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08-26-2024 · 8h 58m

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[00:13:01] What's going on, everybody? I hope everyone's having a fantastic evening, fantastic afternoon,
[00:13:06] fantastic preview, no matter where you are in the world of Masam, Pygmy, this is awesome.
[00:13:09] Our cast has come with you live from sunny California, Los Angeles folks were live and
[00:13:13] alive. And I hope all the boys, girls and NBs are having a fantastic one because today's
[00:13:16] a beautiful day. Today's a wonderful day. Today is Monday. It's Monday, news day folks.
[00:13:23] Monday news day. It is August 28, 26, 2024. My eyesight is obviously bad as you guys know.
[00:13:33] This is part of the broadcast where I tell you a little bit about my personal news right
[00:13:36] now in between the time period where I press the stop streaming button and press the start
[00:13:40] streaming button for all the pair of socialists out there for those of you who are new,
[00:13:43] you are dressed right out of 1999 today. That's right, baby. That's the whole point.
[00:13:53] You are here in the presence of a son house and I'll be piker number 16 Rolling Stones
[00:14:04] most influential content creator list. Okay. Um, straight up, you need to do more viewer
[00:14:21] calls and shit. That's the best fear and episode yet. Dude, I know I really, I'm a
[00:14:26] little worried cause like wills not on it. Cutie's not on it. I'll be honest with
[00:14:30] you. I think that's the, one of the funniest fear and episodes we've ever done. It's
[00:14:33] one of the best paywall episodes we've ever done. But like, I'm, I'm fearful that like,
[00:14:41] I'm fearful that because people don't know what Crash Dummies is, they're going to be
[00:14:44] like, they're not going to fucking watch it. You know, but like, I really want to pump
[00:14:48] it. I really want to juice it because it is fucking awesome. It is fucking awesome.
[00:14:56] There's also a surprise in there as well, because one, there was a dude who was like
[00:15:01] real homophobic and Austin went crazy, bro. I just watched that Nick Merz video about you
[00:15:11] yesterday and I wanted the legit video. Give myself Nick Merz made a video about me. Oh,
[00:15:14] hell yeah. I would love to watch that. That'll be sick. Anyway, we'll, we'll get into all
[00:15:20] of that. Obviously we'll get into all of that, but chat boys would crash them into
[00:15:27] be crazy. Yeah. This is actually, uh, this is actually my favorite. Like it's one of
[00:15:36] of my favorite episodes we've done so far. It was fucking sick. Love the boys, Pat and
[00:15:41] Mike. They're fucking hilarious. I'm so glad I reached out to them. I'm so glad I reached
[00:15:47] out to them. And I was like, dude, I'm a big fan. We should make it happen. And I think
[00:15:53] I caught them like, I think I caught them like they're already blowing up right now.
[00:15:59] But I think I caught them like before they like truly took it to the next level.
[00:16:05] like it probably would have been harder to, uh, it would have been harder.
[00:16:09] Mark my words. Okay.
[00:16:12] It would have been harder to get them on the stream as a first introduction.
[00:16:20] If, uh, we were doing this like three months, four months down the line,
[00:16:24] because the, they are, they're blowing the fuck up.
[00:16:29] The Nick Mercer videos about the streaming is harder than a nine to five
[00:16:31] bullshit. Oh, okay. Whatever. So, um, they're hilarious.
[00:16:37] My episode with them is going to be on my episode with them is going to be released on Wednesday.
[00:16:43] I can't wait for that one. That one. I laughed the most out of any podcast appearance I've
[00:16:48] ever done.
[00:16:49] That is the one that I've laughed the fucking most. Okay. It was hilarious. Okay. Um,
[00:17:03] but yeah, let's do, um, personal news, obviously end of the broadcast yesterday to go to
[00:17:08] a place called Hatchet Hall. It was my parents wedding anniversary. So obviously we had to
[00:17:15] celebrate, you know, had a little family dinner. Let me tell you, it was mid. Okay. First
[00:17:21] and foremost, I was very disappointed. I think it's like a Michelin star restaurant too.
[00:17:26] And my brother really wanted us to go there. He thought it was like a great place. He
[00:17:29] liked the ambiance and the vibes. The food was not great. Food was not, food was
[00:17:41] was not that good. It was kind of shocking. It was a very extremely rare Marat L.
[00:17:48] Because he's like, he's a Gormand. Like he literally is. It's not even like a Brace
[00:17:51] Belden joke. Like he actually is a Gormand.
[00:17:55] Um, but, uh, like he is, you know, he has excellent taste, but
[00:18:04] it was like, it was, it was decent. You know what I mean? It was decent.
[00:18:08] But for me like if we're going to a fucking place
[00:18:13] We're gonna go out and you're gonna have steaks and whatever like it was it's supposed to be in my opinion
[00:18:20] It's supposed to be excellent, right?
[00:18:22] It has a Michelin star show us how you cook dog. I'm not a chicken, but I know how to fucking whip up eggs
[00:18:28] I'm not a chef, but let me tell you okay this thing
[00:18:33] This thing has been on top of some fucking decadent dining experiences, okay?
[00:18:38] All around the motherfucking world as a matter of fact, so I know a little thing or two. I'm a big boy. I'm a fat
[00:18:43] I'm a spiritually fat person. Okay, this mouth has had some experiences. Okay. I know what the fuck I'm talking about
[00:18:52] I'm just giving you guys an honest opinion
[00:18:56] Um
[00:19:00] What is being a chicken have to do with whipping of eggs? I just don't worry about it
[00:19:04] Is an analogy very sad to see the socialist, but he's a Michelin restaurants think pieces. Yeah
[00:19:09] I mean there people will do that forever till the day I die. I think but it don't really matter to me
[00:19:17] So
[00:19:23] It's right down the street for me, and I agree overrated. Yeah, it was a bit overrated. Like I hate to say that I
[00:19:35] Hate to say that because like I know the fucking work that goes into this shit. Oh
[00:19:40] We could be says this star got yanked in 2023 that makes sense. Okay, Michelin stars overrated depends
[00:19:54] depends depends depends
[00:19:57] But um, I just like I said a restaurant is like super fucking hard
[00:20:04] Usually bad imp an automated video about you at the DNC
[00:20:07] What did you do? Did you call me a Zionist CIA agent?
[00:20:13] Love that guy. Um
[00:20:22] No, I'm kidding. You probably didn't do that. I think he likes me
[00:20:25] Based on the title he has
[00:20:27] Basically as for the Kamala is brass digger. He got duped for the one second sticker that I had on
[00:20:38] God damn I
[00:20:40] Love that brother, but he's nuts. Yeah, I know he's the most insane
[00:20:44] It's so funny
[00:20:50] No, dude. He included disclaimer
[00:20:59] No, he likes me
[00:21:01] It's just but he's also like an insane person
[00:21:05] You so badly did not want to put that sticker on you were just being nice. Yeah, exactly. I
[00:21:11] I was not a fan of putting the sticker on but like I can't you know
[00:21:17] I had to play ball with I've had a ladies. I love them. Um, so
[00:21:30] folks
[00:21:31] Personal news wise we went to a hatchet hall. It was all right
[00:21:36] How do you deal with the protein gas? I work as a housekeeper at a hospital
[00:21:39] So I normally plane it on whatever trash I'm lugging around. Um, I don't really
[00:21:45] I don't fart that much like my my digestive track is like
[00:21:50] like so well regulated, like not the flex, but I think it's like one of the best things.
[00:21:55] One of like my genuine skills is that like I poop twice in the morning, one before coffee,
[00:22:01] one after I fire off the coffee before I work out.
[00:22:04] And then like for the rest of the day, I'm good.
[00:22:06] Very rarely do I ever have like issues.
[00:22:09] Even when I travel, I can like still maintain that same poop schedule and like I don't
[00:22:14] really fart too much either.
[00:22:16] So yeah, crazy flex for real. Yeah, I pooped twice. I'm a burper. I think it just comes
[00:22:27] out of here. I'm farting with my mouth. But I do have a really, you know, I mean, I have
[00:22:33] a crazy fucking well regulated diet. So I think that might be the reason you might
[00:22:39] need to like change your protein sources. Okay. So anyway, last night, did the dinner,
[00:22:45] the dinden uh i've been watching a new docu like the docu's half fictional series that netflix came out
[00:22:52] on why irp i love those fucking things because it makes you feel like you're learning something
[00:22:58] that is because they like literally have academics on that like talk about these historical events
[00:23:03] like they have historians on but then they also like film it in a very cool way my favorite was
[00:23:08] obviously the Ottoman Empire one with Fatih Sultan Mehmet. High key recommended. Like definitely
[00:23:19] recommend that one. But the wide earth one is great for watching with your family like I've
[00:23:23] been watching with my mom and dad. But yeah, after after the dinner, we came back. We watched it
[00:23:29] a little bit. And then I fell asleep while we were watching it. Because I just passed out by
[00:23:35] by like 1030 usually.
[00:23:38] Well, yeah, woke up early in the morning.
[00:23:43] Where's the Ottoman Empire one?
[00:23:44] It's the Ottoman Empire one is on Netflix as well.
[00:23:50] He has a text on his video if you wanna read.
[00:23:52] I know this gets Ottoman because long.
[00:23:55] I do not care if you like it's on Pygare
[00:23:56] and I'm well aware that he doesn't tell people
[00:23:58] who to vote for it.
[00:23:59] It's supportive passing.
[00:23:59] The point of view is that this moment does not cause
[00:24:02] what was the second part?
[00:24:13] Damn, you got Ottoman.
[00:24:15] this is really not that far removed it can only be allowed to happen to the sort
[00:24:22] of blind spot I'm discussing here that even someone like him occasionally
[00:24:25] memifies these genociders a great example of it hence me using it as a one
[00:24:28] here that I even need to put a disclaimer here is due to the fact that
[00:24:31] so many people are obsessive of Noxious Internet personality fans we're going to
[00:24:33] see this and immediately get in range and spend hours complaining that I
[00:24:35] use the blah blah blah okay dude you wrote way too much I don't care
[00:24:40] wow man are you okay looking extra stressed since the DNC wait what
[00:24:45] No, I'm not at all. I'm in a fucking great mood
[00:24:49] Hi guys, I'm going to Iran tomorrow. I'll give you on the ground reporting when the missiles start to fly. Thank you chatter
[00:24:54] Let us know
[00:24:58] Michael put you in C tier in his boxing tier Liz. I am not like a very good boxer, but does that mean could I fight Michael Reeves?
[00:25:08] Yes
[00:25:10] S tier is you'll definitely beat them. See is they'll kick your oh
[00:25:14] I definitely lose to a husband is like raw. Yeah, bro. He just
[00:25:21] Yeah. What CT or means like CT or means I could beat him. Ruzer truck you you're out
[00:25:33] of your mind. Like if he was a professional boxer at his size, it's a little different,
[00:25:38] but he's not a professional boxer. He's a, he's a decent boxer, but he's an amateur
[00:25:42] boxer. So you're out of your fuck of mind. If you think that like that would be a real
[00:25:47] fight, like insane. Um, anyway, yeah, I was on the rolling stone. Most influential
[00:25:52] creators of 2024 list. Even though I don't think I made the cut for the, for the photo.
[00:25:57] Oh, I did. I'm right underneath Kaisen at massive head. That's cool. I didn't even see that one.
[00:26:04] But yeah, we'll talk about that as well. Anyway, woke up early this morning, worked
[00:26:09] out, had a combo with Rolling Stones, about something else about the DNC in general.
[00:26:14] They're writing an article, I believe, and I'm here. I'm ready to go. I'm ready
[00:26:19] to rip it. Okay. I'm actually in a great mood. Overall, uh, had a great workout this
[00:26:24] morning. Felt fantastic about it. Um, very excited to suck the day's dick. You know what
[00:26:30] I mean? But, uh, yeah, I'm on the, uh, 25 most influential creators of 2024 on, on,
[00:26:39] on the We'll take a look at that as well. Uh, from TikTok mainstays
[00:26:43] to Instagram stars, they're streaming heavyweights and YouTube legends. Here is this year's
[00:26:47] biggest players. We'll take a look at that as well. I didn't like the quote that they
[00:26:51] put on there, but it is what it is up here in my nightmares, bro. You were scaring my
[00:27:01] dog and she was crying. That's crazy. But some of my goats were on there like Omar
[00:27:06] Hertz show. So I'm very stoked on that one. Check out this jet. Check out. Check out.
[00:27:15] Peter Santhanello make poverty content in Kensington with a community advocate
[00:27:18] who went there without any Narcan. Yeah, um, I don't know. I don't know what's going on
[00:27:23] with Peter. He used to make such like thoughtful, considerate content in terms of like a lot of
[00:27:28] these underserved communities. I hope that he's not, you know, I hope that he, he has
[00:27:35] not like changed for the worse. Um, but yeah, we got, thank you to Macy's for the playlist.
[00:27:42] What's your favorite Rolling Stones song? I don't fucking know. That's not a head
[00:27:48] dream I made you believe smell like hot dogs. That's crazy. Okay. We'll blast off and we'll
[00:27:56] get started. There's not much more personal news to cover honestly. Uncle Sam Raid. Hey,
[00:28:04] yo, majority report and majority report today. Hope you had a good stream. Okay. Where is
[00:28:17] it? Where is it? Where is it? All right. Let's blast the freak off. Do you think
[00:28:26] Trump has lost his orange glow.
[00:28:27] He has.
[00:28:30] He absolutely has.
[00:28:35] Okay.
[00:28:37] Do you ever miss your whoop?
[00:28:38] Notice you switched over to your avalanche.
[00:28:41] No, the whoop gave me too much sleep anxiety.
[00:28:44] Okay.
[00:28:48] Yeah, I saw the bomb left side.
[00:28:49] It looks fire.
[00:28:52] Monday, Newsday rolling stone called me
[00:29:00] Called me one of the most rolling stones most
[00:29:10] influential
[00:29:12] broadcaster is
[00:29:18] live talking polls
[00:29:21] tightening in
[00:29:24] key states
[00:29:27] Trump is
[00:29:30] complaining
[00:29:32] Trump complains
[00:29:34] about debates
[00:29:42] What else?
[00:29:44] Israel.
[00:29:46] Israel X Lebanon.
[00:29:50] RFK Junior.
[00:29:54] Is being weird.
[00:29:58] Long launch.
[00:30:00] Then Chinese God of war.
[00:30:04] Wukong.
[00:30:06] Later.
[00:30:11] We shot TV slash Austin Abbey.
[00:30:13] Okay.
[00:30:15] And sneeze. Oh my God. Oh, that was a lot.
[00:30:23] Big sneeze. Big sneeze.
[00:30:33] Bless you. Thank you, chat. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[00:30:36] Thank you.
[00:30:38] Have you ever finished a game before? Yeah, I finished in
[00:30:41] your mom, which was a bit of a game to me. Not a game to her
[00:30:46] though. Fucking God, I feel for her. I'm about to defend my PhD dissertation and I plagiarized
[00:31:08] you a couple times. I hope you don't mind. It's about the carnivalesque socialism. Okay,
[00:31:12] I like it. Always plagiarize me. Are you in the New York Times article? No, it's the
[00:31:22] guy who interviewed me is still potentially working on another one specifically about
[00:31:26] me and the DNC and stuff. I don't think it's that the one that you're sending me,
[00:31:31] The one that you're sending me is, is his earlier piece that he wrote and it got pumped
[00:31:36] out before he even interviewed me. I, if, if a weed for America, is that a marabou?
[00:31:44] What is a weed for China? It's a Cinnaboo. What do you mean? Cinnaboo. Are there Cinnaboo's
[00:31:54] now? I feel like Wukong is going to create Cinnaboo's, which is great. Sino, like S-I-N-O
[00:32:02] boo. All right, folks, we're blasting off. Let the people know like this retweeted.
[00:32:19] happens is woolong you become a sinabu the second you discover dynasty warriors
[00:32:29] wukong visuals are are bash it crazy in a good way yeah no it's fucking sick dude i really like
[00:32:34] wukong i really really like it so far and i i also especially like it because it's literally
[00:32:44] no dude this is literally the article that he said he was gonna publish
[00:32:47] when we were talking this he wrote this earlier before talking to me okay i'm telling you
[00:32:53] already because, uh, why do I deal with chatters like this? Okay. I know you keep making gay
[00:33:11] news. What is this into more? Hassan Parker loves being an armpit influencer. That's crazy.
[00:33:23] It's no secret that Hassan Parker left wing content creator and he shouldn't be public
[00:33:26] history has a massive gay following to the point that his armpits are about as famous
[00:33:30] as he is now. Okay. I'm not going to lie. I thought that this used to be my peak.
[00:33:34] Okay, both in terms of physique in the way that I look but honestly my style has gotten significantly better
[00:33:41] partially because I've I'm like actually
[00:33:44] You know much more financially secure now
[00:33:47] So I can like buy things instead of like
[00:33:52] You know play catch up
[00:33:55] But I think I'm I think I look better than this now for sure I
[00:34:02] Used to say I used to say like my peak is like 2016 or whatever
[00:34:07] or 2017, but honestly, maybe no. Himbo to DILF journey. When asked if he'd be at top
[00:34:17] or bottom, he reconsidered, you know what? I've ever seen that statement. I would, uh,
[00:34:21] Troy Savon. So you like Twinks, there is a vanco press, like a true journalist. I guess
[00:34:25] he's a top. So maybe not. So there you have it. Not only can the gaze count on a steamy
[00:34:29] stream of armpit content, the Piger Savon fanfics are practically writing themselves.
[00:34:38] You need more paparazzi carpet shots or whatever more shots that want to use from events.
[00:34:42] Yeah, but I don't go to events like I get invited to events, but I don't go to events because I'm too busy working
[00:34:49] So I can't get new like professional Getty content
[00:34:54] out
[00:34:58] No man reaches their peak until 36
[00:35:02] Yeah, maybe
[00:35:10] My husband is watching your stream all the time DNC was the most I've watched crazy time anyway, not
[00:35:16] I'm also following hide the fart burp and your mom jokes I've witnessed in these 10 minutes
[00:35:20] makes me wonder the percentage of your followers,
[00:35:22] men versus women, no hate.
[00:35:24] I think on my YouTube it's like 40% women,
[00:35:29] but on Twitch it's like 24% women, right?
[00:35:35] Or was it, was it 23%, 24%?
[00:35:40] It's low.
[00:35:41] Which is, it's actually really, it's huge for Twitch,
[00:35:47] which by the way, ironically enough,
[00:35:50] We have to do a census soon.
[00:35:52] August is almost over.
[00:35:54] And every August, we usually do a census.
[00:35:59] 24% women is massive for Twitch.
[00:36:01] Obviously, that's significantly larger
[00:36:05] in terms of having a female audience
[00:36:07] than female content creators in general.
[00:36:10] So, but we haven't done it yet.
[00:36:21] You should swap out your personal news for due time.
[00:36:23] We're strictly for farts and piss jokes.
[00:36:27] Thank you.
[00:36:28] That's what I do already.
[00:36:29] thank you for recognizing it. That is basically what I do. Also is
[00:36:42] asking 100% clear room. I slept in the living room to avoid his
[00:36:45] rank as farts. Wait, what? Legit just asked my husband at
[00:36:48] what point your mom jokes stop being funny. And he said
[00:36:50] literally never but you usually don't say them in front of
[00:36:52] women. Yeah. Former woman hated it and became a man 1010
[00:36:59] recommend. Breaking brass summer has ended. Okay, this
[00:37:06] is a ridiculous thing to pull. Okay, I know James Raywald
[00:37:10] made a socialist video. Everybody needs to calm down. Are you doing the census today?
[00:37:15] Just got here. No, I won't do it today. I'll probably do it like sometime this week. Just
[00:37:20] saw the gay accent clip. Oh, here. You might be the exception, bro. You might be the exception,
[00:37:28] bro. Here. This is, uh, this is from the pod. It's incredible. So like one thing that
[00:37:34] the crash, let me podcast does is like, they literally asked our audience a question.
[00:37:40] What's this? One of the questions was like, what's the sensation that feels sexual? What's a sensual sensation? That's not sexual, right?
[00:37:48] Like that's one of the questions that we asked or they asked their audience for their podcast was gonna be out on
[00:37:56] Wednesday, right?
[00:37:59] And and then they literally called them live
[00:38:02] Okay, they called them live the people and then they just like make fun of them and stuff, right?
[00:38:09] But I wanted their audience, I wanted to basically have like me and Austin.
[00:38:16] I wanted to have me and Austin talk to their community this way.
[00:38:26] So.
[00:38:27] You might be the exception, bro.
[00:38:33] No, I'm gay. That's that's that's that's why.
[00:38:36] Oh, you should have said that first.
[00:38:39] See, that's what I'm saying. See, it would have all made sense.
[00:38:44] You don't have the gay accent.
[00:38:51] You don't have the gay accent.
[00:38:55] No, I don't.
[00:38:57] No, I don't.
[00:38:59] They said, you might be next.
[00:39:01] Watch the latest.
[00:39:20] Here and collab with.
[00:39:24] Crash dummies pod.
[00:39:27] You're laughter reaching eagle screeches. There's he means like gives me life
[00:39:35] If you like if you like watching me laugh, you'll see a lot of that this episode and you'll see even more
[00:39:42] You'll see even more on
[00:39:44] guilty pleasure you have
[00:39:47] the guilty pleasure I have
[00:39:50] but
[00:39:51] I love give it a I say my booty oh my body oh hands, but it really be my balls like I love like give my balls like
[00:39:59] pushing them up and giving them brains and like some like lots of stuff like that like bro. Yeah I just want to talk to you. Oh you should have said that first.
[00:40:11] Oh. You and I hang up on him. Alright we'll see. Um but yeah this is the uh this is the episode it's out. I don't think it's doing that well because of course as I have Nigeria for Omaha, Nebraska there's an interesting amount of Nigerians in Nebraska do not slander us.
[00:40:32] Lander was Cooley was invented in our state. Did you film a paywall episode? Yeah, bro.
[00:40:54] We just got posted. Give it time for me. Listen for me. It was a great episode. It was a great
[00:41:06] episode. I wanted to, I think the juxtaposition of like having cutie and Austin would have been
[00:41:14] great. I'm going to post it on my IG story. I'm going to pump it. I'm going to pump it.
[00:41:18] But why ad reads now, um, they voted on it and, and the cooperative decided that, uh,
[00:41:34] we can, we want to do ads when I say nine K and two hours is not that good chat.
[00:41:49] I'm talking about it in comparison to like performance of other videos in the first two
[00:41:54] hours.
[00:41:55] Okay.
[00:41:56] Come on.
[00:41:57] Let the, let the fucking content creator do analytics anyway, um, a big selling point
[00:42:06] for me is that you guys didn't do as like it's cool. Keep listening, but it kind of fucks
[00:42:09] up the flow. Yeah. Well, you know, co-op was a mistake. Please implement a dictatorship
[00:42:17] to remove ads. You got it. We're done. We're done. I'm, I'm going back to the authoritarian
[00:42:23] style of governance. Would you be interested in running, talking to my homie running for
[00:42:47] state revenue and PA probably not no disrespect. How far did you get in Wulcon beat the
[00:43:02] the first mini boss and died to the second mini boss and I had to go get dinner. So dude,
[00:43:15] I don't care man. What the fuck? Like all eight of bad empanadas crossover fans are coming in
[00:43:20] here to fucking charb of me. Like it don't matter. Okay. I don't care. Please. It's
[00:43:25] going to be all right, dude. We're going to survive. We're going to be okay. American
[00:43:35] cultural imperialism knows no bounds. I know I saw this and I love it. Guys in
[00:43:40] Real Saudi Arabia not imitating the aesthetics and lifestyle of 90 South Central LA Latino gang members. They even have the contemporaneous vehicles
[00:43:51] Bro, this is this is Saudi Arabia's attempt to also participate in the global Latina belt. Okay, this is them
[00:44:01] Actively actively moving into the Latino belt. Okay
[00:44:06] Obviously as you guys know
[00:44:07] Egypt is a part of the global Latina Belt. Japan is a part of it in recent years,
[00:44:15] and Vietnam has always been a part of it. Thailand has always been a part of it.
[00:44:21] I'm not even going to talk about, you know, obviously Pinoy Gang. Pinoy Gang has never
[00:44:25] not been a part of the global Latina Belt. It's the, like, Filipinos are the most Mexican
[00:44:31] country out there outside of Mexico. But overall, overall Saudi Arabia is relatively new in their
[00:44:42] formation, in their like allegiance. Like a lot of people talk about, you know, First World,
[00:44:48] Second World Nations, Third World Nations, like the non-affiliated nations and that
[00:44:52] sort of thing. But like Saudi Arabia has never actually been a part of the global
[00:44:57] Latina belt but it seems like it seems like they are now making inroads you know so that's what's going on here
[00:45:09] This is a pretty strong contender, like Saudi Arabia's geopolitical positioning and also
[00:45:30] allegiances with America and it's like posturing in the region as an island for American
[00:45:39] imperialism has made it very difficult for them to like be a part of the
[00:45:43] Latina belt I think but this is a strong case like this is probably the strongest
[00:45:48] case I've ever seen in terms of like moving in that direction like I'm not
[00:45:53] gonna lie this is like this right here is pretty pretty active
[00:46:09] This is like so much care and consideration put into this is crazy
[00:46:39] and they have a lot that's safe.
[00:47:00] Anyway, where does the global belt start and stop?
[00:47:05] I mean, it's basically, this is like a real phenomena,
[00:47:09] Obviously, this is like a real thing.
[00:47:13] It's just in the global South, many nations,
[00:47:17] either non-aligned or even aligned,
[00:47:20] have a, they're just Latino.
[00:47:24] Like it's just hard to describe,
[00:47:26] vibe culture-wise, like they're just Latino.
[00:47:33] Like, I don't really know how else they explain it.
[00:47:37] They just are.
[00:47:39] Attitude-wise,
[00:47:40] Uh, attitude wise, vibes wise or a wise, like, like people are just like, representatives
[00:47:49] of Chicano culture sometimes, you know what I mean, like, that's how it is.
[00:48:05] This is the updated worldwide Latina belt map complete with not only one, but two belts.
[00:48:12] Um, white enemy nations.
[00:48:19] Latina security council standard Latina belt.
[00:48:22] Yeah.
[00:48:23] Yeah. No, this makes sense. Observer States, winter Latina belt. I don't know about the
[00:48:28] winter Latina belt. I feel like this is a little crazy. You know what I mean? But, um,
[00:48:35] standard Latina belt nations are, are, uh, obviously like, you know, pretty, I mean,
[00:48:41] it's right here, you know, like Turkey's, Turkey's introduction to the Latina belt
[00:48:56] was actually pretty interesting. Um, it's one of those, it's one of those countries
[00:49:01] that actually was not even supposed to be, like it was because of its NATO alignment,
[00:49:08] it was almost, it was almost considered to be a white enemy nation.
[00:49:14] But the only reason why it was introduced is because of Turkish telenovelas, like Turkish
[00:49:23] telenovelas made Turkey change its, um, changes status from an observer nation, a white enemy
[00:49:29] nation to an observer nation to directly being a part of the standard Latina belt because
[00:49:34] like in many Latino households, you will see aunties watching Turkish telenovelas like,
[00:49:44] so because Turkish telenovelas is such an important, it's such an important cultural
[00:49:50] export of the nation state.
[00:49:54] has, it has become like, it has become a four, it's played a formative role in Turkish soft
[00:49:59] power, obviously. And it has basically become one of the, uh, one of like the firm committed
[00:50:05] standard Latina belt nations. My mom used to watch Fiti Ha. Yeah. It's like a lot of people
[00:50:16] don't know this, but, but Turkish dramas, Turkish soaps go fucking nutty. Like literally
[00:50:24] they go nutty in all of these countries, all of these countries, all of these countries,
[00:50:30] single one of them Turkish fuck it Turkish telling of Ellis that go crazy. Okay. In the Arab world
[00:50:40] for those of you who don't know, they're like 500 episodes per season. Every episode is like
[00:50:47] three hours long. I don't even know how they film it. Like sometimes I feel like there's not
[00:50:54] enough time in the world like to actually be able to pump out this much content. And it's
[00:51:00] crazy. They're super poppin in the Balkans too. So, you know, are Mexicans Turkish? Yes.
[00:51:17] I mean, that's a, that's a classic dude. What, what kind of question is that? Carnitas. Hello.
[00:51:24] Any nation that has shawarma, don't add with the exception of fucking Greeks,
[00:51:30] which make gyros and that's very different and a sub par product,
[00:51:34] Every nation that has the spinning meat that you slice off with a knife is Turkish in origin
[00:51:42] That's just how it works. I don't make the rules except for the fact that I made up that one. Okay. No, not Carnegie
[00:51:48] Sorry al pastor. I
[00:51:50] Fucked it up
[00:51:52] Not the Greeks
[00:52:02] 100% my mother-in-law my mother-in-law find Spanish telenovelos raunchy, but Turkish ones classy lamout. That's what I'm saying
[00:52:19] Socialism in a nutshell. Okay, bro
[00:52:21] Jesus Christ, whenever James Raywold makes a fucking video,
[00:52:26] I don't have to have like a thousand of you send it to me.
[00:52:29] You know what I mean?
[00:52:30] Like I saw it, I got it, I'll cover it, okay?
[00:52:34] Calm down, we'll get to it eventually.
[00:52:37] All right, let's do one last blast off for this.
[00:52:41] For all the haters out there and the lovers alike,
[00:52:43] let the people know we're live, we are alive
[00:52:46] and let's get started.
[00:52:47] Okay.
[00:52:51] How close did Trump pull with the foot?
[00:52:58] Thinking about my favorite unmuted mic moment.
[00:53:00] Oh, we'll do that after when we're talking about the Trump mic phenomena.
[00:53:03] Actually you might dive into that one first and foremost, right?
[00:53:10] Where is it?
[00:53:11] Oh, so yeah, I got, I got rolling stone rolling stone ranks has on the hunt is 15 number
[00:53:17] 15 most influential creator of 2024.
[00:53:19] Sompikar has gained leads as a fans of his multi hour streams, expletive lay sometimes
[00:53:23] controversial breakdowns of current political events. Here's the full list. We have the
[00:53:27] full list right here. I retweeted that earlier today. And we'll obviously cover that article.
[00:53:34] But yeah, Rolling Stones, they put out a list, 25 most influential creators of 2024.
[00:53:41] And I was on this list when we decided that our second annual most influential creators
[00:53:45] list would be ranked. We had to grab it with a highly subjective question. What
[00:53:47] does it mean to have influence? It's not about who's getting sponsorships. It's
[00:53:50] about having people look up to you.
[00:53:54] Follow and comment on your posts,
[00:53:55] engage with and share your content
[00:53:57] and truly care what you have to say for better or for worse.
[00:53:59] Pick our list of Rolling Stone staff debated,
[00:54:01] ask creators across spectrum from fashion to comedy,
[00:54:03] food travel to nominate their favorites
[00:54:05] and reviewed data from Creator IQ
[00:54:06] and Enterprise Influencer Marketing Platform
[00:54:08] that tracks the hard numbers.
[00:54:11] After going through more than 500 individual nominees
[00:54:13] evaluating them based on engagement rate growth
[00:54:14] and peer interaction follow account
[00:54:16] and our own go feelings about each one,
[00:54:17] We present 2024 as most influential creators.
[00:54:21] Now, I don't really know a lot of the people on here.
[00:54:24] There's a lot of take talkers out here.
[00:54:26] Um, like most of these content creators are take talkers.
[00:54:29] I think, um, some of you guys might know, I'm shocked at speed.
[00:54:34] Wasn't on it.
[00:54:36] Like, I think that was a bit of a snub.
[00:54:38] Uh, I think RDC is like far too high up on the list.
[00:54:41] Like number 19 is crazy.
[00:54:43] I mean, these guys are, maybe I'm a little, maybe I am,
[00:54:47] personally a little biased, but um, I do think that it's like wild. What is it read? Weeby.
[00:54:54] What did he say? RDC is huge bro. That's what I'm saying. I think it's too high up. I think
[00:55:04] RDC world should be like closer. Like, Oh, oh, like it shouldn't be 19. It should
[00:55:10] be in the top 10 is what I'm saying. As in, as in it's too low, it's like ranked
[00:55:18] too low as in the number should be lower on the list.
[00:55:24] Tony Bravo, Tik Tok, L.A. based beauty creator, my goats.
[00:55:28] Omar her show got a shout out on this list.
[00:55:31] It made me very happy.
[00:55:33] Love those boys.
[00:55:34] They're actually going through some very hard times right now.
[00:55:37] Other, you know, obviously they are documenting their daily
[00:55:41] experiences during genocide, which is so crazy and they
[00:55:46] haven't been able to, uh, they haven't really been able to put out that much content.
[00:55:49] I talked to, I talked to them, uh, they're, they're wonderful people.
[00:55:54] Omar Sharid and Muhammad, Huzalah are both 19.
[00:55:58] We're two friends who had just started a university where Israel's bombing
[00:56:00] and guys began last October.
[00:56:01] After most of violence and dual began documented their daily routine in the
[00:56:04] war zone in April, within three months, they amassed more than 1.6 million
[00:56:08] Instagram followers.
[00:56:09] Sharid and Huzalah have shared a perspective that no other media outlet
[00:56:12] would be able to offer recording the smallest details of how civilians
[00:56:15] adapt and survive. They figure out a way to fucking work out, make protein, you know, like
[00:56:22] make high protein foods. And, and I love them. One of them. They are, they're, they're great.
[00:56:32] I mean, they're just, they're just kids. They're just teenagers, man. They're fucking
[00:56:35] regular ass teenagers who happen to be experiencing a fucking genocide. That's what's so crazy
[00:56:41] about it. I specifically talked to Omar quite a bit. He once drew me as well. I think I showed
[00:56:48] you guys before. Let me see if I can pull it up real quick. Come on. There it is. I will
[00:57:07] enlist in the coconut army. This is my archive. I don't know why it's like, why does it skip
[00:57:18] like random shit? Oh, here it is. Let me show you here. This is just a straight up. No,
[00:57:25] It's not nothing is leaking chat calm down
[00:57:28] But yeah, they're wonderful dudes
[00:57:31] How is the non-hoothy shiploader guy doing? I'm not sure I don't talk to him as much. I
[00:57:41] Thought Muslim people do both don't believe in drawing people or am I being stupid?
[00:57:47] Brother, I'm gonna take what you just said as a sincere lack of knowledge. Okay. Normally. This would be considered a micro aggression
[00:57:58] Okay. Normally this would be considered a microaggression. Let me tell you something. Okay.
[00:58:05] But it's fine. You know, this is one of those moments. This is an educational moment for you. Okay.
[00:58:12] Nobody, and I mean nobody on the planet, okay, follows the rules of any particular religion to a T.
[00:58:25] So, in a moment like this, okay, in a moment like this, you should consider
[00:58:30] do Christians, because I suspect you are one, or like even if you're an atheist,
[00:58:35] you're like probably an American, right? No, I was told by a Muslim friend, that's
[00:58:39] why I asked to learn. Thank you. Okay, great. So, here's the thing. No, he's
[00:58:45] not wrong. He's not wrong. Technically, technically, in the original rules of
[00:58:51] Islam you are not supposed to be drawing not only the Prophet Muhammad you can't draw that
[00:58:58] still to this day and people do take that very seriously but you're not supposed to draw human
[00:59:02] beings that's true okay. Having said that there's not any representational art in Islam but having
[00:59:09] said that also men are not supposed to wear gold for example but many Muslim men do it doesn't
[00:59:15] really matter what do I mean by this okay what do I mean by this he's not wrong strict Sharia
[00:59:21] doesn't allow it. It doesn't fucking matter because most people's experience with religion
[00:59:28] is deeply personal and not a single person actually fucking follows every rule to a T.
[00:59:34] So if you can't comprehend it, like if you don't know enough about Islam or the practicers
[00:59:39] of Islam, the followers of Islam, then think about it in the same exact way from your
[00:59:44] own personal experience with Christianity, right? The laws of a lot don't matter. No, the interpretation
[00:59:52] of said laws are very different for every single human being. So think about it always. This is
[00:59:57] something that I try to explain to people. If you don't know a certain culture, if you don't
[01:00:03] understand a certain culture that's far away that you've only seen on television or whatever,
[01:00:06] However, try to think about it in the same exact framework that you think about your own culture,
[01:00:16] because most people are very similar.
[01:00:19] So in terms of Christianity, for example, you're not supposed to eat shellfish, but
[01:00:24] everybody does, right?
[01:00:26] Everybody does.
[01:00:27] It would be akin, for me, it would be akin to asking you, like, if I never knew anything
[01:00:35] about like America if I grew up in Turkey and I was like wait you guys don't need any
[01:00:40] shellfish right like it's religious right like it's against your religion it would be
[01:00:44] as silly as asking a question like that most people do not follow these rules because they're
[01:00:49] arbitrary they're silly and also you know most people don't even fucking know it in
[01:00:56] general okay it was during early Islam and it was an advice not a command otherwise
[01:01:05] muslim shia art would be highly controversial these days is frowned upon but the worry at
[01:01:09] the early stage is to go against yes exactly the reasoning for it was to go against paganist
[01:01:14] traditions because um in the region uh in the region there was a lot of paganist traditions
[01:01:21] specifically i guess like idolatry right like there were a lot of uh there were a lot of like
[01:01:26] religious idols and they wanted to they wanted to fucking nip that in the bud um don't
[01:01:35] call them silly. I mean, it is that is it's a silly rule overall, I think that's my own
[01:01:41] personal opinion on it. It's not silly to ask people those questions is completely fine. It's
[01:01:47] how you ask those questions. Yeah, that's why I didn't yell at that person. And I fucking
[01:01:51] explain it to him. Another one is like, not listening to music, you know what I mean?
[01:02:15] Let's continue. Even rules in the Quran are still obviously not fully,
[01:02:26] uh, fully followed just like rules in, um, just like rules and Christianity are not fully
[01:02:34] followed. So if you don't know a culture, just think about it from your own framework and
[01:02:38] be like, well, a lot of Christians don't follow a lot of the rules and Christianity.
[01:02:43] So I suspect the similar thing happens in Islam as well. That's it. Anyway, number
[01:02:51] 16, my goat wisdom, uh, Nigerian American fashion creator, dubbed the best. There's
[01:02:56] guy and take talk by Vogue. Uh, there was a lot of friends of mine on here. Like this
[01:03:00] is a crazy string of content creators. You got Omar Hertz. You got wisdom, who I love
[01:03:04] as well. And then boom at number 15 has son, house and I'll be Piker son, Piker 33 is gained
[01:03:12] leeches of fans from his multi hour streams, exclusive lace, sometimes controversial breakdowns
[01:03:16] of current political events, satirical comments he made about representative Dan Kirsch.
[01:03:20] I managed to piss off both sides and one of them collides with everyone from
[01:03:22] OCD to Valkyrie. I've always been of the mindset of a person online is showing positive values.
[01:03:27] And that's a pretty positive way of trying to get others to copy that behavior. He says,
[01:03:31] that's what I try to do. Now this was like a 30 minute interview I gave to them. And
[01:03:35] that's the one quote that they picked from it. But what I was trying to say in this
[01:03:38] video or in this interview was basically that I think there's a lot of cynicism online.
[01:03:45] I think there's a lot of people like showcasing bad behavior or maybe even like sometimes
[01:03:50] is making fun of marginalized communities and whatnot.
[01:03:52] And my goal is to show people that it is cool
[01:03:56] to actually be understanding of marginalized communities
[01:03:59] and not to bully people, you know?
[01:04:06] Not to bully people and like lead by showing,
[01:04:13] by experiencing, by being the person
[01:04:16] that I think others should also be like.
[01:04:19] That's why the top of the hour abbreak is important
[01:04:21] is it breaks people's minds where I show you that at the top of the hour, there's a three
[01:04:26] man and break. And I remind you that it's even if it's a lead by example, exactly, where
[01:04:32] I tell you that there's three men and break. And if you no longer want to see those ads,
[01:04:34] all you need to do is subscribe, which you can do for $6 or for free with a Twitch prime
[01:04:41] by connecting your Amazon Prime account to just going to get one free prime subscription
[01:04:45] month. Here is the three minute handbrake now. Okay. Sir, your clock is broken. I know
[01:04:55] Jake Shane octopus lover is number 14. Don't know who this guy is. Drew skis at number 13
[01:05:02] plastic tiara. I'm a contributor before drag queen at number 11. They put an Italian man
[01:05:08] on here, which made this entire list awful in my opinion. Okay. This I call in the
[01:05:14] question to veracity. Okay. I call him the question whether or not this is a compromise
[01:05:19] list or not. It makes me feel like it's a compromise list because when you put an Italian
[01:05:24] man up here so high, it's like our boy Mellon got 11th place, Theo Vaughn a 10th place.
[01:05:35] Wide reaching viewership speaks to his comedic authority, but the self declared white trash
[01:05:38] creator 44, which I did not know he was 44 until like yesterday, by the way, which
[01:05:43] is crazy, crazy to me that like he is 44 years old. He does not look 44 at all. Keith Lee,
[01:05:53] my goat, TikTok's preeminent food critic, Keith Lee. He's phenomenal. I don't know
[01:05:58] who Alex Earl is, but it seems like she's popping.
[01:06:05] Paulke main at number seven, number six, Alan chicken chow. Don't know who this guy
[01:06:13] guys either Duke Dennis at number five, the glaze must end. Number four, Nara Smith, number
[01:06:19] three, Mr. Beast kind of controversial to slot them in here right now. But Hey, you know,
[01:06:23] you gotta do, we got it. I mean, it's true. He is still a very influential person. Number
[01:06:31] two, Rhett and link. This was kind of shocking to me. I didn't know they were popping like
[01:06:34] that still, but I guess they are. And also number one is Kaisen at, which makes sense.
[01:06:43] I probably would have put speed on here as well. I think he's like one of the
[01:06:46] most influential. But yeah, Paul C. Gabbard endorses Donald Trump for president. Wow. I'm
[01:06:58] color me surprised. You're not going to worship a photo. So it's fine. What are you talking
[01:07:03] about? Oh, yeah, that's it. All right, let's move on. What is this? My wife loves Alex
[01:07:14] Earl. She also dates former university Miami wide receiver and current wide receiver
[01:07:18] the Dolphins, Braxton burials. What is this, bro? Oh my God, why would you send
[01:07:25] this to me chatters what the fuck is wrong with you we got to get to the news my man
[01:07:29] no thoughts just to do a leap of twerking he's also getting canceled right now for what
[01:07:40] not throwing it back hard enough like what do you mean or not I mean she is so I don't
[01:07:46] even know how can someone with this video be canceled like Alex Earl made some racist
[01:08:02] comments. Oh, she got exposed for racist tweets and using the N word. Oh, okay. He trademarked
[01:08:11] her braces comments to write people down talking about it. What braces? Wait, what? I thought
[01:08:21] you were talking about do a leap. I was like, she, she will never be canceled. Like she
[01:08:25] posts a video like this. It's over. You know what I mean? She copyrighted her saying
[01:08:34] the N word to of we what what the fuck not do a leap over talking about Alex Earl chat
[01:08:50] this this lady apparently she was like apparently a famous white woman on tiktok okay said some
[01:09:03] racist ass shit in the past which is probably the least shocking thing of all time okay
[01:09:13] That's what the fuck is I'm finding out about. She copyrighted and sending lawyers after people who talk about it.
[01:09:20] So apparently Alex Earl's lawyers have trademarked her racist. I don't know if this is real, man. This seems insane
[01:09:26] to prevent people from discussing them online. I find it so confusing how differently people react to racism scandals, depending on how likable they consider the influence would be.
[01:09:33] With Brooke, she was rightfully called out by so many people. She has permanently damaged or damaged a lot of fans, myself included. I don't doubt that she will have a decent amount of supporters.
[01:09:39] However, it seems like a lot of people held their responsible with Alex.
[01:09:42] It feels like everything has always been swept under the rug.
[01:09:44] Let's not forget.
[01:09:44] She was posting MAGA content in 2020.
[01:09:47] If people hate Brooks so much for posting MAGA content in 2016,
[01:09:50] why do they not keep the same energy with Alex who did way more recently?
[01:09:53] Also broke at least attempts to give a half-ass apology video,
[01:09:55] whereas Alex only made a comment on tiktok along the lines of guys.
[01:09:58] I know Trump is not cool.
[01:09:59] I don't support him anymore.
[01:10:00] Not the exact words, but something like that very unserious.
[01:10:03] It just seems like people pick and choose who they want to hold accountable.
[01:10:06] The reason so many influencers feel comfortable being racist because
[01:10:08] they know they can get away with it. I just wish Alex's supporters would at least try to
[01:10:13] hold their accountable similar to how the cancel community and others have been doing with
[01:10:15] Brooke. Is real? She has sent a couple podcast season. This is, yeah, I don't know who the
[01:10:21] fuck this person is, but you can't really do that. Like there's no, like that's not,
[01:10:31] that's not like a real thing that you can do. Millionaire Gen Z influencer Alex Earl
[01:10:36] under fire after alleged post with racial slurs resurface. Like how can't you do that if you
[01:10:45] do commentary? No, you just can't do that. Like you can't fucking DMCA people for like things that
[01:10:55] you've said. Apparently she was 13 when she made the post. That's also crazy. Like why didn't she
[01:11:06] just say I was fucking 13. Like that makes it so much more like it's ridiculous that a 13 year old
[01:11:16] with their baby ass is just fucking being racist. Okay. Like it says a lot about how like
[01:11:24] social conditioning works. Okay. But like how the fuck is a baby on social media saying the
[01:11:31] N word like you dumbass baby the fuck's wrong with you. Brooke was 13 not Alex. Bro, these
[01:11:43] people are not more influential than you. Why are you excited in this lander? I'm just happy
[01:11:46] to be acknowledged. Honestly, I don't really give a shit if I'm like lower on the rankings
[01:11:51] than other people who cares, bro. Honestly, live your life. I'm pretty sure I heard this
[01:11:59] other stuff about 2019 was in 2019 about Alex. Alex Earl social media hit by a claim she
[01:12:09] use the N word 10 years ago, decades old pose, resurface this week. Yeah. She would be, if
[01:12:14] it's 10 years ago, and if she's 23 years old, that would literally mean that she was f***ing
[01:12:20] 13. Okay. That is what that means for the record. Like it's not just like, Oh, 10 years
[01:12:31] ago was a different time or whatever, but it's like, um, obviously it was still unacceptable
[01:12:36] back then. It's just that, you know, she was fucking 13 years old, bro. What the fuck?
[01:12:45] It's wild that she's sending lawyers after people instead of being like, I was 13 guys.
[01:12:52] Like screenshots published on red and 22 and two per per to show user Alex Earl answering
[01:13:04] questions of formerly QAA style in response to one anonymous question from June 24, June
[01:13:08] uh, 25th 2014 that asks, why did you say bye-bye, Annie? Alex, Earl,
[01:13:13] perfectly responded. Take a joke and word. Another question from June,
[01:13:17] 28th, 2014 with, which vaguely asked with who presumably a follow-up to
[01:13:22] a previous inquiry. She responded, my N word. If Earl published those posts,
[01:13:27] she would have been 13 years old at the time. What the fuck?
[01:13:39] I'm not sure you can even consent to allow platforms to save your data at
[01:13:42] that age. Yeah. Yeah. I, I don't know who this woman is,
[01:13:46] but like
[01:13:47] But like
[01:13:49] This is a ridiculous story that she is objectively making more ridiculous by
[01:13:55] reacting this way
[01:13:56] Okay, what does accountable even mean here? What are we gonna do memory wiper teenage years? I don't fucking know
[01:14:07] It's like it's one of these situations where I just like literally don't care about this person at all
[01:14:12] And now the only thing I know about them is that they said the n-word
[01:14:16] when they were 13
[01:14:18] Okay. And it's like, yeah, okay. It's just weird. It's just a weird circumstance. Cause
[01:14:28] it's like, okay, sure. When she was 13, she said the M word, like, what do we do? Just
[01:14:33] take responsibility. Be like, yeah, it was fucked up. Like I don't get it. You might
[01:14:42] take a hit. Some people are going to be like, yeah, I don't fuck with you anymore.
[01:14:46] Law bro, you have to be the most one-sided political commentator in existence dog. I'm a political commentator. What the fuck do you mean?
[01:14:55] What do you want me to do be like? Oh Nazis on the other hand have some
[01:14:59] Valid opinions like what are you talking about of course? I'm fucking one-sided everyone is one-sided stupid. You're also one-sided
[01:15:05] Okay, the only difference is I at least admit that I'm biased. Okay. I tell you what my biases are
[01:15:12] No one is one-sided
[01:15:14] Okay, man. So which one is it? Is no one is one sided or am I one sided, but I'm the only
[01:15:41] one.
[01:15:42] How'd that work? Bro, forgot his previous comment. How does this work?
[01:15:57] Anyway, let's continue. It's understandable for her age, but it's still not cool. Black
[01:16:07] people don't get to experience childhood without being exposed to racial slurs. We
[01:16:09] just stop normalizing the white cater right of passage to the N word online. No,
[01:16:13] There is no right of passage. Like I'm simply stating that like at a certain point is like,
[01:16:19] what are you supposed to do? You know what I mean? You got to look at like people's experiences,
[01:16:22] what they've said and what they say now. She's still saying it. Well, that's different. You
[01:16:26] know what I mean? Like I just don't know. I don't know what you're supposed to do in
[01:16:31] the situation. Like they're doing it on their own, buddy. We aren't raising these
[01:16:39] kids. Yeah. After black people, the next most inward using demographic is white
[01:16:47] children, 13 ish and under. It's not shocking. Yeah. I, you will never make me not think
[01:16:56] it's fucking funny. You can get mad at me. You can write think pieces. You can do a
[01:16:59] TikTok videos, but like getting upset that, that a, uh, most likely racist white woman
[01:17:07] was racist when she was 13 because she said the N word is like, like, okay, this is the
[01:17:13] least shocking event. This is literally a, not a, a, a man bites dog, but a dog
[01:17:20] bites man moment. You know what I mean? Alert the presses. That's crazy. What's next, bro?
[01:17:28] Are you going to say like a dude that like a Latino dude that grew up in fucking East
[01:17:33] LA said the N word? Oh my God, bro, stop. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop the presses.
[01:17:44] This is crazy. Anyway, call the police. Yeah, do with it and do with the Edgar cause said
[01:18:11] the N word halt. Okay. So the items back in 2010. Yeah, like items, a great example of
[01:18:19] someone who like, you know, did the maximum amount of racism you could do in that field.
[01:18:26] And then like, you know, openly recognized that it was horrific and, and made amends like
[01:18:33] took ownership over it changed.
[01:18:36] He changed privately first.
[01:18:38] And then he publicly actually came out and made a statement and stuff.
[01:18:43] And that was 2017, not 2010.
[01:18:47] What was, what do you guys talk about?
[01:19:02] I dubbs and word defense video.
[01:19:04] No, that's what I'm saying.
[01:19:06] Like he literally did something worse.
[01:19:09] And it was a, and we're with a hard R too.
[01:19:11] Like I'm saying he literally did something worse
[01:19:15] and he took ownership over it and changed
[01:19:20] and like recognized it.
[01:19:23] Like he did the maximum amount.
[01:19:26] Like that's what I'm saying.
[01:19:27] So like it's entirely dependent on like who,
[01:19:30] and he was much older.
[01:19:31] He wasn't fucking 13.
[01:19:33] Damn black and brown kids have to endure when white kids say this. Wow. I mean, yeah, it's it's the shittiest fuck
[01:19:39] But this doesn't change that dynamic at all
[01:19:45] Anyway, this is a very stupid conversation. I should have never even opened it up. I just like I don't care
[01:19:51] I'm sorry. I just I genuinely don't I'm 33 years old man
[01:20:03] Like we got more important things to discuss here. Okay, like for example, how would you feel if someone told you?
[01:20:09] you were Brett from Eshalon insights, 36% says offended, 24% say confused and only 20% say
[01:20:16] delighted with another 20% unsure. It seems like Brett summer is over. Just kidding. All
[01:20:23] right. Let's move on. Brett summer will never end. We're moving on to Brett autumn. Okay.
[01:20:28] So Trump is now officially hitting the battleground States as Harris sees boost after the DNC.
[01:20:35] Let's take a look at what's going on. Obviously, there's custom polls coming out. We got
[01:20:39] days until the day, okay? Or e-day, e-day. Election day, 70 days out. The lock can change
[01:20:48] to 70 days, but we are going to be looking at the polls obviously. Let's take a look.
[01:20:53] The race for the White House as the Trump team packs its schedule this week with events
[01:20:56] in battleground states, and Vice President Harris enjoying a post-convention boost along
[01:21:01] with a healthy war chest, raising more than $500 million in just over a month. Selena
[01:21:06] Wang is at the White House now with the latest. Good morning, Selena. Good morning,
[01:21:10] Gio. In just over a month, Vice President Harris has completely upended
[01:21:14] this election. She's gaining ground over Donald Trump in the polls and in her
[01:21:18] fundraising to counter her rise. Donald Trump is stepping up his
[01:21:22] campaigning, blitzing through battleground states this week. This
[01:21:26] morning, Donald Trump preparing to storm the battleground states that
[01:21:29] will decide this election. The former president struggling to define his
[01:21:33] opponent rallying supporters later today in Michigan before hitting Wisconsin and
[01:21:38] Pennsylvania later this week, hoping his new endorsement from independent
[01:21:41] candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will give him a boost with Vice President
[01:21:45] Harris erasing his lead in the polls. Here's a lot of votes that he could have
[01:21:49] gotten. I think he's gonna have a huge influence before a Democrat now
[01:21:53] suspending his campaign that was in part fueled by conspiracy theories
[01:21:57] around vaccines and COVID. We talked about not about the things that
[01:22:02] separate us because we don't agree on everything, but on the values and the issues
[01:22:08] that bind us together from bro, this dude literally called him a sociopath like a month ago. Okay,
[01:22:15] on television, RFK is such a deeply unserious person. I think it's hilarious. Um, I love him.
[01:22:25] Okay, isn't suspending or campaigning changed for a cabinet position a crime?
[01:22:28] No, dude. It is not a crime. Why do people think this is a crime? I'm so shocked that people
[01:22:40] Like no, it is not a crime. Are you guys like not American or something like what the fuck's going on?
[01:22:50] It is specifically somewhat it's something that like it is is how
[01:22:56] It's how things work in the primaries especially like it happens all the time
[01:23:04] You know
[01:23:05] The things that sound illegal but aren't for 500.
[01:23:08] I don't really know.
[01:23:09] I don't really know.
[01:23:10] Does he even sound illegal?
[01:23:12] Maybe my brain is like so broken from covering American politics.
[01:23:16] Because you said it was one time.
[01:23:17] I don't have the clip, but I swear to God you did.
[01:23:19] I never said it was a crime.
[01:23:20] I said the exact opposite.
[01:23:22] People have been, people have been claiming that it's a crime.
[01:23:25] Nonstop in my chat for some weird reason.
[01:23:27] I don't know why.
[01:23:28] Did you know RFK son is a Hassan Abbey head?
[01:23:30] I do.
[01:23:30] I did know that.
[01:23:31] Yes.
[01:23:33] I was shocked that find out.
[01:23:35] I don't know if it's a misinformation campaign or what,
[01:23:41] but there's posts on social media claiming this.
[01:23:53] What is this?
[01:23:55] What is this?
[01:23:56] Code 599, promise of an appointment by candidate.
[01:23:59] Whoever being candidate directly or indirectly
[01:24:01] promises or pledges the appointment
[01:24:02] or the use of his influence or support
[01:24:04] for the appointment of any other person
[01:24:05] or any public prior position of employment
[01:24:07] for the purpose of procuring support
[01:24:08] in his candidacy shall be fine.
[01:24:11] Yeah, I don't think anyone has ever used this statute.
[01:24:17] I didn't even know this existed, like literally, this is like half of the cabinet appointment
[01:24:27] would be, half of the cabinet appointment would be in jail if this was like applied seriously.
[01:24:38] I've never heard of this.
[01:24:40] I did not know this and it's from, what is it?
[01:24:43] Is it from 1948 originally?
[01:24:51] ordering donuts so poorly that they will stuff that they start trying to replace you with a
[01:24:55] brain worms guy. I know this is the 2024 tickets as Benny Johnson. The way this law doesn't even
[01:25:14] recognize women holding office. I mean, you just say they're being appointed on merit and no one
[01:25:21] questions did the bar to prove guilt on that would be so high. Yeah, relevant Wapo. Yes.
[01:25:33] Yes, Donald Trump can announce whom he would appoint Dylan Matthews of Vox among others
[01:25:36] and suggest that it might be illegal for Trump to announce his would be cabinet.
[01:25:39] Trump can rest easy, he can announce his choices, and there's no good legal argument otherwise.
[01:25:43] As Me Too Gulati and I pointed out on a paper entitled, Mr. Presidential candidate, whom would
[01:25:47] you nominate? The relevant statute is ambiguous, and more importantly, applying the statute to a
[01:25:52] public promise like this one would run afoul of the First Amendment. Yeah, this doesn't make sense.
[01:25:58] Historically, people do this shit in the primaries all the fucking time. Like, it just
[01:26:03] just doesn't make any sense. No one is, I've never heard in my experience covering, uh,
[01:26:09] covering politics like I've never heard of someone applying this statute seriously to
[01:26:15] any kind of candidate whatsoever. As we note in our article, there's a textual ambiguity
[01:26:26] in the statute. The trigger for the statute is procuring support in his candidacy. Is
[01:26:30] this trigger procuring support from the public for his candidacy or instead procuring
[01:26:33] support from the potential nominee or perhaps the potential nominees associates
[01:26:36] for his candidacy. Like there's a shit ton of weird laws out there, man. Not all of them
[01:26:42] are applied evenly. Not all of them are applied at all. As a matter of fact, this is one of
[01:26:45] those things where it's like, I don't think people apply this at all. People don't consider
[01:26:49] this at all. It's only a fine anyways, not jail time. Look up us coast, etc. That one's
[01:27:12] slightly different, but a lot more applicable. Yeah. Like in Texas is legal to own more
[01:27:17] than six dildos. Yeah. There's like really funny fucking laws like that. It doesn't
[01:27:20] really matter. I don't know if you know this, but like historically speaking, people have
[01:27:25] routinely dropped out in an effort to get quit pro quo cabinet positions. Pete Buttigieg,
[01:27:32] for example, our transportation secretary straight up got that job because he dropped out. Like,
[01:27:49] I didn't even know this law existed, but I don't think this is a thing that has ever
[01:27:52] ever been applied. Now, liberal media and, uh, lived up, uh, courts that hate our beautiful
[01:28:00] president who is still the current president and will be, uh, running for his third term
[01:28:04] now or our shadow president with a shadow cabinet. They want to, they want to take
[01:28:08] him out. They want to take him out because he's standing in the way of all of those
[01:28:12] who want the corporate tax rate to be even lowered. Okay. For all of those who want
[01:28:17] the top marginal tax rate to be even lowered because it's far too high. Okay. Uh,
[01:28:22] like myself, that is, um, you know, they might come after him because the deep state's coming
[01:28:28] after him because he's standing in the way, right? They might try to like get super lived
[01:28:34] of and use this for the first time ever. I think it's a mistake. They probably should
[01:28:39] let this one go considering that it will only reaffirm that people are unjustifiably
[01:28:47] uh tackling this issue when there is a million there is a million other like overt displays
[01:28:56] of the same exact quid pro quo type shit happening on the democratic party as well and also throughout
[01:29:02] american political history so you know it's it's dumb all right let's continue ramping up
[01:29:07] his campaigning to counter harris's rise her campaign reporting they've raised more than half
[01:29:12] a billion dollars in just over a month with the most donations pouring in the hour after
[01:29:18] her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night. Harris striking
[01:29:23] a moderate tone trying to appeal to independence. I will never waver in defense of America's
[01:29:30] security and ideals because in the enduring struggle between democracy and tyranny,
[01:29:37] I know where I stand, and I know where the United States belongs.
[01:29:42] As part of his new offensive, Trump trying to strike a new tone on one of his biggest
[01:29:48] vulnerabilities, abortion.
[01:29:51] Writing over the weekend that his administration would be great for women and their reproductive
[01:29:55] rights.
[01:29:57] This after months of boasting that his picks to the Supreme Court helped overturn Roe
[01:30:02] vs. Wade.
[01:30:03] running mate Senator JD Vance, now committing that Trump would not sign a federal abortion
[01:30:08] ban something Trump has repeatedly waffled on.
[01:30:12] Would he veto it?
[01:30:13] I think it would be very clear he would not support it.
[01:30:14] But would he veto it?
[01:30:16] Yeah, I mean if you're not supporting it as the president of the United States you
[01:30:18] fundamentally have to veto it.
[01:30:19] So would he veto a federal abortion ban?
[01:30:21] I think he would.
[01:30:22] In response, the Harris campaign says the women of America cannot trust what Donald
[01:30:27] Trump and JD Vance say because they've already seen what Donald Trump and JD Vance
[01:30:31] have done.
[01:30:32] I mean, how is it any different than literally Democrats saying that, like, this is, oh my
[01:30:40] god, this is the perfect mirror image of the Democrats trying to re-triangulate their positions
[01:30:50] on immigration by capitulating to right wing framing and pushing for a right wing border
[01:30:57] bill, right?
[01:31:00] How is that any different?
[01:31:05] open. This is the exact same thing playing out on the issue of immigration, okay? That's
[01:31:30] it. It's literally the flip-flop. No Republicans believe that Democrats are actually going to
[01:31:37] control immigration, okay? Just like no Democrats believe that Republicans are going to be
[01:31:45] less restrictive on abortion, like they own it. That's their problem. They did that shit.
[01:31:54] So it doesn't make any fucking sense that they actively try to change the dynamic.
[01:32:09] Abortion is more of an ingrained issue in GOP politics and immigration is in dem politics.
[01:32:13] I don't think you ever talked to Republicans in the way that they analyze democratic party on
[01:32:17] immigration. It absolutely, bad day to be as in. Yeah, I'm fucking, I'm sucking it down,
[01:32:26] dude, lip pillows all day. It's always a bad day at the house and I would broadcast to be a zen.
[01:32:37] It's been a wish watch since forever, not in the way that most Americans analyze it.
[01:32:41] Most American, like, even in the last election cycle, like, think about it, dude. Last election
[01:32:48] cycle, Democrats were pro-immigration. That was in 2020. It wasn't that long ago. It's crazy.
[01:32:56] Trump ripped away women's freedoms in all 50 states by overturning Roe
[01:33:02] Harris is also getting back on the trail this week with a bus tour through battleground Georgia
[01:33:07] But she's also focused on debate preparation ahead of her first face-off with Donald Trump on ABC News on September 10th
[01:33:14] Chade
[01:33:15] Okay, so just over two weeks. This is devastating Donald Trump's campaign is casting doubt on whether or not there is going to be a
[01:33:21] September debate. I'm actually kind of upset if Trump does this. He is washed, brother
[01:33:25] Let me tell you something, this is devastating for many different reasons, one I'm going
[01:33:29] to go pee real quick, but I'm going to tell you right now, you better not fucking do something.
[01:33:33] You better not back down.
[01:33:34] So their critical face-to-face showdown, it now seems former President Trump and Vice
[01:33:37] President Harris' campaign this morning has reached a brand new stalemate of sorts
[01:33:42] over exactly how the debate will go down.
[01:33:45] Trump joined a brand new social media tear.
[01:33:47] That's common.
[01:33:48] Harris' team is now making the case for debate microphones to stay on the whole
[01:33:52] time.
[01:33:53] We've got CNN's Elena Trina and Priscilla Alvarez who have the new reporting on what each side is saying. All right, Elena
[01:33:59] I want to go to you first. What is the latest from team Trump?
[01:34:04] Right well, you're exactly right Omar because it does seem like the Trump campaign and the Harris campaign have reached somewhat of an
[01:34:10] impasse as it relates to the debate rules for that ABC debate on September 10th
[01:34:16] Part of that is about the microphones being muted remember back in June for that June 27
[01:34:22] and end debate between Trump and Biden.
[01:34:24] There are a whole host of different rules
[01:34:26] that they had agreed to, including having the microphones
[01:34:29] be turned off when one of the candidates was not speaking.
[01:34:34] The Trump campaign, we're told,
[01:34:35] still wants that rule to be in place.
[01:34:38] However, the Harris campaign is now saying,
[01:34:40] this is a new candidate, we are a different campaign,
[01:34:43] and we want the mics to be on
[01:34:45] for the extent of the debate.
[01:34:47] So there's some behind the scenes back and forth
[01:34:50] over this.
[01:34:51] read for you what we heard from Jason Miller. He's a senior Trump campaign
[01:34:54] advisor on all of this. He said quote enough with the games we accepted the
[01:34:59] ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate. The Harris camp after
[01:35:04] having already agreed to the CNN rules asked for a seated debate with notes
[01:35:09] and opening statements. Of course I'll have you I have Priscilla fact-check
[01:35:13] some of that and then he added we said no changes to the agreed upon
[01:35:16] rules. Now all of this also comes, I'd like to note, as the former president
[01:35:21] himself kind of posted on social media yesterday throwing doubt into whether or
[01:35:27] not he may actually try to pull out of this debate. He wrote, quote, why would I
[01:35:31] do the debate against Kamala Harris on that network? He said that as he
[01:35:35] continued to, he said he was watching the Sunday show yesterday on ABC with
[01:35:39] slamming some of the the key people at the network. So all of this kind of
[01:35:44] throw in questions into what exactly is this ABC debate going to look like.
[01:35:49] But I do just want to add, Omar, that this isn't entirely support.
[01:35:55] Harris team thinks Trump's people haven't told them about the Hot Mike dispute.
[01:36:00] Scott McFarlane, CBS News Corp. Congressional Correspondent says,
[01:36:04] new VP Harris campaign statement about whether there should be a mute button
[01:36:07] at the September 10th presidential debate.
[01:36:09] We have told ABC and other networks seeking to host a possible October debate
[01:36:13] that we believe both candidates might should be live throughout the full broadcast. Our
[01:36:16] understanding is that Trump's handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don't think
[01:36:20] their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own. They're not wrong.
[01:36:28] Remember what I told you on the last debate? I told you no, muted isn't better for Harris.
[01:36:35] Fuck no. I'm telling you right now. No, it's because when the last time Joe Biden
[01:36:42] and Trump went toe-to-toe. They didn't have muted mics. And Hot Mike was really bad for
[01:36:47] Trump because he just kept talking over and it looked ridiculous. It kind of at certain
[01:36:54] points looked like he was being so aggressive to an old man. Okay? The reality is in an
[01:37:01] unmuted mic situation, like either way it doesn't matter, either way it doesn't
[01:37:05] matter, but a muted mic makes him seem more professional. An unmuted mic with a
[01:37:11] The hot mic will absolutely make him look unhinged and probably races too.
[01:37:19] If he has like, if he has unmuted hot mic moments where he just like slips up and just
[01:37:24] says something so unhinged because like Kamala Harris triggers him, that will play very poorly.
[01:37:30] Because remember, one of Trump's biggest weaknesses is that he is demonstrably a engaging
[01:37:37] in a clown show every time.
[01:37:39] Now that works well in his rallies, but those guys are obviously not enough to win a general
[01:37:47] election.
[01:37:48] Okay?
[01:37:49] He needs to pick up people or he needs to instill confidence that this is a different Trump.
[01:37:57] He hasn't done that so far, but a lot of people are going to watch him at this debate.
[01:38:04] There will be more than 50 million people watching this upcoming debate.
[01:38:07] It's a massive moment for Donald Trump to change the dynamic.
[01:38:13] So if he is unmuted, okay?
[01:38:17] If he is unmuted, he could have, he could basically prove once again that he is unchanged,
[01:38:27] okay?
[01:38:28] And that he is absolutely nutty, that he is still the very same chaotic person that
[01:38:35] people don't like.
[01:38:37] If he comes across as racist, for example, in that conversation, when like Kamala Harris
[01:38:43] is like saying something and then he cuts in and like disputes whether she's really
[01:38:47] a black woman or not, or something even worse than that, who knows, that would genuinely
[01:38:59] that would genuinely be harmful for his, for, for any number of different ways in
[01:39:05] in which they're trying to appeal and trying to like,
[01:39:08] peace back for like, Republicans that used to vote
[01:39:12] for Donald Trump in the suburbs
[01:39:14] that now think he's weird and gross, okay?
[01:39:23] Trump is gonna say the N word before this election is over.
[01:39:27] You mean nuclear?
[01:39:32] If he follows her around like he did, Hillary, it's over.
[01:39:35] So that's the thing, Trump was able to dunk on Hillary
[01:39:39] Because Hillary was genuinely less likable than Kamala Harris.
[01:39:45] Because Hillary Clinton is, you know, Epstein affiliate, representation of the old guard.
[01:39:52] Donald Trump was an anti-establishment candidate with more moderate positions on war, right?
[01:39:59] And didn't have a lot of the baggage that like other Republicans did.
[01:40:03] Hillary Clinton was hated and despised for years and years before she even got to that
[01:40:10] point, whereas Kamala Harris is not.
[01:40:14] And there is not a lot of time to build enough oppo on Kamala Harris, not to mention that
[01:40:24] Clinton's created the Roswell and NAFTA, yeah.
[01:40:26] So anti-establishment law, chat.
[01:40:30] I'm not saying Trump is actually anti-establishment.
[01:40:33] That would be fucking delusional.
[01:40:35] I'm simply stating that he presented himself as such and there's a lot of staying power
[01:40:41] to that.
[01:40:42] Even nowadays with the unaffiliated uninitiated people like Theo Vaughn, for example, still
[01:40:47] think like, oh, well, you know, you're not a part of the establishment, sir.
[01:40:51] They still say shit like that.
[01:41:03] It's so funny to also still claim that when he was the president, you can't be anti-establishment
[01:41:09] when you were leading the establishment for four years.
[01:41:15] My family members still repeat that he's not a politician line.
[01:41:17] That guy's crazy.
[01:41:18] I know.
[01:41:21] So you have to understand that, right?
[01:41:28] Our understanding is that Trump's handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don't
[01:41:31] think their candidate can act president for 90 minutes on his own.
[01:41:34] We suspect Trump's team has not even told their boss about this dispute because it
[01:41:38] would be too embarrassing to admit.
[01:41:39] They don't think he can handle himself against vice president Harris without the
[01:41:42] benefit of a mute button.
[01:41:43] This is actually pretty solid.
[01:41:45] Like, like, this is, this is cutting in a way that will piss off Donald Trump.
[01:41:59] Like, I can't believe that this is what the election cycle has come to, which is, like,
[01:42:04] appealing to the thin-skinned, narcissistic tendencies of one candidate over the other.
[01:42:10] But it's a solid play, in my opinion.
[01:42:12] And I do under, like, they're belittling him, they're poking the bear, they're
[01:42:18] baiting him.
[01:42:21] It's basically akin to the crowd size conversation, right?
[01:42:25] It's like obviously who gives a shit, but there is one guy who does and one guy who won't
[01:42:31] let it go and one guy who will actually consistently talk about crowd sizes.
[01:42:37] Do you understand what I'm saying?
[01:42:46] You get him talking and he takes himself down basically.
[01:42:49] Yeah.
[01:42:50] So, yeah, here is a megafaunix.
[01:42:54] I have your link.
[01:42:55] My man.
[01:42:56] I got it.
[01:42:57] play it now thinking about my favorite unmuted mic moment from the third debate
[01:43:01] in 2020 we have a lot more questions so let's hear from the vice president I
[01:43:05] have a number more questions I don't know where he comes from I don't worry
[01:43:08] comes up with these numbers wait a hundred trillion dollars Queens not even
[01:43:15] that good of a link megaphonics wait I am dumb I thought the muted mics were
[01:43:21] to prevent people from steam rolling over one another yes the reason why
[01:43:25] Why they did the muted mic situation?
[01:43:30] This is straight cope.
[01:43:31] Trump is not going to talk about crowd size with Kamala.
[01:43:33] He's just going to talk about the border.
[01:43:34] I don't know what liberals are saying.
[01:43:35] No, dude.
[01:43:36] He's not going to talk about fucking crowd size with Kamala Harris on the debate.
[01:43:40] That's a separate conversation that plays along the same thing that I'm saying that
[01:43:44] like the Kamala Harris campaign is belittling Trump in ways that Trump cares about.
[01:43:52] If they call him an authoritarian or a dictator, that doesn't, like, he doesn't give a shit
[01:43:56] about that.
[01:43:57] His base doesn't give a shit about that.
[01:43:59] That's not going to move the needle, because that, like, presenting him as a scary person,
[01:44:05] it plays well to certain aspects of the base, like the broader electorate.
[01:44:09] But portraying him as a scary person is something that he takes advantage of.
[01:44:14] He wants to be a scary person.
[01:44:15] He wants to make the Libs be fearful of him.
[01:44:18] That negatively polarizes a lot of people who also hate liberals who go and say, well,
[01:44:22] I like that.
[01:44:23] But when you actually call it, when you actually humiliate him, you deflate him, okay?
[01:44:31] When his ego takes a hit, that's something he cares about.
[01:44:35] And you end up handicapping his campaign because instead of fucking talking about the border,
[01:44:39] he starts talking about crowd sizes.
[01:44:41] Do you understand?
[01:44:47] I'm not saying they're going to talk about crowd sizes of the debate, but this,
[01:44:52] this way of talking about the upcoming debate and saying Trump can't control himself, how humiliating,
[01:44:58] how embarrassing for him, I think is another thing, like putting him at odds with his staffers, okay?
[01:45:06] Putting him at odds with his staffers is a good move, because it is another instance where
[01:45:11] Trump will go out and regularly talk about how his staffers tell him not to make personal
[01:45:20] attacks against Kamala, right? Like he, he does that all the time. That plays well to his base,
[01:45:28] like his hyper focus locked in MAGA cult. That plays well to the base for sure. But that doesn't
[01:45:34] play well to the additional people that he's trying to bring to a side. Okay. Because all
[01:45:42] those people think he's a clown. Like people that formerly were, you know, Republican party voters
[01:45:48] that maybe are thinking about not voting or maybe are thinking about even voting for the Democrats,
[01:45:53] right? And that is the calculation that they're making. That is the calculation that Joe Biden
[01:46:00] made. I don't think that if I'm conducting a broader analysis on what demographics the
[01:46:07] Kamala Harris campaign is seeking to activate, I don't think that's a smart idea. I think
[01:46:11] that it's better to push for a more progressive message, stay on that front. Obviously still
[01:46:17] hyper focused on Trump being silly and chaotic sure at times depending on which suburb you're
[01:46:23] presenting yourself to if you're talking about like you know suburbs in Pennsylvania
[01:46:29] where you have college educated whites that may be voted for Joe Biden and you want them on
[01:46:34] you want them on board then yeah sure do this shit right but for the rest of the country
[01:46:41] Places like Arizona, places like Nevada, places like New Mexico in the Sunbelt,
[01:46:47] or even if you're looking at the Rust Belt, like hyper-focusing on progressive economic policies
[01:46:52] that will greatly improve their lives is a solid move, okay? You can run a different
[01:46:58] campaign in different areas. As a matter of fact, they do that already. They already do that.
[01:47:09] So, I think it's a multi-prong approach, it's a multi-faceted approach, and this is one aspect
[01:47:22] of it that I think isn't necessarily bad, because the moment that you gum up the works,
[01:47:36] every moment that Trump is talking about crowd sizes or a bunch of other fucking dumb shit,
[01:47:42] is a moment that he's not actively campaigning on the border, okay? That's it.
[01:47:55] It's, it's what I was also fearful of with respect to the Democratic Party, um, with respect to the Kamala Harris campaign, getting caught up in a negative spiral, getting caught up in a negative, uh, negative media spiral about like anti-Semitism allegations that are so super cynical, or even getting caught up in a negative campaign spiral about like how some members of the progressive base are not going to vote for Kamala Harris.
[01:48:22] Some members of the progressive side of the Democratic Party's base are not going to vote
[01:48:25] for Kamala Harris over Gaza or over a number of different issues that ends up cutting into
[01:48:33] the limited amount of time you have to do progressive or rather not progressive positive
[01:48:38] campaigning.
[01:48:39] You know what I mean?
[01:48:48] It's the Corbyn spiral, as I like to call it.
[01:48:55] was fairly popular. And he did not triangulate adequately and have a firm, hard line position
[01:49:05] that he committed to on Brexit. But he also didn't have enough time to do that because
[01:49:10] he was always talking about anti-Semitism. Okay. And when you do that, when you get caught
[01:49:19] up in that, you don't have time in the media to talk about why people should vote
[01:49:26] for you. Okay. It's not good. And the same could happen to the Kamala Harris campaign
[01:49:35] as well. If they get caught up in like the anti semesters, malagages, all this shit, like
[01:49:39] they're cooked, that takes away, that takes away from the, the positive campaigning that
[01:49:45] they could be doing about what their policies are and what they're going to do for the,
[01:49:51] the American people that might not want to vote for them, but might actually come
[01:49:55] mountain vote for them regardless. Anyway, here's Donald Trump talking about the hot
[01:50:06] mics, the muted mics during the debate.
[01:50:12] Bro, he looks so skinny. It's like creeping me out. He's starting to look like a different
[01:50:17] person, dude.
[01:50:19] We agreed to the same rules. I don't know. Doesn't matter to me. I'd rather have it
[01:50:23] probably on, but the agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time.
[01:50:29] In that case, it was muted.
[01:50:31] I didn't like it the last time, but it worked out fine.
[01:50:35] He's starting to look hot, you know?
[01:50:41] He's starting to look kind of sexy, dude.
[01:50:44] Ask Byton how it works.
[01:50:45] If it doesn't matter, then why don't you just
[01:50:47] go along with it?
[01:50:49] I don't understand it.
[01:50:50] He's like, oh, it doesn't matter, but also, I don't want it.
[01:50:54] But which one is it, bro?
[01:50:57] Which one is it?
[01:51:03] Which is it?
[01:51:03] It worked out, it was fine.
[01:51:05] And I think it should be the same.
[01:51:07] We agreed to the same rules.
[01:51:09] Same rules and same specifications.
[01:51:12] And I think that's probably what it should be.
[01:51:14] But they're trying to change it.
[01:51:16] The truth is they're trying to get out of it
[01:51:18] because she doesn't want to debate.
[01:51:20] She's not a good debater.
[01:51:21] She's not a smart person.
[01:51:23] She doesn't want to debate.
[01:51:24] Okay?
[01:51:25] Would you want the microphone to be muted
[01:51:27] and to debate whenever you're out speaking?
[01:51:29] We agreed to the same rules.
[01:51:30] I don't know. It doesn't matter to me.
[01:51:32] I'd rather have it probably unb.
[01:51:34] agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time. In that case, it was muted. I didn't like
[01:51:43] Yeah. Um,
[01:51:46] he says he doesn't like that the mics were muted, but he's also saying he wants to keep to that.
[01:51:55] That's great. Him saying she's not smart so often is going to blow up in his face when she whoops
[01:52:03] some. I think Kamala Harris as a fucking prosecutor is probably better off against someone like
[01:52:12] Donald Trump. I think, especially because like she doesn't have the same baggage that
[01:52:17] Hillary Clinton had, which is by the way, I want to reiterate something here. Okay. Virtually
[01:52:23] no one has the baggage that Hillary Clinton has. Okay. You need to understand something
[01:52:28] Like, Hillary Clinton was uniquely positioned as a bad candidate, like a historically bad,
[01:52:36] historically unpopular person. Okay? So, that's part of the reason why Trump can't do the anti-Hillary
[01:52:47] campaign messaging. Misogyny can't explain the entirety of that vibe. Yeah, I don't,
[01:52:52] like people tried to fucking portray it as like simple misogyny, which played a role,
[01:52:57] certainly, but like, and it will play a role in this situation as well, but you're fucking
[01:53:02] delusional. If you think that Hillary Clinton was only hated because of misogyny, like that
[01:53:08] is how the DNC portrayed it, but that wasn't the fucking case. You had 30 years of fucking
[01:53:12] oppo on her. Like it's crazy. There are still anti-clinical space theory videos from
[01:53:28] the 90s, YouTube, yeah, there is an entire cottage industry dedicated to the Clinton family,
[01:53:38] okay? And some of it is very real, and some of it is actually not real, okay? But it doesn't
[01:53:49] matter. What matters is she should have never been the candidate.
[01:53:52] get the last time but worked out fine. I mean asked Biden how it worked out it was fine.
[01:54:00] And I think it should be the same. We agreed to the same rules. Same rules and same specifications.
[01:54:07] And I think that's probably what it should be. But they're trying to change it. The
[01:54:11] truth is they're trying to get out of it. Because she doesn't want a debate. She's
[01:54:15] not a good debater. She's not a smart person. She doesn't want a debate.
[01:54:19] Which would you want the microphone to mute it and to debate whenever you're out speaking?
[01:54:23] Like this literally doesn't make sense. You know what I mean?
[01:54:27] This doesn't make sense. If you want the debate, if you want the debate and she's trying to get out of it, then just yeah, who gives a fuck?
[01:54:39] You're saying that you don't give a shit. You're saying you don't care if the mics are muted or not.
[01:54:44] Okay, great. Pop off then.
[01:54:47] My wife, a labor organizer around climate change in LA was on a Zoom conference, someone
[01:54:54] on the line was listening to you and forgot to mute the stream at the beginning of the
[01:54:58] meeting.
[01:54:59] That's hilarious.
[01:55:10] It was awesome.
[01:55:19] This is like wishy-washy bullshit and I personally think that it's going to make him look
[01:55:27] like a pussy.
[01:55:28] Pricing.
[01:55:29] We know that the Trump campaign has been very critical of the debate rules in the
[01:55:32] past.
[01:55:33] We saw that in the lead-up to the CNN debate.
[01:55:35] We're also seeing the former president himself do exactly the same thing as the last time
[01:55:40] as well, which is trying to throw doubt on whether the debate will be fair, to argue that
[01:55:45] the network is biased, to argue that the cards are stacked against him.
[01:55:51] This is exactly what we're seeing him do with this debate as well, trying to kind
[01:55:54] of pre-but whatever is going to happen.
[01:55:57] And I can tell you, from my conversations with Donald Trump's senior advisors, they
[01:56:01] privately acknowledged that they are more concerned about this debate than they were about the
[01:56:06] one with Biden. Harris is an entirely different opponent. They're not exactly sure what this
[01:56:10] is going to look like. So some of that is also, I think, contributing to all of this
[01:56:14] behind the scenes.
[01:56:15] Yeah. Look, a lot to keep an eye on that front. I want to bring in Priscilla into
[01:56:20] this because obviously I forgot to meet the stream on a work call once and everyone
[01:56:23] heard you yell nobody likes Chris Christie. I mean, better that than fucking me chirping
[01:56:27] at the top of the hour ab break at the top of every hour, you know, because it is true.
[01:56:33] Nobody likes Chris Christie, but a lot of people also don't like the top of the hour
[01:56:36] ab break. Okay. And those who don't like the top of the hour ab break, the three minute
[01:56:44] long top of the hour break can just simply subscribe for $6 or for free with a Twitch
[01:56:49] Prime by connecting their Amazon Prime account to their Twitch account and get one free
[01:56:54] prime subscription a month.
[01:56:57] Okay.
[01:56:59] Here's a three minute outbreak now.
[01:57:03] Better than hearing a song, Piz.
[01:57:05] I think a lot of people like to hear that.
[01:57:06] I'm not going to lie.
[01:57:07] It was weird.
[01:57:09] People were celebrating that moment, which they shouldn't.
[01:57:12] Whole aspect of this is what is the Harris campaign saying
[01:57:15] takes two to tango here.
[01:57:17] So what are they saying?
[01:57:18] What are their concerns with this debate coming up?
[01:57:23] Omar, I'm told that the only remaining dispute
[01:57:25] in this drama, this back and forth, is whether the mikes are going to be on. The Harris campaign
[01:57:30] wants them to be on. Of course, the debate rules when they were set were with a different
[01:57:35] candidate that was President Joe Biden. Now, the Harris campaign says that they want these
[01:57:40] mikes to be on. And in a statement, a senior campaign official saying the following, quote,
[01:57:45] our understanding is that Trump's handlers prefer the muted microphone because they
[01:57:49] don't think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own.
[01:57:55] The statement goes on to say that they don't think he can handle himself against Vice President
[01:58:00] Harris without the benefit of a mute button.
[01:58:02] So they are needling for President Donald Trump a little bit here, but they also are
[01:58:07] pushing back against some of what you heard there from the Trump campaign that the Harris
[01:58:11] campaign wanted the two candidates to be seated and for there to be notes.
[01:58:15] They say that is not the case.
[01:58:17] And while they are open to having opening statements, that is not something that
[01:58:21] they are insisting on.
[01:58:22] Again, the bottom line here.
[01:58:24] They need the mute, bro.
[01:58:26] I don't care if they have the mute.
[01:58:28] I don't care if they don't have the mute, okay?
[01:58:31] I genuinely don't give a shit.
[01:58:33] I need you guys to understand something.
[01:58:35] I don't care if there's a mute, unmute situation.
[01:58:38] I want this debate to happen.
[01:58:40] If either side fucks up the bag in this circumstance, I will lose my fucking mind,
[01:58:45] okay?
[01:58:46] This debate has to happen.
[01:58:48] It is going to be endless content, and it is something that like I think will,
[01:58:53] If you care about this sort of thing, improve your candidate's chances.
[01:58:57] You might be a massive Trump supporter, okay?
[01:59:01] I'm telling you right now, you want your candidate to fucking own the other side, right?
[01:59:07] Just like how you felt.
[01:59:08] Remember how you felt when Donald Trump owned Hillary Clinton over and over again in the
[01:59:12] debates?
[01:59:13] Imagine how glorious that was.
[01:59:15] You can get that again.
[01:59:17] If you're a Kamala Harris supporter, if you're Brad, if you're Brad Summer, think
[01:59:21] about how sick it will be if the prosecutor fucking goes ultra instinct on the on the convict,
[01:59:28] okay, on the felon.
[01:59:31] They already took away the Georgia trial from us. I know that was going to be months and
[01:59:34] months and months of content. I'm already fucking pissed off about that. They cannot
[01:59:39] do this. Okay. They cannot do this to us. But yeah, it's win-win overall. It's
[01:59:55] win one overall, it is kind of frustrating that Trump is so fucking
[01:59:58] juiceless, so unimaginably juiceless, so unimaginably
[02:00:04] sauceless nowadays, that it makes me it frustrates me to no end
[02:00:11] that he's like making these sorts of decisions like old Trump
[02:00:13] would have been loving this moment he'd be like, yeah, fuck
[02:00:16] yeah, it's not like you're trailing, dude, it's not like
[02:00:19] you're winning the race. It's a tight race. It's a tight
[02:00:23] race. It could go in either direction. So it's obviously worthwhile for both
[02:00:28] candidates to want to fucking do this. The only reason why I'm seeing Donald
[02:00:33] Trump, the only reason why I'm seeing Donald Trump like make this kind of
[02:00:37] decision is because he's worried. There is that this feud is about the
[02:00:46] mics being on or off over the course of the debate. Now I will also know
[02:00:52] that the next couple of weeks I've been told are very focused on debate
[02:00:56] preparations. This is something that the Vice President already started earlier this month
[02:01:00] and something that she is going to be doubling down on in the days to come. Of course, recognizing
[02:01:05] that this is likely a large audience to tune in for this debate, and it gives her the opportunity
[02:01:10] to go toe-to-toe against former President Donald Trump.
[02:01:14] And while she does do that, there will be travel perhaps on as much as earlier this
[02:01:18] month. This week, for example, she will go to Georgia with her Vice Presidential nominee
[02:01:22] Tim Waltz. That is the state of course that President Biden only won by less than 12,000
[02:01:27] votes. So it is going to be one of battlegrounds that closely watch the selection cycle and
[02:01:32] one that they are using to kick off after the Democratic National Convention. Omar.
[02:01:38] And Priscilla, obviously one major question that has been circulating over the course
[02:01:42] of the quick launch of her campaign now post-DNC is prior to this debate will
[02:01:48] Will she sit down for an interview and answer some questions over potentially some of her
[02:01:55] changed past positions?
[02:01:57] Do we know of the latest on that front at all, if there are any plans on the books even?
[02:02:03] They have not yet provided any details on when exactly that will happen.
[02:02:07] But as you know, the messaging from the campaign was that there would be an interview
[02:02:11] before the end of the month.
[02:02:13] Of course, the month ends this week and we still don't yet have any clarity on
[02:02:17] when or if she will be doing that sit-down interview. But certainly that is an observation
[02:02:23] that many have made because a lot of the campaign over the last month has been very choreographed
[02:02:28] with these stops, these rallies, the Democratic National Convention. So while she has spoken
[02:02:33] to press over the course of those rallies and gaggles as rallies end, she has not
[02:02:39] yet done that formal sit-down interview, which would be less choreographed simply
[02:02:44] because it is an interview so you would have the journalist asking the questions there.
[02:02:49] So we're still waiting to see if we get more details on that, but certainly the timeline
[02:02:53] that was provided earlier this month is coming now to a close.
[02:02:58] Yeah, lots to keep an eye on, especially as both of these camps end up heating up
[02:03:04] their campaign blitz, I guess it's fair to say.
[02:03:06] So Alvarez, Lane Streen, thanks to you both.
[02:03:09] Donald Trump and Kamala Harris had both agreed to a debate on ABC News on September 10th.
[02:03:14] just two weeks away. But now Trump is giving an impression he may have changed his mind
[02:03:19] in a post on truth social on Sunday. Trump attacked ABC News for a segment he didn't
[02:03:23] like and asked quote, why would I do the debate against Kamala Harris on that network?
[02:03:27] It does seem like he's fucking running away, dude. It does seem like he's running the
[02:03:35] fuck away. Okay. Like, very odd. This is unlike him. I don't think he's this this right here,
[02:03:48] this flailing this flailing back and forth. Okay. This actually is poison for his base
[02:03:58] even because his base wants him to be a strong fighter. Okay, his base wants him to be a strong
[02:04:05] fighter. His base wants him to call Kamala Harris, you know, slurs. So not only are you
[02:04:14] failing to pick up any kind of people that you lost, okay, from 2016 to 2020, but you're also
[02:04:22] going to hemorrhage a piece of your base that likes the juice and likes the content. Okay.
[02:04:30] No, his base don't care. Doesn't know. No, no, no, no, no, no, his base obviously is cult
[02:04:35] like and they will go wherever he goes. But there are still people in his base that are
[02:04:40] like, yeah, I like that he's a fighter. Okay. This, this causes them to feel a little
[02:04:46] bit embarrassed. This causes them to feel like he's no longer got the juice and the
[02:04:50] sauce. If you're, if you're a strong man and your charisma is what is keeping so many people
[02:04:57] motivated and voting for you, this is going to cut away at the enthusiasm, especially when
[02:05:10] people start fucking chirping about how scared he is. Okay. This gives a wonderful opportunity
[02:05:20] to every Democrat to be like, yo, where's your fucking scaredy cat ass president?
[02:05:24] And I thought he was a big baller.
[02:05:27] Hope his son chatter is right.
[02:05:29] His base wants him to avoid bad fights.
[02:05:31] You're wrong.
[02:05:33] You're wrong.
[02:05:34] It worked in the primary because he had fucking 40 points on whoever the fuck was coming
[02:05:39] after him.
[02:05:41] This is a tight race, brother.
[02:05:44] It worked in the primary because he was going up against Republicans and he already
[02:05:48] had 30 points, 40 points on whoever was trailing by and the fucking Ron DeSantis,
[02:05:53] Ron is as was ass. You're wrong. It's not a bad fight at all. His base doesn't see this
[02:06:05] as a bad fight. And Trump can't say that this is a bad fight. Trump can't present this as
[02:06:12] a done deal. He can't present this as a done deal for two reasons. Number one, if he says
[02:06:18] it's a done deal, this race is in the fucking bag, then that cuts away at the enthusiasm,
[02:06:23] or rather that cuts away at like, um, that depresses voter turnout because he has to say
[02:06:28] like, there's a close race, you got to come out and vote. That's why he keeps repeating
[02:06:32] over and over again. November is really important. We, we're going to win, but we're going to
[02:06:36] win by such large margins. And I want every single one of you to go out to show America
[02:06:40] that like we have, uh, you know, we have the juice, right? He's trying to do that.
[02:06:46] He's trying to play that song and dance to make sure that he doesn't fucking depress
[02:06:49] voter turnout at all because if people think like, Oh, it's in the bag, some people
[02:06:52] going to be like, Oh, well, I'm not voting today. Right. And you can't have that. The
[02:06:56] other reason why he can't fucking say that he's carrying this fucking race is because
[02:07:01] there are no polls showing he's carrying the fucking race. Like even Rasmussen shows him
[02:07:09] by, uh, by winning within a margin of error. You know what I mean? There is nothing that
[02:07:14] shows that he's like, got this in the fucking bag. Brass music is the one right-wing
[02:07:23] pole that he consistently brings up. And even on that one, he's not up that much. He's
[02:07:29] not up by like, he's up by like four or five points. You're right. He's either chosen or
[02:07:36] unstoppable in his base, uh, base's eyes. Yeah. If he fucking says, if he says personally,
[02:07:43] Oh, I got this in the bag. I'm leading by 30. Well, that's obviously false. Right?
[02:07:56] I'm dumb, but wasn't that how it was in 2016? Yes, but this is not 2016. We live in a post
[02:08:02] 2020 world where Trump lost already. Like, look at this. This is a right wing poster.
[02:08:13] Kaplan strategies, generic ballot, Dem 44% GOP 41%. Favorability, unfavorability. Harris
[02:08:20] nets at plus four. Waltz is at plus four. Bance is minus 10. Trump is minus 12. Harris
[02:08:28] This is 52% to Trump's 45%.
[02:08:35] This is outside of the margin of error.
[02:08:37] The margin of error here is 2.8% give or take.
[02:08:45] This is also crazy because it says Trump is less than Vance, which shocks me.
[02:08:57] The only way I foresee, the only way I foresee this resembling 2016 at all, even though it's
[02:09:04] a post 2020 world that we live in is if, uh, is if not, it's on your wrong. It's a bad fight.
[02:09:15] Trump knows it. He has good instincts. And so do his base. Wait, what? If you think the
[02:09:19] Trump base has good instincts, you're delusional. Donald Trump secured a lot of Obama to Trump
[02:09:35] voters, secured a lot of voters that were, were, he activated a lot of voters in the
[02:09:41] general. That is the reason why the polls were cut in 2016. They corrected that mistake in 2020.
[02:09:48] 2016 is the only time where polls were wrong. Okay, people keep bringing up 2016, but polls were
[02:09:55] correct in 2022. Polls were correct in 2020. The only way the polls are incorrect. Okay, the
[02:10:04] only way that polls are incorrect in 2024 is if Trump's blitzkrieg on fucking social media
[02:10:15] somehow magically gets a lot of like men who previously were not activated the andrutate
[02:10:23] coalition the andrutate orbiter coalition to like fucking go out and vote which is unlikely
[02:10:28] Okay. Like people that were not, uh, people that were not interested in voting before are somehow
[02:10:35] getting, uh, invested in voting. Like if the divorce dad coalition is just like on board,
[02:10:45] that is very difficult to do in 70 days. That's number one. And that's also like,
[02:10:56] the only reason why I'm bringing that up is because those are people that like vote.
[02:10:59] Those are people that pollsters are unfamiliar with those are people that pollsters
[02:11:03] can not read. Okay. You need to understand the worst dad's a great card game.
[02:11:25] Oh, the movies that never mentioned that group again, so they forget them out. And so they
[02:11:34] don't go out and vote out of lib spite. I don't think that you can activate those guys
[02:11:39] anyway. They're young. They're men. They're they're non college educated young men for
[02:11:44] the most part that haven't made up their minds or were too young to make up their
[02:11:49] minds during the Trump administration or just like, well, we're literally just not interested
[02:11:54] or invested whatsoever. But Trump's charisma, his macho appeal can come across as like appealing
[02:12:02] to them. But, but even then, is it going to be enough for them to go out, register to
[02:12:08] vote and then fucking go out and actually vote like that's very, very, very unlikely.
[02:12:16] You know, very, very unlikely.
[02:12:32] And now there is new uncertainty behind the scenes too. In a statement this
[02:12:40] morning, Brian Fallon with Kamala Harris tells me this quote, we have told ABC and
[02:12:46] other networks seeking. So one of the guys said Trump is the opposite of macho.
[02:12:49] Guys or someone said what is macho about Trump? Trump is macho in exactly the
[02:12:55] ways that these fucking stupid dudes think a guy is supposed to present
[02:13:00] themselves. These are the people who think Andrew Tate is a masculine man.
[02:13:04] These are the people who think masculinity is a substitute for confidence, and they literally respond to shapes and colors.
[02:13:13] They do not think deeply about what the fuck is actually real masculinity, or rather, what real confidence looks like, okay?
[02:13:22] Trump is a fucking loser.
[02:13:24] He is a thin-skinned, insecure loser.
[02:13:29] In many respects,
[02:13:31] And he overcorrects for that by constantly being misogynistic, constantly portraying himself
[02:13:39] a certain way.
[02:13:41] That appeals to a lot of other insecure fucking losers, okay?
[02:13:51] Those dudes go to Hooters, who go to Hooters and think the server's like them, exactly.
[02:13:54] Hasan's right, I can't see playing well to his base, he's just amplifying the negative
[02:14:02] impact it's gonna have if he bombs his performance on stage.
[02:14:05] His old shtick is fearlessness against the swamp, and this paints him as a wuss.
[02:14:09] I hope the debate happens to be as nervous as it seems with these recent unhinged interviews
[02:14:12] and debate hesitations.
[02:14:14] It might be the final nail in the Covenverse campaign.
[02:14:16] Yeah.
[02:14:17] If he doesn't do the debate, he looks like a pussy and liberals keep fucking making fun
[02:14:21] of him in a way that will cut across his base in a way that could technically depress
[02:14:26] voter turnout for him.
[02:14:28] Okay.
[02:14:29] It definitely will cut across the enthusiasm because he has obviously crafted himself
[02:14:33] as this like strong fucking fighter.
[02:14:36] You can't do that.
[02:14:37] You can't present yourself as a strong fighter and then literally not do a debate against someone
[02:14:44] like Kamala Harris who you're saying is a dumbass, who you're saying is a DEI pick.
[02:14:51] You should be able to run the table.
[02:14:53] You should be able to destroy her if that's the case, okay?
[02:15:01] 100%.
[02:15:02] There's a ton of those people, men specifically who are constantly suffering due to financial
[02:15:09] burdens due to the economy, which are with a lot of anger and don't necessarily understand
[02:15:13] why it's happening if the electron will fix it even though he won't. Yeah, absolutely.
[02:15:18] Economic instability and a lack of future prospects creates a volatile environment where
[02:15:23] young men especially can find themselves in the throes of reactionary sentiment, reactionary
[02:15:28] politics. That is at the heart of this conversation. Historically, that is also how fascist movements
[02:15:34] have mobilized. Okay. Are you doing by your logic for Republicans, bro? Wait, what?
[02:15:56] to host a possible October debate
[02:15:58] that we believe both candidates' microphones
[02:16:00] should be live throughout the full broadcast.
[02:16:03] Our understanding is that Trump's handlers
[02:16:05] prefer the muted microphone,
[02:16:06] because they don't think their candidate
[02:16:08] can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own.
[02:16:11] We suspect Trump's team has not even told their boss
[02:16:13] about this dispute, because it would be too embarrassing
[02:16:15] to admit that they don't think he can handle himself
[02:16:17] against Vice President Harris
[02:16:19] without the benefit of a mute button.
[02:16:22] Now, of course, let's remember
[02:16:24] that Harris has used hot microphones to her own advantage
[02:16:27] in debates past.
[02:16:28] Watch.
[02:16:31] I'm speaking.
[02:16:32] I know.
[02:16:32] That's great.
[02:16:35] This is important.
[02:16:36] And I want to ask that if Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking.
[02:16:38] I have to wait.
[02:16:39] I'm speaking.
[02:16:40] Feel the Trump tax cuts.
[02:16:41] Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking.
[02:16:44] I'm speaking.
[02:16:45] If you don't mind letting me finish,
[02:16:47] we can then have a conversation.
[02:16:48] OK?
[02:16:49] Please.
[02:16:49] OK.
[02:16:51] And that, of course, Alec.
[02:16:52] The difference, of course, is that Mike Paz
[02:16:54] is like already around a woman without a mother being in close proximity. So he's going to
[02:17:01] fucking, uh, he's going to be way more agreeable. Trump on the other hand will not be and he'll
[02:17:08] pop the fuck off, which will look bad. Right? On the one hand, it'll look good to his base
[02:17:15] because he's strong. Okay. He's sticking it to her, right? He's a fighter and he's
[02:17:21] cook in this black woman, huh? Yeah. Right. But on the other hand, there's a shit ton of people
[02:17:27] that Trump is trying to captivate in this situation to show a different side of Trump.
[02:17:33] Okay, he's not going to win new voters. And if he's not going to win new voters,
[02:17:37] then he's fucking cooked. Okay. I think ultimately it doesn't matter whether the
[02:17:47] microphones are muted, whether the microphones are not muted. It still doesn't matter.
[02:17:51] This is good for Harris and bad for Trump. Obviously, if the microphones are muted, it will, Trump automatically looks more presentable, right?
[02:18:04] He automatically looks more presentable, looks more presidential, for those who desperately want to believe that he has that dog in him, that he could be that fucking moderate person somehow, even though he's obviously not.
[02:18:16] But again, the median voter is a fucking idiot, as you guys know, in response to shapes, colors,
[02:18:23] sizes, and also vibes.
[02:18:30] So that's why I think his team wants the mikes to be muted.
[02:18:34] It's became a sort of iconic moment for her, like it was plastered on t-shirts, etc.
[02:18:41] But very interesting back and forth here in the final, I mean, that, that Fallon statement
[02:18:44] is clearly written to get a rise out of Donald Trump himself, right?
[02:18:46] I mean, after this summer, let no one ever say again that debates do not matter, which
[02:18:51] is why you are having this fight over these small debates.
[02:18:55] No, debates do matter in this situation.
[02:18:58] This is a unique race.
[02:19:00] Okay.
[02:19:01] Debates were so consequential in this fucking race that Joe Biden had to drop out.
[02:19:06] Okay.
[02:19:07] That's number one.
[02:19:08] Number two, debate in this circumstance is also uniquely consequential.
[02:19:13] Oh, that's what he said.
[02:19:15] He said, never say they don't matter.
[02:19:18] Oh, I misunderstood.
[02:19:19] The details made to Trump himself, right?
[02:19:21] Yeah, I mean, after this summer, let no one ever say again that the debates do not matter,
[02:19:25] which is why you are having this fight over these small details.
[02:19:29] I'm sorry, I was yelling at my dad.
[02:19:32] What's also really interesting is not just that she's used the hot mic to create
[02:19:37] effect in the past, but also you have to remember Joe Biden wanted the mute button
[02:19:42] for the first debate.
[02:19:43] those rules for that first debate. And because they were, because they didn't want to repeat
[02:19:48] it, the first debate from, you know, not yelling at him, like in a, in a mean way, I was like,
[02:19:52] trying to get his attention, chat, calm down. 2020 when Trump just sort of ranted and raved. So
[02:19:57] this was the, the Joe Biden's idea. The problem was that then the Trump campaign was like, okay,
[02:20:02] we're actually going to like make him as, as Valin indicated, disciplined. And it actually
[02:20:08] made him seem more sober than he often comes across. Yeah. What do you think? I mean,
[02:20:12] I mean, look, when, uh, Kamala took over the ticket, though, they were trying to turn it both ways.
[02:20:17] Remember when Kamala took over the ticket, they told Trump that we've already agreed to the ABC debate on September 10th.
[02:20:21] And they were saying, well, we can renegotiate a little bit on what the debate is.
[02:20:25] Now they're flipping it and saying, well, just because you agree to the debate doesn't mean we agree to the rules.
[02:20:31] Look, she wants the hot mic moment because what she's had, if you remember the first debate with Joe Biden, the I'm speaking,
[02:20:38] She loves to create these little memeable moments
[02:20:41] that are based off stock lines that she's practiced
[02:20:43] and kind of her team's prepared for it.
[02:20:45] They already have the t-shirts printed up.
[02:20:46] So she's trying to draw out Trump with some of this stuff.
[02:20:50] Yeah, at the end of the day, though,
[02:20:51] does this really matter?
[02:20:52] When they go to debate, that's what,
[02:20:53] I mean, the American people deserve a debate.
[02:20:55] They deserve to hear the issues being fought
[02:20:57] to have a discussion.
[02:20:57] So I don't think at the end of the day, this matters.
[02:20:59] I think it's just more political insider baseball stuff.
[02:21:01] It's fun to talk about all the things.
[02:21:03] We have to take three weeks.
[02:21:03] Yeah, we'll talk about it next week.
[02:21:05] But at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter.
[02:21:07] important thing is to have a debate and to have them have a discussion about the issues.
[02:21:14] Now, now in the interest of being fair and bias, let's take a look at what the real news is saying.
[02:21:20] Fox news about the hot mic debate. Now that we watched mainstream liberal media, now we
[02:21:27] want to live tards. Let's watch what the real Americans have to say about this hot mic situation.
[02:21:32] How will they make Donald Trump seem like he's not the one who's spoiling the fun?
[02:21:37] here we go we start with the president Biden leaving his california vacation
[02:21:43] for another one in Delaware meanwhile vice president Kamala Harris and former
[02:21:48] president Donald Trump both hit the campaign trail in several key battleground
[02:21:52] states and Peter Ducey is at the White House with the latest hey Peter good
[02:21:57] morning and if you saw this photo you would assume the president Biden Peter
[02:22:01] Ducey keeps looking worse and worse man how are you gonna fucking get on
[02:22:04] camera looking like that man this here have some respect out of the oval
[02:22:07] office and chat please stop sending me the same hairy video please please please I beg
[02:22:12] you I beg you we watched it like eight times since it came out okay I love you chatters
[02:22:16] please I know I look concerned okay I know I look concerned please stop sometimes chatters
[02:22:24] don't get the message you know after the third spam know that I'm like purposely not looking
[02:22:31] at it possibly because we've watched it a million times over at this point at this
[02:22:35] point. Okay. Love you guys. Please stop spamming through the Rose Garden for a private moment
[02:22:41] with his partner, the vice president, especially since the caption says we're working for you,
[02:22:46] but the president is not here. He left his California vacation for a Delaware vacation.
[02:22:52] Vice president Harris is in town, but we don't expect to see much of her till Wednesday
[02:22:56] and Thursday. She will be in Georgia both those days for campaign stops. Harris Wednesday,
[02:23:00] Georgia, Thursday, Georgia, Walt Wednesday, Georgia for Trump. Today. He's in Virginia
[02:23:06] in Michigan Thursday. He's in Wisconsin in Michigan Friday. He's in Pennsylvania and Vance
[02:23:11] only one stop Michigan. Now, obviously I will repeat myself over and over again throughout
[02:23:24] this election cycle in the next 70 days. You will hear me say this a lot. This will
[02:23:29] come down to Pennsylvania. If the Democrats, if the Democrats win Pennsylvania, it's a wrap.
[02:23:38] On 538, it really doesn't look like Kamala got a bump. Like maybe one of the two points nationally.
[02:23:42] Are they reliable? I don't think there was ever going to, I don't think there was ever going
[02:23:46] to be a massive bump after the DNC. But I think that bump would have been significantly better
[02:23:51] if she had done a more progressive, if she leaned into the progressive economic policies
[02:23:56] instead of talking about how muscular of a military she wants to have for sure.
[02:24:07] But I don't know how reliable 538 is.
[02:24:10] They just recently changed their scoring to there.
[02:24:16] Also isn't a lot of post convention polls yet.
[02:24:18] So you don't really know what the bump looks like.
[02:24:20] It could be larger.
[02:24:21] I don't know.
[02:24:22] I genuinely don't know.
[02:24:24] I'll be honest with you.
[02:24:25] I don't know what it's going to look like.
[02:24:27] Um, there probably will be a post convention month though.
[02:24:30] like it won't depress in my opinion, but, but, uh, depending on like what, how big of a, uh,
[02:24:44] how big will the bump be? And more importantly, more consequentially, how big will that bump
[02:24:49] be in a place like Pennsylvania? Because again, this race is down to the fucking margins
[02:24:56] in Pennsylvania. Okay. I feel like she has to win all three Michigan, Wisconsin and
[02:25:04] Pennsylvania, unless she flips to unexpected state. Yeah, the reason why I'm saying Pennsylvania
[02:25:08] is because Michigan and Wisconsin are seemingly in the bag unless there are all of these like
[02:25:15] otherwise non-voters that just come out and are, you know, they're not seen in the polls
[02:25:23] somehow. Michigan is a little bit more contested as well, but we'll see. All right, let's
[02:25:37] the only battleground of the week.
[02:25:39] Trump plans to visit Virginia and Michigan today,
[02:25:42] Wisconsin and Michigan Thursday,
[02:25:43] then Pennsylvania Friday.
[02:25:45] Their first in-person meeting is supposed to be
[02:25:47] September 10th for an ABC debate.
[02:25:49] The Harris campaign is now telling Politico
[02:25:51] that unlike last time for Trump v. Biden,
[02:25:53] they would prefer the mics to be hot
[02:25:55] the entire time, no muting.
[02:25:58] An advisor is quoted as saying they think
[02:26:00] Trump wants the mics muted,
[02:26:02] but there might not be a debate at all
[02:26:04] after an ABC interview of Tom Cotton yesterday
[02:26:06] that Trump did not think was fair.
[02:26:07] He is questioning now on truth social,
[02:26:10] why he should participate in an ABC debate at all.
[02:26:14] Back to you.
[02:26:16] Peter, I just got a text message from your mother.
[02:26:19] Do you have a cold?
[02:26:21] No, I think I just had something in my throat.
[02:26:23] I'm good.
[02:26:24] All right.
[02:26:25] Thank you.
[02:26:26] All right, just one other quick question for you.
[02:26:28] You talked a little bit about the potential debate
[02:26:30] on September the 10th.
[02:26:31] They might leave the mics hot.
[02:26:33] Kamala Harris, in the meantime,
[02:26:35] heard one of her press people was on with yesterday
[02:26:39] with Howie on Media Buzz and said she definitely
[02:26:42] will do an interview before the end of this week
[02:26:46] and that she has done 80 interviews so far this year.
[02:26:50] Does that little 10 seconds that you talked to her
[02:26:53] a couple of days ago, does that count as one of the 80?
[02:26:56] If it does, we should talk to promos
[02:26:58] and hype it as an exclusive.
[02:27:00] No, but it's, if you're the Harris team,
[02:27:03] smart because they pushed it off, pushed it off, pushed it off to the last three-day weekend
[02:27:08] when people are not paying attention before the election. And so if there is an issue,
[02:27:14] if she makes a mistake, it's going to get a lot less scrutiny right away than if they do it
[02:27:20] after the first week of the NFL football like on a mat Sunday night.
[02:27:24] Well, Peter, her campaign is saying that she's changed her mind on some of these issues,
[02:27:28] like fracking. She's no longer against fracking or she's not going to take away our private health.
[02:27:34] All the all the fracking stuff is straight up uh well it's two-fold. One because you know western PA
[02:27:44] they want to talk about that and and also it plays into like Kamala Harris' wishy-washy
[02:27:50] which I don't know if it's like I don't know if there's a good angle of attack for Kamala
[02:27:54] Harris so far. Um, but I would like to see firm commitments to policies from Kamala Harris.
[02:28:01] I think, come on, it's fucking 70 days. Right? What the fuck are we doing? And then they can
[02:28:09] be like, Oh, she said yes, the Medicare for all. Now she's saying no, she was the borders
[02:28:14] are now she wants a border bill, blah, blah, blah, like all this shit. Um, it depends
[02:28:21] on if it's like sticky enough. But overall, as far as like lines of attack goes, if
[02:28:27] your entire, if your entire campaign, okay?
[02:28:35] What? I know you said something similar
[02:28:37] about the DNC being filled with lease.
[02:28:38] However, a lot of DNC campaign workers are quitting
[02:28:40] because they felt like the DNC convention
[02:28:41] to not represent everyday America.
[02:28:43] They felt like it was a gathering of lease.
[02:28:44] You're starting a big party saying,
[02:28:45] let's forget about problems.
[02:28:46] I was wondering what you thought about it.
[02:28:49] I have no idea where you're getting this information
[02:28:51] that a lot of DNC workers are quitting.
[02:28:55] Mr. Is.
[02:28:56] like who did you get that where did you source this from Instagram real okay I'm
[02:29:04] not clicking on that okay I'm sorry not even a tiktok straight up Instagram real
[02:29:16] love you miss Riz you're you're cooking okay so I don't know how sticky the
[02:29:38] wishy washy angle of attack will look like especially when if you're running
[02:29:45] a personality based campaign. Okay. If you're running a personality based campaign as Trump
[02:29:53] is, he matches up really well against someone who you can actually hit on the personality
[02:30:02] front like Hillary Clinton. Okay. Hillary Clinton was a perfect matchup in many ways
[02:30:09] for someone like Donald Trump, Joe Biden on the other hand was not because with Joe Biden,
[02:30:17] all of a sudden you're going up against an institutional Democrat who was Obama's vice
[02:30:23] president, who's been in the fucking Senate for half a century, okay, he's been in politics
[02:30:30] for half a century.
[02:30:33] And yet like there aren't many personal attacks you can hit him on.
[02:30:39] With Kamala Harris there aren't that many personal attacks you can hit her on either.
[02:30:43] When Biden first dropped you were so team coconut can I ask why you switched so hard?
[02:30:56] What?
[02:30:59] No I was never team co- you.
[02:31:04] I don't like that people personally just imagine or invent what my fucking point of
[02:31:11] view is, and then they just like run off of that in an accusatory tone. I only said that
[02:31:19] Kamala Harris would be far better than Joseph Robin and Brandon. I was right. Okay. I also
[02:31:30] was excited about the way that Democrats for the first time ever responded to one public
[02:31:38] pressure, okay, which obviously happened to align with donor donor interests as well and
[02:31:44] happened to align with establishment Democrats' interests as well, but they responded to public
[02:31:50] pressure.
[02:31:51] I promise you it's not an accusation just want to hear your thoughts I'm with you 100% okay
[02:31:56] listen to me then listen.
[02:32:01] I was excited at a change of attitude from the Democratic Party that I had never seen
[02:32:06] before. Okay. And I kept saying, I kept saying and kept reiterating, let's see what they do with this.
[02:32:18] Okay. Let's see what they do with this. Let's see if they lean into progressive positions.
[02:32:25] Now, why did I say that? Because she chose Tim Walts. She didn't go with the running scared
[02:32:31] safety pick with Josh Shapiro that would have put Pennsylvania on the board for them.
[02:32:37] Okay. And instead went with someone with progressive policies under his belt. Okay.
[02:32:49] That was also, that also went against like, once again, what Democratic Party operatives normally
[02:32:56] are scared to do. It basically locked her in to defend progressive policy positions.
[02:33:04] That made me think, perhaps they'll run an Obama 2008 style campaign. That guy from chat is 100%
[02:33:14] right bro. You were super lived for weeks. You just changed your mind recently. No shame in that.
[02:33:18] You said you were coconut piled bro. I was in the stream when Biden dropped out. You were
[02:33:21] hyper lived out for weeks bro. I think a lot of you don't understand when I am exaggerating
[02:33:28] or also being an entertainer. It could be because of being neurodivergent. I myself have a little bit
[02:33:34] of that A worded dog in me. Okay. And I sometimes don't pick up on certain things and there's nothing
[02:33:41] wrong with that. Okay. But it would be really weird if I turned around and said slash S every
[02:33:48] time I made a statement and gave you a tone indicator. Okay. I also find it very odd.
[02:34:04] I know where you were at better than you. I maintained cautious optimism. Okay? That's
[02:34:11] precisely the reason why even up until the DNC when people would ask me like, Oh, so
[02:34:15] are you, you know, endorsing common errors? I said, I'm not, I'm not doing that. I'm
[02:34:21] waiting and seeing. That's precisely the reason why you cannot find a single clip
[02:34:25] of me actually following the DNC. I'm not, I'm not doing that. I'm waiting and
[02:34:29] seeing. That's precisely the reason why you cannot find a single clip of me
[02:34:36] the reason why you cannot find a single clip of me actually fucking endorsing Kamala Harris.
[02:34:46] Okay. Apparently you were really, really, really behind Kamala by saying you were a coconut
[02:34:56] head. These people aren't serious. I know it's, it's especially funny. Okay. Because
[02:35:08] a lot of people, a lot of people also that were, you know, very leftist would get mad
[02:35:17] at me as well in that time frame and we'll be like are you lived up for Kamala with the
[02:35:22] fuck is going on and I've repeated that over and over again that I was not and that I was
[02:35:28] being cautiously optimum optimistic due to what I was seeing from the Democratic Party
[02:35:34] just you're saying here the problem with Kamala Harris this is from three weeks ago
[02:35:43] in the same time frame that the chatter is accusing me of being lived up on from August
[02:35:51] 4th. Kamala Harris could keep Trump out of the White House, but has she earned your vote?
[02:36:13] So much so that even Zay Squirrel was like saying, I'm fucking pro genocide and shit.
[02:36:19] Also not be libs. Wow. You were being a spoiler. Also libs. You were so Kamala
[02:36:27] pilled on God, bro. And somehow they don't accuse you of being a Republican because
[02:36:40] You're a bergamani act. Yeah, they're too scared of the bergamani and that's why a
[02:36:54] Decadent progressive activist advocacy overwritten by a co doing a coconut meme. I know
[02:37:05] Insurance companies who was saying that is it just anonymous sources or did you get names of people in the campaign?
[02:37:11] Like how do we know she really feels this way because we haven't heard from her
[02:37:15] She has not said that out loud
[02:37:17] I have emailed as things have come up many different people that are working in Wilmington
[02:37:22] and they will tell us that on background, which basically just means on behalf of the
[02:37:26] campaign, they will tell us that her position has changed.
[02:37:31] But we have not heard the words come out of her mouth.
[02:37:34] And depending on who she does the interview with, we might not.
[02:37:37] Because the way that a lot of these interviews go, and based on what the convention program
[02:37:41] was, chances are it could be a lot about Trump, and not a lot about how different
[02:37:48] her 2019 statements are to 2024.
[02:37:51] I'm going to make one point that I hope many of you understand in the future, okay, okay?
[02:37:58] I need you to understand something.
[02:37:59] If a video that someone has made about me on the show, I'm going to make one point that
[02:38:06] I hope many of you understand in the future, okay?
[02:38:11] Okay?
[02:38:12] I need you to understand something.
[02:38:14] Okay, I need you to understand something. If a video that someone has made about me online
[02:38:24] has not reached like a million fucking views or 500,000 views in like two days and you
[02:38:29] bring it up in here and I click on that video, okay of like this person made a call out
[02:38:36] video on you and I click on the video and it's got like 20,000 views, I will permanently
[02:38:42] ban you okay you know who you are in the chat okay you know who you are in the chat you
[02:38:50] keep fucking writing in the chat do you understand unless a video has reached a certain level
[02:38:59] okay it could be from someone that I like it could be from someone that I don't like
[02:39:03] okay it could be someone that's like criticizing me or whatever okay I'm telling you right
[02:39:11] now I cannot watch every single YouTube video that is made about me okay if if a video has
[02:39:25] reached like a couple hundred thousand views in like a day or two it's worthy of being
[02:39:32] addressed if it has not I'm not going to watch it okay please otherwise you're giving
[02:39:55] free cloud. They're asking those questions hypothetically because he won't appear on
[02:40:05] their shows either. The reason I think that is because for the last four years I keep like
[02:40:10] a running list of questions for Joe Biden and I have watched interview after interview
[02:40:15] that he has done sit-downs and pretty much none of them can answer. Yeah. And do we
[02:40:19] ask or answer? Indeed. And do we have any idea who the person might be who gets the
[02:40:24] interview? Not yet. Okay. All right. Thank you so much, Peter. Glad you're healthy.
[02:40:30] Yes, it's been 36 days since she jumped into the campaign and has not had a sit-down interview.
[02:40:36] People do have questions about her policy because we heard her at the DNC.
[02:40:40] She just bashed Donald Trump and they all talked about abortion, the abortion issue.
[02:40:44] But never talked about what her policies are going to be.
[02:40:46] If you go on her website, her policies are not listed.
[02:40:49] Tom Cotton sat down on one of the Sunday shows and he says we all deserve to see
[02:40:54] her in an interview.
[02:40:55] Listen.
[02:40:56] And when she campaigned for president in her own right, she did in fact promise things like
[02:41:01] decriminalizing illegal immigration.
[02:41:04] Are you voting for her or will you not say it because you don't want to endorse her?
[02:41:07] Just curious because not sure where you stand.
[02:41:08] What difference does it make in your calculation?
[02:41:13] Like, I'm being for real.
[02:41:16] Like it doesn't change my analysis even a little bit.
[02:41:19] What difference does that fucking make?
[02:41:21] I don't know why people keep consistently asking me.
[02:41:24] I've already told you, okay?
[02:41:26] I don't know.
[02:41:30] That's it.
[02:41:33] And it literally has nothing to do with my analysis,
[02:41:37] regardless, okay?
[02:41:46] But that's his position.
[02:41:48] She's clearly changed on it.
[02:41:50] No, she has changed.
[02:41:51] Yes, yes she has.
[02:41:53] No, she has not said that.
[02:41:56] You pointed out Senator Sanders repeatedly
[02:41:58] things that her campaign has said,
[02:42:00] anonymous aides speaking on background the reporters have said, well, she no longer believes
[02:42:05] these things. Okay. Maybe she has changed your position on things like taking away your
[02:42:10] health insurance and confiscating your guy. And to the many people in the chat, they say,
[02:42:15] Oh dude, your advocacy for her will change the outcome of this election. Then they should
[02:42:19] listen to me. Okay. Perhaps people don't want to watch you if you're voting for Trump.
[02:42:29] Yeah, if you think I'm voting for Trump, then you should probably stop watching me stop watching anything online and immediately check in to a mental institution to to get, you know, some kind of some kind of competency test.
[02:42:50] Because you would have to be hallucinating an entirely separate reality.
[02:42:59] It was just a guess law.
[02:43:15] Because if you're not voting at all, that tells me a lot. What? It doesn't tell you...
[02:43:19] First of all, I've never said I'm not voting at all.
[02:43:22] And secondly, it doesn't tell you shit.
[02:43:25] It also doesn't change my analysis at all. So what the fuck are you talking about?
[02:43:30] Like everything that I talk about I
[02:43:34] Talk about campaign strategy from the Republican side as well
[02:43:40] Like what do you mean does that mean I'm a Republican strategist? No
[02:43:45] It's so funny me when people can't combine the concept of the people on the left having different personal beliefs and convictions
[02:43:57] Like you know how lived up
[02:43:58] I imagine if I was constantly coming after you for not matching my Lib level is how these chatters act. Yeah
[02:44:02] What's your opinion on single-issue voters even when the single issue is morally just and deserves defending? I mean, I think it's understandable
[02:44:30] guys
[02:44:32] We are fundamentally at odds if you are a firm and committed believer
[02:44:38] That like everyone should be voting on the basis of harm reduction
[02:44:42] Because most people don't do that anyway. Okay?
[02:44:46] You just are wish-casting a different universe a different reality
[02:44:50] And you want me to present that reality in my advocacy, okay? I will I'm not going to tell you I
[02:44:59] Am not going to tell you to vote a harm reduction. I will tell you vote
[02:45:03] Who are the fuck you want to vote for as long as not Donald Trump, okay?
[02:45:06] You know, I will never tell you to vote for Donald Trump
[02:45:08] I will urge you not to vote for Donald Trump. That would be ridiculous having said that however having said that however
[02:45:14] It is perfectly valid perfectly understandable
[02:45:18] perfectly
[02:45:19] Normal it is as a matter of fact probably the fundamental
[02:45:25] starting point of a democratic process
[02:45:28] okay to
[02:45:33] demand
[02:45:35] concessions from your elected representatives
[02:45:39] That is why we have a democracy
[02:45:45] Okay, like why the fuck do we have a democracy if that's not how this works?
[02:45:56] works. If there is no basis for the democratic process, okay, if there's no base for the democratic
[02:46:05] process and there are plenty of undemocratic things that happen, okay, regardless, like
[02:46:10] the top of the hour ad break, unless there is an outside number of people who are subscribed
[02:46:16] to the top of the hour so they don't even see the three minute ad break at the top
[02:46:19] of the hour, which by the way, you can be a part of that group, a part of that
[02:46:26] constituency by subscribing for $6 or for free with a switch prime or by getting gifted a sub.
[02:46:39] Okay. Why do people act like Trump will be better on Gaza issue? I mean, they're wrong
[02:46:58] if they do say that. They're objectively wrong. But as it stands, it's not Donald Trump that is
[02:47:05] currently conducting the genocide. It is the Democratic Party that is a fact.
[02:47:11] You don't want to recognize that fact and you want people to hyper focus on something else that they are not going to hyper focus on
[02:47:21] It's just not how it works
[02:47:24] Okay, just like I can't move the needle in a genuine
[02:47:29] Direction that is the opposite of like what mainstream media is pumping out what the campaigns are pumping out. I just can't
[02:47:37] Can't do that. I
[02:47:39] I don't have that kind of power. No one does. No person outside of the much larger media
[02:47:48] ecosystem has that kind of power. Okay. Anyway, here's the three minute outbreak now. Like
[02:47:55] I said, it's coming for you. If she has changed her position, she owes it to the American
[02:48:10] people to come out and say her own words when she changed and why she changed. That's
[02:48:16] That's one reason why she needs to address the American people and speak to these questions.
[02:48:21] Yeah, one of the many reasons, and I laugh too because this guy, another one of these
[02:48:26] posters said, I don't think you should talk to a press at all because she's doing good
[02:48:32] the way she is right now.
[02:48:33] She's being told to talk to the people.
[02:48:35] She doesn't talk to the people.
[02:48:36] She talks to them, doesn't hear any of the questions.
[02:48:38] She's not listening to the people.
[02:48:40] She goes and gives a speech in front of a supportive crowd.
[02:48:42] A teleprompter.
[02:48:43] Right.
[02:48:44] There's a teleprompter.
[02:48:45] By the way, I'm not too sure.
[02:48:46] her momentum is done. Trump had it in July, she had it in August, but now it's flat-footed
[02:48:52] tie. And in places like, I don't know if you've seen the Seattle New York Times poll, in Georgia,
[02:48:56] Trump's up six. So there's a push and there'll be a bump from this. But after this, I think
[02:49:01] people are really going to have a discerning look at what exactly she stands for because
[02:49:06] you can't even dispute what she stands for because you don't know what Kamala
[02:49:10] Harris is fighting. Are you fighting the vice president? Are you fighting the senator
[02:49:16] Well, you've come a woman won't magically win the selection. Everyone must do what they can,
[02:49:21] especially if you have an audience, but I don't think you understand this. Okay.
[02:49:26] Politicians need to earn your votes. That is what the democratic process is about. Okay.
[02:49:37] If you want me or my community to go out and do door knocking
[02:49:43] and vociferously defend Kamala Harris, then you need to understand that she needs to give
[02:49:51] the progressive side of her base something that they can stick to.
[02:50:00] Okay?
[02:50:01] I don't care.
[02:50:02] This is a nice narrative, which Trump is literally on the other side.
[02:50:05] I know.
[02:50:07] I know that.
[02:50:08] That's not how this works, though.
[02:50:11] even if I were to fucking turn around and engage in a door knocking operation for Kamala Harris,
[02:50:17] which would be hilarious because there are no policies to door knock for. Okay, there's literally
[02:50:23] nothing you can do in your advocacy. If you were currently going to engage in a canvassing
[02:50:26] operation for Kamala Harris, there is no material that you can use. Did you know that? No, you
[02:50:31] don't because you're operating on fucking vibes like a dumbass. Okay, there is literally no
[02:50:39] No campaign materials to canvas on, currently.
[02:50:41] What the fuck are you talking about?
[02:50:44] This is why I always say you cannot change the trajectory of a campaign.
[02:50:49] If a campaign is making the wrong moves, the most I can do, the most impact I can have
[02:50:54] in this upcoming election is if by some random happenstance I have Kamala Harris staffers
[02:51:00] that are watching that then go, oh shit, he's actually right.
[02:51:04] We should probably work on this and change it.
[02:51:07] That's the most impact I have currently. It is very frustrating
[02:51:33] That people constantly engage in this silly
[02:51:38] In this silly ass fucking harm reduction argument when that didn't fucking work
[02:51:45] In 2016, okay
[02:51:50] No politician is owed your support. They are not entitled to your support. They must earn it
[02:51:55] This is the fundamental principle of democracy of the democratic process.
[02:52:01] Stop fucking, chirping, smile and dial, okay?
[02:52:08] Because if you consider what you're doing to be canvassing currently in the digital
[02:52:13] sphere at the behest of Kamala Harris's campaign, you're actually barking up the
[02:52:19] wrong tree, okay?
[02:52:23] You are not going to be able to move me or many members in this community on this position.
[02:52:28] You're certainly not going to be able to move me on this position, okay?
[02:52:34] Especially if you think that this is the first time I've encountered this narrative.
[02:52:41] I guess you weren't here in all of the other election cycles that I have obviously covered,
[02:52:47] okay?
[02:52:50] go lobby the fucking campaign to get them to hear the demands of the progressive base
[02:52:58] in order to secure their support.
[02:53:01] Because that will have significantly larger impact on the outcome of the election than
[02:53:09] you being able to successfully lobby me into advocating for Kamala Harris.
[02:53:29] That's it.
[02:53:35] fighting this new person who's running on Donald Trump's issues like strong on the border,
[02:53:40] fighting crime, a strong defense, red, white and blue. Excuse me, it's like David Puff
[02:53:46] came in there and said the reason why Trump is popular is because of these things. So
[02:53:50] let's give him the Harris. And I think the most egregious example was the tips, but
[02:53:54] I didn't know that was the tip of the iceberg of the theft of the Republican Party.
[02:53:59] So both sides know that the debate, aside from this interview, that's supposedly going
[02:54:05] to happen next time.
[02:54:06] All of these guys are wrong by the way.
[02:54:07] The debate could change the trajectory of the race because after this interview, then
[02:54:12] there's going to be one debate that we know of, although Donald Trump is suggesting maybe
[02:54:15] he might not do it after whatever he saw on ABC.
[02:54:19] So ultimately, if that changes the trajectory, the less she says, the better.
[02:54:25] So I get what the pollster is saying, but at the same time, Tom Cotton is right.
[02:54:29] all we know the only words we have heard her that have come out of her mouth
[02:54:34] were things that she said about her policy in 2019 and for Peter Ducey to
[02:54:38] just say that he's heard from people close to her in the campaign but it's all
[02:54:45] on background that is how they are programming the press they're saying
[02:54:49] okay on background this is she's changed her position but we need to hear
[02:54:54] to hear her say, I've changed my position.
[02:54:57] How could I possibly believe that?
[02:54:58] Joe Biden ran on being a moderate.
[02:54:59] He was going to unite our country.
[02:55:01] Our country has never been this divided
[02:55:03] since I can remember.
[02:55:04] It didn't work.
[02:55:05] He lied to the American people.
[02:55:07] He ended up voting in such a progressive manner.
[02:55:09] And how do we know she's not going to do that?
[02:55:11] That's the way she stood throughout her entire political
[02:55:15] career.
[02:55:16] Here's the hope.
[02:55:16] They keep booking people like Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio,
[02:55:18] Deity Vance on the other networks,
[02:55:21] where they get their point out.
[02:55:22] These hosts have nothing to stand on.
[02:55:24] Jonathan Carl is a pretty adept governor.
[02:55:26] He has no follow up because he knows Tom Cotton's 110% right.
[02:55:29] You can sit there and say, why did Donald Trump
[02:55:31] didn't say this or that?
[02:55:32] The whole time, but at one point,
[02:55:34] when you invite other people on, you're going to hear it.
[02:55:36] And there's the independence.
[02:55:37] Like she just literally said, like,
[02:55:39] he was just really progressive.
[02:55:41] He didn't unite the country.
[02:55:42] He divided it further.
[02:55:48] And undecides that watch.
[02:55:49] Day one million of wishing the left wing Fox News
[02:55:52] imagine was real.
[02:55:53] I know.
[02:55:54] That's another reason why I like watching.
[02:55:57] I like watching the Fox News commentary on, you know,
[02:56:03] the Democratic ticket because like I like to close my eyes
[02:56:06] and imagine that that is how it is, you know.
[02:56:18] Those networks.
[02:56:19] So when his surrogates go out there,
[02:56:21] you know, the governor, Burgram and others,
[02:56:23] they went, Marco Rubio, when he comes back,
[02:56:25] I guess he's on vacation now.
[02:56:27] When you book these guys and Lindsey Graham,
[02:56:29] you get the other side.
[02:56:30] So that's hope.
[02:56:31] It's also kind of funny because like they contradict themselves on a regular basis where like in the one in one breath. Okay. And one breath.
[02:56:44] They say Kamala Harris is adopting the Republican policies so firmly by putting out a patriotic message screaming USA USA. And on the other front they're like but she's a communist. So which one is it.
[02:56:58] I guess it's both.
[02:57:01] Meanwhile, also I'd say this, front page of the New York Times, the first gentleman has
[02:57:07] a sex symbol.
[02:57:09] Please.
[02:57:10] I've seen...
[02:57:11] Second gentleman.
[02:57:12] Second gentleman.
[02:57:13] He wants to be the first gentleman.
[02:57:14] Okay.
[02:57:15] He says he's a sex symbol.
[02:57:16] When Doug...
[02:57:17] What's his last name?
[02:57:18] Emhoff.
[02:57:19] Emhoff is a sex symbol.
[02:57:21] I think we're...
[02:57:22] I mean, that goes beyond reproach.
[02:57:24] And this is the New York Times.
[02:57:26] The third story in the New York Times, sex symbol, Doug M. Hall.
[02:57:30] That surprises me.
[02:57:31] I don't expect that from the New York Times.
[02:57:32] What was the lead story?
[02:57:35] How great, how great, no.
[02:57:36] The other story was how Kamala Harris is not from Berkeley.
[02:57:43] She's from Oakland because it makes it seem rugged and tough.
[02:57:47] As opposed to Berkeley, which is Berserk.
[02:57:50] You spend a lot of time in the New York Times.
[02:57:52] We have a website,
[02:57:54] That'll be prepared.
[02:57:55] I'm Steve Juicy. I'm Brian Killme. And I'm Ainsley Earhart. And click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.
[02:58:19] You know, somehow I don't know what it is. You'll have to explain it. But the Vietnamese community loves me and I love them, you know.
[02:58:34] I can explain it. I mean, the major chunks of the Vietnamese diaspora came here as uh,
[02:58:47] major chunks of the Vietnamese diaspora came here as collaborators of the South Vietnamese
[02:58:54] like incredibly right wing government. A lot of the older Vietnamese aunties and uncles
[02:59:01] are super fucking right wing in a similar capacity to a lot of the Cuban population,
[02:59:10] for example. I had international Vietnamese roommates and colleges that they were scared
[02:59:25] of American Vietnamese because of how right wing and anti-common is there. Yeah, because
[02:59:28] Cause he didn't go to war. No, they don't give a shit about that. What do you talk about?
[02:59:36] Hell of Vietnamese Americans that are descendants of like, that are either direct descendants
[02:59:41] or, or, or, or dude, a lot of, okay, guys, here's how this works. Okay. That's not even
[02:59:50] true with this area. He, where he is voted for Biden by 81% is a heavily viet area.
[02:59:56] Yeah. I'm talking about older, uh, Vietnamese voters in general. My parents are Vietnamese
[03:00:02] conservatives. There you go. Okay. Um, couple reasons. One, Donald Trump's strong anti China
[03:00:11] sentiment. Okay. Donald Trump's strong anti China sentiment is part of the reason why
[03:00:17] even Vietnamese people in Vietnam, like Donald Trump to a certain degree, that's number one.
[03:00:22] Number two, a lot of the older Vietnamese population are either one generation removed
[03:00:29] or directly from the same fucking generation of the people who escaped Vietnam, South Vietnam
[03:00:36] specifically as they were collaborators of the South Vietnamese government, the puppet
[03:00:42] state that America created, is South Vietnam that was fucking right wing fascist, okay?
[03:00:56] Their children, just like white people, just like every other fucking group of people
[03:01:00] in this country are going to oftentimes resemble the politics of their parents.
[03:01:08] I'm a lefty with Cuban family, but I don't like the narratives of their US collaboratives that left for a better life of a brain broken by their hatred for Fidel, not a love for Batista US imperialism.
[03:01:16] No, I mean that that plays a role as well. But for Vietnamese is like that's how a lot of people. That's why a lot of people.
[03:01:26] Like the the the Vietnamese war, like the Cuban revolution was conducted against a a fascist dictatorship that was still Cuban.
[03:01:41] The Vietnamese war was fought against the United States of America
[03:01:45] There's a little bit of a difference there. Yeah, I hate your narrative them being collaborators in my opinion as an Asian American
[03:02:02] You're throwing a dangerous
[03:02:04] Narrative wait, what the fuck are you talking about collaborators with the Americans dumbass not collaborators with the fucking vietcong
[03:02:12] Hello, you asked me why there's so many fucking conservatives
[03:02:19] I'm telling you why in this group at least
[03:02:23] But in many respects, in many respects, a lot of the people that are allowed to come to the United States of America, which is a very difficult task to begin with, will oftentimes have, depending on how close they are to the original group of people that came in, will oftentimes be pro-America.
[03:02:43] What the fuck?
[03:02:50] It's also not just like the collaborative aspect in general.
[03:02:54] It also is the anti-Chinese sentiment or the Vietnamese Latino. Yes, Vietnam. Absolutely a part of the global Latina belt
[03:03:02] But the say they're all collaborators pictures them in a bad light
[03:03:21] collaborators to America
[03:03:23] What are you talking about?
[03:03:26] To America
[03:03:28] Okay
[03:03:29] It's the same principle behind a lot of the Venezuelans that originally were leaving
[03:03:36] escaping the Maduro administration.
[03:03:39] There's a reason why Venezuela's got TPS,
[03:03:43] temporary protected status from the American government.
[03:03:47] That was a play in a similar vein
[03:03:50] to the Cuban diaspora population.
[03:03:55] It was their ideological posture early on
[03:03:58] against the Maduro regime.
[03:04:04] I don't know why you're getting mad at this.
[03:04:06] It's a part of American foreign policy.
[03:04:11] This is how it fucking works.
[03:04:23] I think Chatter is, Chatter thinks you're asserting
[03:04:25] that all Vietnamese are hardline MAGA Trumpers.
[03:04:27] Of course not.
[03:04:29] There is always going to be a generational divide regardless.
[03:04:32] I'm just explaining why there is an outsized population
[03:04:38] of older Vietnamese voters that happen to swing conservative.
[03:04:51] Diaspora populations oftentimes
[03:04:53] incredibly conservative regardless like socially conservative uh in other ways like i mean like
[03:05:05] there is no similar uh there is a kind of a similarity with like the Turkish diaspora in
[03:05:11] Germany right they're not pro-german but in terms of like Turkish politics which they participate in
[03:05:18] they're fucking hyper reactionary now the reason for that is different than like the
[03:05:22] the Vietnamese population. It's not like the Germans that came, the Turks that went to
[03:05:27] Germany were like collaborators and like Germany was invading Turkey or some shit. That's not
[03:05:31] how that worked. But the Aspera populations do also have a tendency to be more right wing
[03:05:40] than the, than the, the national population. How do you think Jews missed out on becoming
[03:05:51] so conservative? Do we send all our wackos to Israel? That's actually really, that
[03:05:56] kind of interesting. I think it's because Jews have been around in the United States of America for
[03:06:02] like a lot longer. So we're talking like so many generations. Like they have, they've been, so
[03:06:11] here's how it works. Okay. Here's how it works. By the third generation, by the third generation,
[03:06:18] generation, you often have a tendency to completely assimilate, like not even often, like every
[03:06:25] single immigrant population has come here originally.
[03:06:28] By the third generation is just American, indistinguishable.
[03:06:33] Same educational outcomes, yada, yada, yada, okay?
[03:06:36] By second generation, you've actually picked up a lot of that as well.
[03:06:40] Like a lot of American culture, American attitudes, American outcomes with the rest
[03:06:45] of the population.
[03:06:50] And obviously every single diaspora population is different from one another in terms of like
[03:06:55] what they care about.
[03:06:57] But overall, overall, I think that they're like Jewish voters in general have been like
[03:07:06] very progressive in the way that they vote for a for almost the damn near entirety
[03:07:13] of their existence on US soil.
[03:07:16] It probably has a lot to do with Jewish history and Jewish culture.
[03:07:21] Israel in that regard is actually unique.
[03:07:25] Zionism in that regard is literally antithetical to Jewish history, Jewish culture, Jewish resistance,
[03:07:32] and revolutionary sentiment from Jews in general.
[03:07:37] It's directly diametrically the opposite of how Jews have carried themselves, seen themselves, presented themselves throughout history.
[03:07:54] That makes sense. I'm a 4th, 3rd gen, also Jewish Southerners, so I'm part of the rare swing state Jew. Me and my fam are super progressive.
[03:08:03] Well, being super progressive, while also being a Jewish American is not unique though, for
[03:08:11] the record, it's like, I think it's like 76% of American Jews that vote consistently for
[03:08:17] the Democratic Party.
[03:08:18] I'm an anti-Zionist Jew and you're 100% correct on that.
[03:08:39] A lot of Zionist Jews I know are progressive on everything except Israel.
[03:08:42] Yeah.
[03:08:57] Is the Democratic Party progressive?
[03:08:59] No, but in terms of like analyzing American politics, especially from a historical framework,
[03:09:03] we're talking about like, what is the more progressive option here? Okay. That's it.
[03:09:08] Like you're, you're not wrong, but anyway, let's continue.
[03:09:19] It's been very special in Florida. We go down and we have large groups of people always
[03:09:25] dressed perfectly. Also, yeah, American Jews aren't just like progressive because they
[03:09:30] vote for the Democratic Party. American Jews, just like Jews, like pre Israel Jews, literally
[03:09:38] are not just progressive in the vote for the Democratic Party type way. They're fucking
[03:09:45] communists. They're socialists. They're trade unionists. They're intellectuals. Like, it's
[03:09:52] not even, like, it's crazy to think of a world where like, the Jewish tradition is
[03:09:59] rich with revolutionary principles and consistently fighting against injustice, being at the
[03:10:07] forefront of any matter of different like civil rights movements globally okay that is
[03:10:13] that is part of the reason why fascist fucking hate Jews and literally say like oh the frankford
[03:10:19] school and and how like Jews are actually fucking degenerating western society they're
[03:10:24] they're instilling pornography and like and and and degenerate sentiment like they're
[03:10:31] teaching people to be degenerate they're bringing in all the fucking immigrants into
[03:10:34] this country to ruin the country like that's literally that's part of the reason why if
[03:10:40] I just hate Jews Karl Marx Leon Trotsky Howard Zinn Noam Chomsky I mean that's like a tiny
[03:10:52] number what caused Jews to be so progressive pre-Israel well I don't know if you know this but
[03:11:06] like before Israel is a time frame when you know Jews had only one history which was
[03:11:15] expulsion, pogroms, death, destruction. I think if that's like, if you're constantly being made out
[03:11:23] to be the enemy in every society and constantly outcasted as like outsiders, Marx, yes, Karl Marx
[03:11:32] was, Karl Marx was Jewish, yes. Labor Zionism was literally invented to try and convince
[03:11:45] communist jews to become zionist. Anti-Semitism is older than racism. That's actually, this
[03:11:58] this is kind of an interesting take, but it is correct. It is correct. Like racism in the
[03:12:05] way that we, no, no, no, no, no, it 100% is correct. It literally is historically correct.
[03:12:10] What you're saying is absolutely 100% historically correct. Racism in the way that we understand
[03:12:15] it. White supremacy in the way that we understand it is a relatively new phenomena
[03:12:18] in comparison to anti-Semitism. Before, like, Western collodialists invented racial distinctions,
[03:12:29] people did not fight on those boundaries at all. People fight it on the boundaries of in-group,
[03:12:34] out-group, but mostly it was about nationality or whose team you were on.
[03:12:40] It's correct. Anti-Semitism predates, anti-Semitism absolutely predates white supremacist
[03:12:53] racism. White supremacist racism, scientific racism, the way that we understand it was created
[03:13:01] in a way, in an effort to justify a colonial extraction of labor, chattel slavery specifically.
[03:13:08] That's where it comes from. You needed a way to make it seem like you needed, you just
[03:13:14] changed it. No, you needed a way to make it seem like the people that you were enslaving,
[03:13:19] Because in the past, slavery was considered to be just reaping the rewards, right?
[03:13:27] Reaping the rewards of, like, conquest.
[03:13:31] You go, you do battle, and you enslave a bunch of the population, but it's different than
[03:13:36] chattel slavery.
[03:13:37] This is not like a unique concept, this is what historians agree on, okay?
[03:13:41] Chattel slavery is unique in its cruelty and brutality because it's generational.
[03:13:47] slavery beyond chattel slavery is not uh it doesn't operate in the same way where like the children of
[03:13:54] your children of your children are not always going to be uh committed to slavery in the same way that
[03:14:00] like this distinction for your black skin uh made it so that like that's it you're a slave forever
[03:14:07] there's no way out of it okay this is like yeah it was it was you know there were different
[03:14:19] versions of it, but a lot of it is like indentured servitude and things like that.
[03:14:33] Chattel slavery treats other humans as literal livestock completely different than the forms of
[03:14:36] slavery before it, exactly. An Anglo-style chattel slavery was way more brutal than Spanish
[03:14:44] Portuguese chattel slavery, although the latter happened over a longer period of time.
[03:14:49] Note, Hassan is not saying other forms of slavery are not bad, merely that chattel is
[03:14:53] particularly bad, yes. Like, people always get mad at me when I joke about like the
[03:15:00] the Janissary structure because they think I'm being like, uh, you know, an Ottoman supremacist
[03:15:06] or something, but like, there was no world in which under chattel slavery, the comparison
[03:15:12] I use in that situation is not because I'm fucking Turkish, but because the Janissary
[03:15:17] structure is the Janissary structure and, and the Dave Sheetman program where like
[03:15:25] people literally would be converted,
[03:15:32] like non-Muslims would be able to retain
[03:15:35] the highest offices that you could possibly get to,
[03:15:41] that even fucking Muslims did not,
[03:15:43] like original Muslims were not able to get to.
[03:15:47] Like that's not a thing that has ever happened.
[03:15:49] Like Nima Sinan, one of the most famous architects
[03:15:52] in Ottoman history is a Devşirmen.
[03:15:56] As in, he was brought into,
[03:15:59] he was brought into the Turkish indentured servitude structure
[03:16:04] at an early age as a child, okay?
[03:16:07] And he is one of the most like well-read, well-educated,
[03:16:10] one of the most important,
[03:16:13] one of the most important architects
[03:16:14] in the entire history of architecture in general,
[03:16:20] right?
[03:16:22] There is no comparison or equivalent in terms of like the way that black people were treated under
[03:16:29] shadow slavery. Putting balls is not cool. That was only limited to the harem.
[03:16:39] And I agree. It's fucking particularly psychopathic.
[03:16:44] Janissaries also participated in some of the first historic versions of labor organizing.
[03:16:51] They used to have these big fucking cauldrons of food and they would flip them over.
[03:17:05] Um, they would participate in work stoppages, so Philly, do you tell them Thumbo?
[03:17:12] Hey, let's fucking go.
[03:17:15] Let's watch this and we'll get back to the other stuff.
[03:17:17] All right, here.
[03:17:18] Gen Z.
[03:17:19] Gender.
[03:17:20] Gen Z political gender gap grows shitty.
[03:17:23] And then we're going to talk about how the political gap between Gen Z men and women.
[03:17:27] So how come Jews were even hated back then without chattel slaver you think there's no need to make a specific out group like that?
[03:17:32] What no chattel slaver is not the only time that there was a need for a specific out group bro has not read history
[03:18:07] You're not talking about me. I don't think
[03:18:19] At least all your look I see this motherfucker showing the guns, dude
[03:18:24] Are you always eating at the same time that I eat?
[03:18:26] All apart and still be amazing, so can you put that.
[03:18:37] It's so dumb.
[03:18:40] It is not only growing.
[03:18:41] Now we have polling from the New York Times
[03:18:43] and Sienna College finding that the Gen Z gap
[03:18:46] is actually bigger than any other generation.
[03:18:48] But I'm noting that back when the race was Trump
[03:18:50] versus Biden, men aged 18 to 29 favored Trump
[03:18:53] by 11 percentage points
[03:18:54] and women favored Biden by 28,
[03:18:56] making that a 39 point gap between the genders.
[03:18:59] And while that was pretty wide,
[03:19:00] it's gotten bigger now that Kamala Harris
[03:19:02] is the candidate.
[03:19:03] at the times in sienna took in six swing states this month finding the young men favored trump by
[03:19:07] 13 points and young women favored harris by 38 yo we're looking at a 51 point gap right and that
[03:19:13] is further apart than any other age group and so you have the time saying that this election has
[03:19:17] become a referendum on gender roles with young women becoming very liberal following the me to
[03:19:21] movement as well as the surge of activism after roe was overturned whereas with some young men
[03:19:25] on the other hand quote they feel that rapidly changing gender roles have left them behind
[03:19:29] socially and economically and see former president Donald J. Trump as a champion of traditional
[03:19:34] manhood. And as for what specifically has sparked this, well, I mean, you could point to a million
[03:19:37] reasons. You know, folks like political commentator, Hassan Piker, seeing this polling and writing,
[03:19:41] every young male interest online from gaming, fitness to culture and self-help is dominated
[03:19:46] by right wing, red-pilled, mannosphere commentary. They prey on the anxieties and
[03:19:50] insecurities of vulnerable young men. And if you look around, he is definitely not alone
[03:19:54] in thinking that. I mean, one report earlier this year on this shift noted that social
[03:19:57] media algorithms have pulled quote moderately conservative young men towards more extreme
[03:20:01] and radical conservative male role models and worldviews but here I will also say this is not
[03:20:06] an American specific thing this is a global trend I mean in Europe there has also been a shift of
[03:20:10] young people moving to the right especially men but yeah I mean as far as why this for career
[03:20:14] This push is happening stateside and specifically creating support for the New York Times speaking
[03:20:35] to young men and there we saw their answers kind of vary with the outlet noting that Gen Z
[03:20:38] men are still slightly more likely to identify as Democrat than Republican and those who are
[03:20:43] conservative often still support social issues like same-sex marriage and abortion rights and
[03:20:47] You even had some who seemed to have sympathy
[03:20:49] for women's rights with one Michigan Trump supporter
[03:20:51] saying that quote,
[03:20:52] all the industries are dominated by men, bosses are men.
[03:20:55] There hasn't been a woman president.
[03:20:56] I think women deserve a little bit more.
[03:20:58] But largely you had the time saying they found
[03:20:59] that young men who planned to vote for Trump
[03:21:01] pointed to feeling unvalued or noting economic issues
[03:21:04] that have them worried about traditionally masculine roles
[03:21:06] like the ability to support a family.
[03:21:08] For example, one Georgia voter who plans to go
[03:21:10] for Trump saying,
[03:21:10] we can't afford to have children.
[03:21:12] We can barely afford three meals a day.
[03:21:14] I wanna be able to go to the doctor and afford it.
[03:21:16] I want to be able to own a home.
[03:21:18] I want to be able to have a car.
[03:21:19] I want to have a job.
[03:21:20] I enjoy it.
[03:21:21] I want to live, not just survive.
[03:21:23] And this is yet another Trump supporter in Nevada
[03:21:25] kind of saying that young men felt
[03:21:26] that they've been told what not to do for a long time.
[03:21:29] And another Michigan saying it feels like men
[03:21:31] are looked down on.
[03:21:32] And all this is the Times pointing to polling from Pew
[03:21:34] that found that 40% of Trump supporting men believe
[03:21:36] that women's gains have come at the expense of men.
[03:21:38] And this, even though only one fifth
[03:21:40] of general respondents thought so.
[03:21:41] All of which is very interesting,
[03:21:43] but also too it has some arguing
[03:21:45] that this is the way to move some voters over.
[03:21:47] Saying the Democrats need to make a stronger case
[03:21:49] on some of these issues,
[03:21:50] with one of the easiest being the tax cuts
[03:21:52] for the middle class.
[03:21:53] So of course, a lot of this just comes down
[03:21:54] to general messaging.
[03:21:55] I mean, for example, even right here,
[03:21:56] the Times noting that the Democratic Party
[03:21:58] has a page all about who the party serves
[03:22:00] and many demographic groups are mentioned,
[03:22:02] but none specifically include men.
[03:22:04] So these voters just might not feel seen by the party.
[03:22:06] You know, with all that said,
[03:22:07] whether you're a Gen Z man or woman
[03:22:09] or really whatever demographic you hit,
[03:22:11] I'd really love to know your thoughts on this situation,
[03:22:13] shift and what we might see that's helpful in the future moving forward and
[03:22:17] then you know my kids they're getting older and different things become more
[03:22:20] fun to do with them doing fun creative brain building projects with your kids
[03:22:24] it's seriously fun and to be honest you say you can't muster any sympathy okay
[03:22:28] guys like the deep that's a ridiculous way to approach the subject matter this
[03:22:35] is going to be far large this is going to be far more consequential but
[03:22:41] have men done anything men don't hold other men accountable please do not do
[03:22:45] some fucking dumb ass gender worship in this chat right now okay that is
[03:22:51] ridiculous okay the insecurities and the anxieties that men have stem from real
[03:22:58] material issues that they experience there is certainly a sense of
[03:23:03] entitlement okay but ultimately it literally comes not because they're
[03:23:09] men with penises and balls, but because as Philip DeFranco correctly pointed to,
[03:23:18] a lack of future prospects, you have to, you have to solve the underlying material inequalities
[03:23:31] that they are experiencing, like what, what material problems do they have?
[03:23:34] Elderly lady, my Gen Z son is not a pussy, he doesn't feel like this, like what material
[03:23:40] the problems that they have, what do you mean? No future job prospects. Uh, the, the reality
[03:23:47] of like retirement at a reasonable age is becoming impossible to even dream of the fact
[03:23:52] that they will never be able to own a home. The fact that if they actually need to go to
[03:23:56] the doctor, that is going to be punishing their fucking wallet. So devastatingly, the
[03:24:01] fact that if they want a, the fact that if they want to be able to participate
[03:24:05] in the fucking job market, they need a college degree, which is at least like
[03:24:08] hundred thousand dollars minimum. But do you think men don't also experience those things?
[03:24:18] Now the difference is women experience that too, except men are left behind, especially with the
[03:24:23] with education and also beyond that they have a sense of entitlement due to patriarchal constructs.
[03:24:32] Okay, that's why they respond differently to the exact same issues that they're experiencing.
[03:24:40] But that's it. Part of the reason is because nobody is responding to those issues for men
[03:24:57] or for women, but at least one party is routinely changing their trajectory and changing their
[03:25:05] attention to misogyny, engaging in fucking gender wars. That's it. My son's getting
[03:25:11] a CNA in high school for free, getting an associate's degree, he's be able to be
[03:25:14] total. Okay, congratulations, elderly person with with a son. I'm
[03:25:21] excited for his future. But like, that doesn't change what I'm
[03:25:24] talking about. Because women actually come together and find
[03:25:28] solutions or problems. No, no. No, it's because women are
[03:25:35] being fucking pushed out by one party regularly, because that
[03:25:41] That party is consistently attacking their position in society.
[03:25:45] Men on the other hand, see this because in the same breath, they are using in the same
[03:25:52] breath the Republican Party and right wingers are using this as a zero sum game.
[03:25:57] Women are advancing in society and it's coming at the cost of men.
[03:26:01] Every single thing that we're talking about, Philip DeFranco literally mentioned in the
[03:26:04] poll.
[03:26:13] are obviously engaging with the with the political process in a different way because one group
[03:26:19] is regularly shitting on their fucking autonomy. That's it has his most impact. You have a
[03:26:55] lot of room to maneuver there as commander in chief. We don't know who she is. We don't
[03:26:58] know what she believes. She's going to get paralyzed in the situation while the generals
[03:27:03] have their way with her right now. Jesse, Jesse, I don't like that. Figuratively
[03:27:08] back. Have their way with her. Control her. Not in a sexual way. You know, this is where
[03:27:16] he's so gross, dude. He is uniquely fucking gross. It's actually crazy how one man can
[03:27:38] be so fucking unimaginably gross. I think it's weird that conservative men complain
[03:27:43] about so much that they implement. He's such a rapist little monster, dude. Holy shit.
[03:27:52] No, I'm not going to play that back. It was one of the grosser moments on this
[03:28:01] broadcast. Okay. So sorry. That's the most you're going to get. The most airtime you're
[03:28:07] going to get in that situation is this. Okay, we're not going back to that at all.
[03:28:10] Silver. I said, you're the most beautiful. Let's get back to the Vietnamese community
[03:28:28] in Virginia. Yes, as I've ever seen. But it's a great honor to be with you and congratulations
[03:28:33] on your success. Tremendously successful woman, right?
[03:28:36] Yes.
[03:28:37] It's a brilliant honor to be with you. Thank you. And we're going to be with
[03:28:42] this man. This is a great gentleman. I love his name,
[03:28:46] Hongkou. I love that name. And that name alone, she
[03:28:49] could be elected. More importantly, actually, he's
[03:28:54] he's tremendous. He's tremendous. He ran a great primary
[03:28:57] campaign. I endorsed him very early. And he did very
[03:29:01] well. And we think he's got a very good chance at winning
[03:29:05] the Senate. And I really believe it. I hope your
[03:29:07] community gets out and really supports him like 100
[03:29:09] percent, because you can win, you can win
[03:29:12] definitely win. And we're looking to win the state. And I think we will win the state.
[03:29:16] We're looking at polls that are showing us with a lead in the state, which is
[03:29:20] traditionally not necessarily for Republicans, but I'm not an average
[03:29:25] Republican. And neither are you.
[03:29:28] And so, please, we're going to start with you.
[03:29:31] Now, to tell you what, please, come on, please.
[03:29:33] When I, hopefully, I think the, you know, representing the U.S.
[03:29:41] Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for being here.
[03:29:42] I'm so honored to represent the Vietnamese American community next year is the 50th anniversary of fall Saigon
[03:29:47] And we'll have the first Vietnamese American US senators on the anniversary.
[03:29:51] So, thank you for coming.
[03:29:53] Bro said the fall of Saigon
[03:30:04] I should have just let this video run
[03:30:07] instead of literally listening to dumbass chirping chatters being like, um, excuse me
[03:30:17] I should have just let the next two minutes of this video run instead of trying to address
[03:30:29] chatters about like Vietnamese diaspora, their allegiances to the South Vietnamese government,
[03:30:35] the far right South Vietnamese government, how they escaped Vietnam and how they were
[03:30:38] collaborators.
[03:30:40] Why did I do all of that?
[03:30:41] When he just said it.
[03:30:42] It's actually the first and you should be the first and it's time to get somebody so I hope your community gets out there
[03:30:54] 100% you have a big community here and thank you very much
[03:30:58] Real honor now I'm gonna buy something they're gonna show me something
[03:31:02] I'm gonna buy something beautiful I don't know what it is thank you all very much
[03:31:07] Thank you.
[03:31:09] Hello everybody.
[03:31:16] They're the important ones.
[03:31:18] They're the ones that like the food.
[03:31:20] Please, with the love of God,
[03:31:22] please clarify the chatters.
[03:31:24] Is there a huge divide between
[03:31:26] younger Vietnamese and older Jen?
[03:31:28] Yeah, for sure.
[03:31:30] I did.
[03:31:32] President Trump, please say what's been
[03:31:34] the agency's fate.
[03:31:36] Can you sign this?
[03:31:38] Never give up.
[03:31:40] So, do you feel excited about the A-B-C debate?
[03:31:44] Well, you know, I watched this weekend, and it's the worst of all networks this time.
[03:31:48] We watched it before.
[03:31:50] You know, I wonder because I've heard them all from you. I hear them every other side.
[03:31:54] As an example, today we had a celebration of some great people, some great, great people
[03:32:02] who passed away, who were killed in the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, Afghanistan.
[03:32:09] understand.
[03:32:10] Because we had an incompetent president with
[03:32:12] incompetent people.
[03:32:13] The President has to say, I don't know if anybody
[03:32:14] cares about this.
[03:32:14] And every one of those people should have been
[03:32:15] fired.
[03:32:16] He never fires anybody.
[03:32:17] Those generals, Millie and every one of them
[03:32:19] should have been fired.
[03:32:20] They took the military out first.
[03:32:22] If I asked, do we have any children in the room?
[03:32:24] Because if I asked a child, who should go first?
[03:32:28] They would say everything but the military.
[03:32:30] They took the military out first, and then it
[03:32:32] was a bloodbath, and it was a horrible thing.
[03:32:34] It was a horrible thing.
[03:32:36] And I just went to Arlington Cemetery, and you
[03:32:39] We had a ceremony with the parents, the sisters in one case, brothers in another case.
[03:32:47] And these are people that should have never been killed.
[03:32:51] And when you see the fact that nobody's mentioning Afghanistan,
[03:32:55] now this is the third year.
[03:32:57] I hate to even call it an anniversary because I don't like the word anniversary in this case.
[03:33:02] But this is the third year, the tragic event.
[03:33:05] event. And because of that event, we did so badly that Russia went in and invaded Ukraine.
[03:33:11] Israel was attacked, as you know, in October 7th. We have people don't respect us. They
[03:33:17] don't respect us anymore as a country. And where is our president? We don't even have
[03:33:21] a president. We have a fascist person running who's incompetent. And we have a president
[03:33:28] who's not even around. He went to California for a vacation.
[03:33:31] Bro doesn't know how to read the room, bro. He's like, we have a fascist person
[03:33:34] running. My fuck is about to be like, wait a minute, is that who we're supposed to be
[03:33:37] voting for? There's like a there's like a 70 year old Vietnamese grandpa that just went,
[03:33:43] wait, maybe I'm voting for the wrong ticket. Because they threw him essentially out of the
[03:33:46] party. And then he came back home and he said, Oh, is he going to go to the White House? No,
[03:33:51] he went to Delaware to take another vacation. And you got Russia over there with like
[03:33:55] nuclear threats. We're gonna have a president. We gotta have a real president that's respected.
[03:34:00] So, as to your question, I think it's disgraceful, and I think ABC is a disgrace.
[03:34:06] I think having Donna in Chicago, a prominent Vietnamese restaurant took part in January 6th,
[03:34:11] and was successfully sued for not paying their employees, it's making sense.
[03:34:14] Brazil, sitting on that panel, she's the one that gave the answers and the questions
[03:34:19] to Hillary Clinton before the debate.
[03:34:22] I think ABC is really should be shut out.
[03:34:25] I'd much rather do it on NBC.
[03:34:28] I'd much rather do it on CBS, frankly.
[03:34:31] I think CBS is very unfair, but the best of the group.
[03:34:36] And certainly I'd do it on Fox.
[03:34:37] I'd even do it on CNN.
[03:34:38] I thought CNN treated us very fairly the last time.
[03:34:41] I think Jake Tapper was very fair
[03:34:43] and Dana Banshee was very fair.
[03:34:46] But when I watched this interview of Tom Cotton,
[03:34:48] fortunately he's a total pro.
[03:34:50] He knows what he's doing.
[03:34:51] And then when I watched the round table after that,
[03:34:54] I said, the hostility is crazy.
[03:34:57] So we're thinking about it.
[03:34:58] We're thinking about it.
[03:34:59] They also want to change the rules.
[03:35:00] You know, the deal was we keep the same rules.
[03:35:02] Now all of a sudden they want to make a change in the rules
[03:35:05] because she can't answer questions.
[03:35:06] Why doesn't she do a couple of question answers?
[03:35:10] Why doesn't she do something like I'm doing right now?
[03:35:12] She can't talk.
[03:35:14] We can't have another dummy as a president, okay?
[03:35:17] We cannot have a dummy.
[03:35:18] And the people from Vietnam agree with that.
[03:35:21] the same rules. I don't know.
[03:35:27] Doesn't matter to me. I'd rather have it probably on but the agreement was that it would be the
[03:35:33] same as it was last time in that case it was muted. I didn't like it the left, bro. The
[03:35:40] Vietnamese diaspora can maintain whatever fucking political positions they want to maintain.
[03:35:46] whatever fucking political positions they want to maintain. Okay. As long as, as long as I'm
[03:35:57] getting that fucking steady diet of motherfucking bomb me. Okay. The Australian bomb me that
[03:36:09] I had was so formative and was so life changing that I still think about it on a regular
[03:36:16] bases I know fuh is also good people say um but I'm telling you right now okay I had bomb me near
[03:36:28] the boys in Australia and it dramatically altered my life okay oh my god oh my fucking god dude
[03:36:41] They can they can fucking say do advocate for whatever the fuck they want to do. All right
[03:36:54] Bomb me fits perfectly into American taste. Oh
[03:36:57] Little close to get to authentic Bobby unless you're in Vietnam itself. I gotta go to Vietnam
[03:37:16] Noah Colwin was he went recently and he was telling me like you have to go. It's incredible
[03:37:22] That's what I keep hearing
[03:37:37] last time, but it worked out fine.
[03:37:38] We asked Biden how it worked out.
[03:37:40] It was fine.
[03:37:41] And I think it should be the same.
[03:37:44] We agreed to the same rules.
[03:37:46] Same rules and same specifications.
[03:37:49] And I think that's probably what it should be.
[03:37:51] But they're trying to change it.
[03:37:52] The truth is they're trying to get out of it
[03:37:54] because she doesn't want to debate.
[03:37:56] She's not a good debater.
[03:37:57] She's not a smart person.
[03:37:59] She doesn't want to debate.
[03:38:01] But when I looked at the hostility during the weekend,
[03:38:03] You watch it this week with George Slopodopoulos.
[03:38:07] And the Vietnamese didn't get that one.
[03:38:09] You got it.
[03:38:11] Sorry.
[03:38:12] I didn't get it.
[03:38:13] You didn't get it.
[03:38:14] I couldn't believe you were saying that.
[03:38:16] But now we want to have fairness.
[03:38:19] We have to bring fairness back to the country.
[03:38:21] And we have to have a President.
[03:38:23] We are the closest to World War III.
[03:38:25] I believe that we've ever been right now,
[03:38:27] right this second.
[03:38:28] And we have a man that just took a vacation in
[03:38:31] California, he was on the beach and he came back today. Where's he going Delaware? Why another
[03:38:37] vacation? He's going for another week. That's not the Vietnamese they're hardworking people.
[03:38:47] I'm not spending a lot of time on it. I think my
[03:38:52] Spain colonized Philippines and brought Spanish cooking French, France colonized
[03:38:56] Vietnam brought French cooking Britain colonized Malaysia and brought Indian cooking.
[03:39:02] Okay, to be fair, so you're saying it could have been worse.
[03:39:11] You're saying that they could have been even worse than they were.
[03:39:20] You know what I mean?
[03:39:23] They could have brought British cooking, which I don't know what it would be really boiled chicken.
[03:39:29] The whole life I've been preparing for today.
[03:39:31] You know, you can go in and you can have all sorts of sessions.
[03:39:34] I watched Mitt Romney go in and he worked so hard.
[03:39:38] He four weeks, he locked himself into a lock cabin and then he developed lock jaw.
[03:39:43] He couldn't have finished the paper.
[03:39:45] I watched other people.
[03:39:46] I mean, you basically, you have to be real.
[03:39:50] You know, you can't cram knowledge into your head for,
[03:39:53] you know, 30 years of knowledge in one way.
[03:39:56] So, you know, there's a little debate prep,
[03:39:59] but I've always done it more or less the same way.
[03:40:01] And you have to know your subject.
[03:40:03] And I think I know my subject.
[03:40:04] I think I know it better than anybody.
[03:40:05] I created the greatest economy in history.
[03:40:08] We created, we rebuilt the military.
[03:40:10] We had no wars other than ISIS,
[03:40:12] which I already, which I inherited.
[03:40:14] And I beat ISIS in four weeks, four weeks.
[03:40:18] We rebuilt the military.
[03:40:20] And then you see, they gave away a lot of the stuff
[03:40:22] that I rebuilt.
[03:40:23] They gave billions of dollars away to Afghanistan.
[03:40:27] And in addition to the dead soldiers
[03:40:29] that we were just celebrating,
[03:40:31] I mean, great, great people were just celebrating.
[03:40:34] And the press won't mention Afghanistan.
[03:40:35] Do you ever hear a mention?
[03:40:36] They don't even talk about it.
[03:40:38] Afghanistan was tragic for many reasons.
[03:40:40] obviously the dead, obviously the wounded, obviously giving away
[03:40:43] billions of dollars worth of equipment. But it was devastating
[03:40:47] for one other reason. Because of Afghanistan, it showed our
[03:40:50] enemies that weren't confident.
[03:40:53] It's so funny he keeps saying this because like, the
[03:40:56] principal mentioned Afghanistan. Yeah, because he's
[03:40:58] irrelevant, dumbass. But you used to be the room reader,
[03:41:01] bro, who fucking told you this is a good, stale at
[03:41:04] narrative to run on?
[03:41:06] Like, what's going on in Afghanistan currently is fucking
[03:41:12] gruesome. And we absolutely like the Biden administration has
[03:41:16] absolutely played a role in its demise. But you're like, you're
[03:41:26] chirping about Biden following your fucking plan of withdrawal
[03:41:30] that you never had the courage to follow through on.
[03:41:37] Objectively, it was a good thing. It's so funny to think
[03:41:45] that like, it's so funny to think that Russia invaded Ukraine
[03:41:52] because America pulled out of Afghanistan, as though like,
[03:41:56] America still investing in the occupation of Afghanistan would not have fucking made it
[03:42:03] significantly harder for them to literally reappropriate $52 billion that they were spending
[03:42:09] in Afghanistan every year directly to Ukraine.
[03:42:12] But it's such a fucking stupid argument dude.
[03:42:17] But isn't it even remotely weird that isn't it doesn't a strike it was odd that like
[03:42:27] The Afghanistan budget almost entirely went to Ukraine.
[03:42:35] Instead of continuing to go to Afghanistan, just think about it.
[03:42:52] We have an incompetent president and incompetent vice president.
[03:42:56] And look, Putin would have never, if I were president,
[03:43:00] he would have never got into Ukraine when he saw that.
[03:43:03] When he saw Afghanistan, he said, this is a great time.
[03:43:07] Let's go because it was the apple of his eye.
[03:43:09] I know him well, but I always said, Latvia, you're not doing it.
[03:43:13] But it was the apple of his eye when I was gone, and we had this guy that doesn't know he's alive.
[03:43:20] And when that happened, Afghanistan happened, which was so tragic and so incompetent.
[03:43:26] Putin said these people are highly overrated. He would have never gotten it. If you didn't have
[03:43:31] the Afghanistan, he would have never gotten it. Okay, thank you for making it.
[03:43:34] imagine thinking that these guys give a fuck about Ukraine or the Afghan
[03:43:55] withdrawal if he wanted to make a better argument he could have been like
[03:44:01] America should have never pulled out of Vietnam we pulled out of Afghanistan just
[03:44:08] like Saigon and we're gonna go back into Vietnam folks believe me we're gonna
[03:44:16] go back we're gonna bring you back to Vietnam Vietnamese media is obsessed with
[03:44:24] Ukraine and generally incredibly right-wing. I mean, I know they're right-wing. I don't think these voters in particular give a fuck
[03:44:32] I don't think Ukrainian, I mean Ukrainian, sorry. I don't think fucking American right-wingers just in general give a shit
[03:44:45] About the Afghan withdrawal. I think it's just a talking point
[03:44:49] like
[03:44:55] It's Trump crying to get people to care about it by reiterating it, but like
[03:45:00] It's not an issue that has a lot of fucking salience or momentum
[03:45:04] Don't give a fuck because once again remember foreign policy is inconsequential and insignificant to the average American
[03:45:18] business owner or not
[03:45:20] The people that gave a fuck are still in jail
[03:45:26] from January 6th and at the stop we're going to Michigan and
[03:45:30] Next stop is Michigan. We're gonna save the auto industry because
[03:45:34] We're not gonna have an auto industry that making all electric cars are all going to be made in China
[03:45:39] and we're not gonna have an auto industry.
[03:45:42] So we're gonna go and save the auto industry.
[03:45:44] We're gonna bring back many plants.
[03:45:46] We're gonna make-
[03:45:47] A lot of military guys love ranting about
[03:45:48] the few helicopters that are left behind.
[03:45:51] How are you an actual fucking military guy
[03:45:54] and you make that argument?
[03:45:56] What do you think the American military does
[03:45:58] when they withdraw?
[03:46:00] They trash it.
[03:46:01] It is more costly to fucking ship old and equated
[03:46:04] dusty ass fucking equipment
[03:46:07] that it is to just trash it and leave it behind.
[03:46:10] Every single fucking military person that actually served
[03:46:15] knows that.
[03:46:18] Like I'm shocked.
[03:46:21] I've never heard a military person put that forward
[03:46:24] like as a argument through and retrofitting helicopters
[03:46:33] and military should as almost as expensive
[03:46:34] as making new ones.
[03:46:35] Yeah.
[03:46:39] We've left so much more behind, dude.
[03:46:42] We've left so much more behind
[03:46:43] than Afghanistan historically throughout,
[03:46:47] like Iraq and everywhere else. What could the U.S. have done better with the Afghanistan pullout?
[03:46:54] I think that it should have been a managed pullout. It's not even about like the military no
[03:46:58] longer operating, but they should have definitely not seized and refused to give back the Afghan
[03:47:06] government's money to the new government that we put in power and that instead they should have
[03:47:16] continued, not only giving Afghanistan its money back to the tune of billions, but also
[03:47:24] beyond that, they should have, they could have actually set some conditions on how to fucking
[03:47:31] like how the Afghan government of Taliban conducts its domestic affairs, opening up pathways for
[03:47:38] foreign aid to still come into the country. Like I think the Afghan withdrawal wasn't bad.
[03:47:46] I think what was bad is what we did afterwards, which was starve Afghanistan ridiculous.
[03:47:53] Like we gave them the fucking, we gave them back their government and then we just fucked
[03:47:58] off and we abandoned it.
[03:48:02] We froze their fucking funds, made it harder for them to survive.
[03:48:11] I mean, hey, someone made out like abandoned in that process, potentially, I mean, I haven't
[03:48:18] really been paying close attention to Afghan politics as of late, even though apparently
[03:48:22] the new Taliban government has like opened up new restrictions and shit, but someone
[03:48:27] that part of is going to someone that's going to do better in this process overall is China
[03:48:39] as a rock bet.
[03:48:40] We definitely leave shit behind.
[03:48:41] It's way cheaper to just do that.
[03:48:43] Yeah.
[03:48:44] Old ass fucking equipment being left behind is like normal process in the old ass military
[03:48:50] equipment being left behind of the process is like normal process. This is how we do it
[03:48:53] always. It's as part of a bucket is a it's baked into the cost like the three minute
[03:48:59] outbreak is baked into your experience at the top of the fucking hour. And the cost of
[03:49:04] that is $6 a month, the cost of avoiding that is $6 a month or free in the form of
[03:49:10] a touch prime, right?
[03:49:11] It's literally weeks worth of spending on that what that war left behind seven days
[03:49:52] of what it could have cost to continue as a tiny fraction. What hypothetically
[03:49:59] Probably someone says Israel is a legitimate country and Palestine of course also has rights.
[03:50:02] If someone says that his design is, I don't fucking know.
[03:50:04] It's automobile production bigger than it ever was in this country and it'll be easy to do.
[03:50:10] And we're not going to let China build massive auto factories in Mexico where they're building
[03:50:16] them right now.
[03:50:17] They're building massive factories in Mexico and they think they're going to make cars
[03:50:22] and Mexico sell them into us and we're going to lose all our jobs.
[03:50:25] Not going to happen.
[03:50:26] people that love Vietnam also they have very smart people great business people
[03:50:32] great successful business people when they hear that you want you understand
[03:50:36] just instinctively that I'm right thank you all very much I appreciate it
[03:50:51] one of his days was like sir please bring up China at least once like that
[03:50:55] that will, you know, people will love that here. This is the crowd. Okay. Also, Donald
[03:51:04] Trump just came out with a new video. Take a look.
[03:51:09] Everyday prices are too high. Food, rent, gas, back to school clothes. That is called
[03:51:15] Idenomics. A low breath cost 50% more today. Brown beef is up almost 50%. There's
[03:51:23] not much left at the end of the month. Bidonomics is working. The price of housing has gone up.
[03:51:30] It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead. We are very proud of Bidonomics.
[03:51:35] Everyday prices are too high. Food, rent, gas, back to school clothes. That is called
[03:51:43] Bidonomics. A low rent cost 50% more today.
[03:51:47] Bokey kind of a banger ad. I recognize it. Kind of a banger ad, dude. Not gonna lie. Straight
[03:51:59] to the point, you know? They ate, they ate, they ate with that one. It's like the D versus
[03:52:09] D ticktocks. Yeah, destiny versus destiny ticktocks.
[03:52:12] Yes, now is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Welcome to Fox News Sunday.
[03:52:16] Shannon, thanks for having me.
[03:52:18] OK, so let's get this out of the way up front.
[03:52:19] You and President Trump don't always stand of each other.
[03:52:22] He posted on social media earlier this year.
[03:52:25] He's one of the most liberal lunatics ever to run for office.
[03:52:28] A phony radical left fool whose poll numbers are terrible
[03:52:31] and getting worse.
[03:52:32] The New Yorker said just a couple of weeks ago this.
[03:52:34] In a recent text exchange, Kennedy
[03:52:36] told one person that Trump was a terrible human being.
[03:52:39] The worst president ever and barely human,
[03:52:40] he is probably a sociopath.
[03:52:42] And I haven't read your text, so you can speak to that.
[03:52:44] How did you get from that position to Friday night?
[03:52:48] Well, you know, it became clear to me
[03:52:50] that I did not have a past victory.
[03:52:54] 16 months of censorship, of not being able to get on any network
[03:52:58] really except for Fox.
[03:53:01] And I had, in fact, when Ross Barrow ran in the 10 months
[03:53:09] that he ran, he had 34 appearances on the networks.
[03:53:15] I had two appearances in 16 months.
[03:53:18] I was blocked off the networks.
[03:53:19] I was blocked off the debate.
[03:53:21] I had no path to victory.
[03:53:23] President Trump had been reaching out to me.
[03:53:26] And I talked to him a few hours after the assassination
[03:53:30] attempt, and we had a long conversation by phone.
[03:53:34] I then had two extensive meetings.
[03:53:36] And there were issues, the broader issues that were most important to me, the ones that brought me into the campaign,
[03:53:43] which was ending the Ukraine war, ending the censorship and protecting children's health.
[03:53:50] We're all reforming our food supply, all the things that we need to do to make our children healthy again.
[03:53:57] Those are all things that President Trump also wanted to work on.
[03:54:01] And he invited me to form a unity government.
[03:54:04] We agreed that we'd be able to continue to criticize each other
[03:54:08] on issues on which we don't agree.
[03:54:12] But these issues are so important
[03:54:13] in their way of unifying our country.
[03:54:17] What he's talking about is like an effective blockout
[03:54:20] of all third party candidates in major media.
[03:54:24] One might say it's because they don't have enough juice
[03:54:26] in momentum.
[03:54:27] Others might say that the reason why they don't have enough juice and momentum is because
[03:54:34] they never actually reach a broader audience.
[03:54:38] It's like you never hear from Jill Stein.
[03:54:40] Period.
[03:54:41] Actually, that's it.
[03:54:42] That's the end of what I was going to say, unless you're in this fucking community,
[03:54:51] or because MSN is obligated to show them.
[03:54:53] Yeah, but also like, like there's definitely, if you're a third party guy, you're seen
[03:55:00] is a spoiler in general the American media absolutely keeps up the duopoly and the only
[03:55:05] way you can the only way you can escape that duopoly is if you oh my god I forgot to fucking
[03:55:12] run the ad break by the way after that job I'm running it now um but yeah the only way
[03:55:21] you can escape that duopoly is is if you try to like make a name for yourself in independent
[03:55:35] media, which is barely going to help you with like 6%, which is
[03:55:42] where he was at. Just the way that our electoral structure
[03:55:46] works, it doesn't matter, you know, you're just never going to
[03:55:49] you're never going to cut it.
[03:55:50] We need in this country to reach a point where we love our
[03:55:53] children more than we hate each other.
[03:55:56] Malcolm Jillstein only pops up once every four years you
[03:55:58] never see her anywhere else. Is it really the media blocking
[03:56:01] her as because she's a phony? I don't want to get into the
[03:56:03] Jillstein narrative, but you're not wrong, even though you
[03:56:06] our Lib drive, one of the biggest liberals in this chat. This is one issue where you're
[03:56:10] correct on. Well, I guess there's a little bit of an exception with Jill Stein this time
[03:56:14] around because she actually did participate in the Palestine protest. But beyond that,
[03:56:20] yeah, she doesn't do shit. No, no interest. Like the American Green Party in general
[03:56:26] has very little like momentum and local elections and areas where, uh, in areas where they
[03:56:31] They could actually have like significant more momentum, like smaller raises.
[03:56:37] It is legitimately fucking ridiculous that you just rally every four fucking years instead
[03:56:43] of campaigning all of the other times when you should be fucking campaigning.
[03:56:47] And yes, I do think that she is a grifter.
[03:56:50] Okay.
[03:56:51] That's it.
[03:56:52] That's how I feel about it.
[03:56:53] That's why I don't usually talk about it.
[03:56:55] It's fine.
[03:56:56] If you want to vote for her, you know, she went to the Palestine protest.
[03:56:59] as it was like one of the few instances where she actually was, um, but even before this
[03:57:04] election cycle, you're saying working families have done more for people than Green Party
[03:57:09] done in their entire history besides take money away. Yeah. Like there are places if you
[03:57:15] are very serious about like building a resilient movement as a third party, you should be
[03:57:22] fucking out there looking for like local races. She's funny because I think she's
[03:57:30] a grifter but also a true believer yeah explain though people are actually drawn to her what do
[03:57:35] you mean it's because people are fucking desperate dude people are desperate for someone to say the
[03:57:39] things that they want to hear that's it that's all it takes is it grifting or is it just listening
[03:57:49] to what people think or or want yeah no you're right it's it's actually what people want what
[03:57:56] people want is like a third party that only comes around every fucking four years that like
[03:58:01] that's what people want. They're like, Hey, can you please like not be an advocate in any other
[03:58:07] circumstance with the exception of Palestine? I'm going to keep reiterating that because she has
[03:58:10] actually been active at Palestinian protests even before the Elegance cycle. But it's like,
[03:58:19] I'm sorry. She didn't have, she didn't have no Jews. Like there are areas where she could at
[03:58:24] least like build some kind of constituency, build some kind of momentum. She's, it's a party,
[03:58:29] You know? Go run for local office. Go run in smaller elections. Build a base of support.
[03:58:37] Show that you are capable of fucking winning shit. It's crazy. There should have been like
[03:58:49] the British Greens completely different with them. Yeah, like Greens are oftentimes seen
[03:58:52] as a spoiler in the Western world and or kooky in general, but like, but the lawmakers
[03:59:00] are removing after the arbitrarily. Okay, you're talking about Georgia. Okay. And you're
[03:59:05] talking about it because they Tuesday you are obviously the number one advocate for the PSL.
[03:59:11] Okay. And let me tell you something. You're not wrong. We're not talking about the PSL though,
[03:59:17] even though the PSL has similar issues as well. They're more so an important voice in
[03:59:22] activism and organizing in general, not so much when it comes to like actual politics in general.
[03:59:29] Okay, Green Party's even worse than that
[03:59:34] Green Party's even worse than PSL
[03:59:41] Jill Stein wasn't even at the Palestine protest. No, she's been around like she's gone to like other Palestinian protests and shit and shown support
[03:59:47] But it doesn't matter the Jills 9-11 truth or isn't beat bullshit was wag as hell back in 2016 as well
[03:59:55] Yeah, I don't really care about that. Yeah, whatever. Who cares?
[03:59:58] You know this already. I think that everyone
[04:00:02] Every woman is allowed to have one fucking incredibly kooky opinion
[04:00:06] It's a good unifying theme that I think a lot of people could get around it's how we get there
[04:00:42] That's always the devil is in the details. Have you all negotiated over or talked about a cabinet position another position within?
[04:00:49] I'm not comparing the PSL the Green Party if I were to make that comparison I would say that the PSL is significantly better
[04:00:55] What are you talking about? I literally hype up the PSL all the time
[04:00:58] So much so that you have fucking PSL and he's in the chat constantly chirping at me and
[04:01:05] And saying ridiculous shit like the PSL is more organized in the DNC
[04:01:12] Okay, now you're fucking delusional you did you reach the point of delusion
[04:01:18] Okay, so then they're the biggest fucking loser on the planet like what argument are you making?
[04:01:22] But what the fuck I'm saying this shouldn't be removed from the belt. I agree with you. I agree with you
[04:01:43] Why are you constantly punching down on PSL's that is just supporting it brother? Oh
[04:01:47] my god
[04:01:49] Take me out back, dude, and just fucking take me out the pasture. I'm done a
[04:01:56] Trump government in exchange for your endorsement. No
[04:02:00] There's been no commitments
[04:02:03] But hey, you know, I met with president Trump with his family
[04:02:07] With his closer advisors and we just made a general
[04:02:12] Commitment that we were gonna work together
[04:02:14] What about the states where you're trying to get off of a number of swing state ballots to say
[04:02:19] I'm going to stay on a number of state ballots, but in these swing states, I'm going to try
[04:02:23] to withdraw myself and ask my supporters, or at least you're telling them, think about
[04:02:27] supporting President Trump.
[04:02:28] Did you negotiate over which states you would try to withdraw from?
[04:02:31] Yeah, I mean, we all know which states they were.
[04:02:34] They're basically 10 swing states.
[04:02:36] PSO is party for socialism and liberation.
[04:02:48] Whenever you go to a left-wing protest and you see the baby's noye whatever font
[04:02:56] on a fucking neatly designed placard,
[04:02:58] know that that was probably done by a PSL member.
[04:03:05] Yeah.
[04:03:07] PSL member here, it's a contrast that we know
[04:03:09] the elections are rigged and use it as a way
[04:03:10] to spread the message and build ranks
[04:03:12] when people tune into politics and other times
[04:03:13] that even still now we're on the ground
[04:03:14] for all local issues and doing actions,
[04:03:16] raise class consciousness until revolutionary conditions.
[04:03:18] Yeah.
[04:03:19] I agree with you.
[04:03:21] And that's why you don't, I agree with you,
[04:03:24] which is precisely the reason why I don't usually
[04:03:25] shit on or criticize PSL ever unless there's like a really annoying churper in the chat like they
[04:03:31] Tuesday who does not shut the fuck up about PSL okay yeah I mean I I will always give PSL credit
[04:03:52] I will always get PSL credit for being at the forefront of political activism I just mentioned
[04:03:56] that already they're great organizers in general. My presence in the race would have
[04:04:03] helped Vice President Harris and would have harmed President Trump so I'm
[04:04:10] gonna get off the ballot in those states and then we're gonna stay on the ballot
[04:04:14] in 30 states and you know I'm encouraging people to vote for me in
[04:04:19] those states those are states with the votes they're either all red or all
[04:04:22] blue states where their votes are not going to change the outcome of the
[04:04:26] race and but in the in the red in that. What a weird way to fucking like what are you doing?
[04:04:42] How strange? States where I would have been a spoiler I'm going to get out so it's about 10 states.
[04:04:49] Okay so there were reports a couple weeks ago citing an official from your camp and also
[04:04:54] a Democratic official saying that there had been outreach to the Harris camp as well
[04:04:57] to possibly discuss you working within the Harris administration in exchange for an endorsement
[04:05:03] of her. Is that true and what happened with that?
[04:05:07] You know I reached out to them on the same basis that I reached out to President Trump
[04:05:11] and we actually talked to other presidential candidates including Chase Oliver and the
[04:05:16] Libertarian Party about figuring out ways that we could end the polarization and the
[04:05:23] hatred and the vitriol start talking about issues. And you know I-
[04:05:28] PSL also doesn't cooperate with other socials organizers and literally defends all the
[04:05:32] worst year socialists have done yeah I don't care dude like I just I don't give a
[04:05:37] shit I'm gonna be honest with you I'm gonna keep it a book 50 I don't care you're
[04:05:43] talking about marginal among marginal among margins okay it's ridiculous like
[04:05:49] it's silly it's ridiculous unless they're like unless they're straight up
[04:05:54] like a fucking cult like a Bob Avakian style revolutionary common is called
[04:05:58] like I don't give a fuck. Okay. And I would have, I was welcome to listen to anything
[04:06:09] from the Democrats that they were going to do something about the war, about the Ukraine
[04:06:15] war, about the censorship, about the child health crisis, this epidemic of chronic disease.
[04:06:23] And yeah, PSL does work with other organizers. It is now disabled about 60% of our kids.
[04:06:29] You know, and my uncle is President Shannon, only 6% of Americans had chronic disease today,
[04:06:37] over 60% too.
[04:06:38] And you know, it's hard to find a kid today that's not been damaged by it.
[04:06:43] And it's coming from our food supply, from pollution in our environment, from toxics
[04:06:49] in our environment, and mainly from corruption in our government that allows that to
[04:06:55] happen.
[04:06:56] You've talked about, or there's been discussion that if you were to join the Trump administration
[04:07:01] in some health-related position, that you have real interest in dismantling things like
[04:07:04] the FDA, the CDC, NIH, you would like to see a focus away from infectious diseases to what
[04:07:10] you're talking about, more chronic diseases.
[04:07:12] Is it fair to say that you would try to dismantle some of those organizations?
[04:07:15] No, I wouldn't dismantle them.
[04:07:17] I would change the focus, and I would end the corruption.
[04:07:21] I would right now, 75% of FDA's budget is coming from pharmaceutical companies.
[04:07:27] That is a perverse incentive.
[04:07:30] In NIH, if you, scientists and officials in NIH, who work on drug development, who incubate
[04:07:38] drugs for the pharmaceutical company, get to collect lifetime royalties from those products.
[04:07:43] These are regulators.
[04:07:44] They're supposed to be looking for problems in those products.
[04:07:48] We have these agencies that have become sock puppets for the industries they're supposed
[04:07:52] to regulate.
[04:07:53] They're not really interested in public health.
[04:07:56] Everybody, the most profitable thing today in America is a sick child.
[04:08:02] Everybody is making money.
[04:08:03] The hospitals are making money.
[04:08:05] The pharmaceutical companies are making money.
[04:08:07] Even the insurance companies make money.
[04:08:10] And we need to end those perversions and incentives.
[04:08:13] They need to get the corruption out of FDA, out of NIH, out of CDC, and make them function
[04:08:19] as they're supposed to function, which is to protect public health and particularly children's
[04:08:23] health.
[04:08:24] Can we go back to your decision from Friday?
[04:08:25] Bookie, you and Nicole Shanahan, your running mate, have talked about how you feel like
[04:08:29] the Democrats completely mistreated you, excluded you from the process.
[04:08:32] How much of your decision Friday is about revenge or...
[04:08:36] Bro, Trump literally, like, Trump literally accepted his endorsement, even though
[04:08:41] originally didn't want to specifically because you were you were eating away at his base like
[04:08:48] what are you talking about you recognize that you had a phone conversation about it he still
[04:08:51] told you to fuck off like what the fuck do you mean dude what do you mean dude this makes no
[04:08:59] dang sense motivated by punishing democrats in some way zero it's always funny because he's like
[04:09:07] Yeah, deregulate. I mean, no, I'm not deregulate. Sorry to be the food is actually starving and killing our children
[04:09:14] He's like right about that, but then he's like and that's why I'm endorsing Donald Trump
[04:09:19] Who's going to deregulate the food industry even further?
[04:09:24] Bro, I really I don't act in anything in my life. I
[04:09:30] Don't act out of anger or revenge or resentment
[04:09:34] It's a bad motivation, it's like swallowing poison and hoping someone else will die, and
[04:09:42] so I don't do it.
[04:09:45] I'm very pragmatic and practical and I am focused on one thing, which is how do we
[04:09:50] restore health for our children?
[04:09:53] And that touches many, many other issues.
[04:09:55] How do we regenerate our soils in this country?
[04:09:59] How do we protect small family farmers?
[04:10:02] incentives are all going to commodity agriculture and that's what is feeding this
[04:10:06] chronic disease epidemic. The process foods that are created by commodity
[04:10:11] agriculture. So we need to do all of these things at once. Text all farmers,
[04:10:16] restore our soils, regenerative agriculture, and to get the corruption out
[04:10:21] of the federal government and make these agencies do what they were created to do, which is
[04:10:27] You already talked about why I do I do so I'm pathetic. This is a wrap fucker. Like you do you want to compete with the DNC?
[04:10:32] It's because jank
[04:10:34] Has a soft spot for third-party candidates getting fucking completely obliterated by mainstream media and
[04:10:41] Being passed aside is like unserious people for obvious reasons
[04:10:59] Just to protect our health and not serve the mercantile interests of the pharmaceutical companies in the process food industry
[04:11:06] to be fair, he's right about the chemicals on our soil is going to actually kill us based
[04:11:10] on what's put in them, but he's still crazy. Yes, that's my anger with people like fucking
[04:11:15] conspiratorial minded individuals like RFK Jr. in general. Okay, it's that they come so
[04:11:21] goddamn close to the truth. And they they're so close, like they point to the truth, they
[04:11:27] point to the problem. They're absolutely on the money. When they talk about like,
[04:11:32] Our food is poisoning us. Children are sick. Like obviously when he says that, he means
[04:11:36] like they're autistic and that's not a consequence of like better, better ways of like figuring
[04:11:43] that sort of thing out, like scientific achievements, medicine, achievements of medicine, but instead
[04:11:47] it is fucking vaccine. So he's wrong on that front, but like I said, they're good
[04:11:51] at, they're good at identifying the problem, but then they're fucking diagnosis or rather
[04:11:58] Their solution to it is insane and it makes me so mad
[04:12:11] Like how?
[04:12:13] How are we gonna be like yeah, we're poisoning our children. That's why I'm going with the great deregulator. You're a fucking idiot
[04:12:18] You're a charlatan. You're a fucking clown. You have no genuine genuinely held principles. You just are
[04:12:25] selfishly trying to maintain your relevance
[04:12:28] And also you fucking are anti-medicine dog. What do you mean? What are we talking about, dude?
[04:12:34] RFK Jr., if given more prominent position in media, would literally lead to more brain poison,
[04:12:43] would be almost as consequential a damage against Donald Trump, okay? He is such a fucking crank.
[04:12:50] He is such an insane crank. I'm sorry. I can't stand motherfuckers that are anti-medicine.
[04:13:00] It is one of the most significant reasons as to why how so many dumb asses many of them on the right are kept alive
[04:13:08] When they would have died otherwise
[04:13:11] Okay, so I can't stand motherfuckers who look at some of the greatest achievements in science
[04:13:16] Okay, and turn around and go. Yeah, I hate that shit. It's like anti-human
[04:13:28] This is me off
[04:13:29] The faith question. How do you see regulation as a better way to fix things and over the last 30 years
[04:13:37] We've had massive amounts of regulation that has helped big corporations push out small businesses
[04:13:41] Dude, there is no fucking way that you're a 20 month subscriber
[04:13:46] Who literally is advocating who's literally arguing on the basis of regulatory capture like
[04:13:55] There is no way right you think the American government actually has adequate regulations. What are you talking about?
[04:14:02] Like what the fuck are you talking about?
[04:14:07] It is ridiculous dude. You're like, okay quick question for you
[04:14:14] Why is why are food standards better in in China and also in Europe than the United States of America?
[04:14:29] Why why don't you hold the twitch debate instead of faking this?
[04:14:37] Because it's unimaginably unproductive
[04:14:41] Like minor disagreements with the 20 month subscribers should not take up an hour of the fucking content
[04:14:48] especially when I have a shit ton of
[04:14:50] Especially when I have a shit ton of things that I want to discuss.
[04:15:00] I'm just pissed.
[04:15:01] Why are we?
[04:15:02] Why are we giving YouTube ads?
[04:15:03] Why?
[04:15:04] Why do politicians do not?
[04:15:05] See, this is literally why I don't fucking do debates on camera.
[04:15:10] Like every person who thinks they have a thing worth a damn that people must hear oftentimes
[04:15:16] end up being a fucking crank that just needs medicine, okay?
[04:15:20] This decision is not without personal cost for you.
[04:15:23] Your own family went to the White House on St. Patrick's Day.
[04:15:25] He took a huge picture with President Biden, made clear who they were supporting.
[04:15:29] Friday night, your siblings issued this statement.
[04:15:31] We believe in Harrison Walts, our brother Bobby's decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal
[04:15:35] of the values that our father and our family hold most dear.
[04:15:39] You posted on X Friday night saying, you're grateful to your amazing wife because the
[04:15:42] decision that you've made is one that she's uncomfortable with.
[04:15:46] So talk to us about the personal backlash you have to deal with in the movie.
[04:15:51] I mean, you know, my family is at the center of the Democratic Party.
[04:15:56] I have five members of my family that are working for the Biden administration.
[04:16:00] President Biden has a bust of my father behind him at the Oval Office.
[04:16:06] He's been a family friend for many, many years.
[04:16:09] And my family is, I understand that they're troubled by my decisions,
[04:16:15] but you know, I love my family.
[04:16:17] I feel like we were raised in a milieu where we were encouraged to debate each other and
[04:16:24] debate ferociously and passionately about things, but just to love each other.
[04:16:28] So they're free to take their positions on these issues.
[04:16:34] There are many, many members of my family who are working in my campaign, who are
[04:16:39] supporting me.
[04:16:40] I have a very big family.
[04:16:41] There's a few of them that are troubled.
[04:16:45] I think we all need to be able to disagree with each other and still love each other.
[04:16:50] Wall Street Journal has this. They say it's a double-edged sword, essentially, that it
[04:16:55] may help President Trump to pick up some of your followers if they're willing to go over
[04:16:58] there. But they warn about what you would do in his administration. They say this, RFK
[04:17:02] Junior, if he's anywhere near the healthcare or environmental agencies in a Trump administration,
[04:17:06] look out. Mr. Trump's best response is to thank RFK Junior for his support, make
[04:17:10] court make no promises about the future and by all means avoid joint campaign
[04:17:14] appearances
[04:17:15] you've already had one
[04:17:16] will you have others will you campaign
[04:17:18] i'm gonna be campaigning actively i think
[04:17:23] president trump is going to make
[04:17:25] uh... a series of
[04:17:27] they're so fucking stupid
[04:17:34] benny johnson
[04:17:39] posting up with r of k jr and being like this is the new ticket
[04:17:43] they're so dumb
[04:17:46] they're so dumb
[04:17:47] Like, I don't know how they went from J.D. Vance, who is a patently unlikable, charisma suck,
[04:17:57] blood boy for Peter Thiel, to somehow the actual fucking crypt keeper, like a dude who looks
[04:18:05] like a fallout ghoul who sounds even worse than the way he looks.
[04:18:11] It doesn't make any sense.
[04:18:14] I who is running the fucking show over there, man
[04:18:20] Like it's actually truly truly insane like RFK if he didn't sound the way he does
[04:18:30] could be a
[04:18:32] Deceptively charismatic figure because of how fucking dumb Americans are okay
[04:18:45] We're not gonna say he looks like a ghoul. I mean he does
[04:18:48] was. Why you calling me dumb? We're all fucking stupid, bro. Get with the goddamn program.
[04:18:58] We're all Americans. We're dumb as fuck. I'm sorry. Okay. You might fancy yourself to
[04:19:03] be a lot more intelligent than you actually are. But that's also a dumb trait. That's
[04:19:06] a dumb guy trait. We're dumb, man. We're dumb as fuck. Like as an entire collective,
[04:19:31] we're dumb. We're trying our best, but we're dumb. Okay. There's no better evidence
[04:19:36] of that then like listening to RFK and go and going yeah you know what he's
[04:19:41] saying a lot of truthful things here it's the exact same energy as people who
[04:19:46] are like why don't you like Andrew Tate he tells people to work out it's like he
[04:19:51] tells people a lot of other shit dude that's the that's the problem okay
[04:19:56] there's a million people that you can arrive at that don't have RFK's fucked
[04:20:00] up ass world view that will also be like yeah we got to make sure the food
[04:20:04] is better. It's always these motherfuckers who are like, yeah, the food is poison to you.
[04:20:10] That's why you need to only eat like bugs. That's why you only need to eat like the ass
[04:20:15] cheeks of a pig. That's why you only have to eat roadkill.
[04:20:20] Of announcements about other Democrats who are joining his campaign. And, you know, I
[04:20:29] Well, I want to make America healthy again, and so does President Trump, so those are
[04:20:36] objectives.
[04:20:37] The pillar of health.
[04:20:38] The Wall Street Journal may be worried about shareholder value for pharmaceutical companies,
[04:20:45] and I think, you know, I talked specifically to President Trump about that issue, and
[04:20:51] he said that he wanted to leave as his legacy healthy children.
[04:20:56] that, you know, that he, that he was unconcerned about the other dog. Can you eat your might
[04:21:11] when you eat? No, but I will meet you for the day. Well, what's really funny about this
[04:21:23] also? Oh my God, we have autism debt. I don't care. I'm ableist. Okay. Um, what I, what
[04:21:32] What I also find hilarious about RFK Jr. is that if a Republican was voting for him instead
[04:21:43] of voting for Donald Trump, the only reason why they were doing so is because they thought
[04:21:49] Donald Trump wasn't anti-vax enough. Okay. Understand that they were voting for RFK
[04:21:59] only because Donald Trump wasn't anti-vax enough and the RFK was the real anti-vax pick.
[04:22:08] So what's really funny about him is endorsing the guy who did Operation Warp Speed,
[04:22:15] who literally is responsible for the mass inoculation campaign, who has at times defended
[04:22:23] that. This is the most contradictory person on the fucking planet, dude. He cares about vaccines,
[04:22:38] but it's our TRT steroids. He talks about American foreign wars being a massive problem
[04:22:47] and taking up too much of the budget, but it's like an unconditional massive Israel dickwriter.
[04:22:56] He talks about how he's anti vaxxer, but literally endorsed the guy who, you know,
[04:23:02] put the push the pharmaceutical companies to put out a vaccine. It's just so dumb.
[04:23:12] Now to the 2024 race after a nearly flawless convention in Chicago, Democrats are riding high.
[04:23:18] The energy and excitement at a level we haven't seen since Barack Obama first won the party's
[04:23:23] nomination nearly two decades ago for Kamala Harris that has translated into hundreds of
[04:23:28] millions of dollars in campaign donations, a flood of volunteers and a boost in the polls.
[04:23:35] As Donald Trump watches his lead evaporate both nationally and in the key battleground states
[04:23:41] Political reports he is quote finally recognizing. He's at risk of losing the election unless he makes some changes
[04:23:48] Well, there's no evidence of big changes coming from Trump although after watching Harris's convention speech
[04:23:54] He declared his administration would be quote great for women and their reproductive rights
[04:24:01] That's quite a statement for a president who has also claimed credit for the repeal of
[04:24:06] Roe v. Wade.
[04:24:08] Trump may be struggling and Harris may be surging, but if we've learned anything this
[04:24:13] summer it's that momentum can be fleeting, and virtually every presidential candidate
[04:24:18] gets a convention bounce.
[04:24:20] Even the losers.
[04:24:22] Remember Michael DeCaucas?
[04:24:24] After the 1988 Democratic Convention in Atlanta, he had a 17-point lead over George H.W.
[04:24:30] Bush in the Gallup poll.
[04:24:32] And then he went on to lose in an electoral landslide greater than any we have seen since.
[04:24:39] Trump has been trying to portray Kamala Harris as a left-wing radical.
[04:24:43] But so far anyway, that hasn't stuck.
[04:24:46] And in Chicago, Harris' convention sounded a decidedly moderate tone.
[04:24:51] In her speech, Harris promised to be tough on crime, tough on the border, tough on
[04:24:56] Iran and China.
[04:24:57] far from supporting the arms embargo many on the left had demanded.
[04:25:02] She promised to defend Israel.
[04:25:05] There was no talk of taking on big corporations or the ultra wealthy.
[04:25:09] No promises of Medicare for all gone were many of the progressive positions.
[04:25:14] Like I like how we just assume that all of that is good for the election.
[04:25:19] Like the presumption here is that by mainstream media that that was so solid of her.
[04:25:24] She did a phenomenal job of reacting to the Republican party by showing that she is a moderate.
[04:25:33] This is dumb as fuck.
[04:25:36] It's dumb.
[04:25:38] It's just spin.
[04:25:40] You are stupid for believing this.
[04:25:42] This was my biggest fear with this campaign as I repeated time and time and time again.
[04:25:50] It is the exact opposite of the momentum that they got with the Tim Walts pick
[04:25:55] It is the exact opposite with the momentum that they got when Tim Walts started campaigning on behalf of the campaign
[04:26:02] the idea that
[04:26:07] Republicans are gonna call you radical and then you're gonna be like no no no I'm a moderate. I'm a moderate. I promise is the dumbest fucking lie
[04:26:15] That the liberal media
[04:26:17] Reiterates on a regular basis. You are fucking stupid if you believe it. I'm sorry
[04:26:24] Everybody loves saying oh dude, you're so wrong people pull this stuff. You're so wrong. You're so silly
[04:26:32] Okay
[04:26:33] just remember that the media has the capacity to shape the narrative and
[04:26:38] Make you feel like you came up with certain conclusions on your own
[04:26:41] But you didn't actually come up with those conclusions on your own
[04:26:44] You came up with it because you watched the media and they told you so that's precisely why you were wrong
[04:26:51] When you were in here fucking telling me that Joe Biden can't get swapped out and I was fucking right
[04:26:57] Okay, because you watched the media and they fucking told you
[04:27:03] in the beginning
[04:27:05] That this was a bad idea your consent was fucking manufactured you need to think for yourself
[04:27:13] There are plenty of polls that show progressive policies are actually pretty reliable.
[04:27:20] There is plenty of evidence that shows that a progressive ballot measure as a standalone
[04:27:26] entity is one of the most successful initiatives in American politics.
[04:27:32] Okay?
[04:27:35] That's it.
[04:27:37] Progressive policies are very popular across the board.
[04:27:40] want something to vote for. That's it. Stop listening to Republicans. Stop letting them
[04:27:47] lead the conversation. Stop re-triangulating in an effort to defend yourself against them.
[04:27:55] You look weak. You lose out on the momentum. You lose out on your base of support. You
[04:28:02] are never going to be able to penetrate the minds of many likely Republican Party voters
[04:28:10] who think you're a communist and that is bad
[04:28:13] you can say you're not a communist all day every day
[04:28:16] forever
[04:28:17] okay they will still call you a communist they say nancy palozi is a
[04:28:21] communist
[04:28:26] cocking your own message
[04:28:32] just like not a single person
[04:28:35] in the united states of america believes that donald trump is actually
[04:28:38] going to protect women's reproductive rights
[04:28:41] no one in America believes you're gonna be protective over the border
[04:28:45] that's why people don't say
[04:28:47] oh i like this because i personally care about this
[04:28:51] they instead come into my fucking chat and say
[04:28:54] but son
[04:28:55] don't you think we're far too progressive
[04:28:57] there's another american out there
[04:28:59] that is way different than you and i
[04:29:01] who actually does think that kamala harris must do
[04:29:04] strong uh... you know have a have a
[04:29:06] muscular militant stands because she's a woman
[04:29:10] Oh, there's another guy out there, not me, but another guy out there who probably thinks
[04:29:14] it's great that she's doing a right wing border policy. No, there isn't. No, there isn't.
[04:29:21] That guy is the same guy that said they were a Biden dead ender. That guy is the same
[04:29:28] guy that is a democratic party loyalist. They do not think when MSNBC tells them to
[04:29:35] jump they say how high they just regurgitate and they vote down ballot
[04:29:41] democrat that's not a real guy okay that guy is never going to turn around and be
[04:29:48] like well I guess I'm voting for the republicans now because all of a sudden
[04:29:52] the Democratic Party is telling me after literally 30 fucking years of being
[04:29:58] pro-immigration that now this time around they're not gonna be pro
[04:30:03] immigration. You voted for 30 fucking years for the pro immigrant party. You voted for the
[04:30:09] pro immigrant party in 2020. Now you all of a sudden want to vote for the anti immigrant party.
[04:30:14] That's fucking delusional. That's the reason why so many dumb motherfuckers literally keep talking
[04:30:21] about how they actually had to do this for some other mythical voter. Have some fucking backbone
[04:30:31] And some conviction and stand on what you will do for the American people
[04:30:39] That's it
[04:30:40] Because that's what politics is
[04:30:43] Politics is not about making this idiotic fucking calculation every goddamn four years of like all the other side is far worse
[04:30:49] The other side is far worse
[04:30:51] politics for most people
[04:30:54] Okay, is about what will you give me and if neither party gives you anything
[04:31:00] Or even his interest is even trying to captivate you and get your attention and get you to go out and vote
[04:31:08] That's how you arrive at a plurality of voter eligible population that don't fucking vote
[04:31:13] There's obviously a multitude of different factors that play here
[04:31:16] The electoral college makes it seem like if you're in a blue state and have to vote is gonna go blue anyway
[04:31:20] If you're Republican in a blue state, it doesn't matter that obviously cuts across as well
[04:31:24] Well, but beyond that, beyond that, the fact that it's not a national holiday or federal
[04:31:32] holiday that makes it hard to vote as well, it's on a fucking work day, but most consequentially,
[04:31:38] people will not vote for someone, especially when voting is difficult to begin with.
[04:31:44] It's not as easy as you think, especially if you've never voted for someone before.
[04:31:48] If you're not registered to fucking vote, voting is a difficult process.
[04:31:55] It's a confusing process.
[04:31:59] So you need to activate someone.
[04:32:01] You need to make them curious.
[04:32:03] You need to make them interested.
[04:32:04] You need to make them a loyal soldier for you.
[04:32:07] And the only way you can do that is not by constantly fucking chirping about how republics
[04:32:11] are fascist, republics are fascist.
[04:32:13] They are.
[04:32:14] We know.
[04:32:17] It's not us that you need to convince.
[04:32:20] Or even if it was us that you need to convince, you would have to probably give us some
[04:32:23] concessions, okay?
[04:32:24] You obviously don't care enough.
[04:32:26] You obviously don't think that this vote here matters because you're not giving us any concessions.
[04:32:31] You're not giving us the time of fucking day.
[04:32:33] If you did, you'd be trying to suck our cocks in the same way that you're trying to suck
[04:32:38] Republican cocks every fucking day.
[04:32:40] Okay?
[04:32:43] You want to suck Republican cocks.
[04:32:45] That's all you want to do.
[04:32:46] You want to suck and fuck Republicans.
[04:32:48] If you want progressive voters to go out and vote for you, you need to suck progressive
[04:32:53] cock.
[04:32:54] Okay?
[04:32:55] You obviously don't care enough.
[04:32:56] think it's a larger more significant constituency out there. There's some guy out there that's
[04:33:01] going to do this. You can't have it both ways. You can't suck both cogs at the same time.
[04:33:06] Okay? My cock only. Anyway, but beyond, you know, sucking progressive dick, which is neither
[04:33:24] here nor there. Okay? You need to at least tell people who don't normally vote if you
[04:33:30] If you want them to come out and vote for you, what you're going to do for them?
[04:33:34] That's it.
[04:33:36] And if you don't do that, then yeah, you're still going to have a plurality of people
[04:33:39] who do not vote.
[04:33:41] That's it.
[04:33:42] Positions Kamala Harris herself took when she launched her first campaign to be the
[04:33:47] Democratic presidential nominee some five years ago.
[04:33:52] The Kamala Harris on the stage in Chicago seemed more eager to appeal to moderates
[04:33:56] and disaffected Republicans than the party's liberal activists.
[04:34:00] We'll see what Republicans have to say about all that shortly, but what about progressives
[04:34:04] in her own party?
[04:34:05] What do they think?
[04:34:07] There is nobody better to ask than our next guest, Senator Bernie Sanders.
[04:34:12] Senator Sanders, welcome to this week.
[04:34:14] Before we get to the conventional, that I want to ask you about the news overnight out
[04:34:18] of Israel.
[04:34:19] So these attacks from Hezbollah underscore that Israel is still very much under threat.
[04:34:25] Well, I think clearly we have a very volatile situation in the Middle East.
[04:34:31] We have had that for a long time now.
[04:34:34] The good news is that the both Hezbollah and Israel are trying to de-escalate.
[04:34:39] I hope that happens, and I hope we reach a ceasefire with Hamas, Israel and Hamas as
[04:34:45] soon as possible.
[04:34:46] All right.
[04:34:47] Let me ask you about the convention.
[04:34:50] What was your take on the messaging from Kamala Harris in Chicago?
[04:34:53] Well, I think the energy coming out of that convention was very high.
[04:34:57] I think it's going to be a rough campaign.
[04:35:00] I think the vice president now has a very good chance to win it.
[04:35:04] She's certainly going to win the popular vote by millions of votes.
[04:35:08] And I think she has a great chance to win many of the battleground states.
[04:35:11] And I intend to do everything that I can to see that she wins.
[04:35:16] My own guess is, Jonathan, that I think people are growing tired and fatigued with Trump's
[04:35:24] consistent and outrageous lies.
[04:35:27] And I think no matter what people may think of Kamala Harris, I think they want stability
[04:35:35] in the White House.
[04:35:36] They want somebody who they can trust.
[04:35:39] And I think they understand that it's not the person that Donald Trump is.
[04:35:43] I want to play for you a few lines from her speech about her role, what her role would
[04:35:48] be as Commander-in-Chief.
[04:35:50] Take a listen.
[04:35:52] As Commander-in-Chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting
[04:36:00] force in the world.
[04:36:02] I will always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself.
[04:36:07] Israel has the ability to defend itself.
[04:36:14] I will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces.
[04:36:21] Herney's so fucking cuck. There's no, let's see what he says, but I mean that part of the speech
[04:36:29] is so, it is the worst, right? Not even the like Israel, Palestine part, because obviously
[04:36:37] that's a given, okay? That's a given, that's a given, that's a given, that's a given,
[04:36:42] you know, ultrasonism, you already know how it is. Okay. Democratic party, Republican party,
[04:36:48] they're aligned on this. But like the idea that like she's also fucking, she's in all black because
[04:36:56] the funeral for any ceasefire propositions. Yeah. Like the fucking, we're going to have the most
[04:37:01] lethal military. Like that is such an insane fucking point. Isn't lethality the point of
[04:37:06] the military? Yeah, that's why they don't call the military the fucking murder department. Okay.
[04:37:12] There's a reason why they call it the defense department. It used to be called the war department.
[04:37:16] Why don't they call it that anymore? Because obviously words are supposed to hide the fucking truth.
[04:37:22] So when you actually unshackle and unrestrict dog whistles and openly say what that fucking means,
[04:37:27] that means you're gonna be even more right-wing than the average fucking Democrat.
[04:37:34] Hello? What is happening? I thought liberals were the ones who are super fucking primed to
[04:37:40] do aesthetics and optics and shit. What happened? All of a sudden you guys forgot. Optics matter.
[04:37:45] What happened? Okay. But they still openly say lethal aid dog. That's the whole point.
[04:38:13] They call it aid. They call it aid. They call weapons aid. You're doing the thing that
[04:38:21] I'm talking about. Like Democrats do the thing or the America State Department does
[04:38:26] the thing that I'm literally talking about by calling it fucking aid. They're still
[04:38:32] hiding what it actually is weapons I was in awe there's so many people were like
[04:39:01] like trying to dunk on me on that point about like the lethality of the military it's like
[04:39:06] you guys are disgusting dude I mean not you in the chat but all these fucking like dumb
[04:39:10] ass Ukrainian flagging the bio dipshits literally like oh who raw baby that's American military
[04:39:17] Not baby. Hell yeah, brother. It's like dude. You live in Estonia. Okay, shut the fuck up and enjoy your
[04:39:24] 55 to 60% female population and your fucking fiber optic cables and your goddamn internet based voting system
[04:39:33] Okay, why the fuck do you think this matters to you?
[04:39:38] Shut the fuck up. I fucking hate NATO
[04:39:44] But especially because of motherfuckers like that, okay?
[04:39:47] And our interests against Iran and Iran backed like all it takes me to talk to like a fucking
[04:40:00] Baltic NATO guy for me to lose my mind to become a fucking Z pusher. Okay
[04:40:05] literally
[04:40:07] It's like a reincarnation of gay Hitler over there. It's crazy dude. I don't understand it
[04:40:14] Like welcome back Hitler, but this time a homosexual Hitler, okay?
[04:40:19] The fucking NATO Baltics andes are so unimaginably fucking lame and so unimaginably pro American military cock.
[04:40:30] It's not your cock. It's our cock. You don't have the cock.
[04:40:35] Stop fucking larping. You don't live in Texas. You live in Estonia. Shut the fuck up.
[04:40:43] I hate it.
[04:40:49] Now I've been covering you for a long time. I've heard you talk about the need to cut the Pentagon's budget
[04:40:58] Obviously you've been an advocate of the arms embargo. Let me just say Jonathan. It all do respect the United States as I was spending
[04:41:07] More than the next ten nations combined on defense if you hate NATO why should America care about Palestine wait what?
[04:41:15] The reason why I hate NATO is also the reason why I fucking hate what America is doing in Israel
[04:41:22] And allowing Israel to do to Palestine at the fucking talking about it's just another arm of imperialism
[04:41:26] This doesn't mean that I'm pro-Russia by any means by the way fuck Russian fuck the Russian government
[04:41:31] Okay, fuck Vladimir Putin fuck the Russian government. They should never fucking invade Ukraine. They're insane. You understand?
[04:41:37] They're insane and they're violent and they're engaging in an immoral
[04:41:41] unjustifiable act by invading another fucking country, violating Ukrainian sovereignty.
[04:41:46] Having said that however, we do that all day every day, okay, give me a goddamn break.
[04:41:54] I'm Turkish, dude.
[04:41:55] Of course I don't like fucking NATO.
[04:41:56] I'm a Turkish leftist.
[04:41:57] Well the fuck would I like NATO?
[04:41:59] It literally created a fascist movement in the goddamn country.
[04:42:05] I agree with the vice president.
[04:42:08] We want the strongest defense in the world.
[04:42:12] I do think enough is enough. You're seeing military contractors, profits soaring, and
[04:42:20] I think we can have the strongest defense in the world without spending a trillion dollars
[04:42:25] a year.
[04:42:26] But what about the tone she struck there, emphasizing they need to have the most lethal force,
[04:42:31] talking about being willing to take on Iran and vowing to give Israel whatever it needs
[04:42:38] to defend itself?
[04:42:39] Well, look, what I happen to believe and what I try to point out and try to make in my remarks
[04:42:45] is that we have a nation today where 60% of our people are living paycheck to paycheck.
[04:42:51] At a time when we have more income and wealth inequality than we have ever had in the history
[04:42:55] of this country.
[04:42:57] So I happen to believe it's important that we end the embarrassment of having the
[04:43:01] highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on earth.
[04:43:05] That's why I'm delighted that she is talking about making the child tax credit, which lowered
[04:43:10] childhood poverty by 40% as a result of the American Rescue Plan permanent.
[04:43:15] I happen to believe and I hope she will support expanding social security by lifting the cap
[04:43:22] on taxable income so we can increase social security benefits.
[04:43:25] I hope we can move toward expanding Medicare to cover hearing, dental and vision.
[04:43:31] These are popular ideas.
[04:43:33] Every poll that's out there say that it's so funny that Bernie's like, Hey, but remember
[04:43:38] like all these good policies that she should be running on is like, bro, you're right.
[04:43:45] Like it's, it's good.
[04:43:46] Like I'm glad you're stumping for these good policies, but like she ain't running on it.
[04:43:51] That's the whole point.
[04:43:54] That's what's so frustrating about this is like Bernie's right.
[04:43:58] Bernie is literally right.
[04:44:00] I'm willing to bet there are more Americans
[04:44:04] that would be willing to overlook some of the other consequential problems
[04:44:07] like the top of the hour ad break under the Kamala administration,
[04:44:10] where the avoidance fee is still $6 a month instead of the $5 it was under the
[04:44:15] Trump administration. Um, and yet there's still a free one, obviously,
[04:44:19] in the form of a church prime where you connect your Amazon prime account
[04:44:22] to your church account, where you get one free prime subscription a month.
[04:44:24] Use it on your favorite broadcasts or hopefully that's me, but like, um,
[04:44:28] People would be willing to overlook that at the top of the hour. I mean that would be a mistake
[04:44:33] However, because you would be looking at a three minute outbreak
[04:44:37] Unless you get gifted a cell if you're lucky here's the three minute outbreak now
[04:44:49] problem is
[04:44:52] problem is
[04:44:55] Bernie Sanders is right
[04:44:57] He was always right and he's right here as well
[04:45:00] Tom Lerner should drop all this fucking weird shit trying to retry angulator messaging to appear more moderate and
[04:45:06] Focus on good policies policies that help people that's it
[04:45:09] That's what you're supposed to do as a politician
[04:45:12] God we are so cynical the part of the problem with it with the Democratic Party's base of support at least like the most like
[04:45:18] The most loud parts of Democrats
[04:45:21] Online is that they constantly chirp and larp as though they are DNC operatives getting paid by the Democratic Party
[04:45:28] So like tell people like you don't understand. It's not for you stupid. You need to shut the fuck up and bow
[04:45:33] It's for all these other people that are magically going to be like yeah, I don't really care about anything
[04:45:38] I just want like a strong military.
[04:45:42] That's not a guy, man.
[04:45:44] And even if there is a guy like that out there, it was like, yeah, I want a strong
[04:45:47] military.
[04:45:48] Okay.
[04:45:49] Guess what that guy also needs?
[04:45:51] Easier access to healthcare.
[04:45:53] Okay.
[04:45:55] Cheaper food, cheaper groceries.
[04:46:00] Do you understand what I'm saying?
[04:46:03] You get it?
[04:46:06] Why was it that everyone was laughing alongside me when I was constantly
[04:46:09] fucking making fun of Joe Biden for being like, we did NATO. Was it only because he was
[04:46:14] older? That was funny. No, because there's no one out there outside of the DMV that isn't
[04:46:19] like a fucking military industrial complex defense contractor slash like a guy who is like heavily
[04:46:25] invested in the military industrial complex that goes, oh man, thank God we did NATO.
[04:46:30] Okay. That's not a real voter. That's not a person. That's not a person. Okay. There
[04:46:34] There is no AUKUS voter, there is no Five Eyes voter in the United States of America.
[04:46:39] Holy shit.
[04:46:45] Exactly what the American people want.
[04:46:47] The American people are sick and tired of seeing the people on top doing phenomenally well
[04:46:51] while they are struggling.
[04:46:52] And I think this is something that the Vice President understands.
[04:46:56] As you know, uncommitted delegates and other progressives have been demanding a
[04:47:00] pro-Palestinian speaker get a...
[04:47:06] What the fuck?
[04:47:07] Am I missing something?
[04:47:08] Are all those policies just read off?
[04:47:09] is running on. CTC tax changes, taxing business of rich people, a lot more lower in prices.
[04:47:14] Yes, she is running on them. I don't think people understand. I am worried and upset
[04:47:22] that that wasn't the main focus of her fucking, like, acceptance speech, where she basically
[04:47:28] revealed herself to the broadest audience. She's actually shown herself to thus far.
[04:47:33] I am mad that she spent time talking about, you know, the long dick of the law and the
[04:47:39] long dick of the American military and the long dick of border patrol, customs and border
[04:47:44] patrol is going to fucking purge Guatemalan migrants with expediency instead of those
[04:47:50] things.
[04:47:51] She should be running on those things.
[04:47:52] She especially should not be running on the border because that's a losing argument.
[04:47:56] Anyway, and everyone in here since that speech keeps coming and coping and saying,
[04:48:06] Dude, you don't get it. She did this for some other guy not you not me but for some other guy
[04:48:11] There's a guy out there. I promise you that wanted to hear these things
[04:48:15] Otherwise he would have thought she's not strong enough people that look at her and go
[04:48:19] That's a woman. She's not strong are not gonna be convinced by how fucking aggro. She is about the military dumbass
[04:48:25] They think she's a woman and therefore incapable of leading
[04:48:30] You know how you can get that person to come on board though
[04:48:33] Well, she's a woman, but at least she says she's gonna make grocery prices cheaper and I like that
[04:48:41] So I'll overlook that reality and vote for the black woman
[04:48:46] That's it. That's how politics works. It's that simple and yet we played this fucking song and dance and make it so much more complicated
[04:48:53] Why did you why did you fucking ban the guy?
[04:48:56] within the midst of me talking about how Kamala Harris should run on the price of
[04:49:01] groceries being expensive and now she's gonna fucking regulate that he responded
[04:49:06] with kill yourself Hassan well his name is deadly mr. Merchant so I assume he's
[04:49:12] a grouper first message in the chat kill yourself Hassan unbanned this guy
[04:49:23] let's hear what else what other wonderful things he has to say nobody
[04:49:41] Nobody believes Democrats when they say they are going to be, nobody believes Democrats
[04:49:49] when they say they're going to be fucking militant on the border, okay?
[04:49:52] All you've done is prime your base into thinking you have to be militant on the border.
[04:49:58] All you've done is prime your base into being an advocate for border control, more border
[04:50:03] control, more border enforcement, more fucking deportation, more camps, as all you did.
[04:50:09] You didn't actually fucking change the outcome of the race. You didn't win the Republicans over
[04:50:16] What is this walking wanderer? Would you rather be an African-American slave during the American slave trade or an Armenian in the Ottoman Empire?
[04:50:27] Would you rather sit on a dick and eat a pie or sit on a pie and eat a dick?
[04:50:33] Wow, that's actually a pretty that's crazy
[04:50:36] Would you rather sit on a dick and eat a pie or sit on a pie and eat a dick is like you you got me like
[04:50:41] I don't know what the correct answer there is this crazy
[04:50:46] Also, both of these are very hard questions to answer
[04:50:50] Like being black being black and and having to be enslaved
[04:50:56] Versus being genocided and the Armenian genocide is like look dude. I don't know
[04:51:02] Both are pretty awful. I don't know which one like because the
[04:51:08] The slave trade is also genocide of a different sort. I don't really know what the fuck
[04:51:22] Sitting on a dick and eating pie sounds like a two for one for me
[04:51:27] Those are some terrible choices, man
[04:51:29] I'm gonna go with the other third option
[04:51:41] That uh, I believe we can get here. Okay. How about that?
[04:51:46] Hey critter to a turp for actually admitting our main genocide existed though. Hello. Welcome to the fucking Hassanabibraq guys
[04:51:51] What the fuck would you think that I don't?
[04:51:53] like
[04:51:57] I am not exactly known for being a genocide denier. No matter how hard my fucking haters are to present me as that
[04:52:03] How do you sit on the internet and talk shit knowing so many people dislike you not because you speak the truth
[04:52:10] But because you're a shitty human
[04:52:12] um
[04:52:13] easy easy question easy answer
[04:52:16] I'm willing to bet that
[04:52:21] Virtually 99% of people if presented with the options of a guy who goes into someone else's fucking community and goes
[04:52:29] Yeah, you should kill yourself versus the guy who believes in universal health care. Like which one is the worst person?
[04:52:36] They probably would think you're the worst person. The only difference is you've deluded yourself in the communities that you exist in
[04:52:43] online into thinking that you're doing something virtuous by doing this, that you're somehow fighting a good battle.
[04:52:49] I still want you to have health care regardless of your opinion on me. I still want you to be able to have an ease of access
[04:52:55] access, to have an opportunity for upward social mobility,
[04:53:00] regardless of your opinion of me,
[04:53:01] I still want you to be able to get more from your work,
[04:53:05] to be able to have more autonomy in your workplace,
[04:53:08] regardless of your opinion of me, okay?
[04:53:11] That's the difference between you and I.
[04:53:13] You want me to kill myself.
[04:53:15] I want you, regardless of your opinions,
[04:53:17] to actually have a better life,
[04:53:20] because I believe that if you have a better life,
[04:53:22] then you inevitably will be less angry,
[04:53:25] Because what motivates someone to do such a thing like this online is a shit ton of anger and resentment someone primed you into thinking that I am your enemy someone primed you into thinking that I'm the worst person you've ever encountered.
[04:53:40] Okay, someone also primed you into thinking that a lot of people dislike me.
[04:53:45] You probably diluted yourself in most people don't know who the fuck I am.
[04:53:49] Okay.
[04:53:50] Ain't nobody knows or gives a shit about me.
[04:53:53] Well, you probably come from a community where they do and they're really, really, really fucking invested in how bad I am.
[04:54:01] And the thing is, I'm imperfect. I'm a human being, okay?
[04:54:09] I sometimes engage in hypocrisy just like we all do, okay?
[04:54:14] The difference is, if you have truly awful material circumstances, only then are you allowed
[04:54:23] to feel this way about another human that you do not know.
[04:54:27] You don't know me at all, okay?
[04:54:29] You have no idea who I am.
[04:54:34] You don't even know what values I believe and espouse.
[04:54:39] You've been deluded into thinking that I'm somehow hypocritical and actually against
[04:54:44] those values that I espouse, because other people have primed you into thinking this way.
[04:54:49] You've been deluded, you've been duped, and I personally believe that if you, okay, if
[04:54:56] you had some of the problems that are probably weighing on your consciousness on a daily fucking
[04:55:01] basis, cost of living, the fact that like your landlord's gonna fuck you over, maybe
[04:55:06] you don't have enough money at the end of the month to pay for your rent and also
[04:55:09] budget for fun shit that you want to do seeing someone like myself in a position of so much
[04:55:14] fucking privilege probably frustrates you and you're like this guy's rich he has everything
[04:55:18] and he's still fucking chirping he's just sitting on his ass all he does is fucking watch youtube
[04:55:21] videos fuck this guy okay i believe that you absolutely you absolutely would be not doing this
[04:55:30] kind of shit if you had at least some of those problems solved okay you'd be a healthier happier
[04:55:35] person. One of the people who wanted to kill you yourself made fun of you being
[04:55:40] woke and such are usually the eat the rich short type meme shit he saw got
[04:55:44] really drunk last February. Oh yeah that guy I remember got really drunk last
[04:55:49] February and ran at the LASD with a sword that was in grave with Christ the
[04:55:52] king and got aired out by like 30 shots before he could reach them. I think
[04:55:56] about that guy every time there's a chatter like that fix your life bro.
[04:55:58] Yeah, remember that guy?
[04:56:02] Did I say February, February?
[04:56:04] Sorry.
[04:56:06] Yeah, he used to love getting drunk
[04:56:08] and like creeping people out on this website.
[04:56:10] Many such cases.
[04:56:12] On Twitter, I mean.
[04:56:14] The hell, I didn't know that. No, it's a famous Twitter guy.
[04:56:21] He was like, he had an account on Twitter.
[04:56:23] He was one of those like, this isn't like CIA shit chat.
[04:56:28] Radmilk, yeah, Radmilk on Twitter.
[04:56:30] That guy.
[04:56:39] No, no, that's real.
[04:56:40] Anyway, this guy unfollowed me. So he has the weight. He has to refollow me and wait so we can like write anything else in the chat
[04:56:55] but
[04:56:58] Yeah
[04:56:59] Lasd's the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, bro
[04:57:15] I genuinely don't understand how you have so much patience for
[04:57:18] Advocating yourself that are against your own interests because you're rich for the benefit of people who are so against their own interests
[04:57:22] I'll be living in my palace and where until the peasants that go fuck themselves will live in the grip their life
[04:57:26] Well, because like these are things that I believed when I didn't have money, you know
[04:57:30] That's it and why the fuck would I change my attitude?
[04:57:34] No, not rad milk. There's a totally different person. Chat is stupid. No, it was rad milk, you know fucking challenged me law
[04:58:00] I knew rad milk for 10 fucking years to fucks. Yeah. Yeah, this is the dude
[04:58:28] Something I learned by watching you respond to people like this is that most persons including myself really do forget
[04:58:33] There's a sad angry person behind every toxic comment made out there on the internet
[04:58:36] Usually the solution is to ignore it, but I like your approach much better. I get it dude
[04:58:46] Dude, I get it. There's a lot of fucking anger out there. There's a lot of people who are angry, okay?
[04:58:51] There's a lot of people who are angry and resentful. So like they're not just like evil people, okay?
[04:58:57] I mean this guy did a lot of evil shit, so he might be
[04:58:59] Maybe a little bit different, but like most people
[04:59:02] most people
[04:59:05] It says he died it can't be that chatter. No, dude
[04:59:08] This person is an analog for that level of resentment that that chatter is demonstrating
[04:59:13] There's a lot of sad and angry fucking people out there, okay?
[04:59:18] There is a lot of sad and angry people out there
[04:59:20] It's the same exact energy of like carrying on certain resentments and just like attacking a person
[04:59:27] Online that you've never fucking met before
[04:59:30] Thinking that they're like a genuinely bad evil individual
[04:59:34] Thinking that you're doing something virtuous by fighting this fucking battle where you're like, oh, yeah
[04:59:39] I told someone that they need to kill themselves online and that's someone is someone like myself too. There's like plenty of fucking people
[04:59:47] Out there you I understand why you would be like
[04:59:51] You know kill yourself to
[05:00:00] slot at the convention and
[05:00:03] Convention organizers refused was that a mistake? Well, I happen to think in my views in this area are very different from
[05:00:13] President Biden's views I
[05:00:15] I happen to think that we should not be giving another nickel to Netanyahu's right-wing extremist
[05:00:22] government. They certainly had a right to defend themselves against the atrocious commas attack.
[05:00:27] They never had the right, do not have the right to go to war against the entire Palestinian people,
[05:00:32] kill 40,000, injure 80,000, and destroy the health care system. I used to be a hater,
[05:00:38] but simmered down, helped my mouth shut and just tuned in to really see your opinions that
[05:00:41] that are what I heard or my prejudices love you now.
[05:00:45] There you go.
[05:00:46] The national system and the civilian infrastructure,
[05:00:48] what's going on and lead to the starvation
[05:00:51] are thousands and thousands of children.
[05:00:53] American taxpayer dollars should not go
[05:00:55] to starve children in Gaza.
[05:00:57] That is my view.
[05:00:58] Others may disagree with me.
[05:01:00] You see any daylight between?
[05:01:02] Holy shit.
[05:01:03] I know someone who was friends in IRO with Radmild.
[05:01:05] It was incredibly sad and fucked up what happened.
[05:01:07] And the path that all went down,
[05:01:08] RIP every y'all,
[05:01:09] chagrin joke with his person was a person had people who loved him
[05:01:12] yet and what has an answer to that he was literally piece of fucking she to
[05:01:15] choke this girl from Ursula until he's uh...
[05:01:17] until her eyes were bleeding focused to put as he spent his last month on
[05:01:20] earth calling me my friends pedophiles
[05:01:27] you know he was a fucking insane person
[05:01:30] was it just like a shit post he was like
[05:01:44] byton's view on this and comma harris's you
[05:01:47] well i hope so i think it'll be originally by second hand reports i
[05:01:51] got negatively polarized towards you but i had to just check it out
[05:01:53] myself and now I can't leave this place. That's what I'm saying. There's, that's the reason
[05:01:57] why I, I explain to people, your haters don't want you to see this king.
[05:02:06] No, they do. They hate this. My haters hate this more. They can't understand it and they
[05:02:10] get extra mad. I don't want to watch you at first because it was an Abba and preach
[05:02:20] watcher until my friend put me on. That's all it takes. Sometimes that's why I tell
[05:02:25] you guys, when you have friends that are like, you know, they have these like insane opinions
[05:02:30] of me. Remember that like, remember that they're fucking remember that they're fucking misguided.
[05:02:51] Get fucked loser. Your haters can be a pipeline to your viewing experience sometimes they are,
[05:03:04] but a lot of people don't leave that space usually they just get negatively polarized and
[05:03:09] they just stay at that place. Yeah word of mouth on you is way too harsh after watching you
[05:04:03] you're far more reasonable to give credit for is because if you're here, that means you're
[05:04:07] probably extremely online. Okay. And extremely online communities have incredibly polarized
[05:04:12] opinions on me, especially after fucking in the month of August in 2021, I purchased
[05:04:19] the house. Okay. Everything changed when I got docs. Literally everything changed
[05:04:24] when I got docs. After that, everyone was like, fuck this guy socialist, but also
[05:04:30] fucking mega mansion castle okay usually most people don't pay attention to
[05:04:36] anything they don't pay attention to anything they don't like really they
[05:04:40] don't have time and I get that why the fuck should they who the fuck has time
[05:04:43] to be like well let me go investigate further to see what like everyone is
[05:04:47] saying about this guy if it's correct or not okay I have an old co-worker
[05:04:56] who's destiny pilled and I literally can't even play video games with them
[05:04:58] anymore because he always wants to talk about Israel or your $1,000 shirt of
[05:05:02] some dumb shit feels bad he lost his job and now just stays online debating all
[05:05:06] day yeah my brother-in-law has a gold watcher and hates you how can I convince
[05:05:10] him that you're a good guy I don't know show him like something that he cares
[05:05:14] about that I also have advocated for that's usually all it takes there's
[05:05:31] a number of there yeah I did get docs before I even moved into the house
[05:05:35] yeah I've known ever since 2012 or so or so just online it used to be cool and
[05:05:46] just got more negative and evil over the years that situation all around but
[05:05:49] I've always, uh, but I'm always reminded of it when there are chatters to tell us on the
[05:05:54] killer's over or whatever.
[05:05:55] Yeah.
[05:06:23] So in all fairness, the vice president, now she's been the candidate for all of one month
[05:06:27] and it's been a hell of a month.
[05:06:29] You have to organize a convention, select the vice presidential campaign, get out
[05:06:32] on the campaign trail.
[05:06:34] So they are still working through their policies.
[05:06:36] But I think at the end of the day, I hope very much that the conclusion that will
[05:06:41] be reached is that Netanyahu and his right wing.
[05:06:44] Yeah, it's like whenever you hang out with a new content creator and they're like whoa
[05:06:47] I never thought you were so chill like people just need to give you jams. That's it
[05:06:50] So I try to I try to do my my very best
[05:06:59] To stay on message and be as consistent as possible
[05:07:03] Eventually no matter how aggressive you are unless you're like literally a fucking Nazi pedophile
[05:07:10] okay
[05:07:12] Unless you are straight up a Nazi pedophile you probably are gonna be like okay
[05:07:16] Maybe I was wrong about this motherfucker. Okay. That's it
[05:07:23] Extremist government which has received tens of billions of dollars of aid from the u.s
[05:07:28] Should not continue to receive that aid unless there is a radical change
[05:07:31] In their policies to the people of the Palestinian people in Gaza and in the west bank by the way
[05:07:37] And on immigration when harris ran for the democratic nomination against you and others in in 2020
[05:07:43] She said she favored decriminalizing
[05:07:45] illegal border crossing she even suggested she was she would be in favor of
[05:07:50] abolishing ICE now of course she's taking at least rhetorically a much
[05:07:56] tougher line on border security take a look at this one of her very first ads
[05:08:01] as the presidential nominee Kamala Harris has spent decades fighting
[05:08:06] violent crime as a border state prosecutor she took on drug cartels
[05:08:11] and jail gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border.
[05:08:15] As vice president, she backed the toughest border control bill in decades.
[05:08:20] And as president, she will hire thousands more border agents
[05:08:24] and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.
[05:08:27] Fixing the border is tough.
[05:08:29] So is Kamala Harris.
[05:08:31] What do you make of her transformation on this issue?
[05:08:35] Well, I don't think it's a question of transformation.
[05:08:37] We have a crisis at the border.
[05:08:39] We've got to make sure the fentanyl does not get into this country. We have to crack down on illegal immigration
[05:08:44] But what we need is comprehensive immigration reform. I mean you got God knows how many young people in this country
[05:08:51] Dude, you can't get a fucking Democrat. You can't get one goddamn Democrat to be reasonable about this. It's so crazy. I
[05:08:58] Will never I will never stop being stubborn on this issue. Okay?
[05:09:03] Just like the crime shit, okay? It's a panic completely concocted
[05:09:09] by right-wing reactionary sentiments.
[05:09:14] It is not born out of real genuine concern.
[05:09:19] It's not born out of like a real examination, okay?
[05:09:25] It's not born out of a real examination of the data.
[05:09:30] It is just completely made up and we're just running with it.
[05:09:34] Not only are we running with it,
[05:09:36] But we're running we're bouldering towards fascism as an immigration attorney. It drives me crazy. It makes me so fucking mad, dude
[05:09:44] It makes me so mad it is I mean yeah, Bernie was
[05:09:48] Also, not exactly a fond of immigration even back in the day
[05:09:55] It's crazy man. It's crazy. It's just like a totally made-up phenomenon Bernie. What are you doing? It's just made up
[05:10:03] Yeah, I bet an attorney is watching brother. I was just at the DNC
[05:10:10] It is not that shocking to have immigration attorneys watching me, okay
[05:10:15] It was shocking to find out that there was fucking mayors of whole-ass towns watching me. What the fuck are you talking about?
[05:10:21] An immigration attorney is like the most obvious person to be watching
[05:10:31] Sometimes I have literal attorneys here staying at my fucking house
[05:10:37] Public defenders well former public defender. I'm literally an attorney watching wall
[05:10:48] I know people people just project they're like not dude. I ain't got nothing going on in my life
[05:10:54] So obviously everyone else must be the same boat
[05:10:58] That's it
[05:10:59] So that's the thing actually like
[05:11:29] It's it's actually shocking that Bernie is is bad as this message
[05:11:33] Especially because like motherfuckers yell about him all the time and lie about him all the time
[05:11:37] He doesn't fucking cave. He doesn't capitulate. He doesn't concede
[05:11:40] You know it doesn't make sense
[05:11:46] sense. It makes sense that he's like. He's been consistent his whole life. Why now I mean
[05:11:57] he's also been consistently not great on immigration. That was like the one issue that he actually
[05:12:01] moved to the left on because his base is progressive support moved him to the left on that issue.
[05:12:09] He used to say amnesty is like a like a Koch brother proposal. Like he used to say well
[05:12:16] not amnesty but like open borders are a dream, a pipe dream for the right.
[05:12:23] As a result of DACA who deserve to gain citizenship we need skilled workers and we need workers
[05:12:28] in this country.
[05:12:29] A lot of labor shortages all over America where immigrants can play an important role.
[05:12:33] So keeping people from illegally entering the country obviously is the right thing
[05:12:38] to do but we need comprehensive immigration reform and I suspect that is what the vice
[05:12:43] president supports.
[05:12:44] But if you take a look at that ad, one thing that I found striking is if you look and I
[05:12:47] think we have the images here, there are at least three points in that ad that show the
[05:12:54] border wall, Donald Trump's border wall.
[05:12:57] Is it now the position of the Democrats that they favor the border wall?
[05:13:01] Well, you can ask the Harris campaign about that ad.
[05:13:05] That's the first that I've seen it.
[05:13:07] Bottom line is I think there's wide recognition in this country and we've had some success.
[05:13:11] i think the number of illegal immigrants coming in recently
[05:13:14] good question
[05:13:18] don't you think that's hypocritical
[05:13:26] a question more people will be asking kamala harris
[05:13:29] when she actually ends up doing some fucking interviews which you probably
[05:13:32] won't
[05:13:38] has gone sat down
[05:13:40] substantially that is a major issue and we've got to continue to do that
[05:13:43] but at the end of the day what we need is comprehensive
[05:13:46] immigration reform
[05:13:49] but but the the immigration and he said it wasn't a transformation is
[05:13:52] clearly a change in emphasis on it. She's also in her first campaign. She supported by the way,
[05:13:59] the reason why they're cooking Bernie right now is because the Harris campaign is sending out surrogates
[05:14:04] to get the shellacking because she doesn't want to get it. That's what's going on right now.
[05:14:11] And of course, the Democrats haven't figured out an adequate way to fuck a message it.
[05:14:17] What? You also have this guy that I swear watches you.
[05:14:21] you. What what I learned by playing Magic the Gathering with a Marine running for Senate.
[05:14:28] I have no idea who this guy is. I don't know why you're saying that.
[05:14:30] Medicare for all like you. She supported a ban on fracking and offshore offshore oil
[05:14:38] drilling. Do you think Bernie will get more right wing over time with the rest of the
[05:14:41] party brother? How much more time does he have like no disrespect, but he's already
[05:14:45] 800 years old. Fuck you mean. These are clearly new positions now. Let me just let me just
[05:14:59] say this. Yeah, you go out you do a poll as I have done. And you ask the American people
[05:15:05] whether or not healthcare is a human right. Yeah, by the way, does anyone Bernie is showing
[05:15:10] how vulnerable Kamala is because there's no way her circuits are going to be able to
[05:15:12] defender coherently. Yeah. If only there was someone who just kept saying, Hey, Kamala Harris,
[05:15:20] drop this border shit. Never talk about it again. Let's just move. Let's make bygones be bygones.
[05:15:26] Let's make, let's make believe that like you're totally a separate person than the Joe Biden
[05:15:32] administration because they are going to cook your ass alive. Now that you're fucking pro building
[05:15:39] a goddamn wall. Okay. If only there was a guy like that who may or may not have had Kamala
[05:15:48] Harris campaign staffers watching him. Who could have, you know, who could have potentially
[05:16:01] fucking not made this massive mistake. I mean, it's already late to retract. No, it's
[05:16:08] never late. Just never brought never bring it up again. You can always deflect. You
[05:16:12] You can always move away, okay?
[05:16:14] You can always move away.
[05:16:16] You can always use much more favorable, much more valuable forms of opposition like abortion
[05:16:25] or progressive policies.
[05:16:27] The thing is, Republicans are reactionary, okay?
[05:16:33] Which means they're easy to fucking manipulate.
[05:16:37] They have to react to whatever proposal you put out there.
[05:16:41] So if you don't fucking put out any proposals, then they're going to fucking move the conversation
[05:16:46] more and more to the right.
[05:16:47] You can never let them dominate the conversation.
[05:16:50] Love the market with policies.
[05:16:52] Show everybody that those policies are good.
[05:16:54] Let them fucking be in opposition to said policies.
[05:16:58] Okay.
[05:16:59] Let them come out and be like, we can't be fucking feeding children of schools.
[05:17:03] That would be communism.
[05:17:04] Oh, what a dream.
[05:17:06] Can you imagine?
[05:17:07] These are policies that help Republicans.
[05:17:08] Okay.
[05:17:09] don't have children. You think they don't need to feed their kids? You think Republicans don't
[05:17:14] have kids? They don't like the child tax credit? It's so dumb. Give them something to fucking
[05:17:24] negatively message on. But if you don't do that, then they're going to fucking hammer your ass on
[05:17:30] all the positions that you've moved to the right on. They don't like their kids though. No, that's
[05:17:38] fucking silly. Okay, we're not talking about like the biggest losers in the Republican base of
[05:17:42] of support. We're talking about life-long Republicans who just vote and don't really
[05:17:46] think about it.
[05:17:52] And we should do what every other major country on earth does and guarantee health care to
[05:17:57] all of our people. The answer is yes. Sure, we'll be spending twice as much per capita
[05:18:01] on health care.
[05:18:02] Despite-
[05:18:03] One of the craziest parts about this conversation, one of the craziest issues here is that
[05:18:08] like Donald Trump is actually being the endless room reader that he is, has dropped
[05:18:14] certain Republican policies or Republican lines of communication that like the previous
[05:18:20] Republican party would never do. Like they never talk about the deficit. Okay. Nikki
[05:18:25] Haley tried to bring it back, but ain't nobody give a fuck about the deficit dog. Nobody
[05:18:30] cares. Republicans never actually cared about it either. They just use that as a
[05:18:33] mechanism to fucking, uh, to stop progressive legislation from pushing through. Paco was
[05:18:41] one of the worst things that Nancy Pelosi advocated for, which is why I will be a lifelong
[05:18:45] hater of Nancy Pelosi, even though I put that on a brief hiatus because of all the great
[05:18:50] things that she did. Okay. But like, it's a gift. It's a fucking gift to the Democrats
[05:18:59] that the Republicans have completely dropped some of these like classic anti progressive
[05:19:06] agenda items. They just keep calling it communism and moving on. You know, like there's no
[05:19:15] re, yeah, there's no austerity justification from the Republican Party anymore. So use
[05:19:20] that to your fucking advantage.
[05:19:22] It's why 85 million people being uninsured are underinsured. Most of the American people
[05:19:31] understand the system is broken. So Kamala Harris and I have a disagreement. I do believe
[05:19:37] in Medicare for all. I think the current system is dysfunctional and broken. She has
[05:19:41] a different point of view. But right now, Kamala Harris is running against Donald Trump.
[05:19:46] All right, let's do it, Fox. He's talking about Gen Z saying Kamala's campaign is all
[05:19:50] by no policy.
[05:19:51] To podcast, to inviting influencers to the conventions, both the Harris and Trump campaign
[05:19:57] are getting creative to reach the more than 41 million Gen Z voters that are eligible
[05:20:03] to cast a ballot this year.
[05:20:05] Everybody, Tim here with Scout at the dog park along the Mississippi doing our first entry
[05:20:11] into Tik Tok or as he and I say, Tim Tok.
[05:20:14] Yeah, JD, you want to welcome you to Tik Tok by some gifts?
[05:20:17] Thanks, man.
[05:20:18] Thanks, guys.
[05:20:19] Thank you.
[05:20:20] Madam Vice President, are you on Tik Tok?
[05:20:21] Well, I've heard that recently I've been on the For You page, so I thought I'd get
[05:20:26] on here myself.
[05:20:27] The President is now on Tik Tok, my honor.
[05:20:37] By the way, that Trump video showing his entrance
[05:20:40] into TikTok got 174 million views.
[05:20:44] But what's really important to the youth vote?
[05:20:46] Joining me now, three Gen Z voters,
[05:20:49] former Democrat turned Republican,
[05:20:51] Grace Gunsell, independent voter,
[05:20:53] and former R.K. Junior campaign advisor,
[05:20:56] and TikTok influencer, Link Lauren,
[05:20:59] and Democrat, Henry Husky.
[05:21:02] Welcome to all three of you.
[05:21:03] I'm so fascinated to have you.
[05:21:04] I want you to take a look at this poll.
[05:21:06] This is a Fox News poll, it's registered voters under the age of 35.
[05:21:12] This was before RFK got out of the poll.
[05:21:14] So 46% for Harris, 41% for Trump, 5% for RFK, 3% for West.
[05:21:21] So I'm gonna go to you Grace, because Grace, you were a Democrat, you're starting to
[05:21:25] lean, you're starting to lean Republican, but you were debating with RFK Jr.
[05:21:32] So now, how does this new endorsement by RFK Jr., him dropping out of the race and endorsing
[05:21:38] Trump, impact your vote?
[05:21:40] Yeah.
[05:21:42] So I think for me, originally it was a toss up between RFK Jr. and Trump.
[05:21:51] But after RFK Jr. dropped out, I think I'm ultimately going to have to vote for
[05:21:58] Trump just because the disaster that has been wrecked by this current administration and the
[05:22:05] fact that there are no policies currently listed on Kovala's website or that she has even really
[05:22:13] talked about has kind of shown to me that it really is for them all vibes no policy.
[05:22:21] All right well that's an interesting take I'm gonna go to you Henry you're a Democrat
[05:22:25] that's been sort of the beef with the Kamala campaign, at least from the pundits, but I'm hearing
[05:22:30] it from another Gen Zier. Tell me what you think about that. Is it all vibes? I mean,
[05:22:34] there is nothing on our website with policy and it's very social media heavy and TikTok heavy.
[05:22:42] What do you make of that? And what do you say?
[05:22:46] Yeah, I think I would respectfully disagree with Grace and say that the Harris campaign
[05:22:50] has put out some really excellent policies actually for my generation.
[05:22:53] One that I think you can point to is her housing policy.
[05:22:57] She wants to cut red tape and build three million new homes as well as give us first
[05:23:03] time home buyers a $25,000 bonus for down payments.
[05:23:08] So this alone is just huge policy for my generation getting us on the housing ladder and helping
[05:23:14] us achieve the dream of American home ownership.
[05:23:16] Yeah, you know, that alone is one huge policy.
[05:23:18] You know, it's been really interesting to me.
[05:23:21] I have children who are in part of your generation and housing has become this huge issue.
[05:23:27] Who knew?
[05:23:28] Because we remember they were saying, you know, you'll rent and you'll be happy.
[05:23:31] But it turns out.
[05:23:32] No, no one thought that.
[05:23:34] That was a lie.
[05:23:38] Who knew?
[05:23:39] Oh my God.
[05:23:42] These people are so fucking out of touch, dude.
[05:23:46] people actually do want to
[05:23:49] home. Um, link, talk abou
[05:23:52] also since you're an influ
[05:23:58] should have. How much is
[05:24:01] help them versus the sub
[05:24:06] to be with you bright and
[05:24:08] one thing I can say about
[05:24:13] single poll, the top cons
[05:24:16] right now is how can I a
[05:24:20] I keep a roof over my head
[05:24:23] an asset like that in the
[05:24:24] did and the way that my g
[05:24:27] any politician out there
[05:24:28] bring young people into t
[05:24:31] not rocket science, ident
[05:24:34] and then use social media
[05:24:36] to reach them and show ho
[05:24:38] to enrich their lives wi
[05:24:40] thing I haven't seen from
[05:24:42] is how is she going to g
[05:24:45] She's promising 25,000 to first time homeowners.
[05:24:48] She has no path to getting this passed.
[05:24:50] And Kamala Harris, it's about 40 days without an interview.
[05:24:53] She won't answer questions.
[05:24:54] If you're not willing to sit down and answer questions
[05:24:56] from voters, you really shouldn't be in charge
[05:24:58] of the nuclear.
[05:24:59] I swear to God, there's just something so weird
[05:25:03] about the aura of young Republicans.
[05:25:08] I can't put my finger on it, but there
[05:25:11] is a incredibly like unfuckable vibe. It's just, I don't know. I just, they, they're
[05:25:21] so villain coded, especially odd cause he's gay. Right. I suspect like this dude is obviously
[05:25:36] hitting like campaign lines as well. Right. He's like, Oh, Kamala Harris has great policies
[05:25:41] in terms of like home ownership. You know, you even use the term ladder home ownership
[05:25:46] ladder. Like that's, that's a guy who's on message. Okay. He's, he's read some fucking
[05:25:51] policy papers. I don't know where they're at, but he's, he's figured it out. He's figured
[05:25:55] out a way to communicate some of these things in a better way than fucking Kamala Harris
[05:26:00] has. Okay. But like he at least has like a human. There's like a human behind those
[05:26:11] There's a soul.
[05:26:13] Young Republicans always have the most soulless, soulless fucking vibes codes.
[05:26:21] Go ahead.
[05:26:22] Go ahead, Henry.
[05:26:23] Oh, I just I would put the challenge back to president, former president Trump and what
[05:26:31] how he's going to get anything that he wants passed, you know, the only policy that
[05:26:35] I've seen from him is a plan to personally dictate interest rates, which is something
[05:26:39] that has never happened in the history of this country and would greatly destabilize
[05:26:43] our financial system that we've had.
[05:26:46] The independent Federal Reserve has been a cornerstone of keeping our economy stable.
[05:26:50] So I don't really see what's coming from the Trump side on this either.
[05:26:53] All right.
[05:26:54] So I want to ask you guys about this.
[05:26:55] I was really surprised to hear at the DNC, for example, they winded down the influencers.
[05:27:00] They had boat parties with top lounges.
[05:27:03] They stocked their private rooms with food and beverages.
[05:27:06] They had access to the candidates.
[05:27:09] parties are trying to do the social media route. How important is that Grace that they
[05:27:16] actually get in this game? I mean Kamala is obviously doing better than Donald.
[05:27:22] Somebody kicked out. I don't know who you're talking about.
[05:27:24] Trump in terms of followers, but tell me your thoughts on that.
[05:27:29] Yeah, I think social media is incredibly important just because the young voters
[05:27:34] are spending so much time on social media nowadays.
[05:27:38] Why don't we get the boat party live stream bro? Because I was at the fucking Palestine protest
[05:27:43] while the boat party was happening, okay? You think I'm gonna, you think I give a fuck about
[05:27:48] a yacht party with a bunch of other fucking influencers, but like not even cool influencers,
[05:27:54] but like no disrespect, but like political influencers is like, come on, dude. Dude,
[05:28:01] if I got a degree from ASU, I would not be prominently featuring that. That's crazy.
[05:28:06] Okay, that's everything I needed to know about this person. That's like me. That's like me having a
[05:28:15] fucking Rutgers degree behind me, like prominently in display. Holy shit. Glad you know how lame you
[05:28:37] are for real. I do. Harvard or the Southwest. Constant Arizona hate. I like Ludwig. He went to
[05:28:50] to ASU, come on, exact.
[05:28:54] You think that's proving your point?
[05:28:59] You just made my point for me by bringing up Ludwig.
[05:29:03] Prominent ASU grad, Lud.
[05:29:14] I think a lot of times the politicians underestimate social
[05:29:18] media as it can be a great tool to inform and spread policy
[05:29:24] and really show us what you want to do in the next four
[05:29:28] years instead of just using memes and templates just to like get your name out there. I think,
[05:29:35] you know, a lot more could be done with social media. Really quick links.
[05:29:39] Thank you for the brilliant insight. So I gotta get your thoughts on this.
[05:29:45] Yeah, there's nothing that's ever gonna beat retail politics. But if you're trying to reach
[05:29:49] these young people, you gotta go to social media. Only 9% of Gen Z watch traditional TV
[05:29:54] news on a daily basis. They're not going to see these new shows. You got to get them
[05:29:58] on tick tock X and Instagram, but you got to have content that answers their questions
[05:30:02] and top concerns. Young people love calling Twitter X and being on Twitter in general.
[05:30:08] Less vibes, less coconut memes, more policies and more substance. Wow. Well, I know that
[05:30:13] you were advising dog. You can't be a RFK junior platform guy who's now hyping
[05:30:19] up Trump and be like more policies, please. Like what fucking policies are Trump running
[05:30:23] on other than like hit Larry and deportation. That's crazy.
[05:30:32] Okay. Campaign. Are you going to join the Trump campaign?
[05:30:37] I'm very happy being a political commentator, doing political analysis and calling it like
[05:30:42] I see it. I reach millions of people each day on social media. I welcome everyone from
[05:30:46] the left. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay, Senator JD Vance. Welcome back to meet the press.
[05:30:52] Thank you. Thanks for having me. Thank you for having us here in Cincinnati. Let's
[05:30:57] Let's start off with the Democratic National Convention.
[05:30:59] Some of what we heard this past week, Vice President Kamala Harris in making her case
[05:31:05] said that the tariff plans that Donald Trump is proposing will hurt the middle class.
[05:31:09] Here's what she said specifically, quote, he intends to enact what in effect is a
[05:31:13] national sales tax, call it a Trump tax that would raise prices on middle class
[05:31:18] families by almost $4,000 a year.
[05:31:20] Now the estimates vary.
[05:31:22] And how do you respond to that charge that Trump's tariffs would hurt the middle class?
[05:31:26] Yes, if you step back a little bit, Kristen, there's this whole thing that Kamala Harris
[05:31:30] did at the convention where she made a bunch of claims about what would happen.
[05:31:34] And not enough actually reflection on what already happened, right?
[05:31:37] Because Donald Trump was already president.
[05:31:39] He used tariffs to bring manufacturing jobs back to our country, and I think he'll
[05:31:43] do it again.
[05:31:44] And he did it while keeping prices extremely low.
[05:31:47] What jobs did Donald Trump bring back to the United States of America?
[05:31:53] Like we're just lying now. That's cool. I mean pound for pound like Joe Brandon
[05:32:01] Joe Brandon literally not the greatest president of all time by any metric, okay?
[05:32:08] Fairly certain did more to bring jobs back and bring manufacturing to the United States of America than fucking Donald Trump did
[05:32:15] cake streaming counts as Trump jobs?
[05:32:21] He did.
[05:32:32] Because if you go back to the Trump presidency,
[05:32:34] we had 12,000 factories that were built
[05:32:36] during Donald Trump's presidency.
[05:32:38] Inflation never really ticked above 2%
[05:32:40] his entire administration.
[05:32:41] In fact, was sort of around 1.5%
[05:32:44] most of the time that he was president.
[05:32:46] So when Kamala Harris says,
[05:32:47] if we do the thing that Trump already did,
[05:32:49] it's gonna be way worse than it was last time.
[05:32:51] I just don't think that makes a lot of sense.
[05:32:53] Well, let's talk about Trump's record
[05:32:55] during his first term.
[05:32:56] He did, did rounds of tariffs
[05:32:59] and it cost Americans nearly $80 billion in new taxes.
[05:33:04] Do you acknowledge that imposing more tariffs
[05:33:08] will ultimately cost consumers?
[05:33:10] Well, what it really does is it penalizes importers
[05:33:13] from bringing goods outside the country
[05:33:15] into the country.
[05:33:16] And I think that's just a necessary thing.
[05:33:17] We know that China and a number of other countries
[05:33:19] are using effectively slave labor
[05:33:21] to undercut the wages of American workers.
[05:33:23] Donald Trump thinks that has to stop.
[05:33:25] again. What Kyle here is saying, Kristen, is that if you do this, you're somehow going
[05:33:28] to cause skyrocketing inflation.
[05:33:30] If he, wait, wait, I don't, is he talking about undocumented migrants or is he talking
[05:33:37] about third world offshoring and third world manufacturing? Either case, if he's talking
[05:33:42] about undocumented labor, then the solution to that would be obviously documenting them.
[05:33:50] It would be amnesty and also documenting them so they can participate in the fucking
[05:33:54] labor force in the exact same structure that like the documented American laborers can and
[05:34:00] then advocate to unionize those jobs as well. Don't think he means that. Okay. He would
[05:34:08] also advocate to abolish prison labor, which is slave labor. It is legal. Okay. But beyond
[05:34:17] that, beyond that, COVID wiped out a lot of the manufacturing gains that Trump brought
[05:34:28] in. But the idea that Donald Trump like revitalize the American manufacturing is completely fucking
[05:34:35] bullshit. Is he right? No, he's not right. Also, the real reason as to why Republicans are so gung
[05:34:54] ho about anti immigrant sentiments, the real 12,000 factories is not true. No, he also I think
[05:35:02] I think he's at 1200, not 12,000. Obviously the Carnegie is probably going
[05:35:16] to not have a favorable attitude about U S tariffs, how Trump's tariffs really affected
[05:35:21] the US job market. A recent study on US China trade concludes the Trump state trade policy
[05:35:25] across the US economy, nearly a quarter million jobs, but his obsolete understanding
[05:35:28] of trade flows end up pointing trade policy makers in the wrong direction. Why aren't
[05:35:40] both sides pro immigrant either way? They're documented and participated in the labor
[05:35:43] force. That's just more tax revenue. Correct. Um, it's because having a reactionary attitude
[05:35:50] towards immigrants is really good for the Republican party in terms of like polarizing
[05:35:55] the base in terms of making it seem like they have a different opinion. Uh, and it
[05:35:59] also is really good at keeping those people undocumented because if you were to document
[05:36:03] those people, then there wouldn't be a two tier labor structure in this country that
[05:36:07] actually does depress the wages for the rest of the fucking working class in
[05:36:10] country. It's cheap labor. That's it. It's endlessly exploitable cheap labor that is always recycled.
[05:36:17] You can just very easily deport them if they fucking chirp. That's why our entire agricultural
[05:36:24] output relies on a steady flow of undocumented markets crossing the fucking border.
[05:36:34] Undocumented markets also do pay taxes currently. They put in to the American economy a lot more
[05:36:41] than they take out they can't take shit out to be fair no he for sure is talking about China
[05:36:58] and the what the fuck bro this literally that's gotta be a slur you know what i mean
[05:37:08] like bro you did not write that like that what the fuck no fucking way dude close enough dog
[05:37:20] Absolutely not close enough. Brosit Uygur with a hard R. Oh my God.
[05:37:58] Unishe metal worker here. I work when we had tariffs during Trump. It actually screwed
[05:38:01] us hard. And we had a lack of work coming in because the skyrocketed the price of materials
[05:38:04] to make products. And we had furloughs a few times because of a lack of revenue. Can confirm
[05:38:08] tariffs fucked us. Yeah. In reality, Donald Trump already did it. He brought a lot of
[05:38:40] jobs back and it didn't cause inflation. But it caused consumers to pay more. They
[05:38:45] They paid more in taxes, $80 billion for student knowledge.
[05:38:48] This is unfair. Like, yeah, of course, Biden held, of course,
[05:38:51] Biden created a shit ton more jobs, dude.
[05:38:54] Biden oversaw the COVID recovery.
[05:38:57] Like Trump oversaw the worst aspects of the COVID lockdowns.
[05:39:02] And Biden oversaw COVID recovery.
[05:39:04] Like that's not even a question.
[05:39:06] The US added 15.8 million jobs during Biden's first 42 months in office
[05:39:10] compared to a 2.7 million contraction during Trump's presidency.
[05:39:14] Like well, I guess it's unfair, but also simultaneously
[05:39:20] Like that's
[05:39:21] Kind of the same thing if the Democrats ran on that that would literally be the same thing as like Trump being like remember
[05:39:28] How cheap oil was which he does all the time?
[05:39:32] He does
[05:39:35] He does that all the time. He's like remember the fucking oil was so cheap. Remember how cheap gas was
[05:39:42] under my presidency. He's like, yeah, dude, cause COVID was happening in 2018. Trump's
[05:39:55] job numbers were already dropping before COVID hit. Yes. Yes. It's not like, it's not like
[05:40:02] the situation was good, but it, it obviously is greatly skewed because of COVID is what
[05:40:08] I'm trying to say. Similarly, unemployment rate rose 1.7 percentage points from 4.7
[05:40:17] to 6.7 under Trump declining 2.1 percentage points under Biden to the latest reading of
[05:40:21] 4.3. However, the gross data paints a wholly incomplete picture of the labor market strength
[05:40:27] of the world president as the COVID-19 pandemic appended the global economy,
[05:40:30] beginning in 2020, causing U.S. employment to briefly spike to a record 14.8
[05:40:35] after a whopping 22 million worker contraction from February 2020 to April 2020.
[05:40:41] That skewed Trump's numbers negatively and Biden's positively as the labor market
[05:40:44] returned to relative normalcy following the unprecedented shock. In fact,
[05:40:48] the first three quarters of Trump's tenure were marked by a remarkably strong job market
[05:40:52] with non-farm payrolls growing by about 7 million between January 2017 and February 2020
[05:40:58] and unemployment declining over the same period from 4.7 to 3.5 at the same time the lowest
[05:41:03] mark since 1969, later surpassed by January and April 2023 is 3.4%. Wage growth has been slightly
[05:41:11] higher under Biden with an average hourly earning growing by 17% under Biden thus far compared
[05:41:16] to the 15% during Trump's presidency. However, obviously, the Trump era wage growth had a real
[05:41:23] wage growth for a lot of Americans because inflation wasn't fucking out of control and outpacing
[05:41:30] wage growth as it did under the Biden administration for like two fucking years. Oh, shit.
[05:41:38] I just spilled fucking diasoda all over my goddamn desk, dude.
[05:41:41] That was Brandon's fault too. Fuck. Thanks Obama. Not done yet.
[05:42:07] Well, the Trump era wage grow went much further for Americans is outpace inflation more strongly
[05:42:38] with the consumer price index rising by 8% from January, 2017 to January, 2021 compared
[05:42:46] to 19% from January, 2021 to July, 2024.
[05:42:59] America saved an average of 8.7 of their monthly pages under Trump compared to 5.9
[05:43:03] under Biden, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysts,
[05:43:06] monthly personal savings rate metric.
[05:43:16] It's very difficult to say changes in the labor market
[05:43:18] were a product of one presidential administration
[05:43:20] versus the other.
[05:43:24] The labor market was very strong prior to COVID-19
[05:43:26] under Trump and remains so under Biden.
[05:43:28] The macroeconomic factors driving up
[05:43:30] much of labor market trends that were not so unique
[05:43:33] to the US like the 2020 massive uptick
[05:43:34] in unemployment and labor shortages.
[05:43:36] Lots of this might just be coincidence
[05:43:38] rather than the result of Trump and Biden's policies.
[05:43:48] Yes, it is not a surprise that the employment changes oftentimes is a massive downturn under
[05:43:55] Republican administrations and then Democrats have to fix it and then Republicans come back
[05:44:02] to a primed economy and then they fucking run the table again.
[05:44:08] Every single goddamn cycle.
[05:44:10] But it doesn't matter because all that matters for people is that the cost of a subscription
[05:44:15] to avoid the three-minute outbreak at the top of the hour went from $5 under the Trump
[05:44:19] administration to $6 under the Biden administration. That's what you care about. That's what you
[05:44:25] spend your money on. You know what I mean? So yeah, at the top of the hour, there's
[05:44:32] a three-minute outbreak. That's still the same. Well, I guess it was a one-minute
[05:44:35] outbreak under the early parts of the Trump administration. Now it's three minutes
[05:44:40] of ads in the beginning of the hour and one minute in the middle of the hour.
[05:44:43] You don't even know about that one, because I don't fucking tell you when I'm serving it.
[05:44:48] The secret ad break.
[05:44:51] The most dangerous of ad breaks of all.
[05:44:55] Wait, what the fuck?
[05:45:00] Bro, this fucked everything up, dude.
[05:45:11] Anyway, here's the driven ad break now.
[05:45:18] I'm on PC.
[05:45:28] Why do you talk about the middle of the hour?
[05:45:30] Ad break leagues are treacherous bastards, son, because it is.
[05:45:44] Stronger spending powers, perhaps the best feather in Trump's cap in terms of
[05:45:47] separating the world's largest economy, reflected in polling, which suggests just 19% of Americans
[05:45:51] believe they're better off financially since Biden took office compared to the 50% who think
[05:45:56] they are worse off.
[05:45:58] Just as the Biden economy benefited a high level from inheriting a weak labor market,
[05:46:02] it was similarly doomed by grappling with a global inflation crisis, partially stemming
[05:46:06] from a variety of factors outside of Washington's control, like supply chain delays due
[05:46:11] to COVID-19.
[05:46:12] still the US economy has been remarkably robust under both presidents, under both presidents,
[05:46:20] GDP, a metric which measures the total value of all goods and services produced in the US
[05:46:25] is up 50% from 2015 to 2023 under both presidents. The unemployment rate has been below where
[05:46:31] it was for the entirety of Barack Obama's 2008 2016 presidency, marred by the fallout
[05:46:35] of the financial crisis saved for the 2020-2021 pandemic blip.
[05:46:49] By the way, a fun factoid of what you saw, if Kamala wins, it will be the first time an
[05:46:53] incoming Democrat took over an objectively good or primed economy since before Reagan.
[05:46:57] It also might be the first time in 100 plus years where an incoming dem doesn't have the
[05:47:01] Senate.
[05:47:04] Yeah.
[05:47:05] Well, let's see what happens in Montana.
[05:47:07] But also, but also it's not an incoming Democrat taking over from a primed.
[05:47:15] It's the incoming Democrat that is inheriting an economy that is on the upswing from a previous
[05:47:26] Democratic administration.
[05:47:27] So it's a little different because it's one term.
[05:47:30] If it was a two-term recovery and then a Democrat one again, that would be unique,
[05:47:37] I think.
[05:47:44] Oh, yeah, I forgot.
[05:47:45] Biden was one term.
[05:47:46] I like to think of Biden as zero term.
[05:47:48] I forget that he's president all the time.
[05:47:50] Yeah.
[05:47:51] It's not, you know, that's a mistake that I make as well, chatter.
[05:47:55] Don't worry.
[05:47:59] Anyway, let's get back to this interview that consumers ultimately will pay more if there
[05:48:05] are more tariffs.
[05:48:06] So you just acknowledge that?
[05:48:07] No, I don't, Chris, because I think economists really disagree about the effects.
[05:48:11] Wait, what do you mean you don't acknowledge that?
[05:48:14] Why don't you acknowledge that?
[05:48:15] I mean, that is the case, like protectionist trade policy aside, like whether you agree
[05:48:23] with it or not.
[05:48:24] know but like yeah no it definitely would it definitely would be translated to
[05:48:29] the consumer I mean these guys say that when it comes to wage growth all the
[05:48:35] fucking time oh dude not only do economists think that it's basic fucking
[05:48:41] history like of course hey it's Hassan the OG propaganda guru I assume when
[05:48:48] someone calls me a OG propaganda guru with a double S this is probably not going
[05:48:52] to be someone who likes what I have to say. Double S classic, never fails. Yeah, tariffs
[05:49:08] absolutely translate costs directly, directly back to the consumer. There is a way in which
[05:49:17] it wouldn't, I guess, if magically companies decided to cut away into their profits, but
[05:49:30] I doubt that they're going to do that just like I doubt that they would do that with
[05:49:34] wage growth.
[05:49:40] Economists disagree about the effects of tariffs.
[05:49:42] Oh my God, ask rock.
[05:49:43] I'm going to fucking die.
[05:49:45] Economist statement before the panel imposing new US tariffs on steel and aluminum will
[05:49:49] improve America's welfare.
[05:49:51] Disagree 28% strongly disagree 65% agree 0% uncertain 0%.
[05:50:00] It's like not a thing that's not to be fair.
[05:50:06] Economists don't agree on shit.
[05:50:07] they do agree on this. Economists literally never agree universally on anything except for yes,
[05:50:17] tariffs will absolutely increase costs. So tariffs because there can be a dynamic effect,
[05:50:38] right? So what some economists will say is what you just said, that it will actually
[05:50:42] raise costs for consumers. But what other people say, and I think the record supports what
[05:50:47] this other view is that it causes this dynamic effect where more jobs come into the country.
[05:50:52] anything that you lose on the tariff from the perspective of the consumer, you've gained
[05:50:57] in higher wages.
[05:50:58] So you're ultimately much better off.
[05:51:00] You have more take home pay.
[05:51:01] Wait.
[05:51:02] I thought higher wages also literally directly added to the cost.
[05:51:06] Hello.
[05:51:07] What's this guy talking about?
[05:51:11] I thought wage growth was the real reason why there was so much inflation in America.
[05:51:16] What happened?
[05:51:17] What's this guy talking about?
[05:51:22] You have better jobs.
[05:51:23] And also, we have more reliance,
[05:51:25] because one of the things we learned during COVID,
[05:51:27] I don't, by the way, blame Democrats for this,
[05:51:30] but one of the things we learned during COVID, Kristin,
[05:51:31] is that if our supply chains are really brittle,
[05:51:34] if we depend on the Chinese to make too much of our stuff,
[05:51:37] then prices can skyrocket at a time of crisis.
[05:51:40] The economists who say that tariffs are bad,
[05:51:43] they don't take that into account,
[05:51:44] and we've all learned it harder.
[05:51:46] It is economists across the board, really.
[05:51:48] I mean, the Wall Street Journal says economic data
[05:51:50] showed that Donald Trump's trade war with China
[05:51:52] did not achieve its objectives of reversing the declines in U.S. manufacturing or reshoring
[05:51:57] factory jobs. I hear what you're saying. It's a complicated picture, but just on that bottom
[05:52:02] line point, you can't guarantee that Americans won't wind up paying up anymore. Can you?
[05:52:07] Well, I think that what you can guarantee is that if you don't bring more manufacturing
[05:52:11] jobs back into this country, you don't make our supply chains more stable. You're
[05:52:15] going to cause higher prices over the long term. I think that is what is absolute.
[05:52:19] I think the tariff war on China stuff is like pretty crazy.
[05:52:22] It's also even crazier that Biden also ran with it too.
[05:52:26] Like Biden literally also personally went along with this and was like running on this as well.
[05:52:35] Um, I suspect that it is, uh, I suspect that it is to gear America or to like try and move America away from China in terms of like its manufacturing hub.
[05:52:47] And then like, I don't know maybe work with like India or something. I don't fucking know
[05:52:52] Like it's just like Cold War 2.0 shit
[05:52:55] China hates us though. What bro? I love China. Why do we have to hate China so much China hates us though first of all
[05:53:08] China doesn't hate us at all. We're the largest fucking
[05:53:11] We are the mouths that they feed. What are you talking about? We eat non-stop
[05:53:17] up the fuck they love our shit dude as long as we buy garbage they will forever be open
[05:53:26] to that like the other the inverse of this is China trying to improve and and trying to
[05:53:33] open up new consumer bases by developing African nations like to open up new to open up new
[05:53:40] new markets so that they can sell to different markets in a way to offset, in a way to offset
[05:53:50] like, you know, the potential American cold war that will try to cut trade from China.
[05:53:56] I don't know if that'll actually happen, but who knows? I'm saying like as a cultural export,
[05:54:02] they hate us. What are what the Africans don't want the Chinese there? I don't know about
[05:54:21] But I want to open up African markets to move cheap manufacturing when the Chinese labor
[05:54:30] forces are willing to do cheap labor.
[05:54:32] Yeah.
[05:54:43] But you acknowledge they could wind up paying more.
[05:54:46] What I acknowledge, Kristen, is that unless we bring more manufacturing jobs back to
[05:54:50] this country, we are going to end up paying more in the long term.
[05:54:53] Remember, the whole promise.
[05:54:54] Again, this was a bipartisan thing.
[05:54:56] My own party was as wrong about it as Democrats were, and Donald Trump was right about it.
[05:55:01] What they said is that if you shipped all of our manufacturing to East Asia and
[05:55:04] into Mexico, Americans would pay lower prices.
[05:55:08] Well, here we are now, and Americans
[05:55:10] are paying higher prices.
[05:55:11] And just one more thing on this, Kristin,
[05:55:12] because it's really important to go
[05:55:13] at what Kamala Harris actually said in her convention speech.
[05:55:16] She says that she wants to stand up to China
[05:55:18] on behalf of American workers.
[05:55:20] If you're not willing to impose tariffs
[05:55:22] on companies that are manufacturing in China
[05:55:25] using slave labor in China, you're not standing up
[05:55:27] to the Chinese, and Americans are really going to suffer.
[05:55:29] And on pricing and prices right now,
[05:55:32] inflation obviously at its lowest level since 2021. But let's move on. Robert F. Kennedy,
[05:55:38] the big news yesterday. He suspended his campaign announced he's endorsing Donald Trump. He
[05:55:44] is also known as someone who has blamed vaccines for autism, anti-depressants for school shootings
[05:55:49] and it's really good that they went with like an even freakier dude. They were like,
[05:55:55] hey, J.D. Vance keeps talking about femoids. And that is not playing really well. What
[05:56:01] we should do instead, what we should do instead is have an even freakier dude be prominently
[05:56:10] displayed alongside our campaign. Like a guy who objectively, like objectively looks like
[05:56:18] he was, uh, like he is, is overtaken by like, like there's videos of him that he put out
[05:56:28] of himself as a part of his campaign strategy, where he's surrounded by bugs, like bugs are
[05:56:34] crawling all over his skin.
[05:56:35] And recently said quote, he won't take sides on what happened on 9 11 sounds like a derogatory
[05:56:44] term for females. It is. I'm saying like J.D. Vance is doing like in cell speak. P moids.
[05:56:50] Do you have any hesitation about accepting his endorsement? No, Chris, I don't because
[05:56:55] We're going to disagree on issues, right?
[05:56:57] There are things that Robert Kennedy has said
[05:56:58] that I disagree with.
[05:56:59] I'm sure there are things that he said,
[05:57:00] or that I've said, excuse me, that he's going to disagree with.
[05:57:03] But I think what his endorsement represents
[05:57:04] is that Donald J. Trump's Republican Party
[05:57:07] is a big tech party.
[05:57:08] I was raised by two grandparents
[05:57:10] who are sort of classic blue-dog Democrats.
[05:57:12] They believed in having a border.
[05:57:14] They believed that you shouldn't have censorship
[05:57:16] in the United States of America.
[05:57:17] They believed in common sense economic policies.
[05:57:20] They may have disagreed with Donald Trump about tax policy,
[05:57:22] but they believed in some fundamental American values.
[05:57:25] I think what RFK's endorsement really shows is that the Kennedy Democrats are actually
[05:57:30] more at home in the Republican Party of Donald Trump.
[05:57:33] And unfortunately, Kamala Harris' party, higher prices, doing nothing to fight back
[05:57:37] against the Chinese to say nothing of a wide open border.
[05:57:40] That is not JFK's Democratic Party.
[05:57:42] It's not RFK's Democratic Party.
[05:57:44] We're thrilled to have the Kennedy Democrats where they belong.
[05:57:46] Well, and some of the Kennedy family have stepped forward to say that they sharply
[05:57:50] disagree with this endorsement.
[05:57:51] But let's just go back very quickly.
[05:57:53] He says he isn't taking sides on 9-11.
[05:57:55] Do you agree with that statement?
[05:57:56] Well, of course I don't agree with that, Kristen.
[05:57:58] Now, to be clear, I don't know what RFK actually said there.
[05:58:01] Maybe there was additional context.
[05:58:02] Of course, you actually have to see what people say
[05:58:04] before you agree or disagree with it.
[05:58:06] I certainly have taken sides in 9-11.
[05:58:08] I'm the pro-America side.
[05:58:09] I don't think that we should have been attacked.
[05:58:10] And I certainly think hitting back
[05:58:12] against the terrorists was justified.
[05:58:13] I don't know what RFK said there.
[05:58:15] But what I do know is that RFK
[05:58:17] said a lot of very interesting and important things,
[05:58:20] that the Democratic party has become too pro censorship,
[05:58:23] that the Democratic party,
[05:58:24] especially in the wake of COVID became...
[05:58:27] Yeah, see, if the media had like any sort of backbone,
[05:58:29] they'd be like, okay, you've said that like,
[05:58:34] like anti-Israel protesters should be shot.
[05:58:38] Not that, I don't think you said exactly those words,
[05:58:42] but you know, something akin to that.
[05:58:44] How does that, how does that play with the fact
[05:58:47] that you say the Democratic party's pro censorship
[05:58:50] It kind of seems like your pro censorship as well.
[05:58:57] Or the book burnings that the Florida Republican party
[05:59:02] has actively pushed for and successfully implemented.
[05:59:06] Really anti-freedom and anti-child.
[05:59:08] And you have Democrats saying that we should be
[05:59:10] masking toddlers in their schools,
[05:59:13] even though we knew it caused developmental.
[05:59:15] Like masking toddlers in schools
[05:59:17] is not a point of contention you can run on in 2024.
[05:59:22] You're only lasering in on
[05:59:24] some of the biggest fucking freaks
[05:59:26] that are still thinking about this, okay?
[05:59:35] Disabilities, I agree with RFK that that was crazy.
[05:59:38] Well, to be fair, there was a lot of information
[05:59:40] that scientists were grappling with
[05:59:42] as it came in and masks were perceived
[05:59:44] to stop the spread of the disease.
[05:59:45] Let's move on.
[05:59:46] Totally, totally fair.
[05:59:48] Yeah.
[05:59:48] But the one thing before we move on
[05:59:49] that I would say on that is there were important leaders.
[05:59:52] Donald Trump was among them, RFK was among them
[05:59:54] who were saying, some of this stuff is crazy.
[05:59:56] And if we had listened to them,
[05:59:57] I think our kids would have been much better off
[05:59:59] in the wake of the pandemic.
[06:00:00] I mean, scientists did show that masks
[06:00:01] helped to stop the spread of the disease.
[06:00:03] Let's talk about another big issue.
[06:00:05] The possibilities for toddlers, right?
[06:00:06] We have to be able to balance this stuff.
[06:00:08] And I think the way that RFK struck that balance.
[06:00:11] Is this regressive COVID conversation
[06:00:12] a benefit or a hindrance for Trump?
[06:00:14] No, it's fucking massive hindrance.
[06:00:17] Remember, Trump's cult base already is locked in.
[06:00:22] Think about, think about like, I don't know, your friend's father, who like, is kind of
[06:00:33] conservative, okay?
[06:00:36] Doesn't like Trump.
[06:00:38] But has like been a conservative his whole life.
[06:00:40] Like, is that guy gonna be like, hell yeah, they did, they massed the fucking, they massed
[06:00:45] the got nine kids.
[06:00:47] It was much smarter, unfortunately, than the way the common heiress did.
[06:01:13] Let's talk about another big issue that was talked about at the Democratic National Convention.
[06:01:18] It's being.
[06:01:19] Bro, this is worse than-
[06:01:20] This is worse than Hillary Clinton's run, dude.
[06:01:28] They are-
[06:01:29] They're doing jib jab memes, dude.
[06:01:31] In 2024, this is a generationally bad run, dawg.
[06:01:36] This is so-
[06:01:51] God damn, dude.
[06:01:53] This is so fucking bad.
[06:01:56] Holy shit.
[06:01:57] and talked about on the campaign trail, abortion.
[06:02:00] Democrats made the case this week and beyond this week
[06:02:03] that Donald Trump, if elected, will impose a federal ban
[06:02:07] on abortion if he wins.
[06:02:08] Now, Donald Trump says he won't,
[06:02:10] but can you commit, Senator, sitting right here with me
[06:02:14] today, that if you and Donald Trump are elected,
[06:02:17] that you will not impose a federal ban on abortion?
[06:02:20] I can absolutely commit that, Kristen.
[06:02:22] Donald Trump has been as clear about that as possible.
[06:02:24] I think it's important to step back and say,
[06:02:26] What is Donald Trump actually said on the abortion question?
[06:02:29] And how is it different from what Kamala Harris and Democrats have said?
[06:02:32] Donald Trump wants to end this cultural war over this particular topic.
[06:02:36] If Kamala, excuse me, California wants to have a different abortion policy from Ohio,
[06:02:40] then Ohio has to respect California and California has to respect Ohio.
[06:02:44] Why?
[06:02:45] One must ask the question, why then?
[06:02:47] Like, so murder is okay in California, but it's not okay in Ohio.
[06:02:52] Is abortion really murder?
[06:02:53] No front, but why your arms look like a failed steroid cure?
[06:02:59] Because I currently have big ass fucking sleeves that make my arms look actually kind of fucking
[06:03:06] fat and not muscular, even though they are okay, it'll be all right.
[06:03:27] Just saying it's kind of dumb.
[06:03:29] It's kind of dumb to be like abortion is murder, but we also we also want Democrats
[06:03:35] to be able to murder babies in California.
[06:03:38] Not a good idea.
[06:03:40] Donald Trump's view is that we want the individual states
[06:03:43] and their individual cultures and their unique political
[06:03:45] sensibilities to make these decisions
[06:03:48] because we don't want to have a nonstop federal conflict
[06:03:52] over this issue.
[06:03:53] The federal government ought to be focused on getting food
[06:03:55] prices down, getting housing prices down.
[06:03:57] Issues, of course, where Kamala Harris has
[06:03:59] been a total disaster.
[06:04:00] So I think Donald Trump is right.
[06:04:01] We want the federal government
[06:04:03] on these big economic and immigration questions, let the states figure out their own abortion
[06:04:07] policy.
[06:04:08] Let me just follow up with you a little bit on that point because I've been talking to
[06:04:11] Republicans including Senator Lindsey Graham just last week who've made it very clear that
[06:04:17] if Donald Trump is elected, if you are elected-
[06:04:19] When I'm in Tulsi Gabbard, she used to be a progressive, she was never a progressive,
[06:04:22] she was always a grifter.
[06:04:24] I was the number one Tulsi Gabbard hater from the jump and so many fucking cranks
[06:04:28] yelled at me, many of which are named Jimmy door and Jimmy door fans. Okay. So many fucking
[06:04:37] cranks who back then were the real leftist and I was a phony one. Okay. God damn. So many,
[06:04:45] what is it like? There's, there's a bunch of them on Twitter too. Throughout my 10 year
[06:04:54] political broadcasting career, dude, I've had so many motherfuckers. I've had so many
[06:04:59] Motherfuckers be like Hasan's a grifter Hasan's a fake Hasan's a phony every single one of those people are now
[06:05:06] Straight up right wing every single one to a T
[06:05:10] every single one
[06:05:21] I think my keyboard is busted tonight
[06:05:36] I
[06:05:39] Gotta fix my my keyboard is broken
[06:05:43] No, it's the fucking
[06:05:54] Disconnect the soda the soda the soda. Oh, dude. Let me see if it works soda
[06:06:11] Minnesota
[06:06:15] Fuck let's see the word. Let's see if I can fix
[06:06:18] Okay, I fixed it. I don't know how but I found this clip on you on Tulsi
[06:06:31] The only one who's fucking out there fighting for these fighting for these wars the end
[06:06:38] Just like such a one-trick pony holy shit, and I don't even believe in it. I
[06:06:44] Don't even believe in it. I don't believe in her. I hate to say it, but I want to but I don't believe in her at all
[06:06:54] That's literally a photo of jank behind me or then you too
[06:06:58] Can be smeared your character can be smeared cool. I'm I'm glad that
[06:07:04] this was 2019 May this is earlier than 2019 that's in like the New Jersey that's in the
[06:07:14] New Jersey house my grandparents New Jersey house there's no longer is even that no longer
[06:07:21] even exist and it's a photo of yeah I'm on a Mac with this is before 2019 putting jen
[06:07:33] on the wall like he's Stalin bro it was his room what do you mean the Tulsi is the only
[06:07:42] anyone who's fucking out there fighting. Oh, it is. It is 2019. Nevermind. Look at the
[06:07:46] video date. Well, we also have politics stuff you lined up for us today. So there's no point
[06:07:54] in going through it again. So gaming now people shy. Okay. That clipper is still in here.
[06:08:09] That's fucking long term commitment, dude. Did your career explode in the last five
[06:08:16] years only? Yes. After I went full time, after I went full time in 2020, that's
[06:08:33] when my career popped off. Okay. Cold War 2.0 won't work. The U.S. wasn't economically
[06:08:47] dependent on the Soviet Union. I agree. All right, the rest of this stuff is kind of boring.
[06:08:53] But let's see, let's see Michael Kostle talk to some extremely confident Dems. And then
[06:08:58] we'll move on to some other shit.
[06:09:00] for the Democratic National Convention,
[06:09:02] and the dams are excited.
[06:09:03] Yeah!
[06:09:05] They're so confident.
[06:09:07] This thing is in the bag.
[06:09:08] So what are we even doing here?
[06:09:10] I am 100% confident.
[06:09:11] Wow, so you're very confident.
[06:09:14] Are you extraordinarily confident?
[06:09:16] I'm extraordinarily confident, yeah.
[06:09:17] Are you super extraordinarily confident?
[06:09:19] Super extraordinarily confident.
[06:09:21] Feeling grand fired up and pumped up.
[06:09:23] You know, we're nominating only the second female,
[06:09:25] and the major party ticket to be our presidential nominee.
[06:09:27] Are you one of those, like, political dorks?
[06:09:29] You can say that.
[06:09:30] Are you confident?
[06:09:32] Absolutely.
[06:09:32] Are you farting on an airplane?
[06:09:35] No one's going to know what's to you, confident?
[06:09:37] So look into the camera and say, my name's Dylan.
[06:09:39] And this shit is.
[06:09:40] Dude, it's not even a joke.
[06:09:43] I mean, straight up, he's so right about this.
[06:09:47] Farting on an airplane is one of the most liberating
[06:09:53] experiences you can engage in in public.
[06:09:55] Because the air cycles out so quick, it's the best.
[06:09:59] and absolutely no one is gonna know is you.
[06:10:03] Chad, do not fart on an airplane.
[06:10:05] Dude, trust me.
[06:10:08] When you do it once, when you do it once, bro,
[06:10:11] it's like the most liberating thing.
[06:10:13] You hold it the entire flight, y'all are crazy.
[06:10:20] Dude, y'all are crazy, bro, you're fucked up.
[06:10:25] Okay, there's two kinds of people, okay?
[06:10:29] People who fart on airplanes and people who have never tasted true freedom straight up.
[06:10:44] No, the first quest for us go to economy class, dude.
[06:10:47] Well, I don't know.
[06:10:47] It's not my problem.
[06:10:58] The thing is the thing is I was fine with the nine 11 stuff, but this is a bridge too far.
[06:11:08] Wow.
[06:11:08] So nine 11 wasn't the worst fucking thing that I've talked about with
[06:11:12] respect to commercial airliners on us soil.
[06:11:16] Really?
[06:11:18] This is
[06:11:20] That's crazy
[06:11:22] I'm afraid to think up the whole cabin bro and newer planes air turns blue when you force and we will know who farted
[06:11:30] That's such a funny lie. It's like the fucking pool like peeing in the pool
[06:11:38] Dude, that's I can't pee in pools. I can't pee in open water. I don't know why I'm too P shy
[06:11:47] Actually wait to hop until I get into the cabin to fart. That's how good it feels
[06:11:50] on an airplane has to be a bio weapon wait what the fuck dude dude okay some of you guys
[06:12:07] are fucking cowards you've never done it that's why I think that's what it is can we go back
[06:12:15] to politics no this is this is politics okay this is this is personal freedoms this is liberty
[06:12:22] this is philosophy this is the intersectionality of all things that you care about supposedly
[06:12:29] Like, Oh, what the fuck?
[06:12:37] Do you fart on airplanes?
[06:12:39] No, that's foul.
[06:12:40] Yes, I'm nasty.
[06:12:42] Wow.
[06:12:43] The mods really cook the books on this one on the pole.
[06:12:46] What the fuck?
[06:13:03] It's crazy.
[06:13:04] It's crazy.
[06:13:10] Who the fuck farts on a plane?
[06:13:11] Me motherfucker.
[06:13:12] What do you mean?
[06:13:13] Not even a question.
[06:13:17] Not even a question, dude.
[06:13:20] That's wild.
[06:13:22] I'm actually kind of confused.
[06:13:24] Like, I thought there was other people who also
[06:13:26] recognize that like, for some reason, I don't know what it is. It's almost a perfect 50 50 split to
[06:13:33] it's like 52% 48% even with how cuck the polls are. I'm not even kidding. You think they cannot
[06:13:49] smell it, but trust me, they can, but I can't even smell my own farts. And I don't smell anyone
[06:13:54] else's farts either. Socialism sounds 52% of people have flown one time or lessen their
[06:14:17] whole life. Flip buddy, see you on Fox News tomorrow with this mirror campaign. Yeah,
[06:14:25] I'm sorry.
[06:14:28] Y'all are crazy.
[06:14:36] Your chat is full of fucking cowards.
[06:14:38] How are you planning to do a revolution if you won't fart on a plane?
[06:14:41] Armchair revolutionaries.
[06:14:45] I think it's crazy that this is the worst take you've ever had.
[06:14:50] I think you guys are literally crazy.
[06:14:52] I will never stop farting on an airplane.
[06:14:55] It's the perfect place to do it in public.
[06:14:58] It is one of the, it is one of the greatest freedoms of all time.
[06:15:02] I'm sorry. You will never take that away from me. You can pry that from my cold, dead butt, okay?
[06:15:09] It is my God-given right? And I will never stop.
[06:15:18] Elevators, no! No, you can't fart in a fucking confined space.
[06:15:24] Like, airplanes are different. Airplanes are different because like, I don't know what it is, but I think it like cycles the air or some shit.
[06:15:34] That's what it is
[06:15:36] No, I'm serious
[06:15:38] There's many of you have never done it so you don't know and I will never be able to describe it to you
[06:15:43] But I think it's the filters or if it's because it's like constantly pumping air into the fucking cabin
[06:15:49] but like
[06:15:50] It literally absorbs it like it doesn't first of all the sound of the plane absorbs the sound of the fart and
[06:15:59] the cabin
[06:16:01] Cycles air is a slippery slope, man. Okay. I think we found a new podcast subject matter
[06:16:17] I can smell mine when I'm on a plane. I still let it rip those as chocolate checkers
[06:16:25] What kind of chocolate are you checking, huh?
[06:16:27] We're gonna wear out the filters and kill everyone with your nasty ass
[06:16:37] I clean rich people's pools for a summer job and piss on all their back years back
[06:16:50] Yara is a similar feeling of freedom and a feeling of fuck you. I've never fully understood why
[06:17:03] I've never fully understood why but like I promise you just let it rip one time and
[06:17:09] You will understand what I mean next time you fly you're gonna let it rip and you're gonna remember me and you're gonna be like
[06:17:16] Oh my god, LaSanne is the goat. He literally is the most right person on the planet
[06:17:21] And he is literally right about this as
[06:17:25] Well as everything else
[06:17:27] Let's continue
[06:17:36] and the shit's done.
[06:17:37] Yup, the energy, Michelle Obama's speech,
[06:17:41] Kamala, the first black Indian woman.
[06:17:45] I mean, it's done, isn't it?
[06:17:46] Not a shit's done, Connor.
[06:17:48] We need to take the energy that we have here
[06:17:50] and go out and knock on some doors.
[06:17:51] But dude, you're a white guy, right?
[06:17:53] Overconfidence is our thing.
[06:17:55] I want to say that's exactly true, I'm sorry.
[06:17:57] Well, explain that, what do you mean?
[06:17:58] I feel like the Dems with their confidence right now
[06:18:00] are acting like a bunch of white dudes
[06:18:02] going into a strip club with their dad's credit card.
[06:18:04] Am I right, huh, Connor?
[06:18:06] Do you think this thing's in the bag?
[06:18:09] I don't know if we necessarily have it in the bag today,
[06:18:11] but it's getting, it's the bags there.
[06:18:12] What's in the bag, and what do you mean the bag is there?
[06:18:16] What are you talking about?
[06:18:18] It's a metaphor, okay?
[06:18:19] It's a metaphor, we have a, you know,
[06:18:21] a metaphorical bag is, you know, the election
[06:18:24] and the victory is, that's where the votes are,
[06:18:27] in the bag.
[06:18:28] Wait, so where's the bag?
[06:18:29] Where's, I don't know, I'm not privy
[06:18:30] to that information, so I don't actually know where.
[06:18:32] Okay, this is kind of whack.
[06:18:33] here. There's a couple things I want to watch, a couple things I want to talk about briefly.
[06:18:39] Here, this is a Nelk Boys doing an epic troll. This is one of the best things I've ever seen.
[06:18:46] Absolutely must watch.
[06:18:48] Hi.
[06:18:49] Hello there. Hi. I work for the Harris and Waltz campaign.
[06:18:52] Take it off.
[06:18:53] No, I'm going to leave it there because-
[06:18:55] No, you're not going to leave it there.
[06:18:57] Oh, why?
[06:18:58] Because I can't stand them.
[06:18:59] Do you not support tampons in men's bathrooms?
[06:19:00] No, I don't support tampons in men's bathrooms.
[06:19:03] This is so fake dude
[06:19:06] Come on. You gotta Republicans are so stupid
[06:19:17] like
[06:19:18] Also, this dude is Canadian bro. The milk boys are Canadian. Okay?
[06:19:25] They're fucking Canadian
[06:19:27] Even if it was real, it's like okay
[06:19:29] You went to a Republicans house and you put that fucking thing out there. It's it's lame and it's annoying
[06:19:40] Fuck out of here! Get out of my-
[06:19:42] Bro, this is so funny because it just once again, like, you're trying to own the libs.
[06:19:49] Okay?
[06:19:51] You are trying to own the libs,
[06:19:54] and it fucking turns out you're still making Republicans look rotund and crazy.
[06:20:00] That's proper-
[06:20:01] It looks good there, though.
[06:20:02] Wait, don't hurt- don't touch my sign!
[06:20:04] That's my sign!
[06:20:04] I don't give a shit! There are a bunch of fucking communists!
[06:20:07] You didn't address me by my pronouns!
[06:20:09] I'm to spirit
[06:20:14] This is ridiculous
[06:20:22] But you know they should keep doing this because it's great hog watch for me
[06:20:27] I was good and dear. It doesn't work in practice
[06:20:30] Dude, I like James Ray wall, but like I'm not gonna fucking pause through a goddamn take talk to read. Okay
[06:20:44] Like it's crazy is madness
[06:20:47] Feel like this is like becoming a meta commentary
[06:21:55] Like this is becoming a joke about how left is make content
[06:22:06] He's forgetting dictators and most of these socialism structures you fucking tell him dude
[06:22:12] Dictatorily fucking
[06:22:13] Improving the literacy rate by 100% and
[06:22:17] Improving health care outcomes by like 80% I hate these fucking dictators
[06:22:22] I hate him so much that I wish them upon my nation, you know
[06:22:26] I wish that I could have a dictator that would improve the American literacy rate
[06:22:32] That would improve American health care and improve American education no matter how fucking hard
[06:22:40] No matter how fucking hard Republicans fight back and Democrats fight back, you know what I mean?
[06:22:45] I would hate land reform dude. That shit was sucked so bad
[06:22:52] Holy moly dude
[06:23:03] Land reform is a real controversial issue though. My family just wants their slaves and plantation back
[06:23:08] This one's getting clipped so hard. Yeah, I mean dude clip it like I do mean it
[06:23:15] Like think about it this way think about it this way like
[06:23:19] Like can you imagine when like a corrupt when a corrupt corporate leader?
[06:23:26] Okay, is like poisoning the food supply
[06:23:29] to
[06:23:31] To to get better returns
[06:23:33] Year over year and then they're caught
[06:23:35] Okay. And then they're actually dealt with swiftly. Oh my God. I hate that. I hate that so much. I
[06:23:44] hate that. I hate that kind of like a dictatorship of the proletariat. That would be devastating for
[06:23:57] me. Personally, I hate that. Instead, we should have guys like this. Here's Tim Wall sending a
[06:24:04] special birthday shout out to our favorite pup scout. Couldn't think of a better way to spend
[06:24:09] a beautiful fall day than at the dog park. I know Scout enjoyed it. The funny thing is,
[06:24:15] you know, this is Dustin Grage, Minnesota GOP hype man. Okay. And he literally clipped a fucking
[06:24:23] video where Tim Walts is playing with another dog at the dog park. Or this is, this might not be
[06:24:33] the video. I think this is a video. The dog in the second photo is one Tim, Tim Walts met
[06:24:38] while taking Scout from the first photo to the dog park,
[06:24:42] fuller video from that moment available on Tim Walts' Instagram.
[06:24:47] Like, tell me how. Yeah, there it is. There's Scout,
[06:24:50] his dog at the dog park, and there's Tim Walts
[06:24:54] playing with another dog from the dog park.
[06:25:00] I loved it. The Republican opposition research is this.
[06:25:03] Not to be that guy, but oftentimes there's multiple people and dogs at
[06:25:07] dog parks. So it could be someone else's
[06:25:09] dog that he is petting. OMG. Tim Walz tweeted pics of two different dogs, one of which he owns.
[06:25:23] Now, like, tell me how, tell me how you think these guys would not benefit and their next of kin
[06:25:38] would not fucking benefit from, you know, the dictatorship of the proletariat forcibly
[06:25:44] educating the masses. Bro, this isn't even reading comprehension, dude. This is literally
[06:25:57] a baby would be able to understand what is going on here, a baby. Okay? You don't need
[06:26:02] to have reading comprehension to assume that, Hey, maybe there's more than one dog at the
[06:26:07] fucking dog park and that he didn't swap out his dog. Like even if there was time, even
[06:26:14] if there was a time between the two photos and you looked at this, you could probably
[06:26:20] think maybe he got a second dog and also named the dog scout. Like maybe his first
[06:26:26] dog scout died, and he got a second dog, and he also named the second dog scout.
[06:26:30] These are so many different assumptions you can make that are infinitely more
[06:26:35] reasonable than the one that this guy is making, which is that he swapped his
[06:26:40] dog with another dog, like something magically occurred, where there was like
[06:26:49] a secret indecent way in which the dog changed colors. It is called object
[06:26:58] Permanence babies have them. This is how babies react when you play peekaboo with them because
[06:27:08] they don't have object permanence. So one of the future really good ideas that Bannon had
[06:27:24] in 2016 was that he, that he treated Clinton scandals with some measure of restraint. He
[06:27:29] saw that the GOP overdid it in the nineties by obsessing over every little thing they
[06:27:32] could think of. So he just stuck to a few core themes anyways. Another Walt's conspiracy
[06:28:07] was yeah, when his son was about to hit his head on the teleprompter and he yanked
[06:28:12] them must watch is it just me or did Tim Walls aggressively yank his son last night on stage
[06:28:19] seems like he could be a very different person behind closed doors well he's not behind closed
[06:28:25] doors there is he he's actually in front of a massive audience why would he do that perhaps
[06:28:31] it was because he was worried that his son was about to walk in to a teleprompter 18,000
[06:28:44] likes. Exclusive photographs. Tim Hals wearing crown that claims him Burger King, despite
[06:28:59] having no such title. Tim Hals told his kids, I got your nose when in fact he did not have
[06:29:08] their noses. Minnesota State Fair, a line for the never waltz booth, but no one at the
[06:29:30] Amy Klobuchar booth. I guess it's over. Minnesota's going right wing. It's kind of funny
[06:30:05] that these guys are just like getting increasingly more insane.
[06:30:09] Did you see this 2016 style clip?
[06:30:14] Trigger warning, Hillary Clinton.
[06:30:16] Oh yeah, sobering reminder, we 100% still loses.
[06:30:21] I think this is fake, isn't it?
[06:30:27] Is this real?
[06:30:29] Isn't that like Melania Trump?
[06:30:38] I can't tell.
[06:30:39] No, a look alike, a Melania Trump look alike is not AI.
[06:30:48] All Twitter conservative weirdos want to be the guy that finds some conspiracy
[06:30:50] first. It's a Melania impersonator. They're doing it around a real Melania impersonator.
[06:31:03] Yeah, by the way, this is awful, regardless. Whether it's AI or not, it's still awful.
[06:31:08] This should never happen. This is proof is real. I didn't know how to send it. So I uploaded to
[06:31:19] a TikTok. I'm sorry. That video is currently unavailable. We should stay the fuck away from
[06:31:36] Hillary Clinton, but ain't nobody listening to me, you know, ain't nobody listening to my
[06:31:42] ass on this shit. Theory one, in October 2022, Walt made a dad joke about having fun with
[06:31:47] another dog not scout at the dog park while also releasing a video of Scout playing with
[06:31:50] that dog. Theory two, Scout has been replaced by Scout 2, a CCP spy, and the scheme has
[06:31:56] been busted by patriots. This shit is real brother. Oh god. Oh no. You were on point.
[06:32:16] No proof Trump supporters carried jars of fake Van Seamen and rallies. The pictures
[06:32:20] did not appear to be altered but there are mergers of the hallmarks of a hoax it's unproven
[06:32:26] so it's not like a full blown thing I thought it was too weird even for the fucking most
[06:32:32] weird republicans date the right the right stuff got triggered a wall master son is
[06:32:40] a gay liberal got it sick man you did it you really owned him that's insane he said
[06:33:04] He's a gay liberal who hates black people. Okay. Also, I saw this. I got to talk about this
[06:33:09] It's not even the top female streamer either is bullshit as my goal slam streamer the year award after kaisen and I show speed lost the rivers
[06:33:18] so what
[06:33:20] What happened here? Does anyone does anyone know what as my goal is mad at because I don't like I I have no idea
[06:33:31] I'm salty that it was obviously a diversity pick because she's a woman and
[06:33:35] And everybody knows it. It should have been speed or Kai or
[06:33:40] Kaso or like three other people
[06:33:43] Everybody knows it. It's fucking obnoxious or or ebi
[06:33:47] The Saudi royal family chose the winner and people are accusing them of DEI no joke. That's awesome
[06:33:58] The Saudi eSports tourney did a streamer the year vote
[06:34:02] You know famously
[06:34:04] Famously, the people that are the most woke are the fucking Saudi royal family.
[06:34:13] The Saudis are trying to get that ESG score up.
[06:34:29] Spanish woman streamer with 6.6 million, she's Mexican, I think, she has 5 million followers
[06:34:37] on Twitter.
[06:34:38] I have no idea who the fuck this person is.
[06:34:40] I have no idea that there was an eSport award that was happening in Saudi Arabia.
[06:34:44] You want to know why?
[06:34:48] Because I have a fucking life, dude.
[06:34:50] Okay, that's why.
[06:34:51] I'm sorry.
[06:34:52] like isn't there a million of these fucking things every goddamn year it was
[06:35:05] fan awards is that what it is the fans voted they picked her because Saudis are
[06:35:12] in the global Latina belt fuck I knew it dude they're doing it you put her up
[06:35:23] there because the female it's embarrassing that's patronizing remember
[06:35:27] when it was a big advocate for women in streaming when he had a girlfriend
[06:35:30] Lamau oh yeah that's true he was also like kind of pro-sex work to friend of
[06:35:38] show Rob went on TV to talk about it is fan voting and kind speed fans do not give a fuck about
[06:35:43] those award shows. Yeah, he'd wait in for the record. Esports awards is not the streamer awards.
[06:35:53] The streamer awards a very different show. However, I like award shows for the sake of
[06:35:56] highlighting and uplifting creators is so bleak and depressing when the combo goes from congrats
[06:36:00] to it's bullshit. If the streamer awards go woke what institutions will we even have left?
[06:36:23] She's sometimes she's a Tina and foolish. They were on a Minecraft server. She's great.
[06:36:27] I'm sure she is. Every big streamer got paid to watch their event like two days ago. That's the only
[06:36:35] way I know. I wasn't paid to watch their event. So fuck off on the topic of gamer morons. You see
[06:36:43] grums is in court for skipping child support. That is the least surprising thing I've ever
[06:36:49] heard. You mean to tell me that a fucking right wing grifter who constantly tries to
[06:36:54] fucking uplift his own platform by chirping about by chirping about fucking video games
[06:37:01] going to woke or whatever. Uh, is, is actually a dead be dad. That's crazy. This is such a
[06:37:10] cool logic. This is such good logic. If it was fixed, why would the conspiracy select
[06:37:14] the top female streamer? These are war shows are just who gives a shit enough to campaign
[06:37:18] for votes as been doing the culture worship when he could just play MMOs and collect
[06:37:22] the check is so weird. Yeah. Like, was he always like this? And now we can profit
[06:37:27] from it or did he develop it? I never watched him genuinely asking because as a
[06:37:31] the passerby seems like every time he pops up, he's bitching about D. I like it actually
[06:37:35] affects his life instead of all the acrylamide in his liver. I don't know, man. I can't tell
[06:37:44] what the fuck's going on with Asmongold. I don't know. We'll crack open a fucking diet
[06:37:55] doctor pepper in his honor. You know what I mean? He's slowly becoming a malnourished
[06:38:07] quartering by Asmongold actually believes the nonsense he's saying. How about a 55
[06:38:12] year old guy who doesn't pay child support? Oh yeah, I saw this county of orange
[06:38:15] versus Mark Kern, like his all stream finally has ads. No sub button though. Yeah. I saw
[06:38:34] as many did a fucking video reacting to a RFK junior's speech and it got a million views.
[06:38:40] When you pop off like that, it's going to be hard, man. It's going to be hard to get
[06:38:43] back from that. You know what I mean? There's me, right? What is this in between path of
[06:38:56] exile stuff, black myth. Wukong is getting crazy. The fall of as many gold. We need
[06:39:01] We need to talk about black myth Wulconk. They want me to stop existing
[06:39:05] The golden age of gaming for girls the Ovan just interviewed Trump. What does this mean?
[06:39:11] Robert F. Kennedy's junior speech was up. I'm sorry to keep everybody waiting
[06:39:18] At a certain point people gotta be like
[06:39:32] Read the comments uncut angel a random video game sure me let this guy talk and our fucking news stations did not let it sink in
[06:39:42] I'm sorry, but these view counts is crazy. I'm selling out
[06:39:45] Get ready for hot hot tags. I'm not going to watch this entire thing. I'm not going to watch it at all actually
[06:39:53] because
[06:39:58] CNN cut it MSNBC didn't even air it. Yeah, because he was pulling it fucking like
[06:40:03] 6%
[06:40:04] My god, don't watch unless you
[06:40:21] Don't watch unless you want a bunch of new haters
[06:40:24] The best position for Trump to appoint RFK juniors the head of the CIA
[06:40:31] The idea of a Kennedy getting in there and dismantling the thing from the top is almost
[06:40:36] poetic.
[06:40:37] He has spasmodic dysphonia, voice, rare neurological condition.
[06:40:44] His voice used to be strong and loud.
[06:40:46] He hates it now, but made peace with it.
[06:40:48] I find it incredibly powerful that a man with a broken voice is the one to speak up
[06:40:52] about hard truths.
[06:41:02] What is this?
[06:41:03] I'd rather shove hot nails down my scrote.
[06:41:10] I mean, I don't know.
[06:41:12] a market for it. And I'm glad that, you know, as many gold is filling that market. It's clear.
[06:41:19] You know, it's not suggested, suggested him to talk about the issues. It was content before
[06:41:23] and he seems to listen. Well, as an RFK having comment, as many gold jumps off his chair after
[06:41:44] a roach attacks them. No, this is not common. It's a row flying at me. Give me a minute.
[06:41:50] RFK would eat the roach brother what do you mean RFK would welcome the roach
[06:41:56] RFK very famously does not mind bugs flying all over you
[06:42:01] dude god damn there was a threat from a fan called the fall of as men talking
[06:42:22] about how we just bitches all the time now and sucks the wires instead of
[06:42:25] actually addressing the critique you just showed us viewership charts to
[06:42:27] Ruby isn't falling. Very disingenuous. No, he's popping off. Asman gold. Obviously a
[06:42:33] swap to a second channel. Zagrar a while back and a second channel is popping off. It's
[06:42:39] got like, he, he stays at the top of the fucking leaderboard. I see him all day. He's like,
[06:42:45] he's cooking my ass after fucking time too. He's got like 40 K every day. Asman looks
[06:42:53] more and more like Nick cage from conner. I just look, there's a lot of people who
[06:43:00] value what he has to say about RFK Junior speech being a bloodbath. And you know, that's
[06:43:11] what's great about America. I think I don't know. Choose to love our kids more than we
[06:43:18] hate each other. He's dropping bars all over the place with this one. It's crazy that this
[06:43:22] is the first time some of y'all here in RFK as an older asthma viewer, he started
[06:43:42] what reacting to culture worship because it spends the stream reacting to a subreddit
[06:43:46] r slash asthma goal, which has cultivated the typical right leading loser space.
[06:43:50] There have to suppress full in so big video essays people kept wanting him to react to I
[06:43:58] Saw that post on a repost on your subreddit. Sorry for admitting to using Reddit
[06:44:03] Check the thumbnail on the one. He said they don't want me to exist like a lot of people chirp
[06:44:12] There's me right there a lot of people chirp at him
[06:44:15] Obviously cuz I mean he says a lot of shit and when you say a lot of shit people are gonna fucking chirp at you
[06:44:21] But like
[06:44:23] What's crazy about it is
[06:44:25] It's like he'll be like I'm getting fucking canceled
[06:44:31] It's like bro. You got 40,000 views like you know
[06:44:34] 40,000 live viewers like you ain't getting canceled big dog. You know what I mean? Ain't nobody canceling you
[06:44:43] Where is it?
[06:44:45] They want me to stop existing it works
[06:45:09] There's a often there's a strange amount of the Redditors actually serving a sub. Oh, no. Yeah, I know they fucking hate my ass
[06:45:15] I'm sure they'll fucking clip this shit and send him to send this to him to to be like look see you son is talking about you
[06:45:22] Like they love that shit. He's gonna sound the same coming for me, but I looked in the RFK's positive for the first time
[06:45:27] I literally realized these pro ad break. That's the second time I got cooked by megafaunix dude. I'm done. I'm fucking I'm done
[06:45:39] That's the second time
[06:45:44] Honestly, that makes sense as it is the biggest center
[06:45:47] So if you show him content that's primarily fire right leading in so she'd of course gonna position himself like this
[06:45:53] He didn't worry things Denim's actually put a hit on him, I can't believe I got cooked by megafaunix dude
[06:46:25] He literally did think Denim's wanted him dead. That's crazy
[06:46:36] What is happening like what is this pipeline is the worst pipeline I swear to God pick because she's a woman and
[06:46:43] And everybody knows it
[06:46:45] Bro, the top contenders are black. Isn't that also would be considered diversity?
[06:46:50] It's either Kai or Keso or like three other people
[06:46:56] Everybody knows it. Just like I didn't I didn't
[06:47:01] Serve the three men a break, but I'm gonna do it now. Okay, but
[06:47:06] Fucking obnoxious or or ebi
[06:47:08] Okay, okay, okay guys black speed is black. He buy his fat taste was kind of stuck
[06:47:20] The brilliant one is a woman, but yeah, I put her right because the what it's embarrassing. It's patronizing like it's not gonna stop female streamer either
[06:47:30] It's bullshit
[06:47:32] That's pretty funny
[06:47:34] got to hand it got to hand it to him that was funny
[06:47:37] it's not close it's not based on votes I think votes are only like 20% of the votes and the
[06:47:44] council does like 80% or something like that like that's it who's the council you or something
[06:47:51] I'm salty that it was obviously a diversity pick because she's a woman and everybody knows
[06:47:56] it it should have been speed or chi or uh case so or like three other people
[06:48:01] I can hit the wall one point that nobody is looking at me more than a wife because because
[06:48:08] you laugh but this is your fault. A Twitch streamer was never supposed to have a political
[06:48:13] view. You're like the Eve when she ate the apple. That's crazy. Okay. You think before
[06:48:21] me gamers weren't exactly like as many gold that you're like, you're like, I'm like,
[06:48:28] Exactly like as many gold
[06:48:31] That's so insane chatter you have to be I mean it's a funny joke that you made I respect it
[06:48:37] but like if you think that the entire market of like gamer adjacent politics was not
[06:48:46] Exactly like as many gold like that was the starting point as my goal be considered woke dog
[06:48:53] You know back then I was still a fucking commentator. I just wasn't on twitch
[06:48:58] Like
[06:49:00] Gamergate was happening. That was the entire market. You should be fucking thanking your lucky stars
[06:49:07] every fucking day
[06:49:09] that there's at least like
[06:49:12] Every day that you fucking live and breathe you should be excited that there is a guy out there with a community
[06:49:20] That's like relatively fucking large
[06:49:22] that actually
[06:49:24] Talks about fucking politics from a normal framework and isn't like doing brainbroken DEI culture war griffs
[06:49:32] Okay, calm down. It was a joke. I know it was a funny joke
[06:50:03] Ruby's you she participated in a boxing event which was a huge deal for the Latino community look how big those events were she developed a
[06:50:09] Huge fan base from there. So it was no surprise you got voted in
[06:50:11] You saw you say normal, but I saw Twitter an account for a company with 3k followers saying you're woke and a liar
[06:50:22] Yeah, gaming has always been an incredibly diverse space
[06:50:39] but the the political side of gaming or like the commentary field was almost always dominated by
[06:50:48] malding fucking weirdos who like hyper focus on like right wing culture worship like nonstop I
[06:50:56] keep seeing people say you're actually gay and a Republican is so crazy all all facts it's just
[06:51:13] how it is it's always rage based shit rage content always reads the right wing shit yeah
[06:51:22] Yeah. As we go, that's some good takes. It's just that he has a lot of bad ones too. I
[06:51:30] still respect him though, because he does go to bat for you all the time. I agree, which
[06:51:34] is crazy. When you're done owning the noobs, can you, you have to own the lives. No. Yeah.
[06:51:59] The thing is, I never want to hear from anybody ever again about how like fucking
[06:52:04] you're grifting, you're grifting, you're grifting. Okay. At the end of the day,
[06:52:07] going right wing will literally automatically improve your metrics.
[06:52:17] No boys are promoting a fake, what is this?
[06:52:21] No boys are promoting a fake voter registration sponsored by a Republican PAC.
[06:52:25] Is this legal?
[06:52:26] If Dems were doing this, Republicans would be freaking the fuck out.
[06:52:29] When you never win the vote this November, go here and sign up to properly register.
[06:52:32] Send the
[06:52:34] Quavo sucks.
[06:52:36] I'm not going to click on that.
[06:52:41] But I don't know.
[06:52:42] Yeah, this guy is a fucking gross little demon.
[06:53:18] I know we don't know each other, but would you respect me?
[06:53:21] Still, if I started gripping right wing, but eventually turned to a left wing guy once I got my back?
[06:53:25] No, I would not.
[06:53:27] I think it is unconscionable and fucking ridiculous that people become like right wing grifters straight up.
[06:53:42] You're gonna turn into this fucking little demon, okay?
[06:53:50] Straight up. It's really sad to learn how gross Mark Kern is was he was amazing for the wild
[06:53:57] community for a bit, but then we learned how in the lolly he is. What? New conspiracies just dropped.
[06:54:06] Every hog I know is going crazy over this. Justin Zuckerberg regrets working with the Biden
[06:54:09] Harris administration to censor COVID era information online. Are there any genuine
[06:54:20] right to left swap griptors only are here about lefties going right, but never chose going
[06:54:24] leftists, not just lived them. There have been some like Democratic party operatives that
[06:54:31] that have gone leftist, but they lose literally everything. They lose everything when they
[06:54:39] go left. Like there was a Clinton guy, I forget this Lebanese dude, Peter Dow. Like, and he
[06:54:46] lost basically everything. Hinkle kind of, but he's still a Nazi. No dude. Hinkle was
[06:55:01] a fucking Bernie bro and a Hassan Abbey head. And then he like got brainbroken by Republican
[06:55:08] culture worship. What are you talking about? He literally went right. That's what I'm talking
[06:55:15] about. But he's trying to market himself as a communist. No, no, dude, he's trying to market
[06:55:30] himself as a MAGA communist, which is again, but just market yourself as a fucking communist.
[06:55:36] Okay. But no, that's not enough. Because again, that doesn't play well. So you have
[06:55:54] You have to be like nationalist, sensationalist, right-wing in terms of like culture worship.
[06:56:01] That's usually how it works.
[06:56:02] Don't a lot of people on the right also move to be liberal progressive.
[06:56:06] Sometimes it's nice to see, yeah, like normal people.
[06:56:08] There's hella people in this chat.
[06:56:11] There are hella people in this chat.
[06:56:13] We're not talking about fucking commentators, but there are of course a million different
[06:56:18] people who started off right-wing and then reformed.
[06:56:22] Many of you are in here right now.
[06:56:24] a fuck ton of people like that. It's understandable, but what we're talking about right now are like
[06:56:28] commentators, people who like make money saying shit, okay? More often than not, most people just
[06:56:36] go right wing, like on the commentary space. They don't get paid to go left wing, there's no money
[06:56:43] there, and more importantly than money, there's no love there, okay? Think about this community.
[06:56:49] There's a reason why this community is one of the largest left-wing communities online
[06:56:55] It's because I fucking run the goddamn chat like the US Navy, okay?
[06:57:01] I fucking whip you guys in the shape on a regular fucking basis every step of the fucking way
[06:57:07] There's people who chirp from the right who want to make this a less safe space
[06:57:12] And then there's people who chirp from the left who want to make this place
[06:57:15] inherently hostile to those who are on a journey of learning that's difficult and
[06:57:20] every step of the fucking way people are constantly questioning my intentions
[06:57:25] long-term community members regularly fucking coming at me and being like
[06:57:30] dude there's a cynical reason as to why you're saying this thing that you're
[06:57:33] saying even though I've given you $5 for fucking 48 months and literally have
[06:57:39] been in here for eight hours every fucking day in that entire journey but
[06:57:43] Now I disagree with you and I can't it and it can't be because like I just don't fully get where you're coming from
[06:57:49] Or maybe I just don't see eye-to-eye on this one issue
[06:57:52] It must be some fucking cynical reason that you've portrayed the revolutionary cause people are just fucking insane on the left
[06:57:59] They don't do that shit on the right if you want to be a right-winger
[06:58:03] You just got to say the things okay, that's all you got to do. You just got to say the words
[06:58:09] That's it
[06:58:10] As long like they don't give a fuck dude. You could be black brown. You could be North Korean
[06:58:17] You could be Chinese as long as you're like I'm a racist. I love the Republican Party women ain't shit and
[06:58:25] Systemic racism doesn't exist. They're like
[06:58:29] Thank you, sir. You're welcome here. You're fucking great
[06:58:32] You don't even have to have like any charisma. You don't have to have talent. You don't have to be entertaining
[06:58:38] Okay, you don't have to try to like cultivate audience
[06:58:44] All you need to do is say the fucking words
[06:58:48] Okay
[06:58:50] Say the words that Republicans want to hear didn't know you were on the left. I thought you were a moderate
[06:58:56] Thank you for saying that I am I'm not even on the left. I hate the left
[06:59:01] I'm a centrist. I was one of the crowd are fans of the point where I had his month club paywall monthly membership here
[06:59:21] I am ducking the top of the hour abray because of my subscription that was gifted to me
[06:59:27] It's crazy how the right environment can change people. Hell yeah
[06:59:30] I'm in some rev comms and they hate you because you aren't asking Americans to topple Joe Biden and create a Soviet of
[06:59:47] California hell yeah
[06:59:49] The only guy I know who went left after being right wing was Hunter Avalon and he lost most of his viewership because of it
[06:59:57] Yeah, I have no idea who that is but but that's how it is
[07:00:03] I'm a central swing state voter. Yeah
[07:00:08] You left the left due to wokeness. Yeah, I did. I'm a centrist the left got too crazy for me
[07:00:17] So funny
[07:00:31] That people in this community still try and defend him. What are you talking about? Who you talking about?
[07:00:37] Definitely deserves criticism, but I think a lot of chat is also been pretty psychotic towards him as well
[07:00:41] Even if Sasan talked to them about it repeatedly regardless. He's never caused a lot of leftists. He openly caused a lot of lib
[07:00:46] I don't even know who the fuck you guys are talking about
[07:00:48] about. I'm a classical liberal, you know, do you think you would have less haters if
[07:01:00] you never said you were a socialist? Fuck yeah. I've often talked about this before.
[07:01:05] It's like one of my my biggest failures in my entire career was openly saying that I'm
[07:01:13] a fucking socialist like obviously cast out of the bag. Okay, I know some border guides
[07:01:19] that hate your guts. That's what I mean. These are like eight people in a fucking
[07:01:23] Discord server like these people greatly think these people greatly fucking think
[07:01:30] that they their their opinions are more relevant and like in a good way and
[07:01:35] perhaps not even a good way but like the best way to fucking reach a broader
[07:01:38] market that's it do you feel me do you understand like you said this about you
[07:01:58] going on a true podcast most difference you know leftist and a socialist I mean
[07:02:05] Left is the broader umbrella
[07:02:08] No way you're saying you're in the same campus Dave Rubin even as a joke. Yeah, I mean I am
[07:02:13] Worst mistake in my life was calling with socials of my friends because they instantly my socialism is one house and car on ironically
[07:02:24] I know there's way too much fucking baggage
[07:02:28] There is way too much fucking baggage associated with the term like people are just so brainbroken by
[07:02:35] Insanely reactionary propaganda
[07:02:37] up. What do you guys think they're relevant as funny as fuck I know it's just ridiculous
[07:03:02] dude why do you stream so much because I'm brain broken you were correct when you said we're
[07:03:13] sheltered from that shit in this community I know like all right let's fucking let's get to
[07:03:30] addressing some of the lies that I routinely tell you which is playing video games it's not
[07:03:39] a lie this time. I want to, I want to, I kind of want to try Dustborn like the woke game for a
[07:03:53] second and I want to see it. I first started watching on the left there was a wasn't familiar with
[07:04:04] their solar stream now that I see you fight slash explain things to people who don't know better
[07:04:08] how would you rank trying to explain things back in the day to Ethan generally speaking he was so
[07:04:11] normie. I think it was fine it was just like the audience reaction was so insane like there
[07:04:17] there were active, there were multiple incredibly active Reddit communities that were watching
[07:04:23] every episode and specifically massaging the way that like everyone in the community,
[07:04:28] it like looked at the stuff and then they would come in here and they would be like,
[07:04:33] dude, you did such a piss poor job. I'm actually a fucking Marxist Leninist and you did such
[07:04:37] an awful job explaining shit to Ethan like, and they would do that over and over again
[07:04:42] and they would clip my fucking molding reaction after the 11th time and then posted
[07:04:46] on the other subreddit to be like, see, he's molding. It's just like it is what it is,
[07:04:55] you know, drama drama frogs like ruin everything. Who cares, you know, what are you gonna do?
[07:05:16] Yeah, there was a complex of shimmers who were also coaxing Ethan certain ways as well.
[07:05:20] Exactly. Like they made like they made clips about me fucking crying and then blasted
[07:05:27] everywhere make it fun of me and being like dude imagine like he's he's fake
[07:05:31] crying it's it's hard it's hard to I mean that that was a weird-ass time dude it
[07:05:39] is what it is but I think it was you know there was a lot of cultist fucking
[07:05:46] losers you know cultist fucking losers who just spend every waking moment on
[07:05:56] line and don't know how like normal people operate you know what I mean they
[07:06:01] don't understand like normal human emotion. It's the same principle behind
[07:06:05] dudes who were like, dude, he got so owned by that one guy who turned out to be a
[07:06:09] fucking ginormous racist. He got IRL cyber bullied. It's like, bro, how do you
[07:06:15] say that? How do you openly write that online without feeling a fucking shred
[07:06:22] of embarrassment? There's a Goku mod already. Yeah, I've seen it. Who the
[07:06:42] fuck this is not working. There's a Trump mod for Wukong too. Why does it not start when
[07:06:52] I wanted to, oh there it is. No wallpaper psychotic. I've appears where I watch people being critical
[07:07:08] of you only to realize they were lying. Yeah. Can you update your driver since last night?
[07:07:27] I did not. I am fucking stupid. Okay we're playing the not woke game. Wukong on God
[07:07:49] of war as you guys know I'm the number one China simp this is allowing me to
[07:08:00] learn more about our next overlords in their culture and their myths so that I
[07:08:08] can be a better China simp wait what how the fuck did this game literally
[07:08:17] reset my goddamn settings bro it didn't even reset my input type but it did
[07:08:26] reset my controller type which is weird as fuck what else did it reset I kind
[07:08:41] I want to try ray tracing or now fuck that I'm too scared okay motion blur
[07:08:57] still off that's good wait how do I turn how do I turn into a fucking how do I
[07:09:13] turn into a thing again how do I turn into a bug again that was a one time
[07:09:29] thing that sucks that I can't do munka or bug bug munka again when until people
[07:10:04] discover Chinese fantasy novels it's an item in your inventory yo chill dude I
[07:11:09] really like it are you playing on PlayStation no I'm playing on my on my
[07:11:19] computer whoa what the fuck bro that thing cooked my ass dude
[07:12:26] I'm gonna get hit. Oh god. Okay
[07:13:03] Like there is a there's a bit of a sameness to the environment I will admit like I wouldn't say it's necessarily repetitive
[07:13:10] But it is hard to like
[07:13:14] Keep track of
[07:13:16] Like what the hell's going on. I gotta be real bad. Hold on. I'll be back in a second
[07:13:21] They'll be giving me posture. You know with mom
[07:14:32] what's wrong with my posture by the way I don't know why you guys said my gaming
[07:14:40] posture is like weird level up I can't yet this guy gonna fuck me up chat I
[07:14:52] don't even have a gore to Tiger sub doing pellets I can't level up unless I
[07:15:07] get to a place right oh I can staff stances wow there's a lot here man
[07:15:25] Foundation stamina. I think I need more health. It looks like a cool skill tree. This guy looks
[07:16:43] You look cool as fuck, please don't fight me. Come on, dude
[07:16:45] Why don't we just like let's just smoke one fan don't spend points on health and stamina
[07:17:15] Wait, why not? He cooked me. Cook Monka.
[07:17:19] Aren't you uncomfortable with your hands in the desk?
[07:17:21] Well, you're stopping parasocial.
[07:17:23] Don't spend points. Don't just spend points on health and stamina.
[07:17:25] There are systems later that make it easy to upgrade health.
[07:17:27] Oh, okay. What can you buy?
[07:17:44] Oh, medicine and shit.
[07:17:48] You guys believed? That's crazy.
[07:17:52] I didn't even have fucking potion.
[07:17:54] I was just testing it out.
[07:17:56] Go over the abilities earlier. You get more focused gauges.
[07:17:58] You can charge them for big, giant slash attacks.
[07:18:01] sell the gold should I reset it then should I reset my fucking should I
[07:18:27] reset my sparkies take one and give it to like like this maybe try the gaming
[07:18:44] leave the game in the last few days was missed no despair hotse but I thought
[07:18:47] believing after losing 2.8 million during the eldering okay chill out dude calm
[07:18:51] down you don't got to bring that up you know we did with the potion they
[07:18:56] help a lot in flights I suspect you can do the same thing that you do in
[07:19:07] from software games are usually like run directly to the like you can do a boss
[07:19:11] run right L2 to counter that no you mean is it this this is how you counter it
[07:19:46] maybe can't tell if that was the game or her son where the hell is the guy which
[07:20:07] way was it oh here it is here he is he's gonna fuck me up dude remember when
[07:20:20] the chatter taught him how to parry lock-in lock-in chat I'm fucking locked
[07:20:28] in are you locked in that's the real question I'm locked in are you guys locked
[07:20:33] in asses and butts and seats drink the potion for fire immunity I don't think
[07:20:40] I have that Tigers subduing pellets
[07:20:46] model increases damage damage reduction stone spirit generate weapon
[07:21:00] material armor material coconut wine I see something green over here that
[07:22:00] the hell? What did that do? He's so good. Underleveled here. Is that what's going on? Attack more
[07:23:10] and be more aggressive? Is that am I underleveled or is he just like, or am I just bad? He is.
[07:23:21] I mean, it's like one of the first bosses, so I might just be like underleveled. Gotta
[07:23:27] stick close and learn the timing. I'm learning. I'm learning. You see? I'm learning,
[07:24:09] you see? Wait, this is, oh, this is it. Yeah. Remember when you said this got
[07:24:22] of war difficulty no I said no I said I like this game more because it has like
[07:24:26] the combat mechanics resemble from software Soulsborne games which I like
[07:24:32] oh my god I get a new weapon no blurry intensifies with each fierce thrust
[07:28:08] the flames do rise transform into a wolf guai and inflict scorch bane on the
[07:28:16] enemy with each attack. Weapons develop are charged by Yawguys often carry
[07:28:28] lingering obsessions with the deceased owners. Collecting them grants the ability
[07:28:32] to briefly take off forms in combat. Each transformation has its own strengths
[07:28:34] making them worth experimenting with. We'll just talk about that boss all night.
[07:28:43] Wait, really? Yeah, it is because I am better. No one's a different boss? No, I
[07:29:07] I realize is a it's more of a punish game that maybe or maybe that boss specifically was more of a punished boss
[07:29:14] There's another boss though that I did not fight or I fought once and died to with a big head
[07:29:30] Big head baby boss
[07:29:33] Which I suspect is
[07:29:36] Should I ring the bell yet, or should I go fight the big head guy? I
[07:29:40] Don't know how the
[07:29:56] Now everyone knows you're here
[07:29:59] When a chime so grand echoes in the forest, y'all guise will surely be along!
[07:30:07] What does that mean?
[07:30:10] Wait, why did you guys tell me to fucking...
[07:30:13] Why did you guys tell me to ring the bell, chat?
[07:30:17] Y'all are the worst, dude.
[07:30:23] Look what you don't made me do, bro.
[07:30:28] You don't made me tell the big-headed baby that I'm right here.
[07:30:39] Big-head will disappear if you wait too long? Wait, why?
[07:30:41] why would he disappear they don't make no sense big head guy was one of the
[07:30:52] hardest bosses yeah I mean he two tapped me so I believe it where the hell
[07:31:15] was the freaking beginning checkpoint so we're here you're the Fox boss you do
[07:31:42] that cried to this game why he doesn't put China on the map she was like proud
[07:31:56] He was proud of our nation or was it because of a furry representation?
[07:32:02] Damn this looks like a great game.
[07:32:17] It's fucking fire.
[07:32:18] I don't know what it is, but something about it is like really dope.
[07:32:23] I think it's just a good game.
[07:32:25] I don't really, you guys know me.
[07:32:26] I don't really care about like the culture or stuff at all, right?
[07:32:30] But wait, what is happening?
[07:32:32] Oh no, did it start, did it start going left again?
[07:32:38] My keyboard?
[07:32:47] It's just like, how unwoke is it from one to Trump?
[07:32:53] What is the controversy around this game?
[07:33:00] It's the Chinese.
[07:33:14] I should probably put more in the stamina, right?
[07:33:24] Apparently the devs are misogynistic too.
[07:33:36] The devs are like sexist or something?
[07:33:38] I don't fucking know.
[07:33:39] I don't get shit.
[07:33:43] Make a good game, wall.
[07:33:45] I can't begin to tell you.
[07:34:04] Try out the new spell.
[07:34:06] I know I'm not.
[07:34:07] I'm gonna wait for the boss.
[07:34:08] How much soft power does this game give China, you think?
[07:34:12] I don't know, dude.
[07:34:13] I mean, I think it definitely got a bunch of gamers to be like, it got a bunch of gamers
[07:34:19] who are very prone to radicalization, who I suspect have a more tolerant approach to
[07:34:28] China.
[07:34:29] Maybe.
[07:34:30] Like, it's got to have at least a couple of gamers like more invested in China or see
[07:34:35] China in a different light.
[07:34:39] It had to have.
[07:34:40] No predatory micro transactions.
[07:34:41] That's the real reason why he's being attacked. Forget about culture wars. That's just the excuse
[07:34:45] I think I'm going the wrong way. Oh, I'm going back to that fucking place. I went. Oh, there's the baby
[07:34:56] Dude, I don't know how I'm gonna beat him. What's the technique here?
[07:35:14] Yeah, what's the technique?
[07:35:22] Immobilize him a new skill
[07:35:25] Level up triple tabs. You just run away. Don't use fire skill while immobilized
[07:36:55] Use your immobilized spell when he used an attack that's hard to dodge pillars to stagger him
[07:37:04] immobilized fire a new skill run away wait for cooldowns you like combo to stagger
[07:37:27] and freeze hold down the heavy attack to increase your focus you say immobilize I
[07:37:53] say unionize okay good focus attacks do a lot of damage especially when immobilized
[07:38:04] I don't have any advice but I'm cheering for you aim for his ass and do
[07:38:15] most of your attacks on his ass like you did to my dad last night after you
[07:38:22] have a full focus bar in the transformation you should dodge and
[07:38:24] and then heavy attack for a big hit
[07:38:41] start with your new spell
[07:38:42] then use immobilize whenever it refreshes
[07:38:44] fast attack twice
[07:38:46] heavy attack then dodge
[07:38:47] dodge three times away from the crater attack
[07:38:49] and be wary of his jump kick
[07:38:51] yeah that jump kick was crazy
[07:38:53] when that baby took flight dude
[07:38:56] what the fuck
[07:38:58] if he is the pillar he staggers himself
[07:39:02] my tip is fight the boss
[07:39:04] that's a good tip
[07:39:09] ask yourself this what would Goku do
[07:39:10] Goku would just fuck his ass up, I think.
[07:39:18] Goku would just beat his ass.
[07:39:20] Wall.
[07:39:40] The fucking baby.
[07:39:43] Mass here!
[07:40:01] That followed me in a battle!
[07:40:35] I can't tell if he's like clapping to...
[07:40:38] to make the Earth shake or what.
[07:40:53] That's a big string.
[07:40:55] He already fucked up all the pillars, right?
[07:41:00] He'll hit me with his ass.
[07:41:10] Use the special attack of transformation.
[07:43:07] Wait, what is the special attack of transformation?
[07:43:10] That was a good run, I think.
[07:43:17] What is happening? Why is this happening? My keyboard is cooked
[07:43:47] Your special attack recharges use the first thing in a fight so you can try to use it a second time
[07:43:51] Time for gamer juice filler will help you a lot
[07:44:11] RTS, please you don't have to restart you're wrong. I do I think what I gotta hit him with is the top of the hour outbreak
[07:44:27] Just kidding. I gotta hit you with that
[07:44:29] But of course if you no longer want to see those ads all you need to do subscribe
[07:44:43] What you could do for $5 over free or $6 over free. This game is fucking sick, dude. It's
[07:44:51] a sick ass game. Sick of the mind. Okay. A sick in the mind game. Fire mode when right
[07:45:00] bar enemy fills do dodge heavy for massive damage. I'm kind of confused with everything
[07:45:06] that people are saying in fire mode when right bar energy fills do dodge heavy for
[07:45:15] massive attack. Yeager, Larsen, they give the 10-tier one, give the subs.
[07:45:20] Why I have to get a new keyboard now, chat?
[07:46:00] I spilled soda on it, but I don't know how to fucking-
[07:46:12] Are you sure it's not the thumbstick?
[07:46:15] No, dude, it's not, but I don't understand it, like, it's not- it's not stuck.
[07:46:42] Hammer and sickle escape key.
[07:47:10] It's still doing it.
[07:47:19] This is still fucking annoying.
[07:47:20] This is some real gamership, though, at least.
[07:47:23] Like, this is the most real gamer problems I've ever had.
[07:47:26] Bro, I swear to God, unplug it and plug it back in.
[07:47:53] Bro, you think that fucking works?
[07:47:55] Are you crazy?
[07:47:56] You know the amount of times I fucking unplugged it on accident already?
[07:48:10] Unplug it, rinse it with water and let it dry?
[07:48:13] No, dude, it like-
[07:48:16] Oh, that taste is so bad!
[07:48:31] Why did I do that?
[07:48:45] I tried to suck it out.
[07:48:52] 15 most influential on the Rolling Stones list everybody wait it worked wait it worked
[07:49:05] It worked
[07:49:07] Where are my fucking haters now dude?
[07:49:11] Sometimes you got to give it a suck
[07:49:16] Sometimes you got to give it a good suck chat. I don't know if I like the
[07:49:23] It fucking tasted disgusting, but honestly it works. So who cares?
[07:49:44] is the pillar one that good everyone keeps saying do the pillars part whatever
[07:49:58] I do the pillar stands so what do what does this do down too quickly from the
[07:50:57] fact that's sucking on your keyboard solve the ticket use I think it's because
[07:51:01] there's like diet SOTI in the fucking thing pillar stands helps your focus
[07:51:12] and heavy attack I don't fully understand the focus gauge yet where I'm
[07:51:38] I'm gonna try that again.
[07:51:57] It looks so sick.
[07:51:59] I don't know why people put Goku in as a substitute.
[07:52:02] Like I love Goku, I love Dragon Ball Z.
[07:52:05] But honestly, your stamina is draining
[07:52:10] while you're on the pole.
[07:52:13] You should focus by holding your heavy attack.
[07:52:39] Look at what the fuck.
[07:52:40] He's friendly.
[07:52:42] He's friendly, Chad.
[07:52:54] Come on.
[07:52:55] Come at me, baby.
[07:52:58] Come on, hit that pillar.
[07:52:59] You know you want to, big baby.
[07:53:01] That fucked me up. What is happening?
[07:54:31] Politics? Nah, it's strictly dickly out here, dude.
[07:56:14] I spoke too soon about the not bad, but...
[07:56:20] You can skip this guy.
[07:56:30] I mean, I've gotten significantly better.
[07:56:36] Um, down to a quarter, right?
[07:56:39] I think that's pretty good.
[07:56:46] You have to fight him at least two more times, contractual obligation.
[07:56:54] Don't worry.
[07:56:56] Don't use heavy unless your bar is full, then do dodge and heavy.
[07:57:04] I don't know what the heavy is.
[07:57:06] Wait. You're wasting fire stands.
[07:57:08] stands. Don't use heavy unless your bar is full. It's kind of like a tree sentinel from
[07:57:14] what I've seen. You didn't suck your keyboard for nothing, Hossie. I agree. Wait, am I misusing
[07:57:24] my pole stands? That's the heavy attack, right? Or do you mean when I'm fired? Yes, don't
[07:57:43] sit on the pole for too long. Oh, I'm sitting on the pole for too long. I don't fully
[07:57:53] understand where the focus meter is. I'm not going to lie to you and I'm too embarrassed
[07:57:56] to admit that well I guess I'm not embarrassed enough to admit that because I
[07:57:59] just did it's the bar where the stances are oh up top bottom right corner so the
[07:58:39] blue one bottom right corner where is there's no bar on the bottom right
[07:58:46] corner where's the bar I don't see it white next to the silhouette where's
[07:59:00] the bar oh oh it's on the left side of the fucking that's a bar hold R2 and
[07:59:10] watch it Phil okay got it it's not filling anything up I'm holding triangle
[07:59:23] wait what the fuck oh it just filled up there's R2 okay fills up with light
[07:59:51] attacks too got it why doesn't he attack me if I just don't attack him
[08:00:10] oh never mind I was wrong it doesn't have to be a pillow pillow pillow pillow pillow
[08:01:10] pillow I'm trying to be a baby killer so bad dude I want to fucking kill babies
[08:02:22] you know I'm a libtard Democrat okay I'm a demon rat and I'm trying to kill
[08:02:27] the babies because it's the summer of brat shit got me rhyming dude guys in
[08:02:51] heavy to pop transformation wait what do you mean dodge than heavy it hits something different
[08:03:06] do you know the drama the studio that made this game yes
[08:03:11] and i like it i like it i liked that this game is uh made by a guy who's like i hate women
[08:03:41] what don't chatters understand i enjoy this pillar stands l why is that bad
[08:03:47] pillar is shit zero mobility dude chat is experiencing one of the classic chat
[08:04:11] moments which is and this is the last one on the bed obviously where half of
[08:04:17] the chat was like dude you got to do pillar stance and I start doing pillar
[08:04:20] stance and immediately they're like dude pillar stance is a fucking L dumbass
[08:04:26] all stances are helpful the ember ruining the streamer chat bond honestly
[08:05:02] I think is just the same bond that has always existed, which is inherently antagonistic is
[08:06:52] ass because I I thought I got that one in the bag. Bad game games broken. You did right
[08:07:09] by the way, dodging heavy attack after the media field. Yeah, I saw that. That's why
[08:07:12] it spun. Right? If you want to cheat, how to cheat wondering white in black myth, Wukong.
[08:07:54] What is this?
[08:07:56] In a single area?
[08:07:57] No!
[08:07:58] Reach level 6, which you'll achieve by defeating every enemy in the first locations.
[08:08:02] Spend 3 points on stamina and 3 points on staff stances to unlock the second focus point.
[08:08:07] Reset the area, defeat the two wolves and the one on the bridge and wait behind a tree
[08:08:11] until the boss turns around.
[08:08:13] Run to him without sprinting and perform 3 light combos in a row.
[08:08:17] Each combo will break his stance and the third combo will stagger him.
[08:08:21] And still until your stamina replenishes, then repeat 3 light combos.
[08:08:26] Wait until your stamina replenishes to 1 third, then perform a heavy attack, which will
[08:08:30] stagger him again.
[08:08:32] This time wait until your stamina replenishes to 3, 4, and perform 2 light combos.
[08:08:37] Replenish on 1 third of stamina and use a heavy attack.
[08:08:41] When the boss is about to recover from that, use the immobilized spell and start attacking
[08:08:45] him right away.
[08:08:46] 3 light combos will be enough to finish him off without taking a single hit.
[08:08:51] done bro what the fuck this is not a cheese at all this is so funny that he
[08:08:58] said this is a cheese this is not a fucking cheese dude yeah what he just
[08:09:08] said play the game it's not a cheese is a full fucking guide his cheese is
[08:09:18] literally play the game. Get to level six, which I'm already at. What a cheese, dude,
[08:09:32] is your favorite Shrag getting stun lock. You can respect if you want. His cheese is
[08:09:42] the uses OP combo. The staggers and instantly what am I doing wrong that my mind doesn't
[08:09:46] stagger like what a is it because I have a staff stance? You said get to stamina,
[08:10:03] that's it how do you respect again you got it you're giving this game a shot it's
[08:10:24] fun to get mad wait no is the game is fun he's holding when the bar isn't full
[08:10:35] I mean what did you say get to stamina right this is it right you need three
[08:11:26] and staff wait this doesn't bro just clicking anything wait I'm confused
[08:11:39] wrong menu press R1 oh smash stands this is it right is this it third column no
[08:12:07] bro he didn't say fucking do the pillar stands Marsha 10 second video again no
[08:12:18] pillar up so do shut the fuck up that dude that wasn't what the fucking thing
[08:12:28] was okay that's not what I'm trying to do the fucking stagger thing it's
[08:12:34] without taking a single hit. Here's how. Reach level 6 which you'll achieve by defeating every
[08:12:40] enemy in their first locations. Spend 3 points on stamina and 3 points on stamina and 3 points
[08:12:46] on stances to unlock the second focus point. He says like spend it on stamina and whatever
[08:12:57] just to unlock the second focus point which I don't have. That's it. Now I have two
[08:13:22] Focus points, but I don't want this one. You need smash for heavy
[08:13:59] Performing light attack R1 upon seeing through the enemy initiates the rest is OP bro. It's at 20. I don't have that yet
[08:14:20] You just need thrust that's 20 points chat shut up
[08:14:24] Chatter you were fucking ridiculous. Okay?
[08:14:27] Move pillar you only need thrust if I can't remove
[08:14:50] Then I lose my stamina point like I knew I'd lose this
[08:14:53] like I need to unlock this somehow to and smash but I don't care about sprinting
[08:15:09] while charging then the heal one is fire and then one moving forward each
[08:15:48] level significantly increases the engaged distance of a light attack starter
[08:15:52] grants more folks when the second move hits put three on stamina y'all crazy
[08:16:13] you mean ramp it bigger that's what you're talking about or do you mean
[08:16:21] dodge I need to perform I need to perform
[08:16:27] calm this I need to perform the combos
[08:16:34] dude calm this you guys funny perform the
[08:16:45] calm this do more calm this okay I'm
[08:16:50] probably gonna I'm probably gonna say
[08:16:53] that a lot later now I'm not gonna lie
[08:16:56] calm this please fix your posture your
[08:17:01] back's gonna lock up like that shut up
[08:17:03] Dude, what are you my mom? Put a third point and ramp ramp of vigor. Okay, dude here
[08:17:10] We were all these guys. Oh, I killed them. I didn't do the cheese at all because you didn't get the stamina. Yes, I did
[08:18:37] Just standing around while he stagger brilliant. What do you want me to do dumb ass? I don't have enough stamina
[08:19:02] Vigor not stamina
[08:19:04] Did I miss it? Did I miss interpret what he said? Am I got another spark dude fucking YOLO?
[08:19:25] I'm just gonna keep I'm just gonna keep leveling up here
[08:19:29] Why behind the tree first? Which tree? Oh my god, I'm getting fucking owned by a mob, dude.
[08:20:00] God damn it. He just bombas me. I thought I was doing combos, and he was, turns out
[08:20:08] he was the one doing the combos. Your L2 should always be on cooldown or else
[08:20:14] his wasted damage. Isn't this boss glitched? I don't think so. Hit the
[08:20:55] fucking hit the thing. Hit the thing. God damn it. I fucked that up again. These were some
[08:22:24] nice combos, dude. Combos. Combos. Those were some very good combos. Papa Tiger pellet
[08:22:41] and this is the run. Not very MLG of you. I also have another fucking point again.
[08:23:07] advance. Letting the naysayers win, Hossie. I'm not. I've been doing combos, dude. What
[08:23:39] the fuck? Try using your tiny head to defeat his big head. I'm doing it. I'm using all
[08:24:38] the power of my tiny head for his big ass head. Three lights hit, three light hits plus
[08:24:43] one heavy. I skipped this boss. I felt bad hitting him. I never. Wait, what do
[08:24:49] What do you mean three light hits plus one big heavy?
[08:24:52] Like, wait, hold on, like this?
[08:24:55] One, two, three.
[08:24:58] No, you can't, I can't do that.
[08:25:06] I fucked it up, hold on, I'm gonna do it again.
[08:25:09] You mean three light combos and then one big heavy?
[08:25:50] That baby read more books and tile over,
[08:25:52] that's why his head's so big, bro.
[08:26:04] That's the easiest fucking gimme, how did I eat that?
[08:26:08] Ignore that chatter, you don't unlock
[08:26:09] 3 light heavy until later.
[08:26:11] Damn move!
[08:26:34] He came in so hard, bro. He knew I had the bombas in me.
[08:26:36] He knew I had the bombas, dude!
[08:26:40] He knew I was ready with the bombas!
[08:26:42] He did not like the way I spank his ass last time.
[08:26:45] He was like, nah.
[08:26:46] Use your damn L2 skills, my dude.
[08:26:52] Bro, calm down. I'm gonna get to it.
[08:26:54] He was afraid of the combos.
[08:27:01] For sure.
[08:27:06] At this point, I would be like level 20 by the time I get to this fucking boss, like straight up.
[08:27:10] I remember the fire farm, don't worry.
[08:27:27] You've been cooking me way further than you do in the combos.
[08:29:16] You should fire from the start.
[08:29:19] Is it me or is the baby coming up with new combos each fight?
[08:29:22] I think the baby is advancing.
[08:29:24] The baby is learning.
[08:29:25] The baby is not a Republican.
[08:29:26] The baby has object permanence, I think.
[08:29:34] I've been watching an hour of ass whooping.
[08:29:36] Okay, bro, what do you want?
[08:29:49] Got another spark.
[08:29:52] The game is begging for me to get back.
[08:29:54] Like the game is literally like, please, please dude.
[08:29:57] You have to fucking get better at this point the way remember when I said I don't need to sprint while charging
[08:30:07] I was wrong about that. I do think I need to sprint while charging. I got it though. Dude. This game is awesome
[08:32:59] Holy shit. I can't believe how fun this fucking game is
[08:33:06] It's not even greed chat
[08:33:10] It's not even greed
[08:33:16] I swear it's on doesn't recognize attack patterns. No he has
[08:33:19] You can't beat this DEI game come on
[08:33:56] You got to beat the baby for a full Chinese citizenship. Oh my god. I have to do it now
[08:34:00] Here's without guidance. Wait, what what does that mean use the guide by the way everyone gets suck me
[08:36:39] I didn't do the combos. I didn't do the bomb is I didn't do the combos
[08:36:43] You beat up on a baby. You feel good. So good, dude. I just a board of that Chinese baby, dude
[08:37:14] I just aborted their shit out of that Chinese baby in the only way that I know how to
[08:37:21] The American way, you know what I mean?
[08:37:23] Only woke culture here
[08:37:26] Go in the cave where's the cave?
[08:38:03] Where's the cave?
[08:38:05] post-pragonte
[08:38:13] Rest first not dude. No rest for the wicked dog. I'm going in YOLO. I'm sure there's another spirit ash summon
[08:38:23] in campsite soon, I suspect.
[08:38:33] That's the one thing I don't understand, how there's no rest sites after a boss.
[08:38:41] How is there not a fucking fire on a boss?
[08:38:45] You have 15% health?
[08:38:46] Who cares?
[08:38:47] There's gotta be a fucking, there's gotta be a rest site somewhere.
[08:39:00] Those are mini bosses, dog?
[08:39:02] Yeah, regardless.
[08:39:03] regards to the size of the boss I'm shocked that there isn't like a I've
[08:39:11] noticed that there isn't a healer right after a boss where's the guy there's no
[08:39:50] health like after killing these guys you don't get any help at all 15% is
[08:39:58] plenty of health your gamer posture right now is cracking me up
[08:40:30] why bro you know I take this shit
[08:40:32] seriously craft armor no way oh just
[08:40:38] headgear
[08:40:40] chess gear Chinese rupees on a match I
[08:40:56] know came is so sick dude I love it
[08:41:18] what does that do is will right
[08:41:38] wait why why is my shit sparking up
[08:41:53] why is my shit sparking up chat
[08:41:57] There's some sprinting in the new gear. Let's go. Okay. I'll take it
[08:42:15] You're not really
[08:42:22] Is this the boss chat is this the boss man you take the baby soul no, I couldn't it wouldn't let me
[08:42:52] Why I don't know how to get the baby soul
[08:42:54] The China baby was harder. Yeah, that was the first unavoidable boss in the game
[08:46:33] They didn't make it too hard. Is that copium or is that correct chat?
[08:46:38] I mean it wasn't pretty easy boss, but like the mini boss was harder before the baby boss was way harder
[08:46:50] They get as the hardest boss in the first two chapters and I fucking cleared him
[08:47:09] Inflicts considerable more damage to bonus enemies at critical health
[08:47:13] Moderately increases sprint speed when sprinting each second moderately increases attack this effect can stack up to ten times
[08:47:17] It will cease upon stopping
[08:47:20] I think it's better to keep the
[08:47:22] What is a curio?
[08:47:52] Fighting the baby might have improved your skill IRL skill. Yeah, I can't be the only one who thinks it's crazy that I don't get fucking
[08:48:12] health
[08:48:13] After killing a boss, right? I think I cleared this area. You wanted me to look around, but I
[08:48:21] Think I looked around enough and I couldn't find it
[08:48:27] Unless you just meant like go inside the building and find whatever you need to find what you do you just don't have it
[08:48:39] There's a bean in a jar, a bean, I'll lick the bean, celestial jade lotus pill, a miraculous
[08:49:00] pill concocted by the god of longevity that massively increases maximum health.
[08:49:07] Bro, come on!
[08:49:10] What game do you take a fucking health longevity pill and it doesn't automatically fill your
[08:49:14] health bar?
[08:49:15] This is crazy.
[08:49:16] There's a couple interesting things like that normally would like just defy video
[08:49:24] game world logic western gamer from software is not a western game chat I'm
[08:49:37] operating on from soft logic this is a Chinese game so she's different bro what
[08:49:50] you don't ever have the ability to miss character interactions unlock abilities
[08:49:53] wait what really what character interactions have I missed dude I cleared
[08:50:02] the entire map what are you talking about you troll you on shaking my head
[08:50:14] Always looking for handouts.
[08:50:25] Gonna get the fucking more focus points.
[08:50:39] Each town level moderately reduces the stamina cost for charged heavy attacks.
[08:50:45] Is that good?
[08:50:46] Upgrade your spells.
[08:50:59] Nah.
[08:51:00] Check your stance section.
[08:51:21] Something should let you combo.
[08:51:24] Which one lets you combo?
[08:51:28] Light and heavy.
[08:51:31] I want a, I want a combos.
[08:51:41] Performing a light attack.
[08:51:47] R1 upon sitting through the enemy.
[08:51:49] the enemy initiates a light attack combo from the third move. Resolute counter-flow is essential. Which one is that? Is that on the foundation?
[08:52:16] Do you not have pride in America? Not after playing this fucking game. Let me tell you chatter. The only thing I have pride in is the top of the hour ad break, which I'm running for the last time today.
[08:52:52] because I think we've done enough
[08:52:56] I'm gonna end it here and go hang out with my family
[08:52:59] my mom is complaining that I'm not hanging out with them
[08:53:03] they're an answer boobs man both but more importantly I'm a faceman
[08:53:17] I'll donate a hundred dollars if you play subnautica again
[08:53:31] what am I gonna do with a hundred dollars bro huh
[08:53:35] donate to a charity donate into a millionaire
[08:53:41] Lamal
[08:53:43] Anyway, only eight hours. First of all, it's fucking nine hours. I did nine hours today. All right
[08:53:49] Wonderful day. Wonderful experience really enjoy the game
[08:53:53] Even though a lot of people are constantly fucking
[08:53:56] Turban at me to play video games and then they leave as soon as I do start playing but it's all good because I did like this game
[08:54:03] game is sick
[08:54:05] Good game sesh. We'll keep it going
[08:54:07] Yappers love saying Hassan play a video game and then leaving their favorite fucking thing to do
[08:54:17] Anyway, love you guys. I'll see you tomorrow
[08:54:21] To all the fucking haters and the doubters who doubted my skill in gaming number one fuck you
[08:54:26] Number two to all the doubters who doubted I was gonna game
[08:54:30] Double fuck you
[08:54:33] Okay, anyway, see you tomorrow. Peace