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10-02-2024 · 8h 33m

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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:12:22] I hope all the boys, girls and MBS are having a fantastic one because today's a beautiful
[00:12:26] day. Today's a wonderful day. Today is another fantastic day. It's hump day. Ladies and gentlemen,
[00:12:32] boys, girls and MBS, it's hump day. And I am looking Jack today. Thank you. Thank
[00:12:38] you for saying that. Okay. That's not a paid chatter. Someone actually said that
[00:12:41] I'm looking Jack today because it was upper body push day, baby. It was upper body push
[00:12:46] day. And let me tell you, I was putting those weights up and I'll tell you all
[00:12:51] about it as a matter of fact, because this is the part of the broadcast where I tell you
[00:12:54] a little bit about my personal news. Since yesterday, I didn't get to actually do the
[00:12:59] regular, uh, you know, order of business that I normally engage in. Let's talk about my
[00:13:11] personal news because this is where I do that. I do that in the beginning of the broadcasts.
[00:13:17] All right. Um, in between the time period where a person stops dreaming and press
[00:13:21] the start streaming button, uh, a lot happens in the world of sound, house, and I
[00:13:26] I probably could just throw out my parasol out there who are like a son. Give us more.
[00:13:30] I need to know more. You are live like 10 hours every fucking day. Okay.
[00:13:34] You are live for 10 hours every goddamn day,
[00:13:37] but I still want to know what you do in the other, you know,
[00:13:40] 14 hours that you're not live, right? That's where we're at.
[00:13:52] So for all the parasocialists out there at last night at the broadcast,
[00:13:59] and what did I do?
[00:14:02] I ended the broadcast after 10 hours of giving you real time commentary.
[00:14:05] Okay. Balls to the freaking wall. The bat happened last night between JDBs and waltz. Okay. And
[00:14:14] what did I do after that? What did I do? What did I do after ending the bat? Well, let
[00:14:19] me tell you. Let me tell you what I did. Okay. I watched.
[00:14:29] Wow. At one piece. It's one piece update time. Ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls and
[00:14:35] It hasn't happened in a very long time, but let me tell you, it is happening now.
[00:14:41] Last night, I got to the final stage of Wano, episode 1079, I believe is what I'm at at
[00:14:51] this point, and the Wano sequence basically ends at 1085, so there's like four or five
[00:14:59] extra episodes left, but like the main fights are over.
[00:15:03] And I got to see something very important.
[00:15:10] I got to see the drums of liberation.
[00:15:13] I got to see Gear 5.
[00:15:16] I got to see Joy Boy, the Sun God, Wukong.
[00:15:23] And let me tell you something, okay?
[00:15:24] That shit was incredible, okay?
[00:15:27] I heard a lot of people criticizing Gear 5, okay?
[00:15:35] I heard a lot of people criticizing Gear 5 saying it's weak, saying it's lame, saying it's too goofy.
[00:15:40] I think people are stupid.
[00:15:42] I think people are dumb.
[00:15:44] For saying that.
[00:15:51] That's right!
[00:15:59] I think it was sick!
[00:16:04] I fucking hate Momonosuke though.
[00:16:06] Straight up.
[00:16:11] For those of you who don't want to see the spoilers, this is a spoiler alert, okay?
[00:16:17] Gear 5 is the best transformation of any anime ever.
[00:16:20] No, it's not.
[00:16:20] Okay, calm down.
[00:16:22] But it's very good.
[00:16:23] It's not three years old
[00:16:51] What's the better transformation super Sam bro, what the fuck are you guys talking about like which is ironic because they're both wukong
[00:17:03] They're both they both draw inspiration from wukong
[00:17:07] But like yeah super saying is the peak transformation like there's no I'm sorry. I love one piece
[00:17:13] I think one piece holds very well. I
[00:17:16] Love it a lot. Okay. It is a very special place in my heart. I love the politics of it
[00:17:20] I love the the world building on it. But yeah, no, I think like Super Saiyan is the transformation
[00:17:28] I mean, this doesn't even show the full transformation
[00:18:02] But those people are wrong. It was goofy now because it's gear five because gear five is so much stronger than Kaido
[00:18:07] Goofy this is required so the fight lasts. No, I think it's perfect to be goofy. It's it's freedom
[00:18:14] It's very Luffy. Luffy is a goofy character, bro. That's it. Like he's never gonna be cool
[00:18:19] Okay, he's always going to be a silly silly guy and
[00:18:24] I think it's a yeah, he goes to enforce he goes looney tunes on him
[00:18:29] All up and down his ass dude insane how you still haven't been banned. What?
[00:18:41] dog
[00:18:42] At a certain point. I'm just gonna I'm just gonna point you to like the New York Times or I don't know the Daily Trojan
[00:18:50] doing an article on
[00:18:53] The event that I did at USC
[00:18:55] Just for you to like fucking remove yourself from the echo chamber that you're stuck inside of to understand that in the real
[00:19:02] World people don't fucking see me the way that you see me. Okay
[00:19:06] There is a reason why when I have fucking academics on or when I have
[00:19:11] Journalists on the broadcasts who are celebrated award-winning journalists. They're like, hey, man. We love what you're doing
[00:19:17] You're doing a great job and it's not because like
[00:19:21] Like, they don't see what you see, it's because their brains are not broken, okay?
[00:19:28] Like, I'm sick and tired of this fucking weird, like, echo chamber nonsense,
[00:19:32] where people are just basically like, dude, I don't understand why nobody hates this guy
[00:19:37] in the same severity that we do.
[00:19:40] And it's like, yeah, at that point, you probably have to recognize that you might be in a fucking hug box.
[00:19:46] You might be the one who is echo chambered.
[00:19:48] I know shit looks very different on Twitter. Okay, I get it
[00:19:53] But please for the love of Christ for the love of Allah for the love of Yahweh, whatever you believe in okay
[00:20:00] Just get yourself out of these fucking weird echo chambers and you will become a more normal human being okay
[00:20:07] His character is made to be free from the state his gear five is anarchist mode
[00:20:21] That doesn't confirm that a binary one piece actual true freedom not that liberal bullshit
[00:20:27] So
[00:20:33] Where were we a majority report? Thank you. Speaking of which, there you go
[00:20:38] Here's another community another group of people that have some
[00:20:43] Great points of view
[00:20:46] You're not beating the outfit repeater allegations bestie. Yeah, I mean, this is a staple fit. Okay, and the pants are different
[00:20:53] Same room same dog sleeping and same outfit same hairstyle same glasses the
[00:21:00] the the jewelry is a little bit different but not really that much different my pants
[00:21:10] are different but yeah point is the brosie geofar luffy's anarchy is not he's an ml
[00:21:19] with malice thought okay all jokes aside all jokes aside before that guy fucking ruined
[00:21:26] of the parasocialist update by being like, why are you still not banned or, um, Zen tower
[00:21:35] got smaller. Maybe, uh, what was I going to say? Oh yeah. So Wano is really good, man.
[00:21:44] Yeah. I mean, it's really good and it's really bad. It's really good because like the payoff
[00:21:49] is fantastic. Okay. But it's really bad because it's fucking four years long. It
[00:21:54] It takes four years, it takes four years to come to fruition.
[00:22:00] And I think it is completely, completely unacceptable.
[00:22:05] It is honestly, no spoilers, but like it's just ridiculous how long it took to get there.
[00:22:13] The pacing is so bad.
[00:22:15] There's so much reused assets over and over again.
[00:22:19] It just like hurt my brain watching it.
[00:22:21] And I'm not going to lie.
[00:22:23] I developed a little bit of resentment towards the show.
[00:22:26] Like it kept me going because I trust Oda.
[00:22:30] Okay.
[00:22:31] Because of my endless trust in Oda and the fact that this fandom is so robust,
[00:22:37] so large, so passionate.
[00:22:39] I was like, well, it's got to be good, but that's never a good thing.
[00:22:44] You never should find yourself thinking, I don't know if I want to keep watching
[00:22:48] this and I did throughout Wano.
[00:22:50] did and it was most likely I would say that wano was the arc that I was most excited about as a weeb
[00:23:01] wano is the most exciting arc for me because it's like this is supposed to be like Japan
[00:23:06] there's so much commentary on like uh like basically industrial echo terrorism and and weapons
[00:23:15] manufacturing and like endless war and how that benefits people in positions of power like that's
[00:23:20] literally what Wano is about. It's also as is the case with every fucking arc in one piece
[00:23:27] about punching people that do that really hard in the face. Okay? Like the most active and best
[00:23:35] possible solution is like punching your punching these like evil capitalist weapons manufacturers
[00:23:42] in the face really fucking hard over and over and over again until they submit, which is
[00:23:49] like basically the the that's every arc really and like I said it just it was just sad that it
[00:24:00] the reused assets and everything all everything made me like genuinely not want to watch the
[00:24:05] fucking anime at a certain point but the ending it brought me back in now I totally understand
[00:24:11] why, why Matt said, uh, Matt Owens, the director of the one piece live action.
[00:24:17] Hiya place.
[00:24:18] What are you doing?
[00:24:21] Um, I get why he said that it wasn't his favorite.
[00:24:26] I get why Zora peak though.
[00:24:33] Uh, a couple of things I want to say in terms of like toy, maybe it's
[00:24:36] the way that the manga is designed to and toy like also is abiding by it.
[00:24:41] Like no disrespect to go to, but dude, I want to know about
[00:24:45] Kido's background before the last episode, okay?
[00:24:50] I wanna know about Kido's ambitions before,
[00:24:55] like they slammed all of that shit,
[00:24:58] they back loaded it so fucking hard.
[00:25:01] It makes me so mad.
[00:25:03] It's like, bro, it would have literally,
[00:25:07] it would have made me feel infinitely more invested
[00:25:12] If I knew more about what was going on with the Rook pirates with Linlin, you know
[00:25:21] Also, Kaido 100% Israel. Okay. I'm sorry. It don't matter
[00:25:27] Like his behavior the way he acts so is so is Linlin. Okay?
[00:25:33] They are so Israel coded. They are so goddamn Israel code is crazy
[00:25:38] Or not Rook pirates are Iraq pirates
[00:25:44] you'll forgive it all when you go to the next art explain why is real coded big bad literally
[00:25:55] comes into a land comes into a land with his boys straight up fucking ritualistically humiliates
[00:26:03] the indigenous population and gets his own like spoiler fake governance to be placed on
[00:26:14] top of them, but like everybody knows he's the one who's like basically running the show
[00:26:19] exploits them for their labor, enslaves them. Okay. I mean, it's also America, but Israel
[00:26:26] is America. Yeah. Poisoning the fucking water resources, poisoning the natural poisoning
[00:26:34] the natural resource to create weapons, dude. I mean, come on. It's literally America.
[00:26:40] literally Israel. The only thing that, uh, the only thing that I will say, the way that
[00:26:46] it makes it even more Israel or more America is that he kind of is also weirdly not transphobic
[00:26:52] about his son. And I don't really fully understand the situation with Yamato because like, I
[00:26:58] don't know why, uh, Oda drew Yamato with like, with the biggest titties of all time.
[00:27:04] Okay. Like that shit makes no sense. Like I don't fully understand what's going on
[00:27:12] there. I don't know if like Yamato is trans or not. I don't really get it, but it's weird
[00:27:19] to see it's weird to see Kido respect the Yamato's pronouns. Oda doesn't know either.
[00:27:36] Yeah, Yamato is like Gen Z, bro. Yamato is Gen Z. Like, it's not even like a they them
[00:27:44] type situation. We're talking like Odin. Yamato be like my pronouns are Oh and then,
[00:27:50] know. That type of shit. I don't know what the fuck's happening there. I don't get it.
[00:27:58] Um, anyway, it's even more confusing because there are two straight up trans samurai this
[00:28:05] arc. I know. And they're also like not trans kind of. Uh, but yeah, I love, I love Yamato
[00:28:15] though. Like, Yamato is great, great character. The weird with the, with the I'm Odin shit.
[00:28:23] I don't fully understand it, but also great, like simultaneously fantastic character.
[00:28:33] Anyway, um, hold on.
[00:28:37] I got your text message.
[00:28:44] What's up, but oh, for food, I get him.
[00:28:57] Oh, I didn't get you're coming here, right?
[00:29:21] Oh, wait, can you get it?
[00:29:22] Actually, uh, multi is going to be here, uh, in the building.
[00:29:44] As a matter of fact, and I'm going to, I'm going to talk to him about all
[00:29:47] this stuff in a little bit.
[00:29:48] We're going to be interviewing him.
[00:29:50] Shots out the program for setting that up.
[00:29:52] That was fantastic.
[00:29:54] We've been working on this for a while.
[00:30:00] Yeah.
[00:30:01] Motad's going to be in the cancel house, dude.
[00:30:03] He's going to see the fucking, he's going to see the house that socialism built.
[00:30:10] We'll do the recap of the debate afterwards, obviously.
[00:30:14] I mean, this is a major deal for me.
[00:30:16] It's a major deal for this platform in general.
[00:30:19] general. This is a person who has basically survived genocide. This is a person who has
[00:30:26] survived genocide. This is a person who is a very famous photojournalist. What is happening
[00:30:32] right now? There is something very frustrating that I'm experiencing currently. Okay. Hello
[00:30:40] people are just like sending me shit. I, yeah, anyway, guy is groomer is here. That's
[00:31:02] crazy. Okay. God damn. This is a playlist. I'm going to blast off. I'm going to do all
[00:31:18] that shit. I haven't had time to do any of it right now. I'm going to God damn it.
[00:31:22] There's so much happening. Holy shit. Okay. We, we will do all of this. I'm getting over
[00:31:32] stimulated. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm going to, I'm going to do it. I'm going
[00:31:39] I'm going to do it. I'm going to do the damn thing. Okay. One second. Fuck. Why is everything
[00:31:43] happening at the same time? Okay. Hold on. One second. Everything is happening all at
[00:33:44] once at the same time. Okay. I had to give Kaya to the groomer. Okay. I'm breathing.
[00:33:57] Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Okay. So let's, let's blast off. I beg you to get an assistant,
[00:34:10] will crash and burn if you don't. I know you said you don't need one, but you do man. I'm
[00:34:13] sorry. Okay. How about you calm down? Oh, my brother, you literally can hire an assistant.
[00:34:20] Stop inflicting yourself. I don't want that. Okay. Um, everybody calm down. Okay. Everybody
[00:34:27] calm down. I'm good. Everybody calm down right now. Cool it. Um, Eric. All right.
[00:34:42] All right, BP, Debat, Recap, MOTAZ in the building in, well, at 1pm Pacific, Port Strike,
[00:35:23] Ron X Israel. And much more. Okay. Felix will also be here later. Get in now. Dude, this
[00:35:41] is a big day. We got a big old day today. We got a whole bunch of stuff. No, I feel
[00:35:47] that the best way to get stuff done is to not rely on anyone. No, I do rely on people.
[00:35:51] I got, I got frogan. She's the one who's helping me with this. Okay.
[00:36:03] Lots of viewers in the VP debate at impact.
[00:36:06] That's amazing. Last night's vice presidential debate had a total of years of a
[00:36:08] 6.7 million with the peak version bridging 52 million. Yeah.
[00:36:12] But that's like online, right?
[00:36:14] I want to know what the ratings are. Cause I want to see like how much
[00:36:17] interest was on this debate in general. Um, here it is.
[00:36:34] We're blasting off busy as we have seen in a minute.
[00:36:37] The peak for the presidential debate for me was like, I think 170,000 viewers, but the
[00:36:44] peak for this debate was like 103,000 viewers or something.
[00:36:49] But that's normal.
[00:36:50] I didn't even expect 100,000 people to watch.
[00:36:52] Please educate my primitive mind on who the hell Motaz is.
[00:36:55] Yes, dude.
[00:36:56] Motaz Aziza is a genocide survivor and a very famous photojournalist.
[00:37:03] He is one of the people that was, uh, responsible for documenting the early days of the Israeli
[00:37:11] genocide in Gaza.
[00:37:13] Okay.
[00:37:14] He is literally a genocide survivor.
[00:37:17] He is currently touring the United States of America alongside on Ra fundraising for honor.
[00:37:22] We have a fundraising link as well in the chat.
[00:37:25] You can donate to honor if you would like, uh, in, in the, uh, in that timeframe.
[00:37:32] Okay.
[00:37:36] This is a big deal for me and it's a it's massive. He was on time's list of most influential
[00:37:47] people in 2024. Yes. Let me see where the link is. Here it is. I'll put it in the in the
[00:38:08] mod chat. I hopefully frogan can do it, but we'll put that in there as well. Okay. We
[00:38:30] had him come and do a talk here. I'm going to go in Dairy Ireland. Nice. His motos
[00:38:37] our guests. Wait, what's happening? Yes. Motos is going to be the building in a little bit.
[00:38:42] Okay. In a little bit. Yes. I think a lot of you don't understand the severity of such
[00:38:55] things. The, the, I think a lot of you don't appreciate, I would say like how, how insane
[00:39:02] it is. Like yesterday I had an academic today. I have Motos on. I regularly have, I regularly
[00:39:09] have journalists on like I think people just like kind of take this shit for granted they
[00:39:12] think I'm some fucking random dickhead sometimes okay anyway probably because I keep fucking
[00:39:23] it's most likely because I keep you know serving three minute outbreaks at the top of the hour
[00:39:51] too bad you're a grifter for the right wing yeah classic right wing sentiments that I
[00:39:59] I hold like, you know, being anti-genocide and stuff like that. You call yourself a random
[00:40:11] dumb guy on the mountain. I know, but, you know, there's a, I have a headache. I don't
[00:40:22] even want to think about this right now. Okay. Anyway, the three, the three minute
[00:40:26] outbreak is upon us. I'm running it right now. I'm a little, I'm a little lost in the
[00:40:31] sauce. I'm a little all over the place and I apologize for it. I'm going to,
[00:40:35] I'm gonna try to, I'm gonna try to get my shit in order real quick, but yeah, we're
[00:40:40] gonna do a debate recap after talking about, actually, you know what, we'll do Israel,
[00:40:45] Hezbollah, that kind of stuff in a little bit.
[00:40:48] Let's do the debate recap first.
[00:40:50] Just 34 days to go until election day.
[00:40:53] Minnesota Governor Tim Walls and Ohio Senator J.D.
[00:40:56] Vance taking the stage at the sole vice presidential debate.
[00:41:00] He's doing that right now.
[00:41:01] Hosted by CBS.
[00:41:02] With a so right off the jump. I have a lot of thoughts on the debate
[00:41:06] Okay, many people many people want to hear what my like immediate approach was or what my overall
[00:41:14] Understanding of the debate was okay, and it was soul-sucking. It was shitty. I hated it. Okay?
[00:41:21] I hated it for a bunch of different reasons number one
[00:41:25] It ended up presenting JD Vance like a normal human being which is really fucked up
[00:41:30] up. Okay. You ran an ad 10 minutes ago. Loser. Okay. Just, um, uh, you know, let's, uh, let's,
[00:41:42] let's get people to shut the fuck up a little bit. I'm just going to ban a bunch of people
[00:41:45] today. I think I'm in a bad fucking mood. Um, it made JD Vance look moderate. JD Vance
[00:41:54] came on that stage with one goal and one goal only. It wasn't even to like defend Trump
[00:41:58] that much. Obviously he still has to do that because like, you know, he has an audience
[00:42:01] of one, but, but his major goal tonight was, or last night was to basically present himself
[00:42:09] as like a moderate person, a solid communicator that has a liberal veneer on some very illiberal
[00:42:17] and very, very fascistic right wing ideologies. And he did a good job at that. I hate to
[00:42:24] to fucking recognize that.
[00:42:25] I think that is devastating.
[00:42:27] I think that is a bad thing,
[00:42:29] but I do think he did a pretty solid fucking job.
[00:42:31] And his approval rating post-debate went up
[00:42:34] as a consequence of that.
[00:42:37] It was also very frustrating
[00:42:39] because Tim Walts is a normal guy.
[00:42:41] He is not this like machine politician overall.
[00:42:45] And because of that,
[00:42:47] he's kind of weak when it comes
[00:42:51] defending certain machine politician requirements and the debate starting off with would you
[00:43:00] allow Israel to fucking first strike Iran definitely knocked the wind out of a sales.
[00:43:06] Okay.
[00:43:21] It did.
[00:43:22] It started off real rough because I don't think like I'm not being parasocial or anything
[00:43:30] Like, do I think that Tim Walsh is like someone who is invested in the continuation of the
[00:43:36] Israeli genocide of the Palestinian population? Yes. Okay. I do. I don't think he cares.
[00:43:44] But I also personally think that his heart is not in the same way that like other politicians
[00:43:51] may be, you know, get a guy like Brian Mast up there to talk about it. He'll chirp till
[00:43:57] the cows come home about how awesome it is that Palestinian children need to be melted.
[00:44:01] right? He is not necessarily the guy who is all that invested in. You saw it. You saw it
[00:44:11] because there were issues that he was genuinely invested in and he popped off when talking about
[00:44:16] it. So the first half definitely went to JD Vance on that front because a lot of these questions
[00:44:23] and a lot of these issues, okay? A lot of these issues were issues that machine politicians are
[00:44:31] are equipped to talk about, right? J.D. Vance is a very cunning, wily little rat in a human
[00:44:40] suit. Okay. He's a lizard person in a human suit. He can fucking communicate with podcasts.
[00:44:47] There's about incel grope or shit, but he can also shift his, you know, he can shift
[00:44:52] his language to an audience that is predominantly liberal. He can moderate himself, right?
[00:45:00] That's just the truth. He is like Pete Buttigieg, but Pete Buttigieg has, I would say more charisma
[00:45:06] even than JD Vance. Now overall, overall, I was frustrated with the way in which Tim
[00:45:19] Waltz announced himself to the most prominent, to the largest possible platform he could
[00:45:25] have announced himself to. What do I mean by this? This is the biggest, this is the
[00:45:29] biggest audience he's going to be in front of, okay? I wished that he would have been
[00:45:36] able to communicate his desires and communicate his opinions in the same exact ways that he
[00:45:42] was able to do so when talking about lowering fucking pharma prices, lowering fucking housing
[00:45:47] costs. Like you saw how passionate he would get on issues that he cares about. Healthcare
[00:45:52] is another one. He's very good on those issues. I hated how much they agreed though,
[00:45:57] because Tim Walz is like a normal guy. Okay. He's a yokel. That is his appeal. And as a
[00:46:05] yokel normal guy and not like a, you know, real politician in the way that you understand
[00:46:13] it. Okay. He's not going to come across as solid on, on American foreign policy. And
[00:46:26] He definitely did not come across as solid on immigration.
[00:46:31] I would say that the reason for why this was a 50-50 deadlock in most of the polls that
[00:46:39] came out afterwards with some independence favoring Tim Walts over JD Vance is because
[00:46:45] of the platform that these two parties represent, not on immigration specifically, but on, on
[00:46:51] how hard JD Vance goes on immigration, how hard the right wing platform goes on immigration,
[00:46:56] And, and, um, how normal Tim Walts can present himself to a broader audience in comparison
[00:47:04] to JD Vance, who was very good at, uh, you know, masquerading as like a moderate if he
[00:47:11] wants to, but he still has this like nervous energy to him that I think a lot of people
[00:47:15] can see through and are otherwise disgusted by.
[00:47:20] So Tim Walts standing next to him and agreeing with him and saying, I agree with you
[00:47:25] You literally, in my opinion, made him look more moderate.
[00:47:29] It actually helped JD Vance.
[00:47:31] What do I mean by this?
[00:47:33] JD Vance is an unlikable fucking psychopath.
[00:47:37] So when you got a likable Yoko like Tim Walz being like, I agree with you, behaving like
[00:47:42] a fucking kindergarten teacher, okay, and JD Vance is like the bad behaving child
[00:47:47] or whatever, you're gonna make him look good.
[00:47:49] And that's precisely what happened.
[00:47:51] She had more to gain than Tim Walz did in this situation. Okay. Um, but yeah, right off the
[00:48:03] jump, the first question was whether either vice president would allow Israel to first
[00:48:08] strike Iran. We are a ridiculous nation. Okay. That was my initial assessment. Okay.
[00:48:14] It was very frustrating to watch that. Like Israel is doing South Africa speed runs
[00:48:21] right now. Okay. Like opening up new fronts. Uh, they're in apartheid on a good day. They're
[00:48:26] doing genocide on a bad day every day. And on top of that, they're like busy opening up
[00:48:32] multiple fronts. And the first question is like America's not reigning Israel in at all.
[00:48:40] The media analysis is, will you let Israel unfold? Will you let Israel create a nuclear
[00:48:45] Holocaust. That's crazy. That's a crazy way to interpret the events that are unfolding in front
[00:48:53] of our eyes. So I knew that there was going to be a uniparty assessment there. But overall, overall,
[00:49:03] like I don't know what Tim Walz's real opinions are, but it's obvious to me that
[00:49:08] that's not something that he is like fully on board with. He's having a hard time, or even
[00:49:12] even if he is fully on board with it, he's having a fucking hard time communicating that.
[00:49:20] Okay. JD Vance immediately jumped on him and gave a, a summarization of the hillbilly elegy
[00:49:26] because he understood that like, this is his opportunity to basically fucking describe
[00:49:30] his background to as broad of an audience as possible, even though everybody fucking
[00:49:34] hates them. Okay. And the worst aspect of it early on, and this is like something
[00:49:47] I locked into pretty quickly was that J.D. Vance also did a much better job than Trump
[00:49:54] when it comes to lying about bringing into global conflict, okay?
[00:49:59] Like I often, I often talk about 2016 era Trump, how he was able to successfully present
[00:50:06] himself as a peaceful dove, right?
[00:50:09] Against Hillary Clinton's warmongering tendencies.
[00:50:12] 2024 Trump, on the other hand, hasn't done that well. He has definitely lost his step
[00:50:18] a little bit. J.D. Vance on the other, on the other hand, in my opinion, did a better
[00:50:23] job of communicating, not just on this front, but on a lot of the key Republican conversations
[00:50:30] and the media reception on that, with the exception of January six was, was, was showcasing
[00:50:37] exactly what I'm saying, okay? Like J.D. Vance was able to communicate Trump's insane policies,
[00:50:53] whether it be on immigration or beyond Trump's insane policies on immigration. The hard things
[00:51:02] to talk about like abortion, he is able to moderate that even better. He's like, oh,
[00:51:06] we gotta do better with women. We gotta do better at listening to women. He is
[00:51:10] He is such a classic former liberal that he knows exactly how to tap into that.
[00:51:17] And I think that played well to at least the media class, okay?
[00:51:24] And he has a lot more experience in this field, both as like a Yale guy and also as a guy
[00:51:28] who was a liberal.
[00:51:30] He was a liberal.
[00:51:31] He was liberal until not that long ago.
[00:51:37] But yeah, another aspect of this also is that it's while the Tim Walz's entire
[00:51:42] shtick I said is that he's a normal, not a real politician kind of guy. His answer about
[00:51:46] defending the genocidal apartheid regime start to, right to start World War three is textbook
[00:51:51] soulless, amoral politician. And he's not going to be good at that. He's just not,
[00:51:55] he can't do that.
[00:51:57] And the other thing that I had called out ahead of time ahead of the debate was that
[00:52:02] he was always going to be, he was always going to be, and Tim Walz is who I'm talking
[00:52:07] out here. He was always going to be on crutches, you know, he was always going to have training
[00:52:14] weights on because he was always going to have training weights on because he has to defend
[00:52:22] Kamala Harris's policy because she's leading the ticket. Okay. That's it. And when you
[00:52:33] have those training ways on and you're sitting there defending, you know, the right wing
[00:52:39] right wing border bill. You if you don't have your own way of communicating that right wing
[00:52:45] border bill, then you're going to have to use their talking points. And that's why it
[00:52:49] was Kamala bought to a point. Oh, he literally kept repeating the same exact lines. That's
[00:52:57] bad coaching. Okay. That's bad coaching. That's just straight up. Like they know
[00:53:05] what kind of, uh, they know what kind of potential they have with Tim Walsh. That's why they chose
[00:53:10] them. Right? So why the fuck are you telling him to just reiterate Kamala Harris' position
[00:53:16] that she keeps fucking repeating over and over again? It's very bad. It was very bad rhetoric.
[00:53:22] Okay. He literally said she prosecuted transnational gangs. Like you don't have to use her
[00:53:30] fucking points, dude. You don't have to use her talking points. Be yourself.
[00:53:33] Anyway, JD Vance said one million undocumented immigrants have committed some kind of crime
[00:53:39] on US soil as he walks through how he deported 25 million migrants.
[00:53:45] It was very frustrating, obviously he was able to once again, repeat his positions on immigrants
[00:53:53] without coming across as insane as Donald Trump.
[00:53:56] Okay, that's another area where like JD Vance, in my opinion, did a more professional,
[00:54:03] like he was, he was able to add a professional veneer to the, the, uh, deeply, deeply right
[00:54:12] wing, deeply fascist, white nativist immigration, anti-immigrant sentiments.
[00:54:17] Okay.
[00:54:18] He didn't have like any moments, uh, like the ones that you've heard him, uh, on those
[00:54:24] podcasts about like coming across as weird about like having a breeding fetish for
[00:54:29] women.
[00:54:30] Okay.
[00:54:31] you know, cows basically, or saying that like he's lying about immigrant stories,
[00:54:39] because he wants to hyper focus on like taking away the TPS status of like Haitian migrants
[00:54:45] that are living on US soil. Like the policies are weird, but he wasn't showcasing it in a
[00:54:51] fucking weird way. He didn't communicate it in a way where like, I think the average onlooker
[00:54:57] would look at that and go, dude, what the fuck? Like this guy's out of his mind. Donald Trump
[00:55:03] failed on that front. Okay. And part of that, uh, part of the reason why JD Vance was able
[00:55:12] to successfully communicate this shit is because Democrats don't address some of the
[00:55:18] very basic lies that the Republican party tells on a regular basis. They're locked
[00:55:22] in on a right wing border attitude. They're just completely committed to it. And it's very,
[00:55:31] very frustrating. It's very frustrating to see that. This is another thing that I've been
[00:55:36] yelling about for months. Okay. For months and months, I have been screaming since October
[00:55:45] four or October five. I think before October seven, when Joe Biden came out and unveiled
[00:55:51] his right-wing border bill that he got like an incredibly conservative Republican
[00:55:57] senator from Oklahoma to write that he was committed to ever since the
[00:56:02] Democrats rolled out their anti-immigrant proposals I've been yelling about how
[00:56:06] you cannot outflank the Republicans on this issue you cannot cave and
[00:56:11] capitulate and concede to right-wing framing on this issue and they
[00:56:15] absolutely have and they are not going to change trajectory on this and I
[00:56:20] I fucking despise them for doing that because even if it actually helped them win the election
[00:56:25] Then ultimately you're still fucking passing a right wing border bill
[00:56:31] Like you're still hurting the future of this country. You're still bouldering towards fascism
[00:56:36] But now with a d-sticker slapped onto it. It's completely patently unacceptable
[00:56:42] okay
[00:56:45] But the other side of this is that it also doesn't even help the Democrats
[00:56:48] I'm losing my mind the Dems never mentioned that it's US citizens trapping the drugs across the border
[00:56:56] It's literally 80% of the drug apprehensions and yet that never gets brought up never if you ask most of most Americans
[00:57:03] average Americans who are maybe a little bit more thoughtful about the situation most of them think
[00:57:08] Drug mules children JD van said children make the best drug mules by the way
[00:57:14] like
[00:57:16] These these people
[00:57:18] Most people actually legitimately fucking think that it's immigrants that are bringing the drugs into the country.
[00:57:28] It's just not true. It is incorrect. And it blows my fucking mind that we don't ever discuss the reality of the situation.
[00:57:37] Okay.
[00:57:38] Ryan Marino quote, tweeted me and said, 88% of fentanyl trafficking convictions across
[00:57:52] the Southern border are US citizens, 0.02% of people crossing illegally possessed fentanyl.
[00:57:58] That's what every single law enforcement agency says.
[00:58:00] And the data is public.
[00:58:02] And I can't see how increasing money to the border will help prevent any drug overdose
[00:58:05] when CVP are the ones smuggling the rest of the drugs into the country.
[00:58:10] Yeah.
[00:58:13] It's so weird.
[00:58:15] I mean, it's not like, it's, I don't think this is incompetence.
[00:58:23] I don't think this is like negligence.
[00:58:25] I think it is because the Democrats have also decided they are going to be
[00:58:30] right wing on the border going forward forever.
[00:58:34] Like I think that they're just locked in on it.
[00:58:36] I think it's on purpose.
[00:58:41] It's very, very, it's very fucked up.
[00:58:45] And I do think it's deliberate.
[00:58:46] Tim Walz is defending a right wing border bill that literally is funding for Trump's border
[00:58:53] wall in it. I hate this fucking party so much. They're in agreement on the made up issue that
[00:58:57] migrants constitute a national security threat. Dems just want to be lame about the odd things.
[00:59:01] Yeah. Once again, Democrats find themselves in that, in, in, in the realm of bad politics
[00:59:09] and bad policy. It's bad politics because you can out, you can never outflank the
[00:59:16] right on anti-immigrant sentiment because this sentiment is not coming from a logical place.
[00:59:23] It's coming from pure racism. That's it. It's pure white supremacist attitudes, right?
[00:59:30] So you can't really outflank them by being like, well, hold on now. We got to logically
[00:59:34] do this situation. It's like, it's illogical. It's illogical because immigrants do not
[00:59:40] constitute a national security threat. They are literally not a burden but a boon on
[00:59:44] American economy and also beyond that they literally do less crime they do less
[00:59:49] crime per capita than fucking natural born us citizens it's so stupid so just
[00:59:58] say the fucking truth say the truth it kills me that this is something that
[01:00:05] they've just completely dropped and there is polling to show that the
[01:00:10] overall American sentiment the overarching American sentiment towards
[01:00:14] migration patterns towards immigrants in general was objectively positive, significantly more
[01:00:21] positive when the Democrats were actually hammering against Trump's right wing, white
[01:00:25] nativist, border bill and border policies. Okay, but they completely fucking dropped
[01:00:32] that early on. They just went, they changed trajectory, they went right wing immediately.
[01:00:42] The truth is not what their target demo voter want to hear.
[01:00:46] That's not true.
[01:00:47] Their target demo voters will literally change their minds if they fucking hear the truth
[01:00:54] from someone.
[01:00:55] But if no one is saying the truth on either side, then yeah, lies are going to lead this
[01:00:59] conversation.
[01:01:05] And it's bad politics and it's bad policy because it's like you're going to harm
[01:01:11] the U S economy and you're going to harm a shit ton of people in the process by, you
[01:01:16] know, implementing or allowing anti-immigrant sentiment to fester.
[01:01:21] That's why we have the fucking bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio, because that's what happens
[01:01:26] when people do legitimately believe that like undocumented and documented immigrants
[01:01:31] like the Haitians that have TPS are rapist cat eaters, brother. That's, that's it.
[01:01:36] What do you think is going to happen? You're going to have pogroms. That's it.
[01:01:41] already happening and Trump's not even fucking president yet. I don't know man, I think you're
[01:01:51] a prime example that people don't want to hear the truth. What do you mean? Me saying this
[01:01:58] is entirely different than the one of the two parties effectively communicating this because
[01:02:05] when I say it, it doesn't move the needle. When I say it, NBC, CNN, ABC is not going
[01:02:11] to cover it, okay? But when Kamala Harris says it, they will cover it. And I think
[01:02:18] the Democrats expectation is that like the media will make up for that. The media will
[01:02:22] make up for that misinformation when they won't, they won't do it. Paul say most Americans,
[01:02:36] you had a hundred K people in here only to listen to the big coverage, but you spend
[01:02:39] every day talking and doing actual work. Cause you know, public does not care. Paul
[01:02:42] say most Americans support mass deportation is good politics to be honest. Yeah. Those
[01:02:46] very same polls also those very same polls also literally show that Americans also
[01:02:52] want amnesty. They literally have 90% approval rating for giving dreamers American citizenship.
[01:02:59] How do you fucking, how do you make sense of those polls? It doesn't fucking matter. Americans,
[01:03:06] for the most part, do not see how bad a policy is until it's in effect. That's why under
[01:03:12] the Trump administration, when Trump actually was implementing right wing border policies,
[01:03:18] were very much against that. Joe Biden ran against that. Joe Biden was far closer on the issue
[01:03:25] of immigration to Donald Trump and even beat him on certain polls when he was running against
[01:03:30] Trump's border policies. They're kidding the centrist voters in swing states. No dumb
[01:03:35] ass. They're telling you that, okay? They're telling you that and you're just repeating
[01:03:40] that without critically thinking about the issue.
[01:03:42] I'm over here trying to explain to you that this is a ridiculous thing that this
[01:03:47] This is a stupid thing to do.
[01:03:49] All you're doing is telling your base of voters that undocumented migrants constitute
[01:03:55] a national security threat.
[01:03:56] When the Democrats say Republicans are right on immigration, that we have to do something
[01:04:01] about it, all they've done is legitimize their perspective.
[01:04:05] Their perspective is not born out of data.
[01:04:07] Their perspective is not born out of the truth.
[01:04:10] All you've done is make your base of support, your voters who trust you, who
[01:04:16] believe you, believe you when you say, yeah, immigrants do cost to the national security
[01:04:21] therapy. We got to do something about it. That's all you've done. You have made the entirety
[01:04:25] now of the broader electorate fucking turn right wing on immigration. That's it. Also,
[01:04:40] the idea that Democrats like listen to polls when it suits their broader purpose is
[01:04:45] so stupid when it comes to Israel. Okay. There is overwhelming support for a, for
[01:04:52] pushing for a ceasefire. There is even overwhelming support for denying weapons transfers as a
[01:04:58] way to push Israel to do a ceasefire. Democrats don't listen to that. Democrats might lose
[01:05:03] Michigan for this reason. So obviously they don't give a fuck about the polls when it's
[01:05:09] something that they care about, okay, when it's an issue that they care more about. They
[01:05:13] care more about continuing American foreign policy that is set in fucking stone instead
[01:05:20] of actually doing something that is electorally beneficial, dams winning elections, stopping
[01:05:27] deportation is good, it's pragmatic. No, it's not. You are just repeating things that
[01:05:31] you read and things that you saw on MSNBC without applying any kind of critical thinking
[01:05:37] to this process whatsoever. Okay. You are literally the living definitional
[01:05:43] proof that Democrats catering to this, catering to this like right wing framing ends up
[01:05:48] making dumbasses like you who are lifelong liberals also repeat the same fucking Republican bullshit.
[01:05:55] You are what I'm talking about. You are also, you are the perfect example. If you were around
[01:06:02] in 2020, you said you've been following since 2019, I suspect that there was a certain point.
[01:06:08] If you were in the chat all the way back in 2020, where you were chirping about Donald
[01:06:12] Trump's insane right wing policies in terms of the fucking border bills that he
[01:06:18] pushed for. What changed? What changed? The Democrats started also assuming a right-wing
[01:06:31] attitude on the border. So now you're also assuming a right-wing attitude. That's it.
[01:06:39] That's the issue. 100% of a redditor. Yes. Use the page up key on the keyboard. I mean,
[01:07:09] I'm scrolling it. I think it's like not very effective. Anyway, not very long ago,
[01:07:25] Dems are making fun of the border wall. Yeah, exactly. Bro. Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz have
[01:07:32] like on the record statements about how stupid it is to fund a fucking border wall and that like
[01:07:37] that's not going to prevent anything because it's true. Okay. God damn this chatter fucking talks
[01:07:47] so much. Holy shit. No timeouts though. Good chatter. I know. Shockingly. Shockingly little
[01:08:22] timeouts from this person. He's like a Bernie bro, I think. No borders easy and fucking
[01:08:44] in 2021. Border copium wall re re. Look, borders re re no nationalism re re border patrol
[01:09:07] Oh, re re.
[01:09:12] How the fuck did you go from someone who was like making fun of Dengue's
[01:09:16] who a person who was like, I think Kamala Harris is actually doing the right thing in
[01:09:19] terms of their analysis looking for.
[01:09:23] Yeah, look, look, look, look, look, look, look.
[01:09:26] 20 21.
[01:09:28] Dems are better to black people and trans people and immigrants.
[01:09:39] Read Marx.
[01:09:43] Chatter went from read Marx.
[01:09:46] And, and fucking Democrats are better to black people and trans people and
[01:09:50] to like actually Democrats have to be mean to immigrants in order to win elections
[01:09:55] How'd that happen? You went from saying bourgeois democracy to being a fucking willing participant of it
[01:10:02] How did that happen? I'm a leftist bro. I get the logic. I'm a leftist
[01:10:12] I'm telling you their logic. Sorry a Megalol their logic is fucking stupid
[01:10:15] And if you're a leftist you should understand that that is fucking stupid my point is you okay?
[01:10:27] the Democrats behaving like this creates this weird media cycle where people
[01:10:32] literally fucking end up repeating those talking points as though it's actually a
[01:10:36] brilliant tactic when it's not it's just not and it's funny because Democrats
[01:10:42] have done this over and over and over again they've done it on fucking funding
[01:10:46] the police nobody thinks the Democrats are the fund the police party okay it's
[01:10:50] not gonna happen but they do it anyway liberals posing like 2016
[01:11:20] Republicans. Yeah. At the border with swagger, sick, man, sick. It's very, very, very frustrating
[01:11:36] to see this shit. Okay. I started listening to books about social media. Thanks for teaching
[01:11:46] me how to do so. Anyway, here, there, there it is. This is the other side of this. Okay.
[01:11:51] The democratic party did not really fight this trend. That is bad enough. More worrying
[01:11:55] to me is that I do not think it would have mattered if it tried public opinion.
[01:11:58] and worked that way. I don't agree with this as a momentum anti-immigrant views went up
[01:12:02] during the first few years of the Biden's term when crossings were super elevated,
[01:12:06] but the numbers were right in line with pre Trump attitudes. It's only been since
[01:12:10] the Dems surrendered this year that we've seen crazy shifts. Look at that. Look at
[01:12:15] Americans preference for migration, Americans preferences preferences for migration, uh,
[01:12:25] for immigration to the U S thinking now by immigrants, that is people who come
[01:12:28] from other countries to live here in the United States interview should immigration
[01:12:30] be kept at its present level increased or decreased. 55% now say fucking decrease, dude. Look at
[01:12:48] that massive spike on that fucking football right there. Parties are limited, yes, but
[01:12:55] they aren't powerless. They have the capacity to shape circumstances in which they exist.
[01:12:59] That's exactly what Democrats have done here. It's not just in the way that anyone should
[01:13:04] want. There's zero pushback. So what are people supposed to think? Vance even blamed
[01:13:07] immigrants for smuggling guns in the US, which is the exact opposite of how the gun
[01:13:10] trafficking works and no one said a thing. You can blame everything on immigrants now
[01:13:13] to complete silence. And the more the Democrats actually give the Republicans ample ground
[01:13:21] to fucking elevate these, the status like the danger that immigrants present, the worst
[01:13:26] things they're going to get for immigrants. Okay. It's crazy. What are people supposed
[01:13:56] to think if both parties are saying it, if both parties are saying it, then it
[01:14:03] That must be true. Why would you think otherwise? And of course, the average fucking American
[01:14:10] that doesn't have the capacity to think for themselves or seek out this data is going
[01:14:14] to go, sorry, I don't trust you. I trust the fucking experts and the experts keep
[01:14:19] either staying quiet when the, the anti-border sentiment is expressed by the Republican Party
[01:14:26] or directly contributing to that with right wing border bills that they are trying to
[01:14:30] The push for it is very bad if the Democratic Party's proposition is, Morgan is here, it's
[01:14:39] very bad if the Democratic Party's proposition is, we are the gonna be the real border protectors,
[01:14:45] okay?
[01:14:46] That's very bad.
[01:14:47] That's very bad for the future of America because you will never be able to successfully
[01:14:50] outflank Republicans on patriotism.
[01:14:53] You will never be able to successfully outflank Republicans on militarism.
[01:14:56] You will never be able to successfully outflank Republicans on racism.
[01:15:00] And most of this is also still coming from the underlying notion of white supremacist
[01:15:06] attitudes.
[01:15:07] Anyway, it's not a logical conclusion that they've arrived at.
[01:15:10] It is born not out of empirical evidence, but instead about, born out of pure right-wing
[01:15:15] mania.
[01:15:16] Okay?
[01:15:17] And here it is.
[01:15:24] And you saw that anyway.
[01:15:26] You saw that distinction for Tim Walts' own performance when he was talking about kitchen
[01:15:31] table issues like lowering the cost of medication or housing.
[01:15:34] He fucking cracked on that.
[01:15:35] Okay.
[01:15:36] He was popping off on that.
[01:15:39] Dude, while I agree, while we agree with your views on immigration and swing state voters
[01:15:42] in Georgia, PA, Michigan, North Carolina, and dude, you're wrong, okay?
[01:15:47] You're wrong.
[01:15:48] You're wrong.
[01:15:49] You're wrong.
[01:15:50] You're just wrong on this issue.
[01:15:51] Okay.
[01:15:52] Because if the Democratic Party hadn't capitulated the right wing framing on the matter,
[01:15:57] They literally would not be in this circumstance to begin with.
[01:16:01] But beyond that, but beyond that, every single time they capitulate the right wing framing
[01:16:07] on the border, they are one losing potential fucking voters that are younger losing potential
[01:16:14] voters that are Latino, younger Latino voters specifically in key states, not those states
[01:16:21] that you mentioned, but in other states.
[01:16:23] And beyond that, okay, beyond that, there are plenty of fucking, there are, like, whenever
[01:16:33] you say that, whatever you say that immigrants constitute a national security threat, you
[01:16:38] are simply to all of those swing state voters, what you're telling them is that Trump is
[01:16:44] right, that we do need to build a border wall.
[01:16:46] Trump is so right that now Kamala Harris wants to build a border wall.
[01:16:51] And I kept explaining this to you guys over and over again, okay?
[01:16:55] If the Republican Party tomorrow came out and said that they're fucking pro Medicare
[01:16:59] for all, okay, you wouldn't vote for them.
[01:17:03] You would vote for the Democrats who would also adopt that position.
[01:17:06] You'd be like, well, at least I know I trust Democrats more with healthcare than I do with
[01:17:11] the Republicans.
[01:17:12] Why the fuck would I ever trust a Republican to pass a progressive fucking bill on Medicare?
[01:17:29] That's it.
[01:17:32] I'll give you another example. Do you trust Donald Trump on abortion? He has moderated
[01:17:36] his position on abortion. Do you trust him? No. So shut the fuck up. All that does is
[01:17:43] make people understand. Yeah, no, abortion is a fucking major problem for the Republican
[01:17:47] party. It's very obvious. That's it. That's it. Well, people don't, people don't understand
[01:18:08] it. Like they just don't get it. JD Vance is saying he got groomed in the thinking
[01:18:16] Trump was Hitler as a 35 year old Yale graduate man. That's one of my favorite moments of J.
[01:18:21] D. Vance where he's like, um, I actually also thought Trump was Hitler because the media
[01:18:26] duped me. I'm stupid. And I no longer think that anymore. You're fucking idiot. Okay.
[01:18:36] You're an idiot. Um, and there were plenty of missed opportunities. David Dane also
[01:18:40] correctly pointed this out. Missed opportunity. I was to mention that Vance's own portfolio
[01:18:44] company, ship jobs overseas. There were plenty of instances where he could have hammered JD
[01:18:48] Vance as like a liberal elitist. Okay. That's like, that's the other thing. JD Vance is a
[01:18:57] fucking serial liar. He lied about, he lied about making up stories. He lied about the
[01:19:02] fucking Haitians eating pets shit. But I hated that they agreed on so much. And then
[01:19:15] also there was that flub where Tim Wall said he has become friends with school
[01:19:18] with the San Diego parents.
[01:19:19] It was a very, very, very
[01:19:21] exciting. I mean, he was a
[01:19:22] very, very, very cool shooters,
[01:19:24] which I thought was a funny
[01:19:25] little moment. Obviously he's
[01:19:29] like very nervous. That much
[01:19:31] is clear. Okay. And that JD
[01:19:33] Vance reiterated his
[01:19:41] commitment to being Adolf
[01:19:42] Hitler over and over and over
[01:19:45] again. You got to see me.
[01:19:47] These folks know me. I'm
[01:19:48] super passionate about this.
[01:19:48] The question come about
[01:19:49] school shooting. We're
[01:19:50] talking about everything
[01:19:52] except school shooting. And I
[01:19:54] is a good friend of mine. You have seen me do this. I've talked about being people where
[01:19:58] there are school shooters and I need to be more specific on that, but I am, I am passionate
[01:20:04] about this. This one for my wife and I is just as teacher, as parents, he's so personal.
[01:20:12] Yeah, he is friends with one school shooter after last night. His name is JD Vance.
[01:20:19] In 2018, I led a relational voter program in Wisconsin. Uh, we got 30 kid Latino voters
[01:20:24] who wanted immigration reform. We got Tony Evers elected and help Trump out of office
[01:20:27] in 2020. This year I've talked to voters with immigrant parents who are parading liberal
[01:20:30] talking points is infuriating to see the Dems just not correct the narrative on immigration.
[01:20:35] Yeah. Oh, don't worry. They rely heavily on the fucking Latino voters in Nevada.
[01:20:41] Okay. The entire culinary union is currently outdoor knocking for the Kamala Harris campaign.
[01:20:48] They know, they know they need Latino voters.
[01:20:53] It's just ironic because they're literally activating Latino voters, some of which come
[01:20:58] from undocumented backgrounds or have undocumented relatives on US soil.
[01:21:03] They're literally getting the fucking door knock for a campaign that is going to, you
[01:21:07] know, work on deporting them.
[01:21:10] Yeah.
[01:21:32] it was a tactical L, in my opinion, in my estimation, where Tim Walts did not hammer JD
[01:21:41] Vance at all. And obviously a lot of dummies love that, that the civility, right? They loved
[01:21:46] how civil the conversation was. That's not good. That means you love the conversation
[01:21:51] between JD Vance and Tim Walts. A much better alternative here would at the very least be
[01:21:57] staggering JD Vance a couple of times and separating himself from the moderate position
[01:22:03] that he was actually presenting himself as on the largest stage that he's been on so far.
[01:22:11] Tim Walsh is already well liked. JD Vance is not. JD Vance basically did a fantastic job
[01:22:19] of advocating for JD Vance. Why can't Vance or Harris simply say that the people who have harmed
[01:22:27] the working class. Americans are rapacious billionaires. I think he means Tim Waltz or Harris.
[01:22:33] Are rapacious billionaires like Trump and Peter Thiel, not immigrants who work themselves to the
[01:22:36] bone trying to give their kids a better life? There's another aspect of this that I'm very
[01:22:41] frustrated by. Americans love anecdotes. Americans love anecdotes. We're not very
[01:22:51] intelligent as a collective. And one thing you've got to do in that situation is rely on
[01:22:56] the fucking anecdotes. Republicans do it all the time when they present this like hyper specific,
[01:23:02] hyper emotional argument about like how rapist the migrants are, the migrant population is.
[01:23:08] They point to like a literal handful of instances where migrants have done these kinds of heinous
[01:23:14] crimes, okay, to make it seem like the entire migrant population is engaging in it. And it's
[01:23:20] very frustrating that the Democrats don't do that. I rarely ever hear from the Democrats
[01:23:25] about emotional anecdotes. They do it for abortion and they're very good at it for abortion, okay?
[01:23:31] But they never do it for someone who has lost their house. They never do it for someone who
[01:23:36] was on the throes of homelessness as a consequence of being priced out of the market.
[01:23:40] They never do it for a migrant. They never do it for a migrant worker to humanize these people.
[01:23:47] Go talk to the fucking United Fruit Workers or some shit. Like what are you talking about?
[01:23:51] They never do that. There is never any real stories about how these guys are your fucking
[01:23:57] neighbors, man. You're shitting on your goddamn neighbors. You're shitting on normal people
[01:24:03] who are just like you and the Republican party does this every day. It's very frustrating.
[01:24:13] Anyway, another thing I say was Tim Walz convinced me that Minnesota is slightly
[01:24:17] better than most other places in the nation. Don't know what this means for the national
[01:24:21] race. Yeah. Tim Walz made the most effective argument, putting Minnesota on the map in
[01:24:26] a big way. I will say that. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Haven't
[01:24:31] been able to decide, but he certainly did do a good job with that. You know, I am
[01:24:37] now a firm believer that, you know, Minnesota is a great place to go live at. In Hanoma
[01:24:42] replied to me there as well. She said, it is okay. So that was cool.
[01:24:54] Where else where what else we're gonna do? I can't believe Vance literally use wall stability
[01:25:01] And normalcy as a way to draft this public image in a positive and normal light because Waltz isn't comfortable with opposing his opponent
[01:25:08] I know Tim Moss has that same fucking Bernie Sanders bullshit where he's just too much of a nice guy
[01:25:14] He was so goddamn nice. I yeah, I mean at a certain part of like he's behaving like a goddamn Canadian
[01:25:20] Okay
[01:25:21] Your reaction to it was the best I said in that office with those sandy hook parents. I've become friends with school shooters
[01:25:28] I've seen it look the area. I was
[01:25:39] He's just like he's too Minnesota and he's too Canadian coded he's too Canadian adjacent like he's just too nice
[01:25:55] Stop being so fucking nice dude. Anyway
[01:26:00] But yeah
[01:26:01] Uh, one of my final statements on the debate was basically that if Dems are going to be
[01:26:05] this pro Israel and new to whatever progressive momentum they would have gotten with the waltz
[01:26:08] pick, they should have just went with Josh Shapiro. Josh Shapiro at the very least would
[01:26:12] have fucking locked down Pennsylvania for them. And he would have been a more effective
[01:26:16] communicator. And I, I'm, I'm being honest about this. Josh Shapiro would have been
[01:26:21] a more effective communicator of Kamala Harris's dog shit policies, especially on the border
[01:26:26] and especially on uh... on israel too
[01:26:30] and beyond that
[01:26:31] he would have done a better job defending uh...
[01:26:34] yeah he would have done he would have done a better job defending all of the
[01:26:37] common here is a policy that like
[01:26:39] them was doesn't do a good job defending on
[01:26:41] and he would have done a better job against jd vance as well
[01:26:57] but yeah
[01:26:58] that's what we got
[01:26:59] so let's hear what uh... what the media
[01:27:02] uh... analysis is on the man still unfolding an uncertainty in the middle
[01:27:06] released, the two sparred over who offers stronger leadership at this critical moment.
[01:27:12] Our allies understand that Donald Trump is fickle.
[01:27:15] He will go to whoever has the most flattery or where it makes sense to him.
[01:27:20] Steady leadership like you witnessed today, like you witnessed in April, both Iranian
[01:27:24] attacks were repelled.
[01:27:26] Our coalition is strong and we need the steady leadership that Kamala Harris is providing.
[01:27:31] Walter can criticize Donald Trump's tweets, but effective, smart diplomacy and peace through
[01:27:36] strength is how you bring stability back to a very broken world. Donald Trump has already
[01:27:41] done it once before in a presidential campaign that has been anything but civil. This was
[01:27:46] a strikingly civil and substantive debate. Well, I've enjoyed tonight's debate. I think
[01:27:51] the media loves this shit. The media loves like, Oh, look at how civil they were. And
[01:27:55] It was so substantive.
[01:27:56] They talked about policies.
[01:27:59] That only helps JD Vance straight up.
[01:28:03] That does not help the ticket for Kamala Harris at all.
[01:28:08] A substantive civil debate is not helping Tim Walts
[01:28:12] make no mistake.
[01:28:14] It only makes JD Vance look like a fucking moderate.
[01:28:20] That's why I'm so frustrated with the fucking debate
[01:28:22] and the outcome of the debate.
[01:28:24] I think there was a lot of commonality here
[01:28:25] I'm sympathetic to misspeaking on things, and I think I might have with the senator,
[01:28:30] but there's one.
[01:28:31] It wasn't until 90 minutes into the debate that the contentious topic of the last election
[01:28:36] came up.
[01:28:37] I would just ask that.
[01:28:38] Do you want to know why?
[01:28:40] Do you want to know why that's dangerous?
[01:28:43] Because you, here, I'll give you a great example, okay?
[01:28:46] My Normie friends literally said, these guys are so normal, why can't they be
[01:28:50] the ones running?
[01:28:51] Okay?
[01:28:53] Do you want to know how devastating that is for Trump's policy, which JD Vance is communicating?
[01:29:00] That means JD Vance, as I said to you, conducted himself in such a moderate way that people
[01:29:08] forgot that he was actually speaking on Trump's policies, okay?
[01:29:15] JD Vance was able to successfully communicate to a broad subset of American voters that
[01:29:22] Trump's policies are actually normal and maybe even good because Americans are so aesthetic
[01:29:32] focused you have to understand when someone communicates in a very civil manner okay when
[01:29:40] he doesn't do that oh they're here okay perfect I'll sign but okay you need to understand
[01:29:54] this is bad this is really fucking bad if you hate the Republicans for their policies
[01:30:00] This is really bad. Okay. If you even hate the Republicans for aesthetic bullshit reasons,
[01:30:04] this is still bad because this makes Republicans look normal. You don't want them to look normal.
[01:30:09] You don't want their fucking Nazi-ass attitude to be normal ever. Okay. Anyway, did he lose the
[01:30:19] 2020 election? Tim, I'm focused on the future. Did Kamala Harris censor Americans from speaking
[01:30:26] their mind in the wake of the 2020 COVID situation? That is a damning non-answer.
[01:30:32] Vance insisted it is Democrats who are the biggest threat to democracy.
[01:30:37] Kamala Harris wants to use the power of the government and big tech to silence people from
[01:30:42] speaking their minds.
[01:30:43] That is a threat to democracy that will long outlive this present political moment.
[01:30:47] A president's words matter.
[01:30:49] A president's words matter.
[01:30:51] People hear that.
[01:30:52] So I think this issue of settling our differences at the ballot box, shaking hands when we
[01:30:59] lose.
[01:31:00] honest about it, but to deny what happened on January 6th, the first time in American history
[01:31:08] that a president or anyone tried to overturn a fair election and the peaceful transfer of power.
[01:31:13] In the first part of the debate, Governor Wall seemed nervous. He had trouble answering a question
[01:31:19] about whether or not he was in China during the Tiananmen Square uprising.
[01:31:23] My commitment, whether it be through teaching, which I was good at, or whether it was being
[01:31:27] a good soldier always being a good soldier. Okay, all right.
[01:31:33] Motos, how do I say, how do I say your name and last name?
[01:31:37] Motaz Aziza. Motaz Aziza, you smell great.
[01:31:42] Ladies and gentlemen, photojournalist Motaz Aziza is in the building. He's touring the
[01:31:48] country right now, fundraising for UNRWA and it is a great honor to have you here. I'm very
[01:31:54] excited. We got you some snacks. You said you want some snacks. Thank you. Go ahead. I have,
[01:32:01] I mean, I have some like American snacks that I want you to try as well if you if you don't mind,
[01:32:05] but it's up to you. It's how it's good. Okay. All right. Motas. So how long have you been in the
[01:32:11] States? No, it's like two weeks. But I came before for like also another two weeks. Okay.
[01:32:18] Okay. Cool. Cool. So for those of you who don't know, Motaz is a genocide survivor. He
[01:32:24] is a photojournalist. He is one of the most important voices across the board in humanizing
[01:32:32] the plight of the Palestinians throughout this entire process. And, you know, you're
[01:32:39] a hero. I have tremendous respect for you. I think what you've done is incredible. I'm
[01:32:43] going to pipe you up a little bit. I know that probably makes you feel a little uncomfortable,
[01:32:48] But, Motaz was also one of the 100 most influential people of 2024 Corny Time magazine.
[01:32:55] For 108 days, Motaz acted as the world's eyes and ears in his native Gaza.
[01:33:00] Armed with a camera and a flak jacket, Mark Press, the 25-year-old Palestinian photographer
[01:33:03] spent nearly four months documenting life under Israeli bombardment.
[01:33:09] Right off the jump, before we get to your background, before we get to how you started
[01:33:13] as a photojournalist.
[01:33:15] I do I do want to talk about the role that I think you and Bizon and many others played
[01:33:23] in in changing the dynamic in the way that I think the western world views Palestinians as
[01:33:30] because I'm Turkish I'm Muslim I grew up with a very different understanding of course that in
[01:33:36] comparison to Americans and in comparison to people in the western world in in analyzing
[01:33:44] Israel as not necessarily the most moral state, nor a democratic state, but instead a colonial
[01:33:53] vestige, a settler colonial apartheid state. And a lot of people, I think, in the aftermath of
[01:34:03] Israel's incredibly violent Gaza incursion, which is a genocide, started recognizing that
[01:34:12] reality but how do they recognize that reality I think you guys played a big role in making people
[01:34:18] understand the reality by you know putting on I mean by by showcasing all of the things that
[01:34:26] were going on and by communicating that you were human and I think that was very effectively
[01:34:34] Israel had done a very good job of refusing to showcase that side.
[01:34:42] So thank you.
[01:34:43] Thank you so much for having me.
[01:34:46] Unfortunately, the world had to understand what is happening and how we suffer on our
[01:34:53] plot.
[01:34:54] like more than 50,000 people and hundreds of thousands left Gaza, hundreds of thousands are injured
[01:35:03] and thousands also missed. So unfortunately, it sacrificed, yeah, it discovered to the world
[01:35:14] the personal occupation and what they are doing, but they are also like souls and people who passed
[01:35:24] Maybe
[01:35:26] Doesn't worth it. It was all these people all these souls just to make a point for the world that we are humans
[01:35:33] Because even you're like I'm coming to the country going around just for the world the world that you are humans. This is
[01:35:40] Probably the spirit
[01:35:41] thing to do
[01:35:43] But yeah, I had to do it
[01:35:47] Yeah, no, I I totally I totally understand where I come from. I'm sorry. I'm trying to also adjust your
[01:35:53] your, your sound levels real quick and increase your microphone volume.
[01:36:01] So how do you, let's, let's start off with, with your beginnings.
[01:36:08] You're, you're very young, you're 25 years old.
[01:36:11] Yeah.
[01:36:12] I'm, I'm 33.
[01:36:13] I'm so old.
[01:36:14] Yeah.
[01:36:15] I'm an old man.
[01:36:16] Damn it.
[01:36:17] Okay.
[01:36:18] You're tall as hell.
[01:36:19] Do you bald?
[01:36:20] No.
[01:36:21] You don't play basketball?
[01:36:22] I used to play but you know I'm like so huge so I didn't find my shoe size in Gaza. Oh really? Yeah, I'm bigger your shoes 15
[01:36:29] You're a size 15. Yes. I am 13. I was gonna give you I was gonna give you my shoes if you want to
[01:36:37] You're paying for me man. Yeah, shit. That's crazy. Okay. No, I know I know a bunch of ballers. I I
[01:36:44] talked to
[01:36:46] Omar Hertz show the those guys a lot and and Omar balls and
[01:36:51] And I mean, they're still in Gaza.
[01:36:54] So anyway, what I was going to say is how did you start?
[01:36:59] How did you choose to become a member of the press?
[01:37:03] Like, what about your background?
[01:37:07] It says, like, you were like, I want to become a photojournalist.
[01:37:12] Yeah, it's not my first time to do this.
[01:37:15] And I used to cover wars and aggressions in Gaza years before.
[01:37:21] I used to be like a photographer who wanted to make beautiful pictures, capture the sense
[01:37:29] of the people, the daily life, because there was a lot of destruction in Gaza, but I wanted
[01:37:34] to be different.
[01:37:37] And it was hard, really hard to be different, especially in an environment like Gaza where
[01:37:44] you can't even make a plan for two days because something will happen, something
[01:37:48] will ruin all your plans.
[01:37:50] And like I tried my best to show the nice image from Gaza that the world doesn't know.
[01:37:58] But a lot of people unfortunately also like just know Gaza for wars, bombing, people
[01:38:04] losing their lives, not for like the beautiful life there.
[01:38:08] And it wasn't also to be honest, it wasn't easy life or really beautiful, but we're
[01:38:15] trying always to make it looks beautiful, because our resistance is in our
[01:38:23] existence. So yeah, and like I covered massacres in 2017, I got a shot in my left
[01:38:30] leg in 2018. I was a volunteer at Bermedic with the BRCS. 2019 some
[01:38:38] I was like having it for 2021 or 11 days. I was like a really big escalation after the
[01:38:49] Sheikh Jarrah, what was happening in Jerusalem. And then in 2023 in May, there was also five
[01:38:57] days of aggression. So I was like also documenting this. And yeah, that's the inside.
[01:39:07] What is what is one aspect of living under the Israeli occupation that people don't necessarily know about or talk about that you think is unique?
[01:39:18] Yeah, that everything you want to do is a struggle. Me as a photojournalist, I want to buy like a camera lens. I need to wait for three, four months.
[01:39:27] Then I need to pay like terrible taxes for Israel and
[01:39:32] This is just for me as like a photo jurist and
[01:39:35] Imagine the other stories of the people if you want to start a business
[01:39:38] If you want to travel everything is will suffer you can't me from Gaza
[01:39:43] I can't go to the West Bank or Jerusalem the people from West Bank can't come to Tugasa also
[01:39:49] they can go to Jerusalem
[01:39:51] so we don't have the freedom of movement in our lands and
[01:39:54] And if you want to go there, you need the permission from Israeli occupation and you need to be like a very secure going to that.
[01:40:03] So maybe they can give you the permission sometimes they give you, sometimes not everything it's under their control.
[01:40:12] And yeah, so you don't have your freedom in your land even.
[01:40:17] Yeah, what part of what part of Palestine is your family from originally? I'm first of all originally cousin. Oh, okay
[01:40:24] Yeah, you're you're a G cousin. Yeah. Okay. Um, that's interesting. So
[01:40:30] I mean everything
[01:40:33] Everything you've talked about everything you've spoken to is very heartbreaking
[01:40:37] It's it's not necessarily once again
[01:40:40] it's not necessarily something that a lot of people were privy to a lot of people were aware of I think and
[01:40:45] And in your analysis of the situation, do you feel like something has changed in the last year even in terms of the way that people have been mobilized in the Western world?
[01:41:03] Yeah, when someone asked who we are from, I tell him like Palestine, he know, he don't
[01:41:08] tell me, oh, Pakistan.
[01:41:09] Oh, yeah.
[01:41:10] Yeah, a lot of this thing having to me before, like, so maybe it's like a big shift.
[01:41:18] A new generation now knows better.
[01:41:22] And they know, like, the destroyer of Palestinians.
[01:41:25] And a lot of people support now our right to resist occupation because everyone was
[01:41:31] living under occupation, they have the right to resist the occupation in every means he can.
[01:41:37] So, yeah, but we couldn't have the real support on the ground. So no army moved his tanks support
[01:41:44] us as Palestinians fighting the occupation. No one entered the galaxy, I will protect the
[01:41:51] civilians. Yeah, so in a way you feel that no one is as easy as a human from outside that
[01:42:00] you deserve like to protect you. I will been like asking for international protection from
[01:42:06] the Israeli occupation for long years, but nobody did anything. So yeah, okay, we're doing our best
[01:42:15] just to maybe survive to prove to the world that we need your support to resist this occupation
[01:42:24] and to have our rise in all of that.
[01:42:27] Yeah.
[01:42:32] How do you foresee this going?
[01:42:34] Like, do you feel like something has changed in terms
[01:42:36] of the way that people view Israel now in, dare I say,
[01:42:42] even contentious terms?
[01:42:44] Where I believe that the actions that Israel has taken,
[01:42:53] post-October 7 has genuinely dramatically altered, I think, like the continuation of the apartheid
[01:43:01] in the way that it does. Do you have some semblance of hope in all of this darkness about potentially
[01:43:09] a trajectory change for Israel?
[01:43:13] Yeah, maybe a lot of countries recognize Palestine as a country now, as a state, because
[01:43:22] There was a lot of countries that didn't recognize Palestine as a state and a lot of countries going to recognize Palestine as a state.
[01:43:28] A lot of people now know the truth of Israel as occupation.
[01:43:34] And a lot of people now understand that our war, our fight is not with like Jewish people to designism because there's a lot of thousands of Jewish people, maybe a hundred thousand Jewish people supporting us.
[01:43:47] Because there's also Palestinian Jewish people.
[01:43:50] So because there was like a really big misunderstanding before this.
[01:43:56] Because yeah, they're using the words like anti-Semitism to, you know, to block you from
[01:44:01] doing what you do in your country.
[01:44:04] So yeah, we're raising awareness.
[01:44:06] I hope maybe there's a weak hope because it's been like almost a year now.
[01:44:12] Nobody did anything watching people being massacred under like my life shows 4k footage and
[01:44:21] In every minute you see like people being killed and be okay. Yeah, let's shout free Palestine. Thank you so much
[01:44:26] We appreciate this but we need actions. We don't need words
[01:44:30] Yeah, because Israel doesn't get a words as we're got to get actions
[01:44:35] they get funded by billions of dollars from the US from the West from
[01:44:39] weapons factory in the UK and everywhere and
[01:44:42] Italy. So they get they get action. This is why they are like winning. This is why they are like
[01:44:49] killing people and nobody stopped them. But we need more actions. We don't we don't want
[01:44:55] words. We don't want comments. We don't want likes. We don't want share. We need actions in
[01:44:58] the streets and everywhere you could. What can people do to support Palestine right now
[01:45:05] in in America in the Western world in general? And the reason why hyper the reason why
[01:45:11] specifically talk about that for those of you in the chat that don't understand is because
[01:45:17] if you are not inside of the heart of empire, if you are not an American citizen, if you're not
[01:45:25] like a Western European, your assessment of the situation has always been, especially if you're
[01:45:32] Muslim, especially if you're from the global south, your assessment of the situation is that,
[01:45:36] oh this is just more settler colonialism in the exact same ways that you might have even experienced.
[01:45:44] But obviously the Western Hemisphere, specifically Western Europe and America,
[01:45:49] hold most of the cards in this equation and have been able to keep a lot of people oblivious
[01:45:56] to the reality of Israel and what Israel's actions are. This is why I specifically talk about
[01:46:03] that aspect of the equation. So what can people do to support Palestine more effectively?
[01:46:13] Everyone could do a thing from his place. I'm not here asking people to sacrifice their lives,
[01:46:19] but people in Gaza losing their lives for their home. So before maybe six, seven months, it was
[01:46:26] American soldier who burned himself. Yeah, because what's happening. I'm not
[01:46:33] here asking people to kill themselves for us. No, we want you alive to support us.
[01:46:37] But you were a really human. He couldn't see what is happening and just keep
[01:46:43] watching. Yeah, I'm sorry for him for what happened to him. We respect him.
[01:46:51] We love him thing. I I hope has so many resting peace
[01:46:57] But there's was also like a Canadian who traveled all the way to occupied lands and
[01:47:03] He just chatted in the front of the Israeli shore soldier a free Palestine. They killed him
[01:47:09] Yeah, the war since of kitchen members who were workers who were working in Gaza a polish someone from the UK
[01:47:15] So, British people, they also got strike and killed in Gaza and they know because they control the sky, they know what they are doing when Israel killed them.
[01:47:27] So, yeah, they killed them on purpose and nothing changed even if they would kill the white people.
[01:47:35] Even if Israel would kill the white people in Gaza just to support the humans of Gaza.
[01:47:41] Yeah, nothing will change because the injustice power is so evil and what is so big so people should understand
[01:47:50] Who are like controlling them around the world also about the boy cat?
[01:47:55] It's not about like the drinks or the fruits about the money use you are like you don't know I
[01:48:01] I don't like get mad from the people who because sometimes you don't you don't know well like they buy something
[01:48:09] We are not like we're cutting the brand.
[01:48:10] No, but it's about the brand, how the money, where it's going to end.
[01:48:15] So people should now understand, look, look, just like Google it.
[01:48:20] BDS.
[01:48:21] Yeah.
[01:48:22] Just look, look what's happening around you.
[01:48:26] Uh, if, if you will not act for Palestine, just act for yourself.
[01:48:31] Know what you're doing.
[01:48:32] Know what's happening behind the scenes by your money.
[01:48:35] and how like what your kids are watching what they are known from the world so
[01:48:41] because okay what's happening guys now I hear this from you yeah you raise our
[01:48:47] awareness we know we couldn't we didn't know before yeah but even the reason
[01:48:53] that may raise your awareness just see he needs you need your support I'm not
[01:48:58] really sure what to advise people to do because I don't know I've been
[01:49:02] locked under like a heavy beseech or like 18 years, I didn't know how the word works.
[01:49:10] I'm now like out here just trying to raise awareness and to grab all the attention of the world with us
[01:49:18] because Gaza is now alone and now is what's happening in Lebanon, the invaded Lebanon.
[01:49:23] And Israel is continuing what they are doing, like nobody can stop them.
[01:49:28] Yeah. So, yeah, we need your support. We never mean you can.
[01:49:33] Okay. Is there anything you want to specifically, like, is there anything that you feel hopeful about in all of this?
[01:49:43] Or does it, I mean, I know it's a hard thing to ask, especially considering your, do you still have family members in Gaza?
[01:49:51] Yeah, all my family there.
[01:49:53] Yeah, okay. Yeah.
[01:49:55] Yeah, I lost around like 26 of my family, like 18 friends, but yeah, I still have more. I hope they survive this.
[01:50:05] Yeah.
[01:50:07] Um, but, um, yeah, in all of this, uh, I feel like, I feel like Palestinians, like you said, your existence is resistance.
[01:50:20] Yeah, and Palestinian resilience has been something that is like truly eye-opening for a lot of people around the world
[01:50:30] Especially being able to exist under such brutal occupation
[01:50:34] Is there like what are what are some of the
[01:50:39] What are some of the aspects of this brutal occupation in terms of like something that maybe people have not considered for example
[01:50:47] Like what was your what was your childhood like? What kind of schools did you go to? Were you were you educated in an honor school?
[01:50:54] No, because I'm not a refugee. So I went to the government's
[01:51:01] But now I like I support on the run and everything I can I've been like for
[01:51:07] A school at the road of falter is like a German. He came to Gaza. He built a school
[01:51:13] So he wanted support education there
[01:51:17] I finished my school, high school in Gaza, I went to the Azar University in Gaza,
[01:51:23] Israel destroyed all of it now and I got English translation degrees so I can connect with the
[01:51:29] word by language. I use my skill photography and I merge it together so I can do what I'm
[01:51:38] doing right now and the photography I'm doing. My life, my child was about shorter
[01:51:44] electricity and long days without electricity, struggling to find, to find
[01:51:52] things, because even like the child in Gaza is not only a child, he's like an
[01:51:56] old child. He's the one you have like a big responsibility in you, because like
[01:52:04] most of the families have like, like there is the range of unemployment in
[01:52:11] because it's so big, like around 80% of people in Gaza are unemployed and you can't travel easily.
[01:52:19] You can't, everything is with struggle. Yeah, you can't get anything easily.
[01:52:24] Yeah. So yeah, in 2014 I lost my classmate, his name is Alaa, was just playing football
[01:52:31] and artillery from his house. He got killed, he was just 15 years old.
[01:52:38] Yeah, he just wanted to be like a soccer player.
[01:52:43] So that's about lose.
[01:52:46] It's about finding space to play in.
[01:52:51] It's about like just a dreams that's maybe is a will like kill you before you make it.
[01:52:59] So yeah, it wasn't easy and.
[01:53:03] Yeah, we are.
[01:53:06] Um, what do you think about America after visiting this time around?
[01:53:11] Oh
[01:53:13] What's your opinion? That's really difficult to judge because before I came to America. I was believing that everyone there is so evil
[01:53:21] You know, like yeah, there's a monsters industry, but I came here
[01:53:25] There's a lot of really good hearts that they want to do you want to do more
[01:53:29] But even they're like official representatives that doesn't hear from them their government doesn't hear for them
[01:53:34] So, believe me, I'm not judging anyone.
[01:53:38] I have respect for the people who want to support and to do more, because I met, like,
[01:53:46] I met a lot of Jewish people here who want to support us, like, a lot of the white people
[01:53:53] who want to do more, you know, they want to understand.
[01:53:57] But yeah, there's a lot of evil people, but at the same time they want to forget
[01:54:00] that there's a really good people who are here. And I just like a word from Palestinian from
[01:54:09] Gaza. The image of like, Americans for the world is so bad. Yeah, so please work to enhance
[01:54:19] to make it better because people think that they are all evil. They will think that they
[01:54:24] like you like to kill people to invade other countries. So please work on this to make a
[01:54:30] good image for your country because you can do it. You can't stop supporting occupation,
[01:54:37] you can't stop paying your taxes. So you're going to send billions of dollars or to kill
[01:54:42] civilians in the tents that they don't have even the power to find the water to drink.
[01:54:46] Yeah. No, I get that. I understand that completely. Do you have you had some American food?
[01:54:57] Since you've been here?
[01:54:59] Man, just the burgers here.
[01:55:01] Do you like it?
[01:55:03] I don't like burgers, but because my stomach hurts so much since I left because, yeah,
[01:55:08] Yeah, show your food so I don't want to get a lot of pain.
[01:55:12] I got like a one burger, but I spent like two hours in the toilet after it, so I'm sorry.
[01:55:21] No, don't be, don't apologize, I'm not going to lie the kebabs here are not as good, unfortunately.
[01:55:30] Nothing like home.
[01:55:31] Yeah.
[01:55:32] But there was like a Yemeni food, there's some like Palestinian bakeries here.
[01:55:37] Yeah, yeah, I'm trying you know to find something to eat. Yeah. Yeah, I came from God there was there was like no food
[01:55:44] I came here there's a lot of food, but you can't eat it
[01:55:48] No, that's something that's something that I mean I I
[01:55:53] I like the American food. I'm very American eyes in that regard even when I was growing up in Turkey
[01:55:58] Like I was a burger eater. Yeah, so I do miss Turkish food obviously every day
[01:56:05] And I do eat sweets. I like the sweets. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, there is some good baklava out here
[01:56:12] Yeah, for sure. There is like some places that I think they like ship it from Turkey, but
[01:56:18] Yeah, I feel like if you had a burrito yet
[01:56:22] Burrito, it's like it's like a wrap
[01:56:25] They even do it like I think I guess like carnitas are very similar to shawarma. I got some tacos
[01:56:31] Yeah, yeah, it's like a bigger taco and it has like rice in it
[01:56:35] Look at all this. It's much right. You got it. You got to have a breakfast burrito. It's good. It's gonna blow your mind
[01:56:41] For your your Muslim, right? Yeah. Yeah, okay. So no bacon, but no bacon. No bacon everything else
[01:56:48] Yeah, okay. You can't have the carnitas. Yeah
[01:56:52] You gotta do alpastore and
[01:56:55] And then and then we're gonna have you back to do a snack to your list
[01:56:58] I
[01:56:59] What made your stomach hurt the least?
[01:57:01] at least out of everything that you had.
[01:57:04] Like anything with oil, anything with like meat,
[01:57:08] either sometimes the water and mix my...
[01:57:10] Oh, Alpha Store.
[01:57:12] Sorry.
[01:57:13] Oh, okay.
[01:57:13] No Alpha Store either.
[01:57:15] Yeah.
[01:57:15] My bad.
[01:57:17] What were you gonna, what were you saying?
[01:57:19] Like anything with oil, so I'm not sure.
[01:57:22] Everything that I eat here, it hurts.
[01:57:24] So maybe the problem is with me, I'm sure.
[01:57:27] Cause a lot of people eat food and they're good.
[01:57:30] I mean your diet was very different than the average American diet yeah
[01:57:37] because like the diet in Gaza was different the last time because I lost
[01:57:40] around like 12 kilograms less than three months so yeah it was different but
[01:57:48] the food like in Gaza it's about it's really fine quality there yeah our food
[01:57:55] is very special and I hope everyone could like one day to try it in Gaza
[01:58:00] or Palestine, not just outside.
[01:58:03] Do you watch anime?
[01:58:05] No.
[01:58:06] You don't watch anime?
[01:58:08] Morgan made me ask that question.
[01:58:10] She's over there.
[01:58:12] I'll catch the man.
[01:58:13] Okay, anime, okay, because I'm gonna say,
[01:58:16] No, not anymore.
[01:58:18] When I was young.
[01:58:19] When you were young, you were,
[01:58:20] Bro, you're still young.
[01:58:21] You're 25.
[01:58:22] What do you mean when I was young?
[01:58:23] I'm 25, but no, I don't have time for anything now.
[01:58:26] I'm just, you know, so there's no time for it.
[01:58:28] like what about what about like a American movies and stuff like you yeah
[01:58:35] I learned a lot of English from through the movies special to American movies
[01:58:41] so yeah like I'm now trying to watch a prison break and also old prison break
[01:58:46] yeah you gotta get up to date man you gotta you got to watch like breaking
[01:58:52] bad or something I should but it's like so too long you know oh yeah it is a lot
[01:58:57] of facilities and yeah or yeah anytime there's so much there's so much that
[01:59:05] I'll give you a list I was good Matilda was good Matilda just like for an hour
[01:59:11] and yeah 40 minutes so it was yeah okay so you played a little bit of
[01:59:20] basketball you didn't you didn't play a lot of sports.
[01:59:22] I played volleyball, I played like soccer, but yeah, then my
[01:59:28] sports is not like my type right now.
[01:59:33] You're a singer?
[01:59:33] No, not singer.
[01:59:35] You're you're good at singing.
[01:59:36] What is your favorite song?
[01:59:39] Well, like I, I like to have the strapped imagine dragons.
[01:59:43] Some Arabic music, but no, not a good singer, just sing when I'm under the shower, that's it.
[01:59:53] I feel that. I'm not a very good singer either, but I still do it every now and then.
[02:00:00] What's your favorite soccer team?
[02:00:03] I like the Spanish team like Madrid, but when Ronaldo got out I'm off. I don't follow any
[02:00:13] soccer news anymore.
[02:00:14] Oh, wow.
[02:00:15] Yeah, because I like the way the person plays, not the whole team.
[02:00:19] Oh, you're like me. I like LeBron. I like LeBron more than I like the teams that play
[02:00:23] for him.
[02:00:24] Yeah, I was like the best.
[02:00:25] Yeah.
[02:00:26] Yeah.
[02:00:27] Okay, you're a Ronaldo enjoyer. Have you met, are you familiar with the contributor
[02:00:32] by the name of I show speed. I show speed. No. No. Okay. He's a he's a big Ronaldo fan.
[02:00:39] And he's also a big fan of. Oh, yeah, I know. Yeah. Oh, you have seen him. Yeah. He's always
[02:00:46] streaming. You know, yeah, he's always screaming. He's always going free full of steam. Yeah, I saw
[02:00:52] that's cool. It's cool that you know, speed. That's crazy. Yeah, I know. He's also a
[02:00:56] streamer like myself. But I mean, he's a little bit crazy. He's a lot younger. So that's cool
[02:01:05] that you know that. So you're also, by the way, chat, if you want to donate to Onra,
[02:01:11] there's a link that you can donate to as well. Let's talk about Onra for a second,
[02:01:17] because a lot of people don't know, like a lot of people are just fed whatever the media is
[02:01:24] telling them yeah okay oh no my dog is my my groomer just brought my dog in
[02:01:33] right at this very moment no no don't worry about it you like dogs not very
[02:01:40] much not very much okay we won't bring the dog and this is a big old dog yeah
[02:01:44] I just wish he didn't want me to play with his belly so yeah you know Sarah
[02:01:49] that's why oh no she's very friendly that's not a problem but hold on I'm
[02:01:53] Morgan, you want to take over here for a second?
[02:01:56] Paul, I, Paul, I,
[02:01:58] I'm going to talk very close to the mic.
[02:02:12] Hey, everyone, you hear me?
[02:02:15] That's great. All right. Cool. I'm Layla.
[02:02:17] I work with under USA communications.
[02:02:20] Hello. Hey, I'm going to be a seven.
[02:02:25] I was wrong. So I want to tell you about our work on
[02:02:28] Where is the Palestine?
[02:02:31] Under USA is an unprofit that supports out here in California.
[02:02:37] Oh, you can't hear me.
[02:02:38] We're here in California.
[02:02:39] Can you hear me better now?
[02:02:41] Yeah, go ahead.
[02:02:41] I'll stay close to the mic.
[02:02:42] I'm not used to this, y'all.
[02:02:44] We are here in California on a tour.
[02:02:46] It's called Gaza Through My Lens, where
[02:02:47] we're taking multiles around to different cities in the US.
[02:02:50] We started in Houston.
[02:02:51] Before that, we did our major Gaza 5k.
[02:02:53] It's a walk-run for mental health in Dallas.
[02:02:55] We raised $0.5 million for mental health.
[02:02:58] And then we moved on to Houston
[02:02:59] to do two speaking events there.
[02:03:01] We did one in Anaheim yesterday.
[02:03:03] 2000 of you showed up, so thank you.
[02:03:05] We have another event tonight
[02:03:07] and we're headed to New York City for a couple of events
[02:03:09] and we'll close out in DC
[02:03:10] where Montaz has the opportunity to really share
[02:03:12] his story and Gaza through his lens
[02:03:15] and help people understand, you know,
[02:03:18] what it's like through the lens of one person,
[02:03:20] although he represents millions.
[02:03:21] So, Montaz, how has the tour been for you so far?
[02:03:24] And you wanna say anything about our fundraising efforts?
[02:03:27] Yeah, like flying is really bad. Yeah, but yeah, it was well meeting a lot of people want to do more on support. And I'm happy that I'm raising awareness also about the rule of honor one, because it's they're really, it's like a government on the ground, but not government.
[02:03:47] It's an NGO that's provide people with food aid, medical support, educational support.
[02:03:55] So yeah, they are really doing a big work on the ground.
[02:03:59] Thank you so much.
[02:04:00] Yeah.
[02:04:00] So this is why I choose to continue and support them because I see because even
[02:04:05] me, like in December, I got some food aid from them for myself, for my family.
[02:04:10] So, and Israel trying to shut it down because it's the only organization that
[02:04:16] recognize the right of birth time for Palestinians,
[02:04:20] Palestinian refugees. So, yeah, this is why I'm
[02:04:24] supporting them very well. Yeah, Hussain, you want to get back on me?
[02:04:28] Sure. So, I was going to mention real brief that
[02:04:32] honor is providing the back, it's the back one of humanitarian assistance in Gaza, providing
[02:04:36] 60% of the aid. When you're donating through this fundraiser that we got going on right now
[02:04:40] through Tiltify, you are providing that support and the American people
[02:04:44] people have really stepped up since the government
[02:04:46] funded earlier this year.
[02:04:48] And so we've been able to give $50 million
[02:04:51] from people like all of you here on the screen
[02:04:54] and all around the world to provide for the assistance,
[02:04:56] which is saving lives.
[02:04:58] And because I've had the chance to go six times myself,
[02:05:00] that's super rare for a Palestinian-American.
[02:05:02] And we'd love to tell you more about it.
[02:05:04] But just check out our work at UNRUSA, UNRWA, USA.
[02:05:07] You'll see more from what's has.
[02:05:09] Sorry that our events are sold out.
[02:05:10] We'll be posting clips and kind of vlog from the whole
[02:05:14] so you can get a sense of what we're doing,
[02:05:15] but we need you to engage with us
[02:05:16] from wherever you are in the world
[02:05:17] to make sure that we can show more Palestine refugees
[02:05:20] that Americans care.
[02:05:21] We really think, so thankful for the platform
[02:05:23] and seeing like the comments, they're going nuts.
[02:05:25] These comments are crazy.
[02:05:26] How do we keep up with this?
[02:05:28] I gotta pass the mic to our real host.
[02:05:29] Thank you.
[02:05:30] Shout out to Shariah.
[02:05:31] I know you're a big cousin, Abbie fan.
[02:05:34] So thank you for being here, y'all.
[02:05:38] Thank you, Laila.
[02:05:40] I have a bunch of diet sodas and stuff.
[02:05:42] We want to try it.
[02:05:44] Yeah, but, you know, like when I'm traveling, my circuit personal, whatever.
[02:05:49] Yeah, that's, I feel like, I feel like this will take you out.
[02:05:53] Dr. Pepper cream, so it is zero sugar.
[02:05:57] It's like a diet.
[02:05:57] Oh, by the way, that's my dog.
[02:05:59] That's Kai right there.
[02:06:01] She's very friendly.
[02:06:02] He's a puppy, but she's pretty big.
[02:06:04] So if she's a puppy, yeah.
[02:06:06] Well, she stole it anyway.
[02:06:08] She's, she's a big girl.
[02:06:10] She's like a 40 kilos, I think maybe a little bit over the.
[02:06:14] Um, but anyway, yeah, um, the reason why I brought up honor aside from the fact that, uh, you know, there are people here from honor is that, uh, it is, yeah, it is the, it is the backbone of, of Palatinate society.
[02:06:29] It operates in a similar way to how world central kitchen operates in the way that, like, when world central kitchen goes to different places, they will hire people, they will hire, like, the local population and go to local kitchens and source.
[02:06:43] the the food products from local kitchens and honor operates in a similar capacity and has been operating in a similar capacity for a very long time in terms of like the 13,000 people. Right. I believe.
[02:06:57] Yeah, Justin. How many, how many people across all fields? Oh, yeah, 30,000 Palestinians working across the entire region. 13,000 people just in Gaza alone from schools to every aspect of like,
[02:07:14] Palestinian life. So when Israel, which has been very invested in like trying to shut down the
[02:07:21] funding of UNRWA and remove UNRWA's legitimacy for a multitude of different reasons, like when they
[02:07:28] were able to successfully do that by just straight up lying and the American government
[02:07:34] following through on that, it was yet another, in my opinion, yet another blow,
[02:07:40] and yet another way to to increase the hurt that it was causing to the
[02:07:46] Palestinian population um but yeah we have a direct donation not even the
[02:07:53] Tiltify link they put the onra USA dot org slash donate link on there is that
[02:07:57] okay okay all right yeah that's the one on our USA org slash donate yeah okay
[02:08:14] Do you guys have any other? Yeah, I just wanted to find out. Okay. Does he have a photograph?
[02:08:18] He would most like to share with us. Do you have a photo that you want to show everybody? Like what's here?
[02:08:24] There's a lot of photos and all stories, but yeah, I can pull it over here
[02:08:28] Go like to my Instagram, maybe. All right, let's do it. Let's talk about some stories of the people
[02:08:37] You smoke no no, yeah, you drink. Oh, you don't drink
[02:08:41] I'm trying to be a good Muslim, I'm a bad Muslim, yeah, um, is there anyone that you
[02:08:52] want to talk about?
[02:08:53] Oh, yeah, I go down, go down, go down, go down, yeah, yeah, here, here, here, here's
[02:08:59] this one, this one, no, yeah, this one, maybe, wait, I don't, that's the graphic,
[02:09:05] yeah, the, yeah, the problem is like, uh, on Twitch, uh, I, you can't, you can't
[02:09:11] You'll be banned or what yeah, I can't show a lot of the a lot of the photos
[02:09:16] Okay
[02:09:18] Unfortunately that are that are graphic. Okay, you'll go down for something else. Maybe it's about most of it is graphic. I know
[02:09:27] Yeah, you remember she did to leave. Yeah, she's wonderful. I love her. She's really great. Yeah. Yeah
[02:09:38] Okay
[02:09:39] Yeah, so yeah, I go down and you'll find you'll find more. Maybe you can talk about it
[02:09:48] Yeah
[02:09:49] Because most of it is a graphics, but there's something on time as if you will show us is for a gear under the rubble
[02:09:55] Or like the people I lost
[02:09:58] So yeah, there's a lot. We can just pick
[02:10:02] Is there any in particular that you want to show from here?
[02:10:06] Maybe I go down a little bit here here here just like this maybe video or
[02:10:11] this video right here yeah okay yeah so this video looks for a mother he's like
[02:10:18] grabbing her two children like the baby's thing and for more than 18
[02:10:27] kilometers she was walking just and she passed from like an Israeli checkpoint and
[02:10:33] yeah she just kept grabbing him and bowing him tell like more than 18
[02:10:39] kilometer. Wow. Yeah, so she had like all her home in there in her bags, because she lost her home.
[02:10:47] And yeah, as you can see, the video explains itself.
[02:10:54] That's crazy. It's 11 miles for Americans. There's a photojournalist in the chat says,
[02:10:58] I'm a photojournalist covering protests in Michigan. What advice does Motos have
[02:11:02] for other ways journalists can cover the genocide effects in the US?
[02:11:05] Yeah, you can push in your government to send you to God so you can work there on the ground to the truth because yeah, if you if you give the government give Israel billions of dollars, at least let's let Israel allow the US to go to Gaza to cover.
[02:11:23] And I don't they should not kill you there.
[02:11:26] So that I believe that I thank for everything you do.
[02:11:29] Yeah. Um, is one of your photos is the times top 10 photos of 2023. Yeah. Um, here we'll show that one. This is a young girl stuck under her house in the rubble.
[02:11:42] This is your photo.
[02:11:46] Yeah, so my phone, I use my camera to find her. I use like the slow shutter speed, the
[02:11:54] camera so I can find more light and find her because you couldn't find her. She was screaming
[02:11:59] when no one knows where she. So yeah, thanks for the technology.
[02:12:05] Yeah. The link is broken to donate. Why? What's going on? What's wrong with the
[02:12:13] link chat. Hold on. Is it not working? Is it Tiltify link not working?
[02:12:30] People are saying it works fine.
[02:12:38] Just connect the camp connect currently make live changes. What?
[02:12:43] Okay. I'm a photo editor at the New York Times. I'm wondering if Motos could share
[02:12:47] us, share with us the damage the media narrative around Gaza has caused and how
[02:12:51] us as photographers and reporters can do better to cover the story.
[02:12:55] not sure because like New York Times maybe sometimes I see some points on them but they
[02:13:08] also trying to show more. Yeah, like even like once of time CNN showed like videos of
[02:13:18] young children were just playing and Israeli drone killed them and they showed it for
[02:13:23] even was graphics but you know sometimes you just like show it to get more views and to make people
[02:13:29] satisfy about them to not keep attacking them then they don't want anything to go back to be
[02:13:35] on the Israeli side. So I hope they're just not manipulating with this because
[02:13:43] this is our people's life and yeah if you're if anyone think he's a human I don't think
[02:13:51] he should like do this other people to use their their suffer and not just to get more views or likes or shares. Yeah. Yeah.
[02:14:01] Um, do you feel like, uh, you actually brought up something that I talk about quite frequently, which is that,
[02:14:08] um, the media, not like the theory, uh, it has the theoretical responsibility of like showing the truth, right? Yeah. Obviously.
[02:14:18] But the real responsibility, the real goal of the media overall, in my opinion in America especially, is to create an air of objectivity, so they can come across as legitimate, so they can in more nefarious ways lie when they need to.
[02:14:38] Yeah, right
[02:14:40] And and that is that is the way I
[02:14:44] That's the way I see it for the most part and I think you kind of brought that up when you said like sometimes they do show the truth
[02:14:49] Yeah, and I think
[02:14:52] As a Palestinian do you feel like they are potentially showing the truth in an effort to maintain that legitimacy because people are yelling at them
[02:14:59] Yeah, exactly. So they can continue being like oh
[02:15:03] You know so they can continue using passive voice whenever they talk about like Israel striking
[02:15:08] uh densely populated civilian areas that is what's really having this is what i believe is happy
[02:15:15] for for myself personally this is what i believe in yeah and there are by the way
[02:15:20] chatters yes i this is something that i repeat all the time there are great journalists out
[02:15:25] there even in the new york times as well it's it's not uh entirely in their hands
[02:15:30] unknowingly whenever they want to cover a story in a particular manner there's still
[02:15:35] obviously going to be editorial control that shuts it down um have you are you familiar with uh
[02:15:43] tana heesey coats tana heesey coats no so he's uh he's a uh a liberal journalist he actually even
[02:15:51] worked for the atlantic which is uh the editor in chief of the atlantic is the israeli prison
[02:15:56] guard former israeli prison guard uh and uh he had written extensively about in the past um
[02:16:03] He had written extensively about reparations and it used Israel as a successful example of how
[02:16:10] Germany paid reparations to Israel and the creation of the Israeli state in the aftermath of the
[02:16:14] Holocaust. But then Tanehisi Coates actually went to the West Bank and saw for himself what
[02:16:20] the situation looked like. And as an adult in his 30s, he went there and he was shocked
[02:16:26] by the realities. And now as a very famous journalist and a writer,
[02:16:31] He has now basically made it his life's mission to correct the record on that and has apologized
[02:16:37] profusely time and time again for the role that he found himself playing about legitimizing this
[02:16:46] apartheid state. And it's really interesting watching his reception originally that was
[02:16:56] very positive like broadly very popular reception change almost overnight as soon as he started saying
[02:17:04] that saying the truth that Israel is an apartheid yeah look like what happened in Iraq after millions
[02:17:14] of people got killed and now then they couldn't find like any mass destruction missiles and then
[02:17:20] Donald Trump Trump showed and he said there was no mass destruction weapons
[02:17:26] there no you know like but no one even sued like yeah what's here his name
[02:17:32] I mean yeah about what he did there so yeah the same for a person you okay
[02:17:38] thanks for going and discovering the truth by himself but also others can go
[02:17:44] a lot of everyone can go there and discover and see the truth on the
[02:17:49] But they just don't want to sacrifice some time in airplane to go and see the truth.
[02:17:55] If you just don't believe media, you go by yourself there and see.
[02:18:00] Like others, there are a lot of people who went there and saw the truth.
[02:18:05] But the problem is with the one who goes there instead is right.
[02:18:10] It's like what he believes in.
[02:18:13] And they like continued support is on the cuban
[02:18:17] Every land in Palestine studying more lands making new settlements
[02:18:23] and
[02:18:24] Not allowing us to move even in our lands
[02:18:28] So me as a policy I need like a permission to to move in my country and I can get
[02:18:35] Yeah, so
[02:18:38] That's a lot people can understand people can see people can know so
[02:18:43] So if they want, they can't fight out.
[02:18:46] They just come from themselves, not me.
[02:18:49] We're just going around, running towards the B-boy.
[02:18:52] Please come and see and understand, though.
[02:18:55] Yeah.
[02:18:59] Is there anything that we missed that you want to talk about?
[02:19:02] I know we've got a busy day today ahead of you.
[02:19:05] Going to be doing a little bit of traveling.
[02:19:07] They are just, I want people to know
[02:19:09] there's a really amazing B-boy in Gaza,
[02:19:13] and in Palestine they deserve a bit of life and hopefully you can help us as a youth.
[02:19:22] I'm not going to say just like Israel killing women, children, and elders. No, also I want to say
[02:19:27] that Israel killing youth, the Palestinian youth. So yeah, I want your support for Palestinian youth
[02:19:34] and our life is just not like a 10-3. This is not our lives and we didn't use to that.
[02:19:39] I would never use that. Yeah, we had a nice houses and nice cars. And we eat the best food
[02:19:47] at the nicest coast ever. And that nice sea but is there's not allowing us to
[02:19:54] find our way to live just a normal life like anyone else. And whenever we don't have peace,
[02:19:59] no one will help us. Believe me, we'll keep pissing you off. Tell your supporters to have
[02:20:04] peace and to get our rights in our land. Yeah, that's it. For
[02:20:09] not tourists, we just want peace and I'll say it's also
[02:20:13] half peace. No one should have peace. Yeah. Okay, that's it.
[02:20:18] Thank you so much for coming on. This is wonderful. Let's take
[02:20:22] a photo side by side so people can know how tall you are.
[02:20:24] Okay. Crazy, but we'll we'll do it over there. All right
[02:20:27] everybody. I'll be back in one second. Someone said thank
[02:20:31] you both us for visiting Belfast and Darien. Oh, I
[02:20:33] even to Ireland. Yeah, they're so amazing. And you like you're like
[02:20:38] Ireland more than America, I suspect. Yeah, so people nice people nice.
[02:20:42] And I like, but I in this circumstance, I can't find any way
[02:20:47] that suits me. Just, we just want to go back to 1000. Yeah, just want
[02:20:53] to go back. Yeah. Alright, I'll be back in one second chat.
[02:20:57] Thank you, Morgan. You want this, by the way, there's stuff
[02:22:49] here as well. Oh yeah here Felix is going to be here in a little bit too by the way noise gate
[02:23:42] is no match for his lab okay so Felix is going to be here in a little bit but before that happens
[02:23:52] we're going to turn our attention back to the we're going to we're going to turn our attention
[02:23:59] back to the election. Tell Frogan as a committee, really thank you for organizing this. Yeah,
[02:24:07] I will do that. Yeah, shout out to Frogan for linking us up. This was great. And I hope you guys
[02:24:19] were able to learn something new today, as always. And now we are going to get back to our
[02:24:27] regular programming and talk about, please consider buying new mics. This was awesome.
[02:24:34] By the way, shut the fuck up. Shut up. We're going to get back to talking about the election.
[02:24:47] Mics were fine. Okay. Y'all are fucking stupid. Good member of Congress. Those are the things
[02:24:56] that I think are the values that people care about. Governor, just to follow up on that,
[02:25:00] the question was, can you explain the discrepancy? All I said on this was, is I got there that
[02:25:06] summer and misspoke on this, so I will just, that's what I've said.
[02:25:12] So I was in Hong Kong and China during the democracy protest went in.
[02:25:18] And from that, I learned a lot of what needed to be in governance.
[02:25:23] In contrast to his often combative tone on the campaign trail, it may respond to that.
[02:25:27] First of all, Governor, I agree with you, Amber Thurman should still be alive, and
[02:25:30] there are a lot of people who should still be alive, and I certainly wish that she
[02:25:33] was.
[02:25:34] events appear to measured and polite. I'm sure Governor Waltz joins me in saying our
[02:25:38] hearts go out to those innocent people. Our prayers go out to them and we want as robust
[02:25:43] and aggressive as a federal response as we can get. But in a recent poll, more than half
[02:25:47] of registered voters, 51% said they view. I think that the Hong Kong stuff was like
[02:25:54] really weird. I think what he could have just simply said is that he misspoke or
[02:26:00] something and just like moved on. Why do we give a fuck about the team and square thing?
[02:26:06] We don't. This is one of those instances where the media chooses to, like the media desperately
[02:26:14] tries to find like a equilibrium, right? Where they're like, well, we're doing JD van stuff,
[02:26:21] so we might as well like find something to showcase how equal and even-footed we are
[02:26:29] on this issue. Okay. And, and that's precisely what's going on. They're like, Oh, well, you
[02:26:38] said that you were there at the tournament square protests one time. Many, many years ago.
[02:26:46] Like it's, it's minuscule. It's totally minuscule in comparison to like,
[02:26:53] it's totally minuscule in comparison to like all of the stuff that you have for JD Vans
[02:26:57] that he regularly it's neutrality not objectivity exactly but they they sell it
[02:27:04] by they sell it as though it is objectivity but it actually is neutrality
[02:27:12] and yeah like JD Vance even in that debate said numerous fucking times of
[02:27:23] a litany of unhinged things. Okay? For example, you said the housing crisis caused by immigrants,
[02:27:31] that undocumented immigrants are responsible for the housing crisis. That is a ridiculous position,
[02:27:37] okay? That is a preposterous position. You automatically are making it seem like,
[02:27:44] like, it's like saying the housing crisis is being caused by people moving to an area,
[02:27:49] Okay, like not just undocumented immigrants or undocumented immigrants, there's anyone moving to an area.
[02:27:55] It is ridiculous to mention that without stating that like we are not actually keeping up with the additional demand.
[02:28:04] And it's especially ridiculous when your argument is in recognition of that reality that there is need for more supply of housing, which is why one of your policies is literally
[02:28:18] to create three million additional housing units, okay?
[02:28:27] And there is a litany of different issues
[02:28:30] that also artificially limit the supply
[02:28:32] of available housing anyway.
[02:28:40] I think that overall so much insanity goes unchecked
[02:28:48] whenever immigrants are discussed.
[02:28:50] They are simply a non-entity.
[02:28:54] They're not human.
[02:28:55] like they're not viewed or communicated about as though they are human, but instead they are some sort of barbaric horde, a monolithic force of evil, that they are operating within the boundaries of the United States as like a monolithic evil force.
[02:29:14] This is a very dangerous idea to leave unchecked, okay?
[02:29:19] It is at the heart of fascist thought.
[02:29:25] And I am genuinely frustrated.
[02:29:30] I'm genuinely frustrated that this is,
[02:29:35] this is not something that people are working to solve.
[02:29:39] Like something that they're working to solve
[02:29:41] in terms of the communication.
[02:29:43] And it is leading America down a dangerous path.
[02:29:56] Hold on, I'm posting a photo of me and Motaz.
[02:30:10] Oh, it's right there, I think.
[02:30:13] Under the table, there's a bag under the table.
[02:30:16] I don't know who's it is, but that might be it.
[02:30:21] All right, bye.
[02:30:26] Could you please explain why it's ridiculous
[02:30:28] to say that an increase in immigration
[02:30:29] caused increasing housing prices,
[02:30:30] like doesn't increase demand,
[02:30:32] increased pricing equilibrium?
[02:30:34] the reason why it's ridiculous is because
[02:30:37] the types of housing
[02:30:39] the types of housing that like the undocumented migrants occupy in general
[02:30:43] are not the types of housing that you're fucking staying in anyway like
[02:30:46] uh... this is not a this is not a real problem in general
[02:30:50] uh... it it they
[02:30:52] for the most part are overwhelmingly living in the absolute most desolate
[02:30:58] uh... the absolute worst uh... conditions in the fucking slums
[02:31:03] They're not purchasing the houses, they're renting them.
[02:31:06] And if that is a problem, if they are impacting the supply,
[02:31:13] you don't communicate it like that.
[02:31:14] You don't ever, like, if there was a massive amount of people,
[02:31:19] in a normal society, if there was a massive amount of people
[02:31:22] from like, I don't know, California moving
[02:31:23] to fucking Texas, for example,
[02:31:25] does that actually raise housing prices?
[02:31:28] Certainly, okay.
[02:31:30] But the problem isn't fucking stopping California's
[02:31:32] moving to Texas. That's not how you deal with that issue. The way you deal with that issue
[02:31:37] instead is by increasing this fucking supply of housing. Okay? That's it. Anyway, bro, this
[02:32:05] guy's a fucking troll for sure. Look at his fucking chest. No way. I agree. Vance unfavorably,
[02:32:14] while just 32%. Like the immigrants are responsible for the housing supply, diminishing.
[02:32:21] ironically isn't the same vein as like immigrants are responsible for drug trafficking into the
[02:32:26] United States of America. They comprise a tiny percentage of the available housing that they
[02:32:31] occupy. Okay. And yet they are made to be the fucking problem in this story. Just like
[02:32:39] they are not responsible with the drug trafficking into the United States at all. And yet this
[02:32:43] is improper fucking framing. Oh, who do you think is more responsible for diminishing
[02:32:55] housing supply in urban areas? Okay. Who? Do you think it's the immigrants? Or do you
[02:33:05] think it's motherfucking Airbnbs, for example? Who do you think is more responsible? Airbnb
[02:33:13] or undocumented migrants? I thought you said this debate didn't matter. Why does everyone
[02:33:21] seem to care so much about it? Is it because it's just a new story? I mean, people care
[02:33:24] about it because like these are two unknown entities overall, this is a unique election
[02:33:30] cycle in terms of like having a very truncated campaign on the one hand, uh, the Kamala Harris
[02:33:37] campaign, uh, with a relatively new lesser known person that is supposed to be the
[02:33:43] VP of this campaign going up against JD Vance was also relatively new on the scene.
[02:33:50] senator, one-term senator overall, very young, and on top of that, Trump is old.
[02:33:55] Who knows what happens to him, you know?
[02:33:58] He keeps having assassination attempts.
[02:34:01] So like, J.D. Vance could very well be the next president if something happens to Donald
[02:34:07] Trump.
[02:34:08] So people are interested, I think.
[02:34:09] One of the things about the debate last night was that the Trump-Vance housing
[02:34:17] plan, the plan that Vance put out repeatedly, was mass deportations.
[02:34:22] They're going to lower the cost of housing, make more housing available by mass deporting
[02:34:26] millions of people.
[02:34:29] This is straight up Nazi ship, by the way.
[02:34:32] Like I hope y'all understand, I'm not even remotely exaggerating.
[02:34:38] When I say this is straight up Nazi Germany, okay?
[02:34:44] Oh, we'll take all of the things that the ill-gotten gains of the Jews, okay?
[02:34:51] because we deserve it. We deserve those gains instead. Pre-watched? What do you mean pre-watched?
[02:35:16] I'm pre-watching history, I guess. You should pre-watch the top of the hour ad break, okay?
[02:35:32] At the top of the hour, there's a 3 minute ad break. If you no longer want to
[02:35:36] see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe, which you could do for $6 or for free with
[02:35:40] a Twitch Prime by connecting your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account. You get one
[02:35:43] free Prime subscription a month. Use it on your favorite broadcast there. Okay, here's
[02:35:58] Here's the three minute ad break now.
[02:36:01] Did you see this?
[02:36:02] Yeah, I did.
[02:36:03] The Daily Trojan article that's up there.
[02:36:07] You pre-watched history?
[02:36:08] Yes, I think that's called learning.
[02:36:09] Yeah.
[02:36:11] Okay, I think we should change the Tiltify link
[02:36:14] to just the Unrelink because the direct Unrelink
[02:36:17] because it's fucking tilting me.
[02:36:18] How many chatters are like, it's not working.
[02:36:21] Okay, I don't know what the fuck's going on there
[02:36:23] and I'm annoyed.
[02:36:27] All right, let's continue.
[02:36:28] The CBS even put it up on the screen
[02:36:30] like a legitimate housing policy. Democrats want tax credits and assistance for construction
[02:36:35] and Trump advance from the deport lots of people to alleviate demand. Treating it like
[02:36:40] a legitimate policy. Now we can talk about it as a policy, right? As a policy it doesn't
[02:36:47] make any fucking sense. First of all, it strains fragility to think that there are
[02:36:54] millions of homes owned by unauthorized immigrants. I think according to Freddie
[02:36:58] the nation is short, 3.8 million homes to rent or buy.
[02:37:02] So you're telling me that some significant portion of that 3.8 million
[02:37:06] are owned by unauthorized immigrants. You don't have social security numbers,
[02:37:10] you don't have tax identification numbers, you may not have bank accounts, right?
[02:37:14] I'm lucky enough, blessed enough to own a home.
[02:37:18] And in addition to having to save a lot of money over a very long time,
[02:37:22] I had to have all this paperwork, all this legal documentation,
[02:37:26] all this paperwork, all this legal documentation, and you're telling me that people who are not
[02:37:30] in the country legally have all this documentation to be able to buy a home.
[02:37:36] It's dumb.
[02:37:37] It's stupid.
[02:37:41] Setting that aside, right, if you were to deport three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
[02:37:48] nine, 10 million people, you would cause, especially unauthorized immigrants, you
[02:37:52] would cause the American construction industry to collapse.
[02:37:56] There would be very little labor for construction, which would cause the price of building anything
[02:38:03] in this country, and especially homes, to skyrocket.
[02:38:07] So not only would this not make a dent on supply, but it would likely cause the price
[02:38:13] of housing to grow by huge amounts, by leaps and bounds.
[02:38:19] But kind of the policy thing is almost besides the point.
[02:38:23] Because tell me if this is familiar to you.
[02:38:26] The plan, to make America great again,
[02:38:28] to provide housing for all, for the many citizens who need it,
[02:38:32] is to go home by home, deport millions of people,
[02:38:36] and essentially take their homes and provide it
[02:38:38] for native-born citizens.
[02:38:40] There's a name for that.
[02:38:42] There's a name for that.
[02:38:44] It's in German.
[02:38:47] It's Levin's Rom.
[02:38:49] And when you think of some of the other stuff
[02:38:51] they've suggested, Trump's saying,
[02:38:52] We need a single night of letting the police go wild to deal with everything.
[02:38:59] We joke that he's talking about the purge, but there's another way.
[02:39:02] You can look at that.
[02:39:03] You can name for it.
[02:39:04] I'll use the English name here, Night of Broken Glass.
[02:39:15] You can't tell me that these people aren't calling for what they're calling for.
[02:39:21] They are.
[02:39:22] Straight up.
[02:39:23] They are.
[02:39:24] Okay?
[02:39:25] Absolutely.
[02:39:26] without a shred of doubt that is precisely what the fuck they're doing. Okay, in terms of American
[02:39:32] domestic policy there, that is exactly what they're doing. The issue is, why the fuck is it just
[02:39:38] Jamel Bowie talking about it? Why the fuck is Kamala Harris not talking about it? Why the
[02:39:43] fuck is the Democratic Party not talking about it? Well, I'll tell you why. Okay, the reason
[02:39:50] why the Democrats are not talking about it in these terms is because they are also now in the tank
[02:39:59] for a lighter version of it. And I am very frustrated by this reality that I am watching
[02:40:06] unfold in front of my eyes. Okay? I do not like it. I don't like it at all. I don't like it one
[02:40:14] bit because even if this was to be successful politics, which it is not because it's not
[02:40:24] successful to lean on the right wing sentiments, you're not going to actually convince voters
[02:40:33] to vote for you because if they are anti-immigrant voters, they are voting for a party that has
[02:40:42] has captured that market completely. Okay, it's called the Republican Party. All you are
[02:40:50] doing in that circumstance is basically prime your voters into also believing that there
[02:41:00] is a major problem when there isn't one. Okay, all you're doing is feeding your own base
[02:41:10] of support, all you're doing is feeding your own fucking base of support, an unimaginable
[02:41:18] amount of ammunition to maybe even turn to the other party.
[02:41:30] That's why it is very frustrating when I see liberals in this community that probably
[02:41:38] and like, for example, that one guy who was not even a liberal who was a leftist, is
[02:41:43] he said, advocate for why the Democrats are doing this and why it's successful campaign
[02:41:49] strategy, not recognizing that like, literally as we look through his, as we look through
[02:41:56] his communications a couple of years prior, he was on the exact opposing side of that
[02:42:02] argument.
[02:42:05] That is what happens when the Democrats capitulate to right-wing framing, okay?
[02:42:15] Most people are not independent thinkers, even if they fancy themselves to be independent
[02:42:20] thinkers, okay?
[02:42:25] They just basically repeat what television man tells them.
[02:42:28] Most, the broadest majority of the population don't even give a fuck, obviously, but the
[02:42:33] the ones who do care, the ones who are supposedly the educated, high propensity voters, right?
[02:42:42] Those people are being fed this propaganda. Those people adopt these positions by watching
[02:42:53] television man tell them these positions. One in five undocumented workers, 1.4 million
[02:43:05] people are employed in construction. That's more than 10% of the entire labor force
[02:43:08] 32% of roofers with the industry already facing a shortage of about 500,000 workers,
[02:43:13] Trump's deportation scheme would grind the construction of a new housing to a halt,
[02:43:18] turbocharging the affordability crisis. The issue here is that people only fucking talk about
[02:43:26] this aspect of it. And I think that this is a way that like in the minds of a lot of
[02:43:35] Republicans proves the problem. They're like, Oh, they're taking our jobs then. Here it is.
[02:43:43] Okay. For the criticism that people just adopt with the TV man tells them,
[02:43:48] aren't we doing the same thing with you? Yeah, but my opinions are correct.
[02:43:51] But also beyond that, I also urge you always to go and seek out the truth on your own.
[02:43:56] I provide additional evidence to you about where my beliefs come from. Okay.
[02:44:04] Okay, even if I personally pull data from the top of my mind, when I pull this shit from
[02:44:14] top dome, my editors slap it.
[02:44:17] Okay, they put the actual fucking info.
[02:44:23] They literally put the information of where I'm getting this info from on the on the
[02:44:30] edited YouTube videos on my YouTube page.
[02:44:37] That's the difference.
[02:44:39] And I still ultimately urge you to go and seek out the truth on your own.
[02:44:59] I don't like the angle of like undocumented immigrants are, you know, basically fucking
[02:45:05] great slave labor either.
[02:45:07] I don't like that at all.
[02:45:09] I think that in and of itself is a problem that also needs to be solved by documenting
[02:45:14] them and increasing their wages alongside the rest of the American working class.
[02:45:26] But anyway, let's get back to this conversation.
[02:45:31] night's debate and said they view walls unfavorably. Governor walls aimed his
[02:45:37] jabs at the top of the Republican ticket. If you're going to be president you
[02:45:41] don't have all the answers. Donald Trump believes he does. My pro tip of the day
[02:45:45] is this, if you need heart surgery listen to the people at the Mayo Clinic
[02:45:49] in Rochester Minnesota not Donald Trump. And the same thing goes with this.
[02:45:52] And I ask you out there, teachers, nurses, truck drivers, whatever, how is it
[02:45:57] fair that you're paying your taxes every year and Donald Trump hasn't
[02:46:01] paid any federal tax 10 to last 15 years.
[02:46:03] And the last year is president.
[02:46:05] That's what's wrong with the system.
[02:46:06] There's a way around it and he's bragged about that.
[02:46:09] Most Americans didn't know either of them
[02:46:11] just a few months ago.
[02:46:13] But their names are now on law and signs all over America.
[02:46:16] And each was parodied on.
[02:46:19] It's worth pointing out that I'm sure Hasan Abi
[02:46:21] will also bring you up and will also post you up
[02:46:24] is that Hezbollah is not staying idle.
[02:46:26] They're also attacking.
[02:46:28] is really where they were
[02:46:29] uh... relieved evacuated from the scene
[02:46:31] but it's worth pointing out that i'm sure has a lot of it will also
[02:46:34] uh...
[02:46:36] that's the rt world not al jazeera
[02:46:40] and the dude who's talking is the turkish guy
[02:46:45] what the fuck why is there a hot brand of house and i've been mentioned on
[02:46:48] to work pointing out that i'm sure has a lot of it will also uh... bring
[02:46:51] you up on wall so post your
[02:46:53] is that
[02:46:53] his bullet is not staying idle they're also attacking is really uh...
[02:47:01] that is wild
[02:47:06] What the fuck is this Saturday night live this weekend folks? I haven't been this excited since I got a
[02:47:13] 10% rebate on a leaf over from an orange
[02:47:16] What can I say? I got that BDE
[02:47:20] big dad energy
[02:47:23] How much we love Donald Trump and just this afternoon he told me J.D. You're like a son to me because I don't like you
[02:47:29] I'm stuck with you
[02:47:31] Before he became Trump's running mate, Vance was most recognized for his best-selling memoir,
[02:47:36] Hillbilly Elegy, made into a Netflix movie.
[02:47:39] Is this seat taking?
[02:47:42] Go ahead.
[02:47:44] Phil Brosman.
[02:47:46] Our G.D. Vance.
[02:47:47] A Yale-educated lawyer in Silicon Valley, Venture Capital.
[02:47:51] Ah!
[02:47:52] Vance thought of Beard, bro. That's like...
[02:47:54] Ah! It's so bad. It's so fucking bad, dawg.
[02:47:58] It is so goddamn bad. Holy moly. It is bad.
[02:48:02] The 40-year-old Republican from Ohio was elected to the Senate just two years ago.
[02:48:10] Once a never-Trumper, now a fierce defender of all things Trump.
[02:48:14] I've disagreed with the president, but I've also been extremely open about the fact that
[02:48:18] I was wrong about Donald Trump.
[02:48:19] Walls, who is 60, was a former teacher and high school football coach for over two decades
[02:48:25] before running for office.
[02:48:27] He served in the United States House of Representatives, a Democrat serving in a rural district
[02:48:32] that leans Republican becoming governor of Minnesota.
[02:48:36] I grew up in small rural Nebraska, a town of 400,
[02:48:40] a town that you rode your bike with your buddies
[02:48:41] till the street lights come on.
[02:48:43] Both men are military veterans.
[02:48:45] They're Midwest backgrounds contrasting
[02:48:47] with the coastal upbrings of Trump and Harris.
[02:48:50] Both brought onto the ticket to appeal to voters
[02:48:53] from middle America.
[02:48:54] One of the few heated exchanges came on.
[02:48:57] Yeah, the problem is until this last night's debate,
[02:48:59] and I don't even know if his approval ratings
[02:49:01] will boost in the Midwest. One guy was seen as like a real Midwest guy. The other guy is
[02:49:08] seen as like the exact type of annoying rat fucker that is from there, but then comes back
[02:49:14] to just basically, uh, one thing that I always repeat about JD Vance is JD Vance types
[02:49:21] and people who just types when they come to your town, you're going to lose your
[02:49:26] job. Okay. That's how most people in the Midwest see these fuckers. Okay. They see them as like these
[02:49:33] suited up motherfuckers who are coming over and the minus closing down. Okay. There's going to be an
[02:49:38] elimination of redundancies. That's it. He's got real, he's got real fucking McKinsey consultant
[02:49:52] and vibes, carpet bagger, cook political swing state polls,
[02:49:59] AZ for Arizona Harris is up two,
[02:50:01] Galego up 13, GA Trump up two,
[02:50:06] Harris is up three, Slockin's up four in Michigan,
[02:50:10] Nevada Harris is up one, Rosen's up 13,
[02:50:13] North Carolina, Harris and Trump are tied,
[02:50:14] but Stein is up plus 24 for the governor's race.
[02:50:18] Pennsylvania Harris is up only one,
[02:50:20] cases up seven. Wisconsin Harris is up two Baldwin plus two. That's also a little bit
[02:50:25] scary. But you know, it's not looking too great. I was a portion and we productive rights.
[02:50:32] Vance who is in the past favored a national abortion ban softened his stance to try to
[02:50:37] align with Trump. I want us as a Republican party to be pro family in the fullest sense
[02:50:42] of the word. I want us to support fertility treatments. I want us to make it easier
[02:50:46] for moms to afford to have babies.
[02:50:49] Well, Walls continued to attack Trump for appointing the ju-
[02:50:52] It's not Jill Stein yet.
[02:50:53] No, it's Josh Stein, the guy running for governor.
[02:50:59] What do you guys think that North Carolina has
[02:51:01] having a fucking green resurgence?
[02:51:02] Like, what are you, crazy?
[02:51:05] Justice is that overturned Roe v. Wade.
[02:51:08] This issue is what's on everyone's mind.
[02:51:11] Donald Trump put this all into motion.
[02:51:14] He brags about how great it was
[02:51:16] that he put the judges in and overturned Roe versus Wade.
[02:51:19] 52 years of personal autonomy.
[02:51:21] And then he tells us, oh, we send it to the states.
[02:51:24] It's a beautiful thing.
[02:51:25] The latest polling average is showing very tight margins
[02:51:28] across all seven battleground states.
[02:51:31] At one point, the two seem to be having a real conversation
[02:51:35] about a tough issue, gun violence in America.
[02:51:38] These are things that shouldn't be that difficult.
[02:51:40] You can still keep your firearms
[02:51:42] and we can make a difference.
[02:51:43] We have to.
[02:51:44] you're listening tonight, this breaks your heart.
[02:51:47] Senator.
[02:51:48] Tim, first of all, I didn't know
[02:51:49] that your 17-year-old witness is shooting.
[02:51:51] I'm sorry about that.
[02:51:51] And I appreciate what you're saying, Christ have mercy.
[02:51:54] It is awful.
[02:51:55] Well, both agreed there's a problem with gun violence.
[02:51:58] Sometimes it just is the guns.
[02:52:01] It's just the guns.
[02:52:02] And there are things that you can do about it.
[02:52:04] But I do think that this is one,
[02:52:06] and I think this a healthy conversation.
[02:52:08] Do you think it's political?
[02:52:09] Is it actually possible to sign up 24?
[02:52:11] It's a it's a unique one but governor races usually are even if they're on the same ticket
[02:52:18] They often times have the capacity to be separate totally from
[02:52:24] The the rest of the ballot because people have a personal connection to their governors
[02:52:29] Like you have blue states with red governors red states of blue governors
[02:52:34] The most popular governor is the literal fucking Democrat in goddamn, Kentucky
[02:52:39] right. Mark Robinson on the other hand, however, is like very much a Trumpian style gubernatorial
[02:52:48] race like he's backed by Donald Trump. He is very Trumpian. So that might create in the minds of
[02:52:55] North Carolina is like more resistance against voting for Trump. I think there's a capacity to
[02:53:02] find solutions on this that work, protect Second Amendment, protect our children. That's our
[02:53:07] priority. There was no real agreement about why is the polling better for Trump
[02:53:10] now than the other two elections? A couple different reasons. One, perhaps
[02:53:15] most importantly, is the fact that the the pollsters are trying to make sure
[02:53:26] that they don't run into the same problems that they did in like 2016,
[02:53:30] especially so they're, you know, they're they're over polling in some
[02:53:34] instance is almost like they're weighing for an under
[02:53:38] representation of Republican voters. I think that's part of
[02:53:45] the reason they're just trying to make sure that they're they're
[02:53:49] not going to look silly. Um, other than that, I mean, I don't
[02:54:02] Kamala Harris is not running a very good campaign. It's just
[02:54:05] I don't know what else to say. So he's not actually that
[02:54:19] popular. I mean, he's not. He's not a very popular person.
[02:54:28] That much is true. How to address it. We have to increase security in our schools.
[02:54:38] We have to make the doors lock better. We have to make the doors stronger. We've
[02:54:42] got to make the windows stronger. And of course, we've got to increase school
[02:54:45] resource officers because the idea that we can magically wave a wand and take
[02:54:50] guns out of the hands of bad guys, it just doesn't fit with recent
[02:54:53] experience with the one and only vice presidential debate over. Both candidates are now back out
[02:54:59] to the battleground states.
[02:55:02] Turning now to our wisest of all wise heads and all things political, our chief political
[02:55:06] analyst John Dickerson, also hosts the Daily Report with John Dickerson on CBS News 25.
[02:55:11] You gotta keep the bar low, Tony.
[02:55:13] Not true.
[02:55:14] You are a burbling fountain of all wise things. Please tell us, what were your takeaways
[02:55:17] last night?
[02:55:18] Well, it was a kind of a, you know, basically everything that's been reported so far. It was civil. It was, you know, and that's notable mostly from J.D. Vance, because you look at who's running the top of the ticket.
[02:55:29] So it's like you work for a boss who comes in and cut off jeans every day, and then a guy comes in wearing a suit and tie, and you think, wow, it's like the old days.
[02:55:36] It's like it used to be, you know, where people believed in the norms of civility. They debated politics. That isn't to say that there wasn't a lot of traditional stuff that irritates people about politics,
[02:55:45] but it was so much different than what we've heard from Donald Trump out on the trail.
[02:55:49] So that was the biggest thing I think probably though, it kind of passes through and we move
[02:55:54] back into the race that doesn't really change anything much.
[02:55:56] To me one of the most talked about moments of the night was January 6th and the difference
[02:56:00] of opinion between the two. JD Vance seemed to say look I want to move forward,
[02:56:04] stop looking back, accusing the media like we always bring it up all the time.
[02:56:08] Can you still say that January 6th is in the past?
[02:56:11] Yeah, J.D. Vance said he's focused on the future, so a couple of things.
[02:56:16] One, when you spend a lot of the debate talking about how great things were in the Trump years,
[02:56:20] you can't then say, wait, but I'm focused on the future.
[02:56:22] You can't just remember the stuff you say is the good stuff.
[02:56:24] The second thing is, you know who's focused on this a lot
[02:56:27] and built this old campaign around it?
[02:56:29] Is Donald Trump.
[02:56:30] So he's quite focused on this.
[02:56:31] But then there are two reasons I think this is really important,
[02:56:34] that Senator Vance couldn't give a simple, yes, Donald Trump lost the election.
[02:56:39] Simplest question in the world still can't do it and we interviewed Senator Tom Cotton Republican from Arkansas couldn't do it either
[02:56:46] This is why it matters two things when you talk to national security
[02:56:49] Experts who are worried about violence around the next election
[02:56:52] They say the biggest thing fueling the possibility for violence around the next election is the lie that Donald Trump won the last one
[02:56:58] So that fuel is out there in real time now and then when you look at the answers from Vance and and Senator Cotton
[02:57:04] And democracy exists by common agreement.
[02:57:08] Everybody agrees that elections matter and that the votes should be counted and that
[02:57:11] the power given to the people who win the election then allows you to make laws and
[02:57:15] everybody will agree to that.
[02:57:16] If that agreement doesn't exist, you have violence.
[02:57:19] Well, that agreement only exists if everybody chooses to agree to it.
[02:57:22] So when you see Senator Vance and Senator Cotton making excuses, not saying easily
[02:57:27] that Donald Trump...
[02:57:28] Yeah, they're really hitting the whole, like, his bad answer on January 6th on all fronts.
[02:57:35] Like, that's what they're...
[02:57:38] That's what they're hammering him on.
[02:57:40] Which is kind of weird, because, like, yeah, he was civil, but he, like, very civilly
[02:57:45] said he would deport 25 million people.
[02:57:48] You know?
[02:57:54] Like, what the fuck are we doing here?
[02:58:19] Lost.
[02:58:20] They are creating room for the lie to keep living.
[02:58:22] Yeah.
[02:58:23] This is not like a debate over tax cuts.
[02:58:26] This is about a fundamental idea of whether 81 million people should be disenfranchised
[02:58:29] because a guy didn't like that he lost.
[02:58:31] Who said that?
[02:58:32] Not me, but the Republican leaders in the House and Senate at the time who said the
[02:58:36] lie from Donald Trump led to the violence.
[02:58:39] That's real and alive right now.
[02:58:41] It's not in the past.
[02:58:42] Yeah, that's what worries me.
[02:58:43] That's for sure.
[02:58:44] Thank you very much.
[02:58:45] I'm more surprised that they didn't actually hit him on the fact check side.
[02:58:48] Do you want to?
[02:58:49] Because he got like, he was like sad.
[02:58:52] He's like, yeah, you promised you wouldn't fact check me.
[02:58:54] That's weird.
[02:58:58] Well, I want to hear from the folks at the top of the ticket.
[02:59:03] Would you want to hear from Harris and Trump one more time?
[02:59:06] Or are you convinced you know who you're voting for?
[02:59:10] It doesn't matter at this point moving forward.
[02:59:13] Bill?
[02:59:15] I'd like to hear it one more time.
[02:59:16] One more time?
[02:59:17] I want them to hear who they're voting for.
[02:59:19] So I absolutely do one more.
[02:59:22] I really don't want to.
[02:59:24] You're good. I'd like to see one more debate.
[02:59:26] One more debate.
[02:59:28] I'd go for it, yeah.
[02:59:28] One more debate.
[02:59:30] Between the, yeah.
[02:59:31] It wouldn't change my opinion,
[02:59:32] but I think it would help clarify some of their point,
[02:59:36] talking points on both sides.
[02:59:38] I don't think it's worth it,
[02:59:42] but I feel like it's too combative.
[02:59:45] Wow.
[02:59:46] Well, that pretty much sums it up.
[02:59:47] Some voters want another presidential debate
[02:59:50] and others are good.
[02:59:51] Let's take a closer look at the lies, though,
[02:59:53] from last night major. Why would anybody say that they don't want another debate?
[02:59:57] Like, I don't get it. Garrett is here to help us fact check the VP debate. Good
[03:00:15] morning, Adriana and Tony. Great to have our plus on here in the extra hour. Last
[03:00:19] night was not about grand exaggerations or really outright lies. Things were
[03:00:23] much grayer and we'll get into that. We'll explain how our CBS confirmed team
[03:00:27] basically worked round the clock last night to fact check the entire
[03:00:30] debate. And you can find the results of that work on social media, CBS News, or our website,
[03:00:36] CBS News.
[03:00:37] Because they recognize the same things you've been saying about the debate. Yeah, but I'm
[03:00:40] down to fucking watch another Trump, Kamala Harris matchup. I don't give a shit. What
[03:00:54] the fuck is going on? Donald Trump, Libcrusher, thank you for liking my post. I'll send
[03:01:01] you important election updates from North Carolina. Make sure you're ready to vote
[03:01:04] for Donald J. Trump. What the fuck? Be doing follow for follow to Libcrusher's
[03:01:28] a random Twitter account.
[03:01:44] This news confirmed team.
[03:01:46] I want to get to the first one.
[03:01:47] Something that Senator JD Vance said about the Iran nuclear deal.
[03:01:50] Let's listen.
[03:01:52] Iran, which launched this attack,
[03:01:54] has received over $100 billion in unfrozen assets
[03:01:58] thanks to the Kamala Harris administration.
[03:02:01] What do they use that money for?
[03:02:02] They use it to buy weapons.
[03:02:03] The CBS News confirmed team rates that false, and here's why.
[03:02:07] It also needs context.
[03:02:08] What he's referring to is the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
[03:02:12] That's the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by President Obama in 2015, and it held would
[03:02:19] have unfrozen assets that Iran could have used.
[03:02:22] But President Trump pulled out of that deal.
[03:02:24] Those assets remain frozen and the hundred billion dollar figure JD Vance referred
[03:02:28] to it's actually 50 billion dollars.
[03:02:31] That's why we read it as false needs context.
[03:02:33] I like the post.
[03:02:34] I didn't get it.
[03:02:46] Trump is using a Obama tread Robin.
[03:02:49] Thank you for liking my post.
[03:02:50] Trump is using a branded notification for this. Thanks for pointing it out. It's basically
[03:02:54] like a tweet or semi-public DM, I guess that won't appear in your timeline or searchable
[03:02:58] mystery solve.
[03:02:59] Wait, how do I find it? He did. He did do it. Boom. He's a fan. I'm a real patriot now.
[03:03:53] He's like a senior getting excited. Their doctor's office takes back after they make
[03:03:57] an appointment. All right, shut the fuck up. This is objectively funny. Okay. Who
[03:04:05] Who you voting for in North Carolina, uh, Mark Robinson and Donald Trump, duh, uh, order
[03:04:21] his Bible.
[03:04:22] I've already ordered his Bible.
[03:04:24] Excuse me.
[03:04:25] That's what we want to the next one.
[03:04:30] Hot topic over the issue of housing in America as it relates to immigration against Senator
[03:04:34] Vance.
[03:04:36] You've got housing.
[03:04:38] You like Trump or Kamala or rather not say what?
[03:04:41] No, I hate Donald Trump.
[03:04:44] I marginally hate Kamala Harris a little bit less than Donald Trump, but I still hate both
[03:04:50] of them.
[03:04:53] It's crazy.
[03:04:54] It is totally unaffordable because we brought in millions of illegal immigrants to compete
[03:05:01] with Americans for scarce homes.
[03:05:03] The CBS Confirmed team writes that partially true, saying it needs, again, more context.
[03:05:11] Returning to my point that there were not extravagant claims, but they all need more
[03:05:14] context.
[03:05:15] Oh my god, I can't believe they're literally saying like oh, well, you know, it just needs more context. It just needs more context
[03:05:24] What the fuck do you mean it needs more context man? Are you insane? It is an insane thing to say
[03:05:30] It's just as insane as claiming that undocumented migrants are responsible for like all the drug trafficking it like are there undocumented migrants
[03:05:39] That have engaged in drug trafficking. Yes. Is it marginal? Yes
[03:05:44] Yes, the overwhelming majority are American citizens, okay?
[03:05:50] There is no difference between saying this and then saying, migrants are increasing the
[03:05:55] American crimes, okay?
[03:05:59] Because while true, okay, of course there are fucking undocumented migrants that have
[03:06:04] done crimes.
[03:06:05] Of course, they're human beings, human beings are capable of being good, many of them
[03:06:09] are, and some of them are capable of being bad and doing horrifying crimes.
[03:06:15] That's not how you look at the situation. That's not how you analyze the situation.
[03:06:19] You don't go, Oh, well, you know, even if out of 15 million undocumented migrants living
[03:06:25] in our U.S. oil, there was one extra crime technically is true.
[03:06:29] Technically that is true. Okay. If there was literally only one extra homicide on
[03:06:37] U.S. soil that was done by an undocumented migrant, you could technically say undocumented
[03:06:43] migrants have increased crime in the United States of America.
[03:06:48] But if you were to make that argument, people will look at you like, what the fuck is wrong?
[03:06:52] Are you insane? That's an insane argument to make.
[03:07:01] Here it is. Yes, there's a housing shortage in this country and a Federal Reserve study that
[03:07:06] Senator Vance referred to and other studies suggest larger flows of immigration is one of
[03:07:10] the complications there. But housing shortage has been a problem since the Great Recession.
[03:07:14] In the decade after the great recession, we produce more new homes, fewer new homes in
[03:07:19] this country than we did in any decade since the 1960s. It is a complex problem with a lot of
[03:07:24] economic inputs, higher immigration, legal and illegal. It's but one of them. Finally,
[03:07:29] there was a claim by Governor Tim Walz about contraception and access to fertility.
[03:07:34] Yeah, yeah, higher immigration, legal and illegal, legal and illegal is not an issue here.
[03:07:41] Okay. Treatments. Let's listen. Their project 2025 is going to have a registry of pregnancies.
[03:07:50] It's going to make it more difficult, if not impossible, to get contraception and limit access,
[03:07:55] if not eliminate access to infertility treatments. CBS News confirmed team rates that as needing
[03:08:03] context. Here's why I want to explain about that. Project 2025 does not call for a pregnancy
[03:08:10] registry. However, it does call for in any state that performs any abortion, an entire
[03:08:16] list of data about those abortions. Age of the woman, gestational age of the baby, location
[03:08:21] of the woman in state or out of state. All this, we're done. We're done. It's over.
[03:08:32] Bo, it's over. Boys is over. He just described a registry. He literally just described
[03:08:40] the registry while saying it needs additional contacts guys. So what word could he have
[03:08:53] used in that situation? This is so fucking nitpicky dude. Just like the Dems are making
[03:09:10] choices. We got to address the active choices. The media is taken towards fascism. Oh, absolutely.
[03:09:16] absolutely dude. I cannot believe that like it needs context on the one hand is yes undocumented
[03:09:30] migrants are actually a burden on the housing supply technically is true and then it needs
[03:09:39] context with the fucking Tim waltz side is, well, you know, a registry, a registry that
[03:09:50] that he correctly identified as a registry. This is false. There is no doubt that the project
[03:10:01] 2025 plan recommends restriction on abortion access, including the abortion pill. And it
[03:10:05] wants to send us for disease control and prevention to collect this information from
[03:10:08] states. Number of method of abortions. Reason for abortion. How far along pregnant
[03:10:13] people, state of residence and more. However, it does not create a federal agency to monitor
[03:10:18] pregnancies, nor does it require pregnant people to register. You literally just described
[03:10:27] a pregnancy registry and then said it doesn't require pregnant people to register. It requires
[03:10:34] the states to fucking put the information. It is the entire purpose of this is to
[03:10:42] make the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to operate a pregnancy registry,
[03:10:50] a database. And considering how Project 2025 works, by the way,
[03:11:00] it would be, the CDC would be operated by entirely Trump appointments.
[03:11:09] How do you think that's going to work? He said, pregnancy, registry, non-abortion,
[03:11:25] registry. What are you talking about? This is a pregnancy registry. Are you saying,
[03:11:38] are you saying, am I, am I reading this wrong? Like what's happening?
[03:11:47] It's literally, that's it. That is the same thing. Okay. Maybe you want to,
[03:11:53] maybe you want to call it like a database or something. I don't know if you don't want to
[03:11:58] call it a registry, but that's it. It's it. That's the same. Oh, chatter is right. It's
[03:12:43] saying they want the state of residency for pregnant people that got an abortion. First of all,
[03:12:54] it's not a pregnant person that got an abortion. It's a miscarriage registry. Okay.
[03:13:01] That's what it is. Just so you understand. Okay. Stop playing fast and lose with these
[03:13:09] fucking semantics arguments. And ultimately, the goal is to track pregnancies. Okay. That's
[03:13:19] That's it. There is no reason for this data to be logged in and aggregated by the Center
[03:13:27] for Disease Control and Prevention, unless you want to prosecute these people. If you
[03:13:43] guys do not understand, this is not like a project 2025 thing, by the way. Okay. Like
[03:13:50] this is something that, you know, family values and other like psychopathic like moms
[03:13:58] for liberty type groups have been advocating for for quite a while. Okay. It's just written
[03:14:04] in project 2025, but this is something that there has been a lot of advocacy for. Why?
[03:14:10] Because there's no other way to actually criminalize abortion. It's something that
[03:14:17] I have talked about for years. As a matter of fact, when talking about how cruel and
[03:14:22] unusual the criminalization of abortion would work, you know how I do this process
[03:14:28] where I tell you like how do you think nasty portations would work and then I walk you through
[03:14:33] the steps piece by piece to help you materialize what that would look like if we actually did
[03:14:39] nasty portations I used to do that about abortion as well way back in the day almost
[03:14:45] for a fucking goddamn decade and yes a standard part of that protocol is to monitor abortions
[03:14:53] Maybe even monitor fucking minstrel cycles, okay?
[03:14:56] Depending on how insane you want to get.
[03:15:02] Because there's no other mechanism of control.
[03:15:04] If you want to fucking stop abortions,
[03:15:07] and you want to criminalize it,
[03:15:09] you have to fucking track people who are pregnant, okay?
[03:15:14] You have to track people who are pregnant, they get a miscarriage.
[03:15:16] You have to prosecute every miscarriage like it is a murder.
[03:15:30] The port be illegals, nice, man.
[03:15:33] If you have this kind of like semantics, if you have this level of like semantics difference in this situation, you are insane. Okay.
[03:15:51] You are absolutely, you are psychopathic.
[03:15:57] I don't think you understand what's going on here.
[03:16:01] But that project 2025 does not call for a pregnancy registry.
[03:16:05] However, it does call for in any state that performs any abortion,
[03:16:09] an entire list of data about those abortions,
[03:16:12] age of the woman, gestational age of the baby,
[03:16:15] location of the woman in state or out of state,
[03:16:17] all this other data and it would also call for
[03:16:19] many religious exemptions to access to contraception.
[03:16:22] Meaning, if you're a hospital that's
[03:16:24] Catholic or otherwise you don't have to provide it.
[03:16:26] all of those things fit within this general context, but there is not a specific pregnancy
[03:16:30] registry called for project 2025. That's how we rate it. Love that context, Major Garrett. I mean,
[03:16:36] and shout out to the CBS News confirmed team because they were fact-checking in real time.
[03:16:40] The emails were coming in fast and furious last night and then that QR code on the screen
[03:16:45] where viewers could actually check to see the... Do they just go to jail afterwards? Yeah,
[03:16:50] They have we have we have prosecuted people for miscarriages before in this country
[03:16:57] even in fucking Roe v. Wade era we have prosecuted women for uh for for miscarriages because the
[03:17:04] distinction between a miscarriage that is naturally occurring and a medical miscarriage is you know
[03:17:12] not all that significant you understand you can't always tell and another aspect of this
[03:17:19] like I've talked about before, time and time again, literally go back to like 2016 videos
[03:17:24] I've done on this. Okay. And you will see, like, how far do we go in terms of prosecuting
[03:17:33] abortions and prosecuting miscarriages? Is it now illegal for a pregnant woman to
[03:17:38] mow the front yard? That's labor. That's like a physically taxing thing that a pregnant
[03:17:45] a woman is doing? Are you going to start prosecuting women who are pregnant for drinking
[03:17:50] a glass of wine? Okay? Like there is no limit to the madness here.
[03:18:07] Because no moderator ever born can provide the kind of context in real time and the
[03:18:12] underlying fact checks and the footnotes you need to thoroughly assess something's
[03:18:16] truth or falsity in real time. That's why we provided that service last night.
[03:18:20] Yeah.
[03:18:21] the politics. Yeah, it is pretty wild that we can't have a gun registry, but we have a fucking registry for pregnant women. That's cool. That's really cool. It goes to show like what the what our priorities are, you know, great stuff overall. There is no amount of control that people won't say yes to when it comes to just like people that you want to own people that you want to dominate people that you want to
[03:18:47] great. Guns on the other hand, very different dynamics. Pregnancy isn't a rot, yeah. Women's
[03:19:11] bodily autonomy is not a rot, brother. You don't understand.
[03:19:15] Let me ask, do we need to go to Jacob right now? Is he ready for us? Okay, we is. Good.
[03:19:27] Jacob Soboroff is in Oakland County, Oakland University in Rochester, Minnesota.
[03:19:31] My wife, Vita Stilber, in our DA was considering bringing her up on charges because she
[03:19:36] was at a wedding didn't drink a couple days before it was the worst thing that ever happened
[03:19:41] to us and they wanted to throw her in jail for it.
[03:19:57] Like when I say this is a real fucking issue, I don't think people understand how, how insane
[03:20:02] that is, dude.
[03:20:04] Like that's a real thing, brother.
[03:20:06] What are we talking about?
[03:20:07] That's a real thing.
[03:20:09] Abortions being criminalized 100% means that if you are a, if you are a pregnant
[03:20:15] woman that is in the process of carrying a pregnancy to term and the unthinkable, the
[03:20:21] worst thing possible happens. Okay, you are now, there's a criminal investigation that
[03:20:26] must be conducted. Charges must be brought up. We have to make a full blown assessment
[03:20:33] of all the things that you did in your daily activities as the government, by the way,
[03:20:39] We want the government to go through and treat it like a goddamn murder and look at all of
[03:20:46] the things that you did and figure out if you are responsible for this miscarriage.
[03:21:06] Tracking the number of abortions and demographics that doesn't seem harmful to individual people.
[03:21:10] What?
[03:21:11] Tracking the number of abortions and demographics of them doesn't seem harmful to individual
[03:21:14] people.
[03:21:15] What are you talking about?
[03:21:16] They want fucking literally who is having abortions.
[03:21:21] They want that information.
[03:21:22] It's not simply overarching faceless anonymous data, the fuck.
[03:21:40] You already have pregnancy and abortion data.
[03:21:46] You already have that data.
[03:21:47] It's just, you know, like there's there's research on this shit.
[03:21:52] You know what I mean?
[03:21:53] Like, it's not like this is different than that.
[03:22:00] Michigan, we spoke with him as he was setting up with a bunch of students are going to
[03:22:05] be watching the debate there to watch party and he's convinced them to stick around
[03:22:09] even though the debate ended, which itself is a Herculean effort.
[03:22:11] Jacob, take it away.
[03:22:13] How'd it go?
[03:22:14] Yeah.
[03:22:15] Rachel, look at all the people, you guys.
[03:22:18] Thank you very much for sticking around.
[03:22:19] I really appreciate you guys sticking around.
[03:22:22] Here's the green flags and the red flags.
[03:22:25] They did the whole thing and it was amazing and they don't have them any longer.
[03:22:28] So I'm going to have them start with a show of hands.
[03:22:30] And I don't know if this is going to surprise you.
[03:22:33] These are not undecided voters necessarily.
[03:22:35] These are voters who could very well tip the outcome of the election come Election Day because
[03:22:40] they live in one of the most consequential counties in all of Michigan, Oakland County.
[03:22:44] It was 100,000, as I told you before, of the debate, 100,000 votes swing from Trump to
[03:22:49] Biden in the 2020 election.
[03:22:52] Macomb County, one of the neighboring counties, is also a very important swing county here.
[03:22:55] Let's just start with a show of hands.
[03:22:57] Did anybody come into this debate and leave feeling differently than when they came
[03:23:01] in terms of candidate?
[03:23:02] hand if you changed your opinion of the candidates because of this debate. Oh really, one! Come
[03:23:10] on down dude, come on down. Come on down, come on down, come on down. Very surprising. What's
[03:23:16] your name? Henry. Henry, what's going on? Okay, so you came in feeling what?
[03:23:20] Um, I felt like JD Vance would have been a lot worse. I think he's very awkward. His other
[03:23:27] like public appearances have been very awkward. I'm thinking back to like the scenario in
[03:23:31] in the ice cream shop where he just made it so awkward for the employee and they don't
[03:23:35] want to be on camera.
[03:23:36] They've been the doughnut too, right?
[03:23:37] Yeah, I just thought, well, why can't he just be normal like the rest of us?
[03:23:42] And that's how you felt coming out of here?
[03:23:44] I felt like he did a lot better.
[03:23:47] I feel the way JD Vance works is he works very well when he has a lot of preparation.
[03:23:51] He said that he knows about it weeks in advance, so he's able to repair it.
[03:23:56] He felt like he prepared better here.
[03:23:57] I think he prepared very well.
[03:23:59] So one of the things we do me a favor.
[03:24:00] These are for you.
[03:24:01] Thank you very much.
[03:24:02] Thank you.
[03:24:03] One of the things guys that I thought got
[03:24:03] the strongest reaction here was,
[03:24:05] Jim Eno was talking about guns
[03:24:06] at the beginning of the debate.
[03:24:08] And one of the strongest reactions here,
[03:24:10] I thought was interesting was,
[03:24:11] Rachel, what you were just talking about
[03:24:13] when JD Van said, one of the ways ultimately
[03:24:16] that we can stop gun violence in this country
[03:24:18] is by having better locks on our doors.
[03:24:21] Did anybody react, you're laughing back here.
[03:24:26] No, you.
[03:24:27] What's your name?
[03:24:28] Nora, what do you think when you heard JD Vance talk about that?
[03:24:30] Amanda was talking about how because of what happened at one of your neighboring
[03:24:34] schools here, it's an issue that rings close to home.
[03:24:37] I thought it was ridiculous.
[03:24:38] I mean, the issue is guns.
[03:24:40] Issue is not better locks on doors.
[03:24:43] Reproductive freedom is also something that got a big reaction in this room.
[03:24:47] And I saw a lot of green flags go up when Governor Walls was talking
[03:24:52] about how he wants to protect a woman's right to make her own choices.
[03:24:56] I see you reacting strongly here really ultimately guys what this is about is enthusiasm and whether or not
[03:25:01] in this state that had the highest youth voter turnout in the 2022 midterm elections whether or not
[03:25:05] folks like this are going to be compelled to come out these guys are compelled to stay here till 11
[03:25:10] o'clock 11 excuse me 27 on a school night you know you heard that answer what did you think um
[03:25:18] sorry because you repeat that reproductive freedom what did you think when you heard
[03:25:21] governor walls say he that he thought it was a woman's right to make her own choices.
[03:25:27] I completely agree with that. Like I feel like that should be considered common sense almost,
[03:25:32] but it isn't. It's become such a heated debate for what feels like should be a no-brainer and he
[03:25:38] just kind of voiced that. The other one was immigration. I thought God, and you guys correct
[03:25:42] me if you feel like I'm misstating everything here, but on immigration, number one, there
[03:25:46] And there was a loud laugh in this room when those mics got shut off.
[03:25:51] And that was, of course, around the issue of the Haitians that are in Springfield, Ohio,
[03:25:57] under the temporary protected status, J.D. Vance was saying, Senator Vance was saying
[03:26:00] that they were there illegally.
[03:26:01] Of course, that wasn't true.
[03:26:03] The moderators pointed out, and they cut the mic.
[03:26:05] But I also thought you guys in the room responded strongly to the pushback on the
[03:26:10] point that President Biden and Vice President Harris put forward one of the strongest
[03:26:16] and most conservative actually, immigration bills in recent history and Donald Trump killed
[03:26:22] that bill. Did anybody, did that ring true? Let me just come up here with you real quick.
[03:26:27] You're not in your head, yes. Hi, what's your name?
[03:26:29] James.
[03:26:30] Why was that something James that resonated with you?
[03:26:33] It is true. Congress has power for these immigration policies and it just keeps getting
[03:26:39] pushed back between presidency to presidency, which Congress does have power in these
[03:26:44] It's really just forming a demonization of immigrants, which is such an issue.
[03:26:49] We see a lot of violence against immigrant communities.
[03:26:51] These are not illegal people.
[03:26:53] They come here undocumented for whatever reason there is.
[03:26:57] And it's just causing more harm than anything.
[03:26:59] And we just need to push towards like true policy rather than like all these like talk points.
[03:27:04] Appreciate it, you guys.
[03:27:05] And I guess maybe the final thing that I just wanted to ask.
[03:27:08] We were talking, Marcus, about this constant criticism about the vice president not being
[03:27:13] able, about the vice president being in office for these last, he's already upset about it.
[03:27:18] The vice president being in office for all these years and not being able to make the
[03:27:21] change was the allegation from J.D. Vance.
[03:27:23] You said to me, I've been to high school civics class.
[03:27:26] What did you say to him?
[03:27:28] Because if anybody took high school civics class, they'd know what the vice president
[03:27:32] can do and what the vice president can do.
[03:27:35] I want to make a quick point.
[03:27:37] candidate on that stage talking about what executive action they're going to take on day one to do what they won't nor where they ask because they know that they can't.
[03:27:46] That's not how the vice presidency works. They don't get to do what you want. You do what the president delegates.
[03:27:52] So that day Marcus is going to be all of our teachers and civics class guys. I want to thank you all very much for being here and Richard just reiterate how important that these voters are the enthusiasm that is here.
[03:28:05] you can really feel it. And it's exciting to be here with all of you guys. We
[03:28:09] appreciate it very much. And I know they do to back in the studio. Rachel, back
[03:28:12] to you. Hey, to the nation is in your hands from Madame President Jimena and
[03:28:16] to all of them. Very, very thankful. Very thankful to you, Jacob, for being
[03:28:21] there with them. It's inspiring to see him.
[03:28:24] Thanks, Rachel. All right.
[03:28:28] More about that. Watch last night's debate in a very interesting place.
[03:28:31] Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is one of those towns that voted for Trump in
[03:28:34] 2016, then flipped over to Biden in 2020. Everyone's battling for it once.
[03:28:38] This is the second foreskin, second circumcision guy, right? It's so crazy because like,
[03:28:48] I used to watch him all the time and we all did. We watch him on stream on a daily basis.
[03:28:56] And now my opinion of him, since the Ta-Nehisi coats,
[03:29:01] Since the Ta-Nehisi Coates contentious interview that he conducted, and in the aftermath when
[03:29:08] we found out that he wrote an article about how he got his dick skin chopped off again.
[03:29:15] Like it has altered my worldview irreparably, like I will never see him the same way ever
[03:29:22] again.
[03:29:40] He shook me to my very core with his bravery.
[03:29:46] He double tapped dude.
[03:29:48] Excuse me what?
[03:29:49] Yes, this is Tony Double Caucus or whatever the fuck his last name is.
[03:29:55] He is an adult convert to Judaism and in an effort to showcase his like determination,
[03:30:03] he got as an adult a second circumcision.
[03:30:06] He only know about it because he then wrote an article about it.
[03:30:26] It's also additionally funny because his wife still left him after all that.
[03:30:32] Again, Jerika, good morning.
[03:30:54] Good morning to you.
[03:30:55] Good morning to everyone.
[03:30:56] It is a very competitive district here in Kent County, Michigan.
[03:31:00] About 350,000 people voted in the last presidential election.
[03:31:05] following last night's debate, we asked the voters, who do they think won? They said, JD
[03:31:10] Vance, most of them said that he won this debate. But take politics out of this for just a moment.
[03:31:16] They said they were most impressed with the civility that we saw on full display last night.
[03:31:21] Take a listen. This debate that I saw made me happy. The median American voter is so
[03:31:27] fucking irreverably stupid. Like there's no salvaging this situation. The normie voters
[03:31:39] are so fucking dumb dude they're so stupid I mean I get why we are gonna get
[03:31:47] fascism I get it I love civilizability that again the politics is going like
[03:32:10] they both civilly said they want Israel to glass Iran JD Vance civilly said he
[03:32:18] He wants to deport 25 million migrants back to us between each other with respect.
[03:32:24] I think that my biggest takeaway from Vance is that he is able to articulate himself, his
[03:32:29] feelings as policies in a respectful way.
[03:32:34] That's one of the things that I dislike about Trump.
[03:32:37] They both complimented each other when they needed to and gave respect to each other.
[03:32:42] They got along as two gentlemen.
[03:32:47] Another issue that was top of mind for those voters was gun violence.
[03:32:52] They both agreed that something needed to be done, but there really wasn't a plan to
[03:32:59] fix anything.
[03:33:00] The only thing that I heard was Vance saying that he wanted more security in the schools.
[03:33:06] If someone were to have access to a gun in my kids' school, I have no idea what
[03:33:10] I would do.
[03:33:11] I got asked more questions when I was getting a dog from the sheltered in when
[03:33:14] I was getting my gun.
[03:33:15] And we're just now getting to a point where it seems like maybe there's going to be like
[03:33:20] actually like real support on both sides to be like basic gun safety things.
[03:33:24] But I feel like the Republican Party has not prioritized or taken like some of these basic
[03:33:31] common sense gun things like seriously.
[03:33:37] Before the debate started, two of the voters said that they were going to vote for Trump.
[03:33:40] Two said they would vote for Harris.
[03:33:41] Two said they were undecided.
[03:33:42] But by the end of it, those two undecided said they would vote for Trump.
[03:33:46] So clearly, you know, these voters didn't see eye to eye on all the issues, but there
[03:33:50] was one thing that they said they do all agree on.
[03:33:54] Take a listen.
[03:33:55] What a lock.
[03:33:56] Is democracy on the line in this election, Bill?
[03:33:59] Yes.
[03:34:00] Eric, why are you laughing?
[03:34:02] Because it absolutely, it just absolutely is.
[03:34:04] And I had to catch myself, but it's like, oh my God, is it?
[03:34:08] Yeah.
[03:34:09] I feel the same way, yes.
[03:34:11] Yes, definitely.
[03:34:13] More than ever in my life, yes.
[03:34:15] More than ever in your life.
[03:34:16] Yeah.
[03:34:17] Yeah.
[03:34:18] Nice discussion that we had there.
[03:34:22] We're going to put the full interview eventually on YouTube.
[03:34:25] So check it out with 34 days left though.
[03:34:27] All of these voters said,
[03:34:28] I really, if you say you're undecided on television and don't say you're going to inevitably
[03:34:33] vote for Trump, they'll kill you.
[03:34:35] They're like, that's not how this is going to go, big dog.
[03:34:45] We didn't bring you up here to say you're undecided for no reason.
[03:34:50] You're going to say you're undecided, but now you're committed to Donald Trump
[03:34:56] and you're gonna say you were undecided but you care about
[03:35:00] some fucking random thing that we've decided is the most significant part of
[03:35:03] this process
[03:35:11] i agree it should not take seven years for the silent claim to be done
[03:35:14] i agree with you i think you want to solve this problem but i don't think
[03:35:18] that kamala harris does
[03:35:19] i agree with a lot of what senator bant said about what's happening his
[03:35:22] running mate though does not and that's the problem
[03:35:24] but i agree with you amber thurman should still be alive and there are
[03:35:27] a lot of people who should still be alive and i certainly wish that she was
[03:35:30] I'm in agreement with him on this first of all, I didn't know that your 17 year old witness is shooting
[03:35:34] I'm sorry about that and I appreciate it as a Christ have mercy
[03:35:37] It was a
[03:35:41] Shockingly civil debate if that's a god. I fucking hate this shit so much. Oh my god
[03:35:52] Just vaguely gesturing at some some
[03:35:55] Understandings and false notion of civility without any sort of policy. Oh
[03:36:01] Man, I love the civility. Wow. We're really back as a country
[03:36:14] Hello everyone. I'm Dana Perino. I can't wait for them to talk about, this is why I like
[03:36:20] conservative news more. Okay. Cause they're going to talk about stability for like three
[03:36:26] seconds and then they're immediately going to talk about how Tim Walts is secretly a
[03:36:30] gay Chinese, uh, communist. Okay. Like that's what I want from my fucking news, uh, media.
[03:36:38] Okay. They're going to be like, he's not a secret Somali. We were wrong about
[03:36:44] that. Okay. May it call book.
[03:36:49] They're actually we are now updating our position on Tim
[03:36:53] Waltz's ancestry. He's not a secret Somali. He's a secret
[03:36:57] Chinese communist.
[03:37:07] The thing both vice presidential candidates mostly
[03:37:10] sticking to differences in policy as they squared off over
[03:37:13] the issues in a post debate focus group. An overwhelming
[03:37:16] majority said they thought that Vance won last night. Here's
[03:37:19] why
[03:37:22] he's very battle tested very ready and you can just see
[03:37:24] that he went to Yale and he's very intelligent
[03:37:27] and he reassured a lot of people, I think.
[03:37:29] Somebody else.
[03:37:30] He was strong control of the facts.
[03:37:33] He ran the show.
[03:37:36] He remained steady during the whole performance
[03:37:39] and I was very impressed with him
[03:37:41] being very sincere and authentic.
[03:37:43] He humanized himself and actually looked like a regular guy.
[03:37:50] Joining us now, pollster and communications strategist,
[03:37:52] Frank Luntz, those were people that you had poll
[03:37:54] the last comment that we've
[03:37:56] talked about. And I'm sure
[03:37:57] you've heard a lot of
[03:37:58] people that were talking to
[03:38:00] and I found the last comment
[03:38:01] really interesting because
[03:38:03] he humanized himself
[03:38:04] indicating how badly he has
[03:38:06] looked in front of some
[03:38:07] people with some of the
[03:38:08] comments he's made. What did
[03:38:10] you make of how advanced
[03:38:11] it and then we will get to
[03:38:15] walls. Actually want to
[03:38:16] start and I apologize to
[03:38:18] your listeners for this
[03:38:19] voice. But this is what
[03:38:20] happens. You do a focus
[03:38:22] group. It doesn't end
[03:38:23] Number one, they loved both candidates.
[03:38:27] In fact, if they could, they would have reversed the tickets and put vans and waltz on top
[03:38:33] and the other two on the bottom.
[03:38:36] Number two is they gave them faith in democracy, the idea that people could sit down, disagree
[03:38:42] and do so civilly.
[03:38:44] But in terms of vans, they were shocked that the vans that they've seen up to this
[03:38:48] point was not the JD vans of last night.
[03:38:52] measured, thoughtful, emotional, willing to agree with his opponent, not divisive.
[03:38:59] The language that they used to describe him tells me that he has been misused on the campaign
[03:39:05] so far, that he would be far better communicating Donald Trump's agenda and vision and purpose
[03:39:14] than the attack dog kind of strategy that they had been using up to now.
[03:39:21] I have to tell you, only twice in my career have I had such an overwhelming movement towards
[03:39:28] one candidate.
[03:39:30] That's how significant yesterday was.
[03:39:32] Not that they were critical about Governor Walts, but they were so shocked at how emotive
[03:39:38] Senator Vance was.
[03:39:40] Right.
[03:39:41] And because he was coming from this place of being very unpopular when it comes
[03:39:44] to his personality and the things that he said, so that's an interesting twist.
[03:39:49] What about Walts?
[03:39:50] Did you hear from the panel on on how walls did and what they thought of his of his comments
[03:39:56] and his policies?
[03:39:58] Now, he got better as the day went on.
[03:40:01] They thought that his first 30 minutes that he was stumbling that he struggled as far
[03:40:06] as this to me proves that a like halfway competent order would be making a short work.
[03:40:17] So, you know, it came out later on Twitter that loans group was eight out of 12 Republicans
[03:40:24] We voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 basically exactly what you say about focus groups. No one is undecided. Yeah. I mean, am I shocked that Frank Luntz had a focus group that was mostly fucking Trump Republicans? No.
[03:40:36] But you want to know something that's still important in in their analysis. Those were Trump Republicans who fucking hated JD Vance. That's why they literally were like
[03:40:49] That's why they were like, I'm shocked at how, um, how I saw him.
[03:40:55] You could tell that they're Trump Republicans because they didn't talk about like all the
[03:40:58] weird podcast shit that he's done, but they know him as like kind of an unlikable guy.
[03:41:09] Also yes, Frank Luntz is obviously not like, I mean, he's the guy responsible for the
[03:41:16] uh, estate tax being called death tax.
[03:41:19] Okay.
[03:41:20] He's Mr. Uh, global warming himself.
[03:41:23] This is what he does.
[03:41:24] He is a fucking Republican omp.
[03:41:32] As I am speaking to you right now, and they felt that he wasn't really as engaged and it
[03:41:38] was much more defensive.
[03:41:39] His best moment of the night was in challenging Senate events on what happened in the events
[03:41:45] of January 6th and most specifically whether or not Trump won or lost the 2020 election.
[03:41:52] said he did not connect as well because he was much less specific and they were
[03:41:58] particularly critical that he wasn't answering the questions the moderators
[03:42:02] were posing and in a vice presidential debate they expect more from the
[03:42:07] candidates and to try to talk to questions. What the polling is out and
[03:42:12] they're basically even 49 to 51 percent so a lot of people having a lot of
[03:42:17] opinions but it is very interesting to note that that people felt good
[03:42:20] about what they saw because it was civil for once.
[03:42:23] Something we haven't really seen over the past,
[03:42:25] I don't know, eight or so years.
[03:42:26] Frank Lenz, thank you so much.
[03:42:28] Joining us right now is former White House
[03:42:29] Director of Message Planning for President Biden,
[03:42:32] Megan Hazen, Strategic Communications Expert,
[03:42:34] former Republican strategist and pollster, Lee Carter.
[03:42:37] Guys, thanks for coming in.
[03:42:38] Megan, you called this a pre-Trump era debate.
[03:42:41] Walls looked nervous, especially off the top.
[03:42:44] Everyone saw that.
[03:42:45] The way Jen Psaki described it,
[03:42:48] Her take was, the way she put it is,
[03:42:51] missing the magic and the organic spontaneity of Tim Walls.
[03:42:55] What did you see last night?
[03:42:57] Yeah, I think he was absolutely nervous.
[03:42:59] I mean, I would also be very nervous on that stage as well.
[03:43:01] And then he got into his groove
[03:43:02] and I think he did very well.
[03:43:04] I think that the highlights for him
[03:43:05] were obviously the issues on reproductive rights.
[03:43:08] I think he was very strong there.
[03:43:09] I think he pushed back really appropriately
[03:43:11] on immigration and some other top areas.
[03:43:13] I do think that his shining moment
[03:43:15] and where the dials were really high.
[03:43:17] according to a lot of the polls,
[03:43:19] were the last question about if he can say
[03:43:21] that Donald Trump lost the election.
[03:43:23] And I think that the independent voters
[03:43:25] in these swing states, that's what people are noticing.
[03:43:27] Do they really want someone who can't say
[03:43:28] that their boss lost the election
[03:43:30] as the last person in the room
[03:43:31] when they're making these crucial decisions
[03:43:33] during a wartime and during some of these other crises
[03:43:36] that you face as the president and the vice president?
[03:43:38] So I think that that was a really telling moment
[03:43:40] for walls and I think both of them did no harm
[03:43:42] and I think that we will all move on
[03:43:44] to the next major news event in the cycle.
[03:43:47] We have all survived, and we will all move on together.
[03:43:51] And to your point that that was a high point,
[03:43:54] the campaign, the Harris campaign seems to think so.
[03:43:57] We have new reporting that they're cutting an ad
[03:43:59] with that moment about the 2020 election question,
[03:44:03] an ad for that.
[03:44:04] We, some people saw JD Vance last night
[03:44:06] as kind of working to soften some of the sharp edges
[03:44:09] that are Donald Trump and Trump's message to voters.
[03:44:12] The Democratic governor of Colorado,
[03:44:14] who's a surrogate for the Harris campaign,
[03:44:15] was on with John this morning,
[03:44:17] And I want to play for you what he said to that idea.
[03:44:22] If you're looking for a car salesman, he's your guy.
[03:44:25] I mean, I think he looked at Shifty.
[03:44:26] He looked at Slick.
[03:44:27] Of course, he's good at what he does.
[03:44:28] He talks to different groups in different ways.
[03:44:30] No question about it.
[03:44:32] But at the end of the day, he failed
[03:44:33] to say he would side with the American people
[03:44:36] over Donald Trump.
[03:44:38] Lee, you held a focus group last night.
[03:44:40] What did you see last night?
[03:44:43] So I saw that Democrats really didn't believe JD Vance.
[03:44:46] They said he's steamed nice.
[03:44:48] very, very much in line with what we just heard
[03:44:50] from the governor here.
[03:44:51] But I think that independent voters and Republicans
[03:44:54] were refreshed to see a soft resided advance.
[03:44:57] They were actually, many people said
[03:44:59] they really didn't know what to expect.
[03:45:01] They listened to him and said,
[03:45:02] I appreciate that they can disagree without demonizing.
[03:45:06] He talked about a lot of issues and lies that resonated.
[03:45:09] He got away from the abortion to be unscathed,
[03:45:12] which I think is a big deal
[03:45:14] because this is the biggest weak spot for Republicans.
[03:45:17] And so I think overall, JD Vance came away with more fans than he went in with.
[03:45:22] Is it going to change votes?
[03:45:24] Absolutely not.
[03:45:25] There was not one voter that I talked to last night that ended up changing their mind,
[03:45:28] but people had a more favorable impression of JD Vance than they expected to.
[03:45:33] Favorite building.
[03:45:34] Great.
[03:45:35] So the only thing that happened is it worked in favor of JD Vance looking not like
[03:45:38] a fucking monstrous piece of shit that he is, but instead as a solid order of Trump's
[03:45:45] uh... republican ideals
[03:45:49] i don't know when felix will be here stop
[03:45:52] fucking asking me dude i don't know i don't know i never know
[03:45:57] this man runs on his own fucking time all right
[03:46:02] all my god
[03:46:08] every time i fucking say
[03:46:12] he was gonna be on the show later people literally non-stop in the
[03:46:16] chat like when you gonna think he's coming did i miss him
[03:46:21] i don't know man
[03:46:24] Why is he a monstrous piece of shit? I don't know. I mean, just this fucking last week
[03:46:30] he kept pummeling a neo-Nazi created conspiracy theory that Asians are eating dogs and cats.
[03:46:39] And even on that debate stage said he wants the 425 million people living on US soil.
[03:46:45] I personally think Adolf Hitler is bad. Controversial opinion. I know brave take you might be saying.
[03:46:51] Okay, I am anti genocide. Okay, I think Adolf Hitler is bad and wrong. So when I hear an American politician in 2024, repeat hit Larry and policies.
[03:47:04] I'm gonna go ahead and say, I think that that guy is bad and wrong monstrous piece of shit. Does that make sense for you?
[03:47:16] I just want a sleazy white guy to tell him not to do the fake smile and
[03:47:28] controversial tone so they don't have to feel bad for being fascist and those
[03:47:32] little smile and clap like seals with the civil fascism. Yeah, he did go in with
[03:47:51] historically low favorability. I remember Harry Anton has done an analysis of that.
[03:47:54] So any improvement to be made there I'm sure I'm sure he and the campaign
[03:47:58] will be happy about. Megan do you think last night did anything to make a
[03:48:02] a second debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump more likely?
[03:48:08] No, I don't think last night it's going to change that dynamic. I think that Trump is going to see
[03:48:12] how things are going in the next couple of weeks before the debate and see if he feels that he
[03:48:17] needs to go back out there and take another swing at it and to see what he can do. I don't
[03:48:21] think he will show up for another debate. I don't see why he would do that. I mean,
[03:48:26] he does not like to lose and he clearly lost the last one, so I just don't see him putting
[03:48:29] himself in that situation again,
[03:48:31] but I don't think last night would
[03:48:33] change his mind on that.
[03:48:34] Leah, I want to ask you especially
[03:48:36] because you have the inside of the
[03:48:38] focus group one statement from JD
[03:48:40] Vance that stuck out.
[03:48:41] It's only to do with abortion
[03:48:43] reproductive rights.
[03:48:43] What he said he was asked about
[03:48:45] the campaign stands on abortion
[03:48:47] rights and Vance said this.
[03:48:51] As a Republican who proudly wants
[03:48:53] to protect innocent life in this
[03:48:55] country who proudly wants to
[03:48:56] protect the vulnerable is that my
[03:48:58] party we've got to do so much
[03:49:00] better of a job at earning the American people's trust back on this issue, where they frankly
[03:49:05] just don't trust us.
[03:49:09] Earning the American people's trust back on this issue.
[03:49:12] But Trump's taken abortion, writes and reproducts.
[03:49:15] Dude, he literally did the lib as we see you, we hear you.
[03:49:19] And of course, the dumb ass liberals of major media are like, oh my God, what a beautiful
[03:49:23] answer.
[03:49:25] That's what I heard from NPR this morning.
[03:49:29] They ate that shit up.
[03:49:31] all day. Dude, they're so stupid. Liberals are some of the easiest to manipulate people
[03:49:36] on the fucking planet. But you can have a guy go on every podcast and be like women
[03:49:46] or brood mayors, they must be bred forcibly and violently. And if they ever dare to do
[03:49:52] anything but breed and stay in the kitchen, we should jail them and kill them. Okay.
[03:49:58] But you can have a guy like JD Vaness say that every day. And then he goes on the
[03:50:02] the main stage and he's like,
[03:50:04] we really have to do a good job of hearing women out.
[03:50:07] They have a lot of problems and we must solve them.
[03:50:09] And everyone's like, oh, you see that?
[03:50:13] He's a good guy.
[03:50:14] He changed his mind actually.
[03:50:25] productive rights include statements like
[03:50:27] he's probably the person responsible
[03:50:29] for killing Roe versus Wade.
[03:50:30] Trump says he's done exactly what he intended to do.
[03:50:33] Why does JD Van saying he needs to earn back
[03:50:36] the people's trust?
[03:50:40] Well, I think that the Republicans have done
[03:50:42] a very very bad job talking about their position here
[03:50:46] their position on abortion is actually not the popular position among americans
[03:50:50] and so they're really fighting upstream so the world that's crazy
[03:50:54] but if i were to fucking look at mainstream media
[03:50:57] in the months leading up to roe v ways up
[03:51:00] uh... you know abolition
[03:51:04] despite the fact that all the polling show that seventy five percent of the
[03:51:07] public actually consider roe v way to be good
[03:51:12] It was a real controversial position.
[03:51:14] It was a real 50-50 split.
[03:51:20] I just don't understand it because
[03:51:22] this doesn't really match like the way
[03:51:24] the media covered this issue until it was gone.
[03:51:28] And now they're covering it very differently.
[03:51:30] Now that it's gone.
[03:51:32] Hmm.
[03:51:35] Huh.
[03:51:36] Chat, when I say this, look,
[03:51:38] I'm a fucking avid media watcher.
[03:51:39] You guys know this and you are too, right?
[03:51:41] Like you, you're in here,
[03:51:43] you're an avid media watcher as well, right? How many times did we hear from the media?
[03:51:49] How many times did I fucking scream at my goddamn TV at my goddamn monitor whenever we heard
[03:51:57] in NPR reporting or in New York Times reporting like abortion is a real controversial issue
[03:52:03] for Americans. It was never a controversial issue for Americans. It was not. That was
[03:52:11] a whole cloth completely manufactured narrative it was never a controversial issue everyone
[03:52:15] was like no we like it please let us keep it okay it's incredibly stupid that the media
[03:52:29] has the capability of just like shaping the narrative and even if they don't shape the
[03:52:34] narrative successfully it doesn't matter because your voice doesn't matter nothing we do matters
[03:52:49] I hate this shit now you understand why I hated last night's debate I hear so much that I forgot to run the three minute outbreak
[03:53:01] Right now in the top of the hour
[03:53:13] Obviously polling never matters. Okay
[03:53:19] It doesn't it just simply does not matter
[03:53:23] If it did the democratic party would have changed trajectory on fucking israel a policy a long ass time ago
[03:53:31] Here's a three minute outbreak now by the way
[03:53:33] made women feel like they're completely left behind, that they have no rights if the Republicans
[03:53:43] take office. And so I think J.D. Vance was trying to say here that we need to do better.
[03:53:48] And if we are going to take this position, we recognize that we need to support women
[03:53:51] in other ways, so that's the best choice. And frankly, it was a refreshing answer to
[03:53:56] folks that said that many people said, this didn't seem as scary as other answers
[03:54:00] I've heard before. They want to hear that there's more support to women. Does it
[03:54:04] answer people whose primary you know concern is women's rights and abortion
[03:54:08] absolutely not but again i think they showed a different side of jd vance and
[03:54:12] the republicans that we've seen until now and for many people that was
[03:54:15] somewhat refreshing and made them feel less scary scary was a hurt word i
[03:54:20] heard a lot bro this is cnn glaze it's real
[03:54:25] cnn is glazing along with judge jenny pierrow herald board jr desi waters
[03:54:31] and Greg Gutbell. It's five o'clock in New York City and this is the five. So the Democrats
[03:54:42] assistant coach fumbling the ball at the big VP debate senator JD Vance and Governor
[03:54:47] Tim Walls striking a more civil tone as they tangled over the big issues facing the
[03:54:51] country. And it turns out shielding your candidate from media scrutiny is just not
[03:54:56] the best strategy. Tim Walls only doing a half dozen interviews before the showdown
[03:55:01] and it left him a little bit rusty when compared to the battle-tested Vance one.
[03:55:06] A nearly 80-year-old Donald Trump talking about crowd sizes is not what we need in this moment.
[03:55:11] Governor Walts just accused Donald Trump of being an agent of chaos. Donald Trump actually
[03:55:16] delivered stability in the world, and he did it by establishing effective deterrence.
[03:55:21] People were afraid of stepping out of line. When we start to see that type of fickleness around
[03:55:25] holding the coalitions together, Donald Trump's fickle leadership. Donald Trump is fickle.
[03:55:30] Do you blame Donald Trump? Who has been the vice president for the last three and a half
[03:55:33] years and the answer is you're running mate, not mine. I sat in that office with
[03:55:37] those Sandy Hook parents. I've become friends with school shooters. You can't
[03:55:40] yell fire in a crowded theater. That's that's the test. That's the Supreme
[03:55:43] Court test. Tim, fire in a crowded theater. You guys wanted to kick people
[03:55:47] off of Facebook for saying that toddler shouldn't wear a mask.
[03:55:51] Walls has faced credibility issues from stolen Valor claims who embellishing
[03:55:55] his military record. And last night he stumbled over whether he was in
[03:55:59] in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square protest,
[03:56:02] despite many outlets reporting that he wasn't.
[03:56:06] Can you explain that discrepancy?
[03:56:08] My community knows who I am.
[03:56:10] They saw where I was at.
[03:56:12] They, look, I will be the first to tell you,
[03:56:14] I have poured my heart into my community.
[03:56:16] I've tried to do the best I can,
[03:56:18] but I've not been perfect.
[03:56:19] And I'm a knucklehead at times.
[03:56:21] Governor, just to follow up on that,
[03:56:24] the question was, can you explain?
[03:56:26] Knucklehead.
[03:56:29] The discrepancy.
[03:56:30] All I said on this was is I got there that summer
[03:56:32] and misspoke on this.
[03:56:34] So I will just, that's what I've said.
[03:56:38] So I was in Hong Kong and China
[03:56:42] during the democracy protest.
[03:56:44] By the way, I told you motherfuckers,
[03:56:49] there would be like stability for two seconds
[03:56:51] and then immediately start fucking hitting Tim Walz
[03:56:54] and they're precisely doing that.
[03:56:56] Governor Walz had an entire night
[03:56:58] to sleep on those comments.
[03:56:59] His cleanup job wasn't that great.
[03:57:02] Look, I have my dates wrong.
[03:57:03] I was in Hong Kong and China in 1989.
[03:57:09] That, that moved from Hong Kong into China.
[03:57:13] It was profound for me.
[03:57:14] That was the summer of democracy.
[03:57:16] I said it's where I understood how sacred democracy was.
[03:57:20] All right, Greg, I thought I haven't heard from you yet
[03:57:22] and looking forward to it.
[03:57:23] He was unprepared, but why is that his faults?
[03:57:26] Democrats don't have to be prepared.
[03:57:28] They're usually operating under the assumption
[03:57:30] that it's gonna be an easier ride for them
[03:57:31] then if you were Republican,
[03:57:33] he's like, what's up?
[03:57:33] What's with all this stuff?
[03:57:35] The media tried to lower
[03:57:36] expectations for Waltz,
[03:57:37] and they were right to do that
[03:57:38] now that we see how he did.
[03:57:40] But they overplayed
[03:57:41] Vance's unlikeability.
[03:57:43] So you were expecting something
[03:57:46] that wasn't charming, smart,
[03:57:48] or steady.
[03:57:49] So the media actually helped Vance
[03:57:52] by amplifying his unlikeability.
[03:57:54] The first time you saw Vance was last night
[03:57:56] after a steady diet of media caricatures.
[03:57:59] What a shock it must have been.
[03:58:01] But he's not weird.
[03:58:02] He's not mean.
[03:58:04] I mean, this guy came out.
[03:58:05] It just shows you how the media lies to you.
[03:58:08] The media portrays those outside their bubble falsely.
[03:58:12] And then when you finally see the reality,
[03:58:14] then your eyes are open to the things they say.
[03:58:19] He's not wrong, dude.
[03:58:21] He's not wrong.
[03:58:23] JD Vance is objectively a weirdo.
[03:58:25] He's gross as fuck.
[03:58:27] But like if you didn't really pay attention
[03:58:29] and you just only heard people say he's weird.
[03:58:32] And then you watched it last night,
[03:58:34] you'd be like, no, he seems like a normal guy.
[03:58:36] It's so civil.
[03:58:39] It's so civil.
[03:58:39] He's so civil.
[03:58:42] And now CBS, CNN, NBC, ABC,
[03:58:46] they're all saying how fucking civil the debate was.
[03:58:50] They are literally depicting him as a normal,
[03:58:53] if not a solid order of Trump's policies.
[03:58:58] he did a good fucking job. That's it. I hate him. I despise him. But as an analyst, I have
[03:59:10] to recognize that he did a good job of laundering his reputation. He did a good job of portraying
[03:59:17] himself as like a normal person. And Tim Walts absolutely allowed that to happen.
[03:59:24] Hey, Ben, also did something good. He knew this wasn't a political talk show where he
[03:59:30] He tried to score points by making statements loudly
[03:59:34] that will end up being retweeted.
[03:59:36] He wasn't going for the dopamine.
[03:59:37] He was going for the depth.
[03:59:39] And that was his mission.
[03:59:41] And his mission showed a contrast between steady
[03:59:45] and unsteady.
[03:59:46] He showed that a silencer is just as deadly
[03:59:49] as a shotgun.
[03:59:50] I think what is really cowardly though
[03:59:53] is the mistake Democrats made by not choosing Shapiro.
[03:59:56] You know, they might lose Pennsylvania.
[03:59:58] They definitely lost that debate
[04:00:00] because they wanted a guy who wasn't a Jew, you know?
[04:00:03] And now you've got a non Jew
[04:00:05] who's frantic, nervous, chaotic liar.
[04:00:09] I think this was a real slap in the face
[04:00:11] of the Harris campaign, no offense to our husband.
[04:00:13] Hahaha!
[04:00:16] Judge, I wanna get to you after you watch this.
[04:00:18] This is the liberal media
[04:00:19] who was forced to praise JD Vance, call for number four.
[04:00:23] Walls did seem unsteady
[04:00:25] and frankly what I saw in walls is somebody
[04:00:28] who has not faced questions on a national stage
[04:00:31] since he became the Democratic nominee.
[04:00:33] In contrast, JD Vance was very smooth.
[04:00:36] I was getting texts from Democrats panicked,
[04:00:38] quite frankly, who were saying,
[04:00:40] wow, he's really moderating himself
[04:00:42] on a lot of these issues.
[04:00:43] He's the most likable he has ever been.
[04:00:46] He seemed at many moments to be reasonable.
[04:00:49] Walls did not seem prepared for it.
[04:00:51] I mean, a lot about this debate tonight was weird.
[04:00:54] There were uncomfortable, cringy moments.
[04:00:56] there were so many niceties on that debate phase tonight.
[04:00:59] I am just kind of like, well,
[04:01:01] if you agree so much with JD Vance,
[04:01:03] why should they vote for you?
[04:01:05] All right, Josh, take it away.
[04:01:06] Well, I gotta tell you,
[04:01:07] I mean, it's clear that even they understood
[04:01:10] that JD Vance was solid.
[04:01:13] He was friendly.
[04:01:14] He was polite.
[04:01:16] He was disciplined.
[04:01:17] And he was the kind of guy for the first time.
[04:01:20] And by the way,
[04:01:22] this Shapiro bullshit is a conservative talking point
[04:01:24] so fucking smart me and this ingenious they don't actually give a fuck they
[04:01:27] shit on Shapiro too they just think this is a free and cheap dig yeah it is but
[04:01:32] it's also correct and that's the worst kind of cheap dig that you can make not
[04:01:37] the anti-Semitism stuff but the fact that like I'm making the same exact
[04:01:44] argument if you weren't going to actually unleash walls as a progressive
[04:01:48] force or at the very least like sit there and defend certain progressive
[04:01:53] policies and adopt them. Okay. Then why the fuck did you pick Tim walls? Like you should
[04:01:59] have literally picked Josh Shapiro. Josh Shapiro would be a better fucking defender of like
[04:02:06] right wing border bills and and whatever kind of fucking dumbass like right wing idea you
[04:02:10] have you'd be a better defender of Israel to you know what I mean? You could have sat
[04:02:17] up there and did his Obama routine and been like for a strike if Tehran wants a nuke it
[04:02:26] can keep it and by that I mean an Israeli nuke on Tehran. Let me be clear we will nuke Tehran.
[04:02:39] I'm Josh Shapiro I'm pussy too. The voters you would have lost picking Shapiro you've
[04:02:51] already lost by not changing your positive makes no sense. Yeah, the anti
[04:03:01] feminism stuff is the cheap thing I'm talking about. So gross going from the actual fucking Nazis.
[04:03:04] No, you're just this map because your dad repeats it back to you. Okay. I mean, you're right.
[04:03:10] But your extra your extra math, because I know, I know your dad and I'm Jewish. I know megafaunics.
[04:03:21] I know you're Jewish. But yes, it's you're this emotionally invested in the Josh
[04:03:27] Shapiro stuff specifically because I feel like your dad keeps repeating these talking points to you
[04:03:35] Which is pretty funny anyway
[04:03:40] But yeah, no, they don't give a fuck about ante seven doesn't want to be talking about his flocks news
[04:03:50] Yeah, it just doesn't make sense
[04:03:52] It just doesn't make sense why they like Charleston walls and then like they discarded him
[04:03:57] You know, and for the record,
[04:04:01] megafaunix is still under the
[04:04:03] Hassanabe protective barrier.
[04:04:04] Okay.
[04:04:05] He got harassed quite a bit.
[04:04:07] So we're not, we're not calling him megafaunix.
[04:04:16] By the way, 88% of the American people said
[04:04:20] that this was a debate that was civil
[04:04:22] and that they enjoyed.
[04:04:23] I mean, that's a wonderful thing.
[04:04:24] And that's because of JD Vance.
[04:04:26] When they tried to cut him off,
[04:04:28] we'll talk about that later.
[04:04:29] or when Walt slide, he was polite.
[04:04:32] This is a guy who's gonna reach across the aisle.
[04:04:35] This is a guy who will make not only a great vice president
[04:04:38] but a great president one day.
[04:04:40] And I don't wanna get into a lot of the small stuff
[04:04:43] but I gotta tell you, I was exhausted watching Walt's.
[04:04:46] I mean, it was like this, that, eyes punched out,
[04:04:49] turn around, right down.
[04:04:50] It was almost like he was waiting for the fence
[04:04:52] to come in and arrest him or something.
[04:04:55] I was like exhausted.
[04:04:56] But JD Vance, he's so impressed me.
[04:04:59] And I think he impressed everybody.
[04:05:02] This is a guy who's going to try to solve problems.
[04:05:06] He didn't fight.
[04:05:07] He didn't play dirty.
[04:05:09] I just want to say one more thing about Waltz.
[04:05:12] Being a knucklehead doesn't excuse you
[04:05:15] from being a serial liar.
[04:05:19] That's the worst aspect of this Hong Kong shit,
[04:05:22] is that he's not like a serial liar at all.
[04:05:25] Okay
[04:05:27] That's just what like republicans have chosen to lie about him on
[04:05:31] like
[04:05:33] for every for every
[04:05:35] 12 thing that they make up about uh tim waltz and claim he's lying on
[04:05:40] There's like two that sticks
[04:05:43] And then everybody forgets that like there's 12 things there are 10 other things that they made up
[04:05:50] Bro, they thought
[04:05:53] They thought he swapped out his dog, man. Like, what the fuck are we talking about?
[04:05:58] He thought he swapped out his dog, brother. And after last night's performance, I'm thinking maybe he did.
[04:06:19] I'm kidding.
[04:06:25] Yeah, man. He fucking lied about being at 10 minutes square or some shit. I don't fucking
[04:06:38] I don't care about lying about being at 10 minutes square as much as I care about like
[04:06:42] a person who's currently lying about patients eating cats and dogs in an effort to fucking kill them. Okay
[04:06:49] Okay, Tommy Controversial.
[04:06:55] And I was saying, Harold, that Eddie Haskell
[04:06:58] from Leave It To Beaver was a knucklehead, right?
[04:07:01] But, you know, lying about things that are pretty basic.
[04:07:04] And then not having the ability to land an answer,
[04:07:08] your most important moment showed, I think,
[04:07:10] why the Democrats were nervous last night.
[04:07:12] How do you feel today?
[04:07:14] So good to be back with everybody.
[04:07:15] I think the analysis that's been around the tape.
[04:07:18] No, boo, bring us Jessica Tarkov.
[04:07:21] Boo, boo, we want Tarkov, we want Tarkov, boo.
[04:07:28] Where's Jessica?
[04:07:29] Where's my Jessica?
[04:07:31] Where's my sweetie pie, my queen?
[04:07:38] Well, I think it was a very civil debate
[04:07:41] and I think Tim Walls contributed to this ability also
[04:07:43] but I think that the round of argument we did
[04:07:46] with some of the other reporters and journalists
[04:07:49] who I thought were honest about it.
[04:07:51] Three of us from one last night.
[04:07:53] And I said, there are five things I think you have to do
[04:07:55] when you are in a debate like this,
[04:07:57] President or Vice President.
[04:07:58] You've got to be likable and optimistic.
[04:07:59] You've got to show strength and capability.
[04:08:01] You've got to be smart.
[04:08:02] You've got to be relatable.
[04:08:03] And ultimately you've got to show that you're presidential.
[04:08:05] J.D. Vance, you're right, Judge.
[04:08:06] He was coming from a little bit of a deficit
[04:08:08] because of some of the media characterizations
[04:08:10] that you said, Greg.
[04:08:11] And he, you walked away,
[04:08:13] I didn't agree with him on a lot of things,
[04:08:14] but I didn't think he was a bad guy.
[04:08:15] I just think as a guy that I don't agree with
[04:08:18] on things, but in terms of a person, a father,
[04:08:20] someone who's decent,
[04:08:21] and he had, they agreed on childcare.
[04:08:23] They agreed on guns, they agreed even in some areas,
[04:08:26] some other areas involving foreign policy,
[04:08:28] but they disagreed on some other things.
[04:08:30] I thought on the substance,
[04:08:31] JD was good on immigration and a border.
[04:08:34] He was good on the economy.
[04:08:36] He asked serious questions.
[04:08:39] Bro was like, I love school shooters.
[04:08:41] Adderall Andy, Bro was like, I love school shooters.
[04:08:45] You think he actually said he loves school shooters
[04:08:51] and it wasn't just him misspeaking.
[04:08:56] That's incredible dude.
[04:08:58] I mean I joked about it too.
[04:09:00] He's a serial liar, although a lot of that shit
[04:09:02] a big part of him is a fucking lie.
[04:09:04] Even him lying about his kid as a shooting
[04:09:05] that never even happened.
[04:09:13] First of all, he said he befriended school shooters,
[04:09:18] which was a massive flub, okay.
[04:09:26] No, he didn't accidentally say I've known school shooters.
[04:09:31] Okay, stop.
[04:09:33] He accidentally said, I befriended school shooters.
[04:09:38] Okay
[04:09:40] He meant like school shooter victims, okay, or school shooting families
[04:09:47] Everybody understands that
[04:09:51] Hannity talked about this on a serious show this afternoon and said waltz meant what he said
[04:09:56] That's awesome
[04:10:07] Katie Vance missed the other day here. We knew what he meant
[04:10:11] That I could take you on our campaign plane and give you the perspective that I've gotten to this country in the past
[04:10:17] Seven weeks is the coolest other being a wife to this beautiful lady here and a father. Yeah. Do you think JD Vase is JD trans?
[04:10:28] Adderall Andy, you know
[04:10:30] Is it are we are we watching JD trans is that what's going on?
[04:10:38] What's up guys? I'm gay D trans that sounds like a Nick Mullen bit like a fucking one-piece character dude gay D trans
[04:10:55] Yeah, also, this wasn't a lie dog. What the fuck? Walt says his 17 year old son witnessed
[04:11:13] the shooting as he played volleyball at the rec center. They fact checked it. Anyway, my
[04:11:21] son was a witness who was shooting at a local Y. I carried weapons of war in war. I was in
[04:11:25] China when they did the massacre, like bros ran for VP is cost so many lies out of
[04:11:29] all of those things. You mentioned two things where he very clearly misspoke.
[04:11:36] Okay, because if he if he was regularly talking about how he went to war and he's a combat veteran or some shit
[04:11:42] You would have more than one instance where he has said that like ten fucking years ago dumbass
[04:11:49] That's number one number two you you mentioned something that it did happen and
[04:11:55] Said it didn't happen
[04:11:57] So you still haven't been able to find like an abject lie except for this I
[04:12:01] I was in China when they did the massacre, which by the way demonstrates that you don't even care about what the fucking lie is or why it's so damaging or whatever.
[04:12:10] And now you're saying you're no better, but your bias fucking obvious is saying, first of all, I am biased. I am. And I tell you how biased I am all the time.
[04:12:20] I am going to be writing in Joseph Robin and Brandon. Okay, because I'm writing with Biden.
[04:12:26] Why am I writing with Biden? Because these two scumbags, Tim Wallace and Kamala Harris
[04:12:33] stole the presidency from the only man who did NATO. Okay? Me and Ryan Ruth locked in
[04:12:41] a lover's quarrel. We are all the way to the end, the strongest allies of NATO. Biden
[04:12:48] did nato i'm writing his name in that's number one number two notice how you just slammed
[04:12:57] a whole bunch of nonsense here and then tried to package it with like one thing that is
[04:13:03] actually a fucking lie that's the whole point that's what i'm trying to say tim waltz like
[04:13:09] him hate him this this kind of like idea that he's a fucking serial liar is stupid
[04:13:18] I hate JD Vance and I very openly have for the past hour have talked about I hate JD
[04:13:26] Vance and yet I've talked about how well he performed on this stage last night.
[04:13:32] That should have given you an understanding that like I'm not going to lie to you.
[04:13:36] Okay.
[04:13:37] I'm going to tell you what's what I'm going to tell you how it is.
[04:13:41] That's it.
[04:14:06] I think this guy probably fucked off an hour ago after saying that the planet cover
[04:14:13] Jackson is newly unseeded J6 evidence brief. Maybe. Who doesn't know you defended Trump
[04:14:35] in the bloodbath comments, so not that biased? Yeah, my bias is towards the truth. Like, I
[04:14:40] don't give a shit. I don't find myself. I don't like the Democratic Party. I don't like
[04:14:48] that I hate the Republican Party. That's it. Like, I don't give a shit. I'm just
[04:14:54] going to be honest with you. If either party represents by interest, I'll tell you.
[04:14:58] About why isn't the vice president doing this now? And I thought that after they
[04:15:03] took the first commercial break, walls was good coming back as he got, he got,
[04:15:07] got a stride on abortion. He talked about healthcare. And if we undo the
[04:15:11] affordable care, what happens? I thought JD didn't have that was the only time
[04:15:14] his substantive answers. They weren't as smooth as some of the others. And
[04:15:17] finally, I think the question you asked about, do you accept the
[04:15:20] Yeah, that's a good one. This is what Tim was meant with befriending school shooters. There is no greater
[04:15:41] There is no greater school shooter than this guy, bro
[04:15:45] Check DMs what?
[04:15:47] No, dude, I'm not checking DM. Shut the fuck up. Like what is wrong with some of you and the election?
[04:15:55] Do you believe that President Trump doesn't he didn't answer didn't answer that?
[04:15:58] But you gotta as you think look at this thing go on deadlock soda wants to play. Are you crazy?
[04:16:04] You think I'm just gonna fucking stop in the middle of the day when I have Felix Biedermann coming over
[04:16:11] in the middle of my fucking commentary to go play Deadlock, a game that I didn't have, like what's wrong with you?
[04:16:17] You all right?
[04:16:19] Um, then you gotta say that he got the better of it. Uh, that being Senator Vance.
[04:16:23] Did you wear a tie like this for a special occasion?
[04:16:26] Is this a special occasion time?
[04:16:28] I mean it feels, it feels like happy.
[04:16:30] Yeah, exactly.
[04:16:32] Unlike you is what we're saying.
[04:16:34] happy. You know, this tie reflects the note of the country. We are pleasantly surprised.
[04:16:40] How many times can you say that after watching these debates? Because there was the JD Vance
[04:16:46] hoax that was destroyed last night. We were told that this guy was a sketchball. And then
[04:16:51] many Americans, especially women, I love hearing from another sketchball who is like
[04:16:58] an even grosser sketchball than JD Vans described to everybody that he's actually a likable
[04:17:06] fellow. It's like, dude, you literally have the, the cranial physiognomy. Is that the
[04:17:15] right term of a date rapist? Okay. You, I'm sorry. There is no way to, there is no other
[04:17:23] way to put it. I can't be nice. Oh, lol. XCG and Soda are watching the stream. That's
[04:17:30] why they're coming in here. What? Okay, great. I don't know how else to describe it. He just
[04:17:35] gives like, police ball fucking vibes. I've never encountered another human being. I've
[04:17:41] never encountered cranial morphology. Thank you. I have never encountered a human being
[04:17:48] out in the wild that I'm like that's that guy just looks straight up like a fucking date
[04:17:53] rapist dude straight up and by the way before people say Hassan that's really fucked up I
[04:18:08] can't believe you're saying that he literally fucking openly admitted that he let out the
[04:18:15] goddamn air out of his now wife's tires at work so that she would be desperate enough
[04:18:21] to need his help. That is serial killer shit dawg. It events last night and they thought
[04:18:29] this seems like the kind of guy you can bring home to your parents. He's smooth, he's polished,
[04:18:35] he's reasonable. I got blocked on Twitter before I deleted it because I kept tweeting at Jesse thinking
[04:18:39] if he's ever noticed women instinctively covering up their drinks when he walks by that's
[04:18:43] so good. That's such a good lock dude. Oh sorry he was married and the woman that he did that
[04:18:53] to was a subordinate at the time God he's so fucking gross when I was trying to get Emma
[04:19:01] to date me first thing I did let the air out of her tires she couldn't go anywhere she needed
[04:19:08] a lift I said hey you need a lift she got to write in the show this story no she doesn't know the
[04:19:12] story she watched the judge the judge you're basically the zodiac killer but even buttfell
[04:19:20] like dog. That's some serial killer shit. And I should know because I'm a serial killer. It's
[04:19:29] so funny that both Buttfeld and Jesse Waters are like different time different types of sexual
[04:19:36] perverts. Like they represent the broad they represent the broad diverse sexual perverse
[04:19:44] behavior spectrum. You know, one of them is like giving date rape vibes. The other one is like
[04:19:52] I'm taking up skirt photos of you whether you like it or not and because if there were more people like me out there
[04:19:59] We would also have to do the Japanese style legislation where people's fucking phone cameras even on silent have to do the
[04:20:06] photo taking sound
[04:20:08] It's great. I mean look at this guy. Look at his face
[04:20:31] Look at water Chinatown segment, we don't have to do that right now. That's real fucking raises right there
[04:20:39] I don't want it I unironically love the gut. That's the king of late night. That's the king of late night
[04:20:44] Have you seen this tick-tock PR?
[04:20:55] Thank you for showing me the tick-tock PR
[04:21:04] Apparently Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdullah Abu Habib says his below leader Hassan Nasrallah agreed to a ceasefire right before Israel killed him
[04:21:11] I mean that makes a lot of sense
[04:21:18] They have done that before
[04:21:20] If that was a YouTube essay you would have said bro is this your YouTube video
[04:21:41] But when horny chatter send you their tiktoks your spam like a move on shake in my head. Yeah, dog
[04:21:47] Because thirst talks take
[04:21:51] Thirst talks take three seconds to fucking click like on your goddamn YouTube video essay is 38 minutes long, okay?
[04:22:02] Sorry
[04:22:04] Sorry, I'm not watching your fucking YouTube essay that you spent entire months on because I can't fuck a seat here. I
[04:22:14] Can't fuck a seat here and and you know
[04:22:18] Watch a goddamn YouTube essay
[04:22:30] Hassan likes terrorists
[04:22:34] Love mofersie, but get boho over the truth. Israel's demonic entity that would defeat of other resistant people power the people always
[04:22:40] Hassan and his fans do not see the Israelis people even the children the fact that he still has a platform and that is
[04:22:47] It is not been around the deep platform is crazy, bro. Israel defenders have one speed. I swear to God
[04:22:52] It's like immediately. Can you please the platform him the platform the platform?
[04:23:00] People who love Israel love spelling my name with two s's and
[04:23:05] Hoping that Israel kills me and if they can't do that then
[04:23:08] and hoping I get the fucking D platform is so,
[04:23:12] it's so stupid.
[04:23:13] 40k likes outside.
[04:23:15] Oh, I saw this.
[04:23:16] Who the fuck was next to me when I saw this?
[04:23:21] I think it was March.
[04:23:22] This was after I was leaving USC
[04:23:24] and March was sitting next to me
[04:23:26] and this showed up on my fucking feed
[04:23:28] and I liked it and he's like, damn bro,
[04:23:29] you're on Hassan talk.
[04:23:32] And I was like, yeah, I am.
[04:23:35] Sometimes I see this stuff and I like it.
[04:23:37] When I tell him to unfollow Samurai and he says unfollow his song 40k likes let's fucking go
[04:23:55] Lately your haters have been saying why hasn't he been banned yet law?
[04:23:58] Yeah, they're fucking nuts dude. They don't understand like most people
[04:24:05] Most people can't be fucking asked to just care about this shit. Okay?
[04:24:10] It's also weird because half the motherfuckers dude, dude, you know what's funny about this half the people chirping non-stop
[04:24:31] I literally agree with the domestic policies of Hezbollah or at the very least don't care
[04:24:38] about it enough.
[04:24:39] Okay.
[04:24:40] They're like conservatives.
[04:24:42] They love the fucking anti-gay shit.
[04:24:47] They love the anti-gay shit.
[04:24:48] They love the anti-women shit.
[04:24:50] If there are anti-women policies, they're like, oh, I love that.
[04:24:55] That's why it's so ridiculous.
[04:24:56] It's like, no, the things I disagree with Hezbollah and the things you disagree
[04:25:00] with Hezbollah are different.
[04:25:02] Okay.
[04:25:03] So it's weird when you try to call me Islamist fundamental is it just comes across as like you're being a fucking massive
[04:25:09] racist piece of shit
[04:25:19] Actually, it's boring a lot of people know about who these before 2023. So don't have extremely reductive views about them. I
[04:25:25] There's no way you're talking about me having a reductive view about the Houthis, right?
[04:25:30] Cuz like I covered the shit way before
[04:25:34] 2023 like what what are we talking about?
[04:25:36] There's a community of Nazi and Nazi adjacent motherfuckers that have been trying to fucking actively de-platform me since
[04:25:55] The month of October 2023. I wonder why
[04:26:03] He's civil. He's smart. He's humble
[04:26:08] Everything that they said about him was completely the opposite
[04:26:12] So he had a great night, but Trump even had a better night because Trump chose him
[04:26:17] I remember the first Trump term didn't pick the best people a lot of people are now reassured that
[04:26:24] Trump is picking the right people this time.
[04:26:27] And in a race that this is this tight,
[04:26:30] you know how they say Trump has like 94% of Republicans?
[04:26:34] Those 6% of Republicans, you call them Nikki Haley people,
[04:26:38] never Trumpers, Chris D. Rock.
[04:26:40] They love JD Vance last night.
[04:26:43] I had so many texts from people like that,
[04:26:45] saying, wow, JD Vance was amazing.
[04:26:48] And that's the kind of presentation
[04:26:51] that they long for, that Trump doesn't bring to the table, but that can bring independence,
[04:26:57] women with college degrees, and moderate Republicans back.
[04:27:00] So he added to the ticket and created momentum after the Democrats have had a real back.
[04:27:06] I think they're overhyping JD Van Stove.
[04:27:08] Yeah.
[04:27:09] I mean, they need any victory that they can fucking jump on.
[04:27:13] Okay.
[04:27:14] That's it.
[04:27:15] Add last four or five days.
[04:27:19] Wall seemed nice.
[04:27:20] No, they didn't say Trump won the last debate. They were like, please stop talking about the debate. Nobody should even watch debates last time
[04:27:27] JD Vance's damning non-answers Harris Waltz immediately cutting an ad. Let's go
[04:27:32] Rich for Democratic leaders to say that Donald Trump is a unique threat to democracy
[04:27:37] Then he peacefully gave over power. He is still saying he didn't lose the election. I would just ask that did he lose the 2020 election?
[04:27:46] Sam I'm focused on the future
[04:27:48] That was a good line. They fucking he got his ass there. Why didn't you do this more, man? Why?
[04:27:56] Why didn't you do this more, Tim? Tim, I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were a
[04:28:03] secret Somali. A real Somali would have been fighting like a goddamn pirate fighting for,
[04:28:09] fighting for his own, fighting for his own goddamn natural resources on coastline,
[04:28:18] Okay, you should have been fighting for the Democratic Party messed up. I guess he was a little bit of a secret Somali in the way that he was fighting for fucking Minnesota.
[04:28:38] Wait, did they actually call him a secret Somali? No, I call him that, but in a positive way.
[04:28:43] That is a damning non-answer. I think you've got a really clear choice of who's gonna honor that democracy and who's gonna honor Donald Trump.
[04:29:08] Can I share something with you that is horrible?
[04:29:14] I would be better off dying instead of leaving my family generational dead.
[04:29:19] There's times when it's in the back of my head.
[04:29:21] It would have been easier had I died.
[04:29:23] Then you don't have to worry about the reoccurrence of another tumor.
[04:29:27] More bills every time you go for another checkup.
[04:29:29] All of it just keeps adding up and adding up.
[04:29:31] Also, I have a serious manipulator.
[04:29:37] Deserve a slap for you, shit.
[04:29:41] I don't know why we banned this guy.
[04:29:43] You might not have been saying, I'm a serious manipulator.
[04:29:54] A few years ago, I survived another brain tumor and breast cancer.
[04:29:59] But now, the Affordable Care Act has been passed and now I have coverage.
[04:30:04] It's saved my life and my business.
[04:30:06] Donald Trump says he wants to kill the Affordable Care Act.
[04:30:09] He doesn't care what that would mean for families like mine.
[04:30:12] Trump only cares about himself.
[04:30:15] Before the Affordable Care Act, I could have lost everything.
[04:30:18] My farm, my life, my family, unlike Trump,
[04:30:22] Kamala Harris is fighting for everyday hardworking people.
[04:30:25] She's fought for us to get healthcare
[04:30:27] and she is fighting for us to keep it.
[04:30:29] I'm Kamala Harris and I approve this message.
[04:30:34] We start the top of the hour this morning
[04:30:35] with the Fox 5 News alert.
[04:30:38] Oh yeah, we got the dog workers,
[04:30:39] Port worker strike turns violent and Baltimore.
[04:30:43] So there's a couple of different things
[04:30:45] I wanna talk about with respect to this.
[04:30:47] porch workers strike the dog workers strike one I really like the fucking the the union
[04:30:56] leadership at least like he sounds cool like he sounds I don't know he just comes across
[04:31:05] like maybe I'm wrong he gives me a little bit of a he's kind of a Trump hog I know but
[04:31:12] don't give a shit. I do think that he is definitely a fucking hog for one reason that I find really
[04:31:26] fucked up. Okay. The thing that I find really fucked up is the weapons transfers will still
[04:31:42] continue. The International Longshoreman's Association is going on strike, but they're
[04:31:47] making an exception to ensure bombs continue to be sent to Israel.
[04:31:50] ILA will maintain pleasure to handle military cargo during the strike.
[04:31:54] Passenger cruise ships to be unaffected by the 10-1 strike.
[04:32:02] The International Longshoremen's Association and its 85,000 members will continue to honor
[04:32:06] its century-plus pledge to handle all military cargo, even if there's a coast-wide strike
[04:32:11] beginning next Tuesday.
[04:32:15] October 1, 2024, the Union will also continue to work passenger cruise vessels.
[04:32:21] Rating back to World War I, the ILA was always proud to note that the ILA also means love
[04:32:26] America when it came to his no strike pledge and handling U.S. military cargo at all of
[04:32:31] its ports.
[04:32:32] That's what Harold Daggett said, who served in the U.S. Navy and saw combat duty during
[04:32:37] the Vietnam War.
[04:32:39] We continue our pledge to never let our brave America trues down for their valor and
[04:32:43] service who would proudly continue to work all military shipments beyond October 1,
[04:32:46] even if we are engaged in a strike.
[04:32:48] Don't worry, the strike won't impact the genocide or cruise industry.
[04:32:54] of America's greatest gifts to the world. I mean, it makes sense. If they fucking impacted
[04:33:00] the cruise industry, it's, it's, you know, those are people that need to get off, you
[04:33:07] know, that one, that one is a little bit more, that one is a little bit more understandable.
[04:33:14] Like I think the way to manage that would be potentially that we are going to put a
[04:33:19] halt on the cruise industry post a certain date so that you
[04:33:24] give enough time for the ships to go somewhere else or to
[04:33:28] never even to never even go out to sea. But yeah, if you're
[04:33:36] like, hey, we're gonna do a fucking strike. And you're
[04:33:39] just stuck on the cruise ship. That's kind of crazy. Imagine
[04:33:51] You're like, yeah, no dog, sorry.
[04:33:57] You have to stay on the fucking cruise.
[04:33:58] It would be funny.
[04:34:03] Here, let's watch the more perfect union video on it.
[04:34:06] 5,000 dock workers from Maine to Texas
[04:34:08] are on strike for the first time since 1977.
[04:34:11] Late last night, members of the
[04:34:13] International Longshoremen's Association
[04:34:15] walked off the job after their contract
[04:34:17] with the ports expired.
[04:34:18] You get power, small piece of power.
[04:34:22] Small piece of power.
[04:34:23] ILA!
[04:34:24] All the way!
[04:34:25] Union!
[04:34:26] All of them!
[04:34:26] Union!
[04:34:27] All of them!
[04:34:27] The docker-
[04:34:28] I think one of the funniest aspects of this is that the ILA's a relatively strong union, and of course, if you're in a relatively strong union, your average wage is gonna be fairly high.
[04:34:40] And people are finding out about, like, their relatively high wages and getting very mad.
[04:34:48] And it's like, yeah, dude, that's a good thing.
[04:34:50] Okay, that's not a bad thing, dumbass.
[04:34:52] How about you fucking unionize as well?
[04:34:54] Nope. People are like, how dare they ask for more.
[04:34:58] They're already making a lot of money.
[04:35:02] Workers have two demands, higher wages and protections against job-killing automation.
[04:35:07] The ILA represents workers at 16 ports that handle half of the U.S.'s imports.
[04:35:13] These workers keep America moving, handling goods like beer, liquor, wine, bananas, cars,
[04:35:18] and even parts that keep our factories running.
[04:35:21] and they do this back breaking work
[04:35:22] for as low as $20 an hour.
[04:35:24] They're demanding a $5 an hour raise
[04:35:27] every year for six years.
[04:35:28] Meanwhile, their bosses in the shipping industry
[04:35:31] have raked in over $400 billion in profits since 2020.
[04:35:36] They're making billions and billions of dollars.
[04:35:38] Yeah, Harold J. Daggett has had
[04:35:40] some really fucking courtable moments.
[04:35:44] I think he's kind of cool.
[04:35:45] I mean, he's a bit of a hog,
[04:35:47] but he's also kind of cool.
[04:35:48] I don't know how to describe it.
[04:35:49] Like he simultaneously gives me bad vibes, but I also think he's chill.
[04:35:55] I don't know about it, it went through COVID.
[04:36:00] Every one of you guys went to work every single day.
[04:36:04] The workers are also fighting for a fair contract that doesn't allow automation of their jobs.
[04:36:09] According to a union produced study, more than 2,250 East Coast workers could lose their
[04:36:14] jobs to robots if protections aren't implemented.
[04:36:17] if port owners don't step.
[04:36:19] Like I don't have an issue with the automation.
[04:36:22] You just can't fire people.
[04:36:23] How about that?
[04:36:25] Yeah, give them less work.
[04:36:26] It's great.
[04:36:28] You know, that's that's efficiency, baby.
[04:36:32] That's what automation is supposed to be there for.
[04:36:39] They are supposed to,
[04:36:41] like automation is supposed to make,
[04:36:44] automation is supposed to ease the burden
[04:36:45] on the laborers, on the workforce.
[04:36:48] The problem is, automation is used as a mechanism of displacement, okay?
[04:36:53] They're like, oh, well, we got robots, no more need for the workers, fire them.
[04:36:58] That is the issue.
[04:37:00] Unions understand this.
[04:37:01] Step up and agree to workers' demands.
[04:37:07] It could cost the US $5 billion a week, and that means shortages and price hikes for
[04:37:12] everyone.
[04:37:13] We're going to win this f**king thing, trust me.
[04:37:16] They can't survive too long and we're going to get what the f*** we deserve, bling, and
[04:37:21] God bless all of you for being here.
[04:37:24] I don't think it's the companies you have to provide social security that should be done
[04:37:33] by the state with tax and ideal basic income.
[04:37:35] What do you mean it's not a company you have to provide social security?
[04:37:38] This isn't social security.
[04:37:40] First of all, companies used to provide social security.
[04:37:43] It's called pensions, okay?
[04:37:45] I like that we've just completely moved beyond that.
[04:37:47] That's number one.
[04:37:48] Number two, you do recognize that like these guys are still a part of the productive process,
[04:37:54] right?
[04:37:55] Like, they are literally a part of the productive output.
[04:37:59] Like they are the reason why the companies are generating any sort of value whatsoever.
[04:38:03] There's no value without labor.
[04:38:06] And as time goes on and technology improves, okay, these technological improvements have
[04:38:11] only been used to force out the existing productive output.
[04:38:17] the existing value creators, the labor force. It's so stupid. And they're demonstrating.
[04:38:28] Yes, sure. But the profits rise. What do you mean? No, no. How do profits rise?
[04:38:33] Profits rise in automation by displacing the existing workforce. Profits rising is not a
[04:38:40] good thing. Okay. Get that out of your head. Also, profits don't rise. They do have a,
[04:38:47] They do fall.
[04:39:00] That's later in my mom and I hated we got into a heated argument about it last night.
[04:39:03] What do I do to convince her that she shouldn't defend these corporations to
[04:39:06] been let go from the company she currently works at and came back for less money?
[04:39:28] And then you got China fully automating their ports.
[04:39:34] The media is already trying to shit on the workers.
[04:39:42] Doc workers often work 80 hours a week to make more for this pay while bosses
[04:39:47] caked around and made, what the fuck is this number?
[04:39:50] Jesus Christ, 400 billions is 2020.
[04:39:53] Working people deserve a good living.
[04:39:55] Many dock workers make $150,000 or more.
[04:39:58] Why they're going on strike?
[04:40:04] You think he's still,
[04:40:07] I feel he still thinks like he's still under the mafia's payroll.
[04:40:10] He definitely talks the talk.
[04:40:12] Oh, this is the one I wanted to show you.
[04:40:13] I love this combo.
[04:40:15] And they built a crane ownership
[04:40:18] and they got a container and they put the cargo in.
[04:40:21] And maybe the first ship came up with 50 bucks.
[04:40:24] Not even 50, 20 boxes.
[04:40:26] It worked.
[04:40:27] They came in to the port,
[04:40:29] The crane on a ship unloaded them,
[04:40:31] and they loaded them on, and they went down.
[04:40:34] Well, it caught on.
[04:40:36] And from there, everywhere you go in the world,
[04:40:39] you'll see those cranes, they look like monsters.
[04:40:41] No matter where you go,
[04:40:43] what port, overseas, Europe, Rotterdam,
[04:40:48] Amsterdam, anywhere, Spain, those cranes are there.
[04:40:52] It all started with Sea Land.
[04:40:54] The company before Sea Land is called Pan Atlantic,
[04:40:57] but Sea Land bought that
[04:40:58] and then they became ceiling.
[04:41:00] Okay, I show up 1967.
[04:41:04] Did some bullshit, they make enough.
[04:41:05] Give me some fucking money.
[04:41:07] The ILA president drive a goddamn Bentley.
[04:41:09] Did some bullshit, they make enough.
[04:41:12] There ain't no fucking way
[04:41:14] that you are a 22 month subscriber
[04:41:18] in a socialist community, okay?
[04:41:22] Or at least socialist adjacent.
[04:41:24] And you're out here, Paga watching
[04:41:26] fucking labor leader what the fuck everything that I advocate for please this is bait right
[04:41:36] you're gonna be like oh I need money for the top of the hour ab break or some shit right
[04:41:40] there ain't no goddamn way because at the top of the hour there's a three-man ab break and if
[04:41:44] you no longer want to see those ads he's a trump tart it don't matter it don't fucking matter
[04:41:54] okay you think I say this shit about the teamsters of shot when Sean O'Brien was fighting for
[04:41:58] the fucking contracts? It don't matter. It don't matter if he's a Trump supporter or not.
[04:42:20] The reason for this work stoppage existing or the reason for this work stoppage happening
[04:42:24] is not because he's a fucking Trump supporter and he's in the tank for Trump. Y'all are
[04:42:33] fucking crazy. That's not what I agree. It don't matter, but his member Bulletin the
[04:42:43] day Trump got shot was so cringe, not gonna lie. This is not about Donald Trump. This
[04:42:49] is about his own fucking workers. Okay, this is about his wages. This is about the profits
[04:42:56] that they're generating. This is about the understandable fear that a labor leader has
[04:43:01] for automation displacing his fucking unionized workforce. That's it. I explained to you
[04:43:12] before the maintenance local was down. We built it all up. You heard me. Where the
[04:43:19] changes started? Wait, is this not a socialist community? Are you just trying to cover
[04:43:25] your eyes or would you actually say you're more of a social democrat? I'm a capitalist.
[04:43:28] I love capitalism. Okay. I love capitalism. That's why I run the three minute outbreaks
[04:43:40] at the top of the hour. And I tell you to subscribe. Okay. Here's the three minute
[04:43:49] outbreak now, baby. Now listen to my words. We always went for a three year contract
[04:44:08] when my father, when I was a young kid, we went on strike for 25 cents.
[04:44:14] Dagomates $900,000 a year. Come on, man. That's straight cash. He's not risking his life or safety. Wait, what?
[04:44:22] I'm
[04:44:23] What are you guys talking about bro? Like
[04:44:26] targeting the fucking targeting the labor leadership
[04:44:30] And and being like he makes a lot of money
[04:44:32] Is literally one of the first ways in which the media fucking attacks any kind of strike
[04:44:46] You're talking about
[04:44:48] I don't know. I feel like it should be distributed better. I'm dumb
[04:44:51] Yeah, what I'm done. There is no there's no way in which we can fucking work around this
[04:44:58] Yeah, he has Bentley's too by the way, and I'm fucking nice ass house. Okay. I know that I know all of that
[04:45:04] It doesn't change the dynamic of what his actions are here
[04:45:07] Please
[04:45:09] Please oh my god. I'm a union member your chatters are so fucking lived up and cooked the 1980s ruin does we are fucked
[04:45:21] Holy fuck dude listen
[04:45:23] For every guy like this, there's a guy out there making billions. Okay. The CEO is making
[04:45:32] billions. Do you understand? Don't you recognize that you are currently defending the multi-billion
[04:45:38] dollar corporation by being like, well, this guy's fake though. Okay. This guy's fucking
[04:45:44] fake. He's a phony. He makes too much money. Why are you pocket watching the fucking labor
[04:45:49] leader and not the goddamn CEO. This entire conversation is not about him being like,
[04:45:54] yeah, give me all the money. This entire conversation is happening because he wants his workers
[04:45:58] to get more of the profit that they're generating. That is at the heart of every single fucking
[04:46:04] labor movement. What the fuck? It's like basic 101 shit.
[04:46:08] We went on strike in 1977 for three months, for 80 cents.
[04:46:21] Fast forward, back then the companies were lucky to make, they made millions of dollars,
[04:46:29] to 10 million, 5 million.
[04:46:32] Today, they make billions and billions of dollars.
[04:46:38] They make, MSC is the richest shipping company in the world, made three times the money than
[04:46:45] Amazon.
[04:46:46] A lot of money, right?
[04:46:48] Billions!
[04:46:49] Well, one of the companies that I won't mention his name, he took himself the Christmas bonus,
[04:46:57] four billion dollars.
[04:46:59] He took it out for him and his family, four billion.
[04:47:04] A French company, they gave all their employees 50 months salary as a Christmas gift.
[04:47:14] No, look at that money.
[04:47:16] They have so much money, they don't even know what to do with it.
[04:47:19] They know they're building up terminals.
[04:47:22] Each of the 2,250 laborers got a million dollars for their work.
[04:47:25] They would still have 2.25 billion dollars of profit.
[04:47:32] They want to go automation.
[04:47:33] They want more money now.
[04:47:34] What are these men?
[04:47:35] We don't need them no more.
[04:47:37] It's a big change going on.
[04:47:39] I've been fighting automation for years.
[04:47:42] They destroyed LA.
[04:47:44] They put a fully automated terminal.
[04:47:46] They had mercs like 800 longshoremen lost their jobs.
[04:47:51] If it was up to them,
[04:47:52] they would like to see everybody lose their jobs.
[04:47:56] Let me tell you, it's not just in the longshore.
[04:47:58] They got ships in Europe that they're building.
[04:48:01] They got one now, runs on a battery,
[04:48:04] container ship, no crew.
[04:48:07] Somebody in office building runs it,
[04:48:09] goes out, goes in, they don't want any.
[04:48:11] Why should others pay for the inability
[04:48:13] to adapt with the current times?
[04:48:14] Dog, what the fuck are you talking about?
[04:48:19] Listen, brother, if automation,
[04:48:23] if let them automate the ships
[04:48:26] or let them automate the fucking docks,
[04:48:29] but then don't fire them, that's it.
[04:48:31] make them work less hours for the same fucking price adequately pay them for
[04:48:37] the profits that they're generating great you understand nobody's gonna fucking
[04:48:41] turn around and be like wow I can't believe they're automating and making my
[04:48:45] job easier the issue here is not that it's automation the issue here is that
[04:48:51] automation is being used as a mechanism to displace the fucking existing wage
[04:48:56] labor force. Holy fuck. Oh my god. Unions are inherently libertarian and capitalist
[04:49:12] users of talking points. Daggis House is incredible. I don't give a shit. They are employees not
[04:49:20] shareholders. What? Dude, so many people just don't comprehend. Value is created by
[04:49:28] the employees, okay, by the laborers. Shareholders then, who are not associated with the production
[04:49:36] at all, end up taking the profits, which is what profits are, how little you can get away
[04:49:44] with paying the fucking workers like all the extra, extra productive output that you can
[04:49:51] retain and give back to random, unaffiliated, unassociated people. Okay. If the value
[04:50:02] was created by the CEO, this strike would not matter because guess what? The CEO could
[04:50:06] go there and do the job the entire point of a strike is to remind people that
[04:50:14] workers have the value they are the ones who create the value okay crazy Felix
[04:50:29] Biedermann's in the building ladies and gentlemen
[04:50:32] it's so fucking long to get here almost from my from my house on an air
[04:50:37] almost as cool as as motas in terms of guess we're doing like basics of you
[04:50:48] know wage and how value is accumulated I mean like I I sort of see both sides of
[04:50:55] this current dispute like certainly for the longshoremen but it's sort of like a
[04:51:01] a central truth of my worldview that if you have a wage job, you should have to take one
[04:51:10] weekend every month to work for free for guys like me.
[04:51:14] Okay.
[04:51:16] Because who's ordering all that stuff?
[04:51:19] True.
[04:51:20] They don't understand.
[04:51:21] They don't understand the real plight.
[04:51:23] The plight is when your Amazon delivery of your new headset for your VR is late.
[04:51:31] No, I don't um
[04:51:34] My VR heads I got directly from valve. Okay, but um
[04:51:39] You know all my flight sim equipment that is coming directly from China
[04:51:43] Yeah, and so like what do you think is in all those shipping containers everything that isn't human trafficking is
[04:51:51] Flight simulation equipment. I agree. I made this guy rich. Yeah, he's fucking
[04:51:57] Haked up. He's got
[04:51:59] He's got unsettling vibes like a like an old-school labor leader who's like maybe a little bit corrupt, but also
[04:52:07] Simultaneously is very cool. I like it. I love his glasses. He's got car. He's those are cardiac. No, he's he's fucking dimmed out
[04:52:16] Every time there's like a labor thing and like the head union guy is like a guy like this
[04:52:21] Every like John Stoffel type is like can you hand rhymes are mentally and it's like, you know, I think that's cool
[04:52:27] That should be like you shouldn't have to go to college to buy Cartier frames. That's my legitimate belief
[04:52:36] Yeah, this guy's awesome. He's 78. Yeah the profane 78 year old leading the dog
[04:52:43] Looks good for 78
[04:52:45] He does because he's rich. Yeah, he's fucking caked up, dude
[04:52:50] That's what it is. I don't agree with him buying a Bentley. I think like
[04:52:54] Um, he should have bought an F 22 instead. Well, yeah, I mean, yeah, I know I don't ship it. I mean,
[04:53:01] should have just been he should have done the old like five finger discount. What is it with
[04:53:06] the thing of the guy in mash does where he sends a Jeep to himself in America, but like piece by
[04:53:12] piece over his entire deployment. I mean, like I Bentley's seen nice, you know, I've been
[04:53:18] inside one once but just I know it's like everyone has one everyone who makes as much money as this
[04:53:26] guy has one is my whole thing and it's like doing you want something that no one else has
[04:53:31] yeah like an f-22 yeah yeah that's right uh yeah one less f-15 to israel let this guy have it you
[04:53:42] know yeah it's gonna be used it's either gonna be bombarded with iranian missiles that definitely
[04:53:48] didn't hit the target if you asked is really that's why they're not showing it's illegal to show
[04:53:52] pictures because they don't want to run to feel bad yeah because they missed everything yeah yeah
[04:53:57] yeah no it would it would be really it would be really bad if they saw how little did the
[04:54:06] hits actually hit target yeah and just as a coincidence all our f-35s are being sent in
[04:54:13] this week for a new oxcourt extension. Well, to be fair, F-35s break quite frequently, so
[04:54:20] it could literally be for no reason. It rained a lot. Yeah, yeah. It rained too much.
[04:54:30] The most annoying thing that is not the worst thing, you know, hard to pick a worst thing,
[04:54:36] but the most annoying thing they do with their military is they'll buy American planes like
[04:54:40] like the F 35, F 16, F 15, and then they'll like change two things on it and they'll be
[04:54:47] like, this is a new plane. It's called the Adair. And it's like, fuck off. Like it's like
[04:54:53] Jacob the jeweler, how he'll take like a Rolex and like put a bunch of like bullshit diamonds
[04:54:57] on it and be like, Oh, I made it better. Wow. Felix doing textbook anti-Semitism.
[04:55:02] He's one of those like, uh, like Patrick Bet David types, where is he Jewish?
[04:55:07] I don't know.
[04:55:08] I have no idea.
[04:55:09] I don't think he is.
[04:55:10] I assumed.
[04:55:11] I'm sorry.
[04:55:12] If you're going to say, I mean, he's a man.
[04:55:14] I just always put.
[04:55:16] Jacob like, it would be weirder if you said Johnny dang was Jewish.
[04:55:20] He's a man.
[04:55:21] He's a man.
[04:55:22] He's a man.
[04:55:23] He's a man.
[04:55:24] He's a man.
[04:55:25] He's a man.
[04:55:26] He's a man.
[04:55:27] He's a man.
[04:55:28] He's a man.
[04:55:29] He said Johnny Dang was Jewish, the two cultures with tunnels.
[04:55:36] Yeah, he's Jewish.
[04:55:39] Yeah, that's right.
[04:55:41] Can we watch Patrick by David Clips?
[04:55:43] No.
[04:55:44] Also Patrick by David, not Jewish.
[04:55:46] No, yeah.
[04:55:47] Yeah, that was, that was, it's so weird.
[04:55:52] Like, not just like the name, his whole look, it's like that's an Israeli man.
[04:55:58] man
[04:56:01] Like the skin tight suits that he wears like every the vibes are so
[04:56:06] He he is spiritually Jewish. I think more so than fucking Tony the coo-poor or whatever the fuck his name
[04:56:13] that
[04:56:14] his dad was
[04:56:17] James Franco in
[04:56:20] Pineapple Express
[04:56:21] Where is I so what did he do? What did what is that dude?
[04:56:25] That was basically a successful version of weed dealers who make you watch like is like guys
[04:56:30] When you're buying like $30 with weed like his dad was a weed dealer who like made enough to send
[04:56:39] Whatever the fuck this guy's name is so it starts with a K the guy who like interviewed Donna Hissy Coates
[04:56:45] It was like so you want all juice to die. Okay?
[04:56:50] He's he
[04:56:53] This guy
[04:56:55] Well, he clearly has like a fetish or a type he married what one Jewish lady they got divorced
[04:57:02] She lives in Israel with his two kids
[04:57:04] Then he got married to
[04:57:07] Imagine getting your shit snip for a second time and then your wife still divorces you know this is no this was
[04:57:14] Oh, my second wife
[04:57:16] The thing is he was already medically circumcised. Yeah, you know, I know I read the article
[04:57:21] I'm just explaining to read the chat. Yes. We are aware, but maybe some people don't know
[04:57:28] Tony. Easy codes. Uh, the liberal intelligentsia darling, kind of easy codes made the cardinal
[04:57:34] sin of like going to the West bank and recognizing, Oh my God, he was so wrong about Israel
[04:57:40] because they are a uniquely racist nation. Like uniquely in the sense that like there
[04:57:46] is still plenty of race and ages out there, but like historically racist in terms of
[04:57:50] the way that they currently operate. Yeah. Yeah. Just the way that it's codified. Yeah.
[04:57:55] Like, yeah. And so when he wrote about it in his new book, of course, the media was like,
[04:58:01] why are you doing this? Are you a terrorist? Like immediately the switch up is, is crazy.
[04:58:08] And one of the guys that did that was Tony, the Pee-Pee. What the fuck is this last thing?
[04:58:14] It's like, it seems, I thought he was Georgian because it sounds like a Georgian last name.
[04:58:18] It's like kupukul. Yeah, the kupukul. Whatever one of those guys, but basically what ended up happening was he we found out the kupul.
[04:58:31] Oh, the kupul like. All right. Okay. So maybe I have some laid on set dyslexia. Yeah, laid on set dyslexia. It happens. So, so he yeah, so he he was ripping into
[04:58:47] that he wrote an article about how he got an adult circumcision like he consented to getting
[04:59:00] in a second circumcision as an adult.
[04:59:04] His weed dealer dad was like, you know, this is like, um, this guy was born what, like 1980.
[04:59:14] After anyone born after like a fuck I would say like the Ford administration probably
[04:59:22] You just the moment you're born if you're you're you're a guy
[04:59:26] They just started being like you want us to
[04:59:30] Peel the skin back and I just you know at a certain point just everyone had it
[04:59:38] and
[04:59:39] I think part of it is that like a lot of lazy dads were like I don't want to teach my son how to fucking
[04:59:46] You know clean this magma. That's my whole that like I I'm I think it's fucked up to like force it on a kid
[04:59:53] You know, like it's a fucked up choice to make for a kid, but then the other
[04:59:57] It's a good from us. They took it from both of us. Yeah. Yeah, it's like for religious reasons. I
[05:00:05] I mean I have a whole thing about it, but like I
[05:00:07] I if I had a son like obviously I would like
[05:00:11] You know go that's a fucked up choice for me to make but then it's like well
[05:00:17] Now I'm gonna have to like show him how to clean the foreskin and I don't know how to do that
[05:00:23] And like what is the fuck do I do? Do I have friends that are on circumcised do I like?
[05:00:28] Take it do I like have them you can't have them
[05:00:32] No, I'm not asking them to do it for him. No, I'm not doing that. That's crazy
[05:00:37] I like would I but like maybe I could clean my friend's dick and then describe what it was like to my son
[05:00:45] See see how complicated it is. That's how they get you that's why it's a generational curse
[05:00:50] You think you're gonna be the one to break the chain and then you're like oh my fucking god
[05:00:54] I'm gonna have to clean my friends dick at least like twice to really get it. Yeah
[05:01:01] Exactly, it's tough. So that's why hard. That's why you just got to keep it going
[05:01:05] going. Um, in any case, you know, that guy, how the fuck do we get to that guy? He, he
[05:01:13] remember, I mean, it's really crazy because like, he's like the basic, uh, you know, CBS
[05:01:21] anchor, right? Yeah. So he's like, we watch a lot of news on this broadcast and he comes
[05:01:27] up a lot. And now my life has been dramatically altered because every time he comes on screen,
[05:01:34] In my mind, I'm thinking that's the adult convert that got his shits now.
[05:01:39] Yeah, yeah, like he is all ever be able to think about is him like taking Tyler and all
[05:01:46] threes with like a loony tune style cast over his groin.
[05:01:51] It's so fucking weird.
[05:01:53] It's so weird.
[05:01:55] And he's before he married like a very liberal, he made it to a very liberal reform
[05:02:00] synagogue.
[05:02:02] And he thought, you know, okay, reform, like they don't even, they're not even yelling
[05:02:07] me about fucking bacon.
[05:02:08] I bet I don't have to do anything.
[05:02:11] And they were so hardcore on this one thing.
[05:02:14] They were like, we don't care if you got circumcised.
[05:02:18] You have to do what's that shit in Yakuza where you have to cut a pinky off.
[05:02:22] What do you fuck up?
[05:02:24] It's like that for Judaism.
[05:02:25] Yeah.
[05:02:26] They have to, they have to draw blood.
[05:02:28] Yeah.
[05:02:29] Like the Moyle has to come in and draw blood apparently.
[05:02:31] Danny DeVito looking more
[05:02:34] Which you wrote in the article. Yeah, he complains about it. The more wasn't hot
[05:02:41] My shit chopped off all the sexiest model in in the entire tri-state area. Okay, what is this?
[05:02:47] It's like porn where it's like, I'm not gay, but it's like a big dick in there
[05:02:53] Yeah, it's fucked up my mother funniest part is he didn't speak Hebrew and it's like bro
[05:02:59] If you're getting your shit chopped off, perhaps you should have learned Hebrew first, you know what I mean?
[05:03:04] It's like your commitment is all over the place.
[05:03:07] Yeah, he's like he's not gonna keep kosher, but he's gonna be like all right. You
[05:03:13] Fucking take a sword to my cock. Like that's literally the most that's the final step of the process dude
[05:03:20] What are you doing?
[05:03:21] It's like like are there other
[05:03:23] Are there people in other religions like that where it's like someone like a Muslim who all he does is pay like an extremely high Gizia
[05:03:33] But nothing I just do anything
[05:03:37] Yeah, yeah, Nico is a is a revert
[05:03:43] Who doesn't do any of the things actually I guess a lot of these guys in your day is Nico all
[05:03:48] All these fucking fake Muslims.
[05:03:50] Yeah, that's the internet.
[05:03:52] It wouldn't be.
[05:03:52] It would be a cop, by the way, Felix.
[05:03:54] Jizya is for non-Muslims.
[05:03:56] Oh, I thought I.
[05:03:58] Yeah, what can I say?
[05:03:59] I got woken up really for that.
[05:04:00] Yeah.
[05:04:02] Jizya is what I pay.
[05:04:04] No, that exists.
[05:04:05] Muslims who will do heroin or some shit, but not a bacon.
[05:04:07] I mean, yeah, that's like the meme in Islam.
[05:04:09] Is that you can do whatever you want as long as you don't eat bacon.
[05:04:13] That's the because it's but that's like the opposite
[05:04:15] because for Muslims is the easiest one to follow.
[05:04:18] Okay, so it's technically the opposite of getting your shits chopped off
[05:04:23] Because it's like for Muslims is like pretty fucking easy to not eat poor products
[05:04:28] And also there's like a baked in fear about it and in the Islamic world in general
[05:04:35] So they just are it's much easier to avoid. That's why they drink alcohol, which is you know, awesome
[05:04:42] Tony fucking bacon what I've always
[05:04:45] I just wondered this, does like, you know, like wild,
[05:04:50] like wild boar is very popular now.
[05:04:52] Is it?
[05:04:53] I don't know.
[05:04:54] It kind of, it's like-
[05:04:55] Like homony barico type shit?
[05:04:57] Yeah. Well, you remember how like Bison had a big moment
[05:05:00] in like 2014?
[05:05:02] Yeah.
[05:05:03] You both, you and I were, I was at the peak
[05:05:06] of my like bro science, Jim Bro stuff.
[05:05:09] And I would like, I probably heard a Rogan episode
[05:05:11] where he's like, you metabolized 99% of Bison.
[05:05:14] was I just spent my entire fucking shitty paycheck on it but the moment that bison had in 2014 I feel
[05:05:21] like wild boar they're having that in the last few years but is that is that technically like
[05:05:26] swan like you couldn't need that if you're a muslim or you can't eat any pork yeah i guess it is
[05:05:34] kind of it is it's literally pork yeah yeah it's still hot um um what is this i dated 11
[05:05:45] We did the most hiram shit, but if I had pork during the day, it was like a no-go zone for the day. That's crazy
[05:05:51] That's every that's everyone with their religion is kind of like, you know, I think like it shows how
[05:05:59] Yeah, this is classic my friend named Cassandra
[05:06:02] He's 60% alcohol has a girl that sleeps with them for drugs, but doesn't eat gummies because it has gelatin
[05:06:08] Yeah, no that yeah, exactly. This is why all these religions truly are
[05:06:14] Abrahamic because the thing that I think like makes Judaism like special that I
[05:06:21] think like that non-Abraham Abrahamic religions I think everyone does this but
[05:06:27] not to the extent that like we did it is you know have a bunch of these rules but
[05:06:33] basically like you're constantly in arbitration with God where you're like
[05:06:39] Okay, I didn't fucking do any work on the Sabbath, but I'd like I you know crack in a tunnel
[05:06:46] That's my favorite is just the the concert of a Shabbos goi is so awesome
[05:06:52] I it's so I know a bunch of people who have like done it. It seems like a fun job. I
[05:06:58] like I
[05:07:00] didn't yeah
[05:07:01] their whole I
[05:07:03] mean speaking of people who like do Haram or forbidden shit in
[05:07:07] in the hostage community where like guys are religious enough to have like Shavas
[05:07:14] Gois and like do all this stuff and like go to the furthest extent of like a legalistic
[05:07:19] interpretation of like religious rules. I've also like encountered a lot of Hasidic guys who are like
[05:07:29] like I don't want to say degenerates but they really like to party.
[05:07:34] Oh, yeah, like but there's like a
[05:07:38] Not as codified but a similar aspect to it where they're like
[05:07:43] Okay, if I do this in New Jersey, it kind of doesn't count. Oh
[05:07:48] You're talking about the string
[05:07:50] Like if you're outside of the boundaries of the string, yeah, yeah. Yeah, there's like
[05:07:56] That's that dude Judy's in a so sick like there's just a there's just a whole string that
[05:08:02] that is surrounding, like I think it's Manhattan, right?
[05:08:08] It's so, yeah, it's so like six year old.
[05:08:12] That I can do it outside of the screen.
[05:08:14] It's so funny.
[05:08:15] Like it's awesome.
[05:08:17] I bet you guys didn't know that.
[05:08:20] I think I've told this story before,
[05:08:22] but like I had this friend of New York
[05:08:25] who was like very well off, his family was very, very rich.
[05:08:30] Very very rich and he was a cool guy
[05:08:33] He was like he did what I think like everyone with like a father who has like
[05:08:37] Kajillion fucking dollars should do which is he was just like a photographer for like really hot women. Yeah
[05:08:44] and
[05:08:45] He had this great place in Brooklyn like this giant fucking penthouse type place. It was really cool
[05:08:53] But he was also the bad thing you can do if you're very rich, which is you're the type of at the time
[05:08:59] I think he's evolved since then but at the time he was like the type of liberal who's like
[05:09:03] I don't care who you vote for I just you should vote and it should be mandatory to vote
[05:09:08] That's my number one issue that ever was my compulsory voting but with all the current hang-ups for
[05:09:18] But he's just like that's if we can get everyone voting we fix everything
[05:09:21] But he was so he had such an earnest view of politics
[05:09:25] and I think he cultivated his friend groups to be almost like focus groups
[05:09:30] And it was it was like the weirdest mix of people I've ever seen because we were like
[05:09:35] I was in like my early to mid 20s. He was like a few years older than me
[05:09:39] So it'd be like a couple people around my age, but then like the 62
[05:09:45] like dominican super
[05:09:47] for the building
[05:09:49] like uh middle-aged hijab
[05:09:51] I mean, like a couple of hot seeds, like everyone, every group in New York, you could think of
[05:09:59] was there.
[05:10:01] And one of the guys there was like one of those hot seed guys who's like, all right,
[05:10:07] I'm outside the string.
[05:10:08] It's like party time.
[05:10:11] Time to just fucking completely face a bottle of 151.
[05:10:15] Hey, wasn't there a thing about like strippers?
[05:10:19] the within the, uh, Hasidic community in New York. Am I, am I misremembering this?
[05:10:24] Oh, there was a thing with herpes. No, no, not that. No, that's not what I'm talking about.
[05:10:29] Um, not the, not the circumcision, but like herpes going around among like Hasidic women
[05:10:35] because like husbands would come back home. The Hasidic dive bar? No.
[05:10:45] Is this like a strip club for Hasid's specifically?
[05:10:49] Slipper Hasid connection barred by ecstasy buzzed. Oh yeah. Like an international ecstasy
[05:10:58] kingpin buzzer for smuggling the mind-bending pills in New York was using leggy strippers
[05:11:02] acidic teens and yamakas and senior citizens and new age. Now this is it. Sex strippers
[05:11:09] and cops on call how to Orthodox Jews spark New York's worst scandal in decades. Jewish
[05:11:14] community leaders say Jonah Reckon and Jeremy Reichberg embarrassed the whole community.
[05:11:23] of ties that is really Prime Minister Benjamin and Yahoo.
[05:11:26] Riceburg is a former volunteer police chaplain who grew up in a strictly religious enclave
[05:11:30] in Brooklyn, but according to prosecutors, they are both at the center of the worst public
[05:11:33] corruption case that hit New York in decades.
[05:11:36] The cast of character sounds like a plot from a movie includes powerful union boss with
[05:11:39] a taste for luxury who enjoys smoking cigars.
[05:11:44] They were arrested for a clutch of high ranking cops who had been arrested or fired or
[05:11:49] allegedly he gave some free trips, including one to Las Vegas where they allegedly
[05:11:53] had sex with a prostitute on a private plane. Bill de Blasio is also being investigated by
[05:11:57] the FBI. Innocent witch hunt. Yeah. I mean, he did. He, he fucking, he got through. I hate
[05:12:05] all the people who are like, Oh, we'll build a boss. It should be impressed. He really is
[05:12:09] in a bill to Blasio tried to steal a billion dollars within a day. He would have a tearful
[05:12:13] press conference where he announces he's giving back half of it. And then within
[05:12:16] a week would be four billion dollars in debt somehow. Yeah. He's not up for it.
[05:12:22] day. What is this? This is just like a weird forward article. Yeah, no, that's not. Anyway,
[05:12:33] whatever. Um, why are we talking about Hasidic Jews? I don't even know. We started from this
[05:12:40] guy. Okay. Who is like, who is like the most, this is the most like Long Island, Italian
[05:12:48] man of all time. He's proud or Irish. Sorry. Massachusetts, Irish.
[05:12:53] Irish. I think so. Isn't it? Harold J. Daggin. Oh, yeah. Sometimes, sometimes like Italian
[05:13:02] guys will be named like Herman, Herman Brown. But their last name is like truly crazy. There's
[05:13:10] changed in Ellis Island. I don't, I just like no offense to the Irish out there. Is
[05:13:16] a 78 year old man. When I see a 78 year old Irish guy or really let's be real like
[05:13:22] a 58 year old Irish guy. They have like John Kerry syndrome where their face is a has a relief map
[05:13:32] type quality to it, you know, and he's very smooth. Dude, he's he's killing it, dude. This is like
[05:13:39] wealthy people take care of themselves, you know, but like wealthy Irish guys are still
[05:13:45] kind of craggy. This is not a craggy, man. This is... Last name is Scottish Oregon, okay?
[05:13:52] They don't want to pay anything! It's not only this union, it's an every union and
[05:13:58] every aspect. If they keep putting machinery to take our jobs, who's gonna pay
[05:14:04] the income tax? Machines or not? Who's gonna pay for the military? The roads?
[05:14:09] everything runs by taxes. Take Easy Pass. The first time they come out with Easy Pass,
[05:14:19] one lane, cars were going through and everybody sitting in their car and going,
[05:14:22] what's that all about? I'm gonna get one of them. Today all those union jobs are
[05:14:27] gone and it's all Easy Pass. People don't realize it. Everybody's got three
[05:14:31] cars, everybody got an Easy Pass on the window and they go through like it's
[05:14:35] nothing and they get building them out. They didn't care about that union
[05:14:39] work or working in the booth, you're going to start today. It's self checking. They don't
[05:14:43] need anybody to check out. No, someone has to get into Congress. Okay. Self checkout is
[05:14:49] a little bit better of an argument than easy pass. Cause that one, that one, you're kind
[05:14:53] of, that's a, that's an own goal right there, buddy.
[05:14:56] I like mostly agree with this guy and stuff, but like the easy pass is probably the worst
[05:15:00] case you could have been. It's like, it's like pure efficiency. Uh, like probably
[05:15:06] lowers like traffic density a little bit. You know what I mean? Like it's kind of not the
[05:15:12] best. So check out those make sense because it sucks. It also literally ends up like,
[05:15:18] you know, creating conditions for people to steal shit anyway. But obviously they make
[05:15:23] that calculation and it's still cheaper overall for them to not hire people.
[05:15:29] Self check out is, you know, it's the store robbing time from you basically.
[05:15:36] Yeah, I hate it. I'm totally against it. I think you should have started with that. Yeah. That's a much, much stronger argument. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, the entire part of the entire point of the problem is that like they shouldn't have done stuff together. They should have hired more cashiers, but the store doesn't want to do that. And then they make it harder and harder. And then you fucking wait in the line. And then, and then they're like, Oh, how about we just automate this process and only hire one person to control it every now and then.
[05:16:04] Yeah, there's also an argument to be made that like operating at maximum efficiency for an account for an economy is
[05:16:17] I get if you're like, you know constantly inventing stuff or industrializing or whatever
[05:16:25] They're you know to value in it, but our economy is just a built on
[05:16:29] on people selling shitty shit to each other.
[05:16:34] We're a consumer economy, you know.
[05:16:38] We, you know, efficiency does not benefit us
[05:16:43] in quite the same way as like,
[05:16:46] you know, a classical three-piece suit
[05:16:50] industrialist economy.
[05:16:54] Just to say, whoa, time out.
[05:16:57] This world is going too fast for us.
[05:17:00] Machines got to stop.
[05:17:01] Yes, we're getting smart kids that are empty,
[05:17:04] and MIT and all these places, yeah, they're all brilliant.
[05:17:07] But what good is it if you're gonna put people out of work?
[05:17:11] Who's gonna support that?
[05:17:12] Okay, his attitude towards automation
[05:17:14] is exactly a 78-year-old man's opinion
[05:17:17] would be on automation.
[05:17:19] Automation is not a problem
[05:17:21] if it, as long as it doesn't
[05:17:22] displace the existing labor force,
[05:17:25] as long as you get paid for your output,
[05:17:28] and if your output increases,
[05:17:29] your productivity increases, it causes automation to get paid even more. Okay. But the workplace
[05:17:34] doesn't get fucking displaced. Then it's good. It's not a bad thing. Okay. It's like we
[05:17:41] don't want to go back to fucking horse carts, right? Like cars are good is not the worst.
[05:17:46] It's not the worst technological improvement. Problem is, that's not how things work.
[05:17:51] Obviously, they they do use automation specifically to fucking displace the existing workforce.
[05:17:57] they don't want to pay the existing workforce.
[05:18:01] So it's a way to eke out larger profit margins.
[05:18:04] Family, machines, and then those people that have families.
[05:18:07] They serve the same purpose that like,
[05:18:09] you know, the growing and incredibly visibly homeless
[05:18:15] in major urban centers,
[05:18:16] which is to the people who still have jobs,
[05:18:19] but are increasingly precarious
[05:18:21] and have less and less protections.
[05:18:23] You see those people who have fallen through the cracks
[05:18:27] And it is a very visible warning to you not to fuck up or try anything. Yeah
[05:18:32] It inherently does is on this how it works dude. What are you?
[05:18:39] Oh my god, dude. No, you're just you're just claiming that it does automatically
[05:18:45] Okay, it's not supposed to it or you don't have to do that
[05:18:51] it's just that
[05:18:54] Companies choose to use automation in that direction
[05:18:57] Okay? Because that's their their ultimate goal is to generate higher profits. That's it. That's it.
[05:19:08] I'm just caught up on him saying he loves self-checkout. That is a fucked up person.
[05:19:14] It's a maniac. Yeah, I mean, that's, come on, we're on Twitch. There's a lot of people that
[05:19:20] don't want to fucking talk to other humans when they go outside. We should automate.
[05:19:23] You got to draw the line. These companies that work in the maritime business come from overseas,
[05:19:30] not what belongs to America. They want to come into America and build fully automated
[05:19:36] turtles and get rid of American jobs, good paying jobs that support families with medical
[05:19:44] pensions, annuities and pay taxes. They want to get rid of them. Where's the president
[05:19:50] United States. He's not fighting for us. He told an LA, he told the union, hurry up and get a contract.
[05:19:58] That's the mentality they have. Don't even know what the hell they're doing today.
[05:20:01] Well, I know what I'm doing. I'm going to save everybody's job when it comes to the
[05:20:06] ILA and to all the unions around the world because we're going to fight with that alliance.
[05:20:10] I'll shut them down throughout the world to prove that we can beat them.
[05:20:14] So, yes, your answers became a long way.
[05:20:18] We came along so, so advanced that technology is mind-boggling.
[05:20:26] We never had cameras on the piece.
[05:20:28] They got a camera in every pole.
[05:20:30] They got cameras they want to put in the truck, so watch the driver driving.
[05:20:33] What is this, big brother?
[05:20:34] I'm against all that.
[05:20:36] I'm against that.
[05:20:37] A man can't even breathe without a camera looking at him.
[05:20:39] That's not...
[05:20:40] I love 78-year-olds.
[05:20:41] Okay.
[05:20:42] He's awesome.
[05:20:43] He's the greatest. He had this whole thing repaired about like automation and the economy and he's like, and another thing
[05:20:51] I should be able to smoke a black and mild on the job
[05:20:56] Yeah
[05:20:57] Why can't we do our own five-figure discounts every now and then? Hey, what the fuck?
[05:21:03] my test for you as an American is like
[05:21:06] Whenever you find out like the types of stories to New York Post fucking loves running the ones where it's like this fucking
[05:21:12] MTA guy gets paid three hundred seventy five thousand dollars a year and he goes to work twice a week if
[05:21:18] You're like if that is an animating cause for you if you are against guys like that guys who have
[05:21:25] You know either game the system or legitimately accrued seniority and and everything if you are against a guy like this
[05:21:34] Making like four hundred thousand dollars a year in an economy where like you can make
[05:21:40] 70 million dollars making a bad chat bot that sucks and loses money then you're a maniac I don't I don't
[05:21:49] we're not part of the same team yeah right what about there certainly must be since 1967 elements
[05:21:59] of technology that have been good for for the industry technology that's been good for the
[05:22:06] industry. That's a tough one because I got to be careful because I'm against
[05:22:13] automation. Semi-automation is automation. It's just the back of heaven you had to
[05:22:18] come in and give you automation without your knowing it. But certain
[05:22:23] technology, yes, is good because computers, we get more work done with
[05:22:28] computers. We have doubled the cargo. We have, if you look now, we have
[05:22:35] ships that are being built by these companies. Check this out. That whole 22,000 containers.
[05:22:44] It's a floating city. They had to take the Bayonne Bridge and raise it way up here so the ships
[05:22:50] could go under to get in here to unload them. 22,000 containers. It's amazing how we came
[05:22:59] from the first ship, which was to small amount of containers. 25 boxes on them. So look at
[05:23:06] the future now. Look at the future in money. They went from millions of dollars to billions
[05:23:11] and billions of dollars. So the world is going by real quick.
[05:23:15] Is it safe to say that you're not against technology for efficiencies, but you're
[05:23:22] person first, people first, like protecting jobs and families while embracing technology
[05:23:27] to keep the workflow efficient.
[05:23:30] Let me explain a little bit about this.
[05:23:32] The first cranes that went up were diesel engines up there.
[05:23:35] As time went on, they got rid of diesel.
[05:23:38] Today, it's electric.
[05:23:40] The jobs on the waterfront are very dangerous.
[05:23:43] Just two years ago, one of my mechanics fell into the electric and he was fried to death.
[05:23:48] Wife, four kids.
[05:23:50] Happens all the time on the pier.
[05:23:52] People getting killed.
[05:23:54] There was a woman checker.
[05:23:56] She was checking the boxes when a guy had a high low with double stacks of steel.
[05:24:00] He should have been riding in reverse.
[05:24:02] He was looking through the bubbles, knocked it down.
[05:24:04] He didn't even see it, dragged her onto the high low in front of her son, ripped her apart
[05:24:08] and killed it.
[05:24:09] It happens.
[05:24:10] It happens down here all the time.
[05:24:12] Two times kill right in front of me.
[05:24:14] This is why I think he's Italian.
[05:24:17] This is an old Italian guy thing, just kind of out of nowhere though.
[05:24:21] Did you hear about the toddler that was skinned alive?
[05:24:24] And you're like, what?
[05:24:26] Okay, he's literally making, he has so far convinced me
[05:24:31] that automation is in fact good.
[05:24:33] And that there should be more of it for safety.
[05:24:36] And that this guy, like, I only heard the part
[05:24:40] where he talks about like the effectiveness
[05:24:42] of a strike in a clip on,
[05:24:44] I think I saw it on TikTok or something
[05:24:46] that I really liked from this interview.
[05:24:49] I did not realize the rest of the interview was him
[05:24:52] not realizing that he's making an argument for automation.
[05:24:56] Okay?
[05:24:57] Yeah, don't get me wrong.
[05:24:58] I love this guy, but like, he spent about five minutes just being like, I love the passage
[05:25:04] of time.
[05:25:05] Yeah.
[05:25:06] Now it used to be a small ship, but now it's a big ship.
[05:25:10] And then he and me, you know, the interviewer is trying to get him back on course.
[05:25:14] Yeah.
[05:25:15] And he's like-
[05:25:16] He's like, no, no, no, but let me tell you about this other guy that got skimmed
[05:25:17] alive.
[05:25:18] Yeah.
[05:25:19] All right?
[05:25:20] work is fell in the electric, fried his ass. There's a real nice girl. You like to see
[05:25:27] her come and walk away if you know what I mean. She flew to earth on a, she flew, she
[05:25:33] flew to work with an umbrella like Mary Poppins. Everyone loved her. You know what happened
[05:25:38] to her? Skewered. Skewered and spun around and turned into a shawarma. Bride. Baked.
[05:25:48] We have a a group in our local eternal for dead called the lashes the most dangerous job on the waterfront
[05:26:05] Yeah, he's like we sometimes if there's not enough dead I killed it
[05:26:11] Personally we got a quota
[05:26:13] On top of that, dead gone. See these glasses? These are fashion glasses. Not urban intellectual glasses.
[05:26:20] Yeah, if I had this in the first to go, if I had to see out of these fucking glasses, they'd shoot me dead.
[05:26:26] I'd load the ball for them!
[05:26:30] The hatch covers, all the way up high, you see them in the container ship.
[05:26:34] They gotta be all lashed down in case the storm and the seas are real rough, the ship is doing this.
[05:26:42] And this, if they're not lashed down right, those containers are going to go over into the ocean and sink.
[05:26:49] Millions of dollars of cargo sunk.
[05:26:52] So why? My men got to go out there. It's zero degrees. This ice on top of the container is freezing with metal bars and hooks.
[05:27:01] Safety lines on them way up high
[05:27:03] and they got to put them down tight, get up on the bottom, slide on the ice up on top.
[05:27:08] completely dangerous. That's in the north. In the south it could be 95 or 105
[05:27:16] degrees. Soaking wet down there. They got a guy that goes around to call him the
[05:27:20] water boy. Giving water to the men, sort of on dehydrate. All the ones that work in
[05:27:25] the whole of the ship, they get water. It's different elements. You have us here
[05:27:30] in the north, Canada, you have from Virginia down all the way to Houston,
[05:27:36] hot, Florida, everything's hot, different elements, dangerous job. We've had 17 people
[05:27:45] killed in the last few years. 17 people didn't come home. We just had a kid killed in Houston.
[05:27:51] Young kid, a big roll of paper, weight a ton, rolled off on top of them, killed them.
[05:27:59] That's why I fight. I fight for jurisdiction. I fight for safety. I fight for these to
[05:28:04] be compensated with good salaries. These companies are making billions of dollars. They should
[05:28:10] take us along. We brought them to work.
[05:28:12] Like if he brought this up in terms of like the workplace conditions and how they need
[05:28:16] to be improved. And that was like a part of his argument. And that's fine. But like
[05:28:20] he's talking about this as a counter to the automation argument.
[05:28:25] Yeah.
[05:28:26] It's just, I can't kind of try to figure out why he brought it up, but it's still like really
[05:28:34] not making the case.
[05:28:36] Unfortunately.
[05:28:37] Yeah.
[05:28:38] I mean, it is a tough job.
[05:28:40] It's not a easy job at all.
[05:28:41] Not even want to get rid of her.
[05:28:43] That's not fair.
[05:28:44] I would hate to be in this position, but yeah.
[05:28:47] This union's been around close to 200 years.
[05:28:50] So you could see why I'm always fighting.
[05:28:52] Why do you think you haven't had to strike since then?
[05:28:56] Because you had leaders like me, and the companies got smart and said, we don't want to go through
[05:29:06] another three months' strike.
[05:29:08] Let's negotiate in good faith.
[05:29:10] This is the good part.
[05:29:11] Back then, the companies didn't make the money that we make today.
[05:29:14] So we negotiated in good faith.
[05:29:16] We went with six-year contracts.
[05:29:19] Then we got a dollar raise, dollar fifty raise for six years.
[05:29:23] it was great. It was a lot of money compared to 80 cents for three months.
[05:29:30] But today's world, it's changing into the future. They're not making millions no
[05:29:36] more. They're making billions and they're spending it as fast as they make it. I want
[05:29:42] to piece it out for my men because when they made their most money was during
[05:29:46] COVID. When my men had to go to work on those beers every single day, when
[05:29:52] everybody stayed home and went to work. Not my men. They died out there with the virus.
[05:29:58] We all got sick with the virus. We kept them going. From Canada to Maine to Texas, Great
[05:30:04] Lakes, Puerto Rico, now the Bahamas, everybody went to work during COVID. Nobody stayed
[05:30:10] home. Well, I want to be compensated for that. I'm not asking for the world. They
[05:30:16] They know what I want.
[05:30:18] They know what I want.
[05:30:19] And if they don't, well, then I have to go into the street
[05:30:23] and we have to fight for what we rightly deserve.
[05:30:27] Do you, this is my last question.
[05:30:28] Do you think the threat of the strike is,
[05:30:33] they can understand the significance of that
[05:30:36] based on the recent things that have happened,
[05:30:38] like our key bridge were from Maryland,
[05:30:40] our key bridge collapsing
[05:30:41] and it just stopping all the ships
[05:30:44] from being able to deliver.
[05:30:45] I'm glad you brought that up,
[05:30:47] because I would like to tell you something.
[05:30:49] When that bridge fell,
[05:30:51] my longshoremen were on this side of the bridge.
[05:30:54] No work, no salaries.
[05:30:57] Biden called me up on the phone, President Biden.
[05:31:00] Harold, I got the money to build a new bridge.
[05:31:03] They go, oh, what about my longshoremen?
[05:31:06] They're out of work now.
[05:31:08] They didn't cause no problem.
[05:31:10] Well, he goes, I got the money for building a new bridge
[05:31:13] and getting the bridge that's in the water out of there.
[05:31:16] I asked you one more time, President.
[05:31:18] What about the men whose families now
[05:31:20] have no money coming in?
[05:31:22] Well, you know, if there was an explosion on a ship,
[05:31:24] maybe I can get the money.
[05:31:26] This is, you're supposed to be a friend of the ILA.
[05:31:28] You came to me when you wanted the AFL-CIO backing.
[05:31:33] I got it for you.
[05:31:34] You called me in the kitchen,
[05:31:35] you thanked me a million times.
[05:31:37] I'm telling you, my members need help.
[05:31:40] Well, let me see what I can do.
[05:31:42] And politics, that means you're not getting it, okay?
[05:31:46] I opened up a, I love this guy.
[05:31:48] Yeah.
[05:31:49] He's so sick.
[05:31:50] I would give anything to hear the conversation
[05:31:53] with him and Biden.
[05:31:55] Yeah.
[05:31:56] That was probably fantastic.
[05:31:58] I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna.
[05:32:04] Look alive.
[05:32:05] We got money, maybe in the tank.
[05:32:07] I'm going to Israel.
[05:32:08] I told you, I want to help the NAACP.
[05:32:12] whatever you are, of fun with management.
[05:32:16] You're right about my, Harold.
[05:32:18] Let me see how much money's in that fund.
[05:32:20] I called them up and they called me back.
[05:32:22] 300 million, wow, are you kidding me?
[05:32:26] We put 300 million in that?
[05:32:27] Yeah.
[05:32:29] Well, I like to take some money on it
[05:32:30] and pay for those families in Baltimore.
[05:32:33] Well, Harold, it's only for a pandemic.
[05:32:36] Well, what about we get your lawyers, my lawyers
[05:32:38] and any disaster, nature disaster, whatever.
[05:32:42] we can draw from it.
[05:32:43] I have no problem, as long as the lawyers work it out.
[05:32:45] They worked it out one day,
[05:32:47] it cost me a million to every week to pay for their families.
[05:32:50] Plus, they were allowed to go to unemployment.
[05:32:53] And it's over now, they're back working,
[05:32:55] the shifts are going in and out.
[05:32:56] I never got no help from the government.
[05:32:59] We did it on our own, management and union.
[05:33:01] That's what we're supposed to do, working together.
[05:33:04] And I hope we get back into that right realm.
[05:33:07] That was in Baltimore.
[05:33:08] Right.
[05:33:09] What was the question again?
[05:33:10] I remember how significantly it impacted our businesses, like the supply chain, because
[05:33:18] I live on the Chesapeake Bay and all the ships were just waiting.
[05:33:23] List.
[05:33:24] Let me explain something to you.
[05:33:25] These people today don't know what a strike is.
[05:33:30] When my men hit the streets from Maine to Texas, every single port, a lot down.
[05:33:36] You know what's going to happen?
[05:33:37] I'll tell you.
[05:33:40] week, be all over the news every nine, boom, boom. Second week, guys who sell cars
[05:33:47] can't sell cars because the cars ain't coming in off the ships. They get laid
[05:33:52] off. Third week, malls are closing down. They can't get the goods from China. They
[05:33:59] can't sell clothes. They can't do this. Everything in the United States comes
[05:34:03] on a ship. They go out of business. Construction workers get laid off
[05:34:08] because the materials aren't coming in. The steel's not coming in. The lumber's not coming in.
[05:34:15] They lose their job. Everybody's hating the longshoremen now because now they realize how
[05:34:21] important our jobs are. Now I have the president screaming at me. I'm putting a tear-folly on
[05:34:27] you. Go ahead. Tear-folly means I have to go back to work for 90 days. I'm secluding you off
[05:34:33] period. Do you think when I go back for 90 days those men are going to go to work on that
[05:34:37] It's going to cost the money, the company's money to pay the salaries.
[05:34:41] Well then, it went from 30 moves an hour, maybe to eight.
[05:34:45] They're going to be like this.
[05:34:47] Who's going to win here in the long run?
[05:34:49] You're better off sitting down, and let's get a contract, and let's move on with this world.
[05:34:54] In today's world, I'll cripple you.
[05:34:57] I will cripple you, and you have no idea what that means.
[05:35:01] Nobody does.
[05:35:03] The music is really funny at the end, but yeah, I mean he's right. Yeah, and and he it means great
[05:35:10] That that last part is the only part that I saw from this interview that I thought was really good
[05:35:14] and not the long
[05:35:17] Convoluted
[05:35:19] Explanations of how many of his workers were dying in horrifying circumstances that could potentially be automated
[05:35:24] but he did the Academy Awards like this is who died this year
[05:35:29] But like his take on it, certainly.
[05:35:33] Yeah.
[05:35:34] But that's a good take.
[05:35:35] Wait, let's see what they're saying over the weekend.
[05:35:38] Over the weekend.
[05:35:39] Ascultarium labor, Julie Sue has been terrific.
[05:35:43] She's knocking, knocking down doors.
[05:35:45] She's trying to stop this.
[05:35:46] She's trying to get us to a media where we can have a fair negotiations.
[05:35:51] It's the companies that don't want her.
[05:35:53] They don't want to sit here and be fair.
[05:35:55] So that's why we're out here fighting for our livelihood.
[05:35:58] What more from the automation do you want? What more protections could there be?
[05:36:02] What more?
[05:36:03] Yeah, they have language in there now.
[05:36:05] Not strong enough, because what happens is they come in with new technology. We just
[05:36:09] caught them in Mobile, Alabama, called AutoGate, and that means the trucks are coming in
[05:36:15] and they're already checked in somewhere else and not using the checkers in the ILA.
[05:36:21] Circuit vending the contract, they don't care. They don't care. It's not fair.
[05:36:27] If we don't put our foot down now, they would like to run over us and we're not going to allow that.
[05:36:31] You are going to grind the economy to a halt here on the East Coast and the Gulf Coast.
[05:36:36] Yeah, it's like, dude, the part that's like very frustrating, obviously media is never this adversarial to those in positions of power or any fucking corporate CEO.
[05:36:45] Like, why don't you ask this question to a fucking CEO?
[05:36:49] Why is it never this exact question?
[05:36:51] They have literally singular power to end the strike.
[05:36:56] He doesn't. He has to take a contract back. He has to fight as fucking hard as he has to take that contract back to his rank and file
[05:37:03] That rank file has to ratify the contract democratically. Okay, he has to do
[05:37:09] Literally the best possible job he could do
[05:37:12] So that his own fucking workers actually vote for the contract to ratify it
[05:37:17] The CEO on the other hand could literally with the stroke of a fucking pen
[05:37:22] stop the strike dead in his tracks by conceding to the reasonable demands made by the union and you never
[05:37:28] ever with the exception of some labor reporters and
[05:37:32] They're not working in mainstream press for the most part. They never and it's not just Fox News
[05:37:37] It's every fucking it is every goddamn media company. Don't act like this is just a Fox News situation
[05:37:43] CBS CNN NBC ABC. I never
[05:37:49] ever hear
[05:37:50] This question being directed at the CEOs. Why?
[05:37:54] One must ask the question why every single part of American news media
[05:38:00] Operates on the exact same principle. It is always and it's not just American news media. It's the same in the UK
[05:38:05] It's the same everywhere else. Okay
[05:38:08] They never asked the question to the fucking CEOs. Why are you crippling the economy?
[05:38:14] Yeah, no that is
[05:38:16] Obviously, all political institutions and political media in America is extremely degenerated
[05:38:23] and showing the ill effects of everyone being on the computer.
[05:38:27] But when you want to see cable news in its most efficient closest to origin function,
[05:38:35] it's stuff like this.
[05:38:37] It's what, you know, acting as the cheerleading section for the Pinkerton's in spirit.
[05:38:42] For sure.
[05:38:44] Fox is that's like, you know, the reason that Fox will probably always exist to do this during strikes and with CNN same with MSNBC every network has I would say CNN their core purpose like this is more so like America's wars.
[05:39:04] Foxes is more strikes and stuff like this.
[05:39:08] I'm recalling recalling Steven Crowder's star making turn.
[05:39:11] making turn oh yeah when you got fucking cloth yeah but they all know they all
[05:39:16] basically have this editorial position yeah that's that's precisely not us they
[05:39:22] are don't spend it now because you're box news are you worried that this strike
[05:39:30] the capital to settle this thing are you worried that this strike is gonna hurt
[05:39:34] the everyday American the farmers that need to read the average the export
[05:39:37] market they're telling me that they're gonna hurt you start to realize
[05:39:40] who the longshoremen are, right?
[05:39:42] People never gave a s*** about us until now, when they finally realized that the chain is being
[05:39:49] broke now. Cars won't come in. Food won't come in. Clothing won't come in. You know how many people
[05:39:56] the...
[05:39:57] Teensers also have this level of power as well, similarly. Any aspect of the labor union that
[05:40:04] touches the supply chain. I mean, most labor unions are this powerful. That's the reason why
[05:40:09] we've gutted them because they could completely shut down the economy if they chose to do so.
[05:40:15] And that's why we have so many different legal ways of like forcing them back to work,
[05:40:23] which to credit Genocide Air Brandon is not doing. Like he and they have been relatively strong on
[05:40:32] they have been relatively strong on the on the labor front and they have reiterated their
[05:40:37] their commitment as well, which is really funny. Cause like all the liberals are like,
[05:40:40] these guys are so stupid. They're doing a cargo cult like in their defense for labor
[05:40:45] unions. When this guy is like a secret Trump supporter or an overt Trump supporter and
[05:40:50] he's in the tank for Donald Trump. He's like trying to create an inflation crisis
[05:40:55] right before the election to hurt the democratic party's chances. That's what
[05:41:02] are saying about him? Um, in what way did that guy mean cargo cold? I don't see. She'd
[05:41:11] like, um, it just, I saw that post. It just doesn't seem to be applied in the correct way.
[05:41:16] I don't even, yeah, I have no idea. But yeah, he said, he said, Joe Biden said, ocean carry
[05:41:23] ocean carries and may record profits is the pandemic. And in some cases, profits grew
[05:41:27] an excess of 800 percent. It's only fair that workers see a meaningful increase in their wages as well.
[05:41:35] I don't care about forcing them back to work. I did NATO.
[05:41:41] AUKUS. AUKUS JECK FIVE EYES. Look alive. It's so funny. It's so funny that like,
[05:41:48] yeah, this is like, you know, this is one area where like Kamala is, should she win,
[05:41:55] and will undoubtedly be shittier than Randonon.
[05:42:00] But it's also funny that like it does,
[05:42:02] it is sort of his thing with unions
[05:42:05] and like American workers in general is sort of inseparable
[05:42:09] from a lot of his more defining traits,
[05:42:12] specifically in foreign policy,
[05:42:13] because part of his pitch,
[05:42:15] if he was capable of more coherence,
[05:42:18] is that like, you know,
[05:42:21] America's perpetual state of funding various proxies
[05:42:25] good because the actual jobs of like making the missiles are high paying high
[05:42:31] skilled like labor jobs yeah and it is like just like that that is like a if
[05:42:44] you were capable of expressing that it is like a sort of shocking shocking
[05:42:52] I shocking concept to run on. It's just interesting to me that there was another group of individuals
[05:42:59] that got together and collectively disrupted shipping. And their reasoning for it was to
[05:43:05] stop the genocide in Israel and Biden did not like that at all. He didn't like it so
[05:43:10] much that he spent billions of dollars trying to stop those guys unsuccessfully.
[05:43:14] Well they they fucked around and found out they found out why America doesn't have
[05:43:19] more three-day weekends. Yeah. Yeah. I can't wait till like 30 years from now. We get like
[05:43:27] the full extent of what happened during Operation Amazon Prime. Yeah. Because there was it's
[05:43:33] similar to the Israeli thing of like, ah, we're not showing the pictures for nothing
[05:43:39] happened, you know, with Operation Amazon Prime. There were all these like ships
[05:43:46] that were like made in 2017 where it's like it's gotta go back to the fucking
[05:43:51] guitar for no reason. Nothing happened to it. Yeah.
[05:43:56] We've been on jobs half the world and it's time for them and time for Washington to
[05:44:02] put so much pressure on them to take care of us because we took care of them and we're
[05:44:07] here 135 years and brought them where they are today and they don't want to share.
[05:44:13] I mean, I guess they have a like a working clause that they don't disrupt the military shipments anyway
[05:44:21] So there's that as well. ILA will maintain place to handle military cargo during strike and passenger cruise ships
[05:44:29] to key sectors
[05:44:31] for the for the American economy if we I
[05:44:36] Is anyone anyone out there in chat?
[05:44:39] Are you passenger? Are you cruise ship people anyone in there?
[05:44:44] anyone in the thousands of people I never encounter anyone who my my pocket's
[05:44:50] called one on ship once he won a cruise ship once he did not like it yeah
[05:44:55] that's like that is they're gonna be like you know airships I don't think
[05:45:02] anyone below the age of 60 like routinely goes on them or goes on them at
[05:45:06] all I don't really understand it I think it's like really weird also to be
[05:45:11] fair. He is gay. My podcast co-host, the one that went on a
[05:45:16] don't even think it was a gay cruise. So that doesn't even make
[05:45:18] sense. Um, yeah, I don't really, I don't really get it.
[05:45:23] Fucking weird sector in the economy. Yeah. I think that
[05:45:27] cruise ships, they should be like American super carriers and
[05:45:31] they should be nuclear powered. Blue MAGA. I'm all for
[05:45:35] unions, but okay, we have a problem with this guy and the
[05:45:39] doctor strike with 45,000 long-slammer striking for main attacks is don't we? This is our October
[05:45:44] surprise. No, no, you guys, no, your October surprise is real.
[05:45:49] No, yeah. Biden was like, Biden was like, Oh, give me October promise, Jack. Promising
[05:45:54] you'll invade Lebanon. I hate those lesbians. It's the equivalent to like if in 1980,
[05:46:02] Carter like gotten contact with, with community. It was like, can you kill half the us?
[05:46:09] Yeah. Yeah, he did that. He did that. ILA president Daggett enjoys a long relationship
[05:46:17] with Donald Trump going back decades. Like he literally, he literally endorsed Joe Biden.
[05:46:25] He endorsed Joe Biden. Why would he have done that? Like it doesn't make any sense.
[05:46:32] Why would he have done that then? He should have just endorsed Donald Trump last time.
[05:46:36] Or maybe he's like, uh, maybe he's like JD Vans. He's like, I thought, I thought Donald
[05:46:40] Trump was Hitler. I was live too.
[05:46:42] And then we find out I was groomed as a 68 year old man.
[05:46:47] We find a bunch of DMs for like two years ago where it's just DMing a random guy.
[05:46:52] Actually, I like Biden, but I'm done for Trump because I'm corrupt.
[05:46:56] Yeah. Yeah.
[05:47:00] It's so funny that these guys have no way of looking at the situation and being
[05:47:04] like, maybe they want to get paid more and you are supposed to use the maximum amount of leverage
[05:47:11] that you have. Like, why, why won't the union strike in a more opportune time? It's such a funny thing
[05:47:18] that people say in America. It's like, what do you mean an opportunity? So like, easier to avoid
[05:47:24] for the fucking companies? Like, what do you mean? It's that that just like, at a better time thing
[05:47:29] It's just like a central part of like post-Obama liberalism too. Yeah. Now's not the time guys during midterm
[05:47:37] Center during a presidential election. Don't do it when Congress is in session. The president is trying to get his agenda passed. Yeah
[05:47:44] Don't do it at the top of the hour chat when there's a three-minute outbreak boom
[05:47:47] How about that the way that you can collectively avoid it is by subscribing
[05:47:51] Here's a three minute outbreak now
[05:47:54] um
[05:47:56] The Democrats want undying loyalty from union members and labor leaders. We saw with Sean O'Brien.
[05:48:03] I mean, they literally are fucking riding with a union on this one. So I don't know if you're right
[05:48:07] about the undying loyalty aspect. You're right in terms of like the Democratic Party's calculation,
[05:48:13] they literally have on the one hand, they're like, oh, we're going to do the hit Larry in
[05:48:18] policy of 2020 that we ran against for undocumented immigrants. On the other hand,
[05:48:23] they're literally like getting the entirety of the culinary union in Nevada to go doorknock for
[05:48:28] Kamala Harris. So like, it's, it's an insane situation. Okay. Um, but having said that,
[05:48:39] having said that this administration, and I keep repeating this over and over again,
[05:48:43] has been more pro labor than every other fucking contemporary, uh, Democrat or obviously Republican
[05:48:49] administration. It's true. Yeah. Kamala Harris literally told Sean O'Brien, even if
[05:48:54] Even if you don't fucking endorse me, I will act like you did.
[05:48:57] I don't give a shit.
[05:48:58] Like, you know, for all intents and purposes, I think like the Democratic Party has changed
[05:49:04] trajectory a little bit on a couple key areas.
[05:49:08] One of them would be the NLRB.
[05:49:10] The other one is the FTC.
[05:49:11] I think they've done a decent job on both.
[05:49:14] Having said that, however, you know, they're also permanent genocide of the of the Middle
[05:49:20] East.
[05:49:21] you know, deal with that information, what you will. Yeah. And a immigration policy that
[05:49:29] I just, I am not seeing the yields for it. No one has ever made that make sense in such
[05:49:36] a way.
[05:49:37] Wait a minute. Oh, it feels like why? Yeah. Yeah. No, I think because you can't, you
[05:49:43] know what I think it is. I think it's literally climate change. Maybe like, I think they're
[05:49:47] just like fielding. I think that they're just like gearing up the American population for
[05:49:53] the fourth Reich. Like they recognize the writing on the wall. They're not going to do
[05:49:57] anything about climate change is going to get worse and worse. And you're going to have
[05:50:00] climate migrants. And this is their only climate policy. They're not going to harden the
[05:50:05] infrastructure. They're going to harden the border wall.
[05:50:08] Yeah. I just mean like the popular popularism rationale for it. Yeah. You know, the
[05:50:15] the yields for that are just not yet to be saying.
[05:50:20] It's just, it's bad policy, bad politics overall.
[05:50:25] It's just perfect.
[05:50:26] And it just like when you're like,
[05:50:29] we're passing Donald Trump's fucking immigration bill,
[05:50:32] it makes it look like,
[05:50:35] it makes it look like this because it kind of is this
[05:50:38] where for years you're saying it's horrible,
[05:50:41] it's racist, you're campaigning on kids in cages.
[05:50:45] And then it makes it seem like in the last 18 months,
[05:50:49] you went, actually, we were lying about that
[05:50:52] and we're so sorry about it
[05:50:54] that we're gonna try to pass your policy.
[05:50:56] It's a similar thing to what Democrats would do
[05:51:00] when the acorn thing happened,
[05:51:03] or Shirley Sherrod, where it's like,
[05:51:05] their response to the controversy
[05:51:07] or even the hint to people being mad at them
[05:51:09] is to immediately throw someone under the bus.
[05:51:12] And it's like, well, then you,
[05:51:14] that's like deleting your phone when you're Eric Adams.
[05:51:16] Now you sure as shit look guilty.
[05:51:18] Yeah.
[05:51:20] My only policy is I vote for whoever replies to me
[05:51:23] on Twitter by directly adding me.
[05:51:26] Well, this is so low rent.
[05:51:28] What he's, he's...
[05:51:29] He's doing follow for follow.
[05:51:31] He's playing, playing, playing Don.
[05:51:36] This is incredible.
[05:51:38] All I'm saying is he wants to win more
[05:51:40] than the Democrats do.
[05:51:41] And it's usually the Republican party
[05:51:43] that is always like fighting hard to win. And this man will go on any podcast. Okay.
[05:51:51] If there is like one guy who has never voted in his entire life, believes in every conspiracy
[05:51:57] theory that he's ever heard so much so that it almost like looped back into real world
[05:52:01] shit. Like he like now actually has like a coherent worldview. If that guy is going
[05:52:06] to go out and vote for him because Donald Trump went on a podcast, he's going to
[05:52:09] go to on that podcast. Like he's going to go on Hawk to before
[05:52:14] the end of this fucking cycle. Okay. I would I I would say
[05:52:18] like a 51% chance that happens. Yeah, I could see it.
[05:52:24] But you go on club random.
[05:52:27] They would probably agree on wokeness. You should go on.
[05:52:30] They should bring back the phase banks basement podcast.
[05:52:33] Like phase banks is he's in a Renaissance now. Yeah, I've
[05:52:37] been so happy. Yeah, I was so, he like disappeared after the only three episodes of mom's basement
[05:52:44] aired. Yeah. The there are only three episodes of it. The infamous X, X, X, Possean one Shane
[05:52:51] Dawson and Ninja. Those are the three episodes that exist. But he, he, he like banished from
[05:52:57] the world right after that. But he has, um, he's been everywhere now. And it's really,
[05:53:05] entertaining going on Red Scare. Hold on, I gotta pee real quick, but here, this is the
[05:53:11] thing I wanted to show. Obviously, few men now is a $9 billion budget shortfall, and the
[05:53:16] same day they gave $8.7 billion in weapons to Israel.
[05:53:20] You make sense of it.
[05:53:23] All right. So does anyone out there in Shatland, because I have not yet been able to ascertain
[05:53:34] this. What are the weapons that Israel actually got in this specific package? I'm presuming
[05:53:40] it's a lot of, you know, GB 31s, 32s, JDAM kits, seeing a lot of JDAMs. Well, yeah,
[05:53:55] bombs and shit, obviously. I don't think that they're getting like, I don't know,
[05:54:00] a coke freestyle machine. I mean, what specific munitions? Okay. Never mind. You know, I'd
[05:54:10] never mind. Never mind. The mouse is so far away. This is really making the segment
[05:54:21] tough for me. All right. All right. Well, okay. Do any of these articles want to tell
[05:54:39] What was in the package?
[05:54:42] God
[05:54:48] GB. Yeah, penetrative GB 31s makes sense
[05:54:53] We got to the bottom of nothing. I was struggling to find the matter to get a hold of the mouse
[05:55:07] I asked questions. That's the most difficult job dude. Yeah, it was hard the hardest fucking job in the goddamn world
[05:55:14] But yeah, he might not the nine billion dollar budget shortfall for Hurricane Helene recovery
[05:55:19] Same day, the U S gave $8.7 billion in weapons to Israel on September 26 female administrator
[05:55:26] Diane, uh, Deanne Chris will update a report on the forecast for supporting community suffering
[05:55:30] from hurricane Helene. We're already through INF, the immediate needs funding, nine billion
[05:55:35] close to nine billion in projects that we have to put on hold that we can reimbursed
[05:55:38] communities for. Seems like the female administrators also in the pocket for Donald Trump.
[05:55:44] Yeah. All of these people now is not the fucking time.
[05:55:47] Yeah. How about you shut the fuck up and, you know, do your job, right? It's like,
[05:55:52] sweetie, we have to vote for the Democrats. The same day that Israel announced that it
[05:55:56] is secured an $8.7 billion weapons package from the United States paid for by American taxpayers.
[05:56:01] I for one, think this is a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think that
[05:56:06] Israel deserves it more than people in Asheville, North Carolina. Sorry.
[05:56:11] Yeah. Try having a pride parade in Asheville. You'll get thrown off a roof.
[05:56:15] Yeah, yeah, do you know they do to get
[05:56:18] Yeah, that's what the upper middle class white folk living in
[05:56:23] That's what they do to bottoms they say we have enough bottoms. There's a top crisis and they throw you off a roof
[05:56:33] Yeah, I'd like to see you I'd like to see you be a fucking girl boss in Asheville not gonna happen, honey. Yeah
[05:56:43] Yeah, I am I
[05:56:45] I have been thinking about this, and there's been a lot of discussion about this, about
[05:56:51] the sort of truism that people do a lot now, especially sort of like write a GSM Internet
[05:57:00] personality where it's like, we're sending X amount of money to Ukraine, but we can't
[05:57:05] spend X amount of money on Y, when usually it's people who don't support spending X
[05:57:12] amount of money on why and, you know, obviously people make the point that it's like unsophisticated.
[05:57:17] Yeah.
[05:57:18] Or it's like, oh, we don't even take care of our homeless veterans.
[05:57:22] It's like, bro, I saw you spitting on a homeless veteran yesterday, like shut the fuck up.
[05:57:26] You hate homeless people.
[05:57:27] You call the cops on a homeless veteran to kill the guy.
[05:57:30] Yeah.
[05:57:31] And then, and then next day you're tweeting about how you care about homeless veterans
[05:57:33] only when immigrants come up.
[05:57:35] Yeah.
[05:57:36] But like with that, you know, being a truism or unsophisticated, you know, it's
[05:57:41] less salient than the fact that like, yeah, North Carolina is fucking underwater.
[05:57:49] We said what we said, because it's also currently at like a swing state as well. Like it's a state
[05:57:53] that they want to win. North Carolina underwater. What was the first question in the VP debate last
[05:57:59] night? Yeah. You know, whether it is, it is the same source of money or not. And sure,
[05:58:07] it's not, in a lot of these cases, the locus of attention and effort by the White House
[05:58:14] is a much more salient point. And it's very clear where the effort and attention is going.
[05:58:19] Yes. It is manufacturing a circumstance in which they end up inevitably losing the election
[05:58:26] because the one fucking pariah state that they have done this double suicide pack with
[05:58:33] is going to keep is being run by a guy who's like openly in the tank for your opposition.
[05:58:37] Yeah. You think the longshoreman guy likes Trump? Yeah. Wait till you fucking get a load
[05:58:43] of this guy. Yeah. Benjamin. Yeah. Who flew to Mar-a-Lago like to, you know, kiss the ring.
[05:58:52] It's cool. It's really cool that we're just, uh, yeah. How do you, how do you,
[05:58:58] How do you square this circle? When you see everybody talking about, we gotta win every
[05:59:05] voter. We gotta win every right-wing guy by being marginally more and more right-wing
[05:59:10] on every issue, okay? We gotta win the Nikki Haley constituency, which is definitely gonna
[05:59:16] vote for Trump. We gotta win those guys over, but also hundreds of thousands of people
[05:59:22] with an increasing number of new people that were adding on to that coalition of
[05:59:27] people who are just like, dude, you're killing my family members, you know,
[05:59:31] like hundreds of thousands of fucking voters in key states.
[05:59:34] And they can fuck off.
[05:59:36] We can win without them.
[05:59:38] Yeah, I. I mean, maybe
[05:59:43] my strategy for Democrats this year, let's all vote for Donald Trump
[05:59:47] to show Republicans were reasonable.
[05:59:49] Yeah. And then next, the next election
[05:59:53] in 2028 will be like, well, we voted for him.
[05:59:55] Yeah, if you vote for him, he will win and also, you know, you can you can convince him
[06:00:02] if you want to know.
[06:00:03] He's gonna be bad, but we have to vote for him now so that in 2028 when like, you know,
[06:00:08] his successor is when he advances running, we'll go, look, we supported Trump.
[06:00:12] But this guy is so bad and such a threat that we're voting for the Democrat this
[06:00:16] day.
[06:00:17] You're also like, you know, you're joking, but you're also basically describing Democrat
[06:00:22] strategy from 2020 to 2024.
[06:00:24] Yeah.
[06:00:25] It's crazy
[06:00:28] What is this to understand this and to continue to ship weapons as monsters if Biden thinks Netanyahu is tanking a ceasefire deal
[06:00:33] I'm trying to get Trump elected
[06:00:34] It is that much more shameful that he still won't make even a minimal effort to use his leverage over Israel
[06:00:38] Biden told his confidence. He did not believe his Israeli counterpart wanted to ceasefire deal arguing that Netanyahu was trying to perpetuate the conflict to
[06:00:45] Save his political future and assist Trump in November's election. What is your plan here then? Why do you do me?
[06:00:51] What are you fucking doing then he's just
[06:00:53] I am Israel. Hi. Yeah. Look alive. That's the only explanation I know. You know what
[06:01:00] it is? He's a he's a secret Nazi. Okay. Hear me out. Hear me out. And he's like, no, listen,
[06:01:06] if I act like Jews do control me with my control powers, then we can get all the Americans
[06:01:12] to also feel that way. And then and then, you know, we can we can do the fourth Reich.
[06:01:18] Like it makes no sense that what is what it what are you doing?
[06:01:23] I it's baffling it is hard to figure out who the bigger fuck-up is is it jasmine blinkin
[06:01:32] Is it biden is it fucking herby?
[06:01:37] Kirby I hate him sir. He's pretty awful, but I feel like on brett McGurk brett McGurk or the other guy who was the IDF guy
[06:01:45] What was the I'm on something the two dudes that apparently convinced the two
[06:01:53] dudes that were like no not going to Lebanon it'll be sick almost hox teen yeah
[06:01:59] hox teen I will like with that it's like okay they're just agents of the
[06:02:05] another governor. This is my favorite.
[06:02:08] Mison has Biden there. He's 800 years old dude. You think he's like bro he can't even
[06:02:16] wipe his own butt. He's like he's gonna die like next year. He's like I'm really worried
[06:02:23] about the compromising photos that they have of me. We have seen the dicks of every
[06:02:32] Biden
[06:02:34] I already know what his cock looks like. I've seen many different versions of it. Okay, it's probably nice. All right
[06:02:42] What is the dirt is it like actually Joe Biden's dad did not say love is love
[06:02:49] Much worse. Yeah, like what what could yeah
[06:02:53] What could the dirt on Joe Biden be that is like so damning?
[06:02:58] He doesn't want it out there, and that's why he's unconditionally riding with Israel
[06:03:03] Well, it's gonna be like all stuff that like everyone already knows
[06:03:08] He's really old he lied about being arrested protesting apartheid
[06:03:12] Yeah, all these things that were already country, but he's just too old to realize that like that already happened
[06:03:18] Yeah, no, it's gonna come out that he doesn't actually support NATO
[06:03:21] That's it. That's it. He'd be in private moments. He condemns Augusts. No
[06:03:30] Fucking come on. No
[06:03:33] The book by Ben Shapiro being adapted music and layers by David Shapiro David Shapiro on the
[06:03:41] David Shapiro production
[06:03:44] We will rise
[06:03:46] damn
[06:03:48] This is gonna do this soldier looks like by the way the soldier looks like he's walking the kid and do his first day of
[06:03:54] Doc out. He's like, okay, I have fun loser
[06:04:02] Such a bad job
[06:04:07] Soldiers like could you quit crying already fucking five minutes late to doc out? No the fucking
[06:04:14] Killed in Murcova. No, this is base because the kids Palestinian
[06:04:20] They're saying like this is what is happening. Yeah. Oh
[06:04:25] No, dude, what the fuck dude?
[06:04:29] Yeah, this shit is so crazy, man. Oh my god. Can we take AI away from Israel?
[06:04:36] Can you guys stop?
[06:04:39] Oh my god. Oh
[06:04:42] It's crazy
[06:04:44] The title in Hebrew is we will avenge again. Oh
[06:04:47] Oh, yeah. No. Yeah. No, this is definitely AI art. Look at how fucked up everything.
[06:04:53] They love AI in Israel. They do. They use AI for things that don't even like make sense
[06:04:57] to use AI for. They're obsessed with it. Like you could take this photo. You could photoshop
[06:05:02] it. But nope. AI did. Also, like it's still a weird image on top of the fact that yes,
[06:05:08] it looks like an IDF soldier is like, you know, walking a Jewish child into a concentration
[06:05:14] camp but like it's also weird because it's like this beautiful field and then it's the IDF soldier in
[06:05:19] like full combat fatigue it's just like none of it makes sense like are they saying that like yeah
[06:05:25] because of the IDF we have these beautiful fields like it makes no it's so stupid you found the
[06:05:31] program for the musical ooh we will rise the first musical of its kind in Israel combining
[06:05:37] deep and exceptional writing by Ben Shapiro powerful music and lyrics by David Shapiro
[06:05:40] moving performances by some of the best actors. The musical features Israel's Sinfonietta
[06:05:45] Bercheva with an ensemble of 30 musicians on stage conducted by Ronnie Calderon. It's
[06:05:51] an epic devastating and uplifting historical story of the wait, what the fuck? This is
[06:05:57] literally pro-Palestinian.
[06:05:58] Yeah, the Warsaw ghetto uprising to October. Well, they're saying the post-October
[06:06:05] have the reality but it's like why are you so like I kept saying this in the
[06:06:12] early days of October I was like if I'm Israel I'm probably not using ISIS all
[06:06:16] the time because like if you Google Israel ISIS you're gonna not like what
[06:06:20] the news information that comes up Israel gives weapons the ISIS soldiers
[06:06:26] Israel offers a medical treatment to ISIS soldiers on fifth straight year of
[06:06:31] not attacking Israel. Yeah, it's like it's like weird that they kept doing that. Like
[06:06:36] if I'm Israel, I'm probably not using, you know, Hamas, ISIS as a direct counter, but
[06:06:44] also this like never mentioned the war. So I get a lot rising in the same sentences
[06:06:49] of October 7 because the similarities are crazy. It's like right there for people to
[06:06:54] look at this point as an Israeli, you should never bring it up.
[06:06:58] Also, also their entire thing is that like everyone who died in the Holocaust is like
[06:07:03] weak.
[06:07:04] And so like just pretend that didn't happen and also be better.
[06:07:08] I love, I love this phrase.
[06:07:09] Some of the best actors we have.
[06:07:11] So like the Trump symbiote is in Ben Shapiro now.
[06:07:16] Yeah.
[06:07:17] A young artist who wants to escape to get a Malca dreamer and a rebel who wants to
[06:07:19] fight for her people's survival.
[06:07:20] Mary, a convert who only wants to save her daughter, Mordecai Anilovitz, leader of
[06:07:25] the fighting underground.
[06:07:26] them. I can't say that last name. Okay. It's Polish, I think.
[06:07:35] Zernyuk. Oh, that was pretty good. I think that was good.
[06:07:40] Born raised in Chicago.
[06:07:42] We will rise to originally written as the story of the Jews of
[06:07:45] Warsaw pushed together by fate and bound together in common
[06:07:47] destiny, despite internal and political disagreements, the
[06:07:49] enemies of the Jewish people do not distinguish between
[06:07:51] opinions and countries as a nation. We have no choice
[06:07:53] United as a family. After October 7th, this message is becoming even more important and relevant
[06:07:58] only by embracing eternal destiny. We can rise up together. That's it. Oh, here. There's more.
[06:08:04] Okay. They got this fucking, there's always like one guy who's like falling out of favor in Hollywood
[06:08:14] that will participate in this. That's what I'm looking for right now. It's like some random
[06:08:18] dude. Nope. Yo, I've made Micailey director. All these
[06:08:25] Israeli TV shows he worked on sound great. Yeah, the big
[06:08:28] amist, the arbitrator, the loners. This is how they title
[06:08:32] TV in like 1953 when there are four shows. Yeah. I don't know
[06:08:37] how many shows they haven't. Zachary Levi will be in the
[06:08:40] next one. Oh, wait, I didn't know Zachary Levi wasn't
[06:08:45] Jewish. Did you know that he like adopted his like
[06:08:48] middle name to sound more Jewish because he thought he would get better roles in
[06:08:51] hollywood something that's hilarious I get duped into this into believing this
[06:08:56] or is this real hold on we have to look this up maybe someone a counter strike
[06:08:59] told me
[06:09:03] shorthand or just yeah hold on let me see
[06:09:08] um he's been vague about that Levi's middle name and using your middle name
[06:09:12] to enter sag is an unusual he's definitely joked about it being
[06:09:15] mistaken for being Jewish in Hollywood that something is an asset in a vacuum what no that's not
[06:09:21] I feel like I've there's definitely there
[06:09:27] He said because I think he recently said in a piece
[06:09:32] uh
[06:09:33] He he said in a piece that like they're being anti-semitic to him or something
[06:09:39] Or like you're not okay. I have to
[06:09:42] I
[06:09:44] Let me confirm
[06:09:46] Actors Agri Levi said he's reasonably turned out for multiple roles because he told
[06:09:51] Because he was told he was too Jewish wait. Is he actually Jewish or not? I'm I'm I'm detraining it
[06:10:00] Though he has no Jewish ancestry Levi is often incorrectly perceived to be Jewish
[06:10:05] You just used each name.
[06:10:12] Yes. God, he is the perfect RFK voter.
[06:10:16] If only he could actually vote for RFK.
[06:10:18] Wait, but why is this Tablet magazine article making it seem like he is Jewish?
[06:10:24] It's Tablet.
[06:10:26] You know, like they are out to lunch.
[06:10:29] They're doing the Black-Israelite Shakespeare was black, but for Zachary Levi.
[06:10:34] There wasn't a target rich environment a very famous Jewish actor. So here just
[06:10:40] The guy who played Chuck is Jewish
[06:10:43] I love the idea. I love the idea that like he did this is like a scheme where he's like
[06:10:49] All right, all the producers are Jewish and once they think I'm Jewish I'll get everything and like it's going well
[06:10:54] He's Chuck but then like a producer catches on and that's when everything starts going downhill
[06:11:01] hill. That's when they make him shovel steroids on his throat to make him play a character who
[06:11:06] never takes his outfit off. Thor Starzag or Levi says he's been turned down for roles because
[06:11:13] he's too Jewish even though he's not Jewish at all. Yo dude that's awesome. I think this
[06:11:20] is a Tyler Fisher thing because like they were never going to give him the role anyway
[06:11:24] and like the casting director whatever was like yeah you're like too Jewish or something.
[06:11:31] He's like well there you go
[06:11:33] That's amazing. No, he's just he did the I'm not Jewish, but Jewish before George Santos
[06:11:42] He's the he's the one
[06:11:45] He's the one man. Oh
[06:11:52] Do you want to go to the scooter brah know a music festival installation does sound pretty good, okay?
[06:11:58] We might where where is it? I don't know
[06:12:00] But one of my one of my buddies hit me up and asked me if I would like to attend it and take a look
[06:12:06] Well, I'd be like killed on sight there
[06:12:10] Someone that could get killed
[06:12:16] No, I'll like if we get in trouble I'll I'll get us out of it. I
[06:12:21] You know like if we
[06:12:23] someone stops us. I'll be like, Oh my God. This is, this is where Brace is like he, he
[06:12:30] can go to that and people, people will not bat an eye.
[06:12:35] Yeah. Brace and Liz went, yeah, I know. That's why I kind of want to, I kind of want to go
[06:12:41] and check it out.
[06:12:42] I haven't gone to like a goofy conservative thing in a while. I always talk about how
[06:12:46] much fun I had at CPAC and how badly I want to go to something like that again.
[06:12:51] Yeah.
[06:12:52] I don't yeah, I think I think I'll be fine there
[06:13:00] But yeah Zachary Levi not Jewish I
[06:13:04] Don't know what happened not Harold not magic
[06:13:07] I heard multiple times. I was too Jewish to a confidential
[06:13:10] Which is surprising because I go by Zachary Levi Levi's my middle name Pew is my real last name. I'm Welsh
[06:13:17] That's incredible
[06:13:25] Won't keep you ever going in that
[06:13:27] Cutie. I gave fucking killed by K-pop stains were propel's time before. Yeah. Oh
[06:13:37] Yeah, scooter brawn is is linking up
[06:13:41] Scooter brawn is like the perfect celebrity for Israel. Yeah, kind of like he's
[06:13:47] They can really pick them. Yeah for hostage. No Argamani met Ed Sheeran and post Malone via scooter brawn who made the introduction
[06:13:54] No, you deserve all the happiness in the world
[06:13:56] You get all the happenings in the world by meeting post Malone. He looks thrilled. Yeah. Oh my god
[06:14:01] He definitely is gonna remember him in the background
[06:14:05] Yo, get me. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm what I'm wearing my casual hat
[06:14:14] Wait, what shy David a has tattoos which notoriously makes him ineligible to be buried in a Jewish cemetery
[06:14:20] well like
[06:14:22] taking tattoos from a Gen Xer as
[06:14:25] shy David is
[06:14:28] Well, it's kind of like forcing a hostage to turn on his own light switches on the show on the uh, yeah
[06:14:35] He's he's so sick. He's so cool. I love him. Yeah, I love my favorite post of the last year on
[06:14:44] On Saturday, I went viral at Columbia because I cried
[06:14:51] He got like progressively more manic first he did he tried to do the lib shit for like a day
[06:14:57] Yeah, and then very quickly dropped it and was like cackling like with such bloodlust
[06:15:04] It like he literally went from he went from like oh, I cry for everyone
[06:15:09] I'm so sad about everything that's going on to like we should kill the Jewish students that are leading these protests in Colombia
[06:15:16] He couldn't get he couldn't hold together for like for a week
[06:15:18] He was like I'm people in Israel call me a terrorist sympathizer
[06:15:22] But I want I want coexistence for everybody and then like just yeah, a week passes. Oh
[06:15:30] Man such such wonderful
[06:15:34] Such wonderful things
[06:15:37] Here in the United States of America. Is there anyone like notable in here?
[06:15:41] I
[06:15:42] Seems like there's the same guy over and over and over again like they just yeah a lot of is this like a bald like
[06:15:52] Biggest collection of bald men I have ever seen.
[06:15:54] Why are they so bald? What's going on?
[06:15:57] They're so close to Turkey.
[06:15:59] Maybe that, like, if Erdogan won't do it.
[06:16:04] Yeah.
[06:16:05] The great hair transplant man of Turkey.
[06:16:08] We'll find back, I guess, Israel.
[06:16:10] I would, it would be...
[06:16:12] I, I, I stemmed a lot of hairline bleeding.
[06:16:16] Um, but like, if it ever gets really bad, I'm going there.
[06:16:20] I can show them my bonafides and my support for the Turkish Aerospace Industry.
[06:16:25] Yeah, they're gonna be like, dude, you're a gray wolf, both spiritually and literally.
[06:16:30] Like, you're good.
[06:16:31] I would love to go there.
[06:16:33] I want to see the Taycan.
[06:16:35] I think it's fucking cool.
[06:16:37] Join us for a third study in a Butler's Library main reading room.
[06:16:42] So is he still a professor or not?
[06:16:44] Like, I don't understand.
[06:16:45] Did he get fired?
[06:16:46] He just seems like he just hit loiterers around.
[06:16:47] I thought he got fired.
[06:16:49] How can he still be a professor?
[06:16:51] He literally called the Jews and his copos and shit.
[06:16:56] He was being so unhinged.
[06:16:57] He got suspended.
[06:16:59] Or did he fully get fired?
[06:17:02] I thought he got fired, but maybe not.
[06:17:05] I thought it was a suspension.
[06:17:07] These, I remember Bill Smoke crack, man, being like a smoke crack.
[06:17:11] He was like, if they don't read, say, Chai David, I'm going to fucking blow my head
[06:17:16] off.
[06:17:17] This is this is a one of my god. What is this?
[06:17:23] His wounds automatically be why am I
[06:17:29] You see that um, oh, this is the this is the most incredible story from blue skies
[06:17:35] Why blue sky needs to exist really? Yeah
[06:17:39] It's it's the perfect drip feeding of like shit that you see on blue sky
[06:17:42] Like I don't want to get on tumblr
[06:17:44] No, like every now and then you'll see like a post that hits
[06:17:47] and this is it. This person replies, Tel Aviv deserves God's wrath, not gonna lie. Please don't.
[06:17:54] Look, someone very dear to me lives in Tel Aviv and I'm worried sick about her. I'm asking y'all to
[06:17:59] redirect your anger towards the fascist genocidal Nen'yahu government and the systems of cruelty
[06:18:03] that have led to this. Not towards terrified civilians. A little compassion please.
[06:18:08] My online dog lives in Israel because she's so stressed about living next to a war zone.
[06:18:13] I haven't properly gotten off since October 7th.
[06:18:16] Incredible!
[06:18:17] Cease fire now.
[06:18:19] I just want everyone to come together in peace.
[06:18:21] Me in particular, not trying to be flipped,
[06:18:23] is just such a ridiculous situation to be in.
[06:18:25] How...
[06:18:27] Like, how...
[06:18:28] You can't...
[06:18:30] First of all, it sounds very inconvenient
[06:18:32] because Israel is like very far away.
[06:18:34] How do you work out the time zones?
[06:18:36] Be like...
[06:18:38] A physical dumb...
[06:18:39] Okay, maybe if you have very specific tastes.
[06:18:42] An online Dom couldn't chat GPT do this for him?
[06:18:46] Yeah.
[06:18:46] Like what does an online Dom do? Just like call you a fucking loser?
[06:18:51] I just-
[06:18:52] What is she- she's better at it than anyone else? What a lunatic.
[06:18:56] Yeah.
[06:18:57] She can only get it.
[06:18:59] She can only get it from her Israeli Dom.
[06:19:03] See Spire?
[06:19:04] What is this?
[06:19:05] Spire!
[06:19:06] No he's-
[06:19:06] I thought that's an old-
[06:19:07] No.
[06:19:07] When he was playing the nuclear weapon.
[06:19:09] Yeah, no.
[06:19:10] Dude, Molotov knows who I show speed is.
[06:19:13] I asked him. Yeah.
[06:19:15] He's yeah, he he did.
[06:19:18] He knew who I was, which is so sick.
[06:19:22] Like, yeah, he's like, yeah, he's very loud.
[06:19:25] So he said,
[06:19:28] he's like, yeah, that's the guy that screams a lot, right?
[06:19:32] Yeah. Yeah. Freefall esteem.
[06:19:38] It's so sick.
[06:19:40] Um, this was, yeah, this was great stuff. This is, Oh, Israel, Supreme court ruled on Monday that
[06:19:45] a child conceived through artificial insemination using a fallen soldier, possibly preserved sperm
[06:19:50] will be recognized as a child of disease under law and family soldiers who died in combat.
[06:19:54] How many of those kids are there? Like, like, how proud kids? Dude, that's why they needed
[06:20:00] nine billion extra dollars for the goon platoon. They're like, the goon platoon is working
[06:20:05] extra hard. Okay. Oh my God. The other side of the story also is like, um, apparently
[06:20:12] first combat, uh, fatality reports coming in from Lebanon for the special military operations
[06:20:18] they were conducting. That's not an invasion, by the way. And of course, as the case always
[06:20:23] in Israel, the military century is working overtime. Um, but, uh, apparently there's
[06:20:29] like, there were like 20 medivacs that occurred and like a shit ton of ambulances into nearby
[06:20:34] hospitals. It doesn't look like a season. Yeah, it doesn't. Yeah,
[06:20:39] it could be a coincidence. Yeah, someone swapped it. They put
[06:20:42] like, they put non lactose free milk in the, there's been a
[06:20:45] clariton shortage. The long shore guys who voted for Trump are
[06:20:49] not, you know, putting the clariton and the pallets into the
[06:20:54] merchant marine ships. Yeah, it's just, you know, I don't
[06:20:58] know that that to me is actually insane. Like that is, like
[06:21:03] no self-preservation whatsoever. There's a lot of unique parts about this, about this mania,
[06:21:09] and I don't understand how it's so closely resembles either, you know, the Nazi governments,
[06:21:15] like Final Push or South Africa, like a part of South Africa. But-
[06:21:21] Or like, um, Vidalia in the Falklands kind of?
[06:21:25] Yeah, it's just like, it literally doesn't make sense. But like, you have no self-preservation
[06:21:31] at all where you're like no this country that we invaded unsuccessfully multiple times like we
[06:21:37] should do that again do you especially now that they have better weapons and have hardened their
[06:21:41] security do you think that like i don't know this is like it's so hard to get inside someone's head
[06:21:49] and it's usually futile because so many things can just be explained by stupidity but like
[06:21:54] Like, do you think it's a case of like, they expected like to be able to kill a bunch of
[06:22:00] people obviously, but at a certain point Biden goes, okay, enough of that, it's an election
[06:22:05] year.
[06:22:06] And then they would be like, begrudgingly forced to stop, but that would sort of bring
[06:22:11] a closed, it would be a closed loop.
[06:22:14] But the fact that there has been like no pushback, no suspension of weapon sales
[06:22:18] and they get to just keep upping the ante, that they feel like, well like, shit,
[06:22:24] We can't stop now. We can't stop unless you know, it seems like America makes us stop and
[06:22:31] they're not doing that. I mean, it makes sense for America to reign
[06:22:35] Israel in to preserve Israel. Like the exit ramp has been there since early October. Pack
[06:22:42] up and Yahoo say he's the big bad moving like some fucking liberal general guy who
[06:22:47] is just as bloodthirsty, if not worse somehow than fucking Benjamin and Yahoo. And, and
[06:22:53] And then everybody goes back to like, Oh man, we really have complicated politics here in
[06:22:58] Israel and are not like, you know, baying for blood on a regular basis. Um, but it left
[06:23:07] unchecked. It is very obvious that they are just going to keep fucking swinging at
[06:23:11] every single person, hoping that America keeps giving them weapons. But like it's
[06:23:17] gonna like at a certain point it's gonna turn into the the Ukrainian situation right like
[06:23:23] with Ukraine with Ukraine they're obviously going up against a force with uh you know they
[06:23:29] obviously understandably have a desire for emancipation and they're going up a force with
[06:23:33] like significantly larger uh military numbers yeah they can throw more bodies of the problem
[06:23:39] with Israel they're like oh yeah we're getting our shit pushed in by fucking dudes in a in a
[06:23:45] you know, open air prison that we created. Let's just go after a much larger military force doesn't
[06:23:52] make any tactical sense whatsoever. I don't think that they really have a plan. I really do think
[06:24:00] that like they had a rough outline of like basically when America was going to stop and that
[06:24:05] that allows that gives them an out where they're like, oh, we'd fucking kill all of you if it
[06:24:09] wasn't for America, but blah, blah, blah. And they get to keep like a support like
[06:24:14] Netanyahu gets to keep supporting Trump, etc. But it's hard. You cannot really overstate
[06:24:25] how just directionless and without a conceivable strategy they are. And it's shocking. It's
[06:24:34] shocking and it defies a lot of the explanation, but it just, you know, this is what happens
[06:24:45] is when a state degenerates to a certain point
[06:24:48] into its bare essence.
[06:24:51] We got a, how much we want to bet this guy is German.
[06:24:53] Nothing can compare to the industrialization
[06:24:57] of killing people to the Nazis.
[06:24:58] Please don't use the Nazis in the exam.
[06:25:00] That is so obviously a German
[06:25:01] because whenever Germans do that,
[06:25:02] it's like it's sort of a brag.
[06:25:04] Yeah.
[06:25:04] Hey, come on, no one did it.
[06:25:06] No one did it like we did it, you know?
[06:25:08] Yeah.
[06:25:09] Hey.
[06:25:10] Yeah, it's always liberal Germans.
[06:25:11] German politics is amazing, dude.
[06:25:13] It's amazing that the the pro Zionist anti fascists I have I had a dedicated like German
[06:25:20] reply or who's always screaming at me.
[06:25:24] And he wasn't like young like a lot of anti-Deutsch people are like exer millennial cuspers or
[06:25:31] younger sometimes this guy was like 60 which is like okay then your dad was almost certainly
[06:25:38] involved it's all for sure like okay buddy
[06:25:44] doors open doors open
[06:25:50] morons boot is here yeah I love this shit I love when Germans fucking flex like
[06:25:58] this when they're just like listen nobody did it like we did it I'm not
[06:26:03] pro oh my god yeah my god I'm not prosign as a pro German I am German
[06:26:11] though I'm telling you what is wrong with you people I locked it dude it is
[06:26:16] something we know chatter we know you're German from the moment that you type
[06:26:20] those words out it is do you think this is my first time encountering a German
[06:26:25] man online who said these exact same words the real Carl which is like I
[06:26:30] feel like it's just oh wait I really do have laid-out set dyslexia the real
[06:26:37] Carl um Carl um Carl am get a new contacts prescription or something, but whatever
[06:26:45] Carl what a German name, but like Carl
[06:26:49] No one else on earth talks like you people do yeah, nobody. Yeah, I've been to Germany
[06:26:55] You are a very singular people
[06:26:59] Yeah, it's it's it's awesome. It's it's
[06:27:04] It's so funny. It's like no until
[06:27:06] until, dude, listen, until Israel kills it at 5.9999 million Palestinians still not the
[06:27:14] same. Do not compare it to Israel. I mean, do not compare it. I already did it.
[06:27:18] Do not compare it to Nazi Germany. Please don't six million. That's when you can do it.
[06:27:27] That's like, that's when it's appropriate and allowed. Okay.
[06:27:30] I just I like I hate that Germans are so like I'm not just about this shit because I
[06:27:37] Really I had a delightful time there. I really did
[06:27:41] But you know see seeing those like Bavarian hogs chase that little kid around cuz he had a Palestine flag
[06:27:49] Oh my god, it's just straight just stop. Oh shit. Yeah straight up
[06:27:56] Jesus Christ
[06:27:58] Yeah
[06:27:59] It's are you saying they're low-key proud of that record when I hear it from a German guy
[06:28:04] It does sound like a little bit like bragging. Yeah
[06:28:10] Yeah, six million in three years or it's not comparable. Okay. Yeah get those get those numbers up Israel before we can get to talking. Oh
[06:28:18] Yeah, yeah
[06:28:20] It's funny how even German Antifa is hardcore Zion is I mean is it is it that funny?
[06:28:24] I feel like it is funny but I also think that like it makes total sense because if you have like
[06:28:32] collective massive guilt
[06:28:34] Through this social conditioning and you should do a certain degree
[06:28:38] Understandable, okay for the crimes of your grandpappy, right?
[06:28:44] Then
[06:28:45] Like it's a great way to just take all of that guilt and then put it towards a collective enemy, right?
[06:28:52] That's it. You're you're saying like no no no you don't understand like Muslims are way worse than the Nazis
[06:29:00] Like that's basically all you're saying when a German person says that
[06:29:05] That's all I'm hearing. You know, I don't hear anything else when a German person is making a coherent in their mind argument
[06:29:13] Okay, when they're like, oh no, this is hyperbole or whatever the fuck like it's usually just them saying
[06:29:19] no trust me it wasn't us that is the big bad it's actually the Muslims okay the
[06:29:24] Muslims that are way worse it is interesting that Germany is so crazy
[06:29:30] when I think Japan going at the rate they're going with the videos I've seen
[06:29:37] they are slowly getting turned one Israeli tourist incident at a time to be
[06:29:43] like the most anti-Zionist country on earth like I don't know where they were
[06:29:46] before I think that like you know people either didn't think about it or like we're basically
[06:29:52] two staters or whatever but just every bad like most of the bad Israeli tourist incidents I see
[06:29:59] take place in Japan for some reason and it's just some psycho like some like a gross little
[06:30:05] bald guy screaming at like a 70 year old Japanese guy yeah no point if you're here
[06:30:11] It's like bro, you went to Japan like just let them think whatever they want to think, okay?
[06:30:18] Yeah, it's different out there. I'm down like don't worry. It's a client state of the United States of America
[06:30:25] They're not gonna do anything. Yeah, they
[06:30:28] They don't even kick the fucking Marines out of out of Okinawa
[06:30:33] All the bullshit they've done, but yeah, no it does make me wish that a cash a walkie from Yakuza was real
[06:30:39] And he was defending Camerocho, everyone would be defending Camerocho from these bald little yelling guys.
[06:30:51] That's like that is a Yakuza side villain.
[06:30:55] Yes.
[06:30:56] Like they even counter.
[06:30:57] Yes.
[06:30:58] The ultra Zionist guy in his diapers.
[06:31:01] They're making Kiwami 3 I think.
[06:31:06] Yeah, I mean dude. Yeah, I was very woke so I could totally see that happening in the upcoming yakuza game
[06:31:13] three is like a very divisive game in the series and if they like they like
[06:31:19] Move a lot of the orphanage stuff and replace it with like
[06:31:23] Israeli tourists in Israeli tourists subplot objective great
[06:31:29] Yeah
[06:31:30] People saying free Palestine is not anti-semitic don't understand the history of Israel my great grandfather helps water
[06:31:36] Yeah, oh my fucking
[06:31:41] Bro German is so weird
[06:31:43] What is wrong with German?
[06:31:45] I don't understand like
[06:31:49] They're so spiritually broken like no one brags like yeah, it's just dude
[06:31:55] That's so strange like that is a strange fucking thing to say unless you're bragging
[06:32:01] It also has nothing to do with this point. Yeah, like it doesn't
[06:32:05] And what does free Palestine have to do with his grandfather slaughtering Jews?
[06:32:13] It's just, we're supposed to accept that free Palestine implies exterminating Jews.
[06:32:20] No, that means that you just wanted to say that thing about your great grandfather.
[06:32:24] You still want to brag about that.
[06:32:27] Yeah, it's just weird because like, I remember like Israel trying to be like, how dare South
[06:32:34] Africa get a say on what is an apartheid or what is not. It's like, what are you talking
[06:32:40] about? That's not like, are you mistaking it? Like your greatest ally, the UN other than
[06:32:46] America is the country that did the Holocaust. And you don't even think about that. And
[06:32:52] you're over here shitting on the people that survived the apartheid, like the government
[06:32:56] that came after it, making it seem like they did it to themselves.
[06:33:00] You also, no one sold weapons to the apartheid government at the rate that Israel did towards
[06:33:11] the end either.
[06:33:12] Yeah, freeing Palestine implies exterminating Jews, therefore free Palestine is anti-Semitic.
[06:33:17] Yeah, that's why Hitler was doing that.
[06:33:20] What to free Palestine?
[06:33:21] What fucking great reasoning.
[06:33:23] This is just like, this makes no fucking sense.
[06:33:29] Yeah, just just in
[06:33:32] There are arguments that are like bad or like require a leap, but that just that isn't even an argument. It's just
[06:33:39] My grandfather shattered the backboard as far as you kill him. Yeah, he's putting up LeBron numbers
[06:33:47] Fuck yeah, it's insane. It's insane. There was no collective guilt in the GDR
[06:33:53] So he has never imposed that on the German mind only the Yanks in the West did
[06:33:56] but like but but also they didn't like they didn't actually impose any
[06:34:03] collective guilt they literally were like oh yeah we'll put the Nazis back in
[06:34:07] charge that's precisely what ended up happening yeah and this is the outcome of
[06:34:12] that they made a post a post third Reich third Reich yeah which is crazy
[06:34:20] because I fuck if I'm if I'm not mistaken I think like even like the
[06:34:25] education surrounding the Holocaust came much later like an entire generation of
[06:34:29] like post World War two Germans were still like no no no we were the good
[06:34:32] guys in this process I don't know I don't know exactly when it came but
[06:34:38] they're like certainly were a lot of like Germans who were you know either
[06:34:44] served in the war or were told for that but yeah I had you know we're
[06:34:48] We're just completely unremorsful.
[06:34:53] Donuts was a famous one of those.
[06:34:57] That means that academic sociologist is crazy.
[06:35:00] Well, that's like the most common job in fucking Germany.
[06:35:05] Everyone there is a sociologist.
[06:35:07] Man.
[06:35:08] If you see a normal looking guy,
[06:35:10] he's a do nothing sociologist in Germany.
[06:35:12] Listen, they're sociologists.
[06:35:14] They love socialism
[06:35:16] with a little bit of nationalistic characteristics, okay?
[06:35:20] That's what it is.
[06:35:21] The rule for-
[06:35:21] A little national socialism, if you will.
[06:35:24] The rule for Germans, at least like West Germans,
[06:35:28] is a normal looking guy,
[06:35:30] most useless fucking job you've ever heard of.
[06:35:32] He's a socialist who works two days a month.
[06:35:35] Or a sociologist who works two days a month.
[06:35:38] Or he, I don't know, he does drum therapy.
[06:35:42] For guys who got drummed out of the boom fair.
[06:35:46] But if you see a white guy with dreadlocks, that's a fucking nuclear scientist.
[06:35:51] That guy designed satellite.
[06:35:53] That guy is a genius.
[06:35:54] He's, it's the opposite of America in America.
[06:35:58] You see a white guy with dreadlocks and you're like, Oh, no.
[06:36:02] Oh no.
[06:36:03] He's going to ask me a weird favor that I don't understand.
[06:36:06] And he's really easy.
[06:36:07] A white guy with dreadlocks.
[06:36:08] He does not know how to read.
[06:36:09] He's, wait, and he's really see a white guy with dreadlocks and you're like,
[06:36:12] hello, Senator.
[06:36:16] I know.
[06:36:17] Yeah, a member of the Knesset of the Jewish Power Party from head on.
[06:36:21] He's like 16, does not know how to read, is advocating for women to not be able to retain
[06:36:29] a job.
[06:36:30] He was our younger senator.
[06:36:35] Yeah, you see a white guy with dreadlocks in Israel, you know you're about to get
[06:36:42] spit it on.
[06:36:43] That should be like, you know, the, uh, the, the, like, guinea index or however it's pronounced, the thing, the, uh, thing for like, uh, human development and equality and like the freedom there should be a white coefficients. Yeah. Yeah. There should be like a white dreadlocks index.
[06:37:01] Like, what is the social status of white dreadlocks guys in this country?
[06:37:05] Oh man. Um, so yeah, uh, I guess channel forwarded, uh, news coverage on the Hasbolah conflict.
[06:37:16] It's kind of funny. Um, I don't know if you noticed this as well, but like is really invading
[06:37:23] Lebanon and like blowing up Beirut has basically put an entire reset as though like October
[06:37:28] seven happened again, but this time has Bola did it even though there was no October
[06:37:32] that has Bola did and the coverage is basically reset entirely where the the
[06:37:39] calculations are the same the death and destruction is the same and the
[06:37:43] justifications for it like they even brought back Jonathan concoen kreis the
[06:37:47] the fucking Frankenstein's monster headed guy yeah they took it they took
[06:37:51] him out of storage yeah no they they unfroze him and he was on CNN being
[06:37:56] like, yes, house book house below is they have to look babies in Bay route in a dog here.
[06:38:03] So we have to blow it up. Like, like it's literally a rerun. Yeah. And it's shocking
[06:38:09] to me that like, no liberals since then have been coming in here to be like, don't you
[06:38:15] think it's optically bad that you are so in the tank for his Bola that you are
[06:38:19] such a firm and committed has Bola supporter? Like, it's crazy. Like they, they, they're
[06:38:25] doing the terror tunnels argument is like they're doing all of this shit.
[06:38:28] They're doing it. Yeah. They're saying that people are just launching cruise missiles
[06:38:32] out of their fucking living room. Yeah. It is. Yeah. Pure rerun. Yeah. It's crazy. Um,
[06:38:40] and I don't, I don't understand how like, like now they're now they're even more victims.
[06:38:46] Now there's even more family members like the Lebanese population is even larger
[06:38:50] in America than like the Palestinian or other Arab populations.
[06:38:55] So it doesn't, I don't know.
[06:38:56] I don't know where we're going.
[06:38:57] The Palestinians also are, uh, sorry, Lebanese, um, Americans also have kind of
[06:39:02] like been in America for longer and are more like deeply rooted in, in, uh,
[06:39:07] like, especially like in just personal experience in the Midwest.
[06:39:13] Yeah.
[06:39:15] Oh no, for sure.
[06:39:16] lot of Christian Lebanese too, especially in the Midwest that, you know, came around 1982.
[06:39:23] Yeah. Or maybe things that they did in Lebanon around that time. So they had to come to the
[06:39:31] United States of America. But anyway, that's neither here nor there. No, that's not, it's
[06:39:36] not the same with Lebanese population. I'm not saying that. And I'm not, I'm not calling you
[06:39:40] guys the same as like the the Persian population of Los Angeles okay that's not what I'm saying
[06:39:49] I have however seen a more diverse uh more diverse opinions from
[06:39:57] some in the Lebanese diaspora here. Helicopters flying to collect bodies on stretch. Oh yeah
[06:40:08] Yeah, did you know, Judge Enim Perot is Lebanese?
[06:40:11] Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, there.
[06:40:14] I am just so people know I am halfway done editing the conservative media series.
[06:40:21] I should be recording by next week.
[06:40:23] I have to cast a few things, though.
[06:40:26] You will find Maronites sprinkled throughout American conservatism.
[06:40:31] OK, don't come for Peter Dow like this.
[06:40:34] No, Peter is special.
[06:40:36] He made something else.
[06:40:38] He made a genuine, he made a genuine attitude change. Okay. No, I, I would never insult Peter. Yeah.
[06:40:45] I think he's one of the fine, like I think he's a little bit of a crazy guy, but I don't mean that derogatorily. Yeah.
[06:40:52] I mean that in the most positive way. I think he's,
[06:40:56] you know what Peter Dow does that I love? He lives out loud.
[06:41:00] Yeah.
[06:41:01] That's something not a lot of other people do. He's living LaVita Loca. Yeah.
[06:41:05] for sure just wait Ralph Nader is Lebanese yeah no way yeah Johnny Manziel
[06:41:14] part Lebanese what yeah bro any hen they're everywhere
[06:41:22] Lebanese control the meat yeah yeah yeah dude wait how the fuck yo why is
[06:41:29] everybody talking about Jews bro fucking Lebanese
[06:41:32] every orifice of American society what the fuck fucking Johnny football all
[06:41:40] these guys they're all they use dude the thing with Lebanese too is like you
[06:41:46] can kind of tell us almost target I feel like Lebanese people look even wider
[06:41:49] somehow I can't believe I'm saying this they're gonna love this the lemon
[06:41:53] I love what I'm saying
[06:41:56] We're fucking Roman. Yeah
[06:42:03] To live is is anti-Israel. No, yeah, I love to what to live till it is like he says like weird stuff
[06:42:10] Sometimes about Lebanese genetics. Yeah, but like his politics like his international politics or he was he was like
[06:42:17] You know talking about Saudi Arabia way before it was cool to do. Yeah, he's really I have a ton of her
[06:42:23] I loved yeah, he's he's finnishian my finnishian king. He's one of my most treasured
[06:42:29] Mutuals, I wonder if he's a lebanese-american celebrity list on IMDb. Wow. So much like wow
[06:42:35] I know another list that Kanye was
[06:42:45] Like I'm not gonna say who the plastic surgeons were
[06:42:47] not gonna say what country they were from
[06:42:50] yeah like the the Lebanese they came here and they just they just grinded
[06:42:58] yeah they're the most like grindscent nationality yeah that's sick they they
[06:43:05] got so much done oh man this
[06:43:09] Israeli troops killed by Hezbollah from southern Lebanon.
[06:43:14] The army has today confirmed the death of eight of its soldiers.
[06:43:22] But Israeli forces are still...
[06:43:24] It's so crazy the first time that they encounter like a dude who has a weapon in his hands.
[06:43:29] Everybody dies.
[06:43:30] Like, I guess it's, you know, I guess when you're too used to killing children,
[06:43:36] children. And that's the only, that's the only combat training you have. It literally,
[06:43:43] it, there's a massive fucking problem when you have to deal with like actual people who
[06:43:47] know how to shoot their guns.
[06:43:48] I mean, time and time again, that is what we see with armies who they change their
[06:43:53] focus from the conventional focuses that armies usually have to internal repression.
[06:44:00] It always results in a complete degradation of fighting ability.
[06:44:05] talk lost eight of its most valuable dancers on the rest of peace to the four field marshals
[06:44:11] three lieutenant colonels and the one private. Yeah. The one private is the first day. Yeah.
[06:44:17] I've never seen a private get killed. I think I think privates are like you're only a private
[06:44:22] in like when you're a fetus in the second trimester. You're like born a sergeant in
[06:44:28] Israel. You have to really fuck up to become a corporal. What I'm sorry but Nazi Germans
[06:44:34] did around the moment, put them in a chamber is just not comparable. What the fuck? Sorry.
[06:44:38] I'm saying Israel's so fucking wrong. I'm just saying it's not a country running. Bro, nobody
[06:44:42] cares. Okay. Okay.
[06:44:43] You want me to give you the spiel? I'll just give him the shot. Okay. The entire purpose
[06:44:48] of never again, or Holocaust studies or genocide studies is so that we stop it from happening.
[06:44:55] Okay. If you fucking gatekeep the Holocaust like this, you're literally destroying the
[06:45:00] primary purpose of learning about it. Okay. Shut your German ass up. God damn it.
[06:45:06] Sorry, go ahead. Carl, as someone who would have had a bad time in Germany many years ago,
[06:45:15] but in, you know, in the grand scheme of things, had a very good time in Germany as things happen.
[06:45:23] I will say this to you. I think that you seem like a very nice man. I hope you're one of
[06:45:29] of Germany's many dreadlocked nuclear scientists. But yeah, I just, I think just saying that,
[06:45:40] you know, this nothing is comparable to this one thing, it lies in the face of the words
[06:45:46] of many actual Holocaust survivors. Yeah, I'll say to you, I wish you the best. However,
[06:45:54] I have to go back to Jeremy. I hope I don't get arrested for hate speech over there. Yeah.
[06:46:00] They love locking up Jews in Germany. Oh my God. Like they, they, they really do. Remember
[06:46:10] that one, the one Jewish anti Zionist that had the, the Palestinian flag, Yarmulka.
[06:46:14] Yeah. And the most like Hitler youth looking cop was just like fucking arresting him.
[06:46:20] I was like, this is, this is, how is this not in any way, shape, or form, like,
[06:46:27] optically, not the best idea.
[06:46:29] Like, is nobody looking around and being like, wait a minute, this is weird.
[06:46:33] Like what we're doing here.
[06:46:34] It's sort of like, I don't know, it's a, it's a double hitter for them.
[06:46:38] You know, that's a German grand slam.
[06:46:40] How do you get to do that one?
[06:46:41] Yeah, they get to do what they do best.
[06:46:43] Yeah.
[06:46:44] What they really like to do.
[06:46:46] I wasn't afraid of getting dinged for stuff I've said on Twitter in 2019 when I was there.
[06:46:55] Now I'm like, could I even go there now?
[06:46:58] Yeah, no.
[06:47:00] They denied the Palestinian doctor who was slated to speak at a conference in an anti-Zionism
[06:47:09] conference.
[06:47:10] They denied him entry into the country.
[06:47:12] Oh, no, I think like it's if you're a valisthenian who is even like I said, like I think the killing is bad
[06:47:18] You are gay. They're booting you out obviously
[06:47:21] Oh, yeah, this this one wasn't yeah, this is fucking crazy. This is such fucking Gestapo shit. Yeah
[06:47:30] Look at Helga like is
[06:47:33] Sprinting into action
[06:47:36] He's juke in him. Oh, he's owning. Yeah, I look at wants to throw him into a fondue pot. Yeah
[06:47:46] Thank God.
[06:47:47] I'm playing like Call of Duty, you can say for arresting a six year old?
[06:47:52] It's the CUD's news network.
[06:47:54] They do like music.
[06:47:55] I thought the Germans added it.
[06:48:00] My apologies.
[06:48:06] It's crazy.
[06:48:07] These pigs must be suspended.
[06:48:08] They're gonna get a promotion.
[06:48:11] They're literally gonna get a promotion named after a guy, a Nazi, former Nazi who
[06:48:19] who is part of West Germany's government.
[06:48:21] Yeah.
[06:48:23] Didn't they ban Verifakis from Germany?
[06:48:25] Yeah, it's really, it's insane out there.
[06:48:27] It's the front foot striking across Lebanon from the air at will.
[06:48:34] This, the Hezbollah stronghold of Dahia this afternoon.
[06:48:39] We're in the southern city of Tyre.
[06:48:42] Our movements constrained by Hezbollah who accompany us wherever we film.
[06:48:48] We visit a residential block, now reduced to rubble.
[06:48:52] This is the aftermath of an Israeli strike that hit over the weekend.
[06:48:56] You can see the huge level of destruction that it's caused.
[06:49:00] We're told that practically everyone had already fled the area before the strike,
[06:49:06] but that several people were killed.
[06:49:09] It's a nearby hospital.
[06:49:11] What?
[06:49:13] I enjoy the German representation of the Germany slander hurts my feelings.
[06:49:16] Fusing times also the Iran missile strike led to some celebrations among protesters in Berlin yesterday
[06:49:20] You can expect the general public to not be chill about it. Yeah, they were like only we get to strike Israel
[06:49:29] We heard there were a lot of Jews over there
[06:49:32] Only we get to hit them
[06:49:35] Israel asked I think Germany would like nuke Bavaria
[06:49:39] I'm sorry, if you're German and your feelings are hurt, I'm sorry, just make it so I can go there again.
[06:49:49] And they aren't like, did you post this? Because I'm afraid of that happening. I don't know what I fucking posted, I posted a lot.
[06:49:56] So we're taken to meet injured patients. 9 year old Mariam was wounded in an airstrike on her family's home.
[06:50:07] They hit us with force, the entire roof fell on me.
[06:50:13] You must have been very scared when it happened.
[06:50:15] Yes, I was scared.
[06:50:18] I just want the water to stop and for everyone to stay safe.
[06:50:22] Doctors here embraced for the situation to deteriorate further public anger.
[06:50:29] Oh, another American citizen has been killed this time in Lebanon.
[06:50:32] A resident from Dearborn, Michigan has been killed in Lebanon.
[06:50:34] the American government said on Wednesday with the man's friend and neighbor said he
[06:50:37] died in an Israeli airstrike.
[06:50:39] We are deeply saddened by the death of Kamal Ahmad Jawad and our hearts go out to his family
[06:50:43] and friends.
[06:50:44] His death is a tragedy, as are the many deaths of many civilians in Lebanon, a White House
[06:50:49] spokesperson said.
[06:50:51] Yeah, I'm sure they're really sad.
[06:50:59] Definitely.
[06:51:03] Oh, yeah, they're so sad.
[06:51:07] That's why they're giving more weapons to Israel to do it.
[06:51:12] born huh interesting coincidence why was he hanging out with Hezbollah terrorists a lot
[06:51:17] of Americans with Israel flags and the bios are celebrating this for some reason from Dearborn
[06:51:24] okay um can I ask what you think is the best realistic outcome for this conflict right now
[06:51:46] um the Israeli economy and Israeli society collapses in and of itself and that it goes
[06:51:53] the way of apartheid South Africa and the apartheid is abolished in its entirety
[06:51:59] that is probably what will inevitably happen. There is no way. The contradictions are far too
[06:52:05] obvious and this entire process will crumble. The issue is the final stages of it will always be the
[06:52:17] deadliest. And we're experiencing it right now. That's it. How many decades? No, no, not decades.
[06:52:35] not decades at all that Lord shit is not real man what he's wrong with you Lord
[06:52:48] did not get beat up by fucking Zionist protesters of the Palestinian rally that's
[06:52:51] not real the translator that segment was walling he specifically said an airstrike
[06:53:02] which they changed it to hit with force and then she said how the roof
[06:53:04] collapsed on her head and they changed it I want this war to end wait wait
[06:53:09] what what you're talking about what's the final answer I don't know what the
[06:53:36] timeline is directed at Israel.
[06:53:40] I was watching TV with my son and my sister, suddenly we were hit and she was killed, this
[06:53:46] man says.
[06:53:48] They know no mercy.
[06:53:51] Much of Tyre, much of Southern Lebanon has seen its inhabitants flee north.
[06:53:57] But not everyone has gone.
[06:54:00] Why did you decide to stay here?
[06:54:03] Because my father and the mother lived all the life in here, so they can't go because
[06:54:11] they love to stay here, so we decided to stay here.
[06:54:18] It's so crazy to be like, why don't you guys just leave your houses?
[06:54:24] Because Israel is just going to bomb it anyway.
[06:54:26] It's crazy.
[06:54:27] It's a crazy thing to just ask of people.
[06:54:30] Yeah. Imagine being given like 48 hours notice, usually less, usually just a few hours. If that,
[06:54:39] hey, um, you know your entire life, just pack up and go, not anywhere specific, just north.
[06:54:47] Yeah. Go fucking north. We're walking with no indication that Israel won't bomb it
[06:54:52] inevitably. Yeah. Yeah. What, what fucking reason do they have to believe that there's any safe zone?
[06:54:57] They watched hundreds of thousands of people from southern Lebanon go to Beirut and then those people died in Beirut.
[06:55:03] Okay.
[06:55:04] The idea that this is like, oh, just like there's a safe area.
[06:55:08] They also, before that for the past 12 months have watched the Gaza population go through this exact same fucking dog and pony show.
[06:55:16] Yeah.
[06:55:16] People in Gaza very quickly learned that the designated safe zones of the Israeli military were in fact just, you know,
[06:55:27] I don't want to be in a situation where I'm struggling to provide things for my family
[06:55:37] or father-in-law.
[06:55:42] Everyone here and across this region is braced for further violence.
[06:55:49] Well with me now is Ghassan Husbani, a Lebanese MP and the country's former Deputy Prime
[06:55:54] Minister and Deputy Speaker of Parliament.
[06:55:58] What do you think is in store for your country over the coming days?
[06:56:01] Well let's hope things will end very soon, but there's a huge amount of uncertainty right
[06:56:07] now with all the events taking place in the south and in the suburbs of Beirut, in the
[06:56:12] Bikar Valley.
[06:56:14] There's a really unprecedented level of confrontations between the Israeli armed forces and Hezbollah
[06:56:21] on the Middle East territory.
[06:56:23] Do you support that resistance?
[06:56:25] You're trying to get him assassinated like Jesus, I don't even know I don't even know his like personal because like there is plenty of fucking
[06:56:34] Lebanese parliament members who hate his bullet right like you could he could just as easily be asking that to a guy like that
[06:56:40] I don't know what this dude's background is but even if he was like
[06:56:44] Intelligent right why would he ever fucking answer like that when Israel is assassinating every single fucking person that that they feel
[06:56:53] you know that they feel the need to assassinate he might also just as easily
[06:56:59] be a fucking psycho right-wing Christian Lebanese Parliament member from our
[06:57:05] point of view from our national political point of view we have always
[06:57:08] warned about the existence of a non-state actor he's he is the second
[06:57:15] thing yes controlling their own decisions outside the state outside
[06:57:20] the will of the Lebanese sovereign state and government taking risks with people's lives
[06:57:29] with Lebanon's future in emerging Lebanon into regional wars and we're seeing now the
[06:57:37] results of such a situation.
[06:57:39] Yeah, Israel famously would never actually invade Lebanon.
[06:57:43] Yeah, if it wasn't for Hezbollah's existence, except if this guy, if Chad is right and
[06:57:49] And he's like some fucking right-wing Christian weirdo in the Lebanese parliament like he wants
[06:57:54] Israel to invade so they can collaborate and Israel can set him up as like, you know, the
[06:57:59] puppet administration.
[06:58:01] The situation that has been left undoubted for so many years.
[06:58:06] So do you feel they have led you down a dark corner?
[06:58:09] Well unfortunately we've warned.
[06:58:10] Oh by the way this is what I meant.
[06:58:12] for after like a couple months into Israel's like relentless bombing campaign of Gaza started
[06:58:19] actually providing like decent coverage from the perspective of like the Palestinian citizens
[06:58:24] that were being slaughtered, but they also got hit with the reset button. So now they're
[06:58:29] back to doing like, well, you know, Hezbollah is the reason why Israel has to invade to liberate
[06:58:34] Lebanon from Hezbollah. Right. They're doing the same fucking shit. And every major
[06:58:39] network, there's like a certain amount of people have to die before they will actually
[06:58:45] provide worthwhile coverage. For Channel 4's it might be a little bit lower than say BBC's.
[06:58:55] Many times against this situation and we have actually been, Lebanon has been dragged into
[06:59:02] a regional conflict that Lebanon could have avoided being in such a situation, yet it
[06:59:09] was, in my view, an uncalculated step from Hezbollah, that effectively is now hurting
[06:59:17] all the Lebanese people economically, physically, militarily, and in their own safety.
[06:59:22] Yeah, one must always ask a question like, so Vladimir Putin was right because he wanted
[06:59:27] to liberate Ukraine from the throes of like the Azov Battalion and the Nazis?
[06:59:32] How does that work?
[06:59:35] How was that?
[06:59:36] his special military operation immediately and directly false
[06:59:42] survival easy the easiest thing to fucking joke about and cast
[06:59:47] aside as bullshit but Israel happens to do that all the time
[06:59:52] everywhere and it's always somehow just it's interesting I
[06:59:56] don't know I just a shocking situation
[07:00:00] right like the idea that like Israel is doing a sort of like slow drip nation
[07:00:08] building attempt in Lebanon over the last several years that that's what's
[07:00:13] going on yeah just I mean you first of all like no Israeli believes that yeah
[07:00:23] they're literally talking about they want to build a nation in Lebanon just
[07:00:27] more Israel. Right. Right. Like, who is rally would tell you their goal is like, we're going,
[07:00:35] we're going to, we're taking corruption out of Lebanese politics. Yeah, we're going to
[07:00:40] fix their institutions. It's it, but it takes a certain type of delusion from a non-Israeli
[07:00:46] especially to think that is the rest of the country powerless now. I mean, are
[07:00:53] you just a pawn in a bigger game between Tehran and the itollars and well, unfortunately
[07:00:58] Yes, unfortunately Lebanon is now paralyzed. Let's not forget that Lebanon was already in an economic crisis. There's no president leading the country.
[07:01:09] It was already paralyzed and now it's even further paralyzed in this regional conflict.
[07:01:15] What do you expect Israel to do? As it weighs its response?
[07:01:19] response. Well, what we're seeing now is a potential regional escalation. As Israel
[07:01:26] weighs its response to Iran, Israel continues to bombard Hezbollah in Lebanon. And we are
[07:01:33] seeing scenes even more aggressive than what we have seen in 2006, that at the time resulted
[07:01:40] in UN Security Council resolution to stop the fighting and remove the arms of all
[07:01:47] are non-official and non-sovereign armed forces from Lebanon.
[07:01:51] What kind of foreign pressure is the Lebanese government under when it comes to how it uses
[07:01:56] the armed forces?
[07:01:57] I mean, are they really Lebanese armed forces?
[07:01:59] Well, we do have Lebanese armed forces who are tasked with the sovereignty and the protection
[07:02:05] of the sovereignty of Lebanon.
[07:02:06] However...
[07:02:07] As long as Israel doesn't have territorial ambitions, which is precisely the reason why
[07:02:11] they moved past the southern Lebanese territories which now Israel is moving into, you know,
[07:02:20] we have a, we have an increasingly shrinking territory of sovereignty here in Lebanon and
[07:02:26] Israel sets that standard. It's, it is what it is. Not much we can do about it. That's
[07:02:31] not our job, you know, that's cool. It's crazy. Like, I don't understand how you
[07:02:40] You can behave like this, like political disagreements and like the brutality or whatever the fuck
[07:02:46] you're going to point to aside.
[07:02:49] How the fuck do you, like is it not the same if not infinitely worse, I mean not even the
[07:02:54] same, but significantly worse brutality that Israel is subjecting your people to?
[07:03:00] It's like your children.
[07:03:01] The way that it characterizes it is like, like, as well as just even existing is, is robbing us of our favorite word, agency, it's robbing us of sovereignty.
[07:03:14] It's robbing us of, you know, our ability to make our own decisions, but Israel as an expansionist force that is practically a force of nature.
[07:03:24] That is that is not human beings making a decision to colonize and
[07:03:32] Terraform the world for a greater Israel that is just it is just a a
[07:03:37] Act of God a force of nature that happens and you either
[07:03:41] Provoke it or incur its wrath or you just sort of let it do whatever and hopefully it recognizes this
[07:03:48] No, it's an insane stance to put yourself in
[07:03:51] When Hezbollah made a decision to enter a war, they did not request the permission of anyone.
[07:03:58] They did not look at the sovereign state and deal with them as a sovereign decision maker
[07:04:05] when it comes to war and peace.
[07:04:07] The Lebanese armed forces are in a situation now where they can see the country has been dragged
[07:04:13] into a war that they were not party to.
[07:04:15] The government was not party to.
[07:04:17] The Lebanese people were not party to such a decision.
[07:04:20] message to Benjamin Metanyard? Well, I cannot. If the American security cooperation with Lebanon
[07:04:28] was actually a real security cooperation, they would let them have anti-air missile systems.
[07:04:35] Why doesn't Lebanon have anti-air missile systems? Why? Why don't they have an iron dome?
[07:04:46] Patriot missile system machine broken. Yeah, what happened next week?
[07:04:50] Like, what happened? Why is this security cooperation with Lebanon significantly neutered
[07:04:59] in comparison to our security cooperation with Israel, for example?
[07:05:03] I'm just saying it is just a weird situation. How come the Lebanese people with their security
[07:05:12] cooperation from the United States don't have anti-air missile systems? Is it perhaps
[07:05:19] Because if they did have those then they would use them against Israeli fighter jets on their way to fucking
[07:05:26] Beirut that want to bomb entire city blocks is that perhaps the reason why America won't let them have it?
[07:05:32] You know don't roast me. They have money for it. The US should pay for it. No dog
[07:05:47] It's they literally set the terms like that's the whole point
[07:05:50] They don't have it because if they did have it then Israeli F-15s would get fucking lasered with American
[07:05:56] anti anti aircraft capabilities
[07:06:01] Like why why why would they not have it? How can they have any sort of sovereignty?
[07:06:06] I mean yeah, air defense is like any serious like defense cooperation that is
[07:06:14] one of the single most vital parts of modern warfare is defending the skies.
[07:06:20] I don't I don't think that's a controversial statement.
[07:06:25] This is like yeah a a cooperative security agreement that you would ink in like 1903
[07:06:32] When there were before even like barrage balloons
[07:06:35] Yeah, it's crazy. This war continuing
[07:06:39] We should all work towards the implementation of 1701 on all sides
[07:06:44] 1701 is the UN resolution that in 2006 ended the war called for the withdrawal
[07:06:51] Yeah, PAPA. Nobody cares. Nobody. You're okay. Your teammates were hoping that you wouldn't run to the bombshell
[07:06:59] Did Iran was like, okay, just spare no missile we have to take out that Beverly. Yeah
[07:07:07] How much it costs we need to put some main goal here
[07:07:12] 181 rockets were actually launched nobody nobody knew I already thought it was 180 the last one for Pat Beth
[07:07:20] We're just spanning the fucking country if we don't get that bad. Yeah
[07:07:24] Yeah, everyone was doing the fake news, they were like, oh, Yoef Golan has been assassinated,
[07:07:29] no it was PAP-EV, Defense Minister PAP-EV.
[07:07:34] Of all armed forces that are not Lebanese army from the south of Lebanon to the north
[07:07:42] of the Litani River, around 30 kilometers from the Israeli borders, deployment of unifil
[07:07:48] and the Lebanese sovereign armed forces, and the removal of weapons from the hands
[07:07:53] of all militias in lebanon
[07:07:56] mister asbany thank you very much for joining us
[07:07:59] now the israeli prime minister benjamin nessen yahoo said the country is in the
[07:08:03] midst
[07:08:03] of a tough
[07:08:05] uh... tough war against iran's axis of evil
[07:08:08] which seeks to destroy us
[07:08:10] but he insisted we will win together
[07:08:12] israel's military chief also warned that the country would respond
[07:08:16] to iran's missile attack and so you think they're going to respond iran
[07:08:20] You think it's going to be like last time?
[07:08:23] Um, probably like, yeah, military, military,
[07:08:27] devos, oil facilities, I presume.
[07:08:32] Though, I mean, I don't know.
[07:08:33] It's again, it's so hard to like do any type of like
[07:08:38] halfway rational actor thing with Israel.
[07:08:41] But I don't know.
[07:08:42] There is the possibility that like they are kind of fucking
[07:08:47] they realize that like they actually do have this capability now that like Iran
[07:08:52] sending all those lowering munitions and you know very slow-moving subsonic
[07:09:00] surface-to-surface cruise missiles back in spring may have been kind of a faint
[07:09:05] and like I mean it is worth noting that like Netanyahu was kind of afraid of
[07:09:14] Like having a like hitting a run bot back very hardly after that of course they've done fucking insane things since then
[07:09:23] Yeah, well, but like Benny guns was
[07:09:27] way more
[07:09:29] hawkish on that front and
[07:09:34] For a stupid and self-destructive and how unplanned all of this is on a basic level you
[07:09:41] You can do kind of have to think that they are like a little shook, right?
[07:09:47] But it's just how the fuck do you get into their head, you know, when there's just, there's
[07:09:52] no semblance of a plan.
[07:09:53] There's no, they have no idea what their off ramp would be, sort of killing fucking
[07:09:58] everyone.
[07:09:59] Uh, I don't fucking know.
[07:10:05] Yeah.
[07:10:06] I, uh, I, I assume it's going to be like, uh, I don't think they'll hit the
[07:10:13] oil refineries Iran's immediate response was if Israel hits our oil refineries
[07:10:20] that they'll they'll light the entire region's oil refineries on fire and put
[07:10:26] the entire world to a halt that's what they said I don't know that's like
[07:10:35] their nuclear option I wonder how this forces could not necessarily not
[07:10:42] necessarily like I don't know like a like a thermonuclear weapon but like I
[07:10:48] wonder if they have like something now yeah it makes you wonder I mean look the
[07:10:54] way I see the way I see it is this okay if they have the capability of striking
[07:10:58] three military targets I guess the Mossad headquarters they didn't really hit
[07:11:02] right but near it in Tel Aviv and also the two military bases they said that
[07:11:08] they were gonna hit those targets and they did which means that they have
[07:11:12] the capability of hitting Tel Aviv if they want to. So, if they have that targeting capacity
[07:11:19] and if they have the munitions to be able to do it, and they still haven't done it, that
[07:11:23] still, that means it's restraint. Unless the idea somehow is that like, I don't know,
[07:11:30] they're just like too afraid of Israel or Israel actually intercepted those missiles and
[07:11:34] like moved them towards the fucking military targets that they said they were going
[07:11:38] to hit. You know what I mean? But it makes no sense. Zachary Levi as Shazam went up midair
[07:11:45] and all these missiles were heading straight towards civilian centers, straight towards
[07:11:51] all the nightclubs called reimagined and he pushed them to hit all these military targets.
[07:11:57] Yeah, it just doesn't make any sense. It's telling everyone that understands this process
[07:12:04] They have the capacity to penetrate Israel's defenses. Okay, that's that's what they're saying
[07:12:10] They're showing that I did they're demonstrating their capabilities if you don't understand and learn a lesson from that
[07:12:17] I don't know what to tell you, you know
[07:12:20] like
[07:12:21] They could have this time around easily fucking struck Tel Aviv and killed civilians
[07:12:27] Right, they didn't and then Israel like flexed as though it was
[07:12:32] uh
[07:12:33] You know as though it was just like oh, they're so bad
[07:12:36] Well, they did the typical israeli thing of like they didn't even kill a single civilian
[07:12:40] The only civilian that died was a palestinian. It doesn't matter. We hate those guys
[07:12:44] They did the typical israeli thing of like this is not they literally said this is not normal
[07:12:49] Yeah, this is life right now. Also, they didn't do anything. It doesn't matter and if I can life goes on and blah blah blah
[07:12:55] Um, they're cowards that can't even kill as many civilians as we
[07:12:59] As we do blah blah blah
[07:13:02] Um, yeah, I
[07:13:05] supposedly Iran did not even they have
[07:13:10] Missiles with guidance after reentry that are even faster
[07:13:15] than uh, what they sent
[07:13:18] which is
[07:13:21] The fucking incredible considering the reentry speeds of some of these
[07:13:28] yeah
[07:13:30] Breaking Israel before and after the Iranian bombing,
[07:13:32] perhaps showing the Iran doesn't indiscriminately target
[07:13:34] apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, temples and beaches.
[07:13:36] Isn't the sick burn you think it is?
[07:13:38] Yeah, it's just so weird that they're bragging about it
[07:13:43] and they're making fun of it.
[07:13:45] They're like, yeah, all these fucking idiots didn't even
[07:13:47] kill a single civilian.
[07:13:48] Like it's basically like if they put something out
[07:13:51] where they're like, you know, they
[07:13:53] haven't even molested a single prisoner of war.
[07:13:57] Yeah, unlike us.
[07:13:59] never catch up with us
[07:14:03] oh my god
[07:14:05] could strike anywhere in the Middle East our chief correspondent Alex Thompson is injurious
[07:14:10] Alex
[07:14:12] yes well for some days as you might expect Israel's political leaders preparing their people for the
[07:14:16] simple and obvious fact if you invade somebody else's country you're going to get hurt and so
[07:14:22] yeah keep defending terrorist organizations Hamas is below literally cutting heads off
[07:14:26] killing, killing for fun, for religious reasons, then keep hiding behind those same people that
[07:14:32] they fucked over. Good job, Israel for dealing with these mulsom fucks. I like that so much of
[07:14:39] Israeli foreign policy can be traced to like the dumbest guy just repeating like post 9 11
[07:14:44] Muslim anti-Muslim propaganda. Like he's one step removed from being like, yeah, y'all keep
[07:14:50] having sex with those goats dude that's why israel's killing all of y'all like keep praying to Allah the
[07:14:57] moon god yeah this is a very post 9-11 thing of like just thinking like beheading is yeah every
[07:15:07] muslim does it yeah every muslim's favorite thing is beheading yeah that's like everyone's always
[07:15:13] doing that they love doing beheadings you watch fucking one like live leak video of like some
[07:15:19] fucking ISIS weirdo do a beheading and all of a sudden you're like every Muslim loves beheading
[07:15:25] Probably born in fucking London. Yeah, I swear to born in London. Maybe got some CIA training. Who knows? I don't know
[07:15:35] That's where they taught them they thought of the beheading at the beheading course at the CIA
[07:15:39] This is taking me back so much. Do you remember like the Nick Berg frame-by-frame analysis that used to go on the internet like
[07:15:46] like 2004, 2005.
[07:15:51] Yeah.
[07:15:53] Not so fun fact.
[07:15:54] ISIS helped Israel.
[07:15:55] Maybe they taught them how to do the headings actually.
[07:15:58] My bad.
[07:15:59] I said CIA.
[07:16:00] Yeah.
[07:16:01] Yeah.
[07:16:02] I hate to.
[07:16:08] I wish Rotten library was still up.
[07:16:10] No.
[07:16:11] No, not, but like Rotten library was totally different.
[07:16:15] It didn't have like shock images or anything like that,
[07:16:18] but it was like, it was like a Wikipedia
[07:16:21] for like conspiracies that range from like 60 to 100% true.
[07:16:28] It was a very foundational text for me as a young man.
[07:16:32] What was 60% true?
[07:16:36] Yeah, it was, yeah.
[07:16:37] Conspiracy theories that range from 60% true
[07:16:40] to like 100% true.
[07:16:42] And it was it was like very well written and had a very distinctive writing style to it.
[07:16:49] And it's archived.
[07:16:50] I know someone archived it and I have it like bookmarked somewhere, but it.
[07:16:54] Yeah.
[07:16:55] And for whatever fucking reason, it was a part of, the shock site.
[07:17:01] But it was, you know, completely different.
[07:17:04] Yeah.
[07:17:05] It was cool.
[07:17:06] It was very cool.
[07:17:09] And not a lot of people read it.
[07:17:10] Yeah.
[07:17:11] Also, this is another really funny another really funny take on this is like ah excuse me my preferred method of execution is
[07:17:19] Shoving an electrocuted cattle product the ass of someone and raping them to death. It is significantly better than
[07:17:26] What you're suspecting?
[07:17:27] Hezbollah and Hamas is doing shooting a hellfire missile that's packed with blades at a group of preschoolers. Yeah much better
[07:17:35] Yeah, that's like that's how you do it, baby. Yeah give the good job is real show those
[07:17:40] those Muslim babies, what's what?
[07:17:43] Dropping light phosphorus on residential neighborhoods.
[07:17:49] It is proving, obviously.
[07:17:50] A little after six o'clock local time,
[07:17:52] the Israeli Defense Force released the composite
[07:17:55] of photographs, which I think you can see now.
[07:17:58] Eight soldiers listed as killed.
[07:18:01] Now I can turn into some details on that.
[07:18:03] Six were from the Urgos Commando Unit,
[07:18:05] killed in a gun battle with Hezbollah fighters
[07:18:07] in the southern Lebanese village.
[07:18:09] Five more were wounded in that contact.
[07:18:12] Two other soldiers from the Ghilani Reconnaissance Unit
[07:18:14] killed in a separate attack.
[07:18:16] And one more soldier from that incident
[07:18:19] listed as seriously injured.
[07:18:21] On top of that, of course, a captain
[07:18:23] who was also listed killed in action earlier.
[07:18:25] But of course, the captain is the one with the braces, Jeff.
[07:18:29] It's events across the country dominated by two things.
[07:18:31] First of all, the gunman attacking and killing
[07:18:34] civilians roughly half an hour
[07:18:36] before the attack from Iran last night.
[07:18:38] I have a really good idea for these guys. Okay. Don't invade Lebanon.
[07:18:43] Here's a really cool way to not get fucking killed. Okay.
[07:18:48] You have a wonderful shitty techno career ahead of you. Okay.
[07:18:54] Don't do it. Don't invade Lebanon. Do not invade Lebanon. Stay home.
[07:18:59] Say, I'm a conscientious objector. Okay.
[07:19:03] you can literally go back eat the fucking most dog shit chocolate hummus
[07:19:09] and that weird that weird corn breakfast that you guys like oh god is
[07:19:14] really breakfast the corn breakfast you have that every day oh I miss I miss it
[07:19:19] so much my it's like it's like the most like British ass fucking thing you've
[07:19:25] ever seen it was so it was a plate of corn the most like discolored tomatoes
[07:19:31] and cucumbers ever.
[07:19:33] And then like a grayish cup of what looked like,
[07:19:39] what's that yogurt drink?
[07:19:41] Buy it on.
[07:19:42] Yeah, like that.
[07:19:44] And they were like, oh my God,
[07:19:45] you can't get this anywhere else.
[07:19:47] Yeah.
[07:19:48] Only in Israel.
[07:19:49] I, yeah.
[07:19:52] A third of his really don't serve
[07:19:53] and get exemptions for mental health
[07:19:54] and religious reasons.
[07:19:55] You don't have to object,
[07:19:56] just say you're orthodox and stay home.
[07:19:57] No, they're fucking drafting the head of these two now.
[07:20:00] That's gonna go awesome.
[07:20:02] Yeah.
[07:20:02] That is really just gonna go.
[07:20:04] Dude, they already have a pretty high, like, friendly fire.
[07:20:08] They already have a pretty high friendly fire rating, like.
[07:20:11] That's just about the skyrocket, dude.
[07:20:13] Oh my God.
[07:20:14] Are Herodies gonna accidentally take down?
[07:20:17] They really both.
[07:20:18] There you go.
[07:20:20] Not even for ideological reasons.
[07:20:22] Just like they're like, you don't fucking tell me what to do.
[07:20:27] Yeah.
[07:20:28] I will, dude, I will never, I will never forget that like dudes, dudes that just like the, the
[07:20:35] sniper piece of shit assassin did not incur that killed Shadynabalak, like sniped her.
[07:20:41] Okay.
[07:20:42] Assassinated her.
[07:20:43] Did not incur the same penalties that like a bunch of Jewish IDF soldiers got for making
[07:20:50] hot dogs on Saturday because it fucking didn't keep kosher.
[07:20:55] That sounds like something that a groper would make. Yeah, that sounds like something that someone will be like, oh, dude, these guys are crazy.
[07:21:03] And it's like, no, that's a hot article. Like that's literally a thing that happened in 2013.
[07:21:08] If somebody in one of my group DM said that, I'd like, take a lap, bud. Yeah.
[07:21:13] Yeah. Okay. Would you work on a better one? Yeah. No, that really happened. Yeah, literally.
[07:21:19] It's it's it's just insane. It's so it's so crazy. You have to be a really evil country to
[07:21:27] Imprison the hot dog makers of this world. Yeah
[07:21:32] That's how strict they are though, that's yeah, yeah
[07:21:36] It makes all the things about them being like a socially liberal paradise
[07:21:41] Fucking hilarious for anyone that knows anything at all about the codifications of these things in Israeli law
[07:21:47] And then, of course, that 181 missiles fired into this country.
[07:21:53] It's fair enough to say, not exactly controversy, but debate growing about whether the claims
[07:21:58] of Israel, the United States, and to some degree the UK about the impregnability of
[07:22:03] Israel's missile defense and their missile defense systems against Iran really is as
[07:22:09] strong as has been made out in some quarters.
[07:22:11] This guy's a homie.
[07:22:13] That's a crazy thing to say on British media.
[07:22:16] No.
[07:22:17] Well, like some of the reporters that make like Kirby
[07:22:22] Swarm the most are like
[07:22:26] You know, I would say what like seven times out of ten. It's a British guy. Yeah, it's like old-school
[07:22:34] Natsake reporters that like
[07:22:36] Right for these like random publications. Yeah, when you see a British reporter that's like this old
[07:22:42] There's a good chance that they are like a
[07:22:44] You know like someone from the
[07:22:49] Fuck what was that show called?
[07:22:51] The original British house of cards like a psycho completely transactional cynical
[07:22:59] Old Tory lunatic
[07:23:00] But then there's also a decent chance that they're you know
[07:23:04] They're just a truth teller. Yeah
[07:23:06] Yeah.
[07:23:07] Just.
[07:23:11] Verified images.
[07:23:13] Joe Iranian missiles detonating.
[07:23:15] Nuzrols never team.
[07:23:16] This is in reverse, dude.
[07:23:17] Yo, yo, anti-Semitic propaganda.
[07:23:20] Cut it out.
[07:23:21] Those are Tamir interceptors in reverse dog trust.
[07:23:25] They famously also do this explosion thing when they're being deployed.
[07:23:29] We'll get that.
[07:23:30] Yeah.
[07:23:30] That's how big their first booster stage is.
[07:23:33] Yeah.
[07:23:33] And they actually slowed it down.
[07:23:35] They're way faster than this, too.
[07:23:36] to airbase and other verified video now appears to show more missile strikes only late this
[07:23:46] afternoon did the Israeli Air Force say several of its bases were kids without casualties they
[07:23:52] added an Israeli like civilian who's just he's like me and he just like he just thinks like
[07:23:59] like, you know, weapon systems are cool and everyone was freaking out.
[07:24:04] Autistic Israel. Yeah. Yeah.
[07:24:06] Everyone was freaked out.
[07:24:07] He's like, this is so fucking cool.
[07:24:10] They get they get drafted for eighty two hundred.
[07:24:12] Yeah. This is like a wait, dude.
[07:24:14] This is also another funny thing.
[07:24:16] There's a autistic brigade in Israel.
[07:24:20] Oh, yeah. Yeah. They they work on maps.
[07:24:23] Yeah. Yeah.
[07:24:25] The Israeli army unit, they were Christians with autism.
[07:24:28] Many autistic soldiers who would otherwise be exempt from the military service
[07:24:33] have found a place in unit 9900.
[07:24:36] The selective intelligence squad, where their heightened perceptual skills are an asset.
[07:24:42] It would be funny if like, like they make this unit, like just with like
[07:24:47] the autism speaks type understanding where it's like, OK, if you just train
[07:24:51] them to hyper focus on something, they're unstoppable.
[07:24:53] Yeah.
[07:24:54] But it's just like the type of people that know every single storyline from Supernatural.
[07:25:02] It's just like that, useless, useless for military purposes.
[07:25:06] No, this is not a Nick Mullen bitch yet.
[07:25:08] This is a real thing that the Atlantic wrote about a real brigade.
[07:25:13] The Atlantic also editor-in-chief is former Israeli prison guard.
[07:25:18] Former concentration camp guard from Israel.
[07:25:20] Yeah.
[07:25:21] in glowing terms about becoming a man by working as a fucking concentration
[07:25:28] camp guard yeah Jerusalem last night most incoming missiles it seems were
[07:25:35] intercepted but the impression of near invincibility peddled by Israel US and
[07:25:41] UK too isn't quite the full picture peddled
[07:25:45] Yeah, let's get it. I don't want to show this. Sorry, cool irony
[07:25:49] The only person confirmed killed by Iran's action this
[07:25:53] Palestinian man struck seconds after these images by a falling missus. I don't mind they don't show it
[07:25:59] By day the even deeper irony the dead man Samir al-asali was from Gaza
[07:26:09] Just north of Tel Aviv a missile crater already filled in this morning a
[07:26:13] yellow ribbon for the return of the hostages and now a coating of blasted
[07:26:19] earth. All of this close by the way. That's to support the troops ribbon. You guys have
[07:26:24] to give that back. That's American. Oh wait really? Yeah isn't it? Support the troops
[07:26:28] in America. That's a yellow ribbon. Sorry sweetie since October 7th every time I
[07:26:33] see the yellow ribbon I know exactly okay someone who wants to kill as many
[07:26:37] hostages as possible with American weapons that we sent over there to
[07:26:41] use on top of, you know, Palestinian homes.
[07:26:43] Bring the hostages back in installments.
[07:26:46] Yeah. That's what, that's what it means to me.
[07:26:49] I see the yellow ribbon, which fucking, uh, Mr.
[07:26:52] Maoist Van Jones wears all the time, by the way.
[07:26:56] Um, every time I see that, I'm like, Oh, you just want to kill the hostages.
[07:27:00] Got it. Okay.
[07:27:01] The.
[07:27:03] Bezos gave him a hundred million dollars.
[07:27:06] He was like, this guy is so smart.
[07:27:08] I'm gonna do the mr. Beast challenge and gift my favorite streamer a hundred million fucking dollars
[07:27:15] Yeah, he thought Van Jones was so sick. What do you do with it? Do we know he's going to make like
[07:27:21] He's gonna make like a think tank that's dedicated to like depolarization
[07:27:26] one of those things
[07:27:28] It would be funny if he just he just spent it on like cars
[07:27:32] And I would actually respect him a lot more if he did that fuck you
[07:27:40] It's my million dollars bitch if he was like, okay fuck this politics shit. Yeah, I don't care anymore
[07:27:45] Just fucking quit you got a hundred million dollars. Maybe that's why Jeff Bezos gave it to him. He's like, dude
[07:27:49] Please
[07:27:51] Stop
[07:27:53] TV yeah, oh my god after Joe Biden dropped out. Yes. Yes. It's one of my favorite
[07:27:59] Ben Jones moment. Well Ben Jones is cried on TV a lot. He's a very famous
[07:28:04] Crier of the airwaves. Yeah, that's why that Jeff Bezos
[07:28:08] Jeff Bezos gave him that he was like shut up you fucking baby
[07:28:14] There's people who like have patreon tears that are like for $7,000 I'll stop
[07:28:21] The major security installations this military base and the Mossad Secret Service headquarters a
[07:28:27] A few miles distant, they were still dousing the fire started by another missile strike last night.
[07:28:37] Everybody went into the shelters, but pretty soon they started getting reports of a first day of shrapnel and then explosions, and then hits.
[07:28:46] An empty house destroyed in a park. Gaza, it is not. But 181 Iranian missiles means Israel is talking, at least, of imminent revenge.
[07:28:58] The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has described that action from Iran as a big mistake, but
[07:29:04] as yet no further action from Iran.
[07:29:27] A former air force commander who was personally bombed Iraqi nuclear sites says Israel will
[07:29:33] retaliate.
[07:29:36] But that all came with a very clear warning to his own people.
[07:29:40] We can inflict a lot of damage on Iran, but there would be repercussions and a cascading
[07:29:47] effect.
[07:29:48] Remember that we have the Russians?
[07:29:49] Wait, was he bombing Iraq with the Israeli military or the American ones?
[07:29:54] He said, I ran, bro.
[07:29:57] That's not it.
[07:29:58] I ran is not even like, I don't think Israelis even say I ran.
[07:30:02] No, yeah.
[07:30:03] This guy has blue eyes.
[07:30:05] This guy is from like Barrington, Illinois.
[07:30:08] Yeah.
[07:30:09] Well, I won Israeli citizenship in a lottery.
[07:30:12] I'll be darned.
[07:30:13] He said, I ran, bro.
[07:30:15] I ran.
[07:30:16] I've never heard Israelis say, I ran.
[07:30:20] Who have teamed up with Iranians lately because of the war in Ukraine and the Russians are
[07:30:34] just next door in Syria.
[07:30:37] We don't want this cascading effect.
[07:30:39] His accent is so weird.
[07:30:41] Along the coast.
[07:30:42] It's sort of Midwestern.
[07:30:43] Is it really so?
[07:30:44] Is it Kursnation, dude?
[07:30:45] It creates the worst accents ever heard.
[07:30:49] It's like is it French?
[07:30:50] going on are you like it's like a Ukrainian who like he spent his weekends in Chicago growing up
[07:30:58] it's like it's like an international student you know like a kid that like went to school in Switzerland
[07:31:03] or something and his accent is so busted because he's he's surrounded by all of these different
[07:31:08] like nationalities and their fucking weird accent yeah his his accent and like word choices are
[07:31:14] like partially jug hooter, but then like, uh, yeah, various rally, you know, grieving for
[07:31:23] seven people shot.
[07:31:24] It's so funny how they say D Ukraine.
[07:31:26] No, that was the OG way of saying Ukraine because it means the border.
[07:31:30] Isn't that what it is?
[07:31:32] Like, that's what that's why old school people will always refer to Ukraine as the Ukraine,
[07:31:37] Which is, again, another like kind of American thing, I think, to say, like old heads always
[07:31:45] say the Ukraine.
[07:31:48] I've heard Judge Joe Brown refer to it only that way.
[07:31:52] Yeah.
[07:31:53] One of my favorite follows.
[07:31:55] It's like a microaggression against Ukrainians.
[07:32:01] Yeah.
[07:32:02] Dead, 11 injured, 6 critically.
[07:32:06] It happened about half an hour before the Iranian missile salvo last night.
[07:32:11] Tonight, Hamas said they did it.
[07:32:15] Few eyewitnesses will speak openly.
[07:32:18] Israeli's were at the stupidest issues I've ever seen.
[07:32:20] You know, they ran away and came here.
[07:32:22] We did what we could.
[07:32:24] We bandaged his leg.
[07:32:25] He was shot in the leg.
[07:32:26] His whole leg was injured.
[07:32:28] The whole shot was blood yesterday.
[07:32:34] Palestinians from the West Bank Mohammed Rahman and Hassan to Mimi visited this mosque
[07:32:40] Then stabbed a policeman stole his gun and opened fire at the tram stop over the road on Jerusalem Boulevard
[07:32:55] Those guys train our cops
[07:32:57] What the fuck?
[07:32:59] Whoa, hold on.
[07:33:01] Yeah.
[07:33:02] That's crazy. I didn't know it was a fucking service weapon, dude.
[07:33:05] That's why.
[07:33:06] Yeah, you fucking yanked it.
[07:33:08] Jesus, great. I understand, dude.
[07:33:10] They were just waiting for a train, it says.
[07:33:21] And yet there were celebrations too last night.
[07:33:24] Yeah, no shit.
[07:33:26] I love what-
[07:33:27] This is the funniest part when they're like, look at these-
[07:33:30] people who are like literally experiencing genocide having a moment of like happiness it's like if
[07:33:38] america actually like did bomb the tracks the concentration camps and you had people celebrating
[07:33:44] inside doc out and you're like and you're like real mature guys yeah like what the fuck are you
[07:33:50] saying you want to go to work on those trains what are you fucking saying at that point like
[07:33:55] what do you mean yeah no shit they're celebrating dude if if that shit was happening to you
[07:34:00] Do you be celebrating? Do you be probably doing way worse shit than just celebrating in that moment?
[07:34:04] You know what I mean?
[07:34:05] Akbar, God is great, they shout in Gaza.
[07:34:08] As attack and defense missiles light up the sky over Israel.
[07:34:18] And in the West Bank, Arabs delighted by the actions of Tehran.
[07:34:23] They're not losing it, dude. I'm telling you, this channel used to have better coverage of females.
[07:34:27] No, it's a reset. I promise you, that's what it is.
[07:34:30] Wait till they hit an acceptable number of casualties so that they can change their tune to be like well
[07:34:36] Israel was wrong in the Lebanese invasion as well. That's just how it works, man
[07:34:40] I feel like there's just these guys are just following process, you know
[07:34:45] Yeah, no every network has like a number of my channel
[07:34:50] Dumbass talking about channel four
[07:34:52] Yeah, he met my channel.
[07:34:53] I was like, back in the day, you used to serve three minutes at the top of the hour.
[07:35:00] You've forgotten, which I did, by the way, for the past two hours, I haven't served
[07:35:03] any fucking ass.
[07:35:04] So I'm doing it now.
[07:35:05] Are they not allowed to say Palestinians?
[07:35:11] Why do they say Arabs?
[07:35:12] Um, actually, I don't know.
[07:35:13] Maybe channel four also has that.
[07:35:15] I think the BBC literally doesn't say Palestinians, right?
[07:35:19] No.
[07:35:20] New York Times doesn't say it.
[07:35:21] BBC used to, I do know.
[07:35:23] Yeah.
[07:35:28] Alex Thompson reporting, well earlier I spoke to Isle Hulata, who served as Israel's national
[07:35:35] security advisor under the last government, and coordinated Israel's effort on Iran.
[07:35:40] He's now a senior fellow at the foundation for the defense of democracies, and I began
[07:35:44] by asking him what he thought the purpose of Israel's response to Iran should be.
[07:35:50] These are all the responses.
[07:35:51] Oh, dude, I saw this guy on CNN.
[07:35:54] Oh, he has great ideas.
[07:35:56] He's going to really defend democracy hard here, Chad.
[07:35:58] Okay?
[07:35:59] the FDD guy. They're always notoriously level-headed and reasonable guys, okay?
[07:36:06] First and foremost, it's important to deliver a message to Iran. They can't go about doing
[07:36:11] this. There must be a response coming from as well to put Iran at bay and to make sure
[07:36:15] that they don't understand they can do this every time they want to.
[07:36:18] You look annoying.
[07:36:19] Right, but the question is, should that response be a message? Should it be overwhelming?
[07:36:25] Should it be targeting key installations, nuclear power, you know, that kind of infrastructure?
[07:36:33] What sort of scale should it be on?
[07:36:35] It looks like a white Malteser presentation.
[07:36:48] Oh, it's funny because your name is David Q-Tip, so I assume you're fucking bald, you
[07:36:55] son of a bitch.
[07:36:56] That's why someone probably said that to you, didn't they?
[07:37:01] You did not.
[07:37:02] You did not just come out with that out of nowhere, right on this spot.
[07:37:08] David Q.
[07:37:09] Tim, you ain't slick on white with a full head of hair, Lamar.
[07:37:13] Okay.
[07:37:13] Okay.
[07:37:15] Fan of the rapper Q.
[07:37:16] Tip.
[07:37:17] Yeah.
[07:37:21] Just messaging and signaling, I think will not be a proper response at this
[07:37:25] point, the fact of the Americans and in fact, also the UK and all the major
[07:37:29] european countries have been telling you on for weeks now
[07:37:33] don't do this
[07:37:34] this is inappropriate
[07:37:35] do not escalate the region into war
[07:37:39] you want to regret this? this is inappropriate
[07:37:43] he's like one of the advisers from the same city
[07:37:47] do not confunding you will regret this
[07:37:50] uh... that's crazy
[07:37:51] ballistic missiles in israel
[07:37:52] and yet they get to it
[07:37:53] i can tell you that it's very clear from a reasonable perspective
[07:37:56] this will not be an act to open original war israel is not interested
[07:37:59] said in the original war. Yeah. Yeah. Famously. Yeah. That's what I always think of. I'm like
[07:38:05] Israel hates going doing regional war. That's why they were bombing Damascus and fucking Yemen.
[07:38:12] Three fucking countries. Gaza was simultaneously conducting additional military operations in
[07:38:18] the West Bank and also invading Lebanon. These are the actions of a country that
[07:38:23] doesn't want to invade other places. We don't want to regional war. All we've done is
[07:38:27] assassinate the the negotiating party in the main war we're at. Yeah, one of the on on the sovereign
[07:38:38] nations of soil, the one country that we're like constantly worried about. The head of the group that
[07:38:47] you know our side war, the head of that group.
[07:38:51] uh
[07:38:53] We've but hit Yemen multiple fucking times this year, but we don't want a regional war
[07:38:59] It's just bro. Once you open three fronts like what's you know, what's the difference do four or five?
[07:39:05] You know, I mean, you know what like just
[07:39:08] No one would expect it now attack Albania
[07:39:12] Open a fourth front open it far away. Yeah, you can never have too much greater Israel. I agree
[07:39:18] They should they should all be like you know what?
[07:39:23] You guys you know you guys had some dealings with Argentina. What do you have the Falklands?
[07:39:29] Yeah, what if it was your territory? I think it would be a medic not to give the Falklands to Israel you 100%
[07:39:36] Yeah, the UK would probably just give it up at this point. Yeah, they asked oh
[07:39:43] I did did you see this by the way Christian I'm poor had like a Lebanese
[07:39:48] minister or Lebanese foreign minister Abdullah Abu Habib and he said that the Hezbollah leader
[07:39:53] agreed to a ceasefire right before Israel killed him.
[07:39:55] I don't know if I believe that.
[07:39:56] Are you saying Hezbollah had agreed to a ceasefire?
[07:39:59] Maybe.
[07:40:00] Just a moment before.
[07:40:01] I have trouble thinking about it.
[07:40:02] He agreed.
[07:40:03] He agreed.
[07:40:04] Yes.
[07:40:05] Yes.
[07:40:06] We agreed completely.
[07:40:07] Lebanon agreed to a ceasefire but consulting with Hezbollah, the speaker Mr. Birri
[07:40:15] with Hezbollah, and we informed the Americans and the French that what happened.
[07:40:22] So they told us that Mr. Netanyahu also agreed on the statement that was issued by both.
[07:40:29] I don't know if I believe it, but they would do that, absolutely, I just don't know.
[07:40:38] I've seen a lot of people both who live in Lebanon and, you know, other other other
[07:40:47] nations in the area strongly doubting this though. Yeah.
[07:40:56] Programming the 21 day proposal that Israel said they were
[07:41:00] or privately and then ignoring when it was officially offered. I don't know.
[07:41:06] I mean, like, you know, would they do that? Absolutely. Because they have done things
[07:41:11] Exactly. Richard Goldberg, another FDD senior advisor.
[07:41:16] He's still fucking re and I come in with his friends. It's like, how is this a think tank,
[07:41:22] brother? How is this a, like, I feel like back in the day, these guys wouldn't, you know, they
[07:41:27] would at least like try to masquerade under like some vague notion of like liberal defensive
[07:41:33] democracy. Why is it called defending democracy? Yeah, you can't say foundation for defensive
[07:41:40] of democracies and then post this, it's undermining the whole reason why you made the fake name.
[07:41:45] Well, it's like, it's like a vestigial organ for neocons.
[07:41:49] The reaction of neoconservatism used to be, you know, creating, creating the optimal conditions
[07:41:55] for democracy to flourish in the world.
[07:41:57] That pretense is gone, but the name still remains.
[07:42:00] But yeah, no, I don't even know why they have to have the pretense of it being
[07:42:03] a think tank.
[07:42:04] This is good.
[07:42:05] They clearly just like want to kill as many people as possible.
[07:42:08] even publish papers. Yeah, just fucking keep posting this shit because the outcome is the same.
[07:42:15] They got Tehran already. Oh, and then he got yelled at. The regime in Tehran in case is not
[07:42:21] obvious to everyone passing by due to pro regime propagandists. Yeah, no, there
[07:42:31] there are like there are things that like have more purchase within inside the
[07:42:39] Natsik blob, but just as far as like pure psychosis and like what would the actual effects on the world be if their plans are put into motion
[07:42:51] FDD is the most psychotic intake in watching well
[07:42:57] Now uh, now their positions are almost universally adopted by the democratic party. So we have that to look forward for
[07:43:03] Uh, for the you know upcoming election and and many many other elections after it's it's so crazy
[07:43:09] because it is like, it's such an outmoded like zombie ideology, neo-conservatism. But, you know,
[07:43:19] if George W. Bush were president right now, well, first of all, I don't think things would have
[07:43:26] actually gone this far. Not that he was good on Israel, but there was at least like some
[07:43:32] Um, in actuality, he drew more, uh, uh, consequential red lines than Biden did.
[07:43:42] He also, and like, I mean, he's, he had the classic like, oh, we know better, we'll fix
[07:43:48] this mentality.
[07:43:49] Yeah.
[07:43:50] Even though it obviously was a demonstrable failure, like the elections and everything,
[07:43:54] there was at least an attempt of like trying to use like normal channels of diplomacy
[07:44:00] that inherently recognizes the humanity of the Palestinians and like some form of like government
[07:44:06] process for them, which Joe Biden has not even broached, right? Like not even the only thing
[07:44:15] that Joe Biden says is just a vague gesturing towards a fucking two state that he wants. He's
[07:44:20] like, oh, the Palestinians, they, they need to stay sometimes. I think look alive. Yeah. Like
[07:44:27] What I was going to say is like, if John Bolton were president right now, how would our policy
[07:44:33] in, with regards to Israel, how would it look different? Yeah. It would not look different at all.
[07:44:38] Exactly. 100%. Oh, the narrative is hating on Biden now, Rich.
[07:44:48] What would Biden have to do for people like this to realize that this policy has been a
[07:44:54] fucking disaster? What would have to happen? It's so funny because it's like,
[07:44:59] electorally, uh, a disaster as well. Like if you're saying this, you're like pro-democratic party,
[07:45:07] right? You're blowing on your blue magi. Like you love the democratic party. You think they can do no
[07:45:11] wrong. And what's really wild about being a Biden dead ender at this point is that you're, you're
[07:45:19] looking at the current carcass in office, actively cooking the democratic party's chances of winning
[07:45:26] this election and you're still like wow can't believe you're calling that out
[07:45:32] is what i would say if i was some fucking radical islamists in the pocket of his below i'm
[07:45:37] writing in biden you guys know me me and ryan ruth we are the nao voters we're writing in biden he
[07:45:42] can't write in biden because he's in jail but i will be writing it for him so i agree with you
[07:45:48] i would never hate biden chatter that's right free my man ryan ruth he did nothing wrong
[07:45:56] The question is, what do you think is achievable?
[07:45:59] Is this a question of putting Iran back by 10 years or 20 years in terms of its ability
[07:46:07] to attack in the future?
[07:46:09] Is it this rather horrible phrase, mowing the lawn in Iran, the same way as Israel has
[07:46:16] perceived to be doing with Hamas and with Hezbollah?
[07:46:20] Is this essentially the same purpose?
[07:46:23] This cannot be the same purpose.
[07:46:24] is 2000 kilometers away. Israel is in fact fighting for our lives after being attacked
[07:46:32] so brutally over and over again. Yeah, it can't be the same purpose. Yeah,
[07:46:39] which is why we openly said that we assassinated Hassan Nasrallah because he wouldn't decouple
[07:46:44] his beloved from Gaza, which quite literally is the purpose. They admit it. Like they
[07:46:49] admit it all the time. Yeah, that's the reason why they're doing it. That's
[07:46:53] reason why Iran is doing it. Well, at least on paper. This doesn't mean that Israel needs to
[07:47:00] today start an open original war. I don't think this is what we should expect, but we should expect
[07:47:05] what Israel should expect from the international community to understand this and also to join
[07:47:10] this effort because Iran is not just Israel's problem. Right, but in that case what you seem
[07:47:15] to be talking about is fundamentally changing the dynamics of the Middle East. Isn't the
[07:47:21] fact that every time Israel has tried to do that, it has failed.
[07:47:25] I wouldn't say that Israel has tried over and over again to do this and has failed.
[07:47:30] In fact, they think that Israel has tried other means of reaching agreements and diplomatic
[07:47:37] resolutions to our conflicts, and these actually have failed.
[07:47:41] Can we talk about Gaza then for a moment?
[07:47:43] Because almost a year on after October the 7th, more than 40,000 people killed in
[07:47:49] Gaza. Today there are another 60 people dead and Israel has still not defeated Hamas. I
[07:47:57] mean where is the strategy there and why is it going wrong?
[07:48:01] Hamas capabilities have been eroded. Many of the casualties in Gaza have been affected.
[07:48:06] Hamas are being barred.
[07:48:08] What are you going to say to everything?
[07:48:11] This is the fucking stock answers to everything. It's also boring. It's boring. Everybody
[07:48:15] says it on every outlet like you've heard a million times over we've all seen this we've all see if
[07:48:21] not literally this guy someone like him some fucking crying bald Ukrainian guy who says that all of
[07:48:27] Israel's Israel's failures in the past were attempted were they were just too nice they were
[07:48:32] trying they were going about things too peacefully that Hamas's capabilities have been loaded
[07:48:38] they didn't have they didn't have troops stationed around the mercavas in a fucking dense urban
[07:48:43] combat zone yeah because they were nice and not because they were scared that was them attempting for
[07:48:49] peace yeah uh which you know what was not nice though lobbing a grenade directly bypassing
[07:48:56] the trophy system of the mercava yeah that is not nice how are you really fucked up when they're
[07:49:02] firing at the mercavas what i don't support biden just calling the hypocrisy what of what what
[07:49:11] Yeah, right Lamar y'all were all for him until the debate, but he's been like
[07:49:16] Oh, this is like a stupid Mac a guy. Yeah
[07:49:19] Yeah, dude, where's my fucking hat brother hold on. Let me show you what's what dog
[07:49:23] You don't know that you're dealing with a certified jug hooter
[07:49:30] Fuck you mean brother. What do you mean?
[07:49:34] Let me get my gun hold on
[07:49:37] Fucking dumb ass dude talking about fucking riding with body
[07:49:41] I just don't want my tax dollars to go to Israel. I want to bomb Mexico
[07:49:55] We got goddamn cartel on the southern border and we're out here giving all the money to Israel instead
[07:50:04] Telling me about riding with Biden
[07:50:08] Hell yeah
[07:50:09] And the fact that they are hiding underneath and with a rope toy for the last hour and she just totally stopped
[07:50:17] Yeah
[07:50:19] Came out when the hat went on she was like all right silly times over
[07:50:25] She's getting she's getting into
[07:50:28] He's also doing method. He's getting into the into the she's my hog dog
[07:50:34] Yeah, all right back at it. Yeah
[07:50:39] I'm not objecting that what I'm saying is the fact that Hamas is fighting Israel from within those civilian communities and not putting them in shelter
[07:50:46] Hamas won't allow their civilians to go under a new ground to take shelter
[07:50:56] What is like, who is this for?
[07:51:02] Put the civilians in the fucking tunnel system is crazy
[07:51:06] We I think he's just saying that debate them so they can just flood the tunnels
[07:51:10] Yeah, he's like, yeah, put them put them in the tunnels so we can flood them finally the terror tunnels that we are bombing
[07:51:16] You should put a toddler in there
[07:51:18] Yeah, that's definitely safe the country the country that's bombing deliberately bombing civilian areas
[07:51:26] because you know
[07:51:28] Because they can they definitely won't bomb the terror tunnels which they have been bombing
[07:51:34] What do you just like what is the utility of having this guy on TV?
[07:51:40] What, what are you as, I guess you're getting like, uh, objectivity.
[07:51:47] You're making it seem like, uh, you're giving everyone a voice, but just the same fucking
[07:51:53] crying bald guy that we always see from the Israeli side, who always just says this
[07:51:58] ridiculous shit, yeah, I don't know who it's actually for out there.
[07:52:04] brother fire rockets at the Israeli communities from within those civilian
[07:52:09] population a year in Tegucca for what purpose is going to the Tunnel serve you
[07:52:14] just said you're you're gonna kill them anyway like what the fuck you just said
[07:52:18] they're firing rockets from civilian areas if you asked him about that if
[07:52:23] you were like what you know why did you said that well why did you say that if
[07:52:27] you're just gonna bomb the tones he would not be aware he said that a
[07:52:31] minute after the fact. Yeah. He has no idea what he's saying. He's just like pure like
[07:52:36] C grade his Vara autopilot. There's just he yeah. This is also part of the reason why they're
[07:52:43] so bad at propaganda because they just like are so used to never being questioned at all.
[07:52:48] Yeah. So they're just like what what do you mean? What was it? What was the fucking one guy
[07:52:52] that like left the interview angry because they were like are you saying that Israel has a right
[07:52:58] to have nukes because the Holocaust happened and they can nuke uh i forgot i forgot who that was
[07:53:04] yeah but yeah like it is it's sort of analogous to their military just how like a military that
[07:53:11] has only done internal repression for you know the last generation or so what they they lose
[07:53:17] their ability their combat ability is degraded in the face of actual resistance um
[07:53:23] Um, you know, 20, 30 years of zombie, uh, consensus in the West where it is anti-Semitic
[07:53:32] to question these guys has resulted in the dumbest fucking propagandists on earth, who
[07:53:40] now, uh, in the, again, in the face of resistance in the face of any pushback at all have crumbled
[07:53:46] and have assigned the blame to a Chinese spying operation.
[07:53:50] Polarite, you having nuclear weapons and not say Iran.
[07:53:55] First, again, we never admitted to have such weapons. But...
[07:54:00] Who are you fooling?
[07:54:02] We have never admitted to having such weapons.
[07:54:05] Maybe we don't.
[07:54:07] We have no nukes. Do not look up the Samson option.
[07:54:11] Jonathan Pollard just sent us recipes.
[07:54:15] They got in trouble.
[07:54:18] Very anti-semitic.
[07:54:22] Comparison is, I must say, it's very insulting.
[07:54:28] And I tell you why. We suffered one holocaust.
[07:54:31] We listened to our neighbors.
[07:54:33] It's just because of the holocaust, we used to be allowed to have nuclear weapons.
[07:54:36] You know what? This interview was finished now.
[07:54:40] They were like, we're sending our best guy. He isn't even bald.
[07:54:54] He said first of all what if we don't have them? Second of all, oh my fucking god
[07:55:10] Oh dude that's crazy. You can't wait we gotta watch this again. It's so good.
[07:55:17] We listen to our neighbors. It's just because of the Holocaust that you should be allowed to have nuclear weapons
[07:55:22] You know what? This interview was finished now.
[07:55:25] You've edited this whole thing.
[07:55:27] Pro move!
[07:55:28] New questions.
[07:55:29] I thought, I don't want to sleep with you anymore.
[07:55:32] Oh my God.
[07:55:34] He said, we do not have nukes, but if we do, it's because of the holocaust.
[07:55:39] And also, how dare you repeat what I just said back to me.
[07:55:46] This interview is very fucked up.
[07:55:49] I don't remember that spokesman.
[07:55:52] that judging by the video quality is that's what like 2009 I don't know probably operation cast
[07:55:57] lead era oh yeah yeah it's so good like the entitlement I'm telling you man early early
[07:56:08] October like a big chunk of this resentment for Israel becoming a pariah state wasn't even like the
[07:56:14] violence against brown people because the western world is so conditioned to like you know agree
[07:56:19] with that sort of thing. It was the arrogance. It was the sheer entitlement and arrogance
[07:56:25] demonstrated by every Israeli propagandist that people were just like, what are you saying right
[07:56:31] now? Like I wanted to support you, but holy fuck. Yeah. It's the Tip O'Neill truism about all politics,
[07:56:38] which is, you know, even if you think support is guaranteed and it is, people like to be asked
[07:56:45] and not asking you know just do it at your own risk demanding consistently demanding yeah
[07:56:54] it's crazy where there are fewer forces there are fewer Hamas fighters than there are Hezbollah
[07:56:58] fighters and you are still fighting them how soon do you think this war in Lebanon could be over
[07:57:05] well Israel has no intention to get into the entire Lebanon or even the entire south of Lebanon
[07:57:11] on the way that we did in Gaza?
[07:57:12] I mean, do you accept that ultimately resolution in Gaza
[07:57:16] is the only thing that can lead to a political settlement?
[07:57:20] And that while you can fight, ultimately,
[07:57:22] the only thing that's
[07:57:23] Let's see what the defending democracy guy says.
[07:57:25] ...brings peace is politics and talks.
[07:57:28] And so you are going to have to ultimately do a deal
[07:57:31] over the future of the Palestinians.
[07:57:33] People did not open this war with Gaza.
[07:57:36] I truly believe that we need a resolution in Gaza.
[07:57:39] 101 hostages held by Hamas that I won't release. Um, uh, um, and if proper security,
[07:57:46] the dealings of state, well, uh, the others must know that Israel has withdrawn completely
[07:57:53] from God back in 2005 and the disengagement and gave God that is a Palestinian authority
[07:57:58] to rule. You know, the concept, uh, that we give them land and then they turn it into bases
[07:58:04] We give them land bitch. It's their land
[07:58:10] Like what do you mean you gave also you're American I thought
[07:58:15] I'm sorry. What do you mean? We gave them land. You're literally working as an American at an American think tank
[07:58:24] Interesting
[07:58:26] It's just odd, you know, he is
[07:58:29] working for an American think tank in DC
[07:58:34] Talking, talking about how we gave them land.
[07:58:38] Back Israel, this is going to be acceptable by the Israeli public or by the Israeli government.
[07:58:44] I mean, just finally, bro, this is what I mean, bro. Put these put these motherfuckers in jail,
[07:58:49] bro. Every single, every single, every single person that works for the defense of the
[07:59:00] Israeli government is in direct violation on USO direct violation of Farah, okay?
[07:59:06] Straight up
[07:59:09] I mean jail also for obviously funding and facilitating war crimes and shit, but like
[07:59:17] It's crazy
[07:59:19] Don't focus that we
[07:59:22] I mean
[07:59:23] Do you understand why people might be confused by the messaging coming out of israel that says you do not want a regional war
[07:59:30] war, when you are currently fighting in Lebanon and Gaza and possibly Yemen and Syria. And
[07:59:38] now Iran is what is next promised. I mean, the fact is, you are in a regional war.
[07:59:44] Israel did not start any of those conflict. Yes, indeed, we're fighting seven fronts that
[07:59:48] were all imposed on us. And my hope is, and I think that all of these realities
[07:59:52] hope for the new year that starts today in Israel, the Jewish New Year that starts
[07:59:56] today that the next year will not be a year of work it will not be a year of
[08:00:00] fighting they need to put their weapons down I'll do lots of thank you very much
[08:00:04] indeed you're welcome well for the whole region last night's events felt
[08:00:10] seismic and pivotal for the people of Gaza the night played out as many have
[08:00:15] before under Israeli bombardment the health ministry announced like remember
[08:00:20] I told you after the third front is just like it's like Pringles okay once
[08:00:24] you probably can't stop. It's like Pringles chat. That's why he says seven. What's the
[08:00:32] difference? Like, he's like, we're going to war with Turkey. Those motherfuckers had it
[08:00:38] too good. Okay. For too long. You feel me that 51 people were killed in carneunus and
[08:00:52] further north more attacks on a school and orphanage where displaced people were sheltering.
[08:00:58] This is a special report filmed overnight in two neighbourhoods with one hospital in
[08:01:04] Gaza City by our colleagues in Gaza and I should warn you, there are distressing images
[08:01:09] from the staff.
[08:01:10] It's just past 1.30am, paramedics are on the move again through Gaza City.
[08:01:19] Another emergency, another Israeli strike, this time at an orphanage where dozens of
[08:01:25] displaced families have been sheltering.
[08:01:27] bro it's like it's like a fucking meme dude like I don't know what to say it's
[08:01:35] like comically evil dude come on an orphanage that is fucking wait wait they
[08:01:52] tell the rescuers don't leave yet there are more injured six people were
[08:01:59] They were killed. Survivors say there was no warning, no siren, no protection.
[08:02:10] We started getting all the bodies out. There were a lot of them. None are targets.
[08:02:15] All of them are children, women and children.
[08:02:22] Nearby Muscat School had also become home to those with nowhere left to go.
[08:02:27] 25 of them were killed here just before 2 a.m.
[08:02:31] Mohammed Abul-Leel was trapped by the blasts.
[08:02:34] He tells us there were two strikes and the classrooms caved in.
[08:02:40] We couldn't get out because of the dust.
[08:02:41] We couldn't breathe.
[08:02:42] And so we just closed our eyes until the ambulance has arrived.
[08:02:47] Before this woman's body can be stretched out, a lengthy debate.
[08:02:51] How best to cover her up to protect her dignity and death?
[08:02:57] They hit a fucking orphanage in a school last night.
[08:03:01] Did the drone attack?
[08:03:03] They injured, left for hospital.
[08:03:05] Special attack, special attack.
[08:03:08] Those already there were reporting to relatives on the other end of the phone.
[08:03:13] Who in their families lived, and who died?
[08:03:16] He and Al-Muzaf, al-Mahdi.
[08:03:19] Nawal and Mahdi are dead.
[08:03:21] My sister Iman is fine. Muhammad is fine.
[08:03:24] Three of us were killed and we are at Al-Ali Hospital.
[08:03:30] Inside, the Jundia family is in shock.
[08:03:36] We were sleeping. We did manage to get our children out from under the rubble.
[08:03:43] Her son, Hassan, is six.
[08:03:45] Her youngest boy, Yusuf, just five.
[08:03:48] He was here?
[08:03:50] He was there.
[08:03:51] answer his uncle back or open his eyes. There are not enough beds for these children, not
[08:03:59] enough doctors to treat them.
[08:04:04] My hands are torn from digging for my children. I don't know where the rest of my children
[08:04:11] are.
[08:04:12] As Mohammed hovers over his seven-year-old girl, Dina, suddenly his son is brought in.
[08:04:19] It's Hassan.
[08:04:23] The relief of the reunion is short-lived.
[08:04:26] He's too worried about Yusuf.
[08:04:30] What happened to Yusuf?
[08:04:33] He's refusing to wake up. The doctors say he's fine, but he's refusing to wake up.
[08:04:39] Yusuf is still unresponsive.
[08:04:41] But he does have a bed next door.
[08:04:45] Dina and Hassan had to give up theirs,
[08:04:48] forced with their father into yet more limbo,
[08:04:52] tonight on the hard plastic seats of the waiting room.
[08:04:57] Well, a short time ago, President Biden
[08:04:59] declared America's full solidarity and support
[08:05:02] for Israel and discussed the rollout of new sanctions
[08:05:06] against Iran during a phone call with G7 leaders.
[08:05:09] Let's go.
[08:05:09] That's good.
[08:05:10] That's a great segue into how the American administration is dealing with these atrocities that Israel is committing with our weapons, by the way.
[08:05:23] Our guns, our bombs.
[08:05:27] It, you know, the just ending for Biden and even this is just like a fraction of what he actually deserves.
[08:05:36] is like him losing the election. Everyone hates him, Hunter ODs the day before Trump's
[08:05:44] inauguration and then Joe dies.
[08:05:46] But he's, yeah, but like he's gonna die anyway. Like he doesn't have like enough time. His
[08:05:51] mental faculties have already deteriorated. Like he's not gonna, he's not gonna witness
[08:05:57] the full brunt of like shame.
[08:06:00] The thing that really also sucks is Blinken, McGurk, Sullivan, all these fucking guys are
[08:06:10] gonna go on, they're gonna go back to, they're either gonna go back to Westexac or some private
[08:06:16] equity firm, they'll become outstandingly rich, they'll be in the next Democratic administration.
[08:06:23] McGurk will probably be in the next fucking Republican one.
[08:06:26] They always they always have the these guys like they bring them back. I
[08:06:31] Mean, it's totally unit party when it comes to
[08:06:36] Forum policy, but yeah Matthew Miller will probably get a job with some then NBC network
[08:06:40] And the other son is right about this by the way. Yes
[08:06:42] This is there's more outrage for
[08:06:45] Iranian strikes on Israeli military targets that didn't kill people than there has been over Israeli strikes on Palestinian civilian targets
[08:06:50] They killed over 50 people. Oh
[08:06:53] Oh, why did Hamas attack Israel on October 7 if they knew they would harm the chains for the Democrats and bring peace to the Middle East?
[08:07:09] Are they stupid?
[08:07:10] I think he's joking.
[08:07:12] Yeah, you're, you must, yeah. There's no...
[08:07:16] That's gotta be, yeah, that's gotta be a joke.
[08:07:25] Never made a joke in my life. Okay, shut the fuck up.
[08:07:28] Cawth.
[08:07:30] Like, come on, we're watching like,
[08:07:33] burned flesh of children
[08:07:35] caused by American weapons.
[08:07:37] that the laces more washing even even if a kid survives something like this like
[08:07:44] it they're affected for fucking ever all their relationships just their ability
[08:07:53] to sleep at night in a bed it's just everything is changed forever like it
[08:08:01] when you see that you probably understand why they're celebrating when
[08:08:04] they see Iran light up the sky over Tel Aviv. It's a pretty understandable position to have,
[08:08:10] in my opinion.
[08:08:11] Yeah. I mean, it's like, what I always say is, like, you know, all of us are very lucky
[08:08:17] to not know what we would actually do if someone abducted our sons, our daughters, maybe
[08:08:24] our grandparents or our parents or someone sent them to an unaccountable underground
[08:08:31] a sexual torture facility or if our electricity was cut off,
[08:08:37] someone died of a preventable disease during a blockade.
[08:08:40] If the building that we live in was destroyed by a quadcopter,
[08:08:46] if someone we knew was gunned down by one.
[08:08:48] I, we're all very lucky that we do not have to find
[08:08:52] out what we would do in that situation.
[08:08:56] At the very least, I'd
[08:08:59] I hope that I have the courage to celebrate seeing
[08:09:02] ballistic missiles just getting one back for once
[08:09:07] and maybe have the courage to pick up a gun and fight back.
[08:09:12] I don't know that I would.
[08:09:14] I'm glad that I'll never have to find that out, Rob.
[08:09:17] When you, like, people don't understand, like, where you have to be mentally
[08:09:21] to engage in, like, a, like a suicide bomb attack, right?
[08:09:26] People don't comprehend that the only way that you see that is in like the United States of America
[08:09:31] Where someone is like deeply mentally ill and then they like turn a gun to like random school children or whatever
[08:09:37] Like these are people with no other options whatsoever remaining for them. You know what I mean? Yeah, like they have nothing
[08:09:45] They they literally have nothing they this is the only way out at that point. It's not it doesn't stem from
[08:09:52] Some like weird. Oh
[08:09:54] I'm gonna go to heaven
[08:09:56] I'm gonna go to heaven and like I'm an extremist and I'm an anti-semite whatever the fuck like these idiotic Westerners
[08:10:04] presented as
[08:10:06] They're just that is no different than the conspiracy theories that you hear from right wingers about like how every other school
[08:10:12] Shooting is a fucking Psyop. Okay when when you should be treating
[08:10:17] You should be treating that statement whenever someone goes. Oh, why would a palace they and do such a thing?
[08:10:24] Why would they fucking rise up in arms against all of this death and destruction?
[08:10:29] It must be because they're anti-semitic you should treat that as the in the same vein as like a QAnon supporter. Okay?
[08:10:35] That's just what it is. Yeah, it was a very popular thing to during the second and two of it out to
[08:10:41] And also during the occupation of Iraq who mystify suicide bombings is yeah, exactly this you know
[08:10:48] religious extremism that we could not possibly understand
[08:10:51] And I'm reminded of them.
[08:10:56] It was something that John Dolan and Mark Ames talked about on Radio Warner about how there's
[08:11:03] a study about suicide bombers where the big takeaway, the big revelation was their suicidal,
[08:11:12] which, you know, no shit right, but that their suicidal in that their lives are
[08:11:19] hopeless.
[08:11:20] material
[08:11:22] Conditions their relationship with the rest of the world and the powers that dictate the courses of their lives
[08:11:27] The lives of everyone they know the lives of everyone they have ever known and will ever know
[08:11:33] Everything but
[08:11:35] Dying in a dying in a way that at least breaks their fucking nose or gives them a black eye is
[08:11:44] The only conceivable thing and not yeah this
[08:11:48] this idiotic they get 72 fucking virgins then yeah dude that's so stupid oh yeah it's the
[08:12:01] it's the only time where they have any kind of self actualization at like where they where
[08:12:05] they control the means if death is an inevitability at least I die by by doing something where
[08:12:12] I find meaning in it where I'm like fighting back in some way that's the that's it that's
[08:12:18] the reality of the matter. Imagine if your life was in such a way that that was the only
[08:12:24] thing you had to look forward to.
[08:12:29] Correspondent, Shavon Kennedy. Shavon.
[08:12:34] Well that's right Krishnan. Joe Biden called that meeting of the G7 this morning I think
[08:12:39] really to rally support for Israel and I quote to unequivocally condemn the White
[08:12:46] House said Iran's unacceptable attack yesterday. Joe Biden then spoke on the Tarmac to
[08:12:52] reporters a little bit after that call. He said that the G7 leaders had all
[08:12:57] agreed that Israel had the right to respond to Iran's missiles. There is no
[08:13:02] sense I think that the US or the G7 want to be part of that response but
[08:13:08] they do want to agree among themselves how far they think Israel should go and
[08:13:13] communicate that advice, give their advice to Prime Minister Netanyahu if
[08:13:18] If he will listen, at one point Joe Biden was asked whether or not he would support Israeli
[08:13:24] strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities and he said that he would not.
[08:13:30] Let's hear how President Biden put that earlier.
[08:13:33] Why didn't he run this?
[08:13:34] What is the value of this?
[08:13:36] He said there's a red line on every other fucking thing in the world.
[08:13:39] Nothing happened.
[08:13:40] Why didn't he fucking report on this?
[08:13:42] That means he gave the okay.
[08:13:44] Yeah, he said the specific thing.
[08:13:46] That means yes.
[08:13:47] the only that's the only way that I treat like Joe Biden pointers in the future like
[08:13:53] for future reference if you want to know where Israel will go next just see what Joe Biden said
[08:13:57] it was a red line yeah straight up like guarantee at this point the answer is no and I think there's
[08:14:13] We'll be discussing with the Israelis what they're going to do, but they have all seven
[08:14:20] of us agree that they have a right to respond, but they should respond, of course.
[08:14:25] But they did say that-
[08:14:27] Oh, they all have a right, Israel has a right to respond.
[08:14:30] What about Iran?
[08:14:31] Did they have a right to respond when their territorial sovereignty was violated?
[08:14:34] No.
[08:14:35] No, they didn't-
[08:14:36] Yeah, no, the way I've seen this characterized is just like, well, like that it was the knockout game, basically.
[08:14:46] Yeah, they just did that randomly out of nowhere, out of the blue.
[08:14:52] Well, they did that anti-semitically.
[08:14:56] The US was planning more sanctions against Iran.
[08:14:59] It's already the most sanctioned country by the United States.
[08:15:02] And that's on top of fresh sanctions this morning against the Houthis.
[08:15:06] That's the other thing is like what these guys?
[08:15:09] Oh, no, who he won't be who these won't be able to get the trade the global trade that they benefit from on
[08:15:16] Serola you can no longer issue commercial paper if you're Goldman Sachs like
[08:15:23] Damn, that's great. I'm getting on the app store on Serola. That's crazy
[08:15:29] Like what are they? Oh, no Iran more sanctions like what the fuck?
[08:15:34] like what is happening at this point like you think they haven't like geared
[08:15:40] their economy towards this sort of thing I mean you can still you can still
[08:15:44] hurt him more I guess and against settlers in the West Bank last night
[08:15:50] Christian and Iran has been speaking up that's my favorite when they like when
[08:15:56] they find like three of the three cahanis that are just straight up like
[08:16:01] that have literally killed like Israeli citizens too, as well as like Palestinians and then like
[08:16:07] you three, you can no longer access your bank accounts. And then Israel was like, how dare you
[08:16:11] do this thing? And then they were like, okay, my bad, you can, you can use your bank accounts. I'm
[08:16:15] sorry. It'll do the West Bank settlers that the Israeli government finds more annoying than
[08:16:20] useful. And even then just on principle, they won't accept it. Yeah, they'll be like,
[08:16:24] they did that by the way. They literally, they were supposed to go after like one brigade
[08:16:28] They said that they were going to sanction settlers and then they fucking turned around and were like never mind
[08:16:33] We're not going to do that. Actually. We just we lied
[08:16:36] Yeah, the security council what did it say
[08:16:39] There are no red lines Israel could nuke Lebanon that would not be a red line. I'm not even kidding
[08:16:46] I genuinely believe that there are no red lines. Yeah, no
[08:16:51] None well there was an emergency meeting called inside the UN this morning the Iranian ambassador to the UN spoke there
[08:16:59] he criticised the United States as you might expect and Israel and said that Iran's response
[08:17:05] yesterday was both necessary and proportionate. Let's hear how he put it.
[08:17:10] Iran is fully prepared to take further defensive measures if necessary to protest its legitimate
[08:17:18] interests and defence its territorial integrity and sovereignty against any act of military
[08:17:24] aggressions and the illegal use of force in this regard Iran will have no hesitation.
[08:17:34] So Biden today is very much trying to present I think a united front remember he was only
[08:17:38] calling for a ceasefire two days ago there is none of that talk now just iron clad support
[08:17:44] for Israel.
[08:17:46] Islamic fundamentalism existed even before the US did and attacks the sack of Baltimore
[08:17:51] 1950s and the Barbary Pirates attacking ships in the Mediterranean
[08:17:55] The Barbary Pirates?
[08:17:57] The Barbary Pirates were backed by the Ottomans and enslaved people from Europe and Central
[08:18:00] Africa.
[08:18:01] When asked why they did it, they said because Allah allows them.
[08:18:04] It is why the US went to war with them twice in the 1800s.
[08:18:08] Are you...
[08:18:09] This is a 71 year old man.
[08:18:11] Sir, you have a UTI.
[08:18:13] Dude.
[08:18:14] Go to the hospital.
[08:18:15] Dude.
[08:18:16] Dude.
[08:18:17] He...
[08:18:18] He said...
[08:18:19] The Barbary Pirates.
[08:18:20] fundamentalism existed in the Ottoman era without like looking at European colonialism
[08:18:27] in the same era, which was unironically infinitely worse. Like, he's currently describing Ottoman
[08:18:35] enslavement at a time when chattel slavery existed, okay, in the United States of America.
[08:18:44] Okay. What are you talking about, dude?
[08:18:48] I haven't seen someone bring up the Barbary Pirates since the Bush Administration.
[08:18:54] That's awesome.
[08:18:56] This guy is so old.
[08:18:57] He must have gotten it.
[08:18:58] No, no, he definitely got this one talking point specifically from, like, I don't know,
[08:19:03] some fucking Reddit atheist or something.
[08:19:05] I don't know.
[08:19:06] This seems like a...
[08:19:07] A conservative onk.
[08:19:08] Yeah.
[08:19:09] That's awesome.
[08:19:10] This is a very onk talking point.
[08:19:11] Imagine when this guy learns about the Spanish Inquisition. Yeah, just wait till he finds that out, dude. Yeah
[08:19:27] Thanks, Shabon. Well out the security council then ambassadors for Iran and Israel accusing each other of
[08:19:33] Representing terrorist states and threatening to launch further military action
[08:19:37] Iran's missile attack against Israel is being seen as an attempt to consolidate its support in the Middle East
[08:19:43] While the supreme leader said Western countries should get out of the region our international editor Lindsay Hilson has this
[08:19:51] The revolutionary guard commander-in-chief used somewhat retro technology to issue the command
[08:19:59] to fire, and then they prayed.
[08:20:13] So started Operation Truth Promise 2, as shown on Iranian TV.
[08:20:18] If only Israel didn't exist at the supreme leader this morning
[08:20:23] If they removed their evil from this region, it's not about to get canceled Twitter game for what like watching Channel 4
[08:20:30] What the fuck?
[08:20:31] You can't be like oh, he's watching terrorism propaganda. It's Channel 4. I mean technically it's the British government
[08:20:38] So they are arch terrorists though. You're not wrong about that both historically and even in contemporary society
[08:20:44] they try to do their very best but like come on without a doubt these conflicts
[08:20:48] these wars these caches will disappear completely the countries of the region
[08:20:53] the management cells manage their region live together in peace health and
[08:20:57] well-being
[08:20:59] regime supporters were brought out to celebrate the attack on Israel but
[08:21:05] it's not clear that Iran has the military strength to resist Israel's
[08:21:09] superior air power they're waving pictures of the his
[08:21:12] His Bollah leader killed by Israel last week, but the question now is whether Iran's nuclear
[08:21:18] forces buried deep underground can withstand Israeli attack.
[08:21:24] The major nuclear sites Israel might target are at happening.
[08:21:29] Look at all those strike targets.
[08:21:32] Red, Cordeaux, Natanz, Isfahan and Boucher, and subsidiary sites which are scattered across
[08:21:38] the country.
[08:21:39] Obviously, Israel can cause serious damage, can degrade their command and control systems.
[08:21:44] No, this guy's awesome. He was cooking.
[08:21:47] Can degrade their communication systems.
[08:21:51] And that in itself will have a severe impact also because I do think that Israeli air power can act
[08:21:57] with a degree of control of the air or potentially air superiority over Iran for a particular period of time.
[08:22:03] And so they can take our targets as they see fit.
[08:22:07] The supporters of Iranian-backed militia were on the streets of Baghdad last night.
[08:22:16] The Iraqi militia are part of Iran's access of resistance.
[08:22:19] But Israel is putting all Axis members under pressure.
[08:22:26] Last week they attacked the Yemeni port of Hodeidah from where the Houthis have been
[08:22:30] firing at Western shipping and into Israel.
[08:22:33] And today a target would hit, presumably by Israel,
[08:22:37] the Syrian capital, Damascus.
[08:22:39] Until now, Iran has kept his bullet of fire
[08:22:43] across the border into Israel,
[08:22:45] potentially deterring Israeli attack
[08:22:47] on the Islamic Republic itself.
[08:22:50] But now, Israel has cleared its leaders.
[08:22:52] His mother is in Israel.
[08:22:55] Iran uses militarily parade to show off his awesome.
[08:22:59] It's effectiveness is now open to question.
[08:23:03] Some in Israel and the US see this as a moment of opportunity.
[08:23:07] That's awesome.
[08:23:08] I mean, I hate that.
[08:23:09] I hate that so much.
[08:23:10] Don't do Goatsy with the American flag.
[08:23:12] Goatsy was in America.
[08:23:13] Get out of here.
[08:23:14] If they march over Israeli and American flag, I'm going to be very disappointed.
[08:23:20] No way.
[08:23:21] You don't even have a CDL license.
[08:23:23] Get out of that truck.
[08:23:25] when they might topple the Iranian regime, but remaking the Middle East is a dangerous
[08:23:30] business as America found out in Iraq, and Iranians who long for change might not see
[08:23:36] this as the way to bring it.
[08:23:39] Even those who oppose the regime, who even those who are not supporting the line of
[08:23:44] the establishment, not necessarily see a war as a solution, and in fact many would
[08:23:53] fear of war as a further destabilisation factor and one that you wouldn't know the implication
[08:24:01] and developments of in the end. Last night, Iranians queued to fill up their
[08:24:06] cars with petrol. Some stopped up with food. They are in the eye of a storm where all
[08:24:13] they can do is hunker down and hope it passes.
[08:24:16] Well joining me now from Washington is Ali Vyers who is the Iran project director at
[08:24:24] the Wilson Center's International Crisis Group. Do you think Iran's Supreme Leader has miscalculated?
[08:24:29] Well, it's very hard to say because he didn't really have any good options in front of him.
[08:24:37] His choices were basically not to respond, which would diminish this Iranian alliance
[08:24:43] system to one that could be described by all for one.
[08:24:47] It's crazy that Nikol Kada Avocado both lost all the way and then became a crisis
[08:24:54] group think tank manager what can't he do yeah it's wild like many people celebrated like his
[08:25:01] weight loss because you know everyone hates fat people obviously but nobody celebrated him becoming
[08:25:06] the guy yeah he was getting a PhD in international studies yeah entire time yeah and one for none
[08:25:15] basically meaning that none of Iran's allies could count on it or to respond and risk a
[08:25:22] potentially devastating Israeli retaliation. But I think because option A of them is something
[08:25:29] that no one ever talks about is how like Israel only backs down when they're forced to back down.
[08:25:36] If this is the only lesson you have taught to every country in the region
[08:25:40] and you are relentlessly pummeling anyone and everyone in sight, like what are people supposed
[08:25:46] do. You literally killed the negotiator, dude. Like there is no clear indication that you
[08:25:54] are not interested in diplomacy at all than killing the principal negotiator. And yeah,
[08:26:02] and the only successful, the only successful initiatives against Israel has always come
[08:26:09] when Israel was, was, uh, Israel incurred too many penalties so that they could not
[08:26:14] maintain their their offensive posture. It's just crazy. Like, yeah of course they're gonna retaliate.
[08:26:23] What the fuck are they supposed to do? Israel literally does not stop.
[08:26:26] Straighting-Risnerian was pursued over the past two months and in the Iranian view it only
[08:26:34] made Israel more aggressive, signalling that Iran is in a position of weakness.
[08:26:39] The Iranians decided to take this action to change the dynamics.
[08:26:45] What do you make of those people who are saying the Iranian missile attack last night was
[08:26:50] about restoring Iran's deterrent so that Israel does not get drawn into a full-scale war?
[08:26:58] Look, I don't think the Iranians have any delusions that they can restore deterrence
[08:27:04] with Israel at this point.
[08:27:07] of course is a much more superior military power backed by the world's number one military
[08:27:13] superpower. And therefore, you know, there is no way that Iran can outmatch Israel in
[08:27:22] any way, including in its willingness to go up the escalation ladder.
[08:27:26] I think what the Iranians wanted to do was to remind the United States that if it continues
[08:27:31] with this permissive attitude towards Israel that what the Biden administration has tried
[08:27:37] very hard to avoid over the past 11-12 months, which is a regional conflagration might actually
[08:27:44] happen.
[08:27:45] And the Iranians have the willingness and the tolerance of risk to enter into the arena
[08:27:54] if the United States does not hold Israel back.
[08:27:59] Are there any outside players now that do have significant influence over Iran?
[08:28:03] I mean, they said that they told the Russians about their impending attack.
[08:28:07] I mean, what would their role be in trying to prevent a full-scale war?
[08:28:13] Look, the Russians have influence over Iran, but I think the Russians actually enjoy more
[08:28:20] instability in that part of the world that would drag the attention away from what's
[08:28:26] happening in Ukraine, especially that of the United States and the West.
[08:28:31] The Chinese are more worried because this is the area of the world they get one-third
[08:28:35] of their energy imports from, and the Chinese have influence over the Iranians, over the
[08:28:42] Saudis, the Emiratis, et cetera, but not necessarily over the Israelis.
[08:28:46] The only actor here who has influence over Israel is the United States, but the United
[08:28:51] States is also, with only four weeks to go before presidential elections, is almost
[08:28:57] politically paralyzed, and even when it was not, it wasn't really willing to exercise
[08:29:03] its influence over Israel. And so there's not a lot of hope that any outside actor could
[08:29:10] effectively stop this dynamic from ending in disaster.
[08:29:14] Ali Vaz, thank you very much for joining us from Washington.
[08:29:21] Alright, well, things seem to be going great. Felix, thanks so much for coming on.
[08:29:30] My pleasure, as always.
[08:29:32] I'm tired.
[08:29:33] I am too.
[08:29:35] Yeah, uh, is there anything you would like to promote? No Poser on came out. No Poser on
[08:29:41] You can find links to that online profile on on Chris weds on the official choppo account
[08:29:48] And the choppo patron account
[08:29:51] Look out for the conservative media series dropping probably before the election
[08:29:56] But you know as always our our patron or twitch all of it. It's all fun
[08:30:05] my pleasure back here same time same place tomorrow thank you everybody for
[08:30:11] watching today
[08:30:15] please real does not retaliate yes they're on we shall see bye everybody
[08:30:35] the dog bit just begun
[08:30:42] there on a street, on a street, on a street, on a street
[08:31:06] some champagne, borscht bars, some Trump rally life reactions