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09-22-2024 · 4h 43m

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[00:16:45] Just don't change the mode keep it on movie
[00:16:49] And then
[00:16:52] What's going on man, it is I hold on one second though we are currently
[00:16:58] Experiencing some technical difficulties. All right, we're good. We're back
[00:17:00] And and also hopefully the audio is here too because it's a movie mode. Yeah, I can hear sound working W sound
[00:17:07] Let's freaking go baby
[00:17:09] W sound
[00:17:11] um
[00:17:12] This is just the the zoom
[00:17:15] Oh, I don't even know I think that's just the lens. Yeah, I wouldn't even touch that
[00:17:22] Okay, W Maya
[00:17:26] We started already but hi nice to meet you guys
[00:17:31] Yeah, one second. Let me let me just do the intro real quick. Oh god. We're it's already started
[00:17:43] This really changed
[00:17:46] This really changed it a lot. I think is that better. Oh
[00:17:49] Oh, wait, why is it effing again?
[00:17:52] I don't know.
[00:17:56] Um, it's, it should, well, it's fine.
[00:18:00] They're saying F, but like I can still see it.
[00:18:03] We back, mini F.
[00:18:07] Yeah, signal is like kinda ass right now.
[00:18:12] Let me just do a quick check on something here.
[00:18:18] your faces are all on. Yeah, AT&T and Verizon.
[00:18:25] Should we have audio?
[00:18:29] Well, be honest, it's not great.
[00:18:31] I'm going to log on to mine as well.
[00:18:34] I'm going to give it an extra boost here.
[00:18:36] Testing talking. Testing talking.
[00:18:41] Guys, it's been a while.
[00:18:42] How are you doing?
[00:18:45] I haven't seen you in a few years, except for yesterday,
[00:18:47] I guess.
[00:18:48] But I wasn't looking at you yesterday,
[00:18:49] so I don't know if that counts.
[00:18:50] Fuck it. Actually, I don't want to do that
[00:18:53] No, it's we're 5k. We're fine. It should be good. It just it just experienced a minor blip, but we're back and we're good
[00:19:01] Okay, I think it's official. We're done. We're good. Thank you
[00:19:11] All right, are we are we good to go? Can you guys see it? Is everything good chat? Tell me quickly
[00:19:18] Okay
[00:19:20] Hello, we are here at the San Diego Zoo and I'm joined today on this wonderful broadcast
[00:19:28] with my friend who normally is not very interested in doing collaboration streams,
[00:19:33] Maya Higa from Alvea Sanctuary. We're going up to some animals and I'm going to try to touch them.
[00:19:38] No you're not. I'm going to try to touch anything today. I'm going to try to, I have two goals
[00:19:43] today. Find Mu Dang. Okay, that's number one. It's a very good goal. It's an
[00:19:50] honorable goal. Some might say it is the most honorable goal. And my second goal
[00:19:54] of the day is going to be to pet Mu Dang. And my third goal, which is a secret
[00:19:59] one, is going to be to kidnap Mu Dang and and bring him back home to my house
[00:20:04] where he will be living the rest of his days as a happy hippo. Mu Dang, for
[00:20:09] those of you don't know, is a pygmy hippo. Do they even happy me hippos here?
[00:20:13] Thank you.
[00:20:14] Do they?
[00:20:15] They have pygmy and big hippos.
[00:20:17] Okay, well that's bag secured.
[00:20:19] Good luck San Diego.
[00:20:20] I will be stealing one of the fucking pygmy hippos.
[00:20:23] He's joking.
[00:20:24] I'm not joking.
[00:20:25] You're stifling me.
[00:20:27] If given the opportunity, I would love to pet the hippo.
[00:20:31] Anyway, that's it.
[00:20:33] And we have the wonderful Alves crew also with us.
[00:20:36] They're just walking about.
[00:20:37] They're just walking about.
[00:20:38] I told them they could be on camera if they want to, but I don't think they
[00:20:41] want to be on camera.
[00:20:42] Brussels suspiciously, not so suspiciously surrounded by House and
[00:20:45] Abbey heads already, even though I was like, let's do this as a secret.
[00:20:49] This is for the record entirely.
[00:20:52] This, what we're doing today is entirely because of Maya.
[00:20:55] I was not even gonna stream this morning, so everybody say thank you Maya.
[00:20:58] W Maya.
[00:20:59] Maya's got W aura, she got W hunger, okay?
[00:21:04] She does, she has W hunger and W aura because this morning,
[00:21:07] I was supposed to be going back home.
[00:21:10] at 5 p.m. I have a Pacific time.
[00:21:13] I obviously have my CNN,
[00:21:16] the misinformation document reveal,
[00:21:19] which I was supposed to live react to.
[00:21:20] I had all this shit lined up.
[00:21:22] But then my fucking bitch ass fear and crew were like,
[00:21:28] oh, we have a lot of stuff that we need to do here
[00:21:30] in San Diego.
[00:21:31] So I was like, me too.
[00:21:33] Especially Cue Cinderella.
[00:21:36] Yeah.
[00:21:37] And then I was gonna not go.
[00:21:39] I and I was like fucking I'm just not even gonna stream I'm pissed
[00:21:42] You know I have to sit here and wait until 5 p.m. to do the podcast
[00:21:46] That they weren't even ready for or prep for
[00:21:49] Anyway, and then mine's like what are you doing today? And I was like why what's up? And she's like
[00:21:54] Do you want to do want to collab and I was like yes
[00:21:58] So she is she is literally the reason why we're doing this today
[00:22:03] In the nation San Diego zoo San Diego Safari Park San Diego zoo wildlife alliance has the two of them
[00:22:09] We're at the zoo today.
[00:22:10] The Safari Park is far away.
[00:22:13] Yeah, it's like 40 minutes out.
[00:22:15] I've been here before.
[00:22:16] I didn't go to the Safari Park.
[00:22:18] I was trying to get us like a Safari Park situation as well.
[00:22:23] I tried to get us like a private tour.
[00:22:25] Unfortunately, they're super busy today.
[00:22:28] It's a beautiful day out here in San Diego.
[00:22:31] It is currently, yeah.
[00:22:33] It's like perfect zoo, whether it's 78 degrees.
[00:22:36] It's a little windy, so it makes it nice and comfortable.
[00:22:39] as well. So I'm very excited to go in and again like I said kidnap Moodang or at least
[00:22:46] on the rest holder. I don't. I'm not. I got you guys on lock. Yeah. I'm not a pro like
[00:22:52] you guys. You guys both have it. Shout out to Connor space and the rest of the LVs crew
[00:22:57] for helping put this production together once again in less. It's just totally last
[00:23:03] second so let's let's I did buy all the tickets yeah okay you want to take
[00:23:11] photos before we go in hopefully it's all good this is gonna be the last time
[00:23:15] this happens I promise yeah okay this never happens this crazy nice to me
[00:23:35] you as well get in here thank you so much
[00:23:46] thank you so much
[00:23:47] San Diego Zoo does not fuck around though
[00:23:49] thank you for watching
[00:23:50] they literally were like
[00:23:52] I was trying to be like oh I'm coming with a famous animal
[00:23:55] conservation person
[00:23:57] and they were just like I don't give a fuck
[00:24:00] thank you so much
[00:24:04] thanks to you guys
[00:24:05] thank you
[00:24:06] nice to meet you guys have a great day
[00:24:08] oh
[00:24:09] okay one more what's up
[00:24:11] just quick picture just want to say
[00:24:13] streams and you are tall.
[00:24:16] You don't care about anything.
[00:24:20] That is professional.
[00:24:21] All right, have a good one guys.
[00:24:23] All right, we're finally doing it.
[00:24:24] We're finally doing the dang thing.
[00:24:26] We're going inside.
[00:24:27] It's happening.
[00:24:28] We're going to the zoo.
[00:24:29] Dude, I love the zoo.
[00:24:30] I'm so excited.
[00:24:31] Oh my god.
[00:24:32] I also love the zoo.
[00:24:33] But this is not like any other zoo.
[00:24:34] You want to explain to people Maya that like what we're doing is not an unethical
[00:24:40] mode of consumption here.
[00:24:42] So people ask me that question all the time.
[00:24:43] Number one, San Diego Zoo is obviously AZF.
[00:24:46] So, of what they raised, there's directly
[00:25:04] in the conservation efforts.
[00:25:05] San Diego Zoo, though.
[00:25:07] It's OK.
[00:25:08] Hold on.
[00:25:09] Hold for F. Why the fuck is it?
[00:25:13] Why is it f-ing already?
[00:25:16] Let's just move in.
[00:25:17] It's going to pick back up.
[00:25:18] I think it's just like pinging from router to router.
[00:25:21] I mean, there's four routers on there.
[00:25:24] Some of them are AT&T. Some of them are Verizon.
[00:25:26] should be fine though. It's back. AT&T is yeah. Can you guys hear now? Shut. Did you hear any of that?
[00:25:33] Explain again. Okay. So I don't know. You want to just wander? While it's working you want to
[00:25:39] give the intro and then we can we can go wherever you go. You're the you're the lead today.
[00:25:44] We're letting women lead. I'm a feminist. Okay. So just for today make no mistake.
[00:25:51] People ask me all the time what makes a zoo ethical? How do you know if it's a bad zoo?
[00:25:55] etc etc. San Diego Zoo is obviously AZA accredited so Association of Zoos and Aquariums that means
[00:26:01] they're regulated for their animal welfare standards that means a portion of the money
[00:26:04] that they raise goes directly into conservation efforts. San Diego Zoo goes way above and beyond
[00:26:10] in conservation efforts so they litter you know California condors like the huge bird
[00:26:15] okay we'll see them today. The huge bird? The huge birds. Condors. Birds are scary.
[00:26:20] Okay, so Condors, there were like 22 left in the wild, right?
[00:26:25] They captured them.
[00:26:26] 22?
[00:26:27] 22.
[00:26:28] There's only 22 of them?
[00:26:29] There was.
[00:26:30] Listen to me.
[00:26:31] Okay, I'm listening.
[00:26:32] Sorry, chef.
[00:26:33] They captured them.
[00:26:34] They started a captive breeding program, and San Diego Zoo has now made that population
[00:26:39] over 500.
[00:26:40] That sounds weird when you say it like that, though.
[00:26:43] You know what I mean?
[00:26:44] A captive breeding program.
[00:26:46] Unless they like, do you think they enjoy?
[00:26:47] I'm sorry, I'm sure they have left them dying.
[00:26:48] Do you think they enjoy the fucking?
[00:26:49] Do you think they enjoy the breeding program?
[00:26:52] Or do you think they're like, oh god, here we go again.
[00:26:54] They're like pandas.
[00:26:56] You know how like pandas hate the fuck?
[00:26:57] Are they doing AI in the condors?
[00:26:58] No.
[00:26:59] Um, I think they're fine with it.
[00:27:01] That's fine.
[00:27:02] But thank you for your concern.
[00:27:03] I was, yeah.
[00:27:04] I want to make sure that it's ethical.
[00:27:05] They're not.
[00:27:06] It is ethical.
[00:27:07] They're not like, yo, you have the fuck.
[00:27:09] And they're like, oh, that's a great life.
[00:27:11] San Diego Zoo brought California condors back from extinction.
[00:27:14] Um, they're also working on bringing whiz, which was it?
[00:27:17] I always get the white and black rhinos mixed up southern northern. They're bringing species of white rhino back room extinction as well
[00:27:26] They have a frozen zoo San Diego zoo has a frozen zoo. Which is how is that even possible?
[00:27:30] It's like 80 degrees right now. It's a zoo full of frozen sperm. Oh
[00:27:35] When you said frozen zoo, I thought you meant like they just freeze that shit up. No, no
[00:27:40] like all of them a
[00:27:42] Frozen zoo where they have a ton of frozen sperm
[00:27:44] To maintain genetic diversity and to potentially bring back species if we have disasters which are happening all the time
[00:27:51] Isn't that kind of like
[00:27:59] It's pretty good I
[00:28:02] Like it does that make sense to you guys like it's for me
[00:28:06] Yeah
[00:28:07] Don't they have like a don't they have like a mountain in Utah or something where they have a lot of like come
[00:28:14] inside the mountain in a similar way for like humans.
[00:28:17] Today's not a stock.
[00:28:20] Why did you think this was going to be anything different than what it has been before
[00:28:24] when we've collaborated around animals?
[00:28:26] We need a map.
[00:28:28] Okay. She got...
[00:28:29] The map really did help?
[00:28:31] She wanted to get another map.
[00:28:34] Guys, I think I speak for everyone in the chat when I say the questions I'm asking are valid
[00:28:40] and those are questions that you probably also have
[00:28:43] that you would be too embarrassed to ask.
[00:28:45] like it's okay you can admit it I'm here for you I'm the every man you know
[00:28:53] Utah come mountain yeah I mean that's what do you think frozen sea minutes it's come
[00:28:59] come LaHarris all right we're moving don't say that let's go let's just go this way let's go this way
[00:29:09] you guys can do whatever you want there's walk around should we head that way then
[00:29:20] let's do that there's a show in 20 minutes okay what are they showing us so like
[00:29:25] What I did with you and all those like way better. Wait, what do you mean like they bring in? Oh
[00:29:31] We could have gotten on that bus by the way, I think but I don't know if we can
[00:29:35] It's not gonna hit by bus. They're gonna go this way the quiet bus
[00:29:41] Okay, so there's an ambassador show in 20 minutes
[00:29:44] So they bring animals out and like talk about them and they fly the hell they fly the birds. Yes, sir
[00:29:50] Right
[00:29:54] This is a straight and back bridge.
[00:29:58] None of the gay ambassadors, just the straight ones?
[00:30:01] That's kind of messed up.
[00:30:03] Sorry guys.
[00:30:04] It's kind of messed up.
[00:30:05] Oh my god.
[00:30:06] What about the gay ones?
[00:30:07] It's effing again, but it's back again I think.
[00:30:13] No, I think it's because I said Frick.
[00:30:15] That's fine.
[00:30:17] Yay!
[00:30:21] I'm warning you guys, the Wi-Fi is bad in the zoo.
[00:30:24] I mean there's like hella fucking streamers that have streamed inside of the zoo.
[00:30:28] I have streamed inside of the zoo. There's like certain points where it drops off
[00:30:34] But I think it should be fine overall
[00:30:43] Whoa, can we get on these things the gondola or whatever? You want to see?
[00:30:49] Who's this guy?
[00:30:51] Harry M
[00:30:53] Weed for the AMD founder of the zoo logical society of San Diego
[00:30:59] I mean this is sus when someone is born in like 1800s
[00:31:03] You know that motherfuckers got badass ideas
[00:31:05] He might have done a lot for zoological conservation efforts or whatever, but don't ask him about black people
[00:31:10] You know what I'm saying?
[00:31:13] I don't know maybe I'm slandering this guy, but
[00:31:17] Yeah, that's my rule of thumb if you see a white guy with a name like Harry M. Weegefield
[00:31:23] And he's born in the 1800s. You know
[00:31:26] yeah he was a doctor of racism you want to see some Komodo dragons yes I saw
[00:31:33] them in Australia but like from afar really that's so dude I gotta go to
[00:31:38] Australia yeah the Australians do that we went to was insane like actually
[00:31:43] insane I'm fucking already throwing trash on the ground
[00:31:50] Keyletters, Komodo Kingdom trap.
[00:31:55] Cool!
[00:31:56] Kenneth Griffin, Komodo Kingdom.
[00:31:59] So Kenneth owns these Komodos?
[00:32:01] No, he's sponsored them.
[00:32:03] He bought them?
[00:32:04] The last time? Where are they?
[00:32:06] What is it? Too hot for them?
[00:32:10] They're just like, eh.
[00:32:11] What the heck? Where are they?
[00:32:15] Where are you?
[00:32:17] I'm like a
[00:32:19] That's a that's ironic is like don't they also if they lick you one time. It's over right they hunt you for ever
[00:32:30] Yeah, they like but they don't they just like target you no if they target you once is jover
[00:32:39] Walk it around
[00:32:43] So you think you can take this one I assume no I can't know I think you can take this
[00:32:48] No, Komodo dragons are vicious. That's a trick question. You just ask that
[00:32:54] Specifically because you asked that specifically because you know, they're fucking vicious
[00:32:58] Aren't they?
[00:33:01] No, I can't take a bear. I can vibe a bear
[00:33:04] I can't fight a bear if a bear wanted to fucking kill me I'd be dead
[00:33:07] I'm saying that if I but if I see a bear in the wild the bear will catch my vibes and be like oh
[00:33:14] Oh, dude, you're chill, like you're just like me.
[00:33:17] You have a bear at home.
[00:33:19] Like he'll feel the scent of Kaya.
[00:33:23] That come on, oh, he's coming back.
[00:33:25] I thought he was leaving, he's like, fuck you guys,
[00:33:26] but he's coming back actually.
[00:33:30] Can you guys imagine like dressing and looking like a son
[00:33:32] and saying that about your vibes out there?
[00:33:36] Yeah, the bear would be like, damn, dude, that's so sick.
[00:33:40] You got the Watanabe collab car heart pants.
[00:33:43] Like you got the Rigo Owens,
[00:33:46] The rig goes, there's a lot of cream on them still.
[00:33:48] Ew.
[00:33:49] What do you mean I got cream pie?
[00:33:50] Ew.
[00:33:51] I got cream pie, like I got Bukake.
[00:33:54] Chat, Komodo dragons are endangered.
[00:33:56] I didn't, I actually didn't know that, that's sad.
[00:34:00] Traffic gang, wildlife traffic gang.
[00:34:02] That train, maybe?
[00:34:03] Stupid, wow, stupid, imagine.
[00:34:05] What do they want?
[00:34:06] Who the fuck is like, I want a Komodo dragon as a pet,
[00:34:09] dude, you need to be institutionalized.
[00:34:11] Like people who want gators and shit.
[00:34:13] You need to go to jail, dog.
[00:34:14] If you're like, I feel like that's a trait of an unwell person.
[00:34:18] You know what I mean?
[00:34:19] If they're like, oh, I want to come over to Dragon as a pet.
[00:34:23] I don't know, maybe.
[00:34:24] I'm a little bit too anti-lizard.
[00:34:27] Pass on.
[00:34:30] Chat, I'm moving him out of the populated area.
[00:34:32] Don't worry.
[00:34:33] Habitat made possible by dragon?
[00:34:38] Actual dragons, they're real.
[00:34:45] Oh, you want to know the freaking coolest thing?
[00:34:47] This is where the show is, so we'll come back here.
[00:34:49] OK.
[00:34:50] You want to see the bugs?
[00:34:52] Not really, but I mean, I guess you like the bugs, so.
[00:34:56] Come on, if we up in there, I'll let you leave.
[00:35:01] Okay.
[00:35:02] But it is inside a building.
[00:35:04] Let me chuck this real quick.
[00:35:11] Chow, we're gonna go see the bugs, okay?
[00:35:13] There's a bunch of them.
[00:35:14] It's called Spindless Marvels.
[00:35:16] Why is it called Spindless Marvels, Hasan?
[00:35:18] Because they don't have a vertebrae.
[00:35:21] Take it.
[00:35:22] Because they're scared, they're spineless,
[00:35:24] they're cowards.
[00:35:25] They don't take any hard stances
[00:35:27] political issues that's what it is dude my hand is doing some crazy words
[00:35:36] backwards like actually very nice okay March to learn a thing or two for you
[00:35:42] Connor he's just cute okay chat don't get sleepy right no I think in here
[00:35:52] Let me see let me hold on don't move. It's going down a little bit. Oh, it's
[00:36:13] It's F but it's back.
[00:36:18] Oh no, no, no, it's back, it's back.
[00:36:20] It's back.
[00:36:22] Wait, we're back.
[00:36:24] Oh, it's back.
[00:36:26] Why are you looking so high up?
[00:36:28] Look.
[00:36:33] What is this?
[00:36:35] Dragon headed Katie dead.
[00:36:37] Oh my god, it's the Costco kid.
[00:36:43] Can I tap on it?
[00:36:45] No.
[00:36:47] They need it. They don't like that.
[00:36:49] What the f...
[00:36:51] Bro, if I see this out in the wild, it's over. I'm dead.
[00:36:54] Don't say that.
[00:36:55] I'm saying, like, are they poisonous or venous?
[00:36:58] No, they can bite.
[00:36:59] They can bite? That's... It's over. That's what I'm saying.
[00:37:02] Oh my god. Oh my god. That's terrifying.
[00:37:04] It's a grasshopper.
[00:37:05] That is so...
[00:37:06] It's just a grasshopper.
[00:37:07] Insanely scary.
[00:37:10] Grasshoppers can make cheese.
[00:37:12] It's a big one. These are huge.
[00:37:14] Yeah, they're gonna end up in my mouth.
[00:37:18] scary scary stuff I was a brave boy at alveas I touched the bug all belong
[00:37:39] wingy the caddy tidd winged all belong winged caddy tidd Katie did Katie did okay
[00:37:49] say this one then no the underneath it okay that you did a lot better than I
[00:38:00] thought you were gonna thank you yeah look at them they're pink they're
[00:38:04] beautiful you know look yo they look like turnips I would like if this dropped
[00:38:10] in my Middle Eastern food I would have assumed that this is just like what's
[00:38:15] like a pickle turnip or like a ginger like a slice of ginger
[00:38:22] oh sorry there's a lot of butterflies in here I don't see them maybe it's too hot for them right now
[00:39:57] what's up oh you don't have water whoa please check yourself for hitchhiking
[00:40:06] butterflies before leaving? That's crazy. Oh they said we back. There were no
[00:40:19] butterflies to be seen. Whoa okay what do we got here? Is it hot today? The Red
[00:40:25] Panda? Oh Red Panda! If you don't see Red Pandas on warm days they might be
[00:40:30] resting in their cool back area. Oh there it is! Oh my god! Okay this one I
[00:40:36] I understand why someone would be like I want that as a pet okay well which is
[00:40:41] messed up and we hate that yeah I hate that I would never want a red panda as a
[00:40:46] pet they're really ugly and bad okay well you don't have to say that they're
[00:40:49] bad pets don't take a red panda out for a pet if you see one in the Himalayan
[00:40:54] mountain ranges of Asia in the wild and you're like I want to take that home
[00:40:59] with me don't it's not for you it's not for you why endangered there you go red
[00:41:07] pandas live in thick bamboo conifer forests they eat mostly bamboo leaves
[00:41:12] but also a bit of fruit and insects or even bird eggs I'll have you know that
[00:41:18] was so natural did you know that I didn't know that you didn't people cutting
[00:41:22] down forests unfortunately harm the red pandas but now there are efforts
[00:41:27] Worldwide to create particular areas.
[00:41:29] Safe for them.
[00:41:31] How come you don't have a red panda at Albeas?
[00:41:34] There's, well yeah, it's really hot there.
[00:41:36] It's hotter here.
[00:41:37] There's not a ton, like, in facilities around the nation.
[00:41:40] They're kind of hard to come by.
[00:41:45] Dude, that thing is chilling, dude.
[00:41:48] That's so sick.
[00:41:49] He's cute, huh?
[00:41:50] That's me for real.
[00:41:53] He's got the arm.
[00:41:54] I like his arm.
[00:41:55] He's got the arm.
[00:41:56] The arm is like leaning off.
[00:41:57] The tail is just fluttering in the wind.
[00:41:59] That's, aw, he's waking up.
[00:42:02] He's waking up.
[00:42:04] He's like, man, this dude won't shut up.
[00:42:06] He's itching.
[00:42:07] He's like, ah, my face.
[00:42:09] Getting real itchy.
[00:42:12] What would the accent of a red pan to be
[00:42:14] if you were to do one?
[00:42:17] Yeah, that's my accent.
[00:42:18] What are the accents in the Himalayan
[00:42:20] mountain range of Asia?
[00:42:23] You're like, it's over the ammite.
[00:42:25] I don't think that's right.
[00:42:26] I'm a red panda.
[00:42:27] Yeah, if you no longer want to see these fucking ads all you need to do subscribe for $5 reduce
[00:42:32] It's for free with the twitch prom. I'm Australian. I'm an Australian red panda
[00:42:38] Thank you, thank you. Wow all three minute a break is upon you
[00:42:43] like I said
[00:42:45] Here it is
[00:42:50] Oh, yeah, we got five minutes. We got a move. What is a bird?
[00:42:55] this
[00:42:57] A bird, proper Sheila, not all birds fly, but they all have these things in common.
[00:43:08] Did you know that?
[00:43:09] They're government drones.
[00:43:11] You're supposed to be the wildlife expert, what are you saying?
[00:43:15] Wait, we didn't even get to see, I want to see this one, hold on.
[00:43:19] Yeah, we're not making this shit.
[00:43:20] Okay, okay, we're going to miss this one.
[00:43:25] They smell like popcorn.
[00:43:26] No!
[00:43:27] They smell like really stale popcorn if you peed on it
[00:43:31] No, their pee smells like popcorn
[00:43:35] Well, and they smell like they're pee. I'm trying to waft it in
[00:43:38] If we were behind there you probably smell it
[00:43:47] Chad stay awake. We've got to walk through another building. Okay, we're gonna walk through the building
[00:43:52] We're gonna go through it really quick fast, and it might after a second, but it'll be fine. I think
[00:43:58] Stay awake. They're wired
[00:44:26] I think they should wake.
[00:44:27] Okay, show.
[00:44:30] So, oh, well there's this, how cute.
[00:44:33] Oh, is this what we're, this is it.
[00:44:34] Is this the show?
[00:44:35] No.
[00:44:36] No, is this it?
[00:44:37] There's a presentation?
[00:44:39] This is it.
[00:44:40] Okay.
[00:44:40] Yeah.
[00:44:45] Animals that are gonna come out
[00:44:46] during this presentation.
[00:44:48] Yeah, but he says, somebody says hello.
[00:44:51] Sauce is a good guess.
[00:44:53] Yes.
[00:44:54] Also in Australia, I got to hang out with them and like they were, you know,
[00:44:58] they would like come and sit on you and stuff. It's so sick.
[00:45:02] Maybe it's like a, that little anteater.
[00:45:05] It's a manduwa. It's a manduwa.
[00:45:08] Or no, we didn't do swaths. We did koalas, I think. Or did we do swaths?
[00:45:12] I think.
[00:45:14] What kind of show feeding? So, uh, we're at a little presentation.
[00:45:18] They're going to bring out some ambassador animals with the zoo and do like a
[00:45:20] little educational talk. Um, this is what I did before I started streaming.
[00:45:24] You want to get the mug?
[00:45:26] Yeah.
[00:45:27] I'm going to say either slaw or...
[00:45:29] Binge rum.
[00:45:30] The base on the...
[00:45:33] Hi there.
[00:45:35] Did you know that the binge rum piss smells like popcorn?
[00:45:38] Not a big deal, but...
[00:45:41] Not a big deal, but I kind of know my stuff.
[00:45:43] Cool.
[00:45:44] Nice to meet you.
[00:45:45] Of course.
[00:45:46] Nice to flex on you guys with my knowledge, but...
[00:45:50] What?
[00:45:51] So nice to meet you.
[00:45:52] You got pants?
[00:45:53] Yeah.
[00:45:54] Like you pulled your pants down?
[00:45:56] That's that's awesome. This is the youngest year of government. Hello hi what's going on?
[00:46:05] Andrea, nice to meet you. I'm Hassan. Hello. What's your baby sister's name? Maya. Her
[00:46:20] name is Maya. I know. That's sick. You want to take a picture? Oh great. Great place to meet. This is gonna be cool.
[00:46:42] That's cool.
[00:46:45] That's incredible.
[00:46:46] Do you want to just like go up to the side here so you're not blocking anyone?
[00:46:56] Okay.
[00:46:57] Damn this is wild.
[00:46:58] I just want to be on anyone's way.
[00:46:59] That's a rig right there.
[00:47:00] There's a big setup.
[00:47:02] I'm gonna just like go up to the side here so you're not blocking anyone.
[00:47:04] Okay.
[00:47:05] Damn, this is wild.
[00:47:07] I just don't want to be on anyone's way.
[00:47:09] That's a rig right there.
[00:47:10] That's a big setup.
[00:47:18] Rady Ambassador's presentation area.
[00:47:23] Who do these animals think they are making this way?
[00:47:26] Chad.
[00:47:27] I've seen this.
[00:47:28] I've seen one of these presentations before.
[00:47:29] Last time I was here they brought out a kangaroo.
[00:47:30] No, not a kangaroo.
[00:47:31] That's a giant pouch rat.
[00:47:32] A what?
[00:47:33] A giant pouch rat.
[00:47:34] A giant pouch rat?
[00:47:36] A what?
[00:47:37] A giant pouch rat, like a rat, but it's like this bit.
[00:47:41] That's creepy.
[00:47:42] So sick.
[00:47:43] They detect mines.
[00:47:47] They detect mines?
[00:47:48] Yeah.
[00:47:49] They work for the government?
[00:47:51] Good evening everybody.
[00:47:52] Welcome to Wild Life Explorers Base Camp
[00:47:54] in our rainy presentation area.
[00:47:56] My name is Casey.
[00:47:57] How is everybody doing?
[00:47:58] Woo!
[00:47:59] It's really about one animal
[00:48:13] who's coming out to visit with us today.
[00:48:15] How we can kind of watch out for them
[00:48:17] I will probably ask you all to participate and maybe answer some of my questions if you
[00:48:23] know the answers.
[00:48:24] I will probably answer your questions if you have any and it will be my best to answer them.
[00:48:32] I'm sure there's going to be lots of people who know what kind of animal disasters have
[00:48:36] been a massive hit over here.
[00:48:38] Oh, he's so big.
[00:48:39] Here's my tricky question.
[00:48:52] There are six species of sloths all together.
[00:48:55] Is she a two-toed or a three-toed sloth?
[00:48:58] Because of wrong.
[00:49:05] How many of you didn't vote because you thought you'd get it wrong?
[00:49:12] Why do you think it's toenails?
[00:49:24] So every sloth in the world is going to have three toenails on their back,
[00:49:27] and then you have to look at their fronts to tell the difference between a two-toed or a three-toed.
[00:49:31] So she has a two-toed sloth there.
[00:49:33] There are two species of two-toed sloths and four species of three-toed sloths.
[00:49:39] Toad. That sounds so weird.
[00:49:41] Toad.
[00:49:42] She's a sloth there is.
[00:49:45] She weighs in today at about 10.
[00:49:47] Most of us who live here in California that is about 20 pounds 22 pounds give her take a little bit
[00:49:55] Whoa, she is the larger side of the species of swath and she is a wonderful example of a female which
[00:50:02] tend to be a little bit smaller in size than their male counterparts
[00:50:06] Really the size difference is pretty small so you'll never be able to guess just by looking at them if they're male or female
[00:50:12] Take it home with me maybe
[00:50:14] Alright let's go for another one here you guys
[00:50:16] No, let's do this one.
[00:50:18] Pence is her eyesight.
[00:50:22] Nobody, what's her best sense?
[00:50:25] Smell?
[00:50:26] Smell! How do you know that?
[00:50:27] God damn, I got it right.
[00:50:28] Because the size of her nose, right?
[00:50:32] Usually you can guess the best sense an animal has
[00:50:35] by looking at the size and shape of their different feathers.
[00:50:38] I got it right.
[00:50:39] So owls with giant big eyes have really good eyesight.
[00:50:43] This flock here with these teeny tiny little eyes,
[00:50:46] You might even have a hard time biting them because they're so small.
[00:50:49] They have really poor eyesight.
[00:50:51] But she's got that big nose, and just like dogs, her nose is often wet.
[00:50:57] Wet spells are eaten to the bone.
[00:50:59] Oh my god, I'm gonna die.
[00:51:00] Between them dry nose.
[00:51:02] So having that wet nose.
[00:51:03] Literally has to lay on its mouth.
[00:51:04] Why are you moving it further out here?
[00:51:06] No, it's okay for her to have a little eyesight.
[00:51:08] Because what does she eat?
[00:51:11] Leaves.
[00:51:12] Leaves.
[00:51:13] Leaves!
[00:51:14] Thank you.
[00:51:15] It's a different tree and she eats leaves.
[00:51:17] There is no hunting involved.
[00:51:19] There's not really any foraging involved.
[00:51:21] She would really will just reach out, grab a branch,
[00:51:24] pull it close to her and start munching.
[00:51:26] That is how much she has to turn it down
[00:51:28] by eating her food.
[00:51:30] So she doesn't have to look for it,
[00:51:31] but she can definitely smell where it's going.
[00:51:34] And she can smell if she wants to change
[00:51:36] the type of tree that she's in.
[00:51:38] So she will eat a variety of different tree parts
[00:51:42] or different types of trees.
[00:51:44] Look at her haul.
[00:51:45] The leaves, the flowers, the shoes, she might even eat a couple of bugs that are on the
[00:51:51] leaves.
[00:51:52] Occasionally she might come across a bird's nest and eat a bird's egg, it's not a normal
[00:51:56] thing but opportunistically if that comes up.
[00:51:59] Xena over here is eating what is she eating guys?
[00:52:03] Lattice.
[00:52:04] Lattice is a great way for her to get all the water that she needs and she's going
[00:52:08] to get a variety of different types of lettuce today at Iceburg.
[00:52:11] It's falling on her face.
[00:52:12] It might be cabbage all different types of greens
[00:52:16] I'm dying. Oh my god. Oh my god
[00:52:20] She's dropping the lettuce
[00:52:23] Little treats to have she also gets things like root vegetables sweet potato or jicama
[00:52:28] And lots of other veggies because that grows here in San Diego
[00:52:34] So we can't go over and just cut leaves down for her out of a tree
[00:52:37] So our diet team works without nutritionist and they come up with a diet of fruits and vegetables and greens
[00:52:43] that fulfills all of her needs nutritionally rather than us having to get
[00:52:48] treats. She's so good she's like I had enough. Like I'm good I'm good on the list.
[00:52:53] Why didn't she eat it all? Did you ask that? She's so good. She's so beautiful.
[00:52:59] She's known as a drop feeder and a drop feeder plays a very important role in the areas of the forested.
[00:53:06] Specifically the rainforest for her but drop feeders are things like swaths,
[00:53:11] monkeys, porcupines, they're animals that will eat a certain amount of food and then they'll drop it on the ground and sometimes they can be just that dramatic they're like
[00:53:21] done out of here. But that is really helpful for smaller animals who live on the forest floors because now there's all these little bits of food around for them to find and eat.
[00:53:31] Now I just want to preface this really quickly because I'm going to keep talking but Zina when she's finished is just going to go back into her crate and be like
[00:53:39] Like I'm all done. I've had enough sunlight. Bye-bye. So if she leaves you guys that is her choice
[00:53:44] But I need to stay out here and chit chat and talk some more just for you all know
[00:53:56] Please
[00:53:58] Lost the living the rainforest is
[00:54:02] Deforestation
[00:54:04] You're welcome.
[00:54:06] You're such a suck.
[00:54:08] It's not a big deal.
[00:54:10] So that's why we don't want to go out and cut down tree parts.
[00:54:12] Kind of a conservationist. People know me.
[00:54:14] In these circles.
[00:54:16] This is like a different 12 kids or something.
[00:54:18] And I take away from today's
[00:54:20] start talking about products
[00:54:22] that are sustainable.
[00:54:24] And kids, I know that's a tough one.
[00:54:26] But right now there's not as
[00:54:28] sustainable requirement
[00:54:30] for wood products. Building materials,
[00:54:32] furnitures. We need to start talking about that more and more as a group, as a
[00:54:36] public. There are many sustainably sourced products out there, but it is not a
[00:54:41] regulation or a requirement now. So if we talk about it more and more, it's
[00:54:45] going to become standard. Just like things like palm oil is a really big
[00:54:49] one. I bet you guys have all heard of palm oil and how bad it is for their
[00:54:52] ringetangs and many other animals. And boog. Yes, exactly. So palm oil is a big one.
[00:54:57] And now you can go to a grocery store with your phone, scan a product and
[00:55:01] it'll tell you whether that has palm oil that was sourced sustainably or not or if it has
[00:55:06] palm oil at all. So we want that to become the standard and the way we do that is by
[00:55:10] talking with one another and reminding one another to be responsible. Now I could keep
[00:55:17] talking all day long, but I want to give you guys any questions about sustainable palm oil.
[00:55:23] How does Locke turn around? That's a great question. So she's got a couple of things to turn around.
[00:55:29] The first one is very, very slowly where she reaches behind her and
[00:55:33] destroys her body.
[00:55:35] She's very, very flexible.
[00:55:37] She can put her body up in her toes and grab a branch over there so
[00:55:44] she can turn over by doing a little flip or a somersault.
[00:55:46] It's very flexible, very strange animal.
[00:55:50] Great question.
[00:55:51] Directly feeding.
[00:55:51] What's your question?
[00:55:57] Whoa, I can't hear that one.
[00:55:58] One more time for you.
[00:56:00] Can you help me smell their food?
[00:56:07] Ooh, that's a great one.
[00:56:08] How do I help that smell their food?
[00:56:10] I knew this one. I missed that one.
[00:56:15] It is because we keep their habitat very humid.
[00:56:20] We have misters that are in their habitat.
[00:56:23] And we have live plants that grow in their habitat.
[00:56:26] And then she will let her own nose to get it all wet.
[00:56:30] And that's how she's able to smell all of the food that's hidden around her home.
[00:56:34] And we do kind of find what she wants.
[00:56:40] Great question.
[00:56:41] Look at your adorable Fumiko shirt.
[00:56:44] What is it?
[00:56:45] Does it come out of the tree?
[00:56:47] Yeah, that's a really great question.
[00:56:49] Does anybody know a reason why a sloth comes out of the tree?
[00:56:55] To get boo, but she eats leaves, right?
[00:56:59] So she thinks all the food she needs from the tree is from this.
[00:57:02] So kids, leaves are on trees.
[00:57:04] So the sloth is going to come down out of a tree.
[00:57:07] And not to go to the bathroom.
[00:57:09] I thought predators.
[00:57:10] Yeah, that's super, super weird because she doesn't want to step in the tree
[00:57:13] go to the bathroom because it was even sex trails for all of her predators like
[00:57:16] jaguars and oscelots and they'd be like oh there's a sloth right there so what
[00:57:21] they do is really really strange they actually don't go to the bathroom for
[00:57:25] seven to ten days at a time they've sucked everything solids and liquids for up to
[00:57:32] ten days and at the end of that seven to ten days she will climb down to the
[00:57:36] bottom of the tree go to the bathroom and then she'll lose up to 10% of her
[00:57:41] body weight. She's got the two pounds in one of them.
[00:57:46] Hey, what is it? Ten. Girls don't poop. Four pounds, up to four pounds right there. And then she gives us very, very quickly. That's how I feel after meeting in California, Marina.
[00:57:57] But away from that pile of smelly stuff, moving to this tree, and then climb up this tree and hide over here, so that any
[00:58:04] creditor who finds this goes, where's the sloth? I can't find it. That's why she does that. And that's what happens when she goes around.
[00:58:10] She's very very vulnerable on the ground. She cannot move very quickly. She has to crawl
[00:58:17] One arm over another in order for her to move on the ground
[00:58:21] Another big thing about deforestation you guys if she can't reach a tree quickly
[00:58:26] She's climbed across a road very very dangerous for them
[00:58:29] So another reason for us to be aware of sustainably sourced wood products
[00:58:39] Why is she hanging on a tree?
[00:58:41] Oh, why does she eat while she hangs in the tree? Great, great question.
[00:58:46] She does everything hanging upside down in a tree.
[00:58:50] It's also designed to play hide-and-seek like nobody else in the world.
[00:58:55] She spends all of her time hiding in a tree from her big predators.
[00:58:59] Jaguars, ossalots, snakes, alligators, alligators.
[00:59:04] She's assaulting me.
[00:59:06] Because she's worried I got a conservation cloud.
[00:59:09] So she's gonna be hiding in the tree and her toenails are designed kind of like a hanger hook
[00:59:15] You know how you put your clothes on hangers and you hang them in the closet and they hang there forever, right?
[00:59:19] Unless you take them down. That is how her toenails work. So they hold their entries
[00:59:24] She doesn't have to flex any muscles. She doesn't have to think about holding on. She just holds on her body instinctively
[00:59:31] Holds on
[00:59:32] If you guys climb a tree and fell asleep, what would happen?
[00:59:35] We'd fall!
[00:59:37] Absolutely! You'd fall out of the tree, you'd hit your head, you'd lie down. That was a really bad idea.
[00:59:41] If she falls asleep, her body continues to hold on.
[00:59:45] She's impressed.
[00:59:46] So she has no reason to think about it, so it's easiest for her to eat upside down in the tree than any other way.
[00:59:53] That was a great friendship.
[00:59:55] I have other questions about...
[00:59:57] Did I tell you her name? This is Zena. Zena is a two-toed sloth.
[01:00:01] I knew that, but I didn't want to say it.
[01:00:36] Not here in San Diego, but if you put in a closet and it just hangs that little hook motion
[01:00:42] That's how she hangs upside down is her hooks make it really easy for her to hang on to things
[01:00:48] Great question any other questions about ceiling?
[01:00:55] How did they climb up and down?
[01:01:00] And the branches of the trees are much smaller and easier so she's got a ridiculous amount of arm strength
[01:01:07] They are surprisingly, you would never think about sloths having a lot of energy and being able to fight, but they're very strong
[01:01:14] So she can actually hold
[01:01:16] around a tree and then climb down the tree that way
[01:01:22] Trees have a lot of long branches that hang and drip down over the ground
[01:01:27] So she can actually climb down those branches as well
[01:01:30] They've actually seen sloths drinking from riverways or ponds hanging upside down
[01:01:36] And she's got a little notch in her toenails. She can scoop up water and then lick the water with her tongue from her toenails
[01:01:43] So she'll drink fresh water out of a lake or stream by climbing down onto the ends of the branches
[01:01:48] I have a question. What's the life expectancy of a sloth? Such a great question. Thank you
[01:01:54] What's the life expectancy of a sloth? It's really hard to know because
[01:01:58] It's hard to find sloths in the wild. They're really good at playing hide-and-seek, right?
[01:02:01] So, the average estimation for a sloth is about 10 to 12 years.
[01:02:07] Give or take a little bit.
[01:02:09] In human care, where they have no predators and we're providing them their food and their
[01:02:13] diet, average is closer to 20 years, I have no sloths that have lived into their 40s.
[01:02:19] So, a really long time.
[01:02:22] But predators in the rainforest are really a big deal for them, so it might, it will
[01:02:27] probably be much shorter in the rainforest than here in human care.
[01:02:31] My other favorite printers I haven't spoken about yet is the Harpy Eagle.
[01:02:35] Have you guys ever heard the Harpy Eagle?
[01:02:38] Yeah?
[01:02:39] We have one here in San Diego Zoo if you guys want to check it out.
[01:02:42] It's not like the other side of the zoo, but they are this tall.
[01:02:46] If they were standing right here, this tall, and can pull a 20-count cloth out of a tree.
[01:02:51] Did you see that?
[01:02:52] She literally has predators coming from all around her in all directions.
[01:02:55] That's why she's so good at hide-and-seek.
[01:02:58] That's an awp for the sloths.
[01:03:00] They're sloth good mothers. That's a great, great question.
[01:03:03] If your standard is that you raise your children for 18 years before kicking them out with a college degree,
[01:03:09] no, they're not.
[01:03:11] But they are good mothers and protective of one baby at a time for about 6 to 12 months.
[01:03:18] After that, they are done being mothers.
[01:03:21] In the 12 months, all babies get to grow up.
[01:03:24] Mom will hold baby on her belly,
[01:03:26] and Mom will continue to do all of the things that Mom usually does.
[01:03:29] She eats and sleeps and drinks in the trees.
[01:03:34] She'll carry baby on her stomach down and she goes to the bathroom.
[01:03:37] And baby learned all of the things from Bob in those 6 to 12 months.
[01:03:42] Bob will also mash food in her mouth and drip gross saliva-y food to baby to eat.
[01:03:50] So, I mean, that's a good mother, right?
[01:03:52] Here's some saliva for you to eat and learn how to eat.
[01:03:56] So, yes, she's very good at mothering for a short time.
[01:04:00] I actually worked with a sloth, and he was bigger than Zina is, and he is about 25 pounds,
[01:04:07] so bigger than his mom, and at a year old, was still trying to climb onto her belly like
[01:04:12] he wanted her to carry him, and she was like, I'm all done with you, and actually started
[01:04:17] to push him away and shove him.
[01:04:20] So we had to separate them because he was too big for her.
[01:04:24] It's really good enough.
[01:04:26] Great question.
[01:04:27] Okay, so you guys, I will talk forever, especially about sloths, but I don't want this presentation
[01:04:32] to go forever.
[01:04:33] So I'm going to say thank you for being here, thank you for asking all of your wonderful
[01:04:39] questions, thank you for being aware of animal ambassadors and how we can protect them.
[01:04:44] And now your part, you guys, is just keep talking about them.
[01:04:47] Tell people how cool sloths are, tell people about rainforest deforestation, make an
[01:04:51] impact by talking about them, okay?
[01:04:53] We won't talk about their bad maternal instincts though.
[01:04:55] Yes, you are so wonderful.
[01:04:57] I knew a sticker wrap. I will continue to answer any questions you guys have. I love Chit Chatting.
[01:05:02] But Xena will go when she's ready.
[01:05:04] She'll go back into her crate and go home.
[01:05:07] This is not where she lives. She has a whole big habitat.
[01:05:10] I'll keep Chit Chatting. Thank you guys so much for being here. Have a wonderful day.
[01:05:15] Alright, where are we going next?
[01:05:21] I know, but this way.
[01:05:24] I got out of the kids area.
[01:05:25] Hi.
[01:05:28] Yeah?
[01:05:29] We're live right now.
[01:05:29] Oh good, I'm so sorry.
[01:05:30] Maya, they want to have a conversation with us.
[01:05:33] Hi, I'm good, now you're fine.
[01:05:34] Thank you so much.
[01:05:35] You're pretty good.
[01:05:35] I don't know.
[01:05:36] Thanks for everything.
[01:05:37] Is everything okay?
[01:05:38] Thank you.
[01:05:39] Yeah, we just wanted to have questions.
[01:05:40] Yeah.
[01:05:41] Yeah.
[01:05:42] Cards to the film and everything.
[01:05:43] Yeah.
[01:05:44] When you guys invited to our PR program
[01:05:45] or social media?
[01:05:46] Right.
[01:05:47] People or you're just here.
[01:05:49] No, we're here on our own.
[01:05:50] Okay. So, to the front that you are filming, you are on property, we cannot be doing that unless you receive permission from our PR department.
[01:05:59] To the front that it is private property, unless any of you are doing social media or something, or what are you in terms of?
[01:06:06] It's a lot to do. So I do conservation education on Twitch. I came here a couple of days ago.
[01:06:11] We have a fan that works at the Safari Park, and so he brought us around, and I streamed
[01:06:18] the past couple days, and we're just teaching people about conservation and shyness.
[01:06:22] I love and appreciate that.
[01:06:23] It's really the fact that there's kids, there's families.
[01:06:26] Any filming that is done on property does need to go through our public relations.
[01:06:31] We're also not filming any of the...we're only filming the animals.
[01:06:33] Any filming that goes under us, we're filming the animals.
[01:06:35] Yeah, correct.
[01:06:36] Anything that has to be broadcasted.
[01:06:37] Other than personal use, it has to go through our public relations.
[01:06:40] Okay.
[01:06:41] If you like we can try and contact them right now.
[01:06:44] That would be great.
[01:06:46] It's not a big thing.
[01:06:48] It's just you guys need to follow the process.
[01:06:50] We also get a lot of people to give out false information.
[01:06:52] We just want to make sure that you can contact by our PR and you know our view.
[01:06:57] Okay.
[01:06:58] We'll get a hold of the PR department so they can come and meet with us.
[01:07:01] Who's the name of the person that we can give them?
[01:07:03] Just as the point of contact.
[01:07:04] You can do Maya.
[01:07:05] Maya.
[01:07:06] What was that last one?
[01:07:07] Tiga. H-I-G-A.
[01:07:09] Albeez
[01:07:14] Do you have PR's number? Do you want me to look at it?
[01:07:16] Oh, I put it up here.
[01:07:18] Oh, perfect.
[01:07:22] I'm asking you to stop filming and then leave that.
[01:07:24] Thank you.
[01:07:25] Both of you go.
[01:07:26] It would be great.
[01:07:27] I'll just film you.
[01:07:28] Yeah.
[01:07:32] You got it?
[01:07:33] Yeah, I'm just filming.
[01:07:34] Come on, I'm doing something.
[01:07:35] Okay.
[01:07:39] It's gonna like it a bit, sir.
[01:07:41] Sure.
[01:07:49] Appreciate it. Nice to meet you, man. Have a good one.
[01:07:55] Yeah, of course.
[01:07:59] Hi, hi guys.
[01:08:01] Alright, one, two, three.
[01:08:05] Hi.
[01:08:07] What's up, man? You want to take a photo?
[01:08:09] Yeah, I want to take a stream right now.
[01:08:10] Ah, cool!
[01:08:12] Do you have a phone?
[01:08:13] Well, don't say that around.
[01:08:14] You're a supervisor.
[01:08:15] Can I take it on your phone?
[01:08:16] Oh, yeah.
[01:08:17] I'm just going to give you a heads up before you post it in the FPR,
[01:08:20] because you can get a check on social media.
[01:08:22] Come on, man.
[01:08:23] What can I do?
[01:08:24] Get in the uniform.
[01:08:25] Okay, sorry.
[01:08:26] Yeah, sorry.
[01:08:27] Nice to meet you.
[01:08:28] Thank you.
[01:08:31] Sorry, man.
[01:08:32] I did tell you they were real careful.
[01:08:34] No, I know believe but like everyone streams
[01:08:44] Yeah, of course you can also take a photo if you want
[01:08:56] Hell yeah, that's awesome. Thanks for watching guys. Yeah, let's do it
[01:09:04] H-A-S-A-N-A-B-I
[01:09:07] H-A-S-A-N-A-B-I
[01:09:10] A-B-I
[01:09:11] A-B-I, sorry, B is important
[01:09:13] That's funny
[01:09:15] Nice to meet you guys, have a good one
[01:09:21] Poor Pablo, the guy who works here came up and wanted to take a photo
[01:09:24] They were like, no, you can't do that
[01:09:28] They're only really strict once they decide to be annoying
[01:09:34] It is what it is.
[01:09:36] Yeah.
[01:09:40] Do you want me to hand it to them so that we go over?
[01:09:43] Yeah, and you know what? I'm just going to cut myself out of the middle, man.
[01:09:45] Okay.
[01:09:46] There you go.
[01:09:47] Alright.
[01:09:48] Alright.
[01:09:49] Mine's got it.
[01:09:51] Nice to meet you. I'm Maya.
[01:10:01] Yeah.
[01:10:06] We're doing fake news on animals.
[01:10:22] Should have heard me talk about the Dinteronga, they smell like popcorn, they would have known.
[01:10:28] They would've known I'm on it.
[01:10:30] They would've...
[01:10:48] Stuff in your shoes. Nice.
[01:10:50] Yeah.
[01:10:51] I need a filament.
[01:11:05] Okay.
[01:11:09] kind of tell from her facial expressions if this is a good productive conversation or not.
[01:11:18] Yeah.
[01:11:28] There you go. We're good?
[01:11:31] Thank you guys. Sorry about that.
[01:11:34] Okay.
[01:11:35] What is the handler equal?
[01:11:39] H-A-S-A-N-A-B-I, it's on Twitch.
[01:11:43] Hasanabi.
[01:11:45] H-A-S.
[01:11:46] One S, yeah.
[01:11:47] A-N, A-B-I.
[01:11:51] And then her handle and her information is Maya Higa.
[01:11:56] So I'm just Maya on Twitch, M-A-Y-A.
[01:11:59] M-A-Y-A.
[01:12:02] It's Albeis, right?
[01:12:03] Albeis.
[01:12:04] Yeah.
[01:12:05] The other channel is ALVEUS Sanctuary
[01:12:12] My question would probably be okay
[01:12:14] And that's on Twitter
[01:12:16] It's my mistake, I've actually been here like a couple years ago
[01:12:19] And we streamed a couple years ago with no issues
[01:12:22] So I thought that it was fine
[01:12:23] Just didn't give out any information which is helping us somewhere to go
[01:12:25] Okay, and then do you have an opinion?
[01:12:28] I don't have his full name
[01:12:30] We met him at the Apazoo
[01:12:32] to do and he recognized us so we just walked around a little bit but I don't know this I don't know this
[01:12:36] I don't know this thing. No no no. A few days ago it was on it was on mine yet. Thank you.
[01:12:53] Um so we're just going to walk around like patrons we're going to try not to film people in
[01:12:57] in Uniform and then just don't get in the way and follow the rules of 10.
[01:13:00] Okay perfect.
[01:13:01] Thanks guys.
[01:13:02] Thank you.
[01:13:03] Have a great one.
[01:13:10] Yep.
[01:13:11] Yeah.
[01:13:12] That's crazy.
[01:13:13] Yeah.
[01:13:14] Do you have a contact number for the future?
[01:13:19] I have an email for PRM.
[01:13:22] Alright, let's do it.
[01:13:24] We're back.
[01:13:27] We have beneficially sanctioned mail.
[01:13:28] Wait hold on one sec.
[01:13:29] Let's take this for a sec.
[01:13:30] What?
[01:13:31] I'm gonna be super cool.
[01:13:32] She's pissing again dude, what the hell?
[01:13:36] I need to pee too kind of, but I'll wait.
[01:13:39] All right everybody, we're here at the Spada's Web
[01:13:43] at the San Diego Zoo.
[01:13:45] A lot of Spadas, very scary.
[01:13:48] All right, well every moment that you're not on camera,
[01:13:53] I am gonna be spreading misinformation
[01:13:54] about the animals.
[01:13:55] Please don't.
[01:13:56] I'm just letting you know.
[01:13:58] Okay.
[01:13:59] So if the San Diego Zoo is watching, it's her fault.
[01:14:01] it's her fault yeah okay maybe they saw maybe they saw what I was saying about
[01:14:12] kidnapping mood and they were like this get him out of here get him out of here
[01:14:19] he's a threat stress it's fine it worked out perfectly well I think you can't be
[01:14:29] more like above board than we are in terms of like no I know I'm here with
[01:14:34] you I'm not even like by myself you know being a silly goof I'm being a silly
[01:14:39] goof with you here yeah
[01:14:44] Don't worry about it.
[01:14:46] Can I get your name?
[01:14:48] Yeah.
[01:14:50] Look at that, man.
[01:14:52] Wow.
[01:14:54] Cool.
[01:14:56] Um,
[01:14:58] alright guys.
[01:15:00] So yeah,
[01:15:02] they're very careful
[01:15:04] in regards to media.
[01:15:06] So about any of their staff speaking.
[01:15:08] Um,
[01:15:10] I should go film her.
[01:15:12] Right, the reason that they were, yeah, concerned is one because of the kids I think and two because she was presented.
[01:15:19] And they want that run through the PR, which makes sense. It's fun.
[01:15:24] Maybe if the song wasn't so tall, they wouldn't notice.
[01:15:27] Yeah, Nick was in here. He was filming everything up and down. They didn't give him anything.
[01:15:33] They didn't give him any problems.
[01:15:36] If there's a bathroom anywhere near here, I would like to pop in there real quick.
[01:15:41] real quick. There should be one over here. What's this? No, it actually, the San Diego Zoo does a
[01:15:46] really, really good job with education. Oh, it's a, oh, she's got a bubbler. They want to make sure
[01:15:52] that nothing goes out, but they're not like 100% confident in it, which I think is totally valid.
[01:15:57] They don't want to slander in the animals and be like, yo, this one's ugly. Yeah. It's such a
[01:16:03] funny thing. Like what, what misinformation do people spread about animals? I don't know.
[01:16:08] you I guess like there hey what's going on I think we'll have to make you want
[01:16:18] kettle corn a dough donut burger that's yo what that dude look at this a donut
[01:16:31] burger that now that's a man that's America right there baby that right
[01:16:38] there. Peak America. Do you want a toy? Look axolotls. Do you want a lollipop? Maybe. Show
[01:16:51] you up. What? You're so mean. So mean to me. We're looking for a bathroom. I thought there'd
[01:17:00] be one here. It's first aid. So I don't know. We're just walking towards the entrance
[01:17:09] because there's gotta be a bathroom over here.
[01:17:15] All right Chad, we're back in business.
[01:17:16] We're rocking and rolling, everything's okay.
[01:17:17] Nobody's freaked out, we should find out.
[01:17:19] Don't be so anxious, Scott.
[01:17:20] For the entrances, I'm surprised there's no bathroom.
[01:17:24] Chill out.
[01:17:26] Just do it on the side?
[01:17:27] Yeah, let me do that.
[01:17:29] Let me whip it out, Chad, you're right.
[01:17:31] That definitely, especially when we're
[01:17:34] under heavy scrutiny, that would be...
[01:17:37] Dude, it would be like establishing dominance though,
[01:17:39] right? If I go back to the binturong,
[01:17:41] is that what it was called?
[01:17:42] Binturong.
[01:17:43] If I go back to the binter on Cajun, I'm like, yo, this is what piss is supposed to smell like weirdo. What's up?
[01:17:48] Let's go piss for piss then for band. You know what's crazy is we just gave them your channel
[01:17:53] And so they're probably watching right now. I mean, this is humorous
[01:17:56] I'm and also educational the binter on piss is it smells like stale popcorn duh
[01:18:02] Who the flamingos yo?
[01:18:05] That's crazy. Oh
[01:18:08] my god
[01:18:10] Oh my god! Are flamingos like super aggressive randomly? Or am I crazy?
[01:18:17] No, they're so chill.
[01:18:18] I feel like some of these birds that look majestic are just like also very violent animals.
[01:18:23] No, they're so chill. Flamingos are cool.
[01:18:25] And these are cool.
[01:18:27] They are majestic though.
[01:18:29] They're like these kids that are young.
[01:18:31] Oh, it's the geese. It's the geese that's like really, really violent, right?
[01:18:34] Like the Canadian geese are like, they come after you, I think.
[01:18:39] I don't want to be on the no zoo list.
[01:18:54] She literally this morning was like, oh, I've been eight times my favorite zoo.
[01:18:59] Like she said it's my favorite zoo, I would love to go like she's the reason why we're
[01:19:04] here.
[01:19:05] I guess maybe I shouldn't say that
[01:19:07] If they are unhappy with the final product, they're gonna be like you are banned because
[01:19:14] You are banned because you brought that demon here
[01:19:18] That animal dude, where is the freaking bathroom? It's in this way. Oh
[01:19:24] You know what we're gonna walk up on the freaking long bad
[01:19:29] What's up
[01:19:35] Wait really are they are they like hiding always that way?
[01:19:39] All right sandwich company is this the direction over here?
[01:19:46] Hi, I'm a big fan of thank you wine about it. Thank you so much not for your end
[01:19:53] I'm a Fearan fan too.
[01:19:55] Let's go! We got another one.
[01:19:57] Yeah, I don't know.
[01:19:59] You too.
[01:20:01] What's going on?
[01:20:03] Yeah, of course.
[01:20:06] Yay, thank you. I was wondering if I was going to see you at the zoo.
[01:20:08] I wish I got mine.
[01:20:10] I'm here! I love the zoo.
[01:20:12] Pardon?
[01:20:14] Thank you so much. What do you think of Fearan?
[01:20:16] It's okay.
[01:20:18] No, I just want it too, unfortunately.
[01:20:20] You're the one who's balancing it out.
[01:20:22] it out yeah I'm literally like all of them to like cancel out were you the one
[01:20:27] to say you started going to therapy no there was someone else at the meeting
[01:20:31] grief okay never mind someone someone said that they were going to therapy
[01:20:37] because I want about it remember there was a girl that said that she started
[01:20:52] going to therapy after one about oh my god you're right and then I was like and
[01:20:55] then I was like yeah you watch for your end to balance it out it like messes up
[01:20:59] your mental health wait it's just because oh it's right here she didn't go to
[01:21:03] therapy because of mine about it no no no she's sorry going because we talked
[01:21:07] about no that's what I mean okay so I'm gonna be we're gonna come over here
[01:21:14] and I'm gonna anxiously and rapidly tell you guys everything that I love
[01:21:19] I don't want to be bandied either.
[01:21:22] Alright, alright.
[01:21:24] So, I said this at the beginning of the stream, so if you guys weren't here, I'm going to say it again.
[01:21:31] A lot of times people ask me about what makes an ethical zoo, or what's a good zoo, what's a bad zoo, stuff like that.
[01:21:38] San Diego Zoo is genuinely, and I said this at the beginning of the stream, is my favorite zoo in the nation.
[01:21:43] They're ADA accredited, so Association of Zoos and Aquariums,
[01:21:47] Which means that they're regulated for their animal welfare standards
[01:21:50] It also means that part of the money that they make goes into conservation efforts
[01:21:54] But San Diego Zoo is like next level on conservation efforts
[01:21:59] Crazy. So one of the examples I said this morning is the California Condor
[01:22:05] Big bird. We're gonna see them today. They're so cool
[01:22:08] At one point there were 22 of them left in the wild
[01:22:11] San Diego Zoo was able to bring those birds into captivity and do a breeding
[01:22:15] program in captivity and they've released 500 of them, which is incredible.
[01:22:21] So they're doing incredible work. They've literally brought back a species. They
[01:22:27] have a frozen zoo, which is a giant frozen sperm bank of a bunch of different
[01:22:32] semen, so that they can maintain genetic diversity in captivity and bring
[01:22:37] back more species. I'm obviously not a representative of the zoo, but this is
[01:22:40] all stuff that I've learned here I've been here like probably like seven or eight
[01:22:45] times so they're a hundred years old they're huge there's a San Diego zoo
[01:22:52] here and there's a safari park if you guys are in the US if it was like my I
[01:22:56] can go to onesie what is it I would say San Diego so they set the standard they
[01:23:02] We set the standard.
[01:23:04] Thank you for listening.
[01:23:06] Don't thank us.
[01:23:08] Please.
[01:23:14] Good stuff, good stuff.
[01:23:18] How's it going so far, guys?
[01:23:20] Did you like the sloth? I liked when she ate corn.
[01:23:22] It was nice as they let that finish
[01:23:24] before they came over.
[01:23:26] They were eyeing us a little bit.
[01:23:28] Yeah, I saw that. I thought they were watching her.
[01:23:30] I think they were just big fans of you please don't let his presence detract from mine San
[01:23:44] Diego Zoo employee virus we're very different individuals and I I don't it's not true if
[01:23:50] she she literally condones everything I do and say on a daily basis nope her appearance
[01:23:58] on my stream is nothing short of an endorsement no for everything and all
[01:24:04] things I have said and we'll continue to say
[01:24:09] included included but not limited to animal conservation we're on our way to
[01:24:19] the wombat the wombat that's one of my favorite let's go it's they're never
[01:24:24] out so I think I've only seen them one time I think today's the day how do
[01:24:28] How do you feel about that?
[01:24:29] It would help me a lot today if I saw a wombat.
[01:24:36] I love them, Charlie.
[01:24:37] They're so cute.
[01:24:38] Ooh, they got an ad break and you didn't give them a top of the hour.
[01:24:42] No, it's the secret one.
[01:24:44] Oh.
[01:24:45] The 30-minute marker.
[01:24:46] A wombat.
[01:24:49] What kind of an accent does a wombat have?
[01:24:52] Australian.
[01:24:53] Yeah, right.
[01:24:54] I was asking, I was just checking, what you knew.
[01:24:58] And you knew, ooh, yo, kids have no self-preservation skills.
[01:25:04] Like, they are not like sloth babies,
[01:25:06] you know what I mean?
[01:25:07] Sloth babies aren't either.
[01:25:08] She said they stay with them for like a year.
[01:25:10] I know, but like, after the six month period,
[01:25:13] they're like, oh, you're on your own.
[01:25:15] If you did that to a kid,
[01:25:16] they would just immediately yell baby, you know?
[01:25:18] We are going to like the outback areas,
[01:25:21] so you can use your back.
[01:25:22] Yeah, outback areas, no, I feel it.
[01:25:25] I feel raw at home.
[01:25:27] Trotto, we're now making a trek down to the outback areas chat.
[01:25:33] All right, as you can see, the fawn has changed dramatically.
[01:25:39] Despite the fact that we're in San Diego,
[01:25:42] all of a sudden we've got tropic pineapples.
[01:25:47] Looks like a pineapple.
[01:25:48] Is that a pineapple?
[01:25:50] No, it's not a pineapple.
[01:25:52] Or no, it's not a pineapple.
[01:25:56] It looked like one though.
[01:25:58] What about kangaroo?
[01:25:59] We're now looking at a Hawaiian native garden.
[01:26:03] Right, these are native plants from Hawaii.
[01:26:07] Right?
[01:26:08] They're trying to make it, there it is.
[01:26:10] They're trying to make it sustainable for all the animals.
[01:26:15] Feels like you're in your own neighborhood.
[01:26:17] Feels like.
[01:26:19] What's in here?
[01:26:20] Feels like you're not in San Diego, so close to,
[01:26:22] Oh, Clanty, which is also known as Sninty.
[01:26:27] But instead, here it is.
[01:26:31] Cucabora?
[01:26:34] Why, Cucabora, Sicily old gumtree.
[01:26:38] Not the gumtree, Chad.
[01:26:40] The gumtree.
[01:26:41] There you go, man.
[01:26:43] Stop.
[01:26:46] Fascia Cucabora's wait for the prey to pass by.
[01:26:50] It's free food.
[01:26:51] Cucabora, Sicily old gumtree.
[01:26:53] Yes, he does.
[01:26:55] eucalyptus, a gumtree, a prong purchase for these winged predators, a cuckaburra six motionless
[01:27:01] on a branch until the prey passes by, then it swoops down and snatches the reptile rodent or
[01:27:08] frog with his big powerful bill just like that. Oh yeah, vicious. Passan, it's over here. Spectacular.
[01:27:20] What's up? I'm a little bit but you sure you want to take a photo? All right let's do it.
[01:27:28] Can we take it?
[01:27:29] Oh yeah, I'm so sorry to bother.
[01:27:31] No problem.
[01:27:32] Are you good?
[01:27:34] I ran into you, I guess.
[01:27:40] Do you know why the Kukubara sits in the gum tree?
[01:27:42] Why?
[01:27:43] Waits for the prey to move around silently,
[01:27:46] waiting for the opportunity to strike.
[01:27:48] A rodent walks five, boom, grabs it.
[01:27:53] Thank you.
[01:27:53] Thank you.
[01:27:56] Are you two going to do a picture with folks?
[01:27:57] Yeah, totally.
[01:27:59] I don't want to instruct you or anything.
[01:28:00] Yeah, some theater you want.
[01:28:01] That's right, look at that.
[01:28:03] Budev.
[01:28:04] That's a vicious Budev pride.
[01:28:06] Rotte, look at that.
[01:28:07] How do you cook a burr?
[01:28:08] I think they're change makers.
[01:28:10] Oh, do you like it?
[01:28:11] Oh, hell yeah.
[01:28:12] Thanks.
[01:28:12] Yeah, we're huge on like trying to...
[01:28:14] Yeah.
[01:28:15] Yeah, we're gonna find you another way, here we go.
[01:28:16] Now I can line it up directly.
[01:28:17] Yay, thank you.
[01:28:18] You've been trying to like...
[01:28:19] Change makers.
[01:28:20] Thank you so much, guys.
[01:28:21] Like, I have a non-profit studio
[01:28:23] and we try to do some change in our community.
[01:28:25] Great.
[01:28:26] But then also just in general,
[01:28:27] trying to get some of our friends
[01:28:28] who are more of a living to try to like,
[01:28:30] What can we do in our community to change things?
[01:28:32] That was really great.
[01:28:33] Good, I'm glad you guys liked it.
[01:28:34] Hell yeah.
[01:28:35] Thank you.
[01:28:36] Well, thanks for watching, guys.
[01:28:37] Yeah, and I'm glad you saw the Navy.
[01:28:40] Oh, I see that.
[01:28:41] It's a great pin.
[01:28:44] Vicious bird of prey, the Cucabora.
[01:28:46] If you don't want to shut the fuck out of your mouth.
[01:28:48] The Womba.
[01:28:49] What's up, man?
[01:28:50] How you doing?
[01:28:51] What's going on?
[01:28:52] Big fan, thank you.
[01:28:52] Oh, nice to meet you.
[01:28:53] I don't know why you did that.
[01:28:54] Oh my God, being so clear and clean.
[01:28:55] He's the Womba.
[01:28:56] You're Australian naked.
[01:28:57] I'm never going to see the Womba.
[01:28:58] Australian naked now, he's Womba.
[01:29:01] There it is.
[01:29:04] From the forested mountains of southeast in Australia,
[01:29:07] it's a bet, but it's not a bet.
[01:29:09] Or nor is it a routed, all right?
[01:29:11] Contrary to popular belief.
[01:29:13] It's a marsupial.
[01:29:14] I think it won't matter.
[01:29:15] But that's where poop.
[01:29:16] It's a marsupial.
[01:29:18] You should ask for a piece of poop.
[01:29:20] What am I gonna do, eat it?
[01:29:22] No, it's just that they poop in cubes.
[01:29:26] Nice.
[01:29:27] Like those Japanese watermelons.
[01:29:29] Okay, we gotta get out of here.
[01:29:30] I expected to be cute, but it is.
[01:29:31] Wait, what if it comes out?
[01:29:32] Wait, you're not in a way?
[01:29:33] It's not like the last she's cleaning the enclosure,
[01:29:34] you switched up.
[01:29:36] Oh, when she's cleaning the poop, they don't come out?
[01:29:38] No.
[01:29:39] Why not?
[01:29:40] You think he's poop shy, like he's embarrassed?
[01:29:42] Why is cute poops?
[01:29:43] I don't think that's a problem.
[01:29:44] You think all the other animals make fun of him
[01:29:45] for having cute style poops?
[01:29:47] I don't think so.
[01:29:48] Or do you think that they find it impressive?
[01:29:49] I don't think that they give me a good question.
[01:29:50] This is a good question, my man.
[01:29:52] This is a freebie.
[01:29:53] I think San Diego Zoo's gonna appreciate
[01:29:54] these questions that other people would also have.
[01:29:58] San Diego Zoo.
[01:29:59] I am the everyman right like I'm asking questions that like normal people would have to an expert here
[01:30:06] Right here we have the bush tailed betong
[01:30:13] Look the bush tailed betong. Did you see that? No because
[01:30:20] Feels like you're not
[01:30:21] Feels like you're every moment that passes by it almost feels like you're dead
[01:30:26] You're like this is why I don't collaborate streamers
[01:30:29] It's been so long. I know so long but this is like you're
[01:30:33] This is basically like we're at alveas though. You know what I mean? This is like alveas too
[01:30:38] Is it sort of I guess?
[01:30:41] R
[01:30:43] R
[01:30:44] Is it koalas?
[01:30:46] Nos
[01:30:48] Do you have a koalas wearing the human uniform?
[01:30:51] They do not say koalas
[01:30:52] Koalas wearing a human uniform
[01:30:57] Outrageous, outrageous they love these human hats
[01:31:00] You rarely ever get a sodding of a koala in the wild wearing human clothes.
[01:31:06] Look at the saws of that thing.
[01:31:10] Absolute fucking beauty.
[01:31:11] Koala.
[01:31:18] Freakin'.
[01:31:21] Yeah, me too.
[01:31:22] I'm babysavin' it bad, Tom.
[01:31:28] Elephants?
[01:31:29] Perhaps.
[01:31:30] Elephants?
[01:31:31] There's elephants here?
[01:31:32] Yes, it's a zoo.
[01:31:33] Are you joking?
[01:31:34] Oh, they're giraffes.
[01:31:35] What?
[01:31:36] Hi.
[01:31:37] Hello.
[01:31:38] What? Hello. Hi, I'm Passan. Nice to meet you as well. Nice to meet you, Julia. Do you want to take a photo, Julia?
[01:31:53] Wait, so we get to see actual elephants?
[01:31:56] Yes.
[01:31:57] Hi, that's me.
[01:31:58] Thank you.
[01:31:59] Thank you.
[01:32:03] Thank you so much.
[01:32:04] Nice to meet you.
[01:32:05] Yeah, koalas, moss, and they got the bets on here as well.
[01:32:17] Look at the sheep head.
[01:32:19] Look at the sheep head.
[01:32:24] If you guys remember the Australia streams, these guys have, you know, they have a lot
[01:32:30] of STDs.
[01:32:31] media and they all have a have a chlamydia outbreak in the in the koala
[01:32:39] population their names are
[01:32:41] overall, Burley, Omeo, Chuckles. Pretty chill guys, Pura and Logan. They can be a little
[01:32:47] handsy I think right I don't do I don't know what you're talking about and
[01:32:55] I don't want to be part of it wait give us some facts about koalas I don't
[01:32:59] I don't really know that much. They eat eucalyptus only, which is crazy.
[01:33:02] They'll only eat it off of branches or off of trees.
[01:33:06] They can't give them bowls of eucalyptus leaves here, because they won't eat them that way.
[01:33:10] I like that. They're picky eaters.
[01:33:12] They're like fresh only. Farm the table for me, please.
[01:33:15] And I respect that.
[01:33:17] The CDC does the video, and like, these pre-nation studies on them.
[01:33:22] I guess it just spreads up crazy.
[01:33:25] Someone's at End Their Mothers' Shit.
[01:33:28] That's what we hate about it.
[01:33:32] It's over there. I don't know. It's over there.
[01:33:34] You want to see the giraffes?
[01:33:35] Yes.
[01:33:36] We're gonna see the giraffes.
[01:33:37] Of course I want to see the giraffes.
[01:33:38] But I want to...
[01:33:39] We should have more for all of us.
[01:33:40] I think it's a little too hot.
[01:33:41] What?
[01:33:42] In the middle of the day for a lot of these animals
[01:33:44] to be like out and about.
[01:33:46] Chat, what happened to a Mari Cooper?
[01:33:48] What?
[01:33:49] What happened?
[01:33:50] You have a Mari Cooper now?
[01:33:51] Yeah.
[01:33:52] Are you kidding?
[01:33:53] What?
[01:33:54] You wouldn't understand.
[01:33:56] You're fancy.
[01:33:58] Football sports, you know, I have no clue what you're talking about
[01:34:05] Joe what happened to him is it here? Yeah, who?
[01:34:16] Sport someone's a shrug. I don't know someone's a shrug had a good game. Is that a giraffe?
[01:34:25] I got you guys. Oh
[01:34:28] Wait, that's a real one
[01:34:29] That's not as opposed to what like as opposed to a statue of it. Oh my god
[01:34:36] Okay, you don't want to see the draft today, right?
[01:34:38] You want to loop around?
[01:34:39] Well, loop.
[01:34:40] Okay.
[01:34:41] Cheeto?
[01:34:42] Cheeto.
[01:34:43] Cheeto.
[01:34:47] Cheeto?
[01:34:48] So when was it broke his leg?
[01:34:50] They do cheetah runs at the San Diego Zoo, so they do like a demo where they show how fast they run.
[01:34:55] What?
[01:34:56] How?
[01:34:57] Like they just make them run after like a piece of meat or something?
[01:34:58] They have like a line, I think, with a lure on the ground.
[01:35:00] Guys.
[01:35:01] They pull it really fast.
[01:35:02] Cheetah females give birth to three to six cups.
[01:35:04] For those of you who don't know the larger the litter, the better.
[01:35:06] is only unfortunately 30% of the cup survived.
[01:35:09] Dang.
[01:35:10] Predators, like lions, take a toll.
[01:35:14] Cheetahs also sometimes make a sound, like birds,
[01:35:17] when they make a chirping noise.
[01:35:18] They also purr snarl and growl.
[01:35:21] But they never roar.
[01:35:26] The cheetah runs aren't scheduled, though,
[01:35:28] because they only do it when the cheetah wants to do it.
[01:35:29] Please do not run.
[01:35:30] Cheetahs get super lucky.
[01:35:31] So if you run like you can get the cheetah to get
[01:35:33] excited and run with you because they love running?
[01:35:35] No, they'd like do the demo.
[01:35:37] No, but it says please do not run.
[01:35:38] I bet that's our chasing animal, like our wolf dogs do.
[01:35:41] Yeah.
[01:35:42] Excited.
[01:35:43] Dude, that's so sick though.
[01:35:44] Imagine running with cheetahs.
[01:35:47] I feel like that's some of the I-Show-Speaks
[01:35:48] going to inevitably do.
[01:35:50] Dude, cheetahs can run what?
[01:35:52] I watched the bass, it's like 30.
[01:35:56] Is it?
[01:35:56] Maybe it's in the local.
[01:35:58] Isn't it?
[01:35:59] People, yeah.
[01:36:01] Domestic dogs help wild cheetahs.
[01:36:03] Conservationists are learning about cheetahs
[01:36:05] in an unusual way with the help of domestic dogs
[01:36:07] In the African wilderness, cheetahs are hard to find,
[01:36:09] but these dogs with super sniffers
[01:36:12] are trained to seek out cheetah scat, poop, in the field.
[01:36:15] Scat samples yield DNA that helps researchers count
[01:36:17] and identify individual cheetahs
[01:36:19] and see how they're related and where they go.
[01:36:21] That's sick.
[01:36:22] Domestic dogs that protect livestock
[01:36:23] are protecting cheetahs too.
[01:36:25] Keeping carnivores at bay means less predation
[01:36:27] and less retaliation from herders.
[01:36:29] But there's not a single one.
[01:36:32] People think that cheetahs are the fastest animal. They're actually not, like, by a lot,
[01:36:39] if you count birds. Perican falcons can dive at like 240 miles an hour. Cheetahs can run
[01:36:44] like that.
[01:36:45] You are so in the pocket of big bird, like it's kind of unbearable. How much you love
[01:36:50] birds.
[01:36:51] I love birds.
[01:36:52] You're such, you're a big bird. Cheer up.
[01:36:55] Wow, okay, so they're not in there.
[01:36:59] That's crazy.
[01:37:00] Yeah, maybe we should have gone the other way.
[01:37:01] I'm sorry.
[01:37:02] It's okay.
[01:37:03] We're still learning facts about Shades.
[01:37:07] Suddefrika? Chita?
[01:37:09] Chito?
[01:37:10] What's in here?
[01:37:14] I don't know.
[01:37:15] Let's take a look.
[01:37:16] Wait, I haven't seen these actually.
[01:37:20] The Laughin Kukubara.
[01:37:23] Kukubara start the day with a lap course of laughter.
[01:37:29] And they often say good nought the same way at dusk.
[01:37:34] Give us a chip Kukubara.
[01:37:36] You're a beautiful piece.
[01:37:38] Ha ha ha ha.
[01:37:39] Hi, buddy.
[01:37:40] Locked that.
[01:37:41] Where is he?
[01:37:42] He's up there.
[01:37:43] On the, on the branch.
[01:37:46] Oh, there he is.
[01:37:48] He's not laughing now, is he?
[01:37:52] Now not at all.
[01:37:59] Animals temporarily off-habitat.
[01:38:04] The ventral upturned piece.
[01:38:06] I don't even, I'm trying to get a whiff of that piece of ventron.
[01:38:10] I'm trying to waft it in.
[01:38:11] And then the back there.
[01:38:12] Having a single whiff of that popcorn stall piece
[01:38:18] Careful with my bite that'd be so sick if I got bit by a binturong
[01:38:26] Nah, I tank it. I'm different. It's fine
[01:38:30] Whoa, look at that big fatty. Oh my god. Oh my god. He's so cute
[01:38:46] Where's he going? African crusted porcupine. This is the third largest rodent in the world
[01:38:51] He's a rodent.
[01:38:54] Oh, well, I mean, I guess Cababars are rodents too, right?
[01:38:57] Cababars are the largest rodent in the world.
[01:39:00] And then North American Beavers.
[01:39:01] This looks like a cababar, but like fancy.
[01:39:03] Yeah.
[01:39:04] Like, he's like, so do they move the, I assume it's keratin, right?
[01:39:09] If they get, if they get scared, they can like puff them out, but they can't shoot
[01:39:12] them out.
[01:39:13] It's keratin, right?
[01:39:14] Like, that's what it is.
[01:39:15] It's just like hair that like super, super hardens.
[01:39:17] That is my guess.
[01:39:20] I know the answer.
[01:39:21] I'm right on it, I'm just testing your knowledge.
[01:39:24] Right.
[01:39:26] That's what it is.
[01:39:27] It's like hyper-matted.
[01:39:30] It's not even matted at that point.
[01:39:31] It feels like a bone basically.
[01:39:33] Look at them, they're cute.
[01:39:35] I think I...
[01:39:36] Did we pet them in Australia chat?
[01:39:45] If he shakes them at you, it's a warning, but he's chilling.
[01:39:48] Look at him, he's walking in circles, what are they doing?
[01:39:52] What the dog doing?
[01:39:53] I think that one just wants to leave maybe they feed him from that hole or
[01:39:59] something or when they bring the food in from that side so they're like I'm
[01:40:02] hungry
[01:40:07] little pitter-patter yeah they I feel like they definitely want food right yeah
[01:40:16] it looks like they're waiting for something I don't think this is not
[01:40:19] like pacing behavior they're like I think they're probably on schedule yeah
[01:40:23] and they're they're hungry little bids we're hot right up aren't we old so cute
[01:40:31] so cute feeding time for the porcupines South African
[01:40:35] ghost of porcupines. So you have to get porcupines. Oh what's on more flamingos. It's feeding time.
[01:40:40] Nose!
[01:40:44] Oh Don Quixote do Flamingo. Damn there's a white one.
[01:40:58] What's the name sound like? Is the white one also a flamingo?
[01:41:02] This is not a white one. Oh in the back? Yeah, what is that? They're born gray. They get their color from what they eat
[01:41:08] So that means it's like a little baby? So he's younger probably. It is white. It means like a baby
[01:41:13] Or no, it's a greater one maybe
[01:41:16] Threats the flamingos are habitat loss predators such as big cats vultures in foxes
[01:41:23] poaching for feathers and eggs and people distributing their colonies which causes eggs and chicks to be abandoned
[01:41:28] Nice, this one's nice. Yeah
[01:41:30] kind of an L that some of them are called lesser flamingos and greater
[01:41:37] flamingos that's weird they're like yeah you suck you're a lesser flamingo
[01:41:42] look at that one that one looks crazy look at the white one yo this one is
[01:41:49] chilling what's up big dog yeah that's what I'm talking about he knows you know
[01:41:56] we're just I know their language I'm speaking it
[01:42:15] Yo, what's up peace? Yeah, he's like
[01:42:22] Hello, hi, that's me chat. I know you probably can't can't distinguish between me doing it because I'm doing such a good job
[01:42:33] But that's just me speaking
[01:42:36] Not donkey Odie you like the mystery
[01:42:42] He said yeah, they look so menacing. I'm not gonna lie. Oh my god. They're strong their birds are so scary
[01:42:50] straight up
[01:42:51] Have a good day, good bye
[01:42:54] Literal Bino, look at these dino
[01:42:57] Big boy
[01:43:01] All birds, modern birds are descendants of pheropods
[01:43:04] Oh, oh, oh Zebra and donkey, shut the frick up. Oh my god
[01:43:15] Pheropods, witcher, Zebra drink water every day and Zebra habitat depends on water availability family as you might have
[01:43:20] get Zebra's asses
[01:43:22] instead of bad word and horses are closely related in fact in fact they
[01:43:27] share the same genus
[01:43:28] equi equiwis equiwis equiwis helpful donkey activity in the dry desert lands
[01:43:34] benefit waterways important in native plants of wildlife
[01:43:37] equiwis asenas is the horse family that goes by common names including burro
[01:43:43] and donkey donkey
[01:43:45] parapods two-legged three-toed feathered raptors
[01:43:50] Like a flamingo, same thing.
[01:43:52] Skeletal comparisons are crazy.
[01:43:53] Dude, that's crazy.
[01:43:54] How do you not try to ride that?
[01:43:56] Majestic.
[01:43:59] Three, two, one.
[01:44:00] Zebra.
[01:44:03] Oh, he's got it.
[01:44:05] He's itchy boy.
[01:44:06] All right, girl.
[01:44:08] Can't tell from here.
[01:44:09] OK.
[01:44:09] Hey, girl.
[01:44:11] Itchy girl.
[01:44:16] She looks kinda young, right?
[01:44:17] Yeah.
[01:44:18] Hi, little.
[01:44:20] They're so cool.
[01:44:22] They're too lazy.
[01:44:24] So are they black with white stripes or white with black stripes?
[01:44:27] You know, that's a great question to ask.
[01:44:29] I don't know if there's a real answer.
[01:44:31] I think that their skin is black, if that makes any difference.
[01:44:35] So is that the skin or the fur that's black right there?
[01:44:37] Well, it's both.
[01:44:39] But then it's white fur over black skin.
[01:44:45] They're so pretty.
[01:44:46] Yeah, they're so cool.
[01:44:48] This is Zebra and this little donkey friend.
[01:44:51] And she's cute.
[01:44:52] You got cute bangs.
[01:44:54] Chacha got these bangs.
[01:44:55] They're banging.
[01:44:58] Oh, yes.
[01:44:59] This is very nice.
[01:45:01] Why are you wearing a zebra long ago?
[01:45:03] I thought about it.
[01:45:05] You want to ride it?
[01:45:06] No.
[01:45:07] No, I don't.
[01:45:09] This one doesn't look so mean.
[01:45:12] I always tell people, as a horse girl myself,
[01:45:16] I always tell people that horses are basically dogs,
[01:45:20] but smarter and much larger.
[01:45:24] But I do feel like they're very similar to dogs.
[01:45:28] Grants.
[01:45:29] A lot of people are terrified of horses.
[01:45:32] Well, I mean, horses are dangerous.
[01:45:33] Well, they are, but only due to their size.
[01:45:38] I mean, they're not like, I guess it
[01:45:42] depends if there's like a marring heat or something
[01:45:46] and you're around a stallion, then they
[01:45:48] They might get a little, they might get a little, oh my God, speaking of horses, look at these horses.
[01:45:55] Three, two, one.
[01:45:56] Oh, that's, oh my God, oh, they're freaking majestic.
[01:46:07] Giraffes.
[01:46:08] I would love the ride one.
[01:46:10] I don't think that would go well.
[01:46:11] That would be so sick, they would, I would vibe it out.
[01:46:14] They would be like totally chill.
[01:46:15] You want to picture with him?
[01:46:16] Yeah.
[01:46:17] Oh, sure.
[01:46:18] Yeah.
[01:46:19] Thank you so much I've been a super big fan you're actually like one of the
[01:46:25] biggest reason I've been working out I'm down 30 pounds. Hell yeah my man
[01:46:29] congratulations keep it up. I feel like you're a little weird with
[01:46:44] their tongue game. They got like a like a slithery you know what it comes
[01:46:50] is like, black or purple?
[01:46:52] Take my mic, Chris, I got a phone.
[01:46:54] No, because it doesn't get sunburned.
[01:46:56] Their tongues get sunburned?
[01:46:58] They didn't have the black.
[01:47:00] They didn't have the black or purple tongue.
[01:47:02] Oh, is there like melanin?
[01:47:05] Yeah, because their tongue is out all the time
[01:47:08] when they're going through the leaves.
[01:47:09] Oh my god, that's sick.
[01:47:11] And they've learned, so the leaves that they eat,
[01:47:13] the trees, when they eat them,
[01:47:16] they'll release kind of like a gas.
[01:47:18] and the other trees around it will start to turn bitter
[01:47:22] to where they don't taste good and are all toxic.
[01:47:24] So they've learned to eat into the wind for the trees.
[01:47:28] So the gas doesn't go to the other trees next to them.
[01:47:31] And then they graze around.
[01:47:33] You want to take a photo?
[01:47:34] Yeah.
[01:47:35] Drafts are so cool.
[01:47:36] Yeah, they're dope.
[01:47:38] Why do they have little nubs in their head?
[01:47:40] Is it to shake off the tree?
[01:47:42] It's for fighting.
[01:47:43] Oh, OK.
[01:47:44] Why are they nubs though?
[01:47:45] Why are they not like horned?
[01:47:47] they just haven't needed them so they just have my help let's do it hello youngest
[01:47:54] house on on the head hi what's up you want to take photos wall that's a sick
[01:48:06] shirt let's do it actually I work here I've like met my last year oh nice
[01:48:26] I'm going guys.
[01:48:28] I'm talking about the gas train.
[01:48:30] Oh, did you?
[01:48:31] Yeah.
[01:48:32] Isn't that crazy?
[01:48:32] Did you know that giraffes have black tongues?
[01:48:35] Because if they didn't have black tongues, it would melt in.
[01:48:37] They would.
[01:48:39] Oh my god!
[01:48:41] Oh my god, they're coming over here.
[01:48:42] What's up, dude?
[01:48:44] What's up?
[01:48:46] He's like, nah.
[01:48:49] He said nah.
[01:48:51] He looked right at me.
[01:48:52] It was like, I'm good.
[01:48:54] Look at that tongue.
[01:48:56] Yeah, then we get sunburned.
[01:48:57] Did you know that?
[01:48:59] That's interesting, my sense.
[01:49:03] Cool.
[01:49:04] Cool.
[01:49:05] They're so sick.
[01:49:09] What does that tongue do?
[01:49:11] Don't say that about the tongue.
[01:49:12] Pick up.
[01:49:13] Oh.
[01:49:14] Oh.
[01:49:17] They want to hang out.
[01:49:18] She's like, come on.
[01:49:20] Come on, walk with us in the line.
[01:49:22] Imagine walking with your tongue out like that all the time.
[01:49:24] She's chilling.
[01:49:29] Wonder why she's doing that.
[01:49:30] I don't know.
[01:49:31] Pack it up lady. It's not very lady-like of you
[01:49:42] They like they just look
[01:49:46] Like they're not supposed to be
[01:49:49] This shape does that make sense. Yeah, like it's just
[01:49:53] It just looks so strange because like they look unbalanced
[01:49:58] tons of homosexual behavior in your ass
[01:50:03] really? tons, yeah
[01:50:05] nice, LGBT pride
[01:50:10] look at this little guy, son
[01:50:13] I don't know what he is
[01:50:15] panel up
[01:50:16] that little guy
[01:50:18] do you want to come on with you?
[01:50:20] yeah, of course
[01:50:22] that's nice to meet you
[01:50:26] nice to meet you as well, have a good one
[01:50:28] there's lots and lots of
[01:50:30] uh
[01:50:32] Lots and lots of homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom.
[01:50:36] 100% of the nobos, 100% of the nobos engage in homosexual behavior throughout their lives.
[01:50:44] It's a fun thing for them.
[01:50:46] It's a newbie in gazelle.
[01:50:48] Cool.
[01:50:49] Lots of giraffes.
[01:50:51] Lions.
[01:50:53] Lions.
[01:50:54] Where?
[01:50:55] I'm just telling them about gay behavior.
[01:50:57] Oh yeah.
[01:50:59] Lions.
[01:51:01] Out in the Serengeti, the male lion, in charge of the pride.
[01:51:07] Only remains active when it's feeding time.
[01:51:12] The women are the ones who are responsible for the hunting and pretty much everything else.
[01:51:17] The male lion sits around until it's time for breeding once a year for an incredible fucksession.
[01:51:26] that is approximately a week longer, I think, if I'm not mistaken,
[01:51:31] where he shows his resilience over time.
[01:51:35] And after that, the male lion goes back to
[01:51:39] basically chilling and waiting for the women to do all the work.
[01:51:44] Yes or no? Yeah.
[01:51:47] Okay. Yes.
[01:51:50] So elephants don't, they sleep standing up? Is that yes or no?
[01:51:54] That's, yeah.
[01:51:55] Do they ever lie down?
[01:51:57] It's hard for them to get up with it.
[01:52:00] Some horses, yeah, not all horses sleep standing up.
[01:52:02] Some of them, like, lie down.
[01:52:04] I don't know if elephants are the same.
[01:52:06] Giraffes only sleep, like, like,
[01:52:09] handfuls of minutes a day.
[01:52:10] Like, they're not sleeping hours.
[01:52:11] What?
[01:52:12] They just wired the whole time?
[01:52:13] They're not sleeping hours.
[01:52:15] Do they, when they sleep, do you think their head still
[01:52:17] pops up like this?
[01:52:19] They just lay down like a horse,
[01:52:20] but then their head sticks up?
[01:52:22] Giraffes are not lying down very much at all.
[01:52:24] That's a big ordeal to get up, you know.
[01:52:27] I can see that.
[01:52:28] Elephant's going on.
[01:52:30] Elephant Odyssey.
[01:52:31] Oh, you know what?
[01:52:32] We're going to see the penguins.
[01:52:33] I didn't see the penguins.
[01:52:34] I was almost here.
[01:52:35] So, what's up?
[01:52:36] I'll take a picture.
[01:52:37] Yeah.
[01:52:38] That'll be awesome.
[01:52:39] I'm also going to get a picture with you.
[01:52:41] Sure, yeah.
[01:52:42] What's going on?
[01:52:45] Nice to meet you.
[01:52:46] Nice to meet you as well.
[01:52:47] Awesome.
[01:52:50] Thank you so much.
[01:52:51] You're awesome shows friend, right?
[01:52:52] Yeah, I'm awesome shows friend.
[01:52:53] You want to take a photo?
[01:52:54] No, no, no.
[01:52:55] Nice to meet you.
[01:52:57] It's all good.
[01:52:59] Thank you.
[01:53:01] It's fine. You're never going to see me again.
[01:53:03] You want to take a shot? Go ahead.
[01:53:05] I'll do rock paper scissors.
[01:53:07] Okay. Let's do it.
[01:53:11] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
[01:53:13] Alright, best of three.
[01:53:15] You're not walking away from this stuff.
[01:53:17] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
[01:53:19] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
[01:53:21] Alright, you bested me, sir.
[01:53:23] Hey, that's all good.
[01:53:25] Nice to meet you.
[01:53:27] Nice to meet you guys.
[01:53:33] I got destroyed.
[01:53:34] Oh, into the marketplace of ideas.
[01:53:35] Why'd you just play Rock Paper Scissors?
[01:53:36] I don't know if you wanted to.
[01:53:37] Oh.
[01:53:38] Um, are you good?
[01:53:39] Yes.
[01:53:40] Okay.
[01:53:41] I'm good.
[01:53:42] The hotel is calling me about my stuff.
[01:53:43] I should figure it out.
[01:53:45] Stuff that she's done in the room.
[01:53:47] Wild.
[01:53:48] Broke the bathroom.
[01:53:49] No.
[01:53:50] You don't want to know.
[01:53:51] Oh, thank God.
[01:53:53] What?
[01:53:54] I stepped on a cheeto.
[01:53:55] I thought it was a snail.
[01:53:59] Elephant Odyssey down that way yep. Oh my god. This is so sick. I love I love big animals
[01:54:07] I they're so dope. Oh, we have to see the hippos like that's not a joke. They have hippos here, right? Oh
[01:54:16] Dude
[01:54:20] The thing is like
[01:54:22] The thing I don't understand is like if they're so big and so cuddly looking like why so violent you know what I mean?
[01:54:30] What?
[01:54:30] Why friendship?
[01:54:31] Hippos?
[01:54:32] Hippos.
[01:54:32] Oh, okay.
[01:54:33] Why friendship if not friend?
[01:54:35] It doesn't make any sense.
[01:54:36] I feel like we've angered them.
[01:54:37] We've angered them and that's why they're so mad because I served them the three-man
[01:54:42] amber at the top of the hour.
[01:54:43] Oh, hippos go 500 people a year.
[01:54:47] Yeah.
[01:54:48] I knew that.
[01:54:49] It leaves landing.
[01:54:50] You got a squad in there, I think
[01:54:53] Here's the three-minute outbreak now if you want to see the
[01:54:55] Baboons as they're walking up
[01:54:59] You need to subscribe for six dollars of free with a twitch prom is the three-minute break now
[01:55:04] It's September. Yeah 420
[01:55:07] What is it? Don't mess with me staring contest and lip smacking may be silly ways of interacting with our friends
[01:55:12] But they mean something very different to the Hamadras baboons. In fact staring is considered a threat other threat behaviors include head bobbing
[01:55:20] and tension yawns. During which a baboon displays its large canine teeth.
[01:55:25] I thought that they also get like insecure about their butts but I feel like that's just a cartoon
[01:55:28] thing. Yeah, I don't think that they feel that way. One male unit, a core social unit is made up of a
[01:55:33] single adult male, several females in their offspring. Adult males are twice as heavy as females.
[01:55:38] A mantle of long hair reaches to their hips and their cheeks are silvery.
[01:55:44] I think we saw the male down there, right?
[01:55:48] They're eating.
[01:55:54] Their butts look like infections.
[01:55:56] They do, yeah.
[01:55:58] I agree.
[01:55:59] It's so fierce and red.
[01:56:06] So are the penguins this way?
[01:56:07] We have to go find them.
[01:56:08] What stops a bad move from just like jumping over here though?
[01:56:11] The moat.
[01:56:13] Really?
[01:56:14] You don't think they can just like...
[01:56:16] Oh, yeah, they do.
[01:56:18] What do you mean, hot water?
[01:56:20] What?
[01:56:21] Hello friends.
[01:56:22] Hi everybody.
[01:56:23] Hear about concert bait share.
[01:56:24] Hi.
[01:56:24] Hello.
[01:56:26] No, not me.
[01:56:27] No, you're going to find it.
[01:56:28] No, I hate the planet.
[01:56:29] No.
[01:56:30] I care.
[01:56:31] I'm here to find my next ops.
[01:56:33] That's what I'm looking at.
[01:56:34] Your next ops?
[01:56:35] I don't know what that means.
[01:56:36] My opponents.
[01:56:37] I come from Oakland.
[01:56:38] Nice to meet you.
[01:56:39] It's like not a good thing.
[01:56:41] Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[01:56:42] These baboons, they're looking real op-y.
[01:56:45] No, they're rescues.
[01:56:46] What do you mean?
[01:56:47] Yeah.
[01:56:48] So what do you guys want to talk to us
[01:56:50] about conservation.
[01:56:52] My name is Brian, this is Tony, what are your names?
[01:56:56] Hassan and Maya.
[01:56:58] Hassan and Maya and our lovely camera.
[01:57:00] We are filming, yeah we are filming, we can't film you guys talking.
[01:57:04] I'm sorry.
[01:57:06] I do want to hear what you have to say though, I'm so sorry.
[01:57:08] Is there a time when you don't film me out there?
[01:57:11] We're probably going to be streaming all day.
[01:57:13] We will look away when you guys definitely don't take pictures if you want to take a photo with Maya.
[01:57:19] We will we will go look at the elephants
[01:57:34] We want to go see the hippos she wants to see one that mine is the hippo for sure
[01:57:39] But those guys are vicious
[01:57:42] They don't need me defending them
[01:57:49] Yes, I've seen them chomp down on a boat and many other things.
[01:57:53] Oh my gosh, that's a lot.
[01:57:55] So I'm guessing you're over here for... which time?
[01:57:57] Yes.
[01:57:58] Okay, amazing. How was that?
[01:58:00] It's great.
[01:58:02] Okay, we're home for you.
[01:58:04] Los Angeles.
[01:58:05] Oh, neighbors. Amazing. So you'll be coming to this room more often then?
[01:58:08] Yes, we will be back.
[01:58:10] I have been here before, but I'll be back.
[01:58:12] And we'll be back without the stream?
[01:58:14] Yes.
[01:58:15] Okay, then you're the perfect person to be called a life hero today.
[01:58:18] Let's go do that.
[01:58:20] We're going to go do that.
[01:58:22] Oh, I'm going to sign up right now.
[01:58:24] I don't know if we're going to do that right now.
[01:58:26] I'm sorry.
[01:58:28] We got the boss call from San Diego.
[01:58:30] Your PR team told us we can't film employees.
[01:58:32] Yeah, that's why.
[01:58:34] Sorry.
[01:58:36] But afterwards, I'll sign up.
[01:58:38] Okay, nice to meet you guys. Thank you.
[01:58:40] Hi.
[01:58:42] Hi.
[01:58:44] Hi.
[01:58:46] Hi.
[01:58:49] Good to see you.
[01:58:51] She's just so worried that she's going to get people in trouble.
[01:58:54] They explicitly told us.
[01:58:56] Yeah.
[01:58:58] What kind of wildlife is that?
[01:59:00] They didn't see their faces.
[01:59:02] What?
[01:59:04] I just want them to be in frame and then get fired.
[01:59:08] Yeah.
[01:59:10] What's over here?
[01:59:12] Let's go.
[01:59:15] They have a really big enclosure.
[01:59:18] So they have things that zab them if they try to jump out?
[01:59:22] Is that what you're saying?
[01:59:23] Or yeah, how are you?
[01:59:25] Because I don't think we get zapped if we touch this.
[01:59:27] I remember being here and touching this.
[01:59:29] Not at all.
[01:59:30] You can touch that.
[01:59:30] You don't have to touch a bag specific why.
[01:59:32] Oh, they learn pretty good.
[01:59:33] Ground horned bill.
[01:59:34] It's down there.
[01:59:36] Big bird.
[01:59:37] Oh!
[01:59:41] Here we have the southern ground horned bill,
[01:59:43] Also known as the Bikovis Lead-Beatery.
[01:59:49] Agriculture and other land clearing bird operations create
[01:59:52] this bird's biggest threat.
[01:59:53] A loss of nesting habitat.
[01:59:57] A female lays one to three eggs in a cliff,
[02:00:00] cavity, or in a hollow of a large oak tree.
[02:00:05] And that's how the Southern Ground Home Bill works.
[02:00:09] They're sick. They're like, they're way chillier than, they look way cooler than turkeys.
[02:00:22] Do you want to try to beeline to hippos?
[02:00:24] Why?
[02:00:25] Just wondering.
[02:00:27] Is there something? I want to see the elephants.
[02:00:29] Are they, here?
[02:00:33] Are they here?
[02:00:35] Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:00:37] The Cupcha.
[02:00:39] Boulder, Strune Island of Granite Rising from the grasslands. Savannah, Cupcha.
[02:00:44] We walk up through elephants, then we'll come up on lines.
[02:00:50] Yes.
[02:00:52] If we go all the way around the edge.
[02:00:55] I got light.
[02:01:05] The elephants are on the opposite side, they're saying?
[02:01:08] No, look at that sign.
[02:01:10] Elephants.
[02:01:12] Yeah, I think we're going the right direction Chad, I think you're wrong.
[02:01:24] I'm also starving.
[02:01:28] Like you want to like eat actual food or you want to get like a pretzel?
[02:01:34] I can eat actual food. There's actual food here, don't they?
[02:01:37] I love these guys. What do I say?
[02:01:40] The Rock Hyrax.
[02:01:42] Oh, they're from the Middle East and Africa. They're men of boys like me.
[02:01:47] Over here?
[02:01:48] Not a guinea pig rabbit or rodent. The Rock Hyrax is most closely related to...
[02:01:52] Surprise! Man, he's an elephant.
[02:01:54] That's crazy.
[02:01:55] He's over here.
[02:01:56] That is wild.
[02:01:57] What the hell?
[02:01:58] For Dan's look out for dwarf mongoose.
[02:02:00] For Dan's look out post hiding places in dwarf mongoose seek out rock, seek out rock
[02:02:06] outcroppings.
[02:02:07] Let's take a look.
[02:02:10] Oh, this one is this.
[02:02:16] Oh, it is.
[02:02:17] Oh, my God.
[02:02:18] Look how slow that thing is.
[02:02:19] It's so cute.
[02:02:20] That's crazy.
[02:02:21] It's like a little potato.
[02:02:23] Oh, my God.
[02:02:24] Oh, my God.
[02:02:25] Oh.
[02:02:26] Oh, what a beauty, so cute.
[02:02:39] Guys, there's one in the tree.
[02:02:43] He's in the tree, like they can climb trees.
[02:02:46] Is that because of their legs?
[02:02:48] Like no tail?
[02:02:52] With their stubby little legs?
[02:02:54] How are they climbing?
[02:02:55] I don't know, look.
[02:02:56] They got them grippers on them, huh?
[02:02:59] Like why, why?
[02:03:01] What?
[02:03:02] Oh my God, Connor, you have to get them chilling.
[02:03:04] Oh my God.
[02:03:07] Wait, you have to look over here, little guy.
[02:03:10] Show me teeth.
[02:03:11] Oh, oh, oh, he's like, nah, he didn't like to be perceived.
[02:03:14] He's fast.
[02:03:15] You perceived him.
[02:03:18] There's one down there.
[02:03:19] There's one down there.
[02:03:20] Also, oh, oh, oh, that's crazy.
[02:03:25] That's crazy.
[02:03:27] That's a little nest up there.
[02:03:28] Something a little platform.
[02:03:29] That's so funny.
[02:03:30] That's adorable.
[02:03:36] Clip springers.
[02:03:37] Are they supposed to be here as well because I don't see them?
[02:03:40] I don't know.
[02:03:41] They walk on the tips of their hooves.
[02:03:44] The rounded edges and slightly spongy soles make them surefooted on rocks.
[02:03:48] On heels.
[02:03:49] On my toes.
[02:03:50] Oh, so cute.
[02:03:54] Rock hoppers.
[02:03:55] Little birds.
[02:03:59] Oh yeah, the higher-axis are master climbers.
[02:04:01] They have bare, soft petted, padded, and slightly sweaty feet.
[02:04:10] They're just calling them out big time.
[02:04:12] And the sweaty feet that act like suction cups to keep a grip on the boulders and rock
[02:04:17] That's cool actually. Look how cute they are.
[02:04:20] Dude, look at those little teeth. They have really sharp teeth.
[02:04:24] Okay, but isn't that crazy they're closely related to the elephant?
[02:04:27] Yeah, it's bizarre.
[02:04:28] That makes no sense.
[02:04:29] It makes no sense.
[02:04:30] They look so similar to like way different like rodent types.
[02:04:41] The clues of the Ligibur subtle, the two tiny tusk like teeth and rounded hoof
[02:04:44] like toes that's where oh servals oh my god there's these are the best these are
[02:04:54] the best these are absolutely the sickest where we're we got to find one
[02:05:07] I don't see it it's I think it's inside yeah bomber your piss piss didn't
[02:05:17] work there's so much foliage in there yeah I like that anything got a cool
[02:05:25] little bed, a hammock. It's firehoses. It's like made out of firehoses.
[02:05:33] Cat and mouse, these cats hunt mostly small mammals, especially rodents.
[02:05:40] Sometimes they prey on birds, snakes, insects, and even fish. Long legs and
[02:05:44] large ears help these cats find and stalk prey in long thick grass. They can
[02:05:49] be found in African grasslands associated with water, but not here.
[02:05:56] Okay, alright, alright.
[02:05:58] Elephants, elephants.
[02:06:00] I'm gonna try to contain my excitement.
[02:06:02] Elephants, elephants.
[02:06:06] Chad, are you having fun?
[02:06:08] I don't care about Chad having fun,
[02:06:10] because I certainly am.
[02:06:12] But yeah, Chad seems to be very stoked on this.
[02:06:16] What is that?
[02:06:21] They have baby meerkats.
[02:06:25] What kind of babies?
[02:06:27] Baby, near cats, but they're not out.
[02:06:29] Oh, wait, throw it over there.
[02:06:31] Oh my god. Oh my god.
[02:06:33] I'm gonna swab on my glasses.
[02:06:35] Where is it?
[02:06:41] Oh my god.
[02:06:43] Oh my god.
[02:06:45] Oh my god.
[02:06:47] Oh my god. Get in there.
[02:06:49] Oh my god.
[02:06:51] Oh my god.
[02:06:53] Wait, does the mom just chillin' with her boobs out?
[02:06:55] moves out. What? They're for the babies. This is animal life, okay? It's normal, Maya.
[02:07:08] Hi, she got up. Yeah, yeah, beautiful, natural, whatever. Yeah, she heard me.
[02:07:24] Do they get a one sleeping?
[02:07:26] She heard me and she's looking up now and she's like,
[02:07:28] yo, chill, bro.
[02:07:29] Stop talking about my boobs like that.
[02:07:34] She had a long day.
[02:07:38] I know.
[02:07:39] What's up?
[02:07:40] What is it going?
[02:07:41] Nothing.
[02:07:42] Oh my god, they're so cute.
[02:07:44] Oh!
[02:07:47] The way they walk is great.
[02:07:49] All of these animals, the way that they walk is incredible.
[02:07:52] You're so cute.
[02:07:54] It's playing.
[02:08:07] So I guess because they're safe here that they're not doing the normal thing
[02:08:22] having a spy or not a spy but like having a lookout that spies on predators
[02:08:28] and then gives an alarming bark that sends the whole group running for cover
[02:08:33] So she's a spy.
[02:08:35] She might be?
[02:08:36] You think?
[02:08:37] The one up top?
[02:08:38] Looks like it.
[02:08:39] She's looking around for predators?
[02:08:40] So cute.
[02:08:41] Making sure that there isn't any...
[02:08:42] Scouts.
[02:08:43] But like, I mean, the mom laying like that means they're chilling.
[02:08:47] They're the best ones here.
[02:08:49] That's so funny.
[02:08:52] She's lazy.
[02:08:53] Oh, oh, she's like, you talking to me?
[02:08:55] You talking about me?
[02:08:56] Oh.
[02:08:57] Yo, chill.
[02:08:58] Okay, I got it.
[02:08:59] She looks like Kaya.
[02:09:04] I don't know, what's up Chad?
[02:09:09] Yeah, that's fine.
[02:09:12] Ready? Thank you, sorry.
[02:09:16] Come on, have a good one.
[02:09:18] Chad, do you ever look at an animal, and like...
[02:09:22] Wait, why can't you show Chad that?
[02:09:24] Oh, it doesn't zoom that hard, is what I'm saying.
[02:09:26] And think about evolution, and think, like, how local we are to be
[02:09:30] on the same evolutionary timeline as a creature like this.
[02:09:34] I think that we exist at the same time. Isn't that our piece of lucky?
[02:09:39] Look at these lazy mommy just chilling in the sun, not a care in the world, boobs
[02:09:49] facing the sunlight. Long day of work.
[02:09:54] Killed my vlog.
[02:09:58] Alright. Alright.
[02:10:00] Alright, I think it's elephant time.
[02:10:09] I see an elephant sign, his bath and E.F.P.
[02:10:18] No.
[02:10:20] Do you think elephants come out of these big gates sometimes?
[02:10:22] Just chilling?
[02:10:23] No.
[02:10:24] They look so big though.
[02:10:25] They look big enough for elephants to walk through.
[02:10:27] I think they're for trucks.
[02:10:37] It is actually really unfair that you're that tall and you can like see over people
[02:10:40] at the zoo.
[02:10:42] Oh, you're talking about tall privilege?
[02:10:43] Yeah.
[02:10:44] At the zoo?
[02:10:45] Yeah.
[02:10:46] Yeah, but also I think we offset that by being scarier to animals so they like
[02:10:50] see a tall person and they're like oh I don't want to be around this thing this
[02:10:53] thing might be like a like a predator true true true true do you want some
[02:10:58] to drink yeah do you look they have diet coke do you want some
[02:11:04] what's going on yeah um what do we got here we got drinks
[02:11:10] drinks got kids got hot dogs hot dogs you know what yeah let me get a dog
[02:11:17] I don't want the chips, I just want the hot dog.
[02:11:27] Can I get a ketchup and mustard and also a diet coke please and a water.
[02:11:37] And a water?
[02:11:46] Water too.
[02:11:47] I ain't talking to water, God.
[02:11:48] I ain't talking to water, okay?
[02:11:49] I ain't talking to water.
[02:11:52] Okay, keep going.
[02:11:53] What's up?
[02:11:55] I'm not even going to water that.
[02:11:56] I'm not even going to thank you, sir.
[02:11:58] All right, get any guns for that.
[02:12:00] Nope, that'll be all.
[02:12:01] All right, total amount will be $1.52.
[02:12:02] Please go.
[02:12:03] It's hard.
[02:12:04] Condor, student, elephants.
[02:12:05] Here, let me tell you, actually.
[02:12:08] Here's the map.
[02:12:11] We...
[02:12:12] I'm good.
[02:12:13] Thank you.
[02:12:14] It's a nice day.
[02:12:15] You're very welcome.
[02:12:16] Here.
[02:12:17] We're walking up, so we're gonna pass Condors,
[02:12:19] which is what I was talking about earlier,
[02:12:20] the recovery program, and then there's elephants.
[02:12:23] And then if we keep walking and go crazy,
[02:12:26] then we'll get to freaking capybaras up here in Lyons.
[02:12:31] And then polar bears are way up here.
[02:12:34] And then hippos.
[02:12:35] All die.
[02:12:36] If I see a capybara, I'm gonna die.
[02:12:38] I'm gonna perish.
[02:12:39] All the way over.
[02:12:40] So you know, if we just like fall all the way
[02:12:42] around the edge, we get to a hippos.
[02:12:43] I wanna see capybaras, and I wanna see,
[02:12:46] Here you go. Here's your water.
[02:12:47] Thank you, sir.
[02:12:47] I want to see a capybara, and I want to see an elephant,
[02:12:50] and I want to see hippos.
[02:12:54] Calvin, capybaras, and dolphins down there
[02:12:57] on the bed.
[02:12:57] All right.
[02:12:58] Thank you.
[02:12:58] Thank you.
[02:12:59] Hold on.
[02:13:03] I don't need these two.
[02:13:04] No, I can do it.
[02:13:06] You got this.
[02:13:06] Ow.
[02:13:11] Need help?
[02:13:12] No.
[02:13:16] OK.
[02:13:19] Wait.
[02:13:23] Southern California was home to all mammoths.
[02:13:26] Saber 2 the cats.
[02:13:27] Lions can't.
[02:13:28] Giant soft.
[02:13:29] Maya, are you sure?
[02:13:32] What would you like me to open it? No, I got it
[02:13:45] That's good for us. We that tastes like independence
[02:14:00] Yeah, it's nice to be like reading signs
[02:14:04] Yeah, I mean
[02:14:06] Yeah, thank you. I want to I want to get like I want to max out on my education here
[02:14:12] Thank you very much. Have a good day. Nice to meet you man. Um, it's like
[02:14:16] I like learning random facts about animals.
[02:14:19] I mean, I just love animals. They're awesome.
[02:14:21] It's time for 3, 2, 1.
[02:14:25] Oh!
[02:14:27] California Conjure.
[02:14:29] This is what I was talking about. They're only 22 in a while.
[02:14:32] That?
[02:14:34] What do you do?
[02:14:35] Is a majestic bird.
[02:14:37] They're massive.
[02:14:39] Their wingspan's crazy.
[02:14:41] I'll clear it.
[02:14:43] And then there's also a raven who has a little snack in his cup.
[02:14:50] He's got a snack!
[02:14:52] Thank you guys!
[02:14:54] Crows versus ravens chat. Ravens are much bigger and then ravens have that curved upper beat.
[02:14:59] Did you finish that?
[02:15:01] Damn!
[02:15:03] I'm hungry.
[02:15:04] That's crazy.
[02:15:05] They have a curved upper beat, ravens do, and then they have... oh, a beat!
[02:15:09] Um, and then sometimes they have those like kind of like beard feathers underneath them.
[02:15:15] I think it's just a crow.
[02:15:17] And then Raven's tails are in a V-shape and crow's tails are straight across.
[02:15:23] Oh my god. So the breeding programs they have, they find suitors for tigers 3,000 miles away,
[02:15:33] and then they match them up. They got Raias, they're on Raias.
[02:15:38] This crow or this raven is burying food right now.
[02:15:43] This crow or this raven is what?
[02:15:44] He's burying food.
[02:15:45] So he's like digging holes and then putting the food in the box.
[02:15:48] Like a snack for later?
[02:15:49] Yeah.
[02:15:50] I like to do that.
[02:15:51] Sometimes I leave it in my beard.
[02:15:52] It's called cashing.
[02:15:54] That's gross.
[02:15:56] Oh, it's cool when the raven does it, but when I do it, it's gross?
[02:15:59] Yeah.
[02:16:00] Double standards much?
[02:16:01] He's putting it in the dirt, which is fine.
[02:16:03] See, look, he's hiding it.
[02:16:05] Smart man.
[02:16:07] No one will find it, little man.
[02:16:09] You got this.
[02:16:11] They're so smart.
[02:16:11] Ooh, look at that dead animal.
[02:16:14] Should I show it?
[02:16:14] Yes, fine.
[02:16:15] Probably fine.
[02:16:16] Looks like a...
[02:16:17] Look at the little skull, too.
[02:16:18] What is it?
[02:16:20] Rabbit, maybe?
[02:16:21] No.
[02:16:24] So they eat, so is it the,
[02:16:26] is it the massive one that eats the rabbit
[02:16:27] or is it the raven?
[02:16:28] They both do.
[02:16:29] Ravens eat, there's scavengers.
[02:16:30] So they eat like, carry-on and stuff.
[02:16:33] Is that a real skull or is that fake?
[02:16:35] I was gonna say fake. I'm not sure though. So cool. It's cool though. They're like they
[02:16:53] put that skull there to be like yeah these Ravens ate it. They have to use this puppet
[02:16:59] that looks like a condor, so we don't think they're a person.
[02:17:03] Condor chicks are hatched and raised in breeding centers, older birds teach them the ropes,
[02:17:08] then the young birds are released in the protected areas.
[02:17:10] So, wait, why did they become extinct?
[02:17:15] Were they like being hunted for meat or something?
[02:17:18] Left was a big driver.
[02:17:20] So DDT pesticide that took out their... I'll show you guys this too real quick.
[02:17:28] So when they were releasing them, they were just electrocuting on the power lines,
[02:17:33] and they were like wow we put all this effort in there's dying right when they
[02:17:37] go out so what they did is built them a fake electric line so every time they
[02:17:41] would sit on it it would give a really loud noise to then train them when they
[02:17:46] go out in the wild to stay away from power lines so then they start doing it
[02:17:50] so the reason they went super super endangered DDT is a pesticide made
[02:17:55] the eggshells really thin and then they just babies would die before they
[02:17:58] a chance. So that's what bald eagles and paragons do. Damn. They'd lay eggs and the
[02:18:06] eggs would be really squishy when they lay them chat instead of strong so they
[02:18:10] would sit on them and the eggs would just pop. What about wind turbines? Is Trump right?
[02:18:12] Or wind turbines killing the bald eagles or what? Yeah. Wait he is right. Damn.
[02:18:17] They're not. Oh! Oh! It's not a time. Look at all of them!
[02:18:21] If you got one wind turbine black, one of the blades that reduces the strikes by like 60%
[02:18:27] He said if you paint one of the wind turbine blades black it reduces strikes by like 60 percent. I haven't heard that stock before
[02:18:35] This is a diamond
[02:18:37] Is that an L for bald eagles? I thought they were smart
[02:18:41] It's just a ball by your toy birds just getting struck by them
[02:18:44] That's not great because you put them in the wind pass where birds are migrating
[02:18:49] That's not fair. I won't say bald eagles aren't smart, but I don't think there is like stoic and
[02:18:54] Megan Sanders, everybody, thanks.
[02:18:57] They also don't sound like the eagle scream that everyone associates them with.
[02:19:02] You eat the paper?
[02:19:04] No, I fill them up.
[02:19:08] The sound associated with the bald eagle is actually a red-tailed hawk.
[02:19:12] Oh my gosh, that's odd.
[02:19:14] And that the bald eagle actually sounds kind of lame.
[02:19:17] Yeah.
[02:19:18] But Americans were like, we have to, he looks cool, and we kind of ran with him.
[02:19:23] So we just have to fake it like he sounds like that.
[02:19:30] More animal facts with Hassan Abi.
[02:19:32] Yeah, he's a conservationist.
[02:19:34] What bit of a conservationist, yeah.
[02:19:42] Camel, camel.
[02:19:45] Their camels are so sick.
[02:19:49] And rideable.
[02:19:53] Yeah, people ride camels.
[02:19:54] Big bonus, I think.
[02:19:57] I guess donkeys are rideable, too.
[02:19:59] Donkeys are rideable.
[02:20:01] Camels have really big teeth towards the back of their mouth,
[02:20:05] and they can rip your scalp off.
[02:20:08] Yo, look at that thing, man.
[02:20:10] He going wild on that.
[02:20:12] It's like catnip.
[02:20:16] He likes it.
[02:20:22] In Turkey, or in most countries,
[02:20:24] camel is like the highest, uh...
[02:20:27] I think it's like one of the highest
[02:20:29] tiers of like, sacrifice.
[02:20:31] What? What?
[02:20:33] Yeah, like in Kurban Bayram,
[02:20:35] in Turkey, you sacrifice like a...
[02:20:37] you kill a...
[02:20:39] a sheep.
[02:20:41] like eat it at least yeah yeah and every part of the animal is supposed to be
[02:20:44] preserved you're supposed to give it to the entire neighborhood or to people with
[02:20:48] less people that have less than you and the camel or sometimes they sacrifice as
[02:20:54] a way to like as a means to protect like in Turkey I remember like Turkish
[02:21:00] Airlines they literally like when they buy a new fleet they'll like sacrifice
[02:21:05] Sometimes they'll sacrifice the camel.
[02:21:08] It's the highest tier.
[02:21:12] I don't know.
[02:21:17] I need the camel to work.
[02:21:22] I am not.
[02:21:24] I assume it tastes like... there it is.
[02:21:26] I assume it tastes like horse.
[02:21:28] There it is.
[02:21:30] What's going on?
[02:21:32] Hey, pleasure to meet you, David.
[02:21:34] Nice to meet you, David.
[02:21:36] I'm a big fan. I see you already got a beverage.
[02:21:38] Oh, I don't need that. Thank you, though.
[02:21:40] Thanks a lot. You want to take a photo?
[02:21:42] No, I don't mind. I can take it. Would you want it? I can try. That'd be awesome.
[02:21:48] Okay, oh gosh. All right. Thank you.
[02:21:54] Is it working? Yeah, it's on. Thank you. Thank you so much. Have a good one, man.
[02:22:01] Yo!
[02:22:04] Look at that thing. That's basically Winnie the Moe, honestly. You think?
[02:22:09] It's like the African version
[02:22:11] Or if you go back far enough in time the Californian version, or are they not even like
[02:22:22] Hi!
[02:22:23] Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
[02:22:28] Um, wait.
[02:22:29] We gotta find a better view of the elephant.
[02:22:32] Maya, this is gonna be a very stupid question.
[02:22:35] Don't make fun of me, but if mammoths are an extinct species, like are elephants still
[02:22:40] related to them at all or no?
[02:22:42] What's the question, like are they still related because they're extinct?
[02:22:51] Like are they related?
[02:22:52] Technically the mammoths are extinct, so elephants would have to be a different thing, right?
[02:22:56] They're not like evolved out of mammoths.
[02:23:02] Elephant relatives, manatees, dugongs, and hyraxes are the elephant's closest living
[02:23:06] relatives.
[02:23:07] They don't say anything about mammoths on this thing.
[02:23:10] I think they share a common ancestor.
[02:23:12] Common ancestor?
[02:23:13] Because I mean they look the same
[02:23:15] I remember reading something that is like
[02:23:20] the reason why I'm asking is
[02:23:21] I remember reading something about them actually being super different
[02:23:23] even though they look the same
[02:23:26] Yeah, it's like one of those things, you know how like hyenas are technically
[02:23:29] closer related I think to cats than dogs, right?
[02:23:32] It's like that, it's one of those like nature debates
[02:23:37] you know what I mean?
[02:23:38] Evolution, apparently
[02:23:40] Extinct pygmy mammoth
[02:23:42] Mini mammoth only exists in California
[02:23:45] and blah blah blah blah
[02:23:48] similar living animal, Asian elephant and African elephant.
[02:23:52] I feel like if they were, I don't know.
[02:23:54] I'd have to read it, I don't know.
[02:23:56] Convergent evolution, Hassan and Maya.
[02:24:00] They're all the same niche, but they're different.
[02:24:04] Well, not the same niche necessarily,
[02:24:06] just that they have similar physiological features,
[02:24:09] but they're not related.
[02:24:10] I don't know.
[02:24:12] They just happen to kind of look like that.
[02:24:15] I guess.
[02:24:15] Okay, I'm not going to lie,
[02:24:16] the elephant was a little underwhelming.
[02:24:17] I didn't see a lot of...
[02:24:18] No, they have more.
[02:24:19] Okay, I didn't see enough movement from this one guy. He's chillin. He's big chillin
[02:24:26] Guess how much the whole elephant
[02:24:37] We did it how much is there a cause
[02:24:51] Guess elephant Odyssey, so it's so not just the elephants, but like this whole part this whole exhibit
[02:24:57] I'm going to say $30 million.
[02:24:59] I'm going to say $30 million.
[02:25:01] This is not looking good.
[02:25:03] You know what? That's a damn good guess.
[02:25:06] How much was it?
[02:25:08] $45 million.
[02:25:10] Damn. Close.
[02:25:12] $45 million.
[02:25:14] I mean, it's like, that's not...
[02:25:16] I mean, it makes sense.
[02:25:18] I feel like that's not so expensive
[02:25:20] for an elephant enclosure.
[02:25:22] Yeah.
[02:25:24] Look, that's pretty crazy over here.
[02:25:26] Does that require upkeep?
[02:25:28] Whoa!
[02:25:29] Okay, that's Jurassic Park.
[02:25:30] That's just Jurassic Park.
[02:25:34] Yeah.
[02:25:38] Do elephants like peanuts or is that like a cartoon thing?
[02:25:41] I don't, I bet they would.
[02:25:45] I don't know.
[02:25:47] Remember, Chad, if you ever wanna feed crows,
[02:25:50] you have to give them unsalted peanuts
[02:25:52] that you have de-shelled.
[02:25:54] No salted peanuts for the crows.
[02:25:57] Or no salted peanuts for the crows.
[02:26:00] They don't like that.
[02:26:02] They will eat it, but it's not good for them.
[02:26:06] Right, I think?
[02:26:07] The crow guy in my chat will be very happy
[02:26:10] that I did excellent recall there.
[02:26:12] Dude, where are?
[02:26:16] So Chad, this is part of why it costs a lot of money.
[02:26:20] These are like obviously custom,
[02:26:23] sealed giant holding pen situations
[02:26:27] for husbandry, for hoof care,
[02:26:30] probably for training.
[02:26:33] I don't know if you have to give an elephant eye drops
[02:26:35] or something, you gotta be up on a platform.
[02:26:40] Colossal?
[02:26:42] Colossal care.
[02:26:46] Massive facility.
[02:26:48] Crazy.
[02:26:51] We're not seeing many elephants.
[02:26:52] I know.
[02:26:54] They don't fuck with you.
[02:26:56] Well, it's just a wombat with you.
[02:26:58] How about that?
[02:26:59] No, you're so right.
[02:27:00] Yeah.
[02:27:00] It's been so long.
[02:27:01] I've tried so many times.
[02:27:02] Two can be hurtful like that, you know?
[02:27:04] Wait, I'm sure they explain it here?
[02:27:06] No, never mind.
[02:27:07] Yeah, do you want me to take it or do you want to selfie?
[02:27:17] Would you mind?
[02:27:18] That'd be great.
[02:27:19] Thank you.
[02:27:20] Can I ask for a quick pose?
[02:27:22] What do you want to do?
[02:27:23] Do you know the Clinton photo where he's posing over the rail tracks?
[02:27:26] No.
[02:27:27] Every Hassanabe has got to be a nerd.
[02:27:31] Come on, it's a funny one.
[02:27:32] Alright, what is it?
[02:27:33] What do you want me to do?
[02:27:34] Can I see my phone?
[02:27:35] I actually think I have a phone now.
[02:27:36] What's going on?
[02:27:37] Hi guys.
[02:27:38] Hi.
[02:27:39] That's what I'm talking about.
[02:27:42] It is...
[02:27:44] Do you guys know what he's talking about?
[02:27:46] This photo.
[02:27:47] Thank you! I got a good little...
[02:27:49] The kneeling?
[02:27:50] It's for children.
[02:27:51] Like that? You want both of us to do that?
[02:27:52] Thank you!
[02:27:53] Yeah.
[02:27:54] It's like a butterfly.
[02:27:55] Okay.
[02:27:56] Sorry to take it so much time.
[02:27:57] Let's do it.
[02:27:59] Alright.
[02:28:00] Okay.
[02:28:01] Oh.
[02:28:02] Great.
[02:28:03] Excellent.
[02:28:07] Here you go.
[02:28:08] Thank you.
[02:28:09] You guys want a photo as well?
[02:28:10] Yeah.
[02:28:11] Thank you so much for your support.
[02:28:12] Sure.
[02:28:13] Thank you.
[02:28:14] OK, awesome.
[02:28:15] Here's my phone.
[02:28:17] We're really big fans.
[02:28:18] My fiancee's been watching you since 2018.
[02:28:21] Oh, wow.
[02:28:23] He's got a good man right here.
[02:28:24] I'm like, oh, I agree.
[02:28:26] I agree.
[02:28:27] All right.
[02:28:27] Thanks.
[02:28:28] Thank you.
[02:28:29] Bye.
[02:28:29] Bye.
[02:28:30] You look pretty good there.
[02:28:31] You are.
[02:28:32] Perfect.
[02:28:32] Thank you so much.
[02:28:33] Nice to meet you, guys.
[02:28:35] Thanks.
[02:28:35] What's up?
[02:28:36] What's up?
[02:28:38] It is.
[02:28:39] It's incredible.
[02:28:39] It's like the best zoo.
[02:28:41] It is the best zoo. I agree.
[02:28:45] Do you have another zoo that you like more than this one or is this actually your favorite zoo, Maya?
[02:28:49] This is it for me.
[02:28:51] Straight up? But you haven't been to like zoos.
[02:28:53] Oh, you haven't been to zoos elsewhere?
[02:28:55] Um, so in the US.
[02:28:59] North America?
[02:29:01] I've been to so many, dude. I don't know.
[02:29:05] I've never been to one that's better than San Diego.
[02:29:07] San Diego, the elephants.
[02:29:09] Elephants.
[02:29:10] They're at the billion dollars in companies.
[02:29:13] So they just got so many assets.
[02:29:15] Now we can really get everybody else.
[02:29:17] What's he doing?
[02:29:17] What's that?
[02:29:18] He's playing with the bridge.
[02:29:19] It's a scratcher?
[02:29:23] Is it for itching?
[02:29:27] That's cute.
[02:29:28] Maybe he's looking for food in there.
[02:29:34] Yeah, you think there's treats in there?
[02:29:36] Maybe.
[02:29:37] Or a con toy.
[02:29:38] Yeah.
[02:29:39] Dude.
[02:29:40] Maybe there's peanuts.
[02:29:41] I know it's really bad.
[02:29:44] And the conditions for elephants in places where they let you ride them are horrifying.
[02:29:52] But I totally understand why the first human ever was like, I gotta ride that thing.
[02:29:56] I gotta ride that thing.
[02:29:57] You know what I mean?
[02:29:58] You're like, that's insane.
[02:29:59] I have to try and figure out a way to ride it.
[02:30:03] But in a obviously habitat saving kind of way and not in a way that is like incredibly
[02:30:11] disruptive where they beat the shit out of them and like do awful things to them
[02:30:16] right because they are they also like they hold grudges right they're very
[02:30:19] smart yeah yeah elephants never forget 9-11 they are still shocked by it they
[02:30:28] are they're over they were overcome with tragedy on that day and still think
[02:30:33] about all think about it all the time but never forget animal
[02:30:43] African elephants. There's also Asian elephants, but they don't have Asian
[02:30:48] elephants here at the zoo. Asian elephants are smaller and have smaller ears.
[02:30:53] They're African elephants too.
[02:30:56] Wasn't there like an elephant that went back to a village and like killed everybody there or something?
[02:31:00] Elephants have killed a lot of people. Yeah, they can be super dangerous.
[02:31:04] I suspect not on purpose, but also probably on purpose too if you piss them off.
[02:31:09] Yeah, the interesting thing about Animal Tax is like, it's always, what's he doing?
[02:31:16] He looks like he's smiling.
[02:31:19] He looks like he's...
[02:31:23] It's always like a defensive behavior, you know, or like a territorial behavior or like people moved into where he lived
[02:31:28] and he was like, get out, I don't know.
[02:31:31] Do elephants also like wag their tails like dogs when they're happy or not?
[02:31:34] I would assume any tail wagging over there is like flies.
[02:31:38] Yeah.
[02:31:39] Like to get flies away from him.
[02:31:41] Whoa.
[02:31:42] He just broke that so easy.
[02:31:45] As a toothpick, Chad.
[02:31:46] No, sick.
[02:31:47] He's picking his teeth.
[02:31:48] Did you, you guys didn't hear that, did you?
[02:31:50] You can hear it snap.
[02:31:51] Yeah.
[02:31:52] Chad, I mean.
[02:31:54] That's sick.
[02:31:55] So they're starting to study elephants' testicles because they're up inside of them and they're
[02:32:02] super hot all the time and they recognize nine different cancers saving, like, chemicals
[02:32:09] in there that they're trying to use for humans for a cancer research because
[02:32:13] their testicles are so hot all the time I actually bet for testicles you didn't
[02:32:16] know did you even know that I have another podcast I think you know that
[02:32:21] aside from one about it yeah you have a conservation one yeah he's my co-host
[02:32:26] they haven't told you that now we're putting the chat nose now we're
[02:32:31] talking as it's called the world's wildest you guys can check it out
[02:32:35] Connor and I call us it's about earth's most extreme creatures elephants also
[02:32:40] store their pee in the balls right just like humans do that's your cause he
[02:32:48] agrees with me so it must be true there you go sanctioned by the San Diego zoo
[02:32:53] and also by oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my
[02:33:04] god biggest L for me was never going to the cafe bar cafe but an ethical one
[02:33:09] that I would go to in a hypothetical scenario and not an unethical one the
[02:33:14] extinct North American Cababara they were there were fucking capybara's here and
[02:33:18] that big look at the sign
[02:33:26] Cababara fun fact Cababara fun fact they don't even get predated on because
[02:33:35] they're just chill with everybody they are pretty chill with everybody like right
[02:33:38] isn't that correct? like they just live in like every habitat even around like
[02:33:43] animals that normally would be very hostile to other beings or to eat them
[02:33:47] what do you are they not tasty is that what it is?
[02:33:50] Carpe Eagles will take them down occasionally
[02:33:52] I think Carpe Eagles and like fuck those guys
[02:33:54] I don't know the babies too because the babies are a little and like easy prey
[02:33:59] yeah I mean I think a fully grown capybara is easy prey too I feel like
[02:34:08] They just don't do anything.
[02:34:09] Yeah.
[02:34:10] There's a capybara at the zoo that I used to work at,
[02:34:12] and he tore all the meat off of one of the keeper's legs.
[02:34:16] What?
[02:34:17] Yeah.
[02:34:17] He must have had really bad vibes.
[02:34:20] Yeah.
[02:34:21] What was he doing?
[02:34:22] He must have deserved it.
[02:34:23] There is no way.
[02:34:24] They're really good at swimming.
[02:34:26] So he was diving for rings.
[02:34:29] He liked when he threw rings in the water,
[02:34:30] and he would dive down and get them.
[02:34:32] I don't know what makes it.
[02:34:33] So the animals don't eat him?
[02:34:34] Or because he's a pirate.
[02:34:35] Like, what's going on?
[02:34:36] He just likes it.
[02:34:37] It's like fetching like a dog, but he likes swimming.
[02:34:39] So we dive for rings, I don't know.
[02:34:41] Oh, the type of bar we dive for rings.
[02:34:42] Oh, I thought you meant your, the human.
[02:34:45] I don't, I don't like, he's sprawling out.
[02:34:48] Um, I don't know what ticked him off, but yeah,
[02:34:51] I mean, he's like-
[02:34:52] It's crazy to be that furry and just not,
[02:34:54] and be chill with this, in this heat.
[02:34:56] It's like not, they're not soft at all.
[02:34:59] It's so coarse.
[02:35:00] It's more like a pig.
[02:35:02] Oh, I've never pet one.
[02:35:04] Yeah, it feels more like a pig.
[02:35:05] It's like super wiry.
[02:35:07] Grows pigs are very cute, but also
[02:35:11] Very gross when you when you come in proximity to one you're like that's like a disgusting human
[02:35:16] That's mean it literally
[02:35:19] But it like it feels like you're touching the belly of a very hairy person who hasn't showered in years
[02:35:31] Wait, okay chat we're making like good progress here then we're already at the coffee bar
[02:35:35] Which means if somebody remembers the map that I looked at I do not what happened
[02:35:40] You're a little bad lions and then hippos who are moving through it faster. I thought
[02:35:53] The song there's more oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god
[02:36:01] I want to see one walk, but what a life
[02:36:05] What an enclosure pretty like their eye slit is so
[02:36:10] I don't know. They just look very um...
[02:36:13] They're giving like clean girls to me. Yeah. That aesthetic.
[02:36:19] Look at their little, they're like little platypus duckbill, or not duckbill, but like the little duck feet.
[02:36:25] Yeah, they're really good at swimming. That's why they're excellent swimmers, Chad.
[02:36:32] I mean if I was a cat bar, I'd be chilling by the waterfall too. I'd be like, who's this sick?
[02:36:36] I love that they're sitting at the edge, like just taking in the water.
[02:36:40] I didn't even notice that one. He's huge. Yeah
[02:36:49] What's your favorite animal um
[02:36:52] I really like hippos and capybaras
[02:36:55] Which is ironic because they're both on the on the opposite ends of the spectrum of like
[02:37:01] being violent
[02:37:02] And I think what's interesting is capybaras do exist around clothes is around hippos if I'm not mistaken
[02:37:07] And like literally hippos don't do anything to them like hippos are chill with capybara. That's how chill they are
[02:37:30] There's so many cool toys
[02:37:32] Do they are they even telling up to reach up to those things?
[02:37:37] truck? What do you think they play on the speakers? Like elephant noises to tell them
[02:37:47] it's time to go home? Oh my god, you're right. They might, see any of you, he does a lot of that.
[02:37:51] What's he doing? He's gonna go itch. That's good. I tried, I tried my best. You do yours.
[02:38:00] You do your best. Elephant noise. Oh you didn't even freaking truck, okay. Sorry everybody.
[02:38:12] That was good people people thought people thought that that was a real
[02:38:18] elephant doing that noise I think I was trying to communicate with them we go
[02:38:23] way back they understand not a big deal oh jaguar yeah I don't see it I can
[02:38:52] smell it yeah yeah that is like I've never seen it
[02:39:03] it's right here this time I'm gonna close I'll be back chat this is not this is big
[02:39:09] the inside probably air-conditioned portion of this jaguars enclosure this
[02:39:14] is not where he lives
[02:39:16] That, wow.
[02:39:19] Isn't that crazy?
[02:39:21] That's so sick.
[02:39:24] If we were in the, if I was in there you'd be killing me, right?
[02:39:28] Maybe.
[02:39:29] Or are they, I mean they're cats, they're like, unreliable.
[02:39:32] Right.
[02:39:34] Like how did the, how did the zookeepers like take care of them?
[02:39:38] They, they'll like switch them and like close the store, for example, right, to go out into this enclosure.
[02:39:43] this enclosure also instead of like they're never in there all protected
[02:39:49] contact guys the difference between a jaguar and a leopard so his spots you
[02:39:54] should show them so his spots jaguars have like the rings and then they have
[02:39:58] dogs inside the rings uh-huh leopards just have rings with nothing in them and
[02:40:03] then jaguars this is like Amazon rainforests right and leopards are
[02:40:07] African? Big cats? Jaguars. So easy. Jaguars are super strong, super stout, like shorter,
[02:40:18] and blackboards are... they don't look as buff, like they're...
[02:40:26] Whoa, jaguars are proud. They're not lanky, but they're good.
[02:40:28] 12,000 is good. We're about 20% larger than today's cats.
[02:40:31] What's that?
[02:40:32] Longer life Jaguar is a prowl 12,000 years ago in the Playa Playa is the scene
[02:40:38] period they also have longer legs probably because they stalk for animals
[02:40:43] and open planes instead of pouncing on them from trees and they lived in
[02:40:47] North America
[02:40:51] So what was that that you just spelled out about cats and captive, like the sleeping cat or whatever?
[02:40:58] Yeah, so cats, just like domestic cats, and big cats and captive cats sleep in an incredible amount of hours a day, like up to 18 hours a day.
[02:41:06] So he's just sleeping, chilling. Like this is what your house cat would do in a window sill kind of thing.
[02:41:12] But this is not his enclosure, this is not where he lives. This is probably maybe like an air conditioned part of a much larger enclosure.
[02:41:18] He's got a big outside space if he wanted to be outside.
[02:41:21] But he's cozy.
[02:41:23] He's rested.
[02:41:31] They probably should not be taking flash photography.
[02:41:34] No, probably not.
[02:41:35] Yeah, that's annoying.
[02:41:37] Oh, they opened this up. It's time for construction.
[02:41:40] Oh!
[02:41:41] Long live the king.
[02:41:44] Caution, spray range, 7 to 10 feet.
[02:41:47] Shit.
[02:41:49] That'd be so sick.
[02:41:49] That would be awesome.
[02:41:51] You probably would smell for the rest of the week, but.
[02:41:55] Should we take another picture?
[02:41:56] Yeah.
[02:41:57] Do you feel like, that's like,
[02:41:58] you need like a specific chemical to get that off,
[02:42:00] I assume, right?
[02:42:01] Should we take it?
[02:42:02] I want you in it.
[02:42:03] You want to be in it?
[02:42:04] Okay.
[02:42:10] Sorry, sorry, sorry.
[02:42:16] Oh, I wonder, thank you.
[02:42:17] Thank you.
[02:42:18] For prom, have a good one guys.
[02:42:19] I see you guys.
[02:42:19] Is it here? I can't see it.
[02:42:24] I don't know if there's a line. It's huge.
[02:42:26] On this rock.
[02:42:28] That ice cream sandwich looks bomb.
[02:42:32] Dude, I saw you looking at it. It's so funny.
[02:42:34] I was like, he wants an ice cream.
[02:42:36] Oh, look how big that thing is. God. Damn.
[02:42:41] Oh, Lizard. Lizard.
[02:42:44] Oh, cute.
[02:42:48] This is all they do.
[02:42:54] 18 hours, 20 hours the other day?
[02:42:57] Yeah.
[02:42:58] It's a nice light.
[02:42:59] They're big chillers.
[02:43:01] Typical men.
[02:43:03] It's the most misogynist animal, I would say.
[02:43:07] Why do you say that?
[02:43:09] The women do everything.
[02:43:11] They don't do anything.
[02:43:12] They sleep for 18 hours.
[02:43:13] And once a year they fuck, like I said,
[02:43:15] for like a couple days straight.
[02:43:17] straight and then they just go back to chilling and all they have to do is like
[02:43:21] look big right they have to have like a big man and look big and then that's
[02:43:24] like automatically you're like defending the the pride yeah no lines I have sex
[02:43:29] with each other a lot oh really they're also yeah there you go there's so
[02:43:33] misogynistic they don't want to fuck with the women
[02:43:37] why do you know so much about how gay animals are I'm noticing a pattern I'm
[02:43:45] noticing a specific type of knowledge that you have accumulated. Oh, I mean I've
[02:43:50] done some like animal sex dreams like for Valentine's Day and stuff. Yeah, we did a
[02:43:57] world's gayest episode of World's Wildest. Who are the gays? Oh, the nobis for sure. I talked about that a little bit earlier. They're also like
[02:44:07] They're incestuous and yeah, they're everything. There's a horniest. There's a whoa
[02:44:13] What the heck?
[02:44:15] This is what it looked like when they pulled it out of the ground
[02:44:18] Tarpid secrets. Yeah, but one time before I came on your stream. I went to the La Brea Tarpids. Uh-huh. It's cool
[02:44:24] It looks like I mean, this is crazy. This is real
[02:44:29] It would smell right in the smell like sulfur. Yeah, yeah
[02:44:37] Dude, that's amazing.
[02:44:41] Oh my god, were they violent at all? No.
[02:44:44] Or were they also chill? I wonder.
[02:44:46] I bet they're pretty close to being seen from the ground.
[02:44:54] Tarpid secrets.
[02:44:56] You probably see them from the falls that you can dug out of dirt.
[02:44:58] The falls are also found in natural asphalt seeps or tarpids.
[02:45:01] These sticky ponds act like quicksand,
[02:45:03] trapping anything that falls in, preserving the remains.
[02:45:05] The most famous of these is the La Brea Tarpids,
[02:45:07] located in Los Angeles, California, since 1906.
[02:45:09] more than a million bones have been recovered from these pits.
[02:45:12] It's gotta be crazy hard to extract it from those pits too.
[02:45:17] Also one time for Sherman went to the Milokos Museum and then I had to come on your sherman
[02:45:22] be funny and it was not a good idea.
[02:45:24] I remember that.
[02:45:25] It's like not a good idea.
[02:45:34] This is cool.
[02:45:36] Yeah, it's a neat little section.
[02:45:39] Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum.
[02:45:41] Yeah.
[02:45:43] I'm glad we live in this era and not 12,000 years ago.
[02:45:47] Is those Jaguars scared me?
[02:45:50] Yeah, we'd be so dead.
[02:45:52] Dragonflies used to have a six foot wingspan.
[02:45:54] Yeah, I don't want to be around Jaguars that are 20% larger and with longer limbs.
[02:45:59] Okay, hold, Chad. This is actually, we gotta make sure we're going in the right direction.
[02:46:04] It's a big decision. We can't fail the QTE chat.
[02:46:06] It's a quick time event.
[02:46:08] And you can't fail the top of the hour ad break quick time event, which is coming right now at the top of the hour
[02:46:13] If you no longer want to see those ads all you need to do is subscribe
[02:46:15] Which you can do for four dollars and twenty cents in September or for free with a Twitch Prime
[02:46:20] Where's it for okay? We're gonna have a break now. So we have to go
[02:46:24] We have to go well we could cross the bridge you want to see the polar bear song
[02:46:29] So we should go this way
[02:46:31] They're over here
[02:46:33] Okay, so we got to go like wait
[02:46:36] What's the polar bear doing in Arlington?
[02:46:40] Wait, how the hell can a polar bear live here?
[02:46:42] They have a snow machine.
[02:46:44] What the hell is a polar bear doing in San Diego?
[02:46:52] That's gotta be hard.
[02:46:53] They have pandas here too, no, we're not doing it.
[02:46:55] The pandas are back, guys.
[02:46:57] Whoa, can we go see them too?
[02:47:00] Yeah.
[02:47:01] Or is that too long of a trip?
[02:47:01] Too long of a journey?
[02:47:19] Pandas, pandas.
[02:47:21] Where the frick are the pandas?
[02:47:26] I don't see the pandas on this.
[02:47:27] Oh, oh, oh, yeah, well, we can,
[02:47:29] I think we can do that.
[02:47:47] Plum plum plum plum plum plum plum plum
[02:47:53] There's a theater in here
[02:47:56] And they're playing Voyage to the Moon
[02:48:31] Oh, they have a cheesy bacon hot dog here
[02:48:41] I'm sure you got that one
[02:48:43] Oh, the Sky Fawry! Oh, that line is way too long
[02:48:46] Nevermind
[02:48:49] I really want to get out of the Sky Fawry, but
[02:48:55] Ooh, that's a crazy line
[02:48:56] That's a long line, yeah
[02:48:58] I don't think we should walk through this
[02:48:59] should probably get back on the walking path whoa yo a chicoan peccary they look
[02:49:11] like porcupine piggies they're endangered look at their faces are so long the
[02:49:19] grand Chaco is a hot drive mostly forced the region of Argentina Bolivia and
[02:49:24] Paraguay and despite regulations people will legally hunt this peccary for
[02:49:30] Food, a commercial market for bush meat makes the problem worse.
[02:49:33] Why is there a commercial market for bush meat?
[02:49:36] Uh, because it's like the most successful way to get food.
[02:49:40] I wonder if it's like tasty.
[02:49:42] I think they're tasty.
[02:49:43] I don't know.
[02:49:45] I bet it's really gamey.
[02:49:49] I mean, they're pigs, right?
[02:49:50] Aren't they?
[02:49:52] I'm not sure.
[02:49:54] They look like, they look very pig-like.
[02:49:57] They're cute.
[02:49:58] I like them.
[02:50:00] There are pigs with like the even scragglier hair.
[02:50:08] Scraggly pigs.
[02:50:11] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
[02:50:14] Yo!
[02:50:16] Majestic.
[02:50:17] A southern gerinuk?
[02:50:22] Oh, he's cute.
[02:50:26] He's got a long neck.
[02:50:28] Southern gerinuk.
[02:50:32] Someone said, definitely not a pig.
[02:50:36] Peckery's do have spiny bristles on their spine.
[02:50:39] Pay all pigs are technically feral.
[02:50:41] If you let them out in nature, they'll just turn into hogs.
[02:50:44] Yeah, just like American conservatives.
[02:50:47] Am I right?
[02:50:49] Sorry.
[02:50:54] Oh, I like going downhill.
[02:50:56] That's nice.
[02:50:57] Such a pretty looking animal.
[02:51:00] Hassan, what do you think so far?
[02:51:02] I love it.
[02:51:03] I love the zoo.
[02:51:04] Yay, for the zoo.
[02:51:05] It's incredible.
[02:51:07] The bontobock.
[02:51:13] You see it?
[02:51:15] I don't.
[02:51:15] But apparently, although they're not considered endangered
[02:51:18] because there's a lot that live in private lands,
[02:51:20] they do not make it out in the wild.
[02:51:22] They get clapped.
[02:51:27] They live on private ranchers and reserves.
[02:51:31] They rest through the hottest time of the day.
[02:51:33] Why are you laughing?
[02:51:34] No, I'm not.
[02:51:34] I think it's really nice that you're teaching them everything.
[02:51:37] I want to learn myself.
[02:51:39] Yeah, that's good.
[02:51:42] Oh, it's back there.
[02:51:44] Chad won't be able to see that.
[02:51:46] Oh, maybe they will.
[02:51:48] Oh, you gotta move.
[02:51:49] It's like a fancy goat.
[02:51:51] And you gotta get one of these.
[02:51:54] You think?
[02:51:55] Yeah.
[02:51:56] Show the goats what's what.
[02:51:57] I don't think this one is, like,
[02:51:59] violent, like your goats, though.
[02:52:01] I hope not.
[02:52:02] Is that what sucks?
[02:52:03] That would be much more damaging to your cars.
[02:52:06] I feel like he could, he could pack a punch.
[02:52:10] Significantly worse.
[02:52:13] Okay, okay.
[02:52:16] Okay.
[02:52:17] It's the quiet area.
[02:52:20] The quiet area?
[02:52:22] What is that? What is that for? What's over there? Let's go over there. Let's go to the quiet area.
[02:52:25] You better be quiet.
[02:52:26] Where? What are we looking at?
[02:52:35] There's, like, some antelopean deer-like things right there.
[02:52:40] You ain't coming out here.
[02:52:42] No.
[02:52:43] I wonder why you have to be quiet right here.
[02:52:46] Maybe it's for people.
[02:52:48] Do not feed.
[02:52:55] That would be so lame. I can't really go to have to say that.
[02:52:58] What?
[02:52:59] Yeah.
[02:53:00] They have the lesser kudu and the speckes gazelle.
[02:53:10] Further threats include drought competition from domestic livestock and illegal wildlife
[02:53:14] trade.
[02:53:15] The lesser kudu's preference for dense cover has allowed the species to withstand hunting
[02:53:18] pressure.
[02:53:20] The lesser kudu in the South looks great.
[02:53:22] That looks like a fucked up deer.
[02:53:24] Looks like a fucked up deer goat.
[02:53:27] You know what I mean?
[02:53:28] Yeah.
[02:53:29] You see that?
[02:53:30] You're like oh, I'm being visited by the spirit of the forest
[02:53:35] Yeah
[02:53:36] Yeah, but these ones don't have horns, so they're kind of L except for that one
[02:53:43] Yes, what the polar bear doing in Arlington polar bear
[02:54:06] Chocobars are one of the only or the only carnivorous there they actually do get their polar bears here like
[02:54:13] canola and some other produce. But in the wild they'll be only kind of
[02:54:21] gross bear, which makes them really dangerous for people, but we don't come
[02:54:25] across polar bears very often.
[02:54:28] Cool children feed them a diet of monthly meat. They love cherry and
[02:54:32] antlers. They get fewer calories from them. You guys have to see this. Is there a way to see them?
[02:54:39] probably up there but there's a water is dirty there's like a statue you can
[02:54:48] stand next to of how tall they can be wait they also love playing with the
[02:54:53] objects that is insane dude what the heck
[02:55:02] They're massive bears, so much bigger than brown bears, black bears, how big they can be.
[02:55:12] So baby, little bear, I'll be like, little bro, watch out, and then this one comes in
[02:55:15] and you're like, can you believe that?
[02:55:23] Insane.
[02:55:24] Yeah, I know.
[02:55:25] Can you imagine?
[02:55:26] I don't want to.
[02:55:27] This would, I mean no wonder they're so vicious dude, they're so violent.
[02:55:35] Good bear.
[02:55:36] Good bear.
[02:55:37] Please don't kill us.
[02:55:40] same same same same same same same same. So we're getting to see them? You think?
[02:55:45] I hope so! They're sick freaks right?
[02:55:55] What? They're freaks aren't they?
[02:55:58] In what regard? Oh, I can go into the den.
[02:56:00] Yeah, not really.
[02:56:03] Ice machine. This is the ice machine.
[02:56:16] AC. I, I would be chilling at AC as well
[02:56:39] if I was a polar bear or as a human really I wouldn't want to be out here it's so
[02:56:45] hot they probably call it more at night I assume
[02:56:52] oh oh god damn that's big oh my god that's a big boy
[02:57:08] So are they more chill with humans? Like can humans be in the same enclosure when
[02:57:25] they're not like locked away?
[02:57:28] No, no, no, there's no way they do any free contact here.
[02:57:32] Same thing with the Jaguar, they're just gonna move them to go in.
[02:57:37] How do they get in the move? They just like put food there, they lock the cages, put the food there,
[02:57:41] and then they open the cages, they leave, they open the cages, they go into the cages,
[02:57:44] they lock the cages again and then they...
[02:57:47] Yeah, yep make sense. I
[02:57:56] Got it. I caught the P. I
[02:57:59] Caught one
[02:58:01] one frame
[02:58:03] I'm happy with it. Yeah, I don't know if you guys got to see it, but
[02:58:18] Sorry guys, he's in the AC today. There's three. I think there's not one. Yeah, I saw their names downstairs
[02:58:26] like I mean I saw it's long-ass neck like even from the hallway like you could
[02:58:42] it was like three whole seconds of his neck moving which is weird when you
[02:58:48] think about it it's like unexpectedly tall and lanky yeah I thought bears are
[02:58:53] more like compact, but I guess polar bears are lanky and tall.
[02:58:58] You ever go to Alaska and get to the place where you can meet bears?
[02:59:04] Not polar bears, I assume.
[02:59:05] Yeah, black and brown bears.
[02:59:07] Yeah.
[02:59:08] What was it?
[02:59:09] Is the brown bears that are scary, black bears or chill, right?
[02:59:12] Um, black bears, they're attacking you.
[02:59:14] They want to eat your food, and the Americans say no.
[02:59:16] Brown bears, they're attacking you because they're territorial.
[02:59:19] Yeah.
[02:59:20] And if you just lay down, they'll go.
[02:59:21] but which one is more aggressive?
[02:59:23] brown
[02:59:25] yeah
[02:59:27] but if it's a black bear that's attacking you, it's less likely
[02:59:29] but if it happens that means they want to eat you
[02:59:31] is what you're saying, so you're done, you're not going to be able to get away
[02:59:33] black bear
[02:59:35] just go into fetal pose for brown bear
[02:59:37] oh, you're going into fetal pose?
[02:59:39] yep
[02:59:41] I thought you were supposed to be like big, like ahhhh
[02:59:43] if they're on top of you
[02:59:45] if they're on top of you, you go into fetal pose
[02:59:47] Canadian Lynx
[02:59:51] They're all so beautiful.
[02:59:54] Beautiful.
[02:59:55] Canadian ladies eat mice, squirrels, and birds, but prefer the snowshoe hair as their primary
[02:59:59] source of prey.
[03:00:00] Okay.
[03:00:04] I'd be more of a cat fan if they were like, you know, these were the types of cats you
[03:00:09] could have.
[03:00:10] Oh, you don't want one of these.
[03:00:12] No, I know.
[03:00:13] I'm just saying that they probably smell so bad.
[03:00:16] They piss everywhere.
[03:00:18] I work with you with another very steeper.
[03:00:21] Yeah.
[03:00:22] the Jaguar enclosure was like nasty. Yeah, he's stinky. Can you do a Canadian accent?
[03:00:29] Eh? I could do one eh? Or maybe a Toronto one fan. Yeah, crotie. That's how we speak
[03:00:38] in the T-dot crotie. You kind of sound like Gambit. Gambit? Yeah. No, Gambit's supposed
[03:00:45] be Louisiana drawl like game at the Marvel X yeah yeah maybe it's supposed
[03:00:53] to have a a like a Creole accent yeah it's Cajun yeah Cajun all right I got to
[03:01:04] do something on the bag I had to connect my phone to the bag because it's a
[03:01:07] little battery mode.
[03:01:09] Getting cooked out here.
[03:01:11] Bad, bad, bad.
[03:01:15] Oh damn, we're also like cooking on top of
[03:01:19] running on a battery.
[03:01:24] No, I don't need a chat phone.
[03:01:26] You guys can do it.
[03:01:28] Back.
[03:01:30] This is 90 percent?
[03:01:32] Or is it 40 percent?
[03:01:34] I can't even fucking tell.
[03:01:47] Just put this inside of the bag.
[03:01:49] You're still off doing it.
[03:02:01] Sorry
[03:02:03] We're going after this we have the hippos right that's it. We saw everything
[03:02:10] Oh, we got the pandas and the hippos
[03:02:13] So why don't pandas fuck what why don't they have sex they do what do you mean?
[03:02:21] I thought that they are like kind of lazy. They're lazy lovers. I
[03:02:25] Mean they might be but they have to have sex to reproduce wait that isn't that literally why they're extinct you want a nice cream
[03:02:32] No.
[03:02:33] Do you?
[03:02:34] Do you?
[03:02:35] No.
[03:02:36] I just know that you want one, so I got it.
[03:02:38] I do, but I'm so goal-oriented right now.
[03:02:45] Pandas are definitely, they definitely have sex.
[03:02:49] I thought it was a big problem for pandas.
[03:02:52] Oh, in captivity?
[03:02:54] Well, in general, like, no, even in the wild, they don't, like, they don't do the dang
[03:03:01] deed like they used to.
[03:03:03] I haven't read that.
[03:03:05] Okay.
[03:03:06] Panakani's down this way.
[03:03:07] trail and panic animals. Let's go. So they're very selective. Interesting. Interesting.
[03:03:21] Interesting. So I was right. Maybe yeah. Let the record show. I know a thing or two about animals.
[03:03:28] I'm just saying. It's actually true. You do know a lot. No I don't know a lot. I just know like some
[03:03:34] things. What's your favorite thing so far? You asked that and you didn't even look. Well I'm
[03:03:47] I'm waiting for them answers.
[03:03:49] They haven't said it yet.
[03:03:53] Sloth. Pandas.
[03:03:55] Okay, cool.
[03:03:57] Flamingos.
[03:03:59] Red Panda, Capybara.
[03:04:01] Bro, I cannot believe my man is going backwards downhill.
[03:04:04] Giraffe?
[03:04:05] Not even a skip.
[03:04:07] What makes me do it all the time?
[03:04:09] I don't.
[03:04:11] She beats you too?
[03:04:13] She was beating me off camera, it's crazy.
[03:04:15] That's actually not true today.
[03:04:17] I did that today. You made it seem like I did it. I did it.
[03:04:21] Oh. Eagle.
[03:04:25] What? What?
[03:04:26] Or not eagle. Is it a hawk?
[03:04:27] It's an eagle.
[03:04:28] Eagle.
[03:04:33] Joe.
[03:04:34] We got a stellar, sweet eagle above us here.
[03:04:38] Yo! You think it was dookie?
[03:04:40] What?
[03:04:41] You think it was dookie on us?
[03:04:42] Maybe.
[03:04:43] Good luck.
[03:04:44] Is it?
[03:04:45] No.
[03:04:46] I mean, that's what we say in Turkey. I think they say it in America too.
[03:04:50] Talk to us stop chat. I saw that. I don't even have my phone on me
[03:04:55] I don't even have my phone on me in here said that's so loud and
[03:05:00] It just sounded like you were saying
[03:05:02] Like to be funny. How does that make you feel?
[03:05:05] Makes me feel funny makes you feel like the next guest on the talk to a podcast
[03:05:11] Stellar's see eagle it makes she's got the best podcast name though
[03:05:15] Talk to us. No, I do not
[03:05:17] Oh, good.
[03:05:18] Best part of this thing is one about it.
[03:05:20] Oh, thanks.
[03:05:21] Just kidding.
[03:05:22] It's Fear End.
[03:05:23] Everybody knows that.
[03:05:26] Andian condor.
[03:05:29] Andian condor back there.
[03:05:31] This is sick.
[03:05:31] We're like high up too.
[03:05:33] Whoa.
[03:05:35] Cool.
[03:05:36] I don't remember this part.
[03:05:37] This zoo is so massive.
[03:05:39] It's massive.
[03:05:39] I did not go to any of these parts.
[03:05:41] I don't think last time I was here.
[03:05:43] Like this has been a much more
[03:05:47] all-encompassing journey this time around.
[03:05:55] Yeah, let's do it for a reason.
[03:05:57] Half a bill?
[03:05:58] Yeah.
[03:05:59] Alright.
[03:06:00] We can do it.
[03:06:05] Yeah, easy.
[03:06:06] To get eagles in there?
[03:06:07] Yeah.
[03:06:08] Harpy eagles in this one.
[03:06:09] Harpy eagles.
[03:06:10] So guys, the one that she was talking about earlier, that eats swaths and monkeys in the
[03:06:15] Amazon rainforest, I don't know if you guys saw on my Twitter, I held one of these
[03:06:20] a couple weeks ago.
[03:06:21] I have one for its sanctuary.
[03:06:23] This is an insane-looking bird.
[03:06:25] Yeah.
[03:06:26] Is there any out right now?
[03:06:27] Come on, give me some.
[03:06:28] All right, all right.
[03:06:33] You know I can do it for fun.
[03:06:34] Dude, we're not having a great time.
[03:06:35] She's powerful.
[03:06:36] Harvey Eagles hunt large animals, sloth monkeys, iguanas,
[03:06:38] parrots, and even domestic sheep.
[03:06:41] Harpies hit their prey with awesome force and speed,
[03:06:44] grasping the doomed animal with massive talons
[03:06:47] the size of a grizzly bear claw.
[03:06:49] Harvey Eagles are at risk when their forest homes
[03:06:50] are destroyed.
[03:06:52] Harpies hatch at the San Diego Zoo.
[03:06:55] I've been released in Central America.
[03:06:58] their wingspan is six foot.
[03:07:02] Where where?
[03:07:18] It's eating sheep I think.
[03:07:20] They weigh 9 to 20 pounds.
[03:07:22] It's crazy that you can weigh 9 to 20 pounds
[03:07:24] and you can still hit
[03:07:26] with the same
[03:07:28] this with an incredible force his sizes are the size his towns are the size of
[03:07:37] grizzly bears claws yeah that's insane that's weird you see it yeah you really
[03:07:47] want to flex this goddamn harpy that you hungro he's awesome I can show you
[03:07:53] Wait what? Oh, why? It's not loading. It's not loading.
[03:07:58] Look at him. Look at his feet. Oh, but he doesn't have, oh my God. He doesn't have like the weird face stuff.
[03:08:10] Oh, he's not putting his crest up because he's chilling. There he is. What do you think? His name's Alejandro.
[03:08:24] Oh, I see it. Oh, I see it from like these two right there. Oh my God. That's a
[03:08:34] that's a big old bird dude. God damn, that's a big bird. Oh my God. That's bigger
[03:08:42] than the one you were holding, right? Oh, that bird that you were holding? Yeah.
[03:08:48] Yeah.
[03:08:49] Is it Alejandro?
[03:08:50] Yeah.
[03:08:51] They probably know Alejandro.
[03:08:52] Damn.
[03:08:53] Hey yo.
[03:08:54] Yo bro, we got Alejandro.
[03:08:56] Hippos?
[03:08:59] Hippos.
[03:09:04] Hippos.
[03:09:05] Hippos.
[03:09:06] Hippos.
[03:09:07] I want to feed a hippo watermelon before I die.
[03:09:12] They'll be sick.
[03:09:13] Yeah.
[03:09:14] There's some girls whispering about you.
[03:09:15] Next time you're back, you can get behind the scenes hippos.
[03:09:18] Yeah, they do that.
[03:09:19] Do they?
[03:09:20] I don't know.
[03:09:21] What?
[03:09:22] A lot of these do that.
[03:09:23] There's some girls whispering about you.
[03:09:25] Where?
[03:09:26] When we were looking at the bird.
[03:09:28] Or when you were looking at the eagle.
[03:09:30] They were like, man, he's so stupid and ugly.
[03:09:32] That's what they said?
[03:09:33] Yeah, it's crazy.
[03:09:34] It's hurtful.
[03:09:35] They must be wine about it fans.
[03:09:39] Do you know the Asian lepers?
[03:09:40] I don't know.
[03:09:41] Well, you think this is...
[03:09:42] Oh, this is like a...
[03:09:45] It did at the last time I went in here,
[03:09:46] and it's not all the way through.
[03:09:48] Do you want to go or do you want to try?
[03:09:49] There's just a peek in there,
[03:09:50] and then peek out if it effs.
[03:09:53] You have to check it though,
[03:09:56] because I don't have my phone on me.
[03:09:57] Chot. Stay away.
[03:10:01] Snow lippid.
[03:10:05] Damn, this one's got the snow leopard.
[03:10:07] Yo, okay.
[03:10:09] I'm not gonna say it.
[03:10:12] What?
[03:10:13] He kind of looks like an old Asian man.
[03:10:17] Does he not with the beard?
[03:10:19] I get it with the beard, yeah.
[03:10:22] That's crazy.
[03:10:26] It looks different than like...
[03:10:31] No man, I know it's fine.
[03:10:33] I get it it looks different than it looks different than like other kinds of leopards
[03:10:43] Look they have a leopard long cat walk
[03:10:47] There's no way oh my god
[03:10:52] That'd be sick let the record show us on wants to get peed on I mean it's like interacting with animals. Yes
[03:11:00] I love animals
[03:11:02] Connery's right here.
[03:11:07] Where is he?
[03:11:11] Oh my god, that's a big holy moly.
[03:11:18] That's a big one.
[03:11:20] Yeah, I'm noticing the circles don't have little dots in them.
[03:11:24] There you go as opposed to a jaguar that we saw earlier.
[03:11:28] These are Amur leopards.
[03:11:32] Alright chill bro, no sudden movements, okay?
[03:11:34] Calm down.
[03:11:38] Oh my god, I would love to pet one. Holy shit.
[03:11:43] Once again, animals that are supposed to be like very scary, but look very...
[03:11:48] ...pedible.
[03:11:50] Messed up.
[03:11:50] Yeah, cats especially.
[03:11:54] See, like the thing I said about bears, I do not have that same attitude about cat.
[03:11:58] Like feline species.
[03:12:00] I'm so scared.
[03:12:01] Yeah, they are so unreliable and un...
[03:12:04] Like I try to explain to people like they're the same as your undomesticated household cat that is impossible to domesticate
[03:12:12] Yeah, like sometimes they're hot sometimes they're cold
[03:12:15] Except this time when they hit you it's like
[03:12:20] That's cool though
[03:12:22] If they if they hit you they imagine like your cat
[03:12:27] You know cats. I don't hate cats
[03:12:29] But like I definitely am a much like I'm a much bigger dog person for sure
[03:12:34] I'm a dog lover and if an animal is closely resembling a dog, I like that animal more.
[03:12:41] Oh!
[03:12:42] Snow leopard here.
[03:12:43] Sleeping right there.
[03:12:44] Show that.
[03:12:45] Oh my God.
[03:12:49] Yo!
[03:12:50] There's another one right up here.
[03:12:52] She's fucking chilling.
[03:12:55] Just heckin' chillin'.
[03:12:58] Big heifer.
[03:12:59] Looks soft.
[03:13:01] Um, endangered.
[03:13:04] rugged remote mountains high elevations in central Asia about a hundred pounds
[03:13:18] oh my god oh my god that's sick what's he doing he's just like what's he looking
[03:13:26] at he looks like he's ready to eat he's like looking at the little kids that are
[03:13:30] walking by like that would make a tasty treat
[03:13:33] Oh, the ball!
[03:13:34] Why does this stretch?
[03:13:37] Oh my god, cute.
[03:13:38] Oh my god!
[03:13:46] That's a big butt.
[03:13:49] Yeah.
[03:13:52] That's sick.
[03:13:56] They have such little ears, man.
[03:13:58] It's a tiny little baby little ear.
[03:14:00] I want to pet one so bad.
[03:14:01] I'm like physically holding myself back from trying
[03:14:05] to put my arm up there.
[03:14:06] I'm sorry.
[03:14:07] I would actually, I would call security on you.
[03:14:11] So close.
[03:14:12] Look, look how close we are.
[03:14:16] Just a little baby pet.
[03:14:17] Like just like a little boop on the nose.
[03:14:21] I lose my mind.
[03:14:22] You don't want a boop on the nose?
[03:14:23] No.
[03:14:25] I think he would like that.
[03:14:30] I think he would appreciate me giving him a boop on the nose.
[03:14:33] He'd be like, thank you.
[03:14:33] I don't think so.
[03:14:34] No one has done that to me before, and I really liked it.
[03:14:38] That's what would happen.
[03:14:39] OK, this way.
[03:14:42] Chat, we're on the road to hippos.
[03:14:43] Look, hippo trail.
[03:14:47] It's on.
[03:14:48] Hippo trail.
[03:14:48] Tell me something cool about hippos.
[03:14:50] Hippos kill, like you also mentioned, 500 humans every year.
[03:14:54] Hippos can't swim contrary to the way they look.
[03:14:58] And that's actually precisely what the hippos end up doing
[03:15:02] is if you see them ever in the water, which they spend most of their time in,
[03:15:06] they're not actually swimming, they're going all the way to the bottom
[03:15:10] of the water and then jumping back up.
[03:15:14] And then repeating that over and over again. They actually are quite fast as well.
[03:15:18] like in an unsuspecting manner and they are incredibly violent like incredibly
[03:15:24] incredibly violent despite their very cute-looking despite this might find
[03:15:31] it look very cute they're very violent which is weird I don't understand it
[03:15:35] as opposed to the pygmy hippo which Mu Deng is which my as opposed to the
[03:15:43] pygmy hippo which Mu Deng is which apparently are very docile species and
[03:15:47] not violent at all okay what is in monkey oh it's most terrible it does look at him
[03:16:00] though he's sitting in the sun monkey oh my god it's wukong it's wukong it's
[03:16:07] black myth wukong what did i pick up what's in my butt i'm gonna grab my
[03:16:26] phone let's see where we're at maya they're talking about you hi yeah yeah
[03:16:42] Yeah, we're live right now.
[03:16:43] I watch the best English hero in the world.
[03:16:45] Thank you so much!
[03:16:49] Cool, this is like the dream.
[03:16:50] Yeah, I know.
[03:16:51] Place to work at.
[03:16:52] That's awesome.
[03:16:53] I talk about our conversation words, so I'm just a huge fan.
[03:16:56] Cool, nice to meet you.
[03:16:58] I'm Hero.
[03:16:59] Hi.
[03:17:00] Cool, nice to meet you.
[03:17:01] You too.
[03:17:02] Sorry, I'm still...
[03:17:03] I've never met, like, a...
[03:17:04] Any kind of...
[03:17:05] I'm just...
[03:17:06] Do you want to take a picture or something?
[03:17:09] Yeah, I'm sure.
[03:17:10] Oh my goodness, you don't mind.
[03:17:11] No, not at all.
[03:17:12] Actually, this is not the one.
[03:17:13] I don't know.
[03:17:14] I'm also thinking of that episode.
[03:17:15] Oh, okay.
[03:17:16] You want to take a photo?
[03:17:17] Yeah, you want to take a selfie or they could take a photo?
[03:17:19] I'm just excited.
[03:17:20] I don't want to bother you guys.
[03:17:21] No, not at all.
[03:17:22] Not at all.
[03:17:23] He's doing these fixing stuff.
[03:17:24] Oh, you're doing it.
[03:17:25] Okay.
[03:17:26] You want to hold this?
[03:17:27] Okay.
[03:17:28] Okay.
[03:17:29] Okay.
[03:17:30] Okay, he's pretty tall.
[03:17:31] Yeah, he's pretty tall.
[03:17:32] Yeah, that was my favorite live stream, don't tell Maya, but that was like my favorite
[03:17:38] live stream ever of all time.
[03:17:40] I mean, I always wanted to, like,
[03:17:42] learn more about, like, obvious things.
[03:17:44] Share it to, like,
[03:17:44] what's the difference in the constitution?
[03:17:46] Yeah.
[03:17:47] How you save my animals and stuff
[03:17:48] and save the world.
[03:17:50] Cool!
[03:17:51] Let me go for this.
[03:17:51] Okay.
[03:17:54] Take them.
[03:17:55] Yeah.
[03:17:57] Little celebrity around these farts.
[03:18:00] Your- how many pictures
[03:18:01] am I taking for you today?
[03:18:02] Celebrity?
[03:18:02] Little celebrity around these farts.
[03:18:04] Chat, watch this.
[03:18:06] I thought you were gonna hit me.
[03:18:08] I'm scared.
[03:18:09] Yeah, uh,
[03:18:10] We can't, your PR said we can't film you guys talking, so I would love them, but we can't get them to film you.
[03:18:16] But we can take a picture.
[03:18:17] Yeah, I mean just for you guys.
[03:18:18] Sure, we're just mic'd up here.
[03:18:21] Yeah, I mean, you guys are, you guys are in a really good time together.
[03:18:25] I like to call this Otter Trail, I think they call it Otter Trail, but this is Otter Trail.
[03:18:30] They are not super active before like two pounds, so this is a good time to say that they'd be here.
[03:18:36] Sometimes we used to, like, see them as heroes and we'd talk with them.
[03:18:47] You can see them on the left there.
[03:18:52] Other time, like, you would, like, see them on the left.
[03:18:56] Yeah.
[03:18:57] I mean, that, I don't know if that's what you're talking about.
[03:19:00] It's my family.
[03:19:01] Nice.
[03:19:02] Thank you.
[03:19:03] I'm a kid.
[03:19:04] I love you.
[03:19:05] Really? Sure. Here we go.
[03:19:23] You want me to be in it? Yeah, of course.
[03:19:31] Oh my god, he's looking at us. Oh my god, the monkey's looking at us.
[03:19:33] The monkey's looking at us. Hello. Hi. Hi.
[03:19:38] What's up? What's up, big dog?
[03:19:41] Chillin'? Me too, man. Me too.
[03:19:44] Oh, okay, cool. Yeah, we're on our way to the hip-hop.
[03:19:45] What you snackin' on?
[03:19:46] Seriously, I actually just went to that one.
[03:19:48] Yeah.
[03:19:49] I hit those.
[03:19:50] Boring.
[03:19:51] Uh-huh.
[03:19:51] I'm gonna have to get the honors.
[03:19:52] Uh-huh.
[03:19:53] You silly humans.
[03:19:54] Oh, thank you.
[03:19:55] Come in here and stare at me.
[03:19:57] Poo, I spit on you.
[03:19:59] I spit on you.
[03:20:00] Cool.
[03:20:02] Okay, thank you.
[03:20:03] Nice to meet you.
[03:20:04] Yeah, good to meet you.
[03:20:05] You're welcome.
[03:20:06] I'm gonna meet you guys.
[03:20:06] I'm gonna meet you guys.
[03:20:09] Thank you for the work you're doing.
[03:20:10] Yeah.
[03:20:11] I love this one.
[03:20:12] Can't wait to get to hang out with otters all day.
[03:20:12] That's insane.
[03:20:14] I wish
[03:20:41] We've heard you can feed the hippos
[03:20:44] Is that true?
[03:20:58] That was all good.
[03:21:00] Next time we're gonna...
[03:21:06] Yeah, whipping that thing around.
[03:21:08] Look at the ears!
[03:21:10] Can you see that?
[03:21:12] Do you want to walk around and see if we can get a photo?
[03:21:14] Oh my God, that is a beautiful...
[03:21:17] I'm going to go see our tiger trail after the photo.
[03:21:19] I hope we see our tigers, because we have both the...
[03:21:22] I think it's the tiger, like those ones with the right turn.
[03:21:25] No!
[03:21:26] And then we also have our massive tigers around.
[03:21:29] That's sick.
[03:21:30] Yeah, right there.
[03:21:31] You want to take a photo?
[03:21:32] Nice to meet you. Thank you so much.
[03:21:33] All right, let's do it.
[03:21:34] Nice to meet you as well.
[03:21:35] Hey!
[03:21:36] Hi!
[03:21:37] How are you?
[03:21:38] I'm good.
[03:21:39] I want to hear what she's saying so good.
[03:21:41] I'm so glad that I feel like it's stressing me out a lot.
[03:21:43] Hell yeah.
[03:21:44] Oh, what's up?
[03:21:45] I don't want to get in trouble, hey.
[03:21:52] Yeah, they're so nice.
[03:21:58] No problem.
[03:21:58] Have a good one, guys.
[03:22:01] They're gonna be here.
[03:22:05] I love this enclosure.
[03:22:06] No, no, it's all good, man.
[03:22:07] I do that.
[03:22:08] Don't worry about it.
[03:22:08] Swamp Monkeys, Smiths Redtail Monkeys, they've got like crazy water fea- oh my god, oh, they've
[03:22:17] crazy water features and so much vertical space and it's like an open-air enclosure which is cool.
[03:22:24] Otters like shiny objects, that's what I remember. That's true. Look at them, these bingies.
[03:22:30] They're like pink added. So cute. I want to see if we can see the Red River hogs from this time.
[03:22:38] Oh there's one sitting, he's sitting.
[03:22:53] The Red River Hog, Hotel Moceris Porcus, and the Congo Basin Locals hunt Red River hogs
[03:23:03] for food for the commercial bushmeat trade or because the hogs threaten their crops.
[03:23:08] But because they're freaking hogs, they're stable.
[03:23:15] Okay, hippos, they're right here in the sun. It's actually happening.
[03:23:20] The hippos are here around the corner?
[03:23:22] Yeah, it's happening.
[03:23:23] Okay, this one is like running out of juice at 2%. Hopefully I'll be able to put it...
[03:23:31] Well, one of them is on 2%. Hopefully I'll be able to put it onto the...
[03:23:35] Wait, one second. Let me look at the camera, the back of the camera real quick.
[03:23:38] Oh yeah, that's eating away at that battery too.
[03:23:40] Okay. We have like, we have a limited amount of time left.
[03:23:45] Okay.
[03:23:47] They're right here. Panda sleep all day, that's true.
[03:23:52] And, what do they not do? Have sex.
[03:23:56] Yeah, okay. I don't want to say it because we're walking by people.
[03:23:59] What? It's a part of human life. It's a part of animal life.
[03:24:03] Oh, look.
[03:24:04] Oh my God. Oh my God.
[03:24:07] Oh my God.
[03:24:09] dude they're right here oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
[03:24:17] huge I know hippos can be 18 oh my god where are they
[03:24:22] 3,500 oh look at that look at that no I want to ride it so bad I need to pet me I
[03:24:33] want to pet one I need to pet one they have built-in sunscreen a thick red
[03:24:39] What we call a blood sweat protects the hippos skin from sunburn.
[03:24:42] Scientists believe it may also prevent skin infections.
[03:24:45] Hippos can't swim or float.
[03:24:47] They move around by pushing off the bottom of the rivers or lakes.
[03:24:50] What do you want to go down there?
[03:24:56] I would love to.
[03:24:59] Daddy, some of the people in the town are taller than you, but I see you around.
[03:25:06] Yeah.
[03:25:07] I'm sure you're going in.
[03:25:08] It's so funny that they're just like, they're naturally built, uh, they have
[03:25:11] like the natural built scuba gene like the you just have all their important
[03:25:17] parts above the water oh my god he's chilling so hard oh my god she said this
[03:25:23] is a moment of baby but the full-grown baby it looks like
[03:25:30] underwater they look like statues yeah oh they're cuddling
[03:25:41] She loves her mommy wait, that's so cute
[03:25:47] That is so
[03:25:50] What is so cute isn't it? It's crazy how docile they seem at all points
[03:25:57] Wonder if they could break the glass if they wanted to
[03:26:07] That's incredible that's incredible
[03:26:10] So, 35, 100 pounds, that's just only 35 with me, um, and...
[03:26:21] Size of a medium sized car.
[03:26:23] Size of a medium sized car, I think, 18 feet long.
[03:26:26] And they can run 30 miles an hour.
[03:26:28] How long can they stay underwater?
[03:26:30] That's a great question, I don't know the answer.
[03:26:32] Because he just, he just perked up.
[03:26:34] He was like, I need to open it here.
[03:26:36] But you were right about, like, they can't swim.
[03:26:38] She went and put a hippo in the ocean.
[03:26:41] They would just sink all the way down.
[03:26:45] And did you have to pop up to breed?
[03:26:47] So I mean, I assumed they would die in the ocean
[03:26:49] because of salt water anyway.
[03:26:53] There's an invasive population of hippos in Columbia?
[03:26:58] Columbia.
[03:26:59] Oh, because of Pablo Escobar, yeah.
[03:27:00] Yeah, he brought like four hippos over to his estate
[03:27:05] for fun or something.
[03:27:07] Okay, the mom can stay underwater for quite a bit longer it seems though because she's
[03:27:11] not, or whichever one, the one in the back is just like hasn't really perked up.
[03:27:16] Yes, the cocaine hippos, well, they've escaped the estate and bred and recouped.
[03:27:24] Their tails are pretty weird too, they're like, you caught a barrel of wine.
[03:27:27] Like, paddle, yeah, paddle tails.
[03:27:29] And they got like little spikes on it at the edge of it.
[03:27:35] One of the utility for that is little baby spikes.
[03:27:39] They eat 70 pounds of food a day.
[03:27:41] They eat 70 pounds of food a day.
[03:27:43] Yo, that's me for real, dude.
[03:27:45] That's crazy.
[03:27:49] Let's see, how long can a hippo stand in the water for?
[03:27:52] It's so really scary to do that.
[03:27:55] How long?
[03:27:59] It's so tiny.
[03:28:01] It's a hippo.
[03:28:03] Ooh!
[03:28:04] Oh, he's weak.
[03:28:06] Good morning.
[03:28:07] five minutes. They can hold their breath underwater for up to five minutes.
[03:28:14] Newborn hippos are only able to hold their breath for about 40... oh yeah.
[03:28:18] Oh yeah. You're missing the P-Action. Put the tail up. Don't put out. But yeah,
[03:28:31] Newborn hippos are only able to hold their breath for about 40 seconds at a
[03:28:34] time.
[03:28:39] Chow, this is not the same as Lu Dang. Lu Dang is a pykmy hippo. So they're much smaller.
[03:28:48] They are also pykmies in the way that they're not aggressive. I can see here all day.
[03:28:58] Connor, he's pooping.
[03:29:00] Oh, look at that. Chow, pooping.
[03:29:03] Don't put it out. Don't put it all out.
[03:29:07] Hey, it's your feeling.
[03:29:10] He's so cute. He's so happy. He just looks like he's having a great time.
[03:29:18] They didn't like that.
[03:29:20] How can they fall underwater? I mean, how can they fall asleep underwater if they're...
[03:29:25] I don't know.
[03:29:27] The ravages get terrible sleep.
[03:29:29] I don't know. What is wrong with that?
[03:29:32] Or they just come to me in like a shower.
[03:29:34] Apparently hippos are dangerous because they have sensitive hearing, poor eyesight, and a nervous nature.
[03:29:38] Yeah, that's why they're skittish and aggressive.
[03:29:45] Nile crocodiles, lions and spotted hyenas are known to prey on young hippos.
[03:29:49] Beyond these adult hippos are not usually preyed upon by other animals due to their
[03:29:55] aggression and size.
[03:29:57] What?
[03:29:58] They're waking up.
[03:29:59] They're waking up.
[03:30:00] They're waking up.
[03:30:01] You need to breathe.
[03:30:02] Wake up! You need to breathe!
[03:30:25] What?
[03:30:26] I mean there was a hippo that's on the boat and I can't believe she's on the boat.
[03:30:31] Oh my God!
[03:30:34] Oh my God!
[03:30:39] That is so cool.
[03:30:42] That is hilarious.
[03:30:44] That was definitely cool.
[03:30:47] That was so cool.
[03:30:50] I would love to have you.
[03:30:53] You're so welcome.
[03:30:55] she's right the closing nostrils as well in order to not let any water in
[03:31:09] whoa look at that big one up there
[03:31:25] It's so cool.
[03:31:30] Yo, that's crazy.
[03:31:35] Oh, this is a zero percent battery.
[03:31:42] Taking this out, putting it on here, hoping that it works.
[03:31:46] Alright, no, it's working.
[03:31:51] Alright, good.
[03:31:53] So cool.
[03:31:54] I think it's working.
[03:32:01] Pay special attention to their back feet because look at that.
[03:32:06] Because look at it.
[03:32:09] Okay, they're avoiding us now.
[03:32:10] I feel like.
[03:32:11] They're going to hit us.
[03:32:12] That's the clue.
[03:32:13] We made it.
[03:32:14] Wow.
[03:32:15] Wow.
[03:32:16] Wow.
[03:32:17] Wow.
[03:32:18] Wow.
[03:32:19] Wow.
[03:32:20] Wow.
[03:32:21] Wow.
[03:32:22] Wow.
[03:32:23] Wow.
[03:32:24] Wow.
[03:32:25] Wow.
[03:32:26] Wow.
[03:32:27] Wow.
[03:32:28] Wow.
[03:32:29] battery it's I think it's working all of the equipment have their own internal
[03:32:34] battery as well so it'll be fine
[03:32:36] uh Tigers first
[03:32:39] oh shoot yeah
[03:32:42] wait why
[03:32:45] I have a panel at five
[03:32:46] oh you have a panel
[03:32:47] yeah
[03:32:48] oh damn
[03:32:49] I didn't even think about that
[03:32:53] oh also cuties thing
[03:32:54] do you want to go there
[03:33:00] This is where my battery is dying on my phone and I will be stranded if I don't have anything
[03:33:28] to charge it with.
[03:33:36] God animals are the best.
[03:33:46] The Ocopy.
[03:33:47] Oh it's like the busted zebra giraffe thing.
[03:33:53] Giraffe-ish like male giraffes or copy-males grow skin-covered horns called ossicones.
[03:33:59] Armed rebels legally hunt, log, farm, and mine in particular for the Democratic Republic
[03:34:02] kongo and the okapis vanish and that is why they're disappearing. They're endangered species.
[03:34:07] Damn. They're so cool. They're kind of horse-like, I feel, like their heads.
[03:34:13] They got a bit of everything. But their head looks more like a giraffe.
[03:34:17] You see these boxes here? And the legs have the zebra. Yeah.
[03:34:20] These are like enrichment boxes. They have super long tongues. They can put food in them
[03:34:24] and then they have to stick their tongue in that hole and get it out.
[03:34:30] So that is like a giraffe.
[03:34:31] Yeah.
[03:34:38] What haven't we seen yet?
[03:34:39] We've made it.
[03:34:40] We've seen a lot.
[03:34:41] We've looked at everything.
[03:34:44] Snow tigers this way.
[03:34:46] Oh yeah, we got to look at the tigers.
[03:34:48] She said there's a snow tiger.
[03:34:50] Yeah, that's interesting.
[03:34:53] I assume that's a rescue.
[03:34:55] Well, yeah.
[03:34:57] Have you seen the, um, the chimp thing on Netflix that's like Tiger King, but for chimpanzees?
[03:35:03] No, I've not.
[03:35:04] But what I do know is that there's more, there's more Tigers in captivity in private owners in the state of Texas from Tiger King than there are in the wild.
[03:35:15] He's crazy. He's got all the facts.
[03:35:18] I got facts for days. I knew that before Tiger King, actually.
[03:35:22] I mean, I get it, I get it, it's...
[03:35:29] Here's right there, oh my god.
[03:35:39] He looks mad.
[03:35:45] Doesn't pacing mean anxiety?
[03:35:55] Yeah, it's just kind of a quick pacing.
[03:35:58] I'll then snack, no way.
[03:36:01] I think you see the snacks right there.
[03:36:04] Yeah.
[03:36:05] Yeah.
[03:36:06] Yeah.
[03:36:07] Yeah.
[03:36:08] Yeah.
[03:36:09] Yeah.
[03:36:10] Yeah.
[03:36:11] Yeah.
[03:36:12] Yeah.
[03:36:13] Something's got ball cancer, I think.
[03:36:15] No, he just...
[03:36:17] That's just what I look like.
[03:36:19] He's got triples.
[03:36:21] Am I wrong?
[03:36:23] I mean...
[03:36:25] He used to go to the doctor.
[03:36:27] What did you say?
[03:36:29] God, I'm going to say that again.
[03:36:31] I think he might have a medical condition
[03:36:33] in his, uh,
[03:36:35] nether region.
[03:36:37] Well, if you put that nether region
[03:36:41] there wouldn't be any baby tigers.
[03:36:43] any baby tiger you're right about that
[03:36:55] yeah I don't think I don't think he's enjoying himself too much that's the
[03:37:03] that's the first pacing I think I've seen today there's a lot of things it
[03:37:06] doesn't like mouth open like he's like yeah
[03:37:14] I don't think I'm wrong, by the way, in my assessment.
[03:37:19] I mean, I didn't really get a good enough look, and I'm also not a veteran in it.
[03:37:23] He had three.
[03:37:24] Okay.
[03:37:25] Like, he had three balls.
[03:37:26] I mean, this habitat's pretty sweet.
[03:37:28] Whoa!
[03:37:29] See, that one's chilling.
[03:37:30] This is like just the whole thing.
[03:37:31] So is there a snow one in here too?
[03:37:32] I don't know.
[03:37:36] Wow.
[03:37:37] This is a jove habitat.
[03:37:38] Yeah, it's pretty sweet.
[03:37:39] They have a cave down there, too.
[03:37:40] That's awesome.
[03:37:41] They have a what?
[03:37:42] Like a cave.
[03:37:43] Yeah.
[03:37:44] Like a cave?
[03:37:46] Yeah
[03:37:48] They want to climb trees?
[03:37:50] Yeah they do, it's huge
[03:37:52] They want to climb that tree so
[03:37:56] Sweet
[03:37:57] Okay they can definitely jump off that tree to that ledge right there
[03:38:01] Maybe
[03:38:06] They're incredibly athletic now, they can do that
[03:38:08] I don't know, probably not that far
[03:38:11] What is that?
[03:38:13] I don't want to know what it is, but I don't know what that is.
[03:38:16] I'm going to put it in the chest.
[03:38:17] It's a goon cave.
[03:38:18] Yeah, what is it?
[03:38:19] I think it's bottom.
[03:38:21] You both are going to put your hands up.
[03:38:22] Yeah.
[03:38:22] Hi.
[03:38:23] Hi.
[03:38:23] Of course.
[03:38:24] Oh, you don't know what a goon cave is?
[03:38:27] No, we stopped saying that.
[03:38:28] We don't know where to go.
[03:38:29] You want me to take it?
[03:38:30] All right.
[03:38:31] Thank you, guys.
[03:38:32] It's so nice to meet you.
[03:38:34] This is me as well.
[03:38:38] Thank you, guys.
[03:38:39] Nice to meet you.
[03:38:40] Thank you.
[03:38:46] OK, now you can talk about it.
[03:38:47] You know what a goon is?
[03:38:48] No, I know what that is.
[03:38:49] Okay, so then a goon cave is where you do your gooning.
[03:38:52] Like your bedroom?
[03:38:53] Ha, ha!
[03:38:55] It's not just a simple bedroom, madam.
[03:39:00] What is it?
[03:39:00] It's my pride and joy.
[03:39:02] You have a separate room?
[03:39:03] Eight monitors, six consoles, all prime with direct access fiber
[03:39:09] optic cables connected to the main frame
[03:39:11] so I can look at all of the latest and greatest.
[03:39:16] Three of them entirely dedicated
[03:39:18] to my favorite subreddits, where
[03:39:22] I'll be goon-maxing and edging all day, just like the tigers.
[03:39:29] Hope the zoo's still watching.
[03:39:31] So one day is a commitment to a craft, and that's right.
[03:39:35] They're right.
[03:39:45] What's your name?
[03:39:46] I'm John.
[03:39:47] Oh, no.
[03:39:49] No, no.
[03:39:54] That's a messed up looking animal.
[03:39:57] In the coolest way possible.
[03:40:00] They're also in danger.
[03:40:01] Oh, he's getting up.
[03:40:02] He heard me.
[03:40:02] I'm sorry, I'm sorry Taper, I was kidding.
[03:40:06] Malay Peninsula and Sumatra.
[03:40:08] You're handsome, don't go.
[03:40:11] Most closely related to horses and rhinos,
[03:40:13] that kind of makes sense.
[03:40:15] They're endangered, so.
[03:40:17] Forest provides tapers with shelter, food and water,
[03:40:19] but forests are rapidly disappearing in Malaysia
[03:40:21] and Sumatra.
[03:40:23] Oh, he went into the goon cave.
[03:40:24] He's like, no, I'm done.
[03:40:26] I'm good.
[03:40:27] Maya really liked that joke.
[03:40:28] She's laughing off camera.
[03:40:30] She just didn't wanna show
[03:40:31] how much he's laughing off camera.
[03:40:39] Tapers are like the type of animal
[03:40:41] where you look at them and it's like,
[03:40:41] this doesn't make sense.
[03:40:42] Yeah, yeah.
[03:40:43] You're like, what are you?
[03:40:44] They got long noses.
[03:40:46] Like if you see one and if you saw one,
[03:40:48] you'd be like, what is this thing?
[03:40:50] I love the water.
[03:40:52] I saw taper footprints in the Amazon rainforest.
[03:40:56] It's pretty sick.
[03:40:56] But I didn't see one.
[03:40:58] But the footprints were fresh.
[03:40:59] He was there.
[03:41:03] That's the largest mammal the Amazon rainforest has.
[03:41:06] Tapers?
[03:41:07] It's a taper.
[03:41:08] Not that species, but.
[03:41:09] Is it larger than those?
[03:41:11] No.
[03:41:12] Dude, you got somewhere to be or something?
[03:41:15] Me?
[03:41:16] Yeah, you're walking so fast.
[03:41:18] I don't know.
[03:41:19] What the heck?
[03:41:22] Yeah, you're getting those caps in.
[03:41:24] Your strides are way too long.
[03:41:29] Oh, so I'm lost?
[03:41:29] Yes.
[03:41:31] Where are they?
[03:41:32] No.
[03:41:36] I mean, I've seen so many otters that it's fine.
[03:41:38] They don't fuss with you.
[03:41:40] Oh, they've fucking me all right, you crazy.
[03:41:43] I've been to the cafe in Japan.
[03:41:46] Epic ones.
[03:41:47] All right, all right, yeah.
[03:41:49] And they love me.
[03:41:51] When I'm feeding them little food.
[03:41:53] What a tree!
[03:41:54] With their tiny hands.
[03:41:55] Damn!
[03:41:56] That's sick.
[03:41:59] It's a big tree root.
[03:42:09] Look at these stripes, my god.
[03:42:14] What the hell?
[03:42:16] Oh, there's a fence.
[03:42:17] I thought it was just chilling out here.
[03:42:19] I don't know, but it was gonna be like,
[03:42:21] this one got away.
[03:42:22] Like, white-naked pheasant.
[03:42:28] This looks like something you would hunt, like rich people.
[03:42:31] Me? Oh.
[03:42:31] No, not you.
[03:42:32] So me in particular?
[03:42:34] Rich people would be like, I'm out hunting white-naked pheasant pigeon.
[03:42:40] Very nice.
[03:42:41] This purple feather, he's pretty.
[03:42:44] I love the feathers.
[03:42:48] Very nice.
[03:42:50] Panda, right?
[03:42:52] That's the last thing to see, right?
[03:42:55] We saw the tigers.
[03:42:57] Yeah.
[03:42:57] Are lagers real?
[03:42:59] Yeah.
[03:43:00] Like the lines of tigers are going to crossbreed.
[03:43:03] Yeah.
[03:43:04] But they don't do it in the open world.
[03:43:07] They don't live together in the open world.
[03:43:09] Different continents.
[03:43:11] Wait, do they get like...
[03:43:13] Whoa!
[03:43:15] The monkeys!
[03:43:20] Little capuchins.
[03:43:21] Look at all this climbing space, dude.
[03:43:23] So much vertical space, so many different branches.
[03:43:26] You got a good vertical space for little monkeys are here. Yeah, and they're much smaller, but like this is sick
[03:43:35] Monka
[03:43:37] So cute the tufted cappuccine. I've lost track
[03:43:53] That's great, okay
[03:44:00] Look at the length of that tail man
[03:44:02] Man, yooo!
[03:44:04] Dude, their hair is cool.
[03:44:10] They must do a lot of upkeep on themselves.
[03:44:13] That's crazy that...
[03:44:17] The Angolan colobus monkey,
[03:44:21] they're in Tanzania and Kenya.
[03:44:25] Their diet consists of leaves, seeds, and unripe fruit.
[03:44:29] Fun fact, colobus monkeys have reduced thumbs or none at all.
[03:44:33] The name colobus comes from the Greek word meaning docked
[03:44:35] or cut short, referring to those thumbs.
[03:44:38] How do you, that's crazy, that's an evolutionary L.
[03:44:42] Like, how are you gonna be a monkey and not have thumbs?
[03:44:46] I mean, how, isn't that the whole point of being a monkey
[03:44:49] is you got thumbs?
[03:44:54] I like these ones.
[03:44:55] I guess they make up for it by having the coolest fur.
[03:44:59] Like the winged, I wonder if they give them,
[03:45:02] do you think they give them more flight time?
[03:45:06] Flight, like when they fly.
[03:45:08] yeah for sure really no no why you gotta be like that why you gotta i'm genuinely curious
[03:45:19] honestly your questions they got a crazy look smells terrible here it does smells like monkeys man
[03:45:35] all right i don't know at this point we should start targeting the exit maybe we have to go
[03:45:51] go back the way we came? Probably not. Maybe we should go up these stairs? No. Oh, there's
[03:46:06] stairs right here. Maya. What? There's stairs right here to go up this route. Okay. So I
[03:46:12] assume that's probably the way out. No. No way. That's not a bathroom. It's a mandrel.
[03:46:32] Is that a baboon?
[03:46:34] Is a mandrel a baboon?
[03:46:36] Oh, here, you wanna go in there, Connor?
[03:46:39] Rainforest.
[03:46:40] It's a mandrel.
[03:46:41] Western Central Africa.
[03:46:44] Damn, they hunt these for bush meat too?
[03:46:46] What the heck is going on with them?
[03:46:49] What do they know that we don't know about this bush meat?
[03:46:51] Now I'm thinking maybe there's a valid reason to hunt them.
[03:46:54] His face is crazy.
[03:46:57] Oh, wow.
[03:47:01] Oh.
[03:47:02] Oh, man.
[03:47:03] No way. That's sick that we got to see that.
[03:47:06] Okay.
[03:47:07] Come on, that's cool.
[03:47:13] He also looks kind of messed up.
[03:47:16] The fur is even the same.
[03:47:18] The colors on that?
[03:47:23] He's just yoinking at Jack.
[03:47:25] Not even in the cave.
[03:47:26] He's not even really good at this.
[03:47:28] Yoink at him.
[03:47:29] Don't get in.
[03:47:30] Come on.
[03:47:30] He's a jerk in his peanuts.
[03:47:32] That was crazy.
[03:47:33] I've never seen those eye close.
[03:47:34] Really?
[03:47:35] That was crazy.
[03:47:36] That's cool.
[03:47:37] And Jack got to see it without the commercial interruption
[03:47:39] that's coming for them right now at the top of the hour.
[03:47:41] You know what I mean?
[03:47:43] That's crazy.
[03:47:44] Now, if you don't want to miss a moment like that,
[03:47:46] you're gonna have to subscribe
[03:47:48] for $4.20 on September or for a free little first prime.
[03:47:52] I'm not looking at it.
[03:47:58] You think I was born yesterday?
[03:48:01] Is that what you think?
[03:48:05] Imagine if you actually tripped me,
[03:48:06] that'd be really funny.
[03:48:08] How are we going?
[03:48:09] I would fall on you and you would die.
[03:48:14] Up we go.
[03:48:17] How do you like starred yet?
[03:48:20] I am.
[03:48:20] Start walking.
[03:48:21] I'm definitely.
[03:48:22] Let's see how many steps we took today so far.
[03:48:27] Huh, not that much.
[03:48:35] I don't know.
[03:48:38] I don't know.
[03:48:40] I'm taking 7,000 steps so far today.
[03:48:42] What's on?
[03:48:43] What's up?
[03:48:45] First of all, monkeys.
[03:48:50] Eyes.
[03:48:52] Oh, the pygmies are here.
[03:48:53] No, I don't know where.
[03:48:56] Oh, he's really cute.
[03:48:59] I don't know.
[03:49:06] seemingly great for her because they constantly pick at it right like they
[03:49:09] clean it yeah they're very they love grooming each other they're hiding
[03:49:22] moody I know it I know it they're hiding moody for me they know how do we
[03:49:33] to get out of here? Oh, so that way? Yeah. I let her start to me. Maya. What? The exit
[03:49:43] is over there? To exit? Oh, okay, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Wait, where's the
[03:49:53] pygmy hippos? Oh, okay. They're great here apparently. I don't know where they are.
[03:50:02] Moodang! Moodang! Adult pygmy hippos are just as 16th of the size of a common hippo.
[03:50:09] You can see common hippos with a zoo too. In Itcherie Forest, their threats are
[03:50:12] Logging, farming, and human settlements are taken over the small hippos' forest home and they're endangered.
[03:50:16] Sad.
[03:50:17] Yeah, they're endangered because I'm gonna steal them.
[03:50:20] Okay.
[03:50:21] That's crazy.
[03:50:23] I'm sorry. After seeing Ludaing and Ashen, I need to have one.
[03:50:27] Sorry.
[03:50:30] Sorry, not sorry.
[03:50:36] Okay, so this way?
[03:50:37] Yeah.
[03:50:38] Okay, okay.
[03:50:40] Okay, okay, okay, okay.
[03:50:42] Dude, we're like in a forest right now.
[03:50:44] I know, it's sick.
[03:50:45] This is so cool.
[03:50:46] One of the coolest things about San Diego Zoo is their landscaping. They go crazy with the plants. In their enclosures and just like around.
[03:50:55] Yeah.
[03:50:57] What's up?
[03:51:00] That's really cool. They grow food for their animals. If you guys didn't hear that, like on site.
[03:51:05] How, I mean,
[03:51:07] why is the climate so appropriate for it?
[03:51:11] California is a Mediterranean climate. We can grow like
[03:51:15] everything here.
[03:51:17] It's pretty awesome.
[03:51:19] California is top producing ag state in the nation.
[03:51:21] Yeah. True.
[03:51:23] We can grow it all.
[03:51:25] Peace. Peace.
[03:51:27] Oh, okay, okay. He'll catch up.
[03:51:32] I love zoos. It's like one of those places where you just can't be sad.
[03:51:41] Oh my god, you are so...
[03:51:43] You are so smart for asking her that.
[03:51:45] Because it's right here.
[03:51:47] Yeah.
[03:51:49] What the hell is that? No, he's leaving.
[03:51:51] No, he's leaving. Don't go.
[03:51:53] It's a blot.
[03:51:53] What is it?
[03:51:54] Babarusa.
[03:51:56] Babarusa.
[03:51:56] It's like a rhino.
[03:51:58] Oh my God, Indonesia rainforest near water,
[03:52:00] snare set by hunters for warty pigs,
[03:52:02] catch Babaruses too, three forts,
[03:52:05] three forts of the Sulawesi, lowland forests
[03:52:07] have been destroyed mostly due to commercial logging,
[03:52:08] so now they're threatened.
[03:52:10] That is a sick looking bird.
[03:52:13] What?
[03:52:16] He like ran right in as we were pulling up.
[03:52:19] Man.
[03:52:20] He felt it.
[03:52:21] He was like, I don't want to get kidnapped by his son.
[03:52:23] You would want that thing?
[03:52:25] Yeah, why not?
[03:52:28] Take one home.
[03:52:30] Flamingos.
[03:52:42] Where your people at?
[03:52:45] They very smartly,
[03:52:48] we're like, I think we should do our own thing.
[03:52:50] I think we should go.
[03:52:51] I think we should do our own thing
[03:52:52] before the entirety of Alvace is like permanently banned.
[03:52:57] Do you want anything?
[03:53:01] We should go to Cutie's thing maybe?
[03:53:03] Well, let me see what they have right here.
[03:53:05] Yeah, do we have time?
[03:53:09] Yeah, I think it's fine, it's 10 minutes away.
[03:53:13] We're using it in pink.
[03:53:15] Yeah, you guys should go to the panel
[03:53:17] and I'll just like roll up.
[03:53:20] Yeah, I can keep cameras ready.
[03:53:22] No, no, we, no, let's just, let's just go, let's just go.
[03:53:29] I'll hold it in.
[03:53:34] What's your shank plan?
[03:53:36] I'm just gonna go to Cutie's thing,
[03:53:37] are you not going or are you going to the panel?
[03:53:38] No, I'm coming.
[03:53:39] Let's just let I'll call it uber sir saying life. Yeah, okay
[03:53:46] And we can end it
[03:53:54] Wait, what everybody fit oh to the band. Oh you guys go. Okay. Oh, all right. Yeah, you guys ready
[03:54:02] Hell yeah, okay. Yeah, let's do it. Let's freaking go
[03:54:06] We're leaving.
[03:54:07] Hey, Steve, cameraman.
[03:54:10] Dude, you did a fantastic job.
[03:54:11] I think Connor in the chat.
[03:54:12] Connor did a fantastic job.
[03:54:15] Do you have an excellent zoo visit?
[03:54:16] Yes.
[03:54:17] I mean, you can't have a bad zoo visit, I don't think.
[03:54:20] Did you see the long pass?
[03:54:21] Did you get to the hippos?
[03:54:22] We saw the hippos.
[03:54:23] We saw the hippos.
[03:54:24] We got a lot of hippo action.
[03:54:26] No.
[03:54:27] We saw a sign for them.
[03:54:29] All right.
[03:54:30] I got all my, I got like all of my hippo action out
[03:54:34] from.
[03:54:42] No, you're wrong.
[03:54:44] No, there's one person that shouldn't be on camera.
[03:54:46] Okay.
[03:54:47] Hi, how are you?
[03:54:48] Good to see you.
[03:54:49] Good to see you.
[03:54:50] Good to see you.
[03:54:51] Dude.
[03:54:52] Congrats on that one.
[03:54:53] Insane.
[03:54:54] It's so good.
[03:54:55] It's so funny.
[03:54:56] Did you take the gondola thing?
[03:54:57] No, there's a really long line for us.
[03:54:59] I didn't want to wait, but like, it's, oh my god, we saw all the animals.
[03:55:02] It was so sick.
[03:55:03] Yeah, do you see the hippos?
[03:55:05] Yes.
[03:55:06] They're so good.
[03:55:07] They're majestic.
[03:55:08] Is there gorillas?
[03:55:09] Uh, Maya, are there gorillas?
[03:55:11] I don't think we saw them but we saw a whole bunch of monkeys.
[03:55:19] Yes.
[03:55:20] Oh, we gotta move out of the way for the car.
[03:55:23] I heard this gorilla's here, but I haven't seen it.
[03:55:29] We came just before close.
[03:55:31] Dude, the elephants were sick.
[03:55:36] We did the whole circuit, basically, polar bears.
[03:55:43] I think they'll probably come out at this point.
[03:55:46] We're trying to bounce out here.
[03:55:49] Oh, they're up top right.
[03:55:51] Yeah, so they're here, I think.
[03:55:54] The polar bears are dope.
[03:55:58] I think it's really hot when we're there.
[03:56:01] So I just barely saw one.
[03:56:03] tall it's it's dope this place is actually so cool this is the first time
[03:56:08] I've actually been to the city but last time it's really my his favorite zoo
[03:56:11] she knows the thing or two yeah we literally like we went to the
[03:56:15] and then closer I think I told you this story at the lounge yeah this is a
[03:56:19] crazy thing so this guy was like across the way and you recognize like me and
[03:56:23] Jaden and he goes hey hey come over here can I get a picture yeah dude it's
[03:56:27] crazy you guys have pandas he's like do you hear a crazy story I don't know
[03:56:30] what year this happened but apparently in the like the back end of the zoo where
[03:56:34] they like keep them at night one night with them like one of the female
[03:56:38] pen is just rolled over and there's a baby panda underneath they had no idea
[03:56:42] she was pregnant so like they had to like scramble they're like holy shit we
[03:56:46] got a baby panda yeah apparently this is like the last time and now they've
[03:56:49] got a new one because this is like the best place for breeding pandas yeah
[03:56:52] because pandas my nose I've educated her on this
[03:56:57] The sun thing spinners aren't having sex.
[03:56:59] No they don't.
[03:57:00] Isn't that the whole thing?
[03:57:01] Thank you.
[03:57:01] Thank you.
[03:57:03] They don't fuck.
[03:57:04] We're no longer vulnerable on pandas.
[03:57:06] No, it's true.
[03:57:07] It's true.
[03:57:08] I mean, I know that they have to.
[03:57:09] No, no, we're leaving.
[03:57:10] We're here.
[03:57:11] Yeah, we're done with our excursion.
[03:57:15] We learned a lot today.
[03:57:17] This is the last thing I'm doing,
[03:57:18] and I'm getting back to my dog.
[03:57:19] No, yeah.
[03:57:21] Same.
[03:57:21] All right.
[03:57:23] All right.
[03:57:23] Have fun, guys.
[03:57:24] Absolutely.
[03:57:25] Yeah, good to run in, you guys.
[03:57:26] All right
[03:57:29] Yeah
[03:57:31] Is there a problem is there do you need me to I can end it if you know have other stuff going on?
[03:57:36] No, you're good. It's not an issue at all
[03:57:39] You don't need to end
[03:57:48] Like a hundred ninety nine degrees. Oh my god, we missed a freaking show. Oh actually we're gonna have to do that
[03:57:59] Cool
[03:58:00] Then hold of the show, but they wouldn't let us film the show anyway. Yeah
[03:58:05] That's cool
[03:58:09] You want merge Maya, I got so much standard
[03:58:23] Thank you
[03:58:25] With the one thing we didn't see the rhinos
[03:58:28] You're right. We did not see the right. Oh, and we didn't see the penguins. We didn't see the girls
[03:58:34] This is such a massive zoo. Oh my god
[03:58:38] What is good? It's good for next time.
[03:58:43] How was your first collab stream?
[03:58:51] I don't think it's my first.
[03:58:54] Since you stopped collabing, this is like one of the first?
[03:58:57] Maybe. I've played Pickleball with Russell.
[03:59:02] Okay.
[03:59:04] Does that count?
[03:59:06] No, this was good. You know, I love streaming in public with...
[03:59:15] I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
[03:59:17] Sorry I'm like shaking.
[03:59:18] No, it's all good. Let's do it.
[03:59:20] Man of a...
[03:59:24] My embarrassment has not waned.
[03:59:28] Thank you so much.
[03:59:29] Nice to meet you, guys.
[03:59:31] Yeah.
[03:59:35] You guys want one too?
[03:59:37] Man of a...
[03:59:39] Wow
[03:59:41] How are you?
[03:59:43] I'm fine, how are you?
[03:59:45] How are you?
[03:59:47] I'm fine, I'm fine
[03:59:49] 32 months subscriber
[03:59:51] Thank you
[03:59:53] Do you want to take a picture?
[03:59:55] You take a picture
[03:59:57] Come
[03:59:59] Nice to meet you
[04:00:01] Thank you so much
[04:00:03] I'm very happy
[04:00:05] Have fun
[04:00:07] Thank you thank you
[04:00:16] You know you gotta do one more bro you have your fazils in it. I'm sure give me the phone
[04:00:22] Thank you, there you go every good one. All right. Well actually we're moving
[04:00:28] I was going to come with you until you started running, and I was like, come on.
[04:00:33] H-O-T-T.
[04:00:34] Connor is a man of action.
[04:00:35] Yeah.
[04:00:36] He has phenomenal skills in walking backwards.
[04:00:42] He faster than me when I'm walking forwards, when he's walking backwards is crazy.
[04:00:45] Yeah.
[04:00:49] He's a fashionista with the couch.
[04:00:55] What's going on?
[04:00:57] We need more things.
[04:00:58] Nice to meet you.
[04:00:59] I can't believe it's you.
[04:01:06] Oh, I got what you mean.
[04:01:07] Oh, I got what you mean. I don't like that either.
[04:01:10] The heart has like the safari hats?
[04:01:12] No, Connor shirt.
[04:01:14] Oh, oh, oh.
[04:01:16] We did talk about getting you one.
[04:01:21] Oh, all of them?
[04:01:23] You look so good.
[04:01:25] Even the bad ones?
[04:01:27] There aren't special no bad ones.
[04:01:29] Because they only love Maya.
[04:01:31] Oh, Mil does not love me.
[04:01:33] She doesn't love anybody.
[04:01:35] There are no bad ones.
[04:01:37] I mean, they were chill with me.
[04:01:39] I didn't have a problem with them.
[04:01:41] Did it really?
[04:01:42] No, yeah, they kind of came up a little bit.
[04:01:48] All right, what's going on?
[04:02:01] You guys got a whole truck here?
[04:02:04] We got a mini thing.
[04:02:05] That's sick.
[04:02:06] Dude, we should have gone on a train.
[04:02:08] Oh my God, you're right.
[04:02:10] There's a train.
[04:02:11] Are there animals around?
[04:02:11] I don't know.
[04:02:12] Maybe, probably not.
[04:02:18] like four or five and this is,
[04:02:20] I think so far she's alive, like 3% full.
[04:02:25] Let's cross.
[04:02:26] Safe to cross.
[04:02:27] Safe to cross.
[04:02:29] Judy has a mission apparently with a stream of furs.
[04:02:56] So she's gonna launch it in time.
[04:02:59] So is she alive now?
[04:03:03] I think so.
[04:03:04] Josh, is Judy alive?
[04:03:18] Oh yes, she's alive.
[04:03:19] It's been going strong.
[04:03:20] Excellent.
[04:03:21] Excellent, excellent.
[04:03:26] It's a crow, not a raven, because it doesn't have the hook on the top of the horn, or on top of the bill.
[04:03:38] Right? Is it the bill? The mouth. The beak. The beak. Yeah. Freaking got it.
[04:03:43] And also, crows are smaller than ravens, right? Nice. It's on.
[04:03:47] I'm on freaking bird allergies, dude. Did you find it? Oh, yeah. Animal guy.
[04:04:04] If you weren't streaming or being a journalist, what would you be doing?
[04:04:10] um
[04:04:12] Probably I'll probably go to college like get PhD teach
[04:04:17] That's what I would do most likely
[04:04:20] That's what I've like thought about doing
[04:04:23] Outside of this
[04:04:33] I'll see wherever you guys will have me I think
[04:04:36] I think I'm in the middle of the seat.
[04:04:40] I'll sit wherever you have me.
[04:04:42] It's pilot seat right there.
[04:04:46] We'll get co-pilot.
[04:04:48] The middle seat.
[04:04:49] Oh, is it shotgun?
[04:04:50] No, co-pilot.
[04:04:52] I do shotgun.
[04:04:54] What?
[04:04:55] Oh, you get sick?
[04:04:56] Once he gets back to his country.
[04:04:58] Okay.
[04:04:59] You need to be in the back.
[04:05:14] Okay, so we're gonna sit like in the middle on the ground?
[04:05:17] No, we have exactly enough seats.
[04:05:21] Oh yeah, you're right.
[04:05:22] Thank you.
[04:05:23] I got my math wrong.
[04:05:24] Oh, I'm the best shot. He's gonna be fine. See you look
[04:05:29] It's fun. Um phone charger. Yes, you said you had a
[04:05:34] Wait, oh damn dude. These new cars are crazy
[04:05:39] And you said you had a oh wait, I don't have a US. I need a US. Well, I have it
[04:05:43] I have it. I have it. I have a USB CD USB charger like that. I
[04:05:48] Have it right here. It's fun
[04:05:58] boom
[04:06:00] and
[04:06:00] Then we can do this maybe see if I can get a little juice from this to this
[04:06:18] 89% on that
[04:06:20] 7k
[04:06:23] 69% on this
[04:06:24] Of course, thank you for coming guys. That was it. This was incredible. I was not even planning on doing any of this so
[04:06:43] Shots at the alveas for this one. This is like
[04:06:46] What's that? Oh? Wow?
[04:06:49] Wow.
[04:06:50] Wow.
[04:06:51] It's not even, it's not even any Kyle water.
[04:06:55] It's San Benedetto.
[04:06:58] Product of Italy.
[04:06:59] Yeah, we're just moving in.
[04:07:00] It's not got really big strides.
[04:07:02] Yeah, so one of the shops I was at, because I did a 7K step, so that means I did 14K.
[04:07:07] Honestly, it's a check.
[04:07:12] 8,500.
[04:07:13] Oh wow.
[04:07:18] Wow.
[04:07:21] A classic.
[04:07:25] All right, Chad, so we are currently on our way, do you, it's on your iPhone fitness
[04:07:30] app most likely.
[04:07:31] 12,000.
[04:07:33] Wait, literally? Oh my god, it's almost double.
[04:07:35] I was trying to tell you.
[04:07:37] That's so funny.
[04:07:39] Yeah, I did 7,000 steps.
[04:07:41] Wait, what's the distance?
[04:07:43] What?
[04:07:45] What's the distance?
[04:07:52] Where does it say the dots?
[04:08:00] 3.7 miles.
[04:08:02] Literally exactly the same.
[04:08:04] That's so funny.
[04:08:06] That's...
[04:08:08] That's messed up.
[04:08:18] Precious zoo visit?
[04:08:19] Yeah, this was incredible.
[04:08:22] Saj, another?
[04:08:23] Yeah.
[04:08:25] Life is tough.
[04:08:27] I wish I had a wagon like all the kids at the zoo.
[04:08:31] I want to be pulled around in a wagon.
[04:08:34] That'd be funny.
[04:08:35] I can pull you around in a wagon.
[04:08:37] You could have a wagon.
[04:08:38] I could pull you around.
[04:08:42] Shot wagon.
[04:08:43] That was a mini F.
[04:08:44] Damn, Chad, you're so,
[04:08:46] you're so jumpy with those Fs.
[04:08:47] it's crazy that you instantly go F. Now don't count. Yeah, people didn't understand what you meant
[04:08:55] when you said you wish you had a wagon. They thought you were talking about your butt.
[04:08:58] No, I mean a wagon to be pulled around in at the zoo.
[04:09:06] Wow, I love zoos. Goddamn, that was so sick.
[04:09:13] It's fun to walk around there with a beer, of course, if you're eating that.
[04:09:16] You can get a cookie at the cookie truck.
[04:09:24] That's what I want.
[04:09:29] Going to Safari Park next is so good.
[04:09:34] Safari Park is getting more interactive? No.
[04:09:39] It's a lot more walking, it's more spread out.
[04:09:42] In a weird way, it does kind of feel more interactive because you're just standing somewhere and then you look out
[04:09:48] Unlike your horizon and like there will just be a giraffe, and you're like I could walk to that giraffe
[04:09:53] I can't but it looks like you came in here. Wait really like is it because it's so far away or is it like
[04:10:00] Do they come up? Oh, there's an enclosure still well like the because like the whole thing is built in the into the hills
[04:10:06] So like the fences are like kind of hidden
[04:10:11] So you never like come up to the fence really
[04:10:18] So this is closed so the animals are way closer on this than I
[04:10:23] I'd say so, yeah, I like that more
[04:10:28] The thing I really like with Australian
[04:10:31] Sanctuary was like you could literally pet the king like you could lay down with kangaroos and
[04:10:37] Yeah
[04:10:39] Yeah
[04:10:41] When we went like they were so chill about it like they just straight up were like yeah
[04:10:46] like they let us touch the koalas it was like
[04:10:51] you know I've never met Kaia
[04:10:54] whose fault is that?
[04:10:55] yours?
[04:10:56] no I wanted to bring Kaia to Alves and
[04:10:59] you're like oh no these are you can't have
[04:11:02] domesticated pets and dogs around animals
[04:11:05] I'm sure I can't let your dog run around there
[04:11:07] our wolf dogs and monkeys
[04:11:09] Kaia would be so chill with the wolf dogs
[04:11:12] what kind of dog is Kaia?
[04:11:14] it's a bit of mastiff
[04:11:16] She's like, she's mixed though, like Tibetan Mastiff, Chow Chow and Saint Bernard.
[04:11:22] Oh, yeah, she's so fluffy.
[04:11:25] She looks like, she literally looks like a bear, I think.
[04:11:28] Like she looks like a baby bear.
[04:11:30] How much does she weigh?
[04:11:31] 100 pounds.
[04:11:33] See, I'm gonna show you.
[04:11:35] The song?
[04:11:36] Kaya.
[04:11:37] I'm googling that, but I suppose you could just go for Kaya.
[04:11:39] He wasn't at the Australia Zoo, he was at a different sanctuary near Sydney.
[04:11:41] A baby kaya?
[04:11:42] Yeah, I went to an animal sanctuary near Sydney.
[04:11:45] It was sick though. There's like
[04:11:48] Yeah in in Sydney they had like um, they have like the poison stuff, too
[04:11:53] Like they have an entire room dedicated to like, you know reptiles with their like
[04:11:58] And and like there's a poison when they extract
[04:12:02] Yeah, they I didn't get to watch it because it was effing pretty bad in there
[04:12:06] But like they literally like suck it out like they get a snake to like bite into something and then like milk the snake
[04:12:12] They're doing research there. Yeah
[04:12:15] And I think you can send what was it chat chat will correct me, but
[04:12:21] um, I
[04:12:23] Believe you mean venom sir. Yeah, sorry. No poison venom. Um
[04:12:28] Chow will carry me on this bill if you get bit like I think they want you to send stuff like spiders you find or whatever
[04:12:34] Right. They use it to manufacture anti-venom
[04:12:46] Funnel web spiders
[04:12:53] You'd love the zoo in Omaha, Nebraska. It has an entire indoor desert and swamp
[04:13:00] That sounds crazy. So my did you hear about the zoo that was disguising child child's pandas? Yeah. Yes in China
[04:13:07] What a crazy move. I think there's like I think that should be allowed. I
[04:13:11] mean, I don't really
[04:13:13] like care I
[04:13:17] Think that that is very cool and that they should allow that they should just be like no
[04:13:21] these are like a new kind of panda. Okay I don't think that should be the last
[04:13:25] breed. Did you see the photos? They look so cute. They look incredible. They look cute but like it's dumb.
[04:13:42] So we just saw you at the zoo bro. You had Dolorolo, you and like 5,000 other people dog.
[04:13:52] They weren't disguising it. They advertised them as dogs. It's just anti-china propaganda.
[04:13:56] I can see that. Saw you at the zoo I was the zebra. Which one is like almost over is
[04:14:16] not crazy. It went by really fast this year I feel like. Last year felt more stressful.
[04:14:31] It's nice. It's nice.
[04:14:33] Mm-hmm.
[04:14:35] Mike, does this count for the collab that you were supposed to do with me?
[04:14:41] Instead of like picking up trash at the beach?
[04:14:44] Um, no. I think it should still be the collab.
[04:14:48] Oh, wow. See that chat?
[04:14:50] Hear that? She still wants to collab with us.
[04:14:52] She said no, this doesn't count.
[04:14:54] She got the itch. She got the itch. She likes the collabs now. It's fun.
[04:15:01] It's not a big deal.
[04:15:07] Trash stream!
[04:15:08] They're saying hyper-pogger.
[04:15:14] That sounded really old.
[04:15:16] I always imagine someone being super nice to people in person
[04:15:20] and then an hour or so later he buzzed the ass of that very same chatter.
[04:15:23] One of the guys that came up to me at the zoo was the dude in the Malcolm X shirt.
[04:15:29] He was like, yeah, one time I sent you a PCN, like political old chat, old...
[04:16:05] You missed the story. I can't timing.
[04:16:09] I'm so present.
[04:16:10] All the interfaces are live.
[04:16:18] We're back.
[04:16:19] Well, it's pinging from, um, it's literally pinging from different cell towers, I think,
[04:16:26] as we got into the city.
[04:16:30] So it's gonna pick up in a second chat.
[04:16:32] It might be a little iffy at first, but it'll pick up.
[04:16:36] Oh, Azantel, listen to the story.
[04:16:43] Oh, you missed all the stories.
[04:16:45] Oh, um, the, uh, one of the chatters that came up to me said, uh, that it wasn't
[04:16:51] that big of a story.
[04:16:52] It wasn't that big of a deal.
[04:16:53] I said that one time I yelled at him and made fun of him in the chat because he sent
[04:16:58] me a political compass meme, I said, and then Maya had a much funnier story because she
[04:17:04] likes one-upping me.
[04:17:05] Not funny.
[04:17:06] And then you missed it, though.
[04:17:09] I had a couple of years at my meet and greet site that they're like, Maya, we love you,
[04:17:13] we've been watching you since the league days.
[04:17:15] And I was like the league of legends days, and they're like, yeah, and I was like,
[04:17:18] oh, I think you're in the wrong line.
[04:17:20] But they definitely weren't.
[04:17:21] I don't know where they got that because I've never played League of Legends.
[04:17:23] And then I had another viewer say I love your IRL streams and your Minecraft streams
[04:17:29] Who do they think you are? I don't know man. I don't know
[04:17:40] That's crazy like who like what do you look like another content creator? Like what are they thinking?
[04:17:46] No, I don't know. It's I mean they're they wouldn't in my whole line
[04:17:49] They're like we love alveas and your Minecraft streams. Yeah
[04:17:54] That's weird
[04:17:55] They're just associating it's cutie. Maybe that was the league thing. Maybe that thought me that makes sense. I didn't think about that
[04:18:07] No one should associate cute with league though honestly why?
[04:18:11] She's asked. No, she's not. She's good at league. She's right now
[04:18:15] Right at right now. She's not but cutie's been hard stuff. I'm speaking cutie's been hard stock bronze for
[04:18:22] Six years, I think who are you? Who are you?
[04:18:26] What are you ranked in the league? I'm playing yeah
[04:18:30] But if I did, I probably would not be hard-sucked for hauls.
[04:18:33] Okay.
[04:18:34] She's gold?
[04:18:35] That's good.
[04:18:39] Is she?
[04:18:40] No, she's not deadline.
[04:18:41] Chad, we've all seen his on gameplay.
[04:18:42] All right.
[04:18:43] Don't listen to him.
[04:18:46] Oh my God.
[04:18:47] Someone said maybe they thought you were a Pokemon.
[04:18:48] I don't think that's true.
[04:18:49] Her cutie of mine doing another live wine about it.
[04:18:50] No, we freaking did two.
[04:18:51] Damn.
[04:18:52] Okay, chill.
[04:18:53] Fuck.
[04:18:54] We just did two of them.
[04:18:55] God.
[04:19:04] doing another live wine about it no we
[04:19:07] freaking did too damn okay chill fuck
[04:19:11] we just did two of them god damn they
[04:19:14] did well this chatter couldn't get enough
[04:19:16] of it like why so hostile we just we
[04:19:21] did too on was it on Friday night it's
[04:19:28] actually kind of crazy eating come to
[04:19:30] the shows me um I think I literally
[04:19:35] couldn't because I was doing debate lords I was in debate lords one night and
[04:19:39] then the other night what was I do I have oh my god it was all time oh you're so
[04:19:46] I was like business-related, I think we're just going to sign up and then we're going to take the car to the parking lot right here
[04:20:10] Aren't you supposed to go to the panel? Yes. So you're going to go say what up the QT and then dip out? Yes
[04:20:18] You don't have to cancel.
[04:20:20] What if you can't?
[04:20:22] All right, so...
[04:20:24] Thank you very much.
[04:20:26] I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[04:20:28] So this is what you do right here.
[04:20:30] I don't know what I'm looking for.
[04:20:32] What?
[04:20:34] A crowd around a truck.
[04:20:36] Did they move to a different location?
[04:20:38] I mean, I saw someone with a streaming equipment
[04:20:40] walking around, so...
[04:20:44] Should we just get out and walk?
[04:20:46] Yeah, let's do it. Let's just walk.
[04:20:48] I'm manning the ship I got it guys thank you so much for everything you were
[04:20:59] incredible of course we go here we go it's gonna be tough chap but we're gonna
[04:21:23] make it happen I haven't done I haven't rolled around on my own in a minute
[04:21:30] Do I need that? No. You got it? You want to check them? What? You want to check them? No, it's fine.
[04:21:41] Do you want me to camera in? No. I mean, it's fine. I can do it. Boom. Got them. Drama. Drama, yeah.
[04:22:00] Um, I have no idea where it's supposed to be. Do you have any idea?
[04:22:04] I feel like maybe these people know. Oh, you know what? That looks good over there.
[04:22:09] We're actually stream sniping. I just looked at your stream and that building looks familiar.
[04:22:14] You know what I said, the camera angles have gotten dramatically worse immediately.
[04:22:31] Sorry Chad.
[04:22:32] Oh, I thought it was good.
[04:22:33] Can't use to it, okay?
[04:22:35] There's a walk-ins welcome for tattoos. Do you want to go?
[04:22:38] Yeah, let's go get a tattoo. Let's get Alveas tattoos.
[04:22:40] Sick.
[04:22:41] Let's get Mashing Winnie tattoos.
[04:22:42] Mashing tattoos!
[04:22:43] You have tattoos?
[04:22:44] No.
[04:22:45] Neither do I. Like, not even a little bit.
[04:22:47] Two.
[04:22:48] Not even one.
[04:22:49] I do. I want to get, um, I want to go to Japan.
[04:22:51] I'm gonna go to Japan and get like a full blown like a like a sleeve
[04:23:00] Yeah, wait really yeah
[04:23:04] I've always wanted a sleeve
[04:23:08] Seems like no hi hi
[04:23:13] You're going crazy in the car
[04:23:15] She's trying to figure out where it is by stream sniping. I don't know how the fuck you guys do this stream sniping shit
[04:23:30] It is not easy.
[04:23:33] Wait, that doesn't...
[04:23:40] It's on Cutie's Twitter.
[04:23:47] I mean, we put the...
[04:23:48] I'm on power.
[04:23:49] She's not gonna pick up.
[04:23:50] Why not?
[04:23:51] Let's see.
[04:23:52] My last search is Ryan Lizzo on Twitter.
[04:23:57] 229201 West Margaret Street.
[04:24:02] 229201 Westnut.
[04:24:08] 2992...
[04:24:10] Oh, we gotta keep going.
[04:24:19] Oh, shit.
[04:24:20] Don't cross the street.
[04:24:22] Crazy.
[04:24:23] I wasn't trying to cross the street I fell. I didn't realize that the the curb was like
[04:24:33] Significantly wait, we're going the wrong way. I think no way. Yeah, it's like back there
[04:24:40] Shoot
[04:24:43] I don't know. I might have to ditch you
[04:24:45] No, no, no we are going the right way. Oh my god. Oh, wait, I don't understand. I
[04:24:52] Think we're going the right way
[04:24:54] Yeah, I know.
[04:24:56] Wait, which avenue is that?
[04:25:00] Uh...
[04:25:02] Is that Fifth Avenue?
[04:25:05] Yeah.
[04:25:07] Oh, that's the wrong one.
[04:25:09] Yeah, we went the wrong way.
[04:25:11] Oops.
[04:25:13] Yeah, we're like a couple blocks down.
[04:25:15] Shoot.
[04:25:37] It's a four-minute walk.
[04:25:40] I gotta call whoever we're like now.
[04:25:42] I'm trying to pick up there.
[04:25:44] You wanna call from there? Like, call it to there?
[04:25:46] No, like, I have to go to the convention immediately.
[04:25:50] You want to call it right now and not go to the event?
[04:25:53] No, I want to go.
[04:25:54] So why don't you call the Uber to where it is?
[04:25:57] That is what I just said.
[04:25:59] Oh, my bad.
[04:26:02] She's trying to be helpful, you know?
[04:26:04] She's trying to be helpful.
[04:26:06] Sorry.
[04:26:09] San Diego.
[04:26:20] Keep it clean and safe.
[04:26:22] It's pretty clean here, surprisingly.
[04:26:26] And there's more walkability downtown here
[04:26:31] than I would have expected.
[04:26:32] is that normal I think it's really I think it's really good downtown
[04:26:37] that normal chat I don't see a crowd it's making me nervous we're gonna hook a
[04:26:50] left and not here but like when we get there look I'm how far is the convention
[04:26:57] center I don't know probably not far it's not far it's not far it's not far
[04:27:08] Okay.
[04:27:09] You got two more blocks.
[04:27:25] Okay.
[04:27:26] Then we're there.
[04:27:27] I kind of got a peach.
[04:27:28] You have to pee?
[04:27:29] Yeah.
[04:27:30] Peach?
[04:27:31] Yeah.
[04:27:32] Is that a emo?
[04:27:33] You're a freak.
[04:27:34] I had a peach.
[04:27:36] How are you more brain-rotted than me?
[04:27:42] I don't think that I am.
[04:27:44] You were unironically saying aura today.
[04:27:47] What?
[04:27:48] You were unironically saying aura today.
[04:27:50] I came on stream at the beginning today, you're like W,
[04:27:52] your whole chat was like W, yeah.
[04:27:54] Hi.
[04:27:55] Hi.
[04:27:56] Are we close to Cutie's thing?
[04:27:57] Hi.
[04:28:00] Well, if we have to run, I'm sorry.
[04:28:04] It's crazy.
[04:28:07] That's how you know we're close though.
[04:28:11] You got people waving.
[04:28:15] It's Cutie's thing right here.
[04:28:17] Okay.
[04:28:18] Okay.
[04:28:20] We have to run, sorry.
[04:28:30] We're doing it with me, doing it with me.
[04:28:32] That's how it works.
[04:28:34] First you say L-Riz as a joke,
[04:28:38] And then before you know it, you're saying it's not a joke.
[04:28:42] I would never say that.
[04:28:44] Yeah, never start is the smart thing to do.
[04:28:48] Did you audition for Faze yesterday?
[04:28:50] I wanted to, but then I couldn't because I had a meeting.
[04:28:55] I wanted to go to the Bay Lords, or not the Bay Lords.
[04:28:58] Name your price.
[04:28:59] I couldn't have a meeting.
[04:29:01] Munch of stuff happened.
[04:29:10] No meeting.
[04:29:16] I think, what do we think?
[04:29:18] This right here seems like the spot, huh?
[04:29:21] Yeah, this is good, this is good.
[04:29:39] Look at that.
[04:29:50] We're cutting the line, sorry.
[04:29:53] Okay, you have to get to the thing, too.
[04:29:54] Okay, then let's go.
[04:29:55] What, what thing?
[04:29:56] Getting to the thing, I'm gonna stay at five.
[04:30:00] Oh yeah, yeah, she's late, she's late.
[04:30:03] You hear that?
[04:30:04] I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.
[04:30:06] Ma'am?
[04:30:07] Don't even start, you're late to the pod
[04:30:09] because of this.
[04:30:10] You look great.
[04:30:12] Are you gonna wear this for the pod?
[04:30:14] Dude.
[04:30:15] Look at you.
[04:30:16] Wait, so what are you doing?
[04:30:16] Do you know?
[04:30:17] Are you doing like a mean greet,
[04:30:18] you're just giving them cookies?
[04:30:19] Yeah, that's so nice.
[04:30:20] And it's brought to you by Mel,
[04:30:22] which by the way has nutrients to keep you focused.
[04:30:24] Okay, okay, well, we're streaming.
[04:30:26] There's no hashtag out on here, okay?
[04:30:28] It has nutrients.
[04:30:30] Wait, what?
[04:30:30] And it actually hydrates you more than water.
[04:30:33] All right.
[04:30:35] Wait, where are my cookies at?
[04:30:36] Right here.
[04:30:37] What do you think?
[04:30:38] This is not my truck.
[04:30:39] Okay.
[04:30:40] I'm sitting in my little truck.
[04:30:40] You have a massive line here. Yeah, we might run out of cookies. Dude, I think I have to run to the kitchen.
[04:30:45] Wait, the Uber's not gonna work? It's ten minutes away.
[04:30:49] Let me get the clip. So you don't run away without it. What kind of cookies do you have, ma'am?
[04:30:55] I have a chocolate chip. Snickering wheel or chocolate chip.
[04:30:57] Wait, don't forget you got to get him for your crew.
[04:30:59] How are you gonna get him?
[04:31:05] Wait, put it in the bag.
[04:31:06] You can have this.
[04:31:08] I have those.
[04:31:10] no wait no you better get something for your crew do we have a bag does anyone
[04:31:16] have an extra bag you're not using like a baggie bag like to put some cookies into
[04:31:23] no I'm standing by my alveys crew okay they were they were so good
[04:31:33] Oh, that's great. Thank you so much. Hell yeah. No, get like, there's like five.
[04:31:46] You're a real freak. Everybody say thank you Maya and thank you Elvis one more time.
[04:32:03] You were incredible. Thank you so much Maya.
[04:32:08] What kind of cookies you got I want both I want one of these I swung it oh damn wait
[04:32:18] I don't care oh they were in the fridge oh I get milk with it oh that's so cute
[04:32:28] okay I love this thank you so much of course I'm gonna wait what I thought it
[04:32:37] was free okay well I don't have money yeah I'll see you I'll see you in a
[04:32:42] little bit okay what time you how long is it going for okay okay all right but
[04:32:57] I'm gonna I'm gonna go interview the people on the line okay okay hold on
[04:33:04] not you you're too you're too excited what's happening okay what do you want me
[04:33:15] to say stay like you wanted to talk but you can get it okay hold on let me let
[04:33:23] me figure out this camera situation we got to put it down for a second okay
[04:33:28] Okay, but uh, you want me to tell them what?
[04:33:30] See you next week on...
[04:33:31] Okay.
[04:33:32] His name is Hassan?
[04:33:33] Hassan, yeah.
[04:33:34] Yeah, okay.
[04:33:35] Here, hit it.
[04:33:37] See you next week on Hassan.
[04:33:40] All right.
[04:33:42] Yeah, one second.
[04:33:43] I'm gonna do all that.
[04:33:44] I want to eat my cookies first.
[04:33:46] And then I'll do all that.
[04:33:48] Okay.
[04:33:51] Uh, yeah, sure.
[04:33:52] You're not online.
[04:33:53] All right, let's do it.
[04:33:54] No problem.
[04:33:55] I'm gonna turn 340.
[04:33:59] Hell yeah.
[04:34:00] I guess we're getting where oh in the car. Oh hell, yeah
[04:34:14] All right perfect perfect place for me to hide for a second
[04:34:21] Okay, I did it. Thank you
[04:34:23] No, that's fine
[04:34:25] She's gonna drop this milk over here
[04:34:28] I don't want to put the cookie down because it's fucking
[04:34:32] All right, what's up everybody we're doing that's how the cookie crumbles this is a
[04:34:44] new segment I just came up with on the spot in this very moment call me Keith
[04:34:52] Lee the way I'm actually gonna be testing out these cookies now these are
[04:34:55] obviously cutie Cinderella's cookies okay so I'm a little partial here I'm
[04:35:02] I'm gonna be a little biased obviously but right off the start very friendly very
[04:35:09] friendly establishment institution was kind to everyone but me but I guess
[04:35:15] that's because you know it's a family friendly establishment and they didn't
[04:35:22] really fuck with me like that it's all good okay it is what it is you know
[04:35:26] I'm saying okay all right we got two cookies they were free 99 because it's
[04:35:39] a sponsored event by big milk the first one I'm gonna try is the chocolate chip
[04:35:45] cookie that is salted okay love that love a good salt on my chocolate chip
[04:35:51] cookie call me the Costco guys the way I'm eating double-challon chocolate chip
[04:35:55] cookie I'm gonna give these a couple booms as well even though I'm doing a
[04:35:58] Keith Lee style situation here, let's get, let's take a look.
[04:36:09] It's kind of cold.
[04:36:12] And I think that's because it was in the fridge.
[04:36:16] But it's still got a little doughy consistency to it.
[04:36:20] Just by being cold, I'm being on the fridge.
[04:36:27] Still pretty good.
[04:36:28] All right, we gotta try it with the milk.
[04:36:30] I'm a big milk fan.
[04:36:33] I'm a big milk boy, as you guys know.
[04:36:36] No sponsor, no nothing, okay?
[04:36:38] I just straight-up love milk. Let me open this bad boy up
[04:36:44] Pop the top try with a little bit of milk
[04:36:53] I'm good. Thank you
[04:36:56] Would have appreciated it more. I think if the cookie was warm
[04:37:00] No, I'm good. I don't need to take a photo
[04:37:03] The milk man is trying to get a photo with me. Oh
[04:37:12] Final verdict a little salty, but I like it
[04:37:19] The harmony of sweet, delicious chava chip and the saltiness, the savoriness of the salt.
[04:37:32] Working perfect harmony.
[04:37:33] I'm going to say, despite the fact that it's cold, because it was in the fridge, that's
[04:37:39] 8 out of 10.
[04:37:40] Now let's move on to another one of my favorite type of cookies, the Snickerdoodle cookie.
[04:37:51] Now a lot of people, a lot of people might not be,
[04:37:58] I mean a seven out of 10 by the way is a five boom cookie
[04:38:01] because in terms of like the Costco guys,
[04:38:04] I'm doing Keith Lee style right now,
[04:38:06] but in terms of Costco guys is a double chunk chocolate
[04:38:09] cookie, five booms, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
[04:38:13] But like that's not what we're doing here.
[04:38:15] We're doing a more professional style cookie eating.
[04:38:18] So second cookie I have right here up next
[04:38:20] is a Snickerdoodle cookie.
[04:38:22] I'm actually a big fan of snickerdoodle cookies.
[04:38:24] Most people don't really,
[04:38:27] I feel like most people don't really
[04:38:28] fuck with snickerdoodle cookies.
[04:38:29] Like, I don't know why.
[04:38:32] It's usually a hit, never really a miss.
[04:38:43] Great consistency.
[04:38:46] Here's the perfect amount of salmon.
[04:38:52] This one, seemingly a little bit warmer, I would say.
[04:38:58] Still definitely was in the fridge, but it's not as
[04:39:02] hardened in the same way that the chocolate was mmm chocolate it won't the
[04:39:09] chocolate is we're a little too hard a little sugar on top beautiful that's a
[04:39:22] nine out of ten cookie also five booms boom boom boom boom boom I think I did
[04:39:34] for boom I lost count but yeah that was excellent um I'm almost late to my I'm
[04:39:51] actually almost late to my podcast that I'm be that'll be taping before QT
[04:39:58] even gets to my podcast because I get six blooms while the snigger doodle
[04:40:06] deserves all honestly but yeah excellent we are gonna be taping the
[04:40:20] beer on podcast right now not entirely sure where not entirely sure how but we're
[04:40:29] gonna do the dang thing let me tell you let me tell you folks this morning
[04:40:42] When I woke up, I was pissed off because Austin and Will had to stay in San Diego even though
[04:40:55] QD's last obligation here was supposed to end at five.
[04:40:59] I wanted to film the podcast in Los Angeles and I wanted the library act to my CNN appearance.
[04:41:09] However, Maya and the Alves crew saved the day.
[04:41:18] This would have been another regular ass on their stream
[04:41:24] but instead, we made it something special.
[04:41:31] We made it something beautiful.
[04:41:33] We went and we went and we did
[04:41:38] one of my favorite activities of all time which is go and see animals animals in the
[04:41:44] wild animals in their safe space just being cool kicking it kicking back we
[04:41:51] saw hippopotamus hippopotamuses hippopotam I don't fucking know but
[04:42:01] Anyway, it was incredible, I loved it and I'm glad that I could share this experience with
[04:42:12] you guys and I hope you guys appreciate it and enjoyed the show as well.
[04:42:17] That'll be all for me because I am supposed to go back and tape this podcast even before
[04:42:26] QT gets there so love you all and that's it for me hope you guys enjoyed it see
[04:42:39] you tomorrow back to regular old news we'll react to the fucking CNN thing
[04:42:44] that's like literally happening in the next five minutes my live CNN first
[04:42:52] appearance and yeah that's it go watch QT Cinderella stream she's live right now
[04:43:05] I can't read because I'm on mobile.
[04:43:08] All right, and we'll see you next time.