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08-28-2024 · 8h 45m

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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:12:18] beautiful day. Today is a wonderful day. Today is Wednesday. It's hump day. It is Wednesday,
[00:12:26] August 28th, 2024. Summer is almost done, which is kind of crazy to think about because
[00:12:33] it kind of came and it passed very quickly. It was Sly Boy Summer. As you guys know,
[00:12:38] and I've been participating with that. I've been participating on the slut boy summer
[00:12:43] attitude bringing this slut boy summer attitude to the fucking party every goddamn
[00:12:50] day as you guys know but folks this is the part of the broadcast where I tell
[00:12:55] you about my personal news about what's going on in the world of a son house and
[00:12:59] I'm parking between the time period where I press the stop streaming button and
[00:13:01] press the start streaming button and let me tell you let me tell you ladies
[00:13:05] and gentlemen boys girls and enemies let me tell you what has happened last
[00:13:08] night a lot of people exited the barcast when I started playing video
[00:13:14] games because they have absolutely zero fucking absolutely zero zero interest in video games
[00:13:26] at all so they just kind of bail they kind of leave immediately right as soon as I start
[00:13:31] playing video games but it's their fucking mistake let me tell you let me tell you why
[00:13:36] now don't do the no spoilers shit I don't really do a fuck okay y'all liars bro you
[00:13:40] just don't want to watch me game and it's fine you don't want to watch me thrive
[00:13:43] But what you're missing out on is some of the most incredible
[00:13:47] game, but upsets of all time. Let me tell you something. Okay.
[00:13:52] There were like four bosses that I one tapped in a row that
[00:13:58] literally caused a dramatic restructuring in the way that
[00:14:05] points are allocated on this broadcast last night. Like I'm
[00:14:08] talking, there was one where it was like 55 million to like
[00:14:11] 11 million, like 55 million points on the doubter side, 11 million on the believer side.
[00:14:19] And I just fucking kept collapsing, dude. I'm up 400 K is crazy. Yeah. Not because of
[00:14:27] video games, but because this video game was made by fucking assholes. Sad to see you
[00:14:31] not giving a shit about it. I don't care. I just, I literally, I don't care. I'm
[00:14:39] a feminist my religion for business from watching Wukong did they I've never even investigated
[00:14:45] like what the Wukong developers said about women but it's ironic because like the fucking Wukong
[00:14:52] story is like like there's a there's an entire space where like you know women have a no men's
[00:14:59] own and shit like the story itself is not exactly anti-feminist like did they actually
[00:15:09] Do they actually say something or something like or did this like completely get out of
[00:15:17] hand loss in the translation type shit, you know what I mean?
[00:15:21] Anyway, I don't really care.
[00:15:23] Even if they were like no women allowed, like no women are allowed to play my game.
[00:15:27] I would still play it like I because one, I'm not a woman and two, I'm a misogynist
[00:15:32] and three, the game is good.
[00:15:38] Like I just, I don't care and like a lot of you dude, dude, come on, let's be
[00:15:47] real.
[00:15:50] There is like, I mean, people are saying it's malicious.
[00:15:52] They're literally buying into Gamergate bullshit for your information.
[00:15:56] What do you mean?
[00:15:56] It's malicious.
[00:16:00] What's malicious?
[00:16:04] No dog would love because great stage heaven equals some will Kong is a fraud and
[00:16:08] loses to the real code.
[00:16:11] Yeah.
[00:16:12] We're going to talk about met.
[00:16:13] We're going to talk about Muhammad.
[00:16:14] Okay.
[00:16:15] Like, don't worry.
[00:16:16] I'll get there in a second.
[00:16:19] Chat literally plays games with even worse developers.
[00:16:21] They just don't know ridiculous.
[00:16:22] Yeah.
[00:16:23] So game of the year contender. I don't know if it's a game of the year contender, but I will say it is a
[00:16:35] Like it is the most dialed in nine
[00:16:40] Like eight point nine out of ten game. I've played so far
[00:16:44] Does that make sense like it is so
[00:16:52] Perfect like I don't know if it's game of the year, right, but it is so
[00:16:56] perfect like it's it's phenomenal it's fun it's constant cinema it's constant
[00:17:03] Kino it's constant fucking combat great boss battles one thing I will say and you
[00:17:11] know this is a criticism that I've seen from a lot of people saying like oh it's
[00:17:15] the spam ex simulator I would say I would say that the combat mechanics
[00:17:24] are nowhere near as expansive as from software games are in terms of like all of the million different things you can do like from if from software games are basically like
[00:17:36] if if it's a little bit it's a little shallow in comparison to like the complicated mechanics that you can get out of from software games but like it is a
[00:17:47] I mean I would say that is better than God of War I like it more than God of War
[00:17:51] War. I think God of War focuses too much on like God, watching God of War feels too much
[00:17:58] like a AAA Marvel title. Playing Wukong is like watching RRR. Does that make sense? Like
[00:18:07] it's got what like God of War has the feeling of a very well put together Marvel AAA title,
[00:18:17] right? Not like one of the shitty ones, like a good one, right? Wukong on the other hand
[00:18:22] is like watching RRR where it's like, it's, it's the, the fighting is like insane. It's
[00:18:32] very anime and it's, it's got like a feeling of passion that I think is missing from a
[00:18:40] lot of Western productions in that, in that similar vein. Yeah. It's just indulgent
[00:18:47] fun? Yes. Better than God of War, you're smoking crack dog. No, I like it more than God of War.
[00:18:53] I will say that. And it could be because I don't know, God of War fighting comes across as a
[00:19:00] little repetitive, whereas Wukong doesn't, it hasn't made me feel that way yet. Wait, I'm talking
[00:19:08] about Ragnarok for the record. I'm not talking about the 2018 version of God of War. I was
[00:19:13] I was talking about Ragnarok for the most part,
[00:19:18] the one that I didn't finish.
[00:19:26] What about the story?
[00:19:28] I like the story.
[00:19:32] I like the story.
[00:19:33] I think I would say Shadow of Ertree clears Wukong.
[00:19:41] I mean, I think like Elden Ring is still better
[00:19:44] and Shadow of Ertree is still better than Wukong overall.
[00:19:47] There is no, but I'm a dick writer.
[00:19:50] Like you will never get me to,
[00:19:52] Like I will always tell you, you know, it fucking from software games are just peak. Like
[00:19:58] playing replaying elder ring has made me recognize that it is just like the best game.
[00:20:04] Like I think Elden ring, the base game might be the best game ever made the most complete game.
[00:20:11] It's peak.
[00:20:12] An absolute fucking match. Bees. You don't say thank you for subs.
[00:20:17] Whether I have like 70,000 subs, if I said thank you to each individual subscriber that's
[00:20:21] Subscribing right now or re-subscribing I would have to be saying thank you the entire stream. There would be a thank-you stream
[00:20:26] You know, I do think the gifted subs are try to but you know
[00:20:31] I'm I'm trying to be as entertaining as possible for you guys the balance that I have to make
[00:20:36] Although I am very grateful for those of you who do subscribe of course
[00:20:42] But yeah
[00:20:46] Anyway, it was it was great. It was it's a great game. I'm really really really enjoying it
[00:20:52] So I'll tell you that much. Okay. I'm really fucking enjoying it. I'm enjoying it a lot
[00:20:59] probably because
[00:21:03] I'm really enjoying it possibly because I'm
[00:21:07] You know a hater of women all things women so
[00:21:14] Is every new game these days of Demon's Souls reskin I don't know about that
[00:21:18] But that wouldn't I wouldn't hate it until they like farm it too hard and it gets fucking annoying
[00:21:24] You know, there's a lot of copycats out there
[00:21:26] The the industry does have a tendency to fall into metas and right now the meta is absolutely
[00:21:34] From software style games anyway, so have you played sake it or will you play it?
[00:21:42] Yes, I still maintain the position of sake it was the hardest from software game due to
[00:21:47] to do to a couple different mechanics that you can utilize in other from software games,
[00:21:53] whereas in Sekiro you cannot. And I think that other speed runners also agree with me
[00:21:57] on this as well. I love Sekiro. It's incredible. It is a different from software games, more
[00:22:07] of a rhythm game than it is a a other speed runner. Sorry, I meant like speed runners
[00:22:17] I've talked to I don't know what guys ESL ESL give me a break ESL you know, I'm not a fucking speedrunner sometimes
[00:22:23] I say things wrong. Okay, it's okay. It's gonna be all right. Anyway
[00:22:28] Well, yeah, other than that other than that
[00:22:34] After wukong and the broadcast hung out with the fam
[00:22:39] hung out with the fam and
[00:22:42] We watched we're about to finish the Wyatt Earp documentary on Netflix
[00:22:48] I woke up in the morning early, went to work out, you know, got the chest pumping, got
[00:22:58] to work out and get the chest pumping and we're here.
[00:23:01] There's not much going on in that.
[00:23:03] Belve should sponsor us on to play Deadlock.
[00:23:07] He got them a lot of viewers with Valorant.
[00:23:09] Yeah, true.
[00:23:10] Yeah, I got Belve, a lot of viewers with Valorante.
[00:23:13] Brother, you are perfectly fluent.
[00:23:16] I don't think claiming ESL is the strongest defense you can use.
[00:23:19] Yeah, I am perfectly fluent.
[00:23:21] But
[00:23:23] English is still my second language and having said that I do sometimes have issues
[00:23:30] You know with certain words like that doesn't change the reality
[00:23:35] you know
[00:23:41] That's so funny cuz
[00:23:43] That's so funny to be like yeah, dude. Sorry. It doesn't count. You know what I mean
[00:23:47] You Turkish speakers say you have an American accent when you speak Turkish
[00:23:55] No, but I will say my Turkish has gotten significantly worse over the years like is the more
[00:24:01] like the less I speak Turkish, the worse it's gotten for me.
[00:24:07] Like it takes a while for me to,
[00:24:10] sometimes I want to talk about something complex,
[00:24:12] specifically politics in Turkish with my dad.
[00:24:15] I have a hard time.
[00:24:16] I recognize that and it frustrates me a little bit.
[00:24:25] You have to remember though,
[00:24:27] for the first 18 years of my life,
[00:24:29] I grew up in Turkey, lived in Turkey,
[00:24:30] spoke Turkish exclusively almost.
[00:24:33] And now as I'm nearing the halfway point in my life
[00:24:38] of the second 18 years, it is getting harder and harder.
[00:24:43] I think I am somewhat forgetting Turkish a little bit,
[00:24:47] which is not good.
[00:24:48] I still don't think I have an accent,
[00:24:50] but some words I sometimes will like literally try
[00:24:54] to add English words
[00:24:55] if I cannot remember the Turkish word.
[00:24:59] Whereas the irony is you were on Australian TV again.
[00:25:08] I'm on Australian TV again. Where? Oh, this is the the last part of this news
[00:25:23] package. Political influencers. Okay, um, we'll talk about that. That's how I feel when I talk
[00:25:29] on politics with my dad, too, but we're both native English speakers. I'm dumb. No, I'm saying
[00:25:35] halfway point is in like first 18 years, once I get to 36, I will have officially lived in
[00:25:39] America for longer than I've lived in Turkey. Does that make sense? Like first 18 years of
[00:25:45] my life. I grew up and lived and spoke Turkish, lived in Turkey, spoke Turkish. Um, and once
[00:25:54] I get to 36 and three years, I will officially have lived the same amount of time in the United
[00:25:58] States of America as I have in Turkey. You know, the boys already spoke out, spoke
[00:26:12] about it. It's like a three second clip. Okay, whatever. Yeah, I will become fully
[00:26:20] American eyes at that point.
[00:26:23] But yeah, that's it.
[00:26:27] Do you think completely in English?
[00:26:29] Depends. If I'm in Turkey, I speak Turkish for any kind of period of time.
[00:26:33] I'm I'm going to be thinking in Turkish when I, you know, when I'm in America, I think in English.
[00:26:43] Let me tell you how American I feel as a matter of fact.
[00:26:47] Last night, I was dreaming that I was playing football.
[00:26:50] That's how fucking America.
[00:26:52] I've never played football in my life.
[00:26:53] And it made me feel like
[00:27:03] It made me feel more American than ever
[00:27:16] Really our question you ever dream in Target when I'm in Target does yeah
[00:27:21] All right anyway
[00:27:23] What position wide receiver?
[00:27:26] Which is weird cuz like I'm I think I'm too big right and not fast enough
[00:27:31] Nowhere near explosive enough to play wide receiver, but like I'm a I got a tight end build or at least that's what people tell me
[00:27:51] I don't really know enough about football to understand that but but yeah, that's it. That's all we got for today
[00:28:02] Let's blast off. The Macy's has a playlist for us. Thank you. The Macy's for the fat playlist
[00:28:08] Okay
[00:28:17] We're gonna be talking about how the is really occupying forces large
[00:28:22] As launched
[00:28:25] Largest
[00:28:27] Raid on West Bank
[00:28:30] So easy to clip the
[00:28:37] Hassan Abi out of context for funsies. Oh, thank you. Peace. You warn your family when you scream on when you scream on
[00:28:54] stream sharing house with a wife was a real job as a Twitch streamer so stupid man. I feel like a toddler
[00:28:59] What is this?
[00:29:07] Okay about the screen max volume one time. I'm sorry, but just a heads up then I'm done got paid for it confirmed
[00:29:11] It is okay, please. Yes, okay
[00:29:14] funny
[00:29:20] Trump is re re-truthing like blowjob jokes about Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, you know live in LaVida, Loka
[00:29:27] being the fucking best he's been.
[00:29:31] I would have launched his largest rate on West Bank.
[00:29:34] Hillary got COVID.
[00:29:47] Dang, dang, that's crazy.
[00:29:53] Did you see the sanctions the USA put in place on Israel NGOs
[00:29:57] and made it Israel's Twitter lose their fucking shit?
[00:29:59] They're saying this is the start of the end for Israel Amal.
[00:30:01] Yeah.
[00:30:02] Um, I have seen that.
[00:30:11] US places sanctions on settlers breaking Supreme Court rebuffs
[00:30:27] Biden administration pleaded to restore multi-billion dollar student debt plan or student loan student debt
[00:30:38] amnesty plan.
[00:30:41] Israel foreign ministers advocating for evacuation orders in the west bank similar to those using
[00:30:45] Gaza. Yeah, they're going fucking crazy. Start to punish with multiple chests, but is there a better
[00:30:53] way to reach out about press? I have a press badge for a twitch gun. Is there any way I can
[00:30:57] set up a quick interview with you when you're there? Brother, what a question? Like you're
[00:31:02] asking me right now on twit you use go through twitch man you got a press badge
[00:31:08] what the fuck that's craziness anyway all right us place the sanctions on
[00:31:22] settlers yes I have the king clip is signed diplomatic leak diplomatic cable
[00:31:31] leak. Okay, calm down. Hold on. Um, what else was I gonna say? Oh, Trump re indicted. He looks
[00:31:51] in the building.
[00:31:53] Wukong later yet in now. Kamala Harris border wall. Yeah, we'll talk about I mean, I talked
[00:32:06] about that extensively yesterday, but we'll probably talk about it again. Yeah, there's
[00:32:16] a Rolling Stone article about me as well. Top boss talk to the firefighter union. We'll
[00:32:19] talk about that as well. What is the coverage in the U S about Macron coup arrested telegram
[00:32:24] CEO, Macron coup. I haven't seen a lot of news coverage on telegram CEO. I've had some, I've
[00:32:33] seen some news coverage on.
[00:32:35] You don't understand. I don't think like the American media cares when it's like
[00:32:39] a neoliberal coup, you know what I mean? A neoliberal coup utilizing like law fair
[00:32:45] or low job insolves, what do we expect from a changing room rapist? That's such a, like,
[00:32:58] I know that's a, I know what you're saying, but that's like, probably the funniest way
[00:33:03] to respond to Donald Trump, like to refer to Donald Trump. Like just say rapist. You didn't
[00:33:11] have to, you didn't have to do it. You didn't have to specify that he's like, you make
[00:33:16] seem like he only does it there you know what I mean Trump says Kamala social media engagement is
[00:33:35] fake yeah I know why is there so much happening I've seen reporting on it but it's like French
[00:33:45] government negotiations failed yeah Amelot shut off the embassies I saw that Amelot's having a
[00:33:54] fucking bit of a moment here in Mexico as well where he's like yeah we want to make sure that
[00:33:58] like every fucking Supreme Court and every judge can be like you know democratically chosen
[00:34:07] All you need is a law degree and America was like, you can't do that.
[00:34:11] You can't fucking do that. What the hell? It's insane that we used to be stuck with Biden.
[00:34:27] It's insane how right I was and how wrong everyone was and how I'm still right,
[00:34:33] but we've seemingly forgotten. Okay. That's what's insane about it.
[00:34:39] It's also insane that they are not like writing the popular momentum that they
[00:34:44] literally are experiencing currently and it's wild to me. It is wild to me, genuinely wild
[00:34:50] to me, that they are not like they're like, no, no, no, we got too much enthusiasm. We're
[00:34:54] good. Okay. Let's just cut across it. Let's just cut across it enthusiasm as best as possible.
[00:35:05] What's important is that we give a song credit. No, honestly, what's important. I don't give
[00:35:09] a fuck dude. You think I you think I have any fucking ambition to be recognized
[00:35:13] by the Democratic Party. Fuck no. I just want them to do the right things. Okay. It's the
[00:35:19] same principle behind like whenever you guys come in here and you're like, yo, did you hear
[00:35:22] this quote? It's almost identical to like a Hassanabi quote, a Hassanabi statement.
[00:35:26] And I always say like, yeah, that's why I say these things. Okay. I see these things
[00:35:30] so that people repeat them. It doesn't have to, they don't have to give me credit
[00:35:33] or anything like that. I don't necessarily care. I just want good things to happen.
[00:35:38] And I want bad things to not happen. I'm a very simple guy. He got Tom, thank
[00:35:41] give the fight to her and give the subs so like that's basically it for me okay I don't give a
[00:35:50] shit you could literally the Democratic Party could be incredibly antagonistic to me all day every
[00:35:56] day but as long as they're doing the right things as long as they are doing things that I would
[00:36:01] like for them to do then I'm happy okay the only reason why I bring up how right I was and
[00:36:13] how wrong other people were is because a lot of people try to fucking come in here and check
[00:36:18] me. And a lot of people try to come in here and act like I'm not, uh, you know, I don't
[00:36:23] know what the fuck I'm talking about. Anyway, there's a new Rolling Stones article. Even
[00:36:27] a son, Piger was surprised. He got the string from the DNC. The leftist, which jar got access
[00:36:31] typically reserved for major media and rubble feathers by spotlighting the Palestinian
[00:36:35] cause. This is by miles. Klee at the Rolling Stone, son, Piger just named one of Rolling
[00:36:41] Stones, 25 most influential creators of 2024 was among the wave of influence to cover
[00:36:44] the DNC this month alongside mainstream broadcasters, known for socials perspectives and sharp critiques
[00:36:49] of American foreign policy born to Turkish parents in New Jersey, the popular two streamers
[00:36:52] raised in Istanbul and never, and returned to us for college.
[00:36:55] Piker was not exactly a safe pick for top level media credentials as he is the first
[00:37:00] to acknowledge.
[00:37:01] I was not even expecting the accommodations that I got.
[00:37:03] He tells Rolling Stone, but that didn't mean I was going to change my commentary.
[00:37:07] Like his creator peers, the 33 year old Piker brought a large younger audience within
[00:37:11] the convention, 2.7 million followers to be exact, adding to the sense of momentum and excitement
[00:37:15] to the party has felt since Vice President Kamala Harris ascended to the top of the ticket
[00:37:19] and chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. That the Democrats would solicit
[00:37:25] internet personalities to help amplify their message of the party gathered to officially
[00:37:29] launch their nominee is basically without precedent. More surprising still that the
[00:37:33] Harris camp wanted piker who has not been shy about criticizing the Biden admin
[00:37:36] from a leftist perspective in his daily political commentary to join it creators for
[00:37:40] Kamala team. But as Piker himself points out, the Trump team is also doing digital outreach
[00:37:44] with the help of other streaming stars. The campaign seemed locked in a fierce competition
[00:37:48] to tap a pool of voters whose worldview is shaped less by cable news than their favorite
[00:37:52] social media channels. I think the Trump team is doing. I had to admit this, a pretty
[00:37:56] solid job at it. One that I was originally critical of, but one that I've started recognizing
[00:38:01] as a serious threat, Piker says. Here, Piker tells Rolling Stone about having
[00:38:05] a vast new platform to talk about the presidential election, but he wanted to accomplish
[00:38:09] in contrast to the traditional journalist at the event,
[00:38:11] Everest had put a Palestinian American on the stage,
[00:38:14] and it's theory of why he was abruptly ousted from his balcony space while on camera,
[00:38:17] as the DNC drew to a close.
[00:38:20] Interview has been edited for length and clarity.
[00:38:22] I really appreciate you taking the time out to do a little debrief on the DNC craziness.
[00:38:27] It was a very interesting experience overall.
[00:38:28] I didn't have my Hunter S. Thompson moment,
[00:38:30] but you know, it's probably because I don't really do drugs anymore,
[00:38:32] or anything fun for that matter.
[00:38:34] No partying for me.
[00:38:36] It was a really huge moment for creators of this convention.
[00:38:39] I was wondering what your ambitions were and how you felt, uh, how you feel it went overall,
[00:38:44] there is a much larger, I would say consequential partnership amongst political operatives and
[00:38:48] influencers nowadays.
[00:38:49] And there's a, uh, there's plenty of willing, enabled content creators who were interested
[00:38:53] to participate in the process.
[00:38:55] For me in particular, the DNC is something that I have followed closely from afar.
[00:38:59] I was just excited at the prospect of being able to get inside.
[00:39:02] And I mean nothing really fundamentally changed about my commentary and nothing really
[00:39:05] fundamentally changed about my opinion either.
[00:39:08] with some negative opinions. It's something I talked to other journalists about as well.
[00:39:12] When it was in the middle of everything happening, I've never felt so out of touch with the real
[00:39:16] world. I've never really thought I would get this level of access that I got. It was definitely
[00:39:20] shocking because I had critical life, very famously been of the Democratic Party. Obviously,
[00:39:24] it's not a secret that I despise Donald Trump. I hate Donald Trump. I don't want him to be
[00:39:28] president, but it's not like I hold back from calling out the Democrats when they do things
[00:39:31] that I find disagreeable, right? It was unprecedented for influencers in general,
[00:39:35] but it was certainly unprecedented for an influencer of my ideological background.
[00:39:46] They invited you because they thought you would get stars in your eyes and say nice things.
[00:39:51] No, I think they invited me because they know I'm anti-Trump. I think that's it.
[00:39:57] Like, I don't think there was like a expert, like I am, whether we recognize it or not,
[00:40:05] currently I would say the largest, leftist, progressive political commentator in the country.
[00:40:13] You know, it's true
[00:40:19] Like outside of mainstream media in independent media, I am
[00:40:24] the largest
[00:40:31] Your anti-trump you've helped with get out the vote efforts their favorite Democrats in the past
[00:40:35] They gave a OC speaking slot on stage is the same wing you're in basically. Yeah, so
[00:40:57] You don't need to house my something you're actively working in supportive chat. Yeah, it's not a flex
[00:41:03] It's just the truth, right?
[00:41:06] Um, do you think bringing in perspective into this space is something that you, uh, can do differently than mainstream journalists who have always had access to the event. Absolutely.
[00:41:13] First and foremost, I'm 33 years old, which is definitely a little bit younger to the average commentator that is doing what I'm doing on mainstream media.
[00:41:19] I don't consider myself a journalist. I'm a political commentator.
[00:41:22] What I do, I think is like the equivalent of what Jake Tapper is doing, but also simultaneously what Tony O'Sullivan is doing.
[00:41:28] I'm also doing the roaming stuff and maybe interviews, things of that nature.
[00:41:31] But my perspective is definitely different because of my background and because of my
[00:41:34] ideological predisposition and because of my audience is like, I talk to labor leaders,
[00:41:39] community organized on a daily basis.
[00:41:41] They're my community.
[00:41:42] I hear what their problems are.
[00:41:43] I know what my struggle used to look like not that long ago in terms of like my own
[00:41:46] personal finances, having to budget everything.
[00:41:49] These are financial problems not so far removed from my immediate experience.
[00:41:53] Obviously, now in a dramatically different situation overall, but an Anderson Cooper
[00:41:57] might have never actually experienced those issues his entire life because he's
[00:42:00] a secret Vanderbilt. I talked to rep Ro Khanna. He met with a bunch of other content creators
[00:42:08] as well. I think he's definitely invested in this space in some ways and he wanted to
[00:42:11] talk. So I said, yes, let's do it. And we had a conversation by Israel Palestine where
[00:42:15] in that conversation, I'm very openly said that what Israel is doing is genocide and
[00:42:19] what Israel is doing when it's not engaging in an act of seizing Gaza is apartheid. And
[00:42:23] he disagreed with that. But I could tell it was just not something that he expected
[00:42:27] or something that he's used to hearing from people that are interviewing him. I
[00:42:30] don't think mainstream media is ever going to do that. I was listening to daily earlier
[00:42:33] Today, they were talking about Donald Trump's economic policies. They brought up the fact
[00:42:37] that Donald Trump's solution to skyrocketing rents is deporting 12 million undocumented
[00:42:40] migrants. And their assessment of the situation was that, well, that would be really harmful
[00:42:44] for the economy.
[00:42:45] And I was sitting there thinking, that's just Hitler. That's what Adolf Hitler wanted
[00:42:49] to do. I have a more unrestricted, perhaps even maybe even too emotional at times way
[00:42:55] of communicating my opinions. Did you have a game plan going in knowing that there
[00:43:03] there would be a controversies around Gaza. And we didn't hear from Palestinian Americans
[00:43:07] be here. Did you know, uh, how you were going to center that issue? I can't believe them
[00:43:10] about the admit this, but absolutely not rarely ever. I always roll with the punches bones,
[00:43:14] both in terms of production, which is certainly one of the reasons why I was even able to
[00:43:17] do what I was doing inside of the DNC because I would just carry my remote desktop setup
[00:43:21] around in a Pelican case. And then we would just create a makeshift table like
[00:43:25] we did in the creator lounge on one of those moving bar tables. I usually have
[00:43:28] a broad outline, but I sometimes find myself just very fluid depending on the circumstance
[00:43:32] So as soon as the uncommitted campaign put forward their demands about having a Palestinian
[00:43:37] American, a democratic party operative who was willing and able to endorse common hairs
[00:43:41] with a vetted speech.
[00:43:42] And then they were denied.
[00:43:43] I knew that I would want to interview the uncommitted protesters once they started demonstrating.
[00:43:47] And then I did.
[00:43:48] I didn't have a plan of agitation ahead of time.
[00:43:50] I have a policy on my stream where I basically just give you the energy that you're
[00:43:53] giving to me.
[00:43:54] If someone is kind, courteous, and genuinely curious, and charitable, I'm always going
[00:43:58] to take time to educate them.
[00:43:59] if someone is like abusing that attitude, I'm going to push back with the same energy.
[00:44:04] The same principle applies to my DNC coverage. They were very gracious. I don't think anyone
[00:44:08] thought that I would get this level of access.
[00:44:10] People were shocked that I was there to begin with, let alone streaming to 60,000 people
[00:44:14] from the middle of the stadium. I never really took it for granted. It did cause
[00:44:19] a lot of chatter when you got removed from where you had to set up that cost some
[00:44:22] confusion where people thought you had been kicked out of the entire convention.
[00:44:25] happen. Obviously, there's a lot going at the DNC. And most people, even in the
[00:44:31] influencer space, don't fully grasp what I do and how I do it, what kind of bandwidth
[00:44:34] is necessary on the logistics side. And I try to communicate that to the best of my
[00:44:37] ability to DNC ahead of time. I told them exactly what I do. I have a remote
[00:44:40] desktop setup, and I'm going to be carrying that. I need a table and an
[00:44:43] ethernet cable for it. And that's it. Everything else I have covered. Also, I
[00:44:46] have a backpack that I call the Roman camera. I told them I needed space
[00:44:49] for the entire day where my remote setup can live. First day, that was an
[00:44:54] possibility. That's why I set up in my hotel room. Second day, they were like, we gave you
[00:44:57] all the access we want you to be here. So we're going to carve out a space for you. Day three,
[00:45:01] they moved me to a different space. This time it was at the lower level. I was right behind
[00:45:05] the band, phenomenal view. There were times that were blocked out for like Senator Elizabeth Warren,
[00:45:10] but then I came back and I continued filming. It wasn't a problem. The last day I knew it
[00:45:15] was going to be chaotic. I was like, I can stay at the hotel. It's not a big deal. They
[00:45:18] They said, no, it's fine. You have the entire balcony space from 2pm onwards. Now, why did
[00:45:24] I do this? Not because I suspect a foul play or anything. It was because I was setting up
[00:45:28] interviews with key figures such as Ihan Omar, AOC and UAW president, Sean Fane. And I needed
[00:45:33] a space to be able to do so that day. I started off my broadcast with interviews of
[00:45:37] representative Corey Bush, but the uncommitted delegates that were protesting outside the
[00:45:41] United center and then moved on to my regular commentary at the same time as things
[00:45:45] were getting heated. I'd already heard that there was a little bit of drama internally
[00:45:49] with who wanted me there. The DNC was not, the DNC not being super happy with the Kamala
[00:45:53] campaign demanding that I be there is what I gathered. But as far as I understand the
[00:45:57] straw that broke the camel's back was my criticism of for DNC for not allowing a Palestinian
[00:46:01] American speaker.
[00:46:04] What ended up happening was they unceremoniously out of nowhere were like, yeah, you got
[00:46:08] to get out by this certain time. I was like, that's weird because you guys told
[00:46:10] me that wasn't going to happen. They were like, no, no, it just happened. Sorry.
[00:46:14] didn't kick me out or anything, but they basically made it so it was as difficult as possible
[00:46:18] to continue streaming there.
[00:46:19] Well, I have all this gear on me. I'm going to give it. I'm giving an interview to the
[00:46:22] New York Times at this point about creators for Kamala. I'm like, is there a place I can
[00:46:25] put my stuff? And they're like, no, at which point I was like, okay, I think we're just
[00:46:30] politely being booted. I want to reiterate this. Every single moment that I spent
[00:46:35] inside the DNC, I consider to be a bonus. There's no point I ever thought that
[00:46:39] I would even get this level of access to begin with. So I was happy with every
[00:46:42] single thing that I was able to do in there. I don't consider this to be a massive slight.
[00:46:46] It was a little annoying at the time for sure because I had all these interviews lined
[00:46:49] up and then I couldn't do them. So that was frustrating, but no hard feelings. I would
[00:46:53] say because I'm stoked that I even got access to begin with. It sounds like they had some
[00:46:59] technical stuff to work out in terms of accommodating someone like you. That definitely was a
[00:47:03] problem. But I'll just say, I think it was definitely deliberate the moving around.
[00:47:07] There's plausible deniability there for sure. Miss the chaos, but especially
[00:47:10] after talking to some people, like I said, I found out that there was already a little
[00:47:13] bit of contention with my presence there from the jump. And there was definitely a straw
[00:47:16] that broke the camel's back with my last day of coverage, everything that I was saying
[00:47:19] and doing. You mentioned that it's not just Kamala. Trump team is also trying to figure
[00:47:24] out this creator space. I wondered that, uh, what you thought of eight and Ross interview
[00:47:28] Trump, if you watched their stream, I don't necessarily know of eight and Ross. Uh,
[00:47:32] if the eight and Ross one will move the needle as much as like the Theo Vaughn
[00:47:35] one will even on his own YouTube page. You got like 2.5 million views in two weeks,
[00:47:39] whereas the Theo Vaughn one got 10 million and literally four days. The golfer one
[00:47:42] with Bryson, the shambo, got 10 million, 11 million.
[00:47:46] Whenever Trump actually links up with someone, whether it's Dr. Phil or anyone like that,
[00:47:50] where they have a serious back and forth that's 55 minutes long, an hour long, he gets to
[00:47:54] come across like a normal human being, which he is not.
[00:47:59] But he does have his humanizing moments.
[00:48:01] I think those do very well.
[00:48:03] Aiden Ross specifically did not, I think, move the needle all that much partially because
[00:48:07] he doesn't know anything.
[00:48:08] He's barely, he's barely literate.
[00:48:12] But I do think that Trump media's push is looking somewhat interesting. And I said this, I was
[00:48:16] watching the Theo von conversation. If you had maxed out your name recognition and you
[00:48:20] were already lost after being president for four years, people have made up their minds
[00:48:24] about you so much so that after you almost got assassinated, you barely got a bump in
[00:48:28] the polls. People are that polarized. It doesn't even matter if you get shot and survived.
[00:48:32] At that point, what are the demographics that you can reach out to? We know that
[00:48:35] young men in the third 18 to 35 age bracket are significantly more right wing than young
[00:48:40] women are in that same bracket. So although they do not participate in democratic process
[00:48:53] the same degree as young women do, they are young enough that they might have started
[00:48:57] to develop their political opinions in your first term and might be coming to develop
[00:49:01] their political opinions now. These were non-voters, whether they were too young or
[00:49:05] just non-voters in general. And I think that that is what Donald Trump is going after.
[00:49:09] Joe Rogan, Theo Vaughn, Aidan Ross, all of these spaces that have a shit ton
[00:49:12] of people who are maybe outside of the normal party loyalty that maybe have a
[00:49:17] likelihood to have right-wing beliefs and they haven't made up their minds on Trump yet.
[00:49:21] I think that he is trying to actively target those people with this big media push.
[00:49:26] In that case, you certainly have your work cut out for you for the rest of this election cycle.
[00:49:32] Absolutely. I don't know if Kamala Harris, by the way, is the right person to be able to do this
[00:49:35] because Donald Trump is a telegenic reality TV star. He can have those conversations where he
[00:49:40] can be normal and kind of funny even, whereas I fear that Kamala Harris looks too manicured
[00:49:44] and two professionals of politician. Perhaps Tim Walz could do that. I think the best surrogate
[00:49:48] would be Barack Obama. Anything he says won't actually translate back to an attack on Kamala Harris,
[00:49:53] but any kind of momentum in the direction of Kamala Harris will look good. That was a suggestion I
[00:49:57] gave the New York Times as well. If I was sitting on top of the DNC, I put Barack Obama next to
[00:50:00] Kaisenat. That's something I would do. Or even someone like myself, as a matter of fact.
[00:50:05] Beyond that, I don't know how well Kamala would do in these sorts of uncontrolled
[00:50:11] media environments. Maybe she would be great at it. Who knows, but I haven't really seen
[00:50:14] that yet. But this space is really, really right wing at this point. This is an issue
[00:50:19] that is very near and dear to me. I see it the age gap between young men and women is crazy with
[00:50:23] 1829 age demographic in terms of supporting Harris versus supporting Trump. Men demonstrate
[00:50:27] relatively high support for Trump. Women support common Harris by plus 40 points. And to that,
[00:50:32] I said, every young male interest online from gaming to fitness culture and self help is
[00:50:36] dominated by right wing, red pilled, man is fear commentary. They prey on the anxieties
[00:50:40] and insecurities of vulnerable young men. Because a lot of men recognize the shitty material
[00:50:44] circumstances they exist under, they might even have a sense of entitlement about what
[00:50:48] the future is supposed to look like for them, how society was supposed to be designed for
[00:50:51] them, and when they recognize that they're not getting the outcomes they were supposed
[00:50:54] to get, or that the previous generation got, that creates hostility overall. A lot
[00:50:59] of that managed sphere space takes advantage of that insecurity and anger and resentment
[00:51:03] and channels it back to making loyal soldiers that are ready to go for the right, even
[00:51:07] even if these guys are not voters themselves, they still churn out a lot of right-wing sentiment
[00:51:12] on a daily basis. And that's how we end it. That was the interview that I had. I hope you
[00:51:30] guys enjoyed that. I'm doing a podcast with real Donald Trump soon. Let me know if you
[00:51:34] have any suggestions on questions and topic suggestions. Oh shit, Lex Fridman on followed
[00:51:39] me. That's crazy. Wonder why he did that. Can I still DM him? I guess I still can.
[00:51:51] it doesn't really matter. Okay. Why did he own follow me? I thought he was pro Russia.
[00:52:00] Like me. I think Kamala Harris would do well with a Lex Fridman interview, by the way. That's
[00:52:12] like not even a joke. I think he, she would, Lex Fridman is like a good person is crazy.
[00:52:30] One of the biggest benefits of switching away from Biden is the bottom was too old
[00:52:33] to campaign effectively. But now we have Kamala who's too guarded and risk averse
[00:52:36] to put herself out there. No, Kamala is absolutely campaigning. What do you mean? She went on
[00:52:43] a fucking tear. They were campaigning while the DNC was happening. It's not campaigning.
[00:52:48] That's the problem. She is risk averse. However, in terms of like going up to contentious
[00:52:54] media interviews, especially because like, um, especially because like there is an
[00:53:04] issue with their background and like what she has said in the past about key policy perspectives
[00:53:10] that she had when she was a very progressive senator, or at least like, uh, tailored herself
[00:53:16] as a very progressive senator from California under the Trump administration, where Democrats
[00:53:21] who have a tendency to fucking go to the left, go to the left, but when they have power,
[00:53:27] They immediately dialed that back.
[00:53:31] Uh, but yeah, overall, I think, you know, overall, I think that she does need to, uh, she
[00:53:43] does need to start doing these interviews.
[00:53:44] What is this?
[00:54:05] She can talk shit.
[00:54:12] She better not.
[00:54:14] I didn't do anything.
[00:54:15] And I have to stop because I know he's talking about politics, but I almost picked up my
[00:54:19] phone and called him and just said, I just wanted to remind you that you're ugly.
[00:54:25] But that was just mean.
[00:54:26] And that was a lot of projecting and he doesn't deserve that.
[00:54:29] Thank you for
[00:54:30] not doing that.
[00:54:32] That would be mean.
[00:54:33] I didn't even do nothing there.
[00:54:34] How is this my fault?
[00:54:36] This is a thing that I don't understand.
[00:54:39] These things happen and then people immediately react as though like I am
[00:54:42] responsible for it when the only thing I'm responsible for is a three minute
[00:54:45] outbreak at the top of the hour.
[00:54:47] Okay.
[00:54:48] That's the only dang thing I'm responsible for.
[00:54:51] And if you no longer want to be burdened by that, all you need to do
[00:54:55] is subscribe.
[00:54:56] Okay.
[00:54:56] This happened with another reactant with another video that she reacted to her. It was like, I think it was like extra Emily and another girl talking about how, uh, the other girl thought that I was hot or something.
[00:55:09] And she was mad at me for it. It's like, I didn't do that. G wizard, three, one, four, one. Thank you for the five. Give the subs allowing five people to no longer, uh, no longer to the as the top of the hour.
[00:55:25] Here's the dream and outbreak now. Oh my God. Can you react to the my chipmunk voice? Uh-oh.
[00:55:30] And it's feel like I've got to knock him down some okay
[00:55:38] It's crazy why when people get treated nicely do I want to be mean?
[00:55:43] Yeah, I don't know why she wants to humble me at all times, you know, I mean I promise I'm not like I
[00:55:49] Promise I don't have like a like a big head
[00:55:53] Both literally and figuratively okay, Vanessa. Thank you for the five get the subs
[00:56:22] And I stand by him in this time of need.
[00:56:26] Thank you.
[00:56:27] Is there an issue?
[00:56:30] Oh, okay.
[00:56:39] So cute, my little Hasanito.
[00:56:41] I'm a 33-year-old man, dude.
[00:56:44] Sometimes Baby Girl is a hairy 33-year-old Muslim man,
[00:56:50] which is crazy.
[00:56:54] Hasan, we are so cooked.
[00:56:55] Support for banning critical race theory in public schools.
[00:56:58] Support 44% opposed, 37%.
[00:57:01] What is critical race theory? 100% of people that responded to this have no idea what it
[00:57:08] is. Okay? No idea. It doesn't matter. CRT is still around. It's like eight buzzwords
[00:57:29] ago. I know maybe they'll bring it back. I don't think, I don't think that that's
[00:57:35] a good, I just don't think that that's a good argument. Like it's a good thing
[00:57:42] to run on for the Republicans like just being like, yeah, we're going to ban woke. We're
[00:57:47] going to ban woke like that shit didn't work, man. They already dropped the I is because
[00:57:58] commonplace too well into the D I narrative. I don't know. Do you think that commas first
[00:58:06] every being enjoying one with walls makes her seem a little weak? No, it's fucking.
[00:58:10] It's a smart choice. It is a smart choice. Okay. You want to know why is a smart
[00:58:19] choice because one, Tim Walsh still has less name recognition. So it's great to have Tim
[00:58:29] Walsh on a prominent stage. Okay. That's number one. And number two, waltz and Kamala Harris
[00:58:37] being side by side in this, in this interview, having them be side by side in this interview
[00:58:45] was actually pretty solid because, uh, yeah, waltz can pick up on a lot of the stuff that
[00:58:50] like a lot of the attacks because he's a pretty solid communicator. Also, there is precedent
[00:58:56] for this. Like the people being like, this is weird. What a fucking weird thing to do.
[00:59:00] It's not weird. People do this shit all the time. Okay. Like, so if you think that,
[00:59:06] if you think that like doing joint interviews with the media is a strange thing, you're
[00:59:10] wrong. It's not a strange thing at all. It's perfectly normal. Okay. Um, it baits the sexist
[00:59:21] allegations of wait, what, which will fall flat big time. Oh, I hadn't seen those joint
[00:59:27] interviews before. I thought this was more unique. No, of course it's not unique. What?
[00:59:31] No, campaigns do joint interviews 100%. I really hope, I really, really, really hope
[00:59:40] that Tim walls doesn't like out of fears that she will come out of fears that she
[00:59:46] She will look like she is at odds with the, with the top of the ticket, uh, like retriangulate
[00:59:52] to, to communicate a more moderate message.
[00:59:55] I hope he does not, uh, stray away from that.
[00:59:57] I hope he just still does the same shit.
[01:00:01] He 100% is going to, I know, but I still in my mind have this attitude about him
[01:00:06] because he's a teacher because he taught his students fucking genocide and things
[01:00:11] like that because of his background, because of his lack of ambition in terms of being elected
[01:00:18] to higher office, I have this attitude in my mind that he is someone that you can actually
[01:00:23] have a conversation with, someone who will potentially stay true to his message.
[01:00:34] But I don't know, I do worry that like there is a very liberal attitude there in terms
[01:00:42] of like not trying to be at odds and like not trying to appear at odds with Kamala Harris
[01:00:50] because you're worried that it's going to look bad and therefore re-triangulating your
[01:00:58] message and just like taking a more moderate tone.
[01:01:02] I already ran the three minute outbreak.
[01:01:05] Not gonna lie, I don't trust Walt.
[01:01:06] I mean, I, I do, he canceled a meeting with Palestinians whose family members were murdered.
[01:01:15] What are you saying?
[01:01:16] Yeah.
[01:01:17] He's running, mate is currently doing a Holocaust right now.
[01:01:20] He canceled the meeting with Palestinians whose family members were murdered.
[01:01:23] What are you saying?
[01:01:24] I literally talked to uncommitted delegates from Minnesota, okay.
[01:01:31] And they didn't have this level of smoke that you do for Tim Walz.
[01:01:36] For me, that means something. You know what I mean? It means that like even people in
[01:01:42] Minnesota, his own fucking state still have a different attitude about Tim Walz in terms
[01:01:48] of like whether he is, uh, whether he is like a genuine person or not, then you do.
[01:01:54] In terms of like the foreign policy aspect of it, yeah, he's a fucking, he's a Democrat.
[01:01:59] Of course. You should be prepared for disappointment. It's the usual outcome with Democrats. Also
[01:02:06] a moist critical race theory. That's funny. In any case, in any case, we'll see, we'll
[01:02:26] see what happens. I'm not like, when I say I want, when I say I want Tim Walls to carry
[01:02:37] on a progressive message, I'm not simply talking about like, I'm not wish casting.
[01:02:44] Okay. I'm not simply talking about like, um, like, oh, I'm a leftist diehard.
[01:02:53] I'm talking about it in terms of how that plays well to a broader audience.
[01:02:59] Okay.
[01:03:00] That's what I'm talking about.
[01:03:02] A lot of this analysis gets lost in the sauce.
[01:03:04] That's why so many liberals come in here and they go, Oh dude,
[01:03:08] you're not fully locked in on Kamala Harris.
[01:03:12] You're a fucking spoiler.
[01:03:13] You want Donald Trump to win secretly. There's probably some cynical reason as to why you want to do that because you're a rich white man
[01:03:20] And it won't impact you also. I hope you get deported when Trump does a mass Muslim deportation
[01:03:26] Now obviously that's a little weird that they're saying both of those things at the same time
[01:03:30] But having said that having said that
[01:03:34] When I'm talking about this stuff
[01:03:36] I'm talking about it in terms of both my own personal perspective my own personal motivations
[01:03:42] my own personal ideology, but I also think that it's good. It plays well, okay? It plays well to a
[01:03:50] broader electorate. It plays well to a broader fucking electorate. That's it. It's the same
[01:04:09] principle behind like what I'm constantly saying about not sending arms to Israel.
[01:04:17] More than 60% of all voters and nearly 80% of Democrats say the US should not send arms to
[01:04:22] Israel. According to a CBS poll, last one being in June, send Israel weapons is at an
[01:04:31] all time low at 23%. Across the board, nearly eight in 10 Democrats say the US should not
[01:04:38] send weapons to Israel, 77%, nearly 80%. Democrats see this and go, Oh, well, you said send
[01:04:51] arms to Israel. We're just fully switching to a fully pro-Palestine help Kamala win
[01:05:03] or whether to hurt them, even if it's popular, are they going to lose a bunch
[01:05:06] of money. I think that they are fearful that there are a lot of ideological Zionists of
[01:05:15] a variety of different backgrounds in key positions within the media and a tremendous
[01:05:22] amount of material investment in the continuation of Israel, whether it be an apartheid murder
[01:05:27] machine or whether it's not being apartheid murder machine, even though it is an apartheid
[01:05:32] murder machine, that the Kamala Harris campaign and the Democratic Party as a whole are genuinely
[01:05:40] fucking worried that they will have a significantly worse reaction than the Afghan withdrawal if
[01:05:48] they were to respond to public pressure on this issue.
[01:05:53] Okay?
[01:05:54] Why are some idiots pressure in Kamala more than they're actually trying to pressure
[01:05:57] Biden?
[01:05:59] Because there is no way to pressure Biden.
[01:06:00] He's a lame duck.
[01:06:01] do whatever the fuck he wants to do. You have to focus on you have to focus on what the areas
[01:06:10] of impact are. You have to focus on where you have leverage. There is a massive election
[01:06:14] coming up. Okay. That is a point of leverage. You have to use that leverage to your advantage.
[01:06:21] Biden is an 800 year old genocide air demon. Biden also has 50 fucking years of, of like
[01:06:31] ultra Zionist sentiment. Okay. Sometimes outflanking literally Israeli officials in terms of like
[01:06:39] how brutal Israel must be. But yes, he cares about his legacy. Exactly. Congratulations.
[01:06:48] You understand that he does care about his legacy. And that's precisely the point. That's
[01:06:53] why people are pressuring Kamala so that Kamala cuts away from Biden, because one,
[01:06:59] It will be an electoral boost 100% regardless of like mainstream media, probably criticizing
[01:07:06] them.
[01:07:07] Okay.
[01:07:08] It will have a major boost in terms of momentum.
[01:07:14] It is a public, it is a policy that people want, okay.
[01:07:20] It is a policy that people want.
[01:07:22] It will give them a major boost.
[01:07:24] It will also put Kamala Harris at odds with the current administration.
[01:07:30] This will 100% cause the current administration, or Biden specifically, who cares about his
[01:07:39] legacy to react in a different way.
[01:07:43] Because he doesn't want to be at odds with the Kamala Harris campaign.
[01:07:47] This is a good thing.
[01:07:48] I love you, man, but you're very naive sometimes.
[01:07:51] There is nothing naive about this.
[01:07:52] This is cold, bloodless political calculus.
[01:07:56] I am describing to you and also simultaneously recognizing the issues like the potential
[01:08:03] the potential negative outcomes of this is directly cold bloodless political calculation.
[01:08:11] Not a single point that I have mentioned here is about like wishy washy, you know, pinko
[01:08:18] commie I love fucking humanitarian aid I'm a peaceful activist type shit at all.
[01:08:24] I am not talking about that at all right now. I'm showing you data. Okay, this is why I think
[01:08:33] Kamala is different. By the way, along with my conversations interparty, the sanctions
[01:08:36] placed on the NGO came from her camp, but it still took ever to have Biden to do it.
[01:08:40] I don't think conditional eight is off the table for her at all. Just needs to play
[01:08:43] differently for her since Biden is in charge and sees far as moving slowly, but
[01:08:46] forward buck Blinken. No, she has the capacity to move the conversation further.
[01:08:54] She has a massive amount of attention on her if she were to cut away from the Biden camp
[01:09:01] right now.
[01:09:02] Okay?
[01:09:03] Especially when the ceasefire is not moving forward.
[01:09:06] It's fucking bullshit.
[01:09:08] Okay?
[01:09:09] Like, the only thing that they're securing is potentially more amenities for Tehran.
[01:09:15] That's the only thing that's happened so far.
[01:09:18] Like reopening the conversation about the Iranian nuclear program has nothing to do
[01:09:24] with Israel's ongoing fucking bloodlust in Gaza and now the West Bank, it is not the only thing
[01:09:35] that will actually put an end to Israel's consistent bombing campaign that is still killing a shit ton
[01:09:44] of people, even if you are unfamiliar with this or not, even if there are, even if people are
[01:09:50] not personally, even if people are not personally paying attention to it or not, the reality
[01:10:00] remains. It is a massive, massively consequential, very popular issue. It's not the top of, it's
[01:10:13] not the top issue. It's certainly not something that people care about when they're making
[01:10:18] this political calculation, but it is definitely an issue that will, one, cause more progressive,
[01:10:24] popular momentum to continue the Kamala train. And two, stop, stop saying, yeah, I said top
[01:10:34] of. Like, the point is, forget about the humanity for a second, okay, forget about all of the
[01:10:43] fucking 40,000 plus majority women and children and elderly that have been butchered by
[01:10:49] the Israeli occupying force. For a brief moment, think of yourself like you are a Democratic
[01:10:57] party analyst, a campaign staffer, okay, a bloodless, careerist monster, okay. There's
[01:11:05] an issue. It doesn't matter what the issue is, right? Any issue that is polling at 80%
[01:11:12] that the administration is committed to, which is a ceasefire, okay? If the mechanisms of
[01:11:23] leverage that will bring about the ceasefire, if the mechanisms of this, if the mechanisms
[01:11:31] of pushback, the mechanisms of leverage, which is arms embargo, that will ensure that
[01:11:36] Israel commit to the policy that you put forward fucking four months ago, if that
[01:11:43] That is something that 80% of the public wants.
[01:11:45] You have to do it.
[01:11:47] Like, it's crazy.
[01:11:54] It's not even a question.
[01:12:00] It makes no sense.
[01:12:14] It makes no sense.
[01:12:15] Do you think if you change their tone in God's in October, it will be enough time?
[01:12:23] No.
[01:12:24] That's the problem.
[01:12:25] Time is running out.
[01:12:26] There are 68 days until the election.
[01:12:28] Time is running out.
[01:12:30] She should have done this yesterday.
[01:12:32] She should have done this at the DNC.
[01:12:35] should have done this before and she has only reaffirmed her commitment to an objectively
[01:12:44] unpopular and objectively unpopular policy pushed by an objectively unpopular president
[01:12:53] that she has now superseded like she literally is the president, the presidential candidate
[01:13:01] because of how fucking unpopular the guy she's tacking onto is.
[01:13:09] It makes no sense how important is the Gaza issue for commons campaign in terms of winning.
[01:13:14] I don't think it's the top priority for the Democrats nor the Democratic Party's base
[01:13:18] of support.
[01:13:19] This does not mean that the calculation won't change from this point on until November.
[01:13:26] There are a couple different reasons why this is ridiculous.
[01:13:29] Okay.
[01:13:30] There are a couple different reasons.
[01:13:32] Number one, it is objectively insane to continue giving and continue allowing a foreign leader
[01:13:42] that is a Trump supporter and a psychopath and very desperately trying to maintain this
[01:13:49] genocide that much power right before an election when it is obvious that he can throw in favor
[01:13:56] of Trump.
[01:13:57] He can do things that will be genuinely unpopular like drawing America into the
[01:14:02] fucking fight okay have that be the wonderful October surprise that people are expecting
[01:14:09] specifically because that will unironically be uh that will unironically one continue
[01:14:17] the war obviously so he's not going anywhere to objectively unpopular and will cause
[01:14:23] a lot of people that were going to vote for the Democrats that were excited about
[01:14:27] common hairs to be like, well, I'm not doing it anymore. Once again, the majority of Americans
[01:14:33] do not want troops on the ground defending Israel. The majority of Americans are against
[01:14:38] this. Okay. The other problem is that Biden has already been committed to a ceasefire,
[01:14:49] but won't take the steps necessary to get Israel to be on board with said ceasefire
[01:14:53] that he's already committed to. This is the Rafa red line over again. Americans,
[01:14:59] Even if they don't make the mental calculation, the human toll, the death toll, of all of
[01:15:03] this destruction, they still see a president that is objectively fucking weak.
[01:15:07] They can't reign in their goddamn attack dog in the region.
[01:15:10] What the fuck are we doing?
[01:15:11] When you say you're going to do a red line in Rava and Israel just fucking puts their
[01:15:15] dick all over that fucking red line, you look like a fool.
[01:15:18] That's the reason why Biden is objectively unpopular on the issue of Israel.
[01:15:21] Like literally 30 points, trailing 30 points behind Donald Trump, who is currently benefiting
[01:15:28] from of course not being president while Israel is butchering people in Gaza. I just don't understand
[01:15:47] why Israel is so important to the U.S. like they could get other allies in the Middle East if they
[01:15:51] would stop destabilizing it. It goes beyond like it's two reasons. One, because like Israel is a
[01:15:59] is a American vestige. Like it's not even a vassal state. It's not a client state. It's
[01:16:04] basically just a state. Okay. It would be like if you know, North Dakota chose to do
[01:16:11] fucking genocide in Canada. You know what I mean? Like there is no equivalent. It'd
[01:16:17] be like if Texas decided to, to, I don't know, invade and occupy Mexico or some shit.
[01:16:28] The other reason is because there are a lot of ideological ultra Zionists and Zionists
[01:16:34] different flavors all over the American foreign policy apparatus like this is a 78 year project
[01:16:42] or 76 year project sorry that of course is going to have uh that is is going to like
[01:16:52] create this kind of outcome where people are completely at odds with what every single human
[01:16:57] being that is not in the NatSec circles or in fucking foreign policy, are watching and
[01:17:04] experiencing and saying, no, no, no, we have to keep this going.
[01:17:08] There are even people in the State Department who understandably are at odds with our undying
[01:17:14] loyalty to Israel, but ultimately those in key positions right now think that Israel
[01:17:20] is the most valuable ally, okay?
[01:17:24] That's it.
[01:17:25] There is definitely ideological zealotry at play here for sure.
[01:17:36] The Dana Bash moment from March that is not age well at all, it's encapsulated in party
[01:17:44] line and how ridiculous it is.
[01:17:46] 15,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli airstrikes, three quarters of whom are women
[01:17:53] and children.
[01:17:54] And it's horrible, but you don't see Israeli soldiers raping.
[01:17:57] Well, Dana, I think we're not.
[01:17:59] You know, she's really, she was raping Palestinian women. Yeah. No, totally. You don't you do.
[01:18:06] You just don't Dana, because you don't want to fucking see that. You don't want to recognize
[01:18:10] it. Nothing. She says age as well. I know, but it doesn't matter because like Dana bash
[01:18:15] is a great example of this, like this kind of like commitment, right? Dana bash, Dana
[01:18:21] bash is a zealot. Like she is straight up a zealot on this issue. She might have
[01:18:26] some progressive opinions on other issues, but when it comes to Israel, it's just, that's
[01:18:31] not a, like, there's not a conversation that you're having with a person who is like, who
[01:18:35] has normal beliefs.
[01:18:36] Many Jewish chatters in here know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about, because
[01:18:42] they have to deal with this on a daily basis from their fucking mothers and fathers.
[01:18:47] Okay?
[01:18:48] It's just like blind, unconditional loyalty to a fucking fault, where it's just
[01:18:54] Like it doesn't matter. Shut the fuck up. You're wrong. Those guys are all rapist monsters. They're barbarians. They're bloodthirsty. You're wrong
[01:19:01] And it's just like it almost it it's weird because it's like they don't see it
[01:19:09] They don't see that this is like completely at odds with
[01:19:13] Jewish chatters that ended after age three
[01:19:15] You are literally fucking delusional if you think that there isn't a massive number of Jewish chatters in this community
[01:19:21] who are anti-Zionists, Jewish chatters are literally not just Jewish chatters, but like
[01:19:26] Jews in America are at the forefront of anti-Zionism, okay? Don't delude yourself. So fucking
[01:19:34] stupid. What a stupid take. There are, there is far more ideological ultra-Zionist zealotry
[01:19:48] coming in this country from Christian evangelical Zionists, okay, whether they're in key positions
[01:19:54] of power, whether they're in, in working in certain aspects of the media or whether they're
[01:19:59] just like fucking diehard voters. Okay. There are far more Christian Zionists in this country
[01:20:05] than there are Jewish Zionists. There are far more Christians in this country than there
[01:20:08] are Jews. Okay. It is ridiculous. She's more pro-Israel the former apex folks, person
[01:20:28] Wolf Blitzer. Yeah. What is this? Two minutes of Dana Bash propaganda and being complicit
[01:20:41] in the genocide of Palestinian. Sorry. This ain't the person who should be interviewing
[01:20:44] the presidential candidates with genocide raging free Palestine. I mean, as a Jewish
[01:20:48] state supports and believes in every life matter. Like this is Netanyahu war criminal.
[01:20:55] True. He is. Why does a pack keep winning man? It's not because of the pros and
[01:21:02] his movement. Wait, what? What does APAC keep winning? APAC just announced that they have
[01:21:08] crossed over the $100 million ad spend boundary. This election cycle, they've spent $100 million
[01:21:16] dollars so far on this election cycle. What are we talking about? A couple things you
[01:21:25] guys have to understand is that like, if that wasn't a successful strategy or if that
[01:21:29] wasn't a necessity. You think anybody would spend $100 million for fun? No, dude, they're
[01:21:38] doing it for a fucking reason. That's number one. Number two, if the same principle goes
[01:21:44] for like the same principle goes for the social conditioning necessary. It pairs very
[01:21:52] well with America's imperialist interests, but the social conditioning necessary for
[01:21:56] like people to develop Zionist opinions and like take it for granted and not even question it ever
[01:22:02] like all of that is a multiple decade project and commitment we understand it when the fucking
[01:22:09] federalist society engages in this sort of shit but for some reason when it comes down to it
[01:22:14] when it's like is any kind of like influence from a foreign nation like Israel it's like whoa
[01:22:18] Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Hold on now. According to NYU, the Zionist is, is now classified as hate speech.
[01:22:28] APAC also doesn't just message on Israel, they attack anti-Zionist candidates on all sorts of issues in order to unseat them.
[01:22:36] Exactly. They rarely ever, they rarely ever fucking attack on the issue of Israel, because they also know most people,
[01:22:45] at least voters don't give a fuck. Okay. Yeah. If you're a democratic party operative or if
[01:22:51] you're a weapons contractor or whatever, yeah, they, they obviously have an ideological
[01:22:57] predisposition to be in support of Israel.
[01:22:59] But in terms of like, in terms of fucking the average Joe, they don't give a shit. The
[01:23:05] average Joe is probably more likely to be straight up anti-Semitic and anti-Israel
[01:23:09] then fucking uh then then you know pro-israel to the same degree that's why i always say
[01:23:17] there is this massive division like there is this massive attitude difference between those in
[01:23:27] positions of power okay in terms of their analysis of like their their support for israel
[01:23:34] versus the broader electorate. Okay? Isn't it ironic how Zionism is anti-Semitic? I mean yeah.
[01:23:43] I don't think it's that ironic. Yeah, it's a nationalistic, it's a, it's a hyper-nationalist,
[01:23:51] fascist ideology. I got banned from the Israel's suburbative for saying that Israel is in Jews and
[01:24:12] responsible for reclaiming Israel, isn't an ethno-state. If you wanted a pressing POV from a
[01:24:18] political strategies where I impact thought. Her going anti-Israel is not
[01:24:22] something Trump can do, so it's only a rope she can pull, and it will be massive
[01:24:26] media cycle, multi-interviews, big impact, etc. It will be a big break from
[01:24:29] Biden moment because impact time October 8th to 15th. I hope she doesn't listen to
[01:24:33] those advisors the way. Yeah, I mean 100%, but I don't think she's gonna do
[01:24:39] that because she's not doing that at the DNC at all. And I think October
[01:24:43] eight is like far too late to do it, because then it heats up the anti semitism allegations.
[01:24:49] Like why did she wait this long? Oh, she's doing this in the one year anniversary of
[01:24:52] October seven. I think she should be cutting it. She should be cutting and switching off
[01:24:59] as quickly as possible, which she has done for the record. She has done. She's already
[01:25:07] done that. Unlike the economy, for example, in certain aspects, she takes ownership
[01:25:11] over Biden and administration's failures in terms of like the inflation in terms
[01:25:16] of grocery prices and has been able to so successfully communicate that you would not
[01:25:21] think that she was the VP at all. Meanwhile, while we're having this conversation,
[01:25:31] the World Food Program says it's pausing its activities in the Gaza Strip after one of its
[01:25:35] teams came under fire last night in New Orleans, Israeli checkpoint. Okay. Manifabian, please,
[01:25:41] please use something that's not passive voice for once when describing Israeli atrocities.
[01:25:45] Please, I beg of you, you are like physically incapable of typing those words out. It's
[01:25:50] So it's it comes across as though you you are like genuinely allergic. Okay. Like where? Well, how could this have happened?
[01:26:03] Passive voice at all times, dude. Bullets traveled through the air and struck this car
[01:26:12] According to a world food program
[01:26:14] The team was returning from a mission to the carom Shalom crossing the two armored vehicles
[01:26:17] after escorting a convoy of humanitarian aid trucks to Central Gaza.
[01:26:21] The organization says the team came under fire a few meters from an IDF checkpoint at the Wadi Gaza Bridge.
[01:26:26] Despite being clearly marked and receiving multiple clearances by Israeli authorities to approach,
[01:26:31] the vehicle was directly struck by gunfire as it was moving towards an IDF checkpoint.
[01:26:35] The vehicle sustained 10 bullets, including five on the driver's side,
[01:26:38] two on the passenger side and three on the other parts of the vehicle.
[01:26:41] The World Food Program says there were no injuries.
[01:26:44] The IDF has not yet commented on the incident. This just happened.
[01:26:52] They were Hamas. This time is real. Yeah. They will say that by the way. They'll say it's Hamas that did it.
[01:27:04] Near the Israeli checkpoint. But that's not all here. Let's watch Dana Fash.
[01:27:17] We in the Middle East, are going to be fighting this war.
[01:27:22] We are not going to be fighting this war.
[01:27:24] There is no water, no water, no water, no water.
[01:27:27] We are fighting human lives and we are going to fight this war.
[01:27:47] the most, there's so much violent rage against Jews. You know what's crazy? And I, I've been
[01:27:56] saying this, I've been warning about this for months now. America is at the precipice
[01:28:03] of being significantly more anti-Semitic than it ever has been in, in, throughout its history,
[01:28:11] okay? And it is entirely a consequence of Israel's cynical weaponization of anti-Semitism
[01:28:18] as a deflectionary mechanism, as a shield, and Israel tying all of its actions to Judaism
[01:28:26] falsely, because of course it has nothing to do with fucking Judaism at all, especially
[01:28:31] at odds with Judaism, okay? And not only that, but you've got hyper-right-wing fucking
[01:28:38] websites blowing the fuck up, you've got obviously Twitter has now turned into 4chan,
[01:28:43] much fucking unimaginable anti-Semitism and so much opportunity to literally look at everything
[01:28:50] that's going on in media and being like, see, I told you Jews control the media. Okay. See,
[01:28:56] why are they so afraid? Why are politicians so afraid to say anything about Israel?
[01:29:01] This is literally the greatest opportunity for fascists, like the greatest opportunity for
[01:29:07] fascists. And they're taking advantage of it, by the way. Fascists have always sheltered
[01:29:13] their anti-Semitism under the guise of like valid criticisms of the state of
[01:29:19] Israel. This is not like a new tactic. It's an old tactic. It's a 76-year-old
[01:29:24] tactic for the most part, okay? This is devastating. It is, however, an attitude
[01:29:33] that is allowed to fester because it benefits Israel as well. It benefits
[01:29:38] Benjamin and Yahu. That's why Benjamin and Yahu has time and time again
[01:29:41] aligned with Zionists who happen to be incredibly anti-Semitic like Victor Orban for example.
[01:30:03] Israel is ISIS for the Jewish people. Yeah I mean Israel's actions are identical to ISIS including
[01:30:08] but not limited to destroying a mosque that was hundreds and hundreds of years older than
[01:30:15] the fucking nation-state of Israel. Okay yeah destroying a world cultural heritage site.
[01:30:23] Straight up, ice is shit.
[01:30:42] I'm Dana Bash.
[01:30:43] We start with destruction, violence, and hate on college campuses across the country.
[01:30:49] I'm close, it's my treat-
[01:30:50] Fascism is anti-semitic, though.
[01:30:53] Yeah, it is.
[01:30:55] That's why Zionism, which is fascist, is anti-semitic.
[01:31:00] Zionism desperately tries to pair up Judaism with the actions of an apartheid state, okay?
[01:31:10] Okay? If you cannot comprehend how this is going to be a genuine problem down the line
[01:31:16] for the safety of Jews in the Western world and all around the world as a matter of fact,
[01:31:22] including in Israel, I don't know what to fucking tell you. Okay? It is ridiculous.
[01:31:28] It is a ridiculous notion. Like, there is no world where like Saudi Arabia is doing a genocide in Yemen
[01:31:36] And then you go, hey man, can you stop genociding Yemen and people are like, wow, you're being quite Islamophobic, actually.
[01:31:42] You know what I mean?
[01:31:46] It's the inverse of that with ISIS.
[01:31:49] American
[01:31:51] right-wingers,
[01:31:52] desperately, and even some liberals, desperately tried to tie ISIS
[01:31:56] to the entirety of Islam. To the umma, to the fucking whole Islamic world.
[01:32:03] When ironically, ain't nobody fucking likes that shit over there
[01:32:06] And ain't nobody likes that shit over here either
[01:32:11] Meanwhile
[01:32:13] You have Israel and defenders of Israel on the West being like no no no Israel's ISIS style actions are actually for Judaism
[01:32:19] And if you fucking call it out, you are actually a Jew hater
[01:32:22] It's crazy. It's crazy
[01:32:40] Excuse me. The CIA actually likes it a lot
[01:32:42] I think the CIA is one institution that is of two different minds on Israel
[01:32:47] If you were to look at the entirety of the State Department
[01:32:50] And I would say that the CIA is probably one of the only America State Department
[01:32:54] apparatus that actually despises Israel for the unimaginable amount of fucking black male
[01:33:01] and unimaginable amount of espionage that Israel engages on US soil.
[01:33:07] There are different, there are different splinters within even the CIA.
[01:33:11] But in terms of like uncommitted support to Zionism, I would say the CIA is probably one institution
[01:33:18] where there are more people than the rest
[01:33:20] that absolutely despises Israel.
[01:33:26] Of course, this doesn't mean the entirety of the CIA.
[01:33:29] They still use Pegasus, for example.
[01:33:31] So it's not like the CIA completely hates it.
[01:33:45] But as we're having this conversation,
[01:33:49] Israel has, of course, launched its large-scale attack
[01:33:53] on the West Bank.
[01:33:55] The number is now 10, by the way.
[01:33:56] At least 10 Palestinians have been killed
[01:33:57] this large-scale attack?
[01:33:59] Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank after the Israeli military launched raids
[01:34:03] and airstrikes overnight. That's according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.
[01:34:08] The Israeli military says it launched a large counter-terror operation overnight in two refugee camps.
[01:34:13] Officials say the Israeli military was targeting, quote,
[01:34:16] Islamic Iranian terrorist infrastructure.
[01:34:19] as Paul Hancox is live for us this hour in Abu Dhabi. And Paula, this marks the largest
[01:34:24] Israeli operation in the West Bank for years. And we understand we are hearing there's been
[01:34:29] a response from Hamas this hour to what has occurred.
[01:34:37] Christina remarks, this is certainly a significant operation. We have been seeing for months
[01:34:42] that there have been these limited operations by the Israeli military into the occupied
[01:34:47] West Bank. Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed over recent months since
[01:34:51] October 7th of last year, but this is definitely something more significant that we are seeing.
[01:34:57] Now we did hear from the governor of Janine that he said just after midnight, so in the
[01:35:02] early hours of Wednesday, the Israeli military surrounded the refugee camp and Janine itself.
[01:35:11] He says that he can still hear gunfire ongoing in the area, so it is believed this operation
[01:35:17] is still going. And he says a third of the city is without electricity at this point.
[01:35:23] Now as you said, we know that nine Palestinians have been killed. We hear from the Red Crescent
[01:35:29] Society, from the Ministry of Health, that those deaths happened from airstrikes, also
[01:35:35] from strikes on the ground. We hear drones are in the air as well. And when it comes
[01:35:40] to the Israeli response, so far we understand there are...
[01:35:44] My brother-in-law just had his house ransacked in Tolkotem.
[01:35:47] He installed security cameras a few months ago
[01:35:49] because all the thieves in the refugee camp
[01:35:51] and they use that as a pretext to enter his house,
[01:35:54] put plastic cups on him, beat him and ransack.
[01:35:57] This all happened in the last few hours.
[01:35:59] Yeah. What is it called?
[01:36:01] It's called like, I forget what it's called,
[01:36:04] but there's a principle that the Israeli occupying force
[01:36:07] utilizes where they will like take over a house
[01:36:10] and they'll put all of the Palestinians living in the house
[01:36:14] into, uh, into one room. Um, and they, they make it, they turn it into basically an outpost
[01:36:21] for themselves and, uh, they, they will use it for the duration. If you need fucking food,
[01:36:27] fuck off. Okay. If you need medicine, fuck off. What matters in that moment is like
[01:36:32] the Israeli occupying force utilizing your temporary outposts. Yeah. And they use
[01:36:37] that temporary outpost to snipe other Palestinians. Yeah. To snipe Palestinians. Yeah. From
[01:36:42] that temporary outpost. They will take over a civilian house deliberately, okay, they will
[01:36:47] take over a civilian house deliberately and snipe Palestinians from that civilian house.
[01:36:56] Yes, straw window. No, no, there's like a specific term for it. It's like something with a straw.
[01:37:06] I think it's like a straw window. Yeah. Great stuff overall. I mean, that's just like
[01:37:17] one aspect of this like unimaginably cruel and inhumane way in which the Israeli military
[01:37:24] operates. America did similar things of course in Iraq as well, but it's great that our taxes
[01:37:40] fund that shit. Pretty sick. Let's continue. At least hundreds of personnel involved. We've been
[01:37:52] told that there are four battalions of the border police alone, including undercover border police,
[01:37:59] and that does not... Oh, testimonies from the ground are that electricity is out, roads and
[01:38:03] infrastructure are being destroyed, and houses are being raided to install sniping positions.
[01:38:06] We haven't seen this shit in 20 years, a little ironic this comes up after the police arbitrarily shut down a Hadash branch in Haifa because they wanted to screen, wanted to screen Jannine, illegally allowed non censored film about the IDF's brutal operations in July, and the sequel to Muhammad Bakri's excellent 2002 film.
[01:38:22] So, posts from 2020 about straw widow, straw widow missions. Some of our testimonies describe straw widow missions taken over a Palestinian house to use the temporary lookout or sniper outposts.
[01:38:41] For the Palestinians who have the misfortune of having a view of the strategically important area from their window, that can mean frequent harassment.
[01:38:48] But in our service, in the occupied Palestinian territories, was time limited.
[01:38:53] Once our three years or however long we'd signed on for were up, we got to leave it all behind and go back to the safety of our homes,
[01:38:58] where the idea of a foreign military force barging in and taking over would be inconceivable.
[01:39:03] Straw widows, not straw windows. Straw widow missions is what it's called.
[01:39:08] I mean, this is like one aspect of this cruelty, this brutality that is always ongoing for
[01:39:16] the record.
[01:39:17] Okay?
[01:39:18] It's just one aspect.
[01:39:20] What's their excuse for the West Bank?
[01:39:22] Let me tell you, okay?
[01:39:23] They're calling it Operation Summer Camp, by the way, which is again, insane, like just
[01:39:30] straight hit Larry and no, no jokes at this point, like just straight up owning
[01:39:36] it.
[01:39:37] Okay?
[01:39:38] Operation Summer Camp.
[01:39:39] Why is it being conducted? Because there's speculation that Iran is funding the West Bank Palestinians
[01:39:46] and that they're going to conduct suicide bomb attacks. Okay. Now, let me explain something
[01:39:54] to you about how that, how unlikely that is. Okay. How unlikely that is. There are
[01:39:59] checkpoints in every fucking aspect of the West Bank. The West Bank is completely
[01:40:05] fucking occupied. Okay, completely occupied. Completely. So they already have that in place
[01:40:18] because they're worried about terror attacks on Jews, on Israeli settlers specifically,
[01:40:25] in the West Bank and also in Israel proper. Now they're claiming that civilians are gonna
[01:40:32] go and blow up trucks and shit like that inside of Israel proper, and that's why they
[01:40:40] They have to do a preemptive genocide in the West Bank as well.
[01:40:44] It doesn't include the military and the intelligence elements.
[01:40:48] So this is a large operation.
[01:40:51] Now one thing I wanted to mention was a tweet we had from the Israeli Foreign Minister,
[01:40:55] which was interesting.
[01:40:56] He gave a reason for this operation, saying that it was to thwart what he called Islamic
[01:41:02] Iranian terrorist infrastructure, saying that Iran is funding and arming terrorists
[01:41:09] in the West Bank as I'm trying to create a situation similar to Gaza and Lebanon and
[01:41:14] he's
[01:41:15] The IDF is working. Yeah, there was a there was one Tel Aviv bomb explosion that happened
[01:41:21] that Hamas claimed okay Hamas killed Hamas has claimed that it was behind a bomb and
[01:41:27] Tel Aviv on Sunday night, which is really authority say killed a suspected attacker
[01:41:31] and injured a civilian. Okay, this was a this was a a like a truck attack or something
[01:41:37] Like it was a truck filled with explosives, I think.
[01:41:41] Or wait, maybe it was, I thought it was like,
[01:41:43] or originally they said it was like a truck filled
[01:41:45] with explosives, but maybe it's not.
[01:41:48] Bomb explosion in Tel Aviv, statement from the armed group
[01:41:53] said it was a martyrdom operation carried out
[01:41:56] in cooperation with Palestinian Islamic jihad.
[01:41:58] It also warned the suicide attacks with return
[01:42:00] to the forefront of Israel continued,
[01:42:01] what it called massacres of Palestinians,
[01:42:03] Israel's police force and Shembet domestic security
[01:42:05] service said earlier that they could confirm
[01:42:07] was a terrorist attack involving a powerful explosive device. Suicide bombers of the backpack
[01:42:11] exploded next to the truck. Okay. The blast happened on Lee He Street on Southern Tel Aviv
[01:42:29] about an hour after the US Secretary of State landed in the city to push Gaza ceasefire
[01:42:33] in a hostage deal. Okay. Um, anyway, here's Israel Cots, Minister of Foreign Affairs. He
[01:42:39] says the IDF is working intensively from tonight in the Janine and Tolcarum refugee
[01:42:43] camps to the fort Islamic Iranian terrorist infrastructures that have been established
[01:42:47] Iran is working to establish an Eastern terrorist front against Israel and the West Bank
[01:42:51] According to Gaza and Lebanon model by financing and arming terrorists and smuggling advanced weapons from Jordan
[01:42:56] We must deal with the threat just as we deal with the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza
[01:43:00] Including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever steps are required
[01:43:04] This is a war for everything and we must win it
[01:43:09] Now what's interesting about this of course. Yeah, Israel Cots is just a Nazi is right. What's interesting of course about this is that
[01:43:17] that these guys, in Genetian Tokurim, the refugee camps, that are armed, have the legal right,
[01:43:27] if not the responsibility to defend with physical confrontation and violence if necessary, their
[01:43:37] own territory from Israeli incursions. It is actually Israel that is actively violating
[01:43:43] international human rights and this isn't like a complex situation it's just
[01:43:49] straight up straight up unconscionable and illegal okay and the the the
[01:43:57] international court of justice declared it to be illegal again as recently as a
[01:44:03] month ago so like Israel is in a permanent invasion and occupation
[01:44:10] status as an illegal occupier, a belligerent. So the fact that they say, well, these guys
[01:44:18] are terrorists or whatever is fucking ridiculous. Like you are literally doing terror. They are
[01:44:23] in the right. They are morally in the right. They are right by international human rights
[01:44:29] standards. Okay. But you have to understand, this is not even like an October seven
[01:44:37] justification style situation, okay? Israel is doing an October 7 every day, technically,
[01:44:45] by occupying this area, okay? By occupying this area that does not belong to them. I
[01:44:50] need you to understand this. Like the laws don't matter to Israel obviously, but like
[01:44:56] you have to, you have to understand like it is completely illegal what Israel is
[01:45:02] doing. It is completely legal what the
[01:45:06] Janine brigades are doing in terms of
[01:45:08] like defending their own fucking territory.
[01:45:11] So just remember that like their
[01:45:21] terrorist. It's like it's like fucking
[01:45:23] Russia invading Ukraine and then being
[01:45:26] like wow I can't believe these terrorists
[01:45:28] are fucking put like fighting back
[01:45:30] against us. Okay. Like what do you
[01:45:34] think is gonna happen? Of course people
[01:45:36] You're violating the sovereignty of an entire group of people. Of course, they're gonna fucking do that
[01:45:41] It blows my fucking mind, dude
[01:45:48] Russia does say that lol. Yeah, of course Russia says that
[01:45:51] Except no one in the fucking Western world gives a shit except for like eight people still pushing Z so understand that what Israel is doing is
[01:46:12] Terror terrorism said quote
[01:46:15] And we must address this threat just like we're handling terror infrastructure in Gaza,
[01:46:21] including temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and any step necessary.
[01:46:27] This is a war like any other, and we must win it.
[01:46:30] Now that is significant, the fact that he's suggesting there could be evacuations in
[01:46:36] the occupied West Bank, just as there are and have been in Gaza.
[01:46:40] Technically, since we pay our tax dollars to this, aren't we complicit too?
[01:46:44] I mean, yes, but as long as you are doing everything you physically can to try and put
[01:46:50] an end to this, as an American taxpayer, as an American citizen, what more can you fucking
[01:46:55] do?
[01:46:56] You know what I mean?
[01:46:57] That is why when people say this issue is irrelevant.
[01:47:00] Why the fuck are you talking about this?
[01:47:02] Why are you talking about this?
[01:47:03] It's like, well, I'm paying for it.
[01:47:04] Of course, I'm going to fucking talk about this.
[01:47:07] I'm paying for it, okay, which leads me to one other story that I've like been
[01:47:12] reluctant to cover personally because there is obviously a deep and personal connection here
[01:47:18] and it's been tough. It's been tough bringing this up but Israel killed a TikTok Instagram
[01:47:30] influencer in Gaza whose name is Muhammad Halimi. His name is Meadow Halimi. He was 19 years old
[01:47:39] and Israel killed him. His last post was three days ago talking about and he is
[01:47:45] just like with Omar Muhammad on the Omar Hersh Show. He was documenting his
[01:47:52] daily life experiencing a genocide. He was planting stuff. He was also a member
[01:48:01] of this community as well as I found out later, okay, or at least like someone
[01:48:10] who watched from time to time. He was actually the one who apparently told Omar and Mohammed
[01:48:18] that like I had talked about them on the stream. He was like really excited.
[01:48:24] Let's hear is Owen Jones's coverage on the matter. I just want to show you one last
[01:48:29] thing. So video posted by Meadow Halimi just two days ago. A 19 year old Palestinian.
[01:48:39] have a watch. Let me show you what a day of my 10th life looks like. I started the
[01:48:43] day with a cup of coffee and then I went to lay down because it was so hot.
[01:48:46] After a bit I took my phone and laptop to charge him. This is what they look
[01:48:50] like. And when I got there I ordered a lemonade. So refreshing. As I waited for
[01:49:02] them to charge I started working on designs for my new secret project. I
[01:49:06] then got the phone and went to get a haircut. I need a one. Tell me how it
[01:49:09] looks. Right now it's 6 p.m. so I'm almost done with everything in my day.
[01:49:12] I went to the 10th cafe to get connected to the internet and I
[01:49:15] edited the video then I went live on TikTok and that's it for today don't
[01:49:19] forget to drop a follow and like the video. Friends of Meadow Halimi now report
[01:49:22] that he has succumbed to the wings that he had suffered after an airstrike and
[01:49:29] Israeli airstrike in Gaza left him in a coma. Go to his Instagram profile Meadow
[01:49:35] underscore Halimi. Go look at his videos. This was a young man, a young man
[01:49:42] who's lived, who despite unbearable circumstances, circumstances so hellish that virtually none
[01:49:51] of us can really imagine what they're like. Full of joy, full of happiness and despite
[01:49:56] it all, full of love for life. Just five days ago he posted his grief at his 11 year old
[01:50:07] cousin Akman being killed by the Israeli states and in that peace mourning his slaughter he
[01:50:18] also mourned those other innocent Palestinians who have been butchered alongside him and he
[01:50:25] They finished that place with the following.
[01:50:27] Each one of them had a life, dreams, talents,
[01:50:35] hopes, people whom they loved.
[01:50:39] No one deserves this.
[01:50:42] No one deserves this.
[01:50:45] 11-year-old Akron did not deserve this.
[01:50:48] 19-year-old Mehta did not deserve this.
[01:50:50] The tens of thousands of Palestinians
[01:50:52] slaughtered by the Israeli state with the direct involvement of the US state did not deserve this.
[01:51:02] This genocide has to end. We have to stop it. We have to fight with everything we have to end
[01:51:08] this genocide. And that means being honest about the role and the position of a US administration
[01:51:15] which is soaked in blood.
[01:51:22] Beautiful, Esteen talks about his background a little bit as well, specifically what he aspired to do.
[01:51:43] He had a greenhouse.
[01:51:45] They say there's something of planting every day until vision aside is over.
[01:51:48] A lot of you asked me why I plant.
[01:51:50] Planting for me is a form of resistance.
[01:51:52] I bring life to earth. They're taking away life, but I'm bringing it to earth.
[01:51:56] And I hope that my plants have strong roots to the ground, just like we Palestinians do.
[01:52:01] Today I'm not planting it. I have to fix the farm, expand it a little bit,
[01:52:04] and I'm going to show you guys how my farm looks like, since a lot of you have been asking.
[01:52:11] Let's check out my millens. They have flowers now. Look at that.
[01:52:16] This is my watermelon. Luchilla over there. Lema beans. Looking pretty good.
[01:52:23] and mental right now.
[01:52:25] There's no Mentita anymore.
[01:52:27] The reason why I'm talking about him like being a
[01:52:52] being someone who was like a part of this community is because I want you to understand like
[01:52:56] he's 19 years old.
[01:52:58] Okay?
[01:53:00] He was 19 years old.
[01:53:02] He's just like you.
[01:53:04] He had dreams. He had aspirations.
[01:53:06] He was a human being.
[01:53:08] He had loved ones around him.
[01:53:10] He had goals.
[01:53:14] of the horrifying realities of existing under a genocide.
[01:53:20] He tried to still maintain a positive outlook
[01:53:24] every single fucking day.
[01:53:28] And now, as I showed you his last video before,
[01:53:33] he'll never be able to complete a secret project.
[01:53:36] It's over, it's done.
[01:53:39] Israel snuffed at that light.
[01:53:41] I need you to understand, okay?
[01:53:46] That's a college that in other circumstances,
[01:53:49] in normal circumstances in the United States of America,
[01:53:51] that's just a, there's a college sophomore,
[01:53:54] a college freshman, you know?
[01:53:57] That's why the ship matters when people protest
[01:54:00] in college campuses.
[01:54:04] These are people just like you, okay?
[01:54:13] He happened to have a platform to communicate
[01:54:19] the daily existences to the Western world
[01:54:22] that was otherwise turning a blind eye
[01:54:24] and I think he played a very important role
[01:54:25] that regard but it is crazy to me that like a genocidal apartheid regime that
[01:54:35] we are completely fucking locked in on defending and just snuff out a light like
[01:54:40] this and he spent a whole bunch of time over and over again Meadow would sit and
[01:54:54] explain what daily life looked like for people who clearly didn't give a shit I'm
[01:54:57] so fucking angry this is what he had to spend time doing just so people would
[01:54:59] hear and believe him and Israel murdered him regardless. I thought there was no
[01:55:03] electricity how are you charging the phones? Someone in the past created
[01:55:08] something called solar panels. They basically create electricity from you
[01:55:12] know solar energy and that's basically what we're using. A lot of people had
[01:55:16] them before this whole thing started and when they ran away they took
[01:55:21] them with them and now they charge for people. Of course we have to pay for it
[01:55:26] So I pay a dollar daily to charge both my phone and laptop, but that's how we charge
[01:55:47] Connection is hard yet you make videos every day question mark question mark question mark
[01:55:51] Connection is hard. Yeah, you make videos every day. I definitely don't make videos every day
[01:56:08] I try to make videos every day, but
[01:56:11] The problem is
[01:56:12] I don't have connection every day and even if I would have connection every day
[01:56:17] It would be very very bad and expensive as well. So
[01:56:21] The initial plan was basically to create videos daily and post daily, but the problem again is connection and electricity
[01:56:31] This is a good question actually in the beginning people just started spending all the money that they have saved previously
[01:56:38] But you can imagine 10 months is a bit too much
[01:56:40] So yes, most people have run out of money and right now they're basically living off of help from others family members abroad
[01:56:46] You know friends abroad or whoever outside of Gaza they can help them and today
[01:56:51] I'm getting a transfer for Binance from outside of Gaza and let me show you how hard it is to get it
[01:56:55] And how much money we actually lose throughout the way
[01:56:59] This also was a procedure that Israel stopped for the record first of course
[01:57:03] I went to the city of Derebala and as you can see transportation was not five stars
[01:57:07] Mm-hmm. I didn't like it and when I got there
[01:57:10] I went to a currency exchange office that also takes money transfers and what I basically did is
[01:57:15] because Binance stopped transfers of Palestine after this Israel stopped them from Binance
[01:57:22] sees their phones and stop transfers to Palat, to Gaza. Yeah. For the record, just so you
[01:57:29] guys understand. Yeah, here it is. In case any of you thought still that cryptos decentralized
[01:57:38] and safe from governments, a genocidal government just froze the asses of every Palestinian
[01:57:42] through Binance. In case you were wondering how easily they budged the genocidal governments.
[01:57:47] you know. Cryptocurrency exchange binases seized all Palestinian assets at the request of Israel.
[01:58:22] Please check out Connecting Humanity eSimps for Gaza, a great organization where you can buy
[01:58:26] eSimps for people in Gaza to get phone and internet access. His post got community noted.
[01:58:49] I don't know if this is false or not. I don't think it is. I think there's probably
[01:58:57] ways around it, but this is an official document.
[01:59:05] Your name on the fence, Andrew tape, bro, you think I give a shit about the person reporting
[01:59:09] this?
[01:59:10] Like, what the fuck?
[01:59:14] I think you guys need to understand something.
[01:59:17] I don't care about all of the other shit that they believe, okay?
[01:59:21] What I care about is whether it's correct or not.
[01:59:24] Like what the information that they're delivering, like you're focusing on the dumbest shit.
[01:59:30] Ridiculous.
[01:59:31] It has a proposed community knows which only people in the community knows program can see which is wrong
[01:59:39] The note was claiming it was only illicit funds. Yeah, I
[01:59:45] Transferred them the money to their binance account and they gave him back cash, but here's a problem
[01:59:51] 27% commission fee. Yeah, almost a quarter of the money
[01:59:54] So if I were to get $200 I would only get about
[01:59:57] 140 I took the money I bought some stuff and I went back home. That's right that they killed them
[02:00:19] they just killed them and
[02:00:24] And that's it. They killed him just like 40,000 plus other people. I don't know what else to say about it and people say like, oh, Israel deliberately targeted him. I don't think so.
[02:00:54] I think it's a kill zone and they don't care. Okay. Why did they kill him? Air strikes indiscriminate bombing campaigns. I don't know what else to say about it.
[02:01:26] it. But yeah, Omar told me, um, and I want to repeat it for all of you as well to keep
[02:01:37] me dough in your thoughts and pray for him. When you, he said, when you first followed
[02:01:43] us, he was the first person he was the first one to rush for to tell us he used to appreciate
[02:01:48] your talks. Apparently Taylor said as well. Taylor Lorenz was talking to him for a
[02:01:59] a story last year and he was a fan. He was one of you guys. These are just regular 19-year-olds
[02:02:18] just like you, regular 18-year-olds just like you. I need you to understand that. You constantly
[02:02:29] talk about how much the narrative has shifted in your lifetime on the Palestinians, but
[02:02:32] I hope you realize just how much Israel themselves have irreparably destroyed their reputation
[02:02:36] and influence across the world. Old libs and conservatives might love Israel, but
[02:02:40] everyone else can see clear as day.
[02:02:42] And I know these are moments where the irreparable harm Israel has caused
[02:03:08] itself by being a bloodthirsty monstrous fascist piece of shit nation continuing
[02:03:14] to do a genocide doesn't really matter.
[02:03:16] All that much is hard.
[02:03:17] It's hard to think about it from the broader snapshot.
[02:03:20] This like lasers in on the inhumanity, but I, I, I wanted to show it to
[02:03:28] you because, you know, I need you to understand the human toll. He all Nazi left to see said,
[02:03:39] yeah, we are the Nazis. You're right. We're the Nazis for saying that what Israel is doing
[02:03:48] is objectively Nazi shit. Cornu's go from me as many have heard. He does ago. Me though
[02:04:01] Hamely has passed away. He was sitting in a cafe for a chance to get internet when
[02:04:05] was hit by an Israeli a strike every single person that Israel has killed so far as a story
[02:04:34] like his. I need you to understand that that's why these guys play a very important role in
[02:04:42] humanizing the Palestinian plight. What Palestinians go through on a daily fucking basis in Gaza.
[02:04:56] Okay, now let's get back to what America is doing in this process. On the one hand,
[02:05:19] Long Island's Nassau County banned face masks because of backlash to anti-genocide protests
[02:05:23] and general reactionary COVID garbage, and they just made their first arrest.
[02:05:29] An 18-year-old Latino kid, ridiculous.
[02:05:42] NYU also came out with a statement saying that they're adding Zionism and Zionist
[02:05:52] into their hate speech.
[02:05:55] is now a protected class at NYU. College administrators spent summer break dreaming
[02:06:07] up new ways to squash Gaza protesters. New York University students who speak out against
[02:06:13] Zionism will now risk violating the school's non-discrimination policies. That's what
[02:06:29] America is doing. And yeah, I saw Matthew Hassan's argument yesterday about the Bedouin
[02:06:49] Israeli citizen that Hamas had held captive for 10 months, that was recently, that was
[02:06:56] recently rescued yesterday.
[02:07:00] And I saw the exact opposite thing that he saw to those who still make excuses for Hamas
[02:07:05] actions on October 7.
[02:07:06] The reminder that Hamas has no problem taking even a Muslim better when grandfather hostage
[02:07:09] and then refusing to release him hostage shaking is a war crime.
[02:07:12] I don't really understand what argument he's trying to make here.
[02:07:16] But what I saw from that was that this is not a, not sure I follow this line of argument,
[02:07:23] the point of the Palestinians I've been making is that this is a political battle with religious
[02:07:26] dimensions but not a religious battle wholly and entirely.
[02:07:29] Why would favoring an Arab Muslim make them somehow more consistent?
[02:07:33] Al-Qa'di is an Israeli citizen.
[02:07:35] Therefore, his captivity is a bargaining chip to release Palestinian hostages in Israeli
[02:07:39] prisons who do not hold such citizenship.
[02:07:41] This is in rocket science.
[02:07:43] The strategy is fairly obvious.
[02:07:45] Liberal identity politics do not factor into this.
[02:07:47] Please stop linking me Facebook links, man. What are we doing? Speaking of college campuses saw this online in New York City as a stop
[02:08:11] Stop linking me Facebook links. I'm not going to click on it. Okay
[02:08:22] Lawns that can't be used benches that can't be sit on foreign nations that aren't allowed to be criticized
[02:08:27] Universities would rather sterilize their own campuses in the non-functional backdrops and have any kind of discussion about Israel
[02:08:34] Welcome to NYU class of 2029
[02:08:36] I hope you don't want to sit outside because here at NYU these fenced off benches are being guarded by five security guards three union members two
[02:08:44] Subcontractors to protect them from your free speech
[02:08:47] That's a stupid argument
[02:09:02] wonderful
[02:09:04] It's great
[02:09:05] They are doing everything they can to stop any kind of any kind of public display
[02:09:14] Any kind of public display against Israel they're like nope
[02:09:18] you cannot
[02:09:20] criticize this foreign nation that is currently doing a genocide.
[02:09:26] In terms of like combating against anti-genocide protests,
[02:09:33] it has straight up gotten worse than the last multiple cycles
[02:09:39] of student protests, whether it be against the Vietnam War,
[02:09:44] whether it be against the South African apartheid.
[02:09:49] It almost feels like those in positions of power learned from those lessons in terms of not losing that battle
[02:10:00] and now are doing this shit.
[02:10:03] I do think back that back to school fascism will backfire making it against the rules to sit on the lawn is kind of the thing that the dean from animal house would do.
[02:10:11] Penn installed a monument to honor me and my confidants.
[02:10:14] We smiled.
[02:10:15] When sincere Imperial boomerang returns, they'll attempt to pay us to do speeches and we'll say this too ain't reparations.
[02:10:23] No trespassing. All UPenn rules and policies apply. Events, demonstrations, rallies, protests and large gatherings require prior university approval.
[02:10:31] Prohibited behavior includes overnight occupation and structures, amplified sound without prior university approval, positions of weapons or hazardous materials.
[02:10:39] It's crazy.
[02:10:59] Where are all the free speech advocates now?
[02:11:07] Does Aga University change its protest policy after students held Gaza protests?
[02:11:13] Yeah, a part of the reason, and I think a chatter also mentioned it,
[02:11:22] is that college campuses have become increasingly more financialized
[02:11:26] since the last time those protests occurred.
[02:11:29] And as financial institutions, they have a vested interest in the continuation of Israel's apartheid regime.
[02:11:38] So, when students actually demand divestment, that actually eats away at their profit motive.
[02:11:45] That actually eats away at the endowments that they have that are massive financial vehicles for them.
[02:11:52] That is also another reason. McDonald's obviously would not sit around and allow
[02:11:59] people to protest eating fucking beef, right? To them, this is an existential crisis, having
[02:12:08] their own students protest against these college campuses. Ironic because on the other side,
[02:12:15] they try to educate this new class of incoming freshmen on certain key principles, like genocide
[02:12:22] and being against such thing. I do not understand how we do not see, as Americans, where we are
[02:12:49] headed towards what we are headed towards in terms of fascism. That is what is going on.
[02:12:56] It's not just about Muslims not being considered humans, okay? Because it might be Palestinian
[02:13:09] Americans today that are being effectively monitored. It might be those who are aligned
[02:13:13] with Palestinians that are monitored and their freedom of speech is removed. But there is no
[02:13:20] reason why there is no there's no guarantee that this will not extend to others. Okay,
[02:13:27] it already is being extended to others. Plenty of Jewish anti-Zionist protesters are also getting
[02:13:33] caught up in this. And as things, as material conditions worsen for people, as you see more
[02:13:46] young men find themselves in the throes of right-wing radicalization, it feels quite a bit
[02:13:53] like 1930s Germany up in these parts. Palestinian students at Columbia University
[02:14:13] are hosting a Palestine 101 teaching at a local park off campus. NYPD cars are circling the
[02:14:18] park. Groups of police officers are surveilling students wearing kafias just for teaching
[02:14:21] about Palestinian culture. More police budgets, more police surveillance, more unique ways of
[02:14:47] stopping people from hurting the feelings, a foreign nation state, and its plans to wipe out
[02:14:59] an entire population of people. Incredible, incredible stuff overall. Anyway, let's look at the
[02:15:14] operations in the West Bank. We're going to get back to that in a second. Remember though,
[02:15:18] nearly eight in ten Democrats say the U.S. should not send weapons to Israel. Okay? 77% say
[02:15:24] don't send weapons to Israel as of June. Okay? It is incredible that these calls that literally
[02:15:42] have a positive electoral benefit in this upcoming election, these calls are just
[02:15:48] simply a mechanism to get Israel to abide by the ceasefire proposal that we put forward months ago.
[02:16:01] It is, this diverges is insane to me. Like it is such a phenomenal display of anti-democratic
[02:16:11] principles baked into our system when you have so many fucking people that are like,
[02:16:18] dude, what are you doing? You said you wanted to do this, the ceasefire. Here's a way to
[02:16:22] do the ceasefire. You won't do it. Democracy is not supposed to simply be a shield. Okay,
[02:16:37] it's not supposed to be a shield. It's supposed to be not in theory, something that you claim
[02:16:43] to be a part of, just like freedom of speech is not supposed to be like this. It's not
[02:16:51] just something you say to be like, look how awesome we are, and then violated on
[02:16:55] daily basis. Democracy is not supposed to be something that you say you are and then completely
[02:17:01] fucking override it. It is ridiculous. What have we become? I mean, we were this way,
[02:17:26] but I think it's becoming glaringly obvious what we are now. Here.
[02:17:33] The idea of you coming from America to here, settling in potentially in Gaza, kicking
[02:17:41] Palestinians out. A lot of people would see that as settler colonialism. It's not
[02:17:47] really colonialism, it's a return. My grandparents were kicked out of Israel by
[02:17:54] Arabs who were trying to establish a Palestinian state and they had to leave
[02:18:00] for their survival and I'm just coming back and fulfilling their dream. That
[02:18:04] would be the first thing. The second thing is I think that, I know this is
[02:18:09] The minority view, I think colonialism gets a bad rap.
[02:18:12] Like genocide is bad, but colonizing cases
[02:18:15] that are genocidal and they have bad ideology
[02:18:19] is good to come in and correct their views.
[02:18:21] What do you think should happen to the people
[02:18:23] who are already involved?
[02:18:33] Colonialism gets a bad rap,
[02:18:35] says the person engaging in colonialism.
[02:18:42] Bro, I'm telling you, dude, there's nothing,
[02:18:45] the greatest fucking, the greatest antidote
[02:18:48] to like anyone that carries on
[02:18:51] Any kind of positive sentiment towards Israel is to just show them someone from there in
[02:18:58] an unrestricted format.
[02:19:01] Okay.
[02:19:03] The anti-Zionist Jewish Israelis in this chat will confirm this as well.
[02:19:08] Okay.
[02:19:10] Just literally put a camera on.
[02:19:12] Just show them.
[02:19:13] It's the classic no politics here.
[02:19:17] Moment.
[02:19:18] That's it.
[02:19:20] That's it.
[02:19:21] really listen. They'll tell you, they'll tell you straight up. Like the things that so many
[02:19:30] people say, especially the settlers like in 2024 are things that you've only previously
[02:19:40] heard in history books. Okay. Like these justifications or genocide, these justifications
[02:19:49] for apartheid, these justifications for mass slaughter, okay?
[02:19:56] The only time you ever heard stuff like this is in like prior centuries.
[02:20:03] You see it in your history books, like people that legitimately have this kind of attitude.
[02:20:13] This person is no different than a fucking Klansman, like straight up, okay?
[02:20:19] Straight up.
[02:20:23] What are we doing here?
[02:20:24] But this is Nazism through and through, okay?
[02:20:31] This is fascism through and through.
[02:20:34] That's it.
[02:20:39] Colonialism gets a bad rap.
[02:20:40] We're just civilizing these brutes is exactly the basis behind Manifest Destiny and the
[02:20:47] way that like Americans did and conducted an indigenous genocide.
[02:20:56] The difference is that happened already and we know what that looked like.
[02:21:00] We know how fucking horrifying that is, especially in terms of her own personal history, her own personal background, as a Jewish person, the same arguments that she is applying to Palestinians and Arabs, the dehumanization, the same arguments that she's applying in terms of finding living space for herself on someone else's land, is exactly what the Nazis justified the Holocaust with,
[02:21:28] is exactly the foundational basis to why
[02:21:32] her fucking ancestors were shipped in the concentration camps.
[02:21:36] It is ridiculous and it is mind-boggling
[02:21:41] that we are not even, like, one generation removed.
[02:21:45] There are still Holocaust survivors that are around.
[02:21:50] It blows my fucking mind that it did not take much.
[02:21:58] It didn't even take a century to just do that exact same thing.
[02:22:05] It's good to come in and correct that.
[02:22:08] What do you think should happen to the people who are already in Gaza?
[02:22:12] So I think that there's a couple of possibilities.
[02:22:16] The one that I think is the most realistic is we got to help ask other countries for help.
[02:22:22] I know that Spain was willing to take a couple of million.
[02:22:25] I know Russia said they would take a couple of thousand.
[02:22:27] So a lot of people, that would sound like you're advocating for ethnic cleansing?
[02:22:31] Um, I don't think so because Palestinianism and ethnicity, it's an ideology and it's an
[02:22:37] ideology that says that they want Jews dead and so we want them as far away from Jews as possible.
[02:22:43] Like this person is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic in terms of like her world view.
[02:22:50] Except people that have that exact same opinion are making policy choices in Israel.
[02:22:56] Some of those choices are the maintenance and current existing occupation of
[02:23:01] territories that do not belong to them. Other policies such as committing a
[02:23:05] fucking genocide in Gaza. She's like, no, no, Palestinian is not an ethnicity. You
[02:23:12] don't understand. It's an ideology and an ideology that is built around the
[02:23:17] the mass slaughter of Jews. That's what she said. Like there is no nation there.
[02:23:24] You can't do an ethnic cleansing to a group of people who I've decided are collectively
[02:23:33] genocidal.
[02:23:34] That's why we need to do a genocide to them, before they do a genocide to us.
[02:23:43] The would-be settlers take us to the Errez crossing.
[02:23:46] It used to be the gateway into Gaza.
[02:23:50] The area has been closed off by Israeli soldiers, but the group is waved through.
[02:24:00] They've planted two small lemon trees here as symbols of their claims over this land.
[02:24:09] Just saplings, but the settlers have seen how over the years their efforts bear fruit.
[02:24:29] Zionism is an ideology, Palestinian is an ethnic group, yes, absolutely.
[02:24:35] Everything that, every single fucking talking point that you hear from Zionist is pure projection.
[02:24:44] Okay, pure fucking projection.
[02:24:47] From human shields all the way down to, they want to genocide us, so we have to genocide them first.
[02:24:53] It's pure projection.
[02:24:55] And we have heard this time and time again throughout horrifying parts of American history, horrifying parts of global history, world history, okay?
[02:25:08] Dark chapters in our collective history where people have had this exact same attitude.
[02:25:15] We can't free the slaves because they will enslave us.
[02:25:19] Okay. We can't give them rights.
[02:25:21] them rights. We can't actually have a, a, uh, we can't have full equality because if
[02:25:28] they do, they'll take away our liberties and our rights. They'll treat us like we've treated
[02:25:32] them. We can't give Ireland back to the Irish. We must continue occupying it. We can't abolish
[02:25:42] the apartheid in South Africa because they will do an apartheid to us. It's always
[02:25:50] the same shit is read it down. Dude, I don't fucking know what a, what a silly
[02:26:00] question why are you asking me a guy who rarely ever goes on reddit ask me if
[02:26:07] twitter is down I can tell you but describing pogroms against Palestinian
[02:26:14] villages and literal ethnic cleansing as gaining land and winning power is
[02:26:17] insane real estate and religion category to come on from the economist
[02:26:22] Israel settlers are winning unprecedented power from the war in Gaza
[02:26:25] they're gaining land and sway over the army police and politics Israeli
[02:26:40] occupation forces by the way have launched a large-scale invasion of
[02:26:43] West Bank with thousands of soldiers. The operation is scheduled the last four weeks
[02:26:53] and is the largest since Operation Defensive Shield. Dude, if Reddit went down permanently
[02:27:07] my life would be improved. Okay? Like straight up. My life would have a noticeable improvement.
[02:27:38] But I thought you don't go on Reddit. Yeah, I don't. But all my fucking haters do. Reddit
[02:27:47] is like responsible, Reddit is responsible for some of the worst aspects of like unimaginable
[02:27:54] pro-genocide sentiment. Okay? It's not because I'm distracted and I go on it a lot. I never
[02:28:02] go on it at all.
[02:28:07] In the West Bank, a major operation by Israeli troops accompanied by drones attacking from
[02:28:19] the air, leaving at least 10 Palestinians dead, and adding to the more than 600 killed since
[02:28:26] October 7. Israel's Foreign Minister says it's essential to shut down a new front
[02:28:32] for terrorism here, alongside those in Gaza and Lebanon. Masoud Najaa says he was injured
[02:28:40] in an explosion which killed two of his sons.
[02:28:48] My wife asked me what happened. I told her and asked her to check up on our children
[02:28:52] on the route. She found three of them there. Two of them may they rest in peace. The
[02:28:57] the other was injured.
[02:29:05] Hundreds of troops are believed to be involved. The Israeli army says it's responding to attacks
[02:29:12] by a mixture of armed groups, including Hamas, though they've denied a claim by Israel's
[02:29:17] foreign minister that residents may be evacuated from their homes.
[02:29:22] Nevertheless, Israeli bulldozers have been destroying streets in the city of Tolkaon.
[02:29:29] They say it's to remove roadside bombs.
[02:29:32] But they're also sending a warning
[02:29:34] that this land occupied by Israel since 1967
[02:29:38] could be turned into another Gaza
[02:29:41] if Israeli security requires it.
[02:29:45] This Palestinian only just escaped a sniper's bullet.
[02:29:53] Elsewhere in the city of Jenin,
[02:29:55] many are-
[02:29:56] that person survived but I was worried here I mean you can see it escaped a
[02:30:04] snipers bullet elsewhere in the city of Janine many are obeying an Israeli
[02:30:14] curfew and staying indoors how much how do you come at the program narrative
[02:30:24] design is engaged with like that woman earlier normie family members of mine
[02:30:32] said that they have Jewish people around them that constantly talk about rising anti-Semitism so
[02:30:35] they won't even let me talk about the problems of Zionism or even what a pogrom is. How do you
[02:30:38] approach other people around you? I mean, it's true. Anti-Semitism is rising, okay? Anti-Semitism
[02:30:45] is unacceptable. It is a former bigotry that oftentimes leads people to agree with fascist
[02:30:54] narratives. So you don't have to like counter that. It's correct. Anti-Semitism is absolutely
[02:31:00] fucking rising all around. One of the major factors that plays into anti-Semitism rising all around
[02:31:06] is that Israel is not the fucking moral democratic nation that has, that the American media has
[02:31:13] represented it as, okay? Anti-Semitism is rising because of Israel's actions being paired up with
[02:31:25] Judaism. For a lot of average people who have associations or like in an off-handed remark will
[02:31:33] like be significantly more susceptible to anti-Semitic sentiment like Jews control the
[02:31:38] media or whatever.
[02:31:39] Things that we consider in here to be obviously non-starters, a lot of Americans believe that
[02:31:44] shit already or they're primed to believe that shit.
[02:31:47] So when fucking Israel does this stuff and says we're doing this for Judaism and then
[02:31:51] Jake Tapper turns around and says Israel has to defend itself and it's actually for
[02:31:55] Judaism and you're fucking anti-Semitic for criticizing it, then yeah, people who
[02:32:00] who are already primed to be anti-Semitic,
[02:32:02] who haven't fucking read into it,
[02:32:03] are gonna be like, oh dude, I see it now.
[02:32:06] Like it's 100%, Jews control the media.
[02:32:07] Like of course, of course people are gonna
[02:32:10] fucking think that way.
[02:32:12] That's why I'd like spend every goddamn day
[02:32:14] talking, combating anti-Semitism
[02:32:16] and also engaging in anti-Zionism at the same time.
[02:32:21] There's no reason where you,
[02:32:22] there's no reason that you have to,
[02:32:24] you are a Nazi.
[02:32:27] Israel is not Judaism yet, you are a Nazi.
[02:32:31] just saying the truth.
[02:32:33] Chat not gonna like that one.
[02:32:35] Yeah, you already made up your mind.
[02:32:36] You think this chat is anti-Semitic
[02:32:39] and that you also got called someone a Nazi
[02:32:42] for saying Israel is not Judaism, it's not.
[02:32:44] You have been told a fucking lie, okay?
[02:32:59] So are you ignorant of the IDF censoring CNN?
[02:33:02] This was covered in January.
[02:33:03] What are you talking about?
[02:33:04] There's no such thing as a war crime against it.
[02:33:06] What, what?
[02:33:10] Shut the fuck up.
[02:33:10] golden retriever for Zionist tell us what you should consider the Israeli psyche. I'm a golden
[02:33:16] retriever where I'm trying to start a fight. Okay. Well, fuck off then golden retriever
[02:33:22] for Zionist. What the fuck is going on? Yeah, it's legitimately on the rise. What are the
[02:33:40] dummy political guys in my work drop to honestly, I get it now. I can see why everyone hates
[02:33:44] the Jews in reference to Israel influence on your politics. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[02:33:48] is 100% a sentiment that is like increasingly becoming more commonplace. Okay, that's not
[02:33:59] a fucking joke. Anti-Semitism is on the rise with the primary culprit is Nazism, not anti-Zionism
[02:34:08] in my experience. No, of course not. Of course, the primary culprit is fascists and Nazis
[02:34:16] and anti-Semites themselves, who are taking advantage of the underlying anti-Semitic tendencies
[02:34:24] that people might have, and then pairing that up with like valid criticisms of Israel.
[02:34:29] All they need to do is just point to what the fuck's going on, and be like, see, I
[02:34:34] told you, Jews control the media.
[02:34:35] See, I told you, Jews control key aspects of American society.
[02:34:38] But it has nothing to do with Judaism whatsoever.
[02:34:42] On the other side you have Israel saying no this is everything to do with Judaism every Palestinian
[02:34:47] We're killing we're killing because of Judaism because Jews love doing that. Okay, that's what they're saying
[02:34:52] That's how people see it. I don't have any fucking power in in trying to combat against this narrative
[02:35:02] When that is what is being telegraphed from every fucking
[02:35:07] Every everything that people see and think in the media as six of its fighters were killed here
[02:35:30] And that Israel's actions are a deliberate provocation along with plans to build new Jewish settlements
[02:35:37] The Israelis say this is only the first stage of their operation which is believed to be one of the biggest in years
[02:35:50] You'll don't understand why oh, yeah, I mean this is fucking insane
[02:35:54] But yeah, Rafa is really so is the Rafa looting and wearing women's underwear and dresses belonging to displaced
[02:35:59] We're killed palsy women like they do this shit all the fucking time. I don't understand what the fuck they're doing
[02:36:03] like why is this it's in Han Yun is not Rafa apparently but like it makes no
[02:36:12] damn sense like what the fuck are they doing like this is so unimaginably weird
[02:36:19] like this is just such freak shit dude it's freaky ass shit it's just like
[02:36:48] reflexively flexing the power that you have over a group of over a population
[02:36:53] of people that you're fucking dominating militarily that's what they're
[02:36:56] doing, but it's just like it doesn't make fucking sense. How do you get those guys to be normal
[02:37:09] again? By the way, that's the other side of this. Those are like, relatively young Israelis,
[02:37:14] you know, relatively young Israelis. How do you get them to be normal again? How do you
[02:37:20] get them to fucking participate in normal society? It's not is over. Would you agree
[02:37:36] that anti semites are Zionist to some extent? Yes. Of course I would. They're fascist
[02:37:44] of a different flavor, that's it. Anti-Semites literally want what Israel is doing, but for
[02:37:51] white people, what they consider to be white people, that is a, you know, changeable, that
[02:37:57] is something that can change. I mean, Richard Spencer from an American neo-Nazi straight
[02:38:02] up will be like, yeah, we want to do Israel, but for whites. And also anti-Semites and
[02:38:11] Zionists utilize the same language anti-Semite say all Jews
[02:38:17] Like that's why the the the the conversation around criticizing Israel
[02:38:22] So quickly turns into this like weird fucking dynamic because anti-Semite say
[02:38:29] Israel is doing this for Judaism all Jews are
[02:38:34] Responsible for Israel's actions, but so do the fucking Zionists
[02:38:38] They say the same shit
[02:38:40] Like most real people I know cannot differentiate between Israel and the Jews
[02:39:00] So yeah kind of a shitty aspect for American Jews
[02:39:02] So most aren't designed as and are being looked at as part of this as it continues to escalate
[02:39:08] Especially for for for our demographic for our age group
[02:39:14] Okay
[02:39:15] Under the age of 35. There's a shit ton of anti Zionist Jews
[02:39:21] As a diaspora Jew and not as I know is watching Israel and Zionist do genocide is wild
[02:39:25] because we are both on the dinner plate of white supremacy if Palestinians are
[02:39:29] eradicated we're back on the menu genocide is always wrong but it's like
[02:39:32] it's not even self-preservation of the long run yes it's just it's crazy. Gaza
[02:39:46] putting really a connection between those two areas and the potential is
[02:39:52] really reaction to those areas. Now we've also heard from the Ministry of
[02:39:57] Health. Yeah Richard Spencer was confronted by a Zionist and his
[02:40:00] retort was that he sees Israel as a model for a white ethno-state and
[02:40:03] and the Zionists had no answer to that. Yeah.
[02:40:07] Richard Spencer has openly fucking talked about how he wants to do Israel before white people.
[02:40:12] He is a neo-nazi.
[02:40:13] In the West Bank, at least two hospitals
[02:40:16] have been blocked by the Israeli military, saying that there have been amounts of dirt, for example,
[02:40:22] pushed towards those areas.
[02:40:24] We have seen and obtained video
[02:40:27] that would back up some of those claims. We've seen some very heavy
[02:40:31] Israeli military assets in those areas, bulldozers for example, pushing up infrastructure and
[02:40:39] pavements and roads in those areas. And we are still getting information and video coming
[02:40:47] in showing the extent of this operation. But what we're hearing from the Israeli side
[02:40:53] is that they are-
[02:40:54] Yeah, what we're hearing from the Israeli side is they are, again, engaging in
[02:40:58] a siege and an offensive campaign in their in an occupied territory that they're illegally
[02:41:04] occupying. Okay. Is that they're just doing an anti terror operation. It's fucking bullshit,
[02:41:11] dude. It's fucking bullshit. Trying to, uh, this is a Gaza chat. This was bank. This
[02:41:24] is the other side of the equation. This is like, uh, this is a territory that Israel
[02:41:29] illegally occupies where there's you know the hostages aren't there there's no fucking Hamas
[02:41:35] there you know what I mean this is like they're just saying there's Hamas there and like there's
[02:41:42] no Hamas governance in the West Bank. Iranian terrorist infrastructure as they put it in
[02:41:49] this this area from the Palestinian side and certainly from those in Janine one of the
[02:41:55] the key areas that has been targeted certainly from the the governor they are
[02:41:59] how do you know that there is no Hamas governance in the West Bank I mean you're
[02:42:09] basically betraying what other kind of like liberals on a sentiment you might
[02:42:13] try to display otherwise if you fucking openly admit that every Palestinian
[02:42:17] is a mosque where you you know I guess come to that recognition that you
[02:42:21] make no distinction okay I was just kidding okay take a day off no jokes
[02:42:24] right now. Come on, dude.
[02:42:30] Are concerned about access to hospitals, about hundreds within those hospitals itself, given
[02:42:37] that they're claiming that Israel has restricted all access there. We heard from the Red Crescent
[02:42:43] Society as well saying that their manoeuvring of ambulances has been heavily restricted
[02:42:49] by the Israeli military as well. Max, Kristina?
[02:42:53] If this war expands from Gaza to the West Bank, that's also a big escalation of that
[02:43:01] war, isn't it?
[02:43:02] Does Israel have the resources for that?
[02:43:04] The right.
[02:43:05] Yeah.
[02:43:06] That's the real problem here.
[02:43:08] Does Israel have enough weapons to bomb the West Bank and Gaza at the same time?
[02:43:13] Yeah, I mean, I saw this tweet from Felix.
[02:43:16] People don't stop acting like this, making a mass rapist concentration camp guard
[02:43:20] media star until they're too afraid to try it again for a while. I hope that happens soon,
[02:43:26] or else the world is stuck with a nuclear armed version of the North Fox Island pedophile ring.
[02:43:36] Like this is literally that guy, shittrich, shittrich, or however you say his last name,
[02:43:42] I don't know. He is a sedetaman concentration camp prison guard that was detained for being
[02:43:51] one of the being one of the fucking main rapists who raped a Palestinian to death okay this is like
[02:44:17] down to the fucking down to like the the Hamas are doing mass rapes on Israeli women narratives
[02:44:23] like every single thing has fought flat and has been just pure projection i said this on like
[02:44:31] October 10, I talked about how there has always been a long and recorded history of mass rapes
[02:44:40] of Palestinians under Israeli detention facilities. And at the time, people were looking at me like
[02:44:45] I'm crazy. People tried to fucking say, people tried to even fucking say like, oh, well, here's
[02:44:50] a study conducted by someone that shows that Israel Israelis are so racist that they actually
[02:44:55] don't rape Palestinians that they actually rape Palestinians less than other
[02:45:01] kinds of rape that have occurred. That's what they fucking said.
[02:45:07] Adamir is a Palestinian human rights group that was declared a terrorist organization
[02:45:15] for actively monitoring these sorts of instances of rape under detention, Israeli detention.
[02:45:22] They shut it off on every they shut off this flow of information on every fucking in every avenue
[02:45:32] If you go back and listen to my conversations whether it be with Ethan on
[02:45:38] Leftovers or whether it be from like October 10 early October you'll see how much of the things that I have said
[02:45:47] Maybe you had an issue with them at the time because you were uninitiated and you were unfamiliar with this process
[02:45:52] But how much of the fucking things that I've said that you now agree with?
[02:45:57] Okay, not because you were in here the entire time by the way
[02:46:01] But perhaps because you have now come to recognize it. It's not like I had the fucking gift of foresight. I was simply
[02:46:22] Reiterating things that I know about the Palestinian plight
[02:46:26] before
[02:46:27] October 7th
[02:46:28] It's not foresight. Yeah, it's hindsight. I mean, I think they certainly have the resources. It would be a significant
[02:46:55] escalation the fact that the foreign minister is connecting the two in such a
[02:47:00] blatant way on X
[02:47:03] Twitter is is significant in itself mentioning potential
[02:47:08] evacuation of
[02:47:09] Palestinian residents something that we have been seeing for months in Gaza and something we are still seeing
[02:47:15] The Gaza residents have been moved sometimes a dozen times from area to area as the Israeli
[02:47:22] military tries to clear out civilians they say and target Hamas militants that are within
[02:47:28] that area or tunnels that are within that area.
[02:47:32] Now if that were to be replicated in the West Bank it would be very significant, very
[02:47:39] devastating when you're talking about these refugee camps in Nershams, for example, in
[02:47:44] Jannine, they are densely populated, a very similar situation to what we see in Gaza, where
[02:47:51] it would be difficult for them to be evacuated. And of course, there would be a concern
[02:47:57] if this operation were to be significantly increased by the Israelis, that there would
[02:48:02] be civilian casualties within that as well. Now, at this point, the Israeli military
[02:48:08] not specifying how wide this operation is or how long it will go on for but suffice to say it is
[02:48:15] larger than we have seen in some time. Paula, thank you very much. Just to add to Paula's
[02:48:21] excellent reporting there that we have had a response from Hamas in the last hour calling
[02:48:25] for a general mobilisation and escalation of confrontation in response to the Israeli
[02:48:30] operations in the West Bank although it is hard to see how that retaliation would
[02:48:36] actually happen given the scale of what has been occurring in the West Bank as Paula has outlined there.
[02:48:41] CNN anchor and chief national security analyst Jim Shudo is in Tel Aviv. Jim, what are you learning
[02:48:46] about this operation this morning? Well, John, it's the biggest Israeli operation in the West Bank
[02:48:53] since the October 7th attacks. Israeli officials, the IDF, say they're going after what they call
[02:48:59] Islamic Iranian terror infrastructure. The allegation they're making is that weapons are coming
[02:49:06] into the West Bank, funded by, facilitated by Iran, and that this attack is intended to
[02:49:11] target that.
[02:49:12] The death toll at this point stands at least nine.
[02:49:16] And what we're hearing now publicly in response from Hamas is Hamas is calling for a mobilization
[02:49:22] of its supporters and fighters in the West Bank.
[02:49:25] So it's a significant operation, and that reaction from Hamas is significant.
[02:49:31] Israeli officials make the point that the terror environment, the threat is real
[02:49:35] you may remember a little more than a week ago.
[02:49:38] There was a suicide bombing here in Tel Aviv
[02:49:41] where only the bomber was killed.
[02:49:43] So the Israeli officials,
[02:49:45] Israeli officials are justifying it based on the nature
[02:49:47] of the threat and what they say
[02:49:48] is the infrastructure building in the West Bank.
[02:49:51] Where does this put the hostage
[02:49:54] and ceasefire negotiations?
[02:49:58] Listen, you know, I've covered so many negotiations
[02:50:01] like this and oftentimes you will see attacks like this,
[02:50:04] operations like this
[02:50:05] in the midst of sensitive negotiations.
[02:50:07] And it's hard to say which way it will cut.
[02:50:10] Will it disrupt those negotiations?
[02:50:11] Because when you have Israel and Hamas carrying out
[02:50:16] operations like this against each other,
[02:50:18] certainly can make it harder for negotiators.
[02:50:20] Can you make the argument that it allows Israeli negotiators
[02:50:23] to show toughness in terms of counter-terror operations
[02:50:26] and therefore make it easier to make concessions
[02:50:29] to bring a deal across the finish line, maybe?
[02:50:32] But let's be frank.
[02:50:33] those negotiations are quite sensitive right now. It's not clear that they are making progress
[02:50:38] on the most intractable issues. So any increase in hostilities, particularly in the West Bank,
[02:50:44] are ones that you have to treat as a risk. And it's been notable to hear the Israeli
[02:50:48] foreign minister tweeting today that Israel should treat, carry out operations in the
[02:50:54] West Bank like they've been carrying out in Gaza.
[02:50:58] Yeah, it shows toughness, dude. It definitely, it definitely shows toughness when you just
[02:51:08] start marking fucking people in the West Bank too. Yeah. Israel's foreign minister. This is
[02:51:18] the White House columnist, Niall Stannage at the Hill. Israel's foreign minister calling
[02:51:25] for the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents in the West Bank. Temporary is an
[02:51:28] interesting word choice in the territory Israel's occupied for 57 years. Completely
[02:51:37] illegal by the way completely illegal like nothing nothing that they do also where would
[02:51:42] they evacuate certainly would be quite an escalation yes it would all right Jim sure
[02:51:48] I have a question isn't it completely legal for Palestinians and mills is the West Bank
[02:51:51] to fight back against the Israeli occupying force apps a fucking loot Lee 1 million percent
[02:51:57] completely legal of course it is they're right what do you mean it is legal it is
[02:52:13] moral it is just but of course none of that really fucking matters when we're
[02:52:20] talking about Israel and the United States of America great to have you
[02:52:29] there thanks so much welcome to the occupied West Bank we're in the
[02:52:38] Palestinian village of beta the tear gas has begun unusually I don't get it are
[02:52:46] you waiting until Hamas kills everyone for them to defend themselves what are
[02:52:49] talking about. Yeah, it is 100% illegal for Israel to do what they're doing and 100% legal
[02:52:56] for Hamas to fight back. It is 100% legal for, for everyone in the West Bank to fight
[02:53:02] back straight up. Israel is a belligerent occupier. Okay. And as a belligerent occupier, they
[02:53:10] do not have the right to siege, to lay siege on Palestinian territories that they currently
[02:53:17] are a belligerent occupier of obviously legality is fucking meaningless and
[02:53:23] morality is fucking meaningless at this point because obviously might as right
[02:53:26] it is the way that these things play out early today
[02:53:36] these scenes have become a weekly ritual Palestinians holding a small
[02:53:41] demonstration is you from like two I'm actually so scared about all of these
[02:53:49] videos dude cuz I feel like this is gonna be straight up like like there's
[02:53:54] going to be TOS in this, you know what I mean? Anyway, I do want to see this. I do want to
[02:54:00] see, why is Amnesty International being kind of fucking wild? This is actually surprising.
[02:54:09] I'm watching it right now, the Czech Amnesty International TOS moments, dead bodies at
[02:54:12] 330 to 337, one dead body, then bloodied face, still going through the rest, thank
[02:54:16] you.
[02:54:17] The word apartheid, what do you think of? Probably the disturbing images of racial
[02:54:21] segregation between whites and blacks in South Africa, where a regime ruled by a racist
[02:54:27] white minority declared themselves officially superior to the black majority, then proceeded
[02:54:32] to dominate them.
[02:54:34] South Africa's a part of-
[02:54:35] The haircut wasn't in her song, gotta keep it real, I know dude, I know.
[02:54:39] Listen, re-reacting, I'm not gonna re-react, but like, obviously I'm saying the same exact
[02:54:44] shit that I was saying now that back then, pre-October 7, obligatory damn you look
[02:54:50] So good now chatter reporting in yeah, I look a lot better if you're subscribed at the top of the hour as well
[02:54:56] Because there's a three-minute outbreak coming for you for a lot of
[02:55:12] horrific moments
[02:55:14] Pato a Tommy trail try trail of you don't know his ass until you try not an L King. Yeah, I
[02:55:23] Also lost a lot of weight. Yes. Here's the German outbreak now
[02:55:28] That's after Friday press 15 minute video one hour react good numbers
[02:55:32] Israeli soldiers firing tear gas down at them.
[02:55:39] Palestinians have been protesting like this for years and years, but if anything, the
[02:55:47] situation for them on the ground is only getting more and more difficult, the Israeli army
[02:55:51] becoming more and more uncompromising, particularly since October the 7th.
[02:55:57] At times, the Israelis shoot live bullets. More than a dozen people have been killed
[02:56:03] around beta in the past few years since demonstrations against a new nearby Israeli settlement began.
[02:56:10] I remember what's going on here is you have settlers coming in and bullying with the Israeli
[02:56:22] occupying force defense, bullying Palestinians out of their homes that they've lived in.
[02:56:26] Okay. Then they come in and they build a temporary housing on top of the area that they destroyed.
[02:56:33] Palestinian protest that the Israeli occupying force comes in and shoots them and fucking kills them.
[02:56:39] And then you rinse and repeat over and over and over again.
[02:56:42] And also the settlers are not always coming from, you know, nearby regions either.
[02:56:48] Most of these guys are also coming from like America and other places.
[02:56:51] We leave beta and head to the settlement they're protesting against.
[02:57:12] The International Court of Justice has said that all Israeli settlements in the occupied
[02:57:16] West Bank should be dismantled, if anything, they're actually expanding more rapidly than
[02:57:21] ever before. We're on our way now to Eviatar, which is one of the newest ones.
[02:57:28] Named after a settler killed by Palestinians nearby, Eviatar was founded by ultra-hardline
[02:57:35] activists who see themselves as pioneers on land promised to them by God.
[02:57:43] I think the ICC should expand its arrest warrants away from just simply Benjamin N'Yahou and
[02:57:47] Yoav Galant and expand it to other Israeli administration officials as well, especially
[02:57:53] since the ICC considered settlements to be an act of war and a violation of human rights.
[02:58:00] The ICC should also put settlers on that same front, okay, and start putting out arrest
[02:58:09] warrants for some officials, for example, uh, if there's like a Bangalore, Smoltridge,
[02:58:16] but then even beyond that, beyond Bangalore, Smoltridge, um, settlers with, uh, dual nationality.
[02:58:21] There's a lot of settlers with dual citizenship. Okay. They have family members back in the
[02:58:27] West in Rome statute nations. Not all of them are from America. America doesn't abide
[02:58:31] by the Rome statute. It doesn't matter. America doesn't abide by the ICC or the
[02:58:35] YCJ's decisions unless it's one that goes along with American foreign policy interests.
[02:58:41] For example, when it's like, you know, Russia, right?
[02:58:45] So in that process, yeah, if they, if they fly back to see their fuck of family members,
[02:58:52] boom, arrest them. Okay. That's it. They're, they're war criminals, arrest them for the
[02:58:56] war crimes that they're engaging in. Let's see how it, let's see what works. Let's
[02:59:01] what happens you know let's see what the fuck happens what's America gonna do is
[02:59:06] are they actually gonna invade the Hague or some random fucking settler dude
[02:59:11] some random inbred ultra ultra nationalist ultra Zionist Nazi fucking
[02:59:16] piece of shit go ahead dude it would collapse the international order that
[02:59:23] they are desperately trying to cling on to it already is by the way but this
[02:59:27] This would be the final strike.
[02:59:36] Our post was initially even considered illegal under Israeli law, but it was recognized by
[02:59:42] the state last month, along with several others.
[02:59:46] Israel's far-right finance minister visited to congratulate Evietar's residence.
[02:59:51] Oh, you would support George Bush getting a residence in the US at a two?
[02:59:55] Oh my god, I'm gonna nut, dude.
[02:59:57] Are you kidding me?
[02:59:58] Basiliel Smotrich himself a settler is spearheading efforts to fully annex the West Bank.
[03:00:06] For the settlers constructing these ramshackle homes, they're reclaiming a Jewish ancestral
[03:00:12] and spiritual homeland and protecting it.
[03:00:17] At the moment we're 50, we're going to be appointed by the end of the summer.
[03:00:22] Malkiil is Evietar's head of security.
[03:00:26] The settlements that you're building here, they make a Palestinian state.
[03:00:31] This is just straight road deejay, by the way, straight up, like crazy.
[03:00:35] It's a two state solution, impossible practically, but I guess that's part of the aim, is that right?
[03:00:42] Well, I'll ask you, I'll ask you, if you have a Palestinian state here, who'll protect
[03:00:47] Tel Aviv from being rocketed?
[03:00:49] Well, the army.
[03:00:51] The army?
[03:00:52] The army?
[03:00:53] The army?
[03:00:54] As long as we hear the army here, if you take the Palestinians seriously and you hear what
[03:01:00] they are saying, they are talking about from the river to the sea, that's effectively your
[03:01:05] slogan from the river to the sea should be all Israel.
[03:01:08] Well it was, it was and was much more actually.
[03:01:13] Around 700,000 settlers now live in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, most
[03:01:19] in large enclaves like this.
[03:01:23] The West Bank was seized by Israel in the 1967 war.
[03:01:27] Internationally it's all considered to be Palestinian land, key to any future Palestinian
[03:01:33] state.
[03:01:35] Since the 1990s, more urban areas have been partially controlled by the Palestinian Authority,
[03:01:41] the rest by the Israeli military.
[03:01:43] But the territory is now dotted with Israeli settlements widely considered illegal.
[03:01:49] over the past two years under Israel's current hardline government, they've seen unprecedented
[03:01:55] growth.
[03:01:59] Emboldened by allies in the heart of Israel's government, violence by settlers targeting
[03:02:05] Palestinians has been rising sharply.
[03:02:08] This was an attack earlier this month where homes and cars were set alight and one man
[03:02:13] killed.
[03:02:14] But the settlers see themselves as the victims.
[03:02:20] Stabbing and shooting attacks by Palestinians had been growing more frequent even before
[03:02:25] October 7th.
[03:02:26] And with the...
[03:02:28] Yeah, 2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinian children, according to Euromed, an article
[03:02:39] that came out on October 6th as a matter of fact.
[03:02:42] Occupation entrenched and deadly Israeli army raids ramping up.
[03:02:46] Grassroots support in the West Bank for Hamas is soaring.
[03:02:50] On a friend in high school that was Israeli and came to Texas for a year
[03:02:53] In 2014 he said Ninjahu be the next Hitler even back then hoping he hasn't been conscriptive for his magnet for this madness
[03:02:59] I mean, that's the thing like
[03:03:02] People they used to say Netanyahu's Hitler a sentiment that like many Israelis actually fucking recognized
[03:03:11] Completely fucking dropped that shit or just basically started saying well our version of Hitler is good actually
[03:03:17] It's a necessary evil
[03:03:21] So how many people's brains got completely fucking broken?
[03:03:25] Shia, please.
[03:03:32] There's no other rhetoric or discourse coming either from Israel, from the U.S., from the
[03:03:42] U.K., from Europe that will actually push a solution to the conflict here.
[03:03:47] So at the end, even if you're not radical or you're moderate, resistance comes as
[03:03:53] that solution.
[03:03:54] And that's why Hamas now has a lot of popularity in the West Bank.
[03:03:57] In the growing support for Hamas, Israelis would see that as a major security concern.
[03:04:03] Again, that's a problem with Israel, is that it creates a problem and then, you know, accuses
[03:04:07] you of supporting Hamas.
[03:04:10] Hamas is just a new variant of an old tradition in Palestine.
[03:04:14] How do we solve the problem of losing our land?
[03:04:16] How do we solve the problem of military occupation?
[03:04:21] Several thousand Israeli settlers once occupied parts of Gaza.
[03:04:29] to their fury, they were forced out by their own army close to two decades ago as it withdrew
[03:04:35] from the territory.
[03:04:38] Now some see the current war as a chance to fight.
[03:04:43] Went back to your channel and noticed that literally nothing changed from 2021, even
[03:04:47] your commentary relating to Biden.
[03:04:49] Aware people are at but something that helped me when I was learning more about Palestine
[03:04:52] a few years ago was reading about the everyday mechanisms of control the Palestinians deal
[03:04:55] with from Rose the Water to ID cards that I'd share.
[03:04:58] People are more equal than others. It's so this is kind of funny because like this is this is from 2021, right?
[03:05:06] And it's like literally look at my fucking hair. What was I doing? It literally I use similar
[03:05:13] Infographics still to this fucking day because nothing has changed
[03:05:16] 6.6 million
[03:05:18] Finally moved back
[03:05:21] No, no dumb miss the kill
[03:05:23] We're in a small tent site, not far from the border with Gaza.
[03:05:30] It might look like a Bohemian summer camp, complete with family-friendly activities.
[03:05:37] But this is an unabashed radical fringe backed ideologically by senior far-right members
[03:05:44] of government that believes Gaza is Jewish land.
[03:05:50] your sis neck a tattoo of a bad as a jewish power tattoo and extremist group for him the
[03:06:00] death and destruction literally a nazi tattoo by the way like jewish defense league um like
[03:06:07] that that right there that tattoo is the exact same as like it's like the the jewish swastika
[03:06:15] Basically
[03:06:17] Straight up is a terror cell
[03:06:20] They've killed people in America
[03:06:25] It's not even a there's not even a joke or two Gaza represents an opportunity to take it over
[03:06:31] Um, it is when I say this like I'm letting you know like this is straight the fuck up
[03:06:39] When I say this is straight up a Nazi tattoo like I mean it every now and then you'll have a
[03:06:44] a bunch of fucking weirdos like Nazis online post like videos right you know
[03:06:53] they'll post videos of like some Jewish dudes sitting in a fucking room talking
[03:06:58] about how like the the Goyim or cattle or whatever right you know and they'll be
[03:07:04] like see this is what the Jews believe and it's always the same like eight
[03:07:07] videos okay these are the guys who say shit like that but it is a
[03:07:14] Jewish supremacist ideology. And it's ironic because like the people posting those videos
[03:07:21] are literally fucking fascists. They're just anti-semitic fascists. So they hate the other
[03:07:28] side of the fucking equation for the exact same principles. It's like, it's kind of similar
[03:07:34] to how like Republicans would be like, oh, we don't want that Muslim shit here. They're
[03:07:38] backwards. You know, we don't want that Muslim shit here. They're backwards. They're
[03:07:42] groomers, they want to fucking do child brides and it's like, bro, you want to do child brides?
[03:07:49] You know what I mean? You're just mad, I guess, because in your mind, you think like Muslims also
[03:07:55] want to do it. It's literally like fascists that hate and claim that like all Jews believe in
[03:08:02] like Jewish supremacy, okay? Ironically, have white supremacist attitudes, and they're just
[03:08:10] is projecting their own fucking hatred against one subgroup that has the exact same ideology
[03:08:21] that they do. It's just the in-group is different. Yeah, that's why I always say conservatives
[03:08:28] hate conservatives in other countries. They hate it.
[03:08:48] It will be much more difficult for you to get out of the car.
[03:08:51] So this is just a little bit of a mess.
[03:08:54] In the camp, the orange color of the movement flies high.
[03:08:59] Some soul-
[03:09:00] This is a great video for beginners.
[03:09:03] She builds up the evidence really effectively.
[03:09:05] Astronomy has a colonialism problem.
[03:09:11] Dog, this is a three-hour video on astronomy and colonialism.
[03:09:19] Like, I'm sorry, there is just no fucking way I'm watching that video.
[03:09:23] Like that's a I'm sure it's a great video, but if you think that I'm gonna watch a three-hour video on astronomy and colonialism
[03:09:30] You're crazy like come on. I'm sure it's a great video, but like I
[03:09:36] Seen here and I watched 15 minute video
[03:09:38] You just saw an example of me reacting to a 15 minute video and cutting an hour of content off of it
[03:09:45] How long do you think it would take me to react to a three-hour video?
[03:09:53] The orgers fighting in Gaza have posted photos online with the flag too.
[03:09:58] The Israel's leadership insists there's no prospect of re-establishing the settlements.
[03:10:05] Ariel believes it will happen and hopes to be amongst the first to move to Gaza.
[03:10:12] She came to Israel seven years ago from Texas.
[03:10:16] The idea of you coming from America to here, settling in potentially Gaza, kicking Palestinians
[03:10:25] out, a lot of people would see that as settler colonialism.
[03:10:29] It's not really colonialism, it's a veteran.
[03:10:33] My grandparents were kicked out of Israel by Arabs who were trying to establish a Palestinian
[03:10:40] state and they had to leave for their survival and I'm just coming back and fulfilling
[03:10:45] their dream. That would be the first thing. The second thing is, I think that
[03:10:49] Sorry, your grandparents dreams sucked ass, okay? And you suck ass. I don't give a fuck about your
[03:10:55] grandparents dreams. I don't give a fuck about your dreams. If your dreams require the mass
[03:11:01] ethnic cleansing of Palestinians for it to be realized, okay? Dream something better dumbass,
[03:11:07] okay? Get better dreams. Stupid asshole.
[03:11:11] I know this is a minority view. I think colonialism gets a bad rap. Genocide is bad, but colonizing
[03:11:20] places that are genocidal and they have bad ideology, it's good to come in and correct
[03:11:26] their views.
[03:11:27] What do you think should happen to the people who are already in Gaza?
[03:11:32] So I think that there's a couple of possibilities. The one that I think is the most realistic
[03:11:38] is we got to help ask other countries for help. I know that Spain was willing to take
[03:11:43] a couple of million. I know Russia said they would take a couple of thousand.
[03:11:46] To a lot of people that would sound like you're advocating for ethnic cleansing?
[03:11:52] Um, I don't think so because Palestinianism and ethnicity, it's an ideology and it's an ideology
[03:11:57] that says what they want. She's dead and so we want them as far away from Jesus Christ.
[03:12:02] You'd kill them all then, dude, you know? Yeah, Judaism is not an ethnicity, it's just an
[03:12:07] ideology that wants to fucking destroy Germany that belongs to the wonderful folk is exactly
[03:12:15] the same fucking argument that Nazis had. I don't, I feel like, I feel like something
[03:12:23] happened along the way where like, do we just not educate people on the fucking Holocaust,
[03:12:30] including Jewish people? Like what the fuck's going on? Like do people think, do people
[03:12:35] think that like, there wasn't a deliberate effort to dehumanize Jews in Germany before
[03:12:43] people basically arrived to the conclusion that they must be sent to fucking camps.
[03:12:48] Like do, do people think that there is just like, do people think that it happened overnight?
[03:12:53] Like it was just, oh yeah, dude. Yeah, fuck yeah, this is great. Actually. Yeah, no,
[03:12:58] I think Jews are wonderful people, but we should still fucking ship them to camps
[03:13:01] how that happened. No, they had their own fucking version of the rationale, you know, which is identical
[03:13:06] to this psycho's rationale. Like how was this, like it makes no sense. I just like, just think,
[03:13:16] just think, just think for like three seconds, think about it. Okay, please think about it.
[03:13:27] The very same mechanisms and the very same cycle of dehumanization that is occurring in Israel
[03:13:35] on a daily basis that occurs in every Zionist institution that churns out this kind of anti-Palestinian,
[03:13:44] anti-Arab, anti-Muslim sentiment, anti-Muslim propaganda is being conducted with the deliberate
[03:13:53] intent to make people feel this way, that Palestinians are basically hiding in every
[03:13:59] corner and they're controlling all the, you know, they're, they're dying in a telegenic
[03:14:04] way to make people feel sympathetic to them.
[03:14:14] Possible.
[03:14:17] The would-be settlers take us to the Errez crossing.
[03:14:21] It used to be the gateway into Gaza.
[03:14:24] The area has been closed off by Israeli soldiers, but the group is waved through.
[03:14:34] They planted two small lemon trees here as symbols of their claims over this land.
[03:14:43] Just saplings, but the settlers have seen how over the years their efforts bear fruit.
[03:14:54] By the way, this could be an October surprise for the election.
[03:15:00] I swear to God Fox News is watching my fucking stream.
[03:15:03] And there you hear it, pro-Palestinian chants ringing out in Cornell this week, Cornell University
[03:15:16] at the library there, echoing the horror scene across college campuses last spring.
[03:15:21] Now universities are bracing for a potential new wave of protests, joining us now, Fox News
[03:15:26] contributor and former retired NYPD inspector and lawyer Paul Morrow.
[03:15:31] So they're not shy about telling everybody, like, we're going to do these protests.
[03:15:36] Like this fall, the protesters intend to bring...
[03:15:39] the horror scene. It is horrific. It is horrific to me that there are young Americans in some
[03:15:50] of the top institutions of higher learning in this country that have learned some of these
[03:15:56] principles that they're teaching in class like genocide is unconscionable. Okay. Horror. Horror
[03:16:04] scenes. Will you go to the protest again if it happens? Fuck yes. Absolutely fucking
[03:16:10] Lutely. 100%. I am fully in support of the student movement, the anti-genocide
[03:16:18] movement across the board. I think that the students should absolutely protest
[03:16:22] once again like they did. They should. It is their right to do so. They
[03:16:27] absolutely should do so. I don't just think that these student protests
[03:16:41] Will will happen and it might become like a point of contention. I want it to be that way
[03:16:48] Because people forget
[03:16:50] Very quickly in our fucking media cycle
[03:16:53] Okay, people forget the atrocities that are happening your cover showed the press was misinterpreting the pro misrepresented the brother
[03:17:00] It doesn't matter. I'll still be there no matter what I'll still be doing that. Okay. They have every right to do so
[03:17:11] What do you say the shit lips who say why the why did the brother stop over the summer?
[03:17:18] There's no school
[03:17:21] Oh
[03:17:23] The UC system like completely fucking banded to my biggest fear as a Palestinian is that people will stop thinking this is cool
[03:17:38] Yeah, I know I
[03:17:40] Know the Kamala brat summer momentum
[03:17:43] You didn't protest you didn't even get arrested. I'm disappointed in my son
[03:17:52] This is such a funny line from dudes who are like, obviously not pro-Palestinian at all.
[03:18:03] Okay.
[03:18:04] Would you go fight for Palestine?
[03:18:07] How can you support the party doing this, bro?
[03:18:10] These guys are scumbag.
[03:18:11] Austin is trash.
[03:18:16] Like he's coming in here and being like, dude, you didn't even get arrested, dude.
[03:18:24] Would you go support Palestine with, hey, comrade, won't you rise up in arms against
[03:18:32] the violent imperialist American state?
[03:18:35] Hey, comrade, let's do some direct action.
[03:18:40] Dude can't even fake being pro-Palestine Lamar.
[03:18:43] I know.
[03:18:51] What do you say to people who say the process of disrupting other students, education
[03:18:54] and classes?
[03:18:55] Fucking bullshit, dude, bull fucking shit.
[03:18:59] It's not.
[03:19:00] That's just a lie to try to fucking squash free speech from happening. Okay. That's all it is
[03:19:08] Hey comrade, I have a stash of tenor right at these coordinates and also a bunch of weapons
[03:19:28] Would you like to go pick them up?
[03:19:30] Would you actually constitute protective free speech question number 10 organizing a rallying in quarry Plaza a public university space
[03:19:40] Protesters blocking access to campus a student sitting at the at the chancellor's office a group of protesters
[03:19:46] disrupting a class that is in session
[03:19:48] What speech is protected? Joining a class online and repeatedly making comments that disrupt the
[03:19:52] professor from teaching. Posting flyers or posters in a non-public space without university
[03:19:56] authorization. Posting flyers or advertisements approved university public posting spaces.
[03:20:07] Blocking access to a building or the university in general, engaging in otherwise protected
[03:20:10] activities such as picketing or demonstrating. For the record, a lot of this stuff also
[03:20:16] is non-Palestine related too. I just want you to understand, like when they say this
[03:20:22] This is a no-no, they mean like striking is a no-no.
[03:20:26] You understand that, right?
[03:20:26] This is why I'm talking about like chat.
[03:20:29] This is why I am fucking telling you,
[03:20:32] this doesn't stop with Gaza.
[03:20:35] This doesn't stop with pro-Palestinian sentiment.
[03:20:37] This doesn't stop with anti-Genocide protests.
[03:20:40] Every single thing that they're saying
[03:20:42] that you cannot do because you're anti-Semitic
[03:20:45] because you're fucking saying genocide is unconscionable.
[03:20:49] You're hurting Israel's feelings.
[03:20:50] It's the most moral democracy on the planet. It's the best military on the planet.
[03:20:55] Literally all factors against picketing.
[03:21:02] Okay. It's just, you can't strike.
[03:21:04] And I think a lot of people don't understand that. Okay.
[03:21:12] A lot of people don't fucking comprehend this.
[03:21:14] It will come for you as well.
[03:21:17] If you right now think, Oh, those are Palestinians.
[03:21:19] I'm gonna give a shit. They're far away. Who gives a fuck?
[03:21:22] Oh man, these students, like they're making me feel bad.
[03:21:24] I just want to fucking, you know, enjoy my breath summer, whatever, okay?
[03:21:30] One day, you are going to have a cause if you do not care about this.
[03:21:36] I mean, this community is the worst place to say this because everyone obviously in here cares about this.
[03:21:40] But like, one day there is going to be a cause that you do care about, okay?
[03:21:45] And the exact same, you're reaching, bro?
[03:21:50] Yeah.
[03:21:51] three speeches when Milo you're not pop up a lot of list pits in his race is by a lover
[03:21:57] campus you're reaching bro yeah I know I'm reaching now that guy is memeing okay I don't
[03:22:01] know why people always love making jokes cracking jokes whenever I'm fucking talking about genocide
[03:22:06] is the one issue yeah this will affect all communities no BLM protest no pro choice protest
[03:22:13] no me too protest no protest against far right goons either in the pain to the university
[03:22:24] Yeah, in some instances, this has already started.
[03:22:26] They've done some vandalism.
[03:22:27] There's been some protests up at Columbia,
[03:22:30] which seems to be sort of becoming
[03:22:32] a very fucking happening.
[03:22:33] The rest of it being made at the University of Michigan.
[03:22:35] Things already happened.
[03:22:35] For instance, pro-Israel groups
[03:22:38] have already protested in March,
[03:22:40] demanding that the protesters on the other side
[03:22:43] unmask themselves.
[03:22:44] Why?
[03:22:45] Because New York City is concerned about this,
[03:22:47] and they may be passing a law that protesters
[03:22:49] can't keep their masks on.
[03:22:51] So all this stuff now is going very much
[03:22:53] to the legal realm because Columbia had to settle a class-action suit guaranteeing that
[03:22:59] students could get in and out of class. So it's going to happen, it's coming. Also, this is precisely
[03:23:04] the reason why early on in October when motherfuckers were coming and chirping at me about like,
[03:23:08] from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free is actually anti-Semitic and it's scary.
[03:23:14] Okay. Even if they don't say it, they don't want any kind of protest whatsoever. It was yet
[03:23:18] another way, another insidious way in which it was actually to make every kind of anti-Israel sentiment be completely removed from public spaces.
[03:23:29] Okay? Because at the end of the day, it has nothing to do with like people's fears or anything. It has everything to do with you hurting Israel's feelings.
[03:23:37] Okay? Big bad Israel's feelings cannot be hurt. It must be protected above all else.
[03:23:43] It's going to be in the legal world. It's going to be on the street. But as you resort to deans.
[03:23:49] Do you know what Felix is coming on?
[03:23:51] No, Felix is actually, Felix will not be coming on today.
[03:23:56] He just, he texted me and said he's too busy today.
[03:23:59] But next week, he'll be here.
[03:24:00] Last week, it's not just about Gaza.
[03:24:02] And I think that's something that a lot of our viewers
[03:24:04] might not understand is that, yeah, it is there.
[03:24:07] The primary cause here is the Gaza issue.
[03:24:11] Without any nuance, by the way, they just want Israel gone.
[03:24:14] But there's no way the adjacent groups
[03:24:16] are gonna let this go on without getting involved.
[03:24:18] you got anarchists, communists, a lot of groups that are a lot more volatile, and that's what
[03:24:23] police departments are worried about. Well, and maybe university presidents should be too. Ivy
[03:24:27] League presidents who resigned amidst the protest, we have a list of them here from Penn, Harvard,
[03:24:33] Cornell, and Columbia. So what would the new university presidents do differently this year
[03:24:41] than before? So they've started a number of the schools have actually put in mandatory
[03:24:45] training for new students that are coming in or returning. You have to take a
[03:24:48] class on essentially the first amendment, but also what you're allowed to do
[03:24:52] and what you're not allowed to do. And the thing that they really seem to be
[03:24:56] trying to hold the line on is encampments. They don't want those
[03:24:59] permanent encampments where you got kids entrenched and now you got to
[03:25:03] peel them out. Here's an interesting thing that's also going on relative to
[03:25:06] prophylactic. Students for justice in Palestine is one of the groups
[03:25:10] that's been very involved in the protesting. Their Instagram
[03:25:14] They're gonna fuck us say it's it's you know backed by Iran with zero evidence. I
[03:25:21] just like
[03:25:22] Do they not understand civil disobedience? It's literally breaking the law for a moral cause. We have 100 percent. Oh
[03:25:38] Yeah, yeah
[03:25:40] Bro until labor unions back this stuff more aggressively, there's not gonna be enough momentum on this
[03:25:47] I don't think account has been one of the ways that the groups have been able to coordinate well
[03:25:52] Well, the number of those chapters of the Students for Justice Palestine have had their
[03:25:58] Instagram accounts suspended, taken down.
[03:26:01] Columbia is one of them.
[03:26:02] Looks like there's a couple of other schools.
[03:26:04] The same thing happened all at once.
[03:26:05] That can't be an accident.
[03:26:06] So you've got to wonder, is it relative to what we see going on in Telegram, where
[03:26:11] the French just pinched a guy that runs Telegram.
[03:26:14] And that is the same issue, because Telegram was another way that these groups coordinated.
[03:26:20] is seeing a number of things. I'm not sure the telegram thing is directly related to this,
[03:26:24] but it's part of a trend here where the comms, the communications are being either shut down or
[03:26:29] closely scrutinized. What happened to that fucking Tik Tok ban, by the way? Speaking of
[03:26:35] which, speaking of telegram, what happened to that fucking Tik Tok ban? Did Vietnam War
[03:26:39] Protest Groups in the 60s get accused of being Vietnam funded groups or anything like that?
[03:26:42] Yes, not Vietnam funded, but yeah, funded by communists. What do you think the red
[03:26:49] What scare was megaphanics, that's literally 100% civil rights movement was straight up considered
[03:26:56] a communist movement, communist back movement, Vietnam protest, communist back movement.
[03:27:02] Every single time people have been on the right side of history, the American government
[03:27:06] has tried to violently squash these, these, these popular revolutionary sentiments and
[03:27:13] have considered to be anti-American, anti-Christian, and also communist. There is some truth to
[03:27:27] that by the way, but they also said the USSR was funding it. Gay rights, every single fucking
[03:27:38] instance of hard fought civil rights movements have been considered to be communist and anti-American.
[03:27:45] Because some illegality is coming out of them and there's liability there.
[03:27:49] Do you think any of those students protesting for Palestine would be able to explain why
[03:27:53] the Hamas was holding a Bedouin man for the last?
[03:27:59] Yes, it's pretty simple because they're not, you made up the idea that these guys are
[03:28:05] simply operating on anti-Semitism, okay?
[03:28:09] He's Israeli.
[03:28:10] He's an Israeli citizen.
[03:28:11] That's why they are using him as leverage, okay?
[03:28:15] That's it.
[03:28:16] That's it.
[03:28:17] That's it.
[03:28:18] Literally it is because he's Israeli.
[03:28:20] It doesn't matter.
[03:28:22] Like it does not matter to a Palestinian resistance group
[03:28:26] whether you are Muslim, Bedouin, Arab,
[03:28:28] doesn't fucking matter whether you're Jewish.
[03:28:31] It's because you are Israeli.
[03:28:32] That's it.
[03:28:34] 11 months, father of seven.
[03:28:36] This is not a Jewish guy.
[03:28:38] He was an Israeli citizen.
[03:28:39] The Israelis rescued him this morning.
[03:28:41] I was listening to the Daily and the Host.
[03:28:44] I think she misspoke.
[03:28:45] But she said, well, yesterday when the hostage was released,
[03:28:47] like, no, ma'am, not released.
[03:28:50] He was rescued.
[03:28:51] And I don't think those students have any idea.
[03:28:53] As you and I have said in the past, most...
[03:28:55] It's so funny that they're like,
[03:28:56] this literally makes complete sense
[03:29:00] to anyone who understands the situation, okay?
[03:29:09] It's it.
[03:29:10] He's an Israeli citizen.
[03:29:11] That's it, that's literally it.
[03:29:13] He was an Israeli citizen in a guard
[03:29:16] in one of the Kibbutz team.
[03:29:26] Like, what the fuck are we talking about?
[03:29:34] the students protesting or at least very many of them couldn't find Gaza on a map of Gaza and they
[03:29:40] wouldn't know a better one if he's out in their heads all right so this is a lot of this having
[03:29:44] been out there was embedded with did he say if it when referring to a better one
[03:29:52] their heads all right sign Gaza on a map of Gaza and they wouldn't know a better one if he's
[03:29:57] out in their heads all right he he said he so this is a lot of this having been out there
[03:30:02] I was embedded with a lot of them last week out at the DNC.
[03:30:05] A lot of them, this is just the flavor of the day.
[03:30:08] You can see the distinction if you're up close
[03:30:10] between the various gripe groups
[03:30:13] and who really, really cares.
[03:30:15] You can see the people who have a real vested interest
[03:30:17] in Gaza.
[03:30:18] And you can see the others that are just
[03:30:19] kind of along for the ride, because it's this year's
[03:30:22] flavor.
[03:30:22] But the bottom line is, Columbia
[03:30:25] didn't expel anybody from last year.
[03:30:27] All the charges for the most part
[03:30:29] were dropped against everybody, including the ones
[03:30:31] to vandalize and occupied Hamilton Hall.
[03:30:33] And held the custodian hostage.
[03:30:34] Wow, I can't believe they didn't fucking,
[03:30:37] I can't believe they didn't criminally prosecute students
[03:30:43] for protesting against genocide.
[03:30:48] Okay, that's crazy.
[03:30:49] They should do that, I say, on Fox News,
[03:30:53] the number one defender of free speech.
[03:30:56] For years and years and years.
[03:31:00] these fucking assholes openly talked about how Nazis have to speak. Nazis have to fucking
[03:31:11] speak on college campuses. They have to. It's free speech. Now they're like, oh no, the real
[03:31:18] anti-Semitism is anti-genocide protesters. That's the real anti-Semitism and they have
[03:31:24] to be killed. They have to be served the death penalty, okay? For doing what?
[03:31:30] anti-genocide protest.
[03:31:32] And Helde Custodian hostage and was never charged for any of those crimes.
[03:31:36] They were not charged.
[03:31:37] And he wasn't even a student.
[03:31:38] He wasn't a student.
[03:31:39] Right.
[03:31:40] And, you know, no kidnapping, no unlawful imprisonment, no charges like that.
[03:31:44] And Bregg's out was, we don't have enough evidence, meanwhile, it's all on film.
[03:31:48] But that goes to the masks, by the way.
[03:31:50] And they should pass that mask law.
[03:31:52] Is that imminent?
[03:31:53] It's possible.
[03:31:54] But of course, you know, there are vested interests who don't want it because
[03:31:57] they say it's going to still the First Amendment.
[03:31:59] bottom line is this has the potential for being an October surprise for the election because
[03:32:04] nationwide this could get messy. I expect that Dan Abash will be asking Kamala Harris
[03:32:08] about it tomorrow. And Tim Walls because he's going to be there too. Do you think that's
[03:32:11] coming up? Do the US have a similar reaction to student protests against South African
[03:32:14] apartheid? It was nowhere near as like, I think it was nowhere near as organized.
[03:32:23] South Africa did not have, it's like, the South African government did not have its,
[03:32:29] its, uh, like its allegiances and it's, uh, like loyalists in the same way that like Israel
[03:32:39] does.
[03:32:40] Okay.
[03:32:41] And part of that is because Israel, ironically enough, like the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League,
[03:32:47] working alongside the South African apartheid regime and spying on protesters which included
[03:32:56] trade unionists and even Jewish protesters as well that were against South African apartheid.
[03:33:01] Now, what's really interesting about it is that Israel seemingly learned from the
[03:33:06] mistakes that the South African apartheid regime made in terms of conducting Western
[03:33:13] propaganda, ensuring that this doesn't happen again. But beyond that, Israel also is directly
[03:33:20] tied to the interests of the American stock market. So the cross-pollination of Israeli
[03:33:27] interests and American interests are significantly more ever-present than the South African
[03:33:33] interests were. There are a multitude of different factors at play here, one of which
[03:33:41] is, I mean, some of the factors I just mentioned, another one is like universities have become
[03:33:47] even more financialized. Like they are financial institutions, they're basically hedge funds,
[03:33:53] right? And a lot of those hedge funds are directly invested in Israel. So divestment now carries,
[03:34:01] divestment from South Africa, carried a weight to it, right? A financial punishment
[03:34:06] that these institutions would occur.
[03:34:09] But, and so did obviously divesting from Russia,
[03:34:13] which was a non-starter because it happened to be
[03:34:15] America's foreign adversary, if you recall.
[03:34:18] And now this divestment call is significantly larger
[03:34:23] in terms of incurring financial punishments
[03:34:25] when you're talking about Israel.
[03:34:27] Brand new this morning, just moments ago,
[03:34:29] the Harris campaign released a new ad
[03:34:31] arguing that Project 2025 is the blueprint
[03:34:35] for a second Trump presidency.
[03:34:40] It's called Project 2025, a 922 page blueprint
[03:34:45] to make Donald Trump the most powerful president ever.
[03:34:49] Now the Trump campaign consistently denies
[03:34:51] that this is their policy, but there
[03:34:53] are ties with the folks who wrote it.
[03:34:55] It comes as Vice President Harris and Governor Wall
[03:34:57] sit down for their first ever interview of the campaign
[03:35:02] right here on CNN with Benavash.
[03:35:04] and they also embark on a bus tour
[03:35:07] through Southern Georgia.
[03:35:09] Now Georgia is a state that Joe Biden won,
[03:35:12] but won by less than 12,000 votes.
[03:35:14] The margins are very close.
[03:35:16] CNN's Eva McKen joins us now.
[03:35:19] Let's start with this new ad release just moments ago.
[03:35:22] What's the messaging?
[03:35:25] You know, John, this has perhaps to be
[03:35:27] one of the most effective lines of attack
[03:35:28] because even as the former president
[03:35:31] tries to distance himself from Project 2025,
[03:35:33] When I'm out on the campaign trail,
[03:35:35] I hear from Democratic voters, unprompted.
[03:35:38] So without me even mentioning it,
[03:35:40] time and time again,
[03:35:41] how afraid they are of the implications of this.
[03:35:45] So it makes total political sense
[03:35:47] for them to hit this hard.
[03:35:48] In this ad, they warn that a Trump White House
[03:35:52] that would overhaul the Department of Justice,
[03:35:55] they say that he would have unchecked power
[03:35:58] to seek vengeance and even eliminate
[03:36:01] the Department of Education.
[03:36:03] Let's listen to this argument.
[03:36:07] Donald Trump may try to deny it,
[03:36:09] but those are Donald Trump's plans.
[03:36:12] Well, revenge just take time, I will say that.
[03:36:15] And sometimes revenge can be justified.
[03:36:17] He'll take control, we'll pay the price.
[03:36:22] So you hear in the messaging there, John,
[03:36:23] that they're leaning into this notion
[03:36:25] that he is held bent on revenge, which-
[03:36:28] You just compared RUA with IDF on what basis I'm curious.
[03:36:36] God chosen people. Wait, what?
[03:36:51] So I'm wondering, you have the same energy towards Ukraine, the multicultural,
[03:36:53] diverse and ancient of 50 million people, 20 million now who decided
[03:36:56] in 2014 to be a monoethnical state banning.
[03:37:01] We banned this guy and then we fucking
[03:37:03] on Bandim and he's back to the he's back to the fucking pushing Z shit.
[03:37:10] Bro, bro, brother, brother,
[03:37:26] you should perhaps ask why so many Russians are fucking pro Israel as well.
[03:37:30] And vice versa
[03:37:33] Okay, like 30% I mean, I don't know the exact population number, but like so many of the
[03:37:45] newer
[03:37:46] Occupants in Israel are just straight up just Russian not even like Jewish by ethnic or religious heritage at whatsoever
[03:37:53] I understand now Russia Russia, Ukraine was totally different to Israel covered bombing Gaza every day be general guys
[03:38:15] I was in bad form that night. Thank you
[03:38:18] Okay, maybe he didn't understand
[03:38:22] Russia is one of the largest language groups in Russia. You mean Israel? They have a majority population in some Israelis. It is I know
[03:38:42] There's plenty of obviously Russian Jews that went to Israel
[03:38:46] It's funny because there's plenty of Russian non-Jews that went to Israel as well a
[03:38:52] big point of contention in Israel is
[03:38:57] You know many people genuinely do genuinely think that protesting Israel's anti-Semitic
[03:39:09] I've been told that it's bigoted to not let Jewish people have their own state
[03:39:12] state. Yeah, dude, I know we just have to. It just has to be a, a, a ethnic, a demographic
[03:39:22] ethno state, you know, I think it's, it's actually anti German, not to let the German
[03:39:28] folk have their own Christian German state really fucked up. It's actually really anti
[03:39:36] Christian to not let Americans have their own white nation-state for white children.
[03:39:44] No one can describe to me why this is not, like why this is not just pure fascist ideology
[03:39:50] and display, because it's exactly the fucking same. Israel can either be a Jewish state
[03:39:56] or a democratic state. It can't be both. It doesn't work that way. The entire complications
[03:40:08] right now that many people choose to not see unironically derived from this major problem.
[03:40:20] The Palestinian domination stems from Israel's need to maintain an ethnic majority.
[03:40:35] Ridiculous.
[03:40:46] It would be unimaginably hypocritical of me if I were to be like America can't be
[03:40:54] a white ethno state. That's white supremacist bullshit. And then turn around and be like,
[03:40:58] but Israel can be a Jewish one. And that's not like Judeo supremacist fascist nonsense
[03:41:03] in the same exact vein. Like what, what are we talking about here? Yeah, I'm anti, I'm
[03:41:17] anti genocide. I'm anti apartheid except for Israel, which I believe have a right
[03:41:23] to do that. Sorry. Get ready to be branded anti some out of the week too late. I have
[03:41:40] been. Not disagreeing, but I do think the obvious counter that argument will be the Jews of
[03:41:47] a history of persecution, unlike Protestant white people. Yeah, that's ridiculous. Okay.
[03:41:54] You can't just fucking be like, yeah, Jews have a history of persecution. So now they
[03:41:58] had to get to do a genocide like what run that run that fucking argument to its logical
[03:42:08] conclusion. Jews were genocided. So they now get to do a little bit of a genocide
[03:42:13] of their own is an insane fucking argument. It doesn't work that way.
[03:42:19] Bolster is this contrast that they're trying to portray between a candidate
[03:42:23] principally concerned with the past versus one who they argue is looking
[03:42:27] towards the future. Now, what are you learning about this trip to Georgia
[03:42:32] because the part of Georgia they're going to tells a story here?
[03:42:36] It does. They think that they can appeal to rural voters. They don't
[03:42:39] have to win some of these rural counties outright, but playing in
[03:42:43] them could make a difference. They've got 24 field offices across Georgia,
[03:42:47] seven of which are in the southern part of the state. They're really looking at
[03:42:53] these outer Metro Atlanta counties and then they're gonna end the bus tour in
[03:42:57] Savannah. And I've spoken to Democratic strategists and organizers in the
[03:43:02] state and they say that often outside of Atlanta voters really lament that
[03:43:07] campaigns don't go there, don't campaign there and so this strategy to
[03:43:12] that they're not going to
[03:43:14] be able to get into the
[03:43:16] state. It's just that they're
[03:43:18] not going to be able to get
[03:43:19] into them. Makes sense on
[03:43:21] project 2025. Did black
[03:43:26] people were black people.
[03:43:27] We're forced into chattel
[03:43:28] slavery, so they get to
[03:43:30] enslave white people. Yeah.
[03:43:32] Did just play some of that
[03:43:33] ad that was just released a
[03:43:35] few minutes ago, and I know
[03:43:36] is airing in Georgia and
[03:43:38] other key battleground states
[03:43:40] on why is project 2025 so
[03:43:43] important in terms of the
[03:43:44] out their connections with it.
[03:43:48] Yeah, I mean, Donald Trump can try to disavow
[03:43:50] his connections to it.
[03:43:51] I think the problem for Donald Trump,
[03:43:53] that it's written by.
[03:43:54] Yeah, the irony is it wouldn't even be white people.
[03:43:58] It'd be like, I don't know, fucking Filipino people
[03:44:01] or something, like randomly.
[03:44:05] Like just a group of people that had nothing to do
[03:44:07] with fucking chattel slavery.
[03:44:09] That's the equivalent.
[03:44:10] by his people, by his former staffers, for him, you don't have a blueprint unless you're
[03:44:18] going to build a house, you don't have a playbook unless you intend to run the play.
[03:44:21] They made it very clear that that's exactly what they intend to do, whether it was banning
[03:44:25] abortion nationwide with or without Congress as laid out in the plan, whether it's monitoring
[03:44:30] women's pregnancies, whether it is, again, the tax cuts for the rich and the corporate
[03:44:36] giveaways, whether it's the gutting of checks and balances, the consolidation of power inside
[03:44:40] the Oval Office so that Donald Trump can go after his political opponents. The threat
[03:44:45] that Project 2025 poses to the American people is abundantly clear. We're going to make sure
[03:44:51] that as the vice president and the governor are out on the stump communicating their
[03:44:54] positive vision to the American people between now and the debate on September 10th and
[03:45:00] through Election Day, we are simultaneously going to make sure that the threat that
[03:45:04] that Donald Trump's Project 2025 agenda poses
[03:45:07] to the American people is also front and center.
[03:45:09] All right, Harris Campaign Communications Director,
[03:45:11] Michael Tyler, great to see you.
[03:45:12] Thanks, Michael.
[03:45:13] With us now, Democratic strategist, Matt Bennett,
[03:45:15] and former public policy director
[03:45:16] for Mitt Romney, Lonnie Chen.
[03:45:18] Lonnie, let me just start with you.
[03:45:19] This is a big interview.
[03:45:21] First of all, A, because Dan is doing it, it will be great.
[03:45:23] But second of all, because we have not heard, really,
[03:45:26] from Vice President Harris in this forum.
[03:45:28] What are you looking for, Lonnie?
[03:45:32] Well, I think there's a number of things
[03:45:34] looking for, obviously, on the policy front. There'll be a lot of questions. There'll be
[03:45:38] questions about her changes in positions on key issues like fracking. There'll be questions about
[03:45:43] the policy she has rolled out, for example, her plan on housing and how much of that she actually
[03:45:48] thinks is feasible. And then we're going to want to know about areas where we have not
[03:45:52] heard as much substance or detail, areas of policy that I think could be determinative
[03:45:57] in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin and other places where this race is
[03:46:01] very tight. So I think for all those reasons, this is going to be an incredibly important
[03:46:06] interview. And just her demeanor, how is she going to react to being pressed by Dana on
[03:46:10] these issues? I think these are all things that we should be looking for.
[03:46:13] Matt, how much will these answers matter? Well, obviously, if she makes a big mistake,
[03:46:21] it'll matter a lot. I think if she answers it well and kind of put some of these questions
[03:46:27] to rest. I think it won't have a huge impact on the campaign. But these moments, you know,
[03:46:34] can pop up. And so far, one of the most remarkable things about the Harris campaign, since it
[03:46:39] became a Harris campaign just over a month ago, is that she hasn't really made a mistake.
[03:46:44] She has performed brilliantly in basically every forum that she's been in. Her campaign
[03:46:50] is hitting on all cylinders. And so there is risk here and everybody understands that.
[03:46:55] It's also part of the process and you have to do it.
[03:46:58] And I think they were smart to go out and see CNN and do a hard news interview with both candidates.
[03:47:03] And Matt, what about the debate?
[03:47:05] And I'm not focused so much on the gamesmanship muted microphone or not muted microphone
[03:47:11] because that will get settled one way or the other.
[03:47:13] But when they take the debate stage together, what are the stakes there?
[03:47:22] Again, for the most part, people don't remember that much about debates when they
[03:47:27] go to vote unless there's a huge mistake or a huge blow landed. I mean people can remember the big
[03:47:33] lines from past debates decades ago and they can remember how Nixon looked you know 60 years ago.
[03:47:39] So there is some risk and there is some possibility of reward in the debate but I think what you're
[03:47:45] gonna see here is that this is Harris's strong suit. She is a prosecutor. She stands up in court
[03:47:53] And you know, prosecutes the case against bad guys
[03:47:57] and she's up against a felon.
[03:47:58] I think this is going to play to her strength.
[03:48:00] Lottie, I show you shaking your head on debates.
[03:48:02] Remembering probably how in 2012,
[03:48:05] it was widely considered that Mitt Romney
[03:48:07] did beat Barack Obama in that first debate,
[03:48:10] ultimately did not go on to win the election.
[03:48:12] There's a trend of journalism out there right now
[03:48:14] in analysis, Lottie, which suggests
[03:48:16] that the Kamala Harris and Democrats now,
[03:48:19] not two months ago when Biden was running,
[03:48:21] have somehow figured out how to beat Donald Trump.
[03:48:24] Talk about him as being laughable,
[03:48:27] the mean campaign that's going on out there.
[03:48:30] Lonnie, how much validity do you see in that?
[03:48:34] Well, I think the direct contrast
[03:48:36] that the Harris campaign is willing to draw,
[03:48:39] you know, it strikes me that they have been
[03:48:41] much more willing to confront the Trump campaign
[03:48:44] on all sorts of different issues.
[03:48:45] I do think that their reaction time has gotten better.
[03:48:48] I think there's a number of ways
[03:48:50] in which the campaign is being run
[03:48:52] with a little bit more pep in its step.
[03:48:54] And I think that matters,
[03:48:55] but certainly the direct contrast
[03:48:58] of seeing those two candidates,
[03:49:00] Harris and Trump, on stage together,
[03:49:02] talking about hopefully issues, we'll see.
[03:49:05] I think that will be really impactful for voters,
[03:49:08] just in terms of creating an image.
[03:49:10] I agree that the specifics of the debate
[03:49:12] probably get lost with time,
[03:49:14] but it really is about the imagery,
[03:49:16] the contrast, the degree to which they're able
[03:49:19] to confront one another,
[03:49:20] how they react when they're confronted
[03:49:22] uh... these are the sorts of things that i think do stick and they do matter and
[03:49:26] that's why i think this debate is going to be very widely watched you know it's
[03:49:29] interesting now that i both of you here you know a romney republican and a
[03:49:32] democrat
[03:49:34] tomorrow
[03:49:35] is
[03:49:37] the big data-fash interview
[03:49:41] rat who's worked for years to to pull the party a little bit more toward the
[03:49:45] middle of a six p m
[03:49:48] pacific
[03:49:49] where there will be a through an outbreak at the top of the hour when that happens by
[03:49:53] the way. Are you just whining all the time? No, no, no, we don't have to ban this guy.
[03:50:06] We want, we, these are the types of guys that have like phenomenal fucking takes, dude.
[03:50:14] Guy who, guy who is whining, guy who's whining that doesn't have any like understanding
[03:50:24] how political commentary works goes, man, you sure do a lot of commentary. I burp
[03:50:31] sometimes too. Anyway, the three minute outbreak is upon us. The one fucking time I thought
[03:50:43] I chipped in. No, I just want to see like, I want to see what other wonderful things he
[03:50:48] has to come up with. Dana rash. I love this almost said you got your own room at the
[03:51:13] end because you're belching. Yeah, probably. Here's the three minute outbreak. Now, let's
[03:51:17] get the Harrison walls are taking a bus tour through red counties in Georgia today.
[03:51:23] a lot of the rhetoric from the convention.
[03:51:24] There was plenty of red meat for the progressives there,
[03:51:28] but a lot of outreach to the middle,
[03:51:30] a lot of talk about tone in neighborliness.
[03:51:33] So Lonnie, how much of an impact does that have
[03:51:36] with maybe some more moderate Republicans
[03:51:38] that you talk to?
[03:51:41] Well, I think we'll have to see.
[03:51:42] I mean, I think obviously the rhetoric
[03:51:45] and the themes are the right ones.
[03:51:46] Talking about, for example, freedom,
[03:51:49] the kind of optimism and hope we saw
[03:51:51] that mirrors what we've seen
[03:51:52] from past republican nominees, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush. I think there's a similar
[03:51:58] tone that's being struck. I do think where the rubber on this John is, do republicans
[03:52:04] do moderates? Do they actually believe Kamala Harris's conversion on key issues? Do they
[03:52:09] actually believe that she is going to be moderate on issues of energy exploration?
[03:52:14] Do they actually believe she's going to cut taxes for the middle class? That's
[03:52:17] really where I think voters are going to have to make a decision. The outreach
[03:52:21] makes sense. There's no question from a demographic perspective that makes sense. But the substance
[03:52:26] we'll see and that's why these interviews and debates become so important to see how legitimate
[03:52:31] and how real her conversion on these issues really is.
[03:52:35] Matt?
[03:52:38] Yeah, I pretty much agree with that. And look, I think it's important to emphasize
[03:52:41] that she has spent three and a half years as vice president traveling the country, traveling
[03:52:46] the world, talking to Americans and learning a lot about what works and doesn't work
[03:52:51] legislatively. So I think that her kind of evolution policy-wise makes perfect sense. You know,
[03:52:59] she hasn't changed her principles at all. If you look at JD Vance, he's changed a whole bunch of
[03:53:03] his principles. What she has changed instead is the kinds of policies she wants to pursue
[03:53:08] to reach the ends. And I think that will make sense to voters. And I also think, to your point,
[03:53:15] reaching... Yeah, she hasn't changed her principles at all.
[03:53:17] fall. The marketing downfall of Kamala Harris. What is this?
[03:53:22] Hi, so I have a master's degree in business and today I'm going to use my God, this, this
[03:53:27] content creator always does like crazy marketing videos, the marketing strategy of Kamala Harris's
[03:53:33] campaign and ultimately why I believe if she continues with the horrible marketing strategy
[03:53:38] she has been employing, why she will ultimately end up losing the presidency to Donald
[03:53:42] Trump. So obviously this is a highly emotional and contentious topic for a
[03:53:46] lot of people but the reason why I did want to speak on it is that I think
[03:53:50] there's a lot of parallels to be drawn between the marketing of a product and
[03:53:53] the marketing of a political candidate and while I wish that wasn't the case
[03:53:57] because I wish that politics was less of an exercise in personal branding and
[03:54:01] more of a deeper discussion on substantive policies that will
[03:54:05] actually be impacting the everyday lives of human beings that just
[03:54:09] simply is not the case. And although I'm not American, I am Canadian, your elections have
[03:54:13] consequences for the entire world. So I think anybody that wants to put their dude, I love
[03:54:17] this. I love this guy's videos. Okay. Sorry. We're going to watch this because I truly
[03:54:23] do want to hear before you say silence, Canadian. Okay. I want to hear a non political
[03:54:34] analysis from a pure marketing standpoint. I think it'll be entertaining. I have better
[03:54:39] instincts than you in terms of what is annotating and was not.
[03:54:43] Their two cents in is allowed to. So based on my objective analysis,
[03:54:47] I believe that Kamala Harris' campaign is built upon very flawed marketing strategy
[03:54:52] that is very heavily relying on superficial social media engagement, identity politics,
[03:54:58] and a highly crafted and tightly controlled public image of her persona that is so far
[03:55:04] move from the reality of who she is and so socially and media engineered to the point
[03:55:10] that is essentially a house of cards that is doomed to collapse.
[03:55:13] Oh my god.
[03:55:14] So the first marketing strategy that Kamala Harris is going to...
[03:55:16] Now you want me to talk?
[03:55:17] Yes, I do.
[03:55:19] He's fucking cooking.
[03:55:21] Shut up.
[03:55:22] And we are all collectively experiencing...
[03:55:24] Shut up.
[03:55:25] Shut up.
[03:55:26] ...using it, whether we realize it or not, is the blank slate strategy.
[03:55:31] This is essentially where she is being intentionally vague and ambiguous in the language that she
[03:55:36] uses and the way that she appears publicly in order to take advantage of the psychological
[03:55:40] phenomenon of projection.
[03:55:42] Because if you are extremely vague and generic and say some of the right words without specifically
[03:55:46] committing to policies or being very clear about what your values are, human beings
[03:55:51] will simply project on to you what they want to see.
[03:55:53] Progressives will see here as extremely progressive and forward.
[03:55:56] Oh my god, and this only works if your candidate is truly charismatic enough to the in-group.
[03:56:07] It's already like a failure of a strategy in general, but like it is the same reason why people
[03:56:14] refuse to fucking refuse to recognize that like Trump's policies are actually inherently harmful
[03:56:21] to that. Okay. Straight up. When he says identity focus, I don't think he's saying like Kamala
[03:56:31] Harris is using identity politics. I think he's saying the campaign strategy also high,
[03:56:35] the campaign strategy heightens that to a certain degree. That's the only thing I disagree
[03:56:40] with him on, by the way. I don't think that Kamala Harris has actually done any kind
[03:56:44] of like identity politics is at all in their forward correspondence in the way that
[03:56:49] they present themselves, even in the way of defending against attacks from Donald Trump,
[03:56:54] which I think is actually pretty effective. I'm very smart. I must be too online. I love
[03:57:02] this guy. He has great takes. You have become what? Unbearably confident. We're thinking
[03:57:20] more moderate voters will see her as somebody that's a little bit more measured. And you
[03:57:24] can kind of see reasoning behind why they're doing it. I don't think it's completely
[03:57:27] stupid, but I think it is doomed to fail because although it is working in the short
[03:57:32] She's going to eventually be put into scenarios like debates where she will be forced to take firm
[03:57:36] stances on topics and because she hasn't done that intellectual work to decide where she really lands on these important issues
[03:57:42] She may end up looking unqualified for the job
[03:57:45] So the next issue with the blank slate strategy is the only reason it's even remotely effective is specifically because she is solely
[03:57:51] relying on identity politics and although I completely understand and respect the excitement associated with
[03:57:57] with nominating the first woman president, the first black woman president, the first...
[03:58:01] I don't think she's running an identity politics campaign at all, but I do think that her identity
[03:58:06] factors into the excitement, and it's not just that she's a woman, a black woman,
[03:58:11] or a black Indian woman. It's actually the fact that she's younger, okay?
[03:58:19] I think that they have actually, expertly not played this like,
[03:58:25] You have to offer me to break the glass ceiling type shit that Hillary Clinton was doing
[03:58:31] Okay
[03:58:35] But I do believe that those factors
[03:58:39] That we you know use the shorthand she's not fighting to describe
[03:58:44] our major players
[03:58:46] In her immediate
[03:58:49] In her immediate boost
[03:58:54] Okay, that's it
[03:58:56] She surprisingly has not done any of the fucking awful Hillary Clinton style identity politics
[03:59:04] campaigning, which have proven not to work. Joe Biden also never really did that either.
[03:59:12] And you know, cause he couldn't cause he's like a 80 year old racist. But I think that
[03:59:20] I don't think that she's like being like, Oh, I'm going to be the first black South
[03:59:25] Asian American woman to be president or blah, blah, blah. I don't think she's saying that.
[03:59:30] But I do think that the campaign is currently relying on the difference between the juxtaposition
[03:59:35] between her and Joe Biden, including being young, younger for South Asian American black
[03:59:45] woman president. And that's something that is exciting and something that will understandably
[03:59:49] galvanize a certain demographic of the population that will vote for her solely based on that
[03:59:54] alone do not believe it is a substitute for an actionable policy platform that will actually
[03:59:59] impact the lives of the American people because people are currently suffering economically
[04:00:04] and they want to understand and feel secure in the fact that you have a plan to ameliorate their
[04:00:08] suffering. So it seems like her campaign is relying on the sole fact that people will be
[04:00:13] so excited to vote for the first black woman that they will be willing to overlook the
[04:00:17] fact that she doesn't have a true vision for the country. Like I don't think it's because
[04:00:20] I don't think it's because people are excited to vote for the first black woman.
[04:00:26] I think the campaign is thinking people are so excited it's not Biden.
[04:00:32] Like there is some truth to what he's saying here, but if you only came in here to understand
[04:00:38] what was going on, you, you would be led astray because the Kamala Harris campaign
[04:00:44] is not actually using identity politics at all.
[04:00:48] And I do think that that's a good thing overall, but the real reason as to why there is a lot
[04:00:52] of momentum behind the Harris camp is because she's not Biden.
[04:00:59] And to a certain demographic that was tired, the double haters that the media used to talk
[04:01:04] about a lot.
[04:01:05] She's not Trump either.
[04:01:06] She's not Trump and she's not Biden.
[04:01:08] I do not believe that it's something that should be relied upon, especially in the
[04:01:12] context of the United States, where the election will be decided based upon tens of thousands
[04:01:16] votes in specific swing states. And the other issue with this lack of a policy platform is it
[04:01:22] leaves her very vulnerable to attacks from Donald Trump because they can project any image onto her
[04:01:26] that they want and she has no reasonable way to articulate a defense to them because she doesn't
[04:01:31] really stand for anything. So the next issue that I have with the Kamala Harris campaign is
[04:01:36] they seem to be very heavily relying on social media engagement as well as celebrity endorsements
[04:01:41] to create this sort of image of widespread popularity. The issue with using social media
[04:01:46] as a way to evaluate the current success of the Kamala Harris camp.
[04:01:50] He's cooking dude. I think he's saying without policy identity is all there is. It's kind
[04:01:58] of how right wing is interpreter perhaps. Pain is that social media metrics can be
[04:02:05] extremely inflated and very misleading because a huge demographic on TikTok for example
[04:02:10] are people under the age of 18. They will not be voting. And it's also in further
[04:02:15] inflated by the fact that many people on TikTok are in international countries who just enjoy
[04:02:19] watching the politics for the show of it like me, but we will not be voting in the election
[04:02:24] so it can lead her campaign to be in a place where they are overestimating their grassroots
[04:02:28] support when in reality they don't have it because it doesn't really exist. So the danger
[04:02:32] is that this perceived popularity may not translate into actual votes, particularly in
[04:02:36] the swing states, which will be the deciding factors of this election. And her campaign's
[04:02:40] obsession with social media and viral moments and celebrity cultures further illustrated by the
[04:02:45] decisions they're making by having Megan Thee Stallion twerking on stage or thinking it was a
[04:02:50] good idea to have Oprah Winfrey appear at the DNC talking about the middle class because they
[04:02:54] clearly do not have an understanding that the average American and average person absolutely despises
[04:02:59] celebrities does not want to be talked down to from them and will not be voting based upon
[04:03:04] who they endorse. And I'll go even further that I think it does the complete opposite
[04:03:08] of what they're trying to accomplish, the mere presence of Oprah Winfrey will directly
[04:03:13] result in people voting against Kamala Harris because of how much people despise celebrity
[04:03:18] culture and despise billionaires like Oprah Winfrey and everything that-
[04:03:24] No, he's not wrong. Yeah, he's not wrong. Well, man, I don't know why he hates Oprah so much.
[04:03:29] He was close, but people love celebrities. No. In terms of the political dynamic,
[04:03:34] Well, people do like celebrities.
[04:03:39] When is the last time you've ever fucking seen a person be swayed in a specific direction
[04:03:44] because celebrities told them if that was the case, then Hillary Clinton would have been
[04:03:49] president in 2016.
[04:03:51] They ran on a lot of the same mistakes.
[04:03:57] They ran on a lot of the same fucking mistakes, dude.
[04:04:03] Some people love celebrities, but plenty of other people also hate that very same celebrity.
[04:04:10] won't vote against her but they will 100% stay home if they're told to Pokemon go to the polls.
[04:04:14] Yeah, I think the view annoying lives so much in these streams that chat makes me,
[04:04:31] chat makes the mistake of thinking they're the average American, what? They despise billionaires
[04:04:42] so why would anyone vote for Trump? No, you don't understand. He's not talking about,
[04:04:48] I don't think he's talking about like converting Trump supporters into Kamala lovers, dude.
[04:04:53] He's talking about people in the fucking margins. Will you be able to pick up random people?
[04:05:01] Will you be able to pick up more people? If every step that you are taking, when you have
[04:05:13] 68 days until the election, every step that you're taking has to be in the right direction, okay?
[04:05:20] Trump was literally a cultural figure. Celebrity before he ran for office,
[04:05:22] people, less celebrities, this dude is really wrong. People already had name recognition for Trump
[04:05:30] because he was a television personality, which played in his favor when he was running as an
[04:05:36] anti-establishment candidate against an unfavorable, unlike establishment Democrat.
[04:05:41] Fox News showcasing some belt in Sam Poles coming out. Georgia Harris up 50% to 48.
[04:06:08] Nevada Harris up 50% to 48. This is the post convention bump.
[04:06:12] Arizona Harris up 50% to 49. North Carolina Trump up 50% to 49%. People voted for Trump because he
[04:06:35] ran on bringing back jobs and said the American dream was dead not because it was a TV personality.
[04:06:39] He also said all the politicians are fucking phonies and I paid for them. And that I'm a good
[04:06:45] billionaire or I'm a good rich person and I'm going to run the country like a business and
[04:06:50] Americans love that rhetoric. They're so fucking stupid. Yeah, these polls aren't good by the
[04:06:56] the way I just want to let you know like they're within a margin of victory with the exception
[04:07:03] of like the governor's race, which seemingly has not translated to Kamala Harris, Nevada
[04:07:14] Senate race, Rosen up 55 to 41% and Arizona Senate race, Gallego 51 to 36 over Lake have
[04:07:25] not had upstream positive consequences for the top of the ticket. This is the exact same
[04:07:32] problem that Biden was running into. And it became a larger issue. Obviously, Kerry Lake
[04:07:38] is a separate situation in a vessel and yet another L for the Republican strategists out
[04:07:45] there that are making, I don't know, all the worst decisions. But Biden had these exact
[04:07:56] same problems. What do you think of Alex Ebers new sub stack article supporting the idea of
[04:08:16] a border wall from a left wing perspective? Dude, the border wall is just a symbol, dude.
[04:08:22] It is dumb as fuck. It is a waste of money. Okay. Like, it's literally just a win an argument
[04:08:30] for the dumbest people on the planet. That's all the border wall is is not doing shit.
[04:08:40] I don't give a fuck about what leftist position there is to like fund a border wall. Okay,
[04:08:44] the fuck out of here. It was bad when Trump was pushing for it, especially because he
[04:08:52] used it as a symbol of racism. And it's still fucking bad. It's still stupid. It's crazy
[04:09:12] to me that we're now advocating for the board, like how quickly do things change? Oh my
[04:09:17] God. Like that's nuts, dude. The entire Democratic Party was unified against this
[04:09:24] border wall calling it fucking racist and shit and now there's Democrats being like well actually
[04:09:30] what about a leftist perspective like it didn't happen 10 years ago it was four years ago man
[04:09:47] that she stands for and if I was to summarize the core problem with the personal brand of Kamala
[04:09:51] Harris and something that I think will continue to bubble underneath the surface of her campaign
[04:09:56] until inevitably explodes it is an authenticity issue and the perfect example of this is the
[04:10:02] The glaring contradiction of the fact that Kamala Harris is using TikTok as a way to influence
[04:10:07] young people to vote for her, to make it appear like she cares about their issues, and that
[04:10:12] she hears them, when in reality she is part of the administration that introduced legislation
[04:10:17] to ban the app, which is the most insane violation of freedom of speech I have seen
[04:10:22] in my entire lifetime, and if she does become president in November, come January,
[04:10:26] the app is set to be taken away from the app store forever.
[04:10:29] They literally banned the app because of lobbying from Mark Zuckerberg because instead of spending
[04:10:34] money on his own app, improving Instagram, he would rather take out his competitor altogether
[04:10:39] and because we have a completely corrupt government, he's able to do that.
[04:10:44] So I can't even imagine the fact that she's been able to run this campaign and has
[04:10:48] not been questioned about this glaring contradiction.
[04:10:51] And this brings us, of course, to the most obvious question, which is why hasn't she
[04:10:54] been questioned about this or really anything important?
[04:10:58] And the reason is that her campaign officials know that she has a historic-
[04:11:02] Y'all are so caught up in him saying we because he admitted that he's Canadian and you're literally fucking missing the forest for the trees.
[04:11:08] And it's annoying.
[04:11:13] He is one-
[04:11:15] Hey!
[04:11:19] He is one-hundo-p right.
[04:11:22] Not 90p.
[04:11:24] One-hundo-p.
[04:11:28] Okay?
[04:11:30] No, he's right.
[04:11:31] He's absolutely right, dude.
[04:11:32] It's fucking ridiculous.
[04:11:33] they're like, Oh, look at us. We're doing Brad summer memes on TikTok. It wasn't that
[04:11:37] long ago when they were like, Oh, TikTok is a Chinese scythe. That's like causing American
[04:11:43] teens to be anti-Semitic. And we have to ban it instantly. And now they're like, Oh, look
[04:11:50] at all the TikTok names that we got for the campaign. It's fucking bullshit. He's right.
[04:11:54] But framing it as the biggest issue is weird. It's not. I don't even think he's
[04:11:57] framing it as like the biggest issue. It's a big issue for the Gen Z voter block,
[04:12:02] likely, but it is fucking ridiculous that like that the moment that someone asked them about
[04:12:14] this question, she's she has no answer. It's the same idiotic hypocrisy demonstrated by Republicans.
[04:12:34] Okay. When Republicans are like, Oh yeah, abortion is murder, but also some states should be
[04:12:39] allowed to do murders is a fucking ridiculous argument to make. Oh, TikTok is like this
[04:12:47] incredibly anti-Semitic Chinese scyop. But also he claimed to be objective in the beginning,
[04:12:57] but this whole analysis is anything but in my opinion, he's giving ideological critisiver.
[04:13:00] I thought we were getting a marketing assessment of her campaign. I think he is giving a marketing
[04:13:04] assessment of her campaign. And I happen to agree with some of the things that he's saying.
[04:13:08] Like, I don't think this person is like a secret Trump supporter. You know what I mean?
[04:13:19] I think he's saying, I think he is saying personally that
[04:13:24] that Kamala Harris running a campaign,
[04:13:27] devoid of issues that will be helpful to people.
[04:13:32] Okay.
[04:13:34] Bro, when you say a lot of things he's saying
[04:13:42] is from Fox News, yeah, we just watched a Fox News video
[04:13:44] saying that the Israel,
[04:13:46] the anti-Israel protests will be Kamala Harris's
[04:13:48] October surprise potentially.
[04:13:50] I said that months ago.
[04:13:54] And now Fox News is saying, I said that a month ago.
[04:13:56] Now Fox News is saying it.
[04:13:57] Does that make it wrong? No, I also said the right is going to hit her on her flip flop
[04:14:06] on the border wall. Also, people saying that she's light on policy is not just a Fox news
[04:14:12] argument at all. Don't try to polarize against or for one particular viewpoint in an effort
[04:14:19] to defend Kamala Harris in this situation, because while Fox news has been saying, where
[04:14:26] are the policies? Where are the policies? There's no policies. You know who else
[04:14:29] the same that now? CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and the Hassanabbi broadcast as well. It's just
[04:14:38] a fact. How are all these liberals deluded themselves again? Did you dumb fucking liberals
[04:14:46] learn absolutely nothing from 2016? Americans all feel like things are shitty and nothing
[04:14:49] is changing. People want fucking money in their bank and feel like they can ignore
[04:14:52] politics and afford groceries. Liberals are stuck in memes and social media. Yeah. Yeah.
[04:14:58] I think that shit is dumb. Claiming you can't criticize Harris or else you're using
[04:15:00] Republican talking boys are ridiculous. I don't even think that person was cynically
[04:15:04] doing that. I think a lot of people are just like trained without realizing to do that.
[04:15:09] They internalize that. Like I don't think that person was saying that to be shitty.
[04:15:18] It's true she's lied on policy but he's bringing that up as a criticism about Harris while
[04:15:20] Trump has never had a policy. This person is not a political commentator. Number one,
[04:15:24] this person is also not doing a video on Donald Trump's marketing. Maybe they have
[04:15:28] done a video on Donald Trump's marketing. If they made a video on Donald Trump's marketing
[04:15:31] initiatives and then he said that it was a banger and it was really successful
[04:15:35] then I would have some criticism of that. So far though, I'm interpreting what he's saying as like
[04:15:41] a decent critique. Cool tendency to say extremely stupid things and make very dumb gaffes when she
[04:15:53] goes off script. When she's reading off script, she's good, she's charismatic, she hits her points.
[04:15:58] When she is asked a question that is in any way she's unprepared to answer,
[04:16:04] she makes huge mistakes. Here are a few that she's done before.
[04:16:07] At one point, she said three times, three times in three separate videos, that 220 million
[04:16:14] Americans died from COVID.
[04:16:16] She obviously meant to say, not that because there's 300 million Americans.
[04:16:20] I think we would know if they all died from COVID.
[04:16:23] Another time, she was visiting the DMC, which is...
[04:16:25] Okay, first of all, there's 330 million Americans.
[04:16:38] Kamala Harris Offscript is prone to gaffes.
[04:16:42] I think Kamel Harris in a debate setting might do well, but Kamel Harris off script when
[04:16:47] talking to the media or when delivering a speech. Not very great. Okay. Having said that,
[04:16:56] however, will she be good? Has she gotten enough training? Her, her, uh, democratic
[04:17:03] national convention speech was a scripted speech. It was decent. Obviously I hated
[04:17:09] the things that she said in it, but in terms of like delivery, it was a decent speech.
[04:17:16] Anyway, let's continue.
[04:17:17] The demilitarized zone in South Korea, and she praised the Republic of North Korea and said
[04:17:22] that she would want it to be allies with them, and she didn't realize that it was South Korea.
[04:17:26] And then she obviously says word salad a lot where we don't understand the context of all
[04:17:31] in which she lives and where she came for her pretend to be one of my favorite quotes from
[04:17:35] her. She said, it is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day,
[04:17:41] every day it is time. And this is just the reality. She is not good speaking off the cuff,
[04:17:46] she knows it and her campaign knows it. If you need further proof, let's watch how she answered a
[04:17:51] very simple question on inflation. And also, what else are you going to do to fix this problem
[04:17:57] with inflation? Thank you. Well, let's start with this. Prices have gone up and families and
[04:18:10] individuals are dealing with the realities of the bread cost more, the gas cost more.
[04:18:20] And we have to understand what that means. That's about the cost of living going up.
[04:18:25] And the reason why I'm showing you this is so you understand the fragility of such a
[04:18:28] tightly controlled image when she's inevitably put into a high pressure environment like
[04:18:33] a debate or an interview where she has to answer questions and she can't articulate
[04:18:36] herself. This crafted idea that she's an extremely confident person gets shot.
[04:18:41] He's mangy paws, bro. Come on. She just, it's like the Ukraine speech.
[04:18:47] It's like when she was talking about Ukraine, when they were like,
[04:18:52] when she was like, Ukraine is a nation that is bordering Russia, a much larger nation.
[04:19:02] And let's make one thing clear Russia is a nation that's much larger and bordering Ukraine and Russia
[04:19:11] invaded Ukraine and that's wrong. Bro the Ukraine thing was on normie radio show where they had
[04:19:25] specifically asked her to explain it to people who don't know anything about the region or news
[04:19:27] Lamel. I know but it comes across the inflation thing that she's answering is not that situation
[04:19:33] And it sounds identical to that.
[04:19:35] She basically, she just described what inflation is.
[04:19:40] The person didn't ask like, could you explain to the uninitiated what inflation means?
[04:19:45] Jewish labor bond? I think you just hate black women.
[04:19:56] Yeah, I mean classic.
[04:20:01] I would like to see what she has to say for the rest of that conversation in terms of like what she would do to deal with inflation.
[04:20:07] They already have decent policies that they've presented before.
[04:20:10] I want more charisma from Kamala Harris, and I want more bold
[04:20:16] proclamations from Kamala Harris. Okay? And if she wants to win, she's going to have to keep up that energy immediately.
[04:20:27] So if Kamala Harris really wants to win this election, she needs to radically and quickly move away from the superficial hollow rhetoric that she's been engaging in and put together a substantial policy platform.
[04:20:39] families and individuals are dealing with the realities of, of the.
[04:20:45] I think the coconut trees were solid. No, I actually defend the coconut tree argument
[04:20:51] all the time. I think the coconut tree one is not worth salad at all. It's actually brilliant
[04:20:58] and insightful. There are, however, obviously fucking, you know, moments where it is word
[04:21:07] That bread costs more, that gas costs more.
[04:21:11] And we have to understand what that means.
[04:21:14] That's about the cost of living going up.
[04:21:17] That's about having to stress and stretch limited resources.
[04:21:22] That's about a source of stress for families
[04:21:25] that is not only economic, but is on a daily level,
[04:21:29] something that is a heavy weight to carry.
[04:21:31] So it is something that we take very seriously,
[04:21:34] very seriously.
[04:21:36] And we know from the history of this issue
[04:21:37] in the United States that when you see these prices go up,
[04:21:41] it has a direct impact on the quality of life for.
[04:21:48] Megafaunix.
[04:21:55] Okay, this is a world salad.
[04:21:57] Dog, she just keeps repeating what inflation is
[04:22:02] and how it hurts people.
[04:22:06] This is literally when you have, yeah.
[04:22:12] This is a Selena Meier moment, okay?
[04:22:16] But one of the best parts about this
[04:22:18] that this is probably one of the most human moments that she's had because who amongst us
[04:22:24] has not had a situation where they go up to the front of the class and deliver like their homework
[04:22:32] or something or an issue that they were supposed to study and they did not study at all. Okay,
[04:22:39] I've done this. This is book report shit where you do not fucking know a single damn thing
[04:22:46] that is in the book and you're just sitting there and you're like well you
[04:22:52] know Tom Sawyer was a man but oh can you grab my here I had some stuff outside
[04:23:05] can you grab it oh oh that's okay yeah no I don't want it now but can you bring
[04:23:13] that to the bridge put that in the bridge with this too thank you oh
[04:23:21] No, it'll fall all people in our country. So it's a big issue and we take it seriously and it who the fuck is this megafaunix person law always chirping like daily
[04:23:38] They have megafaunix
[04:23:40] You've made a name for yourself in the chat
[04:23:43] Dude, she's 60 years old. This is another deal with a schoolbook report
[04:23:52] And it is a priority there for so we have addressed it in a number of ways one of the
[04:24:01] the issues that we know is related to this is.
[04:24:05] I tell him, I tell him, we just discussed.
[04:24:08] So you're holding the autobiography of Mathemax along with Alex Haley.
[04:24:11] I don't know how far you are into the book, but what's your biggest takeaway so far?
[04:24:16] I kind of just started a couple of days ago, but I've read a lot of notes over the years.
[04:24:23] It's my first time actually reading it from start to finish.
[04:24:27] which is a very, very smart man, very, very, very smart man.
[04:24:34] And basically his words in the sixties
[04:24:42] and what was going on is actually what's going on today,
[04:24:45] steel.
[04:24:47] What are you guys saying that, oh wow.
[04:24:51] Classic white supremacists saying that a black man
[04:24:54] is not one capable of reading
[04:24:57] two I'm gonna double down on this are you guys saying that he's wrong are you
[04:25:03] saying that he's wrong oh I'm sorry I didn't realize white supremacy in the
[04:25:10] exact same ways that it unfolded in the fucking 60s during the civil rights
[04:25:14] movement was not very much an element in American society right now take the
[04:25:20] clan robes off take him off is he wrong he's not wrong now people might
[04:25:30] I say people might say, I saw on you literally this exact same
[04:25:38] announcement from many, many decades.
[04:25:40] So here he is remembering certain key parts, like key details from a briefing
[04:25:46] that he was a part of.
[04:25:47] And he's using that to be like, look at how many things I know.
[04:25:51] It's literally, I've been in this situation when I was a kid and I didn't
[04:25:55] do the fucking reading and I had to go in front of the classroom and
[04:25:59] deliver a presentation on some shit
[04:26:01] that I totally could not fucking remember, okay?
[04:26:05] And we've all been in this situation
[04:26:06] where you're like, I didn't really fucking
[04:26:08] read this well enough.
[04:26:09] I didn't do the writing, I didn't do the reading.
[04:26:11] I have no fucking clue what the hell's going on.
[04:26:14] I'm just going to pick certain parts that I do remember
[04:26:17] and I'm just gonna blast them out into your face
[04:26:20] in the general vicinity of whatever the fuck we're reading.
[04:26:23] That's exactly what's happening here.
[04:26:26] Did China, India, 22 people have died?
[04:26:29] I remember, I'm the rememberer of things, I'm the greatest understander.
[04:26:33] The reason I say this is even if you don't believe this particular piece of intelligence
[04:26:36] and there is dispute, no doubt there is dispute in the intelligence community about it, your
[04:26:41] former, John Nicholson, former head of forces in Afghanistan said, this is when he was
[04:26:46] working for you, that Russia is supplying weapons to the Taliban.
[04:26:52] Anyway, yeah, Trump does this shit all the time too.
[04:27:12] You had the debate Lord speaking cadence back then?
[04:27:14] No, I didn't.
[04:27:17] Dude, people just genuinely do not have the mental faculties
[04:27:22] to understand that like if you change one fucking piece
[04:27:25] of equipment in your streaming setup,
[04:27:28] like if you change your condenser
[04:27:30] or if you change like your roadcaster,
[04:27:33] that it automatically changes the way
[04:27:35] that you hear my voice.
[04:27:37] So they think I fucking hit puberty
[04:27:40] at the age of like 20, at the age of 29.
[04:27:45] Okay.
[04:27:46] Like I don't know how to react to people who are like,
[04:27:49] wow, you had such a baby voice back then.
[04:27:53] Wow, it's like dog.
[04:27:57] I was 29 back then, I'm 33 now.
[04:28:00] Are you fucking stupid?
[04:28:06] It's just the processing that changed.
[04:28:22] Brother, your voice does change in some people
[04:28:24] when they hit 30, you know that, right?
[04:28:25] Oh my God. Oh my God. Dude, it was a joke, brother. No jokes allowed. No, there are people who unironically are saying in unhinged shit in the chat right now.
[04:28:37] I'm glad I read one of them. I'm glad I read one of them before I read your comment where you're like, Oh, people are just joking. It's fucking annoying. Anyway, getting back to this.
[04:28:54] is, LeBron is right. And I believe that he read the Malcolm X biography. And one of the
[04:29:00] things that he says is like, Oh, I just started reading it. And like the very same problems
[04:29:04] that existed back then exist now, it would hit hits home. It's like, and he's right
[04:29:08] about that. Like, obviously, why supremacy is a massive problem as it was back then.
[04:29:14] I didn't understand any of the, how powerful the Negro can be.
[04:29:21] He used that word a lot.
[04:29:22] How powerful we are.
[04:29:24] Yeah, I got nothing on that one.
[04:29:38] I just know that's so...
[04:29:41] He said they used that word a lot.
[04:29:43] Like, that's the message.
[04:29:45] He said they used that word a lot.
[04:29:47] Like, that was the main message from Malcolm X's biography.
[04:29:52] Yeah, that's a man who hasn't read the book.
[04:29:55] I can't even I can't even jokingly fucking sit here. I can't even jokingly sit here and fucking defend that shit
[04:30:03] but we have to unite
[04:30:08] And we have to be together. We have to stand strong because there's always gonna be obstacles. It's also be
[04:30:14] You know things are gonna be thrown at us where they try to weaken us
[04:30:17] They try to fill up make us feel like we're not kings and queens
[04:30:22] And it's gonna come from all you know different races and different sex shapes and sizes and things that nature
[04:30:28] And he's a very powerful minded gentleman.
[04:30:34] And it's unbelievable to kind of read something that's coming directly from him.
[04:30:41] I just hate to wish I had an opportunity to meet him.
[04:30:49] Obviously, we know what the situation will happen tomorrow.
[04:30:52] Not only him, but Dr. Monique DeKane, some of the greats that will walk this face of
[04:30:57] are not only just here in America but in the space there so it's a pretty pretty interesting book
[04:31:06] I mean look at his face he looks like he got caught shitting his pants dude
[04:31:15] like he's like was this convincing fuck man anyway um the point is I love him and I will glaze him
[04:31:29] why? Because he puts numbers on the fucking board. Okay. That's why. And you would overlook
[04:31:41] a lot of Kamala Harris is like weird shit. If she to put numbers on the fucking board,
[04:31:48] if she was running around being like, yeah, we're going to give you free healthcare.
[04:31:52] I promise you, I promise you, you wouldn't give a shit about any of this. But if,
[04:31:59] If she's not running around doing that, if she was the LeBron of politics, is what I mean,
[04:32:06] okay?
[04:32:07] If she had like a career average of almost 30 fucking points, okay, over the span of 21
[04:32:13] goddamn years, per game, politically speaking, she would have to be mal-reincarnated with
[04:32:24] how'd she meant merging into one person if she was like LeBron. So if she was doing that,
[04:32:39] okay, in terms of her policy, ain't nobody would give a shit if she read the Malcolm X book or not.
[04:32:55] And so on a domestic level in terms of domestic policy, one of the approaches we have taken is
[04:33:00] to work with labor unions and to work with municipalities and opening back up and extending
[04:33:06] the hours of our ports. LeBron isn't close to 30 points per game only MJ. Oh I'm sorry I forgot
[04:33:12] that LeBron is implying against fucking plumbers. Shut up for the 100 gift subs Jaeger 08 Larson.
[04:33:36] There are actually three I have in mind Los Angeles, Long Beach and Savannah. I mean in fact part
[04:33:41] of the infrastructure bill benefit is most recently what we will do to assist Savannah in
[04:33:48] broadening their ability to be an active port and we've seen a reduction in the
[04:33:54] in the container ships off of the Long Beach and LA ports because of what we
[04:34:00] have done which is to extend as you know the 24 or to extend the hours to now
[04:34:04] 24 hours a day seven days a week but there is also a point that is
[04:34:09] important to make on the Build Back Better framework. One it is designed to
[04:34:16] make it less expensive for working people to live. It was specifically designed to bring
[04:34:24] down the costs of childcare and increase accessibility and availability, designed to bring down the
[04:34:32] cost of elder care and make it available to all those working families that need that
[04:34:38] That support didn't need that help.
[04:34:41] And Build Back Better is not going to cost anything, we're paying for it.
[04:34:49] So when we can get Build Back Better passed, and we are optimistic that we will, the American
[04:34:55] people will see costs actually reduced around some of the most essential services that
[04:35:01] they need to take care of their basic responsibilities, including issues like child care and elder
[04:35:08] care and also preschool and that's an important point to mention also and in fact I had some
[04:35:12] conversations here in France, including with the Minister of Education in France about
[04:35:17] the again global impact of the pandemic on child care but also on education and in
[04:35:23] particular for our youngest children, universal pre-k when we're able to do that three
[04:35:28] and four years old, getting education at no cost, what that is going to do in terms of
[04:35:35] not only supporting working families who otherwise can't afford to put their kids in a private
[04:35:42] situation and otherwise don't have it available. That's going to have a huge impact on lowering
[04:35:46] the cost for families. So that is a big part of it.
[04:35:49] She had a shit start, but the lawyer genes kicked in by the end of it.
[04:35:58] It's still not great, but she was reminded of what Build Back Better is and reminded
[04:36:06] of the Inflation Reduction Act.
[04:36:07] So she was like, here are some of the signature accomplishments that we're pushing for in terms
[04:36:11] of the administration's legislative agenda.
[04:36:14] It took her like a while to fucking wind up to that, okay.
[04:36:23] I suspect she was just like looking through the fact sheet in front of her, but regardless my points don't stand in terms of like
[04:36:42] Like I'll admit this was a lot better of a finish than the start for sure
[04:36:50] I think a lot of people forget that we used to say that she's like barred the fuck out and even early on
[04:36:57] When the swap was supposed to happen
[04:37:00] I kept saying Kamala Harris needs to get off the fucking sauce instantly
[04:37:04] and get on some goddamn uppers. Okay? For this reason, because she does come across like a little fucking suited.
[04:37:13] It's important to remember. All right, let's finish this video off and articulate a very clear vision that she has for the country.
[04:37:24] If she does, I not only think she will win the presidency, but all three branches of government potentially laying the groundwork for actual transformational change.
[04:37:31] Okay, like this guy's just chirping the fuck does he know about yeah, dude
[04:37:36] Like I don't think he's like clue it in on
[04:37:41] All of the fucking Senate races and in all the house races that are going on okay
[04:37:47] Like I don't think Kamala Harris can salvage that with good policies personally sure a popular
[04:37:54] there. Yeah, you also can't win the judiciary. Well, unless you're the Republican party,
[04:38:01] because the Republican party has won the judiciary, let's be real. Okay. I think when he said branches,
[04:38:11] he meant like the House, the Senate and the White House. But dog, we ain't win them Montana.
[04:38:16] I mean, that could happen. He used the wrong term, but I think he meant House of Representative
[04:38:26] Senate and the White House, but will you cover the Korean main group chat? Is my
[04:38:48] adult? Probably not. Isn't it? Is that the fucking massive like AI porn one? Yeah,
[04:39:01] dude, Korea, dude, gender wars. I often talk about how like gender wars is
[04:39:06] annoying in America. But gender wars is like gender holocaust in fucking
[04:39:12] Korea. Okay. Like if we're doing gender wars here on American TikTok, they're doing gender
[04:39:19] Holocaust at fucking South Korea. But it is so fucking crazy. I remember looking into
[04:39:34] it a little bit during like the four B shit, like the four B movement stuff where I was
[04:39:38] like, this is not a good solution. Everybody needs to be crazy. I mean, everybody needs
[04:39:43] to not be crazy. Sorry. Like the swearing off man seems like pretty crazy. And then I
[04:39:49] looked into like some of the worst aspects of the gender wars in South Korea and I was
[04:39:53] like, never mind. It's actually pretty valid. I didn't realize it was like that. My bad. No
[04:39:58] disrespect. No disrespect to the Korean women you deserve to stay the fuck away from the
[04:40:04] Korean men. Holy shit. It's pretty fucking nuts over there. Okay. I don't know what
[04:40:11] the hell's going on? So yeah, just drip your in cell. But yeah, TLDR career recently had
[04:40:22] a telegram of I believe 1,200 plus people in it all filled with AI deep fake porn on university
[04:40:27] students is super intense for bees. Honestly, so just why because I have discussed in this
[04:40:31] stuff is recently a K-pop idol got thrown out of sex crimes got thrown out of sex thrown
[04:40:37] out for sex crimes because a 12 year old for six plus years is a lot. Yeah, they were
[04:40:46] doing like a deep fake AI porn of like people do they know and shit it's really fucked up
[04:41:01] right what it's a it's 220,000 people wait what thousand okay we'll look at this in a
[04:41:27] second and if she doesn't i think she will simply become a cautionary tale of someone
[04:41:30] who sought the highest office in the land without action there's more people in the
[04:41:35] group chat than there were babies born in South Korea last year yeah no shit dude it's
[04:41:39] fucking hyper capitalism yo South Korea is crazy dude holy shit Korea unification now brother oh my
[04:41:49] god actually oh my god america really fucked korea in general dude can you imagine can you imagine
[04:42:00] korea having its like china style moment right now if america didn't decide to you know make
[04:42:11] arbitrary boundaries and they were like, you know what, we'll let the USSR allow, we'll let the USSR
[04:42:18] fund and facilitate and support the Korean communist movement that was objectively popular, both in
[04:42:28] fucking North and South Korea. God damn. Well, think about that, dude. That's what I'm saying.
[04:42:39] they would have bet first of all North Korea wouldn't be like what it is now obviously
[04:42:46] um you know they wouldn't have been um they would not have had to
[04:42:52] suffer i have to do it i have to do it to them please cover afghan women please talk about afghan
[04:43:11] women afghan women can no longer speak in public afghanistan afghanistan too please cover
[04:43:16] what is happening with afghan women please cover afghan women you do random stuff every day
[04:43:26] No song will you talk about how women in Afghanistan are no longer allowed to speak in public?
[04:43:29] I did. I did yesterday.
[04:43:31] Look at the misogyny happening in this fucking country that's like aligned with the United
[04:43:45] States of America and is like supposed to be this like beacon of fucking prosperity
[04:43:49] and they'll be like, what about Afghanistan? Oh, you're talking about misogyny here?
[04:43:52] Talk about Afghanistan right now!
[04:43:55] I did. I talked about it yesterday.
[04:43:57] I'm not sure men in China are that far behind South Korean tendencies.
[04:44:10] Bro, that's crazy. First of all, China is insanely vast and massive
[04:44:15] and regional cultural attitudes towards women differ so dramatically that there are entire
[04:44:19] fucking areas in China where like men are cucked and serviled to women.
[04:44:24] In terms of like misogyny in China, it is nowhere near as big as a problem. You literally just saw
[04:44:30] Asian country, you did the I guess quote unquote woke pro-American empire version of what Tom
[04:44:37] Cotton did, which is what kind of China are you boy? You just did that.
[04:44:42] koreans are a different cut different top of chiney and then there's them
[04:44:49] chiners in china the dawn of reunification breaks when when she
[04:46:01] says that I get chills dude so fucking good so fucking good anyway um look
[04:46:14] look look look look look look look look look look look the situation is is
[04:46:18] really fucked up okay what happened to South Korea this week a man beat a one
[04:46:22] with a baseball bat and an elevator ride a high school boy thread and middle school girl with a blunt object on our way to school a
[04:46:26] Defaite telegram room with 1200 wait this person saying 1200 other people saying 200,000
[04:46:31] Top Kim cool song wonder what living there is like must be amazing. Yeah, no shit. Yeah, it sucks
[04:46:45] You want to know why we played a big role in that okay the fuck do you mean? That's just pure copium
[04:46:52] That's just pure fucking copium big dog. Oh man
[04:46:56] We really fucked that country up, dude. These motherfuckers were dying
[04:47:01] After the dissolution of the USSR, which was their lifeline to the global marketplace
[04:47:06] Okay, they had a massive fucking famine outbreak and we never even
[04:47:11] Remotely dialed back the sanctions. We straight up were like, oh, I hope you all fucking die
[04:47:18] for the crime of being above a
[04:47:22] Arbitrary line that we fucking drew
[04:47:24] okay get out of here get out of here and I'm willing to bet your name is ocean
[04:47:31] violations I fucking doubt you're like a like a reactionary hog you know but
[04:47:38] that's how fucking deep that American dog works bro I grew up in the Soviet
[04:47:43] Union okay maybe you might be a hog then what's going on huh when you level in
[04:47:59] and sanctioned entire country she gets rough I know and even then even then
[04:48:04] even then it was actually pretty fucking even then like in the immediate aftermath of America's like
[04:48:12] unimaginably gross bombing campaign like North Korea in comparison to South Korea was like
[04:48:17] objectively better in terms of in terms of quality of life like they they had a better
[04:48:24] restructuring than South Korea did it was a fucking military dictatorship backed by a rabid
[04:48:30] fascist like American adjacent military dictatorship in South Korea at least North Korea was like
[04:48:36] significantly better off. It's just many people's understanding of North Korea comes from, many
[04:48:42] people's understanding of North Korea literally just comes from like the 90s and the worst
[04:48:45] of the worst of the famine, the horrors that they saw.
[04:48:47] I genuinely understand why you refer to a situation like this is gender war, correct
[04:48:52] me if I'm wrong, but if you don't see women behave the way I do, it's not a war it
[04:48:54] never was. Man, I'm fucking joking dog. I also said it's a gender Holocaust. Okay. If
[04:49:02] America has a gender war on TikTok, they're doing a gender Holocaust is what I said. It
[04:49:07] is objectively one sided, don't you think? Why defend North Korea? I just don't get
[04:49:15] that. I in no terms, did I defend like North Korean living conditions, the North Korean
[04:49:21] government, what, but for Americans, when I talk about like the, the greater picture
[04:49:29] of like, what certain factors, what kind of significant certain factors like American
[04:49:36] foreign policy play into a country's development, you immediately go, oh, you must be defending
[04:49:42] fucking the DPRK. Okay. No, I'm not defending the DPRK. I'm not defending its governance.
[04:49:49] I'm not defending anything. Okay. But I'm simply telling you exactly what has taken place
[04:49:56] over the course of, over the course of North Korea's history. I am an advocate for reunification
[04:50:06] though for the record. That is definitely something I'm an advocate for, of course.
[04:50:11] You respect their people for persisting extinction in no small part by us. Yeah,
[04:50:15] I mean, they're doing, they're doing all right. All things considered, but wait,
[04:50:24] Wait, so is the quality of life better in North Korea than South Korea?
[04:50:27] No, fuck no, no, not now, dude, not now, well, no, still not now, but quality of life in South
[04:50:36] Korea is dipping pretty, pretty rapidly, but no, of course not now.
[04:50:41] Post 90s, that shit changed dramatically.
[04:50:43] I'm talking about in the aftermath, like up until the 70s, things were, up until
[04:50:51] the 70s, things were better off in North Korea than they were in South Korea.
[04:50:54] I'm saying like South Korea was run by a fucking military dictatorship, which then turned into
[04:50:59] a, you know, six families.
[04:51:01] Oh, now just one family, pretty much.
[04:51:04] But anyway, oh, thing Monri and the US Army didn't even restrict their murder and jailing
[04:51:26] the communists.
[04:51:27] They would kill citizens that were a part of the KPA because they were afraid of them
[04:51:30] allying with North Korea.
[04:51:31] Some infamous ones of the, yeah, the Boto League massacre of the no gunry bridge.
[04:51:35] Wait.
[04:51:36] But that.
[04:51:37] Is that that?
[04:51:47] had the, the, uh, the Boto League massacre in the, in the summer of 1950, during the
[04:51:53] Korean war, estimates of the death toll vary.
[04:51:55] Historians and experts on the Korean war estimate that it was between 60,000 and 200,000 people
[04:51:59] that were killed.
[04:52:05] Massacre was committed by the government force of president, Sigmund Rhee, and falsely blamed
[04:52:08] on the communists led by the North Korean leader, Kim Il-sung.
[04:52:10] The South Korean government made efforts to conceal the massacre for four decades.
[04:52:14] Survivors were forbidden by the government from revealing under the threat of being
[04:52:16] treated as communist sympathizers.
[04:52:18] revelation carried with it the threat of torture and death during the 1990s and
[04:52:22] onwards several corpses were extravagant excavated from mass graves resulting
[04:52:26] in public awareness of the massacre the Jeju uprising is what I was thinking of
[04:52:39] prisoners lying on the ground before execution by South Korean troops near
[04:52:53] Daejeon South Korea July 1950 photo by US Army Major Abbott South Korean soldiers
[04:52:58] walk among bodies of South Korean political prisoners shot near Daejeon
[04:53:00] South Korea they would just like round people up and and line them up and
[04:53:06] and then fucking mass execute them. Anyway, the South Korean situation is, is, uh, genuinely
[04:53:18] really bad. They are, they have negative population growth as it stands currently. Um, but that
[04:53:36] is, that is happening at a time of like unparalleled prosperity for the South Korean economy.
[04:53:45] If that makes sense, it's not a dissimilar situation, uh, perhaps much worse than America,
[04:53:52] like not at this similar situation to America when we talk about the American economy, the
[04:53:58] American economy is prospering on GDP, look at our GDP, look at our GDP being like, you
[04:54:02] look at fucking Appalachia and you're like, holy shit, how can we be so goddamn poor?
[04:54:09] So it's, it's, it's similar to that.
[04:54:15] And there's also a litany of other complications that come along with all of the economic
[04:54:21] anxiety people experience. But ultimately, I think the greatest example of the DPRK thriving
[04:54:31] is the fact that they don't see three men and brings at the top of the hour. Because we don't
[04:54:38] serve ads to North Korea. For those who do actually, you know, have the capacity to tune
[04:54:45] in to slash house and hobby. Yeah. If you want to live like a DPRK netizen, all you need to do
[04:54:57] is subscribe for $6 or for free with a Twitch Prime, or by getting to the sub is the German
[04:55:08] right now. Okay, screw you,
[04:55:17] Appalachia is only poor in a
[04:55:19] capitalist lens. Wait, what?
[04:55:23] No, I was poor, man. I think
[04:55:28] that I think that not having
[04:55:31] access to like healthcare in a
[04:55:35] 20, 30 mile radius is like is
[04:55:38] a clear indication that you're
[04:55:41] in in horrifying circumstances
[04:55:44] like in horrifying conditions.
[04:55:50] We are rich in sitting on
[04:55:52] porches when it rains.
[04:55:53] Okay, fair. You know, not having access to reliable clean drinking water is poor in every
[04:56:08] sense of the word. Yeah, it's like, what is a measurement of poverty other than not having
[04:56:13] access to adequate education, not having access to adequate health care, and living in a fucking
[04:56:18] food desert, and your infrastructure is crumbling. Like those are, those are like the metrics.
[04:56:25] You know what I mean? If you think I'm mentioning your state, well, such is America for you.
[04:56:44] But yeah, we'll talk about Korea in a second.
[04:56:52] Actually, you know what? Let's do it now.
[04:56:54] Fuck it.
[04:56:55] South Korea Battle Surgery Deep Fake Pornography
[04:56:59] has thousands found to be spreading images.
[04:57:01] Let's take a look at the news article on this real quick.
[04:57:03] Line chat rooms have been found to be sharing
[04:57:06] sexually explicit deep fake images of women.
[04:57:10] In an emergency meeting, South Korean authorities
[04:57:12] Authorities called on Telegram and other platforms to work with them to delete and block that
[04:57:18] kind of content.
[04:57:20] The images, which are generated using artificial intelligence, combine the face of a real person
[04:57:25] with a fake body.
[04:57:26] Well, it comes as the founder of Telegram, Pavel Turov, was arrested as he landed
[04:57:32] on a private plane in Paris over the weekend.
[04:57:35] He's being held as part of a French investigation into China.
[04:57:38] There's a clarification from Korean news that 1400 people were from Korea and the 220,000 number total included people from outside South Korea Jesus fucking Christ
[04:57:47] All abuse images drug trafficking and fraud on the messaging app
[04:57:53] Well for more on this I've been speaking to the journalist Jennifer Moon who's based in Seoul
[04:57:59] The latest one being there's been a series of emergency meetings
[04:58:03] Like you said since the president has called up for digital sex crimes
[04:58:07] who thoroughly investigated.
[04:58:09] Now that in the wake of local media reports,
[04:58:12] the sexually explicit deep fake images and videos
[04:58:15] of South Korean women, especially that of underage girls
[04:58:19] at junior high schools and universities,
[04:58:21] were often found in telegram chat rooms.
[04:58:24] Now one telegram chat room had a user of 227,000 people.
[04:58:30] That's sparking public outrage here in Korea.
[04:58:33] Of course, as you know,
[04:58:34] South Korea has one of the fastest average internet speeds and with that according to
[04:58:40] activists it also has an acute epidemic of digital sex crimes including rent porn and the use of
[04:58:46] spy cameras with inadequate legislation to punish offenders and this time around it's deep fake
[04:58:52] of digital sex crimes. Well what can the authority do? 2.1 children per women is the
[04:58:57] replacement rate of South Korea which is currently at 0.78. She is due about this. I mean do
[04:59:06] Do they have the power to crack down on this?
[04:59:10] Now, that's hard to say.
[04:59:12] We'll have to wait and see what it comes about from these meetings.
[04:59:15] But, um, online deep fakes or terms cannot be left alone here in Korea as they.
[04:59:21] Have you ever talked about the Americans who were unjustifiably kidnapped by the
[04:59:24] authorities in Congo and might be facing death sentences?
[04:59:29] Dude, Mormon chatter, Nick skit, can't fucking let go of his Mormon ways of
[04:59:34] being a CIA operative on a daily fucking basis.
[04:59:40] What the fuck were they doing in the Congo or were they doing there, bro?
[04:59:58] I mean, they weren't even doing it with the CIA this time, by the way.
[05:00:06] I like me to get way more than the liberal chatters.
[05:00:08] At least this is creative.
[05:00:09] I know he's talking about these guys, by the way, the Americans implicated
[05:00:19] in a coup attempt in Congo, go on trial before a military court.
[05:00:24] He's talking about dudes who are objectively trying to do a coup.
[05:00:29] Like that's not even a thing.
[05:00:30] Like that they were objectively trying to do a coup.
[05:00:32] Six people were killed during the Bosch coup attempt. Wait, was that a CI Johnny Harris
[05:01:01] yoga? Am I forgetting about all the connections between the CI and Mormons Mormons used to
[05:01:05] comprise a big chunk of the fucking CIA back in the day. Why'd you say it wasn't the CIA
[05:01:21] this time seems exactly like a CIA thing. No, I don't think this was, I think this was,
[05:01:26] I'll just say it like this, this, if I recall correctly was so bad that like,
[05:01:34] I think it was, I'm not even kidding, like, I think this doesn't even meet, like, the current shitty standards of the CIA.
[05:01:41] And I know the CIA is not what it once used to be, okay?
[05:01:55] I know that the CIA is not what it once was, okay?
[05:02:03] Including the Venezuela attempt.
[05:02:07] But even the fucking current CIA is not this incompetent.
[05:02:24] The cool leader got killed when he live streamed the attack on a social media account.
[05:02:27] Like it's got them, it's got the markings of a January 6th style situation.
[05:02:33] It's surged.
[05:02:36] That's it.
[05:02:37] They've searched by a double in the number in this year compared to the number in 2021
[05:02:44] when the when they first began to collect data.
[05:02:46] Now, what's more interesting and more serious is that the victims are usually female
[05:02:52] include school students as well as women in uniform in this country. Recently, there's been a
[05:03:00] deep abuse that rapidly escalating in school nationwide, but what's more concerning here
[05:03:07] is the fact that the creators, a large number of offenders, are also believed to be minors,
[05:03:13] according to authorities. This is barely, I sent a good link with coverage in the chat logs,
[05:03:33] Yeah, but it's like long as fuck dude. It's like a three hour video
[05:03:39] Producers from SPS the CNN of South Korea one of the largest news networks in all of South Korea a bunch of producers were huddled together in a conference room
[05:03:49] This is not good. They should have listened. They should have never aired the episode to begin with
[05:03:55] They're huddled around hands covering their mouths there on man goes though
[05:04:01] I feel like I've seen some of her TikTok content that like have given me bad vibes, but I don't know
[05:04:16] I've seen like some of her TikToks
[05:04:18] Eyes are wide and they keep re-watching this video that was anonymously sent to them
[05:04:23] The video depicted a very young girl, unclothed and with nothing but a plastic bag over her head
[05:04:27] She had red string tied around her and when the video starts she says
[05:04:30] I am the doctor's slave. I will light myself on fire in a few days in front of the SBS headquarters
[05:04:34] Please do not run the doctor's story on air
[05:04:36] there. The watermarking on the video reads, S.V.S. Drs. Slave. The producers, I mean, they're starting
[05:04:42] to panic. Play the video again. What exactly did she say? She's gonna do what in a few days?
[05:04:46] What's a few days? I mean, hurry, do something. We have to do something. Police were called to
[05:04:50] monitor the S.V.S. building. But even then, they can't have eyes everywhere. It takes just
[05:04:53] two seconds to light a match. The producers need to find out who this girl is or else in a few
[05:04:56] days, someone could die. They have to find her and they have to stop her. But how? They
[05:05:00] can't see her face. They don't know her name. They know nothing about her. The video is taken
[05:05:03] and what looks like any ordinary girl's room in this entire nation, it could be any of the countless students.
[05:05:07] They rewatch the video and they scan the screen for anything. I mean, something, a freckle at this point would be enough.
[05:05:12] Anything at all. Stop. Right there. When she reaches up. The pink and white friendship bracelet.
[05:05:16] It was in another video. The producer quickly pulls on her phone and starts scrolling through the chat room.
[05:05:20] Each chat room has over 10,000 videos and photos posted to it. How are they gonna find her in all of these photos?
[05:05:25] They're like, here, it's here. They find the same girl. This time the video is clear, same pink and white friendship bracelet.
[05:05:31] but this time they see behind her a bookshelf.
[05:05:33] They zoom in as much as they can
[05:05:34] and they're written on the side of a middle school textbook.
[05:05:37] It's the girl's name.
[05:05:39] And next to those are a collection of sticky notes
[05:05:41] and they read, I love you doctor, please,
[05:05:44] I love doctor a lot.
[05:05:45] I am a slave, I am doctor a slave,
[05:05:47] doctors chat rooms are the best.
[05:05:50] This is the case of Paksa,
[05:05:51] the doctor who ran one of the most prolific
[05:05:53] illegal international CP torture rings of recent times.
[05:05:55] And it was all done on the internet,
[05:05:57] not even on the dark web,
[05:05:58] but on one of the most commonly downloaded apps
[05:06:00] by citizens, telegram.
[05:06:01] They would say in the world of telegram,
[05:06:03] the doctor is quote, a God-like figure.
[05:06:06] Welcome to the doctor's room.
[05:06:17] Is there a deep fake emergency
[05:06:18] because it's being mass produced
[05:06:20] or is it because it's being used for black male?
[05:06:21] Not really informed on this topic?
[05:06:23] No, it's because it's being massed.
[05:06:25] It's super easy to fucking produce.
[05:06:28] And it's like literally normal people
[05:06:31] that are victim of it too,
[05:06:33] as long as as well as celebrities.
[05:06:35] But a shit ton of normal people, like children,
[05:06:38] like the fact that it exists is crazy.
[05:06:43] It used for kids, dude.
[05:06:44] This from five months ago.
[05:06:47] Wait, this is a separate,
[05:06:54] is this from a separate,
[05:06:55] this is a, is this a separate issue?
[05:07:07] The nth room is a previous scandal
[05:07:08] where do black male women and girls do horrible shit
[05:07:10] that happened between 2018 and 2020.
[05:07:12] So not directly related to the deep state,
[05:07:15] deep fake stuff currently happening.
[05:07:19] Bro, this is a separate one.
[05:07:28] I want the new one, dude.
[05:07:33] Question, do you think there's a chance
[05:07:35] those Mormons were just hanging out in Congo could have been just chilling minding their
[05:07:38] own business man. I don't think they were Mormon. And also, they definitely were not just chilling.
[05:07:54] This is three years old. No, no, there's another one. There's another one. There's another
[05:07:59] one. There's one that just happened chat. Many of the victims, viral maps shows massive
[05:08:12] spread of deep fake child abuse, telegram channels in South Korean schools. The man
[05:08:16] was created by Anonymous South Korean group amid the news the telegram founder Pavel Dura
[05:08:20] was arrested for failing to moderate child abuse imagery on the app. A map showing large
[05:08:24] telegram chat rooms in South Korea used by children and teens to produce and share deep
[05:08:27] paid child sexual abuse imagery went viral. I've seen Philly de-cover some of this and
[05:08:48] how normal people's social media accounts are getting used to deep fake videos for
[05:08:51] advertising like a woman whose face and voice were used for some dick pills talking
[05:08:55] about how her husband couldn't get it up anymore which apparently was news to her
[05:08:57] and her husband.
[05:09:05] Recently in South Korea, numerous chat rooms on telegram suspected of creating and distributing
[05:09:10] deep fake pornographic material, what photos of ordinary women have been discovered, stoking
[05:09:15] fear and outrage across the country.
[05:09:19] Many victims in these chat rooms were believed to be minors including middle and high school
[05:09:24] students as well as university students, teachers and even military personnel.
[05:09:29] There's even a list of schools going around on social media with hundreds of middle schools,
[05:09:34] high schools and universities, where students have become victims of deep fakes at crimes.
[05:09:40] What are these schools have actually been affected at the extent of any such impact remains
[05:09:45] unconfirmed.
[05:09:46] But what's confirmed is that these chat rings were systemically organized by being
[05:09:51] categorized according to region of residence, school, birth year and so on.
[05:09:57] What do you mean? Do I even name the cousin Min?
[05:09:59] Or their sister Min?
[05:10:01] Dude, what I don't understand is, why are there so many pedophiles?
[05:10:07] Like, I genuinely don't get it. We look at, like, kick, and kick streamers who, like, also make it their business to just, like, generate child sexual abuse material.
[05:10:18] Like, how are there so many fucking pedophiles, dude?
[05:10:22] I will never understand this.
[05:10:25] Yeah, dude, don't say fucking porn addiction. What fuck do you mean? There was significantly more
[05:10:32] Unrestricted pedophilia in a world where there was no porn no movies whatsoever. What the fuck are you talking about?
[05:10:37] This is what people literally don't
[05:10:40] This is what people fail to comprehend when they talk about like oh porn actually made women's rights worse
[05:10:45] It's like no, you just don't like porn. I get it. It's fine. You don't like porn
[05:10:49] Okay
[05:10:51] But that's crazy. Like as though we weren't fucking burning women at the stake and like dumping them into
[05:10:59] bodies of water
[05:11:01] Before pornography like we were doing that shit in the Salem witch trials far before pornography ever existed. It's like
[05:11:09] patriarchy has been a constant in
[05:11:14] most societal development
[05:11:16] especially ever present in the Western world, far before pornography was a thing, you know,
[05:11:37] all the pedophilia reactionary extremes that we probably have in Iran and Iraq were surely
[05:11:40] porn addicted.
[05:11:41] No, you may Afghanistan.
[05:11:42] It's an anti-feminism issue.
[05:11:55] They want to control accessible women as adult women choose to not reproduce porn, not
[05:12:03] allowed in South Korea, not even blurring just the loud out, not allowed.
[05:12:06] I know it's like ridiculous that some of the places with like the most amount
[05:12:10] restriction on porn, including turkey have like worse fucking issues with violent misogyny.
[05:12:17] But yeah, no, don't let that stop you from fucking getting hopped up on Christianity fumes and running
[05:12:25] anti sex work narratives, you know, pornography always existed. But I agree with your point.
[05:12:37] Come on, dude. I genuinely don't fucking understand how like,
[05:12:49] I don't get why there's people who are like seeking out
[05:12:55] Child porn like I don't understand how many pedophiles exist out there. Like it makes no fucking sense
[05:13:01] There's something
[05:13:03] So many motherfuckers do these social media platforms like Instagram to listen to these photos of victims
[05:13:09] Which were then used in generating deep fake videos and other criminal activities
[05:13:14] One telegram deep fake channel was shown to have around 133,000 subscribers.
[05:13:21] Now revelations of such chat rings received public spotlight following the recent arrest
[05:13:26] of perpetrators, who victimized students and graduates at Inha University in Incheon.
[05:13:32] But the crimes are now proliferating among teens, who are well versed in IT devices.
[05:13:37] In fact, according to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, 10 teenagers aged 14 and
[05:13:43] An older were arrested for deep fake crimes in Seoul alone between January and July this year.
[05:14:05] Fears and anxiety over possible victimization among women
[05:14:09] spread fast online, with people advising each other to switch their social media profile to
[05:14:14] private or delete their photos.
[05:14:17] Non-enforcement authorities have flashed immobilized additional resources to apprehend the perpetrators
[05:14:22] while experts are calling on the government to initiate a nationwide campaign to raise
[05:14:27] public awareness about the crime and advocate for stricter penalties for the offenders.
[05:14:33] Explain, it's not the poor nation itself is a lack of boundaries and past unresolved
[05:14:39] trauma they can contribute to people's misuse of sexual content including child porn is not a separate evil
[05:14:43] It's a deeper layer of the same issue not to be conflated but prevented. I just don't I
[05:14:51] Legitimately don't get it. Like I don't understand like why is there a market for this? You know what I mean?
[05:14:57] Why is there such a robust market for it?
[05:15:01] Like there's a market for everything, but I fucking don't comprehend. I can't comprehend how there is such a big market for it
[05:15:09] Some men cannot tolerate women saying no and having other sex partners, the pedos look for
[05:15:14] children because those are seen as innocent and incorruptible.
[05:15:20] On Telegram, this is Hunk Yore.
[05:15:24] On Telegram, countless chat rooms dedicated to degrading deepfakes of female acquaintances.
[05:15:29] Chat rooms dedicated to illegal sexually exploitative deepfake images of real-life young women
[05:15:33] and girls from universities, high schools and even middle schools are running rampant
[05:15:36] across Korea.
[05:15:37] I think it's not necessarily pedophilia, but rather the majority are actually
[05:15:44] not pedophiles but at the same age of their victims obviously producing child pornography
[05:15:47] but attracted to age appropriate people. There's definitely a big chunk of people who are apparently
[05:15:59] no no it's not a no shot bro you we just saw the fucking article the people that were arrested
[05:16:03] were like all fucking 14 like there's definitely there are definitely young uh there are definitely
[05:16:14] younger uh kids that are involved in this as well for sure like it's not that's not
[05:16:21] Not that crazy, but I don't think 200,000 people in the telegram are all fucking underage,
[05:16:26] you know what I mean?
[05:16:27] It accounts for some of it, but I don't know, there's always been a market I think, but
[05:16:53] it's just easier now, you don't have to know how to use it for the silk road and shit.
[05:17:17] I think this tweet might explain why pedophiles exist in the world.
[05:17:21] What?
[05:17:23] White women become unattractive as fuck once they hit 30?
[05:17:30] I think this person might be a pedophile, that's what it explains.
[05:17:37] The other part is kids who were abused sexually or see child pornography while developing latch
[05:17:41] onto it as they get older, not all CSA victims are pedos, but all pedos were abused basically.
[05:18:00] Actual answer, CSA, Child Sexual Assault, is known to be very strongly associated with
[05:18:05] people becoming CSA offenders themselves.
[05:18:09] The likely cause of pedophilia in the modern era is generally unregulated state of child
[05:18:13] abuse that remains unregulated because a parental rights activist like for child marriage
[05:18:16] and people in the US.
[05:18:21] psychoanalyzing pedophilia. It's weird. Sounds like V. What? Are you okay, chatter? This conversation
[05:18:54] started because there's like a fucking massive telegram group that is responsible for disseminating
[05:19:03] and procuring artificial intelligence, child sexual abuse material. Okay. And my question was,
[05:19:12] How the fuck are there this many pedophiles out there?
[05:19:18] Where the fuck is it coming from? I was not in any shape or form being like well this kind of
[05:19:30] makes sense and it's you know understandable really you know I wasn't I wasn't even remotely
[05:19:38] I wasn't even remotely a defender of it I'm simply stating that it is
[05:19:43] unconscionable and also shocking how popular it is like it's like significantly more probably
[05:19:48] like I've never been around people.
[05:19:51] Like I don't think I've ever been around people
[05:19:53] who are like, yo, that shit's actually kind of hot.
[05:19:55] You know what I mean?
[05:19:56] Like even in passing,
[05:20:02] like it doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.
[05:20:05] I don't get it.
[05:20:06] I don't understand it.
[05:20:14] I suspect that a big chunk of it still stems
[05:20:19] from the same power dynamic that rapists have.
[05:20:23] Like being able to being afraid
[05:20:28] of your own, like being insecure about your own sexuality,
[05:20:32] being insecure about your sexual prowess,
[05:20:35] wanting to dominate a person.
[05:20:39] Like I suspect it's not, I assume it is,
[05:20:44] it's not just like literally finding children
[05:20:46] sexually attractive, but more so in a similar,
[05:20:51] in a similar way to like most sexual assault incidents.
[05:20:55] it's not about like instant sexual gratification, but more so about power, like having power
[05:21:03] over someone. You know what I mean? Imagine if this crisis happened in the United States,
[05:21:35] I literally saw an article where someone is who stole a million dollars, got more jail
[05:21:38] time than a convicted child rapist and a distributor. First of all, I can't imagine how this would
[05:21:43] happen in the United States. It is happening in the United States. And as we've seen,
[05:21:48] there's not a lot of law enforcement movement on that direction in terms of prosecuting
[05:21:52] people who are openly and actively distributing child sexual abuse material, there's like
[05:21:59] fucking multiple kick streamers. It is a meta at this point on kick. So, you know, it's not
[05:22:13] another high profile incident of this was when one of Elon Musk's hand chosen right-wing QAnon
[05:22:19] freaks, literally distributed watermarked child sexual abuse material, famous child sexual
[05:22:26] abuse material. It was torture of a baby if I'm not mistaken. Okay. He had put it, he
[05:22:34] had put a watermark on it. His name is Dom Lucre. And of course, they obviously banned
[05:22:42] Elon Musk personally restored Dom Lucre's Twitter account personally. That, that CSAM was so notorious
[05:22:57] that it was the exact same material that got Josh Duggar landed in prison for having it in his hard drive.
[05:23:06] okay child sexual abuse material is is so illegal that you cannot like you
[05:23:17] can't have it you can't try to acquire it you cannot maintain it on your fucking
[05:23:22] hard drive you can immediately all every every part of it is a crime it's
[05:23:30] It's such a crime that like some of those things get auto tagged online like, huh, Elon
[05:23:43] must reinstated Q and I'm promoting far right Twitter account to post a child of use imagery
[05:23:46] even though his company explicitly as a policy saying it is not allowed.
[05:23:52] For now we will delete those posts and restate the account must read most tweeted in response
[05:23:56] to another account questioning why Twitter had deleted the account.
[05:24:00] I'm told that this account was suspended for post and child exploitation pictures
[05:24:02] associate with the criminal conviction of an Australian man in the Philippines must
[05:24:05] tweeted, the offending post referenced the assistance to Peter Scully, the Australian
[05:24:11] man who was sentenced last year to 129 years in prison for sexually abusing children as
[05:24:14] young as 18 months. Along with the link to an article about the assistance, the account
[05:24:21] posted two screenshots from a video Scully created on the dark web which Lucre said
[05:24:25] showed a one-year-old named Daisy. On Wednesday, four days after the images were posed,
[05:24:30] must claim that only people on our child sexual exploitation team have seen those pictures.
[05:24:35] However, research on Twitter quickly debunked Musk's claims.
[05:24:40] I think one of the craziest parts, I think one of the craziest parts about this story
[05:24:47] is that Dom Lucre watermarked the CSAM.
[05:24:51] Okay?
[05:24:52] He put a, like as in, he found the video, he sought it out, illegal, found the video,
[05:25:00] illegal, downloaded the video into his hard drive, also illegal, put a watermark over it,
[05:25:07] okay, that part I guess is not illegal, just stupid, okay, and then republished it to his massive
[05:25:14] Twitter audience, which is also extra illegal. Okay, every part of this story, this man did
[05:25:24] multiple illegal things, like very illegal things. Okay? The, the most unbelievable part
[05:25:33] about it is that he also watermarked the illegal pornographic materials, not even pornographic
[05:25:40] materials, CSIM, okay, child sexual abuse material. That the only part that's not illegal
[05:25:45] that he did was watermark it. I guess technically you could consider it to be illegal as well
[05:25:51] because you're like, technically you're copywriting something that doesn't belong to you. I don't know.
[05:26:03] But possession is illegal. Distribution is illegal.
[05:26:07] So, I mean, this man edited CP, man. He's like, and then, and then Elon Musk reinstated his account.
[05:26:40] I can excuse the CSAM, but I draw the line at copyright infringement.
[05:26:46] Libertarian Libertarians be like sorry it's a violation of the non-aggression principle to put your own trademark your own watermark on top of
[05:26:57] someone else's content that they made sir you're under arrest in Admiralty Maritime Court for violation of non-aggression principle policies
[05:27:10] The other stuff I don't have problem with it's actually pretty good. It's such a nutty story
[05:27:38] because it's like
[05:27:40] It's such a crazy story because
[05:27:43] It's so out there that like I would imagine it as a joke
[05:27:48] You know what I mean like someone so stupid like a like a libertarian guy who procures
[05:27:54] child sexual abuse material, which he then ends up watermarking as he is disseminating
[05:28:00] the child sexual abuse material. Like, like that sounds, it sounds like a joke, except
[05:28:11] it's real.
[05:28:12] See Sam is the new acronym for CP and I feel both for Sam's and Chad when we talk about
[05:28:25] CSAM. It's because it's technically not pornography because pornography is made by consenting adults.
[05:28:36] CSAM is child sexual abuse material. Child pornography makes it seem like this is like
[05:28:41] there's like a validity to it. You know what I mean? It's ridiculous. Libertarian walks in the bar
[05:29:11] and the bartender asks why you fucking watermarking child porn bud. Telegram CEO arrested but Elon
[05:29:19] I'm asking Mark Zuckerberg not being arrested tells you this arrest has none the new season.
[05:29:23] I mean, I think it's probably a combination of all the other things, including like, you
[05:29:29] know, Hamas using telegram, Russia using telegram and the non cooperative, the CEO not being
[05:29:44] cooperative with like the state department.
[05:29:54] So this is like the nail in the coffin most likely.
[05:30:02] Does that make sense?
[05:30:03] Dude, as a normie, I always associated shit with the animes, as always people with anime
[05:30:16] avatars in my head.
[05:30:17] It was just a rise of popularity in anime.
[05:30:20] No, um, it's not.
[05:30:26] It's never like, it's never like pornography or anime or some other shit that's like
[05:30:31] making it more available, even though there is definitely anime out there.
[05:30:38] This tweet alone has me boggled it as any sort of following
[05:30:49] Why was vizagrad 24 suspended loved and hated by many vizagrad was a leading Polish based account covering the wars in Gaza and Ukraine
[05:30:56] He posted a picture of that poor kid in Afghanistan being sodomized with a stick was triggered an automatic child exploitation
[05:31:03] Suspension account will be restored soon when I used to say Twitter is 4chan
[05:31:21] It's not it's fucking 8chan
[05:31:23] Okay, we've moved beyond 4chan. That's where the pedophiles on 4chan went to 8chan so they
[05:31:31] could do pedophilia with ease. Now Twitter is moving from 4chan to 8chan status. What
[05:31:43] the fuck's going on?
[05:31:45] One of the workers are putting Wait, what? No. There ain't no way. They're
[05:32:06] putting gambling ads on 9 11 footage. I can't catch up with the bits. Okay. Like I can't come
[05:32:41] up with funny things that I find ridiculous because reality has outpaced my imagination.
[05:32:51] Reality is officially outpaced my imagination. Like every now and then I'll like make something
[05:32:56] up in my mind. Okay. And honestly, you'll be like, actually, this happened already. Here
[05:33:03] it is. It's so fucking ridiculous. Like, I don't know a 10 year old boy demanded naked
[05:33:19] clothes from a six year old girl, seven boys, forcing girls, their age and the prostitution
[05:33:23] extorting money from them. What? Anyway, I just I don't got nothing else on this
[05:33:32] we're moving on from this. Shit is dire, okay? Shit is fucking dire.
[05:33:39] Now, I'm Gabe Gutierrez in Washington. As Vice President Kamala Harris is hitting the
[05:33:51] ground in Georgia. Let's watch fucking my goat, Steve Kurnacky
[05:33:55] and Chuck Todd Cuck Todd analyze Democrats, change the winning North Carolina in Georgia.
[05:33:59] Their campaign looking to expand this reach in two key Southern battlegrounds and appeals
[05:34:04] or rural voters outside the Democratic Party's urban strongholds.
[05:34:09] Moments ago, VP Harris landed in Savannah, Georgia, and she and her running mate Governor
[05:34:13] Tim Walls prepare for a two-day bus tour through the southeastern part of the state,
[05:34:18] and their first sit-down interview since becoming the Democratic nominees.
[05:34:22] The bus tour, part of an effort to reach more rural and redder parts of the crucial
[05:34:27] swing state, as Democrats hope to limit losses in those areas this November,
[05:34:32] while also mobilizing supporters in counties around Atlanta,
[05:34:36] which were key to Biden winning Georgia in 2020.
[05:34:40] But as one voter in Savannah made clear to us today,
[05:34:43] the Harris campaign can't afford
[05:34:45] to take any voter in the state for granted.
[05:34:48] We always vote Democratic here.
[05:34:50] So you have to keep this stronghold.
[05:34:52] And if you don't come here, you can lose some votes.
[05:34:55] We're always, we're half and half.
[05:34:58] We'll do, like even me,
[05:34:59] sometimes I'll vote Republican,
[05:35:01] I don't know what I want as far as like elected officials here.
[05:35:04] Do you think it's going to be close across Georgia?
[05:35:07] I think it is.
[05:35:08] But I do believe it will be purple.
[05:35:10] I don't think it will be blue, but I do think it will be purple.
[05:35:13] I think she's going to win Georgia.
[05:35:14] I do, I believe it.
[05:35:16] Just 12,000 votes tip the state to Biden and Harris in 2020,
[05:35:20] highlighting the risk and reward for the Harris-Wall's
[05:35:23] campaign with less than 70 days until the election.
[05:35:27] And while the Trump campaign is stumping today
[05:35:29] arguably the most important battleground, Pennsylvania.
[05:35:33] Before heading down to Georgia, Harrison's running mate Tim Walls also highlighting the
[05:35:38] campaign's efforts to boost its appeal to blue-collar workers as he addressed a firefighters
[05:35:43] union at this year's convention.
[05:35:46] We know exactly who built this country.
[05:35:49] It's people like the folks in this room.
[05:35:51] It was you who built the middle class.
[05:35:53] And we know that when unions are strong, America is strong.
[05:35:57] As a union member, our union halls are the purest form of democracy.
[05:36:02] The opportunity to speak your mind, elect leadership, speak what you want on your platform,
[05:36:08] and then go advocate for it.
[05:36:11] That's how democracy is supposed to work.
[05:36:14] It comes as a Harris campaign has closed the gap in some polls in North Carolina.
[05:36:18] State Democrats haven't won since 2008, but Trump only won by just a percentage point
[05:36:23] in 2020.
[05:36:25] And our friends at the Koch Political Report are now moving the Tar Heel State from lean
[05:36:29] Republican to toss-up, along with moving Minnesota and New Hampshire, to likely democratic.
[05:36:35] And so joining me now from Savannah is NBC's Mike Memley.
[05:36:39] Steve Kornacki is at the big board for more on Vice President Harris' path in Georgia
[05:36:43] and North Carolina.
[05:36:44] And with me here on set is NBC's chief political analyst, Chuck Todd.
[05:36:48] Thank you all so much for joining me.
[05:36:49] I want to start with you, Mike, and Savannah.
[05:36:52] Last time Harris was in Georgia, she was in Atlanta.
[05:36:54] Well today she's in the southeastern part of the state so take us through the campaign's
[05:36:58] goals with this bus tour and about turning out voters.
[05:37:02] Well Gabe this is a bit of a flex from the Harris campaign.
[05:37:07] They're trying to take all that energy, all that enthusiasm that we saw last week in
[05:37:11] Chicago and put it out on the campaign trail and show that they are playing offense.
[05:37:15] They're on an expanded battleground map.
[05:37:18] Remember the President Biden and his campaign had really seemed to narrow their focus
[05:37:22] increasingly to defending those blue wall states. And so making an intentional choice
[05:37:27] to come out of the convention and have their first event in a state that, yes, President
[05:37:31] Biden carried four years ago, but was seeming to fall off the battleground map until he
[05:37:34] was replaced on the ticket shows that they can really try to keep that momentum going.
[05:37:38] And they're not just visiting a battleground state. They're visiting a more red part
[05:37:43] of a battleground state. Now, this bus tour will take them into some blue counties
[05:37:47] but into the redder parts of those blue counties. And it's really a strategy that
[05:37:51] We saw the Obama campaign use successfully, especially in 2012.
[05:37:55] I spent a lot of time on the road with then Vice President Joe Biden, who especially in
[05:37:59] a state like Ohio would go into those more rural counties.
[05:38:02] And the idea from the Obama campaign at the time was if you can turn a 55 percent Romney
[05:38:07] County into a 52 percent Romney County, then you can deploy President Obama into the
[05:38:12] big cities and take those margins and you add it up and you get a victory.
[05:38:17] And he did indeed win Ohio.
[05:38:18] So that's sort of what we're seeing now play out in Georgia, and we're going to see this
[05:38:22] new ticket together.
[05:38:23] They're going to have more retail focus on this bus tour, showcase that chemistry, showcase
[05:38:27] that energy and the positive vibes that they seem to be running on even more than policy
[05:38:31] these days, but also importantly do that sit-down interview that we haven't yet seen
[05:38:36] this ticket do.
[05:38:37] You know, Mike, you mentioned the Obama campaign strategy.
[05:38:40] How did the Harris campaign strategy change over the last few weeks after she became
[05:38:47] the nominee or at the top of the ticket. They're going to deploy Obama. Please. There's
[05:38:55] a tactical Obama airdrop coming, dude. Was the strategy different under or when President
[05:39:01] Biden? How did it change? Well, I think what we're seeing is not necessarily a new strategy,
[05:39:07] but maybe a shift in emphasis, right? We have seen some former Obama officials, David
[05:39:12] Pluff, chief among them, join the Harris campaign who had been on the sidelines.
[05:39:16] But the infrastructure of the campaign was already in place, but Harris, I'm still saying
[05:39:21] the Biden campaign, the Harris campaign with a memo out today was pointing out that they
[05:39:25] have had 50 offices in southern Georgia.
[05:39:27] That was not something that just sprang up overnight when Harris took over the top
[05:39:31] of the ticket.
[05:39:32] That was work that had been put in for months.
[05:39:34] They've done 500 events through southern Georgia.
[05:39:36] So this was always an important part of their strategy.
[05:39:39] But again, this is what happens when a campaign feels like it's able to go on
[05:39:43] offense rather than where we saw the Biden team really shrinking their focus trying to
[05:39:48] just defend the ground that they felt safest on rather than pushing the envelope a little
[05:39:52] bit.
[05:39:53] Mike Emily, live for us in Savannah, Mike, thank you.
[05:39:56] Let's go now to Steve Kornacki.
[05:39:57] I want to focus on North Carolina and Georgia.
[05:40:00] Two states that were-
[05:40:01] They should tell them all about- they should go to these red counties and talk to them
[05:40:05] about how much Joe Biden did for AUKUS, I think.
[05:40:14] I think that's a winning strategy.
[05:40:15] Since ain't nobody listens to me, you know, maybe they'll do the opposite
[05:40:21] Yeah, we got some August voters in Savannah, baby, they are gonna be whoo, let me tell you
[05:40:28] They're gonna be fucking stoked. Okay, and she mentioned NATO at all
[05:40:34] She didn't mention NATO. I mean she did mention NATO. She did mention NATO and their DNC speech
[05:40:39] but
[05:40:41] You know, she should just talk about how muscular and mighty the military is gonna be because those guys don't
[05:40:45] to fucking feed their bellies with food or need to get like better health care. Those guys famously
[05:40:53] they live on muscular military rhetoric, okay? When you tell them you want the most lethal murder
[05:41:02] machine that you've ever seen, they think, hell yeah, baby. Because like people that care about
[05:41:08] that sort of stuff would never vote for the Republican party. Just kidding. They only vote
[05:41:15] vote for the Republican party. They don't give a shit. Okay. So tell people that you're
[05:41:20] going to feed their bellies instead of, uh, you know, how much you beefed up August. Okay.
[05:41:29] I'm on a MIC cleanse. Yeah. Sorry, guys. I want to hear more about, I want to hear more
[05:41:34] about the five eyes. Okay. If I don't get enough rhetoric about the five eyes, I'm
[05:41:39] going to lose it. Okay. I'm going to vote for Donald Trump seeming pretty much out
[05:41:45] reach for Democrats with President Biden at the top of the ticket and maybe more gettable
[05:41:49] for Kamala Harris as we were just talking about with Mike. Steve, what do you see?
[05:41:53] Yeah, it's interesting. I mean Georgia, North Carolina, both close. They went in different
[05:41:58] ways in 2020. Georgia narrowly Democratic North Carolina. You see Trump wanted by 75,000
[05:42:04] votes of all the states that Trump won in 2020, just in terms of the margin, the
[05:42:08] percentage here. This was the closest he came to losing of any that he won. And so
[05:42:13] The roadmap for Democrats in Georgia, North Carolina, there's a lot of demographic similarities
[05:42:17] between the two.
[05:42:18] Let's look at North Carolina here and again, you see the margin in 2020, 75,000 votes and
[05:42:24] first thing you notice is that was a shift from 2016.
[05:42:27] In 2016, the margin for Donald Trump here was about 175,000 votes.
[05:42:32] More than three points, you see that came way down in 2020.
[05:42:36] Now what Democrats see when they think there's opportunity here in North Carolina is,
[05:42:39] They see blue islands in the state, cities, metropolitan areas, and more specifically when
[05:42:46] we say metro areas, suburbs, densely populated, high concentration of college degrees.
[05:42:51] We talk about those voters becoming more and more democratic.
[05:42:54] You find a ton of them in the research triangle area.
[05:42:57] You find some in the triad area, metro line, where Charlotte is, out west, Buncombe
[05:43:01] County, where Asheville is.
[05:43:03] And the story in these places is they are getting bigger and they are getting
[05:43:07] bluer.
[05:43:08] So to give you an example, this is Wake County.
[05:43:11] This is where Raleigh is.
[05:43:12] And you could see big Biden win there,
[05:43:13] 27 points in 2020.
[05:43:15] Let me go back in time though to 2008.
[05:43:18] 2008 by the way, Barack Obama narrowly won North Carolina.
[05:43:22] But look in this huge massive county here,
[05:43:24] his margin was 14 points.
[05:43:27] Now it's pretty much doubled by 2020
[05:43:29] up to a 27 point democratic win.
[05:43:31] And you see that in all these other areas
[05:43:33] that were circled here,
[05:43:34] Democrats think four more years
[05:43:36] of a place like Wake County growing
[05:43:39] and in their view becoming a little bit more democratic.
[05:43:42] It's gonna add up in all those big population centers
[05:43:45] to overtake that 75,000 vote gap.
[05:43:48] The flip side, however, they have to worry about
[05:43:50] is all this red in here,
[05:43:52] a lot of these are very, very small counties.
[05:43:54] A lot of them are rural,
[05:43:55] but a lot of them are getting redder and redder
[05:43:58] just as these places are getting bluer
[05:44:00] and they add up.
[05:44:01] Individually, they're small, but they add up.
[05:44:03] Quick example, Surrey County, very small.
[05:44:05] And again, look, Trump won it by 52 points,
[05:44:09] run back the clock here to 2008, still Republican,
[05:44:12] but McCain only won this county by 28.
[05:44:14] It's gone from 28 point Republican to 52.
[05:44:18] That's been the Trump effect in those red rural counties.
[05:44:21] And so it's basically, which one's gonna give?
[05:44:24] Democrats growing in the metro areas
[05:44:27] or Republicans that Trump surge in the red area?
[05:44:29] That's the tension in Carolina
[05:44:31] and adds up to a very close race.
[05:44:32] Yeah, Steve, it should be so interesting to see
[05:44:35] If you wire people saying Biden isn't running anymore, it doesn't matter what fucking data
[05:44:39] point can you look at?
[05:44:40] They're looking at the last time a Democrat ran in a general election.
[05:44:46] They also pointed to Obama as well.
[05:44:50] Like they're talking about trends on how certain counties are growing like population
[05:44:56] trends and what that might look like in terms of like what that might look like
[05:45:01] for the Democratic Party's chances in winning North Carolina as a state.
[05:45:05] If Harris can cut into those margins now, I'd like it to widen out in a big picture.
[05:45:12] How important are Georgia and North Carolina to Harris's potential pass to the White House
[05:45:17] overall?
[05:45:18] Yeah, let's take a look.
[05:45:20] Call up our friendly road to 270 map.
[05:45:23] And again, I think the significance of Carolina, it's twofold here.
[05:45:28] It basically for the Democrats, it's the only one of these battleground states.
[05:45:32] You see all the others in gray here.
[05:45:33] This is the only one that Donald Trump won in 2016, all of the others went for Joe Biden.
[05:45:40] So Democrats are playing offense here.
[05:45:42] If they win North Carolina, those are electoral votes they didn't already have.
[05:45:46] They're trying to protect electoral votes in every other state.
[05:45:48] That means that North Carolina could offset for them potentially losses elsewhere.
[05:45:53] So a perfect example would just be Georgia.
[05:45:56] What if, playing the what if game here, what if Trump got Georgia?
[05:46:00] That would be a flip.
[05:46:01] You can see here that adds 16 electoral votes to his column.
[05:46:05] It went from 219 to 235.
[05:46:07] But then if Democrats were able to squeak it out
[05:46:10] in North Carolina, that's a game for Kamala Harris right there.
[05:46:13] And it's also 16 electoral votes.
[05:46:16] So the Democrats in this scenario would lose 16 to Trump.
[05:46:19] Act 11 is my grandmother's disease.
[05:46:21] So many mailers attacking Harris in the past week.
[05:46:23] We're hoping they're deathly afraid of losing North
[05:46:24] Carolina to Dems.
[05:46:25] Also an onslaught of TV ads against Harris.
[05:46:27] Lux living in a battleground state, LeMau.
[05:46:31] not supposed to be one, I mean one.
[05:46:39] Is it me or have libs been super defensive lately?
[05:46:41] I don't know.
[05:46:42] Wonder how Obama went over a chunk of those voters
[05:46:44] in rural areas, was he advocating for the deficit?
[05:46:48] No, you don't understand, Barack Obama was running
[05:46:50] on a caucus candidacy, and that's how he was able
[05:46:53] to win over some of these rural voters.
[05:46:56] Everybody knows Barack Obama.
[05:46:58] Everybody knows Barack Obama ran on a campaign
[05:47:01] not of hope and change, but of nothing
[05:47:03] will fundamentally change.
[05:47:05] when, when he said hope and change, he was saying, I hope nothing will fundamentally change
[05:47:11] and that I'm going to do NATO. Okay. He only talked about that sort of stuff. He said he's
[05:47:24] going to have the most muscular military, the most lethal military. You've never seen
[05:47:29] it because he's a black man. You know what I mean? Cause like, obviously as a black
[05:47:32] man, he's going to be polling weak. So he has to, he has to run on how he's going
[05:47:36] to fucking destroy the Middle East extra hard. Now he did end up doing that except he didn't
[05:47:43] run on it.
[05:47:44] Trump in Georgia, but then they get the 16 right back in North Carolina or, you know,
[05:47:51] wait a minute, you're saying he said he would shut down Gitmo and end the war in Iraq.
[05:47:56] What? Yeah. He also said, if you don't vote for me, a black man, you're racist. He
[05:48:04] did. Yeah. That's how campaigns are supposed to be run. Oh, wait, he didn't do any of those
[05:48:17] things. You're right. If anything, the closest we got to that was Biden saying that.
[05:48:24] Oh, is there a scenario where Democrats get both?
[05:48:30] Talk about black poverty rates under Obama. What's really funny about this statement
[05:48:34] is that it implies that I'm like defending Barack Obama's administration and not
[05:48:39] simply talking about how he campaigned, but you're too stupid to understand that. So you
[05:48:45] literally came in here with some fucking partisan bullshit. Okay. If you were to actually listen
[05:48:52] to the words that are coming out of my mouth and at least had a little bit of an understanding
[05:48:56] of my opinion of Barack Obama's administration versus the way he ran, you would recognize
[05:49:02] that I'm very critical of Barack Obama, very critical of what he did. I was actually
[05:49:08] talking about how he lied about a lot of his policies of hope and change, nonetheless, didn't
[05:49:13] change the reality that he did run on that message. As in Americans are vying for such
[05:49:18] a message. Okay. You know what? Americans are not vying for the top of the hour ad break,
[05:49:25] which is why they want to avoid said ads. And how do they avoid said ads by subscribing
[05:49:30] for $6 or for free with a Twitch prime. Okay. You can also get gifted a sub if
[05:49:39] if you are lucky.
[05:49:45] Both of them.
[05:49:47] And then we're talking about losing,
[05:49:49] let's say they were to lose Michigan.
[05:49:51] But again, a Michigan loss,
[05:49:53] that is 15 electoral votes,
[05:49:55] and it's 16 in North Carolina.
[05:49:57] So if you lose Michigan in Democrats
[05:50:00] and you win North Carolina between those two,
[05:50:03] you've actually gained an electoral vote.
[05:50:05] So it offers, it really opens up
[05:50:07] if Democrats could ever win North Carolina.
[05:50:10] it opens up a lot more possible pathways here simply because it could offset losses. It gives
[05:50:16] them more of a pad to lose states. Steve Kornaki. What the fuck is this? Is this a joke? No,
[05:50:24] Kamala Harris is not more progressive than I am. Nick, listen to Donald Trump, turn on
[05:50:29] Fox News or follow any Republican on social media and you will hear or see the constant
[05:50:36] claim that Kamala Harris is more radical and more far left than Bernie Sanders. No, let
[05:50:49] me simply say for better or for worse, Kamala Harris is not more progressive than I am.
[05:50:57] Bro, he just hates women, dude. Like I love him more when I find out how much he just
[05:51:03] hates women dude. He hates women. The American people are tired of women. Oh, he's so funny.
[05:51:23] Why is Bernie Sanders sending this out to like Bernie supporters? Is he trying to depress
[05:51:29] voter turnout? What the fuck? Oh, it's so good. He's doing just a little trolling.
[05:51:59] voice, Medicare for all, including Nazis, but not the women. I haven't gotten this and I get
[05:52:08] burning emails. I don't, I don't know if this is real or not, but that's pretty funny.
[05:52:15] The American people are tired of women.
[05:52:20] I love it. Is it this man talks like a real president? Let's see if this guy is in my chat
[05:52:28] still. User arc venin. He's gone. Trump goes full fashion, true,
[05:52:57] true social posting spree one campaign of his staffers are relieved that former president is largely isolated social media presence to his own app
[05:53:09] He posted those the memes and comments from accounts promoting the Q and on conspiracy theory false claims about 2020 elections sexist acts against
[05:53:14] Kamala Harris and the use of authoritarian tactics against his political enemies
[05:53:21] According to the progressive watchdog media matters the former president promoted Q and on an expansive Israeli or no
[05:53:26] what it is thread Trump this morning amplified on true social at least six
[05:53:29] different Q and I'm promoting accounts a total of 15 times including amplifying
[05:53:34] posts from one of them featuring the Q and I'll slogan in the Q and I'm phrase
[05:53:38] nothing can stop was coming below our images showing this roads lead to
[05:53:50] Obama re-truth if you want public military tribunals Donald Trump
[05:53:57] retweeted that post that he wants military public military tribunals
[05:54:05] that's awesome spiritual street fighter strength and honor the world will soon understand nothing
[05:54:12] can stop what is coming nothing can stop what is coming nothing where we go on we go all re-truth
[05:54:18] if you agree god i love the way boomers post dude it's fucking awesome just so deeply unserious
[05:54:33] This never has a president left office to clue with others to impede the next sitting
[05:54:39] president of the United States of America until Obama.
[05:54:54] The indictment is the crime.
[05:54:56] The range Jackson criminal using power to slay that which is inevitable.
[05:55:00] Trump has won the day.
[05:55:02] Election interference is the real crime.
[05:55:04] Trump has proven.
[05:55:05] Is that a poetry?
[05:55:09] What role has God for you here in this magic hour?
[05:55:12] Is there something you could do to help take back our power?
[05:55:40] a warrior poet, Diane Light, username, Bards of Peace. God woke you up for duty in this
[05:55:50] turning point in time. We are here to stop the looting to end this ancient crime. What
[05:55:56] role has God for you to play here in this wicked time? Is there something you could
[05:56:01] do today to restore the Earth's deep rhyme. Okay, this person has the mental faculties
[05:56:11] of a five year old. Okay, like, spiritually mentally, this person is a is a baby, he's
[05:56:19] got a baby brain. These are the worst fucking bars I've ever heard. She said the Earth's
[05:56:28] deep rhyme. The zoomers are Taiwan posting of
[05:56:37] common
[05:56:48] unlike Donald Trump, who's like, famously, famously not
[05:56:53] synophobic, and isn't regularly trying to go to war with
[05:56:57] China. Let me tell you something. Okay, folks. Listen up
[05:57:00] children. You're going to war whether you like it or not.
[05:57:03] Okay, you're gonna die in a fucking trench with like some
[05:57:07] Chinese robot dog doing fortnight dances on your fucking corpse whether you like it or
[05:57:12] not it doesn't matter if there's a D next to the name it doesn't matter if there's an R
[05:57:18] next to the name okay this notion that like oh Trump wouldn't fucking put us into war with
[05:57:23] China over Taiwan is the dumbest thing I've ever fucking heard in my entire damn life
[05:57:29] you're going to war okay you are gonna go and you are gonna fight against China whether
[05:57:35] you like it or not it doesn't fucking matter see you at basic bitch I'm 33 years old okay
[05:57:43] and I got dulcet as a ship I'm out of here okay I'm fucking out I'm out of 5000 baby
[05:57:50] being 33 is basically like having a disability in terms of like getting military service you
[05:57:55] know what I mean like until this shit looks like Ukraine holding out hope they're not
[05:58:01] gonna be fucking trying to get me to join the military at which point I will have left the
[05:58:06] country okay come the Toronto fam yeah dude you're right because America's hat is not also going to
[05:58:24] be fighting this war against China huh no my method my method is simple okay I go to the
[05:58:36] Chinese embassy and I beg them for for extradition I beg them so that I will be there
[05:58:44] most loyal soldier they're white monkey okay that's what i'm doing i need to learn
[05:58:57] hold on hold on let's figure out how to fucking do this one second translate from
[05:59:10] english to mandarin wait you can't google translate chinese simplified english
[05:59:20] OK. 你好,我要逃亡中国了。
[05:59:44] OK. Let's speak. OK. I would like to be Xi Jinping's white monkey.
[06:00:00] 我想当习近平白猴。
[06:00:15] Not even close, call Jake and Bake to teach you Guai Lo.
[06:00:20] Why does this sound racist like I know it's not? I mean it is technically anti-white racism but
[06:00:28] you are gonna mispronounce and they're gonna throw you in jail.
[06:00:48] It's Xiaoma on stream to teach you this properly.
[06:01:07] Would you say supporting NATO is the most important goal US socialists should be working towards?
[06:01:12] Or does AUKUS take priority?
[06:01:16] Sorry, I'm new to this.
[06:01:23] Why not both?
[06:01:26] I don't know which one to choose from.
[06:01:28] Chinese is a tonal language.
[06:01:29] You might be saying something completely different from what you're trying to.
[06:01:42] Xiaopang on fear and when?
[06:01:45] Yeah, that would be sick.
[06:01:48] Actually, this is you basically.
[06:01:52] That's position, position.
[06:01:55] So it's like, da, da, da, da, what are you doing?
[06:01:59] Hong Yiren,
[06:02:01] I want to tell you something that you want in this world.
[06:02:07] And I want to tell you with my own eyes.
[06:02:12] I'm sorry, my parents are not good.
[06:02:17] You go white boy.
[06:02:34] White boy proposes to girlfriend in perfect Mandarin shopkeepers everywhere rejoice.
[06:02:45] No white boy, 12 million, 13 million likes.
[06:03:01] That's crazy.
[06:03:16] Not impressed.
[06:03:17] I've seen John Cena speak Mandarin.
[06:03:24] If he doesn't learn a language for you, he's not the one who says Duolingo.
[06:03:31] have a military age, Americans aren't eligible for service. They are going to hunt your ass
[06:03:35] down and ship you to basic. No shot. No fucking shot. Your rendition of this went viral to
[06:03:46] be fair. White guy stuns entire supermarket with flawless Japanese. Yeah, he also re to
[06:04:03] re truthed vice president Harrison and Hillary Clinton saying like funny how blowjobs impact
[06:04:11] that both of their careers differently. If one more person sends me this, I'm gonna fucking
[06:04:21] lose it, dude. We covered it already. I covered it already. I covered it already. I did. I
[06:04:32] covered it earlier today, explaining at the conscription line that I'm too much of a high
[06:04:39] value male to die in a war to alpha for military service. I have no fortnight dog
[06:04:44] dancing on my dead ass ain't happening you are first in line dude you are first
[06:04:50] to go any motherfucker yeah yeah you like it
[06:05:11] sorry to bother as this isn't totally related but I've seen a few clips when
[06:05:26] you talk about the Chinese government and do you actually support them
[06:06:29] Yeah, you play all night, you pull out,
[06:06:32] and you're making tons of heat, you get involved.
[06:06:36] Hey, Mootasa, thank you for the,
[06:06:51] thank you for saying, Zay, is that just you?
[06:06:53] No, it's me.
[06:06:58] I will show this to the Chinese embassy
[06:07:00] when my time for, when America goes to war with China,
[06:07:04] and I Swiss sides, okay?
[06:07:15] No, I don't want to watch
[06:07:16] May the Hassan Victor Gao, okay?
[06:07:20] No, I don't want to watch that fucking interview at all is Xi Jinping China on a path of war fuck no
[06:07:27] You look fat there, so they feed you. Well, yeah, they do
[06:07:38] Okay, um, special counsel in dice. I didn't even fucking talk about the special counsel
[06:08:08] in dining Trump again over the 2020 election interference. Obviously it's the same indictment,
[06:08:13] like they reworked it. It's the same indictment. They just simply reworked, reworded the proposal
[06:08:24] or the indictment to portray Trump as a private citizen acting at the benefit of the reelection
[06:08:32] campaign and not as a president. That's pretty much it. I like Matthew, but he was super annoying
[06:08:38] in that China episode, sneak through his pal's line of stuff. Yeah. Here's the California bill.
[06:08:46] Tonight, a bill in the state legislature is causing net.
[06:08:49] We're going to talk about this real quick.
[06:08:51] I wanted to talk about the details of this.
[06:08:53] We briefly covered this on the broadcast a little bit.
[06:08:56] National controversy.
[06:08:57] Should undocumented immigrants be allowed to receive money
[06:09:00] from the state to help buy their first home?
[06:09:03] ABC 10's Jeannie Nguyen is in studio tonight with more
[06:09:06] on what's been proposed and why it's so controversial.
[06:09:09] Alex, buying a home here in California
[06:09:11] is difficult and expensive.
[06:09:13] But the Dream for All program first offered in 2023
[06:09:15] could give people who qualify up to $150,000 to buy their first home.
[06:09:20] The money designated for the program ran out in just days and tonight I asked both Democrats
[06:09:24] and Republicans about proposed additions to the program to allow everyone, regardless...
[06:09:29] So a couple things, one, not a single fucking tax dollar is being used on this.
[06:09:34] It's literally the California state government's own internal mortgage program to make money.
[06:09:41] Number two, it already exists for documented U.S. citizens.
[06:09:47] This is simply an extension on the existing program for undocumented migrants.
[06:09:54] And once again, it is literally a fucking loan assistance program, okay, a loan assistance
[06:10:02] program that is basically like the state operating as a bank and they collect the
[06:10:08] loan assistance from qualified undocumented migrants that can apply for it. And they collect
[06:10:16] it after the, the, like the house price reaches a certain point. Okay. So it's basically just
[06:10:24] a, so again, it's not, it's not like a real, it's not, it's not tax dollars being spent
[06:10:29] on it. And also not only that, but they have to pay it back plus interest. It's
[06:10:38] It's a loan.
[06:10:40] It's a loan assistance program that in and of itself operates like a loan as well.
[06:10:46] Which is really stupid that people are trying to fucking, you know, drum up resentment.
[06:10:53] And because of this potential resentment, Gavin Newsom has not answered on whether he
[06:10:57] will sign it into law or not.
[06:10:59] We will find out in the next couple of days.
[06:11:02] If he does end up signing it into law, I thought it was free money.
[06:11:05] Yes, because Republicans keep lying about everything.
[06:11:09] Immigration status to apply for the funding.
[06:11:11] On a busy Tuesday at the state capitol on the Senate floor.
[06:11:14] Assembly Bill 1840 by Assembly Member Arambula.
[06:11:16] Lawmakers passed Assembly Bill 1840.
[06:11:19] Democratic Senator Scott Wiener presented this bill
[06:11:21] on the Senate floor on behalf of its author, Assembly Member
[06:11:25] Joaquin Arambula.
[06:11:26] This bill allows undocumented immigrants
[06:11:30] who have social security numbers
[06:11:33] for taxpayer identification
[06:11:35] numbers, meaning they're working
[06:11:37] and paying taxes in California
[06:11:39] to be able to access downpayment
[06:11:42] and assistance programs.
[06:11:44] The California Dream for All
[06:11:45] program offers up to a 20%
[06:11:47] down payment on a home or up
[06:11:49] to $150,000.
[06:11:51] AB 1840 would make it so
[06:11:53] eligible applicants would not
[06:11:55] be turned down solely based on
[06:11:57] immigration status.
[06:11:58] Many of them have been
[06:11:59] living here for years or
[06:12:01] decades.
[06:12:02] families here. They've started businesses here. They're working. I like him. Oh, don't
[06:12:08] ah, ah, he's good here. He's good here. He was chirping on the fucking timeline about
[06:12:16] how how he was celebrating NYU's decision to fucking declare Zionist to be a fucking
[06:12:23] protected category literally two days ago. So he can suck me on that one. You know,
[06:12:30] he is good on this. The problem is it will increase property prices. Wait, what? Unfortunately.
[06:12:48] Yeah. Property prices were so normal in the state of California before this loan assistance
[06:12:53] was expanded to undocumented migrants that qualify for it. My friend at work literally
[06:13:03] just called me like it's an emergency that you tried to speak Chinese. I watched it back
[06:13:06] and I just have to say, please never do that again. If that gets on billy billy,
[06:13:09] It's all jover.
[06:13:11] Wait, what?
[06:13:12] Why?
[06:13:14] I'm literally Geniflecting to the eternal chairman, dude.
[06:13:18] What the fuck?
[06:13:20] What more do the Chinese want from me on bilibili?
[06:13:25] He's my state senator.
[06:13:26] He's a typical Yimbi Dem, which means
[06:13:27] his general takes on urbanism or mix,
[06:13:29] but he supports the most reactionary implementations
[06:13:31] of Yimbiism.
[06:13:32] Oh, yeah, the whole Zionist thing, yeah.
[06:13:36] He is.
[06:13:37] he is all of that and more.
[06:13:39] I loved it.
[06:13:41] I loved it for Californians.
[06:13:43] I loved it for Californians.
[06:13:45] It's like none of our state legislator,
[06:13:48] legislatures ever wanna solve the problem.
[06:13:52] They're like, you know how we're gonna solve this problem
[06:13:55] by fucking offering debt assistance.
[06:13:57] It's like, how about you fucking build more houses, man?
[06:14:01] How about you build affordable houses, okay?
[06:14:04] use some money to build houses.
[06:14:09] Okay, build a house, any house, apartment,
[06:14:13] any kind of house.
[06:14:15] Please, please build houses.
[06:14:19] The state needs houses, okay?
[06:14:22] Build social housing, build public housing,
[06:14:25] build a house, any kind of house.
[06:14:27] Do you know what a house is?
[06:14:29] Okay, do you know what it looks like?
[06:14:31] It would be sick to build it, okay?
[06:14:33] not like fucking luxury high rise condominiums. I'm talking apartment complexes, make them
[06:14:39] great, make them blocky, make them brutalist. I don't give a shit. Okay. I don't even like
[06:14:44] brutalist architecture, but I just, I want it. Okay. I want a real bad. Normalize the
[06:14:49] fucking housing market here in the state of California, make Airbnb illegal, build
[06:14:55] some fucking houses, make Airbnb more illegal. Okay. Punish people for, uh, punish people
[06:15:01] in the form of additional taxes for owning and maintaining multiple units. Okay. Apply
[06:15:07] additional vacancy taxes for people who want to sit on properties and not sell them or
[06:15:14] not fucking work them. Okay. Not put them to work. There's like a million different things
[06:15:19] that California could be doing, but they don't want to do any of those things. They're
[06:15:22] like, here, we're just going to give fucking a couple undocumented migrants like loan
[06:15:26] assistance. Okay. Which they will have to pay back anyway. I love your bad takes. I know,
[06:15:31] I know it's a really bad take. Let me show the even building new luxury apartments, lowers
[06:15:40] rent, increased pressures for the rest of the market, making Airbnb illegal does nothing.
[06:15:47] What make Airbnb illegal? Absolutely doesn't do nothing. What Airbnb is too much real estate
[06:15:59] to just make them illegal. They out too many hotels out of business. What are you guys
[06:16:04] talking about large house man says just build a house guys. Why would you build a house we
[06:16:17] can have an Airbnb come on man. I know large house man desperately advocating to lower his
[06:16:23] property value because he understands that housing for him is just shelter and not an
[06:16:30] investment vehicle. I know large house man with singular home for him and his family
[06:16:38] understands that it is for the greater good. If housing values were to depreciate in the
[06:16:45] state of California, especially in Los Angeles, the number one reason as to why people go homeless
[06:16:51] is because they get priced out of the housing market. Okay. Why do people get priced out
[06:16:55] of the housing market? Because there isn't enough affordable housing housing market is
[06:17:01] completely out of fucking control. They just need to work harder though. Okay, shut
[06:17:09] the fuck up? Why won't you acknowledge that it's actually good that Airbnb houses are vacant
[06:17:26] a lot of the time? I know. It's so good. Taxes, they're contributing to the community and we
[06:17:42] shouldn't demonize them. But Republican Senator Brian Jones tells ABC 10 this legislation
[06:17:47] is unfair to documented California residents. Now it's not just allowing people to immigrate
[06:17:52] illegally in America. Now we're encouraging them to am
[06:17:56] Dog you are a state senator
[06:18:00] from california
[06:18:03] You are in sacramento
[06:18:06] Okay, what the fuck are you saying? We're encouraging illegals to come to america
[06:18:12] dog
[06:18:13] This state is literally the state
[06:18:16] Okay, this is the state for undocumented migrants
[06:18:21] What the fuck are you talking about like what are you saying I don't understand
[06:18:29] how any fucking Republican or Democrat any Republican or Democrat that's like
[06:18:34] man this undocumented crisis is out of control in California like what are you
[06:18:40] saying this state is the exact perfect counter to Texas okay we have a
[06:18:50] a border. We have a shit ton of undocumented migrants and it doesn't fucking matter. You
[06:18:58] know, what about the documented immigrants? People on student visas, H1B, the way they go
[06:19:10] from immigrant to citizen is fucking paid, painful. The legal way is fucked. Yeah. I
[06:19:13] mean, opening up pathways of citizenship for them and the undocumented migrants is
[06:19:17] great. That's what I'm an advocate for. Brian Jones represents East County, San Diego
[06:19:22] was a Texas transplant. Dude, shitting on undocumented migrants in California is like
[06:19:40] going to Mecca and being like, oh man, too many Muslims here. What are we going to do
[06:19:44] about this Islam thing? Big problem here. What are you talking about? The fuck do you
[06:19:51] mean? What are you saying? Do you hear the words that are coming out of your mouth?
[06:19:58] Dumbass.
[06:19:59] We're great illegally not only that senator Jones takes issues with the California dream for all program itself
[06:20:11] The Democrats created this problem problem here in California. Now. They want to try to find a solution by redirecting
[06:20:19] Tax dollars from honest hard-working everyday Californians that are paying their taxes and then redirect that money to people
[06:20:28] That they find somehow qualified for these buyer programs
[06:20:32] It doesn't use tax dollars. It just doesn't. It literally doesn't use tax dollars.
[06:20:40] It's like it's basically like an additional mortgage program on top of the existing mortgage
[06:20:44] payment structure that exists that the state is utilizing. They're paying back into it.
[06:20:55] With the session in its final week, this bill is headed back to the assembly and if it passes,
[06:20:59] it'll go to the governor's desk where he will sign or veto the legislation.
[06:21:03] and inclusion and ensuring discriminatory housing and lending policies are a thing of the past.
[06:21:08] To see his full statement, head over to our website.
[06:21:11] It's so stupid. By the way, for the record, non-U.S. citizens can apply and take out a mortgage loan.
[06:21:18] Okay? They can do that. They can do that.
[06:21:33] Non-U.S. citizens can apply and take out a mortgage loan. Okay? They can do that. They
[06:21:48] can do that for the record. Like, that's already a thing that they can do. In 2014, there were
[06:22:00] 3.4 million undocumented immigrants that own homes in the United States. Okay? Well,
[06:22:20] You can get a private, special loan from private lenders with an ITIN, individual taxpayer identification
[06:22:29] number, okay, is a unique identifier that the IRS uses to process tax returns and payments
[06:22:34] for those that do not have or do not qualify for a social security number.
[06:22:53] You think Gruesome Newsome will veto this bill though?
[06:22:55] I don't know because he's like, they asked them and he said he would, he didn't answer.
[06:23:02] And I think it's because, you know, they're trying to make this a national story.
[06:23:06] Like the right wingers are trying to make this a national story and turn it into a problem.
[06:23:14] So who knows?
[06:23:15] Someone from California Republican said, taking it from honest, hardworking paying
[06:23:21] tax and citizens, these undocumented people are hardworking, honest, tax paying citizens.
[06:23:25] Yeah.
[06:23:26] Or not citizens, but civilians.
[06:23:36] It is funny that they're making it seem like the government has given them free
[06:23:39] money or some shit.
[06:23:43] of the time, Republicans chirp about some shit. They quite literally are complaining about
[06:23:49] a policy that already exists and certainly exists in their own fucking states. Okay.
[06:23:57] What is hilarious about this is something that I talked about yesterday. It is a misdemeanor
[06:24:03] to steal in the state of California, um, up to $900, right? Everyone constantly fucking
[06:24:10] talks about, everyone constantly talks about how California made crime legal. This has
[06:24:16] been in, this is a policy that's been in action since like 2014 or something. I forget exactly
[06:24:22] when they implemented it. Okay. In the state of Texas, it's a misdemeanor up to $2,500.
[06:24:28] $2,500. It's a classy misdemeanor. It's the, that up until $2,500 is considered
[06:24:38] Classy misdemeanor in the state of Texas the limits even fucking higher in the state of Texas
[06:24:44] Why are
[06:24:47] Oh my god, would anybody say Texas is woke? No
[06:24:56] What's your last name? That's not piker or Hasan is pecan, but I don't really care how people say
[06:25:03] What's your last name? That's not piker
[06:25:12] Now why hasn't ever clicked in my head. We americanized the last name. I mean, yeah, I don't really
[06:25:16] I don't care about it um leak diplomatic cable we obtained from USA warning by an admin that the
[06:25:23] Israeli military has drastically increased the pace of evacuation orders in Gaza is that what the
[06:25:29] cable sent from the US embassy in Jerusalem today says this is a report from USA disaster
[06:25:33] assistance release team which is CIA US CIA eight okay no one is going to say it correctly so I
[06:25:46] don't really care issuing of reiteration evacuation order 20 cyber time such directors
[06:26:00] have driven repeated displacement, decreases the size of government, Israel designated humanitarian zone.
[06:26:06] Of course, America is aware of this, but also does not care. So just remember that. Last but not least,
[06:26:13] here's the Israeli dude who got disarmed because he brought a gun to a pool in Texas.
[06:26:22] Oh, he's just taking it, he's taking it out.
[06:26:25] Oh, he does.
[06:26:26] Oh, shit.
[06:26:45] He's got a gun.
[06:26:47] Why do you bring a gun to a pool?
[06:26:52] What the fuck are you doing?
[06:26:54] Run that nigga shit, bitch, get out, run that nigga shit.
[06:26:56] Fuck this shit.
[06:26:57] Fuck this shit.
[06:26:58] You fucking hold the gun on us.
[06:27:03] Who's gonna fucking pull the gun on us again?
[06:27:05] Oh, shit.
[06:27:06] What the fuck, bitch?
[06:27:08] Yeah
[06:27:17] Welcome to America bitch. Yeah
[06:27:22] Dude it's so funny. Yeah, you should have said no put it here. No, put it take
[06:27:28] The fuck saying that and we're who do you think is saying that and we're dude
[06:27:32] So fuck do you mean they're flexing in Texas, dude?
[06:27:36] it. They're Texas Flexicans.
[06:27:40] I didn't think he fucked up.
[06:27:46] Mexicans don't got the pass. Okay, you take it out with them, man. You know, like, what do you mean?
[06:27:53] Good luck.
[06:27:57] If you couldn't tell their Mexican from the video, you could probably tell from the repeated usage of the N word.
[06:28:05] Oh man. Soundtrack is so Texas. What? This was the original caption on the video. RTE Bishop has gun pulled on him and beat someone's ass in Houston.
[06:28:40] Oh, this thing is a longer. They're called flexing is not flexing and nots. I think it's crazy. Guy lost the fight. Guy lost the fight with a gun to a guy wearing a belt in a pool.
[06:29:01] pool what a fucking insane thing to do what an insane thing to do to like go to a pool
[06:29:19] in Texas with a gun who the fuck brings a gun to a pool bro like dog this ain't fucking
[06:29:30] have brawn okay you don't got the fucking military backing you up these aren't children
[06:29:37] Okay, these aren't like Palestinian four-year-old babies. Okay. These are whole-ass adults
[06:29:46] In the United States of America
[06:29:49] in motherfucking Texas
[06:29:52] Like what the fuck do you think you're doing bro? I swear to god motherfuckers think like oh no shit is sweet
[06:29:59] It's just like israel bro. I swear
[06:30:06] like who the fuck
[06:30:09] Who the fuck brings a gun to a pool
[06:30:11] I don't really understand that principle at all I love that they put your hair
[06:30:49] face I love I love the the fact that they just like pull him into the water and
[06:31:07] just keep beating his ass like they pull him into the water and just like
[06:31:18] palm of them anyway I don't know if he's Israeli he just has a Hebrew tattoo on
[06:31:29] his chest. That's why people think he's Israeli, but he might not be.
[06:32:08] Row 8 a whole ass combo meal, yeah. A tattoo, multiple grace cover, half of his upper chest,
[06:32:16] Yeah, every part of this is perfect because it literally has like a song bidi-bidi fan cam. No way
[06:32:27] Bro, this is one like wait, there's like more videos of me on here
[06:33:16] Wonderful quiet quitting Gen Z's this is the hush you have reached me this video months ago
[06:33:25] Dude, how do I how do I get more poppin on bidi-bidi? I need to get more poppin on bidi-bidi, dude
[06:33:37] This is killing me that I'm not popping enough. This is a 15 minute video of 242 views
[06:34:07] What are they saying I like it what do you expect from anyone with a political bent?
[06:34:18] How many people in this world who are involved in Western politics are not mentally distorted?
[06:34:22] The reality is that no matter how sour they are they cannot affect the Chinese people's pursuit of progress
[06:34:27] No! I need to see copyright owner the film is not available in your area. No! Your
[06:34:51] Wukong content is popping off, is it? Bro, it's got two.
[06:35:00] My bad, my bad bro, my bad bro. When you drop in the workout, brother, I literally every day drop my
[06:35:09] This one look like a pop dog warning. We are about to talk about 13 this is
[06:35:27] Okay, this one of 6,000 likes
[06:35:30] In fact just three months ago there was self-immolation process in front of the Israeli consulate and that it was a woman
[06:35:40] However, that process fully demonstrated the control of the American media. There was no video do why do Chinese netizens, right?
[06:35:47] Why do Chinese netizens right with like so much?
[06:35:53] Intensity
[06:35:55] 160,000 views. Oh hell yeah. This video is popping off. Chinese netizens write with like
[06:36:02] unimaginable precision. They write like, no, I don't think it's the translation, dude. I
[06:36:10] I swear to God. Maybe it's like just the fucking Trump rally. Shut the fuck up. Where give me
[06:36:18] a link now. Hassan biggest far left political anger the United States understood Trump.
[06:36:23] Trump, Trump, Wang's reaction to being shot, crazy updates, I'm exhausted.
[06:36:29] The first few episodes are all about Trump's shooting friends who like it can check it out.
[06:36:34] Democrats, it's over because I know it's over.
[06:36:37] I don't dare to imagine what they will do next.
[06:36:39] After all, it's happened once.
[06:36:41] Why should I be afraid of a second one?
[06:36:43] Second time.
[06:36:44] I think as long as the Democrats want to govern in the future, there won't be
[06:36:47] a second time or the first time wasn't necessarily done by the Democrats.
[06:36:50] China produces more engineers a year than, uh, more than all the countries combined as
[06:37:07] a smart country, 30, 30 year old anchor, bit the microphone and anger after being abused
[06:37:20] for playing mass there, 340, 30,000 views.
[06:37:23] I think this game does reflect the meaning of martial arts, winning people over with
[06:37:26] virtue and keeping calm, especially after playing the ending of forgiveness.
[06:37:30] It's hard to imagine that our own martial arts culture has been interpreted so well
[06:37:33] by the French.
[06:37:34] I feel that you must have a calm mind to play this game and pass this game.
[06:37:38] Bro.
[06:37:39] just write paragraphs bro they write the most meaningful paragraphs this
[06:37:50] martial arts game with Chinese philosophical connotations is really
[06:37:53] interesting when paired with impatient and shouting players the game and the
[06:37:56] player are contrasted one is quiet and the other is dynamic you get the
[06:38:00] feeling those who practice martial arts should guard against arrogance and
[06:38:04] impatience you are impatient and impetuous what can you do to fight me
[06:38:08] What the fuck I am lost am I a lost Chinese netizen God. I love China so much
[06:38:21] Also, I'll be talks about the land and then I went over to my uncle's house
[06:38:28] Wait, they have me talk of what the fuck bro. They have like so much shit
[06:38:35] Wait, yeah always translate Chinese simplify come on Google Chinese New Year
[06:38:43] I
[06:38:54] Saw was actually harassed by a female colleague
[06:39:01] Hasan say he is a diehard fan
[06:39:05] It's a banger. I gotta play it dude. Oh
[06:39:12] Fuck I was wrong. It's not even where it's just like when we listen to Japanese and English songs
[06:39:17] We don't understand the meaning but think they just sound good
[06:39:23] What the fuck?
[06:39:27] Give the good part
[06:39:36] Hassan Abbey's is undeniable the amount. What?
[06:39:42] Hassan every chat comments on Chinese high speed rail.
[06:39:49] Wait, why are there so many videos like this?
[06:39:53] They keep us in the Chinese separate of your language
[06:39:55] because they're scared of what they could teach us.
[06:40:05] Why do why are there so many fucking you need to make your
[06:40:13] own bitty, bitty account?
[06:40:16] Here's Morgan.
[06:40:17] Well, none of the back of the hearts and minds
[06:40:18] traditionally played out through diplomacy and propaganda
[06:40:21] It's been played out online. My next guest has almost half a billion views
[06:40:27] To be honest peers as an old right-wing interviewer
[06:40:29] He was able to invite so many pros during this period Palestine the interviewees who show a better professional ethics than most
[06:40:35] Western media people you they are pretty good
[06:40:38] Indeed at least he can put aside his pride and invite dissidents to speak which is much better than most politicians
[06:40:44] Please when Norman Gary Finkelstein?
[06:40:47] this is 39 million or no this is 39,000 views gay you can exclude yourself from
[06:41:09] service but then everyone who doesn't want to translate translate come on Google
[06:41:21] ah this process of taking photos of identification is too exaggerated is it
[06:41:28] mentally stressful for a doctor to specialize in this indeed how can we
[06:41:32] let the doctor suffer like this let me do it put on some clothes but this is
[06:41:37] very friendly those effeminate boys they will be bullied to death in the army
[06:41:40] really my roommate is from turkey he went there with his girlfriend on this
[06:41:43] weekend when he came back I asked him he said it was true in addition turkey means
[06:41:51] you're gay this is right this is top wow this is so sick I love BDBD the
[06:42:27] Chinese internet seems wholesome compared to ours dude this is why I'm an advocate
[06:42:30] for the great Chinese firewall okay this is why this is what happens when
[06:42:46] you have a great firewall. Okay. And heavy moderation. You have your own dominated Billy
[06:42:56] Billy tag. What the fuck? There's like X you see videos on here too. There's a Austin ox
[06:43:23] video and clips are on here. Do they know how much I love China? That's what I need to
[06:43:48] know. How's that be clips expanding to be dbd. Yeah. They are coomers like you.
[06:44:20] I know as long as you don't talk shit about the CCP, you can basically say anything. Bro.
[06:44:30] Why would I talk shit about the CCP? Why people don't exist? Wait, let's see what the Chinese
[06:44:36] had to say about this one without realizing how do I convince him out of it?
[06:44:41] No comments. Only six likes 400 views. No comments. Most played. I mean, this is the
[06:45:03] most like the trigger warning. We are about to talk about some very, very heavy things.
[06:45:11] Yesterday, click Aaron on YouTube Bush and all the video, the first incident warns that
[06:45:19] the scene is maybe disturbing and there's a phone number and constation advertisement.
[06:45:22] We didn't pay much attention at first, but now I think it's suddenly making you associate
[06:45:26] him with mental problems. What a subtle influence. How are they more charitable to what you
[06:45:36] say when they're translating it, but people in the West who speak English purposely
[06:45:39] misinterpretable you have to say. Well, because they're, they don't have the same fucking hangups
[06:45:48] that like Americans have some Chinese house and I've had making an industrial complex where
[06:45:52] they translate what you're talking about. Also higher education. Maybe they aren't primed to
[06:46:12] hate everything that is different. Yeah. Because this is unique for them. I suspect
[06:46:18] a person, an American person talking about shit like this, an American person talking
[06:46:27] talking about shit like this is probably considered unique.
[06:46:31] It's a unique perspective.
[06:46:32] Hassan, the biggest far-left political anchor in the United States, understood Trump Wang's
[06:46:36] reaction to being shot.
[06:46:38] Is it fake?
[06:46:39] It's actually true.
[06:46:40] Excuse me, political anchor, Hassan was shocked and said, there are 10 K viewers watching.
[06:46:46] Who's bringing popularity to your live broadcasting room?
[06:46:49] What the fuck?
[06:46:52] Revenge failed.
[06:46:54] Hassan gave up on his master and his mentality exploded and he went off the air.
[06:46:58] I think this is literally me playing the fucking fighting game.
[06:47:03] Rage quitting. Being mad at the master.
[06:47:11] Can we make BDB time? Yeah, Sifu is the master, right?
[06:47:14] Being BDB time is going to be a new thing.
[06:47:17] I want more BDB posts. Okay.
[06:47:24] It turns out game and content thrives on there.
[06:47:27] Why are none of my Wulcon clips up there?
[06:47:29] What is this Hassan's opinion on XG's recent gambling that they're gonna they love gambling in China
[06:47:42] Oh, they're not gonna like me for this one
[06:47:44] I watched XG live broadcasting the Debo game and wanted to play it
[06:47:47] But I found out these real money's real gambling so XG almost made me want to gamble
[06:47:50] But then I thought if I really gambled in real life like in the game
[06:47:53] I would lose a lot of money
[06:47:54] So I gave up the idea because I'm almost the type of person who is most easily addicted and once I start there's no turning back
[06:47:59] Just look at him and you will know that gambling has no good end and you will only lose everything
[06:48:04] But it is really interesting to see him shouting book book book
[06:48:07] They are not allowed to broadcast this and that but they are allowed to broadcast gambling
[06:48:11] This is outrageous a large number of excuse viewers are minors. I hope he will learn his lesson
[06:48:16] I saw that twitch is a casino channel for a long time and people abroad may not be very aware of this
[06:48:32] Okay, this is crazy. Why are they so fucking wholesome?
[06:48:36] What the hell?
[06:48:39] Live streamers say
[06:48:41] Live streamers say live streaming is more difficult than tiring the other jobs are criticized by the outside world
[06:48:46] What the fuck?
[06:48:48] My clip chimps are on there
[06:48:50] That's excuse me. Hasan. I'm very disappointed you. It's not healthy to be a liquor of Pokemon and
[06:49:00] Let her open her mouth to spread rumors
[06:49:07] What does that even mean?
[06:49:10] Excuse me directly responded to the start of the broadcast
[06:49:12] Hassan and Pokemon are both sinister villains
[06:49:18] What are they're like Chinese juicers
[06:49:24] X is on twitch with them X means you can play whatever you want to son
[06:49:33] You should take care of your own live broadcast content and stop interfering with other people's live broadcast
[06:49:37] When do they start arguing with each other the only thing they had in common recently was talking about sami's break up
[06:49:41] And that wasn't the point of their life she'm arguing if train agrees to pay have he can fill the remaining half
[06:49:45] have. What? Oh no, there are Chinese hate clip farmers of you. Yeah. No. No. I found
[06:50:19] one of my memes being uploaded to Billy Billy. What's happening? Oh my god. Comrade lamb
[06:50:25] production being mad at the master. Hopefully the Chinese dub channel comes back. Oh yeah.
[06:50:53] two months ago, no views, they stopped.
[06:50:55] So, you actually will never be able to do that because he is the one who is going to
[06:51:03] kill you in front of the big market.
[06:51:14] He's got no views.
[06:51:16] This has one view from two months.
[06:51:18] I bet they fucking, I bet they just like stopped it.
[06:51:23] Like YouTube.
[06:51:24] I feel like the Chinese culture doesn't create vicious bad faith animals like internet
[06:51:31] users in the West, or do you think the lack of economic volatility produces
[06:51:34] wholesome people?
[06:51:36] We don't know what the broader internet in China looks like.
[06:51:41] I have no idea.
[06:51:46] What is this BDBD Blackboard activity?
[06:51:48] What the fuck is this?
[06:52:16] There's a lot of vicious Dota comments from China.
[06:52:18] Okay, may I know a speaker here?
[06:52:19] The tone's all fucked up.
[06:52:20] Someone's impossible to understand.
[06:52:25] I want to watch like a video of me.
[06:52:27] I want to watch a video of me like glazing China and I want to see what their reaction
[06:52:32] is.
[06:52:33] I want to see if they're like surprised.
[06:52:41] You know what I mean?
[06:52:42] the one where I reacted to the Chinese EVs, I said like, I think there's like unnecessary
[06:52:48] because this one, I was talking about like how there's like too many unnecessary things like perks
[06:52:53] in it. This anchor clown, he doesn't care about this. He doesn't care about that. Then why are you
[06:52:59] watching? What he said is so sour. This is their political environment. Like they
[06:53:07] wasn't this one, not even an EV. No, this was a, this was, I remember it was like,
[06:53:11] like, uh, I don't, yeah, I think this is a EV. Yeah. You're in this, by the way, megafaunix
[06:53:18] because you were chirping at it. Problem is I really, by the way, I've literally looked
[06:53:27] it up. I've looked up Chinese EVs. What is it? Yeah. Uh, want young Wong or whatever.
[06:53:33] They called me a hater. They fucking called me a hater for this video because it, you
[06:53:40] know, I was, I was like, I don't really care about this as much. Even though I
[06:53:44] did look up how to buy Chinese EVs in America and you really can't pay the
[06:54:04] tariff and really get canceled. No, you can't. Most of the Chinese vehicles,
[06:54:08] most of the Chinese vehicles are have never even like most of the Chinese
[06:54:15] vehicles, even without the tariff, have never reached to the American
[06:54:21] marketplace because they see no reason to do so. So they're not like street
[06:54:26] legal. Like I looked up that fucking crazy Chinese EV that that I
[06:54:35] think was breaking records in the Nuremberg. Or not Nuremberg.
[06:54:39] Was it Nuremberg? What's the ring? Not Nuremberg where the
[06:54:42] trials are happening. But I forget what the name of the where
[06:54:45] the trials is it?
[06:54:47] What's it called?
[06:54:50] Nürburgring, Nürburgring, anyway, there's a Chinese luxury electric vehicle that is
[06:55:03] like supposed to be like a like a Yamara competitor.
[06:55:19] It's fucking sick.
[06:55:22] And I really like it.
[06:55:23] How far are you in the street in the game?
[06:55:25] I'm on chat.
[06:55:26] I just started chapter two.
[06:55:28] What the fuck?
[06:55:35] Oops.
[06:55:36] If so many Chinese EV cars here in Australia, they're all over the place and shit on Tesla's. Yeah, but we don't have them
[06:55:41] You don't understand one of the put my money where my mouth is and show support to China
[06:56:00] But it wouldn't let me
[06:56:21] No joke Chinese soft powers one of my favorite things about living in Australia
[06:56:26] All right, chatters who are unfamiliar at the top of the hour. There's a dream and a break. That's number one number two
[06:56:32] We are I'm cooking on this game
[06:56:34] game. But I would assume that I won't just assume that I won't be cooking today. Okay,
[06:56:45] you can still doubt me because I don't know. Even the young Wong you nine I think so. Yeah.
[06:57:04] Would you recommend this game? I mean it's up to you. I really like it. I really really
[06:57:15] like it I think it's very fun I think the combat is like this guy goes hard
[06:57:41] Oh
[06:58:11] Wait, what happened?
[06:58:18] I reckon I got an idea why you've come here, my friend.
[06:58:31] No!
[06:58:32] English subtitles are so ass-ass after English Devs are ass-ass.
[06:58:35] Waste makes waste.
[06:58:37] I'll injure you.
[06:58:45] How did this happen to me?
[06:58:47] Watch your step, eh.
[06:58:48] Get more shots, you'll be high and dry.
[06:58:50] Oh, shit.
[06:59:31] Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
[06:59:36] Fucking 12 ads are my local community college.
[07:00:09] Dude, get your money up, not your phony up chatter.
[07:00:13] Get gifted a sub, or get rekt at the top of the hour, you know what I'm saying?
[07:00:22] Chat, calm down, we got Chinese netizens watching right now, okay? This might get on Bilibili. This might get on Bilibili, okay?
[07:00:28] Quick, talk about how awesome China is, we want high speed rail.
[07:00:38] This game is a W for China, oh 100%, this is like, this is in my opinion gamers are some
[07:00:44] of the most reactionary people on the fucking planet and this game is probably, this game
[07:00:50] is like endlessly successful in terms of doing soft power for China.
[07:01:00] I was not paying attention, holy shit.
[07:01:03] Oh, 15 million copies. Don't choke on it, bro.
[07:01:24] Did I do a mob? I know. Well, you know,
[07:01:38] I'm gonna, it takes a while to get used to again, you know, after yesterday's incredible gaming sesh.
[07:01:48] Did you ever adjust the controversy around this game? No, I did not, because I don't care.
[07:01:58] I'm gonna go this way. Let's see what's up, let's see what's up here this time.
[07:02:06] Oh, shit.
[07:02:20] Nope, don't fall.
[07:02:21] This martial arts game with Chinese philosophical connotations is really interesting.
[07:02:48] Yeah, good landscape. I mean not landscape, sorry. Good copypasta.
[07:02:53] Good copypasta chatters. Keep it up.
[07:02:57] Excellent.
[07:02:59] Whoa, wow, what is this?
[07:03:03] A lambrew.
[07:03:05] The invisible walls are a big L, is what one chatter said earlier, and I agree.
[07:03:28] Um
[07:03:30] They they should have yeah, I didn't I don't really like the invisible walls either
[07:03:36] But it's fine. Yeah, I mean I'll take it
[07:03:47] fuck
[07:03:49] Triple focus is so crazy
[07:03:53] Triple focus is so powerful. I
[07:03:55] Can't wait to get quadruple focus
[07:04:07] I am playing Dragon Ball chat, yes. Wait, do I go down this way first?
[07:04:43] There's a guy down there. I gotta beat his ass. That was crazy.
[07:05:08] Lesser Yaw Guy, Anik though, recorded. Well, what the hell is this?
[07:05:15] What a big- Who the hell do you think you are, dude? You're not even a lesser Yaw
[07:05:22] Oh, you're one of them poison you, Ow Guy.
[07:05:26] Die.
[07:05:27] Oh, shit.
[07:05:28] No, back away before I get poisoned.
[07:05:32] Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
[07:05:37] blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
[07:06:08] God damn these little shits are everywhere, huh?
[07:06:20] That is full of frogs you're killing our brethren.
[07:06:23] Some frogs need to be, you know, some frogs need to be beaten senselessly until
[07:06:31] until they ooo that's a boss isn't it looks like a boss to me got a pee real
[07:06:39] quick boss time okay being a son of play dustborn I will after this and I missed
[07:08:24] it oh shit this shit ain't nothing to me you know what I'm saying god damn these
[07:09:50] many bosses ain't nothing to me and in a big deal first try W gamer shit you
[07:09:56] You know what I'm saying?
[07:09:57] I'm the murderer of frogs.
[07:10:02] You feel me?
[07:10:03] Bro, I haven't seen a single goddamn fire, campfire, whatever, shrine, whatever it's
[07:10:09] called yet.
[07:10:10] Come on, fill it up all the way.
[07:10:26] God damn, I didn't even fill it up all the way.
[07:10:28] Wait, which way do I go?
[07:10:37] I went the wrong route, right?
[07:10:39] I think I went the back door.
[07:10:40] I'm gonna kill this guy now.
[07:10:52] See this fucking mushroom I've ever fought, dude.
[07:11:42] Holy shit.
[07:11:43] You fucked me up.
[07:11:45] He was poisonous, he was deadly as hell.
[07:11:51] Like normally when I pick those mushrooms up, they're not that bad.
[07:11:59] This one was unique.
[07:12:11] God damn son, holy shit, chill out.
[07:12:32] Okay, where the fuck do I go?
[07:12:35] I need to find a shrine.
[07:12:38] Real quick, like I'm desperate for a shrine.
[07:12:45] Wait, what the hell?
[07:12:46] Wait.
[07:12:48] No.
[07:12:51] Oh, there it is.
[07:12:53] We are in dire times.
[07:13:02] Come on, third.
[07:13:23] Put something funny on the screen like Moon Moon does.
[07:13:37] Erm, mods. Okay, Weebee.
[07:13:47] What the Sigma? Erm, what the Sigma?
[07:13:56] Give the NPC down by the Frog Boss? Wait, I did?
[07:14:16] Damn, there's so many good things I can unlock now.
[07:14:24] Charging speed of all stances.
[07:14:30] East town level slightly increases the damage dealt by charge smash, heavy attacks.
[07:14:36] Think I'm gonna go with this, though.
[07:14:38] Massively reduces.
[07:14:39] or no I don't want to do I'm not gonna get perfect dodges anyway get through us
[07:14:48] it's arguably the best dance in the game everyone keeps saying that but I don't
[07:14:52] believe it each town level slightly increases critical hit chance you've
[07:15:10] done a lot of perfect dodges already I have wait I have new armor no way already
[07:15:19] cloud step shrouding black wind will attack enemies nearby and death then
[07:15:23] one will decoy continuously fuck there's already better oh god I need fucking
[07:15:30] two I need so much more silk I need so much more silk to be silky the current
[07:15:52] ones I have give me additional damage to enemy upon crashing their mobilization
[07:15:56] I mean this one's pretty good upon crashing mobilization massively
[07:16:02] reduces the cooldown wait do I not have all the four necessary oh I need one
[07:16:12] more I need a helmet for this and I don't have the helmet for this wait oh I do I'm using
[07:16:27] this fuck it I'm doing immobilize keep current armor there's a better one that needs mats
[07:16:35] after this chapter also you need to immobilize passive for all the bosses here yeah my soak
[07:16:45] is the celestial lotus seeds why does this say I have oh lambrew each sip instantly
[07:16:52] recovers 20% of maximum health for a brief moment after slowly recovers 25% of maximum
[07:16:56] maximum health. Wait, is that better? It's 36% of maximum health, the older the one, the
[07:17:02] greater the recovery. Is Lambrou better? It's like less at first, but then it keeps recovering
[07:17:15] for longer, and it's better in the long run. Okay. All right, where was the freaking,
[07:17:28] where is the NPC? How do I find, the only problem I have with this fucking game is
[07:17:34] no maps invisible walls and no maps is a bit of an L I'm not gonna lie was that
[07:17:44] where the this was where the frog was next door for upgrade core and temple
[07:17:50] makes the frog for many meditation it's a linear game that's normal it's not it's
[07:18:03] a linear game but it's also not a linear game if you know what I mean
[07:18:07] it's like it does get it does have a tendency to be a little confusing at
[07:18:11] times. Where's the upgrade core? Oh, they're selling silk on here. A mine core. This is
[07:18:24] the upgrade. No. Is this the upgrade core? The mighty employee, their corporal form,
[07:18:40] which can be harnessed to craft celestial medicine. Weapon core and silk. I'll get these.
[07:18:56] I'll buy these in a little bit when I need it. Tiny piece of gold. Where is the temple? Where is
[07:19:20] Where's the temple? Is it this way? Oh, here it is. Meditate. This game has such great
[07:19:39] vibes that it's gonna burn an incense and start listening to flute music while sipping
[07:19:42] on tea. I want to listen to stringed instruments like the ones being used by the headless man.
[07:19:48] I would listen to an entire library of content from that headless man. So fuck.
[07:20:01] Oklahoma out here
[07:20:24] You're just doing that the whole time
[07:20:29] All vibes all day
[07:20:31] Oh, what the fuck?
[07:20:37] You're coming at good moment
[07:20:40] One of my formulas was swallowed by a pissy frog
[07:20:42] Oh, I got hit, uh
[07:20:44] Stay and help me. A deity like myself will not short you.
[07:20:49] How wondrous!
[07:20:59] How come some of the furries kill me and some don't?
[07:21:06] Man follows earth. Earth follows sky. Sky follows dow. Dow follows nature.
[07:21:18] These common pills. Hereafter, you may craft more yourself at the shrines.
[07:21:27] I must retrieve a furnace for twit.
[07:21:29] Pray forgive my departure
[07:21:31] My departure
[07:21:34] I'll forgive you and departure
[07:21:37] So fuck I can't go over the British accent bro is
[07:21:48] Pray forgive my departure
[07:22:03] Probably shouldn't use that I just wasted that shit
[07:22:06] Try bitch guard the gate and check every house. There's a boat me for that
[07:22:26] So sick that there's a Lancaster- Lancaster level in this game.
[07:22:37] Not that it's just a little fire, I see that.
[07:23:44] I recognize that and I recognize my wrongs, you know?
[07:23:48] I'm out here fucking dying to mobs, dude.
[07:23:51] Zero death's gone.
[07:23:53] They got the archers first.
[07:23:55] Dude, it's- Chapter 2 is definitely a jump off in terms of-
[07:24:09] Wait, you can make medicines now?
[07:24:12] nice on use increases damage reduction okay there's definitely a major
[07:24:24] increase in difficulty from wait what the fuck is this thing dying versus
[07:24:39] fishermen and farmers chapter one was definitely easier like bro has no idea
[07:24:53] don't tell him chat wait how do I get back to that area where the fuck was
[07:25:05] area. I think it was over here, wasn't it? Yeah it was. There's two enemies here.
[07:25:21] Rose liked the CIA the way he's losing the fisherman. Okay dude.
[07:25:30] Oh what the fuck!
[07:25:32] Capture difficulty is just, uh, it's just, uh, endless archers everywhere, but I don't know what to deal with the archers.
[07:25:50] I mean I can just do like blocking, obviously.
[07:25:54] Dude it's crazy how many people leave when you start gaming some of the best content I've seen.
[07:26:04] People's brains are so broken. Dude, I'm a political commentator. Don't stress it, you know.
[07:26:09] Those who know, those who know better, know better, you know what I mean? And those who don't, don't.
[07:26:14] There's not much you can do about it.
[07:26:17] Fucking chill with this immobilization shit, dude.
[07:26:19] There's two of those big boys there? God damn.
[07:27:14] Try and fight the double-head rat behind the wall. Where are the archers?
[07:27:36] Where are the archers? Geez, they go away. There we go.
[07:29:26] Absorb that. Nice.
[07:29:27] We take those, freebies. I hear someone grunting.
[07:29:35] Well, I don't know where. URP is the monkey I am, dude.
[07:29:44] The monkey does not nearly speak. Oh, shit.
[07:29:50] I hear you loud and clear! How can I not know your sufferings?
[07:30:00] But before our master returns from the valley, we've got to tough it out! Tough it out to survive!
[07:30:09] The lads went out to see the Alts of the other day, said its stinking worse than ever, and covered in bones.
[07:30:19] Not from then, or lifestepped, but listered in the remains of our kin.
[07:30:25] Reach out to us!
[07:30:29] Oh, just wait until Master hears about this!
[07:30:35] can we acknowledge that I'm low-key kind of nice with it though like can we
[07:34:07] acknowledge that for a second if you fight the king the sun gets uh oh you're the fork in the
[07:34:43] road big boss of the valley use the combos bro i am though like that what do you think is happening
[07:34:53] here using gourd moderately increases damage reduction is this better is is moderate damage
[07:35:04] reduction better or is this better where's the gamble bro i'm cooking too hard there is no
[07:35:16] Gamba because I'm cooking before Gamba can even acknowledge each talent slightly
[07:35:43] increases the charging speed of all spaces I need that shit real bad heavy
[07:35:49] attack that costs a focus point deals additional damage to the base nothing
[07:36:00] I got one when the commas are too strong to lose yeah it's kind of fucked up but
[07:36:06] honestly is like I'm cooking a little bit is this the one that has been gold
[07:36:15] likes because the crater has women I don't know why you spend any time
[07:36:18] I'm thinking about what Asmongold likes and what Asmongold doesn't like.
[07:36:21] Just enjoy the games, man.
[07:36:23] Like, who cares?
[07:36:25] Who gives a shit what Asmongold thinks about any fucking particular video game?
[07:36:29] Like honestly, like, you're like, oh, Asmongold is obsessed, right?
[07:36:34] Wait, how do you, how do you upgrade, oh, you do it here?
[07:36:41] I think we're, we're gonna, we're gonna change it from Win Bear to Twin Surface.
[07:36:45] Uh, I mean, Twin Surface staff is what I'm using currently.
[07:36:47] But I think this is better right because a critical hit chance goes up attack goes up
[07:36:52] And also considerably increases critical hit chance with the unveiling strike a cloud step
[07:36:56] Like people people talk about like as the gold this as the gold that but like honestly who cares like is that that should not have
[07:37:11] Any bearing on your opinion on a video game ever
[07:37:14] Just like as many golds opinions on whether a game is woke or not should have no bearing on a fucking video game
[07:37:19] And the way that it's like received
[07:37:21] you see what I'm saying in a way you're kind of doing the same thing that he's
[07:37:25] doing that you're criticizing him for doing which way do I go here there's
[07:37:48] two different ways here two paths as we go to secretly a redneck is obvious not
[07:37:57] secretly go either bridge or cave either or it's one cave a secret item though
[07:38:07] okay well gotta go cave then also no as we go to not a redneck because in
[07:38:23] order for him to be a redneck or to have a redneck he would have to go
[07:38:26] I
[07:38:29] So he is not a redneck
[07:38:32] How do you think someone acquires a redneck?
[07:38:36] sunlight
[07:38:37] Something that has been gold clearly does not yet on a regular basis. So
[07:38:45] No
[07:38:51] Wow, dude the landscapes are sick in this game
[07:38:55] Goddamn dude.
[07:38:58] Also asking dad watches me.
[07:39:45] We should have killed the dad first, huh?
[07:40:09] Okay, I'm not fighting him. Fuck that. I'm leaving.
[07:40:11] does he know I'm even here? you know that bag get his ass? I'm gonna get his ass I
[07:40:31] have to. oh it didn't hit! nice! use L2R2 more big damage headbutt that wall
[07:42:44] this invisible wall no to your left this wall this is the wall oh shit what the
[07:43:11] fuck how would you know this that's crazy wait I got my health back I see
[07:43:27] Seagraboss?
[07:43:29] Seagraboss or Seag-
[07:44:03] That's sick.
[07:44:22] I know for Seagraboss there's one in one chapter where you can fight now.
[07:44:28] Every time dude peak you can go back to chapter one for a secret boss, but he's tough for your level. Okay. I'm not gonna do that right now
[07:44:38] Chatters come on now
[07:44:40] This is part of the reason why I'm a genuine advocate for like DEI
[07:44:51] Ironically because there's literally diversity right like this is actually what DEI is
[07:44:56] When you like show something that is otherwise unrepresented
[07:45:00] Then you don't normally get the experience like this is a
[07:45:03] is a story and a plot that is like automatically unique even though it's
[07:45:09] been a form if it's played a formative role in a lot of the popular culture that
[07:45:12] we've experienced and enjoyed well fuck am I stuck here what the fuck I spoke
[07:45:19] to you god damn it where the hell am I this is unironically why like
[07:45:34] Automatically you get a game that is like kind of God of War style, okay in its plot in many ways
[07:45:42] And it's got like some from software elements in it as well and its combat mechanics, which I think are pretty well done
[07:45:49] But all of a sudden when you put it into a type of like IP a universe that is like not necessarily
[07:45:58] Not necessarily the type of
[07:46:00] more often in Western representation because it's a unique diverse background
[07:46:06] it's it's novel there's a novelty element to it this is why I'm an advocate
[07:46:13] for such things okay farming bdbdclips no I'm not shut up also I love
[07:46:21] I have a lot of G-Shing pink, but that's not even over there
[07:46:26] Don't bring that up. Don't bring that up. That has nothing to do with this. I mean, thank you for asking
[07:46:33] Love of the iron
[07:47:01] I have before what's up? What did you order now? What are you ordering?
[07:47:07] Why are you taking my phone again?
[07:47:10] Is there a billion house on the industrial complex? I wish
[07:47:23] Should I go this way or this other way chat? I should go this other way right first
[07:47:45] what the fuck oh where'd he go
[07:48:18] we're calling my way through life right now thanks for the good times and
[07:48:35] content celestial nonery pills doesn't that sound like nonery sounds like
[07:48:40] weird it sounds like it's for nonces am I crazy I can't be the only one who
[07:48:52] thought this right I was another oh thank god I was gonna be another mushroom
[07:48:57] man all right this area is cleared
[07:49:00] Murat, please don't let me get in the car.
[07:49:21] Because something is happening right now.
[07:50:12] bag if you want to it's the boss on the first bonfire wait no I didn't did I you
[07:50:42] should switch to Chinese no stop farming farming what was spooky games come back
[07:51:22] for October bro I never really played did you really understand the monk's
[07:51:27] desire for Kusaya no I didn't I'm not gonna lie I kind of didn't understand
[07:51:40] the meditation thing on the second part of the mysticism I should probably
[07:51:55] do immobilize a little bit more, right? I don't make medicines. I don't know what's going on other
[07:52:25] than you're slowly remembering. There's a trine for meditation to the left here, you said? I don't
[07:52:45] think there's anywhere further left to go. I'm just like I'm missing something here.
[07:52:56] Inside and go to the left. This looks scary. Okay. Meditate. You know you can hold your
[07:53:27] heavy and sit on the pole won't actually attack it to leave lost amin it no i know
[07:53:36] don't be scared i'm scared dude is this twitch chat plays wukong chat twitch
[07:53:43] chat wishes he could play fucking wukong it with the with the level that i'm demonstrating
[07:53:55] guys they big stop giving him tips he's already good no i need the tips
[07:54:00] but we'll see we'll see how the uh we'll see i heard that this boss is really hard so
[07:54:06] Well, combos have been going well though.
[07:54:23] East town level increased the maximum health of the decoy, increased the critical chance
[07:54:28] of unveiling strike with stacks per second.
[07:54:32] The monk wasn't able to let go of his worldly desires and could not be a true servant of
[07:54:35] guanyin and his inability to drove him into an obsession collecting all the cassiles
[07:54:39] which represent attachment.
[07:54:40] Okay, so it's the story about greed, dude.
[07:54:43] Right?
[07:54:44] That's what it is, right?
[07:54:46] Greed.
[07:54:50] Which is good.
[07:54:51] I'm an American.
[07:54:52] Just kidding, beat-a-bitty audience.
[07:54:53] I would never say greed is good.
[07:55:14] I'll just give one more to the...
[07:55:16] Oh wait, I have two sparks.
[07:55:24] Oh wait, I didn't even awaken this.
[07:55:31] Not greed, desire.
[07:55:47] I'mma cook- I'mma get cooked here, I- I are not.
[07:55:49] OOOH!
[07:55:50] It's Kung Fu Panda's, uh, friend.
[07:55:54] Tiger King.
[07:55:55] Bloody hell.
[07:55:57] What's the holdup this time?
[07:56:02] Soak your offerings.
[07:56:04] And don't breed no rats.
[07:56:05] If you dare to knock up the king's practice again, serve that dimwit son of a supper.
[07:56:16] Miss self, I eat that old loomfie.
[07:56:22] Where did you come from?
[07:56:24] Your birthplace mug.
[07:56:26] I don't need a twigger.
[07:56:30] Who cares anyway?
[07:56:32] I'll cover you up first.
[07:56:34] Fuck it.
[07:56:38] Kill, son!
[07:56:51] What is this?
[07:59:15] Remember, blood is like water?
[07:59:16] I read that blood is supposed to be everyone's that failed the demo that apparently there was so much blood before launch
[07:59:26] What did you say pre-charge baby head mobilize light attack to build a focus heavy charge dodge dodge dodge repeat
[07:59:37] Pre-charge baby head more immobilize light attack to build a focus heavy charge dodge dodge dodge repeat. I
[07:59:45] Mean remember blood is like water. I don't have the water armor
[07:59:54] There's no cheese for this fight. It's just getting the timing down
[07:59:57] I mean, I think I did a decent job overall for first try
[08:00:08] It wasn't that bad
[08:00:11] Like the water armor how much of a fucking boost does that give you in water?
[08:00:23] When health is low slowly recovers a small amount of health if in water the effect is enhanced massively reduces stamina cost when in water
[08:00:31] But it's not worth it because like right now my fucking silk robe
[08:00:36] defense is so
[08:00:38] It's so much higher than the other one that it's like not
[08:00:41] Not really that big of a difference.
[08:00:51] First try is always the best attempt.
[08:01:02] There's almost no cheese at this game.
[08:04:35] Pillar will be a good supplement.
[08:04:36] Doesn't he have range?
[08:04:37] Like, can he just hit me when I'm on top of it?
[08:04:54] Maraud, it's almost here.
[08:04:58] Sometimes he'll turn into stone when he does.
[08:04:59] Don't attack him in the second phase.
[08:05:00] He turns into stone.
[08:05:01] He'll go invisible.
[08:05:02] Wait, I haven't even cleared the first phase yet?
[08:05:06] Like, there's another phase after this phase?
[08:05:11] Like once I've reduced his uh, oh no it's in the, yeah I've seen it, I've seen the second
[08:05:20] phase.
[08:05:30] Let's see how this goes.
[08:05:31] I wonder if I should use a Tiger Subduing Pellet.
[08:05:37] What does that do?
[08:05:38] But he hit harder.
[08:08:51] Chapter two final boss is three times harder.
[08:08:53] For your information, it's fine, we'll get better.
[08:08:58] I probably should, this is why Oliver was saying I should have farmed beforehand.
[08:09:02] Boilerino in the chat arena. What's spoilerino? There is no fucking spoilers. It's just locked in
[08:09:19] Have the two balls and this is a skill check to anyone telling about the cheat on this boss the water armor
[08:09:33] But is that actually a cheat because the armor that I have on is supposed to be much better than the water armor
[08:09:39] Just try it. I have to I have to build it first and I'm wasting craft nets
[08:10:06] Use your buffs. What buffs have I not used I use everything on them
[08:10:10] I even use the fucking chat I even use the freaking thing on them
[08:10:16] And I guess a yarn
[08:10:29] No, you had it. No, I didn't what does this do upon increases critical hit chance for a long duration
[08:11:16] Anyway, you get a shit ton of math from here on out armor is literally weaker gonna be worse in my opinion
[08:11:33] I agree definitely dodge it the trust might be useful. No
[08:14:41] It's hard chat is the hard ball is a hard air ball is boss tough and whoop me for an hour
[08:14:55] I need to dodge into him. I think this armor is a little bit better
[08:14:59] For sure like the stamina cost
[08:15:04] Definitely help so close. I mean much closer than before if I had like one more fucking one more magic move
[08:18:57] I'm like running out of mana
[08:19:00] paint right
[08:19:04] Just dodge one below 50% armor heals you up to 50%
[08:19:07] Oh, I forgot the water heals me. I had so many perfect dodges in that fight. That was crazy
[08:19:15] You guys noticed that?
[08:19:31] That was crazy. What is this?
[08:19:43] Wait, didn't I get this already?
[08:19:46] You know, I don't get it. Can you get it again?
[08:20:03] Bear it from software. How are you liking this game so far? I like it a lot
[08:20:08] Wait, where the hell's the entry? Where's the shrine?
[08:20:16] You got your little too early for his leap punch. Yeah, I noticed that the base of this table
[08:20:32] Taya calm down. Wait, what the fuck? Oh, I forgot the rest
[08:21:02] Did you want to get the tiger? No Tony the tiger's been whooping my ass dude
[08:21:07] Not gonna lie. He's been whooping the dog shit out of me
[08:21:13] He's been whooping the dog dick out of me, dude. Don't forget to use your extra heavy stacks mid like combo
[08:21:27] I never have a good timing for that
[08:21:29] Frost of Plays are OP, dude
[08:21:36] I've even headbutt him
[08:24:44] I still had a headbutt in there, too
[08:24:47] Heavy during light combos can be used as a perfect dodge
[08:25:01] If you use it at the right time, if you have the stack saved
[08:25:03] Chatters
[08:25:10] You can no longer put your faith in me and get conscious
[08:25:14] Hit the tiger with your staff, okay
[08:25:18] I understand if you no longer have faith in me
[08:25:21] Needs to work on the dodging
[08:27:28] Did you not see how many fucking perfect dodges I had get the fuck out of here? It was going pretty well
[08:27:41] I'm not using the tiger pellet. Fuck it. I don't care
[08:27:46] You're gonna have to force smash to work. Yeah, if it's not all of the dodges then it doesn't work
[08:27:58] Austin's artist book you're doing good. I think so too
[08:29:28] Shit, okay. It's in the bag though. It's in the bag. It's in the bag. I got it
[08:29:57] 100% okay. Um, I'm I'm I downloaded it. I downloaded it. I downloaded it
[08:30:04] you're fucking trolling I swear I downloaded it can you bring the fight
[08:30:13] off pool no it's literally better to fucking fight him in the pool we talk
[08:30:17] about dude I didn't use I didn't use half of my fucking gear this this last
[08:30:28] time he still hits me on that that sucks now you're gonna give me rock
[08:35:24] solid bro you didn't give it to me before now you're gonna give it to me
[08:35:28] That's crazy. That's crazy. 19 million believers. 37 million doubters, dude. That's right. I was just simply farming, motherfuckers. That's what I was doing.
[08:35:41] You want to know what I was doing right there? Shadow was farming. The farm was open. 9th try, Andy.
[08:35:51] Okay, bro. That's like pretty good, I think, for a boss like this.
[08:35:56] This was a pretty hard boss. I will take this. I like how you forget to use all your medicine buffs
[08:36:12] What reason is there for me to use all my medicine buffs, dude?
[08:36:15] You've clutched it at the end. It was crazy.
[08:36:21] Hell yeah
[08:36:48] Upon crashing immobilization on enemy massively reduces cooldown
[08:36:53] Swift bat. What do I think about the game so far incredible?
[08:37:25] You need to have a little bit of strength.
[08:37:28] You need to have a little bit of strength.
[08:37:41] You need to have a little bit of strength.
[08:37:44] Well, is this another breakable baby head area?
[08:37:50] Now whenever I see those walls, I want to break it with the baby.
[08:37:53] With the baby head.
[08:38:03] The baby. What the baby doing?
[08:38:05] You have skyfall on lock?
[08:38:11] What does he do? Light, heavy, heavy?
[08:38:16] Go back and flip the scroll. You just unlock.
[08:38:19] You need to use it at that totem.
[08:38:26] Really good fuck out of here with that bullshit, dude. Yes, I do give special attention to souls like games because I love them
[08:38:45] Can you move the so big social better?
[08:38:59] No, this is going on beauty-beauty and they need to know what my soul for banners are like up. There's the shrine
[08:39:18] Maybe you must know what I'm about
[08:39:34] But beauty-beauty viewers don't have that whoa
[08:39:38] After using the Gord next rock solid causes no mana for short duration holy fuck that seems incredible
[08:39:47] If I use rock solid that is is that good I feel like cloud step is better
[08:40:20] Yes, you need it for a totem
[08:40:30] Cloud step is better. I think especially with the armor that I have the armor that I have is for cloud step
[08:40:51] Cloud is better. I think
[08:40:54] But I'll use it for the totem when I get there
[08:40:57] All right, but that's that'll be all for today chat
[08:41:11] That concludes our nine-hour journey on this wonderful occasion on this wonderful joyous occasion
[08:41:17] I hope you guys enjoyed that experience. I certainly did. Let me tell you. Okay. I
[08:41:23] Will see you tomorrow as always
[08:41:27] What else what else
[08:41:30] Want to do more collabs this I want to do more collabs this week. I'm gonna see if I can
[08:41:35] but yeah
[08:41:40] Love you guys, and I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
[08:41:44] Oh
[08:41:45] Tomorrow night we have the first ever
[08:41:49] Kamala Harris Tim Waltz double interview with Dana Fash on CNN. Very excited for that
[08:41:55] We'll be watching that obviously closely
[08:41:58] and
[08:41:59] that's it
[08:42:02] Played Deadlock with friends or something. No, I will not be playing deadlock with friends. I
[08:42:06] I want to finish this fucking game. It's gonna take me at least another just gonna take me
[08:42:11] This rate probably like up until next week to finish it
[08:42:18] Three days really I think it's gonna take me probably another week
[08:42:23] Hope you guys see you tomorrow and peace