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10-07-2024 · 8h 11m

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[00:00:01] This is our broadcast coming to you live from sunny California law services folks were live
[00:15:12] and alive. And I hope all the boys, girls and MPs are having a fantastic one. No matter
[00:15:15] where you are in the world, I'm a piker in this, the house on our broadcast. It is Monday,
[00:15:20] October 7th, 20, 24 a day that lives in infamy. We're going to be talking quite a
[00:15:26] bit about that day. But before we get into that, um, let's get started with some
[00:15:32] personal news. It is Monday, Monday, Newsday, October 7, 2024, 1133 AM. I'm a little late
[00:15:41] and I apologize. I had to do some big business deals, some tax stuff, specifically donation
[00:15:47] wise, taxable, the, the, the charitable contributions I've made, I had to go and
[00:15:57] get some paperwork for. But in any case, folks, I'll tell you, don't need to get
[00:16:06] out of the highest bracket, brother, there's not any amount of donations you can do to get
[00:16:11] out of that one. Not that it matters. All right. I am live. I'm alive. We are going to
[00:16:17] be, we are going to be talking about my personal news for the time period. This is the part
[00:16:23] of the broadcast where I tell you about what happened in the world of a son, I was a
[00:16:26] piker in between the time period where I press the stop, she would button and
[00:16:29] press the start streaming button. Obviously a lot has occurred. A lot has occurred
[00:16:36] in the Hassan, Hassan, I have a piker world, the universe, right? Uh, a lot has taken place
[00:16:46] because I, uh, took time off. I took a day off. Well, I didn't really take a day off.
[00:16:50] As you guys know, uh, I took a little bit of a day off to do two podcasts, not one,
[00:16:59] but two. I did the fear end episode this morning. Okay. Who was the fucking idiot?
[00:17:12] You said Milton, would it be a problem if you're in West Coast for to get out
[00:17:15] to get a safe place. Do not want. Yeah. Um, yeah, we're going to talk about that as well.
[00:17:20] We're going to talk about the fucking hurricanes and shit about what's going on in the world
[00:17:25] in the United States of America. Was it a little bit relaxing? Yes, it was. Okay.
[00:17:29] I'm going to tell you, I'm going to, I'm going to tell you all about it. All right.
[00:17:49] Messenger came in and I have to give them a, a some messages. Okay. So I got a
[00:18:01] a little bit of a break from the chat for one day and it was pretty good. Okay. Piana
[00:18:06] stop barking. Hold on one second. I'll be back. Watch this. Watch this. That that feels
[00:19:21] good as fuck for the hippo. I agree. So where was I? Oh yeah. So personal news wise,
[00:19:29] I had the broadcast this Saturday night as you guys know. And then I went to a fundraiser
[00:19:35] that was also live streamed. Don't know if you guys tuned into that one, but it was, it
[00:19:41] was a lot of, it was, it was an interesting and very entertaining event overall. We had
[00:19:46] an incident that occur at the, at the event as well. There was a fucking car that like
[00:19:51] drove in to the building basically. And it was really funny to have like Austin with
[00:19:58] me while that was happening because he thought it was like an act of like maybe
[00:20:02] attempted assassination or an act of terrorism happening because this is like a pro-Palestinian
[00:20:06] rally type situation. So I thought it was funny that like Austin was there for the duration
[00:20:11] because he freaked the fuck out. He was like genuinely, genuinely upset and scared.
[00:20:20] But it was all right. It was just a drunk driver. He did fucking go through the building,
[00:20:24] which was crazy. I've never seen anything like that before. Anyway, but yeah, it's on
[00:20:31] the podcast. I talked more about the experience. I was in the front row, the front razor best
[00:20:38] vibes I've experienced recently. You guys killed it. The fire trucks boxed my car and
[00:20:41] so I wasn't able to leave after midnight law. Yeah. Yeah. It was a drunk driver. His theory
[00:20:46] wasn't wild. Like for sure. Um, oh, you're the bald Italian Geo for you. You fucking
[00:20:58] You God, you were henchmaxing, dude. This motherfucker is large. Okay. I was at the event
[00:21:05] on Saturday night. I sent you to post a pic of me to your Instagram story. I guess you
[00:21:08] don't hit your bald Italian chatters, bro. This motherfucker is a big boy. Okay. I saw
[00:21:15] him from behind. He had a shiny ass dome. The light was just hitting it perfect. Okay.
[00:21:22] Light is hitting it perfect. He's biggest fuck in the middle of the goddamn in the
[00:21:27] middle of the goddamn room wearing house and I was like, this motherfucker, look at this guy.
[00:21:32] Look at this fucking guy flashbang in the rest of the crowd. Okay. Yeah. No, it was sick.
[00:21:40] It was wonderful seeing all you guys. Um, but, uh, yeah. So if you want to know more
[00:21:48] about, if you want to know more about that event, if you want to know more about what
[00:21:51] happened, uh, I talk extensively on the podcast on the fear end episode, I was handsome
[00:21:55] dog. Just say you handsome as fuck. So yeah, that's on the fear and podcast, Austin's freak
[00:22:08] out and whatnot. But after that, I go to, I go back home. I passed the fuck out. Okay.
[00:22:15] It wasn't an act of terrorism. It wasn't like the IDF or anything. It wasn't a massage.
[00:22:19] Right. Whatever. I go back. I passed the fuck out immediately. Wake up next morning,
[00:22:27] play basketball, take a bunch of L's on the court, which was not great. Didn't
[00:22:31] enjoy that. I'll tell you that much. Um, after the basketball experience, we shoot the paw
[00:22:36] with Connor eats pants. Hope you guys enjoyed that episode. Uh, I thought it was a fun little
[00:22:43] episode that we did. No cutie Cinderella on that one. Um, but, but yeah, W pod W guest.
[00:23:04] Did you listen to today's daily? Yeah, it made me very mad. I'm going to be talking
[00:23:08] about that quite a bit. So basically, basically did my podcast went on chuckle sandwich. And then
[00:23:20] after chuckle sandwich for chuckle week, I spent the rest of the day from like basically four
[00:23:27] five PM until I went to sleep doing self care in that process.
[00:23:33] process. In that process, the self care process I one got deeply into egghead, which is peak
[00:23:45] one piece is back. I cannot begin to explain to you like the joy I feel watching every
[00:23:51] episode and the excitement I feel the excitement I feel. Okay. It is incredible. It's how
[00:24:02] I felt like when I first started watching like actually let me tell you some folks egghead
[00:24:10] is so cracked out it is such a perfect all thrills no frills no fucking filler ass goddamn
[00:24:22] arc so far oh my god dr. Vega punk easy homies like I don't want to spoil it too much but
[00:24:31] I'm just going to say it's beautifully drawn, it's beautifully written, there are not, there
[00:24:38] are such little fucking, there are such little filler moments in it, no repetition whatsoever.
[00:24:45] 10-10 would recommend.
[00:24:50] I'm not spoiling it.
[00:24:52] All I'm saying is when I'm done with the, when I'm done with that arc, I'll give you
[00:24:56] my assessment of it.
[00:24:58] But holy fuck dude, that shit is so good.
[00:25:01] I've been thinking about it non-stop.
[00:25:03] I've been looking to talk to people about it non-stop.
[00:25:06] Okay?
[00:25:09] What a fantastic, what a fantastic fucking art
[00:25:13] and I'm about to catch up.
[00:25:15] I'm literally about to catch up.
[00:25:16] I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself
[00:25:17] when I catch up to the goddamn episodes.
[00:25:20] Like what the fuck am I gonna do?
[00:25:24] It's an incredible art.
[00:25:27] The intro is out of control, okay?
[00:25:31] The intro is so incredible dude, holy shit.
[00:25:38] Like, fantastically drawn.
[00:25:40] It's just a different anime, bro.
[00:25:42] It's like a movie.
[00:25:43] Like the first episode, when they finally get to Egghead,
[00:25:48] is basically drawn like a movie.
[00:25:50] Like, I felt like I was watching, not a TV show,
[00:25:53] but instead like watching an incredibly well-drawn,
[00:25:56] incredibly well-thought-out movie, dude.
[00:26:00] Like, look at this, look at the drawing.
[00:26:02] The art style changes a little bit too and it's so good.
[00:26:11] The intro is so well animated but so is the entire arc in my opinion.
[00:26:23] This is the peak. I'll say it like this.
[00:26:27] This is, in my opinion, the best post time skip arc I have watched so far.
[00:26:34] Maybe it's too soon to tell, but I think it is the best by a wide margin.
[00:26:40] Post time skip art
[00:26:42] Okay
[00:26:43] Straight up dub your sub there is no I don't think there's dubbing. This is like two
[00:26:49] Actually, I don't know maybe I am watching dubbed I think still but I don't know it doesn't really matter I
[00:26:54] Watch both dub this up. There's a thousands of fucking episodes. Do you kidding me? Oh?
[00:27:02] Otis letter when muano ended
[00:27:05] When I was a kid I thought to myself
[00:27:07] Man, I would love to draw a manga with the most hype final stage. I wonder if I'm up to it. Now
[00:27:13] we have only a tiny bit of Wano arc left. The preparations are almost done. Took me 25 years
[00:27:17] long. That's it. It's fine. If you start reading from this point on, because from this point on,
[00:27:21] it'll be the one piece, the mysteries of this world. I'll be drawing all of them. It'll
[00:27:26] be super interesting. Fasten your seatbelt and please stay with me for a bit longer. So
[00:27:31] this is the final stage of one piece. This is like it's official, right? Post Wano,
[00:27:37] This is now like officially the final chapter of one piece across the board. I think so that is very very exciting
[00:27:48] So much of the 25 year project is basically coming together
[00:27:52] I think seeing so much of the like
[00:27:57] But so many of the characters that you've seen so many of the things that you have
[00:28:02] paid attention to and maybe even forgotten like all of them are very
[00:28:06] important okay they're all pieces that tying together perfectly in a
[00:28:11] harmonious manner and honestly it's it's fantastic it's a journey for sure and I
[00:28:19] think a lot of it is and I will say this sunk cost okay unless you read the
[00:28:24] mangas I think a lot of it is sunk cost like if you were just straight
[00:28:29] mainlining every single fucking episode on Crunchyroll. It is virtually impossible to
[00:28:35] finish. I don't even know how I did it. Okay. I don't know how I did it. I don't recommend
[00:28:41] it for people. I do not recommend it, especially Wano. Wano needs to be redone. Many of these
[00:28:48] arcs post time skip need to be redone. They need to be chopped up and redone and actually
[00:28:54] created in a better way. I thought Dressrosa was the best post-time skip arc. Honestly,
[00:29:00] Egghead is so good. So overall, the manga is very doable in a couple of months. You should
[00:29:11] watch Gunslinger Girl when you start a quick, but spectacular anime. Yeah, there is a Netflix
[00:29:16] remake coming out and I'm very excited about it. I think it's going to be like, it's
[00:29:20] It's going to be, I'm calling it the Netflix remake of One Piece, like not the live action.
[00:29:29] I'm talking about the new studio remastering and remaking of One Piece will most likely
[00:29:34] make One Piece one of the most popular Western IPs.
[00:29:39] If they do it right, okay, because it literally is such a perfect product.
[00:29:46] If you cut the fucking fat.
[00:29:49] If you trim the goddamn fat, if you trim the goddamn fat, it will literally be so easily,
[00:29:56] so easily consumable by people, and they need to do that, okay?
[00:30:01] They need to do that.
[00:30:05] It's doable if you like caught up and you're just like watching it episode by episode by
[00:30:09] episode week after week, but I don't think like, I don't know, I just, there are a
[00:30:17] lot of issues that I have with toy. There is no fat. Everything matters. Shut up. Shut
[00:30:22] up. No, that's not true. You guys are getting ahead of yourselves. You're being fucking
[00:30:27] the classic like one piece nerd who just goes insane mode. You have forgotten how to approach
[00:30:33] normal human beings. Normal human beings are literally going to look at that and go
[00:30:38] 1000 episodes. I'm out. Okay. But even if they make that investment, there are
[00:30:43] plenty of moments where shit gets slow, where shit gets convoluted, where it gets a little
[00:30:48] fucking boring, where they'll be out. There are plenty of early stages in the early arcs,
[00:30:54] as a matter of fact, where you could clearly say, I don't know if I want to make this investment.
[00:30:59] 1000 plus episodes is a very, very difficult task to engage with. It's been a couple years
[00:31:07] at this point that I've been watching it. Okay. And if you see 1000 episodes, you're already out,
[00:31:13] but let's say you dive in and then you get fucking bored in the first couple of arcs,
[00:31:17] you're not going to make that commitment. So I think like I said, I gave up on thriller bark.
[00:31:27] It fucking drags. I hated thriller bark. That was another one that I did not like.
[00:31:30] Plenty of people like it. It was not for me. I could not stay by the end of Wano. I grew
[00:31:38] resentful okay by the end of like before the end of wano you know exactly what i'm talking about if
[00:31:44] you watch this like i grew resentful to this anime i was like what the fuck am i do am i like
[00:31:50] actually watching this or am i am i just like watching it because i've already watched a thousand
[00:31:55] episodes basically and then 1015 kind of turned it around for me 1015 was like a pivotal episode
[00:32:03] they changed the animation team. It was like incredible. And then all of a sudden I was like,
[00:32:08] wait, maybe I'm back in. Okay. Great backstory. Kind of like it a lot. And, and then, and then it
[00:32:18] slowed down again. But then the end of Wano is great. It's fantastic. And then, like, the last,
[00:32:24] you know, 20, 30 episodes of Wano are incredible. And then everything since then has been even
[00:32:29] better. Like somehow it's, it's incredible. So like I said, there's like things that you need to
[00:32:35] reorient that the fan base also obviously understands. That's why they made one pace.
[00:32:41] Right. But a head has been incredible. But yeah, Netflix, WIT studio is doing the one piece remake
[00:32:52] and there are some very cool, like, I mean, it's just, it just looks dope. It looks dope.
[00:33:01] it looks amazing. I'm very excited for it. Hopefully they'll trim that goddamn fat a little bit.
[00:33:11] But yeah, like I said, it's just too much of a drag, man. I'm gonna be fucking real. I'm gonna
[00:33:18] be for real. I'm gonna be very real with you. Now that I'm giving it its flowers,
[00:33:23] I gotta fucking talk about the thorns, okay? And it's thorny as hell.
[00:33:27] So, you know, there is that too. I don't I don't know the IG story that I saw, but did you enjoy watching Dandadan yet? It was incredible. Dandadan is awesome.
[00:33:40] And yes, I did see female Trafalgar law. Yowza. What a woman. Oh my God. You guys weren't lying.
[00:33:52] on that note, watched a lot of one piece last night, did a little bit of self-care because
[00:33:58] my lower back was a little tight because of the, the insane amount of fucking squat work
[00:34:05] that I did on Friday, that carried over to like a little bit of lower back tightness.
[00:34:13] Even when I was playing basketball on a Sunday. So I was like, you know what? I'm not,
[00:34:16] I'm not going to fuck around, miss himself, care, put some, put a mask on my face and
[00:34:21] shit. You know, you probably saw it. I put, I posted it on my Instagram and I'm here to
[00:34:27] look through my charitable contributions in the 2023 fiscal year this morning, go through
[00:34:34] them piece by piece. And let me tell you, boy, I have done a lot. Okay. We've done, this
[00:34:40] community has raised a lot of funds overall. I've also independently given a lot of money.
[00:34:47] Okay. I have to explain something very funny. So I have like accountants, right?
[00:34:55] And they were trying to map out one charitable contribution that I've made
[00:35:02] to the Down Syndrome Association. Okay. And they were like, well, you made this charitable
[00:35:11] contribution of like, I think $2,000 or $3,000 to the Down syndrome association. And we can't
[00:35:19] find it like we can't find the, the receipts for it tax write offs. Yeah, dude, tax write
[00:35:29] off with a with a fucking RID. Oh my God. Yeah, turns out it's not the Down syndrome
[00:35:39] association. I looked at the I looked at the fucking I was like, what is it marked
[00:35:42] as and they went DSA LA. I was like, that's not the down syndrome association. That's
[00:35:48] the democratic socialists of America, Los Angeles. I love people. It's not even, that's
[00:36:07] not a bit. Like I'm not even joking. I will like straight up, they straight up were like,
[00:36:18] they have no idea what, bro, they're my fucking accounts. They don't know what the
[00:36:21] fuck DSA is. So they saw DSA LA and they were like, Oh, down syndrome association
[00:36:26] in Los Angeles, like that's what they, they probably Googled it. Cause like I donate a
[00:36:40] lot. So, you know, my friends are always doing fundraisers and I'm like randomly, if I see
[00:36:46] something, I donate to it. So I end up forgetting, but I don't recall ever giving money to the
[00:36:52] down syndrome association.
[00:36:54] Not that I have any beef with them or anything. I didn't even know such an, such an association
[00:36:59] existed, right? So I was like, this is not, this doesn't make any sense. But, but yeah,
[00:37:10] what about your IDF donation? No, they know they they know what that is, the immune deficiency
[00:37:14] foundation, they did not mistake that one for fucking for fucking is really defense
[00:37:23] force. So, um, in any case, that's what I was working on. That's what I was working
[00:37:28] on this uh this this this morning no shirt today no beef camo was the best plan
[00:37:38] yeah should have left it at the down syndrome association i was thinking you were a good
[00:37:44] person and not a communist yeah did you see the major fall off of animation quality from uzumaki
[00:37:55] this is just off two episodes wait i haven't watched uzumaki yet but this is i guess the
[00:38:02] the first episode and then this is the second episode. Wait, what? Why are they running
[00:38:10] like that? Dude, I I'm also I haven't seen blue lock season two yet. And I'm kind of
[00:38:23] disappointed because my favorite boy love show blue lock. It was was incredibly well animated
[00:38:30] in season one. If boy love season two is ass as everyone is claiming it's ass they're
[00:38:36] doing a lot of like clip art shit. I'm gonna be so mad. I don't know what the fuck's going
[00:38:46] on with these goddamn. I do not know what the fuck's going on with these goddamn anime studios,
[00:38:51] bro. Why are they using two separate teams that are so different from one another in
[00:38:55] terms of their fucking drawing quality? No disrespect to any of the fucking animators,
[00:39:01] but what the fuck's going on? I saw it with Toei so much, especially during Wano,
[00:39:05] I brought it up quite a bit. As you guys remember, some of the fight sequences are
[00:39:09] so well drawn the art style changes dramatically but it's fantastic right it's like the squiggly
[00:39:16] line art style I really like it because it's just like it breathes life into the fucking fight
[00:39:22] sequences in a way that you wouldn't expect and I find it really cool but then you go back to the
[00:39:29] old fucking whenever the the same in the same episode whenever they're talking to one another
[00:39:34] There you go back to the old art style and you're like, oh, this sucks.
[00:39:40] Anyway, um, it's, is our style not super subjective though.
[00:39:45] No, it's not just the art style.
[00:39:46] It's like, okay.
[00:39:49] Anyone who's ever drawn at all or anyone, uh, who has ever been involved in
[00:39:54] any kind of like fucking visual arts knows that there are like, there's cheating.
[00:39:59] Okay.
[00:40:01] That isn't like the, the quality aspect of it is not necessarily subjective.
[00:40:05] Like when you when you reuse assets or if you constantly fucking use the same sequence over and over again
[00:40:11] You're just doing that to fill time. There's also like different ways that you do it like where you make it look like a fucking slide show
[00:40:18] You know like the running there that you saw was not well animated. That's it. There's no there's no way
[00:40:26] To get around that. That's not like an artistic difference that running right there was 100%
[00:40:32] Not animated well. It was animated poorly. It looked like they were sliding on the fucking on the sand
[00:40:39] I'm an animated they using computer assistant in a cheap way. They're not going frame by frame. Yeah
[00:40:52] You can just kind of tell you can tell when when when it's drawn frame by frame as well
[00:40:59] That's the other thing like you just you can tell how fluid the animation is like there's not a fucking single space
[00:41:06] There's not a single second that is wasted and it's awesome. Obviously like super fast sequences, like super fast moves and whatnot, they'll usually cut between frames, but that's deliberate.
[00:41:21] There's a difference between that and just like not animating a walk appropriately.
[00:41:28] Anyway, I
[00:41:33] Didn't think the blue lock animation was bad in episode one
[00:41:36] I haven't watched episode one of season two yet, but people are complaining because they saw the fucking
[00:41:41] They saw the the the
[00:41:44] teasers and stuff that they didn't like so I'm a little worried about that
[00:41:49] But yeah, how far you an egghead? Um, I don't know like ten episodes in I think I have like
[00:41:59] 25 episodes remaining until I catch up. The design change, the animation isn't bad. They're
[00:42:09] complaining about character design changes. If I recall, anime is produced with a lot
[00:42:19] of labor exploitation and budgets for these shows almost never make it to the animators
[00:42:22] doing the actual work. Of course not. For sure. I mean, it's an incredibly abusive
[00:42:31] structure. Anyway, all right, let me where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Okay, let's
[00:43:07] uh, let's blast off. Okay. Um, October 7 marks one year of Israel's ongoing genocide. MSM
[00:43:26] coverage in the West Falls short bombshell investigation exposes Western MMSM bias war
[00:43:46] Crime Investigation, Kamala Harris, Kamala on the Call Her Daddy podcast, Trump X Elon
[00:44:06] hog watch
[00:44:10] okay get
[00:44:12] in
[00:44:14] now
[00:44:16] happy birthday to the universe what
[00:44:19] okay do we have a blast off meme
[00:44:21] will we get some scary games
[00:44:23] this month yes
[00:44:25] did you think we would get a year of this
[00:44:27] I mean I didn't think we would
[00:44:29] I didn't even think we would get a fucking whole year of this
[00:44:31] I'm not gonna lie
[00:44:36] okay I can't use that as a blast off meme dude
[00:44:38] you should watch bleach
[00:44:48] Okay, dude. Chill.
[00:44:50] The other thing I was going to mention,
[00:44:58] I'll tell you this much, okay?
[00:45:04] What's going on right now in Northern Gaza,
[00:45:07] especially, is incredibly, incredibly dire.
[00:45:12] And like, at this point,
[00:45:15] at this point, like, I just, I don't even fucking fully know how
[00:45:20] to deal with the situation.
[00:45:22] I don't know how we're going to actually,
[00:45:24] How how there's going to be any sort of like movement in the in the positive direction? I'll be honest with you like this morning
[00:45:32] I started off my day
[00:45:35] I'm talking to my I'm talking to my accountants, right?
[00:45:39] And past that like I'm also simultaneously talking to a dude in fucking northern Gaza right now. He's a journalist
[00:45:47] I retweeted
[00:45:49] Muhammad al-Safine's a tweet about them
[00:45:52] already he's a journalist and he's a fan he's a member of this community he is wait
[00:46:01] where is it I guess I didn't retweet it hold on I'll show you so here so this is
[00:46:16] Hassan and this is Ismail okay in the middle is Hassan Hassan Shabbat
[00:46:26] Hassan was 19 years old. Hassan is 21 years old. Ismail was 27. Israel killed Hassan and Ismail. Israel threatened Hassan multiple times before assassinating him.
[00:46:43] Okay, and they killed him specifically because of his coverage for the record
[00:46:48] Like straight up they literally said
[00:46:52] We don't like you know, we don't like your coverage. We're gonna kill you over and over again
[00:46:56] They threatened him over and over again. This is a constant for journalists in Gaza
[00:47:00] Bison gets death threats on a regular basis
[00:47:04] Obviously Mota's got death threats on a regular basis as you know and they were getting these death threats specifically because of their
[00:47:11] coverage. Okay. Josem. Sorry. I'm talking to Josem right now. He reached out a while back.
[00:47:21] I didn't see his original DM reaching out to me a while back to get on the show. Right.
[00:47:26] He was like, Hey, I'm a journalist in North Gaza. I want to talk like I would love to
[00:47:31] get on your, your broadcast and talk to you about what's going on. Right. He said,
[00:47:40] Uh, he reached out to his friend
[00:47:44] He said he's a big fan.
[00:47:45] Hossam is a big fan and is asking if you can come on your stream one day to explain how life is like in north gaza
[00:47:49] This was back in august at the end of august. I didn't see it. He reached out recently
[00:47:54] On thursday again. I saw it this time
[00:47:57] And on thursday israel had not started its north gaza. Uh, it's north gauze. Like
[00:48:05] It's additional incursion into north gauza
[00:48:07] Okay, so we reached out again and I was a little worried.
[00:48:14] I talked to a couple of my journalist friends to be like, should I put a fucking target on
[00:48:19] his back?
[00:48:20] Basically, you know what I mean?
[00:48:21] Especially after his, his, his two friends who are also journalists were recently assassinated
[00:48:28] because that's a real calculation that I have to make when I talk to someone who
[00:48:32] who's in Gaza, and I bring them up on the broadcast,
[00:48:36] or if I bring them on the broadcast and talk to them,
[00:48:40] there is a likelihood that people in the Western world
[00:48:43] see that and they get punished for it.
[00:48:46] Okay?
[00:48:47] That is a real calculation.
[00:48:49] Now these guys are so fucking brave.
[00:48:51] Okay, they're so brave, they know that already.
[00:48:53] So I have to ask them ahead of time to be like,
[00:48:56] hey, if I have you on like,
[00:48:58] I'm a little worried about the extra scrutiny
[00:49:00] that you are going to get, okay?
[00:49:05] And he said that it was fine.
[00:49:10] And that unfortunately he can't talk at this point.
[00:49:14] And that they asked all the residents of the North
[00:49:19] to evacuate to the South in a way
[00:49:21] to ethnically cleanse the North,
[00:49:22] but we're not leaving and he's staying
[00:49:24] and he's reporting till his last breath.
[00:49:28] I don't think I can come on your stream anymore.
[00:49:29] Maybe if things calm down, but if they don't,
[00:49:31] and I don't make it, please pray tribute to me on your channel
[00:49:35] and keep talking about Palestine, much love from the North.
[00:49:38] So that's an insane conversation to have
[00:49:42] with a 21-year-old journalist, okay?
[00:49:46] With a 21-year-old journalist,
[00:49:47] but that is the fucking reality on the ground, okay?
[00:49:51] That's it.
[00:49:52] That is the goddamn reality on the fucking ground.
[00:49:57] And I don't know what to do about this, you know?
[00:49:59] That's why I feel like I lose my mind
[00:50:02] when I'm on the one hand living in the United States of America, okay, in the heart of empire,
[00:50:10] in comfortable ass Los Angeles, California, trying to do my very best, the best of my
[00:50:15] ability to the, to within the means that I have of trying to communicate the humanity
[00:50:21] of these people and their resilience for the past 12 months.
[00:50:27] when I see other journalists, other journalists, other members of the media not offer the adequate
[00:50:37] coverage that speaks to their conditions, it disgusts me. When I hear people,
[00:50:45] when I hear people in the Western world talk about their fears of anti-Semitism on college
[00:50:51] campuses spreading because there are students who recognize the reality on the ground and
[00:50:56] and want to protest against these atrocities because they see what is right and they see
[00:51:00] what is wrong and they do not have the the social conditioning that others do and then
[00:51:08] they get brutalized by our domestic police and and smeared as anti-semites and then
[00:51:16] and then that's the main point of contention like the feelings of western americans the
[00:51:21] feelings of american students who have who have been propagandized to such a degree
[00:51:27] that they are objectively hysterical because they associate Israel as a core part of their identity.
[00:51:34] Some cynically do it, some genuinely believe it.
[00:51:37] At a time when anti-Semitism is rising, but we are only focusing on the wrong avenues
[00:51:44] because all of these institutions that are supposed to be talking about anti-Semitism
[00:51:48] or defending against anti-Semitism are so deeply invested in the continuation
[00:51:53] of the Israeli apartheid and genocide.
[00:51:56] it frustrates me to no end. People are like, oh, you're a fucking terrorism supporter. Hey,
[00:52:03] who cares? Right? Who cares? I've heard that my whole life, right? Especially, I mean, I've heard
[00:52:11] that since I came to America. That's not going to shake me. The problem is, you know, there are
[00:52:19] very real otherwise kind individuals who just don't get it. Okay, they just don't understand
[00:52:25] and it blows my mind.
[00:52:36] It's crazy how voluntarily blind
[00:52:39] some people are to the truth.
[00:52:46] So yeah, it's a weird situation
[00:52:49] because it's a weird situation to have
[00:52:59] when I'm describing this, okay?
[00:53:02] And there are still people going,
[00:53:03] you support Hamas, so you do support terrorists.
[00:53:05] I don't know what's wrong about that.
[00:53:08] I don't know what's wrong about that.
[00:53:11] Like I just described to you
[00:53:12] Like an active dialogue that I'm having with people that are currently with standing genocide,
[00:53:21] currently experiencing genocide, and people that have been killed by the genocide dares
[00:53:29] with my tax dollars, or the coverage that they've offered, and you just so shamelessly
[00:53:36] turn around and you go, well, you support Amon's, you support terrorists, I don't
[00:53:39] know what's so wrong about that.
[00:53:41] you're a fucking animal dude it's crazy I just I don't know I don't know what
[00:53:50] will I don't know what will change the mentality of a lot of these people I
[00:53:54] don't know if there is any pivotal turning point for some of these people I
[00:53:58] think they just don't care they just are they're just locked in I am a
[00:54:17] fucking animal dude who told you that I mean if you are at this stage still
[00:54:24] defending Israel. If you hear these lives being robbed and you defend the principle behind
[00:54:32] the government doing that, then yeah, you're no different to me than a fucking animal.
[00:54:36] You're barely sentient. You're a freak. There is no both sides on this equation. I have
[00:54:59] a difficult time going to either extreme on this. It's not extreme, dude. It's not
[00:55:03] extreme to be like Palestinians are fucking human beings, and Israel has dominated them
[00:55:07] for 76 fucking years. Okay. 76 years. Like there is, I don't know how people can still
[00:55:17] look at a, a, a active genocide. I'd be like, I don't know. Israel doing an active genocide,
[00:55:23] simultaneously opening up multiple new fronts of war with American backing. And there are
[00:55:29] still people one year after October seven. Okay. Still going, yeah, I don't know, man.
[00:55:35] Maybe some of these journalists deserve to be assassinated.
[00:55:38] Is that what we're saying?
[00:55:39] Israel's killed more journalists than any other fucking nation in history over the course
[00:55:44] of one year.
[00:55:45] Okay.
[00:55:46] More humanitarian aid workers across multiple sovereign states.
[00:55:58] It doesn't make any sense.
[00:56:00] It does not make any sense how people don't recognize right from wrong in this circumstance,
[00:56:05] unless you are still deeply invested.
[00:56:09] Okay.
[00:56:11] unless you're so unimaginably deeply invested
[00:56:16] in believing in your heart that like,
[00:56:19] Israel are the good guys
[00:56:20] and everyone that stands against them are the bad guys,
[00:56:23] that's it, you know?
[00:56:27] There is no both sides.
[00:56:28] Like there are no both sides in the genocide.
[00:56:31] It is extreme to even try to look at an active genocide
[00:56:37] being conducted by an apartheid state.
[00:56:42] That's not what you say though,
[00:56:43] you tend to support extremists on this.
[00:56:46] I didn't say Israel are the good guys.
[00:56:47] I said they do some fuck shit.
[00:56:49] That's not what you say though.
[00:56:50] You tend to support extremists on this chatter.
[00:56:57] There will come a day if karmic justice is delivered
[00:57:02] and the truth prevails,
[00:57:05] where you will look back at these figures, okay?
[00:57:07] You will look back at these groups and figures
[00:57:10] and say while on their domestic affairs,
[00:57:13] they might have done horrible shit.
[00:57:16] Their resistance against the Israeli apartheid and genocide was well-warranted, okay?
[00:57:23] That is my assessment.
[00:57:25] That's it.
[00:57:26] If you think Hezbollah or Ansarallah are scary, you should be
[00:57:31] shocked at how much scarier Israel is than they are.
[00:57:36] But you are not because you're primed into thinking Israel's killing bad guys, no matter what happens.
[00:57:41] That's why the both sides are the same argument. It's fucking bullshit.
[00:57:49] No, it's scary and American is supporting them in front of this many people, not that they're scary to me.
[00:57:53] I am anti-genocide. That's it.
[00:58:01] I'm anti-genocide and I'm anti-apartheid. That's it.
[00:58:05] You cannot speak on those boundaries, so you have to grab on to whatever aesthetic principle you can
[00:58:11] to make it seem like it's so scary that an American is supporting what?
[00:58:14] Anti-genocide? It's not that scary. It shouldn't be that scary.
[00:58:19] We did it in World War II,
[00:58:21] But a lot of us aren't sold on the genocide claim yet, dude. You're a fucking dude. Look at it. Look look look
[00:58:28] I'm not sold on the genocide claim, but Israel does seem to do a lot of fuck shit. Yeah, dude. I don't care
[00:58:36] I don't there is nothing else. I can show you that will make you understand
[00:58:41] You are cynically in here to argue to say Hassan you're a terrorism supporter and that's scary
[00:58:47] What's infinitely scarier than what you think I'm supporting is the fact that you can so comfortably say
[00:58:54] I'm not really sold on this genocide thing when it is happening in front of your fucking eyes
[00:59:00] Okay, I'm sorry. I don't give a shit about your dumb ass Western sensibilities in this regard. Okay. I don't care
[00:59:07] They've displaced two million Palestinians
[00:59:16] They've killed directly 42,000 and some of you motherfuckers still have the audacity to
[00:59:25] concern troll in this regard when they're bombing Beirut, when they're bombing Lebanon
[00:59:29] with our weapons.
[00:59:34] Why did you ban him though?
[00:59:36] What a fucking stupid question.
[00:59:38] You get banned as well.
[00:59:39] What do you mean why did you ban him though?
[00:59:41] That person is a Nazi, okay?
[00:59:44] If you are in defense of Israel, if you're in defense of Zionism at this stage, you
[00:59:48] you are no different to me than a fucking Nazi.
[00:59:51] Okay?
[00:59:52] If a Nazi comes in here
[00:59:54] and tries to do Holocaust revisionism, I ban them.
[00:59:57] If your expectation is that I keep that fucking Nazi in here
[01:00:01] for doing Holocaust revisionism
[01:00:03] or questioning the fucking number of the dead Jews
[01:00:06] in the Holocaust, I will ban them.
[01:00:08] If your expectation is that I let that kind of shit slide
[01:00:11] in here, I will ban you too.
[01:00:13] So there is no difference in my analysis
[01:00:16] there is no difference in the way that I conduct my affairs at this chat when someone comes in
[01:00:22] and watches Israel unfold a genocide every single day in broad daylight in 4k and says ah I'm not
[01:00:29] sold on it okay suck my dick I don't have to fucking listen to you chirp I listen to it every goddamn
[01:00:35] day anyway now I'm pretty sure he just wants to hear you say Hamas and Hezbollah are also
[01:00:53] terrorist groups. The designation of terrorism, the designation of terrorism is simply a socio-political
[01:01:00] tool applied by the United States of America, the arch-terrorist that actually, literally,
[01:01:05] perfectly is under the same confines, under the same analysis of what terrorism is, would fit that
[01:01:11] role perfectly, as well as Israel, okay? If you do not consider America to be a terrorist group,
[01:01:17] but you consider Iran to be a terrorist country, okay, then obviously you're just simply biased on this application
[01:01:24] You just think terrorism is a catch-all term for whoever America's enemies are
[01:01:28] Because what Israel has done is significantly worse than what Iran has done to Israel
[01:01:34] Numbers on the board, what Israel has done to Gaza is significantly worse than what Hamas has done to Israel
[01:01:40] Israel. Okay, that's it. That's it. I'm unfollowing. You're too fucking based. You are cowardly.
[01:02:06] You are in an incredibly cowardly way. Relying on State Department definitions because deep
[01:02:12] down inside you understand that defending Israel at this point is not exactly great.
[01:02:18] not exactly great for social points because there isn't this steady media diet, especially
[01:02:26] in, uh, especially in independent news media and also in, uh, in, in demographics that are
[01:02:33] younger than 35 years old, you kind of get looked at like a fucking freak. Okay. You
[01:02:42] get looked at like a fucking freak. So you can't actually defend Israel's actions.
[01:02:46] So you have to turn around and be like, well, the people resisting is real.
[01:02:50] They're bad guys.
[01:02:51] They're bad guys.
[01:02:52] Why aren't you talking about how bad they are?
[01:02:54] Okay.
[01:03:00] Why are chatters insane today?
[01:03:02] Um, they're, I mean, they're insane every day.
[01:03:05] They've been insane for the past 12 months.
[01:03:07] Uh, I think today in particular has probably brought out a new line of crazy, um, specifically
[01:03:12] because it's, uh, one year, um, it's, it's October seven.
[01:03:21] So people are trying to desperately bring the conversation back to like how Israel is
[01:03:28] the victim in its like 12 month genocidal conquest.
[01:03:35] So I think that's what it is.
[01:03:37] The goal always is to just like overwhelm and throw out like cynical talking points, bait
[01:03:42] me into saying something so they can clip it and then engage in like a, engage in
[01:03:48] in an effort, like in a campaign to try to get me banned.
[01:03:54] That's it.
[01:04:05] That's it.
[01:04:06] That's all it is.
[01:04:07] Because for a lot of people, they don't necessarily care.
[01:04:12] They don't necessarily care about the actual things
[01:04:16] that are happening in the world.
[01:04:18] They care about getting revenge on a person
[01:04:22] that they don't like because they don't agree with them.
[01:04:25] You know what I mean?
[01:04:28] That's pretty much what it is.
[01:04:30] It's super simple really.
[01:04:32] It's weird because you are like, wait, how the fuck do you look at a situation like this?
[01:04:36] And immediately go, hmm, how do I make this about some fucking Twitch streamer that I don't
[01:04:40] like?
[01:04:41] That's a psychotic, sick, almost perverted way to operate.
[01:04:45] But there are a lot of bored people out there.
[01:04:47] There are a lot of sad people out there.
[01:05:01] That's it.
[01:05:02] And it gets it gets worse and worse as time goes on and as more and more people recognize
[01:05:10] It gets worse and worse as more people recognize that what Israel is doing is wrong
[01:05:17] and I think it the harder the harder it gets for them to defend Israel's actions the more they just like lash out at
[01:05:25] whoever they can to fucking
[01:05:28] to to basically
[01:05:30] You know get a minor W on oh my god, okay, I'm a la Harris. I
[01:06:03] Mean yeah, it's been a full year since I said this
[01:06:06] How do you think this happens violent because we want to be violent you think that's where violence culminates from or
[01:06:16] Do you think it's because you have entrapped them you have bullied them you have subjugated them
[01:06:21] You have humiliated these fucking people two million people live inside of Gaza
[01:06:26] I'm they're not even fucking people in the eyes of Israelis 2 million
[01:06:32] The average age is 18 years old 57% unemployment
[01:06:37] They can't even get fucking concrete inside of Gaza so they can build fucking water salination plants because
[01:06:44] 97% of the water is toxic
[01:06:47] They're dying of mass starvation
[01:06:49] You cannot push people into a fucking corner of their whole lives and not expect them to fight back at a certain point
[01:06:58] Suck my dick. How do you think this happens?
[01:07:07] Yeah, it's um
[01:07:14] Yeah, I mean the situation has only gotten worse like this was early October. I think it was like
[01:07:18] 9th or 10th of October. What is this blood done to make people call them terrorists?
[01:07:22] I don't know enough about their actions. No for my POV is just their resistance. Um, I mean they've
[01:07:27] It's long. It's too long to get into right now and it's completely irrelevant to the point of contention
[01:07:36] With respect to like what they are doing in terms of like purging Israeli soldiers from the Lebanese territorial boundaries right now
[01:07:44] But we will cover it inevitably. I think I'm gonna trigger what whack Nicholson's why I left the left moment
[01:08:00] And I don't feel too good about it. What the fuck is whack Nicholson? I feel like you guys are making up new people
[01:08:07] sometimes
[01:08:08] This was Ken O'Keefe 10 years ago
[01:08:17] 100% without reservation. I support the right of self-defense without any doubt
[01:08:23] I would be involved myself in violent resistance if I were a citizen of Palestine or Iraq or Afghanistan
[01:08:30] His perspective is from 2010. What's really interesting about it is that this is like Ken O'Keefe US Marine guy
[01:08:37] I don't really know who this guy is
[01:08:40] But I will tell you this much
[01:08:42] This is a perspective that's shared by literally every single Israeli general, okay?
[01:08:51] They have openly fucking said that.
[01:08:53] I don't know who the fuck this guy is.
[01:08:54] I don't know his background.
[01:08:55] I don't really give a shit about his perspective here, okay?
[01:09:02] You know why I don't give a shit about his perspective?
[01:09:04] Because the idea that you would join a resistance group if you were under those same circumstances
[01:09:10] is literally shared by Ehud Barak. It is shared by like Ben Gurion, recognize this, okay?
[01:09:19] Former Shembet leaders have said this. I don't need to hear it from some fucking American
[01:09:26] guy, okay? I don't need to hear it from some American Marine Corps veteran or whatever
[01:09:32] the fuck. It is an obvious perspective. It is so obvious that every single fucking
[01:09:39] Israeli former prime minister in general has reiterated it. They have said time and time
[01:09:44] again. If I was on the other side of that border, I would be fighting. It makes sense.
[01:09:48] It makes total sense. That's it. By the way, bro, his friends with David Duke, this guy
[01:10:08] says, and this guy goes, he has no bad takes. He's actually done a lot for the movement.
[01:10:13] Okay. You're crazy. Okay. I don't know what that fucking guy's deal is, but I don't
[01:10:19] give a shit what he has to say. I don't care. I don't need to hear from a fucking American
[01:10:24] okay about why they would join the resistance when I understand why people would okay. And
[01:10:31] I don't really care about some fucking random guy that I haven't like looked into in the
[01:10:36] background and don't know what his fucking takes are or don't know what his perspective
[01:10:40] is. I don't need to hear about this this guy when people are going to use that to
[01:10:45] I'd be like, see? This guy is boning to an anti-Semite or some shit like that.
[01:10:52] What? Um, I did not leave the left. I have no idea why I would come up.
[01:10:55] Apologize if my cyber-stalkers are your problem. I don't know what the fuck's going on.
[01:11:00] Uh, please stop bringing up random shit, okay?
[01:11:04] You guys are pissing me off. I's on the fucking ball here.
[01:11:07] There's a lot to talk about.
[01:11:20] Anyway, no one cares about...
[01:11:25] Oh my god, chatters are so abnormal, dude.
[01:11:28] I wanna ban every single fucking person.
[01:11:39] Why is the liberal media peddling
[01:11:41] the violence genocide apologism?
[01:11:43] I can't put this strongly enough.
[01:11:45] Howard Jacobson's article in today's Observer newspaper
[01:11:47] may be one of the vilest pieces of journalism
[01:11:49] published in Britain in living memory.
[01:11:52] What is the article?
[01:11:53] Tales of infanticides of stoked hatred
[01:11:56] of Jews for centuries.
[01:11:57] They still echo to this day.
[01:11:59] A year after the 7 October attack,
[01:12:01] the myth of blood libel persists
[01:12:02] in the media coverage of Gaza violence.
[01:12:07] Yeah, Felix had a Felix had a take on this. Why is the liberal media peddling the vilest genocide apologism?
[01:12:13] This is Jonathan Cook. Howard Jacobson's article in today's observer newspaper may be one of the vilest piece of journalism published in Britain in living memory
[01:12:21] Arguing that any reporting of Israel's documented slaughter of many thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza is blood libel and anti-semitic
[01:12:28] It's pure genocide apologism
[01:12:30] The guy that wrote this article is saying Israel kills a baby
[01:12:35] And if you fucking report it as though Israel killed a baby when they did that means you're doing blood libel
[01:12:42] Okay, you're doing you're saying Jews kill babies
[01:12:46] Like you're doing blood libel. It's like Jews don't kill babies. I'm asked Israel is though Israel is killing babies
[01:12:53] The fuck do you mean? I don't think you understand blood libel means it has to be untrue, okay?
[01:13:17] You cannot point to a correct real thing that everyone can immediately recognize and go that's blood libel when you say that
[01:13:27] Maybe it feels good in your in-group
[01:13:30] Maybe it feels like it's actually a successful way to propagandize Israel's genocide in your in-group
[01:13:36] But to the outside world people go what the fuck what are you saying is it's a lie
[01:13:40] It makes people reconsider whether or not blood libel is even fucking a real concept at all you are undermining a
[01:13:49] historical
[01:13:50] harm a
[01:13:53] Historical lie
[01:13:54] That has led to so many pogroms against Jewish people by literally
[01:14:00] Marrying Judaism with Israel's actions and then using that as a cynical deflection
[01:14:06] Using that as a cynical fucking shield to be like oh, it's
[01:14:09] blood libel. It is so stupid. And I don't, I cannot comprehend why western media outlets
[01:14:18] regularly do this. I don't think they recognize how much they are feeding into the underlying
[01:14:26] anti-semitic tendencies of broader populations in the western world. Okay? They are not
[01:14:32] thinking, they're not thinking clearly. They're not thinking about this thoroughly. It doesn't
[01:14:36] make any fucking sense. It is so short term. It is so unimaginably short term. You are just
[01:14:44] gifting Nazis an incredible fucking gift by doing this. Okay. I don't know how people don't
[01:14:52] see it. I don't know how do you not see and recognize the changes that are happening.
[01:14:59] If you think in the short term, this level of anti-semitic conspiracies festering as
[01:15:05] a direct consequence of Israel tying its actions to Judaism and Western outlets and Western people
[01:15:11] in positions of power defending Israel by saying you're anti-Semitic if you think Israel's
[01:15:15] killing babies, okay?
[01:15:17] You literally are making everyone in Arkansas and everyone in fucking Omaha, Nebraska and
[01:15:23] everyone in fucking Wyoming go, wait, wait a minute, Jews definitely do control the
[01:15:26] media, okay?
[01:15:28] You're making people think, oh shit, I guess it's true.
[01:15:34] You cannot under any circumstance be like no dude. It's it's 100% Judaism and it's all it's monolithic
[01:15:42] Like all Jews care about is Israel. That's the only thing they care about you can't like like how the fuck did we turn around?
[01:15:49] In over one fucking year. How do we turn around and go? No the protocols of Zion is actually like a like a like a manuscript
[01:15:58] Like how? How is that even possible? I don't even understand it. I think people are so brainbroken
[01:16:06] that they possibly think maybe in a very cynical way that this kind of defense in
[01:16:14] nation media might cause people to be anti-semitic, but it doesn't matter because the more people are anti-semitic,
[01:16:19] the more there is reasonable ground for Israel to exist as a safe haven for Jews or something.
[01:16:25] It has to be there has to be some underlying cynical motivation here, but it doesn't make sense to me because you're forgetting
[01:16:32] that if everyone is fucking anti-semitic
[01:16:35] then
[01:16:37] And there's gonna be less people that are interested in aligning with Israel to begin with
[01:17:22] What on earth did they all imagine that illustrative photo of blood smear doll suggested that the thousands of children blown
[01:17:28] on a piece by Israeli bombs or fiction
[01:17:29] that all the children decomposing under rubbler
[01:17:31] made up that the unidentified children buried in Gaza
[01:17:34] Sands are a lie, that all the children
[01:17:36] dying of epidemics like polio or starving to death
[01:17:38] from Israel's aid blockade are an invention.
[01:17:42] It's Pollywood, okay?
[01:17:44] It is the final stage of like genocide denial.
[01:17:48] It is some of the most insane things that people do.
[01:17:52] And I think that they only do,
[01:17:55] they only do that when they think like,
[01:17:57] other people also are in agreement like I it was something that would manifest in Israel
[01:18:04] uh quite a bit but at the very least like they wouldn't really showcase that on the western
[01:18:12] world because it looks really fucking bad to the western world when you're just saying
[01:18:18] when you're basically just saying like nah you don't understand dude these guys are
[01:18:25] just faking it 1956 Moshe Dion's eulogy of soldier Roy Rothberg after he was killed
[01:18:35] near the Gaza border. Let us not cast accusations that the murderers today. Why
[01:18:40] should we blame them for their burning hatred for us? For eight years they have
[01:18:43] been dwelling in Gaza's refugee camps as before their eyes we have transformed
[01:18:47] the land and the villages in which they and their forefathers had dwells into
[01:18:51] our own property. It is not the Arabs in Gaza that we should seek Roy's blood
[01:18:55] but from ourselves. Most should I on. It's still effective for the Debra
[01:19:09] Messings of the world. Yeah Debra Messing is a fucking freak who gives
[01:19:13] the shit. Anyway, that any single journalist imagined for a moment that this was an acceptable
[01:19:29] article or photo in the midst of a genocide is astounding enough, but that whole phalanx
[01:19:33] of the most influential and liberal journalists in the country backed it without a second
[01:19:37] thought tells us something about the depraved culture that passiver journals in the western
[01:19:40] established media. These elite journalists are completely divorced from reality. Felix
[01:19:44] had a good take on this. He said, the only real difference between this and what
[01:19:48] Alex Jones did with Sandy Hook is stopping just short of naming the parents who
[01:19:52] supposedly lying, but that's only because they want to paint Palestinians as a faceless blob
[01:19:57] whose anti-Semitism and dishonesty are racial traits. There is like, this is QAnon shit. If
[01:20:05] you look to Israel's actions in Gaza and you say reporting on it is actually fake news that
[01:20:11] these guys are not really being killed and they're just like making up their own deaths,
[01:20:15] you are no different than a QAnon supporter. That's it. The problem is this is the most
[01:20:21] mainstream version of like psychopathic sentiment being delivered by every single
[01:20:27] fucking mainstream outlet on a regular basis. Part of that is because of ideological allegiances
[01:20:35] and social conditioning that they've been brought up with. Other parts of that also are who Israel's
[01:20:40] enemies are. Israel's enemies are Muslims. Israel's enemies are Arabs. So for them,
[01:20:46] They are so primed with Islamophobia, especially in the post-911 world.
[01:20:51] Remember, a lot of these journalists are like Jen Exers, who grew up and made up their minds during
[01:20:59] the post-911 world. That's when they went to college. That's when they were engaged in this
[01:21:05] collective hysteria. So Israel fighting this war is basically a continuation of the war that
[01:21:10] they thought and that they justified and that they thought was good to fight. It makes things so hard.
[01:21:18] It makes it virtually impossible to deal with. An entire generation of news media editors,
[01:21:26] broadcasters, commentators are so propped up with Islamophobic sentiment that they just have no
[01:21:32] way of seeing what Israel's doing is anything but like, you know, righteous vengeance against
[01:21:38] the Muslims who deserve it. You see those fucking like cartoons that depict Israel as like holding
[01:21:48] up a shield against like barbaric Muslims, you know, women wearing the hijab and like,
[01:21:54] you know, terrorists or whatever the fuck, right? Like that is a legitimate way that a lot of these
[01:22:01] people fucking feel. They might be knowledgeable enough not to openly state that even though
[01:22:08] some do on a regular fucking basis with no punishments incurred for it whatsoever.
[01:22:12] But that's how it works. For a lot of these people, they just straight up think like Israel
[01:22:17] is stopping like this ISIS style Islamic fundamentalism from reaching into the western
[01:22:24] civilization, which is far superior to the world of Islam. That is how it is.
[01:22:30] You are living through a lighter version of the post 9-11 experience right now. If this is,
[01:22:36] if you're new, if you are younger and you didn't actually, you didn't come to these conclusions
[01:22:43] because you were too much of a baby back then, you didn't develop consciousness when all this
[01:22:49] fucking anti-Islam shit was thriving in the media in an effort to justify the war on terror and
[01:22:55] you basically developed consciousness in the aftermath of this 20-year occupation and death
[01:23:01] and destruction and destabilization of the region and know it is a bad thing.
[01:23:06] It's going to be a little bit different. Your perspective is going to be like, wait a minute.
[01:23:09] Why are we fucking killing these people? Right? Why are we killing these people? This doesn't
[01:23:13] make any sense. But for a lot of those people, for a lot of people in the older generations,
[01:23:19] they develop consciousness earlier. So they, they've got primed with this social conditioning.
[01:23:24] Okay. Izzy says, well put, they won't ever name the victimizers in these fables
[01:23:37] for two reasons. One, because human beings have names, violent hordes don't. And two,
[01:23:42] there simply are too many dead babies and parents of them to name. Check this out. If you replaced
[01:23:48] every single word in this essay with the name of a child under the age of 10 who was
[01:23:51] killed by the IDF over the last year, you wouldn't even get a third of the way there.
[01:23:59] 14 pages of dead babies that are under the age of one. Okay? I'm by far the
[01:24:11] youngest photo editor and in my beat at the New York Times and this is so real
[01:24:15] everyone can say whatever they want about Israel but I know my place to not
[01:24:17] say anything and these same people are obsessed with Ukraine and liberation
[01:24:20] there exactly and that's what's so like glaringly obvious about the bias here
[01:24:25] right that's what's so crazy about it because we went through multiple coverage
[01:24:32] cycles of Ukrainian emancipation which is a just cause so we already know
[01:24:38] what it looks like when people want to defend themselves against an invading force, okay?
[01:24:47] We already know how the media can react when it's white people that are being victimized
[01:24:51] by a foreign adversary.
[01:24:55] We know.
[01:25:02] That's why in my coverage, I would regularly point to how this is not normal.
[01:25:06] People saying this is not normal.
[01:25:08] This is not normal.
[01:25:09] Like, they would literally consistently say that because they were like, this is
[01:25:12] not normal because this doesn't happen to white people.
[01:25:14] the fuck this isn't happening Europe this happens to our enemies okay that's it
[01:25:21] anyway I'm gonna run the three minute a break right now I forgot to run it
[01:25:30] obviously in the beginning at 12 it's been quite some time I'm gonna run it
[01:25:35] now and I'm gonna continue what is this this is Axel Axel Springer CEO Axel
[01:25:49] Springer CEO Matthias Duffner calling for Germany to come more Jewish by
[01:25:54] encouraging more inward Jewish migration. He says it will improve Germany businesses and provide a
[01:25:58] counterweight to Islamism among Muslims. Like, dude, Germans are such fucking weird Phyllis
[01:26:06] Amites. It's crazy. Like, they never stopped otherizing Jews. It's so it's clear to me. They just went
[01:26:15] from like one version of events to a to an entirely different one. Yeah. And here's
[01:26:27] Columbia campus at this point is almost funny. The students on their own campus are outside
[01:26:30] agitators, but Columbia opened the gates to let in an unaffiliated Zionist organization
[01:26:34] with a tractor trailer full of shit to occupy that very same lawn today. Yeah, that's it.
[01:26:39] That's it. That's it. Your own fucking students can't protest against your involvement with
[01:26:46] an apartheid, with an, with the state that does apartheid. Okay. But an unaffiliated
[01:26:54] non-campus organization can come in and fucking literally occupy the same space
[01:26:59] that you brutally suppressed your own students on.
[01:27:03] That's it.
[01:27:06] Yes, those are milk cartons to signify those who have still
[01:27:11] been missing since October 7.
[01:27:19] This will piss off Trump's Nazi voters.
[01:27:22] They're not significant, OK?
[01:27:25] Plenty of those.
[01:27:26] Look, amongst the Nazi base of support for Donald Trump,
[01:27:33] you have people of two different minds, OK?
[01:27:35] You have the Nazis who are like, I don't care.
[01:27:38] He's still doing my wishes on the domestic front.
[01:27:42] You have Nazis who still think, uh, you have Nazis who still think basically that, uh, you know,
[01:27:49] they're, they're just like hallucinating a different position that Trump secretly has.
[01:27:53] And you have Nazis who like Israel, okay.
[01:27:57] Who want to send all the Jews to the desert and then fucking, you know,
[01:28:01] rid America of Jews and want their own white ethno state in the same way that they recognize
[01:28:08] Israel has a Jewish ethno state. So it doesn't really matter. Also, they're not that consequential
[01:28:17] of a voting block. Let's be fucking real. Most Americans abhor the Nazi designation,
[01:28:23] even if their ideals align with it almost 99%, if not 100% of the way. So,
[01:28:30] So like, you know, that's some, the, that's, that's as neither here nor there.
[01:28:42] So we are going to be watching, the Al Jazeera reporting is a bombshell investigation that
[01:28:47] came out two days ago that I've been meaning to watch.
[01:28:51] There's a couple of different things.
[01:28:53] Thank you, Thamesius for the playlist.
[01:28:54] But one of them is going to be obviously like both of these candidates that are
[01:29:01] running for president are going to be talking about how much they love Israel. October 7
[01:29:06] was devastating for them and all that stuff. And we will watch them as well. But this right
[01:29:17] here is the biases that Al Jazeera found in the failure of reporting in the failure
[01:29:25] editorial teams in Western media. Journalists at CNN and BBC exposed the inner workings of their
[01:29:32] newsrooms. So a couple journalists actually came out and spoke out against the standards and practices
[01:29:39] that their own news teams have violated at the behest of Israel in their coverage. Okay.
[01:29:46] And it is a, it is, in my opinion, a really good journalism. We're going to be watching this
[01:29:53] this. And I believe there's some terms of service violation moments in it. I will try
[01:30:00] to avoid them for the best of my ability. But let's watch.
[01:30:12] This is a moment in history that we don't often see where we actually see genocide being
[01:30:20] perpetrated as it's happening. And in a situation where Western governments like the United States,
[01:30:25] UK and others have been complicit. You've got Western media that have actually become
[01:30:32] a part of the mechanism of genocide. That's what's different. That's what's frightening.
[01:30:42] When political leaders speak of genocide, they repeat a time-worn mantra never again.
[01:30:48] Over the past year, for the Palestinians of Gaza, again has become reality. A genocide
[01:30:54] broadcast almost in real time by its victims.
[01:30:59] This is a film about an alternative version
[01:31:02] of that reality, one told by major Western news
[01:31:05] organizations, how they have provided cover
[01:31:08] for an historic crime, and have seen their inner workings
[01:31:12] exposed like never before.
[01:31:18] We have spoken with more than a dozen journalists
[01:31:21] who have been covering the Gaza genocide
[01:31:24] for the western world's leading agenda-setting outlets, including the BBC in the UK and CNN
[01:31:31] in the US.
[01:31:33] Both describe a repeated failure to report the truth on this.
[01:31:37] They got whistleblowers basically to come out and be like, yeah our newsrooms are shit
[01:31:42] and I know that they are because I also talk to fucking journalists in these newsrooms
[01:31:47] on a regular basis.
[01:31:49] I talk to producers in these newsrooms on a regular basis.
[01:31:55] Just so you understand, like, when I tell you that, yeah,
[01:32:00] these newsrooms are obviously biased.
[01:32:02] It's not just me examining the fucking direct footage
[01:32:06] on the ground and the way that they contextualize and frame
[01:32:09] that violence and how it is actually permissible.
[01:32:12] It is actually appropriate.
[01:32:13] It is necessary.
[01:32:14] It's not just about that.
[01:32:15] It's also my direct relationship with a lot of people who also engage in journalism story
[01:32:21] Prior to October 7th
[01:32:22] I hand on heart believed that CNN went to great great lengths to report the truth and
[01:32:29] Exclusively the truth
[01:32:30] But after October 7th the ease with which I saw news lines that supported the Israeli narrative come out really shook me
[01:32:38] There were times where CNN was coordinating the cover-up. It's not like
[01:32:43] It's not necessarily that coordinated. It's just that
[01:32:50] Noam Chomsky has talked about this so much. It's his fucking most formative work in my opinion
[01:32:56] but
[01:32:57] it's basically the the institutions that
[01:33:01] Elevate people who don't speak on certain issues who have this bias built in
[01:33:08] Okay, there is no reason to be like. Oh, don't you dare say something about Israel or else you'll get fired
[01:33:14] It's not like that. Okay, it's more so people who do genuinely have these opinions
[01:33:20] Who do genuinely think that Israel is fucking awesome and all their enemies are violent barbarians and yada yada that get elevated to these positions
[01:33:29] inevitably
[01:33:30] because it is
[01:33:34] The most important goal of
[01:33:37] American media Western press in general it is to align with the American State Department all
[01:33:43] All, any matter of real reporting that they do
[01:33:47] that seems unceremonious, seems weird, okay?
[01:33:52] In comparison to, what is this?
[01:33:55] 1135 is TOS too, okay.
[01:33:59] Fine, thank you.
[01:34:05] When they do legitimate reporting
[01:34:06] and you're like, damn, why are they doing
[01:34:08] legitimate reporting?
[01:34:09] This is crazy, this is unique, this is weird.
[01:34:11] It's because they want to maintain a veneer
[01:34:14] objective reporting so they can more successfully conduct propaganda that is
[01:34:19] aligned with the State Department interest. It's happy to push hard but on
[01:34:23] balance it's very clear where we lie regrettably and it's not entirely with
[01:34:28] the truth. Gaza has massively exposed the
[01:34:30] hypocrisies at the heart of the BBC. The fact that it very much does respond
[01:34:35] to influence it very much can be swayed. It does follow the government
[01:34:40] line broadly on certain stories. The BBC is meant to be a public service. It's meant to
[01:34:46] be for the people. But at the end of the day, its purse strings are held by the government,
[01:34:52] and that you can see in the coverage.
[01:35:12] The October 7th attack by Hamas, in which more than 1,100 Israelis were killed, almost
[01:35:18] 800 of them civilians was the deadliest day in Israel's history as they launched their retaliation
[01:35:38] Israeli officials made clear this was not just a war on Hamas everyone in Gaza would be fair game
[01:35:46] I want to mention something here he's going to say the famous line we're fighting human beasts
[01:35:52] We have to cut their food electricity and water off
[01:35:54] I also want to mention something here, but like this was also very frustrating for me to watch the
[01:36:01] the daily this morning. I was listening to the New York Times daily. And of course they did the
[01:36:08] both sides like let's hear from an Israeli that lives in the Kibbutz. I think it was like Kibbutz
[01:36:15] Barry. And what his assessment is one year out from October 7. And then let's hear from a
[01:36:23] Palestinian who's in Gaza. And like no matter how much you try to both sides the situation,
[01:36:31] it's pretty obvious one side is like significantly more damaged in the process over the course
[01:36:39] of 12 months of genocide. Okay, but you can still see no matter how much you try to make
[01:36:47] it seem like, you know, well, both sides are suffering to a certain degree. Like
[01:36:51] You kind of tell what the fuck's going on. One guy barely has the capacity to speak to
[01:36:57] the New York Times journalist because he has to go and find an e-sim and hope that like
[01:37:02] there is enough, you know, there's enough bars that day that he can like actually fucking
[01:37:07] speak. He had to, he's literally been displaced five separate times at this point. His house
[01:37:15] was destroyed. You know, um, the other side, the, the, the, uh, Kibbutz Nick went to a Red
[01:37:22] Sea hotel, went back to normal life, still very frustrated, but very openly fucking very
[01:37:29] openly talking about like how I, after October seven, I don't think any Palestinian is like,
[01:37:34] I think all Palestinians are complicit and I will never forgive them for making me hate
[01:37:38] them. Like that's what he was saying. Like so, so incredibly violent. Like you have
[01:37:43] to be really primed. You have to be perfectly primed to his position to listen to him speak
[01:37:51] and go what the fuck like it to not go what the fuck is this guy saying? Okay, it's crazy.
[01:38:01] And I know for a fucking fact that there are way more peaceful kibbutzniks out there.
[01:38:07] Okay. There are people from Kibbutz Bayeri that on October eight were speaking clearly
[01:38:16] on the humanity of Palestinians for the record. This guy, not one of them. All right. So the
[01:38:23] New York times went out of their fucking way to find a guy who was at the heart of it
[01:38:28] and is like super fucking, you know, they could have very easily shown a different
[01:38:34] perspective from someone who is an Israeli citizen living in the fucking
[01:38:38] kibbutz that was like, this is on the Israeli government.
[01:38:43] There are plenty more Israeli citizens that are not even living in the fucking
[01:38:46] kibbutz that have been protesting in the streets against the Netanyahu administration
[01:38:51] against the fact that Netanyahu is not interested in dealing with the
[01:38:55] Palestinians in any way, but bloody warfare by in any way by genocide.
[01:39:00] But the New York Times did not choose to show that perspective. That is deliberate, okay?
[01:39:07] That is a deliberate way to frame the issue to say these guys are all peaceful guys
[01:39:12] They were helping the Palestinians at the border and look at their perspective now because October 7th changed them. They changed them dramatically
[01:39:21] Okay
[01:39:23] To me, I think that the hat
[01:39:26] that
[01:39:28] unironically
[01:39:29] does a
[01:39:30] Bad job at presenting the diversity within the Israeli public
[01:39:36] Completely, okay the diversity of opinion even amongst the Israeli public
[01:39:42] Yeah, I saw that message. That was really funny. I got to read it hold on I
[01:39:47] Know you guys banned him immediately, but he said suck my cock you Fenboy
[01:40:05] Badass or something. What the fuck was it?
[01:40:08] fuck you ason suck my pee pee you loser you like femboy fat furry inflation porn
[01:40:20] what the fuck is inflation for porn femboy fat furry inflation dude that's a
[01:40:28] self-report of anything dog if you know I don't even know what the fuck that is
[01:40:31] dog I don't even know what the fuck that is
[01:40:35] Google it is show chat yeah I'm not gonna do that all right let's continue
[01:40:39] It's an entire nation out there that is responsible.
[01:40:55] But, as with any genocide, the first step was to dehumanize the enemy.
[01:41:01] Bloodthirsty terrorists who rape and burn people alive and it's been reported on the
[01:41:06] BBC.
[01:41:07] on October 7th included acts that were bad enough in and of themselves, but if you want to create
[01:41:13] a context for dehumanization and genocide, you need to go further.
[01:41:17] The Israeli prime minister's spokesman just confirmed babies and toddlers were found.
[01:41:23] Like I said this already, like there were plenty of atrocities on October 7th.
[01:41:29] 800 civilians were killed. Some were killed by the Israeli military,
[01:41:33] but the overwhelming majority were killed by Palestinian resistance fighters.
[01:41:39] That's enough. You can just literally point to the things that happened,
[01:41:44] but that wasn't enough because Israel knew exactly what Israel was going to do,
[01:41:49] and in order to be able to achieve that goal of conducting bloody warfare,
[01:41:53] conducting a genocidal campaign, unlike the previous sieges that you can also say,
[01:41:59] had that same genocidal intent ultimately, but didn't go as far as the post-October 7 genocide.
[01:42:06] Okay? They had to fucking take it one step further. That's it. They had to say these,
[01:42:21] they're doing mass rapes. They're barbarians that are interested. They're only there to do
[01:42:26] antisemitism. They're only invested in this from an antisemitic perspective. It is,
[01:42:31] God forbid you think about this as like people escaping a concentration camp. Do not think about it like that. That incident of itself is also anti-semitic.
[01:42:40] With their heads decapitated.
[01:42:43] We saw false reports about beheaded babies, which never happened.
[01:42:49] And then people tried to yell at me for saying, I don't agree with this. I don't believe this. I don't think there's any verifiable evidence for this.
[01:42:57] I tried to do my very best in my coverage and I have maintained that principle since then.
[01:43:07] I did not jump to conclusions when immediately people were saying on the other side people
[01:43:14] and by the way they were correct at the end of the day when they were like oh the Israeli
[01:43:18] military killed a bunch of Jewish Israelis themselves.
[01:43:23] I was familiar with the Hannibal doctrine, but I did not, until there was conclusive evidence,
[01:43:29] I did not dive into that site either, okay?
[01:43:32] I said, we're going to wait and see.
[01:43:34] Same thing with this.
[01:43:36] It didn't make sense as to why Hamas would behead babies or whatever, okay?
[01:43:43] Or engage in a kidnapping operation where they also took a side trip, a side quest
[01:43:52] to do like mass rapes or whatever obviously that also did not make sense is this propaganda
[01:44:00] this was completely made up that was completely made up zero punishments for those who made
[01:44:05] this up by the way and zero punishments were incurred for repeating it including but not
[01:44:11] limited to the motherfucking president of the United States of America who obviously
[01:44:16] has a fucking brain tumor okay he straight up said it and it became a news story
[01:44:23] that it wasn't real and the president said it but it went nowhere it didn't matter why
[01:44:27] because it was aligned with American interests understand something maybe years later we make
[01:44:33] a final assessment of the situation and we go oh wow that was really fucked up like
[01:44:36] the WMD lie that allowed us to go into Iraq wow that was really fucked up what punishments
[01:44:42] came of that what happened there is no deterrence whatsoever for lying like this
[01:44:51] about a systematic campaign of mass rape which never happened about babies being cut from the
[01:45:03] abdomen of their mothers which never happened it did it did happen just not on october 7 that
[01:45:10] is one of the grossest versions of hasbro lies that is a documented atrocity that occurred
[01:45:18] in Sabra and Shatila. That happened in 1982 in Lebanon in a Palestinian refugee camp. That literally did happen.
[01:45:29] It was conducted by phalanges, crystal fascists against Palestinian, Palestinian refugees and Lebanese
[01:45:38] Shia populations that lived in the Sabra and Shatila camp. And not only did it happen,
[01:45:44] but also the IDF facilitated that, uh, that extermination campaign.
[01:45:50] So that did happen just not to Israelis on October 7, which is crazy.
[01:46:08] And a whole series of other horrific atrocities.
[01:46:11] These were deliberately concocted official stories that were being
[01:46:16] provided in particular.
[01:46:17] This is a complete, complete failure of the main responsibility of news media.
[01:46:26] It was a complete and utter, historic fucking failure.
[01:46:32] Okay.
[01:46:34] It is crazy.
[01:46:36] It is crazy that they just like, not only got away with this,
[01:46:39] but no punishments came from, from just repeating this lie
[01:46:43] and people still repeat it to this day.
[01:46:47] They still repeat it to this fucking day.
[01:46:54] Yeah.
[01:46:56] We joke about as a chatter correctly pointed out, we joke
[01:46:59] about like another horrifying blood libel that Trump engages in when he's like Haitians
[01:47:04] are getting cats and dogs. We were like, oh, that's crazy. We don't even treat that with
[01:47:08] the seriousness that it deserves. But that's besides the point. We understand that it's
[01:47:11] fake and we laugh about it. But when we're doing this at the behest of Israel, uh, when,
[01:47:18] when all of these democratic institutions, liberal institutions are fucking reiterating
[01:47:21] these falsehoods in an effort to, uh, you know, in an effort to give just cause
[01:47:26] Israel to engage in its fucking bloody campaign against the Palestinian population in all areas in the region
[01:47:31] Doesn't matter. That's real. You got to take it as real
[01:47:35] To a Western audience down to the baby in the oven by the way
[01:47:39] A child was tossed into the into an oven in 1947 or 1948 whenever day area sin happened
[01:47:46] That is a real atrocity that Israel before Israel existed
[01:47:51] Committed against the Palestinian population in the village of day area sin
[01:47:54] that is a documented atrocity from the Nakba when they went into the Deir Ezzin
[01:48:01] village and they made a baker they tried to force a baker to throw his child
[01:48:07] into the oven and when he refused to do so they threw the child into the oven
[01:48:11] while he watched and then they threw him in afterwards once again another
[01:48:17] April 9, 1948, thank you, time with, I don't know, O.W.O., another real documented atrocity
[01:48:25] that the Zionist militias engaged in before Israel existed.
[01:48:32] In order to create an atmosphere in which the crimes that were to follow would go on
[01:48:37] unchecked.
[01:48:40] Shortly after October 7th, Israel sealed off Gaza's borders, including to foreign
[01:48:46] reporters. The Palestinian journalists left to tell the story would soon be killed at an
[01:48:54] unprecedented rate.
[01:49:00] Israeli forces quickly set their sights on Gaza's healthcare system. One by one, hospitals
[01:49:07] swelling with patients and refugees came under attack.
[01:49:12] The difference between this genocide and the other wars that I had been in.
[01:49:17] Hassan al-Busitta, reconstructive surgeon who also survived the genocide, who was barred
[01:49:26] entry from the nation state of Germany because he was supposed to attend a pro-Palestinian
[01:49:33] conference where he was going to speak to the atrocities that he watched unfold in
[01:49:38] front of his eyes.
[01:49:40] They barred him.
[01:49:42] They detained him at the airport and they sent him back to, I believe, England.
[01:49:49] Straight Nazi shit, okay?
[01:49:51] Remember that.
[01:49:52] Straight up fucking Nazi shit.
[01:49:54] Good job, Germany.
[01:49:57] The wars in Gaza, the 2021 war, the 2014 war, the 2012, 2009, and even the war in
[01:50:06] Yemen, the war in Syria, the comparison between them and the genocide is the comparison
[01:50:11] between a flood and a tsunami.
[01:50:13] 50% of the wounded were children and they remain so.
[01:50:20] The massacres never stop, the operating rooms never stop and even when you're doing that
[01:50:26] you then discover that you've only treated a small percentage of the wounded.
[01:50:32] Israel wanted to begin a campaign to start taking out all of these medical facilities.
[01:50:39] In part, they were concerned that Hamas combatants were going to be treated in them.
[01:50:46] But also, this was part of a war of annihilation to try to force the Palestinians in Gaza into
[01:50:55] a constant state of motion, moving, moving, moving.
[01:50:58] Remember Al-Ahli, not Al-Shiva, Al-Ahli, and how much that became a conversation point
[01:51:09] or defenders of Israel to say, oh dude, everyone is lying.
[01:51:13] It was actually a Palestinian Islamic jihad
[01:51:15] that blew up its own hospital.
[01:51:16] God forbid, Israel would never do such a thing.
[01:51:19] And then what happened?
[01:51:20] Israel blew up every fucking hospital in the strip.
[01:51:23] Israel occupied many of the hospitals,
[01:51:25] including the only cancer ward
[01:51:27] in the entire fucking strip itself.
[01:51:31] With military occupation, they still use it
[01:51:33] as a base of operations.
[01:51:36] What happened?
[01:51:41] What happened moving from one place to another nowhere is safe for you, not even a hospital, a home, a school, a hospital that hosts terrorists is not a home is not a school and is not a hospital. It's a terrorist. The Israelis were pumping
[01:51:59] the public with information that was meant to convince people that hospitals are not really hospitals. Hamas was using the patients in that hospital as a human shield.
[01:52:10] And this was a narrative that we saw unfolding.
[01:52:12] It's bullshit, complete and utter bullshit, by the way.
[01:52:16] Complete and utter bullshit that is, that serve the interests of maintaining a genocide,
[01:52:22] continuing a genocide. How insane. How incredible.
[01:52:32] Almost from the beginning.
[01:52:37] By November 10th, just over one month into Israel's assault,
[01:52:41] half of all hospitals in Gaza were out of service.
[01:52:47] One of them was the Rantisi Children's Hospital, which Israel bombed and then raided after it
[01:52:54] claimed Hamas was using it to hide Israeli captives. Once inside, military spokesperson
[01:53:00] Daniel Higari said Israeli forces had found proof and gave CNN special access.
[01:53:06] Evidence Higari says points towards Hamas and possible hostility.
[01:53:11] The craziest part about this was that it was such bad propaganda.
[01:53:18] It was such bad propaganda that required, like that you could have made better if you had one fucking Arab speaker, okay,
[01:53:31] that looked through it and was like, hey, don't point to this fucking calendar to say it's a terrorism calendar.
[01:53:37] Okay, that's it. Like you needed one and there are plenty of
[01:53:41] Israeli Jews who speak Arabic like there are plenty of Arab Jews in Israel. You know what I mean?
[01:53:46] There's even Druze and and Palestinian
[01:53:49] citizens of Israel that participate in the IDF
[01:53:52] You could have just had one fucking guy be like hey dude
[01:53:55] Don't point to the fucking calendar and be like this is a terrorism calendar, but they don't give a shit
[01:53:59] It's present below the hospital.
[01:54:10] Hagarhi showed CNN's reporter, Nick Roberts, a document on the wall, which he claimed was
[01:54:16] a roster of Hamas members keeping guard over Israeli captives.
[01:54:21] This is a guard English every filmist has his own shift.
[01:54:25] This became quite an embarrassing moment for CNN because it wasn't a Hamas roster at all.
[01:54:31] It was a calendar and written in Arabic.
[01:54:33] Yeah, I don't think it was that embarrassing for them.
[01:54:35] them. I think that they just like it's embarrassing from our perspective, right? Because like we
[01:54:42] know that it was bullshit, but many people just continued going along with it. They didn't
[01:54:48] give a shit. That didn't stop CNN in my opinion from, from changing the trajectory of their
[01:54:55] coverage from being a little bit more serious. They didn't do it at all. I'm going to
[01:55:34] run the Thrim and Ambra again. Here it is. If you no longer want to see those ads, well,
[01:55:48] you can subscribe. My favorite rhetoric against the hospital schools equals Hamas compounds
[01:55:55] using civilians as human shields argument is that the Israelis are the ones who send
[01:55:59] the bombs with this knowledge. They are more immediately guilty ones. Yes. CBS is
[01:56:18] invited self described mental health expert. D I strategies and trauma trainer Dr. Donald
[01:56:24] grant to moderate a conversation on this issue. Oh, it's because, um, wait, CBS has been roiling
[01:56:31] after CBS morning's interview in which anchor Tony DeCoppo pressed, Tony, he's a coach over
[01:56:35] his pro passing framing of Israel past nine conflict, but the interview was celebrated
[01:56:38] by many, hence in substantive per WAPO, but angered some of CBS who felt the couple brought
[01:56:43] his own bias. I thought that they were doing the trauma counseling because I think
[01:56:48] the guy who self-immolated was a CBS, uh, like he was a part of the CBS news team,
[01:56:53] The guy who tried to self-immolate was a part of the CBS News team, but maybe not, but we'll
[01:57:05] cover that in a second.
[01:57:07] We'll get to that.
[01:57:08] The Arabic was the days of the week, but the report that came out from Nick Robertson
[01:57:14] just swallowed up Israel's claim.
[01:57:17] It happened a couple of days ago.
[01:57:20] The allegation that the calendar was a Hamas roster had already been debunked
[01:57:25] on social media the day before the CNN broadcast.
[01:57:31] According to multiple CNN journalists
[01:57:34] and an internal WhatsApp log that we obtained,
[01:57:38] a Palestinian producer alerted her colleagues,
[01:57:41] including Robertson, but was ignored.
[01:57:43] The report went out first on television,
[01:57:47] but there was still time to correct it
[01:57:49] before it went up online.
[01:57:51] Another producer tried to make that case.
[01:57:54] Hmm. Why did they go along with it? I wonder despite knowing full well at that point
[01:58:04] Despite knowing full well at that fucking point that it
[01:58:08] You know, it wasn't correct. I wonder I wonder what you know, what led them one colleagues saw the report god your media sucks
[01:58:15] It's so bad, dude
[01:58:19] It's so bad
[01:58:21] It's crazy to think that I rely more on zionist newspapers in israel
[01:58:26] for adequate on the ground real time reporting than I do with like the
[01:58:33] New York times and I'm not even talking about like local call or plus 972
[01:58:37] magazine or even Haritz I'm talking like why net has better coverage of what the
[01:58:42] fuck is going on in Israel and in Gaza than fucking New York Times does it's
[01:58:46] crazy it is crazy it is so fucking embarrassing and I think it's partially
[01:58:52] because and I've talked about this quite a bit because like media criticism
[01:58:55] is like a big part of what I do. It's because why net or all of these other papers don't
[01:59:00] actually have to do the propaganda to an audience that has been served it for years and years
[01:59:05] and years. So they already have this opinion in mind so they can be like more honest in
[01:59:10] their coverage. Whereas like the New York Times is weighing the Western reception to these
[01:59:15] actions more like that's probably what it is. That's that's that's what it is.
[01:59:26] because like Western newspapers also have to weigh Israel's like horrifying actions with its reception in the Western world to the uninitiated who aren't as primed as like the broader Israeli society is.
[01:59:43] And flag to Nick, hold on, people are saying that this is not accurate. And apparently Nick said, are you meaning to say that Hikari is lying to us? So there was a chance for this to get.
[01:59:53] I know for a motherfucker fact CNN producers know that the Israeli that the IDF is unreliable
[02:00:00] Okay, I know I know for a fact
[02:00:03] I know from former producers
[02:00:06] That literally know
[02:00:08] American news teams know
[02:00:11] That Israeli spokespeople are the least reliable most consistently lying
[02:00:17] People that they have on board 1,000 cnn knows it. I can tell you with certainty
[02:00:23] Okay? They know. They just don't give a shit. Okay? No, I have the timestamp still open. Don't worry. It's on the other. It's on my other monitor.
[02:00:38] It stopped, but Nick was adamant, and it went out. He's a very experienced correspondent. If you are trusting the Israeli government over your own colleagues, then you need to have your wrist slapped at the very least because your reporting has given cover to the
[02:00:54] given cover to the Israeli operation.
[02:00:59] No proof would ever emerge of captives held at the Rantisi hospital.
[02:01:04] Meanwhile, Israeli forces had turned their attention to the Shifa hospital, the largest
[02:01:09] in the Gaza Strip, responsible for 40 percent of its healthcare capacity.
[02:01:17] They began by releasing an animated video of a tunnel network beneath the hospital,
[02:01:22] which they described as Hamas's command and control center.
[02:01:26] The White House and Pentagon today
[02:01:28] confirmed my reporting yesterday
[02:01:30] that the US has intelligence suggesting.
[02:01:33] This was so crazy, bro.
[02:01:34] Jake Tapper did.
[02:01:36] Jake Tapper had a byline on CNN
[02:01:40] before the Al-Shifa attack, where he was like,
[02:01:43] my sources literally fucking gave me evidence
[02:01:48] evidence that, uh, Israel was going to attack Al Shifa. And here's the just cause for it
[02:01:55] before they attacked Al Shifa CNN went along with that reporting. That was original reporting.
[02:02:02] That's not Jake Tapper doing commentary. That's Jake Tapper doing original reporting, which
[02:02:06] is unique. Okay. CNN literally said, we haven't verified any of his, uh, any of the reporting
[02:02:15] and still wrote it and still saw it fit the print. How crazy. How insane that CNN chose
[02:02:32] to print original reporting that was completely unverified and unsubstantiated so much so that
[02:02:42] they literally still po like they put that in the article at the top of the article
[02:02:46] there was like editorial note. We have not been able to verify any of these claims.
[02:02:50] It's like, why are you writing it then?
[02:02:52] Why are you seeing that it is fit to print?
[02:02:55] Like that's ridiculous.
[02:03:01] For Jake Tapper, I don't necessarily think
[02:03:05] Jake Tapper is the rugged ultra Zionist.
[02:03:09] I think for Jake Tapper, it's a little different.
[02:03:12] I think he is ambitious and motivated
[02:03:17] by the pure hatred that he feels for Muslims.
[02:03:20] I've covered Jake Tapper for quite some time, okay?
[02:03:24] He is just a massive Islamophobe, okay?
[02:03:28] He is obviously ambitious, he's a careerist,
[02:03:30] he knows how, he knows exactly what to say
[02:03:34] to maintain his status in American media.
[02:03:39] And beyond like the Zionist social conditioning
[02:03:42] that I'm sure he went through
[02:03:44] and is genuine belief that Israel is doing great,
[02:03:47] I think the major motivation for him
[02:03:50] is his Islamophobia,
[02:03:51] which he does not even fucking hide.
[02:03:54] He doesn't need to hide it, because in American news,
[02:03:57] you can be as Islamophobic as you want, overtly, okay?
[02:04:03] That's it.
[02:04:05] Hamas is operating a command center
[02:04:07] under the Al Shifa hospital.
[02:04:09] As Israeli forces closed in on the hospital,
[02:04:12] those claims were repeated,
[02:04:14] often with little to no pushback on Western news outlets.
[02:04:19] And did the IDF show you anything
[02:04:21] that resembled an actual command and control center.
[02:04:24] What we saw Kana was a pretty sophisticated looking tunnel.
[02:04:28] The New York Times and other news organizations
[02:04:31] began to then create their own renditions of...
[02:04:34] Remember when they didn't have anything to show for it,
[02:04:37] by the way, the only thing that they could show for it
[02:04:39] was like literal fucking tunnel systems under the hospital
[02:04:42] that were not in use, that they owned by their own admission
[02:04:45] was not in use, that they had actually sealed off
[02:04:49] those tunnels months prior? How crazy? No, there weren't even any weapons in the fucking
[02:04:56] tunnels, dog. They brought weapons, small arms, and claimed that it was inside of the
[02:05:02] fucking MRI, MRI room. What they, I guess, imagined Hamas had underneath Alshifa Hospital,
[02:05:23] promoting the narrative that something very nefarious is taking place. That was the
[02:05:28] moment and you can trace it that the floodgates were open for the Israelis that they perceive
[02:05:33] that they now have live ammunition next to a huge electromagnet good one like to wage war against
[02:05:41] Palestinian hospitals and medical facilities. Do you have what you need to treat people?
[02:05:46] So we've run out of birds dressing and there were 100 patients with birds covering over 40% of their bodies.
[02:05:54] One of probably the most distressing aspects about that period when I was working at Schiffa Hospital
[02:06:01] is that we were getting hundreds and hundreds of wounded.
[02:06:05] The bombing around Schiffa was continuous.
[02:06:08] And so you'd get phone calls and all the western journalists wanted to ask about
[02:06:14] was when you walk around, do you see any colors?
[02:06:18] Israel continues to maintain.
[02:06:20] I remember that was insane.
[02:06:23] Doctors who were treating children,
[02:06:25] doctors who were directly treating children's like bullet wounds
[02:06:31] and taken out fucking bomb shrapnel out of their skulls
[02:06:36] were consistently being interrogated in the Western press
[02:06:41] as though they were also Hamas.
[02:06:43] that everyone is Hamas. These are Hamas doctors who were hiding the secret of the Hamas tunnels
[02:06:50] under the fucking hospitals, dude. If you directly read Hebrew media as a foreign reader, you'll
[02:07:01] lose your mind. On the one hand, our headlines and info organization are often way more unhinged
[02:07:05] than Western news, but Hebrew media also includes stories which don't reach international
[02:07:10] media. Whereas in Israeli reader, you'd be preconditioned to place them in the
[02:07:13] correct framework. Like imagine if a kid gets shot for throwing stones at a soldier.
[02:07:17] in Israeli, that's okay because don't throw in equal terrorism for anyone else though. Yeah,
[02:07:21] exactly. That's what I mean. Like Hebrew media gets to fucking adequately report like accurately
[02:07:28] report whatever the fuck's going on because it's, you know, facing an audience that is
[02:07:32] already primed into believing that these people are monstrous barbarians that deserve
[02:07:38] it no matter how young they are. But Western news can't cover it in the same vein because
[02:07:44] if they were to cover Israel and Israel's actions with the accuracy that they would cover anything
[02:07:50] else or with the accuracy of a foreign adversary's violent actions against an ally, for example,
[02:07:57] you would literally lose your fucking mind. You'd be like, this is insane. This is the
[02:08:01] most insane country on the fucking planet. Why in the ever loving fuck are we giving
[02:08:07] unlimited weapons to this fucking nation of psychopaths, dude? What the fuck? A lot
[02:08:15] What more people would feel as you do if American news covered this stuff with the same accuracy
[02:08:23] that they cover like Russian actions, okay?
[02:08:26] Beneath it in underground tunnels, Hamas has a command center.
[02:08:37] Is this something that you're aware of?
[02:08:39] So, I mean, first of all, and if you say that I've never seen any of these tunnels,
[02:08:43] then you are dismissed immediately.
[02:08:49] After two weeks of bombing, a shifa compound, Israeli forces stormed the hospital on November
[02:08:55] 15th.
[02:08:56] The target of the war is to defeat France.
[02:08:58] Once again, Daniel Higari was there.
[02:09:02] Not giving Israelis a pass here, but Israel a pass here, but like we have Americans that
[02:09:06] think shoplifting is also something that should be punished by death.
[02:09:08] So it's not like exclusively an Israeli thing.
[02:09:10] No, we have our own, we have our own very violent attitude towards crime and punishment
[02:09:17] as well.
[02:09:18] You're absolutely correct on that.
[02:09:19] Israel and America are like this when it comes to fucking the draconian attitude that they display towards especially black and brown
[02:09:27] People that that commit any kind of infraction
[02:09:30] however
[02:09:31] Americans still look at Israel by and large unless they're like super super fucking primed with with
[02:09:40] social conditioning that that
[02:09:42] That maintains this idea that like Israel is this moral country this democracy this non-apartheid regime
[02:09:49] most Americans look at it as a foreign nation. They don't really fully understand it. So when
[02:09:54] they have that like, when they have that question, okay, when they have that like missing puzzle
[02:10:02] piece in their brain where they're like, I understand, okay, Israel is an ally, I guess.
[02:10:07] Okay. But I see them doing like a bunch of violent shit. Why is America still giving
[02:10:12] them like unlimited weapons? Why haven't they stopped it? Why hasn't America the
[02:10:16] The the most powerful nation on the planet stopped it like stopped this this atrocity
[02:10:22] I don't want to even think about this anymore
[02:10:23] You have two ways that you can go in that one is my way, which is this is a direct consequence of America
[02:10:32] Basically fucking dying as an empire, but wants to maintain whatever the fuck
[02:10:36] Kind of allegiances like hard fought allegiances. They have in the region Israel is very valuable from that perspective
[02:10:41] So they can fucking pack that shit up give Israel as much territory as possible in its last-ditch effort and
[02:10:47] Then move on to the real enemy here China or the other side of the story
[02:10:52] Which is a much easier one to fucking identify with is that Jews control the fucking media?
[02:10:59] Okay, and a lot of Americans are not making that assessment. They're not making a materialist
[02:11:05] analysis on the situation. They're not looking at like broader global events and, and recognizing
[02:11:12] why America is making the mistake of like continuing Israel's bloody conquest, even if
[02:11:18] they're, they're genuine ambition is just basically business as usual, foreign policy.
[02:11:23] They're going in the other direction. They already have a lot of underlying, they
[02:11:29] already have a lot of fucking underlying anti-Semitic attitudes that they kind of just like never
[02:11:36] really consider. They brush aside, right? Where it's like, yeah, maybe Jews are good
[02:11:40] money people or maybe Jews are very powerful and in media and all this shit. Like they,
[02:11:46] they, a lot of Americans do have this sentiment. They don't really like lean into it or think
[02:11:51] about it.
[02:11:52] But when you have that underlying sentiment right there, it's a super easy fucking
[02:11:56] switch to just go full tilt anti-Semitic conspiracy. It's super simple, especially when you have
[02:12:05] what is presented as the Jewish state and being incredibly violent and everyone who
[02:12:12] is defending this state's violent actions as a defensive Judaism. How the fuck are
[02:12:19] are people supposed to think about this clearly? We are priming an entire nation, the entire
[02:12:28] western, everyone in the western hemisphere to be anti-Semitic. Okay?
[02:12:39] To show the world some weapons. He claimed belonged to Hamas. Alongs-
[02:12:44] How's the US dying? Don't flam. I just want to understand your perspective. But if you,
[02:12:49] I mean, where do I begin America has spread its imperial ambitions so far and so vast that
[02:12:58] they have spread themselves too thin. Okay, they couldn't even mount enough of a defense against
[02:13:05] Russia invading Ukraine. That is a failure on one front. They can't maintain permanent occupation
[02:13:12] in the Middle East, like it's, it's, uh, like our, our, our military is, is very strong still. It's
[02:13:23] significantly more powerful than most other countries. I mean, by a wide margin, but we are
[02:13:30] spread far too thin. You also have another country out there that is engaging in a shit ton of
[02:13:45] South power initiatives that are otherwise very successful. I'm talking about China, of course.
[02:13:54] China is basically, even Russia to a certain degree, is basically taking advantage of like
[02:13:59] American violence and the way that that violence has been experienced in the global south
[02:14:05] in the third world by being like, no, no, no, we're fighting against American imperialism here.
[02:14:10] Okay, by, by, you know, exercising their territorial ambitions in Ukraine.
[02:14:17] That is the reason why so many people to global south are fucking pro Russia.
[02:14:21] You, you might be shocked to find that out because they see it as like, well, those guys
[02:14:25] are fighting the people that have fucked us over for years and years and years.
[02:14:29] That's like, genuinely how people view it.
[02:14:32] It's not correct by the way.
[02:14:34] I'm just letting you know, I don't believe that.
[02:14:36] I don't agree with that.
[02:14:37] But that is the way many people examine the situation.
[02:14:42] It's the Bricks narrative as well.
[02:14:47] Inside some tunnels, many of which were built by Israel in the 1980s,
[02:14:57] nothing that remotely resembled a command center.
[02:15:01] Since the raids on Shaffa and Rantisi,
[02:15:07] every hospital in Gaza has been attacked, put out of service, or demolished.
[02:15:13] Witnesses have described mass executions
[02:15:16] of institutions, including of
[02:15:19] patients and medical staff,
[02:15:21] testimonies that barely
[02:15:23] registered in the western news
[02:15:25] cycle. The hardest most
[02:15:27] terrifying thing I saw was
[02:15:28] when they were executing
[02:15:29] people right in front of us.
[02:15:32] They dig a hole, throw five
[02:15:33] or six people in it, then
[02:15:34] bury them. And we saw the
[02:15:37] burials, the aftermath of
[02:15:39] them at least. More
[02:15:40] importantly, we cannot
[02:15:41] secure treatment of the
[02:15:42] materials, the aftermath of them at least.
[02:15:45] More importantly, we cannot secure trade relationship with developing nations.
[02:15:47] We cannot provide enough enticing loans that allow us to take control over vital extraction
[02:15:52] industries that moves global capital away from America to horse China, yes.
[02:15:56] And while China is still operating on the dollar when they're engaging in this, it
[02:16:00] doesn't matter because there's a tremendous amount of soft power that they get out
[02:16:05] of this equation.
[02:16:08] And America cannot maintain its global empire.
[02:16:12] America cannot maintain its global empire without the UN, without these international
[02:16:19] organs of justice, without the international rule-based order.
[02:16:24] I have repeated something that I find very scary if you are invested in the continuation
[02:16:31] of American empire that I don't think people understand.
[02:16:35] 800 military bases around the world, right now, is viewed as a global security partnership.
[02:16:45] But if soft power capabilities diminish as a direct consequence of America's like bloody
[02:16:50] war in the entire region, as they already have for the past 20 fucking years with the
[02:16:56] invasion of Afghanistan with the invasion of Iraq and many other things that America
[02:17:02] has done okay all of a sudden that's 800 military bases that are innovating every fucking country
[02:17:10] on the planet you do not want your security partners to start developing resentment towards you
[02:17:19] even if the governments themselves like the you know fleet of planes and what not that they get
[02:17:25] and the sweet little toys that they are able to purchase as a direct consequence of the
[02:17:30] security partnership, even if they like it, the population is going to have a different perspective
[02:17:36] on it. And all of a sudden, when the population has a very different perspective on it, governance
[02:17:41] changes. What do you do? You do not have enough money and enough, you do not have enough control
[02:17:48] over these different countries to be able to quell and squash any sort of real popular sentiment
[02:17:57] and popular resentment against America, that these countries will have, especially if they
[02:18:03] start recognizing that their government is aligned with the United States of America and
[02:18:10] American imperialism, but not necessarily aligned with their interests.
[02:18:14] This is a very delicate situation in the Middle East, especially so, right?
[02:18:23] It is incredibly delicate.
[02:18:26] Why is it incredibly delicate? Because the populations of these Gulf states absolutely find Israel
[02:18:35] to be a parasitic force in the region, a violent force in the region, for understandable reasons.
[02:18:40] The governments on the other hand, or the kingdoms on the other hand, like the security
[02:18:45] contracts that they get, like the toys that they get, like the trade that they can do
[02:18:49] with Israel, like the good favors that they get in the Western world, they have
[02:18:53] have an ultimately very different way of interpreting this relationship.
[02:19:00] There is a very delicate balance for a lot of these countries.
[02:19:06] They have to basically stop popular resistance to the best of their ability by saying, oh,
[02:19:13] no, Israel is the big bad.
[02:19:14] You're right.
[02:19:15] While simultaneously still continuing to have normal trade relations with Israel,
[02:19:22] they have maintained for many many decades at this point just not on paper. That's why the Abraham
[02:19:27] Accords was so significant. Okay, that's why you see people like Ardon, a NATO nation with the
[02:19:42] second largest NATO military, have a very different attitude towards Israel. He chirps
[02:19:50] quite a bit about Israel. He has historically, but he's also known where his bread is buttered.
[02:19:55] He still ends up, you know delivering energy to Israel for example through Turkish pipelines that go from Azerbaijan through Turkey to Israel
[02:20:03] Right that analysis does not change that that he can he can chirp a lot, right?
[02:20:09] But ultimately he knows he knows what to do
[02:20:13] You're gonna get banned ha ha ha what why?
[02:20:18] What you okay?
[02:20:33] Let's raid friends
[02:20:35] You okay, man?
[02:20:58] The bro was in here for r slash plays, but he's he's been gone for quite some time
[02:21:12] Let's continue mass graves were found with hundreds of bodies
[02:21:23] over 800
[02:21:25] Health workers doctors nurses paramedics who've been killed that kind of dismantlement of health was a critical component of the genocidal machine
[02:21:34] because what that did is it ensured that anybody who's wounded die of their wounds and
[02:21:41] that anyone with a chronic disease would eventually die of that disease.
[02:21:45] I know you can see the vid because there's TOS in it right now, so I'm hiding the video.
[02:21:50] It's the famine, and so the wounded are now dying because they are malnourished.
[02:21:57] This they say is a Hamas tunnel that connects to a tunnel network underneath the Alshifa hospital.
[02:22:04] The Western media was critical to the process of humanization of the Palestinian health system.
[02:22:12] And what is shocking is that when the Israelis went into Shifa and there were no real evidence
[02:22:19] of these bunkers, these media outlets did not recant their original stories.
[02:22:28] Jody Rudoren spent two decades as a reporter and an editor for the New York Times.
[02:22:34] she rejects the idea that these features of western news coverage
[02:22:38] are the result of any inherent bias.
[02:22:41] I begin from a premise that most journalists who are covering conflicts
[02:22:47] are doing so because they believe that bearing witness
[02:22:50] to what governments and terror groups do to each other
[02:22:54] is critically important to the functioning of democracy and of a civil society.
[02:22:59] these people are trying their very hardest to do the very best that they can.
[02:23:04] What I think is not true is that there is any kind of systemic bias,
[02:23:09] like in the structural editorial processes of these newsrooms.
[02:23:14] I think these newsrooms are trying to report a 360 degree view
[02:23:19] of an extremely complicated storyline that many of the actors in the storyline
[02:23:25] don't want to acknowledge the complexity of.
[02:23:27] Western news outlets are not monoliths.
[02:23:31] Israeli soldiers have been filmed standing over stripped and kneeling detainees in Gaza.
[02:23:37] But these are medical stuff.
[02:23:39] Arjamana Karachi and Collie spent weeks documenting an attack in January
[02:23:44] that killed more than half of the members of one family.
[02:23:47] Many mainstream journalists do try to speak truth to power,
[02:23:51] to power, and their reporting has, at times, undercut Israel's claims, exposed its war crimes.
[02:23:59] Journalists at the time, CNN and the BBC have told us it can be a struggle to get those stories
[02:24:05] past editors. Israel's denial of access into Gaza has made the job even more difficult.
[02:24:12] But it's the larger trends, rather than individual examples, that shape the effect that media
[02:24:18] coverage has on audiences on the Gaza story they have been
[02:24:22] quantifiable and point in one direction. A study by the news
[02:24:27] website The Intercept of post October 7th coverage by the
[02:24:31] New York Times, the Washington Post and the LA Times found
[02:24:35] that Israeli deaths were covered on average 16 times more
[02:24:39] often than when the victims were Palestinian words like
[02:24:43] slaughter and massacre. That's really crazy to think
[02:24:47] about because the Israeli deaths occurred in a matter of 48 hours. And then for 12 months,
[02:24:56] 40 times more Palestinian deaths have occurred in the process. So that 16 times more likely
[02:25:05] conversation is even more damning when you think about the differences. Like it is crazy.
[02:25:15] And this once again, this once again does not factor in when people, when people talk about the 42,000 or 43,000, 44,000 deaths of Palestinians, that number is directly killed by Israeli rockets, Israeli bombs, or Israeli ammo.
[02:25:35] Okay, that number is very conservative.
[02:25:39] It is a conservative undercount.
[02:25:41] Okay, that is deliberate.
[02:25:44] The reason why they do that is they are showing specifically the people that have been killed
[02:25:49] That they know have been killed by Israeli rockets or Israeli bombs or Israeli bullets
[02:25:57] Okay, the far greater number of casualties as a consequence of not being able to get their fucking medication
[02:26:04] Is is significantly larger. That's why the Lancet study estimated that it was most likely going to be 180,000
[02:26:12] Which was again also a conservative estimate as well
[02:26:19] Because there are a lot of people who are sick in Gaza
[02:26:23] If you don't have access to insulin you're gonna fucking die. That is not counted as a death
[02:26:28] Caused by direct Israeli rocket fire
[02:26:38] Okay
[02:26:39] We're used to describe attacks that killed Israelis at least
[02:26:52] 60 times more frequently than for mass killings of Palestinians, when those terms were almost never used.
[02:27:01] The New York Times headlines are filled with volume after volume of story, where Palestinians appear
[02:27:06] to have been killed in a mysterious attack waged by no one. You know, Palestinians are always
[02:27:11] referred to as dying in the past tense. It's very clear that there is an agenda from the
[02:27:16] leadership of the New York Times, and that's been attested to-
[02:27:19] The deadly air strike hits the air of Gaza that many have fled to.
[02:27:22] Who did that? Who did that? How did they do that? How could this have happened?
[02:27:31] By whistleblowers in the newsroom who said that it's very clear that they are steering coverage in particular direction
[02:27:37] and that Palestinians are subjected to a different set of standards than Israelis
[02:27:41] when talking about their deaths, their sufferings or their perspectives.
[02:27:45] There was a massacre on October 7th. There were atrocities committed. It was barbaric.
[02:27:50] I think those were appropriate words to use, and the response was intense.
[02:27:56] It involved a lot of death, destruction, and displacement.
[02:28:03] But I'm not sure that massacre, barbaric, and atrocity are appropriate terms,
[02:28:14] certainly not for the full scale of the war.
[02:28:18] Oh, okay. Oh, it's not. Okay, got it. Thanks. No, I just, I personally think when like I see
[02:28:29] decapitated babies, I assume that is a massacre, you know, but I was wrong. I didn't realize that
[02:28:37] this was contextually appropriate. It is inappropriate to say that when Israel does a
[02:28:44] the flower massacre, for example, correctly calling it a massacre is actually completely
[02:28:49] beyond reason. Yeah. Yeah, no, Israelis can never be barbaric. Come on.
[02:29:05] There are individual attacks within the war. Common mistake happens to all of us. Yeah,
[02:29:10] no, I'm, I'm, I'm at the precipice of doing blood libel by saying Israel's even killing
[02:29:16] children to begin with, despite the fact that they've killed tens of thousands at this point.
[02:29:22] That may, uh, there were those, some of those words may be appropriate.
[02:29:28] So it's just, you're talking about two very different things and they deserve different adjectives.
[02:29:35] For Sarah at the BBC, double standards could also be seen in the selection of interviewees
[02:29:42] and how they were treated.
[02:29:44] In the days after October 7th,
[02:29:46] the BBC set up an internal group chat
[02:29:50] in which producers could vet potential interviewees
[02:29:53] based on their online footprint.
[02:29:56] We have obtained messages from that chat,
[02:29:58] which Sarah says was used disproportionately
[02:30:02] against defenders of Palestinian rights.
[02:30:05] It was overwhelmingly guests on the Palestinian side
[02:30:08] of things who were being looked into.
[02:30:10] Palestinians being flagged up for using the word Zionist, which isn't something to flag necessarily.
[02:30:17] Even the occasional NGO was thrown in, for example Human Rights Watch.
[02:30:23] The craziest, you know what's crazy about this?
[02:30:26] Dog, anti-Semitism is far more accepted in these realms of discourse than being anti-Israel.
[02:30:38] If people wanted to be anti-semitic, as many are, they openly say it, okay?
[02:30:43] There is no fucking reason to hide your underlying resentment towards Jewish people in American media, okay?
[02:30:54] In American social media platforms, there are literally people, I posted this the other day,
[02:31:00] there are people who in the aftermath of the hurricane,
[02:31:05] In the aftermath of the hurricane that was just openly being like, well, you know, they do have a weather machine
[02:31:11] You know how they are with their weather machine. Okay
[02:31:15] That person was Marjorie Taylor green by the way a fucking congressperson. Oh, why did we ban this guy who said you're gonna get ban
[02:31:23] I wanted to hear what he meant
[02:31:24] Okay, yes, they can control the weather. It's ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can't be done
[02:31:29] Or this fucking insane account that was like the mayor of Asheville, North Carolina is Esther E. Mannheimer
[02:31:34] If you're wondering yes, she is talking about how this this Jewish mayor
[02:31:41] Actually caused the atrocity
[02:31:50] Actually anti-semitic people do not feel the need to shield their anti-semitic perspectives
[02:31:56] Okay, it is insane to be like there's a massive conspiracy among people who have literally fought against
[02:32:01] anti-Semitism, people like myself, who are actually secretly using Zionist as a catch-all term to mean
[02:32:09] Jew. You got motherfucking Holocaust deniers out there, man. You got Holocaust deniers popping off
[02:32:21] on TikTok. You have Holocaust deniers who are on platforms like kick, who are popping off on fucking
[02:32:27] Twitter. It is so ridiculous to be like, oh no, you don't understand. A lot of these guys are
[02:32:35] They're just simply trying to shield themselves from being declared, being branded anti-Semites.
[02:32:44] And that's why they use Zionism as a catchall term.
[02:32:46] Are there people who do that?
[02:32:48] Absolutely.
[02:32:49] Okay.
[02:32:50] And you can tell, you can tell.
[02:32:51] They pop off on Twitter when they actually slip, let the mass slip and very openly say
[02:32:55] what they truly believe about Jews, right?
[02:33:01] said that it is ridiculous because most of these institutions care more about people like
[02:33:10] myself than they do about those actual fucking Nazis because everyone knows that those guys
[02:33:14] are Nazis, everyone knows that they're bad, but for someone like myself, I present a
[02:33:19] far greater threat to an institution like the ADL. Why? Because I have a shit ton of
[02:33:25] Jewish watchers, okay? I have a shit ton of young Jews who tune in. I have a shit
[02:33:30] of young Americans who tune in, who see the reality of what Israel is doing and recognize
[02:33:37] it as being wrong. That is damning to the project of Zionism significantly more so than someone
[02:33:45] who's openly been branded an enemy. Okay? That's it.
[02:34:00] These are organizations that we've really relied on in terms of covering Ukraine and
[02:34:05] various other conflicts. And now and again they were checking Israeli guest. But there
[02:34:12] was no balance in what was going on. Israeli spokespeople who we did have on were given
[02:34:17] a lot of free rein to say whatever they wanted with very little pushback.
[02:34:22] Babies were set on fire. Babies were shot in the head.
[02:34:28] Whereas any Palestinian guest was asked to condemn Hamas.
[02:34:32] I want to ask you specifically about Hamas' actions today.
[02:34:36] Do you support them?
[02:34:37] Almost as though condemning Hamas was the sort of price to pay before they could be humanised
[02:34:42] in our coverage.
[02:34:44] Many of our own presenters when faced with an interviewee who was Palestinian or who
[02:34:49] had lost family in Gaza.
[02:34:52] There was just such a lack of compassion.
[02:34:54] I'm sorry for your personal loss.
[02:34:56] I just be clear though, you cannot condone the killing of civilians in Israel, can you?
[02:35:03] As a result, a number of producers were really reticent about putting a vulnerable Palestinian
[02:35:08] guest in front of a BBC presenter.
[02:35:13] The mounting double standards have provoked a backlash in the newsrooms of many Western
[02:35:18] outlets.
[02:35:19] Journalists at the New York Times and the BBC have resigned publicly, citing their
[02:35:24] consciences. Others have tried to change things from the inside. BBC staff have
[02:35:31] repeatedly complained to the network's director general. One email we obtained
[02:35:36] signed in February by more than 20 journalists warned the corporation's
[02:35:41] coverage risked aiding and abetting genocide. Staff at the times leaked
[02:35:48] details of an internal rebellion over a now notorious report that claimed Hamas
[02:35:54] weaponized sexual violence on October 7th, an allegation that was exposed as
[02:36:00] baseless. Seventy journalism professors have demanded that times do an
[02:36:05] investigation into that report. The Times did conduct an investigation not into
[02:36:12] its story, but to find the source of the leak. Numerous journalists we have
[02:36:17] spoken to describe variations of the same thing. Interference from
[02:36:22] executives and editors, the kind they have never faced on any other story.
[02:36:30] There's a divide between the many good journalists within CNN who jump through so many hoops to
[02:36:35] tell the true story and push back from high-level management demanding that you tone down criticisms
[02:36:42] of Israel.
[02:36:44] There was a period of time when we couldn't call airstrikes in Gaza airstrikes unless
[02:36:48] we had confirmation from the Israelis.
[02:36:50] released a massive explosion at the largest refugee camp in Gaza. Joining us now is Lieutenant
[02:36:57] Colonel Richard Heck.
[02:36:58] It's really depressing because we would not be doing this in any other place. We would
[02:37:03] not tolerate the need to ask, say, the Russians whether they bombed a hospital in Kiev.
[02:37:08] So the double standards are really shocking. You try and change managers' minds. You
[02:37:13] feel like you're making progress and then something happens and you feel like you're
[02:37:16] back at square one. For example, more recently on the day that 40,000 Palestinian deaths
[02:37:23] were announced, Mike McCarthy, who's number three in the organization, said in the morning
[02:37:27] editorial call that we need to contextualize and hold Hamas accountable. And that was reflected
[02:37:34] in the framing from the shows.
[02:37:36] The Gaza Health Ministry says more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed since the
[02:37:42] October 7th Hamas massacre in Israel that triggered the war.
[02:37:47] Multiple journalists in emails, in meetings have raised concerns about a lot of the things
[02:37:52] I've said in this interview.
[02:37:54] The disparity in the language used, the inconsistency in approach compared to other
[02:37:59] story areas like Russia and Ukraine, the lack of humanisation when it comes to Palestinians,
[02:38:06] the lack of context about this conflict before the 7th of October.
[02:38:10] And it hasn't really made a difference because there's just a sort of unwillingness among
[02:38:16] the executive to accept evidence.
[02:38:19] For me personally, it meant I could no longer see my future at the BBC.
[02:38:23] The lessons learned in 1945, if mankind would remember them, could make the world a better
[02:38:30] place for all men.
[02:38:32] In the wake of the World War II Holocaust, Western governments built a new international
[02:38:38] legal order a central pillar of which was the prevention of any future so um
[02:38:49] obviously obviously it's pretty obvious what's going on here okay smaller twitter account
[02:39:06] but it goes exactly what you were saying about nazi's feeling the need to hide them
[02:39:10] oh oh yeah i mean yeah exactly hello after reviewing the available information we want
[02:39:14] He wanted to let you know,
[02:39:15] Hile Hitler meme hasn't broken our safety policies.
[02:39:19] Yeah.
[02:39:21] But it's okay, Elon is pro-Israel, he went to Israel.
[02:39:23] So like the ADL defended him.
[02:39:27] After he said Jews actually got a taste of their own medicine
[02:39:30] for doing unrestricted immigration into the Western world.
[02:39:33] He went to Israel and he packed it up.
[02:39:48] You know, he reigned it in.
[02:39:54] It's fucking crazy.
[02:40:27] genocide. Since the early stages of Israel's onslaught in Gaza, experts on genocide have
[02:40:35] been sounding the alarm. In January, the International Court of Justice described the case accusing
[02:40:41] Israel of genocide as plausible. Two months later, a report by the UN special rapporteur
[02:40:48] for the occupied Palestinian territories found that the threshold for genocide had been
[02:40:54] met.
[02:40:55] We cannot avert our eyes.
[02:40:57] We must confront genocide.
[02:41:00] We must prevent it and we must punish it.
[02:41:04] The decision by the United States and its allies to continue supporting Israel diplomatically
[02:41:10] and militarily makes them complicit.
[02:41:20] And that has put those news outlets and their journalism to the test, caught between the
[02:41:26] positions of their own governments and the realities of international law.
[02:41:31] This mantra that Israel has a right to defend itself,
[02:41:36] which has been repeated over and over and over again in Western media.
[02:41:40] Israel has a right to defend itself?
[02:41:42] Israel has an absolute right to defend itself.
[02:41:44] Israel has a right not only to defend itself,
[02:41:46] but to seek the military destruction of Hamas.
[02:41:49] Yes. Israel had a right on October 7th
[02:41:53] to repel attacks on its territory, but it has no right under international law to make war.
[02:41:59] Interesting. Craig Moncabar, who is infinitely more knowledgeable alongside Francesca Albanese,
[02:42:16] who is still currently the UN Special Rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories,
[02:42:23] are both saying exactly what I've been saying since October 7. That's crazy. That's crazy
[02:42:38] that they are the fucking Paul bearers basically of international law recognize the the illegality
[02:42:47] so fuck the wine on the terrorism defender and also not a youtuber or a kick streamer
[02:43:04] who's like fucking pro-genocide unconditionally, so get your notes not from these people, but
[02:43:12] from those guys instead.
[02:43:15] On the Gaza Strip, a territory that according to the law is occupied for 57 years.
[02:43:22] So that little rhetorical device of claiming that Israel has a right to defend itself
[02:43:28] has been used and abused in Western media to provide justifications for wholly unlawful acts.
[02:43:35] Israel has a right to defend itself. That was the editorial line that was drilled into us, into all of our coverage.
[02:43:43] It was really an integral part of the editorial stance.
[02:43:47] To a guest talking about, you know, Israeli airstrikes killing Palestinians in Gaza, that would be the response from our presenters.
[02:43:57] buying access to food is collective punishment and that we should all be clear in saying
[02:44:02] that.
[02:44:03] Israel will argue obviously that it has a right to defend itself.
[02:44:06] People were terrified of using the word genocide in coverage.
[02:44:09] They still are.
[02:44:11] You will very rarely see it in any BBC coverage.
[02:44:14] And if an interviewer says the word genocide.
[02:44:17] This is a genocide happening in front of our eyes.
[02:44:20] That word is, as you know, incredibly emotive and the Israelis, as you know, will be
[02:44:25] saying that they are targeting Hamas only.
[02:44:28] The presenter will almost always panic.
[02:44:30] The Labour Party, all political parties,
[02:44:32] which has always had a strong peace contingent within it,
[02:44:35] is now actually supporting genocide.
[02:44:37] OK, maybe just avoid that language if that's OK.
[02:44:47] Having destroyed Gaza's health care system,
[02:44:49] Israel has laid waste to virtually every town and city there.
[02:44:53] It has slain more journalists in one year
[02:44:56] than were killed in all of World War II.
[02:44:59] They are among at least 41,000 Palestinians killed,
[02:45:04] and experts say the real death toll could be several times
[02:45:07] higher in excess of 150,000.
[02:45:12] The response from Israel's primary Western allies
[02:45:15] has been one of denial about the depths of the horror
[02:45:18] and their own complicity.
[02:45:20] As for the Western world's most influential news outlets,
[02:45:24] they have suppressed the story,
[02:45:26] amplify the Israeli propaganda that has accompanied it and downplayed the telltale signs of genocide.
[02:45:34] Western mainstream media have invested a lot in trying to draw a curtain across this genocide
[02:45:39] and disseminating an alternative narrative that makes the crimes happening in Gaza somehow
[02:45:45] justifiable. And the reason this is so dangerous is because it creates room for western
[02:45:52] countries to create a cloak of impunity and it creates a sense that some countries are
[02:45:59] above the law. That might makes right. That all of the efforts to build an international
[02:46:06] order since the Second World War, governed by the rule of law, may begin to crumble.
[02:46:12] It is impossible to overstate the role that the incendiary media coverage played in the
[02:46:19] events that would unfold after Hamas and its allies broke down the fence that
[02:46:25] surrounds Gaza. You're not Hamas. Israel is a democracy and as a Jewish state
[02:46:31] supports and believes in every life mattering. Israel was able to perform
[02:46:38] in front of the world a masterclass in manipulation of the media and so you
[02:46:44] You had a narrative set that Netanyahu and Biden on their own would not have had the power
[02:46:51] to drill into the minds of the public, but for the existence of major Western news organizations
[02:47:00] promoting it for free.
[02:47:02] They're not only morally culpable, but there is precedent for the record for criminal culpability
[02:47:10] as well.
[02:47:11] I'm not even joking, like, during the Nuremberg trials, journalists who participated in covering up Nazi atrocities were also deemed criminal.
[02:47:41] Just saying. I think very carefully. I'm sure the Nazis didn't think that they were going to lose until the very last moment either, you know, and their actions would never come back to them.
[02:48:39] In the future, when we have a museum for this genocide,
[02:48:44] we will have a special place where
[02:48:47] we put the pictures of the journalists who
[02:48:51] allowed it to happen.
[02:48:52] There will be a wing for the CNN and the BBC
[02:48:56] and the Times journalists who were the enablers
[02:49:01] of the genocide.
[02:49:02] The Palestinian people will remember them.
[02:49:20] CNN said it was a complex story.
[02:50:04] It's funny to say that like, oh, this is such a culturally and politically divisive global event.
[02:50:12] They said that about abortion too, for the record. It was not. It never was.
[02:50:25] But if you read mainstream reporting on the matter leading up to the Roe v. Wade overturning, I would lose my fucking mind.
[02:50:35] probably lost hair follicles because of the the both sides have some issues on
[02:50:43] this divisive topic arguments this did this happen already the hair is
[02:51:14] planting a tree thing do we miss it Trump is gonna do his remarks on October
[02:51:27] 7th remember his event one year since that terrible
[02:51:42] Hamas attack that sparked the war in Gaza one ceremony was held at the side
[02:51:46] of a music festival where hundreds of the victims were killed.
[02:51:50] Over the weekend, there were demonstrations around the world in support of both Israel
[02:51:54] and the Palestinian people.
[02:51:56] The October 7th attack, we all remember, has stunned the world with stories of horror
[02:52:01] and brutality.
[02:52:02] 1,200 people were killed in those attacks.
[02:52:05] Since then, the fighting in Gaza has been raging with tens of thousands dead.
[02:52:09] Elizabeth Palmer is in Israel at one of the areas attacked last year.
[02:52:15] Good morning.
[02:52:16] This is Kibbutzberi, about three miles from Gaza.
[02:52:20] And reminders of the massacre are everywhere, like the burned out house you can see behind
[02:52:25] me.
[02:52:26] It's where Hamas murdered Yuval Haran's father and kidnapped his mother and six other members
[02:52:32] of the family.
[02:52:33] It's just one of the traumatic stories that Israelis are reliving today, a year after
[02:52:39] the October 7th attack.
[02:52:41] The attack began with Hamas terrorists shooting their way out of Gaza.
[02:52:49] Damn, dude. That's crazy. I hadn't heard this. I'm glad for some new refreshing perspectives from our journalism.
[02:53:00] It's been a year and the government still hasn't even fixed the goddamn thing. They really don't give a shit about their citizens. Yeah.
[02:53:05] Well, I mean, for the Kibbutz, it's like much better to leave them distraught and leave them like that so you can fucking point to it and be like,
[02:53:13] be like, see, look at this house. Look at this house shooting their way out of Gaza is
[02:53:40] a 10, 10 line. Yeah, it's like a weird editorial quirk that they like kind of left in there
[02:53:47] that goes against the prevailing narrative that these guys are, you know, they were living
[02:53:52] happily inside of Gaza and then they anti-semitically decided to attack Israel. Yeah, they were
[02:53:59] like the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, they shot their way out of their fucking concentration camp.
[02:54:10] It's 100% correct.
[02:54:13] And if you are knowledgeable on the matter, then you recognize, then you fucking recognize that,
[02:54:29] obviously, Israel sets the standards for the violence.
[02:54:34] thing is, a lot of the October 7th coverage rings hollow when you've used it to justify genocide for the past 12 months.
[02:54:51] You can't like try and relitigate this stuff. When people have heard it, the exact same sentiment expressed over and over again.
[02:55:00] Anytime a fucking school is bombed, anytime a mosque is bombed by Israel, anytime an orphanage is struck by Israel and like tens of thousands of children.
[02:55:10] of children are burned and dying in the rubble and Israel's like well remember October 7th?
[02:55:19] Like, yeah dude, we know, we know.
[02:55:25] But the reality is you can't message your way out of the actions at this point.
[02:55:51] Asked Israeli border security to launch a pitiless attack on young people attending
[02:55:56] a music festival.
[02:55:58] That was chaos, a killing spree and mass kidnapping.
[02:56:02] Another thing that's like pretty crazy about this situation is that like, the music festival
[02:56:09] was being conducted on the border of a goddamn Israeli air prison, open air prison.
[02:56:21] Not only was it being conducted there, but there was obviously information ahead of
[02:56:27] time that this would not be a good idea is real in all of its fucking hubris and
[02:56:34] arrogance let it happen anyway yeah zone of interest 100% they didn't give a
[02:56:42] shit they didn't give a shit at all yeah I know they played EDM music at the
[02:56:56] October 7th ceremony I know I saw they even they even extended the fucking
[02:57:04] Noba music festival by one day, despite four warning that it would not be a good idea.
[02:57:12] Why do we know all of this? Because there's an active lawsuit against the Israeli government,
[02:57:19] just so you know. You might not hear about it in American news, but obviously if your
[02:57:26] fucking loved ones died, you probably want answers for it. You know, regardless of how much you
[02:57:33] you want death and destruction from those who killed them, I think you're going to want to know
[02:57:41] what kind of like security flaws existed, and you're going to want closure, which is why the
[02:57:48] family members of those who were killed at the Nova Music Festival have opened up lawsuits
[02:57:56] against the Israeli government. Everything you need to understand about Israel
[02:58:07] So, or everything you want to contextualize about like Israeli actions post October 7
[02:58:16] can be defined with one very simple, albeit reductive concept.
[02:58:22] The Israeli government cares more about bloody imperial ambition and conquest than they do
[02:58:29] about the livelihoods and their lives of their own citizens.
[02:58:35] That's it.
[02:58:36] Okay?
[02:58:37] That was clear from October 7 when there were Palestinian resistance forces and even other
[02:58:46] unaffiliated elements like criminal elements and whatnot that penetrated the Israeli border
[02:58:50] wall and went into Israel proper.
[02:58:53] Okay?
[02:58:54] And they were wreaking havoc, overtaking positions, taking over military command.
[02:59:02] And Israel's first action was to bomb Gaza.
[02:59:06] Second action was to bomb its own citizens. They were more predisposed with fucking immediately punishing Gaza
[02:59:16] Okay
[02:59:19] Just so you understand they care less about their own citizens then they do
[02:59:27] They care less about their own citizens then they do about gaining territory
[02:59:32] Okay, I'm honest attack is really military instead of innocent civilians. Yeah
[02:59:48] Good question
[02:59:50] I don't know if you know this, but they did.
[02:59:58] They fucking shred through Israeli military installations.
[03:00:09] They did.
[03:00:11] How are you 12 months late?
[03:00:22] 1,200 people dead, killed, 400 of them directly were in active combat, or soldiers, 400.
[03:00:36] The ratio is 800 to 400.
[03:00:41] interesting about this ratio is that it is a far better, far more moral, if you
[03:00:49] want to consider it that, ratio in terms of enemy combatant to civilian deaths.
[03:00:59] Just so you understand. This is before we even think about, you know, Israeli army
[03:01:06] reservists and those who were not on active duty in uniform but had actually
[03:01:12] been conscripted in the past. Remember, if you look at that number, it's like all virtually
[03:01:19] every single fucking Israeli citizen that was killed or captured as it would be considered
[03:01:24] a valid military target. I'm not saying that I'm not considering that because I'm not Israel.
[03:01:31] Israel literally would never make that distinction. They kill literally civilians like straight
[03:01:37] up babies on a regular fucking frequency without ever even feeling remotely sad about the prospect
[03:01:46] without ever having to address said crime like can you imagine if someone was like alright
[03:01:54] Israel killed this guy he used to be a Hamas guy but he's no longer in combat so he counts
[03:02:01] as a civilian casualty, fuck no.
[03:02:11] There and on nearby Kibbutz, where 101 people were murdered, some burned alive in their homes
[03:02:19] and even babies abducted.
[03:02:24] Israel's response was immediate.
[03:02:27] It bombed Gaza.
[03:02:30] Then sent in ground forces.
[03:02:32] The mission?
[03:02:33] To destroy Hamas and rescue the hostages.
[03:02:37] A year later, neither has been accomplished.
[03:02:41] 97 hostages taken on October 7th are presumed still to be in Gaza, along with 2 million
[03:02:48] Palestinians trapped in a sliver of land the Israeli military bombs every day.
[03:02:55] The target they say is Hamas.
[03:02:59] The collateral damage can be anyone else, no matter how small.
[03:03:03] Okay, I'm not gonna lie. It's just kind of brutal CBS morning is kind of fucking I mean they started off with the both sides shoot
[03:03:12] But goddamn like I mean there they literally are
[03:03:22] They're arriving at like what many people recognize like pretty early on
[03:03:28] It's I guess
[03:03:31] Here's hoping that this is a genuine change of attitude
[03:03:34] In the one year anniversary of October 7th, if they're still being like, yeah dude, Israel's fucking blowing shit up. It's completely unacceptable.
[03:03:43] That's definitely a change of attitude overall from their regular coverage.
[03:03:49] Calling it collateral is still demonic. I agree.
[03:04:07] I agree. Don't make no mistake. It's still not where it's supposed to be if this was honest and decent reporting.
[03:04:15] but you know it is a change of attitude that I do recognize you should
[03:04:23] recognize it at the top of the hour there's a three-minute and break and
[03:04:26] sometimes it comes 21 minutes into the top of the hour if you no longer want
[03:04:30] to see those ads all you need to do is subscribe what you could do for $6 or
[03:04:35] for free with a twitch prime here is the three-minute and break now as for
[03:04:55] a physical destruction. On a recent visit to southern Gaza with the military, we saw
[03:05:00] nothing but ruins. Recent polling data shows a slim majority of Israelis want the war in
[03:05:07] Gaza to end in a deal to bring hostages home. Easier said than done. Hamas leader Yaya Sinwar
[03:05:15] in hiding is stalling on a deal and vowing to fight on.
[03:05:21] I spoke too soon. I spoke too soon. That's just a lie. Wow. I spoke too soon. That is
[03:05:33] an abject lie. That's insane. Hey, how did Yahya Sunwar become the negotiator? Can anybody
[03:06:12] prime me on this? Because I remember a different guy who was the negotiator. His name was
[03:06:20] Ismael Hania. How did Yahya Sinwar become the negotiator on the on the ceasefire?
[03:06:27] Oh, that's right. Israel assassinated the principal negotiator that was responsible for Hamas's
[03:06:33] Politburo, who was responsible for the civil governance and not responsible for the military
[03:06:40] at all. Oh, shit. Hmm. I mean, I'm sure they're going to mention that here in the reporting,
[03:06:47] Right and millions of Israelis believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ultra-right allies are stalling, too
[03:07:05] Over the past month Israel's government has led the country into a bigger riskier war
[03:07:12] Crazy, bro. You are literally outflanking the Israeli protesters
[03:07:23] CBS showing how anti-Semitic this Jewish Israeli man is
[03:07:28] For protesting against the Jewish state the only Jewish state does he not know
[03:07:32] That this is the only Jewish state
[03:07:38] What the fuck?
[03:07:43] It's uh, it's it's weird man. It's uh, I don't understand why you're
[03:07:48] Yeah, most have been a classic self-hating Jew. I think
[03:07:54] This is what I mean like bro before the Lebanese invasion, which definitely benefited Netanyahu's like propaganda purposes
[03:08:01] like the Israeli society was on the fucking verge of collapse they were
[03:08:05] freaking the fuck out about Benjamin and now who were refusing to fucking deal
[03:08:08] with Hamas with with a diplomatic solution they were angry understandably
[03:08:16] they were more aware of who was at fault than Americans are because American
[03:08:21] media covers it as like Hamas is responsible for not dealing with Israel
[03:08:24] Well, this chat is awesome.
[03:09:11] The guy that worked with Hitler Law, one year in Israel still standing.
[03:09:19] Why are these plebeian, Hamas, and Hezbollah even still trying, man?
[03:09:22] What was he responding to?
[03:09:23] You will not.
[03:09:24] You're going to love who we thought worked with Hitler, Yasser Arafat.
[03:09:34] At this point, I am firmly committed.
[03:09:36] If you are a defender of Israel, you either are at least equipped with the Hossbra
[03:09:41] talking points and you can appear knowledgeable or you're the dumbest person on the planet.
[03:09:47] Like this guy who's defending Israel in the chat said Yasser Arafat worked with Hitler. So many people
[03:10:03] that defend Israel that think like oh Israel's so fucking sick like why are they even trying
[03:10:08] to resist against Israeli genocide are just stupid. That's it. So stupid that it's like
[03:10:19] virtually impossible to deal with them like they're not.
[03:10:31] Most of the hostages' families fear
[03:10:34] that means a death sentence for their loved ones.
[03:10:37] As one speaker said at a memorial we attended this morning,
[03:10:41] we all know this war is going to end in an agreement.
[03:10:44] It's just a question of how many lives
[03:10:46] will be lost between now and then.
[03:10:49] Gail?
[03:10:49] We still want the end sooner rather than later.
[03:10:51] Thank you, Elizabeth Palmer,
[03:10:52] reporting from Southern Israel.
[03:10:54] Over the season out of the Middle East,
[03:10:56] Where Israel observed a moment of silence marking one year since the October 7th war, since
[03:11:01] the massacre by Hamas.
[03:11:03] Right now the war is being conducted on multiple fronts, with Israel intensifying attacks in
[03:11:07] Gaza and Lebanon, and the region praising for a possible Israeli strike in Iran.
[03:11:11] Matt Guttman is on the scene in Israel, good morning Matt.
[03:11:15] Good morning George, from the youth village of Kfar-Az and you can still see the
[03:11:19] bullet holes and the burn scars in houses like this and the last time I was here
[03:11:23] about a year ago man shut the fuck up dude go to Gaza one time you fucking piece of shit
[03:11:31] what do you think Gaza looks like the entirety of fucking Gaza dude for the past 12 months
[03:11:36] Jesus fucking Christ I'm sorry dude this is nutty these people have no respect for
[03:11:42] the fucking dead on the Israeli side either like they're just it's simply just a talking
[03:11:47] point dude that's it that's it that literally is it oh it's collateral damage the way
[03:11:53] that they're assessing, the way that they are looking at the dead Israeli Jewish population
[03:11:59] as nothing but collateral damage. I swear to God, it is just a way to market Israel's
[03:12:05] territorial ambition. That's it. Oh, look at these bullet holes, man. We didn't fix it.
[03:12:14] 12 months of genocide, fucking bloodless charlatans, dude, monstrous pieces of shit.
[03:12:20] They were pulling bodies out of these houses. There were ferocious gun battles with Hamas
[03:12:32] all around. And a year on Israel does feel safer, but that war drags on. Just a few moments
[03:12:37] ago, we heard a series of devastation.
[03:12:40] The iron news. I was genuinely asking if you were okay. You time me out for 24 hours for
[03:12:55] no reason. No wonder people why people hate you. You make yourself an unlikable person
[03:12:59] by punishing people who are here to listen to you. But whatever, I'm going to listen
[03:13:02] to someone else. How many calories do you eat a day? I'm having anxiety over this.
[03:13:09] Dude, shut up. She's like Rocky. She's the underdog. Are you voting?
[03:13:13] You can't be mad today. I didn't even time you out.
[03:13:16] Lake McGrubb did, but they probably did the right thing.
[03:13:26] It's valid. Dude, really, really, really reconsider your
[03:13:41] reaction to being timed out. You can still watch.
[03:13:45] You just can't write for 24 hours. I wasn't even streaming.
[03:13:50] Okay. I wasn't even streaming in that fucking timeframe anyway.
[03:13:53] Well, I guess this was on ten three
[03:13:56] You didn't get bad you just got timed out you got silence for
[03:14:01] 86,400 seconds. Do you really think this is a
[03:14:07] Do you really think this is a healthy attitude to have I love you. Can you say I love you back? Oh
[03:14:17] There are 32 there are 32,000 people in here chatting that's going a mile a minute
[03:14:28] Sometimes in an effort to make sure the discourse stays on its fucking normal
[03:14:36] Normal trajectory we we have to
[03:14:40] Silence people who are spamming irrelevant shit as I read the entirety of chat
[03:14:50] please
[03:14:51] This is unhealthy. This is like
[03:14:54] Almost terrifying the way you you change your attitude because you got
[03:14:59] Timed out like you were put in a fucking timeout corner
[03:15:03] Gently for such a short period of time that you're like I fucking hate you and no wonder
[03:15:08] No wonder why people hate you dude because I got time down for 24 hours like calm down, man
[03:15:13] I think for so many people it is that simple though
[03:15:50] Like a lot of people spam shit in the chat and then false about times them out
[03:15:54] They don't know what happened and then they just like develop this resentment
[03:15:58] They're like, oh this guy fucking like I hate him
[03:16:03] I've been supporting him for years and years and he this is how he treats me fuck this guy
[03:16:10] I hate him all of his haters were correct, and then they just like rewrite their entire world view
[03:16:18] Seemingly in in a matter of weeks
[03:16:24] Meanwhile, I didn't even know this person got timed out. There are probably people like that in the chat right now
[03:16:31] They're like damn I
[03:16:34] Hope you recognize most of the time. It's not me
[03:16:36] It's a you're probably getting auto-modded because you keep spamming the same shit
[03:16:47] Stating airstrikes just across the border in Gaza
[03:16:50] This morning as Israel marks October 7th the multiple conflicts triggered by Hamas's rampage
[03:16:59] Are escalating overnight the IDF saying they attacked his Bala munitions warehouses in Beirut
[03:17:07] igniting those fireworks like secondary explosions
[03:17:10] And in Gaza, Israel renewing its ground operations in the north for the third time, airstrikes
[03:17:18] hitting Hamas in a school in a designated safer zone.
[03:17:21] The IDF saying they targeted Hamas command posts.
[03:17:24] 26 people killed according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health, which also says about
[03:17:29] 42,000 Palestinians have been killed since this war began.
[03:17:33] That's insane.
[03:17:35] They're still doing the Hamas-run health ministry shit.
[03:17:49] I fucking hate this man.
[03:17:51] I just, these guys are such monstrous scumbags.
[03:18:04] I hope they can't fucking sleep at night
[03:18:08] for the senseless brutality,
[03:18:10] the untold senseless brutality
[03:18:12] that they have been a vociferous defender of.
[03:18:16] I really do.
[03:18:20] I hope they have fucking night terrors
[03:18:22] and see all of the death,
[03:18:24] all the dead and the destroyed lives
[03:18:28] that they have defended to an American public
[03:18:31] that is simply trying to get fucking informed.
[03:18:34] Today, the idea of ordered everyone in northern Gaza to evacuate toward Al Mawazi,
[03:18:53] practically identical to the orders given on October 14th, calling for a temporary evacuation south with a northern front I doubt will reflect, but Gaza is still a mirror.
[03:19:02] In 1971, when Ariel Sharon's tanks were ravaging through Gaza City, Mahmoud Darwish wrote,
[03:19:07] there can be no total victory with occupation. Gaza will win, she will win. Gaza is a mirror. I think we refuse to look.
[03:19:14] Yuhana e-mahat issa'eh
[03:19:39] I don't believe in Israel
[03:19:40] But that's crazy man
[03:19:44] Deaths inside of Israel
[03:19:46] 12 months ago
[03:19:48] They still talk and offer humanity to
[03:19:51] Deaths that literally happened last night
[03:19:54] In the hands of Israel
[03:19:55] To the Palestinians they just
[03:19:57] They just cover as a brief footnote
[03:20:00] It's so fucking obvious
[03:20:03] It's so disgusting
[03:20:05] It is so glaringly obvious
[03:20:07] the double standard. They just do not view Palestinians as humans. That's it.
[03:20:15] Israel hundreds gathering at the site of the Nova Music Festival to mark the moment the
[03:20:20] massacre started there. It was early morning October 7th when Hamas terrorists stormed
[03:20:26] into Israel killing about 1200 people. Those harrowing videos showing mass abductions.
[03:20:34] I'm reliving October 7th all the time. It's with me. I'm still in Gaza. I'm still
[03:20:38] with Keith and the girls and all the hostages.
[03:20:42] Aviva Siegel and her husband Keith, who is an American, were among the more than 250
[03:20:46] taken from Israel.
[03:20:48] She was released in the November ceasefire deal.
[03:20:50] I nearly died.
[03:20:52] I'm lucky to be standing next to you.
[03:20:54] And I'm lucky that I got out.
[03:20:56] I'm lucky.
[03:20:57] But I'm the unluckiest person in earth.
[03:20:59] She saw the African.
[03:21:19] Because Keith is there.
[03:21:20] What were your parting words to Keith?
[03:21:22] I looked at him in the eyes and I said, Keith, you be strong for me.
[03:21:25] The memory is still fresh for those in Kibbutz Bayeri.
[03:21:30] At homes like these the walls are still scarred with those bullet holes.
[03:21:34] You can see the ceilings are charged from the fires and the grenades and the RPGs.
[03:21:38] Ivala Rahn's father was murdered at this house.
[03:21:41] The tale is they brought a digger and they started breaking the window of the safe
[03:21:47] home.
[03:21:48] Seven of his family members taken, thankfully six were returned in that hostage deal
[03:21:53] But his brother, Lahtal, is still there.
[03:21:56] I want to remind people that we are about life,
[03:21:58] to remind people that when you saw hostages come back
[03:22:01] in the first deal, how happy you are.
[03:22:04] I want this happiness again.
[03:22:06] I don't want war.
[03:22:07] I just want my family back.
[03:22:12] About 100 hostages remain in Gaza.
[03:22:14] Israeli officials tell me they believe about 50 of them
[03:22:16] are still alive.
[03:22:17] Yesterday, I sat down with US ambassador
[03:22:20] here, Jack Lew, who's been meeting
[03:22:21] with the American families.
[03:22:23] also critical in the negotiations. He told me at this point he would like to be able to give those
[03:22:27] families some hope but he says he is not hopeful right now for those ceasefire and hostage release
[03:22:33] negotiations. George. Matt Goodman, thanks. Let's talk about one year of war in Gaza.
[03:22:39] What? Do you recommend one day in September a documentary? Is it neutral and worth watching?
[03:22:44] Can it respectful sources learn from? I don't even know what the documentary is.
[03:22:48] And the standard for objective news reporting has to be that a life is a life.
[03:23:04] A life is worth cherishing no matter what, no matter what background it comes from, no
[03:23:09] matter what its opinion is.
[03:23:13] This is not a standard in American news, okay?
[03:23:17] The only lives worth cherishing are inside of Israel.
[03:23:23] All the lives that have been lost, all the lives that have been taken, cut short by the
[03:23:29] Israeli military, are simply treated as collateral damage over and over and over again.
[03:23:37] That's it.
[03:23:40] For Palestinians, it's been 12 months of unprecedented loss and suffering.
[03:23:49] Everything here in Gaza feels like being trapped in a never ending cycle of trauma.
[03:24:09] Everything viewed here or see about Gaza is just the tip of the iceberg.
[03:24:13] No photo or video, crank and vary, the smell of death, the sound of 24-7 drones.
[03:24:19] The uncertainty of whether you or your family will make it through another day hangs over every moment of each day.
[03:24:27] The number of journalists killed, the number of medical workers killed, the number of schools destroyed, the percentage of amputated children.
[03:24:34] This is the worst war in modern history.
[03:24:37] A lot has happened since October 7th, 2023.
[03:24:40] So I'm going to run you through some of the main updates on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza,
[03:24:45] what's going on with the Israeli captives, what's going on with Hamas, and where things are at with the ceasefire.
[03:25:04] Let's start with the human cost in Gaza.
[03:25:07] Remember, we're talking about a tiny strip of land densely packed with more than 2 million people who can't leave,
[03:25:14] where Israel has dropped thousands of bombs.
[03:25:18] More than 40,000 people have been killed according to Gaza's health ministry.
[03:25:23] It recently published this list naming more than 30,000 of the dead.
[03:25:29] It's 649 pages long.
[03:25:32] The first 13 pages are all babies under one.
[03:25:37] It's not until page 215 that you see the name of an adult.
[03:25:44] This year has been a relentless cycle of loss, loss of loved ones, loss of homes,
[03:25:49] and loss of livelihoods.
[03:25:53] Now the UN's highest court is deciding whether Israel's actions in Gaza amount to genocide.
[03:26:03] An accusation Israel rejects.
[03:26:06] Gaza has been devastated by Israel's bombing.
[03:26:10] By May 2024, more than half of all of Gaza's buildings had been damaged or destroyed according
[03:26:17] to the UN.
[03:26:18] It's not just thousands of residential buildings, but also roads, farmland, mosques, churches, hospitals, universities, and schools.
[03:26:29] The landscape is totally decimated and destroyed.
[03:26:34] Nearly everyone in Gaza, 90% of the population, has been forced to leave their home.
[03:26:39] Many people have had to pack up and move over and over again and are living in bombed
[03:26:46] out buildings, tents, and now in the streets.
[03:27:09] Israeli military has issued dozens of evacuation orders, telling civilians to go to so-called
[03:27:14] safe zones, while it says it goes after Hamas fighters.
[03:27:18] But even those zones are coming under fire.
[03:27:23] Humanitarian agencies say nowhere in Gaza is safe.
[03:27:29] Daylight gives you a sense of the power that came from the air.
[03:27:33] Israel says it targeted various Hamas field commanders.
[03:27:37] What that means is that Israel targeted a camp for the internally displaced.
[03:27:42] Their tarpaulin tents no protection against Israel's military might.
[03:27:47] Israel deemed this a safe zone.
[03:27:50] That was an al-Mawasi in September, at least 19 people were killed.
[03:27:54] Times and times again, we have seen Israel justifying massacres
[03:28:00] in order to pursue the alleged killing of a militant.
[03:28:06] But by this token Israel is given license to kill everyone in Gaza by simply claiming
[03:28:14] that it was to kill Hamas from back.
[03:28:17] This is in Jesus, I mean it's beyond unlawful.
[03:28:22] So what's happening with aid delivery?
[03:28:24] Remember at the start of the war Israel imposed a complete siege on Gaza.
[03:28:30] When people ask me like how can you tolerate watching this every single day.
[03:28:33] I live in West Hollywood, Los Angeles. Okay. I live in the United States of America. My tax dollars
[03:28:42] literally go directly to the atrocity. I
[03:28:46] think it's the least I can do as a person with
[03:28:50] some level of notoriety as a person with a platform. The least I can do is
[03:28:58] try and
[03:29:00] communicate everything that is happening and try to get others to also
[03:29:05] recognize the reality. That is my job. That is my responsibility. And that is what I will continue doing. Okay. No matter what kind of penalties I incur in this process, whether I am branded an anti semi whether I have letter writing campaigns that try to stop me from fucking going
[03:29:27] speaking at college campuses or no matter what it is nothing it is nothing in comparison to what the
[03:29:35] average Palestinian child goes through on a daily fucking basis okay we live in the lab of luxury
[03:29:42] with profound privilege that's why we must do everything in our power to put a stop to this
[03:29:51] to try and get others to recognize what is going on that's why I always urge you to protest
[03:29:59] That's why I urge you to do as much as you can.
[03:30:07] That's it.
[03:30:16] It's disgusting.
[03:30:17] There is no smoke, no water, no water, no water.
[03:30:25] We are fighting in human lives and we are fighting in the same way.
[03:30:33] Israel is been accused of using starvation as a weapon of war, including by the UN's
[03:30:38] special repertoire on the right to food.
[03:30:41] In a report to the UN General Assembly, he said Israel made its intentions to starve everyone
[03:30:47] in Gaza explicit.
[03:30:49] Then, Israel used starvation to induce forcible transfer, harm, and death against people in
[03:30:55] the north, pushing people into the south, only to starve, bombard, and kill people
[03:31:01] in newly created refugee camps in the south.
[03:31:05] half a million people are facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity. In other words they're
[03:31:12] facing famine. In August an average of just 69 aid trucks entered Gaza per day which is a record
[03:31:19] low. Aid groups say Israel is blocking 83 percent of the required food aid from reaching Gaza.
[03:31:27] On top of all of that disease is spreading because there's not enough clean water.
[03:31:32] The lack of clean water has led to 1.7 million cases of infection diseases that can trigger
[03:31:41] massive and deadly epidemics, making water scarcity and contamination a silent bomb which
[03:31:47] has far less visibility than those that destroy buildings, but are no less lethal bomb.
[03:31:55] The risk of disease is coupled with a desperate lack of medical care.
[03:31:58] Doctors Without Borders says Gaza's health care system is being methodically dismantled
[03:32:04] through Israeli attacks, the blocking of aid, and the lack of protection for medical staff.
[03:32:10] Before the war, Gaza had 36 hospitals. Now, just 17 are partially functioning according
[03:32:18] to the UN.
[03:32:19] It does feel like people are waiting for death. Death seems to be the only certainty
[03:32:27] in this situation, in all of this uncertainty.
[03:32:30] And that's a really horrific reality
[03:32:33] for people to have on the ground here.
[03:32:36] Nafir is really one of the biggest concerns
[03:32:39] since Hamas's attack in October last year
[03:32:41] when more than a thousand people were killed
[03:32:43] has been the fate of the captives.
[03:32:46] By the way, while this is like a year of analysis on Gaza,
[03:32:51] understand that this is Evan Hill
[03:32:53] from Washington Post,
[03:32:54] open source and visual forensics investigations team, demolition of buildings along the likely
[03:33:00] idea of route of advance in Yaron, Lebanon. This is what it used to look like. This is
[03:33:07] what it looks like after Israel. Many such cases. It's seemingly endless. Okay. It's
[03:33:15] ceaseless bloodshed and territorial expansion and acquisition. Why should anyone stand
[03:33:24] idly by and say this is normal. How can anyone look at this and go, well, Israel's in a bad
[03:33:32] neighborhood. Israel is the bad neighborhood. Israel is responsible for the neighborhood
[03:33:40] being bad. A study conducted by scholars from various Gaza universities, all of which have
[03:33:53] now been destroyed by the Israeli military found that the average Palestinian in the
[03:33:56] strip has lost over 22 pounds in weight since October 7, 2023.
[03:34:12] Before people say it's not peer reviewed, it's it's simply not peer
[03:34:15] reviewed yet. Of course, we know this to be the case. I had a
[03:34:31] survivor of Israeli genocide on this broadcast last week. He
[03:34:38] also confirmed his own personal anecdote, his own personal
[03:34:41] experiences. Another thing he mentioned on this broadcast
[03:34:56] was that Aaron Bushnell was a hero, however, you need to be alive to keep fighting for the Palestinian plight.
[03:35:05] Just remember that. I saw some chatter saying some silly shit.
[03:35:11] Okay? You are more valuable as a person who is alive, who goes out and protests,
[03:35:23] who lends a voice to the Palestinian humanity and its resilience, you are more valuable alive than you are dead.
[03:35:33] Okay? Seeing all of this monstrous bloodshed and recognizing your inability to make change in the face of it all should not lead you to do such things.
[03:35:47] Okay. Speaking of which, CBS News invited a self-described mental health expert,
[03:36:17] D.I. strategies and trauma trainer, Dr. Donald Grant, to moderate a conversation on this issue
[03:36:21] in an all-staff meeting. Why? According to Puck News, CBS News has been roiling after a CBS
[03:36:26] Mornings interview with anchor Tony DeCoppel, pressed Ta-Nehisi Coates over his propensity
[03:36:30] framing of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The interview was celebrated by many,
[03:36:35] tense and substantive, per WAPO, but angered some of CBS who felt the couple brought his own bias,
[03:36:41] the peepee, the cockpill, the double-circ, the double-circ man himself.
[03:36:50] Okay, this morning on October 7, CBS News Leader Wendy McMain and Adrian Rourke told
[03:36:57] staff that the interview did not meet editorial standards for impartiality, though they declined
[03:37:02] to elaborate on how or why. When they tried to move on, CBS News chief legal correspondent
[03:37:06] John Crawford criticized the leaders for their decision, saying the following,
[03:37:11] I don't even understand how Tony's interview failed to meet our own editorial standards.
[03:37:15] I thought our commitment was to the truth when someone comes on air with a one-sided
[03:37:19] account, a very complex situation, which Coates himself acknowledges that he has.
[03:37:23] It's my understanding that as a journalist, we are obligated to challenge that world view.
[03:37:27] So just understand that like the institutional rot
[03:37:32] Is in every aspect of this conversation you got the fucking chief legal
[03:37:38] the
[03:37:40] chief legal
[03:37:41] Correspondent John Crawford Crawford being like excuse me
[03:37:45] If someone is saying that they find apartheid to be morally repugnant. That's one-sided
[03:37:53] By those very same standards for the record
[03:38:05] If a Holocaust scholar was to go on CBS, if a Holocaust scholar was to go on CBS and say what the Nazis did was atrocious during the Holocaust, someone on the CBS editorial team is allowed to go, well, you seem kind of one-sided about the Holocaust.
[03:38:26] If someone were to talk about the apartheid in South Africa and say it's morally repugnant that it existed a historian a scholar an activist a journalist
[03:38:37] The CBS
[03:38:40] Chief legal correspondent is saying you can't do that if someone were to go on CBS News and say chattel slavery
[03:38:50] was an unimaginable atrocity a
[03:38:55] stain on the on the
[03:38:57] reputation of the United States of America. Someone on CBS would have to say, excuse me,
[03:39:04] seems a little one-sided, the slave owners had a right to defend their property.
[03:39:10] Of course, these examples would never happen because those are in the background now.
[03:39:16] We have already made, we've already, many of these people have already tried and failed
[03:39:22] to defend these institutions, these institutions that turned out unimaginable violence. And
[03:39:28] now we look back at it as, you know, dark stains in our history. But if it's happening
[03:39:33] currently, well, then it's complex and nuanced. And how dare you? How dare you say you are
[03:39:39] morally against apartheid Crawford? And that's what Tony did. He challenged
[03:39:49] coats as one sided worldview. Codes got the response. It was civil. I don't see how
[03:39:53] we can say that it failed to meet our editorial standards. Tony prevented a one-sided
[03:39:57] account for being broadcast on our network about a deeply complex situation that completely
[03:40:02] has devoid of history or that completely was devoid of history or fact as journalists.
[03:40:06] That's what we have an obligation to do. So after that process, CBS News is doing trauma
[03:40:13] counseling. There's another reason in my opinion why CBS News is doing trauma counseling,
[03:40:21] however, and it's not mentioned in this, but I suspect that a part of the reason
[03:40:30] why they're doing that is because of the one dude who is in the CBS news team that went
[03:40:37] out to a pro-Palestinian demonstration and tried to, uh, not fully self emulate, but burn
[03:40:43] his arm, his own arm.
[03:40:49] That was basically, that was basically suppressed in mainstream coverage.
[03:40:57] Here it is.
[03:40:58] A picture of the moment.
[03:40:59] A journalist allegedly working for CBS has tried to self emulate outside the White
[03:41:02] House of Protest, the biased media covering of the genocide in Gaza.
[03:41:05] He also screamed, we spread misinformation.
[03:41:10] I suspect that that might have some to do with it.
[03:41:15] I don't know if this person is still a part of the CBS News team, or if he was actively
[03:41:43] a part of the CBS News team at the time, or worked at CBS at a certain point.
[03:41:49] Some chatters are saying he worked at CBS Phoenix.
[03:42:07] Washington Post, journalist's distress over Israel Gaza war spurned self-immolation writing show
[03:42:13] Samuel Mena Jr. appears to have grown so disillusioned with his profession
[03:42:17] that he felt compelled to light himself on fire in DC on Saturday to promote his cause.
[03:42:25] Please watch the Instagram stream Mena wrote to Micah Warnock Estrada on Saturday according
[03:42:29] to a message Warnock Estrada read to the Washington Post, I need at least one pair of
[03:42:33] eyes on it. Mena did not indicate what he planned to do so Warnock Estrada watched
[03:42:37] and surprises men are read from a script that expressed disillusionment with the journals and
[03:42:41] profession remorse for a perceived role in Palestinian suffering and commitment to sacrificing
[03:42:46] an arm to the children in Gaza. Warnock Estrada recalled, I give my left arm to you. Men are
[03:42:52] wrote on his personal website ahead of Saturday's pro-Palestinian demonstration, referring to the
[03:42:56] children in Gaza who have lost limbs in a message that Warnock Estrada said echoed Menna's
[03:43:01] video script, I pray my voice, was able to raise up yours and that your smiles never disappear.
[03:43:08] Then, Menah of Phoenix ignited his left arm, becoming the second person this year to set fire to
[03:43:14] themselves in the nation's capital, the protest Israel's military actions in Gaza.
[03:43:22] BC police did not identify the man, but Menah's mother, who declined to speak about
[03:43:26] the incident on the record, confirmed her son was a person burned.
[03:43:29] Menah did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
[03:43:32] The local in Arizona organized and spoke with the post said men and his plans were not known
[03:43:37] to them.
[03:43:38] The post also reached out to dozens of relatives, friends, former colleagues and classmates of
[03:43:41] men all whom did not respond or decline the comment.
[03:43:45] It's not clear how many succeeded after graduating from Arizona State University's journalism
[03:43:49] school became so disillusioned with his profession that he compelled to harm himself
[03:43:54] publicly.
[03:43:55] What do you mean it's not clear?
[03:43:58] What are you talking about?
[03:44:00] It is pretty clear.
[03:44:01] I mean, he said why he did it post on the website of social media reflect a person grappling with
[03:44:12] feelings of outrage helplessness and guilt. Though there isn't any indication his job as a local
[03:44:16] news reporter had him directly covering the Israel Gaza war for months. He wrote. He had been asking
[03:44:21] himself, what are you going to do? Man, it was a news photographer for Arizona's family,
[03:44:25] a Phoenix based broadcast network, but was not in Washington in any professional capacity,
[03:44:29] according to a statement from the air on the Arizona family's website. Arizona family
[03:44:37] expects his newsroom employees to conduct themselves in neutrality and objectivity. The statement
[03:44:41] on its website reads, men is no longer an employee. It's for people who have in whole
[03:44:59] or in part self-immolated for Palestine this year, Jane Doe in Atlanta, Karen Bushnell,
[03:45:05] and a man in Boston outside the Israeli consulate last month. And now the CBS reporter rally
[03:45:15] at which he conducted his extreme act was scheduled to mark a year since October 7th,
[03:45:20] Hamas militants attacked Israel leaving 1200 dead and taking more than 250 hostages. The
[03:45:26] attacks set off a devastating war. And in the years since Demeshut is a frequently gathered
[03:45:30] in the Washington region. What about the Trunon poster, the Trump trial? Yeah, dog,
[03:45:40] that guy was not even remotely related to Israel Palestine. That dude was just insane.
[03:45:47] I think he, what did he do? He was like, he said that New York crime family was like
[03:45:54] directly related. I don't know. I don't even remember what the fuck he was about. That dude
[03:45:58] was just crazy. Sometimes dudes are just crazy. Okay. Yeah. My bad. I thought he said it was
[03:46:07] Israel. No, he brought up, he brought up Israel, but in a way that had nothing to do
[03:46:13] with Gaza. Like he brought up, I think he was saying like NYU is in the pocket of
[03:46:19] the Italian mob or something and the Jews were also responsible for it. I don't fucking
[03:46:25] know. Yeah, he was blaming Robert De Niro for being in cahoots with Joe Biden. That dude was a fucking
[03:46:35] nutter. Did he survive it or did he die? I don't even remember. Check what Jimmy Normandy said.
[03:46:55] You got timed out by Foss about Jimmy Normandy. But Jimmy Normandy said, I've seen this before. The
[03:47:01] reason for the trauma counseling is as first to find the rogue elements in the company,
[03:47:05] then to counsel them to change their minds. And if the counseling fails, they are considered
[03:47:08] beyond help and as such are fired on psychological grounds. I don't think you can do that. I think
[03:47:14] what you're describing is like insanely illegal in a way that like I'm sure people try to do it
[03:47:21] but they won't do it on psychological grounds. They'll say you're not like a cultural fit or
[03:47:25] something but even in that situation, even in that situation, if they are so stupid as to
[03:47:31] do that there is a major labor law violation in broad daylight in display that you could
[03:47:37] actually engage in litigation. Remember this shit? Oh yeah, the jihad, the day of jihad.
[03:47:50] One year ago, political figures spread a false terrorism panic that made everyone less free
[03:47:53] and incited violence against the child. Yeah, remember the day of jihad that was supposed
[03:47:57] to happen? Oh, it's, it's wonderful how much like post that that day of jihad shit
[03:48:22] is like identical to universalizing 9 11. You know what I mean to like nationalizing
[03:48:27] it in the same way that like the anthrax attacks played a role, played a formative role. At
[03:48:34] least that was like a deliberate and calculated way that, that like, you know, there was some
[03:48:42] harm caused people died. They could like make it seem as though that was like, there
[03:48:46] was valid concern. But the day of jihad, I think is just, you know, people, people
[03:48:53] operating on autopilot at this point. They don't even state the our espionage agencies
[03:48:58] don't even try to fucking mail anthrax to people no longer. You know what I mean? They're just
[03:49:05] like, there's already so much resilient Islamophobia that we could just say it's going to happen
[03:49:12] and then people will believe it. Yeah, I've talked to USC students who have been denied
[03:49:25] their diploma for participating in the pro Palestinian demonstrations who had the fucking
[03:49:30] write a letter to the school apologizing for being anti-genocide in order to be able to
[03:49:36] get their diploma. By the way, that's what they do. Straight up, that's like not even
[03:49:44] a joke. That is 100% a real thing that I know happened to some USC students that I
[03:49:49] directly talked to USC, the very same school that refused to let their valedictorian speak
[03:50:09] because she is Hajabi and they were worried that as a Hajabi she might bring up Israel's
[03:50:19] genocide. This is institutional rot. This is just pure vitriolic racism for the record.
[03:50:33] Speaking of pure vitriolic racism, I wanted to point to this person, a wonderful former
[03:50:40] friend of the show that is getting blasted on the fucking timeline.
[03:50:47] Just like you're getting blasted by the top of the hour ad break. If you are not subscribed
[03:50:51] at the top of the hour, at the top of the hour, there's three men average. If you no
[03:50:57] longer want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe, which you can do for $6
[03:51:00] or for free. Willow to which prime by connecting your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch
[03:51:04] account. Wait, wait, wait, friend of the show. I'm joking. Here's the three minute
[03:51:21] a break now. Can you look at my former chat passing in protest in Denmark has taken over
[03:51:31] by Trotsky. So we've turned the protest into a newspaper stand in a listening event. Would
[03:51:35] you still join the protest? Yes. That's just regular. Anytime there's a protest, there's
[03:51:43] an opportunity to sell newspapers. Here's Brianna. Whoa. Free Palestine openly calling
[03:52:01] for violence and terrorism. The KKK regularly came to my college Ole Miss to protest
[03:52:07] and we let them. It's a free speech issue, but they never openly called for violence
[03:52:11] like free Palestine. I need you to understand something. When you let that reactionary dog
[03:52:26] inside of you chirp, okay, it overtakes your entire brain and slowly but surely you go from
[03:52:34] like hold up, I'm uninitiated with this Israel stuff. Let me defend Israel unconditionally
[03:52:41] as it's doing genocide. When you when your starting point is that you allow so much
[03:52:48] insanity to just overtake your consciousness. That's an insane fucking thing to openly state.
[03:52:58] You're literally just saying like the KKK is better than free Palestine protesters. I generally
[03:53:06] agree that we should ignore people like Brianna Wu, but it's also strategically very important
[03:53:10] to highlight that the most outspoken pro-Israel figures these days publicly make claims
[03:53:14] such as the KKK never openly called for violence.
[03:53:27] famously the Clue Clux Clan doesn't call for violence. What the fuck are you saying? The
[03:53:35] entire organization is built around doing violence, maybe not to you because you're
[03:53:40] fucking white. What a fucking idiot. It's insane. Like saying that KKK is better than
[03:54:03] the free Palestine movement is so psychopathic. I don't think there is a lot like what is
[03:54:09] the avenue for this. I mean, this shit got 2.4,000 likes, by the way, like who is this
[03:54:17] for? Who is this for? Like even the other fucking dumbasses who are like, who got like
[03:54:27] all the NATO flags in the bio, okay, who are like the gay NATO liberals are like the
[03:54:32] KKK have a very long history of violence. You get criticized much of the free Palestine
[03:54:36] move without effectively downplaying the KKK. Not hard to do, you know, like
[03:54:44] you're losing your own fucking fans, dude. This is like already an increasingly small
[03:54:49] avenue. Like the annoying fucking Biden or Buster's who, the annoying Biden or Buster's
[03:54:58] who are like wrong on every fucking issue and, and, uh, still are firmly committed to
[03:55:05] this weird ideology that, that seemingly changes on a daily fucking basis, but you're
[03:55:12] even losing those guys. So who's this for? Like who is this for? I do not understand. Who's
[03:55:21] the guy out there? That's like, you know what? You're right. The KKK isn't that bad. The free
[03:55:29] Palestine movement is, there is like eight people that would think this because the
[03:55:36] people that think the free Palestine movement sucks. Also that don't necessarily have issues
[03:55:41] the KKK are like, like, they're clans members, I guess. I just, I don't know. I mean, this
[03:55:53] is a, this is what happens when you escape the hug box a little bit. When you're, when
[03:55:59] you're geared, when your entire fucking worldview revolves around like regurgitating whatever
[03:56:07] the fuck you read on the divorce, Ellie subreddit, you come across like an absolute fucking
[03:56:13] Moron. Eve Fartlow wanted to say personally and publicly thank you for your year of non-stop
[03:56:29] allyship and support for the truth. Wait, sorry. I wanted to say personally and publicly thank you
[03:56:38] for a year of non-stop allyship and support for the truth. We will never forget that you stood
[03:56:46] with us during this time every single day and I saw a sign that said free parking and I thought
[03:57:00] to myself free Palestine ah the Jews are tired that's right if art low number one defender
[03:57:16] of Israel who is a Scottish woman living in Los Angeles she's not Irish she's Scottish
[03:57:28] 21 25 lesbian desister detrans American Israeli classic true trick pony writing about gender in Middle East politics
[03:57:53] Buy me a coffee Maya poet
[03:57:56] Tomorrow marks my one-year anniversary of not wearing a breast binder on October 7. I awoke to a siren
[03:58:02] I didn't have enough time to squeeze myself into the barbaric breast squashing device
[03:58:07] I had used to pass as a man. I had only enough time to run to a bomb shelter
[03:58:12] here. Amazing. Thank you. Hamas. What Hamas made me
[03:58:20] detransition is definitely one of the craziest grifter stances we've gotten out of the site.
[03:58:25] Dude, I fucking. Okay. Dude, come on. Come on. That's kind of awesome. That's kind of
[03:58:34] awesome, dude. That is God. They still this website still got it. It's still dude.
[03:58:44] Uh cinema. There is nothing. I can't even say anything. I can't cook up something funnier than that even if I tried
[03:58:52] I tried to cook up something and it became a real person Ryan Ruth, okay?
[03:58:57] the real world still consistently finds a way to to
[03:59:03] Make something infinitely funnier than anything I could dream of okay?
[03:59:06] half of the characters that are like, or half of the new stories that occur now in real life
[03:59:13] were come town bits from like five years ago. Okay. Hamas was responsible for my de transition
[03:59:22] for me to become a de-transitioner is like not even a bit that I could come up with.
[03:59:27] I could not come up with that. It's fantastic. Incredible. Thanks for the Minnesota Vikings
[03:59:47] for the one year anniversary of the reprehensible Hamas attacks on Israel. Oh, thank God. We
[04:00:03] We got the Minnesota Vikings take on the reprehensible attacks of Hamas.
[04:00:17] Thank you, Minnesota Vikings.
[04:00:19] Otherwise, your silence would be deafening.
[04:00:31] That's incredible.
[04:00:32] Yeah.
[04:00:40] No, no, this person is a grifter.
[04:00:42] Come on, dude, dude, detransitioners are so fucking marginal that there's like a handful
[04:00:50] of them and every single one of them gets a media job to shit on trans people.
[04:00:59] they are so statistically tiny. They are like half of a percent of a percent. Like, it's not.
[04:01:12] There are, there are more outspoken like black Republicans than there are detransitioners,
[04:01:18] okay. Like there is not, I can't even, I don't even talk about them in general. There's just
[04:01:23] such little fucking freaks. Of course, of course this person is like, it's transphobic as fuck.
[04:01:31] That's the whole point. Incredible stuff. How can you be a reactionary conservative and look like that?
[04:01:59] Like you still look like a lesbian. You're still gonna get the ship be out of you by your friends.
[04:02:04] Um, I think a lot of uh, a lot of a lot of those people, they just like think that I mean it's the
[04:02:10] same principle is the same principle with like sneaker being a fucking holocaust denier slash like
[04:02:16] like white nationalist as like a Haitian Asian dude, you know what I mean? They just think
[04:02:25] if they like become propped up by these movements, like they'll get some clout. They're just
[04:02:31] incredibly desperate for it and they don't really care. To them, it seems like like a
[04:02:38] acceptable avenue. Report from the all world. We are getting more Blair whites as of
[04:02:46] late though not gonna lie yeah what are you talking about like aren't there like a bunch of
[04:02:52] bunch of like trans influencers that are trying to do their new version of like a
[04:02:57] dime square style like um I love having vocal fry and doing a shit ton of cat
[04:03:06] and also being like uh indecipherable in my politics and I'm also a trans woman who is
[04:03:13] Pro Maga and it's like dude shut up. You just want fucking attention. Okay
[04:03:20] Like that's it. You're not you're not unique at all. I know I see it. I see it
[04:03:27] Why do you know what dime square is? What do you mean like?
[04:03:31] Of course, I know what fucking dime square is half of the podcast that's uh spawn out of that shithole
[04:03:37] Uh, we're all designed around
[04:03:39] being formerly leftist, like edgy fucking leftist, and now are just like all
[04:03:46] MAGA diehards.
[04:03:48] Why are you associating being trans with ketamine?
[04:03:56] Okay, you have a unique username that kind of fits both of the stereotypes that I was shitting on,
[04:04:04] but it has nothing to do with you, okay?
[04:04:17] Jesus.
[04:04:23] What is this?
[04:04:24] That's hilarious dude. Yeah, Japanese soldiers keeps fighting 29 years after Laz Red Scare patreon episode
[04:04:34] It's like give it up
[04:04:36] Give it up, please
[04:04:39] Who was this for I?
[04:04:41] Shouldn't have even shown this. This is so sad
[04:04:47] No, let's just not let's move away from this, please
[04:05:05] Be honest getting my diagnosis was just a weight lifted and finding that the HRT
[04:05:09] exacerbated my diabetes that gave me weeks to live that's the only reason
[04:05:14] why I detransition no like it is it is hyper rare and even in that hyper
[04:05:19] rarity most most detransitioners detransition because of either social
[04:05:25] pressure like anti-trans social pressure or they or they detransition due to
[04:05:32] some medical reasons like you just mentioned and even then it's already
[04:05:37] already super fucking rare, and those people still want to medically transition in most
[04:05:43] of those circumstances. But also beyond that, the the detransition is that like our anti
[04:05:50] trans after the fact are like literally and I mean straight up like 10 total people.
[04:05:58] They just happen to be 10 total people to the media handpicks and always like writes
[04:06:02] articles about. In an effort to make it seem like this is a very common phenomenon.
[04:06:16] Olly London comes to mind. All right, let's see what VP Vice President Harris running
[04:06:25] for president right now, second gentleman Mark, October 7, Hamas attacks on Israel.
[04:06:30] Let's see how they in a few moments Doug and I will plant a tree here on the grounds
[04:06:38] of the residents of the Vice President of the United States, and we dedicate this tree
[04:06:43] to the 1,200 innocent souls in an act of pure evil on October 7, 2023, who were massacred
[04:06:54] by Hamas terrorists.
[04:06:56] Forty-six of our fellow Americans were killed in this brutal terrorist attack, including
[04:07:02] a singer from Missouri who died shielding her son from bullets, an academic and peace
[04:07:10] activist who studied in Seattle and who was the grandson of Holocaust survivors, and a
[04:07:18] dancer from California who was killed alongside her fiance while attending the Nova Music
[04:07:26] Festival.
[04:07:27] Can you imagine the coverage of the fucking 43,000 dead Palestinians, all that had similar
[04:07:36] dreams, aspirations, like people who were committed to a life of education, you know,
[04:07:42] things of that nature?
[04:07:43] No, of course not.
[04:07:44] You wouldn't have enough time to fucking talk about it.
[04:07:48] This is once again, exclusively humanizing Israelis and simultaneously omitting the
[04:07:56] humanity of Palestinians. Make no fucking mistake. Okay? And I'm not even going to play
[04:08:02] these fucking games. I know that people will be like Hassan, how dare you? How dare you?
[04:08:08] How dare you act like October 7 wasn't an atrocity? It's been 12 months. Okay? If you
[04:08:18] cared about the humanity of all people, you would have stopped Israel a long fucking
[04:08:24] time ago and given a lot of these people in Israel the time to fucking grieve instead of using
[04:08:32] the slain as a mechanism to do genocide as a as a
[04:08:38] like you made the dead party to your actions okay it's gross it's a super gross super fucking
[04:08:48] shallow way of analyzing contextualizing the situation i'm sorry i don't give a fuck that's it
[04:08:54] Sorry, you don't care. You do not give a shit.
[04:08:58] Does this help the election?
[04:09:04] No, fuck no dude. What do you mean?
[04:09:06] It's like Biden's least popular policy
[04:09:09] is the continuation of Israel's genocide
[04:09:12] is literally his least popular policy.
[04:09:13] He's losing Trump by like 25, 30 points.
[04:09:16] And Kamala Harris has like desperately
[04:09:18] ran in that exact same direction
[04:09:21] since she became the candidate for no reason.
[04:09:24] Like literally zero reason whatsoever.
[04:09:27] I am devastated by the pain and loss that occurred on October 7 and Doug and I pray
[04:09:37] for the family and loved ones of all of those who were lost and
[04:09:44] May their memories
[04:09:46] Be a blessing
[04:09:50] Today, I know many Jews will be reciting and reflecting on the Jewish prayer for mourning
[04:09:56] the Kaddish the words of the prayer
[04:10:00] Are not about death
[04:10:02] By the way, this omission is the exact same false narrative that was presented on October
[04:10:09] 7th, as though this was the pivotal act, the first step in this Israeli war.
[04:10:17] Okay.
[04:10:19] Because Israel did October 7 numbers every time they fucking invaded Gaza, every single
[04:10:26] time prior to October 7.
[04:10:29] Okay.
[04:10:30] to not mention that, or the 75 years of apartheid, or the numerous other forms of dominating the
[04:10:40] Palestinian population and the ethnic displacement that had to have happened in order for Israel
[04:10:46] to even exist within the context of how October 7 could have happened is the exact
[04:10:53] same shit that she's doing here, which is never covering and never offering any lip
[04:10:59] service even no recognition whatsoever to the Palestinians that have been ruthlessly slaughtered
[04:11:04] for 12 months and continue to be slaughtered every single day with the bombs that she and
[04:11:09] her administration is gladly fucking shipping off to Israel.
[04:11:14] Okay.
[04:11:15] These are monstrous genocidal people.
[04:11:18] Okay.
[04:11:19] They are giant pieces of shit.
[04:11:20] I don't give a fuck about them.
[04:11:22] I do not give a fuck about their opinions.
[04:11:25] I do not care about their, their incredibly fucking hollow statements here.
[04:11:32] Oh, October seven was so sad is, is, is absolutely unimportant here.
[04:11:38] The real reason why she's doing this is to remind people why Israel has to
[04:11:42] continue turning up the genocide dial.
[04:11:46] Okay.
[04:11:50] Again, two decades of relative peace was shattered on October seven,
[04:11:53] relative peace, doing an unimaginable amount of weightlifting here. Relative peace for
[04:12:00] who? Relative peace for the Israelis that were living inside of the apartheid regime,
[04:12:07] sheltered from the, the victimhood, sheltered from the worst aspects of said apartheid regime,
[04:12:12] the violent ways in which it has to exist. Yeah, relative peace for them. October seven
[04:12:19] was the one instance where there was no peace, where that violence was actually distributed
[04:12:24] back inside of Israel, a violence born out of desperation, a violence born out of apartheid
[04:12:31] and permanent occupation, for a group of individuals who saw no way out but to fight their way
[04:12:40] out. That's it. That's literally it. And that same emission exists right here. Okay?
[04:12:46] Okay.
[04:12:48] It is a prayer about our enduring belief in God, even in our darkest moments.
[04:12:59] So as we reflect on the horrors of October 7, let us please be reminded that we cannot
[04:13:08] lose faith.
[04:13:09] Yeah, the planting of the tree is also symbolic, which is the eco-terrorism that Israel
[04:13:14] engages in. We've talked about this quite a bit, obviously, which is so insidious and crazy.
[04:13:26] You give money to Israel to plant trees, not realizing that that tree planting mission is
[04:13:32] happening on top of the olive groves that once were there, that were destroyed by the Israeli
[04:13:38] occupying force, on top of Arab villages where Palestinians lived for hundreds of
[04:13:44] fucking years in an effort to westernize the the the land and make it seem more more uh
[04:13:53] western facing it is echo it is it is ecocide it's eco eco terrorism the jewish philosopher
[04:14:11] rabbi abraham joshua hasho wrote and i quote religion begins with a consciousness that something
[04:14:21] is asked of us. So in this moment on the one year commemoration of October 7, what is asked
[04:14:33] of us? What is asked of us? First and foremost, I believe that we must never forget. I will
[04:14:42] never forget October 7 and the world must never forget. What?
[04:14:48] Like, yeah, never forget. I know. It's only it never forget means like, you know, just for just for 911 just for October 7
[04:14:58] Always forget if Israel is, you know, please forget all the things that Israel has done to the Palestinians since then
[04:15:04] Please don't even think about it. Actually just think about this. It is asked of us
[04:15:09] We must work to ensure nothing like the horrors of October 7 can ever happen again
[04:15:16] And on this solemn day, I will restate my pledge to always ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself.
[04:15:27] And that I will always work to ensure the safety and security of the Jewish people here and around the world.
[04:15:37] What is asked of us?
[04:15:41] We must reunite the hostages held in Gaza with their families, and I will never stop fighting
[04:15:48] for the release of all the hostages, including the American citizens living and deceased.
[04:15:56] Omer.
[04:15:58] Unless they're fucking killed by Israel, in which case suck my dick for the record.
[04:16:10] You can't reflect on 10-7 without reflecting on everything that came after and what like
[04:16:14] 80% of her base would like her to renounce or what came before it because what came before
[04:16:21] it is also pretty fucking significant.
[04:16:23] If you personally think this kind of hatred materialized amongst the Palestinian population
[04:16:27] and fucking Gaza out of nowhere, then you're delusional.
[04:16:31] You are no different than a fucking QAnon supporter, okay?
[04:16:34] The only difference is it's like if every fucking media outlet was worse than Fox
[04:16:38] news in terms of like repeating this QAnon narrative. That's it. And people still genuinely
[04:16:45] do believe that. They're like, ah, no, these guys are like ancient anti-Semitism. They
[04:16:49] have that ancient anti-Semitism in their hearts. That's why they did October 7th.
[04:17:00] Yidan, Sagi, Keith, Judy, God. October 7th is best explained how you think it's
[04:17:09] Warsaw ghetto uprising. That's it. Or in Arabic, the Warsaw Intifada, as a matter of fact.
[04:17:18] And Ite, what is asked of us? We must uphold the commitment to repair the world. An idea
[04:17:29] that has been passed on throughout generations of the Jewish people and across many faiths.
[04:17:36] And to that end, we must work to relieve the immense suffering of innocent Palestinians
[04:17:42] in Gaza who have experienced so much pain.
[04:17:46] If she, dude, dude, she's mentioning the Palestinians, come on, we have to relieve the Palestinian
[04:17:51] pain in Gaza.
[04:17:52] And loss over the year.
[04:17:55] What is asked of us?
[04:17:58] We must continue to see light amidst the darkness.
[04:18:03] the late rabbi Jonathan Sacks said, a people that can walk through the valley of the shadow
[04:18:10] of death and still rejoice is a people that cannot be defeated by any force or fear, bro,
[04:18:21] you're just describing Palestinians. What the fuck? Straight up like that. That perfectly
[04:18:33] fits the Palestinian existence and experience.
[04:18:36] That is why today we plant a pomegranate tree, which in Judaism is a symbol of hope and righteousness.
[04:18:46] So for years to come, this pomegranate tree will stand here, spreading its roots and growing
[04:18:54] stronger to remind future vice presidents of the United States, their families, and
[04:19:01] all who pass through these grounds, not only of the horror of October 7th, but the strength
[04:19:10] and the endurance of the Jewish people. It will remind us all not to abandon the goal
[04:19:18] of peace, dignity. I do personally think it's like deeply anti-Semitic engrossed to deliberately
[04:19:26] and vociferously tied Judaism, Jewish culture, Jewish history to Israel's current acts, Israel's
[04:19:33] genocidal ambition. I will never stop saying that because it is deeply and grossly anti-Semitic.
[04:19:40] I will not stop saying that even if like, even if there are very loud Jewish Zionists in the
[04:19:46] United States of America and in the Western world that also tie this aspect back to their
[04:19:52] own shared history, it's still fucking gross, it's still wrong. I don't give a fuck if you
[04:19:57] say that. It is ridiculous. Okay. Like it should probably could like maybe cause a little bit
[04:20:07] of confusion how much Nazis and and ultra Zionists align on this one issue. Nazis would be like,
[04:20:14] Oh, dual loyalty. You know, Jews have dual loyalty, Jews have dual loyalty. They're
[04:20:18] all monolithic in their understanding. They only care about Israel. That's the only thing
[04:20:21] they care about they control the media as a as an aspect of this and then all and then the Zionist
[04:20:27] Israel defenders say the same shit they're like no you don't understand all Jews are Zionists all
[04:20:33] Jews care about as Israel is the number one thing that they care about I do not understand how
[04:20:39] people fail to comprehend how damaging this narrative is how much this discourse goes a long
[04:20:48] way in recontextualizing the interpersonal relationships that American citizens have with
[04:20:53] other American Jews, okay? They do not see it. They do not see the larger picture. They do
[04:21:05] not see the larger picture at all. It is terrifying. It is terrifying to me as a person who cares
[04:21:14] about Palestinian emancipation and as a person who cares about ensuring that anti-Semitism
[04:21:21] does not fester.
[04:21:23] I despise it.
[04:21:24] It is a double monty that they engage with.
[04:21:27] In one single blow, they literally cast aside Palestinians as subhuman, while simultaneously
[04:21:34] saying all Jews are monolithic in their commitment to Israel's violent ambitions,
[04:21:40] no matter where they are in the world.
[04:21:43] It is a falsehood and a very dangerous one.
[04:21:47] Holy shit.
[04:21:48] And I will not stop doing that, no matter what.
[04:21:51] I will not stop speaking truth.
[04:21:54] In this regard, no matter how many motherfuckers
[04:21:57] say I'm anti-semitic, okay?
[04:21:59] They can suck my dick from the back.
[04:22:02] Be in security for all.
[04:22:05] And it will remind us all to always have faith.
[04:22:10] faith. Thank you and I will now turn it over to the second gentleman my husband.
[04:22:16] We supply Israel with billions of dollars. Oh here we go we're gonna watch
[04:22:24] that but before then here let's watch something at least a little bit
[04:22:27] pleasant. Me because when the attacks on the 7th happened I kind of taken
[04:22:32] the side of Israel at that time. I guess like I grew up in like with a
[04:22:36] a very like Zionist ideology.
[04:22:39] So what brings you to these protests, particularly one year into what Israel's been doing in Gaza
[04:22:44] and now in Lebanon and across Palestine as well?
[04:22:47] Yeah, so this is my first protest, like I was, I wanted to come many times, which is
[04:22:51] like never really happened, but yeah, I would say it's quite personal to me because when
[04:22:58] the attacks on the 7th happened, I kind of taken the side of Israel at that time
[04:23:03] Because, again, I don't think I knew so much in depth
[04:23:07] how Palestinian people were oppressed and all of that.
[04:23:11] So in 2013 or 2014, I actually visited Israel myself,
[04:23:19] because I do have Russian Jewish ancestry.
[04:23:23] And so I guess I grew up with a very Zionist ideology.
[04:23:30] So, like, in my family, we always idolized the Israeli stuff, so it's like always kind of like,
[04:23:35] like, we never spoke.
[04:23:38] Um, Dylan, uh, Dylan Sabah, who is a Jewish himself,
[04:23:46] brought this up in the talks that we had, uh, in the event that K Von threw the other night
[04:23:54] on Saturday. Which I thought was a very interesting perspective and maybe some of the Jewish chatters
[04:24:02] will be able to speak to this as well. That Judaism as a concept, especially among like
[04:24:09] reform Jews in the United States of America and the Western world, is not exactly held up.
[04:24:16] like it's very like a lot of a lot of Jews are fairly secular right so the sense of community
[04:24:24] almost entirely comes from Israel and Zionism it's almost as though like Zionism has taken the
[04:24:32] place of religious Judaism and that is part of the reason why so many even young Jews
[04:24:40] will maintain this like identity where they do legitimately think they do
[04:24:46] legitimately feel as though like they are under attack when someone says like
[04:24:50] Zionism is unconscionable like it is legitimately analyzed it's wrong but it
[04:24:58] is but that doesn't change the reality that like a lot of people do actually
[04:25:04] look at Israel as like the singular safe haven for Jews a lot of Jews in
[04:25:09] America. I'm saying it's sad that Israel has become synonymous with Sadaka. Yeah. I mean,
[04:25:17] Dylan is the goat. Dylan Saba is fantastic. He's been on truant on a bunch of times. PSL
[04:25:24] guy. He's a lawyer for Palestine legal. He is, he is fantastic. He even went to Turkey
[04:25:31] recently because they wanted to do a, they wanted to push through the Israeli blockade
[04:25:36] didn't offer humanitarian aid by water to Gaza.
[04:25:43] That was, and the last time a Turkish ship did that, a Turkish humanitarian aid, they shot
[04:25:48] and killed them.
[04:25:50] So he was ready to put his body on the line.
[04:25:56] Mavi Mademona is the incident that I'm talking about.
[04:25:59] They want to do a humanitarian flotilla similar to that.
[04:26:04] I didn't know better than a young Jew, you did such a good job of defending Jews
[04:26:06] accurately against anti-Semitism that I listened to you about Zionism and learned, I'm just
[04:26:11] glad that you were open-minded to hear that, especially when I know from my Jewish friends
[04:26:18] that like, and all the Jewish Shatters I've spoken to at pro-Palestinian rallies and whatnot, that like
[04:26:25] you get almost excommunicated, I mean not almost, you get excommunicated like a fucking
[04:26:30] former Mormon if you're an anti-Zionist, like people just, you literally are robbed of your,
[04:26:35] of your community. It's really fucking gross. I literally went to a Jewish
[04:26:50] professionals event to meet some new Jewish friends last week and the vast
[04:26:52] majority of the event was about Israel in 10-7. They even had announced a fundraiser
[04:26:56] that was for more money to send to the IDF. I couldn't help but slightly chuckle
[04:26:59] at the notion that the IDF needs more fucking money but I still had to conceal
[04:27:01] my politics because I knew I'd be fucking ostracized. I was mad uncomfortable the
[04:27:05] whole time. It is pretty fucking crazy.
[04:27:11] Anti-Zionist Jew here. I would have to agree with you here. I grew up
[04:27:14] learning that Israel is a part of my Jewish identity. And I've had to go through a lot
[04:27:18] of unlearning and thank you for being a big help during that process.
[04:27:20] Repel is not yet. That's why that's why I get called the anti-semite, by the way, by
[04:27:24] fucking stop or all these other fucking institutions. And I
[04:27:31] know for a motherfucking fact, okay, I know for a motherfucking fact, unless
[04:27:35] you're like the most rabid psychopath, like, you know, I'm not anti-semitic.
[04:27:40] You are fucking out of your mind, dude.
[04:27:43] Like, this entire time, if I was anti-Semitic, for the past fucking 10 years of my professional career,
[04:27:50] I have been getting fucking death threats from anti-Semitic Nazis for my defense of Jewish people.
[04:27:58] While simultaneously still advocating for a free palace, I'm like, get the fuck out of here.
[04:28:03] It's so gross.
[04:28:06] You betray the severity of anti-semitism being the canary in the coal mine of of all
[04:28:13] All different types of bigotry of fascism when you make this idiotic notion
[04:28:19] Be known when you use it as like a very deliberate weapon
[04:28:23] Other than Israel for seven years when I was a kid all I remember was the fear of suicide bombs on buses
[04:28:35] The rockets flying is not until you're coverage that I learned about the Zionism that was ingrained in me
[04:28:39] By my schools in Haifa and even my parents
[04:28:42] It's so fucking gross dude. Yeah, his rules like today is the one day that like American media and Western media and Israeli media is mentioning the hostages and
[04:29:29] Benjamin Indian was like, all right, all right, calm down. Stop talking about the fucking hostages, bro. Come on. You're going to remind people that I'm too busy.
[04:29:37] You're going to remind people that forgot that I'm like so invested in bombing Lebanon that they forgot completely that I like dropped the ball in the hostage situation entirely.
[04:29:46] I've yet to talk about turkey. I will
[04:29:59] But the problem is like every time someone's like, oh, can you talk about turkey? Please they just send the fucking video
[04:30:06] I will
[04:30:08] Can about the pressure of polytheism and they're actually like real history
[04:30:13] So I would say only after that tax like I started like doing more research into it
[04:30:19] Because obviously like leaving the UK and I'm not like a religious Jew or anything like that
[04:30:24] are never really like done enough research like beforehand so obviously here or now like I know
[04:30:31] a lot more and I totally understand like that this is a colonial state and what they actually
[04:30:39] done to policy people I learned a lot what's happening West Bank you know the cognitive
[04:30:44] dissonance is also particularly damning because like Jews do to their shared history and culture
[04:30:54] of pogroms in the Holocaust are so primed to seeing inequality in general, like it goes
[04:31:04] to show anyone can fucking have this kind of attitude really, like the cognitive dissonance
[04:31:09] is so damning, dude.
[04:31:12] Like Jews during the Holocaust, they were directly in the crosshairs because of the
[04:31:17] revolutionary sentiment.
[04:31:18] It was called, you know, cultural Bolshevism or Jewish Judeo Bolshevism.
[04:31:23] That was the fucking main target and main priority of the Nazis.
[04:31:28] Jews have also historically been at the fucking forefront of every single civil rights movement
[04:31:35] historically, including this one as well.
[04:31:44] It's really insane.
[04:31:46] Like people are leaving behind like barbed wire and stuff.
[04:31:53] I had no idea.
[04:31:54] We visited Israel as a tourist, only so good sides, you know, I just saw like,
[04:31:59] Okay, like Jews and Arabs are living in peace.
[04:32:02] So that's why I didn't see the reality behind the scenes.
[04:32:07] And now we're against the first bank
[04:32:08] and I was still lebanon.
[04:32:09] It's obviously not self-defense.
[04:32:10] As Israel keeps attacking all the Middle Eastern countries
[04:32:14] and the goal is pretty clear.
[04:32:17] What would you say the goal is?
[04:32:18] I think just to take over, to land grab
[04:32:22] and it's to be like hold that like dominant.
[04:32:26] also the Jewish chatters to the Jewish chatters that see like anti-semitic tendencies from people
[04:32:36] that present themselves as like anti-zionist or whatever or anti-semitic anti-semitism
[04:32:42] rising because that is real it is definitely rising just remember what I always say it is not about
[04:32:50] about, like, if a Black Lives Matter activist was like, yo, fuck Muslims, okay, and fuck
[04:32:58] Palestine, that would not stop me from still advocating for Black people and their emancipatory
[04:33:07] struggle in the United States of America.
[04:33:10] Because it's not about like, like, I don't have this opinion because I have this transactional
[04:33:17] like this transactional relationship where it's like well I'm fighting for you
[04:33:21] why don't you fight for me like it's not that's not how this works so it is like
[04:33:26] you have to always remind yourself that your moral compass is unyielding is
[04:33:32] unchanging you're just you're not doing this because you want people to like
[04:33:35] you you're doing this because the right thing to do yeah it is why telling
[04:33:43] queer people that Hamas hates them doesn't really do anything to our
[04:33:45] solidarity exactly exactly it's not supposed to be transactional you
[04:33:51] not like power in the Middle East so and war it's war it's a continuous war
[04:34:03] because it makes money so the UK keeps arming you know Israel same as US just
[04:34:08] because it keeps making the money you know her fucking parents are so pissed
[04:34:16] yo her mom and dad are fucking livid okay there is no way oh my god dude
[04:34:25] Rosh Hashanah dinner holy shit shit was lit up like a fucking regular old
[04:34:32] Thanksgiving in in you know Tennessee you know you know did the conversations are
[04:34:41] fucking heated so yeah okay so your life experiences are very interesting so I
[04:34:49] want to ask two questions simultaneously which is how did the
[04:34:52] unlearning happen and also if you would be able to send a message to people who
[04:34:57] had the thinking still have the thinking that you used to have what would
[04:35:01] you want to say to them so I'll just say do your research and there's so
[04:35:05] so many Jewish people across the world that also support Palestine like I just
[04:35:10] think like what needs to happen is stop attaching Jewish people to a state of
[04:35:14] Israel because literally like I have nothing like there's nothing that
[04:35:20] connects me to that state. And I think that's like my message to the Jewish people around
[04:35:25] the world to detach themselves from that. Oh my God, oh my God, my optics, God, my optic
[04:35:34] God, oh my God. Oh, that's incredible. Oh, he is so he is the goat, dude, he is the
[04:35:44] goat Kamala Harris, like think about, think about the virgin Kamala Harris. Okay. I'm going
[04:35:51] to plant a tree because, you know, October seven happened. And that's really sad. Okay.
[04:35:58] Versus the absolute fucking legend. Okay. Wearing a motherfucking keeper, holding up a
[04:36:06] a kidnap poster smiling ear to ear next to Ben Shapiro God damn God damn dude he is the
[04:36:18] optics God this is way funnier than this is way funnier than playing fucking Ava Maria
[04:36:29] in honor of like Corey contemporary ringing the motherfucking bells and being like he had
[04:36:35] had the best seat in the house. He had the best seat in the house. This man, this is literally
[04:36:42] another moment where he is throwing the thumbs up with the families of the fucking veteran
[04:36:48] that are with the soldiers that died in Afghanistan sitting on top of a fucking military grave
[04:36:54] right there where another soldier fucking killed himself. Okay. In prominent display
[04:37:02] Going, yeah, yeah, throw up the thumbs up smiles everyone.
[04:37:08] But I didn't kill them.
[04:37:16] Oh God, it's just like, it's a perfect demonstration that he does not give a fuck.
[04:37:23] Like he hasn't even thought it through.
[04:37:27] He's just like, I don't give a shit, dude.
[04:37:29] It's all optics, baby.
[04:37:31] I'm just doing the thing.
[04:37:32] You want me to do the thing you want me to hold up a fucking poster?
[04:37:35] Whatever.
[04:37:35] Wait, is this a Muslim?
[04:37:37] This kid looks brown!
[04:37:39] Am I holding up one of those Muslim Jews?
[04:37:42] Is that what it is?
[04:37:43] I don't know, I put the fucking keep on!
[04:37:46] What do you want from me?
[04:37:47] Come on Jews, vote for me!
[04:37:58] Oh, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
[04:38:01] He asked the rabbi, the Moorslivers,
[04:38:03] if he wants him to autograph the prayer book.
[04:38:06] Oh
[04:38:23] So good
[04:38:25] He's just he is
[04:38:28] What a fucking legend dude. He is he is so insane. Yeah. Oh speaking of which
[04:38:48] Anti-Semitic incidents in us surged a record high
[04:38:52] According to the ADL I wanted to bring this up as well
[04:38:58] The ADL officially admits accounts pro-Palestine activism as anti-Semitic.
[04:39:11] Seems vital to mention in the post that an eight, that it's an ADL report.
[04:39:14] Who's director compared the Palestinian Kephiya to a swastika.
[04:39:20] Just a fun little reminder.
[04:39:22] Part of the overall increase comes from a change in the methodology to
[04:39:25] include expressions of opposition to Zionism, as well as support for
[04:39:28] resistance against Israel or Zionists that could be perceived as supporting
[04:39:31] terrorism.
[04:39:32] The ADL said, have some fucking shame today.
[04:39:46] This guy goes, I love how changing of this definition is a problem, but a change to the
[04:39:54] definition of racism is a good thing.
[04:39:57] Yeah.
[04:39:58] Yeah, you know that you're right about that.
[04:40:00] Exactly.
[04:40:01] Yeah.
[04:40:10] Trump on QQ it.
[04:40:11] When you see these campus riots, you see a lot of people too.
[04:40:14] But a lot of those people are Jewish people.
[04:40:16] You know that they're Jewish kids.
[04:40:18] He would get some back on track.
[04:40:19] Oh yeah, there are some outliers, but mostly Jewish students are afraid.
[04:40:24] So that was, that was a really cool.
[04:40:28] That was a really cool moment from Trump because like he's Mr. He's Mr. Room Reader in moments
[04:40:33] like this where he's like, you can't believe it.
[04:40:36] Trump then agrees to use the request that he sends in the DOJ to hammer these colleges.
[04:40:40] Can't believe it.
[04:40:42] These Jews, these kids, these Jewish kids, they're protesting against Israel.
[04:40:47] Why would they do that?
[04:40:56] It's a wonderful equation, which is why I think it is also such a fucking stupid way to not
[04:41:07] hit this on partisan grounds for Kamala Harris, because you're doing the same thing Trump is
[04:41:12] doing.
[04:41:13] Okay.
[04:41:14] When you go out on news media and fucking complain about like campus protest theirs or
[04:41:20] whatever, but you're also doing it in a gay way.
[04:41:23] So you're just like literally just, you're not winning anybody over, you know, Democrats
[04:41:30] are consistently trying to position themselves as like 30%, not as bad as the Republicans.
[04:41:37] And it just makes them, it just makes them annoying, but you're just fucking annoying.
[04:41:44] You're weak. You're annoying. And also you want the same genocide to exist. So like
[04:41:50] You're normalizing the genocidal ambition while simultaneously you're making your position even fucking weaker than the republicans
[04:41:57] It's the same trap with immigration. Why the fuck?
[04:42:02] Why the fuck would anybody go? Oh, yeah, you guys are gonna be the fucking migrant destroyers
[04:42:06] Okay, well, I'm gonna go with the guys who have been the migrant destroyers for years then
[04:42:11] That's it
[04:42:14] Dude with the fuck don't use gay as a pejorative seriously
[04:42:19] No, you know what I mean? Well, maybe you don't or maybe you're deliberately refusing to understand
[04:42:24] That's the one issue that the Democrats have okay
[04:42:28] It's just like no we're gonna do the genocide, but it's gonna be gay. Okay. Trust me and it's like
[04:42:34] Why the fuck would anybody why would anybody sign up for that? Who is looking for that?
[04:42:39] Like who who's like? Oh, thank God
[04:42:42] God, thank God we're doing permanent genocide, but also we're doing it in a gay way.
[04:42:48] Yes, Queen, like nobody wants that.
[04:42:53] It's stupid.
[04:42:57] Military aid.
[04:42:59] And yet Prime Minister Netanyahu seems to be charting his own course.
[04:43:03] The Biden-Harris administration has pressed him to agree to cease fire.
[04:43:09] He's resisted.
[04:43:11] You urged him not to go into Lebanon.
[04:43:13] He went in anyway.
[04:43:15] He has promised to make Iran pay for it.
[04:43:19] I recently told the Lib I know that Nenyeah was a Holocaust revisionist who's been doing the whole both sides
[04:43:23] but Israel's a safe home for Jews thing and she was actually too stunned to argue.
[04:43:27] Yeah, no, tell him about how fucking Benjamin Nenyeah who was regularly criticized by like Jewish scholars
[04:43:35] for claiming that Hitler didn't want to kill the Jews until he spoke to the Palestinian Grand Mufti.
[04:43:45] Like I just I mean that was years ago, too. It's not like new
[04:44:11] Expect to see major turf energy come from the Dems in 2025 is starmarism from now on. Oh for sure
[04:44:18] for sure, I
[04:44:20] Do genuinely believe that which is so funny when people are like well, I saw and I'm trans and a trans genocide is
[04:44:26] Is going to happen if Donald Trump becomes president? It's like first of all
[04:44:31] Republicans have literally
[04:44:33] Republicans have been doing Olympic levels of anti-trans legislation making at the state level
[04:44:39] under the fucking Biden administration with seemingly no response from the Democrats at all
[04:44:44] for some federal protections on the matter. So I don't know what you what makes you think that
[04:44:49] like this what makes you think that this party that is completely cast aside regardless of how
[04:44:57] electorally beneficial it may be completely cast aside like Arab voters, Muslim voters,
[04:45:02] people who care about fucking not doing permanent genocide in the Middle East is not going to drop
[04:45:07] you like a fucking bad habit when they haven't even made any like aesthetic or optical assurances
[04:45:14] that they normally engage with you know you're already written off you're oblivious to it in my
[04:45:20] opinion the missile attack and that has the potential of expanding the war does the us have
[04:45:29] have no sway over Prime Minister Netanyahu?
[04:45:34] I mean, we do. We do. We have all the sway over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, just
[04:45:42] like we have all the sway over the top of the hour ad break, but people refuse to recognize
[04:45:46] that at the top of the hour there's a three minute ad break, and they also simultaneously
[04:45:49] recognize, refuse to recognize, that you can avoid said ad break by subscribing, okay,
[04:45:54] $6 or for free with a twitch prime. It's very frustrating. Is that simple? You can also get
[04:46:08] gifted a sub if you're lucky. Yeah, Ben Shapiro was there too. I know I saw what a photo, man.
[04:46:21] What a crazy photo. Fucking Donald Trump, man. He is, he truly is, he truly is the guy. He is
[04:46:29] Timothy Rooster Goose. Thank you for the five tier one gift. The subs. He is him. He is
[04:46:35] This one looks Muslim. The two most pro Israel musical theater lovers in one photo. True. I
[04:46:54] didn't even think about that. Oh my God. Donald Trump. Now Donald Trump is also too much of
[04:46:58] a musical theater lover to actually watch the Ben Shapiro musical theater and give it
[04:47:02] high marks. Like he would probably get out of that and be like, this shit sucked.
[04:47:07] It's no phantom of the opera. Now that's when the musical theater was at its peak.
[04:47:33] This is crazy, craziness.
[04:47:36] The aid that we have given Israel, allowed Israel to defend itself against 200 ballistic missiles
[04:47:43] that were just meant to attack the Israelis and the people of Israel.
[04:47:50] And when we think about the threat that Hamas Hezbollah presents, Iran, I think that it
[04:47:58] is, without any question, are imperative to do what we can to allow Israel to defend itself
[04:48:04] against those kinds of attacks.
[04:48:06] The full 60 minutes interview airs in one hour on CBS.
[04:48:09] Can't wait, can't wait to hear what kind of awful points of view she represents over
[04:48:14] and over again in like the least charismatic way possible.
[04:48:18] Jesus fucking Christ.
[04:48:19] Now the work that we do diplomatically with the leadership of Israel is an ongoing pursuit
[04:48:26] around.
[04:48:27] Kamala was going to be pretty much more of the same when it came to the genocide.
[04:48:30] But did you think she'd be this incapable of doing the bare minimum?
[04:48:33] Um, no, I did not.
[04:48:35] I thought that like with the Tim Walts pick, I thought that there was like a brief
[04:48:39] sliver of hope where she would at least like aesthetically try to separate herself
[04:48:43] from the Biden administration.
[04:48:45] I did not realize she was going to be like literally cookie cutter NPC level,
[04:48:49] repeating the same talking points since the fucking DNC, since even before
[04:48:52] the DNC really it is shocking.
[04:48:56] It is shocking how bad she is because like she's somehow even worse than my low-ass fucking expectations like it is
[04:49:05] Genuinely genuinely surprising kind of a monkey's paw when people said anyone but Biden. I'll keep it a book 50
[04:49:28] I think people that are still holding out
[04:49:31] hope
[04:49:33] Are doing so because she's younger. That's it. She has spent
[04:49:38] every fucking moment on the campaign trail since the swap out basically destroying any
[04:49:47] kind of good will that she might have had initially I thought anyone pointing out pointing to
[04:49:52] Doug being Jewish is a reason to doubt her was borderline anti-Semitic now I don't
[04:49:55] know what else would explain the tone deaf hyper Zionism no I don't think it's fucking
[04:50:00] Doug Doug is literally a non entity in this relationship I don't think it's Doug I think
[04:50:07] is just again, regular cookie cutter Democrat who's just like saying the lines over and
[04:50:13] over again, there's no thought behind those eyes. And Doug, if Doug was important, then
[04:50:23] fucking Ella M Hoff would at least have somewhat of a say or some sway in this process. And
[04:50:29] we know Ella is like, you know, done fundraisers for on run shit. Ella M Hoff is Doug's
[04:50:38] daughter. For those of you who don't know, Kamala Harris, a stepdaughter. There's no fucking,
[04:50:45] there's no shot. Yeah. Doug is, Doug is laying pipe and being like, yeah, you're going to
[04:51:01] say M is real high. Doug is a mean lover, dude. He ravages. No shot. No fucking shot.
[04:51:24] dude. He's a, he is not, I don't think he's a responsible party in, in Kamala hair is repeating
[04:51:30] these MPCS talking points about MPCS talking points about Israel straight up. Yeah. It's,
[04:51:41] this is a good point. There, here it is. Wait, where this chatter actually had a really
[04:51:45] good point. She's 60 years old. Okay. Very few Americans that are that age are going
[04:51:52] to be like, hmm, let me take a nuanced position on Israel. Bro, she's 60. I don't know any
[04:51:59] 60 year old American who doesn't prefer Israel to the scary Muslims. Sometimes it's that simple.
[04:52:04] Yeah. That's, that's usually is what it is. My mom. Okay, guys, stop, stop mentioning
[04:52:21] the outliers. Like, Oh, what about Norm Chomsky? What about Norm Finkelstein? Like, I know,
[04:52:25] dude, I'm, that's not what I'm talking about. Okay. Also, if you're pointing
[04:52:30] to your moms and dads. Yeah, no shit, dude. How many fucking conversations you most likely
[04:52:36] have with them since October 7 that that slowly but surely got them to recognize right from
[04:52:43] wrong. Okay. That's very different from like the average uninitiated uninterested person
[04:52:51] who just watches TV and regurgitates whatever the talking points are from television man
[04:53:02] making clear our principles, which include the need for humanitarian aid, the need for this war to end, the need for a deal to be done, which would release the hostages and create a ceasefire.
[04:53:18] And we're not going to stop in terms of.
[04:53:20] Yeah, that's crazy. So the question was about all of that and why Benjamin Netanyahu is dogwalking your administration.
[04:53:30] Like, that question already has that answer in it because like that's been the talking point for 12 months.
[04:53:38] So why not? Why hasn't that happened yet? Didn't we watch this already? I mean, in some ways, yes, this is a new version of it, but it's literally the same talking points.
[04:53:53] in terms of putting that pressure on Israel and in the region, including Arab leaders.
[04:54:06] But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening.
[04:54:10] Well Bill, the work that we have done-
[04:54:15] Say it.
[04:54:16] Say Israel has a right to defend itself again.
[04:54:18] Respectfully, it's rhetoric like the lefts calls the limit free speech under the guise
[04:54:22] of fighting misinformation, funding wars, the sterilization and exploitation of children,
[04:54:25] teens, pandering, the bureaucratic elites and ongoing efforts to disregard the Second
[04:54:28] Amendment.
[04:54:29] if it wasn't intentionally included in the Constitution to protect our freedoms and guard
[04:54:32] against the tyranny that pushes me away from the left and towards the right dog, you just
[04:54:37] said a bunch of hysterical right wing things and then said it's actually all of those like
[04:54:45] things that I have hallucinated. The left is doing that has forced me to be right wing.
[04:54:50] Just have some fucking backbone dingus. I stand loudly and proudly with my political
[04:54:55] fucking opinions. Why the fuck can't you, why do right wingers always have this like shame?
[04:55:02] You know, investigate that a little bit, maybe scratch the surface, interrogate it a little
[04:55:07] bit. Why do you feel a sense of shame that you can't just be like, I'm right wing. I'm
[04:55:13] just fucking right wing. Old liberals used to be against shit like this. You want me
[04:55:17] to dissect everything that you said? I can do it quickly. Okay. The left's caused
[04:55:22] the limit free speech. There's never been a moment in this country where the left actually
[04:55:26] had free speech, free speech has only been presented as a dynamic where right-wingers
[04:55:30] all the way to fucking the clan and Nazis and neo-Nazis can take advantage of that. Left
[04:55:36] wingers have never actually had free speech. There are 32 states in this country where
[04:55:40] being pro-Palestine is literally illegal. You cannot, you have to sign something in
[04:55:45] the state of Texas, for example, supposedly one of these big old Hurrah free speech
[04:55:49] States where you have to literally sign a form to say you will never protest Israel.
[04:55:53] You will never boycott Israel. You will never engage in any actions and any peaceful demonstrations
[04:55:58] against the state of Israel. Does that sound like free speech to you? No, because you don't
[04:56:02] know anything. That's number one. Okay. It's illegal to be a communist. Taft Hartley.
[04:56:06] We were talking about that recently. We're having an ideological, uh, an ideological
[04:56:12] interest in communism meant that you could never actually be a fucking union leader.
[04:56:17] Does that seem like free speech to you?
[04:56:18] Does that seem like it's violating the First Amendment?
[04:56:21] It absolutely is, but it doesn't matter.
[04:56:23] Okay, number two, you said sterilization
[04:56:25] and exploitation of children.
[04:56:26] I suspect you're hallucinating a world
[04:56:28] in which like the left is doing like gender.
[04:56:33] They're doing gender.
[04:56:34] They're doing woke to the children.
[04:56:37] Maybe I missed these.
[04:56:38] Where does it say that in all the law?
[04:56:40] I think you miss a lot.
[04:56:43] Google 32 States BDS to find out more, okay?
[04:56:47] I love that like it is my job to look at this fucking gish gallop of misinformation and dissect
[04:56:57] it piece by piece.
[04:56:58] And this motherfucker doesn't have the decency to just Google something.
[04:57:01] At least do the fucking fact checking in real time so that you can either A, come to the
[04:57:06] conclusion that I'm actually objectively correct, which I am, or B, come out with
[04:57:11] a fucking counter that is reasonable that you summarize this quickly as possible
[04:57:16] from said Googling expectation that we can have a normal conversation.
[04:57:20] If you don't have this information and I do at least listen to what I have to say instead
[04:57:25] of being like, well, I might have missed this.
[04:57:27] Okay.
[04:57:28] Be a little bit more open-minded, please.
[04:57:30] Okay.
[04:57:32] In terms of exploitation and sterilization of children, being protrans, none of those
[04:57:37] things, it's actually, in my opinion, causes way more harm to trans kids, okay, just
[04:57:43] like it did to gay kids when being gay was also considered in the same negative connotations
[04:57:49] as being trans to not be able to come out and, and, uh, express your, your gender identity
[04:57:56] or your sexuality freely pandering to bureaucratic elites is correct.
[04:58:00] The Democrats are doing that.
[04:58:01] Don't know why you think the left is doing that.
[04:58:04] That's ridiculous.
[04:58:05] I don't think the left is inside of the scope of the Democratic party, nor does that
[04:58:09] not nor does Democrats give a shit about the left.
[04:58:11] a matter of fact this entire conversation with the Kamala Harris, uh, my Kamala Harris criticism
[04:58:16] was actually, uh, greatly, uh, will, will summarize my position on how the Democrats do not give
[04:58:22] a shit about the left or the bureaucratic elites do not actually give a fuck about the
[04:58:26] left at all. That's just a word salad moment from you and ongoing efforts disregard the
[04:58:30] second amendment. The second amendment is just a piece of paper. You are a fucking delusional
[04:58:35] idiot. If you think that the gun violence in this country that seemingly is infinitely
[04:58:39] higher than every other fucking OECD nation is not directly a consequence of our false interpretation
[04:58:45] of the Second Amendment, which is a relatively new interpretation of the Second Amendment,
[04:58:48] directly corresponding to gun manufacturers' material interests in readily selling to a
[04:58:55] market readily available weapons. Okay, that's it. The Second Amendment interpretation
[04:59:02] that you take for granted now is completely new. It's a new interpretation of the
[04:59:06] Second Amendment, gun controls and absolute necessity.
[04:59:11] Many countries that have more guns, okay, than other comparable OOCD nations have significantly
[04:59:18] less gun violence.
[04:59:19] Why?
[04:59:20] It's because they have gun control, reasonable gun control, gun safety measures, okay?
[04:59:24] You should not be able to walk into a Walmart and be able to purchase a weapon.
[04:59:27] When you do that in a country where there are more guns than there are people in
[04:59:31] circulation, you end up with mass shootings every weekend.
[04:59:35] You end up with school shootings all the goddamn time and then we turn around and we increasingly
[04:59:39] try to find different reasons as to why it's happening.
[04:59:41] We say mental health.
[04:59:42] Other countries have comparable mental health problems.
[04:59:46] Most countries have comparable mental health problems, yet none of the gun violence.
[04:59:51] I guess the only factor that is different there is the readily available arsenal that
[04:59:57] is in circulation amongst the public as if it is intentional, if it wasn't intentionally
[05:00:03] including the Constitution to protect against our freedoms and guard against tyranny. I have not seen
[05:00:07] anyone fucking rise up in arms for anything other than their jalapeño poppers being at under threat
[05:00:14] during the COVID lockdowns. There is mass tyranny and a direct violation of our freedoms happening
[05:00:22] on a daily basis, especially since the post 9-11 universe, where America greatly increased
[05:00:27] its surveillance state apparatus. You are constantly on guard. You are constantly being
[05:00:32] surveilled police can do whatever the fuck they want to you they just haven't
[05:00:36] because you're probably somewhat privileged privileged enough to avoid
[05:00:39] said police scrutiny and police violence and therefore think it will never happen
[05:00:43] to you one day it will happen to you but it doesn't really matter because it'll be
[05:00:46] far too late also once again the idea that like we are gonna fight against
[05:00:52] tyranny when tyranny is already happening on a regular basis with
[05:00:55] weapons is also silly when you consider the fact that a drone can just
[05:00:59] fucking laser you from hundreds of feet away and your AR-15 is not going to be able to fight
[05:01:07] against that. Okay. This guy, they who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
[05:01:16] temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. I prefer dangerous freedom over
[05:01:21] peaceful slavery. That's really funny and cool, but you're already existing in peaceful
[05:01:25] slavery and you haven't participated in the dangerous freedom at all, so shut the
[05:01:29] fuck up. You are a docile little imp. Okay, that's it. You're a servile dog that thinks
[05:01:36] that he is going to bark when the time comes. The time is here. You've done nothing about
[05:01:40] it. Your life fucking sucks. You have no goddamn healthcare. We're giving permanent
[05:01:44] trillions of dollars to the fucking state of Israel so they can keep killing babies.
[05:01:48] Okay, at a time when half the country is underwater, the other half of the country
[05:01:52] is on fire. And yet we can't even fucking seem to harden our infrastructure. The
[05:01:56] The only infrastructure hardening that's happening is to try and kill a bunch of the people that
[05:02:01] are coming over the southern border while we lie about them being rapists and drug dealers
[05:02:05] and mass murders, even though they are responsible for a much smaller percentage of the crime
[05:02:11] per capita than American citizens are.
[05:02:14] You have been brainwashed into hating your neighbor, hating people that speak differently
[05:02:19] than you, because it would be far too scary for the powers it be if you actually
[05:02:25] recognized who is owning you, who is dominating every aspect of your life, but you've done
[05:02:32] nothing about that. So make no mistake. It's not the left that is harming you. Okay. And
[05:02:42] you most likely are a right winger already, but you're too embarrassed to be a right winger
[05:02:47] and openly come out with that. So you say, Oh, I'm an old school liberal. I've heard
[05:02:50] this a million times over. Dave Rubin used to say that all the time, a classical liberal,
[05:02:54] right? Back in the 2016 gamer gay era, all these other fucking former Democrats, former
[05:03:00] progressives would say we're the real progressives. The progressives have become regressives. Anyway,
[05:03:07] have fun though. Love you man. Appreciate you being real. Just don't see the same way
[05:03:11] as you. I know there are plenty of things that you don't see the same way. I just,
[05:03:16] I didn't actually give you anything that was like biased in reality. I just told
[05:03:20] you what is going on. Do you have health care? Do you have free government-sponsored health care?
[05:03:24] Do you have a ladder up your current class position? Do you have a meaningful way to improve your life?
[05:03:34] No. Do you feel like you're going to be able to fucking retire at a reasonable age in the same age
[05:03:38] that your parents might have retired? Do you have a pension? Fuck no. And if you do,
[05:03:42] it's probably because of your labor union, but that's besides the point. You don't have free
[05:03:48] college, you're not free education, nobody's fixing the goddamn potholes, all of the fucking
[05:03:51] taxes that you pay for, go to the police directly, and then, you know, nothing really happens,
[05:03:56] nothing really changes, nothing actually makes your life better, and you get more and more
[05:04:01] angry, and in that anger, you find yourself in the throes of right wing sentiment because
[05:04:06] they at least say, hey, you're right to be angry, you know why you should be
[05:04:09] angry? Brown people, black people, trans people, those are the reasons why you should
[05:04:14] be angry. Yeah, we're just hardening Israel's infrastructure and killing babies there. Hell
[05:04:38] yeah, at least they get to have health care, though, because we got their defense covered,
[05:04:43] you know. By the way, I watched Vipa your recommendation. Selina Myers literally come
[05:04:50] out here is right down to the insane right wing tendencies, despite being a liberal fucking
[05:04:54] awesome show. Yeah, it's incredible. Armando and Uchi is the goat. He's a he's a brilliant
[05:05:01] writer is very funny. Israel, while we were talking knew it is likely that Israel's first
[05:05:15] retaliation against Iran will focus on military bases. Oh, I have another really funny J post
[05:05:20] article to show you guys, by the way, about this. The death of Stalin wasn't great though.
[05:05:29] No, I think it was great. I think it was very, I think it was fun. I mean, it's
[05:05:35] not a fucking documentary. If you if you treat it as such, then yes, it was a
[05:05:42] funny movie is a good movie the thick of it is fantastic in the loop yeah oh this
[05:06:08] is the one this is my favorite article I've read oh my god we're gonna get to
[05:06:12] that in a second let's finish this game she has resulted in a number of movements
[05:06:19] in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by how are you gonna say
[05:06:26] I'll sign off. You're handsome devil.
[05:06:29] Stick in a frock. I'm fucking Roger Robinson.
[05:06:32] I won't take that as a compliment.
[05:06:33] Yeah, don't.
[05:06:34] All right. What's the war here I've got to do?
[05:06:36] Grab some lubrication round here.
[05:06:38] I mean, I'm stylish, but I am very fucking furious.
[05:06:52] Jesus Christ.
[05:06:54] The Coco Chanel, take your shit on your head.
[05:06:57] No, you did not.
[05:06:58] That was me told.
[05:07:00] I'm off to represent the entire Red Army at the buffet.
[05:07:03] You girls enjoy yourself.
[05:07:05] Modern soldiers create this pain.
[05:07:07] It's not death, but starvation is chafing.
[05:07:10] I'm gonna have to report this conversation,
[05:07:13] threatening to do harm or obstruct any member of the
[05:07:16] procedure in the process of looking at your fucking face.
[05:07:19] Ha ha ha ha.
[05:07:32] Or a result of many things, including our advocacy
[05:07:37] for what needs to happen in the region.
[05:07:39] Do we have a real close ally in Prime Minister Netanyahu?
[05:07:47] I think with all due respect the better question is do we have an important alliance between
[05:07:54] The American people and the Israeli people all the answer to that question is yes nice joining us now Tim walls dodged
[05:08:01] Big question of whether Israel's a right to strike a rod vice presidential nominee Minnesota governor Tim walls governor great to have you with us on
[05:08:07] Fox News Sunday
[05:08:10] Great to be with you Shannon. Thanks for having me
[05:08:12] Okay, so I want to pick up where Alexis left off there in the Middle East because you were asked in the debate the other night a question about whether or not you would support a preemptive strike by Israel on Iran.
[05:08:21] You didn't really get to an answer on that. So this administration continues to call for Israel to moderate its response after being attacked by Iran.
[05:08:30] Do you now think that Israel has a right to either strike oil facilities, nuclear facilities? What's your position on that?
[05:08:37] Well look, let's remember how this started and we're approaching tomorrow a tragic anniversary.
[05:08:42] Hamas terrorists murdered over 1200 innocent Israelis, 46 Americans, took hostages.
[05:08:51] We have been clear, Israel has the right to defend itself. We've always stood in that position.
[05:08:55] We need the hostages returned and we need to bring an end to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
[05:09:01] But again, the point is it's Iran is at the heart of this and their proxies that bring disruption
[05:09:06] disruptions throughout the region. That's why being in the situation room as Vice President
[05:09:11] was, working with Israelis to repel the attack we saw this week, they tried it back in April,
[05:09:16] the same thing. And that's the point of being and boxing Iran in. President Trump tore up
[05:09:22] the nuclear deal that moved Iran closer to a nuclear weapon. He also allowed Iran to shoot
[05:09:29] down an American aircraft in international airspace with a tweet. And when Iranian
[05:09:34] weapons missiles fell on u.s. troops he called it a headache when his traumatic brain injury just to
[05:09:38] be clear we have always said we reserve the right to protect american troops our allies in the region
[05:09:45] and that there is consequences for iran so what you're seeing right now is the ability to work
[05:09:50] with our allies the ability to make sure iran does not further and every administration has
[05:09:55] dealt with them for 45 years now it's to make sure and there has never been a question
[05:10:00] Israel has the right to defend itself and we stand with them to do that.
[05:10:04] But we need to bring this to a conclusion.
[05:10:06] Does that include a strike on Iran's nuclear or oil facilities?
[05:10:11] Specific operations will be dealt with at the time, but being very clear on this,
[05:10:16] Iran, there were consequences for what they do. That's what's happening right now.
[05:10:20] Israel's right to defend itself is not in question.
[05:10:23] Okay, you said in a radio interview that anti-Israel protesters were speaking out, quote,
[05:10:27] out quote for all the right reasons. Yeah. Hammer hammer his ass. Shannon, you have been excuse
[05:10:35] me. You have not been sufficiently pro Israel, sir, who actually believes Israel's defending
[05:10:51] themselves. People that don't have the internet. Yes. This is your guy. Oh, fuck. No, he's
[05:11:00] not my guy. Get the fuck out of here. He used to be when I thought it was a secret
[05:11:05] Somali. I am no longer committed that Tim walls is a secret Somali. How can let this in America
[05:11:14] ever say, Oh, we'll push the Democrats level and Tim fucking walls quite possibly the most
[05:11:18] left leaning them. He's not the most left leaning them, but you know, he is definitely a was
[05:11:23] a genuine guy. They robbed him of the one thing that he was good at, which is like
[05:11:39] being a genuine normal kind of guy. Every time he has to answer these questions alongside whatever
[05:11:47] like the Democratic Party's position is, he just looks like an empty suit. Here's our guy.
[05:12:01] Come on, dawg. We know your ass don't know how to read. Get the fuck out of here. Look at this
[05:12:06] motherfucker acting like he knows how to read, bro. That come on. Who are you fooling? I love
[05:12:26] love that you got the little keep on to my goat, dude.
[05:12:30] Optics king.
[05:12:33] Do you know that some of them are carrying Hamas flags?
[05:12:35] Some of them are calling for the extermination
[05:12:37] of the Jewish state.
[05:12:39] Do you wanna clarify your phrase for them?
[05:12:44] Fight, bitch!
[05:12:47] How dare you say that American students in your state
[05:12:51] have a right to make demands?
[05:12:54] How dare you say that they are allowed
[05:12:56] to fucking be anti-genocide?
[05:12:58] Come on. They got Hamas flags. First of all, who like, who has Hamas flags. This is a conversation I had with Felix. Like you can't, can you even get a Hamas flag? Like how would you be able to get one? Okay. Or has Bullah flags? You know what I mean? People are always like, Oh, what about has Bullah flags? They're waving has Bullah flags. I, I see him at protest. I'm like, how the fuck did you guys even get that?
[05:13:27] I guess Etsy, Amazon, Redbubble, I don't know.
[05:13:31] How does that shit not get flagged by our fucking security state?
[05:13:37] Yeah, I'm certainly not talking about them.
[05:13:39] I'm talking about the people who understand that we have to end the humanitarian crisis,
[05:13:45] but they understand we need to return the hostage ring priest to the region.
[05:13:48] Look, I will always defend people's rights to First Amendment, but that's not the
[05:13:52] folks I'm talking about.
[05:13:53] Those folks are not speaking for the entire group.
[05:13:56] So I think it's very clear on this.
[05:13:58] Israel's right as we've stood with them.
[05:14:00] Anti-Semitism has no place in this country and vice president-
[05:14:03] Yeah, totally cave on the framing.
[05:14:06] Yeah, those guys are anti-Semitic.
[05:14:07] You're right.
[05:14:08] All those college students, they're anti-Semitic.
[05:14:10] We should kill them.
[05:14:11] Harris has been clear about that.
[05:14:14] I've been clear about it.
[05:14:16] But the ability to bring a peaceful solution and understand Israel's right to defend
[05:14:20] itself, the return of the hostages, and Gazan's right to live in peace too is
[05:14:26] something that that we're trying to get to and I may be alone in this opinion but I really
[05:14:31] do think he showed up doesn't believe a word he's saying is just doing the magic with commonly
[05:14:35] he's not that fucking stupid no I I agree I you can tell when he's talking about shit
[05:14:40] he cares about versus when he's talking about this shit I don't think he gives a shit but
[05:14:45] it doesn't matter because like saying the lines okay which robs him of any sort of authenticity
[05:14:52] And also, it's a perfect democratic position, okay?
[05:14:56] It's so perfect for the modern democratic party.
[05:14:59] Because if your likability, your approval came from the fact that you're like a real guy
[05:15:05] that spoke convincingly on issues that were harming the American population, okay?
[05:15:12] And now you're just like forced to be this fucking empty suit, this puppet.
[05:15:16] You are now officially inauthentic doubly, okay?
[05:15:22] Okay. You're doubly inauthentic.
[05:15:26] You can't even like, this is why I said Josh Shapiro would be so much more convincing.
[05:15:32] Okay.
[05:15:33] I don't like the guy, but he 100% would sit there and be like, our commitment to
[05:15:39] Israel is firm.
[05:15:40] The, your, your line of questioning here is anti-Semitic.
[05:15:44] Our commitment to Israel is firm.
[05:15:46] And the fact that you were asking me, perhaps the first Jewish vice
[05:15:51] presidential candidate. On a ticket with the first black Indian American candidate. How dare
[05:16:01] you ask these this line of questioning to me, a black man. I mean, I'm not Barack Obama.
[05:16:08] I'm Josh Shapiro. How dare you and pussy to that's what he would do. He would cook.
[05:16:26] Let me be clear. Oh yeah, Lieberman Erasure. That's right. I try to not think about
[05:16:32] Joe Lieberman ever. For my own sanity, you're right.
[05:16:37] And that's going to take the leadership that we've seen out of Vice
[05:16:39] President Harris, bringing able to hold this a coalition together. And again,
[05:16:44] when Iran launched their missiles this week, she's in the situation room.
[05:16:48] That's different. The people who are in the situation room with Donald
[05:16:50] Trump, like John Kelly, his chief of staff, said he shouldn't be there.
[05:16:54] He's a damaged human being. His own defense secretary said he does not
[05:16:58] understand the situation is incapable of dealing with it. So it's about
[05:17:02] character. Let's yeah let's focus on what your position is and the vice president's position as well.
[05:17:06] I want to talk about abortion too because this came up at the debate. It's been a winning argument
[05:17:10] for Democrats on many ballots but I want to wait. What? Yeah. How is this possible dude?
[05:17:20] They really got everything out there dude. That's the real fucking bipartisan consensus right
[05:17:25] there. If you want to know not the bipartisan consensus sorry that's the real centrist.
[05:17:30] god damn that's incredible okay I kind of want this now what the fuck oh my god what
[05:17:46] an incredible flag dude oh my god oh my god I love that imagine going to a
[05:18:05] protest on either side waving that thing yeah wow I just want everyone to have a
[05:18:15] a good time flag. I want to know the mindset of the guy who writes a review. Dude, six sold
[05:18:25] 13 sold, like they've sold these flags. There are 19 people out there that have acquired
[05:18:34] these flags. That's incredible. That is fantastic. I did the world is this is this is healing
[05:18:58] the world. Okay. Every opinion is valid. I can't. Oh my God. What an incredible, what
[05:19:17] an incredible invention.
[05:19:18] Purify what the law is there in Minnesota. Abortion Finder, a website that helps women
[05:19:23] find access says abortion is legal throughout pregnancy in Minnesota. There is no ban
[05:19:28] or limits on abortion in Minnesota based on how far along in a pregnancy you are.
[05:19:32] You signed the bill that makes it legal through all nine months. Is that a position you
[05:19:36] we think Democrats should advocate for nationally.
[05:19:40] Look, ooh, this is a good one.
[05:19:42] Let's see how he, this is one he does care about.
[05:19:44] Let's see how he responds to this.
[05:19:46] The vice president and I have been clear
[05:19:47] the restoration of Roe versus Wade is what we're asking.
[05:19:50] But this is a woman trying to make her own choice.
[05:19:53] The law is very clear.
[05:19:55] It does not change that.
[05:19:56] That was been debunked on every occasion.
[05:19:58] But let's agree, what you signed is
[05:20:01] there's not a single limit
[05:20:02] through nine months of pregnancy.
[05:20:03] Roe had a trimester framework
[05:20:05] that did have limits through the pregnancy,
[05:20:07] the Minnesota law does not have that.
[05:20:09] This puts the decision with the woman
[05:20:12] and her healthcare providers.
[05:20:13] The situation we have is when you don't have
[05:20:16] the ability of healthcare providers to provide that,
[05:20:18] that's where you end up with a situation like Amanda.
[05:20:21] I hate this, like this line of questioning
[05:20:24] is obviously super commonplace on Fox News
[05:20:28] and in most like right wing places
[05:20:31] even like liberal, even like liberal outlets that want to present themselves as like non-partisan
[05:20:37] or whatever. But the answer is, the answer is very simple. It's like, yeah, dude, we're not making a
[05:20:43] restriction on a fucking medical procedure just because some crazy people decided, just because
[05:20:49] some crazy people imagined a false reality where someone is carrying a pregnancy almost to term
[05:20:56] just to get a fun abortion. Like that's not real. That's not, you just made that problem up. Okay.
[05:21:02] Third trimester abortions are infinitely more traumatic because almost every single instance
[05:21:11] is a pregnancy that, that the, the carrier wanted to take the term. Like they have to do it
[05:21:18] because of a medical necessity because it's done out of a medical necessity.
[05:21:22] There is no, like you have to get counseling beforehand in order to actually make this decision.
[05:21:32] You're talking about people who literally fucking have bought like baby clothes and shit, who
[05:21:38] came up with a name for their child, and now due to medical complications have to
[05:21:45] get this pregnancy terminated.
[05:21:48] Why would you want to complicate that further?
[05:21:51] when these procedures are not the same as like the 90% of abortions that happen in the
[05:21:57] first trimester, oftentimes with the simple pill that you take.
[05:22:01] But beyond that, you're making this already traumatic experience worse for people because
[05:22:07] now they might not even be able to get it because the doctors are afraid that they might
[05:22:10] be legally prosecuted, like criminally prosecuted.
[05:22:15] There's Worsky in Texas where they are afraid to do what's necessary.
[05:22:19] This doesn't change anything.
[05:22:21] It puts the decision back on to the woman, to the physicians.
[05:22:25] And we know that this is simply something to be brought up, to be very clear.
[05:22:29] Donald Trump's asking for a nationwide abortion ban.
[05:22:31] He has said repeatedly that he will not sign a national abortion ban.
[05:22:36] Dude, yeah.
[05:22:37] No, he won't.
[05:22:38] He's, hey, I think I'm going to claim that you want to kill children after they like
[05:22:44] are outside of the womb.
[05:22:46] Donald Trump is very honest and he's not going to sign an abortion ban national abortion ban
[05:22:52] and are you calling that just it's a flat-out lie yes it of course and and uh senator vance has
[05:23:00] in the past said so too now look they may see this as an election issue we see it as a right
[05:23:05] of women to make their own bodily decisions and that's what the states like my state have the
[05:23:10] ability to put that in states like george like look at the energy look at the energy when
[05:23:15] when he's defending like a woman's right to choose versus the energy when he's defending
[05:23:20] Israel's right to choose nuclear Holocaust. Yeah, he doesn't, he doesn't have it. He doesn't
[05:23:32] have the juice. He doesn't have the sauce 100%. This is why I'm saying like, unironically,
[05:23:39] Josh Shapiro would be a better pick if you were going to go along with this fucking
[05:23:43] attitude. It's so stupid. But he probably wouldn't even be that good at like, you
[05:23:51] know, communicating within the, uh, within the permission structure of being able to say
[05:23:57] that like Palestinians are human, but at least there, it would be more genuine, right? It
[05:24:07] makes no sense. I just, I don't understand it. And that's why he got fucking owned on
[05:24:19] the VP debate too. It was such a sad state of affairs came out of the gates, swinging,
[05:24:25] being like, listen, Israel has a right to first strike Iranian nuclear facilities.
[05:24:31] You know?
[05:24:34] Jeff, force women to cross the border,
[05:24:36] and then we have a death of Amber Thurman.
[05:24:40] So let's be very clear.
[05:24:41] Trying to cut hairs on an issue on this
[05:24:43] is not where the American public's at.
[05:24:45] They want the restoration of Roe versus Wade.
[05:24:47] Vice President Harris said she would sign it.
[05:24:49] That's what we'll do when we're elected.
[05:24:50] But to be clear, the Minnesota law is far beyond Roe v. Wade.
[05:24:53] And about the Amber Thurman case in Georgia,
[05:24:55] her family has, and it's tragic,
[05:24:57] she is a young mother who left behind a young son.
[05:25:00] But what her family has said is
[05:25:01] It was a complication from an abortion pill that she received and she didn't get proper
[05:25:05] care when she went to a Georgia hospital, which had multiple opportunities to intervene
[05:25:10] there.
[05:25:11] Her own attorney, the family's attorney.
[05:25:13] They're saying, oh, skill issue.
[05:25:16] Like it's not our fault.
[05:25:19] It's not the Republican for a party's fault.
[05:25:21] Oh, skill issue.
[05:25:23] About a person who died, by the way.
[05:25:27] That's crazy.
[05:25:29] says it wasn't the Georgia law it was the hospitals what he claims is malpractice not
[05:25:33] treating her when she clearly showed up in distress and still had the byproducts of her
[05:25:38] pregnancy because of that rare complication from the abortion pill. So just to be clear
[05:25:42] on the Georgia law and how her family and her attorney sees it.
[05:25:46] I think they also indicated that had she not go to North Carolina after the debate
[05:25:50] the other night that she would have been in a better position. So look these are
[05:25:54] the situations you're going.
[05:25:55] Wait, I'm confused. It's not, wait, what's the time? Oh, this is from yesterday. Guys, October
[05:26:00] six was a very different day to be fair than October seven, which happens to be the day
[05:26:06] where Georgia Supreme Court reinstated its abortion ban. Very different timeframe. You
[05:26:12] have to understand. Okay. So even that, like, uh, even that being in legal limbo in the state
[05:26:20] of Georgia, that's not up to the, that's not the fault of the Republican Party. It's not
[05:26:27] in legal limbo now. Georgia Supreme Court reinstated the abortion ban. So now it's
[05:26:31] perfectly set in stone. As someone with an avid pro-liber family member, they don't believe in
[05:26:41] people having fun abortions so much as they tend to be anti-medicalists who believe that
[05:26:44] abortion doctors are eugenicists with a profit motive, convincing women to get abortions for
[05:26:48] financial and ideological gain. That's it. I'm just addressing the talking points that are
[05:26:56] are commonly given in the media, but that is,
[05:27:00] I mean, I don't know what to say to that.
[05:27:02] That's like even more insane.
[05:27:07] Yeah, I know.
[05:27:08] There's a lot of people in America
[05:27:10] that are fucking anti-medical, anti-medicalist
[05:27:17] from doing the town hall thing with Laura Ingram.
[05:27:20] Like this tweet or this joke or this nickname.
[05:27:23] Tonight.
[05:27:24] All right, let's finish Tim Wall's first
[05:27:26] because I wanna watch him cook on you.
[05:27:28] When you take this decision
[05:27:29] and put it the hands of politicians like Donald Trump
[05:27:32] rather than women and their doctors.
[05:27:33] We trust women, we trust doctors
[05:27:36] and we know the outcomes of that are better.
[05:27:38] Okay, let's clarify more changes
[05:27:40] that you signed in Minnesota.
[05:27:41] Like, I don't think we should,
[05:27:44] controversial opinion, I know,
[05:27:46] but I don't think we should be held captive
[05:27:48] by like 30% of the electorate
[05:27:52] that is simply hallucinating positions at this point.
[05:27:55] Just fucking do normal legislation and move on
[05:27:58] then jiggle some keys in front of them because they're gonna shift their attention to that because
[05:28:02] they're fucking stupid. Okay? The quicker you recognize that like, beyond the material conditions
[05:28:10] that, that create a perfect opportunity for right-wing radicalization, there are a lot of
[05:28:15] people who are just objectively stupid or completely oblivious to the reality. If you
[05:28:21] talk to a lot of Trump supporters, you start recognizing that. I mean Democrats do this
[05:28:26] to for sure, right? And some might even say they're more annoying than the Republicans because like
[05:28:32] the Republican, you're like, aw, sweetie. Like by the end of that conversation, you're like, aw,
[05:28:37] you just don't know anything. Whereas the Democrat is like so self-assured because they've read
[05:28:43] a New York Times article on the matter, right? And have that like arrogance and entitlement
[05:28:51] and an elitist sentiment. Having said that however, like I said, talk to Republicans,
[05:28:58] you will understand that like, a ginormous chunk of their worldview simply fucking stems
[05:29:06] from just not knowing what's going on. That's it. Literally, they just don't know they are living
[05:29:16] in their own bubble, like they're just experiencing collective psychosis at any given day, at any
[05:29:23] given moment. It is crazy. Okay. I mean, we see them in here. We see them in here all the fucking time
[05:29:31] when a lot of these dudes come into the chat and they do it from a liberal framework sometimes
[05:29:37] or from a Republican framework as well, where those would be like, like that one guy who was
[05:29:42] was like, Oh, well, I used to be a liberal, but you know, they're mutilating children.
[05:29:47] It's like, what do you do? What do you do with that? You know, just yeah, zero intellectual
[05:29:55] curiosity, no interest in like understanding what the fuck's going on at all. Just hallucinating
[05:30:07] an alternative reality that they're comfortable existing in as well.
[05:30:18] things were repealed with respect to reporting infants who may have survived an abortion
[05:30:23] attempt. Language that used to be part of the statute was taken out. We'll put this
[05:30:27] on the screen so people can see. It used to require medical personnel to, quote, preserve
[05:30:31] the life and health of the born alive infant. That language has been repealed. It's no
[05:30:36] longer part of the law. Also struck from the law was language about reporting infants
[05:30:42] that are born alive, what treatment they receive, and whether they live or die.
[05:30:46] Why was it important to you to get that protection out of the law?
[05:30:52] Minnesota law aligns with every other case of what physicians are required by their ethical
[05:30:56] responsibilities.
[05:30:57] And so it changed nothing other than aligning with all care that physicians provide in
[05:31:02] any circumstance for any medical case.
[05:31:05] And so its alignment as it's always been, the cases we've seen in Minnesota, the
[05:31:11] outcomes we get in our healthcare results are the best in the nation.
[05:31:15] and all it did was align with existing law.
[05:31:17] But you do acknowledge it takes out the language
[05:31:19] about preserving the life of an infant who was born alive.
[05:31:24] Every doctor has an ethical responsibility
[05:31:26] to provide what they can in each situation.
[05:31:28] That is the way the law is written out.
[05:31:30] It's the same for any person who shows up.
[05:31:32] And again, this is a distraction from the real issue here
[05:31:36] is, is women being forced into miscarriages,
[05:31:38] women being forced to go back home,
[05:31:41] get sepsis, potentially die,
[05:31:43] like we saw in cases in Texas.
[05:31:45] And maternal mortality rates in Texas
[05:31:49] have skyrocketed off the charts because of this.
[05:31:52] This is bad policy.
[05:31:53] Vice President and I have been very clear on this.
[05:31:55] We will restore the rights of Roe versus Wade.
[05:31:57] We will make sure women have their health care decisions.
[05:32:00] We will not put people's lives at risk
[05:32:01] because of the geography of where they live.
[05:32:03] And it will go back to the way it was before Donald Trump
[05:32:07] gleefully said, we've got the best of both worlds here.
[05:32:10] Things are wonderful.
[05:32:11] The states are handling it.
[05:32:12] It's a beautiful thing.
[05:32:13] It's not a beautiful thing to see women dying.
[05:32:15] It's not a beautiful thing to put doctors at risk
[05:32:17] of being imprisoned.
[05:32:18] It is not.
[05:32:19] It is not to see any single woman suffer.
[05:32:22] And by the way, there's not a single state.
[05:32:23] No matter how pro-life or restrictive their laws are,
[05:32:26] that do not allow a doctor to intercede.
[05:32:28] That's true in Georgia and Texas as well.
[05:32:30] I want to turn to the economy.
[05:32:32] Our latest polling shows that 66% of Americans
[05:32:34] we talked to said that buying groceries
[05:32:36] is a, quote, major problem for them.
[05:32:39] And when we ask people about how
[05:32:40] they feel about the policies of this administration
[05:32:43] versus the previous.
[05:32:44] Double the amount of people surveyed,
[05:32:46] say that Biden-Harris policies have hurt them
[05:32:49] rather than help them and their families economically.
[05:32:51] That's in stark contrast to how they feel
[05:32:53] when asked about the Trump administration.
[05:32:55] So what would a Harris-Waltz administration
[05:32:58] do different than a Biden-Harris administration
[05:33:00] when it comes to convincing people
[05:33:03] that the economy is going to get better for them
[05:33:04] because their perception is that it's not?
[05:33:08] Well, we saw a blockbuster job report this week.
[05:33:11] We've saw interest rates come down
[05:33:12] And we've also seen that Vice President Harris laying out a middle-class agenda.
[05:33:16] Look, I was in Ohio yesterday in Cleveland in Cincinnati, and talking about this.
[05:33:22] Folks in Ohio know that Donald Trump's policies led to 180,000 manufacturing jobs leaving.
[05:33:27] They understand when he left office we had more people unemployed percentage-wise than
[05:33:31] the Great Depression.
[05:33:32] What Vice President Harris has talked about is making it more affordable to buy housing.
[05:33:37] And we've seen it in Minneapolis.
[05:33:38] When you have more housing stock, we've seen rates go down.
[05:33:41] seen more houses available. Also the idea of price gouging with 37 states, Republican and
[05:33:46] Democratic states have this. Corn is about $410 or so a bushel. That's where it's been for many
[05:33:53] years up and down. But prices at the grocery stores have skyrocketed, corporate profits have
[05:33:58] skyrocketed, and people are paying more. So we talk about a great line of tackling this
[05:34:08] about that. And then I think the fundamental difference here is too,
[05:34:11] as Donald Trump kept his promise. He cut taxes for the wealthiest. She's talking about making
[05:34:16] sure things like a child tax credit, $6,000 child tax credit, put more money in people's pocket,
[05:34:21] making sure that we're able to buy those things, whether it's a crib or its baby formula,
[05:34:25] get started. And she's simply asking that we can pay for it by asking those at the top
[05:34:29] to pay their fair share. This is a fundamental difference in approaches to it. And we're
[05:34:34] seeing it working. We're seeing economists talk about Donald Trump's proposal to add a 20%
[05:34:40] sales tax will cost $4,000. That's everybody. That's not me saying it.
[05:34:44] And just to know that is a tariff which by the way this administration not only
[05:34:47] kept most of the Trump terrorists but they added their own as well so that's
[05:34:50] got to be part of the conversation. Want to talk a little bit about your
[05:34:53] record as governor because it's elucidates for people how you may serve
[05:34:57] as whether you end up being the president you'll be one heart beat
[05:34:59] away should your ticket be successful. Wall Street Journal says this after
[05:35:04] you were chosen to join the ticket. As the Democratic governor of
[05:35:06] of Minnesota, Tim Waltz signed into law initiatives
[05:35:09] allowing immigrants in the country illegally.
[05:35:12] So this is another, so immigration, like I said,
[05:35:14] these are the two weakest points for the Democrats
[05:35:17] beyond the economy, right?
[05:35:19] The economy conversation,
[05:35:21] the economy conversation can be defeated
[05:35:25] because they have to like stand in opposition
[05:35:27] to the Republicans no matter what on that front.
[05:35:30] But like on immigration and on Israel, it's uniparty.
[05:35:34] So, even if Tim Walts' track record has been decent on this as the governor of Minnesota,
[05:35:42] he now has to fucking sit there and defend very stupid right-wing reactionary framing
[05:35:51] on the matter.
[05:35:52] Let's see how he does.
[05:35:53] To apply for driver's licenses, qualify for free tuition at state universities and
[05:35:57] enroll in the state's free health care program for low-income residents, are those
[05:36:02] not magnets to draw people here many times on dangerous journeys for themselves and why should
[05:36:08] your taxpayers in minnesota or across this i like the argument this is like one of the grossest
[05:36:12] way is very israel coded but i guess israel's very america coded if we're being real but um
[05:36:24] but ultimately the notion that like you're doing this to somehow protect these migrants that
[05:36:31] that are making this journey is so stupid,
[05:36:33] because your goal is apprehension, detention,
[05:36:37] and then deportation.
[05:36:39] You think that's, like, why are you even acting
[05:36:42] like you care about their well-being?
[05:36:44] It's such a stupid fucking thing to say.
[05:36:47] Oh, well, don't you think you're inviting them
[05:36:50] to your state to make this, like, treacherous journey
[05:36:54] that's very dangerous for themselves,
[05:36:57] which is much better than what I wanna do to them,
[05:36:59] which is kill them.
[05:37:01] We're killing you for your own good.
[05:37:03] We're saving you from Hamas.
[05:37:05] Oops, I fucked up the talking points.
[05:37:07] States pay for those programs.
[05:37:10] Well, that's not the vice president's position,
[05:37:12] but I will say this, Minnesota ranks
[05:37:15] as a top five business state.
[05:37:16] We rank as a top three state for children living
[05:37:19] and with a top state for healthcare access.
[05:37:22] I would also add this.
[05:37:23] We also have some of the safest roads.
[05:37:25] Look, the vice president has made it clear
[05:37:27] that she has policies that make a difference.
[05:37:29] Her border policies are the most strongest,
[05:37:32] the fairest we've seen.
[05:37:34] It's the bill that we're so proud of.
[05:37:35] You know, a lot of people, including your own party,
[05:37:37] would not join that statement.
[05:37:39] Great, I'm so glad that the Democratic Party
[05:37:41] is the right-wing party so that these fucking
[05:37:44] insanely right-wing losers can just sit there
[05:37:47] and be like, while your party doesn't agree with you,
[05:37:50] I don't care about the results of your good policy
[05:37:53] in your state, is an insane way
[05:37:56] to have this conversation.
[05:37:58] like his argument is literally look at Minnesota. It's killing it. Okay. You say these policies
[05:38:04] are bad and yet these policies implemented in Minnesota have made my state thrive as
[05:38:11] the governor. Okay. So what the fuck are you chirping about? Maybe I'm right and you're
[05:38:17] wrong is the argument here, but it doesn't fucking matter to this demon because her
[05:38:23] job is to basically say, well, you're now your party doesn't agree with you. What's
[05:38:27] up with that. This is why it's a major failure on all fronts when these fucking dipshits
[05:38:37] went right on immigration. I really hate how even for the well-meaning pro-immigration liberals
[05:38:41] is viewed in the context of productivity and skills. God forbid we attract people to build
[05:38:45] good communities, get back to those communities in general, bring cultural diversity,
[05:38:48] expand people's horizons. If they're not working, we don't want it. I mean, yeah,
[05:38:52] but we've already moved beyond like immigrants working as well.
[05:38:56] millions of people who have come here over the last few years that you know
[05:39:01] they see this as an policies well simply we have a policy Donald Trump sees it
[05:39:08] as a political to look James Langford in Oklahoma the border patrol agents the
[05:39:13] Wall Street Journal the Chamber of Commerce all said past this legislation
[05:39:18] you have to have Congress to authorize 1500 new border agents you have to
[05:39:21] have Congress to authorize DOJ to speed adjudications on these asylum
[05:39:26] claims. Those are things that would actually work. Donald Trump told us for four years
[05:39:30] he would deal with this. He didn't. He didn't build his wall 2%. Mexico didn't pay for it.
[05:39:34] This is a real bill that has bipartisan support. It has the experts on board,
[05:39:40] and it starts to tackle these issues. And we don't have to resort to demonizing people. We
[05:39:45] don't have to resort to, uh, to, to making up our crafting stories as Senator Vance said he
[05:39:50] did. Those things were not happening in Springfield, but it doesn't mean that we can't
[05:39:54] pass a piece of legislation to strengthen our border. That's what Kamala Harris was talking about.
[05:39:58] She's talking about solving the problem. That piece of legislation does cut,
[05:40:02] include the wall that you guys have been so, you've disparaged that. I mean the Vice President has
[05:40:07] as well, so I don't know if she really intends to move forward with that, but it was negotiated by
[05:40:11] three or four senators and many Republicans came out against it long before President Trump
[05:40:15] indicated he didn't like it either. Listen, before we go, because I wish that we had a full
[05:40:19] hour, I want to give you a chance because you called yourself a knucklehead this week
[05:40:22] to talk about some of your misstatements you've she's just ripping into him so fucking hard Jesus Christ
[05:40:32] modified your story or explained that you misspoke about things involving your military rank
[05:40:36] about carrying a weapon in war your 1995 DUI arrest using IVF to have your beautiful children
[05:40:43] Gus and Hope being in Hong Kong and China in the summer of 1989 during the Tiananmen events
[05:40:49] A lot of people would say they couldn't get away with saying I'm just too passionate. My grammar is not right. I'm a knucklehead
[05:40:55] What do you say to the American people who think I I don't know that I can trust this guy with all those modifications
[05:41:01] To be the potential commander in chief of this country
[05:41:05] Yeah, well, I think they heard me they heard me the other night speaking passionately about gun violence and and misspeaking and
[05:41:11] I got to be honest with you Shannon
[05:41:13] And I don't think people care whether I used IUI or IVF when we talk about this.
[05:41:18] What they understand is Donald Trump would resist those things.
[05:41:21] Look, I speak passionately.
[05:41:22] I had an entire career, decades before I was in public office.
[05:41:26] They know, and I'm very proud of my 24 years in service and my record, I have never disparaged
[05:41:32] someone else in this.
[05:41:33] But I know that's not what Donald Trump does.
[05:41:35] They disparage everyone, their personal attacks.
[05:41:37] I will own up when I misspeak.
[05:41:39] I will own up when I make a mistake.
[05:41:41] Let's be very clear.
[05:41:42] On that debate stage the other night, I asked one very simple question and Senator Vance
[05:41:46] would not acknowledge that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election.
[05:41:49] I think they're probably far more concerned with that than my wife and I used IUI to
[05:41:53] have our child and that Donald Trump would restrict that.
[05:41:56] So I think folks know who I am.
[05:41:58] My constituents here in Minnesota have elected me eight times.
[05:42:01] They know where I'm at and I'm proud to be on the ticket and will deliver just
[05:42:05] like we have here in Minnesota.
[05:42:06] And if we're going to deal in truth, both the president, the former president and
[05:42:09] his nominee have said that they are very supportive of IVF.
[05:42:13] We are glad you have your precious family.
[05:42:14] We thank you for serving in uniform
[05:42:16] and your years and decades as a teacher.
[05:42:18] My mom was too.
[05:42:19] I know it's really hard work and sometimes very thankless.
[05:42:21] So God.
[05:42:22] Yeah, God.
[05:42:24] The president Donald Trump.
[05:42:25] Oh, and Hugh Hewitt.
[05:42:29] Hugh Hewitt had Donald Trump on
[05:42:31] because this man will go in front of any fucking camera.
[05:42:36] That's where he talked about like,
[05:42:38] Jews are at the protest.
[05:42:39] your kids, they're protesting. What's up with that? I don't really want to watch this whole thing.
[05:42:46] Obviously, many others don't want to watch soul thing either. He's got 9000 likes.
[05:42:54] I do want to see what Steve Kurnacky has to say about
[05:42:58] Kamala Harris and Donald Trump being focused on Pennsylvania.
[05:43:05] What is this? You got auto modded. Maybe your message is a little too long.
[05:43:09] I live in Asheville. I lost my business in the flood. Yeah, you you are
[05:43:17] Think you aren't subscribed
[05:43:21] You got automated
[05:43:25] But you hear let's listen to Laura talk to
[05:43:29] Laura Ingram talk to Trump. It might be go for me joke or this nickname
[05:43:35] Tonight, what do you say to them about the safety of our homeland?
[05:43:39] I say to the women, and I think I do very well with the women actually, I think it's a lot of fake polling
[05:43:45] I think I do very well because I say I will keep you safe
[05:43:48] I'm not not going to allow prisoners to come out from Venezuela and many other countries all over the world the Congo
[05:43:55] The Middle East they come out from the Congo in tremendous numbers
[05:43:59] They're coming out of the Middle East Yemen and lots of countries that aren't particularly friendly to us
[05:44:03] I'm gonna keep you safe. I'm not gonna let people hurt you. I'm gonna have a very strong
[05:44:08] They were bugged by that, the protector line, like some of the people went crazy about that.
[05:44:13] He said he's going to be my protector that's looking down on us.
[05:44:17] So that's patronizing.
[05:44:18] I'm looking up at them.
[05:44:20] I am going to protect.
[05:44:21] I'm going to protect men, too.
[05:44:23] It's my job to protect as president.
[05:44:25] They don't protect right now.
[05:44:26] When they let 13,099 criminals, I mean, murders, these are people in prison, some getting
[05:44:33] ready for the death penalty, and they allow them to come into our country.
[05:44:37] When I get them out and when I say it's not happening and when I close the borders so that
[05:44:40] bad people, you know, we want people in our country, but they have to be people that are
[05:44:45] capable of loving our country and that are good people, they have to go past tests.
[05:44:50] So I say to people, and I'm very, I'm not ashamed of that, I saw a couple of wise guys
[05:44:54] on the left saying, oh, who is he?
[05:44:56] I want to protect women.
[05:44:58] I'm going to protect women and I'm going to protect men and I'm going to protect
[05:45:01] children.
[05:45:02] And that's my obligation to do it with the military and with law enforcement.
[05:45:06] 100 years from now. I mean, this is just like
[05:45:20] This is just fucking straight hit layering. I'm like they're coming for our women
[05:45:31] Like that's what they're coming here for to fuck our women dude, and I'm gonna
[05:45:36] Stop them from doing that is
[05:45:39] It's just Nazi shit. I don't know what else to say like that's it
[05:45:44] It just straight up fucking Nazi shit, man. These immigrants these barbaric immigrants are coming in to rape our daughters is like
[05:45:52] Like how the fuck do we gay here? We're not a single Democrats like hold on the fuck are you saying?
[05:45:59] Like how how do you how do the Democrats just like let him slide with this shit?
[05:46:07] and are basically just
[05:46:10] Waiting I guess for people to come to that conclusion on their own
[05:46:14] It's insane
[05:46:19] He is handing the Democratic Party gifts at this point rhetorically, but they're so captured
[05:46:33] By this this fear
[05:46:36] Themselves that I assume that they also believe that at the top of the hour, there's a three-minute outbreak
[05:46:41] Which is true. There is one and if you no longer want to see those ads you should not be fearful because you can just subscribe for
[05:46:50] Subscribe for for six dollars or for free with a twitch prime
[05:46:55] By connecting your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account, or by getting gifted a sub if you're lucky.
[05:47:00] Here's the 3rd minute ad break now. Don't be paralyzed with fear at the top of the hour.
[05:47:05] But yeah, okay, all jokes aside, all jokes aside, like this is just a rhetorical gift to the fucking Democratic Party.
[05:47:19] If you're gonna think about this on very cold and very calculated terms, just by simply looking at the election, right?
[05:47:26] He's doing straight-up Nazi propaganda. It's no different than fucking saying that like immigrants are poisoning the blood of America
[05:47:37] Okay, but they won't even address it. They won't even fucking turn around and say like this is crazy
[05:47:54] Like it's insane to suspect your neighbors that live in your communities of
[05:48:01] like being rapists
[05:48:04] Additionally ridiculous when Donald Trump is a rapist
[05:48:07] Okay, at least found to be one in a fucking civil suit
[05:48:16] Like what are we doing? Well, what are we doing this guy? Like it's a perfect demonstration of white supremacy
[05:48:22] White guy who has openly stated horrifying shit about women who's been found at least liable in civil proceedings
[05:48:31] Who have done a sexual assault is saying it's the fucking migrants that are gonna rape your daughters
[05:48:37] when like the actual evidence shows that undocumented immigrants are responsible for infinitely
[05:48:45] less sexual assaults per capita than natural born US citizens are.
[05:48:51] Why is Jeffree Epstein's friend talking about how migrants are the ones doing the rape?
[05:48:56] Like you can even try and package it with like, I can't believe I'm saying this, but
[05:49:10] If I were to be as, if I were to put on the fucking Democratic consultant hat, you could
[05:49:18] literally be like, listen, a lot of Americans think immigration is a problem.
[05:49:23] The real problem is the humanitarian crisis.
[05:49:26] We are going to solve that by processing migrants and making sure that they are, you
[05:49:32] know, participating in the American economy in even more meaningful ways than they
[05:49:36] are contributing to it right now.
[05:49:38] Okay.
[05:49:39] this kind of rhetoric is ridiculous they're making you hate your fucking
[05:49:42] neighbors
[05:49:46] like try to package it that like we're being serious about immigration they're
[05:49:49] not they're fucking making it up
[05:49:52] they're making a new problems over and over again
[05:49:58] that's a little bit
[05:49:59] she was to go to government housing she wants to go into government feeding
[05:50:03] she wants to feed people
[05:50:04] uh... she wants to feed people a government only
[05:50:07] she wanted that she wants to go into a communist party type system
[05:50:11] when you look at the things that she proposes
[05:50:14] they're so far off
[05:50:15] she has no
[05:50:16] blue how about allowing people to come to an open border
[05:50:20] not a thirteen thousand of which were murderers many of them murdered far more
[05:50:25] than one person
[05:50:27] and they're now happily living in the united states you know now a murderer
[05:50:30] i believe this
[05:50:32] it's in their genes
[05:50:33] and we got that a lot of bad genes in our country right now
[05:50:42] bro
[05:50:43] bro he's saying
[05:50:45] He's saying on document of migras have a murder gene, man. Oh my God. That is races, right? I'm not hallucinating. Dude, it's not just races. It's like it's Adolf Hitler. We have officially reached the apex predator of racism.
[05:51:24] Like, like the one thing remaining from his commentary is that like we have to put them. Well, I guess he does say we're going to do mass deportation.
[05:51:39] That's it. He hasn't moved on to like we're actually going to put them in the concentration camps and killed them
[05:51:45] It's more economically expedient and more efficient for us. Oh my god
[05:52:04] It's insane. Okay. Oh minor update on
[05:52:11] The the the retaliation from Israel
[05:52:20] Okay
[05:52:21] Yeah, ironically Hitler also started talking about this process with mass deportations by the way
[05:52:30] He's saying he's gonna do nasty portations and that murderers have a murderer gene and immigrants have bad genes
[05:52:50] There is like a like a predetermined outcome here
[05:52:54] Obviously, you don't have to be a fucking Holocaust scholar to understand what the fuck is going on here. This is how it started
[05:53:01] It is not even like hyperbole. It is not an exaggeration
[05:53:29] Speaking of Israel by the way, we got
[05:53:31] But it's like the Israel's first retaliation against Iran for Tuesday's missile strike will
[05:53:38] focus on military-based perhaps intelligence or leadership sites.
[05:53:41] At least initially Israel seems unlikely to go up through the country's nuclear crown
[05:53:45] jewels.
[05:53:46] Oh, Kamala Harris 60 minutes interview is out.
[05:53:50] It's only 20 minutes long.
[05:53:52] Once again, lying mainstream media.
[05:53:55] The lying New York Times.
[05:54:00] Anyway, White Hooks is just an aggregator.
[05:54:05] This is a New York Times article.
[05:54:10] They're just summarizing a New York Times article.
[05:54:13] It's literally right there in the fucking link.
[05:54:16] Look, look at that.
[05:54:21] Look at the link in front of you.
[05:54:25] Okay, I'm not looking.
[05:54:48] No, you have to look.
[05:54:58] After considerable debate,
[05:54:59] these targets seem to have been reserved for later
[05:55:02] if the Iranians escalate with counter strikes
[05:55:03] of their own.
[05:55:05] Nonetheless, there's a rising call inside of Israel
[05:55:06] echoed by some of the United States
[05:55:07] to seize the moment to set back four years or more
[05:55:10] and Iranian capability that American intelligence officials
[05:55:12] and outside experts increasingly say
[05:55:14] is that the threshold of producing a bomb.
[05:55:17] While much of the public discussion is focused on the fact
[05:55:19] that Iran could almost certainly ramp up enrichment
[05:55:21] to produce bomb-grade uranium
[05:55:23] in a matter of weeks any day now,
[05:55:26] the more relevant fact is that it would take
[05:55:28] Iranian engineers months or maybe more than a year
[05:55:30] to fashion that fuel into a deliverable weapon.
[05:55:32] So, you know, they're saying we might hit them later.
[05:55:41] I suspect this has some to do with that.
[05:55:44] As you know, Sancom General is in Israel right now, deciding which targets Israel is allowed
[05:55:49] to hit with our weapons, mind you.
[05:55:56] Okay.
[05:56:01] Here's a wonderful J-post article, US to give Israel compensation if it hits acceptable
[05:56:08] targets in Iran.
[05:56:12] Israel has vowed a response to the attack which saw over 180 missiles fired at Israel killing
[05:56:15] a single Palestinian in the West Bank.
[05:56:18] The U.S. has reportedly offered Israel a compensation package if it refrains from attacking certain
[05:56:23] targets in Iran.
[05:56:25] To which I have to say, the United States of America, I am also not targeting Iranian
[05:56:32] nuclear facilities.
[05:56:34] Please compensate me as well.
[05:56:36] I have a bunch of other people who are currently also not targeting Iran nuclear facilities.
[05:56:42] For example, Asheville, North Carolina. For example, I would suspect that many parts of
[05:56:49] Florida that are about to be fucking demolished, they will also not be, they will also not
[05:56:54] be targeting Iran. Okay. Think about it like that. And the opportunities are endless.
[05:57:02] Okay. Many, many people in the United States of America are not in the process of targeting
[05:57:09] Iranian nuclear facilities. Could you perhaps think that maybe they get some of this money as well?
[05:57:18] I'm just saying. Oh, nevermind. That'd be anti-Semitic. Okay. Got it. Only Israel gets
[05:57:24] to have the money. Okay. Okay. Amakai Stein told them that he had received reports from
[05:57:42] U S officials of the U S had offered Israel a compensation package if it refrain from
[05:57:45] from hitting specific targets in Iran.
[05:57:48] This package was offered during negotiations
[05:57:50] between officials for the two countries
[05:57:52] on the type of response on the attack from Iran.
[05:57:55] The package would include a total guarantee
[05:57:57] of comprehensive diplomatic protections
[05:57:59] as well as a weapons package.
[05:58:01] Quid pro quo, Stein summed it up saying
[05:58:03] in American visual aid, if you don't hit targets ABC,
[05:58:05] we will provide you with diplomatic protection
[05:58:08] and an arms package.
[05:58:12] I think it's pretty funny.
[05:58:17] I think it's pretty funny because
[05:58:18] I suspect Israel will do it anyway and America will do it anyway as well. I love that we've
[05:58:44] done positive reinforcement this entire time and Israel has just violated all boundaries
[05:58:50] and all reason and America is like, well, maybe if we do a little bit more positive reinforcement,
[05:58:57] it'll be fine. That's crazy. The detransin is grift. There used to be a super pro-Palestine.
[05:59:29] Yeah, I saw words are poetic marks.
[05:59:35] I've fallen in love with Palestine.
[05:59:37] Yesterday afternoon, I was in Bethlehem,
[05:59:38] and today I'll be in Ramallah and Lambless.
[05:59:40] Five minutes arriving, a fruit seller gave me a plate
[05:59:43] of free strawberries welcoming me to Palestine,
[05:59:45] the humor kindness and resilience of the Palestinian people.
[05:59:48] I'm so lucky to have gotten to meet professor,
[05:59:50] Norman Finkelstein.
[05:59:51] He is an outspoken academic and left
[05:59:53] to Jewish thought around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
[06:00:01] That's awesome.
[06:00:20] This was at one point in Hassanabahit.
[06:00:22] I could see that.
[06:00:32] Teneke skit who keeps asking isn't positive reinforcement better because he always has to ask the dumbest question in chat. The answer is
[06:00:40] 42,000 deaths of Palestinians through direct Israeli fire that we gave them and now another war in Lebanon on top of which Israel has also struck Iran, killed the principal negotiator,
[06:00:55] He smite Hania in Tehran violating Iranian sovereignty and also destroying any sort of fucking ceasefire
[06:01:01] Negotiation that might have taken place
[06:01:03] That was all a direct consequence of our
[06:01:07] positive reinforcement
[06:01:08] So no, I don't believe giving Israel positive reinforcement is the smart thing to do unless you're fucking insane
[06:01:15] And you just keep thinking that if you continuously repeat the same bad opinions in the bad
[06:01:22] positions over and over again somehow you will expect a different outcome there
[06:01:27] is no reason to expect this different outcome though Israel is basically shown
[06:01:31] time and time again that they're gonna keep doing that all right let's continue
[06:01:35] Kamala Harris has been a candidate for president for just two and a half months
[06:01:39] and the post convention honeymoon is over with the election just 29 days
[06:01:44] away Harris and her running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walls face
[06:01:49] unrelenting attacks from Donald Trump and the race remains breaking.
[06:01:55] Hezbollah says, what is this? It will not return fire on IDF troops surrounding an
[06:02:00] Irish peacekeepers outposts on the Israeli Lebanon border. Hezbollah is
[06:02:04] accused of Israel using the peacekeepers as human shields. Yeah, that's unsurprising.
[06:02:15] The IDF is set up a forward operation base right outside of Unifil outpost 652
[06:02:20] in southern Lebanon, currently manned by Irish peacekeepers. The UN has protested the forward
[06:02:25] operating base, saying it endangers the UNIFIL troops. As Bola has told the Irish Defense
[06:02:30] Forces, they will not fire on the area despite the idea of presence to avoid inadvertently
[06:02:33] hitting the Irish troops.
[06:02:37] I think Irish people have a right to defend themselves. I think Irish peacekeepers have
[06:02:45] a right to defend themselves. And if you want to coordinate with the regional
[06:03:01] security apparatus, you know, the indigenous one, not the one that is currently invading
[06:03:10] in an effort to defend yourself and defend your interests, you know, that's up to you.
[06:03:23] They fucking lie. Wait. Oh, explosions heard in Isfahan, Iran. We don't know what happened
[06:03:31] there. This, we'll see. Unifil exist to make sure Israel never crossed the blue
[06:03:40] line too, they are supposed to shoot the Israelis. All I'm saying is, all I'm saying is, Israel
[06:03:49] seemingly has no problems encroaching on the international, international territorial boundaries.
[06:04:03] You know, that is wrong. UNIFIL is unarmed. Well, all I'm saying is, they have a right
[06:04:28] to defend themselves and a right to coordinate with the with the with the sovereign state's
[06:04:34] security apparatus this in this sorghum stance it would mean uh i guess whoever is the standing
[06:04:42] military functionally of lebanon if they choose to coordinate with them they should
[06:04:51] they they are allowed to do so why are in quotes left is the thing anikas bearing on twitter i
[06:04:58] I don't fucking know. Why are you in here asking me about this shit?
[06:05:02] What's wrong with you?
[06:05:04] It's extremely close.
[06:05:06] We met the 59 year old vice president this past week on the campaign trail and
[06:05:11] later at the vice president's residence in Washington, DC.
[06:05:15] We spoke about the economy and immigration, Ukraine and China,
[06:05:19] but we began with the escalating war in the Middle East one year after the
[06:05:25] Hamas terror attack on Israel.
[06:05:27] The story will continue in a moment.
[06:05:34] The events of the past few weeks have pushed us to the brink, if not into, an all-out regional war in the Middle East.
[06:05:43] What can the U.S. do at this point to stop this from spinning out of control?
[06:05:50] Well, let's start with October 7th.
[06:05:53] 1200 people were massacred, 250 hostages were taken, including Americans.
[06:06:00] Women were brutally raped.
[06:06:03] And as I said then, I maintain Israel has a right to defend itself, we would, and how it does so matters.
[06:06:12] Far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. This war has to end.
[06:06:16] We supply Israel with billions of dollars in military aid.
[06:06:21] And yet Prime Minister Netanyahu seems to be charting his own course.
[06:06:27] The Biden-Harris administration has pressed him to agree to cease fire.
[06:06:32] He's resisted.
[06:06:34] You urged him not to go into Lebanon.
[06:06:37] He went in anyway.
[06:06:38] Does the U.S. have no sway over Prime Minister Netanyahu?
[06:06:44] The work that we do diplomatically with the leadership of Israel is an ongoing pursuit
[06:06:50] around making clear our principles.
[06:06:53] But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening.
[06:06:58] I think you're not listening, sir.
[06:07:00] She's saying it's alongside our ongoing principles,
[06:07:04] as in permanent genocide in the Middle East is our principle.
[06:07:11] Read between the lines.
[06:07:13] If you can't read the actual lines itself,
[06:07:17] she's saying we like it and we want it
[06:07:20] And we want more of it, okay?
[06:07:22] We're not gonna stop pursuing what is necessary
[06:07:26] for the United States to be clear
[06:07:27] about where we stand on the need for this war to end.
[06:07:30] Do we have a real close ally
[06:07:35] in Prime Minister Netanyahu?
[06:07:39] I think with all due respect,
[06:07:40] the better question is,
[06:07:42] do we have an important alliance
[06:07:44] between the American people and the Israeli people?
[06:07:48] And the answer to that question is yes.
[06:07:51] While the war in the Middle East has dominated recent headlines,
[06:07:55] it's the economy that most concerns American voters
[06:07:58] this election year as always.
[06:08:00] There are lots of signs that the American economy
[06:08:04] is doing very well, better than most countries, I think.
[06:08:08] But the American people don't seem
[06:08:10] to be feeling it.
[06:08:12] Groceries are 25% higher.
[06:08:14] and people are blaming you and Joe Biden for that.
[06:08:20] Are they wrong?
[06:08:21] We now have historic low unemployment in America
[06:08:25] among all groups of people.
[06:08:27] We now have an economy that is thriving
[06:08:31] by all macroeconomic measures.
[06:08:34] And to your point, prices are still too high.
[06:08:38] And I know that and we need to deal with it,
[06:08:40] which is why part of my plan, you mentioned groceries,
[06:08:43] Part of my plan is what we must do to bring down the price of groceries.
[06:08:47] Harris says she'll press Congress to pass a federal ban on price gouging for food and
[06:08:52] groceries.
[06:08:53] Why are they doing voiceovers?
[06:08:55] This is weird.
[06:09:08] I don't understand it.
[06:09:13] I want to see the fucking full, I want to see the full NPC talking points, man.
[06:09:19] But details are yet to be defined.
[06:09:22] You want to expand the child tax credit?
[06:09:26] Yes, I do.
[06:09:26] You want to give tax breaks to first-time home buyers
[06:09:30] and people starting small businesses.
[06:09:32] But it is estimated by the nonpartisan committee
[06:09:35] for a responsible federal budget that your economic plan
[06:09:39] would add $3 trillion to the federal deficit
[06:09:43] over the next decade.
[06:09:45] How are you going to pay for that?
[06:09:47] OK, so the other economists that have reviewed my plan
[06:09:52] versus my opponent and determined
[06:09:54] that my economic plan would strengthen America's economy.
[06:09:58] If she brings up Goldman Sachs, I'm gonna die.
[06:10:00] I'm gonna perish on the spot.
[06:10:03] She's gonna bring up Goldman Sachs again, I think.
[06:10:06] His would weaken it.
[06:10:08] My plan, Bill, if you don't mind,
[06:10:10] my plan is about saying that
[06:10:14] when you invest in small businesses,
[06:10:17] you invest in the middle class
[06:10:19] and you strengthen America's economy.
[06:10:21] Small businesses are part of the backbone of America's economy.
[06:10:24] But pardon me, Madam Vice President.
[06:10:26] The question was, how are you going to pay for it?
[06:10:30] Well, one of the things I'm going to make sure.
[06:10:33] By the way, this right here inherently is a right wing attack on any kind of government spending.
[06:10:39] Nobody ever asked this question about the military.
[06:10:41] Nobody ever asked this question about Israel.
[06:10:43] Okay.
[06:10:44] Just so you understand, it's fucking bullshit.
[06:10:46] This is like how mainstream media operates on a good day, right?
[06:10:52] We're not even there anymore because the Democratic party
[06:10:55] is so fucking, the Democratic party is so right-wing,
[06:10:58] it fell off the goddamn map at this point.
[06:11:01] But like this right here is a line of attack
[06:11:07] that the Democrats back in the day used to have to deal
[06:11:11] with because they would communicate that they want
[06:11:13] to do policies such as this one.
[06:11:16] No one ever asked how will the government pay for it when it comes to subsidies,
[06:11:20] when it comes to tax cuts, nobody ever asked like what this will do to the budget. Okay.
[06:11:28] They only asked this question when any government initiative helps the working poor.
[06:11:34] Understand this. Her policies are not necessarily all that helpful for the working poor anyway
[06:11:40] in comparison to like universal programs such as Medicare for all. There's some good stuff
[06:11:45] in there, but a lot of bullshit neoliberal attitudes. Having said that, they will never
[06:11:52] ask this question for anything that is broadly defined as right-wing anti-working-class policies.
[06:12:02] They always have money in the budget for the military. They always have money in the
[06:12:06] budget for Israel. They always have money in the budget for death and destruction
[06:12:11] and for tax cuts for the wealthy. Okay? Notice how they don't ask how will you pay for it for,
[06:12:17] yes, you're right, the border wall or the border proposal, they only seemingly ask this question
[06:12:23] when it comes down to social safety nets expanding. The American government always has
[06:12:32] money in the banana stand for the wealthy and seemingly never any money in the banana stand
[06:12:39] for the working poor. Sure that the richest among us who can afford it pay
[06:12:46] their fair share in taxes. It is not right that teachers and nurses and
[06:12:52] firefighters are paying a higher tax rate than billionaires and the biggest
[06:12:57] corporations and I plan on making that. Yeah I saw a dumbass fucking Dave
[06:13:04] Portnoy go real talk am I getting screwed on taxes? I pay 50% of everything I make to the government
[06:13:11] It's Kamala saying teachers nurses and firefighters pay more than 50% of ask my account for the super wealthy tax break and they can't seem to find it
[06:13:20] Yes, dude. Yes
[06:13:23] You might be getting screwed if you're paying fucking 50% of everything you make the reality of the matter is I
[06:13:29] Don't believe that you do that
[06:13:31] But yeah in comparison to the mega wealthy you probably are
[06:13:35] You are dumb as fuck. I am too. So I get it
[06:13:47] Also, you literally spend six months plus one day in
[06:13:52] Florida, so I don't think you're paying 50% of what you make to the government at all. I on the other hand I
[06:14:00] On the other hand have a much closer tax rate a much closer effective tax rate
[06:14:05] that you do to that 50% that you're talking about because I live in California, so I don't
[06:14:16] even know what the fuck he's talking about here.
[06:14:23] Fair.
[06:14:24] But we're dealing with the real world here.
[06:14:26] But the real world includes...
[06:14:27] How are you going to get this through Congress?
[06:14:30] You know, when you talk quietly with a lot of folks in Congress, they know exactly
[06:14:34] what I'm talking about because their constituents know exactly what I'm talking about.
[06:14:39] Their constituents are those firefighters and teachers and nurses.
[06:14:44] Their constituents are middle-class, hardworking folks.
[06:14:47] And Congress has shown no inclination to move in your direction.
[06:14:53] I disagree with you.
[06:14:55] There are plenty of leaders in Congress who understand and know that the Trump tax cuts
[06:15:02] blew up our federal deficit.
[06:15:05] None of us, and certainly I cannot afford to be myopic in terms of how I think about
[06:15:11] strengthening America's economy.
[06:15:13] Let me tell you something. I am a devout public servant. You know that I'm also a capitalist
[06:15:19] and I know the limitations of government.
[06:15:22] Kamala Harris has been on a diet for decades. She was first elected.
[06:15:27] Bro, this is so, oh my God, dude. I don't expect her to say she's a socialist or whatever,
[06:15:33] obviously. But like saying she's a proud capitalist and notices the limitations of
[06:15:38] government is so unambiguously, unambiguously neoliberal, like so fucking firmly committed
[06:15:48] to the goddamn bit, dude.
[06:15:55] Trans Francisco District Attorney in 2003, then California Attorney General.
[06:16:00] She went on to the U.S. Senate and now Vice President.
[06:16:04] A quarter of registered voters still say they don't know you, they don't know what makes
[06:16:12] you ticked and why do you think that is? What's the disconnect? It's an election
[06:16:18] bill and I take it seriously that I have to earn everyone's vote. This is an
[06:16:25] election for president of the United States. No one should be able to take
[06:16:30] for granted that they can just declare themselves a candidate and
[06:16:33] automatically receive support. You have to earn it and that's what I intend to
[06:16:38] Let me tell you what your critics and the colonists say.
[06:16:41] Okay.
[06:16:42] They say that the reason so many voters don't know you
[06:16:46] is that you have changed your position on so many things.
[06:16:50] You were against fracking.
[06:16:52] Now you're for it.
[06:16:53] You supported looser immigration policies.
[06:16:56] Now you're tightening them up.
[06:16:58] You were for Medicare for all.
[06:17:00] Now you're not.
[06:17:02] So many that people don't truly know what you believe
[06:17:06] or what you stand for.
[06:17:08] And I know you've heard that.
[06:17:10] In the last four years, I have been vice president.
[06:17:13] Bro, you're literally a,
[06:17:14] I can't get over the last big question.
[06:17:17] You're a Democrat.
[06:17:18] Why are you running as a Democrat
[06:17:19] if you don't believe the government can fix problems?
[06:17:23] Like, how are we so goddamn captive
[06:17:25] on this right wing framing, this right wing slant?
[06:17:28] I just don't get it.
[06:17:29] I don't understand it.
[06:17:31] I don't know what the fuck's going on.
[06:17:32] Meanwhile, another fucking world changing genuinely fucking catastrophic hurricane is making landfall 8 p.m. Eastern. This is nothing short of astronomical
[06:17:46] I am at a loss for words to meteorologically describe you the storms small eye and intensity
[06:17:55] Okay
[06:17:56] 180 miles per hour max sustained winds and gusts 200 plus miles an hour
[06:18:01] This is now the fourth strongest hurricane ever recorded by pressure on this
[06:18:08] side of the world. The eye is tiny at nearly 3.8 miles wide. This hurricane is
[06:18:16] nearing the mathematical limit of what Earth's atmosphere over this ocean
[06:18:20] water can produce. I saw meteorologists say if there was a category 6 hurricane
[06:18:35] hurricane Milton would be a category six. It's going to undergo another EWRC eye wall replacement
[06:18:50] cycle and it's wind field will only grow before landfall. It's going to get bigger. I heard
[06:19:01] I heard meteorologists were crying on television when describing what this impact is going to
[06:19:08] look like. I'm in Tampa and I'm only packing my Hassan merch to take with me. Yes, get the
[06:19:25] fuck out of Florida chatters, please. I don't want to hear no chatters in the chat being
[06:19:31] like, Oh, I'm stuck here. Okay. I'm stuck here. Oh, here's our meteor a lot. Meteor meteor
[06:19:39] a lot. Meteor. Oh my God. I can't say it. There it is. Boom. Right on the money. 12
[06:19:51] hours ago, one AMC DT Milton at wind speeds of 90 miles and a minimum pressure of 975
[06:19:56] MB Milton went through one of the fastest rapid intensifications of an Atlantic hurricane and
[06:20:00] recorded history. And it is also one of the fastest hurricanes to go from a category one
[06:20:04] to a category five hurricane Maria a cat five, which meet you are all meet or logical meteor
[06:20:13] There it is. Meteorological. Meteorologist. Meteorologist. Meteorologist. I got it. One
[06:20:31] of the fastest hurricanes to go from cat one to cat five. Hurricane Maria cat five was devastated
[06:20:34] Puerto Rico. Dominica and Martinique in 2017 also did the same in a similar amount of
[06:20:42] time. Milton's currently a cat five hurricane in the Gulf near the Yucatan and forecast
[06:20:46] move towards the Florida peninsula. The NHC has stated multiple times this is an extremely
[06:20:50] life-threatening situation and is urging all Floridians slash those in areas that could
[06:20:55] be affected to follow the advice of local officials do your best to leave if they tell
[06:20:59] you to. I know that there's a lot of Floridians out there. I know that there's a lot of
[06:21:03] fucking Floridians out there that are like, ah, nah, it's fine. I don't give a shit.
[06:21:10] I'm billed different. I would not do that.
[06:21:13] It's just an incredible, incredible, incredible hurricane.
[06:21:17] It has dropped, it has dropped 50 millibars in 10 hours.
[06:21:30] I apologize, this is just horrific.
[06:21:35] When the maximum sustained winds are 160 miles per hour.
[06:21:40] And it is just gaining strength in the Gulf of Mexico
[06:21:45] where you can imagine the winds, I mean the seas
[06:21:49] are just so incredibly, incredibly hot,
[06:21:52] a record hot as you might imagine.
[06:21:55] You know what's driving that.
[06:21:56] I don't need to tell you, global warming, climate change
[06:21:59] leading to this and be-
[06:22:00] Oh, I'm tuned out.
[06:22:01] That's fake news, man.
[06:22:02] He's crying.
[06:22:06] Obviously, obviously when he said climate change,
[06:22:08] I was like, no, I thought he was going to talk about the Chinese Jewish, uh,
[06:22:13] weather machine and a classic classic liberal media doing fake news again.
[06:22:22] I hate to report on this, but it's very obviously a Jewish Chinese space laser
[06:22:28] machine that also is doing HRP weather conditions.
[06:22:44] Dude, I literally almost had a crime when I was researching it.
[06:22:46] Almost the entire peninsula of Florida is at some kind of risk of flash flooding as well
[06:22:55] as the coast of Georgia and South Carolina, the Tampa Bay areas at risk of 10 to 15 foot
[06:22:58] storm surge.
[06:23:00] Florida will be impacted by heavy rainfall before Milton makes landfall.
[06:23:02] You probably got to get out right now before it, you know, before it's too fucking late.
[06:23:09] Unless you want to drive in that fucking storm surge.
[06:23:19] This will lead to comprehensive climate change legislation.
[06:23:22] No it won't.
[06:23:23] dog, extreme weather, like once in a lifetime weather events are now extremely commonplace
[06:23:30] and people refuse to recognize the reality so much so that they are refusing to harden
[06:23:36] the infrastructure against it. Like we are actively, actively not even like we're not
[06:23:43] even doing the thing that was supposed to do to like at least save people because
[06:23:48] of our inability to recognize the reality. This has become such a fucking culture war
[06:23:53] issue at this point that people literally won't even do the things necessary, the bare minimum
[06:23:58] of things necessary to at least like, hard in the infrastructure.
[06:24:15] And you're hearing more and more people, you're hearing more people fucking straight
[06:24:20] up, say, no dog is gotta be the weather machine. That's probably what this is.
[06:24:27] Because the alternative is too scary. The truth is too scary. Okay,
[06:24:32] coming an increasing threat for the Yucatan, including Merida and Progreso and
[06:24:40] other areas there. Let's see if I can show you the latest. There's the cat
[06:24:47] five information wins a hundred and sixty miles per hour. Moving east southeast at nine miles per hour.
[06:24:54] And on that track, you're going to notice that this system is going to come very, very close to the Yucatan.
[06:25:04] And the dirty side of this hurricane, folks, is on the right hand side of its progress.
[06:25:11] So therefore, they're going to get the dirty side there.
[06:25:16] These communities, many of them, as you might imagine, many folks in that area have just
[06:25:23] the very basics, just the basics, nothing else but that, so it's going to be very
[06:25:28] tough.
[06:25:29] Now let's transition to Florida because even though it is expected to weaken on approach,
[06:25:35] It is so incredibly strong right now that you're going to find it very difficult for it to be
[06:25:42] nothing less than a major hurricane when it makes landfall in Florida.
[06:25:48] Do not call it a category six hurricane.
[06:25:59] This will get you canceled.
[06:26:01] Be careful.
[06:26:02] Wait, what?
[06:26:03] I didn't say that.
[06:26:06] I said people more knowledgeable than myself are saying if there was a cat six designation
[06:26:11] this would fit it.
[06:26:18] So who the fuck fell off ass comment?
[06:26:22] What is that?
[06:26:24] Like, who's going to, who's going to cancel me, dude?
[06:26:29] Motherfuckers underwater in Florida.
[06:26:30] Like what are we talking about?
[06:26:39] You will be canceled.
[06:26:42] Florida governor, Rhonda Santhas is refusing to speak to Kamala Harris about coordinating
[06:26:45] the hurricane response.
[06:26:47] Kamala Harris now responds on tarmac, calls the Santas ignoring calls utterly responsible
[06:26:52] and selfish.
[06:26:54] response to NBC news story about governor Ron DeSantis not taking VP calls by hurricane
[06:26:58] response. What the fuck, bro? What, what does this mean? What do you mean? You're just not
[06:27:14] going to fucking initiate any kind of risk. You're not going to fucking take any fucking,
[06:27:20] you're not going to take federal help. Like, what are you saying? Why does press secretary
[06:27:34] Korean Jean Pierre was asked about NBC news report on Monday afternoon, whether politics
[06:27:39] was sinking into the hurricane response. That's really for the governor to speak to, right?
[06:27:46] She replied saying that the White House invited DeSantis to survey the storm damage with
[06:27:50] Biden. It was the decision to not attend or not be there with the president. It's up to
[06:27:54] him. She added, we are doing our part in the Biden Harris administration, working, obviously
[06:27:58] female is working on the ground, all hands on deck, whole of government, robust approach
[06:28:02] here. And so again, that's for governors, governor DeSantis to speak to. Oh, he
[06:29:01] did. He finally took Biden's call 10 minutes ago. Biden got DeSantis on the phone
[06:29:06] from the White House. This evening the President has separate calls with Florida Governor Ronda
[06:29:09] Sanders and Tampa Mayor Jane Castor to get a first hand report on the recovery efforts for
[06:29:13] Hurricane Helene and to discuss preparation for Hurricane Milton. He asked the governor and the
[06:29:17] mayor to call him directly if there's anything that can be done to further support the response
[06:29:20] and recovery efforts. No bipartisan support to assist the humanitarian crisis instead focusing
[06:29:33] on political talks for a serious emergency. I just don't like there is no there is no
[06:29:39] fucking politics in this situation. Okay, there is no politics in a fucking hurricane. That's
[06:29:46] ridiculous. Evacuation traffic suddenly shot up after Hurricane Milton reaches category five
[06:29:52] in Tampa. So the thing is, the things I linked to you are directly from the NAC.
[06:30:02] He's literally going to get more people killed. I hate that motherfucker. Yeah, I,
[06:30:09] what I'm going to debate about FEMA with my brother and I've gotten the point
[06:30:17] that he that he sounds like he wants FEMA to fail and not have anything in place to help people. What what do you do?
[06:30:25] In times like this in times like this you unironically need FEMA more because we're not going to do anything to like
[06:30:32] mitigate we're not going to do anything to mitigate the the
[06:30:36] The way in which these fucking extreme weather events occur, right? We're not going to do anything about climate change
[06:30:42] We're not going to fucking dial back our carbon footprint
[06:30:46] We're not doing anything to like harden our infrastructure against these sorts of like massive world changing climate atrocities.
[06:30:57] So the least you can do is at least hope that there is enough money in the tank for relief and recovery.
[06:31:05] Right? Like what the fuck are we doing?
[06:31:10] I mean shouldn't the US be force sending the fucking military wood slash could have stayed refused the National Guard?
[06:31:33] I just I don't know I don't know what do you do in the situation? I'm sure Rhonda
[06:31:38] Santos is just like playing politics which is insane when you're staring down
[06:31:42] the barrel of like you know hundreds of your fucking citizens dying in this in
[06:31:48] this massive fucking hurricane but I mean he has capitulated he has actually
[06:31:55] taken the call Republicans are saying that the Biden admin pulled FEMA funds
[06:32:12] immigration is that true? I mean there's always restructuring going on in terms of like funding
[06:32:17] certain things, but I wonder where that I'm reminded of the 17 billion dollars that we've
[06:32:25] given to Israel, including the 9 billion that we gave to Israel, the total 18 billion dollars
[06:32:31] in military aid we gave to Israel. I'm reminded of that number because there's plenty of restructuring
[06:32:39] that happens in the American budget throughout the fiscal year, and it doesn't seem like anyone
[06:32:45] brings this up when talking about the money in the bank. Trump is live from Florida speaking
[06:32:53] about Israel. Let's go. Wait, is he doing a standing? Oh, is he doing a moment of silence
[06:33:03] for October 7? Thank you very much to every family that lost a loved one. I know so many of them
[06:33:11] them on that terrible day, including several here tonight.
[06:33:14] We grieve with you, we stand with you,
[06:33:16] and we make you this sacred and sacred vow,
[06:33:22] very simple vow, a vow you've heard many times,
[06:33:25] and sometimes it's honored, and sometimes it's not.
[06:33:27] But this will be honored never again, never again.
[06:33:35] The monsters who perpetrated those murders
[06:33:39] also took over 250 hostages, men, women, and children,
[06:33:43] including 12 Americans.
[06:33:45] In so doing, they inflicted the most unthinkable torture,
[06:33:48] not only on their captains,
[06:33:50] but also on the families who were forced to live.
[06:33:53] Why does motherfucker fly into the hurricane, by the way?
[06:33:56] He can be in pain, not knowing.
[06:33:57] I just realized he's in Miami.
[06:34:02] Anything worse.
[06:34:03] Tonight, we send our love to every innocent soul
[06:34:07] who remains in Hamas captivity.
[06:34:11] You just are not gonna stand for it.
[06:34:13] We're not gonna take it.
[06:34:14] not going to take it any longer. We pray that through the darkness they know that we
[06:34:19] have not forgotten them, that we have not forsaken them. We will never forsake them
[06:34:27] and we will never abandon them. And with God's help they will come safely home and it will
[06:34:32] be soon. We hope it will be very soon.
[06:34:35] Oh, he's so good.
[06:34:36] Very, very soon. And we hope they're safe. Nobody knows. I was talking to somebody
[06:34:46] today and the family has no idea. They think their boy is safe, beautiful boy, beautiful
[06:34:51] young American. He went over there to enjoy and to pray and they've never seen him again,
[06:34:59] but they think he's alive. And can you imagine that? Can you even imagine? Let me also say
[06:35:06] to all of the people of Israel who have endured a long year's search of anger and
[06:35:11] slander and war our hearts are united with yours we're very united with yours
[06:35:16] the bond between the United States and Israel is strong and enduring and if and
[06:35:22] when they say when I'm president I don't say that I never say that if and what
[06:35:28] you say that all the time I'm president of the United States once again be
[06:35:34] stronger and closer than it ever was before we have to win this election if
[06:35:37] We don't want this election.
[06:35:39] It's tremendous consequence for everything.
[06:35:46] You know, I say that November 5th will be the most important day
[06:35:50] in the history of our country.
[06:35:52] I think it will also be the most important day
[06:35:54] in the history of Israel, if you want to know the truth.
[06:35:57] I believe that.
[06:35:58] I think you believe that, too.
[06:36:04] Over the past year, there has been an effort by some
[06:36:07] to deny the horrors of October 7th,
[06:36:10] just as some unbelievably deny the Holocaust itself.
[06:36:15] And you have that and you have people that actually say,
[06:36:18] oh, October 7th, it never happened.
[06:36:21] Where do these people come from, where do they come from?
[06:36:24] And they don't believe it.
[06:36:25] This is one of the funniest lies that he says all the time.
[06:36:28] I've never heard anyone fucking say that.
[06:36:31] Like denying the atrocities aside, you could say that,
[06:36:35] but absolutely zero people on the planet
[06:36:38] have said october seven never really happened it was a it was a sigh up
[06:36:42] also say never ever forget we can never forget
[06:36:46] the nightmare of that day still hands
[06:36:49] the horrible
[06:36:51] the horrible legacy of what's taken place the survivors the families of the dead
[06:36:56] and use all over the world
[06:36:59] hummus raped tortured maimed and murdered innocent civilians in the most
[06:37:03] barbaric ways imaginable nobody can believe what they saw and it's
[06:37:08] It's there for those to see.
[06:37:09] If you want to see it, it's a terrible thing.
[06:37:12] I've seen it.
[06:37:15] They parrot-lighted into a music festival
[06:37:17] full of life and beauty.
[06:37:20] In the disguise, they came and massacred young people
[06:37:23] who came for joy and happiness and peace.
[06:37:25] They were loving young people, wonderful young people,
[06:37:28] beautiful people.
[06:37:30] One young woman whose friend had been killed
[06:37:33] was seeing begging on her knees for her life.
[06:37:35] She was begging, please, please.
[06:37:37] her last words were, don't kill me, please don't kill me before the terrorist shot
[06:37:42] her dead in the face. Elsewhere a child and an adult were bound together with
[06:37:48] metal wire burned alive. A baby was shot through the heart while still in the
[06:37:54] mother's womb, ready to be born and shot. Today we reaffirmed the entire
[06:38:01] world to hear there can be no acceptance, no excuse and no understanding
[06:38:06] of this kind of evil.
[06:38:07] It's the evil like nobody has ever seen before.
[06:38:12] Nothing can justify it, nothing can rationalize it.
[06:38:15] And any person who sympathizes with it
[06:38:19] with these terrible atrocities as a sickness
[06:38:22] in their soul and a darkness in their heart.
[06:38:24] And these are people that can never be our allies
[06:38:27] or our friends.
[06:38:28] Almost as shocking as October 7th itself
[06:38:31] is the outbreak of antisemitism
[06:38:34] that we have all seen in its wake.
[06:38:38] I never thought I was going to see this, never, ever.
[06:38:41] This is so incredible to be witnessing,
[06:38:43] whoever thought we thought this was very, very
[06:38:47] rarefied, putrid air.
[06:38:51] We never thought we'd see it
[06:38:52] and we certainly never thought we'd see it in this country.
[06:38:55] And a lot of that has to do with the leadership
[06:38:58] of this country.
[06:39:00] This attack, yeah.
[06:39:04] Well, that's true.
[06:39:07] We need leadership.
[06:39:09] Thank you.
[06:39:10] Thank you.
[06:39:13] Thank you.
[06:39:15] It's very sad to see.
[06:39:16] I never thought I'd see it.
[06:39:17] This attack should have rallied the entire world
[06:39:20] in support of the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland
[06:39:23] instead, an ancient scourge of anti-Jewish hatred.
[06:39:27] And this was something we thought
[06:39:29] was left to hundreds and thousands of years ago.
[06:39:33] I mean, this was something we never
[06:39:34] thought could happen. The anti-Jewish hatred has returned even here in America and our
[06:39:39] streets are media.
[06:39:40] Hundreds of thousands of years ago? Anti-Jewish hatred from 100,000 years ago?
[06:39:47] Not in the Republican Party. I will tell you that. It's not in the Republican Party.
[06:39:57] And I say that the Republican Party has not been infected by this horrible disease.
[06:40:03] And hopefully it won't be, it won't be as long as I'm in charge.
[06:40:06] I can tell you that these endless candles photos and empty chairs remind us why it's
[06:40:16] so important that the toxic poison of anti-Semitism be condemned, confronted and stop.
[06:40:24] Anti-Semitic bigotry has no place in a civilized society.
[06:40:26] It has no place in our universities.
[06:40:29] And it has no place in the United States of America.
[06:40:32] No place.
[06:40:33] The real devastation is a three minute abrick at the top of the hour chat. Make no mistake. You can avoid it though by subscribing
[06:40:45] or
[06:40:47] Six dollars or for free with which prime here's the three minute abrick now
[06:40:53] Lost their lives actually many lost their lives one of them was self makes up
[06:40:59] Oh, she was escaped from a concentration camp at the age of 11 only to die at the hands of the same vile hate
[06:41:07] eight decades later. Can you imagine his thought process when he saw this happening? Can you
[06:41:15] even imagine it? Hamas terrorists murdered Moshe at 91 years old for the same reason the Nazis put
[06:41:21] him in a camp simply because he was a Jew. The world cannot continue down this dangerous path.
[06:41:28] We must stop this perilous slide into conflict, hatred, and destruction. And we must really
[06:41:34] honestly stop it now it cannot go on because it's going to only get worse if
[06:41:38] it does. The October 7th attack would never have happened if I was president.
[06:41:50] The past few years have proven that weakness only begets violence and
[06:42:00] war and you see that it's weakness but it's also there's a lot of hatred going
[06:42:04] around also not just weakness it's hatred there's a lot of hatred on a
[06:42:08] certain side. What is needed more than ever is a return of unwavering
[06:42:13] American leadership and unquestioned American strength.
[06:42:17] We were strong.
[06:42:18] We were powerful.
[06:42:19] We were respected, like this country has not been respected in many, many decades, just
[06:42:25] four years ago.
[06:42:27] That's what I intend to deliver as the 47th President of the United States.
[06:42:32] We're going to deliver everything that we want.
[06:42:39] As you know, Hamas has now been severely degraded, and Hezbollah has recently been
[06:42:45] dealt very, very powerful crippling blows with strength and the right leadership.
[06:42:51] The dawn of a new, more harmonious Middle East is finally within our reach.
[06:42:56] It's finally within our reach.
[06:42:58] But you have no idea the role that the United States has to play in order to get that ball
[06:43:04] over the goal line.
[06:43:06] We have to get it into the end zone.
[06:43:07] And if it's not the United States, it's not going to happen.
[06:43:11] It's not going to happen.
[06:43:12] We have to be able to get it done and get it done properly and get back to a wonderful,
[06:43:18] beautiful way of life.
[06:43:20] You have to be able to do it.
[06:43:21] You have to finish what you began and you have to finish it quickly.
[06:43:26] So here is my commitment to you on the solemn date.
[06:43:29] I will not allow the Jewish state to be threatened with destruction.
[06:43:33] I will not allow another Holocaust of the Jewish people.
[06:43:37] I will not allow a jihad to be waged on America or our allies.
[06:43:41] And I will support Israel's right. I'm the one jihadi voter and it has to win it fast
[06:43:50] There's nothing funnier than Trump talking about like anti-jewish hate right next to a
[06:43:56] 1488 Michael pillow ad
[06:43:59] Okay, I'm sorry this entire this entire process is so cooked. I love it, dude
[06:44:07] And I wonder while we're the fuck is that water?
[06:44:11] Steve Whitcoff, a great entrepreneur in New York and Florida and elsewhere, I think everywhere frankly, but he's made a major contribution
[06:44:19] So I just want you to know that. I think it's appropriate to bring that up. What do you think?
[06:44:23] And Steve is the only one that doesn't really care if I do, but he's been very generous. Thank you very much Steve
[06:44:29] I appreciate it with this wonderful beautiful boy
[06:44:32] Here at home. I will defend our American Jewish population
[06:44:36] I will protect your communities, your schools, your places of worship, and your values.
[06:44:42] We will remove the jihadist sympathizers and Jew haters.
[06:44:46] We're going to remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country.
[06:44:51] They only want to destroy our country.
[06:44:54] And we will never let the horrors of October 7th be repeated here on Americans.
[06:45:00] We will not let that happen, and we will solve the problem that we have.
[06:45:04] If you look at what happened just two days ago in New York City, I couldn't believe it.
[06:45:09] I said it's starting all over again.
[06:45:12] The level of violence was as bad as it was last summer.
[06:45:16] We can achieve all of that.
[06:45:18] We can really make sure that those who perished on October 7th will not have died in vain.
[06:45:25] They cannot have died in vain.
[06:45:29] You cannot let that happen.
[06:45:33] With God's help, their sacrifice will have given way to a safer Jewish homeland, a stronger
[06:45:38] state of Israel, a more secure America, and at long last, we will have achieved the dream
[06:45:44] of some generations.
[06:45:46] We are going to make this.
[06:45:48] We are going to turn this, and you can never say a total positive because all of those
[06:45:53] people that have died, but we're going to turn this into something where they can
[06:45:58] be proud of what's happened.
[06:46:00] They can say we sacrificed our lives for something very special.
[06:46:06] There has to be unity.
[06:46:07] There has to be peace.
[06:46:08] There has to be strength.
[06:46:09] We need so many qualities.
[06:46:10] We need every single quality.
[06:46:13] We're going to bring it all together, and we will have peace in the Middle East.
[06:46:17] We will have strength and resilience, and we will have a very powerful and strong
[06:46:23] Israel, and I will be with you all the way.
[06:46:25] Thank you very much.
[06:46:26] God bless you.
[06:46:27] God bless the people of Israel. God bless America. Thank you very much
[06:46:35] What is this noise?
[06:46:36] Hey, Maddison the woman right there the looker right there the Trump keeps kissing a little bit too much
[06:46:56] What's going on dude Sheldon is fucking rotting in hell right now
[06:47:00] Looking up going what the fuck? Yo, are you hitting that? That's bullshit
[06:47:05] The pro-Israel donor with a hundred million dollar plan to elect Trump. I
[06:47:16] Love that they're playing YMCA at the remembrance event
[06:47:29] Is it not at least a little odd that a major presidential candidate has done like three
[06:47:32] to four speeches on Israel and anti-Semitism for a people that comprise 2% of the US population
[06:47:37] and a nation even a sizable majority of what 2% have no connection to? Yeah,
[06:47:44] Mary Madison is giving him $100 million. He will do more of these speeches. Okay.
[06:47:52] Okay. And so will Kamala Harris. That's it. That's it. House Speaker Mark Johnson said
[06:48:03] hurricane who leads devastation doesn't require immediate action by Congress to boost federal
[06:48:07] disaster relief funding. Yeah, they're on the same page. Yeah. Trump is a little bit
[06:48:26] more extreme than the other page. Like he'll probably Trump will go for the annexation
[06:48:32] of West Bank. Now Kamala Harris will go for the annexation of the West Bank at
[06:48:36] the end of our four-year term. All things considered. You know, it's just, it, that's how it goes.
[06:48:42] It's a stay of execution when you're voting for the Democrats. Like, it's just gonna happen.
[06:48:48] It's more so a timeframe on when it will. Jewish school bus wrapped in Hebrew writing,
[06:48:54] belonging to Kalishor Yeshiva was vandalized over Rosh Hashanah. Multiple windows, including
[06:48:59] the windshield and door were shattered and animal feces were thrown into the vehicle
[06:49:02] was parked on Avenue L. According to Flatbush-Shromrim, it is allegedly a group of possible
[06:49:07] Muslim youths. Wait, what? Muslim youths were seeing laughing and making anti-Semitic remarks
[06:49:12] while committing the vandalism, but this is yet to be confirmed by the NYPD. Why the fuck?
[06:49:16] What? That's insane. Like, this is, that is fucking insane to just be like, yeah,
[06:49:28] yeah, we heard that it was Muslims. Then why say it? You know what? Yeah, they were like,
[06:49:46] they were like I love I love being Muslim and a big part of my commitment to
[06:49:55] Islam is doing anti-semitic is doing anti-semitic acts probably what was going
[06:50:06] on that's what they were doing I was doing yeah I love doing Muslimic style
[06:50:10] bad guy shit walking up to a brown kid is Muhammad God's Prophet yeah that's
[06:50:26] That's how they figured it out. Well, I haven't even looked at the fucking caller daddy podcast
[06:50:32] shit. And it is shocking that the caller daddy podcast got the goddamn vice president on and
[06:50:39] in one day it got 267,000 views. I feel like, I feel like I could have a higher view count
[06:50:48] than this. I'm not even I feel I know the full thing is 40 minutes on the playlist. Trump
[06:51:07] loves dancing. He's so unserious dog. He is so ridiculous. This country is so stupid.
[06:51:24] We're the dumbest country. I'm sorry. We're such a we're a bad country. We're bad. We're
[06:51:28] so bad. We're being naughty. We're being dumb. We're being bad. I don't know what
[06:51:34] else to say about it. We're being bad, naughty, and so stupid that we're harming ourselves now.
[06:51:45] It's not an opportunity question. I'm very new to the Israel-Allyship conversation. Why are we so
[06:51:49] strongly aligned with them? Oh, I feel like I answered this so much. Chatter. We are aligned
[06:51:59] with Israel because America is a dying empire, and those are our guys in the region. They are
[06:52:06] important for us in the region that is resource rich and can potentially, if push comes to shove,
[06:52:13] control a very important trade route. Beyond that, this allegiance over the course of many,
[06:52:19] many years has also created an offensive charm campaign in the United States of America and
[06:52:28] in the Western world in general, both lobbying congressional members, but also beyond that
[06:52:33] basically infiltrating academia and every other fucking aspect of like every every vector of
[06:52:42] recruitment for top levels in office and governance. Oh no. What do you mean? Oh no.
[06:52:51] This is what it is. There is an ideological commitment to to Zionism, to defending Israel.
[06:53:00] Get up and work, bitch. Okay, true. But most significantly, it is our State Department
[06:53:08] position in perpetuity. Okay, it is our State Department position in perpetuity
[06:53:16] that we must defend Israel's interests and his territorial ambitions. And as our unsinkable
[06:53:24] warship is becoming more and more of a fucking pariah state, we're letting them do as much
[06:53:30] land grabs as possible because this might be the last time they get to do such a thing.
[06:53:39] There's also theological reasonings for our undying loyalty to the state of Israel from
[06:53:46] a base of white evangelical protestants, which happens to have a tremendous outsized
[06:53:52] political impact. That's kind of why we had the abortion thing happen.
[06:53:57] But you know, here's what Ayesha Siddiqui had to say about our incredible historic hurricane,
[06:54:16] hurricane Milton making landfall soon. Part of the toll of living under America's
[06:54:24] managed decline and the abandonment of people is how helpless and distraught one is,
[06:54:28] made to feel in the face of daily horror. We try to get in touch with those we could
[06:54:33] and offer shelter, but the need far outpaces individual ability.
[06:54:39] Is ashamed of the time you got as an empire was an era of extreme documentation.
[06:54:44] Saturation, think of 500 years from now, China will study the Romans and the Americans.
[06:54:48] I know which subject I would prefer, ha ha ha.
[06:55:00] Did you see Neniel place mics in the former prime minister's toilet?
[06:55:03] Oh, you mean Boris Johnson?
[06:55:05] I don't, I understand that though.
[06:55:07] Boris Johnson is an Ottoman son,
[06:55:09] passed with destroying the West as an insider.
[06:55:12] So, Benjamin Netanyahu, obviously, knowing full well that prior Zionists, like the original
[06:55:21] OG founding father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, got fucked over by the Ottomans when they went
[06:55:26] to the Ottoman Empire to get Palestine and they said no, knew not to trust the Ottoman
[06:55:32] son Boris Johnson, so he wanted to see how hard he shit.
[06:55:43] I get that.
[06:56:14] Let's tune in to Tampa Mayor Jane Castore who had this to say about the potential category
[06:56:22] five hurricane making landfall in Florida.
[06:56:25] Tampa is of course in the way of the hurricane path.
[06:56:29] Number one message to Tampa residents tonight.
[06:56:33] The number one message.
[06:56:34] Can I make an image of reality?
[06:56:37] are now is that you need to prepare, do whatever you need to do, and then get out of the evacuation
[06:56:47] zones, which now are evacuation zone A and B. And as we all have heard so many times
[06:56:55] now, you hide from the wind and run from the water. And we are talking about right
[06:57:02] right now the possibility of a direct hit would tend to 12 foot tidal surge. Put that
[06:57:08] in perspective, Hurricane Helene, which just left the Tampa Bay area a week ago, there
[06:57:16] was six foot storm surge and that was literally devastating to so many in our coastal area.
[06:57:24] We have 126 miles of coast just in the city of Tampa. And so people need to be
[06:57:30] that warning. And from the looks of traffic on all of our northbound highways, they're
[06:57:36] doing just that. Yeah, we've seen how jammed up those highways are. I know a lot of the
[06:57:40] tolls have been suspended to help facilitate people getting out of there. What would you
[06:57:45] say to people tonight who are saying, you know what, I'm going to ride this out.
[06:57:48] I've written others out. What would you say to people who aren't heating those
[06:57:52] evacuation orders? Well, I can tell you right now that they may have done that
[06:57:58] and others. There's never been one like this. And this Helene Helene was a wake up call.
[06:58:05] This is literally catastrophic. And I can say without any dramatization whatsoever, if
[06:58:13] you choose to stay in one of those evacuation areas, you're going to die.
[06:58:18] Oh my God. I just had to beg my girlfriend for the last few days to get the fuck
[06:58:40] out of Tampa. And now they're finally going southbound. The problem is it's not like
[06:58:57] people choose to stay like some okay we're talking about Florida there are a lot of people who choose
[06:59:02] to stay but not everyone is choosing to stay a big issue with evacuations during hurricanes like this
[06:59:09] is the fact that people don't have south yes south is also an appropriate way to escape
[06:59:18] it's safer that's why miami is safer than fucking tampa the evacuation zones tropical storm zones
[06:59:47] are the prisons in the area cleared? Nope. The people, a lot of people that die in situations
[07:00:15] like this are people that don't have the financial capability of getting out. It's not always
[07:00:22] people who are like, fuck you, hurricane, you can't do shit to me, I'm from Florida.
[07:00:29] Okay. I4 has been good luck for hours. A lot of people lost their cars and Helene and
[07:00:34] rentals are locked up for the last week. I need people to be prepared for the fact
[07:00:37] that there aren't many residents that want to leave, but won't be able, that
[07:00:39] want to leave but won't be able to. Elderly parents, disabled, poor people without any cars,
[07:00:47] etc. I've never in my life seen gravity like this saying to avoid
[07:00:50] nearly the entirety of the state of Florida. There's also one additional thing that I want
[07:01:01] to show you about the state of Florida or at least specifically Tampa. The Tampa Bay
[07:01:06] area's main hospital and only trauma center is built on an island at sea level. I just want
[07:01:24] point out that there's going to be potentially 15 feet of storm surge. By the way, this is literally
[07:01:37] fucking Florida. Like, the everywhere in Florida is like this. If you're confused, what the fuck
[07:01:45] caused them to make this decision? Like, this is most of Florida. And let me tell you, they
[07:01:56] didn't do the Dutch move of like building it in a floating fashion or anything like that.
[07:02:19] My friend works there and is on emergency call. They have flood barriers that work to keep the
[07:02:23] hospital operational yeah they usually have uh they they will put up these like crazy ass fucking
[07:02:29] flood barriers around the hospital i've seen it in action uh during helica uh hurricane helene
[07:02:36] huh i'm flying to florida for tomorrow for a wedding pray for me what are you
[07:02:47] fucking stupid no shot the answer is yes what part of florida are you flying to what are you
[07:03:02] you guys going to do like that? Orlando? Wait, someone in the chat said Disney, Disney World
[07:03:10] is not even closing yet. I have a family in evacuation zone C they're in their 80s and
[07:03:26] are sheltering at the high school so they can check their mobile home when it's done.
[07:03:30] So dumb. I want them to go. How does Florida exist? Swampland. They were like, look at
[07:03:41] this uninhabitable swamp land. Let's build on it anyway. Surely this won't be an issue
[07:03:49] down the line. The entirety of the state of Florida, especially some of the higher density
[07:03:57] urban areas are directly built on Coke money. Like I'm not even joking when I say this.
[07:04:04] It's not even a meme. Okay. It's indigenous slaughter on top of a swamp land that they
[07:04:11] They propped up with Coke money and real estate scams.
[07:04:15] And now the current economy of the state of Florida revolves around crypto.
[07:04:23] That's all Florida is.
[07:04:27] It's like shoddy housing built unsustainably with infrastructure that falls apart with
[07:04:32] regular frequency.
[07:04:38] And it's completely built by Coke money that people had to dump into something and
[07:04:43] real estate was the best possible way to do it.
[07:04:55] cocaine money, not coke brothers. Like cocaine money. Money by trafficking cocaine. Vanilla
[07:05:21] Ice builds homes in Florida. You take that back. Well, there you go. You just proved
[07:05:25] the point I was making. Wait, that's not a joke. No, man, it's not. Yeah, just prop
[07:05:57] plain enthusiasts and speedboat enthusiasts that happen to find a passion for travel
[07:06:07] all the way from 60s, 70s, 80s well into the 90s. I mean that's not like nothing I said
[07:06:17] is a joke. Storm Surge GIS map in my chat history. Thinking about buying land in Florida is a good
[07:06:37] idea. I mean if you if you don't plan to be able to live in it for extended periods of time
[07:06:45] throughout the year and if you have no problem with not being able to purchase insurance for it,
[07:06:52] It seems like, or maybe, maybe you know how to breathe underwater if you have been able
[07:07:00] to develop gill technology.
[07:07:03] That could be a reasonable thing to, that could be a reasonable investment for you.
[07:07:14] I'm a meteorology student, major student.
[07:07:16] This could be pretty tragic.
[07:07:17] It's actually worst case scenario.
[07:07:18] Milton Wheaton is just for landfall because that enables the wind field to expand causing
[07:07:22] the storm surge to be more expansive and devastating winds are never the worst
[07:07:25] part of the hurricane.
[07:07:26] The flooding and storm surges also don't underestimate tornadoes.
[07:07:29] NATO says they can happen during a hurricane as well.
[07:07:55] Good stuff, man.
[07:07:56] I mean, it's great.
[07:08:18] We watched the meteorologist crying on camera
[07:08:22] when discussing the nature of this.
[07:08:31] Folks, are we gonna be okay?
[07:08:33] As major hurricane approaches Florida,
[07:08:34] FEMA faces severe staffing shortage.
[07:08:41] Yeah, that's kind of what happens
[07:08:42] when half of the fucking countries east coast
[07:08:45] is directly underwater, you know?
[07:08:49] Once again, I repeat,
[07:08:51] We don't want to address the problem.
[07:08:53] We don't want to address the root cause of the problem.
[07:08:55] We want to argue on whether the root cause even exists or the problem even exists.
[07:08:59] We don't want to address what happens if the problem ends up making landfall.
[07:09:06] And we don't even have any money left in the tank for the relief and recovery efforts
[07:09:10] after the inevitable consequences of avoiding said problem for extended periods of time.
[07:09:17] What do you expect?
[07:09:19] What do you expect? Also, a lot of chatters are fucking being quite anti-semitic. I will
[07:09:31] say, I know I'm in California and we got our own complications to worry about such as wild
[07:09:38] fires. Okay, but I think a lot of chatters are being anti-semitic when they talk about
[07:09:44] FEMA facing severe staffing shortages, when obviously, you know, we should probably
[07:09:52] give that money to Israel. Israel's running out of munitions as my favorite congressperson
[07:09:57] Lindsey Graham correctly pointed out. What are you saying bro? You know what I'm saying.
[07:10:15] I am Israel Ha. This was Ian in 2022. Oh my god, Twitter video is so ass. That's amazing.
[07:10:56] Okay to be fair that is pretty cool. I know a guy who could get 1000 ready-enabled
[07:11:15] Afghans on the problem ASAP guess what dude he was in Florida and they fucking arrested him
[07:11:23] so who's the real villain of this story okay who's the real villain the federal government
[07:11:30] of course ryan ruth would address the problem with the tact it deserves cathleen is this you
[07:11:41] we got lakefront home all of a sudden not sure if you saw this but some guy washington post
[07:12:01] wrote an article literally predicting us in 2017, Tampa Bay's coming storm.
[07:12:06] The area is due for a major hurricane and it is not prepared. If a big one scores a direct hit,
[07:12:11] the damage would likely surpass Katrina. Over the past 24 years since he moved into his house,
[07:12:22] the bayou has inched up a protective seawall and crept towards his front door.
[07:12:27] As sea level rises, the result of global warming contributes to flooding in his Venetian Isles
[07:12:31] neighborhood and shore acres, a neighboring community of homes worth is 2.5 million, about
[07:12:36] 70 times per year.
[07:12:38] Why stay, asked Luther, an oceanographer who knows perfectly well a hurricane can one day
[07:12:42] shove 15 feet of water into his living room.
[07:12:45] It's just so nice.
[07:12:50] Tampa Bay is mesmerizing with 700 miles of shoreline and some of the finest white
[07:12:54] sand beaches in the nation.
[07:13:08] He's like, I want to directly view the problem.
[07:13:11] an oceanographer, I know what's about to happen. And I would like to be there experiencing
[07:13:18] it in real time. If like half of Tampa in the West Coast, Florida gets wiped out. What's
[07:13:28] the point of rebuilding? Like, I don't even know how to answer this question. Like, what
[07:13:33] are we, I get where you're coming from where it's like, it makes no sense. Like you cannot
[07:13:39] fucking live there. You know, you literally cannot live there at this point, but you
[07:13:45] will never stop Americans from living there. You understand? As an oceanographer, his job
[07:13:55] is to go where the ocean is, his living room. Could this end up being an October surprise
[07:14:11] that flips Florida for their election? What are you saying? No. If anything, they will
[07:14:19] be more committed to voting for Donald Trump because they'll be like Biden didn't, Biden
[07:14:24] Did the Jewish weather machine on us or also on top of first of all, I love this question because it's like liberalism is so one note where it's like, Hey, a potential devastating catastrophic natural event is about to take place.
[07:14:45] In an otherwise deeply red state, how will this impact the election that's a funny that's like a funny line of questioning, but beyond that it also.
[07:15:10] completely, it also completely denies the almost problematic amount of agency that Americans have.
[07:15:22] And the way that they make decisions and the way that they think about these things, okay?
[07:15:28] Just like everything else, everything in the United States of America is hyper-polarized,
[07:15:35] And that, of course, is not simply limited to, I don't know, gun control or anything,
[07:15:42] really everything. But it is also, it's also hurricanes. Hurricanes are publicized and politicized,
[07:15:49] okay? They're hyper, they're hyper polarized. So when a Republican state gets hit by a hurricane,
[07:15:59] the question immediately does not turn to like, how do we make sure that this never happens
[07:16:04] again. But instead it turns into, this is what the Democrats did to me. The Democrats did this to me.
[07:16:13] There's Trump flags being flown on beachfront properties and those homes are surrounded by
[07:16:17] other homes with poor sales signs. Yes, the hurricane will devastate Florida and then Trump
[07:16:33] will famously say it would never have happened under him. That's what he's gonna say. And
[07:16:39] people in Florida will go, oh my God, he's the most right anyone's ever been and vote for
[07:16:44] him willingly. Do you understand? The other frustrating angle here is that this is one of the few
[07:17:03] issues where the Democrats are like, noticeably, and still to this day, objectively better on.
[07:17:11] Like they're trying to reach the Republican side on the matter. They do this very like,
[07:17:17] like they do this very stupid democratic party thing
[07:17:22] where they say, we see you, we hear you,
[07:17:24] we listen to the experts, climate change is real
[07:17:26] and that's why we're gonna be cracking
[07:17:29] and drilling baby drilling.
[07:17:31] And Trump just says climate change is fake and gay,
[07:17:34] Chinese made it up and also we're gonna keep drilling,
[07:17:38] which is weird because at least on the legislative front
[07:17:41] the Democrats do recognize that climate change is real
[07:17:43] so they do take some initiatives against it
[07:17:47] And you are probably more likely to have a better response
[07:17:52] in times of need under a democratic administration that
[07:17:54] is at least a little bit more competent.
[07:17:58] But even then, given how far right we have become as a nation,
[07:18:05] even with the marginally better stance of the Democrats
[07:18:08] have on the issue, recognizing climate change,
[07:18:12] trying to craft legislation that at least hardens,
[07:18:17] the American infrastructure against all of the worst impacts of devastating climate change.
[07:18:25] It's still, it's still not enough. Congress will pass a billion dollar A package to fund FEMA and
[07:18:56] will tie Israel money to it, possibly. Have you seen this pandering by Israel to evangelists?
[07:19:04] Urgent channel 12, Neniyah proposes changing the name of the war from iron source to apocalypse
[07:19:09] war? Oh my god. It's not just evangelists. I think he's just saying like we're going to fight Iran.
[07:19:36] There's a flock of birds stuck in the eye. They report observing flocks of birds within the
[07:19:50] eye of Milton. Thoughts on the fact that this hurricane is made by leftists by their machines
[07:20:09] that infect Florida with a gay virus. The truth is getting censored. Yeah.
[07:20:21] Yeah, Milton is the only Category 5 hurricane in Atlantic records to have any sort of south
[07:20:31] easterly motion vector, south easterly.
[07:20:47] What is that even like so they never go in that direction normally?
[07:20:50] Is that what it is?
[07:20:53] Most of them hit like that.
[07:20:55] This one is hitting like this.
[07:20:56] Going in the opposite direction.
[07:20:59] Dude, I'm not like a...
[07:21:17] I am not particularly a, uh, you know, apocalypse believing guy, but it does come across as somewhat
[07:21:28] apocalyptic and I don't think the evangelicals are going to get sucked up into the fucking,
[07:21:34] uh, sucked up into the heavens if I'm being honest.
[07:21:50] Look how Milton curves in the Florida than out and not up the coast.
[07:21:55] Yeah.
[07:21:56] It looks like it's just, bro, yeah, it does.
[07:22:00] It looks like it's, uh, avoiding.
[07:22:05] was born right here and is now just fucking it's like no I'm just gonna hit
[07:22:11] Florida like fuck that nothing else like look at this shit since 1851 a total
[07:22:39] of 14 hurricanes have formed in the Gulf of Mexico that moved to the east and
[07:22:42] into Florida see it's happened before a total of 14 times what now libtard
[07:22:51] since 1851 Jewish Chinese and now I'm beginning to find out Mexicans worked
[07:23:03] in a collaborative effort with their weather machine to target the beautiful
[07:23:10] state of Florida a sum total of 14 times okay here at the Hassanabe
[07:23:19] broadcast we arrive at the truth I'm beginning to realize that it wasn't
[07:23:28] just the Chinese nor the Jewish population. It also happens to be undocumented Mexicans
[07:23:39] who are seemingly living in Mexico. So technically, they would be documented Mexican citizens,
[07:23:44] but like they want to come to America and be undocumented. It's like God is sending
[07:24:12] the great flood to Florida. It's not funny. It's kind of funny. I mean, it would be
[07:24:16] funny if it wasn't for the fact that there's so many poor people living in the trajectory
[07:24:21] that will get absolutely fucking destroyed and killed
[07:24:27] By the time against the Orlando is a cat one
[07:24:34] Hamplies just fucking tanking it dude our hurricane categories make a difference
[07:24:56] When it comes to her this is a classic video each one's impacts are a little bit different
[07:25:01] But the wind speeds that we talk about along the sapper Simpson scale
[07:25:04] Those are very specific and the damage caused in those categories kind of predictable
[07:25:09] Wait, get out of the way sir. Let me show you. Let's start. Don't do it category one storm
[07:25:15] No, you're not too bad a couple of shingles fall off
[07:25:18] You can have some palm fronds bending in the wind, but everything basically remains intact
[07:25:23] Category two that's where you really start to feel it look at the windows of the house
[07:25:28] They can be hit from debris from the outside and already start breaking in a category two
[07:25:33] your trees are significantly bent over in the wind and the siding of the house itself
[07:25:38] can break.
[07:25:39] Flapping there in the wind, adding to those eerie noises inside.
[07:25:44] Category three, I've heard only a category three, but it's not only anything except
[07:25:49] really bad news.
[07:25:50] In a category three, you can have the door of the house blown in because the winds
[07:25:55] get so strong.
[07:25:56] for the record as it stands currently, it's going to hit Tampa as a category three. Why
[07:26:05] are you standing there, sir?
[07:26:07] The roof of the house got the flap up and down in the wind because it's going to lift
[07:26:12] off those weak points and a lot of those trees start to fall. Category four, the damage is
[07:26:18] even worse. You get most trees falling and most of your windows breaking. Most of your
[07:26:23] singles fly away and then cat five is as high as the category scale books.
[07:26:28] By cat five no shingles remain anywhere nearby.
[07:26:31] Well it's currently cat five. Someone also said that there might be another,
[07:26:44] there might be another massive tropical storm after too.
[07:27:05] An undocumented Mexican Chinese person of Jewish descent controlling the
[07:27:10] weather right in front of your eyes. What now liberals?
[07:27:14] You don't want to see the reality.
[07:27:16] I'm thinking maybe he's rushing too.
[07:27:18] The holes in the roof get so big, that the walls of the house start to fall to the left of the house to anything anymore.
[07:27:25] There won't be any trees up in the neighborhood.
[07:27:27] Look, he's just standing there. He's like, I'm tanking it. I don't give a fuck cat five, dude.
[07:27:32] I don't give a shit.
[07:27:34] That's just catastrophic damage.
[07:27:36] But again, that's just from the wind.
[07:27:38] And there are other impacts from hurricanes, and they all vary through the season.
[07:27:42] So stick with the weather channel to keep you safe.
[07:27:44] Tropics head towards you.
[07:27:47] Hurricane Milton's rabbit intensification
[07:27:48] is a part of climate fuel trend.
[07:27:50] It's strengthened from a tropical storm to a cat five
[07:27:52] in just 24 hours.
[07:27:55] A lot of coastal Floridians often evacuate to Halley.
[07:27:58] And they're saying this is one of the biggest evacuations
[07:28:00] that they've had to do here in Florida.
[07:28:02] More than 7 million people trying
[07:28:03] to move out of those most at-risk areas.
[07:28:05] And here, we're more than 100 miles inland.
[07:28:08] And you can see that even folks here in Orlando
[07:28:10] are taking this seriously.
[07:28:11] They're filling up sandbags.
[07:28:12] Orange County alone says they've already given out
[07:28:14] more than 100,000 sandbags because here in Orlando
[07:28:17] when Hurricane Ian came through just a couple of years ago,
[07:28:20] they got 13, 15 inches of rain in some places
[07:28:22] and that triggered flash flooding.
[07:28:24] They had to rescue hundreds of people from their homes.
[07:28:26] So even while inland here in Orlando,
[07:28:29] they are taking the threat seriously, Hallie.
[07:28:32] There's also a climate connection here too, right?
[07:28:36] Yeah, I mean, Bill was just talking about this,
[07:28:37] rapid intensification that Milton
[07:28:39] is breaking all sorts of records.
[07:28:42] The second fastest to go from a category one
[07:28:44] to a category five hurricane.
[07:28:46] So here's some context on that.
[07:28:48] By the way, there is no diversion.
[07:28:51] Stinky said Helene made landfall at cat four.
[07:28:56] So there is no diversion of funds to illegals or whatever.
[07:29:00] I know that that's a conspiracy theory
[07:29:02] that like a lot of chatters have presented here.
[07:29:06] It's an entirely separate fund.
[07:29:08] You could potentially ask for more money for FEMA,
[07:29:11] which Congress seemingly does not have any money
[07:29:13] in the budget for, but that's it.
[07:29:17] There is no, like there is no, like,
[07:29:24] it's no different than saying that the money
[07:29:26] is being allocated to Israel instead.
[07:29:28] When people say that, I guess they're trying to say
[07:29:31] the government is spending the money that we have
[07:29:35] instead of diverting additional funds to FEMA
[07:29:39] whatever kind of project that they're interested in. Now, obviously, you know,
[07:29:47] the they control the media shit is also deeply anti-semitic and completely made
[07:29:55] up. Okay, cloud seeding or things of that nature cannot cause motherfucking
[07:30:02] hurricanes. Okay, it's just a it's just another conspiracy theory that people are presenting
[07:30:09] because they refuse to recognize the reality of anthropogenic climate change and what happens when
[07:30:16] both sea levels rise and also get warmer and warmer. So that's another, you know,
[07:30:25] that's another silly thing that people are repeating or saying. Yeah, cloud seeding can
[07:31:02] cause floods and hams. Well that's very different than a fucking hurricane. Yeah, we covered it.
[07:31:44] Also Florida's insurance carriers used altered hurricane damage reports in an effort to give
[07:31:53] less money to the people who were impacted. Here's what's not a fucking conspiracy. Capitalism.
[07:32:08] What is this? You telling me this ain't real? Why in the world is no one doing here?
[07:32:13] I don't- I've never seen this type of flight pattern. Now, I'll be-
[07:32:18] What?
[07:32:19] No fucking way, this guy's not this stupid, right?
[07:32:25] Oh my god. Oh my god. Like 98% of conspiracy theories unironically stem from people just
[07:32:34] like not knowing how things work and then slapping on a scary music TikTok sound over
[07:32:40] it.
[07:32:43] my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This is 56,000 likes. Dude, what
[07:32:50] do you how do you think we map out hurricanes ahead of time
[07:32:54] magic? Do you just like just think critically about this?
[07:32:58] Okay, do you think we just like look at it with our eyes when
[07:33:03] it's literally in the middle of the fucking water? How do you
[07:33:07] think people figure out the trajectory and the intensity of
[07:33:10] hurricane oh my god this guy you could make these people believe anything bro
[07:33:24] like he said he's never seen anything like this before and i don't understand why he's saying that
[07:33:31] if he's knowledgeable enough to look for this flight he should understand what the purpose of
[07:33:36] it is why in the world is no one doing here like what do you think what oh my god oh my god please
[07:33:45] Let me look at the comments like they got to be ripping them right cloud seating to intensify the storm
[07:33:53] Always around election time things get nut just saying
[07:33:58] Cloud seating to direct hurricane who's piloting the plane. Do they have a soul? Oh
[07:34:05] My god, I haven't seen a single fucking
[07:34:12] Unpopular opinion, but no always flies hurricane to get winch. Oh, thank god
[07:34:16] 55 likes
[07:34:18] It's crazy.
[07:34:24] That's crazy.
[07:34:25] Why did you say it's an unpopular opinion?
[07:34:29] It's not an unpopular opinion.
[07:34:31] It's just what it's doing.
[07:34:34] Why do you, what is happening?
[07:34:36] Ah!
[07:34:38] Ah!
[07:34:40] What the fuck?
[07:34:42] Okay.
[07:34:43] And cloud seeding.
[07:34:45] That's not unpopular.
[07:34:46] That's just a true and logical opinion.
[07:34:48] People act like the NOAA doesn't have a whole part
[07:34:51] of it just taking readings on just
[07:34:54] for taking readings on storms basic science publicly available science
[07:35:02] it's the popular opinion in this comment section
[07:35:05] wrong that information can be done without flying into the storm
[07:35:09] it's called weather manipulation try accepting that the government is at war
[07:35:14] with the people
[07:35:15] and i've never seen this type of white pattern
[07:35:55] what do you mean you've never seen
[07:35:58] What are you talking about, dude?
[07:36:01] Literally go a week prior to see the exact same thing
[07:36:09] in the, oh my God, he's gonna do that.
[07:36:11] He's gonna map out NOAA flights
[07:36:14] and be like, they seem to keep flying in the direction
[07:36:19] and around the fucking hurricanes.
[07:36:22] What are they doing in there?
[07:36:23] And the answer is like obvious.
[07:36:31] That is crazy.
[07:36:33] Like, I wasn't born with this knowledge, okay?
[07:36:38] I didn't know either, but like there was never a moment
[07:36:43] in my life, I feel like there's definitely just something
[07:36:45] broken with people's brains.
[07:36:47] Like never in my life was I like, hmm, I wonder
[07:36:50] if there is a logical reason for why a flight
[07:36:54] would fly directly into the hurricane.
[07:36:58] um, perhaps there is some reason that I can't comprehend. Okay. That's how you're supposed to start this conversation. The conversation
[07:37:07] normally can never start with, oh, the fucking plane is flying into it. The government plane is flying into the eye of the hurricane
[07:37:16] because the government wants to kill everyone in Florida. Okay. That can't be your starting point.
[07:37:23] point. That is an insane starting point. If you don't know what it is, one, you can Google
[07:37:29] it. Like you can be like, why, let's do it. Let's do it. Okay. Why does the N O A A fly
[07:37:38] into, wait, what the fuck? Israel is the first thing that came in, fly into the eye
[07:37:48] of the storm. Okay. Here it is. Flying through the eye of the storm, NOAA Hurricane Hunters.
[07:37:59] Now, obviously, we've already done this on the broadcast. I've shown you very cool videos
[07:38:03] on this broadcast. One of the coolest videos was conducted by Adam Conover when he did
[07:38:07] this, when he did this basic documentary series, this mini documentary series about
[07:38:12] like all of the different ways in which the government works in a way that is virtually
[07:38:17] invisible that you don't really fucking comprehend that you take for granted right one of that
[07:38:22] was directly this the NOAA and how it maps out hurricane patterns and looks at the intensity
[07:38:29] of the storm okay it's a fantastic video we know about this already but one thing that
[07:38:35] I wanted to show you is how fucking easy it is to comprehend yes the doctor series
[07:38:43] is called G word Obama now was one of the co-producers. Anyway, but like, but like you
[07:38:50] could have done that. You could have been like, I don't really understand what is going on here.
[07:38:55] And then you search it, you go, why does the NOAA fly into storms, hurricanes and the like.
[07:39:03] And it's pretty simple. Like it very quickly tells you there's a summary of it. As a matter
[07:39:09] Most pilots try to avoid flying an hurricane hurricane. Ah, most pilots try to avoid flying an airplane in a severe weather
[07:39:16] But not the NOAA hurricane hunters their job is to fly
[07:39:20] Especially equipped aircraft directly into the eye of the storm to collect crucial data that helps protect lives and property
[07:39:28] Okay
[07:39:33] Like I don't
[07:39:38] It's seating right now flight
[07:39:43] Holy shit. We caught him. We freaking got him folks
[07:40:04] It's cloud seeding and you know what it's not even the Mexican government doing it
[07:40:11] It's the United States Air Force doing it, dude
[07:40:14] How fucked up?
[07:40:16] So I know the date of when all this is to take place
[07:40:34] Because this movie left all the key day see when the movie first starts out. No, man. You're just schizophrenic. No, dude, dude, dude
[07:40:42] Let me tell you something. Okay. You just have undiagnosed schizophrenia
[07:40:46] schizophrenia. That's it. And 91,000 people also have
[07:40:51] undiagnosed schizophrenia. And that's fine. There's no issue
[07:40:55] with this. Okay, there should be no stigma associated with
[07:40:58] this. If only healthcare was readily available. When you
[07:41:02] watch a movie and you go, Oh, it's giving me secret
[07:41:06] messages. If like a family member was saying this back
[07:41:10] in the day to you, okay, you would go, Oh, we need to
[07:41:13] you to a doctor immediately, you have undiagnosed schizophrenia. Nowadays, on the other hand,
[07:41:20] when you have these urges, you can go on TikTok and repeat these urges, and other people who also
[07:41:27] have undiagnosed schizophrenia will go, I agree with you, I saw the same thing, exactly. Okay?
[07:41:35] Okay? This is crazy. What is going on? Oh my God. You're not trying to even hear him out
[07:41:56] this week of bias. You're right. You're not wrong. You're right. I got that liberal as
[07:42:02] bias built into me. You have a sunrise that is taking place. And then the movie shows
[07:42:08] this. Now a lot of people sit here and they watch this and they think that it's a
[07:42:11] solar eclipse that's happening before your eyes. And no, that is not the case. See,
[07:42:17] For a solar eclipse, you have to have the moon in between Earth.
[07:42:20] And for a lunar eclipse, you have to have the Earth between the moon.
[07:42:23] Which as you see, you are on the moon and you are looking at Earth with the sun behind
[07:42:29] it.
[07:42:30] So yes, that is a lunar eclipse.
[07:42:32] So you're going to sit here and say, well, Ward Duck, well, there is a lot of lunar
[07:42:36] eclipses that are due to happen in the next 10 years.
[07:42:38] Which one is it going to be?
[07:42:40] And that's where this bad boy comes into play that's at the end of the movie.
[07:42:45] And there's the day.
[07:42:46] And here's the message that comes up saying that we've been under attack, that there's
[07:42:50] elevated you know what and again there's the day.
[07:42:53] So here you have it September 18th, 2024 is when a lunar eclipse is to take place and
[07:42:58] that message comes out on September 17th, 2024.
[07:43:02] Now I would like someone who has a little bit of experience.
[07:43:04] Wait, this time passed.
[07:43:06] Dog, oh my God, this, oh my God, this made it so much funnier.
[07:43:24] Oh my God.
[07:43:25] Oh my God.
[07:43:29] Oh my God, this makes it so much funnier.
[07:43:36] If you're a Christian, all you need to know
[07:43:37] is we are victorious.
[07:43:39] Those who don't believe this needs to inform yourself
[07:43:42] what's really happening around the world,
[07:43:43] don't be blind, wake up.
[07:43:47] Bring it on, I'm sick of waiting.
[07:43:48] The US is mystery Babylon and it will go dark in one hour.
[07:43:52] I'm getting ready as much as I can.
[07:43:56] This video is from 2023.
[07:44:03] Problem is the date that he said
[07:44:05] the world was going to end,
[07:44:08] in his video titled Hashtag Civil War, Hashtag Somalia, Hashtag USA, Hashtag News, Hashtag
[07:44:13] World War Three, Hashtag Lead the World Behind, Hashtag Leave, Hashtag Easter Egg, Hashtag
[07:44:17] Date, Hashtag End of the World was on December 18th, 2023 after watching a Netflix show,
[07:44:26] Project Truth WDP came out with this banger of a video.
[07:44:30] The video got 91,000 likes.
[07:44:33] We are past the point of when the earth was supposed to end.
[07:44:36] Has anyone actually gone back and checked in with this guy?
[07:44:40] Let's see what he's been saying.
[07:44:44] Oh he pinned it.
[07:44:46] Oh this is his last meal.
[07:44:47] What in the world is Noah doing here?
[07:44:50] I don't have never seen this type of flight pattern.
[07:44:54] Now obviously we know that it's there for the hurricane, which in less than 30 hours
[07:44:59] will become officially a category 4 with 140 mile per hour winds, and then 12 hours
[07:45:06] from their work its way up to how did you figure that out how did you figure that out how did
[07:45:15] you arrive at this information sir what exactly are you looking at did you figure out the pattern
[07:45:42] and the flight path how did you i wonder what website and resource are you using
[07:45:50] now the question here is the question here the question here to ask is does he
[07:46:03] not ask the question how do these guys know I'm saying he got it from an app
[07:46:14] that relies on the flight that he is pointing to as a conspiracy 145 mile per
[07:46:21] hour winds now before it hits Sarasota Florida they're banking on it dropping
[07:46:26] 25 miles per hour making it a Category 3 at Landfall on Wednesday about 4pm, 3pm, of when
[07:46:35] it'll be hitting.
[07:46:36] But what is up with this flight pattern, I literally have no idea what it's doing.
[07:46:42] And you do have another one that is going to be taking off shortly heading in that
[07:46:46] direction as well.
[07:46:48] Also check out all the flights that are happening in the North Carolina and Tennessee
[07:46:53] Mountain.
[07:46:54] Does anyone have a clue what this is?
[07:46:55] I talked about it in my life, maybe I'll come back and talk about it.
[07:46:59] Wait, this is what happens when you teach the basics of like how to use a computer to
[07:47:27] a fucking caveman, and then you just let him run loose, okay?
[07:47:33] You just let him run loose online.
[07:47:36] There's no way, like he's looking at genuinely like genuinely innovative technological product
[07:47:46] in front of his eyes. Okay. People shouldn't have to know this stuff. I don't think people
[07:47:51] should have access to this stuff because we are not being responsible. You have to demonstrate
[07:47:58] basic competency before being able to log on the fucking NOAA website. Okay. Or before
[07:48:04] you start looking at flight patterns. I'm sorry. You can't. You can't. This is insane.
[07:48:17] What is this? Weird how you're not talking about the criminal hair is no regime activities
[07:48:22] in Poland. White hats are saying the Biden hairs regime has built an H A R P like facility
[07:48:29] in Poland.
[07:48:32] German plays have been hanging out in Haiti and Cuba start there. Not surprised as a
[07:48:49] long time. So Florida, I'm glad you're taking the time to cover it. Here's what
[07:48:54] it looks like right now in St. Pete. You know what it looks like for you watching
[07:48:57] an ad at the top of the hour. That's what it looks like for you, Florida chatters, because
[07:49:02] and three minute outbreak is coming for you. Now, if you no longer want to see those ads,
[07:49:06] well, then all you need to do is subscribe, which you can do for $6 or you can do for free
[07:49:11] with a twitch prime, my connect to your Amazon prime account. So here's the three minute
[07:49:17] outbreak. Now. Okay. Now I'm going to click on this link. Oh, there it is. I got
[07:49:24] it. I knew it was coming and I fucking clapped it. Also, I'm certain that that fucking chatter
[07:49:35] literally stole that from another chatter. Same guy. We have spoken to a Marine sniper
[07:49:46] who reportedly now has five confirmed FEMA kills in North Carolina. He has told us it's
[07:49:50] the fight of our lives. I saw the Marines fucking each other to completion. Oh, what
[07:50:19] What I don't understand is when he says he's got five confirmed FEMA kills, is he killing
[07:50:25] FEMA people?
[07:50:28] Why are the Marine snipers killing FEMA people?
[07:50:32] That also kind of doesn't make sense, does it?
[07:50:39] That account is a community note saying real raw news is a satire site and this story of
[07:50:44] US Marine shooting FEMA workers is not true at all, like all the other stories on the
[07:50:48] website.
[07:50:49] Yeah, that's what they want you to think, dude.
[07:50:56] That's what they want you to fucking think. Okay. Yeah. This is a sad tire. It's the real
[07:51:06] world clown ass. Wake up. Wake up and smell the FEMA kills. Autistic chat is losing their
[07:51:24] minds right now. Okay. I'm being sarcastic. I'll just show the video showing triangular
[07:51:45] shaped object launching and intercepting missiles over northern Israel. The most popular
[07:51:49] versions of that show the secret deployment of the U.S. Army TR 3B or TR 6 TELOS are all
[07:52:19] the sleeping are all the sleeping sheep in the chat failing to comprehend the truth the
[07:52:25] answer is yes seems like the worst case scenario for the landfall is right on Tampa direct
[07:52:34] hit yeah obviously this will change a little bit you know as it nears landfall but
[07:52:49] but let's see what this is.
[07:52:51] Alexa, did North Carolina put dry ice into the clouds for Hurricane Helene?
[07:52:58] From, an airplane flew along the rain bands of the hurricane and dropped nearly 180 pounds, 82 kilograms, of crushed dry ice into the clouds.
[07:53:11] There are so many people in this world that should never have kids, this is a prime example.
[07:53:28] is a website for entertainment movies, TV show, gaming, etc.
[07:53:32] Alexa is describing content from a movie or a game.
[07:53:35] This guy on the other hand, I'm wondering if they did it again for Milton that's coming.
[07:53:42] Mine heard you and repeated the same thing.
[07:53:48] They started doing this in the 60s to stop hurricanes and 83 was supposed to have stopped.
[07:53:53] It looks like it made it worse. Dubai does cloud seeding for rain, dot, dot, dot.
[07:53:58] That is not a hurricane, man.
[07:54:02] that is not the average cloud weighs 1 million pounds 80 pounds of dry ice some
[07:54:19] Americans deserve this they sit and watch people die and post shit like this
[07:54:23] it's not the problem is there's not fucking those are not people who get
[07:54:31] punished and there is no way to ensure that they are the only who they get
[07:54:36] punished it's always the people that are poor they get punished and even then
[07:54:41] those guys shouldn't die either. Okay, I'm really curious what 180 pounds of dry eyes would do though
[07:54:50] it'd be gone in seconds. I could visualize how much that is because I buy it and don't think that would
[07:54:54] matter at all. Thank God for Tony, a voice of reason. 40 replies, only 180 likes. My Alexa heard
[07:55:02] you and asked and it heard you ask and said the same, 864 likes. Is it fan of a website
[07:55:09] about gaming if so are they a legitimate source yes but this is just what my alexia used you
[07:55:13] can search it up on other platforms for more proof kacy paterson did not do that why do you
[07:55:21] follow harry sison he's my goat always keep a close eye on your enemies a close eye a close watch
[07:55:35] serious question this person wants to believe it but is still a little skeptical why would they
[07:55:40] do this Marjorie Taylor green on the other hand has an answer they can't
[07:55:54] control the weather this leads me to ask the following question is Marjorie
[07:56:03] Taylor green a leftist then I'm committing being a right-wing ship bag on
[07:56:09] I can't even fucking pay attention to this.
[07:56:41] Climate change is the new COVID.
[07:56:43] Ask your government if the weather is manipulated or controlled.
[07:56:47] Did you ever give permission to them to do it?
[07:56:49] Are you paying for it?
[07:56:51] Of course you are.
[07:57:01] I like thinking that Marjorie Taylor Greene
[07:57:04] isn't like one of those cynical people
[07:57:08] that lean into anti-Semitism,
[07:57:10] even though they don't personally believe it,
[07:57:11] but because their audience believes
[07:57:13] that they act like it, they lean into it.
[07:57:16] And that she is the genuine anti-Semite.
[07:57:18] Like she read protocols of Zion and believed it.
[07:57:23] And like she had to because she thinks Jews are this like all powerful force.
[07:57:27] She was forced to go to the fucking.
[07:57:30] She was forced to go to like a holocaust seminar and then write it.
[07:57:36] Write like a high school report on it, but only because she was like
[07:57:39] legitimately scared by the Jews.
[07:57:42] And now in her mind, she's still like, I know I said the Jewish space laser
[07:57:47] was fake, but I actually believe it. I still believe it. And she does in her heart of hearts
[07:57:55] legitimately think that Jews have the weather machine. But of course, guys, it's October 7.
[07:58:08] So obviously, the ADL and many of these institutions that are supposed to deal with
[07:58:16] anti-Semitism are far too busy yelling about your anti-Zionist Jewish queer
[07:58:25] English major on a college campus to look at a seated representative on October
[07:58:33] 7 being like their control in the weather those Jews they're doing it it's
[07:58:44] It's great. We have bigger problems here at the apartheid defense league to deal with a
[07:58:51] sitting Congress person. She wrote, she wrote an apology letter saying Jews don't have the
[07:58:56] space lasers. Just the Chinese making Marjorie Taylor green go to the Holocaust. Music was
[07:59:18] pretty funny. I went there with my brother when we were kids and we were like, well,
[07:59:21] this sucks. We already knew this stuff. And then we heard this woman say, Oh my
[07:59:25] My God, they couldn't wear makeup and then realized that's who it's for.
[07:59:39] No.
[07:59:40] It was for Louisiana Congress person.
[07:59:44] Clay Higgins.
[07:59:49] It was a appropriate backdrop for him to shoot another one of his ambitious movie projects.
[08:00:00] I see all this death and destruction and I realize we have to fund the department of
[08:00:09] Homeland Security.
[08:00:10] My dad literally returns to the Cafe of the Holocaust Museum, just an old Jewish man yelling
[08:00:19] about a soup while a bunch of Gentiles looked on like, is this a test?
[08:00:33] That's incredible.
[08:00:45] Contrary to popular belief from TikTok and Twitter, there aren't, FEMA is not
[08:00:57] stealing aid supplies, nor is it stopping aid from being delivered, nor did he, nor did FEMA
[08:01:12] reorient funds from FEMA to immigrants or something.
[08:01:17] Like if y'all came from my timeline, when the heck did South America get pushed?
[08:01:28] What? Hmm, that's interesting. Let me show you a couple of things real quick
[08:01:33] of how we're actually in two Mandela effects have just taken place but first I'll dress your issue.
[08:01:39] All right, let me open this chest right here and pull out the rest board game right here.
[08:01:45] Let's get this going.
[08:01:52] Look at that. South America right there. There's America right there.
[08:02:03] Let's see how long this takes to change. But yeah, there you go. You're right, buddy.
[08:02:07] used to be all the way over here now let me explain some more of how we're in a
[08:02:11] second Mandela effect for the first Mandela effect people thought he was
[08:02:16] dad bro bro look see how long this takes to change but yeah there you go
[08:02:28] you're right buddy used to be all the way over here now let me explain some
[08:02:33] more of how we're in a second Mandela effect for the first Mandela does he
[08:02:38] Do you think this secret lies with the risk board?
[08:02:54] In fact, people thought he was dead when he was really alive.
[08:02:58] They were confused on that.
[08:03:00] He actually became a president.
[08:03:03] But what if I told you now, here's the second Mandela fact that he actually died December
[08:03:08] 5th of 2013.
[08:03:11] How there was this movie that came out in 2019 and never mentioned the, how his
[08:03:15] second death actually happened in 2013.
[08:03:19] But you know I just want to get into all of that or CPT and how all that works.
[08:03:25] Some of y'all probably don't even know what CPT is. Also did you know that
[08:03:30] there's a thought of question of why everyone a week and a half ago were
[08:03:34] experiencing watching their favorite TikTok creator and they were glitching for
[08:03:40] five minutes yet they were responding to questions instantaneously and never
[08:03:46] skip the beat. So we were living in the past, they were the future, but we were.
[08:04:06] It says 84,000 likes. Ah, yes. Risk is stateful of all cartography. This is a good answer. The
[08:04:40] continents are always moving slowly drifting apart from each other. That's what they taught us in
[08:04:45] school. Like, like he's not wrong, but that's not that's the wrong place to
[08:04:53] That's the wrong place to mention it.
[08:05:06] How do you use the right math equation
[08:05:12] and arrive at the wrong result?
[08:05:27] I'm done.
[08:05:28] I can't do it.
[08:05:29] This is too much.
[08:05:32] Home schooling should be illegal.
[08:05:35] And we really have to make an assessment
[08:05:37] of the lead contamination.
[08:05:42] They made a new Doremi challenge.
[08:05:45] I don't know if you can understand this.
[08:05:47] I want to be busy.
[08:05:52] I want to be busy.
[08:05:58] How do you say it?
[08:06:00] I want to be busy.
[08:06:04] I want to be busy.
[08:06:09] Okay, I'm done.
[08:06:31] I'm so fucking tired.
[08:06:34] I'm sorry guys, this took a lot out of me.
[08:06:37] The last couple of conspiracies just kind of cooked me a little bit. It got me
[08:06:53] He got me good
[08:06:56] We'll do a little bit of hog watch tomorrow as well and
[08:07:00] Hurricane launch watch done the done. I already did is there a new episode out? Love you all and I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
[08:07:27] Bye-bye
[08:07:37] Sunny Los Angeles California says her song
[08:07:49] The starlight to the starlight to the top it just begun
[08:07:57] But it's true, it's not a street, but it's true