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09-30-2024 · 9h 29m

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[00:10:53] I'm gonna get peeped, is it a jail?
[00:10:55] I'm gonna chase away a nigga, pee in the wall
[00:10:56] So they got peeped, it was a cunt on them
[00:10:58] Cosmotic, cosmotic, yard out
[00:11:00] Watching out the wide, he's out of going
[00:11:01] Fuck, and why don't you roll?
[00:11:02] The sum they mowed their little goofs
[00:11:23] They getting died every summer if they like
[00:12:00] Ferry Ferry
[00:15:15] Revolutionaria
[00:15:19] Con su terror
[00:15:20] RIP to a real one, rest in power, Chris Christophus
[00:15:24] Con su dinero y sus máquinas
[00:15:28] Anyway
[00:15:31] La libertad en tus ojos
[00:15:33] Cheers.
[00:15:44] Did you just ask if he's Mexican?
[00:15:47] His name is Chris Christofferson, dog.
[00:15:54] Yeah, he also famously defended and wrote a ballot for Cheneydo Conner.
[00:16:04] back their freedom you have
[00:16:10] Christoval, Christoversa
[00:16:14] anyway, R.I.P. DiCembe Mutombo as well
[00:16:17] apparently he passed away to brain cancer
[00:16:24] anyway, just wanted to
[00:16:28] just wanted to give a shout out to the legend, the ledge
[00:16:31] um, yeah, he said if you are a supporter of human rights
[00:16:36] you must be a supporter of human rights everywhere, that was what he said
[00:16:42] said, and he's right. Um, anyway, so that's what I wanted to start off with real quickly.
[00:16:48] I mean, he lived a long life, you know, dude, if you die at 88 happy alongside your family,
[00:16:54] alongside your loved ones, it's like, and you have a fucking long history of accomplishments.
[00:16:58] That's like you maxed out. Okay. You can't be too sad about things like that. You feel
[00:17:04] me? Yeah. Like instead of being sad about, uh, someone's passing, you should probably
[00:17:11] celebrate their legacy if they are worthy of that praise, especially in their passing.
[00:17:16] So that's what I choose to do. Usually, um, in any case, this is the part of the broadcast
[00:17:23] where I will tell you about my personal news. And honestly, yesterday I was supposed to go
[00:17:28] to the Cutie Cinderella concert. I couldn't make it. And I'll tell you exactly why I didn't
[00:17:32] stream yesterday. Okay. I was, uh, you and him got the same trainer, bro. What
[00:17:45] is this, the spurs of listener, Victor Wemba Yama at 73, 235 pounds.
[00:17:51] Wemby was listed at 210, coming into his rookie season.
[00:17:54] Bro, that's a lot.
[00:17:56] He's packed on, he's packed on 25 pounds of muscle.
[00:17:59] That's crazy.
[00:18:01] Um, congratulations to Victor Wemby.
[00:18:04] Um, anyway, uh, so yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to talk about what's
[00:18:08] happened in my personal news segment because this is the part of the
[00:18:12] broadcast where I do that.
[00:18:13] I talk about my personal news about what's going on in the
[00:18:15] world of us on Hosanna be Piker, uh, in between the, uh, time period where press the stop
[00:18:23] streaming button and press the start streaming button. And obviously, obviously a lot occurred.
[00:18:32] I ended the broadcast on Saturday night after a basically almost 12 hour stream. We started
[00:18:38] off with nicks on Nick stream in the bedroom. Uh, and we ended the day after a long process.
[00:18:48] I mean, it was supposed to be Saturday, Sunday, but of course, instead of Saturday, Sunday,
[00:18:52] what did we do? Well, I guess we did something that I consider to be fun. Uh, Saturday,
[00:18:57] fun day. Uh, what I consider to be fun was a four and a half hours of real time introduction
[00:19:04] into Israel, Palestine with mostly memes.
[00:19:07] Like I didn't get into like too much of the nitty gritty,
[00:19:10] too much of the history of it all.
[00:19:11] I don't think, I mean, it's such a long subject matter
[00:19:14] to get into, but it was great.
[00:19:16] It was, I think a lot of people were entertained
[00:19:19] and I think a lot of people learned things.
[00:19:21] One of the most commonly held opinions
[00:19:24] that I heard online in the aftermath of this
[00:19:28] was I really wish Hassan would talk to normies
[00:19:32] all the time. Okay. I really, I really wish that, uh, you know, Hasan would talk to normies
[00:19:43] all the time like this because, uh, it's great to, you know, there's, there's a lot of stuff
[00:19:48] that he explains, but once again, I do find this pretty funny because regardless of like
[00:19:55] the actual, regardless of the actual content, regardless of the fact that like I, I'm friends
[00:20:02] with Nick, regardless of the fact that Nick actually enjoyed the stream and that we had
[00:20:09] no fucking idea that there was like a reception happening online that was broadly received
[00:20:15] infinitely differently than like what was actually going on. And this is why I always
[00:20:19] say the internet is not the real world because like you can, you can literally have someone
[00:20:26] who is staying at your house, someone who you are personal friends within the real world
[00:20:32] and like the Twitter reception of your relationship of your dynamic is entirely different because
[00:20:41] and I, you know, people are going to get mad at me and say that I like, oh dude, you're
[00:20:45] fucking ableist or whatever, but like, I'm sorry, if you're an autistic shut in, okay,
[00:20:52] And you're projecting your own personal sauce onto like interpersonal dynamics between people,
[00:21:00] between people that know one another, you're probably going to be hallucinating in an alternative
[00:21:06] reality.
[00:21:07] Okay.
[00:21:08] Which is hilarious because like dog, like something that is the truth online and this
[00:21:16] happens so frequently, especially in like incredibly parasocial circles like this.
[00:21:21] like, it's hilarious. It's hilarious that like you're gonna have two dudes who are friends
[00:21:27] with one another and the reception and the actual like things that occurred over the
[00:21:34] course of like five hours is entirely different than what like yet. Twitter, Hikiko Mori's
[00:21:39] have declared it to be. So once again, don't be duped and deluded into thinking that things
[00:21:49] things are a certain way because you saw it online and enough people pumped it up.
[00:21:58] These guys just left this version of her coworker showing you a funny meme and it's just a little
[00:22:01] dark agent of a neo-nazi imagery.
[00:22:04] It's pretty funny because this, this is the same guy I think, this is that fucking loser
[00:22:08] who said I was enslaving my mother because she would cook me meals.
[00:22:18] Um, but yeah, that's a, you know, that's just people trying to yuck people's yum,
[00:22:23] you know?
[00:22:24] As someone who knew nothing about Israel Pass on before October 7, I learned a lot from that
[00:22:29] VOD. Yeah. Yeah. It is pretty funny that like the community that is upset with me doing
[00:22:44] an educational seminar that's like Mimi, educational seminar that's like half Mimi is
[00:22:53] the, the most, most of the naysayers that are pearl clutching about this entire process
[00:22:58] are coming from a community where, you know, they cherish the right to be able
[00:23:03] to say the N word as white people. So not exactly, uh, interested in their, you know,
[00:23:12] not exactly interested in their takes, I think, but Hey, have fun. Man who have been on stream,
[00:23:21] excitedly watching it on our capacity, child get shot and justifying it have issues with
[00:23:24] you pointing out a bloodless blockade was a response to a genocide. Yeah. Yeah. If
[00:23:33] if also personally, like whenever people say like, Oh dude, he's showing them like
[00:23:38] music video like it is objectively an interesting phenomenon that a group of individuals who are
[00:23:45] fundamentalist in nature who definitely have a lot of opinions i don't agree with but i don't
[00:23:50] feel the need to fucking consistently talk about it you're gonna cut they're gonna come in here today
[00:23:55] i don't care uh we they come in here every day it doesn't work um but like i was saying it is
[00:24:02] hilarious to me, like there's two things that are very interesting about this, right? What's
[00:24:08] interesting is what is happening in the real world can be the exact opposite of what is happening
[00:24:13] online. But at this point, it doesn't matter really, like people online only focus on like
[00:24:20] what their perception of a certain situation is, and it can be something as like, direct as
[00:24:25] an interpersonal conversation and interpersonal connection between two people that are like
[00:24:31] Literally friends with one another, but it doesn't matter. I know the truth
[00:24:34] I know that Nick was actually upset about this entire process. He thought it was weird. He hated it
[00:24:39] He hated it and you're just you're a parasocial loser dog
[00:24:43] Like you're being very weird. You've like constructed an alternative reality. Anyway, we're gonna be talking about Asheville in a little bit
[00:24:50] So that's the one aspect of it that's like pretty funny and then
[00:24:55] And did people get mad at Hassan for showing MP stuff on Saturday?
[00:24:59] Not really.
[00:25:00] It's not people that got mad.
[00:25:01] It's fucking losers that did.
[00:25:04] But who cares?
[00:25:05] So regardless, as I was stating, it's Twitter, dog.
[00:25:18] Twitter got mad.
[00:25:18] They're NPCs bots.
[00:25:26] Where was I?
[00:25:27] That's one aspect of this.
[00:25:29] That's one aspect of this that I wanted to quickly
[00:25:31] and briefly point to, I was also, also were dehumanizing losers now. Wow. Yes. Um, the
[00:25:37] other thing I was going to say is that, uh, I had a great time offline yesterday. I didn't
[00:25:45] even, I didn't even touch anything. Uh, I was not really online at all because I was
[00:25:58] finally shooting a collab stream, a collab, uh, episode with Quinlan Blackwell. Okay.
[00:26:05] it was great. Um, have you seen the new triple video? You come up, it might get chat man,
[00:26:11] but I think it's quite interesting seeing your perspective law. Yeah, no, triple hit
[00:26:15] me up ahead of time. By the way, uh, when he said, uh, heads up, like I'm going to
[00:26:19] be, I'm going to be criticizing you a little bit, uh, in the, uh, in the Havana in the
[00:26:26] uh, Havana video that he made. And I'm very excited because I, I really like
[00:26:30] and I really respect trouples coverage on this kind of stuff. So why are you
[00:26:35] drinking cough syrup. Are you depressed? This is cold brew, my friend. I pulled the trigger.
[00:26:47] I got the steam deck. Congratulations. It's great. Well, in Blackwell is a phenomenal
[00:26:52] content creator. She is a tick talker. She was a finer. She was like a Twitter memer
[00:26:58] and has like a pretty big audience overall, but it's like for zoomers for the most part,
[00:27:03] you guys are probably unfamiliar with her. But in any case, if we have time, which
[00:27:10] We might not today if we have time. We'll look at the a triple video for sure. So
[00:27:20] When we're gonna tell us
[00:27:22] As a fellow house owner he truly gets me the zucks reportedly said it leaked in every breaking Facebook creator marks
[00:27:29] I can work as a hired former wine about a guest star the sound piker is his personal style
[00:27:34] It's so stupid
[00:27:37] Refresh chat arena for Halloween emotes. Okay, let's go
[00:27:40] Oh, um, but yeah, I did that.
[00:27:47] I did the, uh, and we got, it's going to be for like Halloween.
[00:27:50] It's, it's Halloween special for, for Quinza, uh, for
[00:27:55] Quin's thing that we're doing.
[00:27:57] And then I'm very excited to also have her on the stream as well.
[00:28:01] Kayawine.
[00:28:04] My little bubble.
[00:28:06] All right.
[00:28:06] Um, but yeah, what else was I going to say?
[00:28:17] What else was I going to say?
[00:28:19] Um, oh yeah, but something very interesting happened. It was the, the, uh, shoot was like
[00:28:26] significantly further away than I normally, uh, than I normally drive off to. And basically what
[00:28:36] ended up happening is, uh, I almost ran out of battery on the way back and the shoot went for
[00:28:43] longer than expected. We shot some tick talks. We'll be posting those when the time, uh, when
[00:28:49] I was like, I'm sorry. I'm
[00:28:51] sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
[00:28:52] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm
[00:28:54] sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
[00:28:55] When the time comes. But, uh,
[00:28:58] Yeah, I. I didn't. I wasn't able
[00:29:00] to make it. I hit up cutie. I
[00:29:01] was like, cutie. I'm so sorry.
[00:29:03] Is it like really? You know,
[00:29:05] I've never done this before.
[00:29:06] I've never actually bailed on a
[00:29:08] former obligation. I know I
[00:29:09] like told you I might make
[00:29:10] it. You know, I wasn't like
[00:29:12] fully firmly committed, but
[00:29:13] regardless, like if you need
[00:29:14] me, I will make it there.
[00:29:16] But yeah, I had to get back
[00:29:17] I need you to come. I literally would have fucking I
[00:29:22] Was like I will
[00:29:25] Huh
[00:29:29] Bro, you were front of center on the image
[00:29:31] I mean, I don't mind her using my likeness to promote it. You guys watched it
[00:29:36] Brothers like a billion fast charging LA you car can charge it 270 kilowatts. No, that's not a problem
[00:29:47] Like I'm saying I had to get back home so I could at least put my car on the fucking charger
[00:29:53] Okay. Calm down. Calm down. I had to put my car on my charger because I was just going
[00:30:01] to Uber. That wasn't a problem. Like it wasn't, it wasn't necessarily just the charger that
[00:30:06] I was like running out of batteries. That was the major issue. I'm just saying that's
[00:30:10] just a separate situation. It's a separate part of the story. Okay. Didn't get canceled
[00:30:17] for trying to sing Red Sun in the sky. Yeah, I was a little nervous about singing
[00:30:21] red sun in the sky to begin with. Honestly, cuz like, you know, there's a lot of eyeballs
[00:30:27] on me. That's stupid. You have a level two charger and you could have stopped somewhere
[00:30:30] for a level three charger and got a 50% charge of 10 minutes. Oh my God, dude. Well, I don't
[00:30:35] want to do that. So what now? What are you going to do about it? Shut up. Also W
[00:30:49] nephew on the sub-a-thon hype. I'm not like super big on the sub-a-thon stuff.
[00:30:54] I mean it is cool to see Jason get to a hundred thousand so this
[00:31:02] Industry plant Jason the ween ladies and gentlemen the nephew himself
[00:31:23] Apparently he got banned to like I don't know what happened there
[00:31:28] But everyone's pumping everyone's pumping up those sub numbers cuz I think twitch is doing what is it a gachi?
[00:31:36] Dude, I am so uninvolved with like twitch related things. I have no fucking clue what was going on
[00:31:42] I think like oh
[00:31:44] Oh, he was drinking for subs. Oh, okay. It's crazy. Like twitch is gifting subs
[00:31:50] By the way, the stream on Nick's channel was so much fun. I've watched Nick since 2013. It was genuinely great content
[00:31:57] Yeah, I love Nick man. He's he's fucking hilarious. He's so goddamn smart. He's so funny
[00:32:04] like he
[00:32:10] He is a he's good guy. I like him
[00:32:14] He does something that I think is
[00:32:19] He does something that's like brilliant other than like obviously presenting himself as like the foil
[00:32:27] Presenting himself as like the old-school pervy guy, right?
[00:32:33] Beyond that yeah, they just left by the way, but
[00:32:36] You know presenting himself as that like in his you know comedic action or whatever he does something very good
[00:32:42] He does something very good as a content creator. I recognize that and I got to mention it, but
[00:32:49] Oh, he is really good at elevating whoever he is doing content with.
[00:32:59] He's really good at that.
[00:33:00] So for example, if you notice, like even in the conversation that we were having
[00:33:04] in the back and forth that we were having, like, there's a lot of questions
[00:33:06] that he was asking that he might have actually known the answers for, right?
[00:33:17] Like he is, you know, he's very good.
[00:33:22] He is very, I mean, this is like a perfect.
[00:33:25] Uh, this was the perfect demonstration of what I'm talking about. Okay. Beirut, Lebanon,
[00:33:30] a quick chat on what's happening. This got 40,000 likes. Holy shit. So here, notice,
[00:33:36] we're not just going to talk about like the actual issue at hand or what I said, but
[00:33:42] listen to like the way he moves the conversation. This is Beirut. This is Lebanon. This is
[00:33:47] Lebanon's capital with 2.5 million people living in it. Well, it's probably a larger
[00:33:50] number now because a lot of the Lebanese population that was in southern Lebanon have had to escape
[00:33:56] into Beirut because they thought that would be a safe territory for them.
[00:34:00] What are they running from?
[00:34:01] Israel.
[00:34:02] Israel's bombing the shit out of everywhere.
[00:34:05] Wait, what?
[00:34:07] Israel, America's greatest ally, the most important country in the world, the most
[00:34:13] moral nation, the most moral democracy on the planet, is ruthlessly and mercilessly
[00:34:18] bombing southern Lebanon, including southern Beirut, what Lebanon do? They just kind of
[00:34:25] were there. They happen to be Israel's neighbor. You're kidding. Yeah. Israel's justification
[00:34:32] for it is that Hezbollah, which is a one of the parties inside of the Lebanese parliament,
[00:34:38] which was created as a resistance group against Israel. The first time Israel invaded Lebanon
[00:34:44] occupied it for years and then successfully fought back against Israel and removed the
[00:34:50] Israeli invasion from its territorial boundaries and then did it again in 2006 is is lobbing
[00:34:58] rockets into Israel in a tit for tat order.
[00:35:00] Wait, I think Israel is trying to expand.
[00:35:02] Yes.
[00:35:03] That's what I'm saying.
[00:35:04] Does everyone know this?
[00:35:06] Yeah.
[00:35:07] Yes.
[00:35:08] Israel is trying to expand, yeah.
[00:35:09] And our tax dollars are helping them?
[00:35:11] Yeah.
[00:35:12] Well, I want my money back.
[00:35:13] Come on, dude. That's a good question. Like these are great questions. Okay. For a lot of people,
[00:35:18] they, they're like, um, wait, hold on. I'm, I'm, uh, lining up a potential interview right now.
[00:35:36] Um, but these are, these are great, great questions, right? Like he's doing a great job
[00:35:42] moving the conversation in a direction. Um, wait, was he intentionally playing dumb
[00:35:48] to extract these answers? I thought he genuinely was like not plugged in at all in the situation.
[00:35:52] I think he has like, I asked him about it afterwards and he basically said like there are some things
[00:35:59] that I know, right? Like above board, there are some things that I know above board, okay?
[00:36:05] But there is like plenty of questions that I'm asking to you in that situation.
[00:36:13] There's questions that I'm asking to you directly in that situation because like I
[00:36:16] I wanna get clarification over it.
[00:36:18] Does that make sense?
[00:36:22] Do you understand?
[00:36:26] He seemed very unplugged.
[00:36:27] No, I think he is.
[00:36:28] Like he's still unplugged.
[00:36:30] But, and most people are.
[00:36:35] I mean, he represents like the average person in this regard.
[00:36:38] And I think he did a great job.
[00:36:41] Yeah, good luck.
[00:36:43] Oh my God.
[00:36:44] Are they bombing civilians?
[00:36:46] Yes.
[00:36:47] Like, oh, shit, ton.
[00:36:48] Yeah.
[00:36:48] Of course.
[00:36:49] Who do you think lives there?
[00:36:51] These are just residential buildings.
[00:36:53] Yeah, there's babies in those buildings.
[00:36:55] There's mothers in those buildings,
[00:36:57] there's elderly people in those buildings
[00:36:58] and they fucking destroyed them
[00:37:00] and killed like 300 of them.
[00:37:02] It's overwhelming majority of civilians.
[00:37:05] Are they trying to intentionally hit civilians?
[00:37:09] I think their goal is to cause as much chaos as possible
[00:37:14] where they don't,
[00:37:15] like their goal is to just like destroy
[00:37:17] the normal existence of people there
[00:37:19] to make it unlivable.
[00:37:21] Isn't that kind of the definition of terrorism?
[00:37:23] Yes.
[00:37:25] Okay.
[00:37:25] Yes, it is.
[00:37:26] And they are doing that.
[00:37:27] They are doing terrorism for sure.
[00:37:34] I think this is helpful.
[00:37:36] This is helpful.
[00:37:37] This back and forth is very helpful.
[00:37:39] I should probably do more of this.
[00:37:43] I should probably do more conversations like this
[00:37:47] with like people who are not super invested
[00:37:50] and super tapped in. You know what I mean? Um, because I think the outcome is like very
[00:37:57] the outcome is good because I forget that there are a lot of people that watch me that are
[00:38:02] not super initiated. So they need like a refresher, uh, and maybe they don't know, you know,
[00:38:11] they don't have the full scope, the full details and they just probably try to make
[00:38:16] up the pieces as they go along, right? If this was shown on CNN, the U S would perish like
[00:38:27] the USS Arbor Chernobyl. No, I think the only issue is it kind of puts those people in the
[00:38:34] scope of your deranged haters. I know that is an issue for sure, which is why it has
[00:38:39] to be like a normie that is such a normie content creator that like it doesn't even
[00:38:44] phase them. They don't even hear the fucking chirpers online. It seems difficult to find
[00:38:59] willing listeners that don't want your haters or seem uninformed, but they're great content.
[00:39:03] Yeah. Israel plans to do a grand evasion of Lebanon. I know they've been saying that for
[00:39:13] some time now that's going to happen. We'll talk about that. But also I haven't even blessed
[00:39:18] up yet. So I probably should. Okay. What it did to Gaza. What happens next after
[00:39:47] Hassan Nasrallah's nation, massive hurricane damage in country that refuses to acknowledge
[00:40:13] climate change and later.
[00:40:21] Is there already in some parts of southern Lebanon probing in and out for your information?
[00:40:25] I know Israel has already done a special military operation into Lebanon and the invasion has
[00:40:31] started already, but we'll continue with that. And later I will be going to USC to talk to
[00:40:44] the students there. I can't get in now. Yeah. Later tonight, I'm going to USC and I'm going
[00:41:04] to be streaming that as well. Okay. Do we have a blast off meme? Is it true you're coming
[00:41:18] to Oxford sometime in the next two months? Yes, it is true. Reuters reports the Lebanese
[00:41:25] Army is retreating from various positions along the border. Multiple reports indicating
[00:41:29] today claiming that the IDF will cross the Lebanon within the next hours, though supposedly
[00:41:33] to operate in a limited fashion. However, it's already reports the IDF is conducting
[00:41:36] tank and artillery strikes in Southern Lebanon. Now that Northern Israel is officially closed
[00:41:39] military zone and the U.S. will send thousands of soldiers the region. This is one of those.
[00:41:46] This is yet another one of those instances where it's like, I hate to fucking tell you,
[00:41:50] but I told you, I fucking told you, okay? I told you so and it's happening. And the
[00:41:57] October surprise is not a surprise at all. And it's fucking happening regardless. For
[00:42:04] the record, my Oxford talk I believe would directly be about Israel too. So my Oxford
[00:42:09] Union talk, but that's later. That's later in the year. Um, what is USC? USC, the University
[00:42:26] of Southern California. How many kidneys do I have to sell to get you to visit Suddefrika?
[00:42:33] That's that's going to be a tough one. All right, we're blasting off. We got a lot of
[00:42:37] news to cover. We got a lot of stuff to get to. I'm also trying to set up an interview
[00:42:42] with an academic, a historian on Lebanon, specifically Hezbollah as well, a scholar,
[00:42:54] he's a Palestinian historian, Abed Takriti. He's like an Arab politics guy, scholar,
[00:43:07] and and I'm very very interested to hear what he has to say about you know the
[00:43:14] history of Hezbollah and like I have a lot of questions for him and so we'll
[00:43:19] see you misspelled Hassan on the blast off tweet okay whatever I everybody
[00:43:25] misspells my name I misspelled his it is what it is okay everybody calm down
[00:43:29] So
[00:43:31] First and foremost, okay before we get to Israel Lebanon and Hassan Nasrallah
[00:43:38] No, stop stop, please. I don't I have so many fucking haters. Okay, Chatters stop linking me my friends defending me
[00:43:45] Okay, I have so many goddamn haters so many fucking eyeballs. Just stop being parasocial weirdos
[00:43:51] Okay, I know you think you're helping. I know you think it's cute. I know you think it's wonderful
[00:43:55] But stop okay. I don't want to put my fucking friends more so in the goddamn crosshairs of delusional psychopaths
[00:44:02] You know be fucking normal. All right stop
[00:44:10] Jesus Christ
[00:44:15] Anyway, my sister is stuck in ash will no Carolina right now
[00:44:24] We haven't heard from her in four days, but know that she's okay
[00:44:27] Montgomery County VA is also under a boiled water rule right now through the water contamination. Yeah
[00:44:39] Israel is literally invading Lebanon right now as we speak. I know I know
[00:44:42] know um there's so much going on man holy fucking shit I don't even know I don't
[00:44:57] even know where to begin I don't even know where to get I just yeah yeah yeah
[00:45:01] yeah okay everybody insta spams a bunch of shit going on I know Israel's
[00:45:08] channel 13 correspondent Mariah Ashraf is reporting that Israel has decided to
[00:45:11] attack her wait what what the fuck is this no stop sending me all these links
[00:45:16] Stop! Jesus Christ!
[00:45:21] Attack everyone! Calm down, man!
[00:45:25] Fuck! I didn't even get to this goddamn cute-ass kaya TikTok.
[00:45:28] I'm gonna show this and then we're gonna move on.
[00:45:30] We're gonna first talk about hurricane and the lack of relief and climate change.
[00:45:33] And that would fucking factors in to everything that's going on.
[00:45:36] Oh my God! I took one fucking day off!
[00:45:39] I took one day off!
[00:45:41] And now everyone's going crazy!
[00:45:44] Fuck!
[00:45:45] I take one day off!
[00:45:52] and chat is literally like everything that you wanted to have me react to as
[00:45:58] though I'm the only one capable of stopping fucking World War three you're
[00:46:03] like you literally read this right now I'm getting overstimulated fuck it took
[00:46:11] 45 minutes for me to lose my mind okay I is
[00:46:18] I'm pooping next to the soccer field. God damn it.
[00:46:25] I'm so sorry.
[00:46:30] That's a lot of poo, son.
[00:46:31] Yeah, bro. She's 100 pounds.
[00:46:36] Anyway. God damn, dude.
[00:46:39] Yeah, Kai is a guy of poos where she wants to poo.
[00:46:43] OK, you don't give a fuck.
[00:46:44] Oh, y'all are playing soccer over there.
[00:46:46] Sorry.
[00:46:47] Y'all are now playing soccer with my poop.
[00:46:50] That's her behavior.
[00:46:51] Bro, as the substitute teacher,
[00:46:52] I got mad at the class. No, man. It's not the fucking substitute teacher. Shit. And people
[00:46:58] do this on purpose. By the way, like they do this on purpose. Like there's people that
[00:47:02] know I'm like fucking overstimulated and losing my goddamn mind over here because everyone
[00:47:06] is like spamming links and shit. And when they see that, they're like, Oh, it's my
[00:47:10] opportunity to be fucking annoying and like send even more links. We're going to talk
[00:47:14] about hurricane Helene. Okay. I haven't been able to talk about it a lot because
[00:47:18] Israel has been pummeling fucking Lebanon and obviously foreign policy is important
[00:47:22] for me. It's a, it's a subject matter that I cover quite a bit, but I will say one thing.
[00:47:28] Okay. I find it rather odd. I don't know if I'm like alone in this. I've been talking to
[00:47:34] some normies about this shit too. There isn't, there isn't like enough coverage on this.
[00:47:43] It seems like I, I do feel as though I do feel as though like the media hasn't even
[00:47:51] like talked about the devastation is much, which is crazy. Like hundreds of people are
[00:47:55] fucking dying. Like there is like entire towns are underwater. I feel like this would be leading.
[00:48:03] You know what I mean? Non fucking stop.
[00:48:05] I can't find any real sources of the USA is deploying troops to combat zones or even
[00:48:13] off the ships. I can find reporting of the opposite. So though that the USA said
[00:48:17] they won't enter a war yesterday. Yeah. The Iran thing I think is like fucking bullshit.
[00:48:23] It's some random person who linked it. I thought it was talking about invading Lebanon. That's
[00:48:27] why I was reading what that chatter was saying. But it was when I found out that the chatter
[00:48:32] sent me a fucking random ass Twitter link that said that the Israel's attacking Iran.
[00:48:37] I was like, shut the fuck up. Stop sending me these dumb ass links. Okay. Anyway, but
[00:48:44] Let's get, let's get back once again. Let's get back to Hurricane Helene. Okay. Now it's
[00:48:54] kind of wild because there are a bunch of, a bunch of, oh shit. Okay. Oh, hold on. Let
[00:49:07] me, let me, let me just play this real quick while I set up this interview potentially
[00:49:12] with a bed. South. Yes, North Carolina was hit with flooding. It hasn't seen in a century.
[00:49:18] Some calling it biblical. This is the scene in Asheville, which is now isolated after
[00:49:23] roads leading into the town flooded and cell towers were knocked down in the storm. So
[00:49:27] this is what we know right now. At least 91 people are dead. And that number is expected
[00:49:32] to rise and power is out to some 2.1 million customers across that region. We have team
[00:49:39] coverage of this. This is some biblical ass shit, bro, which is crazy. It's crazy because
[00:49:50] people don't seem to recognize that like the once in every fucking hundred years type shit
[00:49:57] keeps happening every year. Like what happened? I thought this was like a once in a lifetime
[00:50:04] circumstance, you know, like this used to happen. This used to happen once every fucking 50 years,
[00:50:18] max, okay, maybe every 100 years. Now it's every year, brother. Do we just not do we
[00:50:26] just kind of cast this aside is what do we do? Do we just kind of act like it's normal
[00:50:33] now. This is the thing. I don't really know how to parse through this information. I find
[00:50:44] it rather odd that like the devastation is so massive. The devastation is so goddamn massive.
[00:50:52] And the coverage of it is like not up to par, but I don't really know how to, I don't really
[00:51:00] know how to match the coverage in general. Like it's never, it's never the best kind
[00:51:06] of analysis to be like, Oh, the media is not paying enough attention to this thing because
[00:51:10] like they obviously are covering it, but it does kind of shock me how limited the information
[00:51:16] is like, I've only seen like, uh, I've only seen like tick tocks here and there, put
[00:51:21] our links here and there, not a lot of articles. Like if you go to Google news, like, here
[00:51:25] let's look like there is some hurricane Helene stuff. Okay. But even this morning, it
[00:51:32] It was mostly like, uh, Israel, uh, morning, Joe tears in a Trump over, calling Harris a
[00:51:37] stupid, but this is my own personal briefing.
[00:51:39] Maybe that's the reason, but I, I do feel as though like the coverage does not match the
[00:51:46] devastation.
[00:51:47] You know what I mean?
[00:51:49] It almost feels as normalized.
[00:51:51] It almost feels as normalized as like mass shootings into a certain degree.
[00:51:55] Because the thing I, the thing I mean about this is that I'm not saying the media is
[00:52:00] not covering it at all.
[00:52:01] Of course it is, but this kind of shit would be like week long, if not month long news
[00:52:07] coverage like, a lot of you are younger, so you probably don't recall Katrina, okay?
[00:52:17] This is like a yearly event now.
[00:52:19] It almost feels like we are living in a fucking post-Katrina world where Katrina
[00:52:24] is a yearly event. And, and the scale of the devastation is Katrina across multiple territories.
[00:52:34] And it's like not as big. It doesn't feel like it's as big as a fucking story like you
[00:52:38] had, bro, you had Kanye West on the fucking phone, trying to do fund raises on television
[00:52:44] when that was happening. That's why he had that famous moment where he's like George
[00:52:46] W Bush doesn't care about black people. Like that's, that's from that. That's how big
[00:52:51] of a thing that was, and I do think now, I do think now it's like, it's almost like Sandy
[00:52:59] Hook, normalize mass shootings. And now in that, in that same degree, it all, like it
[00:53:06] just, you know, it holds the attention of people for like, maybe a day, maybe two days.
[00:53:12] And then we just fucking move on. I don't know. I don't know if it's like also because
[00:53:18] like our attention span is limited. I don't know if it's because we, you know, I've just
[00:53:25] been thinking about it a lot. I don't know if it's because of our attention spans that
[00:53:28] are limited now as a consequence of like tick talk or whatever. But it is kind of weird.
[00:53:34] And I don't know if it's because like, I'm not saying that this is like a deliberate
[00:53:39] effort to like normalize. It's like hyper normalization of these kinds of like climate
[00:53:42] atrocities. Um, I don't think that, but it is strange. It is strange to me that it's
[00:53:50] like, I mean, it isn't as bad as Katrina. That was have a Louisiana's coastline that
[00:53:55] was destroyed.
[00:53:56] Bro, there's Asheville is gone, brother. Like Asheville is fucking gone. Ashley North
[00:54:09] Carolina is gone. The dam broke. It's over. You know, it's just like fully underwater
[00:54:13] at this point. It's crazy. I think it is definitely Katrina level. Yeah. Regarding
[00:54:26] Coverage bridges are rendering entire regions virtually entirely inaccessible by land. There's no power. There's no internet
[00:54:31] I'm sure information will be scarce
[00:54:33] Coming out of it from the ground versus being able to get aerial shots
[00:54:37] Like we have this is like apocalyptic levels of destruction as the chatter put it and I
[00:54:46] I don't know man, it's just it's it's it's really fucked up. It is really really really fucked up and
[00:54:54] And one aspect of the story that's really fucked up is that
[00:55:00] we are directly causing it with anthropogenic climate change, okay?
[00:55:04] As the world heats up more and more, I guess, in the simplest terms,
[00:55:12] directly as a consequence of our emissions,
[00:55:15] things that scientists keep saying are going to happen are happening over and over again.
[00:55:20] And a big chunk of people, a big chunk of people are just like, nah, I'm different dog.
[00:55:27] We're different.
[00:55:28] It's fine.
[00:55:29] The only client, like the most significant, most consequential climate change policy that
[00:55:34] we have seems to be the border policy, you know, like a more military, a more militant
[00:55:41] border, a more white nativist, more militant border policy is like the only thing that
[00:55:47] we are setting up for.
[00:55:49] like we're not hardening our infrastructure even enough and half of the entire political
[00:55:57] field basically denies it's even happening and is like trying to legislate away the mention
[00:56:02] of it like you look at fucking Florida it's like they're too busy being like nah climate
[00:56:07] change is fake like don't say it don't say it's real please and it blows my mind Fango
[00:56:12] lives are easy correspondences easy way to explain climate change makes storms stronger
[00:56:16] Global warming makes water warmer, warmer water has more energy.
[00:56:19] So storms passing over that water gain more energy from the warmer water,
[00:56:22] which means they're stronger storms.
[00:56:24] We've added several billion nuclear bombs with the energy to the ocean in a couple
[00:56:27] decades.
[00:56:27] Yes.
[00:56:29] That is a good way to explain it.
[00:56:30] Thank you.
[00:56:34] Yeah.
[00:56:35] That's also partially due to climate change migration.
[00:56:37] No, I know, I know that's what I'm saying.
[00:56:39] Like our border security measures, uh, is a climate change.
[00:56:44] Infrastructure hardening initiative.
[00:56:46] It's because there are going to be more and more people that previously worked in the
[00:56:53] agricultural sector that are not going to be able to work, so they're going to migrate
[00:56:59] as their economy is devastated.
[00:57:02] They're going to migrate north.
[00:57:03] They're going to come to America because there is ecological disaster there and they
[00:57:08] don't have any fucking, they don't have any money to even harden their infrastructure
[00:57:14] nor overcome the damage that climate changes is causing in those regions.
[00:57:20] But what is crazy about this, what is crazy about this beyond that,
[00:57:30] I don't know, what's crazy about it is beyond the migration patterns, right?
[00:57:38] We literally have basically at this point, you know, developing nation levels of infrastructure
[00:57:49] in the wealthiest nation on the fucking planet, dude.
[00:57:54] But it's wild to me that we just straight up have a situation where half of the political
[00:58:02] population have to have of our government is like it doesn't exist. So don't do anything
[00:58:07] about it. The other half is like, it does exist, but we are going to be susceptible to political
[00:58:12] pressure from the right and from money to interest, like in the oil and gas sector.
[00:58:16] So we're going to keep drilling, baby. We're going to keep fucking fracking drill, baby drill,
[00:58:21] but like, you know, gay version. Okay. And we're, we hear you. We see you. We want
[00:58:29] to trust the science, but also we're not going to trust the science that much because
[00:58:32] as long as it harms the bottom line of like oil and gas giants, then we're going to not
[00:58:38] trust the science that much, right? Build back better. Wasn't going to solve all this,
[00:58:46] but Jesus Christ, the Joe mentioned, got the shit out of that bill as a democratic senator.
[00:58:49] This is insane. Levels of destruction. Yeah. So you're right about that. And I do think
[00:58:54] that like in a just world, he would be held to count alongside the entirety of
[00:59:00] Republican Party, right? How are immigration and disasters of hurricanes correlated? No,
[00:59:10] you're looking at one aspect of how climate change and the once in a lifetime like weather
[00:59:18] events, like climate change created catastrophes occur in America, but you're failing to consider
[00:59:26] that when this happens in like Mexico, it's even more devastating. But beyond that, climate
[00:59:31] change also causes drought in a lot of places, especially in land America. Not only do they
[00:59:38] not have enough money to harden their infrastructure against this sort of thing when this kind of
[00:59:42] devastation occurs and it completely collapses entire ecologies, but beyond that you have
[00:59:47] climate refugees. You have people that can no longer work the land because the
[00:59:53] land is no longer tenable. So what do they do? They migrate. They migrate further
[00:59:58] north. So you have climate refugees, right? You have climate refugees that are like are
[01:00:04] coming to America because like at least there's still land that you can work on and make money
[01:00:08] on. So that's how millions of people are displaced. And America knows that like it's
[01:00:14] going to happen more and more. It's kind of like, it's kind of like the classic Chevron
[01:00:19] Exxon mobile having full knowledge of the carbon emissions causing anthropogenic
[01:00:25] climate change and global warming in general and like refusing to do anything about it.
[01:00:30] And as a matter of fact, having that full knowledge, and then only using that knowledge
[01:00:35] to create PR structures against it so that you can create an environment where like 30
[01:00:42] to 40% of the entire fucking nation doesn't even believe it's real, right?
[01:00:47] That's what they did since the 80s.
[01:00:48] They were like, oh, shit, this is going to be a problem in the future.
[01:00:51] So let's fucking make sure that it doesn't become a problem for us and our bottom line
[01:00:55] by creating an entire system in media to just lie to the American public and to say that
[01:01:02] it's like fucking bullshit.
[01:01:04] And that is one of the fucking negative consequences of this reality because you're seeing biblical
[01:01:10] levels of destruction, okay?
[01:01:13] You're watching biblical levels of destruction.
[01:01:15] And what are some Americans saying about it?
[01:01:18] How are some people reckoning with this reality?
[01:01:21] How are some people dealing with this reality?
[01:01:24] They're dealing with it by fucking blaming like weather machines or something.
[01:01:31] And it's no different than mass shootings.
[01:01:35] Okay?
[01:01:36] Here's why it's no different than mass shootings.
[01:01:38] Mass shootings are not a natural disaster, but we analyze it like it's a natural
[01:01:43] disaster.
[01:01:44] Why?
[01:01:45] we are completely captive to corporate interests in that regard. Gun manufacturers make too much
[01:01:51] fucking money for us to ever actually deal with the gun violence that happens in this country.
[01:01:57] So in that situation, if you are going to refuse to see the reality of the matter,
[01:02:04] like at the top of the hour, there's a three minute abrick. If you're refusing to see that,
[01:02:07] if you're using the reckon with that reality, then, you know, you're probably going to get
[01:02:11] hit with a three minute abrick instead of defending yourself against that abrick by
[01:02:13] subscribing. Last day of September, by the way, for $4 or for free with a Twitch prime
[01:02:19] or by getting gifted a sub if you're lucky. Okay. Here's the three minute outbreak. Now
[01:02:56] hurricane Katrina category five major hurricane, 1,392 fatalities and 135 missing hurricane
[01:03:01] Helene category four major hurricane, 121 fatalities, 673 missing. So it doesn't seem like it's
[01:03:09] as bad as Katrina.
[01:03:10] It's what are we doing like it's pretty fucking bad still dude. That is crazy
[01:03:16] And I think it's more than 673 missing by the way, I think those numbers are incorrect
[01:03:37] We don't even know the full numbers at this point. Don't we it's also
[01:03:47] It's also where it's also where the fucking hurricane hit like it's not even the coastline. There's work in this situation. It's crazy
[01:03:56] Okay
[01:03:59] Listen, I'm gonna run the three minute break now by the way
[01:04:02] Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, you have to, you have to understand something. Okay. All jokes aside, through men and break, blah, blah, blah.
[01:04:10] What I'm trying to fucking explain here is this, okay?
[01:04:14] If you are refusing to reckon with the reality in front of you, you are going to look for alternative realities. That's the why things are happening.
[01:04:22] And that's why there are so many conspiratorial psychopaths out there. Okay, that's my point. My point is
[01:04:28] My point is, there are so many fucking conspiracy brained losers out there, because they've been duped into refusing to acknowledge what the truth is, okay?
[01:04:41] We're so far removed from that, and it's the same principle behind gun violence as well, which we also analyze like it's a fucking naturally occurring phenomenon.
[01:04:49] on we're like oh do not look to the actual problem which is guns okay mass
[01:04:55] arsenal of weapons that are readily available to the public more guns than
[01:05:00] there are people but God forbid you fucking analyze it with the actual root
[01:05:04] cause of the fucking problem no we got a desperately cling on to anything and
[01:05:07] else anything and everything we can oh it's got to be door control we got a
[01:05:11] fucking give more guns to the teachers we got to do this we got to do that
[01:05:14] and that's why so many people at this point now that they've exhausted all
[01:05:19] other options whenever fucking mass shootings occur they have they now go
[01:05:25] oh it's because the shooter is trans I've imagined that the shooter is trans
[01:05:28] and trans people are doing these mass shootings or you know this is a Psyop
[01:05:32] there's a government Psyop they actually are doing this because they want to
[01:05:34] fucking do gun control which never happens by the way worst shittiest Psyop
[01:05:38] of all time right so that's it that's why people hyper focus on like
[01:05:45] insane shit. This happened to Hawaii too! Oh it must be like space lasers that did
[01:05:52] the fucking fires it cannot be that the the brush is just simply drier than it
[01:05:58] has ever been. It cannot be like full-blown ecological collapse that
[01:06:02] caused massive wildfires gotta be fucking space lasers look at the blue
[01:06:07] cars the blue cars didn't light on fire like you we are purposely making
[01:06:13] our population dumber and dumber and dumber because it's like easier to control and manipulate
[01:06:17] in some ways, but also simultaneously, this is not tenable. This is not sustainable. Okay.
[01:06:26] I don't know how to describe it. She just fucked up. It's so fucked up. It's so fucked up in every
[01:06:50] way, in every way, shape and form. Like the way we analyze the situation is so messed up.
[01:06:55] Here, this is a Matt Crisman quote that it talks about it, okay?
[01:07:03] These guys that march in Charlottesville, these are the people who are aware of the unspoken
[01:07:06] premise of the sort of zombie neoliberalism that we're living in, which is that we're
[01:07:10] coming to a point where there's going to be ecological catastrophe, and that it's going
[01:07:14] to require either massive redistribution of the ill-gotten gains of the first world
[01:07:18] or genocide.
[01:07:20] And these are the first people who have basically said, well, if that's the choice, then
[01:07:23] I choose genocide.
[01:07:24] they're getting everyone else ready intellectually and emotionally for why
[01:07:27] that's gonna be okay when it happens why they are not really people when we're
[01:07:32] putting all this money into more fucking walls and drones and bombs and guns to
[01:07:35] keep them away so that we can watch them die with clear consciousness it's
[01:07:40] because we have been loaded with the ideology that these guys are now
[01:07:44] starting to express publicly on the other side of them we have people
[01:07:49] who are in who are saying in full fucking voice no we have the
[01:07:52] resources to save everybody, to give everybody a decent and worthwhile existence, and that
[01:07:55] is what we want. And that is the fucking real difference between these two. And you can
[01:07:59] tell that to the next asshole who tells you that they're actually two sides of the same
[01:08:03] coin. We are the people who say we have the money, we have the capacity, we have
[01:08:09] a surplus of food. We are the people who can save everybody else. We just choose
[01:08:13] not to. And the problem with neoliberalism and the problem with like the Democratic
[01:08:18] party's capitulation to right-wing framing on issues is that they are also slaves of the
[01:08:24] same master, the master of capital, okay? They are still deeply, they have a deeply vested
[01:08:30] interest in maintaining this corporate oligopoly, this corporate oligarchy, so they have to
[01:08:36] make some messages, like messaging differences between the Republican Party, but ultimately
[01:08:44] That's why every fucking four years you see them bouldering towards more and more right-wing framing on these issues
[01:08:50] Now I want to dive into this a little bit further. I
[01:08:54] Want to talk about this a little bit more?
[01:08:57] in this past month alone
[01:09:01] There have been
[01:09:03] So many issues that the that a competent Democratic Party would literally be
[01:09:10] messaging around over and over again to a degree where this would not even be a
[01:09:16] fucking close race at all. We have, we had a mass shooting that's a gun, that's a
[01:09:24] gun control issue. The Democrats could have messaged around it. We forgot about
[01:09:28] the fucking mass shooting already. Like it literally happened like what a month
[01:09:32] ago, two months ago? Okay. Nothing. No competent fucking conversation, no
[01:09:38] competent democratic leadership on that front at all okay what do we do we're
[01:09:43] still um we're like yeah guns are bad we move on okay
[01:09:49] a mass shooting happened and the Democrats didn't even message around it
[01:09:54] okay another thing Republicans insanely right-wing framing on immigration they
[01:10:00] went so above and beyond that it was gross to the average person as I told
[01:10:04] you this would happen with the Haitians are eating dogs and cats nonsense okay
[01:10:09] that's another issue that the Republicans have completely gotten out of
[01:10:15] control on with their messaging a competent Democratic Party should have
[01:10:18] made mincemeat out of that okay a competent counterbalance a competent
[01:10:25] counterbalance to that kind of unrestricted fascist communication is
[01:10:29] supposed to sit there and say do you hear what this fucking person is
[01:10:32] They're saying, they're saying your neighbors are eating cats and dogs. They're being, they're doing like unrestricted, unfettered racism, okay?
[01:10:41] White supremacy through and fucking through. Nothing!
[01:10:44] No statements whatsoever to the humanity of these fucking Haitian migrants that are literally not even undocumented.
[01:10:52] They are documented, they are documented immigrants.
[01:10:57] And their status, these guys on the right, want to revoke. They want to take that away.
[01:11:02] Okay? So that's another one. And last but not least, or two other issues, okay?
[01:11:10] Foreign policy, neocon foreign policy back in the day was supposed to be the
[01:11:16] Republicans that pushed, you know, more war, more war, more devastation, more
[01:11:22] destruction, more money to fuck a military. Okay? Israel has expanded on its
[01:11:30] NSEE and is now doing to Lebanon what it was doing to Gaza, nothing from the Democratic Party except for
[01:11:38] full-blown unconditional fucking support to Israel. Okay? And last but not least now we also have
[01:11:48] ecological disasters as a direct consequence of climate change and the counterbalance to the
[01:11:54] Republican Party is also running the drill baby drill attitude. Think about that. Those
[01:12:01] are four key issues. Domestic policy and foreign policy, four key fucking issues that the Democrats
[01:12:10] are supposed to literally be on the opposing side on. And yet when you look at their fucking
[01:12:15] policy prescriptions, when you look at their policy prescriptions, their answers are no
[01:12:21] different than the Republican Party. Their answers are like maybe lighter, maybe a little
[01:12:27] bit more understanding. This is a terrifying prospect for the future of the United States
[01:12:35] of America. Okay. There are key issues to a crazy left person. Yeah, dude. The entire
[01:12:44] town of Asheville, North Carolina is underwater. And that's just a key issue to a crazy
[01:12:50] left person, huh, a crazy left person. If you have to be a crazy left person to be like,
[01:12:57] Hey, I find it unconscionable that our key ally in the Middle East is like pummeling every
[01:13:03] fucking country in the region with American made bombs with American tax dollars that
[01:13:09] could be going elsewhere to, I don't know, maybe harden your infrastructure ahead of
[01:13:13] time because you know, fucking ecological disaster is imminent. I'm not a, I mean, I don't
[01:13:18] I don't know what to say about like the average opinion of the average person then or these are key issues to a crazy left person
[01:13:26] Key issues such as not fucking going on a national stage and greatly
[01:13:32] Accelerating the right wing framing the white nativist framing built on top of a house of lies
[01:13:41] Okay built on not only it's not even shaky foundation
[01:13:44] Okay. It's not a shaky foundation. It's just abject lies, right? Like the idea that undocumented
[01:13:50] migrants are responsible for more crime than natural born U S citizens. That's not correct.
[01:13:55] It's just incorrect. These aren't even undocumented immigrants, by the way. These are documented
[01:14:08] immigrants too, but they are being treated as though they are undocumented. Meanwhile,
[01:14:28] meanwhile, this is the Lib talking point. By the way, anyone that's upset about Biden
[01:14:32] and Harris's response are getting hit with not their fault. They offered aid to
[01:14:36] then say should have voted better. Yeah, that's insane, man. That's insane. Believe in that
[01:14:48] climate change is real. When like, multiple towns are completely fucking underwater is
[01:14:57] such a psychotic way of looking at the situation. I don't even know how to deal with it. And
[01:15:03] that is how we arrive at the viral tweet blaming the flooding in North Carolina on
[01:15:07] government weather manipulation. Okay? Because you are desperately avoiding the truth. You
[01:15:15] don't want to fucking see the truth. You don't want to see the truth of the matter. You don't
[01:15:19] want to listen to scientists. You think scientists are gay and lame and lying to you. And when
[01:15:24] that happens, of course, you're going to find yourself in the throes of like fucking insanity
[01:15:29] like this. Easy way to understand immigration and global warming. A single immigrant brings
[01:15:42] his body temperature to the US. Therefore, making the whole land of the US warmer,
[01:15:45] more energy. And therefore making, okay, stop joking right now. Come on. Yeah, I saw this
[01:15:51] fucking, I saw this as well.
[01:15:56] FEMA said last week, it faces nearly $9 billion of shortfall for Hurricane Helene recovery
[01:16:01] efforts on the same day Israel announced an $8.7 billion weapons package from the US.
[01:16:05] Our tax dollars are funding Israeli war crimes instead of the investments we desperately
[01:16:09] need here. Can't do it. Can't get Congress to do it. You just can't do it. You
[01:16:13] know. Meanwhile, here's another fuck you to the police, by the way, because every single
[01:16:21] thing I talk about, the intersectionality of that violence is in full display right here.
[01:16:27] The intersectionality of misinformation, the intersectionality of that violence, all of
[01:16:31] the systems that we exist under that are openly being like, fuck you, die, you fucking
[01:16:38] poor.
[01:16:41] Police Guard and grocery stores, while folks are denied the opportunity to purchase baby
[01:16:44] formula after losing everything is pretty indicative of where we are as a country. Okay? Not letting
[01:16:55] people into the fucking grocery store. That's what they're, that's what they're using their fucking
[01:17:01] funds on. Great stuff, man. That's what we're using our local funds on.
[01:17:07] So why didn't you stock up? Why didn't anyone stock up? The store has to follow procedures
[01:17:11] from the people like you from buying everything up and then suing the store because they bought
[01:17:14] bad product. Like there are people immediately being like, nah, oh, this guy blocked me.
[01:17:46] But let's see what he's had to say. Matt Wallace, don't worry guys, whether modification isn't
[01:17:53] real is just a coincidence. The hurricane Helene is one of the most devastating inland
[01:17:57] damage storms in history and the hundreds of pro Trump counties are massively being
[01:18:03] impacted during those most important election of our lifetimes. Yeah. Obviously the elites
[01:18:07] would never be evil enough to create hurricanes, design an interview with democracy, pay no
[01:18:11] attention to storms and likes. We're done. We're done. We're done. You cannot come back
[01:18:18] from this. I think how the fuck are you living in a goddamn mountain and expected for your
[01:18:36] entire fucking house to flood entire town to flood? It is perfectly understandable.
[01:18:42] here's a here's reporting from Asheville, North Carolina from April 2002 or 2022.
[01:18:50] Okay let's take a look about how Asheville was presented as a escape from
[01:18:58] severe climate change impact. When it comes to climate the mountains have
[01:19:02] always been an attractive place to live and now even more so with climate
[01:19:07] change making severe weather events even worse elsewhere. Climate change
[01:19:11] to climate migration. Weather events are becoming crazy all over the world and
[01:19:16] there's places where they're less crazy. Asheville is fortunate to be one of
[01:19:20] those places. Now more people taking refuge in the temperate mountains of
[01:19:23] Western North Carolina. This real estate broker saying he's hearing that
[01:19:27] climate is a big reason why people are moving here. I think people have noticed
[01:19:31] and are moving here for to escape wildfires, to escape floods, to escape
[01:19:36] hurricanes to escape droughts. Scott Schubert is a local expert in community
[01:19:41] planning and resilience. Our big three issues of climate change affecting
[01:19:46] North Carolina are sea level rise which clearly we're not having a problem
[01:19:50] with that but also heavy precipitation and periods of drought. He says those
[01:19:56] don't affect us in Asheville as much since we're far from the coast have
[01:20:00] the North Fork Reservoir for a water supply and elevation to keep our
[01:20:04] temperatures mild. Not immune to climate change, of course, just less susceptible.
[01:20:08] And he doesn't think we're anywhere near the peak of climate migration.
[01:20:12] Bro, a random Kenyan farmer has been noticing that his goats are walking further and further
[01:20:30] for water year over year. Any understanding is a direct result of climate change. How
[01:20:33] do the hogs not understand this? I think it's understandable for most people to not
[01:20:38] recognize this because we don't have a direct relationship with the fucking nature.
[01:20:42] We don't have a direct relationship with the meat that we are consuming.
[01:20:46] We do not have that direct relationship with nature at all by design.
[01:20:50] So of course people don't notice these differences year over year.
[01:20:55] And as I explained already, there's a multi-billion dollar initiative.
[01:21:02] There is a multi-billion dollar initiative to also make people dumber and dumber and
[01:21:07] refuse to reckon with the reality because the reality harms capital interests.
[01:21:11] The reality harms the bottom line of the oil and gas industry. Okay. The entire world
[01:21:18] runs on fossil fuels. That's it. Yeah. It's the breaking down of the social connections
[01:21:29] of consumption caused by capitalism. A dude wrote a whole book about this. Yeah, he did.
[01:21:38] Like things that you would previously consider insane that, uh, you know, your fellow Americans
[01:21:45] would believe are now becoming more and more commonplace. Do you not notice that? And if
[01:21:52] you do notice that, do you not see that as a major problem? Because I certainly do. I
[01:21:57] definitely do. I find it very, I find it damaging the public discourse in general. I find it
[01:22:04] terrifying that more and more people are just like literally, uh, desperately clinging
[01:22:10] on to whatever the fuck they can, desperately clinging on to whatever kind of fucking
[01:22:19] misinformation they can because of our abject powerlessness in the face of
[01:22:24] these systems that are turning out these results. No matter what you say and do,
[01:22:31] you know, uh, where will we go from here? Storms after math. We start in
[01:22:36] Asheville with faith of Ube. Good morning, Faith. Yeah. Good morning to you,
[01:22:41] Robin. It's been days without power, cell phone service or safe drinking
[01:22:45] water for so many people here in western North Carolina. Right now,
[01:22:49] where in historic Biltmore village, a popular shopping and dining enclave here
[01:22:53] in Asheville, which was submerged in water. There was debris all over the
[01:22:57] place and a muddy mess left behind this stretches for miles and miles. One
[01:23:02] official calling the damage biblical devastation. This morning, the death
[01:23:08] toll climbing after Haleen barrel through the southeast. The massive storm
[01:23:13] killing more than 91 people from Florida to Virginia. In Bunkham County,
[01:23:19] North Carolina, our affiliate W S O C capturing the scope of the damage from
[01:23:24] above, at least 30 people declared dead. Does is more unaccounted for these
[01:23:30] response teams are working around the clock to make rescues to access
[01:23:34] neighborhoods. The extreme floods washing away homes and bridges
[01:23:38] at one point, North Carolina d. O. T. Forced to close more than 400 roads,
[01:23:48] deeming them unsafe for travel. Members of the National Guard and relief teams
[01:23:53] from 19 states joining the search and rescue missions. This is and whether
[01:23:58] it's whether amount of kids, you guys are not new. They have escaped
[01:24:01] Twitter for a very long time. I know the problem is I think more and more
[01:24:07] people now believe it. That's the issue. It's getting way more broader play in my opinion.
[01:24:16] Now I have no data to back this up. It just feels that way and maybe I'm wrong. But yes,
[01:24:21] they have existed for quite a while. But like things that were relegated to the Alex Jones
[01:24:28] like Ham radio broadcasts are now being publicized by like many different independent media outlets
[01:24:36] that have broad reach reach that previously like a lot of this reach was stunted in the
[01:24:46] past. Okay. You had to like have a fucking AM radio broadcast exactly know when to tune
[01:24:53] in. You had to be really invested in the conspiracy theories. Now you can just like
[01:24:57] accidentally reach them online on your fucking tiktok feed. You can accidentally reach
[01:25:03] them and be duped by them online on your YouTube feed, on your Twitter feed, if you're on Twitter,
[01:25:14] like it, things that used to be, uh, limited to like obscure forums and, and AM radio broadcasts
[01:25:22] in the past are now broadly at the forefront of not mainstream media necessarily, but at
[01:25:28] But at least like the only other massive, very impactful way of getting information is
[01:25:38] just like everywhere online, everywhere.
[01:25:43] Unprecedented tragedy that requires an unprecedented response.
[01:25:47] In Asheville, many residents growing desperate sell service and putable water out for days.
[01:25:53] This is apocalyptic, not desperate in, but the entire region.
[01:25:57] In Canton, Mayor Zef Smathers telling ABC News, it's nearly impossible to reach emergency
[01:26:03] management due to the cell service outage.
[01:26:05] To see our cell phones completely black out and not have the ability to allow people on
[01:26:10] their own accord to check on their loved ones or say, hey, look, you live near water.
[01:26:15] Please leave.
[01:26:17] Hurricane Haleen rapid.
[01:26:19] Yeah.
[01:26:20] I mean, dude, dude, it's so inconsiderate when climate protests is block roads.
[01:26:25] just like, or it's so inconsiderate when, you know, climate, I'm glad that we're like fucking
[01:26:31] arresting the only people that are like, Hey guys, you should pay attention to this because
[01:26:38] it's going to fucking kill you one day. Yeah. Meanwhile here, here's a major contributor
[01:26:56] to this by the way, it's actually crazy how quickly we went from people saying Jack
[01:27:00] Dorsey brought a liberal bias to Twitter to whatever this is. And we hear nothing
[01:27:04] about it, okay? Jack Dorsey never in a fucking million years behaved in this outwardly liberal
[01:27:12] of a fashion, okay? In the way that Elon Musk very openly communicates like the most unfiltered,
[01:27:20] unrestricted right wing far right, sometimes neo-nazi sentiment. And it's odd, don't you
[01:27:28] think? It's odd that, you know, we always suspect that there's a liberal bias, but
[01:27:35] when there is an overt right wing bias, nobody even talks about it.
[01:27:40] It's like, what are you supposed to do?
[01:27:41] There's nothing you could do about it either.
[01:27:57] Nuremberg style trials for the oil and gas executives, brother,
[01:28:00] there is a lot of people right now that deserve Nuremberg style trials,
[01:28:05] not just the oil and gas executives.
[01:28:06] When we're talking about this, uh, hurricane, yes, but then there's also
[01:28:10] the Nuremberg style trials for all of those who are in defensive
[01:28:13] Israel's literally Nuremberg inducing actions, you know, forthright style shit in the region,
[01:28:21] in the Middle East. Yeah. Elon Musk was even saying the craziest part about Elon Musk is
[01:28:35] that he was propped up as this like billionaire Tony Stark style guy by liberals. Okay. This
[01:28:43] supposed billionaire Tony Stark, who's going to save the fucking world. He's going to
[01:28:47] send us the Mars or whatever. And he's going to save the fucking planet from climate
[01:28:51] change, right? He's got EVs. His brother's got a solar panel company. And it's crazy
[01:28:57] because he was having a conversation with Donald Trump. And even then he was like repeating
[01:29:01] fucking climate misinformation. Elon was saying climate change, disinfo during that Trump interview
[01:29:07] even, and that's supposed to be the one non-adiotic position he holds. Yes. I mean,
[01:29:11] in 2017, he quit that Trump White House council over climate change. And now he's talking
[01:29:15] to the dude and talking analysis about climate change saying, we don't have to worry
[01:29:18] until we reach 1000 ppm. Yeah, he said climate change won't be a problem until the air catches
[01:29:24] on fire. Like it was great man. Yeah, until, until you get headaches from breathing the
[01:29:39] air. It won't be an issue. The permafrost melting is funny. It's no longer so perma
[01:29:54] the frost. It turns out it's temp of frost. Oh my God, they're going to change permafrost
[01:30:01] the temp of frost and be like, Oh, it was always, uh, it was never supposed to be permafrost,
[01:30:07] dude. What do you mean? It's just temp of frost. You're stupid. Fucking silly ass libtard. It's
[01:30:13] just a, uh, it's actually temper frost. Anyway, that new age frost don't last as long as long
[01:30:31] as you used to do to woke 90 K people live in just Asheville and there's no hope they
[01:30:44] will recover what is minimally necessary before winter in the mountains. It gets
[01:30:48] really cold. They got snow storms. I live in South Carolina. I'm terrified of the upstate
[01:30:52] in Western North Carolina. We aren't well funded states. Yeah, ice is supposed to melt stupid.
[01:30:58] Put some ice in your goddamn glass and watch what happens to it. Duh. You're just a silly
[01:31:03] libtard in your woke. I'm always reminded of that one fucking congressperson who brought
[01:31:09] a fucking snowball into Congress to be like, Oh, see, there's still snow. You guys
[01:31:13] are stupid. Or a tide comes in tide goes out.
[01:31:21] intensifying in less than 12 hours making landfall in Florida's Big Bend as a category
[01:31:27] force form late Thursday night with 140 mile per hour winds.
[01:31:33] Western North Carolina rattled with a separate rain system just before Helene crossed the
[01:31:37] border dumping up to 30 inches of rain in parts of the state, triggering extreme and
[01:31:43] deadly flash floods in landflights.
[01:31:48] This home in Marshall swept away in this river.
[01:31:51] In Lake Lore, home splintered and reduced to rubble.
[01:31:54] Boats and docks piling up, towns turned into lakes submerged under water.
[01:31:59] When you turn the corner and you see your community just full of buildings and trash
[01:32:07] and floating boat houses and floating homes, it just sort of takes your breath away.
[01:32:11] I mean it was scary.
[01:32:12] Yeah, I mean this is been-
[01:32:14] Boat of church and you get on your knees and you pray to an invisible man in the
[01:32:16] sky.
[01:32:17] man in this guy. That's a scam. No, I don't. I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why it's not a scam,
[01:32:24] in my opinion. Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never miscommunication. You can't explain that.
[01:32:30] You can explain why the tide goes in. Tide goes in, tide goes out. See the water, the tide comes in
[01:32:35] and it goes out. Maybe it's four on top of Mount Olympus who's making the tides go in and out.
[01:32:40] No, no, but you can't explain it can't explain it
[01:32:53] Can't do it
[01:32:55] All of you silly woke-ass motherfuckers gonna talk about the moon. That's not real dumbass
[01:33:00] It's just cheese up there and we never went there. So shut the fuck up
[01:33:10] Everyone's talking about moon. Uh-huh. That's not real
[01:33:14] Excuse me
[01:33:17] The moon these guys think the moon is real. It's called a light bulb, okay?
[01:33:22] How else could you see at night? They turn it on at NASA every night
[01:33:32] Everybody knows that oh silly it's crazy because it's like I'm gonna cry
[01:33:49] We joke but like
[01:33:52] That is slowly but surely becoming the normal position man
[01:33:57] man. Like that's becoming
[01:34:04] position. Road sliced in h
[01:34:10] 50 trees blocking my neigh
[01:34:12] I started helping yesterday
[01:34:16] the trap. The painter fam
[01:34:22] of water in their basement
[01:34:25] to my it's eerie. It's I
[01:34:29] the bottom of my stomach,
[01:34:32] we're stepping on mud and
[01:34:37] two people died in Tennessee
[01:34:41] to climb. Unicoid County
[01:34:43] than 70 people are still on
[01:34:49] found his Jeep and hope h
[01:34:55] that big one now so I can
[01:34:59] can breathe again. His
[01:35:01] one today. So I want to s
[01:35:06] highlights with him. Is t
[01:35:10] George this morning. There
[01:35:12] roads here in western North
[01:35:14] are still closed, including
[01:35:17] means a lot of people are
[01:35:19] supplies. The roads are y
[01:35:22] washed away or unsafe in
[01:35:25] And also there are parts
[01:35:27] It's so muddy, slippery and dangerous that it's unsafe to even walk around.
[01:35:33] George.
[01:35:34] Well, a rescue recovery going to take some time.
[01:35:35] Okay, Faith, thanks very much.
[01:35:37] Good morning.
[01:35:38] State the obvious over the weekend with devastating storms in the South.
[01:35:43] I spoke for a couple hours with leaders yesterday affected by this hurricane.
[01:35:48] And Governor Kemp from Georgia, Governor Cooper North Carolina, county officials in the
[01:35:53] Big Bend region of Florida and other leaders in South Carolina and Tennessee
[01:35:57] about the broad and devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene. It's not just a
[01:36:02] catastrophic storm, it's a historic history-making storm. Entire Southeast and
[01:36:08] Appalachia. Damage from the hurricane stretches across at least 10 states.
[01:36:13] Winds over 120 miles an hour in some places. Storm surge is up to 15 feet
[01:36:19] and record flooding. Communities are devastated.
[01:36:23] Love ones waiting, not sure if their loved ones are okay,
[01:36:27] and they can't contact them because there's no cell phone connections. Many more folks this place
[01:36:31] have no idea when they'll be able to return to the home
[01:36:35] if ever, if there's a home to return to. We're keeping all our
[01:36:39] prayers and all the lives lost.
[01:36:43] What is it Jack? We're gonna give another 11 billion dollars to Israel. If you fucking
[01:36:49] think that that's a problem and take it up with the above. All right, look alive. A lot
[01:37:08] of people talked about the FEMA budget shortfall. Well to me I say that's where the anti-Semitism
[01:37:16] I'm going to count for there's nothing like wondering is my husband,
[01:37:21] wife, son, daughter, mother, father alive and many more who remain without electricity,
[01:37:26] water, food and communications.
[01:37:30] Yeah, bro.
[01:37:31] Look, didn't realize how many folks have no idea where Asheville and
[01:37:33] these other underwater towns are.
[01:37:35] I'm in Raleigh, two hours inland.
[01:37:37] Asheville is four hours west of me up in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
[01:37:39] It was unthinkable that a hurricane could wipe out towns this far
[01:37:42] inland and high up.
[01:37:47] That's nutty, man.
[01:37:49] That's nutty. Climate Denier take down.
[01:37:57] What do you think happened as the WAPO tried to map out half a billion years of
[01:38:00] global temperatures and the disaster of global warming? Hi,
[01:38:03] I labeled this so the world's dumbest people would get it. Temperatures so low
[01:38:06] enough, temperature is low enough for humans to evolve.
[01:38:09] Fastest temperature increase in 485 million years from stinky are
[01:38:23] resident meteorology chatter. Water in the Gulf has been exceptionally warm.
[01:38:27] Two to four degrees Fahrenheit above normal.
[01:38:29] There have been eight category four of fry hurricane to make landfall in US.
[01:38:32] So in the past eight years, this is as many as the past 57 years of record sea levels in
[01:38:39] Florida is eight inches higher than it was in 1950.
[01:38:41] This means higher storm surges.
[01:38:44] Thank you stinky 19 for the information.
[01:38:55] My response to that is I don't believe you.
[01:38:57] Okay.
[01:38:58] Um, guess what dude?
[01:39:00] Dinosaurs.
[01:39:01] I think I don't know, uh, depending on the conversation that we're having, I won't
[01:39:05] even believe that they were alive.
[01:39:06] were alive 6,000 years ago alongside Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
[01:39:12] Yeah, don't worry about it. God will sort it out as also such a like devastating leap.
[01:39:25] It's a devastatingly tragic, tragic comedy almost the irony in that statement.
[01:39:32] Because, you know, God is sorting it out. It's just killing people then. All right, GGs, I guess.
[01:39:41] Yes.
[01:39:46] I hope the businesses have washed away in an instant and want them to know we're not leaving
[01:39:52] until the job is done.
[01:39:53] I also want you to know I'm committed to traveling to the impacted areas as soon as possible.
[01:39:58] But I've been told that it would be disruptive if I did it right now.
[01:40:02] We will not do that at the risk of diverting or delaying any of the response assets
[01:40:07] needed to deal with this crisis.
[01:40:11] My first responsibility is to get all the help needed in those impacted areas.
[01:40:15] Have you considered a plant-based diet to help do your part?
[01:40:18] Thanks man.
[01:40:19] No, I haven't.
[01:40:20] Okay?
[01:40:21] I have not.
[01:40:22] I expect to.
[01:40:23] That's crazy.
[01:40:24] Vegans, please dude.
[01:40:26] Vegans, vegans, vegans, vegans, vegans, vegans.
[01:40:29] Even if we are talking about the enforcement of such a thing, you have to understand
[01:40:33] this has to be done at the systemic level, okay?
[01:40:36] Please.
[01:40:37] What you're describing is some of the most like scary aspects of government control that
[01:40:44] don't even exist in the green new deal that, that, that, that Republicans point to on a
[01:40:50] regular fucking basis.
[01:40:53] And even then it needs to still be enforced by the government. Okay. There is no world
[01:40:58] in which like you are individually going to fix this problem. It's just not going
[01:41:02] to happen. Or even mines like just don't need as much cow to help mitigate your
[01:41:19] climate effect? I don't, but it doesn't change that it's not going to move the needle at all.
[01:41:27] Unless the government moves in the direction of not subsidizing our agricultural production
[01:41:38] as much in an effort to make it so that people eat less and less meat, it's just not going to
[01:41:43] change and also you're talking to a chicken genocider anyway I rarely ever
[01:41:53] eat beef rarely to be there cool expect to be there later this week I had my
[01:42:04] team are in constant contact with the governor's mayors and local leaders
[01:42:08] and a FEMA Dan Griswold is on the ground now in North Carolina she's gonna
[01:42:14] to stay in Asheville and not place your reason for the foreseeable future.
[01:42:18] There's been reports of over 100 dead and consequences of the storm, and there
[01:42:22] are reports of up 600, 600 people on account for it because they can't be
[01:42:27] contacted. Really doing it. Consider the more invasive parts of government
[01:42:30] outreach, the potential limits on free speech on social platforms. Wait,
[01:42:33] what? I'm still left to simple advocate for governments who do this sort
[01:42:36] of stuff, but it's only part I'm worried about due to some personal
[01:42:38] reasons. What I don't know what you mean by social media outreach. I
[01:42:44] I don't know how we're gonna fix this,
[01:42:45] but I don't think limiting information
[01:42:47] is the solution to this problem,
[01:42:49] but I do think hardening our underlying educational
[01:42:53] infrastructure is the solution to this problem,
[01:42:56] but we're not fucking doing that either.
[01:43:00] Like the way I explain it is like this,
[01:43:03] I like Alex Jones as an entertainer.
[01:43:07] I can consume Alex Jones content
[01:43:09] as an entertaining figure, right?
[01:43:14] Oh, I thought you were talking about social platform,
[01:43:17] like free speech restrictions on social platform.
[01:43:19] I don't know what you mean about like meat consumption.
[01:43:22] When I say the government needs to deal with that,
[01:43:25] this has to be dealt with at the systemic level.
[01:43:27] I'm talking about subsidies to meat providers
[01:43:29] and like limiting the amount of meat that we are,
[01:43:32] limiting the amount of meat that we are creating,
[01:43:37] like limiting our agricultural output
[01:43:39] or putting additional regulatory checks
[01:43:43] on the ways in which agricultural production
[01:43:48] works in this country.
[01:43:53] But that is like one of the scariest aspects
[01:43:57] of this process to begin with.
[01:44:00] Since you said it was the scarier part for you
[01:44:02] regarding government reach, sorry for confusing you in law,
[01:44:05] but in terms of like social media communication.
[01:44:08] No, I don't know what you mean by that.
[01:44:14] Asan is not a moral person.
[01:44:15] He admits veganism is the moral responsibility.
[01:44:18] Do you not get your ethics from just learn politics?
[01:44:20] Yeah, I mean, I'm, I know that I don't have issues.
[01:44:25] I'm a speciesist and I do not have issues
[01:44:27] with animal meat consumption.
[01:44:28] This conversation is getting so far off base.
[01:44:31] Now, God damn it, Deagons.
[01:44:33] You represent what?
[01:44:33] 2% of the fucking community and you literally,
[01:44:36] ay-ya-ya-ya, just stop, please stop.
[01:44:42] God willing, they're alive,
[01:44:44] but there's no way to contact them again
[01:44:46] because of lack of cell phone coverage.
[01:44:48] I've directed my team to provide every available resources as fast as possible to your communities,
[01:44:54] to rescue, recover, and to begin rebuilding.
[01:44:57] In addition, the FEMA includes the Federal Communications Commission to help establish
[01:45:03] communications gate building, the National Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers, and
[01:45:08] the Department of Defense that can provide all the resources at its disposal to rescue
[01:45:13] and assist in clearing debris.
[01:45:15] What are we gonna say about social media Alex Jones? Oh, what I was saying is like, I am at least like well educated enough to know what Alex Jones is saying is fucking cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
[01:45:25] So from that position, I can, I can enjoy his commentary purely as entertainment, like as a crazy person.
[01:45:32] But unfortunately, given the lack of education for many Americans, and given the way that it currently works in the United States of America, there are plenty of people who do believe everything he's saying.
[01:45:44] And don't just treat it as like entertainment, okay?
[01:45:48] So in that situation, I don't know what to do, you know? I don't know what to do.
[01:45:59] Education doesn't fix stupidity. It makes it a lot harder.
[01:46:08] It makes it a lot harder for stupidity to thrive. It's like saying, oh, well,
[01:46:12] healthcare is not going to fucking make less Nazis. You're wrong. It will. Okay.
[01:46:18] Free healthcare will absolutely play a formative role in at least taking away a
[01:46:24] significant pressure valve from people's existences that causes economic
[01:46:28] volatility that causes instability in their lives that causes a fucking pressure
[01:46:32] point where they just like look for answers and will become duped by right
[01:46:37] wing sentiment. Delivering life saving supplies. So far that's our...
[01:46:55] Not this existent place with healthcare. I know. Oh my God. Oh my God. The point is
[01:47:03] The point is, you're never going to full-blown solve this issue, okay?
[01:47:10] There's rich people who are fucking Nazis too.
[01:47:12] Look at Harlan Crow.
[01:47:13] Okay?
[01:47:15] My point is, it's about limiting the impact, limiting the spread of dangerous ideology.
[01:47:21] Okay?
[01:47:22] That's the point.
[01:47:23] That's the goal.
[01:47:24] That's what we should be working towards.
[01:47:27] Okay?
[01:47:30] 2,600 personnel deployed. That number is growing by the day.
[01:47:35] I quickly approved requests from governors of Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina,
[01:47:41] Tennessee, Georgia, and Virginia and Alabama for an emergency declaration.
[01:47:46] And I approved additional requests for the governors of North Carolina, Florida, South Carolina,
[01:47:52] and for disaster declaration to pay for debris removal, provide financial assistance
[01:47:58] directly, directly to survivors.
[01:48:01] FEMA and the Small Business Administration
[01:48:04] are there to help the residents whose homes and businesses
[01:48:07] were literally destroyed, washed away, or blown away.
[01:48:10] And the federal search and rescue teams
[01:48:13] have been working side by side with state
[01:48:14] and local officials and partners in a very treacherous
[01:48:18] condition to find those they're missing.
[01:48:21] And they'll not rest until everyone's accounted for.
[01:48:24] I want to thank all the first responders
[01:48:27] everyone who's been working around the clock. I don't know if it's intentional or not but some chatter
[01:48:32] is completely misunderstood. Just choose to not hear what you're saying in order to score some
[01:48:35] for the gacha on the shimmer. Yeah, it's because at the top of the hour there's a three-minute
[01:48:38] ambrake and that's my biggest gacha for like 30,000 people in here. And they probably develop a
[01:48:45] little bit of resentment. Maybe they have a little bit of anxiety at the top of the hour
[01:48:49] because they know it's coming. They feel it in their heart and get worried. That chatter came
[01:48:59] to you with good intentions and you use them for a segue? Yes, because I'm a bad person.
[01:49:04] Next question. Anyway, you might be wondering, Hassan, how do I, how do I harden my security
[01:49:11] against the top of the hour ad break? That's three minutes long. I want to uninterrupt a broadcast
[01:49:15] experience. The answer is simple. For $4, you can avoid the top of the hour ad breaks by
[01:49:19] subscribing. Or if you don't have $4 for free, you can do that by connecting your Amazon
[01:49:23] Prime account to your Twitch account, where you get one free Prime subscription a month.
[01:49:26] use it on your favorite broadcaster. You can also get gifted a sub, orbital pyramid, they
[01:49:32] give you the five to one gifted subs. Or if you give the sub twitch also I think gives
[01:49:38] the sub as well. I don't know if they're still doing that. Maybe they're not anymore. It's
[01:49:41] the last day of September. Here's the three minute hour break now. Missing built. Why are
[01:50:01] people saying missing belt loop? You have to give five subs minimum for twitch to
[01:50:11] give a random sub amount. Oh yeah, especially the random sub amount that twitch is giving
[01:50:15] is one every time. One of the brave teams is volunteer. They're cock-watching. That's
[01:50:24] why they're looking at the fucking. Anyway, Justin, think of the five, in Texas, or they
[01:50:50] give the five gifted. Here to be there is from San Diego County Fire Department. Set
[01:50:56] to travel all the way from California to North Carolina to help. But on their way,
[01:51:01] in a terrible car accident in Louisiana. We pray for the full recovery, but it was a bad accident.
[01:51:07] We know there's more to do. We'll continue to surge resources, including food, water, communications, and
[01:51:15] life-saving equipment. We'll be there as I said before, and I mean it, as long as it takes to finish this job.
[01:51:22] Let me close this. As president, I've seen firsthand the devastating toll that disasters like this take on families
[01:51:30] communities.
[01:51:31] I've been on the ground many disasters since I've been president.
[01:51:36] I've heard dozens of stories from survivors about how it feels to be left with nothing,
[01:51:43] not even knowing where or when to get back on track.
[01:51:47] I'm here to tell every single survivor the impact that there is that we will be there
[01:51:51] with you as long as it takes.
[01:51:53] I say to yourself, excuse me, and your families, I urge everyone, every return to the communities
[01:52:01] and home to listen to local officials and follow all safety instructions.
[01:52:06] He's dying, bro.
[01:52:07] Take this seriously.
[01:52:08] Please be.
[01:52:09] He's dying, bro.
[01:52:10] He's dying, bro, Dee.
[01:52:14] He's safe.
[01:52:16] Your nation has your back and the Harris administration will be there until the job is done.
[01:52:22] God bless you all.
[01:52:23] And I think you know they're still wondering where your loved ones are.
[01:52:26] Thank you.
[01:52:27] Do you need to be instrumental to help the people in this county as Mr. President?
[01:52:32] Say again.
[01:52:33] Do we need to ask Congress for a supplemental?
[01:52:34] That's my expectation, yes.
[01:52:36] You know, roughly how much you think it's going to cost?
[01:52:38] Yeah, it's been this historic storm.
[01:52:40] It's devastating.
[01:52:41] They've never seen anything like this before.
[01:52:43] And some of them are back to back, three storms in a row.
[01:52:46] So it's really, really devastating.
[01:52:48] Do you have a set of asking Congress to come back for a special session?
[01:52:52] Do you have a supplemental?
[01:52:54] That is something I may have to request, and no decisions made yet.
[01:52:58] Do you have a sense of where you'll go when you log in with the bill, sir?
[01:53:01] Yes, I told the governor of North Carolina to go down, and I expect to be down there
[01:53:07] by Wednesday or Thursday.
[01:53:08] It'll be clear for me to go.
[01:53:11] You guys have traveled with me.
[01:53:12] You know, there's an entourage that this can be disruptive.
[01:53:15] Is there a mistake or a precedent for Trump to be down there today in short term?
[01:53:19] Is that disruptive?
[01:53:21] I don't have any idea.
[01:53:23] another issue. This was wild too. When Biden was asked, any comments on the strikes in Yemen,
[01:53:29] okay, we're going to move on to the best part of the Brandon policy, of course,
[01:53:35] forum policy. Okay, but before then, here it is. Do you have any words for the victims?
[01:53:41] We've given everything that we have. Yes, as a matter of fact, we're trying to get the
[01:53:48] exact number. My FEMA advisor is on the ground in Florida right now. There's a distinction
[01:53:54] between the numbers that FEMA's used and the ones that are used by the locals. So it's
[01:54:01] really amazing. You saw the photographs. It's stunning. It's unbelievable, but it really
[01:54:07] is. So many, such a wide area. They've given them all of the money that we have
[01:54:15] We're on the ground at the head of time. So we're working hard.
[01:54:18] Are there any more resources for the federal government to be giving them?
[01:54:22] No, we've given them, we have two plans, a significant amount of it,
[01:54:25] even though they didn't ask for it. Hadn't asked for it.
[01:54:28] Okay. Do you think he stepped down because he actually has a terminal illness?
[01:54:43] No, dude. I don't think so. I think he stepped down because he saw the fucking poll numbers.
[01:54:50] We're gonna move on to Israel in a second because Israel is doing
[01:54:53] with some Israel shit again.
[01:54:54] Here is Tana Hesychotes' new book, The Message,
[01:54:58] where he talks quite a bit about reexamining
[01:55:02] his relationship, an American's relationship with Israel
[01:55:04] and the media's relationship to defending Israel
[01:55:08] no matter how atrocious its actions may be.
[01:55:11] Our next guest is the acclaimed New York Times
[01:55:13] bestselling author, Tana Hesychotes.
[01:55:15] His new book, The Message, is a trio
[01:55:17] of interconnected essays that examine
[01:55:19] how the stories we tell or avoid telling
[01:55:22] can shape and even distort our reality.
[01:55:25] In the book, Coates reflects on his emotional first trip
[01:55:27] to Africa to visit the car Senegal.
[01:55:30] Then he takes readers to Columbia, South Carolina,
[01:55:32] where he reports on the attempted banning
[01:55:34] of one of his books on race.
[01:55:36] And finally, Coates travels to the Middle East
[01:55:39] to witness the Israeli-Palestinian conflict firsthand.
[01:55:42] Time to honestly, Coates, good morning, how you doing?
[01:55:44] Thanks for having me, good morning, guys.
[01:55:45] Yeah, thank you for joining us.
[01:55:47] You say that this book is written specifically
[01:55:49] for writers stating that the task for young writers should be nothing less than changing
[01:55:55] the world.
[01:55:56] Why do you feel like writers should bear that responsibility?
[01:55:59] Saving the world.
[01:56:00] Saving the world.
[01:56:01] Just to be really specific.
[01:56:05] Writing is how we interpret so much of everything that is around us.
[01:56:10] The message is a political book.
[01:56:12] It argues that much of our politics actually happens before we walk into a voting booth
[01:56:16] that our choices around us that who we believe is human,
[01:56:19] who we don't believe is human,
[01:56:21] what policies we believe should be in the world,
[01:56:23] which policies we don't.
[01:56:24] I actually shaped largely by writing in the stories we tell.
[01:56:28] And so I believe that writers and particularly young writers
[01:56:30] have so much to do in the politics and in this time
[01:56:33] when, you know, obviously we have so much conflict
[01:56:35] and there's so many quote-unquote issues to be dealt with.
[01:56:37] Tom Hush, I wanna dive into the Israel-Palestine
[01:56:39] section of the book.
[01:56:40] It's the largest section of the book.
[01:56:41] And I have to say, when I read the book,
[01:56:44] I imagine if I took your name out of it, took away the awards and the acclaim,
[01:56:49] took the cover off the book, the publishing house goes away.
[01:56:51] The content of that section would not be at a place in the backpack of an
[01:56:56] extremist.
[01:56:58] And so that.
[01:56:59] Wow, that's interesting.
[01:57:05] That's a interesting approach to like Barack Obama's favorite writer.
[01:57:11] You know, I like that.
[01:57:14] I like that we are, you know, I like that we're otherizing
[01:57:18] And making a mockery at this point of Ta-Nehisi codes
[01:57:22] It's like if Brett fucking Stevens was like Israel has done too much
[01:57:27] We got to dial it back which he has like approached a little bit these motherfuckers would be like well
[01:57:32] You're a bit of a terrorist aren't you you you sound a little bit of a you sound a little bit like a fucking terrorist
[01:57:45] Don't you it's it's so obvious dude. It is like the moment the moment that you step even a little bit
[01:58:01] The moment that you step even a little bit outside of the boundaries of what is permissible in liberal media, regardless of your background, regardless of all of the time and effort that you've placed in rising through the ranks of this ecosystem, the moment that you step outside of it, they're like, well, you're an enemy, you know?
[01:58:25] It's not easy. I'd like to ask you, um, why are you the biggest anti-Semite, perhaps an
[01:58:33] even bigger anti-Semite than Adolf himself for saying what Israel is doing is unconscionable
[01:58:39] and an apartheid, which is a position that virtually every NGO and many other, many
[01:58:46] other international organs of justice also agree with? Why are all of you guys Hitler?
[01:58:52] actually we are not don't ever say that i'm hitler for defending
[01:58:56] uh... you know the modern version of uh... a dole hitler
[01:59:00] but uh... why are you actually hitler that i found myself wondering
[01:59:04] why does tanya she coats
[01:59:06] who i've known for a long time read his work for a long time very
[01:59:09] talented smart guy
[01:59:10] leave out so much
[01:59:12] why leave out that israel surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it
[01:59:16] why leave out that israel deals with
[01:59:19] that's awesome
[01:59:24] that's great
[01:59:26] Yeah, let's, yeah, why would you leave that out? Why would you, why would you not talk
[01:59:31] about Israel's justifications for wanton bloodshed? I don't understand. In your book where you
[01:59:38] are criticizing Israel's policies, why don't you justify said policies? You've left out
[01:59:47] why Israel must maintain an apartheid while calling it an apartheid.
[01:59:51] Hmm terror groups that want to eliminate it. Hmm. Why not detail anything of the first and the second intifada the cafe bombings the bus bombings
[02:00:00] The little kids blown to bits
[02:00:02] Look at this unhinged shit Robert Jenrick says star of David you've been displayed at every point of entry in the UK
[02:00:07] Tory leadership front-runner just conservative friends of Israel event in hoodie emblazoned with words Hamas or terrors dude
[02:00:13] I don't think these guys understand that this is literally like
[02:00:17] Like dog, are you like straight up trying to make every fucking normal person into like the biggest anti-Semite because this is literally, this is going to be the consequence of that, okay?
[02:00:33] Can you imagine?
[02:00:34] Dude, there's already so much, there's already so much underlying anti-Semitism that's just like out there, okay?
[02:00:41] These motherfuckers literally are just like, let's create and design a society where everyone, even through symbolism,
[02:00:48] Literally look to everything and go, okay, I guess Jews do control everything, okay?
[02:00:53] And it's always Christian motherfuckers that do this shit. It is crazy. It is fucking nutty, dude. It's wild
[02:01:07] I'm telling you dude these people do not even think
[02:01:11] Like these people are not thinking like even one step ahead, okay? Not even two steps
[02:01:17] Just not even one step ahead like how do you think this would work?
[02:01:22] First of all, it's the underlying premise here is also idiotic. Like, oh, the star of David will, will somehow make Islamic extremism perish, like as though Muslims are going to see the star of David and erupt in flames or something. Okay.
[02:01:41] It just doesn't. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
[02:01:43] Like, same guy, outrageous genrices, police shouting, people shouting Allahu Akbar and
[02:01:58] lunacy should be arrested immediately.
[02:02:11] I genuinely don't understand how these people don't recognize that like, doing that would
[02:02:15] literally lead so many more people into being like, oh, I guess Jews do control everything.
[02:02:22] What the fuck?
[02:02:26] Like, it's crazy.
[02:02:28] This is what I keep repeating, like, the entire defense mechanism of like, Israel's
[02:02:33] actions being married to Judaism falsely, okay, and the way that it portrays itself, the way that
[02:02:39] like Western media has like reiterated this position over and over for many years, especially when
[02:02:46] people were completely, completely unknowledgeable and were delusional almost, or not delusional,
[02:02:55] but diluted to the actions of Israel was you know that was a successful strategy
[02:03:04] it's no longer a successful strategy when people are like no dog this shit sucks
[02:03:09] we see what's going on and I don't like it you know what I mean if it in that situation you
[02:03:18] got to change course if you keep doing this whole like no you don't understand actually
[02:03:23] Israel's the only Jewish nation. It's the Jewish nation. It has to exist. It has to do all this violent shit
[02:03:29] And it's doing it for Judaism. And if you think that like violence is
[02:03:34] unacceptable, then you're a Jew hater
[02:03:37] You're gonna cause people to be like, okay, I guess I am
[02:03:41] And is it because you just don't believe that Israel in any condition has a right to exist
[02:03:50] Well, I would say the perspective that you just outlined
[02:03:52] there is no shortage of that perspective in American media.
[02:03:56] That's the first thing I would say.
[02:03:58] I am most concerned always with those who don't have a voice,
[02:04:02] with those who don't have the.
[02:04:03] By the way, this is literally at the heart of my commentary.
[02:04:07] I'm so glad that Tana Hisi Coates is saying this.
[02:04:10] When people come in here and they're like,
[02:04:12] like Hasan Nasrallah, right?
[02:04:13] People will come in here and be like,
[02:04:15] Hasan Nasrallah was a violent, you know,
[02:04:17] ISIS style psychopath.
[02:04:19] He's an Islamist fundamentalist.
[02:04:21] everybody hated him in the region and it's like, listen dog, his actions in the
[02:04:26] Hezbollah's actions in Syria, which ironically was against ISIS, but that's
[02:04:30] besides the point. His actions in Syria were definitely violent, definitely
[02:04:35] unacceptable, the Hezbollah actions in Syria. Okay. But that's not why they
[02:04:39] fucking killed him. Okay. And they didn't kill him because he was
[02:04:45] homophobic. If you think that you are a fucking sucker. Okay. You have
[02:04:50] been deluded. He got killed because he was a part of the resistance structure and a mechanism
[02:04:57] of deterrence against Israel. That's why they killed him. Okay, they didn't kill him because
[02:05:02] he was homophobic. We're not killing homophobic leaders. Okay. You're whitewashing Hezbollah
[02:05:08] crimes here. I'm not. How is that whitewashing? That's the problem. It's not whitewashing
[02:05:16] it at all. Having said that, having said that, yeah, Israel literally supported ISIS in Syria
[02:05:30] against Hezbollah, but that's, that's neither here nor there. Okay. The issue here is that
[02:05:38] the reasons as to why he was killed are because they, and this is like not my assessment
[02:05:44] of the situation. This is something that is openly communicated by Benjamin and Yahoo.
[02:05:48] He would not decouple Hezbollah from Hamas, okay?
[02:05:53] He would not, he would not start, he would not stop bombing northern Israel as a deterrence
[02:05:58] in the tit for tat cross border bombing campaigns, which Israel was still responsible for 80%
[02:06:03] of and it's even higher now in an effort to, in an effort to exhaust Israel's resources
[02:06:11] in any way, shape or form.
[02:06:14] Okay.
[02:06:15] That's the reason why they killed him. They openly said it. All right. Now you can hear
[02:06:28] the celebrations over and over and over and over again from every orifice of mainstream
[02:06:35] media and even independent outlets. Okay. And here, I mean, it's, this is right here. Israel
[02:06:43] decided to kill Nasrallah after he refused to separate Lebanon from Gaza. Officials say,
[02:06:47] There you go.
[02:06:49] Like, they're openly admitting it.
[02:06:51] It's not like this isn't like a, like a scary or fake news or conspiracy.
[02:06:55] They're like very openly saying it, right?
[02:06:58] So, so what you need to understand here is that like his, his homophobic or Hezbollah's
[02:07:12] like domestic policies, okay, as a political force within Lebanon, or even taking advantage
[02:07:18] of like the political chaos in Lebanon and becoming like a relatively popular party
[02:07:23] as a direct consequence of the destabilization in Lebanon and Lebanese politics like
[02:07:27] none of this stuff
[02:07:29] is is
[02:07:30] consequential or matters in this circumstance okay
[02:07:35] is assassination
[02:07:37] which was incredibly bloody a complete unjustifiable act of terror that killed
[02:07:42] hundreds of civilians
[02:07:45] with two thousand pound bombs that israel got from the united states of
[02:07:48] america that it said it was not going to use in fucking Gaza that it used in
[02:07:52] Lebanon and Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, a sovereign nation, like that right there
[02:08:03] is completely unacceptable and people are hyper-focusing on his background or his political statements
[02:08:12] or whatever the fuck he has said about gay people as a way to be like, no, you should
[02:08:15] be celebrating this, you should be celebrating this, okay? It's idiotic. No, I'm not
[02:08:22] going to celebrate a dude being fucking assassinated alongside hundreds of fucking children women
[02:08:31] doctors nurses academics like what the fuck are we talking about these are human beings
[02:08:37] with lives dude they're not collateral damage six city blocks were taken down in the middle
[02:08:43] of fucking southern Lebanon in and not even so the southern Beirut it's fucking stupid
[02:08:57] He was not assassinated because of his actions in fucking Syria.
[02:09:02] Okay.
[02:09:02] He was assassinated for his actions against Israel.
[02:09:10] And I think it, it's quite strange when I hear people be like, but these people
[02:09:15] are celebrating it, dude, you don't understand.
[02:09:17] Well, those people don't recognize that Israel will do the exact same thing to
[02:09:21] them and might even do the exact same thing to them.
[02:09:25] Friends are saying it's like Gaza and Beirut now is just as dire.
[02:09:28] Exactly.
[02:09:29] And the irony is, this is the exact same fucking approach to Hamas.
[02:09:39] This is how Israel justified and whitewashed its own war crimes and genocide and justified its own genocide in Gaza.
[02:09:48] They're just running the exact same playbook, so it's very frustrating to hear people literally repeat the exact same shit.
[02:09:56] That's it. That's it. That's the problem that I have here.
[02:10:07] I'm watching the exact same assessment
[02:10:11] and the exact same calculations
[02:10:13] and the exact same propaganda now move from Gaza,
[02:10:19] where there is an ongoing genocide to Lebanon,
[02:10:21] where there is a new gazification.
[02:10:25] And this is a complete fucking foreign sovereign nation.
[02:10:33] And it's not only something that I have been saying
[02:10:36] for months was going to happen,
[02:10:38] that liberals basically just, you know, wrote off as a silliness,
[02:10:43] but it's not even a fucking October surprise at this point.
[02:10:46] Like it's not a surprise at all.
[02:10:48] It was the most obvious next step in Israel's actions if left unrestrained,
[02:10:56] right? And that's happening.
[02:11:03] It's happening in front of our fucking eyes.
[02:11:19] Felix and I were talking about this last night and I believe he brought
[02:11:23] this up in his podcast as well on Choppo Trap House where he said something really interesting
[02:11:32] that I probably will be repeating quite a bit.
[02:11:37] The circumstances in terms of domestic policy in the United States of America during World
[02:11:43] War II was dire.
[02:11:47] We were a country that enforced segregation, a country where gay people were either
[02:11:53] Chastised cast as I don't straight up fucking killed
[02:11:56] Okay, but we still ride for easy company. Okay, we still celebrate easy company. I watch band of brothers
[02:12:03] I stand and salute the goddamn flag
[02:12:06] Okay
[02:12:08] The idea that these guys are like the idea that these guys are unique in their fucking cruelty and brutality like America was still an
[02:12:16] imperialist force
[02:12:18] Okay, but an imperialist force that was fighting against a far greater
[02:12:23] far greater problem, okay?
[02:12:25] And easy company like World War II, American troops,
[02:12:34] we celebrate obviously American troops in the situation.
[02:12:37] And the inherent irony of this kind of assessment
[02:12:42] that I find really strange other than just like
[02:12:46] a pure justification for death and destruction
[02:12:48] for all that is collateral damage
[02:12:50] in Israel's bloody conquest is that no such
[02:12:55] Criticisms exist in the media, we're fucking MBS.
[02:13:02] I've never heard a motherfucker be like,
[02:13:03] yo, Joe Biden went and linked up with Mohammed bin Salman.
[02:13:08] Like everything that we say about like America's adversaries,
[02:13:13] right?
[02:13:14] Groups and entities that are declared terrorist organizations,
[02:13:19] regardless of whether or not they have like
[02:13:21] civil governance divisions and are responsible
[02:13:25] for like regular upkeep and daily lives of hundreds
[02:13:29] of thousands of people, right?
[02:13:31] We never fucking have this kind of attitude.
[02:13:35] Like how dare Biden talk to declared law?
[02:13:38] It is, terrorism is a declaration.
[02:13:41] That is what it is.
[02:13:42] It's not like a real distinction.
[02:13:44] It's simply assigned by state actors
[02:13:47] in an effort to declare non-state actors
[02:13:51] completely beyond reproach.
[02:13:54] state actors that you can do anything and everything you want to them, including, but
[02:13:57] not limited to assassinating them alongside hundreds of fucking civilians that happen to
[02:14:02] be in the area.
[02:14:03] That is the way that you justify this kind of, uh, this kind of death and destruction.
[02:14:08] You justify it by saying, you know, there it is.
[02:14:13] It's just, you know, it happens.
[02:14:15] They just shouldn't have been around them.
[02:14:25] And I don't think people understand this.
[02:14:27] I don't think people recognize this.
[02:14:29] I don't fault you for not recognizing it because why should you this is you know billions and
[02:14:35] billions of dollars of propaganda especially since the post 9 11 world the post 9 11 universe
[02:14:43] where the designation is set clear and beyond that it's just you cannot fucking ever be
[02:14:51] like hold up the maybe we shouldn't be invading these countries right like that's not a thing
[02:14:56] That's like up. You're an un-American piece of shit. You're a terrorism lover
[02:15:00] This really showcases Israeli liberalism from the drafters perspective if you're a northern Israeli citizen
[02:15:06] Sure, you could go out and produce for a ceasefire, which would end all the violence
[02:15:09] But man, let's just throw bodies of the northern enemy kill thousands while getting killed by the thousands and the lip-tards
[02:15:14] We're drafted. We'll just sit from the sidelines. It's a good idea truly revolutionary thinking exactly is it it's
[02:15:20] it's also
[02:15:23] It's suicidal it's suicidal
[02:15:28] There are rumors of ground division. It's not rumors. It's happening already.
[02:15:31] So anyway, the thing I want to explain here is that there is a deliberate reason
[02:15:40] as to why everything that they say about his bullet, which by the way,
[02:15:45] some of which is true, but the reason why they don't say that about MBS or
[02:15:50] ever criticized Biden for fucking linking up with MBS is because MBS is our
[02:15:53] ally. Okay. That's it. Like you think the fucking Saudi government
[02:15:59] is, is not homophobic. Like what are you fucking crazy? When Biden links up with MBS shakes
[02:16:06] his hand. I don't hear any fucking criticisms about that.
[02:16:12] We back some of the most rigid fundamentalist psychopaths around the fucking world. Well,
[02:16:20] you don't hear liberals chirping about that. Okay. You know why? Because there are allies.
[02:16:26] We have to make allegiances. Yeah. Bezelos mothers literally. Okay. Finance minister
[02:16:50] of Israel, Bezalos Maltrych literally called himself a homophobic fascist as well. I worked
[02:17:11] with serious dictator, but they were also fighting ISO and Sierra to keep them from taking over
[02:17:15] the Levant. They literally wanted a Muslim Levant and has Bola stopped that this shit
[02:17:18] is, this shit is complicated. Thank you. Exactly. And before you guys fucking yell
[02:17:23] Caprice on poppy, not exactly a pro has Bola guy. Okay. I mean, he's Christian.
[02:17:33] He's one of those Christians that rarely ever gets coverage.
[02:17:40] People assume, well, he's unfortunately too brown.
[02:17:50] So people's automatic assumption is, oh, Palestinian, Lebanese, you're one of the bad guys.
[02:18:08] So that's the thing, right?
[02:18:27] Let's get back to Ta-Nehisi Coates now because he was making a good point before I shut
[02:18:33] him off.
[02:18:35] I went on a tangent here, but my perspective on this is damn near identical.
[02:18:41] My goal here as an independent outlet, an independent news and commentary provider
[02:18:48] is to give voice to the historically voiceless.
[02:18:52] Okay.
[02:18:53] I care about human beings, no matter what their background is, no matter what
[02:18:57] their beliefs are.
[02:19:00] I make this calculation that was 30 minutes ago.
[02:19:03] I know, shut up.
[02:19:04] So that's why if you want, I always repeat this point.
[02:19:11] If you want like, mainstream media coverage,
[02:19:14] there are a million different places you can go to
[02:19:16] that will tell you, okay?
[02:19:18] But if you want me, if you want me to tell you that,
[02:19:21] I'm not gonna lie to you, okay?
[02:19:24] The ability to talk.
[02:19:27] I have asked repeatedly in my interviews,
[02:19:30] whether there is a single network,
[02:19:31] mainstream organization in America
[02:19:34] with a Palestinian American bureau chief or correspondent
[02:19:37] actually has a voice to articulate that part of the world. Um, I've been a reporter for
[02:19:42] 20 years. Um, the reporters of those who believe more sympathetically about Israel, um, and
[02:19:49] it's right to exist. Don't have a problem getting their voice out. But what I saw in Palestine,
[02:19:54] what I saw on the West Bank, what I saw in Haifa in Israel, what I saw in the South
[02:19:59] Hebron. Oh, that's so gracious and noble of you giving voice to the voiceless, the
[02:20:03] ego on this fella. You have to be a fucking absolute moron. If you hear what I'm saying
[02:20:08] in this situation and you go, Oh, it must be ego that is doing this dog. I'm about to
[02:20:16] go speak at USC. There are literally Zionist organizations that want me to not speak at
[02:20:21] USC later today. And they've tried to do like a messaging campaign or like a letter
[02:20:26] writing campaign to stop that from happening. Okay. Everywhere I go, because of the fact
[02:20:32] that I think Palestinians are human
[02:20:34] or because I think that Lebanese people that died
[02:20:36] are important, that have normal lives,
[02:20:39] a position that is not unfortunately heard of,
[02:20:43] at all in mainstream media,
[02:20:45] I get called a fucking anti-Semite,
[02:20:47] an Islamist fundamentalist, a terror lover,
[02:20:49] a terrorism lover who wants to blow up things
[02:20:51] every fucking day of the week.
[02:20:53] This is not ego, okay?
[02:20:54] This is just simply what I'm doing.
[02:21:01] And if you ask the people on the ground,
[02:21:03] if you actually do talk to them,
[02:21:04] if you cared about their perspective,
[02:21:07] they would agree with this assessment.
[02:21:08] These are people that do not get
[02:21:10] any sort of fucking coverage whatsoever, okay?
[02:21:14] Are you shooting the USC talk?
[02:21:15] Yes, I am.
[02:21:16] Hills, those were the stories that I have not heard.
[02:21:19] And those were the stories that I was most occupied with.
[02:21:21] I wrote a 260 page book.
[02:21:23] It is not a treatise on the entirety
[02:21:27] of the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis.
[02:21:29] But if you were to read this book,
[02:21:31] you would be left wondering,
[02:21:32] why does any of Israel exist?
[02:21:34] what a horrific place committing horrific
[02:21:37] uh... yeah i mean that's uh...
[02:21:39] unfortunate for you i guess on a daily basis so i think the question is central
[02:21:43] and key
[02:21:45] if israel has a right to exist in if your answer is no
[02:21:48] then i guess the question becomes
[02:21:51] one more point in the last president levin i was on which is the political
[02:21:53] party is christian but they allow my husband also technically the entire
[02:21:56] levinist government says below i mean that they did that is the
[02:21:58] calculation regardless
[02:22:00] people are gonna dot people are dying regardless of what their fucking
[02:22:03] background is, doesn't matter, Israel's killing them, not making this distinction anyway.
[02:22:08] Also it's a ridiculous distinction to make regardless.
[02:22:12] It's not appropriate when Russia does it to Ukraine claiming as-al-Batallion, claiming
[02:22:15] denazification, and it's not appropriate when fucking Israel does it to Lebanon.
[02:22:19] It's ridiculous.
[02:22:21] The problem, of course, in this situation is that the American media lovers, okay,
[02:22:28] who read and want to be informed about this subject matter, that only look at Western media
[02:22:34] resources have two different minds on this. When Russia does it, it's bad. When Israel
[02:22:39] does it, it's good. Why? Because that's what the media is telling them. And that's all
[02:22:43] they, they don't want to think critically beyond it. They don't want to go, hmm,
[02:22:46] what does my own personal morals say about this? Would I think it appropriate if Russia
[02:22:52] fucking blew up entire city blocks, killing hundreds of civilians because they wanted
[02:22:56] to get to a Hezbollah, sorry. And as a battalion military commander. No, I don't think so. I
[02:23:03] don't think it's appropriate at all. So why do I think it's appropriate when Israel does
[02:23:07] it to Lebanon? And this kind of cognitive dissonance is unfortunately far too common.
[02:23:20] And it's far too common as a direct consequence of the way in which American media covers
[02:23:25] this issue.
[02:23:26] Why do the Palestinians have a right to...
[02:23:30] My answer...
[02:23:31] Why do 20 different Muslim countries have a right to...
[02:23:32] My answer is that no country in this world establishes its ability to exist through rights.
[02:23:38] Countries establish their ability to exist through force, as America did.
[02:23:42] And so I think this question of right to...Israel does exist.
[02:23:45] It's a fact.
[02:23:47] The question of its right is not a question that I would be faced with with any other
[02:23:50] country.
[02:23:51] But you write a book that delegitimizes the pillars of Israel.
[02:23:54] It seems like an effort to top of the whole building of it.
[02:23:56] So I come back to the question and it's yeah, dude, this, this right here is such a funny
[02:24:02] and such a damning take and not in the ways that this man thinks it's a damning take
[02:24:09] because he is technically right because everything that he's saying in the book.
[02:24:17] I haven't even read it, but I've seen some of the coverage over the book and his perspective
[02:24:22] on the matter. I'm very familiar with because I've been tracking it even before this book came out.
[02:24:27] This change of attitude from Tani's, he quotes something that I welcome and something that
[02:24:31] I've talked about quite frequently in terms of his like recalculation of the humanity of Palestinians
[02:24:37] and how he was shocked at the utter depravity of the apartheid, especially when he went to the
[02:24:42] West Bank. The conclusion that he's arriving at is the complete dismantling of the current
[02:24:50] Israeli government and Israel as a nation-state.
[02:24:54] That's a terrifying prospect for this guy, but the reality of the matter is a lot of other
[02:24:59] people are also going to inevitably come to that conclusion as long as Israel wants to
[02:25:04] maintain its genocidal ambitions, as long as Israel maintains apartheid.
[02:25:09] It's just the correct position morally.
[02:25:12] He's mad that Donaheese Coates is lending credence to this idea.
[02:25:19] It is ridiculous and it is no different than someone saying, if you abolish slavery, the
[02:25:26] hierarchy of the South will fall apart that the recently freed slaves will come back and
[02:25:32] kill all their white slave masters.
[02:25:34] You cannot do that.
[02:25:35] You mustn't do that.
[02:25:36] We had the same exact argument with the troubles.
[02:25:41] We had this exact same argument with the Algerian independence movement, the Algerian
[02:25:45] revolution. We had this exact same argument over and over again with people with vested
[02:25:49] interests in apartheid South Africa and the maintenance of that apartheid. Okay?
[02:25:56] You're upset that the the institutions that rely on dealing death and destruction as a
[02:26:03] way to maintain like ethnic and religious superiority in a nation state that is developed
[02:26:10] around said ideal are unconscionable and morally depraved and if someone calls that
[02:26:17] out then of course other people are going to turn around and say yeah we should dismantle
[02:26:22] that piece by piece it is the correct position it's crazy to me that that is like something
[02:26:32] that he doesn't even fucking understand he's coming to that conclusion himself and he's
[02:26:39] He's upset with that because he wants Israel to continue existing as it is.
[02:26:44] We've talked about this at length.
[02:26:45] Of course, the difference between dismantling the apartheid and nuking Tel Aviv and making
[02:26:48] all Israelis into refugees when talking about Israel has a right to exist.
[02:26:52] Exactly.
[02:26:53] Hanaiisi Coates is not saying nuke Tel Aviv.
[02:26:56] Okay.
[02:26:57] Nobody is saying that.
[02:26:58] I'm not saying that.
[02:26:59] Okay.
[02:27:00] The people that say that are angry and they're fucking chirping.
[02:27:03] They have no power whatsoever.
[02:27:05] and even if they did legitimately believe that,
[02:27:10] believe that opinion, have that opinion.
[02:27:12] And I know a lot of people are going to be like,
[02:27:14] oh, man, you're fucking stupid and it doesn't matter.
[02:27:18] You will, like the American government
[02:27:21] doesn't even listen to the demands
[02:27:23] not made by fucking random anonymous accounts online,
[02:27:26] but the majority of the American public
[02:27:29] in terms of not nuking Tel Aviv,
[02:27:31] but stopping weapons transfers, okay?
[02:27:35] Another very funny and very correct Felix position was and I'm going to read this okay in terms of like lending support to Hezbollah or whatever Felix also Felix also said hold on let me see if I can find it real quick he's like he said
[02:27:50] I hate that the central conceit here is that any American can meaningfully support Ansar
[02:27:58] Allah, Hezbollah or really anyone like that.
[02:28:01] An American supporting or condemning any of these groups, they literally can provide
[02:28:07] no material, logistical or any other type of tangible assistance to makes as much
[02:28:12] sense as an American condemning the battle of adjunct court.
[02:28:19] It's like, that's it.
[02:28:22] we're just chirping into the fucking void. The American government is doing whatever the fuck
[02:28:27] it wants regardless. That much is clear. It's just like people who have no fucking, you know,
[02:28:38] people who have no power whatsoever, either adopting the position of the American State
[02:28:43] Department in an effort to make themselves feel, okay, make themselves feel powerful,
[02:28:50] Like hey at least we're giving death and destruction to these barbarians. You know these fucking monstrous
[02:28:58] These monstrous Muslims. Yeah. Hell yeah, I don't have health care
[02:29:03] I will never be able to retire. I will never be able to own a home
[02:29:06] But guess what dude at least it's all worth it because we're fucking over some people that have nothing
[02:29:12] right
[02:29:13] Like either they lean on American foreign policy in a in an effort in a desperate attempt to make themselves feel
[02:29:21] powerful in all of the powerlessness that they actually fucking experience on a
[02:29:25] daily basis or they look at all this and go this is really fucked up maybe we
[02:29:30] should not do these things okay but ultimately neither side actually has
[02:29:37] any fucking change neither side is any real voice in the matter okay that's it
[02:29:47] what I struggle with throughout this book what is it that's so particularly
[02:29:52] offends you about the existence of a Jewish state that is a Jewish safe place and not any
[02:29:58] of the other states out there.
[02:30:00] There's nothing that offends me about a Jewish state.
[02:30:02] I am offended by the idea of states built on ethnocracy no matter where they are Muslim
[02:30:06] included.
[02:30:07] I would not want to state where any Muslim included.
[02:30:10] Yeah, no, dude.
[02:30:11] Tony.
[02:30:12] He's the coach actually wants a Muslim ethno state.
[02:30:21] Like this is this is like the the hospital talking points.
[02:30:25] as many as many fucking chirping ass talking voices, but as much as possible
[02:30:39] People with people laid down their citizenship rights based on ethnicity
[02:30:44] The country of Israel is a state in which half the population
[02:30:47] exists on one tier citizenship and
[02:30:49] Everybody else that's ruled by Israelis exist on another tier including Palestine Israeli citizens
[02:30:55] The only people that exist on that first tier are Israeli Jews. Why is true?
[02:31:00] So lots of glib. Well, here come the hits within the first 30 seconds. Tony, Dukapil
[02:31:05] more or less calls coats of terrorist lover than vomits out every dumb, dumb pro Israel
[02:31:09] cliche before close even can get a word out.
[02:31:12] We even get a wide on Palestinians have agency drop in 2016. Coats is denying agency
[02:31:18] repeat code. Coats is an agency denier. Lots of glib racist bullshit for, but Dukapil
[02:31:23] gives the game away when he positions Israel in opposition to 20 Muslim countries
[02:31:26] rather than the relationship with a distinct Palestine or Palestinian people. Interchangeable
[02:31:31] brown people versus small Jewish state is the preferred sandbox. If you're wondering, yes,
[02:31:36] there are 50 other African countries. Why are you singling out South Africa? It was a very common
[02:31:40] defense of apartheid South Africa in the mid 1980s, more precisely 42 black ruled states.
[02:31:47] The mechanism of churning out defense or indefensible historic forms of racist violence has not
[02:31:59] fucking changed.
[02:32:02] It's the same.
[02:32:03] Oh, why are we singling out apartheid South Africa?
[02:32:07] I don't understand.
[02:32:08] It's just a small being white ethno state or not even a white ethno state, but a state
[02:32:13] that is dominated by the 10% white in group. While the violation of human
[02:32:21] rights is the norm, rather than the exception of most of Africa's 42 black
[02:32:24] ruled states, remember, black ruled is a substitute in the same exact
[02:32:28] regard. Black ruled versus Muslim ruled. Okay. It's always the same nonsense.
[02:32:34] The spotlight remains on South Africa, the images of racism, white
[02:32:37] supremacy, Nazis and etc. are a most effective part of a campaign to
[02:32:40] play on white guilt and a conditioned hatred to South Africa. While the
[02:32:44] is true that there are many things wrong in South Africa. The facts are sensationalized
[02:32:48] and distorted. This channel is full of nuts. Brother, I don't think you can be a pro-apartheid
[02:32:55] supporter in the holy year of 2024, okay, the year of our lord. That is crazy, brother.
[02:33:02] That is actually an unsustainable position. You will be laughed out of most rooms, okay?
[02:33:08] At least the one room that you won't be laughed out is probably more damaging,
[02:33:12] which is the, you know, clan rally
[02:33:14] that you probably participated in before getting here.
[02:33:24] Like that is a wild position, man.
[02:33:26] People should be more embarrassed
[02:33:28] to maintain positions like this,
[02:33:30] to say it loudly and proudly,
[02:33:31] like you should be embarrassed, dog.
[02:33:34] You should be fucking embarrassed.
[02:33:40] I think a lot of people see this,
[02:33:42] see right from wrong and it hurts their feelings.
[02:33:45] And then they just, you know,
[02:33:47] I still believe that there is like something
[02:33:49] in your brain where you see that
[02:33:51] you go, man, you know what, this doesn't seem good. This doesn't feel good.
[02:33:54] This is making me feel bad. This is making me reexamine my defense for these
[02:34:01] unjustifiable constructs such as apartheid. And so I'm just going to yell at
[02:34:06] you instead and say, you're the crazy one. Anyway, I got to be support that.
[02:34:18] Why is that? Okay. I'm the child of Jim Crow. I'm the child of people that
[02:34:22] were born into a country where that was exactly the case of American
[02:34:26] apartheid. I walk over there and I walk through the occupied territories and I walk down the
[02:34:31] street in Hebron. And a guy says to me, I can't walk down the street unless I profess my religion.
[02:34:37] I'm with another person. No, no, no, no, no. I want to go. This is very, very important.
[02:34:40] It is extremely important. Let it lay down. I'm working with the person that is guiding
[02:34:45] me is a Palestinian whose father, whose grandfather and grandmother was born in
[02:34:49] his town. And I have more freedom to walk than he does. He can't ride on certain roads.
[02:34:56] He can't get water in the same way that Israeli citizens who live less than a mile away from
[02:35:01] him again. Why is that okay? Why is that? Why is there no agency in this book for the Palestinians?
[02:35:07] They exist in your narrative merely as victims of the Israelis, as though they were not
[02:35:11] offered peace at any juncture, as though they don't have a stake in this as well.
[02:35:15] What is their role in the lack of a penalty?
[02:35:17] I have a very, very, very, very moral compass about this.
[02:35:21] And again, perhaps it's because of my ancestry.
[02:35:24] Either apartheid is right or it's wrong.
[02:35:26] It's really, really simple.
[02:35:27] Either what I saw was right or it's wrong.
[02:35:29] I am, for instance, against the death penalty.
[02:35:32] What the person did to get the death penalty, it really doesn't matter to me.
[02:35:35] I don't care if they were selling a nickel bag of marijuana or if they were a serial
[02:35:38] killer.
[02:35:39] I am against the death penalty.
[02:35:40] I am against a state that discriminates against people on the basis of ethnicity.
[02:35:44] I'm against that.
[02:35:45] There is nothing the Palestinians could do
[02:35:47] that would make that okay for me.
[02:35:49] My book is not based on the hyper morality
[02:35:51] of the Palestinian people.
[02:35:53] In lessons, because many people feel it's complicated.
[02:35:55] You say it's not complicated.
[02:35:57] Less than 20 seconds.
[02:35:58] What's your message?
[02:35:59] Less than 20 seconds.
[02:36:00] I want people to read the book.
[02:36:01] And I don't make the assumption
[02:36:02] that somebody would just read the book
[02:36:04] and have read nothing else about it.
[02:36:05] Okay.
[02:36:06] You're still invited to High Holidays.
[02:36:07] I'll see you at the shoot.
[02:36:08] I mean it, Mike.
[02:36:11] That will do it for us.
[02:36:12] Thank you.
[02:36:13] message goes on sale tomorrow. That's great man. I mean he does such a good job. He does such a good
[02:36:23] fucking job. Do you think the reporters on the respective network know what's going on in Gaza
[02:36:27] is unethical and don't care? They really ignorant. It depends. There are definitely, as a matter of
[02:36:33] fact, plenty of people who would consider what Israel's doing to be unconscionable,
[02:36:37] but obviously there's still a tremendous amount of editorial control over what you can and
[02:36:41] can't say what you can and can't wrote what you can and can't report and the way that you report
[02:36:48] certain realities. I've noticed that in a wide husbandry push Israel is given agency to defend it
[02:36:53] to people who don't know the history of the region or how to defend it as a result of propousing
[02:36:57] experts can consistently make fools of their ideological opponents. They've spread themselves
[02:37:00] too thin not only militarily but we're regards to a soft power. Yeah. Yeah. No. Because
[02:37:09] Well also because it's a difficult position chat, it is a fucking difficult goddamn position. It is
[02:37:15] untenable. It's unsustainable because most people still have the capacity to see right from wrong.
[02:37:22] Let me tell you how. Okay. White supremacy is learned behavior. You need constant pressure,
[02:37:30] constant, a constant feedback loop to make people feel resentment and anger and animosity
[02:37:38] towards others in this regard. Okay. And especially with respect to Israel, it's not white supremacy.
[02:37:43] It's Israeli like it's Jewish supremacy. It's Israeli supremacy over Palestinians that are
[02:37:48] subhuman. Right. Israel can maintain that inside of Israel. But Israel can't fucking
[02:37:53] traffic that behavior into America with the same consistency. Right. Because ultimately
[02:38:01] a lot of Americans are still going to view Israel as a separate entity. Now it might
[02:38:05] pair well with America's war on terror, right, with America's attitude towards Muslims in
[02:38:11] general, but still most Americans still see it as a foreign nation and go, I don't really
[02:38:17] understand it, man, it just seems like a very fucked situation. Okay, the very fucked
[02:38:24] situation over there. But like it's obvious that one side is just pummeling the other
[02:38:28] relentlessly and mercilessly and doing things that I have read in my history books that
[02:38:35] were wrong. So because of that, most people, you know, when they are equipped with the
[02:38:44] knowledge of what is actually happening, are probably going to make up their minds on the
[02:38:50] issue in a way that does not favor Israel. Okay. So it's very different. It's very difficult
[02:38:57] for guys like this who have a vested interest in Israel continuing its existence in the
[02:39:03] ways that it does exist. Very difficult for them to fucking defend it, especially against
[02:39:09] the person who is knowledgeable. Like this is a CBS Mornings hit, right? It's supposed
[02:39:24] to be a puff piece about a new book that a beloved neoliberal figurehead has written.
[02:39:33] Think about that. Now think about the reception on fucking CBS Mornings dog. Yes, yes, his
[02:39:45] fucking ex-wife and his children live in Israel I know I know I know I know I'm sure that you know
[02:39:53] obviously plays a role in his analysis okay yes his ex-wife and his two kids live in Israel yes
[02:40:03] you're missing the forest you're missing the forest for the trees when you
[02:40:29] you're missing the forest for the trees when you when you hyper personalize his statement
[02:40:32] because there are so many people who don't have a direct vested interest in Israel's continuation
[02:40:37] that still repeat propaganda as though they do. Okay? It does not matter.
[02:40:44] It doesn't matter that his fucking ex-wife and his two kids live in Israel. Do you understand?
[02:40:48] It doesn't matter at all. There's plenty of people who have no fucking direct ties to Israel
[02:40:53] that still repeat the exact same sentiment on a regular fucking basis, right?
[02:40:59] The host not quotes. Yeah, we're not talking about Ta-Nehisi codes. We're talking about the host the couple Tony de couple who's like
[02:41:09] Saying some of the most unhinged shit that you hear from redditors against someone like myself, but this time
[02:41:16] against a beloved and
[02:41:18] well decorated
[02:41:20] cherished
[02:41:22] celebrated liberal author
[02:41:25] You feel me
[02:41:27] Anyway, Tana he is very well equipped to take this on and I'm glad he's doing it and I'm glad that he's using.
[02:41:35] I'm glad that he's using the spotlight that he has currently for his new book.
[02:41:40] To speak on this issue.
[02:41:43] No, I don't feel you. You're on my computer. Yeah.
[02:41:58] Yeah, you you're like it is wild.
[02:42:02] how
[02:42:04] It is wild how easily people will just be like well, I guess you're a terrorist lover now
[02:42:09] So a motherfucker like tana. He's he's like i'm sorry guys
[02:42:13] I know many of you are unfamiliar with his work or unfamiliar with his reception and broader media
[02:42:19] But it's like shocking to hear someone who is or was
[02:42:24] obama's like favorite author who's been invited to the fucking white house like a million times
[02:42:29] For simply recognizing right from wrong the moment that he has the courage to fucking put a pen to paper on these issues
[02:42:41] They're like oh you must be a fucking goddamn terrorist lover you want to you want to fucking suck Hasan Nasrallah. It seems
[02:42:49] It's crazy
[02:42:53] Like that's how quickly this shit
[02:43:01] switches, dude fake friends. Oh
[02:43:03] Oh wow, I can't believe as a black man you literally recognize the apartheid when you sought with your own two eyes and chose to write about it as a celebrated author.
[02:43:15] You must be, you know, you must be some fucking freakish terrorism lover and defender and supporter. Nice dude.
[02:43:28] But I will say, I will say that this spells a change in attitude that is welcome.
[02:43:42] The fact that they're having him on these fucking slots to defend his positions is a good thing.
[02:43:50] It will, especially because he is a wonderful communicator.
[02:43:55] He is, you know, pretty fucking good.
[02:44:02] But he's pretty good at fucking addressing distortions, so overall it's good that he's
[02:44:19] doing this.
[02:44:20] Also, like I said, South Africa should not be singled out by Ann Marie Kriak.
[02:44:28] Ann Marie Kriak, a lecturer in international politics at the University of South Africa,
[02:44:30] is on sabbatical in Fort Collins, Colorado.
[02:44:35] Contrary to popular belief, the whites did not take the country from the blacks
[02:44:41] I'm talking about apartheid South Africa.
[02:44:44] This is in 1982, a defensive apartheid South Africa.
[02:44:50] You might notice the similarities, the posturing
[02:44:53] against the one tiny South African apartheid
[02:44:58] versus the scary many different black African country
[02:45:05] run by blacks.
[02:45:09] Why don't the black people go elsewhere, type shit?
[02:45:16] You may have noticed that this talking point is identical because it is because the boundaries,
[02:45:25] the moral boundaries are identical.
[02:45:26] Contrary to popular belief, the whites did not take the country from the blacks.
[02:45:55] When the Dutch settled in Cape, in 1652, they found a barren, largely unpopulated land.
[02:46:04] Together with the French and German settlers, they built a dynamic society.
[02:46:07] There are endless lists of human rights violations mounting atrocities of black
[02:46:11] against black.
[02:46:12] political prisoners are tortured in Zimbabwe.
[02:46:15] There are 200,000 and 300,000 people
[02:46:18] behind the barbed wire in Mozambique.
[02:46:20] Escaped Swapo detainees tell of torture.
[02:46:23] In some cases, until death, the list goes on and on.
[02:46:27] And yet, it never seems to get the attention of the media
[02:46:30] or the anti-apartheid campaigns.
[02:46:35] Doesn't that sound a little,
[02:46:39] doesn't that sound exactly the same as,
[02:46:41] you know, something that's happening right now?
[02:46:43] I'm just reading this for no reason.
[02:46:47] South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa.
[02:46:53] Despite human rights violations in Zaire, President Bush applause, Mr. Moboto for his
[02:46:56] contribution in the Angola talks while mentioning the atrocities in South Africa.
[02:47:01] Is it that one form of repression is more acceptable than another or is it that black
[02:47:05] white oppression hits home? Or is it maybe that better conduct is expected of a white
[02:47:10] ruled country than from black ruled Africa? Much to consider. But yeah, this kind
[02:47:33] the shit is not new chat, not new at all. People think that the Western countries were
[02:47:52] keynote sanctioned in South Africa, but it took like 50 countries in the Soviets to threaten
[02:47:56] to drop out of the Olympics. You get the IOC to ban South Africa from the Olympics in
[02:48:01] Mexico. That's just one example. Yep. And for the record, something that I repeat
[02:48:16] over and over again. Something that I repeat over and over again is that the Western powers
[02:48:34] considered Nelson Mandela to be a terrorist. So did the South African and apartheid government.
[02:48:40] So did the government of Israel, which was in close partnership with the apartheid South
[02:48:47] African government for obvious reasons. The American government, as a matter of fact,
[02:48:52] did not take him off the terrorism watch list,
[02:48:54] the terror watchers until 2008,
[02:49:04] decades after he had already been
[02:49:05] the democratically elected leader
[02:49:07] of post-apartheid South Africa.
[02:49:23] Now they use Nelson Mandela as a beacon,
[02:49:27] a shining beacon of humanity.
[02:49:36] Back then, their approach was quite different.
[02:49:48] And Israel may be now launching
[02:49:49] a limited operation into Lebanon.
[02:49:52] Are you aware of that?
[02:49:52] Are you comfortable with their plans?
[02:49:55] I'm more aware than you might know and I'm comfortable with them stopping.
[02:49:59] We should have a ceasefire now.
[02:50:01] Thank you.
[02:50:02] I'm trying to retaliate.
[02:50:03] I'm a hurricane.
[02:50:04] It is, but maybe now launching.
[02:50:07] Yeah, we got to stop this special military operation.
[02:50:11] But I just am simply powerless to do so.
[02:50:14] Even though I do have the power to not give them more weapons,
[02:50:18] but I refuse to do that.
[02:50:41] Is he really powerless?
[02:50:42] Or is he just incompetent?
[02:50:44] He's incompetent. He's not powerless. The president of America is not powerless, especially when it comes to Israel. Come on, guys.
[02:50:54] Two bits of domestic Israeli politics. One, the government just prohibited all gatherings of over a thousand people in the center of the country, including Tel Aviv.
[02:51:10] So we can say goodbye to the hostage protest for now.
[02:51:13] And yesterday, too, the governing coalition gained four seats as former Likudnik, then former anti-Bibis, now former Bibi ally again, Gideon Saar joined the government with his national right party.
[02:51:24] This led both tensions and virginity to the coalition.
[02:51:27] Nice.
[02:51:39] Biden is not powerless in the face of these atrocities.
[02:51:42] He has all the power.
[02:51:43] He holds all the cards.
[02:51:45] If anyone tells you that he is powerless,
[02:51:47] he's a small being.
[02:51:48] You're out of your fucking mind.
[02:51:57] Air strikes hit Kuthi targets in Yemen over the weekend
[02:52:00] after recent attacks on Israel.
[02:52:02] The Israeli military says it also bombed
[02:52:04] Hezbollah command centers in Lebanon.
[02:52:07] Hezbollah's longtime leader was among the dozens
[02:52:09] of people who were killed.
[02:52:11] MTS Tire reports from the Lebanese capital of Beirut.
[02:52:16] It was in these massive Israeli airstrikes on Friday night
[02:52:20] that his bullet leader, Hassan Nasrallah, was assassinated,
[02:52:25] triggering a major escalation of violence.
[02:52:28] All weekend, Israel has been relentlessly pounding sites
[02:52:31] across Lebanon, south and east.
[02:52:34] But mainly the southern Beirut suburb of Dahir,
[02:52:37] where entire residential buildings have been flattened.
[02:52:41] We went to the aftermath of one Israeli strike
[02:52:43] on the edge of Dahia, which was still smoldering.
[02:52:47] Well, this was once a five story building
[02:52:50] and it's pretty much all but obliterated.
[02:52:56] Okay, we don't know exactly what that was.
[02:52:59] That clearly a very loud strike in the distance.
[02:53:03] And it really just underscores the situation
[02:53:06] across Southern Bay Roots as Israel
[02:53:08] continues to strike it heavily.
[02:53:11] Over the past week, Israel has assassinated
[02:53:14] at least five has full of commanders 19 in the past few months
[02:53:19] decapitating Iranian backmilitant groups leadership
[02:53:23] but this rapid escalation of violence has also killed at least a thousand
[02:53:27] others in just the past two weeks 105 on Sunday alone
[02:53:33] according to the country's prime minister who also said nearly one
[02:53:36] million people have been displaced
[02:53:39] at Beirut's iconic blue mosque.
[02:53:41] Some families, many with young children,
[02:53:44] have come here desperate for safety.
[02:53:47] When this place of worship has really become a refuge
[02:53:50] for those who have fled Israel's bombing,
[02:53:53] telling us that they would rather sleep here
[02:53:56] out in the open, then go back to their neighborhoods
[02:53:59] until they know it's safe.
[02:54:01] Like Samar al-Atrash and her three children
[02:54:04] who left their home in Dahya
[02:54:06] with little more than the clothes on their backs.
[02:54:08] I told my kids it's scary and that we can't go home, she says.
[02:54:14] I'm only telling them a little of it.
[02:54:15] 1,000, 1,000 people, but hey dude, massive success.
[02:54:23] Hasan Nasrallah's dead.
[02:54:26] People are celebrating it all over, all up and down the timeline.
[02:54:32] I'm a terrorism supporter, right?
[02:54:35] I'm the terrorist supporter.
[02:54:42] Hezbollah conducted similar strikes to this inside of Israel in Tel Aviv to kill Benjamin
[02:54:53] Nen Yahu and killed 1,000 Israelis in that process. Israeli civilians and military members
[02:55:07] alike, but overwhelmingly civilians by destroying entire city blocks with 2,000-pound bombs.
[02:55:19] If you heard that, the media would be covering it as the most devastating day in Israeli history.
[02:55:29] And I know that already because it's October 7.
[02:55:32] And October 7 is the only thing many of these people exclusively talk about in an effort
[02:55:38] to justify Israel's atrocious behavior since.
[02:55:43] And in a way to almost justify Israel's atrocious behavior is before October 7 if
[02:55:47] people do know about that.
[02:55:52] But the 1,000 civilians that were mercilessly slaughtered is simply collateral damage because
[02:56:04] Israel did it.
[02:56:06] Okay?
[02:56:08] Understand that.
[02:56:15] We're not even like that is, that right there by the way, is if the morality was on
[02:56:26] an even playing field.
[02:56:28] It is not.
[02:56:30] The larger party that is a settler colonial state absolutely bears the largest responsibility
[02:56:38] for the atrocities, even the atrocities that it invites as a retaliation.
[02:56:44] Okay?
[02:56:49] It's not even a moral playing field, but I'm simply expecting that from those who are
[02:56:55] at least somewhat open-minded because obviously they will not operate on a moral playing
[02:57:01] because if they were to operate on a moral playing field where they placed Hezbollah on the same fucking
[02:57:06] moral playing field as Israel, this reality, all of a sudden, changes the dynamic quite a bit,
[02:57:15] doesn't it? Okay? All of a sudden, it looks like Hassan Nasrallah is far, far more restrained,
[02:57:25] just like Hamas has been far far more restrained than Israel. That's it. So the
[02:57:39] starting point can't even be an even playing field. You must continue to
[02:57:44] depersonalize, dehumanize the enemies of the American state and the enemies of
[02:57:49] our allies. My goal is obviously not just to put this on the same fucking
[02:57:59] morality as though there is no like action and reaction here but that's a
[02:58:07] good starting point for some they're saying October 8 Lebanon started firing at
[02:58:32] northern Israel there that's alive no October 8 Lebanon fired on Sheba farms
[02:58:40] which Israel declares its own territory one of the arguments I always point
[02:58:56] to israel has an iron dome they have a moral obligation that it to
[02:59:00] to de-escalate when they have superior domestic defense systems and said they go to war asymmetrically
[02:59:04] and claim they're the righteous ones to an objective overseer they are in fact the instigators
[02:59:08] yes they are and of course ironically Lebanon does not have anti-air defense systems this
[02:59:23] AI generated image when designers influencers and Hasbra online from Al Jazeera I was
[02:59:30] I was there English. All right, we'll look at that in a second incredible Bloomberg data visualization that clearly shows was actually going on between Israel and Lebanon first despite all the talk of the threat of Hezbollah rockets hitting Israel.
[02:59:42] It's actually Israel that's consistently firing far more rockets over the border.
[02:59:46] While some Israelis have died due to Hezbollah attacks far more Lebanese people have been killed in Israel killed by Israel since October 2023.
[02:59:54] And that number has vastly increased through September as it turned its focus north. Does Lebanon have a right to defend itself?
[03:00:00] No, of course not. The answer is no, it does not. I
[03:00:14] Saw the J post article. I'm surprised that they even deleted it
[03:00:19] Look at the title of the suspiciously timed and removed J post article
[03:00:22] Did the Jerusalem post delete the article claiming God gave Israel Lebanon?
[03:00:26] Yeah, is Lebanon part of Israel's promised territory was the J post article. I'm shocked that they deleted it
[03:00:32] But normally they wouldn't do such a thing, they don't give a fuck.
[03:00:36] They'd be like, yeah, it's true.
[03:00:38] At times, so I don't traumatize them.
[03:00:43] Now President Biden has said, and all out war must be avoided.
[03:00:48] But take a look at this video from CBS News' Chris Libsand team who are on the northern
[03:00:53] Israeli border with Lebanon, where tanks and armored vehicles have been massing in
[03:00:58] what's being described as the clearest sign yet Israel is preparing for some kind
[03:01:03] of ground invasion, something that has the potential of being far deadlier than anything
[03:01:08] we've seen so far.
[03:01:09] Tony.
[03:01:10] Yeah, if Hezbollah thought that Israel was going to graciously take a year full of rockets,
[03:01:14] Hezbollah miscalculated.
[03:01:15] MTS, Tyab and Lebanon.
[03:01:16] MTS, thank you very much.
[03:01:18] Well, US official, tell CBS News that Israel has-
[03:01:23] Walk around and find out 1,000 humans that were killed by Israel.
[03:01:27] Fucking pig.
[03:01:29] Gross pig.
[03:01:32] of shit. Same guy by the way,
[03:01:38] notified the US that it intends to launch a limited ground incursion into Lebanon.
[03:01:43] That operation could begin as soon as today. Israel has ramped up its strikes on
[03:01:49] Iranian proxy groups across the region. An Israeli air strike struck an apartment
[03:01:54] building in central Beirut earlier today. It's the first attack in that part
[03:01:59] of the Lebanese capital in nearly two decades. The IDF carry out additional
[03:02:03] air strikes in southern Lebanon as well. Meanwhile, Yemen's Houthi run health
[03:02:07] ministry says at least four people are dead and more than two dozen injured by an
[03:02:11] Israeli strike yesterday. The Israeli military says the attack targeted
[03:02:15] Iranian backed Houthi rebels. The escalation follows the Israeli
[03:02:19] military killing of Hezbollah's leader in an air strike on Friday. Now the
[03:02:24] group's acting leader is vowing to continue its battle with Israel, despite
[03:02:28] much of its top command being killed recently. CBS News foreign
[03:02:31] correspondent Chris Livese has more. We're seeing some of the clearest signs yet of
[03:02:36] Israel's preparation for an expansion of the conflict. Dozens and dozens of tanks,
[03:02:42] armored fighting vehicles and bulldozers virtually everything you would expect for
[03:02:48] a ground invasion. And this comes just days after Hezbollah confirmed the
[03:02:52] targeted killing of the head of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah and in
[03:02:56] the face of ongoing airstrikes in southern Beirut and in southern Lebanon, just a few
[03:03:03] miles from here.
[03:03:04] Now, if Israel is to mount this ground invasion, it comes after days and days of Israel making
[03:03:10] these warnings.
[03:03:11] But on the other side of that border with Lebanon await tens of thousands of Hezbollah
[03:03:16] fighters, many of them hardened by fighting in Syria.
[03:03:20] Not to mention tens of thousands of rockets.
[03:03:23] There's also a long reputation in southern Lebanon and of Hezbollah using explosive devices
[03:03:30] along the road, using improvised bombs, booby traps and suicide bombers.
[03:03:37] Chris Lipsay, CBS News, Northern Israel.
[03:03:40] Oh, God forbid they used booby traps, dude, inside of their own country against an invading
[03:03:49] force that literally used booby traps in a completely sovereign nation.
[03:03:59] Let's bring in CBS News national security contributor Samantha Vinograd. She's also a former assistant
[03:04:04] secretary for counterterrorism and threat prevention at the Department of Homeland Security.
[03:04:08] Samantha, what more are we learning about Israel's possible ground operations in Lebanon?
[03:04:14] What we're learning that the Israeli government has reportedly given notice to the administration
[03:04:19] that they intend to launch a limited ground incursion into Lebanon.
[03:04:23] This comes as no great surprise to anyone who's been following the conflict over the past several
[03:04:27] weeks.
[03:04:29] Israel has been increasingly striking further into Lebanese territory to try to mitigate
[03:04:34] the threat posed by Hezbollah, and Israel has also been repositioning-
[03:04:37] Oh, shit.
[03:04:41] Oh, thank God.
[03:04:45] I was worried it was for some other reason, but there's a good reason for it, never
[03:04:49] It's to mitigate threat. It's called escalation through de-escalation through escalation
[03:04:56] How do you call Hezbollah a political party when they're run by Iran?
[03:05:01] This is well another equivalent of a political party in America being run by a foreign country
[03:05:06] What like if Canada had an American party first of all, Canada does have an American party
[03:05:14] Have you ever seen like conservative leadership in Canada they just are carbon copy Americans
[03:05:19] that's number one. Number two, no dog Hezbollah is not run by Iran. They are literally Lebanese
[03:05:26] people, brother. What are you talking about? They're Lebanese Shias. They get support from Iran,
[03:05:34] which is also another Shia nation. Okay. At least the last CPC leader was American. Yeah,
[03:05:43] that's right. Hezbollah is not operated by Iranians. That's insane. No, it's operated by
[03:06:06] Lebanese she is. Okay well I don't know enough the question you hear but okay but it's fine go ahead
[03:06:12] ask me some more questions or maybe you think I'm lying to you I don't know. Do you think I'm lying
[03:06:18] to you? No. Lebanon is a very diverse multi ethnic multi racial uh or not multi racial sorry multi
[03:06:25] religious country. Don't tell the chatter to shut the fuck up chatters. He doesn't know
[03:06:43] at least he recognizes that he doesn't know that's important. Okay but is there is no country
[03:07:04] with an equivalent party. Virtually every other country has an equivalent party. They're just
[03:07:08] usually the party in power and their ally is not Iran, but the United States of America,
[03:07:17] if that makes sense. But because I assume you're American, you probably don't have an issue with that
[03:07:28] and don't see that as like a bad thing overall. Or like the GOP and Russia. No,
[03:07:45] not necessarily, not even in the assets within Israel itself, sensibly in preparation for
[03:08:17] that ground invasion. Now, what remains to be seen is how limited exactly that will be in nature,
[03:08:23] whether it is, whether it is in fact, contained to southern Lebanon and whether the strikes into
[03:08:27] the heart of Beirut do continue, Lindsay. Well, so Israel has killed seven top Hezbollah commanders,
[03:08:33] including the group's leader in the past 10 days. How has that changed their operations?
[03:08:38] Well, Lindsay, it's not just Hezbollah leaders. In fact, Israel has methodically been
[03:08:43] striking and assassinating the leadership of Iranian backs proxy groups terrorist groups for
[03:08:48] several weeks now whether it's Hezbollah Hamas or other Iranian proxy groups this has had an impact
[03:08:55] on these proxy groups command and control structure and its capabilities in addition to
[03:09:00] that the pager and walkie-talkie attack that israel reportedly launched i love having a
[03:09:05] government's huge be like no this is great it's methodical but yeah here it is israel's
[03:09:12] currently conducting a limited operation targeting Hezbollah inside of Lebanon, the
[03:09:15] US State Department. Okay, that's from like earlier today.
[03:09:21] Earlier this month, did also wound likely thousands of Hezbollah fighters.
[03:09:41] What did Lebanon ever do to Israel? Like how was Israel justifying attacking Lebanon?
[03:09:45] Israel pushed out a lot of Palestinians, some of which that went to Lebanon. That became
[03:09:49] a major problem for Israel because, you know, they were using Lebanon as a way to
[03:09:55] attack Israel. Israel invades Lebanon. One of the groups that's not Palestinian originally,
[03:10:02] that are simply Shia Muslims living inside of Lebanon goes, hold on, what the fuck? These guys
[03:10:06] are just like butchering people and blowing up building blocks with our children in it.
[03:10:11] We have the rise of an arms against them. This is a very reductive way to explain it, but
[03:10:15] that's when the, that's when Hezbollah is formed. Okay. I was too young to remember much,
[03:10:43] but was the US war in Iraq Afghanistan whitewash like this contemporaneously like they just started by
[03:10:48] saying limited operations um yes and no I mean we have done worse than this in Vietnam golf at
[03:10:59] Tonkin Israel almost done taking out the trash aw again um I doubt this chatter is Israeli I
[03:11:13] I doubt this chatter is even a Jewish American or anything like that.
[03:11:18] This is just simply a person who is celebrating death and destruction,
[03:11:24] because if he doesn't celebrate it, and this is very sad,
[03:11:27] this is the sad reality behind these sorts of trolls, okay?
[03:11:30] I unbanned him so he can speak freely once again before we ban him
[03:11:34] if they say something fucking stupid.
[03:11:37] But the sad reality of it is, if you don't, at the very least,
[03:11:44] like, celebrate the death and destruction of Muslims and Arabs, like, what is there?
[03:11:49] You know, you don't have again, I will repeat this over and over again, you don't
[03:11:53] have health care.
[03:11:55] You don't.
[03:11:56] You will never be able to retire.
[03:11:59] You will never be able to own a home.
[03:12:03] Right.
[03:12:04] So all of that weighs on your conscious.
[03:12:07] And, you know, I guess there's got to be a reason for all of this.
[03:12:10] And I guess the reason is America gets to be a dominant force on the
[03:12:13] planet and kill whoever the fuck they want to and our allies can do the same and all
[03:12:18] of our enemies are barbaric monsters so I have to celebrate this without recognizing
[03:12:23] the humanity of the victims without recognizing those who are unjustifiably slain by this
[03:12:29] monstrous barbaric brutal colonial occupation because if I don't hold on to that then
[03:12:40] what is the actual fucking project worth for it's not worth a name at all many of
[03:12:58] you also feel that same sense of powerlessness and anger and resentment, but you should be
[03:13:04] very excited that you, unlike these people, do not lean into like these insanely violent
[03:13:14] sensibilities. You can basically see and separate right from wrong. Do things can
[03:13:24] be true? Yes. But you have mentioned no truth so far. Some
[03:13:46] governments ever just stunned this vision about what we've
[03:13:48] become. And why are they? That's just America, baby. He's got
[03:14:03] to be like, the funniest people that join the American
[03:14:06] government and think like, this is like the cop that joins the
[03:14:13] police force. It's like, what? Why are we like killing unarmed
[03:14:17] black people? Like, I don't understand. What have we become
[03:14:22] dude. Like I get why you would personally think that maybe maybe you just like believe the propaganda.
[03:14:42] But like at a certain point you gotta be like, damn, this is a death machine that I'm
[03:14:45] on charge of. A deal for a ceasefire requires a heavy diplomatic lift that seems unlikely from
[03:14:52] Biden. But some promoting Israel escalation in DC circles. The big difference is those
[03:14:56] who think a ceasefire is still worth working for and those who do not.
[03:15:00] Biden can still choose to be like most US presidents and threaten US arms for Israel
[03:15:04] to influence his choices, cooler heads inside of Israel seek a Lebanon deal and not be carried away.
[03:15:10] US choices have an influence on the thinking here.
[03:15:14] And so far,
[03:15:15] even the US hasn't put up any kind of pushback, Israel really feels like this is its moment to seize as much as it can't.
[03:15:22] Oh my god, this is exactly what I said.
[03:15:25] Okay, remember when I said exactly these words the other day?
[03:15:29] Israel recognizes the writing on the wall that it has a fucking time limitation for how much longer it can exist in the violent ways in which it does.
[03:15:39] So in that last, uh, in that last dish attempt, they are trying to take up as much space as they possibly physically can.
[03:15:49] irony of course is that I think Israel doesn't recognize that its last-ditch desperate attempt
[03:16:11] is actually accelerating its own demise. It's NCEG. Straight up. Heavy bombardment hits southern
[03:16:30] suburbs of Beirut. I heard it from my house. Heal. Talk. Be safe. I don't know what to tell you
[03:16:37] motherfuckers like. By the way, at this point, Israel has killed a shit ton of positive
[03:16:42] of the heads in obviously Gaza and also is bombing a lot of you guys who are living in
[03:16:50] Lebanon. I don't know what to say other than be safe. It's crazy because this is like, it's
[03:17:03] like the meme when we're doing like storm watch, right? And that's just a natural disaster.
[03:17:11] Israel is not a natural disaster, but our treatment of it, our treatment is.
[03:17:20] What?
[03:17:21] Curious.
[03:17:22] Why are you avoiding the real reason Israel doesn't like husband law?
[03:17:26] Why?
[03:17:27] Is it because I forgot to run the three-man average at the top of the hour?
[03:17:31] Is that what you're going to say?
[03:17:42] It's because he's a little guy.
[03:17:43] I'm a good one.
[03:18:01] I mean, this is literally Nazi Germany shit.
[03:18:04] That's it.
[03:18:05] They keep doing that.
[03:18:06] Anyway, I forgot to run the three-man average at the top of the hour.
[03:18:09] So I'm running into the middle of the hour. Sorry, everybody. Here it is.
[03:18:24] My village, which has already been bombed as in South Lebanon,
[03:18:27] and it leaves me in awe that while my family is displaced, they're advertising our land.
[03:18:31] Yeah, it's really fucked up that Frogan is being anti-Semitic again.
[03:18:40] Iran and its proxies are our enemy.
[03:18:42] I have no doubt the U.S. is working with Israel on attacks like this.
[03:18:44] So, yes, I celebrate the killing of Nezrolah while feeling remorse for those who are killed.
[03:18:48] The sooner it's over, the better.
[03:18:53] Thanks, man.
[03:18:54] I love the liberal mind of a western chauvinist that still tries to portray itself as like
[03:19:00] the bold, brave thinker who still cares about the humanity of those slain.
[03:19:20] I guess you loved October 7 then.
[03:19:22] You thought it was fucking poggers, huh?
[03:19:25] You're like, listen, listen.
[03:19:29] A lot of civilians were murdered ruthlessly slaughtered, but the reality is they were
[03:19:37] trying to pull off a complex military operation and while I am sad about the death of many Israelis,
[03:19:47] you know, I do understand and cherish it and celebrate it and that Yahya Sinwar, what did you say,
[03:19:55] is almost done taking out the trash. Would you make a similar assessment of October 7? Is that
[03:20:04] what you would say in that regard? On such simple terms, dude, it's like, oh, well, these guys
[03:20:19] are our enemies you know so we have to do whatever we want they're the bad guys and no matter what
[03:20:30] we want we can't be the bag no matter what we do we can't be the bad guys in this situation because
[03:20:34] we're doing it to the bad guys this guy's gonna take like eight years to respond they're having a
[03:21:17] succession crisis and nobody's reporting on it dude because it's not real man what are you
[03:21:21] talking about this report as Kuwait have has Ninnyahu hospitalized and brain dead this seems
[03:21:28] insane. Okay. Dude, he made a video responding to Iran today.
[03:21:36] What are you talking about? Did you get hit by a fucking
[03:21:40] rocket fire from unsullied law on the way to Israel or something?
[03:21:44] What happened that you are believing such thing? He's very
[03:21:56] much alive, brother. What do I say to the Christians? I
[03:22:12] just say Jews and Muslims have been fighting for centuries or
[03:22:16] thousands of years. That's an abject lie. Pre Israel Jews
[03:22:21] Muslims actually lived in a much more harmonious fashion in comparison to Jews and Christians,
[03:22:29] especially. But if your father's a Christian Zionist, like good luck explaining that to them.
[03:23:11] Muslims literally, the Ottoman Empire literally protected Jews.
[03:23:16] It was a safe haven for Jews persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition. The fuck are people talking
[03:23:24] about. Jews didn't like magically materialize in the fucking region, including but not limited
[03:23:31] to literally historic Palestine, pre Belford declaration. That's neither here nor there,
[03:23:50] you know. Yeah, Muslims were such an ally, such an avid ally historically to Jews that Theodore
[03:24:00] Herzl first, before going to the western powers, went to the Ottoman Empire, who controlled Palestine.
[03:24:12] Peter Herzl originally went to the Ottoman Empire and demanded historic Palestine to be given
[03:24:19] as a nation state for Jews. Turkey bullshit incoming, harmonious. I mean, Jews were all in
[03:24:34] in Europe for a reason? Wasn't exactly harmony that were pushed there?
[03:24:39] How the fuck? Like how? How do you arrive at this position? Which is
[03:24:43] worse, dog? The Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition? Or fucking
[03:24:48] paying a tax for not serving in the military as a non Muslim?
[03:24:53] Explain that to me, dude.
[03:24:56] Dumb fuck. This isn't like Ottoman supremacy or anything
[03:24:59] like that. You're just a fucking idiot who refuses to recognize reality because it doesn't
[03:25:07] correspond to your current Islamophobic perspective, I think. Oh no. What do you mean? Oh no. What
[03:25:15] the fuck are you talking about? This is just like a historical approach, I think. Israel's
[03:25:25] an evil ethno-state too, just saying. Just saying what? Israel's an evil ethno-state,
[03:25:29] okay, but also what? The Spanish Inquisition, I'm just saying it ain't a binary dam dog.
[03:25:36] What are you attributing fucking the Romans of the Ottoman Empire? Like what's going on here?
[03:25:43] Like are they responsible for Jews being persecuted too?
[03:25:48] Like this is before they even got to that fucking area. No explain to me what you mean, bro
[03:25:56] I mean Jews were all in Europe for a reason. It wasn't exactly harmony. They were pushed there.
[03:26:00] I'm talking about the Ottoman Empire opening up a safe haven for Jews that were fleeing persecution from pogroms and specifically the Spanish
[03:26:08] Inquisition and you're over here being like
[03:26:12] Actually the Jews were sent to Eastern Europe first. It's like where do they come from?
[03:26:17] Who fucking sent them there? Do you think it was a fucking out of an empire? Like what are you talking about?
[03:26:22] It wasn't harmonious. That's all man. Yes, it was a comparison to fucking I'm using my words very carefully in comparison to
[03:26:30] systematic erosion of human life
[03:26:33] It was apse of fucking Lutli considered a safe haven the conversation and the boundaries of this conversation were around
[03:26:46] Christians
[03:26:48] Historically and their own
[03:26:51] Experiences with Jewish people living as their neighbors versus Muslims because a chatter falsely or chatter asked me
[03:26:58] How do you how do you answer the question when someone says well Jews and Muslims have been fighting each other for centuries?
[03:27:05] that is incorrect. Okay? That is objectively incorrect. Should I lie to that chatter? In
[03:27:17] an effort to soothe your own personal, I guess, biased framing on history or your own personal
[03:27:23] misunderstanding? Should I just lie to that chatter? Or should I tell them? What's what?
[03:27:36] So it is certainly the case that these terrorist proxy groups' capabilities have
[03:27:52] Shout out to my grandpa as a Turkish Jew whose family spoke Judeo-Spanish for a reason.
[03:27:57] He didn't get it from fucking Duolingo.
[03:27:59] His family was expelled from Spain.
[03:28:01] No, dude, you don't understand, okay?
[03:28:03] You don't understand.
[03:28:04] Shit was...
[03:28:05] No, it's actually the big bad Muslims that were always historically enemies of the Jews,
[03:28:09] okay?
[03:28:10] Don't ever fucking go against that narrative.
[03:28:13] This right here, the notion that this is a conflict born out of like religious interest,
[03:28:18] or a conflict that has been brewing for centuries in the region, is an abject lie, is a lie told
[03:28:25] by Israel to justify its nation state status because its enemies happen to be the indigenous
[03:28:30] population that's overwhelmingly Muslim, that's it.
[03:28:35] It is literally a self-serving, a historical approach to reality, it's no different
[03:28:39] than being like Palestinians or Jew haters, it's like fucking Palestinians died defending
[03:28:46] Jews from holocaust camps okay they fucking died in world war two fighting alongside British
[03:28:53] empire okay it's ridiculous 11,000 thousand is when fought alongside the allied forces
[03:29:06] against Nazi Germany but all you fucking here is a Hitler yahoo's idiotic sentiment
[03:29:13] that like actually it was the British occupations own guy the grand movie that actually convinced
[03:29:20] Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews and kill them which is crazy because like it that is Holocaust denial
[03:29:28] Okay, that is exactly what that is that is such a a historical approach because of your fucking fever pitch
[03:29:34] Your feverish ways of trying to fucking make this the responsibility of the Arab
[03:29:40] So much so that you end up lying by your own history
[03:29:44] been diminished the outstanding question is whether the Iranian regime will make a strategic calculus that they want to
[03:30:01] Rearm his Bola and others in order to launch a more direct assault a more escalated assault against the state of Israel
[03:30:08] What is Iran weighing when it comes to its response? And what kind of cable? Yeah, a Jewish cemetery in Gaza was held and maintained since World War one
[03:30:16] Oh, don't worry. It was maintained when Israel invaded Gaza as well
[03:30:19] Well, even though they desecrated every other fucking cemetery with the exception of the
[03:30:23] Jewish cemetery in Gaza, demonstrating their capabilities of maintaining a cemetery and
[03:30:29] not defiling them.
[03:30:31] Yeah.
[03:30:35] Yet another example of how the Palestinians and their resistance and their militant groups
[03:30:41] treat Jews with dignity and humanity that Israel does not offer to the Palestinians
[03:30:46] at all.
[03:30:50] does it have?
[03:30:51] Well, Iran has significant traditional military capabilities, including a significant arsenal
[03:30:57] of missiles.
[03:30:59] His Bola for its part has over 100,000 missiles that do have the capability to strike within
[03:31:05] the heart of Israel.
[03:31:06] Israel has sophisticated air defense systems, which would go into play if that occurred.
[03:31:10] But Iran has a very sophisticated traditional military arsenal, which it uses to supply
[03:31:16] proxy groups like the Houthis, like his Bola.
[03:31:19] At the same time, Iran has a global terrorist network with operatives all around the world
[03:31:25] that it could choose to activate, which it has activated, to strike not just Israel,
[03:31:29] but to strike Americans as well based upon perceptions of U.S. complicity in both the
[03:31:35] war in Gaza as well as these assassination attempts.
[03:31:37] So Israel, excuse me, Iran could choose to flip that switch, rearm these groups,
[03:31:43] launch another direct attack against Israel, and potentially activate operatives around
[03:31:47] the world.
[03:31:48] weighing is whether it wants to get into a direct conflict, not just with Israel but with
[03:31:53] the United States. The U.S. has deployed and repositioned a very significant amount of military
[03:31:59] assets in the Middle East, Lindsey, and those assets will come into play if there was a
[03:32:04] more escalated response by Iran and its proxies.
[03:32:08] What is the U.S. doing?
[03:32:10] Oh, I dropped some notice how notice how
[03:32:30] Chinzilla over here
[03:32:32] yawzilla
[03:32:34] said
[03:32:36] escalation through deescalate or deescalation through escalation when it comes to Israel
[03:32:41] But very clearly says it's escalation when it's fucking Iran doing it the metrics are so fucked up, bro
[03:32:51] God damn dude. God damn. It's like oh
[03:32:57] Oh, Iran better not escalate only Iran has the capacity to ask when Israel escalates is actually doing that to de-escalate
[03:33:06] Doing to prevent a potential regional war from happening
[03:33:10] Well from a military perspective
[03:33:12] The United States spending likely billions of dollars to put additional an additional carrier group
[03:33:18] air air
[03:33:20] Air capabilities air defense systems troops in the region is a measure to both defend the state of Israel
[03:33:27] defend U.S. citizens in the region, help with any kind of evacuation, but also to deter
[03:33:32] Iran's proxies from a more direct attack by showing that they would likely be unsuccessful
[03:33:38] based upon U.S. military capabilities in the region.
[03:33:42] Also, based on my experience working with Iran, excuse me, on the Iran nuclear deal
[03:33:47] and other matters, would render a guess, Lindsay, that the United States is likely
[03:33:52] engaged in some sort of back channel message passing with the regime in Iran to convince
[03:33:57] them, not to escalate the situation further. One, because Iran is unlikely to be successful,
[03:34:02] but two, the cost for Iran would be so significant in terms of financial outlays, weapons outlays,
[03:34:09] and potentially more sanctions that it's just not worth it. So that back channel private
[03:34:13] diplomacy as well as the military deterrence are two key tools here in addition, of course,
[03:34:18] to the diplomacy that the U.S. and others are engaged in.
[03:34:21] Sam Minigrad, thank you so much.
[03:34:23] These are remarkable scenes, an extraordinary exodus underway here in a Lebanese border town called Masna.
[03:34:30] Thousands of people here carrying their things, carrying bags and blankets, their personal possessions,
[03:34:37] children on their return to Syria.
[03:34:41] And, you know, many people left during the Syrian Civil War, but they now think that returning to Syria is a better bet.
[03:34:50] It's a safer place to be than Lebanon right now.
[03:34:53] I mean, they're also carrying stories about the Israeli bombardment in the south, in the
[03:34:59] east, in the southern suburbs of Beirut as well.
[03:35:02] One person who went by, he'd been pulled out of the rubble.
[03:35:07] Important to say, though, that some people are taking a risk, particularly the men.
[03:35:13] They run the risk of being conscripted into the Syrian army.
[03:35:20] Hello, hello. Salam alaikum.
[03:35:23] Of being judged as defectors, the Syrian regime will be looking for dissidents as well.
[03:35:29] So they are running a risk, but it seems to be a risk they are willing to take.
[03:35:35] People do not want to stay in Lebanon.
[03:35:37] That is not an option if you have an opportunity to leave.
[03:35:41] I speak a lot about the leaders of Iran.
[03:35:44] Yet at this pivotal moment, I want to address you, the people of Iran.
[03:35:49] I want to do so directly without filters without the same playbook
[03:36:02] Israel has a right to defend itself. I love that. He's mentioning he's talking to people of Iran in English. Oh
[03:36:17] Oh, I want to free the Palestinian people from Hamas. I
[03:36:30] Want to free the Lebanese people from Hezbollah
[03:36:33] And I want to free the Iranian people from Ayatollah
[03:36:37] hmm where have I heard this before it might as well be the kiss of death dog
[03:36:45] when Israel says oh I care about the people that means he's gonna send some
[03:36:49] fucking packages okay every day you see a regime that subjugates you make fiery
[03:37:05] speeches about defending Lebanon defending Gaza yet every day that regime
[03:37:12] regime plunges our region deeper into darkness and deeper into war.
[03:37:17] Every day, their puppets are eliminated.
[03:37:20] Ask Muhammad Elf.
[03:37:22] Ask Nasrallah.
[03:37:24] There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach.
[03:37:28] There is nowhere we will not go to protect our people and protect our country.
[03:37:33] With every passing moment, the regime is bringing you the noble Persian people closer
[03:37:39] to the Abyss.
[03:37:41] The vast majority of Iranians know their regime doesn't care a whit about them.
[03:37:47] If it did care.
[03:37:50] I think what's really funny about this is that like, you can make the same article, example
[03:37:56] out of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jews across the world and certainly Jews in Israel too.
[03:38:03] But anyway, this is like telegraphed even from the invocation of Projean to the
[03:38:09] Los Angeles constituency, okay?
[03:38:12] he is not talking to the motherfucking Iranians. Well, he is. He's threatening the Iranians
[03:38:17] in Iran. Just like when he said this about Lebanon. He was threatening the Lebanese population
[03:38:26] or at least like just telling him like you're going to get bombed. That's what it is. This
[03:38:50] is great. If it cared about you, it will stop wasting billions of dollars on feudal
[03:38:59] wars across the Middle East. It would start improving your lives. Imagine if all it's
[03:39:05] so funny because it's like, again, resource, resource rich nation. And like, one of the
[03:39:15] biggest problems it faces is not necessarily it's like funding of terror around the region,
[03:39:21] like it's funding of the axis of resistance. But instead, unimaginable levels of sanctions
[03:39:28] that it has to deal with on a daily fucking basis. Like it's literally Israel and America.
[03:39:32] All the vast money the regime wasted on nuclear weapons and foreign wars were invested in your
[03:39:43] children's education and improving your health care and building your nation's infrastructure,
[03:39:48] water, sewage, all the other things that you need.
[03:39:51] It's so funny that we're watching this because it is damn near identical to Hitler being
[03:39:59] like the Hitler doing those speeches. Well, I guess like Hitler didn't truly want to fucking,
[03:40:05] you know, get the smoke from England. But remember those Hitler speeches that we were looking at,
[03:40:10] the AI translation or like all the misinformation surrounding all of these like Hitler lovers
[03:40:16] basically lying about his intentions to present him as like a peaceful dove while also simultaneously
[03:40:22] being like, you know, he had to deal with the Jewish problem. And it's like, what the
[03:40:25] fuck are you saying dog you are literally an anti-semite anyway a lot of those
[03:40:31] speeches hold great resemblance to what Benjamin Netanyahu is saying here it's
[03:40:36] like I don't know if there was any AI translation of like early Hitler early
[03:40:42] Hitler speeches towards like his ambitions in Eastern Europe but it
[03:40:47] would probably it would probably resemble what he is saying here we have
[03:40:57] no smoke for you. We want to defend our citizens. We just simply want to live side by side with
[03:41:08] you. And we want to make sure that, you know, you are room, you are saved from the scourge
[03:41:17] of communism. He said the same exact shit, bro. After he spoke to the people of Lebanon,
[03:41:39] also in English with English subtitles, can you explain to us regular viewers why Lebanon
[03:41:54] Lebanon is not fighting the Hezbollah?
[03:41:56] What?
[03:41:58] Why would Lebanon fight more Lebanon?
[03:42:03] Also, there is no, there is virtually no like real standing Lebanese military.
[03:42:07] Hezbollah is Lebanon's only fucking form of defense against Israel.
[03:42:11] Imagine that.
[03:42:35] But you know one simple thing.
[03:42:37] Iran's tyrants don't care about your future.
[03:42:41] But you do.
[03:42:43] When Iran is finally free,
[03:42:45] And that moment will come a lot sooner than people think.
[03:42:48] Everything will be different.
[03:42:50] Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people
[03:42:53] and the Persian people, will finally be at peace.
[03:42:57] Our two countries, Israel and Iran, will be at peace.
[03:43:01] When that day comes, the terror network
[03:43:03] that the regime built in five continents
[03:43:06] will be bankrupt, dismantled.
[03:43:08] Iran will thrive as never before.
[03:43:11] Global investment, massive tourism,
[03:43:14] brilliant technological innovation based in the tremendous
[03:43:17] What? I'm new here. Why weren't American revolutionaries simply protesting George Washington?
[03:43:22] and his talents that exist inside Iran.
[03:43:32] Doesn't that sound better than endless poverty, repression and war?
[03:43:37] From Qom to Esfahan, from Shiraz to Tibris, there are tens of millions of good and decent people
[03:43:43] with thousands of years of history behind them and a brilliant future ahead of them.
[03:43:49] Don't let a small group of fanatic fear crowds crush your hopes and your dreams.
[03:43:54] You deserve better. Your children deserve better. The entire world deserves better.
[03:44:00] I know you don't support. He's right. I just feel this way about Israel, though.
[03:44:06] And America. Like, remember what I said about reactionaries? Like reactionaries love
[03:44:21] to talk about the exact same shit that they are pulling off in their own countries?
[03:44:25] But then like complain about it when brown people do it, you know when browner people do it
[03:44:31] It's always the same shit
[03:44:34] People will be like I can't believe the Taliban bro. I hate what they're doing and it's like dog
[03:44:38] You want the same thing but Christian like what are you saying right now? I can see your other tweets, okay?
[03:44:46] Oh
[03:44:47] Man you hate fanatic theocrats, huh? You hate him so much you put him in your fucking governing coalition
[03:44:53] You hate him so much that you are one. I love when this guy says yeah fanatic theocrats are putting the interest of
[03:45:10] Of their own ambitions putting their own personal interest against the interest of the people is like you you're talking about you
[03:45:17] You're talking about America and you
[03:45:19] What the rapists and murderers of Hamas and Hezbollah?
[03:45:23] But your leaders do
[03:45:25] You deserve more the people of Iran should know Israel stands with you. Yeah
[03:45:31] And you deserve more bombs.
[03:45:34] It seems you haven't been bombed enough as of late.
[03:45:39] You.
[03:45:40] May we together know a future of prosperity and peace.
[03:45:45] What rapes that has a lot to do, bro?
[03:45:46] What rapes that fucking Hamas do?
[03:45:48] What are you talking about?
[03:45:51] Like, there is one instance in captivity that we have actually gotten verifiable evidence
[03:46:00] on.
[03:46:01] Beyond that, the systematized mass rapes that Hamas dealt on October 7, not a single bit of
[03:46:08] that has been verified.
[03:46:10] And people still run with it over and over and over again.
[03:46:15] Meanwhile, we know Israel has done it.
[03:46:19] What do you mean there's no Lebanese army?
[03:46:37] Hasn't America donated more than $3 billion to the Lebanese armed forces to advocate
[03:46:41] for its security, according to the U.S. Department of State?
[03:46:44] Yes.
[03:46:45] There is a standing Lebanese military.
[03:46:46] But it's basically nothing in comparison to Hezbollah.
[03:47:14] Yeah.
[03:47:15] CNN has learned of cross-border commando raids by Israel into Lebanon, into the southern part
[03:47:23] of the country.
[03:47:24] These raids back and forth could be a sign that a larger ground invasion could be coming.
[03:47:30] Obviously, there have been airstrikes on Beirut for days now.
[03:47:34] Let's get right to seat on Chief National Security Analyst and anchor Jim Shudeau who
[03:47:37] is in Tel Aviv, Jim.
[03:47:39] These raids, what do they show and what do they tell us?
[03:47:43] Yeah.
[03:47:46] Well, John.
[03:47:47] More explosions about five minutes away from my home in Beirut, Jeannot.
[03:47:50] I have no choice but to drive up to the mountains now.
[03:47:52] Have a good stream.
[03:47:53] Good luck with educating some of these delinquents.
[03:47:55] Hopefully, brother.
[03:47:56] One day you will live in peace and harmony.
[03:47:58] Okay?
[03:47:59] Insha'Allah.
[03:48:00] Stay safe, chatter.
[03:48:16] Phase ended.
[03:48:17] Oh, the phase subathon ended.
[03:48:18] Congratulations to the phase subbers, okay?
[03:48:22] I phased the fuck up.
[03:48:24] I participated in that a little bit.
[03:48:31] As you all know, I stay fucking phased up
[03:48:35] and I stay preyed up.
[03:48:39] You can call these shaping operations
[03:48:42] smaller special forces raids,
[03:48:45] as well as just the barrage of airstrikes
[03:48:48] that we've seen over the last several days,
[03:48:50] not just taking out Hezbollah leadership,
[03:48:53] But going after firing positions, missile launch sites, missile and rocket storage sites in
[03:48:58] southern Lebanon would all be part of laying the groundwork for a broader ground incursion
[03:49:05] or small scale invasion, whatever language you use.
[03:49:09] So one can say that those operations have already begun.
[03:49:12] And keep in mind what the Israeli goal here is, as stated publicly.
[03:49:16] We're not guessing about this.
[03:49:18] goal, as officials have described, is to move Hezbollah back from the border.
[03:49:25] And to do that, they seem to be making it clear.
[03:49:29] They don't just intend to do damage to Hezbollah forces along the border, but push them back.
[03:49:35] The typical dividing line is the Latani River about 10 miles back from the border.
[03:49:39] So that when you have the Israeli defense minister go speak to Israeli forces now
[03:49:45] massing on the northern border and use this phrase, we will employ all the capabilities
[03:49:50] at our disposal. That's quite clear public signaling about what may very well be the
[03:49:57] next step. And I think you could see these special operations raids as well as the bombing
[03:50:03] and the strikes we've seen in recent days as part of that same ground operation.
[03:50:09] Jim, what is now known about Hezbollah as it is currently constituted, there will
[03:50:14] Yeah, Jim tell us more from Tel Aviv about how Hezbollah is the true evil here and that's
[03:50:21] why Israel has to defend itself by invading Lebanon.
[03:50:25] Come on guys, don't you get it dude?
[03:50:28] This is a tale as old as time itself.
[03:50:31] Israel has never in its history, at least in its outward communication, I'm not talking
[03:50:36] about fucking Bangurians like writings about how it is a colonial force or whatever
[03:50:39] or how they must purge the fucking indigenous population there and of course the indigenous
[03:50:43] population there is going to fight back. But in terms of it's like outward western facing
[03:50:48] communication, Israel has never been like, yeah, we want this land. It's for us. Fuck
[03:50:53] you. Okay. No, it's always we need to defend ourselves. Okay. The Holocaust happened. We
[03:51:00] need a place. If we don't have a place, then the Holocaust too is going to happen
[03:51:03] again and again and again. Okay. That's why we need this place. That's why we need
[03:51:08] this space. Now we're going to carry on a genocide and the more territory that
[03:51:12] that they've taken over throughout time,
[03:51:14] the more they have fucking kept just encroaching
[03:51:18] on other regional boundaries and destroying them,
[03:51:21] gutting them, never letting them to have,
[03:51:23] never letting them have any fucking opportunity
[03:51:25] to fucking create a nation state like Palestine,
[03:51:28] while simultaneously going,
[03:51:29] oh, well, our people moved there.
[03:51:30] We have to defend themselves.
[03:51:32] We have a right to defend ourselves.
[03:51:34] We have to defend those people there.
[03:51:35] This is just the strategies as day one.
[03:51:54] It's not like Israel didn't say this
[03:51:56] about the West Bank.
[03:51:57] they did this they did this in Golan Heights they did this in every territory
[03:52:03] that it is fucking occupied oh we got to defend ourselves man we just got to do
[03:52:06] it we got to do the damn thing it's crazy like and anyone that doesn't
[03:52:19] recognize exactly what's going on which is identical to what they said about
[03:52:23] Gaza bro they said this about Gaza they literally were like we are
[03:52:28] liberating the terrorists we are liberating the Palestinian children
[03:52:34] from their Hamas Hamas captives Israel must have a right to defend itself boom
[03:52:42] fucking genocide in Gaza okay same shit about places where there's no Hamas like
[03:52:50] fucking the West Bank they gotta defend themselves from the terror children in
[03:52:55] in the West Bank occupied territory,
[03:52:58] which we must occupy.
[03:53:01] Now they're doing it in fucking Lebanon.
[03:53:03] Oh, we wanna separate the Lebanese population
[03:53:06] from the treacherous nature of Hezbollah.
[03:53:13] We wanna separate the Iranian population
[03:53:15] from the treacherous bureaucracy of the Ayatollah regime.
[03:53:19] We know what that means when they say that.
[03:53:26] An ability to carry out retaliation.
[03:53:32] You know, John, I think to some degree
[03:53:35] in recent days and weeks if you go back for instance to the the pager attack as
[03:53:39] well as the the killing on friday of nasrallah
[03:53:42] we've seen something of a piercing
[03:53:44] of the bubble
[03:53:45] of hezbollah's military capabilities as advertised this was iran's strongest
[03:53:50] proxy weapon
[03:53:52] uh... in the middle east and against israel its strongest piece of that
[03:53:56] ring of fire around israel
[03:53:58] we talked to to to great length about the many tens of thousands of
[03:54:01] missiles and rockets etc
[03:54:03] but now in just a few days time
[03:54:05] israel has not only dismantled its leadership right up to the very top
[03:54:09] but it's taking out taken out
[03:54:11] a lot of those very missiles which raises questions as to whether
[03:54:15] even if the decision were made by has been a carry out a sizeable retaliation
[03:54:20] who would make that decision
[03:54:22] and how would they communicate that to field commanders to then
[03:54:25] carry it out it's not clear that they have the capability to do that i i
[03:54:28] don't mean to underestimate
[03:54:30] Wait, did I tell you you have a right to defend yourself from the top of the hour ad break because I might have forgotten. Did I serve it? No.
[03:54:45] Well, you do by subscribing.
[03:54:50] You do. Because at the top of the hour, there's a three minute ad break and you have a right to defend yourself from said ad break by subscribing,
[03:54:56] which you can do for $4 before it ends, before the month of September ends or for free with the Twitch Prime.
[03:55:01] Isma Max says fuck you, you are both a mod and also a subscriber, you are fine, okay?
[03:55:16] But others who are not fine, the defenseless, you might get gifted a sub if you are lucky.
[03:55:23] Even Israeli officials say that other than the assassinations they've barely heard has
[03:55:26] below capacity, of course dude.
[03:55:28] And also, this doesn't like magically go away.
[03:55:32] People's resentment towards Israel bombing them and killing their family members doesn't
[03:55:35] go away when Hassan Nasrallah is assassinated.
[03:55:38] It's not like the guy was single-handedly like brainwashing everyone in Lebanon into hating Israel, okay?
[03:55:48] That's why the exact same fucking approach exists in Lebanon as well.
[03:55:54] You kill Yahya Sinwar, okay? It's not like the Palestinian people are gonna be like, oh, I guess it's over now, like, I
[03:56:02] guess thank you for fucking
[03:56:04] humiliating us and subjugating us and killing us and destroying our lives. I now have a
[03:56:10] totally different analysis of the situation. It's like, dude, what are you saying? People
[03:56:16] are still going to want to understandably fight back. Like gutting the command structure
[03:56:26] of his bullet doesn't do anything. It just like kind of buys you time for a brief moment.
[03:56:31] But if you immediately go and invade afterwards, you'll see that that command structure still
[03:56:36] Israel has a very clear line of succession.
[03:56:39] This is a standing military with a lot of fucking combat experience.
[03:56:42] Hezbollah is remaining arsenal or the threat, but the blow that Israel has struck in recent
[03:56:55] days really raises questions as to what they're capable of.
[03:56:58] And we should also keep in mind Iran's public comments, which has been to say, we're kind
[03:57:04] of leaving this to Hezbollah to retaliate.
[03:57:06] We're effectively sitting this one out, not to minimize Iran's own.
[03:57:11] My Lebanese Catholic friend, War Black and was mourning Nasrallah, so many are pro-resistence
[03:57:15] even in communities that traditionally weren't, of course.
[03:57:19] Like dude, of course, man, of course.
[03:57:24] Like these people understand why Israel killed Hassan Nasrallah, they didn't kill Hassan
[03:57:29] Nasrallah because he's homophobic or he's like domestic politics in Lebanon.
[03:57:35] They killed him because he stood as a threat to Israel doing whatever the fuck it wanted
[03:57:40] in the region.
[03:57:41] who tries to tell you that it's different, okay? Like, there are straight up, there are,
[03:57:52] there are Christian Palestinians, Christian Lebanese people in this chat that also understand
[03:57:56] exactly what I'm saying. Syrians who celebrate the death of Hassan Nasrallah partially because
[03:58:14] of the Hezbollah operations in Syria, but also I'm certain that there are Syrians who don't
[03:58:20] necessarily hate the operations, especially against, against ISIS-style Syrian forces,
[03:58:31] you know? But none of that matters in this situation. What matters is what Israel is doing,
[03:58:40] and what matters is why Israel did what it did. They openly stated it. They were, they did not
[03:58:45] kill him for any reason other than the fact that he was fighting against and putting a price
[03:58:51] on Israel's permanent genocide of the Palestinian.
[03:59:09] And if you were to ask those Syrians
[03:59:11] who are celebrating Hassan Nasrallah's death,
[03:59:13] I'm sure many of them would probably tell you
[03:59:15] that Israel is still a far greater threat
[03:59:20] unless they're stupid.
[03:59:21] And people can be stupid for the record.
[03:59:27] On capabilities, but at least
[03:59:28] from the public messaging standpoint,
[03:59:31] they seem to be keeping their powder dry as well.
[03:59:33] It is something that absolutely bears watching
[03:59:36] is Hezbollah on its heels as much as it seems,
[03:59:39] at least from everything we see in here.
[03:59:40] Jim Schudow, it's great to have you there
[03:59:42] as our eyes and ears.
[03:59:43] Thank you so much.
[03:59:44] Sarah?
[03:59:45] All right.
[03:59:46] If Israel attacks Iran, would Russia respond?
[03:59:54] Yep, Maronite, Lebanese here.
[03:59:55] Hezbollah is not without sin
[03:59:57] and is treated serious horribly.
[03:59:58] We don't forgive that while simultaneously recognizing
[04:00:00] Hezbollah is the only thing standing
[04:00:02] between another occupation and the Lebanese people
[04:00:04] and no other social, economic, or criminal issues
[04:00:06] can be properly dealt with during genocide.
[04:00:08] Yes.
[04:00:10] That's like, this is something that Americans will never fucking comprehend because they have been the dominant force in their lifetime and in the lifetimes of their parents and great-grandparents, okay?
[04:00:22] And even before then, they were a violent settler colony.
[04:00:25] So, they were always the dominating force.
[04:00:28] There's only been like 17 years since 7076 where the United States has not been in active fucking conflict.
[04:00:34] And sheltered from the impact of said, said active conflict due to his geopolitical placement on the map. Okay, it's far away from all of the death that it deals by nature surrounded by sea.
[04:00:50] see. So Americans have no way of understanding why people that that might have differences in
[04:00:59] opinion in terms of like domestic affairs will harden their position and recognize the true evil
[04:01:08] or the the greater enemy that is destroying them like the three minute outbreak that I forgot
[04:01:15] the wrong which I'm running right now okay. They killed the sondas but all over the same
[04:01:28] the same reason that they killed Ismael Hania, I mean,
[04:01:33] the Ismael Hania thing is even worse, honestly.
[04:01:52] Isn't this just sort of a similar argument
[04:01:54] that there's no point in taking out Al Qaeda leadership
[04:01:57] because they would just reconstitute
[04:01:58] under the cause of hating American imperialism?
[04:02:00] But Al Qaeda doesn't exist now, so dog,
[04:02:03] if you're comparing Al Qaeda to fucking Hezbollah,
[04:02:05] I don't know what to tell you, okay?
[04:02:08] It's like thinking that if you kill American generals
[04:02:11] that the American military is gonna cease to exist, okay?
[04:02:14] That's the better comparison.
[04:02:19] Also, Al-Qaeda still exists largely as a consequence of our great ally, Saudi Arabia, consistently
[04:02:25] using it as a weapon in places like Yemen as a matter of fact.
[04:02:28] So I don't know, like whenever people, whenever people fucking talk about like Al-Qaeda or
[04:02:36] ISIS and bring these like obvious militant groups that are salafist in nature or are
[04:02:44] funded and facilitated and doing so much death and destruction to not necessarily America or
[04:02:49] American interest really, but certainly against like America's enemies or whoever America has
[04:02:55] interest in invading or whatever. It's like if you're comparing them to their fucking natural
[04:03:02] enemies in the region like Hezbollah or Hamas, regardless of their different sects because
[04:03:08] Hamas is Sunni, Hezbollah is Shia, okay? But if you are comparing these groups to one another
[04:03:17] and pointing to their similarities in any capacity, I think you might be a little bit
[04:03:23] Islamophobic. I don't want to say that about you, chatter. You seem to be at least like
[04:03:28] somewhat charitable here. But the only comparison that you can point to is that they're just
[04:03:33] like they kind of look the same, I guess, from afar, because they got big beards and
[04:03:37] And sometimes we're turbans and shit, you know, because in, in its action, okay.
[04:03:46] And also direct allegiances, okay, you can say the enemy and my enemy is my friend or
[04:03:52] whatever.
[04:03:53] But like in, in terms of like offering material support, Israel has aligned with
[04:03:56] ISIS in the past openly in Syria, okay.
[04:04:04] Israel has Saudi Arabia.
[04:04:06] ally of Israel, still very much utilized Al Qaeda in a similar capacity.
[04:04:13] So the notion that like these guys like Hezbollah, like America's enemies are closer to ISIS
[04:04:19] and Al Qaeda is so funny.
[04:04:21] When it's actually America's ally and America itself and its own material interests align
[04:04:26] with ISIS and Al Qaeda in the region, Israel also, much like ISIS, desecrates cultural
[04:04:37] landmarks on a regular basis. Israel also uses the shield of religion as a justification
[04:04:44] for its actions just like ISIS does. Okay. And Israel on top of that has directly given
[04:04:51] weapons to ISIS in Syria and has offered medical treatment to ISIS soldiers in Syria. I'm not
[04:05:03] arguing one way or another just saying they both have reasonable basis for fighting
[04:05:06] against Israel and our Western forces? Not hating against al-Qaeda or ISIS is ridiculous.
[04:05:16] What the fuck? Saudis are Zionists now. They're not supporting al-Qaeda just because they're
[04:05:27] sending them a file. That's not how it works. I believe if you said Qatar, sorry about
[04:05:31] Sunni jihadist, Saudi Arabia equals Saudi Arabia slash Israel is Iranian Kool-Aid. I don't
[04:05:36] know what you're fucking saying. I agree with some of the things that you're saying,
[04:05:42] but I don't think you understood what I said at all. I don't think Saudi Arabia
[04:05:45] is supporting al Qaeda because they're Sunni. I think Saudi Arabia is supporting al Qaeda
[04:05:49] because it is comprised of Saudis and it is a militant asset that Saudi Arabia uses in
[04:05:55] a similar vein to like how America uses ISIS from time to time. Also Israel is supposed
[04:06:09] to be the Jewish state. How the fuck does that factor into your equation when Israel
[04:06:13] is aligning with ISIS? Saudi support of the Salafist rebels in Syria that literally
[04:06:29] should have ethnically cleansed the Christian village I'm from.
[04:06:36] This morning the U.S. is preparing its military as fears grow that Iran may be planning retaliatory
[04:06:41] attacks.
[04:06:42] CNNs are let science at the White House with more on how the Biden administration is sort
[04:06:46] of viewing all of this at the moment.
[04:06:49] And they're meeting at this very moment.
[04:06:50] What are you learning, Erlott?
[04:06:52] Well, Sarah, President Biden is hoping to prevent this situation from escalating into
[04:06:58] a wider regional conflict that could engulf the region.
[04:07:03] is something that the administration has feared and really tried to work to prevent for the
[04:07:11] past year.
[04:07:12] Now a U.S. official tells CNN that one major area of concern right now is the possibility
[04:07:19] that Iran could be planning an attack in the wake of Israel's killing of Hamas leader
[04:07:24] Hassan Nasrallah just last Friday.
[04:07:27] So the U.S. is working with Israel on its defenses.
[04:07:31] U. S officials said hoping that a joint defense and a change in the U. S military posture in the
[04:07:38] region could potentially ward off a potential attack. Now this official did not outline what
[04:07:44] an Iranian attack would look like or specify the exact moves that the U. S could take. But
[04:07:50] the Pentagon in a statement on Sunday did stress that if Iran tries to or any of its partners
[04:07:55] or proxies being chair, I think what that shadow was saying is that ideological and
[04:07:59] in search of force like Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda can be broken from their American
[04:08:02] hatred with consistent security measures? No. Because Hezbollah's reason for
[04:08:09] existence and continued war is directly a consequence of Israel's actions in the
[04:08:15] region. Okay. The more it's it's more similar to the Taliban if you want to
[04:08:26] fucking talk about it like that. Okay. Another Islamist fundamentalist
[04:08:31] military force that also controls civil governance, okay, historically, in Afghanistan.
[04:08:38] The reason why many do not want to make the Taliban comparison is because it is one that does not favor that argument that they're trying to make.
[04:08:45] That's it. That's it. 20 years of bombing Afghanistan, and then we just gave the country back to the Taliban and fucked off, only hardening their position.
[04:09:03] Iran's regional affairs Lebanon has bullet passing territory's Palestinian Islamic jihad Hamas Iraq PMU militias Hemen
[04:09:14] Yemen Yemen the Houthis Bahrain Al-Ashar Brigade Syria several militias
[04:09:19] Tries to use this moment to target either American aid in Hutchinson on the lines wearing a shirt of Hassan fit tonight
[04:09:26] damn
[04:09:29] Swagged out. I would rock this shit for real. He's got I mean down to the Travis Scott's to
[04:09:37] to have a scots real tree camo.
[04:09:42] Leave Liz vest up top.
[04:09:46] I don't think I would go with
[04:09:47] the real tree in this though.
[04:09:49] Honestly, I feel like it's a little bit.
[04:09:51] It's a bit much.
[04:09:57] His jug and toe personnel or American
[04:10:01] interests that the US would respond
[04:10:03] to defend the American people.
[04:10:04] The Pentagon is noted that they
[04:10:06] have significant capabilities and
[04:10:08] you call this on Nazarela Hamas leader.
[04:10:10] Yeah, I don't care man.
[04:10:12] What difference?
[04:10:13] I don't care, man. What difference? What difference does it make? Is it different?
[04:10:17] It's a distinction without a difference. Hamas as Bullah is the same. Houthis is the same.
[04:10:22] Okay? They're all terrorists. They're all against Israel and America.
[04:10:26] They're all bad guys, no matter what they do. Okay? They're bad across the board.
[04:10:31] And because they're bad in their domestic affairs, they're also bad in their deterrence measures
[04:10:37] against the state of Israel. Israel is good.
[04:10:40] The propaganda is always going to be the same. Make no mistake. I'm not saying that like I agree with these guys every fucking day of the week.
[04:10:47] Of course I'm not, but it doesn't matter. It does not fucking matter at all because that's not why they're getting killed. They're getting killed and they're getting bombed because they provide a deterrence to Israel.
[04:10:58] the region, including a carrier strike group. And they are also working to
[04:11:05] increase the readiness of U.S. troops who could mobilize to the region. Now
[04:11:10] President Biden on Saturday convenes a meeting of his national security team
[04:11:14] along with Vice President Kamala Harris to assess the situation in the
[04:11:18] Middle East and also talk about the readiness of U.S. military forces. And
[04:11:23] just yesterday he stressed to reporters that he believes an all-out war must
[04:11:27] be avoided. Take a listen. Yeah, what are you gonna do about it? Jack as you don't want
[04:11:40] to fucking avoid it. Do get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here, dude. We've
[04:11:45] already taken precautions relative to our embassies and personnel and want to leave.
[04:11:50] But we're not there yet, but we're working like hell with the French and many others.
[04:11:56] Thank you.
[04:11:59] That last line there is a reference to the U.S. hope that there could be some type of diplomatic solution
[04:12:04] to try to return Israeli and Lebanese civilians back to their homes.
[04:12:09] Why are the Lebanese forces retreating?
[04:12:12] Amazing how they say you're a terrorist.
[04:12:14] Empathize it because you do basic assessments of these world events.
[04:12:16] It's never counter-arguments or something intelligent.
[04:12:18] It's why I get my news from you. Thank you.
[04:12:20] No, it's it sucks because it's like a very that line of attack is of course a very very
[04:12:28] successful line of attack. That's all you need to do. You go up. He's just supporting terrorism.
[04:12:33] It's like, Nope, I don't support Israel and I don't support America. Okay. You can't
[04:12:37] say that. No, no, no. These guys are the far greater terrorists in that regard. Okay.
[04:12:44] Bro, stop reading comments that agree with you. I got to do that every now and then
[04:12:49] chatter I always I always fucking read I always read the haters once the dust
[04:13:00] settles you're gonna get blamed but for the genocide by liberals because you
[04:13:03] weren't loud enough no I think that this community and myself will probably get
[04:13:08] blamed for Kamala Harris's defeat if she loses in November this is what X said
[04:13:23] two days ago who's X like Twitter I saw someone call you a 4chan Nazi for
[04:13:32] watching a Houthi clip. Yeah dude. It's ironic because virtually every single person that says
[04:13:38] that is directly a 4chan Nazi. Either was a 4chan Nazi and now they think they're liberal
[04:13:44] but they still want to say the M word is a white guy or are directly still very much
[04:13:48] a 4chan Nazi, but they know liberals are so squishy and so easily duped. You know?
[04:14:07] Weird question. If you don't agree with America, why live in America? Well, one of
[04:14:12] beautiful aspects of America is that I can disagree with it and still live here and
[04:14:16] Secondly, where am I supposed to go? I have thought about it
[04:14:20] This is like the one year for the first time in my life after living here for
[04:14:24] Almost two decades at this point. This is one of the first. This is where I was like damn, man
[04:14:29] I maybe should fucking leave because this shit sucks
[04:14:32] The problem is where do I go? You know, where do I fucking go?
[04:14:37] Where can I go that isn't directly involved with America?
[04:14:42] And do I want to live there? Don't come to Germany, shit's cooked. Exactly it most of Western Europe is directly cooked
[04:14:50] And the conditions are worsening there in a similar capacity use at Austria. That's a funny time to say that chatter
[04:14:57] Like oh, yeah, I left the American Nazi
[04:15:00] Governance to go directly to Austria, which is trying to do exactly what it did
[04:15:06] Historically not that long ago. Not even a hundred years ago
[04:15:09] Anyway, there is virtually no country on the fucking planet yet Jesus Christ don't ever advocate for changing the place you call home
[04:15:33] I know and and well the the other side of that story is I have thought about I've thought about like potentially leaving America
[04:15:41] Like once it ever in my fucking life
[04:15:45] First time ever I've thought about it
[04:15:48] And immediately my second thought was well, I'm not a pussy like what the fuck I'm not gonna run away from the problem
[04:15:54] I'm gonna keep fighting against the problem. That's bullshit
[04:15:58] That's it
[04:16:01] Especially because I know if I did they'd be like oh that pussy left America
[04:16:05] Why are you still talking about American affairs you left America you fucking pussy is what the people would say
[04:16:11] When I didn't have a nice car
[04:16:14] They would say you're driving around and it busted down fucking Toyota Camry
[04:16:19] Because you want to larp as a poor person when I got a nice car. They said oh look at this fucking rich piece of shit buying
[04:16:25] inflexing his nice car
[04:16:28] There's no winning.
[04:16:29] I just do what I do.
[04:16:45] President Biden also said he does
[04:16:47] plan to speak with Israeli
[04:16:48] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
[04:16:50] soon, though officials have not
[04:16:51] detailed how soon that conversation
[04:16:53] might happen. But Biden making
[04:16:54] very clear there that he wants to
[04:16:56] take whatever steps possible to try
[04:16:57] to ensure that this war does not
[04:16:59] spill out into a wider regional
[04:17:00] complex that would engulf the whole
[04:17:02] region. All of that science.
[04:17:03] Thank you so much for reporting
[04:17:05] there from the White House.
[04:17:06] Kate with us now to talk much
[04:17:08] more about all of this as a
[04:17:09] former IDF supporter.
[04:17:10] more about all of this as a former IDF spokesperson, retired Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conriquez.
[04:17:15] Thank you so much for coming in. It's good to see you. So this new reporting that is that
[04:17:20] that's crazy, bro. They brought this fucking ugly freak back. Oh my God, dude, they're
[04:17:28] running the hits. Wow. They even brought the same guys back, dude. Israel dropped
[04:17:35] these guys and they're still American media is still using them. That's wonderful.
[04:17:40] What a delight.
[04:17:43] What a delight.
[04:17:44] What's next, bro?
[04:17:45] Are you going to bring Elon Levy?
[04:17:47] Dog, this is so the same exact strategy that they're running now for Hezbollah in Lebanon
[04:17:59] that they were running for Hamas in Gaza that they are unironically using the same
[04:18:09] people.
[04:18:10] They're dusting them off.
[04:18:11] at Israeli special forces have been carrying out targeted raids into southern Lebanon, gathering
[04:18:18] intelligence ahead of a possible ground incursion.
[04:18:21] From your experience, if this is happening, do you think a ground incursion is inevitable?
[04:18:30] Nothing is inevitable.
[04:18:31] First of all, good morning to you, and thanks for having me.
[04:18:35] Nothing is inevitable if at this stage ceasefire, agreements or talks would be successful
[04:18:44] and the French and the Americans would get his bala to agree to implement Security Council
[04:18:50] Resolution 1701 and move beyond the Litany River, then no such ground operations would
[04:18:56] be necessary.
[04:18:57] Israeli civilians would be able to move back to their homes, and I think Israel would
[04:19:02] be very happy to avail itself to other threats that it has against its national
[04:19:06] security, unfinished business in Gaza and elsewhere.
[04:19:10] So no, this is definitely something that can be avoided, but as the trajectory is now,
[04:19:16] it looks as if nobody's really making it something that can be avoidable.
[04:19:21] And Israel, as a sovereign country, has a responsibility towards its people to allow them to go home
[04:19:26] safely.
[04:19:27] And I think the operations and what you refer to the information is part of making that
[04:19:32] happen and taking the necessary preparations in order to bring their civilians home.
[04:19:37] probably destabilizing news guys. You don't understand. One, Israel has a right to defend
[04:19:43] itself. Oh my God. They got John Kirby, of course, weighing on the death of Hezbollah
[04:19:49] leader Hassan Nasrallah. Um, you guys don't understand one Israel has a right to defend
[04:19:54] itself to Israel. Uh, it has a right to take over that territory if it chooses to do
[04:19:59] so in an effort to defend itself even better. Okay. Also three best defense is a great
[04:20:04] offense. Okay. And last but not least, we promise we won't take over the territory that
[04:20:10] we used to fucking occupy before Hezbollah existed. If Hezbollah just, you know, puts
[04:20:17] their arms down and retreats. The Middle East where the Lebanese have just recovered
[04:20:34] the body of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Iran backed Hezbollah, which the U. S.
[04:20:39] government considers a terrorist group who was killed by an Israeli strike on Friday.
[04:20:44] Biden said the killing gave Nasrallah's victims and their families a quote measure of justice.
[04:20:49] But as Israel struck more has ball of targets overnight. President Biden also called for
[04:20:54] a ceasefire in the region. As U.S. officials watch carefully for Iran's threatened retaliation
[04:21:00] for Nasrallah's death and the possibility that Israel could move ground forces into
[04:21:04] Lebanon. Joining me now to discuss White House national securities communications advisor
[04:21:09] Admiral John Kirby. Admiral, thanks for joining us. So first of all, is President Biden glad
[04:21:15] that Israel took this action? I don't think anybody's mourning the loss of Mr. Nisrallah,
[04:21:20] a known terrorist, a guy with American blood on his hands as well as Israeli blood on his hands.
[04:21:25] This is a terrorist organization. He was the leader of it. And I think people are safer
[04:21:30] without him walking around. But they'll try to recover. We're watching to see what they do
[04:21:35] to try to fill this leadership vacuum. It's going to be tough that much of their command
[04:21:39] structure has now been wiped out. So the Israelis strike targeting
[04:21:43] Israel a flattened several large buildings in the heart of densely
[04:21:47] populated Beirut, the suburb of Beirut. Do you have any indication at all what
[04:21:52] the civilian death toll might be? I don't think we have an exact number Jake,
[04:21:56] what we certainly assume. In fact we do.
[04:22:01] Someone said, do you think if Turkey's military interviewees and
[04:22:05] Lebanon to save the Lebanese people and have the Lebanese National Army
[04:22:08] me would you say that it would be a heroic move similar to China brother if you think
[04:22:14] that Turkey is going to use its NATO forces in defense of Hezbollah in Lebanon which is
[04:22:25] an enemy of Turkey okay both because it's a NATO force but also because they literally
[04:22:33] fought each other in Syria, let me tell you some, okay? You're living in fucking la-la
[04:22:43] land. There is zero percent chance, there is zero percent chance that Turkey would do
[04:23:01] such a thing.
[04:23:02] We go and go so far as to say we know that there are civilian casualties here. There's
[04:23:17] no question about that.
[04:23:18] I mean, dozens, hundreds, thousands?
[04:23:20] I don't think we can quantify it right now. We're in touch with our Israeli
[04:23:23] counterparts about that. Each single civilian death is a tragedy. And certainly, while, again,
[04:23:28] nobody's mourning Israel as death, we certainly do mourn any losses.
[04:23:32] Turkey was pro-ISIS because ISIS was fighting Kurds. No dog. Turkey was pro-ISIS because
[04:23:37] ISIS was being used as the other side of accelerating conflict in the region by the
[04:23:43] United States of America. Do you think Turkey gets the fucking offer logistical
[04:23:47] support the ISIS without America's know-how? Like what are we doing here guys? Come on please,
[04:23:52] please, please, be for fucking real. I will forever repeat something that is really significant
[04:23:59] that many people don't even know. Turkey has many American military bases. Some of those many
[04:24:06] American military bases literally have American nukes in them. Okay? American nukes. Do you
[04:24:16] now think that Turkey gets to do stuff without America's know-how? That's crazy! Turkey is a NATO
[04:24:28] nation. It's just not, that's not happening. From one side, you don't support Israel and in the other
[04:24:40] hand you don't support a homozer husband. Can you elaborate on what your beliefs are on the
[04:24:43] situation? What do you mean? I don't understand what you're saying. I don't support Israel.
[04:24:49] I believe the Israeli apartheid has to be abolished. And in terms of like anyone that
[04:24:54] that fights back against that,
[04:24:55] I understand exactly where they're coming from.
[04:24:57] I might not agree with all their methods,
[04:24:59] but I totally understand the resentment
[04:25:01] that other regional actors have.
[04:25:07] So before President Obama gave the order.
[04:25:09] In terms of like defending its own territorial sovereignty
[04:25:13] and its own territorial boundaries, by the way,
[04:25:16] they are correct, okay?
[04:25:19] Like October 7 aside,
[04:25:22] every action that like any kind of Palestinian
[04:25:24] resistance group engages in, in terms of a spontaneous militia against Israeli incursion
[04:25:31] into Gaza is morally righteous and also legal under international law.
[04:25:38] So you know, all that conversation is ridiculous.
[04:25:42] It is both legal and moral.
[04:25:44] You would expect the same.
[04:25:46] You would do the same thing.
[04:25:48] If someone was blowing up your fucking houses, you would try to fight back.
[04:25:58] I might not agree with is, I don't agree with Islamist fundamentalism, okay.
[04:26:03] But that has no weight in this conversation when we're talking about Israel conducting
[04:26:07] a genocide.
[04:26:08] Nobody could point out a single terrorist attack by Hezbollah, but they are called that.
[04:26:15] I mean, people can point out attacks by Hezbollah.
[04:26:18] Come on, dawg.
[04:26:21] Like they kind of were very successful at suicide bombing.
[04:26:33] pretty, pretty successful. Don't check your pager wall. Oh my God, Hasan, you are so in
[04:26:42] the tank for Hezbollah. I hope that they blow you up, dude, you think I haven't heard
[04:26:47] this before? Like what the fuck do you mean, bitch? I'm an American citizen living in the
[04:26:53] United States of America. If it offends you that much, that I think America's actions
[04:26:58] are not good for you and not good for anyone else in the fucking region. All right.
[04:27:19] So fucked up to say I'm sorry people are so cruel. I mean look dude. This is the one area where they got me
[04:27:25] There's not much I can do. I'm a white dude
[04:27:28] Okay, I'm a white dude whose cisgender
[04:27:31] heterosexual
[04:27:33] I'm a man
[04:27:34] You know, you can't really get me on many things
[04:27:37] This is the one area where you can immediately dehumanize me and say that everything
[04:27:42] I'm everything I have to say and everything I have to stand for is actually biased
[04:27:46] You can portray me as like this evil barbaric force. This is the one aspect of it and
[04:27:52] So you just got to hand it to him. There's not much else you can do, you know
[04:27:56] I don't think turkeys is restrained by the US as you say they certainly are to an extent
[04:28:15] But they've also done things like invade northern Syria and bomb American funded and trained allies that American approval
[04:28:23] yeah
[04:28:24] you think America cares about the
[04:28:27] Allies that it trains in the area as much as it cares about its
[04:28:32] Second largest military force in NATO. That's just a little give-and-take chatter.
[04:28:39] The fuck are you on about? How many times have Americans just fucked off from the region after arming Kurdish militias and then been like, alright, go to town.
[04:28:48] Come on, brother.
[04:28:54] The only shit that Turkey does that is outside of the scope of American interest is stuff that America actually responds to, okay?
[04:29:02] like not allowing originally, in its statement,
[04:29:07] not allowing Finland and Sweden into NATO
[04:29:11] or securing energy contracts with Russia
[04:29:16] or trying to get Russian anti-air missile systems
[04:29:22] while still staying on the F-35 platform.
[04:29:26] And when they do that kind of stuff,
[04:29:29] Because Turkey is like definitely wild in its own foreign policy.
[04:29:38] America kicks in and goes, calm down, you can't do that.
[04:29:45] That's it.
[04:29:46] For CLT-M6 to go in and take out bin Laden, there was talk of an airstrike against the compound,
[04:29:52] and the decision was made to not do so, A, because they weren't sure about the intelligence,
[04:29:57] and B, because they were worried about, Obama was worried about civilian casualties.
[04:30:01] The Israelis went in a different direction, obviously their intelligence was solid.
[04:30:06] But do you think Israel made the right decision doing it the way they did it?
[04:30:10] Again, I think having decimated the command structure of Hezbollah
[04:30:15] certainly works to the Israelis advantage, it's actually good for the region, good for the world.
[04:30:20] I'll let the Israelis speak to the decision-making process they made, why they chose to go this route.
[04:30:25] So, we are continuing to talk to the Israelis about what the right next steps are.
[04:30:30] And as you rightly said, in the opening here, the president continues to believe that there
[04:30:35] needs to be time and space.
[04:30:36] I think it's funny to say Obama cared about civilian casualties, but in this instance,
[04:30:41] the American foreign policy has gotten more reactionary.
[04:30:45] So I think it's important to make note of that.
[04:30:47] Okay?
[04:30:49] It's correct.
[04:30:51] is foreign policy has gotten significantly worse in the last decade. Okay. We are so much
[04:30:59] more violent, even though you're like, how the fuck can we get more violent in terms of
[04:31:03] like the cost benefit analysis of like civilian to enemy combatant ratio? Like America doesn't
[04:31:09] give a shit about civilians for sure. Okay. For sure. But in its, at least in its communications
[04:31:16] like George W. Bush, which is a fucking warmongering monstrous piece of shit, his administration
[04:31:22] has a permanent slot in the worst and the worst layer of hell.
[04:31:30] Even they fucking had a different communication when Israel assassinated Israel assassinated
[04:31:36] like, you know, leadership within the insurgency or military when they killed like civilians
[04:31:42] alongside them.
[04:31:43] Like at least they cared about trying to present themselves as like this moral nation
[04:31:50] Okay, we've completely dropped that and it's not just the Republicans that have dropped that the Democrats Democrats have dropped that as well
[04:31:57] For diplomacy and that means we'd like to see a ceasefire in place so that that diplomacy can breathe
[04:32:03] Iran condemned the killing of an Israel and said the US is quote complicit
[04:32:07] In Israel's actions. How concerned is President Biden about the potential for a direct conflict a direct military conflict?
[04:32:14] conflict between Israel and Iran, and maybe even involving the United States, Iran certainly
[04:32:20] has tried any number of things, including recently hacking President Trump's campaign,
[04:32:26] talking about an assassination attempt on President Trump.
[04:32:29] How concerned is President Biden about a possible direct confrontation between the U.S. and
[04:32:33] Iran?
[04:32:34] We've been concerned almost since the beginning of this conflict about it broadening, widening,
[04:32:40] becoming a regional war.
[04:32:41] That's why, again, the president and the G7 leaders just a few days ago talked about
[04:32:46] trying to put calling for a 21-day ceasefire.
[04:32:49] And everything else that the president's been doing, including adding force capability,
[04:32:53] military forces to the region, is designed to prevent that exact outcome.
[04:32:56] Now, we'll watch and see.
[04:32:58] We've seen the rhetoric coming out of Tehran.
[04:33:01] We'll watch and see what they do.
[04:33:02] We certainly will make sure that we have the capability to not only defend our
[04:33:06] troops and our facilities, diplomats and military, as well as Israel itself.
[04:33:10] If it comes to that, hopefully it won't.
[04:33:12] There was a State Department spokesman
[04:33:13] the other day who said that he never,
[04:33:14] he didn't know of any incident in recent history
[04:33:18] where escalation led to de-escalation.
[04:33:21] And that is obviously a concern
[04:33:22] when it comes to these big strikes by Israel,
[04:33:26] no matter how abhorrent the targets
[04:33:29] if there are civilians that are taken out in the process.
[04:33:33] Do you agree that escalation,
[04:33:35] seldom leads to de-escalation,
[04:33:37] as the State Department spokesman said?
[04:33:39] I think what we would agree on is that there needs to be an effort to de-escalate here.
[04:33:43] Again, Israel has a right to defend itself and a responsibility to do so.
[04:33:47] I mean, Hezbollah under Mr. Nidraala was a lethal threat to the Israeli people.
[04:33:52] They want to get their families back to those homes in Kubitsa in the north.
[04:33:57] We want to see that too.
[04:33:58] We believe and continue to believe that an all-out war with Hezbollah, certainly
[04:34:03] with Iran, is not the way to do that.
[04:34:04] If you want to get those folks back home safely and sustainably, we believe that
[04:34:08] diplomatic path is the right course. The Biden administration quite frankly
[04:34:11] seemed caught off guard by the strike. We were told that the president didn't
[04:34:16] find out about it until planes were already in the air. When the Secretary of
[04:34:19] Defense landed at Andrews, he seemed to distance himself from the strike. He said
[04:34:25] the U.S. was not involved in the operation. And before that, the U.S.
[04:34:29] was a lie. That's a lie. That is straight up lie, bro.
[04:34:34] Nope. Also, not only is that a fucking straight up lie, but also beyond that, how many times
[04:34:49] has Israel done this? Anthony Blinken will go into a meeting with like Israeli, uh, government.
[04:34:55] And then immediately after he's like done with the meeting before he gets on the plane, they're
[04:34:59] like, Hey, Anthony Blinken, Israel just like, um, facilitated the largest land grab in Israeli
[04:35:05] history since like 1967. And it'll be like, Oh, I didn't know that that just happened. They're
[04:35:10] They're like, yeah, no, it just happened right after you left the meeting.
[04:35:13] Like it's just their dog walk in our people, dude, their dog walk in our fucking leadership.
[04:35:21] Straight up Biden will be like, Oh, Israel, don't do that.
[04:35:34] And then the next day, Israel will be like, fuck you.
[04:35:40] Biden will be like, Hey, Israel cut it out.
[04:35:45] Who state solution next day?
[04:35:46] And then I was like, suck my dick.
[04:35:48] No, no state solution.
[04:35:50] President Netanyahu has to ceasefire with Hezbollah, but then ultimately he was not on
[04:35:58] board. How strained are relations between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu?
[04:36:03] These are two guys who have known each other for 40 years, Jake, and they have never,
[04:36:08] and I suspect they will never agree on every single aspect of-
[04:36:12] Hassan, I'm curious about Jordan specifically. Although the people of Jordan sympathize with
[04:36:15] the Palestinians and the Lebanese cause, I'm curious whether the kingdom's government
[04:36:18] is not extremely critical of the Israeli government. Do you know? I don't know. Maybe because the
[04:36:21] fucking kingdom is literally an imperial vestige directly created by the British Empire and placed
[04:36:29] in a position of power like Jordan straight up. I'm sorry to say this to all the Jordanian
[04:36:37] chatters, but like it's just territory that's waiting to be seized one day. Okay. It's just
[04:36:42] the holding ground. That's it. It is a holding ground for all of the Palestinians that escaped
[04:36:57] Israel, for the most part, and whoever the fuck lives there still. That's it. It's just sitting there
[04:37:02] waiting to be, you know, annexed and acquired for security reasons later, maybe like 10 years down
[04:37:11] the line. That's it. Form policy and what we're trying to get done in the Middle East,
[04:37:31] But they do agree on the big thing.
[04:37:33] And the big thing is the safety and security
[04:37:35] of the state of Israel.
[04:37:36] And trying to avoid an all out war that
[04:37:39] would put the people of Israel at even greater risk.
[04:37:41] They agree on that.
[04:37:42] They're going to continue to talk.
[04:37:44] And they'll be candid and forthright with one another.
[04:37:47] Yeah.
[04:37:47] Shame is ignoring Jordan and still collaborating
[04:37:49] with Israel regardless of the solution.
[04:37:50] The Jordanian Foreign Minister makes a salient point here.
[04:37:54] OK.
[04:37:55] And if Netanyahu does not want a two-state solution,
[04:37:58] can you ask Israeli officials what their end game is,
[04:38:00] other than just wars and wars and wars.
[04:38:04] Yeah, it's true.
[04:38:05] Jordan's for foreign minister.
[04:38:07] I'm on Sephardi on Friday.
[04:38:08] Responding to Israel was surrounded by
[04:38:10] enemies by saying 57 Muslim Arab countries want
[04:38:12] peace within the context of Israel ending
[04:38:14] his occupation and a Palestinian state.
[04:38:22] How dare you say that about Jordan?
[04:38:23] I pay my electricity bill, which goes to
[04:38:26] the government of France, so I can watch you.
[04:38:30] Yeah, our tribes here won't allow it.
[04:38:33] Trust me, they have lots of guns in Jordan.
[04:38:35] dog. Look at fucking Hezbollah. It's probably one of the most powerful standing armies against
[04:38:41] Israeli incursion. Look at the way that Israel is treating everyone that is in the vicinity.
[04:38:46] And look at the way that, first of all, if you're saying that about your tribes in Jordan,
[04:38:51] how the fuck, how do you pair that up with the way that your current government treats pro-Palestinian
[04:38:56] protesters? They're like black bagging motherfuckers out there. Okay.
[04:39:01] if they get a little bit out of line it's like is it Jordan or is it Columbia
[04:39:10] campus in New York City I don't know Jordanian Mama Liga yeah no they are
[04:39:28] fucking not dude oh my god sucking his blood dick brought on blame the Jordanian
[04:39:33] King we all know anyone who stirs the pub will just refee the receive the
[04:39:36] promotion, promoting democracy treatment. This isn't like
[04:39:42] sucking his bull a dick. I'm just telling you, are, are you
[04:39:47] actually going to fucking act like the Jordanian King is not a
[04:39:52] colonial vestige? Like, what are we talking about? What's
[04:39:55] going on here? Like they, the Jordanian King's wife is
[04:40:00] Palestinian. And I'm still saying this, okay, technically,
[04:40:14] you don't know how nationalist countries of monarchs are in
[04:40:16] the Middle East, trust me. You use her title of Queen Peasant, true. Some have the idea
[04:40:41] that Jordan is safe from Israel because of the amount of Palestinians who live in Jordan.
[04:40:44] No, it is precisely that reason that they are not safe. This isn't to like, uh, say
[04:40:49] that, uh, you know, you shouldn't offer Palestinians a place of residence, uh, or allow them
[04:40:55] safe harbor. It's just that Israel will use the Palestinians like it did in Lebanon
[04:41:00] to attack eventually when they want the territory. That's it. It's that simple.
[04:41:05] We all know he is but at the same time what the fuck can the motherfucker do without America's barreling against them. No, I mean
[04:41:12] You can say that about why he is also in a defensive posture and participated in the
[04:41:18] defensive measures defending Israel against Iranian retaliation
[04:41:22] Just Iranian retaliation. That's it
[04:41:27] That's the point the Arab nations will not let Israel annex Jordan
[04:41:37] That's crazy because Israel's currently start kick starting the affairs of further annexation beyond Syria and beyond Sheba farms into Lebanon now
[04:41:47] So I haven't really seen the Arab nations do anything but say this at the United Nations
[04:41:53] Finger wagging now listen
[04:41:56] There this is why I say they're in a holding pattern
[04:41:59] Arab governance for the most part. How about Egypt? Come on. Don't get me started on fucking Egypt
[04:42:03] Okay Arab nations are in a holding pattern
[04:42:07] They are there to ensure that their citizens don't rise up and decapitate their leadership and do a fucking coup d'etat
[04:42:14] Their entire purpose is to be like no no no no we hate Israel
[04:42:17] I promise you while also still getting a steady flow of weapons from the United States of America
[04:42:21] Which also obviously means you have to associate yourself with Israel both on paper
[04:42:26] Post-Abraham Accords or pre-Abraham Accords off paper off the record. There is no difference between Turkey
[04:42:37] and the Arab nations that we speak of,
[04:42:41] all of these regional actors would be so much happier
[04:42:45] if everybody shut the fuck up about Israel.
[04:42:47] They'd be, oh, they would love it.
[04:42:48] They'd be like, oh, thank God.
[04:42:51] Especially when it comes to Turkey,
[04:42:52] it's like attacking Hezbollah
[04:42:55] is also beneficial for Turkey anyway.
[04:42:57] It eats away at the regional influence
[04:43:01] and power that Iran has.
[04:43:02] Iran and Turkey are at odds with one another
[04:43:04] both by way of NATO,
[04:43:05] but also because of Turkey's own regional interests. Like it's just, you know, they'll
[04:43:12] openly say it at times. I think MBS said something similar recently. He just a openly was like,
[04:43:17] Oh God, fucking Palestinians. They just like won't go away. The reason why they think that
[04:43:23] is because they want American weapon. They don't care that Israel exists there. Okay.
[04:43:29] They don't care who whose territory Israel takes up more and more of our Jordanian
[04:43:40] friend theorized that Jordan hasn't discovered Jordan has undiscovered oil reserves so that
[04:43:44] it stays neutral refugee state under Western influence oil would create a power imbalance
[04:43:54] Jordan is above our state Israel doesn't really want it it doesn't have much power for them to
[04:43:58] take except maybe Bethlehem what is this al-Arabia Israeli army announces the start of a ground
[04:44:20] operation in Lebanon 353 right at the top of the hour no way guys I can't believe Israel
[04:44:51] was start a ground operation in southern Lebanon. What the fuck? I'm shocked. Who could have foreseen
[04:44:59] this? Who could have seen this coming, dude? Well, you should have fucking seen the top of the hour
[04:45:06] outbreak coming too, because I telegraph it every goddamn time at the top of the hour. If you
[04:45:17] no longer want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe, which you can do for $4
[04:45:21] until the month of September is over or for free with a
[04:45:26] switch prime by connecting your Amazon Prime account to your
[04:45:28] account or by getting gifted as I was just turning it on right now.
[04:45:37] Did you literally call this happening back in like November last year or was it like
[04:45:40] one week after October 7th? I mean I've been saying this.
[04:45:45] I've been saying this for some time. I don't know exactly when I started saying it but
[04:45:49] But in a while, man, I mean, there's fucking, there are, just look back at my tweets, you'll
[04:46:00] find it.
[04:46:05] I kept saying over and over again, I kept saying over and over again, that, you know,
[04:46:15] right as the month of October has begun, the October surprise has begun, which is
[04:46:21] It's not a surprise at all, but an October assurance at this point, an October promise
[04:46:27] at this point.
[04:46:28] This is why they pay me the big bucks, baby.
[04:46:31] This is why.
[04:46:34] Before you say, oh dude, like why can't you predict something good?
[04:46:39] Sorry, good things don't fucking happen.
[04:46:41] Do you think there's a Ryan Ruth of Lebanon out there?
[04:47:08] No.
[04:47:09] You always said, his below Lebanon will stop Israel if they invaded.
[04:47:26] Do you think this is still the case with Nazarallah gone and the leaders are basically
[04:47:29] gone. I still think that the Hezbollah defenses are pretty significant. I just look to what
[04:47:39] Israel's, I look at what Israel has been able to do in Gaza and how much of a penalty they
[04:47:49] have incurred in Gaza. And then I think about how much more powerful the standing military
[04:47:57] and how much more combat ready the standing military of Hezbollah is in Lebanon.
[04:48:01] I look at the history of the Hezbollah resistance in Lebanon against Israeli invasion, and I think
[04:48:07] to myself this is an insane endeavor to engage in if you do not have full-blown commitments
[04:48:15] from America coming in and also helping you.
[04:48:23] You just created Riyan al-Ruthi by denying his existence.
[04:48:27] Our Lebanese warrior is real.
[04:48:29] How's Israel invading Lebanon with a shortage of tanks and APCs?
[04:48:53] What's Israel going to do?
[04:48:53] Fucking bonsai charge over the border.
[04:48:56] First of all, America.
[04:49:00] I'm just going to keep saying the United States of America.
[04:49:16] White House Press Sector Karin Jean-Pierre walks back,
[04:49:18] Biden's comfortable with them stopping comment
[04:49:20] when pressed by a reporter.
[04:49:22] What is this?
[04:49:22] The president said this morning
[04:49:24] that, quote, I'm comfortable with them stopping
[04:49:27] with regards to the Israeli potential incursion
[04:49:32] of the Lebanon.
[04:49:33] What did he mean by that?
[04:49:34] And does that mean he's uncomfortable with it?
[04:49:36] No, I answer that question, which is
[04:49:38] we believe that Israel has the right to defend itself
[04:49:41] against Hezbollah and Iran-backed groups.
[04:49:44] We have said that.
[04:49:45] We've also have said that Israel
[04:49:46] is in a tough neighborhood.
[04:49:49] We've heard us say that.
[04:49:50] They really are.
[04:49:51] And so we believe they have the right to defend itself.
[04:49:54] What we also want to see is a diplomatic resolution here.
[04:49:59] We do want to see a ceasefire.
[04:50:00] Ultimately, that's what we need to see in order to...
[04:50:03] Israel has a right to defend itself again, guys.
[04:50:06] Okay?
[04:50:07] Sorry.
[04:50:08] Southern Lebanon is just standing there looking good, okay?
[04:50:14] It's kind of their fault for being
[04:50:17] in this tough neighborhood, okay?
[04:50:19] You don't understand.
[04:50:23] it's like you're fucking stupid and silly and anti-semitic
[04:50:33] you're stupid and anti-semitic for saying that
[04:50:37] what israel is doing is not defense but offense
[04:50:41] okay why are you why are you not seeing the truth that
[04:50:47] israel has to
[04:50:48] invade southern lebanon
[04:50:50] god
[04:51:04] get to a place where we can get to a ceasefire right where we can see
[04:51:08] citizens going back to their homes on both sides. So that still remains to be true and
[04:51:14] but do we want to see ultimately want to see get to a place where we get to a diplomatic
[04:51:19] resolution? Yes, that's what we want. What is this? You finally got a Mossad DM? No,
[04:51:24] what we have said is consistently. Oh shit. The black trans pride worldwide. No way. No
[04:51:36] way. Congratulations Andrew. I think it was Kwame Torrey that said, he said, if Israel's
[04:51:54] a good guy, then God bless the villains. I think it was Kwame Torrey. If I'm not mistaken
[04:51:59] that one said famously, if I'm the Imam of Mecca, okay, and America's fighting the devil,
[04:52:05] I'm going to fight on the side of the devil is true.
[04:52:12] He has his 11th is America's citizen living in Lebanon. I can confirm to the U S is
[04:52:16] yet to charter any planes for us on October 7. The U S immediately charter flights
[04:52:19] for Israeli-American citizens.
[04:52:20] Maybe us Browns are bad for the upcoming vote.
[04:52:24] Yeah, by God, they did it.
[04:52:44] They did it.
[04:52:45] I thought maybe they wouldn't, because maybe they
[04:52:49] would recognize that this is not the greatest idea,
[04:52:54] considering the diaper brigades, glaringly obvious L's
[04:52:58] that they've taken in terms of like militarily
[04:53:02] defeating Hamas.
[04:53:05] Nope. Nope. Now they're, now they're going into fucking Lebanon. Oh my God. I had to say it to the Lebanese American chatters, but you have been relegated. You have been downgraded in your hierarchy to the lowest rank, which is Palestinian American.
[04:53:42] Unfortunately, you were in the crosshairs of Israel.
[04:53:48] Israel has a military and material interest, and therefore now you are in the way.
[04:53:59] In accordance with the decision of the political echelon a few hours ago, the IDF began limited,
[04:54:03] localized, and targeted ground rates based on the precise intelligence against Hezbollah
[04:54:06] terrorist targets in infrastructure in southern Lebanon.
[04:54:08] These targets are located in villages close to the border, imposing immediate threat
[04:54:11] to Israeli communities in northern Israel.
[04:54:13] So the problem with this, by the way, is that Israel doesn't just like go and do a precise
[04:54:19] and limited targeted operation.
[04:54:21] They usually are too cowardly to actually fucking put their diaper wearing troops in the line
[04:54:28] of direct fire.
[04:54:29] So they just like blow up everything before they move in.
[04:54:33] So that's what they're doing.
[04:54:36] Remember when they did this in Rafa, too, by the way, the IDF is operating according
[04:54:41] a methodical plan set out by the General Staff in Northern Command which IDF soldiers have trained
[04:54:45] and prepared it for in recent months. The Israeli Air Force and IDF artillery are supporting
[04:54:49] ground forces with precise strikes on military targets in the area. There you go. Here it is.
[04:54:57] These operations were approved and carried out in the quarters of the decision of the
[04:55:00] political echelon. Operation Northern Arrows will continue according to the
[04:55:03] situational assessment in parallel combat in Gaza and other arenas.
[04:55:08] The IDF has continued to operate to achieve the goals of the war and is doing everything
[04:55:11] necessary to defend the citizens of Israel and return the citizens of northern Israel to their homes.
[04:55:17] By the way, they said this verbatim about Gaza. Israel has learned that if you want to do a ground
[04:55:28] invasion that the U.S. pretends to oppose, you can just call us something else at the beginning.
[04:55:31] Problem solved. They did this with Gaza too. Wow, I'm not even following. I'm not following
[04:55:37] Dylan Salva. That's crazy. He's pretty cool. This man has been in Turkey more recently than
[04:55:50] me. Let me tell you. Yeah, officials believe Israel will not conduct full invasion of Lebanon.
[04:56:08] If Yemen was nexus on what it would be, amphibious landing operation or parachuting
[04:56:11] operation or both, I'm worried for the Yemenis communities. I don't know if they'll touch Yemen
[04:56:16] for now. What was it? What was like the Russian government's official statement?
[04:56:51] What was it?
[04:56:58] Limited ground operation.
[04:56:59] Didn't they use the same exact words?
[04:57:01] Special ground operation.
[04:57:02] Al Jazeera is live covering it now.
[04:57:22] This is a war against Hezbollah by Israel.
[04:57:26] If Lebanese army get involved then it suddenly becomes a war by Israel on Lebanon.
[04:57:32] So that's why the Lebanese army have withdrawn back to their barracks.
[04:57:36] They're calling it a tactical redeployment.
[04:57:39] Hezbollah have also issued a statement just very quickly.
[04:57:43] They say that they've shelled an Israeli force at the gate of the Shatula settlement with
[04:57:49] artillery shells that have achieved a direct hit.
[04:57:53] That's likely to be one of the positions that the Israeli army have come in to southern
[04:57:56] Lebanon from.
[04:57:58] And they also say they've gone on to hit 13 targets during the day.
[04:58:03] So that ground offensive is now happening.
[04:58:06] The Israelis say it's localised, it's limited in scope.
[04:58:10] That's the kind of language you've also heard from the Americans as well.
[04:58:14] But let's see how this goes.
[04:58:17] Yes.
[04:58:18] There's bullish strength.
[04:58:19] There's always been to fight on the ground.
[04:58:21] Imran, thank you for that.
[04:58:22] Imran Khan, live there in Marjahayun, southern Lebanon.
[04:58:27] Let's find out what's happening in Beirut, the Lebanese capital, because there were
[04:58:32] intense airstrikes there. In the last few hours we heard some heavy bombing and warnings
[04:58:40] from the Israeli army for some residents of some suburbs of Beirut, the southern suburbs
[04:58:46] who evacuate. Dorsa Jabari is in the Lebanese capital forest. Bring us up to speed with
[04:58:52] what's happened there, Dorsa.
[04:58:53] Well, the Israeli military carried out at least seven airstrikes in the southern
[04:59:02] suburbs of the capital, including neighborhoods of Emberj, as well as Leilaki, which is close
[04:59:09] to the airport.
[04:59:11] Now, based on the footage that we've seen come out from those neighborhoods in Dahya,
[04:59:16] it appears that residential buildings were once again targeted.
[04:59:19] And at least four or five of residential buildings have been completely leveled in
[04:59:26] certain neighborhoods.
[04:59:27] Now, according to the Israelis, they did put out a warning issuing residents to evacuate
[04:59:33] certain areas within Dahya, saying that they're going to be using full force to attack what
[04:59:39] they called were Hezbollah strong assets within these areas and these neighborhoods.
[04:59:46] But many people are telling us now that they have also struck various other neighborhoods
[04:59:52] that were not part of the evacuation order.
[04:59:54] Of course, all this comes as we are now seeing Israeli boots on the ground, on to Lebanese
[05:00:01] territory.
[05:00:02] And this is not the first time that the people of Lebanon will wake up to the news in their
[05:00:07] country to hear that this has happened, that this will be the fourth ground offensive
[05:00:12] that Israel has carried out.
[05:00:15] On Lebanon, since this country became an independent nation in 1943, Israeli troops
[05:00:21] invaded Lebanon in 1978, in 1982, in 2006, and now, October 1st, 2024, will be once again
[05:00:31] remembered as a day that Israel entered Lebanese territory.
[05:00:35] Indeed. And the warnings they've issued to residents of those southern suburbs of Beirut
[05:00:41] earlier to evacuate, I mean, these are densely populated areas, especially one of them,
[05:00:47] the Boujah al-Bashni Refugee.
[05:00:49] They just bombed the Hodeidah poor, which is 80% of humanity in the Yemen goes through.
[05:00:52] What do you mean they won't touch Yemen?
[05:00:54] No, I meant like they won't invade Yemen.
[05:00:57] Sorry.
[05:00:58] I should have meant, I should have said, they will, I don't know.
[05:01:02] I don't think they will try and like invade Yemen.
[05:01:06] I think they'll just keep bombing Yemen as they have.
[05:01:10] They have their, they have their hands a little too busy right now with ensuring
[05:01:14] that Israel invades Lebanon successfully.
[05:01:18] What if they have air defenses?
[05:01:30] I mean, dude, if you have air defenses when Israel fucking bombs Beirut, you just laser
[05:01:35] the Israeli F-15s.
[05:01:38] You can't have that, can you?
[05:01:40] Who's gonna give you the air defenses?
[05:01:42] They wanna make sure that the people that give you the air defense if you're Lebanon
[05:01:46] is gonna be Western allies, okay?
[05:01:49] Is you're officially in the orbit of Western Empire.
[05:01:52] Number one problem there is Hezbollah is the most resilient and strongest political
[05:01:57] force in the country. You're not gonna let fucking Hezbollah take control over your air
[05:02:02] defenses. Are you kidding me? That's basically like giving it to Iran directly. So that's
[05:02:07] number one in the eyes of the Western world. That's how they see it. Number two, number two,
[05:02:15] if you give them air defenses, they're gonna fucking use them. What do you mean? If you
[05:02:18] have any kind of like real sovereignty, if you have any kind of real sovereignty
[05:02:24] in terms of air defense is like, yeah, you think Israel can fly over your country and bomb your
[05:02:29] capital? Fuck no. Israel is attacking Syria, not sure if true. I think they're more focused.
[05:03:07] I think they are more focused on, they're more focused on Lebanon right now.
[05:03:18] Israel may be now launching a limited operation into Lebanon. Are you aware of that? Are you
[05:03:23] comfortable with their plan. I'm more aware than you might know and I'm comfortable with them stopping.
[05:03:28] We should have a ceasefire now. Let's get reaction with Mike Hanna in Washington DC
[05:03:35] Forest. So the Israelis have now confirmed that they've began what they're calling this limited
[05:03:39] ground offensive into Lebanon. What is the U.S. position in all this, Mike? And what can you
[05:03:46] tell us about the additional truth that the Pentagon is deploying to the region?
[05:03:49] Well, the US is making its statement saying that it continues to defend Israel's right
[05:03:58] to defend itself.
[05:04:00] They have been diplomatic contacts, says the US, but the details of those diplomatic contents
[05:04:06] have not been made whatsoever.
[05:04:09] As to those troop reinforcements, well, the Pentagon has now confirmed that more
[05:04:13] troops are being sent into the theater.
[05:04:15] Now what has happened is that there has been an aircraft carrier strike force in
[05:04:19] the region for a long period of time. It was due to be replaced by another carrier strike
[05:04:25] force headed by the Harriet Truman aircraft carrier. But now what is happening is that
[05:04:30] all the forces in place will remain there. So essentially what is happening over the
[05:04:35] next few weeks is that the U.S. will be doubling the amount of personnel it has
[05:04:40] in the region. We're talking about up to 40,000 people. The Pentagon has said that
[05:04:45] What will be moving in as well is additional fighter aircraft, obviously on the aircraft
[05:04:50] carriers and in the aircraft strike force.
[05:04:53] But it does appear that there is a ramping up of the U.S. presence in the region.
[05:04:58] And as this ramping up is happening, Mike, the Biden administration has been repeating
[05:05:02] the same rhetoric as it's been doing in Gaza.
[05:05:07] Does Washington, does the Biden administration, do they have any sway influence over Netanyahu
[05:05:12] and what he does in the region?
[05:05:17] Well, for months, the Biden administration called for a ceasefire in Gaza, you know,
[05:05:21] over the past few days, it has been calling along with its allies for a ceasefire in Lebanon.
[05:05:28] The Israel has listened to neither of those calls.
[05:05:31] The war in Gaza has continued as we see the war in Lebanon now apparently intensifying
[05:05:38] and even escalating further.
[05:05:40] Now the Biden administration has repeatedly called for a de-escalation of violence.
[05:05:45] That is clearly not happening very much the opposite.
[05:05:48] So the question does arise, what kind of leverage or what kind of influence does the
[05:05:52] Biden administration have over the Netanyahu government, given the fact that it is called
[05:05:58] for ceasefires on so many occasions, the Netanyahu administration has simply ignored
[05:06:04] these calls and carried on doing what it is doing.
[05:06:06] So the US sits back and says, yes, we defend Israel's right to defend itself.
[05:06:11] However, at the same time, it doesn't appear to have any power to influence the way in
[05:06:18] which Israel conducts what the US says is the self-defense operations, which is now
[05:06:24] very clearly a ground offensive in Lebanon, which may be the prelude to something even
[05:06:32] greater.
[05:06:33] Mike, thank you very much for that.
[05:06:34] That's my Canada life there in Washington, D.C.
[05:06:38] Israel has been reinforcing its northern command in preparation for a potential ground assault
[05:06:43] into southern Lebanon.
[05:06:45] The 36th Division is already there, mainly made up of artillery and tank brigades.
[05:06:49] Recently, the 98th Division of Power Troopers was deployed to join them.
[05:06:54] These soldiers have seen extensive combat in Gaza in the past year.
[05:06:58] And two reserve brigades have been called up.
[05:07:00] The 30,000 soldiers already there, most likely the reserve brigade of the 98th,
[05:07:06] So 3,000 more highly trained airborne troops and a reserve armoured brigade with 4,000 more
[05:07:12] soldiers and tanks.
[05:07:13] This unit has been training for a possible invasion scenario.
[05:07:18] And the Israeli military has released a statement announcing this ground offensive.
[05:07:21] A spokesperson said the IDF began limited localised and targeted ground raids based
[05:07:27] on-
[05:07:28] It's crazy because it's always limited until it's not.
[05:07:30] You know what I mean?
[05:07:31] It was limited incursion into Rafa.
[05:07:33] It wasn't.
[05:07:34] It's always a limited incursion into Gaza. It wasn't
[05:07:38] Israeli communities in northern Israel the moment Israel starts saying oh, we're gonna fucking
[05:07:45] We're gonna save your people from you know insert whatever fucking leadership exists in the area
[05:07:52] Know that they're coming. Okay, and it's the same technique every time
[05:07:56] We're analysts for mint press news and it's joining us live from Texas. Thank you so much for being with us great
[05:08:02] So they're describing this as a limited, localized and targeted ground raise.
[05:08:09] What does it mean exactly? And limited, but to what extent? Who defines those limits?
[05:08:15] Well, like a lot of the IDF's operational objectives, the language is very vague,
[05:08:23] so it's kind of hard to determine what exactly their goals are.
[05:08:26] It began early over the past couple days with limited special operations raids to gain intelligence,
[05:08:36] to engage forward operating posts for Hezbollah, and basically gauge enemy capabilities.
[05:08:44] Now they're following it up with a combined arms ground force with tanks, infantry, and
[05:08:50] artillery.
[05:08:51] When it, if it looks limited, that's a pretty significant force they're sending in there
[05:08:56] based off of the units they've amassed. According to their long-stated goal, it's their desire
[05:09:03] to roll Hezbollah up to the Latani River so that they can redeploy air defense artillery
[05:09:08] systems in the buffer zone and move the northern, the Israeli citizens back to their homes.
[05:09:16] Now, I don't envision that this will go exactly according to plan.
[05:09:21] Benjamin Netanyahu is riding in on a wave of public euphoria after the massive blows
[05:09:26] done to Hezbollah.
[05:09:27] However, they are still completely capable of independent action, working in units,
[05:09:32] working in teams, just like they did in 2006, where they're able to heavily atrit Israeli
[05:09:36] tank divisions.
[05:09:37] Right.
[05:09:38] I was going to ask you about that, about how Hezbollah might respond, keeping in
[05:09:42] In mind, the severe blows they sustained in the last 10 days or so.
[05:09:50] And what sort of tactics we might expect from Hezbollah, because all analysts have said in
[05:09:56] the past that if there were to be a ground invasion, then Hezbollah would have the
[05:10:01] upper hand here that there would be an upper position, a better position if there was
[05:10:08] a guerrilla war going into Lebanon today.
[05:10:12] your take on that and given the number of truth Israel is deploying in this what they're
[05:10:17] calling limited operation, how far do you think they're going to go into Lebanon?
[05:10:21] Well, their stated goal is to get the northern residents back. They're going to have to
[05:10:28] push pretty far in. One thing we have to understand is that Israel is a country with
[05:10:32] not a lot of strategic depth, which means there's not a lot of standoff distance
[05:10:36] between the front lines and their population centers. So they're going to try to
[05:10:39] push forward. They're going to have to hold ground and they're going to have
[05:10:42] to be fighting Hezbollah guerrilla teams in like four to 12-man anti-tank squads, perhaps,
[05:10:50] in their backfield because they've honeycombed their entire military infrastructure and sophisticated
[05:10:55] fortified tunnels that are just as effective or more so effective than what Hamas has
[05:11:02] been able to attrit the IDF forces in Gaza with.
[05:11:07] And they're conducting this operation, this offensive, ground offensive in Lebanon.
[05:11:13] They say in parallel with the ongoing campaign in Gaza.
[05:11:18] But how long can they sustain that?
[05:11:20] A war on two fronts.
[05:11:23] Are they capable?
[05:11:24] Go ahead, please.
[05:11:26] Okay.
[05:11:27] Well, they have financial and munitions support as well as political cover from the
[05:11:32] United States.
[05:11:33] Yes.
[05:11:34] They're having to call up reservists.
[05:11:36] of these reservists are conscripts essentially. After two years, you don't really still don't
[05:11:41] really know how to do your job effectively. These aren't professional soldiers, unlike
[05:11:47] some of the Hezbollah fighters that all they do this essentially for a living. So how
[05:11:52] effective will they be in ground combat? Most of the, yes, they do have some veteran
[05:11:58] units going in there, but most of these reservists have seen as their military
[05:12:02] deployments enforcing apar
[05:12:05] points in West Bank. So th
[05:12:10] how long there will be ab
[05:12:13] both the action in Gaza,
[05:12:14] north and there's also eb
[05:12:20] West Bank, uh, that wher
[05:12:23] refugee camps in north an
[05:12:26] further and further south
[05:12:26] further and further south in the West Bank as well. So how long will they be able to
[05:12:30] do this? Well, the far-right government right now is pushing for it. It says it's in agreement
[05:12:37] with the military command echelon, but we've seen cracks between the two parties, the
[05:12:42] political and the military command. And this is kind of unprecedented. We're still waiting
[05:12:47] for an Iranian response. But what's going to be the main factor, I think, is how
[05:12:53] How many casualties are going to be produced on the Israeli side if Hezbollah really gets
[05:12:58] stuck into the fight?
[05:12:59] Because they historically have a very low tolerance for taking mass casualties.
[05:13:04] Right.
[05:13:05] It would be quite interesting to see what happens as far as the Hezbollah response
[05:13:10] is concerned and what their capabilities are today given, again, the blows they've
[05:13:15] sustained in recent weeks.
[05:13:17] I wanted to ask you about the U.S.
[05:13:18] Yeah, I noticed that no one is really fake outreach because Hassan didn't think
[05:13:21] Israel would actually invade Lebanon. Not the same reaction for Ukraine. No, the differences I did actually think Israel would invade Lebanon.
[05:13:27] I said that I was right.
[05:13:32] You didn't think Israel would Lebanon you didn't think Israel would invade Lebanon. No, I did.
[05:13:38] But I said it would like routinely as a matter of fact, I've been saying it for months.
[05:13:45] I was saying that I'm worried that Israel's
[05:13:47] October surprise would be an invasion of Lebanon, while also simultaneously trying to bring American troops into active conflict.
[05:14:03] If you, oh, if you mean this morning, I meant it's, it wasn't confirmed yet, like the official invasion was not confirmed.
[05:14:11] So that's the reason why I said this morning it's not happening yet, like, don't spread misinformation.
[05:14:20] But that's the difference.
[05:14:23] I've been saying, I suspect Israel will invade Lebanon.
[05:14:27] It actually began a few hours ago.
[05:14:28] And in addition to the sound, we have actually been able to see some of the explosions happening over the hill right behind me, which is Lebanon.
[05:14:36] Indeed there, as you are hearing yet another artillery round going over.
[05:14:41] We have seen some of those explosions happening inside of Lebanon.
[05:14:45] We also saw flares earlier today, and we are hearing the war of a helicopter in the distance.
[05:14:50] all of these of course signs of the multiple ways in which the Israeli military is carrying
[05:14:54] out this operation from the air from the ground and with support of come on bro get
[05:15:00] hey get to southern Lebanon how about you report from southern Lebanon bitch why are you reporting
[05:15:04] from northern israel dawg what's going on why don't you want to be on the other side your
[05:15:09] journey towards the lebanese border as that artillery fire continues in the distance uh
[05:15:15] We don't we aren't able to see those explosions right now
[05:15:18] But there is a bit of light behind that hill which tells us that there are either flares or explosions happening behind there
[05:15:24] Which is of course inside of Lebanon. All right, so let me Jeremy just to understand here because
[05:15:30] Latest reports in Lebanese forces was drawn behind the UN a FA I
[05:15:35] L line, how do you think the piece of UN peacekeepers the president UN peacekeepers will affect the fighting between Israel and his bull up?
[05:15:44] mmm
[05:15:46] mmm
[05:15:47] Hmm. I don't know factor. Once you start having soldiers in, is there any sense of
[05:15:52] considering they've like bombed past that point already on multiple occasions throughout the past
[05:15:59] week? I don't think they give a shit. I just don't get it. Cause like speaking to sources and
[05:16:12] one of those things on the planet, like why are they so afraid of being on the other side?
[05:16:17] Being on the receiving end of Israel's bombing campaign is the most moral army. They
[05:16:21] They won't kill you, you have a press vest on.
[05:16:23] They never kill journalists.
[05:16:27] Now I was cautioned by some sources
[05:16:29] that this is not a very large force going into Lebanon,
[05:16:33] but they wouldn't say exactly how many forces there are.
[05:16:36] And as I've said before, they are incentivized
[05:16:38] to continue to characterize this as limited,
[05:16:41] as targeted, as small.
[05:16:42] And I would also note that when Israel began
[05:16:45] its ground operation in Gaza,
[05:16:48] which of course we've now seen Israeli troops
[05:16:50] throughout the Gaza Strip, invading the entire Strip effectively.
[05:16:54] At the time, they also characterized that as a limited ground operation
[05:16:58] that was slowly, slowly expanding, and, of course, it ultimately expanded
[05:17:02] into an all-out invasion. I'm not suggesting that's going to be the case here with Lebanon.
[05:17:06] We don't know how deep this is going to go. Some former generals
[05:17:10] who I've spoken to suggested that Israel should perhaps capture eight miles
[05:17:14] of territory into Lebanon to remove the threat of anti-tank
[05:17:18] guided missiles up from the area of northern Israel where some 60,000 residents have been
[05:17:23] evacuated. It's not clear if Israel is going to go that deep yet, but again we will see,
[05:17:28] I expect that we will see in the coming days, has this operation will likely expand, will
[05:17:33] go deeper into southern Lebanon. The question of course is how deep and for how long will
[05:17:37] troops be there and whether or not they could get bogged down in a fight against Hezbollah.
[05:17:41] All right, of course Lebanon is sovereign country. All right, thank you very much,
[05:17:45] We're going to be going back to you, of course, as you get more information and depending
[05:17:49] on what you hear and see there.
[05:17:51] As we heard that outgoing artillery fire from Israel into Lebanon behind Jeremy over these
[05:17:56] past few moments, Fried Zakaria joins me now, host of Fried Zakaria GPS, so Fried
[05:18:00] you here.
[05:18:01] Jeremy's reporting that there this is obviously goes beyond the special operations forces
[05:18:05] which have been operating over that border that this is bigger.
[05:18:09] Come on, man, to complete like a fuck's given by Fox News.
[05:18:30] No, they're locked in, baby.
[05:18:32] A lot of people have been able to drive out.
[05:18:34] Fox News doesn't give a shit because they're
[05:18:35] locked in on the election and winning it, OK?
[05:18:37] And Benjamin Inya, who is helping the Fox News side,
[05:18:41] win the election as well.
[05:18:43] To begin with that lightning communication strike,
[05:18:46] the cell phones and pagers exploding,
[05:18:49] then artillery and aerial bombardment
[05:18:52] that would essentially try to destroy
[05:18:54] a whole bunch of the weapons caches
[05:18:56] and target mid-level leadership
[05:18:59] and then go on and target the high-level leadership.
[05:19:01] But to complete the job, they do have to go in
[05:19:05] to get out those weapons caches.
[05:19:07] Hezbollah has its own network of tunnels, much like Hamas.
[05:19:11] They have to do all of that.
[05:19:13] So far, Israel has always been turned from doing this
[05:19:16] because of the fear of Hezbollah retaliation,
[05:19:21] Iranian retaliation, the retaliation of a kind of
[05:19:24] the axis of resistance that Iran had always talked about.
[05:19:28] But what they have done is they have pressed forward,
[05:19:31] taken the risk, and they have proved
[05:19:33] that that axis of resistance in Iran
[05:19:36] is moral paper tiger.
[05:19:38] So let me just ask you, you know, obviously,
[05:19:41] and what they did even on the pages,
[05:19:42] you know, we understand hacking into odometers
[05:19:45] of Hezbollah leader's cars
[05:19:47] and possibly even into their smart TVs
[05:19:49] to hear their voices.
[05:19:50] I mean, the level of intelligence involved
[05:19:54] is truly incredible to contemplate.
[05:19:57] But yet, as Jeremy said, once you actually
[05:20:00] have soldiers and human beings going over the border,
[05:20:03] you get into it, you don't know what's
[05:20:05] going to happen from there.
[05:20:07] How confident are they that they
[05:20:09] know what's going to happen from here,
[05:20:10] that this limited ground operation remains that way,
[05:20:14] as opposed to something which appears very clear
[05:20:16] that they don't want and maybe couldn't even
[05:20:18] take on, which would be a full-scale invasion
[05:20:21] or some kind of an occupation?
[05:20:24] Yeah, it's very risky.
[05:20:25] But look, they faced a problem.
[05:20:31] as a man not known for sitting on the fence. He passionately opposed the invasion of Iraq
[05:20:41] and now he feels that his bullet is justified in attacking Israel. The respect MP for Bestial
[05:20:46] Greed is in our central London studio. Very good evening. Good morning rather to you Mr.
[05:20:51] Galloway. How do you... Considering Israel loves invading Lebanon, it's like a thing
[05:21:01] that they enjoy doing more than anything else. Okay. There is a shit ton of media
[05:21:08] coverage that you can point to where they engage in similar justifications for why this
[05:21:13] had to happen, which is kind of cool. Like they have a lot of, they love, they love bombing
[05:21:19] Gaza and they love invading Lebanon. It's like a thing they have to do. Okay.
[05:21:26] It's just a thing you gotta do. You understand? It's the thing that they like the most after
[05:21:32] killing Palestinians. Well, sometimes they invade Lebanon to kill Palestinians. You
[05:21:37] it's just like that's like kind of a double Monty there you know a national
[05:21:42] pastime if you will so small bean Israel yet autistic and stimming not you know
[05:21:52] they got to do that justify your support for his brother and its leader
[05:21:56] shake her son that's rather preposterous way to introduce an item and what a
[05:22:00] preposterous first question 24 years ago on the day my daughter was born and
[05:22:05] I've just celebrated her 24th birthday.
[05:22:08] I had to dash to the maternity hospital to see her given birth from a mass demonstration
[05:22:14] in London against the Israeli invasion and occupation of Lebanon.
[05:22:19] Israel has been invading and occupying Lebanon all of my 24-year-old daughter's life.
[05:22:26] The Hezbollah are a part of the Lebanese national resistance who are trying to drive
[05:22:32] having successfully driven most Israelis from their land in 2000,
[05:22:37] Israel from the rest of their land,
[05:22:39] and to get back those thousands of Lebanese prisoners
[05:22:43] who were kidnapped by Israel
[05:22:46] under the terms of their illegal occupation of Lebanon.
[05:22:50] It's Israel that's invading Lebanon,
[05:22:52] it's Israel that's attacking Lebanon,
[05:22:55] not Lebanon that's attacking Israel.
[05:22:58] You've just been carrying a report
[05:23:00] of 10 Israeli soldiers on the border getting ready to invade Lebanon and you ask us to mourn
[05:23:10] that operation as if it were some kind of war crime. Israel is invading Lebanon and has
[05:23:17] killed 30 times more Lebanese civilians than have died in Israel. So it's you who should
[05:23:24] be justifying the evident bias which is written on every line on your face and is in every
[05:23:31] nuance of your voice and is loaded in every question that you ask.
[05:23:36] Right.
[05:23:43] It should America be allowed to give long range missiles to Israel including hundreds
[05:23:49] of nuclear missiles, but Iran is not allowed to give missiles.
[05:23:53] But they're not a terrorist organization, only in the mind of Rupert Murdoch's
[05:23:58] Sky and the times and the sun
[05:24:01] I'm going to stop you there
[05:24:02] Mr. Galaway
[05:24:03] Prescribe terrorist organizations
[05:24:05] One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
[05:24:08] We know that perfectly well
[05:24:10] In most people's eyes they are deemed to be
[05:24:12] They have a choice didn't they?
[05:24:14] Let's let's let's
[05:24:15] Damn they muted his ass bro
[05:24:17] I've only heard Galaway on Palestine
[05:24:21] And people have told me he's bigoted on many other issues
[05:24:23] Yeah he's fucking turf
[05:24:25] But like yeah he is
[05:24:27] He is
[05:24:28] He has the correct tag on Israel. That's I mean, I don't really give a shit and it's same with like fucking Norm Finkelstein
[05:24:34] People will be like, oh, have you heard this 800 year old man's takes about trans people. It's like, yeah, I know man
[05:24:41] Yeah, I know he's old as fuck and he doesn't get it and he just like thinks it's identity politics or whatever
[05:24:47] I don't give a shit. Okay. It's the same bro. It's always the same shit
[05:24:52] It's always the same shit. They do this fucking his bull lot too. It's like, oh, have you heard Hassan as well talk about gay people?
[05:24:59] It's like, yeah, I know man. I would not like him to fucking run California. Okay, but that's not the conversation
[05:25:10] That's not the conversation at all
[05:25:18] Every year look an indigenous elder knowledge keepers take on student loan relief
[05:25:25] Yeah, it's just like they're all
[05:25:30] There's a lot of the LGBTQ movement. Wait, what? No, it doesn't. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah. Old people don't understand it. And they're like scared. Newsflash, you know, wow. Shocking.
[05:25:44] Like that's not the conversations that we're having. Okay. It's far from the conversations that we're having right now. Especially because it's like.
[05:25:55] Galway, I think it's collectively worse than because of the grifting and Russian funded prop and also just chillin with Saddam, but yeah, as Palestine takes their still right. Yeah, I mean, I don't think we'll stay in a sudden.
[05:26:06] What your pro Russian shit too. So what is their logic? No, that all of us bad to the gaze and therefore Lebanon shouldn't exist.
[05:26:19] No, it's just like he is, he is, as on as a dollar, is still a conservative reactionary when it comes to domestic affairs.
[05:26:28] Okay.
[05:26:30] It does not change the dynamic even a little bit.
[05:26:32] I don't, I don't think that the way to deal with conservative reactionaries is bombing them and everyone around their vicinity.
[05:26:39] That would be insane if I was like, dude, I fucking hate the Republican party.
[05:26:43] We should bomb the south would be a psychopathic fucking argument.
[05:26:48] Okay.
[05:26:52] Like, ridiculous.
[05:26:58] It's not like Israel killed Hassan Al-Zarla because he was homophobic or because he killed
[05:27:07] a bunch of people in Syria.
[05:27:09] Israel killed him because he was a threat to Israel, okay?
[05:27:13] That's it.
[05:27:26] Look at this.
[05:27:37] America's reviews on the constant destabilization is the reason why these groups pop up.
[05:27:53] Increased bombing will win the war.
[05:27:54] Increased bombing will stop the infiltration.
[05:27:56] Increased bombing will break Hanoi's morale.
[05:27:58] Just one more step up in the bombing.
[05:28:09] What is this?
[05:28:11] Are the Lebanese got so good at smoking American soldiers?
[05:28:14] Like, when I, when I consistently say,
[05:28:35] I think that we should have health care for all.
[05:28:38] Okay?
[05:28:40] Israel's prime.
[05:28:42] Like, that means fucking people that you despise.
[05:28:44] Okay, people that you hate, people that want you dead.
[05:28:47] People that want me dead.
[05:28:49] I don't care. They still deserve health care.
[05:28:51] And the likelihood that they will want me dead
[05:28:55] It finishes dramatically, okay?
[05:28:58] The minister has warned Iran that nowhere in the Middle East is beyond its reach.
[05:29:03] There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach.
[05:29:07] There is nowhere we will not go to protect our people and protect our country.
[05:29:12] Just today, its airstrikes killed Hamas's leader in Lebanon, three commanders from another
[05:29:17] Palestinian group and at least 45 people in one attack south of Beirut.
[05:29:22] as Israeli tanks prepare to cross the border, the number of people fleeing into Syria for
[05:29:26] safety has passed 100,000. Let's first get the latest from Alex.
[05:29:31] Yes, the new phase in this war absolutely underway. Israeli defence officials have
[05:29:35] said it openly the invasion has begun by which I mean technically small groups of
[05:29:40] special forces crossing the border probing reconnaissance missions and the reason
[05:29:45] they would do that is to presage a larger invasion. Now the Israeli security cabinet
[05:29:51] In session emergency session now with the prime minister update my dad was in denial and now is completely freaking out
[05:29:56] It's just like shocking to me that your fucking whole ass Lebanese father
[05:30:02] Was oblivious to
[05:30:05] The the nature of the events that were obviously going to unfold like I don't understand it at all
[05:30:12] Like how the fuck do you not think Israel is going to invade?
[05:30:16] Like they have been telegraphing this invasion for most of this point. I mean I feel bad
[05:30:22] But it's like crazy that that your dad literally was just like nah, dude
[05:30:31] No, I'm built different
[05:30:32] I mean, I guess because they fought with the IDF during the
[05:30:35] Because they fought with the idea during the war and supremacy. I mean that makes sense dude as bad as really bad
[05:30:41] it's just like it's like I guess it's like a chatter being like my dad is a
[05:30:45] fucking undocumented migrant and he's pro-trump you know like we get that shit
[05:30:49] yeah he's yeah he's Christian Lebanese chat that is but what's their standards
[05:31:14] every leader in the Mideas is homophobic whether they're Christian
[05:31:16] Muslims or Jews is reductive to talk about someone's homophobia transphobia
[05:31:19] when they're fighting his colonial and genocide once again I'm going to
[05:31:23] repeat the Felix Biedermann position which is that America was
[05:31:26] insanely homophobic and literally had segregation during World War two that did not stop us from and
[05:31:32] also was already in the beginning phases of like empire that did not stop us from championing easy
[05:31:39] company and I will still salute the goddamn flag every time I watch band of brothers okay it is
[05:31:45] it has nothing to do with America's actions against Nazi Germany and it was well celebrated and it
[05:31:52] And it was well deserved to be celebrated. The celebrations were well deserved. Okay.
[05:31:56] He is still root for easy company, regardless. Okay. Regardless of America being a segregation
[05:32:05] is homophobic shithole. Okay.
[05:32:10] I'm not going to be gays are pretty shitty allies though. What are you talking about?
[05:32:21] Gays are pretty shit. I dig. Wasn't Peter Dowich out soldier for Maronite militias,
[05:32:27] but he turned out okay. Yeah. But he was like also insane for a very long time.
[05:32:31] Now he's almost insane in the other direction for the record. This does not mean that like
[05:32:43] homophobia is appropriate. Okay. Obviously not. But it's ridiculous to bring this up.
[05:32:50] Like you can't even get legally gay married in Israel. What the fuck are we talking about
[05:32:55] dude? Like, or do you think, or do you think that like every, every Israeli gay just loves
[05:33:11] Cyprus as a travel destination and that's why they seemingly always get married there. Also,
[05:33:35] having this conversation as you're striking Beirut is pretty funny because Lebanon is objectively
[05:33:42] as gay, if not gayer than Israel. Okay. So I don't know what's going on there. It's like a,
[05:33:49] it's like a, it's literally a war between the two gayest forces in the region, I guess.
[05:33:57] I wonder how much destruction of his family's home country it will take for the loner box
[05:34:15] to stop sucking Israel's dick.
[05:34:17] These two brainwashed against Islam and living too good at being a deorbitant, I think he's
[05:34:20] beyond saving.
[05:34:21] I don't really care.
[05:34:23] Mr. The Americans briefing the incursion, invasion will happen in the next few hours.
[05:34:30] If it does, the Israeli is very much saying this will be a limited operation, cutting
[05:34:34] off the sheer villages along the border from which they say Hezbollah has been
[05:34:38] increasingly firing rockets into Israel, but make no mistake, invasion, incursion, whatever
[05:34:43] your language, this will be if it happens the fourth time that Israel has invaded southern
[05:34:49] Lebanon in the last half century.
[05:34:52] They just like doing that, bro.
[05:34:53] It's kind of fucked up.
[05:34:54] Yo, dude, dude, it is an Israeli culture to invade Lebanon.
[05:35:00] You are being culturally insensitive.
[05:35:02] Every time you speak against chocolate hummus made by Sabra, okay?
[05:35:08] You are speaking out against Israeli culture and that is culturally insensitive every time you speak out against Israel invading Lebanon
[05:35:16] You are speaking out
[05:35:18] Against what Israel must do. This is anti-semitic. It's culturally insensitive. How dare you say such things?
[05:35:25] They have to do that Christian group jenup El Rob donates blood in Lebanon commenting on their actions a member of the soldiers of God
[05:35:31] You know Rob told the Lebanon mirror website
[05:35:34] It's also pretty funny
[05:35:38] You know, anyway, I'm not gonna get into that. All right, we may have significant political differences with the party has below, but we will not be a dagger in their back.
[05:35:45] We are the children of one country and family and blood, and blood will never turn into water.
[05:35:55] Look at these fucking studs.
[05:36:00] Rich in fit is anti-Israel.
[05:36:02] Bitch, I don't give a fuck what fresh and fit is. They can suck my dick.
[05:36:06] Don't fuck it. It's like saying Nick Fuentes is anti-Israel dog or Sneeko is anti-Israel.
[05:36:11] Yeah, they're also anti-Semitic.
[05:36:12] I don't give a fuck about those dipshit losers, alright?
[05:36:16] So fuck.
[05:36:33] He's also a fed.
[05:36:42] These guys are like the Lebanese Proud Boys, teaming up with the leftist, insane.
[05:36:46] Yeah, I mean, it's not insane.
[05:36:47] It's something that understandably happened in Ukraine.
[05:36:51] It's something that I said would happen in Ukraine if Russia were to invade or said it was go-
[05:36:56] Like, part of what I- part of my analysis within Ukraine, something that I brought up
[05:37:00] in terms of like addressing the denazification argument that I always thought was fucking ridiculous
[05:37:06] Was literally this point which is when you fucking invade a country
[05:37:12] Okay, when you invade a country, especially one that you've invaded before
[05:37:17] You know Russia Ukraine comes to mind again
[05:37:20] You end up propping up all of the most like
[05:37:24] nationalistic sometimes reactionary forces against you and they become
[05:37:30] the galvanized, emboldened, righteous emancipators. Okay? Yeah, Mao and KMT might be a good example.
[05:37:44] Exactly. I mean, even fucking inside of Lebanon, like Hamas' most significant aspect of governance
[05:37:59] was that they utilized the entire Palestinian resistance forces, including people that they
[05:38:06] fought against actively the interview with the arabics pa arabic and lebanese politics scholar
[05:38:30] is going to happen tomorrow my dad asked if we can buy our land back from the israelis once they
[05:38:48] steal it good luck that ain't happening yeah no some fucking the the most inbred person is
[05:39:06] going to occupy it like a dude who cannot read or write is going to be living there okay sorry
[05:39:15] I don't make the rules, I don't make the rules chatter, I don't make the rules Capri Sampapi,
[05:39:31] March is here. Yeah, he's going to be rocking dreads and spitting on your dad for being Christian
[05:39:37] and Lebanese and assuming that he's probably Muslim regardless, but it doesn't really change
[05:39:43] the dynamic. He's going to be spitting on your dad Capri Sampapi, he's going to be engaging
[05:39:48] changing and defensive spitting.
[05:40:22] civilians, it seems, more than a thousand people killed since this latest upsurge of violence.
[05:40:30] In terms of what might happen next, Hezbollah may decide that they somewhat favour an Israeli
[05:40:37] ground incursion because it gives them the opportunity to launch guerrilla attacks on
[05:40:42] Israeli soldiers. So far, their attacks, their responses to Israel's airstrikes have not
[05:40:47] been particularly effective given as well as powerful air defense systems. We've been reporting
[05:40:54] today on the impact of those Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon.
[05:40:59] No, he's not wrong when he says they almost favor a ground invasion.
[05:41:03] What he's talking about is that like they are well positioned for a ground invasion.
[05:41:09] That that's he's right. They have hardened their defenses for a potential Israeli ground
[05:41:15] invasion that they successfully thwarted in as late as 2006 and since then they've only
[05:41:22] gotten infinitely stronger. They have entrenched positions and they have said time and time
[05:41:32] again come and come and grab the smoke. When Israel is your neighbor understandable that
[05:41:42] you would, you know, mount a defense, especially considering that this is not the first, nor
[05:41:49] the second, nor the third time is real invading. It's technically the fourth time. So, yeah,
[05:41:56] you know, after, after the second time, you're like, okay, we, you know, we're, we're used
[05:42:02] to it. It's going to happen again. It's, it's definitely likely where many, many people
[05:42:09] have been killed, a warning that some of the images in our report are distressing.
[05:42:14] They've been searching here for survivors and dead bodies for more than 24 hours.
[05:42:24] A huge pile of rubble and twisted metal now lies where a six storey...
[05:42:31] Do you think supporting his bullies helping reach your goal of converting more people to the left in the United States
[05:42:36] pretty sure it has the opposite effect?
[05:42:38] What is this like fucking silly ass following since 2019 liberal ass attitude brother you I know for a motherfucking fact that you are pro-Israel
[05:42:47] Okay, this is not a support of Hezbollah. Okay
[05:42:53] In terms of defending Lebanon. Yeah, I do I do want Lebanon to defend itself
[05:42:58] I believe that it has a right to defend itself. Do you have an issue with that? It is a sovereign state
[05:43:03] It doesn't matter who's defending it. They're still defending it. Okay, I don't give a fuck about
[05:43:10] about my converting more people to the left ass sentiment here
[05:43:15] definitely pro-israel yeah yeah we knew that already dumb fuck i know we know you are a
[05:43:19] fucking pro genocide pro apartheid silly ass fucking loser watching since 2019
[05:43:27] i know exactly what you are i know exactly who you are i know community you come from
[05:43:33] all i needed to know was you've been following since 2019
[05:43:36] Okay, we know what community you come from go back to defending the right of white people in saying the n-word
[05:43:43] Okay, this is so funny because like you're not on my team at all
[05:43:58] So why the fuck do you act like you care about converting people to the left?
[05:44:03] You know
[05:44:04] This is not about left versus right. It's not like Hezbollah is a leftist institution
[05:44:12] Okay
[05:44:14] It's not
[05:44:16] It has nothing to do with left versus right dynamics. It has everything to do with right versus wrong
[05:44:21] Like this is not team sports, you know
[05:44:35] It's like when Republicans talk shit about pig and walls like bitch. Why do you care? I will say though
[05:44:47] I do respect this chatter for at least like openly and immediately
[05:44:51] Recognizing their bias in this position. He's like, yeah, he's definitely pro-Israel. Okay. I respect that. I mean, I don't respect you
[05:44:57] But I do respect that you at least have the decency to not like try to masquerade further
[05:45:03] and be like, I'm a pro Israeli leftist because if you're a pro Israeli leftist, there are
[05:45:11] many Israeli Jews in this chat who are actual leftist.
[05:45:14] You would be, you know, swinging from the mountain tops from the fucking rooftops
[05:45:21] screaming about the abolition of the apartheid, you know, definitely leftist according to
[05:45:32] US standards.
[05:45:33] I don't know what your standards are, but I don't know what you mean. You can't be fucking pro-Israel
[05:45:41] And be a leftist at the same time. Yeah, dude. I'm a I'm a pro Nazi Germany leftist actually
[05:45:48] I think it's pretty sick like what they're doing. They just want to like defend the volk, you know
[05:45:53] Swedish right
[05:45:56] Yeah
[05:45:59] I'm a pro apartheid South Africa leftist
[05:46:01] I do think that the border population of a right to exist. Look at all the other countries in Africa
[05:46:07] Look at all the black run countries in Africa and look at how fucked up those countries are
[05:46:12] Why can't this one little white run African country exist? This is so messed up, dude
[05:46:18] It's just it's just really messed up. I'm a leftist by the way
[05:46:30] so much of
[05:46:32] So much of the this kind of like resentment just straight up can be reduced to one thing, right?
[05:46:38] And that is just how much you hate Islam and Muslims in general. How much you find
[05:46:45] Muslims as a scourge
[05:46:47] That's it
[05:46:51] If you if you resent them a little bit like you might think what Israel is doing is unconscionable
[05:46:58] If you resent them quite a bit if you resent them like a lot you're like, oh, no, dude. I love what Israel is doing
[05:47:04] It's sick. Don't care about Muslims, but I think Islam in general is a bad religion
[05:47:28] You're right, man.
[05:47:32] apartment block once stood, until it was struck by Israeli missiles yesterday afternoon.
[05:47:40] Mustafa is part of a local civil defence team who rushed to the scene in the village of
[05:47:45] Ain al-Delb to the south of Beirut.
[05:47:53] We arrived and we saw a massacre.
[05:47:55] There were people living here who had already been displaced from the south and were
[05:47:59] staying with relatives.
[05:48:00] Were any of the people here fighters?
[05:48:06] There might have been two or three guys who were Hezbollah members, but there were not
[05:48:09] any senior commanders here.
[05:48:12] Amongst the reported victims, nine members of the Farris family.
[05:48:18] At least 45 people are known to have been killed here.
[05:48:23] Dozens of others are said to still be missing.
[05:48:28] It looks like they may have just discovered yet another body beneath the rubble.
[05:48:32] They've asked us not to get too close out of respect.
[05:48:36] This appears to have been one of the deadliest Israeli strikes on Lebanon so far.
[05:48:42] It is well as a salt, which is no sign of stopping.
[05:48:46] Hezbollah is being pummeled with Israeli airstrikes across Lebanon.
[05:48:51] The missiles Hezbollah have been firing by contrast.
[05:48:55] How do you do the media coverage of this war will change compared to the coverage
[05:48:57] on Gaza, not even a little bit. I think that it's exactly the same. It almost operated like a reset.
[05:49:02] Notice how nobody's fucking talking about how mad Israelis are about their hostages being retrieved.
[05:49:08] It's like, it's like moffs to a fire. Okay. Like literally everyone was like, okay, never mind.
[05:49:14] Fuck the hostages. Fuck the ceasefire. Fuck the genocide in Gaza. All we care about now is just
[05:49:20] like pummeling Lebanon. It's great. And you look bothered as fuck. I mean, I am definitely
[05:49:26] bothered. Yeah, I'm bothered by the worst possible scenario that I suspected would happen happening.
[05:49:36] But yeah, if you're asking me, like, is the Western media coverage on this going to be different?
[05:49:41] No, they're going to bring up like, you know, anti-Hizbollah Lebanese people,
[05:49:47] prop them up in media to be like, no, this is actually so sick.
[05:49:53] It's actually great that this is happening.
[05:49:55] I'm glad that, like, Israel is blowing up Southern Gaza.
[05:49:57] They should annex it.
[05:49:59] They're going to, you know, package.
[05:50:02] They're going to, and they have started already, contextualize all of the violent
[05:50:06] actions that Israel is engaging as a belligerent, as though it is perfectly permissible,
[05:50:12] perfectly within the confines of international law, and it's actually its responsibility
[05:50:15] to engage in this kind of thing by saying they're just doing this special military operation
[05:50:21] that is tactical, that is precise against Hezbollah. They're liberating Lebanon from Hezbollah,
[05:50:29] just like they were liberating Palestine from Hamas, okay? That's it. I think a war
[05:50:39] with Hezbollah will boost Israel's propaganda. Unfortunately, they're finishing them fighting
[05:50:42] in other militaries that are just bombing civilians. I don't think it'll boost their
[05:50:46] propaganda if if things go as they have gone in the past I think that they will probably get
[05:50:54] they probably will you said southern Gaza the shit's going to be so similar you won't be able
[05:51:01] to keep it straight can't wait for the news spoofs they have they've done that they kept
[05:51:06] taking Hasan as well as the leader of Hamas anyway if you want to be liberated from the
[05:51:14] top of the hour abrick then all you need to do is subscribe okay also we're going to move on
[05:51:23] who i feel it should be easier for the left to push back into islamophobia against lebanon
[05:51:32] considering more diverse demographics but it's just not happening so far
[05:51:35] dude what are you talking about there's christian palestinians nobody gives a shit
[05:51:39] israel has blown up literal fucking churches dude i'm born in sweden this country is totally
[05:51:44] nuts the current government is the most zionist in history they also have the svetica democrats
[05:51:48] which is closely worked with israel in israeli groups for years people like that chatter is
[05:51:51] brainwashed by swedish media which tells them that hezbollah is coming to the west next
[05:51:54] It's all of them. Yeah
[05:52:02] Ninya who's already moved on from Lebanon the Lebanese invasion is already set in motion, but nine burger. Thank you for the 20
[05:52:08] Give the subs here's the three man outbreak now. By the way
[05:52:32] Canadian succubus. Thank you for the five give this subs
[05:52:35] Why Syria being bombed though just for funsies, you know
[05:52:43] there's
[05:52:44] There's some
[05:52:46] There's some remnants of the IRGC there in Damascus. They're probably bombing it for that reason. I don't know
[05:52:52] just to get them to not retaliate at all. Dude, at this point, at this point, honestly,
[05:53:02] it's probably because Israel likes bombing places. That's it. I don't know what else to say. I don't
[05:53:10] know what else to say other than this. Like, they just like doing it. Okay, that's it. Damascus,
[05:53:23] thank you for the five gifts of subs. Yeah, they were fucking sniping Christian women coming
[05:53:33] of a fucking church with like copter snipers and the world did nothing about it. They killed,
[05:53:42] they killed like American, Canadian, Australian, British citizens and the world did nothing
[05:53:49] about it. Why the fuck would they care if they fucking bombed Lebanon? It's their hyper fixation,
[05:54:07] they just like bombing places where Muslims live, you know? Often intercepted and doing
[05:54:17] little tangible damage. With an Israeli ground offensive looking increasingly imminent, Hezbollah's
[05:54:26] deputy leader gave the group's first televised speech since the killing of leader Hassan
[05:54:33] Nasrallah last night.
[05:54:34] Our people on Israel side when it comes to Lebanon, when they started with the pages,
[05:54:37] what's their justification? Hezbollah, that's it. They took Hamas out of the equation
[05:54:42] and now just repeat Hezbollah. It's the same Ha sound even. Okay, it's no longer Hamas
[05:54:49] that needs the Palestinian people that need to be liberated from Hamas. It is now the
[05:54:53] Lebanese people that need to be liberated from Hezbollah. That's it. Hezbollah, Hezbollah,
[05:55:00] their terrorists, their terrorists, their terrorists, Hezbollah. And like, the fucking
[05:55:04] counters are the same too. These motherfuckers spent the last 12 months being like Hassan
[05:55:09] love terrorism he's pro-terrorism he's pro-hamas he's pro-hamas he's pro-hamas
[05:55:13] he's pro-hamas he loves terrorism and immediately as soon as Israel swapped
[05:55:18] his targets to Lebanon and Hezbollah now they're like Hamas Hassan loves Hezbollah
[05:55:22] Hassan loves Hezbollah he loves the Khoutis he loves Hezbollah he loves
[05:55:25] Hezbollah and the Khoutis that's it it's literally it's always the same
[05:55:31] shit okay I say don't fucking bomb these places and stop the genocide
[05:55:36] they say oh you must love Islamist fundamentalism yeah I mean it's we're
[05:55:52] memeing about this like dire situation but it yeah it's 1982 Likud prime minister
[05:55:56] invades Lebanon without a clear war aims or a defined exit strategy it's 2006 a
[05:56:01] former Likud prime minister invades Lebanon without clear war aims or a
[05:56:04] defined exit strategy it's 2024 a Likud prime minister it was they were
[05:56:18] calling me Hamas Abbey now they're gonna call me Hezbollah be
[05:56:27] We will face any possible attack, and we are ready.
[05:56:31] If the Israelis decide to enter by land, the resistance forces are ready for a ground engagement.
[05:56:36] Is it not really a bad look for the US that they aren't offering US Lebanese citizens evacuation?
[05:56:40] Dude, it's expensive.
[05:56:43] Also they're… they're lowered on the priority, sorry.
[05:56:55] We are confident that the Israeli enemy will not achieve its goals, and we will emerge victorious from this battle.
[05:57:12] But Israeli intelligence has managed to penetrate deep into its enemy's operational secrets.
[05:57:19] Last night, for the first time, they struck central Beirut, killing three members of a Palestinian army.
[05:57:26] Yeah, see look it's the same shit. Look look Eli Lake. I'm sorry for your loss
[05:57:30] I know how much Hassan Nasrallah meant for you our country is funding this bloodbaths any more of our troops and bombs
[05:57:36] The region is not advancing peas
[05:57:38] Okay
[05:57:39] The US government are conspirators of the war criminal Netanyahu's genocidal plan. I'm sorry for your loss
[05:57:51] I know how much Hassan Nasrallah meant for you
[05:57:53] It's the same fucking shit dog
[05:57:58] Nothing else March are we ready to roll? Oh
[05:58:08] Oh, we are. Okay. Yeah. Israel just air strike a Syrian journals and Damascus. Crazy how much
[05:58:30] recycled the rock war rhetoric we're seeing to leave as a fucking sitting member of Congress.
[05:58:34] It doesn't matter. She's a, she's a Muslim and a Palestinian. That's it. If you are
[05:58:40] pro Palestine and also Muslim on top of that, even if you're not Palestinian, they will
[05:58:46] just say this shit the fact that you're also Palestinian makes it so that you're
[05:58:49] an enemy combatant okay yeah I have to go but I'm gonna be live still
[05:58:56] obviously I'm gonna continue being live breaking major explosion television
[05:59:00] from Yemeni Houthi hypersonic missile is it can I send you something through
[05:59:04] TTS chat no you can't I don't know if that's correct or not the armed group
[05:59:23] and terrifying local residents.
[05:59:26] Imad lives in the building that was targeted.
[05:59:33] I was just outside and rushed to see this catastrophe.
[05:59:36] There's still an unexploded bomb inside.
[05:59:38] This is the work of our enemy who knows no limits.
[05:59:42] There's a pervasive sense of fear.
[05:59:44] Around one million Lebanese people are said to have been displaced already.
[05:59:49] I fucking hate you says it's a missile interception
[05:59:56] root of the support from the west is that they want an ally in the Middle East they will not waver that support unfortunately
[06:00:12] I believe everyone is going to have to watch major media like CNN and we'll be pulling out there dog I'm not leaving I'm still live what the fuck are you talking about I'm just
[06:00:23] I'm just, I'm just swapping to,
[06:00:29] I am just simply swapping over to a live broadcast,
[06:00:37] an IRO broadcast.
[06:00:40] All right, what is the, Marge, is it ready to go?
[06:00:43] Is it on?
[06:00:44] Is it turned on?
[06:00:46] Okay.
[06:00:48] All right, I'm gonna play this real quick.
[06:00:49] I got a-
[06:00:50] a sheltering outside this mosque.
[06:00:55] The situation here is very difficult.
[06:00:57] There is no food, no milk, no nappies, nowhere to sleep.
[06:01:00] There is six of us and barely a blanket and a pillow between us.
[06:01:05] Lebanon has been here before.
[06:01:08] A bloody Israeli invasion two decades ago ended in stalemate.
[06:01:14] Now a new generation faces a deeply uncertain future.
[06:01:20] Joining me now is General Khalil Halu, formerly of the Lebanese Army and now a parliamentarian
[06:01:28] candidate and a member of civil society.
[06:01:32] If this invasion is happening now, and it might be happening in the next hour or two,
[06:01:38] who is going to defend Lebanon, the Lebanese Army or Hezbollah?
[06:01:42] The Lebanese Army follows the instructions of the Lebanese government.
[06:01:47] The Lebanese government is asking for the implementation of the 1701 United Nations Council resolution.
[06:01:55] And this means that the Lebanese Army's mission in south Lebanon is not a combat mission.
[06:02:00] So you won't do anything to defend Lebanon?
[06:02:02] Who is going to do the duty of the Lebanese Army to defend Lebanon if there is an invasion.
[06:02:08] And the details are left, the tactical details are left to the commanders on the theater
[06:02:13] of operations.
[06:02:14] And everyone knows that the balance of power is not at all in the favor of the Lebanese
[06:02:19] Army.
[06:02:20] And this war was started by Hezbollah without consulting neither the Lebanese Army nor the
[06:02:25] Lebanese government.
[06:02:26] So the Lebanese Army now is going to have the burden to defend Lebanon.
[06:02:30] But to defend Lebanon is not only by military means, it's also by the United Nations Security
[06:02:37] Council resolutions also.
[06:02:39] What about Hezbollah then?
[06:02:40] I mean, you know, how large is their fighting force near the border?
[06:02:45] Where are they?
[06:02:46] There is no assessment, not any precise assessment about what remains of Hezbollah forces on
[06:02:55] the ground in south Lebanon.
[06:02:56] The major forces are in the tunnels, and we assume that they will use these tunnels
[06:03:02] shafts in order to attack the Israeli forces that are advancing or that will advance
[06:03:09] in south Lebanon.
[06:03:10] We should wait for the next couple of hours or couple of days to see if the potential is still the same as it was before.
[06:03:18] If the position of the Lebanese government and therefore the Lebanese army is that it wants the implementation of the UN resolution that says Hezbollah withdraws from the border and the Lebanese army polices that area,
[06:03:31] has Hezbollah made a strategic error today by going on television and saying it will fight?
[06:03:37] Of course, of course, because Israel was exerting a huge pressure on Lebanon and Hezbollah,
[06:03:44] and the international community was asking for the implementation of this resolution.
[06:03:48] So the positioning of Hezbollah tonight gave Israel an argument in order to carry out this
[06:03:55] invasion, and this will complicate the situation totally.
[06:03:59] And the role of the Lebanese Army at that moment is to keep as much as possible neutral
[06:04:05] in order to replace Hezbollah because there is no solution otherwise than implementing
[06:04:10] the 1701. I mean a thousand people already dead in the last few days. This invasion will
[06:04:16] have massive consequences for the Lebanese people. I mean, what is the proportion of
[06:04:21] support in this country for the course Hezbollah is putting you on? This is a huge course
[06:04:27] And I don't think that Lebanon should have paid this price
[06:04:34] for nothing because the balance of power was clear.
[06:04:37] But I think that the assessment and the judgment
[06:04:39] of the situation was wrong from Hezbollah.
[06:04:43] But are you a lone voice, or do many people think like you?
[06:04:47] Well, the implementation of the 1701,
[06:04:50] this is the only solution that still remains implementable.
[06:04:54] General, thank you very much indeed
[06:04:56] for joining us. Well, Israel's military has declared areas of northern Israel a closed
[06:05:01] military zone as it steps up preparations for a ground invasion of Lebanon. But it leaves
[06:05:06] Israel fighting ground wars on two fronts. And as Israeli forces prepared to move into
[06:05:11] Lebanon, Hamas fighters ambushed Israeli vehicles in southern Gaza, killing several
[06:05:16] soldiers. Our Chief Correspondent Alex Thompson reports from Jerusalem.
[06:05:23] seen all this before of course just under a year ago heavy armor mass for the invasion of Gaza
[06:05:29] but this is today northern Israel the IDF Israeli defense force saying it's special
[06:05:36] would be interested in his backgrounds what did he gain with such answers
[06:05:42] I don't know but we are we are about to get picked up
[06:05:47] the sanny missed it there's no two-front war there's a genocide and invasion in the north
[06:05:51] whether they keep saying that. I mean, look, the calculation, the calculation with respect to
[06:05:59] Hezbollah is going to be even, even, like Hezbollah is active outside of Lebanon. Hamas is not
[06:06:07] active outside of Palestine. So the coverage in the Western world is even going to be more
[06:06:12] aggressive. That's it. What are we going to be doing at the,
[06:06:23] the
[06:06:24] Why not says there was an interception in the center no explosion. Okay. Um
[06:06:29] They're bombing Syria as well with the focus happening. I know
[06:06:36] Um, I am on my way on my way to USC right now. I will be delivering a talk on like
[06:06:45] Toxic and positive forms of masculinity
[06:06:49] in
[06:06:50] On the internet
[06:06:52] I'm gonna be talking to some like oh, we'll probably have a little bit of
[06:06:56] conversation on what's going on here as well in front of a live audience
[06:07:00] USC USC University of Southern California
[06:07:05] Okay, uh, it's of course wild that I'm doing this in the midst of a fucking active ground invasion
[06:07:11] but
[06:07:12] um, yeah
[06:07:18] We're gonna be swapping over to the iRL camera. Do we watch I'm not going anywhere
[06:07:23] We're just swapping over to the iRL camera
[06:07:26] Fuck me dude. Oh my god. I get so fucking annoyed
[06:07:32] Hi, yeah, yeah, okay
[06:07:53] Well, I'll keep playing this video
[06:07:56] Okay, special forces already conducting probing operations on the ground in southern Lebanon
[06:08:06] His Bola says it's ready for what would be Israel's fourth invasion in 50 years
[06:08:12] For the return of the residents of the north to their homes, we will be ready to make every effort
[06:08:17] This is your mission. This is the mission of the IDF and this is what we will do and we will employ all that is needed.
[06:08:24] Your forces, other forces, from the air, from the sea and also from the land.
[06:08:31] Central Jerusalem, and you could so easily be forgiven for believing this country is at peace.
[06:08:38] Until this dramatic appeal, he said straight to the people of Iran.
[06:08:44] There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach.
[06:08:49] There is nowhere we will not go to protect our people and protect our country.
[06:08:54] With every passing moment the regime is bringing you the noble Persian people closer to the
[06:09:00] abyss.
[06:09:03] So why?
[06:09:04] And why now?
[06:09:05] Perhaps because Iran promises revenge after Israel killed the leader of Hezbollah,
[06:09:10] Iran's delivery team for war on Israel three days ago.
[06:09:14] As with Gaza, the same question, though, now hangs over Lebanon. What is the strategy?
[06:09:21] I think that in the last few months, the Israeli IDF, the Israeli army, managed to more or
[06:09:27] less conclude most of the military goals in Gaza, and it was more, I would say, ready
[06:09:36] to take care about the northern front.
[06:09:39] Israel, of course, can convert concrete to dust and rubble, degrade a militia,
[06:09:44] decapitate its command, but what then?
[06:09:47] When movements, ideologies and dreams remain intact
[06:09:51] and only politics can work, what then?
[06:09:55] We should seek a political solution.
[06:09:57] What we call a kind of the end game scenario.
[06:10:01] And that's a two-state solution, ultimately, isn't it?
[06:10:04] I think the two-state solution is in the air,
[06:10:08] is somewhere, I think that everybody understands that the world in the region is not ready
[06:10:14] for a two-state solution by now.
[06:10:20] Close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence in Jerusalem this morning.
[06:10:25] The placards demand peace, a deal to release their loved ones, the hostages, still enduring
[06:10:35] unimaginable situations in the tunnels of Gaza.
[06:10:39] Peace, of course, is not on the Netanyahu agenda in Gaza any more than Lebanon.
[06:10:47] Gaza, near Han Yunis today, Hamas attacked a number of Israeli military vehicles, seriously
[06:10:53] injuring several Israeli soldiers. Hamas remains in action almost a year on.
[06:11:01] Mizraat, Gaza today, six more people killed in an Israeli airstrike, like is seen from
[06:11:07] Yemen earthquake, those trapped but alive, pinpointed, reassured, and perhaps pulled
[06:11:13] from the rubble in time.
[06:11:15] Hezbollah says the Gaza war is why it stepped up its rocket attacks into Israel.
[06:11:21] Thus, Gaza's violence now brings Lebanon to the brink of a fourth Israeli invasion.
[06:11:30] And war on a third front continues in Yemen, where at least four people were killed by
[06:11:35] and Israeli air assault on what it said were Houthi rebel positions yesterday.
[06:11:41] As Lebanon awaits possible Israeli invasion, Israel expects Iran's response any day now
[06:11:47] after it killed the Hezbollah leader in Beirut on Friday.
[06:11:51] It remains all about attack and response.
[06:11:54] The sound of meaningful diplomacy all but drowned out by the din of war.
[06:12:00] Well, as you heard, Israel is directly threatening Iran and its so-called axis of resistance.
[06:12:08] They clearly believe it's a battle they're winning.
[06:12:10] The group has long been coordinated and funded by Iran, linking together proxies and militias
[06:12:15] spanning the Middle East with common goals, resisting Western influence and confronting
[06:12:20] Israel.
[06:12:21] One of its members, Hamas in Gaza, has borne the brunt of Israeli strikes since its October
[06:12:26] 7th attacks on Israel, greatly weakening its firepower.
[06:12:30] Since then, the Houthis in Yemen and militias in Iraq and Syria have launched retaliatory
[06:12:34] attacks on Israeli and American military bases, but have been largely repelled and now has
[06:12:40] been seen as the Axis's most senior member has also faced major losses at the hands of
[06:12:46] Israel.
[06:12:47] So, where does this all leave the Axis of Resistance?
[06:12:51] With me now is the Iranian academic, Mohammed Mirandi, who is not only based in Tehran,
[06:12:56] you were here in Beirut when this broke out, and you are still here, you know, Iran says
[06:13:04] that the attack on Nasserullah will be avenged.
[06:13:09] Where is the revenge?
[06:13:10] Well, I came the day after the genocidal onslaught on Lebanon to bring aid and also to give
[06:13:18] support in any way that I can.
[06:13:21] There will be revenge, have no doubt, the Israelis will be punished.
[06:13:27] But I think that you're mistaken, these are not proxies.
[06:13:31] Proxies, Ansarullah and Yemen, they defeated the genocidal onslaught that the Americans
[06:13:37] helped the Saudis with.
[06:13:39] And proxy doesn't win such wars.
[06:13:41] They don't win in the Red Sea against the Americans trying to block Israeli trade and
[06:13:46] stop the genocide and implement by implementing the genocide convention. Proxies like Hamas
[06:13:53] cannot be a proxy when it and Islamic jihad have prevented the Israeli regime from taking
[06:13:59] Gaza for almost a year, this small piece of land.
[06:14:02] But if Israel is crossing into Lebanon tonight, is Iran going to do anything about it?
[06:14:08] Iran will do. I'm not in the government and I'm not in the military.
[06:14:12] You're welcome, Ex-Union.
[06:14:13] And I have no doubt that Iran will do what it takes to help Hezbollah by any means necessary
[06:14:20] and the Israeli regime will be defeated.
[06:14:22] And I think people should be careful about not falling into the trap of this media campaign
[06:14:28] that's now growing in the West that Hezbollah is falling apart.
[06:14:33] Hezbollah's weakest link has always been Beirut because Beirut has since before I
[06:14:37] was born, it was a center of espionage.
[06:14:41] And it worked.
[06:14:42] But you have a previous guest, the general from the Lebanese Army, retired, saying this
[06:14:47] was a big mistake by Hezbollah and the people are going to pay the price.
[06:14:50] Well, there are many generals, former generals in the Lebanese Army that say otherwise the
[06:14:55] United States will never allow the Lebanese Army to even have air defense.
[06:14:59] They will not allow them to be able to defend the country because the United States does
[06:15:04] not want anyone to be able to defend themselves against this Israeli regime.
[06:15:09] The Americans are helping and the Europeans, your government, is helping in this genocide
[06:15:13] in Gaza.
[06:15:14] And Hezbollah played the heroic role of trying to draw away the Israeli army from Gaza, just
[06:15:20] like Ansar al-Naw in Yemen.
[06:15:22] These are the heroes.
[06:15:23] And the Western governments, they are the terrorists because they are helping this genocide.
[06:15:27] All of these, I was 1,000 meters away from those bunker busters.
[06:15:31] 83, they say they were.
[06:15:34] Hundreds of people were slaughtered.
[06:15:35] I know a husband and wife that I think died.
[06:15:40] I think they lived in those buildings.
[06:15:41] There have been no reliable numbers coming out of that.
[06:15:44] Well, there are six towers.
[06:15:46] And I was here for my sabbatical for a year.
[06:15:50] Those six towers were full of families.
[06:15:52] But the West talks about people like Justin Trudeau.
[06:15:55] Ordinary people will pay the price in this war,
[06:15:58] as they already have.
[06:15:59] They're paying the price because the West is supporting genocide.
[06:16:01] They're giving the Israeli regime bunker
[06:16:03] to slaughter in Gaza, to slaughter in Lebanon, but Hezbollah's military is intact.
[06:16:09] And we will see in the coming days that the Israeli regime will fail.
[06:16:13] They have struck in Beirut, but there are thousands of kilometers of tunnels underground
[06:16:18] with advanced weapons and highly motivated people who would defend their country.
[06:16:21] Why is Hezbollah opposed to the UN resolution that had kept the peace for a while?
[06:16:29] Why is Iran opposed to just vassals of the solution?
[06:16:32] But you pull back, you stop attacking, that's it.
[06:16:34] The Hezbollah supports the sovereignty of Lebanon.
[06:16:40] The United States and the Europeans will not allow Lebanon to be strong.
[06:16:45] They want to weak Lebanon, just like Jordan, just like Egypt.
[06:16:48] But if the Lebanese government wants the UN resolution to be the solution, why is Hezbollah
[06:16:53] opposing it?
[06:16:54] The majority of the Lebanese parliament is the Hezbollah coalition.
[06:16:59] They want the election.
[06:17:01] that in the Western world, in their world view, they don't count.
[06:17:05] Anything that serves the Western narrative is what is acceptable.
[06:17:09] The majority of people in Lebanon, they voted for this coalition, which includes Hezbollah,
[06:17:16] the majority.
[06:17:18] And Hezbollah supported the Palestinian people in Gaza while the West was helping
[06:17:22] with the genocide.
[06:17:23] So the moral ground is very clear.
[06:17:27] It's clear who is immoral.
[06:17:29] the West and the Israeli regime, and these people are the heroes who are trying to stop
[06:17:33] the regime from carrying out genocide in Gaza, and now the regime is carrying out genocide
[06:17:38] in Lebanon.
[06:17:39] Mohamed Muradi, thank you very much for joining us tonight.
[06:17:41] Well, we can now speak to Auna Mizrahi, who spent 26 years in the Israel Defense Forces
[06:17:48] and was a deputy national security advisor for foreign policy.
[06:17:51] She is now a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv
[06:17:55] University.
[06:17:56] Thank you for joining us.
[06:17:58] If Israeli forces are crossing in southern Lebanon tonight, what is the strategic goal?
[06:18:05] When do they stop?
[06:18:06] Okay.
[06:18:07] The distinguished guest that you have just asked a question was so cynical by saying that
[06:18:17] Israel is the one that slutters and wants this war, but he forgot one thing to mention,
[06:18:24] And the one that started this war was his Bala on the ace.
[06:18:28] Yeah, like to shoot at 60 FPS on the wall.
[06:18:32] Well, I don't know.
[06:18:34] I feel like he knows better.
[06:18:35] All right, we swapped it.
[06:18:36] Three, two, one.
[06:18:38] There it is.
[06:18:40] OK, there's a little bit of a delay, but what's up,
[06:18:43] everybody?
[06:18:44] Yeah, thank God.
[06:18:45] I know.
[06:18:45] I've been monitoring.
[06:18:46] I was monitoring.
[06:18:48] I know.
[06:18:48] I wanted to let the man cook.
[06:18:50] And then when the chef was out,
[06:18:53] when the chef was no longer in the kitchen,
[06:18:56] I chose to swap it out, okay?
[06:18:58] You don't need to hear any more of that.
[06:19:01] All right, we are currently on our way
[06:19:03] to the University of, oops,
[06:19:07] I was gonna run a safety second secret
[06:19:09] and break in the middle here.
[06:19:11] Did it work?
[06:19:14] Wait, what the fuck, why is it not working?
[06:19:21] Oh yeah, it just says field to start commercial.
[06:19:25] What is happening?
[06:19:27] Why can't I do it?
[06:19:28] oh no do I no longer have the power to run commercial and brakes this would be
[06:19:33] devastating it's right there it's right there March 26 minutes yeah not most
[06:20:02] definitely the 521 gift yourselves anyway on the subbing let's fucking go okay
[06:20:08] everybody calm down all right so we are on our way to the University of
[06:20:12] Southern California also known as the University for Sported Children okay
[06:20:15] no disrespect but that's that's what they call it okay I'm going to be delivering
[06:20:20] a speech on toxic masculinity positive masculinity influences online things of
[06:20:26] that nature I believe the let's see let me let me find it real quick let me
[06:20:35] capitalism is voluntary and evening with a piker USC visions and voices is
[06:20:48] is the name of the event.
[06:20:50] The type is diversity and conversation,
[06:20:53] the genre is cinematic arts, humanities.
[06:20:59] The description is,
[06:21:00] political commentator and activist,
[06:21:02] Isan Pajkar, one of the most viewed streamers
[06:21:03] on the Twitter platform,
[06:21:04] whereas 2.6 million followers will stream
[06:21:06] live from USC's Boulevard Auditorium
[06:21:07] with an in-house audience.
[06:21:08] Pajkar will dive into a wide array of topics
[06:21:10] ranging from politics, presidential election,
[06:21:12] his unique career path breaking down capitals
[06:21:14] in the mannisphere and more.
[06:21:14] The program will include a Q and A.
[06:21:16] Pajkar's commentary on the 2020 US presidential election
[06:21:18] was in the top six most watched sources of coverage online and it's coverage of the
[06:21:21] January 6th attack on the Capitol we should concur viewership of 231,000
[06:21:25] views viewers. In October 2020 he streamed the so-playing video games with
[06:21:29] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Neha Nomar in support of the Get Out the Vote
[06:21:32] initiative. Raised in Istanbul, Turkey, South Park is Los Angeles based media
[06:21:35] personality yada yada yada yada and it was organized by Tara McPherson
[06:21:42] from Cinematic Arts, Sydney Harmon Academy for polymathic study and
[06:21:46] and Inez Novichich, Sydney Harmon Academy from Polymathic Study.
[06:21:55] Okay, the numbers are bad though.
[06:21:57] This says on Twitch, Sonpiker livestreams to an average audience of over 20,000.
[06:22:04] We're 30K Andy at least, like that's kind of crazy.
[06:22:10] It's kind of crazy that they hand me with that.
[06:22:12] Man, LA looks like nice.
[06:22:17] LA is very lovely.
[06:22:19] The weather is beautiful.
[06:22:21] nice. That's cool. Oh there it is. You got it back and then you lost it. You wrote a
[06:22:41] speech? I did not. I was supposed to but I totally did not, which is terrible. I
[06:22:50] also had the questions that I think they were supposed to send me but I did
[06:22:55] not look at the questions either. So I'm just freestyling it. I think one of
[06:23:01] One of the things that I have noticed is that I rely too much on my freestyling capabilities,
[06:23:11] maybe a little too much to a fault.
[06:23:14] March I found a fucking incredible, incredible Japanese curry place.
[06:23:20] It is like Tula tea.
[06:23:22] Can I guess the name?
[06:23:23] Or should I not guess it?
[06:23:24] Guess the name.
[06:23:25] Shut the curry?
[06:23:26] Piece of shit.
[06:23:27] I'm tapped in bro, you can't do that.
[06:23:30] bro is tapped the fuck in
[06:23:34] that's my ADHD is bad i know
[06:23:38] anyway like i was saying
[06:23:40] i think my uh...
[06:23:42] i rely a little bit too much on my freestyle capabilities and the fact that i don't like
[06:23:45] shutting the fuck up ever
[06:23:47] almost to a fault
[06:23:48] and i think that
[06:23:51] it comes in handy in most instances
[06:23:55] like uh...
[06:23:56] yesterday when i was doing the quen collab
[06:23:58] She was like, oh, I'll send it to you for final edit approval.
[06:24:02] The collab went really well.
[06:24:03] She said, she was like, oh, I'll send it to you
[06:24:07] for final edit approval.
[06:24:08] I was like, you think I said anything?
[06:24:10] But I fear will come back to me in a negative way.
[06:24:14] You crazy?
[06:24:15] I do this for a living.
[06:24:18] Never stop chirping.
[06:24:22] Can you clean the window?
[06:24:24] No.
[06:24:25] How could I do that right now?
[06:24:27] If you weren't a streamer, would you
[06:24:41] do these college dogs more?
[06:24:42] probably not. 6 hour streaming directly into a speed just some stamina. You already got it baby.
[06:24:52] What's wrong? Can you mow the lawn of the neighbors? Yeah, no, I don't think I'll be able to do that. I'm sorry.
[06:25:08] But yeah, you rely on your yapanomics, but you also never prefer for anything for any event. Yeah,
[06:25:16] that's how it's good. If I prepare for it, it wouldn't be real. It wouldn't be decent. Okay.
[06:25:26] You're not car sick. I don't know. I don't usually get car sick.
[06:25:35] But to be honest, this is one of those, this is where I might, you know, I don't usually
[06:25:44] do these kinds of things at college campuses ever.
[06:25:47] So I'm definitely, and I purposely didn't promote it because I didn't want like fucking,
[06:25:52] like psycho right wingers to try and like block it.
[06:25:56] this weekend. And I was like, oh, I'm gonna go there on Monday to speak with you. So I
[06:26:07] was like, he was super excited. He was like, oh, well, that wouldn't be at that. He was
[06:26:13] like, hello. Okay. Are you nervous? Um, I don't know. I think I'd be a little bit
[06:26:29] more confident if it, if, you know, things weren't so heated all the time. Like if
[06:26:37] If I was, if I was viewed as an apolitical actor or something, you know, if she got dark.
[06:26:47] Arthur. That's Arthur's fault.
[06:26:58] Actually.
[06:26:59] Damn.
[06:27:08] There's a lot of shit, actually.
[06:27:10] You know what?
[06:27:11] Yeah, actually, there's a lot of shit.
[06:27:13] He did.
[06:27:18] Boom.
[06:27:19] The light came back, though. We're good.
[06:27:21] Cinema.
[06:27:37] Life.
[06:27:38] Glad Arthur finally got rid of that accident.
[06:27:45] Yeah, it was fake, Chad.
[06:27:47] Oh
[06:27:51] He was faking it. Oh
[06:27:53] I'm Jim and that's what he kept doing and then every time that every time
[06:27:59] The cameras were off. He's like hell yeah, brother. I'm actually texting through and through I
[06:28:05] Got all these suckers duped into believing that I'm actually of German descent as we kept saying I was like damn, bro
[06:28:12] What the fuck you have a thick-ass accent?
[06:28:14] Yeah
[06:28:19] Kip saying spray Hensley did spray Hensley
[06:28:24] Doresh
[06:28:33] Whoa police activity
[06:28:42] What's going on here?
[06:28:44] We're not even in the hood yet
[06:28:47] For those of you don't know USC is in like smack dab in the middle of downtown. I mean
[06:29:00] One of the not so very parts I'd say I told them to put no hit in the green room, but now I'm
[06:29:20] Yeah, that might not have been the best decision.
[06:29:24] Some water, too.
[06:29:26] Sure.
[06:29:31] It's crazy, they have like a rider.
[06:29:38] The boys all grown up.
[06:29:43] Okay.
[06:29:44] Stepping on the first bus.
[06:29:48] This is a nice car.
[06:29:50] The EQS.
[06:29:52] I wish it wasn't so pill shaped.
[06:29:56] How do you like this car, sir?
[06:29:58] You like it?
[06:30:00] Did you have other EVs before?
[06:30:01] It's good, I don't know, electric, only car for electric, very good, EQS, EQS, Tesla EQS is a long charge.
[06:30:14] Oh, how long does it go?
[06:30:16] 400 miles.
[06:30:18] 400 miles for real? It goes for 400 miles?
[06:30:21] Yeah, 100 miles for a charge and 400 miles for a car.
[06:30:26] That's crazy.
[06:30:32] I have a take in.
[06:30:37] So Austin, are you going to Austin?
[06:30:39] Oh my God.
[06:30:41] Austin.
[06:30:42] Oh, there is water here.
[06:30:44] Let's go.
[06:30:46] Little baby waters.
[06:31:04] Every time, every time the light hits.
[06:31:06] And just giving life.
[06:31:59] Make rides for the TVU so bad.
[06:32:03] But you're saying it's too complicated.
[06:32:05] I think you need to have your own server
[06:32:07] for it to work as efficiently as it does for Nick.
[06:32:11] I had him talk to my brother about setting one up.
[06:32:16] Potentially, we back.
[06:32:33] Why not invest in a metal bottle instead of drinking
[06:32:35] from plastic bottles that messed up your hormones?
[06:32:42] You're right, bro.
[06:32:43] I brought these with me.
[06:32:45] When you're thirsty, chatters will
[06:32:48] be like if you're in a desert and you're fucking thirsty.
[06:32:53] Chatters will be like, why are you drinking?
[06:32:56] Why are you drinking from a plastic water bottle
[06:32:59] on the first side of water when you should
[06:33:01] brought your own metal bottle with you. I'm thirsty dog. What the fuck do you want from
[06:33:06] me? Does Uber happen to have water in it? That one friend who's too well is literally
[06:33:16] the fucking, is the summary of everything that this community stands for. Shit, we missed
[06:33:26] a turn. We're gonna have Q&As. I don't even know if we're gonna do an actual speech.
[06:34:15] I guess, am I gonna deliver a speed or something?
[06:34:19] I think.
[06:34:20] To my understanding, it's gonna start with
[06:34:22] some sort of like, house moderator type person.
[06:34:26] Okay, good.
[06:34:26] Cause I have no-
[06:34:28] We need you to do some questions.
[06:34:29] I, yeah.
[06:34:30] They will turn into a queue.
[06:34:32] Cause I got nothing.
[06:34:34] Nothing in the tank.
[06:34:34] You can freeze that.
[06:34:35] It's empty up in here.
[06:34:37] I'm gonna go up there and I'm gonna start talking
[06:34:38] about the parallels between Wano.
[06:34:41] And a country that I don't want to mention.
[06:34:48] What am I saying?
[06:34:54] Take a caffeine pill.
[06:35:00] I love who you literally have no idea what you're doing.
[06:35:03] Dude, this is how I live my life.
[06:35:05] Living LaVita local, baby.
[06:35:07] I'm always...
[06:35:09] Listen, the Lord works in mysterious ways.
[06:35:13] Okay?
[06:35:17] You're being... you're saying that.
[06:35:19] I'm not wrong, I'm not so...
[06:35:23] It seems like you are...
[06:35:26] Being sarcastic, but I'm gonna take it as though you are being sincere.
[06:35:35] Because it suits my purpose.
[06:35:40] Alright, Chad, by the way, I had to change my pants.
[06:35:43] Because the other pants, when I sit down, are just like, they scrunch up too much.
[06:35:48] It's the worst part about the leaky pans is that like they're so fire when you're standing it looks sick the silhouette is sick
[06:35:56] But when you when you stand when you sit down
[06:35:59] when you sit down it literally
[06:36:04] Titans up in your groin area
[06:36:06] And in my head flexors too because I got those strong ass hip flexors
[06:36:16] also
[06:36:19] Speaking of strong ass hip flexors here this part we didn't even do
[06:36:23] in the
[06:36:25] And the house that I brought guys earlier look at this so I was hitting
[06:36:35] 435 for five with so much ease that I was speaking through it right
[06:36:51] So I was doing 435s was such ease. Yeah, these are the pants. I was wearing earlier
[06:36:57] but I had to change them back into the yogis because
[06:37:00] When I sit down they get like weirdly tight for no reason
[06:37:03] But yeah, I was hitting 435 with such ease that I was like instead of last week we did
[06:37:10] 455 on my top set for five. I was like, you know what fuck it instead of 465. Let's go up to 475
[06:37:16] so first I did it for two and
[06:37:20] I didn't have enough grip strength to hold it up and I don't have wrist wraps and
[06:37:25] I had to put towels on because like I couldn't grip it firmly enough
[06:37:30] So then I put towels back on and I did it for three, but it wasn't a very good set. Well look at that
[06:37:44] What the fuck?
[06:37:45] But yeah, it ended abruptly. I guess I didn't do I
[06:38:02] thought I had it like go all the way, but yeah, I would did it for three and
[06:38:12] Chat don't objectify people
[06:38:17] Well, good thing I stayed for the deadlift. I gotta go now. We're gonna look at USC
[06:38:23] Thanks chatter. I'm gonna use some the towel for it and
[06:38:29] I was on a trip saw your chest expand 0.1 inches meaning you're breathing improperly why don't expand your diaphragm and breathe through that
[06:38:54] That's insane
[06:38:57] Shut up nerd
[06:39:07] Irming who asked
[06:39:10] Irming
[06:39:12] Irm a year
[06:39:24] Bro, you should learn how to breathe like those dudes in Demon Slayer. That'd be sick as hell
[06:39:28] Irm went to Sigma. Oh also. I finally got to the fifth gear. You don't watch one piece, do you?
[06:40:10] March is wet. He's going, uh...
[06:40:15] March doesn't want one piece.
[06:40:17] Shit has gone out of control at the end of Wano. The payoff is crazy.
[06:40:23] It is the longest edging session. It's edge-maxing.
[06:40:27] It is the longest edging session in permagoon-maxing.
[06:40:32] It's perma-edging.
[06:40:34] But finally, it's like, it's gotten to a point where its payoff is remarkable.
[06:40:39] It's still frustrating.
[06:40:42] I don't know why he's beeping because that guy is not even close to you
[06:40:54] 400 miles on one battery is pretty crazy
[06:40:59] Take it says it's like
[06:41:01] 250 or something
[06:41:04] But it's usually less like I mean it's never is never what they say it is
[06:41:13] I mean, yeah, it's the the principal doesn't change
[06:41:20] Why would it change
[06:41:23] What what think it through
[06:41:25] think it through you don't do cars you have literally a car guy car you have a
[06:41:30] Supra it's the most car guy car that one can have as crazy that you don't have
[06:41:49] any like you're you're worse than me no they're calling you wicked because I
[06:41:58] immediately made them forget about your ways just like everybody forgot about
[06:42:05] the top of the air at break which I can run apparently oh my god yeah I done did
[06:42:13] it y'all got comfortable for no reason you thought I wouldn't be able to run
[06:42:17] through a minute everything's at the top of the hour you were wrong turns out I
[06:42:21] can now of course if you don't longer want to see those ads then I need to
[06:42:28] subscribe which you can do for $4 in the month of September or for free
[06:42:34] will twitch prime yeah but I feel like I feel like twitch has cooked me every
[06:42:43] time I get five get the subs the game but gets triggered and it's like one sub I'm
[06:42:49] wondering how many I wonder how many the twitch total give the subs look like
[06:42:53] platform one no well that too that I want to know I'm sure they'll reveal that
[06:43:01] information but I want to know what it would be like like how much did they
[06:43:07] farm that on like the phase like iron mouse farmed it pretty hard she announced
[06:43:12] the most it's crazy how many subs people have that's like insane that's actually
[06:43:22] crazy I mean congratulations on our mouse given have that to the idea of
[06:43:29] immunodeficiency foundation chat not the other idea of congratulations the
[06:43:41] if you Jason fucking oh yeah there's oh bro he's too big for us now he's gonna
[06:43:50] be like nah no I'm sorry I don't know you like that sorry I already did I'm too
[06:43:58] big for you now on that's what he's gonna say it's gonna hurt but that's how
[06:44:05] be that's how that's how it be dude just like what you did to your uncle oh my
[06:44:20] god you're right do we get any gift the subs in that we got one freckled origami
[06:44:36] give me five get the subs and a hype train started and that's it I've fallen
[06:44:43] off dude I done falled off it's over which gave one gifted so this yeah this
[06:44:50] This is why Jason is not going to come on the stream, or not stream, come on the pod.
[06:44:55] Onk is cooked, it's over, it's Jovo for Onk.
[06:44:58] L Onk, I went from W Onk to Lunk.
[06:45:06] What is it?
[06:45:10] Chad, don't do more than, if you're going to gift like 20 gifted subs, don't do it.
[06:45:14] Do it in 5 gifted increments.
[06:45:17] That's how you game the system.
[06:45:19] No, it's for every 5, so you get 20 triggers several times.
[06:45:24] Oh really?
[06:45:25] Oh shit.
[06:45:26] Holy fuck, so Katari Kage has gifted 100 and Twitch gifted 39.
[06:45:31] Yeah, exactly.
[06:45:32] 39 for 100 gifted?
[06:45:35] That's good.
[06:45:36] I guess.
[06:45:39] It's more than one, so at least a couple.
[06:45:41] I don't know, someone do the math on that.
[06:45:43] Again, I'm not a math guy.
[06:45:45] I'm gonna do cameras.
[06:45:46] Alright, we're here.
[06:45:48] I think.
[06:45:50] That'll go big.
[06:45:51] Thank you, you too, sir.
[06:45:52] Down for a little bit.
[06:45:57] Okay. You say we got a golf cart or something?
[06:46:02] Uh, nah.
[06:46:17] Hello. Um, I'm supposed to speak at an event.
[06:46:20] They said the security is supposed to agree to see you and give us a golf cart.
[06:46:25] Yeah.
[06:46:30] Yeah.
[06:46:32] Oh shit, thank God I brought my ID. Did you bring yours?
[06:46:43] No, I have it.
[06:46:53] You're sure you don't show anything?
[06:46:55] Is that me on your jacket?
[06:47:00] This is the last I know.
[06:47:02] It looks like me and Kaya, no it's not a younger church has, they can decide.
[06:47:09] You think this looks like him?
[06:47:12] You're not showing it, hold on. Give it to me.
[06:47:15] At first it kind of looked like, oh, wait, wait.
[06:47:22] He almost revealed your information.
[06:47:29] I give you guys a number for DPS, they're going to be the ones that can help get you a car.
[06:47:34] we can walk I don't care or do they have it on the way I don't know wait hold on
[06:47:57] one second let me look at this real quick what did they tell us what are you
[06:48:03] You told them?
[06:48:04] I told them.
[06:48:05] Oh, okay.
[06:48:08] Yeah.
[06:48:09] Okay.
[06:48:10] Stream Officer will be on...yeah, they said...
[06:48:13] Yeah, I guess we can put that on.
[06:48:15] Okay, thank you.
[06:48:17] But yeah, what did they say like where to go?
[06:48:21] Uh...
[06:48:22] What's up, man?
[06:48:23] What's up, man?
[06:48:24] What's up, man?
[06:48:25] Yeah.
[06:48:26] I watch you play every day, bro.
[06:48:28] Hell yeah.
[06:48:29] What are you doing here?
[06:48:30] I'm speaking on your campus.
[06:48:31] You are?
[06:48:32] Yeah, I don't know.
[06:48:33] I don't think the dance practice I can go, but let me get this really quick
[06:48:36] No, you can obviously go
[06:48:38] Sorry for that
[06:48:39] Thanks, bro, I'm just shocked to see you, man
[06:48:41] Nice to meet you
[06:48:42] Nice to meet you
[06:48:43] Nice to meet you, have a good one
[06:48:44] Have a good one
[06:48:49] I'm a political commentator
[06:48:51] Political commentator
[06:48:52] Really?
[06:48:53] Yeah
[06:48:53] Oh, you're Mr. Frank
[06:48:54] Yeah
[06:48:58] Twitch
[06:48:59] slash house on hobby
[06:49:01] Okay
[06:49:03] Why is there so much security on the entrance of the campus?
[06:49:07] So basically they're just trying to register people just to go track where they come from.
[06:49:13] Uh huh.
[06:49:14] We'll do it so the process they're having in there.
[06:49:16] Yeah.
[06:49:17] Okay.
[06:49:18] Hello.
[06:49:19] What are these?
[06:49:20] What do you mean?
[06:49:21] What do you got a problem with my dogs dude?
[06:49:24] That's crazy.
[06:49:26] Did they say?
[06:49:27] No, it's fine, yeah.
[06:49:28] Did they say that they're coming or what this?
[06:49:30] I can hold that for you.
[06:49:32] Thank you.
[06:49:33] Why you hold the camera or you use it as a blunt instrument if necessary as well
[06:49:41] Oh, yeah
[06:49:42] What's up YouTube work USC campus today and I'm gonna be delivering a talk to a bunch of wonderful USC alumni and also current students
[06:49:51] I'm a son piker in this the Hassanabi broadcast
[06:49:55] Yeah
[06:49:57] This is the weapon. I have to defend myself
[06:50:00] Turns out there's a lot of heavy security presence on campus and also that they're
[06:50:05] registering every single person that walks in through the boundaries, through the gates,
[06:50:09] I suspect, is a, oh, are we, are we, we're not following them. I just, yeah, yeah, alright.
[06:50:16] Have a good one guys. As a direct consequence of the post-October 7th anti-genocide protest,
[06:50:22] that's a big no-no on both, on most American college campuses at this point. USC being
[06:50:28] a private institution, obviously probably has even more rigorous checks. They can deny people
[06:50:33] entry into the campus. So, that's what's going on. Also, I was a little worried about
[06:50:41] talking about Israel Palestine and the Uber. That's why I said Wano and how the similarities
[06:50:50] between the unmingenable country and Kaidal, I didn't actually name the country by name,
[06:50:58] because I was a little worried that my Uber driver might have different opinions than me politically
[06:51:04] and I wanted to be kind and not be like a dick, you know what I mean?
[06:51:11] That's weird.
[06:51:31] Got him up? Yeah.
[06:51:38] I'm a little on edge. You saw I didn't want a bad rating from that driver?
[06:51:50] I'm gonna look big and scary with that thing over your shoulder. Put it down. No, no, I'm gonna keep it on my shoulder
[06:51:59] Is that it?
[06:52:01] Maybe
[06:52:04] All right, let's go
[06:52:07] Damn this guy's got it up. What's going on?
[06:52:11] What's on? Nice to meet you Bill Smith
[06:52:15] What's up, man? What's on? David, nice to meet you
[06:52:18] I'll see in the bag it's all good. Oh god. This is this oh, uh, you know what me and bill
[06:52:26] We're gonna we're gonna make sure the weight is distributed evenly because I've been on I've been on these before
[06:52:32] And it was let's say
[06:52:35] catastrophic
[06:52:37] What do you mean? Oh when I was in France when we were doing twitch con I
[06:52:41] I got on a golf cart and our we went down a hill and we took it at like 30 miles an
[06:52:48] hour and I think the weight wasn't distributed evenly and this guy was just
[06:52:51] flexing his his skills he was driving like a madman and broke some ribs there's
[06:52:58] a consequence of the golf cart incident still went to my meeting greet though
[06:53:03] did it for like three hours with broken ribs let me tell you it's not
[06:53:06] It's not great when you're hugging, you know, a thousand fans with a broken rib.
[06:53:13] Well, if you really want to, we can try joyriding on this later tonight after the event.
[06:53:18] Okay, after the event, it's fine.
[06:53:20] We're frosting up, but you're roughed up on that one too.
[06:53:25] I will fight you every time you bring that up.
[06:53:28] This motherfucker had a finger bandage.
[06:53:31] He fell on me.
[06:53:32] He is the reason why my ribs broke, because he fell directly, slammed his body into me.
[06:53:37] his body into me. I softened his blow. Oh damn. That's crazy. Oh yeah I'm excited
[06:53:53] overall. This campus is beautiful, man. American college campuses are so crazy.
[06:54:00] They're so nice. Hi! That's funny. Dude imagine you didn't know all this
[06:54:13] coming on college campus and then randomly you look up and you see me.
[06:54:15] your fam this is gotta be wild. Well you can see your face in the distance. Oh wait really?
[06:54:22] Just tall sign? I don't see it. And you can see your fam's waving? Oh I don't know. I would take you
[06:54:30] over there but you will be mobbed if I did. Yeah let's not. Is it slammed is the event like
[06:54:35] fully arch-barred or were there I didn't really promote it for obvious reasons? We'll definitely
[06:54:41] have a solid like 400 people out there. Jesus Christ.
[06:54:47] Sorry guys. So that's the front of the venue where everyone will walk through. I'm taking you to the back
[06:54:53] stage right door. Mm-hmm. And then Marshall I'll show you where to set up in the house. Sure.
[06:55:03] It builds with you the entire night. Hell yeah.
[06:55:07] Are we sitting in the back or anything you need?
[06:55:17] This way?
[06:55:18] Can you come open the door please?
[06:55:28] Thank you so much.
[06:55:37] Thank you.
[06:55:39] What's going on?
[06:55:40] Just a second.
[06:55:45] Sorry.
[06:55:46] I'll leave you to Ter and David.
[06:55:54] Hello.
[06:55:55] Good to see you again.
[06:55:56] Thank you.
[06:55:57] Well you were, we've met before right?
[06:55:58] On Zoom.
[06:55:59] Yeah.
[06:56:00] We just met on Zoom.
[06:56:01] So that didn't feel real for me.
[06:56:02] March I have met.
[06:56:03] Nice to see you.
[06:56:05] Nice to see you as well.
[06:56:06] And, um, do you want to go in the green room?
[06:56:09] Damn, let's look, yo, pop, show this real quick.
[06:56:12] This is crazy.
[06:56:13] Wow.
[06:56:14] So, when you're doing your, like, opening monologue part, do you want to sit in the chair or stand
[06:56:20] at the podium?
[06:56:21] I mean, I can, I can do both.
[06:56:24] How long am I supposed to do the monologue for?
[06:56:26] Because I did not pre-
[06:56:27] 10, 10 minutes.
[06:56:28] Okay, I'm not going to lie to you.
[06:56:29] I did not prepare anything for you.
[06:56:30] I saw about it on your Twitch stream as you were driving over.
[06:56:32] Okay.
[06:56:33] I could spy on the camera.
[06:56:34] All right.
[06:56:35] and then someone's going to come up here, ask questions,
[06:56:39] and then it'll be more open format.
[06:56:40] And so we'll sit here.
[06:56:42] We'll just chat.
[06:56:43] What about the students?
[06:56:43] I thought students were supposed to come up as well.
[06:56:45] Students are not because of the security concerns
[06:56:48] with the university.
[06:56:49] So because we got like 27,000 emails asking us
[06:56:53] not to have you come.
[06:56:55] So that like amplified.
[06:56:57] That's a lot of emails.
[06:56:58] That is a lot of, they were templates.
[06:57:00] They were probably a bot, right?
[06:57:01] but it did amplify the anxiety of my administration.
[06:57:06] So, but we're still here and that's good.
[06:57:08] So, students are not gonna be able to ask questions?
[06:57:10] They will, there'll be a QR code that circles up
[06:57:13] and it goes to a Google form
[06:57:16] and they'll put their questions in
[06:57:18] and then Enez, who you'll meet in a moment
[06:57:20] who's my media producer,
[06:57:22] will come out after we've talked for a minute
[06:57:25] and she'll stand at the podium
[06:57:26] and ask the student questions.
[06:57:28] Okay.
[06:57:29] Because the provost did not want students on stage
[06:57:34] since it's streaming, because they don't want students
[06:57:37] to get doxxed, right?
[06:57:38] That's fair.
[06:57:39] Yeah, I feel responsible.
[06:57:42] No, no, no, totally.
[06:57:43] That makes sense.
[06:57:44] I mean, I am used to getting.
[06:57:46] I don't get anything like you do, but I get plenty.
[06:57:48] So I just filter them to my hate mail folder.
[06:57:51] But the students have careers ahead of them.
[06:57:55] Yeah.
[06:57:56] But you will meet at the meet and greet after.
[06:57:58] we will meet, you know, several students.
[06:58:00] Okay.
[06:58:01] That'll be in a different space and more informal.
[06:58:05] Okay.
[06:58:06] All right, perfect.
[06:58:07] Sounds great.
[06:58:08] Are we gonna hit somebody with that?
[06:58:10] No, no.
[06:58:11] We were just trying to figure out where is like the best possible place to put.
[06:58:15] I've been thinking so you guys have been trying to talk for a while.
[06:58:17] Okay.
[06:58:18] Area over there.
[06:58:19] Do you think you want to just set up back there?
[06:58:20] Yeah.
[06:58:21] Are you going to be able to take audio feed from a board?
[06:58:24] So if that doesn't work, we'll just lab mic him and then we'll go to the
[06:58:28] and everybody's speaking to you and do it that way.
[06:58:30] Yeah.
[06:58:30] And that works fine, too.
[06:58:31] Margo is your audio technician for the meeting.
[06:58:34] And Margo's great.
[06:58:34] That's so early in the day.
[06:58:37] OK, I would just basically need to.
[06:58:39] So for the meet and greet, do you
[06:58:44] want to have the students come up individually
[06:58:46] and just say hi to you?
[06:58:47] Would you rather sort of sit and just chat with a group of them
[06:58:51] and not have a meet and greet?
[06:58:51] How big is the meeting greet?
[06:58:54] You never know with students,
[06:58:55] but I'd say they'll probably be 35 to 40.
[06:58:58] Okay, that's fine. Yeah, we can we can do we can do one by one. We can do it as like a big group
[06:59:11] Sort of
[06:59:21] Is there anything in particular you want to talk about more than not or
[06:59:25] No, I'm down to talk about anything.
[06:59:28] I'm down to talk about anything and everything.
[06:59:30] Students are really going to want you to follow through on being a professor
[06:59:34] now that you keep saying that.
[06:59:36] No, no, no.
[06:59:37] That's a huge pay cut, dude.
[06:59:39] Well, yeah.
[06:59:40] That's a pay cut.
[06:59:41] No, that's like, that's my, that would be more of a passion pursuit,
[06:59:45] I think, than anything else.
[06:59:47] You're living a life of it.
[06:59:48] Yeah.
[06:59:49] This is a song.
[06:59:52] a song don't like a song that people come in I was wondering a walkout yeah you
[06:59:57] only walk out I don't know do I want to sure we should do a walkout song what
[07:00:04] should we do chat for a walkout song
[07:00:09] She and I will sit and chat for a bit.
[07:00:12] Then Inez, who is outside doing some shooting because of an orange suit.
[07:00:17] And then-
[07:00:18] I have the tiger.
[07:00:18] Y'all are lame as hell.
[07:00:20] Ask the student question.
[07:00:21] Y'all are so goddamn lame.
[07:00:23] Okay, sounds good.
[07:00:24] So do you have a preference on which seat you would like?
[07:00:28] No.
[07:00:30] We should put them on the left.
[07:00:31] Put them on the left.
[07:00:32] All right.
[07:00:33] Yeah.
[07:00:35] How do you want to do it?
[07:00:36] We started at seven.
[07:00:38] And students will probably start coming in about 6.30, I think.
[07:00:43] So then you can go...
[07:00:44] Can you click them to your PC on a video while I try bottom audio tests?
[07:00:51] Or do you want to...
[07:00:53] I don't have a video on my PC. You get ready to go. You're gonna have to...
[07:00:56] I mean, I just don't want them to like maybe get...
[07:00:59] ...excav the audio first.
[07:01:01] They're gonna get scuffed audio.
[07:01:03] There's... there's... because the... I don't have remote control.
[07:01:06] Okay.
[07:01:07] Over my PC
[07:01:20] Okay, perfect damn this is like this is way way bigger than I thought it was gonna be in terms of like
[07:01:31] Wait, did you get one for me? Oh, that's crazy. No no cream. Oh damn. It's Starbucks
[07:01:37] You're going to get me canceled, David.
[07:01:42] I actually put on the punch list no Starbucks.
[07:01:46] I'll just use it on that glass.
[07:01:49] I'll just put it in there.
[07:01:50] Yeah, that's a good night.
[07:01:51] No, it's all good.
[07:01:52] Don't worry about it.
[07:01:53] You're welcome.
[07:01:56] Welcome to campus.
[07:01:58] This is great.
[07:01:59] Yeah.
[07:02:00] We're excited.
[07:02:01] We're excited about that.
[07:02:02] I'm going to dump this in the backstage so that it doesn't, if I make a mess,
[07:02:06] it doesn't, you know, yeah.
[07:02:26] There's a green back here. So if you want to just hang, you can do that.
[07:02:31] I'm not sure you're done.
[07:02:33] I guess we have to figure out how those...
[07:02:37] Oops, sorry.
[07:02:38] How that audio will work together. Do you want...
[07:02:42] Where do I put this?
[07:02:43] I'll take that.
[07:02:44] You got it? Are you sure?
[07:02:45] Absolutely.
[07:02:46] Okay, sorry.
[07:02:47] I'll introduce you to Yana real quick.
[07:02:48] Hi.
[07:02:49] I'm kind of our student journalist.
[07:02:50] Okay.
[07:02:51] I'm from Michigan.
[07:02:52] Okay.
[07:02:53] I work on social media for the reclaim projects. Oh hell yeah
[07:02:57] Yeah, this is amazing. This is like far grander than I thought it was going to be
[07:03:03] So we saw we were driving by our brother
[07:03:11] Nice to meet you
[07:03:12] student in my program, but also a very talented documentary filmmaker, so he's doing some
[07:03:19] Media work for us. Hell yeah
[07:03:21] research group. That's dope. So do you want a handheld for when you're talking? Do you want a
[07:03:33] lot of mic? We can do a handheld. Is this a green one? Yes, it's not very fancy. No, no, it's all good.
[07:03:40] I was just wondering where it was okay it is lit in here yeah it's not anything
[07:03:51] I hope
[07:04:00] it's my old haircut it's all in fall because he sent them to me this was the
[07:04:09] Yeah, this is the one we were using for a minute.
[07:04:17] What's up?
[07:04:17] You're not at all.
[07:04:18] No, not at all.
[07:04:20] You're a reply.
[07:04:21] Yeah, right?
[07:04:22] You're just gonna talk in the stream.
[07:04:24] So I was convinced you were repping those
[07:04:27] because they were in for a shot.
[07:04:29] No.
[07:04:30] But David told me you couldn't
[07:04:31] because that's a legal long twist.
[07:04:33] Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's we can't.
[07:04:34] I'm gonna talk this up.
[07:04:36] Also, I don't know how,
[07:04:37] once I realized it was a Philip Morrison brand,
[07:04:39] I was like, yeah, maybe not the best idea.
[07:04:42] So in the 21st century, you have to spit?
[07:04:48] No, no, not at all.
[07:04:49] So it's not like chewing tobacco or anything.
[07:04:52] It's just, it's basically just pure nicotine.
[07:04:58] I grew up in the South.
[07:05:01] Oh no, I used to chew and smoke.
[07:05:06] So nicotine gum helped me no longer be addicted.
[07:05:12] I don't have a smoke in years.
[07:05:14] We're going to need you to be the voice of the left
[07:05:18] in media for many years.
[07:05:19] So we should keep that.
[07:05:20] Yeah.
[07:05:23] If I make it that far, we'll see.
[07:05:26] Oh, man.
[07:05:28] You don't have to shoot me at all.
[07:05:30] So I thought of the focus of today's topics.
[07:05:36] We're going to be about mostly like masculinity
[07:05:39] and the presentation of masculinity.
[07:05:41] I don't mind if we go completely outside of that.
[07:05:43] I have no issues with that.
[07:05:45] I also have no issues with like freestyling in general.
[07:05:48] I mean, that's what I do best.
[07:05:49] That's the only thing I do usually.
[07:05:51] So this is like the way I see it.
[07:05:53] It's no different than any other live stream that I would do.
[07:05:56] And one will sort of be a little about your career
[07:06:03] and what you do and that's which,
[07:06:05] because I know a lot of students
[07:06:07] are interested in that, right?
[07:06:08] And it's not something they learn much about
[07:06:10] at university, because as I was telling David,
[07:06:14] most of my colleagues didn't even know which was, right?
[07:06:17] So it's not like they're getting taught much here,
[07:06:19] except in the college school.
[07:06:21] So we'll do that a little bit.
[07:06:22] And I'd like to talk about politics some,
[07:06:24] because you're good at that.
[07:06:28] And USC had a really fractious tense encampment breakdown
[07:06:35] last year.
[07:06:37] and students retreated very badly this summer, right,
[07:06:41] that were arrested by the university
[07:06:43] and all these fences you see, those were not here.
[07:06:46] Yeah, I noticed that even like entering,
[07:06:49] like I've been to USC campus before,
[07:06:52] I never had to like go through, you know,
[07:06:56] like the ID checking process before.
[07:06:59] So, so in second, you know,
[07:07:01] we should dive into things you've been talking about
[07:07:04] for a long time.
[07:07:05] I've talked to several students in the last few weeks
[07:07:09] who, young women, who found your stream
[07:07:13] because of your doctor content over the last year, right?
[07:07:17] Who didn't know you before, right?
[07:07:20] But were told by people that you were someone
[07:07:22] they could learn about the history of the region from.
[07:07:26] So some of them will be people, right?
[07:07:28] So, and I am part of the Palestine Justice Faculty
[07:07:33] I'm just this faculty group, I've been in BDS for 12 years, 14 years, right, so this
[07:07:42] is an opportunity for us to have a little bit of conversation about Palestine, it
[07:07:46] doesn't happen very often. If you're comfortable. No, I'm totally comfortable
[07:07:50] about that. No, I was just trying to see what, like I just don't want to, yeah.
[07:07:56] There are only reasons why I asked this, because I didn't want to, you know,
[07:08:00] I didn't want to ruffle any feathers or anything like that if the conversation is supposed to be focused on like masculinity
[07:08:05] I'm fine with doing that, but I'm more than comfortable
[07:08:12] Yeah, I've talked to many many young men one who will be here to meet you tonight that we're working on the short
[07:08:19] Dot with who have
[07:08:21] Exited far right radicals because of you, right like that's not it's amazing
[07:08:26] Just one person, you know, it's like just in our kind of saying that it's me.
[07:08:30] So you offer like this really fantastic model of masculinity that is like Broadway.
[07:08:39] Hi, nice to meet you.
[07:08:41] And that is our media producer extraordinaire, who is a journalist who worked for Vice and CNN and works with CDS.
[07:08:51] Hell yeah. Alright, there's a camera there. We're live streaming it already just so you know
[07:08:58] Okay, just let you know so you don't feel a sight. Yeah blindsided. What's up guys?
[07:09:06] Yeah, for sure. Oh, it's just for like the USC. Yes, okay student journalists. Let's do it. She wanted to stand
[07:09:16] All right, Marge is gonna get on my camera
[07:09:21] All right
[07:09:23] Hello, so it's on piker. What does this on piker mean to you?
[07:09:26] It's on piker. What does it mean to me?
[07:09:30] God just a guy trying to live every day one step at a time do the right thing
[07:09:37] Fire we also want to ask what's an masculine object a masculine object
[07:09:41] Damn immediately my mind went Freud like immediately. I was thinking like what's the most phallic figure that I can think of
[07:09:49] of cigar, eggplant, things like that.
[07:09:53] But I think, you know what a masculine object is?
[07:09:58] The weight belt that I use when I'm deadlifting.
[07:10:01] Because it braces my core.
[07:10:03] It's protective.
[07:10:05] But it's necessary.
[07:10:07] That's a masculine object for me.
[07:10:09] That's it.
[07:10:10] Do you have any questions, guys?
[07:10:11] Maybe that's a question.
[07:10:12] How do you define masculinity?
[07:10:13] Oh, how do you define masculinity?
[07:10:16] This is a tough one.
[07:10:18] How do I define masculinity?
[07:10:19] It's just, I think a lot of people consider traits
[07:10:24] such as confidence, like they mistake confidence
[07:10:27] for masculinity, and that's pretty much it.
[07:10:29] I don't really put a lot of thought into it,
[07:10:32] ironically enough, even though today's talks
[07:10:34] are gonna be about masculinity.
[07:10:37] But for me, I think it's basically
[07:10:41] being the best version of yourself
[07:10:43] and being a confident human being.
[07:10:45] Fire. Okay, thanks everybody.
[07:10:47] Are we good?
[07:10:48] Yeah.
[07:10:49] All right, awesome.
[07:10:49] But it's not, nice to meet you.
[07:10:51] It's not necessarily just a masculine trait though,
[07:10:53] which I guess we'll talk about today.
[07:10:55] Yeah, we will.
[07:10:55] Oh, you wanted to keep going.
[07:10:57] Dane and Sophie and Dany Austin and Yana all are part of Reclaim,
[07:11:03] which is our project that's getting the thinking about new models for masculinity.
[07:11:08] So that's how we, you know you're my syllabus tomorrow.
[07:11:11] Oh, wow. Okay.
[07:11:13] Like I'm being taught in college courses is crazy.
[07:11:15] You are being taught in college courses.
[07:11:17] That's crazy.
[07:11:17] In my men and masculinity.
[07:11:19] All right, let me ask you, what do you think masculinity is?
[07:11:21] Oh, OK.
[07:11:23] I really didn't expect him to sound like that.
[07:11:25] Yeah, go ahead.
[07:11:27] I don't know.
[07:11:27] In front of your teacher, too, you're cool.
[07:11:30] You're about to get graded on this.
[07:11:32] Yeah, I know, I said I love him, so it's fine.
[07:11:34] I guess I've had to ask that question to so many people
[07:11:36] that I feel like anything that I thought
[07:11:39] was an objective definition has just sort of gone away.
[07:11:41] because I feel like I get like every answer to the point where like masterlending is just like anything and like
[07:11:45] Some people say like oh masculinity is like being strong being like being a manly man protecting your family
[07:11:50] And so people are just like oh masculinity is like being a good person
[07:11:54] So I just feel like it's like almost meaningless at this point because like that's how I feel about it
[07:11:58] Yeah, it's just like the universal. It's like whatever is good is masculine. I think that's why I focus more on like the
[07:12:05] the misappropriation of the term masculinity
[07:12:09] or the way that people call themselves like alpha, alpha men.
[07:12:13] It's usually just a catch-all term, but what they
[07:12:17] technically mean is being confident. And it's ironic
[07:12:21] because people that consider themselves as
[07:12:25] alpha males are anything but confident. And I think that
[07:12:29] most of the time they try
[07:12:33] to to masquerade as this like macho figure what they think is like supposed
[07:12:39] to be this masculine beacon and they're overcompensating usually for their own
[07:12:45] personal insecurities in my experience that's what I found and I I definitely
[07:12:49] understand that too given you know I mean I was a young boy at one point in
[07:12:54] my life as well I'm 33 I'm old now but you know I definitely found myself in
[07:13:01] the throes of like portraying myself as like what I thought were masculine
[07:13:06] figures in media and like resembling those traits that I thought were cool and
[07:13:11] thinking that they were masculine so I definitely understand how people can be
[07:13:14] susceptible to that especially young men yeah awesome what do you think young
[07:13:20] boys like young man who are on the internet like what should they do or
[07:13:23] what should they know about like as they learn about themselves in
[07:13:26] masculinity and like as they go through those teenage years.
[07:13:31] Don't trust anybody that presents themselves as like a, as a, if you're 14 and you think,
[07:13:38] wow, this guy has cool cars, he's always surrounded by scantily clad women.
[07:13:43] He is such a, he's so alpha, I want to be just like him.
[07:13:46] No, that's a trap.
[07:13:48] If a whole-ass adult is portraying himself that way, then they're overcompensating
[07:13:53] for severe crippling insecurities and that they're trying to project an image of what
[07:13:58] you consider to be success and you shouldn't be due by that, you should be your own person
[07:14:03] instead.
[07:14:04] What are the demographics of your audience right now and how do you kind of your role
[07:14:09] as this messenger, as this person to them?
[07:14:13] We do a census every year.
[07:14:15] I don't know what the exact numbers are, I keep forgetting, but I think it's mostly,
[07:14:20] predominantly white men that are 30, like around 30, 30 plus, or you know 20 to 35, let's
[07:14:30] say. And yeah, him. Exactly. But we have, I think, what, Chad, what's the percentage
[07:14:41] of women in my community? It depends on the platform. It's 67% men, 24% women, 8% non-binary.
[07:14:48] Yeah, 25 to 35 is like the largest demo,
[07:14:55] which is interesting because my demographics have aged as I have aged.
[07:14:59] Because I looked at it,
[07:15:01] like we've been running the census every year since 2020 consistently,
[07:15:05] and over the four years,
[07:15:06] the demographic has also just aged four years into different brackets.
[07:15:11] But yeah, that's the dynamic.
[07:15:15] It's like quarter women,
[07:15:17] 8 percent non-binary, and then the rest is men.
[07:15:19] I think there were in the past. It's actually interesting before I got on
[07:15:28] Twitch I was I still had like somewhat of a social media presence when I was on
[07:15:32] the Young Turks and back then my audience was 75% women 25% men on
[07:15:36] Instagram and when I got on Twitch I can check it right now but when I got on
[07:15:42] Twitch it went to 50-50 so I don't even know it might even be like majority
[07:15:47] men now but we'll see let's take a look how do I even find I think it might be
[07:15:53] David would know better let's see insights how do I find that overview in
[07:16:04] the last seven days I don't really post that much either anymore on my
[07:16:09] Instagram but... So are you posting in the morning all of those story updates or is that
[07:16:17] your army news? Oh no I do that yeah but that's just like yeah I use the story
[07:16:23] function more I think. Who is there filming you work out every morning? Oh I
[07:16:31] do that myself I just like I just prop it up we have a we have an influencer
[07:16:38] beam on the at the gym that I work out at and oh thank you nice to meet you
[07:16:46] guys okay let's do
[07:16:54] Are you set up for the questions about your elected hot pad or something?
[07:17:04] Oh, it's literally 50-50.
[07:17:06] It's 51.5 men, 48.4% women.
[07:17:10] Damn, you nailed it.
[07:17:12] That's your job, right?
[07:17:14] Yeah.
[07:17:15] YouTube's a little different, too, but which is the male-dominated one?
[07:17:19] YouTube's a little bit more in the middle.
[07:17:22] Interesting.
[07:17:23] platform centered for sure like which is a overwhelmingly male dominated
[07:17:29] platform. Yeah I get that a lot but like actually I have a relatively young
[07:17:38] audience on YouTube as well because YouTube's audience skews younger so it
[07:17:41] balances itself out I I remember talking to YouTube a while ago where they
[07:17:46] were like they were telling me that I have the youngest demographic overall of
[07:17:52] of any kind of political content on the entire platform.
[07:17:56] Yeah.
[07:17:56] Like the piece you put together really quickly
[07:17:58] after the New York Times dropped the story
[07:18:01] about women and women drifting farther apart politically,
[07:18:05] you know, when you packaged that on YouTube,
[07:18:07] that's a really tight break episode
[07:18:10] that gives some explanation for that.
[07:18:14] Well, the way I work is I try to make it
[07:18:18] so that my commentary already is like,
[07:18:22] as quickly packaged as possible, as neatly.
[07:18:27] I try to cover stories with that in mind.
[07:18:30] Who, small team that just cuts the stream down
[07:18:35] into the YouTube kind of junk every night?
[07:18:38] It's a speedy operation.
[07:18:41] It just comes up.
[07:18:42] And it's like pretty, like I said,
[07:18:44] it's just I try to make it as fast-paced as possible
[07:18:50] so it's already packaged with as limited amount
[07:18:53] editing is possible and the only thing I ask of my editors usually is to just like
[07:18:59] add because I pull data a lot from my head and it's good that they will go and
[07:19:06] find the data and just like slap it on there so that there is like you know so
[07:19:12] that it's sourced adequately.
[07:19:14] How do you even find time to read as much as you must have to?
[07:19:24] I just, I don't know.
[07:19:25] Everything I do is like, everything I do basically, every moment of my life is geared towards
[07:19:31] it.
[07:19:32] So that's how I'm able to keep up with it.
[07:19:34] I'm like an information sponge.
[07:19:36] You could actually be a professor because we have no work-life balance either.
[07:19:42] where we're just not interesting.
[07:19:44] So, you know, that, like, everything's thinking
[07:19:47] about your work all the time, right?
[07:19:49] That's what we do.
[07:19:52] Yeah.
[07:19:54] But we have fantastic students.
[07:19:55] Well, now that you're not on Twitter as much,
[07:19:58] I think it's been easier.
[07:20:01] Back in the Twitter day, I feel like it was nonstop.
[07:20:04] What do you mean?
[07:20:05] Like, we'd go to dinner or something.
[07:20:07] We'd be at dinner with people.
[07:20:08] Oh, yeah.
[07:20:09] We'd have to, like, be checking Twitter.
[07:20:11] Yeah, I used to-
[07:20:11] It's breaking everything.
[07:20:13] Yeah, I definitely feel like,
[07:20:14] I mean, I've done a decent job of keeping up with stuff,
[07:20:17] even outside of Twitter now,
[07:20:19] because I deleted it from my phone,
[07:20:21] but Twitter definitely was a really solid way
[07:20:24] for me to keep up with everything that's going on
[07:20:27] back in the day,
[07:20:28] but I've just stopped going on Twitter
[07:20:31] unless I'm on stream.
[07:20:33] Like, mine hasn't been at all involved with Tesla,
[07:20:36] but I have to drive right now,
[07:20:38] I gave my son my old car and we had to put a bumper sticker on it that said we bought
[07:20:45] this before we knew what it did candy was, right?
[07:20:48] That is a bumper sticker because I can stand comfortably right around the Tesla.
[07:20:56] Yeah.
[07:20:58] Oh yeah.
[07:21:02] Then I can't afford a Porsche.
[07:21:05] Oh yeah.
[07:21:07] There's a lot of great EVs now though,
[07:21:09] and that are affordable and reliable, luckily.
[07:21:12] I'm sure this is the one I should get.
[07:21:14] The Kia 6.
[07:21:16] The Kias are pretty solid.
[07:21:18] And then the Ionic, which is study boofy looking,
[07:21:20] but that might be on the work side.
[07:21:23] You don't put people on that.
[07:21:24] No, we don't.
[07:21:25] We don't put people on Kias.
[07:21:26] I'm just going to also explain to Mar,
[07:21:28] she should feel free to keep this through the camera.
[07:21:30] And she stole my stuff.
[07:21:31] Yeah, I was supposed to talk to her.
[07:21:33] Yeah, I'm sorry.
[07:21:35] I tried to, you know, but sometimes it's a great thing.
[07:21:45] It's okay. I mean, I'm probably not done.
[07:21:48] I have a nephew who I'm going to be dating so much credibility with for like having met the solid piper.
[07:21:55] Hell yeah.
[07:21:56] And my son will be in the front row because he's also going to get a lot of future.
[07:22:01] I do get that, yeah, for sure.
[07:22:06] That's great.
[07:22:06] You're W-Auntie.
[07:22:08] You're W-Aunt.
[07:22:11] One of the young men you'll meet tonight
[07:22:14] were doing a short doc with.
[07:22:17] And he spoke in the doc very eloquently
[07:22:21] about your influence on him.
[07:22:24] That's nice.
[07:22:24] He came up from Portland to meet you.
[07:22:26] He's not a USC student.
[07:22:27] He's very excited.
[07:22:29] That's sick.
[07:22:30] I was gonna say too, I was just initially
[07:22:33] to report on the election and I went to a Trump-Trump call.
[07:22:37] And about thinking, I'm interested to hear, I guess,
[07:22:40] how you think about being able to do that
[07:22:44] as a people.
[07:22:45] I mean, these people, especially in places like Michigan
[07:22:48] or economy, economy, and I feel like we all now
[07:22:52] the election is such a big stage, so much more than that.
[07:22:55] Yeah, but I also don't necessarily think that Trump
[07:22:58] is good on the economy.
[07:22:59] That's the other aspect of this.
[07:23:01] I mean, I'm not exactly too fond of the Democratic Party
[07:23:05] either, but in terms of de-radicalizing these people,
[07:23:09] I think that overall, the number one thing
[07:23:15] is that there needs to be a level of charitability.
[07:23:18] So if they approach the conversation
[07:23:21] with inherent hostility, it's going to be pretty difficult.
[07:23:26] People make up their minds about you.
[07:23:28] they put you in a neat little confine,
[07:23:29] neat little box, and they go, oh, no, this is a,
[07:23:32] this is a liberal.
[07:23:33] Like this is, this person has these opinions, right?
[07:23:37] So I try to, I try to broaden the kinds of content
[07:23:42] that I make for that reason.
[07:23:43] Like I do collaborations, I play video games,
[07:23:46] I cover culture, lifestyle, things of that nature,
[07:23:49] because I want to ensure that like,
[07:23:53] people don't have this like set image of me
[07:23:55] as this person with these ideals that can be very easily,
[07:24:00] I think, manipulated and used against you,
[07:24:03] and you can be presented in a way to an audience
[07:24:08] that is uninitiated in a way that does not correspond
[07:24:13] to your worldview at all.
[07:24:14] So I think that's important.
[07:24:16] And when I'm around people with different opinions
[07:24:20] and I'm around people with different perspectives
[07:24:22] all the time, regardless of the eight hours
[07:24:24] that I'm spending online.
[07:24:26] I also try to spend as much time as possible
[07:24:31] in the real world.
[07:24:34] Now I try to approach them where they're at.
[07:24:36] I try to understand where they're coming from
[07:24:39] and communicate to their desires,
[07:24:42] which is ironic,
[07:24:43] because that's kind of what I want
[07:24:44] the Democratic Party to do as well
[07:24:46] is a more successful counterbalance
[07:24:49] against growing fascism that I see
[07:24:51] within the Republican Party.
[07:24:53] And they failed to do that on every front, unfortunately,
[07:24:57] but it is what it is.
[07:24:59] Over and over again.
[07:25:00] Yeah.
[07:25:02] It's very disappointing.
[07:25:04] It is.
[07:25:07] Going into gaming spaces now, that was interesting for us.
[07:25:12] Gaming spaces are, I think, too focused on women
[07:25:18] being in video games right now to focus on anything else.
[07:25:21] They probably don't even know that their election is
[07:25:23] coming up.
[07:25:25] They're just, they're too predisposed with WALK ruining video games, which is a direct
[07:25:33] rehash of like, the Gamergate stuff that used to happen way back in the day.
[07:25:38] DEI!
[07:25:39] Put it away, Steven.
[07:25:41] Yeah.
[07:25:42] Pronouns, DEI, WALK, that kind of stuff.
[07:25:47] Chess stop asking March to do emotes that I will not be saying.
[07:25:52] So, where's college or do you every day?
[07:25:58] I'm waiting for your answer, bro.
[07:26:00] Am I going to say no?
[07:26:01] No.
[07:26:02] It depends on...
[07:26:03] If we travel then yes.
[07:26:04] It's like the podcast weekly.
[07:26:07] Yeah.
[07:26:08] And then if we travel every day.
[07:26:10] Yeah.
[07:26:11] He hates it.
[07:26:12] No, I love it.
[07:26:14] Yeah.
[07:26:15] I whip him regularly.
[07:26:19] That's fine.
[07:26:21] Yeah, easy.
[07:26:26] I feel like the basketball game has improved over the last
[07:26:29] long time, so.
[07:26:31] Wow, you are.
[07:26:31] I think you should talk to Adrian.
[07:26:34] Yeah.
[07:26:36] Yeah, I'm getting better every day.
[07:26:38] I can dunk now, which is good.
[07:26:41] I got to get even better, honestly.
[07:26:44] There is a lot.
[07:26:45] You're kind of buff to play basketball, right?
[07:26:50] I'm a little big.
[07:26:51] I'm definitely a little too big.
[07:26:53] I am six feet tall and I'm the shortest person in my family.
[07:26:56] So my brother and dad were both six-eighth
[07:26:59] and my dad went to college because he was six-foot-eighth.
[07:27:02] His dad had been a coal miner and they're very thin, right?
[07:27:06] They didn't ball or they had to have.
[07:27:08] My dad did.
[07:27:09] He wouldn't have gone to college if he didn't play basketball.
[07:27:13] Yeah.
[07:27:14] He would have set up.
[07:27:15] That's a ways.
[07:27:16] If you're six-eighth, you know, it's just a waste of height
[07:27:20] right there. Yeah, it's like Wendy. She's eating good now, though. Um, okay. Like
[07:27:40] Baron Trump exactly chat. He's Slovenian too. It's such a waste. He's gonna he's
[07:27:49] going to NYU. He's gonna be a lib. He's gonna be a lib by his like second
[07:27:53] year he's gonna he's gonna fall in love with a with a
[07:27:58] vampire with a septum ring and come out of that process like
[07:28:03] reading Kurt Vonnegut or whatever he's gonna get woke. It's the
[07:28:15] wokest people I know have Kurt Vonnegut tattoos like low-lover ruled. Yeah he's
[07:28:27] going to be bisexual? I don't know.
[07:28:36] If you walk into the state of, if you start in 20, then probably going, yeah, I mean,
[07:28:42] start in the next five or ten going up there instead, you know.
[07:28:45] They opened doors about seven minutes ago, so the students will be filing it now.
[07:28:51] So you either wait for them all to come in and then you go after, or you go now
[07:28:56] and you need extra service.
[07:28:58] I'm just trying to decrease the amount of downtime where the camera is posted over there,
[07:29:01] there and like there's like no screen run. Did you figure out how we're gonna do
[07:29:08] the audio? Okay.
[07:29:16] That sounds crazy. I know. I know. I don't know how that's gonna work but
[07:29:31] This is like, I mean, this is where the media...
[07:29:35] I messed you from the chat room.
[07:29:37] This might have more memorable than anybody needs to be.
[07:29:39] Are you sure?
[07:29:40] No, I'm just like...
[07:29:42] Okay.
[07:29:43] Yeah.
[07:29:44] So yeah, we have to...
[07:29:46] So chat for the warning, there might be some stuff audio at some point.
[07:29:51] Good!
[07:29:52] Are you so worried, bro?
[07:29:53] I don't know why I'm so worried.
[07:29:54] I don't know.
[07:29:55] They're used to it.
[07:29:56] Yeah, we've got some of them.
[07:29:57] It'll be good.
[07:29:58] It'll be good.
[07:29:59] It'll be good.
[07:30:00] Have you ever seen a powering in a can?
[07:30:03] No.
[07:30:04] That is wild.
[07:30:05] Chat deserves less march.
[07:30:07] That one's fairer Twitter.
[07:30:09] So the vibe is never seen in a can.
[07:30:15] Oh, it's the white monster energy.
[07:30:17] That's the boomer drink of choice.
[07:30:19] That's what I drink all the time.
[07:30:30] So energy drink just means it's full of caffeine?
[07:30:34] Yes.
[07:30:35] Okay, I chose a walkout song. Can it be a can it be a YouTube song? It's not on Spotify
[07:30:53] No, no, no, it's it's not it's gonna be
[07:31:01] Thank You USA
[07:31:04] Which is from
[07:31:06] hold on let me see if I can find it no no thank you USA you are my best friend
[07:31:17] by Armand Miftari and there's a music video too you can play that as well if
[07:31:22] you want to
[07:31:25] Were they shooting outside, tell me too, with the students?
[07:31:27] Yes.
[07:31:28] We'll do that.
[07:31:28] We'll do it over those pictures.
[07:31:30] Can they beam the music video to the main?
[07:31:34] To the projector?
[07:31:34] Yeah.
[07:31:35] Maybe.
[07:31:36] Is that possible?
[07:31:37] It's going to shoot outside.
[07:31:38] Just send me the link right now.
[07:31:39] I did.
[07:31:40] I'll put it up online.
[07:31:41] Working just, I think, other people.
[07:31:45] Or whoever it is.
[07:31:46] I think it was running production, right?
[07:31:48] I don't know if they'll be able to do a new song now,
[07:31:52] but we could ask them to do the dance now.
[07:31:55] I'm not coming out the Macklemore dude. I'm coming out to my goat Armin Niftari the Albanian legend
[07:32:17] This is a very pro NATO song
[07:32:20] Yeah
[07:32:21] It mentions Bill Clinton by name and and Tony Blair
[07:32:29] Don't worry. It's not problematic
[07:32:31] Okay. I just want to make sure.
[07:32:37] You can't just pick chapel.
[07:32:39] I mean, that's the expected one.
[07:32:49] So also something about like,
[07:32:51] are you somebody feeding you things from
[07:32:54] the chat that you didn't call out?
[07:32:56] You're just able to multi-pass.
[07:32:59] No, I'm locked in.
[07:33:02] Or he's scanning the chat.
[07:33:03] I'm the one scanning the chat.
[07:33:05] Yeah.
[07:33:06] we could just do that for eight hours a day?
[07:33:11] Yeah, it's not good.
[07:33:13] You're getting fried.
[07:33:15] I do get fried by the end of it for sure.
[07:33:18] It's just when we were in Zoomland,
[07:33:20] and I was chairing my department when that happened,
[07:33:23] we'd be in Zoom eight or ten hours a day,
[07:33:26] and I just wanted to lay on the floor after that.
[07:33:29] It was like focusing on the screen that much is intense.
[07:33:37] So you can keep up with the chats when they're scrolling bomb
[07:33:44] at like a thousand miles an hour.
[07:33:48] Because they go fast.
[07:33:50] You can scroll through and kind of pause it, basically.
[07:33:53] OK, I told David to ask for Feminauminaumine,
[07:33:56] but shovel wrong.
[07:33:57] I feel like that's more apt.
[07:33:59] That's what I used when I was about to do that.
[07:34:01] Yeah.
[07:34:03] What's up?
[07:34:04] I used that on my post about Feminaumine.
[07:34:05] Oh, hell yeah.
[07:34:07] I think that's the, that's the, that's the move. That's my, that's what my chat wants to do as well.
[07:34:14] Damn, there's a hell of people in here going, no, fail, but way more people saying, let's go.
[07:34:23] Oh wow.
[07:34:36] Chat, don't, don't listen. I, I still am firmly committed to, uh, Albania. Okay.
[07:34:43] Make no mistake. Are you pulling it? I don't see it on my mobile.
[07:34:52] So I'm also going to write an academic article about you.
[07:34:56] I already wrote a little bit about you for a book that's coming out in the spring.
[07:35:00] So if I sent questions to David, would you answer something?
[07:35:04] Yeah.
[07:35:06] You'll become, you know, standard in curriculum all over the country.
[07:35:13] I think there was someone who did a dissertation on politics and streaming.
[07:35:24] There's been a couple at this point.
[07:35:26] Which is?
[07:35:27] I work with who's a PhD student at Simon Frazier
[07:35:31] in Vancouver, wrote a lot about the far right
[07:35:35] hemisphere, but he also writes about the counter.
[07:35:37] And so he writes some about you too.
[07:35:40] So I mean, he's quite a bit popping up out there now.
[07:35:43] Yeah.
[07:35:44] I, um, it's been interesting just
[07:35:47] to see how students who are college age right now, who
[07:35:53] are probably a little bit below your core demo,
[07:35:56] respond to what you came in here like,
[07:36:01] able to speak to a gentleman who may be 13 or 14 in a way,
[07:36:05] as you kind of could communicate a browness
[07:36:08] that like some left political streamers can't.
[07:36:12] So you feel like a role model of some kind.
[07:36:19] Yeah, I mean it's just who I am organically.
[07:36:22] I think that's what it is.
[07:36:23] It's not like I'm not putting on the front, right?
[07:36:27] And I think that it just kind of happened to work that way.
[07:36:32] Like these are my genuine opinions
[07:36:33] and this is who I am.
[07:36:39] Which, you know, like I keep waiting for it
[07:36:41] to be revealed and that'll be true.
[07:36:43] Maybe you can see that I study celebrity
[07:36:46] and there's usually a pretty big gap
[07:36:48] between a persona and a real-life person, right?
[07:36:53] But I was so impressed with your mannerisms when they were kicking you out of the DNC.
[07:37:00] You were like incredibly, um, gracious, right?
[07:37:04] Well, I mean, I was...
[07:37:05] Your mama reached you well.
[07:37:07] Well, for sure.
[07:37:08] I think she definitely did.
[07:37:10] But also, I think that, uh, it was because I was like, I was already excited at the opportunity.
[07:37:16] Like, I don't take it for granted.
[07:37:18] You know what I mean?
[07:37:19] like I don't have a sense of entitlement about it where like I know what I present
[07:37:26] and I know what like value I bring but so I know you know I know the value that I
[07:37:32] presented it but I that doesn't mean that like I'm expecting other people to be
[07:37:37] aware of it so I I basically took every moment that they gave me at the DNC as
[07:37:44] like a benefit is a positive, you know? We had already, we were, what are you playing
[07:37:49] right now? We were already setting up as like, I basically had a set up at the hotel room
[07:37:58] knowing full well that like, I was not even going to have a space to stream out of inside
[07:38:03] of the DNC. So I was super stoked at the opportunity to begin with. So I even when
[07:38:09] that was taken away, it didn't change that dynamic for me at all. I was still like
[07:38:13] Very excited
[07:38:19] No, no
[07:38:21] Yeah, I mean, it's you know, I'm I'm lugging I'm lugging my remote set up around myself. So it's not like
[07:38:43] But I think as far as me not being different from the way I present myself on camera is
[07:38:49] that with Twitch streaming in particular, it's virtually impossible to present a false
[07:38:54] front because you're literally live for eight to ten hours a day.
[07:39:00] Is it true a lot about streamers?
[07:39:05] I think if you're not limiting your interactions, maybe it might be a little different if
[07:39:13] if you're like playing a video game or something.
[07:39:15] But like the way I talk about real news and world events
[07:39:23] and also beyond that,
[07:39:24] I'm constantly engaging with people in the chat.
[07:39:26] Like I don't think I'd be able to present myself
[07:39:29] as like a different person than who I am.
[07:39:32] I don't think anyone is that good at acting in general.
[07:39:36] But yeah, there is definitely a level of like authenticity
[07:39:40] that the platform automatically provides
[07:39:42] by the very nature of the medium.
[07:39:45] Which you think in particular?
[07:39:46] Yeah, just like live streaming in particular for sure.
[07:39:48] I spent a lot of time looking at the far right,
[07:39:54] men in the far right online, because that's
[07:39:57] how the lab work on students now where that came out of.
[07:40:02] And they feel completely artificial to me,
[07:40:06] like there's the intertates and even Jordan people.
[07:40:10] But Andrew Tate doesn't do like eight hours of live streaming.
[07:40:13] He's very limited in his like the way that he presents itself to the outside world is like very manicured.
[07:40:21] There is no, like he will do a guest slot every now and then on someone else's live stream.
[07:40:27] Or I think he has his own live streams as well, but those are like an hour long.
[07:40:32] They're responding to questions that they're fielding from their audience.
[07:40:37] And I think you have the capacity to present yourself a certain way and, you know, leave a lot of the other aspects of your life a secret if you choose to do so.
[07:40:50] I've thought about this a lot, like, because I used to always wonder, like, why is it that, like, certain YouTubers even, for example, get like a lot of praise?
[07:41:05] whereas even if they haven't really done much in any direction in terms of
[07:41:09] political activism, but like people are hyper critical of everything I do. And it
[07:41:15] was definitely, it sounds really like envious, but in some ways it was. And I
[07:41:22] think it's because like if you are not exposing yourself in all of your, you
[07:41:29] know, even your worst moments, emotional moments, angry moments, depressed
[07:41:33] moments every single day for 8 to 10 hours, you can create the best version of yourself
[07:41:43] for your audience, even in avenues, or even in mediums like YouTube that are significantly
[07:41:49] more personable than celebrities.
[07:41:51] I think celebrities, real celebrities, not influencers, I think they are, that's
[07:42:00] like the final stage of that.
[07:42:02] people, they drip feed especially with like K-pop idols, like they drip feed personal,
[07:42:11] like they drip feed their personalities, but I think every single thing is like calculated,
[07:42:18] specifically to invoke this like parasocial dynamic.
[07:42:22] And they are able to present themselves with deities almost because every step that
[07:42:26] they take is completely manicured.
[07:42:30] And if something is out of step or out of line with the persona or the character that
[07:42:35] they've cultivated, they have millions of dollars of PR working against that, whether it be
[07:42:42] to silence negative articles or whether it be to flood the market with positive PR immediately
[07:42:49] after something comes out about them.
[07:42:52] Whereas I don't think Twitch streamers have that or YouTubers have that.
[07:42:56] But push-trumors definitely are in the lowest rung of entertainment in that capacity where
[07:43:03] you just, you can't not be yourself.
[07:43:06] I mean one of the things I'll probably want to talk to you about in this stage is a little
[07:43:11] bit of something I heard you say about how you consider yourself to be in a kind of a
[07:43:17] reverse parasocial relationship and I found that super intriguing so I'll probably ask
[07:43:22] you about that.
[07:43:23] Yeah I can talk about that.
[07:43:24] a little bit because I thought that actually explained in some ways things
[07:43:30] that feel a little bit different about you maybe because of your ubiquity is
[07:43:34] you're so much online then some of the other streaming personalities that you
[07:43:39] know I've spent some time looking at it. Yeah. So you would be alone for a little few minutes before?
[07:43:49] So I got a pee real quick
[07:43:59] You know I'm taking this off dude come on we've made this
[07:44:03] Yeah, you can take them
[07:44:05] Yeah, you can take them and get ready and
[07:44:08] Then they can also prep at the top of the hour for a three minute outbreak to come
[07:44:13] especially because
[07:44:16] Okay, perfect
[07:44:18] If you no longer want to see those ads yet all you need to do is subscribe what you could do for
[07:44:23] $4 or for free with a twitch prime. Here's the three-man handbrake now
[07:44:32] Okay, Chad here's what's happening. I am setting you up on a tripod so you can look at the stage
[07:44:40] We have not tested the tech or the audio
[07:44:43] They are gonna supposedly pump the audio into the camera for the microphones. I'm gonna walk out
[07:44:48] That's cool.
[07:44:50] I need to get to...
[07:44:52] Oh, you get to the other side?
[07:44:54] Yeah.
[07:44:56] Can I go around?
[07:45:00] Sure, yeah.
[07:45:02] I'm just trying to get to where the trap is.
[07:45:04] Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, let me take you.
[07:45:06] Okay.
[07:45:08] Anyway, what was I saying?
[07:45:10] Okay, so there's a chance, though, when we swap the audio over to there, like, front-of-the-house audio,
[07:45:14] it ruins everything and it destroys your ears.
[07:45:18] So this is me warning you, okay?
[07:45:20] This is me giving you a heads up, headphone users.
[07:45:23] You know, maybe everything will go well
[07:45:24] and we'll plug in and everything will be sick.
[07:45:26] But maybe everything will fucking break.
[07:45:30] And it won't work.
[07:45:33] And there's a lot of people here.
[07:45:39] Oh, that's crazy.
[07:45:41] Anyway, so if that does happen
[07:45:44] and the audio is super scuffed,
[07:45:45] we'll switch back to these microphones, okay?
[07:45:47] Okay, so be patient with me, chat.
[07:45:50] It's time.
[07:46:09] Two seconds, really just prop this up real quick.
[07:46:40] Hey, we're into the microphone change over now.
[07:46:42] Yes, hi, sorry, give me one sec.
[07:46:44] Yes, I do remember you, yes.
[07:46:56] I can't see, are we right there?
[07:47:01] I'm monitoring, I don't hear anything.
[07:47:05] I mean, I don't hear anything bad.
[07:47:07] Oh good, just a quick check what the chat says.
[07:47:18] So, is there anybody who can test it, like a microphone?
[07:47:31] So we can make sure we've got it.
[07:47:36] Okay, chat him back. Also, I just realized the microphone wasn't plugged in when I was
[07:53:54] speaking to you guys earlier, so there's probably a clip of me talking at you guys with no audio
[07:53:57] and that's really fucking embarrassing. So that's my bad. Anyway, we're back. We also
[07:54:04] apparently are pushing this plus on back 15 minutes. I'll take you back to the green room
[07:54:08] because we're not going to have you see a staring at a station for 15 minutes.
[07:54:11] And also, I think that the viewing might be live, so hopefully they're not saying anything.
[07:54:18] Anyway, backstage we go to chat.
[07:54:20] Oh, they can hear us from the chat.
[07:54:23] I think we can hear us.
[07:54:25] Yeah, it's a little cooked, okay? We do it live.
[07:54:27] It's pretty good. It works all the way out here.
[07:54:28] It's a bit cooked.
[07:54:30] Be nice.
[07:54:32] It's out there, but I told Marcia to bring it back in here because we're going to, it's going to take a while.
[07:54:37] It's gonna be longer than expected right now.
[07:54:39] The plane tower is gonna be no damn funny.
[07:54:44] Yeah.
[07:54:45] All right, Hassan, you're live. Also, I think it was beachy.
[07:54:48] Yeah, which is crazy.
[07:54:51] Okay, all right, yeah.
[07:54:53] All right, we're back.
[07:55:00] That's like one aspect of living in California that actually puts my mind at ease, you know?
[07:55:05] you know, because there is like pretty good gun control out here.
[07:55:10] Pretty solid gun control.
[07:55:12] Yeah.
[07:55:13] I've been to Louisiana, so.
[07:55:14] Oh, wow.
[07:55:15] Our dudes just walk around with their machine guns.
[07:55:18] That's not great.
[07:55:20] Well, I have not lived there a long time.
[07:55:22] Yeah.
[07:55:24] Plus we got Bill.
[07:55:25] I don't know where he is, but he's in the crowd somewhere.
[07:55:28] Mike, USC gave me security.
[07:55:31] Oh, here.
[07:55:32] My USC security, Bill.
[07:55:35] Yeah, there are three of them out there now.
[07:55:37] We only had one planned, but after the emails,
[07:55:41] we went back to three.
[07:55:43] Yeah.
[07:55:44] And they all just, look at this,
[07:55:47] I guess this could go out of the chat.
[07:55:48] None of them like me, but I don't think they'll let anybody
[07:55:52] hurt you because of that.
[07:55:53] I hope so.
[07:55:54] Yeah, I hope not.
[07:55:56] Yeah, I hope not.
[07:55:57] We did write a lot of letters this summer
[07:55:59] trying to get rid of the head of security, but.
[07:56:05] Well, I wasn't worried until that.
[07:56:07] Oh, yeah, no.
[07:56:10] Listen, yo, tell them to speed up this line out here.
[07:56:15] Oh, one hand politics.
[07:56:16] Mason is in the building.
[07:56:19] Well, it sounds like he's outside the building.
[07:56:21] Yeah.
[07:56:22] Mason is a chatter that actively
[07:56:25] goes on Jubilee videos and ducks on conservatives.
[07:56:30] A young woman who was on part of the Jubilee
[07:56:33] that you featured in your show, Neema, who was with...
[07:56:38] Who was she with? She was with Charlie.
[07:56:41] Oh, Charlie Carrot.
[07:56:43] And then you clicked it and reacted on your show.
[07:56:46] She's going to be there tonight.
[07:56:48] Everybody cooked, Charlie. Pretty hard.
[07:56:51] I appreciated it. I thought they did a good job.
[07:56:54] She was the one who...
[07:56:55] She had one here and I thought,
[07:56:56] what does the face mean, a little person?
[07:56:58] And you did that with a smile?
[07:56:59] Oh, God.
[07:57:00] Oh, my God.
[07:57:01] That was so creepy.
[07:57:03] That was like, wait, someone called him
[07:57:06] gumzilla or something.
[07:57:08] I forget what it was.
[07:57:09] It was incredible.
[07:57:14] Damn, you can hear helicopters out there.
[07:57:16] Is that human?
[07:57:17] Security, yeah, the security guy better be on point now.
[07:57:22] I mean, we don't usually do magic checks.
[07:57:25] Magic checks is not such a good thing.
[07:57:26] The visions and voices staff has a lot of practice
[07:57:29] out of this. Most people who bring to campus don't produce 27,000 playtest.
[07:57:36] That's crazy. That controversial, I didn't realize it was like that.
[07:57:39] I think it had to be bots, right? Like the first day there were a few hundred and then
[07:57:44] all of a sudden it just went to sell. Yeah, it's probably botted.
[07:57:47] And then all of a sudden you basically email, right?
[07:57:50] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[07:57:51] I don't know where to go.
[07:57:53] Why say that? No, I just, yeah, I think it was a Zionist don't bring this anti-Semite
[07:58:01] to college campus campaign that they were doing.
[07:58:04] They were mostly all about the number of somebody you had on your stream to...
[07:58:11] Oh, the dude that they say is a Houthi terrorist.
[07:58:14] Yes.
[07:58:15] Yeah.
[07:58:16] He was a 19-year-old Yemeni teenager who only knew genocide as his life.
[07:58:23] That guy.
[07:58:24] And it's great to point out that you've been banned from Twitch twice for your famous America
[07:58:32] statement.
[07:58:33] My racial slurs.
[07:58:34] They did not mention that the slur was like a slur.
[07:58:40] For saying cracker, that's so funny that they're just like...
[07:58:45] Yeah, it's um, yeah, it's I mean people will do whatever they can, you know, it is what it is
[07:59:00] They never have this kind of energy for Ben Shapiro or like Milo Annapolis, which is crazy
[07:59:08] That's true
[07:59:15] I would prefer him not to be here, but I'm happy to be here.
[07:59:20] I don't consider myself on the same playing field at all, I don't think.
[07:59:26] I don't constitute any real harm to any group, regardless of their world view,
[07:59:33] I think in the same vein as the likes of, I would say, Milo and Avalos certainly do.
[07:59:39] You're not racist.
[07:59:40] Yeah.
[07:59:42] Apparently, not according to the letter campaign.
[07:59:45] Again, racism against whites.
[07:59:50] The statement you make sometimes that you're
[07:59:58] kind to people, but ruthless to institutions.
[08:00:01] So yeah, that's not mine.
[08:00:03] That's actually Michael Jermoll Brooks, who passed away.
[08:00:06] He was a brilliant writer and a political commentator.
[08:00:09] He was on the majority report alongside Sam Cedar
[08:00:12] back in the day, a good friend of mine.
[08:00:14] He always used to say that.
[08:00:16] be kind to people, be ruthless to systems.
[08:00:20] And that is something that I genuinely believe
[08:00:23] and try to apply every day in my life.
[08:00:30] And the way that accumulates across your stream,
[08:00:36] it's a little bit too hard on people in the chat
[08:00:39] but not deserve it with said, you know.
[08:00:43] I have a policy of matching people's energy usually,
[08:00:46] But beyond that, no matter what happens,
[08:00:51] I try to examine exactly where that chatter is coming from
[08:00:54] in terms of their, how do they arrive at this position?
[08:00:57] Or one thing that has been happening very consistently
[08:01:02] in the past couple of weeks since the Israeli pager
[08:01:06] bombing terror attack on the Lebanese civilian population
[08:01:12] broadly.
[08:01:14] Yeah, it was crazy.
[08:01:16] And you have the former CIA director Leon Panetta agreeing
[08:01:20] with someone like myself that's unheard of, right?
[08:01:23] And every single person that deals with international
[08:01:28] humanitarian rights and laws was like, this is a war crime.
[08:01:32] This is an act of terror.
[08:01:35] But people will very quickly, as a way to cut across,
[08:01:40] and just be like, I hope you also
[08:01:43] experienced this similar violence will say like, oh, your pager is beeping, right?
[08:01:47] It's a very sinister, but like an easy to drop kind of line that works to actively
[08:01:54] dehumanize you and to say that like you are an enemy combatant and wish death upon
[08:01:59] you without saying it outright.
[08:02:02] And I've been thinking about that quite a bit.
[08:02:06] And it's something that I've thought about a lot with when the first like
[08:02:10] Operation Prosperity Guardian campaign
[08:02:12] was launched against Yemeni positions
[08:02:14] because they decided to put a blockade on the Red Sea
[08:02:18] until Israel's genocide stopped.
[08:02:22] And it was a multi-billion dollar initiative.
[08:02:25] All these nations were involved in it.
[08:02:27] And I remember so many people championing that
[08:02:29] and being like, the Houthis are going to learn today
[08:02:32] why we don't have health care.
[08:02:33] And I remember thinking like, dude,
[08:02:36] you don't have health care.
[08:02:39] Why is that an own?
[08:02:40] Like, oh, wow, we're going to kill a bunch of brown children
[08:02:44] overseas, sick.
[08:02:45] Like, how is that in any way, shape, or form
[08:02:49] a decent trade-off for you?
[08:02:52] And I think it's, again, it stems
[08:02:54] from a place of powerlessness.
[08:02:56] It stems from a place of not feeling
[08:02:58] like your life is going to get any better
[08:03:03] and recognizing the underlying material harm
[08:03:08] that you're subjected to, and it just weighs on you,
[08:03:11] and you become more spiteful, more vindictive,
[08:03:14] and you try to basically make up your mind
[08:03:19] or basically believe that this has to be worth it
[08:03:22] for some reason, right?
[08:03:25] And I think that's what it is.
[08:03:27] It's like, they have to believe.
[08:03:29] They have to be firmly committed
[08:03:30] to American imperialism, and that our enemy's like,
[08:03:33] we're destroying people somewhere.
[08:03:35] It's gotta be worth it for something, right?
[08:03:37] So they just hold on to that cruelty
[08:03:39] and I think they spread that.
[08:03:41] But ultimately it's just the hurt that they feel every day
[08:03:46] that is causing them to be this spiteful vindictive person.
[08:03:50] So sometimes I will cut across a chatter in that regard,
[08:03:54] trying to examine where they're coming from,
[08:03:56] trying to understand the underlying animosity,
[08:03:58] like what causes this level of friction?
[08:04:02] What causes someone to behave like this?
[08:04:05] And I think you behave differently with those folks in the chat than what you're on the
[08:04:15] panel and arguing with right wing dudes, you know, who you should or different energies
[08:04:22] to see their text with you again.
[08:04:30] Let me be now online until I do go down.
[08:04:35] Well, it's 7.15 now.
[08:04:37] Okay.
[08:04:38] Do you think we're going to push to 7.30?
[08:04:40] I know, but we text David, we need to get the show on the road.
[08:04:49] Sorry, past your bedtime, bro.
[08:04:51] Yeah.
[08:04:54] What's that?
[08:04:55] My grandparents are watching this game.
[08:04:57] Oh, they are? Let's see.
[08:04:59] Damn, that's crazy.
[08:05:01] I don't know who to pick it up.
[08:05:03] That's not even the oldest viewers I have, probably.
[08:05:07] I'm afraid to even ask, but how old were your grandparents?
[08:05:12] 75. Okay.
[08:05:17] Chad remember we have guests in the community behave, okay?
[08:05:22] Asking March to do emotes.
[08:05:24] I can do that.
[08:05:27] 720?
[08:05:28] Okay. By the way, would any of you guys by any chance have an extra FX3 battery line read?
[08:05:34] Just that I can borrow. Oh, this one's still good, but just in case this dies on me. Wait, is it eating away?
[08:05:41] I think this charger is better pack state to plead for just one in the chart in the charge
[08:05:46] Oh perfect. I will get this back to you. It doesn't it doesn't work with the road
[08:05:51] I think like it doesn't when the road caster is all sorry not not the road
[08:05:55] But the road mics are also connected to it. It draws too much
[08:06:00] I'm just gonna pop it in now
[08:06:03] So camera might go dark. Do you want to tell them chat camera might go dark for a second March is actually swapping out the battery
[08:06:11] Okay.
[08:06:12] Okay.
[08:06:12] I actually need minutes.
[08:06:35] And then we'll have in center stage,
[08:06:40] I'll go out to write to the podium.
[08:06:42] You can come out and there's handheld mics
[08:06:47] on the chair so you can pick up one of those.
[08:06:49] Okay.
[08:06:50] Or you go to the podium and there's a podium mic,
[08:06:52] but you have to stay pretty close to it.
[08:06:54] You got it.
[08:06:55] You can sit in my car.
[08:06:56] Thank you.
[08:06:56] See you all later.
[08:06:58] Yeah.
[08:07:00] Also, when you walk out,
[08:07:02] Sit if you're facing out of the ground sit in the right chair
[08:07:06] Yeah, yeah, because we're shooting from the left side. Oh, okay
[08:07:10] Yeah, okay, is that fun?
[08:07:13] Okay, the right chair facing out if you're facing yeah, yeah, and then I'll just be listening and when you feel like
[08:07:25] Your model is done. Yeah
[08:07:30] Okay
[08:07:33] I'm going to go set up then, yeah.
[08:07:36] All of them almost, when he goes up all the time,
[08:07:38] you have to come back there, actually.
[08:07:41] The 66ers, I'm sorry.
[08:07:42] I'm going to hold on to this.
[08:07:44] Or I should be doing this.
[08:07:47] You've got to hand it to them.
[08:07:49] I mean, you can bring it up to me if you want on stage.
[08:07:52] I can run up.
[08:07:53] Yeah, I guess so.
[08:07:54] Let me just grab it.
[08:07:55] Is the hand mic going to pick you back up from this one?
[08:07:57] No, it'll be fine.
[08:08:02] I'll be wondering.
[08:08:04] Zoom in for us, Marge.
[08:08:05] It's going to be hard to zoom in all the way.
[08:08:07] It's going to be probably.
[08:08:09] It's a little wide.
[08:08:10] Yeah.
[08:08:11] I'm going to get this close to the hand.
[08:08:15] I'm OK for now.
[08:08:18] I think it'll be all right.
[08:08:20] Other bottles sitting around.
[08:08:21] Some more.
[08:08:22] It should be.
[08:08:22] I'm going to get it.
[08:08:24] I'm taking this on.
[08:08:27] Say goodbye.
[08:08:28] All right, bye, Chad.
[08:08:29] See you on the other side.
[08:08:30] They'll probably be here.
[08:08:32] Yeah, we'll film the meet and greet, too.
[08:08:40] It still picks up your audio, by the way,
[08:08:42] just so you know.
[08:08:43] So if we're going to say some mean words, it's crazy.
[08:08:50] It literally picks up the audio.
[08:08:52] You're going to see it on stage at the second half, right?
[08:08:55] Absolutely.
[08:08:56] We'll talk in 15 minutes.
[08:08:58] OK.
[08:08:58] It's very opposite of the party.
[08:08:59] It's very opposite of the party.
[08:09:01] Oh.
[08:09:02] That's crazy.
[08:09:04] Oh, wow.
[08:09:04] I just saw the crowd.
[08:09:06] That looks massive.
[08:09:12] That's actually a great question.
[08:09:13] Are we just going off the queue, you say?
[08:09:18] Who's telling us when to go out?
[08:09:21] You know what? That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna figure out. I'll grab you, okay?
[08:09:27] Oh my god, I can hear it. Chat, I don't know if you can hear me.
[08:09:43] I'm gonna lie. Shit's scary.
[08:09:54] You'll come out right there.
[08:10:25] Is there trash down here?
[08:11:27] I'll go over there.
[08:11:29] I got to get some stretching, get loose, feeling good, get loose, and ready, yeah, I didn't
[08:12:16] have to walk out of the sun, and all the elbows, that's good.
[08:12:35] Oh
[08:13:18] Okay, maybe it's good that I didn't play the Cosimo song that I sure recently
[08:13:35] Mmm, one of my very close friends is Serbian in Australia.
[08:13:40] Just a lot of us.
[08:13:41] Yeah.
[08:13:50] If you could get a new map when you're out there, it's all up to you.
[08:13:57] We have to put all the words on the pitch, and then follow them all to school.
[08:14:10] Okay.
[08:14:11] Nice to meet you.
[08:14:48] Okay.
[08:15:25] Insane.
[08:15:26] What's up everybody?
[08:15:27] Everyone's having a fantastic evening, afternoon, pre-noon, no matter where you guys are
[08:15:38] in the world. I'm doing another intro at this point. I'm a song piker, also known as Hassanabi.
[08:15:44] I feel like a lot of you guys know who I am. So that's good. All right. This is, I mean,
[08:15:52] this is nuts. I did not expect this many people to show up to an event. When I was
[08:15:58] approached originally, I thought it was going to be like, I'm just going to sit down.
[08:16:03] You know, there's going to be like maybe like a little college lecture or something
[08:16:06] like that, maybe six to ten people. I didn't realize there was hundreds of you. That's a
[08:16:11] little terrifying. Especially considering that the last time I had done a college campus
[08:16:19] endeavor like this, like a speaking gig, it was at the Young Turks in 2016. The Young
[08:16:27] Turks for the younger people in the audience is kind of like what I do, but for now older
[08:16:32] people that are still online and at the time I had no media training I could not
[08:16:42] even talk coherently for an extended period of time I was just a mess right
[08:16:49] and so they of course sent me out to warm up the crowd at University of
[08:16:54] Michigan Ann Arbor and okay people clapping for Michigan all right and
[08:17:01] And basically I came out to an audience kind of like this in this massive auditorium
[08:17:07] And I just I just stood there, and I was like
[08:17:11] Nothing I just blanked out because I was going to freestyle and basically warm up the crowd for my uncle's media organization
[08:17:22] I am a Nepo baby, but this is USC. This is I feel like I'm in good territory with Nepo babies
[08:17:33] This is, you know, I don't even know, sorry.
[08:17:40] Listen, you gotta take what you can get
[08:17:43] in the today's job market, all right?
[08:17:44] I'm not gonna fault you for it.
[08:17:46] So I came outside in front of this audience
[08:17:49] that I just blanked out and it's crazy
[08:17:52] because today I realized that I was supposed
[08:17:55] to do a 10 minute monologue and I was like,
[08:17:57] shit, I have no idea.
[08:17:59] I did not prepare for this at all.
[08:18:02] But luckily, that was 2016.
[08:18:06] I had just started my media career.
[08:18:08] And many, many years later, I can't seem to shut the hell up.
[08:18:14] So I'm just going to yap a little bit until we get to the Q&A.
[08:18:19] And then we have some questions from you guys.
[08:18:21] But I'm very excited.
[08:18:22] So thank you, USC, for having me here.
[08:18:34] Yeah, apparently I'm a somewhat controversial figure.
[08:18:38] I did not know about this until this very moment when I came out and I found out that there
[08:18:46] was a massive letter writing campaign with 27,000 letters demanding that USC not let
[08:18:55] a controversial figure such as myself come and speak.
[08:18:59] And it's really funny because like in the letter they were like, he was banned for
[08:19:03] racial slurs.
[08:19:07] But they didn't put what racial slur I was banned for, which is pretty funny when you
[08:19:12] think about it, because you're like, this guy Hassan, he was banned for racial slurs.
[08:19:16] What is it?
[08:19:17] Oh, it's because I said cracker.
[08:19:19] That's right.
[08:19:22] So I apologize to all my fellow crackers out there.
[08:19:27] And this is hostile territory, very, very problematic guy.
[08:19:36] Well yeah, I'm here to talk to you guys hopefully about masculinity, positive influences of masculinity
[08:19:42] online.
[08:19:43] There's a lot of people obviously out there, especially guiding a lot of young men, I would
[08:19:49] say, online, leading them astray, and I try to actively de-radicalize people away from
[08:19:56] the alt-right.
[08:19:57] I'm sure there's some members in the community right now and some members in the audience
[08:20:00] even that may or may not have found themselves when they were younger, more vulnerable
[08:20:06] in a place in their lives where they felt like,
[08:20:09] you know, maybe they just started watching
[08:20:11] some YouTube videos and then you watch a Markiplier video,
[08:20:14] then a Joe Rogan video comes up,
[08:20:16] and then all of a sudden you're like listening
[08:20:19] to Jordan Peterson talk about how, you know,
[08:20:23] the dragons are coming and
[08:20:25] trans people are the reason why, you know,
[08:20:30] I don't know, climate change is happening,
[08:20:32] but it's also fake.
[08:20:34] I don't know what he talks about, he's insane.
[08:20:36] But basically, I try to lead people away from that
[08:20:40] and find a more positive version of themselves.
[08:20:43] And I think that it's very important.
[08:20:46] We're all on our own journey of self-improvement.
[08:20:49] And I certainly am as well.
[08:20:52] I am not a perfect individual.
[08:20:53] I have many issues, as I'm sure you guys are aware of.
[08:20:57] You know, I like room temperature Gatorade.
[08:21:01] I sometimes fart on planes, I apologize for that guys, people think that that's one of
[08:21:08] my more controversial positions apparently.
[08:21:12] They didn't mention that in the letter writing campaign, which is weird.
[08:21:17] But yeah, I wanted to come here and speak to you guys and hopefully we can have a productive
[08:21:25] conversation and I am genuinely in awe that so many people showed up.
[08:21:30] is crazy. I never thought that this would happen. So thank you so much once again for being here.
[08:21:36] And I think we can get started. I don't know if that monologue was 10 minutes long. I can keep
[08:21:43] going if need be, I guess. Or maybe we'll start. I don't know. I hear some footsteps back there.
[08:21:51] I also popped open the curtain. Well, they popped open the curtain and I just almost walked out.
[08:21:55] is the amateur hour here you know hopefully I don't really do these oh
[08:22:00] there you are hi okay thank you Mars
[08:22:19] it's a testament to how much I love my students that I'm willing to be on the
[08:22:30] twitch live stream that is like totally not my vibe right so we're gonna talk
[08:22:37] just a little bit, Hasan and I, about what he does, about his very astute
[08:22:44] political commentary, a little bit about masculinity, but then we'll open things up
[08:22:49] to the questions y'all have submitted. Anez, my really rock star of a media
[08:22:55] producer, will come out and share some of y'all's questions. So you still have
[08:23:00] plenty of time to get those in there if you want to. So we talked a little
[08:23:05] bit backstage about your transition into Twitch from the Young Turks but can you
[08:23:11] talk a little bit about why Twitch felt to you like the media platform that was
[08:23:17] right for you? Yeah absolutely so when I was at the Young Turks I had a little
[08:23:23] journey from doing back office work and being responsible for sales and all of
[08:23:29] of our advertisement sales and operations,
[08:23:32] but I always had an aspiration
[08:23:34] for being in front of the camera,
[08:23:36] even though I sucked at it.
[08:23:38] Like I was so freaking bad at being on camera.
[08:23:43] I couldn't speak at all.
[08:23:45] So I realized like, what can I do?
[08:23:47] Well, I can write fairly decently.
[08:23:49] So I started my journey there
[08:23:52] by being like, I will do this work for free.
[08:23:54] I will script out my commentary
[08:23:57] that's not usual for the Young Turks.
[08:24:00] And I will do a teleprompter show
[08:24:03] that I call the breakdown.
[08:24:05] And that's where I began my journey,
[08:24:07] but the IP was owned by the Young Turks
[08:24:10] and they could do whatever they wanted with it.
[08:24:13] And I always felt like I wanted my own community.
[08:24:17] I wanted something that was my own while I was there.
[08:24:21] So I've always played video games.
[08:24:24] And well, I played a lot of video games until I was 18 when I came to America
[08:24:30] and then I lost my virginity and then I stopped playing video games for a little bit
[08:24:35] and then my virginity grew back but basically I already was playing a lot of
[08:24:44] and this is really cringe and embarrassing to me, I was playing a lot of fortnite
[08:24:47] And I was playing a lot of Fortnite with the buddies of mine that were at the time Noah
[08:24:54] Cullwin, who was the, at the time he was the senior editor of the Jewish Currents, and my
[08:24:59] other friend Felix Biedermann, who he's a podcast host, one of the co-hosts and founders
[08:25:04] of Choppo Trap House.
[08:25:06] So we would be playing Fortnite, and I was like, why don't I just strap a camera to
[08:25:12] my PlayStation and just, you know, film these conversations, like live stream these
[08:25:17] conversation that I'm having with these guys anyway. So basically that's how I
[08:25:20] started and there were a couple different reasons for why I started on Twitch.
[08:25:26] Number one I saw the gaming space and the culture surrounding gaming and I
[08:25:33] thought that all of the political commentary that surrounds the space
[08:25:38] was heavily influenced by right wing or far-right elements and I know for a
[08:25:45] fact from myself and from all the other people that I knew in this environment that like gamers
[08:25:50] were much more diverse than the neck bearded weirdos that you still see prop up everywhere.
[08:25:58] And I knew that there was definitely an environment where I could directly tackle the subject
[08:26:06] matter in a relatively hostile environment as a matter of fact.
[08:26:11] The other reason was because I wanted to present an alternative aesthetic almost to what it
[08:26:19] meant to be a progressive person, because I think in this era, in like the end of the
[08:26:24] Obama era especially, there was a lot of liberalism out there, and I think a lot of people
[08:26:33] were misguided into thinking that being progressive meant like making sure that
[08:26:40] your media diet was a certain way and it was a heavy emphasis on like cultural
[08:26:44] consumption and not necessarily anything material and basically I guess the
[08:26:50] short and sweet of it is I was like you can be a leftist and be fun like and
[08:26:54] half fun and I wanted to I wanted to show that and last but not least I
[08:26:59] guess perhaps the most important thing was that I was really bad off script so
[08:27:05] So I was like, I need to learn how to speak clearly for extended periods of time without
[08:27:10] interruption.
[08:27:12] And I thought this will be good training.
[08:27:14] I'll be able to entertain people and I'll force myself to entertain people over extended
[08:27:19] periods of time and I'll get better at basically speaking to a large audience such as this
[08:27:26] one.
[08:27:27] And now I can't seem to shut up, so I guess it worked.
[08:27:32] Well, we I mean one of the things I learned is we were getting ready for this event is that you have an incredibly
[08:27:39] generous and open IP policy where people could basically just like take your shit and do what they want with it
[08:27:45] We can curse
[08:27:50] Okay, good, I'll still try to limit it. I know your family's here
[08:27:56] But yes, you're right so I I grew up in Turkey and
[08:28:02] Oh, okay. Shout out to Turkey.
[08:28:05] So the thing is, we didn't really have a lot of access to IP in Turkey.
[08:28:14] It was like heavily limited video game specifically.
[08:28:17] So I played virtually every single video game that ever came out at the time,
[08:28:22] because I stole them. I pirated them.
[08:28:25] them. And it was almost, it's a streamlined process in developing nations or, you know,
[08:28:30] in second world nations, whatever you want to call it, where you can go to a brick and
[08:28:36] mortar storefront where they literally sell you pirated copies of movies and games. This
[08:28:43] is like fascinating, I think, for Americans in general, because like that doesn't really
[08:28:46] happen here, because as Gabe Newell once said, piracy is a service problem, and
[08:28:53] absolutely right about that were like if it's readily accessible and available for everyone
[08:28:57] here you probably aren't going to demand like any kind of black market introduction.
[08:29:04] But I think that was early on why I always saw the importance of being able to steal
[08:29:12] shit and didn't care much for IP because I would have ever been able to experience
[08:29:17] any of this stuff if it wasn't for that.
[08:29:21] And that is something that I've maintained throughout my entire career as well.
[08:29:25] So yeah, I allow people to upload my streams if they want to do so, as long as they're
[08:29:31] not nefariously using it for some ill-gotten, for some awful purpose, right?
[08:29:38] I have no problems with it.
[08:29:40] And it's built this robust network of content creators themselves that we like to call the
[08:29:48] Hassanab Eclipse Industrial Complex.
[08:29:53] And there are hundreds of channels at this point.
[08:29:58] There are a couple that are very successful, sometimes even more successful than my channel
[08:30:02] where I'm like, bro, chill, okay?
[08:30:05] You're getting a little ahead of yourself, okay?
[08:30:08] But when I was at the UCLA pro-Palestinian encampment, this is the sand that a USC is.
[08:30:27] But yeah, when I was there, a student approached me.
[08:30:30] I mean, many students approached me about how they started off and how they founded
[08:30:36] themselves at this encampment.
[08:30:38] But one student in particular came up to me and was like, I was able to pay my
[08:30:41] college tuition because of you, because you have given me the opportunity to just like
[08:30:46] restream your content and package it and upload it to YouTube and restream it on Twitch even
[08:30:51] and that way I was able to pay off a percentage of my tuition and that's precisely why I do
[08:30:56] that because I think there is entirely too much content over 8 to 10 hours that I can't
[08:31:02] like repackage and upload anyway and you know it's great if people can make money
[08:31:08] on that on their own end by editing it and putting it up, then great, I'm happy for you.
[08:31:13] And it's a really nice counterbalance to the fact that Bezos owns Twitch, right?
[08:31:18] And so it circulates content in a way free from that ecosystem that I appreciate.
[08:31:26] What do you think's changed about Twitch over the years that you've been there?
[08:31:30] I mean, I think it would be very hard just to break into it easily now, right?
[08:31:35] space is dominated by folks like you, but how has the platform changed as a place where
[08:31:43] you hang out every day? Do you find real differences?
[08:31:47] I think there was a, I would say, I mean, this is like super specific, is Twitch streaming,
[08:31:52] like as far as like community. Back in the day when we were all, I guess, quote unquote
[08:31:57] blowing up, the platform seemed more familiar. Like it was definitely not as professional
[08:32:03] And people were not considered like media entities
[08:32:06] in their own right.
[08:32:08] So there was a lot more cross-pollination.
[08:32:10] There was a lot more collaboration.
[08:32:12] And I think the production was like significantly more
[08:32:16] limited back then, too.
[08:32:17] I would just like basically live-stream myself
[08:32:20] with my phone, right?
[08:32:21] I'd be like, you know what?
[08:32:23] I'm going to go to the grocery store,
[08:32:25] and I'm going to live-stream that process.
[08:32:26] And I think people still do that to a certain degree now.
[08:32:29] Like back then it felt way more tight-knit almost,
[08:32:33] whereas now I do feel like every man is an island
[08:32:36] and that like every person is almost like a media entity.
[08:32:39] There's still a lot of collaboration,
[08:32:41] there's still a lot of friendships,
[08:32:42] but overall I think that aspect of it
[08:32:44] has become way more professional for sure.
[08:32:48] In terms of breaking into Twitch,
[08:32:50] I mean I think even back then it was very difficult
[08:32:52] because the platform is not conducive to blowing up
[08:32:57] and going viral. It's very top-heavy and I don't even know how to like solve that in
[08:33:05] general. I think Twitch tries pretty hard to fix that problem but overall you
[08:33:10] definitely do have to have, you have to network a lot and you definitely need to
[08:33:16] nowadays especially utilize TikTok like outside of Twitch and like try to create
[08:33:23] funneling mechanism to funnel your audience back into Twitch if you want to
[08:33:27] create an audience on Twitch. And there are some young content creators out
[08:33:31] there who have done a fantastic job with this. Kso is one of them, Jinxie is
[08:33:35] another one, Pirate Software specifically on YouTube was able to crack that code
[08:33:41] and and now they're some of the biggest content creators on the
[08:33:44] platform and they did that over a very short period of time by working very
[08:33:48] hard and ensuring that they were consistently using their platform outside of Twitch to funnel
[08:33:58] an audience into Twitch.
[08:34:00] I mean when we were backstage we were talking about your perception that what you're doing
[08:34:06] when you stream is just you, right?
[08:34:09] That you're not consciously creating a manicured persona that you present on stream
[08:34:15] as much as you stream, that would be hard to do, right?
[08:34:18] But do you feel like your kind of relationship to your chat
[08:34:24] is similar to other Twitch streamers,
[08:34:27] or are you operating in a different kind of space
[08:34:30] in some way?
[08:34:31] I think I probably yell at my chat way more
[08:34:33] than other streamers do.
[08:34:37] Yeah, I think I definitely interact with my chat way
[08:34:41] more frequently as a byproduct of the type of content that I make.
[08:34:46] I see this as like an interactive experience.
[08:34:49] I think the medium lends itself perfectly to that, obviously.
[08:34:52] But I do news and commentary, whereas most people
[08:34:57] are playing video games, or at least they're doing IRL content.
[08:35:00] And it's not usually that consistent back and forth
[08:35:04] with your chat, even though there is definitely
[08:35:06] a lot of back and forth communication
[08:35:09] because of the medium itself.
[08:35:10] I don't think most people do it to the same degree that I do it.
[08:35:15] But beyond that, I mean, it's also brain breaking for sure.
[08:35:18] I don't think that I would not suggest people do that, honestly.
[08:35:23] But I guess I'm just the right kind of insane to be able to do it.
[08:35:30] Beyond that, however, you asked earlier about a persona.
[08:35:35] I think it's impossible for me to create a persona and then keep it up
[08:35:39] for eight to 10 hours.
[08:35:41] I feel like if you were to do that,
[08:35:43] you would probably end up becoming that person
[08:35:45] at the end of the day.
[08:35:46] Because, I mean, it's impossible.
[08:35:49] There are gonna be emotional moments, sad moments.
[08:35:52] I mean, I'm getting up to pee, I'm eating food on camera,
[08:35:55] I'm doing everything over the course of eight hours.
[08:35:57] So I think that's a level of authenticity
[08:36:01] that maybe solidifies that bond
[08:36:05] between the community, the audience,
[08:36:07] and the content creator itself because, I mean, I don't know,
[08:36:12] maybe I'd be more parasoled by Jake Tapper if he was, you know,
[08:36:15] if I knew what he was eating for lunch every day.
[08:36:17] Probably not, but who knows.
[08:36:21] Well, I mean, you, in a recent online discussion,
[08:36:24] talked about that as for you,
[08:36:27] reverse parasocial relationship.
[08:36:30] Break that down for us, what you mean by that.
[08:36:32] Yeah.
[08:36:35] you're airing out my dirty laundry.
[08:36:37] This is inappropriate.
[08:36:39] That was supposed to be private.
[08:36:42] I mean, it was a lie.
[08:36:46] Yeah, I definitely know way too much
[08:36:49] about random chatters, for sure.
[08:36:52] Know where they're from, know their background,
[08:36:54] know what they've said at a certain date.
[08:36:57] And it just stays in my brain.
[08:36:58] And I feel like I'm losing formative memories.
[08:37:01] like when was, when or where or how was my first kids?
[08:37:05] I don't know, but I know that like, you know,
[08:37:07] there's a chatter called a Polynoir that lives
[08:37:10] in fucking Ohio and he's a gay black man.
[08:37:13] Why do I know that?
[08:37:14] I shouldn't know that, right?
[08:37:16] That's a real chatter, by the way.
[08:37:17] I didn't make that up.
[08:37:19] But he's probably watching right now.
[08:37:21] And I think that's what it is
[08:37:24] in terms of like reverse parasocial behavior.
[08:37:29] But especially was, like I saw streaming as like a, as like an escape during COVID, my
[08:37:38] dog died in the beginning of COVID.
[08:37:40] I was alone in this like one bedroom apartment, couldn't interact with the outside world,
[08:37:46] terrified of like what was going on, you know, as, as many of us were confused and
[08:37:52] scared.
[08:37:53] And I had also like left my job at the young church.
[08:37:57] So I was like, I have nothing else, like this is the only thing I have, I'm so fucked.
[08:38:03] So I started streaming for like 12 to 13 hours a day because I needed to keep myself occupied.
[08:38:10] I needed to keep my brain occupied.
[08:38:13] So I definitely leaned on my community as a place that I could hang out at every single
[08:38:18] day.
[08:38:20] And I still try to maintain it to the best of my ability to ensure that we are not
[08:38:27] hostile to people that are coming in who might not understand the culture or the means or
[08:38:33] anything like that and as long as they're on their own educational journey, as long as
[08:38:38] they're trying to better themselves, like you have a safe space in my community.
[08:38:43] I mean, I really love the way across, you know, I have to confess I've never watched
[08:38:48] you for 12 hours, but I'm interested in the way that you bring entertainment and
[08:38:55] news together, right? You've got a very intentional style that is hard core in
[08:39:02] terms of what you know about geopolitical history, how you understand, like, to
[08:39:08] break down, you know, what's happening in the election cycle, but you're also
[08:39:13] gaining and you're also casual, right? How do you understand and find the
[08:39:19] right balance for yourself between news and cultural commentary and having fun.
[08:39:27] Yeah I mean it's all fun for me because like I said I'm brainbroken so like I
[08:39:31] love I love politics I love discussing politics I love reading about it I love
[08:39:36] learning about it and that definitely is not normal I know that I'm sorry okay
[08:39:42] but but beyond that I see everything I do as a as another mechanism to like
[08:39:48] like put myself out there in front of an audience that is larger than mine or
[08:39:53] or different than mine and everything I do I try to I try to do because I need
[08:40:03] charitability when I'm describing certain topics especially topics from a
[08:40:08] perspective that most people are not initiated with whether I'm talking about
[08:40:12] socialism or whether I'm talking about like the other side of American
[08:40:16] Empire, the people that are on the people that are in the crosshairs of American bombs and American
[08:40:22] militarism, they often do not get a perspective, they often do not get a voice in American media
[08:40:28] and that is by design. Because if you were to start recognizing that like these children that
[08:40:33] are bomb and being bombed are you know real human beings and not simply collateral damage
[08:40:41] that is a necessary but unfortunate byproduct of like securing a military goal, all of a sudden I think more Americans will probably be on board with stopping all of that.
[08:40:54] So I try to give voice to the voiceless in that regard and speak for marginalized communities domestically and also foreign.
[08:41:05] And in order to be able to successfully do that,
[08:41:10] you're gonna need to unwind a lot of the things
[08:41:14] that people take for granted in terms of social conditioning
[08:41:16] and it requires a tremendous level of charitability
[08:41:19] and genuine interest, like intellectual interest
[08:41:22] in seeing things in a different way
[08:41:25] than you had not previously sought out,
[08:41:27] that you had not previously thought about.
[08:41:30] And for that purpose, I know that I have to do
[08:41:33] fun shit all the time.
[08:41:34] because if I don't do that then people only know me as like
[08:41:38] whatever they've seen that's like clipped out of context
[08:41:40] usually and that require, like if someone comes in
[08:41:44] to my chat, to my community with an inherently costal
[08:41:48] attitude that is not gonna be productive for them.
[08:41:51] They're not going to respond to the things I'm saying
[08:41:56] in a way where they're like hmm,
[08:41:58] I never thought about it like that.
[08:41:59] Like that's what I really value.
[08:42:02] So that's the reason why I do, you know, I game
[08:42:05] because I genuinely like playing video games
[08:42:08] and I do collaborations because I genuinely like people
[08:42:10] and hanging out with them.
[08:42:11] So I try to present myself in this dynamic way
[08:42:16] so that I'm not relegated to this neat little confine
[08:42:21] of what, you know, the least charitable person
[08:42:25] has like ordained me to be.
[08:42:28] I loved the interview you did in Wired Middle East,
[08:42:32] both for the fashion,
[08:42:33] because those photographs are pretty awesome,
[08:42:35] but also for the content, right?
[08:42:38] So you talked a little bit in that interview
[08:42:41] about how you view your relationship
[08:42:44] to the mainstream kind of corporate media, right?
[08:42:47] And I think your position is really complex and nuanced
[08:42:51] and not necessarily the position a lot of streamers might have
[08:42:55] where they just want to reject entirely mainstream journalism.
[08:42:59] So can you talk a little bit about how you thread that needle?
[08:43:03] Yeah.
[08:43:04] I would not be able to do what I do if it wasn't
[08:43:06] for real journalism, because I'm not.
[08:43:09] I don't have the network of thousands of people
[08:43:14] that are going out and actively covering what
[08:43:18] is going on in conflict zones and things of that nature.
[08:43:21] So like I need real journalism to exist
[08:43:25] so I can provide commentary over it.
[08:43:28] So I'm not ever going to immediately reject
[08:43:31] mainstream media sources ever.
[08:43:34] As a matter of fact, I rely on it heavily.
[08:43:36] And the way I see what I do is basically like holding
[08:43:40] your hand through the journey of understanding
[08:43:43] what a news article is saying or even choosing to omit.
[08:43:48] Because I think a lot of stuff not discussed
[08:43:52] gets lost in the bylines, basically,
[08:43:56] where something that everyone here probably is aware of
[08:44:01] is passive voice, when talking about whether Israel's
[08:44:06] atrocities or police presence on any given Sunday,
[08:44:11] basically a police shooting.
[08:44:14] They'll always use a specific term.
[08:44:16] They always use terminology that makes it seem as though a cop didn't shoot someone,
[08:44:23] but instead like someone, you know, bullets just materialized out of nowhere, right?
[08:44:27] Out of thin air.
[08:44:28] And same with bombs, right?
[08:44:29] It's like hospital got in the way of bombs.
[08:44:32] Who knows who blew it up.
[08:44:33] And, you know, I try to explain to people where certain biases may come from in terms
[08:44:44] of mainstream press, in terms of mainstream media, state media.
[08:44:49] One example I use is like Al Jazeera is a fantastic resource for international news specifically
[08:44:56] in the Middle East, but if you ask them about like domestic Qatar policies, like that's
[08:45:00] not going to be where you get your best news and information from because they're the
[08:45:04] state broadcast there.
[08:45:06] Same with the right wing bias that the BBC might have on certain issues, same with
[08:45:12] the New York Times.
[08:45:14] And so I still heavily rely on trusted, verified resources.
[08:45:21] And I guess a lot of my criticism comes,
[08:45:27] a lot of my criticism for people in the way
[08:45:29] that they look at the media is that they do not
[08:45:31] have enough media literacy.
[08:45:33] But beyond that, I wish that there
[08:45:36] was better reporting out there, usually,
[08:45:39] in terms of what kind of questions journalists
[08:45:42] asked to people in positions of power.
[08:45:43] Like adversarial reporting is no longer a thing.
[08:45:48] It's like a dying art.
[08:45:49] And Seymour Hersh is no longer getting any by-lines
[08:45:52] in the New York Times.
[08:45:53] It's just not going to happen anytime ever.
[08:45:55] And especially with like Natsik reporting.
[08:45:59] And that's pretty devastating.
[08:46:01] I think that journalism is incredibly important.
[08:46:03] And incredibly important for the pursuit of truth,
[08:46:06] incredibly important for us to get a better understanding
[08:46:08] of what's going on all around the world.
[08:46:11] And so, you know, that's where my media criticism is
[08:46:14] for the most part.
[08:46:16] And there's a really kind of interesting interplay,
[08:46:19] I think, between what mainstream media has failed
[08:46:23] to provide for us in the last year
[08:46:26] and how social media has stepped into that gap.
[08:46:28] Right.
[08:46:29] I think you're talking about Israel.
[08:46:31] Yeah.
[08:46:31] Yeah.
[08:46:32] And someone like Besson, you know,
[08:46:35] kind of alive and streaming and showing us
[08:46:40] what's actually happening in Gaza,
[08:46:42] in a way that was not available to us
[08:46:45] in our mainstream media,
[08:46:46] but you have been talking about the situation
[08:46:49] in Palestine for a decade, right?
[08:46:52] So can you talk a little bit about how you navigate that
[08:46:56] and why it's important that voices like yours or Basant
[08:47:02] are available to people
[08:47:03] so they can understand our world better?
[08:47:06] Yeah, there's definitely a major democratization
[08:47:10] of the way information is disseminated online, for sure.
[08:47:14] There's the good, like what you mentioned,
[08:47:17] in terms of Bazan and many other Palestinian content
[08:47:20] creators and journalists out there
[08:47:22] that can directly address their own humanity
[08:47:25] and communicate their own humanity
[08:47:26] and what they are going through.
[08:47:28] And I think that's really threatening for mainstream media,
[08:47:33] for anyone that wants to maintain a steady flow of information
[08:47:37] in whichever direction they want to maintain it.
[08:47:41] And beyond that, I think, in terms of the commentary space,
[08:47:46] that's also been great, but then there's also the bad, right?
[08:47:49] There's also a lot of misinformers who are either grifting
[08:47:54] or deliberately omitting certain details
[08:47:59] or have their own biases that they don't reveal.
[08:48:03] Like one thing I always mention is that,
[08:48:06] yeah, I'm biased, everyone is,
[08:48:07] but at least I'm honest about what my biases are.
[08:48:10] Like I will tell you exactly what I think,
[08:48:12] and I'm stubborn to a fault,
[08:48:13] and I will always communicate that to you ahead of time.
[08:48:16] So I think that that is more honest, I guess,
[08:48:20] than someone saying I'm actually doing objective journalism
[08:48:25] and presenting false narratives
[08:48:28] while maintaining this like objectivity,
[08:48:32] this credibility, I guess,
[08:48:35] that comes from being objective.
[08:48:38] So, yeah, overall,
[08:48:42] that has genuinely changed the way
[08:48:46] that so many people view the plight of the Palestinians,
[08:48:51] that have been ongoing for 76 years now.
[08:48:55] And it is definitely so threatening
[08:48:58] that Congress was working to destroy TikTok
[08:49:02] as a direct consequence of that.
[08:49:05] And I mean, I don't know where we go with that
[08:49:08] because like Kamala Harris is doing
[08:49:11] brat memes and stuff on there now.
[08:49:13] So I guess they're not gonna ban TikTok any longer.
[08:49:16] I don't know what's going on with that.
[08:49:17] They're still using it.
[08:49:21] I guess the one positive would be Harry Sisson
[08:49:23] would be out of a job if they ban TikTok.
[08:49:26] I don't know.
[08:49:27] I guess you guys don't know who that is.
[08:49:28] He's one of those, like, TikTok zoomer mouthpieces for the DNC.
[08:49:32] I love him, but that's besides the point.
[08:49:37] But yeah, I mean, I don't think we would have seen the broad international support for a
[08:49:46] free Palestine that we've seen since last October, if social media hadn't connected
[08:49:54] with so many people to help us understand
[08:49:57] what was happening in the world.
[08:49:59] It's been amazing.
[08:50:01] Like I spent a good amount of time
[08:50:05] at USC's Encampment last April and May.
[08:50:09] The level of organic peer-to-peer education
[08:50:22] that was going on in that space was profound.
[08:50:26] There were students talking to each other
[08:50:29] about the world around them, articulating a brilliant understanding of mutual care, understanding
[08:50:37] that our systems are deeply broken and that we need to take care of each other.
[08:50:43] It was a really amazing space that I felt privileged to participate in, and it was
[08:50:52] Outraging that our senior administration never walked,
[08:50:56] you know, across the sidewalk to meet the students
[08:50:59] who were sitting there and have suspended students
[08:51:03] they perceived to be leaders in that movement, right?
[08:51:06] So I am very grateful for streamers who help open
[08:51:13] the world up to other ways of knowing.
[08:51:15] So I'm grateful for you.
[08:51:17] I'd also like to tip back to the DNC
[08:51:21] since you brought it up, and talk a little bit about your experience there.
[08:51:25] What was it like to stream for the DNC to get kicked out?
[08:51:31] Yeah.
[08:51:32] So I was actually quite surprised that they even
[08:51:36] gave me an opportunity to go to the DNC to begin with.
[08:51:38] I was one of the creators for Kamala, which is interesting because I was like
[08:51:46] very critical of the Biden administration.
[08:51:48] And one thing that they communicated to me ahead of time
[08:51:50] before Biden actually dropped out,
[08:51:53] because at the time I was like,
[08:51:54] Biden needs to drop out,
[08:51:55] Biden needs to drop out over and over again.
[08:51:57] I was like, he's a car kiss,
[08:51:58] and everyone can see it.
[08:52:00] The fuck is wrong with you guys.
[08:52:03] And at the time I remember having a conversation with them
[08:52:07] where they were like,
[08:52:08] you cannot say Biden is not the president.
[08:52:11] Like that was the major thing that they stressed to me.
[08:52:14] And then I was like, we'll see.
[08:52:16] And, you know, I didn't have to be committed to that any longer at the DNC because, you
[08:52:24] know, you know what happened.
[08:52:27] And I think that there was definitely a lot of optimism in the air, in the early swap
[08:52:33] out, especially after Tim Walsh was chosen as the VP pig as well, which was almost like
[08:52:38] a nod that they were going to be forced almost to defend progressive policies that
[08:52:44] are not radical at all.
[08:52:46] We're talking about like paid family leave and like feeding children at school like this is
[08:52:52] Super basic stuff. It's not like, you know, we're not doing like communist health care or whatever, right?
[08:52:59] and and I thought that that was
[08:53:02] Truly different from the way that the Democratic Party had operated in at least like the past 10 years that I've done professional commentary
[08:53:10] Where they responded the public pressure
[08:53:12] pressure. They responded to public pressure in a very meaningful way and did something
[08:53:15] that was truly unique where they, with a couple months left in the election, dropped the candidate
[08:53:24] and swapped it with the vice president. And I was still a little worried because I had
[08:53:32] my fair share of criticism of Kamala Harris in the 2019 primary cycle. And I knew that
[08:53:40] she was a generic Democrat, but it made me at least still feel a little bit more hopeful
[08:53:45] about the future prospect of the party. And then we went to the DNC.
[08:53:50] Yes, she did.
[08:53:53] And let me tell you, it was, the vibes were atrocious. And what I mean by that is like
[08:54:02] They were so happy like they it felt like it literally felt like like I was in an entirely different universe like they
[08:54:12] They were acting like you know Kamala's winning by Reagan numbers, you know
[08:54:17] Like they were behaving like it was a landslide like Pennsylvania's locked down plus 30 and
[08:54:22] And it was crazy to me because I'm like what the fuck are you guys doing like this is not this is a close race still
[08:54:28] Right Kamala Harris is like an unknown entity like and the way she presents herself and the way that the party packages
[08:54:35] Kamala Harris and their and and the way that they message to a
[08:54:39] Broad audience a much broader audience for the first time ever is gonna be very important
[08:54:44] Everything I heard from the DNC
[08:54:47] Day after day. I was like, oh no
[08:54:50] Like that Bill Clinton on
[08:54:53] Who is that for?
[08:54:55] Like who? Like Alan Dershowitz? He's not even a part of the party anymore. Apparently he dropped the Democratic Party.
[08:55:02] Like who's that for?
[08:55:04] Well, they had that border patrol guy.
[08:55:05] Yeah, they had a... yeah, exactly. They had a border patrol guy.
[08:55:09] They had a bunch of former or current Republicans that are never Trump Republicans like these
[08:55:15] incredibly niche, incredibly specific,
[08:55:18] micro-targeted like messaging campaigns for a sum total of like maybe
[08:55:23] 2000 voters across like three states and it was so frustrating to see and I was
[08:55:29] like oh no they're doing it like they are they are going to snatch defeat from
[08:55:34] the jaws of victory again and and then the last day basically thank you I could
[08:55:46] tell he's he's weathered he's been around the block he's seen this too
[08:55:50] many times. Me too, me too, brother. I'm 33 at this point. So I was getting increasingly
[08:56:01] more frustrated with the way that they were communicating and then obviously what ended
[08:56:05] up happening was the day before the last day, they had the Israeli-American family of a
[08:56:14] hostage that was in Gaza speak. And I have no problem with that. These are
[08:56:19] American citizens and they actually were probably the only people that were
[08:56:24] allowed to be critical of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli governance,
[08:56:28] which they were to a certain degree. But I thought, okay, well now is the time to
[08:56:34] have a Palestinian-American delegate that is working within the Democratic
[08:56:38] Party. And state legislator from Georgia, Ruga, was like a perfect person for
[08:56:43] that in the uncommitted movement presented her from the beginning. She had a vetted speech,
[08:56:48] she was ready to go, and they refused. They made space for cops, border patrol guards,
[08:56:56] and Republicans, but it seemed like they didn't have a space for Palestinian Americans,
[08:57:00] and I thought that this was actively communicating to the American public like, we are not
[08:57:05] interested in your plight, we are not interested in your family members, and that we are
[08:57:11] not going to change trajectory on Gaza. And, you know, I was very critical of that, and
[08:57:18] that led to me maybe being a little too critical when I was getting interviewed by New York
[08:57:24] Times. In front of 60,000 people watching, they kind of pulled the plug of my operation
[08:57:32] and were like, you have to go.
[08:57:34] I was very glad you met with the Uncommitted Delegates and that at least your stream provided
[08:57:41] a voice for Palestinian Americans to speak, right?
[08:57:45] That was fantastic.
[08:57:46] Yeah.
[08:57:47] What would you say?
[08:57:48] I mean, there are a lot of students here in the audience who, many of them may be
[08:57:54] voting for a first time in a presidential election, a second time.
[08:57:59] What do you say to young people about how they should engage politics, especially if
[08:58:05] they have a level of fatigue with the centrist democratic party you described?
[08:58:11] Like what, how can we meaningfully participate in a political environment when we feel like
[08:58:18] a party like the Democrats are attacking, you know, almost to like where Reagan was
[08:58:24] in the 80s?
[08:58:25] Like what you young people do?
[08:58:26] Worse than Reagan on immigration, I mean, at least he gave amnesty, you know?
[08:58:31] Absolutely.
[08:58:32] So, which is crazy to say, I mean, I'm not saying anything, I mean, fuck Reagan.
[08:58:38] Yeah.
[08:58:39] Anyway.
[08:58:40] Yeah.
[08:58:41] It is quite informative to watch the Reagan-Georgian-W Bush debate on specifically immigration, though,
[08:58:51] from that election cycle.
[08:58:52] Sometimes I go back and watch those things, I'm a friggin' nerd, and honestly it's
[08:58:56] like shocking the way that they're talking about immigrants where they're like well these
[08:58:59] are human beings which is crazy like that is where we've gotten in terms of like how
[08:59:05] far right we have ratcheted on so many issues and I think that the Democratic Party is definitely
[08:59:11] responsible for that because like they are supposed to be the expected counterbalance
[08:59:14] to growing fascism in this country and they're definitely not up to the task or at
[08:59:21] at least like I think given their position as being servile
[08:59:25] to the same exact corporate benefactors,
[08:59:27] they just don't even play the role of a counterweight
[08:59:33] against that sort of thing.
[08:59:35] But what I would tell people is exactly what I tell people
[08:59:38] all the time in my community, in my chat,
[08:59:40] which is you just gotta keep pushing,
[08:59:43] you gotta keep protesting,
[08:59:44] you gotta keep joining your local organizations
[08:59:47] and engage with your community
[08:59:49] And definitely vote for sure.
[08:59:53] One common misconception is that people think I don't
[08:59:56] tell people to go out and vote.
[08:59:57] No, I do.
[08:59:58] I mean, I even played among us with AOC
[09:00:00] to do a get out the vote initiative.
[09:00:02] But overall, I think it's the,
[09:00:06] Noam Chawsey says it's the least significant, most
[09:00:08] consequential thing you can do.
[09:00:09] And he's right.
[09:00:11] Vote for whoever you want to vote for as long
[09:00:13] as it's not Donald Trump.
[09:00:15] But overall, I think what is far more consequential,
[09:00:20] especially in terms of making impact in your immediate life,
[09:00:25] like having a long-lasting, tangible impact,
[09:00:27] is voting down ballot, voting for initiatives.
[09:00:30] These are very important things.
[09:00:32] And you shouldn't just only vote,
[09:00:35] but you should also continue creating networks of resilience
[09:00:42] and trying to do your very best to change things
[09:00:45] in your immediate vicinity, change things in your life,
[09:00:49] organize your workplace.
[09:00:50] These are very consequential ways in which you can
[09:00:55] present a better alternative and change the world around you.
[09:01:00] And I think that's very important.
[09:01:01] I mean, there's amazing resurgence of labor
[09:01:04] in the country now, something we haven't seen in a long time,
[09:01:08] like Union drives, right?
[09:01:10] Yeah.
[09:01:13] are in grad students unionized, mini-industries.
[09:01:22] Hopefully, LA actually has a very powerful city council.
[09:01:27] Like in some cities like New York or Chicago,
[09:01:30] the city council doesn't matter quite so much.
[09:01:33] But in LA for a long time,
[09:01:35] the city council's just been selling LA out to developers.
[09:01:40] Like really not doing anything
[09:01:42] on behalf of everyday citizens.
[09:01:44] But we've got some pretty kick-ass city council people in now,
[09:01:48] three, right?
[09:01:49] And we have an opportunity to bring some more.
[09:01:52] And they could do things like drive rent prices down,
[09:01:56] give renters protections,
[09:01:58] do things that will actually make LA a more livable city.
[09:02:03] And those are those down-ballot votes
[09:02:05] that are really important to pay attention to,
[09:02:08] even if it's not a thing we talk about very much
[09:02:11] in like everyday life.
[09:02:12] Absolutely, yeah I definitely agree with that for sure.
[09:02:16] I have a merch table tonight but we don't so there you have it right.
[09:02:25] Some of you may know that you can get some t-shirts that Bisson rolls out and they're
[09:02:32] pretty awesome.
[09:02:34] I'll let you figure this one out, the John Brown Hunting Club.
[09:02:38] You don't have to.
[09:02:40] I don't know why that's in there.
[09:02:42] You don't have to promote that.
[09:02:44] No, I just think it's hilarious, right?
[09:02:47] And also, this one's a little deeper, right?
[09:02:51] Bloodshed is a commodity, right?
[09:02:53] But we took the capitalism as voluntary kind of theme
[09:02:57] for tonight out of Hussain's content, right?
[09:03:01] And so I just want you to talk to us a little bit
[09:03:03] about how you think about capitalism.
[09:03:06] You know, James Baldwin, who was super prescient,
[09:03:09] like James Baldwin saw what was coming a long time ago,
[09:03:13] right?
[09:03:14] And in 1980, he wrote that by 2000,
[09:03:17] he may be right on this date.
[09:03:19] He might have been a little bit early.
[09:03:21] That the power-
[09:03:22] He said 9-11 was going to happen?
[09:03:24] He said that the power of the Western world would be over.
[09:03:28] He says that nothing could prop-
[09:03:31] He did.
[09:03:33] He said that nothing could prop up a system
[09:03:36] that was built on slavery.
[09:03:38] And it had ended in the Western imperialist way
[09:03:43] would have to end as well.
[09:03:44] But he also said what followed that in the early 21st century
[09:03:51] would be chaos.
[09:03:53] It would be hard.
[09:03:55] It would be divisive.
[09:03:58] Any of that sounds familiar.
[09:03:59] We're in a little bit of it.
[09:04:01] So how do we imagine he also said
[09:04:05] that had to happen for what could come next?
[09:04:10] What can we imagine collectively coming next?
[09:04:14] And how do we fight toward that or love our way to it?
[09:04:19] Oh, man.
[09:04:21] So-
[09:04:22] An easy question to answer today.
[09:04:24] Yeah, well, we are in the throws of barbarism
[09:04:27] as James Baldwin correctly predicted.
[09:04:31] And for that reason, it's like quite difficult
[09:04:34] to imagine a better future.
[09:04:36] But one thing that people always ask me
[09:04:39] about all of the horrifying nature of American imperialism
[09:04:44] and all the things that I talk about,
[09:04:46] especially centering the victims in this conversation,
[09:04:49] is how I present a positive outlook.
[09:04:54] And one thing that I always point to,
[09:04:57] especially in terms of the way that
[09:05:01] Palestinian emancipation is perceived in the Western world
[09:05:04] is that for the past 10 years
[09:05:07] And every person that is an activist or an organizer
[09:05:11] or a Palestinian will tell you this,
[09:05:14] is that things change so dramatically post-October 7
[09:05:19] in terms of like broad reception
[09:05:21] and the recognition of the humanity of Palestinians.
[09:05:25] So I looked at things like that even when
[09:05:29] it seems really devastating when horrifying atrocities
[09:05:34] are happening almost daily.
[09:05:36] I still look to the fact that more and more people
[09:05:39] are waking up to this reality and that gives me
[09:05:43] a lot more confidence that things can change inevitably.
[09:05:46] Even if it seems like it's not going to happen immediately.
[09:05:50] And look, if you're a progressive, if you're a leftist
[09:05:54] and you've been one for an extended period of time,
[09:05:56] you know that you're just gonna take a lot of Ls.
[09:05:58] That's just it, okay?
[09:06:00] You're gonna take a lot of Ls,
[09:06:01] people are gonna yell at you all the time,
[09:06:03] people are going to set insane expectations of you that they do not fall into themselves.
[09:06:09] Expectations that you have not set for yourself at all and there's going to be infighting.
[09:06:16] But ultimately I always tell people to keep their head down and put their best foot forward
[09:06:23] and try to design a society that they want to live in and push for that every single
[09:06:30] day.
[09:06:31] And that's precisely what I try to do.
[09:06:32] I always butcher this quote, but it's a the society only fosters when old men plant seeds
[09:06:39] for trees that they will never sit in the shade of.
[09:06:42] And I think that is my modus operandi.
[09:06:47] That's what I believe.
[09:06:48] That's what I try to do, and I think you can as well.
[09:06:51] But in terms of how we will move towards a more productive society, I think we're
[09:06:57] We're just going to have to keep creating networks of resistance to the best of our
[09:07:04] ability, create more labor power in this country, shout out to Sean Fain at the UAW.
[09:07:10] He's been talking about potentially doing a general strike in 2028.
[09:07:14] I think that's incredible.
[09:07:16] And it's not like a Reddit general strike or whatever you saw on Twitter.
[09:07:21] It's like that's how you're supposed to do it.
[09:07:23] It takes years and years of preparation for such a thing.
[09:07:27] And I think that we are still in the, I would say,
[09:07:33] informational stage, where we still
[09:07:36] have to work to develop class consciousness in this country
[09:07:39] after years and years of red scare propaganda,
[09:07:44] and American jingoistic sentiments,
[09:07:47] American militarism, Western chauvinism,
[09:07:51] and American individualism, just to actively go against that
[09:07:56] and to organize as best as possible.
[09:07:59] And then, I think, use these organizations
[09:08:02] inevitably to push the country in a direction that
[09:08:05] is better for every worker unconditionally across the board
[09:08:09] all around the world.
[09:08:19] She's going to share some of y'all's questions.
[09:08:21] But I just want to say to some of y'all in the room,
[09:08:24] because I see some folks I know were at the encampment.
[09:08:28] And I want to say to you, you were already building that world.
[09:08:32] It was a profoundly powerful commitment
[09:08:36] to making change for over 30 years.
[09:08:51] And I have never been as moved by my students
[09:08:56] as I am with the students I have right now.
[09:08:59] I absolutely believe y'all will bring us to a better world.
[09:09:03] So let's have Inez come out and share your questions.
[09:09:08] Thank you.
[09:09:09] We're going to ask them all, just you.
[09:09:39] I'm going to be here all night.
[09:09:40] I got to pee like eight times in that process.
[09:09:44] I'm so bad at that.
[09:09:55] I don't even have an assistant, which is crazy.
[09:09:59] I, I'm sorry guys, I'm not really, I'm not really hiring.
[09:10:06] I try to keep everything like as like individually focused as possible because like I don't want
[09:10:15] to expand beyond a certain point where I'm like a corporation.
[09:10:21] Like I don't want that to ever happen because I want to maintain my editorial control.
[09:10:28] place anyone in the crosshairs like that. And beyond that, I don't have aspirations of becoming
[09:10:35] like a network. I mean, I'm fine if I have the audience of a network, right? But as long
[09:10:41] as it's, you know, as long as it's still a me as an individual and not necessarily like
[09:10:49] a bunch of different, like, real time 24 seven coverage from
[09:10:55] I learned tonight that he actually manages all the kind of chat interaction entirely by himself for like
[09:11:03] 10 hours a day that blew my mind.
[09:11:16] Absolutely yeah but I mean that's almost like a loaded question because I feel like the
[09:11:23] The responsibility is often advocated by mainstream professionals on a regular basis.
[09:11:29] They do a lot of access journalism.
[09:11:32] There are a lot of biases that heavily lean on the corporate side in terms of what they
[09:11:37] communicate, how they communicate, especially when it comes to foreign policy.
[09:11:40] I mean, it's uniparty, and you guys all know that obviously there's this bipartisan
[09:11:45] consensus.
[09:11:47] So I hope that everyone that is engaged in political commentary has like some level of responsibility
[09:11:54] to the truth to at the very least like communicate what their personal background is or what their
[09:11:59] personal biases may be and I think that that would foster I guess a better discussion
[09:12:05] around these subjects.
[09:12:06] subjects. Yeah, I definitely suffer from burnout. I think I mean I really love what
[09:12:24] I do. I'm incredibly fortunate, incredibly privileged person and I think luck
[09:12:28] played a massive role in my success. Something I bring up quite regularly
[09:12:33] But having said all of that yes, I do definitely burn out after doing after trying to be entertaining and informative for eight to ten hours every single day
[09:12:43] Yes, there's definitely a point where I'm just like oh my god my brain fries by the end of it
[09:12:47] I did a NBC piece recently where they did like a day in the life and
[09:12:53] The the journalists at the at the end of my stream. They like literally tracked my day
[09:12:58] with a camera from like I think 7 a.m. when I wake up all the way to like 10 p.m.
[09:13:05] when I was done and she was horrified. She literally was like I don't know how
[09:13:12] you do this. Like she was looking at me like I was like a serial killer. She
[09:13:18] could not comprehend it and like she was tired just by watching and I saw
[09:13:27] myself in the interview that I did after like right after I end the stream and I
[09:13:33] just looked like hollowed out it's like damn I look like that at the end of the
[09:13:38] day but but I think I wouldn't be able to do this if I didn't truly love it and
[09:13:45] didn't find like so much emotional fulfillment from this and I hope that
[09:13:49] everyone can find that in whatever they pursue but having said that yes I
[09:13:53] definitely do burnout and when that happens I find myself with a hair trigger
[09:13:59] almost where like I'm much quicker at like firing back at chatters and when I
[09:14:06] notice myself getting there I try to take like at least one day off you know
[09:14:10] and and just kind of tune out all the noise and then get back into it so
[09:14:15] So that's how I manage it.
[09:14:17] I'm going to give it to the speaker.
[09:14:19] It is Dr. Tara Nair Khan, who is a reporting project.
[09:14:23] Will that help, please?
[09:14:25] And a lot of students wanted to ask for your advice.
[09:14:29] And what advice do you give to people who have family members,
[09:14:34] siblings, friends, who they see struggling to get more into the category
[09:14:39] conservative, out of the row, content,
[09:14:42] And how do we get away from this?
[09:14:47] Oh, that's a tough one.
[09:14:49] So I mean, I'd say show them some of my videos, I think.
[09:14:52] Maybe that could be helpful.
[09:14:54] But I think overall, you have to tackle the issue.
[09:14:59] It's different for every single person.
[09:15:01] But there's usually a vector of vulnerability
[09:15:04] that causes a lot of people to seek out
[09:15:06] this sense of community in these far-right places.
[09:15:10] And it's oftentimes a direct consequence of something
[09:15:14] that they feel like they are not getting out of their lives.
[09:15:18] Like it could be that they have issues with,
[09:15:21] you know, they might be body conscious,
[09:15:23] they might have image issues, right?
[09:15:24] Or they might feel like there is this
[09:15:30] crippling anxiety that comes from recognizing that,
[09:15:36] you know, the society that was designed
[09:15:38] for their parents is not going to be the same for them.
[09:15:41] And I think that those underlying material inequalities
[09:15:45] are glaringly obvious, especially when you're young,
[09:15:48] when you feel like, well, I'm never gonna retire.
[09:15:50] I'm never gonna be able to own a home.
[09:15:52] And I think obviously you can't fix all of those things,
[09:15:56] but I think helping them through this journey
[09:15:58] of bettering themselves could allow them
[09:16:01] to develop more confidence within themselves.
[09:16:05] And I'm a very goal oriented person.
[09:16:08] I tried to always progress.
[09:16:10] I always set expectations for myself.
[09:16:12] I always set long-term goals for myself,
[09:16:15] mid-term goals for myself, and short-term goals
[09:16:17] that all correspond to one another.
[09:16:19] And not to get all Jordan Peterson with it, but,
[09:16:22] I mean, it's pretty basic self-help stuff, honestly,
[09:16:27] but, and it's different for every single person,
[09:16:30] but I think identifying what a major problem is
[09:16:35] in their lives that is causing them to seek out this kind of content and commentary is really valuable and
[09:16:42] Then helping them go through this journey if they're struggling with their weight for example. It's just one example, right?
[09:16:49] You can help them
[09:16:52] You can help them in a non-toxic in a more positive way like help guide them in a in a positive direction
[09:16:57] Where they maybe go work out a little bit more and slowly but surely?
[09:17:01] become healthier and happier and more confident and I think that is how I at
[09:17:09] least keep my brain as not fried as possible even though I'm like tapping
[09:17:15] into the mainframe for eight hours every day and I think that's very helpful for
[09:17:19] others as well. Yeah I appreciate your willingness to talk about your own
[09:17:24] vulnerability in relation to your body I think that's a important
[09:17:28] conversation to see men having.
[09:17:30] I know you were joking about saying you wanted to watch
[09:17:35] Shakespeare.
[09:17:36] What's there for a moment to make a career from when you felt like a
[09:17:40] platform could end most people?
[09:17:44] I think, I can't recall like one specific moment, but I definitely
[09:17:49] recognized it.
[09:17:50] I think after, especially after I got on Twitch, it might have
[09:17:55] It might have been like the first TwitchCon I went to but like the first time I'd like started interacting with fans in public
[09:18:02] Out in the wild in like random interactions
[09:18:06] Where the feedback I got from them in terms of like having their how much their minds had changed over the course of like years of
[09:18:13] Watching me that was when I was like damn like these people listen to what the fuck I have to say shit. I
[09:18:19] Gotta act right
[09:18:21] But
[09:18:22] But I yeah, I think I got that question right did I did I misunderstand it?
[09:18:28] Okay
[09:18:33] My biggest influence oh that's a tough one
[09:18:38] I want to live out too much, but I think John Stewart was he played a formative role
[09:18:42] I think when I was younger growing up
[09:18:45] Because he was one of the very few voices in mainstream media that was
[09:18:51] actively talking about all of the things that America was doing that was really
[09:18:58] fucked up and I and he was doing it in a satirical way but he was doing it in a
[09:19:04] very honest way and I and I really value that. As far as other influences I
[09:19:13] think I mean I love Norm Finkelstein, I love Noam Chomsky, these are these are
[09:19:20] people that I definitely have a lot of respect for, even if I sometimes disagree with them,
[09:19:28] you know, they're stubborn old Jewish men, all of them, I just realized.
[09:19:33] Okay, we know that Hassan was streaming all day and he's been here for a while, right?
[09:19:40] So we're gonna wrap up, but we promise we will share with him all 200 questions so
[09:19:47] that so you know if you could all of them you can read them late at night but
[09:19:54] will you please join me in thanking Hassan for everything thank you so much
[09:20:06] for coming guys do we get up and leave now as that was going on family dog
[09:20:29] look at you like 48 years old go take care of your kids
[09:20:34] I'm trying to debate me.
[09:20:36] Thank you.
[09:20:48] Yeah, of course.
[09:20:52] The very end.
[09:20:53] At least I waited.
[09:20:54] Yeah, you're my dub still.
[09:20:55] Yeah.
[09:20:56] At least I waited till the end.
[09:20:58] That was respectful.
[09:20:59] Yeah.
[09:21:00] He was definitely not a student.
[09:21:02] Congratulations on the grade.
[09:21:04] Oh, thank you.
[09:21:05] You were fantastic.
[09:21:06] That was really everything we could have hoped for.
[09:21:10] All right.
[09:21:11] March is probably going to come in here, I think, if he's not in here already.
[09:21:15] I have to pee really quickly.
[09:21:16] Okay.
[09:21:17] How did that go? Was that good?
[09:21:19] You were fantastic. You were so good.
[09:21:21] I was a little worried because I was like, I'm not used to this, you know?
[09:21:24] No, you were great. It was really, really fantastic.
[09:21:28] So genuine and smart, just exactly what we hope for.
[09:21:32] I'll wait for March to get in here, I think, before I...
[09:21:35] Aren't you exhausted?
[09:21:39] No.
[09:21:40] Okay, that's impressive.
[09:21:41] No, I, I, this is like, this is definitely very different from what I normally do.
[09:21:45] So it gives me like more...
[09:21:47] You could come back any time you want. Yeah, no, this is great March. I got a pee real quick
[09:25:07] Yeah
[09:25:11] not even yeah oh yeah I was just telling you that also I have a battery
[09:25:26] All right, chat, are we back? We asked so I relocated. I'm sorry.
[09:25:55] I'm doing such bad camera work right now holy fuck I'm just gonna
[09:25:59] Oh we're back we're back we're back hi hi hi hi
[09:26:12] Hi okay we are back
[09:26:13] We caught up
[09:26:14] Hi hi
[09:26:16] And I hear his song getting out of the bathroom now
[09:26:19] Alright I moved out here because it was effing
[09:26:24] My security was the one who was locked in the back
[09:26:26] That's awesome.
[09:26:28] It's hilarious.
[09:26:30] Dave, if someone came for me, we'd be dead.
[09:26:33] Hold this for two seconds.
[09:26:35] Yeah, you got it.
[09:26:37] What's up, Chad?
[09:26:39] Is this the left thing?
[09:26:40] No, that's a good thing.
[09:26:42] Okay, that's good.
[09:26:44] I feel a little delayed, though.
[09:26:52] What the fuck?
[09:26:53] Breaking news.
[09:26:54] Iran's former President Muhammad Ahmadinejad.
[09:26:57] It's right around the corner.
[09:26:59] It's right around the corner.
[09:27:01] Uh, okay.
[09:27:03] Alright, we're now going to head to the meet and greet chat.
[09:27:07] You got everything right?
[09:27:13] Do we have all the equipment?
[09:27:15] Yep.
[09:27:17] Alright.
[09:27:19] Alright.
[09:27:25] Oh!
[09:27:27] See, that's what I was asking.
[09:27:29] Yes. Okay, one little Magnus guy.
[09:27:32] Is this yours? You need this? This is not yours.
[09:27:34] No. Thank you so much.
[09:27:35] You're very welcome.
[09:27:36] All right. We're ready to go. I'm ready to...
[09:27:39] Um, I mean, we should probably find a chair.
[09:27:43] Yeah. Security just...
[09:27:45] He's right there.
[09:27:46] Okay, excellent.
[09:27:47] And, um...
[09:27:48] Pardon me.
[09:27:49] Here we go.
[09:27:50] Uh, wait. David is still in the bathroom.
[09:27:51] Should we...?
[09:27:52] Oh, okay. We should wait for...
[09:27:53] But we're not going to stream once we get to Levy, right?
[09:27:55] Oh, you don't want to stream that? The meeting agreed?
[09:27:57] We don't have to.
[09:27:58] have to. I mean we can if you want to but we're gonna film it for our stuff. Okay
[09:28:02] he's been live for like yeah yeah it's not a problem I can end it yeah I just
[09:28:09] I yeah I thought they would like it but it's all good hold on no no it's all
[09:28:17] good I'll end it it's been alright everybody I've been live for yeah I've
[09:28:25] been live for nine hours or 30 minutes already so I'm gonna go do the meet
[09:28:28] agree right now but I love you guys and I will see you tomorrow thank you so much
[09:28:33] for everybody here you guys did a fantastic job making me look somewhat
[09:28:37] presentable I'm sorry that I worked actively against that I hope you guys
[09:28:42] enjoyed that obviously I'll be in the discord asking y'all like that in a
[09:28:46] second but yeah this was really cool this was a lot better this went a lot
[09:28:51] better than I thought it was going to so very exciting stuff overall and yeah
[09:28:59] tomorrow I'll be