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09-28-2024 · 7h 00m

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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:04:31] What's going on, everybody?
[00:06:05] My number was seven fantastic evening fantastic captain and fantastic
[00:06:09] No matter where you are in the world. I'm a stop by this awesome breakfast coming to you live from
[00:06:16] Sunny California losses as folks who live it alive and I hope all the boys girls and newbies are having a fantastic
[00:06:20] Won't be cities is beautiful day today's a wonderful day today's a very special day. It is Saturday, which is a day for the boys
[00:06:26] A day that is now in it in for me a day exclusively for the boys. That's right
[00:06:31] It's Saturday fun day folks and I am an hour late. It's 12 21 p.m. Here in Pacific time in California, Los Angeles
[00:06:41] on a beautiful Saturday. It's Saturday
[00:06:46] 28th of September
[00:06:49] 2024
[00:06:53] Whoa, okay
[00:06:57] Nick clears you yawning. I agree he does
[00:07:01] Because you guys might have gotten a little sneak preview of my free stream activities
[00:07:07] on this beautiful Saturday earlier on the unique pollen broadcast and MP law.
[00:07:11] Okay.
[00:07:12] I hope you guys enjoyed that.
[00:07:17] We haven't even gotten to do like a hurricane watch or anything.
[00:07:21] There's so much to talk about.
[00:07:24] What does it say on your hat?
[00:07:25] There's this Korea veteran.
[00:07:27] Is it a no politics day?
[00:07:28] No, there will be a little bit of politics, obviously.
[00:07:30] like very light, very light. This is the part of the broadcast where I tell you about
[00:07:34] my personal news about what's going on in the world of a son, I'm a piker. I'm doing time
[00:07:37] period where I press the stock room and press the stock room and button for all the new,
[00:07:40] for all the newbies. You are dead serious about basketball. I mean, I was so asked today
[00:07:44] and I apologize. Okay. I, for those of you who watched the Nick pollen broadcast,
[00:07:50] I played basketball with them on Nick came in late last night. I ended the broadcast
[00:07:55] 7 p.m. Shot of Fear End episode. It's a three banger just a boys only no nick though
[00:08:00] Nick was supposed to be one of the guests on the on the pod but he was too late
[00:08:04] because he missed his fucking flight degenerate um and you were worse than
[00:08:12] asked man shut the fuck up bitch uh anyway we did the pod for boys only not
[00:08:24] the episode. Today's episode or the broadcast is not boys only. You were the court commander
[00:08:30] out there preventing fights. That's what I that's usually my position. I hate I hate
[00:08:35] like people getting I hate getting agitated on the court. Not a lot. He was a bricklayer.
[00:08:41] Yeah. No, I was really bad. Am I tripping or do you have more freckles now? You are
[00:08:48] not tripping. I was outside. That's how I get freckles. You might have one of you
[00:08:52] pass instead of shooting. Okay, that's shut the fuck up. Shut up. I don't want to hear it.
[00:09:01] Just a dad and his daughter. Oh, this was yeah, this was funny. This was in the morning. So,
[00:09:08] um, in any case, yeah, we're looking some highlights, more like low lights overall. I was
[00:09:13] really fucking bad, embarrassing. Normally, I cook. So it makes it so much worse that I
[00:09:19] I wasn't cooking especially because it was on camera and I say I cook all the fucking time
[00:09:23] and I never do if you see me, you know, and then all of a sudden it's just like am I really
[00:09:28] cooking when I tell you I'm cooking, right?
[00:09:31] Um, in any case, Belgium, Kevin, they give it a 10 gift a subs allowing 10 people to an
[00:09:36] alarm.
[00:09:37] See the second immediate three minute outbreak that I had the lights were too bright.
[00:09:40] Um, what was I going to say?
[00:09:51] Oh yeah.
[00:09:52] That's just how it goes with the camera.
[00:09:54] Yeah.
[00:09:55] It's kind of like, it's kind of like when you are, uh, it's kind of like
[00:09:57] kind of like when you're, uh, when you go to the doctor and you have a disease,
[00:10:03] you have a sickness and you go to the doctor and you no longer feel sad or
[00:10:06] not sad, sick.
[00:10:08] And it's like, well, what the fuck did I do this for then?
[00:10:10] Well, I might have been here and now I'm wasting everybody's time.
[00:10:12] Anyway, um, light news, Saturday, Monday with an MP.
[00:10:27] I'll get him a.
[00:10:36] I'll get him a.
[00:10:39] Fuck boy.
[00:10:41] Clothing set up.
[00:10:44] drip or drown
[00:10:48] Then we might head to the influencer
[00:10:54] Jim
[00:10:57] with
[00:10:59] Bradley Martin
[00:11:00] Get in now
[00:11:09] Okay, did you learn Mandarin yet? No, I've been trying my best, but it sucks
[00:11:16] Okay, we're
[00:11:19] It's hard man. It's hard. It's hard. All right. I'm a blast off real quick thoughts about what I don't know what you're asking me
[00:11:25] Is that a blout clip? I don't know. Okay. Here. We blasted off already. I'm doing everything
[00:11:33] fast right now. Um, you know, we're only 11 minutes in and we're already gone through
[00:11:38] the intro, gone through my personal news, gone through the fucking blast off and we're
[00:11:43] writing into dawn. Okay. Nick, Natalie, he's upstairs. Nick is upstairs showering
[00:11:49] right now, but yeah, they came in last night and actually wake was with them as
[00:11:54] as well. And I would have loved to offer wake a room. I didn't even know Nick had not told
[00:12:01] wake that I only had one room in ways like, Oh, I guess I have to get a hotel then. And
[00:12:07] I was like, well, normally I'd have two rooms as a matter of fact, both for Nick and Arthur,
[00:12:12] they would have normally had separate rooms, but they could have bunked together and
[00:12:16] you could have also been here at wake, except for the fact that Austin did not
[00:12:22] want to pay for an expensive hotel and decided last second that he wanted to stay here. So
[00:12:28] Austin is here as well. Take away guy. Well, oh yeah, I should. That would be fun. Anyway,
[00:12:41] so yeah. Yeah, motherfucker. Trees is like a free hotel, bro. I swear to God. Austin does.
[00:12:48] Anyway, we talked a lot about that on the, on the episode on the pod. Also, also,
[00:12:58] Also, also, also, also, let me just send this shit to March real quick before I forget because I have these videos that I shot yesterday that we're going to be adding on to the fucking that we're going to be adding on to the you got to get a bigger house dog. Yeah, I know.
[00:13:20] Um, we did the door me for so less Edo shit, the tick talk challenge yesterday and I failed it spectacularly. I failed it in spectacular capacity.
[00:13:33] I'm not afraid to admit it. You got a ball with wake. Does he ball? I mean, he's tall enough. He looks like he could ball.
[00:13:47] You did the level skip. Yeah, I did.
[00:13:51] Shattered all the glass in my house shaking my head. Um, no, no, no. We tried to, we tried
[00:14:03] to do that. Damn. Look at the fucking beautiful camera. You're gonna, we're gonna try and use
[00:14:10] the, the nick pack. He does. He's been asking. I unbanned some reformed NMP chatters during
[00:14:22] the collab today. If they get banned again, I said you're going to whip me with an
[00:14:25] extension cord. So I think they'll be good. True. Wake says he wants to ball with
[00:14:35] I would have loved to what sunglass are those I think those are like super old-school 90s car loggerfeld sunglasses that one of you guys sent me in the fucking
[00:14:43] P.O. Box as a matter of fact I still wear them all the time they make me look like such a hog
[00:14:48] They're like a ancient car loggerfeld 90s shades
[00:14:56] That someone sent me a long ass time ago
[00:15:01] Make sure you charge the battery that just died. I know I've been trying to get him to do that
[00:15:05] I've been trying to get him to charge the battery. He like ran upstairs. I was like, bro, you got to charge the battery
[00:15:13] Yeah, this is what we were actually looking at. That's real. That's real chat. That's not a joke
[00:15:19] Clitter freak Bob putting the Joe Brandon titty memes out there. Anyway, this is how the day started
[00:15:27] He's like not on the cameras dad
[00:15:32] That's messed up
[00:15:35] No, you high five me, but you won't give me a kiss.
[00:15:39] Wow.
[00:15:40] That's crazy.
[00:15:41] Maybe she, maybe she doesn't like Hasbulla.
[00:15:43] Okay, you're a bad girl.
[00:15:45] Hold on.
[00:15:46] Him today.
[00:15:47] Can I come stream for you today?
[00:15:48] And also, can I bring?
[00:15:49] Blake is coming to stay in LA for a bit.
[00:15:50] Bitch, I know he was in my house last night, but he couldn't stay with me because
[00:16:16] someone wait bro you are not wearing the same shit did you shower yet oh yeah
[00:16:22] that's yeah hair spray no you use hair spray um I might I don't think I have
[00:16:33] hairspray I don't use anything in my hair yeah just he's mad you're embarrassing
[00:16:39] her in front of your friends yeah I know I did play hockey but Nick Nick
[00:16:43] would destroy me he crossed me up I can't I can't even stand on the fucking ice dude
[00:16:48] I can't even be on skates like I feel like I am too big. I'm like once you're above a
[00:16:54] certain height I don't think God made me to fucking slide you know what I'm saying because
[00:17:00] if I fall if I fall there's far too much there's far too much of a stake if I fall
[00:17:10] You know what I mean?
[00:17:12] Because when I'm falling, I'm falling from a much larger, uh, from a much larger distance.
[00:17:19] Solo peach raid dog.
[00:17:21] They need trucks like you.
[00:17:23] What Nick means to teach you.
[00:17:27] Yeah.
[00:17:27] Fun day is canceled.
[00:17:30] Um, breaking strong and consecutive explosions.
[00:17:33] Heard an occupied Jerusalem.
[00:17:34] Yeah.
[00:17:34] No, it's not canceled.
[00:17:36] Okay.
[00:17:37] I'll be honest with you.
[00:17:38] It's not fucking canceled.
[00:17:40] You know, politic updates or not. Yeah, Hassan Nasrallah has bullet confirmed Hassan Nasrallah had been martyred by the Zionist entity in the attacks on the here.
[00:17:54] Yesterday, look at Matt Renpe highlights, you can be a big boy. Okay, stop. I know a lot of hockey players are tall. I just, I'm not coordinated enough. Okay, give me a fucking break.
[00:18:07] right there. What is this? Well, yep, because I'm born a lefty. If I was an impressionable
[00:18:13] teenager, maybe I would have been like a Hitler youth or something. But as soon as I started
[00:18:18] having my own political thoughts, I would have been a commie instantly. I love that.
[00:18:25] Do you think that you being a lefty is like your canon of like you're always a lefty?
[00:18:33] I think so. There are a lot of things that make me who I am like my parents teaching
[00:18:37] me to treat everyone with dignity and that all work should be respected, regardless of
[00:18:42] what it is.
[00:18:43] My father also taught me that rich people are the bad guys and that that's so funny because
[00:18:48] no, it's the opposite.
[00:18:51] My dad is like kind of a neo-lib dude.
[00:18:53] What the fuck?
[00:18:56] Big dog has a fucking PhD in economics.
[00:18:59] You know, he is literally a fucking, he is as like neo-liberal.
[00:19:04] He's as pro-capitals as you can get.
[00:19:07] loves capitalism. He wrote books on capitalism, you know, also on antitrust, but still. So the AI
[00:19:16] doesn't have that. The AI doesn't have that knowledge. It seems no rich person deserves their
[00:19:22] wealth. I think those ideas stuck with me more than any right wing person deserves their wealth
[00:19:28] and ever could have. That's how you know which right wing propaganda. That's how you know
[00:19:33] this AI is like written by still someone who's like a liberal, you know what I mean? It's
[00:19:38] It's like a cartoonish depiction of what socialism is supposed to be.
[00:19:43] Like post-World War I, do you think had the biggest effect on suppressing communist beliefs?
[00:19:51] Okay, now I need to try this fucking AI.
[00:19:56] What do you think, by using your likeness that I can send out on give a shit?
[00:20:02] Oh, also, speaking of not giving a shit at this point, I mean, dude, look at this.
[00:20:08] Look at this.
[00:20:09] This might be the craziest bribe in US history, but according to reports, New York City Mayor
[00:20:15] Eric Adams accepted a $50,000 bribe of Zinn from a Twitch streamer.
[00:20:22] This is from the actual government indictment, so I'm going to read some of it to you, quote.
[00:20:27] Specifically Adams in a private meeting in Manhattan met with the aforementioned Twitch
[00:20:31] streamer at a luxury hotel in Midtown.
[00:20:34] This is why you cannot trust anything you see on TikTok bro!
[00:20:48] Adams knowingly and willingly accepted a large bribe in the form of a broasted according to reports the reports are feared buck
[00:20:57] Out of zen nicotine pouches any kind gift worth an estimated value exceeding fifty thousand dollars
[00:21:04] Delivered in exchange for Adams commitment to grant preferential treatment in future city licensing regulations affecting the gaming industry
[00:21:11] Okay, how do you get this in well according to the document says the bribe took the form of an
[00:21:16] an unusually large shipment of Zen nicotine pouches delivered to a private location in
[00:21:21] New York City. So this leads to question. Mayor Adams, what the hell are you going to
[00:21:25] do with that much then? What makes this story even crazier is New York City has laws that
[00:21:31] restricts the sale of Zen, meaning Mayor Adams is not a normal guy like you and I who loves
[00:21:35] then dude is just restricting it. So this sounds to me like he couldn't get his hands
[00:21:40] on it. So you want, I'm just glad he didn't fucking name me in the indictment. Like
[00:21:44] I'm realizing that I'm realizing that if, if, if Alexander law overruled, which is his full
[00:21:51] name actually had put my name in that indictment beyond the meme, there would be an unimaginable
[00:21:58] amount of actual fucking idiots who would have literally like they didn't put two and
[00:22:03] two together. They just thought, Oh, Twitch streamer, that's unique. That's interesting.
[00:22:07] I'm, I'm 100% certain. If he had mentioned me by name, beyond just like meaning about whether it was me or not, I think this would be actual mainstream news. You know what I mean?
[00:22:32] I'm surprised he didn't mention the streamers targets, all things considered. Anyway, not sure why selling drugs is funny. People die from Zindad. Yeah.
[00:22:46] It's crazy, man. It's crazy how easily misinformation spreads online.
[00:22:51] Um, it's just no, no interest in the truth whatsoever.
[00:22:57] Also here's a negative consequence of like that sort of misinformation spreading online.
[00:23:01] This guy said, my brother saw the story post of my neighbor's house catching fire from the
[00:23:05] power lines through the storm.
[00:23:08] And he said, and he sent me lucky there's a Trump supporter firefighters or Kamala would
[00:23:13] have had to let some illegals over to put that out.
[00:23:20] White wingers at this point are so invested in the permaculture war that they literally
[00:23:25] look at like devastation occurring all around them accelerated greatly as a consequence of
[00:23:32] man made climate change and they turn around and they're like well brother how will I
[00:23:38] how will I make this about culture warship how will I make this shit about politics
[00:23:44] them, then woke as hurricanes, brother. It's just like, we're so done. I don't understand
[00:23:49] what the fucking like, I genuinely don't know what to do. I don't know what to do with so
[00:23:55] many goddamn people. I, I think, and I never thought I would say this, I hope tap story
[00:24:08] or a future where people are less interested. Yeah, I think we would be better off if people
[00:24:17] were less interested in politics and news in general. There, I said it because it turns
[00:24:23] out when people are interested in politics, they can still be and are as a matter of
[00:24:29] fact, in many instances, very fucking stupid. Okay, very, very, very stupid. Like think
[00:24:39] Think about some of the dudes that you encounter, like I was talking about at the, at the courts,
[00:24:45] right?
[00:24:46] Like, I encounter a lot of normies on the courts.
[00:24:50] Okay.
[00:24:53] By the way, speaking of being stupid, look, you're going to be stupid.
[00:24:59] Look, look, this guy, if someone comes to kill you, you kill them first.
[00:25:02] Israel simply settling the score.
[00:25:04] We live in a modern world, not one fit for terrorists.
[00:25:06] As long as the genocide of Israelis is their goal, Israel will continue to defend itself.
[00:25:10] Well, you can keep being a tanky for a pipe dream that'll never come true, Jank's little bro.
[00:25:14] By the way, a year later in the enemy, you doesn't understand the truth when it is in your faces.
[00:25:19] Yeah, dude. I like that Israel is like a genuine, genuine terrorist entity at this point,
[00:25:25] and this motherfucker literally looks at like a military advance that caused like six buildings
[00:25:33] the fucking collapse with with the insane insane firepower killing a shit ton of
[00:25:41] civilians of the process children women elderly in the middle of a crowded
[00:25:46] fucking neighborhood and he's like you know who's a terrorist the people that
[00:25:49] Israel killed that's right not Israel your numbers ever test you on politics
[00:25:58] on the courts sometimes that would that do say about Kamala he was apparently
[00:26:03] one of the dudes were playing was like running for president or something
[00:26:06] I don't fucking know. I don't want to even talk about that shit. Yeah. Um, here, look,
[00:26:15] look, look, this is what I mean. Look, they are using HAA RP to ensure that Hurricane Helene
[00:26:21] devastates the largest Republican stronghold area in Florida is hurricane will destroy
[00:26:26] homes, displaced, 1000 and sure, much less participation in the presidential election
[00:26:29] in November. They will stop at nothing. Something is off about the reporting of
[00:26:37] this hurricane, 45,000 likes. I mean, the fact that it just popped out on the
[00:26:41] radar out of nowhere. Bro, what is going on in the minds of these fucking baboons, dude?
[00:26:57] It's like your desperate inability to refuse to recognize the truth is causing you to make
[00:27:07] up insane shit. Like that's what it is. Okay. That's what this is. What fuckers out here
[00:27:12] are just like I will refuse to understand what's going on. I refuse. I refuse to recognize
[00:27:22] what is happening. I refuse. And that is why I will make up my own damn mind and instead
[00:27:31] hallucinate an alternative reality. Because the truth requires just a little bit of reading
[00:27:37] or a little bit of confidence in like people who have done the reading before you, you
[00:27:42] know. Oh, your hair isn't even close to curly today is really wavy. It's because I parted
[00:27:52] it instead of doing my regular thing, which is just let it ride like this. I think typical
[00:28:03] lips brother doing hurricanes. My power is still out and I'm a socialist friendly fire.
[00:28:11] What no dude. It's not friendly fire. I'm saying it's ridiculous to assume. Oh, you're
[00:28:18] joking like, Oh, sorry. I apologize for opening the socialist weather machine upon the devastating
[00:28:24] opening, the opening, the socialist weather machine on top of Florida where some socialists
[00:28:31] live as well.
[00:28:32] I mean, it is kind of crazy what is happening right now. My hometown is so far above the
[00:28:40] water, but this whole region is experiencing a catastrophe. Dan failure has led the massive
[00:28:44] river surges parts of interstate have collapsed. Yeah. Eastern Tennessee has got water surges
[00:28:49] inside of people's homes, like shit is out of control. Okay, there was a fucking entire
[00:28:54] hospital was just like completely flooded. And, and people are like too busy being like,
[00:28:59] let me take some content, let me make some content out of this fucking thing. Hello,
[00:29:03] hello, tick tock. Hurricane is here. And yes, I refuse to evacuate, even though I'm
[00:29:10] in the evacuation zone. Why? Because I'm not some pussy ass libtard. That's why
[00:29:15] no hurricane can hurt me brother and then, and then beyond that motherfuckers are out here being like
[00:29:23] they're out here also thinking you know why this happened libtards
[00:29:31] that's why it's like no dude you want to know why it happened because well two reasons one we
[00:29:38] caused it because of our carbon emissions we caused it because we are destroying the planet
[00:29:43] Okay. We keep sucking the beautiful frack juice directly out of the ground. Okay.
[00:29:51] And then everything that we operate is just burning and destroying the planet.
[00:29:57] But then also on top of that, our responsible state legislators, our responsible statesmen,
[00:30:06] our responsible governors, one, refuse to acknowledge that that is even happening,
[00:30:11] and to refuse to put money into hardening our infrastructure in a way to it at the very least try and avoid complete catastrophe
[00:30:19] Okay, that's where we're at at this point and motherfuckers are still they're still like nah
[00:30:31] I refuse I refuse to believe that this is a real problem. I don't care
[00:30:35] It must be because the storm is woke
[00:30:39] This kick streamer try to stream it. Oh my god. I
[00:30:52] Mean to be fair to be fair to be fair
[00:30:54] He gives the most Florida coated platform anyway, so this was expected
[00:31:08] Wait, this guy just like literally broadcast his demise like I don't understand like did he die? Is he alive?
[00:31:15] I love this guy going just go home, bro
[00:31:18] Heck W spamming in the chat
[00:31:25] Is this stream real hurricane is a stream sniper
[00:31:29] What I would've made!
[00:31:40] Bro, you can't even- you can't even-
[00:31:43] The- the worst part about this kind of shit
[00:31:46] is that you can't even urge motherfuckers to like and subscribe
[00:31:49] because you're dead.
[00:31:51] Why would they subscribe to a dead guy?
[00:31:54] You know what I mean?
[00:31:57] Like, you can't even get them to subscribe to you.
[00:31:59] You can't even farm fucking revenue off of this, because you're dead.
[00:32:03] There ain't no second stream after that, so what the fuck will people subscribe to you? You're dying!
[00:32:08] Donald Trump would have nuked Helen a Helen Helena Helen
[00:32:16] Yeah, dead people famously do not provide any content. So you're cooked anyway
[00:32:26] Haleen
[00:32:36] Yeah, this was another this was a funny little moment from all of the people being like this stuff is so exhausting
[00:32:42] No, Nenyao doesn't share the aims of the US policy in Lebanon are gods
[00:32:45] He wants to bomb the shit out of both places ignore all US concerns about civilian casualties a regional escalation and then demand more weapons and money
[00:32:51] Wow, whoever keeps giving this guy weapons sounds like he's either a complete fucking idiot or just proves of all the mass murder of civilians
[00:32:57] Do you have any leads on who they may be? Let me know if you need help. I have Bing on my phone
[00:33:01] This Nenyao guy. Oh brother. He keeps breaking rules and experiencing zero consequences
[00:33:05] And then he has the nerve to ask for things that are regularly and unconditionally given to him. Is he delusional?
[00:33:10] Did your team win that basketball? We lost every fucking game, dude. I lost everything. I lost
[00:33:16] I lost every single thing. And it's funny because like that one guy that I played against, I play against them all the time. And I usually, I mean, we have a decent track record like he went sometimes, but last couple of games I've been beating his ass.
[00:33:31] So he just he cooked me on camera and then also we ended up playing with some other people on the five on five full court and I hadn't done five on five in a minute.
[00:33:42] So I, you know, I didn't position myself well enough on the court my off the ball movement was as I missed virtually every shot I had not played on that court and I had not played on that court.
[00:33:54] I, it was so bad.
[00:33:58] It was so bad. Nick was dragging it. No, I mean, that's fine. It's like me and him.
[00:34:10] Me and me and me and the other guy was, we could have, we could have clamped on these fools, you know.
[00:34:26] But, oh, Donald Trump, hurricane Helene victims, you'll be okay. That's great, man. Good, good take, Donald.
[00:34:38] Alabama and all of the other states who have been really hit hard
[00:34:44] By that very large Eric. I was that big one a very large hurricane this week there
[00:34:50] With you all the way and if we were there we'd be helping you and you'll be okay
[00:34:57] Alabama
[00:34:59] Now we'll be helping you
[00:35:02] Urgent have you seen me baby pester?
[00:35:04] I don't care about baby pesto stop trying to make baby pesto happen here. Okay. He's already popping. He's already popping everywhere else
[00:35:15] Trump is an empath. I
[00:35:19] Showed Nick that you're gonna stream with Bradley Martin and he went oh
[00:35:22] sob
[00:35:24] How the fool Nick didn't know where doggy titties were bro. I
[00:35:30] Think you forget that a lot of people are just like oblivious. Okay, bro
[00:35:34] I think people's lack of knowledge is a is a bottomless well
[00:35:41] Do you understand?
[00:35:44] People's lack of knowledge is a bottomless. Well, you got motherfuckers like this. Okay all the way to and it goes up
[00:35:51] in terms of like Nick Nick is
[00:35:53] Incredibly intelligent in comparison to people like this obviously, you know, so how do you stare in the face of?
[00:36:07] How do you stare at?
[00:36:09] Like in the order of stupidity every day on a daily fucking basis and still get shocked when someone is like
[00:36:15] not aware of, you know, basic facts that you have, I guess, taken for granted and live with inside of your mind every day.
[00:36:23] Nick on the other hand is brilliant in comparison to a lot of these people I'm saying. Okay.
[00:36:28] He might just, he might have like a lack of interest or a lack of knowledge in certain areas.
[00:36:36] I get my news from you as well. Yeah, he's mean.
[00:36:44] Nick also lies a lot for entertainment.
[00:36:48] Are you gonna play the new woke Zelda they made Zelda a girl what the fuck it's much shorter than Breath of the Wild
[00:37:06] Concussing on could it be Jacksonville equals on could it the uncle a human and not a better note and the life
[00:37:12] Perks are upset that people know about Ankara now
[00:37:17] Ankara memes
[00:37:22] Yeah, apparently I hope these guys are living the feeling Lebanese podcast in English explain
[00:37:27] I hope these guys are doing all right
[00:37:28] Thank you for covered Lebanon is honest, but in the word you are one of my idols
[00:37:31] I can't believe you found our pod. Yeah. It was because of Caprice on Pavi. I gotta say
[00:37:46] I love both of you. My expectations were high on the stream exceeded them. Yeah. Oh my God.
[00:37:55] Um, but yeah, has Bola leader Hassan Nasrallah is, is a killed. He has been martyred by
[00:38:00] the Zionist entity. Okay. Has Bola came out and confirmed his assassination. Uh,
[00:38:08] Iran has vowed to retaliate. We'll do a little bit of news real quick and then
[00:38:11] We'll move on to some more fun shit, and then I'll talk about.
[00:38:16] Thank you, Adam's Push for the Five Give the Subs
[00:38:18] and Twitch for the Five Give the Subs.
[00:38:23] I hope the chatters that are in Lebanon are OK.
[00:38:26] I hope they're safe.
[00:38:29] We are keeping you guys in our minds and our hearts,
[00:38:34] martyred, omega law.
[00:38:36] I mean, that is what happened.
[00:38:37] You got killed.
[00:38:39] Speaking overnight, the Israeli military
[00:38:41] has eliminated its most powerful target yet.
[00:38:44] Israel says longtime Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah
[00:38:48] was killed in an airstrike in Beirut.
[00:38:50] Hezbollah is now confirming that Nasrallah was killed.
[00:38:54] The Israeli military said Nasrallah
[00:38:55] was at Hezbollah's underground headquarters,
[00:38:58] one of several sites targeted
[00:38:59] in a series of massive explosions
[00:39:01] that the Lebanese health ministry says
[00:39:03] killed at least six and injured more than 90 others.
[00:39:06] The killing of Nasrallah not only strikes a blow
[00:39:08] to terrorist groups leadership,
[00:39:10] but could also trigger a wider war
[00:39:12] with Hezbollah's main backer, Iran.
[00:39:15] MTS Tayyab has the latest from Beirut.
[00:39:20] In a massive escalation, Israeli fighter jets
[00:39:23] dropped a series of bombs on Beirut's southern suburbs.
[00:39:26] Now that the threat has been resolved,
[00:39:28] surely it's really striking that Lebanon will stop, right?
[00:39:31] Yeah.
[00:39:32] Were people really cheering?
[00:39:33] Is that propaganda?
[00:39:33] Yes.
[00:39:36] Like I've said before, there are,
[00:39:38] The Lebanese society is very diverse and has had a litany of infighting and complications.
[00:39:47] A lot of the Lebanese society also despises their governance and they see Hezbollah as
[00:39:52] taking advantage of that, taking advantage of that power vacuum pretty much because
[00:39:57] like they are one of the more popular parties and are the basic standing military of Lebanon
[00:40:03] in general.
[00:40:04] So, for this reason, what's good?
[00:40:07] So for this reason, I think like some people, you know, some people definitely have different
[00:40:13] opinions about Hezbollah in general.
[00:40:15] Their domestic governance obviously is not great either.
[00:40:18] Having said that, however, most people see it as like a defensive posture that Hezbollah
[00:40:24] presents towards Israel, and they certainly hate Israel a lot more than they fucking
[00:40:28] even hate Hezbollah.
[00:40:31] But the video that they were using to say people were cheering, Hassan Nasrallah's
[00:40:34] assassination is from 2019. Um, and that's it. Like the one I'm saying, the one in Lebanon,
[00:40:43] I'm sure people, I'm sure people in fucking, uh, uh, what do you call it? I guess the way the way I
[00:40:53] would describe it is like, if there was an alien force that was not China, like, like far more
[00:40:59] powerful than America, right? Like an insane power. And this alien force was attacking America relentlessly,
[00:41:08] and showing that they wanted to occupy the country. And then they assassinated, like, the Republican
[00:41:17] paramilitary that was, like, actively fighting against the aliens. Most Americans would be like,
[00:41:24] this is fucking incredible. This is bullshit. Like, this is completely unacceptable. They
[00:41:28] They would not, like even if you had a disagreement with the Republicans in that regard, you would
[00:41:33] still be like, well, they're up in arms against like, you know, a much more powerful enemy.
[00:41:39] So that's the way to analyze it.
[00:41:41] Law of worst metaphor in history.
[00:41:43] I don't think it's not, wait, what?
[00:41:45] Hezbollah, Dunga Rock, Hezbollah and Shambles, worst metaphor in history.
[00:41:48] I think it's a phenomenal metaphor because regardless of your, regardless of your opinions
[00:41:55] in terms of like domestic policy
[00:41:58] if you are faced with a
[00:41:59] sparr larger enemy i'm trying to explain it to americans who have never actually
[00:42:03] faced
[00:42:04] a far larger enemy so that's why i'm using the alien analogy there's no
[00:42:09] other way to describe it
[00:42:11] ultimately if aliens fucking dropped of massive bomb in the middle of new york
[00:42:15] to like assassinate
[00:42:17] uh... the leadership of like the republican paramilitaries that were
[00:42:20] fighting against them
[00:42:22] you would probably be like that's fucking bullshit
[00:42:25] the much larger enemy would be the aliens in the circumstance
[00:42:30] and you don't have to look any further than ukraine to understand this
[00:42:34] there are plenty of ukrainians who did not like the as of battalion
[00:42:38] who did not like the fucking nazis in ukraine
[00:42:41] who fought against that nazis in ukraine
[00:42:44] who once the much larger enemy russia came in and started fucking blowing their
[00:42:48] goddamn
[00:42:49] uh... cities entire city blocks
[00:42:52] became aligned with
[00:42:53] the as of battalion
[00:42:55] that's usually how things go
[00:42:57] this was something that i mentioned in the beginning of the invasion as well
[00:43:01] where i talked about how
[00:43:02] uh... invading a country does not be not so fired as a matter of fact it just
[00:43:06] galvanizes in emboldens
[00:43:08] some of the more fascist elements within the country
[00:43:10] and turns them into national heroes
[00:43:12] because their emancipatory goals are now
[00:43:15] completely justified
[00:43:17] uh...
[00:43:19] not even making a comparison between hezbollah and nazis i'm just using
[00:43:22] that as an analog for people to understand
[00:43:24] especially because a lot of people who despise his beloved love
[00:43:28] uh... you know uh... the the as of battalion
[00:43:46] that's not an explanation yesterday during the bombing of the route some
[00:43:49] senior journals were sheltering could you explain why that would be necessary
[00:43:52] they themselves say that israel is precise and target when they strike why
[00:43:54] would they be afraid camp of my finger on it
[00:43:56] because
[00:43:58] israel
[00:43:58] cannot be analyzed
[00:44:00] from the perspective of a belligerent
[00:44:02] okay
[00:44:03] in american news
[00:44:04] but they are
[00:44:06] They are not only belligerent as like in the war terminology, but they're also belligerent in the way that you colloquially understand the term. They're insane, okay?
[00:44:15] So, that is precisely the reason why, of course, Americans are obviously understandably fearful.
[00:44:23] But, as the United States of America, we can't acknowledge that Israel is a belligerent occupier in Lebanon.
[00:44:30] So we take this weird fucking, we take this weird posture where we're like, yeah, you got to take your own tickets out if you want to leave.
[00:44:37] We can't even evacuate.
[00:44:38] Hi, I'm Lebanese and just wanted to note that a lot of people that don't support Hezbollah, including me,
[00:44:52] but in these circumstances of living under the threat of genocide on the destructive state,
[00:44:55] we see Hezbollah as our only form of resistance, so it's shocking when you hear the leader of our resistance.
[00:44:59] Is that exactly? No, I totally get that. I totally understand that.
[00:45:05] Are we seriously mourning the death of the head of a terrorist organization?
[00:45:08] Brother, I'm gonna tell you right now if you have this opinion you 1 million percent you 1 million percent
[00:45:16] would mourn
[00:45:18] Okay, if again an alien force out of nowhere came in and assassinated like hundreds of fucking civilians in the middle of Chicago
[00:45:28] To like execute whatever fucking Republican military general that was fighting against those aliens
[00:45:35] Okay, you would be like that's unimaginable. That is insane. I can't believe this just happened
[00:45:41] Okay
[00:45:42] You can slap on the terrorist sticker over and over again
[00:45:47] But what you fail to recognize is Israel is a far greater terror in the region
[00:45:52] It's just that we don't analyze Israel as a terrorist organization because it's a state
[00:45:56] Okay, and it's not only a state, but it's also a state that's aligned with the United States
[00:46:00] If you want to see a terror state we consider Iran to be a terrorist state
[00:46:04] We consider Russia to be a terrorist state those countries are outside of the scope of influence of the United States of America
[00:46:10] And they are personally viewed as a state sponsor of terror
[00:46:15] Israel is
[00:46:18] Significantly
[00:46:20] Significantly larger in terms of the terror it presents to enemies that it occupies
[00:46:24] Enemies that it is a belligerent occupier of in an unjustifiable war that it wages upon every fucking country in the region and all of the
[00:46:32] territories that it currently illegally militarily occupies. So it doesn't really matter what sticker
[00:46:40] you're slapping onto it. It doesn't change that dynamic at all. And in terms of analyzing,
[00:46:56] in terms of analyzing Hezbollah's militancy in the dynamic between Israel and Hezbollah,
[00:47:03] So, when you look at the tit for tat bombing campaigns that occurred since October 7, right,
[00:47:12] between Israel and Hezbollah, Israel is responsible for 82% of all bombing, and that number has
[00:47:18] actually grown now as well.
[00:47:21] So ultimately, if we're going to look at it on a same moral boundary, if we're going
[00:47:28] to, all of a sudden, operate on the same moral playing field as Bullah is the far greater
[00:47:37] lesser evil in that situation. Okay. Incredibly, incredibly restricted and restrained in terms
[00:47:45] of its tit for tat military campaigns in comparison to Israel because Israel doesn't have to
[00:47:50] be restrained. Israel can do whatever the fuck it wants. And America will give it
[00:47:53] billions and billions of dollars in weapons weapons or billions of dollars that they are going to
[00:47:59] give to Israel instead of you for your health care for your free college education to fix the
[00:48:05] fucking potholes you know or to harden our infrastructure against climate change and the
[00:48:11] natural disasters that seemingly occur at a rapid clip at a more rapid clip than before
[00:48:16] year over year America is both under fire and also underwater at the same time.
[00:48:25] And yet our infrastructure is falling apart and we have absolutely nothing going on to fix it
[00:48:30] because there's no money for that. Okay we can't do that. We can't do that. There's no money for
[00:48:35] the top of the hour ad break avoidance fee. Because at the top of the hour there's a three
[00:48:39] minute ad break and you could be defensive against that by subscribing for $4.20 until
[00:48:48] the month of September is over or for free will it touch prime? That's right ladies and gentlemen.
[00:48:56] Or by getting gifts of flocky thank you for the time community gift of subs.
[00:49:07] Here is the three minute outbreak now. The three minute outbreak. Here it is.
[00:49:22] The copium is insane keeping doctrine and children and asking them for money. God
[00:49:26] damn your copium is full force right now. It's not copium if I'm just giving you facts.
[00:49:32] Okay? It's actually you that is engaging in copium while simultaneously saying it's copium.
[00:49:37] Also children, it's hilarious. This community is, you know, broadly 30 plus.
[00:49:44] But you can fantasize about them being children, I guess, in your mind.
[00:49:54] Not only are you wrong on that front, you're also wrong when you say this is copium.
[00:49:58] It's pure projection. You are the one who is coping in that regard,
[00:50:03] hoping that what I'm saying is not true.
[00:50:06] You need to explain. You're coming from the POV of someone in Lebanon. Yeah, I mean
[00:50:11] I'm explaining it from the perspective of people who are under a relentless bombing campaign at this moment
[00:50:16] But ultimately regardless of the command structure being gutted and eviscerated by Israeli bombing campaigns
[00:50:34] The people's interest in emancipation still remains like that doesn't go away. You know what I mean?
[00:50:39] People are not gonna be like all right. Well
[00:50:41] They killed Hezbollah. They killed the Hamas leadership. I guess it's over now
[00:50:45] like it doesn't work that way which is hilarious because we know it doesn't work that way after 12 months of relentless bombing in Gaza
[00:50:53] where
[00:50:54] virtually every Israeli general
[00:50:57] Has come to that same conclusion
[00:50:59] But because Hezbollah and Lebanon is new they're using the same fucking the exact
[00:51:06] Same
[00:51:08] arguments we must liberate the people of Lebanon from the from the grips of Hezbollah in the exact same way that they said
[00:51:15] We must liberate the people of Palestine from the grips of Hamas.
[00:51:20] Okay, that's it.
[00:51:27] And it's funny to see Chatters try to run that exact same route.
[00:51:33] Try to run that exact same fucking route.
[00:51:36] Like, as though this hasn't already happened for the past 12 months, they shut
[00:51:40] the fuck up about it now because they recognize it's a done deal.
[00:51:43] It's not going anywhere and it's not going to work.
[00:51:46] They leveled Gaza to liberate the Palestinian people.
[00:51:48] Of course not.
[00:51:50] Yeah. All they're doing is liberating the people of Lebanon off in their bodies. Exactly.
[00:51:54] Anyway, let's continue.
[00:52:06] Triggering, deafening explosions, and sending huge plumes of crimson smoke in the skies above.
[00:52:11] On the ground, near total devastation, at least four buildings pulverized.
[00:52:16] Israel's military says it killed Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah.
[00:52:20] And this morning, the group confirmed he was dead.
[00:52:24] Sayed Hassan Nasrallah was a singular easier within the political and paramilitary force.
[00:52:31] No, for his fiery speeches, like this one, we attended in August.
[00:52:39] For 32 years, he led Hezbollah, which means...
[00:52:42] Ghassan Khanifani, bodies fall, ideas live forever.
[00:52:46] And it's not just ideas as well, it's ideals.
[00:52:50] Not just ideas, but ideals, okay?
[00:52:54] Like, people understandably have a need for emancipation.
[00:52:58] People understandably do not want to live under permanent military occupation.
[00:53:02] People don't want to get fucking bombed into bits, okay?
[00:53:05] You feel me?
[00:53:07] That's a normal, understandable position that every human being has.
[00:53:13] So, of course, it does not fucking matter.
[00:53:16] Like, assassinating the head of this organization will maybe, okay, will maybe stop the, it'll
[00:53:35] probably stop the bombing campaigns for like a little bit, even that is not likely, right,
[00:53:40] from the Hezbollah side.
[00:53:42] But ultimately, when you continuously and mercilessly and relentlessly occupy territory,
[00:53:49] more and more territory, you keep bombing these people, they're going to fight back.
[00:53:54] Okay?
[00:53:55] That's it.
[00:53:58] There is no world in which you can bomb people so hard that they end up liking you.
[00:54:05] They're just going to like you less.
[00:54:06] And this has happened over the course of the past 20 plus years of permanent military
[00:54:11] occupation in the Middle East with America. Look at, look at Afghanistan. The Taliban has taken over
[00:54:17] Afghanistan again. You know, it's fucking stupid. There's only one commander for Hezbollah live.
[00:54:39] Dude, I don't think you guys understand unless you personally think that people's understandable
[00:54:49] resentment against Israel in the territory was because Hassan Nasrallah was like the singular
[00:54:54] figure mind-controlling everyone to hate Israel? This doesn't make any sense. Why do you...
[00:55:03] a lot of Americans fail to comprehend this, okay? A lot of Americans, because we are
[00:55:10] so comfortable in the lap of luxury in the first world, in the core of empire, we have
[00:55:17] no way to comprehend a much greater threat to our existence. We don't have any way
[00:55:23] of understanding that so much so that we make up our own fake threats against us like some fucking goat
[00:55:29] herder in afghanistan or some rice farmer in fucking vietnam okay like we literally have zero
[00:55:38] enemies we have 800 military bases and zero real enemies so much so that we make up new ones in
[00:55:43] order to justify our fucking check your pager like this is this is again a powerless person
[00:55:49] posturing as though they benefit from America and Israel's actions you motherfucker do not have health care
[00:55:57] Okay, you will never achieve the American dream
[00:56:01] You will never be able to own a house you will never be able to get upward social mobility
[00:56:06] Your life will be worse than your than your parents generation
[00:56:10] But because you recognize that you have to like grab on to anything
[00:56:14] You have to grab on to anything and everything you can to be like well. No, this is check your pager your Hezbollah
[00:56:21] You're gonna die. You are still the fat
[00:56:24] You're still the same fact get on the inside in secure Nepal baby loser. I know man. You're right
[00:56:29] Gray name sock account in my chat who was probably on his eighth fucking fake account just so we can chirp in here
[00:56:35] He's not the loser
[00:56:36] It's the twitch streamer that he's fucking yelling at on a Saturday on a beautiful Saturday
[00:56:41] You could be out enjoying your life, but because you're angry and resentful
[00:56:47] Okay, yes, I am. Are you mad? Do I seem mad? Not even a little bit because I understand the hurt that you have experienced
[00:56:54] I understand the systemic
[00:56:58] Problems that you experience on a daily basis that have hardened you to this degree that make you seek out this kind of
[00:57:05] negative engagement with people online because you can't have this conversation. You can't have a normal
[00:57:10] interaction with human beings in the real world.
[00:57:13] Okay, you come across as a resentful
[00:57:16] angry little worm in here. You don't come across as like a cool guy who expertly trolled the Twitch streamer.
[00:57:22] I'm gonna be honest with you and I'm telling you. Okay
[00:57:26] This is where it comes from like the anger and resentment that you have it builds up
[00:57:31] And the the lack of future prospects that you see in front of you makes you angry
[00:57:37] So you lash out at anything and everything you can and you grab on to like America's
[00:57:42] Actions as though they are good for us as though they're great for us
[00:57:46] You know, oh, yeah, a fucking nine-year-old was exploded in Lebanon, but you don't care. That's a good move
[00:57:52] That was fucking sick
[00:57:54] Like go yeah, go turn off the fucking broadcast and literally watch college football or something
[00:58:02] Okay, it is probably a more productive thing for you to do
[00:58:08] True we should just let you spread pro terrorist propaganda unfettered. I never read pro terrorist propaganda
[00:58:15] I am not in support of Israel's actions, and I'm not in support of America's actions
[00:58:20] Okay, you support who these killing women for trying to get educated
[00:58:23] There has never been a single moment where I've supported such things and you will not be able to find that and that's precisely why you're just making it up
[00:58:31] Okay, you are you're making it up. Also the irony here is that you support just killing the women yourself with American bombs
[00:58:39] You literally just made a reference to that right here
[00:58:42] Check your pager is a reference to Israel's terror attacks in Lebanon
[00:58:46] Utilizing a civilian communications device in direct contravention of international humanitarian laws and rules of fucking war
[00:58:53] It is a violation of the Geneva Convention. It is literally an act of terror former CIA director Leon Panetta has said as much
[00:59:00] And you're in here justifying that act of terror
[00:59:03] Celebrating it and hoping that it happens to someone who is living in the United States of America. Okay a
[00:59:09] Civilian communications device. Yes, that is what a pager is most commonly used by doctors and nurses
[00:59:14] Which is real also killed a fucking nurse
[00:59:17] um
[00:59:19] From when it was a civilian device, guys, pagers are a civilian communications device, okay?
[00:59:27] When you, I can't believe we're having this conversation again.
[00:59:32] I'm not mad.
[00:59:34] The reason why I'm not mad is because I hear this all the time, and I know where this anger
[00:59:38] and this spite comes from, this resentment comes from.
[00:59:41] I know why you're upset.
[00:59:43] I just wish you could have a little bit of an open mind and recognize the hurt
[00:59:48] that is your own government is causing you okay but instead you want to close your eyes to that
[00:59:54] and and go hey at least there's someone lower than me that my government is fucking owning right now
[00:59:59] my government is actually funding and supporting the ownage and the carnage in the third world so
[01:00:04] it's great it's not going to fix your life as a matter of fact it probably grows your resentment
[01:00:12] and anger as you flail desperately in this death spiral that you found yourself in.
[01:00:18] It means party of God that is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. and many
[01:00:28] other countries.
[01:00:29] And through support from Iran, he expanded it not only into a political force.
[01:00:33] You are doing it right now.
[01:00:34] These takes are atrocious as resident Texan 19 month subscriber.
[01:00:38] What takes?
[01:00:40] Do it from the perspective of a Syrian now.
[01:00:43] What?
[01:00:44] I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
[01:00:46] Hezbollah, which means party of God, and which is considered a terrorist organization by the
[01:00:52] US and many other countries.
[01:00:54] Through support from Iran, he expanded it not only into a political force, but also
[01:00:59] one of the most powerful and heavily armed standing armies in the region.
[01:01:04] Nasrallah's death would be a potentially catastrophic blow for the group.
[01:01:09] Several Hezbollah's military commanders have been assassinated in other Israeli strikes since July.
[01:01:17] And thousands of its members were injured in booby-trapped pager and walkie-talkie explosions
[01:01:22] earlier this month, leaving it badly diminished and potentially leaderless.
[01:01:28] The stunning developments follow Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address
[01:01:32] to the UN General Assembly, where they received a mix of booze and applause.
[01:01:37] And we'll continue degrading Hezbollah until all our objectives are made.
[01:01:43] Yeah, I wonder what those objectives are.
[01:01:48] For the record, there's never been an instance where Israel has not said that they're doing this for security concerns, just so you understand.
[01:02:01] Like, it is always a security concern.
[01:02:04] Okay. This is like the justification for the state of Israel existing since 1948. Okay. So when they say, oh, this is a security concern. This is a security concern.
[01:02:17] Understand that like, that is the justification for you to hear in the Western world and understand and agree with. Okay.
[01:02:27] the the tactic is always the same okay fuck shit up display civilians and then settlers come in
[01:02:35] and take over that territory people understandably feel resentful and spiteful against israel fight back
[01:02:40] then israel encroaches on more territory because you have to protect those civilians that now moved
[01:02:45] into that area right that's why people are desperately inside of israel you have ultra
[01:02:49] orthodox rabid fucking ultra zionist ultra nationalist settlers or fascist trying to go
[01:02:54] into Gaza and settle again. And they have plans to settle Gaza again. This is what they did in
[01:03:00] the West Bank. This is what they used to do in Gaza. This is what they did in Sinai. Okay.
[01:03:06] And this is what they did in Golan Heights. This is what they did in Shebaugh Farms, which is
[01:03:10] technically Lebanese territory, corn, and Syria. And it doesn't matter, right? They will always
[01:03:16] have an appetite for more and more territorial acquisition. And then when they move people
[01:03:22] into that territory and the people that are now displaced from that territory like well what the
[01:03:26] fuck is this shit this was my family's farm why the fuck did you take that some Zionist on a
[01:03:32] discord chat called you homos and abi i've heard that a million times over my friend it's it's not
[01:03:36] new i don't really care about it i think it reveals their position more than you know anything
[01:03:42] that i've ever said yeah look israel is preparing for a limited incursion
[01:04:00] into Lebanon. If Israel invaded Ukraine we'd be here in the same radar against Ukraine.
[01:04:25] Yeah.
[01:04:26] Overnight, Israeli warplanes targeted even more areas across Beirut southern suburbs,
[01:04:36] reportedly carrying out at least 20 strikes before dawn.
[01:04:41] These fucking people cheering this shit on which is just more civilians dying brainwashed
[01:04:44] by Zionism brainwashed into thinking Israel's legitimate one out of three people in Haifa
[01:04:47] are non-Jewish Russians. This is nothing but colonial genocide of a different flavor,
[01:04:51] state. Yeah, I mean, it is. It totally is. Okay. Oh my God. Oh my God, I just realized
[01:05:21] something. Wait, hold on. Oh my God. I didn't realize that there was miscommunication between
[01:05:55] me and Quinn. We were going to do it on Sunday. No, no, it's fine. It's fine. It's fine.
[01:06:08] It's fine. There was miscommunication. I had planned it for, okay, brother, don't
[01:06:42] scare us like that. We thought it was World War three or something. No. Okay, let's
[01:06:47] Let's continue. Sorry. I booked everything for Sunday thinking that it was on Sunday,
[01:06:53] but I think on the on the email, I didn't realize that they booked it for the 28th.
[01:06:59] And the 28th is today. It's my fault. Hold on. Let me fix this real quick. Okay. I said
[01:07:46] I would pay for the production coming in today because I fucked it up. It's my fault.
[01:07:52] All right, now President Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin have both denied being
[01:07:58] given advanced warning from Israel of the massive strikes targeting the Srella.
[01:08:03] The Secretary Austin saying the first time he was told about it was while the strikes
[01:08:08] were actually happening as the White House now instructs the Pentagon to, quote, assess
[01:08:13] and adjust US forces across the Middle East as needed.
[01:08:17] Jeff.
[01:08:18] Interest, thank you.
[01:08:20] Destruction that will echo through Lebanon's future for years to come.
[01:08:25] Now, only glimpses remain of the lives that lived here,
[01:08:29] and the four apartment blocks that stood until 3.30 this morning.
[01:08:34] Seems repeated across...
[01:08:36] From village down south, everyone is fleeing into likelihood we lose that lane is very high.
[01:08:39] Christian Village, by the way, no has below.
[01:08:41] Is election Donald Trump a better choice for the safety of Lebanon?
[01:09:04] Fuck no.
[01:09:05] There is no better choice.
[01:09:06] There is only one choice.
[01:09:08] America does what it wants to do. I need you guys to understand, okay?
[01:09:13] America and Israel as an extension of America is a force that will not change its trajectory, regardless of whether a Democrat is in charge or a Republican is in charge.
[01:09:27] This is something that is important for a lot of people to comprehend because this is a Democratic administration doing this and Democrats are supposed to at least present themselves as a counterbalance against the Republican incursions.
[01:09:41] Okay, against Republican neocon sentiment against Republican death and destruction.
[01:09:46] And it's very obvious that they're not doing that the Democrats are not doing that and they're waging the exact same bloody war.
[01:09:52] So Donald Trump is not going to change that trajectory even a little bit if not make it worse
[01:09:56] It doesn't really matter to the people that are directly under this permanent occupation at this point
[01:10:01] But if you are living in these regions, there is unfortunately no
[01:10:07] Solution for you in in terms of like who is going to be
[01:10:13] You know who's gonna be in charge of this death and destruction
[01:10:16] And that's it. And before you fucking point to this, okay, and say, when Israel killed
[01:10:28] Ahmad Yassin, the leader of Hamas, the Bush administration condemned Israel for killing
[01:10:31] seven others.
[01:10:32] When Israel killed Hassan Nasrallah, the Biden administration congratulates Israel for its
[01:10:35] measure of justice and Israel strikes against 300 people. This right here makes it seem
[01:10:41] as though George W. Bush is more moderate, okay? On Israel, he was. And I've repeated
[01:10:46] this before. I talked about this like a couple of days ago, but that does not
[01:10:50] mean that like the American foreign policy has moved so firmly into the right that this
[01:10:57] doesn't mean that like a Republican would do that right now.
[01:11:00] Trump would do that right now.
[01:11:01] They would not, okay?
[01:11:03] Understand where we are in terms of like America being a uniparty in its in its analysis
[01:11:11] of foreign policy, okay?
[01:11:13] We are uniparty on foreign policy, especially.
[01:11:16] George W. Bush was more moderate, technically,
[01:11:20] and still fucked up the bag in Israel, Palestine
[01:11:24] in very meaningful ways.
[01:11:26] George W. Bush was also a fucking death dealing
[01:11:28] warmonger, his administration is literally the worst.
[01:11:31] Still worse than the Biden administration,
[01:11:33] still worse than the Trump administration
[01:11:34] in terms of its foreign policy, of course.
[01:11:37] It's unimaginable.
[01:11:38] No one approaches the death and destruction
[01:11:40] that the Bush administration dealt to the world,
[01:11:43] and even in terms of domestic policy,
[01:11:45] terms of like, greatly accelerating America's security apparatus and internal surveillance
[01:11:51] state. But having said that, having said that, we as a consequence of George W. Bush and as
[01:11:57] a consequence of Barack Obama continuing that foreign policy as a consequence of Donald
[01:12:01] Trump continuing that foreign policy have now firmly moved as a uniparty to a level
[01:12:08] of like right wing fascist behavior from the Democrats and the Republican Party both
[01:12:13] this basically is what I am trying to explain to people that like if your expectation is that
[01:12:20] you know one party is going to do it differently it's not it's not going to happen.
[01:12:30] I mean we're talking about some complex stuff right now if you want to
[01:12:38] sure. I'm quite ignorant when it comes to politics. No it's all good. I don't know nothing about
[01:12:48] it so I heard something about fascism coming in what I hear there. Yeah we're just talking about
[01:12:53] But the leader of Hezbollah being killed on Israel is Shrek on Beirut.
[01:12:58] You have Biden former using clear Bush?
[01:13:00] No, I mean, Biden doesn't have former years anyway.
[01:13:03] Where is this at?
[01:13:04] This is Beirut.
[01:13:05] This is Lebanon.
[01:13:06] This is Lebanon's capital with 2.5 million people living in it.
[01:13:08] Well, it's probably a larger number now because a lot of the Lebanese population that was
[01:13:12] in southern Lebanon have had to escape into Beirut because they thought that would
[01:13:17] be a safe territory for them.
[01:13:19] Where is Trump?
[01:13:20] Israel.
[01:13:21] Israel's bombing the shit out of everywhere.
[01:13:24] Wait, what?
[01:13:26] Israel, America's greatest ally, the most important country in the world, the most moral nation, the most moral democracy on the planet, is ruthlessly and mercilessly bombing southern Lebanon, including southern Beirut.
[01:13:42] What did Lebanon do?
[01:13:44] They just kind of were there.
[01:13:47] They happen to be.
[01:13:48] They happen to be Israel's neighbor.
[01:13:49] You're kidding.
[01:13:50] Yeah, Israel's justification for it is that Hezbollah, which is a one of the parties inside of the Lebanese parliament
[01:13:58] which was created as a resistance group against Israel the first time Israel invaded Lebanon
[01:14:03] and occupied it for years and then successfully fought back against Israel
[01:14:08] and removed the Israeli invasion from its territorial boundaries
[01:14:13] And then did it again in 2006 is is lobbing rockets into Israel in a tit-for-tat order Israel's trying to expand
[01:14:23] Yes
[01:14:25] That's what I'm saying. Does everyone know this?
[01:14:29] Yeah, everything you're so misinformed. Yeah, I know I'm I'm so misinformed
[01:14:35] You're right. Yes, Israel's trying to expand yet and our tax dollars are helping them. Yeah
[01:15:09] Lebanon because they have to take care of Hezbollah.
[01:15:13] So Lebanon has people, they're called Lebanese, right?
[01:15:16] Yeah.
[01:15:17] So I actually, one of my neighbors growing up was Lebanese
[01:15:20] and he had a daughter who was one year around me.
[01:15:23] She was really hot.
[01:15:25] Cool.
[01:15:26] Okay.
[01:15:28] Don't know what that has to do with anything,
[01:15:30] but all right.
[01:15:31] Wait, I wonder if she's single now.
[01:15:35] A sprawling suburb hollowed out by Israeli-
[01:15:37] You know Austin is Lebanese.
[01:15:39] Really?
[01:15:40] Yeah, half.
[01:15:41] Bombs and fear, the suburb, still burning.
[01:15:46] There is intense heat coming from the basement and that building.
[01:15:49] The sky is dense with the smoke. It smells accurate.
[01:15:53] The scale of destruction around here is vast.
[01:15:55] Not just at this site, but everywhere you drive around,
[01:15:58] there are signs of these airstrikes.
[01:16:01] And just a moment ago, we heard Israeli planes in the sky.
[01:16:04] There is a tense feeling now that as bad as all this is,
[01:16:07] yet more could be coming.
[01:16:09] coming with what fresh fire from the sky did soon fall nothing but they brought
[01:16:13] me tremors in case like debris falls on his head yeah are they are they bombing
[01:16:17] civilians yes like all shit done yeah but yeah fuck yeah of course what do you
[01:16:25] who do you think lives there these are just residential buildings yeah there's
[01:16:29] babies in those buildings there's mothers in those buildings there's elderly
[01:16:33] people in those buildings and they fucking destroyed them and killed like
[01:16:36] 300 of them. It's most it's overwhelming majority civilian. Are they trying to intentionally hit
[01:16:42] civilians? I think their goal is to cause as much chaos as possible like they did in Gaza,
[01:16:53] where they don't like their goal is to just like destroy the normal existence of people there to
[01:16:58] make it unlivable. Isn't that kind of the definition of terrorism? Yes. Okay. Yes it is.
[01:17:07] And they are doing that. They are doing terrorism for sure.
[01:17:14] Compared to the seismic eruptions that leveled large parts of Dehaia last night.
[01:17:18] The city looks beautiful. An overwhelming use of force.
[01:17:21] Beirut is a beautiful city. Like Lebanon is a beautiful country. Beirut is a beautiful
[01:17:25] city like it is a it is a very modern city like it's it's a it's a city I see
[01:17:32] it's like a shopping center right there in the body just looks like fucking you
[01:17:35] know it's no different than like Paris you know they mirror Chicago or some
[01:17:39] shit it's just like a city breaking Hezbollah's command and control center
[01:17:43] and decapitating an entire movement shake his hand they claim Israel claims
[01:17:52] that there are cruise missile launchers hidden under every building and that
[01:17:57] grandma is hiding those cruise missile launchers under her, you know, bed and that that's why they have to hit those targets and
[01:18:04] They use our weapons to hit those targets. They don't have those bombs. So we give them
[01:18:10] Billions of dollars. I believe like I don't know what the sum total is but since 1948 the inception of the state of Israel when it first
[01:18:17] Became a nation state by doing pretty much this kind of stuff from the jump
[01:18:23] We have given 250 billion dollars total
[01:18:27] And the Biden administration greatly accelerated a post-October 7 in terms of like tens of billions of more that we have given
[01:18:34] To the state of israel to continue bombing all of these countries. I don't want to sound like an idiot here
[01:18:39] But why are we do why are we doing that?
[01:18:42] um
[01:18:45] How do I explain it like what why why will we help Israel understand israel is
[01:18:51] How do I describe it? It's like
[01:18:53] I have to describe to you what settler colonialism is, where you like send a bunch of people to an area with the specific purpose of colonizing that area.
[01:19:01] That's kind of how America was founded as well. We are a settler colonial nation.
[01:19:05] We've sent a bunch of people here and then those people came in and fucking killed every single indigenous person.
[01:19:10] And then we occupied more and more land.
[01:19:13] That's what Tim means about, yeah.
[01:19:14] Yeah, exactly. And so like Israel's doing that since 1948.
[01:19:18] Originally, it started under the British Empire when England or British Empire took over Palestine, the area that is called Historic Palestine, and it didn't really like Jewish people a lot.
[01:19:33] This is like pre-World War II.
[01:19:37] Who didn't?
[01:19:38] Most people in Europe did not.
[01:19:39] They were very anti-Semitic.
[01:19:41] And so they were like, oh, we don't really like Jews that much.
[01:19:46] We should just send them somewhere.
[01:19:48] Where can we send them?
[01:19:49] A lot of the Christian Zionists predate almost like Zionism
[01:19:54] being like a Jewish movement.
[01:19:57] There was a guy named Balfour, Lord Balfour,
[01:20:00] who made a declaration, basically it was like,
[01:20:03] we should ship all of the Jews here in England
[01:20:07] the desert instead to historic, to mandatory Palestine. And that's basically how it started
[01:20:13] in like the early 1900s. One guy did this post World War One. Okay. After they took over Palestine
[01:20:21] from the Ottoman Empire. When you say when you say Jews, you mean Jewish people? Yeah.
[01:20:26] So this is a religion. Well, Judaism is not just a religion. It's an ethno religion.
[01:20:32] as in like there are different like it is also an ethnicity as well as both okay so you can be like
[01:20:40] a Jewish person it's matrilineal if your mother is Jewish you're technically still Jewish but you
[01:20:46] don't have to be a practicing Jew okay and there are different kinds of like Jewish ethnicities under
[01:20:55] the umbrella of Judaism. You have Sephardic Jews, you have Mizrahi Jews, you have and it depends on
[01:21:03] what region they're coming from originally or what region they lived in historically.
[01:21:07] This is crazy. This is okay. I did not know this. But ultimately, ultimately,
[01:21:16] the one guy who was like, I don't think we should ship the Jews into the fucking desert
[01:21:21] in England, was actually a Jewish guy who was like, no, we shouldn't do this. This
[01:21:26] doesn't seem like a great idea. But this is like a very long and convoluted history. I want to bring
[01:21:31] it back to some of the questions you had today. Yeah. Right. What was the last question that you
[01:21:39] had when I went all the way back to like fucking Lord Balfour? I forgot. But I feel like, can you
[01:21:45] ship people? They did. Yeah. How does that work? Especially accelerated after World War,
[01:21:52] after World War II as well.
[01:21:53] And was it put them in like, like they did with the slaves they put in the boat?
[01:21:56] No, no, no, no, no, no.
[01:21:57] Like a lot of people voluntarily went as well.
[01:21:59] Oh, okay.
[01:22:00] Especially after World War II, like originally Zionism amongst the Jewish population was looked at
[01:22:08] in a very negative way. Zionism is the ideology behind like the development of the
[01:22:16] of the nation, state of Israel being a Jewish ethno state, a state for Jews only for the
[01:22:23] most part, or a state where Jews have all of the rights and that non-Jews also can coexist,
[01:22:29] but they don't have the same set of rights.
[01:22:30] That sounds kind of racist, brother.
[01:22:32] It is.
[01:22:33] It is racist.
[01:22:34] That is precisely why I say, and many academics consider timeless to be a fascist ideology
[01:22:41] because it is. In the more like in a nicer way to put it, if you want to put it in a nicer way,
[01:22:51] you can say like, oh, it's a way for Jews to have self-determination and sovereignty.
[01:22:56] So can we as the Black delegation claim Michigan and kick everybody else out?
[01:23:01] I think people have tried that.
[01:23:04] Why?
[01:23:04] You know, not for Michigan specifically, but for America.
[01:23:07] America is like Zionism, but for white people, but whiteness also is not as hard-blind and
[01:23:15] as defined as Judaism is, as an ethno-religion, so whiteness can expand usually.
[01:23:21] We also did it in Liberia too, but that's besides the point.
[01:23:24] I don't want to get into that, but basically, you are legitimately insane.
[01:23:30] What about what he says is insane?
[01:23:34] Oh, your question, yeah, they never have a follow-up.
[01:23:37] He'll just say I'm anti-Semitic or something or lying.
[01:23:41] There's never like any sort of tangible counter
[01:23:43] to anything I'm saying.
[01:23:44] It's usually just a shit slinging.
[01:23:49] I almost said Michigan sucks.
[01:23:50] I mean, we'll take it guys.
[01:23:53] So, oh, you asked why we fund Israel so much.
[01:23:57] Yeah, why?
[01:23:58] There's a couple of different reasons,
[01:24:00] but I think the most reductive way to explain it,
[01:24:02] the easiest way to explain it,
[01:24:04] you are presenting history in such a one-sided manner.
[01:24:07] Yeah, you're right. Totally. It's very one-sided manner because it is, it is a one-sided manner. It is a moral wrong. If you are anti-fascist, Zionism at the time was very reasonable. Yeah, that's why all the early Zionists now sound exactly like me, right?
[01:24:24] fucking Albert Einstein, go read his letters about how Jewish fascism is turning into Nazism,
[01:24:31] and you'll understand that like, perhaps early Zionists who were critics of what the Zionist
[01:24:36] project became as soon as they understood that the fundamental principle behind a land
[01:24:41] without people for a people without land was wrong because there was people there.
[01:24:46] It wasn't a land without people.
[01:24:48] Okay?
[01:24:49] Without a state user being persecuted all around the world.
[01:24:52] Doug, what are you talking about?
[01:24:53] Do you think anti-Semitism has been dealt with now because Israel exists?
[01:24:57] It's worse now, okay?
[01:24:59] It's gonna get even worse now as a matter of fact because Israel keeps bombing everything
[01:25:03] and saying we're doing this for Judaism and literally bringing you, I suspect, a Western
[01:25:10] Jew along with the project.
[01:25:12] When you just want to live your fucking normal life, you don't have to hold onto
[01:25:16] this notion that like Jews are a monolithic forest and they all care about Israel
[01:25:21] in Israel, but I don't even think this person is Jewish by the way, but that's besides the point.
[01:25:27] But the notion that without a state that Jews are being persecuted all around the world is
[01:25:34] I'm not Jewish. Okay, then shut the fuck up. Okay, shut your stupid fucking bitch ass up. Okay.
[01:25:41] I'm sick and tired of Christian Zionists coming in here and outflanking anti-Zionist Jews in
[01:25:47] in my goddamn community and chirping like this shit.
[01:25:50] You didn't even go to like Jewish camp.
[01:25:51] Where did you fucking, where?
[01:25:53] Where did you develop this sentiment?
[01:25:55] You didn't even get the social condition in goddamn it.
[01:25:57] What the fuck are you talking about?
[01:25:58] You didn't go to birth, right?
[01:25:59] You didn't get your shits up at birth, right?
[01:26:01] What the fuck are you so right or die?
[01:26:05] Sorry.
[01:26:07] So you said Jewish camp.
[01:26:08] I thought they got rid of those.
[01:26:10] No, that's different.
[01:26:11] It's like basketball camp and shit like that.
[01:26:13] Okay, okay.
[01:26:15] Sorry.
[01:26:16] I'm not very well-versed in all this sort of stuff.
[01:26:18] God damn, you should piss me off so much, bro.
[01:26:20] Christian's eyes are so fucking annoying.
[01:26:24] Oh man.
[01:26:25] Okay, let's continue.
[01:26:27] This is all crazy.
[01:26:30] Like this, let me explain the process again.
[01:26:32] Yeah, why are we giving them money?
[01:26:34] I don't understand.
[01:26:35] Okay, so the region is a resource rich region.
[01:26:38] We should, there's a lot of oil.
[01:26:40] We care about oil.
[01:26:41] Everything runs on oil.
[01:26:42] Of course, everything runs on oil.
[01:26:43] What about Tesla?
[01:26:44] That's really important. And there's also a very important trade route there. Okay. Yeah. Here. I'll show you. Okay. Okay.
[01:26:53] Let's show you
[01:26:56] here
[01:26:58] So
[01:26:59] Let's pull it up on a map right here
[01:27:06] Oh, shit
[01:27:08] That's like fucking every time I know
[01:27:11] You can't do it. It's fucking annoying. All right. Um
[01:27:15] Okay here
[01:27:17] What the
[01:27:19] Pull the image. This is the image. This is one to pee dog. What the fuck god damn it Google get better. Okay, get fucking better
[01:27:31] Here I'll show you
[01:27:36] Let's do like
[01:27:38] Let's do trade routes
[01:27:41] Maybe that's a better map. Oh
[01:27:46] Okay, so
[01:27:49] Here
[01:27:51] open new tap what what is happening why is every image like this bro yes I can't load porn either
[01:28:00] yo what the fuck yo this shit is hella annoying okay let's see this one works okay thank God okay
[01:28:09] so yeah this is a trade map okay these are some trade routes okay one of these trade routes
[01:28:18] especially if you want to cut directly in from like Asian countries, if you want to cut directly in to to Europe.
[01:28:27] Yeah, it is. You have to go through this area. Okay. This area, there's known as the Red Sea.
[01:28:33] There's a lot of countries around there that might have a different perspective than the United States of America.
[01:28:39] So we packed them all up and we made sure that they had either puppet states that were in control of that entire fucking entire trade route.
[01:28:46] or at the very least at the tippy top of that, you have the Suez Canal.
[01:28:50] Okay, this is the easiest to secure part of this trade route.
[01:28:54] It's the final part of this trade route.
[01:28:56] On the one side, you have Egypt.
[01:28:58] On the other side, you have Israel.
[01:29:00] Okay, America needed, and England before it,
[01:29:04] needed some way to make sure that they have full and complete control over the Suez Canal
[01:29:12] to ensure that like countries there don't turn around and go hey we're shutting this off actually
[01:29:18] you really pissed us off America I don't like that we're gonna shut the Suez Canal off okay
[01:29:24] technically it's easier on both sides but yes Israel being there is what is significant okay I
[01:29:29] understand we need the trade route but why can't we do what we did in the past instead of
[01:29:34] giving them weapons just destroy them what do you mean like we went into oil from other places
[01:29:40] why would we let these small people tell us what to do? Because no matter how powerful of a
[01:29:44] country you are, America is kind of doing that already in the region, but like it's still unstable.
[01:29:50] Why is it unstable? Because Egypt is a massive country. Egypt needs American billions and billions
[01:29:54] of dollars of money from America. That's why it's a client state. Who does? Who needs that? Egypt.
[01:29:58] Why? Because they could not exist in the way that they do without America consistently pumping
[01:30:05] it for the money. However, the Egyptian governance is shaky. Why is it shaky? Because there's a lot
[01:30:13] of fucking people there that might go, hey man, I kind of don't like what you're doing. I'm going to
[01:30:17] do a coup. And that has happened in the past in Egypt's history. As a matter of fact, during the
[01:30:22] Cold War, if we're going to go all the way back there, there was a lot of allegiances with the
[01:30:27] other major power in the world, the USSR. Russia. But they suck. They came from Ukraine.
[01:30:34] Okay, well, that's new Russia. That's an entirely different story, but we had no idea or we were afraid that like Egypt might, you know,
[01:30:41] Align with the the Soviets a lot of the pan-arabic nationalist movements that were forming when countries were being formed nation states as we understand
[01:30:51] And we're being formed. We're like, hey
[01:30:54] We'll take our allegiances from whoever the fuck wants to support us if it's not going to be America
[01:30:58] Maybe we kind of like socialism a little bit. Maybe we want some money and some some weapons from the USSR
[01:31:03] America did not like that. They were like, no, you could not work with those guys. America
[01:31:07] defeated the USSR and destroyed and dissolved the USSR. And in the aftermath, they were the only
[01:31:13] big game in town for many, many years until China came in. But even China is not doing that as
[01:31:17] much right now. But basically what is going on is these countries are completely captured by
[01:31:24] American interest, by American money. America gives weapons to these countries so they can
[01:31:30] fund their militaries and you know you can use that military to suppress your
[01:31:34] population if they try to do an uprising, things of that nature. We do tons and tons
[01:31:40] of information sharing, surveillance, all this stuff, right? So basically at the
[01:31:46] heart of the matter is America wanting a ride or die, right? And what is a
[01:31:52] bigger ride or die than a country that is currently being run by a guy who
[01:31:55] grew up in Philadelphia. His name is Benjamin Netanyahu, also known as Benjamin Netay. I believe
[01:32:02] he has some other names as well. May or may not have been an intelligence asset at the
[01:32:05] time for the United States of America, and also Mossad, which is the Israeli intelligence.
[01:32:11] What do you mean he grew up in Philadelphia? He just grew up in Philadelphia. He's the
[01:32:14] leader of, and he is, yes, and he's the longest running, I think, I think at this
[01:32:19] point leader of Israel. Yes. The current prime minister. How is it possible? How is that possible?
[01:32:27] He just fucking grew up in Philadelphia. What do you mean? Okay. Anyway, so oh, he also went to MIT.
[01:32:36] So here's the thing. All of this makes a lot more sense if you look at Israel as not just like
[01:32:46] Egypt, a client state, a vassal state, but instead just as an American state, the 51st state, right?
[01:32:53] Are you saying that they're attacking other countries because you want them to?
[01:32:57] Yes. So here's how this works. Israel is basically, Israel is basically
[01:33:06] another state of the United States of America. That's the way to analyze it.
[01:33:10] We say it's sovereign, but it's not really sovereign. Okay? It's completely
[01:33:16] motivated and controlled and and there's like obviously they have their own territorial ambitions
[01:33:21] and whatnot but like ultimately America is the big dog in here in the party. Okay? It doesn't seem
[01:33:27] like it right now because Biden is a fucking idiot and and very very very much invested in Israel's
[01:33:34] ultra Zionist project, but Israel is basically the 51st state of the United States of America. And
[01:33:40] not only is it a state, I like to say it is the most it was one of the most important state.
[01:33:47] Like it's not like North Dakota. You know what I mean? We can get we can get
[01:33:50] North Dakota who fucking cares, you know, United Dakotas who gives a shit nobody will think
[01:33:54] about that ever again. But Israel is significantly more important. That's why it gets more money
[01:33:59] than other American states. So Jesus, that's it. Israel is Israel basically is an American state,
[01:34:07] but in a in a resource rich region that has its own espionage facility. So there's like plausible
[01:34:13] deniability when they do stuff, you're like, oh, that's a different state. It's not us. Come on guys.
[01:34:19] It has its own unsinkable aircraft carrier basically in the region that we're constantly
[01:34:24] giving them all the newest weapons and newest toys that we develop in the United States of America.
[01:34:29] And our tax money completely funds and props up the Israeli state and
[01:34:35] That is precisely the reason why in the American stock market. There are more Israeli companies than there are
[01:34:41] Indian companies and and like three or four other nations combined
[01:34:46] So our partnership with Israel is like this. Okay, so who's a
[01:34:52] Who's like making this these calls because you know, it's buying came think so like who's making these calls
[01:34:59] Like who's in charge like who's running the show here? I think I think what I mean a lot of the people that Biden has surrounded himself with are all
[01:35:07] On board with
[01:35:09] With the interests of Israel. They're like, yeah, they're gonna keep doing this. They're gonna keep pummeling
[01:35:13] But I think it's okay because you know
[01:35:16] They're the good guys and everyone else is the bad guy
[01:35:18] I don't see how this is like for the average American. Why is it good for us if Israel's pummeling this area?
[01:35:26] um
[01:35:27] How do I explain it?
[01:35:29] So there's two different ways to describe it.
[01:35:36] In the simplest terms, it's not.
[01:35:39] Okay, it's not beneficial.
[01:35:40] It's not beneficial even a little bit.
[01:35:44] But I guess the American government does a lot of stuff
[01:35:50] that's not inherently or immediately beneficial
[01:35:52] to the American interest, but we do it anyway.
[01:35:55] Why did we go to Iraq?
[01:35:56] Why did we invade Iraq?
[01:35:58] Was that beneficial?
[01:35:59] Was that George Bush?
[01:36:01] Yeah.
[01:36:01] Little D.G. Ray.
[01:36:03] Dick Cheney and him, yeah.
[01:36:05] Okay.
[01:36:06] Dick Cheney was vice president.
[01:36:09] So there's a couple of different reasons
[01:36:12] why it's beneficial for some American interests.
[01:36:14] One, we get to take oil and control oil
[01:36:18] and extract oil with Western corporations.
[01:36:21] We parse through their natural resources
[01:36:23] as we usually do in many parts of the global South.
[01:36:27] But beyond that, there's also an industry that matters
[01:36:31] perhaps the most in the United States of America,
[01:36:35] broadly defined the military industrial complex.
[01:36:38] And basically, the military industrial complex
[01:36:42] is very important to us because it is our manufacturing.
[01:36:46] It is at the heart of our manufacturing.
[01:36:47] It's the one kind of manufacturing
[01:36:49] that has not moved overseas
[01:36:52] when a lot of our other manufacturing
[01:36:54] has moved overseas to making weapons.
[01:36:56] So making weapons is very important for us doing R&D
[01:36:59] for weapons is very important for us.
[01:37:00] Taxpayers fund the weapons research taxpayers fund the wages taxpayers create the factories
[01:37:08] So that we can make more weapons and then when we have weapons we got to use those weapons, right?
[01:37:12] Obviously, we're gonna go somewhere you can't just like sitting in a fucking arsenal somewhere going away. Are you telling me?
[01:37:19] This is all about money. Yes
[01:37:22] Of course, don't we have more than everyone already? Well, how do we get here?
[01:37:26] very good
[01:37:28] And also who has them is also important because I'm asking you because the reality is
[01:37:34] We like to talk about the GDP, right?
[01:37:37] Or we like to talk about like our overall output and how much money we have as America
[01:37:43] But what what good is all of that money out there as you know numbers on a board if
[01:37:51] The average American can't actually heal itself
[01:37:54] the average American can't go to the fucking doctor without, you know, going into medical bankruptcy.
[01:37:59] Does that money matter all that much? Like, it's great we're one of the richest nations,
[01:38:04] we are the richest nation on the planet, richest nation in history, and yet we can't take care of
[01:38:10] our own citizens. We have tens of thousands of homeless people on the streets. We have people
[01:38:17] who need health care. We have no mechanism of competing with the rest of the world in terms
[01:38:22] of like our our education we our education is also paywall for no fucking reason when
[01:38:30] other countries don't do that at all because they understand me it's probably better to educate
[01:38:34] as many people as possible on purpose yeah i mean it's a short term it's a endless death spiral
[01:38:40] caused by short term profits i got it okay yeah man we're all fucked up huh yes and uh
[01:38:50] That's definitely... I thought my problems were problems like being single and alone, but...
[01:38:57] So not really that big of a deal compared to this shit.
[01:39:00] So yeah, basically the the short and sweet of it is that Israel must exist. Israel must exist in
[01:39:09] the ways that it does as an American vestige of empire in a resource rich region that is
[01:39:17] is at any moment can immediately take control
[01:39:21] over a key trade route here.
[01:39:24] So because if it doesn't, then they're cooked.
[01:39:29] And what has actually happened in post October 7,
[01:39:33] when Israel started relentlessly bombing Gaza,
[01:39:36] a territory that is basically an open air,
[01:39:38] presented it currently in pre-October 7,
[01:39:41] occupied, restricting trade,
[01:39:44] Refusing to allow them to build wait water well question that's fucking airports build a port for their ships
[01:39:51] Can they can they turn off like the power in the water? Yes, and they did
[01:39:55] They did that is not a fair fight defense minister
[01:39:57] You have go on what the fuck and the immediate aftermath of October 7 came out and openly stated the defense minister of Israel
[01:40:03] You have go on who is a war criminal and that's not just me. That's the international
[01:40:09] Court, International, the ICC, International Criminal Court is also has decided that he
[01:40:17] is very likely a war criminal. There's a warrant, there's an application for a warrant out for
[01:40:22] his arrest for war crimes. Now, you have Galant said in early, in the early month of October
[01:40:36] that they were, Israel was, fighting against animals and that is because they're fighting
[01:40:43] against animals, they have to turn off their water, their electricity and their food.
[01:40:53] That's what they said. And they did. They did do that. And then people were like,
[01:40:56] Hey, you can't do that. That's a war crime.
[01:40:59] They did anyways. And then they basically like slowly but surely just changed the faucet a
[01:41:06] a little bit, but yeah, here it is. This is, ah, fifth day of heavy fighting between
[01:41:12] Israel and Hamas today is the death toll soar more than 1200 Israelis and 1100 Palestinians
[01:41:16] are now dead. This was early October, October 11, Gaza cut off from food, water and fuel
[01:41:20] as Israel's punishing bombardment continues. Man, this is tragic. Has anyone talked about
[01:41:29] a solution? Is there even one? Um, there is. Yeah, dissolving the apartheid. But
[01:41:39] That's not what I was going to talk about.
[01:41:40] The reason why I brought all this up was because the Houthis in Yemen, after a rigor as bombing
[01:41:48] campaign at Saudi Arabia, another one of our very important allies, not as important as
[01:41:52] Israel but still very important ally in the region alongside the UAE right here, was
[01:41:59] bombing the shit out of this country called Yemen.
[01:42:03] This country also has different sects of Islam,
[01:42:08] like different religious sects that operate
[01:42:10] within its boundaries.
[01:42:11] And there was always some infighting.
[01:42:13] And there was a group of guys that called themselves Houthis.
[01:42:17] They are of a similar sect of Shia Muslims
[01:42:21] that are backed basically by Iran.
[01:42:26] They take control of the country
[01:42:30] in the, during, during this, this genocide that is occurring in Yemen, genocide backed
[01:42:37] by again, American bombs that Saudi Arabia is doing.
[01:42:41] There's a full blown blockade.
[01:42:42] People can't get food.
[01:42:43] They're bombing fucking school buses and shit with American bombs again, we're giving
[01:42:47] Saudi Arabia bombs so they can do this and the UAE as well.
[01:42:51] And there's different groups that they're backing.
[01:42:53] There's always like a guy that you have that you're like, Oh, well, this is
[01:42:56] my guy.
[01:42:57] This guy should be in charge.
[01:42:58] Yeah.
[01:42:59] But then everyone's like, well, we fucking hate that guy.
[01:43:02] They might not even like the Houthis themselves,
[01:43:04] but they're like, but we don't like this guy either, right?
[01:43:07] And everyone is trying to take advantage of that situation.
[01:43:10] All these other regional actors
[01:43:11] are trying to take advantage of that situation.
[01:43:16] Houthis basically come out as the victors from that, okay?
[01:43:19] And they set up a new coalition
[01:43:21] called the Ansarallah Movement in Yemen.
[01:43:24] And what they immediately start doing is,
[01:43:27] They start saying, oh Israel, you're gonna fucking blow up Palestinians.
[01:43:35] Well, guess what?
[01:43:36] We're gonna blow you up and you're like, what do you mean?
[01:43:39] You guys just fucking overcame a genocide.
[01:43:41] What the fuck do you mean you're gonna blow it up?
[01:43:42] I didn't even think that the Houthis had that smoke.
[01:43:44] Okay.
[01:43:45] I didn't think that the Al-Sarallah movement was gonna do that shit.
[01:43:47] Okay.
[01:43:48] I thought all they did was basically, you know, walk around with like
[01:43:52] blades in their fucking belts and look cool. Okay. And and make musicals. They make a lot
[01:43:58] of musicals. I can show you some of them in a second. Okay. Well, it turns out they do
[01:44:03] more than that. Because they do also get like a lot of weapons from Iran, which is a much
[01:44:08] larger regional actor as well. Outside of the musicals, they also literally have an
[01:44:15] insane arsenal that they are not afraid of using against anyone and everyone. So they
[01:44:21] They go, guess what?
[01:44:23] Hey, you like the Suez Canal?
[01:44:25] You like the fucking straight?
[01:44:27] You like the Red Sea right here?
[01:44:28] You like that trade route?
[01:44:29] It's gone.
[01:44:31] How are they gonna do that?
[01:44:33] America does it all the time.
[01:44:34] How are the Houthis gonna do that?
[01:44:36] Well, they go, listen,
[01:44:37] you wanna fucking bring a ship through here?
[01:44:39] We're gonna take it.
[01:44:40] So that's exactly what the Houthis start doing.
[01:44:43] They start fucking sending in helicopters
[01:44:46] onto fucking ships and taking over the ships.
[01:44:49] It's our ship. Yes, exactly like Russ. Wait, we gotta have that. They're doing cargo
[01:44:55] We have the yeah here here it is
[01:44:59] It's Russ
[01:45:01] Bro, they fucking look at this. They have that they got the Palestinian flag that they paint under the helicopter with the mf lag
[01:45:07] They fucking overtake
[01:45:09] They start overtaking the ship
[01:45:12] And they're like guess what dog? No more trade. They Israel if you're an Israeli is if you're owned
[01:45:18] owned by an Israeli corporation, or if you are actually sending
[01:45:23] ships to the Israeli port of, it's not a lot. It's the other one that is now bankrupt.
[01:45:30] But what was the other port? Haifa, right? Is Haifa, is Haifa the bankrupt one?
[01:45:37] Anyway, there's a lot of information. I can't recall all of it.
[01:45:40] But they go, if you are sending ships into Israel, if you are
[01:45:44] owned by an Israeli subsidiary if you're owned by an Israeli corporation, we're going to take
[01:45:48] over your ship. You cannot fucking use this trade route anymore. Guess what bitch? It's
[01:45:53] our fucking territorial boundary and we're going to enforce this until you stop doing
[01:45:58] genocide in Gaza. Because they say it. They're like, listen, we don't like you. We're not
[01:46:04] a fan of you. Okay. This is like a third party. Um, yeah, this is this is a group
[01:46:10] People that are like no we care about the Palestinians. We don't want you bombing them
[01:46:14] So we're gonna fucking take action and we're gonna try to punish you economically to the best of our ability and they and by God
[01:46:21] They started doing that and they were doing it real well, so
[01:46:25] They started taking over these ships. They started
[01:46:28] Like they started targeting the ships if you pass through they communicate with you
[01:46:32] They're like a where you going whatever blah blah blah if you're trying to get in there
[01:46:35] We're gonna fucking are there people on this helicopter right now
[01:46:38] Yes, what do you mean? Of course there are people on this helicopter. What do you think is a fucking drone?
[01:46:41] Kind of from this angle. No, there are people on this helicopter. This is this is like a hostile. They're streaming this. Yeah
[01:46:48] Yeah, they're flexing. What and look they're coming in hot with guns. Yeah, but you have to understand this is a deterrence, right?
[01:46:55] So like their goal is to film it and show it to the world
[01:46:59] So like other other companies that don't want to risk having this happen to their product
[01:47:05] Having this happen to their ships
[01:47:08] Literally are like okay
[01:47:09] We're not gonna use the trade route anymore all of a sudden if you don't use the trade route trade gets more expensive for the West
[01:47:13] All of a sudden if you can't use that trade route
[01:47:15] The Israeli port is gonna get bankrupt Israel is not gonna be able to get the materials in time that they need for
[01:47:21] Waging their war Israeli society is gonna start getting upset. They're gonna be like I can't get my treats
[01:47:25] I can't get my Amazon Prime deliveries. What the fuck is going on? I hate this Israel sucks. I'm leaving Israel
[01:47:31] That's the goal the goal is to be like yeah, yeah, your shit sucks. Okay, well then stop
[01:47:35] You know, doing genocide in Gaza.
[01:47:38] And this is wild.
[01:47:40] So these guys did all of this, right?
[01:47:42] They did all of this.
[01:47:43] Is that their helicopter?
[01:47:44] Yeah.
[01:47:45] That looks like a legit helicopter.
[01:47:46] It is a legit helicopter.
[01:47:50] This is wild.
[01:47:52] Yeah.
[01:47:53] So a new IRL streaming idea for extra Emily, yeah.
[01:47:56] So they take it over, they take it over,
[01:47:58] they take it over.
[01:47:59] And they tell the people in the ship,
[01:48:01] it's usually like mostly Filipino people,
[01:48:03] like Filipino crews.
[01:48:04] Oh, and they're like, all right,
[01:48:06] We got no problems with you, but you're coming with us.
[01:48:09] We're taking over the ship.
[01:48:10] So they did that.
[01:48:12] And basically, they shut down the fucking straight.
[01:48:16] Like they almost completely shut it down with exceptions.
[01:48:20] Like if you're, I don't know,
[01:48:21] if you're like a Russian ship or some shit,
[01:48:23] if you're not going to Israel, then they let it go through.
[01:48:25] But America did not like that.
[01:48:27] America was like, we're the big bad.
[01:48:29] We're not the big bad.
[01:48:30] Who the fuck are you, bitch?
[01:48:32] We were helping Saudi Arabia do genocide to you.
[01:48:35] like not that long ago, you fucking, you better back down. So America started launching their fucking
[01:48:43] cruisers. Okay, they started sending their big old ships. And at the time, a lot of people celebrated
[01:48:48] that they were like, Oh, the Houthis are going to learn today why like, we don't have health care.
[01:48:52] And they were, they were flexing, they were flexing that we don't have health care, because we
[01:48:56] need to fucking because we are the dominant force globally. And I'm like, bro, why the fuck do
[01:49:01] you care about being the dominant force globally? When you don't have health care, you're
[01:49:04] fucking idiot, you're a loser. Anyway, so basically, they started this, this, this operation
[01:49:12] called prosperity guardian, which one of my friends calls operation Amazon Prime shipping.
[01:49:18] But basically what ended up happening with prosperity guardian is they started bombing
[01:49:23] these Yemeni positions. They were like, we're going to fuck mercilessly bomb you. Oh, yeah.
[01:49:27] You think you can put in who's bombing America and and also England. Are we allowed
[01:49:33] England and there we can do whatever the fuck we want. Don't we have to like declare war or something before you know
[01:49:38] Are we just don't bouncer fun?
[01:49:40] Well, I don't know. I thought we were supposed to do stuff like that. Yeah, no
[01:49:44] That's that's a cute question. No, we do whatever the fuck we okay. Well, that we it's them in charge
[01:49:49] Yeah, America gets to do whatever the fuck it wants. So no, basically operation prosperity guardian starts
[01:49:55] Okay, it's a United States led military operation by a multinational coalition formed in December 2023
[01:50:01] to respond to the Houthi-led attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, okay?
[01:50:07] Here are the belligerents. The United States Navy, the Royal Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Bahrain Naval Force,
[01:50:17] the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Danish Navy, the Finnish Navy.
[01:50:20] One of my favorite was the Seychelles Coast Guard that also were like, we'll take some of that piece,
[01:50:26] we'll take a piece of that action.
[01:50:28] Anyway, ultimately,
[01:50:31] This coalition of royal navies and forces got together and they were pummeling Yemen, they were blowing up Yemeni positions where they have rockets or whatever, right?
[01:50:39] But to the Yemeni people, they were like, dog, death is all we know.
[01:50:44] We just overcame a genocide. You think this is going to fucking stop us? I'm going to make more musicals now. So they did.
[01:50:52] And they started bombing American military ships, Navy ships.
[01:50:56] They even recently, and this was kind of reported, I'm not entirely sure but I think they might
[01:51:05] have even targeted the naval vessel for refueling the other naval ships in the region.
[01:51:13] They had to literally tow that away, but they're not afraid.
[01:51:17] Basically, and I'm going to show you this, here are the Houthis hammering through US
[01:51:24] warships with 23 ballistic missiles and drones from the Red Sea after the Tel Aviv attack.
[01:51:28] And I'm going to run the 3 minute abrac right now and I'm also going to pee real quickly.
[01:51:32] Okay?
[01:51:33] I'll be back in a second.
[01:51:34] You watch this!
[01:51:35] Okay.
[01:51:36] So this is going on like right now.
[01:51:53] Am I?
[01:51:54] Is it embarrassing to say that I have no idea this is happening?
[01:51:59] Like no one told me this.
[01:52:00] Like no one told me this was going on.
[01:52:05] This is kind of scary. Oh my god. I assume people are getting hurt when all this is happening
[01:52:20] Those AKs
[01:52:31] Living in a shrimp thing coming over here cuz I learned so much about things. I don't know
[01:52:37] I'll never take time at home to learn about this sort of stuff
[01:52:50] every time I see that some of these missiles getting shot it just seems like a
[01:52:54] That money could have been put somewhere else somewhere better for anybody
[01:52:58] All this is seems like a waste of money in life, you know
[01:53:01] So anyway, the reason why I brought all this up is because, you're right, it is a huge
[01:53:13] waste of money, and it's especially a huge waste of money because the Ansadallah movement,
[01:53:20] the Houthis in Yemen, said, hey, there's an alternative out there where we don't have
[01:53:27] to do this fucking, you know, blowing up ships shit, right, who said this?
[01:53:35] What is this? Oh, this is hold on. There is an alternative out there where we don't have the wage war, right?
[01:53:42] It's a beautiful prosperous alternative. It's called Israel stop doing genocide in Gaza, right?
[01:53:48] So they said it, they were very clear. They're like, we'll stop. We don't give a shit. It's not like we
[01:53:53] love blowing up the shibs.
[01:53:55] Just stop doing genocide in Gaza. But Israel was like, no, we have to keep doing genocide in Gaza.
[01:54:00] So America was like of course Israel is our ally. We have to do everything we can to bring them to heal
[01:54:05] Is there that black or white?
[01:54:08] Pretty much. I mean, I'm simplifying a little bit, but
[01:54:18] You also have to remember is where is that going now the the missiles are going in the direction sometimes of like Yemeni positions
[01:54:26] Okay, but where's that money coming from? Well, that money is taxpayer funded taxpayers paid for the people's wages in factories to build those fucking munitions and then the American military purchases those munitions giving that money back to the corporations.
[01:54:43] And basically it's this never ending cycle.
[01:54:46] But when you got it, you got to use it.
[01:54:49] If you don't use it, you lose it.
[01:54:50] And by that, I mean you lose the budget.
[01:54:53] But you always have to keep using the endless amounts
[01:54:59] of funds, the ever-expansive funds.
[01:55:01] So, at the end of it all,
[01:55:06] Operation Prosperity Guardian, was it a success?
[01:55:09] We are the most powerful Navy on the planet.
[01:55:13] I mean, look at this, look at all these people,
[01:55:15] look at all these places,
[01:55:16] look at everything that's going on. It was a whopping failure.
[01:55:20] It was a massive failure. The Houthis were under the Houthis
[01:55:24] were determined. They were not, they were not able to stop the
[01:55:28] fucking bombing campaigns. And America in the process spent
[01:55:33] billions of dollars and attacked and never stopped
[01:55:37] attacking Houthi positions over and over and over again.
[01:55:40] Okay. And at the end of it, they said, we're throwing up the flag. We can't deal with this.
[01:55:47] So are they still going on in the in the trade route? Are they still going after ships?
[01:55:55] Heroes were a very funny moment where here let's listen. So someone asked Biden,
[01:56:00] are the airstrikes in Yemen working? Well, when you say working, are they stopping the
[01:56:07] And that's precisely what happened and basically it was a spectacular failure with American
[01:56:28] media openly admitting its failure.
[01:56:31] Here is, let's see what the total cost was at the end of it.
[01:56:35] Prosperity Guardian Failure.
[01:56:40] Here is,
[01:56:42] from, here is Jeffrey Wells.
[01:56:46] I mean, he's like a think tank guy.
[01:56:49] Operation Prosperity Guardian,
[01:56:52] a colossal blunder demanding an unyielding response.
[01:56:55] This was from back from August.
[01:56:57] Okay.
[01:56:58] They wanted to annihilate the Houthi infrastructure.
[01:57:00] They wanted to end the floundering.
[01:57:02] Oh, this guy is like advocating to go all in, I think.
[01:57:04] Unable disaster, fix it now.
[01:57:06] ultimate goal neutralize and deter all the arms, no half
[01:57:09] measures. Okay, where is the actual cost? I need to see it
[01:57:13] not the fucking Navy equipment costs. I need to see the total
[01:57:18] dollars spent on this operation. Tell me about the aid peer
[01:57:26] cost. Oh, God, that was even crazier. But for that, I need
[01:57:31] to describe to him like the rules of waging war and what
[01:57:35] you have as a as a nation state like the obligations you
[01:57:38] have to the civilian population, you have to allow humanitarian aid to flow into the
[01:57:43] areas that you're bombing so that the civilians don't get fucking killed. And Israel being
[01:57:48] the belligerent occupier already is illegally occupying Gaza and has no right under international
[01:57:55] law to be able to bomb Gaza in an effort to defend itself. That's like literally
[01:57:59] illegal for them, but it doesn't matter because it was America and America is Israel.
[01:58:03] And these rules of war are not for us.
[01:58:06] It's for our enemies.
[01:58:07] Oh my God.
[01:58:09] And in this process, because this was such a glaringly obvious violation of humanitarian
[01:58:15] law, a lot of these NGOs, non-government organizations, aid organizations go, hold on!
[01:58:20] You can't stop the flow of humanitarian aid into a civilian population.
[01:58:24] That's a war crime.
[01:58:25] It kind of seems like you're trying to channecide these people, Israel.
[01:58:28] So America goes, we got it.
[01:58:31] We will fix this problem.
[01:58:32] Now, did they actually want to give humanitarian aid to the Palestinians?
[01:58:36] Fuck no, they don't give a shit.
[01:58:37] Right?
[01:58:38] Is that where they dropped the packages?
[01:58:39] That's, that was part of it.
[01:58:41] Yes.
[01:58:42] I saw that.
[01:58:43] That was part of it.
[01:58:44] Did the package hit somebody and kill them?
[01:58:45] Yes, it did.
[01:58:46] The other part of it was, let's build a pier.
[01:58:50] And on May 17th of 2024, this $230 million US Gaza aid pier opens.
[01:58:56] There it is, that pier.
[01:58:57] It doesn't look like that.
[01:58:59] Spoiler alert, the pier is gone.
[01:59:01] in May 25th it's damaged. June 7th it's reconnected. UN pauses distribution on June 9th because Israeli forces killed 274 Palestinians and operate a helicopter in the vicinity of the pier
[01:59:12] leading people into believing that maybe the pier is actually being used for military purpose. You can't do that for humanitarian aid.
[01:59:18] This is not a dual use utility. It's a single use utility. It's supposed to be for humanitarian aid being delivered.
[01:59:24] Also, the question on everyone's minds at the time was why do you need a peer?
[01:59:30] You have direct open routes from Israel into Gaza that Israel controls.
[01:59:36] Why can't you send the trucks in?
[01:59:38] Why not?
[01:59:39] Because Israel was not interested in that.
[01:59:42] They wanted to limit the amount of fucking food that was going in because they wanted
[01:59:45] to cause chaos amongst the civilian population.
[01:59:47] Why is this trade so expensive?
[01:59:48] It looks like shit.
[01:59:50] It's expensive because everything that the American government contracts out the
[01:59:53] private parties or everything that the American Defense Department
[01:59:56] pays for is expensive. It's all inflated. It's all bloated.
[01:59:59] This thing looks like you get a guy from Alabama to make it in
[02:00:00] about two weeks. Anyway, but the real reason why America did
[02:00:04] this, because we wanted to defend Israel from the PR front. See,
[02:00:08] Israel is letting us build an aid for humanity, build a pier
[02:00:12] for humanitarian aid to go in. If they were, if they were
[02:00:15] the big bad, if they were in violation of human rights, and
[02:00:19] if they were doing a war crime and not allowing
[02:00:22] humanitarian aid to flow into the civilian population in Gaza, they wouldn't have let us build this pier. But the pier
[02:00:28] never actually served that purpose. The purpose of it was to do PR and it even failed on the PR front because the pier failed multiple times.
[02:00:35] June 14th, pier is removed. June 19th, pier is reconnected. June 28th, pier removed again. June 9th announced
[02:00:43] it is briefly reinstalled, but it failed. And on July 17th, the pier officially closed.
[02:00:48] This was a $200 million process in which defense contractors made some money.
[02:00:54] We paid a lot of people to build the pier. We paid people to shift the pier over there, all the parts and whatnot.
[02:01:00] But ultimately it was a $230 million marketing initiative to make it seem like Israel wasn't doing a genocide when it actually was.
[02:01:09] Why is this important?
[02:01:11] Because we fund most of Israel, but especially it's military.
[02:01:18] We are responsible for 70% of the munitions that Israel gets.
[02:01:22] We keep giving them more and more weapons, both on the defensive side for the Iron Dome, the Arrow 1, all the way to Arrow 3.
[02:01:28] You know, David Sling defense systems that they have.
[02:01:31] A lot of real domes, just like Tamir interceptor missiles that we fire.
[02:01:35] Okay, very cool tech.
[02:01:37] We also were responsible for building it, but we don't give it to anybody else other than Israel because Israel is the best
[02:01:43] So an Israel refused to let Ukraine have it because Israel's the best
[02:01:48] Anyway at the time when Russia was invading Ukraine Ukraine was like hold on. I'm Jewish. That's what Zelensky said
[02:01:55] I love Israel and Israel hi. Can I please get the iron dome Benjamin and y'all said no, you cannot get the iron is it up to you
[02:02:03] everything's up to Benjamin Danielle. You can do whatever you want. Anyway, you're forgetting.
[02:02:08] You're forgetting. Yeah. Israel's the best. The most more on Asian. It's the only democracy
[02:02:12] in the world. First state. Yes. Okay. So we live in America and Israel high. Okay. So
[02:02:19] but why is it important that it has to seem like Israel is not directly stopping humanitarian
[02:02:25] made from going in. Because we are a nation of rules and laws. And one of those laws is
[02:02:33] a law called the Leahy Law. This law indicates that it is illegal for the United States of
[02:02:39] America to continue giving weapons to an ally if that ally is in violation of human rights.
[02:02:47] And this is a clear cut definitional violation of human rights.
[02:02:50] It's not legal.
[02:02:52] So here is the problem.
[02:02:56] If they're directly violating that law,
[02:02:59] then we're doing something that's illegal in our own books.
[02:03:02] We can't do that.
[02:03:03] So what did the America State Department do?
[02:03:06] Change the law, I don't know.
[02:03:07] No, they didn't change the law.
[02:03:09] They basically just said, oh, no, they're not doing that.
[02:03:11] They're not violating the law.
[02:03:12] What the fuck?
[02:03:13] Shut the fuck up.
[02:03:14] Now, recently, the Republic of Phenomenal Investigative
[02:03:18] reporters found a memo from U.S. aid, U.S. Department of Aid.
[02:03:23] Okay, it's another wing of the CIA.
[02:03:26] It's another wing of the State Department.
[02:03:28] And basically this memo showed,
[02:03:33] and this memo was sent,
[02:03:34] is a 17 page memo that was sent to Anthony Blinken
[02:03:39] that Israel was deliberately blocking
[02:03:41] humanitarian aid to Gaza.
[02:03:43] Two government bodies concluded this in their report.
[02:03:47] And Anthony Blinken you're so biased it's disgusting. I know I'm so biased
[02:03:52] Like I mean, I think I'm so biased because I'm not lying like that's what it is
[02:03:56] Okay, you lie. I think either happened or it didn't right, so how's it like exactly these people this happened or not
[02:04:03] These people there's no way they never have a counter. They just go you're biased your anti-semitic move on. Okay?
[02:04:11] Anthony Blinken said fuck this memo. Who's Anthony Blinken Anthony Blinken
[02:04:16] is the head of the state department. So, Secretary of State, he's in charge of like everything.
[02:04:25] Okay, he's in charge of like all of our, you know, he's one of the most significant, most
[02:04:28] consequential aspects of America's foreign policy. Did he get elected or appointed?
[02:04:32] Appointed. He is a demon. Anyway, so, so there's documented evidence, but I'm biased for
[02:04:43] for saying that there is documented evidence.
[02:04:46] Anyway, so the US Agency for International Development,
[02:04:50] USAID, delivered his assessment to Secretary of State,
[02:04:54] Anthony Blinken in the State Department's Refugees Bureau
[02:04:56] made its own stance known to top diplomats in late April.
[02:05:00] But Anthony Blinken was just like, nah, it's fine.
[02:05:04] It's not happening and refused.
[02:05:07] And then further lied to Congress officially
[02:05:11] in official meetings that he had with Congress consistently
[02:05:15] and repeatedly lied to them and said,
[02:05:17] Israel's not violating human rights
[02:05:20] and Israel's not stopping the delivery of humanitarian aid.
[02:05:24] The problem is Israel was doing that
[02:05:26] in such a glaringly obvious way
[02:05:28] that we didn't need this fucking memo to know that.
[02:05:31] We already did know that
[02:05:33] because every other fucking human rights group
[02:05:35] on the ground was saying, Israel is doing that.
[02:05:37] Not only were they stopping the flow of humanitarian aid
[02:05:41] into the area. They were letting metric tons of flour just sit there and perish.
[02:05:47] Oh, like they were just like, there was aid. It's right there. It's inside of the territorial
[02:05:51] boundaries. Israel, they're just letting it perish because they're like, fuck you. We don't
[02:05:54] want you to have it. We want you to die. We want you to, we want you to basically
[02:05:58] live in chaos in destruction. This is crazy. So he lied to Congress to continue supporting
[02:06:06] are endless bloodlust in Israel to continue giving Israel weapons.
[02:06:15] When you say he's a demon, do you mean because he shreds or because of violating international
[02:06:19] law and helping fund a genocide?
[02:06:20] Okay, a bit of both.
[02:06:23] Good question, chatter.
[02:06:25] Anthony Blinken is also known for shredding.
[02:06:28] That's him right there, baby.
[02:06:30] No, I'm him who the devil is that we sing about yeah, I mean he's he's got a couple different
[02:06:48] tasteful moments such as this one so Israel wasn't just fucking denying humanitarian aid
[02:06:55] from entering Gaza Israel also was killing humanitarian aid workers at a rapid clip they
[02:07:01] just kept killing humanitarian aid workers and there was a very famous moment called
[02:07:05] the flower massacre where Israel allows some trucks to go in,
[02:07:10] and then they shot at the trucks causing chaos.
[02:07:13] And then the trucks like ran over people,
[02:07:15] they shot at a lot of the people
[02:07:16] that were trying to get the fucking aid from these trucks.
[02:07:19] Then Gaza, like the Gaza officials,
[02:07:22] said, okay, we have a police force,
[02:07:24] what the fuck are we doing?
[02:07:25] We might as well use the police force,
[02:07:27] whatever remains of the Gaza police force
[02:07:29] in terms of civil governance.
[02:07:31] So the Gaza police chief was like,
[02:07:33] we are gonna do a single file line,
[02:07:34] We're not gonna let chaos happen
[02:07:37] when we are trying to get aid out.
[02:07:39] We're gonna do this responsibly.
[02:07:42] So they brought forward the internal civil police force
[02:07:47] in the region to deliver the aid to everyone.
[02:07:51] And they weren't in a single file line.
[02:07:53] People were receiving aid all of a sudden.
[02:07:55] The next day Israel killed the fucking police.
[02:07:58] Literally the next day
[02:07:59] and then said he was a Hamas terrorist.
[02:08:05] This is just one of the forgotten aspects
[02:08:09] of Israel's bloody campaign
[02:08:11] over the course of the past 12 months.
[02:08:12] It's just one.
[02:08:13] I'm just giving you like a Sunday.
[02:08:15] You know what I mean?
[02:08:17] Just one.
[02:08:18] It's not even, this doesn't even hit the top of the line
[02:08:21] in terms of like the ruthless efficiency
[02:08:24] in which they have slaughtered everyone.
[02:08:26] And also on top of that,
[02:08:28] have mercilessly destroyed all the buildings
[02:08:33] and made it uninhabitable.
[02:08:36] Is it just rubble now?
[02:08:37] Yes.
[02:08:39] I mean, how many people are left, man?
[02:08:41] There are millions of people displaced.
[02:08:44] The total number of people that were living there,
[02:08:46] that was living there, was like 2.5 million.
[02:08:49] There are 42,000 people that they confirmed killed
[02:08:52] directly with rockets and directly with shooting them
[02:08:57] and killing them.
[02:08:58] The Palestinian Health Ministry
[02:09:00] calculates the direct Israeli kills separately. The number that you hear is
[02:09:06] usually around 42,000. The number of death and the number of casualties is so
[02:09:10] much higher than that they've maimed so many people. They've like you know blown
[02:09:14] people's arms off, you know blown people's eyes off, all this stuff, right?
[02:09:17] So basically that number is actually very small in comparison to the much
[02:09:30] much, much larger death number because, for example, Dropsite News actually interviewed
[02:09:36] my friends over at Dropsite News actually interviewed, I think like the chief medical,
[02:09:42] like the chief of the health bureau, whatever remains in Gaza. And they were saying that
[02:09:49] like the actual death toll is significantly larger because there's so many people dying
[02:09:54] of, there are people dying of starvation, of course, there's famine in North Gaza.
[02:09:59] Beyond that there's a lot of people that like have cancer for example. They can't get their cancer treatment
[02:10:04] Why because Israel is occupying the only fucking cancer ward that remains in Gaza?
[02:10:08] Israeli military is using that as a fucking battleground
[02:10:11] So they can't get fucking cancer treatment
[02:10:13] So they die of cancer
[02:10:15] But that doesn't even log in as like a direct casualty of Israel's bombing campaigns
[02:10:21] If you want to see what the before and after looks like here is you know
[02:10:25] This is by the way, this article is more than 10 months old at this point. Holy shit
[02:10:32] It's even worse than that. This is what it looked like
[02:10:36] Before Israel and this is what it looks like after Israel is this all of Gaza to support all of Gaza is like this now
[02:10:43] They did this in the north first and then they slowly moved to the center and then they moved into the south now
[02:10:48] You ask an interesting question because there was a red line Rafa
[02:10:53] It's the southernmost point of the Gaza Strip.
[02:10:56] Rafa has a direct entry point into Egypt.
[02:11:01] Egypt is a separate country, right?
[02:11:02] But remember, I told you Egypt is a client state of the United States of America.
[02:11:07] So basically, what happened is, Biden was like,
[02:11:15] well, you told everybody to fucking leave northern Gaza
[02:11:19] and go to southern Gaza to Rafa.
[02:11:21] That's supposed to be a safe zone.
[02:11:23] So Biden accidentally said something very important.
[02:11:28] He said, my red line is an invasion of Rafa. Do not invade Rafa. That's my red line.
[02:11:35] And at the time Biden was actually also like, he had stopped one
[02:11:40] of the, uh, the, the countless amounts of weapons that they were sending to Israel. One,
[02:11:45] Israel was very mad about that. They were like, how dare you fucking do that?
[02:11:49] Here is Biden's red line after Israel, of course, immediately violated that red line and invaded
[02:11:56] Rafa.
[02:11:57] We lied.
[02:11:58] We kept saying to the American public, they're not invading Rafa.
[02:12:01] It's a special military campaign.
[02:12:03] This is what Rafa looks like before.
[02:12:06] This is what Rafa looks like now.
[02:12:08] We leveled it.
[02:12:10] Yep.
[02:12:11] Geez.
[02:12:12] Yeah.
[02:12:13] And Biden said that was the red line.
[02:12:17] That was the red line.
[02:12:18] enforced it. They never enforced it at all. Of course. Why would they enforce it? And throughout this
[02:12:23] entire 12 month process, which is now nearing his 12th month, it's officially about to be a year.
[02:12:30] Yep. In a couple weeks. Biden kept saying, we're tirelessly working for a ceasefire.
[02:12:38] Tirelessly. Around the clock. There's Israeli hostages inside of Gaza. Israel is killing them
[02:12:43] because they keep bombing the fucking strip and there's hostages under the fucking rubble.
[02:12:48] They're dying too, Israel's killing its own hostages. And throughout this entire process,
[02:12:57] they're like, we're just working tirelessly. We're so mad at Israel. But every time Biden says,
[02:13:02] don't do this, Israel does it anyway. And they do it flagrantly and they do it openly.
[02:13:07] And in the process, they also get one other assurance. America's never going to stop them
[02:13:14] and America is actually going to keep giving them more weapons because America says don't do this
[02:13:18] Israel does it America turns around and gives another nine billion dollars worth of weapons
[02:13:23] Israel the next day that's kind of embarrassing this past week this happened this exact this
[02:13:27] happened this past week yeah literally why why why don't we put our foot down is it because
[02:13:35] we really don't actually care I this is the most complicated answer of the entire equation
[02:13:42] beyond what I just explained to you. It's like it doesn't make any fucking sense. Like, you know,
[02:13:46] enough is enough, right? It's really embarrassing for America. America's losing its soft power
[02:13:51] capabilities. America can't no longer dictate the rest of the world in the same way because they
[02:13:55] can always be like, oh, really? You think Russia is doing a bad job? Well, how about Israel? That's
[02:14:00] what many people are saying already, right? People that are aligned with Russia make no
[02:14:05] mistake. What Russia is doing is also unjustifiable. They're doing America shit in Ukraine.
[02:14:09] But the problem is when you can't rein in your attack dog, when your dog is off the leash
[02:14:20] and you just keep giving your attack dog more meat to fucking grab onto, ultimately, people
[02:14:29] are gonna look at that and go, well, I don't know if I believe you, man.
[02:14:33] I don't know if I believe that you want to be the fucking
[02:14:38] you are ready to be the world police.
[02:14:42] It seems like you are not, you're weak.
[02:14:45] You're a bitch.
[02:14:46] And that is true.
[02:14:47] That is precisely what's going on.
[02:14:49] America is getting weaker on the global stage.
[02:14:51] China is actually doing a fantastic job with soft power
[02:14:54] initiatives doing global trade.
[02:14:57] It's a really important trade partner of the United States
[02:15:00] of America as well.
[02:15:02] And as that's happening, more and more countries are going, okay, well, I mean, I don't know about these Chinese guys, but like, at least they didn't enslave my people.
[02:15:11] Like, you know, Africans, African nations are like, well, you know, we got on the one side, we got countries that have historically enslaved us, countries that still control our banking like France and England,
[02:15:22] And countries that have enforced like rigorous and rigid austerity measures by giving us some loans from the World Bank and IMF and then immediately implementing ridiculous austerity measures so we can't even fucking fix our country.
[02:15:35] You're keeping us poor. China on the other hand is like we got money. I'll give it to you. And I'll even fucking I'll even let go of the loans that I'm given to you. You want to build a port. Let's go.
[02:15:46] Let's build a fucking hole and build railroads. I'm fucking down and
[02:15:51] In that process in that process these countries are like, okay
[02:15:55] Well, I'm gonna go fucking work with China America sees that they don't like it
[02:15:59] But they're losing their grip of power around the planet
[02:16:02] So they are desperately clinging on to whatever fucking ally they have in the region Israel
[02:16:07] How does China feel about this whole?
[02:16:11] Israel Gaza stuff they make any statements about it. I mean they keep saying Israel
[02:16:16] should stop killing Palestinians or whatever, but overall China also trying to get fucking surveillance
[02:16:23] technology from Israel as a what is known as the Pegasus system. It is the most technologically
[02:16:32] advanced surveillance mechanism known to man. It's so good that the American government actually
[02:16:36] said Israel, you can't do that. Why? Because it can break into anyone's phone, anyone's phone.
[02:16:41] This is real. This is a movie. Yeah. No, this is real. This is not a movie. As a matter of fact,
[02:16:47] it may or may not have played a formative role in a lesser known chapter of our lives in America
[02:16:54] where MBS and our boss, Jeffrey Jebediah Bezos, had a little bit of a back and forth,
[02:17:03] a little bit of a beef, as a matter of fact. Jeffrey Bezos buys the Washington Post.
[02:17:08] There's a Washington Post journalist who is, you know
[02:17:12] Kind of an American security state asset. His name is Javan Khashoggi
[02:17:16] They might push it is constantly shitting on MBS constantly shitting on Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia says hey
[02:17:21] You should come to the fucking consulate. He comes in the consulate in Istanbul in Turkey. They chop them up
[02:17:27] Oh, I know about this barrel Jeff Bezos like what the fuck? Yo, that's not cool. Why the fuck you do that?
[02:17:34] that's one of my journalists. Yo, that's fucked up. Anyway, comes out the Jeff Bezos is cheating
[02:17:39] on his wife. How do we find out? Well, MBS may or may not have literally fucking hacked
[02:17:47] his phone directly. They can do it from anywhere. Yeah, they hacked his phone and they leave
[02:17:55] the shit. And anyway, Jeff Bezos obviously being such a powerful person basically packed
[02:18:01] it up. But at the time America was like, yo, this fucking technology is crazy. It is way
[02:18:06] too fucking, you know, way too invasive. You can't have that Israel. And then they were
[02:18:11] like, but also we can have it right. Please give it to us. Did we get it? Yeah, we use
[02:18:15] it too. Everybody uses it. Um, a lot of governments, my phone's not safe. Um, I mean, if if
[02:18:24] they I think they have to like get you to click on a link or some shit. But yeah. So anyway,
[02:18:35] but it never really was. Moon Moon I'm coming buddy. No, I'm scared.
[02:18:39] So yeah, it has iPhones too. And iPhones were supposed to be very secure obviously.
[02:18:44] That was a joke. I work as a security they have no click RCEs, which means they can do it
[02:18:50] from anywhere. I know one where a message gets sent to you and they get full control without
[02:18:54] clicking a link. Okay. I didn't know that. So the original exploit was a no click. No,
[02:19:00] it requires no user interaction. I didn't know that it was zero click. Okay.
[02:19:06] So anyway, why was I talking about this? Because China also, you know, has some contracts with
[02:19:11] Israel, right? But for China, they are kicking back and fucking enjoying the show because
[02:19:19] America's influence around the globe is waiting there. Everyone's looking at America be like you're doing fucking insane genocide. What the fuck?
[02:19:27] Stop it now. And they're like, oh, we want to stop it. And then Israel's like, fuck you America. I will do whatever the fuck I want.
[02:19:33] So that makes America look weak. So if you're China and uh, you're you're, you know,
[02:19:40] kicking back and just doing trade and let the fire continue. And yeah, why would you fucking put out that fire?
[02:19:45] You don't have to do anything.
[02:19:46] So that's that's basically the Chinese position at this point. I got another question. Yeah, is there anyone in our government that's like actually trying to do the right thing?
[02:19:56] No. No government.
[02:19:59] No, we wouldn't know. Of course not. That one person. No, I think like even in terms of like China, China just cares about China. You know what I mean? They don't care about anybody else. They have no like ideological vested interest in like defending the global
[02:20:11] South or whatever. The only reason why they're doing soft power initiatives in the only reason
[02:20:17] why they're doing soft power initiatives and doing the Belt and Road initiative in general
[02:20:21] is because they want to create new markets so they can fucking keep funneling more Chinese
[02:20:27] manufactured goods into because like the rest of the world needs to develop so that
[02:20:31] they can sell more product to the rest of the world. It's a good thing overall
[02:20:34] for them. So that's part of the reason why they're doing that. They're developing
[02:20:37] these places because they're like, we don't care. We don't have to just sell to
[02:20:40] America, we'd sell to you too. But in order for them to actually, you know, purchase these
[02:20:44] goods, they need to develop to a certain degree. Um, I think, uh, Hizam is underway. What was
[02:20:50] your question? I'm just wondering if there's anyone in our government that's like, Oh,
[02:20:53] there are. There are some, Hey, stop. I mean, there's, where she did to leave, where she
[02:20:56] did to leave is literally Palestinian, but our government censured her for saying from
[02:21:00] the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. They censured her. They use, wait,
[02:21:05] what, where are you using censure? It's like censoring. They told her to shut the
[02:21:09] the fuck up. They punished her aesthetically. Oh, yeah, because she said from the river
[02:21:13] to the sea, Palestine will be free. And it means story slogan. It's like saying black
[02:21:16] lives matter. And then someone going, actually, that means you want to kill all white people.
[02:21:20] And we've all collectively decided as a society that that's what that means. And if
[02:21:23] you say that, that's what you mean. Actually, fuck you, you piece of shit. You're actually
[02:21:27] censured now. That's precisely what happened. Oh, I got some that are good. I got
[02:21:33] a dumb question. What? So you know how you're saying back in the day, like,
[02:21:37] You know, everyone was like, hey, you know, Jews, you go to this Israel place, you know, start over, start over, whatever.
[02:21:44] Is there any way like now we can take people from Gaza and put them in a different area?
[02:21:49] Well, that's what Israel wants to do.
[02:21:50] When that's called ethnic displacement.
[02:21:52] What didn't that happen?
[02:21:53] It's also genocide.
[02:21:54] It is how Palestinians were originally kicked out of their homes.
[02:21:59] But isn't it better than getting like to send of a big no, no getting murdered?
[02:22:02] Well, I think the best outcome would be for them to be able to live and co-exist.
[02:22:08] Obviously, so that's what they're trying to do.
[02:22:11] That's what we're trying to achieve.
[02:22:12] Build a better place like, you know, because Israel is not an unstoppable force.
[02:22:16] It's not fucking a natural disaster.
[02:22:18] It's not a fucking hurricane.
[02:22:19] It's human beings that are like clicking a button to fucking, you know, execute these people.
[02:22:24] So obviously that would basically be like giving in to Nazi Germany in that situation.
[02:22:31] You know what I mean?
[02:22:32] But didn't but didn't it already happen once? What do you mean? Didn't it happen once that like people were moved?
[02:22:38] Yeah, they were they were moved into lebanon jordan
[02:22:41] The west bank and the Gaza strip and now look what israel's doing in those places. Hmm. I don't know
[02:22:47] It seems like uh just from what I've heard that israel's is not going to stop pouting these people
[02:22:51] yeah, so
[02:22:53] If they don't listen to what we're saying
[02:22:56] surely
[02:22:58] Something has to change. I don't know
[02:23:00] you're not wrong obviously like Israel's ultimate goal is to basically fucking get
[02:23:08] all the Palestinians in Gaza Strip and everywhere else to just like move further
[02:23:11] and further away from Israel and then they use that as a precedent to be like
[02:23:15] well they're over there and they're scary Palestinian guys they always want to
[02:23:18] do terror does we got to take over that territory again that's usually how they
[02:23:21] do it if they moved out they would continue to pursue them I mean they
[02:23:27] have continued to pursue oh my god yeah if you're a Palestinian citizen you
[02:23:30] You can't fucking enter Israel proper.
[02:23:32] If you're a Palestinian citizen that goes in the West Bank, you still literally are under
[02:23:37] a rigid apartheid regime where you have to go through numerous checkpoints that can fucking
[02:23:41] literally kill you.
[02:23:42] Israel killed an American citizen, an American citizen, an activist, like three weeks ago.
[02:23:49] Her name was Aishinaar Ezgi.
[02:23:51] From Seattle, she flew in to the West Bank, which is supposed to be internationally
[02:23:55] recognized Palestinian territory, but Israel is currently occupying it militarily in
[02:23:59] in a legal manner. She was at a protest and Israeli sniper just fucking
[02:24:04] domed her, killed her, shot her in the fucking head. One shot. Yeah. The American
[02:24:10] government said nothing. They said, we'll investigate. We'll let Israel
[02:24:14] investigate. And then they said, Oh, this is really bad. Nothing. Oh, two weeks
[02:24:20] prior to that, they shot another American citizen from New Jersey this
[02:24:23] time. They shot him in the fucking leg. He survived. Luckily,
[02:24:25] Why did they shoot him?
[02:24:28] Because they can.
[02:24:29] Like, there's no other reason.
[02:24:31] I'm not going to lie.
[02:24:32] They probably, in their minds, they probably thought he was Palestinian.
[02:24:34] To be fair, it sounds like a place where maybe we shouldn't go.
[02:24:39] Just to be honest, I think these are incredibly brave people that are more braver than me.
[02:24:45] I'm staying here.
[02:24:46] Yeah.
[02:24:47] These are incredibly brave people.
[02:24:49] These are incredibly brave people.
[02:24:52] More brave than me.
[02:24:53] Yeah.
[02:24:54] Yeah.
[02:24:55] No.
[02:24:56] Yeah, Israel also. Oh, good luck explaining this. This is too much.
[02:25:01] It is too brain breaking. What is that? Is it a TV show? Oh, how do I do?
[02:25:09] Wait, have you ever been to Israel? Fuck, no. You kidding me?
[02:25:13] But do you think they know who you are? I don't know.
[02:25:17] I'm willing to find out. Um, anyway, this is Mayor Ben Shitrit.
[02:25:29] Okay, that's his name
[02:25:32] Israel has a concentration get many concentration guys will one specifically called today came on
[02:25:39] This is a concentration camp where Israel goes in the Gaza and fucking packs up all these people undresses them
[02:25:45] Literally makes them sit around in their underwear's and say these are all the terrorists
[02:25:48] La la la and we find out they're like fucking nurses and doctors and shit
[02:25:51] But it doesn't matter as besides the point they pack them up. They put them inside
[02:25:54] They put them on trucks. They fucking hog-tie them. Okay, and they ship them to this concentration camp where they torture them
[02:26:02] Okay, or relent Israel's doing this Israel's doing this. Yes the Jews
[02:26:06] Well, Israel's doing it's not the Jews the Jewish people right no, it's not it's not so one thing
[02:26:12] You have to understand is that like difference and what is your difference because like what Saudi Arabia does is not about Islam
[02:26:19] You know, it's not like ISIS is doing what they're doing for Islam. You know, and I mean, I don't fuck
[02:26:23] I don't fuck with those guys. I don't fuck with either of those guys. You know what I mean?
[02:26:27] It's it's in Zionism. I'm so confused
[02:26:31] It's understandable that you're confused in this circumstance because like
[02:26:35] So israel's not Jewish the Nazis who hate israel or love israel doesn't matter
[02:26:41] That that believe that israel must exist or believe that israel must go away and that jews control the media or whatever
[02:26:46] like both the Nazis and also Israel and Kanye and also Israel itself claims that Israel is doing this
[02:26:53] for Judaism and that if you criticize Israel like I'm doing right now I'm an anti-semitic person
[02:26:59] so because of that reason a lot of people like yourself get confused you're like what the fuck so
[02:27:03] the Jews are doing this no these people are not doing this for Judaism um obviously yes the
[02:27:10] the military is is by and large Jewish there's some Druze people there's some Arabs whatever
[02:27:14] But like it doesn't if they're not doing this for Judaism, so they're but they're using it as a veil
[02:27:20] They're using that as a defense mechanism. They're using that as a defense in the West
[02:27:25] The to propagandize their position to be like no, no, no, you don't understand
[02:27:28] We're doing this for Judaism all Jews care about this. They only care about this
[02:27:31] Yeah, so for the Jews that are anti Zionist many of them are in this community
[02:27:35] They call them anti-Semitic and called them terrorists, but that's besides the point
[02:27:38] They're doing this for you know
[02:27:39] They're doing this for this is like multi-layered and extremely complicated and actually not it's very black and white when you think about it
[02:27:46] But like obviously I'm trying to give you guys confused
[02:27:48] I'm trying to give you as much information as possible on the back end so that you at least are a little bit kind of was wrong then
[02:27:55] Honey is still wrong. Yes. Okay loves Hitler. He said that's fucking insane. He said that yeah, he did
[02:28:00] He said he loves Adolf Hitler straight up
[02:28:02] So why would he say that because he was he was in the throws of like a fucking manic
[02:28:12] Always bipolar, bro. He's I bet you what I bet you
[02:28:16] How do you take a lot of infetermens and it burns his brain out probably um if I explain to
[02:28:21] If I explain to this man Israelis come extraction brigade his mind will explode
[02:28:26] Israel has a unit that harvests the sperm of the soldiers in case of their untimely demise.
[02:28:36] This is called the Goon Platoon. That's what I like to call it.
[02:28:40] What is going on?
[02:28:42] It seems weird, right? This is what happens when you, much like the Nazis, in an identical capacity,
[02:28:51] capacity have this insane religious and ethnic superiority complex and want to
[02:28:59] build an ethno state. This is the type of weird shit that you engage in called
[02:29:06] eugenics. I know about that. Wait so what about their sperm? They take the sperm
[02:29:14] from the sack when they die? She thinks it's just another rocket attack. I repeat
[02:29:23] This is not a joke. This is the Israeli state itself posted this video
[02:29:29] But a gripping fear prickles through Shiley's entire body and it's outside their bedroom window
[02:29:35] Her husband Yahub fights the danger as Shiley runs leaving everything behind to protect their baby Shia
[02:29:43] She hides from the terrorist hunting her for 27 hours
[02:29:47] Terrified pain that the love of her life will survive
[02:29:50] She clings to hope that she won't need to raise the newborn alone.
[02:29:54] Four days later, her heart shatters.
[02:29:58] She hugs Shia tightly and knows she must fulfill Yahov's dream to create more life.
[02:30:05] So, Shia puts out a call for the unthinkable to retrieve his seed and be able to continue growing their family.
[02:30:13] She's in her own war games time and the crowd leaps into action to complete her desperate mission
[02:30:21] But it's too late
[02:30:23] Shiley did everything she could to save her family. We still have time to save hours
[02:30:31] Yeah
[02:30:32] So I don't understand
[02:30:35] home extraction
[02:30:37] They put they shove a cattle prod up the butt of the deceased or I think they I guess they take it directly from the ball set
[02:30:44] If they have the opportunity to do so
[02:30:46] They have limited of like a dead soldier. Yeah
[02:30:50] So don't ask me why they don't just not in a fucking cup beforehand. I don't know why they don't just do that
[02:30:56] I feel like that's a way more efficient process if you really really really need to ensure that you're
[02:31:01] Israel put this on the internet? Yeah. And I thought this was okay. Yeah, and they did it in English when Israel
[02:31:07] When Israel does propaganda in English know that it's actually intended for the American and the Western audience. Wow
[02:31:13] Wow, this make them look good
[02:31:16] They're insane dog. That's like it's like it's the same shit as Nazis
[02:31:20] Like they were insane and they did a lot of insane shit and when you look at it in hindsight
[02:31:24] You're like why the fuck did they think this was appropriate? I don't know like Hitler literally was like looking to find
[02:31:30] I don't know Santa Claus or some shit. Why was he doing that? You know, they were trying to do like excavations to find like
[02:31:36] Mythical swords that would help them. Why because they're insane. Oh
[02:31:41] My god, and they have power. They're crazy
[02:31:45] yeah
[02:31:46] That's why I always explain it as like imagine if
[02:31:50] Imagine if like, you know in a parallel universe like what would have happened if America went to war alongside the Nazis instead of against the Nazis
[02:31:58] Well, you don't need to imagine what it would look like. This is happening right now. Now, of course
[02:32:03] If you yeah are to ever use that comparison or that analogy people will call you out and they will say you're anti-Semitic
[02:32:11] So don't have all this information what anti-Semitic means what exactly it means you hate you
[02:32:16] But you just said it wasn't about the Jews it doesn't matter most people still will in the out in the wild
[02:32:22] Most people still operate on the boundaries of like oh no Israel's the Jewish state
[02:32:27] Of course, they're doing this for the Jews and all Jews actually care about Israel yada yada yada
[02:32:30] That's not the case, but that's how propaganda works a lot of people still think that this is like the way it works
[02:32:37] So for that reason I'm just letting you know they will call you in a minute
[02:32:41] You shouldn't fucking say a lot of things. I'm keeping mine. Keep mine unless you know all of the information
[02:32:47] Because I'm so fucking confused because I don't know what's going on
[02:32:49] But number two, I don't really give a fuck about what people say about me in general
[02:32:53] because I'm I just don't care like listen I do things you probably don't
[02:32:58] like yeah like we took that fucking Saudi deal you did oh yeah me next you see
[02:33:04] both oh no damn nice yeah we did I'm sorry I need the money oh you want to
[02:33:09] see a Houthi musical sure these were the people of the Saudis were killing
[02:33:13] by the way just so you know these fucking musically gifted individuals
[02:33:17] Yeah
[02:33:47] This is a three minute video of what do you mean a music video when you said music video
[02:34:13] I'm expecting like bad example Chris Brown dancing, you know, no, no, no, they do like
[02:34:18] They do musicals. They're very musical people. I know that you being serious dog. What do you look you think I made this
[02:34:26] I know they're singing but I'm seeing this guns and she this isn't a music video a sign
[02:34:30] No, he is they do musicals about like they're fucking like they're
[02:34:34] They're their actions all the time and they love they love walking over
[02:34:40] They love walking over like the American flag and the Israeli flag side-by-side. They will always like march on it
[02:34:45] I'm surprised they haven't done it yet
[02:34:48] They do not care about the heavy missiles like they will literally take the war to them no matter what
[02:35:05] um it's a it's an act of uh for them it's an act of resistance you know what i mean
[02:35:09] Oh for sure. Oh my god. Oh man. You know what? I also took a McDonald's sponsor and
[02:35:25] I drink Starbucks. I'm sorry. Don't hate me. Good job. I'm sorry, Hassan. Are you proud
[02:35:34] of yourself? I scabbed, too. Okay, I'm sorry, Hassan. And I like feet. I'm a nice guy,
[02:35:42] That's the least consequential part of this you like and feed is is the most normal thing that you've said so far. Oh, no
[02:35:49] Yeah, I'm sorry guys. You're not sorry. I'm not you want what you're more knowledgeable now
[02:35:55] I'm gonna quit with the knowledge that this is gonna be honest for a second. What I'm afraid of having to get nine to five
[02:36:00] I gotta make as much money as I can I won't I won't exist in nine to five world. I get I get cancelled or like, you know
[02:36:06] I can't do it. I'm sorry
[02:36:08] Apologize guys Israel defends themselves by saying and make an America's repeat that if you hate Israel you're anti-semitic
[02:36:13] Which is to scare anti-israel people like you and me not to say anything bad about Israel under the veil that if you hate Israel
[02:36:18] You hate the Jews okay, that's what it is
[02:36:22] Well, I don't uh, I don't really I don't I it takes a lot of effort to hate though, you know, I
[02:36:29] Agree
[02:36:31] Yeah
[02:36:33] And there's some people that comes easy, you know, really? Yeah
[02:36:39] I'm some countries make it easy to be honest
[02:36:42] I'm just so busy that like I don't really have time to be like a busy fucking getting McDonald's sponsorships. Oh
[02:36:50] God, we haven't even talked about the rape riots yet
[02:36:53] pardon
[02:36:55] The what so Israel has a concentration camp called today Teh Mon
[02:36:59] Yes, they're apprehending their mass apprehending Palestinians and putting them there and then like releasing them back into Gaza
[02:37:04] After two weeks of like torturing them. We find out in those concentration camps is they're raping them
[02:37:10] Some of them are getting raped to death
[02:37:12] They're literally raping them with like electric pods and batons and raping them to death and
[02:37:17] These are innocent people. These are innocent Palestinians, but they're calling them terrorists everyone if you call someone a terrorist
[02:37:22] You could do whatever the fuck you want to them in the eyes of Israel, right? So
[02:37:25] So what ends up happening is, because there's an ICC court case on Israel for war crimes,
[02:37:34] basically there is a principle called complementarity.
[02:37:38] What complementarity means is that if the country is a democratic, western-backed nation,
[02:37:45] they have their own internal processes where they look through the war crimes and they
[02:37:49] actually prosecute them.
[02:37:50] So no other outside group has to prosecute for them, right?
[02:37:55] That's why like, remember what we did with the fucking aid ship or the aid port that never
[02:38:01] worked?
[02:38:02] Like, it's the similar principle of like, oh, well, we're prosecuting ourselves.
[02:38:06] Don't prosecute us, please.
[02:38:07] Right.
[02:38:08] You know, we have, we're investigating ourselves.
[02:38:10] We're a nation of laws.
[02:38:11] That's what Israel says.
[02:38:13] So basically, the Israeli government takes nine of these concentration camp guards and
[02:38:22] says, you guys are the head rapists.
[02:38:25] You've done too many rapes.
[02:38:27] You've killed too many people by raping them.
[02:38:29] We have to prosecute you.
[02:38:31] Was it nine random guards?
[02:38:33] I don't think it was nine random guards.
[02:38:34] I think they were like literally on camera,
[02:38:36] bowing the raping.
[02:38:37] There was footage of it.
[02:38:39] So why was it recorded?
[02:38:40] That's crazy.
[02:38:41] Oh, there's cameras everywhere.
[02:38:43] How serious you can't.
[02:38:45] So basically, what ends up happening?
[02:38:48] Wait, did you see the footage?
[02:38:50] I saw some parts of the, some parts of it.
[02:38:52] Was it blurred out?
[02:38:54] Yeah.
[02:38:54] So, anyway, they have to do an internal investigation.
[02:39:00] Otherwise, they're going to be like,
[02:39:01] otherwise people can be like, well,
[02:39:03] you're not even investigating this shit, the fuck?
[02:39:05] Boom, another war crime on the docket, right?
[02:39:08] So, Israel arrested one guys, they detained them.
[02:39:14] But the Israeli society gets very bad.
[02:39:16] They're like, how dare you detain these guys?
[02:39:18] Israel, the Knesset, which is the,
[02:39:22] like their parliament, right?
[02:39:24] called Knesset, is actually out on holiday, right?
[02:39:29] Summer holiday.
[02:39:30] They hold an emergency meeting,
[02:39:33] specifically on the fate of these
[02:39:35] nine detained concentration camp guards.
[02:39:39] Now I'll show you, I think this is,
[02:39:42] do we have, does Chad have the parliament meeting?
[02:39:49] Do you have a clip in the parliamentary meeting chat?
[02:39:51] If you can link it to me, I wanna show him
[02:39:54] What the person said.
[02:39:57] Can I grab a drink?
[02:39:58] Yeah.
[02:40:00] Give me a Diet Coke as well.
[02:40:05] Did Nick volunteer to learn this stuff on his own?
[02:40:08] He did.
[02:40:09] He just came in.
[02:40:10] And I might not know a lot about this stuff,
[02:40:15] but don't get it wrong.
[02:40:16] This stuff fascinates me.
[02:40:17] I love to learn about it.
[02:40:18] Like, I'm really in like World War II,
[02:40:20] and I'm like a big fan of serial killers.
[02:40:23] That's probably not the best phrase of that.
[02:40:25] But you know what I'm trying to say.
[02:40:26] Well, I mean, yeah, it's, you know,
[02:40:28] Israel is behaving like a World War II villain
[02:40:30] and also behaving like serial killers.
[02:40:33] Here is the meeting.
[02:40:34] Okay. In the Knesset.
[02:40:36] Yep. Okay.
[02:40:38] Where one of the,
[02:40:40] well, one of the parliamentary like officials
[02:40:43] from the Ta'al party,
[02:40:46] minister of the Knesset,
[02:40:48] Ahmad Hibi says to insert a stick
[02:40:52] in a person's rectum is that legitimate
[02:40:55] here is how
[02:40:57] the person, the Knesset member
[02:41:01] from Benjamin Nenyeahu, remember him? Yeah, yeah, the guy in charge. From his party
[02:41:06] here is how he retaliates.
[02:41:23] There are some wars there that seem to be due to some kind of conflict of interest in the war.
[02:41:30] And there is a series of conflicts and so on.
[02:41:33] The conflict that our country has entered into this story is a conflict and it needs to be resolved.
[02:41:39] And I think that you need to give a personal opinion here.
[02:41:41] And I say now, and I call on my friend the coalition to do the same.
[02:41:45] I will come and get out of here.
[02:41:47] And I will not go out of here, and I will do nothing more.
[02:41:49] until this story and this
[02:41:57] this man is saying he's outraged
[02:42:01] he's outraged why is he outraged not because
[02:42:03] it came out that his soldiers are raping Palestinian prisoners to death
[02:42:08] he's outraged that those people are being
[02:42:12] prosecuted and detained yeah but it doesn't end there
[02:42:16] Okay, and I'm very curious, and I think that the coalition will do well if they do as I said.
[02:42:21] We can't, and we'll continue as usual.
[02:42:24] To make a reaction to the reaction of a legitimate person?
[02:42:28] Yes, if he's a legitimate person, he'll do it.
[02:42:30] Okay.
[02:42:31] He goes, yes, it's legitimate.
[02:42:34] You can do anything you want to them.
[02:42:36] Okay?
[02:42:37] So he's a pro-rape advocate.
[02:42:39] They weren't even terrorists, they were just people.
[02:42:41] Yeah, they're just regular old people, but they call them terrorists.
[02:42:43] They call them nukpa which is like the elite group of terrorists, right? This is insane
[02:42:48] Yeah, of course, it's insane. I know and you know, what's really interesting
[02:42:53] I don't fault you for not knowing anything about this because the american media did not even cover it because
[02:42:59] What happens after this is even more insane. It got crazier
[02:43:04] So they detained the nine guys. Yeah
[02:43:09] Do you remember january 6?
[02:43:11] We're some of our bravest patriots storm the halls. Yeah, like fucking squeaks and Senate. Yeah, I remember okay
[02:43:18] Israel has its own January 6 moment where they storm the detention center
[02:43:24] And the facility where the nine guards are being detained
[02:43:28] with gun
[02:43:30] They go in and they're like you are going to release these rapists. It is a pro rape riot
[02:43:37] The pro-rape riot is attended by members of the Israeli Knesset.
[02:43:42] It's all over the news. They're like, no, we want this to happen.
[02:43:46] We want them to keep doing the rapes.
[02:43:48] There is like a rabbi that comes out and is like, it's legitimate.
[02:43:53] Like to do that.
[02:43:54] Okay, so wait, can I ask you a question?
[02:43:56] What?
[02:43:57] And this, this might sound stupid.
[02:43:59] Okay.
[02:44:00] But why do they have to?
[02:44:04] I don't know.
[02:44:05] Why do they have to rape? I don't understand.
[02:44:07] It's ritualistic and systematized humiliation of the enemy.
[02:44:11] That's what it is. It's they're not, the enemy is not human.
[02:44:14] They are less than human. They are subhuman.
[02:44:16] And they are a scourge.
[02:44:18] And that they must be dealt with in incredibly violent means.
[02:44:22] Rape is a deterrent in this circumstance.
[02:44:24] That's insane.
[02:44:26] Yeah, I know it's insane, bro. That's what happens.
[02:44:28] That's why I'm saying it's fucking fascist.
[02:44:30] This is Nazi shit. That's why I will always say it.
[02:44:34] This is some Nazi shit anyway
[02:44:36] I can tell you most of my friends don't even know that this is going on of course they don't even people who are like
[02:44:42] Knowledge knowledgeable on the matter who like pay attention to this stuff if they're only getting their fucking resources from
[02:44:48] CNN will never know this shit because CNN doesn't cover it because if they covered it
[02:44:53] Oh my god, Americans would be like what the fuck do you mean? They did a pro rape riot
[02:44:58] You know what's funny? You're the streamer. I watch the most. Yeah, but when I realized
[02:45:02] That when when you're on the on my my monitor, yeah, I'm not actually listening to a word you say
[02:45:08] I'm just looking at you talking. I listen to you all the time. I watch almost every day Jesus Christ
[02:45:13] Yeah, I'm not even listening to what you're saying or comprehending it. That's not I just like the way that you're like moving around and shit
[02:45:20] This is all new to me. This is the first time I'm locked in and I'm paying attention
[02:45:24] Okay, well, I hope yeah instructive and informative. I'm not gonna lie. I'm fucking scared. I
[02:45:29] I mean, yeah, this is horrifying like the things you're telling me is trip fucking horrifying. Yeah, you know, I thought you RP was bad
[02:45:38] So yeah
[02:45:43] There are lawmakers in the riot they attack the base in protest of the Israeli military police
[02:45:48] Detaining nine soldiers suspected of sexually assaulting a prisoner. Who was there exactly just like Israeli society members like citizens
[02:45:55] Member citizens members of the parliament like the Israeli Knesset lawmakers are leading the charge
[02:46:01] It's like fucking if january 6 was being done by you know
[02:46:06] Like prominent members of the republican party, which it was but like not really prominent members of the republican party
[02:46:11] But if they were like actively leading the charge
[02:46:15] Like Derek Evans made it into the capital only to have his political career cut short by that mistake
[02:46:22] Anyway, this is all insane man
[02:46:24] so
[02:46:25] There's so much more to life than like why is it when fighting?
[02:46:28] What can we just hold on a burger on?
[02:46:31] Yeah.
[02:46:32] The pro rate riots succeed.
[02:46:35] They break them out.
[02:46:36] They break them out.
[02:46:38] But it doesn't there.
[02:46:39] Not only do they break them out.
[02:46:40] They don't go back to raping.
[02:46:41] Do they? Here we go.
[02:46:42] Here we have.
[02:46:44] Yeah.
[02:46:45] Mayor Ben Chitrit.
[02:46:47] Yeah, yeah.
[02:46:48] The major, the prominent rapist.
[02:46:50] OK, the number one rapist.
[02:46:53] Why do we know who he is?
[02:46:55] That's because he puts a ballack lava on his head, okay, like a mask, hide his identity,
[02:47:02] and goes on national television to defend his rape.
[02:47:05] He's like, I have every right to do this.
[02:47:08] They deserve it.
[02:47:10] He's the top rapist, right?
[02:47:13] At the heart of this entire story, then he unmasks himself voluntarily, and then Israeli
[02:47:27] national television turns him into a TV a TV star now may a force fighter mayor
[02:47:36] ben shittrich who was investigating on suspicion of rape uh no less is coming
[02:47:40] tonight to open everything about the sedate yemen affair or sedate teyman
[02:47:44] affair
[02:47:47] He looks like a serial killer.
[02:47:57] Yeah.
[02:47:58] Is that him again?
[02:48:00] Yeah.
[02:48:01] The top is really rabbi.
[02:48:02] Bless the soldier accused of the rape, by the way.
[02:48:04] Wait a minute.
[02:48:05] Why do people keep saying accused?
[02:48:07] Wasn't it just defend?
[02:48:08] They're using, they're using, you know, they have to say allegation because like
[02:48:13] the court process never went through.
[02:48:15] Well, I mean, okay. Yeah here is in June 2023 while in reserve duty in the West Bank
[02:48:20] Why can't we why can't we go into the negative with machine guns? Why can't we go in with mag machine guns?
[02:48:25] Why can't we go in with the holding force of a grenade launcher such as a place of a terrace two days ago?
[02:48:29] All these terrors were standing there 150 to 200 armed terrors
[02:48:32] Why don't we get three to four attack helicopters up in the sky and spray everyone? He posted this. He also posted
[02:48:39] You know his defense or in many instances talked about like what he was doing. Here's Ben Shitrich
[02:48:45] who is a settlement adjacent to Hebron, he's a settler too.
[02:48:50] There's a different designation for like the most insane aspects of Israeli society because like you have people living in like Tel Aviv and Israel proper, okay?
[02:48:58] And then you have people living in the West Bank. The people living in the West Bank are the most insane because they're like, they are the most loyal soldiers of Zionism.
[02:49:07] They're like, they're basically the most insane. They're like, no, no, no, we have to live here so that we can take over this land and eventually.
[02:49:14] the Israeli government has basically allowed them to do that and have actually urged them to do that.
[02:49:20] Right? Oh, here's an example. This man right here, Jacob, from, I believe, Brooklyn or Long Island,
[02:49:34] is a fantastic example of how the settler process works. This is in East Jerusalem,
[02:49:39] which is occupied, is occupied by Israel, but there are a lot of historic Palestinian homes
[02:49:44] there. This is one of those historic Palestinian homes. Jacob flew in from Long Island to come to
[02:49:53] East Jerusalem and basically took over someone's house, literally. You are stealing my house.
[02:50:01] And if I don't steal it, someone else is going to steal it. No, no one is allowed to steal it,
[02:50:07] This guy? Yeah, this guy definitely is a brother to cow.
[02:50:12] Oh yeah.
[02:50:13] Jacob, you know this is not your house.
[02:50:16] Yes, but if I go, you don't go back.
[02:50:18] So what's the problem? What are you yelling at me? I didn't do this. I didn't do this.
[02:50:21] But you...
[02:50:22] It doesn't need to yell at me, but I didn't do this.
[02:50:24] You are stealing my house.
[02:50:26] I'm American. He steals someone's house.
[02:50:32] Yeah.
[02:50:33] They do it all the time.
[02:50:34] I mean, did he get the house?
[02:50:36] Um, I think they do... I think he did, yeah.
[02:50:38] did yeah you're kidding yeah they've been doing this non-stop so they take somebody else's house
[02:50:45] yeah yeah and the military comes in and kicks them out but kicks out the owners of the house yeah
[02:50:54] bro i'm not gonna lie this is depressing as hell if you were to like for example sometimes in the
[02:50:59] media they'll be like an anti-semitic incident occurred in a in a fucking Jewish community center
[02:51:05] the other day, the other week, where anti-Semitic protesters attacked Jewish people that were
[02:51:11] quietly congregating. And then you look into it, and you look into the fucking incident,
[02:51:17] and it turns out it's actually an auction, an auction for what you might ask? An auction
[02:51:24] for houses, the houses where? Houses in the West Bank that Palestinians are occupying.
[02:51:30] In the United States of America, we have auctions or real estate of homes that do not belong to the people that are selling them.
[02:51:41] Dude.
[02:51:49] And when people go and process those auctions, the American media says anti-semitism.
[02:51:54] Oh my god. It's all just fried, dude.
[02:52:01] How do you, how do you like read this stuff all day and like not like cry yourself to sleep at night?
[02:52:06] This is fucking horrible.
[02:52:09] I'm motivated by the change that I might...
[02:52:14] I'm motivated by the change that I might actually create in this world
[02:52:17] by educating one extra person, whether it's you
[02:52:21] or thousands of others that watch,
[02:52:24] that learn what the truth actually is
[02:52:28] and change their minds and then go out and protest,
[02:52:33] go out and and spread the truth to other people. That's why I do it. And I'm and I've been doing this for especially this like this is an
[02:52:42] issue that I've spoken about for years at this point 10 fucking years
[02:52:47] professionally in public life. I have
[02:52:49] spoken out against Israel's actions because like a lot of people only
[02:52:53] became more knowledgeable of like the stuff that Israel was doing after October 7.
[02:52:59] Right.
[02:53:01] Oh, this has been ongoing. This this video is from fucking three years ago. I'm an example of this because
[02:53:07] I always thought Israel were the homies
[02:53:09] Yeah, that's kind of how there was Peyton as me as an average guy from michigan. He would just went to college. Yeah
[02:53:15] So that's the picture that was kind of painted to me growing up. So
[02:53:19] As someone has been doing this for years and years and years
[02:53:23] I've never I never thought that there would be this much outward support for palestinians
[02:53:28] because five six years ago when I said stuff like this people be like you're
[02:53:35] anti-semitic you're the most anti-semitic person I've ever seen fuck you oh my god
[02:53:42] yeah okay I have a random question yeah I don't know if you know about this what
[02:53:51] is it again this has nothing to do it what was it deal with like the Jewish
[02:53:55] people in the sewers in here is it like this is it all correlated or is that
[02:54:00] No, no, okay. It's different.
[02:54:03] So remember that mattress with the blood on it?
[02:54:07] Remember what I told you? Like there's like different sects of Judaism.
[02:54:13] Okay. I'm not trying to be racist.
[02:54:17] Are you Christian? You're Christian, right? You're technically Christian, right?
[02:54:20] Okay. Would you say you're Christian? No, like you're, but you're...
[02:54:24] I'm whatever gets me the least amount of hate.
[02:54:26] Okay, okay. There's a reason why I'm asking this question.
[02:54:29] You're a Christian Christian, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
[02:54:33] So every other religion is exactly like that.
[02:54:36] It's like a broad range of people who like are, you know, not really committed
[02:54:41] believers all the way to like the most committed fundamentalists like we was we call them.
[02:54:48] So under Judaism, there is a concept called like Orthodox Jews.
[02:54:51] This was a with the hats. Yes.
[02:54:55] And then the truth. Yeah.
[02:54:57] But orthodox Jews also have like different sects inside of orthodox Judaism like you have the Netarii card up that is actually committed anti Zionists, but they still wear the hats, but then you have other kinds of like already or ultra ultra orthodox populations in America
[02:55:13] and in Israel as well that are really, really involved in the settlement.
[02:55:17] Okay.
[02:55:18] Yaku probably is an orthodox Jew it seems.
[02:55:21] So.
[02:55:22] Um, and they have to go in the sewers.
[02:55:25] No.
[02:55:26] The sewers was one specific sect of like very religious Jews that simply wanted to expand
[02:55:34] underneath the Chabad. Like they just literally wanted to, I think the ultimate goal was like
[02:55:40] to connect like two different buildings that they own. What's up dude? You look hot.
[02:55:46] We have mixed excited scene you walk in
[02:55:58] I just want to expand they wanted to expand from one building and connect us did they ever explain the matters with the blood on it
[02:56:05] um, I don't think so, but it's just a dirty matter of Brooklyn
[02:56:09] It'll be in the basement
[02:56:11] Like I don't okay, but it's Ted Bundy's basement or you know
[02:56:15] I don't think they were like doing um, I'm just again it just I watched the last serial care stuff the mattress was sus and scared me
[02:56:23] So I will never be going to this year was in New York after yeah
[02:56:26] I it was it was literally it's like yeah
[02:56:28] I don't know what the fuck I'm actually about what is like a shit stain mattress is like one of the most common things
[02:56:33] You can find in the New York sewers. Okay. I've never been there. I don't know what was going on there
[02:56:39] But I'm not gonna go down there. That's not meant for me
[02:56:40] Okay, I'm gonna be above ground, but it was ultimately a building dispute that
[02:56:46] Was was supposed to be internally dealt with yeah
[02:56:51] Isn't what's up? I
[02:56:59] All right. Well, I don't know I can't talk about that right now. Yeah, I'm in the I'm in the process of explaining
[02:57:06] very important subjects to
[02:57:08] To our friend here who's learning about the Israeli Palestinian conflict or in the perspective of like not knowing anything
[02:57:14] Um, I'm not gonna this is fucking me up. This is fucking horrible dude. Yeah
[02:57:19] This is what's gonna fuck you up is the top of the hour ad break coming for you by the way chat as long as you
[02:57:25] As long as you're not subscribed you will see a through an ad break right now, which is gonna fuck you up even further
[02:57:33] So if you're strapped up and buckled in and enjoying the show
[02:57:40] Subscribe oh
[02:57:42] Oh man dude. I don't want to be that guy I saw because I've listened to everything you say.
[02:57:47] And I always, and I'm again, I'm not trying to, you know, ruffle your feathers, but there's always two sides of the story. How close to the truth are you?
[02:57:53] Am I giving you information that is from reliable news sources?
[02:57:59] I don't know. I'm so stupid. I don't know.
[02:58:01] Okay.
[02:58:02] Fair question.
[02:58:04] Like, would an unbiased person disagree with what you're saying?
[02:58:10] A person that understands the truth would not but okay, but as we as you also correctly said about your own personal background
[02:58:19] Yeah, to put it shortly a bit of simply yeah, Israel is our homies
[02:58:27] And that's the way that you thought about the situation until this very moment, right? Well until I talked to Caroline
[02:58:32] But yeah, yeah, but Israel is our homies
[02:58:35] so
[02:58:37] ultimately I
[02:58:39] I guess um, I guess the question is like was there two sides to slavery? I don't know
[02:58:51] But no, there were of course there were people that were depending slavery that were making it seem like no
[02:58:55] No, no, this is totally sick. That's the entire purpose of racism to begin with white supremacy was a
[02:59:02] Was a was a justification to
[02:59:05] Continue the enslavement and capture and trade of like African men and women
[02:59:10] Well, I'm here because of that, okay. That's not both sides of the fucking, like there's always going to be people who try and rationalize horrifying action.
[02:59:21] That does not rationalize it. I'm just saying like, what I'm against it, but what I need individuals like yourself to do is to look at this information and go, even if this is untrue, seek it out and corroborate.
[02:59:35] Yeah, look at trusted resources and exercise some critical thinking make up your own mind. You know, I don't okay. You want to hear a bad take?
[02:59:47] I think some people myself included are like too stupid to think
[02:59:53] I'm just not smart enough to figure it out myself
[02:59:56] Especially something like this. I'm just not
[02:59:58] I can do tech with computers and I can do all sort of stuff and I just agree
[03:00:03] I just this this shit's all about my pay grade man
[03:00:05] I mean, but I disagree you literally have made up your mind already because you because you hand fed it to me
[03:00:10] I know but that's how many how many people have access like direct access to someone like you not many
[03:00:16] My goal. That's why I want to
[03:00:19] Reach out and and hope that people will be as shareable as you are
[03:00:23] Yeah, but he's answering like all my questions chat like everything I like I can type in chat, right?
[03:00:28] Like here's the thing you won't be able to get this sort of one-on-one
[03:00:31] No, but that's what I try to do. And that's the problem because I see
[03:00:35] It's a lot of people like you, but then a lot of other people with nefarious purpose
[03:00:40] Make it seem like they're asking genuine questions
[03:00:43] Oh in an effort to fucking lock my shit up and get me stung locked and have me respond to them
[03:00:48] I do yeah, and but that's the reason why I do respond to most people people always in the song
[03:00:54] Why are you fucking repeat yourself all the goddamn time?
[03:00:55] It's because it's instructive for many people who are just tuning in who haven't been paying attention
[03:01:00] tension. I've answered all the questions I answered for you a million times over for many
[03:01:05] chatters over the course of the past 12 months and I will forever continue answering these
[03:01:09] questions because I want to educate people. So that's one.
[03:01:13] Maybe it's the willingness to want to learn. Yes, exactly. Charitability is the key here.
[03:01:19] But because of what you just said, if more people have access to a person like you, if
[03:01:24] they listen to you, then that's scary. That's scary for a lot of people. That's
[03:01:27] why instead of addressing the things that I'm saying, most people on the opposite side,
[03:01:33] for one reason or another, don't actually tackle the arguments that I'm ever making.
[03:01:37] They try to hit me directly and say, he's a rich socialist and a hypocrite.
[03:01:40] Don't listen to him.
[03:01:41] And a lot of people, just like you admitted, are too stupid to be like, wait a minute,
[03:01:46] maybe they're just saying that because he's saying a bunch of stuff that they disagree
[03:01:49] with.
[03:01:50] But they're too stupid to fucking recognize that that is precisely what's happening.
[03:01:53] So instead of tackling the argument, they try to tackle, they try to attack the person making the
[03:01:59] argument. It's a much more effective way of like, having this broad reaching counter propaganda initiative.
[03:02:08] Oh my goodness. Oh man. Hmm. Someone in the chat said something that I agree with as well.
[03:02:20] What? Most people are not stupid, they're just subdued. I really?
[03:02:25] Yes, bro. Most people are just, most people are intellectually curious. The issue is a lot of
[03:02:32] the outlets, like a lot of the trusted resources on stuff like this that is clear cut and stone that
[03:02:37] directly aligns with like the American State Department interests are, are going to lead you
[03:02:43] astray. That's the problem. So I usually don't fault every single person. As long as they are
[03:02:49] genuinely curious, as long as they are charitable and are willing to learn, I will always
[03:02:53] fucking sit there and I will talk about this endlessly as I have done with you. Got it. This is
[03:02:59] Amnesty International. It's a non-governmental organization. It's a human rights group. Okay.
[03:03:05] They did a video a while back after declaring Israel to be an apartheid regime in the April,
[03:03:12] the month of April in 2021. This was before, wait before. Because Israel has been an apartheid
[03:03:19] for a very long time. Do you know what an apartheid is?
[03:03:21] Uh, Nelson Mandela.
[03:03:23] Good. Good start. Let's watch this amnesty international video now.
[03:03:28] Probably, the disturbing images of racial segregation between whites and blacks in South Africa,
[03:03:34] where a regime ruled by a racist white minority declared themselves officially superior to
[03:03:39] the black majority, then proceeded to dominate them.
[03:03:43] South Africa's apartheid system officially ended in the mid-1990s, but that doesn't
[03:03:48] mean apartheid can't happen elsewhere. Here, in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories,
[03:03:54] Palestinians are being forced off their land and out of their homes, separated and segregated
[03:04:00] by laws, walls and checkpoints. They live in a constant state of fear and insecurity and
[03:04:06] deliberately impoverished. While, on the other hand, Israeli authorities have given the
[03:04:10] Jewish-Israeli population privilege over Palestinians in just about every facet of life. The
[03:04:16] The question is, does this all amount to the crime of apartheid?
[03:04:21] First, the definition of apartheid.
[03:04:26] The crime against humanity of apartheid is perpetrated when particular serious human
[03:04:31] rights violations are committed with the purpose of establishing and maintaining a system
[03:04:36] of domination by one racial group over another and systematically oppressing them.
[03:04:41] But does this system exist in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories?
[03:04:45] And there's been a growing debate about whether the situation in Israel and the occupied Palestinian
[03:04:50] territories is apartheid and now is the time for us as the world's largest human rights
[03:04:57] organization to offer up our analysis.
[03:05:01] Our findings and criticism are directed not at the Jewish people but at the Israeli state.
[03:05:08] It's the Israeli state that put in place the policies that implement the laws and
[03:05:13] the practices that oppress Palestinians.
[03:05:16] Well, Israeli leaders have been clear about their intentions
[03:05:19] from the beginning.
[03:05:20] In 1948, just before he became the first prime minister
[03:05:24] of Israel, Ben-Gurion visited Lifta
[03:05:27] and other Palestinian areas near Jerusalem
[03:05:29] that were completely emptied of Palestinian residents
[03:05:32] following attacks by Jewish forces.
[03:05:34] I do want to mention something here
[03:05:37] because like, this is, you're right,
[03:05:38] a one-sided conversation from a trusted third party
[03:05:43] Having said that, there are a lot, a litany of misinformation and cherry pick points throughout history and genuine suppression of the truth in terms of like historic data that defenders of Israel has engaged in, in the western world, especially and in Israel as well, for a very long time.
[03:06:04] And this is precisely the reason why a lot of people are also that are educated on the
[03:06:07] matter might actually arrive at an entirely different conclusion.
[03:06:12] Because the way that this is talking about it is the correct way, like is an accurate
[03:06:20] analysis of the events that unfolded during the Nakba, which means the catastrophe in
[03:06:25] 1948 when Israel moved on all of the Palestinian villages and like basically purged Palestinians
[03:06:33] from their ancestral homelands where they lived in by hundreds of thousands. They moved 750,000
[03:06:44] Palestinians from their homes and basically forced them. This is 1948. 1948, yes. Just after
[03:06:50] over two. And it's going to describe that right now, but the way that people who want to defend
[03:06:59] Israel. I'll just give you the alternative argument. I'll steal man in the position as well.
[03:07:04] Those who are defenders of Israel will say, actually, no, that's not what happened. These
[03:07:09] Arabs as a collective were always angry at the Jews because they had anti-Semitism at their
[03:07:14] hearts. And they always wanted to, you know, not live alongside Jews because they hate Jews.
[03:07:20] Like it's almost like, like a false notion of anti-Semitism created amongst the Arab
[03:07:26] population in the minds of defenders of Israel to make it seem as though like they have almost
[03:07:31] a Hitlerian like Nazi style anti-Semitism to even point to like a grand Mufti a Palestinian
[03:07:35] grand Mufti a religious leader that was actually a colonial religious leader that the British
[03:07:42] Empire had placed in position of power but that wasn't ultimately a popular person
[03:07:46] at all to be like oh Hitler literally talked to this guy actually and he's the one who
[03:07:51] uh... told hitler did to kill the jews right
[03:07:54] which is
[03:07:55] holocaust revisionism
[03:07:57] and it's holocaust revisionism that was actually repeated by
[03:08:00] benjamin netanyahu as a matter of fact
[03:08:03] well the saying that
[03:08:05] the palestinian grandmuthi played a prominent role in
[03:08:08] in getting hitler to be anti-semitic and do the final solution is
[03:08:12] unimaginable holocaust revisionism
[03:08:14] only fucking nazis would believe that shit
[03:08:16] which benjamin netanyahu is
[03:08:17] anyway
[03:08:20] There are a lot of there are a lot of fucking counters. There are a lot of counter
[03:08:26] Arguments to everything that they're talking about, but this is an accurate assessment of the truth. Okay, and if you
[03:08:33] Are unfamiliar with the counter arguments
[03:08:36] And if you're if you haven't done the reading
[03:08:39] People who are at least propagandists that want to make the truth seem different
[03:08:44] We'll be able to effectively wind you down
[03:08:47] Okay, it will be effective. We'll be able to effectively make you make it seem like you're wrong, right?
[03:08:55] Anyway, let's continue. He stated there are no Arabs
[03:09:00] 100% Jews if we persist it is quite possible that in the next six or eight months
[03:09:05] There will be considerable changes in the country very considerable and to our advantage
[03:09:10] More than 70 years later, then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on Instagram that
[03:09:17] Israel is not a state of all its citizens, but rather the nation-state of the Jewish people
[03:09:22] and only them.
[03:09:24] So it's no surprise that Israel built a system of racially discriminatory laws, policies
[03:09:29] and practices that privilege only Jewish people.
[03:09:33] And Palestinians?
[03:09:34] Well, Palestinians lived there too.
[03:09:36] They were there before Israel was established.
[03:09:39] As we will explain, they've been trapped for decades in a system that treats them as a lesser non-Jewish racial group.
[03:09:49] Before Israel was established in 1948, Palestinians comprised most of the population around 70%
[03:09:56] and owned the vast majority of private land, about 90% in what was British mandate Palestine.
[03:10:02] Jews, many of whom had emigrated from Europe, comprised around 30% of the population and
[03:10:09] they and Jewish institutions owned about 6.5% of the land.
[03:10:14] The port of Haifa in Palestine lies shattered by bombs and strewn with death.
[03:10:24] In the course of establishing Israel as a Jewish state in 1948, Israeli authorities
[03:10:29] acted to turn the situation on its head and were responsible for the mass expulsion
[03:10:34] of Palestinians and the destruction of hundreds of villages, forcing around 800,000 Palestinians
[03:10:40] out of their homes and took their lands. Thousands of Palestinians and Jews were killed in.
[03:10:47] The counter to this, where legalese is like, Oh, well, the Holocaust happened.
[03:10:55] These people were not responsible for it. As a matter of fact, 11,000 Palestinians fought against
[03:11:00] Nazi Germany, but it doesn't matter as besides the point. But basically this is what settler
[03:11:06] colonialism is. And ultimately, the way that like in Israeli society, the way that this is these
[03:11:12] events are explained is, is totally backwards. Like, Oh, it was a Arab war against Jews, and the Jews
[03:11:19] fought back. So we had to send the the Arabs away. But the question in that situation is, why didn't
[03:11:28] you let them return to their homes? These are civilians. Therein lies the problem.
[03:11:36] I think they came in wanting the whole end from the beginning.
[03:11:41] That's precisely what it is.
[03:11:42] And this is just what it's come down to.
[03:11:45] Ultimately, that is the final evolution of Zionism, which is happening currently, for
[03:11:52] eyes.
[03:11:53] In the context of attacks on civilians during this conflict, today there are around six
[03:12:00] million Palestinian refugees who Israel denies the right to return to their homes.
[03:12:05] After the 1967 war, Israel occupied the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, including East
[03:12:12] Jerusalem and Gaza.
[03:12:14] Israel's brutal military rule.
[03:12:15] I'm going to tell you, like, the psychotic shit that they did during the Nakhba from
[03:12:22] 1947 onwards, planned Dalit.
[03:12:28] These are all historical texts that were literally uncovered by Israeli historians,
[03:12:34] by the way. And ironically, one of the more one of the formative
[03:12:42] Israeli historians basically uncovered it and then changed
[03:12:46] this position to yeah, it was ethnic cleansing and it was
[03:12:50] planned, but it was good. I'm glad that it happened. And the
[03:12:53] others were like, this was completely unacceptable. What
[03:12:56] the fuck? And one of which is a historian Ilan Poppe is really
[03:13:01] historian, he's a award winning Israeli historian who was an academic in Israel who left Israel
[03:13:08] and I think he like literally gave up his citizenship to his like fuck this shit.
[03:13:13] Ravi Shlame, Ilam Poppe, and the last historian that I'm talking about is Benny Morris.
[03:13:19] Benny Morris is the one who was like, yes, ethnic cleansing happened, but it was good.
[03:13:26] I mean good for one side, right?
[03:13:29] Yeah.
[03:13:30] Okay.
[03:13:31] This is one of the many things that they designed as paramilitaries, a tech village of Deir Yassin.
[03:13:36] A lot of the stuff that they talked about during October 7 was shit that like Israel had done in Deir Yassin, throwing babies in ovens.
[03:13:45] Sorry, what? The two babies in ovens?
[03:13:49] I thought Edam Papi renounced his citizenship. Maybe I'm wrong.
[03:13:56] No, Norm is not a part of the group of historians from Israel.
[03:13:59] Norm is not Israeli and Norm is an incredible and very accurate chronicler of the fate of the Palestinians post 1948.
[03:14:13] Holy moly, dude, this is this is heavy.
[03:14:15] The rule, coupled with the establishment and expansion of illegal Jewish settlements,
[03:14:21] has coerced Palestinians into enclaves creating further fragmentation and segregation.
[03:14:27] Nothing.
[03:14:28] Alright, well you're not paying attention.
[03:14:31] No, I asked a question of who threw the baby in the oven.
[03:14:35] Oh, Indir Yassin, Zionist paramilitaries, including like actual paramilitaries that
[03:14:41] to call themselves terror organizations, like personally,
[03:14:46] engaged in atrocities in an effort to basically,
[03:14:50] and let some people live in the villages
[03:14:53] and the Palestinian villages that were literally unguarded.
[03:14:55] There was not a single barge in there with weapons.
[03:14:59] One of the most gruesome acts of horror
[03:15:02] was when these terrorists came into the village
[03:15:06] and they obviously had a bunch of these people
[03:15:09] at gunpoint and there was a baker in the end,
[03:15:14] this big oven baking bread.
[03:15:18] And they took the baker and they told the baker,
[03:15:20] you have to throw your own son in the oven.
[03:15:24] The baker refused.
[03:15:26] So they threw his son in the oven
[03:15:28] and made the baker watch his son burn alive in the oven.
[03:15:31] And they threw the baker in the oven.
[03:15:33] The only reason why we know about this
[03:15:35] is because the third person that experiences
[03:15:37] that was on that fucking lineup, escaped.
[03:15:41] And basically the reason why they let a lot
[03:15:46] of these people escape in the villages
[03:15:49] after doing like insane atrocities to them,
[03:15:51] like rape straight up, like raping them,
[03:15:54] raping them to death, killing a bunch of people,
[03:15:57] the reason they would let people escape is so that
[03:15:59] they wanted the Palestinians to go to other Palestinian
[03:16:01] villages and say, this is what they did to us,
[03:16:03] leave when they come.
[03:16:05] So they would do like some of the earliest aspects of Psyops basically, they would go into like major cities
[03:16:11] And they would have these big speakers on armored cars
[03:16:14] And the speakers would be blasting like machine gun fire and bomb explosion sounds
[03:16:19] They didn't actually have the fucking, you know, they weren't, they didn't want to use the machine gun fire
[03:16:24] Uh, whether it was because they just didn't have a lot of resources or whatever
[03:16:27] But they basically would surround the city
[03:16:31] With military
[03:16:32] And run these like crazy fucking sounds to make people evacuate
[03:16:37] Yeah, would basically surround the city so they can only evacuate from one single file line out of one ass area of the city
[03:16:44] And they would obviously never let them return ever again after
[03:16:47] Evacuating the intensity. That's how they got all the land. Yeah, they didn't kill everyone
[03:16:51] But they killed enough people. I think it was 15,000 if I'm not mistaken
[03:16:55] 8800k
[03:16:57] That's what they said got moved. No, no, no. That's the total number of people that were ethnically displaced. Okay
[03:17:04] But in terms of like directly killing them, they killed 15,000 people
[03:17:07] but they used the deaths and the lynchings and the rapes to basically
[03:17:12] scare the
[03:17:14] 750,000 ethnic Palestinians into leaving and then they still to this day say oh well they voluntarily left
[03:17:22] Okay, they voluntarily want to come back. They would not allow that to happen
[03:17:25] They shot a bunch of people that tried to come back to their own fucking farms and shit
[03:17:30] Yeah, so
[03:17:35] Now ask us on about Turkey and what they do to the Kurds. I mean I've talked about this quite a bit
[03:17:39] But one ironic part about this is that like, you know, if Israel treated Palestinians
[03:17:46] In the same way that like the Turkish government treats Kurds, which is still
[03:17:50] Horrifying especially when you look at Kurdish majority areas where Turks like the Turkish military literally fucking engages in like military
[03:17:57] action. Having said that, however, if the Israeli military treated or the Israeli government
[03:18:02] treated and offered full blown citizenship to every single Palestinian person and considered
[03:18:08] them simply an ethnic minority, but they have the same rights, even though there is still
[03:18:11] a lot of racism. This would be declared the greatest human rights achievement of all
[03:18:16] time. And I don't think there's a single Kurdish person that would disagree with what
[03:18:20] I'm saying here.
[03:18:21] You know, for the record data I've seen in other massacres were carried out by
[03:18:39] Yergun and lihi paramilitaries that were folded into the modern-day idea by the state
[03:18:43] These are not some sort of rogue entities. They're pertinent to the conflict as an entity. Yeah
[03:18:48] The objective
[03:18:51] Maintain Jewish Israeli hegemony and maximize control of land in the city of Jerusalem
[03:18:57] The Israeli official policy is to maintain at least a 60% Jewish majority
[03:19:02] Now is a once in a lifetime opportunity not only to stand within its gates but also to build the home of your trees there.
[03:19:13] I mean how did Israel feel about the Holocaust?
[03:19:15] So where do all the Palestinians live now?
[03:19:17] I don't think they're likely to.
[03:19:18] 3.4 million live outside of Israel and would occupy territories, mainly in refugee camps in neighboring countries.
[03:19:25] I guess I'll try to run it back, but in their favor.
[03:19:28] Yeah, that actually what you just described is like literally plays a very formative role in the Israeli nationalistic mythos. The Holocaust is like, first of all, Israel didn't exist when the Holocaust.
[03:19:43] You know that, right?
[03:19:44] I don't know anything.
[03:19:45] Think about the timeline. 1948.
[03:19:48] I'm learning now.
[03:19:50] How do they feel about it now?
[03:19:53] So, the Holocaust plays an incredibly important and very instructive role in the building
[03:20:03] of the Israeli nation-state, and it is a part of the national myth-making for Israel.
[03:20:09] The analysis is that before the Holocaust, there were also literally centuries of pogroms
[03:20:14] where, you know, blood libel, everyone, anytime in any fucking Russian village or in Europe
[03:20:22] or whatever, something bad was happening, they'd be like, oh, it must be the Jews that
[03:20:25] are doing that.
[03:20:26] So what would they do?
[03:20:27] They would go and fucking find all the Jews and kill them or purge them.
[03:20:31] So Jewish people have a very long history of consistently getting fucking slaughtered.
[03:20:37] Why?
[03:20:38] Mercilessly.
[03:20:39] There was one exception, however.
[03:20:41] Yeah.
[03:20:42] The Ottoman Empire.
[03:20:43] Fucking glazed myself too much, but the Ottoman Empire was safe haven for Jews.
[03:20:47] And a lot of Jews actually escaped the Spanish Inquisition and came to the Ottoman Empire
[03:20:51] and lived in many different parts of the Ottoman Empire, including but not limited to historic Palestine.
[03:20:57] And at the time it was seen as like a significantly better living experience for Jews in terms of like
[03:21:05] Europe in comparison to Europe. But that's besides the point. So what I was saying was,
[03:21:13] was, what the fuck was I saying? He doesn't know what that means. I assume that has to
[03:21:22] do with Turkey. Um, no, I um, oh centuries of pogroms and the Holocaust. So centuries
[03:21:32] of pogroms and the Holocaust itself was was like a like a enough is enough moment for
[03:21:39] a lot of people, I think, where some internalize the the message behind never again as
[03:21:47] like, you know, we can never allow this to happen to anyone ever again, which is the correct
[03:21:52] message. That's the reason why that message exists. And others, namely, those who were
[03:21:58] at the helm of spearheading Israeli society and building this nation saw that as never
[03:22:04] again to us, like just, you know, nobody else, I don't give a fuck, we will do it
[03:22:10] ourselves actually, even if that's what it takes, but never again to us. So it's
[03:22:16] The way I think that the Holocaust is viewed is like very complicated in Israeli society
[03:22:20] where like there's almost an air of like resentment towards Jews that survived the Holocaust or
[03:22:26] escaped the Holocaust where they are seen as like weak by depending on what fucking
[03:22:33] level of mania you're operating on where like there are a lot of hyper right wing Israeli
[03:22:39] nationals who consider like Jews during the Holocaust to be weak they didn't fight
[03:22:44] back. They didn't fight back enough, which is again, a historical because they did fight back.
[03:22:49] That's the Warsaw ghetto uprising, which is analogous to, you know, October 7 in many respects, but
[03:22:57] and that they did not know that they were being sent to death camps. Many Jews did not know that
[03:23:02] they were being sent to death camps. The idea is like, yeah, the idea is that they were weak
[03:23:09] Jews and we will never be like them. We will be strong Jews and I think that's part of the reason why
[03:23:15] Israeli society is so militant, so hyper-militant. One, because it's a settler colony in the middle
[03:23:21] of a region where it's like actively purged the ethnic indigenous population. So obviously
[03:23:26] there's going to be a lot of resentment towards that, but beyond that it's the genuine,
[03:23:34] then I think like a quite reasonable assessment of the situation as a, if you parse through
[03:23:42] Jewish history, like it is understandable bro, if your people are getting constantly fucking
[03:23:47] killed everywhere and being made to be the only reason my bad things are happening, then
[03:23:54] yeah, you're gonna fucking be like, holy shit, we need to have, we cannot have this happen
[03:23:58] again, we gotta be like super militant.
[03:24:01] And I think that that complicates things a little bit if you're Jewish and learning about
[03:24:06] Jewish history, or if you're like a little bit interested about Jewish history.
[03:24:11] I think that is what complicates things because there is an air of legitimacy to the generational
[03:24:17] trauma that Jewish people have experienced.
[03:24:20] The problem is that generational trauma has caused Jews to be at the forefront of
[03:24:27] every single civil justice social justice movement civil liberty movement including the abolition of
[03:24:35] apartheid south africa so while israel was in support of apartheid south africa jews played a
[03:24:42] prominent role in south african these at the fight against the south african apartheid
[03:24:47] why was israel for it well because they had their own apartheid and they wanted nukes i think
[03:24:53] I think that was what it was right didn't they didn't they fucking get like um they they developed their nuclear capabilities by collaborating with South Africa I think am I mistaken on that?
[03:25:03] So Israel has nukes?
[03:25:05] Yeah.
[03:25:05] And we still give them weapons why?
[03:25:07] Well, those don't have nukes.
[03:25:10] Oh no.
[03:25:13] Oh no.
[03:25:16] Crap.
[03:25:17] One of your viewers is typed in word.
[03:25:20] point five million Palestinians live in Israel in East Jerusalem restricted to enclaves and make up
[03:25:25] around three percent of the entire area. Three million Palestinians live in the occupied West Bank
[03:25:32] but are only allowed to access 40 percent of the land to live or work. The rest of the area is for
[03:25:38] the Jewish Israeli settlers. Yes, two million are trapped. So it depends. The ones in Gaza are
[03:25:45] heavily restricted in their movement. The ones in the West Bank are also heavily restricted in their movement.
[03:25:51] Israel does something really fucked up where if you leave
[03:25:55] the West Bank as a Palestinian resident in the West Bank,
[03:26:01] they make it so that it's virtually impossible for you to come back.
[03:26:05] If you have residents in America as a Palestinian,
[03:26:07] they still make it really hard for you to go there and visit, but you can go and visit because they're like,
[03:26:12] yeah, you're gonna fuck off and you're gonna go back to America or wherever you're from.
[03:26:14] Um, but if you are a Palestinian resident of the West bank and you leave the West bank,
[03:26:23] they make it like as difficult as possible to, to make sure that you can't come back into
[03:26:29] the West bank.
[03:26:37] Man, this is just insane.
[03:26:41] I'll be honest, man, it's not like this whole area needs a nice reset, you know?
[03:26:49] Okay, bro.
[03:26:50] But, you know, give it to me.
[03:26:51] Let me start my palmism there.
[03:26:55] Okay, but you're to remember like
[03:26:57] What I'll see some people didn't do shit and they can join me
[03:27:04] It's great
[03:27:05] Like you the dark matter yet
[03:27:08] But when you learn this stuff
[03:27:11] Your thing your argument shouldn't be like oh man, it's just too complicated for me and fuck it like let God sort it out
[03:27:17] Because now it doesn't end up sorting it out Israel sorts it out. You know what I mean
[03:27:22] No, not God.
[03:27:23] Back in the Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, fragmentation
[03:27:28] of the Palestinian society and the dispossession of their lands are key pillars of Israel's
[03:27:33] apartheid system to maintain domination and control.
[03:27:38] But there's more.
[03:27:40] The unequal structure of nationality and status, restrictions on freedom of movement,
[03:27:46] using the three rule, denial of right to political participation or the right to peaceful protest
[03:27:52] and cruel separation of families all add to the complex system that we see today.
[03:27:59] The world in general hasn't woken up to the fact that there is an entrenched system of oppression
[03:28:06] against Palestinians across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories wherever they may live
[03:28:12] by the Israeli state, it's a system that's been put in place and maintained for decades,
[03:28:18] and it's that system that is the root cause of so many of the violations,
[03:28:23] the misery and the suffering that millions of Palestinians face on a daily basis.
[03:28:32] One way to understand this segregation and oppression is to look at the ID system.
[03:28:38] What's the ID system?
[03:28:40] Jewish Israelis have only one ID card with a status that grants them the rights to live
[03:28:45] almost anywhere they wish in the country. They can move freely with access to health care
[03:28:51] and vast resources. Palestinians, on the other hand, have four types of ID cards, if any at all.
[03:28:57] The kind of ID card you are given determines the level of rights you can enjoy
[03:29:02] and controls where you can go and what you can do. If you hold a green card,
[03:29:06] You are subject to military rule and if you have a green card with a Gaza address
[03:29:11] It means you're trapped in a 365 kilometer square to open air prison under Israeli military blockade in place since
[03:29:20] 2007 Israel controls what goes in and what goes out from children's toys to medical supplies 90%
[03:29:27] They literally fucking banned at times. They call it putting the Palestinians on a diet and
[03:29:34] they they have banned
[03:29:36] At times things such as cookies and pasta only for the American government to go
[03:29:42] What the fuck? Why are you banning pasta? And then they go, okay, we'll have them. We'll let him have pasta
[03:29:51] dude
[03:29:52] Yeah
[03:29:56] Bents of the people have no access to safe drinking water
[03:30:00] 47% are unemployed
[03:30:02] 56% live in poverty
[03:30:04] Palestinians with a Gaza ID are forbidden from going to Jerusalem in the West Bank
[03:30:08] even if they have family there. Some people in the West Bank are considered to live there illegally and can be deported immediately to Gaza, if found by the army, even if they have been in the West Bank for decades.
[03:30:20] Whereas, if you hold a green card which has a West Bank address, then you live here. This green card means you can live within specific angles.
[03:30:29] If you're a fucking idiot and you only regurgitate whatever the fuck Israel says for its justifications
[03:30:35] for the genocide, like some former Twitch now kick streamers, you will look like an
[03:30:42] absolute baboon in front of knowledgeable people when you turn around and say, oh, they banned
[03:30:48] sugar like cookies, okay, they've made cookies and pasta because they're making bombs
[03:30:54] out of it.
[03:30:58] Is that possible?
[03:30:59] No, it's not.
[03:31:01] already fucking processes inside of a cookie. You can't fucking, unless Palestinians have
[03:31:06] figured out something that no one else has alchemy of that sort. Okay, I don't, you can't
[03:31:13] just fucking use cookies as a bomb making material. Listen, the unibomber would have
[03:31:20] figured that out if it was possible. Ted Kazinsky had an IQ of like 175.
[03:31:24] Yeah, he wrote his writings. I write the idiot in my opinion.
[03:31:30] What he said about technology wasn't far off.
[03:31:32] Okay, but that's it. That's like kind of the only thing.
[03:31:35] Everything else was crazy, but he hit the nail on the head about the society and technology, but...
[03:31:39] It was also insane, bro.
[03:31:41] Amen.
[03:31:42] ...claves surrounded by illegal Israeli settlements.
[03:31:49] And there's a separation wall and fences built around you since 2002,
[03:31:54] which Palestinians call the apartheid wall.
[03:31:57] It's eight meters high in places and 700 kilometers long.
[03:32:00] is long. That's twice the height of the Berlin Wall and more than four times its length.
[03:32:06] 80% of it is built inside the West Bank, occupying even more Palestinian land. There are separate
[03:32:12] roads for Israelis and Palestinians. Hundreds of checkpoints scattered throughout, not
[03:32:18] to mention the 54 years of occupation which has devastated the lives of millions of
[03:32:22] Palestinians. Palestinians with a West Bank ID can travel to Gaza or East Jerusalem
[03:32:28] but only if they receive a permit from the military to do so.
[03:32:32] This blue ID is for Palestinians in East Jerusalem.
[03:32:36] They can travel to the occupied West Bank as well as to Israel, but they are not citizens
[03:32:40] of Israel.
[03:32:41] They have only been granted a residency status.
[03:32:44] This means that they cannot vote in Israeli national elections and if they leave East
[03:32:48] Jerusalem for too long, for example to study or walk abroad.
[03:32:52] It's the only...
[03:32:53] Yeah, see, this is what I was talking about.
[03:32:54] They have their residency revoked.
[03:32:57] You don't get it.
[03:32:58] give it to you. They don't offer it to you unless you're literally already in East Jerusalem,
[03:33:03] which is a territory that Israel literally has. All right, I'll ask you this much. Would it shock
[03:33:11] you if you were to find out that Israel has opened in the laws direct goals of how what
[03:33:17] the population percentage of a certain area needs to look like? After finding out about all this
[03:33:22] probably not, but like if I were to tell you, you know, four hours ago that like,
[03:33:26] like, did you know that Israel has an interest in maintaining a certain percentage of like
[03:33:31] the Jewish population in an area? I can't answer now, because I saw earlier they said
[03:33:35] they wanted the 60% or something. Yes, I saw that. Yeah. I remember. Yeah, it is literally
[03:33:42] it is literally a part of the overarching goal of the state is like we have to keep
[03:33:49] this area 60% Jew. This this sounds as a Canadian citizen, I'm not allowed to fly into
[03:33:55] Tel Aviv, they would put me on a flight to go back. I'm only allowed to into the West Bank through Jordan
[03:34:01] and I can't go to Jerusalem either without a visa from them, which they normally deny. Yeah.
[03:34:06] If you're a Palestinian, like, oh, if you're an Israeli citizen, if you're an Israeli Jew,
[03:34:12] right, because Israel has its own demographics, which is really funny because like
[03:34:16] Israel is relatively diverse in terms of like the actual ethnic backgrounds
[03:34:21] Because there's plenty of Arab Jews as well right like if you were to if I were to put a fucking line up and be like
[03:34:27] Which one is passing in which ones is really?
[03:34:29] You would not be able to tell them apart. They all look fucking diverse like there's white ones and then there's fucking
[03:34:37] Brown ones and even black ones right and black what?
[03:34:41] Jews and also Arabs. Yeah, there's Ethiopian Jews, bro. You look like me
[03:34:47] I mean you're you're lice in enough but um no I mean Ethiopians look kind of I mean I
[03:34:55] guess kind of okay could make be Ethiopian chat probably darker and the same goes for
[03:35:04] Arabs anyway yeah Israeli society has created because of because of its its ethno state status
[03:35:12] Israeli government has created a designation there's two tiers you are either an Israeli
[03:35:17] citizen, like full blown citizen, which means you're Jewish, or you are a non-Jew living
[03:35:23] inside of Israel. We called that the Palestinian citizens of Israel, the 1948ers, the people
[03:35:28] that were there that were offered citizenship at the time. The only thing that makes them
[03:35:34] different from like full blown Israeli Jews is that they're just not Jewish, that they're
[03:35:40] are either Christian or Muslim. Now, here's where things get interesting. Okay. There
[03:35:49] are Arab Jews. Itamar Ben-Givir is the, is the, uh, the ministry of like interior defense
[03:35:57] or whatever, like the national police guy, right? He's fucking from Iraq. He's Arab,
[03:36:04] but he's Jewish. So even if you're Arab, you still get, uh, spotted into Jewish
[03:36:11] as your ethnic and religious background.
[03:36:14] And what's really interesting about this process
[03:36:17] is that if you are an Israeli Jewish citizen, right,
[03:36:22] regardless of where you're from,
[03:36:26] and you want to marry a Palestinian Muslim
[03:36:29] in the West Bank, you can't bring the Palestinian Muslim
[03:36:32] from the West Bank into Israel.
[03:36:35] Even if you get married,
[03:36:36] you have to live in the West Bank now.
[03:36:38] You can, your citizenship only goes down.
[03:36:40] Like you only get leveled down, you can't level up.
[03:36:43] Okay, that is yes. I've had a conversation with a with a literal Arab with a Jewish Arab from
[03:36:53] Israel teenager. And in the conversation, I tried to explain to him that like he's technically
[03:36:58] Arab as well or it's about big rivers Arab. And he got mad at me. He was like, no, they're not
[03:37:02] Arab. The reserve, they reserve the term only for non Jews calling it Israeli Jew and Arab is
[03:37:07] like calling them a slur there. Yeah. Okay. Hassan, help me here. What's an Arab? I don't
[03:37:21] understand what you're saying. Arabs are a specific ethnic background from Arab countries,
[03:37:29] like predominantly Arab countries. Right. Okay. So where we're born at, it's not that
[03:37:33] speak Arabic. So you can be Jewish if you're born in an Arabic country. Yeah. There were
[03:37:42] And plenty of Jewish people that used to live in Arabic countries, some of them, um, some
[03:37:46] of them were literally, uh, after Israel was developed as an Asian state, some of them
[03:37:49] were fucking purged from the, uh, Arabic nations because they had their own pan Arabic, uh,
[03:37:54] or their, their own nationalist movements in their development of the nation state.
[03:37:58] So they literally were forcing them out or Israel also personally, like in the case
[03:38:04] of Iraq was making it so that they would do false flag attacks, like bomb synagogues.
[03:38:09] Israel would bomb a synagogue in Iraq to be like, see, they hate you.
[03:38:11] to come to Israel now. So let me get this straight. If you're if you're in Arabic and you hear from
[03:38:18] fuck out. You said if you say you're an Arabic Jew, it's it's a slur. Jews in Israel that
[03:38:27] are from Arabic backgrounds. Okay, countries that Arabic countries do not consider themselves
[03:38:34] to be Arab. You can only be Arab inside of Israel if you are non Jew. If you are
[03:38:39] not a Jewish person. You can be, if you're a Christian or if you're a Muslim under Israeli
[03:38:45] societal designation, you are Arab. But if you're Jewish, you're not. Israel has actually
[03:38:51] a separate designation for Arab Jews. Jews of Arab origin and Arab designation. It's
[03:38:57] called, it's the Mizrahi. Chad, this is a lot to take in one day guys. I apologize.
[03:39:05] just a lot to take in because I'm trying I'm trying to get I'm trying to get
[03:39:08] everything you know plain you know plains day it's all good you know because
[03:39:15] I'm just getting confused here if you are if you are an Israeli Jew of Arab
[03:39:21] descent you have a separate designation under like Israeli society as a Jewish
[03:39:27] person you are still considered a Jewish person if they ask you like what
[03:39:30] your background is there's a separate designation for it's called Mizrahi
[03:39:35] Is that round upon no originally when they were first coming into Israel, they were frowned upon the there was a lot of issues with integration of Mizrahi Jews into Israeli society. I don't want to really get into that, but like they used to call them like you consider them barbarians like oh you need to learn how to fucking.
[03:39:52] how to fucking, there was definitely a Ashkenazi supremacist undertone to a lot of the stuff.
[03:39:59] And there still kind of is in Israel. Ashkenazis are Eastern European and white Jews, many
[03:40:06] of which that you know, live in the United States of America as well. So like, there
[03:40:11] is definitely colorism in Israel as well. They did a sterilization operation on Ethiopian
[03:40:16] Jews specifically because they claimed it was so that they would stop birth defects,
[03:40:20] was actually stop having children because they wanted to continue the the western European
[03:40:29] style nature of Israel Israel Israel also engaged in ecological terrorism ecological colonialism
[03:40:39] where they would like raise all the Arab villages change the villages to sound more Israeli in
[03:40:45] name like Hebrew. They also did like really unique shit. I mean, Hebrew as a language was
[03:40:51] basically revitalized. Like it is not a it was a dead language ultimately. Most Jews was like
[03:40:58] spoke Yiddish or whatever the language that they spoke in their nation of origin. And then they
[03:41:02] literally singlehandedly in this nation state project revived a fucking dead language brought
[03:41:08] it to the forefront. Unfortunately, some of the consequences were like the desecration and
[03:41:14] destruction of Yiddish because of some of the similar cultural aspects of Yiddish that I explain
[03:41:22] or cultural remnants of like the way that some of Israeli society internalize the Holocaust or how
[03:41:29] they look at the Holocaust. But I've heard the word Yiddish chat. Okay. Someone said Nick hasn't
[03:41:36] heard of the word. It's not entirely accurate. I mean, it's, I think it's like, yeah, it was
[03:41:40] almost an entirely liturgical language like Latin. I think that, I think that like, if
[03:41:47] Israel wasn't such a violent and a bloody permanent occupation, settler colonial occupation,
[03:41:57] like, there is a lot of phenomenal achievements that you could point to, including literally
[03:42:01] like the revitalization of a language such as Hebrew in such a short period of time.
[03:42:11] I think that the problem is it came alongside the death and destruction, but in terms of like the
[03:42:18] ecological terrorism that I was referencing, they literally fucking would raise these villages,
[03:42:24] change the language or change the name of the villages to like, you know, either biblical
[03:42:28] shit or fucking or not even biblical shit but like they would change it to like Hebrew words
[03:42:33] but then also they would destroy the olive trees all trees take hundreds of years of
[03:42:37] like growing and fucking bear fruit as as efficiently as they can in in Palestine
[03:42:44] and they would burn all trees down and they would plant
[03:42:48] European style trees they would they would plant trees that like resembled
[03:42:53] build the European fauna and pine trees and shit and obviously pine trees like exist in
[03:43:02] fucking Lebanon and shit too but like basically they changed the ecology of the entire area
[03:43:12] or not the fauna the flora sorry and what ended up happening is like now they have a
[03:43:19] a higher likelihood of having like wildfires because it's like such a dry area that it's
[03:43:26] not supposed to.
[03:43:27] It was the addition of none of them.
[03:43:29] Yeah.
[03:43:30] Anyway, so yeah, they engage in ecological fascism.
[03:43:35] I have another dumb question.
[03:43:38] Yeah.
[03:43:39] For like Gaza and like West Bank, do they have internet?
[03:43:44] Yeah.
[03:43:45] Yeah.
[03:43:46] So there's a couple different processes.
[03:43:49] One now former house on our behead who was executed by the Israeli state.
[03:43:54] Um, excuse me, would one of your viewers was executed by the, a bunch of my viewers.
[03:43:59] Yes.
[03:44:00] Shut the fuck up.
[03:44:01] What do you mean?
[03:44:02] Shut the fuck up.
[03:44:03] He was also a TikToker.
[03:44:04] He also had a TikToker.
[03:44:06] Yeah.
[03:44:07] What?
[03:44:08] Yeah, there's a video of him.
[03:44:09] There's a video of him explaining the process of using eSims.
[03:44:13] And they killed him?
[03:44:14] Uh, yeah.
[03:44:16] In an internet cafe.
[03:44:18] brother should I not be on the stream oh my god oh my god this is wild
[03:44:32] son this is this whole thing is crazy to me man um it's been tough bringing this
[03:44:38] up but um I don't I don't even want to call I don't even want to cover this
[03:44:42] aspect don't want to talk about it it makes me really sad to talk about it
[03:44:46] his name is Meadow. Anyway, he was a TikToker and he loved a growing plan. He had like a
[03:44:53] miniature greenhouse. You don't have to get into it if it's sad. Anyway, please don't. The point is,
[03:44:59] he had a video where he talks about like how they get in where they go to the Egyptian border
[03:45:06] and have eSims. Yeah. And they like fucking put the phone up so that he could pirate videos
[03:45:12] and then you know watch American TV so you would get cell service from like
[03:45:19] yeah he's from Egypt yeah okay so they don't have internet that that well yeah
[03:45:23] they have to go get their own way yeah Israel controls like the telecommunications
[03:45:27] as well like they would routinely blow up he thinks they killed him because he
[03:45:31] watches you know he didn't know because they killed him because he's just a
[03:45:36] a Palestinian and, you know, they don't care.
[03:45:41] Oh my God.
[03:45:45] Anyway, fuck.
[03:45:48] But yeah, basically they control, they control internet access.
[03:45:52] They'll blow like telecommunication centers.
[03:45:54] Like they'll blow up cell towers and stuff every now and then to force a blackout.
[03:46:00] In the early stages of the genocide, they would just like blow up the
[03:46:04] South powers to do a complete communication blackout so that people can
[03:46:09] get the word out about what was going on.
[03:46:12] But nowadays, I don't even feel the need to do that because.
[03:46:17] People just don't care like so many people have died and Americans don't care.
[03:46:23] Israel only offers justification for the people that they've killed.
[03:46:25] If it becomes a fucking major news story in the West too, that's the
[03:46:28] other thing like World Central Kitchen led by Jose Andres.
[03:46:33] American chef very famous
[03:46:36] Barack Obama's favorite favorite chef
[03:46:39] World Central kitchen was literally like Jose Andres of World Central kitchen was like defending Israel in the early months of October
[03:46:46] We like Israel's right to defend itself. He was like shitting on a fucking Spanish
[03:46:50] Parliament member who was saying like Israel does not have a right to fucking destroy Palestine lies like this stop it
[03:46:57] He was like, you know critically defending Israel and stuff. So this guy's world central kitchen, right?
[03:47:03] Yes, he's from Spain. I know.
[03:47:06] But he's like very famous in America. Shut the fuck up.
[03:47:09] Anyway, he's done a lot of good stuff around the world.
[03:47:12] So he collaborates with the Israeli government. The Israeli government's like, oh, this will be good PR for us.
[03:47:18] If we get this fucking famous Spanish chef who is a Zionist himself to go and like deliver food.
[03:47:25] So the world's education basically operates in a similar capacity to UNRWA. Oh my god,
[03:47:29] I can't even begin to explain what UNRWA is to you. Never mind.
[03:47:32] I'm not even going to get into the refugee release works agency.
[03:47:37] So they go and they hire Palestinians and they try to use like Palestinian
[03:47:41] kitchens, they try to use the Palestinian food.
[03:47:43] Like if they go to an area that is impacted, they try to hire the people
[03:47:46] there. So it's like double aid, you know what I mean?
[03:47:49] They give them money and they, you know, they give them money and
[03:47:54] they use their own logistical supply chains. Anyway, it's a wonderful,
[03:47:57] it's a wonderful organization. Yeah. It is also comprised of Westerners,
[03:48:01] like Americans, British people, Australian people, they go down there. Yeah. World Central
[03:48:06] Kitchen was in collaboration with the Israeli government when they were offering humanitarian
[03:48:12] aid to the Palestinians on the ground. There's a process called Deconfliction. It's like
[03:48:19] a military term that it's like a it's like a military term that is used like when you're
[03:48:27] Coordinating your movement in a war zone so they don't fucking kill you. Sure, right?
[03:48:35] Ambulances do this as well. Palestinian Recrescent does this with the Israeli government.
[03:48:38] They get killed all the time, but they're Palestinian so that doesn't really matter to the
[03:48:42] rest of the world. But World Central Kitchen was engaging in de-confliction with the Israeli
[03:48:50] military and they were going through the expected route.
[03:48:54] Israeli, one, they call it a rogue brigade, but it was just like any other fucking brigade
[03:48:59] gives us a kill zone, triple tap that convoy and executed seven World Central Kitchen humanitarian
[03:49:06] aid workers.
[03:49:07] This was major news story.
[03:49:08] Including the guy from Spain?
[03:49:09] No, not Jose Andres.
[03:49:11] He's still alive, but he changed his attitude about Israel quite dramatically after that
[03:49:15] experience where he was like, what the fuck are you doing?
[03:49:17] You just killed my friends.
[03:49:19] Um, but only after that, he, you know, changed his tune on Israel, uh, and the genocide.
[03:49:25] Not that it matters because nothing came of it.
[03:49:29] No changes were made.
[03:49:30] Um, they barely, the people that engage in the act got a barely a fucking slap on the, on the wrist.
[03:49:37] Dude.
[03:49:38] Yeah.
[03:49:38] Is that them?
[03:49:39] Yeah.
[03:49:40] Oh my goodness.
[03:49:41] Um, Israel slaughters, Americans, Israel slaughters, uh, people from,
[03:49:47] Australia, Poland, USA and Canada, UK, they killed like UK vets.
[03:49:55] Are they doing this on purpose so people just be like, you know what, fuck it, I'm not
[03:49:57] going to help anymore?
[03:49:58] Um, yeah.
[03:49:59] Dude.
[03:50:00] Yeah.
[03:50:01] What argument do you make the people who don't wish to believe in empirical facts
[03:50:09] just because who's giving the facts as well as the informed people that are only taking
[03:50:12] verbal information just as versus ignoring other information?
[03:50:15] Um, is there any hope to turn these people back to journalists or news outlets who
[03:50:18] give these facts? I don't know. If someone, and there are plenty of people like this because of
[03:50:23] living in the post 9-11 universe where like if you're a Muslim they automatically declare you
[03:50:27] an enemy combatant in their eyes. A lot of people hear me speak on this stuff and they're like,
[03:50:31] well your name is Hassan, of course you're fucking biased. You love this Muslim shit.
[03:50:37] They don't understand that I just see the humanity of all people. They think that I have
[03:50:41] a special place for the Palestinian population because of my Muslim background. And then
[03:50:48] they double down and follow up with that line of bigotry and say oh it's because you're anti-semitic too.
[03:50:56] Anyway oh yeah here is the here's the UN agency had to suspend operations in Gaza after a car
[03:51:02] was hit by gunfire in israeli checkpoint the world food program you can see it right there at the
[03:51:09] back yeah and so when when you also notice okay what do they say though when they get noticed
[03:51:16] notice the way that like here's here i'll give you another example of manufacturing consent the
[03:51:19] The way that these guys, the way that Western media, the Telegram group, no, I don't want
[03:51:28] to, this is a different incident from World Central, this is a different UN humanitarian
[03:51:32] aid group.
[03:51:33] You told me a story about earlier with the cops that were lining up, like they seem
[03:51:36] to do this all the time.
[03:51:37] So yeah, so here's the thing.
[03:51:42] Here's the thing.
[03:51:45] Do you notice something weird about this article headline?
[03:51:48] When you see this headline, doesn't it kind of make you feel like the gunfire could
[03:51:53] be coming from anyone. Yeah. Is this hit by random gunfire? Yeah, this is what is known
[03:51:58] as passive voice. News outlets in the United States of America and also in the Western
[03:52:04] world in general will apply this technique called passive voice. You would never like
[03:52:11] during 9 11 it would be akin to writing like airplane collision with world's trade
[03:52:18] center causes 3000 to perish. They wouldn't say that. Right. Paris attacked the world trade
[03:52:26] center is the fucking headline, right? And it is a way to make it seem like whenever
[03:52:35] a cop kills someone in America, or whenever Israel or an American ally shoots at or does
[03:52:42] something illegal to an American enemy, the way that like Western media tries to, you know,
[03:52:49] put up, you know, manicure the, the, the story and manufacturer consent by, uh, manicuring
[03:52:57] the story and massaging it.
[03:52:59] What consent consent to get shot?
[03:53:01] No, manufacturing consent is like, you're giving consent, like you're reading this and
[03:53:05] you're like, Oh, it could be anybody that I guess like Israel might not have done
[03:53:11] it's a it's a way to yeah take the edge off basically they do this all the time but why
[03:53:17] why not just be like what why and send in the circumstances to approval like to give
[03:53:23] tacit endorsement to guardian i don't fucking don't british some rich british guy i'm just curious
[03:53:29] that why why i like softening it the reason why western newspapers soften these sorts of actions
[03:53:38] is because it's not because it's like owned by a singular individual, it's because the goal of these
[03:53:47] institutions is to do propaganda that align with the interests of their own state. That's why they
[03:53:56] do it. It's not like an individual that is engaging in propaganda because they like are
[03:54:01] personally invested in Israel. In some instances they might be like literally invested in Israel,
[03:54:08] and like their portfolio has investments in Israel right like that's one aspect of the story but like
[03:54:16] usually um usually they do this specifically to to make it seem like Israel's actions are not
[03:54:25] even the LA Times actually said UCLA cancels classes after counter protesters violently attack
[03:54:31] pro-palestinian camp you this was actually an interesting instance where mainstream media
[03:54:36] basically said counter protesters pro-israeli counter protesters violently attack the pro-palestinian camp
[03:54:43] but watch what happens quickly god made sure media being like yeah listen up big dog you guys stop a
[03:54:47] little bit this mantle did pro-palestinian camp wait check out the la times headline now much more
[03:54:53] ambiguous no no dude are you serious after violent protest the uc la uc president launches
[03:55:00] investigation into response why they changed it they changed it because it was too fucking anti-israel
[03:55:09] in real time we watched it happen
[03:55:11] they were like all right well you know maybe the first headline wasn't uh...
[03:55:15] great we should uh... they they definitely look like the gunfire kills wounds
[03:55:19] dozens in hospital in circle by israeli tanks
[03:55:24] who did it they definitely are
[03:55:27] who fucking did it bro who did it gunfire kills wounds dozens in hospital
[03:55:32] like as though this is
[03:55:34] as though this is a fucking naturally occurring phenomenon you know and
[03:55:37] Gaza is just how it works, bro. This whole thing is honestly horrifying. Yeah. And I mean,
[03:55:44] they do this for a lot of shit. It's not just for like Israel, you know, whenever there
[03:55:49] is capital interest, you will always have similar things happen. I got a question.
[03:55:54] So when you see an article like this, what you probably do is look into it more to see
[03:55:58] what actually happened, right? Is that how it works? Yeah, because the average
[03:56:01] person will see his article move on with their day. Yeah. And that's the informed
[03:56:04] person. The average person doesn't know or give a fuck about any of this shit, but the
[03:56:07] informed population that want to learn about it, read these articles and will, you know,
[03:56:13] their takeaway will be whatever the fuck the article wants you to think.
[03:56:16] Like an LSF thread. I don't know why you would compare it to LSF in that regard, but
[03:56:22] I guess it's correct.
[03:56:23] Because people read the titles and just assume that's what happened.
[03:56:26] Yeah, you're right. That's not, that's not wrong. And they clip chipped too.
[03:56:29] Yeah.
[03:56:33] Holy man, like you're gonna put in a lot of effort if you really want to know what's going on.
[03:56:38] Yeah, it's not easy.
[03:56:40] It's not easy.
[03:56:41] And that's why I also consistently try to tell people that are like newcomers in this community, like,
[03:56:46] newcomers in this community, like everything you've heard about me has a very specific purpose.
[03:56:53] It is to sully my reputation to make sure.
[03:56:57] I always defend you by the way in the morning.
[03:56:58] make sure that, yeah, um, to make sure that like you don't come in here with a clear mind
[03:57:06] or a clear conscious and a level of charitability, your impact in here is supposed to be uncharitable
[03:57:14] so that you don't listen to what I have to say and you've already automatically declared
[03:57:18] me someone who is like, um, biased against your interest and someone who is like sinister.
[03:57:27] Geez, man
[03:57:30] I know this stuff's cuz I talked to my dad about this once and the things that he was saying and blew my mind and like dad
[03:57:34] I can't believe you said this
[03:57:36] Yeah, is he especially with like the drops like when they were dropping the
[03:57:40] That stuff it was crazy your videos on the levin on pager attack. Yeah, remember when israel blew up pagers in levin on
[03:57:47] That was recently. Yeah
[03:57:49] Like seven days ago israel has since killed 800 people in levin on the pagers
[03:57:54] No with fucking bombing direct bombing campaigns, but at the time they killed like I think 11
[03:57:59] With the pagers including two children, right?
[03:58:02] And they maimed it like three thousand people on top of that and
[03:58:07] The media covered it as like this phenomenal instance of espionage against a scary enemy combatant
[03:58:14] They blew up
[03:58:16] civilian communications devices after infiltrating a supply chain
[03:58:20] not knowing who ended up with those pages at all and yet of course they killed a bunch of people that were civilians in the process
[03:58:30] you can't even kill enemy combatants when they're not in war anyway that's still a war crime regardless it was a war crime after a war crime
[03:58:38] it was a double war crime it was an act of terror and that's precisely what it did it caused psychological trauma to the civilian population that was worried about their fucking household goods
[03:58:48] goods they were like is my is my fucking toast are gonna explode next that's
[03:58:53] what happened my god that is an act of terror the media literally covered it as
[03:58:57] though it was actually a phenomenal tactical instance of Israeli espionage
[03:59:03] and a lot of people don't actually scratch the servers they just look at
[03:59:07] that and they go yeah you know what this is great yeah four-year-old Lebanese
[03:59:12] girl Naya Ghazi was among the 14 Israel killed today her body was
[03:59:15] recovered several hours later from under the rubble we're not gonna see your
[03:59:21] blow up are we are okay please no this was oh this was the the rubble when
[03:59:28] they started bombing oh my god dude yeah this is this is heavy stuff in yeah
[03:59:42] yeah you be here all days listen this guy huh this stuff is not for the faint
[03:59:47] heart it really isn't yeah so you know it is what it is I guess it is what it is
[03:59:57] and this is why you take you like to play basketball because that's where you
[04:00:01] can just be free yeah yeah I get it now if the enemy is back the only way to win
[04:00:07] is by attacking the messenger yeah that's exactly there were media
[04:00:12] correspondents that called the attack awesome so many people like why would
[04:00:17] That'd be awesome if you're blowing up civilians because because the enemy they're killing enemies
[04:00:22] They're killing Arabs and the Arabs that die as collateral damage is simply just like Arabs that shouldn't have been in the way
[04:00:29] Okay, that's what it is. That's how dehumanization works. This is also. Yeah, this is why a lot of people
[04:00:35] despise American foreign policy like absolutely hate American foreign policy
[04:00:44] Watching churches get bombed during Christmas really fucked me up hard to enjoy things when you know stuff is happening. Yeah
[04:00:49] Israel was doing that. They were bombing Palestinian churches. The craziest part of this is that they say these guys are human shields.
[04:01:04] That's like the Israeli propaganda for it. They're like, oh, well, they're human shields. They're in the way of our bombs.
[04:01:11] You know what makes you kind of wonder how much of like after like 911, the stuff that I was told as American citizens was just not true.
[04:01:23] What do you mean? A lot of it. Why do you why did we invade Afghanistan?
[04:01:29] I don't fucking know. Why do we invade Iraq?
[04:01:32] Bad guys were there. Yeah, they hadn't brother
[04:01:36] Seventeen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudi. I know why did we not invade Saudi Arabia and just went to random countries instead?
[04:01:45] Now for Afghanistan you could say oh, they were holding Osama bin Laden. Okay, turns out he was in Pakistan anyway, which is again
[04:01:51] then next to a next to the fucking Pakistani military training facility was living there.
[04:02:00] But regardless, when he was in Afghanistan, we had the opportunity to extract them without
[04:02:07] invading Afghanistan, but we have get we invaded anyway. Do you like George W. Bush? Fuck no,
[04:02:13] How many dodged those shoes?
[04:02:15] That was unfortunately one of those instances
[04:02:19] where you just, you hate hearing about someone
[04:02:23] who is worthy of so much more,
[04:02:26] so much more worse things,
[04:02:27] but he just got good reflexes in that time.
[04:02:29] Did you see him tell a security guard
[04:02:30] to back off when the second shoe was coming?
[04:02:33] No.
[04:02:34] He did.
[04:02:35] He told us to, I got this.
[04:02:36] I'm gonna dodge this shoe.
[04:02:38] That's all I know.
[04:02:40] Dude, that's...
[04:02:42] Damn.
[04:02:43] Ooh.
[04:02:44] They lied about WMDs in Iraq. They were like, Oh, they have, you know, WMDs. We got to go invade Iraq.
[04:02:52] Iraq was even less involved than even fucking,
[04:02:58] Iraq was even less involved than Afghanistan was in Afghanistan wasn't even a fucking involved at all.
[04:03:07] Dude, life is just, it can be quite fucked sometimes.
[04:03:14] Yeah. And I'm over here just enjoying my Veronica Lila every morning.
[04:03:18] But here's how this works
[04:03:20] Yeah, yeah
[04:03:22] Bush rejects Taliban over to hand bin Laden excuse me
[04:03:26] 9 30 p.m. Update Taliban demand evidence of bin Laden's guilt second week of air strike starts Taliban urges US to halt bombing
[04:03:33] But they were gonna hand him over
[04:03:35] Yeah, dude
[04:03:37] Didn't it take us 10 years to find this guy and and Brock was like we got him
[04:03:43] Don't even give me started on
[04:03:46] Osama bin Laden was a known asset
[04:03:49] And even before there were plenty of people who did not like him and were actually against him
[04:03:57] Amongst the Mujahideen not the Taliban but other groups in the Mujahideen in Afghanistan
[04:04:03] On 9 10
[04:04:06] They assassinated the guy who wanted to fucking give America warned America about Osama bin Laden
[04:04:14] Oh, yeah, they rejected Taliban over to hand bin Laden and they said we don't negotiate with terrorists
[04:04:19] Okay, this might be a loaded question. I'm just I'm learning everything for the first time. Everything seems new to me
[04:04:25] Was was been been lying behind 9-11. Yes, okay
[04:04:29] Okay
[04:04:30] Okay, so not everything I know is a lie. No, okay
[04:04:34] All right, but been lot and was okay before 9-11
[04:04:38] All right Osama bin Laden for many many years got positive coverage even from the Western
[04:04:43] I never heard of the guy before that happened show you the tape. Oh, no, there's a tape
[04:04:50] Oh, no, I saw didn't you play kind of strike? Thanks, I think hold on. So I've been a lot
[04:04:57] in which newspaper was in Guardian? Revolutionary. This is our was over Center for public integrity
[04:05:18] how the U.S. midwife helped midwife a terrorist. Um, the nine, ten guys, I'm not Shah Masood,
[04:05:29] but I'm not talking about that. Does anyone have the news article? You know what I'm talking
[04:05:34] about? The article about, not the Mujahideen, but like about Osama bin Laden specifically,
[04:05:41] trained by the CIA, by the way. And so were the fucking, I mean, they knew of him.
[04:05:47] He was a known asset. Oh, this is the, yep, that's the title of the article. Hold
[04:05:51] on the opnic muck bleat. Oh, they did this in the newspaper. This also had a photo of
[04:06:00] some of it.
[04:06:01] London anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace. The Saudi businessman who
[04:06:05] recruited Mujahideen now use them for large scale building projects in Sudan. Robert
[04:06:10] Fisk met him in Alma T. 1990. This is a here's the photo. I think yeah, here it
[04:06:26] is. There he is. All six foot seven of old glory. He was there six seven days tall as
[04:06:34] hell, bro. Do you play basketball? I he showed up. Dude, dude, the world's insane. Yes. Yeah.
[04:06:51] I mean, like in cold shivers. Yeah. Yeah, he was awesome is yelling from the background
[04:07:01] and said, you'll never enjoy the national anthem as much again. I mean, which one
[04:07:04] at this point. I mean, if you look so.
[04:07:10] Oh, no, I heard he had a couple slam dunks back into September of 2001.
[04:07:16] No, dude. Yeah, he was playing with the wrong rockets.
[04:07:22] Please stop. Like, oh my goodness, dude.
[04:07:27] So here's the thing, the reason why you are completely not
[04:07:31] knowledgeable of all these affairs is because it would make you go
[04:07:33] fucking crazy if you constantly thought about this shit and the entire purpose of the media is to
[04:07:40] basically dull your sensibilities into not knowing any of this shit. What I have to deal with is
[04:07:46] something that's worse. You are fantastic, you're charitable, you're curious, you're
[04:07:52] interested in intellectually and you're not gonna like immediately be resistant to what I have
[04:07:57] to say. But the average person that constantly gets all of this fucking propaganda, okay,
[04:08:05] already has a resilience to what I have to say, and sometimes will go forth and defend it, okay?
[04:08:12] It will defend the Israeli actions. That's what fucking pisses me off more than anything else.
[04:08:16] Motherfuckers that are not knowledgeable come in here and repeat talking points they heard
[04:08:20] from some fucking YouTuber who is also not knowledgeable on the issue. But they're also
[04:08:26] like now the person is repeating a person that didn't already have like the full scope of the story
[04:08:33] and are like not even remembering the talking points correctly and they're just pissing me the
[04:08:38] fuck off because they're so smarmy and fucking annoying about it they're like and also on top of
[04:08:43] that they especially in this instance they'll also package it with like a shit ton of islamophobic
[04:08:48] sentiment to be like uh like this morning someone fucking came in and was like uh heard your
[04:08:54] pager is beeping like that's like a threat you know what i mean he's saying like i oh my god you know
[04:09:00] your has both law and you're gonna blow up like word you know i hope the american government kills
[04:09:04] you that's what that means and it's very frustrating because like if you interrogate that person and
[04:09:09] try to figure out where they came to this conclusion they have no knowledge whatsoever
[04:09:13] because it takes nothing to just be like you're a fucking dirty uh you know sand and word and
[04:09:19] you're gonna blow up. It takes nothing to say that. You know? Why would they say that? Where's
[04:09:24] the anger coming from? Well, you weren't here this morning when I talked about it, but then
[04:09:30] anger comes from the fact that that motherfucker doesn't have health care. That motherfucker is
[04:09:35] fully aware of the, fully aware of the hurt and harm caused to him by his own government.
[04:09:42] He at least experiences the impacts of it. He knows that his life is never going to be as
[04:09:46] as good as his parents' generation.
[04:09:47] He knows he's never gonna have a home.
[04:09:49] He knows he's never gonna have a job.
[04:09:50] He's never gonna, or have a meaningful job.
[04:09:54] He's never gonna be able to retire.
[04:09:55] So that fucking makes him really angry.
[04:09:57] He's frustrated.
[04:09:58] And in that anger and frustration,
[04:10:00] he lashes out at whoever the fuck can hear him.
[04:10:03] And it makes him feel powerful in that moment
[04:10:05] to be like, this guy, this Twitch streamer,
[04:10:07] he has a lot of money.
[04:10:08] He's hot, people listen to him.
[04:10:11] But you know, I'm gonna piss him off
[04:10:12] because he's lower than me
[04:10:13] because he's a fucking dirty muslin.
[04:10:16] Defending other dirty Muslims that are getting brutalized by the American by the American and Israeli militaries
[04:10:22] That's where the anger comes from that's where racism comes from
[04:10:26] You know the notion that someone will look at you and because you're black
[04:10:30] Assume automatically that I'm a good you are worse than they are that you're lower your inferior to them that kind of like
[04:10:38] That that kind of white supremacist sentiment. I have dealt with that in the past. So was it Netanyahu's dead? No, he's no, bro
[04:10:44] I shut the fuck up.
[04:10:48] You wonder how I defeated in the past?
[04:10:50] No way.
[04:10:51] How?
[04:10:52] So people used to call me the N-word and stuff back in middle school, but then I realized
[04:10:58] I could say something to them that hurt them even more.
[04:11:00] What?
[04:11:01] I would just call them poor.
[04:11:06] Okay.
[04:11:07] It was a defense mechanism.
[04:11:11] I understand, I guess.
[04:11:13] For real, are you, Hanson, are you with you dead ass two hours just to find out
[04:11:19] Okay, well, most probably maybe it's possible. I don't have all the facts. Yeah. Oh, yeah. LBJ
[04:11:29] What do you say LBJ?
[04:11:32] Big big Johnson said if you convince the lowest white man, he's better than the best colored man
[04:11:36] He won't notice you're picking his pocket help give him some to look down to he'll empty his pockets for you
[04:11:42] He's the president said this. Yeah, he said this. Yeah, you had a fat cock bro. What do you mean? He's unstoppable
[04:11:48] He had a fat cock and he really wanted to do Vietnam, but like isn't this kind of insulting towards white people?
[04:11:58] Oh, what was me bro? No, I'm just saying that I mean it is but who gives a shit no, I'm saying but it's like people
[04:12:05] He's speaking the truth then. Yeah
[04:12:09] I've never heard this quote before
[04:12:11] That's interesting
[04:12:17] Nixon said worse. Yeah, but he didn't say that about white people Nixon said that about black people Jews
[04:12:23] was Nixon racist which american president wasn't racist barack barack obama called uh black
[04:12:34] guys were in a process of uppity thugs who barack obama called black lives matter protesters uppity
[04:12:41] thugs oh was he was he joking no he wasn't joking better question who's not racist he didn't
[04:12:51] Also to the pull your pants up shit, too. I feel like he did that he did that too who was not racing this week in general
[04:13:07] Obama loved melting black and brown people overseas with drone strikes, dude
[04:13:11] He fucking blew up a goddamn hospital. He even killed Italian doctor
[04:13:16] Yeah, bro, couldn't do I don't know if a hospital in Kunduz
[04:13:21] And just for fun. I don't know the hospital was a doctor's thought borders hospital
[04:13:24] So he had to apologize for it because like he killed white people too. I love money for them before what doctors are borders
[04:13:31] Yeah, I've raised money for them before they're sick. I love doctors
[04:13:36] Goddamn commie don't want yeah, he had to apologize an error with fatal consequences
[04:13:41] Barack Obama has apologized to doctors without borders
[04:13:45] Yeah, because he killed white people how many hospitals they fucking blow up
[04:13:49] They didn't ever apologize for because there were no white people there. This happened to be who's the guy on the left?
[04:13:53] I don't I think he's I'm assuming the French mistakenly hit the NGO in Cundit's killing 22 people
[04:14:01] President Obama spoke by telephone with doctors without borders international president dr. German president
[04:14:08] Joanne Lou to apologize and express his condolences for the MSF staff and patients
[04:14:15] Who were killed and injured when a US military airstrike mistakenly struck an MSF field hospital in Cundu's?
[04:14:22] After completing that call the president telephoned. Yeah, anyway
[04:14:27] Is always did all you say was I'm sorry did he do the wrong location? It has nothing to do with white people law
[04:14:33] W stop it. No dog. No, you fucking idiot
[04:14:37] He apologized because white people were killed how many wrong locations the American government fucking
[04:14:42] Target over and over again with no apologies. This is what I mean. This motherfucker doesn't know the facts
[04:14:48] I do he misunderstood me and now it's like my problem, you know, and he's making his problem my issue
[04:14:54] He's making it the issue of 35,000 that are watching right now, and it's very fucking annoying, you know
[04:15:02] geez
[04:15:06] My old seat look look
[04:15:09] My boomer my boomer black chatter
[04:15:11] Bro telling young black men to pull the pants up ain't racist brother is
[04:15:15] Say be respectful to yourself not having your ass hanging out. I mean to be fair
[04:15:19] My mother also told me to pull my pants up.
[04:15:22] Did she also conservative?
[04:15:23] No, my mom rants about Donald Trump all the time.
[04:15:27] I know, but like, that doesn't change the dynamic.
[04:15:30] You used to be conservative.
[04:15:32] Well, no, she's voting for the blue team.
[04:15:36] Democrats. Come on, you know, Dan.
[04:15:39] Like, listen, she's just super religious and she doesn't like.
[04:15:42] Okay, there you go.
[04:15:43] Isn't it quite ignorant being I know more than you?
[04:15:47] Yeah, it is. If I was not fully aware of the situation and also knew that that person didn't know what the fuck he was talking about.
[04:15:56] So in this situation, it's actually not ignorant. It's addressing ignorance. But you are hyper focused on the aesthetics of it. Okay.
[04:16:04] But you assume people don't? Yes. Because in a situation where I have the full scope of knowledge and I'm talking about a specific aspect of Barack Obama's drone program where one of the
[04:16:13] Unintentional targets was a hospital that was a doctors dot borders hospital, which was unceremoniously and uniquely apologize for as a
[04:16:22] As opposed to the litany of other fucking strikes that Barack Obama never apologized for
[04:16:27] I'm saying he only apologized because he killed Western doctors
[04:16:33] Okay, and if you come in here in this situation
[04:16:37] situation if you come in here and you tell me like now I had nothing to do with white people law then
[04:16:43] Yeah, you are ignorant of the facts and it shouldn't hurt your feelings that you are not knowledgeable
[04:16:48] The more you know the more you realize that you don't know you're so wrong. It's ridiculous
[04:16:55] You're so left. You're actually on the right fully aware bro thinks he knows everything
[04:17:00] This game us gonna gift it sub
[04:17:02] Of course he did and he did that and now he won't see the top of the hour ad break which is coming in the middle of the hour because I forgot to run it and
[04:17:12] There are plenty of others like him, but it's all good at the end of the day
[04:17:17] It is what it is
[04:17:23] Admitting you misfired and showed military incompetence. I don't think you put the white people are the collateral
[04:17:27] I am going to in a second. They would never admit to military incompetence that when it's in black and brown civilians are infected. Yes
[04:17:33] by the way
[04:17:38] Ironically another incident occurred with the world central kitchen aid bombings
[04:17:45] Israel never apologized for killing 200 humanitarian aid workers before the world central kitchen aid workers were killed
[04:17:52] 200 why because those humanitarian aid workers were fucking brown and they were Arab. They were Lebanese
[04:18:00] They were Palestinian
[04:18:02] Okay, they only apologized for it because world central kitchen aid workers were killed and they were fucking
[04:18:08] Canadian and Australian and British, okay? The entire purpose of why these organizations like
[04:18:17] Dr. Stop Borders exist is because everybody knows that America is going to be at least a little bit
[04:18:23] more careful if there's white people there, okay? That these agencies are going to be a little bit
[04:18:28] more careful with their targeting when there's valuable people there, white people, okay? That's
[04:18:34] Literally the the entire purpose of doctors without borders that is literally the entire purpose of aid groups like this
[04:18:41] That is the whole purpose and they will tell you that by the way in their fucking mission statement
[04:18:46] It's so funny that people just still try to deny the like abject reality. There's a Polish guy there, too
[04:18:56] Yeah
[04:19:00] Worth noting that republics at the time said Obama was weak for apologize for the u.s. On the world stage for doing war crimes
[04:19:05] Yeah
[04:19:06] Yeah
[04:19:10] 75% of aid workers killed this year were literally killed by Israel. World Humanitarian Day 2024,
[04:19:17] with number of aid workers killed reaching record high, UNM partners demand those in power,
[04:19:21] hashtag act for humanity. Outrageously high number of humanitarian aid workers killed,
[04:19:27] with 288 workers killed in 33 countries last year, 2023 marked the deadliest year on the record
[04:19:33] for global humanitarian community. The outrageously high number represents 137% increase
[04:19:38] compared to 2022 when 118 workers were killed. 2024 may be on track for an even deadlier outcome.
[04:19:45] More than half of the 2023 deaths were recorded in the first three months, October to December,
[04:19:50] of the hostilities in Gaza, mostly a result of airstrikes.
[04:19:57] Good guys. Israel deliberately targets and assassinates journalists. Israel has killed
[04:20:03] The overwhelming majority of journalists in conflict throughout history at this point in Gaza alone and the same goes for fucking humanitarian aid workers that are killed
[04:20:17] Ultimately, they get to kill whoever the fuck they want and you can't say a damn thing about it
[04:20:21] Because if you do say a damn thing about it your anti-semitic shut the fuck up. That's it
[04:20:27] Assam doesn't often accept he might be wrong. I don't think he's wrong in this instance, but that's not exactly relevant. That's not correct. I
[04:20:33] Do accept when I'm wrong like when I fucking said
[04:20:36] Russia will never invade Ukraine and ain't nobody ever let me fucking live that down. Okay, so you're wrong
[04:20:45] Ironically, I'll give you examples. They did my other thing that I was wrong about another thing that I was wrong about for example was
[04:20:53] Dude fuck I was thinking about this the other day. I was wrong when I said
[04:20:56] I don't think the Republicans will actually take away abortion rights because that would be an unimaginably
[04:21:00] stupid thing for them to do so because they would suffer political penalties I
[04:21:05] said this years ago okay that's a JDM what that part is true that's a JDM
[04:21:11] you're fucking idiot shut the fuck up yeah exactly they blew up every fucking
[04:21:15] hospital I was completely right on that you suck my cock yeah it wasn't a JDM
[04:21:19] but it doesn't matter they blew up every fucking hospital in the strip you
[04:21:23] don't give a shit you were wrong about Moon Moon apologize yep that's right I
[04:21:27] I was wrong.
[04:21:28] What did you say about Moomin?
[04:21:29] I defended Goon, Goon back in the day against Cutie Cinderella when Cutie Cinderella was like
[04:21:34] ERP is like weird and wrong.
[04:21:37] You know what I was just talking about that because I was doing it.
[04:21:40] What?
[04:21:41] That's why that topic was hot.
[04:21:42] Was it?
[04:21:43] I don't remember what it was about, but anyway, but basically, okay, well, she was right
[04:21:47] about that then too.
[04:21:49] What?
[04:21:50] She was right about that as well.
[04:21:51] She was doubly right.
[04:21:53] No.
[04:21:54] What do you mean?
[04:21:55] You're single now.
[04:21:56] There's nothing to do with it. Are you kidding me? No way, bro. Just like Twitter relax, man
[04:22:05] No way, dude. No way, bro. I don't know
[04:22:10] You were wrong about you sop on the wall. I apologize about help chat. Tell me nothing to do with it
[04:22:17] Stop as I was a Twitter Andy. I actually don't know what the details are and I haven't asked you at all
[04:22:23] it's just
[04:22:24] But QT was right about movement it seems anyway
[04:22:31] Accept his wrongs and adjusts himself hundreds of times a day. That's how his locked predictions come through all the time
[04:22:35] He is yeah, that's the other that anyway, what else what else was that wrong about give me more?
[04:22:40] I'm sure I'm sure there's like other shit that I've been wrong about chat stop spamming hip gate. It's
[04:22:48] It was fried it was it was fried before hip gate trust me wrong about one piece. That's true
[04:22:54] I was wrong about the Korean movement, the 4B feminism movement in Korea until I found the full scope
[04:23:01] until I found out how insane shit was in Korea in terms of the gender wars.
[04:23:08] It's okay to be wrong, by the way. That's the only way you can really improve.
[04:23:14] Oh, another thing I was wrong about, the existence of the pro-nado would be Trump assassin.
[04:23:18] I said historically, I mean, that was, that wasn't as consequential.
[04:23:23] Consequential and that was just mostly me joking saying that like
[04:23:27] No one is like a pronato voter
[04:23:30] When I say that I mean like there is not a significant number of voters
[04:23:34] That could change the outcome of an election
[04:23:38] That's a little bit of embellishment. Okay wrong about farting on airplanes
[04:23:52] Not only not only am I I think I'm I
[04:23:57] Think I invented Ryan Ruth
[04:24:00] Anyway, this is inside memes Nick is gonna get bored after talking for hours and hours and hours and learning of us so much of the conflict
[04:24:08] And the genocide in in in Israel or genocide that Israel is committing in Gaza
[04:24:18] anyway
[04:24:19] Yeah, but that was wonderful. I'm so I'm glad that you
[04:24:22] You sat your ass down and you listen a lot of great time brother. Really? Yeah. Oh, I'm gonna get out now
[04:24:29] No, no, no not at all. Oh
[04:24:31] Oh, I've been having a hell dude. I'm not kidding you like this is really fun for me
[04:24:36] I'm not also I was getting a bit overwhelmed at some point almost the verge of tears with some of the things you were telling me
[04:24:41] It's fucking wild. Yeah, I'm actually been quite emotional recently because I you know
[04:24:44] Whatever obvious reasons. Yeah, but it's like dude some of the stuff like it's just I had no idea what's going on. I really didn't
[04:24:52] But you know, I'm glad you told me, you know, you can use some nice and welcome
[04:24:55] Yeah, even though I asked should we go should we go get some clothes now?
[04:24:58] I mean if you really want to we don't have to I do I do want to I mean, I think we're doing great
[04:25:03] I mean do whatever you want to do
[04:25:05] This is it. This was supposed to be like a like a light politics day and a fun day overall and
[04:25:12] That was my that was my goal overall, but you know, you you seemed
[04:25:18] Genuinely interested. Oh, yeah, if there's anyone that's ever genuinely interested like I got a fucking
[04:25:23] your biggest L is going to be when LeBron gets caught up with Diddy. Wow, that's white
[04:25:28] supremacy. See, I foster white supremacists. I harbor them in this community. I offer them
[04:25:32] shelter. Oh, fucked up. Wishing, wishing that LeBron, wishing that LeBron, wishing that
[04:25:44] LeBron, the goat, James. Okay, but China. Yeah, that's you're giving further evidence
[04:25:53] as to why he's the goat. LaChina. Okay, LeGezian Ping. LaBalding. Okay, that part. Beach, what
[04:26:01] about you? My hair's perfect, brother. I'm not losing a dime. It is actually pretty good.
[04:26:05] Not a gray there either. Your hairline looks pretty good. And I gained two inches too.
[04:26:10] Did you get to, did a black barber cut this? No. Is there any melanin involved? A white
[04:26:14] female. Who's crazy? Who's hot? She does a pretty good job. You have a pretty decent
[04:26:19] job with with this fade. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, she's awesome. Okay, stop saying lasinus.
[04:26:32] LeBron has not as I know shut up. I know he's he can't say that he's probably really sad
[04:26:40] about Hassan Nasrallah is passing like right now. It locks Nick. This is Shonda black.
[04:26:47] Oh, there's no way
[04:26:50] I don't got it in me
[04:26:53] You're wrong about hating cats. You like coots. That's true. I mean there are some cats that like for
[04:27:01] He's being silence. I know him personally. Yeah, that's real. I'm LeBron
[04:27:09] That's another thing you're usually wrong about
[04:27:13] What of this being fun day and also playing video games shut up
[04:27:19] What else was I gonna fucking?
[04:27:21] What else was I gonna talk about? There was some other shit that I wanted to tell you or wanted to do. Do you have any other questions?
[04:27:27] Do you have any further questions?
[04:27:29] Where's Mr. Arthur?
[04:27:31] I mean, if I had to guess, he's probably in bed.
[04:27:34] He's sleeping?
[04:27:35] Yeah.
[04:27:36] He's crazy.
[04:27:37] I mean, to be fair, my brain's a little bit fried from all this knowledge.
[04:27:41] I'm gonna try to retain it.
[04:27:43] I don't know.
[04:27:48] I'm not gonna be preaching anything because I'm not smart. I've asked him to you. Okay, you know
[04:27:57] That said I'm
[04:28:01] Still gonna be taking the McDonald's deals. I need the money
[04:28:06] You do not need the money motherfucker. You ever write you have so much money you have 14,000 subs
[04:28:11] You're right check for five million dollars this time
[04:28:14] No, just burn it
[04:28:17] Okay, then
[04:28:19] Tell them about APAC and the Jewish Death at Rapture. Okay, that's much
[04:28:23] We've I've given I've given Nick enough tools to develop a more comprehensive understanding of what's going on
[04:28:32] Then a lot of memes as well exclusive around Supreme Leader has taken a secure location sources say open mouth emoji
[04:28:41] Who's this guy this is the Supreme Leader
[04:28:46] Ayatollah Ali
[04:28:48] Khomeini supreme leader. Isn't that what North Korea has?
[04:28:51] Um
[04:28:53] I guess they do as well, but this is like this is like a religious guy
[04:29:00] Hmm. Yeah
[04:29:06] Replacing explain like I'm five to explain like I'm an MP law
[04:29:10] Okay, yeah, I'm gonna lay your brain rest and by that I mean let's go let's go shopping if you want to we can
[04:29:15] Yeah, let's do it. Let me get Arthur and we can yeah we can go
[04:29:18] You haven't shown him the grandma has an RPG propaganda cartoon. Yeah, that's crazy. I'm I'm very shelter. We gave him enough
[04:29:25] We gave him enough to get Arthur
[04:29:27] Go get go get Arthur and let's get ready to rumble. What?
[04:29:39] prove LeBron James is anti Zionist
[04:29:43] LeBron catches Danny of the of DJ with an elbow called it
[04:29:49] Catches
[04:29:51] Right in the side of the head basically
[04:29:55] Yeah, that hurts. Yeah, how do you how dare you how dare you say he's not anti Zionist bro look at that
[04:30:05] Where do you think the elbow came from bro?
[04:30:09] Yeah
[04:30:10] There you go
[04:30:12] He saw the he saw he saw Danny post with the fucking Israeli flag
[04:30:17] He saw Danny post with the Israeli flag and was like and he whispered into his ear. He said this one
[04:30:22] This one's for Palestine
[04:30:26] That's right
[04:30:28] Um, yeah, yeah, I know, I heard Yemen, Houthi say they fired Missila Israel's airport upon Netanyahu's arrival. I heard
[04:30:36] I don't know how real this story is though. It seems like one of those things that's like, you know, it's usually
[04:30:45] Yeah, oh, he said Danny abdija
[04:30:48] Says he wants to bring pride to israel through basketball. I have friends who are combat soldiers who risk their lives in the country
[04:30:52] My heart is with all the time. I've been very interested in the well-being and the well-being of the hostage's families
[04:30:56] I try to help as much as I can balance it with my career home. The tv was on all day in social media too
[04:31:00] So it's impossible not to be involved. I try to do what I could to bring some pride to Israel to basketball my efforts on the court
[04:31:08] But need to watch more of him though. It's all mine. There's some moves
[04:31:31] Is he also like kind of ass though? I don't really know anything about this guy. So I assume he's ass
[04:31:46] So it doesn't even matter
[04:31:50] And if he's a fit for tomorrow, yeah, we're gonna get him some fuck boy shit
[04:31:54] Make Nick try on Rick Owens. LaMau. Yes
[04:31:57] Anyway, here, watch this profile on Hassan Isra'la while I go pee.
[04:32:03] Isra'la led Hezbollah for 32 years.
[04:32:06] He was one of the most influential figures in the Middle East and top of the Israeli hit list.
[04:32:12] The leader of the terrorist army, Hezbollah, was killed by Israel's defense forces
[04:32:18] in a precise strike in Beirut last night while he was in Hezbollah's central headquarters
[04:32:25] commanders commanding more imminent attacks against the people of Israel.
[04:32:31] And then the immediate response read out on Iranian state TV.
[04:32:34] Ayatollah Khomeini calling on Muslims to stand by Hezbollah with whatever means they have,
[04:32:40] confronting, he says, the wicked regime of Israel.
[04:32:43] But inflicting this wound on Hezbollah meant unleashing hell on a densely populated
[04:32:48] area of a capital city.
[04:32:50] We may not know the civilian cost of last night's airstrikes for weeks to come.
[04:32:55] In their droves they fled their homes last night, an evacuation en masse, and now the
[04:33:01] city streets are littered with loved ones nursing each other's shock.
[04:33:05] This family has huddled exhausted on this corner since the early hours.
[04:33:09] Not a sound uttered by these children, stunned into silence.
[04:33:15] My daughters were terrified from the situation, very scared, Netanyahu is aiming to kill small kids.
[04:33:22] This little one, look at her, and her, they are not ready to see war.
[04:33:28] Saturday morning at the Corniche by Beirut Marina, in place of the walkers and weekend runners,
[04:33:33] an encampment of the displaced, the war weary, and the odd person checking on the new neighbors.
[04:33:42] It's not just the residents of Dehaio dealing with the aftermath, but those that race to
[04:33:46] help them too.
[04:33:48] Of course, the situation was so hard, the bombs were like raining everywhere.
[04:33:57] Of course, it's something hard for the people to be there trying to work, exactly to work
[04:34:04] there and help, and then at the same time, be afraid if they're going to stay alive
[04:34:09] or not.
[04:34:10] Did that go through your mind last night?
[04:34:12] I think one of the craziest aspects of this entire story is the fact that October 7 happened
[04:34:20] as a direct consequence of Israel consistently amping up the pressure and the violence.
[04:34:25] Okay?
[04:34:26] And, like, what did Israel do?
[04:34:29] They just escalated it even further since then.
[04:34:33] And what I'm trying to say is a lot of times people legitimately think, right, and a lot
[04:34:43] of instances people like legitimately think, oh, well, it's not, it's not going to happen
[04:34:50] to us.
[04:34:51] Like they can't do what we are doing to them.
[04:34:53] They can't do that back to us.
[04:34:56] And I find that to be really fucking stupid, because October 7 literally is an example
[04:35:01] of like what Israel does on a regular basis of Palestinians happening to them? Like what
[04:35:08] is your expectation that you're always going to be able to pummel people? They're not going
[04:35:12] to fucking catch you slipping. Like they will catch you slipping. Okay. And then the question
[04:35:18] is, how will you feel then? What will you do then? Optopic, but invite that 60 motherfucker
[04:35:27] Wake Wilder, please boss. No, I'll fuck that guy, dude. I hate being around that
[04:35:31] guy he's hotter than me and taller than me. Now I'm kidding and woker than me. No, I love
[04:35:38] wake. I don't know why he didn't show up this morning. I told him that I told him to pull
[04:35:41] up to play ball. But oh yeah. You see what I'm saying chat? Do you see what I'm saying?
[04:35:58] Am I stupid or was October seven when he said the rescue team rescued the rapist or
[04:36:03] was that the same thing? Wait, what am I stupid or was October seven when he said
[04:36:06] he rescued the rapist? What the fuck bro? Right normal. I don't even understand what you're saying.
[04:36:12] Whether or not you would say I'm gonna say normal, I'm gonna be like.
[04:36:16] But for the emergency vehicles, every corner of this sprawling district is now decimated.
[04:36:22] A district that's a Hezbollah stronghold. This street of Dahiya is three kilometers from
[04:36:28] the center. But here too, the smoke rises. The emergency worker shows us part of the
[04:36:34] rocket that pierced this building and what may have laid beneath this apartment
[04:36:39] block locals have told us was hit at 3 a.m. but because of what it would be oh
[04:36:43] will it no wills not banned any longer is he still bad will is scared yeah he's
[04:36:53] like he can't you know will is free row free willy it's so many asterisks by
[04:37:04] that time it's already been evacuated but I don't know exactly what's hit it
[04:37:09] But it appears from looking aside that some form of penetrating bomb has gone deep under the ground and that's right
[04:37:17] You know October 7 was not planned. I can explain what of course it was. What are you talking about? You think like
[04:37:23] You think that the entirety of the Palestinian resistance groups from like fucking
[04:37:28] Pflp Dflp all the way to fucking Palestinian Islamic jihad and Hamas like
[04:37:33] launched a fucking
[04:37:35] Like aerial assault even without like planning it. They plan it for fucking like half a decade dog
[04:37:42] It was not only planned but like Israel got warning multiple times Israel got more warnings multiple fucking times
[04:37:55] About it potentially happening they have around the clock surveillance Israel silenced and suppressed like
[04:38:01] one of the surveillance
[04:38:02] entities that like was documenting troop activity around the fucking Gaza like near the
[04:38:07] the Gaza border wall.
[04:38:12] It's exploded and that's where all this smoke is billowing from now.
[04:38:16] It's not only the buildings smoldering across this nation.
[04:38:19] With tensions rising, the Lebanese army have been deployed in fear of not Israel,
[04:38:24] but civil unrest within these borders.
[04:38:27] As displaced families took shelter on the steps of Beirut's blue mosque.
[04:38:31] This is the best shank tag I've ever seen in my life.
[04:38:33] Brother has the worst tag sometimes.
[04:38:35] Hassan is all about the Israeli occupation in the wrong way,
[04:38:37] through violence, the right ways through shame.
[04:38:39] favor the awful race tyrannical occupation of the Palestinian should live in shame for
[04:38:42] the constitution kept it put the Palestinians in. Yeah, shame doesn't work bro. What the
[04:38:45] fuck? Dude, dude, what do you mean? They've been doing genocide for 12 months. Like,
[04:38:53] have you been, have you been paying attention? Uncle Jank? What the fuck? Yeah, dude, we've
[04:39:03] been naming and shaming Israel is not working. Let me tell you big dog. Also, yeah, they
[04:39:10] They put the, not just any rapist, they put the major rapist, okay?
[04:39:14] The main rapist.
[04:39:15] Lolo's response was funny.
[04:39:18] We'll stop Hitler by calling him out.
[04:39:20] Third Reich, this ain't it.
[04:39:28] Yeah.
[04:39:34] What is this?
[04:39:35] Really foolish post.
[04:39:37] Let's enjoy this instead.
[04:39:38] Check out how brave this Manu Samurai looks.
[04:39:41] Man, unctake, dude, unctake.
[04:39:47] You cannot shame people who have no capacity for shame.
[04:39:52] Wasn't it like Kwame Torey that said that about America, which is, you know, quite apt for Israel as well, which is an extension of America?
[04:40:02] The lines are literally taunting Lebanon now by saying, in Nazarala's honor, nothing will happen, shameless not working. Yeah.
[04:40:12] Is there resentment in these groups just for Israel and not like America? No, they hate America too.
[04:40:20] Hassan Nasrallah has a famous here. I'll show you I'll leave you off with one of uh
[04:40:29] One of Hassan Nasrallah's uh
[04:40:32] Most interesting moments, okay
[04:40:40] Does anyone have the link? I'm not gonna be able to find it right now because he just got assassinated
[04:40:44] So obviously fucking uh, it's gonna be incredibly difficult to
[04:40:48] Find the clip but not the Kwame clip the Nasrallah clip
[04:40:53] Oh here here here here. This is the one. Yeah
[04:40:55] There's a misconception prevalent in the Arab world regarding Israel-U.S. relations.
[04:41:02] This is a chatter asked me, like, do they hate America?
[04:41:05] Who's they?
[04:41:06] Hassan Isra'la, you know, people in the region, like, do they think America is responsible
[04:41:12] for it?
[04:41:13] He's like, this guy is not a Jew.
[04:41:25] not exactly a good dude. Okay. Uh, you know, listen to him talk about gay people or whatever.
[04:41:30] You'll understand it. It's not like I'm not casting a vote for Hasan Nasrallah. Okay. Let
[04:41:35] me just tell you, having said that, however, it is pretty funny to have a dude like this.
[04:41:40] I mean, who is very well educated regardless. Uh, make a, make a statement about how like,
[04:41:47] how, how silly it is to assume that like they keep repeating that the Zionist lobby
[04:41:52] that the Jews rule America and real decision-makers are so on. No, America itself is the decision-maker.
[04:41:57] In America you have the major corporations, you have the Trinity, the oil companies, the weapons industry,
[04:42:03] and the so-called Christian Zionism. The decision-making is in the hands of this alliance.
[04:42:07] Israel used to be a tool of the hands of the British, and now it is a tool in the hands of
[04:42:12] America. That's it. It's quite simple. That's it. Noam Chomsky's base take. Yeah, he's a
[04:42:31] Noam Chomsky style figure here. Okay. He's coming across. Yeah. He ate. He ate here and you can't deny it. Okay, but if you want to understand like the way that people see it, there's a reason why it's not just the Israeli flag that they burn in these rallies. There's always next to the American flag that they burn at these rallies.
[04:42:50] Um, all right, fun days starting now.
[04:42:54] Yeah.
[04:42:54] What does that, what does that tell you when fucking Hassan Nasrallah,
[04:42:57] the general secretary has below in Lebanon is like, man, these anti-semitic
[04:43:02] conspiracies are a bridge too far for me.
[04:43:04] You need to dial it back, please.
[04:43:06] And then you got like American.
[04:43:08] You got like American Nazis being like, no dude, you don't understand.
[04:43:15] What's up?
[04:43:16] Nothing.
[04:43:16] He just dropped something.
[04:43:17] Oh, serious.
[04:43:19] We disagree.
[04:43:19] The most American left is about Nasrallah.
[04:43:22] What about Nasrallah? What do you mean about this take in particular?
[04:43:27] Or what? How about, how about Hassan Nasrallah's take on the top of the hour ad break?
[04:43:36] How about that? Which he would agree or disagree with that?
[04:43:40] Because he said at the top of the hour, there is a three minute ad break.
[04:43:47] Okay. And if you no longer want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe.
[04:43:51] That's what he said. And he was right about that too.
[04:43:54] The reason why I don't spend a lot of time on like, uh,
[04:43:56] what Hezbollah did in Syria or whatever is not because like I hate Syrians or some shit like that.
[04:44:02] It's because all of that stuff, all of his, you know, all of Hezbollah's militant actions in Syria
[04:44:11] or even its domestic affairs in Lebanon are completely inconsequential to why he was killed.
[04:44:19] He did not get killed for Syria. He did not get killed for, you know, being a homophobe.
[04:44:26] He got killed because he was in charge of the largest anti-Israel militant fighting force that had successfully purged Israel from Lebanese soil in the past.
[04:44:36] That's it.
[04:44:37] And Westerners love doing this fucking thing, but they'll be like, excuse me?
[04:44:44] I'll have you know. Oh, you think it's fine that the Ansar al-Law movement is like blocking the fucking Red Sea?
[04:44:54] You know I wasn't talking about your tag. I was talking about the tour of lives to claim Nasrallah is like the linen of the Middle East
[04:45:01] I mean he is a little bit. He's a weird guy. Okay, he does have some weird socialist ass takes
[04:45:06] But that's besides the point listen
[04:45:08] The reason why I don't fucking covered or place a lot of emphasis on this is because all of that stuff is
[04:45:16] All of that stuff is brought up
[04:45:19] Specifically to justify death and destruction to not just Hassan Nasrallah. Okay
[04:45:24] Okay. Not just the Hasan Nasrallah. It is to justify death and destruction to all the Lebanese people that were in the vicinity. Okay. That's it.
[04:45:37] I just love politics so much. I don't forget to run the 3 minute outbreak.
[04:45:47] I'm just watching you thrive, brother.
[04:45:49] Okay. I'm just watching you thrive.
[04:45:51] Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it.
[04:45:53] I'm just enjoying watching you and your habitat, man.
[04:45:55] Okay. Are we ready to go? We're going to flip the camera.
[04:45:58] I see the words.
[04:45:59] It should be black for a couple seconds.
[04:46:06] It should still be black.
[04:46:07] Okay.
[04:46:08] It should be black.
[04:46:09] Oh, damn.
[04:46:10] It still has desktop audio if I want to.
[04:46:12] Oh, it's audio.
[04:46:13] Oh, it's delayed, but it's working.
[04:46:15] Yep.
[04:46:16] We're good.
[04:46:18] Nice.
[04:46:19] There's a big delay.
[04:46:21] I know.
[04:46:22] That's what happens in the SRT feed all over here.
[04:46:24] This is yours?
[04:46:25] Let's you need to go to the bathroom first.
[04:46:27] No, I'm ready to go.
[04:46:28] There you go.
[04:46:29] I'm ready to go.
[04:46:30] You can block it.
[04:46:31] Camera.
[04:46:32] We're going to put the camera block on.
[04:46:35] So we have no way of controlling your OBS,
[04:46:36] so if we have the shocker, sure, we have to come back home.
[04:46:39] Yeah, that's fine.
[04:46:40] OK.
[04:46:42] Just letting you know.
[04:46:44] We can do that.
[04:46:46] Chad's audio good.
[04:46:49] Is the audio good, Chad?
[04:46:50] We also don't have the traveling sign, so now it's just black.
[04:46:53] That's fine.
[04:46:56] No, no, no.
[04:46:56] Don't worry about it.
[04:46:57] I can literally have my mod and control the OBS.
[04:46:59] Take it.
[04:46:59] No, no, it's fine.
[04:46:59] It's fine.
[04:47:00] OK.
[04:47:01] All right.
[04:47:02] Let's go.
[04:47:03] All right.
[04:47:04] It's in the front.
[04:47:05] I'm just going to let Kaya real quick.
[04:47:07] Okay.
[04:47:08] Kaya.
[04:47:09] Kaya.
[04:47:10] If you can hear me say, I guess for Hassan's stream we can say anal.
[04:47:17] Go potty baby, go.
[04:47:20] Go potty baby.
[04:47:21] Is that a good one?
[04:47:24] All right.
[04:47:25] A little bit less control in the stream than I do on my own, but hey.
[04:47:29] It is what it is.
[04:47:31] What?
[04:47:32] No, she's so sad because you're walking away.
[04:47:35] Oh.
[04:47:37] Go, buddy!
[04:47:40] Silly.
[04:47:42] Silly ass.
[04:47:44] Silly ass, baby.
[04:47:47] I'm going to start using my invisible edmorts.
[04:47:49] I think my teeth will look better if they were.
[04:47:51] OK, come.
[04:47:52] Got it.
[04:47:53] Come here.
[04:47:54] Come here.
[04:47:55] Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
[04:48:05] Ah.
[04:48:09] All right, let's do it.
[04:48:11] Let's do this thing.
[04:48:12] kaka with us
[04:48:14] okay by kaya
[04:48:15] kaya, wait
[04:48:17] this is the only part of this
[04:48:20] experience with kaya that is like
[04:48:22] ah, wait
[04:48:24] she's gonna be sad
[04:48:26] yeah, she gets really sad
[04:48:27] no, separation anxiety
[04:48:29] she is incredibly sad
[04:48:31] no
[04:48:32] nooo
[04:48:33] and it makes me sad
[04:48:36] i mean that's your best friend
[04:48:38] maybe you want to sit on the other side this time though
[04:48:41] He's a big boy, he's a big boy, he's 6'9", 25-inch vertical leap, two time back to back.
[04:48:56] Oh, that's not me, that is not me brother, I dare you.
[04:49:04] I dare you.
[04:49:07] Oh, jeez.
[04:49:09] Yeah, let's get going.
[04:49:12] I'm excited.
[04:49:13] Wake said he'll come because he needs to know what place we're going to.
[04:49:16] Okay.
[04:49:18] Can we mute from here?
[04:49:20] From the camera?
[04:49:21] No, I don't know.
[04:49:22] Actually, I don't know.
[04:49:23] You can just text him the name if you want.
[04:49:26] Actually, I can't hear you.
[04:49:27] Don't risk it.
[04:49:28] Before we start driving, do you want to just text the name?
[04:49:30] There's something coming on a scooter unless you want to enter.
[04:49:32] I don't see that.
[04:49:34] Hold on.
[04:49:36] I'm gonna tell you where we're going
[04:49:41] Okay
[04:49:42] Dude, you keep it kind of chilly in your house, bro. What do you yeah, I do yeah, I like it
[04:49:49] We don't have a lot of time. I don't think we can go for like whatever. I'll look it up to see
[04:50:08] That was gonna close it. Yeah, I'm like worried. I don't know. I'll look it up. I'll look it up. It closes
[04:50:20] Oh, yeah, please
[04:50:22] Good
[04:50:24] What a lovely city covered in garbage literally
[04:50:35] Yeah, I
[04:50:37] Mean dude, I don't even care about the aesthetic stuff overall like
[04:50:41] It'd be nice if they picked out the garbage, but but beyond that. It's like I mean, I guess there's like way less homeless people now
[04:50:48] If you've noticed them before
[04:50:51] Yeah, I don't know where the fuck they're putting them. I feel I fear that they are
[04:50:56] They're what what you fear that they're what that they're just not doing nice things to the homeless population
[04:51:05] But what are you implying?
[04:51:07] Dude, I don't fucking know maybe jailing them
[04:51:11] Kicking them out. I know they do like camp clearances like they how many of the whole people have like like schizophrenia stuff
[04:51:21] much percent um
[04:51:27] I don't know
[04:51:29] But it but usually like people falsely people assume that like homeless people are homes because they're schizophrenic
[04:51:37] Or because they're drug addicts, but like they don't realize that if they become drug addicts and also a developmental health complications
[04:51:43] As a byproduct of being homeless for an extended period of time
[04:51:48] Really? Yeah
[04:51:50] People become homeless because the housing market is impossible to I know I don't even have a house myself
[04:51:56] Yeah, you're technically homeless.
[04:51:59] Yep.
[04:52:00] I looked at my squatter's rights though, I'm good.
[04:52:02] Yeah, I don't think so, it would evict you.
[04:52:08] Bro, I just saw a Mustang who changed their doors till they opened up.
[04:52:14] Butterfly doors on a Mustang?
[04:52:15] Yes.
[04:52:16] That's fucking cheesy.
[04:52:17] That is wild.
[04:52:19] Wild.
[04:52:21] Corny.
[04:52:26] Gosh.
[04:52:27] Gaudy.
[04:52:28] Gaudy
[04:52:30] Son I need to find a girlfriend here, but help me out
[04:52:33] Dude it's too soon what yeah
[04:52:37] You were in a very long relationship a very long and committed relationship you should
[04:52:42] First allow yourself to heal
[04:52:46] Okay, I'm healed now. I'm horny
[04:52:48] Okay, that's different. Yeah, okay. What are you late is different? I need that one then. How do we get that one?
[04:52:59] I mean, you're a good looking guy, you're successful, like it's not going to be that hard for you.
[04:53:10] You're healthy.
[04:53:11] I'm struggling.
[04:53:12] No, you're not.
[04:53:14] You just became, you just became single.
[04:53:18] You're not struggling yet.
[04:53:19] Okay.
[04:53:20] Talk to me in a couple of months if you're still like having a hard time.
[04:53:23] You help me out then?
[04:53:24] Then I'll help you out.
[04:53:25] But I mean, today we're starting that journey today.
[04:53:28] Okay?
[04:53:29] I already started that journey, that journey started this morning when we worked out and we played basketball.
[04:53:34] Okay.
[04:53:35] I gotta keep at it.
[04:53:37] Yeah, that journey will continue. You guys just keep eating healthy, keep working out.
[04:53:42] Keep getting haircuts, please.
[04:53:44] Like, maybe...
[04:53:46] Like, I don't know, I don't know, uh, I'm not the most, like, well-versed on black hair.
[04:53:53] I suspect that it's probably the maintenance to upkeep of it is different.
[04:53:57] I know it's different, but like you probably have to get haircuts more frequently every week about yeah
[04:54:04] When you definitely don't do that and you should do that
[04:54:08] That's a big part of it. I think
[04:54:10] You should lined up bro get that at that taper. I did shave my pubes though. That's good. I'm happy to know that. Thank you
[04:54:22] We can probably pop it open now with camera. It's so funny that we
[04:54:27] Uh, it was he a Ferrari and it was just like all bunch of people
[04:54:35] That's oh my god normal income inequality that was the sexiest black man I've ever seen in my life
[04:54:41] What he's walking down the street. He's coming
[04:54:45] Is that Jason fucking Derulo? Oh my god Jason Derulo the sexiest black man you've ever seen. Yes
[04:54:54] cool
[04:54:57] Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. He's coming. Oh, they're all sexy
[04:55:01] Wait, what the fuck?
[04:55:02] Oh, that guy!
[04:55:02] Yes!
[04:55:03] That guy has to be fucking famous!
[04:55:05] OK, that is a little different.
[04:55:06] That is, like, that's, like, unexpected.
[04:55:09] What the fuck?
[04:55:10] Dude, that guy's perfect!
[04:55:12] That, they're in remarkable shape.
[04:55:14] OK, that guy's got a big milana.
[04:55:16] I don't have any input on this.
[04:55:29] Get his, oh, what, get his ass?
[04:55:32] No, no, no, no, no, no.
[04:55:33] I'm not going to say that.
[04:55:35] That's crazy.
[04:55:37] Oh my god, he's just walking with swag and aura.
[04:55:40] I'm going to be that guy next year.
[04:55:42] You probably need to do some steroids for that.
[04:55:45] You think he's got steroids?
[04:55:47] Very highlight with it, yes.
[04:55:49] No way.
[04:55:50] I mean, he could have gotten that physique naturally,
[04:55:53] but it would take a long, long fucking time.
[04:55:56] If you want to get to that level of muscle mass in a year,
[04:55:58] you're going to need to do steroids.
[04:56:00] Fuck it, everybody else is doing it.
[04:56:04] Your phone is hilarious.
[04:56:06] My phone just automatically connects to my car,
[04:56:09] and I just disconnect it.
[04:56:10] And then it still is like, no,
[04:56:12] I need to be connected, please.
[04:56:15] I don't know why.
[04:56:19] Nick, open chat.
[04:56:20] What?
[04:56:21] I can see chat, what's wrong with it?
[04:56:23] Yeah, I sent the address already.
[04:56:29] What, chat?
[04:56:33] I see everything.
[04:56:45] My phone, it's just cutting off here randomly sometimes.
[04:56:48] Yeah, I'll leave it as dog shit.
[04:56:50] We...
[04:56:51] You know what it is, bro?
[04:56:52] You've been in Norway.
[04:56:54] Norway is the perfect infrastructure.
[04:56:57] It's just the weather sucks.
[04:56:59] I know.
[04:57:00] They have such beautiful women there.
[04:57:10] Do they?
[04:57:13] All Scandinavia, really.
[04:57:19] I might get dinner with a girl from Sweden while I'm here.
[04:57:22] Just a friend, though.
[04:57:24] Your friend?
[04:57:25] No, I'm not.
[04:57:26] Sure?
[04:57:32] A Swedish woman has a betrayal.
[04:57:35] I have at least a nice one from Denmark.
[04:57:39] Sure, I'll keep it real.
[04:57:46] I don't really want to find them.
[04:57:49] I want to find like a black woman.
[04:57:53] Kind of like Senna.
[04:57:59] but not Sena.
[04:58:02] Sena has Asian.
[04:58:03] I don't.
[04:58:05] That's good for me.
[04:58:06] I don't have such a fucking little clip farmer, dude.
[04:58:10] God damn it.
[04:58:12] I learned from the word.
[04:58:13] I learned from Phaesar Ronaldo.
[04:58:17] The clip.
[04:58:19] And the clip farmer.
[04:58:21] Mr. Clip.
[04:58:25] On today's edition of Dripper Drown,
[04:58:27] we have Nicholas Pallum from Michigan.
[04:58:32] Yes.
[04:58:33] standing tall at 5 foot 11.
[04:58:38] Nicholas Paul is a semi-professional ice hockey player.
[04:58:44] He spends his weekends dunking on fools that think
[04:58:47] they can defy him in the ice ring.
[04:58:51] Nick Paul, today, as a recently single man,
[04:58:55] is going to find drip or he's going to drown.
[04:58:59] Or maybe he's going to be drowning in something else.
[04:59:02] Pussy, hopefully.
[04:59:03] Yeah.
[04:59:04] Black.
[04:59:06] You're...
[04:59:08] I have no statements on that matter.
[04:59:11] What?
[04:59:11] I'm not racist.
[04:59:12] I had a white girlfriend for ten years.
[04:59:15] I'm racist.
[04:59:16] I'm anti-white racist.
[04:59:19] Okay.
[04:59:19] Isn't that funny that people try to say that?
[04:59:21] It's like...
[04:59:24] It's like a stupid thing.
[04:59:27] I'm sure you have some taken on that.
[04:59:29] You know that, uh...
[04:59:30] that one guy?
[04:59:32] Who?
[04:59:34] he's an older black guy he goes he's like
[04:59:36] he goes I hate I hate blacks
[04:59:38] I hate blanks I hate blank I hate blank
[04:59:41] I hate dogs I hate cats I hate butterflies
[04:59:44] what's that guy's name?
[04:59:46] I have no idea
[04:59:47] he was funny
[04:59:48] Charles something maybe?
[04:59:52] what was his name?
[04:59:54] I have no clue what you're talking about
[04:59:57] my man
[04:59:59] yeah who were you talking about?
[05:00:03] Charleston white yeah
[05:00:13] that was a funny clip
[05:00:15] he was just joking though right guys?
[05:00:17] I'd be scared you can't hit everybody seems like he can
[05:00:24] sounds like you did oh
[05:00:32] All right, we're we're in a classic spot here. I'm gonna go in and talk to them first before we
[05:00:40] Enter the premises. You sure you leave your microphone. Yeah, well
[05:00:45] You guys can stand outside if you want. Yeah, let's go see the view
[05:00:49] Let's try to leak his license plate. All right. Oh, yeah
[05:00:53] There's no license plate in the front. It's fine. Yeah
[05:00:57] You good brother?
[05:00:59] Good enough.
[05:01:01] Let's just go stand over here in the south.
[05:01:03] No, you can come up here.
[05:01:05] You can come to the entrance.
[05:01:07] I'm getting a swag connect.
[05:01:09] Chad, I'm going to get an outfit so I can get some pussy.
[05:01:13] That's crude, man.
[05:01:15] What?
[05:01:17] Don't say it like that.
[05:01:19] Okay. I'm going to get some ass.
[05:01:21] Don't say it like that either.
[05:01:23] I want to improve the way I look.
[05:01:25] improve the way I look. I know you're supposed to say.
[05:01:29] We wait here. It's gonna be good.
[05:01:34] Chad, do I have any hope? This is kinda how I normally look.
[05:01:41] What do you think? This man's gonna be alone forever?
[05:01:48] No? I really enjoyed that conversation with Hassan.
[05:01:56] I learned a lot. I really did.
[05:02:04] It was great.
[05:02:06] This isn't nice. Arthur, what do you think of the city?
[05:02:10] It's just so different compared to Texas.
[05:02:12] They're just so different because it's like it's not even that hot but once the sun hits you, you're macking down.
[05:02:18] Oh my bag.
[05:02:20] I'm not gonna lie.
[05:02:22] All right.
[05:02:23] Look at your drip, huh?
[05:02:27] All drippy. Got some chai on you.
[05:02:29] I got all the OG. You're actually really in shape, you know.
[05:02:35] Really? Thank you. Yeah, it's really nice.
[05:02:39] I try to be. Here we go.
[05:02:41] Okay, this is absolutely a will-deaf sort of place.
[05:02:45] Is it?
[05:02:46] I've been here before.
[05:02:47] I remember this.
[05:02:49] All right, we got victims here.
[05:02:52] You don't have to tell me what it is right now.
[05:02:54] It's all good, but we got a new victim here.
[05:02:56] How are we doing?
[05:02:57] This is Nick Paulam.
[05:02:58] Hey, what's going on?
[05:02:59] He's recently single.
[05:03:00] How are we doing?
[05:03:01] That's hot.
[05:03:02] Yeah, recently single, 10-year relationship.
[05:03:03] And he has no drip whatsoever.
[05:03:06] Nope, no drip.
[05:03:07] Like this, I would say, is the most drippy thing that I've ever seen him wear.
[05:03:10] like he didn't like that he should look so much worse normally it's not even a
[05:03:14] joke I guess we come levels yeah exactly all right so we got a we got a whip in
[05:03:20] the shape yeah that's true my oh the set you pants I had fucking shrunk by the
[05:03:26] way and I love them and I'm really sad I don't know what to do no I didn't but
[05:03:34] anyway let's get him let's get this let's get this victim started so what
[05:03:37] What I'm looking for, freshly singled ten years, my last girlfriend, white Norwegian 6-1.
[05:03:44] I'm trying to go for black half Asian.
[05:03:48] You're just describing Senna now.
[05:03:51] So you already have the one in mind that you want.
[05:03:55] It can be copy-paste.
[05:03:58] More or less.
[05:04:00] I can't bring this motherfucker anywhere, bro.
[05:04:03] What?
[05:04:04] I come here all the time, Nick.
[05:04:06] They'll ruin my repertoire, I have a reputation of no...
[05:04:11] He didn't even numb the pain, you know?
[05:04:13] Where do we start, son?
[05:04:16] Do we start with shoes? How do we do this?
[05:04:18] Look at him, he's dripped out of his fucking mind.
[05:04:20] That's true.
[05:04:21] He's the guy we need to ask.
[05:04:22] What do we do?
[05:04:23] I personally start either pants or tops or whatever the shoes.
[05:04:26] You can always pick out the shoes.
[05:04:27] Really?
[05:04:28] It depends if you want a jacket, you're trying to get one fit,
[05:04:30] you're trying to get one over.
[05:04:31] Maybe just one to start and I can take it out on the town.
[05:04:35] town. You know what I'm saying? And we can see how it goes from there.
[05:04:39] Like a good t-shirt jacket pants. Yes. Yes. And then we forgot shoes.
[05:04:46] I'm like getting new clothes. Well, because I've dropped a couple of
[05:04:49] sizes in. Yeah.
[05:04:52] That's what I said.
[05:04:53] What kind of fit in my
[05:04:55] last time we asked for his diet routine.
[05:04:57] Yeah, I've even lost more weight than that. I'm like 35. I think now
[05:05:02] waste yeah so you're 35 I'm 33 I mean yeah you're much smaller part but he's
[05:05:17] the he's the yeah yeah I can find my own shit oh oh this stuff super
[05:05:26] expensive right oh yeah yeah yeah he said he's gonna buy it no matter what it is
[05:05:30] You literally said how do you check prices? Is this one you have to ask again abort it just assume that every piece is at least
[05:05:36] a thousand
[05:05:40] Okay, yeah, we don't try to preserve this thousand yeah, bro. You said I say it was expensive
[05:05:46] No, please don't I'm kidding
[05:05:50] Please when you said when you said this is a thousand you said oh, I thought you said expensive. I'm joking
[05:05:55] No, I don't know what that means. That's not I'm just fucking around help
[05:05:58] Yeah, what kind of vibe would do you like this like what I'm wearing right now?
[05:06:02] I don't know if I can pull it off like you got your chest right here and my chest doesn't go that way
[05:06:10] Good what crop track it cropped not too cropped
[05:06:17] Okay
[05:06:19] Okay.
[05:06:21] It's actually recycled. Stuff like this is a good way to start to start seeing what you feel like. That feels natural on you. It feels good.
[05:06:27] And this is what you mean by cropped?
[05:06:29] Yeah, it's not too bad.
[05:06:30] Like a photo?
[05:06:31] Yeah. So it's a higher waist. Like it requires a higher waisted pant to wear with that.
[05:06:37] And it honestly makes you normally look a little bit taller truly.
[05:06:40] Yeah.
[05:06:41] It's a civil way.
[05:06:42] So when you're, you know, dating 6'1 in the region.
[05:06:45] Oh no, we broke up.
[05:06:47] But when you're back to 6-1, if you're ever up there again,
[05:06:50] that's not going to just look a little bit more.
[05:06:54] You want to see a picture of her?
[05:06:56] Bro, that's crazy.
[05:06:57] What?
[05:06:58] Why do you?
[05:06:59] I'd be proud of that if you go and get the facts.
[05:07:01] Well, I did.
[05:07:02] That's OK.
[05:07:04] Let me find her on the Instagrams.
[05:07:08] Don't tell her that I showed you.
[05:07:13] If she comes in here ever by accident, I'm like,
[05:07:15] oh, she's never come back to this country.
[05:07:19] I wish she she lives in Norway. It's much better. Oh, yeah, you can tell she's soft. Yeah
[05:07:25] You're very tall
[05:07:27] What are those?
[05:07:30] Yeah, she was very nice
[05:07:33] Okay, what are we doing?
[05:07:37] Okay
[05:07:40] I don't know if I like it the pinstripe with the pocket if it's like one or the other it's fine, but
[05:07:49] Where's the new yogis right here 33 now? Maybe a little bit less
[05:08:03] Yeah, these are safe. Oh, I saw I saw this yeah
[05:08:13] What's Botega
[05:08:19] wait a minute do you want a microphone so they can hear you better what the fuck
[05:08:22] is this can we do that sir out there oh but this sucks I feel you're giving us
[05:08:27] kind of like a crash crash course that your voice is a little bit clear be
[05:08:29] better for us on here oh no but it wait you put it no I don't want anything
[05:08:33] good it's not any better so the way this works is the magnet this goes up
[05:08:37] I think I'm gonna put it on the inside of your shirt and then you put this on
[05:08:40] top of it yeah it's good right yeah this on there you should make it to
[05:08:46] wherever it is.
[05:08:48] Yep, okay.
[05:08:50] Yep.
[05:08:51] How's that feel?
[05:08:52] You hear me good?
[05:08:53] Way better.
[05:08:54] All right, let's do it.
[05:08:55] Thank you.
[05:08:56] So back with Otega.
[05:08:57] Tom and Dan used to start off with leather goods, handmade, now it's transferred into
[05:09:00] being one of the biggest fashion houses in the world, and their quality is probably the
[05:09:04] best quality you're going to get.
[05:09:06] Get them, you get a good price.
[05:09:07] Like, I wouldn't be mad at this gray.
[05:09:09] You want to try something that's not so tight or you want to like keep it in
[05:09:12] like a more fitted area.
[05:09:14] You like fitted pants more?
[05:09:15] I like this. Oh, that's good for him. So these are a little bit more like Canadian tucks. What am I wearing now?
[05:09:20] Yeah, I like that probably a slimmer fit. Margeau is? Yeah, we can do it. Whatever whatever increases my opportunity
[05:09:28] Let's try something like this. Oh, there he is
[05:09:31] What's up, Blake? How are we doing brother? We're drowning man. Are we keeping him in the slim pants or are we trying to get him out of there?
[05:09:37] Oh, dude, he doesn't know what he's doing. Get him a little looser. Yeah, Mike's saying.
[05:09:40] Well, I'm no longer wearing slim slim pants going forward. It's over for it for that. Okay, okay
[05:09:46] You're either gonna. Yeah, you're gonna wear like some you either gonna get like trousers like this. These are very flow
[05:09:51] He trousers. Yeah
[05:09:57] You're not gonna wear slim
[05:10:04] How about this maybe you can pick out an outfit I'm just trying the whole thing on they already have one for you
[05:10:08] is made Margella okay Christian has put this together what you want to bring
[05:10:13] oh my god wait you really go to the basketball aesthetic huh yeah you look
[05:10:19] like you're by the way why don't you come this morning ball even people oh my
[05:10:23] god you should have came this is fucking to be fair there was no room in the
[05:10:26] car in 32 so I think we're gonna be playing basketball for so long but yeah
[05:10:34] We got shit on can you who make it to make a fucking amazing we would have won if he was there
[05:10:42] Bro you're tall for no reason what the fuck we would have won
[05:10:46] Is there a trash trash?
[05:10:49] Yeah, you ask him they'll tell you where it is. Let's get him a pair of regularly
[05:10:57] Yeah
[05:10:59] and they're feed only cool things.
[05:11:01] Yeah.
[05:11:06] Freakin' nerf.
[05:11:11] So let's see, we're starting to put,
[05:11:12] they're like some really good just black pants.
[05:11:14] Yeah, you can put that on the air, I'll try it on,
[05:11:16] and I'll trust you with it.
[05:11:17] We're gonna put some stuff over there,
[05:11:18] get it all set up.
[05:11:19] Okay, so like thousands.
[05:11:20] So it's a very expensive designer.
[05:11:21] How many thousands do you think this is?
[05:11:23] I'm going with like,
[05:11:24] $9,000 my car is worth probably a third of that. That's why I said $10,000. We're making
[05:11:37] Nick buy that. $10,000. I test how much does this cost? This is just a white shirt. What?
[05:11:46] I
[05:11:50] Think
[05:11:55] I mean there has to be diminishing returns with how much money this is
[05:12:08] I
[05:12:16] I
[05:12:19] Don't know why it doesn't say
[05:12:21] Damn, this shit is free. I guess if they don't have it on there. Oh my god, dude. I'm gonna give my new clothes
[05:12:26] Do they get a shot to me?
[05:12:28] You're going on the town. Yeah, are you simple? Oh, yeah, did you bring like your best outfits for this? Absolutely. What nice?
[05:12:35] This is this is what we had left
[05:12:38] What's this is a tank dude. What is that? This is a tank top who makes that because that's dope. Oh, it's Amazon
[05:12:45] Well, no, I literally got this on Amazon.
[05:12:47] I was like, I think $15 or something.
[05:12:49] Take out the light, that's all.
[05:12:50] So you look good, you're $15.
[05:12:51] You brought me to $10,
[05:12:53] No, but the rest of the outfit, like, the whole point is,
[05:12:56] you got to get a good silhouette, OK?
[05:12:59] We got an option.
[05:13:00] The point is, this was a thriller.
[05:13:02] Yeah, this was a thriller jacket.
[05:13:04] It is.
[05:13:05] The whole point is that, like, it's
[05:13:08] a complimentary piece of everything else I'm wearing.
[05:13:10] You don't have to have everything be expensive.
[05:13:12] I hate something that like, it can't be too like,
[05:13:15] because I get aroused easily.
[05:13:18] So it has to be like, it can't be like sweatpants.
[05:13:21] What's that about the hem?
[05:13:21] No, I didn't hear you tell him that.
[05:13:23] I'm not gonna tell him that.
[05:13:24] Just tell him you want a thicker,
[05:13:26] you tell him you want a thicker fabric.
[05:13:28] I wasn't gonna club it into it,
[05:13:28] it's not a rock hardy type of stuff.
[05:13:30] They got it with dark.
[05:13:31] Why do you say these things, bro?
[05:13:34] I'm just trying to show you.
[05:13:35] It's like, you know, there are just so many people
[05:13:37] that interacted with you that day.
[05:13:39] Yeah, and now they're like,
[05:13:41] Nick was fucking bricked. Brick pollen.
[05:13:43] Like Nick, can we have a photo?
[05:13:45] Just like, yeah.
[05:13:46] Why are you brick sore?
[05:13:48] Broke, I was in the club, bro.
[05:13:50] Just fit a fuck around, man.
[05:13:52] Fuck, I don't know.
[05:13:53] A little bit of shot.
[05:13:54] You are the perfect example of a guy who just
[05:13:57] doesn't know how to be.
[05:13:58] For a dude who last registered,
[05:14:00] like, he totaled testosterone to the blood test.
[05:14:02] You have.
[05:14:03] Oh, is T-level low?
[05:14:05] Yeah, 117, baby.
[05:14:07] What the fuck?
[05:14:08] Wait.
[05:14:08] But that was like a long time ago.
[05:14:10] He put on muscle.
[05:14:12] Yeah, it's probably higher now.
[05:14:16] I mean, this is the most well-documented masturbation ritual of anyone I know.
[05:14:19] Wait, really?
[05:14:20] I've come twice today.
[05:14:23] Okay, bro, these C-Levels can't be that low.
[05:14:25] Exactly.
[05:14:26] Frank and Twyre.
[05:14:27] The second one, it was kind of red.
[05:14:29] Nick.
[05:14:30] Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro.
[05:14:34] That's a new drug doctor.
[05:14:36] I mean, he's lit.
[05:14:37] I don't care.
[05:14:38] Yeah, what you're describing is not normal and very bad
[05:14:47] Like very bad. I got nothing left. Yeah, stop looking at the chat for for tech W's after you say such such heinous things
[05:14:56] One day there will be red one and then what?
[05:14:59] Red yeah, because you've already cried wolf get no you'll get no medical help from Chad. Dr. Chat will not help you
[05:15:08] All right, Nick, what are we thinking for you, dude?
[05:15:10] Like, what's the game?
[05:15:11] They've already accumulated some pieces for him.
[05:15:14] Wait, is this for his Bieber aesthetic?
[05:15:17] What is the Bieber aesthetic?
[05:15:19] Oh, so this is just so you look good.
[05:15:21] Yeah.
[05:15:22] Oh, just by the way, just for tips.
[05:15:25] Even if you walk away, they can still hear you.
[05:15:27] Yeah, I know.
[05:15:29] Yeah, we haven't said anything crazy, right?
[05:15:31] Well, I can't hear you, but they can.
[05:15:33] I was warning you just in case.
[05:15:34] I was like, yeah.
[05:15:35] I think we're still good, yeah.
[05:15:36] We're just mainly, I think all our truck has been.
[05:15:39] Oh dude.
[05:15:40] We have to get anything cropped.
[05:15:41] Got it, no crop.
[05:15:41] There's a lot of crop stuff in here.
[05:15:42] What do we got?
[05:15:43] Okay.
[05:15:44] It's kind of been the wave.
[05:15:45] Oh, it's the new, oh the wave, that means it's in.
[05:15:47] Yeah, it's kind of been the new wave.
[05:15:48] Brother.
[05:15:49] Like all these t-shirts and stuff,
[05:15:50] like from this one, Pallie.
[05:15:52] Yeah.
[05:15:52] This is.
[05:15:53] It's so heavy.
[05:15:54] It's like they yasified a vampire.
[05:15:56] I'm avoiding you from that.
[05:15:57] I feel like vampires are already pretty yasified.
[05:15:59] I know, it's compounding acidification.
[05:16:03] It's too much.
[05:16:05] What is that one guy? Skullcrusher or something, Nicholas Cage?
[05:16:09] This is the craziest piece in here.
[05:16:12] You gon' lab run, did it again.
[05:16:14] They ain't going, he's insane.
[05:16:17] Absolutely nuts.
[05:16:19] I'll wait for this to be on.
[05:16:24] I'll wait for this to go on discount.
[05:16:26] That's not going to go on a discount for Monster, for sure.
[05:16:29] I don't know, the last you gon' lab one, you gave the will for discount.
[05:16:32] We bought two, and we already sold one.
[05:16:34] Oh, damn, okay, fuck.
[05:16:36] So this one's like, it's all leather.
[05:16:40] Yeah, it's surprisingly good.
[05:16:43] You know what you look like?
[05:16:44] You look at the thing at the car wash when you go through.
[05:16:48] Let's stay real quick.
[05:16:52] Get that Porsche off.
[05:16:53] Get that dust off.
[05:16:55] It's so sick.
[05:16:58] All right, Nick, they got some pieces here for you already.
[05:17:00] This is for me?
[05:17:01] We're starting to put it together over there.
[05:17:03] When you're ready?
[05:17:05] I'm ready when you are.
[05:17:06] All right, let's, I'm gonna do a last week.
[05:17:08] Is there anything downstairs?
[05:17:09] Something to keep maybe?
[05:17:11] Oh, he said he has a preference for thicker fabric.
[05:17:15] Thicker fabric?
[05:17:16] No, don't even sweat it, I'll control my, it's fine.
[05:17:18] No, no, I'll think we have a thicker fabric.
[05:17:19] He has a preference for thicker fabric,
[05:17:21] but he like sweats, so.
[05:17:23] It needs to be, you know what it is,
[05:17:25] is he wants to hide his boners.
[05:17:25] This is your stuff over here actually.
[05:17:26] I'll just say it.
[05:17:27] That's the song.
[05:17:28] You know, I've been,
[05:17:29] It's gonna be random.
[05:17:30] I've been,
[05:17:30] I've been coming here for a long time.
[05:17:32] I could tell him the truth.
[05:17:33] He wants to hide his boners.
[05:17:34] apparently he gets boners I'm 33 and I have issues that's okay okay I don't know
[05:17:39] if there are any looks like I know people that don't get them and now
[05:17:42] they're on a pill for it so okay yeah this one yeah look at how heavy this if
[05:17:49] you want to feel how heavy this is I don't support probably don't know that's like 15
[05:17:53] pounds give me something to put it on whatever you want to put it you can train
[05:17:58] it you do like to do that stuff like a jacket like this so it's still in that
[05:18:02] same little pop. I'll do it. That looks good. There's a 32. I love this jacket.
[05:18:09] This one's really good. I can get you a blank shirt too, but then these we just
[05:18:18] want to show you. Which one do you kind of like more? Where is this one? This black
[05:18:21] option? I like both. Oh it's right here. This feels amazing. Literally right here.
[05:18:25] I just feel amazing. Yeah and that's thicker. Then we also have the leather
[05:18:29] a leather jacket is a staple in a closet winter times got it every much
[05:18:34] probably have a good leather jacket okay so like a blank tree you want to do
[05:18:42] something with a little graphic what is it I don't know whatever you want let's do
[05:18:46] you can you can mold me I'm here to be molded try these my imagine is like are
[05:18:51] you gonna wow I don't know what I'm gonna wear this all right this is going on a
[05:18:54] date then I would say stay away from the graphic shirt. Are you going in the
[05:19:02] first one? I think so. Top here or large? Sorry? Are you large in the top? Yes.
[05:19:11] So I would probably recommend these two. I'm gonna get you a black shirt and a
[05:19:20] white shirt so you can see often what you like. Okay so these two, these two, these two?
[05:19:25] Yeah I think these look gladiator. Good, how do you feel? I'm excited to put them on.
[05:19:28] Wait for it
[05:19:31] And then do you since I know you've heard Hassan with the trouser there's a trouser. Oh those that's a sick brand, bro
[05:19:42] You know what I know I get that shit dude that March was wearing it. Oh you weren't here
[05:19:48] Perfect, and if you ever want you could take this off. It doesn't have to stay okay. I've got a rope just in case I get yeah
[05:19:53] Just what you get you?
[05:19:55] Just in case you get what Jonathan depressed. Can I get a size for a ton shirt?
[05:20:00] White and black. If not, can you get me song for the mute? What's your number size?
[05:20:04] But if not, can I get song depends if it's Japanese? I'm a Japanese for size
[05:20:11] Italian
[05:20:14] But I'll help you like if you tell them what size you are in like size American clothes, they'll
[05:20:20] Yeah, cuties. I mean, they're a little bit big size 50
[05:20:25] But they're also a little bit short.
[05:20:28] You have ATON after?
[05:20:29] No, I got to pick up my phone.
[05:20:31] Bro, the material feels crazy.
[05:20:36] Cutie Cinderella is calling me.
[05:20:38] Yeah, Tokyo, what's up?
[05:20:43] Hello Cutie, you're on stream.
[05:20:47] You're with some of my clients.
[05:20:50] Your clients?
[05:20:52] What do you mean, like, people who are going to sing?
[05:20:54] You're a victim?
[05:20:55] You're victims?
[05:20:57] I've been cracked.
[05:21:00] You sound like death.
[05:21:02] Okay, you actually sound sick now.
[05:21:07] Which leaves me to believe that you probably should have come to the podcast.
[05:21:10] It would have healed you.
[05:21:12] And now Mormon God is punishing you for your taking time off.
[05:21:17] Mormon God would never approach.
[05:21:22] You sound great.
[05:21:28] I'm sorry.
[05:21:29] Nick, what Justin Bieber song are you singing?
[05:21:31] Sorry.
[05:21:32] Sorry.
[05:21:34] Are you just saying that or is that what you're singing?
[05:21:36] I'm singing Sorry.
[05:21:37] Okay.
[05:21:38] my justice beaver
[05:21:45] i haven't like been able to
[05:21:48] promise i haven't been able to memorize uh... the mandarin
[05:21:54] but still it's like really hard to know that
[05:21:57] uh... what are you singing
[05:21:58] i actually don't know i'm stuck between two
[05:22:01] wait cutie said she knows what you're singing
[05:22:03] cutie thinks she knows
[05:22:04] what are you singing
[05:22:05] i don't know yet dude
[05:22:06] wakes is he doesn't know
[05:22:08] i'm awake i need some time
[05:22:12] what is like the last second
[05:22:15] For you what are the two options you have?
[05:22:17] I'm either doing creed or pearl jam or creed and clearwater revival one of the three I don't know yet
[05:22:24] Okay, that's three. I added one. Okay. Oh my god. I'm not I'm just
[05:22:32] In the process. Oh, you were cool. Thank you. How was it? Well, well, a little bit
[05:22:39] It's going on right now. So we might go for a third floor if I add it.
[05:22:41] Okay, I'll talk to you later.
[05:22:43] We're...
[05:22:45] Jonathan.
[05:22:46] No, no, no, I'll come.
[05:22:47] I'll be there.
[05:22:48] I just don't know if I'll be there.
[05:22:50] Size 34, and a Bottega the Grey Pant.
[05:22:52] Is it over 50?
[05:22:54] There's no English part.
[05:22:55] It's Red Sun in the Sky.
[05:22:57] It's a song in honor of Mao Zedong.
[05:23:01] You should know what that means.
[05:23:06] He's an icon, and a bigger icon than Taylor Swift.
[05:23:11] Mao Zedong is a bigger icon than Taylor Swift.
[05:23:14] Are we talking about the seal?
[05:23:17] OK, well, you're wrong.
[05:23:18] The singer, Mao Zedong?
[05:23:19] Mao Zedong.
[05:23:21] Your dad knows Mao Zedong.
[05:23:23] Oh, Moodyang.
[05:23:24] Did you ask him?
[05:23:26] Moodyang, Bigger the Taylor Swift?
[05:23:27] You're lying.
[05:23:28] You're lying at the behest of Taylor Swift.
[05:23:29] If Moodyang had a single, he'd be singing it.
[05:23:33] You're living on an empire of lies,
[05:23:34] and it's crumbling before our eyes.
[05:23:36] It's just too late.
[05:23:38] No, it's not for that.
[05:23:39] It wasn't going to work with this.
[05:23:41] It's going to simple work.
[05:23:43] No, because the most iconic out of all of the communists is Mao Zedong.
[05:23:47] That's a lot of stuff.
[05:23:49] Even so, I've downstepped.
[05:23:50] That's a 50.
[05:23:52] Thank you, sir.
[05:23:53] You're the gentleman in the white tank top with the two other guys.
[05:23:56] Yeah, I might get rid of them.
[05:23:57] We don't have a white tank top on us.
[05:23:59] But you and the lineup, and you make counterfeit and decide.
[05:24:02] Look at this.
[05:24:03] Why do you take out whatever you're in?
[05:24:04] I'm going to practice.
[05:24:05] I got that size up in the pants.
[05:24:06] You'll be fine.
[05:24:07] You'll do good.
[05:24:08] I'm going to practice.
[05:24:09] I don't know if I'll be able to.
[05:24:10] OK, let me ask you something.
[05:24:11] Who do you think is more iconic?
[05:24:12] Say don't or Taylor Swift iconic. You know who's more famous sorry
[05:24:20] Taylor Swift is like
[05:24:26] I got the size 50
[05:24:37] Everyone in China
[05:24:42] We're talking about global impact. Do you know what Mao Zedong is? Do you know what he's like most famous for?
[05:24:47] No, they explain to me. I would like to know. Cultural revolution?
[05:24:50] We're not talking about anything. He's the founding father of the modern Mao.
[05:24:55] Yeah, Mao. Mao. Thank you. See? He has an accent, so obviously he knows.
[05:25:04] Okay, so Zedong for Mao.
[05:25:07] Mao. Mao. Mao. Yeah.
[05:25:11] Mao Zedong is the George Washington of China, so automatically, I'm saying, I'm making the argument that like everyone in China knows who he is, everyone in the third world knows who he is.
[05:25:33] But that's fair, everyone in China knows who he is, everyone in there.
[05:25:38] But the thing is everyone in China knows Taylor Swift, not everyone in America knows now.
[05:25:41] Not everyone in China knows who Taylor Swift is, that's what I'm saying.
[05:25:44] There's like a million peasants in shit.
[05:25:46] The peasants know who Taylor Swift is, but the Chinese peasants don't know Taylor Swift.
[05:25:51] Why are we in New York, what is it?
[05:25:54] Maybe Taylor Swift is in his store.
[05:25:55] Because my podcast co-host is like a Swiftie and she doesn't believe me when I say
[05:25:59] Mao Zedong is more iconic than Taylor Swift and like more people know him.
[05:26:03] Iconic?
[05:26:04] Iconic is a lot of them.
[05:26:06] Iconic, yes.
[05:26:07] Like I said, more famous.
[05:26:08] But if we talk about like just like iconography, right?
[05:26:10] Like the suit is pretty, like the silhouette, that's pretty.
[05:26:13] Yeah, what kind of silhouette does Taylor Swift has?
[05:26:14] It's too many.
[05:26:15] That's too many.
[05:26:16] He's got a uniform.
[05:26:17] Like Steve Drass.
[05:26:18] She wears a Trap Skull suit jersey now, this is the new uniform.
[05:26:22] More impact, definitely Mao.
[05:26:23] Thank you.
[05:26:24] Impactful, yeah.
[05:26:25] If you're revolutionized the whole country, yeah.
[05:26:26] It changed the globe, basically.
[05:26:28] Yeah, there you go
[05:26:33] Okay
[05:26:36] We're surrounded by men unfortunately, but I'm sure if we asked this if we had Chinese women, they would say the same thing
[05:26:42] No, actually Emily's the
[05:26:48] Yes, Mao Mao's impact is is definitely larger far greater far more consequences of the Taylor Swift, okay
[05:26:54] Yeah, but impact compared to more people know the name
[05:26:58] More people know the name
[05:27:02] Okay, okay, wait, let's be honest
[05:27:05] This face is probably the most known face I've ever seen.
[05:27:08] Yeah, but not everyone would know his name.
[05:27:10] They might know the picture, but I mean...
[05:27:11] They might know anything. I just didn't know what they might have said in the order.
[05:27:15] It's wild, because I'm so used to seeing Mal with E. Rump's face over it.
[05:27:19] Wait, really?
[05:27:20] Yeah, this face is the most iconic face, probably.
[05:27:24] I kind of forgot.
[05:27:25] If Taylor Swift was responsible for the American Revolution, maybe I'd change the dynamic here, okay?
[05:27:29] I mean, she is the responsible for women's revolution in America right now.
[05:27:33] What what do you mean responsible women's revolution what because she fucking finally came out and said she's for Kamala Harris
[05:27:39] Like that's not revolutionary. What do you think behavior at all?
[05:27:48] Yeah, you look you look like you're wearing something that you're we are the pants new too. Yeah, I don't know if I like him
[05:27:57] Yeah
[05:27:59] Hold me back. All right cutie. I gotta go
[05:28:03] I think I'm gonna like him more with black pants with that jacket
[05:28:09] It's not like I hate the jacket we go next. Is he is he supposed to be swimming in that thing?
[05:28:13] The jacket like is it meant to go that low on his hands? I don't know anything about fashion. Yeah, it is okay
[05:28:19] These are kind of sick, but are they?
[05:28:22] This is the fit right like this is supposed to be like really bulky. Yeah, I need a different. I actually kind of like it without the jacket
[05:28:31] Yeah without the jacket those pants I mean it's pretty basic though. I thought we were going for like
[05:28:37] Are you trying to get him out of the box out of the box? I thought we were going for a silhouette or something
[05:28:41] If you want to put him in like some stuff that you wear it let me yeah, let's do that
[05:28:45] Let's let's let it ride. Let's see it. Let's get him in some yoji. I love that. Let's do yoji
[05:28:51] Christian, what is yoji? Yoji on the mission to find him yoji now. We want to get him out of the box
[05:28:56] Yoji on the moto
[05:28:58] apparently, and I found out about this recently, in the, I think it's in the democratic, it's
[05:29:06] in the DRC, I think, there is like, like fashion is really important, apparently, because they
[05:29:16] used to like, they used to wear like these crazy fins, like these crazy sartorial expressions
[05:29:22] in an effort to, in an effort is an act of resistance against like restrictions on
[05:29:26] kind of clothing you were allowed to wear and apparently one of the most famous
[05:29:30] artists from the region loved the OG and he would wear yogi shit all the time so
[05:29:34] now it's like huge it's a very popular or was it in the car I need someone with
[05:29:42] me where was it I think it's the DRC bro I just don't like the pants yeah I
[05:29:50] don't think I'm sure I jacket is nice I like this jacket it's a good
[05:29:55] jacket but not those pants okay that's great I want that you're getting some
[05:30:05] thin fabric here now you're getting your pants listen we can let it be thin
[05:30:10] and then we let it ride you next time oh I don't know if I see it might be
[05:30:18] something they're too big strength right yeah that's a good jacket now do you
[05:30:22] want to get in the war I can't tell if they're supposed to this this is his
[05:30:25] This is what I wear. I wear that with the tank top or you wear that with like a flowy t-shirt and that's it
[05:30:32] All I need to do is like where's the fucking basic ass shoes like these like you can wear these dark martins and you look good
[05:30:40] Wait, I can be like I can be like a sunlight automatic fashion and the ladies will love me
[05:30:46] Okay, two minutes to get these for the pirate corps.
[05:30:55] I don't know if you call it that,
[05:30:56] but it's what it feels like for me.
[05:30:57] Yeah, very like that.
[05:30:58] There you are.
[05:30:59] Yeah.
[05:31:00] Well, you'll get a lot of that with irid.
[05:31:02] It's does like this unfinished material stuff.
[05:31:04] Like that's his like signature.
[05:31:06] Yeah.
[05:31:07] If you want more of that, like just look for the brands,
[05:31:09] like Sanford and EOG, a lot of Japanese brands.
[05:31:13] No, I'm not talking for him.
[05:31:14] I can't afford a single brand.
[05:31:16] He's the best.
[05:31:17] He's selling good jaggery, good price.
[05:31:18] Just get stuff for like the $200 right now.
[05:31:20] Yeah.
[05:31:21] That's rare.
[05:31:22] I mean like that's a $7,000
[05:31:27] Kimono right there
[05:31:29] Well that's worth it
[05:31:30] That's an investment
[05:31:31] Yeah
[05:31:32] So have you tried the kimonos? The leather kimonos?
[05:31:38] No
[05:31:39] You haven't tried those ones?
[05:31:40] Yo I can't wear the leather kimonos
[05:31:42] I already have too many kimonos
[05:31:44] I can't believe I'm saying that
[05:31:45] But it's
[05:31:46] It's the shoes
[05:31:47] Yeah the shoes
[05:31:48] Oh yeah dude you need new
[05:31:49] It's the shoes
[05:31:50] Yo those pants are sick though
[05:31:51] Those pants are good
[05:31:52] If you didn't wear those shoes
[05:31:54] you have any like basic me like yeah what do you have here none of these are
[05:32:01] all sneakers you want to put them in like a shoe shoe right bro whatever these
[05:32:04] are yeah the game here leaves much to be desired I'm not gonna lie because yeah
[05:32:11] we got new like marching rose loafers and oh yeah okay maybe they got loafers
[05:32:15] this league Nick come with us okay it depends what sizes like for instance
[05:32:22] What size are your nicks?
[05:32:24] 12.
[05:32:24] Incredible.
[05:32:25] Oh, those are sick.
[05:32:26] Those are amazing.
[05:32:29] These are fire.
[05:32:30] Really?
[05:32:31] Those look like something Anne Frank would wear.
[05:32:33] What's up with that?
[05:32:37] What is this, like, Gweedy or something?
[05:32:39] I'll try those.
[05:32:40] Yeah, like, these are like a 12.
[05:32:42] OK.
[05:32:44] What is this?
[05:32:45] What brand is this?
[05:32:47] Oh, I know, son.
[05:32:48] I think that's a Macross.
[05:32:50] I like those.
[05:32:50] Those look nice.
[05:32:51] Yeah.
[05:32:52] How do you feel?
[05:32:54] That's fire.
[05:32:56] I love that.
[05:32:57] Do I try it on?
[05:32:58] Yeah, so it goes on with these pants.
[05:33:00] I'll just see how one foot looks in that.
[05:33:02] All right.
[05:33:03] Who's making these?
[05:33:04] Oh.
[05:33:06] Hell yeah.
[05:33:06] This stuff is crazy, bro.
[05:33:08] What am I wearing?
[05:33:09] It's like gear.
[05:33:11] What do you call this?
[05:33:12] It makes me taller.
[05:33:15] Is that what's supposed to do it?
[05:33:16] Yes.
[05:33:16] Yeah.
[05:33:17] I feel like a good inch and a half now.
[05:33:18] Yeah, that's good.
[05:33:19] It's good that it's making you taller, no?
[05:33:22] I mean, you're tall.
[05:33:24] I still wear shit that makes me taller, even though I am taller already.
[05:33:27] What the fuck?
[05:33:28] This is one strap.
[05:33:29] I've never seen this.
[05:33:30] It looks like it's like a CT prevention protocol thing.
[05:33:33] Yeah, it looks like the new padded helmet for the NFL.
[05:33:35] Thank you for calling on you, sir.
[05:33:36] Amazing.
[05:33:36] Yeah, that's Antonio Brown.
[05:33:38] And that shirt is a $500.
[05:33:39] What is this?
[05:33:41] What is this?
[05:33:42] It's entire studios.
[05:33:44] Is this supposed to be like super high?
[05:33:47] I can see the hate threads now.
[05:33:49] I mean, but the arms are super short.
[05:33:51] Oh, that's cause you're probably trying to, yeah, medium.
[05:33:55] I have an XL.
[05:33:58] What the fuck is this, bro?
[05:34:01] This is crazy.
[05:34:07] You're gonna be like Michael Scott
[05:34:08] when he came on a burn from Coke Factory.
[05:34:10] Okay, I kind of love this.
[05:34:12] You want the bigger size?
[05:34:13] Wait, is there XL you said?
[05:34:15] Yeah.
[05:34:15] Let me try the XL.
[05:34:17] Jonathan.
[05:34:18] You look like your dog.
[05:34:20] Or Dante, somebody's over here.
[05:34:23] Bro's going kayakor right now.
[05:34:26] Can I get the XL in this one?
[05:34:29] You like the brown, you like the black more.
[05:34:31] Oh, wait, there's a black?
[05:34:32] Right here.
[05:34:33] Wait, let me get, let me try both.
[05:34:35] Fuck it.
[05:34:36] YOLO.
[05:34:38] But probably the brown.
[05:34:39] I think the brown is cooler because it looks exactly
[05:34:41] like my dog.
[05:34:44] You're a twin with the dog?
[05:34:45] Yeah.
[05:34:46] When we go out, the problem is, how are you liking these
[05:34:49] boots?
[05:34:49] See, no matter how fucking bold it gets in LA,
[05:34:51] I love it. I like the classic blue.
[05:34:53] Okay. I like it.
[05:34:55] I can wear this and be comfortable.
[05:34:59] Yeah, it's comfortable. Airy.
[05:35:01] Yeah, I like the pants. I like it.
[05:35:03] They're nice and I don't feel super restricted, but uh...
[05:35:07] It's not bad.
[05:35:09] I'll take this off.
[05:35:13] So that way you can really see how it looks.
[05:35:15] Okay, I'll try a different one too.
[05:35:17] one on two you have another pair in there too that could be really good those
[05:35:25] other song for the new pants
[05:35:28] I'm gonna grab you the other shoe
[05:35:34] ooh how much is this jacket here we're looking at you guys want those ones oh my
[05:35:48] No, it's all right.
[05:35:50] Come here.
[05:35:51] Seven green boots.
[05:35:53] All right, Nick.
[05:35:54] Let me take these off for you.
[05:35:56] I bought this on Amazon.
[05:35:58] This is for three days ago.
[05:36:00] Cool.
[05:36:05] Yeah.
[05:36:08] Where you got it, Jonathan?
[05:36:09] Yeah.
[05:36:13] Yeah.
[05:36:14] Both XLs?
[05:36:15] Yeah.
[05:36:16] Can you get me the Kinzo size 12 and those boots?
[05:36:20] Not the boots.
[05:36:21] The ones with the silk.
[05:36:22] There should be one Kinzo shoe left then.
[05:36:23] Yeah.
[05:36:24] All right, son.
[05:36:25] What's the material on this?
[05:36:26] I don't know it's a full fur and their prices it's not real fur chat
[05:36:32] All right, they said it's a full fur no
[05:36:36] Sure, okay
[05:36:38] That's the whole animal. Yeah
[05:36:41] It's the full for me the black one. Yeah with these pants
[05:36:45] No, G. I want to keeps me in the same fucking pants every season. I keep buying
[05:36:52] Yeah, you're faithful
[05:36:54] We're faithful mansions. I do I do love I
[05:36:57] I do love the brand I will forever have respect for any brand that makes fashion for big boys
[05:37:06] Okay, they're trash anywhere. Oh the arms are still short. This is an XL. No, yep
[05:37:22] I wonder if you have a double X
[05:37:24] Because the medium fit like it's just the arms the arm length is the problem
[05:37:28] I mean cool for the jewelry with the what when you have a watch on on that one
[05:37:36] Did we have a double X in the news?
[05:37:40] I've got double X in the brown. Yeah, bring the double X up
[05:37:46] All right, hey look like so he's out this year
[05:37:51] Oh
[05:37:55] You like those in the war I'd be a little yeah
[05:37:57] Okay, I feel like I sell shitty weed when I wear this
[05:38:03] Not shitty this is pretty good
[05:38:05] Looks good. Yeah, maybe like you saw some good. We're not like really bad. It's like a chance. We didn't purchase that. Yeah
[05:38:13] so
[05:38:15] Most be good fighting on cash. It's just listen. I don't know where you carry the weed. That's a
[05:38:19] Issue like it looks like it's just so nice. Yeah. We got a good deep pocket here
[05:38:22] There you go.
[05:38:23] There you go.
[05:38:24] All right.
[05:38:25] You said there's trash somewhere?
[05:38:27] Yeah.
[05:38:28] And then that's, you, those are the double X's?
[05:38:30] Oh, okay.
[05:38:31] Let me try it.
[05:38:32] Fuck.
[05:38:36] There's a, you can put it on my hair.
[05:38:38] That's a weird, I mean you guys bring like eight of these out at this point.
[05:38:45] I gotta buy it, you know?
[05:38:53] You know what I'm saying?
[05:38:55] Like ski goggles.
[05:38:56] Remember people wore ski goggles?
[05:38:59] No, the arms are short on this too.
[05:39:01] The arms are getting shorter, I think.
[05:39:03] What the fuck's going on?
[05:39:06] It just keeps getting shorter, the arms.
[05:39:09] Well, yeah, actually, that's OK.
[05:39:10] It's literally shorter.
[05:39:12] Bro, and the black from behind it looks like a big foot sighting.
[05:39:15] I'm like Scott Hassan, bro.
[05:39:18] I'm Hassan Light.
[05:39:19] Dude, that's dude.
[05:39:21] Oh, my god, I'm so proud of you.
[05:39:22] Really?
[05:39:23] You could also wear like a shirt that's not.
[05:39:26] I mean, the shirt is long.
[05:39:28] Maybe you could go one size up on the shirt.
[05:39:31] But I don't know.
[05:39:32] You can either go flowy with it
[05:39:33] Or you can go if you're gonna go like a little bit form-fitting then you have to wear it like this
[05:39:37] I have to tuck it in. Yeah, those pants and those shoes are a lock though
[05:39:41] You definitely have to get both of those. Okay, we'll lock them in now
[05:39:43] You just need like a top you are fucking on fire right now. This is hot
[05:39:48] This is hot. Yeah, and those are very versatile. That's what you say. I'll bring these with everything all the time
[05:39:55] Okay
[05:39:57] I was a size up in the shirt.
[05:39:58] I don't think they get too much longer.
[05:39:59] They just get a little wider.
[05:40:00] No, that's what I mean.
[05:40:01] Don't you think it's like not, it's in between right now.
[05:40:04] It's like tight in some places, but kind of flowy.
[05:40:06] Yeah, it's like tight.
[05:40:07] Oh, gee, look at all of you, look at all of you.
[05:40:08] So I feel like you either got to go one size up
[05:40:11] and get a box to your silhouette or something,
[05:40:13] or you got to go with something you can tuck in.
[05:40:17] Also here we go, sorry.
[05:40:18] Yo, what up, Lily?
[05:40:19] And then we're, is there a trash bag here?
[05:40:22] I've got one.
[05:40:23] Yeah, I heard you just walk in the back.
[05:40:26] each Lorenzo oh you want to see okay here let me talk here who is it okay
[05:40:34] come on come on thank you we're getting a will analysis dude dude I mean
[05:40:45] the shirt it kind of looks like you got like like sysid this is like
[05:40:50] literally this is it this is a good ass bit who are you talking to it's a will
[05:40:55] Oh
[05:41:01] Yeah, oh
[05:41:14] Okay, well black and purple you want to start to pick it out
[05:41:20] Okay, so we'll we still have that black and purple jacket for you the fuzzy one
[05:41:27] Yeah
[05:41:28] Thank you
[05:41:32] That's it's me talking. Yeah. Oh, wait. He saw the pontoon. The crusty. I don't
[05:41:42] We might still have it.
[05:41:44] There ain't no way y'all sold that fucking program.
[05:41:47] There's just no way.
[05:41:48] Give us, we might have.
[05:41:49] The crusty.
[05:41:50] Let me check if it's not saving up.
[05:41:53] Am I buying these pants?
[05:41:55] I mean, yeah.
[05:41:56] Look at the socks, though, with the gray.
[05:41:58] That's the look.
[05:41:59] With the gray?
[05:42:00] I don't have to tell you.
[05:42:01] Sorry, I accidentally hung up.
[05:42:03] No, I'm really, I'm-
[05:42:05] On accident.
[05:42:06] I'm so proud.
[05:42:07] It wasn't intentional.
[05:42:09] Look, I bring people to these places all fucking time.
[05:42:12] This is the first time where I've seen like a unique full-blown transformation in like one fucking good
[05:42:17] Okay, we'll lock it in. I have a white shirt I can put on too. What is it? We're watching are you watching?
[05:42:24] How good does he look bro? Why the fuck aren't you here? Okay?
[05:42:36] What's the carabiner for what's that this is this is my string guys I can just find a bridge
[05:42:43] Okay, every time, bro.
[05:42:45] And rappel down, have a new lease on life,
[05:42:48] experiencing thrills.
[05:42:49] Yeah, exactly.
[05:42:50] Thank you.
[05:42:51] Woke Wilder over here.
[05:42:52] Woke Wilder.
[05:42:54] Fucking woke Wilder.
[05:42:56] Okay, do I get some sauce too?
[05:43:01] Thanks, Will.
[05:43:03] Miss you, baby.
[05:43:08] On me?
[05:43:10] If they bring it out, you'll see.
[05:43:13] You'll see, it looks really good.
[05:43:18] Yeah, it's like.
[05:43:19] Okay, well, eight months.
[05:43:21] Yeah.
[05:43:22] I don't want to bite the bullet.
[05:43:25] I like it.
[05:43:26] Oh, you found it.
[05:43:27] Oh, do you show that?
[05:43:29] What?
[05:43:30] Yeah, put it on, bro.
[05:43:31] This thing basically has the legend status of this store.
[05:43:34] Bro, what is this?
[05:43:35] There's a couple pieces of the store that are legendary.
[05:43:37] One is the Austin shirt.
[05:43:39] Tales have been told.
[05:43:40] Many tales have been told about that.
[05:43:41] Bro, do you have more of these paints?
[05:43:42] Because I want the paint to look good.
[05:43:43] Is this spray painting?
[05:43:44] I think we do.
[05:43:45] No, I don't know what this is made of,
[05:43:47] to be completely honest.
[05:43:48] How many of you have this on?
[05:43:51] put it on.
[05:43:52] And if you guys want to see what the transformation looks like
[05:43:54] when it's complete, you're going to have to subscribe
[05:43:56] because at the top of the arrow,
[05:43:57] there's a through and out break.
[05:44:00] Oh, my lancet.
[05:44:02] What guys?
[05:44:08] I saw it like, well, this was a very questionable life.
[05:44:13] It's with someone, someone who'll make this work one day.
[05:44:17] I have to go look in the mirror.
[05:44:18] How much is it now?
[05:44:21] I did still the same price.
[05:44:22] I didn't drop.
[05:44:23] That's crazy.
[05:44:27] One day.
[05:44:29] It's just like-
[05:44:31] This ain't me.
[05:44:31] Everything is all wrong about it
[05:44:33] because it just like busts out your butt area.
[05:44:35] Like it's just so strange.
[05:44:37] Okay, this should be great.
[05:44:38] Woke Wilder, you look great.
[05:44:40] Wait, how come your arms look normal in it?
[05:44:42] No.
[05:44:43] Thank you.
[05:44:44] Do you have shorter arms than me?
[05:44:45] I have longer arms.
[05:44:45] Here you go, here's your coat.
[05:44:47] Oh my God.
[05:44:49] I really appreciate the coat, it's the work.
[05:44:52] Yeah.
[05:44:53] oh yeah it is it is my clap my clap
[05:44:55] he's not my climb up
[05:44:57] oh dude
[05:45:01] I thought you were taller than me here
[05:45:03] nah it's just fun
[05:45:05] you're 6'5 aren't you
[05:45:09] hold on I'm gonna rug
[05:45:11] I'm not the rug it's I also have
[05:45:13] clap hands on
[05:45:17] how about this jacket
[05:45:19] dude
[05:45:21] this works with this vid not bad right bro this is a fucking vid you can rock up
[05:45:27] with a tank top if you wanted to this is okay now we're looking for the next one
[05:45:31] okay you look fine you look sick dude if i get laid tonight it's all for the
[05:45:35] dude with the if you're not yeah i'm fucking dead yes i'm gonna fuck you
[05:45:39] tonight he is the the old german history with that one so
[05:45:43] what was that what does that have to do with anything the old german history
[05:45:46] Make sure this is...
[05:45:48] Yeah, it's super good.
[05:45:49] Perderment's Gaze, is that what you're saying?
[05:45:50] Oh, yeah, tell me up here.
[05:45:51] As long as this is not...
[05:45:52] Gold.
[05:45:53] How do you like him in that jacket?
[05:45:55] I love it.
[05:45:56] I like it a lot.
[05:46:00] This is a fit.
[05:46:01] You guys have socks?
[05:46:02] I want those pants though.
[05:46:04] I only have trunks.
[05:46:05] Oh, I actually do.
[05:46:06] Like, what, a black sock?
[05:46:07] A white one.
[05:46:08] Do you have another white sock?
[05:46:12] Okay, I guess we'll get it, dude.
[05:46:13] I think it'll look pretty sick.
[05:46:14] Everyone's super pumped.
[05:46:16] Do you like the shoes?
[05:46:18] I do.
[05:46:19] I feel comfy around you like here's the thing when I was younger
[05:46:23] He's a hate wearing like loafers and shit and I didn't realize that it was because I wasn't like sizing appropriately because it always hurt
[05:46:28] My feet and then now that I'm older I wear loafers all the time because you just slip in and out of it
[05:46:34] Yeah, these are like these are 13. They're a little bit larger on the main sock. Is that for me?
[05:46:40] Yeah, I get awesome from Walmart. Yeah, that's okay. That's for you. That's a feed too
[05:46:44] It's the same one that he had. Yeah
[05:46:46] Damn, we might get matching pants, bro. Oh my god. We're doing it
[05:46:49] We're getting matching, matching clothes.
[05:46:51] I mean, I don't need to try anything else on, really.
[05:46:54] You did the fit.
[05:46:58] I think we just knocked it out of the park.
[05:47:00] You did this. You're kind of a wizard, dude.
[05:47:02] I don't know. Once you said it, a little...
[05:47:04] Me? I saw him. I was easy on him.
[05:47:06] Oh, yeah. You've done that plenty.
[05:47:08] Yeah. I've done a lot of songs.
[05:47:10] I like this jacket too.
[05:47:12] Eric, I'm awake.
[05:47:13] I'm awake.
[05:47:14] Good to meet you, bro.
[05:47:15] Nice to meet you.
[05:47:16] Normally, a war season comes around, and then I'm here.
[05:47:18] You're crazy.
[05:47:20] The stinky shirt epidemic, I was a part of that, I had a fucking stamp, bro.
[05:47:28] So, there's a situation where a shirt was bought and it smelt...
[05:47:34] I feel like you're a little too short.
[05:47:37] Yeah.
[05:47:38] But we don't know how that happened and we tried everything.
[05:47:41] How bad are we talking?
[05:47:42] How bad would you say that smell was?
[05:47:43] I don't even recall the smell at all.
[05:47:45] I just only know it in passing.
[05:47:47] It's like, yeah.
[05:47:48] Austin talked about it so much.
[05:47:50] Oh wait, so it was Austin's thing that smelled?
[05:47:53] So that's the legendary item.
[05:47:55] Yeah, that's the legendary item.
[05:47:57] Is that one the coat?
[05:47:59] The coat is because, I don't know,
[05:48:02] every time they come in here,
[05:48:03] this coat somehow comes out, I don't know.
[05:48:05] Will loves it.
[05:48:06] He loves it, it's a little goof
[05:48:08] that he likes to play on people.
[05:48:10] He's like, you gotta try this on, man.
[05:48:12] We always like to come here
[05:48:13] and try on something crazy.
[05:48:14] Will did look like an experimental sailor.
[05:48:16] I don't know what he was doing on this.
[05:48:18] He was rocking the shit out of that,
[05:48:19] Egon live-jacket at TwitchCon.
[05:48:22] These are too short, unfortunately.
[05:48:25] Oh, those are short, short.
[05:48:26] Yeah, I mean, they're supposed to be short,
[05:48:28] but these are a little bit shorter
[05:48:29] than they're supposed to be.
[05:48:32] Like, when I do this, this is like,
[05:48:34] this is so, I look like a German yokel.
[05:48:38] Yeah, you look like Toe Professor, Eddie.
[05:48:39] Oh, Otto!
[05:48:41] Hello, Otto!
[05:48:42] Miss Otto?
[05:48:43] Oh, how are you?
[05:48:44] Otto!
[05:48:45] That means like, one of those, what is called?
[05:48:47] Yeah.
[05:48:48] Suspenders. Oh, I need my suspenders. Oh my god, I can't believe it. Where is my suspenders? Yes?
[05:48:59] Arte.
[05:49:03] You're just wearing a sock.
[05:49:05] Yeah, look.
[05:49:07] Hello.
[05:49:09] Rematch.
[05:49:11] My name is Hassan.
[05:49:13] It looks like the most directionless buddy cop comedy now.
[05:49:18] This is your shirt or this is your nipples are shown on this one like that. I don't know. I think it's tasteful
[05:49:26] Where's your where's your head?
[05:49:36] Well you the thing is this is what I mean like basic pieces like this unless it's like a very
[05:49:42] specific cut that you would not be able to get from like a Zara or like any normal brand
[05:49:48] that's like $50, $60 which would be still high quality right not Zara but like a $60
[05:49:54] t-shirt you don't need to get like this is probably like $100 a maximum minimum yeah
[05:50:00] that's like way too much for a white t-shirt you don't need that it's like a bpt bro
[05:50:03] yeah especially because like unless the silhouette is worth it if there's like something cool
[05:50:08] about the design or if like the silhouette or the cut is like you need I think they know you have
[05:50:17] nipples like they assume that yeah okay fair are there any longer ones in this in this brand
[05:50:30] for a song for pants what do you have something to do that because I really like the I really like
[05:50:37] I like the fabric, I like it all.
[05:50:39] You're kind of stealing the thunder down.
[05:50:42] What?
[05:50:42] You're kind of stealing the thunder down, you know?
[05:50:44] He finds pants that look great,
[05:50:46] you're like, I want the same pair.
[05:50:48] No, no, I like this brand,
[05:50:49] but see, it didn't work anyway.
[05:50:51] God punished me.
[05:50:52] Yeah, he did.
[05:50:53] And said, not today, sir.
[05:50:55] And everyone agrees, they're like,
[05:50:57] God just made you too tall.
[05:50:58] Yeah.
[05:50:59] To make you mad.
[05:51:01] I'm the victim.
[05:51:02] people don't consider what it's like for us tall boys nothing fits except when
[05:51:10] it does wait you fucking fit into every you have the type of I don't fit in the
[05:51:16] pants because my hips are like really high up really yeah this is like I'm
[05:51:20] nothing song for the new except for like light red white and red white and
[05:51:27] great pants are they this fabric or no no no are they long long I don't know I'll
[05:51:39] show them to you see I hit the door on the way out again big problems your
[05:51:53] problems over tall boys white boys like yeah I don't know this one no you're
[05:52:02] right that's too crazy let me save all this yogi stuff I saw I already looked
[05:52:06] through it but is there so what are the what are the link he is like link is
[05:52:10] yogi stuff that they have here this looks probably the longest
[05:52:14] and surprisingly long yeah this is great I'm gonna try this
[05:52:21] you need the four normally yeah
[05:52:26] All right, I'll try this one.
[05:52:29] What the fuck with this shit? So hard?
[05:52:31] Derelict?
[05:52:32] Oh, you literally...
[05:52:34] Like, always find the most like...
[05:52:36] Yeah, I'll take these fucking drug dealer shit.
[05:52:39] Why are you...
[05:52:40] You're gravitating towards a very specific style, I see.
[05:52:43] And it's drug dealer core, man.
[05:52:44] Whoa, okay. These are fucking...
[05:52:47] Time-traveling pirates, selling drugs.
[05:52:48] What the fuck are...
[05:52:49] Hey, Jack Sparrow.
[05:52:51] Captain Jack!
[05:52:55] I look like a seeker for Gryffindor in this man.
[05:52:58] Bro, what the fuck?
[05:53:00] It's sick though.
[05:53:01] Yo!
[05:53:03] Running from Professor McGonagall at Julius.
[05:53:05] Oh, she died.
[05:53:06] This is insane.
[05:53:07] Good season.
[05:53:09] What the fuck?
[05:53:10] What are the pants for this?
[05:53:12] This is dancer.
[05:53:13] Aw.
[05:53:14] It's like a really cropped long.
[05:53:16] That's a bit of a bummer.
[05:53:17] Oh, it's also skirty, kind of.
[05:53:20] Yeah.
[05:53:21] Like the.
[05:53:21] This is just overlaid short.
[05:53:23] Very jog knees.
[05:53:24] OK, I gotta try this song.
[05:53:25] Fuck it. Wait, do you have the size for this?
[05:53:27] Let's see this is a three
[05:53:31] You want to see a funny meme or something? Dude, I just only buy everything I like is Japanese
[05:53:41] Not bad
[05:53:44] Yep
[05:53:47] Do we have a size up and this is a four
[05:53:51] Oh, and this is a four, but there's a five.
[05:53:55] Oh, is that a four? Let me try it.
[05:53:57] Yeah, these are four. I might get you the four in the jacket now.
[05:54:00] Bro, what the hell?
[05:54:04] I don't know what I'm looking at.
[05:54:08] These things are crazy.
[05:54:11] All right, I guess we're going out tonight, Wake.
[05:54:20] What's going on? I got my hood.
[05:54:22] Oh, yeah.
[05:54:23] You're going to go out tonight?
[05:54:24] Yeah, let's go out, dude.
[05:54:26] Oh, we should go out.
[05:54:28] Oh, we should go out and make out my own kicks so we can do whatever we want.
[05:54:31] I can afford this, too.
[05:54:32] No, these are for over here.
[05:54:44] I want to try both of these, too.
[05:54:46] No, those are not good.
[05:54:51] These two as well, if you have them.
[05:54:57] We do.
[05:54:58] So Chad, are they dripping or are they drowning?
[05:55:00] What's it going to be?
[05:55:02] This is a fourth.
[05:55:04] Dante, can you just grab me that one in the size four, Julius?
[05:55:12] I don't know where, I don't think it is.
[05:55:14] I mean, some of the jacket I asked for, I'm sure it is.
[05:55:19] Are there no...
[05:55:20] I'm very meticulous.
[05:55:22] Christian said we had another one.
[05:55:25] Yeah, do you check the jacket right?
[05:55:26] I think it goes hard.
[05:55:27] I think that you got to buy everything together though.
[05:55:29] Yeah, it's a long jacket.
[05:55:37] Dude, this is the stuff I'm most fascinated by.
[05:55:39] It's like, you know, look at this.
[05:55:41] I'm getting the jackets right now.
[05:55:42] I'm gonna give you this bag as well.
[05:55:44] Here, I'll just give it to you right now.
[05:55:45] How do you so tastefully coffee stains?
[05:55:48] Yeah, I mean, but can you wash it?
[05:55:50] Does it come off?
[05:55:51] Yeah, Eric, how do you, if you wash this, does this come off?
[05:55:55] No, how do you so tastefully copy-stain it?
[05:55:58] Like, honestly, it's probably just a print.
[05:56:01] Like, so basically, you're still doing
[05:56:03] like a screen print on this.
[05:56:05] Oh, shit.
[05:56:10] No, yeah, so only three.
[05:56:15] Did you feel confident in the answer, Drew?
[05:56:17] Did you feel cool?
[05:56:18] All right, here's the-
[05:56:19] The clothes were not defined by coolness.
[05:56:21] The four?
[05:56:22] Okay, well, that's base.
[05:56:23] There's a 4 up in the bank for Julius, it's a bit tight.
[05:56:29] There's nothing bigger than this right, it's the largest.
[05:56:31] Why is this a small?
[05:56:33] I mean it's supposed to be kind of tight but it's a little too tight I think.
[05:56:37] It's supposed to be high waisted right.
[05:56:42] There was a top for this too.
[05:56:44] Yeah I only have a 3, I'm about to bring it to you to see how you show what it is.
[05:56:47] That's a reality weight.
[05:56:57] You look good.
[05:56:58] Oh damn, it's too small.
[05:56:59] You said this is a 4?
[05:57:00] It's right there very close
[05:57:12] The four is way too small god damn it. This is so sick though. Oh
[05:57:18] For this type right for the top. No
[05:57:23] Yes
[05:57:25] Is it top of four on this?
[05:57:26] Yeah, that looks like this and that thing.
[05:57:28] Only this one, yeah.
[05:57:29] Because they created this text off in scratch.
[05:57:32] Yeah, so they haven't created anything.
[05:57:34] It's like the only one that they do that exists
[05:57:35] and the shorts make it a jacket.
[05:57:37] I'm having a hard time getting out of this.
[05:57:39] Yeah, I can.
[05:57:41] Yeah, you guys can come back later.
[05:57:42] You go to women's yet and I'll have it
[05:57:43] held for you right over here.
[05:57:44] I'm gonna go hide in the corner.
[05:57:45] No problem.
[05:57:47] This is a 34, 50.
[05:57:49] Perfect.
[05:57:50] Yeah.
[05:57:53] Respecting all the pieces.
[05:57:55] He did right there, just in case.
[05:57:57] Stuff I've ever been surrounded by in my life.
[05:58:00] And they are all built.
[05:58:02] Hold on.
[05:58:05] Oh, that's the name of the brand?
[05:58:08] I thought so.
[05:58:09] It says it's called Lydia one of a kind.
[05:58:11] And so when I saw it over there, I was like, oh, shit.
[05:58:14] There's only one of these?
[05:58:16] No.
[05:58:19] There are officially two.
[05:59:15] Are you just looking at me?
[05:59:19] Really?
[05:59:21] I'm just talking to my discord.
[05:59:24] I want me to get the black t-shirt, which is $295.
[05:59:31] So I mean, they look good.
[05:59:33] Yeah, I mean, it's a good size.
[05:59:35] It's just like a little tight up here.
[05:59:39] What is that?
[05:59:39] This is the largest, the largest fork.
[05:59:41] Should we buy the black shirt, Chad?
[05:59:43] Nick Drowns.
[05:59:44] Let me sit down.
[05:59:45] Let's see if they buy it.
[05:59:46] That's a real test.
[05:59:49] How do you feel about the work?
[05:59:51] It's a bit tight.
[05:59:52] It's so organic seeing it.
[05:59:53] Definitely.
[05:59:54] Yes, it's me.
[05:59:56] You might not drop them more as it seems like final form.
[05:59:59] No, I'm definitely in it.
[06:00:00] I mean, I'm playing it a little more way, but I don't know.
[06:00:04] I want you in some skimpy, sheer print stuff.
[06:00:07] Oh, it's closed.
[06:00:08] As long as it doesn't feel like they're going to rip me.
[06:00:10] He only wears trousers and blouses now.
[06:00:14] Is this from me that was in there?
[06:00:16] If I could dress like anyone for the rest of my life.
[06:00:17] So there was a black.
[06:00:18] Can I get the black shirt that I had?
[06:00:19] He's so cool.
[06:00:20] Black shirt?
[06:00:20] Yes, please.
[06:00:22] Let me see the set you, what do you guys have in the set yous up, where is the set yous up?
[06:00:26] Problematic also, but like, he's clothing, yeah.
[06:00:35] Alright, are we going outside Arthur?
[06:00:37] Yeah.
[06:00:38] Should I wear my outfit?
[06:00:39] Do I gotta say though the back is just so hot on my back.
[06:00:42] No.
[06:00:43] Is it overheating?
[06:00:44] Let it be, why?
[06:00:45] It's definitely hot.
[06:00:46] Whoa.
[06:00:47] Um, yeah, bro.
[06:00:48] How many moles stayed there?
[06:00:50] No.
[06:00:51] What?
[06:00:52] Yeah, yeah.
[06:00:53] No.
[06:00:54] No, we're gonna go out.
[06:00:56] What? I don't even know what this is. These pants?
[06:00:59] I don't know, man. You're not the lead singer of Smash Mouth.
[06:01:02] Dolphins on bro?
[06:01:04] Wait, everything you pick is just tight.
[06:01:06] It's you.
[06:01:08] I'm a magnet, dude. I'm a magnet for positive spiritual energy in the clothing.
[06:01:15] So you got the one fit?
[06:01:17] Yeah, it's good enough. I think it's good. I think it's a good start.
[06:01:20] Yeah, out of the box.
[06:01:22] back and sooner be in moon boots. Oh that's that's that's a big goal. Yeah we
[06:01:28] could get there. I actually think these are cool. Yeah they're good. They're cool.
[06:01:33] Like I would throw these on what I'm wearing right now and I think they'd be
[06:01:36] fire. I think they are fire. They're probably comfortable as hell too. How much are these?
[06:01:42] How much are the shoes I got?
[06:01:47] Seven.
[06:01:48] Seven.
[06:01:49] Okay.
[06:01:50] That's good.
[06:01:51] Still close.
[06:01:52] That's fair.
[06:01:53] That's a good price.
[06:01:54] There are those 1,400 blunty agas that light up.
[06:01:56] That's pretty heading these.
[06:01:57] They started to, I got mine.
[06:01:58] I got mine.
[06:01:59] It just feels good.
[06:02:00] It's like a solid carpet.
[06:02:01] I actually like the high tops more than I like the low tops.
[06:02:06] I'm a big fan of high top sneakers always, bro.
[06:02:10] What?
[06:02:11] I think just for how bulky they are like the higher it's kind of slimmer. They made it where the low top
[06:02:20] Star yeah, it's been a long day brother
[06:02:24] What's it get you up last night too? Are you did you guys they keep me up last night? I'm sorry
[06:02:30] Saw good
[06:02:39] I'm still
[06:02:41] Um, do we have anything like the such a place I had that are like like
[06:02:47] They're long big and like they go
[06:02:51] They go below the ankles
[06:02:53] Because like these these are great. These are good, but they're a little tight on the on the way
[06:02:59] I have
[06:03:00] Maybe like if anything could be the laquette pants the what the keep
[06:03:06] Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know how long they are
[06:03:08] But we have some of those because like everything that we've had is like
[06:03:12] It's too uh, it's cut too short. Yeah
[06:03:15] like it's too
[06:03:17] The length on these are good. You normally have some good luck with some long pants here. I think
[06:03:23] uh
[06:03:25] The length on the length on these are good, but they're a little too uh, they're a little too tight
[06:03:29] If there's like anything that's a little bit with a little bit more give give me some like lekeep pants down there that are really
[06:03:36] Baggy like size 36 that you trust
[06:03:39] We'll say should be from the red jacket backpack
[06:03:42] What does that mean?
[06:03:45] Red Jacks is back.
[06:03:47] Oh, these I want to try to, like, these two and the fours.
[06:03:53] You don't have five on these, right?
[06:03:54] I'm sorry, I'm probably not.
[06:03:55] This and this as well.
[06:03:57] John, it sounds actually locked in.
[06:03:59] He said that was right.
[06:03:59] I'm just helping to grab these.
[06:04:01] I need fours.
[06:04:04] This is a three, even though it might feel like.
[06:04:05] It's been a long day, dude.
[06:04:06] This is a four, too.
[06:04:07] It's been a hell of a long day.
[06:04:08] Let's see what we've got.
[06:04:10] It's actually a 12-hour-long day as well.
[06:04:11] that's like a seven anything that's warren yoji like that this three that was a
[06:04:17] big three yeah we might not have a fun yeah I'll try the clock if you thought
[06:04:23] about Austin time that one wallies I think he's looking for a four maybe
[06:04:29] over here oh I see it the red jacks I've done to
[06:04:35] for some of the key stuff
[06:04:37] all well i can't even touch this this is horrifying
[06:04:40] no no no no no no
[06:04:43] this is scary brothers looks like something that you find that
[06:04:47] that's a backpack
[06:04:48] this is this is so not okay
[06:04:52] this is this is this is insane
[06:04:57] fact the fact that this is
[06:04:59] this this is something that you find in like a horror movie
[06:05:02] oh this is fire
[06:05:03] no you can put it on
[06:05:05] I don't want whatever ancient blood curse that thing carries on this. Yeah, this is 10 years of bad
[06:05:14] Thank you guys, I feel like we're tempting. Hey, what no, this is this is how you get there's a big three
[06:05:21] Yeah
[06:05:24] That's the thing at the store. This is literally a start of a
[06:05:35] I'm telling you, if you punch his head when you get close and he tears spring to you,
[06:05:42] that's crazy.
[06:05:45] Oh, okay.
[06:05:47] No way.
[06:05:48] And you do it.
[06:05:49] Dude, all I've had today to eat is a couple of M&M's and that burrito.
[06:06:00] That's it.
[06:06:03] The burrito was amazing.
[06:06:05] I like to do that.
[06:06:07] I just walk around Melrose.
[06:06:08] Like I just walked and went into the stores and got coffee.
[06:06:13] Oh, you're right.
[06:06:14] Did you check the ones that were on the floor?
[06:06:16] Yeah.
[06:06:17] I also have not had anything to do.
[06:06:19] I shoot your shirt on a small one.
[06:06:21] You know what I want?
[06:06:22] And what I think every man should aspire to wear.
[06:06:24] I think these are too short, too.
[06:06:26] Yeah.
[06:06:27] I think they're so cool.
[06:06:28] They have these on the keys.
[06:06:29] I mean, these are sick, too.
[06:06:30] God damn it.
[06:06:31] Do you ever happen to just like straight jeans and sneakers?
[06:06:34] Fucking gun.
[06:06:35] Okay, give it up.
[06:06:36] What?
[06:06:37] What's down? You had the audacity to ask what happened to straight jeans.
[06:06:41] Straight jeans? That's like jeans.
[06:06:43] They'll be back, don't worry. I'm sure they'll get tighter eventually and then...
[06:06:48] I remember in like 2014 thinking that pants will never get as big as they used to be.
[06:06:53] Like an idiot. Like just a spring chicken. A sweet summer child.
[06:07:00] That's a five? Swimmer.
[06:07:02] Oh yeah, show them what it is.
[06:07:04] Yeah, the 5 wants him to flare.
[06:07:07] Show them the 4 to...
[06:07:08] Do you like some good Korean barbecue out here now, man?
[06:07:11] No.
[06:07:12] No?
[06:07:13] I guess you go back to Austin and get some honey pig then.
[06:07:17] There's no... they do everything but Korean barbecue.
[06:07:19] It's actually kind of a thing.
[06:07:22] But those pans are short.
[06:07:24] Oh, okay.
[06:07:25] Oh, perfect.
[06:07:26] Alright, probably thank you.
[06:07:28] No.
[06:07:29] Oh my God.
[06:07:30] Wait, this is on the left?
[06:07:31] If I wore this, my third nipple would be out.
[06:07:34] Wait, so these were made for you?
[06:07:36] This is the third nipple showing fucking...
[06:07:39] This was me?
[06:07:41] I think this is a woman's wreck.
[06:07:43] I think that you're being rigid in that...
[06:07:45] And also...
[06:07:47] Like three things I wore to the streamer awards were on the women's wreck.
[06:07:51] You wear what you want, but it's on the women's wreck.
[06:07:54] You afraid you're gonna catch the woman?
[06:07:56] No.
[06:07:57] And infect you?
[06:07:58] Nope.
[06:07:59] The women would never infect me.
[06:08:01] I'm woman resistant.
[06:08:04] I repel women.
[06:08:05] Okay, yeah, uh, what?
[06:08:09] Okay, there you go. Is that cool? Yes, thank you
[06:08:17] The A's going away
[06:08:27] Oh, that's around the corner or whatever they're just robbing oakland and everything
[06:08:32] I'm just getting yoined now, getting yoined.
[06:08:41] Who's Oakland's basketball team?
[06:08:43] It was the Warriors, man.
[06:08:45] Golden State?
[06:08:46] Yeah, they used to be in Oakland.
[06:08:47] Oh, I always thought it was San Francisco because the Golden Gate Bridge was on there.
[06:08:53] Mmm, mmm, mmm.
[06:08:56] Real OG's remember when there was just that like Vitruvian man on there, you know?
[06:09:01] It's just like a jack silhouette of a man.
[06:09:04] Before the thunder, it was about three or six hours.
[06:09:07] We had a lightning thunder like at logo.
[06:09:10] Oh.
[06:09:11] And then maybe came with T, but we
[06:09:12] had to get rid of the logo.
[06:09:13] No way.
[06:09:14] And then like bridge?
[06:09:16] What do you mean by the bridge?
[06:09:18] They didn't want to give us all.
[06:09:21] I'll put on like eight different pants.
[06:09:23] Every single one is too short.
[06:09:24] Well, I brought you some of the key.
[06:09:26] Wait, is that too short?
[06:09:27] Those look kind of fired.
[06:09:29] Oh my god.
[06:09:30] Well, they're not they're not short in the sense that like I'm already wearing pants that are the same exact height
[06:09:36] So I'm looking for something a little bit longer
[06:09:39] They look fucking good. They do but I
[06:09:45] Already have
[06:09:50] Do you think I might use is really gonna be in your brain of what's the perfect look is?
[06:09:56] Yeah
[06:09:58] Faced out ass up man
[06:10:00] For you. Yeah, I
[06:10:02] I
[06:10:03] Well, okay, I agree with that, but like I mean a static right coat toes a little bit curled
[06:10:10] Little bit of wrinkle in the heel there and this
[06:10:13] They're like hey now we know me a kelvica
[06:10:16] You know
[06:10:18] Yeah, sounds like they're mad. Yeah, they are that's the best
[06:10:27] For you know what I'm realizing. Hmm. I just like I like
[06:10:31] coats so big that only like a proper like
[06:10:34] Dude, jerk enough, the New York subway would be wearing it, you know?
[06:10:38] That big?
[06:10:39] Just like those giant, like, you know, one of 18 coats on a dude, and he's just hammering
[06:10:43] it.
[06:10:44] I think that's my fashion icon.
[06:10:48] Yeah, that's an incredible vibe.
[06:10:50] Just what you'd see a dude who's, like, jerking off in the New York subway wearing, just
[06:10:54] like the biggest coat you've ever seen.
[06:10:56] Oh, yeah.
[06:10:57] Those are new pants, too.
[06:10:59] Yeah.
[06:11:00] These are good.
[06:11:01] They're like this.
[06:11:02] Yeah, they're always fit.
[06:11:03] They fit really good. I like the docks too.
[06:11:07] What would you pop like a coat on that?
[06:11:11] What's phase two? Yeah, I'd probably wear like a
[06:11:15] cool looking, maybe like a
[06:11:19] different cut blazer. Oh, this shirt
[06:11:23] is incredible. And the arms are long too.
[06:11:27] Oh wow, wait what happens when you reach out to your sides?
[06:11:31] It fits perfectly.
[06:11:34] Was that meant to fit perfectly?
[06:11:37] It's probably supposed to be like really big
[06:11:45] Amazing.
[06:11:47] It's perfect.
[06:11:50] Is it supposed to be bigger than this flowier?
[06:11:56] It looks fantastic.
[06:12:00] Yeah
[06:12:03] Even with the pants like this is a bit of a look
[06:12:07] Even though it's like blue and black.
[06:12:09] What do we think chat?
[06:12:12] You're really making that white shirt do work for you
[06:12:18] Jesus
[06:12:20] Baby no money for I need to get one of those shirts. It just fits with everything. Yeah
[06:12:25] What are those called? I don't know a tank top
[06:12:28] See no we're no we called them back in high school wife beaters wife beaters, and I didn't know what that meant
[06:12:34] You couldn't put two and two together. Nope. Sure. Yeah, and then I'm gonna try it
[06:12:38] Could you try these pants and then I'm done. I think I got there's just called a white feeder and that's what it was
[06:12:43] This is a ridiculous pant, but I'm not gonna get them
[06:12:55] Well, which shop for some more stuff chat, let's be honest
[06:13:15] To expensive
[06:13:17] Your frugal man
[06:13:19] Way too expensive. You're afraid to drip therefore you must drown. I will drown. I
[06:13:24] Think I think we cook though
[06:13:27] This is a nice black hoodie. I should probably get a black hoodie
[06:13:31] just a black hoodie yeah cuz I don't have any jackets
[06:13:35] I just have that jacket now yo what in the hell
[06:13:39] I think skirts are gonna fire for guys
[06:13:42] I just need a skirt these are shorts with like a skirt
[06:13:46] I mean I like some of these things
[06:13:49] how much is this black hoodie here yeah I never see the price under this stuff
[06:13:56] I straight up love this dude 380 bucks
[06:14:01] This is so dope.
[06:14:03] Why?
[06:14:04] It's just big and flowy, man.
[06:14:07] Yeah, dude, and I'm gonna knock her boots in it.
[06:14:11] You're gonna bang Arthur's mom wake?
[06:14:16] I mean, whatever.
[06:14:17] Sprickensy Deutsch.
[06:14:18] Wouldn't be the first time.
[06:14:21] Geotherm?
[06:14:24] But she'll probably accept that.
[06:14:26] Well.
[06:14:27] Nah.
[06:14:27] What is, so, with these,
[06:14:29] I never figure out how to work these, like.
[06:14:32] Kind of a cover five you're telling.
[06:14:34] Like, what are you,
[06:14:34] I don't know what to do with them.
[06:14:36] You can just do what you would wear.
[06:14:38] You can just do what you would wear.
[06:14:40] You can just do what you would wear.
[06:14:42] No, I mean, unless you, like,
[06:14:44] pull it off completely.
[06:14:47] What if I get you something that I would want to wear,
[06:14:49] like this?
[06:14:51] I wouldn't even wear that if you'd pay me.
[06:14:53] The thing with, like, keep pants is, like,
[06:14:55] they always are tight in all the weirdest places
[06:14:57] and, like, and, like, loose in all the others.
[06:15:00] Like, I have a pair where it's, like,
[06:15:02] the waist is too loose,
[06:15:04] Fucking leg area is like too tight and then in this one. I feel like the the leg is too tapered in the bottom
[06:15:12] You say yes or no?
[06:15:13] Okay, it's a nice color and it's a really cool like concept this year. It's cool
[06:15:19] Right here. I love the shirt. No shirts. I'm getting sure for sure closer. Okay, so maybe we like dark tones
[06:15:32] Doing good math here. Yeah, it's a great color
[06:15:34] Yeah.
[06:15:37] Nah.
[06:15:38] This is kind of Euro industrial rave.
[06:15:57] What?
[06:15:58] Yeah.
[06:15:59] Isn't it?
[06:16:00] Is that what that means?
[06:16:01] Yes, leather pants.
[06:16:02] Wow.
[06:16:03] I had no clue.
[06:16:04] I, uh, thought that that was just the general term for the October festival fire.
[06:16:16] Well, hold on.
[06:16:18] Oh, yeah, go, go, go.
[06:16:21] I got a bunch of stuff here I got to give you before I come to use them with what I want to get.
[06:16:26] Yeah, these are all nose right here.
[06:16:32] Maybe we were too good. Yeah.
[06:16:34] It's typical.
[06:16:38] These two are nose, this is the only yes here.
[06:16:41] You're a practical man, that's probably moisture.
[06:16:44] I'll give that to you after.
[06:16:47] This is a vote call thing to add.
[06:16:51] If it's a sweat.
[06:16:55] You know the, like, yeah, bags?
[06:16:58] Mmm, it's the same material.
[06:17:01] Yeah. Yeah, it's tarp.
[06:17:04] I don't know if that's a material.
[06:17:06] I'm just saying where it's from.
[06:17:14] Mmm. Okay, what about this?
[06:17:17] A lot of pockets for you to put your things in.
[06:17:21] You have a lot of things that's efficient.
[06:17:24] However, it is on the back.
[06:17:26] And on the front, okay, so we have a what do we think and this this can be yours for an
[06:17:34] Undetermined price, okay, I don't think this can be yours
[06:17:42] You want let's take a guess I'll tell you if it's hard or cold
[06:17:49] These pants are kind of sick. I just don't know if I like that the weird taper in the bottom. It's like
[06:17:55] It's like so nice. You see
[06:18:01] Which, for that much leather?
[06:18:03] I didn't look right. I even liked that.
[06:18:06] What do you do with this? What would you do with this?
[06:18:10] What I do with this? I like mine to hang for the honest.
[06:18:14] Yeah, but, oh you just make like a little knot and then let it ride. It's pretty cool.
[06:18:25] Yeah, no the pants are great. The only issue I have is that I have a pair, but they're like super loose at the top and then weirdly tight like right where your legs are.
[06:18:38] Yeah, it looks like it looks like parachute pants almost like a balloon. I like it
[06:18:53] Yeah, no I'm gonna get I'm gonna get both of these two
[06:18:56] I like the pattern. Yeah, yeah, I think you're dripped the Sun is not drowning
[06:19:09] Nick's not drowning either. He was on pace too, but he's not. He gave him a life wrap.
[06:19:18] He saved his life. God knows what would happen.
[06:19:22] I was honestly, I mean, it's gonna be in your wrist if you're not wearing anything.
[06:19:25] That's the biggest thing, like, when people get stylist, I've noticed that one thing is that
[06:19:29] you don't trust any other stylist.
[06:19:32] Actually, they're like, you bring me the clothes and I'm just gonna stay any time.
[06:19:35] But when you let them expand it, then you get that idea of learning the art to your body.
[06:19:40] Yeah.
[06:19:41] How it drapes?
[06:19:42] Yeah.
[06:19:43] Because everyone puts it differently.
[06:19:44] You and you and some like almost same size.
[06:19:45] That, for, for, for good not to do this on an off-duty person.
[06:19:46] Yeah.
[06:19:47] I've seen so many people, like in South, can't let their stylists do the job.
[06:20:00] Nick.
[06:20:01] Yeah.
[06:20:02] If you're dehydrated, you can ask for water.
[06:20:03] They'll give you water.
[06:20:04] I'm not dehydrated.
[06:20:05] Someone said Nick is dehydrated in the chat.
[06:20:08] If he couldn't say no
[06:20:10] You did have your head full can stand
[06:20:12] Just goes nuts
[06:20:14] Or is it like not as much as
[06:20:16] Resting
[06:20:18] I'm a huge tank tank guy
[06:20:20] I look like a lot of like roar panics
[06:20:26] You want to sit down?
[06:20:28] You want to sit down?
[06:20:30] I would have mixed it like this angle and he doesn't close the door.
[06:20:36] I'm exuding on this guy. I'm sweating it.
[06:20:39] Jack, can I just press one, Jack?
[06:20:41] Do you hear my voice just press one?
[06:20:44] Are you getting that outfit, Nick?
[06:20:52] Yeah.
[06:20:53] I think it's a good one.
[06:20:54] Are you going to wear it out in the world today?
[06:20:56] Today? Probably not. Tomorrow?
[06:20:58] No.
[06:21:01] So, wait, is your job like pious?
[06:21:03] Is that your...
[06:21:05] Oh, hell yeah.
[06:21:07] Oh hell yeah.
[06:21:11] In the store, yeah, I'll help you get some fits in.
[06:21:14] Yeah.
[06:21:15] And it's only like, am I running out of wool clothes?
[06:21:17] I'm taking you to your house.
[06:21:18] No.
[06:21:19] Oh wow, okay.
[06:21:20] So that's the job.
[06:21:21] Yeah, I love when people are like,
[06:21:22] you know, I guess we can't talk to five peasants
[06:21:24] if you got one separately.
[06:21:25] Yeah.
[06:21:26] Not different.
[06:21:27] No.
[06:21:28] I commend anyone that doesn't like it.
[06:21:29] And that last meeting.
[06:21:30] That ain't it.
[06:21:31] How's it different?
[06:21:39] It's like, I put the shop in my basement
[06:21:41] and called you like, you already have that trust.
[06:21:43] Oh, okay.
[06:21:44] Yeah.
[06:21:45] You're like, you're going nowhere.
[06:21:46] Yeah, like put that shirt
[06:21:51] You send a contract
[06:21:55] Please okay
[06:22:03] All right, so
[06:22:05] Oh my god, this is a great vid. No, thank you
[06:22:09] I was confused for a sec. I was like well, you're consistent
[06:22:14] Blackwood's good. Are you? Thanks, man
[06:22:17] All right, I love the texture of that tank top dude. I've never seen one like that
[06:22:25] It's very flowy
[06:22:31] We had a day man and we learned a lot you learned you played basketball
[06:22:38] This is a day in life of a son like I'm not kidding. Yeah, how did you like it? Did you dig it?
[06:22:43] That's what the YouTube videos will be called for me the day in the life of a son
[06:22:47] I didn't shadow him the whole day. It's great. It's a good life
[06:22:51] It's a good life gets stressful, but it's a good life. I like it
[06:22:58] Should I purchase my items now? I mean I'm gonna look for a couple more stuff, but I'm gonna get these three
[06:23:06] I'm gonna look for a little bit more and then but like just accessories
[06:23:11] Look at this
[06:23:21] The Margella Tabby's some of these are so fucking ugly especially this one
[06:23:28] the brown buckle on a black shoe
[06:23:31] Come on.
[06:23:32] Why are you trying so hard?
[06:23:40] This one on the other hand, I might not want to.
[06:23:42] This thing's just got a whole ass belt on it.
[06:23:44] Yeah.
[06:23:45] And they have the fucking control toes.
[06:23:46] The Tabby's, those are the Maison Margielas.
[06:23:48] Those are a very famous iconic shoe.
[06:23:52] The toe split?
[06:23:53] Is that what it's known for?
[06:23:54] Yeah, the Tabby.
[06:23:56] That's dope.
[06:24:02] I need a belt.
[06:24:02] I need a black belt.
[06:24:32] I feel like only K-pop legends wear shit like this.
[06:24:35] K-pop icons wear this.
[06:24:40] How are you even supposed to wear this?
[06:24:43] Okay, I'm ready to purchase it whenever.
[06:24:46] Let's do it.
[06:24:47] What do you think, Chat?
[06:24:52] What do we think of boys?
[06:24:54] Yay or nay?
[06:24:56] Hassan, you're hot.
[06:24:58] Everything looks good on you.
[06:25:00] Oh, Narduar, the human survey head.
[06:25:04] That was Glaze, Chat.
[06:25:10] W Glaze. W Glaze.
[06:25:12] W Glaze in the chat for that.
[06:25:14] I feel like we've exhausted the people that work here.
[06:25:18] Every time I come here,
[06:25:20] End of feeling like we have exhausted them. These are fucking fire, dude
[06:25:28] Like that little in-depth the burkeys. I
[06:25:40] Never caught on the burky wave and now it's like
[06:25:44] It's not even popping anymore. I feel like I lost out
[06:25:48] Could have worn some confiata shoes
[06:25:52] Yeezy foam runner. This is like I show speed edition. I'm gonna fucking do those acrobatics in these
[06:25:59] Where's Nick? Is he done? He's tapped out purchasing. Oh, yeah, Nick is Nick is like a sleep in Austin at this point
[06:26:06] Me too pushing to his limit. Good. You broke the boy. You broke dude
[06:26:12] What the hell fuck I got a real honest what their baseball myths. I didn't even notice. Yeah
[06:26:19] But it's fashion, but do people use them in like a fashion context
[06:26:24] God damn it. Why?
[06:26:26] Why am I cursed?
[06:26:27] Why am I cursed I have such long arms, dude?
[06:26:31] Like the body of this is large, but the arms are so short
[06:26:35] Look at how sick this is chat
[06:26:40] It's got like a like a velvet
[06:26:42] Whatever the fuck this thing is called
[06:26:44] You got him Nick
[06:26:54] What's the damage?
[06:26:56] I have about eight grand
[06:26:59] Damn bro, dude gets fucking
[06:27:02] It wasn't eight grand
[06:27:06] Wait really?
[06:27:07] That's kind of not bad
[06:27:09] that listen he could tell I was I was poor so he gave me a give you a discount
[06:27:15] you get the homie hookup we got he went to keep his items in those stories of
[06:27:19] this guy can't hack it bro you still you just dropped three bills brother that's
[06:27:24] crazy yeah I know I'm just joking yet three bills see all my subs do they get
[06:27:35] today can I get help with the belts I need like a black belt that's a
[06:27:41] you know 36 38
[06:27:46] what I love is that you're going to go
[06:27:47] western or casual I mean it doesn't matter I just need a black belt I don't have any like
[06:27:53] it's gonna be like a hole in the neck
[06:27:54] I had a what I got gifted a YSL one that one's sick
[06:27:59] I got gifted a YSL one and then I tried to poke a new hole in it but it doesn't fucking fit
[06:28:04] so wait oh it's this way that one's fat though
[06:28:25] Yeah, that's what I mean. I don't know if I can do that. This is too small. Look how sick this is.
[06:28:48] It's the Julius. It's the inside of it. See, that's the length difference. It's a big length difference.
[06:28:56] Yeah. It's gonna fit. Whoa, what the fuck is this? This is a local brand. Oh, this is the Julius.
[06:29:05] This is also Japanese, no? Yeah. It just gravitates to you, man. Look at the capital.
[06:29:12] It fucking gold dust in my pants. There's one other thing I need if I can't remember now
[06:29:38] Yeah, it fits. This is good
[06:29:48] These are sick
[06:29:51] Alright, I'll get this one. No
[06:30:03] What are these are these cologne or is it
[06:30:07] I feel like I've never seen these clothes before is this like what rich people smell like is that what it is
[06:30:12] I would say we're from the Sixth Sense of God and the middle of my story.
[06:30:16] Oh, this is... Bro, what the fuck? That's so much.
[06:30:21] Yeah, that's pretty strong.
[06:30:22] What the fuck? Dude, smell this.
[06:30:25] Oh.
[06:30:26] This is the most powerful one. It is what it is.
[06:30:29] The conference is pretty good, bro. We saw it at the conference so quick.
[06:30:34] Oh, what the fuck?
[06:30:38] Bro, it assaulted my sensibilities.
[06:30:41] It's like stealing my nose.
[06:30:42] What the fuck? I mean I use like Chanel blue perfume like I thought that was like aggressive
[06:30:49] These are this bro rich people are on a different level with their with the cologne game. What is this rouge combigar song?
[06:30:58] These are spicy dude
[06:31:04] This is unisex yes for women I think they both smell like my grandmother I feel like
[06:31:12] That just smells like soap.
[06:31:20] Start with, oh, the photogenics ones.
[06:31:22] That's one I think of the black one.
[06:31:24] These are all based off of different marijuana streams.
[06:31:27] Really?
[06:31:28] Yeah.
[06:31:29] This is like, um, it smells very rosy.
[06:31:33] It smells like a Persian ice cream.
[06:31:45] That one I don't hate as much as the other ones,
[06:31:47] but nah, this is too much.
[06:31:48] Stick with the stream.
[06:31:49] What are these number fives?
[06:31:51] Yeah, so those are the photogenics.
[06:31:54] Oh
[06:31:58] That makes sense you fucking put that shit on you. I feel like it melts your skin
[06:32:02] All right, I think we're good. I'll
[06:32:08] Make my purchases. I'm gonna give you my mic. Okay. Are you still like that?
[06:32:20] Like
[06:32:25] Oh my god, see this way you get coat with all the pockets
[06:32:29] Think about all the microphones you could have, microphones, lights, cameras, actions.
[06:32:37] You could take so many actions.
[06:32:39] Does it matter if we're not color coordinated here?
[06:32:41] No, no, no, no, no.
[06:32:43] It doesn't matter.
[06:32:44] It's going to sound.
[06:32:45] I'll give you the wrong one, I baited you.
[06:32:47] Give a task to me.
[06:32:48] It was a good, whatever was smelling, it was a good smell.
[06:32:58] In a good way or a bad way?
[06:33:00] It was a good smell.
[06:33:01] In a aggressive way.
[06:33:02] Hold on.
[06:33:03] It wasn't necessarily bad.
[06:33:04] I'm on across the Cologne party. Let's see
[06:33:09] You know that they made like what was that the original?
[06:33:16] Like I think it was the original Chanel was made with like pheromones extracted from cat piss
[06:33:27] Look I read it on the internet
[06:33:29] That's about as deep as I went. I trust it with my life like I would a tiktok fact
[06:33:35] Well candles
[06:33:41] Indicators to you, bro
[06:33:44] these are candles yeah I don't I don't think you
[06:33:50] smell them maybe they get you high oh man these are on mark don't even know much
[06:33:59] it's cause I'm gonna put them down I'm so afraid of breaking shit like I'm on
[06:34:04] edge dude I've been like this in every store I've ever been in that like really
[06:34:09] in LA period so far like don't sweat on anything don't drop anything this looks
[06:34:17] like something you could get into.
[06:34:19] I feel like you want to mention the bag.
[06:34:21] Because the bag is actually kind of like...
[06:34:23] Oh, no.
[06:34:25] Oh, that's fine. I just feel like...
[06:34:27] Like, I understand getting, like,
[06:34:30] really cool statement pieces.
[06:34:32] I don't think I'd spend money on the bag.
[06:34:34] Like, ever.
[06:34:36] I'm team knockoff, bro.
[06:34:38] I don't know if that's, like,
[06:34:40] not based because it's, like,
[06:34:42] technically, like, theft of an idea,
[06:34:44] perhaps, but...
[06:34:46] very team knockoff dude when I'm at the Thailand everyone like you could go to any
[06:34:50] store and get any number of like knockoff Yeezys I thought that was based I was
[06:34:54] about it dude Nick would look cute in this little hat what even is it you know
[06:35:03] you look like a little bard and teach them how to play the flute let's get
[06:35:09] out of here. Mike? No, I have to clear around. What are we doing? Mike? Here we are, watching
[06:36:08] someone trying not to drown. Instead, he drips. You can hear it, Pazza.
[06:36:16] Trip. Trip.
[06:36:18] I'm fending every Australian that watches this. My Aussie accent's so shit that it's so fun.
[06:36:22] The only thing I can ever do is canute, dude. I'll never have another accent in my arsenal.
[06:36:27] It's such a fluke. Everyone, when I do canute, everyone thinks I'm like an impressionist.
[06:36:31] I got one thing, bro. That's all I have is this.
[06:36:35] then everything else becomes connected. Every time. Yo, that's like a puffer. This is just
[06:36:42] a comforter. Feel this. Feel it. Not you, Chad. You can't. But coats, I'll spend money
[06:36:54] on two things. Coats and shoes because they go the distance. I'm either by a nice thing
[06:36:59] that doesn't like fall apart in the first wash. I also like shit that makes it look
[06:37:10] like I'm just getting Army Serr plus fabric.
[06:37:17] Do you have like a favorite piece of clothing,
[06:37:18] Mr. Arthur, that you have?
[06:37:20] Do you have something that you cherish?
[06:37:21] Yeah.
[06:37:22] Well, actually, right now it's the, what's the,
[06:37:25] it's the same kind of scheme.
[06:37:27] Mm.
[06:37:28] What's, do this.
[06:37:32] Well, dripped.
[06:37:33] Where's Nick?
[06:37:34] Nick went outside to-
[06:37:35] He had to make a very important phone call.
[06:37:36] Very, very important.
[06:37:38] Yeah, critically important.
[06:37:40] Wait, really?
[06:37:40] No, I have no clue.
[06:37:41] He said it was important, but he has to return some videotapes.
[06:37:46] Yeah.
[06:37:47] I have to return some videotapes.
[06:37:49] All right, thank you.
[06:37:52] See you next time, Zola.
[06:37:54] Of course.
[06:37:55] Give me a minute.
[06:37:56] See you guys soon.
[06:37:57] Thank you.
[06:37:58] Have a good one, guys.
[06:38:00] All right, this is it.
[06:38:02] I mean, we did it all.
[06:38:03] I don't know where the fuck that is.
[06:38:04] I think it's actually missing.
[06:38:05] I don't know where it is.
[06:38:06] I wanted to.
[06:38:07] He dripped too hard.
[06:38:09] We can't even end it yet.
[06:38:10] We have to go all the way back home.
[06:38:12] Therefore, he had to have some trouble.
[06:38:17] Did you know what happened?
[06:38:18] You're not going to fit in the car, by the way.
[06:38:19] Or, I mean, we could try.
[06:38:20] I'll pull whatever, dude.
[06:38:22] We can try.
[06:38:23] Don't worry about it.
[06:38:24] I'll pull it up.
[06:38:25] I'll pull my seat up more, and then Nick
[06:38:26] can probably squeeze behind me.
[06:38:28] I think the problem is that Nick was looking so good when
[06:38:31] he walked out of the store, because they knew that he
[06:38:32] bought something that he got picked up immediately.
[06:38:35] Yeah.
[06:38:35] He's already on a date.
[06:38:36] They kidnapped him.
[06:38:43] Where is he?
[06:38:46] I'm going to give him a ring.
[06:38:59] Oh, there he is.
[06:38:59] Nick, we're leaving.
[06:39:09] What are you guys going to do tomorrow?
[06:39:11] I had nothing to show until he sang.
[06:39:15] He's got something.
[06:39:16] He's like hanging out with a gentleman or something.
[06:39:17] Yeah, he messes with the guy exactly.
[06:39:19] Nick's very into man.
[06:39:20] He's a socialite.
[06:39:21] I know.
[06:39:22] Now that he's single, these girls are constantly
[06:39:24] coming after and it's fucking annoying, you know?
[06:39:27] You know, Nick would say it always was
[06:39:30] and always will be the case.
[06:39:31] But I'm looking at him.
[06:39:35] I'm getting in the car
[06:39:38] Dude, I'm I got hit like a fucking
[06:39:41] Mack truck dude this fucking
[06:39:43] I'm tired a big day
[06:39:52] We got a busy day
[06:39:56] No way that's incredible dude
[06:40:00] Yeah, just talk to her for the first time and you come with us wait. Yeah, yeah here
[06:40:07] I'll pull up I'll pull up a little bit so you can both fit it's no biggie because I'm pretty close to my hotel
[06:40:12] Anyway, just getting the car way you're gonna have to slam it in though
[06:40:27] It's
[06:40:33] Shit
[06:40:39] right now make your pick for me oh damn thanks for helping oh damn I just
[06:40:45] realized at the top of the earth there's a three-minute amber a chat that's
[06:40:48] crazy if you no longer want to see those ads all you need to subscribe for
[06:40:54] six dollars or free with a twitch prime well it's not six dollars in us for
[06:40:57] twenty four twenty blaze it or you give this up behind the driver is the
[06:41:05] safest. That's what they said. I think it's so safe. Wait, Nick, tell us more about your mom.
[06:41:12] What happened? She watched the stream because it was on my stream? Yeah, she doesn't watch me anymore.
[06:41:19] When she watches you like religiously, so I just like stop her. She says, you know what,
[06:41:23] you can be my son again. That's, I'm happy for you, man. You did it.
[06:41:28] So man, I think you're the tank of the subs what camera are they using the
[06:41:33] the quality is immaculate yet don't we have like the same camera I don't know
[06:41:37] but we got Arthur
[06:41:39] yeah you all
[06:41:43] I'm allowed to speak
[06:41:48] I'm kidding
[06:41:50] Wow, is that how you treat him?
[06:41:52] No, I'm just joking
[06:41:56] You know how you treat him off camera?
[06:41:58] No, someone's like we feel like
[06:42:00] I'm going to take a long day
[06:42:01] I'll back it off
[06:42:02] Um, yeah, we can we can black it out
[06:42:06] Dude, this is Nick. Are you tight back there? Can I go back a little bit?
[06:42:34] I like my knees are touching my fucking
[06:42:40] Tell me why
[06:42:47] Okay, that actually gave me some space
[06:42:50] Some reasonable space
[06:42:57] Why
[06:43:01] Spacious car for man of your size
[06:43:03] I mean, I think the reason why I got this car is pretty apparent.
[06:43:08] I wanted like a nice sports car, but I also wanted to, one, make sure it was an EV.
[06:43:14] There was no way I was getting a Tesla.
[06:43:17] And on top of that, this is like, like if Porsche ever made like a, if I could have
[06:43:23] fit in a 911, I probably would have gotten the Porsche 911 instead of this.
[06:43:29] Which would have definitely, probably would have gotten me canceled just as hard.
[06:43:33] I think I got like maximum canceled despite the fact that it was an EV
[06:43:37] Not that it fucking matters like I didn't get it because I was like avoiding cancellation or anything people still lie
[06:43:42] They say like I got a super car or if you don't live like biogenes, they're not gonna be
[06:43:48] You gotta be like shitting a barrel in the streets for them to be
[06:43:51] I can't hear you because I'm my why is this phone function?
[06:43:56] It's just so annoying that it's like connected and I can't disconnect
[06:44:05] There it is. Okay. What were you saying? Wait, I was saying that you'd have to be like shitting in a barrel in the street for them to be content
[06:44:12] No, that no I literally I virtually did that for years because
[06:44:17] I'm just like not even because I'm like like a penny picker or anything
[06:44:21] But simply because I'm lazy and I had the Camry for years and years and back then they used to say oh
[06:44:28] He's larping as a poor
[06:44:30] He's like
[06:44:32] Trying to act like he's poor. He's like faking it. That's what he used to say back then. So there's no
[06:44:38] At a certain point you got to realize it has nothing to do with like valid criticisms and everything to do with just like people
[06:44:45] wanting to be like this guy sucks and it actually he sucks because I hate his
[06:44:50] opinions and he makes me feel stupid but I can't say that that'd be too honest
[06:44:55] so I have to find a different reason and it must be some perceived hypocrisy that
[06:44:59] I sense I don't know that made me feel stupid and I don't like you anymore bro
[06:45:04] yeah okay okay woke fuck this car you're woke wilder bro get the fuck
[06:45:09] out of here mr. Arthur Dina music if I know music yeah what's the question I'm
[06:45:19] trying to pick my song right now cutie needs it like now why you like I'm
[06:45:26] woke bro he's woke Wilder is that something that they say in your
[06:45:33] stream in your community I mean about you because I feel like it's very apt
[06:45:38] Yeah, it's been going, I mean like, since woke became a thing, like, I think I was in college.
[06:45:45] Like, does anyone ever call you woke because your name's Wade?
[06:45:48] I'd be like, yeah, all the time.
[06:45:50] Sorry for repeating the lamest thing, man.
[06:45:52] Yeah, you fucking shred me up, dude.
[06:45:54] Yeah, my bad.
[06:45:55] I'm sorry.
[06:45:56] I'm fucked up.
[06:45:57] I didn't mean to, man, fuck.
[06:45:59] I don't feel bad.
[06:46:00] Dude!
[06:46:01] No, I, um...
[06:46:02] Well, at least I wasn't Nick this morning who fucking failed to inform me that we were ballin'.
[06:46:07] Oh God, I mean, I don't know where we were at but yeah, well, did you know where we're going today?
[06:46:14] No, I told you I could ask you. I'm sorry. You're gonna go out tonight, Nick. No
[06:46:19] No, Nick is over Arthur's gone. Oh
[06:46:23] Arthur's going out tonight. I wouldn't ditch you. Okay. Where are we going then?
[06:46:27] Don't stream chat. We're gonna be going out wherever Arthur's going guys. Are we just hanging out with him?
[06:46:32] Yeah, we're gonna stream it
[06:46:36] Yep, we're going back on the next channel. Oh, the rare NMP night stream
[06:46:41] Oh, two thousand viewers
[06:46:46] The real OGs will be there though. We're out here doing a whole bunch of shit every night. Oh, yeah
[06:46:54] What are you doing tomorrow? What's on the docket?
[06:46:59] Just traversing LA with X-Trim LA
[06:47:02] That's cool. 8 a.m. again. Absolutely
[06:47:10] Actually probably even earlier
[06:47:15] So you have to go to bed now bet
[06:47:17] What time is it in Texas? It's like nine, right?
[06:47:25] I'll be okay. I'm running on this thing called adrenaline.
[06:47:29] What time do you go to bed?
[06:47:31] At home.
[06:47:32] Yeah.
[06:47:33] It's about nine o'clock, yeah.
[06:47:35] You go to bed at nine?
[06:47:36] Yeah.
[06:47:37] What time do you wake up?
[06:47:38] 6.30.
[06:47:39] Oh, so we normally wake up at the same time.
[06:47:41] Well, I wake up at 6.30, my time.
[06:47:43] You wake up at 6.
[06:47:44] Jesus Christ, you wake up at 6.30, dog?
[06:47:47] I wake up at six.
[06:47:49] What the fuck?
[06:47:50] I wake up at six, I take a piss,
[06:47:53] go back to sleep for like an extra hour.
[06:47:55] Wait, what?
[06:47:56] Wait, so that's routine?
[06:47:57] Like you pee every day at six and sleep another hour?
[06:48:00] Yeah, and I sleep for like around 57 minutes
[06:48:02] and I wake up before my alarm clock.
[06:48:04] I don't know why.
[06:48:06] You're locked in, dude.
[06:48:08] Dude, it is very weird.
[06:48:09] Like my life is incredibly rigid
[06:48:12] and incredibly structured.
[06:48:14] Bro, you're not beating the allegations, man.
[06:48:17] I just love a routine. Just a really rigid routine. Same. I do. I do. I feel free. I don't know how to describe it.
[06:48:27] I don't know how to describe it to people. That's sick. You see that El Camino? No, I wasn't looking.
[06:48:33] Like an OG El Camino? No. It was like off-white or cream colored almost. I yued.
[06:48:45] A lot of yeet.
[06:48:47] But yeah, I do.
[06:48:49] I do really love a good routine.
[06:48:52] It is liberating.
[06:49:01] And it's nice knowing what a, it's
[06:49:05] nice knowing exactly what it is you're doing in a given day.
[06:49:07] You can prep for it emotionally.
[06:49:10] Yeah, but time will also fucking melt.
[06:49:13] Like I have a link and I don't know what the fuck happened
[06:49:16] to the last year.
[06:49:17] Well, I mean, even the month of September specifically,
[06:49:20] I think it was a particularly fast paced month.
[06:49:23] I don't even know how we like blew through the month.
[06:49:28] It's not as, okay, people are,
[06:49:33] people are claiming it's not rigid, but it is.
[06:49:39] Isn't it just stream tradition?
[06:49:40] Streamers says something, they're like, no.
[06:49:44] True.
[06:49:46] But gas prices vary a lot by like the street.
[06:49:50] Yeah, no, but there's like a couple that are insane.
[06:49:54] But I won't buy one that was like 450 a gallon.
[06:49:58] Yeah.
[06:50:02] Wait, Asana, when do you usually have your first meal of the day?
[06:50:05] I had it at, like, usually around two to three.
[06:50:08] That's the first one?
[06:50:09] Yeah.
[06:50:10] Wait, what's your, like, meal obsession right now?
[06:50:12] Like, what are you doing?
[06:50:13] I just, I'll do the same thing.
[06:50:15] I eat the same, like, it's usually, however many ounces
[06:50:23] of chicken they give me, but it's grilled chicken.
[06:50:26] And it's usually around 18 to 20 ounces of grilled chicken.
[06:50:30] Holy shit, cooked weight?
[06:50:31] Yeah.
[06:50:32] That's a good fucking pound and a quarter of only shit.
[06:50:34] Yeah.
[06:50:36] I mean, it's probably like two pounds of chicken, bro.
[06:50:38] Yeah.
[06:50:39] You're cruising on that.
[06:50:40] That's almost your whole day of chicken.
[06:50:41] Yeah.
[06:50:42] It's like the bulk of the protein that I need.
[06:50:44] And you eat that as your first meal?
[06:50:46] That's the first meal and the big meal I have.
[06:50:49] I eat that with one little thing of garlic sauce
[06:50:53] and some hummus.
[06:50:54] Nice.
[06:50:55] salad on the side, I need that fiber so I can poop, and then at night, at night I make
[06:51:02] myself a little brekkie sandy, a little breakfast sandwich, I put, I just put sliced turkey or
[06:51:11] sliced ham, because I'm like kind of like, I got this whole anti-bacon spiel, wait I love
[06:51:17] bacon, but I just think it's like terrible macros, it's like, it's not that it's bad,
[06:51:24] It's just that I think anything that's that smoked in that salt is going to taste good.
[06:51:27] Yeah, I agree.
[06:51:28] And it's just a bad cut of meat that they're putting a bunch of lipstick on.
[06:51:32] Yeah, but it's delicious.
[06:51:34] I don't care about like, it's fatty.
[06:51:37] It's principle.
[06:51:38] I like the fatty, too.
[06:51:40] The problem is it's like what, bacon is like 110 calories for like two slices.
[06:51:47] Whereas the protein that you get out of it is not that great.
[06:51:52] like the sliced turkey slices is like 60 for four slices these guys are four
[06:51:57] slices and it has like way higher protein. Wait how you doing your egg? I'm just
[06:52:03] the sunny side up. Fuck yeah. And then two sunny side up eggs one low fat like
[06:52:09] reduced fat slice of cheddar cheese in between the two eggs. Mm-hmm. And four
[06:52:15] slices of turkey I also fry the turkey on the pan too a little bit. Okay. Get it
[06:52:19] nice and warm in between low calorie slices of bread it's like Honeywell or
[06:52:23] something. Oh yeah it is. 35 calorie slices and then I put Chick-fil-A sauce that's my
[06:52:30] secret. Oh that's expensive. Yeah that's why I have so much Chick-fil-A sauce. That's here that's your
[06:52:34] Thousand Island bro. Chick-fil-A sauce is so much calories in it. No I mean if you
[06:52:41] put like a tablespoon it's like I think it's like the amount I put is like
[06:52:46] Around 60 calories worth to make a whole packet a whole pack
[06:52:51] Oh, and one nugget a whole packet is a hundred and twenty calories. I think depending on the size of the
[06:52:58] That's insane that you put a hole that makes no dang sense brother
[06:53:04] No, oh, yeah, it's probably better, but don't don't pop it out
[06:53:09] We'll just um, we'll just swap it when I get in and turn it on the OBS
[06:53:16] And we'll say bye on OBS
[06:53:19] Or you we can say bye on
[06:53:23] Oh really
[06:53:27] Can you get out now only way
[06:53:50] Yeah, I'm chill. I know you want this mic
[06:54:01] Why are you sweating about this pick a fucking song come in through here. Well, who are you being?
[06:54:12] What you don't know who you're being it's tomorrow
[06:54:22] Yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa chill chill lady
[06:54:54] You're crazy
[06:55:07] Hello
[06:55:09] Hello, all right, let's say bye in there. We're gonna do it in the camera on camera or we don't have to do it on OBS
[06:55:23] Yeah, let's just do it on the camera. You know the swap over here
[06:55:27] Well, Gigi's, huh?
[06:55:29] It's a wonderful day of learning.
[06:55:31] It's happening with the focus. Oh, it works.
[06:55:33] Oh, yeah, I did look up this just in case.
[06:55:35] Oh.
[06:55:36] Wonderful day of learning, Hasan.
[06:55:38] We're way go. It's pissing.
[06:55:40] Yeah.
[06:55:41] All right, everybody.
[06:55:42] That is going to be all for today.
[06:55:45] We had a wonderful experience.
[06:55:47] Hope you guys enjoyed it.
[06:55:49] Thank you so much to Nick and Arthur
[06:55:53] for joining us along this journey.
[06:55:55] me. I know I learned a lot, same. I hope you did too. I did. I learned a lot today. I learned
[06:56:02] the most important lesson of all, friendship. Yeah. It's undefeated. Thank you, Wake. Thank
[06:56:07] you, Woke Wilder for joining. And yeah, that's all we got. I'm going to swap it over now.
[06:56:15] I'm going to play the outro because we can. There it is. Everybody love you all. And
[06:56:31] I will see you tomorrow or no, I won't see you tomorrow. I will not be streaming tomorrow because I have something to do
[06:56:44] Film something with quenlin
[06:56:46] With quen and then you'll see me on the cutie Cinderella
[06:56:50] Sheen if I figure out how to sing Red Sun in the sky without it coming across as racist
[06:56:56] But that's it
[06:56:59] All right, everybody. Love you all
[06:57:01] Bye-bye.