if you don't have Pandora's
[03:40:48] But I mean I'm not gonna stand here because I don't think it changes the fight
[03:40:52] I mean for sure doesn't I don't have to heal but I mean I'm pretty sure I'm not getting this
[03:41:15] There's also a spat if I want to go pyro spat. Oh bet nice
[03:41:51] I mean I do have a mover
[03:41:53] I mean it's stronger for sure and then I should probably try to play Shen somehow and just use the crown guard
[03:42:16] I'm not gonna slam. I might as well wait. I'm not sure you like it's already much. It's already gone like whatever
[03:42:20] But honestly, okay, I don't even know why I'm not standing because what the fuck is
[03:42:46] close to me? Literally nothing. And this combo is actually good. It's so much
[03:42:51] pressure on our backline. But I mean I might as well wait one, I'm six blaster, I can just
[03:42:55] one-shot. Oh this is, I mean it's perfectly normal right now then, except I
[03:43:03] don't have any PEK. I mean like now it's 4-1 so I can, I can stack until
[03:43:13] 4-3, but that's not even fucking worth it. I already have one Barus, I just
[03:43:17] need to get six blaster in which is what one way I just drop drop wait I mean
[03:43:24] it's so cheap to roll like I don't even need as big bears to rumble Tristana
[03:43:31] natural to various and he had he got an econ augment yeah yeah yeah I'm out of
[03:43:51] loss anyway but he would have won for sure nice I mean either way I have to
[03:44:03] I'm leveling and I think I'm rolling. I mean it's actually not that bad 44. I'm rolling at least 20
[03:44:25] I just need one way like one way just one. I'm getting some I got some gold as well
[03:44:34] Okay, I'm done rolling for now. I want to roll with charm probably. I miss in United six plus or actually sounds good
[03:45:48] I mean it's not that trash. I mean I was a rat. I
[03:45:56] Mean, I'm rolling for sure like here. I'm looking at this shit
[03:45:59] My entire board is one star trash
[03:46:01] anything fucking helps man I mean I can I can I can I can go Zorath
[03:46:06] blaster Zorath it's three's a crowd and I lose Bastion and I lose I mean it's not
[03:46:12] good until I get items for it now I'm gonna turn 1 this turn I just roll to 10
[03:46:24] every turn and I'll see my next charm see what's going on over here he's 10
[03:46:29] gold okay honestly with him having up 30 gold on me he's still one Verus or
[03:46:36] two Verus like that's pretty good I don't have the single target or anti
[03:46:49] He'll kill this actually. Oh, okay
[03:46:53] Is this carrying a fucking clog one?
[03:46:56] Cog mile one
[03:46:58] Hey, okay. I just need
[03:47:03] Good charm here or or some two stars
[03:47:09] Like Ezreal to I'm done rolling as well
[03:47:11] Billy oh TV fucking worthless tk2 various paired. I mean post-caresl here. Am I one off the two of charm?
[03:47:18] I mean I can't like I mean Ezreal to is actually I'm pretty sure this Ezreal to unit
[03:47:25] It will actually pump like my mind. I will actually pump this game is literally all luck man
[03:47:35] Like I have no econ augment and then you're telling me I'm this like more comfortable than him like it's the game not all luck
[03:47:41] I mean post carousel. I'm just going true fucking zero like if I hit Ezreal to I'll stop really no
[03:47:48] Also with blaster plus one isn't three's a crowd just straight up broken
[03:47:52] Like I'm I'm for three's a crowd for free. I basically it's basically giant and mighty for free
[03:47:58] It has to be man
[03:48:03] You you have an excuse to play the stupid ass Ezreal in whey and then you're playing hecarim plus Shen for free anyway
[03:48:15] And then I'm six blaster damage amp with Stan United. It's not that much AD but any amount of AD is AD
[03:48:24] You know what I mean? There's a smolder
[03:48:34] It's gone
[03:48:35] And I just go I go bro fuck like fucking to heal. Okay. Honestly. It's not fucking to heal
[03:48:40] Okay, it's fucking to heal. That's half IE. I move the runeans to uh
[03:48:45] Probably just on until I find smolder
[03:48:47] And that's half IE, shogun, DBIE. That's plus four. Oh, okay. I don't even know how that's possible, like this game is just all fucking luck. It's actually all luck.
[03:49:03] I'm contesting someone with an econ augment and I just hit. It's just, I didn't, like, what did I, what did I, I...
[03:49:10] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This game is just not good, not good. It's actually just, it's pissing me off now.
[03:49:18] I don't get it.
[03:49:21] I don't get it.
[03:49:33] Huh?
[03:49:34] Okay, it's fine, I don't have the anti-ho anyway, like whatever.
[03:49:36] But I could have killed infinite more.
[03:49:38] I could have killed these two for sure, man.
[03:49:40] Minus two, man, like what the fuck is this?
[03:49:48] Also, I just realized, I'm not gonna have anti-ho this game.
[03:49:57] How the fuck am I ever doing this?
[03:49:59] I mean, one-off with Charm, like whatever.
[03:50:03] Jesus, man.
[03:50:04] I'm paying four gold for this.
[03:50:06] Okay, but honestly, isn't it actually kind of good?
[03:50:09] Pro 4 gold? 4 gold. Really? 4 gold. I mean if it wins me the round it's actually giga
[03:50:20] worth, but is it even guaranteed to win me the round? Like do I beat this guy regardless?
[03:50:24] I mean it actually helps a lot against this matchup fuck it. Yeah whatever fuck it you
[03:50:27] trash then. It's not like I have any, like I already have a TK2 Zeratu or whatever to
[03:50:33] do. Okay and then I fight this guy man I'm pretty sure this guy it doesn't,
[03:50:38] I can't actually the rock not just casted
[03:50:42] It's that I
[03:50:44] Mean, okay, honestly, this does not look like a like this does not look like a fucking it like is this a counter spell diff
[03:50:51] Honestly wait, okay, I like I'm pretty sure it actually is like it actually is like that got a second has I lose this fight for sure
[03:50:59] Okay, he's then you trash
[03:51:01] But if you have like if you have tk1 or or various one, there's no fucking way you can ever you can ever
[03:51:13] Uh, afford to do that shit because you're just you're just sending it until you hit
[03:51:57] Okay, sorry, I'm fucking trolling. I don't have anti-heal though. That's okay. Who the fuck cares that new trash? I have true gigabits
[03:52:25] That's a briar too
[03:52:27] And I don't have anti-heal. I'll meet meet same enemies anyway. Wait, really? Oh, okay. Sorry
[03:52:44] Wait, you're right, I actually had those.
[03:52:46] Oh fuck.
[03:52:58] I just roll for a charm every single turn, and I'll see you on 6-1.
[03:53:07] Level for Zerath.
[03:53:08] I'll probably go for Smogur or Zerath item.
[03:53:11] Is that strong?
[03:53:15] Why does this guy actually look like he had his rise, so I was going to laugh at him?
[03:53:20] But like I just looked like, doesn't his board actually look pretty decent?
[03:53:22] Bro, this is actually an Ezreal 2 death.
[03:53:39] Oh my.
[03:53:40] Like, these losses, this is not good for me.
[03:53:43] GG's.
[03:53:47] I mean, I pay six gold for belts.
[03:53:50] I mean, honestly, I have a lot of calls, it's actually fine.
[03:53:56] Heck of a rim.
[03:53:59] And that is 9 on 6-1 for Blaster.
[03:54:01] Holy fuck, this guy is the dude too.
[03:54:16] What?
[03:54:17] D-fuck.
[03:54:19] Also, I know I said this 30,000 times, but I just want you to know I don't have
[03:54:23] anti-heal.
[03:54:24] Okay, also, I don't, yeah, I don't have anti-heal.
[03:54:26] How the fuck do I kill this rock on?
[03:54:30] I mean, Havis Vorge has died, actually.
[03:54:32] Oh, that's not good. Oh, that is definitely not good and that's definitely not good either. Oh
[03:54:38] Wait, actually, I just realized I have rumble these fights every single one of these fights are one auto dip
[03:54:48] You are your villain! You are the villain!
[03:55:01] I mean, I I don't I'm not gonna go no Sunfire. Okay, but the thing is like it's it's it's what's it called. It's uh
[03:55:08] It's a Ezreal 2 as well and like a bro every single one of these fights are actually Ezreal 2
[03:55:12] Like I mean it's just a coincidence, but like it's fine. It's not that bad. Oh
[03:55:17] My every single one of these rounds are just are just this is not
[03:55:21] Like it probably it's not even a real anti-healed if man, it's like it's
[03:55:28] It's actually not real because the thing is it like it's rumble anti-healed with some fire cave. It's not even bad
[03:55:34] I'll just some part of this for now
[03:55:38] All right, maybe it's an anti-healed if who knows
[03:55:56] random wins
[03:55:59] nice, I
[03:56:01] I don't think I can ever kill this. Okay, it got TK'd and it got- Yeah, you are fucking garbage. It's just sad
[03:56:12] Fucking pathetic. Actual trash. You garbage. I saw two four costs, and then you're telling me I just don't hit the Zerath two here
[03:56:44] Game's not very good. I'm gonna sell this because I'm gonna sell that and then I can go protectors about
[03:56:56] redemption
[03:56:57] I mean I'd rather go Cronguard or protect- or Cronguard on this instead
[03:57:03] But I only have I only have one remover and I want to blast from his wrath. So I guess I'm just stuck with this
[03:57:10] That's fine
[03:57:11] Or actually, I just sell the heck of it. I'm gonna look at a shrimp unit. Okay, not bad
[03:57:25] Honestly, fuck it. I just suck one then and then and then I cannot no no
[03:57:31] I'm saving nine gold like no, like it's actually good man. Like what the fuck
[03:57:36] sack one
[03:57:47] Okay, also if I don't know how many charms I bought
[03:57:51] I'm at 12 charms. Alright, 15 I'm down to swap to...
[03:57:55] Like I'm standing united. Yeah?
[03:57:58] Like if I have 5 traits standing united, like surely what's another 25, 80, I can just go 15, like I can go 2 damage, 4 free, 1 shot, whole board.
[03:58:05] Honestly, it might already be better at 12. I just, I just showed up 1 shot the whole board.
[03:58:09] Standing united. Yeah, fuck it.
[03:58:41] Like it's not even auto attacking anymore. Yeah, fuck it.
[03:58:45] And GG's then. Okay. Why did that look like it did 130 damage?
[03:59:06] Okay, bro. Fuck that like it too. It's 2k true damage even a lot
[03:59:10] Not really. I feel like I feel like the physical damage is just straight up better like the like what I'm paying for this
[03:59:21] I'm gonna plug watch this
[03:59:22] Is there a rat too? I just I mean this is fine because like the thing is like I was like if I don't buy that
[03:59:28] I have to roll for another charm in
[03:59:31] I'll swap a nester and when I'm at 15 charms
[03:59:33] 15 charms steal and and like I'll like on carousel. I'm gonna have a third the third item
[03:59:38] Think I think he has some gigatron by the way the lovers the lovers. Oh
[03:59:53] But this guy just won me around then. Oh, thanks, buddy. I mean I have three to crowd and I have what's it called?
[04:00:09] I just don't come back that you're doing something summon golem. Ah
[04:00:38] One on left one on right
[04:00:45] Smolder to okay, honestly, who the fuck is what the fuck this mother do okay?
[04:00:56] I'm starting to think it's a... it's a crime for sure by the way.
[04:01:17] You gotta bramble this, is that good?
[04:01:19] Yeah, whatever.
[04:01:20] Not really. Who the fuck cares?
[04:01:28] If I can do anything...
[04:01:31] That's fucking broken against this guy.
[04:01:58] True damage, I'm winning the rounds.
[04:02:00] Like, if I lose a round doing this, I'll... I'll... I'll swap.
[04:02:03] But I'm... like, every time I... every time I swap the true damage, it just heals really underwhelming.
[04:02:07] Like, I think at Zerath I'm down.
[04:02:09] Because then, like, Zerath does a lot of damage.
[04:02:12] But right now it's majority, uh, I mean it just, it just pumps.
[04:02:16] Okay, if he hits a Rath 2 here and I lose I'm gonna be very mad.
[04:02:19] Like surely he doesn't hit before he, oh EFF.
[04:02:21] I mean what if he hits a Rath 2 and just wins out? Okay GG's done.
[04:02:24] Fuck this game.
[04:02:25] Fuck this game.
[04:02:26] I, I contested,
[04:02:28] like did I deserve this Verus 2 here? Did I deserve this first?
[04:02:32] This game on average was probably like a 4 point, like, like a mid 4.
[04:02:37] Like it's just straight up because I hit Verus 2 on 4-2.
[04:02:42] I can go 9 and TP to a first, but most of the time, given that this guy is playing Verus as well and has an econ augment,
[04:02:50] most of the time he's going to hit, and I'm gonna be stuck on 8, I'm probably gonna hit Verus 2 on 5-1 on the Resend.
[04:02:58] And then while I hit on the Resend, I already bled out on stage 4, and then I'm playing for like 4th, 3rd at best.
[04:03:05] But because I hit on like 4 or 3 or whatever like 4 or 5, like I just this game is not that good man. I don't know
[04:03:12] Okay, also isn't six isn't six blaster just
[04:03:15] This this threes a crowd six blaster is looking fucking broken. It's all I'm saying
[04:03:20] threes a crowd
[04:03:24] Wait, let me let me check six blaster
[04:03:28] augments
[04:03:30] Threes a crowd. It's a 3.69. It's negative point five Delta. It has a 21% one rate
[04:03:35] What is that is number one? Is that the number one augment? Oh, no the number one augment
[04:03:49] Okay, you know what sounds broken is a
[04:03:51] scoreboard scrapper
[04:03:55] Let you you you give you give your uh?
[04:03:58] It's the number two trubus combat augment
[04:04:04] Number one trubus is scoreboard to eat scoreboard scrapper into six blaster averages of 3.6
[04:04:11] What?
[04:04:14] There's just one shots the whole board or what?
[04:04:16] Plus, yeah, I mean, I feel like six plus three like makes it fucking like
[04:04:39] Now I'm pretty sure there's is just a bad. It's just a bad game design
[04:04:43] That this various unit if it doesn't one shot your entire board you instantly lose
[04:04:47] Like have you ever seen a various not like it?
[04:04:49] Have you ever have you ever want to fight when there's doesn't just one bullet half the board in in five seconds?
[04:04:53] I mean honestly, yeah
[04:04:59] Well, like not really. I mean, yeah, but I haven't I don't know
[04:05:04] I feel like this this champ is just bad game design is all I'm saying. It's just straight up
[04:05:08] It's just you they can't play the fucking game
[04:05:11] His tk2 just gets straight up one bulleted. I'm contested
[04:05:21] And I just I rolled like I think I've rolled like ten gold to find one tk and one hui
[04:05:28] Then I rolled for charm for the next two turns and then I just TP to
[04:05:33] Varus to tk2 in in less than probably 10 shops
[04:05:38] While contested
[04:05:42] G
[04:05:52] Pyro unit that doesn't want a task to be terrible. No, I mean it's not that it doesn't want a task feed
[04:05:57] It's just that it doesn't scale that hard with the task feed
[04:05:59] I feel like none of the pyro skill that water that hard with a task feed like a colleague kind of I guess
[04:06:04] But like she's not like a two-star colleague is not even threatening
[04:06:07] And how are you supposed to like pyro multi-index?
[04:06:09] I got wait what I feel like this pyro trait was like I think pyro is the I think this set is well-designed
[04:06:15] I think charm is great. The charms are great. It's just that
[04:06:18] But, yeah, some of the balancing is just not there, man, but I mean, if I'm gonna talk
[04:06:23] about game design once, I think Pyro is the...
[04:06:28] I think Pyro is the trait that's just not right.
[04:06:35] I feel like it just doesn't feel right.
[04:06:39] When you get stacks early game with Pyro, let's say you have a Collie 2 opener and
[04:06:44] you find the Shen.
[04:06:46] Surely you're excited, like, oh yeah, I'm gonna get some stacks and maybe I can
[04:06:49] go for like some fucking giga-tuber like pyro pyro game no you can't man it
[04:06:54] doesn't do anything like it like like great you get an extra five percent of
[04:07:02] task feed like it doesn't even fucking matter like it
[04:07:05] there's gonna one shot or not one shot I don't have a single two-star on my board
[04:07:35] just look just fucking look oh my fucking god and my my two-star
[04:07:44] Fiora doesn't even have it doesn't even have three items
[04:07:52] Why do you always pick little buddies on karma it seems with it is with you think I wanted to choose little buddies
[04:08:46] It's better than it's better than the other fucking trash ass options
[04:09:01] Honestly, I just realized what's even more sad is that little buddies allows me to play zillion
[04:09:06] I didn't upgrade zillion allows me to play rumble and TK and just pair the TK with the Gwen and the Fiora
[04:09:10] I have three little buddies buffing five non little buddies. So like my like I like I didn't even I'm half my board is worth
[04:09:17] Two gold and you're telling me
[04:09:22] You're telling me I still didn't see a single fucking upgrade throws a race car
[04:10:00] Yeah, let's go for the pyro fucking me. Let's go for the pyro to her
[04:10:12] geez
[04:10:22] Okay, if it's cast fest, there's higher value
[04:10:25] there's higher value in playing reroll lines for all is this is this is it time
[04:10:34] this might be the fucking this might be the RE role pause I mean for Lilia to
[04:10:53] poppy or three lily or oh yeah for Lilia to poppy one already one Zoe with
[04:10:58] your cloak on bench close this half for that and tears have I mean it might
[04:11:03] it like this might be the game and you just go you just go Ari poppy 3
[04:11:08] Lillia 3, Capron Ari 3, Rod Cloak Tier, Tier Rod, and you Capron Force Scholar, is Archangel
[04:11:18] Ari any good?
[04:11:19] Honestly it probably is, there's skill for the true damage anyway.
[04:11:22] I mean this has to be the game, this actually has to be the game, like it's straight up
[04:11:34] has to be.
[04:11:35] What is High Horsepower Average by the way?
[04:11:42] I hope it's good, or I'm not going to be very happy.
[04:11:47] I have Lillia 3 on 2-1.
[04:12:00] Like surely, surely this is not a fucking whatever the win rate is.
[04:12:08] It's a 4% win rate, and it averages a 5.12.
[04:12:13] What?
[04:12:14] What?
[04:12:23] The fuck?
[04:12:24] How?
[04:12:25] I mean, it's whatever.
[04:12:37] I'm pretty sure it can't be bad.
[04:12:39] You just play 4 Bastion on 4th Staller.
[04:12:43] The trick is, you just don't fucking invest in this piece of trash, and you just play
[04:12:47] towards Rise.
[04:12:48] This guy just gives you a 10-street for free, and then I'm just ditching this
[04:12:52] piece of trash later.
[04:12:53] I'm not ditching it.
[04:12:54] playing the whole game, but then you just play towards rise. Like, doesn't that sound pretty good?
[04:12:59] Anyone? Spark? Spark? Spark question mark? Probably, I'm not going no fucking archangel for a unit that has a 4%
[04:13:09] win rate, man. This unit doesn't do fucking shit. But I mean, there's no way Lily is gonna be bad on
[04:13:33] stage two. Or three. Like, if this isn't a tense streak, I will be fucking mind blown.
[04:13:50] And the thing is, like, if you tense streak, what's the condition to not play Varus, Karma,
[04:13:54] or orca lista it's when you it's when you're 15 streak which I will be doing
[04:13:58] this game especially a lot of lilies on so I like high-level but crazy I guess
[04:14:37] he's making 20 he's probably perfect 20 so where the rise items I mean I'm gonna
[04:15:24] I want to itemize the lily for sure hello buddy he doesn't go gargoyle here
[04:15:35] okay I guess I'm fucked I guess it's fine because I can this your sauna makes
[04:15:52] So I can play
[04:15:54] I mean I could some adaptive or mover later, but I'm pretty sure I don't lose regardless
[04:15:59] But I don't really want some adaptive because it's half hodge half a turn of her rise and then half
[04:16:06] Gargoyle or not gargoyle half bet
[04:16:09] Or like half front line item for lilia
[04:16:11] Is this shit broken?
[04:16:31] I mean it is it is doing a lot of damage
[04:16:41] I might be like boosting this win rate to
[04:16:53] 4.2% now instead of 4.17%
[04:16:55] It might be me.
[04:17:10] I just have the 10th streak into a rise, Milio, on 4-1, into a 15th streak, into a level 9,
[04:17:20] and Cabarons are at 2, Rise 2.
[04:17:22] And I actually win the game.
[04:17:52] It's looking alright.
[04:17:53] My final board is Lillia
[04:18:01] Ari
[04:18:03] Hecarim
[04:18:05] Tarek
[04:18:07] Diana
[04:18:14] Milio
[04:18:16] Zorath rise
[04:18:18] Wait, how do I play Tom Trench? I
[04:18:24] Can't because I want to play four scholar for sure
[04:18:31] Hey, I have to go 10. I forgot a remover. Oh, it's fine. I got away with it. I
[04:18:48] I can't because I want Scholar Rods.
[04:18:59] I don't need 2 costs outside of Trist.
[04:19:04] I mean honestly it's fine.
[04:19:06] Actually this isn't going to creep my game right?
[04:19:09] 2 costs transforms into a 3 cost.
[04:19:11] I want Scholar Rods.
[04:19:17] Also it's B, D.
[04:19:26] Does Verus do anything?
[04:19:27] No.
[04:19:28] Wait so how do I play TK plus 4 Scholar?
[04:19:34] Anyone?
[04:19:35] Yeah fuck it I just sell Lilia then.
[04:19:38] Lilia tear fuck out of here.
[04:19:40] And then I go Bardo, TK, and Morgana, too.
[04:19:54] Yeah, fuck it.
[04:19:57] Not ending game with no fucking Lillia.
[04:20:03] I mean, Zoe gives, what, three portal?
[04:20:06] Fairy plus one.
[04:20:07] What the fuck is this shit?
[04:20:13] You're fucking trolling, right?
[04:20:14] Bro, why don't you search up Morgana two, three items
[04:20:17] versus Lillia three, three items with high horsepower?
[04:20:20] It's a 4% win rate versus like a 60% win rate.
[04:20:23] Like, ah, ah, oh my god.
[04:20:26] Like, oh, okay.
[04:20:32] I mean, I don't really want, oh fuck,
[04:20:35] I mean, it's not even that bad.
[04:20:36] I fucking hate watching this.
[04:20:44] Like, I just go straight to nine.
[04:21:00] But let's say I don't, I don't TP to this board.
[04:21:20] Then what's the plan?
[04:21:22] I have, I'm forced to play fucking Lillie on my board.
[04:21:28] Great.
[04:21:39] One roll for charm.
[04:21:43] I might as well level this seven of a roll once for charm.
[04:21:48] Oh, basically three to buy.
[04:22:01] I'm sure I mean it is free-to-buy
[04:22:06] You talk I get beat oh
[04:22:09] Yeah, actually, it's not actually insane. I say four golden or actually wait no
[04:22:21] It's perfect in a role there's perfect in a role this turn so never mind it
[04:22:24] It's only it saves four gold if I get never it never takes the world that's fucking useless
[04:22:30] But I mean it was free to buy
[04:22:35] All right, I'll have to do a sensory gear
[04:22:37] Like I'm pretty sure the win rate of this augment is it Lillia might actually be negative Delta on the win rate
[04:22:58] No cat. Wait, hold on. Wait, you can't quickly get items.
[04:23:07] Bulk? Glove?
[04:23:10] If I were to go...
[04:23:12] If I were to go what it was, it's Lilia...
[04:23:15] What is it even called? High Horsepower?
[04:23:17] Units? Lilia.
[04:23:19] Okay.
[04:23:26] I mean, it's because if you can make...
[04:23:35] The only time you win with this shit is if you can just TP to 9
[04:23:39] and just sell this piece of trash for Morgana too.
[04:23:41] Or you can TP to 10.
[04:23:43] And then you're back in the game. Also, it's always Shorjin because I need to kill this fucking stupid ass.
[04:23:52] Actually, it could be adaptive, but then if I get a bow, it's fine.
[04:23:55] I should have Shorjin something else.
[04:24:01] And I'm just gonna cap around Zerath. I think I lost.
[04:24:06] Did I lose? Oh, okay. I have to sell Zoe Pear, Ori Pear, or something like that. I have to drop very soon, so...
[04:24:28] G?
[04:24:30] G! Portal.
[04:24:41] What the fuck it costs? Yeah, it costs zero. I didn't even realize it costs zero exp
[04:25:16] What all right, I can't treat okay now. I just need a 15th tree
[04:25:19] I mean actually I'm just gonna level mess around and roll
[04:25:22] With epoch use my free rolls. Maybe roll for a decent charm
[04:25:31] And then maybe I can TP to tend to just sell this piece of shit at 10
[04:25:34] Wow Wow Wow Wow I might not be eight
[04:25:42] I mean, it's still, I mean, I'm still putting items on this right now, it's still like it.
[04:25:46] And then I go 10 and just, I mean, I might be back then.
[04:25:49] Except I'm going to have no AWP in this game, but that's fine.
[04:25:52] I mean, Poppy, I mean, I'm just going to level up like 6 Bastion, until I'm 10.
[04:25:56] I have whatever fuck it, fast and then.
[04:25:58] Chain, cloak, chain.
[04:26:05] Reborn.
[04:26:09] Unless Bramble's actually good, which I fucking doubt.
[04:26:15] Oh, I just purposefully rolled a club.
[04:26:22] A Milio.
[04:26:23] And a Yumi.
[04:26:28] I mean, I don't really want to roll anymore.
[04:26:36] Also, should I give it a better item? Probably.
[04:26:39] And then I can play Diana over this.
[04:26:42] I just lose that trash.
[04:26:44] I don't have fairy, but it's fine because I just give item, and then I report to chain, and then I get a BS sword, which is...
[04:26:50] Honestly, I'm not the double BT.
[04:26:53] And then maybe just start selling some trash on my bench.
[04:26:55] You garbage, you garbage, I don't hold that.
[04:26:57] And another to play fairy.
[04:26:59] I have a fucking Zoli on my board.
[04:27:05] And something better than double scar, if that's for sure.
[04:27:25] Mark our portable forge mark her GG. I just wrote I don't even have a fucking head girl. I
[04:27:47] Mean, I'm never I'm never playing it's only my board regardless. I mean, I'm never playing for scholar when I have like the actual units
[04:27:54] I mean, that's fine and then maybe it can survive
[04:28:05] I mean I might play poppy if I don't find I mean, there's no way right. I already have the end game the one to
[04:28:10] never playing Poppy anymore. I could I could easily play Zilean, Bardo, because
[04:28:15] like this is the mass cap, yeah? Like Morgana too, so that means I'm probably not
[04:28:20] playing Zilean either, yeah? Huh, which I'm not playing this shit, which I'm not
[04:28:35] playing this shit, and then like if I like if the more I streak I can just go
[04:28:39] fast head. G? G! GZ! So look, yeah I'm just gonna sell this piece of trash. I
[04:28:58] I mean the unit it doesn't do anything. Like who the fuck cares?
[04:29:02] Ashe will garbage. I mean I'm done with his roll for Charm because my last cap is gonna be uh okay.
[04:29:07] Like if it's uh if it's Cass Fest I'm just gonna roll every single fucking turn.
[04:29:12] And then I just go 10 for Arcana and then I just pair Zerath and I just dual carry Zerath with Ryze Morgana.
[04:29:18] Trio carry, GG's. Game's over then. Yeah?
[04:29:24] Trio carry, like your frontline is TK with like like it's a quadruple carry.
[04:29:36] It's Diana, Zarath, Ryze, and Morgana.
[04:29:38] But it's mainly Diana, Morgana, and Zarath.
[04:29:42] I'll see what I can do, sir.
[04:29:46] Like, Lilia's wasting entire ult on some piece of shit, man.
[04:29:49] Also, is this like the most low-roll lobby ever?
[04:29:52] How, how, how come I, like,
[04:29:54] what am I even fighting here?
[04:30:08] You say one, rumble one?
[04:30:11] Okay.
[04:30:45] I mean, I'm really trying no matter what.
[04:30:46] Jeez, then.
[04:30:49] It's six fucking gold, who cares?
[04:30:51] I'm in a warrior for now,
[04:30:52] I just fucking gave her this trash later who the fuck there's warriors warrior g g
[04:30:57] I'm going straight to 10, and I'll probably just play a random piece of trash on my board. Yeah, go in at 10
[04:31:01] Yeah, whatever fuck it
[04:31:03] I mean, I'm going straight to 10
[04:31:05] G
[04:31:07] G
[04:31:10] How come Ari's probably not even better than these other cells Shen too
[04:31:15] You trash you trash
[04:31:29] Honestly, I don't think this warrior is better than Millie Ryan. It's not
[04:31:32] Alright so what the fuck do I deal like how do I deal with rock on I mean I think
[04:31:39] I got weaker what the fuck is this it ascended oh I got weaker man I
[04:31:47] understand you're stacking my charms okay I mean it should be throwing to here
[04:32:21] and here now so it's fine all right when it's perfectly over is a rat or a
[04:32:26] level to nine because there's no I'm going fast I'm straight going straight
[04:32:28] 10 then that's just a straight read I suck this age I just throw it here
[04:32:32] and keep up to you not stupid buddy
[04:33:05] Okay, honestly, I'm not just gonna go fast 10
[04:33:08] Like a 90 HP even though I sat this entire stage if I said this entire stage how much money do I have on 10?
[04:33:22] Probably not that much, but I probably have a sum. I mean epoch is what it was epoch plus. It was a plus three
[04:33:28] It's not that bad actually
[04:33:30] Like all like I need to make sure I roll for a charm every single stage for every single round
[04:33:34] or on me
[04:33:37] Loki I don't even have to sell the
[04:33:50] GG's
[04:34:05] For bassion 3 arcana. I mean whatever
[04:34:24] Is Lillia broken?
[04:34:35] Oh, never mind.
[04:34:37] But I don't even have Ari in.
[04:34:45] Alright, let me roll for charm.
[04:34:50] It's two gold to mana reef.
[04:34:54] Okay, but like, isn't Ari actually,
[04:34:56] or like, okay, isn't it actually four scholar for sure?
[04:34:58] But then I would have to lose.
[04:35:02] You're telling me I'm losing?
[04:35:04] I'm losing fairy and warrior?
[04:35:06] Okay, it's just throughout that 10,
[04:35:08] unless I get the full pivot down.
[04:35:24] Honestly, isn't it just not play DK?
[04:35:32] Honestly, isn't it just not play TK?
[04:35:34] I'm pretty sure I don't even sell this this Lilia. It's not even bad. I
[04:35:39] Just level for Zerath or actually wait isn't it just I mean it's fine. I'm just sucking
[04:35:52] These guys are so close man
[04:36:03] Just wait just wait just look what happens when I get this wrath
[04:36:06] Just wait buddy
[04:36:08] Like I'm down to just sell Katarina
[04:36:12] For TK and you just ditch warrior and Barry and then you just go Zerath at 10 and then I can honestly
[04:36:17] I'm gonna just sell Lilia and
[04:36:21] I mean, I don't really want to sell Terracudo.
[04:36:24] Okay, I don't even know why I'm making,
[04:36:25] okay, I'm going to stop talking and just relax.
[04:36:27] I don't even know why I'm sitting here
[04:36:29] just making it so complicated.
[04:36:30] Like, relax, I already won the game, guys, relax.
[04:36:33] It's over, buddy.
[04:36:42] Oh, great.
[04:36:43] I'm fighting Blokon too, and I'm going to
[04:36:50] get into my kill in here.
[04:36:54] It's like, I'm not going to go fast 10 to die, right?
[04:36:58] Surely not.
[04:37:27] Bro, if I roll a nine, my win rate is zero, man.
[04:37:30] Can I actually convert this to a first if I go 10?
[04:37:33] My win rate, if I roll on 9 here, it's just straight up 0.
[04:37:36] Like, it's actually 0.
[04:37:43] It's straight up 0.
[04:37:44] Like, look at my board.
[04:37:45] Like, Vryce 2, Milio 2, Diana 2, and Morgan 2.
[04:37:50] Like, I mean, I'm not going to win.
[04:37:51] Like, I mean, I can go 9 and like, just don't worry, buddy.
[04:37:54] And then like, I fit to Rathen as well.
[04:37:55] And then, yep.
[04:38:00] I could just level for Morgana, just drop this.
[04:38:02] And this is my board.
[04:38:03] I'm pretty sure that's actually what I'm going to do.
[04:38:06] I just go TK and just drop Barry and then oh actually no I need to Rath so how
[04:38:16] do I put Murana then I might as well just drop this which means I might as well
[04:38:26] just drop poor Bastion I mean after this loss I'm still too
[04:38:36] lies like who the fuck cares like even if I get 30 oh next round I'm still too
[04:38:39] lies on on 10 yeah also how many charms that I bought this by this game
[04:38:44] I have no idea I'm angle Lilia 4 but I dropped the three scholar I'm
[04:39:02] Lillia 4. Actually, this is probably just the board I just played Morgana 2 and then Zerath.
[04:39:27] Golden Quest, he is, okay, he is Blaster plus 1, right?
[04:39:33] I just want you to know this guy has Blaster plus 1, and his Golden Quest cashed him out a smolder.
[04:39:39] I have 283, that's too much guaranteed, it's fine.
[04:39:42] This Lillia unit, I, like, I, it might actually be doing myself a favor by just open selling this piece of trash.
[04:39:48] Yeah. And then it gives me an excuse to just drop Taric as well.
[04:39:54] And I just watch this shit and I don't care.
[04:40:00] Uh, it's probably Roth, Hunter, Zerion.
[04:41:14] 16 Charmsbots.
[04:41:15] Shirley.
[04:41:22] Why does it look like I didn't kill a single unit again?
[04:41:27] Okay.
[04:41:29] Okay, but you cannot tell me my Borg-Ow weaker.
[04:41:31] Please tell, please, anyone in chat think my Borg-Ow weaker.
[04:41:33] Please let me know, please let me know.
[04:41:34] I would fucking, I would appreciate the, uh, the feedback there.
[04:41:38] I can run a fucking Zorak as my, uh...
[04:41:43] I mean, I don't even care about...
[04:41:48] I mean, I just need a combat.
[04:41:49] Bro, it's giving me the same fucking one, man!
[04:41:53] That's my best combat!
[04:41:55] I'm about to be at 18 charms. No damage at all!
[04:42:09] Yeah, okay. This is just no damage. Morgana 2, Diana 2, Milio 2, Rise 2. That's just no damage, I guess.
[04:42:18] My entire board died instantly. I could have won second this game. I mean, I tried though. I mean,
[04:42:31] this guy's straight up cheated, man. You cannot tell me, you cannot tell me this board
[04:42:36] is weaker. I like it bro, I like it just. How can the hero augment have, it doesn't do anything.
[04:42:59] It doesn't do anything. It straight up doesn't do anything. I could have went second this game for
[04:43:08] sure, but you know like a bro blaster crest, right? So you have an excuse to play the
[04:43:13] fucking stupid astrostana as well, yes? And then he gets golden quest. I don't know how
[04:43:17] many legendaries are in the game. He cashes out smolder with blaster plus one. I mean
[04:43:25] I mean, it's my fault for thinking I can outcap him, but you cannot tell me it was a bad try.
[04:43:29] Look at my board!
[04:43:31] If you want me to put this board, do you want me to put this board on Titan stat tools?
[04:43:38] Because the thing is, it's gonna put three items because Milio has Shoujin natures and then the end game board,
[04:43:44] like for example, if you have like 10 portal and it throws like a radiant, like Sunfire,
[04:43:47] that's why the stats on radiant Sunfire are so high.
[04:43:49] If I were to put Rise 2, 3 item, Diana 2, 3 item, Murkana 2, 3 item, level 10,
[04:43:54] I guarantee you it's gonna be greater than 60% win rate. I actually win every Lobby man
[04:44:01] It's actually unlucky. It has to be it has to be unlucky. It has to be
[04:44:07] I mean here I will we're gonna to
[04:44:11] rise to
[04:44:14] Diana to
[04:44:20] three item
[04:44:22] Three item
[04:44:23] Three item level 10
[04:44:26] It's a 1.51 average is a 63% win rate
[04:44:29] It's not too man a milio throws an item to them instantly man. It's not too like if you were to go to if you were to go to items
[04:44:39] Why do you think?
[04:44:41] Why do you think why do you think this in it like these items? It's because
[04:44:47] Terrik with 10 portal can roll bramble
[04:44:50] The stupid ass rides can roll radiant GS and then Terrik can also roll radiant Sunfire Cape
[04:44:56] This is just 10 portal. It's the same thing with milio milio can throw the fucking items
[04:45:00] I have four scholar with a shoujin nashers. It is guaranteed to have three items
[04:45:05] It's fucking guaranteed if you think my board is bad and lilia was better. Does anyone here actually think?
[04:45:12] Lilia was better. I like genuinely genuinely
[04:45:25] me
[04:45:26] I mean the I mean that you're not you're not tricking anyone man. Like you cannot be tricking anyone
[04:45:31] She is just it's just like yeah
[04:45:34] Who you're tricking seriously?
[04:45:42] We're gonna do Diana to
[04:46:08] Yeah, I mean the the feedback is hey, I
[04:46:12] Could have recognized
[04:46:14] That this augment has a zero percent win rate and I can just go second for free. That's what I should have done
[04:46:20] But I thought maybe this board can contest the first and then I went third trying to go for first
[04:46:26] When I could have just rolled down to fucking zero on on nine
[04:46:30] upgraded rise milio maybe one of Diana Morgana and then just recent true zero to upgrade everything on nine and
[04:46:35] And just cap around. I don't mean I guess I wouldn't be playing
[04:46:40] It would be three arcana or I don't swap off the lilia and then I just get a second
[04:46:46] But like bro like come on like it. I just see you're telling me I'm sitting there playing for a second
[04:46:50] Like how fucking boring you think I'm a loser?
[04:46:55] Like I actually had like you can't even say I didn't have enough gold on 10. I got I had infinite gold
[04:47:07] Open cell lilia, bro. That's nine gold. That's pretty fucking good open cell tariff. That's another 11 gold
[04:47:11] GG. And then epoch procs and other three rolls as well. Also, is this updated? There's no way there's only 228 games of this, because I think me, myself, I already have like 10.
[04:51:15] Like, is this, is, like, there's no way. Only 228 games of Double Down? I put, I, like, I filtered it by, by any. And this is like every region.
[04:51:34] maybe I there's no way this is right I feel like oh my fucking now okay what I
[04:51:49] get hunter plus one shape plus one like real cog mouth he's pyro arcana shape
[04:52:07] what the fuck is that there's a rumble I mean I kind of want to play around the
[04:52:52] hunter I think the hunter is actually good help us on the way into hunters
[04:52:58] good for something for shy play broad glove broad chain play around bow glove
[04:53:05] like fuck it fine vintage no helpless on the way placebo for gold trainer golem
[04:53:12] like fucking eight gold 12 to 2% fast for the thing it's not even bad yeah
[04:53:22] whatever fucking I'm gonna sit a little one turn I'm sitting on the way to the
[04:53:35] parents I have to give all one of a lease or I'll probably give all enjoy
[04:53:42] whatever actually I should wait to see about when they're on
[04:53:44] oops I'm gonna go bow glove reforge the rado or reforge the chain I mean rod is
[04:53:53] half morillo chain is half GA I guess I'm down to just wait I mean I know for
[04:54:23] sure I don't want to play like I just play towards some hunter line yeah level
[04:54:28] five is actually pretty solid I mean blitz two is blitz two never playing
[04:54:42] Let's make that again. I can just ditch this stupid-ass encounter for a shape front line
[04:54:57] Shyvana, Nasus, Swain
[04:55:01] Shyvana, Nasus, Swain
[04:55:03] plus 500 G
[04:55:08] G
[04:55:33] 1 2 3
[04:55:39] Shyvana, Elise 2. I mean, I'm selling Elise 2 here really. I mean, I guess it's fine. I
[04:55:51] Don't really want to reforge because I think crown guard I feel like okay, so who gets the items?
[04:55:57] The problem without Hunter plus one is like it's Olaf primary and you run to this problem where you're like Olaf primary
[04:56:04] And then you just have no dual carry any
[04:56:06] Like is it just jinx? I just do a carry jinx. It has to do a carry jinx and then and then I'm a
[04:56:12] I'm gonna double pre-level
[04:56:22] Just play a loose and stern there's no way I'm playing for hunter
[04:56:27] Rajin bow
[04:56:35] Okay, I
[04:56:36] I there's a swing with them. Okay, so I just do okay, so I do a carry jinx jinx Olaf
[04:56:41] Like six six hunter jinx two is an actual threat, right?
[04:56:46] right
[04:56:50] Like ginsu last whisper I mean last whisper I can also last was Olaf
[04:56:54] That shit sucks
[04:56:57] Really new new shavana nila all on right, but the thing is my board doesn't fit on 8 is the problem
[04:57:20] And then I just go Olaf Olaf duo
[04:57:24] Oh, that sounds pretty decent I'd say.
[04:57:30] Oh, and I took out a Nyla, that's pretty good.
[04:57:40] And then Shyvana for Anti-Hill, Shyvana, Namsi, Six Hunter.
[04:57:44] I'm making 20, level five, making 20 here.
[04:57:46] My board is not even bad.
[04:57:47] Bloodstrand two, at least two.
[04:58:11] I'm already 70, so I don't want to play around
[04:58:13] like the Zilean Karma, because you could also go
[04:58:14] like Zilean Karma and not play Portrait Frontline.
[04:58:17] But it's probably just this, right?
[04:58:19] Like I have plus one, plus one.
[04:58:20] I can show that Twitch, Nomzi, Twitch Nomzi, Cogmaw, Shyvana, Swing.
[04:58:38] I feel like if everything is two-starred on 4-2, I'm actually back in the game.
[04:58:46] You can't tell what this board looks like.
[04:58:55] And then I just cap around selling Naces for Briar, too, moving items off of Jinx
[04:59:02] onto Briar if I make it there.
[04:59:06] But if I'm stuck on 8, I'm just gonna play for a 5th, and I feel like a 5th place, that's pretty solid.
[04:59:13] 5th place? YAY.
[04:59:50] Was this a zero gold Krugs?
[04:59:53] Or nah.
[04:59:54] I don't remember.
[04:59:55] Alright, I think I sold them.
[04:59:56] Or did I sell them? I don't fucking know.
[04:59:58] BT, Belt, Chain...
[05:00:01] Oh, what the fuck?
[05:00:03] I just wasted my Reforger then.
[05:00:05] Or my Remover.
[05:00:10] Uh, I mean, BT is really good later.
[05:00:12] I mean, I need Olaf items for sure.
[05:00:14] I mean, Belt is half Starax, Chain is half GA. They're both good.
[05:00:18] I mean, Belt is probably slightly better, because I...
[05:00:21] I mean, Chain seems to be on fucking useless, what I get.
[05:00:24] I mean, Morillo is also fucking useless.
[05:00:26] If I almost did it, I'm gonna lose.
[05:00:39] Like, Morillo? I mean, I can just slam Morillo...
[05:00:42] for mid-game.
[05:00:44] Oh, I should be playing non-loops.
[05:00:46] I mean, Gumbly? Gumbly is actually fine.
[05:00:54] Like, Gumbly backline, but not really, because that would go Starax first, always.
[05:00:58] And then now I'm just, oh okay, this is not good man, 100 plus won't even do anything, not really, I don't even know what I'm gonna play.
[05:01:08] Band of Thieves is pretty good, Lunch Money, Linking Specialist, Band of Thieves, it'd be Band of Thieves on like some piece of shit, probably Nasus, I don't have a single item, Lunch Money, I like fucking Lunch Money.
[05:01:22] I mean, mentorship for a TASV, nothing, no fucking lunch money, Blistering Strikes, Band of Thieves, Mentorship, a TASV, starting a TASV, Rover's Reubination,
[05:01:43] I mean it doesn't do anything.
[05:01:46] Here I get starting the task, at least.
[05:01:51] And HP for Shaves.
[05:01:56] That sounds pretty fucking good.
[05:01:58] Okay.
[05:01:59] And then I just 4-2 for this board.
[05:02:04] Yay.
[05:02:05] Because that's full shrieking.
[05:02:08] Okay, also, I'm pretty sure carrying Cogmaw is better than carrying Jynx.
[05:02:22] Bro, FUCK Jynx!
[05:02:24] FUCK Jynx!
[05:02:26] This unit is trash!
[05:02:28] Especially with mentor I mean with mentorship. I'm carrying calm over sure like this unit is not very good man fuck out of here
[05:02:40] Yeah, Briar on eight Briar on eight to carry Briar 600. I don't know when I'm getting I
[05:02:47] I need to be I
[05:02:50] Am broke I am broke. What is this? Okay, please not this time and he's mortgager to way to I'm fighting your man. Oh
[05:03:08] oh my what the fuck is this shit okay at least I'm getting reset on here like
[05:03:13] I'm not attacking the mortificator first that's really good news nice
[05:03:29] good job guys I'm my Olaf or my my cockmau is actually pumping six k or
[05:03:36] five point four point five already but the problem is when people start
[05:03:39] getting like actual boards I'm pretty sure I'm losing every round yeah I
[05:03:46] think I'm fucked yeah I'm probably fucked yeah I'm fucked and what the
[05:04:07] fuck this factory for me, nothing.
[05:04:09] Oh, great.
[05:04:10] Cromguard, killed the rod, it's fine.
[05:04:16] One for 99-M is fine.
[05:04:19] If you win next combat gain two, is that good?
[05:04:23] I mean, probably.
[05:04:24] I'm leveling for sure then.
[05:04:29] Nice round Diana anyway.
[05:04:32] If I can just drop the shapes, Diana plus one.
[05:04:46] If I lose this round, I'm not gonna be happy.
[05:04:52] I mean, this looks like a win for sure.
[05:04:59] Why the fuck is there a blitz rank on my board?
[05:05:12] Why is there an Elise on my...
[05:05:15] The fuck?
[05:05:16] This gives me this and then I can play Briar...
[05:05:25] I can play Diana Briar and then if I find Diana I can swap.
[05:05:29] Oh, this is the thing.
[05:05:35] Okay, I mean it's looking alright.
[05:05:46] Okay, what the fuck does he canter do from my board by the way?
[05:05:49] What is this, dragon shape?
[05:06:14] They did this Cogmaw 2 just win me the game.
[05:06:18] No joke.
[05:06:19] Like, I just streak this stage for free, because I have a Gensu last which is where 400 call them out too. My feline is not even bad.
[05:06:25] Okay, beer back, I need a pee. No matter what I'm 4-2ing, I don't go fuck.
[05:06:36] Oh shit! Okay, I get it in time.
[05:07:38] I got... What the fuck are these items?
[05:07:45] Titans? Yeah, whatever.
[05:07:49] Akali 3. Titan's BT plus 1.
[05:08:02] Little buddy! That has to be the number one best I could hit. Holy fuck.
[05:08:48] I mean I need to move items off of, should I just sell them?
[05:08:51] Probably.
[05:08:56] But then the problem is...
[05:08:58] Oh it's Sweenover...
[05:09:01] But then the problem is...
[05:09:03] I guess it's not a problem.
[05:09:06] It's all one star trash.
[05:09:09] Yeeeaah, I'm just gonna put belt on here, who the fuck cares.
[05:09:18] And now I just go nine.
[05:09:24] So I can actually cap my board.
[05:09:32] Shawna too is actually pretty decent.
[05:09:37] Jinx too.
[05:09:40] I'm gonna lease on my board. I mean I can just cap it around Briar.
[05:09:44] I can go like die I can go briar over Elise Diana over
[05:09:51] I mean why don't I just wait I lost my my headphones again. Hello I
[05:10:01] Can't see
[05:10:04] Yeah, I have one big buddy, but it's gonna be it's gonna scale later. It's fine. I'm scaling later
[05:10:08] Is he even four shape? I could I could play smolder at 10
[05:10:35] But then like if I'm doing that then like why don't I just
[05:10:45] Why don't I just sell all the fucking hunters?
[05:10:51] I'm playing six hunters, Smoldercury, like, I mean, I need some little buddies.
[05:10:55] I can't just load them with nothing.
[05:10:58] I mean, I probably just pivot off the six hunter, or, like, I know I have Blasphus
[05:11:06] but I might just go even charge anyway.
[05:11:10] No cap.
[05:11:11] Actually, no, I probably won't.
[05:11:15] I see two of these.
[05:11:16] It's not even worth it.
[05:11:17] I don't know how it even's tricking.
[05:11:19] Okay, hold on, let me figure this out, because I can lose Jinx and then I can
[05:11:22] also just lose the Cogmaw and I can keep these two and then just pivot to like
[05:11:27] briar I mean let me just make it to 10 first I'm probably 10 on 5 to how many
[05:11:44] open slot I have one I didn't sub little buddies this thing like the least is gone
[05:11:48] for briar for sure and then I drop I drop 600 eventually as well this guy's
[05:11:53] a smolder too that's fine it doesn't really matter I'm gonna lose this fight
[05:12:03] for sure but it's it's like it's trust me like I will outcap this it
[05:12:07] doesn't fucking matter this unit doesn't do anything like you just look at
[05:12:10] I'm just shitting in, it's fucking worth the size of a piece of garbage.
[05:12:38] Fuck, membership, it's for the TK players, is it even a TK player?
[05:12:42] Yeah, there it is.
[05:13:13] I say something that is for sure weaker if I hit like, the fucking big giga juice.
[05:13:23] I'm talking like, I can also just get rid of all the shapes as well.
[05:13:26] I mean, Shyvana is actually fine, like it's actually 400 for sure.
[05:13:30] Cuz I can just have little buddies for free.
[05:13:32] Like Dragon for free for anti-heal, Shyvana for little buddy and anti-heal for free.
[05:13:37] And then Twitch for frost for free.
[05:13:39] And all I have to do is play Olaf, so like 1, 2, 3, 4, final board 4, sure.
[05:13:43] I can pivot into like Diana, Briar, fucking Morgana, and some other trash, and I just win out 4-3.
[05:13:50] Yay?
[05:13:53] Yay?
[05:13:55] Oh, it gave me an Olaf.
[05:14:03] I got a belt, a belt though.
[05:14:06] I can go QSS, Titans, VED.
[05:14:17] I mean, I don't know if I want to, if I have Briar yet.
[05:14:23] So I'm kind of down to not remove her this turn, because I want to see if I hit Briar.
[05:14:25] If I hit Briar, like I can just upgrade, play this VT QSS, and then hodge the other, like
[05:14:34] I'm just not fucked anyway, like one item's not changing shit, like the one on the board
[05:14:37] is the biggest pile of fucking shit, no good aim.
[05:14:45] I'm only rolling 50 gold, it's fine.
[05:15:04] QSS.
[05:15:29] I'm not a, what's it called, the back line, it's fine.
[05:15:33] Should I even feed?
[05:15:34] I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm playing 600 then, like there's no way I'm not.
[05:15:41] Like these Olaf's are just going down.
[05:15:45] Naces too, actually Naces too.
[05:15:58] Wait, actually I'm not even playing Naces on my board.
[05:16:08] Wait, what? I just lost a gold. I just lost a gold.
[05:16:13] I'm a fucking idiot. I'm 8.
[05:16:16] I am 8.
[05:16:18] I am an idiot.
[05:16:22] I mean, if I buy this I don't have to roll anymore and honestly it's pretty explosive.
[05:16:25] Yeah, you trash then.
[05:16:27] Then who the fuck? Okay, honestly,
[05:16:29] I'm gonna have another remover like yeah like whatever who the fuck there is
[05:16:32] It should probably be ginsu with the qss, but then I'm not really ginsu qss plus hodge
[05:16:40] Then losses are this one. I'm finding a dragon like this is a watch on my board, right?
[05:16:43] I mean there's there's a lot but I I mean I should not burn
[05:17:20] There's also shape plus one I can play Diana instead of swing if I don't get Olaf
[05:17:25] But I don't I don't really need it to win though as a thing
[05:17:40] I might as well just roll for trying to return
[05:17:47] Cause I can play, I can just say fuck this unit and then just go Diana over here, I get
[05:17:54] little buddies as well.
[05:17:57] I don't like this unit just sitting in the corner like a fucking idiot.
[05:18:11] And then I don't really want to feed cause I'm not paired.
[05:18:18] I can go, like if I can't hit Olaf too, I can go smolder.
[05:18:22] Is that even stronger by the way?
[05:18:26] Like Gintsu, last whisperer, smolder.
[05:18:29] Is that even stronger than the second Olaf?
[05:18:33] I don't even think, like I don't think it is.
[05:18:35] six hunter like it yeah you're fucking trash then get out of here I was a
[05:18:49] roll for charm I just go 10 for Bastion this is my board it's another
[05:19:02] little buddy as well he pings the Olaf and then he sold it I think I mean he
[05:19:11] has the fucking tower great I'm fighting him he has the fucking tower I'm pretty
[05:19:41] sure I win the game just leveling for Bastion and then just rolling on 10
[05:19:44] odds for Briar to Diana too I get an extra little buddy as well so it'd be
[05:19:49] one two three four five little buddies buffing one two three four four four little buddies
[05:19:57] or four real units and then I can roll on tenons for a briar two dianatou and I'm pretty sure
[05:20:02] dianatou just wins the game yeah if I'm if I have more Olaf I'm down let me see who's
[05:20:43] the f***ing demon I just need the first reset first reset I win the game G G I got is this
[05:20:59] tremors it has to be what the fuck are these old loss I mean I might as well
[05:21:11] just sack another two then just six five perven interval and then I'm guaranteed
[05:21:14] Diana to briar to grow this little buddies cannot be right it's actually just
[05:21:20] too high roll little buddies when I just gives me an excuse to play the
[05:21:24] fucking I don't even know what those units are I mean I don't know they're
[05:21:27] not very good though gee gee I mean what the fuck does this do I mean this
[05:21:36] doesn't do anything like I might as well go twice for a real charm
[05:21:39] I'm just huge you guys aren't even bad but this Olaf fucks
[05:22:21] Banshee's in hell oh okay I guess I just win for free then okay GGs then little
[05:23:26] buddies with 600 holy fuck it actually has to be true fucking this like I
[05:23:32] I- I- Bro, I have a cog-mouth!
[05:23:34] Let me- Let me go check, see what's going on over here, hold on.
[05:23:43] Six Hunter... Augments?
[05:23:50] I mean, it's pretty good, but it's negative 0.3, probably negative 0.4 almost, and negative 0.38.
[05:23:54] Like, oh my god, I don't get it, like it's just...
[05:23:59] Oh my god, I don't get it, it's just a free game, like a...
[05:24:05] Boring, no Olaf- Olaf 3, I just wanna- I just wanna say something.
[05:24:08] something. I know this didn't happen because I won anyway, but let's say the lobby were
[05:24:12] a little stronger. And I go 9, and like winning every single round, and then I go 9, and then
[05:24:18] I hit Briar 2, Diana 2, maybe like play Smulder for 3 Dragon and play double Olaf or something.
[05:24:28] And then I lose the game anyway. You know what Twitch chat would say. Question mark,
[05:24:33] why don't you roll on 9 for Olaf 3? Like probably, it's the fucking hindsight Herald's
[05:24:40] just come out of nowhere. Like it's so blatantly obvious that you're supposed to go 10 there
[05:24:44] to fucking just guarantee like you I'm like I'm pretty sure any any fucking idiot with half
[05:24:50] a brain can see can see that you would assume that Diana 2 and Briar 2 would win the lobby.
[05:24:57] And then you go 10 and you just hit nothing or like you only hit one of them and then
[05:25:00] and then you just die. Why didn't you roll roll up three? And then you really ate that thing.
[05:25:05] I mean, I'm not saving, cause like, let's say, let's say I lose that fight, right?
[05:25:32] Let's say I lose that fight, then why don't I just go 9 next turn and roll fucking like
[05:25:35] 50 gold, or go 10, roll 50 gold, and then like there's no way a 3 item Diana 2 doesn't
[05:25:41] change the fight.
[05:25:42] Little buddies, and then I level, I get another little buddy as well with the stupid
[05:25:46] ass Lilia that gets Bastion whole board.
[05:25:48] Like, it's the biggest fucking spike of all time, and it's not just like, I,
[05:25:52] Like Olaf 3, I mean Olaf 3, honestly I don't even, like Olaf 3 probably is, actually I don't even know if it is stronger.
[05:26:00] Like, like okay, let's say I can hit Olaf 3, but then I don't have the level 10 for a little buddy on top of Bastion, whole board.
[05:26:07] On top of fucking three items that are just completely dead.
[05:26:10] On top of not having Diana 2 or Briar 2.
[05:26:13] Like what's stronger? Like three dead items plus Olaf 3. Like I'm not saying Olaf 3 is shit, but Olaf 3 is not that good bro.
[05:26:18] I lose this to Rock on 2 all the time, but but then I can go 10
[05:26:22] Guaranteed Briar 2 Diana 2 Lilia for another little buddy as well with Bastion whole board
[05:26:28] And it's guaranteed whereas the Olaf 3 is not even close to guaranteed. It's not even likely to hit
[05:26:48] But Olaf 3 is fun
[05:26:50] If you if you were to go Olaf 3 and exclude Briar 2
[05:27:00] It's probably not even that like the stats aren't probably not even that good like a low key like Olaf
[05:27:06] Let's have level 9 with Olaf 3
[05:27:08] I have 3 items. 1.34, but I exclude Briar. Actually I probably would hit Briar too, so I won't even exclude anything.
[05:27:19] 1.34, okay? Now I'll go 10, and I'll go...
[05:27:24] Okay, honestly, it's probably not gonna say that.
[05:27:36] Because there's only so many comps that I can fucking win.
[05:27:40] I mean, probably like it's okay, but the thing is like there's only so many comps, and then you also have to put in the little buddies as well with the Lilia, so you can't even actually look at the stats.
[05:27:48] Like it's not that good man. Like it's like a bro. You cannot be argue come on man
[05:27:52] You cannot be arguing that it's correct to just sit there and be like yeah, let's just sit on nine
[05:27:56] Let's just sit on nine and just fucking and just go for all off three. Yeah, whatever fucking like it didn't matter that game because I
[05:28:10] Want anyway, but like
[05:28:12] I'm telling you people's analysis like they will actually they will actually
[05:28:16] Like wonder why I didn't just go for all off three, but it's not it's not good man
[05:28:23] And the more fun you have, the less you're going to climb.
[05:28:28] The less fun you have, the more you're going to climb.
[05:28:30] No joke, bro, that was a boring play.
[05:28:33] Yes?
[05:28:34] Boring?
[05:28:35] That means it was probably correct then.
[05:28:37] GG!
[05:28:49] Honestly, I'm gonna just start saying that.
[05:28:51] Whenever people are like,
[05:28:52] question mark, why don't you do this?
[05:28:53] And I'll ask them, what's more fun?
[05:28:54] Going, doing this, or doing this?
[05:28:56] And if they think their play is more fun,
[05:28:58] then I'll be like, yeah, then you're right,
[05:28:59] it was wrong then.
[05:29:00] I mean, it's that easy actually.
[05:29:01] Okay, GG's then.
[05:29:03] I think I actually solved it.
[05:29:15] What the fuck is this shit?
[05:29:20] I don't even know my components,
[05:29:21] so I don't even know what I'm leaning towards.
[05:29:24] I'm just sitting here holding everything.
[05:29:25] Also, this shop has nothing to do with this shop,
[05:29:27] so now I'm eight.
[05:29:32] What is this, man, plays?
[05:29:41] I mean, it's probably never this side.
[05:29:46] I wouldn't even mind upgrading,
[05:29:48] would I even upgrade Nunu too?
[05:29:58] I have a chain to play around.
[05:29:59] What's the game plan, guys?
[05:30:00] I don't know, I'm eight.
[05:30:02] I mean, what doesn't kill you,
[05:30:04] but it's not even good in Gold Opener, man.
[05:30:05] It's fucking useless. It's straight-up fucking useless
[05:30:14] Pyro emblem
[05:30:17] Oh, what is this garbage? I don't want any of these man. At least Pyro emblem gives me I mean
[05:30:22] I don't like cluttered mine either in econ
[05:30:24] What doesn't kill you or all that shimmers with gamblers blade or collector?
[05:30:33] I mean, I don't have a choice man. I don't get it
[05:30:46] But I even upgrade new new nose units straight fucking trash. Oh wow. Okay
[05:31:19] Okay, two dees then.
[05:31:33] Dragon.
[05:31:40] Okay, well I'm just sitting here doing nothing then.
[05:31:41] I'm at a double level for a Shivercraft, it's not even a small upgrade.
[05:31:46] And honestly I have Collector, sure, whatever, who cares then.
[05:31:52] Okay, I'm done playing.
[05:31:53] I can't play any more Soul of the Year after this, like this is just fucking pathetic.
[05:31:57] Bro just loads in until Cauterize on 2-1.
[05:31:59] It's just, I don't even know what to say.
[05:32:02] It doesn't even feel good even winning then.
[05:32:04] It's just, you load in the lowest you can place in 7th, wow.
[05:32:09] So like, basically if I go fourth here, that's a 5th.
[05:32:12] You literally have to lose a play, like give the minus a placement.
[05:32:15] The guy just blows it, doesn't even want to win.
[05:32:32] Cut to rise.
[05:32:33] 5th, give it if he outplaces you, sure.
[05:32:40] I mean, okay, honestly, I mean, sure.
[05:32:42] The only way he outplaces me is if he just hyrals a Varus on like, fucking, like
[05:32:46] 3-2 with the Pyro plus 1.
[05:32:48] That's straight up the only way.
[05:32:50] I don't even think a Varus on 3-2 is going to save him if he doesn't hit Pyro
[05:32:52] plus 1.
[05:32:58] You guys double down into Kalista.
[05:33:00] I'll I'll I'm sure I'll get the subs if that happens or whatever how
[05:33:26] How does this I am never sitting in the right corner again I
[05:33:31] Am never sitting in the right corner again like it's just it always happens
[05:33:34] It's fucking idiot if they're in it no it's no it's just with zillion man
[05:33:39] Like if you're right corner in their right corner this idiot always just walks here and just I'm not
[05:33:48] There's nothing more tilting than losing around and still being last big
[05:33:56] that is allowed I mean there's no way I lose there's no way I lose my my
[05:34:21] nomzi right I don't care there's no way like plus one yeah if I lose nomzi I'm
[05:34:26] not okay and garbage garbage farm 5 gold or farm 2 gold and win and I can hold
[05:34:51] Mortarizer pair? Yeah? Nope. What is this clown even doing? Are you serious?
[05:35:09] It's not good, man. Like, if I, I just had to farm one more and I could hold my,
[05:35:12] like, if there's a Mortarizer pair, if there's a Mortarizer 2, I'm not going to be very happy.
[05:35:40] Also, I got my fucking Windstreet Scam, so I'm also still not very happy. Also,
[05:35:44] this loser is playing, playing, uh, Verus. Verus. Double down, and I'm not sure,
[05:35:50] Oh no, this is Cauterize into Verus
[05:35:54] Gargoyle, Slim, Morello, Last Whisperer, hopefully not into Verus
[05:35:58] Built if? Oh my god, I think I'm five-way contested
[05:36:01] Bro, it's literally Phoenix on the strings like I don't get it
[05:36:21] It's far me- oh, okay
[05:36:37] Bro, this Mordekaiser unit is actually good as fuck though
[05:36:47] I'm on Blaster Odds in, but I also want Arcana Odds in
[05:36:53] Nice, that's really good
[05:36:54] If you have Stratonius, like this is the number one best component I can get
[05:36:57] That's huge
[05:36:58] Trojan acceptable, I will allow it
[05:37:00] And zero gold I will not allow it. I'm fucked
[05:37:04] Actually, aren't they more fucked? I mean, this is not a really con augment man
[05:37:09] Yeah, this game's trash then yeah, I'd better snitch up watch this
[05:37:13] Yeah, this game sucks
[05:37:16] Oh, there's an arty though, that's pretty good. There's blaster odds and arcana odds
[05:37:22] I mean no matter what I'm saving shoujin like I the shoujin jinx. I mean, it's fine
[05:37:33] Actually, it's probably stronger already on
[05:37:36] Don't forget the 70 gold interest happy face
[05:37:54] I'm not even pairing the right thing. Oh man
[05:37:58] Great, I mean I saw those in varus is it cannot be that good, but it cannot be bad either
[05:38:23] I mean, it's not that good item collector in various is good like really good like really really good
[05:38:29] I saw I mean I saw in every calm. Yeah, I'm playing various for sure, right, but there's no way. I'm not
[05:38:34] Yeah, you trash
[05:38:36] I didn't collect her one, I think I am...
[05:38:39] Okay, I'm down to just stack this stage.
[05:38:43] Like this is just Blaster, Scholar.
[05:38:54] I mean I feel like Bard with the damage it was better.
[05:38:56] But um, oh actually.
[05:39:02] Okay, I'm down to just stack this stage
[05:39:08] because let me see how contested I am.
[05:39:10] This guy's Red buff slammed.
[05:39:11] Rod tier, holy f*** he's double down making specialist.
[05:39:17] I can see the full base there, this guy's Varus for sure.
[05:39:21] Cut their eyes into Varus eventually as well.
[05:39:23] And then that way I can just 4-1 it.
[05:39:31] Like fuck tempo, like the tempo, like yeah I can level the 7 here and win rounds, but
[05:39:36] it's not guaranteed, but you know what is guaranteed?
[05:39:47] Being able to 4-1 it.
[05:39:55] And I'm about to just 4-1, like okay hold on, this guy has lots of sort of IE hodge
[05:39:58] with Olaf, maybe he plays towards Olaf.
[05:40:00] I mean he is slamming as well, is he holding any of the blasters?
[05:40:04] Not really, wait he might pivot then.
[05:40:07] What is this guy?
[05:40:08] Uh, Bill Tiff, he won't be, he's an Olaf, and a Karma, this guy's towards Varus as well.
[05:40:15] This guy's towards Varus for sure with Keepers, and then this guy is- does he know that Chat
[05:40:24] isn't real and he's just yapping into the void?
[05:40:26] Who the fuck are you talking to buddy?
[05:40:27] Okay I didn't kill a single unit.
[05:40:35] Great.
[05:40:37] Absolutely fucking wonderful.
[05:40:38] Also if I didn't collect it, I'm pretty sure I'm always playing 4 Blaster.
[05:40:51] Alright, well, I'm just saying, if I don't get an IE, I'm gonna be not happy.
[05:41:06] I need this or that.
[05:41:07] Okay, I need that.
[05:41:09] No.
[05:41:10] No.
[05:41:11] No.
[05:41:12] It's gone.
[05:41:15] Okay.
[05:41:18] I mean, bow is half red buff.
[05:41:20] I'm gonna have Shoujin.
[05:41:22] Don't worry about it.
[05:41:25] Yeah, we fucking lost.
[05:41:32] Karma.
[05:41:43] Also, wait, okay, see this target at me, right?
[05:41:45] Like how it just spawned?
[05:41:46] 566, watch this.
[05:41:49] Hey?
[05:41:50] Like, bro, this game is not good, man.
[05:41:53] You have to know this stuff.
[05:41:55] There's so much BS, you spawn this garbage.
[05:42:08] I could also just play Karma if I find Zero Varus.
[05:42:10] I could play Karma.
[05:42:13] And then just stack that collector
[05:42:15] and just collect her some pieces of trash.
[05:42:17] Not really, I'm probably just gonna
[05:42:17] four one fucking send it
[05:42:19] and probably just roll an arrow.
[05:42:20] I don't know, like, man.
[05:42:34] I'm a bear. I mean, I guess it depends on the items then.
[05:42:40] Uh, I'm not going to do some role figures.
[05:42:45] I mean, my items aren't bad. I have Shoujin plus Shiv.
[05:42:47] It would have to have like, I would need like Red buff for sure.
[05:42:50] I guess I would need Red buff for Varus as well.
[05:42:57] Like, I can just go like Shoujin plus one.
[05:43:00] I'm not trying to collect all my fucking, my, my karma.
[05:43:03] And this is not bad.
[05:43:04] But I'm pretty sure it's complete trash.
[05:43:08] Like, hot trash.
[05:43:15] Is it trash?
[05:43:17] I'm pretty sure it's beyond trash.
[05:43:30] Like, it's trash, right?
[05:43:36] I have a Gwen as well.
[05:43:37] Honestly, it's probably a 4-2. I saved so much gold and like I actually don't have that much money like Rod Belt
[05:44:09] Love I
[05:44:11] Mean it's more all over regardless
[05:44:13] Like it's more all over regardless of what I play like shogun shiv morello, and I just sat the collector
[05:44:31] Okay, it's a karma game for sure. It actually has to be a karma game like there's no fucking way
[05:44:35] I'm playing this line. I am I like two comments as well. Like it's way too good. I
[05:44:39] Don't even know why I didn't swap already
[05:44:41] Like I have Shoujin, Morello. I don't even have a guaranteed IE. Shoujin, Shiv, Morello.
[05:44:48] And then I just collected some piece of trash. I mean it's 30-80, 30% for it, so like that's not bad, I guess.
[05:44:54] GG. Alright, that's my last loss. I already have Gwen, Nasus.
[05:45:07] I mean I still can play Varus on board. It's just I, yeah.
[05:45:10] I don't have Azillian. I don't have, I have Abardo too on bench.
[05:46:14] I don't have a zillion. I mean it's fine. It's actually fine. There's no way Barrow 2 is supposed to be on bench here
[05:46:30] Nice, I'm fighting the Callista player. Honestly, does this even look bad though?
[05:46:32] I just don't play Pyro this game because I have a collector anyway.
[05:46:36] Okay, I'll get sort of Lulia, baby.
[05:46:49] Bro, like Barrow 2? Bro, fuck out of here, like I'm making 10. I don't even know why I'm going to this piece of trash.
[05:46:54] U-Trash. And you know what? Like I don't even feel good upgrading this either, the trash as well.
[05:47:05] Rumble 2 is actually good. Rock on is good.
[05:47:07] Gwen paired as well. I mean am I ever playing Nasus from this spot? No.
[05:47:18] Paired, paired.
[05:47:20] I mean my board doesn't even look that bad. Rock on for a preserver, but it's supposed to be Zilean.
[05:47:26] And then the moment I hit like Fiora or Gwen,
[05:47:28] I'm gonna just fucking pivot to that side instead and say fuck the Ark enough. Yeah.
[05:47:33] And I can also open sell this if I hit Fiora too, because I can just move items off of there or something to Fiora.
[05:47:36] And my spot's not even bad, but I mean I feel like with 70 gold here, like isn't this actually like not that good.
[05:47:41] I literally only hit the only thing I hit was karma and in all that gold
[05:47:46] And you know what doesn't matter in this comp? You know what doesn't matter in this comp?
[05:47:54] Karma 2 it doesn't do anything and it's straight up fucking useless. Who the fuck cares like I
[05:48:00] Doesn't do it. I mean, no, it's good. But like and now I'm just stuck on that. I I mean sure whatever
[05:48:08] If you were to I can just start pivoting off this stupid ass Arkana side
[05:48:12] Like trash trash. I might actually just play
[05:48:15] I mean I might as I can also just play towards a
[05:48:25] Like I can just drop drop
[05:48:28] Except I might drop hecarim plus Shen instead and just say no pyro. It's fine. Varus is Varus 1 2 Gwen Fiora
[05:48:34] It's actually good as fuck zillion over rock on and my board is actually insane
[05:48:38] I just don't have a single upgrade. So now me I still don't have a single upgrade
[05:48:43] I mean I've various to the like how is this even possible? This is the thing I upgraded really I
[05:48:47] I mean if I have Varus too do I just give up on do I just do I say fuck the Gwyn Fiora
[05:48:57] Because I'm pretty sure I can drop
[05:48:59] Oh laugh or I can drop hech room and Chen say fuck Arcana and the play Fiora Gwyn and my board is 20 times better
[05:49:06] Or I can just drop the fucking tea. I mean I'm never dropping rumble anymore. I'm never dropping this
[05:49:11] But I don't really want to roll anymore, man
[05:49:16] Hold on let me let me see let me think come on. I
[05:49:19] Mean like the zilin over this I'm pretty sure it's my board actually
[05:49:23] I don't even like I don't even I would have to send TV but I don't even want to send TV
[05:49:37] This is this is my board after a 70 gold roll down by the way
[05:49:43] 70 gold I
[05:49:45] Barely upgraded to various to
[05:49:50] 70 gold roll down is this trash G
[05:49:53] G I mean it's zillion over this and
[05:49:57] The level three preserver and then I I have to upgrade like something and then I'm excited about
[05:50:03] It was fewer one for sure. It was just look how is it stronger?
[05:50:07] I don't have a single fuel item except for collector and I don't have a single fucking Gwen item, please please let me know
[05:50:13] I did that. Did I play this game bad? No, man. This is for sure my strongest like
[05:50:17] How is it not like it cannot not be
[05:50:25] Fiora one Gwen one zero and I was holding both sides and then I mean I hit I hit various too
[05:50:29] I can't I can't just fucking see him if you sit here and press D to zero every single fucking turn
[05:50:35] You sit here and press D to zero every single turn
[05:50:38] For the rest of the game. You might as well just FF like you like what?
[05:50:40] Oh, yeah, let's cap around Fiora Gwen on it guys like what it's not even stronger
[05:50:49] Like the only reason you're holding Fiora Gwen is because if you if you can't find Varus
[05:50:53] Like if I find Fiora or Gwen then I then I'll play Varus if I if I find okay, sorry
[05:50:58] I don't even know who the fuck I don't even know why I'm even arguing. Yeah, whatever just yeah
[05:51:02] You got it just play you just like your women collector collector fucking
[05:51:07] Collector Fiora and nothing no no
[05:51:10] Also this entire stage I didn't uh, I didn't move items
[05:51:27] Off of the
[05:51:35] Gays onto this. It's not bad. It's 100% crit
[05:51:42] To blaster
[05:51:44] Level for rock on sac one
[05:51:46] huh
[05:51:48] He's full streaking double down
[05:52:04] Double down into the laking specialist
[05:52:06] GGs I got after shotgun
[05:52:12] His entire board is one HP on one life. It's fine. I mean not if that's pretty good
[05:52:25] GGs is a
[05:52:41] Is this better than anything or is uh, I mean there's no way it's that is it ever hecarim?
[05:52:55] No, I'm a board is actually good. It's actually insanely good. It's just the problem is I'm one life and like
[05:53:07] Like you look at this board and you're telling me if you're going is better
[05:53:12] The only reason you think it's better is because the old it's the only fucking board you know
[05:53:16] You go on your fucking meta TFT
[05:53:23] And you just copy paste the same fucking units
[05:53:26] Into your board and if you don't hit you just ff, but I actually just could not play this game
[05:53:55] Like trust me. I wanted to play it, but I have zero fucking items. I'm about to get outplaced by Cauterize. I
[05:54:25] Just got outplaced by Cauterize
[05:54:28] Yo GGs guys. I will get the sub. I just got outplaced by fucking Cauterize
[05:54:41] I like it like please bother you this game. I I would love a good player to fucking bother you this game
[05:54:52] I you cannot tell me it's stronger like it's just it's just a blatant the only way it's stronger is
[05:54:59] If you slam tg and then your carry is going to be tg Gwen and a collector Fiora
[05:55:06] And and and it's not and then I'm stuck. I'm stuck on 8 for the entire game
[05:55:12] Upgrade various to yeah now. Let's just sell the various to and just and just fucking roll on the volt is zero on eight
[05:55:17] for Fiora 2, Gwent 2. Like what? Like what the problem is? I rolled 70 gold and my only
[05:55:27] upgrade was a karma. And you know when you play karma, you know what does not matter?
[05:55:33] It's karma. Karma does not fucking matter man. Like it just doesn't matter. The unit is karma 1,
[05:55:42] karma too there's literally no diff the reason there's no diff is because you need to wait for the
[05:55:47] fucking karma to actually ramp up but if your if your entire board is on upgrade it's not ramping up
[05:55:54] for shit hits more plays Varus what does that even mean then why is it called karma can you start
[05:56:24] the movement to call it something else i mean karma is like connects to your entire board
[05:56:29] together like it's just karma zillion it's karma zillion plus plus seven that's the
[05:56:34] comp yeah I'm just gonna ban whatever this guy's pissing me off he has ball in his
[05:56:37] name he's sitting there just fucking hard stuck with a low immortal probably has
[05:56:42] fucking ball in his twitch name starts fucking bitching nonstop like oh my like
[05:56:46] just bro just go back to Val please man my fucking heart stuck 190 acs 400 games
[05:56:51] every act a mortal to peak like I mean I didn't say it it's just facts like
[05:57:49] Like I like I'm pretty sure my board is actually good like it actually has to be and then like I didn't hit so like I don't know
[05:57:58] Like what was my board at the end?
[05:58:02] rumble
[05:58:04] Like it was rumble
[05:58:09] Sillian Tom Kench
[05:58:13] Zerath
[05:58:14] I mean it's cuz I'm level nine man like it's gonna be the biggest fake news one two three four five six I
[05:58:20] How about I don't put Zerath? Is that fair?
[05:58:24] Hecarim, Shen? Like it's not bad, it's like if you can make it to 9, the problem is not the comp.
[05:58:34] The problem is that I can roll 70 gold and my only upgrade is fucking Karma.
[05:58:39] Like I mean I could have sat level 8 and played a textbook comp but then I'm stuck level 8.
[05:58:43] Like if you don't have Zerath, there's no way, it just dropped 2 placements.
[05:58:48] Like it's not actually good, like it's just like being level 9 in this meta is way too good, that's why Double Down is fucking broken.
[05:58:55] Oh my god, like the board is not bad, like it's for sure not bad.
[05:59:01] It's just I don't have a single fucking, what's his name?
[05:59:06] I don't have a single upgrade after 70 gold!
[05:59:13] I mean karma, like it's karma is not a real, I need to fucking call this console something else.
[05:59:33] What do I even call it? Chrono plus 7?
[05:59:39] I know because Chrono is karma as a Chrono, man, fuck.
[05:59:49] It's just Zillian karma plus 7. That's what it is, but it's...
[05:59:54] Frontline trash.
[05:59:56] Plus Chrono.
[06:00:23] It's Shivmuralo. Like, there's no way the build's...
[06:00:26] The best Delta... Oh, it's playing Jool.
[06:00:30] Like, just look at her base.
[06:00:31] Just look at all of the negative Delta. Look at this piece of trash.
[06:00:34] Do you think your carry, having SHIV red is an actual carry? No, man.
[06:00:37] It's because this unit is just sitting in the back giving your entire team chrono
[06:00:40] and giving your entire team fucking anti-heal and anti-MR 4-3
[06:00:44] on top of like a good amount of DPS.
[06:00:46] Like it's SHIV red, SHIV rellow, like it doesn't even, like bro,
[06:00:48] you don't even need a fucking mana item. Who the fuck cares?
[06:00:52] It's like who cares?
[06:00:54] SHIV? You attack four times? Oh, anti-MR, GG's.
[06:00:57] And then red buff, one cast? Oh, anti-heal the rock on.
[06:01:00] Anti-Other Fiora, Anti-Other Karma, like, or like whatever, like, I mean sure if you can get blue buff, like it's not, I mean it's not bad, like, it's like, how can a mana item be bad on Karma, it can't be.
[06:01:11] But like, bro, like, just, like, what, what fucking houses you're carrying? Like, this is supposed to be a real two-star, like, who the fuck cares, like, I two-star my utility unit.
[06:01:21] Nami like you're playing Nami support in League and your Nami support just got five plates
[06:01:26] And your ADC is just sitting there doing nothing
[06:01:29] You lost like is that game actually my fault?
[06:01:57] Seriously 70 gold I upgraded a fucking karma
[06:02:10] That's it. I held everything I held every side
[06:02:14] Up to fucking karma like where are the where are the fucking non-hate watchers like how come everyone's like
[06:02:39] How come there's no one like saying like wow that was an impressive game sucks that you hit nothing?
[06:02:45] Anyone?
[06:02:46] Well, that was an impressive game sucks that you hit nothing
[06:03:25] Well, thanks, buddy
[06:03:27] What were my three champions that I got? I think it was Seraphine, Soraka, and Warwick
[06:03:51] the triple trash
[06:03:54] They had the audacity to give me the triple trash. All right, honestly Soraka's not even that bad
[06:04:06] Given that I got a Shogun I will allow it then
[06:04:14] I didn't hold an Elise
[06:04:17] And then it and then it gave me a lease pair and nothing else
[06:04:23] Jax this unit is the the premium trash
[06:04:27] That is that guy does not do anything. Oh, you are good to be a foe. Oh
[06:04:54] I don't think I'm price-fighting anything here. My board is not the best unless there's people just full open
[06:05:03] I mean, I'm not I'm not taking this. I'm not thinking that
[06:05:06] I mean, Slammon is fine, but Pricefighter... I mean, I'm just gonna take Slammon.
[06:05:10] I guess my board is not that good.
[06:05:13] Poppy, Lilia, TRBF, Bow, TRBF, Bow, BF.
[06:05:20] If I go Shoujin, play around, and I can just watch everything.
[06:05:23] Okay, I will do that then.
[06:05:26] Nonsi.
[06:05:32] Does this grief slammon?
[06:05:34] I'm too scared.
[06:05:48] Soraka, Shyvana.
[06:05:57] Lillia paired, Poppy paired, like, sure that I kill one unit here, yeah?
[06:06:03] It just... no?
[06:06:05] Oh. Okay.
[06:06:10] Alright. I'm not making Econ because I'm sitting on 30 pairs!
[06:06:17] I mean, I'm kind of down to just commit off of this line.
[06:06:51] And I don't really care about Lillia, too. That's not even true.
[06:07:00] Like, I mean, I'm making Econ for sure. There's no one that I'm making 10.
[06:07:04] Like, oh my god!
[06:07:08] Alright, watch this. Elise?
[06:07:10] And I don't know what else I sold at least Iraq a seraphine. I mean seraphine is not a real upgrade, so it's it's not
[06:07:30] It's fine
[06:07:32] all right, also
[06:07:36] What am I even playing this game and see I have shoujin
[06:07:41] This is blaster plus one into Varus this guy's pyro into Varus
[06:07:47] Shiv into karma
[06:07:49] Porto into rise he pocket to karma
[06:07:52] Shiv into karma
[06:07:54] Open for bow into Kalista probably should I just play Kalista?
[06:08:30] Vagar, Vagar open
[06:08:32] Like if he goes bow he's Kalista for sure. He's gargoyle. Yeah, he is he's gargoyle
[06:08:37] I mean, I'm pretty sure I just I could test close like this guy is rise karma for sure karma for sure karma for sure
[06:08:51] Varus Varus
[06:08:52] So two Varus for karma to Kalista or early. I think it's three karma
[06:08:58] It's three karma, two varus, one rise. Bro, like surely I don't miss again here.
[06:09:06] Holy fuck. I mean I'm down to just commit. I mean whatever, I'll just make 20 this turn.
[06:09:34] This is insane. I don't even know how. I don't even know how it's possible.
[06:09:41] I don't even know how it's possible to miss everything for five turns in a row.
[06:09:51] wrote I'm sitting on like it probably I Lillia to that's it I mean it's fine I
[06:10:23] just commit to this side what the work or blitz 3 is he playing season he's
[06:10:42] blitz 3 honestly it's not that good he's stuck on he's stuck on what's a
[06:11:03] one okay well this is I don't know the upgrades come through the upgrades come
[06:11:19] through as soon as I as soon as I get into neutrals yeah yeah yeah yeah okay
[06:11:30] that's okay Olaf and Fiora am I just giving back to am I just pivoting back
[06:11:58] to Karma I have a true giga with karma with a fucking ginsu it's fine it's
[06:12:43] It's not even that bad. Okay, doesn't this just tell you that karma is not karma?
[06:12:54] I have ginsu, I have ginsu shoujin BT with a rod and I call it karma. It's not actually karma man.
[06:13:02] It's just it's just karma zillion plus seven a spark bro. This ionic spark a high voltage
[06:13:19] I think I'd rather FF than go high voltage. I doesn't do anything. I mean, I don't want to to fucking healthy little buddies
[06:13:25] I mean, I can just play honestly. I can just play twitch for the rest of my game
[06:13:28] I already have two non little as it's actually giga premium here
[06:13:32] Martar Martar
[06:13:34] Because I can just end the game with ginsu BT Olaf with the twitch
[06:13:40] I already have fiora as well, and then I can just play not sure but
[06:13:45] It's pretty acceptable
[06:14:05] Honestly poppy lillia fast nine
[06:15:01] little buddies
[06:15:03] little buddies
[06:15:06] I have ginsu BT
[06:15:08] are you karma or rise what the fuck does that even mean wait what I mean you
[06:15:18] buy both this guy's a fucking bramble great I'll make now I should just go
[06:16:13] tear here I feel like crown guard is not that value and then I have open
[06:16:19] tear rod to play around I just I just I agree with my game and now mate
[06:16:25] which is actually good though but it like the reason it was good is because
[06:16:31] I could make crown guard but like but like I mean it's also good on Olaf but like I feel like
[06:16:36] nah like I mean I'm not making fucking no crown guard and then I have to remake and then
[06:16:41] I agree with my game now mate okay I'm bucked yeah I'm bucked bro this little buddy's Olaf
[06:17:14] is a straight stage three demon uh chrono plus Olaf is good I mean I can play warrior and anti-heal
[06:17:59] There's... there's... bro this Olaf needs a raise. I'm serious. I didn't expect him to
[06:18:23] fight with me this stage. What the fuck? It's a fight with this stage. Rock on. Oh my...
[06:19:06] okay it's fine I'm gonna hit this time. I'm gonna hit this time. Not Zerat, not Zerat.
[06:19:14] Comeo, Fiora. I mean I'm gonna have to use one of them. And I... it's almost always
[06:19:41] morillo but at the same time here like I'd rather just go no it's always
[06:19:45] morillo I don't move her eventually oh fuck I need a like I'll use one of them
[06:19:59] I could have won this round I'm throwing I mean Fiora I might even playing Fiora
[06:20:08] plus a thing anymore I mean swain this Nacis make make three frost to hunter to
[06:20:15] bastion to witch support golem combat bandages teaming up potions 201 support
[06:20:22] Aulam, Ari after two seconds, stun, Banshee's veil.
[06:20:41] I mean, I have Remover.
[06:20:45] I have Poppy Lily on my board for Little Buddies.
[06:20:47] This is just a dead unit now, Karma.
[06:20:50] I mean, I can go Ari for, that doesn't do anything.
[06:20:58] This is just a Fiora 2, it's Fiora 2.
[06:21:01] Let me Shoujin, and then I'll Remover eventually.
[06:21:09] Honestly, isn't Olaf actually premium here?
[06:21:15] I got, nice, this guy just got this, by the way, great.
[06:21:20] and he is raiding IE
[06:21:25] if it has banshee spell with ginsu, that's like gaga premium
[06:21:35] i mean, either way, i just go 10, i have one more golden eco
[06:21:38] i just use this piece of trash, i know my board is trash
[06:21:40] i have a fucking poppy and a lily on my board
[06:21:42] i understand it is trash
[06:21:44] however
[06:21:48] if i end the game
[06:21:50] with poppy and lily on my board, i will quit
[06:21:52] what the fuck
[06:21:54] i mean, it doesn't do anything
[06:22:02] i feel like fiora is not even bad
[06:22:14] i mean, i'm pretty sure that's better though
[06:22:19] I'm just gonna stop this now. I'm never playing for you open the spot.
[06:22:23] If anything, I mean I definitely want to play towards RETK.
[06:22:28] I mean Twitch Zilean, I want to get rid of Olaf eventually as well. It's just Olaf or Briar.
[06:22:42] I just got dumped by Bryce. He has like everything.
[06:22:53] RE? I need TK as my frontline or I'm fucked.
[06:22:57] Like Preservers are at.
[06:22:59] Briar, duo, RE for a little buddy for sure. Two little buddies is more than enough.
[06:23:10] Tier, Chain, Shiv is way too good, Chain, okay, I mean Shogen Shiv is fine, and then
[06:23:26] Morello on Karma is fine, yeah whatever fuck it, Kintsu, Kintsu, Kintsu, Karma this game,
[06:23:34] it's not even bad.
[06:23:36] GG, Hecarim, Ari, Diana, Morello, Karma, Shogen, Shiv, plus one, hopefully I get
[06:23:45] full full rabbitons yeah one roll for charm you trash then that's pretty good
[06:23:53] oh my board is some hot garbage I can even play Casio Pia for little buddy so
[06:24:12] then I'd be my little buddies would be zillion Ari Casio Pia karma zillion
[06:24:19] Ari Casio Pia karma probably TK Morgana
[06:24:35] I see up here Zilean, Ari, TK, Zarath, Diana, Morgana, not this piece of shit.
[06:25:02] Okay hold on Ashley, is Galeo put something better than something plus
[06:25:08] something? My friend like is Poppy and Lillia. I mean it's fine 58, that's
[06:25:29] pretty good. That's pretty good I'd say. Holy shit, I got strength dumpster, that's fine.
[06:25:38] I was playing Bardo, nope. Little buddy. Little buddy. Yorra. Yorra. A bow. A chain. Morgana. GG's.
[06:27:07] I don't want an eco because I still have infinite gold. And then I have bow chain. I'm automatic
[06:27:15] components. Oh that can't be good. Also I have Gensu, BT, I'm in seconds for sure.
[06:27:22] Okay, died. Yeah, whatever fuck it. I won the game for sure. I'm Tony gold. I'm Morgana paired one briar. I
[06:27:36] Won the game guaranteed. I have one little buddy, but that's fine
[06:27:41] I just go Ari and then I'll fix I'll go for Xerath items on Karasol and I won the game
[06:27:49] I mean you can't hit there. I just are you can't miss everything. I mean Diana is pretty fucking good as well
[06:28:01] For fuck this unit man. I mean it has no I mean I should also be front lining my my thing for sure now
[06:28:26] I'm three arcana with nothing. I mean I want to play Diana for sure.
[06:28:32] The karma is beyond useless as well, the Morgana.
[06:28:44] It's fine, last loss, last loss.
[06:28:47] Oh fuck, I have to feed though. I mean I can't operate this, this one says.
[06:28:50] Am I even playing Diana after this game?
[06:28:52] I mean they're both one star trash. Shoujin.
[06:29:05] Bo-Rod. My items aren't even bad.
[06:29:14] This just needs to be front lined.
[06:29:17] Yeah I'm feeding, I don't go fuck.
[06:29:22] Wasting Niko. Diana. Two. Nasus.
[06:29:24] two little buddies I have a zero item we're gonna do I was banshee's bill on
[06:29:57] on bryor actually fucks though like it like it's actually good it's just like
[06:30:02] I I am kind of dying yeah is there a full gig item I mean I don't want GS or
[06:30:10] shoujin you take it I need to run through and get this BT like these
[06:30:21] items are all fucking shit like I could go Gumbly that's it no thank you
[06:30:24] Like I'll just go BT or gone of them. I have two little bites. That's it to I
[06:30:30] Mean my board is not even bad like it looks good. It is good
[06:30:33] Eight charms bought I'm sure that surely I don't lose the portal plus one. I'm gonna just buy it again. Oh
[06:32:11] Monka he's six blaster blasters are at three item
[06:32:15] Showed you an IE
[06:32:17] I mean surely this can't kill my briar instantly, right? Oh, yeah, you trashed them
[06:32:26] I know board is pretty good two little buddies is more than enough
[06:32:32] and it just helps me get here like okay listen you can argue that the little
[06:32:38] buddy's value is not there and you're correct it's not there but you know how
[06:32:42] I got you know how I got to Morgana to Zara to a prior to I had a poppy and a
[06:32:49] fucking lilya on my board a poppy and a fucking lilya it's a fast time I mean
[06:32:57] the little buddy's already got more than enough value agreed where is this oh
[06:33:14] I just bro it's okay these times aren't even that bad like I got it's not even that bad agreed
[06:33:46] I'm not being my front line. I don't know what my item set is done you trash them
[06:33:50] I didn't feed I didn't feed I didn't feed please don't be a feed that please don't be a feed that oh
[06:34:10] Oh my god. Thank you. Thank you mort. I
[06:34:13] Mean already to like whatever sign no more upgrades actually that's not true because I can I can
[06:34:17] Charm isn't upgrade
[06:34:21] Your little fucking spirit you trash
[06:34:39] RFC. Oh my god
[06:34:41] I only have one remover. Oh my god. Oh my god. I mean it's not even bad actually. I have a I have
[06:35:00] Banjie's veil so the task feed is actually like it's actual task feed. I mean this starting middle
[06:35:46] is actually probably fine always. GG! I did it Banjie's veil! My my my Morgana! Oh help help!
[06:35:57] Oh and it's also gonna get stunned here. Help help! Oh actually one cast? Okay that's good enough.
[06:36:06] Yeah, whatever.
[06:36:07] So you bait him into spending money on a charm and then you hit him with a tower, except
[06:36:16] he didn't even spend money on a charm.
[06:36:34] Is TG even good?
[06:36:36] Yeah.
[06:36:37] I mean, TG's a TG.
[06:36:39] That's pretty good.
[06:36:40] He's just got a spat.
[06:36:41] What does that do for him?
[06:36:42] Uh, Eldritch?
[06:36:43] Or I don't know.
[06:36:44] Probably a unit.
[06:36:45] Uh, it's acceptable.
[06:36:50] I'm too scared.
[06:36:51] Uh, Gargoyle, set fast.
[06:36:55] It's fine.
[06:36:56] Unless...
[06:37:00] Nah, fuck this unit.
[06:37:01] Fuckin' work with us.
[06:37:35] Oh, okay.
[06:37:37] just another first then GG not really oh wait wait oh no it's the way he said oh
[06:37:45] wait one two yeah I just remembered this game it's so fucking unreasonable how
[06:38:23] can I roll 40 gold never mind I need to go I'm gonna get here back fuck this game
[06:38:28] I instead of bitching I'm just gonna get up and just go get something to drink
[06:38:31] this game is just know that I get how is that I see me my fault it's not man
[06:38:35] It's not fuck this game. You're right. Also, um
[06:39:11] That uh, what's it called in that galaxy or not galaxy with banshee's veil
[06:39:21] Is it ginsu titans bt briar like true gigabiz?
[06:39:42] bitch win win bitch win lose
[06:39:45] Who am I k3 soju?
[06:40:26] Karma
[06:40:28] zillion plus seven
[06:40:30] This comp you just you just try to play like the strongest early mid game that you can
[06:40:47] And you're just trying to scam you're just trying to scam as much econ as you can on level eight
[06:40:52] Like if you're in a spot
[06:40:55] You're just trying to make the strongest board that you can while being while not using that much money on on level eight
[06:41:03] But obviously some games you just have to go true fucking zero and it just sit there and press D for the same fucking like the
[06:41:08] same garbage and
[06:41:11] Then you go nine and then you find the juicers. It's Diana Morgana and Briar
[06:41:16] and yours win for free but Fiora Gwen holds the items for Diana, Briar and
[06:41:27] and what's it called and I don't think I don't even think Fiora Gwen is even bad
[06:41:32] like it's probably I'm gonna say it's like a four point honestly it's probably
[06:41:38] the stats are probably gonna say it's not that good because like Karma what is it
[06:41:43] Fiora Gwen like four point like low four probably four point three like that's
[06:41:47] fake like it's good it's just that like this is not the moment you start
[06:41:52] excluding oh it's always zillion but the moment you like 4.3 but then like it
[06:42:02] no but like why don't I just take out fewer when and just play fucking like
[06:42:06] okay let's say Fiora has like BT sterax and that's with Briar and then let's
[06:42:11] say I have Gwen items are like fucking BT Diana Gigi I mean 3.6 that's pretty
[06:42:20] good and then you a two star two star oh okay gg then yeah fuck let's just put
[06:42:29] carl one yeah fuck it okay honestly how the fucking you have carm how can you
[06:42:33] have brighter two Diana two with carl one how's that even possible yeah I got
[06:42:37] I mean I'll put three in apartment though because it's the karma like gets
[06:42:43] you to the they yeah hey hey see look I mean it went it went down so it is
[06:42:54] karma. This chrono shit is fucking broken. It's whole board 20% heal. Is that not broken?
[06:43:25] If that's not the unit roll of 4-1, you want to roll and evaluate whether you're in a spot
[06:43:30] to win the game. Sometimes you just stuck 0 for the entire fucking stage. But the moment
[06:43:41] you upgrade like one key thing that's holding your items, you probably don't need to roll.
[06:43:45] You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you don't have to win every round on stage 4 if you're
[06:43:51] healthy because if you can go 9 and cap around the actual units then you went out, but econ,
[06:43:57] like econ augments right now are just, they're actually so fucking broken man, I don't like
[06:44:02] you literally can never go 9 without an econ augment. If you don't have an econ augment
[06:44:05] the earliest you're 9 is 6-1, but if you have econ augment you have infinite gold to
[06:44:09] roll 4-2 and then you can still 9 on 5-2. Alright let me see fast 9 game, I literally
[06:44:16] fast 9 last game. I rolled like what, like 30 gold and then I just 9 on 5-2 or
[06:44:29] or 5-1 or whatever it was.
[06:44:32] Yeah.
[06:44:33] I mean, one chain vest is not even bad.
[06:44:52] Okay, I mean, I guess it's not that bad.
[06:45:06] What are these shops? I don't even know what side I'm supposed to hold.
[06:45:58] I don't really want patient study
[06:46:01] when this is my opener.
[06:46:03] What am I patient studying?
[06:46:08] I have to take category fucking 5.
[06:46:11] Oh?
[06:46:12] Okay, at least I got that.
[06:46:17] Okay, I'm probably just playing category 5 into Varus.
[06:46:31] I mean, it's my best opener. It's not bad.
[06:46:33] I'll allow this. If I find the infinite Jinx, I'll allow Jinx.
[06:46:52] My game plan is to just play like Strongest Born into Varus, but shivin' it.
[06:47:33] Oh my fucking hell, what is this guy's board?
[06:47:35] I fucking pray I'm not fighting that guy.
[06:47:38] If I fight that guy, I'm gonna be upset.
[06:47:48] I mean, do I even beat this guy?
[06:47:50] Crown Guard, Guard Goyle, the Giga Crown Guard with the Golem.
[06:47:55] And I'm just loading in with actually I'm actually kind of killing the zash
[06:47:58] Wait Jace gains more ad when he transforms to this. Oh wait. Oh, I know he doesn't oh, it's just oh, sorry
[06:48:11] It's a I think I think it's just items. It's the Brutans and BS are just giving ad. Okay, my bad
[06:48:17] All right, my Jace actually shit on him. Honestly. Can you play Calista with category five?
[06:48:53] It's probably not even bad. It's it's probably a decent amount of DPS anyway
[06:48:57] Shoujin, i.e. probably Verus, Verus, i.e. the thing. Bro am I stuck playing Jinx this game?
[06:49:17] The entire lobby looks like they're playing Verus. They got one shot. And I didn't even streak.
[06:49:44] I am not trying to play Jinx. These guys, what Frost Pyro? He's probably playing Verus.
[06:49:50] Varus? Varus? I mean I'm going Rudan's DV for sure. The interaction is just 2-0-B.
[06:50:06] I think I might play Kalista? I might play Kalista with no frost without a
[06:50:16] without fairy. Okay I will do that then. It doesn't it doesn't even it doesn't
[06:50:25] even sound bad it actually sounds pretty good. Gintsu, Rudan's DV and then
[06:50:32] you're not you don't have to play the trash you just play Hecarim, Camille,
[06:50:36] Kalista plus 7 or plus 6 or plus 5 and then plus plus 7 at 9 or plus 6 at 9 or
[06:50:47] plus 5 at 8 but I didn't even buy this I mean I all for sure get value
[06:50:58] mister now but not buying this run is a problem because now a post 3 when I
[06:51:05] won't get it from I don't get it what the fuck why is this board so upgrade
[06:52:08] I'm getting kind of scared.
[06:52:16] I just, I am just in disbelief.
[06:52:21] I am in disbelief.
[06:52:24] Wow, wow.
[06:52:29] How the fuck, who the fuck, how can my,
[06:52:33] I'm losing?
[06:52:34] Every round?
[06:52:45] Shoujin, IE, Collector, Archangel.
[06:52:50] This guy's Callisto for sure.
[06:52:53] Varus, Varus, the entire lobby's Varus.
[06:52:59] Way, way.
[06:53:02] Rod, half ginsu.
[06:53:04] These two are stronger.
[06:53:39] I don't even know why I'm even looking for frost odds.
[06:53:42] I mean, it's not bad.
[06:53:43] Frost Runes DB.
[06:53:51] I just gave him the highest value Ezrault I've ever seen.
[06:53:57] Nevermind, it's fine.
[06:53:58] Is it fine?
[06:54:02] It's not fine.
[06:54:02] It's not fine.
[06:54:05] It's not fine.
[06:54:08] Tier Rod, okay.
[06:54:09] I need Hunter plus one.
[06:54:14] I need Hunter plus one or I need,
[06:54:18] I don't even know what.
[06:54:20] You have my bow for against you.
[06:54:22] Dorn plated armor for Shoujin, is that even good on,
[06:54:35] and I just commit to fucking Jinx Wukong?
[06:54:38] Bro, that sounds like a fucking I'm going eight.
[06:54:42] You have my bow to finish the bow?
[06:54:45] Oh, 100 plus one.
[06:54:47] Okay, so maybe I'm not eight, or am I still eight?
[06:54:55] Every mistake is a lesson.
[06:55:25] Okay, I have a question.
[06:55:34] With this econ, I think no matter what I do,
[06:55:47] I'm going eight. I think I mean I can't I can't roll for Jinx three because I'm too poor and I can't go for level eight
[06:55:56] Because I'm too poor. I guess I'm not that poor, but I'm pretty poor
[06:56:03] Like I mean I have zero Jinx if I roll I jinx two is not even stable
[06:56:07] I need like I need to be up 50 gold to guarantee a jinx three by five one
[06:56:12] Okay, I probably just go level eight and just pray I fucking hit just try to find Hunter on some piece of garbage
[06:56:18] call it a day I
[06:56:20] I don't even know why I tiered that but I mean
[06:56:42] It's probably
[06:56:43] pretty stable
[06:56:45] Who's the best hunter friar?
[06:56:47] If you if you don't hit briar is there someone else that I can I can I can play or is there just no briar on me?
[06:56:55] I was about to say there's no fucking way like I okay. I'm actually back. I just got a fucking Olaf
[06:57:25] Okay, and then I find this and watch this jinx GGs protectors vow
[06:57:49] I mean, what else does tier do?
[06:57:51] I mean, I need one frontliner.
[06:57:56] I mean, honestly, I don't even mind putting items on Olaf. My Olaf items are so fucking doomed.
[06:58:11] Oh, my!
[06:58:14] I'm back! Bro, I'm actually back! Holy fuck! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
[06:58:22] Like, these, like, this Olaf makes it so my board isn't gonna be complete shit for three rounds.
[06:58:27] So I'm not just starting the game with 40 HP. I might start the game with 60 HP.
[06:58:31] So now, instead of going dead last, I might go 6th.
[06:58:34] Like, that's pretty fucking good. A 6th place.
[06:58:36] I will allow it.
[06:58:55] Uh, it's 500 plus 3.
[06:58:57] 500 plus 3.
[06:59:08] Uh, I think Shyamana can easily just be Final Board.
[06:59:10] I just need to- I just need to find a way so my frontline doesn't die in 2 milliseconds, and I'm back.
[06:59:23] Like, I have the damage, it's just I don't have the fucking-
[06:59:26] Like, my- my frontline right now is a fucking warwick.
[06:59:33] Just upgrade anything, man. I'll take anything. I'll brawl, even take Tomkentra, no synergy.
[06:59:36] Please just any I'll probably even take tariff man like it is
[06:59:43] Okay G G G G
[06:59:53] G a full oh
[07:00:12] Wait, it's not even that good. I forgot a remover. Oh fuck. I mean honestly. It's this dude, too
[07:00:30] I mean red buff like it's good, but like
[07:00:34] Do I even like bow that much? Oh?
[07:00:45] my oh my god
[07:01:01] Oh
[07:01:02] My this guy's going to class on anything. Oh
[07:01:10] I'm down to this level for any stupid ass frost and just call it a day man
[07:01:27] Honestly, my items are so bad. Fuck it. What the forge?
[07:01:33] They're not even that bad. I presented us. They're actually good. I mean, I don't want this shit. I don't want that shit
[07:01:40] Okay, what the fortune is then I
[07:01:56] I'm pretty sure this doesn't even work on on the dude
[07:02:02] parlor's claw
[07:02:04] Trickster's glass. I mean, this doesn't even work on this because I think it just jumps away like a fucking idiot
[07:02:21] Yeah, whatever, and then I'll just Ludin's like mom's II
[07:02:25] Can I put two of these? I'll just put trickster's glass. Actually, it's fine. I think I think I just got weaker
[07:02:38] I think I just got weaker. Hello
[07:02:52] Okay, honestly, isn't it a remover of this I could probably like I don't I don't like this trench coat item on on
[07:02:58] Briar I did the second cast is never gonna happen. Yeah, or Nate
[07:03:02] But I do like Hunter plus one plus special cutlass
[07:03:20] Okay, I just put it in the dead middle, but yeah, I should put it again. You just get it aggroed
[07:03:24] So you just put it down bottom right and it just goes here
[07:03:28] deal
[07:03:38] Where did my board go?
[07:03:39] Bro come on nomsy. What the fuck are you doing man?
[07:03:47] It's fine. I'm scaling
[07:04:00] Smolder I can go smolder for three dragon is I mean nomsy with that. It's not even that bad
[07:04:05] okay it's gone then I mean it doesn't really matter what I go honestly I might
[07:04:18] just go swing just for the swing again I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna play
[07:04:20] random ass swing too on my board. Shills have 50% of their value converted.
[07:04:32] Mass health instead Olaf. Honestly it's fine. I mean I'm Olaf paired you can't miss.
[07:04:46] Yeah whatever I'm just gonna feed put it down here. I'll even play a random
[07:05:07] ass fucking TK2 frontline it's not even bad actually this should probably
[07:05:17] just jump together. I mean nasus 2 is nasus 2 that's all I know. I mean dragon
[07:05:42] for anti heal is actually good though bro fuck frost okay I mean frost is not
[07:05:46] even bad man bro fuck dragon no is this actually good I mean probably bro fuck
[07:06:04] frost like it's fucking a fucking twitch man I just realized I'm gonna
[07:06:09] give her 40s again. I can give up on this I mean this has various one I mean
[07:06:34] I mean this Olaf is about to fuck, like this suspicious trench coat Olaf is so fucking good.
[07:06:38] No capa.
[07:06:39] And then let me scout how many, let me scout how many Olas are gone.
[07:06:47] Yeah whatever, I'm gonna just keep feeding who cares.
[07:06:49] I didn't really scout but probably zero on us.
[07:07:07] And Olaf too is probably really good for winning the game.
[07:07:20] Blighting jewel.
[07:07:21] Great.
[07:07:22] Yeah whatever, fuck it.
[07:07:57] Okay.
[07:08:15] You know, you don't mind Olaf did this much damage without this even crocking.
[07:08:19] Like once his process is actually over, for dumb.
[07:08:21] I mean 9 for 4 shape is kind of good and it's also 3 for us
[07:08:30] To suspicious trench coats. I mean that's that's really good. I don't know if that that counts. So I'm too scared
[07:08:40] I have HP on I mean, it's not even bad
[07:08:51] I'm okay with just committing to being one life. I don't fucking care
[07:08:54] This guy's a Zoggy is on that side. I think I swapped
[07:09:06] It doesn't even like oh wait. Oh it does
[07:09:09] It's that it's it's like full boxed
[07:09:12] By my briar just died instantly
[07:09:15] I think I'm one life. I'm guaranteed one life. I'm eight. Also my treasure chest died last millisecond.
[07:09:22] I am eight. I'm eight. I'm actually guaranteed eight. My Briar just died instantly. Also this guy probably won out. He's there at two.
[07:09:32] Yeah, whatever. And it's Manner Reaved. I think I need to get this all off the split ASAP.
[07:10:48] Like maybe I move...
[07:10:52] Okay, watch this.
[07:11:17] Whatever, highest gold is highest gold. GG's.
[07:11:19] Whatever, HP is HP. And yeah, GG's in.
[07:11:36] Yeah, GG's in. You trash.
[07:11:38] Oh, I forgot to feed. Oops.
[07:12:03] It's fine. If it's a feed dip, I do whatever.
[07:12:11] Oh, it's still alive. What the fuck?
[07:12:31] Oh, okay. Top whatever. That's pretty good then.
[07:12:34] Okay, if this guy's 1 HP, permission to not feed.
[07:12:38] Permission to not feed.
[07:12:40] Because, like, I mean, if this guy dies, then, okay, I'm feeding for sure because if I'm dead, I'm dead.
[07:13:23] My briar is dead. I think my briar is dead.
[07:13:26] Oh wait, this guy looks like he's getting fucking dumpstered, though.
[07:13:32] Minus 51. How do you even mistype that?
[07:13:56] Oh, oh, oh. Okay.
[07:13:58] I think the problem with this briar jumping in the corner is it always ults away.
[07:14:18] And unless I, like, backline, I go bottom right relative to...
[07:14:28] That doesn't even work. What the fuck am I doing?
[07:14:33] I mean RC Olaf is kind of good, like really good. Bro, fuck the trickster's glass.
[07:14:44] I have one more roll. Okay. I did it trickster's glass. I did it trickster's glass. Oh fuck, that's not good. Hello?
[07:15:04] Okay, I think I'm dead as fuck.
[07:15:09] Oh wait.
[07:15:25] Negative 17.
[07:15:27] I don't even know it was possible to be negative 17.
[07:15:30] My, I got golden quested on man. Like, I have a question. I have a question.
[07:15:40] I have a question.
[07:15:42] Does anyone know how how does golden quest on Zerath give Azonias?
[07:15:47] It gives a Zonia's Archangel. There's no, okay. I don't know if Azonia is true this but I know for sure
[07:15:55] Archangel is true this like there's no way Archangel one cast on Zerath. You don't even need a mana item like watch this Zerath
[07:16:03] Three items items like like look at the build look. Oh, let me like craftable craftable
[07:16:09] Robinons, Robinons, JG, like arc arc, I mean adaptive, adaptive, arc arc arc arc arc arc arc arc arc arc arc all over the place, yes?
[07:16:19] And then it just gives you a Zonia so you're just sitting there in the corner just immune to everyone just one-bullying the entire board?
[07:16:56] I mean honestly, I'll allow it.
[07:16:59] Bro I'm pretty sure 100 plus one is like, is like a new level of fucking mid.
[07:17:03] Like it's actual just giggle mid.
[07:17:05] The only reason I got away with it this game is because I had fucking little buddies.
[07:17:09] And if you saw my spot on 3-2, I got bailed out this game so fucking hard.
[07:17:14] Bro Olaf on Carousel, Briar on 7.
[07:17:17] Oh my god, like I'm pretty sure if anyone saw my spot on 3-2, I'm straight up playing
[07:17:24] for a 7th at best.
[07:17:25] I got a new level of bailed out.
[07:17:34] But it's not even my fault.
[07:17:36] On 2-1?
[07:17:37] Like am I supposed to take- like with that open?
[07:17:40] Opener, I just take, honestly, I just take patient study.
[07:17:45] Bro, patient study, it doesn't even sound good, man.
[07:17:54] Why did you take, what the forgery are your gold augment?
[07:17:56] Because my gold augment is gonna be on a fucking Nomsie
[07:17:59] or Jinx at best anyway, like who the fuck cares?
[07:18:09] My items on Olaf was a fucking gargoyle,
[07:18:11] and my items on Briar was a Protector's Vow,
[07:18:15] Hunter's Starax.
[07:18:16] I'm throwing away one item, which is the Starax.
[07:19:07] Spectral Cutlass.
[07:19:33] Like, be honest, this game, my fault.
[07:19:40] This one?
[07:19:45] Like I don't get it.
[07:19:50] 70 gold upgrading karma?
[07:19:52] Like bro it's just unreasonable.
[07:19:56] I'm actually back.
[07:19:57] Like bro it's so fucking easy to climb these players are terrible.
[07:20:01] I'm dropping the fattest nuke today.
[07:20:12] Like my scores should easily be in the twos right now.
[07:20:14] It's just that these bop4s are just unreasonable.
[07:20:26] The good players are sleeping right now.
[07:20:27] You're right Casper.
[07:20:43] I am awake though, quest remark.
[07:20:46] Yeah so is Casper, it's all good.
[07:20:55] Did I do worlds pick-ups?
[07:20:56] How do I do world's pickups worlds pickups?
[07:21:02] Log in let me see if I can do can you still do them get started. I'm ready to make my picks
[07:21:14] What do you do I don't get it you just that's it you just choose your you just choose the eight that make it out
[07:21:33] okay
[07:21:34] on a life Gen G BLG
[07:21:39] LNG is is
[07:21:52] Who is a who's on wabo gaming?
[07:21:55] WBG
[07:21:58] Weibo Gaming League of Legends. Are these guys good? Weibo. Tarzan, Light,
[07:22:10] Shahu, Crisp, Breathe. Who's Breathe? Is that guy good? Are these guys good? What's
[07:22:27] TES? TES League of Legends. Is this was this 369th team or like is he still on
[07:22:33] that team? Oh he is. Oh yeah okay yeah GG's done. Bro that guy is a fucking like
[07:22:38] a straight up giga demon. Okay, now what? Plus two? I don't really, I don't really watch
[07:22:51] League anymore. DK, is DK good? Or this showmaker guy, I was watching LCK like a month ago, probably.
[07:23:10] He W's over the wall, he's giga safe, they're like disengaging and he just flashes in
[07:23:15] place. And then, and then the moment T1 sees that he flashes in place, he like
[07:23:20] Like, fucking Zezters instantly rubble ult and he's fucked!
[07:23:23] But like, there's no, like, there were disengages and they were like, oh yeah, he's safe.
[07:23:27] But then he just flashes in place, like it's just...
[07:23:29] For what?
[07:23:33] Like, it's something like, I really, I can't, like a nan, I'm down for these Zezters, I don't even know...
[07:23:39] Plus two.
[07:23:46] Meta is good for him now.
[07:23:47] Okay, GG's then.
[07:23:52] PNG is good.
[07:23:56] Really?
[07:23:58] Are you sure?
[07:24:01] You're gonna take PNG over Weibo?
[07:24:04] Bro, like, you can't just fucking go all the LPL teams and all the LCK teams.
[07:24:10] Yeah, fuck it!
[07:24:11] I don't even... Who's on G2? Is G2 the best right now or is it...
[07:24:14] Or is it Fanatic?
[07:24:18] I don't even know who's on whose team anymore.
[07:24:21] Yeah, fuck it, continue. GG's then.
[07:24:24] Choose one team to finish this undefeated 3-0.
[07:24:29] Do you get points for choosing...
[07:24:31] For choosing a team that's, like, less chosen?
[07:24:34] Because can't multiple teams be 3-0?
[07:24:46] Only two.
[07:24:47] So I only have to choose one?
[07:24:48] Okay, GG's then. That's it. Okay, whatever. I might just be opening the team. I'm not gonna lie.
[07:26:01] I mean, I don't really want to... Do you think my board can kill units?
[07:26:40] Scholar plus one, Beast friend, Slammin' with Shogun. This thing, I'm not sure yet.
[07:26:46] Crongaard. Okay. I mean, I'm saving HP and I guess I can play anything.
[07:27:14] But uh, I'm pretty sure I really want to play Kalista from this spot.
[07:27:18] I mean, I'm not making no fucking Gargoyle, but...
[07:27:22] I'm sitting on Chain Cloak Belt and then I... ooh...
[07:27:26] Ooh... Kalista again?
[07:27:45] I think I've played Kalista once today.
[07:27:48] It's not even good. I don't even want to play Kalista.
[07:27:51] It's that my opener is... like, let's say I make even Shroudy.
[07:27:54] I'm gonna commit to Varus... with...
[07:27:57] I'm gonna commit to Varus with fucking with with even shot play around belt
[07:28:09] Or even shot play around chain again. No, man
[07:28:12] I'm not even bothered for forging either like also the entire lobby is playing some karma or Varus
[07:28:16] And I'm pretty sure there's no no calisthenics player and then like I mean just having just wait buddy
[07:28:20] Like gargoyle belt is trubus rock on I'm gonna see if I can get a I'm gonna see if I can get a
[07:28:24] A bow eventually and then I'm gonna just fucking load in with the the cheats. My board is
[07:28:53] So fucking trash. Oh, holy shit. You see that?
[07:29:13] Damn, I'm a fucking beast. I should have I should have opened the first round as well. And what is this I even playing?
[07:29:47] What is this guy playing?
[07:29:48] Great the bow is gone. I mean do I just go I mean I'm just gonna go three costs here and flex between
[07:30:04] And now I can flex between karma and rock on because I can just go gargoyle redemption
[07:30:12] But then I can also just keep the tier open. I'm not I'm not just going dead last
[07:30:17] Like this guy's Varus this guy's karma or rise mainly karma though. This guy's I didn't I have no fucking idea
[07:30:26] This guy's rise these friends karma
[07:30:30] Not sure
[07:30:36] Great, and I get this trash when when I'm playing what's it called and I'm fucked
[07:30:45] I wanted you on but it's okay
[07:30:47] Kog'Maw 2? 2? Bro I killed nothing again man. I mean I'm not even rich like I mean
[07:31:32] my spot is 3 cause champion scapegoat that gives 4 gold on top of me making
[07:31:38] 20, 30, 40 like I mean isn't this just standard like econ, econ into full open.
[07:31:44] I didn't full open but like I basically full opened and yeah watch this
[07:32:05] close to next shop. Can some fucker kill this guy? Thank you. Good job guys.
[07:32:22] Bro, missed the dude too.
[07:32:37] Yeah, like I mean I can hold Wukong and go for what's it called out, spin to win out.
[07:32:45] I do have Gargoyle, half something.
[07:32:55] And then I can just play Bard re-roll.
[07:32:56] I mean there's so many common players, like Preserver, Wukong and then a Glove.
[07:33:06] I mean I did get a bow but it's not that good man.
[07:33:30] I mean I want Blaster Odds for sure, which I have.
[07:33:33] I don't really want Preserver Odds.
[07:33:38] I don't know why I didn't use my Remover.
[07:33:53] Glacier and Frost Odds, okay.
[07:34:02] And then here I just,
[07:34:03] I'll know exactly what I'm playing after this round.
[07:34:06] G, G, this guy looks like he's playing Kalista.
[07:34:33] Little Buddies, I'm Kalista.
[07:35:24] I have a Lilia, a Tristana, not opening this trash.
[07:35:28] Do I have the Econ to 4-1 all in?
[07:35:30] I probably do, huh?
[07:35:32] And the Little Buddies is like relatively stable as well.
[07:35:40] I'm surprised I don't even kill in units.
[07:35:43] I don't have a single augment
[07:35:44] and I'm actually killing a lot.
[07:35:46] Wait, I think I- did I win?
[07:35:51] I won?
[07:35:52] Eh?
[07:35:53] I mean, I'm pretty sure I prefer to actually lose here.
[07:35:57] Like, I want to be first pick.
[07:35:58] Hunter.
[07:36:16] Plus one.
[07:36:17] Hunter.
[07:36:20] I mean, I'm pretty sure I lose to everyone.
[07:36:22] Like, I'm gonna get dumpstered.
[07:36:23] I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get dumpstered and I'm gonna get dumpstered.
[07:36:27] I mean, I lose.
[07:36:28] I'm not losing too gold.
[07:36:29] But I'm pretty sure I have the econ to 4-1.
[07:36:32] Does he have the econ to 4-1?
[07:36:33] Wait, he hit little buddies.
[07:36:35] The fuck is this?
[07:36:39] Yeah, rock on or close to my side and the game
[07:36:43] With a bow
[07:37:09] Callista or rock on my side with both G. Oh rock on with Jane. Okay you trash
[07:37:17] You trash
[07:37:18] G
[07:37:19] G
[07:37:25] He's got double ginsu so like in the thing is I only have one ginsu, but I mean I have a little buddy
[07:37:29] So it's like it's my items are way too good. I have I have ginsu plus
[07:37:33] plus yeah and I'm for sure wishing up to 5-1 yeah in fact I'll even upgrade the
[07:38:14] zillion this time I won this wow wow I'm not a thing also here's no econ
[07:38:55] augment and I actually have an econ augment like I'm about to just fucking
[07:38:57] send it wow I won for free then okay GGs you trash like bro the cameo in the
[07:39:29] zillion okay it's not even that good I have little buddies so like Jackson's
[07:39:32] not even that bad here but but I'm saying that the cameo are not the zillion
[07:39:35] the cameo in the the milio are so fucking important and the fact that I
[07:39:40] could just hit it for free like this that's crazy like it's spice report
[07:39:45] so hard to have like these units instead I got I got 30 over but I mean
[07:39:51] this is what I think I'll fake news GD's okay I go for against one carousel
[07:41:40] I've removed the GS he's double ginsu so this mirror matchup is kind of hard
[07:41:44] I mean this guy's board is he's double ginsu and I don't so I think I lost
[07:41:48] he's little buddies as well oh wait yeah you trash then I mean I'm just I'm just
[07:41:55] zero every fucking third he's not even close to paired I'm I'm hacker on
[07:41:58] which is a huge upgrade as well. Reinforcement is fucking beyond useless. Clockwork accelerator,
[07:42:08] I mean, useless. Not today's fucking useless. I just said number one through this. And now I regret
[07:42:25] upgrading. I mean, now I don't even want to upgrade the Geese trash units. I need to find a
[07:42:57] Neutristana now because I don't even want to upgrade these chairs anymore. I mean, this is,
[07:43:01] I have little buddies which is second through this and Avenger the Fallen which is through
[07:43:06] this but like if there's just too much value in rolling like it is I'm
[07:43:09] contested Kalista and if I hit Kalista 2 he's just dead and he's he's he only has
[07:43:14] two Kalistas like it's just I mean I'm like I'm my board is stable I think I'll
[07:43:19] stop rolling on Hecarim 2 because I think Hecarim 2 is actually good. I'm cool
[07:43:23] without going to Hecarim I don't really care about the Zilean I don't
[07:43:26] really care about the I mean I don't really care about the Zilean Morgana
[07:43:32] I can also roll for plus one on what's it called I'm rock on pair
[07:43:39] Callista pair, cameo pair, Hecarim pair, NutriSana, I mean I don't want to play Katarina
[07:43:43] because it's- he's Callista paired, there's three gone, Rock on two, holy fuck, I mean
[07:43:57] it doesn't matter. Also stop rolling a Milio as well, let me show you don't miss Milio.
[07:44:58] I just got a five cost fucking Gensu. Okay, okay, damn I'm a fucking beast. I mean
[07:45:22] no one's upgrading this trash. I mean Hecarim I actually like, unstable treasure
[07:45:32] chest. It's level 9 for Ari. Once I get Milio, that's just my gourd. Natural little buddy.
[07:45:45] Ari, Milio. Scholar for Milio. Just throw items. Three pairs. Rolling for charm next
[07:45:56] turn. I mean, I don't have to roll. Probably, it's so much value. Like, he's rock on pair,
[07:46:10] Calista pair as well. And if I make it harder for him to hit, then he's dead. And then,
[07:46:15] like, this guy will actually outcap me, man. He's little buddy, he's a royal guard.
[07:46:18] like he needs to die or I'm 8 or I'm not 8 but like it's the same like it's
[07:46:23] and then it's easier for me like and I can go over charm here I'm gonna go
[07:46:26] for a new one.
[07:46:27] Yeah, it's big news.
[07:46:28] Okay, I'm down to rolling, I can't roll anymore.
[07:46:30] I have a fucking...
[07:46:33] I mean honestly I'm down to roll for charm, it's perfect 4, nice.
[07:46:39] And then hopefully I natural one of the next two shops
[07:46:42] and then I'm just 9-on-6-1 this game.
[07:46:44] 9-on-6-1 for Arcana
[07:46:46] and then I just cap around 1, like 1,000,000 or 2, no diff.
[07:46:50] even need rock on two I just need one of rock on two or close to two and I
[07:46:54] probably win this game but I am worried that if he hits both and I never hit
[07:47:00] then because he has a milio I just I just got dumped by a fucking rhizo I
[07:47:27] got all my gold back I was true zero not anymore bro like I'm paired on both
[07:47:37] man like I'm pretty sure I like I like go nine for what man I'm just sitting
[07:47:41] I mean 48 that's kind of healthy though, but that's pretty healthy
[07:48:00] The thing is like there's not even that many places gone. There's a lot of rock-ons gone though. I could have just been
[07:48:17] Hit Millio to oh, he's so close to one rock on one. Yeah, you trashed them. Holy fuck munk
[07:48:49] His own law all of my just almost just killed my entire board. Honestly, even he hits now
[07:49:15] Whatever. Uh, this is basically free. Actually, yeah, it's 1-5 frost. Okay.
[07:49:24] I mean, I'm probably gonna sell Nestor, because now I want to hold Morgana, and I kind of want to make.
[07:49:29] But the thing is, I don't think if he hits both, I actually lose, right? Like, his board is actually good.
[07:49:37] This guy's 9 Frost. Huh? I just fought him, though. Was he 9 Frost when I fought him?
[07:49:44] I don't think so. I mean, that means he's dead regardless. This guy is- he's cheating 8 Witch for me in one turn, man.
[07:49:51] Oh wait, he's not even 8 witch, it's bugged.
[07:49:54] Wait, he's 8 witch for sure.
[07:49:56] Oh he doesn't have a Zoe, nevermind.
[07:49:58] Okay, okay, jeez, he's dead, new trash.
[07:50:13] I think I, oh, Monka.
[07:50:29] I mean, I'm not rolling for Tron here,
[07:50:31] like he doesn't even do anything.
[07:50:32] Alright, where the fuck is the Milio?
[07:50:44] Was he 9 frost when I fought him, really?
[07:50:58] Oh, he was?
[07:50:58] Oh, okay, I mean, I can beat him.
[07:51:00] I mean, I think my comp can actually beat him,
[07:51:01] but it's like a little weird
[07:51:02] because I'm playing up edge of the fallen.
[07:51:24] Kolen left turn, I mean, Brian, I'm sorry, man.
[07:51:26] I'm sorry for grieving your units, I apologize.
[07:51:29] It's just that like, bro, you have true bits, man.
[07:51:31] You have little buddies into Avenge the Fallen.
[07:51:33] Like the only person that can contest me for win is you.
[07:51:36] So like, I mean, if it doesn't cost me that much
[07:51:38] to hold an extra one, like I will.
[07:51:39] And I'm not gonna lie, I fucking high rolled this game.
[07:51:41] I hit Rakan my side on top of like some other bullshit.
[07:51:44] Like I mean, I definitely high rolled this game.
[07:51:46] I'm like, I'm sorry, man.
[07:51:48] You trash.
[07:51:53] There's another frost plus one.
[07:51:57] I mean, does that even do anything for him?
[07:51:58] Not really.
[07:51:59] I think I'm I think I'm stuck with garbage
[07:52:05] What?
[07:52:06] The fuck?
[07:52:07] I'm just gonna take the one that I got bro. What the fuck is this? I guess I just don't have an item this game
[07:52:27] Or this around 150 HP. I
[07:52:35] Don't even want I don't even want these units to survive. Oh wait. Yeah, whatever you want
[07:52:40] I just realized I think this jumps here and not here. I
[07:52:47] I thought it was I thought it was the old assassin where it jumps it jumps mirrored. Oh
[07:52:52] My god
[07:52:54] Guys guys it's because assassins usually if you put it bottom left it jumps here, but I forgot it just jumped straight up. Oh my
[07:53:02] Honestly, it's fine. I killed the entire oh, oh color. Oh, yeah
[07:53:19] Yeah, oh cutlass as well, and then I you know what I just had cutlass. Yeah, see my strong in this
[07:54:00] I hope so
[07:54:02] Or a mate. My Camille just one shot the whole lap and then he just resets onto the fucking Jinx. Yeah, you trash then
[07:54:15] Not even good minus two for my augment. Actually, I'm low here the start was kind of close. It's fucking neutral
[07:54:36] I mean, I think already it's better until I get Morgana 2, but I also need a melee O where I can't play the game
[07:54:45] I forgot I removed my Camille. Oh, sorry guys. Down I removed her then
[07:54:57] It's actually kind of important because I could have I could teach you my
[07:55:00] Actually that's fine, because I'm probably going to go for um, I like I'll hit a middle
[07:55:07] of the screen.
[07:55:08] Let me just wait.
[07:55:09] I mean honestly I just locked the shop actually, there's no way my game crashes on, well yeah
[07:55:14] I just realized I'm down a remover.
[07:55:28] I mean honestly it's fine.
[07:55:29] I don't even want to, I don't even want to put this item on.
[07:55:32] Okay, I mean it's fine I'll just go for like a middle item or a morgana item on
[07:55:36] there so it's fine.
[07:55:37] Like the faster these shitters die the better.
[07:55:42] We're gonna do it. Oh, okay. Is this oh, it's a quick it looks like I'm getting fucking dumpster. I
[07:56:02] Got dumpster new trash
[07:56:16] Honestly at this point. I'll actually upgrade this garbage
[07:56:22] Well, I upgrade this garbage. I mean, I'm not upgrading this trash
[07:56:31] Hello, I level to nine for this
[07:56:42] For this shit. Oh
[07:56:45] my oh
[07:56:47] okay also I just realized the nine frost guy is fucking dead my whole board
[07:57:01] you've got one shot I mean he has a really good matchup honestly he's got to
[07:57:07] go ten champion dupe ten gold I don't even care about million two I mean that
[07:57:23] is that my rock on died instantly hello this I lost to him wait how was he
[07:58:14] strong how the fuck oh Ari oh oh thank you oh thanks guys I could have had
[07:58:27] Starax, it's actually fine, like Milio, and then Skrongard as well.
[07:58:31] I mean, I think with Skrongard, I'm pretty sure Morgana is actually better, or no.
[07:58:39] I mean, Barrier, how fast is this fight?
[07:58:41] Like, it's probably, I'm not paying 6 gold for this trash, it should have fucked up.
[07:58:46] G?
[07:58:46] He just hit Briar 2.
[07:58:49] He just hit Briar 2.
[07:58:49] I have to hit this on Briar, like, is it actually stronger?
[07:59:05] Probably not.
[07:59:10] He just hit Briar 2.
[07:59:11] Fuck.
[07:59:12] Actually, he doesn't have items on it, it didn't hit the Briar.
[07:59:15] This bar is way too much HP.
[07:59:17] Actually, I guess the higher HP the better, Loki.
[07:59:20] Not really.
[07:59:24] He's Morgana too, as well.
[07:59:28] I think I'm going second with Trubis Trubis.
[07:59:30] Oh, please, please, please, please, please!
[07:59:37] I don't have a combat charm.
[07:59:50] I don't have a combat charm.
[08:00:03] Yeah, whatever.
[08:00:04] Maybe this just fucking wraps up the backline, and that's how I win the fight.
[08:00:07] I mean, I killed the Fiora.
[08:00:19] I mean, my area is dead.
[08:00:20] But this is not what I'm trying to do.
[08:00:22] Okay.
[08:00:30] I just went 8th with fucking double true miss
[08:00:33] actually in those things
[08:00:49] Kalista
[08:01:17] Kalista
[08:01:26] Hey, I'm pretty flexible today, see?
[08:01:32] I went first with...
[08:01:34] I mean this is basically karma
[08:01:38] I mean this is just trainer golems, I think
[08:01:40] Was it trainer golems? Yeah, it was
[08:01:42] What is this?
[08:01:45] Oh wait, oh wait
[08:01:46] Verisza?
[08:01:50] Kalista?
[08:01:53] I think that was yesterday
[08:01:55] Hey, I have a win with every comp
[08:01:57] in the game
[08:01:58] Kalista?
[08:02:04] Varus?
[08:02:06] Karma. Okay, I'm back then. Do you want E-Contra? It's to come back next, but I feel like not having one made this set a
[08:02:39] bit. I mean it's better casual players, but I would just start bitching again.
[08:02:45] I'm tired.
[08:02:47] I'm tired.
[08:02:48] I'm tired. I mean you can't even lie like am I not playing these lines fucking flawless?
[08:02:54] Like I know the exact fucking augments for all three meta lines, and I'm just sitting here just banging out games
[08:03:00] Just fucking dumps turning the players at that take cauterize on 2-1 like yeah
[08:03:04] The guy with cauterize fucking outplaced me, but that's because I had the most blatant low roll game of my life
[08:03:08] And he probably high rolled out of his ass
[08:03:10] Like in my back damn since I was gonna wake up and he's not gonna be very happy
[08:03:50] Respect for building Renata correctly where?
[08:03:55] Renata I
[08:03:57] Bro, this is my first time or not and this champion was so fucking boring
[08:04:01] It felt broken as fucking lane and then I just ran around and did fucking nothing
[08:04:10] Literally nothing. I didn't even use my W because I forgot
[08:04:14] Because in lane you just used I just used it so like fucking for movement speed like I forgot that it even resists
[08:04:21] Hello at GG. It's Ryan. Yeah, fuck it. Just ff crugs
[08:05:14] $50 more like more like 10
[08:05:18] Sense so someone's fucking internet or computer. It's probably computer not very good
[08:05:50] and tired I
[08:05:58] am tired
[08:06:02] gold
[08:06:04] sub
[08:06:06] component
[08:06:08] Animal loaded
[08:06:12] Carousel
[08:06:47] Mordekaiser
[08:06:49] I mean this unit is good, but it's not worth like it's not that much gold unless I get a gold opener
[08:06:57] So I guess if I get, I guess if I upgrade Mordekaiser 2, it has to be a gold opener so it's probably fine.
[08:07:04] But then sometimes you upgrade Mordekaiser 2 and then your backline is just complete trash or your items are complete trash.
[08:07:10] And then you go like win, win, lose, win, lose.
[08:07:13] And everyone else is just sitting at 50 gold and you're just sitting there with an extra 5 HP.
[08:07:17] And then you just go E for free.
[08:07:20] And I'm not trying to go E for free.
[08:07:23] Agreed.
[08:07:25] Oh, Jax dude, that's pretty good.
[08:07:27] I could play 3 Eldritch, 2 Multi on 5.
[08:07:40] Spiter, Queen.
[08:08:08] His mentorship is good on stage 2.
[08:08:17] Holy fuck.
[08:08:24] I don't have a choice, Sven.
[08:08:28] Oh wait, I just realized it's Gold Sub.
[08:08:30] Plus 3.
[08:08:53] I mean, it's probably always Shoshin play around.
[08:08:55] Okay, I just want it.
[08:09:03] Or plus 2.
[08:09:05] Why is no one ever trying 10 Eldritch?
[08:09:07] Oh, I don't know.
[08:09:08] level 10 without it plus three and then you have to fucking somehow win streak
[08:09:13] with the fucking Nami as your main carry the only way it works is if you have
[08:09:17] like seven fucking like I don't even I'm too lazy man it's just don't worry
[08:09:23] about it not very good I mean you got a shogun holder I mean it's so much
[08:09:38] weaker it's so much weaker like it's not that much weaker it's not that
[08:09:45] much weaker never mind like I have no fucking damage on my board and then
[08:09:54] I can go shogun and then I can ult him in deacon
[08:09:56] the people I beat, I beat the people I lose to, I lose to
[08:10:04] this guy actually has damage, I don't
[08:10:13] think 10 is fine
[08:10:16] I'll have 5 frost necks to run, I fuck
[08:10:24] I shit on this guy, I get dumpstered
[08:10:31] I get dumpstered, I beat this guy
[08:10:33] like my board is really good at
[08:10:35] beating people that are fucking piss weak
[08:10:37] and then I just lose to anyone that's not piss weak
[08:10:39] that's all it is
[08:10:41] I didn't even mentorship my twitch
[08:10:51] okay that's gonna be good
[08:10:53] this guy is blitz 2, twitch 2
[08:10:58] and actual synergies. I'm just sitting here. I mean, it's fine. I took fucking mentorship on do1. I'm scaling
[08:11:04] Like doesn't mentorship actually scale?
[08:11:07] Like once I get once once I go eight and I find some legendaries to play around. Oh
[08:11:13] Actually, what my twitch just clicked his entire board
[08:11:15] Once I go eight and I find like a single legendary that fits on my board Morgana, Briar, Diana, Zarath, literally anything
[08:11:28] I'm about
[08:11:32] There's two people full open
[08:11:34] This is Karma, Shogun, Bow, Varus, Varus, 3 cost belt. I mean I can go Karma or Varus.
[08:11:56] There's two Calistas and then now I think it's just, it's just, you get to choose.
[08:12:00] Whether you want to play Karma or Varus is it. Yeah. I'm just sitting here,
[08:12:22] 5 frost, nothing else. I'm 8. I mean it doesn't matter, like my board actually scales
[08:12:36] into stage 3, that's all that matters. Like on stage 3 I can just play 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
[08:12:40] I don't know what to do with this, but I can play any decent shape, any decent Vanguard,
[08:12:52] any decent Hunter while upgrading one of the frontliners, and then my board is fine.
[08:12:57] But I need to watch this, 4-costs in shop.
[08:13:00] I mean Warfare, that's pretty good.
[08:13:22] I beat, I get dumpstered, I beat.
[08:13:24] Great, I'm fighting the one person I lose to.
[08:13:33] Win, lose, lose, win, lose.
[08:13:52] Like there's two people just full open, man.
[08:13:54] Like, come on, man.
[08:14:04] And I just have to fight the one person that's not open.
[08:14:09] And then I lose a free two streak of the neutrals,
[08:14:12] which is a free, like three gold actually,
[08:14:15] which is three gold on stage two is worth like 20 gold
[08:14:19] by the end of the game.
[08:14:19] So I actually, I mean, low rolling at 33% there
[08:14:22] actually just lost me a placement, no joke.
[08:14:23] I have Blaster Odds, but I also need,
[08:14:59] what's it called, Odds.
[08:15:03] I can't level this turn.
[08:15:05] I also want frost odds.
[08:15:08] I guess I don't really care about what's it called odds,
[08:15:11] arcana odds.
[08:15:17] I mean, no matter what, I'm already committed.
[08:15:19] Like, I mean, I'm going even trouble for sure,
[08:15:21] and then I'll flex, but this guy's gonna laugh.
[08:15:24] Royal court, zillion, frost odds, trash,
[08:15:29] non-Z, trash, swing, twitch,
[08:15:33] gallio.
[08:15:41] I mean, I'm probably Varus,
[08:15:43] but I can still play karma technically.
[08:15:50] It's tier one keepers.
[08:15:57] I mean, I'm pretty sure keepers and verus is actually good,
[08:16:05] especially with the thing.
[08:16:31] Three buffing these, two buffing this.
[08:16:41] I am level 640 gold.
[08:16:43] I'm fucked.
[08:16:51] Okay, not really.
[08:16:52] My board is actually insane.
[08:16:54] Five frost, rumble two, mentorship keepers,
[08:16:57] double combat, even try to show Jin.
[08:16:59] Why does it look like I didn't kill a single unit?
[08:17:12] I, hey, how do I lose?
[08:17:26] I didn't, okay, sorry guys.
[08:17:28] I didn't slam this, like also, I think I'm gonna be playing Runaan's fucking, I think I'm gonna be playing Runaan's Twitch again.
[08:17:36] Or Varus again, but also like how many Varus players are in this lobby? This guy's Kalista, I think this guy's double down into restart mission, into Karma.
[08:17:45] This guy's QSS, the thing. This guy's Chronoplus 1 into Karma. This guy's Karma.
[08:17:53] This guy's, I think he's playing Nyla. Oh wait, there's zero Varus players! Oh okay!
[08:17:58] G? I'm fighting fucking restart mission man. Actually he's sold most of his board though.
[08:18:06] But I mean he still has like UD2, like some other trash too. Does this one shot me?
[08:18:27] Okay I mean it's fine I'm unconfessor, like I'm sure they'll hit something.
[08:18:30] And I'm fucking last pick. And I mean there's no way I'm getting that because yeah I mean it's on a fucking rock on and what's this?
[08:18:38] What's this it's gone GG's then and it's gone then and
[08:18:45] My items are fucking even chart cloak shogun glove. I mean, it's fine. Like Runeance is not even bad man
[08:18:55] It's actually not bad like no laughing. I'm just saying my win on Varus earlier today was with Runeance an item
[08:19:06] Is an item cloak is fucking worthless agreed you trash gee I?
[08:19:11] Yeah, whatever fuck it done. Yeah, you trash and
[08:19:14] and it's not even worth creating because the cloak is just completely fucking dead
[08:19:22] and the remover of this, and runeons over here
[08:19:25] and the even chart over here and Karma
[08:19:30] Ari, Morta Kaiser, Trash, Trash, Trash
[08:19:34] I'm too afraid, that's why I have db though
[08:19:56] and db sounds slightly better because the runeons db in the rush and the runeon unit is a straight fucking db
[08:20:01] GG!
[08:20:03] I mean, I drop Loose 3 Gold, but I get the biggest fucking spike of all time.
[08:20:24] Keeper's Value, Chrono.
[08:20:27] On top of Mentorship, Whole Board.
[08:20:30] Or, like, not Whole Board, but I Mentorship the Swain and the Hue.
[08:20:33] Which is, like, way too good.
[08:20:38] This is Hunter, no one fucking cares.
[08:20:40] Warwick, RE.
[08:20:42] Yeah, Hue to read this game.
[08:20:44] No.
[08:20:46] Can I beat this, you think?
[08:20:55] first reset pretty fast. 80 HP going into stage 4, double combat, unconfested comp. It's looking,
[08:21:15] it's, oh wait, I think, oh wait, I think Solace is pivoting into Blaster, so it's not actually
[08:21:19] unconfested. Hello? You want to just play Nyla re-roll? Okay, it's not unconfested, it's okay.
[08:21:25] Oh man, Talista, Fiora, Abau, another Chain Vest, another Cloak, thank god I got a Reforger,
[08:21:52] holy fuck.
[08:21:56] I'm gonna attack one here, okay a full red buff.
[08:22:07] I don't really want to use the Reforger though, or the Remover so I'll just red buff this
[08:22:10] for now.
[08:22:13] Except that I probably have to fucking remove it anyway but okay I'll just put it on
[08:22:17] here for sure.
[08:22:18] Okay, I mean honestly I can just sell this to you guys, okay.
[08:22:24] temporary trait. I mean I can cheese one round but I'm not paying sysholds without it.
[08:22:29] I think it's killing my way for free. Am I 8 then? Wait, oh my god, I actually got it.
[08:22:43] Okay this this heck room looks like it's just shit on my entire board. What's
[08:22:46] going on over here? You trash! Okay, it's a four streak. Don't know how. I'm gonna
[08:23:00] stand united in blasters is kind of good. I mean I can actually just play
[08:23:03] Now whatever fuck it.
[08:23:32] I'm going to have a zillion in, Varus.
[08:23:34] Varus?
[08:23:35] That's a rim.
[08:23:36] I'm three frost, three blaster.
[08:23:43] I mean do I even want to like, I mean I play four blaster, no arcana.
[08:23:48] Shoujin and Aii.
[08:23:50] I didn't mean Aii.
[08:23:51] Shoujin.
[08:23:52] Runans.
[08:23:53] I didn't mean Aii.
[08:23:58] Now what?
[08:24:18] I have four traits, stand united.
[08:24:36] I need a, I need a, okay, I mean that helps a little bit I guess.
[08:24:54] I still want to play Heifer in the middle.
[08:25:11] Gwent 2.
[08:25:15] Honestly, this doesn't even look like a bad loss considering I have no IE,
[08:25:18] and I just fought a Gwent 2 if you were to.
[08:25:20] 3-unit loss.
[08:25:21] Isn't that actually pretty solid?
[08:25:27] Also I have no IE.
[08:25:32] I need to find...
[08:25:34] I could have played Ori over the sups.
[08:25:39] Now, standing United, you still play 4-blast, even though it's more,
[08:25:43] it's like, I mean, I'm right about here and then I have that there.
[08:25:45] Like, it's fine. Also there's no IE again.
[08:25:47] So what the fuck is this?
[08:25:51] It's fine. It's fine. Oh my lord. Oh my lord. I am just...
[08:25:58] And I only have one remover. Like I don't really want to remover the like two gold, like sure whatever.
[08:26:03] I mean, I don't really just fucking send it. I mean Shentu is Shentu. I mean, I can play Gwen if I hit Gwen too.
[08:26:25] I mean, three Arkana pair, Hecarim. And that's Gwen, pair,
[08:26:33] protectors Vow, Gargoyle, even Troud over here.
[08:26:36] Yeah, fuck it.
[08:26:40] I mean, Ezreal 2 is not even a small spike. I don't even have Varus pair.
[08:26:45] I'm fighting a brighter two a brighter two
[08:26:49] Chrono brighter to this guy won the game guaranteed. I am going fucking eight. I
[08:27:02] Don't have a virus. I mean Ezreal to I mean I can play Diana plus and then I just drop
[08:27:10] Yeah, one roll
[08:27:22] What the fuck is this? I mean he doesn't even have various to
[08:27:29] Great, he's holding a virus
[08:27:31] My board I mean I can play Gwen to over over Ari and that's it. I have two item varus. Ah
[08:28:03] Okay
[08:28:04] Okay
[08:28:06] As real did 5.4. I mean it's good like my board is actually good like standing I did like like ad and ap on fucking blaster
[08:28:19] It's just fucking illegal. That's what pair hechrom is fucking broken
[08:28:21] But I mean it's I mean it's not good because I don't even have a third item on various
[08:28:25] I don't even have various pair. Oh, I am going a this is just an eight
[08:28:29] Like I I just I don't have a single verse not one
[08:28:34] Callista to Callista to karma to holding a various various paired rise to this has one karma
[08:28:40] There's three karma players include them a karma to and I don't have a single various not one
[08:29:01] Smolder I didn't trick just last sorry guys. I
[08:29:30] Also didn't I didn't fucking move the brunands to someone else. I mean, it's fine. I can I can I can fix it I
[08:29:35] I can go shogun, shogun, IE, IE. Nope, I'm one life.
[08:29:45] I can't play the game. I still don't have Varus to.
[08:29:59] I can't tell Ezreal to, this unit's a slugger.
[08:30:01] Ezreal did 5.1.
[08:30:31] He's three way contested, I just don't get it.
[08:30:34] I didn't find a single fucking upgrade.
[08:30:39] Not one.
[08:30:48] I don't get it.
[08:30:50] Two way contested Kalista, they both hit.
[08:30:56] Two way contested Kalista, they both hit.
[08:30:59] Three way contested Karma, two of them hit.
[08:31:15] And then now I fight this and I'm just dead.
[08:31:17] It's already too late on one life, man.
[08:31:47] And then I just load in and I fought the tower.
[08:31:49] Nice. Yo, GG's, guys.
[08:31:57] Yo, GG's.
[08:31:59] Like, I just...
[08:32:01] This game is just so fucking shit.
[08:32:04] It's actually just so shit.
[08:32:12] Honestly, sorry, guys. I'm sorry for being negative.
[08:32:15] This game is really good. Let's just queue it up again.
[08:32:17] Varus, Karma, Galista, let's run it back. Hopefully I hit this time.
[08:32:24] The re-weight contested Karma, so I'm just like,
[08:32:26] I'll play towards Varus. It's two-way contested at the most. There's two people with full econ trade playing Kalista, Kalista 2, Kalista 2, Karma 2, Karma 2
[08:32:34] And I just I can't hit Varus until fucking 5-3
[08:32:39] Okay, like okay. Let's let's just run it back Karma Karma Kalista Varus again
[08:32:57] GG
[08:32:58] There's not a single like how many like viable reroll lines are there?
[08:33:33] Outside of it like is there a single reroll line that's more than one out of 20?
[08:33:37] like if you play 20 games is there a single reroll line that that is greater
[08:33:42] than one out of 20 on average like are you ever playing a reroll line that's
[08:33:45] two out of 20 it might be but zigz only maybe just maybe I I don't even think I
[08:33:51] don't even think zigz is is there even another comp that's more than one out of
[08:33:56] 20 oh cast it in oh cast oh cast it in yeah okay fine cast it might be a 20
[08:34:05] the 20 outside of cast it in and maybe rise so let's let's be generous on one
[08:34:18] of them and not generous on the other you are you are expected to just load in
[08:34:23] and play karma Kalista rise 16 games out of 20 I mean do you guys do you guys want
[08:34:29] the fucking wise words of Jesus Christ again or no okay bit TT Toronto Tokyo
[08:34:47] September 28th at 8 12 a.m. I'll just like we'll just preach again. We'll preach again ready
[08:35:03] Unfortunately TFT actually clicked for me right after playing that second cup
[08:35:08] You just load in in hard force three lines over and over again until their complete muscle memory the fourth line
[08:35:15] Legit does not exist load in post cup. I'm 20 out of 20 Callista Varis plus 1k LP like you're not even good at the game
[08:35:24] It's just people are loading in your game, and they're playing rise and like vagar that's plus two placements
[08:35:31] Meanwhile, you're cooking the literal exact eight units making the exact four items plus two placements
[08:35:38] They load in and play the dog shit
[08:35:41] VIT T T I mean he's right
[08:36:54] But the thing is I'm too addicted man. TFT is too fun
[08:36:58] It's just it's actually too fun like I get so fucking upset and angry
[08:37:04] But then I just cue it up again, man, like I don't get it like I don't think I ever get upset
[08:37:29] outside of tft I
[08:37:31] I I I straight up don't care like bro something could accidentally like like like ten thousand dollars on fire like okay
[08:37:39] Like okay, I don't want to use money as the reference, but like let's say my PC just randomly breaks
[08:37:44] I'll go with that then I would just buy a new okay. Hold on. Give me like I I mean like let's say I go outside I
[08:37:49] I go to a restaurant, my favorite restaurant and there's a two hour line and then I sit down and then there's no more food.
[08:38:02] I don't even care, I'll just queue up some TFT, who the fuck cares?
[08:38:08] I go like whatever, okay GG's then.
[08:38:10] But then when you fucking roll a million gold, there's nothing more tilting.
[08:38:28] Or I didn't even roll a million gold, I rolled like nothing.
[08:38:32] I need to upgrade some stuff, but there's nothing more tilting when it's three-way contested karma,
[08:38:57] and they all just load in with Fiora 2, Gwent 2, everything 2, and I just, I got nothing.
[08:39:01] Honestly, maybe the tech is, maybe I bust out the Nami, so I can speedrun a 7th at best.
[08:39:13] Armena is always this static and high level, feels kind of weird. It is when there's no
[08:39:17] rear-lines. Like when there's rear-lines, like you're probably going to be like two-way
[08:39:25] way contested at most. But now it's like pretty common to be three way contested. Where is,
[08:40:12] where is the Q-pop? Would you agree that this is the most fun and balanced set ever? I think
[08:40:32] this is actually one of the best sets to come out in terms of, in terms of set mechanic
[08:40:37] since set six. It's been a long ass time since the set mechanic hasn't been complete
[08:40:42] fucking full-on variants, RNG, BS.
[08:40:45] However, these fuckers at Riot, not these fuckers,
[08:40:52] these hard-working individuals,
[08:40:56] have not been bouncing shit.
[08:40:58] These patches have been terrible.
[08:41:19] Like, I wonder if it's even like,
[08:41:21] it's not even their fault though, like,
[08:41:24] isn't it like, isn't TFT actually just too solved
[08:41:28] from like an individual player standpoint?
[08:41:33] It's actually too solved.
[08:41:34] Like it really is like you just sit there like bro note doesn't even play
[08:41:38] He just he just wakes up just loads up
[08:41:40] Like you instead of scrolling tick tock when he goes to sleep
[08:41:43] He just goes on tactics not tools and just puts it like every iteration of every comp and just studies the fucking stats
[08:41:49] Like no Joe actually know he doesn't he doesn't give a fuck
[08:41:51] But like but like you don't even have to play like you probably get better
[08:41:55] But just going on tactics not tools and just studying everything you know exactly what what augment goes to what comp
[08:42:01] You know exactly what items are true gigabits
[08:42:05] You know exactly what units are have a higher win rate on certain stages
[08:42:10] You know exactly which charms have a higher win rate on which round and then you just sit there and just and just
[08:42:17] bang out 20 games of 20 out of 20 various karma Kalista and then like I mean
[08:42:22] I know I know I can I get straight up named the the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[08:42:27] True gigabits on on on the karma line are not the karma line the karma line is actually pretty flexible
[08:42:32] But on the Calista line and then I can I can name the fucking one two three four five not really
[08:42:37] I'd like on the Varus line, but like not really but the various line and like it's pretty flexible as well
[08:42:41] But like I'm trying to gallop. Oh my lord
[08:42:52] Blaster in canter
[08:42:55] Witch
[08:42:59] I'm like Ben
[08:43:01] I mean, maybe I just hit which plus one. I just went to the game for free. You never know
[08:43:51] Maybe the game's bugged and it can tailor arcana on to one
[08:43:55] You never know.
[08:43:56] Yeah, it's fine.
[08:44:19] I mean, I can't even use, I can't even use half of the fucking things in the game.
[08:44:31] Fuck you mean character's ally.
[08:44:36] Great.
[08:44:44] But yeah, the Galio.
[08:44:51] I mean, I'm making you kind of spine.
[08:44:58] I'm buffing.
[08:44:59] I'm putting items.
[08:45:03] Oh my.
[08:45:05] Okay, you know what I can actually play?
[08:45:06] Okay, the thing is, if I'm playing towards that line,
[08:45:09] okay, I'm pretty sure I'm just playing
[08:45:11] Witch.
[08:45:12] Or I'm just playing Karma.
[08:45:13] There's no way this is not a karma line.
[08:45:16] One, two, three, four, five.
[08:45:19] I have Marlowe play around here, and then I just get free encounter for free.
[08:45:27] The only thing I'm using is encounter.
[08:45:29] I don't even want to use witch because I don't have witch plus one.
[08:45:32] Rumble.
[08:45:47] I mean, I'm making Econus fine. It doesn't really matter.
[08:45:55] I think I just play strongest.
[08:45:58] I mean, it's actually a pretty decent spike. I get fairy for free.
[08:46:01] It's not even like the Son of You that just randomly pumps like 10k damage.
[08:46:08] And then my natural like a lot of BS words, I'll just play Six Blaster and call it a
[08:46:12] day.
[08:46:13] G?
[08:46:14] G.
[08:46:15] Okay.
[08:46:21] I mean, I'm rich as fuck.
[08:46:22] Level 5 making 10 on 2-2.
[08:46:23] I wonder if Wukong's just straight up better than, I mean probably is better than something.
[08:46:38] All I know is I have ARK on my board.
[08:46:41] For 10 AP.
[08:46:42] I mean, it's too expensive.
[08:46:58] It's fine.
[08:47:02] Yeah, there's a Ziggsa.
[08:47:03] A Ziggsa.
[08:47:04] Oh, there's four blaster, actually, and I can make Econ.
[08:47:10] I mean, this R unit is a straight fucking trash.
[08:47:14] I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if this is weaker, but it doesn't matter, I can be 20.
[08:47:18] That's all that matters.
[08:47:19] Making 20 here, allowed.
[08:47:25] The people you beat, you beat.
[08:47:27] My board is not like one of those Exiledia boards that even thinks about Five Shrinking.
[08:47:31] The only way you Five Shrink with this board is if you scan them.
[08:47:34] You just fight the shitters like this nonstop.
[08:47:36] So you might as well just like play a board that can shit on the noobs and just make it
[08:47:41] gone.
[08:47:54] Or they're not noobs but like they're just open.
[08:47:58] So now like so then when you're doing that and you're playing a board that shits on the
[08:48:01] noobs but it gets dumpstered by everyone else, like the trick is when you low roll and fight
[08:48:05] someone that's actually strong you just start complaining.
[08:48:18] There's no way.
[08:48:22] I just got a bow as last pick.
[08:48:27] My items?
[08:48:28] My it's not even that good actually.
[08:48:30] because now I can't even play the six blaster line
[08:48:36] because I'm slamming shiv and now I'm never playing towards Marus
[08:48:41] low key
[08:48:42] you know what, fuck your blaster karma
[08:48:45] that doesn't even sound that bad
[08:48:53] I mean, I get Bastion whole board
[08:48:59] I'm kind of down for Bastion whole board
[08:49:02] I'm gonna go Poppy over, oh it's Poppy over Lilia
[08:49:05] oh fuck
[08:49:06] oh fuck, I didn't even play Witch
[08:49:09] oh fuck
[08:49:09] oh that's not good
[08:49:10] It might actually be a diff, don't cap up.
[08:49:18] I mean the what's it called didn't even cast again, it's probably not a fucking diff man.
[08:49:26] It might have been a diff if we'll call and cast it again.
[08:49:28] I mean probably like I mean I'm not even going to complain.
[08:49:31] I won't even complain.
[08:49:32] The bow I fucking, I scammed this guy man.
[08:49:35] It was bow on my side.
[08:49:37] I sort of just scammed him.
[08:49:39] I kind of want Archana plus one odd so I can pair TK.
[08:50:02] And I'll just play TK as the main pair.
[08:50:06] This guy also looks strong as fuck.
[08:50:08] I mean he's supposed to war I mean it doesn't even matter like I don't even like
[08:50:11] this is not even matchmaking dip anymore because I already lost the previous
[08:50:15] round so it's like it's it's not like I can scan with these rigged individuals
[08:50:18] pause champ winnable winnable you trash okay I'm not the easy time just hold
[08:50:28] this I'm already richest fuck it doesn't matter I need to make sure I
[08:50:37] hold RE because on on on on 3-2 I really want Argon odds in I'm
[08:50:50] leveling for RA regardless no matter what I can level and make 40 so it's fine my
[08:50:59] entire board is one-starred a glove a cloak a chain and a it's a full chain
[08:51:16] cloak belt glove I mean no matter what it's Gargoyle I mean it's probably
[08:51:46] guardbreaker gargoyle before chain first I mean it's guardbreaker for sure and I
[08:51:54] play around glove chain cloak gargoyle I mean gargoyle is not good but I mean
[08:51:56] No matter what it's these items. There's no fucking way. I'm not making these
[08:52:00] Okay
[08:52:15] Okay, I might just double you con. I don't like balance budget, but I also don't like crushes dummies
[08:52:49] I mean it's crushes dummies better than
[08:52:51] It's crushes dummies even bad. What is crushes dummies? Oh, I guess. Oh, I guess I can pair TK this game
[08:53:01] Never mind the crushes dummies is fine
[08:53:03] I'm sorry. I'm sorry
[08:53:06] It's beyond fine because I can I can just pair TK this game
[08:53:23] witchcraft and canter
[08:53:46] This Ari...
[08:53:48] Wow! Wow!
[08:53:52] Not only did Ari get the alt off, it also just tanked the entire zillion cast.
[08:53:58] Wow!
[08:54:01] Wow!
[08:54:07] I'm not even kidding, I think this is an arcane of rise game.
[08:54:15] I mean, Casio Pia has to be better than something, right?
[08:54:17] Is this Bastion?
[08:54:24] I mean, I want to canter it.
[08:54:25] And I have a true best fucking rise just sitting here.
[08:54:28] Wow!
[08:54:35] Like rumble free blaster and I'm just pairing what's it called this game
[08:54:41] Wow, this is actually the one out of 20 not really. I mean it's a fucking it's what's it called man. I
[08:54:48] Just hit rise in Tom Kench in one shop on
[08:54:53] Wow, hey, this is I am just I am fucking back then I
[08:55:02] Am actually back
[08:55:04] This is a guaranteed top to like brilliant. Oh, thanks more
[08:55:14] Shiv
[08:55:16] Morello
[08:55:17] guard breaker
[08:55:19] glove
[08:55:23] belt
[08:55:24] cloak
[08:55:25] Okay belt that's pretty good in canter sugar craft portal
[08:55:32] Yeah, in canter. That's pretty good in canter. I mean Casio Pio is not even bad
[08:55:57] I mean the poppy is there a better Bastion
[08:56:09] Shen for CC. It's not even bad fuck the poppy
[08:56:12] Yeah, you trash as well and I'm not sure why I'm even holding this rubber almost actually good because it gives this the thing
[08:56:17] Wait, I just realized, does it even, does it even upgrade, or does it even, uh, I just
[08:56:45] realized if, uh, like for example, if I take this out, right, 830, oh it does.
[08:56:53] Okay, I was about to say, because like most of the time, if you, I guess they spawned
[08:56:56] in already.
[08:56:59] Let me just make sure I'm not getting grieved.
[08:57:02] I am not.
[08:57:03] That is good then.
[08:57:05] This guy's six hunter, oh my, okay, I don't know who the fuck I beat then.
[08:57:15] Little buddies, okay.
[08:57:16] I mean, I just Hyrule like crazy.
[08:57:18] You know, the other two in my matchup are straight up unbeatable
[08:57:23] and I keep my 6th streak into neutrals because I fight someone that's about all in next turn.
[08:57:29] Believe me when I say that this game is just all luck.
[08:57:32] Like, bro, there's no way I deserve the streak here.
[08:57:34] Did you see the other people? Like, this guy's 6th...
[08:57:36] Look what happened when he fought someone.
[08:57:38] Huh?
[08:57:40] Huh?
[08:57:43] I mean, I'm...
[08:57:45] Okay, I mean, I'll take a 6th streak into neutrals and I say 15 HP.
[08:57:48] like that board is gonna completely dump sir I just woke up to your wow oh I'm
[08:57:59] sorry Sarah I'm sorry but I hit I hit I hit Tom Kench so I said I was gonna I
[08:58:07] took crash test dummies and I was like oh I'm probably playing around Tom
[08:58:11] Kench this game and then on six I found the rise and Tom Kench same shop hey
[08:58:19] Hey, I'm not that rich. But also, I mean, I can go, I mean, Archangel, JG. I mean, I need some
[08:58:45] attack speed, no? I mean, Archangel, JG is too good, though. And the Shift Guardbreaker
[08:58:53] and Morello is too good together. I mean, Guardbreaker, Arch, I mean, Guardbreaker is
[08:58:57] what, oh, 28, yes, it's actually fine. How much is Shift? Okay, Shift Morello. And
[08:59:01] I have BF felt to play around. I'm just gonna make Starax through the fuckers.
[08:59:04] Okay, GGs then. I'm gonna stack one and level and fucking send it.
[08:59:14] And I just natural trubix again. And I don't know what else is good.
[08:59:29] Uh, scholar plus one is actually okay. I mean it's really good.
[08:59:39] Is standing on it better than scholar plus one? I have so many fucking synergies.
[08:59:44] It has to be, right? And that way I don't have to fucking, I don't have to tunneling on Milio.
[08:59:49] I mean it's so much.
[08:59:57] Item collector, support golem, that's good enough for me then.
[09:00:24] Let's go fuck out of here, fuck out of here, fuck out of here, and yeah fuck out of here.
[09:00:33] I mean, rock on pair, can I even play rock on this game?
[09:00:36] Oh great.
[09:00:44] One more cast and I should win.
[09:00:51] Ah, this really feels so fuck.
[09:00:53] I don't really care about these.
[09:00:55] I mean I don't really want to roll because I'm basically only rolling for one minute.
[09:00:59] I'm basically only rolling for... I'm basically only rolling for RISE. I'll roll an extra once, for charm, yay.
[09:01:11] I mean, I can also... I should be capping around Zilean plus R-E. I mean, I'm probably... it cannot be bad, man.
[09:01:21] Like, I have so much frontline, it's just sitting here ramping up for free. The fight lasted a decade, and I have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
[09:01:28] 8 times I don't even know like a lot like my board is actually good. It's just
[09:01:36] Like it could like I mean if I have rise to my board's insane
[09:01:39] It's just that I'm 83 HP. I'm going straight to nine
[09:01:42] Like if I have rise to here like wouldn't this I can get completely dumpstered yes, man
[09:01:51] But I mean like I can't just see him go through zero for one unit and then I go nine and I probably cap around like I
[09:02:02] Don't know we'll see
[09:02:04] Like when I get the legendaries, I'll like I'll play them. It's simply cab arounds rat if I can get to Zerath
[09:02:34] They roll once for charm when to is going to explosion is pretty good
[09:02:40] Karma how the fuck every time I watch you you are playing the same cop
[09:02:53] You are fucking bronze. I'm just gonna fork and get don't come back
[09:02:55] I mean, I probably am captain on karma though
[09:03:21] I mean, it's warrior for sure. It's a Glenn fucking to
[09:03:55] Never play Casio here fucking trash. I've seen it up out of here
[09:03:59] getting one remover I can I can move like Starax as well I mean I'm for sure
[09:04:18] I'm for sure capping around zilean karma like there's no fucking way I'm ending
[09:04:22] the game with fucking rice it's just arcana zilean karma and cap around yes
[09:04:33] or have karma duel I didn't kill a single unit
[09:04:37] is he level 9 or is he level 8? if this is level 9 this guy won the game I can't see
[09:04:48] Oh, it's a wait. Press on the arrow? What's that?
[09:05:19] What? I just got a golden eagle from a blue orb.
[09:05:28] For what? Automatic components? I can go Wormogs.
[09:05:36] I can go Shiv, Merlo.
[09:05:40] Another guardbreaker as well. I can go BD, Sterak's BD.
[09:05:43] And then cap her on some giga units as well.
[09:05:45] I only have one remover, and I kinda want to remover the aria as well.
[09:06:07] Oh, the timer? Oh. Oh, what the fuck? Okay.
[09:06:11] I've got the Sack 2 here. Honestly, should I just Sack all the way until 6-1?
[09:06:53] No. Can I even fit Rumble on my final board? I mean, it's not bad. It's all three right now.
[09:07:19] But I can play Bardo over Rumble. I mean, it gives me the Stand United and Arcana.
[09:07:26] And I'm always going HB here. My board, my rise is just about fucking dumb shit.
[09:07:39] I'm not trying to stack to one life.
[09:07:47] Think I'm stupid buddy?
[09:07:49] I just realized, is it a rise actually playable on this galaxy?
[09:08:44] This whole board's going.
[09:08:46] Bye bye buddy, new trash.
[09:08:48] Nevermind, sorry.
[09:08:50] If he fights me next turn he's fucked.
[09:08:52] Because the thing is, you can play Arcana, you can play Arcana Rise.
[09:08:55] Did he just hit Seraph?
[09:09:06] No, he's paired.
[09:09:16] Okay, I mean I'm pretty sure it's top 4 easily, don't worry.
[09:09:20] fucking win. What do you mean top 4? You're gonna be happy with a fucking... Alright, how
[09:09:47] do I play Zilean? I can't? I mean there's no way I'm dropping fucking Bastion ever.
[09:10:06] Like you can't. Also this stupid ass Diana just killed my, it just killed my anti-heal
[09:10:10] and anti-marr. Great. I mean it's not like, do I even have Preserver in right now? No,
[09:10:30] it's just Chronoblokos and things. Honestly, I don't even have a charm. Okay, I mean
[09:11:04] I have Golden Niko, wait, how come there's not a legendary I can play around? I have
[09:11:08] I have a fucking Fjord, I'm stuck with a Fjord and a fucking stupid ass Gwen on my board.
[09:11:12] That can't be right.
[09:11:14] It's not right.
[09:11:15] I have some fucking known garbage on my board.
[09:11:25] Am I still two lives?
[09:11:27] Yeah.
[09:11:28] You had Camille, dude!
[09:11:30] You had Camille!
[09:11:31] Bro, that's not a unit!
[09:11:32] It's not a legendary!
[09:11:33] It's a fucking prank!
[09:11:34] Oh my...
[09:11:35] I only have one remover.
[09:11:52] Fuck it.
[09:11:53] I don't have to play vertical arcana.
[09:12:06] I mean, I really want Zerath, right?
[09:12:49] I mean, there's no way I don't hit the uh, I should have put on this.
[09:12:59] Am I dead?
[09:13:02] I died from 18.
[09:13:04] I just died from 18.
[09:13:06] With Nico on bench.
[09:13:08] With Nico on bench!
[09:13:10] With Nico on bench!
[09:13:11] With Nico on bench!
[09:13:12] With Nico on bench!
[09:13:14] With Nico on bench!
[09:13:16] With Nico on bench!
[09:13:18] I just died with Nico on bench.
[09:13:21] I mean, what can I Niko like, where, I had Arcana Ari,
[09:13:28] I had Arcana Ari, I had Arcana Ari,
[09:13:33] I had Arcana Ari, I had Arcana Ari,
[09:13:38] I had, okay, I'm gonna get this up.
[09:13:39] All right, yeah, we're just gonna go next game then,
[09:13:41] it's all good.
[09:13:42] I mean, I'm just saying, I don't have a single
[09:13:44] fucking two star five cost with the golden Niko,
[09:13:46] like my golden Niko that I got on five one,
[09:13:49] I just, I never found two, I didn't see a single Morgana
[09:13:51] And I saw one Zerath.
[09:13:53] One Zerath, zero Morgana.
[09:13:56] Explain that to me.
[09:13:57] Explain that to me.
[09:13:59] Please explain that to me. Are they all gone or something?
[09:14:02] Zero Briar.
[09:14:03] I saw zero Briar as well.
[09:14:09] Zero Briar, zero Morgana, one Zerath.
[09:14:15] I would have won this game for sure if I didn't die.
[09:15:09] Because I had like five, like even with only seeing one Zerath after sixty fucking gold and nothing else.
[09:15:14] I still could have won this game because all I have to do like I had ten gold on bench
[09:15:17] I had a million on my bench so that's already that's already and then I I think just like rock on to no fucking dip no one fucking cares
[09:15:24] Like yeah, it's just gonna be Morgana anyway. I
[09:15:28] Could have I like oh my god
[09:15:31] This game is just pissing me off
[09:15:42] One's a rat. I mean Diana's not even premium from that spot. I have no front line items whatsoever
[09:16:10] zero zero
[09:16:12] Oh my god, what the fuck are these odds?
[09:17:37] This might be a Blitz Ziggs game.
[09:17:41] A Ziggs-a.
[09:17:44] A Ziggs-a.
[09:18:27] What the fuck?
[09:18:29] Bro, I don't know if this is the same anonymous gifter.
[09:18:33] What the fuck?
[09:18:36] All right, I'm back then.
[09:18:38] Yo, thank you, anonymous gifter.
[09:18:40] G?
[09:18:41] G.
[09:18:45] Just for you?
[09:18:54] I think it might be a Callista game.
[09:18:56] I can roll for true bis.
[09:18:59] And also, my opener is fucking pathetic.
[09:19:01] I might as well just make 20.
[09:19:04] Also, I beg his can be choosers, so I can play.
[09:19:06] I think this guy actually gets gold,
[09:19:07] because he won by three.
[09:19:09] But, okay, this guy is Morello Slam with BS already.
[09:19:16] He's probably always gonna play Karma here.
[09:19:19] So I don't really, you definitely don't wanna contest that.
[09:19:22] This guy's precise planning,
[09:19:23] bow glove chain unsure yet.
[09:19:26] Precise planning with bow, BF, cloak.
[09:19:28] Everyone has econ.
[09:19:30] Patience is a virtue with tier chain belt.
[09:19:34] This guy has, oh he should, next turn.
[09:19:38] I'm not really sure, precise planning with BV belt.
[09:19:41] There's all karma players.
[09:19:42] Karma, Unsure, I mean he's Gargoyle Bo,
[09:19:47] so he's probably Kalista.
[09:19:56] He have cloak player on Bo.
[09:19:58] It's probably Varus, given his units,
[09:20:00] but I'm not sure.
[09:20:02] Probably Karma, I don't even know.
[09:20:08] This guy probably always goes tier on Karasel.
[09:20:10] So if I can be first pick, that's really big.
[09:20:17] It might be a Ryze, it might be a Taric Ryze.
[09:20:29] But shit, I mean, that third that I just went,
[09:20:33] minus 250 for you, plus 250 for me.
[09:20:36] I'm back.
[09:20:45] What's this for Ryze?
[09:20:46] Gintsu Gintsu.
[09:20:50] And then the Taric is Warmoth's Cargoils.
[09:20:56] And then you just don't buy the Ryze
[09:20:57] and you don't buy the Taric
[09:20:58] and you just play Callister Rock on instead.
[09:21:06] And then, yeah, GG's.
[09:21:15] I mean, beggars can be choosers,
[09:21:17] like, bro, I can give you all the true bits.
[09:21:19] Combat Caster is acceptable, Avenged the Fallen is acceptable, Little Buddies are not acceptable, Avenged the Fallen and Little Buddies is a guaranteed giga first.
[09:21:27] And then if I don't hit that, yeah, fuck it, Golden Quest.
[09:21:29] Like, yeah, I mean, I have beggars kind of choosers, it's a setting offense, right? Yeah, it is.
[09:21:33] Like, I mean, Avenged, and then I have, I have Trubis on the Prismatic as well, and there's not a single comp in the game that scales harder.
[09:21:46] Oh, you're nice, he went to here, and I go, boh.
[09:21:47] There's not a single comp in the game that scales harder with Trubis than Kalista.
[09:21:53] Like, if I hit little buddies, Avenge the Fallen, didn't you go second with that exact setup?
[09:22:04] I mean, yeah, but I mean, I fought like a straight-up...
[09:22:09] Bro's board was... I don't even know what it was, it was just straight-up...
[09:22:13] There wasn't a single unit on this board that wasn't legendary.
[09:22:16] Like, it's not even my fault, man.
[09:22:21] Also, from this mod, I don't even want to start... I don't even need to full-loss.
[09:22:25] I mean, I guess it kind of ruins my Golden Quest odds.
[09:22:28] I'm not even kidding, I wouldn't even take Golden Quest here.
[09:22:30] Like, this Callista line in Ascending Augments
[09:22:33] is a guarantee top two.
[09:22:35] And I think from this spot, I mean, I can't.
[09:22:38] I can't.
[09:22:47] Like, I actually can't.
[09:22:50] But it's not worth it, I'm just playing this.
[09:22:53] I'm already at 40 gold, and I don't really care.
[09:22:56] Like, if I lose my streak, whatever, I don't really care.
[09:22:59] Golden Quest is not even premium from this spot
[09:23:01] because Golden Quest, AVP, I would say the win rate
[09:23:05] golden quest would be like let's say 50% if I if I full five lost right but with
[09:23:11] that 50% win rate if I'm not winning the game most of it like my AVP is
[09:23:15] probably like if I don't win the game my AVP is in the fucking like sevens so my
[09:23:19] 80 he's probably like a three but like Calista 80p from the spot is in the
[09:23:23] low twos like I'm down what's my I just have infinite rolls number one
[09:24:07] trubus eventually fallen number two trubus little bodies on three two or
[09:24:12] Not three two like like what else is there little buddies combat cast was acceptable at the epitaph
[09:24:18] Fairy court what else is there? I don't know like I mean, you know, I'll know when I see it
[09:24:23] I'll know when I see
[09:24:26] It's fine
[09:24:27] But I don't want to send into these like sometimes like you you the only thing able is golden quest
[09:24:34] But you can't you can't miss
[09:24:44] Like if I have golden quest like there's you like there's no where you go get to
[09:24:47] like ginsu with golden quest is eight because you can't use it half the time
[09:24:52] or you can but it's like hard a chain vest I'm fucked not really it's half
[09:25:12] protectors I'll have nothing ginsu plays half bow I can go into last whisper I
[09:25:20] can also go for a use of how step-fast heart and the play around bow and go for
[09:25:25] double ginsu oh that's what I like to see
[09:25:38] uh fairy odds fine also i think that was like a low gold prize i like i feel like golden quest is
[09:25:49] not even active on this spot i mean i'm never taking golden quest actually i probably would i have
[09:25:54] red buff steadfast heart red buff steadfast heart crown guard play around tier okay honestly
[09:26:00] i would take golden quest it's way too good i i got one out basically actually i got zero load
[09:26:26] i just took stage because i i gained one health and then i just gained another two the fuck
[09:26:31] 65 HP on a 6 loss
[09:26:33] Hey, and then I mean it's not these I mean that's fine
[09:26:55] I think this guy's Calista with an econ augment. This is like also Calista. No, he's been to win
[09:27:14] I mean, I'm pretty sure it's always that plus protectors out it is I just put it on the bow
[09:27:43] I have the column as frontline as well
[09:27:48] So cargo is a lot less value and then also the more the like VF double ginsu your front line
[09:27:52] I was doing the fucking matter because all it does is just goes infinite
[09:27:54] use win for free. I'm now win this game for free.
[09:27:57] And then the last one I'm easily hitting
[09:27:59] uh, you recruit or you'll see.
[09:28:03] You'll see when you see.
[09:28:04] G. G.
[09:28:07] And also I'm not even that low, like 65, and this is my Econ.
[09:28:41] It's looking pretty acceptable I'd say.
[09:28:43] Why does it look so fucking strong? What?
[09:28:46] I have my timer set every 20 minutes so I can tune into the Fortillator
[09:28:59] and seeing you mauled your hair
[09:29:01] something, something makes my day thank you so much.
[09:29:05] Okay, does this guy want what does that even play it? It's not even good. There's a rock on
[09:29:23] Let me just paint the rock on fuck it. Yo, yo, don't get this guy rock on man. No, no, no
[09:29:28] It's rock on he just got a rock on with a gargoyle as second pick
[09:29:32] Okay, like what the fuck is this?
[09:29:35] What the fuck is this?
[09:29:37] But I can't use a chain man
[09:29:45] I already I would have taken the rock on because I think rock on is better than Callista
[09:29:47] But I can't because I mean I already have fucking whatever the fuck this is. I can't I mean I don't really want to lose these rounds
[09:30:04] It's it's perfectly fine to go against the run and then if I get another bow or a rod
[09:30:09] I'll get another insulator 32 to level I
[09:30:13] Can go fight fairy and then how do I go multi striker? Oh, bye-bye buddy you trash. Oh wait
[09:30:38] I think I I don't even know if I have the econ. I don't even know if I have the econ to
[09:31:12] to 4-1 because I mean I already have one Calista, my board is not even bad, also I'm like not
[09:31:21] even low, but then the problem is, I mean I definitely do not, like I for sure do not.
[09:31:31] Like it's a 4-2 for sure.
[09:31:34] Especially because the chance of me hitting new recruit is actually pretty high, and
[09:31:37] the new recruits like true zero is super valuable.
[09:31:39] I mean I think by the time I roll there's gonna be like 30 fucking what's it called
[09:32:28] out of the pool and I'm gonna be mad, but I mean there's no way I don't find
[09:32:31] One rock on, that's not even possible.
[09:32:38] Missed double gun two, I mean it doesn't matter,
[09:32:40] I already got all my value from it.
[09:32:42] Oh and also I can pour one for sure, I'm not even pour.
[09:32:46] Also two free rolls, I mean that's good enough for now.
[09:33:18] I didn't move items, I did not move items.
[09:33:20] Oh my, I don't wanna roll more
[09:33:26] because the only way I would roll more
[09:33:29] is if I hit a new recruit.
[09:33:46] Holy shell was lost cause I didn't move items.
[09:33:50] If I don't hit new recruits, I mean I just roll
[09:33:51] I return and then I just four or five recent
[09:33:54] But I'm pretty sure I mean I don't really even roll more regardless actually
[09:33:57] I mean I don't want radio refactor and then I just go gum blade with radio and into it's actually fine
[09:34:09] Okay, I have number two to this I'm gonna roll into a charm here
[09:34:22] Honestly, I'm kind of not the role until two star like a category as well. Okay. I can't really more
[09:34:41] Okay, guys. Also. I know I know what's it called is
[09:34:46] Out of the thing
[09:34:48] But the thing is against TK players you have to put like so here. It's 50-50 on here and here. Yes
[09:34:55] I'm aware that zillion is not in the thing
[09:34:58] But it is 50-50 and you like you wanted you really want to protect your your Calista
[09:35:03] I mean, I know all the 50-50. This is fucking garbage.
[09:35:09] I actually lost this fight. Oh wait. I actually lost this fight
[09:35:28] Also, I'm pretty sure I'm uncontested because this guy was the guy that was gonna play it
[09:35:32] I mean these units actually matter because I have like the thing I'm pretty sure I'm uncontested to Kalista
[09:35:38] So how come I did not see a single Kalista?
[09:35:41] And this has two rock-ons
[09:35:44] Like I mean I'm not I'm probably not gonna hit rock-on too, but like how come I didn't like if this guy's various to various player
[09:35:50] not sure
[09:35:52] Varus player the entire lobby is various. So how come I did not hit?
[09:35:56] Hmm. What the fuck is this? Oh my god. What the fuck is this? Hello? Hello? Hello?
[09:36:13] Hello? Hello? There's not a single Kalista out of the pool. Okay, honestly, I'm probably
[09:36:28] just gonna have Kalista 2 on 4-5. You can't low roll again. Nice. I mean, you can't low roll
[09:36:40] Well, again, you can't.
[09:36:43] You actually can't.
[09:36:48] Pause, champ, pause, champ, G, G.
[09:36:58] OK, I mean, I just gigaspiked.
[09:37:00] I just sort of gigaspiked.
[09:37:04] Millio?
[09:37:05] Millio?
[09:37:40] That's not even good.
[09:37:41] I have to sell this.
[09:37:50] Ah, fuck it.
[09:37:51] I hope I don't get TK'd, that's fine.
[09:37:58] Like, how come two actually cooks?
[09:37:59] moment you find Milio and also like every upgrade matters because you have
[09:38:05] immovable object I mean I'm just saying I should hit this Clis on 4-1 I'm
[09:38:13] actually down like 30 gold but I'm thankful that I found I'm just really
[09:38:19] I just realized if I didn't get Clis on Carousel I would not have Clis even 1
[09:38:24] how is that you how was that even possible yeah whatever just rock on to
[09:38:30] then because of the game shit yeah the game shit acceptable I will allow it
[09:39:42] Shit game. Let me see how many were gone. Bro. There was two gone! There was two!
[09:39:56] Okay, not acceptable man. Okay, this game is trash. Like I should have had this 10
[09:40:01] years ago as well, man. A belt though, a BS sword, a TK. Just roll for 12 and every
[09:40:17] single turn for the rest of the game. Okay, this stupid ass ascension. Come on, man.
[09:40:23] I mean, I can go even shroud and I can also go BET, but it's even show even do anything,
[09:40:33] honestly.
[09:40:34] Is even shroud more value than BT?
[09:40:38] Or no.
[09:40:40] I mean, I don't think so, and that is no way.
[09:40:42] Also do I, I'm gonna carry this for like shit, it's fucking some gig of fake news,
[09:40:50] actual gig of trash.
[09:40:52] I have a movable object, the tethering actually fucks.
[09:41:05] No cap up.
[09:41:59] I was thinking about uh, cause right now it's throwing, it's throwing to here but I only
[09:42:03] have one remover.
[09:42:04] Honestly, if I have one remover, I'll just commit the, I can't, I know I can't.
[09:42:10] I just have to commit, I'll just think I'm over the top.
[09:42:16] Oh, thank god.
[09:42:17] Never mind nothing god, my whole board's gone.
[09:42:19] Oh wait?
[09:42:20] Never mind it's dead.
[09:42:22] Oh my fucking god.
[09:42:23] I'm like, it's fucking fire, you know.
[09:42:26] What's my actually 23 now mate?
[09:43:07] I mean, Shard and Cinder doesn't do anything.
[09:43:10] The shard of the retirement board.
[09:43:29] Why does it look like I'm not killing a single unit?
[09:43:35] I got fucking dumpstered.
[09:43:37] I'm one life.
[09:43:39] Is Cinder broken?
[09:43:40] I mean, there's anti-armor right here.
[09:43:52] There's a- I mean, there's another Gensu, but this should be fine.
[09:43:56] It's Camille Pear.
[09:44:03] Ah, Camille Pear is fake.
[09:44:04] Like, should I just go double Gensu?
[09:44:09] Nah.
[09:44:10] I don't think it's a problem.
[09:44:17] I'm just rolling for-
[09:44:21] Okay, I mean, Lilya 2's not even a small upgrade.
[09:44:23] Hygrim's definitely not a small upgrade.
[09:44:24] Uh, Gensu... I mean, my board just giga-spiked. No cap.
[09:44:44] And I can belt... I'll just belt this then.
[09:44:48] Like, I got Red buff on Milio, it has me to give items faster, it diamonds me.
[09:45:01] I got, uh, Gensu last whisper, which is better than Gensu, uh, Red buff.
[09:45:06] Milio 2 is not even a small upgrade, because I just gave me a full item and I just- I just put my belt on. I'm 8.
[09:45:12] Oh wait, did I put it on Milio?
[09:45:15] Or did I put it on Camille, too?
[09:45:23] Oh, I did.
[09:45:24] Oh, I mean, I need a remover, because now I want Starax BT.
[09:45:55] Great.
[09:45:56] I'm dead for sure.
[09:46:00] What the fuck is this board?
[09:46:01] Oh, wait.
[09:46:14] No, I'm dead for sure.
[09:46:27] I went forth.
[09:46:28] I went forth.
[09:46:29] Wait, yeah.
[09:46:57] You know what?
[09:46:58] You're right.
[09:46:59] Philosophy light three underscore five.
[09:47:04] How the fuck?
[09:47:06] Is he level 9 with Varus 2, Briar 2, TK2?
[09:47:12] When he was 4-way contested.
[09:47:16] He was 4-way contested.
[09:47:19] And somehow there's not a single fucking Kalista player in the entire lobby and I don't see
[09:47:24] my first Kalista until 4-5.
[09:47:26] Alright, give me one sec.
[09:48:32] Yeah, whatever, I'm just gonna start banning people, who the fuck cares.
[09:48:50] Hello?
[09:48:51] I was watching you play league on the toilet earlier today. I was watching you play a lousy
[09:48:57] What uh, what rank did you peak by the way? Your lousy actually looks clean as fuck
[09:49:10] Like are you an allowee like main or something?
[09:49:14] Master knows it. Like what the like your allowee was looking a little too clean a lousy
[09:49:28] Not gonna leave is more fun than TFT right now same agreed
[09:49:58] Get set to go
[09:50:00] Bro, this guy was like 1KLP, he just fucking locks in his fucking 1 trick.
[09:50:10] Actual known loser alert.
[09:50:22] Like he just queues up, flexes with friends to play his 1 trick.
[09:50:28] Huh?
[09:50:29] Let me go see if I can find...
[09:51:00] Where is the most recent...
[09:51:02] Oh wait, is he not even a rumble 1 trick?
[09:51:04] How do I go to the previous season?
[09:51:12] Oh wait, oh wait, oh this is...
[09:51:19] Bro, Showtime fucking lied man.
[09:51:21] Short time was like, the guy's fucking 1KLP.
[09:51:24] Bro, that's his peak. He doesn't even play anymore.
[09:51:25] Okay, honestly, I'll allow it.
[09:51:47] Cast it in.
[09:52:12] Cinder game.
[09:52:29] The thing is I can't sell, I can't sell any of these.
[09:52:32] So...
[09:52:36] I, uh, yeah, I mean, I can't.
[09:52:37] I mean, maybe I can sell if I get tier, but even then I probably can't.
[09:52:42] Rod, BF, World.
[09:52:50] Big gains.
[09:52:52] I think I'll mate.
[09:53:17] I think I'll mate.
[09:53:18] Right, I played this shit.
[09:53:57] Can't kill a single unit then.
[09:53:58] Oh, I killed something, that's where you live then.
[09:54:01] G G
[09:54:03] Is there if you have pyro plus one do you even play?
[09:54:16] Do you even play five pyro?
[09:54:24] Like it. I don't even like a pyro
[09:54:38] emblem
[09:54:40] What is this all we even called?
[09:54:43] Pyro crest on to one
[09:54:49] It averages a 4.58. Okay. It is negative Delta
[09:54:55] I mean four blasters also negative Delta. I didn't kill a single unit. There's no way I'm playing Ashley.
[09:55:14] What the fuck is this? I mean I need to get some stacks or I can't play the fucking game.
[09:55:38] I have a rod. How sure are you guys that it's a pyro? Or it's a five pyro. Are you sure?
[09:55:57] it's not. I'm pretty sure it's fucking trash, like giga trash. The BF is gone, now I'll
[09:56:35] mate. But because like the thing is, I'm like looking at it and it says Pyrocrust, it says
[09:56:49] Six Blaster is like negative like 3 million Delta and how the fucking you have five Pyros
[09:56:53] six blaster yeah can't and three three pyro is barely plus but then five one
[09:57:27] two three four five six this guy's pyro fucking multi what does what the do-do
[09:57:40] you think he's playing towards close to though I hope so this heckle just won
[09:57:48] me the game or like it saved my fucking game yeah I'm pretty sure you just
[09:57:57] default the pyro board and then maybe like at nine you go five pyro because
[09:58:03] damage your level 9 because like no matter what like let's put let's put various
[09:58:07] three item and let's put level 8 and then I'll put pyro pyro emblem it averages
[09:58:17] a 5.24 at level 8 though so let me go to trades okay yes like look at this shit
[09:58:24] man but that's what I put level 8 that's what I put level 8 I mean at level
[09:58:28] Is it even like it's plus it's just a standard board and you have ever stacks it's even plus delta on fucking level nine man
[09:58:35] I'm pretty sure you just play three. I'm good
[09:58:40] So like how come what I ask
[09:58:42] There's some some fucking chatters. What right?
[09:58:44] Let me know like how come what I when I asked he like how come people are just like a hundred percent a hundred percent
[09:58:51] And like if you're not a hundred percent sure then how can you say a hundred percent like what's up with that?
[09:59:10] Website is wrong
[09:59:32] Okay, the problem is I don't have arcana odds or you know what sounds beyond broken
[09:59:36] I mean, it's probably it's probably just gets you early sacks and then you're your various actually scales
[09:59:43] Maybe a good opener. I got a rumble to now what I have glove cloak rod. I mean, I have to go QSS
[09:59:57] I mean, it's pretty good because it's a QSS I'm happy. I'm gonna be beyond illegal
[10:00:01] I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna blast rods or or whatever. It's called odds. So I think I'm a
[10:00:15] QSS IE plus one is fine. Yeah, fucking pyrohackery roll no BT.
[10:00:33] Yup. This guy looks strong as fuck.
[10:00:39] This board just gotta run the fuck over. I am fucking broke.
[10:01:03] I mean I can go multi on on Darius. Gives me five multi right now.
[10:01:23] I mean it's not that. Okay it's a four of all. Oh okay.
[10:01:30] I mean it's not that good actually. I mean it's still good. The fights are gonna end in two seconds
[10:01:36] And then also like I need front line my front line is fucking pathetic. My front line is the
[10:01:58] Is a rumble. That's it
[10:02:00] My arms are various are gonna be QSS IE until you get something if I can get something better
[10:02:09] Well, honestly QSS is probably not even that bad because I have so much fucking starting a fast feed
[10:02:14] That like if I do get CC'd I'm losing 5 million DPS
[10:02:17] Let me do a quick scout see what's going on this guy's
[10:02:49] Wow, he has a fucking Kalista. That's not good. And he has a Venge of the Fallen. That's definitely not good. I mean, it's a Kalista for sure. That's good.
[10:02:55] Okay, this guy has Slammity's level 740 with IE, IE, so he's Varus for sure. I think this guy's also... I don't even know what the fuck he's playing.
[10:03:04] This guy is probably Kalista, but he is zero... Actually, I think he's playing Ganks.
[10:03:10] This guy has Starax plus that into probably Karma. And this guy is probably Karma.
[10:03:17] He has a fucking Gwen.
[10:03:19] Bro, this Hecarim is fucking cooking.
[10:03:25] Like everyone.
[10:03:27] What the fuck?
[10:03:30] What is going on?
[10:03:34] Okay, I mean, I...
[10:03:36] I'm so broke.
[10:03:38] I don't know what to do.
[10:03:40] I just played 3-3 Pyro.
[10:03:43] I guess I can hold Diana on the roll down, but Diana won.
[10:03:48] I don't even...
[10:03:50] He just got a fucking...
[10:03:52] and he just got a Varus.
[10:03:56] He just got a Varus.
[10:03:57] Okay, the guy that's contesting just gets a Varus on Carousel
[10:04:01] and then now I'm guaranteed eight.
[10:04:03] Okay, GG Zen.
[10:04:05] Okay, GG Zen.
[10:04:08] Kill the stupid as Rod.
[10:04:12] The glove actually wants to be last with strings.
[10:04:13] I don't have even try to component.
[10:04:15] But yeah, I mean, he just got a Varus
[10:04:17] and now what's the game playing?
[10:04:19] What the fuck is the game playing?
[10:04:21] I mean, honestly, last game,
[10:04:23] three people requirement all three of them hit and yeah whatever happened to
[10:04:26] them just in the fucking game okay it's fine guys it is a okay ah great he just
[10:04:57] he just got embarrassed by the way he's an Ezreal fucking to level 750 gold
[10:05:00] with an Ezreal 2 so he's actually rolling like 7 million gold wait what
[10:05:04] that my my heck from Ashley just scammed like half his lobby though or not
[10:05:14] the lobby half his units, but Loki, does he have Pyro? Oh, oh he does, fuck. I almost
[10:05:28] won this, I have him just so scammed. I mean there's no end leveling, everything
[10:05:44] matters. I mean you just got a Varus on Karasol, hmm. Honestly it doesn't matter.
[10:05:53] Remember last time I loaded it with no E-contrate, the other guy has E-contrate
[10:05:57] and then I hit way ahead of him? It doesn't even fucking matter, like the
[10:06:00] game is literally all luck. Like sure, I mean he has a higher chance right
[10:06:03] now to hit Varus and Glitz are Varus than me. But I mean at the end of the day the game
[10:06:08] is all luck. I mean maybe I just hit. It's yeah. And the good news is Hecarim 2 is like
[10:06:18] relatively stable until Varus 2. Like I'll just carry Hecarim until Varus. The bad news
[10:06:29] is I don't really want to carry a Hecarim until Varus. But I mean the good news is
[10:06:33] and then also I don't have to play like I don't have to play Forb Blaster because
[10:06:37] Like usually Varus really wants four blaster, but the thing is I have pyro, so I can play five pyro as well
[10:06:42] Oh a TK, I mean you just gotta keep it positive see
[10:06:46] See, like you just keep it positive and then I mean yeah, whatever fuck it
[10:06:58] Whatever it's called next turn on what's our bitching. I mean I can I can play like I can play pyro
[10:07:06] I can play like pyro a colleague carry with fewer of you. Yep. I mean I'm not trying to go no fucking
[10:07:17] I mean it's just double IE pyro QSS IE and I go for even trying on carousel
[10:07:22] 30% Shred is 30% Shred. I mean Jax, what is this Bastion? I don't even, I mean I
[10:07:32] kind of want Blaster Odds though. Because if I can get Blaster Odds, I mean QSS, Pyro,
[10:07:40] I mean I can't go double IE on this. I mean no matter what I go IE on this.
[10:07:44] It means IE, IE, QSS so far. Yeah, IE, IE, QSS. And then I go for even
[10:07:49] Charm on Parasol and I'm back in the game. And then let me do a quick
[10:07:53] checks he was going over here please don't have errors too in fact he only has
[10:07:57] one bears and he wrote the true fucking zero he doesn't have a single TK yeah
[10:08:01] you're fucked buddy you trash wait this guy's blaster plus one this guy's also
[10:08:05] playing bears and he has a bear son seven where did this guy come from oh
[10:08:08] my he just hit blaster on it's okay it's okay not a problem not a problem
[10:08:14] I need one bear is I don't have one bear is I don't have one bear is I
[10:09:06] I don't have one! Holy fuck! I didn't even hit Hecarim 2! I beat someone. Okay, hello?
[10:09:41] I-I-I-I-I don't have one! That's way too expensive to hold. I have three Blaster in.
[10:10:17] I have three Blaster. I have three Blaster. I need a shapeshifter. Uh, just QSS sister now.
[10:10:25] Where's this piece of shit? Okay.
[10:10:27] Like, now I need to go back and find the Nasus.
[10:10:39] But I mean, like, what, I'm supposed to buy a fucking Nasus before I find the, the, the, the, what's it called? The Verus?
[10:10:54] No, man. I think, I think there's another Verus on Keras Elf.
[10:11:10] This guy just got Verus too. Yeah, whatever.
[10:11:18] There's, there's not even an even trial, like, whatever.
[10:11:31] I have dead unit here, a 2 cost, turned into a 3 cost. I'm playing, I think I'm just playing double Verus, no joke.
[10:11:47] I mean, how bad is it? It's not even that bad.
[10:11:56] Next time I want to drop, drop for four blaster.
[10:12:05] I mean, it probably has to be two stars
[10:12:07] for it to be better.
[10:12:25] It just, it just cast on a piece of shit
[10:12:27] instead of the Olaf that was attacking him.
[10:12:29] Good one, man.
[10:12:31] Good one, man.
[10:12:33] Like what the fuck is this shit?
[10:12:43] Two Karma's in shop.
[10:12:46] I mean, that has to be pretty good.
[10:12:49] I mean, I can drop.
[10:12:50] I mean, I don't really want to drop.
[10:12:51] I can drop, drop.
[10:12:54] Why am I playing four Pyro again?
[10:12:56] Does anyone know?
[10:13:09] Yeah whatever fuck it might be so good. It's just CCs whole board and then puts more along whole board
[10:13:26] It's way too good. I was this close. It doesn't even have a little gold
[10:13:35] And then also like, how do I even play and this was Shen at 9?
[10:13:41] and that's the unless they find and that's our nases and that's if my nases that I can play I can play 5 pyro
[10:13:46] But not really this is my board. It's good enough man
[10:13:49] Okay, geez then I like I get looks like my board sucks because it does but I'm about to get even trout
[10:13:56] I don't even have Shentu. Are you stupid? I just want any combat
[10:14:37] This is a wrath. I mean I do have rabbitons
[10:14:51] like if I drop
[10:14:57] If I drop four blaster for Nasis plus the wrath that's better. Yeah, but I thought the problem is I have to lock
[10:15:09] And that's I want to like this Shentu actually matters. I like if I just stuck on eat this entire game
[10:15:21] The fights are too fast. What the fuck this? No, that's not even true because they're a single target is so illegal and
[10:15:28] And then I
[10:15:31] Wait, I just realized I don't even have to play I
[10:15:39] Don't even have to play shen or heck room like I can drop drop for Nacis plus. Oh
[10:15:49] Okay
[10:15:50] Okay, I'm gonna roll full charm
[10:15:56] Like I can just go
[10:15:59] Shen heck room gone
[10:16:01] For Nacis plus the wrath
[10:16:05] Bro, no one cares about Bastion the fuck
[10:16:08] G G
[10:16:10] But I need an Asus. I need an Asus.
[10:16:13] Because that's Blaster plus 1 level 9, 6 Blaster, I'm not going to sit with you, but I think I'm going to...
[10:16:23] I mean, I don't really want to roll.
[10:16:30] Nice. I just want to... I just... I'm just rolling to a charm every turn. That's it.
[10:16:54] I... I can't even buy this.
[10:16:58] Also, I mean, if I lock this and I buy it next turn...
[10:17:03] I mean, that's not even worth it, man. Like, it's not that deep.
[10:17:06] I have three Reforgers, or Removers.
[10:17:12] Oh, QSS against eternal winter, it's not even that bad then.
[10:17:33] I have a question, so if you're looking at this, how come what I asked, if it was 5 Pyro?
[10:17:50] 100%, 100%.
[10:18:00] It doesn't do anything.
[10:18:02] I mean, I'm not for 5 Pyro, I mean like Pyro plus 2, like Shirley, man.
[10:18:08] I mean, it has to be, like there's no fucking way it's not.
[10:18:14] Like if it's plus 2, I'm last pick?
[10:18:19] oh my okay what the fuck is this I mean I don't even mind the rabbit odds it's
[10:18:44] actually good as fuck because I'm tapping around giraffe for sure oh bastion
[10:18:55] oh okay the fuck one roll for charm I mean after I just buy that I can just
[10:19:45] scam a 10 there's an aces I mean it's not even better than this because I have
[10:19:49] a what's it called and shape is like whatever this unit just approximately
[10:19:53] a little once and just fuck off my board. Also why the fuck is Bastion not on my TK?
[10:20:00] Is Pyro Zorath better? I mean it does get more, it's more at high speed. Yeah this unit
[10:20:06] just cast once to get the fuck off my board. Yay. And fuck off my board. Cast once, you're
[10:20:12] out of here. Where the fuck did my whole board go? My board fucking sucks. Oh wait,
[10:20:30] oh plus 20. Oh okay, new trash dead. He went fast nine and died. And I just
[10:21:01] level to nine for I mean I can also just drop this for five of like three bro I'm
[10:21:09] not playing no fucking trash on my board yeah fuck out of here maybe it's
[10:21:12] an asus but that's it but I also don't really want I mean I can QSS someone
[10:21:33] else and go do something something DB and just straight up one bullet the
[10:21:37] whole fucking board. G, G, IE, IE, D, B, QSS. 36. I mean I might as well feed once
[10:21:55] because no matter what I'm two lives yeah. Okay what the fuck is this shit? I
[10:22:00] mean I don't I don't know how the fuck I'm not even two lives anymore. I mean
[10:22:34] how much a task feed is my pirate right now? 49% plus whatever. I think it's
[10:22:38] really important that I don't attack this first yeah and I might not die so I'm not
[10:22:55] gonna feed and watch this it's a fucking one-shot four blaster db IE and okay I
[10:23:08] killed all the trash though that's pretty good fuck this die die you all my 300
[10:23:45] HP I am dead as fuck I honestly fuck it like maybe maybe it just it just
[10:23:59] survive. Yeah, fuck it. Whatever. Okay, whatever. I'll take it there. Geez. And that's pretty
[10:24:20] good. I rolled out 50 gold and didn't see a single fucking Varus. I carried a Hecarim.
[10:24:34] The entire game. I carried a fucking Hecarim. That's pretty good. It was five pyro 100%.
[10:24:45] Yeah, you got it. Yeah, you got it. These pyro units definitely scale off with Taksim.
[10:24:55] Baris with true gigabits. Yeah, let's just play triple reverse fun guys
[10:25:29] Triple reverse fun for an extra 5% execute
[10:25:33] And some extra attack speed that doesn't even matter because the fucking the base scaling of
[10:25:38] Pyro is the exact same regardless of how many pyros you play. Oh
[10:25:43] my god
[10:25:46] What's next like it's a hundred percent seven Barry, huh QSS was fine in total
[10:26:04] Can I just look at this message? Zero AS Varus LOL. I had a hundred fifty stacks.
[10:26:14] No, I didn't have it right there. Okay, you're banned then.
[10:26:23] Bro, when I see some fucking dumbass take, I'm just gonna ban. It's not even worth my
[10:26:29] fucking effort. I'm not even gonna give them a chance to type back. Just know
[10:26:34] that you should just play a new game. And that way, I don't get fucking
[10:26:50] stunlocked part two. Wait, I'm kind of smart. Like, usually I get
[10:27:07] stun locked again but if you just banned them on the spot how can you get
[10:27:13] stun locked yeah I can't because they're gone
[10:27:16] fuck it surely I mean I called shot and I just slam arc the problem is like I'm
[10:27:31] gonna lose because my front line is so fucking bad and if I just low roll like
[10:27:36] someone that's giga strong I mean everyone's board just looked back at
[10:27:38] though this is just way too safe is this ascending I mean ascending
[10:27:44] Augments if it's a setting augments better seem to choose it. What am I like it? Like if I have arc like what am I even looking for?
[10:27:50] We'll come up in the looking for that's insane. I
[10:28:06] Want the fucking game but the only problem with this is it was called shot
[10:28:14] I would I would be level nine on four to but like bro. How did I know like that come on like?
[10:28:22] Like I
[10:28:23] How man like my board is not that good. I don't even know I I don't even know why I even upgraded the zillion
[10:28:28] I'm not gonna lie. I
[10:28:29] Why the fuck did I upgrade the zillion again?
[10:28:32] Because the thing is on stage two. I mean now like I have to keep it because
[10:28:41] Because my board is actually one of those boards that has like the exo like I can actually fight
[10:28:45] This one this one I for sure don't upgrade. Thank you. I choose one of them in college. Oh
[10:28:57] Holy I just almost overrated it. I mean this unit is better. This unit is better than zillion though
[10:29:02] So why don't I upgrade this and then just leave the zillion and just sell the fucking stupid a zillion?
[10:29:06] I mean actually this guy is strong as fuck by I mean even if I have this dude, too
[10:29:25] I don't even think I eat this guy. His synergy is just straight up way like I don't even have the exorbitant
[10:29:37] Because I can't send my item like he is more like I
[10:30:09] Item grab bag and he just gets morello spark. I don't know which one he took
[10:30:13] But it's like I want
[10:30:21] Look at this metam man, like it's just everyone is just sitting here making econ this stage
[10:30:25] Like I don't even know why okay. Yeah, I actually threw this game, you know, you know this zillion in
[10:30:30] In order for Zilean 2 to be the difference maker in me 5-strikeing or not is is is straight up zero
[10:30:38] The difference in me 5-strikeing or not is dodging the guy that's actually strong aka this guy
[10:30:44] And then I just make this and then I'm pretty sure I could have made 10 first rounds or 10 on neutrals
[10:30:48] I'd be at 20 gold right now. So I'm actually down like 7 million gold in all me
[10:30:53] Like did I not toss this game?
[10:30:55] The only reason I'm getting away with it is because I dodged I dodged this guy
[10:30:59] But if I didn't dodge this guy, like, am I not 8th?
[10:31:04] Like, I'm just down 20 gold relative to the rest of the lobby.
[10:31:07] I mean, I don't even know why I'm mad.
[10:31:11] I'm mad at myself.
[10:31:12] I fucking trolled.
[10:31:14] Bro, the bow is not on my fucking...
[10:31:17] I'm not...
[10:31:36] Okay, honestly, am I a genius?
[10:31:38] Let me see how much value this bomb gets.
[10:32:00] What the fuck am I even fighting here?
[10:32:17] Oh wait, this guy just gave me a swing.
[10:32:19] The fuck?
[10:32:24] Okay, I mean I'm done with his Econ for this one actually.
[10:32:46] Okay, I thought my board was the Exodia board and then I loaded him to the fucking, the gig of Jesus board.
[10:32:59] Okay, it's fine.
[10:33:03] This is a problem.
[10:33:04] Actually, it's not that much of a problem.
[10:33:09] Uh, I mean the problem is everyone is karma.
[10:33:12] I mean this guy's spot is actually, I mean he's 5th straight so the spot can't be bad.
[10:33:15] But the problem is, everyone is karma so whoever has more Econ on 4-2,
[10:33:21] is going to hit everything.
[10:33:25] And he's just 5th straight.
[10:33:26] And then I think, I mean this guy's playing towards karma as well and his board is fucking illegal.
[10:33:30] Honestly, his spots not that good because if I can 4-1 and I just win the game.
[10:33:34] I mean, this guy's Karma for sure.
[10:33:37] This guy's Karma for sure.
[10:33:39] Actually, it could be Kalista, actually.
[10:33:41] This guy's Karma for sure.
[10:33:43] This guy's Kalista.
[10:33:45] This guy's probably Karma.
[10:33:47] Not sure.
[10:33:49] Oh, no, no, it's Kassadin.
[10:33:51] And then Barriss.
[10:33:53] That guy has Ezreal too.
[10:33:55] This is the most Hyrule fucking lobby I've ever seen.
[10:33:57] Because, like, yeah, he's 53 HP, but he's Ezreal too with brisky moves.
[10:34:00] He's about to load into Varus with Varus two in two seconds. I don't get it
[10:34:05] My items are my items are all like I'm also high rolling
[10:34:15] Like am I not high rolling here? Like I'm also high rolling. I
[10:34:26] I'm high rolling even harder now and my items are fucking true true this
[10:34:30] We're for drawing bench BT for ha like BF or have BT shift more low making 50
[10:34:35] You know, it's actually really good here. If I can get if I can get
[10:34:52] I'm gonna get frost plus one and then I can play towards Olaf Varus instead of Karma and then just put Shib Morello on whoever.
[10:35:03] I mean like in Brawl, it's Karma, Karma, Karma, Kalista, not sure, find Vintage Varus.
[10:35:42] Oh, I'm on the England. Okay, I got build up. I can do anything.
[10:35:47] Actually I'd be sacking. Is it fine to just sack?
[10:35:49] I mean, I just go tree tracker, I already have rumble, yeah, I just went to the gym here,
[10:35:58] it's actually just over then.
[10:35:59] I mean, I just sat at the stage, it's fun, like I'm reaching up to 4-1, I have a 4-door
[10:36:25] as well, oh my nice, jeez.
[10:36:27] I mean, apart from me making the zillion on 2-1, you can't even say I didn't play
[10:36:31] this game flawless.
[10:36:32] Yeah, like yeah I made the zillion on 2-1, but like, I think I'm fucked because
[10:36:52] I'm gonna be sacking, and I just lost it.
[10:37:02] I mean, it's okay.
[10:37:15] I mean, TK is really good, it's so easy to make a board.
[10:37:38] Like, one Hecarim, I can just play Zoe plus Poppy.
[10:37:41] I mean, I need to cash out and see what I'm even rolling for is a problem.
[10:37:46] I just have to stage 4-1.
[10:37:54] Also, this guy's spot is also insanely good.
[10:37:58] Monka.
[10:38:00] Lovely.
[10:38:27] Leg in large.
[10:38:53] Trench growth, BT.
[10:39:35] My entire board died instantly.
[10:39:36] It's fine, it's fine.
[10:39:37] I'm actually about to win out don't worry. Wait if I find one bardo, is that is that I should I just roll for a bardo
[10:39:56] So I know and then that that way I know what I want on here
[10:40:09] So I won the game for sure by the way because I found this arrest and then that way like I can just forward to it
[10:40:15] And then I actually know what the fuck I'm rolling for instead of for one cash out
[10:40:18] And then and then not knowing what I'm rolling for and then I have to go back and then I'm stuck on 8
[10:40:44] Okay, and then now I cash out here and I just went out I
[10:40:48] Have some extra remover. So it's kind of fucking annoying
[10:40:50] I mean preserver I mean hunter for sure like no matter what I'm keeping that
[10:41:00] They preserver for sure. I'll just put some charge units. Yeah, whatever fuck it. I mean BT on here for sure
[10:41:07] This on this for sure. I mean I want hunter for sure
[10:41:10] I'll just I'll just put some trash over here. I mean I might as well keep scholar as well
[10:41:33] Like what the fuck I have another hunter. Oh wait
[10:41:50] Yeah, whatever who the fuck here's and then I've vanguard as well
[10:41:55] Yeah, whatever fuck it and the next turn I just call it I'll just call her this
[10:42:04] I'll just encounter this tier chain
[10:42:11] Okay, and that is I don't even want to play. I mean I love a verbato. I'm a fucking I can drop rumble. I
[10:42:20] Want this game for sure. It's it's it's actually just unreasonable
[10:42:25] How hard am I really?
[10:42:27] Holy fuck. I am pretty sure I don't have to roll a single time actually
[10:42:49] I just hit, you know, every single one of my emblems I like.
[10:42:54] I can just level for this and like play an extra Preserver maybe, but like I kind of like ship Merlo on.
[10:43:11] I'm carrying items on, like, okay I need to move items to Zerath for sure, but also I'm Rise Paired so I kind of want, but I don't really want to roll.
[10:43:33] Yeah?
[10:43:34] Fulker Chaos Double Locker, great.
[10:43:39] But like I have like true fucking this Olaf as well
[10:43:51] Okay, I got fucking dumpstered. I mean I have items on a fucking arty one
[10:44:00] Arty one
[10:44:02] I should probably just roll for like one upgrade. What the fuck is this?
[10:44:21] Okay, we have already do now. Also, let me let me move scholar to
[10:44:32] What the fuck is this shit?
[10:44:47] Also, karma is probably better than Rakan. It's a it's encounter and promo. I mean, I
[10:44:57] I don't really want to go nine when I'm sitting on whatever the fuck this is my nine is just a carib and that's it
[10:45:03] I'm just sitting on and then also like I'm pretty sure when I roll here. It's so easy to find Olaf. I just got true this
[10:45:23] It's so fucking easy to get Olaf
[10:45:28] Never mind this guy. I mean there's one gone and like I I like Olaf 2 is Olaf 2 and the karma over the stupid ass rock on
[10:45:36] It gives a chrono and something
[10:45:39] and our board looks
[10:45:41] Fuck it insane. It actually looks insane how my trade trucker. I didn't even have to reforge anything
[10:45:49] Also, fuck it. I'll even is there something better to hunter. I mean, I'm sitting on four fucking pairs
[10:46:24] My level nine is just heck of I'm done. Yeah, my board's insane
[10:46:28] One two three four five six seven eight nine traits with with chib Morello archier
[10:46:35] It's just I I don't have
[10:46:41] How did this guy even hit heck of
[10:46:47] okay I mean that's that's that's not what matters what matters is I don't have
[10:46:50] a single fucking two star man not one okay surely one role I was gonna I was
[10:47:03] gonna roll once for a fore-cost and then sell the rumble but I mean I mean I'm
[10:48:06] stable off Olaf 2 like I'm done rolling on him all up to yeah all up like all
[10:48:20] up to I'm stable for sure I don't even care about TK2 or
[10:48:25] It's just all up to it just their whole board just gets run over
[10:48:35] Automatic components on me. I mean you can't miss man like it bro
[10:48:47] Morgana can I play Morgana over something like what is this?
[10:48:59] Vanguard for Vanguard how the fuck is this even possible man? Maybe I get
[10:49:26] Diffing later. I mean I'm going to you for sure
[10:49:33] I
[10:49:34] I don't have a single fucking two star
[10:49:43] Prop for Vanguard. It's not stronger. It's not fucking stronger like
[10:49:48] It's HP the width with everything man
[10:49:52] Thank you now I go nine like it's not that hard man like I mean scholar fucking sucks
[10:50:02] But it's not that suck. I don't really care about these I
[10:50:30] um
[10:50:31] I mean from this spot. I you just don't I'm down to not roll for a charm until I lose around
[10:50:37] Cuz I'm pretty sure with Olaf too. I can't lose a single round, but you're telling me I don't buy this
[10:51:03] Bro, let me let me scout
[10:51:14] It's just a little bit of extra HP like is that even that good. I need a clump because of there's a fucking bearer's player
[10:51:32] Okay, this much of it doesn't matter. That's fun
[10:51:35] Because if I can level over a hechorm I just went out. I mean I clumped on the opposite side and
[10:51:46] Now the hechorm just wraps her free and now I'm eight
[10:51:48] But it's because there's a guy with a fucking spectral cutlass man, and now I'm stuck just
[10:51:54] buying the charm every single fucking round.
[10:52:01] I'm pretty sure I can actually win this fight if it doesn't wrap back on like what the fuck
[10:52:09] is this shit man.
[10:52:11] And then if I don't clump, the moment I don't clump I'm gonna fight the spectral
[10:52:14] cutlass and laugh.
[10:52:16] And then I'm just dead.
[10:52:18] Absolutely wonderful.
[10:52:35] Do I just go red buff anyway?
[10:52:37] I got him rellow but these items are fucking shit.
[10:52:44] actual shit.
[10:52:45] yeah whatever it's rath 2 or something.
[10:52:54] fire.
[10:52:55] i'm out for a swirl.
[10:53:00] milio, ori.
[10:53:01] there's beauty in this small smite.
[10:53:03] it's a rath 2.
[10:53:18] i'm clumping in though.
[10:53:27] it killed one of my anti-hills immediately.
[10:53:29] stupid ass item.
[10:53:51] okay.
[10:54:01] Now I can finally fucking position my game.
[10:54:39] I'm pretty sure Zorakon this side is just wins, I think.
[10:54:43] Never mind, there's no one shot.
[10:54:45] Okay, I said it was gonna win.
[10:54:49] And then I got fucking done shit.
[10:54:51] Also it's probably a charm dip by the way.
[10:54:54] If I had a combat shot I'm pretty sure I wouldn't win this.
[10:54:56] What did he have?
[10:54:57] Yup, mistake scared.
[10:54:58] It's the only reason he didn't get one shot.
[10:55:00] I mean it doesn't matter, I can't lose.
[10:55:06] It just means I'm stuck rolling on 8th.
[10:55:09] Which is fine.
[10:55:15] I'm not even close to max cap
[10:55:17] Because I can go, I can go, I mean I'll hit Karma too for sure.
[10:55:31] And then I move items off R8 onto Karma.
[10:55:37] I mean you can't miss, is all I'm gonna say.
[10:55:52] I'm scared that it's gonna keep that so I'm just gonna go with this instead.
[10:55:56] There's Rabadon's, sure.
[10:55:57] And I'll just rub off this, and I'll just sugar his Briar too, doesn't matter.
[10:56:28] I think. Hello?
[10:56:35] I got Zileanbomb. Saved.
[10:56:38] Oh, okay, you trashed him.
[10:56:40] Actually, I don't know if anyone needs this.
[10:56:51] He's 4, Ardenaut, Hecarim 3, with fine vintage.
[10:56:55] Do I even beat that?
[10:57:50] I don't dare to beat this.
[10:57:52] I think I'm going in.
[10:58:00] I... I... he's in natural...
[10:58:02] Oh, god.
[10:58:04] Oh, he just gave me some gold.
[10:58:06] It's not even bad.
[10:58:07] Oh, fuck.
[10:58:13] What could I sell? Bro what the fuck can I say? Okay I'm just no I'm not playing
[10:58:33] that fuck 4 Vanguard. I'm fighting clone, I'm one gold off, it died instantly. My
[10:58:44] entire board dies instantly in regard to this. Hello? Did I take a better loss you
[10:58:55] think? Actually no no. Oh my god like I have a question how the fucking even
[10:59:12] hit Hecarim 3. How can he even hit Hecarim 3? Where are these various players even doing?
[10:59:22] He loaded in with no econ augment, with Hecarim 3 on stage 4, with fine vintage.
[10:59:57] Yeah, I probably can win that fight with Rumble in Combat Charm and I can go second.
[11:00:01] But there's no way I'm winning. I'm just gonna get Combat Charm Diffed.
[11:00:04] You can't just wrote like you get fucking earthquake five rounds of row
[11:00:07] He he's 50 HP with fine vintage just sit in there
[11:00:10] Like like when you hire will find vintage it is the most blatant fucking Hyrule shit of all time
[11:00:16] Because the thing is like let's say let's say starting on stage like four, right?
[11:00:21] Like starting for one. Can you really greed?
[11:00:24] Like can you really greed your your fine vintage? No, man. It's you're gonna be fucking dead
[11:00:30] Pockygum rated. Fuck you Pocky, you know you Hyrule, like relax buddy, you trash.
[11:00:40] Like I, how the fuck is Hecarim? Like there's, okay, like when you take fine
[11:00:45] vintage, like you're probably thinking about playing Cassadin, right? Like, like
[11:00:48] how can you just have Hecarim 3 on stage 4? Explain that to me, please.
[11:00:54] Like, even I'm holding, like even I could have played Hecarim, there's two
[11:01:00] various players in the lobby playing Hecarim, there's Kalista players
[11:01:03] playing Hecarim? How the fuck do you just have He- I think the only unit that's more
[11:01:11] played than Hecarim is probably Zilean. That's it. It's Bardo, never mind. Okay, it's Rakan.
[11:01:19] It's Bardo, Rakan, Hecarim, TK, like, so- How the fuck do you have zero econ augment?
[11:01:29] Hecarim 3 on stage 4, just sitting there, fine-vintaging your entire fucking- yeah,
[11:01:36] barrier is that is that unreasonable or is that reasonable by the way or no
[11:01:44] hecarim 3 on stage 4 0 econ augment you got to Zerath on level 7 what the fuck
[11:02:02] does that okay what's the difference between two Zerath and one Zerath when
[11:02:13] you can't when it doesn't get upgraded until fucking stage 6 like I didn't
[11:02:19] I didn't even have Olaf 2 on 5-5!
[11:02:24] I don't even know.
[11:02:33] He got shitty Niko charm twice.
[11:02:38] I just realized I haven't had a Giga opener in forever.
[11:03:17] Is there an opener where I already know I'm going to win the game?
[11:03:21] When was the last time I 5-3?
[11:03:23] Not recently.
[11:03:25] Am I approaching Giga opener?
[11:03:54] Honestly I am. Like Soraka 2, Rumble, Mordekaiser, Elise 2, Ash, 3 Eldritch, like I'm actually
[11:04:14] approaching it. Bro I can't find Vintage here, my items are way too good.
[11:04:50] Do I want to play, do I just want to play Callista? Yeah it's just a Callista game,
[11:05:23] patience is a virtue. So why does it look like I didn't kill a single unit? Because
[11:05:32] I didn't I mean these pairs are even more. Oh my board is not even that bad
[11:05:51] It's actually not that bad seriously if I beat this guy
[11:06:06] I'm gonna beat this guy as well
[11:06:08] I lose to him right now
[11:06:14] The thing is he's probably gonna open as well. I think he's trying to angle Kalista. I mean this guy is this guy's karma
[11:06:30] This guy's probably Kalista. I have a question. Why am I even scouting?
[11:06:43] doesn't really matter by the like it doesn't matter I'm contested I'm rolling
[11:06:49] it 40 gold but I'm rolling 80 gold I'm not sure why Sam chosen them I'm rolling 80
[11:07:06] gold on 4-1 it's actually probably more than 80 because the thing is I'm gonna
[11:07:11] have like let's say I'm at like on average like 16 because I have to buy
[11:07:14] some fucking units to beat the beat the Krugs but let's say on average I'm
[11:07:17] at like 18 I don't know like let's say like 14 rolls that's already 28 gold
[11:07:23] on top of like an extra like 50 gold I'm actually roll like I can't lose like
[11:07:28] trust me you can't lose like I like it can test me if you want like it like
[11:07:32] whatever you guys like you guys got it by the time you even like you fucking
[11:07:36] see your first shop I've already have rolled 80 gold and if I miss with 80
[11:07:40] gold hey that's fine it's just this game shit like whatever
[11:07:42] GG I have like true fucking gigabits items nice I'm in a stupid I hit a
[11:08:14] Emilio, which I probably will.
[11:08:16] But all right, Jax, Zillian, Hecarim,
[11:08:23] Kalista, Rokon, Emilio, Camille.
[11:08:29] Wait, what?
[11:08:34] Okay, I don't need to put the fucking legendaries, man.
[11:08:36] Like, I'm not gonna miss the fucking legendaries.
[11:08:55] I mean, this unit actually helps me beat neutrals.
[11:08:57] That's pretty good.
[11:09:25] Ginsu Bo, Shoujin Belt.
[11:09:47] Okay, I mean, I'm holding this shop for sure.
[11:09:51] Cuz it gives me fairy odds
[11:09:53] And I can just play around this for and then I can just play one two three four
[11:09:56] I mean, I just got blessed with the best shop of all time. What the fuck is this and then now I'm I'm just not gonna roll
[11:10:31] Why not just lock
[11:10:36] Okay, so I can buy it next round
[11:10:38] Like I mean, how do you know this shop doesn't doesn't have to have the juice as well?
[11:10:48] It's one gold man. I win this right? Oh, I was over four
[11:11:16] It can't even have the juice
[11:11:18] Look, just look my components. It's just like it's a zero gold Krugs
[11:11:29] That's fine. That's actually better because these guys will never be able to play the game and like these these components are super good. Oh
[11:11:41] wait
[11:11:43] Never mind it's I didn't pay out on me. There's just on it and the zillion
[11:11:57] Okay, honestly, I'm kind of down to hold both because I mean I lose four
[11:12:13] But the thing is these are our final board and then also like otherwise. I'm gonna be playing five out of six
[11:12:18] And I don't really want to just lose 20 health for no reason.
[11:12:25] Minus 4.
[11:12:26] It's fine.
[11:12:27] I said on average 14, 14 rolls and I'm already at 10.
[11:12:31] Yeah?
[11:12:37] I'm fucking 8.
[11:12:42] I don't have a single fucking- What?
[11:13:24] What?
[11:13:26] How is my tier 2 augment fucking trait tracker?
[11:13:29] Or not trait tracker, TGs.
[11:13:31] Oh my fucking god.
[11:13:33] jazz but no man I'm not losing fucking two four gold to hold the fucking jacks
[11:13:50] are you paying five volts for a jacks no man okay I'm fucked I'm actually fucked
[11:13:55] this is just I don't even my I don't have I didn't see a single fucking how
[11:13:59] is this even possible I mean the other ones are like I didn't get a single okay
[11:14:07] like what I mean I should I should have kept three's a crowd and then the
[11:14:18] worst case no like I'm missing for the biscuit my tier two being 150 HP like
[11:14:22] No, thank you. I would I would take literally anything over that. I mean, I don't even know tea
[11:14:30] Like I wouldn't even be so like I don't even think
[11:14:57] Trade tracker how man in Kalista is so narrow. You can't play anything else. I have ginsu ginsu fucking warm-mouthed guard
[11:15:03] Well, what the fuck this trade tracker do? I'm kind of done to use some rolls for multi striker. So I don't just go a
[11:15:38] fly fairy to preserver
[11:16:42] That many again that many rolls and I didn't find the multi striker
[11:16:45] So I mean I have to stack two more and then I just four one all in
[11:16:47] except I don't know how contested I am so I don't know if so I don't know if I
[11:16:57] honestly I'm kind of down to have this tank and then this be the second tank the
[11:17:08] Varus blue buff I Varus is that's Kalista with Kintzu Kintzu he's waiting on
[11:17:13] his remover and he's he's econ on top of that and he has a rock on and a Kalista
[11:17:19] on seven he has a rock on and a Kalista on fucking seven like I got
[11:17:27] this Calista from Carousel! So you can't say it was from... Bro I can't play this game anymore,
[11:17:40] I think I might just go play some fucking UNA. I actually can't, I'm just gonna go play some
[11:17:45] fucking UNA. This game is just a fucking joke. You just load in, I might actually go mentally
[11:17:52] insane like fucking playing this trash. Oh my... Oh wait, oh wait, oh! I'm gonna lose some roles,
[11:18:09] it doesn't fucking matter. He's 4-2 weekend by the way. Oh I don't know if this is actually
[11:19:50] I mean, I don't want to lose another round, okay?
[11:20:12] I mean, I kind of want even trout,
[11:20:14] but I also kind of want red buff.
[11:20:15] I mean, I'd rather have red buff than even trout.
[11:20:21] I mean, I can't even roll.
[11:20:30] I don't get it.
[11:20:35] But I've not even rock-on paired with that much gold.
[11:20:37] And there's no way I can ever hit rock-on-2 anymore.
[11:20:41] Because they're probably all gone.
[11:20:43] I just fought Gwent 2 into Gwent 2.
[11:20:47] I mean, I'm gonna win this fight, but like it.
[11:21:04] I shouldn't have put this.
[11:21:12] He's 20 gold left, with two rock-ons.
[11:21:16] I don't even know where he found these from.
[11:22:19] Like, Jax didn't even die.
[11:22:31] I'm back in the game.
[11:22:32] I'm fucking back.
[11:22:33] This is a cameo.
[11:22:33] I got a cameo.
[11:22:37] Like, okay, thank you.
[11:22:38] Okay, I'm back then.
[11:22:40] I mean, it's not even that good.
[11:22:41] I have a bro like, like, Gwen 2,
[11:22:44] Nasus 2, Varus 2, Gwen 2, TK 2.
[11:22:51] I mean, he went through zero and he's paired on both.
[11:22:54] But I feel like I've rolled more than enough to at least be rock on pair, which I don't have, and now I'm just not forked.
[11:23:01] I mean, if I win both of these rounds into a 9, I just want you guys to know my tier 2 right now is fucking slight a fucking hand.
[11:23:08] It's slight a hand.
[11:23:11] This is my tier 2, this piece of fucking trash that I never upgrade.
[11:23:15] That trash is my tier 2, and this community is a straight up fucking demon.
[11:24:02] No capa.
[11:24:02] it's also milio is also a fucking gig of demon
[11:24:27] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not this guy either
[11:24:36] well I I mean this guy I have a chance against I think but this guy's board is also good
[11:24:44] nice first auto procking the fucking ginsu is huge
[11:24:48] it died I got a hunting frenzy
[11:24:54] I needed to win that round cuz I needed to be two lives as well
[11:26:04] Honestly in the double ginsu revving pump, it's not even bad like I'll actually buy this
[11:26:08] like
[11:26:29] Full spelled on
[11:26:30] You get both it's still a 30 gold left
[11:27:00] Man, I'm reading. Am I just praying I?
[11:27:16] Win this fight
[11:27:19] Also, I can sell this and move items, but I feel like it's not even bad man
[11:27:23] Actually fuck this unit. I missed
[11:27:29] I'm eight
[11:27:35] Is that strong he's 40 gold. That's good for me. I guess my my rock on didn't cast a second time
[11:27:50] I'm back in the game. Yeah. Yeah, just end the fucking game
[11:29:15] I got an eye. I'm telling you on carousels. I got
[11:29:22] Stage three carousel. I got Calista stage four carousel. I got Camille and stage five carousel
[11:29:29] I got Camille again. I use open into this calm, but you have to hit something man. G. I mean, they're all attacking this rock on
[11:30:15] So I'm kind of scared but I do have a double I have like a good good good sewer
[11:30:21] But this time it's rock on to but he doesn't have anything frenzy so if he gets like too low on this
[11:30:26] They died
[11:30:29] Crash I'm gonna think it's this can give
[11:31:01] Fuck I don't want to lose my shops to scout
[11:31:09] Bro like I have to scout the tg. No, I don't know I don't know I don't know
[11:31:13] No. No. I mean, isn't it just always this? Yeah, it is. Oh, okay. You trash then. Oh, I mean the
[11:31:28] good news is the TK's on the incorrect side, but uh, I'm attacking the treasure chest first.
[11:31:34] Oh, he has two TK's. Oh, it's... Oh, hello. I'll allow it. I'll allow it. Whatever. GG's guys.
[11:31:56] GGs am I I want you guys to know my tier 2
[11:32:02] My tier 2 is slight a fucking hand. It is slight a fucking hand. I I
[11:32:10] My oh my and the stats might say it might say it's okay. Let me see but it's not actually okay
[11:32:29] Like the reason it's plus delta and then you're taking this from a win streak like a like I haven't won
[11:32:41] I'm supposed to just open it like bro. It doesn't even do anything. This shit is so fucking useless
[11:32:46] Like it looks like it's okay, but like you would only take this augment if you like I just have a two-star fucking like swain or something I
[11:32:53] Put sleight of hand on my cat arena one like where is the tempo?
[11:32:57] There is none. It's actual fucking garbage like like isn't a fifth place actually pretty good
[11:33:23] Yep, bro. I'm not even I'm not like I'm not even not flexible karma game
[11:33:30] Varus, Kalista, Karma, Varus, Kalista. Oh shit, I played 600 this game. I'm just
[11:33:40] gonna build out. I was supposed to go 8th this game. Karma, Varus. Oh wait, this is
[11:33:48] like Karma and Varus. This is Treasure Golem or Trainer Golems. Oh, Rise. It's a
[11:33:57] rise game. That's pretty good. Varus, Karma, Calista, Karma, Varus, Calista, Karma, Varus,
[11:34:19] Calista. I mean that's pretty flexible. Like I'm pretty flexible, right? Like I can play
[11:34:57] all three comps. Varus, Karma, Kalista. Varus, Karma, Kalista. The only time you don't play
[11:35:34] honestly I'm starting to think trainer golems might be fucking biz. Because only in trainer
[11:35:41] golems can you play something that's not Varus, Karma, or Kalista and get away with
[11:35:51] it. What about Ryze? Why would you play Ryze when Karma 1 is just better? I don't get it.
[11:36:21] I think the Ryze cap is Ryze with Zarath, but why do you just play Zilean with Karma
[11:36:31] and Zarath? Ryze good. In Challenger plus, without plus one scholar, Ryze averages
[11:36:41] a 4.6, rise 2 with 3 items. A 2 star! You're carrying 2 star 3 items! Stats are wrong.
[11:37:24] I mean I don't even think Rise is bad. It's actually not bad. If you have a full Giga
[11:37:29] streak, Shave Guardbreaker, Morello, you find the Rise on stage 3, upgrade some frontline,
[11:37:39] Rise backline, go 9, 9 on 5, 1. The moment you find the Karma, just instant sell Rise
[11:37:43] and then disappeared around the legendaries zillion karma rise or zillion karma
[11:37:48] plus seven you won the game says there's a name that you should be always top forward your selection
[11:38:13] of augment but you are not stats are fake really let's see stats augments let's see
[11:38:21] top four percentage ah that's weird there's not a single fucking augment that's greater than 60
[11:38:29] percent top four it's your average placement look what you're supposed to
[11:38:35] just place 4.06 when you click this it's your average placement average over
[11:38:45] 17,000 games you average displacement which means there are bought fours ah oh
[11:38:50] I click this therefore I'm getting probably I just realized I left over
[11:39:22] food in the kitchen. Be right back. Hello. Can you guys queue up please?
[11:41:06] Who's been sitting? I ate this before I started string. So this has been sitting in the kitchen
[11:41:23] for 12 hours. Gee. Gee. Did I miss? Do you think the game, do you think the game went
[11:42:38] through? Like this is, also I just realized bro my hair is too fucking long. I need
[11:44:01] to get a haircut. I haven't gotten a haircut in...oh it's only been two months. That's
[11:44:28] not even that bad, Loki. Hey, explain how I got fifth blah blah blah, something, something,
[11:44:43] you're trash. That's why. G, G. What is this Q time? The fuck were you cutting if it
[11:45:22] is this long after two months? Is it even that long? Let me move it all the way down.
[11:45:39] I can't even fucking see.
[11:45:41] Can you guys see me?
[11:45:45] You're a true boy.
[11:45:46] Thank you for the gift yourselves.
[11:45:48] Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[11:45:59] And I can see like this.
[11:46:02] Bro, how, like, what even happened to the queue?
[11:46:04] Like, what the fuck happened?
[11:46:05] Hello?
[11:46:34] Why his hair would look like that?
[11:46:45] Oh, I can.
[11:46:49] I can actually, like, lick my hair.
[11:47:33] Check Mort's Twitter, what?
[11:47:34] Mortadog Twitter.
[11:47:36] What happened?
[11:47:52] What? I don't get it.
[11:48:03] What the- wait, what?
[11:48:08] Hello? Can this fucking Q-Pop, please?
[11:48:09] Like, how the fu- you know I've been out of Q-POP
[11:48:12] or out of game for 20 minutes?
[11:48:14] It's like, it's like,
[11:48:15] turning levels of fucking average games per hour.
[11:48:32] Q-POPs at eight minutes, my client dies.
[11:48:34] What the fuck?
[11:48:46] I kind of want this VAO skin.
[11:48:56] Wait, I kind of want this...
[11:49:00] Wait, I kind of want this Zerry skin as well.
[11:49:01] Zerry's kind of fun.
[11:49:03] Bro, I'm trying to be a Zerry main.
[11:49:07] Zarya is actually so fun. What is this? I'm not fucking by natural ash
[11:49:12] No, it's fucking playing Annie. What's your combo flash are?
[11:49:28] pop in two seconds g
[11:49:32] G I didn't even get the six minute the six minutes. I'll collect great
[11:49:41] Earth dowsy
[11:50:29] But they brought it back in here the fuck I don't even own it. They're fucking lying. I can't even buy this I
[11:50:41] For sure don't own it
[11:50:46] Because I can't upgrade it like it's because my accounts on lots of they give me all the fucking skins
[11:50:59] But like I don't actually own it so I can't even like look
[11:51:02] It's just a riot game special
[11:51:08] on me
[11:51:09] Did they did they like?
[11:51:26] Fuck the queues or something like what's going on at riot. I haven't done connections in so long
[11:51:40] I I remember why I'm already getting tilted
[11:52:04] I'm back
[11:53:09] So
[11:53:20] My great milk is awake. I'm a
[11:53:25] Bro, I want to play some bacharot man. Hello. I just remembered that milk. Help me, please
[11:54:12] milk
[11:54:13] It's milk even here. Oh
[11:54:21] um
[11:54:22] Do you think?
[11:54:25] Do you think it's like dumb of me to be playing bacharot or no?
[11:54:30] Because if you think it's actually like it is dumb, but like if you think it's really dumb
[11:54:35] I'm just I'm never gonna gamble again
[11:54:47] Okay, if you gives you happiness, then it's worth. I just think there's better ways to spend your money for EV as
[11:54:58] Gambling is the lowest bang for your buck. I mean damn it might be a new Jesus Christ then if you want the rush
[11:55:27] I mean it's not it's not the rush. It's like the it's the excitement of getting lucky
[11:55:34] G G
[11:55:37] I'm dying. Can I sleep after this one?
[11:55:41] Actually, honestly, I might just send a long stream. I'm feeling some lucky games.
[11:55:46] I feel like these games have been like... I haven't had a lucky game and I don't even know how long.
[11:55:52] Every single one of these games, I'm sweating my ass off for... oh, oh, oh, see?
[11:55:57] A bow! Okay, and the opener's looking pretty good.
[11:56:09] You know what's been kind of good recently? It has been feeling actually kind of good this Eldritch shit.
[11:56:18] Bro, this Eldritch... they actually made it so Eldritch is not even bad, I swear.
[11:56:24] Hero grab bag into into some Kassadin.
[11:56:50] Kong Mao, Hunter with Ginsu plus.
[11:56:53] Oh wait, isn't Skorboard Scrapper into Kassadin like actually broken?
[11:57:01] Yes man, it is broken.
[11:57:17] GG then.
[11:57:19] You trash!
[11:57:23] I just realized though, isn't Kalista also broken?
[11:57:59] Haha!
[11:58:02] So maybe I'll play some Kalista then.
[11:58:06] Honestly, if I lose my streak to the Fortune Fingers of the Bold, I'm simply casting it.
[11:58:13] Because I'm living too poor.
[11:58:20] That is GA, last whisperer.
[11:58:28] Honestly, the fact that he's not buying a unit, I have a feeling he's fighting me.
[11:58:37] Because he can't even make 20 anyway.
[11:58:39] Never mind.
[11:58:47] I think he's just afk
[11:58:49] But I mean it's fine. I can make 20 because I won the point and then also I'm like thinking about it
[11:58:56] Yeah, why don't I just play Galista?
[11:58:58] Because even though it's good on on Kassadin I
[11:59:06] Think though like you think that gets you like it like you you think it's like Kassadin because it's it's this if it's like
[11:59:11] Bo-chain BF, I'm playing Kassadin for sure
[11:59:13] But like this rod makes this a why don't I just go into and then also if I do fight this guy
[11:59:25] I just gain a straight up placement
[11:59:26] Like has it in you just like I would go Titans like Titans was BF and then I'm back in the game
[11:59:36] But then since it's like I have a rod like if I already have ginseng then why don't I just play the dude? Yeah
[11:59:43] Also, I think this guy's playing a collie fucking the dude
[12:00:06] Loki I mean, I don't even mind not fighting him
[12:00:11] Because then I can get a five-loss you know what I mean and then I fight him on 3-1 and
[12:00:16] Then creep is five loss there. He went bow. Is he playing what's it called?
[12:00:44] If he takes bow to play Kalista there's no way you don't finish Gensu because you don't
[12:01:01] need double Gensu and then on 3-5 if you're first pick you need to go for Rockhunter
[12:01:06] Kalista.
[12:01:08] So I mean if he is playing the dude then I'm going to be not happy because I just
[12:01:21] got that's just a fucking plate in grief and I can buy this for fun it's literally
[12:01:39] free the fuck I didn't even know it was Kaspers.
[12:01:46] He bought... Oh, was it a wish?
[12:01:49] Bro... No, he just bought the summon dummy!
[12:01:56] He could have given me a zero unit loss.
[12:02:00] Oh my god!
[12:02:03] Oh my...
[12:02:29] I can't... I don't want to just sit here and just play nothing the entire... I have to hold...
[12:02:35] Like, it's actually kind of valuable. Like, if I... If I... If I... If there's Lily ashening here, I'm actually pretty close to swiking.
[12:02:48] Okay, I mean, I didn't fight him, which is fine, but like...
[12:02:55] Bow, bow, belt, glove...
[12:03:00] Bro, and he's holding... I mean, this guy's playing Calista, I'm gonna be very mad.
[12:03:06] He went bow, it doesn't finish the ginsu.
[12:03:20] Also, you know what else is good? Scoreboard, Scropper, into Varus.
[12:03:23] Like, that one, the stats on that are actually insane as well.
[12:03:26] I mean, they're both insane.
[12:03:28] Like, you can't miss.
[12:03:30] But like, bro, like, I want to send ginsu, because I kind of want to start winning.
[12:03:35] But then, there's two people five drinking.
[12:03:40] This game is fucking garbage.
[12:03:42] I'm serious.
[12:03:43] It's just fucking garbage
[12:03:45] No cap up. I can't open my my board is actually good and I
[12:04:11] Can't go for the fact that I'll make it look like I'm gonna open and then just have him full-cell
[12:04:22] He's not even full-selling and now I fight him absolutely fucking wonderful
[12:04:40] What a fucking surprise
[12:04:42] Oh wait, also, oh fuck this is free.
[12:04:46] Oh fuck.
[12:04:47] But does this still work right now?
[12:04:49] It's guaranteed, it's guaranteed not a... ah whatever, it just broke even, it's fine.
[12:05:06] He just, Hyrule the Rod.
[12:05:07] Is there no Vanguard?
[12:05:51] Fuck is this?
[12:05:52] Oh this guy's got a student.
[12:06:03] You went G8 last with Swordslam, and then got away with it, like, oh wait.
[12:06:11] And then I fight him after he fucking sends it, like, oh okay, hello, is this, is
[12:06:15] this justified bitching?
[12:06:16] anyone where the fuck did I get this oh oh it's from the recruit oh oh I thought I
[12:06:28] got a gold orb that like the old gold over that gives the shit or need go in
[12:06:30] the golden ego sorry there's two people with what the forge Monka
[12:07:15] I'm actually killing a lot of units it's fine 51 the problem is I lost my
[12:07:32] my streak so then oh okay okay he's playing Callista for sure he
[12:07:47] He fortune favors the bold and the tiniest titan.
[12:07:49] Oh my, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
[12:08:01] What is it 14?
[12:08:05] Okay, okay, it's fine.
[12:08:06] He won't make it.
[12:08:07] There's no fucking way.
[12:08:08] There's no way.
[12:08:36] Okay, a warm-up protectors vow.
[12:08:39] New recruit, Shurny go on bench.
[12:08:46] Gensu Bo, this side just gave me a gold for free.
[12:08:50] I mean, this spot looks pretty good I'd say.
[12:08:53] It's looking really good. I didn't kill a single unit.
[12:09:07] This guy's in the lobby, I'm gonna load in with one life.
[12:09:11] I think he stamped double Gintsu.
[12:09:15] Do I even have the econ to 4-1? Not really.
[12:09:19] But I can't afford to lose another round or I'm fucking eight.
[12:09:34] Oh wait, I have a rock on.
[12:09:35] Oh, okay.
[12:10:12] Also, why did I move my items onto rock on already?
[12:10:17] I don't know, but whatever,
[12:10:19] this unit without what's it called,
[12:10:21] this is true fucking trash.
[12:10:22] Okay. I'm rolling 32HP, that's fine.
[12:10:27] I'm trying to set it to hit. Honestly, his prismatic is so fucking useless that it doesn't even matter.
[12:10:50] It looks like I'm poor, but at the same time, I have Golden Niko, and then also I just need one Kalista.
[12:10:56] If I don't find one Kalista, I'm just gonna FF. I forgot to use a Reaver. Oops.
[12:11:07] I have Gargoyle as well. I'm just really free.
[12:11:37] I don't have a single Kalista.
[12:11:43] I mean, I didn't roll that much gold, but still.
[12:11:49] He's Rockon too.
[12:12:05] I don't have a Kalista or a Milio.
[12:13:06] Honestly, is Gargoyle?
[12:13:07] It probably is.
[12:13:14] I'm fighting him after he cashed out.
[12:13:22] He bought counterspell?
[12:13:23] Oh my!
[12:13:24] Okay, honestly his items on rock on are so fucking useless. Also, he has no augment
[12:13:32] I don't know what he cashed out, but he's I mean that can't be terrible
[12:13:35] Actually, we had he didn't even cash out never mind on the one that he bought counter for I
[12:13:46] Farmed like two gold
[12:13:48] But how do I farm so little gold?
[12:13:51] All right, maybe just dies. Okay, so where's this? Where's this close that?
[12:14:29] Is he dead?
[12:14:31] I mean he has two Calistas to reroll up on.
[12:14:34] He's fighting, is this guy strong?
[12:14:37] I don't even know.
[12:14:38] I think that's one too.
[12:14:43] He cashed out.
[12:15:01] He cashed out.
[12:15:02] Hello guys.
[12:15:04] Okay, but the thing is he's...
[12:15:06] Okay, I...
[12:15:10] Oh, that's not good.
[12:15:12] Ooh.
[12:15:13] Five cost bow, that's basically...
[12:15:21] That's basically Calistas too then.
[12:15:23] Bro, oh my, this is not good.
[12:15:26] I'm just sitting here just zero every time like a fucking idiot. How many pluses does I find a close on six? No, okay
[12:15:34] It's fine
[12:15:39] Watch I can't cuz like he's he's about a roll for close as well
[12:15:42] I'm trying to give him a free fucking close to two man
[12:15:45] Okay close to two
[12:15:52] What did he get?
[12:15:55] Anyone know a
[12:15:57] Lot of gold probably
[12:15:59] I mean, I can't even oh he got plus one alterates. Oh, okay. I mean, honestly, he could just die
[12:16:05] I don't like he looks like I mean
[12:16:19] I'm wondering why they always buy this shit, but then I just realized that it's half off, like the earthquake is only worth 2 gold.
[12:16:26] So it's just, I'm just sitting here rolling for a charm every turn and just playing for a fucking top-not-8.
[12:16:42] I'm gonna nace this damage, it's so pathetic.
[12:16:46] I don't get it.
[12:16:51] Oh no, it's fine, but the thing is, it's like I'm so far from 9, my board's not upgraded and you actually cannot afford a loss,
[12:16:56] because I'm actually one life.
[12:16:58] Because the moment you rotate this guy, you're 8.
[12:17:09] I don't even know which one's better for it to be better on.
[12:17:12] It's probably hecarim. Actually, I was just greeking my game.
[12:17:27] You have to roll for trying to return, it's a problem.
[12:17:38] It's way too cheap. You're not even paying gold.
[12:17:55] Also, this guy's like a fucking fortune-favoritable giga cash-out.
[12:17:59] Also, like, I need to get into the top four HP category.
[12:18:05] Wait! The game's over then. GG's, I'm in the top four.
[12:18:11] And then now I get my whole board fucking 10% health. Like, that's pretty good.
[12:18:23] Okay, honestly, it's not even that good like you'd rather get into the top four this like the previous or like next turn like 5-1
[12:18:29] Cuz I get a free stack here. You know, I mean
[12:18:32] So I actually just lost corporate scrapper
[12:18:35] But the fact that I even made it to the top four from a full opening like that's pretty good
[12:18:43] Also, I forgot to use the the thing. I mean, I'm just rolling for charm memory. It's fine
[12:18:51] That's really a two bar. Oh, I mean these people in my pool. I'm pretty sure I'm strong than all
[12:19:18] Do people have Tom Kenches? I don't like this positioning. They're all done.
[12:20:12] Yes sword on... nice, I dodged him. That is good. He has summon dragon next turn.
[12:20:48] I think that's 50 gold. What's his board looking like? Seven fairy, three
[12:21:01] preserver. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm actually stronger than him. Not even
[12:21:05] getting it. Actually, I don't know what else he has. I'm actually stronger than him right now.
[12:21:08] I mean, he's in my pool. I can't even kill him off. I might as well just play safe.
[12:21:17] Like I'm still two lives regardless. I'm pretty sure this is no one. I was gonna say
[12:21:24] The thing is I mean he's level 80 is to one item here. Oh, he isn't okay
[12:21:35] He's a man of his name milio. Where the fuck did this even come from?
[12:21:39] Man of his name milio. Oh
[12:21:41] My fucking god. Okay. What am I even fighting here? Man? This guy's board is so fucking trash. I just feel bad
[12:21:46] It's so garbage
[12:21:48] What is this?
[12:21:51] You're allowed to play this trash
[12:21:53] Without like your game just like instantly closing. Holy shit. I almost lost two people full streaking allowed
[12:22:16] No, no, no, no, no, no, no
[12:22:18] Honestly this four-pronged even do anything he stuns himself and it doesn't actually do anything. It just looks nice
[12:22:25] G
[12:22:27] G
[12:22:31] I think I think he's trying to figure out that there's no way it doesn't do anything
[12:22:35] No, just take it though. Yeah, fuck it. Just take it. Yeah, fuck it. No, like bro. Come on
[12:22:41] No! It's 4 Kronoman!
[12:22:46] He got adapted for Milio.
[12:22:48] Oh nice, I dodged him again.
[12:23:17] G? G.
[12:23:20] I got earthquakeed on.
[12:23:21] Wait, he lost to someone, man.
[12:23:50] Who the fuck did he even lose to?
[12:24:06] Callista.
[12:24:07] Exile, Scrobert, Scrapper.
[12:24:10] Wait, R-R-Rating Gensu.
[12:24:16] He rolled pretty deep for this though.
[12:24:19] Oh nice, I didn't find him again.
[12:24:20] I just dodged him again.
[12:24:21] Okay. New Trash said, his luding's rise.
[12:24:31] Uh, Setsuko fan.
[12:24:34] What is the price?
[12:24:36] Bro, getting some fucking Setsuko, straight trash player.
[12:24:39] I'm kidding.
[12:24:43] Actually, I
[12:24:46] Okay, hold on hold on na na na na na na na na na listen how come when my rise does that
[12:25:00] am
[12:25:02] 8 I
[12:25:04] Am 8 I am 8. Okay, bro. I'm fighting. Am I 8?
[12:26:14] What's his charm? Oh
[12:26:24] That shit fucking sucks. Oh, bye. Bye, buddy. I don't I don't like this in the various players
[12:26:57] Also, if I do that, I'm worried that it's gonna wrap that side.
[12:27:14] I mean, it's probably gonna wrap that side, but at least I have the thingies.
[12:27:18] Also, maybe I should just be- oh, he didn't roll for Charm.
[12:27:20] Oh, great.
[12:27:21] That's good, then.
[12:27:22] Maybe we can do a 4-1.
[12:27:23] I got a chrono fucking old Lothar.
[12:27:29] I think he's playing- oh, he's chrono this one.
[12:27:31] Is he 6 chrono?
[12:27:33] He is 6 chrono.
[12:27:35] Is that good?
[12:27:36] Diana 2, 6 chrono.
[12:27:49] Oh, oh my!
[12:27:51] Holy fuck, this fight was close.
[12:28:29] This positioning, if he moves to TK here... Oh he didn't, thank god.
[12:28:32] I saw him pissing me off.
[12:28:37] He beat... Oh my... Am I... I... I... Oh my god, and then I mate, I mate.
[12:29:02] Oh my god, I mate, I mate.
[12:29:05] Yeah, just roll the fucking... the giga juice.
[12:29:10] TG, please?
[12:29:16] What the fuck?
[12:29:20] That is not what I was talking about.
[12:29:28] Oh, that's good. That's good. Oh
[12:29:57] Kind of worked out allowed. Oh
[12:30:25] You trash he won
[12:30:28] Like I have to risk it for the biscuits man
[12:30:33] Like I actually have to like I I think I have to get fucking huge a fire
[12:30:37] I lose or I have to get the fucking like I mean I have to go come back like it
[12:30:41] Okay, I mean that's
[12:30:42] It doesn't wait. What is again the units don't get griefed but the the these things get griefed. That's fine
[12:30:47] That's more than fine. Okay, what do you get?
[12:31:03] Barrier that doesn't do anything. That's shit of fucking useless.
[12:31:12] My TK didn't cast, I think I'll make that...
[12:31:14] If this guy took Chrono plus 1 on Karate Cell, don't I actually win this game?
[12:31:41] Like, if this guy just says, nah fuck it, it's a 4 Chrono.
[12:31:47] Also, if he just played, if he just didn't play 7th Fairy and played Vertical Arcana, wouldn't he have won this game?
[12:32:00] He can just drop... I don't know, like he had Camille, I guess he had Camille.
[12:32:05] But like if he just plays 5 fairy, vertical arcana, and just parry StK, he doesn't actually win this game guaranteed.
[12:32:11] So like honestly, even if he did make the incorrect play to go chrono, and then not giving him the chrono, I probably would have went third this game regardless.
[12:32:21] So I will allow it.
[12:32:23] Which basically means that Marcel P stabilizing on 9 late like that, like he's going to win out, but like that's an undeserved first.
[12:32:34] Because if Babzera didn't grief and played his correct board,
[12:32:44] like, it would be, he would be going second,
[12:32:46] he would be going fourth, and I'd be going third.
[12:32:52] So he basically scammed three placements.
[12:33:01] So if he scammed three placements in this game, and I broke even,
[12:33:05] that means he owes me three placements, and each placement is 50 dollars.
[12:33:08] Yeah, that's 150 dollars, that Marcel, are you here?
[12:33:18] Like, I'll collect, I'll collect the placement debt.
[12:33:34] Like, am I wrong though? Like,
[12:33:35] Like, for example, he's 16 HP, if the other guy just played, he doesn't have to play Naked
[12:33:45] Camille, and he just plays Vertical Arcana, even if he only has 4 Arcana, surely he doesn't
[12:33:49] find his wrath like whatever.
[12:33:51] And then he just goes 9 for free, guaranteed because he's not going to lose a single fucking
[12:33:54] round, his entire board just loads him with fucking giga cheats, you're right, but 50
[12:34:09] is a little low, okay you write his fuck actually, like 100, so that's $300 though.
[12:34:18] Can you apologize for waking me up for the third time today?
[12:34:23] Oh, I'm sorry.
[12:34:26] I will buy you a gift, G. Maybe I can work hard for two years and then we can buy matching
[12:34:48] watches.
[12:34:51] But I think I'm going to buy myself the watch first.
[12:35:10] I want I want a I think I'm going to die before then, no, I want a perpetual calendar
[12:35:18] Protect and I want a I want the a day-to-day 40 ice blue
[12:35:23] But I can't you can't even buy them. I don't get it if anyone is selling that can you DM me on Twitter, please?
[12:35:41] Why was my game undeserved because you stabilize late and then the what's it called?
[12:35:48] the
[12:35:49] It's a the Babs era should have won for sure. He played the wrong board
[12:35:55] He had the cash out with plus one all traits
[12:35:57] Um
[12:36:04] Bro APs are ugliest fuck
[12:36:07] I
[12:36:08] APs are the most overrated fucking watches of all time like it's so overrated
[12:36:31] Also, Rolex is also overrated. I mean and I want that I want the day day
[12:36:35] I think the day day looks really nice
[12:36:36] I also I think the day just is one of the cheaper models, but I think that one looks really nice
[12:36:40] You know what looks fucking terrible the GMT's the Submariners the
[12:36:45] I mean the data doesn't look nice, but it's just not my style. I
[12:36:48] I
[12:36:50] Appreciate the Daytona's but I it's not my style royal oak or anything the Rolex puts out ever no man the date
[12:37:17] Okay, I'm telling you okay. The Datejust is one of the cheaper models, but like I don't know why but I just like this watch
[12:37:24] like of the watches
[12:37:26] like I think
[12:37:30] Let me just go to like what's like the most fucking standard date Datejust that you can see
[12:37:35] I mean, I don't like gold. I think golden Rolex looks so fucking ugly. I don't know Datejust
[12:37:43] I mean, honestly, the Datejust on that I googled don't look very nice, but like that's
[12:37:52] fake news.
[12:37:53] Okay, I don't even know why I searched this.
[12:37:59] Okay, they look nice when they're on the wrist, but I, wait, Datejust on wrist.
[12:38:05] Oh, why don't I just Google that then?
[12:38:08] True.
[12:38:19] Okay, these don't even look that nice.
[12:38:21] Oh, actually, this one looks nice.
[12:38:23] I like this one.
[12:38:24] Allowed.
[12:38:29] Okay, the quality is so bad.
[12:38:31] But then there's the, the Day-Date,
[12:38:35] 40 looks good as fuck.
[12:38:38] No kappa.
[12:38:44] And then there's the Day-Date, 40.
[12:38:46] Ice blue that it's like hard to get,
[12:38:48] but like, I'm just sitting here waiting.
[12:38:50] This one looks good as fuck.
[12:38:53] Oh, is there one on wrist?
[12:39:06] I can't find it, whatever, but it looks good as fuck.
[12:39:08] I mean, if anyone has one
[12:39:10] They want to give it to me for free. Let me know. I will allow it a fashion. Oh, yeah
[12:39:48] The fashion also looks good as fuck as well
[12:39:51] agreed
[12:39:54] Okay, you know what clears AP it's Vacheron like bro
[12:39:57] Like their watches look so fucking the Vacheron skeleton like I mean that one
[12:40:01] I'm never gonna be able to afford but like just look at this watch man
[12:40:05] Like this one clears AP like I just
[12:40:09] Look at this watch just look at this shit. Oh
[12:40:19] Oh my it's an actual cumge I mean if you want to give if you want to get me this
[12:40:28] one give this one let me know as well I'll take that one for free as well fuck
[12:40:32] yeah fuck yeah honestly the APC also looks good as well but I can't afford
[12:40:46] that one either but I mean I if you want to if you want to give that one to me
[12:40:50] for free as well I mean I mean shit I mean I mean any but bro if you have a
[12:40:56] watch that you want to give to me for free. Oh, what the? Yo,
[12:41:01] protect CEO. Oh, thank you for the subs. Yeah, I mean, I was
[12:41:05] actually browsing your store the other day. And, and, uh, yeah,
[12:41:11] like, I mean, I mean, the, I mean, I don't want to look, I
[12:41:14] don't want to say the prices or anything. Um, and I just, I
[12:41:19] just, I just scrolled around and I looked and like the one
[12:41:21] that I like the most, like, I don't want to, like, it's
[12:41:23] not, I like it just because it's the most expensive or
[12:41:25] anything but I mean like yeah 5 3 2 7 R like whatever yeah perpetual calendar
[12:41:29] that's all good rose gold yeah you got me hello for free hello CEO okay anyways
[12:41:55] why am I even holding on I just hard for his work we roll with shields up no and
[12:42:38] I like no I okay I'm just gonna take it off it's fine I mean I'm pretty sure
[12:42:50] I'm okay with just jamming literally anything I mean it's frost was one for
[12:42:54] sure it's just why am I positioned like I have I don't even mind making shape
[12:43:17] shift around if I if I was swing next shop this fairy plus one try to go for
[12:43:25] fairy plus two like the thing is everyone is like I don't have a
[12:43:29] reforger and the trick in this shit is just you don't play for the fucking
[12:43:35] nitrate you just fucking play your damn board in your guaranteed top three
[12:43:39] because there's always that fucking two dumbasses just loading in to load in
[12:43:44] They just load in, oh yeah, let's play some fucking 10 Eldritch and then it's the Phoenix Oz.
[12:43:49] Also, I'm high-rolling so hard. What is this shit?
[12:43:51] They just load in, alright, bet.
[12:43:58] Let's play some 10 Eldritch and then they just don't...
[12:44:01] Yeah, let's just go fast 10 for 10 Portal.
[12:44:03] And then they just sit here and greet for like, this guy's like playing for 9 Fairy.
[12:44:07] Okay, I mean this guy's also gonna greet for 9 Fairy as well.
[12:44:16] This guy's playing towards Sugar and this guy I'm not sure.
[12:44:20] And I'm just sitting here playing Frost for free. I mean, it's all good. You guys got it
[12:44:41] Swain next job like I'm jamming fucking shape shifter plus one who the fuck cares. I
[12:44:46] Don't need nine frosts like one of the nine fairy players are probably going to win the other players going dead last
[12:44:52] And I just have to worry about out placing
[12:44:56] The sugar plus one this piece of shit, whatever the fuck that is. I think he's going for 10 mage. Oh wait. Oh
[12:45:04] Wait, he actually can't holy shit. Wait one two three
[12:45:08] four five six no no no no no no no no I think I lost I did lose oh my fucking
[12:45:50] god if please not please don't have spat on carousel man you're not allowed to
[12:45:54] have spat I mean if I go losses or shares there's like less value I want to
[12:46:38] accidentally lose my I mean I really lost so I don't want to lose my warwick
[12:46:57] or my tuition
[12:47:00] Oooooooh!
[12:47:14] Tom Kench!
[12:47:16] What the fuck?
[12:47:40] Two people 5-streaking?
[12:47:44] I don't get it.
[12:47:57] Also, I just realized me being uncontested frost and there's no Varus players in the lobby?
[12:48:02] Am I back?
[12:48:05] And then all I have to do is roll down and just hold one Kalista and I'm guaranteed top 4.
[12:48:12] Yeah, I'm just gonna hold some Rokkon as well then.
[12:48:15] Hold one Rokkon, that's another placement, to hold one Kalista, yeah that's another placement.
[12:48:22] And then the 9th Varys probably gonna win the lobby, but like whatever, second place that's pretty solid.
[12:48:26] I just realized, I've tried kind of boring.
[12:48:41] Bro, this guy's sitting here playing, trying to play towards 10 Eldritch, 10 Mage,
[12:48:44] and I'm just sitting here playing my 40th rep of Frost plus 1.
[12:48:48] But I mean, I'm having fun, it's kind of, it's kind of like, exciting,
[12:49:09] because like, I, like, my LP is going up.
[12:49:11] And you know what, like, maybe I'll just play for 2k, who cares?
[12:49:15] A Swain, a Hoid, and nothing.
[12:49:32] I, I, I much rather play Preserver plus 1 than...
[12:49:37] I am so fucking poor, why did I not, oh.
[12:49:44] Why did I not sell what's it called though?
[12:49:46] I don't know why I didn't sell the- oh wait.
[12:49:50] I was gonna sell the Hui.
[12:49:52] I was literally just about to sell the Hui and I just got rewarded.
[12:49:55] I actually don't mind Preserver plus one.
[12:50:12] It's just that it's not even my strongest board.
[12:50:21] So I might as well just sit here and do nothing.
[12:50:24] Also I need a Pyro, so I guess I should start getting some Pyro Sacks.
[12:50:32] But I don't really want to make Shea plus one if the game has a Preserver,
[12:50:46] because Preserver's gonna be way better later.
[12:50:48] But at the same time...
[12:50:53] Slamper's Focus, Fishbones, I have Last Whisperer, Radiant Refactor, Radiant Relix.
[12:51:09] It's so slow though, this Barry Chargers, but it's kind of good.
[12:51:12] I can actually just carry everyone.
[12:51:18] A Twitch.
[12:51:21] I don't even mind.
[12:51:42] I mean, I want Preserver plus one.
[12:51:44] I mean, honestly, why don't I just Slam Preserver plus one?
[12:51:47] Alright, one more charm, fuck.
[12:51:49] Because how do you know I don't give a forager?
[12:52:04] What the fuck is this Jax?
[12:52:06] I can't kill a single fucking unit.
[12:52:10] Oh wait, oh okay.
[12:52:20] Also I don't even mind slamming Grunans actually.
[12:52:22] Grunans on Varus, like non-four Blaster Varus isn't one-shotting anything.
[12:52:26] Grunans actually feels super fucking good.
[12:52:28] Okay so Grunans for sure, have a natural cloak.
[12:52:36] Preserver, Spat, Chulah, like I could do this but I feel like it's not even that
[12:52:49] much stronger like whatever man fuck it.
[12:52:51] I'll just wait one
[12:52:58] This has gonna be eight which
[12:53:00] This has gonna be nine fairy. I mean he's eight which guarantees 50 sugar game. I lost anyway great
[12:53:17] I think I pyro in
[12:53:20] It's probably actually better than Vanguard actually my front line is so bad
[12:53:24] It's not a pirate. Actually, it's not pirate. It's not pyro nester. No for sure
[12:53:28] Spat cloak and reforger and I get a chain and I win the game for free. I mean I'd rather go BT first
[12:54:22] I'm probably going to shift BT plus 1, we rolled 2 cost champs, I mean I can't man, I can't.
[12:54:50] Hecarim, I did not kill, bro this Frost was one trade, oh my, I need this Olaf, bro.
[12:55:13] I think this guy won the game actually, oh I think I made, I didn't kill a single
[12:55:24] unit rock on Tomcatch Olaf and I'm loading into a trash actual trash oh
[12:55:30] wait a full shit I mean my arms are insane I have true this all over the place
[12:55:36] the problem is I am broke as fuck and I need Olaf this three gold
[12:55:53] this is like the next turn it might actually only be two gold because if I
[12:56:08] get tangled from wolves oh I could eat true best friend I mean it is good it
[12:56:31] It is Trubis, it's Frost, it's not like the fucking 4 Blaster fucking Arcana of Eris,
[12:56:35] like, I mean, yeah.
[12:56:37] It's good.
[12:56:40] Like, guys 10 mageware.
[12:56:41] Also, I can play Frost, I can also go Bastion plus 1 if I find Diana.
[12:56:57] I can go Frost, Karma, Shiv, Merulo, and then Rudan's last whisper to just play
[12:57:07] Verus, no, that's not right.
[12:57:09] And Rudan's someone else and just go last whisper IE, and then if I do that,
[12:57:27] I'm stuck with no no way I know it's just rod it's just the items on on a laugh
[12:57:38] why the fuck would I ruin as my laugh I'm second one I'm leveling it next turn
[12:57:44] in rolling I mean it's kind of hard for sure I didn't even send it
[12:57:54] it's kind of hard for sure spat I can go hunter plus one no not really what the
[12:58:11] Forge nice
[12:58:16] Price fighter into what the Forge I am leveling and rolling once if I don't find Olaf. I'm eight
[12:58:27] Recon Bob for for
[12:58:29] Two units. I'm taking this for fucking six gold. I'm not kidding. I mean now I can go IU for sure. I
[12:59:25] think I
[12:59:28] Am
[12:59:30] I'm fighting Calista player. I
[12:59:32] Am so fucking poor
[12:59:37] Oh my...
[12:59:42] And if I don't find an Olaf, this guy's 9 fairy for sure.
[12:59:59] I mean, I can't even hold these, like, with what money?
[13:00:06] I- Bro, like, Olaf is not even a competitive man, please.
[13:00:41] I put out this spats, which is gonna be probably a Preserver plus one.
[13:00:46] I need an Olaf, or I can't play the fucking game.
[13:00:51] Anyone?
[13:01:29] I mean, that's really good.
[13:01:30] I will allow it.
[13:01:37] And also this Bastion.
[13:01:38] That's fucking amazing.
[13:01:41] I will allow it.
[13:01:44] Except not really, I mean
[13:01:46] I mean actually, I mean I am oh
[13:01:49] I mean then it's not even good then I mean I don't want to make 100 plus one when
[13:02:09] When it's just gonna be all laugh over the stupid ass warwick. I mean my board is not even bad anymore
[13:02:26] I think I didn't kill a single unit. I think he's Calista one rock on one
[13:02:51] What's the support on it has to true this like this? There's no fucking way. We just fight it usually
[13:02:58] Is it true this where is it?
[13:03:00] It's it's not even true. This is actually not even good. So how the fuck that is not till a single and Olaf
[13:03:07] Oh, yeah, my board Ashley is good now. Wait, is there no other two cause I just lost the gold then. Oh, sorry
[13:03:24] Because I could have just re-combobbed and then I just lost a gold now mate. I mean, it's not a wish. That's the good news
[13:03:38] I guess I was a high-rank position like I've exiles
[13:03:47] This guy is a prize fighter
[13:04:05] I mean the problem with cross-plus one is like the most important unit is actually is Olaf
[13:04:17] because you need this single target so like it like Varus just fucking tickles
[13:04:21] everyone down and then Olaf just runs around and kills everyone but uh yeah I
[13:04:26] got nothing it doesn't even have an item I have three of them on a fucking
[13:04:32] way also why am I positioned like I have fucking exiles hello I think I'm
[13:04:38] eight never mind like hundred plus one I'm not even kidding I'm not even
[13:05:22] kidding no laughing no laughing no laughing no laughing I'm pretty sure this
[13:05:26] unit pumps I mean I'm not going no fucking G on Diana rather FF hey he does
[13:05:44] pump see I mean I mean he has to I mean he has to pump I mean now I need to
[13:06:11] find a replacement twitch but I like bro should I just yeah whatever I'm
[13:06:19] playing placement I don't know what to use and I need to find a new twitch though
[13:06:23] Actually I don't even feel good selling Twitch 2. This guy's bored. I got... I got
[13:06:42] counterspelled. How is counterspell even allowed? How is it even allowed man? Like,
[13:06:59] I mean it is playing for placement. What? Like a plane strictly strong this board
[13:07:16] is not playing for placement? Does that even make sense? I mean last fight my
[13:07:54] twitch was top DPS. You can't even remake. You can't even sell Twitch 2 man.
[13:07:58] Like you actually can't man. I need a fucking remover.
[13:10:05] nine berry
[13:10:07] I mean full win streak and I can try to play towards a witch to the head a witch. Oh, he does have a witch eight witch
[13:10:13] What is this? Oh sugar tempo
[13:10:20] nine berry
[13:10:21] G G
[13:10:23] If you have a reforger in this galaxy, isn't it actually so fucking OP or you're like kind of ours items
[13:10:48] It gives you like a full win gone
[13:10:53] Do you want flower child or is it too healthy for you?
[13:11:05] Well, it's not that it's too healthy
[13:11:09] And I mean you can order it you can order it all uh, I can eat it later. I'm down. Are you sure yeah?
[13:11:36] Bro these have been the most boring games of all time if it's not fucking third or it's fourth if it's not fourth. It's fit
[13:11:45] 3 4 3 3 5 3 4 5 5 I went 5 not even 4
[13:11:51] Okay, like and then also like I just want you to know like I am like I might not actually playing like
[13:11:56] like sound TFT like this game was just a bro fuck this game man I like I don't
[13:12:01] find my a single Varus there for their three-way contested karma and I find my
[13:12:06] first Varus at ten years into the game I'm eight do you want Nando's I mean I'm
[13:12:10] down I'm done with this as well but it's whatever you're good for I don't
[13:12:13] really mind I'm probably uh I'm like I'm not that like I'm I'm probably not
[13:12:18] gonna eat for a bit what is this oh my I've rolled 70 gold and I didn't find
[13:12:28] a single upgrade I mean I you just look this is this star thing tells you what's
[13:12:36] upgraded well that's weird that's that's just fucking weird I think my bad seven
[13:12:52] pairs on bench I've resented another 30 gold and the only thing I upgraded was
[13:12:58] Fiora and I had to sell my Tom Kench pair to even afford the Fiora and you
[13:13:02] know what Fiora 2 does nothing man nothing like oh Mike just get me the
[13:13:07] Fuck out, like how is this even allowed?
[13:13:16] I mean, my board's good.
[13:13:19] My items are just trash.
[13:13:20] Please, then.
[13:13:38] I'm tired.
[13:13:48] Tye, I'm not for a karma game.
[13:15:03] I haven't had a karma game in a while.
[13:15:06] I'm down to have the most blatant high roll opener.
[13:15:12] The best opener is when your board is like somewhat mid,
[13:15:15] but you fight three openers in a row.
[13:15:18] And then the moment you upgrade your board,
[13:15:20] you fight the other guy that's strong.
[13:15:23] and then you 5 streak. So you're making your first 10, 20, 30, 40, and not only- oh actually
[13:15:27] never mind, it's 30 carousels so I don't even mind using that fucking- that little legend
[13:16:09] is just fucking banable I think.
[13:16:11] Perid, Perid.
[13:16:51] I'm close to the rocko, Perid.
[13:17:02] Perid.
[13:17:04] But I don't mind.
[13:17:11] I mean, it's Vandora's items, and I mean I don't want this shit, I'm not taking
[13:17:15] that, I'm not taking this trash. Bro, I don't even like Vandora's items man, it's
[13:17:19] good. What's the best comp for Pandora's items? Is it Kalista? Bro, I think if I play another
[13:17:25] Kalista game I might just fall asleep. Oh actually, Kalista and Loaded Carousels cannot
[13:17:30] be good. Like there's no fucking way it's good. It's probably, like, how's Karma? Slammon,
[13:17:54] Gintsu, Blood, Pyrrhon, Tear. Pyrrhon, Tyrrhon, Tricerator, PD, Karma. I think I'm like
[13:18:03] not that contestant Varus. I'm pretty, last time I played Pandora's items Varus
[13:18:19] It felt so OP. You just one bullet the entire fucking board instantly
[13:18:26] Shogun IE IE red buff last whisper some other piece of shit or red buff even try some other piece of shit
[13:18:32] It's also loaded carousels
[13:18:41] DD Stratx multi plus one combat caster into
[13:19:07] Combat bandages. I don't know what he's playing
[13:19:09] Kinsu, Glove, Lunan's last whisper, Shogun, Gold, Town Guard, probably Karma
[13:19:16] Karma
[13:19:17] Is I I better than I don't know this that's a chosen IE DB as well, but I is that actually true
[13:19:30] Does anyone know?
[13:19:36] Okay, also shy shy just hold
[13:19:39] Is chosen IE IE better than chosen IE DB because I know red buff I like if you have like stats explore like
[13:19:55] Let's say four blaster four blaster Varus
[13:19:59] And I have red buff already on my board. Yeah
[13:20:02] But then I go like I know it's chosen IE for sure. It's not close
[13:20:06] Let me see what it says. Builds? It's not that, cause you can just put it on someone else.
[13:20:15] Also, I win this round, like fuck it, I just buy this in double pretty level.
[13:20:23] I mean, let's say I already have even Troud, like, I mean, I...
[13:20:37] It's probably just survivor bias.
[13:20:41] Wait, where's DV? Shogunite DV? Oh no, okay, it's Shogunite.
[13:21:02] You just rep up last to the Ezreal, or just even try the TK, and then you just go for a fucking straight one bullet.
[13:21:07] Silly in.
[13:21:14] I kinda want to save an even child and now I'll go show them later zilean
[13:21:29] my two other honey man see let me do a resound see what we were playing I think
[13:21:43] this is playing towards like some jinx trash I think he's a bow as well yeah
[13:21:48] are you a natchez?
[13:21:51] Rage of Rue?
[13:21:53] Call this stuff?
[13:21:55] aw man he's Varus
[13:21:57] okay
[13:22:00] is that guys karma?
[13:22:08] I mean, honestly, I mean, IEI is not that good right now.
[13:22:24] And I could just not go even Troud, like it's actually fine, like if you, if you, like,
[13:22:29] I mean, it's actually fine, it is fine.
[13:22:34] I mean, this essay is the same.
[13:22:36] I think, I think the thing is you just don't want to put red buff or, or the thing
[13:22:40] on it.
[13:22:42] But also I could just last with someone else, and then just go like Gargoyle plus
[13:22:45] crown or something.
[13:22:58] How is the last was for IEIE no-trouding?
[13:23:00] Is that good? Or no?
[13:23:02] Wait, what? I mean, it's good. It has to be good.
[13:23:20] I even put Red Buff. Like, it's here and then...
[13:23:29] It says it's better stats than that, but it's fake because this is higher playrate.
[13:23:35] And then even if... Like, this is with Eventroud.
[13:23:40] If you don't have Eventroud, it's the same, but it's like fake.
[13:23:44] You know what I mean? Like, it doesn't really matter.
[13:23:47] Like I also, I think gargoyle midgame is way too fucking good.
[13:23:58] What can I even do with spat?
[13:24:22] Let me see if I get...
[13:24:24] Like what's stronger?
[13:24:25] Like let's say I had IE, IE, Red Buff even trowed.
[13:24:28] Is that even better midgame than last was for Red Buff, IE, Gargoyle?
[13:24:32] It's not close.
[13:24:34] Agreed? Like can we agree that it's not close?
[13:24:41] Like this gargoyle item is the fucking stage 2, stage 3 gig item.
[13:24:48] This shit is so broken.
[13:24:50] I think I think I lost.
[13:24:51] Actually, no, I only I lost
[13:25:04] Shibana to I don't know where the fuck that came from and then now I'm broke and then also I got dropped a spat
[13:25:09] I think I have to go fucking pyro spat is that does that even do anything for my board?
[13:25:15] No
[13:25:17] No
[13:25:22] Six gold plus a component
[13:25:25] The end of these oh, I don't collect right this calm is fucking broken
[13:25:28] Okay, GG's then.
[13:25:44] This guy is full streaking, hit item collector as well, Shoujin Red I.E., but the guy that
[13:25:53] confessed to me is full streaking.
[13:25:55] I mean it's fine, the fact that I even think I'm about to get a comp unconfested, that's
[13:26:00] actually just reportable.
[13:26:01] I'm going to do one Pyro plus one until way later.
[13:26:13] I kind of do one Wyrmogs, I'm probably just going to go one frontline item, finish
[13:26:19] one frontline item cargo will warmog solo frontline with cargo oil and then I
[13:26:25] just go I start building a shoujin and then I'll start building an IE and then
[13:26:36] I'll last is we're and then and then after so and then I'll probably have
[13:26:40] gigabits starting stage 45 or something and then I'll and then I stage 5 one
[13:26:47] I'll probably go pyro plus one for a pyro plus one is so fucking useless man
[13:26:51] like it it just doesn't it just doesn't do anything like this is just not good for me i'm sitting here
[13:27:03] at 58 oh he lost his streak all right you trash bro you know like you know like the liliah
[13:27:13] you get extra executed bro it's the same thing it's the same fucking thing
[13:27:22] that's fairy plus one when you play fairy plus one you don't even play seven fairy it's the same
[13:27:27] shit in what's it called. It's the same thing in Pyro plus one. You put Pyro plus one on
[13:27:39] level eight and level nine, it's plus delta to play five Pyro. You have to play a fucking
[13:27:44] maces and an Akali on your board when you're... Never mind it. I'm sorry, whatever. Like,
[13:27:53] just whatever. Yeah, five Pyro. Yeah, geez. You got it, man. Akali on board. Akali
[13:28:12] on final board. You're giving a task to a unit that's trying to watch out the
[13:28:16] entire board yeah like whatever fucking like I I mean I and I kind of want to
[13:28:47] start building towards what's it called first I was even a boss he's almost 740
[13:29:53] he's the same tempo as me no he's also in 50 and he's way healthier and he's a
[13:30:00] new 200 board I think I'm neat not really my spots fine 70 HP I mean I
[13:30:43] could play frost plus one as well frost plus one yeah red buff someone else
[13:30:49] Lawsusr I know is like not really like but I guess if I hit frost plus one at
[13:30:59] least I have the win con of nine frost it's not even a win con that shit is kind
[13:31:03] of mid but also I don't have a single Olaf item I should have I should have
[13:31:47] played Arcana I should have played Arcana for Arcana plus one odds I'm
[13:31:49] fucking griefing I'm actually griefing like it's just new new new gone in
[13:31:52] twitch gone or new new in Terakon for hyperanplacari I'm never playing
[13:31:57] frost like it's no fucking way like from like from these items into frost
[13:32:02] Plus, I'm not making it to that cross, it's gonna be difficult to get me in the charts.
[13:32:21] I don't even care if this rolls, I'm never gonna make my route.
[13:32:26] Cross plus one.
[13:32:39] I don't even think I'm gonna make it to what's it called.
[13:33:06] Gain two shoppery rolls.
[13:33:14] This is my board.
[13:33:15] Three blaster, two arcana.
[13:33:23] This is my board.
[13:33:24] I mean, I'm about to spike, also I'm pairing this, I mean, I'm about to spike
[13:33:51] I guess.
[13:33:52] Oh, what the fuck?
[13:34:03] I just, I should have bounced the, but I guess I have to use it anyway.
[13:34:06] I'm not the chill because I need to make sure I get shogun on carousel
[13:34:18] And then I'll bounce all at once. I don't know where this various two came from. I didn't kill a single unit
[13:34:49] He's pairing. He's pairing. What's it called? And I don't have a I don't have double. I don't have a double IE
[13:34:57] Oh wait, oh fuck. Oh my god. I'm gonna save the tier. Holy fuck
[13:35:04] dirty dirty
[13:35:10] I mean, I'm about to fucking spike is all I'm gonna say
[13:35:12] Okay, I have true bis all over the place.
[13:35:18] Shogen, IE, IE, Pyro plus one.
[13:35:20] I actually have true bis, except I don't have a TK or an Ezreal.
[13:35:31] I haven't the dude to though, I don't have a TK, I mean this might even look that bad
[13:36:19] anymore.
[13:36:24] Make sure the last whisperer is on par with the, I have a Blitzwreck on my board.
[13:36:30] I don't have a TK, my front line is a Blitz too, yeah whatever fuck it, yeah whatever.
[13:37:02] Okay, my board's actually strong now.
[13:37:10] Instead of a fucking TK on my board.
[13:37:16] Well, my board's actually good.
[13:37:19] Like, it's actually good, I swear.
[13:37:38] Okay?
[13:37:39] I mean, it's actually good.
[13:37:44] It's- I just-
[13:37:45] I-
[13:37:47] My board is so fucking bad.
[13:38:10] It's so fucking bad.
[13:38:15] Oh my-
[13:38:20] How does this end the world?
[13:38:32] Oh, TK.
[13:39:11] I just realized I have item collector. I have fucking item collector
[13:39:17] And I only have one two three four five six six value
[13:39:22] I mean how much am I missing? I'm missing. It's actually pretty good. It's like 2.5 AD
[13:39:27] It's not even that bad
[13:39:28] That was my I just lost to fucking deja vu
[13:39:43] How this works right? Yeah, I probably just counters. It's just it's you can't get one shot
[13:40:06] I mean, my board's actually good, I'm pretty sure, like, if I lose this, I would be mind-blowing.
[13:40:12] My board's actually good!
[13:40:14] I don't get it!
[13:40:16] I mean, I beat this for sure, there's no fucking way, like,
[13:40:19] his entire board dies instantly!
[13:40:33] It's just I'm one life.
[13:40:35] So now I'm eight.
[13:41:10] Bro, if I lose this TK, I don't have a combat charm this side, by the way.
[13:41:14] I don't have a fucking combat charm.
[13:41:26] I got fucking Earthquake, I think.
[13:41:29] I did.
[13:41:31] I don't think that's wrong, though.
[13:41:50] I'm getting item collector value here. It's not even bad. Everyone won.
[13:41:53] Like, please man, I'm not trying to go 7th.
[13:41:55] Hello?
[13:41:57] I am not trying to go 7th.
[13:41:59] Honestly, an even charge is not even bad. It's just permanent uptime, guaranteed uptime.
[13:42:04] Is there, is there like a unit I can take?
[13:42:07] Not really.
[13:42:15] Okay.
[13:42:16] Winnable.
[13:42:22] I mean my items are really good. I, I mean
[13:42:25] Hello?
[13:42:56] The Emperor.
[13:43:08] I'm pretty sure this always hits my
[13:43:10] And it didn't buffer you trash am I missing something like look if there's no fucking way like it like if I if I sell that shit
[13:44:17] I'm down to just leave I'm I gave a veto
[13:44:25] I'm getting countered I think I just scammed his ass with dragon G
[13:44:35] G. Oh bet
[13:44:47] Okay, GGs then. I where is the heck of rim heck of rim. Oh, whatever fucking
[13:45:38] Okay, I guess I'm just playing this then a TV a warmog TV
[13:46:03] I
[13:46:15] Can't versus I'm dead as fuck. I
[13:46:21] Didn't keep it. Okay
[13:46:23] He FF'd wait who was that? Okay. I'm pretty sure I was lower for sure. I uh, I been I mean he didn't FF
[13:46:35] I mean I just went there. Yep, but who FF'd
[13:46:51] Bro question mark sets ago. I
[13:46:53] I am down 70 LP because I got riot games
[13:46:58] When my when my game crashed with anime bench that game was a guaranteed giga first and you fucking know it
[13:47:05] Don't care man
[13:47:09] What?
[13:47:19] That way vertical pyro is just not good your various other watch on the entire board. You're already fucking lost
[13:47:24] I'm tired
[13:47:35] Bro, I got 10 LP. I got I got 10 LP anyway, man
[13:47:48] This guy FF for no reason for you just FF for no reason
[13:47:51] Can you explain why this guy FF's bro the fight was kind of close man
[13:48:06] I think he might have thought that he was about to lose
[13:48:09] Nah fuck you. Hello at you trash
[13:48:59] All right no more FF man, or he just tilted in FF it happens chill
[13:49:11] Bro he killed me man. What is what is there to tilt I'm pretty sure he's about to win out
[13:49:17] Like what is he?
[13:49:19] He's triple combat gigabit casted in three level eight
[13:49:27] Damn, this is just so unfortunate. I don't have come ill to as well
[13:49:32] Like now I'm out of here then he got bored. Okay, listen at you trash like I don't mind you sniping me and shit, but like
[13:49:50] Huh?
[13:49:52] Bro set to go get out of here. No, no like come on. Hello
[13:49:58] Hello? Uh, can you close your door, bananas? Wait, what did you, uh, what did you order?
[13:50:48] Alright, you trash! Like, fuck it, you trash! Just hold Setsuko's shit, send him 8th, and
[13:50:56] then FF, but like, don't make it like, blatant. Like, you just start selling your board, it's
[13:51:00] all good. Wait, what? Oh, I'm down. I'm down for a little bit of food. Competitive
[13:51:23] ruling, bro, no one's win-training in fucking solo queue, man. It doesn't even do anything.
[13:51:28] So I'm just getting 10 for a third, like who the fuck cares?
[13:51:31] Heat, thank you for the prom.
[13:51:57] My something is hard, yeah cool man, thanks.
[13:52:02] Keep subbing to me then.
[13:52:11] Super big thank you for the prom.
[13:52:13] Is Ryze still playable?
[13:52:14] Yeah it's really good.
[13:52:15] Trubus is ginsu ginsu and then the Trubus for Tarek is Wormog's Gargoyle.
[13:52:20] And then Milio Trubus is just Shogun Lasswitzware.
[13:52:43] But if you preserver pan a Nasus on a Varus Arcana, you get a Nasus going over...
[13:52:53] If you preserver pan a Nasus on a Varus Arcana and you get plus 1 Pyro anyway in Nasus...
[13:53:03] Oh yeah, but the problem with Nasus is that he's fucking worthless.
[13:53:06] Unless you have Briar.
[13:53:08] But then you can't really fit the board.
[13:53:09] But you have to play, like, if you're gonna invest like true gigabits on Varus,
[13:53:16] it's gonna be 4 Blaster and then pair Hecarim.
[13:53:20] But if you're Varus, items are like fucking Gintsu, Runan's Red Buff or some Trash,
[13:53:23] you better have like a Duel Carry Zarath and then you can pair TK.
[13:53:30] Actually, why the fuck would you go Gintsu with that?
[13:53:35] Holy fuck, these are terrible.
[13:53:39] They're all terrible and I don't want any of them.
[13:53:41] Boom.
[13:54:04] Bro, what is this garbage ass Orianna skin?
[13:55:06] Oh, I got a bow.
[13:55:09] Oh, a full ginsu. Okay. GG's then.
[13:55:38] Ooooooh.
[13:56:14] Thank god, holy fuck. I was just about to start bitching.
[13:56:43] Or he's double down into Kalista. I'm not gonna test him that shit.
[13:56:47] That means I have to play Karnaval.
[13:57:23] Alright, can I win this round, please?
[13:57:29] Because then I can level for what?
[13:57:49] Boom.
[13:57:50] I mean, he's double down full open. Like, if you try to contest that, you roll once, oh that's weird. Everything's gone.
[13:57:56] G?
[13:57:58] G.
[13:57:59] I mean my spot's really good. Decent opener. This opener's not gonna, this opener's not gonna five streak
[13:58:16] But it's not gonna just lose every round, so that's good. And then I have slamming so like I'm just gaining four-fold a turn basically
[13:58:24] Okay, that's really good. This guy's probably strong as in lobby
[13:58:50] If I have a chance to fight him or beat him, it's this run
[13:58:54] Fuck, I'm not fighting him. Cog two, Blitz one. Oh, honestly fighting, fighting since it's good right now is really good
[13:59:03] like he's cocked too and he's got a spike on carousel probably I don't even know if I
[13:59:09] beat him anyway I think I lost anyway just kidding actually yeah if I find
[13:59:21] that's not what I lost for sure so I can get the high-rolled I just high-rolled
[13:59:29] like a fucking like it's a gig a high-roll nice man win one out of five
[13:59:35] Yeah I mean yeah you're not very good buddy. Built.
[13:59:56] Clawed.
[14:00:34] I mean is my JC even doing anything? I feel like this unit I'm gonna lose to him anyway.
[14:00:38] That's just not that good.
[14:00:40] Like I just fight the fucking oh my I can beat everyone else please please like how the fucking anyone kill this it has
[14:00:55] okay this guy is so fucking lucky man.
[14:00:58] Hmm
[14:01:00] Oh wait actually now what have a chance of I found this turn and run in now I'll meet
[14:01:28] And now I'm eight guys. It's not even minus one. It's minus four
[14:01:36] Cuz like I lose one goal for buying it and then I could have I could have gained
[14:01:41] I mean is that is that is that is the math math in or no?
[14:01:55] Okay, let's do what I get something good, please. I'll be a sword a
[14:02:56] I mean guard breaker is actually really good ship guard jg
[14:03:22] I mean it's guard for sure
[14:03:24] And it's happy he I don't have I don't have anti mr or anti art anti heal
[14:03:35] But that is a
[14:03:38] Okay, level six 50 gold. No, it's 50 gold. Oh, oh, I'm anti mr. I just want to heal. Sorry. Oh
[14:03:56] Sorry have to take this
[14:04:41] Because it gives me sweet to it's which is good
[14:04:43] Is there a shape anywhere and then I go it's just frost it's just frost karma
[14:05:00] with
[14:05:01] With guard breaker JG
[14:05:04] Okay, it's possible
[14:05:06] It's not actually insanely good
[14:05:08] Okay, I won the game then
[14:05:12] Okay, GGs frost karma guard breaker JG I
[14:05:19] Can also guard breaker and I just go BD
[14:05:21] B, D, and I have Swain 2 to play around for the entire game.
[14:05:25] Like, isn't this straight up just illegal?
[14:05:28] If old Prismatic, like fucking Frostbust 1, gives Zillian.
[14:05:32] But the Prismatic one gives Swain.
[14:05:36] So it just gives me a Swain 2.
[14:05:38] G?
[14:05:40] G!
[14:05:41] Yeah!
[14:06:00] I can also shift JG and then just play, uh...
[14:06:16] Great, what the forge?
[14:06:25] Okay, at least it's not from...
[14:06:26] His items aren't that good. What if we're just going to skill blue hard later though?
[14:06:39] I didn't kill a single unit.
[14:06:41] Varus player, not sure. Varus player already has something.
[14:07:15] Huh? Oh, okay.
[14:07:23] I'll eat it later.
[14:07:26] Okay. Oh no, no, I'm just dreaming right now.
[14:07:30] Oh no, I'll eat it later.
[14:07:33] Okay, thank you.
[14:07:35] Wait, this guy has a locket.
[14:07:38] Wait, I just realized, I think he's double down into fucking, I think he's double down?
[14:08:12] I mean he's playing karma I think.
[14:08:15] But he's not summoning Rolo, what?
[14:08:18] He's in a lot of a way.
[14:08:20] It's not even working when you're trying to get tilted, you just fucking, I'll figure
[14:08:24] it out later.
[14:08:30] I mean I can also play Varus and then just go, just leave others on play.
[14:08:35] This way, you need like 7 Frost Ways to actually, like the play actually doesn't actually, if you give them items.
[14:08:40] What's more important is like trying to figure out how I'm gonna get anti-heal with Olaf items.
[14:08:47] I mean, it's slamming so I have a permanent enroll every turn.
[14:09:05] I mean, I guess maybe I just play a rumble on my board.
[14:09:18] Like, bro, what? This guy looks strong as fuck.
[14:09:30] Oh, this guy gave me a gold though, that's pretty good.
[14:09:50] I didn't kill anything.
[14:09:52] This is not looking good for me.
[14:09:58] Unacis. I mean it's perfect interval every turn. Who am I missing? An Olaf?
[14:10:20] Varus if I'm playing Frost, Varus. Oh belt he can't miss anti-heal. I mean I
[14:10:50] have a Varus but this way actually fucks. No cap.
[14:11:30] Watch level, every interval is perfect because I have Slamming. There's
[14:11:34] no reason to Sack. You're saving a total of four gold.
[14:11:38] or five gold maybe. But one life is already worth more than five gold because every round
[14:11:45] you survive it's an extra five gold. I don't even know why I fed this way the first time
[14:12:32] because I just looked and it seems to me also I should have went I should have went belt
[14:12:37] BF but actually I need to play Frost's game. If I go belt BF then I have to play around
[14:12:46] bow for anti-heal which means I have to go red buff which is probably not happening.
[14:12:53] I shoulda went shoujin, I shoulda went shoujin, no but shoujiji guard is so good together
[14:13:01] and it's not like shoujin varies this bad, I mean I need this stupid ass olath and I
[14:13:15] have to play blaster, this is half my team's damage, I mean I can't even hold this trash,
[14:13:43] okay so where is, where is this fucking olath?
[14:13:52] This guy's Briar, Giant and Mighty, Lucky TGs, Luba from Morello, Briar Paired, Fiora too.
[14:13:59] I don't think I'm killing a single unit, I also don't have Anti-Heal.
[14:14:03] I am also Five Frost, I also don't have Anti-Heal and he's Lucky Gloss, fucking Preserver, whole board, I...
[14:14:10] Oh my, I am made, I am made, I don't have no left.
[14:14:15] Like I don't get it, I don't get it. I mean he's just taking highest gold.
[14:14:33] Oh wait.
[14:14:34] Okay, I guess I don't need it left then.
[14:14:41] Oh, thanks buddy.
[14:14:42] Oh, oh, I thought, oh, I thought, oh, sorry, oh, I thought he had what the forge, oh, I'm
[14:14:50] stupid.
[14:14:51] Wait, he has Blaster plus one, no.
[14:14:53] Oh.
[14:15:04] I'm pretty sure this twitch actually pumps.
[14:15:06] I mean, it does pump.
[14:15:08] Is there something else I can drop?
[14:15:15] Is, is, how much, is Pyro even good?
[14:15:17] Like, what does Pyro do for me?
[14:15:20] What is this?
[14:15:21] Just, oh wait, I can't even drop twitch, it's the fuck am I saying?
[14:15:30] Varus does nothing for my board. Great. Six Blaster. It's just my whole board got a munch
[14:15:43] odd. Six Blaster. Great. I mean, I could play Nasus over what's it called, and then just
[14:16:04] move the Frost over. Yeah. There's no way it's that bad. I just mined three. I mean,
[14:16:23] I can actually level soon with Slammin, but I don't have a fucking, I don't have
[14:16:26] an Olaf. So I don't really want to sit here and just what the forge. He's buried treasures.
[14:16:57] He is buried treasures into what the forge. Oh my. Yeah, great. Like that is really balanced.
[14:17:13] That's just that's just really balanced. I don't have an Olaf, but if you even if
[14:17:20] I find Olaf like Olaf, you actually fucks though. I don't really want to roll like
[14:17:34] I can go 9.
[14:17:37] I'm not really, I have to roll if I don't get enough money here.
[14:17:53] I'll be leveling for Bastion, that's it.
[14:18:12] I hasn't just upgraded this, oops.
[14:18:41] I didn't kill a single unit.
[14:18:45] I just wasted an entire Varus cast on a unit that was 1 HP.
[14:18:51] Oh my, oh my, my entire board, look at my frontline, it's a protectors valve.
[14:19:10] It's a fucking Protector's Vow.
[14:19:13] That's it.
[14:19:18] Protector's Vow.
[14:19:20] G. G.
[14:19:34] What the forge?
[14:19:44] I mean, it looks all right.
[14:19:50] Maybe I'm not a pen.
[14:19:53] This guy won the game for sure.
[14:19:56] He's what's it called?
[14:19:59] He's Barrier Treasures.
[14:20:00] What the forge?
[14:20:02] That's allowed?
[14:20:29] But if I could only fight one,
[14:20:54] and this Barrier does no damage to this shit.
[14:20:58] Great.
[14:21:00] my team doesn't do damage.
[14:21:14] Okay, I mean, I got an anti-heal item, that's pretty good.
[14:21:17] Or like a Wyrmog's.
[14:21:19] So my frontline is no longer complete trash.
[14:21:22] That's pretty good, I guess.
[14:21:24] Yup.
[14:21:37] I mean, Wyrmog's, Gargoyle,
[14:21:40] our Protector's Vow.
[14:21:42] Yup.
[14:21:45] You know what's fucked when Zilean is top DPS, man.
[14:21:55] Yordle's Spirit.
[14:22:04] And I'm just sitting here,
[14:22:05] donkey rolling for fucking...
[14:22:08] Oh, great.
[14:22:12] Okay. I think I'm dead.
[14:22:23] He's a blaster Olaf too.
[14:22:26] Hello? Buddy, do you think you could FF please?
[14:22:32] Or am I- am I-
[14:22:53] That whatever, honestly, I'm not gonna buy that type, I'm just gonna go VQ so we can get the fuck out of my game, yeah, you trash.
[14:23:15] Q-pop, Q-pop!
[14:23:18] Alright guys, can you guys get in Q fast?
[14:23:20] Hello?
[14:23:23] Alright guys, Q up!
[14:23:45] That 4-1 was a joke of a play agreed.
[14:23:48] You realize the you know why people for two by the way
[14:23:52] Perfect interval, but you had augment. Well, I don't get it. What is augment? Why does all the matter? Oh?
[14:24:37] Oh, it's lemon. Oh, yeah, slamming. Oh, thank you. Yes, I'm yet
[14:24:41] It's not even every interval is perfect man
[14:24:43] Like I have two free bank three rolls and you just like your board you survive an extra turn you hit someone else like
[14:24:49] But also, um, I thought the double down player
[14:24:54] Was gonna play towards
[14:24:56] Kalista, but then he just played towards. I don't even know what
[14:25:16] 3.69 bro
[14:25:18] Your average level can is a nine point oh four
[14:25:22] You like you know how people are like. Oh, yeah, you're going eight. You're 70 HP at grugs
[14:25:28] You start the game with 20 HP
[14:25:31] And you and your average when you start the game with 20 HP your average level is nine. All right. Yeah, fuck you
[14:25:44] Yeah, just banned me, but I go like karma zillion. What's the average level is it good?
[14:25:54] It's much lower. I mean not much lower, but the placement is like it's like the AVP is just not there like it's not good man like it
[14:26:02] It's very sending good probably not
[14:26:08] 4.48
[14:26:11] I don't understand why you wouldn't just resilient rock on it like you use like you're open anyway
[14:26:15] So why don't you just choose the best comp? I
[14:26:17] Don't get it. Look at the Delta
[14:27:00] just look that's weird it's the exact it's the what it's the one board you can
[14:27:06] play I mean if you make it to like the dinas negative Delta because it's the
[14:27:11] karma board and you make it to nine but that's crazy the entire comp is just
[14:27:17] copy and paste it here this is the the karma board you end the game with
[14:27:30] Tristana and it's still negative Delta even if you don't make it to
[14:27:33] Millio.
[14:27:34] What?
[14:27:35] Double down.
[14:28:36] GG.
[14:28:39] I don't even know how the stats of 30 plus 1 are so good.
[14:28:47] Honestly, it's not good.
[14:28:51] It's actually not good.
[14:28:52] Because if you just go this, it's literally plus delta.
[14:29:34] Huh?
[14:29:35] Okay, well, thank you.
[14:29:37] Great.
[14:29:43] Like, how does this Q not pop, and how the stats go through this in my game again?
[14:29:46] With this stupid, I'm just gonna mute his ass.
[14:29:48] This stupid ass skin is pissing me off.
[14:29:50] Honestly, I might just queue off stream in just 20-20s Galista, that shit is just straight up brain dead.
[14:30:10] No one plays it because it's so boring.
[14:30:14] I was gonna try to figure out if I wanted to make Egon, but then if I wanted to sell Tristana,
[14:31:06] and I was worried that it wasn't gonna give me a single component, but it actually gave me a component, so it's actually fine.
[14:31:11] And I definitely don't want to because it's a BS sword.
[14:31:15] But if it gave me like a rod actually rod I probably keep but it gave me like a tear I
[14:31:24] Probably wouldn't pop you on right
[14:32:14] rumble on right pop you on right
[14:32:16] Hello, can you guys help me?
[14:32:18] solo front line and poppy please
[14:32:23] G
[14:32:28] What the fuck am I even fighting great out of stupid ass jacks?
[14:32:49] Great. I lost I
[14:33:20] Am a fucking beast
[14:33:23] well
[14:34:27] my my front line like please man I need something I can't just load in with this
[14:34:32] like I it just dies instantly hello oh I skimmed a three streak the fuck okay this
[14:35:07] resume is actually kind of good it's just hard to activate fairy I mean I'm not
[14:35:15] trying to play this serif in my Lord's Flame poison pirate holy fuck he is strong
[14:35:21] Also, I think he's I think he's various for sure. They said might also be I'm not sure
[14:35:32] This I might also be various
[14:35:35] What great
[14:35:46] I mean like I like I want to I want to keep streaking and then war months is really good right now
[14:35:50] I'm really a pair this wall
[14:35:57] My frontline. I mean, I'm just fighting all the shit or so. That's pretty good. It's not like my board is terrible
[14:36:49] It's just that if anyone has like a strong front line, I just get run over
[14:36:55] Because my front line is just terrible
[14:36:59] Okay, I mean more guys are just pretty good and also Katarina
[14:37:06] I'm not really used with the rumors
[14:37:10] Actually, is there a blaster?
[14:37:22] Okay, my front line isn't even shit anymore. I'm back
[14:37:30] Okay, and then I'm fighting him now am I stronger? I literally just like this game not good not good not good
[14:38:03] And then if I had this I would have beat a man like oh god, this is just this is a disaster it really is
[14:38:13] It's actually a fucking disaster oh
[14:38:16] My and then the thing is I'm like seven way content
[14:38:19] Okay, honestly if you look at the positive side my board did not deserve to four streak and the fact that I'm like
[14:38:25] I you can't even complain about not getting a five streak because I shouldn't even be getting a three streak here
[14:38:30] Like I like honestly like if anything I should just be happy
[14:38:41] It's a zero gold.
[14:38:43] Oh, okay. Thank you.
[14:39:39] Oh, yes, please.
[14:39:45] Okay.
[14:39:48] Okay, thank you.
[14:39:51] I lost with this board.
[14:39:53] How is that even possible, by the way?
[14:39:57] They gave me- they have the audacity to give me fucking fairy plus one.
[14:40:07] Okay, I won the game.
[14:40:10] Oh, actually, wait.
[14:40:11] Wait, Little Buddies is- is Rumble?
[14:40:14] It's only Rumble and- and that's it.
[14:40:16] Item collector in this comp is fucking broken. High-key. I won the game, right?
[14:40:23] Wait...
[14:40:25] It's just rumble in that and that's it.
[14:40:28] It's not even RE because it's a blaster plus one. Okay, well
[14:40:33] GG's then. New trash.
[14:40:37] I'm 12 gold. I should have played another Trist, oops.
[14:40:50] It doesn't matter. Like the thing is, I don't even know why I scouted because I just realized new blaster plus one.
[14:41:00] Ezreal 2, straight up is a fast 9. You just one bullet the entire board. One
[14:41:11] varusault, one Ezreal, the entire board just gets one shot. And I'm already one
[14:41:16] out of three of my final carry. I have two dead fawns. With what item? I mean the
[14:42:03] item collector gives like, let's say it gives like 1080, which is already more
[14:42:08] than enough. And then you just have six blaster with damage amp and you
[14:42:11] He just one shots the whole board, they're fucked.
[14:42:14] Aw man, he's Pyro plus two, I think he's playing towards Varus.
[14:42:19] But actually, he has eternal growth, what the fuck, what is he even playing?
[14:42:38] There's the Calista and the Rock on Pyro, Pyro, Blue, JG, Gensu, Gensu, Shoujin, Red, this guy's Varus as well, unknown, and Varus.
[14:42:52] I just got a three-cost BF as the last pick.
[14:42:59] There's five Varus players in the lobby, and I don't have an econ augment.
[14:43:04] So what the fuck is the plan?
[14:43:36] Four Bastion. I didn't even know this trade was allowed to be played.
[14:43:39] Bro, this Rastana is a fucking genius.
[14:43:55] Except nevermind, it's a- my even-trotter's over here, man.
[14:44:37] Okay.
[14:44:59] I don't even know why I see one gold here.
[14:45:09] I guess it's not that bad, because if I lose the round, I also get one, I guess.
[14:45:14] Or I guess two.
[14:45:15] Okay, you know what, it's fine.
[14:45:16] I'm glad I didn't love that one a little before.
[14:45:18] Okay.
[14:45:19] 73 HP, I-42.
[14:45:24] With-with zero gold.
[14:45:27] I'm fucked.
[14:45:29] A Rhizo of Way.
[14:45:31] Okay.
[14:45:46] I mean, it's fine. Ezreal 2 is already stable.
[14:45:50] It actually doesn't matter.
[14:45:52] Yup.
[14:45:57] I just got gold.
[14:45:58] It's fine.
[14:46:07] I'm gonna have to go DB for sure, which is fine.
[14:46:10] I mean, it's not that good.
[14:46:11] I'm much rather half.
[14:46:12] I mean, I need red buff as well, so I mean, I have to just go show it to DB, plus...
[14:46:23] Playrun Bo.
[14:46:27] Uh, he's level 810.
[14:46:38] He has one Varus, a smolder.
[14:46:41] This is blue buff JG on fucking
[14:46:44] How is this guy level 8?
[14:46:52] What is this guy even doing? He all in?
[14:46:54] This guy does not have a single varicita. There's none gone. There's actually none gone. Like they don't have econ arguments
[14:47:00] How the fuck are they just going 8 and rolling 10 gold?
[14:47:04] I don't get it. I mean sure whatever. I mean 3 is a crowd of blaster plus 1 is the most negative Delta shit of all time
[14:47:12] I won the fucking game
[14:47:14] G?
[14:47:37] I might as well roll 1 for charm
[14:47:43] Look at my board
[14:47:55] Look at my board. It's it's so it's so illegal blaster plus one threes a crowd
[14:48:06] It's actually so illegal
[14:48:09] Also, I should I should be carrying like why the fuck did I not move items to bears one?
[14:48:13] Okay, the reason I'm not moving the bears one is because I'm brilliant so charm
[14:48:16] I mean I should I mean I can't kill this and then the thing is if I hit Ezreal two
[14:48:20] It's way stronger to play as real to
[14:48:22] No cap that but I mean
[14:48:30] But I mean I I
[14:48:32] 49, I mean there's no one hitting Varus 2 from this spot
[14:48:35] I mean I'm going full charm, Varus paired
[14:48:37] I'm not even Ezreal paired, I mean I am Varus paired, sorry 4
[14:49:05] 5, there's 5 off
[14:49:11] I'm supposed to just sit here and press D to 0 every turn until Varus 2
[14:49:16] That's my game plan, I mean I posted a joke, I posted a post-parasite
[14:49:36] I'll send you straight down to 0, it's just a straight 0
[14:49:40] I'm gonna, if I can't like for sure I can find something
[14:49:43] I mean, I gotta find something if I find nothing on me. Oh
[14:49:57] Oh, bro, I he just did he just like I was like, oh bet bow open for me five cost my side and then he just comes back
[14:50:04] Oh my I'm five way contested by the way. I'm five way contested
[14:50:36] G
[14:50:38] G
[14:50:50] When I'm one way contested I swear every time I'm like non contested or one way contested
[14:50:56] I never hit, but then when I'm five way contested, I'm just like the luckiest fucker on the planet. I
[14:51:07] Don't have the stat. I don't think I can start like this. Oh wait
[14:51:15] My I can't start jacking. I might as well roll into a charm
[14:51:31] If I can go nine and cab around blasters or at that man won the game for sure actually from the spot
[14:51:53] I cannot believe I hit the TK as well
[14:51:58] I mean the TK kind of make sense because I think not everyone's playing Arcana. I mean this guy is just wait
[14:52:06] He hit 3's of crowd as well.
[14:52:09] Fucking high roller.
[14:52:13] I mean, this guy 4 won it with like 20 gold.
[14:52:17] While being 5-way contested, like, I mean, he didn't even roll.
[14:52:21] Okay, GG's then.
[14:52:22] Alright, I'll be right back.
[14:53:18] I just lost the Econ.
[14:53:20] 5 item collector.
[14:53:49] That's not the reason.
[14:53:50] I don't mind double-chilling, it's just that I know what they're doing here.
[14:53:54] And that was, like, truly a risk.
[14:54:11] I just realized, I didn't...
[14:54:13] I didn't roll for a charm!
[14:54:15] I'm just sitting here eating.
[14:54:18] Oh my.
[14:54:20] I would have won this round.
[14:54:37] Oh my fucking god.
[14:54:50] Okay, thank god.
[14:54:51] If I fought the Galista player, I am uncontested.
[14:54:55] This guy is unbeatable.
[14:54:58] Oh, so that's the Galista fighting him.
[14:54:59] No, okay, that's not a portion of him.
[14:55:26] That's so live, that's so live, you think.
[14:55:31] Do I have a glove?
[14:55:40] I'll put this.
[14:55:58] I got my Varus shrouded.
[14:56:00] Am I fucked?
[14:56:02] I hit the Gwen though, that's pretty good.
[14:56:08] Yeah, your whole board is going to be trashed in.
[14:56:12] Bro, if I won this round, I was like guaranteed top two, fuck.
[14:56:16] Because the thing is, you just accept that the Callister player won the lobby.
[14:56:19] Oh, you lost.
[14:56:21] The fucking zigzag.
[14:56:22] I...
[14:56:51] Oh, wow.
[14:56:52] I mean, I'm not trying to...
[14:56:53] I like, this way you can't do anything.
[14:56:55] It changes everyone.
[14:57:00] You're dragging me in the ears.
[14:57:03] I'm not...
[14:57:04] No, I'm not buying that shit.
[14:57:08] I'm not buying that shit.
[14:57:09] I mean, I'm not buying that shit.
[14:57:13] I have to buy this shit. I mean benefits from
[14:57:27] Three-Separate, I don't even know why I did it. So it's fine
[14:57:31] Can I beat this guy?
[14:57:34] He's like a giga third. I think the only reason he lost is because the diverse are not diverse
[14:57:42] Actually, I'm not one life. I would have won that round man. Fuck
[14:57:57] And then if I if I fight this I'm just dead. Oh, this is not good man
[14:58:01] tier tier tier rod
[14:58:09] Geez
[14:58:11] And yeah, one goal to give me way to then yeah GD's then
[14:58:16] Like I mean I'm just like I said in the moment. I fight this guy. I'm just dead like I mean the bro like
[14:58:21] Little buddy like how can you have replication little buddies reinforce me just win the game for free like it's just unreasonable
[14:58:27] That is fuck. I am dead as fuck. Oh, I'm good
[14:58:37] Maybe I'm gonna one shot his whole board
[14:58:40] This Ezreal angle and various angle are both insanely good. I killed a lot of his board. That's pretty good. I guess
[14:58:49] you
[14:58:51] okay okay I can't I can't beat the uh I can't beat this though it has it has way
[14:59:01] too much fucking HP bro I would have guaranteed top two if I just fucking if
[14:59:11] I roll for Trump that one turn man okay bro is that even my fault this food
[14:59:15] just let me show you guys this shit give me one second look look Sarah like
[14:59:21] plated it up it's Nando's it's just like chicken it's like gravy like mashed
[14:59:25] potatoes, coleslaw, rice, and some like some like
[14:59:29] rancor
[14:59:35] It's not even my fault it's so good, man. I'm getting over time. You know me. I don't even know what I'm rolling for there
[15:00:01] He has the fucking he has the fucking tower. He has
[15:00:22] My my even trout died before what's it called? Where the fuck did my board go my way?
[15:00:35] me? Just killed his zigzag. Also his tower is just in the back. Okay, you trash then.
[15:00:45] Alright guys, I think I'm gonna turn off stream. I think it might be a 1v1 against you trash.
[15:00:51] I'm just saying. I mean, maybe I just hit the bright one and just scan.
[15:01:03] Oh look, can this trash player get out of Q please?
[15:02:47] College, I'll be unique for cov- Oh when even is this after that? I have no idea.
[15:03:34] Bro, this food. There's also a corn that your dad brought. I've refused to eat corn
[15:05:02] stream from now on has your dad seen beaver mode no I'm just gonna get fucking
[15:05:22] I'm gonna get a span bro don't hold my units man come on hello please I mean my
[15:07:23] plate my board is is really close to spiking easy to hold that side whatever I
[15:07:36] usually don't like eating on stream but this food is too fucking good seriously
[15:07:57] I sold Jace and I bought Jace. Oh, I didn't even randuids. It's fine. It's fine. I'm gonna have one upgrade I
[15:08:51] Sold Jace and I bought Jace. Oh my god. I think I might get reported
[15:08:58] It's okay. I'm spike and soon. I was gonna play Varus, but with those options. I have to go um
[15:09:09] I'm gonna play first car this game
[15:09:11] Sack 1, I'm sitting on every single one-cost pair in the game.
[15:09:21] I actually hit nothing.
[15:09:23] That's insane.
[15:09:24] It's actually insane.
[15:09:54] Aw, great. He's doubled down into fucking full open.
[15:09:56] The good news is I can make 10 here while still holding Zeke's Pair.
[15:10:01] Zeke's Pair, Blitz Pair, and Twitch Pair.
[15:10:04] But the bad news is this guy won the fucking game. He's doubled down full open.
[15:10:10] this guy I think he might be playing big gains Soraka reroll is he I hope so
[15:10:26] okay I hit again I mean you can't miss again I missed again what oh he's playing
[15:10:57] never mind but ziggs oh man I have the level to five that's turn I like please
[15:11:07] before I level to five please can I just hit one copy of Warwick or are we
[15:11:16] no Blitz or Ziggs please one copy just one just one just one I just got a bow
[15:11:52] his last pick okay honestly if I have Randoans I can also play I can also play
[15:11:57] TK pair and then just Randoans because it like I I'm I don't even mind
[15:12:02] I mean I probably actually would win this. Actually, I might win anyway.
[15:12:49] Hikey. Wow, I won anyway.
[15:13:05] Okay, well now next fight I have to slam if it makes a difference.
[15:13:09] Can I just fight a shitter? Can I just fight a shitter?
[15:13:14] But honestly, two blaster, like vertical arc and a shogun, not a whisper.
[15:13:17] Like, it's actually alright. This is just sad.
[15:13:23] I am just not happy now.
[15:13:33] He has a karma already.
[15:13:44] What the- prizefighter red buff tier.
[15:13:47] Has a karma.
[15:13:48] And not only can I make 20, I think I can actually win this fight.
[15:14:05] I think.
[15:14:08] If I lose this fight after saving last whisperer, I might be quitting the game.
[15:14:56] But this time I'm going to be playing some like duo Gary probably.
[15:15:04] What is this?
[15:15:05] Gold?
[15:15:06] It's fine.
[15:15:07] I missed Shoujin red buff.
[15:15:17] Honestly, I could also just play Kalista.
[15:15:30] I can just go Gintu, Last Whisperer, Randoans.
[15:15:33] I have no frontline, but it's fine.
[15:15:34] I have Randoans for now.
[15:15:37] Is it double down Kalista?
[15:15:39] Yeah.
[15:15:41] He's fairy plus one, bow, gargoyle, chain, I'm Varus, karma, karma, karma, with a karma,
[15:15:51] Kalista.
[15:15:54] Oh, my, Mesa's gargoyle, gargoyle.
[15:16:08] I don't get it. Pandora's items and I go Gigaverus.
[15:16:50] Okay, but the thing is, Randoons in Blaster Plus 1, like, I'm pretty sure...
[15:16:55] You know what that does for me?
[15:16:59] Nothing. Nothing. I'll meet.
[15:17:02] I also don't have a last whisper.
[15:17:09] I mean, I guess Randoons is okay, because it forces your frontline to clump.
[15:17:18] He's trying in Mighty...
[15:17:26] He had Trubus, Kalista.
[15:17:30] What the forge?
[15:17:32] Support Galam, what do you get?
[15:17:38] This guy also hit Giant and Mighty, playing Callista.
[15:17:41] Okay, if they both hit Giant and Mighty, playing Callista...
[15:17:45] I, um...
[15:17:47] I'm not sure...
[15:17:48] what the game plan is here.
[15:18:11] Fuck, Bastion.
[15:18:28] Okay, honestly, my spot actually looks pretty good.
[15:18:51] I think this guy is playing towards Varus.
[15:18:54] And he has...
[15:18:55] Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm blind, sorry.
[15:18:57] I thought that was, I thought that was invested.
[15:18:59] I would have won 8.
[15:19:14] I mean, there's no game that...
[15:19:54] I have my endgame carry.
[15:19:55] And then now I'm an extra BSR to play around. Oh, this Gwen is a fucking genius the Gwen that is dashing over here
[15:20:29] So now the zigz bombs Gwen instead of
[15:20:32] No
[15:20:41] This is the biggest scam I have ever seen holy shit like there's just like the
[15:20:48] Okay, I mean that's not that's going when I'm you know, I'm just saying like here most of them it only cost you though
[15:21:30] That's not actually expensive
[15:21:31] He's a Brian
[15:21:37] What the fuck
[15:21:39] Cause what does that mean you make 50 on Nescaresle anyway?
[15:21:44] Or sorry, not Nescaresle, on Mutuals, I lost anyway, great.
[15:21:50] BoBsOrd
[15:22:11] Okay
[15:22:12] I need to somehow just get, go straight to 9, and I have an extra Shogun to play around so it's actually really good.
[15:22:22] Oh nice, even in gold, that's actually like what I like to see.
[15:22:25] Gee then, new trash.
[15:22:27] I mean, I can't remove her, it's...
[15:22:54] I mean, I mean, I, like, I, like, it's my, like, I would have to remake it, like, it's fine to remake, not really.
[15:23:01] I mean, I just wouldn't play, I just won't play Hecarim. Like, there's no way I don't play, uh, I don't play Zerath.
[15:23:25] Also, I should probably be reforging. It's not that good to go. I mean, it's better than, I mean, it's so fucking slow, but whatever.
[15:24:21] Is Shen even better than Arcana? Also, I have to remake this now because, I mean, I guess it's not really great.
[15:24:42] Alright, TK too.
[15:24:43] That's not good in this comp.
[15:25:19] That's really good.
[15:25:20] I mean, I need a TK and I also need to level, so I don't really want to roll that much.
[15:25:38] Uh, I'm not the same as Rod, it's fine.
[15:25:43] Shorjin, my sister, i.e.
[15:25:45] He has giant and muddy exiles, like I don't understand how the fuck I'm supposed to
[15:25:57] kill anything.
[15:25:58] This comp, this Callista comp, with like the true best is just pissing me to fuck
[15:26:08] off.
[15:26:10] Fuck this game.
[15:26:11] I mean I'm very spared
[15:26:24] Bro my board
[15:26:26] Wait, I'm uncontested Varys. I just realized
[15:26:34] Okay, I mean I'm sending it. I'm sending it the fuck down and also I need to sell this stupid ass Ezreal
[15:26:45] Not really. I like probably I probably actually have to wait. I mean Shen is for sure better than some garbage now
[15:26:52] Like what is Arkana dude? Let me read Arkana
[15:26:55] 8%
[15:26:57] I mean I had like Shyamon 2 and Shyamon 2. I can't sell my only two star. I mean Shoujin
[15:27:16] And the last was just someone else ie GS is really good shogun GS ie
[15:27:24] I'm pretty sure I can actually win this game. I need a this guy's gonna die soon
[15:27:45] I hope and then I need one TK
[15:27:47] But I have the damage is just my I also need this shogun on my fucking bears
[15:27:54] like now
[15:27:56] Shogun on bears now
[15:27:58] I mean, I can't sell the fucking I guess I can I guess this is too gold and I can swap
[15:28:10] It's fine because then I can I can make econ as well and then I can just go show Jim Rello over here
[15:28:14] Our children over here, and I'll just go lots of story here and it's Merlo. It's fine. Okay. Can you can you look at my front line real quick?
[15:28:23] Can you tell me what the fuck is going on right here with my front line?
[15:28:29] Roll the Merlo, bro. I'm selling the Shimano, man. Like it rolled the fucking Merlo
[15:28:34] Fuck off
[15:28:39] Look at my front line
[15:28:41] This guy has a tk on six as well. I'm 19 HP. I mean like is this guy dead you think he's dead from 14
[15:28:53] No, I don't have a tk. Oh
[15:29:02] My please please
[15:29:06] Look at the lobby HP man like I'm eight. Oh, it's he came. I mean I can't even level
[15:29:39] Actually, I probably have to level
[15:29:42] Yeah, rather I'd rather be one star everything a
[15:29:47] fucking pan I
[15:29:49] Need some fun on items. I had to send this all right
[15:30:31] I need one point on item. What the fuck? Bro like is this not even gonna do anything man?
[15:30:54] Like this what the forge? I'm getting fucking pissed man. Like it's... oh my...
[15:31:03] Mmm. Okay. Okay. I need this to go off before before this halts but like I
[15:31:39] think my Ezreal might just die. I'm fighting a fucking Zorath too.
[15:31:43] because Verus can hit the back line as well. Oh wait. Oh nice. I mean okay what
[15:31:51] the fuck do you mean oh nice. He's Diana 2, Zerath 2. What the forge? The
[15:32:17] chariot. Morgana 2. He just all in. He 3-2. He 5-2 all in. He locked the fucking
[15:32:28] chariot level to 9 and rolled down a hundred fucking gold. Diana 2, Briar 2,
[15:32:35] Morgana 2, Zerath 2. This, this what the forge augment? Like when you hit it you
[15:33:04] can't even win. What is it average in GM plus? 4.06 on 32. Fucking great. You
[15:33:29] would have railed you without a prismatic augment. Do you know why what the
[15:33:34] forge is broken? It's because you can fast nine with fucking garbage. It's
[15:33:49] It's the same reason why little buddies is broken.
[15:33:52] When you're level nine and you drop all of your garbage
[15:33:56] for the five costs and they're just like,
[15:33:58] tech W, nice little buddies value,
[15:34:02] the value in the augment is that it got you to nine
[15:34:06] in all of the fucking legendaries, man.
[15:34:09] Bro, I fast nine with a poppy
[15:34:11] and a fucking lily on my board.
[15:34:12] Like you can't load into stage four
[15:34:15] with a poppy and a lily on your board
[15:34:17] I didn't expect to not get 30-odd every single round, but I won 4 out of 5 rounds because I had little buddies that wasn't even that bad.
[15:34:23] And then I dropped the fucking Jax for Camille.
[15:34:29] The Jax for Camille, the Milio for, or the Seraphine for Milio.
[15:34:34] Nice little buddy's value.
[15:34:37] KKW.
[15:34:38] Bro, what?
[15:34:40] I just 6th streak for free with Rock on 1, Callista 1.
[15:36:20] Yeah, this Q needs to pop before the sessical pops, or the sessical is out of game.
[15:36:24] Hello?
[15:37:01] Does that mean he has all of the gems except for these?
[15:37:06] He has all the new gems.
[15:38:13] No, no.
[15:38:47] I'm hitting what the forge on here.
[15:39:35] Luzub is actually kinda fun.
[15:39:36] I'll allow it.
[15:39:45] Hope I don't get e-goed.
[15:39:47] Kyo, thank you for the prompt.
[15:39:59] What's the default forge in play?
[15:40:02] It's probably karma.
[15:40:04] Does karma can use every cash-on in the game?
[15:40:08] You don't want to go Kalista, cash out like a suboptimal radiant item and then you're right.
[15:40:13] If I have a tier...
[15:41:01] Oh! Oh, it's a 2 star 1 cost.
[15:41:18] That's a deal. I don't even know how this is even allowed.
[15:41:24] America's have a remover, the only way it's not that is to get Rod.
[15:41:59] I mean, but if I open her, it's alright. I will allow it.
[15:42:02] I miss this common game.
[15:42:07] This twitch is, bro, this fucking stupid ass swinging is pissing me off.
[15:42:17] Bro, fuck swing players.
[15:42:20] Well actually, I like swing players on Summer's Rift, cause those guys are...
[15:42:24] That champion is fucking worthless.
[15:42:27] I don't know if it's different in...
[15:42:31] Like, I don't know, I'm pretty sure that champion is just beyond fucking trash.
[15:42:36] Is it or no?
[15:42:41] It's swing worthless.
[15:42:43] I have never seen swing do anything.
[15:42:49] Swain sucks. Is Decent really?
[15:42:53] Bro, you need to- do you play mid? Like maybe later into the game he's okay, but like bro, like there's no way this fucker
[15:43:05] There's no way this fucker does anything. He just walks up with a fucking range of like a melee unit
[15:43:17] His- his E is like a fucking idiot could dodge that shit
[15:43:23] His W is- you can't even hit anyone that's- even if they're stunned you can't hit them
[15:43:35] The only thing you do is you pop alt and then they just walk away.
[15:43:39] What?
[15:43:42] Great.
[15:43:56] I invested in...
[15:43:58] Okay.
[15:43:59] I mean, at least I can make econ because I'm going to swap the way the moment I get a frost.
[15:44:17] I just realized if I lose this round, I have to sell play.
[15:44:20] I mean, honestly, it's fine.
[15:44:22] I just make 10, I just don't level.
[15:44:24] If anything, this might actually be a scout after this and then see if I want to five losses this game.
[15:44:32] I actually died from this.
[15:44:40] Cause it's just, if I hit, what's it called first?
[15:44:43] Okay, nice.
[15:44:44] If I hit, if I hit a honey, honey-meti, and ziggs, I just play that for stage 3.
[15:44:49] But if I hit a frost, and I don't hit ziggs too, I'll just play that.
[15:44:54] Either way, it's alright.
[15:44:56] It's acceptable.
[15:44:57] I'm fucking last thick with 3 losses.
[15:44:59] That's allowed.
[15:45:00] I'm actually kind of okay with 3 cost cloak.
[15:45:15] It's half BT, half a spark.
[15:45:18] It's just that if I get another cloak then it's kinda scary, but I'm already a boobuff, so tier is only shit, but I'm pretty sure Spark is better.
[15:45:26] This Gwennun is a fucking gigadumian.
[15:45:28] I don't even like Rakan on number 2, I just don't like doing anything.
[15:45:38] Okay, let me do a quick scout.
[15:45:46] This guy's Kinsu, level up, has a fucking rock on already.
[15:45:49] Oh, okay, you are fucking terrible.
[15:45:52] This guy's also Kalista.
[15:45:54] Not sure.
[15:45:56] Karma, Varus, Karma.
[15:46:13] Wait, I think I'm about to scam him.
[15:46:17] Man, you're not very good, buddy.
[15:46:19] I mean, honestly, I don't think it matters.
[15:46:21] I think I might've won anyway.
[15:46:23] I'm gonna ask the two-strafe, that's pretty good.
[15:47:00] Stronger, if it's a better, if it's exillion.
[15:47:04] Or if I have, like, rumble.
[15:47:12] Can I win this?
[15:47:22] I mean, I've double-gorded with Blitzcrank, which is like pretty fucking good.
[15:47:25] For mid-game.
[15:47:28] Like, Honeyman, it's like, okay, nevermind, it's actually nevermind, because I have double-gorded with Blitz.
[15:47:43] And then now...
[15:47:45] I just hit what the forge?
[15:47:47] On 3-2 and I instantly win the fucking game.
[15:47:52] It's that easy.
[15:47:54] A glove that's fun.
[15:47:57] What the forge on 3-2 and I just get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
[15:48:02] Ornn items plus 1, 7 fucking Ornn items.
[15:48:06] And I can play anything.
[15:48:08] And I just win the game for free.
[15:48:19] He-He-You-8 then.
[15:48:21] Is it Prismatic Party? No.
[15:48:23] He-He-You-8 then.
[15:48:25] This is just not good for me.
[15:49:00] this is just not good for me I don't get it I mean my items are actually good
[15:49:19] though I'm half spark blue up morello what the forge please what the forge and
[15:49:30] I'll I'll I'll do nothing it's okay maybe Pandora's I just go for a two star
[15:50:00] five cost on do I even have a good two star five cost items no I don't in fact
[15:50:05] I have items for nothing. I literally have nothing. I got fucking nothing. Oh wait item collector 1 is actually fine
[15:50:16] It's it's a bit of a journey. Okay, love. Okay, never mind. I'm back then
[15:50:21] All right. Bye. Bye. Hey watchers you trash. Nah, I'm here
[15:50:37] Isn't that oh wait?
[15:50:55] It's not even weak like I went right
[15:50:57] chain cloak chain cloak glove chain glove cloak what the fuck why does that
[15:52:03] look so strong oh three-star mission GG's oh wait oh yeah GG yeah I'm tired I mean
[15:52:37] I already have one unit on my final board like one out of eight like that's pretty
[15:52:41] good three costs oh it's gone and I mean if I go BT I can't even slam okay I
[15:53:01] mean it's probably I'm probably we're forging I'm probably we're forging the
[15:53:17] glove is what it is I'm much more comfortable slamming BT okay who buff
[15:53:53] Morello BT gargoyle step that's hard I mean it's not my board is bad gargoyle
[15:53:59] Gargoyle, Stethasar, Blubuff, Morello, Cog2, Blitz2, yeah, you Gargoyle.
[15:54:03] Nice, he's about to spike as well.
[15:54:29] I'm not even poor.
[15:54:32] This guy is Karma for sure, he has Rolling for Days.
[15:54:37] This guy is Varus, I'm not sure.
[15:54:43] Why is he 20 gold?
[15:54:45] Oh, he's got, oh, Frostbust 1, Ryza.
[15:54:51] Is he Ryze?
[15:54:52] Yeah.
[15:54:53] Karma.
[15:54:54] Karma for the blue one and Kalista for this call units is actually fucking broken
[15:55:07] no capa
[15:55:11] Usually is like actually the best holder for karma
[15:55:14] Blue Marlowe side event on two port of 4-1. All right, like it looks like I'm rich
[15:55:29] Like usually if you're like 50 gold playing Kalista, you can roll on 4-1 for sure
[15:55:34] But like karma you actually need like 90 gold
[15:55:37] because every unit on your board is 4 gold or 12 gold at least another chain
[15:55:51] vest and just infinite gold a spatula I can I can get a bastion what is what is
[15:56:14] a what is that plus the thing make I can also go like frost level 8 30 his
[15:56:40] His board is so fucking trash. He literally has nothing on his board.
[15:56:43] Except for Karma, but he doesn't have anything else.
[15:56:46] I'm not even that out of a loss. He's 40 gold.
[15:58:06] Okay, I mean, I've seen worse. Not much worse, but I've seen worse.
[15:58:10] I'm putting a Varus 2. A Varusa 2.
[15:58:15] I don't have a single Karma.
[15:58:32] I don't have a single Karma. Karma.
[15:58:48] Please? No Varus, Zero, Karma? And then I just, now I'm fighting Rise too? Like, I want?
[15:59:19] Hello guys? Like, is this even my fault? Anyone? I even saved the life. Like, I even won the
[15:59:34] previous round with no fucking board.
[15:59:36] hmm oh blaze blaze well can you guys can you guys say something is this my fault
[16:00:16] bear is to rise to bear is to it's not even worth the money man it doesn't do
[16:00:37] anything okay nice I mean I hit a lock too that's pretty good I don't even need
[16:01:05] I don't even need karma anymore because now I can I don't even have the
[16:01:10] The Frost Booth Marello Karma is kinda good.
[16:01:14] I'm fighting, uh, nice.
[16:01:20] I'm fighting the, uh, the Displayer, and, um, yeah, I can't kill a single unit, that's
[16:01:29] weird.
[16:01:30] I mean, the good news is I can stop rolling.
[16:01:32] It's actually fine.
[16:01:33] My board's not even bad.
[16:01:34] I just, it's just a bad matchup.
[16:01:37] Like it actually is.
[16:01:38] He's level 9.
[16:01:39] I benched the Fallen.
[16:01:42] Level 9.
[16:01:46] Okay, I mean, my board's actually good, but it's not terrible.
[16:01:49] I think items on a fucking piece of shite
[16:01:53] G a
[16:01:56] G
[16:02:06] This one is much more reasonable his thing is support cash, which is this piece of shit. That doesn't do anything
[16:02:11] Like frost has a really bad matchup into Rakan because a lot of times you can't kill the Rakan and then you don't get the frost axe
[16:02:19] But I mean my board is way ahead of his that if I lose I'm just gonna start bitching at right
[16:02:43] Diana Diana
[16:02:47] Bastion. Yeah, fuck it, spat. Frost plus one from Lutzub. I can go spark. I don't know
[16:03:22] how much damage my, what's it called, even doing though. What? I mean, it's, it's
[16:03:28] actually like whatever, because I have no items around. What the fuck happened to my board?
[16:04:12] What the f- is this- what the f- hi! What?!
[16:04:20] Want to roll for another charm?
[16:05:36] Your items are always shit. Jesus, man.
[16:05:41] Jesus, man.
[16:05:43] Sets a go. Did I mess up my items this game?
[16:05:46] Be honest.
[16:05:52] Am I- Did I not play this game flawless so far?
[16:05:57] I have, man! I have!
[16:05:59] Like, buddy! Please! Please! Come on, please!
[16:06:53] Is he-
[16:07:01] What do I even want?
[16:07:05] These are all...
[16:07:07] SHIT!
[16:07:09] But he was he's already been nine frost. Okay, come on like oh my please
[16:07:18] I mean, I want to go I want to rune on this eventually and then I'll go rune on Smorello
[16:07:31] But I don't have a
[16:07:34] Also the moment I find a what's it called? I'll just put this on for I
[16:07:40] Really should be rolling for turn probably not probably I should be
[16:07:43] Like I find what naces I can I can just sell this and move items to swing
[16:07:55] We're gonna to Camille to
[16:08:02] We're gonna to Camille to
[16:08:11] What the fuck is going on?
[16:08:14] What the fuck I kind of want to save the remover
[16:08:38] I mean my out is I get a spat and then I drop this oh
[16:08:56] my god oh
[16:09:08] I should have a I should have a separate is his something
[16:10:39] Instead of going for a fucking locket and I'm playing you trash
[16:10:51] Please let me know is this game my fault
[16:10:54] Is this game my fault? I don't even know how these guys this guy just loads in Morgana 2 as well
[16:10:59] Like I did I make a single mistake this game my 4-2 was clean. I
[16:11:05] Stopped rolling my item distribution was fucking perfect three item Olaf three item like I mean
[16:11:09] I like it was good. Like you can't tell me this is a badly like a poorly played game
[16:11:15] You cannot tell me this is a poorly played game like it's not man
[16:11:54] Smolder two out of nowhere
[16:11:57] Entire upgraded karma board
[16:12:00] Trubus all over the place
[16:12:04] nine frost briar two
[16:12:09] Berry plus one level nine Morgana to milio to
[16:12:13] Camille to
[16:12:44] Look up frost blue morello. I you know, you know frost morello or frost morello varus is probably I
[16:12:53] Got roasted last time because I didn't move items up
[16:13:12] Because it's better to put three items on fucking Varus than it is to put items on Hui
[16:13:17] Like you can't just split your fucking items man a two-star varus is a two-star varus
[16:13:22] I don't have leftover items unless you want me to steadfast hard him
[16:13:26] You want me to set that sardim?
[16:13:29] Oh yeah, now let's just put two items, like yeah, no item is better than blue.
[16:13:33] Yeah, no item is better than blue I guess, let's just go two item varus then.
[16:13:36] Yeah, fuck it, two item varus.
[16:13:39] Oh my fucking god, like yeah, let's just put frost on varus and then we'll just put
[16:13:53] boomerullo on Hui, like whatever, fuck it, let's just not itemize R'Harrie.
[16:13:57] Let's just, I mean, oh you don't have IE, therefore you can't put a single item
[16:14:01] on varus.
[16:14:02] Oh, oh, oh, do you know why this is do you know why this is it's because players
[16:14:40] unlike yourself have a half of a brain and they realize that any item is better
[16:14:49] than nothing is better than nothing it's not like I know everyone knows blue
[16:14:56] You buff is not good on Varus.
[16:14:57] You think I'm fucking stupid?
[16:15:00] But am I supposed to put a steadfast heart on him?
[16:15:03] Am I supposed to put a gargoyle on him?
[16:15:05] Like, I don't have anything else.
[16:15:08] I have to put something on him.
[16:15:12] Oh my, oh my.
[16:15:25] I mean, what's better?
[16:15:33] Like, for example, for example,
[16:15:38] Calista with Gensu,
[16:15:39] with ginsu, fairy item, or whatever the fuck it's called,
[16:15:44] plus nothing, or are we, oh wait, ginsu, ginsu, fairy item?
[16:15:53] Or ginsu, oh wait, no, it's ginsu, fairy item.
[16:16:00] Wait, ginsu, ginsu, oh, sorry.
[16:16:13] Like, I get it, ginsu, ginsu is true bis,
[16:16:16] but there is not a single, not even the last one,
[16:16:20] Let's put Ramadons.
[16:16:21] I guarantee you, this Calista will clear the fuck
[16:16:27] out of this Calista and it's not close.
[16:16:30] Three items are three items.
[16:16:33] You put three items on your carry.
[16:16:38] It doesn't matter.
[16:16:40] It does not matter.
[16:16:41] As long as it's not like a fucking gargoyle
[16:16:44] on your backline DPS, it does not matter.
[16:16:49] For example, on stage 3, if I have IE plus Glove, Glove, Cloak, you cannot say, oh, yeah, nah, and then I have like a Twitch 2, yeah?
[16:17:09] Mmm, yeah, nah, that's half IE, that's half Reforge, yeah, that's half Eventroud.
[16:17:16] You are jamming the fuck out of the QSS, man!
[16:17:19] You can play IE QSS, play around glove, the entirety of stage 3.
[16:17:25] Is QSS BIS on Baris?
[16:17:28] No.
[16:17:30] No.
[16:17:32] You think I'm stupid?
[16:17:34] I know it's not BIS.
[16:17:37] However, if it is going to save you 30 fucking HP,
[16:17:42] you are going to make it.
[16:17:45] You are going to make it.
[16:17:47] You cannot just sit there and do nothing.
[16:17:50] I don't know how to... I... Bro, like...
[16:17:58] This... The fucking BIS police is pissing me off, man.
[16:18:02] You know why that is?
[16:18:22] Because players are not fucking stupid.
[16:18:28] It has a lower play rate relative to the other items.
[16:18:33] However, people are not fucking stupid
[16:18:37] and they're willing to make the item because it has good synergy with IE.
[16:18:42] Ah, okay. That makes sense.
[16:18:46] And the stats make it look like that negative Delta is even more fake nowadays.
[16:18:52] It's even more fake nowadays because the game gives you a remover at every stage.
[16:19:00] So like the moment you get to later into the game and it makes sense to like,
[16:19:05] Like, if you have two item TK, you're not gonna just remove the QSS, QSS nothing.
[16:19:11] Because at that point, Trupas Verus isn't even better than three item TK.
[16:19:16] But like, let's say you do get to a point where you already have three item TK.
[16:19:20] Nevermind, I'm sorry guys, I'm done talking, I'm too tired for this shit.
[16:19:23] I'm not even about it, like whatever, my bad, sorry, blue buff, I should've just
[16:19:27] put no item on Verus.
[16:19:28] My bad.
[16:20:43] I should've blustered.
[16:20:44] uh, Mortivizer is probably better.
[16:20:50] Eh, that's my tank, it's number 9, so you never mind.
[16:20:53] Can you say your famous line?
[16:21:51] Gee, please.
[16:21:53] If you guys, I know there's some people here that are trying to learn.
[16:22:07] Uh, Sox has this really good video on items, but it's kind of boring.
[16:22:17] Um, because it's kind of a lecture, but it's...
[16:22:21] Is it this?
[16:22:36] I'm too lazy to find it, but he has a really good item guide, and he talks about stat multiplication
[16:22:43] and stuff like that, and stuff like that, but if you want to just sit here and just
[16:22:52] say BTDiff, QSSDiff, something else Diff, am I even playing 4 Blaster anytime soon?
[16:23:19] I guess I am, I'm 6.
[16:23:23] I don't know what to say all the way.
[16:23:43] I need...
[16:23:45] I mean, the news is it's really easy to get even trod.
[16:23:50] And the fact that no one's getting BS-word...
[16:23:53] Nevermind, I think he's the various...
[16:23:55] extra remover, oops.
[16:25:02] Holy fucking motor-visor.
[16:25:04] Honestly, do I even want to remove his motor-visor?
[16:25:06] He's a fucking beast.
[16:25:08] And also, like, five times.
[16:25:10] Alright, please.
[16:25:43] Ugh.
[16:25:44] Let me see the angle of the...
[16:25:48] I mean, who the fuck do I even beat here?
[16:25:54] Oh, okay. I think this is as full open.
[16:25:56] I just sort of scammed the 5th streak, I think.
[16:26:12] There's no way. I think this is the ultimate that kills the entire board.
[16:26:23] This has to be the most fraudulent 5th streak.
[16:26:26] Also, do you know how rare it is to 5th streak with branching out?
[16:26:30] Because most of the time you're branching out, you can't even play around,
[16:26:32] but I just still happen to have a rumble.
[16:26:34] So I'm high rolling like fucking crazy this game.
[16:26:37] And it just got even more high roll.
[16:26:39] G. G.
[16:26:41] Okay, GG's then.
[16:26:46] Like here, if I had Huey too, I wouldn't even mind just fucking jamming blue buff and going Huey too.
[16:27:34] G.
[16:27:35] G.
[16:27:36] I mean if I'm making Last Whisper then...
[16:28:02] then cloak is useless.
[16:28:04] Hello, please.
[16:28:21] And now I'm made.
[16:28:30] Am I contested? I don't really look exiles in this comp.
[16:28:38] How much gold is placebo?
[16:28:46] Seven rolls. I'm in 11 shops.
[16:28:49] Please try forces, IE, IE, is that good?
[16:28:59] I don't know if the item is rolling for this.
[16:29:04] Okay, if you have if you have rolling for days like surely it's a four for one
[16:29:24] I feel like I don't even have money to buy my shit though
[16:29:35] Sox vid this is a tool for beginners
[16:29:48] Who is just sitting here? Just
[16:29:50] He's just sitting here. It's like a fucking lecture. He's it. It's like you show up to this class
[16:30:03] I don't know. I feel like if it like the PowerPoint makes me not want to watch it
[16:30:13] Even though like I did watch it and then it was like insanely good info
[16:30:17] but but uh but yeah this guy is uh Kalista Kalista karma karma karma
[16:30:44] embarrassed hunters what you know lost as I remember I don't have a tier one my
[16:31:00] tier one is just sitting here it's my tier one is like it's good but it like I
[16:31:05] need I need for two for it to be good so it's like not actually good there's
[16:31:12] There's a karma with a bow, a callista with a glove, and an Olaf with a bow.
[16:31:16] Like, it's just, how come, then when I play the game, the karma just has a chain on it?
[16:31:22] Chain on it.
[16:31:23] Like, I'm supposed to be able to use that, really?
[16:31:25] Oh, nice.
[16:31:30] I got a BS sword.
[16:31:31] That's pretty good.
[16:31:47] Two more rolls.
[16:31:48] That's pretty good.
[16:31:55] I mean, if I'm 4-2ing regardless, I'm just gonna level up.
[16:31:58] My board's actually insane now.
[16:32:02] Basically, if Blaster plus one can go nine, you just win out for free.
[16:32:07] your level nine you can just play your front line isn't shit and then you just
[16:32:11] load in with uh bro he just he is an old laugh I'm fighting it I don't even
[16:32:18] know why I stout man I really don't know like hundred plus one the moment you
[16:32:26] say how you're just fighting like also why does this suit your actually look
[16:32:39] like it does infinite damage yeah but you fucking broke how can I how am I
[16:32:48] How am I broke?
[16:32:50] How am I broke?
[16:32:52] I have 26 gold banked.
[16:32:54] I'm level 760.
[16:32:56] Oh wait.
[16:32:59] 26?
[16:33:03] Oh wait, 26?
[16:33:05] 40?
[16:33:08] Yeah.
[16:33:10] I'm basically like level 780.
[16:33:12] Because I am rumble 2.
[16:33:14] Wait 2.
[16:33:16] I'm so fucking rich.
[16:33:18] I'm even willing to upgrade this piece of trash.
[16:33:20] to upgrade this piece of trash. That's how rich I am.
[16:33:24] This is gonna go so much damage, what?
[16:33:43] Maybe I can just go fast nine.
[16:33:48] Like, six blaster within canter and I can just go fast nine.
[16:33:52] Or like six blaster at eight and I just don't roll a single time.
[16:33:57] Low key. What the?
[16:34:03] Wait, what? Holy fuck.
[16:34:49] Wait, my items are looking kinda good then. Okay, well, Gigi's then.
[16:34:54] I'm just going to go Last Whisper or IEDV and then if I get a Shogun later, then I'll
[16:35:05] remove her, I'll remove her, the Last Whisper and put it on Ezreal.
[16:35:11] However, if I don't get another item, it's fine.
[16:35:17] Last Whisper or IEDV, it's not Shogun, IE, IE, but at least now I have Anti-Heals,
[16:35:23] I have some frontline items, I have other resources.
[16:35:26] I invested in other resources.
[16:35:30] Ah, okay.
[16:35:57] I don't really wanna roll anymore.
[16:36:04] I'm pretty sure my board's actually stable.
[16:36:47] Like it's not that it's like,
[16:36:48] it's gonna win every round of the stage,
[16:36:49] but the thing is, I'm 80 HP.
[16:36:55] Who the fuck cares?
[16:36:59] And you know why I'm 80 HP?
[16:37:01] Because I'm not scared to make fucking last whisper
[16:37:05] adaptive.
[16:37:06] And now, since I have extra HP,
[16:37:09] I can greed a little bit here
[16:37:10] and I'm in a spot where I can go 9 and cap around Zerat.
[16:37:16] And if I make it to 5-5, I can swap the items then.
[16:37:20] Ah ha ha!
[16:37:30] I was too busy bitching, I'm one roll off-target.
[16:37:33] I'm just sitting here for the Verus of Bo,
[16:38:07] but from my spot, I don't even care if he gets it.
[16:38:15] Because I'm not really gonna roll on these odds anymore.
[16:38:18] Oh, he took a Zerat.
[16:38:19] Oh, he's playing, oh.
[16:38:22] All right, then, you think you can leave
[16:38:23] the Verus of Bo for me then?
[16:38:25] because that's my Varus pair
[16:38:27] you fucking piece of shit man
[16:38:29] okay
[16:38:31] alright
[16:38:33] okay
[16:39:14] if I have the DPS check to kill the Ravon
[16:39:18] maybe
[16:39:20] I mean I'm 6 Blaster
[16:39:22] and my Kuwait are my
[16:39:24] oh nice
[16:39:33] so this Ezreal unit
[16:39:49] like 2 off charm I'm protecting my 5th street
[16:39:51] fuck this
[16:39:55] but the problem is 50% of the time that's five I'm six blaster items are so valuable
[16:40:03] but like he liberals automatic components all right automatic components
[16:40:07] AC you're gifting me a hundred dollars I'm gonna fuck I expect a hundred dollars like post post
[16:40:12] neutrals here if I'm automatic components that's a hundred dollars on my cow okay you won't get
[16:40:24] Okay, odd trust, don't worry about it, all right, back.
[16:40:33] Good loss, I guess.
[16:40:46] This guy is just sitting here, I lost the game.
[16:40:48] He won the game again, see, I'm fine for a second.
[16:40:53] He's sitting here, just 100 HP, full streaking,
[16:40:58] Olaf 2, level 8, 40 gold, Olaf 2, Naces 2,
[16:41:01] non-stop feeding Briar.
[16:41:03] It's gonna have plus 10K health.
[16:41:07] I don't know if I'm being mad.
[16:41:15] I forgot to remove her, oops.
[16:41:24] Oh wait, might as well roll once for Charm.
[16:41:36] You were right buddy. What the fuck if I go JG Nashors, I'm not going no fucking
[16:41:58] No laughing. It's not even that bad
[16:42:08] I'm a muscle sacked you
[16:42:34] It's fine. It's fine guys. No laughing no laughing also comes fucker dies three my Marus Marus
[16:42:43] This is this is this is Nashors item on on Zerath is not even remotely clickable
[16:42:47] I mean, I'm not the sacked you here. I like bro. The thing is this guy already won the game
[16:42:52] He's only losing HP because he's feeding briar man
[16:42:54] I mean I have to sack you what do you mean I'm gonna sack you and I I don't even I can't even level if I wanted to
[16:43:06] Not paying five over this trash is fucking you need your trash is five gold for this like how was this how was this five
[16:43:47] Gold also have a question. How the fuck is barrier six gold you get a barrier for fucking the first three hours of the fight
[16:43:52] Oh, yeah, yeah, here you go minus six gold. Are you fucking stupid?
[16:43:57] What?
[16:43:58] What should be probably left side?
[16:44:10] I'm fighting him again. Oh my, I can't kill a single fucking enemy here. My board is so bad.
[16:44:15] I guess this time I have TK2 so it's harder for him to get resets.
[16:44:21] Oh yeah, honestly, if I hit him here, that's really good.
[16:44:24] Because that's the last he can be, boy.
[16:44:26] But he's about a level to 9 next turn and so am I.
[16:44:29] Also, hopefully this guy's dead nice. I'm guaranteed barrage too.
[16:44:32] And these are getting pinged kind of fast.
[16:44:44] Yeah, fuck it, just take it then. Yeah, fuck it, just take it.
[16:44:46] I mean, is it even good?
[16:44:50] good? Is this even good? By the way, I mean it is. No, it is. It's an extra arcana. Look
[16:44:59] at the fucking mean. It's a good, yes man. It's good. Okay, also I already know I'm
[16:45:02] gonna miss Ari. Give me a sec. I can't even swap over because I need to move the blaster
[16:45:31] on, actually no, I need to swap over because I can, sorry, sorry, sorry. I thought I
[16:45:34] had to move items to the blasters or at, but it's one star, man. Okay, I'll move
[16:45:39] the next turn. I'm sorry. And then I'll move the blasters or at later. Got an
[16:45:51] I'm pretty sure I would have won this, like high key, I'm not pretty sure.
[16:46:00] Okay, I mean it's still, I mean let me just use my free rolls, G?
[16:46:20] Oh wait, oh I can, oh I, oh sorry, sorry, oh wait, FF'd.
[16:46:36] And then I need to find a smolder and I'm gonna move this to here, is that there
[16:46:39] probably will still, oh no, I don't even know why I slammed when I'm fighting a
[16:46:46] fucking cologne, oops.
[16:46:49] Also, my thing is on... it's swapped to this.
[16:46:57] I'm 4-6 Blaster, 4 Arcana, 50% AD, bro, one ult of this Zirath, or this Varus, isn't the
[16:47:03] entire board just gone?
[16:47:05] I don't get it.
[16:47:13] I don't get it.
[16:47:20] I wouldn't even mind...
[16:47:21] I'm not really in that trash.
[16:47:40] I'm going straight to 9.
[16:47:55] For what?
[16:48:05] Smolder, and smolder over this in some trash.
[16:48:13] Where the fuck did my board go?
[16:48:18] I mean, it was kinda close, not really.
[16:48:31] Can I actually go 10?
[16:48:51] This guy's board is fucking trash.
[16:49:24] Minus 8.
[16:49:37] Okay, like, I don't even, I don't get it.
[16:49:42] I don't get it.
[16:49:53] I mean, I have the tech, but like,
[16:49:54] I don't, it's only gonna work one turn.
[16:50:02] If I can try to like dodge the even shroud,
[16:50:06] it's not dodged, because it's right here.
[16:50:10] I mean, I've CC'd this before,
[16:50:11] I mean, that's pretty good, I guess.
[16:50:16] I mean, my entire board is dead within two milliseconds, man, I'm late.
[16:50:19] Also, I think I'm about to go 10 and roll once.
[16:50:37] Okay?
[16:50:38] I mean, if I can stop the first reset, maybe I can win.
[16:50:40] I mean, I don't even, like, I'm not supposed to just sit here and roll for nothing.
[16:50:46] Bro, I'd rather FF, man.
[16:50:47] Like, the fuck is that?
[16:50:48] It's straight up worthless, man.
[16:50:51] Sure.
[16:50:53] I went 10 and I rolled once.
[16:50:59] I rolled twice, actually.
[16:51:12] Okay.
[16:51:13] I mean, is my board looking kind of good though?
[16:51:14] I got I got counterspelled. Oh my
[16:51:23] My various can't alt my Zorath can't alt. I think my internet is going out. I'm gonna send you guys to zoom in
[16:53:00] Please
[16:53:01] I'm going to sleep
[16:53:03] Bye-bye guys you trash
[16:53:06] Bro fuck this guy though
[16:53:09] Can you guys can you guys just try to tilt him please?
[16:53:13] Just like whenever whenever he his items are not this
[16:53:15] Just start just start yapping away if he doesn't have anything that's not shogun
[16:53:22] ie ie various start bitching anything that's not blue buff oh okay okay if he
[16:53:31] has morello on karma ask him what make sure like whenever he has morello on
[16:53:37] karma just be like why didn't you agree red buff or like I like I like I thought
[16:53:43] I thought Redbuff was best.