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10-05-2024 · 6h 36m

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[00:00:00] I hope everyone's having a fantastic evening, fantastic captain and fantastic pre-noon.
[00:12:34] No matter where you are in the world, I'm a song piker with a thousand of broadcasts
[00:12:37] coming to you live from sunny California Law Stations folks.
[00:12:41] We're live and alive and I hope all the boys, girls and M.B.s are having a fantastic
[00:12:44] one because today's a beautiful day, today's a wonderful day.
[00:12:47] is a Saturday. That's right. Ladies and gentlemen, it is Saturday, fun day. It is Saturday, October
[00:12:55] fifth, 2024. And I'm a little late. And I apologize, but this is part of the broadcast
[00:13:08] where I tell you a little bit about my personal news about what's going on in the world of
[00:13:11] a song house, I have a piker in between the time period where I press the stop
[00:13:13] streaming button and press the start streaming button. And let me tell you, okay? Let me
[00:13:20] tell you some folk last night into the broadcast alongside my compadre Austin Austin show okay
[00:13:37] and I made him watch something and let me tell you okay it was fucking fantastic dude
[00:13:46] this show is awesome what a banner intro by the way built on top of like a regular ass anime you
[00:14:10] You know what I mean? Instead of like something that is impossible to comprehend and contend with
[00:14:17] Like if it was if it was fleekly on like gears
[00:15:08] It's very well drawn
[00:15:11] There's definitely a there's definitely a bunch of fan service for sure, but
[00:15:17] Um, please that was a monketeer weekly rotation also incredible horror manga. Um, there's a hot grandma. Okay. She's not I want to say she's hot but
[00:15:27] But what is this?
[00:15:30] I gave in on your recommendation for my rewatch.
[00:15:35] Oh, you're on one pace.
[00:15:36] OK, nice.
[00:15:39] It doesn't really have weird fan service,
[00:15:40] like the first free episodes have some strange things,
[00:15:45] but isn't it sold as fan service?
[00:15:46] Yeah.
[00:15:49] I mean, listen, sometimes you've got to have a grandma
[00:15:55] steal your wiener.
[00:15:57] That's a real thing.
[00:15:58] OK, anyway, spoiler alert.
[00:15:59] But yeah, no, I watched it.
[00:16:01] I really liked it.
[00:16:02] Austin obviously didn't fucking watch it.
[00:16:03] Come on.
[00:16:04] Let's be real.
[00:16:04] He hated it.
[00:16:06] Austin instead spent the entire fucking time.
[00:16:10] Austin instead spent the entire time.
[00:16:13] And I kid you not when I tell you this,
[00:16:16] you might not believe it.
[00:16:17] You might be like, there's no way you're exaggerating.
[00:16:19] You're joking.
[00:16:21] She spent the entire time watching Green Day Live, like TikTok clips of Green Day perform
[00:16:34] live.
[00:16:36] Like not- which is such a weird fucking thing to do.
[00:16:39] Like I just don't even understand.
[00:16:41] Like I turned around at some point I was like, what are you doing?
[00:16:48] Like what the fuck are you doing?
[00:16:51] like how are you like why is this the way you operate like it just doesn't make any sense
[00:16:59] yeah he was sitting over on the couch like this also you can see you can cop a peak of
[00:17:06] like the Trafalgar law costume that I purchased on Amazon early this year because I want
[00:17:11] to be Trafalgar law and oh my god brother let me tell you something okay this was like
[00:17:17] a $57 costume. I got ripped off so hard. Like when I, when I tell you, like you go to like
[00:17:25] anime expo or whatever you go to these conventions and you buy this shit like upmarked, right?
[00:17:30] And you're like, Oh God, this is like trash that I'm buying for so much because it's
[00:17:34] like right in front of me. I promise you this is significantly worse. This is significantly
[00:17:42] worse than that. Um, uh, work with Stella. Yeah, I will work with Stella. True. The problem
[00:17:48] is like, that's for one costume. Like I'll work with her, but I might do like, I want
[00:17:54] to do some basic shit. Interfogger law is actually pretty easy to make. So I'm planning
[00:17:58] on making it. Like I'm planning on making it myself, which is, um, which is what I
[00:18:06] I plan on doing, I plan on, I plan on basically making something. Uh, all I need is, all I
[00:18:15] need is like the blue jacket pretty much. Cause I have genes that I can just like paint.
[00:18:20] Yeah. Kaya would be Beppo in this situation. Yes. What atrocities do a loop by doing here?
[00:18:30] I watched this this morning. Okay. She's my fucking queen. She could do whatever she
[00:18:35] Do whatever she wants like you put a little bit of gelop in her poppers in the diet coke
[00:18:39] Maybe it fucking works. How about you give it a shot before you talk shit?
[00:18:43] Okay, how about you give it a shot before you talk shit? Why are you talking shit? You want to get banned?
[00:18:49] Is that what it is shut the fuck up?
[00:18:52] You getting the tattoos. Oh, yeah, he's got tattoos. Yes sick ass tattoos to
[00:18:59] Anyway, the cosplay inspiration. Yeah, this is this is it all I need is like the fur
[00:19:05] I could I could like basically make this costume on my own, but it like
[00:19:11] Are you dating her do a leapa? No, I'm dating your mom and I'm faithful to your mom
[00:19:19] But yeah, once in a while animals yourself to give the fur otherwise not a real cosplay yet true true fair
[00:19:32] But yeah, anyway
[00:19:38] Which version of law? I think the peak version of law is end of wano law
[00:19:43] End of wano law where he's got like the yellow shirt, which I already have
[00:19:50] Um, and he's got the blue jacket with the fur on the on the back of it
[00:19:58] Would you will you get Kai's fur spray colored? No
[00:20:07] Call me Steven Universe the way I want to be my mom right now. What the fuck?
[00:20:22] We got Japanese Will-Neph America me up before
[00:20:28] Granted auto six what the fuck did you watch the new massage from
[00:20:35] from Netanyahu about France and Iran chatter I love you that is a beautiful way to that
[00:20:44] is a beautiful message okay massage that's a beautiful massage thank you for that chat
[00:20:50] chatter said did you watch the new massage from Netanyahu about France and Iran no
[00:21:00] I have not seen the new massage Benjamin and yaho's massaging Iran. That's cool. That's one way to de-escalate in my opinion
[00:21:09] That's cool use this kid over Trafalgar law shut the fuck up
[00:21:15] Dude, dude, this is bait right this has to be bait
[00:21:18] There's zero percent chance that this person is literally saying useless kid
[00:21:23] useless mid is better than
[00:21:26] Trafalgar law. Trafalgar law is straight up in my opinion like one of the best
[00:21:34] written best backstory best characters overall it's not even a fucking quite
[00:21:43] like useless mid and Trafalgar law are on the opposite ends of like the character
[00:21:48] trajectory okay useless mid starts off kind of cool you're like afraid of him
[00:21:54] He has like all of this aura around him. Everyone's like, oh, he's like a really crazy guy
[00:21:59] He's a really crazy guy and then you don't even watch him get owned
[00:22:04] He's such a fucking he's owned so hard that he's his own age is relegated to the back pages
[00:22:10] You don't even know about him getting owned until later and they never even go back to how hard he got owned
[00:22:17] Okay, like they literally did not even choose to explain
[00:22:21] how he got owned in great detail like there's some details here and there where they feed you information throughout the
[00:22:28] Wano arc where they're like, yeah, remember when useless kid got fucking destroyed and everyone's like no
[00:22:34] I don't because that shit happened off-screen and we don't even care
[00:22:40] Okay
[00:22:42] Straight up
[00:22:43] Straight up this motherfucker is he's so ass like he started off with all of this
[00:22:50] He started out with all this like
[00:22:52] He started out with all this like
[00:22:55] When the when the when the worst generation is being presented useless kid is basically described as like the G
[00:23:03] Okay, useless kid is described as like the hard-o like he's so
[00:23:09] He's so fucking sick. He's so dope. He's so cool. And yeah at the end of Wano. He pops off for sure
[00:23:17] Okay, at the end of Wano, he pops off, but he wouldn't be able to pop off without Trafalgar law. Also the thing that I'm annoyed by the thing that I am annoyed by is that Trafalgar law in my estimation is literally the strongest character in the entire fucking sequence in the entire universe.
[00:23:35] And like it doesn't make any sense
[00:23:38] It doesn't make any sense to me that Trafalgar. I mean not Trafalgar. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah Trafalgar law
[00:23:43] His fruit is so OP and yet he doesn't like use it
[00:23:48] It doesn't make any sense like dude. Just use the fruit like use your powers more like just when he's like fighting as
[00:23:57] Kaido or when he's fighting his big mom
[00:24:00] It's just room them, you know put him in a fucking room and then literally pick apart their different organs
[00:24:06] like they're different vital organs. He's able to do that. It doesn't make sense that he doesn't do that.
[00:24:12] Like, I just don't get it. Oh yeah, Trafalgar law is sick. They're hockey negates that.
[00:24:26] What is this? Hassan knows who the goat is. Yeah, literally. I mean, this is true. This is actually
[00:24:34] true. How are you going to have magneto powers and suck so bad and get owned so much? Like,
[00:24:43] it's just sad. You only like law because 80% of our life is in a room. Law nearly died from a
[00:24:56] flamingo. Don't go to don't flamingo. One of the strongest characters of all time. Yeah, no
[00:25:01] shit. It's not that easy a song. No, dude. I'm sorry. There is no way like there's just no way.
[00:25:13] For fogger lost teleportation against big mom scene is one of the best
[00:25:16] best telephortations I've ever seen animated. Yeah, it was, it was, it got what she says.
[00:25:21] And just look at her. By the way, if you think that the Wano's, uh, if you think that Wano
[00:25:48] is like this, yeah, lunatic sounds is right. It is. It don't, don't bring that up as a
[00:25:54] soft, as a sore spot for me. Please. It literally triggers me. How fucking annoying. Toe
[00:26:00] is I just, I listen, you're bringing up, you are bringing up a, a source spot for me. Okay.
[00:26:11] Like I think I, I think I developed PTSD from hearing running animation sounds, uh, from
[00:26:20] Wano alone. I, I'm sure someone has already done this. Like there's definitely an autistic
[00:26:26] one piece fan that like probably calculated the sum total amount of running and maybe
[00:26:32] how many miles they run in wano specifically inside of the the flying island is just dude
[00:26:46] oh it's so fucking annoying it's so fucking annoying i can't like brother i love you for
[00:26:58] all you've taught me but the idea that the looney tunes transformation from not being
[00:27:01] the coolest fucking thing ever is one of the most brand dead takes I've ever heard. Wait,
[00:27:05] what? Yeah, I like, I like killer. I like killer.
[00:27:15] I would have made law so strong. He had to give him the smallest stamina bar to keep
[00:27:27] him from immediately being pirate king. Yeah. No, I get it. I totally get it because
[00:27:35] uh, Trafalgar law would be OP. I think Trafalgar law is OP. Like he straight up
[00:27:41] has he straight up has the best power like bro come on law would die in two
[00:27:50] seconds next to me Hawk yeah right dude law would just fucking lock him in the
[00:27:54] room dude this doesn't make any sense he can literally chop anyone up he can
[00:28:00] chop anyone up it doesn't make sense it does not make sense you guys are crazy
[00:28:03] he literally has the capacity to chop anyone up maybe not Luffy now that we
[00:28:10] know, he's got like the God OP fucking devil for it. Maybe that somehow like is able to make
[00:28:15] even the room bouncy or some shit, but like 30 plus year old man, by the way, I know I'm
[00:28:21] such a I'm like a kid, bro, he can literally fucking take your organs, dude. He can just
[00:28:28] chop you up and not even let you die. Anyway, honking against devil for powers. I okay.
[00:28:47] the example I'll use is that one CP three guy that didn't, Trafalgar law literally just
[00:28:52] walk up and just go, and then deal with them and walk away from that one CP three guy who
[00:28:58] always has like fucking food stuck on his face. He just walked up. This dude was piecing up.
[00:29:04] This dude was piecing up hella people left or right. He just went up there. He went
[00:29:09] up and he just left them there. Okay. He fucking left them there. Like it was
[00:29:14] nothing the CIA agent guy he was just like fuck off anyway hockey is just plot
[00:29:25] armoring Hassan yeah whatever alright anyway no he didn't it took so much out
[00:29:31] of him to deal with Virgo okay whatever he he should just work on a stamina then
[00:29:35] okay and then he'll fucking be the best anyway I really do love Trafalgar law
[00:29:40] incredible backstory incredible devil fruit power he's just a goat really
[00:29:45] cool guy. Love him. Fishman over devil fruit users. I mean,
[00:29:53] fishmen are pretty sick too. Don't get me wrong. Like, except
[00:29:57] for that one pedophile, the pedophile fishman with the devil
[00:30:01] fruit. So he can't even fucking breathe underwater. God, that
[00:30:05] one was so annoying. I hated that guy. I swear some of the
[00:30:09] fucking one piece one piece villains are either the coolest
[00:30:13] or the absolute worst most comical, silly, fucking annoying villains you've ever done seen in your
[00:30:19] entire life. And nothing in between. One piece women are either the sexiest or the ugliest women
[00:30:27] you've ever, like Oda only knows two ways of drawing women and he only knows two ways of
[00:30:33] inventing villains. Either they are comical and annoying and shockingly like frustratingly annoying.
[00:30:41] Yeah, it's not a scale. It's one or the other. Sometimes both, like Shinobu or Shinobu. Anyway,
[00:30:58] the pedophile Cambry underwater, he just can't move underwater. Jack fell to the bottom of the
[00:31:02] ocean was alive and he was rescued. No, Jack's not the pedophile I'm talking about. It does make
[00:31:09] sense that Jack was able to survive that despite having a devil fruit because he was a OG, like
[00:31:15] originally a fish man, I guess, even though he's a mammoth with his devil fruit powers.
[00:31:18] That doesn't make sense that that ain't no fucking fish
[00:31:21] But I guess that's the reason why he was able to survive it. Anyway, what's up? I'm talking about the animation. What's going on?
[00:31:28] Aren't you gonna go get your food?
[00:31:29] All right, go get your food and then come back
[00:31:37] He's gonna do a little beauty appointment
[00:31:39] All right. All right. Okay
[00:31:51] What's really driving up the prices? Sure. We can look at that. We can watch that
[00:31:56] Would you be interested in watching a Palestinian standing community deal with the racist Zionist Hitler for some fun content later?
[00:32:01] No, but today is going to be fun day. We're going to be doing some light news. Um, why are
[00:32:06] you laughing at them? We're going to be doing some light news, but also be on the light
[00:32:09] news. We're going to be doing, uh, you know, the Trump Butler PA rally. I'll look at some
[00:32:15] choice moments from the Connor eats pants. We'll do some. Okay, buddy. Okay. Well, yeah,
[00:32:25] we're, we're going to do, we're going to do it all baby. Just trust me. Okay.
[00:32:29] We're going to do it all. We're going to do it all.
[00:32:32] Al Jazeera did a systemic bias piece on Western media, which is a fantastic piece, obviously,
[00:32:41] and it also totally makes sense because we know it already.
[00:32:44] We'll talk about Dua Lipa as well.
[00:32:50] There's a video for the Al Jazeera piece that accompanies it as well in terms of like
[00:32:54] Western bias with respect to Israel Palestine coverage.
[00:33:03] If Dua Lipa hands me that Diet Coke drink, I drink it.
[00:33:05] I love Diet Coke and I love Dua Lipa. Shut up. Don't even ask me that question. You're out of your mind.
[00:33:11] You should know the answer by now. That's crazy. Anyway, let's do it.
[00:33:15] Light news.
[00:33:19] Bibi responds to
[00:33:23] Macron saying arms embargo.
[00:33:31] If Dua Lipa handed me a diapensia, I'd still drink it.
[00:33:39] I'll just zero.
[00:33:40] Investigates
[00:33:41] Western media bias on Israel. Name five Dua Lipa songs? I can't and I don't care to. I have never
[00:33:55] like what? You think this is about dude my my respect for Dua Lipa has absolutely zero to do
[00:34:04] with her music and everything to fucking do with her Albanian status okay she's Albanian
[00:34:11] She's Muslim. She is pro-Palestine. That's it. That's where this comes from. Okay. Also that one video.
[00:34:20] I didn't even know she made music until recently. Average male feminists. Wait, what? I think it's more...
[00:34:33] Wait, first of all, me liking Dua Lipa because she's pro-Palestine is literally better than me liking Dua Lipa for her fucking music.
[00:34:42] What are you talking about?
[00:34:48] Duley was not a practicing Muslim, but like she comes from Muslim family. Aren't you going to K-Mons thing?
[00:34:57] I am later
[00:34:59] Jordanian NGOs are warning of missiles missile activities in the next couple hours. Yeah, we'll talk a little bit about Iran
[00:35:05] relationship as well
[00:35:08] Okay, um, but yeah, bro, you also just think she's hot don't deny. Yeah, of course, of course I do
[00:35:22] No, I was saying that already anyway. All right. All right
[00:35:26] and then
[00:35:28] Oh yeah, Trump is back in Butler alongside Elon where he was last shot at get in now.
[00:35:45] I fucking hate Elon Musk.
[00:35:46] Austin is chirping about Elon Musk in the, in the background.
[00:35:51] Do we have, do we have a, do we have a blast off meme US and comp chief lands in Israel
[00:35:55] as idea of ready to respond to the Iranian missile attack?
[00:35:57] Yeah.
[00:35:58] I know.
[00:35:59] gonna attack Iran probably today or maybe tomorrow, which is crazy because I was planning
[00:36:04] on not streaming tomorrow. Respectfully disagree. I think respecting a person's body of work
[00:36:09] is oftentimes more important than an opinion they hold most of the time. I don't care what
[00:36:14] your opinion is. Okay. Yeah, I'm fucking misogynistic because I think Dua Lipa is sexy and is pro-Palestine,
[00:36:21] which I think makes her even cooler. Yeah, sure. Whatever. Who cares? Yes, dude. I think
[00:36:30] a famous Hollywood celebrity musician is hot. Like that is literally like 90% of the appeal
[00:36:38] for most of these people. What are we talking about? Wait, before you start, did you see
[00:36:47] this? I got a bit tired of reading. So I browsed my subscription, saw the anime done
[00:36:51] to done was up.
[00:36:52] So I decided to watch the first episode. I haven't read the original manga, but being
[00:36:56] from the generation that loves the occult and UFOs would really hit home. I used to skim
[00:36:59] through Moomagazine too. I like the science Sara's unique lens and their animation style.
[00:37:06] It's also reassuring to know that no you key on the someone from my generation is handling
[00:37:09] the character design. She on Wakayama is in it too. I'll keep watching this. Yeah,
[00:37:14] my go dude. We mean me and me and Hideo are like this one. The only reason why
[00:37:20] I want to be famous is specifically so that one day Hideo Kojima will be like will notice me
[00:37:32] You know, I wish what?
[00:37:46] There's no way this fucking senator literally thinks this is a real thing, right?
[00:37:52] Based Mike Lee is this real?
[00:37:56] I think AI art is his is bricked people so fucking hard. Anyway, um first step is fucking wild. Yeah, it is
[00:38:03] What? Take streamer beware on watching on stream.
[00:38:12] Why did you send me this then?
[00:38:14] Okay, I don't care.
[00:38:21] Imagine Hideo Kojima asked you to face scan you one day, I would die.
[00:38:30] It'd be the sickest thing.
[00:38:33] It would be, that's my goat dude.
[00:38:35] That is my dream dude.
[00:38:37] Okay, let's blast off. Let's blast off.
[00:38:47] Do we have a blast off meme chat?
[00:38:49] Oh fuck.
[00:38:50] I lost my fucking, I lost my tweet.
[00:38:56] Shit, I gotta run it again. God damn it. I literally have to run it again. Fuck
[00:39:07] Saturday light news plus fun
[00:39:11] day
[00:39:17] BB
[00:39:20] yells at
[00:39:22] macron
[00:39:23] for arms embargo, what the fuck was I?
[00:39:28] I'm so mad. I'm so mad. I'm so mad. I'm all over the fucking place. God damn it. It's not in my draft
[00:39:33] It doesn't work that way. I like accidentally turned it off. Do we have a fucking blast off me or not? I'm not going to use the alveas
[00:39:40] Art piece as a blast off. Okay. It's great, but I'm not going to use that one
[00:39:48] Okay, this is great. Okay. I'll use this one
[00:39:53] Okay, okay. Everyone is literally one line dude. I swear to God
[00:39:59] Saturday Night News Fund a VVLs of Macron for arms embargo
[00:40:03] Trump and Elon go back to butler
[00:40:07] where Trump almost died, Austin is in the building.
[00:40:16] Oh yeah, AJ discovers western MSM bias for Israel.
[00:40:37] Get in. I've been live for 40 fucking minutes.
[00:40:43] fucking minutes I haven't even been able to blast off yet because um have you seen the new ksi song
[00:40:49] everyone's clowning on him for no um part of that is because I don't really care like I just I don't
[00:40:59] really care about what ksi does in general maybe i'm unique in that we'll do okay buddy later as
[00:41:10] well all right I finally got through with it I blasted off I blasted off I just don't really
[00:41:17] care what KSI does. I just see him as like, uh, as a, uh, relatively inoffensive content
[00:41:23] creator from the UK. I don't really give a shit. One more. Another coping. I think it's
[00:41:30] because he's, I think it's, first of all, this is not AI. A chatter made this. Why are you
[00:41:36] saying it's AI? I'm 30 plus years old. I don't, I think that like the, all the British
[00:41:43] content creators, like the side man, all those guys are like in comparison. I think in comparison
[00:41:50] to so many like dog shit content creators out there in America, especially he is literally
[00:41:57] like one, like out of like his most offensive aspect is that he is like aligned with Logan
[00:42:03] Paul. You know, like he is he is a top content creator for England. Are you serious? Yeah,
[00:42:15] I remember like his big controversy was the P word controversy, right? That was like a big thing.
[00:42:22] I've just, bro, I've literally never watched a single fucking KSI video. Like I've never,
[00:42:28] I don't even know what his channel like where where his channel even is.
[00:42:34] The P word is a slur for it's Pakistani short and that was like the big thing and
[00:42:42] He immediately apologized for it and I think he probably has like old
[00:42:48] I'm sure he has like old controversies that I'm unfamiliar with like like I said, I'm 33 man. I don't care
[00:42:53] I'm just I'm 33 fucking years old dog. Would you create a blue sky for the Brazilians?
[00:43:23] I miss your bangers. No, you got to come here if you want to see my bangers
[00:43:27] Have you noticed all the freak stuff that happens in the world is from the u.s.
[00:43:38] I have noticed because we are we are the number one
[00:43:42] Export of fucking brain rot dude. We are what is this Bernie?
[00:43:49] What the fuck is this?
[00:43:58] You're in trouble now kid wait, where does he make that noise? Oh
[00:44:12] Oh, in the beginning, uh, someone already set up a mirror for your tweets for blue sky.
[00:44:28] So we're good.
[00:44:29] There you go.
[00:44:30] There's an automated mirror, possibly a repeater at blue sky.
[00:44:34] There you go, Brazilians.
[00:44:35] You can check that out.
[00:44:36] If you're multi-lingual, the internet is so different, though.
[00:44:45] Yeah, I'm multi-lingual, but I still only fuck with American and English internet in
[00:44:50] general.
[00:45:00] Let's, uh, that we blast it up.
[00:45:03] This is a beautiful piece of art.
[00:45:05] is by Lizzie O'Donnell. Nothing is made me happy reason that Washington goes on the hunt
[00:45:08] and Alvea Sanctuary go to the zoo. It was, it was a very, very fun experience. As you
[00:45:20] guys know, it's my favorite. It's my favorite thing to do. Yes, I listened to what Maya
[00:45:28] said about me yesterday on stream. She said some nice things. A parent, dude, I just
[00:45:34] got to say something. This right here, this kind of stuff is not verified. Okay.
[00:45:40] I saw this guy's thread about like, how many fucking soldiers are like escaping his vola
[00:45:45] because they're scared or whatever and how there's mutiny cooking up among the ranks
[00:45:49] or whatever.
[00:45:50] What do I always tell you, man?
[00:45:52] If you got, if something seems too good to be true, don't immediately fucking, you
[00:45:57] know, don't immediately fucking fall for it, dude.
[00:46:04] Yeah.
[00:46:05] Don't post on verify shit.
[00:46:08] Like, we know for a fact that the diaper brigade that tried to enter Lebanon absolutely got
[00:46:15] fucking dunked on, okay?
[00:46:20] They did.
[00:46:21] A bunch of like 18 year old sergeants and generals were, were merked as they tried to
[00:46:28] fucking go into Lebanon as they tried to invade Lebanon.
[00:46:34] That part is correct, right?
[00:46:37] actually fucking happen. But that doesn't mean that like, you know, thousands are at the verge
[00:46:44] of mutiny or whatever. Yeah, the dude who broke the news was clearly lying about being an idea
[00:46:50] veteran. I know so many people just like, get duped by some fucking gruyper. So many
[00:46:59] people get duped by some like random fucking gruyper account. That's like, I am Jew.
[00:47:05] I hate Goyim. I am, you know, it'll, it'll literally be like some fucking griped up ass
[00:47:11] like Nick Fuente's supporter who makes like an account that's like, I don't know. She has
[00:47:18] supermench 69 is the name of the account. And he's like, I am disgusting Jew. I hate
[00:47:25] Goyim. I feel like I'm above them. And also here as a 22 year old, as a 22 year
[00:47:32] old veteran of the IDF it's like dude come on like please please only thing I saw a reporter
[00:48:02] was Hezbollah doing huge ambush no that is true Hezbollah has been clapping on on the
[00:48:11] border incursion okay that part is correct that is actually happening and it is the
[00:48:19] expected outcome of trying to fucking invade Lebanon and a military force that I told you
[00:48:28] already was much better than Hamas because they're not, you know, they have more combat experience.
[00:48:37] They have a successful track record of purging Israeli invasions in the past.
[00:48:43] like no shit. So yeah, it's they have their terrain hard and of course they're going to do a better job. These guys, these guys can't fight against people that can fight back. We know that. Okay, they've gotten far too comfortable just like shooting at fucking children. So obviously when they're shooting at people that have the capacity to shoot back, they have a hard time with it.
[00:49:18] That was the expected outcome
[00:49:21] So they'll retreat their troops and they'll keep pummeling with air support with air superiority
[00:49:27] Because that's the cowardly method and they will continue trying to do that
[00:49:33] the other side of the story of course is
[00:49:37] The other side of the story of course is the obvious reality that like in my estimation at least
[00:49:43] some of the cooler heads inside of the Israeli government must see the obvious reality that I see,
[00:49:51] which is that clearly, Iran has been able to penetrate the Israeli anti-missile systems
[00:50:07] very successfully as a matter of fact. And this presents a unique problem for
[00:50:14] Israel's, you know, overarching confidence and the veil that they have created
[00:50:23] amongst the population. They can't fuck the bag up. They can't actually, they
[00:50:31] can't actually personally recognize that maybe Israel is, is not the safe haven that they
[00:50:40] claimed it was with its iron dome and whatnot. When the iron dome and the, uh, David slaying
[00:50:47] and all the arrow systems don't actually work, all of a sudden this changes the dynamic
[00:50:53] quite a bit. Okay. So it doesn't matter. Even if you have like the American cent com
[00:51:04] general there and you're like oh yeah let's figure out a way to fucking strike
[00:51:07] Iran back let's get real cocky with it unless you are literally marching towards
[00:51:13] like the death and destruction of Israeli civilian population in Tel Aviv
[00:51:17] good luck with this okay good luck you are going to cost civilian casualties
[00:51:26] inside of Israel you are going to dramatically alter Israeli collective
[00:51:31] consciousness and Israeli security assurances if you continue along this trajectory, okay?
[00:51:41] And if you are a Hassanabi hidden Israel and you have the capacity to leave Israel, I would
[00:51:45] urge you to do so, okay?
[00:51:47] I would say the same thing for the Lebanese population, but obviously the situation
[00:51:53] is a little bit different for Lebanon.
[00:51:55] Do not take for granted what the previous, do not take for granted what the previous method
[00:52:04] was, what the previous security assurances you got looked like.
[00:52:09] It is very obvious to me and to anyone with eyes to see that can look at the situation
[00:52:19] recognize what's going on, that Israel cannot protect its own citizens, that the Iron Dome
[00:52:27] is not the impenetrable fortress that it claimed it was, that clearly Iranian missiles have
[00:52:36] the capacity to literally break through that barrier and directly strike targets, specifically
[00:52:42] according to Western media now 32 times on one fucking air base. There was a reason why
[00:52:50] Israel does not want to recognize that there's a reason why they wanted to fucking make sure
[00:52:54] that no information like this came out. If the Iranian missiles can penetrate David
[00:53:03] David sling arrows one through three and the iron dome. Okay 32 times on target on
[00:53:11] one of the two air bases that they struck that we know of. Okay. If they can straight up do
[00:53:20] that, they can hit Tel Aviv. That's it. That's all this last incursion, this last retaliation
[00:53:28] from Iran was basically to say, we can actually hit you. Just so you know, like they said
[00:53:36] they were going to hit three targets. They said they were going to hit two air bases,
[00:53:42] they did successfully and they said they were going to hit the Masa headquarters, which they
[00:53:47] didn't hit successfully. They actually hit like, you know, close enough in the distance,
[00:53:53] but they weren't able to successfully strike the Masa headquarters. Now, this is important to
[00:53:59] understand, okay? Because if they can do that, that means they can just take down city blocks.
[00:54:06] Okay? It's that simple. If their bombs can penetrate the Israeli anti-missile defenses,
[00:54:17] that means they can fucking hit Tel Aviv and take down entire city blocks in the same exact way
[00:54:22] that Israel does to Lebanon in the same exact way that Israel has done to Gaza in the same exact
[00:54:27] way that Israel has done to Syria and Iraq and Yemen. So what I find really odd, what I find
[00:54:38] really really fucking odd is this weird song and dance that the American media is playing
[00:54:44] that the Israeli media is playing where they're just making it seem like no no no those missiles
[00:54:49] actually hit on target it's like you can see it you can see that it did with your own eyes
[00:54:54] if you watch the fucking footage but you can also see you can also see that it hit on target
[00:55:00] if you look at like some of these other outlets like even Washington Post did like
[00:55:06] like visual forensics on it where they were like, yeah, 32, 32 direct hits on at least
[00:55:11] one of the air bases. Okay. So that is, that directly goes at odds. That is directly at
[00:55:22] odds with what Israel has communicated to the world, but they have an interest in creating
[00:55:29] this narrative that they're like super successful on the others on the other side. You also
[00:55:34] have. Ultra Zionists on Twitter being like, they didn't even kill a single civilian. Okay,
[00:55:40] how stupid these guys suck. They didn't even kill a single civilian. It's like, dude, that
[00:55:46] is not an estimation of success. Okay. Iran showing Iran demonstrating restraint in this
[00:55:54] regard and only striking military targets is not a moment for you to flex dumb ass.
[00:56:01] fuck are you saying? How is that your metric for a successful military incursion? Like, I don't
[00:56:10] really understand. Are you that fucking brainbroken where you're like, wow, they didn't even do like
[00:56:15] a litany of war crimes are the same way that we do? Like, what's the argument here? You think that
[00:56:20] they wanted to fucking hit civilian targets, but then the missiles somehow directed themselves to
[00:56:25] military bases because they're that bad? Is that what it is? Not everyone's military might is
[00:56:33] calculated at how many babies that they killed directly in their fucking cribs
[00:56:37] you monstrous assholes but from the moment that I watched those missiles hit military bases the
[00:56:51] message for me was clear that they have the capacity to penetrate Israel's anti-missile systems
[00:56:58] this is not like the last like loiter munitions that they fucking flew over you know 35 minutes
[00:57:06] on drones and shit. It wasn't like that at all. It was very different. That was unique as well.
[00:57:13] But this time it was definitely, it was obvious that they were saying, we can strike you if we want.
[00:57:22] So if there are some, I don't know, people that are at least remotely interested in preserving this
[00:57:29] security of the Israeli civilian population, Iran isn't even close to penetrating the iron
[00:57:35] Dome bro keep dreaming dude. What do you mean keep dreaming? I didn't dream this. I saw it. What the fuck are you talking about?
[00:57:42] Oh, so it's not even the iron dome dumbass the iron dome is for like those fucking shitty bathtub rockets
[00:57:48] It's for projectiles. Okay
[00:57:53] Iran can't penetrate an iron dome idiot. Wait, what?
[00:57:59] Okay, let me tell you something. Okay
[00:58:23] Satellite images show dozens of Iranian missiles struck near Israeli air base near by the way
[00:58:33] multiple ballistic missiles re-entering iron is stronger than missiles wait what I
[00:58:40] think this guy is making a joke right like he thinks it's he's this is can't
[00:58:46] penetrate iron bro you need nukes for that okay he's just he's just joking yeah
[00:58:52] no near by the way near like where you can directly see them hit hangers
[00:58:58] runway like yeah they're targeting capabilities used to be significantly
[00:59:04] worse. They've gotten significantly better. If you are, if you are aware of this sort of
[00:59:08] thing, it's still not like 100% accuracy in the same way that like an F 15 flying over
[00:59:16] a target can strike with 100% accuracy. But, um, what is this? But does Iran even have
[00:59:37] the capacity enough ammunition to continuously strike in such a capacity though? Western
[00:59:40] media is down in their stockpiles. It is the Western media's job to fucking clean
[00:59:45] to do a cleanup job here. So everything that you hear from Western analysts, even if this
[00:59:51] is like an insane and immensely unique, unprecedented security flaw for Israel, they will still
[01:00:02] try to grab on to anything and everything they can to be like, they just suck. They
[01:00:08] did this last time as well. Okay, last time Iran retaliated against
[01:00:14] Israel for the Damascus embassy strike. They literally flexed on them. They were like, you
[01:00:19] guys are so dumb. See, you couldn't do it. We are so mighty in our defenses. Our enemy
[01:00:26] is so weak and also strong, but so weak at the same time. This time they did very clearly
[01:00:33] penetrate the fucking security. I do not know if they actually struck the F 35 fleet
[01:00:52] that they have. I don't know that at all. I don't know. I haven't seen enough evidence
[01:00:58] for this. Okay. I have not seen enough evidence for this. But what I do know, what I do know
[01:01:04] is they did say that they were going to strike three military targets and they successfully
[01:01:09] did. Israel on the other hand lied and said they intercepted 99% of the targets,
[01:01:16] but please don't, please don't show any footage. It's illegal to show the footage
[01:01:21] our beautiful interceptions, okay? Please, please understand something very important here, okay?
[01:01:32] If they can strike inside of the Israeli borders, inside of the Israeli boundaries,
[01:01:39] all the way from motherfucking Iran, they can hit the buildings too. They can hit
[01:01:44] civilian populations. They can disrupt regular civilian life in the same way that Israel does
[01:01:50] to Beirut in the same way that Israel does to Gaza. Okay. Even if like 50% of them hit on target,
[01:02:00] because Iran is saying 90% success rate. I don't know if it's actually 90%,
[01:02:04] but it doesn't matter, right? Because even if 10% of them successfully struck targets,
[01:02:11] if they launch another fucking barrage of 200 missiles, or maybe even more than that next time
[01:02:17] around that's still a shit ton of missiles that penetrate the barrier okay and if they changed
[01:02:30] the trajectory or they changed the targets to civilian populations to civilian areas
[01:02:44] if they changed the targets to civilian areas I personally think that you know they could
[01:02:52] kill a shit ton of Israelis and I think that a government that has at least the basic level of interest
[01:03:00] in defending their citizen, their civilian population, their citizens needs to make note of that
[01:03:06] no matter what they say to the outside world, okay? Iran is about to find out big time or
[01:03:12] whatever the fuck you're saying in this regard is really stupid because Israel just found out
[01:03:18] something very important. The only reason why Israel gets to operate like this in the
[01:03:23] region is because they have the full, throated support of the American government. Okay? And
[01:03:30] also because they believe their own shit, they believe their own propaganda, they believe
[01:03:34] that they are truly this excellent military that is centuries more advanced than their
[01:03:41] barbaric neighbors. This is part of the problem with October 7. This is part of
[01:03:47] reason why October 7 happened to begin with. This is new and I keep telling people that this is new
[01:04:00] and people don't see it the way I'm seeing it. I don't know why you don't understand how new this is.
[01:04:06] Israel has never had, Israel has never experienced something like this. It does not matter what
[01:04:13] they are saying. It does not matter how hard they are coping. This is truly, truly a new
[01:04:22] era. Okay. Like Yemeni drone strikes and Yemeni hypersonic missiles also striking inside
[01:04:31] of the boundaries of Israel was already the turn of the century was already the change
[01:04:38] in the way that things used to work. Okay, but like you I mean there's the satellite
[01:04:58] imagery history ended now we're still going to loop what is the overarching reason for
[01:05:25] for this genocide is Netanyahu, just shred of evil.
[01:05:28] Yes, and wants land.
[01:05:32] Okay.
[01:05:35] Do they realize how different things are?
[01:05:36] Will this affect how they act going forward
[01:05:38] if they aren't as invincible as they thought?
[01:05:40] I mean, it's entirely dependent on,
[01:05:43] it is entirely dependent on how many people
[01:05:46] in the government, in the governing coalition,
[01:05:49] inside of the Israeli Knesset,
[01:05:53] actually recognizes how different this is than prior Hit for Tat, like back and forth,
[01:06:02] Iranian incursions. Okay, I think there's got to be some people in there that are like,
[01:06:12] hey, our civilians are going to die if we keep this shit up. Like, even with all of
[01:06:23] The United States' full support shooting down Iranian missiles that were coming in, the fact
[01:06:31] that they were still able to hit inside of the Israeli security, inside of the Israeli
[01:06:39] anti-missile systems, and penetrate this seemingly impenetrable iron dome, is massively
[01:06:47] consequential for how things go in the future.
[01:06:53] And I think I suspect some people know that, okay?
[01:06:56] I suspect some people inside of Israel know that, regardless of what they're saying.
[01:07:01] This is huge.
[01:07:02] This is a huge change from how things used to be.
[01:07:07] If you personally thought Iran could never strike inside of, Iran could never strike
[01:07:11] Tel Aviv, how the fuck could they do that?
[01:07:13] We have the best anti-missile defense systems with Jordan intercepting with American
[01:07:20] American aircraft and American anti-missile systems intercepting in the region and all
[01:07:27] and Saudi intercepting, like you have, you know, British, you have British anti-missile
[01:07:32] systems intercepting.
[01:07:33] You have all of this.
[01:07:34] You have this massive amount of surveillance and anti-missile systems working to defend
[01:07:40] Israel and they still are able to penetrate this security apparatus and hit targets successfully.
[01:07:50] This is a new dawn, okay?
[01:07:51] It's a new dawn is a new day.
[01:07:54] They don't wanna recognize that they got hit in the face.
[01:07:58] They don't wanna recognize that they have a bloody nose
[01:07:59] because the recognition of a bloody nose
[01:08:02] would most likely cause some chaos
[01:08:08] inside of the Israeli consciousness
[01:08:12] and you need to present yourself
[01:08:16] as this like invincible force
[01:08:21] in the region where there are no repercussions for your regular civilian activities. You could
[01:08:26] still go to the beaches of Tel Aviv while there's a genocide happening, you know, a couple
[01:08:29] miles away. And that's, that's the beauty of Israel, right? It's like a Western nation.
[01:08:35] It no longer feels like a Western nation if this occurs. Okay. Similar to the U S after
[01:08:44] 9 11. I mean, worse than that, significantly worse than that, because it's not like Al-Qaeda
[01:08:52] had the capacity to do 9 11 again. Okay. Because of straight up proximity. Do you understand
[01:09:02] like 9 11 was massive, massively consequential and a one off 9 11 was not conducted by a state
[01:09:07] actor that was a regional power with natural resources and an interest in continuing
[01:09:12] its own fucking existence in the region. 9 11 was conducted by al-Qaeda a terror group.
[01:09:17] So like they don't have the same fucking, they don't have the same security concerns.
[01:09:21] That's why it's different than Hezbollah as well. That's why it's different than Hamas as well.
[01:09:24] Like, non-state actors that are designated as terrorist organizations that still have
[01:09:34] civilian governance in their, civilian governance in mind are going to have a very different set
[01:09:41] of expectations and a very different set of rules of engagement. As a matter of fact,
[01:09:46] that's precisely the reason why Hezbollah and Iran have been significantly more restrained
[01:09:53] than Israel because they do not have that same invincibility shield that Israel has.
[01:09:59] This shows that the playing field is actually more leveled than Israel claims it is. This is a
[01:10:05] massive change of pace. It's a massive change of attitude. And I suspect that this should cause
[01:10:11] Israel to be somewhat more restrained in its retaliation. Okay. No, no, I'm saying
[01:10:23] Guys, I'm not talking about the terrorism designation. Of course, Al Qaeda is designated
[01:10:28] as a terror group. Hamas is designated as a terror group. Hezbollah is designated as
[01:10:32] a terror group. The IRGC, the Iranian state is designated as a state sponsor of terror
[01:10:37] groups. I'm not talking about the designation of terrorism because that is a sociopolitical
[01:10:43] construct that is applied to America's enemies. That's not my point here. My point
[01:10:50] is, fuck all the designations, look at the difference in which like ISIS operates, look
[01:10:56] at the difference in which, for example, Al Qaeda operates versus a cell or something
[01:11:03] that is like designated, an organization that is designated as a terror group with a clear
[01:11:07] goal and a clear agenda, whether it is emancipation or whether they also have like a shit ton
[01:11:14] of civilians that they are responsible for in terms of like civil governance, okay?
[01:11:25] The Taliban, for example, under the American occupation, did not have the civil governance
[01:11:32] affairs and responsibilities to the same degree as like Hamas does, or as Hezbollah does.
[01:11:38] The Taliban now does have complete control over Afghanistan, and now the dynamic is
[01:11:44] very different.
[01:11:46] So when you become an organized unit of governance, you have a very different set of standards.
[01:11:55] Like there are certain things that you can't do, certain things that you can do, depending
[01:11:59] on how much you can protect your own citizens, depending on how much you care about protecting
[01:12:04] your own citizens.
[01:12:06] If you recall, in the early months of October, I told you time and time again the reason
[01:12:11] why Hezbollah, which as a part of the Axis of Resistance against Israel and American imperialism
[01:12:18] in the region, had set clear and well-defined red lines that they actually watched Israel
[01:12:25] cross with no retaliation.
[01:12:30] The original red line is, if you invade Gaza for Israel, if they invaded Gaza, that
[01:12:35] they would also invade Israel.
[01:12:37] Why didn't they cross that red line?
[01:12:39] Because Hezbollah was experiencing a tremendous amount of economic struggle as a consequence
[01:12:47] of the Lebanese economy.
[01:12:48] They knew how Israel would retaliate.
[01:12:50] They knew that there was nothing that they knew that they couldn't like just go and fucking
[01:12:55] invade Israel, basically, if Israel invaded Gaza.
[01:13:04] Does that make sense?
[01:13:05] Do you guys understand what I'm saying here?
[01:13:08] I hope it's like as clear as possible.
[01:13:12] Groups that are designated as terror groups,
[01:13:15] if they are still interested in like civilian governance
[01:13:19] and civilian affairs, and they actually do demonstrate
[01:13:21] like if they have clear cut goals
[01:13:24] that are not like expansionist in general,
[01:13:30] that's the major difference between ISIS
[01:13:31] because someone will say like,
[01:13:32] well, ISIS has civil governance in mind as well.
[01:13:35] Like ISIS tried to do like a healthcare thing,
[01:13:37] if you recall,
[01:13:38] They literally stole the NHS logo. Uh, it was very funny when I found this out, but ISIS
[01:13:44] was an expansion, expansionist unit. Okay. They were like a scourge in the entire area.
[01:13:50] Yeah. They try to do ISIS care, but like ultimately they cared more about expanding
[01:13:55] and, and taking up more territorial control than they did about like legitimately protecting
[01:14:01] the citizens that are a part of like the regular democratic process. Like as bull,
[01:14:06] This is important to understand has Bullock still is a part of the Lebanese Parliament
[01:14:13] That's precisely the reason why the pager assassination attack that targeted like both civilian and also military
[01:14:20] People was an act of terror that America is trying to take advantage of right now
[01:14:25] According to Barack Revere's reporting where they're where where they're trying to now
[01:14:30] Now, literally implement democracy in Lebanon to take advantage of like all of the fucking
[01:14:37] Hezbollah MPs that are currently still in the hospital, even though they are literally
[01:14:42] just straight up fucking Lebanese parliament members.
[01:14:45] You know what I mean?
[01:14:53] So it's differentiating internationalist, militant groups versus nationalist ones.
[01:15:01] Al-Qaeda, ISIS are distinct from groups like Hamas Hezbollah or the Taliban.
[01:15:05] Yes.
[01:15:06] The Taliban is the most like, I think the Taliban is the one that's in between, I would say,
[01:15:17] like in comparison to al Qaeda and ISIS, the Taliban has some aspects of its existence
[01:15:25] that is similar to an emancipatory movement, even though they are also super fucking fundamentalist,
[01:15:32] by the way, I'm not even talking about their domestic affairs here, but in terms of what
[01:15:39] they were doing, what they were trying to do was fight back against the American occupation,
[01:15:44] but also, so in that regard, there isn't emancipatory purpose there, but they also
[01:15:48] were simultaneously expansionist and could even have designs for other areas across
[01:15:56] the border, maybe even into Pakistan eventually.
[01:16:03] So it's different.
[01:16:06] It's a little bit of both.
[01:16:08] Well, it's more similar as it sponsors internationalist groups, including al-Qaeda, but also no
[01:16:16] interest in expansion itself outside of Afghanistan, same with how Hamas and Hezbollah aren't
[01:16:20] trying to create a global government like ISIS is.
[01:16:23] Yeah.
[01:16:24] Like Hamas's designs are simply, regardless of their Islamic fundamentalist perspective
[01:16:31] or whatever, Hamas's existence is directly a consequence of Israeli occupation.
[01:16:37] and the Israeli apartheid and Israeli genocide,
[01:16:42] and Hamas has worked alongside all of these other groups
[01:16:47] that are involved in the liberation of Palestine
[01:16:51] time and time again,
[01:16:53] whereas why are you ignoring Safari Bari's reasonable question?
[01:16:56] I can't see it.
[01:16:57] I don't even know how to click on that.
[01:16:59] I don't know what happened.
[01:17:06] And the same with Hezbollah.
[01:17:07] Hezbollah has its own interests.
[01:17:09] Hezbollah actually is a little bit different too
[01:17:10] they also operate in the region as well. Hamas doesn't. Hamas is just simply operating inside
[01:17:16] of Gaza, whereas Hezbollah does operate in the region in Syria specifically. That gets a little
[01:17:21] bit more complicated. But in terms of like resistance, resisting against, in terms of like
[01:17:34] its resistance against the Israeli occupation and Israeli incursion or like purging Israeli
[01:17:40] troops from its borders. Hezbollah operates in a similar vein to Hamas. How do we get here?
[01:17:56] What are we talking about? Benjamin Netanyahu is in the pocket of Donald Trump and is going
[01:18:07] to one, simultaneously continue using this war to maintain his coalition. Okay, he's
[01:18:17] He's also going to continue serving three-minute outbreaks as well at the top of the hour, straight
[01:18:23] up.
[01:18:24] Like, he's going to do it.
[01:18:27] I'm just letting you guys know.
[01:18:29] If you didn't think it was going to happen, well, you know, wake up, because it will.
[01:18:34] It will happen.
[01:18:36] At the top of the hour, there will be a three-minute outbreak.
[01:18:40] And if you no longer want to see those ads, if you want to avoid seeing those ads,
[01:18:44] then all you need to do is subscribe for $6 or for free with a Twitch Prime. Twitch Prime is free folks.
[01:18:56] Okay. Ninyal was in the pocket of Hassanabi. Yeah, I agree. I think his below is a little
[01:19:12] unique and his structure being much more integrated into the RGC than Hamas is.
[01:19:15] So it often serves Iranian interests as well as local ones, but it's also a national movement
[01:19:19] as opposed to the global like ISIS or al-Qaeda, if that makes sense. Also, I think like
[01:19:23] like the way that Al Qaeda and ISIS are treated in the region is different than Hezbollah as
[01:19:28] well.
[01:19:29] Unless you're like, I mean, there are, there are definitely differences, like in terms of
[01:19:34] Syria, for example, or in other regions in the way that like Hezbollah military operations
[01:19:40] are seen and analyzed by the local population.
[01:19:43] But beyond that, like the, they're like ISIS has no fucking allies, okay.
[01:19:49] Well, except for America and Israel and Al Qaeda has no allies except for America and Saudi Arabia
[01:19:56] like these guys are not they are
[01:19:59] They are they are viewed broadly by every single person as like a military movement specifically designed to do terror
[01:20:07] terror that seemingly
[01:20:14] You know suits the purpose of these like regional actors and their their designs
[01:20:22] And will not stop and maybe even escalate tensions in an effort to fuck up the Democratic
[01:20:46] Party's chances of winning this re-election.
[01:20:49] If you think that that is a silly reason to continue doing genocide, I promise you these
[01:20:54] guys have a very profound understanding of American news, American media, American attitudes
[01:21:01] and American politicians, and who gets to run the show, he thinks he can get a better
[01:21:08] deal from Trump.
[01:21:09] Okay?
[01:21:10] That's why he went to Mar-a-Lago.
[01:21:13] He flew to Mar-a-Lago personally.
[01:21:15] These things matter.
[01:21:32] Anyway, yeah, of course, of course, I called it ahead of time.
[01:21:40] Is there anything preventing the U.S. from jumping into aid Israel in Lebanon?
[01:21:43] I feel like if Hezbollah was making significant wins, the U.S. would just jump in.
[01:21:59] pre-watches history so hard he watches his own clips. Yeah. Now let's get to, let's get
[01:22:06] back to Israel. We're going to talk about the media bias as well. But before that, let's
[01:22:11] watch statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Neniah who seemingly very upset after French president
[01:22:18] Emmanuel Macron has urged a halt to arms deliveries to Israel, which has been criticized
[01:22:23] over the conduct of its war on Gaza. Where is this coming from? Well, because obviously
[01:22:30] the French have designs for Lebanon. And those designs get fucked up if Israel also has
[01:22:38] designs for Lebanon. I have a message. I have a message for President Macron. Today Israel
[01:22:49] is defending itself on seven fronts against the enemy.
[01:22:52] So the ISIS format, the Mujahideen, is that what Assad is talking about?
[01:22:56] No.
[01:22:57] Yes and no.
[01:22:58] These are civilization.
[01:22:59] We're fighting in Gaza against Hamas, those savages who murdered rape, beheaded, and
[01:23:04] burned our people on October 7th.
[01:23:07] We're fighting in Lebanon against Hezbollah, the most heavily armed terror organization
[01:23:12] in the world, which was planning and even-
[01:23:14] Why does he have a message for the French in English?
[01:23:17] Why is there no one translating this message to French for the Israeli prime minister's
[01:23:23] office?
[01:23:24] Do they not have any French translators in Israel?
[01:23:26] There's plenty of fucking, there are plenty of French Israelis that speak French.
[01:23:32] You know, what the fuck's going on there?
[01:23:34] What's happening?
[01:23:35] I hate to be that guy, but I think you forgot to run the ads.
[01:23:38] Never hate to be that guy.
[01:23:39] You are correct.
[01:23:40] I did forget to run the ads.
[01:23:41] I'm running it now.
[01:23:42] Even greater massacre than October 7th on our northern border and that is rocket. It is really towns and cities for nearly a year
[01:23:49] Wait, hezbollah has done an even greater massacre than Hamas did
[01:23:58] That's crazy. How many how many people did they kill? That's wild. I
[01:24:03] Didn't realize they killed 1200 people including like 400 military
[01:24:09] members
[01:24:10] members of the military
[01:24:12] We're fighting against apparently they're planning. Oh, oh, oh, oh, they were planning it. Yeah
[01:24:18] Well, so was a mosque and you didn't really give a shit about that planning. Did you put these in Yemen and the Shi'at militias in Iraq and Syria
[01:24:27] That together have launched hundreds of drones and missile attacks against Israel
[01:24:31] We're fighting against terrorists and Judeans Samaria. We're trying to murder civilians in the heart of our cities
[01:24:37] As West Bank he's saying we're fighting in the West Bank
[01:24:40] territory that we illegally occupy against people who are like,
[01:24:45] hey man this is my home, maybe you shouldn't do that.
[01:24:48] And we're fighting against Iran which last week fired over 200 ballistic missiles directly at Israel
[01:24:55] and which stands behind the seven front war against Israel.
[01:24:59] As Israel fights the forces of barbarism led by Iran,
[01:25:03] all civilized countries should be standing firmly by Israel's side.
[01:25:07] Yet President Macron and some other Western leaders are now calling for an arms embargo
[01:25:14] against Israel.
[01:25:16] Shame on them.
[01:25:18] Is Iran imposing an arms embargo on Hezbollah, on the Houtis, on Hamas, and on its other
[01:25:23] proxies?
[01:25:24] Of course not.
[01:25:26] The axis of terror stands together.
[01:25:29] But countries who supposedly oppose it are so funny, it's so funny when these
[01:25:34] motherfuckers to the axis of terror, uh, stands together. It's like, bro, for everyone with
[01:25:40] eyes to see you and America and all of the regional partners are the real axis of terror.
[01:25:48] Okay. The numbers, numbers on the board, these guys don't touch the fucking madness that
[01:25:55] you conduct in the region, like the, the death and the destruction that you engage
[01:26:00] with in the region it is so funny to be like these guys they'll tell me they tell
[01:26:05] they're doing tell it's like okay bitch what are you doing then like is there a
[01:26:12] different term for what you're doing because what you're doing is is worse
[01:26:16] like significantly worse in terms of the numbers I don't give a fuck if there's
[01:26:20] like in his mind if there is justification for it that doesn't
[01:26:24] mean anything do you understand like people are so ridiculous about this
[01:26:33] They're like, Oh, Hassan, you don't understand, uh, Israel good. Israel's enemies bad. Duh. Oh, okay.
[01:26:39] Didn't, oh, shit, dude. Didn't realize that that was, uh, your, your, the way that you were operating,
[01:26:46] you know, it's like the Nazis shitting on, uh, the Japanese. No man, it's not like the Nazis
[01:26:56] shitting on the Japanese. It's like the Nazi shitting on the, the allied forces.
[01:27:02] Okay? Because he's the fucking Nazi here! Straight up! Straight the fuck up!
[01:27:13] Close the stair-axis. Call for an arms embargo on Israel. What a disgrace!
[01:27:20] Well, let me tell you this. Israel will win with or without their support.
[01:27:25] But their shame will continue long after the war is won.
[01:27:28] For in defending ourselves against this barbarism, Israel is defending civilizations against those who seek to impose a dark age of fanaticism on them.
[01:27:37] Like he just keeps saying that we're fighting against barbarism, we're fighting against these barbarians, like, oh my god.
[01:27:45] It's just like, it's truly demonic Nazi shit, I don't know, I don't know how people still don't see it, like.
[01:27:53] All of us.
[01:27:59] Rest assured, Israel will fight until the battle is won, for our sake and for the sake of the peace and security of the entire world.
[01:28:10] Israel has expanded its bombardment of Lebanon, striking new areas.
[01:28:14] Oh yeah, now they've fucking went even northern than Beirut.
[01:28:18] They're like, yeah, we're bombing the capital, but we're also going to bomb even further up north as well.
[01:28:24] The target's members of both Hezbollah and Hamas.
[01:28:27] While Hezbollah has kept up its attacks on northern Israel, saying it's fired rockets as
[01:28:32] an air base near the city of Haifa.
[01:28:35] In southern Lebanon, the Israel Defense Forces say they hit a Hezbollah command center overnight,
[01:28:40] located in a mosque adjacent to the Salah Gondua Hospital.
[01:28:44] For the first time in this conflict, Israel has hit Tripoli in northern Israel.
[01:28:48] like look do what are we doing what are we doing bro
[01:28:53] what are we fucking doing
[01:28:56] yet
[01:28:57] strike in a mosque strike in a hospital they struck an orphanage and a
[01:29:01] hospital at the same time in Gaza by the way which by the way is is such a
[01:29:04] normal part of the process at this point that like it's not even newsworthy
[01:29:08] lebanon
[01:29:09] reportedly killing an official from her masses military wing
[01:29:13] his wife and two young daughters
[01:29:15] in a drone strike
[01:29:16] and Israel has continued to strike the Lebanese capital here Beirut.
[01:29:20] It's military issued warnings for residents in three southern suburbs near the
[01:29:24] airport to evacuate buildings around Hezbollah facilities.
[01:29:28] Alex Thompson reports on the days of ends.
[01:29:31] The guys, they're still doing this, by the way, they're still doing propaganda.
[01:29:34] They're like, Oh, it's the Hezbollah facilities, Hezbollah facilities.
[01:29:42] Oh shit, dude.
[01:29:43] Oh, well, sorry, the hospital was in the way, you know,
[01:29:45] great stuff the strategy in lebanon from air and sea beirut pounded again
[01:29:53] overnight by day civilian jets still fly in and out against the bombing of the
[01:29:59] cities southern suburbs
[01:30:03] Israel talks about pinpoint strikes the Lebanese health ministry says more than
[01:30:09] two thousand people have been killed so far across the country including one
[01:30:13] hundred twenty seven yet they're double tapping health care workers health care
[01:30:17] continues to come under attack in Lebanon along 28 health workers have been
[01:30:21] killed in the last 24 hours as World Health Organization chief Pedro's odd
[01:30:24] Hanum gave a racist during a press briefing in Geneva on Wednesday more
[01:30:31] than one thousand six hundred people have been killed and more than one
[01:30:36] million. Okay, October 7 numbers. We've passed it. We've fucking passed it. We passed October
[01:30:42] 7 numbers. Has below by Israel's own design has the right to defend itself. Okay. Significantly
[01:30:52] larger civilian deaths, by the way, in comparison to October 7, October 7 400 military 400
[01:31:00] military were killed, 800 civilians were killed, some of which were killed by Israeli, you
[01:31:07] know, the Israeli security forces anyway. But regardless, let's say all four, all all
[01:31:13] 800 are killed by Hamas and the Palestinian resistance force. Israel's done genocide in
[01:31:18] Gaza. Does this mean that his Bullah and the Lebanese forces have a right to defend
[01:31:22] themselves? Do they have a right to defend themselves? Can they now do genocide in
[01:31:26] Israel? Of course not. Of course not. I don't think that that is right anyway. I'm not saying
[01:31:32] that at all. But just understand if like, you know, there was a if the if the morality was
[01:31:38] evened out, that is how this situation would be analyzed. It's placed including 350,000 now
[01:31:46] living in shelters and 160,000 who have crossed the border into the Syrian Arab Republic
[01:31:55] healthcare continues to come under attack. In Lebanon alone, 28 health workers have been killed.
[01:32:04] It's so funny that people still like grab on to the only counter to all of this shit,
[01:32:11] like the glaringly obvious realities. The only counter to any of this is to basically just go,
[01:32:17] la la la, I can't hear you, Hassan supports terrorists. That's it. Like you have no answer
[01:32:23] for this. You have no way of being able to justify this. So you just go, nah, they're
[01:32:29] terrorists, they're barbaric, they're terrorists. Like you just repeat what fucking Benjamin
[01:32:34] and Yahu is saying, and that's it.
[01:32:36] In the last 24 hours, many health workers are not reporting to duty as they fled the
[01:32:45] areas where they work due to bombardments. This is severely limiting the provision of
[01:32:53] mass trauma management and continuity of health services. We had planned to deliver a large
[01:33:00] shipment of trauma and medical supplies tomorrow to Lebanon. Unfortunately, this has not been
[01:33:07] possible due to the almost complete closure of Beirut's airport. WHO calls on all partners
[01:33:14] calls on all partners to facilitate flights to deliver much needed life-saving supplies
[01:33:21] to Lebanon.
[01:33:24] Why are we supporting Israel?
[01:33:25] What do you mean?
[01:33:26] I'm not supporting Israel.
[01:33:27] Israel is going to suck my dick.
[01:33:28] Has anyone ever asked any of the State Department Press Secretary Gules to find the word terrorist?
[01:33:33] I mean, I'm sure there's a way that they can dance around it.
[01:33:36] It doesn't matter.
[01:33:37] They literally dance around all the death and destruction that they fund and facilitate
[01:33:40] on a daily fucking basis.
[01:33:41] They don't give a shit.
[01:33:42] literally are operating on the same boundaries that Israel's operating on which is that these
[01:33:46] are the bad guys Israel's the good guys it's that simple children 261 women they call the
[01:33:54] World Health Organization Hamas because the elected president of World Health Organization
[01:33:57] Executive Board is a Qatari woman out nice cutter elected as president of World Health
[01:34:03] the organization executive board, Hanan Mohammed Al-Kawari.
[01:34:10] Well there you go, you can't trust them. Arabs are of one mind famously according to
[01:34:16] famous Israeli scholar Benny Morris.
[01:34:19] Four major hospitals and 32 medical centers in Beirut and across the country, completely
[01:34:32] out of service now due to Israeli strikes.
[01:34:38] claims his fellow fighters were using them for positions.
[01:34:43] Overnight, Israel claimed to have killed a Hamas commander, Saida Tallah, his wife and
[01:34:48] two daughters in the coastal city of Tripoli in northern Lebanon.
[01:34:52] Defiance against Israel on the ground.
[01:34:57] We say that this resistance will continue.
[01:34:59] This is the path for martyrs.
[01:35:01] This is an enemy who commits criminal acts against our people.
[01:35:06] his death independently confirmed this afternoon, and then of course the funeral, the full
[01:35:17] guard of honour along with the two children.
[01:35:24] All this as Hezbollah fired rockets towards the northern Israeli port of Haifa, also in
[01:35:32] northern Israel wildfires started by incoming Hezbollah fire.
[01:35:39] global diplomacy apparently incapable of stopping Iran and Israel's march
[01:35:44] towards the war neither ones
[01:35:46] irans
[01:35:48] yet iran has been on the fucking charm offensive to in the region
[01:35:53] uh... straight up
[01:35:57] the iranian president after the fucking israeli of the uh... after the
[01:36:01] retaliation on israel
[01:36:03] that israel claims hit no targets even though they very obviously did
[01:36:08] Um, if Ron went to all of the regional, all of the golf region, like Abraham Accord's,
[01:36:12] uh, recipient nation states and was like, listen, you don't want the smoke.
[01:36:16] And they were like, yeah, you're right.
[01:36:17] We don't actually want the smoke.
[01:36:19] As a matter of fact, we'll see ourselves out of this equation.
[01:36:22] Now, I don't know how, how far you can, you know, I don't know how you can trust that.
[01:36:33] Yes.
[01:36:34] It is Basha.
[01:36:34] I was like, it's chat.
[01:36:36] Yeah.
[01:36:36] Something you need to understand is this something you need to understand is this.
[01:36:42] When I say, oh, these regional actors don't want the smoke, I don't mean that like Iran's military might and capabilities is like the same as America.
[01:36:53] Okay.
[01:36:55] What I mean is, they have oil refineries that are directly within the line of fire of Iranian missile systems. It's that simple.
[01:37:08] Think about it like mutually assured destruction, but this time for oil
[01:37:15] Okay
[01:37:16] That's it. It's literally that simple. They're like look look
[01:37:27] China brought Iran and Saudi Arabia to the table over
[01:37:32] The UAE and Saudi Arabia's conduct
[01:37:36] That led to a genocide in Yemen
[01:37:39] Okay. Why do China do this? Because they need the oil as well.
[01:37:44] Why does Saudi Arabia come to the table? Because they also like their oil refineries.
[01:37:52] Okay. If Iran strikes, or if the Houthis or Iran strikes oil refineries in Saudi Arabia, that's not good for anybody.
[01:38:05] Okay, and that was that is something that happened before October 7. Mind you. Okay, it's a massive amount of leverage that Iran has as a regional actor.
[01:38:16] So, so for them, they're like, Okay, yeah, we have a security cooperation with the United States of America. We use their weapons.
[01:38:39] weapons, but also we don't want you blowing up our fucking oil refineries, because if you
[01:38:46] blow up our oil refineries then you know our economy is cooked and the entire global marketplace
[01:38:51] falls apart. This is a reality that I'm sure Americans are also aware of. There's no way
[01:38:56] that they're that stupid, okay?
[01:39:03] Foreign Minister in Syria today after Lebanon yesterday, touring countries on the receiving
[01:39:08] end of Israeli missiles.
[01:39:13] Zone, braced now for Israel's response to this week's salvo of Iranian ballistic missiles.
[01:39:22] Both sides ban independent media from the fighting zone, but all the while on the ground,
[01:39:27] Israel's quote, limited incursion looks ever more like unlimited invasion in scope and
[01:39:32] scale.
[01:39:33] Wow, that's crazy.
[01:39:35] I can't believe that their limited incursion is actually an unlimited invasion.
[01:39:40] Shocking.
[01:39:42] Not only the Lebanese getting out.
[01:39:44] You are severely underestimating the IDC, the general American populace.
[01:39:48] No man, I'm just looking at the American government as a capitalist institution, a capitalist instrument
[01:39:56] that obviously benefits, especially key sectors benefit from permanent death and destruction in the Middle East,
[01:40:04] but only to a certain degree.
[01:40:06] Once oil refineries catch on fucking fire nobody benefits from that the entire economy the entire global economy runs on the petro dollar
[01:40:14] It collapses everything
[01:40:16] Okay, it's kind of like the Trump equation
[01:40:19] Okay, a lot of business owners like Donald Trump
[01:40:21] But a lot of business owners are also afraid of Donald Trump
[01:40:25] Why are they afraid of Donald Trump because Donald Trump spells instability too much instability?
[01:40:30] Like a certain amount of instability and deregulation and everything else is great, right?
[01:40:36] It's great for businesses. But too much of that can also spell trouble because the market needs stability, okay?
[01:40:44] The market benefits from a certain level of chaos, but there also needs to be some level of stability.
[01:40:52] Too much volatility is not good.
[01:40:54] this sums it up pretty well is school illegal in the US the answer is yes now
[01:41:11] Israel is going to re retaliate to Iran Israel has said they're gonna retaliate
[01:41:17] to Iran in a decapitating strike against the Iranian leadership now if they
[01:41:22] did that that would be devastating that would be devastating for the region
[01:41:26] Israel also has said they would retaliate against Iranian nuclear
[01:41:30] plants that are a part of their energy grid or Iranian oil refineries.
[01:41:36] Iran has said, if Israel retaliates at all, we will respond in kind.
[01:41:42] If Israel specifically retaliates against their energy grid, they will respond in kind.
[01:41:48] If Israel retaliates against their oil refineries, they will light the entire region's oil refineries
[01:41:54] on fire.
[01:41:56] Okay?
[01:41:57] It is what I'm talking about when I say mutually assured destruction.
[01:42:14] That's it.
[01:42:17] That basically is at that point it's just like complete collapse of the global market
[01:42:22] place.
[01:42:23] The British evacuation flight, the last scheduled to leave Beirut tomorrow along with a host
[01:42:28] of other countries doing this in recent days, all remaining foreigners advised to contact
[01:42:33] their embassies.
[01:42:34] Yeah, I suspect that the reason why it's taken so long for the Israeli response is
[01:42:38] because they are, I think, worried about the actual repercussions, the actual consequences
[01:42:44] for the record. What can Iran hit in Israel, though, the soda stream factory?
[01:42:51] No, I mean, there's plenty of fucking things that they can hit inside of Israel.
[01:42:57] It's more so if they choose to now strike more civilian targets.
[01:43:02] Are refineries really any more vulnerable than Tel Aviv?
[01:43:05] dog. Understand that no government actually cares about like their own civilians. Okay.
[01:43:13] No state actor is like all that concerned about their civilians. They do care about one
[01:43:19] thing and one thing only. And that is making sure that oil refineries don't all collectively
[01:43:26] catch on fire that would destroy the global economy. Okay.
[01:43:32] overnight how is Iran oh this is a good reporting on how hitting oil refineries will what is
[01:43:47] this will affect the world economy Iran attacked Israel on Tuesday night with about 200 missiles
[01:43:55] they managed to hit a few military bases and the Mossad headquarters they were no Israeli
[01:43:59] casualties one Palestinian died but that doesn't mean that all is forgiven and forgotten
[01:44:06] First pose.
[01:44:09] Iran's star is the U.S. dollar.
[01:44:11] Okay, okay.
[01:44:12] If there's any figuring out what to strike, where to strike,
[01:44:15] there are a number of potential targets, nuclear, oil, military facilities in Iran.
[01:44:19] Let's look at them one by one.
[01:44:21] First, there's Iran's nuclear program.
[01:44:24] Now Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapon.
[01:44:26] It was work in progress.
[01:44:28] But officially, the Iran's stopped developing nukes in the year 2003,
[01:44:33] Or rather, they pause their efforts.
[01:44:35] That's what they say.
[01:44:37] But they still have nuclear facilities all over the country.
[01:44:40] As you can see on this map, Iran can make weapons-grade
[01:44:43] nuclear material.
[01:44:44] It can enrich uranium at some of these sites.
[01:44:47] And these facilities are in use despite the nuclear pause.
[01:44:53] The Iran hasn't gone all the way yet.
[01:44:55] But it keeps nuclear material production on the precipice
[01:44:59] so that if anything major happens,
[01:45:01] it can rapidly complete a new clear weapon or two
[01:45:05] all of iran's enemies know this israel knows it
[01:45:08] the u.s. knows it and everyone else does yeah i don't know about this yet but
[01:45:12] where when is she gonna talk about the fucking mutual issue destruction of
[01:45:18] iran on tv no dog is is like a right-wing uh... indian newspaper
[01:45:25] There's things that will be discussed with you.
[01:45:29] Yeah, is India's Fox News, right?
[01:45:31] Israel is what they're going to do.
[01:45:34] All seven of us agree that they have a right to respond,
[01:45:38] but they should respond, of course.
[01:45:41] She's the Dana Bush of India.
[01:45:44] Dana Bush.
[01:45:46] Some of Iran's nuclear sites are protected,
[01:45:49] deep underground.
[01:45:50] It would be almost impossible to blow them up.
[01:45:52] So if Israel manages to blow up one nuclear facility, Iran can ramp up production at another and develop a working nuclear bomb in a matter of days.
[01:46:02] Okay, this part is the least significant part in this story.
[01:46:08] This is the least significant part of the story, okay?
[01:46:11] Especially because like, who cares if they have a nuke or not? I don't give a shit.
[01:46:16] Okay, because with the current conventional means that they have at their disposal, they
[01:46:21] can still blow up oil refineries.
[01:46:23] Are they going to talk about that or not?
[01:46:25] That is why Joe Biden doesn't want Israel to go after Iran's nuclear sites, because
[01:46:29] that is an all or nothing gamble.
[01:46:33] If even one site is still functional, then Iran will become the world's next nuclear
[01:46:37] power.
[01:46:39] That is why Israel probably won't target Iran's nuclear facilities, at least not
[01:46:43] seriously.
[01:46:44] But they could conduct a symbolic strike at one of the smaller facilities just to show Iran that Israel can attack their nuclear sites
[01:46:51] And this was suggested dog. We know Israel can attack their nuclear sites. We
[01:46:57] He's real Israel has the capacity to attack anywhere and everywhere around the planet. Okay?
[01:47:03] It's just like we know that already. I think that's an expectation
[01:47:08] That's precisely the reason why the Iranian nuclear facilities are deep underground
[01:47:11] specifically without outside of the reach of like conventional bunker bus
[01:47:16] their bombs even okay like I think people know that people understand that
[01:47:22] people have geared their defenses against that right the real question is why
[01:47:30] are you watching garb time someone linked it to me
[01:47:35] by a former Israeli Prime Minister. His name is Ihud Barak. He said this was a possibility
[01:47:42] and it won't be a first. Israel did something similar in April. After Iran launched its first
[01:47:48] missile barrage in April this year, Israel responded by attacking an Iranian facility
[01:47:53] near the city of Ishfaan. The attack was close to an Iranian nuclear site, even though
[01:47:58] it wasn't directly targeted. The point I'm trying to make here is that it doesn't
[01:48:04] matter. Iran could be moments away from developing a nuclear weapon. Iran could have a nuclear
[01:48:11] weapon. That part, that part is completely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things
[01:48:19] because the current weapons that they do have that we know they have are capable of
[01:48:24] striking oil refineries, which would be, I would just go so far as they almost as
[01:48:29] devastating as a fucking nuke. Israel basically let them off with a warning, a symbolic show.
[01:48:39] So a direct but limited attack at a nuclear plant could be an option, at least according
[01:48:45] to Israel's former prime minister, even though it is risky. But Netanyahu has other options
[01:48:50] too, including going back to the basics. Israel could just target military facilities,
[01:48:56] airfields, drone bases, missile silos. It could even go after production facilities. Target
[01:49:02] Iran's drone and missile factories. It isn't flashy, it isn't extremely sophisticated,
[01:49:08] but it will send the message. And technically, this is the only thing allowed according
[01:49:12] to the standard rules of war. But Israel hasn't really been playing by any rules lately.
[01:49:19] Netanyahu doesn't care about what he hits
[01:49:23] as long as it does serious damage
[01:49:26] and what will really hurt Iran
[01:49:28] is going after its pocket.
[01:49:37] We're discussing it, I think that would be a little...
[01:49:42] That looks like another Biden blooper.
[01:49:44] He revealed that Israel is thinking about attacking Iran's oil facilities.
[01:49:48] Biden said discussions are ongoing.
[01:49:50] Is the US discussing this internally?
[01:49:52] Are they holding discussions with Israel?
[01:49:54] Biden did not confirm, but it seems that attacks on Iranian oil are a possibility.
[01:50:02] So let's turn to the map again.
[01:50:03] I want to point to something here.
[01:50:05] Okay.
[01:50:06] The motive supporting right wing Indian news anchor lady saying a Biden blooper, okay,
[01:50:15] is once again a hilarious, a hilarious demonstration of the one thing that Biden ran against
[01:50:22] Trump on successfully, which was that he would restore the confidence in our international
[01:50:29] allies and cooperators as like and restore America's role as like the global hegemonic
[01:50:35] power that is the world police.
[01:50:38] And Biden has failed on that so spectacularly, like every single person that is inside of
[01:50:47] the periphery inside of the, the, uh, the sphere of influence of the United States of
[01:50:53] America basically has, has recognized that this, this old man is getting dog walked by
[01:51:01] Benjamin Netanyahu, at least like in the way that it is interpreted. These events are
[01:51:05] interpreted by everyone else where, where it is hilarious to watch the guy who was
[01:51:13] supposed to, you know, unlike Donald Trump, bring about stability to a chaotic rain. And
[01:51:24] now everyone sees him as a fucking old man who's asleep at the wheel, who's getting dogwalked
[01:51:28] by Benjamin Netanyahu, who does whatever the fuck he wants. And when Biden says like,
[01:51:34] Oh, this is a target that this is a red line that we don't want Netanyahu to cross Netanyahu
[01:51:40] crosses it anyway. They literally see what they see Biden's threats to Benjamin Ninjaho or Biden's
[01:51:50] red lines that Benjamin Ninjaho has a promise. I mean, which is a correct interpretation of course,
[01:51:57] a correct interpretation of events, but pretty funny overall to think that it's coming from
[01:52:03] the administration that was supposed to rebuild America's squandered reputation that Donald Trump
[01:52:09] Trump destroyed the global stage.
[01:52:13] Really cool and really funny to experience in my opinion.
[01:52:20] He did it.
[01:52:21] He did NATO.
[01:52:22] Iran is an oil-rich nation.
[01:52:24] It has drilling facilities, refineries and export terminals everywhere.
[01:52:28] But the sites you are seeing are only the major ones.
[01:52:32] Israel's most obvious target would be the Kurg oil terminal.
[01:52:36] It's on an island in the Persian Gulf.
[01:52:39] from the Iranian mainland.
[01:52:42] But more importantly, it's Iran's biggest export hub by far.
[01:52:47] The Kharg oil terminal handles more than 90% of Iran's exports.
[01:52:53] That's millions of barrels every day
[01:52:56] being converted into essential funds
[01:52:58] to keep Iran's regime afloat.
[01:53:00] If this export stops, Iran gets hammered economically.
[01:53:06] But this will also have a domino effect.
[01:53:08] Iran mostly sells oil to China, if the Iran is forced to stop, Beijing will look elsewhere,
[01:53:14] causing prices to surge.
[01:53:16] And Joe Biden won't like that because oil prices are a sensitive topic this close to
[01:53:21] US elections.
[01:53:22] So Biden may try and stop Netanyahu from hitting the Kurg oil terminal, but there are other
[01:53:27] oil facilities as well, like the Abadan refinery near Iran's border with Iraq.
[01:53:33] This is a domestic facility.
[01:53:35] So if Israel attacks it, global prices may still remain stable.
[01:53:39] And Netanyahu will have his revenge.
[01:53:41] It's cynical because ordinary people will bear the brunt, but Israel may still consider it
[01:53:46] an option.
[01:53:48] There are other facilities too, of course, like the Quiche and Keshm islands near the
[01:53:53] Strait of Hormuz.
[01:53:55] These are smaller export hubs, so attacking them...
[01:53:58] Because on your news coverage is garbo compared to this.
[01:54:00] I know that's why I'm watching this.
[01:54:01] Regardless of this channel's like overarching views or whatever, this is the reason why the
[01:54:08] chatter sent it to me, because it's making a cold and calculated assessment of events
[01:54:16] that I think is good.
[01:54:19] Would just be symbolic, but will that be enough for Prime Minister Netanyahu?
[01:54:25] As you can see, there are a lot of factors for Israel to consider, and it will take action
[01:54:30] after thinking things through, hopefully. It's a tense situation because their next move
[01:54:34] has the potential to push West Asia over the edge and plunge the world into chaos. We're
[01:54:40] hoping it doesn't come to that. Global oil markets and global markets in general
[01:54:52] are feeling the pressure of all of this. Investors are rattled. There was a sell-off in
[01:54:58] the Indian stock markets. Both the Nifty and the Sensex were down.
[01:55:01] Yeah, so just buckle up for that. All right, let's get back to let's get back to Israel doing his real shit in Lebanon though
[01:55:09] And Alex joins us live now from Jerusalem Alex
[01:55:13] It's being reported that the Israeli military is preparing its attack on Iran, but it's a question of what and when
[01:55:21] Well, indeed it is it's been reported, but nothing completely firm on that
[01:55:26] overnight Joe Biden US president again warned Israel against the
[01:55:31] high numbers of civilian casualties. Clearly the White House considered those
[01:55:35] unacceptably high. Not just in Gaza but now of course in Lebanon as well. And over
[01:55:40] the last few days there's not exactly been a war of words but cool exchanges
[01:55:44] between the White House and the Israelis. A couple of days ago Joe Biden
[01:55:48] pretty much telling Israel not to attack Iranian oil installations in
[01:55:52] appraisals with that Iranian missile attack this week into Israel. No
[01:55:56] response from Israel on that overnight he said well if I was Israel I wouldn't
[01:56:02] attack oil installations either again nothing no promises from Israel on that
[01:56:07] it is cause when America invaded Iraq they blew everything up with one
[01:56:23] exception. The Iraqi Ministry of Energy. Okay. That's it. That's all you need to know about
[01:56:37] how things work. Okay. You don't touch, you don't fuck up the bag, especially when your
[01:56:48] enemy has the capacity to do the same to you. This is the calculation. That's it.
[01:56:58] the calculation here for America is that if Iran fucking lights oil refineries on fire,
[01:57:05] you will destabilize the entire marketplace, the entirety of the global market.
[01:57:11] We can't have that.
[01:57:12] That's not good.
[01:57:14] And that's been a threat since day one, mind you, which is why I think it's so ridiculous
[01:57:19] that Biden hasn't packed up Benjamin Netanyahu already.
[01:57:22] I've been saying this for months.
[01:57:26] Considered imminent.
[01:57:27] We watch and we wait.
[01:57:29] Well, here with me now is our foreign affairs correspondent, the commander who has just returned to Beirut from southern Lebanon.
[01:57:39] Well, Chris, we've been hearing today further strikes, yet further strikes again in Beirut, again concentrated in the south of the city.
[01:57:46] It seems that Israel is deliberately trying to prevent rescue workers reaching the site where they targeted Hashim Safi-e-Adeen,
[01:57:54] tipped to be Hezbollah's new leader. Still no official confirmation as to whether or not
[01:58:00] he was killed, but reports suggest that he has been out of contact with the rest of Hezbollah
[01:58:05] ever since those very powerful strikes on Thursday night. Now, as you say, we drove up from the
[01:58:10] southern city of Tyre earlier today, passing through, passing by towns and villages that
[01:58:16] Israel has ordered to evacuate. Certainly, they all looked very empty to us. And that's
[01:58:21] That's why there's such mounting concern about the displacement prices here.
[01:58:25] And what's going on on the border itself?
[01:58:27] Well, a little hard to tell.
[01:58:29] The Israeli military say that they killed 400 Hezbollah-operated since their ground
[01:58:33] incursion began.
[01:58:34] Hezbollah, for their part, say they've resisted once again an Israeli incursion attempt
[01:58:39] at the, around the village of Edesa.
[01:58:42] Certainly, we're not seeing Israeli forces sweep through southern Lebanon.
[01:58:47] Is that because they're concentrating their efforts just right on the border?
[01:58:51] Is it because they're encountering more pushback from Hezbollah than they anticipated?
[01:58:56] The Israeli military and military officials have been telling reporters in Israel that
[01:59:00] they want to try and wrap up the operation as soon as possible, potentially even within
[01:59:05] a number of weeks.
[01:59:06] One Western official I was speaking to today, they're expressing fears that we're just
[01:59:10] at the start of an open-ended conflict.
[01:59:12] Thanks, Akhamba.
[01:59:13] Well, in the last few minutes, the Israeli military spokesperson hasn't shed any
[01:59:18] light on when there will be strikes, saying their response to Iran will come at a time
[01:59:22] Israel decides best.
[01:59:24] Well joining me live now from Tel Aviv is Mary Eisen, who is a retired colonel in the Israel
[01:59:28] Defence Forces.
[01:59:30] She worked with Prime Minister Ahud Olmert during the last Lebanon war in 2006 and is
[01:59:35] now a fellow at the International Institute for Counterterrorism.
[01:59:39] From the Israeli point of view, how is the invasion of southern Lebanon going?
[01:59:45] And does it seem credible to you that it could all be wrapped up within a matter of weeks?
[01:59:50] It's funny how when I listen to the way you describe it as the invasion and then as it's
[01:59:54] going to go on and in Israel from the beginning had very specific targets in going into a small
[02:00:01] area of southern Lebanon that they chose to.
[02:00:05] Yeah, yeah.
[02:00:06] Yeah, no total issues, small military operation.
[02:00:10] Shut the fuck up calling it an invasion, dude.
[02:00:13] killed 1600 people in bombing campaigns so far. It's a special military operation. It's
[02:00:22] a target special military operation. Duh. To denazify Lebanon. Go in. And that was to
[02:00:29] both uncover, destroy, expose the Rod Juan forces, cash of weapons that are right on the
[02:00:35] other side of the border. The idea spokesperson right now, what part of what he put out
[02:00:39] is some of those tunnels that lead directly from Lebanese territory into Israel. They were
[02:00:45] waiting to do an October 7 type attack. That's what the idea forces are trying to destroy.
[02:00:54] Right. I said, God, Monday is going to be fucking unbearable. So,
[02:01:07] so fucking unbearable. Why? It's October 7, dude.
[02:01:12] It'll mark the one year of Israel's genocide of Gaza and of Palestinians. Dude, if you think,
[02:01:26] If you think that the the fucking constant calls of October 7 are very annoying at this point
[02:01:39] Holy shit dude like Israel's been pointing to October 7 to to genocide the entirety of the
[02:01:48] Ghazan fucking population for the past 12 months.
[02:01:52] Oh my God.
[02:01:54] I'm sure they have a mass press blast ready to go.
[02:02:05] Do you think it could be done in the mass of weeks?
[02:02:08] Absolutely.
[02:02:09] I also think it's something where you go in and you go out and that when we put the Chisbala
[02:02:14] statements and what Chisbala says on the same legitimacy level as what the IDF say at
[02:02:21] the end, with all of our flaws and we have many, we are a Western democracy and when
[02:02:27] we send out statements, certainly when it comes into what's going on, it's our
[02:02:30] Our soldiers who are fighting, it's our Israelis who are not inside their towns and villages,
[02:02:35] and we have been very clear on what's going on there.
[02:02:38] Hezbollah has attacked us every single day since October 8th.
[02:02:42] They joined in then.
[02:02:43] The Radwan forces are deployed in the south of Lebanon, and they have way more strength
[02:02:49] than what the Nukhba forces that did the horrific attack of October 7th ever had.
[02:02:54] So I look at what the IDF is doing.
[02:02:56] I most definitely see the locality of what they're doing.
[02:02:59] You come stand on the border.
[02:03:01] It's a kilometer from the border, a kilometer and a half.
[02:03:05] There are attacks further north because his balafighters are both trying to go north and
[02:03:09] they're trying to reinforce their own forces.
[02:03:12] It's on the double way, and that would be to me part of why Israel is telling villagers
[02:03:17] to go north.
[02:03:18] It's about saving their lives.
[02:03:19] I have nothing good to say about war in general, but to try to help uninvolved
[02:03:24] civilians save their lives.
[02:03:26] You're literally an idea of military person.
[02:03:57] Now let's turn to the impending attack on Iran.
[02:04:01] Obviously, there are many things being said by Western leaders about what Israel should
[02:04:06] or shouldn't attack, you know, Joe Biden sort of suggesting it shouldn't be nuclear facilities,
[02:04:12] it shouldn't be oil installations, Donald Trump saying take out the nuclear installations
[02:04:16] first.
[02:04:17] I mean, how are these sorts of sentiments received in Israel?
[02:04:20] What do people in Israel want?
[02:04:23] So we're on a Saturday night. We're at the end of a long Jewish holiday. It's our new
[02:04:27] year. We've all been in the Jewish holiday from Wednesday evening, and this is after
[02:04:32] the Tuesday night attack direct from Iran. So we're sitting here in that sense looking
[02:04:37] around and saying what will happen if they kill the Iranian leader is a question that
[02:04:43] someone asked. A lot of people here think that like I think a lot of people here
[02:04:50] I think that like the Iranian population across the board despises the leadership, which many do for good reason.
[02:04:58] Okay.
[02:05:01] And even if they do hate the Iranian leadership, they still also would absolutely treat an Israeli assassination of the Iranian leadership as a direct.
[02:05:15] Foreign military operation, which is what it is.
[02:05:19] Okay, and it would only reaffirm the support
[02:05:25] for whatever the Iranian leadership looks like
[02:05:28] after this decapitation.
[02:05:31] It would be an act of war.
[02:05:32] It would galvanize the most reactionary elements
[02:05:35] of Iranian society.
[02:05:38] It's the same principle behind
[02:05:40] the Ansarallah administration.
[02:05:42] The greatest gift for the Houthis in Yemen
[02:05:45] was Israel's genocide of Gaza.
[02:05:48] If you wanna look at it in like cold
[02:05:50] and calculated terms without like thinking about the morality of it all.
[02:05:54] If you were like a hater of the Houthis or Ansarullah,
[02:05:58] which many people were inside of Yemen, right?
[02:06:02] They all basically unified under the Ansarullah banner in the aftermath of
[02:06:07] Israel's genocide of the Palestinians.
[02:06:10] These are people who have experienced genocide themselves by Western forces.
[02:06:16] So when the leadership structure was like,
[02:06:18] We're going to do everything in our fucking power to resist American imperialism, resist Israeli imperialism, and we're going to shut down the fucking Red Sea.
[02:06:26] Okay.
[02:06:29] Obviously, obviously, when that fucking happens, people are going to be like, yeah, no, these guys are doing the right thing.
[02:06:39] And beyond that, obviously, there's still plenty of real popular support for the Ayatollah as well.
[02:06:46] Um, I know this from the great, like the greatest comparison I can make here is Turkey, rigid type
[02:06:57] out of the womb became profoundly popular.
[02:07:00] He's always retained like at least 51% support throughout most of his reign.
[02:07:05] Now that is going away in the last couple of years due to hyperinflation in the country
[02:07:10] and whatnot.
[02:07:12] But in the aftermath of the coup that happened in Turkey, the failed coup that happened
[02:07:16] in Turkey.
[02:07:18] He was able to put together a referendum and change the Constitution of the country,
[02:07:23] implement martial law, and plenty of people were on his side because all of a sudden,
[02:07:30] all of a sudden people were like, okay, this is an outside force that is like trying to
[02:07:34] fucking change our affairs.
[02:07:36] This is not something that Americans can ever understand because at most, at most
[02:07:43] the only thing you fucking experience is like Russia buying like two million dollars
[02:07:47] where the Facebook ads are some shit. You just don't, you don't really, you don't really see it.
[02:08:01] Whenever a much larger force interferes in the affairs of a foreign nation in a devastating
[02:08:08] manner, especially one that leads to like death of the civilian population, if that force already
[02:08:15] has like a decent amount of popularity within the population, more and more people end up,
[02:08:22] more and more people end up subscribing to the leadership structure, even if they were previously in disagreement with said leadership, even if they were previously fighting against the leadership.
[02:08:39] Does that make sense?
[02:08:43] I guess you could see that with like George W Bush post 9 11 to answer your question if if
[02:09:08] Israel was to successfully
[02:09:12] Kill like a bunch of the bunch of the the Iranian leadership structure there would be a
[02:09:20] There would definitely be a point of chaos
[02:09:24] There would definitely be a bunch there would definitely be chaos immediately because there's plenty of people that are
[02:09:29] are genuinely and understandably resentful towards the current leadership in Iran.
[02:09:38] They would probably put down those protests in unimaginably violent ways, and then they
[02:09:43] would move forward with their destruction campaign against Israel.
[02:09:55] We are in a multi-front war, but we've been there, sir, for many, many months, almost
[02:10:01] from October 7th. The Yemen Houthis joined in. The Iraqi Shiites have fired at us. The Shiites
[02:10:07] in Syria, let alone Hezbollah from day one, Hamas and of course Iran. So when we talk about the
[02:10:14] response, it's understanding that we are in a multi-front war, but the one that's behind,
[02:10:19] all of the weaponry, the UAVs, the suicide drones, the ICBMs, the cruise missiles,
[02:10:25] all of those come from the Islamic regime of Iran. So I think we all expect an attack,
[02:10:31] we don't say not. The Islamic regime of Iran, Khamenei this Friday, stood and both praised,
[02:10:39] praised the October 7th attack of Hamas. And when we talk about the different why I can't
[02:10:45] believe they did that. Hmm. That's crazy. They're all in it together. What they all,
[02:10:51] I want to say having comment to me. It's such a horrible thing having comment is that they want to
[02:10:57] Destroy and I like the state of Israel and they physically are trying to do so
[02:11:01] So I do expect a response Israelis do expect a response, but I have no idea what that would be
[02:11:09] Maria I think thank you very much. Well earlier
[02:11:11] I spoke to the shadow security minister Tom Tugendat in the UK one of the four remaining
[02:11:17] conservative leadership contenders who worked
[02:11:19] here in Beirut for a while before joining the army and serving in both Afghanistan and
[02:11:24] Iraq. I asked him, with Israel warning that its counter-attack on Iran is imminent, what
[02:11:30] should Britain's message to Israel be?
[02:11:32] Well, we need to be offering leadership in the region and that's why we need to be
[02:11:36] asking British citizens to leave as soon as possible and offering leadership in the
[02:11:41] region to make sure that Israel's response is proportionate and targeted.
[02:11:46] does proportionate and targeted mean does that mean avoiding the nuclear sites avoiding
[02:11:52] the oil installation?
[02:11:53] Oh, they're so americucked, but that's a carbon copy.
[02:11:59] Dude, they are dude, dude, England is not a real country, bro.
[02:12:04] I'm sorry.
[02:12:07] The most americuck nation Holy fuck dude.
[02:12:14] Yes.
[02:12:15] We must listen to reason, which is why we are trying to get our citizens away from the line of fire.
[02:12:23] Fire coming from Israel, our ally that we're giving weapons to.
[02:12:29] That's right, this is what good leadership looks like. Very nice.
[02:12:39] What it means is making sure that they're targeting those areas that enable Iran to conduct this violent aggression against Israel
[02:12:48] and actually against other countries in the region.
[02:12:51] I mean, let's not forget that Iran hasn't just brought or tried to bring death to Israel.
[02:12:56] They have actually, through Lebanese Hezbollah, through their proxies in Bashar al-Assad.
[02:13:00] I just don't get it. Why didn't they...
[02:13:03] This streamer isn't very smart. No good takes, just unintelligent remarks.
[02:13:07] Buckle and chatter.
[02:13:09] Here's one intelligent take for you. At the top of the hour, there's a three-man handbrake.
[02:13:12] And you should probably subscribe right now for $6 or for free with the Twitch Prime.
[02:13:16] By connecting your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account to avoid the three-minute
[02:13:21] outbreak at the top of the hour.
[02:13:22] Maybe if you're lucky, you can give the Dysub as well.
[02:13:24] Here's the three-minute outbreak now.
[02:13:26] Also, follow up to that.
[02:13:29] I would love for you to specifically point out exactly what you disagree with instead
[02:13:33] of saying, this streamer isn't very smart.
[02:13:35] No good takes, just unintelligent remarks.
[02:13:39] That would be great.
[02:13:42] I would love to have a productive dialogue with you, my friend.
[02:13:53] Assad's government in Syria and their proxies in Iraq, they have murdered quite literally hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of Sunni Muslims
[02:14:02] across the region.
[02:14:03] Assad is in British interest that this war does not grow and become a full-scale regional conflict.
[02:14:09] That's absolutely right. It is in our interest to make sure that this is as controlled as proportionate as possible.
[02:14:16] But let's be clear, the Israeli government has the right to protect its citizens.
[02:14:21] the Jordanian government has the right to protect its citizens and others have
[02:14:25] the right to take action against these non-state actors look the Lebanese
[02:14:28] armed forces moved quickly in the last few days to disarm and expel Lebanese
[02:14:33] Hezbollah from various areas including areas like the airport where they have
[02:14:37] formerly had control of course all of this goes back to Gaza should Britain
[02:14:41] be more vocal in expressing its concern over alleged war crimes in Gaza Britain
[02:14:48] should be doing everything that we can to protect and support the Palestinian people.
[02:14:52] And one of the things that we need to be doing is pushing for the two state solution.
[02:14:56] Look, all of this relies on the respect for, of course, it's so cool that every single
[02:15:06] single mouthpiece of like the American state or Western states is repeating the same
[02:15:11] fucking bullshit.
[02:15:12] Yeah, yeah.
[02:15:15] Kind of divide Muslims, by the way, Shia and Sunni.
[02:15:25] This is the latest instruction from Hasbra.
[02:15:26] doesn't no Muslim gives this shit like straight up. I don't even think the fucking Saudis
[02:15:33] care that much. Like at this point, outside of like, you know, people in positions of
[02:15:40] power and even then like the, the, the pro-Israel sentiment is like diminishing. No one cares.
[02:15:48] First of all, Hamas is fucking Sunni. They are at the heart of this. Palestine is our
[02:15:55] Sunni nobody gives a fuck only Westerners like talk about it on these terms
[02:16:08] No, no one cares Chatters, please stop with the Shia and Sunni are already divided not united. Okay. No it is
[02:16:16] There is no like I
[02:16:19] Wouldn't say that there is like a like a monolithic
[02:16:23] attitude towards anything in the in the entirety of the Muslim world
[02:16:27] which
[02:16:28] Spans across multiple continents and is you know billions of people but
[02:16:35] Even in the fucking region it's like
[02:16:38] Like the Houthis are a great example. They're fucking Shia
[02:16:43] El Hasante, okay
[02:16:47] No one know like a lot of old traditionals give a shit about the Sunni and Shia
[02:16:50] No, dude. The Houthis are fucking Shia and literally one of the more one of the most popular fucking groups in the entire region. Now, it does not fucking matter. When it comes to Israel, it does not matter.
[02:17:16] Of course the Israeli community but also the Palestinian community.
[02:17:23] But what Hamas did in Gaza was utterly criminal. It was utterly vile.
[02:17:28] And I don't just mean on October the 7th, a year ago, almost a year ago today.
[02:17:33] But actually what they did over the months and years before that,
[02:17:37] Hamas murdered many Palestinians to take control of Gaza.
[02:17:41] Just finally, as you know, as these wars grow and go on,
[02:17:47] There is a tendency among
[02:17:49] Dude, how what is your takeaway from this? If not only Israel gets the murder of Palestinians. No one else
[02:18:04] Engloid animal is right
[02:18:07] Like this is his response to the Israeli war crimes is that well Hamas has killed Palestinians too
[02:18:23] Are you fucking complaining that Hamas is kill stealing like what the fuck's wrong with you?
[02:18:30] There's a lot of people back home to look away and to say look this is the Middle East
[02:18:40] It's the Middle East doing what the Middle East does
[02:18:42] What is your message to people at home about why this matters to them?
[02:18:46] I mean, they're like this kind of attitude was I guess like really silly if you were knowledgeable on the matter even after October 7.
[02:18:55] But like plenty of people weren't plenty of people weren't knowledgeable after October 7.
[02:19:04] So like they kind of got duped by this kind of sentiment.
[02:19:06] But like it's been 12 months, dude.
[02:19:10] 12 months of straight up hell.
[02:19:13] 12 months of death and destruction like I don't think anybody believes that at this point
[02:19:19] Oh Israel trying to liberate Palestinians from Hamas like get the fuck out of here, dude
[02:19:24] If you still believe that at this point you just are
[02:19:28] You were I mean you don't care like you just
[02:19:31] Like I don't think anyone that advances that argument is advancing it with sincerity
[02:19:50] That's it
[02:19:55] Well, Christian, I started my career as a journalist in Beirut.
[02:19:59] I was a journalist there from 97 to 99,
[02:20:02] and I was covering various elements of the wars in the south of Lebanon.
[02:20:06] And one of the things that struck me then and still strikes me today
[02:20:09] is that it's not foreign. It's not that far away.
[02:20:12] The reality is that the energy price spikes that happen
[02:20:15] when there's conflict in the Middle East affect us at home.
[02:20:18] And when we see rises in non-state actors like Lebanese Hezbollah,
[02:20:22] We see very often the threat of terrorism in the United Kingdom increase and I can tell you as security minister
[02:20:27] That we were extremely conscious of the cooperation that we needed with our partners in the Middle East in order to keep the British people safe
[02:20:35] So I'm afraid we may wish it away
[02:20:37] But the reality is that we are fundamentally connected and we need to be leading in the conversations and the security
[02:20:43] Conversations in particular to keep ourselves safe and that's exactly what the UK's position should be because we should be standing
[02:20:50] with our allies and stopping these terror groups from getting any more
[02:20:54] oxygen or power or support from violent tape ships like the Iranian regime that
[02:20:59] they've had for 40 years. Of course he's fucking admitting that only the only
[02:21:05] thing he cares about is like low oil prices. I respect the honesty. It's
[02:21:20] good. What is this? Al Jazeera breaking? Urgent Israeli broadcasting authority
[02:21:40] about a quarter of Israeli said they thought about leaving the country during
[02:21:43] the past year. Good, good strikes and Beirut suburbs now. Like the thing is, this is good
[02:22:14] because this completely like diminishes the design is project. That's it. If you don't
[02:22:28] have enough people to fucking build additional settlements. If you don't have enough people
[02:22:34] build additional settlements, you no longer can do a Zionist project. You don't have, like, it
[02:22:40] doesn't matter how many fucking Russians you give Israeli citizenship to, and only the most
[02:22:52] hardcore will remain. Yeah, I know. The most hardcore also don't know how to fucking read, dog.
[02:22:59] It's fine. Israel is bouldering towards becoming the fucking ultra, the rabbit ultra
[02:23:10] internationalist, ultra Zionist, the ultra orthodox state that it was, it has been able
[02:23:19] to successfully make it seem like it's an outside element.
[02:23:24] But once everyone is the hawk to a rastafari in bread dudes that you see, people are going
[02:23:34] to be like, yeah, I don't think this is tenable.
[02:23:36] I don't think this is manageable.
[02:23:38] We should probably not align with them in the same way.
[02:23:40] destroys their economy. This is why academic divestment matters.
[02:24:05] Okay. Academic boycotts, academic divestments, like they
[02:24:12] play a massive role in the soft power capabilities of Israel.
[02:24:16] That soft power pays dividends back to Israel. When you're
[02:24:21] wondering like, why the fuck are there so many people who are
[02:24:24] just so unconditionally pro Israel in American media, or in
[02:24:31] all of these institutions like why are there so many people it's because israel for years
[02:24:36] and years and years has created this ecosystem where they have a lot of the pro-israeli sentiment
[02:24:43] baked into these institutions when you fucking when you literally sever that tie all of a sudden
[02:24:51] it's much easier for people to look at a bunch of inbred uh a bunch of inbred altar or
[02:24:57] alter orthodox dudes trying to fucking run over the the the
[02:25:02] Lebanese border to go and build a settlement and getting fucking quickscoped by some Hezbollah dude
[02:25:10] when that becomes the entirety of the Israeli nation-state it's impossible for them to maintain
[02:25:15] this posture that they're like you know simultaneously a western-facing nation that is
[02:25:21] is directly trying to fight back against the barbarism of Islam, they are susceptible
[02:25:33] to brain drain just like any other country is.
[02:25:35] We get to hear from Elon Musk as well.
[02:25:39] Oh yeah.
[02:25:40] Maybe before or after.
[02:25:41] He's dead.
[02:25:42] He's dead.
[02:25:43] One month to go before Americans choose a new president.
[02:25:47] There are 31 days until election day and today both candidates are zeroing in on
[02:25:52] the two states that might decide the outcome of the presidential contest.
[02:25:57] Vice President Kamala Harris will be in North Carolina, a state battered by Hurricane Haleen
[02:26:01] one week ago.
[02:26:03] She will update the progress on federal relief efforts there.
[02:26:06] Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump returns for the first time to Butler, Pennsylvania.
[02:26:11] Or 12 weeks ago, a would-be assassin opened fire during one of Trump's rallies.
[02:26:17] Security is being tightened for-
[02:26:18] Bro, that's crazy. Dude, that was fucking...
[02:26:23] That was 12 weeks ago?
[02:26:28] What is time?
[02:26:34] It straight up feels like it happened multiple lifetimes ago.
[02:26:41] That's insane.
[02:26:47] Like, the passage of time is completely bricked for me. I'm not gonna lie.
[02:26:51] Maybe it's because I do the same thing every day.
[02:26:55] Over and over again, constantly repeating it. I don't know if I'm alone in this.
[02:26:58] like the month of September past I felt like I sneezed and it was like the month of September ended and we're already five days into October.
[02:27:07] I don't make no goddamn sense. I wonder if there are people tuning into this rally to see if there's another Ryan Ruth style situation that might happen.
[02:27:30] Instead you have seen this increase in fighting occur there and these images that you've seen play out could certainly be part of that as well.
[02:27:59] as well. But President Biden over the past few days has really been focused on what the
[02:28:03] Israeli response to Iran's barrage of missile attacks that they had fired off against the
[02:28:08] country a bit earlier this week. While the president himself has not spoken with Israeli
[02:28:12] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since August, senior administration officials have been in
[02:28:17] constant contact with their Israeli counterparts as they are gaming out the next steps
[02:28:22] of how they will respond. The U.S. has said that they believe that Iran should
[02:28:27] face consequences for its actions. But behind the scenes, they are also trying to advise
[02:28:32] and counsel Israel with exactly how they should proceed. The ultimate hope here is that there
[02:28:37] could be a more measured response from Israel. But administration officials don't deny the fact
[02:28:43] that they do believe Israel will respond at some point in time. Now, President Biden himself,
[02:28:49] when you're specifically talking about Israel and Iran, has said that he does not believe
[02:28:53] that Israel should target Iran's nuclear facilities. He also a bit earlier in the week had left
[02:28:58] the door open to the possibility that Israel could target Iran's oil reserves. But then
[02:29:05] just yesterday, as he spoke in the White House press briefing room, he said that he does believe
[02:29:09] they should consider alternative options and not go after any oil fields. It really
[02:29:14] presents some of the complicated dynamics of the administration is grappling with
[02:29:19] in this moment. Now, even as the president has said that he doesn't believe that Israel should
[02:29:24] target Iran's nuclear facilities, a senior of State Department officials said that they
[02:29:28] haven't received any assurances yet from Israel that they won't go down that route.
[02:29:34] There's still also a lot of questions about when exactly Israel would make its decision
[02:29:39] to respond to Iran and when they might decide to actually enact that and move
[02:29:45] forward with it. One senior State Department official is saying it's hard to tell whether
[02:29:50] they might try to use this October 7th anniversary that's approaching on Monday when Hamas had
[02:29:55] attacked Israel. Try to use that as a potential time to retaliate. But the president has said
[02:29:59] he does not believe any action happening in the immediate future. But really at this
[02:30:04] moment, you're seeing the administration grapple with this conflict on multiple fronts.
[02:30:09] Biden has spent the last year trying to find a diplomatic solution to try to end the
[02:30:14] war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, trying to get to some type of ceasefire.
[02:30:19] Then you have them now dealing with this conflict between Israel and Hezbollah potentially
[02:30:25] another broader conflict between Israel and Iran, really speaking to the very complicated
[02:30:31] challenges Biden is facing in this moment as they are, guys, he's been working tirelessly.
[02:30:36] Duh, obviously he's just the worst piece of shit.
[02:30:41] Which is it?
[02:30:42] Either you have been working tirelessly around the clock, okay?
[02:30:50] Either you have been working tirelessly
[02:30:52] around the fucking clock
[02:30:54] and you're the worst guy of all time at doing this shit.
[02:30:59] Or you haven't been working tirelessly around the clock
[02:31:03] and you kind of like that Israel's doing this stuff.
[02:31:09] I think it's a little bit of column A,
[02:31:13] a little bit of column B.
[02:31:14] If I'm being really fucking real,
[02:31:16] I think it's a bit of both.
[02:31:23] It's like I have a question, usually can't answer it,
[02:31:25] but they ask him, what do you think about Iran?
[02:31:30] Would you hit Iran?
[02:31:31] And he goes, as long as they don't hit the nuclear stuff,
[02:31:36] that's the thing you want to hit, right?
[02:31:39] I said, I think he's got that one wrong.
[02:31:41] Isn't that what you're supposed to hit?
[02:31:43] I mean, it's the biggest risk we have.
[02:31:47] Nuclear weapons, the power of nuclear weapons,
[02:31:49] power of weaponry you know I rebuilt the entire military jets everything I built it including
[02:31:55] nuclear and I hated to build the nuclear but I got to know first hand this is why you can never
[02:32:01] take anything this man says seriously he literally will be like the end word that's right everyone
[02:32:09] like he'll be in Michigan okay and some dumb fuck trump supporter will literally be like
[02:32:17] Hey, Mr. President, like how will you fix the like how will you defend the auto workers here?
[02:32:23] And it'll be like nuclear war the end the word
[02:32:27] It's gonna happen
[02:32:29] Everyone mr. President. What do you think about climate change nuclear climate nuclear warming?
[02:32:36] Nobody talks about global warming more than me nuclear warming
[02:32:49] And it's like
[02:32:52] So if you're that worried about nuclear war, why are you currently saying we should nuke Iran's facilities or hit Iran's nuclear facilities?
[02:33:00] What what happened?
[02:33:04] I thought it was a peaceful dove the power of that stuff and i'll tell you what
[02:33:07] Uh, we we have to be totally prepared. We have to be absolutely prepared
[02:33:12] but when they asked him that question the answer should have been hit the nuclear first and worry about the rest later and
[02:33:19] And that's where they should, that's what they, if they're going to do it, if they're
[02:33:23] going to do it, they're going to do it, but we'll find out whatever their plans are.
[02:33:26] But it only takes like a half a question, usually can't answer it, but they ask them,
[02:33:31] what do you think about, what do you think about Iran?
[02:33:40] What do you think about Iran?
[02:33:42] All right, let's hear what, here you go.
[02:34:02] The N word.
[02:34:07] It's so wild to be alive during the fall of America.
[02:34:10] Yeah.
[02:34:11] They're on the roofs this time of my read the guy's bio Christian conservative
[02:34:16] Maga patriot Oklahoma and God gun Constitution CCP equals China equals
[02:34:21] Chinese wait what okay no shit snipers in butler Pennsylvania they finally
[02:34:29] conquered slope roofs I doubt is the fall of America to be honest I mean how
[02:34:52] big is this fucking crowd Jesus Christ it's like I mean he had none of that
[02:35:03] that last time around, you know what I'm saying? Bro, more people, I, I'm just saying, dude,
[02:35:09] Hey, listen, maybe some people are there for, uh, an alternative reason, an alternate reason.
[02:35:19] You know, I'm in the crowd. Do you see me? Yeah. I'm very excited to see what's going
[02:35:46] to happen to this rally.
[02:35:47] Vice president Kamala Harris in North Carolina on the federal. Yeah, we don't care. All
[02:35:51] right. Let's continue with this rally for today's event, which will be held in
[02:35:55] exact same location as one is the one in July. Caitlyn Huey Burns is in Butler.
[02:36:01] Caitlyn, put more can you tell us. Good morning, Michelle. Well, as you can see
[02:36:07] behind me, supporters are already lined up and Donald Trump doesn't take the
[02:36:11] stage here for another 10 hours or so. We have a month to go before election
[02:36:16] day. This is a key battleground state. It's a chance to rally supporters in a
[02:36:20] place where Trump and Harris are running neck and neck in our polling.
[02:36:24] But supporters we've been talking to here say this is more than that.
[02:36:29] How much you want to bet a big chunk of those people flew in specifically go to go to this
[02:36:33] rally because of the symbolic reason and it's not necessarily just like it's not actually
[02:36:41] fucking you know, Pennsylvanians that are coming from all around the all around the
[02:36:50] the state. Ryan Root is trying again. He can't, bro. He can't. They locked my man up. This
[02:37:08] to them is a symbol of perseverance. Great role. Michael Weyman drove across the country
[02:37:16] to support Trump and attend today's event. So you have come all the way from California
[02:37:21] Southern California. What does it mean that he is returning here to the site of the
[02:37:26] first assassination attempt. I actually think that it just shows his wherewithal
[02:37:30] and kind of making a point that I'm coming back to where tragedy could have
[02:37:35] happened and I'm back. Some rally goers who were there when shots rang out at
[02:37:39] the July 13th rally are returning again. This is what we don't stand down.
[02:37:45] We stand up. We come back to support our price. On Friday, Trump visited
[02:37:50] another battleground state to attend an emergency briefing in Georgia on
[02:37:55] hurricane Halene recovery where he joined a former foe. Since the 2020 election,
[02:38:01] Trump has lashed out against Republican Governor Brian Kemp for certifying the
[02:38:06] election results in Georgia, which Joe Biden won. But now with the state in
[02:38:11] play again, the former president praised Kemp. The governor again is doing a
[02:38:15] fantastic job. This track record for the auto industry was a disaster.
[02:38:21] Vice President Harris was in Michigan on Friday where she's competing with Trump for working class voters.
[02:38:27] Make no mistake, Donald Trump is no friend of labor.
[02:38:31] He encouraged automakers to move their plants out of Michigan so they could pay their workers less.
[02:38:41] And he said striking and collective bargaining don't make, quote, a damn bit of difference.
[02:38:51] now, as you can imagine, security has been heightened here.
[02:38:54] US Secret Service had expanded the security perimeter
[02:38:57] and will have personnel stationed both inside and outside
[02:39:02] of that perimeter, including on the roof of that shed
[02:39:05] where the shooter fired those shots on July 13th.
[02:39:09] And authorities are expecting at least 25,000 people
[02:39:13] to come here.
[02:39:14] Dana?
[02:39:16] All right, Caitlin, thank you.
[02:39:18] deliver the greatest economic boom to America than we've ever seen.
[02:39:25] It's a mad dash.
[02:39:26] Until next Monday, I'm both former President Trump and Vice President Harris are out on the
[02:39:30] campaign trail right now in key battleground states.
[02:39:33] Trump is heading from Georgia to North Carolina.
[02:39:36] Harris is in Michigan.
[02:39:38] I want to bring in senior data reporter Harry Entenherry.
[02:39:41] We talk a lot about battlegrounds, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona.
[02:39:45] I'm hearing Democrats expressing a lot of concern right now about Michigan.
[02:39:51] Where do Harris and Trump stand?
[02:39:52] I feel like CNN is trying to make Harry Antonin to Steve Kurnacky and it's just not working.
[02:40:09] And in Michigan right now.
[02:40:10] I think there's good reason for Democrats to be concerned with what's going on in the
[02:40:14] Wolverine state and we can see it right here in the polling average.
[02:40:16] Look, if you look at the Democrat versus Trump margin in the course of the great
[02:40:20] state of Michigan, what do we see in the polling average?
[02:40:22] We see Kamala have October 2024.
[02:40:29] I would love to see what Joe Biden's October 2023 numbers look like versus what they look
[02:40:38] like after.
[02:40:39] Now it's only up by a point, right?
[02:40:41] Compare that to the 2020 result when Joe Biden won a course in Michigan by three.
[02:40:45] Joe Biden at this point in the polls in 2020 was up by six.
[02:40:49] No matter what way you splice it, one point is significantly less than six points.
[02:40:53] a race at this particular point, Mr. Tapper, that is far too close to call. And of course,
[02:40:58] Michigan is so pivotal, both for Kamala Harris and for.
[02:41:02] Is it? It doesn't feel like it, does it? Chat? To me, it doesn't feel like Michigan is pivotal
[02:41:15] at all, or at least like the way that the Democrats are behaving about Michigan makes
[02:41:25] it seem like it's not even remotely important. I mean, they're directly responsible for killing
[02:41:32] half the fucking family members of a key constituency there. I don't get it. It always makes me feel
[02:41:53] like the Democrats are not running as though they want to win Michigan for Donald Trump,
[02:42:00] but even more so for Kamala Harris, because this is the chance they win the election
[02:42:03] if they lose in the great state of Michigan. The chance that Harris wins the election if
[02:42:07] if she loses in Michigan, is just 7 percent.
[02:42:09] For Trump it's 16 percent, slightly higher, but I think the key nugget that you can take
[02:42:14] away from this data is Michigan is a must win, but it's especially a must win for Kamala
[02:42:19] Harris.
[02:42:20] There's also a lot of, there are a lot of union members in Michigan, and we know union
[02:42:24] leadership's endorsement of a presidential candidate only goes so far, really comes
[02:42:28] down to the rank and file members who might be in favor of Trump because they're
[02:42:36] They're worried about electric vehicles.
[02:42:38] There might be cultural issues, et cetera, et cetera.
[02:42:40] Where does the union vote stand in Michigan?
[02:42:43] Yeah, so let's take a look.
[02:42:44] We'll look at this year and then we'll compare it
[02:42:46] to where we were back in 2020.
[02:42:48] So this is union households in Michigan,
[02:42:50] presidential election margins, look at this.
[02:42:52] Joe Biden won that vote by 15 points back in 2020.
[02:42:55] Look at where the margin is now.
[02:42:57] Harris is ahead in union households,
[02:42:59] but that number, that lead for her
[02:43:02] is down to just six points, down to six points.
[02:43:04] And this mirrors something that we've seen nationally,
[02:43:07] and that is at least among union households,
[02:43:09] Kamala Harris is right now showing
[02:43:11] the poorest showing for any Democrat.
[02:43:13] Dude, I just saw something absolutely fucking insane.
[02:43:19] Elon Musk's Twitter, ladies and gentlemen, gear up for it.
[02:43:24] This fucking account says,
[02:43:26] the mayor of Asheville, North Carolina is Esther E. Manheimer.
[02:43:30] If you're wondering, yes, she is.
[02:43:34] Now, at first I didn't fully understand until I saw Izzy's retweet of this.
[02:43:40] Apparently, it's not, no, it's not even talking about the, it's talking about the fact that
[02:43:46] she's Jewish, which is at this stage, like the most old school style of anti-Semitism.
[02:43:58] Okay?
[02:43:59] Like, this is like, this is straight up village pogrom style anti-Semitism.
[02:44:06] The Jew did the weather event.
[02:44:10] Like the village Jew is responsible for the natural destruction that befalled the village
[02:44:16] is literally the anti-Semitism of a time when electricity wasn't available, okay?
[02:44:26] We are straight up, nope, not even welcome back Adolf Hitler.
[02:44:31] No, this is straight up different, like multiple centuries prior to Adolf Hitler style of antisemitism.
[02:44:41] When people say blood libel, this is what they're originally talking about, okay?
[02:44:45] Now, the reason why I showed it to you in this cropped way is because maybe you think,
[02:44:50] Hassan, why the fuck are you talking about this random Nazi, obviously it's not that
[02:44:57] significant.
[02:44:58] This has 50,000 likes and 9,000 retweets!
[02:45:05] Holy fuck, 7 million views dude.
[02:45:23] We are so cooked.
[02:45:26] We are so incredibly cooked.
[02:45:30] When I tell you how cooked we are, I don't think we understand how cooked we are.
[02:45:37] This is, this is like around the time when writing was invented style anti-semitism, okay?
[02:45:47] Like history is beginning and unfolding around us era anti-semitism.
[02:45:53] Like I'm not talking eight of Hitler levels, okay?
[02:45:55] We already reached eight of Hitler levels, we went beyond.
[02:46:01] Yeah, this is circa printing press anti-semitism.
[02:46:19] What the fuck?
[02:46:21] almost in time for the, it's like starting. This is getting expelled from Spain levels.
[02:46:40] Yeah. Welcome back 13th century Catholic priest. I mean, this is, this is insane brother.
[02:46:53] This is insane. Okay. Yeah. Marjorie Taylor green. Yes, they can control the weather.
[02:47:01] It is ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can't be done.
[02:47:05] Well, fear not, guys, MTG is pro-Israel.
[02:47:13] So it doesn't matter when she says they can control the weather.
[02:47:18] I'm not even kidding, dude.
[02:47:26] This is like, this isn't even like popular sentiment being expressed.
[02:47:31] This is more so a testament to Elon Musk actively trying to promote Nazi propaganda.
[02:47:39] Okay.
[02:47:41] actively doing so. There is no other, there is no other explanation for this. He is just
[02:47:48] straight up. He is straight the fuck up running like he's, he's running bots. Okay. Anyone
[02:47:57] that says anything remotely Nazi gets highlighted, elevated climate changes and man made versus
[02:48:07] yes it is, but it's the Jews that are the ones doing it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Climate change
[02:48:15] is fake. It's not real unless I can somehow say Jews have a weather machine and they're
[02:48:20] the ones doing it. That's awesome. So insanely good. How can you be anti-Semitic and pro-Israel?
[02:48:35] Uh, hello. Many are. What are you talking about? There are more anti-Semitic pro-Israel
[02:48:43] supporters, then there are, then there are, I guess like pro-Semitic or Jewish Israel supporters
[02:48:51] in general. Okay. There are more anti-Semitic pro-Israel people in the United States than
[02:49:01] there are Jews across the board. Okay. Like Jews, a pro-Israel, anti-Israel, just like
[02:49:12] total number of Jews. Oh my God. We have officially reached anti semitism levels beyond. Hold on.
[02:50:20] I'm just posting those screenshots. And just pull your pants down already. Why you want
[02:50:42] to suck my cock? What's going on? Why do you keep asking me to pull my fucking pants
[02:50:47] down? Their follow up tweet and reply gives off the whole I'm trolling you guys.
[02:50:55] No, dog, that's just a straight up fucking Nazi. Get the fuck out of here. Anyway, let's get back to CNN
[02:51:09] Crack you have to go all the way back since
[02:51:11] 1984 in the Reagan landslide when Mondale one union households by even less than right now what Harris is ahead by but the bottom line is
[02:51:19] Yes, Harris is ahead among union households in Michigan
[02:51:21] But that margin is considerably slimmer than what Joe Biden wants amongst them back in 2020 and in this perfect storm in Michigan
[02:51:28] and for Harris, Democrats are also worried
[02:51:31] about losing strength with Arab-American
[02:51:33] and Muslim-American voters in places such as Dearborn
[02:51:37] because of what's going on in the Middle East right now.
[02:51:41] What does history tell us?
[02:51:43] Yeah, what does history tell us about Dearborn?
[02:51:45] It can basically change at a moment's notice.
[02:51:48] You know, Joe Biden won in Dearborn by 39.
[02:51:50] The funniest meta I've seen from like dumb ass liberals
[02:51:55] is like, why would Kamala Harris cave to these
[02:51:58] like incredibly conservative Muslim voters instead she should be caving to these incredibly
[02:52:04] conservative white voters in the suburbs. Okay. That's literally the argument. Now they're
[02:52:11] saying that like all these Muslim voters are actually super fucking conservative. And yes,
[02:52:17] in the pre 9 11 universe, the Muslim voting block, albeit marginal, albeit tiny was a somewhat
[02:52:22] conservative block of voters post 9 11. However, they have reliably voted for the
[02:52:27] democratic party and as a matter of fact have more positive opinions on the LGBTQ community
[02:52:35] than the white evangelical protestant Christians have. Historically speaking, there's empirical
[02:52:40] evidence for this. So the Pew Center of research have regularly conducted studies on the attitudes
[02:52:47] of different religious groups in this country. Just want to mention that before people
[02:52:51] fucking chirp at you over this, like white evangelical protestant Christians are
[02:52:54] are significantly more homophobic and anti-queer than American Muslims are, okay? Having said
[02:53:07] that, however, having said that, however, their demands have nothing to do with conservatism
[02:53:15] and everything to do with America's unlimited genocide in Gaza and now Lebanon and maybe
[02:53:22] some other fucking places that Israel chooses to change its crosshairs on.
[02:53:31] Pamela Harris is going to lose Michigan. Why is the red pill community dominated by Muslims?
[02:53:42] Dude, if you think that there are that many Muslims in general
[02:53:46] in the United States of America and in the Western world that are following this like red pill shit,
[02:53:52] you are the funniest loser on the planet.
[02:53:54] Yes, dude. I know there's a lot of people who say that they're Muslim
[02:53:57] and all of them are fucking actually Christian, by the way, who then turn around and go,
[02:54:02] Oh, yeah, I'm Muslim now because they're conservative, you are just simply duped by the likes of
[02:54:09] Sneeko like you think Sneeko is an honest broker, you think Andrew Tate is an honest
[02:54:14] actor, or do you want to use this in an Islamophobic way so it now suits your purpose to assume
[02:54:21] that they're honest brokers here, were they conservative before they found the light
[02:54:25] of Allah, or do you think that that is just simply an extension for them?
[02:54:35] I love these dumb ass liberals who literally who just go from like these guys are charlatans.
[02:54:41] They're Holocaust deniers. They're insane conservative weirdos in a moment's notice. They go. No,
[02:54:47] they're actually very honest. They've actually found the light of a lot. They're going to
[02:54:50] go to Jenna. They're real Muslims. The Red Pill community is dominated by Muslims. So
[02:55:00] fucking stupid. It's especially stupid to come to the chat of a Muslim person and
[02:55:05] say this, you know what I mean? You're in the community of an anti-red pill, Muslim commentary
[02:55:12] person and you're literally being like, why is the rebel community dominated by Muslims?
[02:55:16] Like you're a fucking dumbass, dude. Why do they placate Muslims? I don't know. Why do
[02:55:27] they sneak oh his Haitian? Why does he placate to fucking Nazis? Aiden Ross is Jewish.
[02:55:35] Why does he placate the Nazis? I don't know. Maybe because they're fucking morons, dude.
[02:55:40] Maybe because they're fucking morons. Have you thought about that? No, you, I know you
[02:55:46] know that already. You just don't care about that part of the equation. You just want to
[02:55:49] fucking be Islamophobic and somehow make this into a, into a Islam issue. No, I mean, unless
[02:55:58] it's always a good time actually hold on here on, on muting you.
[02:56:02] To be fair, it's an equal pushback into racism now. You're such a fucking moron. You're the
[02:56:08] biggest moron of the highest order. You are such a fucking baboon, dude. Straight up donkey
[02:56:15] brain. If you think he's pushed back against the racism, no dude, he said Haitians, which
[02:56:22] he is a part of, okay, because he is half Haitian are not fucking eating cats and dogs.
[02:56:28] his entire psychopathic Nazi fan base said, shut the fuck up. You are a barbaric cat eater
[02:56:35] and dog eater. Good afternoon, everybody. You, yeah, you have the brain of a snail is right.
[02:56:45] When if you think that he is like legitimately sneaking, he goes legitimately pushing back
[02:56:49] as a racism. He literally is sought. He is a Holocaust denier, dude. He is a Holocaust
[02:56:57] denier who advocates to lower the age of consent. Are you out of your fucking mind?
[02:57:02] What are you saying?
[02:57:04] God, I despise some of you fucking morons so much.
[02:57:07] I swear to God, so hot outside.
[02:57:10] Anyway.
[02:57:11] It is so hot outside, Hassan.
[02:57:14] Do something.
[02:57:15] I can't do anything about it.
[02:57:16] Global warming is out of control.
[02:57:19] I can't escape the heat.
[02:57:22] It's October.
[02:57:23] Yeah, bitch.
[02:57:24] You fucking 85 degrees.
[02:57:26] You're used to fucking Portland, Oregon.
[02:57:28] Even Oregon is hot.
[02:57:30] It's 74 degrees out.
[02:57:31] I need something needs to happen.
[02:57:35] Nuclear warming.
[02:57:37] Now he talks about it.
[02:57:38] Move the global warming.
[02:57:39] Nobody talks about nuclear.
[02:57:42] Holy plastic surgery.
[02:57:43] What happened to her face?
[02:57:45] That's a that's Laura Trump dog.
[02:57:47] Chill. Jesus Christ.
[02:57:49] She looks like she.
[02:57:52] Holy shit.
[02:57:54] Wait, let me see what my AC is at right now.
[02:57:57] It should be cranked up.
[02:58:00] Sorry, I'm only misogynistic.
[02:58:01] I'll put in a good word to our weather machine.
[02:58:04] Off. Yeah.
[02:58:08] Jews are controlling the weather.
[02:58:10] They are. But they're making it hot.
[02:58:13] That's right.
[02:58:14] They're making it too hot in Portland, Oregon.
[02:58:17] That's right.
[02:58:18] In Los Angeles, California.
[02:58:20] Democrat run cities.
[02:58:22] It's a tropical weather.
[02:58:24] That's why they went to the desert.
[02:58:26] That's why they went to Israel.
[02:58:28] And that's why they went to Boca Raton.
[02:58:33] That's the part that doesn't make sense.
[02:58:34] Oh, my God, I spent a lot of time in Boca.
[02:58:36] If you're a Jew and you have the capacity to control the weather,
[02:58:38] why the fuck are you literally sending a hurricane
[02:58:41] to a massive Jewish community in Florida?
[02:58:44] Like that also doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
[02:58:47] But I guess Nazis are so fucking stupid
[02:58:50] that they don't ever think about these things at all, obviously.
[02:58:56] Yeah, Jews control the weather.
[02:58:57] that's why they're dominating their own areas that they live in.
[02:59:03] Yeah, they're self-hating Jews.
[02:59:05] Yes, it makes no sense.
[02:59:06] But whatever.
[02:59:07] Is there another hurricane going to Florida?
[02:59:09] Yeah. Florida couldn't be any more insufferable.
[02:59:13] If Jews control the world, how come we don't have our holidays off work?
[02:59:17] Yeah, that's oh, that's to, you know, to quiet the suspicions.
[02:59:24] That's right.
[02:59:26] That's probably what it is, I think.
[02:59:31] Well, how are you doing today?
[02:59:33] Other than that, I thought it was supposed to be a fun day.
[02:59:35] When I left, you were like, yeah, I mean, one day it did start off with
[02:59:40] a never, it's never fun.
[02:59:41] OK, dude, chill out.
[02:59:43] It's good. I love this shit.
[02:59:44] OK, first of all, so, you know, you know, last night,
[02:59:46] this motherfucker literally was like, bro, you want to turn on some YouTube?
[02:59:49] I was like, no, I don't want to turn on you.
[02:59:52] We sat on the couch for an hour and a half together
[02:59:54] and didn't watch anything.
[02:59:57] We couldn't agree on anything because it came to I came to the conclusion that at night time
[03:00:03] What I watch is I watch a soft yeah on YouTube and he didn't want to turn on videos of himself
[03:00:11] Which makes sense, but I did ask him something from the liberal perspective that I think is very instructive
[03:00:16] I was like Austin do you like when I criticize Kamala Harris like in terms of you know
[03:00:21] Cuz he was he said his favorite is when I do hog watch
[03:00:23] I want to make fun of Republic. Yeah, that's my favorite and so I asked them
[03:00:27] I was like so as a liberal like do you like it when I shit on Kamala Harris? I said he said he doesn't really like it
[03:00:32] He don't enjoy it. It's not good content to me. Yeah, he doesn't enjoy it as much
[03:00:36] It's just it's more sad when you do it to that like cuz cuz like it's like constructive like valid like
[03:00:43] But like a check and when you watch the hogs. It's like they're so fucking
[03:00:49] You know what I mean? Yeah
[03:00:51] Like no, no, I don't I don't hate it in a way that like it's not valid criticism. I agree with the critique
[03:00:57] It's just not entertaining to me because it's like shit
[03:01:00] It's just not as fun to watch because the hogs is sad
[03:01:04] It's sad like the hogs are funny like they're so stupid. It's funny. Whereas like the Democrats like
[03:01:11] Are just like it's just not funny because it's the party that could be something great
[03:01:16] But they're not for some reason not to be great and just capitulate to the
[03:01:23] Center right because they think that some invisible human being or there's some large constituency that they will
[03:01:32] Get
[03:01:33] Good
[03:01:35] Basically, it's not fun to get hogwash. I mean when I shit on the liberals, it's not like I'm doing hogwash. It's I'm more angry. I
[03:01:42] Think I'm more resentful and angry towards liberals when I criticize them because like
[03:01:46] I expect them maybe I believe in their lies as well where I expect them to be like at least a little bit more educated and no
[03:01:53] Better, but they fucking you know choose to
[03:01:56] operate on their same
[03:01:58] somebody in the Democratic Party told Tim waltz it was
[03:02:03] People want them to be
[03:02:05] More bipartisan or some shit. You cannot be bipartisan on with the fucking Nazi
[03:02:11] Wait, what do you mean? Let's let's hear what this guy is to say. I want to be bipartisan with this guy
[03:02:16] That's the craziest widow's peak I've ever seen, dude.
[03:02:19] There's no middle ground on the rights of people.
[03:02:22] All right, before we go.
[03:02:23] Shut up, Laura.
[03:02:26] What we're going to do here today, ladies and gentlemen,
[03:02:29] is we're going to make a new memory in Butler, Pennsylvania.
[03:02:32] And this will mark the moment that this election was won
[03:02:37] for Donald J. Trump.
[03:02:38] Let's send him back to the White House on November 5th.
[03:02:41] We love you, Pennsylvania.
[03:02:43] Thank you. God bless.
[03:02:50] Trump keeps getting sued by the music that he uses.
[03:02:53] Yeah.
[03:02:54] He just keeps getting sued.
[03:02:55] He has to use different ones.
[03:02:56] Yeah, tropical storm Milton.
[03:02:57] Jesus, look at this.
[03:02:58] Look at this like versatile news coverage.
[03:03:00] Yeah, tropical storm Milton expected to approach Florida's West Coast by midweek with life-threatening storm surge.
[03:03:04] Oh, fuck.
[03:03:06] Yeah.
[03:03:06] Not another one.
[03:03:08] Look at this.
[03:03:09] And now the weather with Hassan Piker.
[03:03:11] All right.
[03:03:12] And now we're back to Harry Anton.
[03:03:13] A must win.
[03:03:14] Anton on the states of Harrison Trump in Battleground, Michigan.
[03:03:17] Kamala Harris is within the not even in the margin of error like Kamala Harris is gonna probably fucking lose Michigan at this point
[03:03:23] Is she's like one point away?
[03:03:26] with
[03:03:27] hundreds of
[03:03:29] Thousands of voters being like yeah dog. I'm not voting for you you you are
[03:03:34] you are taking my tax dollars that I'm paying and
[03:03:38] directly
[03:03:39] Directly giving the tax dollars to a murder machine that is executing my immediate family members. That is ridiculous
[03:03:46] I'm not fucking voting for you.
[03:03:50] Meanwhile, Kamal Ahmad Jawad was killed by the Israeli state with American weapons and
[03:03:57] he was in Lebanon.
[03:03:58] Okay, he's from Dearborn, Michigan.
[03:04:00] Matthew Miller literally said he is a legal permanent resident, so he's technically
[03:04:06] not an American citizen.
[03:04:08] That's what he said.
[03:04:09] Lebanon, can you give us any?
[03:04:12] We have seen those reports.
[03:04:13] our understanding that it was a legal permanent resident, not an American citizen.
[03:04:16] Wow. What a distinction, dude. What a d- what, thank you for saying that.
[03:04:22] So we shouldn't care for some reason. Yeah, that's great, man. That's really cool.
[03:04:27] Oh, yeah.
[03:04:28] To know that, to know that, you know, that's how little, that's how little the
[03:04:33] Americans, they gives a fuck about its own goddamn citizens. That's crazy.
[03:04:38] Um, but we obviously offer our some serious condolences to the family on their loss.
[03:04:44] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, serious condolences.
[03:04:46] Oh, okay.
[03:04:47] Wait, is Trump on yet?
[03:04:48] No, not yet.
[03:04:49] How do you know?
[03:04:52] Um, that's great, man.
[03:04:54] Thanks.
[03:04:55] Like, dude, why the fuck?
[03:04:58] Why the, and I think he was also a citizen anyway.
[03:05:02] I don't think he was, like, not that it fucking matters, okay?
[03:05:06] Not that it, not that it matters.
[03:05:08] They did this exact same thing. They, for the record, did this exact same fucking thing
[03:05:14] with a, uh, I should know as gay, who is an American citizen. Okay. Straight up, literally
[03:05:21] fucking grew up in Seattle, went to college there. Activist goes to West bank. He is
[03:05:27] shot by an Israeli sniper. Okay. In the West bank for no reason other than the fact
[03:05:34] that, you know, she is just standing there in solidarity with the Palestinians. And then
[03:05:40] our government went, oh, she's a Turkish American citizen. Yeah, family of Lebanese American
[03:05:47] doctor, Kamal Ahmad, Joad, who was killed by Israeli forces in his last days, he shows
[03:05:51] to help the elderly, disabled, injured. He served as a guardian, provided them with
[03:05:54] food, mattress and other comforts and anonymously paid off their debts. And there are people
[03:05:59] in this community that are saying, it's my friend's father, he's a citizen. It's
[03:06:02] my friend's father-in-law. He's a citizen. Yeah. The New York times also called I should
[03:06:07] as he a very Turkish person. It's just like when Israel kills someone. Oh here. Also then
[03:06:16] they acknowledged that they mistakenly referred to the Michigan native as a non-citizen and
[03:06:21] then offered condolences to the man's family coming off my jaw off from Dearborn, Michigan
[03:06:25] was killed by an Israeli air strike in Lebanon on Tuesday, according to a statement released
[03:06:28] by his family. We are aware and alarmed of the reports of the death of Kamal Jawad, who
[03:06:32] we have confirmed as a U.S. citizen, said the department. So I guess he wasn't a non-citizen.
[03:06:37] But let's be real. Every Arab in America knows this. Every Lebanese person in America
[03:06:43] knows this. Every Muslim in America knows this. If you are in the crosshairs of America
[03:06:48] or you are in the crosshairs of Israel, which is an extension of America, and you
[03:06:52] get killed, you get assassinated, you are not a citizen. They do not treat you
[03:06:57] like a citizen. The distinction also exists for Lebanese civilians that wanted to leave
[03:07:02] Lebanon. America offered chartered flights out of Israel for American Israelis who could
[03:07:08] escape Israel in the aftermath of October 7. America did not do such a thing for the
[03:07:14] Lebanese civilians when Israel was bombing Beirut. So it's hard not to conclude that
[03:07:24] The American government does not give a fuck about American citizens when they are in the
[03:07:29] crosshairs of America or Israel, which is a continuation and extension of America.
[03:07:34] Stupid.
[03:07:35] Yeah.
[03:07:36] For what?
[03:07:37] Yeah.
[03:07:38] Anyway.
[03:07:39] But that's besides the point.
[03:07:44] We're doing fun stuff.
[03:07:45] We're going to do hog watch after we're done with Harry and things like that.
[03:07:51] points last time around. But history is not always prologue because I want you to take
[03:07:55] a look back at the beginning of this century. Remember, George W. Bush won in Dearborn by
[03:07:59] eight points. Then four years later, if the war on terror started, a lot of Muslims turned
[03:08:04] against the Bush administration, John Kerry won in Dearborn by 19 points. And remember,
[03:08:09] uncommitted in the Democratic primary this past time around, won a majority of the
[03:08:13] vote in Dearborn. So the bottom line is Dearborn and the Arab Muslim vote very
[03:08:17] much up. Yeah, I wonder why carry one by 19 points against Bush. Now, a lot of these people
[03:08:23] just not voting or they're going to vote for Trump. Some of them are voting for Trump straight
[03:08:27] up. Some of them I think it's like a like almost a 4040 split down the middle and then
[03:08:33] the rest is going third party. Brandon. No, Jill, Jill, Jill Biden, Jill Biden. Yeah.
[03:08:46] So, understand why it went from plus eight in 2000 to plus 19.
[03:08:52] Because the Muslim Arab voting block in Michigan
[03:08:57] used to be conservative.
[03:08:59] They used to vote along conservative boundaries.
[03:09:02] And then, you know, a little thing,
[03:09:05] a lesser known event occurred
[03:09:08] that triggered unlimited warfare
[03:09:13] upon the Muslim population around the entire globe. Then they went by LeBron
[03:09:21] numbers to the Democratic Party and never actually looked back. Having said that,
[03:09:27] however, having said that, however, they are now they're looking at the situation
[03:09:33] in front of them and they're going well the Democrats are killing us too. So we're
[03:09:38] gonna vote for Jill. Serious question. Is this chef voting Trump because fuck
[03:09:45] Kamala? No, dude. Yeah, barbecue 489. No. Barbecue. There's more than four million people watching
[03:09:57] Trump on Twitter. Yeah, it's because they are waiting for, you know, history to potentially
[03:10:03] repeat itself, I think. I think there is a there are Islam is death. That's what this guy said.
[03:10:09] Nice, man. Nice. Yeah, Islam does mean death because if you're Muslim, that means the
[03:10:15] The American government will kill you and never really care about it.
[03:10:19] Or Israel will kill you and never really care about it.
[03:10:24] Or a terror cell that America has funded or trained will kill you and no one will care
[03:10:29] about it.
[03:10:30] And then they'll say, oh, you died in the hands of that terror cell that, you know,
[03:10:35] you're not the real representative of Islam, ISIS is.
[03:10:39] And then they'll use that as a further justification to conduct its, you know, even deadlier
[03:10:44] campaigns. Can you make one of your chats live? Yes. Oh, God. Apparently people don't
[03:10:56] like how long it takes for Trump to actually, uh, to actually speak at these goddamn events.
[03:11:04] People get upset about it in the version. Not a good sign for Kamala Harris. All right,
[03:11:08] Harry Anton, thanks so much. Let's continue this conversation with Democratic strategist
[03:11:12] James Carville and James, you just heard Harry Enten lay out what's in stake in Battleground
[03:11:15] Michigan.
[03:11:16] Are you confident Harris?
[03:11:17] Can, can win Michigan?
[03:11:18] It is.
[03:11:19] Well, if I, if I listen to you and Harry, I think she ought to quit.
[03:11:24] Okay.
[03:11:25] I mean, I just never seen anything like the piling on about, well, she's behind Union
[03:11:30] House.
[03:11:31] Oh, she's behind and Dearborn.
[03:11:32] She's behind here.
[03:11:33] There.
[03:11:34] She's behind everywhere.
[03:11:35] What are they?
[03:11:36] What are they supposed to do?
[03:11:37] CNN is very conservative nowadays, but like they're just looking at the number
[03:11:45] Bro CNN is insane. I don't watch the news anymore. They literally were talking about the Hispanic vote
[03:11:51] They were talking about like the Latino vote in America. No, I'm not disputing
[03:11:55] I was asking a question brought forward one
[03:11:58] Hold on for the record one Latino was asking a question not disputing what he said, okay?
[03:12:04] I'm explaining to you. Okay. Thank you
[03:12:06] to somebody right now. Come on. In news coverage, okay, stop reading chat. I will literally
[03:12:12] pause both chats if you keep reading chat. You read chat consistently. I know, but I
[03:12:16] also still have to interrupt yourself. I still have the capacity to give you just analysis
[03:12:21] right now. You interrupt yourself to read chat. Listen to me. Listen to the words.
[03:12:24] I'm listening. Okay. In yesterday, in a news broadcast on CNN that Anderson Cooper
[03:12:32] was leading. The subject matter was about Latino voters and their changing allegiances.
[03:12:41] Latino vote, like the Democratic party has been hemorrhaging support amongst the Latino voter
[03:12:46] blocks all around the country. In order to provide professional commentary on the subject matter,
[03:12:56] Anderson Cooper brought on two Republican strategies. I saw that.
[03:13:01] And Navarro, who was a never Trump Republican, but like literally is a Republican entire life.
[03:13:10] And her father was a part of a terror cell, which we're not even going to get into right now.
[03:13:15] That's besides the point. And a current Trump Republican.
[03:13:21] Like they are insane. Okay. Ever since you I've been watching you
[03:13:25] you over time I've become increasingly nauseated at the like this platforming of people for
[03:13:36] the pursuit of some sort of fake idea of bipartisanship.
[03:13:40] I don't even think that they're doing that for bipartisanship.
[03:13:43] No, but that's, but I'm nauseated by like that.
[03:13:45] It's more of a cold, it's like Republicans don't never want bipartisanship.
[03:13:52] They want fascism and blood spore, oh, there he is.
[03:13:56] Okay, yeah, hush now, my goat is speaking.
[03:14:00] They've been given the advice so many different people are saying that strongly, but people are making fun of the guy that sings out of key.
[03:14:11] Or is he singing live?
[03:14:16] They found the, just like the Carol Lookiverse.
[03:14:26] Oh, he's gotta be live. There's no way they recorded this.
[03:14:32] He's just old.
[03:14:37] Oh, wow. I'm so touched.
[03:14:46] I've got no courage.
[03:14:49] Oh, he's singing right there. No wonder he sounds like shit.
[03:14:55] Oh
[03:15:03] Why couldn't they get Frankie Valley
[03:16:28] Still powers fly over. I think
[03:16:35] You think hogs would be like well, you know the last time someone stood behind him he got shot. Yeah, nope
[03:17:13] Not him but hey listen not again not a brain cell in sight
[03:17:18] Yeah, at least you get the experience wall-to-wall coverage of the clown show at the top of the hour when there's a three-minute outbreak
[03:17:23] However, there is an exception
[03:17:25] big thank you to you must subscribe for six dollars over free with which prime if
[03:17:34] you want to see he's speaking yeah I know I'm gonna run the three me all that
[03:17:38] the fucking illegal immigration the chart the chart that saved our beautiful
[03:17:43] boys life here's the three maverick now I love that chart I love that graph
[03:17:50] isn't a lot of beautiful thing but also beautiful because look at the number
[03:17:54] that's the day I left office. It was the lowest border patrol, the lowest it's ever
[03:18:00] been illegal immigration. Today it's out of control. I love it for other reasons too.
[03:18:06] You know that. So thank you very much and thank Lee and what Lee has done with that song
[03:18:11] and it's such an honor to have me. I want to just let you know that tonight I returned
[03:18:18] to Butler in the aftermath of tragedy and heartache to deliver a simple message to
[03:18:24] to the people of Pennsylvania and to the people of America.
[03:18:27] Our movement to make America great again stands stronger,
[03:18:32] prouder, more united, more determined, and nearer
[03:18:36] to victory than ever before.
[03:18:38] We're going to make America great again at a windy election.
[03:18:42] At a windy election.
[03:18:45] And to all Americans, whether you
[03:18:46] are a Republican, Democrat, independent, conservative,
[03:18:50] or liberal, or you have no label whatsoever,
[03:18:53] makes no difference. It belongs to you. It belongs to our country. No, shut the fuck up.
[03:18:59] It belongs to our country. And together in just one month, we are going to usher in a
[03:19:04] new golden age of American security, prosperity, sovereignty, and freedom for our citizens of
[03:19:10] every race, religion, color, and creed. Oh, I'm sure. Unless you're an immigrant.
[03:19:17] Exactly, 12 weeks ago this year, I was very ground, a cold-blooded assassin, aimed to silence
[03:19:25] me and to silence the greatest movement, MAGA, in the history of our country.
[03:19:31] MAGA.
[03:19:32] We love MAGA.
[03:19:34] No, we don't.
[03:19:35] I'm sorry.
[03:19:36] For 16, now in seconds, during the gunfire, time stopped as this vicious monster unleashed
[03:19:42] pure evil from his sniper's perch, not so far away, but by the hand of Providence and
[03:19:51] the grace of God, that villain did not succeed in his goal, did not come close.
[03:19:57] He didn't come close?
[03:19:59] He did not stop our movement.
[03:20:01] He did not break out our spirit.
[03:20:04] He did not shake our unyielding resolve to save America from evils of poverty,
[03:20:09] and destruction yet we are here this evening in record numbers this is a big
[03:20:16] crowd not only to mark the triumph of American spirit but over and and you know
[03:20:28] that this is really truly in the truest sense spirit over evil and adversity
[03:20:33] but also to pay tribute to some of the best and bravest we have ever known
[03:20:38] This field is now a monument to the valor of our first responders, to the
[03:20:44] resilience of our fellow citizens, and to the sacrifice of a loving and devoted
[03:20:50] father, a really great man. You know that. Forever afterward...
[03:20:59] They're chanting his name, Hassan. They're chanting Cory's name. Yeah, more important than you.
[03:21:18] Forever after, all who have visited this hallowed place will remember what happened here, and they will know of the character and courage that so many incredible American patriots have showed and know.
[03:21:32] And they know it at a level never seen before probably first
[03:21:36] I want to thank the men and women of the U.S. Secret Service who threw their bodies on top of by
[03:21:42] My god there he is
[03:21:45] Without even a thought for their own lives. They were they were on top of me so fast
[03:21:50] No way they were on top of me and there was not even a moment of doubt in their mind
[03:21:56] No way they did not even a moment of doubt. I want to thank Secret Service a great no way
[03:22:00] They just have his uniform. Oh my god. I love the symbolism dude
[03:22:04] And in that moment those agents displayed a devotion to duty that cannot be described and they did it yet again
[03:22:12] less than three weeks ago when they
[03:22:14] Really did a fantastic job another attempt. Oh boy. There's another
[03:22:17] People sure seem to want to kill me, huh? A very sick world. I have to go pee my gratitude to them is beyond measure
[03:22:24] We also owe a tremendous debt thanks to the Secret Service counter sniper
[03:22:30] and a local police sniper who returned fire within seconds and stopped the shooter quickly
[03:22:42] and saved many lives. If he didn't stop, he saved many lives. He had a lot of bullets,
[03:22:46] a lot of ammunition up there with him. And we are, I mean, just amazing when you think they
[03:22:52] say they did it so quickly without any knowledge of what was going on. Boom. And had that not
[03:22:59] happened, it would have been a very different story. It would have been many, many, potentially
[03:23:02] many, many people.
[03:23:04] I also want to express our thanks to the Butler Township Police Department, credible people.
[03:23:12] The Butler Sheriff's deputies, Pennsylvania State Police, and all of the other law enforcement
[03:23:17] heroes, as well as the emergency personnel and doctors, the medical teams at Butler
[03:23:24] Memorial Hospital, Allegheny General Hospital, who rushed me and rushed some of these
[03:23:31] very badly wounded people. They were wounded, a lot of badly wounded people, in particular
[03:23:40] two people. And I tell you, they were very brave and great people. They were big Trump
[03:23:47] fans and they still are. That means something. That was pretty amazing.
[03:23:52] You know, when I got up, I asked whether or not anybody was killed. I assumed that
[03:23:58] There would be a lot because I heard the bullets winging right over my head.
[03:24:01] They said probably three.
[03:24:03] The doctors did such an incredible job.
[03:24:06] It was one, one great gentleman.
[03:24:08] The other two have been amazing.
[03:24:11] Actually, they've gone through it.
[03:24:13] They've gone through a lot.
[03:24:14] And when the crisis struck, they did really Pennsylvania proud.
[03:24:20] You've heard that expression.
[03:24:21] Pennsylvania proud.
[03:24:22] It's a great place.
[03:24:23] He's gonna get there.
[03:24:24] Don't worry.
[03:24:25] I went to school.
[03:24:26] I went to college in Pennsylvania.
[03:24:28] They're crazy shit.
[03:24:29] The people are incredible.
[03:24:31] Also, and I have to say, after returning to the field
[03:24:35] tonight, there's one of the really brave Americans
[03:24:39] who was hit by the assassins, the bullet, US Marine veteran,
[03:24:44] David Dutch.
[03:24:46] David, thank you.
[03:24:47] Thank you, David.
[03:24:50] Thank you, David.
[03:24:51] Oh, shit, CNN is back to its old tricks.
[03:24:53] And David, we're thrilled to see your recovery is going well.
[03:24:58] Great doctors up here.
[03:24:59] I have to tell you, great doctors.
[03:25:01] Your courage is really an inspiration to us all.
[03:25:04] So I want to thank you very much, David.
[03:25:06] Great gentleman.
[03:25:08] Great, great gentleman.
[03:25:10] I want to send our love to someone
[03:25:12] who could not be here because he has just gone,
[03:25:16] undergone a major surgery related to the shooting,
[03:25:20] a man who is really badly wounded, like David, James
[03:25:26] because James was a wonderful man, a big Trump fan, and Mr. Copenhaver is out there watching
[03:25:40] us right now, but he's in a hospital where they did some additional work, but he's in
[03:25:46] great shape.
[03:25:47] He wanted to be here so badly, but he's in great shape, and we appreciate it, and we're
[03:25:52] looking to his full and complete recovery.
[03:25:54] He will have a complete recovery.
[03:25:56] Thank you.
[03:25:58] Thank you.
[03:25:59] They're bored.
[03:26:00] Thank you very much.
[03:26:01] They're bored.
[03:26:02] And of course there's one more hero who could not make it back here tonight because he is
[03:26:08] no longer with us.
[03:26:09] Cory Contemporary!
[03:26:10] Right?
[03:26:11] You know who that is, right?
[03:26:13] Cory, our beautiful Cory.
[03:26:16] Cory is not with us tonight and he should be.
[03:26:20] And we all miss him.
[03:26:22] He's become somewhat of a folk hero, I have to tell you.
[03:26:25] Who is with us?
[03:26:26] beautiful wife and daughters. He's become somewhat of a relative system. Please, where are they sitting?
[03:26:47] There they are. There's a lot of people. It's not easy to find people in this audience because back
[03:26:58] further than you can see. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Great
[03:27:05] family, a great incredible family, and he loved you a lot. You didn't know him, did you?
[03:27:13] His wife said something very beautiful, the public, a lot of people. He took a bullet in
[03:27:18] my stand. A lot of people have been very generous, and she said, I'd rather have my husband.
[03:27:23] That's a good thing to say. That's a good thing to say. Wait, of course. I'd rather
[03:27:28] have my husband. Glory comparator was a incredible husband and father, a devout Christian, a
[03:27:37] veteran and a proud former fire chief, very respected within the town. Everybody knew him.
[03:27:43] Oh my God, he's getting hot.
[03:27:45] Volunteered to run into fires.
[03:27:47] I don't really care about this shit. Chat, he likes Dr. Pepper.
[03:27:52] Kind of tastes like cough syrup. No God too late. Well, you should have tried the hmm
[03:27:57] You should have tried the fuck God. I gotta stop putting my phone on my balls doctor
[03:28:02] Dr. Pepper doctor for zero sugar. You should have done gunshots pierce the air on that July evening
[03:28:08] Cory leapt into the fire one more time in his last seconds of this earth
[03:28:15] He threw himself on the top of his wife and daughters. He didn't want them hurt
[03:28:19] He threw himself. He said what he knew was happening. I don't fucking know. He didn't want them hurt. I don't think that's what happened
[03:28:26] And he was hit hard. He was hit hard
[03:28:29] And he gave his life to shield their lives every father
[03:28:34] folks that
[03:28:36] If the time came we would have watched Corey had tremendous courage
[03:28:42] Guts and he wanted to protect his family and he did protect his family at this time
[03:28:48] It is 6-11
[03:28:50] 12 weeks to the minute that the shooting began
[03:28:54] I would like to ask everyone to join me in a moment of silence like the detail man
[03:29:15] Why are they playing music during the moment of silence dude?
[03:29:27] guys if I don't know anything at this point, Corey was Italian. We're harmonic.
[03:31:47] Lyrich translate the pray, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
[03:31:54] Is that why is the hit man song? It's the hit man song. Now that is what you call a voice.
[03:32:04] God, he's one of the greatest opera singers in the world and he loves opera and he loves Broadway and Asian.
[03:32:09] who is truly a great talent is going to be back when I leave and I'm going to
[03:32:16] stay backstage watching every song he's going to sing three or four great
[03:32:19] songs Nessa Dorma and others and so I wouldn't leave you see too fast when
[03:32:25] we're finished today but this is in honor of three great people oh he's
[03:32:31] doing that because he hopes that people won't leave the rally that's
[03:32:36] That is a real voice, isn't it, huh?
[03:32:38] That's not...
[03:32:39] What do you think, Mr. Future Vice President?
[03:32:41] That's pretty good, right?
[03:32:43] I don't know if you could do that, JD.
[03:32:45] I don't know.
[03:32:46] I don't think JD can do that.
[03:32:47] Yeah, sure about your own person, JD.
[03:32:49] In the face of murderous hate, Corey answered
[03:32:52] the most selfless kind of love.
[03:32:55] What do you think about your own person?
[03:32:56] What do you think? Could you do it?
[03:32:57] Corey's incredible widow Helen,
[03:33:00] his two precious daughters,
[03:33:02] Kaylee and Allison,
[03:33:04] and his sisters Kelly and Dawn thank you so much thank you so much this is an
[03:33:08] incredible tribute
[03:33:10] this is a tribute like no other and he deserves it
[03:33:14] to Helen and the entire family I can only begin to imagine the depths of your grief
[03:33:18] but
[03:33:19] I want you to know that just like you we
[03:33:22] will carry his memory and
[03:33:25] our hearts for as long as we live everybody in this stadium and everybody
[03:33:28] is there
[03:33:30] tragic evening
[03:33:33] We got the same thing on the back of my car.
[03:33:36] We think about him a lot.
[03:33:37] I know he's looking down on us right now from heaven,
[03:33:40] smiling at his beloved wife and daughters
[03:33:42] and his mother Karen and his entire family.
[03:33:46] He's an entire family.
[03:33:47] He needs it.
[03:33:48] Two full days.
[03:33:48] He's filming the whole process.
[03:33:51] That's an anchor.
[03:33:51] You can get it at your local Verizon store.
[03:33:53] And he's with you.
[03:33:54] Thanks, man.
[03:33:55] And he's going to be with us for a long time
[03:33:57] because you know, some people just don't die in vain
[03:34:02] and what he's left behind is incredible.
[03:34:04] So God bless you Corey, God bless you.
[03:34:07] Thank you very much, God bless you.
[03:34:12] You know, I just want a little story.
[03:34:14] Helen told me that on the day that they came
[03:34:16] to the rally, Corey was really excited
[03:34:18] because somebody gave him great seats right up front here
[03:34:20] with the people from North Carolina,
[03:34:25] the ladies from North Carolina there.
[03:34:27] This is the 227th rally.
[03:34:29] I don't know what's going on with that.
[03:34:31] Those beautiful ladies.
[03:34:34] But they all received affidavits, you know.
[03:34:37] But Corey had the best seat in the house,
[03:34:39] and he was telling his wife and family
[03:34:42] on the way over in the car.
[03:34:44] He said, I'm telling you, he's going to invite me up
[03:34:47] in the stage, because I do that sometimes.
[03:34:48] I take people, we invite them up at the stage,
[03:34:51] and she smiled, thinking it'll never happen.
[03:34:54] And little did anyone realize that Corey
[03:34:57] would be on the stage three months later
[03:34:59] in an almost immortal position.
[03:35:02] And that's where he's today.
[03:35:04] I think in not almost I think it's a truly immortal position so the love that he showed
[03:35:12] on that day and throughout his life is the love that sustains the entire this is the
[03:35:17] most cultish like I know Trump is a cult like Maggie is a cult but this is the most cultish
[03:35:23] they've been in quite a while I don't think hatred and malice because even in the darkest
[03:35:29] hours it shines forth as a guide, and a guide just like nothing ever guides us, a candle in
[03:35:37] the night.
[03:35:39] And so it's love like chorus that is joining us to save our country, that's going to heal
[03:35:44] our country and that is going to reunite our country as one nation under God, indivisible
[03:35:50] with liberty and justice for all.
[03:35:52] They were making fun of Trump's mic.
[03:35:53] You didn't hear it?
[03:35:54] They said turn up my mic.
[03:35:56] No.
[03:35:57] You yell wake your life.
[03:35:58] What our opponents have never understood is that this movement has never been about me.
[03:36:04] It's always been about you.
[03:36:06] It's been about a lot of people, millions and millions of people, the biggest ever in
[03:36:10] the history of this country, maybe anywhere.
[03:36:13] And everyday people who are the heart and soul of our country, they love our movement,
[03:36:19] they love our country, and they know they're doing right.
[03:36:23] Your hopes are my hopes, your dreams are my dreams, and your future is what I am.
[03:36:26] fighting for every single day. We don't do that on foot. I'll get banned. I got a lot of haters waiting for me to get
[03:36:34] banned. And now we have a great companion in JD Vance. How good was he the other night? How
[03:36:40] it was great. He's so ugly on this point. Did you see the tapes of like midwestern moms saying
[03:36:56] that their daughters said that JD Vance was hot? But from the very beginning of this journey
[03:37:00] I've been on a mission to rescue our country from a fail.
[03:37:04] Okay, hold on. I'm trying to listen to my go, please.
[03:37:06] This is a warning speech.
[03:37:08] No, he's my go-to.
[03:37:10] We need also a very free and open press.
[03:37:14] And to give it back to the country you believe in
[03:37:17] and I believe in, it's a country that we were born in
[03:37:19] and the country that you deserve.
[03:37:21] You have to, you deserve this.
[03:37:22] In that mission, I will never quit.
[03:37:24] I will never bend. I will never break.
[03:37:26] I will never yield.
[03:37:28] not even in the face of death itself.
[03:37:34] And I believe that every citizen deserves an
[03:37:37] America with a grand, very, very grand ambition,
[03:37:42] great opportunities, and limitless.
[03:37:45] We just want limitless potential.
[03:37:47] We want an America where you can get ahead and be
[03:37:50] proud of life and provide for your family in a
[03:37:54] really decent way, where we don't have crime.
[03:37:58] We have a fabulous military to protect us from evil.
[03:38:01] We have — everything has to be the best.
[03:38:03] We have to have the best schools.
[03:38:05] We have to have strong borders.
[03:38:07] We don't want bad people coming in and hurting us.
[03:38:09] We don't want to have — we don't want to have open borders, do we?
[03:38:16] You deserve a government that protects and respects its own citizens,
[03:38:21] that defends your sovereignty, your security, and your dignity, and your freedom.
[03:38:26] You deserve a nation that builds things, again,
[03:38:30] makes things better, that aims for the stars once more,
[03:38:34] and that once again commands respect.
[03:38:37] And we want to get respect like we had it four years ago.
[03:38:40] The entire world respected us.
[03:38:42] They respected us.
[03:38:44] They respected us more than they've ever respected us.
[03:38:47] And now they laugh at us.
[03:38:50] We can't have them laugh at us, can we?
[03:38:53] Above all, you deserve leadership in Washington
[03:38:56] that does not answer to the lobbyists, to the bureaucrats,
[03:39:00] or to the corrupt special interests,
[03:39:01] but answers only to you, the hardworking citizens
[03:39:04] of America, which are a lot of them.
[03:39:07] We have a lot of them.
[03:39:09] We have a lot of them.
[03:39:11] Over the past eight years, those
[03:39:13] who want to stop us from achieving this future
[03:39:16] have slandered me, impeached me, indicted me,
[03:39:19] tried to throw me off the ballot.
[03:39:22] And who knows, maybe even tried to kill me.
[03:39:26] But I've never stopped fighting for you
[03:39:28] and I never will, never will.
[03:39:31] Never gonna stop.
[03:39:35] Crowd's kinda weak, if I'm being honest.
[03:39:42] Thank you.
[03:39:48] And in turn, you have always stood with me.
[03:39:50] You have always stood with me.
[03:39:52] No matter what, you saw what was going on.
[03:39:54] You saw the hoaxes and the scams.
[03:39:56] You saw everything that went on.
[03:39:58] We are a team, we're a great team I think.
[03:40:01] We're probably the best team ever
[03:40:03] in the history of our country if you really think about it.
[03:40:06] We fought together, we have endured together,
[03:40:09] we have pushed onward together,
[03:40:11] and right here in Pennsylvania, we have bled together.
[03:40:14] We've bled, we've had three people that really got hit hard.
[03:40:20] Two of them made it, great doctors, great doctors.
[03:40:22] He is basically incapable of speaking
[03:40:24] about stuff like this in a serious manner.
[03:40:28] We had three people just getting blasted, folks.
[03:40:31] You just cannot speak about this, like, normally.
[03:40:35] It would be a good time for you to go out and buy a lottery ticket.
[03:40:37] I've never seen anything like it.
[03:40:39] I almost went out and bought a lottery ticket.
[03:40:41] I'll take it.
[03:40:43] In 31 days from now, here in this great commonwealth,
[03:40:48] and all across our land, we are going to win together.
[03:40:51] We are going to vote together.
[03:40:52] We're going to win the greatest election
[03:40:55] in the history of our country,
[03:40:56] maybe the greatest election all time.
[03:41:09] After we all have been through all of this together,
[03:41:13] we have – nobody's gone through what we've gone
[03:41:16] through – nobody.
[03:41:17] Because I go through it, you're going through it too.
[03:41:19] But there's never been anything like this.
[03:41:22] You know, I always say there's an enemy from within,
[03:41:26] and there's an outside enemy.
[03:41:28] And if you're smart, the outside enemy is not
[03:41:31] going to be a problem.
[03:41:32] Russia, China, and North Korea – we're not
[03:41:35] going to have a problem if you have a smart
[03:41:36] president.
[03:41:37] If you have not such a smart president, then it's
[03:41:41] a problem.
[03:41:42] But we have an enemy from within, which I think is
[03:41:45] much more dangerous than the outside enemy.
[03:41:48] We stand on the verge of the four greatest years in
[03:41:51] the history of our country.
[03:41:52] We can make these the four greatest years.
[03:41:54] We'll turn it around so fast that your head will
[03:41:57] stand.
[03:41:58] That's how I had to.
[03:42:00] That's how I had to.
[03:42:05] With victory on November 5th, we are going to
[03:42:07] redeem America's promise and unlock the extraordinary future that is just within our reach it is now within our reach
[03:42:15] Think of it one month
[03:42:17] One month
[03:42:19] We got to get there
[03:42:21] We got to get there. They'll still drop all sorts of bombs. They'll be hitting you JD. They'll be hitting me
[03:42:27] These ones will hit and hit
[03:42:29] But they're saying they're attacking them unjustifiably
[03:42:33] The enemy within
[03:42:35] We've become a mutual. You've got a little dose of it, a couple of little doses.
[03:42:40] That's the only way they can even think about winning with open borders.
[03:42:45] Who wants open borders? Who wants men playing in women's sports?
[03:42:49] Who wants sex change operations for illegal aliens?
[03:42:56] Oh my God.
[03:42:59] In holding bins. No, I don't think so.
[03:43:02] We will begin a new era of soaring income, skyrocketing wealth, millions and millions of new jobs, and a booming middle class.
[03:43:10] We're going to boom like we've never boomed before.
[03:43:13] And we're going to unleash a manufacturing renaissance right here in Pennsylvania including fracking like we've never fracked before.
[03:43:24] We're going to be fracking underneath you.
[03:43:29] You're water supply is no fracking, we'll never frack, we'll never frack.
[03:43:36] Then about...
[03:43:37] You won't be able to drink water ever again.
[03:43:40] By the way, speaking of poll numbers, do you mind if I mention poll numbers?
[03:43:43] Because I only mention them when they're good, I never mention them.
[03:43:47] But one that's hit me really amazingly, Rasmussen, very highly respected, Paul.
[03:43:52] JD, it just came out, I don't think you heard this one, but this is a shocker.
[03:43:56] They always say the Democrats will win the Hispanic vote, but we've been creeping up rather rapidly
[03:44:01] Trash mucin is what they call him
[03:44:02] Rash mucin is one of the most respected polls
[03:44:07] Republicans would get 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 percent
[03:44:12] They just can't have the poll
[03:44:14] 62 percent for Trump
[03:44:16] You're such a fucking live, oh my god
[03:44:18] Trash mucin
[03:44:20] And 34 percent for Kamala
[03:44:30] I don't usually use her last name because nobody knows who I'm talking about.
[03:44:33] I go, Harris, Harris.
[03:44:36] They say, who's Harris?
[03:44:38] It's happening over there.
[03:44:39] Who's Harris?
[03:44:41] And we can't find out who she is because if we do, our country is going to be in big trouble.
[03:44:46] What?
[03:44:46] We will live in a very beautiful city or town that are safe and clean with borders that are sealed and secure.
[03:44:55] And again, we want people to come into our country.
[03:44:58] We all want that.
[03:44:58] We need that.
[03:44:59] But you know what? We wanted to come in legally. They're gonna come in legally and love for our country.
[03:45:04] Shane Gillis fucking nails his in person.
[03:45:06] And America will once again be strong and confident and free.
[03:45:10] And we're gonna have that. We're gonna have it strong, confident and free.
[03:45:13] That's why I'm here today. You know, I could right now be having a beautiful life.
[03:45:20] I don't have to be here. I could have said I could be in a gorgeous, beautiful place.
[03:45:27] That's probably what it is.
[03:45:28] I could be I could be in Monte Carlo as an example, but I'd rather be in Butler with you
[03:45:39] Fucking Monte Carlo, but I'm here with you disgusting pig
[03:45:47] You think he wasn't gonna go to jail he wouldn't be ready
[03:45:50] Yeah, he would not be running. Yeah, he's just trying to run this to out of jail. Well, I
[03:45:56] I legitimately think that, yes.
[03:46:00] I don't think he likes the kind of the president stuff.
[03:46:03] Because we're doing something, you know,
[03:46:04] they got a lot of rich guys they go,
[03:46:06] nobody cares about them.
[03:46:08] I had one about a month ago, very, very rich guy,
[03:46:12] and he called me up, he said,
[03:46:14] president, I've known him for a long time.
[03:46:16] I don't say how long,
[03:46:17] because I don't want my wife to hear that number.
[03:46:19] It's a long time.
[03:46:21] But he's very successful, and he said to me,
[03:46:23] sir, could you do me a favor?
[03:46:25] Guys worth billions of dollars,
[03:46:27] He said, could you do me a favor?
[03:46:28] I can't get into a restaurant.
[03:46:29] Do you think you could call them to get me in?
[03:46:32] And I said, what the hell is the good of being rich
[03:46:35] if you can't get into a restaurant, right?
[03:46:37] And I called the make for the, hi, I'm a little embarrassed.
[03:46:40] Hi, this is Donald Trump.
[03:46:41] I recognize you, everyone.
[03:46:42] Said, would you do me a favor?
[03:46:43] A friend of mine is online about a mile back.
[03:46:46] This is a very successful restaurant.
[03:46:48] And he's got a wife.
[03:46:50] I described the wife.
[03:46:52] Could you possibly go get them?
[03:46:54] Could you go get them and bring them in and he did?
[03:46:57] Butler, Butler Pennsylvanians know very well
[03:47:00] what it's like to go to an exclusive Michelin star
[03:47:02] restaurant in the heart of fucking Manhattan, New York
[03:47:05] and be denied by the matriotty
[03:47:06] and then make demands of the matriotty.
[03:47:08] And they called it former president.
[03:47:09] Thank you very much, doctor.
[03:47:10] This is a relevant experience
[03:47:12] that they can identify with.
[03:47:16] Take your time, doctor, please.
[03:47:18] We got plenty of time, right?
[03:47:20] We got a lot of time.
[03:47:22] Oh, we got so much time thank you for this thank you for this relatable experience, sir
[03:47:29] I know exactly what it's like when I have to call the matriot
[03:47:34] Thank you. This woman behind him has not stopped filming the speech
[03:47:46] Case is heavy to
[03:47:48] She she must honestly kiss somebody for I bet she's streaming on Facebook by guarantee you
[03:47:54] You could go on Facebook and find her live stream probably
[03:47:59] She's definitely streaming and unfaithful
[03:48:01] It's such a
[03:48:07] Go find it who the fuck would want to watch your view like your back back of Donald Trump like who would
[03:48:15] Who would want that?
[03:48:19] Everybody appreciates it. Yep. Take your time. That's great. That's great
[03:48:27] his crowd isn't very do we have the greatest people in the world we have
[03:48:49] the greatest people in the world what's a cnn is cnn still on him first responders
[03:48:56] thank you yeah him crazy trump returns to the site of first assassination attempt
[03:49:02] in butler pennsylvania whoa hey oh he's just gonna watch is he dead
[03:49:39] He is he's visiting Cory. I talked about Cory so much. Oh my god
[03:49:58] What are they doing? Oh?
[03:50:04] Oh my god, bro. That's what you want to hear
[03:50:14] He doesn't remember that he does another rest of the words is someone dying. I think someone passed out at the rally
[03:51:49] the rally. Dude the rally, I mean this is so insanely
[03:51:55] bodied, but it currently has 6.8 million live viewers on Twitter, the everything app, X
[03:52:03] the everything app. Are they dead? Usually when you pass out you wake up pretty quick,
[03:52:15] right? I don't fucking know dude, maybe.
[03:52:31] He's good, they're clapping. Maxine injury brother?
[03:52:52] I'm going to cut over there.
[03:53:06] Thank you.
[03:53:09] Thank you all.
[03:53:10] Fellas, thank you.
[03:53:11] First responders, thank you very much.
[03:53:23] People are here for a long time, and we appreciate it very much.
[03:53:26] So sometimes that happens.
[03:53:28] A lot of times that happens actually.
[03:53:30] But you'll be great if you watch.
[03:53:33] So, 12 weeks ago, we all took a bullet for America, and all we are all asking is that
[03:53:38] everyone goes out and votes.
[03:53:40] We got to win.
[03:53:41] We can't let this happen to our country.
[03:53:43] We can't take another four years like this.
[03:53:45] We won't have a country left.
[03:53:46] We're not going to have a country left.
[03:53:48] And all of this will be for nothing if you don't get out and vote.
[03:53:53] It will all be for nothing.
[03:53:54] We will have talked about it, but – and if we do it, it'll be the greatest achievement
[03:53:59] I think in the history of politics for all of us for this age, because we're going to
[03:54:04] change our country.
[03:54:05] Look at her.
[03:54:06] She's still recording.
[03:54:07] She went out.
[03:54:08] Nobody's going to go on landscape though.
[03:54:09] Nobody's going to go on landscape though.
[03:54:10] We're going to do them fast.
[03:54:11] She's filming something out.
[03:54:12] So Pennsylvania, it's time to stand up for America and a time to save our country.
[03:54:17] This is really about saving our country.
[03:54:18] It's never been like this.
[03:54:20] When you look at the crime, look at the crime.
[03:54:22] Look at the people that are coming in, murderers.
[03:54:26] 1,099 murderers led it over the last short period of time.
[03:54:32] Murderers that have been released from penitentiaries, prisons, jails, released into our country.
[03:54:41] Crime rates all over the world are down.
[03:54:43] They're taking their gang members and their criminals.
[03:54:46] They're taking their people in jail and they're releasing them into our country.
[03:54:50] We can't have it.
[03:54:51] You know, we just can't have it.
[03:54:54] How do you get more simple than that?
[03:54:56] They're releasing murderers, they're releasing drug dealers, they're releasing gang members
[03:55:01] and criminals, human traffickers, mostly they traffic in women, and they're releasing them
[03:55:08] all into our country, and they're emptying their jails and their crime rates in Venezuela
[03:55:13] are way down because you know-
[03:55:15] Murm father, the union South America is all over the world, in Africa, the Congo-
[03:55:20] Gifting it directly to 10 Venezuelans in Africa, they're coming out from Asia, they're coming
[03:55:26] out from the Middle East, Yemen, they're coming out from Yemen, a lot of people are coming
[03:55:31] out from Yemen.
[03:55:32] Yeah, we have so many people coming from Yemen.
[03:55:33] And they're known terrorists, and they just release them into our country.
[03:55:34] We've definitely let a lot of people in from Yemen.
[03:55:36] The country's unknown also, they know nothing about the people in Africa and the Middle
[03:55:41] East.
[03:55:42] These people are crazy, and we have to win, we'll stop it immediately and we'll
[03:55:47] have to.
[03:55:48] Notice how he didn't say anything about Europe?
[03:55:50] It will be a big deportation.
[03:55:52] We're going to deport these people.
[03:55:54] We're going to get them out of our country immediately.
[03:55:57] But we won't have a country.
[03:56:00] And if we win Pennsylvania, we will win the whole thing.
[03:56:03] The whole thing will be won.
[03:56:07] So for the sake of our families, for the sake of our children,
[03:56:10] we will keep on going.
[03:56:13] And as the expression goes, I mean, I'm a little embarrassed.
[03:56:16] Countries on Yon is the funny.
[03:56:18] Like, there are countries that we've never even
[03:56:20] We're going to fight for our country, we're going to fight for our country.
[03:56:31] And together we will save this country, we will restore the republic and America's future
[03:56:36] will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer and greater and
[03:56:41] more united than ever before.
[03:56:44] Our country will be united.
[03:56:45] You'll watch, you'll watch.
[03:56:47] You know we had the most successful country ever, maybe in the world during my term, we're
[03:56:51] the greatest economy that we've ever had.
[03:56:53] Like him saying, this is the best ever, the greatest ever, I've ever met.
[03:56:57] Radical left, people were coming over, they wanted to meet, they were coming over, we're
[03:57:02] coming over.
[03:57:03] What are you laughing about?
[03:57:04] What are you laughing about?
[03:57:05] It's a life saving medication.
[03:57:06] Get your contagion emergency kit and be prepared.
[03:57:08] Our population, our Hispanic population, our Asian population, everybody was doing
[03:57:15] better.
[03:57:16] people that went to the best schools and best
[03:57:19] colleges in the world, got the highest marks,
[03:57:21] and people that couldn't get a high school degree.
[03:57:24] Everybody was doing better, and our country
[03:57:26] was coming together.
[03:57:28] And then we got hit with COVID, a gift from China.
[03:57:31] Some people would call it the China virus.
[03:57:33] And we did a great job on that, too.
[03:57:35] We did a great job.
[03:57:36] But the world was disturbed.
[03:57:39] Sixty trillion dollars in damage worldwide,
[03:57:42] millions and millions of tens of millions of people
[03:57:45] killed and we still during this four year period we had the greatest economy one
[03:57:51] of the great countries of the world and we left with a stock market that was
[03:57:55] higher than it was just prior to covid coming in so what we did was something
[03:58:00] really incredible but we had the greatest most successful country ever we
[03:58:05] had the greatest economy in our history and we're going to do it again and
[03:58:09] maybe even better we learned a lot we learned a lot about people and about
[03:58:13] doing things and what works and what they really pay the lot for this ad space for this particular product
[03:58:19] and we're gonna have safe city
[03:58:21] We're gonna have a capital and watching it
[03:58:24] We've fallen off dude
[03:58:26] Which is right now crime ridden
[03:58:28] You leave from the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you go drive down
[03:58:33] to Washington DC and you drive down and you end up getting murdered
[03:58:37] you end up getting
[03:58:38] What?!
[03:58:39] You get mugged
[03:58:40] Dude all the time
[03:58:41] Washington DC?
[03:58:42] We're not going to have to feed it on model columns, we're not going to have roads that
[03:58:52] up in the middle.
[03:58:53] We're going to change it, we're going to run it properly, it's an embarrassment to us.
[03:59:03] Can you imagine foreign leaders coming in and running over roads that haven't been paved
[03:59:08] in years?
[03:59:10] We're honored to be joined tonight by one of the people who is going to help us build
[03:59:15] this incredible future.
[03:59:17] And he is a truly incredible guy.
[03:59:19] And I don't say that that often.
[03:59:25] He's a great gentleman.
[03:59:27] He's done such an unbelievable job for North Carolina, for Georgia, for Alabama, for Florida,
[03:59:35] for Tennessee.
[03:59:36] His name is Elon Musk.
[03:59:39] He saved free school.
[03:59:41] She created it.
[03:59:42] Oh, fuck you.
[03:59:43] Oh, God.
[03:59:44] So many different great guys.
[03:59:46] Where is he?
[03:59:47] Fucking loser.
[03:59:47] Come on up here, Eli.
[03:59:48] Fucking loser.
[03:59:49] He created the first major American car company
[03:59:53] in generations in his rocket company.
[03:59:56] It's the only reason we can now send American astronauts
[04:00:00] into space.
[04:00:00] He's such a loser.
[04:00:02] Oh, why is he doing that?
[04:00:04] Oh, my god.
[04:00:06] He's such a loser.
[04:00:08] Dude, dude, dude, this is the worst neurodivergent
[04:00:10] visibility you could ever have, OK?
[04:00:13] Oh my god, he's such a fucking loser, holy shit.
[04:00:19] As you can see, I'm not just mega, I'm dark mega.
[04:00:24] First of all, I want to say what an honor it is to be here, and...
[04:00:29] You know, the true test of someone's character is how they behave under fire.
[04:00:38] And we had one president who couldn't climb a flight of stairs,
[04:00:41] And another who was fist pumping after getting shot
[04:00:49] fight fight fight
[04:00:51] Blood coming down the face
[04:00:54] Down there like child the brain works like a child brain the home of the brain
[04:00:59] Fight fight fight who's so sick wasn't it?
[04:01:03] Wow, there's no there's no true attest and courage into fire
[04:01:07] God so if that who do you want representing America?
[04:01:12] Yeah
[04:01:14] absolutely well I think I think just so long running so that doesn't even make
[04:01:20] any sense election of our lifetime this is this is no ordinary election the other
[04:01:28] side wants to take away your freedom of speech you know I take away your right
[04:01:32] look at people like Elon Musk it just just to show you that you there's no
[04:01:35] one you don't need to be smart it's where you don't need to be right to
[04:01:39] vote effective buddy can be rich you're absolutely right
[04:01:44] buddy can be fucking rich California like there was a ball
[04:01:47] it actually makes me depressed about myself just passed the law you know I
[04:01:51] mean I look at myself in the mirror like Austin you just got really fucking
[04:01:55] lucky you got no special fucking ability hot you can't believe that's
[04:02:00] real you had success you fucking lucky son of a bitch
[04:02:04] You love me son of a bitch.
[04:02:07] Meaningless.
[04:02:08] And free speech.
[04:02:11] Free speech is the bedrock of the ones.
[04:02:13] You were one degree from being a loser.
[04:02:16] Just a nothing.
[04:02:17] Fucking hell.
[04:02:18] I don't know what's going on if they don't know the truth.
[04:02:23] How can you make an informed vote?
[04:02:25] You must have free speech in order to have democracy.
[04:02:28] That's why it's the First Amendment.
[04:02:32] And the second amendment is there to ensure that we have the first amendment.
[04:02:47] President Trump must win to preserve the Constitution.
[04:02:50] He must win to preserve democracy in America.
[04:02:54] Yes.
[04:03:04] He's got this.
[04:03:08] Holy shit.
[04:03:13] This is a must win situation.
[04:03:15] He's a terrible public speaker.
[04:03:16] So I have one ask to everyone in the audience,
[04:03:20] everyone who watches this video, and everyone live stream,
[04:03:24] this one request is very important.
[04:03:27] Register to vote.
[04:03:29] Okay.
[04:03:31] And get everyone you know,
[04:03:34] and everyone you don't know,
[04:03:37] drag them to register to vote.
[04:03:40] God, he's got negative charisma.
[04:03:41] There's only three days left to register to vote
[04:03:44] in Georgia and Arizona.
[04:03:46] 48 hours.
[04:03:47] He sucks life out of a room.
[04:03:48] Like text people now.
[04:03:50] God, he's awesome.
[04:03:52] Now.
[04:03:53] Holy shit.
[04:03:54] What a buzzer.
[04:03:55] And then make sure they actually do vote.
[04:03:56] I'd be pissed.
[04:04:00] If they don't, this will be the last election.
[04:04:04] That's my prediction.
[04:04:05] Oh, shut the fuck.
[04:04:06] Nothing's more important.
[04:04:08] Nothing's more important.
[04:04:09] What?
[04:04:10] So, get everyone you know.
[04:04:13] So speaking to people out there, everyone in the crowd, I think, is already convinced.
[04:04:17] But for people out there that are watching the live stream, you need to get everyone,
[04:04:24] you know, at work, your friends, family, tech groups, your social media, everything, get
[04:04:29] them to register to vote right now.
[04:04:32] Only two days left for Georgia and Arizona.
[04:04:35] Only a couple weeks left in Pennsylvania.
[04:04:38] And if they're not registered to vote, it doesn't matter at that point.
[04:04:42] Register to vote.
[04:04:43] I'm being repetitive for a reason, okay?
[04:04:45] Because you're a terrible public speaker.
[04:04:47] is more important. A lot of people think maybe the vote doesn't count. Well it does, okay.
[04:04:56] It does. It matters. And this election could be decided by a thousand votes, five hundred
[04:05:01] votes. It could be a tiny margin. So that everyone you know to register to vote, I think
[04:05:10] just talk to And double check that your registration is good. Don't take it
[04:05:16] the bad
[04:05:19] this is a bad democratic party is
[04:05:22] one take away from anything that will matter is getting those registrations
[04:05:27] and then getting
[04:05:29] like Jesus Christ
[04:05:31] so fucking bad
[04:05:33] but you could call 888 land to buy land in fucking
[04:05:37] Kentucky or whatever
[04:05:38] holy shit this is awful man
[04:05:43] so what is that fast thing that's going to blow us down? you just break all those dumb ass
[04:05:47] Just be a pest to everyone you know, people on the street everywhere.
[04:05:54] Vote, vote, vote.
[04:05:55] Yeah, that'll work.
[04:05:56] Fight, fight, fight, vote, vote, vote.
[04:05:58] Most disgusting fucking losers to be really annoying in public to go out and vote for
[04:06:03] Trump as though they haven't been already.
[04:06:05] I'm sure that will really move the needle in his favor.
[04:06:17] Says a person in the party who calls him Hitler and he'd rather be-
[04:06:20] Trump 100% has literally paraphrased Adolf Hitler has also genuinely shown interest in Adolf Hitler's
[04:06:28] mass deportation policies that he wants to implement in the United States of America.
[04:06:32] He is, it is not fear mongering when you call Trump's policies Hitlerian. It's just facts.
[04:06:38] You're just upset with it because you've been taught that Adolf Hitler is bad in school
[04:06:43] while simultaneously think that Hitler's ideas were great as long as it's implemented towards
[04:06:48] wherever the fuck you have decided is your enemy that's it as you said it's just not important
[04:06:55] how do you hate Adolf Hitler and think he's a scary individual while simultaneous
[04:06:59] a lot of tricks this particular other side Elon's a very nice guy doesn't want to say it
[04:07:06] but they play a lot of tricks we can't let it happen I'm not an Elon fan but I appreciate the
[04:07:09] baseline encouragement to vote just spotting a silver lining there is no way you're a real
[04:07:14] human being with that sentiment, I hope. That's crazy.
[04:07:19] It's the worst vice president in the history of our country. And if you watched over the
[04:07:26] last couple of days, they are doing, this is a Katrina for them. This is one of the
[04:07:33] worst. They say it's the worst job ever done on helping people through the ravages
[04:07:39] of a hurricane. And they're watching, she's out there campaigning in San Francisco,
[04:07:44] for all you misled the children chat hopefully one day you'll realize what's
[04:07:47] happening or your family getting murdered or costed by an illegal immigrant
[04:07:52] until then keep on with the virtue signaling and your race sexual
[04:07:55] orientation being an entire personality seems good how do you let me
[04:08:00] remove you can't ban this person this person is a gem
[04:08:03] we need to get this whole personality I think it's disgusting
[04:08:09] I didn't know what Starlink was I must tell you I didn't Elon I'm so embarrassed
[04:08:14] I didn't know what the hell Starlink was that says he loves Starlink. He can tell you every little
[04:08:25] The other day
[04:08:29] But they were saying we have tremendous communications, especially in North Carolina and we have tremendous problems
[04:08:39] The wires were underwater
[04:08:44] People may be more will be, you know, there's
[04:08:48] Not good because you know what missing means
[04:08:52] And they had no communication communication with they called it the mainland because the water was so crazy
[04:08:59] It was like they were in the middle of a lake and they'd never seen anything like it and they said, you know somebody named Elon Musk
[04:09:06] I said, yeah, I happened to know a little bit. He just endorsed me actually
[04:09:10] Although he had to ask me a long time ago, but he still to me
[04:09:14] Every day is a good endorsement from Elon. Nobody's smarter than Elon and
[04:09:20] They said could you do us a favor? Oh the guy has a ear bandage
[04:09:24] Starlink, wait, wait, this guy in the back. He's wearing the Trump ear bandage.
[04:09:28] I said North Carolina's in big trouble, Georgia's in big trouble. They need communication
[04:09:33] They have none because their poles have been knocked down and their wires are underwater and even dangerous dangerously underwater
[04:09:39] But they have no communication.
[04:09:41] Elon, could you do something about Starlink?
[04:09:44] Whatever the hell that is, Elon.
[04:09:46] Whatever Starlink.
[04:09:47] That's all they want to hear is Starlink.
[04:09:49] And an amazing thing happened.
[04:09:51] I got a call from one of the top people in North Carolina.
[04:09:55] I got a call from another great person in Georgia.
[04:09:58] And I wasn't finished with my phone call yet.
[04:10:01] But they got word that Starlink would be delivered to the States.
[04:10:03] Look at this fucking idiot.
[04:10:04] We're taking America back from the communists.
[04:10:06] said, what the hell is he? What kind of a system is that? Normally you'd have to hang
[04:10:12] up and he'd go and call people. He did it during the phone call. What kind of a system
[04:10:17] do you have? That's why he's a, he's a very advanced, okay, but how did he, did he deploy
[04:10:24] a bunch of receivers into fucking Asheville? Like that's not how this works. You know
[04:10:29] what I mean? Unless he like, unless he also shipped a bunch of fucking receivers, like
[04:10:35] How are they going to get access to Starlink?
[04:10:38] You don't have to pay me.
[04:10:39] You pay me someday when you get the money back.
[04:10:41] You don't have to pay me.
[04:10:42] He wanted nothing.
[04:10:43] He's a great guy.
[04:10:44] Thank you, Elon, for being here.
[04:10:46] Thank you very much.
[04:10:48] Great honor.
[04:10:49] Starlink has been super helpful in our life.
[04:10:51] I'm sure it is, but they need receivers.
[04:10:53] I suspect that it was probably FEMA that bought the fucking Starlink receivers and
[04:10:58] deployed it into the area of need.
[04:11:02] And that's precisely what happened.
[04:11:03] Donald Trump is like weirdly taking credit for it and Elon Musk is taking credit for it
[04:11:10] But in fact it was most likely that I already bought it with the fucking government funds allocated to it
[04:11:16] We're also joined by a starlet credit
[04:11:20] No, I think Starlink is awesome. Okay. I wish it wasn't owned by this
[04:11:27] Dumbass
[04:11:29] that's four-year college and he went to the military that he came no no no I'm
[04:11:34] not gonna say fucks darling it's great it's it's pretty good satellite
[04:11:38] internet without the benefit of family just understand how this works you know
[04:11:42] what I mean that's pretty good without family I don't know too many of those
[04:11:45] people that no family ties he got in you can't get it and he graduated along
[04:11:50] with his wife it was be my live there any problems with your I live in
[04:11:55] Asheville this is just for you for only a month students in the class but he went
[04:11:59] to Yale Law School and then he went out into the private yeah you would need
[04:12:02] receivers ready to go doesn't the Starlink system deploy for her to
[04:12:05] Helene by the bottom and there you go and I love that Donald Trump is taking
[04:12:09] credit for it though like he is like I don't know what Starlink is but I deployed them with Elon
[04:12:15] and you saw that the other night in the debate right you saw that the other
[04:12:20] You know the expression they have? If that were a fight, they would have stopped it, right?
[04:12:30] So I just want to thank JD. I was always confident in that pick. And we had great people.
[04:12:36] You sure are hustling on?
[04:12:37] We have every one of those guys who are great. Every one of them.
[04:12:39] Also my name is 1S, not 2S is. I am sure.
[04:12:42] We appreciate the job you're doing. And he's also very energetic.
[04:12:45] And he'll go on and he'll work with our receivers.
[04:12:47] MSDNZ, I saw it earlier.
[04:12:50] He'll go on CNN, he has no problem.
[04:12:53] He swats him like this.
[04:12:54] He has no problem.
[04:12:55] Yeah, falsely claiming to the systems
[04:12:57] that you had to beat the bullet.
[04:12:58] No, it's true.
[04:13:00] You know, other people say, sir, I'd rather not do that one.
[04:13:03] I'd rather not do that one, sir.
[04:13:05] I'd rather not do them, because they are, you know,
[04:13:08] very familiar with him.
[04:13:09] He doesn't care.
[04:13:10] And I get outspot you.
[04:13:11] Look at that.
[04:13:12] So I want to thank JD.
[04:13:13] You've done a great job.
[04:13:14] Thanks for very much.
[04:13:15] What is he?
[04:13:19] Who is he talking to?
[04:13:21] What is he accomplishing with this thing?
[04:13:23] We have a lot of senators and a lot of people from Congress.
[04:13:30] I'm going to introduce a few of them that are really outstanding.
[04:13:32] They are warriors and they're great patriots.
[04:13:34] Senator Eric Schmidt.
[04:13:36] Where is Eric Schmidt?
[04:13:38] He's around here someplace.
[04:13:40] Nice tall, handsome guy.
[04:13:42] Thank you, Eric.
[04:13:44] What a great job you've done.
[04:13:46] He helps us so much with the Senate.
[04:13:48] And we have a lot of great people here.
[04:13:50] so much with the Senate. And we've got a great Senate. We have to get a couple of more senators
[04:13:57] elected. But I think it's going to happen. I think it's going to happen. We have members
[04:14:01] of Congress here, Dan Muser. Dan, where's Dan? Great. Great job. Real warrior. These
[04:14:08] are warrants. Guy, Russian thawler. That's the hardest name in the Senate to pronounce,
[04:14:14] but I've learned how to pronounce it. Guy, thank you very much. Great words, Guy.
[04:14:19] Thank you very much.
[04:14:20] I'm trying.
[04:14:21] Glenn G.T. Thompson, fantastic guy.
[04:14:25] Thank you, Glenn.
[04:14:26] Great job.
[04:14:27] John Joyce, thank you, John.
[04:14:31] Great.
[04:14:32] Corey Mills, he's out there fighting, too.
[04:14:34] He's out there.
[04:14:35] He is out there in North Carolina, Georgia.
[04:14:40] He's out there helping people.
[04:14:41] Wait, isn't that the...
[04:14:43] Mike Waltz.
[04:14:44] Hold on.
[04:14:45] tremendous national security asset.
[04:14:48] Thank you.
[04:14:49] It's an image of the only fans model who's like pro-Trump and she's naked and she lowers
[04:14:55] the fucking Trump 2024 flag that she has to show her wonderful boobs.
[04:15:01] She has great boobs.
[04:15:02] Austin loves titties by the way.
[04:15:04] I do.
[04:15:05] Like a little too much for a gay man, no lie, he loves titties, it's weird.
[04:15:10] I can show it to you, it's fucking nudity.
[04:15:13] What I can show you instead is the top of the hour ad break, which is three minutes of
[04:15:18] fun at the top of the hour, as long as you're subscribed, in which case you'll have an uninterrupted
[04:15:22] experience.
[04:15:23] Here's a human ad break now.
[04:15:24] It's promise free folks.
[04:15:25] And I love this guy.
[04:15:26] When he said that, I like this guy.
[04:15:27] So then he said, you know, sir, he's leaving the White House, he said, I love the country,
[04:15:39] Congress.
[04:15:40] But then like I don't know against 28 people they were running
[04:15:44] They were running to the Republican primary because whoever won that primary is gonna win
[04:15:47] I think it's a Trump plus 48 whoever wins gets 48 48
[04:15:52] I've got like that and
[04:15:54] Not only did he win he won easily and now he's one of the most popular people in Congress and one of the most talented
[04:16:00] Maybe more importantly Ronnie Jackson Ronnie
[04:16:05] Where's Ronnie
[04:16:07] Where is you? Okay. Thank you Ronnie
[04:16:10] And you got a lot of talent surrounding you there.
[04:16:15] I think it's very important also we're here for a reason that has to win and to honor
[04:16:20] Corey, but Corey wants us to win too.
[04:16:22] And there's a man in the audience.
[04:16:25] He's dead, bro.
[04:16:26] He's dead.
[04:16:27] Very much a career path, a little bit like JD, a great student, great talented student,
[04:16:32] and fantastic in the military.
[04:16:34] Then went out to be a tremendous success, one of the most successful people in Wall
[04:16:38] street actually and he's tough and he's smart and he's going to make sure you always have
[04:16:42] fracking in Pennsylvania and he's going to make sure you have many other things other
[04:16:47] than fracking you have a senator that now does nothing he does nothing and he's he doesn't
[04:16:53] fight for you he votes with Biden you're a soy boy like a hundred percent of over Kamala
[04:16:58] Harris first of all I never said I was this is coming from Australia and how come on
[04:17:02] and explain to an American I will Kamala Harris be baited for the world first of
[04:17:06] all, you're Australian. You're double-cucked. You're still cucked under the Commonwealth.
[04:17:11] And the Commonwealth is completely dominated by the United States of America. Okay. Get
[04:17:16] excited to the prospect that we are even giving you nuclear submarines, as China basically
[04:17:21] turns you into a goddamn vassal state, which is, by the way, a far preferable future for
[04:17:26] your stupid fucking country than, uh, you know, being permacucked to the United
[04:17:30] States of America and be used as a base of fucking operations for, uh, some of
[04:17:35] greatest like spy satellites to exist on the planet. Okay. How are we still cooked to the
[04:17:40] Brits? I don't know. Go look at your fucking money, dumbass. Oh my God. They took like a
[04:17:46] peanut noir that wasn't selling well and they fucking branded it is like Trump peanut noir.
[04:17:51] Also genius. Also, uh, it doesn't really matter whether Kamala Harris or Donald Trump is president
[04:17:57] in your in Australia, you're going to get dominated by us regardless. So Canada is still
[04:18:01] cooked? Yes. What kind of stupid question is this? Yes. Canada is still cooked. Canada
[04:18:08] is also America's hat. What the fuck are you talking about, dude? What are you talking
[04:18:14] about? Have some fucking self-respect and decency and sever your goddamn ties with the
[04:18:20] American state and, and the UK. It's even more, it's even dumber to be fucking cooked
[04:18:26] by the UK. They literally have the king all over post offices and shit. They celebrate
[04:18:30] king day. Yeah, exactly. It's so dumb that an Australian is like, Oh, I will Kamala Harris
[04:18:39] be bad and mad. It's like, dude, it's not going to change anything for you. Donald Trump or
[04:18:43] Kamala Harris, you are, you are still going to do the bidding of American empire. Okay.
[04:18:49] And you're going to fucking like it. That's it. It doesn't change the dynamic even
[04:18:53] a little bit for you because we have a lot of votes. We have plenty of us stop
[04:18:57] the steal. That's why you've got to get out. You've got to get out and vote.
[04:19:01] going to win this thing.
[04:19:02] And the more we win it, it's too big to rig.
[04:19:05] The expression we use, make it too big to rig.
[04:19:07] I'm getting called out right now.
[04:19:09] Elon would understand this better than anybody statistically
[04:19:12] at a certain point.
[04:19:14] Their cheating doesn't matter.
[04:19:16] And we want to make it too big to rig.
[04:19:18] And we also have somebody that's very special,
[04:19:20] the co-chair of the Republican Party, Lara Trump.
[04:19:24] Thank you.
[04:19:26] Oh, thanks.
[04:19:32] I was holding an outside hold that Trump might galvanize
[04:19:34] But I don't think so anymore fuck no dude
[04:19:39] Australia was the first country to implement TSA protocols after 9-11 and the reasoning for why they did that that security theater bullshit
[04:19:46] Was specifically so American tourists would would feel at home in Australia. That's how incredibly cocked Australia is
[04:19:54] She's married to my wonderful son Eric who's right here. So Eric, please stand up
[04:19:59] He's a great guy
[04:20:10] Eric has a distinction. He has gotten more subpoenas than any man in the history of our country by about ten times
[04:20:17] Every day Congress would meet that send them a subpoena. What is it about? They have no idea
[04:20:23] Australia is so cooked to the United States. They saw Americans doing war crimes in Afghanistan
[04:20:28] They were like we need to get off mine. We need to do all war crimes too
[04:20:32] I think people that he made a big contribution yesterday to Georgia.
[04:20:36] Fucking hell!
[04:20:37] A contribution to Georgia.
[04:20:38] Hey, can't trust me, the Americans doing war crimes.
[04:20:41] We'll do our own.
[04:20:42] We're a fucking pain old colony as well, mate.
[04:20:45] Hi, Steve. Thanks.
[04:20:47] And another man who's one of the greatest businessmen in the country.
[04:20:50] He actually said that if Trump doesn't win this country,
[04:20:53] he's going to go into a massive depression.
[04:20:55] Well, I don't know about that, but he has been a very good predictor, I will say that.
[04:21:00] and truly one of the greats, one of the great pickers, picker meaning stocks, he knows what he's doing
[04:21:06] and highly respected by everybody, John Paulson, thank you John, great, great guy
[04:21:14] and we have so many others and I won't do it because we have to really get out of here before it gets too cold
[04:21:20] I mean the happens in a war is a crime on both sides, yeah, you have that same...
[04:21:23] Dude, typical fucking bogey, isn't it?
[04:21:26] Everything that happens in a war is a crime on both sides, yeah you're right dude
[04:21:30] The fucking Afghan civilian population was also doing crimes by being in the vicinity of American bullets. Thank you
[04:21:38] or the Iraqi civilian population was
[04:21:41] Engaging in an act of crime by being in the vicinity of Australian war criminals. I guess
[04:21:48] Good good good job, man. Yeah, do you have the same energy for World War two?
[04:21:53] Are you gonna fucking be like hey, well the Nazis might the Nazis might I was at a Bogan comment
[04:21:58] I never said it as their fault you fucking idiot
[04:22:02] What could you be talking about? We're talking about Australian war crimes
[04:22:06] Specifically committed. Oh god, dude. Australia is so cocked you guys literally fucking jailed another whistleblower
[04:22:15] Recently I'm talking about war. Okay. What is war? What is it? What is the Afghan war?
[04:22:20] What is the occupation of Afghanistan? They rolled over and headed them pine gap for ownership to see ice surveillance, too
[04:22:25] I know any words of crime on humanity for foxy
[04:22:35] He ran over
[04:22:38] National Guard he ran over and grabbed Corey and Corey was still
[04:22:43] Living and he he was doing mouth-to-mouth
[04:22:46] Resuscitation on a man who is really in bad shape like nobody's ever seen and his family appreciates calling him gay
[04:22:53] No, thank you. It's more than much
[04:22:55] right
[04:22:56] Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing the people that we have.
[04:23:00] And you learn about them under times like this. That's when you really learn.
[04:23:04] So we're going to be seeing Rico again. And Ed Sheer. Fantastic job. Thank you, Ed.
[04:23:09] We appreciate it. Thank you, Ed. Thank you. Thank you very much, Ed. Great job.
[04:23:15] In addition, this evening, we have to send our prayers and support to all the families
[04:23:19] affected by Hurricane Helene. This has been the worst hurricane response by a president
[04:23:26] and vice president since Katrina, and this is simply not acceptable.
[04:23:30] Those people, I was there yesterday with North Carolina and Georgia, and I'll tell you.
[04:23:35] And by the way, the governor of Georgia is doing an excellent job, excellent job.
[04:23:39] But we have other people that aren't doing a good job, and we have to have them do a
[04:23:44] good job.
[04:23:45] But the federal government is doing a very bad job.
[04:23:48] They are not doing the job.
[04:23:49] And we have death and destruction that we haven't seen.
[04:23:54] I feel as basically America, but more fun and with better Asian food.
[04:24:00] Kamala wind and dined in San Francisco and all of the people in North Carolina, no helicopters,
[04:24:06] no rescue.
[04:24:07] It's just what's happened there is very bad.
[04:24:10] They're offering them $750 to people whose homes have been washed away.
[04:24:18] And yet we send tens of billions of dollars to foreign countries.
[04:24:21] You're going to get these parties not as too busy having sex with your dad.
[04:24:24] I was talking to your dad every time a ditty party was happening.
[04:24:31] Young lady washed, you saw that with her son, I wish I never saw it but just washed away
[04:24:37] your son was washed away with the grandparents and so sad and they offered you a $750 and
[04:24:45] think of it.
[04:24:46] We give foreign countries millions of dollars and we're handling North Carolina $750.
[04:24:54] If you want a president who won't even try to save you when the flood waters are rising,
[04:25:01] vote for Kamala.
[04:25:03] She's not the right person.
[04:25:04] Look, you know what?
[04:25:05] If they were, if they did a good job, I wouldn't have run.
[04:25:07] To be honest with you, I didn't need to do this.
[04:25:09] I didn't need to.
[04:25:11] If I thought they were doing an even modestly good job, I wouldn't have run.
[04:25:15] But I saw right from the beginning, grossly incompetent.
[04:25:18] And I was right about that.
[04:25:19] And I decided to run.
[04:25:21] And we're doing really well.
[04:25:23] I was telling you about polls.
[04:25:24] We're way up.
[04:25:25] And some polls, we're up in other polls.
[04:25:28] And with the swing states, I think most of them have us
[04:25:30] up in every single swing state, including the great
[04:25:34] Commonwealth of a place called Pennsylvania.
[04:25:37] And don't ever not call it a Commonwealth because
[04:25:44] I've seen people call it a state, and that's the
[04:25:46] end of them.
[04:25:47] That's practically the end of their political career.
[04:25:50] You've got to be very careful with Pennsylvania.
[04:25:52] It's that Commonwealth.
[04:25:53] I haven't made that mistake.
[04:25:55] I don't want to either. It was not a pretty picture.
[04:25:58] If you want a president who will stop at nothing
[04:26:00] to protect you and your family,
[04:26:03] I hope you're going to vote for the gentleman named Donald J. Trump.
[04:26:07] Have you heard of him?
[04:26:10] Together we will rebuild Western North Carolina, rural Georgia,
[04:26:14] and every other state that's been so badly affected.
[04:26:18] That includes Alabama.
[04:26:20] Virginia was very hit hard.
[04:26:23] South Carolina would have hit very hard.
[04:26:25] The water before leaving.
[04:26:26] So many states, Tennessee, was hit really hard.
[04:26:29] Well, look, they're leaving.
[04:26:31] They were all hit, and we're going to work with them.
[04:26:33] And, you know, the next president is going to be
[04:26:35] the one that really wants to get this done.
[04:26:37] They've got to get this done, but once that happens,
[04:26:39] the next president is going to be the one
[04:26:41] that has to really help them.
[04:26:42] And J.D. will be there to help them.
[04:26:44] I know that.
[04:26:47] 2024 is the most important election
[04:26:50] in the history of our country.
[04:26:51] And here are the facts.
[04:26:52] My opponent, Kamala Harris, is the most
[04:26:55] incompetent and far-left nominee ever to run for president.
[04:27:00] You know, she's much further left than crazy Bernie
[04:27:04] Sanders, you know that.
[04:27:06] She wants to open border.
[04:27:07] She took the most secure border in U.S.
[04:27:10] history and turned it into the worst border in the
[04:27:13] history of the world.
[04:27:14] Remember, she was appointed border czar.
[04:27:16] She says she wasn't now after three years, but she
[04:27:19] was.
[04:27:19] But whether she was or not, she was in charge of
[04:27:21] the border. And the other day I saw her get up and say, we will do this, we will do that.
[04:27:26] We're going to – why didn't they do it four years ago? Why didn't they do it? The
[04:27:29] damage is so bad, and so it's been done. She led in 21 million illegal aliens from
[04:27:36] all over the world, from prisons and jails and mental institutions and insane asylums
[04:27:42] and their terrorists at record levels, at levels we've never seen before. She
[04:27:46] She cost you $29,000 a family through inflation price hikes, and now she wants a larger tax
[04:27:53] hike.
[04:27:54] And she wants to go the largest tax hike in American history.
[04:27:57] There's never been a tax hike like what she's proposing.
[04:28:01] She's going to raise your taxes a minimum of $3,000.
[04:28:06] She's a big taxer.
[04:28:07] And she was the original creator of Defund the Police.
[04:28:11] I think for all the sheriffs over here, if you're a partner in Defund the Police
[04:28:15] for even two days, you cannot be president. But she was one of the founders of the fund
[04:28:20] the police. And she still believes that, by the way. I don't know how anybody could,
[04:28:24] but she still believes that. And if she ever had a chance, there's a good possibility she'd
[04:28:28] go back to it. Can you imagine somebody's robbing our house? Well, there's nothing
[04:28:33] we can do about it. That's what they say there's nothing. You know, they tried it.
[04:28:37] You know where they tried it in Minnesota with our vice president. And I wasn't working
[04:28:43] out too well. It was working out very well for the robbers and the criminals. That's the
[04:28:47] only one it was working out well for. Kamala Harris vowed to abolish ICE. She wants mass
[04:28:52] amnesty and citizenship for illegals. And worst of all, she lost, and this is maybe
[04:28:57] the worst thing in the whole, that nobody talks to fake news, won't mention it. She
[04:29:02] lost more than 325,000 migrant children that are now dead in slavery or just plain
[04:29:09] Probably never to be seen again, never to see their parents again.
[04:29:13] She's literally a fucking cop herself.
[04:29:15] What are you talking about?
[04:29:17] 325,000 have been lost.
[04:29:21] She praised the idea of a 70% to an 80% tax rate.
[04:29:25] She imposed a natural gas export ban on Pennsylvania,
[04:29:29] which is killing your energy workers and your pricing.
[04:29:32] You know, you have one of the highest energy costs in the country,
[04:29:36] and yet you're sitting on top of a massive amount of energy
[04:29:39] that she doesn't want to get
[04:29:42] is that it is that this is like kind of optics related but like some supporters
[04:29:46] are so fucking like growths
[04:29:49] you know with politicians
[04:29:50] and so god damn looking yeah there's like a like a stink around them like i
[04:29:56] can fucking see one from a mile away when i see someone it's never like a
[04:30:00] normal person no
[04:30:02] it's never
[04:30:03] like rarely ever do you encounter someone and they're like
[04:30:07] Buttoned up normal guy or gal and they're a fucking Trump supporter. You know what I mean?
[04:30:12] It's weird there. They have this like weird aura this weird energy
[04:30:18] About them every time especially ones that you see at the Trump rally like you can you know the you know
[04:30:25] The peak of the cult
[04:30:28] They're just so insane has banned any and all ID requirements from voting and registering to the
[04:30:36] But you're not even allowed to mention the fact, Elon.
[04:30:39] You're not allowed to mention the fact.
[04:30:41] You can't say, may I see your ID.
[04:30:44] If you do, it's a criminal act.
[04:30:46] This is like, this is a takeover of the country.
[04:30:49] You're not allowed to ask for an ID.
[04:30:52] If you do, it's a criminal count.
[04:30:54] Other Democrat states are following.
[04:30:56] This is only so they can cheat.
[04:30:58] There's only one thing that you do this for,
[04:31:02] so that you can cheat on elections.
[04:31:03] There's no other conceivable reason.
[04:31:05] Kamala Harris is a radical left boxes. Here's a woman like look at this lady who made like
[04:31:12] a Elon Musk shirt like that's you're not mentally well. Like when you go the distance
[04:31:17] like this and you go and you fucking make like a custom made t-shirt with like some tweet
[04:31:23] that you made towards Elon Musk or whatever like you that is like deep levels of mental
[04:31:28] illness. Okay. You're just not a normal person at that point. You're insane. He
[04:31:33] He got 14 million votes, if you believe in democracy or a system.
[04:31:36] He got 14 million votes, and she got none.
[04:31:40] She was the first one out, 22 candidates, and she never made it to Iowa.
[04:31:44] She quit before Iowa, and now she's running, and that's okay.
[04:31:47] But, you know, we spent $150 million dollars beating Biden.
[04:31:52] And as soon as he was down and out for the count, they said, let's take him out.
[04:31:56] We'll give somebody else to run.
[04:31:58] Never happened before.
[04:31:59] We do a lot of firsts, I will tell you.
[04:32:01] We do a lot of firsts.
[04:32:02] And she's a person that rated even worse in every statistic than any other senator.
[04:32:09] She was rated at the bottom of the U.S. Senate.
[04:32:12] She's destroyed everything she touched, but the good news is that we have a plan to fix
[04:32:18] it.
[04:32:19] We're going to fix it.
[04:32:20] We're going to fix it fast.
[04:32:21] Nobody is going to stand for open borders.
[04:32:23] Nobody is going to stand for a bad military.
[04:32:25] Wait, is that a Nazi number?
[04:32:26] Nobody is going to stand for education that's not proper.
[04:32:30] Wait.
[04:32:31] It was on
[04:32:36] That's crazy
[04:32:39] So important is what's happened all the time, but y'all we rank at the bottom of everything
[04:32:46] Major countries that's too specific of a number atop of the list as oh my god
[04:32:52] We spend more holy
[04:32:55] than any other country anywhere in the world
[04:33:01] 89 or 40, 88 is higher than there in alphabet and 14 is to the 14 word.
[04:33:07] You have no way, you have China is always the top 5.
[04:33:11] Can you believe it? China is the top 5. That's amazing.
[04:33:14] But we're going to move our education back to the states.
[04:33:19] So places like Indiana and Iowa and Idaho and states that you don't even hear too much of
[04:33:26] because they're so good and so well run.
[04:33:29] education. And you know what's going to come out? I don't even know. China with 1.4
[04:33:40] billion people is a top five. And we're close to. I already got your attention on
[04:33:46] X and I want to get it again. I want to work with you to make America
[04:33:59] back ready good standing here right now but I really gotta see the back I really
[04:34:03] gotta see the back so watch out oh yikes definitely a normal person you know
[04:34:11] what I mean like that that's definitely a normal fuck an individual right there
[04:34:18] dude definitely not like genuinely mentally ill United States and you
[04:34:24] know what I would have been worse than them I would have had it done even
[04:34:26] faster they've dumped them into the United States of America and that's
[04:34:30] That's what we have, and it's dangerous out there.
[04:34:32] We're getting them out.
[04:34:33] We're getting them out quickly.
[04:34:35] And we will defeat inflation, and we will make America affordable again, and it's going
[04:34:40] to start with liquid gold.
[04:34:41] We have more liquid gold, oil and gas under our feet than any nation in the world, including
[04:34:48] Saudi Arabia and Russia.
[04:34:51] We will become energy independent like we were just four years ago.
[04:34:55] You know, four years ago, we were energy independent.
[04:34:58] Can you believe it?
[04:34:59] And then we were going to become energy dominant.
[04:35:03] We will be dominant within a matter of months, and we will make so much money.
[04:35:07] We are going to drill, baby, drill.
[04:35:15] And we will again open ANWAR.
[04:35:17] Ronald Reagan tried to do it.
[04:35:19] Every single president before Reagan tried to do it, and I got it done.
[04:35:24] ANWAR is the largest drilling site anywhere in the world.
[04:35:27] It could be larger.
[04:35:28] be larger than Saudi Arabia, could be larger than Russia, it's in Alaska, and I got it done
[04:35:34] and we worked to get it done.
[04:35:35] And one of the first things he did was terminate ANWAR, and that was going to, that was going
[04:35:41] to take care of all the issues.
[04:35:42] Look at her.
[04:35:43] That was going to make us so much money we would have paid instead.
[04:35:45] Look at her on her phone.
[04:35:46] You would have gotten, I gave you the biggest tax reduction in history.
[04:35:49] You would have gotten even a bigger one.
[04:35:51] You were going to be just very happy.
[04:35:53] You were going to say, I like that guy very much.
[04:35:56] 20 million Americans are behind on their electric bills right now. It was just announced 20 million Americans
[04:36:02] They're struggling to pay their monthly bills at a record rate. You've never been anything like it. Oh God
[04:36:12] You're such fucking idiots dude, you're so stupid
[04:36:17] Yeah, good job. Well, I didn't do that. No, they were already doing it. You shouldn't have called it out
[04:36:23] they're gonna do it more cars if you buy a test which is good works good we will
[04:36:30] have your energy prices cut in half it'll be cut in half within a period of
[04:36:36] one year mentally ill person do y'all are crazy we take office and that's gonna
[04:36:40] save you a lot of money and that's gonna in turn bring down that's gonna bring
[04:36:44] down the prices of everything because you know more than anything else people
[04:36:48] tell me about the groceries the groceries are groceries they used to
[04:36:52] And what they're talking about is food. Everything's going to be coming down when we do that. We're also going to get your interest rates
[04:36:59] We will bring automobile manufacturing back to the United States at levels never seen before and we will turn the United States into a
[04:37:08] Manufacturing superpower again. It hasn't been there in many many years. He still looks like shit
[04:37:13] We hadn't started four years ago the centerpiece of my plan for a manufacturing
[04:37:18] renaissance will be a 15% made in America corporate tax rate.
[04:37:24] In other words, if you make your product in the United States, you get a rate.
[04:37:28] So I cut it from 39% to 21%, everyone said that was impossible.
[04:37:33] I got it done.
[04:37:35] And we had the best boom we've ever had.
[04:37:37] We did more revenue when we had it at 21 than when it was at 39.
[04:37:42] Think of it much more the following year we did much more.
[04:37:45] And then I'm going to take it from 21 to 15, which will make us the most competitive country
[04:37:51] in the world.
[04:37:55] Nobody will be able to compete with us.
[04:37:58] But that 15-rate only goes for those who make their product in America.
[04:38:03] They have to make their product, otherwise they take 21.
[04:38:07] And we will protect those companies moving into America and all of our existing companies
[04:38:12] with stiff tariffs placed on companies that don't move in.
[04:38:15] If they don't come in, if they don't want to make their product here, it's fine.
[04:38:18] But they're going to be tariff.
[04:38:19] We have to protect our companies.
[04:38:21] And that's what we're going to do.
[04:38:22] The only way they can get out of paying those tariffs and to build the plants and factories
[04:38:28] in America, we may need to be able to get them to contribute something.
[04:38:32] I think we will.
[04:38:33] And hire American workers for the job.
[04:38:37] We're going to hire American workers for the job.
[04:38:39] We will pass the Reciprocal Trade Act if China or any other country charges us 100 or 200
[04:38:47] percent tax, and we will likewise charge them a 100 or 200 percent tax.
[04:38:52] We had a lot of problems with that one with the Senate, and we're going to get that done.
[04:38:58] Think of it.
[04:38:59] They charge us, and we don't charge them.
[04:39:00] Now they charge us, we're going to charge them the same thing.
[04:39:04] Reciprocal is reciprocal.
[04:39:06] I will not let Mexico, China, or any other country
[04:39:09] sell cars into the United States to the detriment
[04:39:11] of our auto workers who will do better than they have ever done.
[04:39:15] We're going to bring back the car business
[04:39:18] like it was 50, 60, and 70 years ago.
[04:39:21] Everyone's going to want to be back here.
[04:39:24] And I will not approve Japan buying U.S. Steel
[04:39:27] 70 years ago, the greatest company
[04:39:29] anywhere in the world.
[04:39:32] It was the greatest company anywhere in the world,
[04:39:34] than now we have Japan buying US deal, I don't like that.
[04:39:38] We will deliver massive tax cuts for workers
[04:39:40] and we will have a policy that I think is so great.
[04:39:44] No tax on tips.
[04:39:49] No tax on overtime.
[04:39:54] And no tax on social security for our great seniors.
[04:39:58] No tax.
[04:40:00] And you know, when you think of it, our seniors were-
[04:40:02] They're my false alarmist.
[04:40:03] MAGA, it's like MAGA hogs tweeting at her,
[04:40:05] to fucking tell her to wave.
[04:40:07] I look, I look at her replies.
[04:40:10] It's like a bunch of fucking like real American patriots
[04:40:13] being like, please wave at us where I'm seeing you on TV.
[04:40:17] Americans catch up.
[04:40:18] We're going to put a temporary cap on the credit card
[04:40:20] interest rates at 10%.
[04:40:22] People are paying 28% interest, 25% interest.
[04:40:27] I will always protect social security and Medicare
[04:40:30] with no cuts.
[04:40:30] We're not gonna do anything with social security,
[04:40:32] but they're gonna destroy social security
[04:40:35] because all of the migrants coming in
[04:40:37] are going on between Medicare, social security,
[04:40:40] other programs, and nobody is able to afford it.
[04:40:44] I will settle the war.
[04:40:44] Yeah, it's probably fucking Asmongold's viewers
[04:40:47] that are tweeting at him.
[04:40:48] And I will prevent, I promise you, World War III.
[04:40:51] We're not gonna have World War III.
[04:40:53] And right now, we're very close to having it.
[04:40:56] We will lead the world in space exploration.
[04:40:59] Thank you, Elon.
[04:41:00] We will lead the world in military,
[04:41:03] and we will reach Mars before the end of my term.
[04:41:07] Elon promised me he was gonna do that.
[04:41:09] I don't know, can you do that?
[04:41:10] Stand up, can we do that?
[04:41:12] He wants to reach, I think he's gonna do it.
[04:41:16] JD, work on him, work on him.
[04:41:24] Work on him, JD is working on Elon.
[04:41:27] Now he's talking about, we're gonna win
[04:41:30] and he's gonna reach Mars.
[04:41:31] Work that, JD.
[04:41:33] He's a big thing before China, before Russia.
[04:41:37] They're all the exact same type of fucking user.
[04:41:40] We will rebuild our cities, including Washington, DC,
[04:41:43] making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
[04:41:46] And we will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.
[04:41:49] It's losing right now.
[04:41:52] It's losing right now.
[04:41:54] But I'll be able to do it.
[04:41:55] Other people won't.
[04:41:55] I'll tell these countries as they leave us on the way.
[04:41:58] I say, you want to do business in the United States?
[04:42:01] You're going back into the reserve currency.
[04:42:03] And if you don't, we're going to charge you a big,
[04:42:06] fat, beautiful tax to do business in the United States.
[04:42:09] And they're going to say,
[04:42:11] I would love very much to go back
[04:42:12] into the U.S. Reserve currency.
[04:42:15] Now, we're going to save it.
[04:42:16] But these people aren't going to save it.
[04:42:17] They don't know how to talk.
[04:42:19] They don't know how to think.
[04:42:20] Together, we will deliver low taxes, low regulations,
[04:42:23] low energy costs, low interest rates, and low inflation
[04:42:27] so that everyone can afford groceries,
[04:42:30] A beautiful car and a home.
[04:42:32] Very basic.
[04:42:34] It's very basic.
[04:42:35] We will stop the invasion and migrant crime,
[04:42:39] strengthen our military,
[04:42:40] build a missile-defense shield around our country,
[04:42:44] keep critical race theory and transgender insanity.
[04:42:49] We're going to keep the hell out of our school.
[04:42:52] We're going to keep that insanity out of our school.
[04:42:57] And as I said, we will keep men out of women's sports.
[04:43:01] So demeaning to women.
[04:43:06] You saw that in the Olympics, they have female boxing,
[04:43:08] women's boxing, and a young lady from Italy.
[04:43:13] Very good boxer, very, very good.
[04:43:14] She was all excited, but she played a person.
[04:43:16] It's so funny that it's like this is just a total fake story
[04:43:20] that they made up.
[04:43:21] And they just keep being yelled about it.
[04:43:23] But so much of this madness,
[04:43:27] so much of this madness is directly just made up shit.
[04:43:30] You say that, that's the end of your career, right?
[04:43:32] But it's not.
[04:43:33] If it is so big, okay?
[04:43:35] We've got to get back to real life.
[04:43:37] But this beautiful young lady is out
[04:43:38] and she gets bummed, a little jab left jab.
[04:43:43] And she goes back, oh my God, I've never been hit like that.
[04:43:45] This is just like a defensive.
[04:43:47] Then he goes, the corner says, you can take her.
[04:43:51] You can, so they push her out.
[04:43:53] boom another one and she says that's enough. I can't do it. I can't take
[04:43:56] that. You have to understand him being like Eman Khalif is a man or trans or whatever when
[04:44:02] she is not. He's no different than like any number of different conspiracies that they
[04:44:08] operate on. Like the fact that immigrants are killing hundreds of thousands of not millions
[04:44:14] of Americans like it's just made up. All of that shit is just fucking made up of
[04:44:18] the barbell, an eighth of a pound and the other and they can't do it in the
[04:44:23] record standing for 18 years, they just can't do it.
[04:44:25] Most of the Republican strategy is just creating a completely fucking made up story
[04:44:35] and then getting a lot of hype surrounding it and if left unchecked,
[04:44:39] continuing along with it.
[04:44:41] Sometimes even if they are outed as lying, they still continue to lie about it.
[04:44:46] Religious liberty restore free speech and we will secure our we don't know if the guy who attempts self-immolation to the CVS journalist
[04:44:53] They're not
[04:44:54] Thrive and every day will be filled with opportunity and hope we need hope we need the American dream back
[04:45:02] Don't wait. We're gonna have the American dream
[04:45:05] We're gonna have the American dream. So every kid in your family is gonna grow up and say I want to be like Elon Musk
[04:45:11] I want to have I want to have 200 billion in cash
[04:45:16] I'm going to be like Elon Musk, that's the American dream.
[04:45:21] But for that to happen, we must defeat Kamala Harris and we must stop her country destroying
[04:45:27] radical left agenda once and for all.
[04:45:30] We cannot have it happen.
[04:45:34] So you must get out and you must vote.
[04:45:38] Here at this incredible Commonwealth, we stand on the shoulders of generations of Pennsylvania
[04:45:43] patriots, who gave everything they could, give every single thing for their rights and for
[04:45:48] their freedom.
[04:45:50] Pennsylvania's where our founding fathers declared American independence and sounded
[04:45:56] the beautiful Liberty Bell.
[04:45:58] It's where the Army weathered its brutal winter at Valley Forge, where General George
[04:46:02] Washington led his men on a daring mission across the Delaware, and where generations
[04:46:08] of tough, strong, beautiful miners and steelworkers, put Pennsylvania's spirit into every single
[04:46:15] thing they did.
[04:46:18] And from Gettysburg to Germantown and Philadelphia to Barron Hill and from Brandywine to right
[04:46:24] here in Butler, this is the place where Pennsylvania patriots poured out their blood with the
[04:46:31] love of their country.
[04:46:32] They love their country so much.
[04:46:35] So, in honor of all those American heroes
[04:46:37] who came before us, we will press forward,
[04:46:40] we will push onward, and together,
[04:46:42] we will win, win, win.
[04:46:45] We're going to win, win, win.
[04:46:47] Nothing will sway us.
[04:46:50] Nothing will slow us.
[04:46:52] And no one will ever stop us,
[04:46:54] no matter what dangers come our way.
[04:46:57] No matter what obstacles we must face,
[04:46:59] we will keep striving toward
[04:47:02] our magnificent American future.
[04:47:04] We will not fail.
[04:47:05] We will not allow ourselves to fail.
[04:47:08] From this day forward, we will always put
[04:47:10] America first, and we will take back and save
[04:47:12] the United States.
[04:47:14] November 5th, Election Day will be the most
[04:47:16] important day in the history of our country.
[04:47:19] And together with the great people of
[04:47:22] Pennsylvania, we will make America powerful again.
[04:47:29] We will make America wealthy again.
[04:47:34] We will make America healthy again.
[04:47:38] We will make America strong again.
[04:47:43] We will make America proud again.
[04:47:47] We will make America safe again.
[04:47:52] And we will make America great again.
[04:47:56] Thank you, Pennsylvania.
[04:47:58] God bless you.
[04:47:59] God bless you, Pennsylvania.
[04:48:01] I like people being like, oh, why don't we just like why doesn't Eman Khalif Sue Donald Trump?
[04:48:18] Dude, what are you talking about? He literally has like a million lawsuits civil
[04:48:24] Like federal federal prosecution up his ass. It's just like
[04:48:30] Execution none of that shit matters. I got his dancing. He's rich. Okay. He's he's wealthy. He's running for president
[04:48:38] He's a cult leader. Okay. I'll be honest. You know, that speech was ass. Yeah. I mean,
[04:48:50] he's lost the step. It's ass, man. I don't know that didn't move any needles. You know,
[04:49:01] I think the significant aspect of this is that Sienna and MSNBC was covering it for
[04:49:06] like a big chunk of it. I don't know if that's a good thing for him. No. I mean,
[04:49:10] It's not it's not bad. It's like is that plate it does that sort of shit that they did in the beginning singing a maria
[04:49:16] Does that play to the average American?
[04:49:19] I'm trying to recall back when that would have been
[04:49:22] You know he's not first of all there was was there ever?
[04:49:28] There may have been a time when I would have cried
[04:49:31] There may have been a time in my life when I would have cried
[04:49:36] Why are you jerking off?
[04:49:45] He's doing the gay OSD
[04:49:47] This picture of moth jumping I can't believe they fucking posted this dude he looks like
[04:50:01] absolute dog shit he looks disgusting not to be it not to be like a fat shamer and now
[04:50:11] are you gonna be go ahead you're gay you're loud I just don't understand if you're a
[04:50:14] multi-billionaire he obviously cares about how he looks and there's nothing wrong with
[04:50:18] this right he wants to if he's happy and comfortable that's his prerogative but
[04:50:23] you're a multi-billionaire I would have a chef everywhere with me you can make
[04:50:30] delicious food that was like perfect to macros and just fucking 20 minutes a day
[04:50:37] on this there master right that you could literally port into you could
[04:50:41] bring it to your fucking hotel room you know what I mean like you could have
[04:50:45] it on your 787 jet, which I would own. Alright, he's not like you're a billionaire. You're
[04:50:50] not even good at being a billionaire. Like, he's not even good at being rich. You know,
[04:51:00] I don't know. You know what? If he's happy, I support him. I don't. I support the concept
[04:51:08] of being happy in your own body, not him. In particular, he is incredibly sad. Oh,
[04:51:13] fuck him he's an incredibly sad other concept of being having a belly who
[04:51:18] gives a shit if you want to have a belly fuck yeah have that belly bitch I don't
[04:51:23] give a shit all I'm saying is he clearly cares he transplanted his entire head
[04:51:28] right so like clearly he gives a shit you know I'm saying he is get you get
[04:51:37] his ass on the stairmaster and get a chef what the fuck are you doing you're
[04:51:42] billionaire I mean I I don't understand either but he's such a day on the
[04:51:49] fuck is that a personal trainer guy he is such a pathetic sad man like straight
[04:51:55] up and I know every day of his existence is is riddled with anxiety where he's
[04:52:02] just like desperately trying to seek out favor from more and more people
[04:52:07] knowing full well that the only thing he could do is like purchase a hug box
[04:52:12] Purchase fucking sycophants that surround him and and that he is always forever going to be said. I mean
[04:52:36] I don't
[04:52:38] You didn't respond in time. It's your fault
[04:52:42] Kind of here. Let's move on to fun things like
[04:52:50] Dua Lipa
[04:52:53] Dua Lipa came out with a new concoction and
[04:52:55] And, Asom, what do you think about Trump wanting to leave NATO because as a European I'm actually kind of scared?
[04:53:02] Dude, Donald Trump was president for four years. Did he leave NATO? No, okay. He literally made NATO pay more for American defense, which Joe Biden also left intact.
[04:53:18] So, once again, as I will repeat this, American foreign policy is bipartisan. I'm missing what?
[04:53:27] Yeah, people are leaving, this is such a great song.
[04:53:35] Trump's staying on the stage.
[04:53:59] This is a weird bargain because like there's news media reporting now on like people leaving
[04:54:04] Trump's rallies before Trump's speeches are done.
[04:54:07] And I am almost certain that he did this to be like, oh, see, there's going to be
[04:54:11] a fun event at the end of it, fun for him, not for his dumb ass hot supporters.
[04:54:18] the media will absolutely cover this as Trump was still on stage while people started leaving
[04:54:23] by by massive numbers which is going to be a self-defeat for him because the media will still
[04:54:29] say Trump was on stage while people started leaving the rally before the rally was over
[04:54:34] in large quantities and that's hilarious because his goal most likely was to make it
[04:54:41] it so that they stay till the end. So it's gonna end up backfiring on him because now
[04:54:53] you have images of him on stage as people are walking out in droves. This guy is
[04:55:11] spitting though holy shit he's got pipes. This is A.I. footage no one is leaving I'm
[04:56:06] I'm looking I'm looking at what you're saying. I'm watching
[04:56:30] Shrek songs, I don't think
[04:56:56] You could have had too short, but he has this penguin instead
[04:57:14] He's not that yeah, he's good Austin is not muted. We were both muted we were talking
[04:58:26] If you this is a flex from Trump to be like see you can't assassinate me
[04:58:36] like he never strides twice.
[04:58:39] And that sort of thing.
[04:58:44] That sort of situation.
[04:58:59] You think NATO doomers are thinking, increasing notice, many member states get upset and started
[04:59:03] like them right wing leaders because of the bad economy?
[04:59:05] Right wing leaders?
[04:59:07] Who do you think NATO is?
[04:59:10] That's why Maloney, literally Maloney came into power as an Italian fascist
[04:59:16] and is gladly on board with NATO.
[04:59:20] No right-wing leader in Europe is gonna be anti-nado. Okay, they'll say they're anti-nado to win votes
[04:59:26] But they will never be anti-nado NATO is
[04:59:30] Responsible for the for the resurgence of fascism in Europe in the immediate aftermath of World War two
[04:59:39] okay
[04:59:41] If chat keeps saying unmute because they're singing I'm gonna fucking hope that
[04:59:48] The the I'm gonna hope what happened to Trump happens to me. Okay
[04:59:54] I don't care dude what the fuck you guys are so fucking stupid
[05:00:01] This is a better than a speech. I mean, yeah
[05:00:10] Yes, and countries are trying to join native of which fish you stick laying grabs. No, dude. I
[05:00:16] mean
[05:00:19] It doesn't matter. I'm not even gonna talk about this
[05:00:22] Stop talking show some respect
[05:00:48] 30 million people watching on x-day everything app. Yeah, no, it's real. It's definitely real
[05:00:53] There's another one. Here we go
[05:01:26] Why does it feel like a cult? Because it is, dude. Because it is.
[05:01:40] This is as close as, like, a mass cult.
[05:01:45] Close to a mass cult as you can get, okay?
[05:01:49] Here, you put that on there.
[05:01:53] Yeah, sure.
[05:01:55] Getting fucking heated.
[05:02:00] Why are we watching this to the end? You know why.
[05:02:03] You know why we're watching this to the end.
[05:02:10] You never know, okay? You never know.
[05:02:14] I'm gonna go get some food.
[05:02:16] You never- Can you eat already?
[05:02:18] Oh, you had breakfast.
[05:02:19] I eat multiple times a day like I know you're right you're right my bad my B
[05:02:28] Okay, I'm taking Austin to the Lebanese fundraiser later the fundraiser for Lebanon
[05:02:37] It won't happen while you're watching
[05:02:45] Would you get that shirt from it's a Chromio Lebanon shirt dude?
[05:02:56] They gave it to me
[05:02:59] They're my homies. I don't know. I'm sure they felt they told it at some point
[05:03:04] by the way while this fucking dipshit was saying this Israel is pummeling
[05:03:20] north Gaza and is trying to do another like accelerated accelerated
[05:03:27] holocaust in northern Gaza more so than before I know you're gonna be like what
[05:03:32] do you mean that's normal like that's always how it is and yeah it's Israel
[05:03:41] is bombing Lebanon. From what I understand, it might have even blown up a Lebanese gas
[05:03:47] station owned by a French company. But of course that found the FDD guy that I will follow
[05:03:56] for a lot of these like events immediately was like, ooh, secondary explosions after
[05:04:01] the first bombing implies that there was a munitions depot here. And one must ask the
[05:04:07] question why uh one was asked the question why uh you know Hezbollah is hiding weapons in the
[05:04:15] middle of a densely populated civilian area and uh it turns out it was uh likely a gas station that
[05:04:23] blew up but that didn't stop the foundation for defending democracy guy from acting like it
[05:04:29] wasn't a gas station. Can you review the rally from a scale of one to ten?
[05:04:50] What?
[05:04:52] Washington Post reports that Israel bootstrap has been walking talkies nine years ago and contented themselves with eavesdropping for that period while reserving the option to turn them into bombs.
[05:05:01] What?
[05:05:03] No.
[05:05:04] I don't believe that.
[05:05:06] I have a feeling Israel is going to do something awful more than what they've already done on October 7.
[05:05:48] I have that feeling as well.
[05:05:50] Basically doing the master cleanse, do a leave on or honk roll shit.
[05:06:09] The only thing I take issue with in this in this duly put concoction
[05:06:20] Is the fact that she put the coke in the fucking
[05:06:25] The coke in the glass glass full of ice
[05:06:40] They already said they're a tag on Iran. No
[05:06:53] Israel does not
[05:06:55] Israel rarely ever attacks enemies that can fight back
[05:06:59] Okay
[05:07:00] Israel can only kill helpless
[05:07:03] defenseless individuals understand this reality no matter what happens Israel
[05:07:10] only knows how to punish and murder children and ruthlessly slaughter more
[05:07:14] and more kids that's it they literally are they're their cowards they're they're
[05:07:27] fucking cowards they might they might inevitably do why are these guys posting
[05:07:35] about this like this doesn't look I actually don't understand it wait that's Elon why does
[05:08:28] he look like that he just looks like that dude issues is really just got fucked by Hasbolon
[05:09:05] the ground invasion and they immediately just went back to bombing civilians instead
[05:09:08] exactly they have no way they have no way of like they have no way of they have no
[05:09:20] way of fighting an honest fight or a fair fight even though it wouldn't be a fucking
[05:09:24] fair fight to invade Lebanon anyway. But they can't even do that. That's, I've told you
[05:09:30] this already. An unattractive person supports my perceived opponent. Liberal, we better use
[05:09:40] it, my Democrats. Yes dude, Elon Musk is gross, both inside and out. Sorry that that fucking
[05:09:46] offends your sensibilities, like, the fuck? Yeah. I mean, he's not just unattractive,
[05:09:53] plenty of unattractive people on either side of the political spectrum. He's also completely
[05:09:59] fucking oblivious to the way he looks and the way he behaves, especially because he's surrounded
[05:10:05] by people who are telling him he's awesome. Okay, like this to me and the fact that it's
[05:10:13] being celebrated regularly by all of these other fucking dinguses up and down the
[05:10:18] timeline show me that the Republicans are so delusional. They don't even have a concept
[05:10:23] of like optics or or perceiving things that are in front of their eyes. It's just pure team
[05:10:28] sport at this point. But yes, thank you for agreeing with me that Elon Musk is a husk of a human,
[05:10:39] barely a human. Will your event be streamed anywhere? I think so. Yeah, it's going to be
[05:11:16] streamed and you can buy tickets at this link. I retweeted it this morning.
[05:11:29] That broski, you got a response to that or no? Like in order of, in order of priority,
[05:11:38] I feel like the things that Elon Musk advocates for purchasing an entire social media platform
[05:11:44] and like actively turning that social media platform into a propaganda rag for Nazi sentiments,
[05:11:50] including but not limited to following Nazis, elevating Nazis, sometimes restoring Nazi accounts
[05:11:56] deliberately and voluntarily, even after they have shown that they have child sexual abuse
[05:12:03] material that they actually disseminated on the platform. I feel like that is in order
[05:12:08] of priority, magnitude is worse than someone calling him ugly. But if your main, if your
[05:12:15] main counter to that is like, I can't believe you fucking ugly shamed him, then I don't
[05:12:19] know what to tell you, you know, it seems like your priorities are a little out of
[05:12:23] whack. Yeah, I think he's a gross person inside and out. He is a physically monstrous
[05:12:32] demonic individual
[05:12:34] The moderate Kamala is reaching for we found in the chat. Yeah
[05:12:47] Where is this guy? Why did he shut the fuck up?
[05:12:51] I'm waiting for him to respond. No, don't let the Hassan Elon live will go and check. It's not even liable
[05:13:38] It's just correct. That's the kind of chatter that loves the shit on a song of the moment. They're perceived. They're out. Yeah
[05:13:53] They want to just like quietly say talk this shit. Who do you hate more Elon or Ben Shapiro? I don't know
[05:13:59] I think
[05:14:01] I hate both. It's a really tough question. I feel like Elon might take it. What a vague
[05:14:17] post by Fox news reporter. Yeah, of course. I mean, he is like literally at the tip of
[05:14:22] the spear in the house for operation for Fox news tray inks. Something significant is happening
[05:14:27] in Northern Gaza tonight. Still gathering details. What he means by that is basically
[05:14:32] I'm still waiting for my idea of contact to tell me, you know, how these schools and these
[05:14:39] mosques and the remaining camps that exist in northern Gaza were pummeled into oblivion
[05:14:47] in an appropriate manner that it had to be done. That's what he means when he says that.
[05:14:58] I've been thinking of counterargument for why Hezbollah shouldn't be allowed to
[05:15:01] to, what? How Israel shouldn't be allowed to attack Hezbollah? Okay, I don't understand
[05:15:11] what you're asking for here, but here's a really solid way to completely stop the strikes,
[05:15:18] right, on northern Israel from Hezbollah. It's called No Longer Doing Genocide in Gaza.
[05:15:25] Okay. That is what Hezbollah has said. Israel has that option. They could do that. And the
[05:15:35] attacks on northern Israel, like the bombing campaign in northern Israel, will stop. Israel
[05:15:42] just simply doesn't consider that to be a thing that is within the realm of reason.
[05:15:48] Okay. If Hezbollah is not sanctioned by the Lebanese government, they're rogue militia
[05:16:17] because Lebanese government won't stop Hez as Israel has to. I like that you said
[05:16:23] I've been thinking of a counterargument for why Israel shouldn't be allowed to attack Hezbollah
[05:16:27] And instead what you meant to say was I've been thinking of a way to justify Israel attacking Lebanon
[05:16:34] And the argument you came up with is a shittier rehashing of
[05:16:40] A shittier fucking rehashing of what
[05:16:43] Israel has been claiming, basically. You just repeated what the IDF claims are
[05:16:49] Losers trying to bait you to clip you out of context for his fellow losers
[05:16:53] Yeah. I mean, it's just really, really bad.
[05:16:57] Thank you for the response.
[05:17:00] Well, I mean, I gave you a response before your follow-up.
[05:17:04] Hasbulla is not simply just a rogue militia, by the way.
[05:17:31] Maybe in its inception, but Hasbulla now is an active party in the Lebanese parliament
[05:17:38] and actually one of the most popular parties in the Lebanese parliament.
[05:17:41] So, it's not exactly just a rogue militia.
[05:18:04] Israel's actions in Lebanon is also precisely the reason why, uh, does Bala exist to begin
[05:18:12] with?
[05:18:13] Are you part of a sleeper cell?
[05:18:14] A sleeper cell of what?
[05:18:19] Serving you the three-minute average at the top of the hour?
[05:18:25] Because the answer to that is yes, I am.
[05:18:28] I am a part of a rogue group that serves you three-minute average at the top of the
[05:18:32] hour.
[05:18:33] to see those ads. All you need to do is subscribe. I'm not going to talk about the Femmysides
[05:18:39] in Turkey today, uh, chatters, Turkish chatters. I will get to that on Monday. Okay. I'll cover
[05:18:48] it on Monday. I've seen the videos. They're horrifying. Instead, you're going to play
[05:19:01] Alden Ring, right? No, I'm not going to do that either. Here's the term now right now.
[05:19:04] By the way, late to the party, Senator Van Hollen, Democratic Senator Van Hollen,
[05:19:32] Biden is real. The problem we have here is a pattern. The pattern is that Prime
[05:19:35] and then he ignores the United States and he gets rewarded for it. Wow.
[05:19:41] Biden sought peace but facilitated war by Nicholas Kristoff.
[05:19:48] I mean, New York Times op-eds finally arriving at this fucking conclusion
[05:19:53] months later, not the worst, I guess.
[05:19:57] I guess it means that like something is changing.
[05:20:02] Something is changing in the overall attitudes and the way that we examine
[05:20:06] Our relationship with Israel. What are your thoughts on out of though claiming turkeys next on the list? Come on, dude
[05:20:23] Turkey is a NATO nation with
[05:20:26] American nukes inside of American military bases
[05:20:30] Turkey is a NATO country with American nukes inside of American military bases
[05:20:36] Turkey is the second largest military in NATO Turkey has the second largest
[05:20:41] military in NATO. No, Israel is not going to fucking invade Turkey, a country that has
[05:21:08] direct pipelines that energize the entire Israeli grid that redirect oil and gas from
[05:21:18] Assad by John into Israel. Rare information you need to consider that his involvement
[05:21:36] in the government allowing corruption through his party and his allies party, especially
[05:21:39] Gebranbazin led to these heavy losses. They forgot for a second that they were resistance. Just an angle
[05:21:45] I think you should consider cover considering they have been heavily
[05:21:50] I mean it literally doesn't matter because Israel's invasion reminds people as though directly why
[05:21:57] They exist
[05:22:02] Israel beat the fuck out in two minutes with the invader Turkey. No, I mean
[05:22:07] No, this is just silly, it's not a real thing. It's not a real point of contention, okay
[05:22:12] Okay?
[05:22:13] The Jibta'i Badawan basically just reiterates that every now and then because he knows that
[05:22:17] there's a lot of appetite in every Muslim country to put a stop to what Israel is doing.
[05:22:26] And ultimately, he has to present himself as someone who is at odds with Israel.
[05:22:31] They've taken some decent optical initiatives in that regard.
[05:22:37] But what I just repeated still stands.
[05:22:40] Okay?
[05:22:47] If you've ever trusted me on anything, trust me on this link.
[05:23:00] Every time a pollster asks me anything, I ask them who I can vote for to stop sending
[05:23:03] weapons to Israel in violation of 18 U.S.CC 1091D.
[05:23:17] Not only does Turkey have a decently combat-ready army due to its military actions against
[05:23:36] that want to create their own nation-states in the region. But beyond that, more importantly
[05:23:46] than that, more significantly than that, the Turkish government provides Israel with energy.
[05:23:58] Okay? Here's Anthony Bourdain on the Beirut episode of No Reservations as Israel apparently
[05:24:04] started bombing.
[05:24:05] The first trip to Beirut changed I think all of our attitudes about, well it changed everything
[05:24:13] because we, first of all it changed my attitude about the world.
[05:24:17] It was a very endearing, angry experience, so I really didn't know how to process it.
[05:24:23] My immediate feeling when I came out of it was, we are not making a show out of this,
[05:24:27] you know.
[05:24:28] Can you just explain a little bit of what happened?
[05:24:29] Well, we went to make a show about food and culture in Beirut, swing in Beirut, and you
[05:24:36] know, I think day two or day three, my crew and I are sitting there emptying the mini-bar.
[05:24:41] We look out the window and the airport blows up and the Israelis started bombing and
[05:24:48] rocketing the Lockade and we were along with a lot of other people trapped there
[05:24:56] for, I don't know, a little over a week, and eventually exiltrated off the beach.
[05:25:04] You know, basically we stood there and watched, you know, whole neighborhoods getting blasted.
[05:25:14] It was an embittering experience.
[05:25:18] But I guess the most immediate effect beyond the attitude, the way I looked at the world
[05:25:24] in general, was we saw that it gave us license to wander away from food a bit.
[05:25:35] We started to say, you know, it's sort of obscene to try to shoo our food in every scene,
[05:25:43] you know?
[05:25:44] That's not what I mean.
[05:25:45] Food's super important.
[05:25:46] It's a way we get people to say things to us, you know, that willingness to accept
[05:25:51] food and drink from strangers, food and drink that people are often very proud of,
[05:25:56] that gets us a lot.
[05:25:58] People open up and their defenses drop, but it's not every...
[05:26:04] I didn't come away from that thinking,
[05:26:06] well, we're important now, we're going to start tackling some really serious issues.
[05:26:11] It wasn't that, but there was a sense of discomfort, I think,
[05:26:22] with relentlessly returning to food, you know,
[05:26:26] And that's not the most important thing in the room, perhaps.
[05:26:29] It gave us license for better or worse
[05:26:31] to wander a little further.
[05:26:32] And then, of course, later, CNN gave us license
[05:26:35] to wander away completely whenever we wanted.
[05:26:40] We realized, look, we're in the storytelling business.
[05:26:43] We're not in the food business, necessarily.
[05:26:47] So I don't know.
[05:26:50] It got all of us thinking about a lot of things.
[05:26:53] What's important in life?
[05:26:58] I went home and made a baby with my wife.
[05:27:01] My then girlfriend.
[05:27:01] I mean, it was,
[05:27:04] dude, it's like kind of crazy going from Anthony Bourdain
[05:27:08] and his Beirut special
[05:27:12] to literally fucking Tyler Olavera.
[05:27:16] How far we have fallen.
[05:27:25] Why people fell off after Bourdain.
[05:27:27] Yeah.
[05:27:33] It's crazy cause they're not even doing this shit no more.
[05:27:35] America's like, nah.
[05:27:37] America's like nah dude do your thing Israel they should have known better not the fucking live there you know what I'm saying
[05:27:45] What the fuck is this noise dude?
[05:28:29] My name's Anthony Bourdain and for most of my adult life I've been a chef in New York City restaurant kitchens a few years back
[05:28:35] I wrote a obnoxious but very successful book that led to a television show about food and people and far away places and
[05:28:43] How those subjects intersected in July of 2006 my camera crew and I went to Beirut
[05:28:50] Went to Lebanon looking to make a happy food and travel show
[05:28:55] About a resurgent country
[05:28:58] newly refurbished be constructed city and so much more sophisticated and tolerant and
[05:29:09] And beautiful and I thought it was going to be but much more importantly
[05:29:13] You know, where people are proud of their food
[05:29:15] and their culture and their country.
[05:29:17] Master, go and throw it on him.
[05:29:20] Yeah, I like that.
[05:29:21] I don't know if we have a show.
[05:29:22] I mean, I don't know if we have a story.
[05:29:25] Not a bad.
[05:29:28] It's not a fully fleshed out portrait of the Beirut,
[05:29:30] me, Todd, Jerry, Tracy, and Diane.
[05:29:36] Wanted to show the world.
[05:29:38] It's not a hard news account of what happened to Lebanon
[05:29:43] what happened to Beirut. I think it best. It's a little bit of what Beirut was and could have been.
[05:29:52] What it felt like to be there when things went sideways. If this is not the show,
[05:30:01] we went to Lebanon to get. So are these relatively good times for Beirut? I mean, I may see, you
[05:30:17] know, bullet riddled buildings in the background, but you know, just my first night in town,
[05:30:22] town. It looked like everybody
[05:30:26] in town is young, beautiful and
[05:30:28] throwing a lot of money around.
[05:30:30] Am I too old to like be here?
[05:30:32] No, no, so I met up with my guy
[05:30:34] Joe in downtown Beirut. He turns
[05:30:36] out to be a really nice guy.
[05:30:38] He's proud of his country, and
[05:30:40] it looked like it was going to
[05:30:42] be a really fun shoot. The
[05:30:44] thing is that there is a very
[05:30:46] positive energy in in Beirut
[05:30:48] nowadays that even during the
[05:30:50] war, it was the same. So it
[05:30:52] haven't become a war correspondent. Yeah, but I think in many respects, he's the perfect
[05:30:55] person. This is from 2006 when Israel invaded Lebanon and then was quickly purged. But the
[05:31:05] thing is, in many respects, like he's the perfect person to have been there because
[05:31:12] He's not as like, um, he's not as like, husband up. Okay. That's the whole point. Like he's
[05:31:25] not, he's just like a normal dude. He's a chef. He's got, you know, some issues is whatever.
[05:31:31] Like he, he is not a career journalist whose job is to frame things that are happening
[05:31:38] in real time with additional motivations. You know what I mean? It's actually like
[05:31:46] like for him, him being there is a, is a, you know, he's the perfect person to communicate
[05:31:55] what's going on there basically.
[05:31:57] Even, even during a journalist, American journalists are very interesting.
[05:32:04] They'll have Israeli bombs exploding on top of their fucking heads and they'll be able
[05:32:08] to find a way to contextualize why it's appropriate as they are directly victims to Israeli
[05:32:14] violence.
[05:32:15] Their job is to cover and not be a witness to Israeli violence, but instead a willing
[05:32:21] participant in some ways, even if they themselves might fucking get hit by it.
[05:32:25] The civil war, we used to put the music very high and like drink and smoke and don't go
[05:32:35] back to the shelters.
[05:32:36] That was a basic rule that wasn't cool.
[05:32:39] Yeah.
[05:32:40] We want to die, let's die happy.
[05:32:42] So now that things have stabilized, is it even more of a party town or is it just...
[05:32:50] There are both sides, you know, everybody's going out, everybody's rich, everybody has
[05:32:55] two cellars, but that's not on the disk.
[05:32:58] Like if you go behind these streets, there is a lot of poverty and a lot of pain
[05:33:05] as well.
[05:33:06] There's always been a...
[05:33:08] Harris increasingly dire humanitarian situation. They're not they're not facing an increasingly
[05:33:15] dire humanitarian situation. Israel's bombing them. Israel is bombing them, Kamala. Your
[05:33:27] ally, you're giving them the bombs to bomb Lebanon. This is not a natural disaster.
[05:33:54] directed increasingly dire humanitarian situation. I'm going to say the way American leadership
[05:34:40] treats Israel's violent acts as a natural disaster is disgusting, especially when you
[05:34:43] realize that they give Israel the bombs to create the increasingly dire humanitarian
[05:34:47] situation. You're going to lose that Trump follow if you tweet that. Trump doesn't follow
[05:35:01] me. He only added me one time. Yeah, category five bombs are...
[05:35:08] the wrong clinician in this part of the world
[05:35:11] towards eating really well.
[05:35:12] I mean, Lebanon is very famous for its food.
[05:35:15] I mean, everyone's been through here.
[05:35:16] I want the Greeks, the Romans, the Phoenicians, the French.
[05:35:20] So I always knew this was going to be a good place to eat.
[05:35:25] I thought this is going to be a great show.
[05:35:29] Everybody we met was like an ambassador for Beirut.
[05:35:32] From whatever walk of life, whether it was Sunni or Shiite
[05:35:35] or Christian or whether they were a professional fixer
[05:35:39] or just somebody you've met in the street
[05:35:41] or somebody who went to a restaurant
[05:35:42] or random people at a nightclub.
[05:35:44] Everybody was so jacked, so psyched about this city,
[05:35:48] so proud of their food.
[05:35:49] Welcome, hi, how are you?
[05:35:51] Welcome, thanks.
[05:35:52] Welcome, how are you?
[05:35:54] Welcome, how are you?
[05:35:55] Welcome, how are you?
[05:35:57] How are you?
[05:35:58] This place felt kind of familiar,
[05:36:00] much like a New York diner.
[05:36:02] Welcome, welcome, how are you?
[05:36:04] Welcome, how are you?
[05:36:06] And the welcoming he does is very, very interesting.
[05:36:09] What would you order?
[05:36:12] I can start with starters like hummus or sambal, small things of the Lebanese table of Dumese.
[05:36:19] Right.
[05:36:20] And after this you will see what's the daily meal.
[05:36:24] Oh good, good.
[05:36:25] We like that.
[05:36:26] What do you drink here?
[05:36:27] You want some haran?
[05:36:28] I believe there's alcohol on that, yes.
[05:36:29] Yes, I think I want that.
[05:36:30] But now when you drink an haran it's always like.
[05:36:35] as a ccp up i'm recognizing increased activity of fucking idiots in the chat today i don't know what
[05:36:43] that's about when i use cube and a little water yeah basically you put a little bit and then the
[05:36:49] small shots okay you have to do this okay you have to do this all right yeah okay so
[05:37:00] It's good. It's like a pastis.
[05:37:04] It's like pastis. It's like a smoothie.
[05:37:06] Right.
[05:37:07] The good thing about that is like when you're drinking,
[05:37:09] you're drinking, you're feeling like you're standing up
[05:37:11] and you've got it.
[05:37:12] That was an amazing meal at the chef.
[05:37:27] You know, it's exactly the sort of place
[05:37:30] that we like to do on the show.
[05:37:32] It was that nice mix of old school, new school neighborhood.
[05:37:36] Really good food, very traditional.
[05:37:38] Thank you.
[05:37:40] Thank you.
[05:37:41] So what did you say? You beat like Bogar,
[05:37:43] with minced meat, and the minced meat, they stuff it inside.
[05:37:48] They put it in a big plate and they put it in the oven,
[05:37:51] like a kibbeh pizza.
[05:37:53] That's one kind of kibbeh.
[05:37:54] Like in Lebanon, you have like 20, 30 kinds of kibbeh.
[05:37:57] I like the sound of that.
[05:37:58] I hope you don't mind.
[05:37:59] I'm going to show off a piece here.
[05:38:01] Oh, yeah, there we go.
[05:38:03] Oh, yeah.
[05:38:07] Yeah, I like that.
[05:38:09] It was supposed to be my first day of that.
[05:38:11] Oh, yeah.
[05:38:12] When I come to town, it's a very bad day to go on a diet.
[05:38:15] I bumped into an ex-pat on the street.
[05:38:20] He was very enthusiastic about the fact that I was coming here.
[05:38:23] He said, oh, yeah, yeah, you're going to the right place.
[05:38:26] It's a little bit like the old Beirut.
[05:38:28] You feel that it's really alive. It's a little bit noisy.
[05:38:32] Yeah, I love this. And everybody can afford it.
[05:38:37] Right. Yeah, I'm liking this.
[05:38:40] The good first meal in Beirut is fantastic.
[05:38:43] You know, it's already predisposed to like the food,
[05:38:46] I heard good things, the vibe was good.
[05:38:50] That's always a good thing.
[05:38:51] Those are always the places that I have the best time
[05:38:54] and the most enthusiastic myself.
[05:38:56] And where we tend to get the best shows.
[05:39:01] They're certainly the ones I'm proudest of, you know,
[05:39:03] when I'm genuinely happy to be in a place.
[05:39:07] So that's what I was feeling right up.
[05:39:10] And I'm sure, you know, I guess Joe was thinking
[05:39:13] along similar lines.
[05:39:14] a pretty good day.
[05:39:18] And then in a heart beat, everything started to go
[05:39:22] a fall apart fast.
[05:39:31] So after lunch, we walked over to the site of
[05:39:33] former Prime Minister Raffin Cariri's assassination
[05:39:36] and memorial.
[05:39:38] So Joe, what happened here?
[05:39:40] Well, here was the blast that killed the Fihariri.
[05:39:44] And they say it was more than 2,000 pounds.
[05:39:49] So the blast was right over there?
[05:39:51] Yeah.
[05:39:51] Is he still in government at that time?
[05:39:53] No, no, he wasn't in government.
[05:39:54] But he was still considered influential?
[05:39:56] Yeah, very influential.
[05:39:57] With some people, they consider him
[05:39:59] like a big guy in the Japanese modern politics.
[05:40:03] But others, they consider him as a thief or whatever.
[05:40:06] It's very conflictual.
[05:40:08] Not unusual that there would be a number of opinions
[05:40:10] on any particular subject.
[05:40:13] There wasn't much difference of opinion on display
[05:40:15] four weeks after Herriri's death,
[05:40:16] when a united front of about a million Lebanese Muslim
[05:40:19] Christians converged on martyrs' square.
[05:40:21] It was a galvanizing event in that sense.
[05:40:26] Marchers demanded the immediate withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon, and a call
[05:40:30] for an investigation into Hariri's assassination.
[05:40:33] In April 2005, Syrian troops withdrew from Lebanon, and a UN probe implicated both Syria
[05:40:41] and elements within Lebanese security forces in Hariri's murder.
[05:40:45] It has nothing to do with patriotism, no? Or with fanatism? It has only to be like, with living decently, whatever is your conviction, whatever is your ethnic, religious or whatever group.
[05:41:01] And for once, you can see on the grave over there, people licking the sign of the cross and people like reading the Fatiha. The purpose is one, the way you do your belief, it's your whole thing.
[05:41:13] Here, Joe is talking about the significance of this event,
[05:41:16] how tolerant, how hopeful, how different things were.
[05:41:22] And really, mid-segs, we start here on an automatic weapons fire
[05:41:27] like a neighborhood away.
[05:41:32] Which way? Still down, where is it for there?
[05:41:34] Yeah.
[05:41:35] And a few seconds later, the cars go with his velocity porous
[05:41:40] or a start to drive by waving flags, kids flashing the view for victory sign,
[05:41:46] and celebrating the capture and kidnapping of these row soldiers.
[05:41:56] The 17 2006 evasion began.
[05:41:58] I'm just saying that the embarrassment, I really wish you Americans didn't have to see this,
[05:42:02] you know, that's not the image we want to show.
[05:42:05] The way I think it'll do all this can happen.
[05:42:14] There was a sense of resignation that I'll pay for this.
[05:42:19] I thought it was being pretty gloomy and pessimistic about it.
[05:42:24] I couldn't imagine that that scenario would be what would happen.
[05:42:28] I just couldn't imagine that.
[05:42:32] I didn't, you know, right away he said they'll destroy the country and that we'll all pay
[05:42:42] for this.
[05:42:43] Man, he was right.
[05:42:52] This audio is crazy.
[05:42:53] They really like to brag and they do do a lot of fair amount of bragging.
[05:43:03] The generation with enough money to go out to clubs
[05:43:05] like to say that they partied through the whole civil war
[05:43:08] that it wasn't cool to go to bomb shelters
[05:43:11] and not to worry there's generators, you know,
[05:43:14] all the nightclubs have generators.
[05:43:15] I guess it's a kind of a graveyard humor.
[05:43:18] VHS? RIP? Yeah, I don't know.
[05:43:29] I don't remember.
[05:43:31] What are you doing there, Ruth?
[05:43:32] When an army's maxing your border there,
[05:43:34] the Israelis are calling off the reserves,
[05:43:36] they're lobbing bombs across the border at Jail Bay?
[05:43:38] You're partying.
[05:43:41] Certainly that night, the party did continue.
[05:43:44] We went to Skybar and met a lot of young Beirutis,
[05:43:47] all of them seem to be the British or West Coast accents.
[05:43:51] It's like South Beach, Southland.
[05:43:53] And they were, well, not exactly dancing up a storm.
[05:44:00] There were a lot of people drinking vodka and red bull,
[05:44:03] even while Israeli jets flew low overhead.
[05:44:07] Yeah. So let's see that you're up like a hundred bombs and artillery shells.
[05:44:11] So like 200 miles out of here.
[05:44:13] The next morning, they killed seven Israeli soldiers and we get back two.
[05:44:16] So there's a responsibility to just do all the air strikes down the south.
[05:44:22] So, you know, what does that mean?
[05:44:24] Okay, but what do you do then?
[05:44:25] We're so used to that.
[05:44:27] Dude, dude, like, do you hear this?
[05:44:31] It's like, uh, Hezbollah, Hezbollah kidnaps two Israeli
[05:44:36] soldiers, like takes him as prisoners of war. Israeli retaliation to that is to just bomb
[05:44:44] literally just random civilian parts. Now basically, we're just talking right now. What
[05:44:55] what is he talking about now? Yeah, basically, yeah. I just was introduced to this guy Ramsey
[05:45:04] short, who was the new editor in chief of Time Out, Beirut.
[05:45:09] And he was so thrilled that he, that A,
[05:45:13] that Beirut even had a timeout, you know,
[05:45:16] 15 cities in the world that his city, you know,
[05:45:18] rated a timeout.
[05:45:20] Completely.
[05:45:20] After hours, everyone comes to places like this.
[05:45:23] There's a couple in Beirut.
[05:45:24] This is one of them, Baba.
[05:45:26] Famous, famous, legendary.
[05:45:27] They do juice.
[05:45:28] They do manushi.
[05:45:30] They do shawarma.
[05:45:31] I will have to get one of those.
[05:45:32] But I'm going to get a shawarma, too.
[05:45:34] Shawarma has to be done I think I got a serious lust for shawarma
[05:45:39] Shawarma is sort of like the Middle Eastern version of the gyro nice juicy slices of marinated roast lamb or sometimes veal or chicken
[05:45:46] Shaved off like a vertical spit wrapped up in pita keep with Thomas and the shredded vegetables
[05:45:52] Where's the oh here's Thomas and the shredded vegetables. That looks good. Whatever it is
[05:46:00] It's good, huh?
[05:46:04] It's so good.
[05:46:06] So what happens tomorrow?
[05:46:08] Tomorrow we see what's happened tonight,
[05:46:12] and we see what the international reaction is
[05:46:14] to the state affairs in the country.
[05:46:16] This is a country that has been historically
[05:46:18] f*****g over for how many centuries?
[05:46:20] I mean, like forever.
[05:46:22] Many, many years.
[05:46:23] Here's a spiteful streak that I find very beautiful.
[05:46:26] It's, you know, I don't care whether you're buzzing
[05:46:28] like nine o'clock.
[05:46:29] Yeah.
[05:46:30] You know, I'm just not f*****g leaving.
[05:46:32] People here love to be here.
[05:46:34] It's a positive place.
[05:46:35] Everyone comes from different religions, different sects.
[05:46:38] They all speak three languages.
[05:46:40] Everyone is fairly westernized in their outlook.
[05:46:43] It is a crossover point.
[05:46:45] It is an ancient point.
[05:46:46] It is traditionally a very tolerant, very age-bearing
[05:46:49] part of the world.
[05:46:51] You know, people are not full of hate here.
[05:46:54] No one wants to go back to the past
[05:46:58] where everyone was divided, finding each other
[05:47:02] and lots of outside influences were involved too.
[05:47:05] Everyone here wants to live a normal decent life.
[05:47:09] Even for Verus, this one's an unusual light, right?
[05:47:12] I think so.
[05:47:14] I mean, I think this is the case.
[05:47:15] When you've got a country which has been through so much
[05:47:19] and all the time, everyone has continued.
[05:47:23] They've wanted to continue
[05:47:24] and they've wanted to live normal lives.
[05:47:26] So this is a major, major, major thing.
[05:47:29] It gives Beirut an edge.
[05:47:31] Everyone wants to do things to the max, and they want to live life to the full.
[05:47:35] So you get food, you get parties, you get drinks, you get new nightclubs,
[05:47:40] and everyone wants to dress up and live it, because they know that maybe tomorrow
[05:47:44] there might not be a tomorrow.
[05:47:46] I think he too, kind of, had a pretty good idea.
[05:47:52] He seemed worried and maybe even resigned to the fact that
[05:47:57] They wouldn't be publishing again for a while.
[05:48:01] Yeah, this is an American creep.
[05:48:03] You are completely correct.
[05:48:05] When I visited Oklahoma City,
[05:48:08] I was once again reminded of the reality that the rural urban divide
[05:48:12] is an international one and that places like New York
[05:48:17] and the people that live there have more and like not the people that live
[05:48:21] there have more in common, but like places like New York
[05:48:23] are more similar to places like Beirut than New York is to fucking Tulsa. Okay? Straight
[05:48:32] up 100%. And I say this as someone who's lived in many cities around the world in both Turkey
[05:48:38] and in America, not around the world necessarily, but I lived in Istanbul, I grew up in Istanbul,
[05:48:43] I grew up in Ankara. I lived in Miami, I lived in New Jersey. I've spent quite
[05:48:51] a bit of time when my mom was living in New York in New York and now I live in Los Angeles
[05:48:59] and let me tell you, okay? Cities are literally cities and city life is why the anti-rural
[05:49:09] stands. It's not an anti-rural stands. I'm just simply stating that a lot of people
[05:49:13] don't understand that big cities are very close to one another in terms of attitudes,
[05:49:22] to is there's a culture in general. Obviously, there's still going to be cultural differences.
[05:49:29] Oh my God, everyone wants to play the victim. Yeah.
[05:49:34] Woke up the next morning to the news that the airport had been bombed.
[05:49:49] At this one, I'd just seen my first missile strike. It was on the airport that we'd flown
[05:49:58] into in Beirut. Dying glow in the background is, I think, the fuel depot from the airport.
[05:50:10] There we are on the balcony of my room,
[05:50:12] nervously emptying out the mini bar
[05:50:14] of watching jet fuel cook off at the airport.
[05:50:19] You know, by now, people back home had gotten the idea
[05:50:22] that we're not doing a Beirut no reservations
[05:50:25] and that it would probably be a very good idea
[05:50:28] to get us to hell out of there as quickly as possible,
[05:50:30] the question being, well, how?
[05:50:33] We wouldn't be getting out of the airport.
[05:50:38] More importantly, our local fixer, a Beiruti.
[05:50:41] Rudy. Lena, some fathers called from Damascus and begged her to get out now and join him there.
[05:50:52] How ironic you already gave me an emergency number. Remember I said we've never had to use these before.
[05:51:08] That's the first.
[05:51:10] That is the first, isn't it?
[05:51:11] We're told the drivers disappeared Ali Shiite from South Deirut was the last to leave us.
[05:51:24] You said you know it's 2006 when Damascus is considered a safe area.
[05:51:29] Lebanese people literally when Israel invaded plenty of Lebanese people still went into
[05:51:35] Syria like this time around as well.
[05:51:42] Maybe not the Damascus, but he refused to go.
[05:51:45] you just said, I'm with you. I'll stay by your side. Yeah, they, they were actually
[05:51:55] they were actually also going or escaping to Syria in such large numbers that Israel
[05:52:00] bombed the border crossing. Israel bombed the border crossing yesterday between Syria
[05:52:09] and Lebanon. Cool stuff. But you know, he kept getting cell phone calls. We knew
[05:52:27] he was from South Beirut. We knew from the news that they were hitting South
[05:52:30] Beirut and at one point all of us just say, you know, you've got to go be with your family.
[05:52:34] You know, given the attitude of the Beirutis we've met the night before, we'd party right
[05:52:38] through anything.
[05:52:39] This was something of a major development.
[05:52:43] You see us packing in a hurry.
[05:52:48] At this point, we don't know where we're going, but we're trying to get out as fast
[05:52:53] as we can in doing what we've been told we should do, which is get packed, stand
[05:52:58] buy for a call from the cleaner, Mr. Wolfe. I go down to the lobby and wandering around.
[05:53:06] I see this rather ordinary looking man, sort of guy, you know, he would not be out of place
[05:53:11] at a office supply convention, sitting there in the lobby. I said, are you Mr. Wolfe?
[05:53:17] He said yes. He said, get everybody together and I'm going to take you over to another
[05:53:22] hotel.
[05:53:25] Two small cars driving very quickly through deserted nighttime streets of Beirut, from
[05:53:32] one side of town to the other.
[05:53:34] You know, Mr. Wolf didn't use his direction.
[05:53:36] He took very unpredictable, you know, sort of counter-surveillance driving or something.
[05:53:42] You know, slow down for the stop light, then blow right through it, take your left turn
[05:53:48] from the middle lane without putting on your directional to a hotel Royale on top of
[05:53:52] of a hill near the embassy with a bird's eye view of the war,
[05:53:58] that minimal risk to us.
[05:54:02] So for the next week, the Hotel Royale was our window
[05:54:06] on the war where we spent a week
[05:54:10] under basically house arrest pretty much.
[05:54:12] Yeah, that was so close, man.
[05:54:14] They do this still to this day,
[05:54:17] where there's like areas where they will gather,
[05:54:21] You know people that remain in embassies and whatnot specifically so that Israel knows what area is not to directly target and bomb
[05:54:31] Every other area obviously they will directly target and bomb
[05:54:37] But yeah, there is like a
[05:54:40] Because you know there's fucking Western journalists that are covering the conflict from Beirut. They have to stay somewhere
[05:54:47] Like a like a green zone
[05:54:53] It's a big western style hotel, get a lot of business that night.
[05:54:57] A lot of people are moving in, a lot of Lebanese Americans, people from Gulf States, people looking
[05:55:02] to get out, we're checking in at the hotel for similar reasons.
[05:55:04] It was a safe part of town and hopefully the next stop would be finding a way out.
[05:55:11] The pool quickly became kind of a watering hole for the people at the Royal.
[05:55:16] It was a place to go to watch the bombings, the evacuations, the place to go for information,
[05:55:21] speculations.
[05:55:25] Not exactly how we were even generally
[05:55:31] discussed in an agency.
[05:55:33] We're damn lucky to be here.
[05:55:35] Yeah.
[05:55:36] It could be a lot worse.
[05:55:37] Fortunately, the carnage that we see on the tube
[05:55:40] is just, you know, serially
[05:55:45] in the far distance.
[05:55:47] We are here.
[05:55:50] It's down there.
[05:55:51] And also we did just get word this morning that our security guy, his house was leveled.
[05:56:00] Probably he was worried, he kept looking at his severity, and it's him who caused this family.
[05:56:06] He wouldn't leave our side. His house gets locked.
[05:56:12] A lot of times it seems like someone would be there visiting family and bringing the kids from the states.
[05:56:17] The parents would be nervous of freaking out while their kids are playing in the pool.
[05:56:23] We come every year and it's been a big part of our life.
[05:56:26] We spent our summers here with the children and my husband.
[05:56:29] He's a very large family. He didn't want us to ever experience this.
[05:56:32] He experienced it back in the early 80s before he came to the US.
[05:56:36] He said, this is something that I never wanted to expose my children to.
[05:56:43] We had to go to the basement because there was a lot of bombs by us.
[05:56:47] One jet hit our buildings.
[05:56:49] They knocked down our house.
[05:56:50] We never slept.
[05:56:52] We slept a little bit.
[05:56:54] We never slept all night.
[05:56:56] Yeah.
[05:56:59] Right now it's without water and without electricity.
[05:57:01] All of their children are used to some bombs.
[05:57:04] They sleep through it, they eat through it,
[05:57:06] they know what to do and where to go
[05:57:07] and it's just a way of life.
[05:57:09] For me to sit in my motel room
[05:57:12] and watch bombs pop and drive through
[05:57:14] and watch the airport on fire.
[05:57:17] To me, if I can visually see it, it's too close.
[05:57:19] But to them, if they're a few kilometers away,
[05:57:22] it's in another city.
[05:57:35] You know, it's funny how little things
[05:57:37] can make a difference.
[05:57:40] It's not it.
[05:57:43] Management let me, as a known chef,
[05:57:46] they let me into the kitchen to cook.
[05:57:49] You know, what my version of French comfort food is,
[05:57:51] you know, for the crew.
[05:57:53] Hi, I'm Anthony.
[05:57:54] So, you know, an amadobe of lamb.
[05:57:56] The kitchen staff at the Royal were really helpful.
[05:57:59] I basically saved my ass.
[05:58:01] I just wanted to make something myself.
[05:58:03] I'm ready to begin.
[05:58:04] I just was happy to do another mindless repetition
[05:58:07] of doing some prep work.
[05:58:09] You know, little things save your life,
[05:58:12] or at least your sanity.
[05:58:14] And when you're in any kind of stressful situation,
[05:58:15] you're really, really certain.
[05:58:18] You were certain that the bombs were going to keep coming.
[05:58:21] That seemed clear from everything we're hearing.
[05:58:25] Obviously, you don't want to die.
[05:58:26] You're worried about what's going to get hit.
[05:58:29] But what I'm saying is, after a while,
[05:58:31] the sound of bombing is not so terrifying.
[05:58:38] We were worried about losing contact with the outside world
[05:58:42] first.
[05:58:42] Power, water is much more concerned than any concern
[05:58:46] about our personal safety.
[05:58:48] But I have to say that it's the uncertainty that
[05:58:52] starts to really, really gnaw at you.
[05:58:54] Todd?
[05:58:56] You be so kind.
[05:58:58] You know, all of us in the crew, we spent a lot of time together, and we were holding
[05:59:05] together.
[05:59:06] But if there was a real threat to that, it was the continuing uncertainty, and I think
[05:59:16] you look for certainty in little, little things.
[05:59:19] You have a string?
[05:59:21] A string?
[05:59:22] A string, yeah.
[05:59:23] A string.
[05:59:24] Yeah.
[05:59:25] So the certainty that you walk into a kitchen, and you're going to bust your f***ing
[05:59:31] jokes. The familiarity of that situation was enormously gratifying to me. It was
[05:59:41] very nice and encouraging to know that the level of discourse in kitchens in
[05:59:45] Beirut is exactly the same as in every other country in the world.
[05:59:51] When the world's upside down, it seems to me spinning out of control and a few
[05:59:57] touchstones go a long way.
[06:00:04] You need some people to ferry this stuff.
[06:00:06] You want to grab that totals?
[06:00:09] You want to take that with you?
[06:00:12] Yeah, grab, uh, grab, there's another rice too.
[06:00:15] Diane, two rice in total and a thing of edge.
[06:00:19] That's it, so you gotta carry something.
[06:00:23] This is heavy.
[06:00:25] Thank you.
[06:00:26] For all I want to say right now, terrible disappointments as restaurant employees, which is really bad news for you considering how well this shoot went.
[06:00:40] You might want to bone up on those essential skills. Your restaurant skills.
[06:00:47] Oh, basic mise en place, table service, table setup.
[06:00:53] I'm telling you, that job at Chuck E. Cheese, slip it through your fingers.
[06:01:00] Okay, let's eat guys eat eat. Is this a wrap party you wish
[06:01:12] Thank you, Todd
[06:01:23] You live in a dream world
[06:01:25] I mean a lot of those people probably have worked in like active complex zones before
[06:01:39] because you know they just a lot of producers and stuff like that have long careers in media
[06:01:49] before they move on to the travel channel but it's still pretty funny because you're
[06:01:54] like I'm at the travel channel we're supposed to be doing this like puff piece on Lebanese cuisine
[06:01:59] and then all of a sudden it's like all of a sudden it's turning it into a major conflict.
[06:02:19] The other side of the story is that this is happening in 2006 which is like
[06:02:24] at the peak of the humanization of Arabs in general.
[06:02:28] You wake up every morning to the rumble of bombs.
[06:02:32] You sleep through, but you wake up to bombing, you watch bombing from the pool during the
[06:02:39] afternoon, you go to sleep to bombing.
[06:02:42] That jet looks kind of American, it is an American jet.
[06:02:44] Israeli jets are American jets.
[06:02:48] You play a lot of poker.
[06:02:50] Not just a ham.
[06:02:52] You eat meals that you wouldn't eat in any other circumstance.
[06:02:55] You hang around the pool, you watch the news incessantly, you listen to rumors.
[06:03:00] According to Italian news, many a time.
[06:03:03] I think we're reaching that peak again.
[06:03:04] Oh yeah, no, it's back.
[06:03:07] But I don't think it's as bad as like post 9-11.
[06:03:09] But it's there.
[06:03:11] It never really went away.
[06:03:13] But it's already evacuating this morning.
[06:03:20] French citizens evacuating tomorrow.
[06:03:24] You know, in our case, we had Mr. Wolfe
[06:03:27] kept us as busy as possible with three time a day
[06:03:30] briefings for what they were worth,
[06:03:33] generally consisting of who else is getting out, not us,
[06:03:35] and how the situation is deteriorating.
[06:03:39] You stay in touch with loved ones back in the States,
[06:03:42] but generally you sit and you wait.
[06:03:45] You have to understand everybody who's wandering
[06:03:47] around the pool, all the guests.
[06:03:49] They're all on cell phones.
[06:03:50] They're calling relatives in the South.
[06:03:51] They're calling friends.
[06:03:52] They're calling somebody who knows somebody back in the States.
[06:03:55] They're calling somebody who knows somebody who works at CNN.
[06:03:58] And then our best source of information time and time
[06:04:01] again was some guy at the pool. He was, you know, pretty thing, airstrikes. So, you know,
[06:04:08] yeah, the Israeli is going to hit just to the left of that building there, and that's
[06:04:11] going to get bombed today. Sure enough, boom. He'd tell us who was getting out. Sure enough,
[06:04:18] they did. I mean, every time we turn on the news, the news is worse.
[06:04:22] The only thing we saw of any official American reaction was that little clip they kept
[06:04:26] showing over and over of our president eating a buttered roll while Tommy Blair tried to
[06:04:31] get his attention. I cannot tell you how how shattering that was, you know, and you had
[06:04:36] a hotel full of people who who'd been waiting for news, you know, some kind of statements.
[06:04:40] So you understand in 2006, um, and the Israeli invasion, the number of total dead, like
[06:04:52] on the Lebanese side was 1200.
[06:04:56] Israel has already surpassed that number
[06:05:00] in Lebanon in the past week.
[06:05:04] So.
[06:05:28] Something saying something, you know,
[06:05:30] not just we're coming to get you,
[06:05:32] but we take the situation seriously.
[06:05:34] That little clip shown again and again and again.
[06:05:38] I had just a shattering effect on everyone.
[06:05:50] Mr. Wolf provided us with like a steady stream of unsettling advice.
[06:05:55] Okay, observations, exercises, things to look out for,
[06:05:58] all with the aim of keeping us out of harm's way.
[06:06:00] We're about to, uh, rehearse our evacuation, uh,
[06:06:05] super awful secret evacuation plan.
[06:06:12] What we have to do is go down to the fourth grill.
[06:06:14] Mr. Wolf decides that we should all have our rooms next to each other.
[06:06:18] Should we have to leave in a hurry?
[06:06:20] that we should individually scout out
[06:06:23] possible emergency methods of egress.
[06:06:26] Now, the reference point is the type cat.
[06:06:29] Nene, you come to every floor, every place in the hotel,
[06:06:33] and scout out multiple ways of leaving from the same place.
[06:06:37] There's another elevator just down in the air.
[06:06:40] As you say, there are eight ways that I have found
[06:06:42] out of your rooms to safety.
[06:06:44] You know, find them.
[06:06:45] We have our vehicles right here.
[06:06:47] We're also encouraged to eat, gather, swim,
[06:06:51] and to do everything at a regular times.
[06:06:53] As he puts it, takes three days to set up a kidnapping.
[06:06:57] Don't make it easy on anyone.
[06:06:58] Load up a bag, quick strap, how do you do it?
[06:07:02] He was also very cagey about loan strangers in the hotel,
[06:07:05] maybe listening in on our conversations.
[06:07:08] Like heightened state of awareness for something he,
[06:07:11] he brought up a lot.
[06:07:13] He also brought up how he might be handing out
[06:07:15] quick clock to us. That was just a kind of morale booster we wanted very early on in our
[06:07:21] stay at the Royal. He says, you know, this quick clock stuff is great. You know, if you
[06:07:25] get shot in the femoral artery, you know, you know, before you bleed out, you just
[06:07:31] pour this stuff right into the wound and pack it in, it'll, you know, it'll close
[06:07:35] right up long enough for you to get to the hospital. Hey, great. I'm sure I'll
[06:07:39] have the presence of mind if shot for the first time, as much as in the femoral
[06:07:43] artery to be, you know, zipping up a mite, quick clot.
[06:08:01] There's just no meat sum up to the story, you know.
[06:08:04] I think, you know, the ugliest and most shameful,
[06:08:09] I mean, you know, look at us in the scenes,
[06:08:11] you know, we're sitting around the pool,
[06:08:13] you know, we're sitting around a bathing suit,
[06:08:14] it's getting tan, you know, watching a war.
[06:08:19] If there's a single metaphor in this entire experience
[06:08:23] that, you know, that's probably not a flattering one.
[06:08:29] What do we got on paper so far?
[06:08:38] We got a bunch of rich kids going when I clean.
[06:08:44] Missed it all?
[06:08:49] Missed it all?
[06:08:50] So we're so pretty here.
[06:08:56] We need to be really when we saw the car.
[06:08:58] I think this goes up the top of the list of unfitting business.
[06:09:03] You know, like the event, the day of a let-us-come-back.
[06:09:06] Helicopter, everyone would run out to the pool
[06:09:15] and the speculation would start
[06:09:17] and then people would start making phone calls.
[06:09:19] Who is it who's getting out?
[06:09:21] What do we do?
[06:09:22] What is this being to us?
[06:09:23] That sort of thing.
[06:09:24] And everyone out on the deck of the pool, watching them go.
[06:09:29] So Tony, in car chopper's neck?
[06:09:31] There you go, the Bricks.
[06:09:32] Yeah.
[06:09:58] He didn't intentionally go there thinking that like the 2006 invasion was going to happen.
[06:10:03] He just was there at will it was happening.
[06:10:07] So he went with a travel channel.
[06:10:08] I think the travel channel was like intentionally like, hey, let's change up.
[06:10:13] Let's change up our our
[06:10:16] Let's change up the type of content that we make and like
[06:10:22] Let's do something entirely different in our security consultant. Mr. Wolf collected us the ride down from the hotel to the assembly point by the beach
[06:10:32] You know we practiced the GOMO, you know now it's time to go
[06:10:35] We all do the express route to the subseller parking lot
[06:10:39] Yes, worth mentioning that in 2006 when Israel invaded Lebanon, they were also using the
[06:10:52] Bring Them Home phraseology for the two IDF soldiers Hezbollah took.
[06:10:56] Also worth mentioning that Israel had only prior chosen to stop its permanent occupation
[06:11:05] only a couple years prior but still had a lot of true presence in the region and was
[06:11:10] still in active conflict over disputed territory, the Sheva Farms area, which, according to the
[06:11:15] United Nations, according to Syria, is actually not occupied Syrian territory currently being
[06:11:21] maintained by Israel, but occupied Lebanese territory currently being maintained by Israel.
[06:11:26] Israel claims it's occupied Syrian territory that they've taken over, but Syria says it belongs
[06:11:31] to Lebanon. The United Nations concluded it belongs to Lebanon. And a week before or like
[06:11:37] a little bit before the cross-border operations were occurring where Hezbollah fighters like
[06:11:48] shot a bunch of Israelis or I think six or something and then they mentioned it and kidnapped
[06:11:53] two of them, took them as prisoners of war. Israel had used a car bomb on another Hezbollah
[06:12:02] person and that that was that was that was what like the pivotal point well that led to the pivotal point
[06:12:19] after the after the has brought up to Israeli soldiers prisoner of war Israel chose to return
[06:12:25] their troops home by by by basically blowing it up taking care of to get us out through the back
[06:12:43] as low as our expectations were, the situation was worse.
[06:12:52] Also, you can see the editorial oversight.
[06:12:55] It's never explicitly stated that the air strikes are from Israel.
[06:12:58] No, they say it. What do you mean? No, am I wrong?
[06:13:02] I feel like they did say it.
[06:13:04] We've been told by the embassy or by the state department,
[06:13:15] you know, show up, you're on the boat.
[06:13:18] Well, you know, look at the footage.
[06:13:23] You know, I'm grateful to get out.
[06:13:25] I know a lot of nice people tried really hard
[06:13:27] to get us on that ship.
[06:13:29] I don't know what to tell you, but if you look at the situation,
[06:13:40] I mean, I can tell you, for me, looking at the situation.
[06:13:43] I don't know of a concert promoter, a night club owner,
[06:13:45] or even a busy restaurateur who couldn't have done a little better.
[06:13:51] A couple of signs, a couple more bullhorns, four more people.
[06:13:56] It wasn't pretty.
[06:14:01] This is where Mr. Wolf really came through for us, hustled us under a truck, passed security,
[06:14:07] and ultimately, on to the boat.
[06:14:15] Everything changed night and day.
[06:14:17] Second, we passed into the, what we, organized, sensitive, talkless, like that.
[06:14:31] Oh
[06:14:57] Many of our fellow passengers were so lucky they left most of those same things behind them
[06:15:02] And it's easy to forget that, you know those first few seconds of relief after slugging dramatically for you to serve
[06:15:08] board the LCU didn't you look at the faces in the rush to get out you know we
[06:15:20] lost a few articles of clothing some camera equipment that tripod many of
[06:15:25] inanimate objects they're basically comparably worthless what and who you
[06:15:30] know had these people lost
[06:15:35] we'd already begun to love a little you know what would happen to them
[06:15:43] the audio is getting crazy here what the fuck given these sellers of Marines
[06:16:24] a mission for which they had no training as best as I could understand for the Marines
[06:16:30] I spoke to and no time to prepare for. Somebody seemed to have made a very wise decision that
[06:16:36] today you're all off the clock. It's about every group of people had a Marine or two.
[06:16:43] It's talking about how you do it.
[06:16:46] Yeah, Marines are used to no training exactly. This is the perfect, this is a
[06:16:52] perfect job for them. No, it's not massage jammers. It's the top of the hour ad break,
[06:17:01] which doesn't even make sense at this point, but it's coming for you regardless. So you should
[06:17:05] avoid it by subscribing for $6 or for free with the touch primers. They're in a break now.
[06:17:10] Where are you from? People seem to have been told to wander freely, help people be nice,
[06:17:18] Offer them what you can, do whatever you can for them.
[06:17:21] Be real.
[06:17:23] It's all in kind of, um...
[06:17:28] Explanation I can have for how wonderful it was.
[06:17:31] I mean, you could just gather a wheel with a bunch of marine smoke and cigarettes on the smoking deck.
[06:17:36] It made all the difference in the world.
[06:17:43] Oh, I hope you get the picture of Lopez.
[06:17:46] That's the time, that's the cover.
[06:17:48] You got that help, you just can't get in the bigger bag.
[06:17:51] I know, I was going to be an agent, you know, I had a stylist,
[06:17:53] got a publicist, now.
[06:17:55] I broke my heart to see him trying to spell to get on her,
[06:17:57] but we got a hundred thousand.
[06:17:59] Aw.
[06:18:01] That's fine.
[06:18:03] It's going to look good on the cover.
[06:18:05] Thank you, congratulations.
[06:18:07] You're right, his head's not going to be able to fit through the door.
[06:18:10] Oh, Jesus, tuna noodle casserole.
[06:18:21] I can tell you this tuna, noodle casserole and macaroni and cheese has never tasted so
[06:18:27] good as hunt the Nashville, I mean, that might be their usual menu.
[06:18:33] I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm sure for kids too, and there were a lot of kids on that
[06:18:37] flight deck on the little refugee camp that they set up there.
[06:18:40] I mean, you know, he's like, it tastes like freedom, brother.
[06:18:43] We're dogs, macaroni and cheese to taste great with a side of not being under imminent
[06:18:49] Israeli bombing.
[06:18:50] That's just about that was right in my zone by the time we got there.
[06:18:56] Oh yeah, tuna noodle casserole.
[06:18:59] It's a joke dish. It's synonymous with awfulness.
[06:19:04] Now a welcome sign, a sign that things were normal, that we were going home.
[06:19:11] Macaroni and cheese. Never have the words comfort food so accurately described something from a steam tank.
[06:19:19] Right back to the warm embrace of the high school lunch room.
[06:19:24] Whatever you had thought of high school,
[06:19:26] it was a safe, familiar place where nothing relative to this hurt.
[06:19:34] You know, you didn't have this monolithic group of soldiers or Marines.
[06:19:38] They were encouraged to allow people to see them as individuals,
[06:19:41] which was quite, I think, what we needed.
[06:19:45] You know, you don't want to be the monolith or bureaucracy when you're, you know,
[06:19:51] leaving your home, leaving family, or just bugging out for your life.
[06:19:57] But I just can't tell you how extraordinary, you know, kind, sensitive, caring,
[06:20:05] those are not things you...
[06:20:07] I'd come to expect it in the Marine Corps.
[06:20:11] Something I'll never forget.
[06:20:13] I wasn't in Haifa. I wasn't in the north of Israel. Oh, what that was like. I was in Beirut
[06:20:42] A few years since I've started a travel-less world. I found myself changing
[06:20:52] The cramped cynical worldview of a man who'd only seen life through the narrow prism of the restaurant kitchen had altered
[06:21:00] I'd been so many places. I'd met so many people from wildly divergent backgrounds countries and cultures
[06:21:06] Every where I'd been, I'd been, as in Beirut, treated so well.
[06:21:11] I'd been a recipient of so many random acts of kindness from strangers.
[06:21:16] And I'd begun to think that no matter where I went or who I sat down with,
[06:21:20] that food and a few drinks seemed always to bring people together.
[06:21:24] That this planet was filled with basically good and decent people
[06:21:28] doing the best they could, if frequently under difficult circumstances.
[06:21:32] that the human animal was perhaps a better and nicer species than I'd once thought.
[06:21:39] I'd begun to believe that the dinner table was the great leveler,
[06:21:43] where people from opposite sides of the world could always sit down and talk and eat and drink,
[06:21:49] and if not solve all the world's problems, at least find for a time common ground.
[06:21:57] Now, I'm not so sure. Maybe the world's not like that at all.
[06:22:02] Maybe in the real world the one without cameras and happy food and travel shows
[06:22:07] Everybody the good and the bad together are all crushed under the same terrible wheel. I hope I really hope I'm wrong about that
[06:22:29] he's been
[06:22:32] He went all around the world including the West Bank and I believe I mean he went to Gaza as well
[06:22:37] He went back to Beirut
[06:22:39] You know, he's done, he's done more work. Oh my God. I'm sorry for showing you fucking Tyler
[06:22:47] Oliver, which is our, which many people are saying our generations, Anthony Bourdain, that's
[06:22:52] what they're saying. Meanwhile, while this is happening, sent Comchief lands in Israel's
[06:22:57] idea of ready's response to an Iranian missile attack. Now there's something really interesting
[06:23:01] about that, that I must mention here. And by the way, the 2006 invasion ended with
[06:23:08] Hezbollah giving Israel a bloody nose of course, which is yet another lesson learned for all
[06:23:22] of the regional actors that Israel only responds to military force, Israel only responds in
[06:23:35] And the way that regional actors want Israel to respond to with material harm.
[06:23:43] So anyway, so Sencom chief is in Israel.
[06:23:52] Israel is ready.
[06:23:54] Israel is readying its attack against Iran.
[06:23:59] Preparing to strike Iran, US General Karilla, the head of Sencom will be arriving in Israel
[06:24:03] the next 24 hours.
[06:24:04] is expected to coordinate Israel's retaliation for Iran's missile assault.
[06:24:08] If Sankam is helping coordinate, just foreign policy says, if Sankam is helping coordinate
[06:24:13] Israel's retaliation on Iran, that is a direct violation of U.S. law.
[06:24:17] Unless Congress authorizes U.S. military action, Pentagon cannot coordinate the military
[06:24:20] forces of any foreign country if such forces will become engaged in hostilities.
[06:24:27] More evidence of the U.S. military review are fully considering direct participation
[06:24:30] in the conflict and violation of constitutional war powers.
[06:24:32] Heard of the Pentagon DOD official says, this is Nancy Yusuf, heard of the Pentagon DOD
[06:24:41] official says, the U.S. has no intention of doing offensive ops in the Middle East.
[06:24:44] Me, what if Israel launches something and needs your help?
[06:24:47] DOD official, then call me back.
[06:24:53] Remember what I told you?
[06:24:54] Like Benjamin Netanyahu's final October surprise would be to do something so unimaginably
[06:25:00] stupid in terms of like escalating this into a regional conflict in a way that forces the
[06:25:07] American military that is already there, that is already stationed there by the way, some
[06:25:11] of your relatives are in those fucking ships.
[06:25:14] Here, I mean, you know what, let's just play this clip from Motherfucking August.
[06:25:20] My suspicion is Benjamin Netanyahu is in the pocket of Donald Trump and is going
[06:25:26] to one, simultaneously continue using this war to maintain his coalition, okay, and will
[06:25:38] not stop and maybe even escalate tensions in an effort to fuck up the Democratic Party's
[06:25:46] chances of winning this reelection. If you think that that is a silly reason to continue
[06:25:52] doing genocide. I promise you these guys have a very profound understanding of American news,
[06:25:59] American media, American attitudes, and American politicians, and who gets to run the show.
[06:26:06] He thinks he can get a better deal from Trump. Okay. That's why he went to Mar-a-Lago. He flew
[06:26:13] to Mar-a-Lago personally. These things matter. Yeah. Why USA helped them? Laws,
[06:26:26] Dems want to lose? No. Win or lose, American foreign policy stays the same. Win or lose,
[06:26:43] American foreign policy must remain the same, okay? Until they recognize that perhaps going into
[06:26:53] a hot war at the best of Israel and defending Israel, anything beyond like offering material
[06:27:00] support, logistical support, you know, giving them our surveillance capabilities, and there
[06:27:07] are anti-missile defense systems, whenever Israel does something insane, and then, you
[06:27:12] know, is worthy of retaliation from other regional actors.
[06:27:17] Anything beyond that, or even Israel striking Iranian oil refineries in a way that is not
[06:27:26] managed by the Iranian government in a way that is unsuspected in a way that is a direct escalation
[06:27:33] that harms Iranian energy interests will escalate this and globalize this conflict even further.
[06:27:44] Is your I mean we I've already covered this. I do not think that Biden personally has any
[06:28:03] fucking red lines. And no, I'm not going to do Tyler Olavera for your warning and even worse,
[06:28:17] Elon face. Uh oh. Oh God. Now, the question for you is, Chatters, if I, a random Twitch streamer,
[06:28:45] can see all of these events folding from months ahead, don't you think that the American
[06:28:52] State Department is capable of making these assessments. After all, they have real-time
[06:28:58] intelligence. They have direct contact with Israeli officials. They engage in information sharing.
[06:29:08] So if I can see this happening, I'm certain that they can too. It's not like this is an
[06:29:21] unforeseeable, unpredictable disaster unfolding. This is something that Benjamin Niniaho, Israel has,
[06:29:29] I mean, they've telegraphed this. The only people that don't know, the only people that don't know
[06:29:36] that this was going to happen, that didn't know this was going to happen, are people who are
[06:29:39] deluded by mainstream media, who have deluded themselves into genuinely thinking that,
[06:29:45] like, Joe Biden personally has a vested interest in, like, stopping Israel's action somehow,
[06:29:50] which is, you know, I mean, at this point, that's not even wishful thinking. You're just like the
[06:29:56] biggest sucker, the biggest Rube. It's that simple. Several NGOs this morning issued safety advisories
[06:30:21] to their employees in Jordan warning of possible missile activity in the next few hours according
[06:30:25] to Jordan's World News, but that didn't come true. The possibility of ballistic missile fire
[06:30:31] from Iran the next few hours is possible. The memo also read this was six hours ago.
[06:30:35] there was never there was never a moment where Joseph Robin and Brandon was not
[06:30:49] entirely in the pocket of Israel like for sure he was always pro do whatever
[06:30:57] the fuck you need to do it's the plan along what do you think they kept
[06:31:09] sending those arms you don't need that much for Hamas no they did because it
[06:31:13] wasn't for Hamas. It was not just for Hamas. It was for the entire Gaza Strip. We'll see.
[06:31:43] On that note, I won't be doing okay, buddy. I have to go to this event where we are fundraising
[06:31:53] for the victims of Israeli violence in Lebanon. You can watch it. Like I said, the link
[06:32:04] is I retweeted the link and tomorrow I have multiple podcasts that I will be filming my
[06:32:11] own podcast Fear and and I also will be going on Chuckle Sandwich so I will not be live
[06:32:18] streaming. Hopefully nothing crazy happens. I don't know we'll see we'll see if something
[06:32:28] like truly insane world changing events are occurring I might just stream after Chuckle
[06:32:35] sandwich potentially but I love you all and I will see you hopefully not tomorrow but on Monday
[06:32:45] peace everybody