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08-22-2024 · 10h 43m

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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:07:16] Take a step back. It's all okay. What's going on everybody? We're live and alive from
[00:07:31] Chicago Illinois sunny Chicago, Illinois and you might be wondering son. What are you doing?
[00:07:37] That's because I am now part of Fox News Fox News 32 Chicago brought to you by Coca-Cola
[00:07:43] Just kidding Chicago's a Pepsi City brought to you by Pepsi when you're famished you should drink motor oil instead
[00:07:50] I'm Son Piker, this is Austin, our broadcast coming to you live, and I hope all of you guys
[00:07:54] are having a fantastic one.
[00:07:56] We don't really have an intro today.
[00:07:57] I apologize for that.
[00:07:58] That's because we started off with the IRL portion of the broadcast early on.
[00:08:04] Now the reason why we're starting off with the IRL portion of the broadcast is because
[00:08:07] I'm going to go outside and I'm going to go find the uncommitted delegation, the
[00:08:11] uncommitted delegates that have spent the night outside of the United Center here
[00:08:16] at the DNC protesting in the aftermath of the snub that they got from the Democratic
[00:08:25] Party. They made some very reasonable demands. We're going to be talking about all of that.
[00:08:29] This is the part of the broadcast where I tell you a little bit about my personal news though,
[00:08:32] and a lot has happened since.
[00:08:34] Do you want to do a fit check real quick?
[00:08:36] Oh, you want to do a fit check? Yes. I'm wearing my Japanese fit. I got the diesel
[00:08:43] tank I don't know what these pants are but they're a Japanese brand I got the
[00:08:49] Doc Marty's okay boom of course you got to do it with the white socks you already
[00:08:54] know how it is and also on top of that at the top of this fit I have my my
[00:09:00] Chairman Mao jacket I currently I
[00:09:06] Current we look bring
[00:09:09] Wait hold on bring Harry
[00:09:13] No, is Jay upon
[00:09:21] Wait what okay DNC's texting me some stuff, but anyway, um
[00:09:32] Coming now, okay
[00:09:35] What was I talking about? Oh personal news. So last night we ended the broadcast
[00:09:40] There was a brief scuffle between me and a pro-Palestinian demonstrator outside. I want to make a quick note on that
[00:09:47] In the immediate aftermath while I was in the car. I was thinking about it
[00:09:50] I was like I probably should not have even reacted to him people might be wondering what happened
[00:09:54] And I'll talk about it more extensively when I'm on the desktop side
[00:09:57] So we can like look at the footage and stuff, but those guys
[00:10:00] They are doing the damn thing. Okay, it doesn't matter that he set up as a sellout or whatever
[00:10:06] We should not be making fun of this person.
[00:10:09] We should not be criticizing this person.
[00:10:11] It ultimately doesn't matter because he's out there.
[00:10:15] He's out there.
[00:10:16] He's putting his body on the line.
[00:10:19] He's jeopardizing his future.
[00:10:21] He might get criminal punishments specifically to protest against a horrific crime, the
[00:10:30] crime of genocide.
[00:10:31] So I think like, yeah, sure, he was wrong to yell at me.
[00:10:35] I think misdirecting his anger at me is silly and like I said childish, but ultimately it doesn't matter
[00:10:40] I should have never reacted to him and I don't think people should be making fun of him
[00:10:44] Um, but yeah, we got in the uber. We went to the choppo truenon live show last night
[00:10:48] It was a choppo truenon podcast taping that was live
[00:10:53] Uh, I I came in in the intermission
[00:10:56] And uh, I participated in the pot a little bit, you know giving them the insider access on being a creator for Kamala
[00:11:03] things like that a lot of fun and then I of course went home to pass the fuck
[00:11:10] out because I'm tired because I'm 33 and I have a headache all the time and I
[00:11:19] can't keep up with the youngsters. March on the other hand betrayed me that's
[00:11:24] right March and I were supposed to go to was it Orcheval yeah Orcheval which
[00:11:29] which is the best burger in the Illinois state in the city of Chicago and perhaps in the fucking
[00:11:37] world.
[00:11:38] Now I, you guys know me, I'm not invested in going out and then doing stuff when I'm locked
[00:11:45] in, I'm working, right?
[00:11:47] This was the one exception where I told this fucking demon that is operating this
[00:11:53] god damn camera that I would go with him to eat this bird okay he wasn't gonna
[00:12:01] make it I I said I would go with him to eat this bird and he literally lied to
[00:12:06] me he's like oh you're not gonna make it whatever and I thought you weren't gonna
[00:12:10] make it let's look at the text messages go to the text they close at 11 I'm
[00:12:14] gonna go to the fuck it takes I'm gonna go to the place right now I'm gonna
[00:12:18] see it went without you because I was gonna miss the burger I got there
[00:12:21] 11 I asked what my friend could come if he makes it. I said bro. I'm dying at
[00:12:27] 1046 it was delicious you were trying to get into the meet at Oceval or what?
[00:12:33] They closed in 40 might be cooked you're cooked. We ain't making that shit RSVPS of this party though
[00:12:38] I want to see Meg Megan the stallion was she there?
[00:12:42] Exactly, but I got the burger because I didn't go to the party so Megan was not going
[00:12:47] Where are you? Are you meeting fans or what?
[00:12:49] Okay, RSVPS to this Meg the Stallion party or you will get back to your hotel room and find me hung in the living room
[00:12:58] Bro, I am dying. I'm killing you then myself. You took my bags, right?
[00:13:05] Anyway, that's it. That's enough. I don't know if there's anything a compromise. You know state
[00:13:13] Okay, so
[00:13:15] then
[00:13:16] This fucking piece of shit sends me a photo
[00:13:21] Sends me a photo of the bird sends me a goddamn photo because he is a
[00:13:28] Selfish rat okay
[00:13:31] And he said best bird of my might have been the best burgy I've had in my life not gonna lie I
[00:13:39] Said I would go and then he tries to fucking talk about all this and then he has the audacity
[00:13:45] if you're like, yo, RSVP me for the funnier die party.
[00:13:48] How did you get in?
[00:13:49] I pulled some strings.
[00:13:50] You charlatan.
[00:13:52] You charlatan.
[00:13:54] OK?
[00:13:55] No, it's, you know, I'm mad.
[00:13:57] I'm fucking mad because.
[00:13:58] He wanted to not have the burger because he couldn't
[00:14:00] have the burger.
[00:14:01] No, no, no, that's not it.
[00:14:03] That's not to like the punishment.
[00:14:05] It's called staying true, staying loyal to your comrades.
[00:14:11] Nothing you would know about.
[00:14:13] Okay.
[00:14:16] Anyway, so yeah, I missed my Berg opportunity, which is devastating, but other than that,
[00:14:22] woke up this morning, literally spent the entire morning handling calls, like left and
[00:14:28] right, nonstop, bag of forth, because I have a lot of interviews lined up and it's going
[00:14:35] to be an insane day today.
[00:14:37] We're going to obviously start off on a, you know, we're fucking around right now,
[00:14:41] We're going to do some serious coverage today, some serious on-the-ground coverage.
[00:14:45] We're going to venture off, find where the uncommitted delegates are,
[00:14:49] and we're going to go talk to them about what they're doing and what the DNC has done so far, what this represents.
[00:14:55] And yeah, hold on. Let me throw this out and then we'll go. Let's roll.
[00:15:03] I also did work out this morning, so I feel good.
[00:15:07] Do you think we can come out through here?
[00:15:09] I don't know.
[00:15:09] I'm behind their news coverage, whichever, what channel is this?
[00:15:16] Oh, it's Fox.
[00:15:17] Oh, it's Fox News.
[00:15:19] Nice.
[00:15:27] Can we get out through here, you think?
[00:15:29] Is that they are...
[00:15:31] They're up around here, probably.
[00:15:33] What side are they on?
[00:15:36] Bernie interview will not be happening at the DNC chat.
[00:15:38] Sorry.
[00:15:39] He is unfortunately way too busy to do such a thing.
[00:15:43] Okay.
[00:15:44] outside gate two and three where's which way is that we came in through six I
[00:15:50] think two and three is like right there isn't it yeah I think so I just back
[00:15:53] around on the outside I think we should just get out through here and then go
[00:15:56] there yeah but hold on I'm gonna see if you can like confirm that like let's ask
[00:16:00] someone here that maybe works here so that we can get some kind of help
[00:16:08] I can't I can't tell who actually is like a person who works here everyone's
[00:16:17] wearing suits I know everyone's wearing suits I can't tell hey can I ask you a
[00:16:23] question you certainly can all right perfect do you know where a gate two and
[00:16:26] three is yes is it can we get out through here and then go is that
[00:16:31] quick got to make concourse keep going around and you'll be right there
[00:16:34] Is that so it's easier to go out through here instead of like loop inside
[00:16:41] Out of the building right here to go to gate isn't that where gate six is up there
[00:16:49] And now we're gate six is
[00:16:53] The main concourse
[00:16:56] Get into the main concourse and go right got so you'll circle all the way around
[00:17:00] Gate four is right here three is right over there and then oh so isn't it easier to just like get out through here
[00:17:05] and then walk around outside of the facility.
[00:17:07] I don't know if we'll let you back in.
[00:17:09] Oh no, it'll be fine.
[00:17:10] We'll get back.
[00:17:11] Yeah, go ahead.
[00:17:12] Yeah, thank you, thank you so much.
[00:17:13] Whoa, Krugman Media's in here.
[00:17:14] Are they, I wonder if they're here.
[00:17:17] Wait, hold on, I'm gonna knock on their door.
[00:17:19] Don't film it.
[00:17:20] Okay, I'll just film myself instead, I guess.
[00:17:26] It's locked.
[00:17:27] It's locked.
[00:17:27] Oh, it's locked.
[00:17:28] Nevermind.
[00:17:32] I wanna see the Pajons.
[00:17:34] I wanna see the Pajons.
[00:17:41] All right, this is exit only, let's do it.
[00:17:57] Damn, we can kind of hear, like,
[00:18:01] I don't know if you can hear it,
[00:18:02] but we can hear, like, some megaphones from afar.
[00:18:05] I think, like, they're able to,
[00:18:08] they're able to at least, like,
[00:18:10] kind of come near the perimeter.
[00:18:13] No perimeter credentials past this point.
[00:18:15] What does that mean?
[00:18:17] Oh, maybe it's, like, going in.
[00:18:32] I had to leave for, oh.
[00:18:39] Yeah, here's gate three and two.
[00:18:41] What?
[00:18:42] Here's gate three and two, right?
[00:18:44] This one's definitely the faster way.
[00:18:46] What?
[00:18:46] This was definitely the faster way.
[00:18:47] Yeah.
[00:18:48] I thought so.
[00:18:50] Like, that was the vibe I, that was the feeling I got
[00:18:53] from what we did yesterday.
[00:18:56] OK, I see more police presence and also a significant number
[00:19:00] of media members who are out here interviewing
[00:19:03] the uncommitted delegates.
[00:19:07] What's good?
[00:19:11] What's up?
[00:19:13] I'm not going to be here.
[00:19:15] No, I'm flying back.
[00:19:16] Yeah, unfortunately.
[00:19:18] Uh, early in the morning though.
[00:19:20] Um, no, no, I'm going, I'm literally, that's when I'm flying.
[00:19:24] God damn, that's loud.
[00:19:26] Sorry about that.
[00:19:28] It's good seeing you guys.
[00:19:38] Nice to meet you, man.
[00:19:40] Yeah, I saw you early on.
[00:19:42] Very, very special guest.
[00:19:44] Someone who I personally love.
[00:19:52] Yo, give me the other mic, I want to hold it out.
[00:19:54] Shit, you're in the desert here.
[00:21:26] Because you are giving up yourself.
[00:21:28] And you're giving up yourself primarily for people you don't even know.
[00:21:34] You're giving up yourself not only for what's happening now, this is about legacy.
[00:21:39] This is about people's children's children.
[00:21:42] This is about family generations.
[00:21:44] We know that generations, whole generations without a city has have been wiped out.
[00:21:52] And so what we're saying, what you're saying by being here, by holding the line, is that the United
[00:21:58] States has a moral obligation to hear from the most directly impacted are suffering in
[00:22:13] ways that this Black woman don't understand, that many people in this country don't and won't
[00:22:20] understand, which is why we need a Palestinian American person to speak from that state.
[00:22:30] Thank you for your leadership in this moment. Thank you for not doing what was comfortable
[00:23:15] but doing what was necessary, but not doing what was easy, but the bombs dropping in Lebanon.
[00:23:43] Going from that child in Lebanon with the bombs dropping, to then being my chief of staff in
[00:23:59] in the United States Congress.
[00:24:01] But he did.
[00:24:04] And because he was honored by that position,
[00:24:08] because he was blessed and elevated and promoted
[00:24:11] to that position, he made a decision not to what
[00:24:17] was handed to him.
[00:24:20] And that's what he's doing right now.
[00:24:21] When I think about this work, and so many of you
[00:24:27] are more standing here and those
[00:24:29] who want to be here but aren't able to get into the gate.
[00:24:32] And I need to publicly say this.
[00:24:35] for anyone who's thinking why only a few people here is only because folks don't
[00:24:40] have the credentials to get into the game.
[00:24:43] People are with us.
[00:24:57] Making sure that my voice is being heard along with so many other is because
[00:25:03] we need people to know just like a box that this is not something that our
[00:25:07] Palestinian American or Palestinian should have to walk through on their
[00:25:12] own. That's right. Because I remember a day during the Ferguson uprising, many days that our Palestinian
[00:25:18] community, our Palestinian Arab community as well as Palestinian that came over to the United States
[00:25:26] stood with us like ours with our Jewish community, with our Latinx community and so many others,
[00:25:32] our LGBTQ community and so many others. We all stood like arms together standing up crying out
[00:25:38] to say in black lives, still here. Your place is to make sure that you are lifting those voices
[00:26:11] of our Palestinians and Palestinian Americans in a way that they may not because of the burden
[00:26:23] and the oppression that they're walking through right now. We want to lift them up and we want
[00:26:28] them to understand that as you are hurting right now, we don't know the true hurt.
[00:26:33] And so we have more space and more capacity to be here. So we're here saying not another
[00:26:39] a bond. Not another bond.
[00:26:42] We're here saying we get arms and bar go arms and bar go in front of the DNC as
[00:27:15] our Israeli folks that were up on that stage than anybody else. So it's up to
[00:27:25] us. You are if we leave, if we go away, if we stop, it gives them an
[00:27:30] opportunity to say, Well, it's over. So for those that are able to stay as
[00:27:35] long as you're able to be kind of about this easier to the last moment. Thank you. Thank
[00:27:42] you. And as a member of current city member of Congress, it is my duty to be here as well
[00:27:53] because human lives are over 40 million will are starving. Obligation to be here because my other
[00:28:23] obligation is to use my car, my voting card to make decisions about how that the money is
[00:28:29] been from the United States. It also, what resolution I say yes to and no to. I'm standing
[00:28:38] with you. I am in solidarity with you all. I am not here to lead you. I am here to be
[00:28:44] arm in arm in solidarity. So thank you for being here.
[00:28:48] Thank you.
[00:29:04] All right. Um, oh, you take the photo and then what's up?
[00:29:11] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody I'll talk to whoever's
[00:29:16] Hey, Prime was good.
[00:29:18] Dude, this guy, look at this guy's rings.
[00:29:20] Show the rings.
[00:29:22] This guy's just styling and profiling every fucking day.
[00:29:24] He's crazy.
[00:29:26] Here, you want to show, you want to capture it as well?
[00:29:31] Like from the front?
[00:29:39] I should have waited for this photo.
[00:29:41] He uses my blast off image.
[00:29:42] I messed up chat.
[00:29:44] Chat, I've also blasted off, so.
[00:30:22] OK, so I didn't do a proper introduction of what happened
[00:30:27] here but we have this is the current uncommitted movement delegate protest we
[00:30:34] have Daniel Daniel here with the dig right here you want to you want to put
[00:30:42] this on real quick let me see okay it is but here you're just gonna put it
[00:30:49] under your shirt as a magnet I guess I could hold it you know give me back
[00:30:54] I'll just hold it because we're gonna be swapping it on a lot. So I'm I'm the
[00:31:00] ultimate uncommitted delegate Daniel Denver from Rhode Island host of the
[00:31:03] dick podcast this is June Rose who's the uncommitted delegate from Rhode Island
[00:31:07] and June has been out here all night alongside other members of the
[00:31:12] uncommitted delegation demanding not only obviously we want a permanent
[00:31:19] immediate ceasefire guaranteed by an arms embargo on Israel the only way
[00:31:22] to get a ceasefire is to stop sending the fire the way to stop having children
[00:31:29] in Gaza being killed by American bombs to stop sending American bombs and at
[00:31:34] the very least we need to have a Palestinian American up there on the
[00:31:37] stage at the DNC tonight for some reason it's okay to have the family of
[00:31:43] an Israeli hostage speak. Spain is very real the suffering is very real we
[00:31:47] don't want any innocent we don't want any people to die or suffer but the
[00:31:52] fact that somehow anyone can go on that stage basically except for a
[00:31:56] Palestinian is just exemplary of profound anti-Palestinian racism. Absolutely.
[00:32:02] Yeah and June you know comes here from an experience as a Jewish
[00:32:07] Rhode Islander who spent time in Israel as a child and you know I think it's
[00:32:13] very June has a lot to say about why why this is you know deeply offensive
[00:32:19] to have a genocide carried out in the name of Jewish people, it's deeply offensive to
[00:32:22] all of us as an American to have this being carried out in our name and with our tax dollars.
[00:32:27] You want to talk about that?
[00:32:28] Sure.
[00:32:29] Here, you hold it.
[00:32:30] My arms are starting to get tired.
[00:32:32] Fair enough.
[00:32:33] Okay.
[00:32:34] Yeah, I mean we've been out here all night.
[00:32:37] I think we're at, I don't know, 18, 19 hours, slept a couple hours on this concrete.
[00:32:43] But we're out here making demands of a party that claims to represent our values of freedom,
[00:32:50] justice, and equality.
[00:32:52] But they choose to apply those values to every single issue, besides one.
[00:32:58] When it comes to Gaza, they apply a different set of values.
[00:33:01] We become the party of death and destruction.
[00:33:05] For two-thirds of my life growing up as an Orthodox Jew, I believe that the occupation
[00:33:10] Palestine was necessary in order to protect my safety. I believe that
[00:33:15] Palestinians in the West Bank and in Gaza need to be kept in cages and under
[00:33:19] military occupation to keep my people, the Jewish people safe. And then I went to
[00:33:25] Palestine. I met the people. I went to markets and nabblists, living rooms in
[00:33:30] Ramallah, coffee shops in Bethlehem. I saw the humanity on the other side of
[00:33:34] the apartheid wall and I realized that Palestine needs our voices because I
[00:33:39] realized that not one child anywhere in the world needs to die in order to keep me safe.
[00:33:47] I'm here as a reflection of my Jewish values, because growing up as an Orthodox Jew in Jewish
[00:33:52] day schools, I learned of the Holocaust at a very young age, and when they taught me
[00:33:57] about the Holocaust, the lesson that I learned was not that we need to be afraid of what's
[00:34:03] going to happen to the Jewish people.
[00:34:05] The lesson that I learned was that we need to stand up against bigotry and hatred and
[00:34:10] genocide no matter who the victim is.
[00:34:12] And right now it is Palestinians who need our voices as bombs rain down from the sky
[00:34:16] with our names printed down the side.
[00:34:18] It's Palestinians who need us standing up for them when they can't stand up for themselves,
[00:34:22] when they get no place at this convention, a convention that supposedly stands for
[00:34:27] diversity and representation.
[00:34:29] But only one ethnic group is left out.
[00:34:31] I've never seen a DNC where they said no Irish Americans can speak.
[00:34:35] I don't remember last day and see this that next time we're going to leave out Italian
[00:34:38] Americans. They can't speak. We're asking for one Palestinian American. We didn't even
[00:34:43] say which one. We gave them a list and we'd be happy to give them a bigger list, whatever
[00:34:48] they need. One Palestinian American. And they said no. There will be no people from
[00:34:54] that ethnic group speaking at our convention about human rights and diversity and representation
[00:35:00] inequality. Where is the justice in that? While bombs rain down from the sky, while 16,000 Palestinian
[00:35:07] children have been killed in the name of my safety as a Jew, where is the justice in that?
[00:35:12] It's time for our party to live up to our values, which means an immediate permanent ceasefire
[00:35:18] and arms embargo, which means not one more bomb and a Palestinian American speaker to speak
[00:35:24] on the stage to tell the stories of pain and suffering this country desperately needs to hear.
[00:35:30] That was brilliant. It was beautiful. Thank you.
[00:35:34] No, that's a great question. No, no, that's a great question.
[00:35:38] She asked, why do you think they said no to you?
[00:35:40] Yeah, I mean, it's too much of a form.
[00:35:47] Some of this is speculation, right? Because we've been making these asks for months.
[00:35:52] With the DNC, we've been in conversations and negotiations about our asks.
[00:35:55] And our biggest asks are not about a speaker. Our biggest asks are about policy change.
[00:36:00] to save lives. But we also made some smaller asks. Like, can we just have a Palestinian
[00:36:05] American speaker share their story? And they said, no to that. All they said was it's a no.
[00:36:12] That's all they said. So we're left to speculate. And I can tell you from my experience
[00:36:17] that the reason that I once stood with the Israeli occupation was because I did not
[00:36:22] see the humanity of Palestinians. And I believe that the powers that be are afraid
[00:36:27] that if the American people see the Palestinians as human beings who are suffering, who need help,
[00:36:33] who are living under bombardment, who are living under famine, with entire generations wiped out,
[00:36:39] with children, children killed en masse, then we would be empathetic to that cause,
[00:36:47] that we would come together around this immediate permanent ceasefire and an arms embargo,
[00:36:52] that we would see change on this issue. So that that perspective scares them. So they
[00:36:57] shield us from it. It's time for that shield to be lifted so that Palestine can be free.
[00:37:03] Thank you June so much for your activism and for your words here. We are also,
[00:37:10] we're also going to hear from, what's going on my man? What's up, how are you? How are you doing?
[00:37:14] Abbas, do you want to hold this? Sure. All right. Abbas, can you tell people who you are,
[00:37:20] what you're doing out here? Yes, my name is Abbas. I am a big dude. A little bit bigger
[00:37:31] than you. Yeah, you're bigger dude than me. I was trying to be the biggest guy here. I mean,
[00:37:35] you give me a ring for my money, but here we are. My name is Abbas Alouid. I am an
[00:37:39] uncommitted delegate from Michigan, which means in the Democratic presidential primary,
[00:37:44] We mobilized over 101,000 voters in Michigan to vote uncommitted, to say a vote in four
[00:37:51] piece and against war and four Palestinian human rights.
[00:37:55] We knew that this was important to do precisely because our country's policy right now,
[00:38:00] the policy that unfortunately the Democratic Party supports, is to continue sending weapons
[00:38:05] to the Israeli military, that the Israeli military is turning around and using to
[00:38:09] to harm and kill civilians, over 40,000 civilians,
[00:38:12] over 16,000 children, babies, babies.
[00:38:16] We know that's deeply immoral,
[00:38:18] it's also deeply illegal, it's against international law,
[00:38:21] it's against US law, and it's deeply unpopular.
[00:38:25] Majority of Democratic voters want a ceasefire,
[00:38:28] the majority of Democratic voters want a stop
[00:38:31] to the unconditional flow of weapons
[00:38:32] to Netanyahu's government.
[00:38:34] And so if we are serious about stopping the bombs,
[00:38:37] If we are serious about reuniting all those held captive, Israeli and Palestinian, with
[00:38:44] their families, then we've got to stop sending bombs.
[00:38:47] It's actually pretty straightforward.
[00:38:48] That's our running a campaign called Not Another Bomb.
[00:38:50] That's why uncommitted delegates are here specifically asking that our party take this
[00:38:56] issue seriously.
[00:38:58] And the flood of support, the flood of support that's coming in from members of Congress
[00:39:02] for this issue is really important.
[00:39:06] There was something really weird that happened yesterday like our policy asks are clear not another bomb arms embargo now
[00:39:12] We've been pushing those really clearly and we had like a programmatic ask saying that we want a Palestinian American to speak from the stage
[00:39:20] And we thought that was a pretty straightforward especially because the party platform says very reasonable. I mean it this is like
[00:39:26] It's bare minimum in terms of like recognition listen. They had a fucking border guy. They had a border cop guy
[00:39:34] Okay, they had multiple Trump supporters like Republicans. They had Bernie Sanders on and then they followed Bernie Sanders
[00:39:43] I was you for his group was just fine like he's alright
[00:39:45] But then he talked about how he's a billionaire and then they had another billionaire
[00:39:48] They had like a like a corporate did a corporate Democratic Party donor up there to showcase how big of a tent they have
[00:39:55] But it also it does kind of feel like this tent is big with the exception of
[00:40:00] of Palestinian-Americans.
[00:40:03] Here's how I feel.
[00:40:06] I've worked in democratic politics for a while.
[00:40:08] I'm someone who, myself, has survived
[00:40:11] the US-funded Israeli bombs.
[00:40:12] I was a kid in Lebanon in 2006.
[00:40:14] I was 15.
[00:40:15] I was certain that my own government's weapons
[00:40:17] were going to kill me.
[00:40:18] I was certain of that.
[00:40:20] Right now, I'm asking that kid inside of me,
[00:40:24] that 15-year-old, hey, what do you need?
[00:40:27] We need a ceasefire.
[00:40:28] And you know who does not support a ceasefire?
[00:40:31] Not a single, not one, not one, not one,
[00:40:35] not a single Republican federal official in the country.
[00:40:39] Not Donald Trump, not any of the members of the House,
[00:40:42] not any of the senators, none of them support a ceasefire.
[00:40:46] And this is after, and so, that's where we're at baseline.
[00:40:51] And so in the Democratic Party,
[00:40:53] we know that the majority of Democrats
[00:40:54] support a ceasefire, the majority of Democrats support,
[00:40:57] stopped for the unconditional flow of weapons in it and so we're just saying
[00:41:00] yo the majority of Democrats support this certainly the overwhelming majority
[00:41:04] of Palestinian Americans support this and the party where we say that we value
[00:41:09] the lives of everyone equally you should be able to hear from a Palestinian
[00:41:12] American we'd be lucky to hear from Palestinian American Palestinian
[00:41:15] Americans are leaders in every kind of movement you can think of of course
[00:41:19] and and we would be lucky to hear from them and if we don't if they
[00:41:22] decide not to which I you know if you if you're watching at home I urge
[00:41:27] You know tweet at the DNC tell them we should hear from a Palestinian American speaker
[00:41:30] Tell them not another bomb that we need an arms embargo now, but if they decide not to then it's really their loss
[00:41:36] No, absolutely
[00:41:38] What you I mean, obviously the morality of it is clear if you are you know, not a
[00:41:44] soulless bloodless monster. It's it's a genocide. It's an apartheid even when it's not a genocide
[00:41:49] it's still an apartheid and currently it's both and
[00:41:52] And beyond the morality of the situation, it also plays well for the Democratic Party's election chances.
[00:42:00] And all it takes is just a little bit of courage.
[00:42:04] And there's been a lot of courage in the Democratic Party so far in behaving like a competent party
[00:42:09] and doing certain things that I, at least in my 10 years of covering the rat race I've never seen from the Democratic Party,
[00:42:17] Swapping out Joe Biden with Kamala Harris, choosing Tim Walz over the safe choice, which
[00:42:24] you've been in probably Josh Shapiro in order to lock down Pennsylvania for the Electoral
[00:42:28] College.
[00:42:30] These are all good moves that they've made.
[00:42:33] And obviously there needs to be a little bit of courage to say that American foreign
[00:42:39] policy that has continued in this bipartisan manner has to stop.
[00:42:44] There needs to be, what is happening over here?
[00:42:49] Okay, well this American foreign policy needs to change in order to even continue the objectives
[00:42:56] of the American State Department.
[00:42:57] That's why there's so many State Department officials that have resigned early on in the
[00:43:05] earlier parts of October, resigning knowing full well what was about to happen, urging
[00:43:11] the American government to create some sort of restraint, some sort of mechanism of restraint
[00:43:16] which Joe Biden himself has enforced at different times in 2021.
[00:43:19] It's just one phone call.
[00:43:21] But not only is it such a simple ask, not only is it morally the right thing to do,
[00:43:27] it also will generate a tremendous amount of support from key constituencies in your
[00:43:35] state specifically and in other states as well.
[00:43:37] The blue wall would be impenetrable if this decision was made.
[00:43:42] There's not a single, and this is something I say all the time, there's not a single person
[00:43:46] that is a likely Democratic Party voter or in the margins that says, I will only vote
[00:43:52] for the Democratic Party if Israel continues its genocide and the Democrats follow through
[00:43:56] on it.
[00:43:57] There are people like that.
[00:43:59] There are single issue voters like that, but they live in the deep South.
[00:44:02] They're evangelical Zionists.
[00:44:03] They're the most rabid of the individuals in this country that are like actively almost
[00:44:08] single-issue voters on that front, right?
[00:44:11] But they're not voting for the Democratic Party.
[00:44:13] There are, however, people, plenty of people, hundreds of thousands of people in very important
[00:44:20] states that say, I will not vote for the Democratic Party unless they put an end to
[00:44:25] the genocide of my people, unless they put an end to the unlimited weapons transfers,
[00:44:30] unless they restrain Israel.
[00:44:33] doesn't make any sense to me because I've never seen a situation where it's like it's
[00:44:37] such an obvious win-win. Like I can't believe we're talking about it on these boundaries
[00:44:42] because we're talking about genocide, right? But even then, if you want to make this bloodless
[00:44:47] political calculation, it's still right there. So, unconscionable.
[00:44:51] And here's the situation, as awful and as ungodly as the situation is right now
[00:45:00] based on what we are witnessing and what we are reading,
[00:45:05] Donald Trump has plans to make this a lot worse, too.
[00:45:09] It's hard to imagine that it could get worse,
[00:45:12] but if you listen to what Donald Trump is saying,
[00:45:13] he says we should genocide faster, essentially.
[00:45:16] He says we should fully annex the West Bank.
[00:45:18] He wants his son-in-law, Jared Kushner,
[00:45:21] to get a million dollar condos on Gaza Beach
[00:45:23] and permanently displace,
[00:45:24] all we need to displace Palestine
[00:45:26] is put a couple more dollars in his pocket.
[00:45:27] It's messed up.
[00:45:29] And so we think we have an opportunity,
[00:45:30] Vice President Harris has an opportunity to tell us
[00:45:33] proactively how she will be different
[00:45:35] than Trump on this issue.
[00:45:38] And I think that can help us rebuild that trust
[00:45:41] with those voters for whom Gaza is a top policy issue
[00:45:44] and Palestinian human rights is a top policy issue.
[00:45:46] Yeah.
[00:45:47] And I do foresee this becoming a larger problem.
[00:45:50] I don't know if you,
[00:45:51] I don't know if this is another thing
[00:45:53] that you've factored in potentially,
[00:45:54] but like from the perspective of the Democratic Party,
[00:45:58] like election chances. It's not just about the uncommitted voters. It's not just about
[00:46:02] people who are like, this is my single issue. This is my family, right? My family's being
[00:46:06] slaughtered. Of course, I want to put an end to that. It's with my tax dollars. But beyond
[00:46:10] that, you're also leaving on the table in a relatively close election. Like the mood
[00:46:17] in there, you've been in there. The mood in there is crazy. It's ecstatic. Everybody
[00:46:20] thinks like, oh, it's over. It's done, right? We can't sweep this issue on
[00:46:25] And know exactly and I do get this attitude that like there are people that are obviously pro-Palestine in there
[00:46:32] Right there obviously who are who are in favor of a ceasefire?
[00:46:36] They represent the majority of America's the overwhelming majority of the Democratic Party's voter base, right?
[00:46:42] But beyond that there's this attitude there. This is like oh you guys are the spoilers
[00:46:46] You're like spoiling the fun that we're having in there and two things come to mind one
[00:46:50] I feel that angers me obviously
[00:46:52] because it's ridiculous.
[00:46:55] But the other thing is,
[00:46:56] I don't think people should be this excited this early on.
[00:46:59] I don't think that leaving someone who is unstable,
[00:47:04] selfish, and has demonstrated his willingness
[00:47:08] to continue this war for his own personal desire
[00:47:10] as someone like Nenyao in this position
[00:47:13] to potentially move American troops into the region
[00:47:16] as he has done so far,
[00:47:18] as the American government has done,
[00:47:19] and potentially pull the United States of America
[00:47:21] And when larger conflict would greatly change the electoral calculus, in the minds of many
[00:47:27] Americans, 50%, more than 50% of Americans don't want to go to war to defend Israel.
[00:47:34] And I think at some point we as a society have to get to the heart of the issue.
[00:47:40] If we want a ceasefire, we've got to stop sending the fire.
[00:47:43] If we want the bombs to stop dropping, we've got to stop sending the bombs.
[00:47:47] It's actually very simple.
[00:47:49] Yeah.
[00:47:50] Our own government's policy for decades has been sustaining a very deeply illegal occupation and
[00:47:57] now an apartheid system that has resulted in the horrors we're seeing now. So we've got to have
[00:48:03] this conversation among Democrats, among Republicans, among folks who feel like they don't
[00:48:08] identify with either party. We need to change this policy. Absolutely. Thank you so much for
[00:48:13] taking the time out to speak to my audience and to me as well. Appreciate it. Thanks so much.
[00:48:18] Thank you for all your work, of course.
[00:48:20] All right.
[00:48:21] What's good?
[00:48:23] Is that good?
[00:48:23] Is there anyone else you want me to talk to?
[00:48:25] I mean, I'd love to talk to Corey Bush, too, but.
[00:48:27] Yeah.
[00:48:27] No, we can get Corey on in a second, I'm sure.
[00:48:30] Yeah.
[00:48:32] How you doing?
[00:48:33] What's going on?
[00:48:34] I'll do it.
[00:48:35] What's the benefit of saying it's not?
[00:48:44] Oh, I was going to ask, is there anything you guys need?
[00:48:46] Like food, whatever?
[00:48:47] I mean, you seem pretty solid right now, but.
[00:48:49] This pizza's been out here since 4 AM.
[00:48:52] What's going on?
[00:48:53] Everything and nothing.
[00:48:54] So, um, do you mind holding this?
[00:48:57] He's a microphone.
[00:48:58] Yep.
[00:48:59] And then this side right here is supposed to be your mouth.
[00:49:03] Okay.
[00:49:04] So you're, you're uncommitted from Minnesota, uh, one of the largest, uh, the largest uncommitted
[00:49:09] delegation, uh, Tim Walts is the governor of Minnesota.
[00:49:13] And, um, I'll be honest, uh, I was shocked that they chose Tim Walts as the VP pick
[00:49:20] I was shocked that they chose Tim Walsh as the VP pick, rather than Josh Shapiro.
[00:49:26] And I do like the Democrat, Farmer, Labor Party, and all of the things that they did with the one seat majority that they had.
[00:49:34] Yeah, and the Senate and the House, yeah.
[00:49:38] But it's something that I've actively covered back when it was happening, and I was also very excited about this prospect.
[00:49:44] As far as I understand, from what I understand, Tim Moss has also been at odds with the...
[00:49:52] He has said nice things about the uncommitted movement in his own state, which is definitely
[00:49:59] unique, especially at the time when I felt like the mainstream media was avoiding talking
[00:50:04] about the uncommitted movement.
[00:50:05] Like, they were allergic to recognizing that this was genuinely a problem for the Democratic
[00:50:10] Party's future in the, you know, come November.
[00:50:14] He said, we have to listen to these guys, these are constituents, they have a voice,
[00:50:18] they're right, you know, I mean I don't know if they said they're right, but beyond that,
[00:50:22] there's been a little bit of back and forth in terms of how he has handled the situation.
[00:50:27] I know that he, I mean obviously Minnesota has a large Somali population, there are
[00:50:33] some fantastic politicians, the eternal Keith Ellison I like, obviously Eleanor
[00:50:38] Omar in love. And I guess the question is, where do you feel Tim
[00:50:46] Wall's lands on this issue? Do you think he has any sort of power to influence the
[00:50:52] outcome, if he was, to be more sympathetic to the Palestinian play?
[00:50:55] Yeah, thanks for all that. I mean, I feel that he was the best choice of, you
[00:51:00] know, the shortlist, the longlist. I'm happy that he is the vice presidential
[00:51:03] nominee. And yeah, he said, what I remember most specifically is what he
[00:51:07] he said after we had nearly 50,000 vote uncommitted on Super Tuesday in Minnesota was that, you
[00:51:14] know, we're participating in the process, we're voting and we're participating in democracy.
[00:51:18] And he said it's on us to bring them in. And he is not doing that. He has not met with
[00:51:23] us as uncommitted. He's not doing anything to bring us in.
[00:51:27] Somewhat recently I am a member of the Free Palestine Coalition. I'm a liaison
[00:51:32] through some organizing I'm doing to take on Christian Zionism, mostly that's my
[00:51:36] my personal reason and so some members that are Palestinian Minnesotans, some members of
[00:51:43] the Free Palestine Coalition that our Palestinian Minnesotans met with him and he, so the meeting
[00:51:49] was planned and then they said we want to talk about divesting our pension funds from
[00:51:53] specifically Israeli banks and bonds, our state worker pension funds and other public
[00:51:59] worker pension funds and then he canceled the meeting saying oh I thought I was just
[00:52:03] here to hear your stories and your stories of pain and about people that have died so
[00:52:08] that's that's not okay he was not yet named the vice presidential nominee at that point
[00:52:14] or you know presumptive nominee yeah but when he says you know we got to bring those
[00:52:18] people in and they're participating in the process and he's doing nothing to do that
[00:52:23] and it's pretty obvious you know if you followed along how the decision was made for who's
[00:52:27] He's going to be VP.
[00:52:28] He's really all in on being in a supportive role for the nominee, Kamala Harris, who officially
[00:52:35] becomes nominee tonight, if he had the role called already.
[00:52:38] So I think it's time for our governor and the vice presidential nominee for the Democratic
[00:52:43] Party to look at what he can do in Minnesota to show that he cares about what's happening
[00:52:48] and what's happening with hardworking state of Minnesota pension funds, workers pension
[00:52:53] funds that are invested in Israeli banks and bonds against state statute.
[00:52:57] We have state statute that says you cannot invest in any other nation
[00:53:01] states, banks and bonds other than Canada.
[00:53:05] We, there's a path to this.
[00:53:07] Fucking big Canada out of there too, right?
[00:53:10] But in early in 2022 immediately, there was a divestment from Belarus
[00:53:15] and Russia with what's going on in Ukraine.
[00:53:17] This can happen with Israel as well.
[00:53:19] Yeah.
[00:53:19] So, you know, call us in, meet with us, talk to us about what's
[00:53:22] possible what he can do well. He's governor of Minnesota. This is about winning in November.
[00:53:27] We're proud of the way we do voter turnout and volunteer and get out and knock on doors.
[00:53:33] I'm one of those people that does a lot of that and gets others too and I don't feel like I
[00:53:37] can right now. Yeah. And you know, we're pretty, Minnesotans are excited. Many people are excited.
[00:53:44] People like my own sister is stoked. You know, she's a teacher and she's definitely supportive
[00:53:50] on this issue. And the thing is, you know, it's been a breath of fresh air that our governor
[00:53:55] and the vice presidential nominee is saying things in a way that we've just been waiting
[00:54:00] for someone to frame certain things like this, like just a lot of people's bedrooms, like
[00:54:03] you're talking about freedom and just like really plain spoken, kind of folksy messaging
[00:54:08] that people are really latching onto. And, you know, he's rightfully calling out Republicans
[00:54:15] and using the word weird.
[00:54:17] And that's great, like school people are,
[00:54:19] because these horrible, horrible policies
[00:54:21] and ideas they have to take away people's freedom.
[00:54:24] And just some of it is truly weird.
[00:54:27] I'll tell you what's weird, Governor Walz,
[00:54:29] Vice Presidential nominee Walz.
[00:54:31] What is weird is to say seize fire
[00:54:34] and keep sending the fire.
[00:54:35] That's weird, it's not a good look.
[00:54:38] You're a teacher, you know better.
[00:54:40] You taught people, students, learners
[00:54:42] in Mankato, Minnesota, the site of 38 people being hung on the same day the
[00:54:47] Emancipation Proclamation was signed. You talked them about genocide. You talked
[00:54:52] them, you know better. You know better. It's time to step up and write that
[00:54:56] wrong and the legacy of Minnesota and the Dakota slaughtered genocide there.
[00:55:02] Stop being weird. Stop sending the fire and saying ceasefire. That is a
[00:55:06] direct contradiction. And you know better. You know that's a bad look.
[00:55:09] You gotta stop the bomb, stop the money.
[00:55:12] Absolutely, thank you.
[00:55:13] Thank you so much.
[00:55:14] Actually, I do have one other question.
[00:55:16] What's going on, my man?
[00:55:17] How you doing?
[00:55:18] Good to be here.
[00:55:19] Nice to meet you.
[00:55:21] The thing I wanted to ask you about is,
[00:55:24] I feel like I'm Muslim.
[00:55:27] I'm Turkish.
[00:55:28] I'm a white guy, but my name's Hasan.
[00:55:31] I can't really escape that in America.
[00:55:33] Sometimes it comes up, usually at the TSA line.
[00:55:37] Having said that, I always have, I guess, a special place for American politicians who
[00:55:45] are not from that background, who do stand by their Muslim constituents.
[00:55:52] And Tim Walz historically has done that, both in terms of defending Keith Ellison, both
[00:55:57] in terms of defending Yihon Omar, both in terms of defending the Somali population
[00:56:02] in Minnesota.
[00:56:05] And then, pairing that up with his background as a teacher who did teach his students about
[00:56:13] genocide, about how certain types of genocide are not even covered in the same severity,
[00:56:20] like this is not like normal from a person that I would ever see at the top of a ticket,
[00:56:29] you know what I mean, as a vice president candidate, so it makes me feel like there
[00:56:33] There is an inherent contradiction there and I don't know how he could be the same person
[00:56:38] who did all this stuff in his past, who simultaneously is now staying silent.
[00:56:43] Yeah, he's effectively been silent, living those nice words on Super Tuesday.
[00:56:47] And yeah, we're talking about someone who is clearly white, state champion, football
[00:56:52] coach, high school teacher, proud of working in the lunchroom.
[00:56:57] And yeah, he has stood with our...
[00:56:59] And he stood.
[00:57:00] that are across all the communities you name
[00:57:03] that we have a very diverse, vibrant immigrant
[00:57:06] and refugee population in Minnesota.
[00:57:09] And he has stood up in support of that
[00:57:12] in his career leading up to getting elected to Congress
[00:57:15] and as a governor, and now he's silent.
[00:57:17] And that is very disappointing.
[00:57:20] And it's certainly not the way to win in November.
[00:57:23] And it's certainly not the way to keep this one Minnesota
[00:57:25] that he ran on as governor in 2018 going
[00:57:28] and to keep the progress and the celebrating
[00:57:32] that we're seeing from our 2023 legislative session.
[00:57:35] So it's shocking, it's concerning,
[00:57:37] it's time to change on this.
[00:57:40] One thing about our governor
[00:57:42] and the vice presidential nominee that we've seen
[00:57:45] is that he's been willing to evolve,
[00:57:47] he's been willing to dig in and listen.
[00:57:49] For example, the issue of guns
[00:57:51] and he's been talking about that quite a bit.
[00:57:53] He had an A rating from the NRA
[00:57:55] and then he was challenged and he's done that issue.
[00:57:58] He's shown his ability to evolve and he really has to evolve in like an hour so that we can get a speaker up on stage.
[00:58:05] And hopefully he's doing that and if so, it's time to be public. He needs to evolve quickly.
[00:58:10] We don't have much time today with what's left of the DNC and what kind of message is going to be sent to our Muslim and our Arab and our community in Minnesota, let alone nationally.
[00:58:19] Now it's national stage, governor, let's go.
[00:58:22] I agree. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for your work.
[00:58:25] Nice to meet you.
[00:58:27] Hi.
[00:58:30] Nice to meet you.
[00:58:32] Would you mind holding this when you speak?
[00:58:34] It's a mic.
[00:58:36] Make sure this part
[00:58:38] is facing you.
[00:58:40] Alright, so
[00:58:42] tell the chat
[00:58:44] who you are and what you're doing here.
[00:58:46] You can look at me, you can look at the camera.
[00:58:48] It's all good. We're first-tyling. It's not that serious.
[00:58:50] It's not like...
[00:58:52] There's only like 40,000 people watching. Don't worry.
[00:58:54] All right, great, thanks a lot.
[00:58:57] Okay, my name is Sabrina, I'm an Uncommoned Dilligate
[00:59:00] from Washington State, and I'm here to advocate
[00:59:03] for my people, I'm a Palestinian-American,
[00:59:05] and so I'm here to amplify the voices of the president.
[00:59:10] So, have you been participating in an demonstration so far?
[00:59:16] So, we have been sitting here since 8.30 last night.
[00:59:21] I have not slept since then,
[00:59:23] So, but you know, at least we can do, we want to make sure that there is enough room for
[00:59:28] us in the Democratic Party that Palestinian voices are represented.
[00:59:31] And that we really hold true to what our voters sent us here to do and create space for
[00:59:37] Palestinians.
[00:59:38] Okay.
[00:59:39] Perfect.
[00:59:40] Were you one of the people that wanted to speak, potentially?
[00:59:43] No.
[00:59:44] No?
[00:59:45] Absolutely not.
[00:59:46] I wouldn't do it.
[00:59:47] What would you say if you got up there?
[00:59:48] I wouldn't do it because I'm going to tell you why I wouldn't do it.
[00:59:49] There are so many more qualified Palestinians and also Palestinians who have gone to Gaza
[00:59:55] and served there in the last 10 months and I think the world needs to hear from.
[01:00:00] It's not about us as individuals, it's about amplifying the voices with us on what's happening
[01:00:04] there.
[01:00:05] So it's not about me, but whatever I can do in this movement to like get to that mission,
[01:00:08] that's what I'm here to do.
[01:00:10] Okay.
[01:00:11] Do you think the Democratic Party is going to be responsive to the very reasonable
[01:00:14] demands you guys are making out here today?
[01:00:16] I think it would be a great mistake not to.
[01:00:19] I think that I'm holding, I'll hope that they will see us and they'll hear us and they'll
[01:00:25] allow space for Palestinian voices in the party.
[01:00:29] Perfect.
[01:00:30] Thank you so much.
[01:00:31] Thank you so much.
[01:00:32] Nice to meet you.
[01:00:33] So nice to meet you.
[01:00:34] Thank you for your time.
[01:00:35] What's up?
[01:00:36] Yeah, how's it going?
[01:00:37] What's going on, brother?
[01:00:38] Yeah, it's the other minute.
[01:00:39] Okay.
[01:00:40] All the relations coming home.
[01:00:41] Oh.
[01:00:42] Oh, all right, perfect.
[01:00:43] No, no, it's all good.
[01:00:44] Here you go.
[01:00:45] Tell the people who you are, what do you do?
[01:00:48] What did you say, mom?
[01:00:52] She's saying you're also single and ready to mingle.
[01:00:55] Oh my god.
[01:00:57] Yo, yo, I'm uncommitted and I'm good with it, alright?
[01:01:01] He's so, he's uncommitted on everything.
[01:01:04] I'm uncommitted on everything except, yeah.
[01:01:07] Yeah, this is live, by the way.
[01:01:10] What's up?
[01:01:12] Oh, damn.
[01:01:14] She aired you out like that. That's crazy.
[01:01:17] That's about right. I mean, the DNC isn't meeting our demands. Let's get something here, okay?
[01:01:25] All right, so where are you uncommitted from?
[01:01:31] My name is Yaz Kader. I'm an uncommitted delegate from the state of Washington.
[01:01:36] Hell yeah. What do you do? I'm actually a registered nurse. I worked for nine years at a level one trauma.
[01:01:42] I got my master's degree and now I work in healthcare regulatory data. Isn't that fun? That sounds awesome. Dude, this is boring
[01:01:49] Yeah, that's also your Palestinian American from Palestinian. Typical
[01:01:55] Every every Palestinian America I've ever ever met is like engineer
[01:02:00] Doctor health care. You know, what's up? What's up with palsies? Why they study so much?
[01:02:04] So you know what we need to do though? We need to get Palestinians and politics, right?
[01:02:08] I agree because of stuff like this like yo
[01:02:11] So, Congresswoman, Rashida Thlib, we need to get somebody in there to help her out.
[01:02:16] Absolutely.
[01:02:17] Like, she can't be in there alone.
[01:02:18] Next time Netanyahu is in there, she can't be sitting in there alone.
[01:02:22] We gotta get somebody in there to help her out.
[01:02:24] I agree.
[01:02:25] Absolutely.
[01:02:26] How did that make you feel when Netanyahu got a standing ovation from the entirety
[01:02:30] of the Republican Party and like half the Democratic Party as a Palestinian American?
[01:02:34] Dude, I mean, first of all, him being there, a foreign, like a foreign government's
[01:02:40] leader who is committing a genocide.
[01:02:42] Yeah, being invited.
[01:02:44] International war criminal by the way.
[01:02:45] Like I recognize war criminal at this point.
[01:02:47] But we don't abide by the Rome Statute.
[01:02:49] So it's absolutely crazy.
[01:02:50] You know what hurt me is actually like that thought
[01:02:52] that I just didn't like that her as a Palestinian,
[01:02:55] she was there alone.
[01:02:56] That's what actually hurt me is that she was sitting
[01:02:58] there alone.
[01:02:59] And I think with everything that's been going on,
[01:03:02] we Palestinians like, you know,
[01:03:04] you just talked to Sabreen.
[01:03:05] I got my brother Rami here.
[01:03:07] You know, where's Leila?
[01:03:08] We got a Bessellic Gopur.
[01:03:12] You see this is the Turks.
[01:03:15] We're all the same.
[01:03:19] Yeah, so we just can't let her be alone.
[01:03:22] We gotta figure that out.
[01:03:23] That's what hurt me the most.
[01:03:25] Obviously the symbolic nature of him being there
[01:03:28] is stupid and quite honestly kind of shitty.
[01:03:31] But her being alone is what bugged me.
[01:03:33] Okay, let me answer this.
[01:03:34] As a Palestinian, look, I'm Turkish.
[01:03:37] uh... i grew up in turkey
[01:03:39] so i've always had a very different analysis of israel than like uh... i
[01:03:43] guess my american counterparts now
[01:03:45] like i i
[01:03:47] had a very different attitude about it uh...
[01:03:50] despite the fact that turkey also is a message of american imperialism is a
[01:03:53] nato nation and also as a funder and facilitator of israel in different
[01:03:56] meaningful ways but we won't get into that right now
[01:03:59] uh...
[01:04:02] i i feel like
[01:04:04] over i haven't been a house spoken uh... uh... advocate for palestine
[01:04:07] for 10 years in my professional media career, at least.
[01:04:12] And I have never seen such support in the Western world
[01:04:17] until this last year, where I feel like
[01:04:23] in the midst of all of this chaos,
[01:04:25] in the midst of all this death and destruction,
[01:04:27] in the Western world, there has been an active movement
[01:04:29] for the first time ever
[01:04:30] that recognized the humanity of Palestinians.
[01:04:33] And I was wondering, is a Palestinian like,
[01:04:35] do you also see it?
[01:04:36] Does that make you feel at least a little bit more hopeful when things seem so hopeless?
[01:04:43] I think that if you had asked me this question yesterday at this time, it would have been
[01:04:50] a lot more hopeful because the uncommitted delegates here, like the Palestinians, we're
[01:04:55] outnumbered, right?
[01:04:56] We have Pakistani, we have definitely American, we have Jewish allies.
[01:05:01] And so it's been wonderful seeing people come together saying, yo, yo, yo, we don't want to
[01:05:06] support this anymore.
[01:05:08] It's not good.
[01:05:09] But the issue is actually in here.
[01:05:12] Yeah.
[01:05:13] Right?
[01:05:14] Yeah.
[01:05:15] We have 4500 delegates.
[01:05:16] Guess what, dude?
[01:05:17] All of them, they see me wearing kofia.
[01:05:18] They say, hey, brother, we love what you're doing.
[01:05:21] We like that you believe.
[01:05:23] Oh, I don't know where to say that.
[01:05:25] Just make sure.
[01:05:26] Yeah, yeah.
[01:05:27] We like what you're doing and we support.
[01:05:29] We support how you're doing it here, right?
[01:05:31] People just say, we support how you're doing it.
[01:05:33] But they don't come out here.
[01:05:35] I mean, sometimes they do, they come and mingle,
[01:05:36] and that's okay, look, dude, I've said this.
[01:05:39] This is not a one or two situation.
[01:05:41] This is one and two.
[01:05:42] You can support hairs and support a ceasefire,
[01:05:44] and that's what we're trying to do.
[01:05:46] What we're trying to do is support for a ceasefire
[01:05:49] and show that it matters for hairs.
[01:05:51] That's how she's gonna win.
[01:05:52] And so I have actually, over the last three days,
[01:05:57] I had a lot of hope talking to the delegates
[01:06:00] But yesterday the Democratic National Convention said they would not allow a Palestinian speaker
[01:06:06] Five minutes yo five minutes
[01:06:09] They they go from four o'clock to like 10 30 at night and they said and they don't have five minutes
[01:06:15] They put a fucking border patrol guy up there, bro
[01:06:18] They put a fucking border patrol guy up there. They put fucking Trump supporters up there
[01:06:22] Somebody was telling me the Uber CEO Uber.
[01:06:25] Yeah, they had like a like I think the Mx guy up there to talk about being a fucking billionaire.
[01:06:30] It's like, I mean, it's ridiculous.
[01:06:32] And you know, yesterday they had the family of an Israeli hostage go up there and speak and, you know,
[01:06:39] listening to them speak, listening to their suffering.
[01:06:42] It's important for us to listen so that we can empathize with one another.
[01:06:47] I don't know what the uncommitted folks or anybody else would think about it,
[01:06:51] but I honestly think the real way,
[01:06:53] the best way to handle this is to bring both families
[01:06:58] up there together, really show the unity.
[01:07:02] You know, I still kind of want to hold out hope
[01:07:04] that some sort of common sense will come through
[01:07:08] so that we can get what we want.
[01:07:09] We want, I think, I know the people want to hear
[01:07:12] from Palestinians in there.
[01:07:13] Yeah, no, absolutely.
[01:07:15] It is, I mean, I was a little shocked seeing like
[01:07:18] how many people even in the bubble,
[01:07:22] because this is not representative of,
[01:07:24] ironically enough, it's not representative
[01:07:26] of the broad majority of Democratic Party voters even.
[01:07:30] I feel like when you're in there, it's a different world.
[01:07:32] Yeah, it is very interesting.
[01:07:34] I mean, over 80% want to permit ceasefire,
[01:07:36] over 60% want to, like at the end of the day,
[01:07:39] people, they don't want to pay to kill babies, right?
[01:07:43] We shouldn't be making bombs, sending them to Israel
[01:07:46] so that they can kill Palestinian babies.
[01:07:47] Like it doesn't make sense.
[01:07:48] Yeah.
[01:07:49] Can I ask you something?
[01:07:50] All right, you're a brown guy.
[01:07:52] Like, stuff like this, like seeing this,
[01:07:55] like our country support Israel to this level.
[01:08:00] Like, do you feel a little bit unsafe?
[01:08:02] Like, just a little bit.
[01:08:03] Because I personally, like, knowing that there's probably
[01:08:06] 200,000 dead Palestinians supported by this country,
[01:08:09] like I personally feel a little bit unsafe
[01:08:11] in this country now.
[01:08:12] There was a moment, I'll tell you this much,
[01:08:15] There was a moment when, ironically enough, things have changed dramatically now, but Dr. Oz was going up against John Fetterman.
[01:08:21] Right, right.
[01:08:22] Mehmetus.
[01:08:23] Yeah, yeah.
[01:08:24] And he was the Republican.
[01:08:25] Yeah.
[01:08:25] Right?
[01:08:26] And, you know, John Fetterman is a fucking goon and a sociopath, but, and you know, that's what happens, I guess.
[01:08:34] He got hit with a stroke gun that makes you pro-Israel.
[01:08:36] Yeah.
[01:08:37] Um, more pro-Israel. He was already pro-Israel.
[01:08:39] Yeah, he lost the Palestine.
[01:08:40] Yeah.
[01:08:41] But basically, that moment for me, I was like,
[01:08:46] that's the Sunni Muslim dude on the Republican side of the ticket in fucking Pennsylvania.
[01:08:52] Like, what happened to the post 9-11 Islamophobia?
[01:08:57] Like, it just didn't completely go away in this country?
[01:09:00] And for a moment, I was like, I think it's gone.
[01:09:02] Like, I think it's like a different era.
[01:09:04] Yeah.
[01:09:05] And then, you know, post October 7th, I was like, oh no, it never went away.
[01:09:10] It was like people put that shit back on so quick. Yeah, and it definitely sucks
[01:09:15] It is like look you said I'm a bra guy like I I'm a very white passing dude
[01:09:20] and I say I'm white all the time like I am white, you know and
[01:09:24] for me
[01:09:25] Unless I'm at the TSA, you know, that's different, but for me. I have a lot of privilege in
[01:09:33] the the intersectionality
[01:09:35] On the aspect of the intersectionality, I have a lot of prudence, tall, white dude, fucking, you know, I'm cis, I'm heterosexual, and I try to always use that juxtaposition to advocate for social justice for marginalized people.
[01:09:53] This is the one issue where people immediately write you off, though.
[01:09:58] Like, you're Muslim, you're Turkish, you're Islamist fundamentalist, you wanna throw gays
[01:10:04] off the roofs, like, by dudes who literally do want that.
[01:10:08] You know what I mean?
[01:10:09] Oftentimes, on the other side, it's like, dudes who are right-wing reactionary monsters,
[01:10:13] who are homophobic, who do wanna kill gay people and trans people, being like, ah,
[01:10:20] yeah, got em, you just love, yeah, you're, you know, you're this, you're that,
[01:10:25] and they just write you off.
[01:10:26] There's no, there's no, there's no like seeing your humanity, like there's no reasoning with
[01:10:32] you in that regard.
[01:10:33] It's one of the only instances where I feel that.
[01:10:35] So I guess on that front, yeah, I do get it.
[01:10:38] I don't necessarily feel unsafe, but I can understand why you would feel unsafe.
[01:10:42] I mean, holy shit, you have both parties being like, yeah, we're going to melt your family.
[01:10:47] It doesn't fucking matter to us.
[01:10:49] And October 7, Hamas, October 7, Hamas, over and over again.
[01:10:53] I appreciate that because at the very least, you acknowledge that, and Vice President Harris,
[01:10:58] you could at least acknowledge it.
[01:11:00] It's just like, you know, there's such a disconnect between what the Democratic face wants and
[01:11:05] what the elected wants.
[01:11:06] And all they have to do, all they have to do is listen.
[01:11:08] That's what they have to do, is just listen, acknowledge, and then do the right thing.
[01:11:12] I think they're just straight up writing the momentum of Kamala Harris and the
[01:11:18] ticket swap, and everyone's excited about it.
[01:11:22] This was something that I called for originally as well.
[01:11:26] I said I would never vote for Joe Biden, no matter what.
[01:11:30] Like, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
[01:11:34] I don't know if I'll vote for Kamala Harris, because I mean, I'm waiting to find out
[01:11:38] what her, what her background looks like, what her actual policy positions are gonna
[01:11:43] look like.
[01:11:44] We're just reading the tea leaves at this point.
[01:11:45] We don't have any way of understanding exactly what she stands for.
[01:11:50] And I say this as someone who covered her pretty closely in 2019 and back then it was like her
[01:11:57] tracker here in the Senate was obviously very progressive but that didn't mean anything
[01:12:01] because it was under a Trump administration where she knew she couldn't get anything done
[01:12:04] anyway and many Democrats routinely vote for really progressive stuff.
[01:12:09] So for you how far up on that scale for her would be like because of Israel policy?
[01:12:15] I'm not the average voter.
[01:12:18] so it doesn't, like I understand that.
[01:12:20] I try to understand where the average voter is coming from
[01:12:25] when I talk about these sorts of things
[01:12:26] and I know that it's not high on the totem pole for them.
[01:12:29] Like I don't think it's like, it's not an equation
[01:12:31] unless it gets back in their face.
[01:12:33] So I think like this kind of stuff is important
[01:12:36] because this kind of pressure is really important.
[01:12:39] Students are going back to college.
[01:12:42] Yeah, if the encampments start coming back
[01:12:44] police are probably gonna crack down on that.
[01:12:46] That's gonna, that is going on.
[01:12:47] That is going to, yeah, that's going to come back
[01:12:49] into the forefront.
[01:12:50] That is going to be something that Kamala Harris
[01:12:54] has to address, that she has to carry everywhere with her.
[01:12:58] So I'm a massive advocate for what you guys are doing here.
[01:13:01] I'm a massive advocate for obviously the protests.
[01:13:04] Like, it's, I see a lot of people saying,
[01:13:08] you know, all right, cut it out guys, come on.
[01:13:11] Like, what are you doing?
[01:13:12] Like, Trump is gonna be so much worse.
[01:13:14] It's like, yeah, that's the same equation
[01:13:16] with Joe Biden too.
[01:13:17] Like that was the same exact thing in terms of like American foreign policy
[01:13:22] Yeah, something that we're paying for with our tax dollars. Yeah, it's just so I mean
[01:13:28] It's it's it's a partisan W tackling it from like the perspective of partisanship and being like this is the Republican issue
[01:13:33] They're crazy on it. Yeah, we want to heal America want to fix America
[01:13:38] We want to fix the potholes. We want to give you health care. We want to give you education free education
[01:13:43] Education
[01:13:44] We are not interested in unlimited genocide dollars. We're gonna take that money and we're gonna use it on ourselves like that is
[01:13:52] Such an easy narrative to just put out there dude. She could do it like you're saying we're gonna find out probably more tonight
[01:14:00] Where her policies are yeah, like that's what we're finding out right now
[01:14:03] They don't leave any if they don't let a single policy in America speak
[01:14:06] I think that's like that's pretty indicative of where they stand in terms of like yeah, we'll say
[01:14:13] I want to see the Palestinian speak for five minutes. So yeah, yeah, yeah, I
[01:14:19] You're just an agitator over there. Yeah
[01:14:23] You want to hop in here? No
[01:14:26] Put you in
[01:14:33] Hey, nice to meet you. Yeah. Thank you so much. I appreciate it
[01:14:37] I don't know what you're doing.
[01:14:41] Yeah, but not a good one.
[01:14:43] Can I say Salam alaikum to you?
[01:14:45] Yeah, alaikum salam.
[01:14:47] Can I say Salam alaikum to you? Yes.
[01:14:49] Here you go. This is supposed to face you.
[01:14:51] You can put it on you if you want. You can hold it up.
[01:14:53] I don't know what to put on me.
[01:14:55] It's a magnet on the back.
[01:14:57] Okay, I'm just going to hold it.
[01:14:59] Okay.
[01:15:01] So, who are you? What are you doing out here?
[01:15:03] Tell the camera.
[01:15:05] I'm Mohammed and I am the chair a co-chair of the Minnesota delegation of uncommitted delegates to the DNC
[01:15:11] And I ran the Minnesota campaign
[01:15:13] You guys did a phenomenal job. We
[01:15:17] Literally used five thousand dollars of the twenty thousand dollars we raised and got 46,000 votes in eight days
[01:15:24] It's insane eight days as insane. Do you feel like a media snubbed you guys a little bit?
[01:15:28] Like like do you think that there was adequate coverage? Yes. I think so. Yeah, they I was very mad
[01:15:35] I didn't think enough. I mean maybe but I felt like they were like constantly harassing me
[01:15:41] To find out more. Yeah, yeah, I was getting calls constantly. Yeah from a watcher perspective. I'm a news watcher
[01:15:47] Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you have it in perspective. I I felt as though they were just like it was a you know
[01:15:53] They kind of covered it. They're like yeah, these guys are uncommitted. All right move on
[01:15:57] No, I'm good. Thank you. It's only like a day old. No, it's not a day. It's half a day. Okay. It's still good though
[01:16:03] Yeah
[01:16:05] Oh, it's the rate is the racist piece of food the racist pizza. It's Papa John's. Oh
[01:16:11] Wait, are they yes
[01:16:14] No, there's I it is fine. There's Palestinians here is like is a shield
[01:16:20] True true, and I didn't even know that I just thought you know big papa is just like they're like horrible
[01:16:26] I mean that makes sense. Yeah, what what?
[01:16:28] American corporation is not horrible. Yeah, really.
[01:16:33] Um, okay. You said you'd disagree.
[01:16:41] Uh, why do you disagree with, uh, with, with what I said earlier, if they don't allow a Palestinian American to speak up there?
[01:16:47] It's like, I think a pretty big message.
[01:16:49] I mean, no, I think it is a big message, but I also think that there still is...
[01:16:56] I'm a hopeful person and I'm pragmatic.
[01:17:00] And I still think I'm trying to remember that my community, our community, has the most to lose with the Trump presidency.
[01:17:10] I'm just a woman who has faced hate crimes under the Trump presidency.
[01:17:14] And simultaneously, absolutely, I want to see a Palestinian-American speaker on stage.
[01:17:20] But what I think is really their loss is that a majority of Democrats support us in this.
[01:17:26] A majority of Democrats support a ceasefire in arms embargo.
[01:17:29] So it's not the people, it's not the Democrats that are against it, it's the party leadership.
[01:17:35] So I think that's who we need to hold accountable.
[01:17:38] I think the people of the party, by and large, I've been getting hundreds of messages today
[01:17:43] of people saying like, oh, around the world, my friend Khaled in Gaza sent me a message
[01:17:48] today thanking me for what we're doing.
[01:17:50] Yeah, no, they're locked in.
[01:17:53] They watch this stuff pretty closely.
[01:17:54] Yeah, like, Gaza is watching right now as we sat in.
[01:17:57] We slept on the pavement tonight, and it was hard.
[01:18:00] And the thing that I couldn't help but think about
[01:18:02] is that people in Gaza have been sleeping in tents
[01:18:04] for 300 plus days.
[01:18:05] My friend Khalid has been displaced three times.
[01:18:08] Yeah.
[01:18:09] No, I feel you.
[01:18:10] I mean, you're right.
[01:18:13] So you're holding out hope.
[01:18:15] Is it because you think, I'm going to switch pace here.
[01:18:17] I'm going to go back to being kind of funny.
[01:18:20] OK, go ahead.
[01:18:21] Is it because you think Tim Walz is a secret Somali?
[01:18:24] He has never eaten a sambusa in front of me.
[01:18:28] Uh-huh.
[01:18:29] He doesn't know how to say Brasho Noxon,
[01:18:31] which means nice to meet you in Somali.
[01:18:33] Brasho Noxon?
[01:18:34] Brasho Noxon?
[01:18:35] Yeah.
[01:18:36] That means nice to meet you in Somali.
[01:18:38] I don't think he knows those things, so...
[01:18:40] He doesn't know.
[01:18:40] So he's not a secret Somali?
[01:18:41] He's not.
[01:18:42] So Joe Rogan lied.
[01:18:43] Joe Rogan lied.
[01:18:44] Joe Rogan lied to me.
[01:18:45] So unfortunate.
[01:18:46] I saw he...
[01:18:47] As soon as...
[01:18:48] Listen, for me, it's like it doesn't take much.
[01:18:50] If I see a white guy go to a care meeting,
[01:18:52] I'm like, that's...
[01:18:53] Secret Somali.
[01:18:54] That's uh, that's uh, yeah, he's, he's, he's with us.
[01:18:56] He didn't go to a care meeting.
[01:18:57] He did.
[01:18:59] He did a long time ago.
[01:19:00] Oh, he probably spoke at a press conference.
[01:19:02] Yeah.
[01:19:02] Not a care meeting.
[01:19:03] No, no, no.
[01:19:04] Well, not a care meeting, but like.
[01:19:06] I'm from Minnesota, sir.
[01:19:08] But he did, he did attend like, uh,
[01:19:10] uh, uh, uh, he came, he came to a care Islamophobia
[01:19:14] conference and spoke again to Islamophobia
[01:19:17] at the conference.
[01:19:19] Okay, but this one's still.
[01:19:20] No, it's not a meeting.
[01:19:21] It's not enough.
[01:19:21] It's not enough.
[01:19:22] It's not a meeting.
[01:19:23] very you're right you're right my bad yeah my bad yeah what yeah oh oh shit I
[01:19:31] didn't even realize what time it is you should go thank you now that you own me
[01:19:36] I'm leaving you're much taller a person thank you thank you so much
[01:19:42] we gotta go sure nice to meet you man I'm gonna give it to you yeah sure let's
[01:19:57] do it hello I'm a big fan oh that's crazy um do you mind holding this is the
[01:20:06] mic and I got to take a photo with her actually you know what we'll do it
[01:20:09] afterwards we'll do it afterwards thank you so much for being here Corey
[01:20:13] How are you doing?
[01:20:14] I'm all right.
[01:20:15] It's been a sweet moment.
[01:20:16] It's a historic moment, but hopefully it's historic in the way where we can see a great
[01:20:24] change and momentum for everyone where we can all join in and be a big crowd.
[01:20:31] How do you feel about, obviously, APAC-backed big donors that played a significant role
[01:20:39] in your primary race?
[01:20:41] It's absolutely disgusting, you know, it's disgusting, it was deceptive, and you know,
[01:20:48] the thing is, when you can't run on truth, when you have to run on million-dollar lies,
[01:20:55] that speaks to who you actually are.
[01:20:58] And this is not even about, this is not about one organization either, this is just,
[01:21:02] this is about a system that allows for this, you know, so whether it's APAC or the
[01:21:08] you know whether it's the cryptocurrency people whoever so for me we have to do
[01:21:16] the work to fight this system we have to fight this system because what happened
[01:21:20] in my race was primarily Republican meta of madden mega donors decided who was
[01:21:26] the Democratic nominee for this sense and the people of St. Louis deserve
[01:21:32] better absolutely you're a fighter for your people these people out here
[01:21:37] The Uncommitted delegates also did something that you've done as well in the past.
[01:21:42] They stayed out here, and they slept outside to hopefully get the Democratic Party to listen
[01:21:48] to them.
[01:21:49] You were successful in making Congress, I think, extend the eviction moratorium after.
[01:21:55] For those of you who don't know, Cori's stayed outside of Congress, and when they
[01:22:00] were trying to go home, and they love going home, they love going on vacation, and
[01:22:05] worked tirelessly and protest outside of Congress to ensure that the eviction moratorium was
[01:22:10] halted or extended.
[01:22:11] Yes, it was extended. We were out there for four nights and five days and actually Hassan,
[01:22:17] the person who was with me when I made the decision to just like, okay, we're just going
[01:22:22] to stay here. It's Abbas Alawiya, the same person who is one of those leading this movement.
[01:22:27] Oh yeah. What do you think about the intersectionality? This is like kind of silly, but there's a lot
[01:22:34] conversation on TikTok nowadays which is such a ridiculous thing to ask someone
[01:22:39] like yourself but a lot of people are confused they think that you know there's
[01:22:46] the sentiment that like oh the proposity movement is like anti-black because
[01:22:48] they're like you know not with Kamala Harris or things of that nature right
[01:22:54] and I wanted to ask you how you feel about that because like I go to these
[01:22:58] protests all the time these are some of the most diverse protests I've ever
[01:23:02] And they've always been and and obviously Palestinians have been at the forefront as well and and Muslim
[01:23:08] America's been at the forefront of Black Lives Matter movements as well.
[01:23:12] I just wanted to hear what you had to say about the intersectionality and how these
[01:23:17] these struggles diverge in very meaningful ways.
[01:23:21] Yes, so so first of all I'll start with the fact that in my community Black Muslims
[01:23:28] are working directly with our Arab Muslim and Palestinian community and have been on this
[01:23:35] issue. So locally, they have been hand in hand working together. But I have to take this all
[01:23:41] the way back to from me to where it started. It was the Ferguson uprising when a delegation
[01:23:47] of Palestinians came up came to the United States to Missouri to St Louis to Ferguson to help us
[01:23:53] protest for and to help us protest. But also they were mainly there to teach us what to do
[01:23:58] do when we were teargassed. This is 2014 before all the information was out there.
[01:24:03] This is when Barack Obama was like, their thugs.
[01:24:06] It was really a tough time. And so that solidarity was there then. And I remember asking them,
[01:24:13] Hassan, I remember saying, why are you doing this? Why are you putting yourselves on the
[01:24:18] line? We're being teargassed, shot with rubber bullets, all of these things. And they
[01:24:21] said because we understand oppression in our country, we know what this is like
[01:24:27] and we don't want anyone else to go through it.
[01:24:28] And so we locked arms and stood together then.
[01:24:31] So that solidarity is there,
[01:24:33] but that solidarity was there during the civil rights movement.
[01:24:35] This is nothing new.
[01:24:36] My auntie, you know, my auntie who I love,
[01:24:39] the Dr. Angela Davis speaks about it so much, you know?
[01:24:42] And so we have to stand together
[01:24:45] and standing together at this time.
[01:24:48] It's about humanity, you know?
[01:24:50] How can I, I have no idea, Hassan,
[01:24:52] what it's like to wonder if a bomb
[01:24:54] is gonna hit my community.
[01:24:56] No idea what that's going to be like and I hope I never do, but for those that do,
[01:25:01] I should be there to help them the same way that many of them,
[01:25:05] many Palestinians said, you know what, we don't know what it's like to,
[01:25:09] to suffer in this country, to suffer what black people go through in this country.
[01:25:13] We don't know what that's like here, you know, the same way.
[01:25:16] We don't know what it's like to be killed by police with impunity, you know,
[01:25:19] disproportionately.
[01:25:20] So in the same way, we should be standing for one another.
[01:25:23] And obviously the issue goes beyond,
[01:25:26] there is a direct involvement when you have,
[01:25:29] in the post-911 world, in the United States of America,
[01:25:32] the IDF training police departments all around the country,
[01:25:35] you have the New York police department
[01:25:37] having an office in Tel Aviv.
[01:25:39] Like, this is a direct issue.
[01:25:42] It's this exact, sometimes the exact same struggle
[01:25:46] that black Americans, people of color in this country
[01:25:49] experience in terms of police brutality.
[01:25:51] Sometimes the tactics and the techniques are directly taught by the IDF and applied to the Palestinian population.
[01:25:58] And it's boasted. It's boasted that, you know, even from some police departments that they went and received that training.
[01:26:05] And so that was hurtful for us doing the Ferguson Uprising to see our local police force speak to that in that way.
[01:26:12] It's one thing to get the training, it was another thing to boast about it.
[01:26:14] Yeah. Yeah, no, it's ridiculous. Well, thank you so much for everything that you do.
[01:26:19] Thank you.
[01:26:20] And I hope that you'll continue and get back into Congress.
[01:26:25] All right.
[01:26:26] All right.
[01:26:27] Thank you.
[01:26:28] Thank you.
[01:26:29] All right.
[01:26:30] So sorry.
[01:26:31] Okay, let's do it.
[01:26:32] All right, we gotta move.
[01:26:34] Oh my God.
[01:26:36] Oh my God.
[01:26:37] Wait, hold on.
[01:26:38] Let me take this photo.
[01:26:39] Let me take this photo.
[01:26:44] Jack, look who it is.
[01:26:47] Look who it is.
[01:26:49] Are you a creator?
[01:26:51] You guys got to hang out in the crib.
[01:26:52] I'm the original creator.
[01:26:53] You know, they used to, it preference us bloggers.
[01:26:56] He's a, now they preference you guys.
[01:26:57] The man, the myth, the legend.
[01:27:00] Okay.
[01:27:02] Mr. Laptop Salesman himself.
[01:27:05] Ha ha ha ha ha.
[01:27:07] Thanks to you. Wow.
[01:27:08] Wow.
[01:27:09] Two factor authentication.
[01:27:10] How are you, how you been?
[01:27:11] Oh, okay.
[01:27:12] I have to, I have to leave,
[01:27:14] but we have to go back to our,
[01:27:16] we have to go back to our studio,
[01:27:17] but I have to talk to you about some stuff.
[01:27:18] Hey, can you hold this microphone?
[01:27:20] Or are you gonna even put it on your,
[01:27:22] It's a it's a I see I got it's a magnet. It's a magnifying if you want to I get some metal right there
[01:27:28] No, no, no, it's a oh, I see
[01:27:32] Okay, oh shit. Okay. God damn it. Oh my god. That's my big moment. No, no, you're not missing a big moment look
[01:27:45] Anything of the American prospect for those of you don't know. I don't know
[01:27:48] I mean he's been on the show multiple times obviously love him
[01:27:51] He's also you might recognize him from the majority report. He's on there all the time as well
[01:27:56] Question for you. Yeah, you're a policy guy. You're a domestic policy guy. You love this stuff
[01:28:01] You write this stuff. Yeah, and I wish that they will listen to you more but
[01:28:06] Do you feel like I mean this is not gonna be about Israel Palestine in particular, but like do you feel like there is
[01:28:13] Is this a different Democratic party than the one we know and the one we
[01:28:17] I came down because I wanted to see what was happening here and see what the grievances are.
[01:28:26] I think it's ridiculous that they haven't produced the calcium.
[01:28:33] The idea is the convention has to be joyful and happy and everything, but what would be
[01:28:38] the certainly the house of the family?
[01:28:40] You need to do both or none, right?
[01:28:42] Also, let me tell you, I don't feel joyful when I see a fucking border patrol guy go
[01:28:45] go up there to be like, oh, we gotta do less deportation
[01:28:49] than Trump, but still do some deportation.
[01:28:52] That didn't give joy to me at all.
[01:28:55] Yeah, so I mean, it's a convention.
[01:28:57] They're trying to play it to the eight idiots
[01:28:59] that are in the middle of it, trying to figure out
[01:29:01] how to report for it.
[01:29:03] But in terms of policy, let me ask you this.
[01:29:05] Sure.
[01:29:05] Because it's a lot of vibes.
[01:29:08] Yeah?
[01:29:09] This is just economic policy, things of that nature.
[01:29:14] Do you feel like it's different?
[01:29:15] you feel like they are, like the Tim Maul selection,
[01:29:18] it made me feel as though they were like owning
[01:29:20] some of the stuff, some of this radical stuff
[01:29:22] like paid family, you know.
[01:29:26] There's some hope to that.
[01:29:27] Feeding children.
[01:29:28] And also some of the key advisors
[01:29:29] that the campaign picked up are people who worked
[01:29:32] for Elizabeth Warren, who worked in the
[01:29:33] Biden White House on some of the good
[01:29:36] industrial policy stuff.
[01:29:38] I think they have this big agenda.
[01:29:41] I just wrote this story at, check it out.
[01:29:45] They have a big agenda, they want to restore a row, they want to pass voting rights legislation,
[01:29:53] they want to do paid family leave, they want to do, you know, childcare, all that stuff.
[01:29:59] And the question is, the rules of the Senate right now prohibit them from doing any of that.
[01:30:06] Because of the filibuster.
[01:30:07] And I've been going around, I've probably asked maybe 15, 20 percent of the Democratic
[01:30:13] at Cawcust about this.
[01:30:15] And that's why I want to ask this question.
[01:30:16] I've gotten a variety of answers.
[01:30:18] You're a nerd.
[01:30:19] So you know, some people say, oh, we have a plan.
[01:30:21] We've figured this out.
[01:30:23] First, we'll pass the row thing.
[01:30:24] And then after you do it once, it's like,
[01:30:27] what are they going to say?
[01:30:28] They're going to say, oh, well, it was important for women,
[01:30:30] but it's not important for after you get out of here.
[01:30:33] It's not important for kids for gun safety.
[01:30:36] But then other people have said, well,
[01:30:38] there are a range of views in the Cawcust,
[01:30:39] and we'll see what we can do.
[01:30:41] You can't simultaneously promise to change America
[01:30:45] and then not promise to change the rules to prohibit you from changing America.
[01:30:49] One thing I saw from Kamala Harris and the rallies that I think is really unique in terms of messaging
[01:30:54] was that she didn't say, if I get into the White House we're going to make this change.
[01:30:56] She said, if I get into the White House and we get the Senate and the House,
[01:31:01] obviously that's important. That's the only way you have a government moment.
[01:31:04] But then the step beyond that is to change the rules to make sure you can actually pass that stuff.
[01:31:09] Now, look, I was in Las Vegas from the back end of the Harris Walls farmstorming tour.
[01:31:15] It was 190 degrees there and there were 16,000 people outside.
[01:31:21] There's obviously a ton of excitement and relief that we don't have to vote for Joe Biden,
[01:31:25] that we don't have to defend Joe Biden.
[01:31:26] Yeah, you know, there's a ton of excitement.
[01:31:29] But I do feel like they're kind of using that excitement to...
[01:31:32] As a shield.
[01:31:33] As a shield to avoid talking about certain things, specifically this one.
[01:31:37] I do also worry, this one meaning Israel-Baltzak, I do also worry a little bit that they're
[01:31:42] using that momentum to be like, oh we shouldn't go even further and try to pick up even more
[01:31:48] steam or more momentum. It's good, we got it.
[01:31:52] Well yeah, I mean that is the concern. You're preaching to the choir when you're here.
[01:31:57] There's not a single one person in this hall that's going to vote for Donald Trump.
[01:32:02] The question is, are you doing the work that needs to be done to bring in other people and
[01:32:07] find voters who are considering not voting?
[01:32:10] Yeah.
[01:32:11] People maybe that watch you.
[01:32:12] Yeah.
[01:32:13] That are considering not voting.
[01:32:14] Yeah, no, a lot of people, they're voting for Trump, my voters.
[01:32:17] Yeah, my chair is having.
[01:32:18] All in for our opinion, now they're moving.
[01:32:21] Yeah, yeah, now that you nailed it.
[01:32:23] Yeah, they were, once RFK drops out and says, you know, I'm riding with Trump,
[01:32:29] they're going Trump.
[01:32:30] There you go.
[01:32:31] There you go.
[01:32:31] I don't have responsible leadership and I change this.
[01:32:34] Yeah.
[01:32:34] Yeah.
[01:32:35] Or the CIA, apparently, according to fucking Donald Trump
[01:32:38] Jr., who's the crackhead?
[01:32:39] Who gives a shit?
[01:32:41] Thank you so much.
[01:32:41] You got it.
[01:32:43] We are here with Dale Day and Hottie's for Harris.
[01:32:46] Hottie's for Harris?
[01:32:47] Yeah, it was there.
[01:32:48] A Hottie for Harris.
[01:32:48] I was there.
[01:32:49] No, I had to pretend I was running a hype house.
[01:32:51] That's the only way I was left to eat it.
[01:32:53] Yeah.
[01:32:53] I mean, you could.
[01:32:55] You look the part.
[01:32:57] All right.
[01:32:57] Can you get the mic back?
[01:32:58] You got it.
[01:32:58] I'm going to grab it real quick.
[01:33:00] Thank you so much.
[01:33:01] All right, thank you so much for coming out here.
[01:33:04] Okay.
[01:33:07] What's up?
[01:33:07] You have to go.
[01:33:08] Yeah, Williams Rowan, I'm sorry.
[01:33:10] No, nowhere at all.
[01:33:10] I'm a content creator,
[01:33:11] and you inspired my whole content journey.
[01:33:13] Hell yeah, I love your fit.
[01:33:15] Thank you so much.
[01:33:15] Have a great day.
[01:33:16] All right.
[01:33:17] How are you?
[01:33:19] Hello, guys.
[01:33:20] Oh, what's your name?
[01:33:21] I'm Zita Noura.
[01:33:22] How are you?
[01:33:23] I'm Ariana.
[01:33:24] I'm Morgana, Caroline Fawn.
[01:33:26] Hell yeah.
[01:33:27] Hell yeah.
[01:33:28] Flex.
[01:33:28] Here.
[01:33:29] Oh, that's dope.
[01:33:30] Yeah, so I just wanted to say hi.
[01:33:32] All right, thank you for doing what you do.
[01:33:34] Yeah, of course.
[01:33:35] Can I get a picture?
[01:33:36] Yeah, of course.
[01:33:37] Let's get a greml all.
[01:33:38] What's up, man?
[01:33:39] What's up, man?
[01:33:40] What's up, man?
[01:33:41] What's up, man?
[01:33:42] Can you take a picture of us?
[01:33:43] What?
[01:33:44] Can you take a picture of us?
[01:33:45] Yeah.
[01:33:51] All right.
[01:33:52] Thank you so much.
[01:33:53] We got a dip.
[01:33:54] All right.
[01:33:55] What's going on, brother?
[01:33:56] I don't know.
[01:33:59] Thank you.
[01:34:00] What's happening?
[01:34:01] You want a photo?
[01:34:02] Yeah.
[01:34:05] All right, come quick.
[01:34:06] Shit, are we fucked?
[01:34:07] super late. Alright quick quick quick quick quick quick quick. Alright cool scan. Alright
[01:34:12] can we go up through here? See you later. No we need to go get our stuff. Shit! You're
[01:34:44] right. We got a hook all the way around. Yeah it's a gate to hall six, gate six. Yeah
[01:34:51] we got to go to the other side. Yeah. Grab our shit. I'm texting everybody right now.
[01:34:57] okay you got a run we're running right now we're late sorry it was dark chat I
[01:35:02] know all right try to be like 10 things right now okay okay we're running all
[01:35:08] right no problem thank you all right yeah no problem did you fix the darkness
[01:35:25] or is it so dark dude I think oh it's nice and chilly in here chat did you
[01:35:37] enjoy that putting the wrong glasses on that was good right oops sorry hello and
[01:36:28] we're late and where we have a wait we can get in right sorry we got we got we
[01:36:36] got caught up in interviews yeah absolutely I did not it's my pants yeah
[01:36:49] Of course.
[01:36:57] Look what this motherfucker has on right now.
[01:37:06] Who's yelling?
[01:37:09] They'll meet the chairman.
[01:37:19] Chat.
[01:37:30] We're meeting the chairman,
[01:37:31] have to get the chairman fit on.
[01:37:35] You're gonna pull your lanyard out.
[01:37:41] I just keep it in my pocket and flash it.
[01:37:46] I'm not wearing some dorky ass.
[01:37:49] What?
[01:37:49] I gotta wear some dorky ass
[01:37:51] when you're over my drip.
[01:37:54] Fair.
[01:37:54] Alright, let's do it.
[01:37:57] Oh, we're ready.
[01:38:04] I think for the New York Times, we'll mic her up.
[01:38:07] We'll mic me up, you place the camera somewhere,
[01:38:09] and then you can start setting up potentially.
[01:38:11] Sure.
[01:38:12] Right? Could you do that?
[01:38:14] Yeah.
[01:38:20] Eric, apparently there's someone from the New York Times
[01:38:22] that's going to come up, right?
[01:38:24] We'd ask for them.
[01:38:26] I think so.
[01:38:30] I just forgot. I forgot all about it.
[01:38:33] What's up? What's up?
[01:38:39] I think we're just following her.
[01:38:40] Oh, okay.
[01:38:41] Get your bag!
[01:38:43] I'm trying.
[01:38:44] Okay.
[01:38:45] I'll be right back.
[01:38:46] I'll be right back.
[01:38:48] Hi, I'm gonna see you.
[01:38:49] Which way are we going?
[01:38:51] I think so.
[01:38:55] Okay.
[01:39:00] No.
[01:39:09] Well, we can do that later, because I think we're very late.
[01:39:12] Well, it's not that I need to go live. We are live.
[01:39:15] It's just where is it?
[01:39:29] Hey team, we're still waiting on 2 p.m. and 53 if they cannot show go past 2 30 you cannot enter until they're wrapped
[01:39:36] The 2 p.m. Did arrive the space will be closed until they're done
[01:39:40] Oh, it's ready, okay
[01:39:44] Okay, I was yeah, I was doing interviews so I didn't see anything and my phone was on do not disturb
[01:39:51] Okay, thank you
[01:40:43] Yeah, but we're running so
[01:40:46] Thank you so much
[01:40:48] Yeah, yeah, March who said the New York Times is here. No
[01:41:48] No, well, they're waiting on us
[01:41:50] They're waiting on us. Yeah, they're looking for ladies be escorted up. Oh
[01:41:55] They still need to be escorted up. Yeah, just message David about it
[01:42:02] wait is this it no it's 24 it's no we're way
[01:42:17] no this is ours we're studio 53 oh oh we're not 53 I've been telling everybody
[01:42:30] This is 53, right?
[01:42:32] Yeah, that's 53.
[01:42:33] Wait, what?
[01:42:34] It says 24.
[01:42:35] Yeah, that's the sign in front of it.
[01:42:38] Oh, that's crazy.
[01:42:41] Well, that can confuse me.
[01:42:51] We can come.
[01:42:53] Hello.
[01:42:54] What's going on, guys?
[01:43:02] We're back.
[01:43:03] We're back.
[01:43:04] Yeah, we're back.
[01:43:05] It's a big camera.
[01:43:06] It's a little gussy.
[01:43:07] Yep, it's the last day.
[01:43:09] It's a big camera for you guys.
[01:43:14] I
[01:43:18] Yeah, we have one
[01:43:35] If that's the case let's just put the camera in there and I'll just do it in there with the mics while you set it up in here
[01:43:40] It's it's oh, it's epic. Oh
[01:43:44] I mean they still to be escorted up and shit so you can set up really quick bag loss connection is sitting at 500
[01:43:50] It's picking back up now
[01:43:53] What
[01:43:55] It's gonna be escorted in shit so we can just set up right now quickly
[01:43:58] Okay
[01:44:00] Why is it not picking up come on, baby
[01:44:15] It's not the ingest still shows
[01:44:24] Our 4k okay, be ready to skid
[01:44:46] Okay, it picked back up it picked back up. Oh check and see okay great. All right
[01:44:53] Let me tell David to send them up, I'll just set up.
[01:44:58] Yeah, I'll set up while you do that.
[01:45:00] I'm gonna take this off for now.
[01:45:05] I see everybody wearing jackets today.
[01:45:12] It should be cold, huh?
[01:45:14] Yeah.
[01:45:15] Someone else shaking fingers.
[01:45:22] No, I did not.
[01:45:24] I didn't have time.
[01:45:31] No, it's fine, I'm gonna put it back on in a second.
[01:45:33] I just wanna...
[01:45:35] While I'm doing this, I'm gonna just keep it off.
[01:45:37] bro did the magnet is so crazy it literally I just drop it in my shirt and
[01:45:52] it automatically locks on magnets what are they made of you know how do they
[01:45:59] work magic magic that's how yeah I just I just let them know I can act
[01:46:08] Can we bring that in?
[01:46:22] Yep.
[01:46:24] Trying to carry the American working class.
[01:46:28] We need somebody to escort Ken Bessinger from New York Times.
[01:46:33] I put him in the group chat right now to try to coordinate.
[01:46:38] But they're going to probably want to meet somewhere like this.
[01:46:42] Well, they want to interact.
[01:46:44] Yeah.
[01:46:45] But we just... I think they need to be escorted to get up here.
[01:46:50] I don't know yet.
[01:46:51] Use that room for a little bit while we do the interview.
[01:46:54] I mean, if not, it's fine, we can be out here.
[01:46:57] It's something coming in, but I don't know what.
[01:47:01] It's all good.
[01:47:01] I mean, we can use every time.
[01:47:12] Chad.
[01:47:13] Gaff tape line around.
[01:47:18] Chad can finally see the gaff tape cameras.
[01:47:21] Yeah.
[01:47:24] Chad, these are professionals.
[01:47:25] OK, don't try this gaff taping at home, OK?
[01:47:31] Thank you. You can just sit it down. Wherever.
[01:47:34] These are pros. We are pros too, I guess, technically now.
[01:47:41] We are pros.
[01:47:42] Because we work with pros.
[01:47:43] Take the lens from that camera when you swap over.
[01:48:14] Yeah.
[01:48:16] It's like, pull the camera here.
[01:48:32] Okay, we don't have to do it in here.
[01:48:34] Yeah, let's do it out here. That's not problem.
[01:48:37] But we have to bring her in before they go in there, right?
[01:48:40] Where are you?
[01:48:42] I have no idea.
[01:48:44] I don't know how I knew it.
[01:48:49] I'll group schedule this guy.
[01:48:51] I'm moving to five.
[01:48:53] He's doing an interview right now,
[01:48:55] since I wasn't back in the booth.
[01:48:57] Oh, he's not going to come.
[01:48:59] Okay, great.
[01:49:01] We're not doing the New York Times interview right now.
[01:49:05] I don't think we can do five,
[01:49:07] but we'll see.
[01:49:09] I'm really singing, Chad.
[01:49:52] I don't know if you guys can hear it.
[01:49:54] AOC at 430?
[01:50:01] I thought it was going to be for me a gypa, but I don't know.
[01:50:05] You can see about 4 gypa, 430.
[01:50:07] Gypa cancer.
[01:50:08] Gypa cancer.
[01:50:10] Damn, we got snubbed by gypa.
[01:50:17] We got snubbed by gypa.
[01:50:21] No, it's the last day.
[01:50:51] So people are fucking sitting in on the rehearsals,
[01:50:53] like people are parked in their spots,
[01:50:56] camping out, making sure that they get primo location out here.
[01:51:09] Chad, you get to see how the sausage
[01:51:11] is made. Do you like it? I can't see the comments, but like this is what I do every time I get
[01:51:20] into a hotel room or wherever I am. Usually by myself, but oftentimes also with March.
[01:51:34] Is this powered on? With the actual cable? Because you've connected?
[01:51:40] Oh. If you didn't plug it, it's not powered on. If you did, then it is.
[01:51:44] It's powered on now.
[01:51:51] This immediately spy family first thing that comes up.
[01:51:57] Embarrassing.
[01:51:58] Did it miss that on a burger because he was watching spy family?
[01:52:01] No.
[01:52:02] What is this?
[01:52:03] This USB-C4.
[01:52:04] We're missing.
[01:52:05] There's...
[01:52:08] It might be anxious.
[01:52:09] This is the...
[01:52:10] I need this for the camera.
[01:52:13] Oh, no.
[01:52:14] This is for the light.
[01:52:15] We're not using it.
[01:52:16] Oh, gotcha.
[01:52:17] I just need
[01:52:38] You can put that in the
[01:52:42] In the bag
[01:52:44] We need power for the camera
[01:52:47] It's effing
[01:52:49] Well, we're about to switch over so why is it effing?
[01:52:53] What the fuck?
[01:52:57] Okay, I started it on this end. Okay, whenever you're ready switch it over so I can
[01:53:02] Put the camera in right here. Okay
[01:53:20] Still no F
[01:53:30] God damn
[01:53:33] We move it like this remember yeah
[01:53:48] Cameras on just needs a lens, but you can probably find it at the source now
[01:53:53] It's gonna be black, but
[01:53:55] And let me know when you swap so I can change this black. I know
[01:54:04] Okay, um
[01:54:07] Let me do a couple things I
[01:54:10] Don't know if I need the mic yet
[01:54:12] Uh, I might need it.
[01:54:16] Okay, we're, uh, we can...
[01:54:21] I think we can swab it.
[01:54:31] We can swab it.
[01:54:32] Okay.
[01:54:33] Let me know.
[01:54:35] Yeah, let's do it.
[01:54:36] Let's swab it.
[01:54:37] Ready?
[01:54:38] Hi, chat.
[01:54:39] Hi chat.
[01:55:04] They have been training themselves even locked away in the mountain side.
[01:55:08] Slapping fucking rocks, okay?
[01:55:11] Absolutely just slapping rocks completely naked so they can destroy the Magus signals.
[01:55:19] And if there is one force to be reckoned with on the internet, fucking K.I.
[01:55:30] Fuck this up.
[01:57:44] We're back, we're back, we're back.
[01:57:46] I didn't even, and I'm not even doing an intro, you know?
[01:57:49] I just wanted to have you experience the joy
[01:57:53] of the 2020 Kamala Harris by Satch K-Hive song.
[01:58:03] Experience it in all of its glory.
[01:58:05] We're live, we're live folks.
[01:58:07] We're back to the desktop proportion of the broadcast.
[01:58:09] You already know what it is.
[01:58:11] We're here, it is, is there an issue?
[01:58:17] Oh, okay.
[01:58:28] I mean, sure, uh, uh, okay.
[01:58:30] Yeah, if he wants to show up, yeah, I mean,
[01:58:34] I'll talk to him, I guess.
[01:58:35] It's fine, I don't know.
[01:58:38] Folks, we're live, we're live, we're live.
[01:58:41] Let me see what I look like on this, do I?
[01:58:43] Does it look good?
[01:58:46] Like, or is it blown out a little bit?
[01:58:50] It's a little bright, all right?
[01:58:52] Uh, I'm looking at it on the regular,
[01:58:54] uh, up there it is, that's perfect.
[01:59:06] Here is the chipmunk voice.
[01:59:12] Hey, fuck.
[01:59:13] We hit a bunch of buttons on this, I think.
[01:59:15] shit what shit mug voice yeah I don't know how to fucking in the transfer
[01:59:31] mode what does that mean clear it clear no it's not
[01:59:45] no that's presentation mode is it fine is it fine now didn't get fixed or no
[01:59:54] It's fixed
[01:59:59] All right, all right, all right, okay, okay, okay, okay
[02:00:05] folks
[02:00:08] Folks
[02:00:09] It's me Joe Biden
[02:00:15] Folks no, it's still broken. I can't tell like dude chat stop fucking around
[02:00:26] There's like 50,000 people in here. God damn. I have the fucking stupidest
[02:00:31] children of the fuck like I'm about to fucking interview some goddamn politicians
[02:00:37] just look at chipmunk boys fuck is wrong with you oh yeah we're good we're
[02:00:44] good I'm just yelling at door the more comfortable I get the more comfortable
[02:00:49] I get the more I'm gonna yell at my stupid ass community the DNC person
[02:00:54] ran in like was worried oh yeah I won't be loud sorry I won't yell like
[02:01:03] like that. Y'all are annoying chat. Why do you have to be like that? Anyway, alright.
[02:01:15] We started off, we immediately started the day, which is crazy without like a The Maisie
[02:01:20] is playlist or nothing. We just fucking went right into it. But there's a lot to talk
[02:01:24] about today. There's a lot to talk about today folks. We have a lot going on today.
[02:01:29] We have a bunch of crazy interviews. This is what you would have sounded like in this
[02:01:45] interview I can't even hear it right now yeah I can't even hear it because can I
[02:01:52] get the headphones okay now that I'm like now that I'm set up oh my I was
[02:02:06] gonna get yours I was gonna use yours because these are goofy bro these are
[02:02:10] like it doesn't do shit it's the same I'd rather use yours yours is like
[02:02:22] Yeah, I can't hear shit. Thank you, sir. I think it's our it's auto
[02:02:33] Let's see. I don't think it did. Let me see
[02:02:41] No, are they dead? Please tell me they're not dead
[02:02:47] It's not working hold on
[02:02:53] Bluetooth devices. Oh connect wait hold on it has it
[02:03:08] Okay, I think it worked. It's just connected headphones, mic audio, and then swap it on
[02:03:28] properties on the OBS to the mic audio as well. Hello, hello, okay. I think we should
[02:03:36] be good but I am not getting any noise canceling I think. What? Oh, I got it. Now it's good.
[02:03:44] Okay, we got it.
[02:03:46] Stage is loud as fuck, I know.
[02:03:48] Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude.
[02:03:50] We're in the heart of it, boys.
[02:03:51] We're in the heart of it.
[02:03:52] We're in the heart of it.
[02:03:53] We're in the thick of it here.
[02:03:54] Now I can hear my real voice.
[02:03:55] What's going on, everybody?
[02:03:57] My mind's exploding all around Facebook.
[02:03:59] Oh, shit.
[02:04:00] Uh-oh, I fucked this up.
[02:04:03] We're back, we're back, we're back.
[02:04:04] I mean, I didn't even,
[02:04:06] I'm not even doing an intro, you know?
[02:04:07] I just wanted to have you experience the joy
[02:04:10] of the late 2020 yo what the fuck oh my god bro it's chipmunk is your straight
[02:04:23] chipping and straight monk them um all right folks were folks folks it's the
[02:04:33] last day of the DNC, the Democratic National Convention. And we have an insane lineup today.
[02:04:46] We have a lot going on. Now that we're actually established, now that we're actually established
[02:04:52] more, now we can have some bebs. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. It's just like, you can,
[02:05:00] No, you can't get drunk. I meant like cuz they were asking like we should should we grab like drinks? Oh
[02:05:07] Shit, you're right
[02:05:12] I'm my best in there
[02:05:14] um
[02:05:16] Bro, he said is it modelo time? It's crazy
[02:05:19] It's crazy that he immediately when I said beds. I meant like I might like diet coke and shit
[02:05:24] What?
[02:05:25] Yeah, oh, yeah, you haven't eaten yet. I told him you're not eating any food. I
[02:05:30] Told him you get you get Zinn
[02:05:33] And you get caffeine and that's fucking it. Nothing else. So like while they're filming can I piss?
[02:05:41] That's crazy. Like they're just straight up like you have to hold it
[02:05:44] That's what I'm gonna whip it out. I'm gonna piss off the balcony
[02:05:50] Back to the basement with you. Have you internalized the corpus? So she was a fan of yours. Uh, yeah, I was shocked
[02:05:56] But I am you know, this has been a this has been a sequence of being shocked by people
[02:06:02] over and over again regularly with regular frequency
[02:06:06] I have not stopped being shocked.
[02:06:09] I never thought that I would have any, you know, oh, wait,
[02:06:17] question for the iPhone charger is supposed to be
[02:06:23] in the back pocket of the streamer bag
[02:06:26] if you can give that to me.
[02:06:28] And then the last thing is the trash can.
[02:06:32] No, no, not that one.
[02:06:33] The one with the box.
[02:06:36] Thank you.
[02:06:40] Traumatized by Piscay?
[02:06:41] Yeah, go piss girl. No, I can't. There's an influencer in the room, so you guys saw it, right?
[02:06:46] Like, it's the same room that I, like, interviewed Ro Khanna in.
[02:06:52] Bigum Dosh. Thank you for the 20, 10 gift-as-subs.
[02:06:57] Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[02:07:08] Yes, it's not a joke. Kamala Hare is gonna be speaking right behind me.
[02:07:12] It's pretty crazy, right?
[02:07:14] Anyway, um, thank you, Jack.
[02:07:17] Swear you said this word for we're watching Obama?
[02:07:20] I did. I did say this word for word, and this person follows me, but, you know.
[02:07:29] Watching Obama speak always leaves me feeling so empty inside because you're so charismatic.
[02:07:34] I mean, this is a commonly shared opinion. It's not, like, just mine.
[02:07:38] He could have been a generational transformer to candidate like FDR and instead used it to secure Netflix deals.
[02:07:46] If you need a small playlist, no, I need a big playlist. The Macy's.
[02:07:50] It's not like saying things word for word every day sometimes we wonder if we're watching
[02:07:56] a VOD.
[02:07:59] I think it's been really cool to see how many people there higher up than expected actually
[02:08:01] do think like us including those in media who have just been sidelined by the administration
[02:08:05] the administration has inevitably come from old age.
[02:08:07] Okay you have to also remember something.
[02:08:09] I keep telling you guys all the time.
[02:08:13] I keep telling you all the time that like I have friends in media you know I have
[02:08:17] friends in media.
[02:08:18] I have like-minded individuals that are wonderful, they're brilliant, they do phenomenal work
[02:08:23] in investigative reporting.
[02:08:26] And I tell you all the time that there's probably staffers out there that watch as well.
[02:08:30] You know, they're a little limited by their, by, by, I guess, you know, what their career
[02:08:37] looks like and what their bosses want to do.
[02:08:43] Okay.
[02:08:44] Yeah, and Pink was right behind you too, and Epic fail, you didn't turn around.
[02:08:53] Yeah, I don't really care about that.
[02:08:56] Mother Jones or only DNC news?
[02:08:58] Sorry if annoying.
[02:09:00] Wait, Mother Jones question mark.
[02:09:03] Sorry if annoying.
[02:09:03] Jen even question.
[02:09:04] What do you mean?
[02:09:04] Mother Jones question mark or only DNC news.
[02:09:08] What does that even mean?
[02:09:10] I'm so dude, dude, when I'm streaming and I don't have chat because I'm like
[02:09:15] conducting interviews, it's an, it's an entirely different experience for me.
[02:09:20] Okay.
[02:09:21] The moment I fucking sit down, the moment I sit down on this broadcast, and I have unlimited access to chatters, chirping at me, it's just crazy.
[02:09:32] All of a sudden, like, the level of professionalism perishes, okay? In a mere moment, it completely falls apart.
[02:09:42] So there's a video by Mother Jones about Black Conservatives, definitely not a today
[02:09:54] thing.
[02:09:55] Oh yeah, yeah.
[02:09:56] Yeah, I know the dude who made it.
[02:09:58] He literally told me to watch it on stream.
[02:10:02] Now I'm thinking that he's in the chat saying it.
[02:10:06] What kind of laptop are you using?
[02:10:08] Is it super hot?
[02:10:09] It's a Lenovo.
[02:10:10] I don't know.
[02:10:11] It has an i9 and a 49D laptop.
[02:10:14] most deaf. Definitely not most deaf. The uncommitted speaker was going to endorse
[02:10:20] Kamala Harris at the end of her speech. What is the calculus by the DNC to
[02:10:24] reject her? Scared of her going off script? Yes. Racism. And also that. It's
[02:10:31] because they understand... Okay, let me explain something to you. It's because
[02:10:37] they personally understand that what they are doing, what they are
[02:10:41] committing to is is truly inhumane okay the democratic party's contributions to
[02:10:47] the Palestinian plight is so goddamn openly inhumane that they are fearful
[02:10:52] that even if there's a Palestinian who is willing and able to endorse them they
[02:10:56] still can't trust it because they know how fucked up that shit is okay
[02:11:01] Israeli travel guy made a response video about you yeah I don't give a fuck
[02:11:06] dog get out of here I heard there's a possibility they reversed that decision
[02:11:12] chance of that actually happening. I don't know, but I did see some positives. I saw that
[02:11:21] that the UAW tweeted out something in support. AOC came out in support of it as well, and
[02:11:32] many other Democrats and those who were inside of the Democratic Party's infrastructure
[02:11:40] were uh... in support of this decision as well it makes sense
[02:11:46] it makes sense
[02:11:48] because
[02:11:49] uh...
[02:11:50] it is it it makes
[02:11:54] it's ridiculous not to fucking do this thing
[02:11:58] it's ridiculous not to do this fucking thing you know what i mean
[02:12:02] um...
[02:12:04] rocona did yeah
[02:12:09] minikeling transfer so go like three speed slots they have to give a
[02:12:12] Palsen and Mike bro bro they had a border patrol guy who fucking came out and spoke okay
[02:12:19] they had a border patrol guy they had a fucking billionaire mx guy what are you kidding me the
[02:12:24] fuck it's completely ridiculous anyway we're going to talk about the uncommitted campaign a
[02:12:30] little bit further new from prem the uncommitted campaign is setting a 6 p.m. deadline urging
[02:12:38] the dnc to allow palsen a voice to be heard on stage comes the scores of members of congress
[02:12:42] after groups by the name and resignees and even actors like Mark Ruffalo joined the call.
[02:12:46] I'll be waiting room think of the 10 to one gift to subs.
[02:12:54] What do you think about you see saying people saying it was he's only coming out of support
[02:12:57] to save face after endorsing Biden. I don't think she's being disingenuous, but a lot of people
[02:13:01] on her social media seems to think so. Yeah, they're on social media dog. I don't care.
[02:13:07] That's it. Like, you know, like, yeah, I don't care that people in Costco order. I don't
[02:13:21] I don't care that people on social media are like AOC's fake.
[02:13:24] She's a phone.
[02:13:25] I don't give a shit.
[02:13:26] You know what I mean?
[02:13:27] You're not pushing.
[02:13:28] You're not moving the needle in that direction.
[02:13:30] Okay?
[02:13:34] Jews for Kamala wants them to speak.
[02:13:39] Families of Israeli hostages are joining the demand
[02:13:41] for the Palestinians not to be barred from the DNC stage.
[02:13:43] Both groups demanding a ceasefire
[02:13:45] and a deal to return the captives.
[02:13:49] Okay, there you go, dude.
[02:13:51] There you fucking go.
[02:13:55] here's a lot of site check says
[02:14:01] rachel and john deserve every second on that stage i also believe passing
[02:14:04] american voices
[02:14:05] deserve to be heard on that stage i'd love to hear from roofer georgia
[02:14:09] and i hope the dnc will give a chance to be heard
[02:14:11] so rua
[02:14:12] representative uh... rua roman
[02:14:15] is a georgia state representative
[02:14:17] palestinian
[02:14:18] and she has a speech
[02:14:20] she has a speech that she'd like vetted by the dnc as far as i understand
[02:14:23] the uncommitted campaign basically
[02:14:25] put forward
[02:14:26] a bunch of
[02:14:28] Palestinian-Americans that are inside of the Democratic Party, like these aren't outsiders,
[02:14:34] okay?
[02:14:35] These are people who have literally committed their entire fucking lives to working within
[02:14:45] the Democratic Party machine.
[02:14:46] Do you understand what I'm saying?
[02:14:49] Like these are not, you know, black block anarchists or whatever the fuck, okay?
[02:14:54] These are just people who are Democrats, who happen to be Palestinian.
[02:15:00] These are people who are Democrats, who happen to be Muslim.
[02:15:04] These are people who are Democrats who happen to be Arab.
[02:15:10] And it's kind of nutty that the Democratic Party is so openly snubbing them.
[02:15:17] These are the most conciliatory people to the Democratic Party, the party that is currently
[02:15:22] actively, actively bombing their family members.
[02:15:27] The Speaker Conversation is a good microcosm on how the campaign will respond to multi-faceted pressure in regards to Palestine.
[02:15:33] If they fumbled this, it would be insanely sad. I agree.
[02:15:37] Okay, they're turning on Inhan too. Twitter leftists are so useless. Yeah, I don't...
[02:15:43] I don't care, dude. I don't care, okay? I don't. Please. Stop bringing up random, irrelevant shit, okay?
[02:15:52] After I talked to Ihan Omar or AOC, I'm sure there will be so many fucking viral tweets
[02:16:01] about how I have sold out the designist lobby alongside AOC, alongside Ihan Omar, which is
[02:16:07] even more laughable than fucking AOC, okay?
[02:16:11] And they'll go crazy hard on Twitter, okay?
[02:16:14] But the reality is they will stay on fucking Twitter, okay?
[02:16:19] It is a cesspit of some of the deepest forms of radicalization.
[02:16:24] Now having said that, having said that, I also understand why people have this opinion about
[02:16:31] AOC.
[02:16:32] Okay?
[02:16:33] I get it.
[02:16:34] I mean, if you're talking about Eon Omar, that's ridiculous.
[02:16:37] But I understand why people are like, oh, AOC, she's like, is she phony?
[02:16:42] We have been hurt before.
[02:16:44] Okay?
[02:16:45] Obama is a great example of someone who
[02:16:49] presented himself as a champion of progress okay as a progressive warrior
[02:16:54] and then when it actually came down to putting in the work
[02:16:57] nullified the progressive momentum in this country
[02:17:02] people are worried that the a o c is going to be a repeat of that
[02:17:05] people are also understandably upset in terms of
[02:17:09] in terms of like the way as he's communicated on this issue
[02:17:14] It's effing like after every fourth word, bro.
[02:17:19] Dog, you are the only person that said that.
[02:17:23] Like, literally not a single person
[02:17:26] has brought that up in the chat.
[02:17:28] I feel like if it was effing after every fourth word,
[02:17:31] it would be, chat would go crazy over that.
[02:17:34] Like, no disrespect to you, sir,
[02:17:36] but I feel like you're just, you know, it's a you problem.
[02:17:47] Huh.
[02:17:50] All right, make sure your brother's not down
[02:17:51] on a porn, you know?
[02:17:58] But yeah, um, as I was saying, there are plenty of Palestinians here in Palestine who hate
[02:18:07] all Democrats, rightly so, it's not just the tweets, people are echoing their sentiments.
[02:18:11] Dude, I know, okay, I know, I talk to Palestinians, I'm aware, wait, oh shit, March, I think
[02:18:19] it got, it went down more, I think, because now it's showing the laptop, yeah.
[02:18:30] And I pushed the laptop up a little bit too, so put it up even higher, I think.
[02:18:36] Okay.
[02:18:37] you can angle it down more. It's fine. I mean, you can lower it. Sorry. That's good. That's
[02:18:43] good. That's perfect. Anyway. So, the girl with the red highlights you've been outside
[02:19:05] just now, fellow political commentator, she helped evacuate Lama Jemuz and her dad from
[02:19:09] Gaza. Yeah. There are some on the left like Jimmy Dore and Breonna Joy that hate AOC
[02:19:21] in the squad ever since the forced devotion and looked at any chance of criticism. Yeah.
[02:19:24] I don't care about that. But there are obviously Palestinians who are very upset
[02:19:29] with AOC as well, okay? Because she did go on stage and said, you know, Kamala Harris
[02:19:35] is working tirelessly for a ceasefire, okay? And that is an understandable, that is an
[02:19:41] understandable frustration that people have with AOC, okay? That's not what I'm talking
[02:19:48] about. When people turn around and they're like, yo, this person is like actually betraying
[02:19:53] the progressive movement or she's not doing enough or when she does do things, you're
[02:19:58] You're like, oh, she's only doing it to just, you know, save face.
[02:20:01] It's like, bro, what are you talking about?
[02:20:03] You let me tell you something.
[02:20:04] Okay.
[02:20:05] I'm here.
[02:20:06] I'm seeing the people that run this machine.
[02:20:09] Okay.
[02:20:10] Let me tell you ain't nobody here even remotely gives a single fuck about anything I have
[02:20:17] to say about anything you have to say they're on their own planet.
[02:20:21] Okay.
[02:20:22] This is an entirely separate universe.
[02:20:25] Do you understand?
[02:20:26] AOC anytime she says Israel's doing a genocide. I'm like that's crazy now that I've actually seen this room
[02:20:33] I understand it extra. I understand the severity of a statement like that
[02:20:38] Especially when you have such a high profile like that in general, okay?
[02:20:43] 100%
[02:20:45] Like these guys are so completely and utterly out of whack
[02:20:52] okay, so completely and utterly out of whack with
[02:20:56] Normal people and what is going on in the real world, okay?
[02:21:02] DC is worse than this. Yeah, at least there's like delegates and shit from all around the country here
[02:21:06] But overall like the party machine players in here. They are
[02:21:11] They don't know what the fuck's going on dude. I don't know what the fuck's going on cuz I'm in here
[02:21:16] But it's crazy. I get it like it's like hard to keep up with the world. There's there's so much
[02:21:21] Like there's so much installation. I totally understand how the media just misses the mark on a regular basis now that I've been here
[02:21:27] Okay, and I'm doing my very best to you know, keep an ear to the street
[02:21:34] Like it's it's wild to it's it's not it's comprehensible. I don't know how else I can describe it to you, okay
[02:21:51] They beat that lady for holding the stop genocide sign
[02:21:57] No, I know that's what I'm saying. It's fucking insane in here, dude. That's what I mean
[02:22:02] like there is a they were hating her with a we love Joe fucking sign in here
[02:22:10] those are like delegates and shit okay so you see the people from the DNC
[02:22:18] leaving in Mocking palsy and protesters yes I did so I want to start out with
[02:22:23] that actually I want to start out with that conversation okay so let's go
[02:22:31] there now we we covered the uh... obviously that the uncommitted movement
[02:22:35] who are all
[02:22:37] obviously
[02:22:39] uh...
[02:22:42] what the fuck is this
[02:22:46] what the fuck is this bro
[02:22:52] twitch users not allowed to speak up
[02:22:56] up to two thousand five hundred compensation
[02:22:59] if you have a twitch dot tbc on purchase of the streamer
[02:23:03] they're calling it the least frivolous class action lawsuit of all time
[02:23:08] you've been seeing these ads what the fuck bro they're gonna do a class action lawsuit because uh
[02:23:16] i'm banning too many chatters i ban so many chatters i ban so many fucking chatters that they
[02:23:35] literally they they marched this thing fell again dude what are we gonna do it just doesn't hold
[02:23:46] i guess we just keep it that way is there a way to tighten it it's too heavy
[02:23:53] You can ban me, I'm not chatting, I'm traveling.
[02:23:59] You can't ban me yet.
[02:24:08] It's not gonna hold.
[02:24:09] I don't think.
[02:24:10] What?
[02:24:11] Did you change something?
[02:24:20] Okay.
[02:24:21] Oh yeah, in their booth.
[02:24:33] Oh yeah.
[02:24:35] No, no, no, no.
[02:24:36] I think 6.30, will we have enough time?
[02:24:40] Wait, hold on.
[02:24:41] Tell them like it depends on the interviews.
[02:24:44] Like if we have time.
[02:24:47] I'll do the NBC interview, we'll roam.
[02:24:49] I was gonna, I said like, I'ma mic myself up
[02:24:53] and do the NBC interview on the romer,
[02:24:56] but bro, this is like actually crazy.
[02:25:04] This is so crazy.
[02:25:11] Okay, there's so much happening, holy shit.
[02:25:17] Oh, you're someone outside the DMC barking at Rando?
[02:25:27] Okay, shut the fuck up, dude.
[02:25:28] I saw, I saw this.
[02:25:29] I mean, I didn't see this, I lived it.
[02:25:31] So this is what I wanted to talk about.
[02:25:33] I love that
[02:25:40] Yeah, he said hey man, how about you protest with us there's a propel sitting protest there outside the DNC when we're walking out
[02:25:46] To go to the choppo show
[02:25:48] Okay, and he said hey man, how about you protest with us instead of being inside selling out
[02:25:55] Okay, so I responded to him as it you know, you know
[02:26:00] He's right
[02:26:02] Shut the fuck up, dude
[02:26:04] Yeah, you're right
[02:26:06] You're right. I shouldn't be maxing out my influence here by directly telling
[02:26:13] American politicians that Israel is committing a genocide and instead I should be yelling at random fucking DNC staffers that are walking out
[02:26:21] What they're doing is meaningful what they're doing is correct
[02:26:24] But if you don't understand what I'm doing in here for the same exact fucking cause like interviewing the uncommitted movement
[02:26:30] movement this morning. Okay. You're just a fucking idiot. Okay. Shut the fuck up. Anyway,
[02:26:48] you would march on Fox News. Oh, yes. March. We made the Fox News, bro. Let's go. We need
[02:27:02] more leftist infighting. Yeah, I know. Anyway, the point I was going to make is he said
[02:27:06] you're sold out, right? Like you're in there, which just like that other fucking
[02:27:10] dumb-ass chatter. So obviously I'm not gonna fucking sit here and take it.
[02:27:15] I said you know it was at the protest yesterday right? Like it was at the protest
[02:27:20] one day ago brother. Wait I'm sorry what did you say? I think he said something
[02:27:26] along the lines of like you know you're a sell-out you're a sell-out
[02:27:30] something like that. Wait I'm fucking day ago brother. Wait I'm sorry what did you say?
[02:27:36] Get out of here? You think I'm your fucking enemy? You think I am against
[02:27:41] Palestinian emancipation? Get out of here! Fucking child! He said honestly no as soon as I walked up.
[02:27:49] Why are you shuffling at me then? Because you're being a fucking child! Being adult.
[02:27:57] Think clearly. Dumbass. Oh he does? And I agree with him! And I agree with him!
[02:28:05] It's one of the fucks yelling at me!
[02:28:07] Hey, what's up? Sure.
[02:28:14] How are you doing?
[02:28:15] I'm doing alright.
[02:28:17] Thank you so much. Thanks for coming.
[02:28:22] The other guy said he has free speech. I said yeah.
[02:28:25] Yeah, that's another protester by the way. That's another pro-Palestinian protester.
[02:28:34] Isn't that the same guy at the restaurant the other day? I don't know.
[02:28:44] But, here's the point, okay?
[02:28:55] Here's the point I want to make.
[02:28:57] Now, that was an impassionate moment, okay?
[02:29:01] That was a passionate moment, and I reacted in the worst way possible, okay?
[02:29:07] Because guess what, dude?
[02:29:08] Guess what?
[02:29:10] That guy, right there, okay?
[02:29:14] He's doing something that I myself do, and I want all of you to do as well, okay?
[02:29:20] That's it. Like, he's out there standing, putting his fucking body out there, putting
[02:29:27] his body on the line, putting his life on the line, putting his career prospects on
[02:29:30] the line, and he is outside of the Democratic National Convention yelling at those who are
[02:29:38] unwilling to hear, who are unwilling to hear the very reasonable demands people are making.
[02:29:45] ceasefire. No more weapons transfers to Israel. Like, these are incredibly reasonable demands,
[02:29:54] okay? And he's doing the right thing, you know what I mean? Like, him yelling at me is stupid,
[02:30:04] but who gives a fuck? I should have more discipline. And you guys should not make fun of him either,
[02:30:09] okay? Because at the end of the day, he's doing something that I want all of you to do,
[02:30:14] which is go out there and fucking protest. You know? You assumed he knew who you were? No, he did.
[02:30:24] He did know. No, that's the annoying part. I know I'm pretty sure he knew who I was.
[02:30:33] That's why I was saying you're selling out. If it was like a random fucking person who had no idea
[02:30:57] who I was and thought I was a DNC staffer or something, he can't call you a sellout
[02:31:04] without knowing and also say you're not the enemy no I said that I said am I your
[02:31:11] enemy you didn't say that okay now your reaction was fine free speech works both
[02:31:20] ways should have hit him with a ticket we go okay everybody needs to calm down
[02:31:28] yeah he knew who I was because I said do you think I'm your enemy he said
[02:31:32] Honestly no.
[02:31:33] Gaines Palace, did he demand salvation?
[02:31:34] What the fuck outta here?
[02:31:51] Like, I'm not gonna fucking sit here and chirp about a dude who literally took the time out
[02:31:56] of his day and got his girlfriend to go and fucking sit outside, park his ass outside
[02:32:01] the goddamn DNC to chirp at people who are leaving the fucking DNC, okay?
[02:32:07] That is, he's doing the right thing, okay?
[02:32:12] He's applying pressure.
[02:32:14] records is good if he's serious about advocating for the left he will grow mature from it records
[02:32:17] are poison the movements your initial instincts were correct i know but i think he could have
[02:32:22] been handled in a better way and i'm not going to fucking yell at him that much okay but anyway
[02:32:36] speaking of those protesters okay speaking of those protesters they also were actively
[02:32:46] reading out all of the child victims of israel's genocide to the people who were excited
[02:32:53] at the prospect of, you know, attending the DNC's third night and let me tell you, I think
[02:33:05] those people should hear it.
[02:33:06] I think I should hear it too.
[02:33:08] I don't have an issue with that.
[02:33:10] It's obviously when someone says, bro, you're selling out.
[02:33:13] It's the same principle behind yelling at fucking Ilhan Omar, you know what I mean?
[02:33:18] Yelling at the uncommitted delegates, like they sold out, they're inside.
[02:33:22] They still want to reason with the Democratic Party.
[02:33:23] It's like, no dude, okay?
[02:33:26] Every successful civil rights movement
[02:33:30] has always had multiple prongs,
[02:33:32] multiple different approaches.
[02:33:35] There's an MLK side to it,
[02:33:36] there's a Malcolm X side to it, okay?
[02:33:39] You can't be yelling at people who are trying
[02:33:41] to move the needle in the right direction.
[02:33:43] You can't be yelling at people
[02:33:45] and chirping at people on Twitter
[02:33:46] when their job is like when they're trying to use
[02:33:51] to the best of their ability with what they have, right?
[02:33:55] To advance this struggle, to speak on Palestinian emancipation.
[02:34:01] You can't be fucking chirping at those people
[02:34:04] for doing that, okay?
[02:34:06] Every single person, every single person
[02:34:10] has a unique set of skills, right?
[02:34:13] I serve a three minute outbreak at the top of the hour.
[02:34:15] That's my skill.
[02:34:16] That's the only thing I have.
[02:34:17] I don't have anything else, right?
[02:34:19] And I tell you if you no longer want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe.
[02:34:23] Right?
[02:34:25] For $6 or for free with a Twitch Prime.
[02:34:28] If you no longer want to see those ads, that's what you got to do.
[02:34:31] You can also get gifted a sub if you're lucky, use the 3 minute ad break now.
[02:34:38] But like, it's kind of similar to people in the chat being like, bro, I can't believe
[02:34:42] you sold out to the DNC, you're in there being a shill, right?
[02:34:45] Like why aren't you out there protesting?
[02:34:47] It's no different than when people say wass on.
[02:34:49] if you're such a fucking socialist,
[02:34:51] why don't you literally like stop what you're doing, right?
[02:34:54] Why don't you stop what you're doing, what you've done so far
[02:34:59] and instead of like being an advocate,
[02:35:01] instead of having this platform,
[02:35:02] like go fucking start a co-op, which I did,
[02:35:04] but you know, for a podcast, so it's different.
[02:35:06] Like, why don't you go do that?
[02:35:09] And obviously, this is my skill set.
[02:35:14] This is what I'm good at.
[02:35:15] So I'm using what I'm good at
[02:35:17] to literally fucking advance these causes that I care about.
[02:35:22] Okay?
[02:35:25] That's how it works.
[02:35:26] But ultimately, you should never break solidarity.
[02:35:30] That's the way I think about it.
[02:35:31] That's what I believe, okay?
[02:35:34] As long as people are genuinely putting the effort,
[02:35:37] I think it's so stupid to just,
[02:35:43] it's so stupid to turn around
[02:35:45] and criticize one another over aesthetic choices.
[02:35:50] Iman Abdelhadi, assistant professor, sociologist,
[02:35:55] columnist in the Indies Times, mags,
[02:35:58] says successful movements have radical, progressive,
[02:36:02] and moderate flanks.
[02:36:04] We need people working inside the Democratic Party
[02:36:06] and we need grassroots organizers and we need protesters.
[02:36:09] Find your position and play it.
[02:36:11] But don't fight your teammates because they play a different position.
[02:36:14] You know, some people play defense, some people play office, some someone is the goalie.
[02:36:19] You know what I mean? Imagine the goalie's like, I'm not a striker, I don't get all the fucking glory, fuck this guy.
[02:36:24] That's what it feels like sometimes.
[02:36:28] The way people react.
[02:36:31] You know, it's silly.
[02:36:35] And I think that at times, it becomes...
[02:36:42] like it's hard to it's hard especially when things seem so impossible right when
[02:36:55] change seems so impossible I think people generate like a level of nihilistic
[02:37:01] sentiment or they become more hardened in their positions and they just start
[02:37:06] saying like oh you're bad you're not doing things in the way that I would
[02:37:11] want you to do things, okay? Not looking to recognize, right? Not looking to
[02:37:18] recognize that like everyone has, everyone plays a different role. So yeah, it's
[02:37:26] some to remember. This is a good take. So how will Kamala Harris and the
[02:37:36] Democrats keep saying they support a so-called two-state solution to
[02:37:39] forever bring peace if they can't even support a two-state stage for five
[02:37:43] minutes of the DNC? But yeah, as soon as I, as soon as I thought about my
[02:37:52] reaction to him I was like this guy's out there he's he's obviously passionate
[02:37:57] you know I he's in the wrong I'm not gonna say that he was doing the right
[02:38:02] thing I'm not gonna be like yet no he was so on the money I'm a fucking oh
[02:38:09] he was supposed to come on right now oh they moved it to six to six thirty yeah
[02:38:29] Yeah.
[02:38:37] I'm putting my name in here, I'm Added David.
[02:39:33] When's the Sean Fain interview?
[02:39:35] Later.
[02:39:39] When it's supposed to be.
[02:39:40] Let me see.
[02:39:41] I'm using Hbizzle as an envoy to some other people.
[02:40:09] Apparently Joe Rogan is more reliable than you.
[02:40:17] What is this?
[02:40:18] Hold on.
[02:40:21] The new media bias thing came out.
[02:40:22] Is this for real?
[02:40:33] Wait, what?
[02:40:34] There's no way dude.
[02:40:36] There is no fucking way.
[02:40:43] Contains misleading info.
[02:40:47] You want to know something that Dony told me?
[02:40:49] Dony fucking reached out to the pointer institute guy who called me a misinformer on the New
[02:40:54] York Times?
[02:40:55] Okay, I think this list is from them.
[02:40:58] Okay, I don't know if it's not.
[02:41:01] Dony reached out to him and he asked the question.
[02:41:05] So what's up?
[02:41:07] Like you said, this Hassanabe fellow is a misinformer.
[02:41:12] You said that on the New York Times.
[02:41:15] And he reached out to the fucking pointer institute guy, okay, who made that statement
[02:41:20] on the New York Times.
[02:41:22] And you know what he said?
[02:41:24] Nothing.
[02:41:25] He was like, do you have any moments?
[02:41:28] Do you have any evidence to back this up?
[02:41:30] He was like, no.
[02:41:31] I just kind of put it out there.
[02:41:33] That's what he fucking said.
[02:41:35] He's what he said
[02:41:37] How fucking crazy is that? Oh?
[02:41:41] Am I yelling too much?
[02:41:43] No, she just came out. Sorry. Good nuts is that bro?
[02:41:50] How fucking nuts is that this motherfucker went on the New York Times to be like, oh
[02:41:55] Hassan fucking lies just like the the right-wingers do you know he lies like the best of them how crazy
[02:42:06] So he's the fucking misinfo guy it turns out about to lose those bathroom privileges again. I know
[02:42:14] Bro, I'm lower ranked than fucking Fox News, bro.
[02:42:18] I'm lower ranked than Joe Rogan.
[02:42:19] What is this?
[02:42:21] What is this media bias chart, bro?
[02:42:26] I'm low.
[02:42:27] I mean, nobody cares about this shit, so it doesn't really matter, but it is pretty funny
[02:42:31] that the first time I'm actually mentioned of the media bias chart, they put me below
[02:42:38] selective, incomplete, unfair persuasion, propaganda or other issues, okay?
[02:42:44] And on the right, I'm under Joe Rogan, like Joe Rogan, Red Scare podcast.
[02:42:49] Shapiro the Ingram angle project Veritas project Veritas I am the equivalent of
[02:42:57] in full wars this okay we're clear okay like this has got to be a fucking DGG
[02:43:04] guy who wrote this list I assume to just be like oh he's the oh you're getting
[02:43:10] food wait can you get me food too can you bring something back for me please
[02:43:15] Please, some fucking Pepsi zeros and waters and food, please, I'm dying.
[02:43:24] I'm suffering.
[02:43:25] I'm starving.
[02:43:29] Dog, I'm lower than Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and all of the, like, national review, Newsmax,
[02:43:35] O-A-N.
[02:43:37] I'm lower than O-A-N.
[02:43:39] What the fuck?
[02:43:48] Bro, they're so crazy.
[02:43:52] Breitbart is here?
[02:43:53] New York pulls them bright part are he okay this yeah throw this fucking come on dog throw
[02:44:03] this list in the fucking trash what the fuck this is the word this list is a trash list
[02:44:22] the bias chart seems to have a bias we need a media bias chart for the media bias charts
[02:44:30] bro your editors fact check you so hard like harder than Jamie to Joe yeah
[02:44:35] like
[02:44:39] genuinely curious how exactly list critical to the MSM source that you react
[02:44:42] to daily surely just makes them inaccurate and misleading then
[02:44:49] yeah letter the editor what pointers critique misses about the media bias
[02:44:52] chart
[02:44:54] ad font is media responsible critique the highlights this other things in the
[02:44:57] framework behind
[02:44:58] the media bias chart
[02:44:59] all it is that
[02:45:01] it is that
[02:45:05] Is this the actual list? Give me the actual- Am I actually on the list or is that like a f***ing fake one?
[02:45:10] Cause this doesn't make any goddamn sense, bro. There's no shot.
[02:45:17] There's no f***ing shi- Yeah, I'm not on the list, bro. Look! I am! I am on the list!
[02:45:26] I can see- I see- Oh my god, I am on the list! It's real!
[02:45:30] You can't tell from over here, but like, I'm literally right there.
[02:45:47] These people are on crack, bro.
[02:45:49] Epoch Times. Bright part is above Pod Save America. So wait, who is like an actual left
[02:46:05] wing, like hyper partisan left, strong left, skews left? So like me and Chopper are on
[02:46:12] the most left you can be, right? Revolutionary left radio is the most extreme left. Where's
[02:46:22] democracy now on this. I think it's crazy that they put me below, like they're saying
[02:46:46] like Info Wars, OA and Hassanami, like two sides of the same coin. I'm sorry, dude. If
[02:46:54] you consider to me, if you honest to God, I don't think any singular human being legitimately
[02:47:01] believes this. Okay? Let me just say this. I don't think a person actually unironically
[02:47:07] goes like Hassan, you are basically like the left wing equivalent of Alex Jones. Like
[02:47:12] I know that like Destiny's Community tries to say that all the time, which is kind of
[02:47:16] funny because I'm literally at the fucking DNC right now. And I have interviewed journalists
[02:47:21] and politicians who have openly been like, I'm a fan of you. And I love what you're
[02:47:26] doing. So I think that like puts it into perspective a little bit. When you see somebody
[02:47:30] fucking journalists come up and be like, yeah, I love what you're, I love your
[02:47:33] work maybe that puts it into a little bit of a different framework for a lot of
[02:47:38] fucking desperate losers online who constantly are like yo you're the same
[02:47:41] as Alex Jones but like still regardless of that equation okay the fact that like
[02:47:48] someone will be like oh bro you're the Alex Jones of the left like dude this
[02:47:52] guy got a one billion dollar fucking like defamation suit for directly
[02:47:59] contributing to the plight of Sandy Hook school shooting victim families
[02:48:03] Like what are you saying if you can find anything that is like if you can find anything and I
[02:48:10] And I'm being really jade even right now if you can find anything that is even
[02:48:16] remotely like
[02:48:17] Like anything that is one tenth
[02:48:21] One tenth as bad as that that I have done
[02:48:26] Hats off to you one tenth which would not put me under Alex Jones or under Breitbart, okay?
[02:48:32] Okay, wait, ultimately it doesn't really matter because like I said, this is just like something
[02:48:48] that people love posting about on Twitter, but that's it, okay?
[02:48:59] That's it.
[02:49:04] Who is the LeBron James are streaming?
[02:49:06] I am.
[02:49:14] What is this?
[02:49:17] Israel ranks number one new list of non-apartheid countries that are fun to visit Caucasians
[02:49:25] all over the world as far as Israel is.
[02:49:27] one non apartheid country to visit this anyway it's like onion article dude it's
[02:49:46] not real by the way that's a that's a meme do you have thoughts on such like
[02:49:56] ground the sort articles by bias um ground news seems fine I don't really know
[02:50:01] anything about ground news in general I've like never worked with them I know
[02:50:07] they sponsor a lot of people. But this is my ground news, you know what I mean? Like
[02:50:22] I literally have the media bias machine inside of my mind. Okay? The majority of you guys
[02:50:34] that claim you're the Bench Per Equivalent are typically apolitical centrist leaning.
[02:50:37] I've had leftist friends who said the same about you. A lot of these guys aren't really
[02:50:40] aware of what you actually do, which is odd on why they seem to have such a deep
[02:50:44] presentment yet lack any actual attachment to your content um they've
[02:50:48] watched a drama farming channel youtube video that got like a million views
[02:50:52] that's it I like most people most people are busy chat most people have their
[02:50:58] lives that they worry about you know they're not gonna fucking take the time
[02:51:01] out of their goddamn days to be like hmm I wonder if this like random fucking
[02:51:07] dickhead twitch streamer is actually a good guy or not no they just see a
[02:51:11] a fucking random YouTube video and they make up their minds about it and most of the time
[02:51:15] they can't even remember why they fucking hate me, okay, but they still just carry that
[02:51:20] resentment and that's it.
[02:51:25] You understand me?
[02:51:31] That's it.
[02:51:33] That's how most people operate.
[02:51:34] You have to remember that.
[02:51:37] The faster you acknowledge that, the easier this is, you know what I mean?
[02:51:40] Most people that have this kind of attitude towards me have probably never actually
[02:51:44] consumed my content at all, have only consumed it from the vector of someone like,
[02:51:48] Consumed it from the lens of someone else who hates me and that's it and I don't fault them for like actually thinking that
[02:51:56] I don't fault them for actually developing these opinions, you know
[02:52:00] I just I do hope that one day they can be charitable and that's the only thing I could say, you know what I mean
[02:52:12] My eyes doesn't necessarily mean miss info. No that chart is very horseshoe theory even looks like one
[02:52:16] No, that chart says I do misinformation
[02:52:19] like regularly
[02:52:21] Chatter found where you walk through the Fox News Lake the fuck do you go full screen?
[02:52:44] picture-in-picture normal full-screen man
[02:53:17] cool. So how does that in any way play in her favor?
[02:53:23] Well, she's been very clear that there's work to be done here.
[02:53:26] But if you look at some of the big numbers at
[02:53:30] kind of planning, which is incredibly low at manufacturing
[02:53:32] jobs, which are coming back in record waves for the first
[02:53:35] time in 40 years, the stock market where people
[02:53:38] spend the hand of what the fuck is this. And I was like,
[02:54:00] Oh, it's Fox News. This is a goddamn tourist. That's so
[02:54:09] funny, bro. That is that's crazy.
[02:54:12] I'm really new followers. I wasn't sure about you at first when I googled you I saw people saying that you were advocating for the death of Israeli children
[02:54:35] After watching you you obviously don't want anyone to get hurt
[02:54:38] I think they just didn't understand your sarcasm or will being willfully bad faith. No, they're being willfully bad faith chatter
[02:54:44] Like, no, I have a lot of, look, everybody understands, politics, okay, politics, obviously,
[02:54:57] draws a lot of fucking feelings from people, a lot of passion from people.
[02:55:04] It invokes a lot of passion.
[02:55:06] And it's, and when people get really passionate when they disagree with me, they don't necessarily
[02:55:13] They don't really necessarily care to be honest about it, they just want to smear.
[02:55:20] It's much easier to smear than it is to actually address coherent points that someone is making.
[02:55:27] Okay?
[02:55:28] What is this?
[02:55:32] Okay.
[02:55:33] What's up?
[02:55:34] Yep.
[02:55:35] Yep.
[02:55:36] Okay.
[02:55:37] Oh my God.
[02:55:38] Oh my God.
[02:55:43] I'm okay.
[02:55:46] I'm okay.
[02:55:47] I'm okay.
[02:55:48] Oh my god, it's, I'm okay, I'm okay.
[02:56:07] Nothing, I just like, chat is making fun of me
[02:56:11] for my autism.
[02:56:14] Chat is making fun of me for my autism.
[02:56:17] And just like, no, it's fine.
[02:56:21] No, it's fine.
[02:56:25] No, no, I know, it's fine.
[02:56:27] They're mean, they're bullies.
[02:56:32] Wait, what happened?
[02:56:38] I didn't even hear him dude.
[02:56:40] I didn't hear him.
[02:56:44] I didn't hear him at all.
[02:56:46] That's the worst I've ever been.
[02:56:47] That is the worst I've ever been in my life.
[02:56:54] I, he said, thank you so much for coming out.
[02:57:01] Oh, because at that point, at that point I was, okay.
[02:57:06] Dude, my mind was racing a million miles a second.
[02:57:10] Okay, that's because we were late
[02:57:13] to the fucking interview.
[02:57:14] The studio space had opened up, we were late to the goddamn interview, and I was rushing,
[02:57:20] I wasn't even thinking.
[02:57:33] The look of dejection on his face, Lamont, it's clear you didn't really hear him though,
[02:57:37] yeah.
[02:57:39] I obviously didn't hear him, why would I do that?
[02:57:47] It's really been amazing kind of having you run around trying to get the places
[02:57:50] on time, not gonna lie.
[02:57:53] Aww, that's so sad, that's so fucked up dude, I'm such an asshole, what is this,
[02:58:00] Oprah Hassanpeicher, DNC Tested Values as Celebrities versus Influencers.
[02:58:08] As the opposition shifts away from the silver screen, there are some celebrities that have
[02:58:12] so much power they persuade and motivate younger voters.
[02:58:16] The Art of Political Influence.
[02:58:18] For example, more than 200 social media influencers and content creators would give a credential
[02:58:20] access to DNC and got face down with some of the highest-ranking speakers there.
[02:58:24] These include switch celebrity Hassanpeicher Interview Center at Martin's Livestream.
[02:58:28] In 13-year-old Noah de Barrazo, a costing fellow political influencer, Charlie Curganet,
[02:58:32] Now viral X clip.
[02:58:35] Chicago contractor Joshua Joseph says over all the strategy of working with the influence
[02:58:38] of farmer likelihood of enticing young voters.
[02:58:44] I think in the future, I think you are the future and the rest of the world is going
[02:58:49] to realize it in 20 more years and it will be too late, Macky said, he's going to be
[02:58:55] with Pika.
[02:59:01] Anyway, there are risks to this strategy.
[02:59:10] Yeah.
[02:59:13] Yeah, Trump is the reason why I think a lot of people are like locked in on this
[02:59:16] stuff, because he's just like, did the interview get canceled? No, it got pushed back.
[02:59:23] What young voter cares about Oprah? I mean, dude, there's a lot of people that care about
[02:59:27] Oprah. Are you fucking crazy? The hell are you talking about? Anyway, this is the other
[02:59:33] part of the protestors that I was going to talk about here. Like, people that are
[02:59:49] leaving the DNC, people that are leaving the DNC, just like making faces, these
[02:59:56] are all none under the age of 35 what oh you're talking about Oprah still these
[03:00:04] are all the people under the age of 18 that were murdered by Israel that they
[03:00:07] were reading out the names of that guy fucking dickhead dude fuck that guy I
[03:00:32] I mean, that's ridiculous.
[03:00:48] Yeah, that's crazy.
[03:00:52] That's, that's...
[03:00:54] That, that one is like, I mean, all of these guys are demons, but like that, especially that dude.
[03:00:59] Oh my god, dude.
[03:01:03] Like, are you fucking for real?
[03:01:13] Like, he thought that that was...
[03:01:16] Bro, he thought that that was good?
[03:01:17] Like, he thought that that was like a...
[03:01:21] He thought that that was like a like a normal thing to do
[03:01:26] She did the meme. I know
[03:01:38] All the livers already were like it's because they were too loud with the megaphone
[03:01:43] He's a christian singer
[03:01:53] He didn't just cover his ears. He actively mocked the death of children. I know it's so fucking yeah, bro
[03:01:59] People need to just shut the fuck up, right?
[03:02:03] People just need to shut the fuck up, right? They just like they shouldn't bring this up at all
[03:02:07] That's what you're saying when you say things like oh, they're too loud
[03:02:10] it's like okay what are they supposed to what are people supposed to do is there
[03:02:14] anybody yeah Muslim for Muslim women for Harris have pulled support over the
[03:02:21] the Palestinian DNC speaker controversy I think it's a juice for Harris or is
[03:02:27] it Jewish women for Harris but you are Jews for Harris have also put out a
[03:02:31] statement demanding that a Palestinian American speak like these are vetted
[03:02:37] speakers by the way
[03:02:39] these are vetted fucking speakers okay
[03:02:44] these are not like
[03:02:46] random people these are people that are working in the democratic party these
[03:02:49] are people that have worked in the democratic party their whole lives is so
[03:02:52] fucked up
[03:02:55] he's a delegate from chicago too
[03:02:59] that's insane
[03:03:05] i can't believe he did that
[03:03:10] can't wait for people to blame the lord
[03:03:18] that's all good
[03:03:22] yes
[03:03:23] Oh my god, I have chicken tendies chat.
[03:03:26] March, you're a fucking hero, dude.
[03:03:28] You're a goddamn hero.
[03:03:33] What is this?
[03:03:36] Oh, barbecue?
[03:03:43] Bro, you should, wait, oh, you want the chicken sauce?
[03:03:45] But there's only, I mean, you can take this.
[03:03:47] I'm not gonna use all of it.
[03:03:53] Shut up, bitch.
[03:03:58] Let me tell you something, okay?
[03:03:59] This man, they gave us a free meal voucher.
[03:04:03] The deans gave us a free meal voucher,
[03:04:05] And I was like, no, we're not taking that.
[03:04:08] And March was like, why?
[03:04:09] I'm hungry.
[03:04:09] I'm like, March, you're fucking rich.
[03:04:12] Like, why would you take the meal voucher that some intern
[03:04:15] is going to be using?
[03:04:16] Like, why would you?
[03:04:17] Like, we can buy our own food.
[03:04:19] And he went, oh yeah, you're right.
[03:04:24] Like, he forgot.
[03:04:28] Insane.
[03:04:36] You're rich.
[03:04:42] Yeah, I'm rich with the years,
[03:04:43] but it's not like he's broke.
[03:04:44] What the fuck's wrong with you, Jeff?
[03:04:46] Y'all pay his salary.
[03:04:48] What do you mean?
[03:04:51] Oh
[03:04:55] Here is another
[03:04:56] He's more drip than me every day, bro
[03:05:12] Every damn day
[03:05:13] Yeah rich people stay rich by
[03:05:20] Rich people stay rich by by eating free food
[03:05:25] That's why I'm a go broke
[03:05:28] Anyway, I want to watch the Tim wall speech that I haven't watched
[03:05:32] There's a bunch of stuff I want to watch I want to watch Trump on the old bond if I have time
[03:05:36] I'll be able to eat a little bit and pee as well.
[03:05:39] Let's turn our attention to the Middle East now.
[03:05:41] During a phone call with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu,
[03:05:44] President Biden stressed the urgent need to reach a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza.
[03:05:49] The White House said they also discussed U.S. efforts to support Israel's defense
[03:05:54] against what it called all threats from Iran and proxy terrorist groups, including Hamas.
[03:05:59] Let's speak to my colleague Sayyid Shahata from BBC Arabic who's in Cairo. Sayyid we were
[03:06:07] led to believe last week after the talks due to a close in Qatar but they were due to start
[03:06:13] in Cairo where you are. What's happened?
[03:06:16] No news about any resumption of the talks because some of the Hamas members of the
[03:06:24] political bill of Hamas said that they are not willing for any new negotiations because
[03:06:30] they send the reply to the proposal announced by Mr. Biden, the American president, on the
[03:06:36] 2nd of July, so they don't accept any conditions, more demands from the Israeli prime minister
[03:06:45] Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu.
[03:06:47] So that is, from Hamas's side, they are not willing to any new negotiations, any
[03:06:51] conditions. In addition to that, within the Israeli
[03:06:55] negotiation team, there is reports about this agreement between Mr. Netanyahu from one side
[03:06:59] and some members of the negotiation team regarding some of these members won't need to be done
[03:07:06] as the American wants. But Mr. Netanyahu seems to put more conditions, which are not accepted
[03:07:12] even by Egypt or Hamas. So now it's like a big luck and no one knows.
[03:07:18] Will the negotiation will be restarted again in Egypt or not?
[03:07:24] How is this affecting the apparent optimism that some were expressing last week?
[03:07:30] Yes, optimism came from the American, but from Hamas's side and Israel's side was
[03:07:38] not optimism because Hamas, like members of the political bureau, several of them said
[03:07:46] like the Mr. Netanyahu with more obstacles. The hostages family put pressure on Mr. Netanyahu
[03:07:52] to reach a deal, but there is some sticking points between the two sides, especially
[03:07:58] after what's called the bridging proposal by the United States announced by Mr. Blinken,
[03:08:03] the American foreign minister, which was not revealed publicly. But there is some
[03:08:08] disagreement, especially the talks about the presence of Israeli forces along the
[03:08:14] the Flaideltia corridor or Salah-e-Din corridor and the Nazarene crossing, which separates between
[03:08:20] the north and central and south of Gaza.
[03:08:23] So, and within the plan of which accepted by Hamas and announced by Mr. Biden, there
[03:08:31] is three stages of this plan, and there is this agreement about the names of the
[03:08:35] prisoner released and the numbers and the withdrawal of the Israeli forces, because
[03:08:41] As Mr. Netanyahu repeatedly said, there is a red line about fighting Hamas until he demolished
[03:08:46] Hamas.
[03:08:47] And there is no signs he demolished Hamas yet after almost 11 months of the war since
[03:08:53] the 7th of October.
[03:08:54] So there is some sticking points, especially the presence of Israeli Onzev Ledyl Fecorodoro,
[03:08:59] which is not accepted by Egypt or Hamas.
[03:09:02] Net Zareen, because Hamas said he needs the people evacuated or forced to leave
[03:09:07] your houses in the north to go back but the Israeli conditions that should be monitored
[03:09:12] because you don't want to allow any militant according to the Israeli and Mr Netanyahu
[03:09:18] to go to the north without being monitored and screened.
[03:09:21] So there is many sticking points, this agreement, so the optimism came from the American side
[03:09:26] but from the concerned side, the Israeli and the Palestinian, there is no optimism.
[03:09:31] Sayyid, for the moment, thank you very much. Sayyid Shihata from BBC Arabic speaking to us from Cairo.
[03:09:38] In Israel, a funeral ceremony is being held for one of the hostages whose bodies were recovered from Gaza earlier this week.
[03:09:45] Eighty-year-old Yoram Maksa was kidnapped from his home in Kibbutz near Ozilong with his wife Tamar,
[03:09:51] who was released from Hamas captivity after 53 days.
[03:09:54] The Israeli military retrieved the bodies of six hostages from the Gaza Strip on Tuesday
[03:10:02] as negotiations continue to bring back more than 100 people still being held captive in
[03:10:08] Gaza.
[03:10:09] This Minnesota Governor Tim Walz taking this interstage last night at the Democratic National
[03:10:13] Convention to accept the vice presidential nomination and make the case for the woman
[03:10:19] at the top of the ticket.
[03:10:20] Yes, Vice President Kamala Harris, our chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce on the
[03:10:24] The convention floor starts us off this morning and good morning to you, Mary.
[03:10:30] Good morning, Robin. Well, it is safe to say that just a few weeks ago, most
[03:10:33] Americans had never heard of Tim Walls, but last night he electrified this
[03:10:37] arena, the nation hearing his personal story and meeting his adoring and very
[03:10:42] proud family. Walls shared plenty of straight talk and made a heartfelt
[03:10:45] pitch for the ticket. The former high school football coach, leaving it
[03:10:48] all on the field.
[03:10:50] Overnight coach walls with a pep talk for the nation.
[03:10:53] We're driving down the field.
[03:10:57] All right, let's just watch the whole thing.
[03:11:00] Please welcome the Democratic nominee for Vice President,
[03:11:04] Governor Tim Walz.
[03:11:07] First of all, the Vice President Harris,
[03:12:13] thanks for putting your trust in me
[03:12:16] and for inviting me to be part of this incredible campaign.
[03:12:25] And a thank you to President Joe Biden
[03:12:28] for four years of strong, historic leadership.
[03:12:32] It's the honor of my life to accept your nomination
[03:12:43] for Vice President of the United States.
[03:12:45] I'm here tonight for one beautiful, simple reason.
[03:12:57] We love this country.
[03:12:59] So thank you to all of you here in Chicago
[03:13:05] and all of you watching at home tonight.
[03:13:07] Thank you for your passion.
[03:13:09] Thank you for your determination
[03:13:11] And most of all, thank you for bringing the joy to this fight.
[03:13:16] Now I grew up in Butte, Nebraska of 400 people.
[03:13:30] I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of them went to Yale.
[03:13:37] But I'll tell you what, growing up in a small town like that,
[03:13:43] you'll learn how to take care of each other.
[03:13:46] That family down the road, they may not think like you do.
[03:13:54] They may not pray like you do.
[03:14:03] This is crazy.
[03:14:05] Reporters are being briefed, it seems, that the DNC accepted dem stay rep, rule for Georgia
[03:14:09] as a Palestinian speaker for tonight.
[03:14:13] On the stage, but uncommitted movement turned her down.
[03:14:16] That is simply not true.
[03:14:17] It's a lie being told, I assume, by DNC spinners now on the defensive.
[03:14:23] are the ones who pitched her. And there's still time for the DSE to put a rule for Georgia
[03:14:27] on state tonight for two minutes. If they have time and space for a former Republican
[03:14:32] congressman and for Israeli family members of a hostage, they have time and space for
[03:14:39] an elected Palestinian Democratic lawmaker. Anything else is straight up racism and
[03:14:44] erasure. What's really funny about this is that this is so Israel dude. Like I know this is a
[03:15:02] Democratic Party but I think the Democratic Party thinks we can just like behave like we're you
[03:15:17] know behave like the Palestinian Americans or like Palestinians in Gaza and just like talk over
[03:15:22] them like this and no one will believe him. Like this ain't Israel dog.
[03:15:30] We can't be doing that. Translate to Hebrew. I never want to do that.
[03:15:47] My only two minutes is the despair of the Democratic Party that much.
[03:15:53] I can't tell if this guy's like, you have any sauce left?
[03:16:16] Oh, I'm gonna use it as trash. Yeah.
[03:16:34] Power the nuggets. They were pretty good.
[03:16:42] Young committed movements. Exit count has been restricted.
[03:16:45] What are they doing, bro? Twitter just restricted the uncommitted movements account.
[03:16:53] FYI, the noise gate is not on? Oh my god, dude, I know. Okay, here, let's listen to him.
[03:17:10] They may not look like you do, but they're your neighbors. And you look out for them,
[03:17:16] and they look out for you. Everybody belongs, and everybody has a responsibility to contribute.
[03:17:25] For me, it was serving in the Army National Guard.
[03:17:31] I joined up two days after my 17th birthday, and I proudly wore our nation's uniform for
[03:17:38] 24 years.
[03:17:45] A Korean War-era Army veteran died of lung cancer a couple years later.
[03:17:51] He left behind a mountain of medical debt.
[03:17:55] Thank God for Social Security survivor benefits.
[03:18:02] God for the GI Bill that allowed my dad and me to go to college and millions of other
[03:18:09] Americans. Mark isn't even finishing his food and he didn't even use all of his sauce.
[03:18:18] This man is a menace dude. He was about to throw it out. I'm like, well, what are you doing?
[03:18:24] Proat is hard to fucking come by, you know. Eventually, like the rest of my family, I
[03:18:31] fell in love with teaching.
[03:18:36] Out of four of us married teachers,
[03:18:38] I wound up teaching social studies
[03:18:43] and coaching football at Mankato West High School.
[03:18:48] Go, Scarlett!
[03:18:50] We ran a 44 defense.
[03:18:58] We played through to the whistle on every single play,
[03:19:01] and we even won a state championship.
[03:19:04] Never closed the yearbook, people,
[03:19:10] But it was those players and my students who inspired me to run for Congress.
[03:19:16] They saw in me what I had hoped to instill in them.
[03:19:19] A commitment to the common good, an understanding that we're all in this together.
[03:19:27] And the belief that a single person can make a real difference for their neighbors.
[03:19:36] So there I was, a 40-something high school teacher with little kids, zero political experience,
[03:19:44] and no money running in a deep red district.
[03:19:50] But you know what?
[03:19:52] Never underestimate a public school teacher for 12 years, and I learned an awful lot.
[03:20:09] I learned how to work across the aisle on issues like growing the rural economies
[03:20:14] and taking care of veteran and I learned out of compromise
[03:20:18] bro the guy that said turn off your webcam when you eat homey
[03:20:26] what's your fucking problem dude
[03:20:30] like actually is this it you just want me to react to you
[03:20:38] every time dude what do you want me to die
[03:20:59] I gotta eat bro it's triggering misophonia
[03:21:06] I hope it does I really hope it does
[03:21:11] Like if you're misophonic, I really hope you really get triggered right now.
[03:21:35] I normally have the best noise gate, but we're obviously inside of a fucking stadium, and
[03:21:47] Chatters have decided that we can't actually, uh, Chatters have decided that it's better
[03:21:52] to not have the noise gate on, because like noise just keeps seeping in because I'm
[03:21:57] in a fucking stadium, you know?
[03:22:03] It's gonna have any of the deal with this, sorry.
[03:22:05] out compromising my values. Then I came back to serve as governor and we got
[03:22:13] right to work making a difference in our neighbors lives. We cut taxes for the
[03:22:18] middle class. We passed paid family and medical leave. Bested in fighting crime
[03:22:29] and affordable housing. We cut the cost of prescription drugs and helped
[03:22:35] people escaped the kind of medical debt that nearly sank my family.
[03:22:39] And we made sure that every kid in our state gets breakfast and lunch every day.
[03:22:47] Other states were banning books from their schools.
[03:22:57] We were banishing hunger from ours.
[03:23:09] Reproductive freedom.
[03:23:11] Because in Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make.
[03:23:16] If we wouldn't make those same choices for ourselves, we've got a golden rule.
[03:23:25] Mind your own damn business.
[03:23:27] IVF infertility treatments.
[03:23:37] And this is personal for Gwen and I.
[03:23:42] If you've never experienced the hell that is infertility,
[03:23:46] I guarantee you, you know somebody who has.
[03:23:49] And I can remember praying each night for a phone call.
[03:23:53] The pit in your stomach when the phone had rang
[03:23:57] and the absolute agony when we heard the treatments hadn't worked.
[03:24:01] It took Gwen and I years, but we had access to fertility treatments.
[03:24:06] And when our daughter was born, we named her Hope.
[03:24:15] And Gwen, you are my entire world.
[03:24:18] And I love you on how we started a family because this is a big part
[03:24:34] about what this election is about.
[03:24:37] Freedom! When Republicans use the word freedom, they mean that the government should be free
[03:24:45] to invade your doctor's office. Corporations free to pollute your air and water. Banks
[03:24:54] free to take advantage of customers. But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the
[03:25:02] freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, to make your
[03:25:10] own health care decisions. And yeah, your kids freedom to go to school without worrying
[03:25:19] about being shot dead in the hall. Guns. I'm a veteran. I'm a hunter. And I was a better
[03:25:32] shot than most Republicans in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it. But I'm also
[03:25:40] a dad. I believe in the second. That's how you know we're lived up, bro. They're
[03:25:45] fucking collapsing for a new being like, I'm a better shot than Republicans. Like,
[03:25:49] crazy. You miss the best part? Rewind, you miss the best parts? And that includes IVF
[03:25:59] infertility treatments. And this is personal for Gwen and I. If you've never experienced
[03:26:08] the hell that is infertility, I guarantee you you know somebody who has. And I can
[03:26:13] remember praying each night for a phone call. The pit in your stomach when the phone
[03:26:20] ring and the absolute agony when we heard the treatment said work it took
[03:26:26] statement from uncommitted about the speaking slot young democratic
[03:26:29] organizers have something to say love this country means speaking out and
[03:26:33] fighting for all let ruva for georgia speak sam sander's idea and give a fuck
[03:26:52] you're threatened to stay home not vote are you gonna cry and get your little
[03:26:58] Palestine scarves out to wipe your tears when you elect Trump and he hauls all Muslims away,
[03:27:03] he says.
[03:27:04] Cool stuff.
[03:27:05] Yeah, Michigan Democratic Party Chair LeVore Barnes joins UAW in pushing for a Palestinian
[03:27:15] voice on stage at the Democratic National Convention tonight.
[03:27:21] It's great.
[03:27:25] This is a really pivotal moment, Sean, Sean the Black and many others in this community
[03:27:29] have said it correctly.
[03:27:31] Okay.
[03:27:32] This is a pivotal moment.
[03:27:33] This is a moment where we see, where we see how the Democratic Party responds, or at least
[03:27:39] the Kamala Harris campaign, like how much juice they have to specifically respond to
[03:27:45] these kinds of calls, okay?
[03:27:53] This is a really important moment because it's a super reasonable request.
[03:28:00] It's an honest request, it's a just request, right?
[03:28:04] These are Democratic Party officials.
[03:28:07] These are delegates that work within the Democratic Party's infrastructure.
[03:28:11] Some of them happen to be Palestinian Americans.
[03:28:15] They have a vetted speech, right?
[03:28:18] They have a vetted speech that they have pushed.
[03:28:22] And you have the Democratic Party not being responsive to this stuff.
[03:28:26] No, I'm suspecting.
[03:28:28] Yeah, here is Mandy Patinkin.
[03:28:30] And the CBO of Americans for peace now.
[03:28:33] We guys thinking about on this day at the DNC.
[03:28:36] I don't know what's happening in this realm, what's happening in Gaza and the need for
[03:28:41] US action because we're more than 10 months in and the United States doesn't control
[03:28:48] what really happens on the ground there but we control what we do here and so we can't
[03:28:53] necessarily stop the bombing of Gaza.
[03:28:57] I know for a fact that the DNC did not act in good faith and continue to lie about
[03:29:00] the negotiations they're exposing themselves.
[03:29:03] I don't, by the way, I need to explain something to you.
[03:29:08] Some stuff I'm about to say will be more understandable when I have more time to talk about this.
[03:29:17] But within the Democratic Party, there are definitely people with different attitudes,
[03:29:24] and I'm getting to see this firsthand now.
[03:29:28] In the Democratic Party, there are people that work in different facets of the Democratic
[03:29:34] Party.
[03:29:35] So what I mean by this is the DNC is being operated by people with different interests
[03:29:44] potentially, or different ideological points of view.
[03:29:49] So this, weirdly enough, is supposed to be a moment where, you know, you still
[03:29:54] party unity, where the DNC could be behaving in a way that is not even, like, the DNC could
[03:30:03] be behaving in a way that is at odds with the Biden administration's opinions on a matter.
[03:30:07] I don't think so in the circumstances, or it could be at odds with the Kamala Harris
[03:30:12] re-election campaign and their opinion and the way that they make certain calculations.
[03:30:20] So this is something to consider in terms of like, obviously to the average person, obviously
[03:30:27] to the average person on the outside, the DNC and Kamala Harris are like this, because
[03:30:31] their actions reflect poorly or positively on the ticket, okay?
[03:30:40] You need to remember this.
[03:30:42] They know that this is reflective.
[03:30:44] They know that their actions, even if it's happening, not in unison, not in collaboration
[03:30:51] with the Kamala Harris campaign.
[03:30:54] They know that that's how the average American understates this.
[03:30:58] That's like totally valid.
[03:31:04] It is interesting, however, it is interesting, however, that is what they choose to go forward
[03:31:15] with.
[03:31:19] Okay.
[03:31:32] Why does the DNC have this is?
[03:31:44] Why does the DNC have this?
[03:31:45] Maybe this is identical to Israel does,
[03:31:51] Osborne.
[03:31:56] The average American on, what?
[03:31:58] I didn't even know what you're fucking trying to write to.
[03:32:03] I said, no, I tweeted out,
[03:32:04] why does the DSE have one speed?
[03:32:05] This is like, this is exactly how,
[03:32:08] like the Israeli-Osborne operations work.
[03:32:10] Premozon Pelosi's asked too, let's take a look.
[03:32:15] Watch Pelosi, dodge question rooms,
[03:32:16] the Taoist Prem Tucker,
[03:32:17] about the exclusion of Palestinian voices
[03:32:19] that they didn't see.
[03:32:20] I want to know who said no to their speech their names should be broadcasted.
[03:32:47] I mean that's not gonna happen.
[03:32:49] Okay, that's not gonna happen.
[03:32:50] Let's be real.
[03:32:51] Let's not.
[03:32:52] We'll look at the iPad at thing in a second.
[03:32:56] They shocked us with waltz, they will shock us tonight with a palestinian speaker.
[03:33:07] What are chatters doing?
[03:33:10] 40 celebrities who used to work at McDonald's?
[03:33:15] What are you sending me?
[03:33:18] What is happening?
[03:33:19] Dude, you're going to make me yell right now.
[03:33:21] They're fucking filming in there.
[03:33:25] What the fuck?
[03:33:26] Are you an AI bot?
[03:33:27] Did you sell your fucking account?
[03:33:36] Did you sell your account to a bot from the deadline that the uncommitted delegation put
[03:33:52] forward?
[03:33:53] Okay?
[03:33:54] So, I doubt that they're going to do anything different, but it does seem like...
[03:34:13] I think it's the DNC that is playing an active role.
[03:34:19] i think the democratic national convention
[03:34:21] is playing an active role in in fucking up this conversation
[03:34:25] and there are plenty of outside
[03:34:27] there are plenty of outsiders
[03:34:30] plenty of outsiders
[03:34:31] and insiders
[03:34:33] both within the democratic party
[03:34:35] and both like big donors celebrities that are applying pressure
[03:34:40] uh... reports say that has on house on a biker
[03:34:43] is applying pressure to the democratic party from inside of the democratic
[03:34:46] party by serving three minutes of ads at the top of the hour that's what reports
[03:34:56] are saying they're saying that reports also say that if you no longer want to
[03:35:01] see those ads at the top of the hour all you need to do is subscribe for six
[03:35:05] dollars or for free with a twitch prime here's the German ad right now that's
[03:35:11] where reports are saying that's where we're at that's crazy many people are
[03:35:20] saying this. All right let's get back to Manipatikin.
[03:35:23] We don't have to give them bombs to do.
[03:35:25] And we can't civ it here.
[03:35:28] And so we can't.
[03:35:29] The United States doesn't control what happened from the down there.
[03:35:32] But we control what we do here.
[03:35:34] And so we can't necessarily stop the bombing of Gaza,
[03:35:38] but we don't have to give them bombs to do.
[03:35:40] We are about...
[03:35:44] There you go.
[03:35:46] Civiti, we are about equality.
[03:35:49] We are about not othering.
[03:35:52] Last night, we were sitting with an hour at the convention and an extraordinary brave Israeli couple came up and spoke to what their name was.
[03:36:02] John and Rachel at their home talked about their son, Roche, who has been held hostage in Gaza since October 7th.
[03:36:09] And John and Rachel were just, were still powerful.
[03:36:14] I was sitting there, we were there literally in tears with tens of thousands of people there.
[03:36:20] Yeah.
[03:36:21] And you know, as somebody who is Israeli-American and an IDF veteran,
[03:36:26] and feels that so powerfully, it was important to me.
[03:36:30] Bro, I think it's crazy that we've gotten to a point like where you got a dude who's Israeli-American,
[03:36:35] American, an IDF veteran who literally says, hey, we can't stop Israel from bombing Gaza.
[03:36:42] Okay. But we can't stop arming them. Like, think about where we're at in terms of the
[03:36:50] political equation here. I know chatters here, IDF veteran immediately go, ew, gross. Like,
[03:36:56] Like, but you're, you're not, you are not understanding a key factor in, in this conversation.
[03:37:05] You have a fucking IDF veteran who is an Israeli American saying there should be an arms embargo
[03:37:14] on Israel.
[03:37:16] Okay?
[03:37:17] Like, it is so, like this is unimaginable, okay?
[03:37:23] This is like Bernie Sanders used to say this, and people would go crazy when he said it.
[03:37:29] Okay?
[03:37:30] To have that representation, it was important to me that they had that opportunity to stand
[03:37:42] up there and not talk about politics and not talk about policy.
[03:37:45] They talked about humanity and they talked about empathy and they shared their son's
[03:37:49] plight, they shared their grief.
[03:37:53] And I thought it was amazing that they had that opportunity.
[03:37:56] It was powerful for me and yet we have not heard that voice from Palestinian America.
[03:38:03] They have not had that opportunity in Palestinian America.
[03:38:27] Um, it's unmuted.
[03:38:29] What?
[03:38:33] Wait, what time do we have to leave?
[03:39:26] Okay, um, you look terrified.
[03:39:31] It's fine.
[03:39:32] It's just like we're getting, we're getting fucking booted.
[03:39:36] Yeah, I was muted.
[03:39:39] We're getting booted from this space.
[03:39:43] fine like we're fine for now in this I will not we're not fine for now we're
[03:39:51] like literally like they're permanently we're permanently done here like there's
[03:39:57] no bro that's so fucking whack fight back what do you mean I will get fucking
[03:40:26] evicted forcibly with at gunpoint there's no fighting back if they say when
[03:40:32] When someone says you gotta leave this area and move to a different area, do you know
[03:40:37] how many fucking secret service and federal agents are here?
[03:40:42] Are you out of your mind?
[03:40:46] There's no world where I just keep doing this.
[03:40:58] Are they giving you another place to go?
[03:40:59] I don't know.
[03:41:00] And what are we gonna do about our stuff?
[03:41:11] We haven't...
[03:41:12] Wait, really?
[03:41:39] Did you interview or see it?
[03:41:41] Why even let you in just to keep you around?
[03:41:44] Guys, come on.
[03:41:45] Come on.
[03:41:46] We're at the Democratic National Convention.
[03:41:47] There's a lot of fucking things that are moving around, okay?
[03:41:49] There's a lot of moving parts that I'm giving,
[03:41:51] and any given moment.
[03:41:54] They're not kicking me out of the convention.
[03:41:55] They're just, they're saying that they have to use this
[03:41:58] space, okay?
[03:42:01] And now they're saying they don't have to use this space
[03:42:03] until later.
[03:42:11] They wouldn't do this to CNN?
[03:42:12] Yeah, no shit they wouldn't do this to CNN, dog.
[03:42:14] I'm not CNN, what do you mean?
[03:42:16] The fact that I have CNN level access is already insane.
[03:42:19] Be for fucking real, okay?
[03:42:21] I don't even know how I got this level of,
[03:42:25] I don't even know how I got this level of accommodation
[03:42:27] to begin with, okay?
[03:42:40] Hassanabi, I'm a very important person,
[03:42:42] please inform them I'm watching this, sir.
[03:42:46] Tell them your uncle is jank, your uncle is jank.
[03:42:49] Yeah, I'll tell them that.
[03:42:51] They gave him a worse pace than me,
[03:42:53] so I don't know how that would work.
[03:42:58] Chef, forgets you were potentially planning
[03:42:59] from streaming from your hotel room all week.
[03:43:00] Yeah, well, because they didn't give me a space originally.
[03:43:07] Oh, this is lame.
[03:43:14] OK, just kind of whack as you told him
[03:43:18] you'd want to do it all day.
[03:43:19] I know.
[03:43:19] I literally said, if I can't do it all day, I won't come in.
[03:43:23] I will just stream from my hotel room.
[03:43:29] But it is what it is, OK?
[03:43:30] It's not their fault.
[03:43:32] It's out of our hands.
[03:43:35] It's out of everyone else's hands.
[03:43:39] Listen, they pushed out Joe Biden.
[03:43:41] Of course, they'll push me out, too, you know?
[03:43:44] If they can do it to him, they can do it to me as well, Chad.
[03:44:08] Let's finish this up.
[03:44:09] It's like in the Palestinians who are suffering their own grief and dealing with their own traumas.
[03:44:13] You need to have their humanity recognized.
[03:44:15] We feel it's really important that while the convention is still going, that we also
[03:44:21] get to hear from a Palestinian voice through this in this process, as we've heard from
[03:44:27] a different part of the experience, and there's still time for the DNC to make
[03:44:31] that right choice and help them do it.
[03:44:34] not hear that voice is too loud a scream of I don't even know what the word is
[03:44:41] it's wrong I saw the uncommitted movement account got restricted on Twitter right
[03:44:52] now might as such coming in hot with a shady vans thing
[03:44:58] she advanced in a very awkward visit to a donor shop in Georgia earlier trust us
[03:45:02] it's worse than you even think
[03:45:22] I've been here since the beginning of July.
[03:45:25] Okay.
[03:45:26] How are you?
[03:45:27] I'm good.
[03:45:28] How are you, sir?
[03:45:29] I'm good.
[03:45:30] Almost two years.
[03:45:32] Okay.
[03:45:33] Yeah, I'll be a lot of players to hear some special stuff.
[03:45:37] So they send me rolls, whatever.
[03:45:40] Bro's never ordered a donut before.
[03:45:43] He's never got a dozen, dude.
[03:45:45] What the fuck?
[03:45:46] Yo, this is like...
[03:45:48] Dude, I swear to God, he's an alien.
[03:45:50] I swear to God. Oh my God his haircut is so bad. I swear to God. He's a fucking alien
[03:45:56] They built him in a lab and they were like here try to like resemble a human
[03:46:02] Like this is one of the most basic things bro. Who doesn't know how to order?
[03:46:07] 12 fucking donors. Oh, whatever makes sense bro. My mouth is watering thinking about 12 different kinds of donors that I would want to have
[03:46:15] okay like I'm first of all you got to get the fucking pink sprinkle okay it's a
[03:46:21] classic Simpsons put that shit on the map you have to get it okay I'm also
[03:46:27] partial to a glaze I'm a glaze man myself it's another classic okay I think
[03:46:33] you got to get that glaze French cruel French Kruehler okay I fucking love
[03:46:40] that shit oh my god the mouth feel on the french crueler oh my lord holy moley got to do it for
[03:46:46] boston you got to get that boston cream okay holy moley okay double up on that and then last one
[03:46:55] you go hey you know what you choose the last one okay you give me one that you like if you don't
[03:47:03] want to do that there's plenty opportunities and if you come at me and you say something along
[03:47:08] the lines of oh I actually like the double chocolate glaze one no way some
[03:47:14] people in the chat are saying maple bar excellent taste I knew I was in a good
[03:47:18] community I knew I was surrounded by people who actually have good taste okay
[03:47:25] delectable delightful jelly donuts pretty solid too love me a little jelly this
[03:47:39] man is a demon I just by the way I didn't see any of these donuts but I
[03:47:45] I was able to fucking fire off six of them,
[03:47:48] seven of them in a row,
[03:47:52] because I'm a normal human being,
[03:47:54] and I wasn't built in a fucking lab like JD Vance was,
[03:47:59] where he basically just got out of the,
[03:48:01] he got out of the fucking vat
[03:48:03] before he was fully concocted, okay?
[03:48:08] Like, do you live in a fucking cave?
[03:48:10] Like, how do you not know six fucking donuts, dude?
[03:48:20] You guys make fun of me and say I'm autistic as hell, okay?
[03:48:42] You make fun of me, you say I'm autistic as hell in the way that I react to people.
[03:48:47] like when I'm actually not in fucking panic mode because like there's a
[03:48:51] million different directions on being pulled at when you see me communicate
[03:48:55] with people in the fucking real world I don't do this okay I don't fucking do
[03:49:02] this shit I have a normal goddamn conversation this is incredible yeah this
[03:49:17] isn't autism this is just like him being not a human bro we found the
[03:49:22] end of the spectrum? Yeah, you do owe me an apology. Okay? You owe me an apology.
[03:49:30] Okay.
[03:49:35] Brother, are these interviews still happening? I got my dad on tap to watch
[03:49:42] you with champagne. Brother, I'm trying to fucking work. Okay, I'm working.
[03:49:47] We're working. There's a lot of movement. There's a lot of stuff
[03:49:50] happening right now where there is we can move my setup with internet.
[03:50:27] I said I said it I said do we have another place we can move my setup with the internet
[03:50:45] if not I'm gonna cancel my interview and most likely move back to the hotel.
[03:51:02] I mean all things considered look the fact that we got this level of access the fact
[03:51:07] that we were able to do this stuff as much, like, no, I'm not going to do a roaming interview
[03:51:13] chat. I want to fucking, I want to live react to the actual speeches and shit. Okay. Can
[03:51:18] you just not go back to the influencer suite? Probably not. For a past week to work at
[03:51:26] this peak, I'm better than you vibes. Yeah, just you can't have a normal conversation.
[03:51:35] The NC is just trying to push you out. Yeah, that's why in a revolutionary strategy
[03:51:40] be breaking. Kamala Harris' campaign will broadcast her acceptance speech tonight on
[03:51:44] Twitch. This is what meeting voters where they are looks like. Yeah, I hope they don't
[03:51:50] fucking kick me out. The Undertaker was spotted at O'Hare earlier today. The Undertaker? Wait,
[03:52:10] the Undertaker is like a fucking Trump supporter. Did they capture the Undertaker? Is he actually
[03:52:16] fucking coming to the DNC? I doubt it. There's no way. He's mega as fuck, bro.
[03:52:23] Nah, no way it's today. There's no way.
[03:52:38] I'm not even surprised you yelled at some random chatters, dude.
[03:52:41] What?
[03:52:42] Dude, you are so fucking stupid. I swear to God.
[03:52:45] Yeah, dude, that's why they're kicking me out of this room because I yelled at a chatter.
[03:52:50] And not when I was like, doing the, the gravest crime of all, which is like,
[03:52:55] criticizing Obama while he was giving a fucking speech.
[03:52:58] Like, what's up?
[03:53:00] Uh, the New York Times?
[03:53:06] Okay
[03:53:07] There's actually a pi g miss far the block different speaking Jesus Christ
[03:53:32] It might this tweet might be the reason why I'm getting kicked out by the way
[03:53:41] Like that is a more likely reason why I'm getting downgraded than than anything else
[03:53:49] But yeah, the UAW this morning called for a Palestinian American to speak as well. This is really good
[03:53:55] I mean, this is a really good vector of pressure to
[03:53:58] compare to this and you can see all the favorables are totally flit and we did a little rally on the side.
[03:54:07] If you don't know, the iconic Nebraska restaurant is the Runza.
[03:54:13] Don't call it anything else except for Runza. The bread consistency, all of it really matters.
[03:54:19] I got the Swiss and Mushroom. It's kind of a classic. The cheese is solid.
[03:54:25] You can be a little bit creative, but this is it.
[03:54:28] This is it. If you're going to go to Nebraska, if you're going to go to Nebraska football
[03:54:32] game, if you're just going to be a good person, stop it, Rose. I think it's a great thing.
[03:54:37] Get this guy on TV for one's sake for the work you're doing matters.
[03:54:44] Yeah, look at that versus this.
[03:54:47] She doesn't want to be on film, guys. You just pet her out of anything. How long you work here?
[03:55:04] I've been here since, uh, the day last year, uh.
[03:55:07] Okay.
[03:55:08] The day after.
[03:55:09] Okay.
[03:55:10] Yeah.
[03:55:11] I love you, sir.
[03:55:12] I don't know what the fuck's going on.
[03:55:13] My, my headset is like, fucking up to it.
[03:55:18] I can't even, my headset's not working.
[03:55:20] Yeah, I don't know, I'm gonna play this to you, some spooky stuff.
[03:55:24] Yeah.
[03:55:25] The answer's cringe, Walls is fake, but good.
[03:55:27] I don't think, I don't think Tim Walls is fake.
[03:55:34] I don't think Tim Walls is fake.
[03:55:35] I'll say it.
[03:55:36] Oh my god.
[03:55:37] Olivia Giuliana this morning. Well, before we got started, by the way, and she came up
[03:55:45] to me and she was like, I didn't know who she like I would you come up to me. I didn't know
[03:55:54] who she was at first. She's like, I'm Olivia Giuliana. I was like, Oh my god. She was nice,
[03:56:02] though. She wasn't like mean or anything. She was just like, she said that you guys
[03:56:07] were being mean to her. And I told her to, to not be mean to her on my behalf.
[03:56:12] Which is true, you guys shouldn't do that, it's lame as fuck.
[03:56:22] Oh my god Austin is, oh my god Austin is there.
[03:56:30] That is crazy.
[03:56:31] And he's on his little tippy toes too.
[03:56:34] Oh my god, he's on his little tippy toes so he gets a fucking national TV.
[03:56:37] Who are mean to her, you call her a nobody?
[03:56:46] No, I said she doesn't represent a real constituency, which is true.
[03:56:51] Okay?
[03:56:52] There is no under 35 voter who's like not interested in anything Palestine related and
[03:57:00] wanted Joe Biden to fucking be in the race all the way up until the fucking last moment
[03:57:05] and also wanted Josh Ipiro.
[03:57:07] It's like the trifecta.
[03:57:09] Like that's ridiculous.
[03:57:12] It's true.
[03:57:13] That is a typical, that right there is a typical party play for like the older donors.
[03:57:19] Okay.
[03:57:20] the very same people who think Pete Buttigieg represents young people.
[03:57:24] No.
[03:57:24] You know who represents young people's interest better?
[03:57:26] Bernie Sanders.
[03:57:27] And we got numbers on the board to prove it.
[03:57:30] Pete Buttigieg is like, primary voting bloc was 65 plus.
[03:57:34] Bernie Sanders is primary voting bloc.
[03:57:36] We're the youth vote.
[03:57:37] Okay?
[03:57:42] That's all I'm saying.
[03:57:43] That's not bullying.
[03:57:45] It's the truth.
[03:57:46] People literally think like, oh, well this person is young.
[03:57:55] And she's saying things that like I want to hear as an old person
[03:58:00] So she must be you know
[03:58:02] She must be because she's young. She must be speaking on behalf of the youth. That's not the truth
[03:58:19] Also, what the fuck is Gen Z about Austin, bro? He old as hell
[03:58:45] like
[03:58:52] Austin is not Gen Z chat. Don't be fucking the Lulu. Okay
[03:58:58] That's crazy
[03:59:03] What's going on my man?
[03:59:05] You doing alright? Hello? Are you comfortable being on camera? Alright, what's happening?
[03:59:15] Alright, we got the New York Times in here, chat. Where's March? Is March not here? Wait,
[03:59:24] can you- I'm sorry, can you get him real quick so we can fix the camera? Alright, alright,
[03:59:31] I mean I guess I could do it myself. I hope I don't mess this up. There it is. Here
[03:59:37] we go how chaotic is this for you yeah this is like you know people are people
[03:59:45] are always whenever I have guests on they're like how the fuck what are you
[03:59:48] doing it's more people in this chat and there are in this arena right now 53,000
[03:59:56] 52,000 what's your typical stream for the it depends right if things are like
[04:00:04] happening. I think like a lot of people tune in. It's like TV but for Gen Z. Like for the
[04:00:11] under 35 demographic. Sure. Right. I was curious what your number might be like. On average,
[04:00:18] it's around 30 to 40. But right now it's the last day of the DNC so obviously there's
[04:00:23] a lot more people here. Yeah. So you're assuming every day of the convention? Yeah.
[04:00:30] So, the first day, I have a roaming backpack as well, so I roam around, the first day we
[04:00:42] did that because we didn't have a space.
[04:00:43] Then I try to communicate to the team, to the DNC, I need a space so I can put my remote
[04:00:49] desktop setup and be there permanently.
[04:00:52] So the second day they gave me like a part of the Creator Lounge where they were like
[04:01:00] Yeah, you can scream from here
[04:01:02] But then they didn't realize like I was gonna be there the whole time and yelling the whole time
[04:01:07] And then there were other creators like they were you know trying to use the space
[04:01:11] So they were like we'll put you somewhere else. So then they put me here yesterday
[04:01:14] And it's worked out. Well, I mean obviously there's like times when we get
[04:01:19] kicked out
[04:01:20] Because like someone has to come in and shoot or use the space
[04:01:24] But overall it's been fine. I think I think we might get kicked out after this
[04:01:28] again
[04:01:29] But we'll see we'll see what happens. I need only streamer here for as a creator
[04:01:35] No, there's some other streamers here there. There are some smaller streamers here as well. Yeah
[04:01:39] That also do political commentary Bremlow is one of them. I don't know if you got I guess he got access as a creator as well
[04:01:47] I would say like I'm
[04:01:49] I'm probably one of the
[04:01:51] I'm out of like the large streamers. I'm the
[04:01:56] The only one so it's over you were out with the
[04:02:00] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I went out and I interviewed them early this morning before I started
[04:02:06] I mean I live stream that as well. Yeah, and who do you have on your stream like my politician wise or anyone else?
[04:02:14] So we've had
[04:02:16] Greg Kazari yesterday. That was wonderful. He's sick. He's really cool. We had
[04:02:23] Who else do we have we had a bunch of Ed Markey showed up randomly just kind of popped in that was cool
[04:02:30] and also
[04:02:33] Cory Bush I interviewed at the uncommitted campaign and I also interviewed Ro Khanna as well. Oh nice. Yeah
[04:02:41] Yeah, in the past, you've done like,
[04:02:44] did you do AOC at one point in the past?
[04:02:46] Yeah, yeah, AOC's supposed to be coming on after you.
[04:02:49] Oh really?
[04:02:50] Today, yeah.
[04:02:51] Yeah, Pierre or somewhere else?
[04:02:52] Hopefully, if we're still here, if we don't get moved,
[04:02:55] then it will be here.
[04:02:57] I've also interviewed a bunch of journalists
[04:03:00] or people that are interviewing me.
[04:03:03] They'll come on the stream kind of like you're getting
[04:03:05] right now.
[04:03:06] Like Doni O'Sullivan from CNN is like featuring me
[04:03:10] and one of his documentaries is working on.
[04:03:13] So, yeah.
[04:03:15] And then a whole bunch of activists.
[04:03:17] And a whole bunch of activists.
[04:03:18] Yeah.
[04:03:19] I mean, people have been talking about how,
[04:03:21] some people were surprised that the DNC
[04:03:23] like gave you the credential.
[04:03:24] I'm some people.
[04:03:26] I'm surprised that they did.
[04:03:27] Why?
[04:03:28] Because I mean, honestly,
[04:03:31] I am obviously very critical of the Democratic Party.
[04:03:35] Yeah.
[04:03:36] Like I'm anti-Trump, like that's not a secret, right?
[04:03:39] I'm very anti-Trump, but I'm also very critical to the Democratic Party in general across the
[04:03:43] board, not just this time around, but just consistently for their proximity to like Republican
[04:03:49] legislation in general, like the way that they sometimes capitulate or concede to Republican
[04:03:55] policymaking, Republican narratives.
[04:03:58] And I don't like that.
[04:03:59] I want them to be a party that fights and a party that truly represents progress
[04:04:03] in this country.
[04:04:04] Right.
[04:04:05] Because like it or not, we just have a duopoly.
[04:04:06] I can't change that.
[04:04:07] And so today, did you get any pushback, not pushback?
[04:04:09] Well, first of all, how did it happen?
[04:04:10] How did you end up getting invited to do this?
[04:04:12] So it actually happened because I got my management
[04:04:18] to ask the influencer credentials,
[04:04:22] like to ask for credentials and they don't know
[04:04:26] like the press route or anything.
[04:04:27] They're like a normal Hollywood agency, right?
[04:04:30] Like a Hollywood management company.
[04:04:31] So they went the route that they know,
[04:04:34] which is influencer, right?
[04:04:36] And that's how it worked out.
[04:04:39] And what was that before or after Biden stepped out?
[04:04:42] It was actually before.
[04:04:43] Or before.
[04:04:44] It was before Biden stepped out.
[04:04:46] And I was definitely a lot more critical back then too.
[04:04:50] So, I mean, I wonder if it was approved before Biden
[04:04:54] stepped out too, do you know?
[04:04:56] I don't know if it was, I think it was.
[04:04:58] Like I mean, the conversations happened before,
[04:05:00] but I don't know.
[04:05:01] I don't know if it was.
[04:05:02] There's like, you know, unproved expectation
[04:05:04] like if they had opened up the greater window or whatever after I've got that
[04:05:09] we've been a whole different like group of people like they were a little bit
[04:05:13] it was difficult to get people to sign that before allegedly and then after
[04:05:16] everyone was desperate by then they'd already green-lighted all these people
[04:05:19] oh I didn't care I was I was you know I wanted it to come here I wasn't
[04:05:26] gonna compromise on my values I wasn't going to I wasn't going to say
[04:05:31] anything differently because I'm here and I haven't, but you know, I was still interested
[04:05:38] regardless, right? It wasn't because of my like admiration of Joe Biden, obviously, which
[04:05:43] I very openly was critical of. They knew that as well. So, you know, it's still working
[04:05:50] out.
[04:05:51] I haven't given you any kind of like, I've put any like guardrails about what you can
[04:05:55] do or like give you any instructions or anything like that.
[04:05:57] No.
[04:05:58] Yeah, that's good.
[04:05:59] speak for other contributors but for me no they they have not done that yeah and
[04:06:04] they offer the access you got the politicians you mentioned is that through
[04:06:07] them or did you get on your own or how that happened some of them on my own
[04:06:10] some of them I think they directly reached out yeah like they reached out
[04:06:14] by the way make sure you don't show your phone to the camera okay yeah yeah
[04:06:19] Yeah, so basically, the access that I got to politicians was, I think they are the ones
[04:06:30] who reached out.
[04:06:31] They sent me a list, I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to say what it is, I don't want to
[04:06:37] be.
[04:06:38] I talked to a bunch of creators.
[04:06:39] Yeah, they sent me a list, but I didn't, I was like, I don't care about this.
[04:06:46] Most of the interviews like AOC, I have direct line of communication with her and her team,
[04:06:51] Ihan Omar, same thing with Sean Fain through the UAW.
[04:06:57] A lot of the progressive politicians, I either go through the activist route,
[04:07:03] or I will mail someone on their team through Twitter and I just reach out to them directly.
[04:07:09] But the policies I've interviewed so far they reached out to I guess either the agency like the marketing agency or the DNC or my management
[04:07:21] And that like how many hours are you streaming on any given day in your normal life, and it has that compared to the
[04:07:27] so
[04:07:28] Normally I stream
[04:07:31] At a minimum eight hours a day seven days a week
[04:07:33] Okay, but it's much easier to do for my house right I have this like yeah
[04:07:37] Yeah, I have the setup and I also have everything.
[04:07:40] I'm used to doing it in my house and I have this rigid schedule
[04:07:47] that allows me to be able to do it.
[04:07:50] Here, I also am doing eight hours every single day so far.
[04:07:56] But it is seven days a week, yeah.
[04:07:57] You must take breaks, right?
[04:07:59] It's not really that...
[04:08:00] What if you travel or something like that?
[04:08:03] That is the only time.
[04:08:04] The only time I actually, like I guess, technically take a break is if I'm flying internationally
[04:08:09] and I simply don't have time, like I physically cannot stream.
[04:08:14] But I do stream when I travel.
[04:08:15] Like when I go, I bring my remote setup that you're looking at right now, I bring that
[04:08:20] everywhere.
[04:08:21] So you'll be like walking to the airport, you'll just stream?
[04:08:24] No.
[04:08:25] No, I don't do that.
[04:08:26] Because they would call in bomb threats.
[04:08:28] I think people used to do that back in the day and they would call bomb threats,
[04:08:31] yeah.
[04:08:32] Yeah, no, no, no, nothing. I like your buddy's getting married or something. Like, you can tell your audience, like, you know what I mean.
[04:08:41] Oh, yeah, I took a day off because a friend of mine had a bachelor party.
[04:08:45] There you go.
[04:08:46] I took one day off. So, yeah.
[04:08:48] How long does that thing go on?
[04:08:50] Eight hours or anything?
[04:08:52] Well, I went full-time in 2020, in the beginning of 2020.
[04:08:56] Yeah.
[04:08:57] And I haven't stopped.
[04:08:58] We're the same members.
[04:08:59] Yeah.
[04:09:00] In the year 2020, I spent 42% of the entire year live on camera, which is not normal, I know.
[04:09:21] You ever like, take a nap on camera?
[04:09:23] No.
[04:09:24] I saw Ty Sennatnita.
[04:09:26] Yeah, so that's a different, like there's a different style, I guess, like where they
[04:09:31] do like cellophones or they'll do like they'll have like a sick goal like they
[04:09:37] believe I'm gonna finish this game and I'm not stopping my shame until I finish
[04:09:40] this game and sometimes it's like hundreds of hours it takes like a week
[04:09:44] right so obviously they have to sleep in that process so they'll even sleep on
[04:09:49] camera I don't do that but I do basically stream virtually every hour
[04:09:54] that I'm not sleeping anyway yeah so for me it's like I just want to have a
[04:09:58] I have a little bit of time to myself, I'm 33.
[04:10:01] So I need to work out, I need to spend time with my family.
[04:10:06] So usually I take a little bit of time,
[04:10:12] like a couple hours here and there.
[04:10:14] For some kind of an it's to you.
[04:10:16] Yeah, that's the limit to my camera time,
[04:10:18] it's eight hours a day.
[04:10:20] So not eight, but I'm gonna go.
[04:10:23] So, and you do, what kind of commercial work do you do?
[04:10:28] you talk about that.
[04:10:28] Commercial work?
[04:10:29] Do you do any commercial work?
[04:10:30] Do you get anything about sponsors?
[04:10:31] Like ads?
[04:10:32] Spots, sponsor ads.
[04:10:33] Oh, there are a lot of brands that reach out
[04:10:37] and they want to sponsor me.
[04:10:39] I usually don't do that.
[04:10:40] I choose not to.
[04:10:41] Have you got any?
[04:10:42] Yeah.
[04:10:43] Video games for the most part.
[04:10:46] If I'm gonna play a video game anyway
[04:10:48] and they're giving me money to do it, I'm like, sure.
[04:10:51] But beyond that, I rarely ever take on sponsorships.
[04:10:55] You're not gonna be like an energy drink
[04:10:56] or something like that.
[04:10:58] I mean depends if it's a if it's something that I consume or something that I like then yeah, I would do it, but
[04:11:04] Oh, I guess on on top of that
[04:11:06] We just recently on our podcast started doing some ads as well some branded stuff
[04:11:12] But my podcast is a cooperative. Yeah, and that's March is my producer
[04:11:17] He's a part owner of the podcast and everyone in the cooperative gets a say
[04:11:22] Yeah, and they wanted to do advertising so I was like sure why not and those are like
[04:11:28] Those aren't ads, you don't read the ads, they're ads that go like...
[04:11:30] No, no, no, we're reading ads, like, yeah, yeah, well, what did we do? Seat geek or something?
[04:11:35] We did a Seat Geek ad for my fear end, for my podcast fear end.
[04:11:40] He's really excited for the concentration of politics.
[04:11:42] So one thing I'm interested in is like the role of streamers and politics.
[04:11:46] You've had a few politicians on, I know you've talked about this, like Aiden Ross,
[04:11:50] September Trump or whatever. I think there's gonna be war this kind of thing, it seems like
[04:11:55] politicians are like oh this is something people do and we need to pay attention to that.
[04:12:00] Yeah um look I think this is this goes against my best interest to admit this but I think
[04:12:10] politicians should focus more on their platforms rather than what platforms that they're streaming on
[04:12:15] because no I'm serious and I'm not saying this is a political commentator
[04:12:19] well I guess I am saying this is kind of a political commentator but I am also saying this
[04:12:24] as someone who has been professionally covering the rat race and numerous election cycles at
[04:12:32] this point, Bernie Sanders was one of the most popular politicians for the youth.
[04:12:39] But he was old as hell. He doesn't know what Twitch is. They put him on Twitch.
[04:12:45] They did? Yeah, he has a Twitch stream as well. But that's not the reason why he was popping
[04:12:51] with the youth. AOC is not popular with the youth because she's young. It's because she's
[04:12:57] young and she speaks to the same, she speaks to the same things that Bernie Sanders speaks
[04:13:03] to. I think young people, albeit on average, are not very interested in the political
[04:13:10] process at all demonstrably. They vote in a lower percentage than, like their voter
[04:13:15] participation percentage is much lower than older people. But the ones that do pay attention,
[04:13:20] The ones that do vote are very primed.
[04:13:23] Like they are, I would say they are more interested
[04:13:26] and more invested in policies
[04:13:28] than like an older person is to a certain degree.
[04:13:32] So in order to, I think, in order to activate the youth,
[04:13:36] politicians should focus more on their policies
[04:13:38] that actually materially improve the lives
[04:13:41] of young people rather than like what platform
[04:13:44] they're gonna be on.
[04:13:45] They think, I mean, I can tell you how we talked
[04:13:47] about a lot of people.
[04:13:48] They think that there are people that can't reach out to people.
[04:13:51] There are.
[04:13:52] They're here.
[04:13:53] They're definitely here.
[04:13:54] Yeah, but I'm saying that it's not just simply appearing.
[04:13:59] It's not simply just appearing on the platform.
[04:14:02] If you do that, yeah, I mean, sure.
[04:14:04] It's just another outlet, right?
[04:14:07] It's just going to be exactly like what Donald Trump does.
[04:14:10] Like, he's on Twitch.
[04:14:11] He's live streaming his broadcast.
[04:14:13] I mean, he's live broadcasting his rallies.
[04:14:15] But that doesn't really move the needle that much.
[04:14:18] No one is, I think, getting convinced
[04:14:19] because they saw a Trump rally on Twitch
[04:14:21] as opposed to a Trump rally on television.
[04:14:23] Right?
[04:14:24] What matters is what they're saying at the rallies.
[04:14:26] But he goes on a garage.
[04:14:27] He's got that audience.
[04:14:29] He says, maybe the things that I could hear about.
[04:14:32] I think Trump has a different style.
[04:14:36] It's not necessarily policy focused,
[04:14:38] as we've realized at this point.
[04:14:40] And it's more so a personality, a charisma,
[04:14:44] like something that is very appealing to a lot of people.
[04:14:47] I think that he is, he laser focused on his own,
[04:14:52] he laser focused on a group of people that I assume
[04:14:56] were the only people he could gain from
[04:14:58] because like he's pretty maxed out
[04:14:59] when it comes to name recognition.
[04:15:01] Everybody knows who Trump is.
[04:15:03] Out of the demographics that do vote,
[04:15:05] they've already made up their minds on them.
[04:15:07] They've made up their minds on them in 2016
[04:15:09] or at least in 2020, right?
[04:15:11] So, I think if you're trying to go after people who are, I assume, like, the same, like, disconnected,
[04:15:21] disaffected, but younger, younger men in general that listen to, like, pick up podcasts and
[04:15:28] things like that, and like, Red Pill, the man-spirit community, yep.
[04:15:32] But I don't know if he'll be able to, like, activate enough people from just the Aiden
[04:15:38] Ross appearance to go out and vote.
[04:15:41] Right. But I mean, also, that will be the people who are streaming to you, streaming to you not one time.
[04:15:46] A lot of times, they have almost a relationship with you, right?
[04:15:49] Like, they know you're going to watch over and over.
[04:15:51] Yes.
[04:15:53] It seems like he would have to go on over and over to build on things like today's business.
[04:15:57] Yes.
[04:15:59] So, this platform has a tremendous benefit, I think.
[04:16:02] You asked about advertising?
[04:16:04] Yeah.
[04:16:05] I think, I mean, I did ad work when I was at the Young Turks back in the day.
[04:16:09] And I think this platform specifically,
[04:16:14] like live streaming specifically,
[04:16:16] creates such a powerful sense of community.
[04:16:19] And there's so much trust in the content creator
[04:16:22] because you're spending a lot of time with them.
[04:16:24] Over the course of eight hours,
[04:16:26] maybe not the entire eight hours,
[04:16:27] but like, you know, the viewership,
[04:16:32] the average time spent on the platform,
[04:16:34] on this platform is like an hour.
[04:16:35] It's insane.
[04:16:36] it's like unheard of in comparison to anything else, right?
[04:16:40] So there's a lot of trust that they build
[04:16:45] with their content creator in that regard.
[04:16:48] And of course, that is the reason why I think like,
[04:16:52] advertising on this platform is probably more successful
[04:16:56] than just buying an app in front of a YouTube video.
[04:17:00] And I see that.
[04:17:03] I mean, sometimes I'll click on a random link
[04:17:05] on a website to look at merchandise or something.
[04:17:10] And we end up giving the website a hug of death.
[04:17:13] It's like a distributed denial of service attack,
[04:17:15] but it's not an attack.
[04:17:16] It's not directed at that website to overload those servers,
[04:17:20] but we end up overloading those servers anyway.
[04:17:21] On the street and you click on it.
[04:17:23] Yeah, and then people are like, oh my god,
[04:17:25] I want to go see it myself.
[04:17:26] Yeah.
[04:17:27] So that is somewhat of a testament to the audience
[04:17:35] is loyalty I guess. So yes politicians could take advantage of that to a certain degree.
[04:17:41] But I don't know how effective it would be for like a one-off right now. It sounds like
[04:17:51] you pretty open. I mean you had opportunities to sit down with like how many hours I suppose
[04:17:56] you would do that right? Probably I would do that. Yeah. But I mean it's a calculation
[04:18:03] that I make in time and like it's a calculation that I make definitely where I'm like I don't
[04:18:11] want to be so disruptive in this conversation that I might have that like it shows them in
[04:18:18] a really bad light you know what I mean or it shows me in a really bad light so I try
[04:18:23] to stay away from like politicians that I actively on the Democratic Party side at
[04:18:28] at least that I actively am in disagreement with.
[04:18:34] But I mean, I would still do it.
[04:18:36] He's just given the platform the figure she is.
[04:18:40] I mean, see what's going on.
[04:18:41] Yeah, did you figure it yourself in the journalist?
[04:18:44] No, I don't.
[04:18:46] I'm a political commentator.
[04:18:48] I'm as much as a journalist as Jake Tapper is a journalist.
[04:18:51] Okay.
[04:18:53] He might have done journalism in the past,
[04:18:54] but I don't think he's a journalist now.
[04:18:57] I guess he breaks stories sometimes
[04:19:00] But yeah, but like I like I rarely ever do original reporting
[04:19:05] I think that if you are a journalist you do original reporting you have a beat or even if you don't have a beat you do original report
[04:19:11] Yeah, I don't do that
[04:19:20] Oh, yeah
[04:19:22] I mean, I guess Larry Elder technically, he did become a Republican politician for a little
[04:19:28] bit, for a libertarian one, too.
[04:19:31] But he was running for governor of California.
[04:19:34] I debated him on Alex Michelson's, like Fox Local Channel in Los Angeles.
[04:19:42] What about, I mean, it's either likely, but given, if Trump's deeper, like, you
[04:19:50] If Trump wanted to come on my show. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you did. I would love that
[04:19:58] Yes, I think it would be combative
[04:20:05] Yeah
[04:20:08] It'd be content to
[04:20:10] Do you feel like your audience are like not going to be aligned with you or do you think
[04:20:15] you're the bride in a blanket?
[04:20:18] I think that my point of view and my ideology is like what I believe in or at least like
[04:20:24] the moral foundation is not radical but my ideology is definitely outside of the confines
[04:20:29] of like what is permissible, acceptable and makeshift media.
[04:20:33] So it's not exactly something that is like broadly represented so I do find myself
[04:20:38] constantly making an argument to try to get people to see the world from my
[04:20:42] world view from my perspective but there are definitely a lot of people who have
[04:20:47] over the course of many many years like seen the world from my lens I mean I I
[04:20:52] went to the Palestinian protests first day and throughout the entire protest we
[04:20:58] livestreamed it yeah there were hundreds of people that came up
[04:21:01] including event organizers that were like organizing the pro-falsity and
[04:21:06] That came up and were like you were instrumental in my development like you radicalized me you
[04:21:12] You you made me see the world in a very different way. I
[04:21:17] Know that's a scary thing. That was scary words. Yeah, that was a scary word. I know but like what I mean by that is like
[04:21:25] There's not a lot of representation
[04:21:30] There's not a lot of representation of like the Palestinian side of the equation
[04:21:33] I would say, in major media in comparison to the Israeli side.
[04:21:37] And I think that I try to offer that to the best of my ability.
[04:21:43] And I think I also try to show the humanity of that side as well,
[04:21:47] so that people develop a different understanding that they might not have been privy to
[04:21:52] if all they saw was somewhat one-sided approaches.
[04:21:58] I mean, if you come up to me, offering your videos, I could come across as creepy.
[04:22:04] That's like a risk to me.
[04:22:05] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[04:22:06] How do you deal with that?
[04:22:07] People think I'm an asshole.
[04:22:08] People think I'm preachy.
[04:22:09] It is what it is, you know?
[04:22:11] But here's the thing.
[04:22:12] I will never deny that I'm a biased person.
[04:22:16] And I think that that is more honest than acting like you have no bias when you, of course, do.
[04:22:22] I understand, like, objective news reporting.
[04:22:25] But there's still obviously underlying biases there.
[04:22:29] As a matter of fact, a big part of what I do is to basically hold people's hand through
[04:22:38] the media process.
[04:22:42] I have a lot of respect for traditional journalism.
[04:22:45] I have a lot of friends in traditional outlets, including your outlet, as a matter of fact.
[04:22:51] There's plenty of investigative reporters that I communicate with, that I talk to on a regular
[04:22:57] basis, that I really value their work, and I always will promote them here as well.
[04:23:04] I wouldn't be able to do what I do if it wasn't for mainstream media, right?
[04:23:08] Like, otherwise it would just be me talking shit in my room, you know?
[04:23:12] There's no original reporting that I'm doing, right?
[04:23:15] So I understand the necessity.
[04:23:17] And I try to look at it from the with a more critical lens
[04:23:21] And so I told you before, I've used more ranges from all
[04:23:29] distance streaming.
[04:23:31] It's like they've kind of been a big way of identifying
[04:23:33] these different places.
[04:23:34] People were like, yeah, we're going to do a campaign.
[04:23:41] We're going to get more and more advertising campaign.
[04:23:44] We're going to get more and more political bikes
[04:23:46] on the streaming.
[04:23:47] Yeah.
[04:23:47] Seems like you're the kind of president
[04:23:49] who's really a target.
[04:23:49] Because you might be critical of some things,
[04:23:52] but they feel like they have the sense
[04:23:54] streamers are all like right wing and the idea of a safe space for Democrats and leftists
[04:23:59] is interesting to them. Yeah, I don't think streamers are all right wing at all. Yeah. That is, I think,
[04:24:06] one of the reasons why I actually got on Twitch originally was because I knew that in the gamer
[04:24:11] space, this was a gaming platform originally, right? And in the gaming space I knew that
[04:24:18] there was like a lot of people who, like I'm myself, I'm a gamer. There's a lot of people
[04:24:22] like me the gaming space is very diverse and there's a diversity of ideas in the gaming space as well
[04:24:27] but like the only thing that was the only type of commentary that existed in the space was
[04:24:32] right wing to far right yeah people who consider themselves to be centrist that would oftentimes
[04:24:38] carry water for the right uh or people who were genuinely far right all the way to like white
[04:24:42] nationalism right but i don't think that's how it is on twitch and i don't think that's how the
[04:24:48] gaming space is in general either i don't think that's the the streaming space is like that
[04:24:52] either but it's largely people who might have a lot of progressive opinions but
[04:24:57] are just either apolitical or just try to stay out of political commentary and
[04:25:03] politics in general. But the right wing people feel less restrained. Oh yeah yeah
[04:25:07] they're definitely very... I mean when do the right... you know when do they shut
[04:25:13] the fuck up? You know part of my French but they love calling themselves
[04:25:17] the the the the silent majority and they are actually the exact opposite they're
[04:25:26] very loud and they are the minority right right right I mean you saw the video
[04:25:31] I saw some videos I'm sure you've seen it look like something like a dross not to
[04:25:35] harp on him but like having a front-bound or ever and then like all
[04:25:38] these videos pop on him like he doesn't know what the word fascist means
[04:25:41] like has it no it's like not only a lot of basic information he has
[04:25:46] I mean, I've been questioned, you're pretty well led, you think about these issues.
[04:25:50] I don't think he's questioned, he maybe has the same background in thinking about politics.
[04:25:55] You're being very nice.
[04:25:57] You're being very nice.
[04:25:59] No, he's a fucking idiot.
[04:26:00] I would never say that.
[04:26:01] Yeah, I know you wouldn't say that, you're in there at times.
[04:26:03] But he is.
[04:26:04] I mean, he is not an intelligent person at all.
[04:26:09] He literally had a conversation with another streamer who I like a lot actually, where
[04:26:14] where he thought that Joe Biden was responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade, like, but that's
[04:26:21] exactly the type of person that Donald Trump needs to captivate.
[04:26:25] That's like, it's like, they're low information.
[04:26:27] Yeah.
[04:26:28] I mean, that sounds like, that sounds kind of messed up to say, but it is the reality.
[04:26:35] Yes.
[04:26:36] Like, he, that's what Trump has to go after.
[04:26:41] And like the high information voter that is a billionaire and it or you know
[04:26:50] Yeah, they're a high information voters that vote Republican they're just assholes
[04:26:58] Have you had reached out
[04:27:04] Have I ever been reached out have you had reached out from like
[04:27:07] like that box in the political world is something you don't want to do until you turn down.
[04:27:11] No, not yet.
[04:27:13] You know, not really.
[04:27:15] Who else can you say is like a progressive,
[04:27:19] like a middle, like a leftist center if you're a progressive streamer?
[04:27:23] Who else is a leftist center, a progressive streamer?
[04:27:26] Who else?
[04:27:27] For the streamers, there's an actual kind of like,
[04:27:29] bodies of beating balls,
[04:27:31] or progressives like to sell,
[04:27:33] or somewhere in the spectrum.
[04:27:35] There are a lot of streamers that are progressive, but they just don't do political commentary.
[04:27:42] They stay away from that is what I'm saying.
[04:27:43] Not that who would avoid it.
[04:27:44] Who wouldn't want to see it.
[04:27:45] Yeah, exactly.
[04:27:46] Who wouldn't want to see it.
[04:27:47] Yeah, exactly.
[04:27:48] Well, they would do it when they don't see it.
[04:27:49] I mean, I had all my friends at the time on my stream, like when we did the Among Us
[04:27:57] thing in the election like there were a lot of those guys that are like very
[04:28:02] progressive people.
[04:28:03] Yeah, yeah, okay.
[04:28:04] I guess I'll rephrase it and say who other than here if you were like a political consultant, who would you say who would you advise that people are like talking to?
[04:28:17] There are smaller streamers that that also do this
[04:28:23] Central Committee, Gremlo, Shawn the Black, Brogan, there's a lot of like streamers on Twitch
[04:28:30] There's also
[04:28:31] Caroline Kwan
[04:28:33] There are a lot of there are a lot of streamers that stream on twitch that do political commentary majority report that also was on
[04:28:41] Twitch as well, but that's like a radio show
[04:28:43] used to be a radio show
[04:28:45] so
[04:28:47] There are there are plenty of people
[04:28:51] But in terms of like audience impact and size
[04:28:55] Like that's just me basically hyping up my friends at this point. We're being real like it but as far as like
[04:29:01] impact and size
[04:29:03] in terms of like what would move the needle I don't know like I don't know
[04:29:11] who would be willing it would be entirely dependent on like what the what
[04:29:17] the interest is right like what are they trying to do are they trying to have a
[04:29:20] conversation about like abortion if they are I'm sure there are plenty of
[04:29:25] streamers that would be down to do something about that you know fundraise
[04:29:28] for it or or even talk to a politician for it right okay like but but outside of
[04:29:38] that like outside of that like it just depends on what the issue is really
[04:29:46] okay but if it's like an all-encompassing like if it's like labor
[04:29:49] related like I don't know how many streamers we interested in other than
[04:29:55] the political commentators that I just mentioned like I don't know how many
[04:29:58] I'm not sure if it was to be like super invested in that conversation like that.
[04:30:01] I was thinking about it from the point of view of content too.
[04:30:04] I can't think of what your audience looks like in here.
[04:30:06] I mean, that's something that's going back to just generally what you do.
[04:30:10] Is that something you're reminded of? I gotta feed the beast. I gotta keep my audience happy.
[04:30:16] What makes me happy is what makes them happy. That's how it works.
[04:30:23] Um, not necessarily. I mean, I do care about like making everything that I say entertaining.
[04:30:30] Yeah. Like I do care about educating people and I care about entertaining people.
[04:30:35] And I think that that is the best way to educate people in general.
[04:30:40] Having said that, there are obviously a lot of instances. This is like the worst moment for me to
[04:30:45] to have this conversation right now because like this is we're locked in. We're at the DNC.
[04:30:48] Yeah.
[04:30:49] All politics all the way. Yeah.
[04:30:50] Right.
[04:30:50] But outside of political commentary, yes, I do a lot of stuff.
[04:30:56] I game, I do collaborations.
[04:30:59] I, for example, the other week went to DreamCon, which is a convention, is it an anime convention
[04:31:07] created by a black comedy troupe called RDC.
[04:31:11] They're huge on YouTube and they're really funny.
[04:31:14] Okay, right and I went to their anime division to go play basketball in their creator league that they have
[04:31:21] Okay
[04:31:22] And that is like completely outside of the world of politics right like i'm in austin
[04:31:27] I'm playing basketball. I'm collaborating with other content creators like I see that as an avenue to show myself in a different
[04:31:34] light
[04:31:35] I see that as an avenue to show myself in a different way to like
[04:31:39] People that normally wouldn't see that side of me
[04:31:41] And I also think that that like contributes to my approach
[04:31:44] But yeah, first and foremost, I want to be entertaining. So I do stuff like that as well.
[04:31:49] Do you see, I mean, you obviously, you might hear this, you might hear it eight hours a day, seven days a week.
[04:31:56] Do you see yourself transitioning to anything more political and commentary?
[04:32:00] Like, it's in run for office?
[04:32:02] No.
[04:32:03] You're like, yeah, you can talk to me. Get involved in politics in any way.
[04:32:05] I do, I do get involved in politics.
[04:32:07] On the media side.
[04:32:08] On the media side.
[04:32:09] Well, it's not just on the media side.
[04:32:11] I work with labor organizers, I work with activists, and I do a lot of fundraisers as well.
[04:32:22] So I try to get my community to also do things that matter, right?
[04:32:26] Because a lot of people feel very powerless when they're watching all of this awfulness
[04:32:31] unfold.
[04:32:34] Russia invades Ukraine, we launch a fundraiser to raise money for Ukrainian refugees.
[04:32:41] Another big one was when the earthquake happened in Turkey and northern Syria.
[04:32:51] We fund raised a couple, like we fund raised like 1.3 million dollars in a matter of a week.
[04:32:57] Because I think a lot of people want to help.
[04:33:00] And that's like one way that I can figure out, it's one way that I found that we can like immediately have some sort of impact.
[04:33:07] impact. For Gaza, post-October 7, after the Israeli
[04:33:14] Impression, I immediately, I knew a bunch of these
[04:33:18] charities that were working on the ground, these
[04:33:21] aid organizations that were working on the ground,
[04:33:23] that I wanted to fundraise for, and we did.
[04:33:29] I set up a fundraiser through Toad to Fai.
[04:33:33] They went to the aid organizations on the ground
[04:33:35] They got, you know, they officially were able to work with them.
[04:33:41] And we raised, I don't remember the exact numbers,
[04:33:44] I think we raised like around 1.3 or 1.4 million dollars
[04:33:48] the first time around.
[04:33:50] And then we also got together a bunch of content creators
[04:33:57] and created an issue called like creators for Gaza,
[04:34:00] creators for Palestine.
[04:34:01] And then we fundraised another million plus
[04:34:05] So, you know, those are things that I also have been doing.
[04:34:11] I was the largest single donor of the Amazon labor union.
[04:34:15] OK.
[04:34:16] I don't know.
[04:34:17] Yeah.
[04:34:18] So, like, my impact, I try to do my very best, you know, as far as, like, how I live
[04:34:27] my life and how I try to advocate for certain things.
[04:34:34] And then beyond that, I also am actively bringing on labor organizers, activists, community
[04:34:40] organizers, local politicians, and trying to show people that these are the people that
[04:34:49] are working, and also do my very best to help them out as best as I can.
[04:34:54] This is a really unrelated, non-prolicable question.
[04:34:57] I just know it's not Taurio.
[04:34:58] I'm 6'4".
[04:34:59] 6'4", okay.
[04:35:00] Yeah.
[04:35:01] Yeah, you're a tall guy.
[04:35:02] He wrote that down.
[04:35:03] Yeah, he wrote 6-4.
[04:35:05] I just, I'll forget it.
[04:35:06] You can see there's a notebook.
[04:35:07] Yeah.
[04:35:08] That's crazy.
[04:35:09] You're going analog.
[04:35:11] Yeah, no one else does this, right?
[04:35:12] Yeah, no one else takes notes in your show with a pen.
[04:35:14] No, I mean, I talk to journals all the time.
[04:35:16] They don't use the notebook in a pen anymore.
[04:35:19] They use the iPhone.
[04:35:20] No one's, yeah, I don't, I'm a lot,
[04:35:22] I might be even older than I look, turns out.
[04:35:25] But, wait, how old are you?
[04:35:26] 49.
[04:35:27] Oh, you don't look 49.
[04:35:31] I might be, I might be that old.
[04:35:32] I'm pretty old.
[04:35:33] Yeah, no, you look pretty, you're fit.
[04:35:37] I try to keep it straight.
[04:35:37] What do you do?
[04:35:38] You do marathons?
[04:35:39] Not that much, but I like it.
[04:35:40] You look like a runner.
[04:35:41] I knew it.
[04:35:42] And I swim.
[04:35:43] I knew it.
[04:35:44] That's the stubborn, the only runner would
[04:35:48] fucking still use a goddamn pen and paper.
[04:35:51] Classic.
[04:35:52] Well, if I was typing, I would never have that cap.
[04:35:54] I can look up a little bit this way.
[04:35:56] What do you do?
[04:35:57] You play basketball?
[04:35:59] I work out.
[04:35:59] I live.
[04:36:00] I play basketball.
[04:36:02] You don't stream that, right here?
[04:36:04] Sometimes.
[04:36:05] Yeah, sometimes.
[04:36:05] But not usually, no, that's me time, right?
[04:36:09] When I'm touching her ass.
[04:36:11] If you would have watched a movie,
[04:36:12] you're not streaming that either, right?
[04:36:14] No, yeah, I don't.
[04:36:16] I could, but depends on the movie, but no.
[04:36:19] I mean, you could watch it.
[04:36:20] You could be watching like,
[04:36:21] have you ever seen this pre-science theater?
[04:36:23] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[04:36:23] You could do that.
[04:36:24] You could offer times.
[04:36:25] I can just like, well, I do sometimes do this.
[04:36:27] We do reacts like, whenever you're playing a game,
[04:36:30] right?
[04:36:31] It is exactly the same principle. Yeah
[04:36:38] I'm glad I got to meet you. I know you talked to my colleague too about this. Yeah
[04:36:41] I'm very interested in this. I think that I think whether politics is gonna get it or not
[04:36:46] I definitely don't know if they're gonna get it yet. I'm not gonna lie. I'm learning. No, I know
[04:36:49] But like they don't did the easy don't get it either. Trust me. That's why they put me in here
[04:36:53] I think but it worked in my favor
[04:36:55] Yeah, in a little bit. I think yeah, I got like crazy access. It's pretty incredible, right?
[04:37:00] But I feel like they would give you more I think if they knew I think if they knew what I did like
[04:37:07] Like if they fully understood it. Yeah, like technically they should give me
[04:37:12] You know full-blown access like they should give me this as a permanent space. I mean look
[04:37:17] What is NBC out right now? Let's take a look
[04:37:21] Yeah, see NBC's coverage live coverage currently has 38,000 views, right?
[04:37:26] We have 55,000 people watching and they're just watching you when I talk. We haven't even gotten to the to the good stuff yet
[04:37:34] You know
[04:37:36] No disrespect the NBC. I know that there's a little bit of drama. Let me okay. This is me doing journalism
[04:37:41] Okay, I'm gonna flip the script on you. Okay
[04:37:44] Are there are there talks in?
[04:37:47] maestrum outlets about like
[04:37:50] Like in terms of how they feel about
[04:37:52] influencers getting access that otherwise would be given to like credentialed
[04:37:56] reporters. I mean it's definitely out in the press area. There's grumbling. It's
[04:38:00] definitely the same. There's a little bit of like people getting their back up
[04:38:04] about it. I thought it's the truth that no one has sympathy for like the white
[04:38:08] journalist, right? No one wants to hear journalists complain about like, yeah,
[04:38:14] what is done. Truth is we still have access to this room. Yeah. Like a lot of
[04:38:19] But I actually have a story coming out either tonight or tomorrow in the New York Times about what the creators have been able to do this week.
[04:38:27] There was a woman I talked to who like went to the Republican convention as a journalist like I am, conventionally like a journalist.
[04:38:34] And then she came here credentialed as a creator.
[04:38:37] And she's like, it's just like the same but better.
[04:38:40] It's like, it's leveled up from what the journalists can do.
[04:38:43] Yeah, so I mean obviously I have a lot of friends who are journalists and I was talking to them about like because I've never been in a
[04:38:49] Convention I was like what should I do and they were like oh we got to get you press credentials like we're gonna get your press credentials and
[04:38:55] I think I really lucked out by getting the influencer credentials instead of press credentials like I was thinking about it
[04:39:01] If I went through the press route, I think that they would be even less like
[04:39:06] understanding of what I do
[04:39:08] because you know like the press liaison like if it's a
[04:39:13] if it's I don't know my Brian Grimm advocating on my behalf and drop site news
[04:39:20] formerly the intercept like that's one thing but that's gonna be difficult for
[04:39:26] like the press person to like comprehend exactly what I'm doing they're gonna put
[04:39:28] me they're gonna put me down on the pit all the way at the furthest corner I'm
[04:39:32] not even gonna get like the epoch times area you know what I mean you've been
[04:39:36] that kind of dank corner yeah exactly and and I think that like me coming in
[04:39:42] as an influencer actually helped me get like better access than than I would
[04:39:47] ever get as press because this is like I mean CNN is right there you know like
[04:39:54] they're right there it's crazy. Look how close you are on the stage right now. Yeah, that's what I mean I'm on top of it and like yeah if you would be either in the
[04:40:03] media row in like the dark yeah like building outside not like that but you
[04:40:08] I would churn like meat outlets have to pay to be here
[04:40:12] instead of being invited by here.
[04:40:13] You gotta pay, everything is paid to play.
[04:40:16] And the liaisons are not holding your hands, right?
[04:40:18] Whereas with greater, you got like these lounges.
[04:40:20] I don't know if you're going to buy enough,
[04:40:21] but you could go in then.
[04:40:22] You don't really care about that.
[04:40:24] Yeah, I'm here to work.
[04:40:25] Like I'm not, that's why I'm saying that I'm a little bit
[04:40:28] different than like the normal influencer
[04:40:30] that would attend this sort of thing.
[04:40:31] Cause it's like, oh, it's fun.
[04:40:32] This is like a convention, you know?
[04:40:34] They get to eat some food and like maybe shoot
[04:40:37] TikToks and no disrespect like that's you know that's great right some of these
[04:40:41] guys are wonderful but like I'm here I'm fucking locked in this is like what I
[04:40:45] would be doing anyway I'll be doing this for my house I'm here to do commentary
[04:40:50] you know yeah
[04:40:53] And now, so I have to expect based on what you might do.
[04:40:56] I think those Tik Tok guys, they want them to be really pumped up.
[04:41:00] They want them to put on the jersey of the Democratic Party
[04:41:04] and pass their tests.
[04:41:06] And I don't think they expect you to do that.
[04:41:08] Yeah, no, they definitely didn't expect me to do that.
[04:41:10] But I don't know if they expect them to do that.
[04:41:12] I think some of them are genuinely just really
[04:41:14] into the Democratic Party.
[04:41:16] For it might be for cynical reasons.
[04:41:20] they might want to fill a space and become a certain type of content creator that is
[04:41:28] always doing pro-democratic party stuff.
[04:41:32] And then some people might just genuinely be invested in the brat memes or whatever.
[04:41:36] Yeah, I mean, that's right.
[04:41:38] And then, I don't know, the media that the message is about is that all we use to
[04:41:44] say is that there are so many people who create content who become morphed into whatever
[04:41:49] they fail right? Yeah, they can't proceed. They just become that. That's pretty common.
[04:41:54] I think I really lucked in. I really lucked out in the way that like this is what I love.
[04:42:00] This is what I love to do. And it just happened to work really well. And I would have never
[04:42:07] expected it to work this well, but it did. And now I'm here, which is crazy.
[04:42:12] What do you know? So I want to ask about the difficulty because after Aiden Ross did
[04:42:17] I think we're trying I saw the guy sit out and I think where he was like a secret service call me over
[04:42:21] Yeah, why do you know any the backstreet? What really happened there? I don't
[04:42:26] I'm willing to bet if I were to give you a lead
[04:42:28] I would say I would talk to like maybe some of the marketing like not the DNC with the marketing agency
[04:42:35] I
[04:42:37] Suspect that this is complete suspicion. Yeah. I have no
[04:42:41] information
[04:42:42] But I would say like my speculation at the time I talked about it on stream as well
[04:42:46] was that there was probably someone from like either the DNC side on the
[04:42:52] marketing side that like wanted to kickstart that process potentially right
[04:42:57] with him and obviously you need to get secret service credentials for that
[04:43:01] because you can't just be around like a politician as a random influencer I
[04:43:07] look for like a congressman but for vice president yeah exactly exactly or a
[04:43:13] former president right right so I think that that was probably what was going on
[04:43:19] and he was like confused about it like I don't think he I don't think he meant
[04:43:22] any like malice I mean he was just hyping it up a little bit you know what
[04:43:29] I mean is that he's like he wasn't actually crying or like slamming the
[04:43:35] desk maybe just his stick he was making noise about it that's just how
[04:43:38] he is yeah yeah he was just like oh I don't know what's going on chat like
[04:43:42] This is crazy, you know, that's just he was just being he was being a counter-creator
[04:43:55] At the time I thought
[04:44:00] Kamala, I don't think it's a good person to do that with
[04:44:03] My if I was working for the Democratic Party. Yeah, I'd link him up with Obama
[04:44:08] You can get Obama on ties tonight, yeah.
[04:44:12] 100%.
[04:44:13] It's perfect.
[04:44:14] Because of his vibe, the way he carries himself.
[04:44:19] He's endlessly charismatic, he's incredibly telegenic, and he's Obama, you know what I
[04:44:25] mean?
[04:44:26] He's not like, and also, he is a, he, at that point he could be a surrogate for the
[04:44:34] campaign, but he's not the campaign, you know what I mean?
[04:44:37] So then it removes like one layer of like immediacy to the exact political calculation that's occurring
[04:44:45] in front of people's eyes, right?
[04:44:47] It means there's a risk too, right?
[04:44:49] Yeah.
[04:44:50] You guys are really quick.
[04:44:51] You guys are really quick.
[04:44:52] It's not very often.
[04:44:53] You guys are really quick.
[04:44:54] It's not very often.
[04:44:55] But if you did, it just makes you.
[04:44:57] Exactly.
[04:44:59] Exactly.
[04:45:00] If Congress says something wrong, then it's like national news, Republicans will
[04:45:05] use that against them.
[04:45:07] Whereas they can't really do that.
[04:45:09] They can't use Obama's statements against Kamala Harris.
[04:45:11] Even he's a surrogate.
[04:45:12] Like there's a separation there.
[04:45:14] Yeah.
[04:45:15] That makes sense.
[04:45:16] That makes sense.
[04:45:17] This is a non-secretary.
[04:45:18] Tell me about the Zinn.
[04:45:19] I know.
[04:45:20] A lot of people love the Zinn.
[04:45:21] Yeah.
[04:45:22] I used to smoke.
[04:45:23] And nicotine gum caused me to...
[04:45:27] Like it allowed me to quit smoking.
[04:45:29] Yeah.
[04:45:30] And I really like the Zins.
[04:45:32] I mean it's just pure nicotine.
[04:45:34] Um, I just swapped it for Zinn now instead of nicotine guns that's cheaper than nicotine gun
[04:45:40] No, it's more expensive. It's just
[04:45:42] There's so fucking expensive. Yeah, especially in comaphonia
[04:45:48] I got a friend who's a there's a nicotine gun addict. I wonder if I should I am to run
[04:45:54] I am too, but then then she's gonna be a zinn addict. She'll be a zinfidel
[04:45:58] Well, is it not?
[04:46:00] Osama's in London.
[04:46:01] I feel like Zinn, is it like Tucker Carlson,
[04:46:03] the big Zinn guy?
[04:46:04] He is, yeah.
[04:46:06] Like, is Zinn sort of like right identified?
[04:46:10] Is it branding thing?
[04:46:11] I don't care about that sort of thing.
[04:46:13] I just like, people try to do that, but it's like,
[04:46:15] nah, I just, it's nicotine, man.
[04:46:17] I like nicotine, you know what I mean?
[04:46:19] I don't think it's like a,
[04:46:19] I mean it's definitely better than smoking, right?
[04:46:21] Yeah, for sure.
[04:46:23] But I don't think it's like necessarily
[04:46:25] like a right wing thing.
[04:46:26] Everybody likes alcohol everybody likes nicotine everybody likes their everybody has their vices, you know
[04:46:35] Let me tell you what I don't like fucking Pepsi we do drinking Pepsi. It's just I need caffeine and
[04:46:41] There's they don't have that coke here. I could have gotten some
[04:46:45] Oh, you guys have it at the New York Times
[04:46:48] Damn you guys are we got a free food diet coke you guys are riding hot see I don't get that
[04:46:52] I don't get the five-star treatment.
[04:46:54] The DNC is...
[04:46:55] That's the DNC Star's lead.
[04:46:57] No, they don't have Die Pepsi.
[04:46:59] They only have Die Pepsi in the Crater's blood.
[04:47:01] Maybe Pepsi Zero, which is significantly better,
[04:47:03] but maybe it's the DNC sponsored by Pepsi.
[04:47:06] No, I think it's...
[04:47:07] I found...
[04:47:08] I was doing a little bit of investigative reporting,
[04:47:10] and by that, I mean,
[04:47:12] I went to a restaurant and asked a waiter
[04:47:14] who speculated that
[04:47:16] Chicago's like a Pepsi town,
[04:47:18] and I think like,
[04:47:19] they give you Pepsi for free
[04:47:21] like the restaurants for free, but you have to pay for Coke.
[04:47:25] So like in order to improve their profit margins,
[04:47:29] they just only serve Pepsi.
[04:47:31] There's a famous Saturday Night Live bit from the 70s
[04:47:36] about this like burger shop here in Chicago,
[04:47:39] and that Pepsi's part of the joke.
[04:47:41] Have you ever looked it up like YouTube?
[04:47:43] It's like it's got with John Belushi and other people,
[04:47:46] and it's like she's been a thing since the 70s.
[04:47:49] 70s. Oh wow. It's a pretty funny thing because they like come in and no matter what you order,
[04:47:54] the only thing you can get is a cheeseburger and a Pepsi. Yeah. You'd be like, I want to
[04:47:57] try the sandwich and do like cheeseburger and you're like, get a coke. Pepsi. Yeah. Okay. I mean,
[04:48:03] that makes sense. Now we're now we're arriving at the conspiracy. We're digging deeper. Chicago's
[04:48:07] got a weird Pepsi thing. It's true. Sucks. But I'm fucking getting used to it now. I feel
[04:48:14] like you can be like the DNC running behind the Diet Coke. Yeah. No protein. That's another
[04:48:20] problem. Not no protein at all. But it is what it is. Do you have any other questions? No,
[04:48:25] I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. All right. How do you how did you like that? How did you like the
[04:48:29] interactive experience? It was exciting. It's hard to learn to not look at that stuff,
[04:48:34] scrolling up all the time. Do you ever look at it? Always. I'm always knowing if this is
[04:48:39] I'm always scanning the chat even while we were talking I was scanning chat. They were misbehaving
[04:48:47] They were definitely misbehaving. They were just like bringing up as not really. It's fine
[04:48:54] Right now. They're just they're they're showing you love
[04:48:58] And they're saying they got caught
[04:49:02] I mean I could take I've heard so many bad things
[04:49:04] just great but oh but about the New York Times in general journalists just get
[04:49:09] like a lot of mold yeah sorry I probably I probably contribute to it's like no
[04:49:16] I mean I covered like I've covered a lot of right-wing media stuff and I've
[04:49:19] gotten like unbelievable things you know me too and sure you know my DMs
[04:49:25] will be just horrendous yeah and you know it you got I think you get
[04:49:29] used to it doesn't really bother you yeah no no it's same it's kind of
[04:49:33] It actually turns out it's pretty hard for people to find something that I'm shocked by.
[04:49:38] Sometimes it happens, but most people aren't creative enough to really...
[04:49:40] I'm not encouraging, by the way.
[04:49:43] Oh, let me see.
[04:49:45] I don't know. I haven't...
[04:49:47] You're in the group chat as well.
[04:49:56] I haven't gotten any response from them.
[04:49:59] I don't know.
[04:50:01] But yeah, that's the only downside, like I said, of doing this here with the DNC, is
[04:50:10] that we don't have an allotted space, so we have to move.
[04:50:17] Today they told me I was going to have this space, this balcony the entire day, right?
[04:50:23] From 2.30 until the end of the DNC.
[04:50:29] and then things change and randomly they were like
[04:50:32] you gotta be out of here.
[04:50:33] We're here to go to be out of here.
[04:50:35] So I'm gonna have to pack all this up,
[04:50:37] swap over to my room and camera.
[04:50:39] We're gonna have to stash the bag somewhere,
[04:50:41] like the remote desktop setup that goes into that bag.
[04:50:45] And then we're gonna try to see if we can be relocated
[04:50:47] to a different place.
[04:50:48] And if we can't, I'm probably gonna have to cancel
[04:50:50] my interviews that I have with Ian Omar and Sean Fain
[04:50:55] and potentially go back to my hotel and stream for my hotel because I want to
[04:51:01] live react and offer commentary to
[04:51:04] The events that are going on tonight. It's like the last night. I like I don't care to be here
[04:51:10] You know, it's cool. I love that, you know, I get this access
[04:51:13] I get to show everything if I wasn't so if I didn't have this level of access
[04:51:19] I wouldn't be able to just like roll up to the uncommitted
[04:51:21] delegates right and talk to them and offer that kind of coverage but overall I I care infinitely
[04:51:31] more about doing commentary than I do about having access yeah you know what I mean yeah
[04:51:39] you don't need that right so we're gonna put you up there somewhere we don't know we haven't
[04:51:46] I haven't gotten word from them yet I don't know what's going on they're working on it
[04:51:50] It's hard. It's like there's a lot of movement.
[04:51:54] We're just coming in here, do you know?
[04:51:55] I have no idea. They didn't give us a...
[04:51:57] They didn't tell us at all. They were like,
[04:51:58] you need to get the fuck out.
[04:52:00] And AOC? You haven't heard from Eric?
[04:52:02] Um, I'm going to text her team in a second.
[04:52:05] But no, she's supposed to be coming in 15 minutes.
[04:52:07] Okay.
[04:52:08] The problem is like, we have to leave here by six...
[04:52:11] Are we supposed to leave by 6.30?
[04:52:13] Okay. So we have to start breaking down now anyway.
[04:52:16] 6.16.
[04:52:17] Yeah.
[04:52:19] It's okay.
[04:52:20] You can swap it? Alright, so can you swap for that break industry? Yeah. So the
[04:52:27] stream is being beamed to this server. So what we're gonna do now, what we're gonna
[04:52:38] do now is basically break all the stuff down and swap it to that camera over
[04:52:43] there. He's gonna have to take the lens out of this one and put it onto that
[04:52:46] one and then we're gonna fingers crossed how to find a place that we can
[04:52:50] relocate to. Did we get a new place to relocate to or no? Okay, all right, just
[04:52:58] like if it doesn't work, if we can't relocate to a different place like for
[04:53:02] my remote setup when the speeches are happening I'm just gonna leave and
[04:53:05] Just go back to hotel.
[04:53:06] Yeah.
[04:53:09] Could you do it like outside on the street?
[04:53:12] No, I need to eat them in.
[04:53:13] I need internet.
[04:53:14] Isn't the internet horrible in here?
[04:53:15] Or you have a wire connection?
[04:53:16] I have a wire connection.
[04:53:17] But the mobile can be bad if I interact with it.
[04:53:19] No, no, no.
[04:53:21] That is the same exact setup that professional news teams use.
[04:53:26] Like that's literally the same exact.
[04:53:28] That's a four-modem setup.
[04:53:29] News teams use a TVU setup.
[04:53:32] And that is a six, uh, six modem set up.
[04:53:38] They really bring it out here.
[04:53:41] We're doing it right now. We're setting it up right now.
[04:53:45] Yeah.
[04:53:46] Those are the heaviest.
[04:53:47] Yeah, I know.
[04:53:55] I mean, I'm going to do it somewhere here.
[04:54:00] You can, you can do that if you want.
[04:54:02] You can tag along.
[04:54:05] Fight them. See that's what they're saying. They're saying fight them.
[04:54:13] Ken won a Pulitzer for his interview with Mike Tyson. I mean that's not true. I wish it were.
[04:54:21] Why are you lying chatter?
[04:54:23] They're trying to, oh that's the other thing. Are we good to go? You can swap it.
[04:54:27] I'll play, uh, I'll beam it.
[04:54:29] Oh, it's still, okay.
[04:54:33] No, it says the main ingest is on now.
[04:54:38] Okay.
[04:54:40] Someone link me the convention thing, convention speech for now, so that like in the process I'm going to turn off the camera now, chat.
[04:54:47] We got to take the lens off and put it on the other camera.
[04:54:52] I'm turning off the camera here, okay?
[04:54:56] We're still here.
[04:54:59] Yeah.
[04:55:29] administration. I just want to thank you again and again and again. Thank you so much.
[04:56:20] Everybody just watch.
[04:56:24] Girl said to Hallelujah.
[04:56:26] Girl said to Hallelujah.
[04:56:28] I'm a big fan of the Valo King.
[04:57:04] Real one.
[04:57:08] Yeah, it was.
[04:57:09] Oh my God, he's a Valo.
[04:57:11] He's a Valo head.
[04:57:12] Yeah, it was.
[04:57:13] Okay.
[04:57:15] It's good to meet you today.
[04:57:17] Nice to meet you as well, brother. Thank you for watching.
[04:57:38] We're on that camera now.
[04:57:40] And they're watching us break this down real quick.
[04:57:43] Like they walk.
[04:57:44] You got this for science.
[04:57:45] Yeah.
[04:57:51] I can stream from a fucking mountain as long as I got internet and a table. It doesn't matter to me
[04:58:04] Yeah March, can you put that bag up here so we can start propin?
[04:59:30] Yeah, I don't have it
[04:59:53] Don't worry about it now
[04:59:55] No, no, they also still get out of jail.
[05:00:00] Probably fairly.
[05:00:02] This is ours, right?
[05:00:06] They're kicking us out.
[05:00:38] I thought so, too.
[05:00:48] That's what they told me.
[05:00:49] I want to get to the book, King.
[05:00:52] Now I just need to excuse myself.
[05:00:54] I would say that AOC's supposed to be here.
[05:01:06] Yeah, with me.
[05:01:07] Oh, with you?
[05:01:08] Yeah.
[05:01:09] Not anymore.
[05:01:11] I didn't think it was a Buddha's judge, it was a double score.
[05:01:15] He's a Buddha judge?
[05:01:17] I didn't think it was a double score, it was a five-six-on-one version.
[05:01:28] Sometimes I worry that their staffers watch too much of my commentary, you know?
[05:01:37] Sometimes the good thing, sometimes not so good.
[05:01:45] So I guess at the end of the day,
[05:02:14] While they do appreciate online influencers, the level of reverence and respect for online influencers is still not exactly up to par with traditional media.
[05:02:28] I doubt that fucking NBC would be getting kicked out randomly.
[05:02:44] Yeah, but now you can tell your colleagues like no, I saw the largest online commentator
[05:02:51] get fucking chucked out with 60,000 people watching.
[05:02:55] Yeah, there you go, so it's not, so it's, you know, it happens to everybody is what I'm saying.
[05:03:02] Shit ain't so, um, I don't know, Twitter?
[05:03:09] Yeah.
[05:03:15] where you're hitting the sexo in front of a New York Times reporter
[05:03:21] what the fuck's wrong with you?
[05:03:22] you guys, I'm so sorry
[05:03:23] hurry up
[05:03:24] you fucking... hurry up, bitch!
[05:03:29] that's crazy
[05:03:32] I'm a man of the people, I'm done
[05:03:38] uh, that's...
[05:03:40] alright, you can log in
[05:04:14] don't say your phone number out loud
[05:04:18] with a new shot
[05:04:42] here you go, let's let her rip
[05:04:44] Was the bag
[05:05:04] No, we cleaned up we're good
[05:05:08] Yeah
[05:05:18] No, she was nice at least not like the war we're getting better
[05:06:01] All right, let's do it. Have a good one. All right. Where can we go to put this stuff though?
[05:06:24] Where can we put our equipment? Not yet. Unless if there's no if there's no place
[05:06:31] for us to potentially, sorry, if there's nowhere that we can stream out of then
[05:06:38] And yeah, we're going to leave.
[05:06:40] Yeah, so I think that there's no way we can get that in.
[05:06:46] OK.
[05:06:55] So, yeah, so you guys are going to leave.
[05:06:58] We're getting kicked out, politely.
[05:07:35] Like, I don't think we're like actually,
[05:07:39] like, I don't think they're saying it,
[05:07:41] but we're getting kicked out.
[05:07:44] Not like fully kicked out, but kind of kicked out.
[05:07:46] But we're not going to go on here in the face, so.
[05:07:48] Yeah.
[05:07:49] But you can leave here, but like, I don't know.
[05:07:51] It feels like it.
[05:07:54] I don't know
[05:07:59] We don't know
[05:08:01] But there might not be a principle at all because it's not like all the other people that are in there are getting cleared out
[05:08:07] There are other there are people in the creator program and people that like own the suite or whatever I think I don't know
[05:08:16] He's a yeah, he's a more perfect union guy, okay, he's one of the co-founders
[05:08:24] It's got a magnet in the back.
[05:08:26] Gotcha.
[05:08:29] I'll do it for a couple minutes and then I'll end it
[05:08:30] because I gotta go back and deal with this story.
[05:08:33] Yeah.
[05:08:40] I think, I'm trying to, let me see.
[05:08:45] Let me, I'm gonna ping the AOC team one more time.
[05:08:50] Yeah, we can roam around with her and I can,
[05:08:53] they're like, oh, you can't put your bag anywhere.
[05:08:55] That's fucking bullshit.
[05:08:56] I will put my bag in the area
[05:08:58] like all the the DNC town village whatever the marketing people are at like I
[05:09:04] get stashed to somewhere worst case scenario we put it on the TYT area
[05:09:09] having said that I think roaming with AOC is gonna be quite difficult like we're
[05:09:15] gonna get mobbed now because when we roam we I get mobbed you know what I mean
[05:09:21] here yeah even here surprisingly but with AOC it'll be a fucking it'll be
[05:09:27] I'm a bedlam
[05:09:29] Why are you basing it, eh?
[05:09:31] Uh, yeah
[05:09:33] When you go out in LA, you're off and streaming, right?
[05:09:36] No, no, really, I mean, I will sometimes do like an IRL stream, but
[05:09:42] I'm usually just in my home, I'm streaming for my house
[05:09:46] But if I do, I sometimes will do an IRL stream, yeah, every now and then
[05:09:50] But if you would like to walk out in like, I don't know, like in Venice or Santa Monica, you'd have people coming out probably?
[05:09:56] Yeah, yeah
[05:10:00] For sure
[05:10:05] Shave your mustache like Michael. Oh, yeah, I want to shave my mustache like Michael pillow
[05:10:09] I did it was incredible. He got owned by children. How embarrassing that 12-year-old kid. Yeah
[05:10:16] That was awesome. That was pretty funny. All right, let's uh
[05:10:24] Let's dump this
[05:10:26] This, maybe we don't even put it in the backstage area.
[05:10:31] I think we'll ask TYT if we can stash it.
[05:10:35] Stash it with them.
[05:10:38] We didn't even take our credentials away.
[05:10:40] We still have access to this floor.
[05:10:46] What's up?
[05:10:47] I hope we just cracked the window system.
[05:10:49] Yeah, right.
[05:10:50] Yesterday, I, on my way out,
[05:10:53] I wanted the suite was empty,
[05:10:55] and I wanted to quickly get in there to pee.
[05:10:58] I mean, they were like knocking down the door, like, get out.
[05:11:03] It was crazy.
[05:11:51] I mean, what's that you're doing with the folks up here?
[05:11:53] You already got great guys up here.
[05:12:01] I feel like the worst part about it, what's going on,
[05:12:07] brother, how are you doing?
[05:12:08] Of course, the worst part about this is, like, I feel
[05:12:23] like a kid that's been, that's like been naughty.
[05:12:27] You know what I mean?
[05:12:28] But you also don't know what, like, I also don't know
[05:12:31] what I've done and it almost feels like I mean it could be any number of different
[05:12:36] things you know what I mean and it's the uncertainty of it all that makes me feel
[05:12:42] worse about the situation or access but I also but I also still feel pretty good
[05:12:59] because I never would have imagined getting this level of access to begin
[05:13:04] You know what I mean?
[05:13:08] Let's see. One second.
[05:13:54] AOC, AOC, AOC. Which one is her team?
[05:14:02] How much do you end up on that?
[05:14:04] In the team?
[05:14:06] Yeah.
[05:14:08] Yeah.
[05:14:10] Nice to meet you, man.
[05:14:17] Which team is she on?
[05:14:55] Someone is definitely fucking watching the stream.
[05:14:57] Because I openly, I literally said,
[05:15:01] Oh, they didn't even take our credentials away.
[05:15:04] I know they sure have.
[05:15:07] Someone is watching the fucking stream.
[05:15:11] But I'm just here to give you the whole thing and cut it down.
[05:15:15] Is it because you said something today they didn't like?
[05:15:19] I did compare DNC to Israel.
[05:15:23] That might have been the final blow.
[05:15:25] Because we got the call shortly after I tweeted that.
[05:15:31] because so the Uncommunity Campaign wanted to have a Palestinian American
[05:15:37] speak yeah I think it's like a pretty reasonable demand like these aren't
[05:15:41] these aren't like random activists these are like Democratic party operatives
[05:15:45] right like they're they just happen to be Palestinian American right and
[05:15:51] Mehdi Hassan said and reshotted to leave as well confirmed it that the
[05:15:58] The DNC was like sending out information to the press that like oh actually we wanted the
[05:16:07] Georgians, the Palestinian American from Georgia rule, I think we know who they are.
[05:16:15] That she was one of the speakers that they gave to the DNC with like a vetted speech.
[05:16:20] And then the DNC was apparently or someone was leaking to the media that like it was
[05:16:25] the uncommitted movement that didn't want her to speak specifically which doesn't
[05:16:30] make any sense because they literally kept presenting her very openly as the person
[05:16:35] She got there without us?
[05:16:37] Yeah
[05:16:38] So, so Mekhi Hassan tweeted about it and was like this is bullshit, right?
[05:16:43] What's going on here?
[05:16:45] Anyway Mekhi Hassan was like this is bullshit like we know that the uncommitted movement
[05:16:49] is the ones who actually put forward a rule
[05:16:54] And I tweeted, I called to you and I was like, this is like Israel Haifa, I don't understand what the fucking agency is doing, like trying to claim that it's not.
[05:17:06] That's, yeah.
[05:17:07] Can I get a beer too?
[05:17:08] Yeah.
[05:17:09] Yes.
[05:17:13] The background of Swami is over there.
[05:17:15] Oh, it's Vive?
[05:17:16] Yes.
[05:17:17] Oh, yeah.
[05:17:18] Thank you so much.
[05:17:19] It's great to be here.
[05:17:20] It's great to be here.
[05:17:21] It's Vivek Ramaswamy? Yeah. Oh, you know, this is like a Charlie Kirkman's day-to-day, right?
[05:17:42] Yeah, but it's not Vivek Ramaswamy, you know? Yeah.
[05:17:45] Such a little media demon. Maybe they're giving him my suite.
[05:17:56] Oh, shit. AOC stuck behind a motorcade. Yeah, that sucks.
[05:18:11] That sucks. God damn.
[05:18:27] What's up? Oh my god.
[05:18:32] We've never been before.
[05:18:34] Of course. How are you doing?
[05:18:37] That's good bro.
[05:18:44] Are you here as a donor?
[05:18:46] No.
[05:18:47] Yeah.
[05:18:54] Wait, I thought she said...
[05:18:55] I thought she said you guys have like donor access.
[05:18:58] I don't.
[05:18:59] That's what she said.
[05:19:01] She said, messed up.
[05:19:03] Yeah, are you done for the slide?
[05:19:06] No, we're waiting on AOC, but she's stuck around a motorcade.
[05:19:09] We're supposed to do an AOC interview,
[05:19:10] a champagne interview, an Omar interview,
[05:19:13] but we got kicked out of our studio space
[05:19:16] that they had given us.
[05:19:17] Yeah, I don't know, could be any number of them.
[05:19:24] It could be because, you know,
[05:19:27] Maybe I was being a little too mean to the DNC.
[05:19:31] It could be because it's genuinely chaotic
[05:19:33] and they had to like clear out that studio.
[05:19:34] Like we're streaming.
[05:19:38] Tweeting and streaming.
[05:19:40] I mean, it's fine.
[05:19:45] What's up?
[05:19:46] What's your biggest problem?
[05:19:49] I compared what DNC is doing to Israel Houseworld
[05:19:55] with the Uncommitter campaign.
[05:19:56] Yeah.
[05:19:59] Yeah, he likes to be here again.
[05:20:00] They're good to see you as well.
[05:20:01] Yeah, I enjoyed the stuff there,
[05:20:02] so it's possible.
[05:20:03] Yeah.
[05:20:04] Have you ordered any after parties?
[05:20:06] No.
[05:20:07] Absolutely not.
[05:20:09] I am, yeah.
[05:21:40] Drive by TikTok.
[05:21:41] That was crazy.
[05:21:45] That's a creator for Kamala.
[05:21:48] He's on the creator for Kamala.
[05:21:50] Damn, is that the Bodhis?
[05:21:51] No, they're not.
[05:21:53] They're not?
[05:21:55] No, they're not.
[05:21:56] They look like them.
[05:21:57] They're new as well.
[05:22:00] I have NASA and ADHD.
[05:22:02] I'm getting information overloaded.
[05:22:04] There's a lot going on.
[05:22:06] I got kids, right?
[05:22:07] I took my kid to Disneyland once,
[05:22:10] and something like broken is great.
[05:22:12] At one point, you're just like,
[05:22:16] is that how you feel right now?
[05:22:18] I think the Disneyland experience
[05:22:20] is probably more pleasurable than me or the DNC.
[05:22:26] What do you do?
[05:22:28] I don't know.
[05:22:29] I mean, I can get AOC anytime,
[05:22:33] It doesn't really matter, like it would have been cool to do it here, but maybe if we just
[05:22:40] don't do it, maybe we just cancel it, I don't know, even Omar's team hasn't got back to
[05:22:43] my manager, my manager, and we don't have a space, so like this, at least if we had
[05:22:52] a space we could have a sit-down conversation, it would be loud but it would still be
[05:22:56] like probably more visually appealing you know so I might just dip out and go
[05:23:04] back to my hotel which I'm kind of looking forward to honestly because it's
[05:23:08] like way more comfortable the last person is the Sean I'm gonna ask that yeah
[05:23:13] I'm gonna ask their team as well what the deal is yeah we could possibly go up
[05:23:21] to his suite as well potentially to do that.
[05:24:07] So yeah, we can't just create a model or idea.
[05:24:12] I mean, the devil factor, dude,
[05:24:13] because she's been in a lot of trouble, right?
[05:24:15] And she'll probably have her feet
[05:24:17] where the carats are always with her.
[05:24:18] And then, yeah.
[05:24:20] I don't know if I find this, you know,
[05:24:22] in Australia, that doesn't get too loud
[05:24:23] if you drive it.
[05:24:24] Yeah.
[05:24:31] Okay, we'll see.
[05:24:35] Maybe I work, no?
[05:24:37] Don't like Congress, people have like an area
[05:24:39] that they can go to.
[05:24:41] Let's go and put this in the TYT area, at least.
[05:24:55] So we're not just like walking around with the bags.
[05:25:01] I'm getting it.
[05:25:03] I don't know if that one touches your back.
[05:25:07] Thank you.
[05:25:08] Nice to meet you.
[05:25:09] If you ever look at me like, what does that feel like?
[05:25:11] Now I know.
[05:25:18] Yeah, yeah, I know how to do it.
[05:25:28] I feel a little bit of a...
[05:25:30] Sorry.
[05:25:31] Back to the future, too.
[05:25:32] You said moving?
[05:25:33] That's pretty overwhelming, but that happy to imagine
[05:25:37] what clothes will look like in the future
[05:25:38] and then have that kind of look for it.
[05:27:23] What's up?
[05:27:24] I think you should just make a bag out of your outfit.
[05:27:54] Yeah, sure.
[05:27:56] I need this.
[05:27:58] Okay.
[05:27:58] What the fuck is this, bro? What is happening?
[05:28:01] What's your message for young voters today?
[05:28:05] I'm so...
[05:28:07] I'm trying to... Do you guys see what's going on?
[05:28:09] Look at those cops today, what the fuck is that?
[05:28:12] What happened?
[05:28:14] This guy's had a lot of assault rifles.
[05:28:16] Yeah.
[05:28:17] What's your message for young voters?
[05:28:19] What's my message for young voters?
[05:28:21] Stay active.
[05:28:23] Take it to the streets.
[05:28:24] Protest.
[05:28:25] Don't think that voting is going to be the end all be all you guys are the future and hopefully we'll be able to get
[05:28:36] The Democratic Party at some point to meet our demands
[05:28:45] I think that the protests are important
[05:28:48] It's a it's another point of pressure if you flip that camera around
[05:28:53] You'll see that they're very ineffective in terms of getting people in this room to pay attention to what the fuck's going on
[05:28:59] but
[05:29:00] overall, I think that I
[05:29:03] Think that we shouldn't stop and
[05:29:07] Eventually they hopefully will respond to public pressure
[05:29:14] I think you just got to keep it going there's not really anything else you can do you have the hope that you know
[05:29:20] you keep communicating these clear-cut demands these desires that the overwhelming
[05:29:25] majority of the American public also agree on a ceasefire in in Gaza
[05:29:30] specifically and inevitably the dam will break it was good it was a good
[05:29:46] opportunity for I mean it was a it was a very unique moment I think in the
[05:29:51] Democratic Party history where they actually did respond to public pressure
[05:29:54] obviously the donors and establishment Democrats also aligned with the
[05:30:00] interest of the public in this one unique moment. I hope they carry on this
[05:30:04] momentum and keep owning progressive policies that will hopefully
[05:30:11] I've met so many people, especially the younger generation as well
[05:30:15] They wouldn't have capital rights
[05:30:17] No problem, they would have a secret service
[05:30:23] What the fuck was that?
[05:30:25] What was it?
[05:30:27] I don't know if they had US Capitol Police
[05:30:29] Which suggested they promised me a lot
[05:30:31] like a decade ago
[05:30:33] I don't know what it was
[05:30:35] I didn't recognize it
[05:30:37] What's going on?
[05:30:39] Oh, yeah, I think we're gonna leave you in a second, potentially.
[05:30:46] I mean, if they're stuck behind a barricade, oh, there's champagne.
[05:30:50] Let me see if any of the people that...
[05:30:53] That's perfect.
[05:30:55] I'm not gonna, like, ambush, ambush interview them, you know?
[05:30:59] Yeah.
[05:31:00] I got...
[05:31:01] Hold on, let me...
[05:31:05] Is there a place I can stash my stuff?
[05:31:07] got kicked out. Is there like under the desk or something? If we can't it's fine.
[05:31:14] We're most likely gonna leave soon anyway. Here's a couple safe spots. Under that
[05:31:19] chair is with a vision of people. I don't think it would steal. Behind that door might get moved but it's pretty secure.
[05:31:24] Like just between the thing in the door, the door never shuts. I doubt anyone would touch it.
[05:31:31] I'm not sure I have a well it depends it depends on whether I get to interview
[05:31:38] Shown over there later today and AOC as well. We're waiting on it right now.
[05:31:45] The problem is that before I don't want to happen to keep going in and out like I can sneak it in there but you're going to keep going back in.
[05:31:54] No no no we're not we're just going to put it in there.
[05:31:57] So I'm not going to put it in there.
[05:31:59] Yeah, no, it's just these two these two things when we're roaming around we'll only come
[05:32:11] back once they gab it before we leave.
[05:32:13] Hey, what's going on?
[05:32:15] Nice to see you.
[05:32:17] Please text Brett when you want to.
[05:32:21] I will.
[05:32:22] So I'm going to the floor.
[05:32:23] Okay.
[05:32:24] But Brett will be here.
[05:32:25] Text him when you want it so he can get it and bring it to you
[05:32:29] so that it'll be a little seamless and smooth.
[05:32:31] Okay, yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna like boulder in there.
[05:32:33] I know, I know.
[05:32:35] I'm texting you more than any.
[05:32:37] Yeah, no, I know.
[05:32:38] You were the quicker one than I wanted.
[05:32:41] I'm going around the corner of the other side.
[05:32:49] He's going great.
[05:32:51] I'm gonna be kicked out.
[05:32:53] Did he really?
[05:32:54] I don't know.
[05:32:55] I'm gonna be kicked out.
[05:32:56] We're not, we're not, we're not like fully kicked out.
[05:33:00] I don't know.
[05:33:13] That's interesting.
[05:33:14] It might be over the uncommitter stuff.
[05:33:17] Yeah.
[05:33:18] Yeah.
[05:33:19] When did that happen?
[05:33:21] Like a couple, like an hour ago?
[05:33:24] I mean, we're still credentialed.
[05:33:26] Like, making no mistake.
[05:33:27] We're still here.
[05:33:28] Yeah.
[05:33:29] But we just don't have the place to stream.
[05:33:31] No, no, no. They gave us like a studio space.
[05:33:36] I mean maybe it's not, maybe they just literally don't have space.
[05:33:41] Yeah.
[05:33:45] And then we were like, okay, are you guys going to put us in a different area?
[05:33:49] And they're like, no.
[05:33:51] Yeah, there's nowhere you can put your stuff down.
[05:33:55] Yeah, that's not great.
[05:33:58] I think it's like the most polite fuck you I've ever received.
[05:34:02] I mean it was polite.
[05:34:07] At least it was polite, I think.
[05:34:09] I don't know how many politely say there's no place to put stuff in.
[05:34:13] There's no way to put it in.
[05:34:15] Fine, I like what you say.
[05:34:17] Yeah, I guess so.
[05:34:18] We should just put it in the fucking crooked media room instead of you guys.
[05:34:22] I didn't realize you had a space limitation like that.
[05:34:26] Yeah.
[05:34:27] What a time.
[05:34:28] And also if I have that space for them,
[05:34:30] March, I'll just put it on the first or one second
[05:34:33] and I can fix it right back.
[05:34:35] I know I have your backpack right back.
[05:34:43] Should I, I don't know.
[05:34:44] Should I just cancel it?
[05:34:45] Should I cancel everything and then book it?
[05:34:49] March, what do you think?
[05:34:51] Chat, what do you think, Chat?
[05:34:52] Should I cancel everything?
[05:35:02] It was like, there's no guarantee anyway.
[05:35:04] It was like, everything is pushed back.
[05:35:07] And I don't want to stick around
[05:35:08] if I'm not even gonna get these interviews, you know?
[05:35:20] No, Chat, if I cancel the interviews,
[05:35:23] I'm still going to be f*****g live
[05:35:25] I'm still going to be like...
[05:35:27] Did you get that showfane interview?
[05:35:29] Yeah
[05:35:30] That's so cool
[05:35:32] So is that for a little bit of a separate interview?
[05:35:34] Well, you're such a nice person
[05:35:36] That's what I'm saying
[05:35:50] I was just there
[05:35:51] I was just in Joshua Tree
[05:35:54] No, I was not doing the washrooms
[05:35:56] We had a bathroom party there, it's sick
[05:35:58] Yeah, it's the first day of the washroom
[05:35:59] Yeah
[05:36:00] We're in a bookcase
[05:36:01] Yeah, I was very much impressed with that.
[05:36:05] He came to our office one day, and he said he had a great day.
[05:36:10] Hell yeah.
[05:36:34] He hasn't seen you on the stream, you're on stream right now.
[05:36:38] Yeah.
[05:36:42] There you go.
[05:36:46] Yeah, sure.
[05:36:50] Sure I don't lose it for you
[05:37:00] It is so bad
[05:37:03] We were running we were sweet dear. We have a ethernet
[05:37:07] 1000 up 1000 down if only I knew if only I knew what I had until I lost it
[05:37:13] You don't know what you got to this young chat. That's the lesson to learn from all of this, okay?
[05:37:18] Also, the other lesson to learn is that at the top of the hour, there's a 3 minute abrick.
[05:37:23] If you no longer want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe.
[05:37:25] Like some media.
[05:37:30] I can't even fucking run the abrick because my internet is busted, but I'm going to do
[05:37:38] it now.
[05:37:39] Is she still in a holding pattern?
[05:37:40] Yeah, so right now I'm trying to figure out like what the ETA is.
[05:37:50] Then where would you go?
[05:37:53] Oh, I'm just going to arrive to my hotel and then I'm going to live, I'm going to break it, I'm going to set it up.
[05:37:58] The ETA for ACV?
[05:38:00] Oh, yeah.
[05:38:02] Wait, she said I'm here 5 minutes, where are you?
[05:38:05] I mean, I'm sure they'll be fine if I leave and then they're here, like, probably better for them, that they have like another 10 to 20 minute time slot for free.
[05:38:16] You tell us free reason I guess what I mean is let's say she like
[05:38:21] Oh, I'll just do it here. Yeah, we'll just rip it
[05:38:29] We'll give her the light like that already and then again
[05:38:34] We don't yet. Sorry. They don't have an ETA yet for AOC
[05:38:53] Will she even still have time if it's a dramatic me different from the time saw that was a lot of
[05:38:58] No, I know that.
[05:38:59] We've been hearing that a week.
[05:39:00] Did it confirm it?
[05:39:02] Yeah.
[05:39:03] No, that makes sense.
[05:39:04] Oh, yeah, yeah.
[05:39:05] No, that's why people are like, this is where the real party loilists get favored, I think.
[05:39:13] I don't care about that at all.
[05:39:15] I don't care if I seem to be honest with you.
[05:39:17] No, I got you.
[05:39:18] That's why it's also why it's so hard to get bad news, whatever.
[05:39:21] It might be that you said something.
[05:39:23] It might be that some donor wants the space to get it alive.
[05:39:25] No, no, I think that's what it is.
[05:39:26] Yeah.
[05:39:27] Oh, no, that's like, like...
[05:39:33] The only reason why I think it's like a push is because of the fact that they were like,
[05:39:40] yeah, we have no space to put your stuff down.
[05:39:43] You know what I mean?
[05:39:44] You gotta get placed in that.
[05:39:48] I know you're a journalist. What is your...
[05:39:51] What is your, uh, what does your nose say?
[05:39:53] You know, report first, and then you become the picture of your brother.
[05:39:58] But it is interesting that if you were...
[05:40:01] The Uncommoners of Gapis be something that the party is probably probably going to stay in the moment
[05:40:06] And you were out there talking to them, and we were talking about it in the stream
[05:40:11] And maybe they were watching it
[05:40:15] Maybe
[05:40:16] And they're definitely watching it
[05:40:18] I have said, like, more
[05:40:21] Like, this is not the first time I've brought up Israel
[05:40:23] That's the kind of question
[05:40:24] Not like this is a new topic
[05:40:25] Yeah
[05:40:25] It's not like this is something that they're shocked by
[05:40:28] You know what I mean
[05:40:40] You got a good article out of it though
[05:40:42] I mean, didn't you think that by the way, I've already got like 70 emails
[05:40:46] About what?
[05:40:48] I just saw you on HaZan, so...
[05:40:50] Oh yeah, yeah
[05:40:52] It'll be from different demographics that you're not used to getting pinged on either
[05:40:56] I mean, some of it is like people who are having a left of right.
[05:40:59] Some of it is people who are thinking of doing things already.
[05:41:02] Oh.
[05:41:03] So we'll see.
[05:41:05] Alright, I'll probably split then.
[05:41:07] Alright.
[05:41:08] Long meeting you.
[05:41:09] Nice to meet you.
[05:41:10] Hope you'll be in touch again soon.
[05:41:11] Absolutely.
[05:41:12] It's a great pleasure.
[05:41:13] Thank you.
[05:41:14] Good luck with whatever happens to you today.
[05:41:16] We'll see.
[05:41:17] I'll pay you later.
[05:41:18] Are you one of those kids who has a text right now?
[05:41:20] Yes.
[05:41:21] I'll pay you later.
[05:41:22] Sure.
[05:41:23] Let's go to the other creator lounge that's over here
[05:41:25] OK
[05:41:26] Oh, it's just like right here, right?
[05:41:27] Yeah
[05:41:30] We're moving in here
[05:41:31] I'm good
[05:41:33] I'm good, it's fine
[05:41:35] Wait, isn't's a DNC pen, isn't it?
[05:41:39] Or is it a TYT pen?
[05:41:41] Do you want a DNC pen?
[05:41:42] Yeah
[05:41:44] Is this TYT pens or are these DNC pens?
[05:41:46] TYT made them
[05:41:47] Oh, TYT made them, OK
[05:41:48] It's a plan
[05:41:50] No, I got it
[05:41:51] got it saying if it was a DNC pen I'm like no we can sit in that we can like
[05:42:01] set up in wait what they told us there's nothing no we can't do that oh it's not
[05:42:12] the same one that we were at the first night oh no that was on the 8th floor
[05:42:15] there's a penthouse there's no ethernet it's okay thank you thank you
[05:42:24] for trying that
[05:42:40] Okay, well I'll turn on the feed and see what happens.
[05:42:43] Alright, have a good one my man.
[05:42:45] Nice to meet you.
[05:42:46] Nice to meet you as well.
[05:42:47] Fred.
[05:42:58] Oh hi.
[05:42:59] How am I?
[05:43:00] Nice to meet you.
[05:43:01] Not that well.
[05:43:02] Keep walking.
[05:43:03] Give me a second.
[05:43:19] Just show me the things.
[05:43:21] Oh, I have to piss again, but this time no mic.
[05:43:33] Like if we came in prez they would put us in here most likely.
[05:43:36] Like, that's where we would be for the most part.
[05:43:46] This part is sick.
[05:43:47] So should we leave or should we say?
[05:44:07] I think that's a problem to leave, bro.
[05:44:09] Oh, now you want to... okay.
[05:44:11] I gotta use the bathroom.
[05:44:25] Okay, um...
[05:44:27] Where can I just put the button?
[05:44:29] No, the fucking bathroom doesn't work.
[05:44:31] I tried to chat.
[05:44:36] Where's the bathroom?
[05:44:40] Oh, wait.
[05:44:50] There's a whole gate. I'm going to the bathroom.
[05:44:52] Everyone's saying it like you're screaming.
[05:44:57] I feel great.
[05:44:59] They're saying you have a weak strength.
[05:45:02] They're saying you have a weak, broad chest.
[05:45:07] Look who it is.
[05:45:09] How you doing?
[05:45:11] I'm gonna pee.
[05:45:13] Should I follow him in the bathroom chat?
[05:45:29] Do I follow him in the bathroom?
[05:45:31] I have so much power in my hands right now.
[05:45:38] I know, I know.
[05:45:40] I could bring down the Hassanavi Empire with one brave act right now.
[05:45:45] They've act right now, just kidding, imagine.
[05:45:53] All right, what's the chat saying?
[05:45:54] I'm gonna talk to you guys for a sec.
[05:45:57] All right, chat.
[05:46:03] Holy shit, just get the fuck out of here.
[05:46:05] Hello, you're live.
[05:46:07] Oh, the mic is hot.
[05:46:10] Unless you want it off of you.
[05:46:13] All right, chat.
[05:46:15] Song's peeing, so I'm peeing care of them right now.
[05:46:18] Look, it's you guys.
[05:46:21] Isn't that cute?
[05:46:23] Say hi to yourselves.
[05:46:32] Chat with yourselves.
[05:46:34] How about that?
[05:46:35] How about instead of meeting me to chat with you
[05:46:37] and respond to you?
[05:46:38] How about you guys talk to yourselves?
[05:46:40] There you go.
[05:46:41] You're streaming at yourselves
[05:46:43] and chatting with yourself.
[05:46:44] You're the streamer now.
[05:46:46] This is fucking getting so mad.
[05:46:56] Chat, do this.
[05:46:58] We don't know.
[05:47:10] I know.
[05:47:11] You're the person.
[05:47:13] I think we can go to memes.
[05:47:16] I want to take a picture of you as well.
[05:47:20] Oh, yeah, yeah.
[05:47:23] Here we go.
[05:47:24] Yeah.
[05:47:25] Okay.
[05:47:26] Yeah.
[05:47:27] Wait, what was that?
[05:47:29] What just happened?
[05:47:31] What?
[05:47:32] Okay, I think we can put you in the bomb house.
[05:47:35] I know there's no hardwired readers out there.
[05:47:37] Yeah, that's what Elle told us.
[05:47:38] It's fine.
[05:47:39] It's okay.
[05:47:40] We'll probably just go back to the hotel then.
[05:47:42] the hotel then. I'm just trying to figure out if I can like... I mean in that area
[05:47:49] would I... the only thing is like AOC stuck behind a motorcade they are not in
[05:48:05] here at all and they own it... their team is telling me they don't even have an
[05:48:08] ETA and it's like a fucking mess outside. As far as like me staying here
[05:48:15] like I it's not a problem like it's not an issue at all it's just about like
[05:48:23] being able to do these interviews but I don't you know I'm open to canceling
[05:48:28] them as well what's up I'm saying like I'll just oh sorry hold on I just saw him
[05:48:39] so I'm talking to Sean face team as well so like the only reason why I'm still
[05:48:47] here is because I want to do the interviews but if you know if we don't
[05:48:53] have like a space that we can do it anyway I feel like it's gonna be hurry
[05:48:56] it's gonna be rushed regardless like it's not really worth it you know it's
[05:49:00] it's fine. What was the guy that just came? He said he said he's one of like
[05:49:23] the I don't I didn't understand either. He said he's with the party or
[05:49:27] something I don't know. And he was going to get me situated or something. What happened?
[05:50:02] I thought we had it the whole day. Okay. It's all good. It happens. They're not letting
[05:50:24] Anyone under the floor is probably Beyonce.
[05:50:33] Maybe Taylor Swift, Travis Kelsey, I don't know.
[05:50:46] No, Beyonce's confirmed.
[05:51:48] Yeah, we need to probably boogie.
[05:51:51] I'm in a weird holding pattern right now
[05:51:53] where I'm waiting for a couple people to interview.
[05:51:56] Champagne and AOC, but.
[05:51:58] Yeah, but it's just like but it was he stuck around a motor page
[05:52:10] This is also not exactly
[05:52:19] I'm also
[05:52:28] I'm also not like
[05:52:38] Should I stream? I know we're fine on profit, so I could use more money to be a silencer.
[05:52:46] Talk to Caroline. She'll help you out.
[05:52:49] I know. I will start a streaming family business.
[05:52:53] I'm saying that I'm not exactly like a crazy little bitch by any measure,
[05:52:58] but I also am in this like weird holding pattern right now that is not very conducive
[05:53:05] to conducting an important interview with like,
[05:53:09] Champagne and fucking AOC.
[05:53:12] That's what I mean.
[05:53:13] This is like a, this sucks.
[05:53:19] Yeah, this is not like, I don't know.
[05:53:31] The problem with that is, here's the thing.
[05:53:34] The problem with that is we go up there, we wait.
[05:53:37] There's no ETA on AOC's team.
[05:53:40] They are pushing everything back.
[05:53:43] They push this interview back so much that let's say it doesn't happen.
[05:53:46] So then we just got stuck up there for no reason, instead of just piecing out now.
[05:54:11] No, I beat his ass too.
[05:54:53] I tell him that he's not allowed to eat, like literally.
[05:54:55] I did tell him he's not allowed to eat.
[05:55:00] He's not allowed to eat until we film.
[05:55:06] And then he bought the breakfast for both of us.
[05:55:18] Yeah, wait a minute, you're free and personal.
[05:55:21] We should go into the creator lounge at least so I get water.
[05:55:24] Let's go.
[05:55:26] Bye bye.
[05:55:27] What?
[05:55:30] There's one upstairs. That one's nicer and has better rates.
[05:55:32] Oh, the meme...
[05:55:35] The meme bump out?
[05:55:37] I think they'll have Pepsi Zero there.
[05:55:39] At least something nice.
[05:55:40] That's on the fifth floor, right?
[05:55:48] Honestly...
[05:55:49] Wait, why are we...
[05:55:52] No, I don't want to go through the fifth floor.
[05:55:54] Okay, just kidding.
[05:55:55] Hey, why don't we want to go to the floor?
[05:55:57] Because I don't want to go all the way up there.
[05:55:59] We're like near the exit here.
[05:56:01] If we choose to leave, we can just like peace out.
[05:56:04] I just don't have shit in this one.
[05:56:06] What?
[05:56:07] I just don't have shit in this one.
[05:56:09] You don't have shit in this one?
[05:56:11] Okay.
[05:56:12] I just want water.
[05:56:13] What do you want?
[05:56:14] Well, they have this, like, they don't even have water bottles.
[05:56:17] They just have like a couple bottles.
[05:56:18] I will buy you the best, literally the best food of your life after this.
[05:56:23] No, you won't. You're gonna go to the hotel and stream.
[05:56:26] You literally won't do that.
[05:56:27] There's really good shing-a-wings.
[05:56:29] The room service is literally fucking won't do that.
[05:56:32] I'm gonna leave while you're streaming and have a great time.
[05:56:34] You said the burgers were bad?
[05:56:36] You're gonna fucking stream till midnight. That's fine.
[05:56:38] You said the burgers were bad?
[05:56:40] Well, honestly?
[05:56:41] Oh, they're okay.
[05:56:43] No, the burger from the room service.
[05:56:45] Yeah, it was okay.
[05:56:47] It was okay?
[05:56:49] Take some water.
[05:56:51] Sorry.
[05:56:53] Room service change?
[05:56:55] Fire.
[05:56:56] That's good to know.
[05:57:01] Wait, there's wine?
[05:57:03] Can I get one too, actually?
[05:57:04] Yes, please.
[05:57:09] It's wine time chat.
[05:57:11] Oh, thank you, yeah.
[05:57:13] I'll take some more.
[05:57:14] It's wine time chat.
[05:57:16] He's drinking.
[05:57:18] He's not drinking.
[05:57:18] He's drinking.
[05:57:21] Come on in.
[05:57:22] Marsha's drunk on the job.
[05:57:24] Marsha's drunk on the job chat.
[05:57:27] Anyway, look, I want to know why he's being called again.
[05:57:30] Hello?
[05:57:33] Tell him to call me.
[05:57:35] Ah, Ahsan says call him and say.
[05:57:38] Wait, who the fuck?
[05:57:39] I'm getting calls from a random number.
[05:57:41] I'm not going to call him again.
[05:57:43] I'm going to call him again.
[05:57:44] Wait, who the fuck? I'm getting calls from a random number.
[05:57:47] Did we forget something?
[05:57:49] Ilhan can go now?
[05:57:51] Oh, oh yeah.
[05:57:52] Oh, let's go.
[05:57:53] Yeah, okay. We're figuring it out right now. Thank you.
[05:57:56] Okay, let's do that one.
[05:57:58] Do that one.
[05:57:59] Oh, I'm good. I'm good with this.
[05:58:07] Oh, I'm sure.
[05:58:08] I just checked that chart and it's like,
[05:58:10] We're literally about the boogie to go
[05:58:26] interview you on Omar so thank you very much
[05:58:43] you know Omar what you know I'm always ready to get interviewed we're gonna do
[05:58:46] that right now is there a place that we can do that looks like more quiet
[05:58:56] Can we do it in the media row?
[05:59:00] Do you want one?
[05:59:07] Do you want any of these?
[05:59:09] Oh, I'm good, thank you.
[05:59:12] Oops, sorry.
[05:59:14] Ow.
[05:59:15] I had this problem chat, and I'm kind of a therapist about it.
[05:59:18] Yes, where is that?
[05:59:19] Where's media row?
[05:59:20] How do I tell Elon Musk's team where media row is?
[05:59:23] Because I don't want to like burden people, even though...
[05:59:27] I don't know what I'm talking about.
[05:59:29] Outside. Oh, they think it's still the sweet. Hold on. No, we got kicked
[05:59:37] We're in the arena. We got kicked out
[05:59:42] We're roaming and can
[05:59:49] Do it in the media
[05:59:52] and
[06:00:00] next to
[06:00:03] or all the
[06:00:06] DNC
[06:00:07] Like this one means like fucking janky is shook it
[06:00:35] Fuck it. We bald
[06:00:39] This is J-No. This will be fine. Like even if we stand like right there and like
[06:00:45] Yeah, yeah, it'll be fine
[06:01:12] Brace said random ballet at his hotel
[06:01:18] Asked him if they'd seen us on and that he likes his shit
[06:01:22] like randomly
[06:01:24] That's sick. Who said that?
[06:01:26] Brace. Oh
[06:01:28] But the ballet at his hotel was like, yo, you know what's up?
[06:01:33] Did you just do a show with him last night?
[06:01:35] Yeah.
[06:01:40] Do you want to find a better spot than this?
[06:01:43] I think, no, it's like, we can just do it back here.
[06:01:45] It's pretty.
[06:01:46] Yeah, I mean, like, we'll stand in a better location.
[06:01:48] It's quiet, like, right here.
[06:01:52] Maybe not by the trash can.
[06:01:53] No, just like this, this way, right?
[06:01:57] Yeah, it's fine.
[06:01:58] Like, this would be a fine background, I think.
[06:02:00] I don't know.
[06:02:01] We don't have a lot of options, my man.
[06:02:03] Let's do this one.
[06:02:04] The blue one, we can do the blue background.
[06:02:06] Yeah.
[06:02:11] Nobody here, so this background is kinda ass too.
[06:02:27] Fuck you.
[06:02:29] It is, at least the black one is like hiding everything.
[06:02:31] There's like, this is like barely,
[06:02:33] it's a see-through, bro.
[06:02:35] It's fine.
[06:02:36] Okay, this is black wood.
[06:02:36] I didn't want to be that trash kid, that's all.
[06:02:39] I've seen Disperspectful.
[06:02:42] Would you just do it?
[06:02:43] Would you just say, fuck it, sit on the BBC?
[06:02:45] I just sit in the Fox News Audio Democracy Point.
[06:02:50] Let's do it there.
[06:02:53] Oh, they cooked us so hard.
[06:03:06] I'm still waiting.
[06:03:07] Like, I don't even...
[06:03:08] They haven't responded.
[06:03:09] After I say we got kicked out.
[06:03:11] They're gonna be like, we're not doing an interview.
[06:03:13] Wait, I thought they just confirmed.
[06:03:15] No, no, no.
[06:03:16] They did.
[06:03:17] But I...
[06:03:18] But they thought we were in the suite still.
[06:03:19] So now I'm telling them, like...
[06:03:20] Oh.
[06:03:21] So they're gonna be like, yeah, just kidding.
[06:03:24] We're not gonna do a standing interview in the halls, will you, Brokey?
[06:03:28] No, they do that all the time.
[06:03:30] No, they had to clear the studio space.
[06:03:34] I should just say that to them.
[06:03:36] Yeah, that's fine.
[06:03:38] Let's do it.
[06:03:40] No, don't be worried, man.
[06:03:42] It's all good.
[06:03:45] Thank you.
[06:03:47] He's the one that's been filming here for our ISTO program.
[06:03:53] Hell yeah.
[06:03:55] Are you guys excited or are you having a good time?
[06:03:57] I can't get seats.
[06:03:58] You can't always get a seat right now.
[06:04:00] Yeah, it's because Beyonce is coming on.
[06:04:02] They kicked us out of the three sections.
[06:04:04] We know how that feels.
[06:04:06] Don't worry, I'm fucking got kicked out too.
[06:04:08] You're not alone.
[06:04:09] What's going on?
[06:04:11] Oh, shit.
[06:04:12] Oh, thank you.
[06:04:13] Thank you.
[06:04:14] You're awesome.
[06:04:15] Thank you.
[06:04:17] Yo, I literally down that Chardonnay
[06:04:19] and then the Yohang text came through.
[06:04:21] I should not have done that.
[06:04:23] Yeah, well, it's fine.
[06:04:24] It's fine.
[06:04:25] It's like in my camera.
[06:04:26] Bro, bro, come on.
[06:04:27] It's fine.
[06:04:28] Are you kidding me?
[06:04:29] This is like, we're rolling with the punches right now.
[06:04:31] This is like a unique set of circumstances.
[06:04:34] I'm totally kidding, by the way.
[06:04:35] Yeah, no, you're not.
[06:04:36] I can operate a camera out, or a camera out.
[06:04:38] You do personally think you can drink a lot more than you think you can.
[06:04:45] Whatever.
[06:04:46] You're not a T-Totaler.
[06:04:48] That's for sure.
[06:04:49] What's a T-Totaler?
[06:04:53] Wait, what's Mexico filter?
[06:04:55] What do you mean? Why is it red? Mexico filter? Oh, they're just like memeing I think.
[06:05:00] No, it's because the screens keep changing fucking nighting.
[06:05:04] Oh. Yeah, of course.
[06:05:07] I was like, I wanna run into them so much. Okay, sorry, let me get this phone for you.
[06:05:13] Thank you, I love your content so much.
[06:05:18] Oh, thank you. Thank you for watching.
[06:05:19] Thank you so much for being a voice actor.
[06:05:23] Try my best.
[06:05:25] See ya.
[06:05:31] People are not randomly happening to be here, okay?
[06:05:34] They're fucking washing the shrimp.
[06:05:36] Absolutely.
[06:05:37] The shrimp smell, but the DNC is so crazy.
[06:05:42] We're literally in the ass cheeks of the DNC.
[06:05:45] This is like...
[06:05:46] We're so hidden behind it.
[06:05:48] We're with the news agents out here.
[06:05:50] We are literally next to the exit.
[06:05:53] I thought that.
[06:06:02] They're looking for you.
[06:06:09] There are cops around, but I think it's just because it's the exit.
[06:06:16] is on social batteries fully run out no no not at all I'm this is a very
[06:06:32] different set of circumstances in a situation like this it's not about
[06:06:36] social battery at all I'm like I'm very goal oriented so right now I have like
[06:06:40] one thing in mind that is that fucking keep this going which is why I'm
[06:06:44] trying to make this decision and having a hard time because just as we were
[06:06:48] about to leave the Ihan Omar team came back got back to me and now
[06:06:59] they're just not communicating at all. I'm gonna call them right now.
[06:07:09] For the clip of us on Fox News. That clip is hilarious.
[06:07:25] Mexico Philter, let's go. You call me twice and then I call them back now and you hung up on me?
[06:07:31] Okay, it's okay. You don't have to see me with this.
[06:07:49] We're not. I don't think it's gonna happen. Or at least that's what they told us.
[06:08:03] They were like, there's no space for you to even put your stuff down.
[06:08:07] They originally told us so I don't know what happened. I think it's probably what you don't in the bounce
[06:08:16] Yeah
[06:08:17] if it happens if the you don't know what I think happens to because
[06:08:25] Dude, I say we just we boogie. I say we balance
[06:08:29] You're the boss. I want to make it exactly. I think about it. It's like it's just part of it. Yeah. Yeah
[06:08:38] Let me ask the let me ask each busy one last time
[06:08:42] Where's Sean entered from bro the person they replaced you with the hawk to a girl
[06:09:02] deserved honestly yeah it's probably Travis Kelsey if that's actually reality I'm not
[06:09:16] even that mad I am fucking mad I don't give a shit I think it's hilarious you mean I don't
[06:09:23] How come you're the fucking queen dude?
[06:09:25] Cover back the life, what the hell?
[06:09:27] You're crazy.
[06:09:29] It's so funny.
[06:09:31] Taylor Swift the challenge Kelsey took over our box.
[06:09:33] That's why you got fucked.
[06:09:37] Q's gonna love that one.
[06:09:39] We got good podcast material.
[06:09:41] Right next to the bins he's not serious.
[06:09:48] I want to chat to see itself.
[06:09:50] Okay, reflected back at them.
[06:09:52] Trash.
[06:09:54] Feel me?
[06:09:58] No, this is necessary.
[06:09:59] This is necessary.
[06:10:17] OK.
[06:10:19] All right.
[06:10:20] This has gone on too long.
[06:10:22] I think we buggy.
[06:10:23] Let's do it.
[06:10:23] OK, let's go.
[06:10:24] All right, we're going to leave.
[06:10:26] I might see you later.
[06:10:26] Thank you.
[06:10:27] I hope I don't.
[06:10:27] Thank you for all your help.
[06:10:28] I don't see you again.
[06:10:29] Thank you for everything.
[06:10:30] You've been amazing.
[06:10:30] Thank you for everything.
[06:10:31] Sorry for being a handful.
[06:10:37] No, I have one as well.
[06:10:39] Thank you.
[06:10:40] Bye.
[06:10:43] What's happening?
[06:10:45] Oh, yeah.
[06:10:45] Let's do it.
[06:10:47] Of course. No, we're not doing shit. No, I'm good. Thank you.
[06:10:55] Those put the thumbs up. That's crazy. That's crazy.
[06:11:19] Uh, yeah. Yeah. We were. We were having fun.
[06:11:25] Yeah. We were riding so high.
[06:11:27] We were. We were riding high as fuck.
[06:11:29] Alright. Have a good one, guys.
[06:11:32] We were we weren't from we went from hero to zero dude
[06:11:40] I'm just gonna take over the one American news our newsmax
[06:11:48] Yo, Brett
[06:11:56] Yeah, we're gonna dip yeah
[06:11:59] Each gives the wall to give me a Trump is a stab shirt. That's why he's like trying to figure out where I'm at
[06:12:12] Sorry, I was there to go
[06:12:16] Thank you so much
[06:12:26] Are you at Blackstone?
[06:12:32] Wait, everyone was like joking or?
[06:12:35] Oh, Blackstone.
[06:12:37] I mean, it's still bad.
[06:12:41] It's still bad.
[06:12:43] It's still your life savers.
[06:12:44] I kind of changed my politics now.
[06:12:46] Yeah.
[06:12:48] It worked.
[06:12:50] It worked.
[06:12:51] Actually, the court that they gave me to like, connect, the church and the...
[06:12:55] Yeah, we're gonna go back to the hotel. I'm gonna show them out of there.
[06:13:01] Hey, great to see ya.
[06:13:03] Yeah, good to see you too.
[06:13:05] Last time I was in Japan, you guys remember? Was I streaming?
[06:13:09] You were streaming.
[06:13:10] Yeah.
[06:13:11] Yeah.
[06:13:12] Yeah.
[06:13:13] Alright.
[06:13:14] Alright, you be good. You knew me now.
[06:13:16] Is that everything that you gave him?
[06:13:18] Yeah, no, this is it. We're good.
[06:13:20] See you later.
[06:13:21] Yo, what's good?
[06:13:23] I heard you doing an interview at our studio possibly?
[06:13:27] No, I was just joking.
[06:13:28] I think they thought it was real.
[06:13:30] Wait, who did?
[06:13:31] Oh, were they watching the stream?
[06:13:33] I think so.
[06:13:34] I literally jokingly was like, oh, here's what happened.
[06:13:37] We had this fucking sick ass, like, sweep, lower level, and we were streaming out of
[06:13:41] it yesterday and today, and they out of nowhere were like, you gotta get out right
[06:13:46] now.
[06:13:47] Yeah, so we had to take down our fucking remote desktop and everything, and then
[06:13:52] I have an AOC interview, a shopping interview, a home interview, lined up, and I'm like,
[06:13:57] what the fuck am I supposed to do?
[06:13:58] Are you going to do it in our car?
[06:14:00] So, no, I was just joking.
[06:14:02] I was joking and I was like, damn, we should just put it in the corporate media room.
[06:14:06] What?
[06:14:07] Oh, darn it.
[06:14:08] I can't.
[06:14:09] Um, anyway, but now we're just going to dip out.
[06:14:12] I'm going to stream from the hotel.
[06:14:13] Okay, see you.
[06:14:14] Yeah, good to see you, too.
[06:14:15] That's a lot.
[06:14:19] All right.
[06:14:20] Which way is the best way to get out?
[06:14:22] That way.
[06:14:23] All right.
[06:14:24] what hold on let me make sure actually it's time it's this way I don't need to
[06:14:48] reach that I know exactly what you guys say all the time because I am you know
[06:14:52] I'm sorry okay it pookies it was insane over the shoulder if this is just like
[06:15:06] yesterday the moment that we step foot outside of the premises I'm gonna get
[06:15:09] like eight text messages being like where are you we're ready to interview
[06:15:12] right now because that's exactly what happened yesterday like the moment the
[06:15:19] moment that I stepped foot and got in that shut up that was embarrassed no
[06:15:25] one thought the moment that I stepped foot outside of the facilities was the
[06:15:29] moment that I started getting text messages from AOC's team from shop
[06:15:32] A's team and you know Marci being like hey where are you we're ready to
[06:15:37] interview. It's crazy because yesterday was like we could have done all that but
[06:15:46] like we had the space during prime time yesterday. I should have just bailed on
[06:15:55] the Chavo podcast. Hey, but you were a good friend. Yeah. That's important too.
[06:16:03] Are those cicadas? I think I've ever heard cicadas in real life before.
[06:16:08] That's awesome. Really? Yeah.
[06:16:10] We don't have cicadas in LA.
[06:16:12] That's true.
[06:16:14] But then I played Animal Crossing growing up, and that's when I introduced you to the idea of a cicada.
[06:16:18] The idea. Yeah, I thought there was the myth of it till now.
[06:16:22] It's real, man.
[06:16:24] I thought you were just showing it to me.
[06:16:36] Alright, Chad. It's official.
[06:16:39] I feel bad for H. Bisley. He's like looking for me, I think.
[06:16:42] I mean, maybe you can meet him after a convention?
[06:16:45] What?
[06:16:46] Are you gonna like meet them at a hotel or something?
[06:16:48] What? No dude, they're not gonna fucking leave the DNC.
[06:16:51] No, I'm staying after the convention.
[06:16:53] No, no, they're not gonna...
[06:16:56] Hey, nobody is like, after the convention they're gonna go to parties and shit.
[06:16:59] This is their... this is like the most important event in the lives of like every Democratic party operative.
[06:17:05] Which is wack as fuck, but...
[06:17:07] Careful.
[06:17:08] It is the truth, you know what I'm saying?
[06:17:10] Yeah.
[06:17:20] They got fucking Beyonce performing.
[06:17:39] I know what time it is, Jeff.
[06:17:41] The meme room was uh, was bullshit.
[06:18:01] Oh.
[06:18:02] That would have been ridiculous.
[06:18:03] Listen to that.
[06:18:04] It's a Cata.
[06:18:05] You know what I mean?
[06:18:07] I don't know what, where does it look like?
[06:18:08] Do you know what it looks like?
[06:18:09] Bro, it was the meme bump out.
[06:18:12] I think it was like where they ate food.
[06:18:15] On the fifth floor.
[06:18:16] I don't remember that at all.
[06:18:18] We're the first day when we went up there and we sat down and ate like, you ate
[06:18:22] like that nasty ass Mexican food.
[06:18:26] I charged my phone.
[06:18:29] We met the meme, we met the meme team guy, yeah that's where they were going to put us.
[06:18:36] Which is like also the worst internet reception.
[06:18:39] It was effing in there, a dom stop.
[06:18:49] At that spot, not only did they not have fucking internet, like ethernet, they also didn't
[06:18:57] even have wireless, like we couldn't even have a good wireless connection there.
[06:19:03] That was not going to happen.
[06:19:11] Yeah, no, this is, I mean, if you want to go cover in time for like the shit that you want to cover, this is the only option we have.
[06:19:18] Yeah, and that's what we're doing.
[06:19:35] I feel like I'm at Disneyland, except there's a hundred people with assault rifles around me.
[06:19:42] So fuck? Bro, that's weird.
[06:19:58] That is weird.
[06:20:06] Are you at Disneyland?
[06:20:08] Yeah.
[06:20:09] What's up?
[06:20:10] I'm just laughing with chat.
[06:20:12] We can talk to the Palestinian protesters.
[06:20:15] Like, we don't have to set up, don't we?
[06:20:17] What?
[06:20:18] We gotta like, get set up.
[06:20:21] That's true.
[06:20:22] Fuck.
[06:20:25] We still gotta build that in your hotel room, you know?
[06:20:27] What?
[06:20:28] We still gotta build that shit in your hotel room, you know?
[06:20:29] That's true.
[06:20:30] What the fuck is going on here?
[06:20:44] Why is it like this?
[06:20:46] Hey guys.
[06:20:47] How do we get to the Uber?
[06:20:50] Oh.
[06:20:51] Oh.
[06:20:52] What are they doing?
[06:20:54] Oh.
[06:20:55] Thank you.
[06:20:56] Thank you.
[06:20:57] Ugh.
[06:21:01] Why is he talking like that?
[06:21:02] He was mad.
[06:21:03] You think I want to fucking?
[06:21:05] Not, yeah.
[06:21:06] I don't know.
[06:21:07] Yeah, I want to be a part.
[06:21:10] I want to fucking go through the chaotic area.
[06:21:18] God hates hands that shed innocent blood.
[06:21:21] Homosex is sinned.
[06:21:23] Oh, nice.
[06:21:23] They got all the crazy women to have up.
[06:21:32] I'm good, man.
[06:21:33] Thank you.
[06:21:34] I'm Muslim, brother.
[06:21:36] Are you so excited to get this thing?
[06:21:39] doggy
[06:21:41] wait how the fuck where's the
[06:21:55] what the fuck
[06:21:57] he's walking himself
[06:21:59] what's going on brother
[06:22:03] you all want to take photos
[06:22:05] alright let's do it quick
[06:22:07] but if you want to text me I don't take pictures or anything so I'll get my man
[06:22:13] don't worry about it
[06:22:15] get in there get in there thank you again man no problem
[06:22:20] Dan you ran over here huh
[06:22:25] see ya or hi and see ya
[06:22:28] that was mean sorry
[06:22:34] Nice to meet you guys.
[06:22:36] Have a good one.
[06:22:38] See ya.
[06:23:12] He was just passing.
[06:23:14] I had no idea.
[06:23:16] I had no idea.
[06:23:18] Would you say happy birthday to my friend?
[06:23:20] You like interviews videos and everything?
[06:23:22] I know it's crazy.
[06:23:24] Wait, I'm not so busy.
[06:23:26] Alright.
[06:23:28] Happy birthday Felix.
[06:23:30] Happy birthday Felix.
[06:23:32] Alright, have a good one.
[06:23:34] Yeah, she was a juicer, she was a juicer, she just really wanted to have a birthday
[06:24:03] at XCCO.
[06:24:04] Yeah, XCCO.
[06:24:05] Lane 2, that way, 100% saw the Palestine story, that did not want me to come in, he
[06:24:25] had to check.
[06:24:26] I had the stream back back, that's my back back, didn't you hear me?
[06:24:30] Yeah.
[06:24:31] He 100% saw the Palestine story and was like, Lane 2, let me see your phone.
[06:24:35] What's he think?
[06:24:39] Yeah, that's definitely where it was.
[06:24:40] 100% 100p is that one what's up I'm alright we're rushing back home right now
[06:25:15] to the hotel the stream no no I'm gonna I'm gonna be reacting from the hotel
[06:25:21] have a good one you pop the trunk up the trunk get in check it's going all
[06:25:39] All right.
[06:25:39] Okay.
[06:25:40] Well, hi, I'm sorry.
[06:25:41] Oh, hi, back.
[06:25:43] It hurts.
[06:25:45] You guys are so fucking heavy.
[06:25:53] Okay.
[06:25:57] Okay, so day four impressions.
[06:26:02] I'm not even remotely upset, pissed, sad.
[06:26:08] I think we had a tremendous opportunity.
[06:26:12] And we did, we used the opportunity
[06:26:14] all the way into the end.
[06:26:16] Yeah.
[06:27:04] Everybody, I'm canceling all the interviews.
[06:27:18] Please, I didn't have one, so I try to do radiation.
[06:27:28] You know what I mean, though?
[06:27:29] Chat and March.
[06:27:31] Hm.
[06:27:31] Like, that would use the most out of the opportunity.
[06:27:33] Like, this is a gaming.
[06:27:36] Like, this was not supposed to happen at all.
[06:27:38] Oh yeah, for sure.
[06:27:38] Not even in my wildest imagination
[06:27:41] would I have thought that we would have access
[06:27:44] to get in to the DNC and like have, what is happening
[06:27:51] The light is so nice
[06:27:53] No, it's okay. I just turned it more
[06:27:55] I kind of didn't hurt her
[06:27:57] Never in my wildest imagination would I have ever thought that like we would get like, you know, four
[06:28:03] Four
[06:28:07] Days of just like being inside of the DNC getting full-blown access
[06:28:12] And taking advantage of it all the way obviously like
[06:28:16] I'm not a take-talker
[06:28:18] I'm not like a youtuber
[06:28:20] which requires a much, like a different kind of lift, right?
[06:28:31] And it's pretty crazy.
[06:28:36] I'm surprised it took this long.
[06:28:38] I don't know. I mean, I think Daniela literally came over to be like,
[06:28:41] no, we're not kicking you out.
[06:28:43] I think it was like...
[06:28:46] He did it in front of the New York Times.
[06:28:48] That was crazy.
[06:28:50] yeah like that do you think that that was not going to like be part of the story potentially
[06:29:01] interviews would have been very cool but you guys are great yeah even congress persons are having
[06:29:12] a hard time getting on the floor and now no i know i know i'm literally talking that you
[06:29:16] don't want to see them they're like we can't leave not even in the building yet
[06:29:25] Other congresspersons are not like able to leave the they're not able to exit
[06:29:37] Yeah, I think we lucked out probably dude dead if we'd stay to the very end imagine trying to get out of there
[06:29:50] Yeah, I don't feel it's bad like
[06:30:02] When I at first I was like this fucking sucks because I had like had
[06:30:06] mapped the whole thing but now that we were able to like do a swift exit it's
[06:30:11] 8 p.m. by the time like you know by the time we get there we're gonna be able to
[06:30:16] like easily fucking put that shit together boom boom boom just stop stream I
[06:30:21] keep going and this way I have an early flight out to I get the fucking you know
[06:30:26] I don't have to I don't have all these issues you want to go party I mean do
[06:30:31] Do you have an early flight?
[06:30:32] No, I'm at the BPM, I'm chilling.
[06:30:34] Oh yeah.
[06:30:35] I'm gonna go out and, you know, enjoy Chicago.
[06:30:38] Okay, you do that.
[06:30:40] I'm gonna have those fucking chicken wings.
[06:30:41] I'm thinking about that.
[06:30:43] We're gonna go to our happy places.
[06:30:45] Yeah.
[06:30:46] You'll be live, and I'll be exploring.
[06:30:50] It's Modelo time.
[06:30:51] It's Modelo time, who?
[06:31:03] 178,000 people watching.
[06:31:07] The DNC live, please.
[06:31:10] Oh, it's Beyonce.
[06:31:11] She's playing right now. That's probably why it's so fucking good.
[06:31:25] Yeah, I can't...
[06:31:28] Like...
[06:31:30] It's kind of funny because like, this is like, what people care about the most.
[06:31:36] And...
[06:31:37] I guess I don't need to even like...
[06:31:39] This is the one community where everybody understands universally that I can't even begin to explain how little I give a shit about this kind of stuff.
[06:31:47] Yeah.
[06:31:48] Like...
[06:31:50] Huh?
[06:31:50] Bro, bro, bro, keep going, keep going, just keep going.
[06:31:54] Just keep going, don't.
[06:31:56] That's fucking insane.
[06:31:58] No, it's not.
[06:32:44] Okay, this is private.
[06:32:46] Reflection on the phone?
[06:32:54] What do you mean?
[06:33:00] Screen in the window? Oh, it doesn't matter.
[06:33:02] It's just fucking chat.
[06:33:04] I just...
[06:33:06] I...
[06:33:07] I literally have it on like this.
[06:33:09] I instinctively put the phone away
[06:33:12] from camera, but it doesn't mean that I'm like, you know, looking at something scary or weird or whatever
[06:33:18] Spike is that?
[06:33:24] What?
[06:33:25] Generally kind of Spike is that one?
[06:33:27] Yeah
[06:33:28] What song's going to do you know what she's doing?
[06:34:13] She's not Texas
[06:34:15] The same taste?
[06:34:17] I actually don't even know what that song is
[06:34:19] I don't even know what that song is
[06:34:23] Hey, what is this?
[06:34:31] What the fuck?
[06:34:45] Maybe she's not performing yet.
[06:34:47] I think they're just playing a song.
[06:34:49] I think they got...
[06:34:51] Yeah.
[06:34:52] Oh, shit.
[06:35:00] What?
[06:35:01] Born in the USA, baby.
[06:35:03] Oh, is that DJ?
[06:35:07] I thought you were playing something else.
[06:35:09] You just put on a Beyonce song on.
[06:35:11] Yeah.
[06:35:30] Yeah, use the hi-to here.
[06:35:38] You've already seen my night to the trip.
[06:35:43] I might have been...
[06:35:44] DNC's best dressed, honestly.
[06:35:47] Yeah.
[06:35:48] people are saying that many of you many people I saw a lot of posts about it
[06:35:56] couple articles we can't see shit yeah I know that's the point
[06:36:24] we're trying to not dox ourselves march this November yeah just hope for me chat
[06:36:45] some of you are looking at Marge's feet and others will be looking at the top
[06:36:51] with the air outbreak, which is three minutes long.
[06:36:53] And you will see that right now.
[06:36:56] You have this, like, a good go-adventure spiel.
[06:36:59] Okay, three minute outbreaks here.
[06:37:00] I changed my tone, I know.
[06:37:03] Yeah.
[06:37:04] I know.
[06:37:05] That's why the best ones are...
[06:37:06] Okay, there's certain words,
[06:37:09] and Chad, I think you'd back up here,
[06:37:10] where I'm watching a stream that will, like,
[06:37:13] a trigger, like a...
[06:37:15] Yeah, top-off.
[06:37:16] Yeah, on top.
[06:37:17] A Pablovian response.
[06:37:19] I know.
[06:37:20] I'm tracking the shadows. I'm using my x-ray vision on those piggly wigglies, brother.
[06:37:31] Jesus Christ, brother. You don't have to read it. You don't have to actually read it out loud.
[06:37:36] Were you tempted to do Abri in a room for a minute or two? No, I definitely was not tempted to do that at all.
[06:37:41] That's why I didn't do it. That's why I served it.
[06:37:43] Oh, whatever you say, avoid.
[06:37:44] Oh, avoid, yeah.
[06:37:45] Avoid is the one that, if you're going to be a midsender that's talking about avoid, I'm just like...
[06:37:49] I'm talking about the served embryo.
[06:37:54] Because he was my fuck.
[06:38:15] Oh, Boston U.S.F.
[06:38:16] And Curtis Conner, no way.
[06:38:19] Wait, right there, you saw something?
[06:38:20] Yeah.
[06:38:21] Oh.
[06:38:21] No, no, like they were on the, they were performing.
[06:38:24] Oh, oh, I think you saw him on the street corner.
[06:38:26] That would be insane.
[06:38:27] I was like, how did you?
[06:38:28] If Curtis Conner and Boston U.S.F. were just like
[06:38:30] casually hanging out.
[06:38:32] On the street corner, street corner.
[06:38:32] That would be fucking psychotic.
[06:38:36] That would be the most insane thing.
[06:38:40] Yeah dude, they're just chillers.
[06:38:41] They're casual chillers.
[06:38:52] Come interview me in my room, Hasan.
[06:38:56] Is he driving to the DNC right now?
[06:38:57] No, I'm driving back from the DNC.
[06:39:00] I am, we got booted.
[06:39:02] We got blackbacked.
[06:39:03] We don't know where we're going.
[06:39:04] Yeah.
[06:39:05] We're going here in this closed place.
[06:39:06] Interesting that DNC didn't love being compared
[06:39:09] to the most moral nation.
[06:39:12] Yeah, they were like, how dare you?
[06:39:28] The song is a realization?
[06:39:30] God damn it.
[06:39:48] Could have been in.
[06:39:50] Okay, I'm putting the camera on my chest.
[06:39:52] So I don't leak anything.
[06:39:54] Oh, fuck. What is happening?
[06:39:56] Sorry, chat box.
[06:39:58] Okay, I got your bag.
[06:40:00] Hello.
[06:40:02] Thank you. Thank you.
[06:40:13] Thank you.
[06:40:15] Every key.
[06:40:20] Yeah.
[06:40:22] Wait, no. Oh, fuck. It's in the bag.
[06:40:24] The redory, the responsible party will handle it.
[06:40:36] Thank you guys.
[06:40:37] Okay, we're almost there Chad, you're going to F now.
[06:41:01] F in the elevator.
[06:41:02] Alright, quick fit check.
[06:41:05] Bro, you're going to show the floor.
[06:41:08] No, we're good.
[06:41:09] You're going to show us floor it is.
[06:41:11] Stop!
[06:41:12] You're going to show us floor it is.
[06:41:31] Please don't.
[06:41:33] I'm not going to.
[06:41:34] Please don't show anything further.
[06:41:36] I'm not showing anything.
[06:41:40] That's crazy
[06:41:43] Set them up so they can watch this. There's nothing in here. Oh wait, there's like that girl that
[06:41:54] There's a bunch of stuff that people gave me that is like all over the place and cards and shit that I got a
[06:42:20] Fuck me
[06:42:24] What is this the happening funny or die VIP? Oh, this is your past. Yeah
[06:42:31] From your escapades.
[06:42:36] It's not how I refer to them, but yeah.
[06:42:39] That's how I refer to them.
[06:42:43] Okay. Let's make it happen.
[06:42:51] What the fuck?
[06:42:52] Hello?
[06:42:53] What is going on?
[06:42:58] I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
[06:43:00] I was doing the cinema service.
[06:43:02] I left my head here.
[06:43:04] Oh, okay.
[06:43:06] Holy shit.
[06:43:07] You scared us.
[06:43:08] You know what? It's fine.
[06:43:10] No problem. Oh my god.
[06:43:14] That terrified me. Bro, what the fuck.
[06:43:18] But also I wasn't too scared because there's nobody to have a key.
[06:43:22] No problem. Have a good one.
[06:43:25] I can't keep living like this man. Bro, that was...
[06:43:31] After the fucking car shenanigan, I was literally like,
[06:43:34] okay, that's crazy. We're about to be assassinated.
[06:43:37] I literally was like, nope, that's it.
[06:43:40] I saw a gloved hand chat.
[06:43:42] I saw a gloved hand open the door
[06:43:44] and put the fucking-
[06:43:46] The door stopper?
[06:43:47] The door stopper to like keep the door pride open.
[06:43:50] Immediately went over to the door
[06:43:52] and was like, what the fuck is happening?
[06:43:55] Ay-ya-ya-yi, bro.
[06:44:04] This is it, this is my last moment.
[06:44:05] This is like Israel is here for me.
[06:44:12] Don't say things like that.
[06:44:17] Why'd you take the mic off?
[06:44:21] I just wanted to take my jacket off.
[06:44:42] The shit those kind of sucked though.
[06:44:44] Fuck, we could have...
[06:44:46] We had such...
[06:44:48] We had such primo location.
[06:44:50] Yeah.
[06:44:52] You know, it's like...
[06:44:54] It's one of those things where I never...
[06:44:56] I never would have guessed we would get that.
[06:44:58] But once we did have it,
[06:45:00] I took it like...
[06:45:02] I was like, this is a given.
[06:45:04] I believed them when they said,
[06:45:06] forever. Yeah. They literally did say that. They were like, you're good. Cause every day
[06:45:13] there, it would be a battle with like credentials, well, not just credentials, like you have
[06:45:17] to pick up the credentials and then every day I would be like, are we good? Are you
[06:45:22] sure we're good? Cause if we're not good, I can like, you know, make different arrangements.
[06:45:31] right? Yeah. And they were like, no, you're good. And I was like,
[06:45:50] are you sure? Are you surely sure? Chad, are you guys enjoying the
[06:46:10] show? That's almost getting us out of a movie. Yeah, that was
[06:46:23] weird as fuck. What happened in the car? Some fucking psycho
[06:46:31] rolled up to the car and was like, was is that a song?
[06:46:39] And I think it was a fan. I hope it was a fan who just like didn't realize how fucking psychotic that was
[06:46:48] You know
[06:46:49] Rather than a dude who was trying to assassinate me
[06:46:53] Which is precisely the reason why I
[06:47:06] When the door opened I was like it's over
[06:47:12] We just kind of well, I know
[06:47:14] We just kind of you know we cooked March he didn't do nothing. Well you don't know if you would have taken me out
[06:47:20] She would have what yeah, no he would have left you alive to tell the tale
[06:47:25] I hope so
[06:47:27] I'd be really sad though man. I promise
[06:47:31] I would push you in his direction. I'd be like him first
[06:47:37] But he taught me everything I know about Palestine. I swear
[06:47:40] he's the one who keeps saying you know dismantle design is entity piece by
[06:47:47] piece like I don't know what that means dude please deal with him I've been
[06:47:52] meeting I've been I've been asking like who will take care of this fucking guy
[06:47:58] he's a radical where's the power strip is the power strip at the studio it's
[06:48:12] okay I have a power for me to meet them we left the power ship behind I didn't
[06:48:17] know that you took it out. I thought we used their power strip. No, we used our power strip,
[06:48:21] bro. Yesterday we used their power strip. It's like the least consequential part of this entire
[06:48:28] setup. And this is the first time I've actually lost a piece. I'm going to grab power strip
[06:48:33] from my best friend. We can literally manage it right now without the power strip. I think
[06:48:38] you should still. Are you sure? Yeah, no, I want the power strip. I'm saying like,
[06:48:43] we can keep setting it up. And then the power should be the last piece of the
[06:48:47] puzzle because most of the shit literally powers itself that's another aspect of
[06:48:53] this. I'll just go into the DNC right now and grab it. What? Well first I just wanted to see Beyonce.
[06:49:11] You ain't slick. You ain't slick bro. I know what you're doing. I would say the DNC is on the
[06:49:19] topic of us dying. I would say the DNC is probably the safest I've felt at a convention with
[06:49:23] you. Usually I'm constantly looking over my shoulder.
[06:49:27] Really? You're scared like that?
[06:49:30] No, no, no, no, no, no. But you know, I'm still just always paying attention.
[06:49:34] You really think like someone's gonna fucking try some shit?
[06:49:38] You never know. Where's the road cable?
[06:49:43] Uh, that is the mo- oh, here it is. That's the most consequential piece of
[06:49:47] equipment. I've powered it with other just these.
[06:49:50] No, there's no way.
[06:49:52] This is like, I've tested every USB I have.
[06:49:55] You need a very specific type of like,
[06:49:57] is it like cat three or something?
[06:49:59] I don't know.
[06:50:00] It needs to be able to transfer data.
[06:50:02] And it needs to be able to transfer audio
[06:50:04] and video at the same time.
[06:50:06] It literally doesn't work with anything else.
[06:50:09] And it, it needs to be the specific.
[06:50:15] Oh, dude, this is.
[06:50:18] We don't even need the.
[06:50:21] We might.
[06:50:38] You have the HDMI, right?
[06:50:39] Yeah.
[06:50:40] I did that's mine right yes or is that your someone I post made for you no no
[06:50:49] I'm saying that cameras your camera my camera yeah okay so we have the camera
[06:50:53] swapped right now yes okay that's throw the lens on this and set it up here put
[06:51:12] it put the cameras over also like not fucking showing what we're doing here
[06:51:19] well for one second we're almost there
[06:51:36] bro your booth is still empty what shut the fuck up no way no way there's
[06:51:52] probably someone that's gonna be there is it gonna be a VIP there
[06:51:56] I guess we do have people there who will probably let us know they can see it
[06:52:02] I'm CNN.
[06:52:05] Yeah, my man Jake, tap dog, tap God.
[06:52:09] Wait, no, no, no, you have to put the fucking arm.
[06:52:13] Oh, I guess you can...
[06:52:15] Yeah, you...
[06:52:16] Okay.
[06:52:17] Why did you put...
[06:52:25] The tap God is there.
[06:52:27] Jake Fapper.
[06:52:29] Fake Tapper.
[06:52:35] Oh, what does it say? Please connect over to get it started.
[06:52:46] What the fuck?
[06:52:47] Oh, you put it on two and not one.
[06:52:49] I literally didn't connect that.
[06:52:50] I did.
[06:52:51] Not one your gaslight you did it don't show it
[06:53:17] Shit watch room. Oh fuck
[06:53:21] Oh my god the pod John's offer was real
[06:53:25] It was it was being done from
[06:53:29] Someone on a OCS digital team was the one who was like trying to secure it
[06:53:35] bro
[06:53:36] They we could have actually used the pod John for interviews like the pod John studio for interviews
[06:53:43] it's fine yes it's on it was Leo and me yeah I didn't see it you're a fucking
[06:53:54] idiot man everybody suck my dick okay it's fine like it was jankiest fuck
[06:53:59] like it wasn't gonna happen everybody needs to calm the fuck down like doing
[06:54:04] a fucking interview in doing the goddamn interview in the in the Pajon room
[06:54:10] is not the end-all be-all here yeah but hold on let me you don't understand one
[06:54:31] of the worst parts about this is the is the possibility that we weren't gonna
[06:54:36] even have aOC on at all you knew you understand that right like none of these
[06:54:41] were guaranteed you know Omar's team could not even make it you know Omar
[06:54:44] Could not even make it to the fucking press pin. That's why I left
[06:54:50] You see what I'm saying
[06:54:53] Well, you don't see what I'm saying you don't see anything. You're just fucking
[06:55:24] Chesh, I'll fuck up. I know it's muted. Okay. I know here
[06:55:27] Here you can listen to it from this area
[06:55:30] There you go
[06:55:32] Literally wait. Oh, is it good?
[06:55:42] What that's fine. It's a little dark
[06:55:48] Oh, thank God, bro. Thank God we got a fucking cop instead of the goddamn uncommitted campaign
[06:55:58] Palestinian Americans, dude. That's so sick. You know, I want to, we've got to put it on
[06:56:08] top or put it on this. I'm losing my fucking mind. He's a sheriff, bro. He's a fucking
[06:56:41] sheriff. He's not as your paramedic. He's okay. He's a sheriff. Don't be fooled by the
[06:56:46] paramedic tag
[06:56:47] The DNC also kicked the Tennessee three a lesser injustice, but a fucking cop. Wait, what do you mean? They kicked the Tennessee three
[06:57:07] Why are they clapping?
[06:57:11] Dude, this is gonna this is gonna fucking keep going down and down
[06:57:15] You can literally see the you can see the laptop is just go. I don't know what fucking happened with this arm
[06:57:21] His arm is just broken
[06:57:24] What
[06:57:25] We I can't maybe we can put it on
[06:57:39] on. It's quiet because I haven't fixed the mic yet.
[06:57:59] With drug cartels and bullies, one who has already taken the oath, raised her right hand
[06:58:10] to advocate for the people. I can tell you in 2020, we ran a protest into a peaceful
[06:58:21] movement by walking together one city one community and one country
[06:58:32] America let's walk let's walk let's walk together every time dude every time i'm now
[06:58:50] gonna be thinking like that's they they got a cop instead of we were confident playing
[06:58:56] It is that of like the the the uncommitted thousand in America
[06:59:19] You want your one camera
[06:59:23] Oh shit
[06:59:31] Children killed most of the body so mutilated, but only DNA
[06:59:41] There you go
[06:59:43] It was great pressure on me. We did nothing
[06:59:47] After a mass shooting in Iowa, Trump said
[06:59:52] Get over it Kamala Harris and Joe Biden refused to get over it
[07:00:00] District Attorney she got illegal guns
[07:00:03] off the street as attorney general she took on trans national prime rings and stopped gun trafficking
[07:00:11] as vice president she helped cast the most sweeping gun violence legislation in three decades keeping
[07:00:18] guns out of the hands of criminals expanding background chats closing loophole this guy here
[07:00:51] We got kicked out. The uncommitted went to the United center. The uncommitted delegates
[07:01:03] have entered the arena. And they are holding, they're holding on. This happened like, this
[07:01:17] happened an hour ago. I don't know what they've done so far. I don't know what kind of protest
[07:01:20] they're planning on doing. I suspect that they're not letting them enter the main
[07:01:25] floor though. Happening now, uncommitted delegates are trying to enter the DNC floor at the United
[07:01:29] Center and they're being blocked from entering. You can see them in the beginning of this video
[07:01:33] in section 120 entryway. Uncommitted delegates have been demanding that Palestinian Americans
[07:01:38] be allowed to be allowed on stage to speak at the DNC. Did Oz actually get kicked out?
[07:01:52] No, I didn't get kicked out of the convention. I just got kicked out of the studio space
[07:02:01] that they had given me. And they did it in like a very weird way too. They did it literally during
[07:02:08] an interview that I was conducting with The New York Times about creators for Kamala, which is,
[07:02:13] which makes it like extra crazy because it literally, like that is a story in and of itself.
[07:02:21] I don't know if the guy will actually write about it or not, but like ultimately it was
[07:02:25] like a very weird thing to do, uh, overall, because like they had told me originally that
[07:02:31] NBC said earlier because of the super secret special guest, the NC security areas that nobody's
[07:02:35] allowed into. Yeah, it's fucking Beyonce, bro. And it's probably Taylor Swift. Maybe I don't know,
[07:02:41] but I, but like the thing is the thing that's like crazy about it is that, um,
[07:02:52] you know, they, they told me that I was fine.
[07:02:56] Like they told me that I was fine like that had that I had this space that they had a lot of for me that it was gonna start late
[07:03:05] But then it turns out
[07:03:08] You know turns out it was not fine unceremoniously out of nowhere they fucking what it's George Bush
[07:03:19] He's been working on a singing
[07:03:21] The Democratic Party has two types of two kinds of people in it
[07:03:29] those who think there should be a Palestinian speaker and those who think
[07:03:32] they should give the time to Taylor Swift. I mean it's like that is true.
[07:03:40] Some super donor probably had you kicked out so they had a box of their kid to
[07:03:48] watch Taylor Swift. I don't know how the box situation works but I mean I know
[07:03:52] Beyonce is gonna perform obviously like that was known for a while. They
[07:04:00] guaranteed you the space for the whole day and then kicked you on the
[07:04:02] way they completely fucked your schedule. Yeah but like also also the
[07:04:08] The other side of the story is that like honestly, the other side of the story ultimately is that
[07:04:15] like I was never supposed to be at the DNC, you know what I mean?
[07:04:21] So I'll take it.
[07:04:22] I'll take all the moments that they gave me and all of the, I will take like every aspect
[07:04:30] that I'll take all of the access that I got.
[07:04:35] No way it was something big.
[07:04:36] would have done it earlier. No news already reported on creators being kicked out of their
[07:04:56] spot. Okay. I'm that's so cute chat. That's funny. You guys are fucking funny. You're
[07:05:04] funny. You did great the whole time. All the booths were empty because Jamie Harris is
[07:05:09] abusing shit and playing awful. The arena got overfilled and shut down by the fire
[07:05:12] marshals of the point reporters can't get in. So they panicked and kicked out booths
[07:05:15] slash influencers for space. It's why the pal delegates can't get into I've never
[07:05:22] experiences in the journals of my life, the D&C is told security at the United
[07:05:25] Center of the Journalists cannot be guaranteed re-interest into the arena
[07:05:28] if they get to use the restrooms. Yeah, so that does make sense. That does
[07:05:33] make sense. That's literally the reason why I left because
[07:05:38] Inanomar could not exit the arena. So that made it so that, that made it so
[07:05:46] that I was like, oh, there's no way I'm going to be able to talk to them.
[07:05:48] Do you understand?
[07:05:54] Like that it is
[07:05:56] Like I'm sure that that is part of the reason why I got cooked. I'm sure that that is part of the reason why I got cooked
[07:06:03] Okay
[07:06:04] definitely
[07:06:08] It's still waggles fuck because
[07:06:12] You know I got like a those DNC too successful and I don't think so but but that's why I left
[07:06:24] The reason why I left is because I knew that it was chaotic and I didn't want to be there
[07:06:31] for that chaos and that I knew that I was not going to be able to get to see or talk
[07:06:40] to anyone.
[07:06:46] Is this like a post-trump shooting security thing?
[07:06:49] No.
[07:06:52] Chairman Payne was on TYT after you left.
[07:06:53] No, I know.
[07:06:54] Michael Sherr got the interview before I ever talked to him.
[07:06:58] But he's also like waiting at the fucking entrance of the pen.
[07:07:01] I was going to have a specific space.
[07:07:11] I'm disappointed you didn't ask the New York Times journals about these articles the last couple of months.
[07:07:16] Yeah, because you don't understand.
[07:07:18] This is not written by a journalist.
[07:07:20] This is edited by an editor.
[07:07:22] And why the fuck would I do that?
[07:07:23] You know, I have friends that work at the New York Times, right?
[07:07:28] You do realize that they have like a million fucking journalists and that, like, the guy writing about, um, creators for Kamala has nothing to do with, like,
[07:07:40] The guy on the Israel beat. I also do have friends who are on the Israel beat
[07:07:46] They do phenomenal work. You understand that right like they're not one specific entity
[07:07:51] Where every single person is saying all the shit all the same shit all the same time at the same time
[07:07:58] But it's not a hive
[07:08:00] This is why I constantly reiterate not only in interviews, but in general how much respect I have for
[07:08:09] journalism in general that I have friends who are journalists at mainstream media outlets
[07:08:17] that I have people who I trust, who I respect.
[07:08:29] Pod John Hanel, Jesse Waddes, pretty well here.
[07:08:32] Director of speech writing for President Obama and co-host of Pod Save America, John Fribro.
[07:08:38] As a speech writer, how impressed are you with my co-pilot analogy?
[07:08:43] It was a little hard to follow.
[07:08:46] How did I get here?
[07:08:47] I don't know.
[07:08:48] Do you know you're on Fox right now?
[07:08:49] No, I don't know.
[07:08:50] I was just sitting around in our studio and suddenly I ended up here.
[07:08:53] I think we muscled you up here against your will, but now you're here, you have to answer
[07:08:57] some of our questions.
[07:08:58] Go for it.
[07:08:59] You really think that you can just do this hope and change thing on Kamala?
[07:09:03] You think people are going to buy that?
[07:09:05] I think people are pretty excited about Kamala Harris.
[07:09:08] This is like the most excited convention I've seen.
[07:09:10] I've been to a convention since 2004.
[07:09:12] Pretty wet, the RNC in Milwaukee.
[07:09:14] That was pretty hot.
[07:09:15] are in Milwaukee. A little cocky, a little cocky there.
[07:09:20] Well, that's because we didn't really know who we were running again.
[07:09:22] Yeah, you guys had her head it wrapped up. Yeah, we thought we were like Biden.
[07:09:26] You were figuring out like, you know, how big the electoral
[07:09:28] land side is going to be. Yeah, it's getting a little nervous.
[07:09:30] Yeah, no one's nervous. Everybody knows it's going to be Trump.
[07:09:33] Trump's in the little bus. I don't think you know anything about Trump.
[07:09:35] Do you really think that you can just take Kamala and just make her
[07:09:39] the hope and change candidate? You could just do this with any candidate
[07:09:43] She was very unpopular like a month ago. I think if you look at the polls now
[07:09:47] She's pretty popular and I think that she is it's a pretty close race
[07:09:52] I think she's maybe ahead by a point or two
[07:09:54] But I think this is always gonna be a close race and you know
[07:09:57] She's gonna have an opportunity tonight to talk to the country to lay out her vision
[07:10:01] To talk about why we don't want to go back to Trump
[07:10:03] And we don't want to go back to like that ten years of Donald Trump in our lives
[07:10:07] Just like whining and complaining about everything all the time
[07:10:10] He's complaining it because you guys are throwing him in prison. I'd complain to
[07:10:13] No one wants to go to prison. So, Fabro, let me ask you a serious question
[07:10:19] Is she gonna do the Fox debate, Kamala Harris?
[07:10:22] She's gonna do the debate they agreed to on ABC. Well, why is she afraid of coming on Fox? Your guy Obama, he went on Fox a lot
[07:10:28] Well, they're gonna do the they're gonna do the ABC debate. They're gonna do the I think the NBC debate. Is that confirmed?
[07:10:34] They said that in a debate. They said that in a statement that they were gonna do the ABC debate
[07:10:38] We have these debates locked in. What is she running on? What is she running on?
[07:10:43] She's running on a plan to bring down costs a plan to make sure that we have the fundamental right to choose in this country
[07:10:50] Protected for everyone. How's she gonna?
[07:10:54] Me when I'm a criminal and go to jail
[07:10:58] Me when I'm a criminal and I go to jail bring down costs and why isn't she doing it now?
[07:11:02] She's gonna she's gonna build three million homes incentives to build new homes and about the first time home by
[07:11:08] That's the number one issue. Oh my God, bro. It's not even a fucking left-wing policy. You jackass you stupid fuck
[07:11:17] She literally said she's gonna deregulate housing you fucking ape
[07:11:22] What about the cost though? It's like, what do you mean? That's your policy stupid?
[07:11:27] I swear to God these guys are so dumb
[07:11:30] I swear to God you could just get these Republicans to be on board with a
[07:11:36] a forcible land extraction, okay?
[07:11:39] Like you would, as long as the Democratic Party is against it, they'd be like, honestly,
[07:11:44] I think it's a pretty solid idea.
[07:11:46] We should actually seize the means of production.
[07:11:49] Like he's so stupid.
[07:11:51] It's on autopilot.
[07:11:53] He is on autopilot.
[07:11:54] He just went, ooh, what about the cost though?
[07:11:56] $1,000 credit for first time home buyers is pretty good.
[07:11:59] She's gonna do a child tax credit.
[07:12:00] So up to $6,000 for families.
[07:12:02] So she's spending a lot of money.
[07:12:04] what got us into this place again. That's a tax cut. A tax credit is basically a tax
[07:12:14] cut. Okay. What the fuck? He like, that's the thing that pisses me off about the democratic
[07:12:23] party. Okay. Is that when you literally look at what the Dems advocate for on their
[07:12:33] top line policies, okay? Their policy paper looks like it was written by the Republican
[07:12:39] party in the 90s. Sometimes literally written by the Republican think tanks in the 90s.
[07:12:45] That's how far we've gone. That is how far we have gone to the right in this fucking
[07:12:51] country when it comes to economic policy, okay? Like the ACA specifically. Pink is
[07:12:58] on bro bitch you think I give a shit what the fuck we listened to her sing like 11 times earlier dude
[07:13:11] like literally the entire morning was this this was my entire goddamn morning bro
[07:13:18] I listened to her as I was right there they're gonna show literally my fucking studio in a second
[07:13:24] okay like do you see that band I was right on top of them okay
[07:13:36] I want the child tax credit JD Vans your friend JD Vans he likes it too it's a good idea
[07:13:40] Yeah, but he's not into the $25,000 check to go buy a house.
[07:13:44] It's an incentive.
[07:13:45] That's not how you bought your house.
[07:13:46] It's an incentive.
[07:13:47] You had to work for it.
[07:13:48] It's an incentive.
[07:13:49] That's a lot of first-time home buyers are working their asses off.
[07:13:51] They can't buy a house.
[07:13:52] They can't get to buy a house in the Biden-Harris administration.
[07:13:55] But seriously, how is she-
[07:13:57] Wait, oh, this is earlier.
[07:13:58] They don't count.
[07:13:59] What you're gonna do is your guy ran on, I'm gonna get out of Iraq.
[07:14:03] I want healthcare reform.
[07:14:05] Those were concrete issues.
[07:14:08] What is she saying?
[07:14:09] A third of women in this country right now are living under a Trump abortion ban.
[07:14:12] And I think if Kamala Harris wins and we get a Democratic Senate and Democratic House,
[07:14:16] she's going to sign into law a guarantee that every single woman in America will have a guaranteed
[07:14:21] right to choose.
[07:14:22] I think that's a pretty big deal.
[07:14:23] Okay, so it's going to be an abortion.
[07:14:24] I get that.
[07:14:25] That's going to be big.
[07:14:26] I definitely understand that.
[07:14:27] Yeah.
[07:14:28] I also think that for economically, like, you know, Trump gets elected, he's going
[07:14:31] to do another tax cut that goes mostly to rich people.
[07:14:34] So billionaires like Donald Trump.
[07:14:35] Okay.
[07:14:36] And like, she doesn't want to do that.
[07:14:37] I know.
[07:14:38] tax cut. I don't need another tax cut. I definitely need a tax cut. I definitely need a tax cut.
[07:14:42] Oh, come on. It's my money. I earned it. I earned it. I don't need another tax cut. Not as good as you.
[07:14:48] How different is Kamala from Biden? How different is Kamala from Biden? I mean...
[07:14:54] But you're saying like because you're laughing because she's a woman and she's an African-American
[07:14:59] woman. And she's younger. Okay. Besides all that. From a different place. Oh look, she has,
[07:15:03] she's put out plans last week. She talked about plans to go after corporate price
[07:15:07] She didn't Biden do that. Biden. No, she's not, not with, not the plan that she proposed
[07:15:13] that she's going to have the FTC go after corporate price cashing. She's also going
[07:15:16] to have this homebuyer's tax credit. She's also going to build these new homes. She's
[07:15:19] also going to extend the child tax credit. She can do a lot of stuff. So she's who is
[07:15:23] there actually being turned away now? Shit show, press area way over capacity. Just
[07:15:27] saw Tony. He's a coach get turned away. Yo, it's like, it's real casual like
[07:15:37] that everyone who's like fucking pro-Palestine just accidentally happens to be getting clapped
[07:15:42] at the DNC. I'm not even kidding. I know it's like, it's not deliberate. It's not by design.
[07:15:48] I know that they're not doing it on purpose, but it is funny that like anyone who is criticized
[07:15:53] the DNC on the Palestine front is just like, Hey, by the way, sorry, you just can't
[07:15:58] be in this location. How is that? I don't even think it's on purpose.
[07:16:06] I don't think it's on purpose. I think it actually is like overbooked as fuck.
[07:16:11] Kellyanne Conway got let through a staff door. Well, I guess we don't have that kind of fucking
[07:16:19] raise, dude. I, we are not as valuable to the, to the Democratic party as fucking Kellyanne
[07:16:26] Conway. Jesus Christ. This is going to, I'm going to tell you something. I'm going to
[07:16:33] tell you something right now. This is going to piss off the media. So goddamn much.
[07:16:41] If you think like the New York Times fact check stuff was crazy the other day when they were
[07:16:45] like, Donald Trump's penis size is actually a thick eight, like, you know, fact check,
[07:16:55] Donald Trump's penis size.
[07:16:59] What is this?
[07:17:00] Back to the rafters.
[07:17:01] Why'd you send this?
[07:17:12] My point is, my point is it's gonna, they're gonna be so much more aggressive in terms
[07:17:20] of, of how they're fucking, how they're operating here. If you want commenters here, let's do
[07:17:25] it. Dude, I'm, I can't, I am, dude, I have, I'm Lisa and I'll gay baby. Call me Lisa and
[07:17:34] I'll gay. The way I have the fucking four side, the way I have the vision, bro. Tell
[07:17:39] me, tell me how this wasn't the best move of all time. Okay. We were going to be
[07:17:44] sitting around, thumb up our ass, like waiting for an interview that was never
[07:17:49] going to be able to happen. Okay. We were literally going to be in there. Instead I'm
[07:17:54] in my fucking sweet ass hotel room. I get to go to sleep early. I get to react. And
[07:18:02] I will say this.
[07:18:03] I wasn't like moderating my position when I was in there. I wasn't like saying anything
[07:18:09] that I normally wouldn't say, but I will say this. Okay. Bro is coping is bro coping.
[07:18:16] I cannot pay attention in that room. It was like virtually impossible. It was virtually impossible to fucking pay attention
[07:18:28] I think my commentary wasn't as good
[07:18:30] You were yourself the whole way and got free interviews out of it. Yeah, I I never compromised on my values
[07:18:41] I never compromised on my on my views, but honestly it was that shit was not easy like it was like
[07:18:49] I mean, obviously I was down to even fuck around to a degree where like I straight up played
[07:18:56] the Kamala Harris wants to vaccinate your children in the ass song in front of the DNC handlers
[07:19:01] that I had.
[07:19:02] They were like standing in the corner.
[07:19:03] I mean, they weren't handlers, but they were like, they're very nice to be fair.
[07:19:08] But I do think it's true, but it does kind of display how out of touch DNCR with
[07:19:18] your world and influence.
[07:19:19] done that with any mainstream media possibly with far less reach? No, they would not. But remember,
[07:19:25] the mainstream media pays for those slots. Like they have to pay for it. So it's low. I mean,
[07:19:33] like that's what the New York Times guy was saying. I would never pay for that.
[07:19:46] And I think they were kicking everyone out of those booths. You weren't in a permanent press
[07:19:52] spot. Yeah. I'm sure they just like cleared everybody out. It just sucks, especially because
[07:20:00] there was another, there was literally another space that I could go to, but they were just
[07:20:03] like, no, you can't go there. Your times guy was trying to tell you that this event wasn't
[07:20:14] as big until Joe got out and all the VIPs are rolling in. No, he was talking, he was
[07:20:21] talking about something different. He was talking about the influencers that they
[07:20:25] worked with. They were saying that they were having a hard time getting influencers
[07:20:29] to work with. And I think that's the reason why they got like the shittiest crop of influencers,
[07:20:36] maybe. I don't know, that's what he seemed like that's what he was trying to say. Look,
[07:20:42] it worked out. Why did they take your credentials? They didn't. I have them still here. They
[07:20:47] only took, they didn't take my DNC credentials. They took my credentials to the floor, to
[07:20:51] that floor specifically. Right after I said, Oh, well, they kept us, they kept, they
[07:20:56] didn't take her credentials away. Anyway, all right, let's hear what fucking Mark Hilli
[07:21:08] has to say.
[07:21:09] He wants that Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice are suckers and losers.
[07:21:15] I'm also going to order my fucking chicken wings.
[07:21:20] If we fall for that again and make him the commander in chief, the only suckers would
[07:21:25] be us, knows that standing with our allies means standing up for Americans.
[07:21:43] She'll keep modernizing our military to support our troops and to support our veterans like
[07:21:49] our next Vice President, Tim Walls.
[07:21:58] The world laughs at Trump, literally.
[07:22:03] But folks, it is not funny.
[07:22:07] When he was president, that meant the world was laughing at us.
[07:22:13] The threats we face are too serious.
[07:22:17] The sacrifices our service members make are too sacred.
[07:22:23] The alliances we've spent decades building are too critical.
[07:22:29] That's what's at stake now.
[07:22:32] And the choice, the choice isn't even close.
[07:22:37] But in Arizona and nationwide, this election will be
[07:22:47] Why did the political director that was trying to help get
[07:22:49] Waved off by a hand letter?
[07:22:51] That wasn't my handler.
[07:22:51] That was Daniela.
[07:22:52] She's like with the DNC on the marketing side, like on the marketing team.
[07:22:58] And I don't think she got waved off.
[07:22:59] I think she just thought it was a random person.
[07:23:01] I didn't know what the guy was trying to say either though.
[07:23:07] No country is better than ours at solving big.
[07:23:11] So, on November 5th, let's prove that America is still the most...
[07:23:18] The convention here in Chicago, Illinois, and I feel like the entire week I've been very
[07:23:21] demure, very mindful, very cutesy, but ever since I saw Ann Coulter say this
[07:23:26] about Tim Wall's son who is disabled, I'm gonna say fuck that shit, it's all out of the window.
[07:23:31] Man, fuck you Ann. Don't nobody give a fuck about a woman who died ten years ago
[07:23:34] and is decomposing and still dies her hair with peroxide in the motherfucking sink.
[07:23:37] What the fuck do you know about raising children?
[07:23:39] Why are you saying this to me?
[07:23:41] I feel that a former defense secretary former congressman former director to CIA. Oh my god, I don't care about this
[07:23:58] All right, let's just go back to it right child this monkey woman for Trump
[07:24:01] That's exactly what you are because you look like the wicked witch of the motherfucking West and either throw water on your ass to make
[07:24:05] Melt where you're tired of this shit and as Michelle Obama said earlier this week
[07:24:08] We're no longer going high when y'all go lower on drag your bitch ass to hell where your unseasoned succubus ass belongs
[07:24:13] Fuck you. I'm her. I got this message about the cop wait. This is the guy
[07:24:54] there is no way that that's the fucking sheriff the sheriff that just spoke at the
[07:25:11] fucking DNC literally went on a rescue operation with Tim Ballard's operation
[07:25:19] Underground Railroad Group and in 2020 was rolling with some sketchy
[07:25:23] boogaloo adjacent guys doing DIY anti-sex trafficking rescues that's the
[07:25:32] guy that they brought, are they okay? Are the Democrats okay? Guys, that's Tim Ballard.
[07:25:45] The, the, what was it, the quiet? What the fuck was the movie? You sound the freedom, the quiet,
[07:25:59] sound the freedom. So you're telling me that the Democratic Party gave space to a sheriff,
[07:26:17] not just any sheriff but a fucking sound of freedom sheriff oh my god sheriff
[07:26:39] Chris Chris Walsh and sheriff in the video close friend to me in operation
[07:26:43] underground railroad he's operated with us in the field and is a true brother
[07:26:46] that's it he represents who these cops are from all over the county and
[07:26:59] and around this nation. We go out there to help people not do that non-sex.
[07:27:04] There we go!
[07:27:05] Patrick Hawkins, I'm just gonna tell ya, we want to be with y'all for real. So,
[07:27:10] I took my helmet off to lay the batons down.
[07:27:13] The only reason we're here is to make sure that you got a voice. That's it.
[07:27:17] There we go!
[07:27:18] Thank you for a second!
[07:27:38] Bro, are you fucking like, actually,
[07:27:41] are you fucking mentally like having issues?
[07:27:44] But are you okay? I don't want to say slurs, but like you good shatter
[07:27:55] What the fuck are you sending me a fucking Twitter link of LSF?
[07:28:00] Like it's literally an LSF Twitter link aggregator
[07:28:04] About a dude who's like stalking me. Are you okay?
[07:28:08] Are you fucking all right?
[07:28:10] 36 month subscriber with the fuck's happening, but why are you thinking it you can't stop me from thinking it anyway?
[07:29:16] There's a speech that Rua, represented Rua Roman, was going to deliver, bro, there's
[07:29:26] got to be a fucking good, there's got to be some good food that I can order around these
[07:29:32] goddamn parts, right?
[07:29:36] Like please, is the hello guys in Chicago good, just heard you got kicked out when keeping
[07:29:50] it real goes wrong.
[07:29:51] I didn't actually fully get kicked out, I just got kicked out of the studio space.
[07:29:58] Italian beef sandwich, bro. I had one. It was not that good. To be fair, I did get it at like,
[07:30:06] not a beef sandwich area. I don't think you can order all Cheval, dude. Do not get deep dish,
[07:30:25] try Portillo's or literally anything else. What the fuck is Portillo's? Oh, they just do hotdogs
[07:30:35] or they do beef sandwiches too. Portillo's is ass. Please do not do Portillo's.
[07:30:56] And it's a fucking tourist wrap. Well, I got 50,000 people in here and it's 50,000 people
[07:31:07] and it's like 600,000 different opinions on fucking food. Al's beef. Is that real? Al's
[07:31:18] number one Italian beef. Is that actually good? Yes, get that. All right, I'm gonna
[07:31:38] get the big beef. Chicago's number one Italian beef roast, the sliced at house daily. Oh,
[07:31:44] How do you want your beef dry, wet, regular, dipped, dry gravy on a side?
[07:31:49] All right.
[07:31:50] So I'm going wet, right?
[07:31:54] Got to get it wet, right?
[07:31:56] Choose toppings.
[07:31:57] Hot Giadineria, sweet peppers, American cheese.
[07:32:02] I should wet or dipped.
[07:32:06] Should I do dry gravy on the side?
[07:32:08] Because it's going to be delivered chat.
[07:32:11] No, don't do it.
[07:32:13] I ordered that the other night.
[07:32:15] was mid. You never even told me bro. Dip it. No, it's delivering. I can't get it on the delivery.
[07:32:31] It's gotta be, it's going to be too soggy. That's just not going to travel well. I got to get it on
[07:32:35] the side. Y'all are dumb. Y'all are not thinking bro. I'm sorry, but y'all are not thinking bro.
[07:32:50] All right. I need cheddar cheese sauce on it. Right. Is that how you do it?
[07:32:53] No, no, no, no, no, no. They didn't march. Just say it was made. Yeah, but he probably
[07:33:15] got it fucking wet. He didn't get it on the side. That's why he got it as mid hot pepper
[07:33:24] and gravy on the side. Provolone of his Philly's. He's saying, no, it's Chicago.
[07:33:27] Maltz. They don't have mozzarella. It's provolone, American cheese, cheddar cheese or, or, or
[07:33:35] cheddar cheese sauce. I have the fucking peppers chat shot the fuck up. Yes. I fucking
[07:33:54] got the hot Giardinaria and a sweet fucking pepper's on it. Shut the fuck up. All right.
[07:34:02] Stop fucking freaking out. We're talking about the fucking cheese, though. Do we want American?
[07:34:08] Do we want fucking provolone? Or do we want cheddar? But do we want cheddar cheese sauce?
[07:34:14] Shut the fuck up. Stop jorgen your fucking peanuts. Offering other fucking restaurants.
[07:34:29] I don't like provolone. I'm going with my gut. I'm going with cheddar cheese sauce.
[07:34:32] I'm not a provolone fan. I like,
[07:34:36] or like the veterans take stage at the DNC. Look,
[07:34:42] but you asked. Yeah, I asked. I'm going to get a Chicago dog.
[07:34:50] Fuck it. Why not?
[07:34:54] They don't stand with us.
[07:34:57] They call patriots like Senator McCain losers.
[07:35:00] John McCain was an American hero. Show some respect. Trump's Project 2025.
[07:35:12] Should I get a Chicago dog? I'm gonna try a Chicago dog.
[07:35:16] There's VA hospitals to close across the nation. Show some respect.
[07:35:24] So, for the 18-year-old who decides to enlist, for the families like mine who
[07:35:31] prayed every night that their loved one would come home, for our troops stationed
[07:35:35] thousands of miles away. For my Marines of Lima Company, let's elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walsh.
[07:35:43] We don't just respect our service, but revere it. Chocolate Chon Cookie. Because the veterans
[07:35:51] who defended this country aren't just the reason we can sleep at night. They're the reason we
[07:35:58] can dream together together full fight for our veterans and everyone who served
[07:36:08] our country thank you why does it talk like that we excited for attacking him
[07:36:34] as little Brian a bad guy this little average government Trump is not praising
[07:36:37] governor Brian camp senator Van spoke of camp briefly yesterday oh here we go I
[07:36:42] think there's a problem and I don't think Democrats are recognizing it one
[07:36:51] One, Donald Trump knows he's losing, okay?
[07:36:54] And he desperately, desperately wants to win.
[07:36:57] That's number one.
[07:36:58] Number two, Democrats think they're winning and the race is actually closed.
[07:37:03] Okay?
[07:37:04] I don't like that at all.
[07:37:07] I don't know.
[07:37:08] I don't like that at all.
[07:37:09] I think that originally, Kamala Harris at the very least was like in a fucking decent,
[07:37:19] Harris was like, uh, legitimately pessimistic and skeptical about the prospect, uh, about
[07:37:27] her prospects of winning. Like she was actually doing a good job. Not, you know, she was actually
[07:37:34] doing a good job. Not like, uh, not, not gloating and being careful. I don't know.
[07:37:42] This shit, this DNC, the one thing I saw, don't order kitchen for your hot dogs to
[07:37:48] a try time. No, no, no, shut up. I didn't. I'm so good at it. They kicked you out. My guy,
[07:37:58] truly it sucks to see the DNC not utilizing the power of your boy boys, but then you say
[07:38:03] some shit like you don't like Provolone and now I understand why the DNC booted you.
[07:38:07] Provolone is mid dude. Cheddar is better. Okay. I'm sorry. Just fucking live with the
[07:38:10] reality that at the top of the hour, there's a them in a break. And if you no longer
[07:38:13] want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe for $5 or for free, $6
[07:38:17] or for free with a Twitch prime. You were featured in the associated press
[07:38:23] article. Oh really? Live from the DNC. It could be one of your favorite online influencers.
[07:38:27] Better from rural North Carolina with five million TikTok followers, Hillbilly for Harris.
[07:38:34] The creators were invited to DNC by a convention organizer, but new significant part of digital
[07:38:37] strategy.
[07:38:38] They're to span a range of ages, backgrounds, and content specials, which is often reflecting
[07:38:42] the diversity of the audiences they serve. They could be spotted throughout the United
[07:38:45] Center with phones on tripods and selfie sticks. DNC rolled out perks like craters
[07:38:49] or common lounge of stock with food and beverages alongside space. This is the one that
[07:38:57] Austin was interviewed for, as always said, I'm authentically a hillbilly. Some of the content
[07:39:01] already produced on the lighter side. The Sampai Guru was 2.7 million followers on Twitch and has
[07:39:05] been announced spoken about Israel and the war in Gaza. A key dividing issue for Democrats
[07:39:09] has been streaming his experience around the DNC footprint, showing viewers around the
[07:39:12] food truck area and on Wednesday night interviewing US Representative Greg Kazar of Texas as
[07:39:16] convention speakers took the floor behind them. Foreign President Trump and his GOP
[07:39:19] allies have also saw the reach online audiences, especially men through the
[07:39:23] the outreach and appearances under the desk. Oh, oh, the DNC rolled out parts like creators
[07:39:34] were common allowances, stock with food and beverages alongside working space inside
[07:39:38] the convention hall. There's the first ever creator platform, a slightly elevated space
[07:39:41] that gives creators a spot from which they pose and post.
[07:39:48] It's kind of surreal to be sitting here surrounded by so many positive people, political
[07:39:51] ones that I've looked up to for so long. And then to be surrounded by other creators.
[07:39:54] It's a testament to how the media landscape is shifted and how much influences as creators
[07:39:58] we have said Austin show American YouTuber and to shimmer with millions of followers across
[07:40:04] platforms. That is hilarious. Bro is always on. I don't know how he does it. Okay. Bro
[07:40:13] is always fucking on. Why is he, there's so many people are texting me watching the stream.
[07:40:32] Wiener circle like hello people are fucking Austin is Austin is is so
[07:40:48] Libbed up and so ready to rip at a moment's notice
[07:40:53] Like he is he is always
[07:40:56] Delivering a level of professionalism
[07:41:00] He's always delivering a level of professionalism that I think is is really interesting. Okay is wild
[07:41:11] I wrote me a wiener circle would go so fucking hard
[07:41:16] Wiener circle, you mean the DNC donors fucking got them fucking got them dude. Thank you chatter
[07:41:23] You fucking got them like I got the top of the hour outbreak that I said
[07:41:27] I was gonna serve and then I forgot the servers through an outbreak now
[07:41:31] You can say got them no longer actually seeing the ads if you get gifted a sub if you're lucky that is
[07:41:38] So fuck the CNN feed went down
[07:41:45] And if it is dead
[07:41:50] curtain came down to use a democratic parlance a blue wall if you will which now blocks our
[07:41:56] ability to see what's happening backstage and then separately I've been getting lots of signals
[07:42:01] from people who are saying that there is a very special surprise guest and we want to be very
[07:42:06] careful it's Beyonce we know at the same time I also want to tell you about President Biden
[07:42:12] making a phone call he and the first lady have what is this your reaction was legendary
[07:42:17] to what?
[07:42:18] Stand up there.
[07:42:19] I don't talk about politics, I don't talk about policy, they talked about humanity, and they
[07:42:24] talked about empathy, and they shared their son's plight, they shared their grief, and
[07:42:30] ...
[07:42:31] Dude, oh my god.
[07:42:34] I looked so scared, holy shit.
[07:42:40] I thought it was amazing that they had that opportunity, it was powerful for me, and
[07:42:45] I'm going to need to stand up there.
[07:42:47] No wonder you guys freak the fuck out. It was an omen. It was, I was low key high to see
[07:43:13] the balloons fall behind you. Yeah, I don't care.
[07:43:18] One fact about Portillo's, he used to be a place with handful of locations a little over
[07:43:22] dick of yours. When it got bought out by a corporation, the quality dropped substantially
[07:43:25] as they opened a bunch of new locations and made it a bonafide chain, which is why there's
[07:43:28] not a lot of Chicagoans who don't like it anymore.
[07:43:39] You were clear to hide your initial disappointment, but it came off so much worse. Yeah,
[07:43:43] I mean, I didn't realize what my face looked like because I was reacting in real time to
[07:43:48] like genuinely awful fucking news. Guys, this morning when I fucking woke up this morning,
[07:43:55] when I woke up, I spent the entire morning, uh, putting together interviews with AOC,
[07:44:01] Sean Fain, Ian, Omar, Pramia, Jayapal and numerous others. Okay.
[07:44:07] I thought that I had an allotted studio space, which I did. Uh, it was going to be a little
[07:44:11] little bit later, but it was fine. I had a scheduled interviews with the Palestinian,
[07:44:17] pro-Palestinian delegates. I started the stream with the pro-Palestinian delegates. I talked
[07:44:23] to them. I talked to Corey Bush, which was sick and talked to a bunch of people. And
[07:44:27] then we moved back to the studio space. We had these like interviews lined up. I missed
[07:44:33] an interview with NBC. Okay. Partially because of all this shit that we were doing. And,
[07:44:42] and, and, you know, in that moment, everything fucking fell apart. No Beyonce of the DNC.
[07:44:51] They're washed. No way. No Beyonce of the DNC. No Hassan of the DNC.
[07:44:58] We are going to hear now from former Illinois Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger.
[07:45:08] Kinzinger describes himself as a proud conservative, but tonight he is throwing his support behind
[07:45:13] Vice President Harris.
[07:45:14] To be in the trenches with you, part of this sometimes awkward alliance that we have to
[07:45:23] defend truth.
[07:45:24] Yeah, I hate this like Adam Kinsinger instead of a Palestinian American who's dedicated her life to fucking the Democratic Party
[07:45:36] To his vision of a strong America the shining city on a hill
[07:45:40] I was a Republican for 12 years in Congress and I still hold on to the label. I never thought I'd be here
[07:45:47] But listen, you never thought you'd see me here. Did you?
[07:45:50] But, I've learned something about the Democratic Party, and I want to let my fellow Republicans
[07:46:00] in on the secret.
[07:46:02] The Democrats are as patriotic as us, contrary just as much as we do, to defend American
[07:46:34] values at home and abroad as we conservatives have ever been.
[07:46:38] I was relieved to discover that because I've learned something about my party too, something
[07:46:48] I couldn't ignore.
[07:46:50] The Republican Party is no longer conservative.
[07:46:55] It has switched its allegiance from the principles that gave it purpose to a man whose only
[07:47:02] purpose is himself.
[07:47:04] Donald Trump is a weak man pretending to be strong.
[07:47:12] A small man pretending to be big.
[07:47:22] He's a faithless man pretending to be righteous.
[07:47:26] He's a perpetrator who can't stop playing the victim.
[07:47:35] He puts on quite a show, but there is no real strength there.
[07:47:41] As a conservative and a veteran, I believe true strength lies in defending the vulnerable.
[07:47:47] It's in protecting your family, it's in standing up for our Constitution and our democracy.
[07:47:55] That, that is the soul of being a conservative.
[07:47:58] It used to be the soul of being a Republican, but Donald Trump has suffocated the soul of
[07:48:06] the Republican Party.
[07:48:12] Fundamental weakness has coursed through my party like an illness, saffing our strength,
[07:48:18] Softening our spine whipping us into a fever that has untethered us from our values
[07:48:24] Our democracy was prayed by the events
[07:48:28] Right wing jackass master bank. I go on grinder. Fuck this guy. It's not Beyonce. Oh my god. It's Taylor Swift
[07:48:39] It's Taylor Swift. I
[07:48:44] Guess they're going to be lowering. I
[07:48:48] Guess they're gonna be lowering the credentials
[07:48:50] and the media bias rating of TMZ, which literally was seen as a more credible news outlet on
[07:49:01] the media bias chart when I saw, then like fucking the associate oppressor some shit.
[07:49:07] And we know who it is. Breaking news. Here's a schedule. Gavin, tonight's the easy schedule
[07:49:16] that this special guest is only known by a handful of people. Yeah, that's it. It's
[07:49:24] Yeah, yes, in war. I'm would you warn white women? Fuck that shit. They ruin my day
[07:49:28] He's gonna be sad. She didn't go with you, bro. Why would she be sad? I didn't see it either
[07:49:37] Nitya was playing just landed an oh hair not fake news. Okay, dude. Good one. It's Miyazaki
[07:49:49] Crazy political take going viral today, bro chat literally you get so you get this way
[07:50:13] Whenever I am not you need this humor and you know it. Oh, you know what I need
[07:50:43] A fucking Al's beef sandwich, bitch. And it's about to be here.
[07:50:47] I know Kamala Harris shares my allegiance to the rule of law, the constitution and democracy.
[07:50:53] I'm doing a hit on BBC tonight. Hank Packer has my full support. The DNC cannot treat you like
[07:50:57] this, my brother. Yeah. I mean, look, I don't think they fucking clap me because like of my
[07:51:02] Israel pics. Maybe, but I don't think so. Because I've been saying that shit
[07:51:07] It's probably because they were like, you know, I was, I was yapping and I was in the,
[07:51:17] you know, I wasn't too good of a space for my level of yet.
[07:51:22] You still pledge allegiance to those principles.
[07:51:25] I suspect you belong here too because democracy knows no party.
[07:51:39] It's a living, breathing ideal that defines us as a nation.
[07:51:43] the bedrock that separates us from tyranny and when that foundation is
[07:51:48] fractured we must all stand together united to strengthen it
[07:51:53] is it worth defending that i urge you i hate this guy bro why are we fucking
[07:52:06] oh god he's still chirping what are we doing man what are we doing what is
[07:52:13] happening right now like this guy this guy got another one
[07:52:32] maybe it's because he said i don't care to be here
[07:52:37] um
[07:52:39] Yeah, I said that isn't like
[07:52:41] I don't care about being inside of the dnc. I think you're experiencing that. I don't care about being inside of the dnc in real time
[07:52:50] This is my comfortable space. This is my pocket. This is what i'm in the pocket. This is what i'm like the most locked in
[07:52:56] Okay
[07:52:57] Like I care about covering the dnc. I don't have to be inside of the dnc to cover it
[07:53:04] Which is true
[07:53:07] Harris to so many people
[07:53:19] A civil rights activist, a scientist, a devoted mother to her two little girls.
[07:53:26] But most of all, mommy was a trailblazer who defied the odds and defied herself.
[07:53:34] And when it came to Kamala and me, mommy had great expectations for us, but she had even
[07:53:41] greater expectations of us.
[07:53:45] She raised us to believe that we could be and do anything, and we believed her, understood
[07:53:58] the power and the possibility that come with knowing and showing who you truly are.
[07:54:08] She knew we could be the authors of our own stories, just as she'd been the author of
[07:54:13] her own.
[07:54:14] mommy's journey and the opportunity that she wanted for Kamala and me that's a
[07:54:21] feeling is a bit weird American story right am I crazy or is a bit weird different
[07:54:31] histories different struggles or different perspectives but what binds us
[07:54:38] together is the fervent desire to be free to fulfill our God-given potential.
[07:54:46] Kamala's entiating for each of us to have that freedom. And like so many Americans,
[07:54:56] what it's like to be underestimated and be counted out. She knows what it's like
[07:55:04] to be the underdog and yet still beat the odds and now she has created so much electricity
[07:55:14] so much optimism bro Trump looks like shit living in a time are trying to divide us oh god to
[07:55:35] separate us in ways that make it difficult for us to come together well look my sister rejects
[07:55:42] that view. Where others push darkness, Kamala sees promise. Where others feel
[07:55:49] detachment, connection. Where others want to drag us back to the peck. My sister said-
[07:56:01] It's pretty crazy that people are like, like how are they, how are they like faking the
[07:56:07] enthusiasm for this stuff? I don't know. I just like, is it good? Maybe it's just not
[07:56:17] for me. I'm not the target audience. Are we not lived up anymore? I mean, I, dude, I'm
[07:56:46] not kidding. Regardless of the accommodations, it's not even a joke. Regardless of the accommodations
[07:56:54] like going to the DNC actually kind of like opened my eyes to a lot of things. Okay. For
[07:57:02] one, the fact that they like after all of this pressure, they were like, no, we're not going
[07:57:07] to let any Palestinians speak at the fuck out of here. They were like, no, sorry, we
[07:57:11] have a fucking cop who literally was doing DIY, like sex trafficking operations and investigations
[07:57:20] with a fucking right-wing nut job. Okay. That guy has to speak. We have a fucking former
[07:57:26] Trump Republican that is like an MSNBC fan favorite. That guy has to speak. Fuck you.
[07:57:31] If you're like a lifelong Democrat, that happens to be Palestinian, you know what I
[07:57:36] mean? Sorry. Sucks to suck. You ain't got shit. It's so racist. It's so fucking gross.
[07:57:43] It's so disgusting. I'm sorry. It is what it is. That's just straight white supremacist
[07:57:49] as bullshit, okay? You can dress it up anyway, you fucking Juan. That's American chauvinism
[07:57:55] right there. That's Western chauvinism. That is bullshit, okay? That's gross as fuck. It's
[07:58:01] racist as fuck. It doesn't matter if the candidate is black, it's still fucking white
[07:58:06] supremacy through and through, okay?
[07:58:10] The Democratic Party said tonight and the day prior, we got billionaires. We're gonna
[07:58:15] to bring them on to the fucking center stage. We got former Trump Republicans. We're going
[07:58:19] to bring them on to the center stage. Okay. We got psycho fucking cops. We're going to
[07:58:26] bring them on the fucking what? Haas, I don't ironically said this. Anyway, it's fucking
[07:58:42] ridiculous, dude. You got pizza gate cops and shit out there who are, you got border
[07:58:47] patrol guys being like, yeah, we're going to fuck, we're going to fuck it up. We're
[07:58:50] to fuck up the migrants and we're putting them on the center stage but you don't got a fucking moment
[07:58:56] for Palestinian Americans you don't got a fucking moment for Palestinian Americans dude
[07:59:04] that's crazy that's unacceptable that's why supremacy okay here money is evil then that
[07:59:16] building is hell this is most obnoxious group of money hungry low IQ high energy jack rather
[07:59:24] fucking wannabe big time, small time shit talking, bothersome, irritating by some other
[07:59:30] fuckers I have ever had to endure for more than five minutes.
[07:59:34] White supremacy, come on dude, that's a stretch. Listen up big dog, I use a different terminology
[07:59:39] there for your fucking stupid ass brain to handle it, okay? I'm using white supremacy,
[07:59:45] so your fucking dumb mouth breathing ass can understand the words that are coming out of
[07:59:49] my mouth. It's called American jingoism. Okay? It's Western chauvinism. Do you understand
[07:59:54] what is happening here? Do you get what the Democratic Party is also playing a role? Do
[08:00:00] you get, do you understand what the Democratic Party there is doing when they say, we don't
[08:00:04] give a fuck if you're a Palestinian, you shut the fuck up. Okay? If you're a goddamn
[08:00:09] Palestinian, here are all the other fucking people that are more important for us than
[08:00:14] you, okay? Literally every single person in the Democratic Party's infrastructure and then
[08:00:20] people outside of that infrastructure, cops, border patrol agents, billionaires that are
[08:00:25] not even fucking in the Democratic Party. You're a lifelong Democrat. You spent your
[08:00:29] whole time, you spent your whole goddamn life fighting for the Democratic Party. You're
[08:00:34] a fucking state, you're a part of the state apparatus in your own goddamn state,
[08:00:40] And they say fuck you you're fucking Palestinian. We don't want to hear from you. Okay suck my dick
[08:00:48] There's no way to fucking there is no way to look at this in any other
[08:00:52] In any other lens, okay a secure retirement for themselves bullshit Kamala will fight for you
[08:01:00] For any one of our allies anywhere in the world
[08:01:05] Wondering if America still has your back
[08:01:09] remember this
[08:01:11] Kamala will fight for you and when she fights we
[08:01:20] His wife supremacy ready the question is are we
[08:01:28] We gotta stand up and fight for Kamala like she'll stand up and fight for us if you're ready
[08:01:37] My home state of North Carolina
[08:01:46] About being a much better mood after he initiate though
[08:02:27] hall that is about as fired up as it can can get and yet we are now going to the programming
[08:02:33] that gets us ready for the speech to be formally harassed by a graphical video. Let's watch.
[08:02:38] When your first grade teacher would show up at your law school graduation, it's where
[08:02:43] Kamala Harris learned what it means to be in middle class, making every paycheck count.
[08:02:49] She was raised by a working mom and taught her about standing up for what's right
[08:02:53] Protecting the people you love.
[08:02:55] Kamala carries the lessons if fighting spirit of our life the
[08:03:03] Compassion she was all of five feet tall if you met her you would have thought she was seven feet tall and
[08:03:07] Our mother fight ever come home complaining about anything
[08:03:11] She wouldn't have it the first thing she'd say is well
[08:03:13] Just stop the complain and just tell me what you're gonna do about it
[08:03:16] And since she was a young girl Kamala Harris has been fighting for families like the ones she grew up with
[08:03:22] That is Kamala. She can't help herself from standing up for people and standing up for
[08:03:31] what she thinks is right. She has been that way for her whole lives, being a protector.
[08:03:36] I don't know what the fuck is wrong with Chicago dogs, but it's more fucking pepper
[08:03:41] than it's more pepper and more pickle than dogs.
[08:03:46] She went after predators who targeted women and children
[08:03:49] and fraudsters who ripped off working families.
[08:03:52] And she put dangerous gang members
[08:03:54] and human traffickers behind bars.
[08:03:57] It makes no damn sense.
[08:03:58] DOJ or FBI or DEA or any of those law enforcement agents.
[08:04:03] I prefer a New York dog.
[08:04:04] We all work collaboratively.
[08:04:06] She was the person who built the foundation
[08:04:09] in how we do criminal justice in America.
[08:04:12] Is there celery in this?
[08:04:14] What am I eating a fucking salad? What the fuck is this?
[08:04:44] Thinking of any right now, sir. She fought to keep our children safe and terror gun violence
[08:04:50] How many of you guys had to have a drill where you learned about how you need to hide in a closet or crouch in a corner in
[08:04:57] The event that there is a mass shooter look at that look at that on the intelligence committee
[08:05:02] She defended our nation against foreign adversaries
[08:05:05] And in 2020 she made history as the first woman to be elected vice president of the United States
[08:05:11] I'm worried.
[08:05:47] always worry. There's so much that needs to change. I hope what happens to the
[08:06:30] Palestinian families never happens to your fucking bitch ass family. Okay? That's not even what I'm
[08:06:40] talking about. But his racist ass immediately when the palace did his
[08:06:43] most winners. That's not what I'm talking about. Weirdo. Yeah, of course, I want to
[08:06:55] permit banning. I mean, Democrats are so lucky that they're running against the
[08:07:11] party that has like forgotten how to fucking run for office. Okay. That's it.
[08:07:16] They've literally forgotten how to run. That's it. That's the only thing
[08:07:23] that's Carrie in the Democratic Party, okay?
[08:08:06] We'll see if you talk about power crime.
[08:08:09] I doubt it, though.
[08:08:11] I mean, she might.
[08:08:29] Beef is much better than the beef I had.
[08:08:44] It came dipped, by the way.
[08:08:49] It came dipped.
[08:08:50] Still mention, uh, peace fire.
[08:09:02] You will, you'll see.
[08:09:18] It's not gonna be enough,
[08:09:19] but she guarantee we'll mention it.
[08:10:35] Incredible husband, Doug,
[08:10:37] other to Colin, Ella,
[08:10:47] and happy anniversary, Dougie.
[08:10:49] Together Joe I am filled with gratitude your record is extraordinary as history
[08:11:13] will show and your character is inspiring and Doug and I love you and Jill and
[08:11:21] are forever thankful to you both. Your support is humbling. So America the
[08:11:57] The path that led me here in recent weeks was no doubt unexpected, but I'm no stranger
[08:12:05] to unlikely journeys.
[08:12:07] So my mother, our mother, Shyamala Harris, had one of her own, and I miss her every day
[08:12:15] and especially right now.
[08:12:18] And I know she's looking down smiling.
[08:12:27] When she crossed the world alone, traveling from India to California with an unshakable
[08:12:34] dream to be the scientist who would cure breast cancer.
[08:12:43] When she finished school, she was supposed to return home to a traditional arranged marriage.
[08:12:49] But as fate would have it, she met my father, Donald Harris, a student from Jamaica.
[08:13:02] self-determination made my sister Maya and me moved a lot. I always remember that
[08:13:15] big Mayflower truck packed with all our belongings ready to go to Illinois, to
[08:13:22] Wisconsin. Parents' jobs took us. My early memories of our parents together are
[08:13:34] very joyful ones. A home filled with laughter and music, Aretha, Colchain, and
[08:13:42] Myle at the park. My mother would say, stay close. But my father would say, as he
[08:13:52] smiled, run Kamala, run, don't be afraid, don't let anything stop you.
[08:13:57] Why was he talking about her dad? He taught me to be fearless. This is weird. But the
[08:14:07] The harmony between my parents and my dad when I was in elementary school, they split up.
[08:14:14] And it was mostly my mother who raised us.
[08:14:18] Before she could finally afford to buy a home, she rented a small apartment in the East Bay.
[08:14:25] In the Bay, the girls or the flatlands, we lived in the flats.
[08:14:36] A beautiful, working-class neighborhood of firefighters, nurses, and construction workers.
[08:14:43] Her dad's a law, just not in her life.
[08:14:48] My mom's with pride.
[08:14:50] My mother, she worked long hours.
[08:14:53] And like many working parents, she leaned on a trusted circle to help raise us.
[08:15:00] Mrs. Shelton, who ran the daycare below us and became a second mother.
[08:15:05] Uncle Sherman, Aunt Mary, Uncle Freddy, Auntie Chris, none of them, family by blood, and all of them, family by love.
[08:15:18] Couple drunk chocolate cookies!
[08:15:34] Family who loved us, believed in us, and told us we could be anything and do anything.
[08:15:46] Why people cry at these speeches?
[08:15:49] I genuinely don't understand it.
[08:16:20] how the world would sometimes treat her.
[08:16:24] But my mother never lost her cool.
[08:16:26] She was tough, courageous, a trailblazer
[08:16:31] in the fight for women's health,
[08:16:33] and she taught Maya and me a lesson
[08:16:36] that Michelle mentioned the other night.
[08:16:38] She taught us to never complain about injustice,
[08:16:43] but do something about it.
[08:16:50] Imagine if somebody's up there
[08:16:52] and you share 100% of your opinions with it.
[08:16:53] I mean, there are people whose opinions I am on with quite a bit.
[08:16:58] And she also taught us and never do anything half-assed.
[08:17:13] First in the ideals of the civil rights movement,
[08:17:15] my parents had met at a civil rights gathering and they made sure that we
[08:17:20] learned about civil rights leaders,
[08:17:22] including the lawyers like Thurgood Marshall and
[08:17:27] Constance Baker Motley,
[08:17:31] those who battled in the courtroom to make real the promise of America.
[08:17:36] Her dad is literally a martyr.
[08:17:38] So at a young age, I decided I wanted to do that work.
[08:17:41] I wanted to be a lawyer.
[08:17:43] And hate her for this reason.
[08:17:44] And when it came time to choose the type of law I would pursue,
[08:17:48] I reflected on a pivotal moment in my life.
[08:17:52] You see, when I was in high school,
[08:17:54] I started to notice something about my best friend, Wanda.
[08:17:58] She was sad at school.
[08:18:01] And there were times she didn't want to go home.
[08:18:05] So one day I asked if everything was all right.
[08:18:08] And she confided in me that she was being sexually abused
[08:18:12] by her stepfather.
[08:18:14] And I immediately told her she had to come stay with us.
[08:18:17] And she did.
[08:18:19] This is one of the reasons I became a prosecutor
[08:18:24] to protect people like Wanda, because I
[08:18:27] I believe everyone has a right to safety, to dignity, and to justice.
[08:18:34] It's a pretty solid speech. It's better than I expected.
[08:18:42] When I had a case, I charged it not in the name of the victim, but in the name of the people.
[08:18:51] For a simple reason, in our system of justice, a harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us.
[08:19:00] The cookies are good. Five boons.
[08:19:10] To console survivors of crime, to remind them, no one should be made to fight alone. We are
[08:19:19] all in this together. I stood proudly before a judge and I said five words.
[08:19:34] Kamala Harris for the people and to be clear my one client the people of the
[08:20:00] people on behalf of every American regardless of party race gender or the
[08:20:10] language your grandmother speaks of my mother and everyone except for
[08:20:18] was ever set out on their own unlikely journey on behalf of Americans like the
[08:20:27] people I grew up with people who work hard chase their dreams and look out for
[08:20:35] one another on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the
[08:20:44] greatest nation. I'm surprised she didn't bring up the ceasefire. I was wrong. I thought
[08:21:05] she would have brought up ceasefire. This election has a precious fleeting opportunity
[08:21:28] to move past the bitterness, cynicism and defensive battles of the past a chance to chart a new
[08:21:39] way forward, of any one party or faction, but as Americans, there are people of various
[08:21:55] political views watching tonight.
[08:21:58] And I want you to know, I promise to be a president for all Americans.
[08:22:03] These are our, you can always, oh never mind, she's talking about revolving principles.
[08:22:16] principles from the rule of law to free and fair elections to the peaceful
[08:22:40] generations a president who leads and listens
[08:22:45] Who is realistic?
[08:22:48] practical and has common sense
[08:22:52] for the American people
[08:22:57] To the White House, that has been my life's work.
[08:23:03] From prosecutor in Oakland, California,
[08:23:10] to those who abuse them.
[08:23:18] As attorney general of California,
[08:23:20] I took on the vast families who faced foreclosure
[08:23:30] and helped pass a homeowner bill of rights,
[08:23:33] one of the first of its kind in the nation.
[08:23:36] And students being scammed by big for profit colleges,
[08:23:47] being cheated out of their wages,
[08:23:53] It is the wages they were due, Buse.
[08:24:00] I fought against the cartels who traffic in guns and drugs and human.
[08:24:15] These fights were not easy.
[08:24:18] And neither were the elections that put me in those offices.
[08:24:24] We were underestimated at practically every turn, but we never gave up because the future
[08:24:33] There is always worth hiding for.
[08:24:54] The election is not only the most important of our lives, it is one of the most important
[08:25:04] in the life of our nation.
[08:25:06] Donald Trump is an unserious man.
[08:25:18] The consequences, but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are
[08:25:25] extremely serious. Consider not only the chaos and calamity when he was in office but also
[08:25:39] the gravity of what has happened since he lost the last election. Donald Trump tried
[08:25:47] to throw away your votes. When he failed, he sent an armed mob to the United States
[08:25:55] capital where they assaulted law enforcement officers.
[08:25:59] Oh, they're yelling at me.
[08:26:01] When politicians in his own party begged him to call off the mob and send help, he did
[08:26:11] the opposite.
[08:26:13] He fanned the flames.
[08:26:20] Different set of crimes, he was found guilty of fraud by a jury of both for committing
[08:26:32] sexual abuse. And consider, consider what he intends to do if we give him power again.
[08:26:44] Consider his explicit intent to set free violent extremists who assaulted those law enforcement
[08:26:53] officers at the Capitol, his explicit intent to jail journalists, political opponents, and
[08:27:02] anyone he sees as the enemy, his explicit intent to deploy our active duty military against
[08:27:12] our own citizens.
[08:27:18] The power he will have, especially after the United States Supreme Court just told
[08:27:27] that he would be immune from criminal prosecution. Donald Trump with no guardrails.
[08:27:38] He would use the immense powers of the presidency of the United States. Not to
[08:27:51] improve your life, not to strengthen our national security, but to serve the only client he
[08:28:01] has ever had, himself.
[08:28:15] Trump term would look like it's all laid out in Project 2025, written by his closest
[08:28:21] advisors, and its sum total is to pull our country back to the past.
[08:28:27] But America, we are not going to the Affordable Care Act.
[08:28:54] When insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions, we are not going
[08:29:00] to let him eliminate the Department of Education that funds our public that provide preschools
[08:29:14] and childcare with a strong and growing middle class, because we know a strong middle
[08:29:45] middle class has always been critical to America's success and building a presidency, so for me.
[08:30:05] The middle class is where I come from. My mother kept a strict budget. We lived within
[08:30:12] our means, yet we wanted for little. And she expected us to make the most of the opportunities
[08:30:20] that were available to us, and to be grateful for them.
[08:30:25] Because as she taught us, opportunity
[08:30:29] is not available to everyone.
[08:30:32] That's why we will create what I call an opportunity economy,
[08:30:37] an opportunity economy where everyone has the chance
[08:30:41] to compete and a chance to succeed.
[08:30:56] As president, I will bring together
[08:30:58] labor and workers economy and to lower the cost of everyday needs like health care and
[08:31:14] housing and groceries we will access to capital for small business owners and entrepreneurs
[08:31:22] and founders.
[08:31:23] Oh, thank God.
[08:31:24] And we will end America's housing shortage.
[08:31:25] Thank God.
[08:31:26] Social security.
[08:31:27] We're going to help entrepreneurs.
[08:31:31] We're going to do regular housing.
[08:31:32] We're going to compare that to Donald Trump because I think everyone here knows.
[08:31:43] He doesn't actually fight for the middle class,
[08:31:46] he doesn't actually fight for the middle class.
[08:31:49] Instead, he fights for himself and his billionaire friends.
[08:31:53] And he will give them another round of tax breaks
[08:31:56] that will add up to $5 trillion to the national debt.
[08:32:04] He intends to enact what, in effect,
[08:32:07] is a national sales tax, call it a Trump tax,
[08:32:11] that would raise prices on the middle class.
[08:32:13] This campaign's off the rails, brother.
[08:32:15] I don't know who the fuck's right in this picture.
[08:32:17] The deficit girl, the budget.
[08:32:22] Tax hike.
[08:32:23] Are these guys on crack?
[08:32:24] What's next bro?
[08:32:25] Tax cut.
[08:32:26] Is Kamala Harris gonna do a NATO speech?
[08:32:28] What's happening?
[08:32:39] The speech is all right.
[08:32:41] Energy's all right.
[08:32:42] Truly be prosperous.
[08:32:43] Her background, like her buildup,
[08:32:45] her impersonal biography was good.
[08:32:48] To make their own decisions about their own lives,
[08:32:53] especially on matters of heart and home.
[08:32:57] I'm a Democrat who appreciates his speech. Also, I'm a Republican.
[08:33:03] And let's be clear about how we got here.
[08:33:11] Donald Trump handpicked members of the United States Supreme Court to take away reproductive freedom.
[08:33:18] He brags about it in his words, quote,
[08:33:25] I did it and I'm proud to have done it, end quote.
[08:33:29] Past two years, I've traveled across our country
[08:33:36] and women have told me their stories.
[08:33:39] Husbands and fathers have shared theirs.
[08:33:44] Stories of women miscarrying in a parking lot,
[08:33:48] developing sepsis, losing the ability
[08:33:52] to ever again have children.
[08:33:54] She's pushing to the middle
[08:33:56] and I don't care if it's the winning strategy, it's not.
[08:33:58] It never is.
[08:33:59] For their patience.
[08:34:01] You're literally, like swapping out Biden with Kamala
[08:34:03] was not pushing to the middle.
[08:34:05] Picking Tim Maus was not pushing to the middle.
[08:34:07] Everything she's done so far that created this momentum
[08:34:10] was not pushing to the middle, it was pushing left.
[08:34:14] So why the fuck would it ever be like,
[08:34:16] good time to push middle?
[08:34:17] Like, that's not a thing.
[08:34:18] what's happened because of the understand he is not done as a part of his agenda he
[08:34:30] and his allies would limit access to birth control I think this speech is way
[08:34:35] too Trump-focused abortion and this is 2016 oh my god oh my god this is Hillary
[08:34:41] Clinton what is happening Congress high abortion coordinator and force states to
[08:34:56] report on women's miscarriages and abortions.
[08:35:24] Trust women is signed into law.
[08:35:59] Any other fundamental freedoms are at stake.
[08:36:02] The freedom to live safe from gun violence in our schools,
[08:36:06] communities, and places of worship.
[08:36:09] The freedom to love who you love openly and with pride.
[08:36:16] To breathe clean air and drink clean water
[08:36:20] and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis, there's the freedom to
[08:36:32] vote.
[08:36:33] The city agrees with my politics though.
[08:36:34] The city loves my passion.
[08:36:41] The city agrees with my politics.
[08:36:42] But he thinks like this is like a double, like a double room, and my voice is just
[08:37:00] clear.
[08:37:01] I know the importance of safety and security, especially at our border.
[08:37:08] Last year, Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest
[08:37:14] border bill in decades.
[08:37:16] The border patrol endorsed it.
[08:37:18] But Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign.
[08:37:23] It's in Congress to kill the deal.
[08:37:33] Politics without security.
[08:37:34] As president, I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed, and
[08:37:44] And I will sign it into law, to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform
[08:37:58] our broken immigration system.
[08:38:04] Create an earned pathway to citizenship and secure our...
[08:38:17] We must also be steadfast in advancing our security and values abroad.
[08:38:25] As Vice President, I have confronted threats to our security, negotiated with foreign
[08:38:32] leaders strengthened our alliances and engaged with our brave troops overseas
[08:38:39] as commander-in-chief I will ensure America always has the strongest most
[08:38:47] lethal fighting force in the world to care for our troops and their families
[08:39:01] and I will oh she said we're going back to Iraq he was like I'm gonna make sure
[08:39:39] leadership I'll be real fucking crazy about the military threatened to abandon
[08:39:46] nature he encouraged Putin to invite oh my god oh my god she's doing the natives oh my
[08:39:56] god she's doing the natives oh my god oh my god Ukraine I met with president Zelensky
[08:40:04] to warn him about Russia's plan to invade I helped mobilize a global response over 50
[08:40:11] countries to defend against Putin's aggression as then Biden and I are working around the
[08:40:39] o'clock because now is the time to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done I'm
[08:40:48] out I'm cat for Israel's right to defend itself I'm super out I'm super out
[08:41:03] organization called home over seven festival at the same what has happened in
[08:41:35] in Gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. Again, the scale of suffering is heartbreaking.
[08:41:56] President Biden and I are working to end this war such that it can secure the hostages
[08:42:03] released but also it's just it's really sad what's happening in Gaza. I mean, obviously
[08:42:20] she brought up these fire and Gaza so I was right but in a way she would have avoided it.
[08:42:26] We're in defense of America's security and ideals because in the enduring struggle between
[08:43:20] democracy and tyranny, country with all my heart, everyone I meet, I see a nation
[08:44:02] that is ready to move forward, ready for the next step in the incredible journey that
[08:44:10] is America, America, where we hold fast to the fearless belief that built our nation
[08:44:21] and inspired the world, that here, in this country, anything is possible, that nothing
[08:44:32] is out of reach.
[08:44:35] I don't think protesting is going to fix this.
[08:44:39] This is like kind of crazy.
[08:44:42] This is just straight-up like blanket Joe Biden, like it's weird, it literally, like this is
[08:44:52] Joe Biden, this is Joe Biden's speech being delivered by a black woman, that's it, like
[08:44:57] that's the only difference.
[08:44:58] All of us, everything is.
[08:45:18] Well, the lesson she used to teach, never let anyone tell you, you showed this to the
[08:46:09] greatest democracy.
[08:46:11] I think it's over, like the momentum is gone, I think.
[08:46:20] I think the momentum is gone,
[08:46:21] the media will still push it as though it's beautiful,
[08:46:24] but like, it'll be like a reaction to Doug Emhoff.
[08:46:28] Okay.
[08:46:40] I'm seeing signals.
[08:46:42] I'll tell you exactly what I mean in a second
[08:46:44] after the speeches of the board.
[08:46:51] But for the ideals we cherish and to uphold some responsibility that comes with the greatest
[08:47:05] privilege on-
[08:47:13] Dude, I hate this.
[08:47:15] This is like false, this fake patriotism, I hate it.
[08:47:20] It's like, I don't know why the Democratic Party is like trying to do fake patriotism
[08:47:24] and also being like the war party.
[08:47:25] It's a calm down.
[08:48:07] This has nothing to do with like them kicking me out or anything, okay?
[08:48:10] They didn't and you guys need to shut the fuck up. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Okay, who the fuck am I?
[08:48:15] I'm just some random dumbass. Okay, I'm down and I'm not being humble when I say that
[08:48:19] I'm nothing in the grand scheme of things and you shouldn't ever operate on that front anyway
[08:48:24] You should be thinking about what she's saying. Okay, and it's really important
[08:48:29] I feel like chatting you were overreacting. She's obviously playing the donors being anti-war while good is unprofitable. No, dude
[08:48:35] You're delusional
[08:48:36] Are you fucking crazy? You think she's like a secret peaceful dove?
[08:48:40] What when has she ever?
[08:48:44] Kamala Harris has been in politics or I wouldn't say that long
[08:48:49] Okay, she was vice president for four years before that she was a senator for a couple years under the Trump administration
[08:48:54] In the state of California, but beyond that she's been a fucking cop her whole life
[08:48:59] Okay, she has very little
[08:49:02] Policy she is very little policy backing. That's why I've been saying I'm gonna holding pattern. I'm gonna holding pattern
[08:49:08] I'm gonna holding pattern. I'm gonna wait and see. I'm gonna wait and see what she does. I'm gonna wait and see what she does
[08:49:13] Okay, this speech is supposed to be the moment that she shows you what she is and who she is and what she's going to do
[08:49:21] Okay, that speech was literally a nothing will fundamentally change speech
[08:49:26] Where the fuck is the joy where the fuck is the hope where the fuck is the goddamn momentum?
[08:49:31] You say you're gonna have the most lethal army of all time. Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you fucking insane?
[08:49:36] What the fuck are we?
[08:49:39] What are we doing? This is a democratic fucking party chat
[08:49:42] This is not the Republican Party. Where the fuck are they turning into the 90s Republicans? I'm losing my fucking mind
[08:49:48] I have to whisper scream because I don't want to fucking wake up my goddamn neighbor. Get the fuck up
[08:50:07] Maybe some of you get so duped
[08:50:10] by fucking brat memes
[08:50:13] And you fucking also are like well it's a younger more dynamic candidate and that's all I wanted
[08:50:19] I want more, okay
[08:50:21] The only reason why I was even remotely hopeful or excited about this prospect was not because Kamala Harris
[08:50:28] Is a young black Indian woman in comparison that you'll buy it. Okay, I don't give a fuck about the aesthetics
[08:50:35] Okay, most people don't give a fuck about the aesthetics
[08:50:41] diversity without experience
[08:50:43] from coming from that background that translates the progressive policy positions doesn't mean dick
[08:50:51] How many fucking times have we had this goddamn conversation?
[08:50:54] Okay
[08:50:56] You don't want a black person in power for the sheer virtue of them being black
[08:51:00] You want them in power because they know what fucking white supremacy is they've experienced as they've lived it their whole fucking lives
[08:51:07] And you expect them to fight against that sort of thing
[08:51:11] That's the reason why diversity is important. Okay, and I'm not saying she hasn't lived it by the way
[08:51:22] I don't fucking come in here and and behave in a smug fashion. I'm not saying that at all
[08:51:28] Barack Obama experienced it too
[08:51:30] Okay, doesn't matter when you get to that position of power if you drop all that shit and what good are you?
[08:51:37] What what difference does this make? It's just pure marketing at that point
[08:51:43] The reason why I was excited
[08:51:45] Potentially, is because the very fact that they dropped Biden was uncharacteristic for
[08:51:52] the Democratic Party.
[08:51:53] They run scared all the time, okay?
[08:51:57] You trying to stage the DEI hire?
[08:51:59] Stop trying to fucking put racism in my mouth as I'm literally talking about white supremacy.
[08:52:05] You fucking brain dead losers in the fucking Trump.
[08:52:10] Oh my God, liberals are one fucking speed.
[08:52:14] Liberals are one speed, bro.
[08:52:15] One fucking speed. Holy shit
[08:52:22] For a brief moment she had a lot of juice and a lot of momentum for a lot of people that juice of momentum came from the fact
[08:52:28] That she's young. Okay, she's younger and not a carcass
[08:52:32] But for me, I thought wow the Democrats are behaving in a competent way
[08:52:37] Okay, the Democrats are behaving in a competent fucking way like a competent party that wants to win
[08:52:43] Okay, good. That's good
[08:52:46] Then, something amazing happened, where she locked herself in with a yokel, okay, who
[08:52:57] comes from a working class teacher fucking background, a guy with no aspirations for
[08:53:03] higher office, a guy in the middle of the fucking country, but a progressive policy
[08:53:09] track record.
[08:53:12] That made me go, oh my god.
[08:53:14] really gonna fucking own this shit. Okay, they're gonna own this shit. They are going to own being
[08:53:22] a party that wants to help people. Maybe that might not translate the actual policies down the line.
[08:53:29] There's the Obama equation of it all, running as a progressive and then being a neoliberal
[08:53:35] when in office. But even then on the messaging front, they had changed something.
[08:53:40] It seemed like they had changed something.
[08:53:43] The night has solidified my opinion that nothing has fundamentally changed, okay?
[08:53:50] Nothing.
[08:53:52] Their housing policy is deregulating.
[08:53:55] Their housing policy is deregulating housing.
[08:53:57] That's what they say.
[08:53:58] I don't know the full details of it yet.
[08:53:59] I don't know what that's going to look like.
[08:54:01] It's not just like abolishing single-family housing zoning restrictions.
[08:54:05] If that's what EMDs are thinking, I don't think that's the only thing that they're
[08:54:08] saying, Trump is also running on deregulating housing to open up more housing units. Okay?
[08:54:15] This is objectively a neoliberal policy. Okay? They're running on tax cuts and fucking deregulation.
[08:54:29] It's crazy. And beyond that, in terms of the foreign policy, the Democrats don't even
[08:54:37] run to the right, they own the right now. Everybody knows that Republicans are reactionary
[08:54:43] monsters who always love waging war and continuing death and destruction. The Democrats also
[08:54:52] are absolutely that party. There was a time and place where the Democrats at least used
[08:54:57] to attempt a, we are the peaceful party. We're the party of peace attitude. That
[08:55:04] has changed. It's gone. It's done. They're not even doing the, we are running to the left
[08:55:14] of the Republicans no more. Okay. They're not doing that, which is so fucking stupid.
[08:55:22] These Americans benefit. Americans benefit from America being a hegemonic superpower.
[08:55:30] 800 military bases. All of that translates to, you know, beautifully affordable treats
[08:55:35] you can consume in a moment's notice. That much is true, but Americans don't understand that.
[08:55:44] When it comes down to it on the messaging front, they see themselves as peaceful people.
[08:55:50] They see themselves as reluctantly having to wage war around the world.
[08:55:56] Okay, that's why Trump has run as the peace candidate in 2016 and won against Hillary
[08:56:04] Clinton who he presented as a pro-Iraq war-war lover. He won in 2016 with that.
[08:56:12] And then four years of Trump waging wars, okay? He still said, I didn't start any new wars.
[08:56:22] I didn't start any new wars. And I assassinated our enemies.
[08:56:27] 2024, after Russia invaded Ukraine and after Israel destroyed all aspects of
[08:56:35] civilian life in Gaza. Donald Trump is once again running on the peace candidacy. Okay?
[08:56:45] We are a dying empire. The Democrats have to fucking figure this out as quickly as they
[08:56:53] possibly can. If they run on, we are the pro-war party. We are going to have the
[08:56:58] most lethal military of all time. They're not going to win any of those fucking jingoistic
[08:57:03] voters, because those dumbasses are voting Republican every fucking election anyway.
[08:57:08] Whereas, Trump gets to present himself as a moderate, a peaceful dove over and over again.
[08:57:19] It's ridiculous.
[08:57:20] The only part of this that was truly progressive was abortion.
[08:57:23] The only part of this speech that was truly fucking progressive was on the issue of abortion,
[08:57:29] protecting abortion.
[08:57:30] Kamala Harris being a woman obviously automatically is like a massive W on that front
[08:57:37] Okay
[08:57:41] Please stop whispering. I'm begging you. Just scoot the mic back and speak
[08:57:49] Okay, get banned 21 month subscriber. Enjoy that perma. What a fucking weirdo
[08:58:04] Technically not progressive since we had it before too. You're so sensitive
[08:58:25] Okay, you get a permit to
[08:58:27] I'm back on my permit train, rendering for the undecided voter.
[08:58:43] What are we talking about?
[08:58:45] She went right wing on the border.
[08:58:46] She's talking about how lethal America is fucking.
[08:58:58] If the point of this convention is to get hardline ideological native as Zionists who
[08:59:02] are also open to vote for Democrats on our side, open to voting for Democrats on our
[08:59:07] side, it will work.
[08:59:08] We'll see how many people that will be.
[08:59:12] I've never seen so much.
[08:59:15] I have not seen this much bloodlust from a democratic candidate since Hillary Rodham Clinton
[08:59:26] when they're running for office.
[08:59:29] Okay?
[08:59:30] That was insane. Bro, she said we are gonna have the most like hard-dicked military,
[08:59:37] gonna be the most lethal force on the planet.
[08:59:40] She said we're gonna have the most lethal army.
[08:59:42] are fucking crazy
[09:00:06] seems
[09:00:07] Our British friends are enjoying the show
[09:00:11] Is that oh shit this is so bad dude. This is not the election cycle. We'll be doing this
[09:00:15] Following the threats the Yemen and Iran with live chanting USA USA
[09:00:29] It was genuinely
[09:00:35] I'm gonna say a couple things. Okay, a
[09:00:38] Lot of people consider me to be a fucking
[09:00:41] Mealy-mouthed
[09:00:43] soft ass pussy fucking peace loving baby okay I know you want to be hard-dicked
[09:00:55] you want America's fucking hard cock to be shoved in the asses of every fucking
[09:01:00] third-world nation okay you love that makes you feel good makes you feel like
[09:01:04] you're doing something you know I saw those fucking tweets operation
[09:01:10] prosperity guardian Yemen's gonna learn today why Americans don't have
[09:01:15] healthcare it's like dude you're fucking advocating against your own best
[09:01:20] interest you dumb fuck lasering a fucking 14 year old child in Yemen is not
[09:01:27] and a good use of your own fucking tax dollars you absolute morons okay you
[09:01:37] dumb fucking peasants dude holy shit but beyond that the reason why I say
[09:01:48] Americans fancy themselves not to be this like warring nation is because every
[09:01:58] election cycle Donald Trump has advocated as the peace candidate this means that
[09:02:07] That is a successful narrative strategy. Okay, this is really bad. Let's see what fucking Donald Trump's bitch has to say
[09:02:26] Maybe it'll shock me back to life
[09:02:33] Horrible there was a horrible bill. It was a joke. She doesn't need a bill. I didn't have a bill
[09:02:39] I closed the border. I had the safest border in the history
[09:02:42] The fuck are you calling us peasants man?
[09:02:44] Like shut the fuck up. Who the fuck are you brother? Are you the one who's fucking advocating for your own demise?
[09:02:51] Because if not, it's not you
[09:02:54] Okay. Yeah. No, you're right, dude. USA USA get this fucking Turkish Muslim man out of here, right?
[09:03:01] Yeah, go ahead
[09:03:03] Go ahead 41 month subscriber. Come on. Go ahead. Who the fuck are you calling us pezzes man?
[09:03:09] Like shut the fuck up. Who are you?
[09:03:11] its peasant mentality
[09:03:13] to fucking
[09:03:16] Chirp and fucking salivate at the prospect of the American military being so fucking powerful
[09:03:24] That's not what I'm saying, but come on man, you know, we all agree with you man shut up shut your bitch ass up
[09:03:30] We all agree with you clearly. I'm not talking about you then okay
[09:03:37] Like why are you personally?
[09:03:40] Why are you personally fucking taking ownership when I'm talking about people who fucking advocate
[09:03:48] or tax dollars going to American military might instead of your own fucking material needs?
[09:03:57] You stupid fuck!
[09:03:58] Why are you being fucking sensitive?
[09:04:01] Don't dare disagree with us on?
[09:04:02] That has nothing to do with disagreeing with me.
[09:04:04] It's not about you if you don't fucking advocate for that.
[09:04:09] So easily triggered. I know you got me. I think the triggered ones are people who can't
[09:04:20] even for a brief moment
[09:04:23] Have any kind of
[09:04:26] adversarial commentary about
[09:04:30] The person that you want to be a really good candidate. Okay
[09:04:35] Okay?
[09:04:36] This is Samban Rajeev's comments on supporting Israel 30 Minutes ago.
[09:04:40] This is not, dude, this is so much worse than just like supporting Israel.
[09:04:44] My expectation is that every fucking Democrat is going to support Israel.
[09:04:48] Please you're just fucking lasering in on that because you think that that is my bias.
[09:04:53] This is not about that.
[09:04:55] That's one aspect of the conversation that I'm having.
[09:04:59] Okay?
[09:05:00] that is a singular aspect of a much broader phenomena that I am trying to describe to you.
[09:05:10] But you don't want to hear it because you want, wow, what a beautiful speech,
[09:05:15] what a wonderful speech. Kamala Harris is fucking killing it. Okay? That's what you want to hear.
[09:05:24] And because you're not getting that, you're like, there must be some cynical reason why
[09:05:29] why Hassan is saying that not because he genuinely is at odds with what he just
[09:05:34] watched okay not because he knows what the fuck he's talking about he's seen
[09:05:41] this fucking he's seen this dog and shoney po show put this dog and pony
[09:05:46] show play itself out time and time again but because there must be some
[09:05:51] secret reason because he's pro-Palestinian he's just mad he's
[09:05:55] man that Kamala Harris didn't fucking say he loves she loves Palestine that's not it okay maybe
[09:06:10] i think you're not realizing that there are a lot of republicans that are looking to drop Trump
[09:06:12] don't you think her speech open the door to them i'm brian kill me i'm brian kill me i'm brian kill
[09:06:18] me i'm brian kill myself oh my fucking god that's it this is all it took i can't i can't do it
[09:06:27] I can't do it. Every single reason why you were excited
[09:06:33] Every single reason why you were excited about Kamala Harris
[09:06:36] Beyond the fact that she was not a fucking carcass
[09:06:39] Was literally the exact opposite of this mentality. This is old democratic party mentality
[09:06:45] We're back. We're so fucking back
[09:06:48] It's good to be in business
[09:06:49] This will be a very close race Kamala Harris will most likely still win it because donald trump unless
[09:06:54] There's some other caveats I'm gonna show you in a second.
[09:06:57] Kamala Harris will most likely win this election.
[09:06:59] Okay?
[09:07:00] She will most likely win this election only because the Republican Party is so completely
[09:07:07] fucking insane.
[09:07:08] Okay?
[09:07:09] They don't know how to vote and run a normal competent race anymore.
[09:07:18] Donald Trump already has maxed out his name recognition.
[09:07:22] Those will be the reasons as to why Kamala Harris will most likely win however.
[09:07:26] However, there's a caveat.
[09:07:37] Benjamin Nenyao will take America's long military dick and wave it at everyone in the fucking
[09:07:43] region, bringing troops into the fray, okay, bringing troops into contest, do everything
[09:07:51] in his fucking power to make sure that the Dems don't fucking win.
[09:07:55] Kamala Harris will be attached to all of Joe Biden's worst foreign policy achievements,
[09:08:03] Barring that, without that outcome, without that, okay?
[09:08:14] Without that, this election is not in the bag at all, okay?
[09:08:20] I've been warning that the Democrats
[09:08:22] are way too fucking cocky, way too fucking confidence
[09:08:25] about the Bratz summer memes and the momentum that they got.
[09:08:31] Okay?
[09:08:33] The momentum that they experienced.
[09:08:36] That momentum didn't come for no reason, it came not because of the fucking Brat Summer memes.
[09:08:42] That momentum came because the Democrats responded to public pressure.
[09:08:47] Okay?
[09:08:48] The absolute fuck.
[09:09:02] You have to be the dumbest, I'm sorry, you have to be the dumbest, peasant-brained moron
[09:09:11] to be like, I'm voting for Kamala Harris because she's gonna go to war with Iran.
[09:09:17] because she's gonna stand up to America's enemies.
[09:09:21] Who, and you don't believe that.
[09:09:24] You wanna know why I know you don't believe that?
[09:09:28] You wanna know why I know you don't fucking think
[09:09:31] that that's a good speech?
[09:09:33] Because you're coping in the chat saying,
[09:09:35] well, it's not for me.
[09:09:37] Maybe it's for some other person.
[09:09:41] Maybe it's for the Trump guys that wanna drop Trump,
[09:09:44] but just like need that extra oomph.
[09:09:50] Okay, that's how I know it's not for you, but you can't fucking see what's in front of you and go. What the fuck was that?
[09:09:59] It it took literally
[09:10:02] Someone who is 30% more vibrant and dynamic
[09:10:06] Then Joe Biden for you to go back to the old ways of being a democratic party loyalist a dick writer through and through
[09:10:16] Still with her ass motherfuckers in the chat. That's all it took
[09:10:19] Look, expect more from your politicians.
[09:10:25] There is a reason why your material conditions have worsened year over year.
[09:10:30] There's a reason why you fear that you will never be able to retire.
[09:10:38] That fucking crippling anxiety that you have deep down in your soul.
[09:10:43] That very same anxiety that many others also have that then get channeled into reactionary
[09:10:50] Sentiment that make your friends into psychotic monsters that you no longer recognize you have that in you, too
[09:10:57] You fucking squash that anxiety you push it deep down inside, but you fucking recognize
[09:11:05] Knowing full well that you're never gonna be able to retire
[09:11:09] You're never gonna be able to own a home and then this is what you do you lash out at the fucking guy
[09:11:15] Telling you that better a better future is possible. You say you're rich. I know motherfucker
[09:11:19] I am okay. What difference does that make in the way that you?
[09:11:26] calculate
[09:11:28] That you fucking calculate you listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth. Is
[09:11:33] That a counter argument or is that just your way of saying you're rich. That's it
[09:11:39] What difference does that make about what I'm telling you right now?
[09:11:59] Because you sound cocky
[09:12:01] Maybe we just maybe we do deserve our fate our destiny. Okay
[09:12:24] Maybe we deserve it. Welcome back to 2016 democracy, right?
[09:12:57] I don't know what you're saying over here
[09:13:13] Are you saying this was a 10 out of 10 absolute trainer?
[09:13:16] Can your opinion? No, of course, it's not a one out of 10 my expectation coming into this speech
[09:13:26] Was to see what Kamala Harris talks about when she's like the joy candidate
[09:13:32] Okay, and bring hope and change and joy. She had the opportunity to run a fucking 2008 Obama
[09:13:40] Okay, that's what I was expected
[09:13:46] Even if it was fake my expectation at the very least was that
[09:13:52] the couple moves that they made
[09:13:56] were going to lead
[09:13:58] They were going to lead into a
[09:14:02] Progressive messaging campaign
[09:14:04] Okay? I'm sorry. The Democratic president should never, ever say we're going to have the most
[09:14:23] lethal army, the most lethal military in the world. You're the fucking Democrat. You're
[09:14:31] supposed to be the counterbalance, the fascist, jingoistic sentiment. You're supposed to at
[09:14:37] least aesthetically present yourself as the peaceful candidate, as the peaceful party.
[09:14:45] She went up there and went fucking cop mode.
[09:14:49] It was shocking.
[09:14:51] Like, I shit on anarchists all the fucking time you know this, okay?
[09:14:59] I do.
[09:15:03] But goddamn, they're kind of fucking not wrong.
[09:15:06] It's crazy.
[09:15:29] Every Democrat is just this.
[09:15:30] I know our Republican the Republicans to try to win their voters the worst strategy possible not surprised those since they wouldn't even allow
[09:16:00] Bowsley on stage
[09:16:01] Yeah, the military section was weird. I have a feeling she has people in her ear telling she needs to put tough act
[09:16:11] No, the compass say for her being a woman not that it makes it okay. That's crazy
[09:16:23] She had all this fucking progressive momentum
[09:16:27] and now
[09:16:29] Now all she's got are the fucking
[09:16:32] and loyalists who are just begging for someone not Biden.
[09:16:36] Maybe that'll get her across the finish line,
[09:16:39] but it won't stop America's trajectory
[09:16:41] towards doom and gloom, okay?
[09:16:46] That might get her across the finish line.
[09:16:48] The Pajons will probably be excited, you know?
[09:16:54] But God damn, these are dark fucking days ahead of us.
[09:16:58] Holy shit. What the fuck was that?
[09:17:18] This is like the same pillow is failing Obama ran as a
[09:17:24] Pakistani and watch my country get boom and as a Pakistani watch my country get bombarded with the progress of peaceful Democrats
[09:17:29] I she didn't even do that
[09:17:31] She didn't even do the fucking
[09:17:34] Hope and change like we're gonna we're gonna change America's direct direction and trajectory
[09:17:39] So the answer is to not vote man. I'm not saying that vote for Kamala Harris, baby
[09:17:46] do whatever the fuck you want. I'm not gonna tell you not to vote for her. Okay?
[09:17:52] And most of them tell you to say that you're not gonna vote for her to try to
[09:17:56] fucking get her to do your bidding as a voter. It is your right. It's your right
[09:18:01] to fucking, it's your right to demand things from your politicians for your
[09:18:07] vote. They do not, they do not have your vote for granted. They should earn it.
[09:18:11] Okay, but I'm also gonna not I'm not gonna sugarcoat it like that was disappointing. I didn't want to I
[09:18:38] Didn't want to
[09:18:40] This is probably the reason why Kamala Harris is still going away. So if you're like a fucking diehard live by the way
[09:18:51] If you're a diehard live don't worry. Okay
[09:18:55] And there's a very high likelihood in my by my estimation that Kamala Harris will still win
[09:18:59] It will just still be a dog shit fucking
[09:19:02] presidency where the next time we'll have like super Hitler. Okay, I think she's
[09:19:18] listening to the Democratic advisor to failed Biden they think because she's a
[09:19:21] woman she has to be insane on the military or else she looks weak and
[09:19:24] soft. She've been doing well so far projecting softness and strength but
[09:19:28] now she just looks bloodthirsty she should have done more joy shit. I
[09:19:31] disagree on the 2016 take. It's definitely not 2016 still voting for her
[09:19:35] because fuck Trump I don't think I can handle him winning again. I'm not
[09:19:52] I'm telling a single one of you to not vote for Kamala Harris, okay?
[09:19:55] I'm gonna give a shit.
[09:20:03] From the jump, I've told you that the one thing I will tell you is not vote for Donald
[09:20:10] Trump, okay?
[09:20:15] That's it.
[09:20:18] But God damn, dude.
[09:20:20] People dunking on him, I feel bad.
[09:20:21] He thought he was doing trying something to give, blew my mind, dude.
[09:20:56] Like we got chat, chat, we got deregulation and housing in order to create new,
[09:21:07] housing units okay don't know what that's gonna look like but I'm a little worried
[09:21:12] about that we got some tax cuts potentially we got the most lethal
[09:21:22] military that you've ever seen okay and they'll protect abortion I don't know
[09:21:30] how but they will do that right like that's one out of fucking four and then
[09:21:39] We got a fucking right-wing immigration bill. That's five right one thing that they brought up
[09:21:50] That was like progressive in that fucking sea of madness a
[09:21:58] Bipartisan bill for the border no right-wing border bill
[09:22:03] That is a Republican border bill
[09:22:06] Not a bipartisan one just because a Democrat is pushing it doesn't make it a bipartisan bill
[09:22:12] It doesn't even have amnesty in it
[09:22:15] She said she was going to work for amnesty for immigrants.
[09:22:18] That would at least make it somewhat bipartisan.
[09:22:23] Without it, it's just right wing.
[09:22:27] When she's actually running on 04 Bush, Chatter was right.
[09:22:42] Because she has to appeal to as many voters as possible, not just a super
[09:22:45] aggressive side. You guys do realize how this works?
[09:22:54] It's funny that you're saying that because it implies that it's not for
[09:23:00] you. What she said is not for you. It's for some other person that I
[09:23:04] Imagine that's what you're doing here. You understand that right you can just say I don't like it
[09:23:09] I'm so sick of Democrats, man. I'm so sick of cowardly Democrats. I'm just talking politics side
[09:23:20] No, dude, you don't know anything. You're just literally repeating what you think is the correct thing
[09:23:26] Because that's what your dumb ass fucking parents heard on MSNBC
[09:23:30] That's what your dumb ass fucking parents read on the New York Times, and that's why so many dumb ass fucking
[09:23:36] Democrats who literally are college-educated behave like these stupidest donkeys you've
[09:23:42] ever fucking seen in your life when it comes to like making a political calculation, okay?
[09:23:50] It's always running towards this mythical guy out there that is like, I'm gonna only
[09:23:57] vote for the Democrats if they become moderate, okay?
[09:24:02] Then become a Republican, you know?
[09:24:04] What the fuck are we doing?
[09:24:05] When some leftists are afraid of now as we vote for damage control we vote more and more right because thems want to be moderate
[09:24:12] No, it's just that's never changed as the unchanging thing
[09:24:16] Okay
[09:24:19] Walls is introduced the most progressive policy and has the highest favorly rating. Thank you
[09:24:24] Like what made you excited about Tim walls?
[09:24:29] Right, are you not excited about Tim walls what made you excited about not having Joe Biden any longer
[09:24:35] the idea that regular people
[09:24:44] Like, I'm serious dude, I've never, I never hear a Republican go, you know, Donald Trump's
[09:24:53] got to take this line, he's got to take this soft approach, because there's some moderates
[09:24:59] out there that he needs to win over.
[09:25:03] Okay, because that's not a thing, okay, because they're entitled to their politicians
[09:25:11] doing their bidding.
[09:25:14] Democrats are so fucking cowardly
[09:25:17] that they're like, I want this thing.
[09:25:20] Healthcare, free college, I want these things.
[09:25:24] But honestly, I'm terrified that my neighbor doesn't want it.
[09:25:27] And he's not even gonna fucking vote for the Democrats,
[09:25:30] but maybe he will, so we should just run
[09:25:33] on this moderate policy for some other guy,
[09:25:36] not me, but another guy that might want it.
[09:25:39] That's how Democrats operate.
[09:25:41] That's how they always evaporate, okay?
[09:25:44] And it's wild.
[09:25:46] It's wild that we're always seeking out
[09:25:49] this mythical moderate.
[09:25:55] I think it's really scary that America's going
[09:25:58] on a right-wing trajectory,
[09:25:59] but also it's cool that the Democrats
[09:26:01] are basically 30% less right-wing.
[09:26:05] Because there's other guys out there
[09:26:07] that are also right-wing that want that.
[09:26:09] Yeah, they do.
[09:26:10] They vote for the Republicans, okay?
[09:26:13] They don't vote for the Democrats, they vote for the Republicans.
[09:26:21] What a fucking ridiculously cucked way to vote.
[09:26:25] You would never do this for anything else on the planet, okay?
[09:26:34] You agree with progressive policy.
[09:26:39] Other people in your circles also agree with progressive policy.
[09:26:43] These are not communist policies.
[09:26:45] These are not socialist policies.
[09:26:48] These are just simply things that people literally take for granted.
[09:26:56] Okay?
[09:26:58] People take for granted in European countries all of the policies that we are desperately
[09:27:02] trying to bring forward.
[09:27:06] Okay?
[09:27:07] But here in America it's a non-starter.
[09:27:16] And then we talk about how weird it is.
[09:27:19] weird Americans are they just like hey progress well don't you think don't you
[09:27:25] think what I'm an independent your take is just bad you think your version of
[09:27:29] progressivism the majority or the right one usually agree with you bro but this
[09:27:33] is rough and sad boy of you stop looking for a savior dude I'm an independent
[09:27:38] your take is just bad you're an independent you're an independent dumb
[09:27:41] ass the fuck do you mean my version of progressivism is the majority one and
[09:27:47] It doesn't even fucking matter. You're literally saying like oh is it the right one or the majority one?
[09:27:51] What if it is the right one because it happens to be the right one and the majority one?
[09:27:55] But what if it was just the right one, but not the majority one?
[09:27:58] What if it was the right one, but not the majority one would you not advocate for it then?
[09:28:06] Are you voting for yourself or for some other mythical moderate guy out there if you're an independent?
[09:28:13] Why not just say what your fucking perspective is?
[09:28:16] It is so wild to me
[09:28:30] It's so many. I'm voting for minorities. Sick man. That's awesome. I'm sure it'll
[09:28:51] make you feel really good that only listen, listen. I have a question for
[09:29:00] each other. Did you vote for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020? I'm not gonna
[09:29:08] ban him. Because he's not an asshole. There's a difference. When someone's
[09:29:13] been a fucking asshole I banned them this guy's not being an asshole okay yet yes
[09:29:23] but I hated it okay you voted for Joe Biden why did you hate voting for Joe
[09:29:29] Biden so you're just like a you're like a guy who wants to vote for Republicans
[09:29:41] okay you're a girl that wants to vote for Republicans but you voted for Joe
[09:29:45] Biden I don't get it why'd you hate it this is old as fuck oh my god okay I
[09:29:59] I can't, I can't, never mind.
[09:30:01] We're done.
[09:30:02] I'm pulling, I'm pulling the parachute cord out.
[09:30:04] No, never mind.
[09:30:06] That's the only problem you have with Joe Biden.
[09:30:08] Of course, welcome.
[09:30:10] You're gonna love Kamala Harris.
[09:30:12] Okay, you're gonna love Kamala Harris.
[09:30:14] That was your only problem with Joe Biden, never mind.
[09:30:19] I forget there's so many people even in this community,
[09:30:21] especially right now,
[09:30:22] because we have a lot of like normies in here,
[09:30:24] just like make these calculations on pure aesthetic fronts.
[09:30:27] Oh, Joe Biden is old, that's it.
[09:30:29] Okay. Fuck man. Yo, so many people just vote on vibes straight up. It's Pac watch. It's
[09:31:03] Pac watch for the country. What's insane to me is they already have the independent voters
[09:31:15] secured because how crazy the Republican Party is with the fucking trying to poach the right
[09:31:18] winger who carry semen coast instead of doubling down on your own policies and voters.
[09:31:23] Also majority of the Americans want the genocide this time and Gaza. Yeah. It's
[09:31:26] fine. It's not that the Gaza is not even my point of like Gaza is is is not even
[09:31:33] what I'm talking about here, okay? It's not. When Como says she's going to build the most
[09:31:41] lethal military in the world. Trans people are mentioned twice during the whole DNC,
[09:32:18] by the way, no speaker. I mean, that's like that aspect of it, as long as it's like a firm commitment
[09:32:28] that they have to trans people, I don't believe that the Democrats are going to fucking
[09:32:31] lean in the trans panic, which by the way, actually, I don't know, maybe they will.
[09:32:37] They have no, they're just going to become the Republican party of four years ago
[09:32:41] until that that like that ratchet effect makes it so that the democratic party inevitably becomes
[09:32:48] the republican party just at the same time so then it's just two republican parties for what
[09:33:03] is worth the folks at daily coast seem to love that speech i always thought of them as progressive
[09:33:07] but maybe they aren't in the same ideological space no these no no check cnn i think jake tapper
[09:33:17] and Ben Stiller stole your room at the DNC. Shut the fuck up. Oh my god, I made fun of
[09:33:24] Jake Tapper so much. It'd be so funny. No, that's not my room chat. What the fuck are
[09:33:33] you talking about? Oh, fuck, I just saw it. No, that's not my... You feel like you with
[09:33:59] your political leanings are more valid now that you've been invited to the DNC?
[09:34:03] Why do you think they did that I don't know
[09:34:07] My suspicion is that I have some staffers that are in the Kamala reelection
[09:34:13] Camp that
[09:34:15] Might be Hassan Abi heads
[09:34:17] Take that person and there were prisoners on the left calling Kamala a cop tonight. She seemed to have stepped right into that
[09:34:29] They're celebrating her being a cop is a right-wing Democrat movement and they're not even hiding it
[09:34:36] But no. No, you don't understand. You don't understand. It's a good thing, okay?
[09:34:43] It's a good thing. Chatters will tell me all about how good this is. I'm gonna be
[09:34:54] honest, she looked really hot when she was doing her bloodthirsty speech, scared
[09:34:57] me a little. I'm into her now. I'm voting for her. She won my vote just like the
[09:35:01] top of the hour has my vote. God damn it, dude. You miss Taylor Swift's
[09:35:34] performance entirely? I think they're likely gonna lose this team by early
[09:35:54] mid-September, like you said, they're just using the same Biden script with a new actor,
[09:35:58] I think, or I fucking hope, to truly lock in. They have to present some actual fresh
[09:36:03] progressive policies. I don't think the Republicans will flounder as hard as they have for the
[09:36:07] last month, and the Dems are basically turning into the Republicans behind this
[09:36:10] literal insanity and ruining diet due. Hang dude and go vote for Trump. Bro, I swear
[09:36:39] to god that the Dems are the Dems are so back they're so back this is like this
[09:36:48] literally is this literally is like you know oh if you don't want to fucking
[09:36:54] vote for her like you don't vote over for her like you're saying that she
[09:36:59] shouldn't be this like right wing you must like Trump that's crazy like like
[09:37:12] You think that's a good way to fuck a message dude? You think like you should try and push people away from the party?
[09:37:22] You think this race isn't closed?
[09:37:24] Democrats in the electoral college Democrats need to win by 5% nationally minimal
[09:37:32] Okay, that's without factoring in obviously in the current polls at least a three to five percent
[09:37:40] margin of error
[09:37:42] okay we're not even in that comfortable space yet and you motherfuckers are
[09:37:52] running victory laps it's crazy quick interview yes yes what's your favorite
[09:38:23] policy of Kamala's what's your favorite policy of Kamala's her being president
[09:38:35] that's your favorite policy position oh yeah because it covers everything that
[09:38:40] She defends.
[09:38:41] I'm really excited for her to restore reproductive rights
[09:38:45] across America.
[09:38:47] How do you think she'll go about doing that?
[09:38:52] One question.
[09:38:53] I don't know.
[09:38:53] I'm picking and choosing.
[09:38:55] I mean, I really like most of them.
[09:38:57] So you have to look at it broadly, right?
[09:39:01] It's about what she stands for right now.
[09:39:04] What's your favorite of Povla's policies?
[09:39:08] I'm trying to think.
[09:39:09] Well, it's more of a way you know what
[09:39:10] Waltz comes in.
[09:39:11] All of her policies, everything from non-binary
[09:39:15] And so all of the policies for basic human rights, rights to have our own bodies undue with them as we please.
[09:39:24] It's like, dude, you don't understand, this is actually, I hate videos like this usually, but this is like 100% correct.
[09:39:33] And it's not their fault, Chad. It's not their fault. It's not. Okay? It's not.
[09:39:42] I mean, I cover the shit pretty closely.
[09:39:45] There are very few policies that even I could point to so far because she hasn't done the
[09:39:51] fucking policy dump yet.
[09:39:54] Okay?
[09:39:55] That is true because they're running on Brat Summer.
[09:39:59] Okay?
[09:40:00] They're running on not Biden and Brat Summer.
[09:40:02] Tonight was supposed to be the night where we kind of fucking uncovered the window,
[09:40:10] you know?
[09:40:11] We kind of like pulled the curtains aside and we just took a little peek in there to see what she was going to do and
[09:40:19] God damn. I did not see anything that I liked
[09:40:24] Okay
[09:40:26] That shit is crazy
[09:40:28] You know
[09:40:31] You can't brat summer your way by autumn
[09:40:33] You can't is not fucking brat autumn is it gonna be Brad autumn come November is brats summer now
[09:40:42] What's gonna happen blue mag is rising? Yeah?
[09:41:04] Goddamn son you wrote the longest fucking thing you got timed out automatically
[09:41:14] You can you explain why it was bad? I consider myself actually pretty crazy
[09:41:31] I thought it hit every now that need to be hit
[09:41:32] I think she was floundering with the two minutes of thank yous and good evening
[09:41:35] Otherwise, it was really following are you seeing?
[09:41:37] See, are you seething this hard about military and border if we can afford, if we can afford
[09:41:42] both a badass military and defending as people like Putin have a secure border and a reasonable
[09:41:47] immigration policy and the more progressive stuff you want, why not?
[09:42:02] I'm a progressive dude.
[09:42:04] Listen, I am.
[09:42:05] You're right.
[09:42:07] I'm a progressive.
[09:42:08] I want a lethal military exit, okay?
[09:42:12] I want to progressively melt every brown child in the global south.
[09:42:22] Marxism is when we put our soldiers in Halo suits.
[09:42:25] It's crazy.
[09:42:43] Is there crazy AI-bots in the chat?
[09:43:00] No, the bots are Democratic Party loyalists.
[09:43:06] And at least 20,000 of them left as soon as the speech ended
[09:43:09] and they realized that I wasn't going to glaze Kamala Harris.
[09:43:12] We're so back.
[09:43:17] Like immediately, my life would be so easy if I could just like grift.
[09:43:23] if I could just like shut the fuck up and oh she's so brat and just like flex my muscles a little bit you know be hot and a liberal
[09:43:35] like it literally would make shit so easy for me holy fuck
[09:43:41] it's all I need to do yeah put the fucking brat sticker on listen sweetie do you want
[09:43:51] Do you want unlimited deportation of all Mexicans and people who are tan or do you want 55% deportation of all Mexicans and people who are tan?
[09:44:05] That's right, it's called lesser evil voting. Sorry, I want a strong border. I want a lethal military.
[09:44:20] I'm a progressive. Nothing hurts like the truth. Nothing burger speech. They're the same party
[09:44:29] We're gonna slave SD. It's cunt
[09:44:39] It's cuntie
[09:44:42] Okay, oh man. Dems are running on deporting 20 million immigrants, bro. That's not fair. Yeah, they're not. That's why I said wait
[09:44:51] What no 20 million will be 100% I did not say 100% I say 55%
[09:44:59] And also it's 2024 wait till we get to 2028 when they're running on deporting 55%
[09:45:08] They're not yet. They were running against the border wall in 2020. Now they're running for the border wall in 2024
[09:45:17] That's a fact
[09:45:18] You literally cannot deny that god damn it. Republicans are so fucking stupid
[09:45:24] Honestly, thank god. They're so fucking stupid, but literally all all I would do if I was a Republican operative right now
[09:45:32] All I would do is feel like
[09:45:35] These guys they fucking act like they give a shit about the fucking border
[09:45:40] They are too afraid they're too pussy to fucking admit that Guatemala's are rapists
[09:45:45] Okay, then his waylands are murderers and every Mexican is out to kill you and steal your job and also steal all the welfare
[09:45:53] They're too pussy to say it
[09:45:55] But they still want to act like they're fucking pro border wall. They ran against the border wall in 2020
[09:46:01] Now they're fucking a pro border wall in 2024. That's what I would say. I'll be like if I'm a Republican
[09:46:06] I'll say that every fucking day. I'd be like listen listen dog these guys
[09:46:12] They see
[09:46:14] Fucking dangerous these immigrants are and now they're you know ruining America
[09:46:19] But they're too pussy to say it because a woke
[09:46:22] Okay, they're too scared to say it because that would be offensive
[09:46:26] But we're all thinking and they're thinking it too. Why else would they run against the border wall in 2020 and then run for the border wall in 2024?
[09:46:35] Who are you gonna trust?
[09:46:37] You're gonna trust the pussy-ass libtards who made this immigrant nightmare in this country?
[09:46:43] Who are you gonna trust us?
[09:46:45] We've been firmly committed to ensuring that America is rid of the scourge these
[09:46:51] Barbarians that are knocking on your door that want to ruin America for all of its greatness that want to come here for all of our wealth
[09:46:58] It was hard working Americans have generated
[09:47:02] Okay
[09:47:04] The Supreme Court immunity ruling allowing them to do anything with no consequence isn't that insane and literally danger to our democracy is fucking Trump
[09:47:10] Yeah, dude, that's some pussy shit too. Joe Biden is the president right now fucking take out some goddamn hitters
[09:47:15] Okay, you just got a gift your lame duck
[09:47:19] You got you got a gift you have immunity take out some fucking hitters do the fucking do the job bitch
[09:47:24] You know what I mean?
[09:47:26] Fuck you mean I wish Biden was a musician especially on Palestine. Yeah, Biden would abuse that shit on Palestine
[09:47:35] He would drop a nuke. Okay
[09:48:14] Uncommoned delegate grease for Gaza as the balloons flooded the arena at the end of Harris's Beach
[09:48:18] Osama Muhammad says all she could think about is the bombs falling on Palestinians in Gaza
[09:48:23] There are balloons raining down with the Democrats in our party
[09:48:25] And there are bombs raining down on children and families and people I love Muhammad told I'll just zero it
[09:48:32] tears
[09:48:33] Shimming down the cheeks. That's what I was thinking. Well, hey, no no worries. There will be more bombs
[09:48:39] if you're in Yemen
[09:48:42] If you're in fucking
[09:48:44] If you're in Yemen, if you're in Iran, you're in Lebanon
[09:48:48] They're coming your way to American bombs, baby the long dick of the law
[09:48:52] Oh,
[09:48:53] Copmola Harris
[09:48:55] Her bit of the mother seems like typical Ben's being on defense is reactive politics saying no
[09:49:14] They're absurd lying when they say they're more racist militaristic than us
[09:49:17] We can be racist militaristic too Trump keeps running the stupid line of criminal has no foreign policy skills in World War three is coming
[09:49:23] Nobody buys it but instead of trying to craft an alternative narrative a pull off this vulgar militarism stick should sound like something straight up small to his mouth
[09:49:31] Jesus Christ it reminds me of the Zionist left here, too
[09:49:34] Of course America and Israel are spiritually connected to one another of course. It is identical
[09:49:40] What we do is what our liberals do the same shit that liberals line is doing Israel what?
[09:49:47] Check my logs
[09:49:50] Look at my chat logs regarding you having to leave rooms
[09:49:56] What what is your fucking log you got nothing in your logs, dude
[09:50:10] Well, forgot to send the logs at Leon Panetta quoting Ronald Reagan, my kind of democratic
[09:50:38] convention.
[09:50:39] Wait, wasn't this the guy who was mad that I don't like fucking kill Charlie Kirk or
[09:50:47] some shit?
[09:50:49] The IWW Freelance Journalist Union member?
[09:51:01] I'm in agreement with him.
[09:51:03] Probably because he's a real leftist.
[09:51:21] Just crazy.
[09:51:22] Like, yo, this is Matt Radim with the Dishamers, I was getting blew from his accommodations
[09:51:49] was C4K. Do you know if there's another spy you can hug an O with? I don't even know him,
[09:51:56] but just wondering. LaMau. Wallbros users have been fucking bitches today. If they kick them,
[09:52:01] there's nothing I can do. So users are moving a ton of creators from their spots last minute.
[09:52:04] I'm about to kill myself. What the fuck? Probably not fake techs. It's cussy. Yeah,
[09:52:13] no, I don't think this part, I'm watching a stream and whoever the staffer is,
[09:52:16] she has no clue what's going on. I think I know who you're talking about. I mean,
[09:52:25] And it's not like there's new information on here.
[09:52:27] This is the whole thing on Twitter right now, first thing I saw on Twitter, lol.
[09:52:39] What is?
[09:53:13] This guy.
[09:53:14] So are you gonna vote?
[09:53:15] Are you voting this election cycle or not?
[09:53:17] Seems like you're not gonna vote for Harris, just say it.
[09:53:20] So are you gonna vote for Harris or are you not gonna vote for this election?
[09:53:23] What's it to you, bitch?
[09:53:26] What's it to you?
[09:53:29] You're not gonna vote for Harris, just say so.
[09:53:42] Shatter is not gay, keeping it as someone who's just not leftist.
[09:53:46] Liberals and lip-progresses love to co-opt these settings of leftism while
[09:53:48] fiercely defending the center right liberal status quo and the violent
[09:53:50] chauvinism therein. I'm not gay keeping I was excited I was like literally being
[09:53:59] called a fool by so many people for saying that I think that it was going to
[09:54:05] be Kamala Harris was just gave a closing speech of the DNC this okay let me tell
[09:54:13] you something okay if you want to know Kamala Harris's speech was ass this is
[09:54:18] Perhaps the greatest fucking indication. Okay, jank you girl. I
[09:54:24] Love him the death. Okay, you know I love him
[09:54:27] You see the the shine in my eye when I get to see him at the convention hall on the floor
[09:54:33] I'm so proud of him. I love him the death, but I'm sorry. He's old
[09:54:40] Okay, I
[09:54:42] Think he's a little he's like losing it a little bit
[09:54:45] If you ask me, or anyone else with strong left politics, if we're voting for Trump,
[09:55:07] I'm gonna block you.
[09:55:08] I'm gonna block you because you sound stupid and evil.
[09:55:10] You know I'm not doing that.
[09:55:11] You know most of the people you ask aren't doing that, you're just being insulting.
[09:55:16] It's so stupid.
[09:55:17] It's literally so fucking stupid.
[09:55:19] And if you want Trump then, it's no dumbass, I just don't want Trump light either, okay?
[09:55:26] Why is the option Trump or Trump light?
[09:55:28] Like what the fuck are we doing?
[09:55:30] You fucking idiot.
[09:55:31] five years later you're like how do we do here why why are my future prospects so
[09:55:36] dire why is America so fucked it's like you did it idiot you did it stupid and
[09:55:41] like I normally wouldn't fault you for it but goddamn did you fucking so
[09:55:45] vociferously defend our demise you know what I mean like like right now
[09:55:51] you're doing it okay holy shit I think elaborate I've elaborated a million
[09:56:22] times over, but I will do it. I hope you're being charitable here and you're just not trying
[09:56:26] to be fucking. Okay, I will elaborate. Here's how this works. Okay, here's how this works.
[09:56:36] Republicans pull the country to the right. Democrats instead of fucking when they win
[09:56:40] instead of pulling the country back to the left. Okay, turn around and basically fucking
[09:56:47] recognize what the right wing pull was as the law of the land. Then they also continue
[09:56:53] pulling the country to the right just by like, you know, but by marginally less right standards
[09:56:59] in comparison to the Republican Party. And you repeat this cycle every fucking election.
[09:57:04] The Harris taking a more right wing decision honestly isn't necessarily the worst thing.
[09:57:17] I'm generally a progressive and anti-Israel but if the parties continue to stray further
[09:57:22] apart political polarizations that are going to kill our country, dog you're literally
[09:57:26] a Nazi. I don't know how to explain this to you but you're just straight up a
[09:57:29] fucking Nazi. Like you're not a Nazi right now but you will be a Nazi in the next
[09:57:33] five this at ten years okay because like that's where we're going towards like
[09:57:38] that's what the Republicans are going towards right now and if the Democrats
[09:57:41] keep chasing them that way you're just also gonna be a Nazi so that like the
[09:57:46] country doesn't fucking polarize you know what I mean and you're just gonna
[09:57:49] be like listen I'm just sig-hiling because if I don't fucking sig-hile
[09:57:52] then the country will be too polarized you know what I mean like what kind of
[09:57:57] insane attitude is this. Like I think I'm the only motherfucker that actually hates Republicans.
[09:58:05] Okay? I'm gonna say it. I'm saying it, dude. I think Democrats don't fucking hate Republicans
[09:58:11] as much as I do. Okay? They love saying, oh, I guess you want to vote for Trump then. But like,
[09:58:17] dude, you don't fucking hate Republicans. You want them in your party. You desperately
[09:58:24] advocate for them to come to your party you literally
[09:58:28] Have them at your convention. You have them at fucking convention
[09:58:32] You have them come and speak at your convention
[09:58:36] You literally have their loyal
[09:58:38] Soldiers come speak it your conditioner the border guards the fucking tops like you just you love them
[09:58:43] You want to fuck the republicans you want to hug the republicans you want to kiss the republicans
[09:58:49] You want to be Republican you just a fucking Republican
[09:58:51] I
[09:58:53] Hate Republicans you don't you want to fuck them and you want to suck them. Okay, so stop with this bullshit
[09:59:01] There's nothing that makes a liberal hybrid and getting a conservative like them. Yeah, it's just like insane
[09:59:42] I don't play that shit at all dude. I don't I don't fuck around with that at all
[09:59:46] You got kicked out because you weren't Republican enough non-joking
[10:00:17] Think your argument sound more convincing when he was to be honest, I don't know if that's the case
[10:00:21] It I've always loved the lose of the US of a left-wing party it is and always has been a far right and slightly less right
[10:00:37] Now they're hoping for something else. It's seen as something insane. Yeah
[10:00:41] All I'm saying there was a brief moment
[10:00:45] There is a brief moment
[10:00:48] okay
[10:00:49] where
[10:00:50] my goat Nancy Pelosi did some shit and
[10:00:54] I'm now realizing that they just did this some shit because they let work
[10:00:58] they were like we just want fucking the same policies maybe even worse but we
[10:01:06] just want like someone who can actually win they saw that Biden couldn't win and
[10:01:12] they were like oh no we'll just like put a generic Democrat there with no
[10:01:17] ideological convictions whatsoever and then everyone will go brat summer mode
[10:01:21] and then they'll you know they'll willingly vote for the same thing this
[10:01:44] here and it was close to a whole
[10:01:47] month.
[10:01:49] The Gaza part was a little mediocre.
[10:01:50] We'll explain that in a minute,
[10:01:53] maybe less than mediocre.
[10:01:55] But maybe it's in the side of all
[10:01:58] part, home run.
[10:01:59] And so every other part of the
[10:02:00] speech was nearly pitch perfect.
[10:02:03] So we're going to break it down
[10:02:04] for you guys.
[10:02:05] First of all,
[10:02:05] a lot of politicians give pokey
[10:02:07] speeches about only in America,
[10:02:09] etc.
[10:02:10] But the fact that she lived that
[10:02:11] life makes it so much more real.
[10:02:14] It's like when people go Israel-Palestine isn't even a top-five issue for young voters because yes
[10:02:18] I shown in the polls, but this is a very in-year face issue come on
[10:02:21] I get that a lot of people care about domestic more than foreign, but is it that bad now?
[10:02:27] I don't know what you mean by that
[10:02:29] But I'm not even taught I've not brought up Israel-Palestine at all
[10:02:33] Like I am not even talking. That's a done deal. Okay. They already fucked over every single person
[10:02:41] They already literally
[10:02:43] They are very literally turned around and fucking straight up. We're like we're not even gonna let a fucking
[10:02:51] Palestinian American Democrat speak sorry we have a
[10:02:56] QAnon
[10:02:58] Pizza gate cop a sheriff that literally was working with the sound of freedom guy
[10:03:05] He has to speak for like 20 minutes. Okay. Sorry fucking kill yourself
[10:03:10] self-palestinians. We don't care. Just if you don't kill yourself, we're gonna kill you. Okay? We're
[10:03:15] gonna do it. That's our that's what we're here for. Okay? That's what they said already. So I'm not
[10:03:21] even fucking calculating that. I'm talking about all this other shit. Okay? It's crazy. It's crazy
[10:03:31] how brat summer we are with border patrol guards pushing for right-wing immigration bills
[10:03:38] and fucking sheriffs who were talking
[10:03:42] sheriffs with a background that looks insane
[10:03:46] like QAnon sheriffs
[10:03:48] Because they took their weapons off during fucking BLM and we're like that's right. We're here to talk to you guys one time
[10:03:57] I'm so fucking brat dude. It's so brass armor. Meanwhile. Charlie XCX is a fucking Red Scarefan anyway. Okay, so honestly
[10:04:08] You know, I'd listen to that fucking music all day. It's great. But it kind of is in
[10:04:15] line with the fucking Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Okay. That's right.
[10:04:20] She fucking loves Dasha, doesn't she? Right? So when Bill Clinton says only in America,
[10:04:27] and yeah, he was born in a group for an Arkansas center, there's truth to that.
[10:04:31] There's reality to that, right? When Donald Trump says only in America, like, well,
[10:04:35] No, actually you could be born incredibly rich in Malaysia, in France, in so many other countries
[10:04:41] and then you'll have to save exact advantages, right? But when your mom comes from India and
[10:04:46] your dad comes from Jamaica, and then you're middle class here, and you grow up to become
[10:04:53] vice president and run for president of the United States, it goes to the strength
[10:04:57] and the beauty of this country. That's why my family came, because you go to any
[10:05:02] other country. You ain't gonna be present. You ain't gonna be there, Lee. Okay? Maybe you
[10:05:07] could get by, maybe you could do a lot of things, but you can't do that. And that's what's awesome
[10:05:12] about America. And that's what Trump and the Republicans do.
[10:05:15] He said nothing to do with this beach. Did he only listen to the first part? And then
[10:05:29] tune out? I mean, he's not wrong. But like, that's just the first like introduction.
[10:05:45] Did he just fall asleep after the intro? What happened?
[10:05:48] understands. This country is great because of the particular people that happened to
[10:06:00] be born here at any different time. It's great because the whole world believes in it.
[10:06:06] The whole world believes in the American dream and the opportunity and they come from,
[10:06:11] they send the best of us right throughout the world here and then get to a situation like that.
[10:06:16] And she delivered that story really effectively and made people believe and made me believe
[10:06:22] because it's true that that's the life that she lived.
[10:06:25] Adam Johnson, again, this is a total lie without an arms embargo or credible threat.
[10:06:56] There's absolutely nothing to compel Israel to agree to ceasefire,
[10:06:59] which is why demands from activists including NEA, UAW, SEIU is to condition military aid,
[10:07:04] which Biden Harris flatly refused to do. I don't know how much clearer Harris can make it.
[10:07:10] He's repeating Biden's PR word for word, appeal to bogus ceasefire talks,
[10:07:13] plus not the army of Israel without conditions without conditions or the credible threat thereof
[10:07:19] Israel is made clear they will not stop for years just working for a ceasefire line is the most
[10:07:23] transparent conjoint of my life it's been six months Israeli views including the prime minister
[10:07:28] go on tv every day and reaffirm they will not stop until total victory unless military aid is
[10:07:32] conditioned to genocide and Gaza will not stop it's that simple we're fucked we're fucking
[10:07:40] We're cooked. We're cooked. We're cooked. We're cooked. We're so cooked. Israel is only one aspect.
[10:07:49] Israel is only one aspect of this.
[10:08:25] But why are Palestinians suffering? Who's causing them to suffer?
[10:08:48] Cause like, she talked about how Hamas is, like, rapist dogs, y'know?
[10:09:00] Like...
[10:09:01] Like, what do they ve- uh, yeah, victims of a natural disaster?
[10:09:08] Like, what the fuck is going on?
[10:09:13] If you're trying to tell me that Trump is worse, you'd be correct.
[10:09:14] But if you're trying to tell me this was good enough for the people who care about a genocide,
[10:09:17] her administration is army and funding, you'd be wrong.
[10:09:20] Everybody immediately goes Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
[10:09:24] Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, CHAPTERED
[10:09:35] Babyborn yesterday sends first tweet.
[10:09:37] yeah it's already coming it's not just me everyone else also saw it everyone else
[10:09:48] also heard it everyone else also has eyes and a brain some of you don't well
[10:09:56] not you guys were still in here but many who left immediately after I started
[10:10:00] chirping they don't have eyes and brains and ears they are still going to fall
[10:10:06] into the Hassan is right but too early trap as always being a leftist means
[10:10:11] you're right just too early I'm spoiling the fun nobody wants the guy to spoil
[10:10:16] the fun when the balloons are falling okay it's not just about Israel I
[10:10:24] Dejger I'm not only talking about Israel please someone understand this is so
[10:10:29] much worse. Israel is a microcosm that is Israel is a is an example that parallels all of America's
[10:10:39] foreign military incursions. Okay. Israel is only one aspect of this conversation. It starts by
[10:11:04] unfuck the silver runners because she has to not say more. Her role in Peters of the DNC then
[10:11:09] a ceasefire because of ongoing talks even when she said about Gaza got Israel media and right
[10:11:13] we're so fucking pissed they won't be able to cut talks. Good. They should. Benjamin Nenio should
[10:11:20] cut talks. Benjamin Nenio should do everything he can to piss off the American government. Maybe
[10:11:26] that way we can get the fucking Americans to finally do something. Probably not though.
[10:11:38] It's a relief. Vice President for Government Affairs and Center for International Policy.
[10:11:46] It's a relief to see the reports that Kamala Harris's team didn't have a real chance
[10:11:49] who revised the Democratic Party platform in the short time since Biden stepped aside,
[10:11:53] is some of the foreign policy language is truly regressive and out of touch with the
[10:11:56] party's base views. There's much to celebrate in Biden's domestic record, but also a real need
[10:12:02] for Harris to distinguish herself on Midey's policy by pivoting away from the fantasy that
[10:12:06] deprioritizing Palestinian rights and obligating U.S. forces to fend golf autocracies is a path
[10:12:11] to stability. She's not doing that. She didn't say she was going to do that because she's
[10:12:18] not interested in doing that. I'm sorry. Why the fuck would I have to? Why the fuck would that be?
[10:12:24] Because she just simply didn't have time to revise the foreign policy.
[10:12:29] In the words of Kamala Harris, she didn't fall out of a coconut tree. Okay?
[10:12:37] She lives within the context of everything that came before her. That's crazy.
[10:12:47] see. She fucking likes that shit. I'm fucking losing my mind out here by the way.
[10:13:26] The below is attributable to the spokesperson Matthew Miller. Secretary of State Anthony
[10:13:31] J. Blinken spoke with the Palestinian Authority President Mohammed Abbas yesterday evening
[10:13:35] to express profound condolences for the civilian lives lost in the explosion at the Al-Ahli
[10:13:41] Anglican Hospital in Gaza City. The Secretary expressed continuing U.S. support for the
[10:13:46] Palestinian people, stressing that Hamas terrorists do not represent Palestinians or their legitimate
[10:13:51] aspirations for self-determination and equal measures of dignity, freedom, security, and
[10:13:57] justice.
[10:14:35] Anyway, Northrop Grumman's dogs got to their highest point of the last two years in Lockheed
[10:14:52] Martin at their highest, yet during her speech, they burned the Anacobrat flag, it's over,
[10:15:16] it's done, breath summer is done.
[10:15:43] You know, I'm fucking cold.
[10:16:41] That is fact is off.
[10:16:42] I was trading anyone can sell anything for anything.
[10:16:44] That's not a market break.
[10:17:02] Honestly, I didn't meet those guys.
[10:17:04] Fuck I literally interviewed them
[10:17:15] Like all of them actually
[10:17:19] Like what are you talking about watch the beginning of the bond I feel sad
[10:17:56] Here also look at this at this convention as you know what a leader of the so-called uncommitted movement
[10:18:04] Said today after they were denied a speaking slot for a Palestinian American
[10:18:10] Watch this and then we'll discuss
[10:18:19] at the table. And what has happened here at the Democratic National Convention?
[10:18:25] I'm getting all of that. I was just told that I don't have a voice here in this part of it.
[10:18:30] You heard what you said. Is this going to potentially hurt Conor Harris in the state like Michigan,
[10:18:37] which has a significant Arab American, Muslim American population?
[10:18:41] Well, look, the vice president's proud to have engaged with the leadership of this movement,
[10:18:45] including in Michigan, just a little while ago when she was visiting a battleground state there.
[10:18:50] You know, they have a right to have their voice heard and we've been proud in this convention
[10:18:55] to engage them through dedicated conversations and meetings and everything.
[10:18:59] I think the really important thing to think about too is what is the vice president doing
[10:19:02] about it?
[10:19:03] She's working.
[10:19:06] Over by the Harris administration, political appointee who is Jewish and quid over Gaza.
[10:19:10] I'm so sad and disappointed, Nancy had a chance to live up to our party values
[10:19:14] and brought on the tent.
[10:19:15] He chose to send the silence Palestinian-American voice and exclude them from the convention
[10:19:19] stage.
[10:19:20] I want you to win in November you must do better like the uncommitted movement of
[10:19:27] They're just like
[10:19:29] They're Democrats a desperately want the Democrats to like at least
[10:19:34] Recognize their humanity think about that
[10:19:42] Well, you think your party is handled the people who couldn't get to speak
[10:19:47] Uncommitted delegates people outside who wanted a voice in the world's richest democracy about Gaza
[10:19:53] you are one of the few delegates who actually addressed them,
[10:19:56] do you think the DNC is handled that well?
[10:19:59] Thank you for that question. And I think that the answer is of course no.
[10:20:05] And they haven't handled it well yet. And I think that the theme here has been joy.
[10:20:10] It's been the enthusiasm that's, you know, just reverberating
[10:20:13] throughout this space and throughout the party. And with the folks
[10:20:17] who are voicing their concerns about Gaza,
[10:20:20] their voicing, their grief, their fear,
[10:20:23] They want to be a part and included in this joy.
[10:20:26] They want to know that the party is going to hear them, to see them, and say that we see
[10:20:31] that this is a big tent and that tent includes you too.
[10:20:34] And we have to do better at that.
[10:20:36] We have to do better at saying that debate is important here, so let's listen to it.
[10:20:40] Let's hear it.
[10:20:41] Let's bring the debate.
[10:20:42] Yeah, sorry.
[10:20:53] Working with President Biden, even in the middle of the political fanfare of a convention,
[10:20:57] to try to get to a deal, to try to end the war, to try to get to a permanent
[10:21:01] ceasefire.
[10:21:02] to protect the people who are suffering and who need humanity.
[10:21:05] The uncommitted delegates are over 600 delegates there, representing over 700,000 votes without
[10:21:10] being on Everstate's ballot.
[10:21:11] I think it's a fringe ideology, but as well as in the margins of losing and winning the
[10:21:16] election.
[10:21:17] Yes.
[10:21:18] The calculation they're making is that not everyone on the uncommitted camp was
[10:21:24] uncommitted because of...
[10:21:45] Who was this guy?
[10:21:49] Did we figure out who this guy was?
[10:21:50] He said he was one of the political directors of the DNC.
[10:21:57] She works with the marketing.
[10:22:16] Mystery dude.
[10:22:20] No, not political.
[10:22:23] He came in, he said,
[10:22:26] I'm one of the political directors of the DNC.
[10:22:29] I was just checking in and making sure you're okay.
[10:22:32] I saw like what happened.
[10:22:37] He's a top head of the DNC.
[10:22:39] Her young red is consistently funny in the chat, okay?
[10:22:44] He just says the dumbest shit in the chat,
[10:22:46] spams it, always poppin' Kek W's, okay?
[10:22:51] He's just such a silly fuckin' guy, okay?
[10:22:55] Look at this, look at his chats.
[10:23:02] Look, let Uncle Jake enjoy his brats summer at Kek W.
[10:23:28] Honestly, that guy's right, Kek W.
[10:23:30] That would rule, fuck that dork, Charlie Kirk, Kek W.
[10:23:34] kind of looking at his weird small face kick w get his ass
[10:23:40] honestly that i w w guys right that would rule fuck that dork charlie kirk
[10:24:05] anyway let uncle let uncle jane enjoy his brats summer kick w don't look at the mod comment
[10:24:17] oh jesus why would you say that of course i won't look at the mod comment he unfollowed and
[10:24:30] and followed you back this month. Deep web. He's a deep web guy. Anyway, what is his what
[10:25:10] is his credentials say? I can't tell what this guy is doing. He said he is a political
[10:25:21] director at the DNC. And then he wanted to help. I was just me fucking around with someone
[10:25:28] in the chat. I am Jim known a friend. She responded to him and then she said she didn't
[10:26:01] hear the guy I just let's finish this train assistance and to of course make
[10:26:23] sure Israel has a right to defend themselves you know that is what she's
[10:26:27] focused on and that is so different from what they what we could see from
[10:26:30] President Trump who when he was in in the White House all he did was foster
[10:26:35] chaos and division around the world you know kiss up to dictators abandon our
[10:26:40] allies you know these are things that we can't afford to go back to and so
[10:26:43] when it comes to
[10:26:46] problem
[10:26:50] i don't get it
[10:27:03] they keep saying i don't think he's busy of the dictators
[10:27:06] but that only works for a democrat man
[10:27:10] okay
[10:27:11] why are there why are the democrats using republican lines of attack
[10:27:15] on republican
[10:27:18] that should don't work man
[10:27:21] that shit don't work
[10:27:44] night when when she'll speak to the country she'll talk about the kind of
[10:27:47] global leadership that she would bring to the White House, including on the war in the
[10:27:51] Middle East.
[10:27:52] So why would...
[10:27:53] Is there elections work when you're left?
[10:27:55] Is no wonder you're considered crazy.
[10:27:57] Why was a Palestinian-American denied a speaking slot tonight?
[10:28:00] Well, I think that we've given them a lot of opportunities to engage in this process
[10:28:04] at the convention.
[10:28:06] People have had dedicated panels, for example, during the daytime programming here at
[10:28:09] the convention to talk about these issues.
[10:28:11] We're, of course, continuing to engage with the group and make sure that the
[10:28:15] Vice presidents position on on this issue is heard and that their voices are heard
[10:28:19] reflected in our convention Sam snacks very much for joining us
[10:28:23] Richard thank you all and coming up we'll talk to one of the biggest
[10:28:26] political thick talk is very much are joining this petroleum bank you all and
[10:28:37] coming up we'll talk to one of the biggest political tic-toc you know Sam
[10:28:56] encapsulating journey is musicians thank you all and coming up we'll talk to
[10:29:00] one of the biggest political tic-toc is
[10:29:16] the side of voters in the alentine PA a great commentaries speech. A to F. Results are 3
[10:29:21] As. 3B pluses. 1B and 1C. 7 of 8 are now decided. 6 for Harris, 1 for Trump. It's gonna have
[10:29:41] it. It's gonna have it. It's brass summer. They like it.
[10:29:44] Everywhere we're all using our voice, it was fantastic. She's talking about the
[10:30:24] issues that matter to the American people. To compare this speech to one who sounds
[10:30:28] like competent, who knows what they're talking about, to Donald Trump. We talked about
[10:30:31] from. Yeah, no, that's why, like, think of my analysis over the matter. Okay. Like, my
[10:30:46] immediate reaction to the speech is so different. Because I'm upset about what she didn't mention
[10:30:52] in terms of progressive policymaking. I'm upset about what like trajectory the campaign
[10:30:57] is going down. I'm upset about numerous different real reasons. Harry Sison is stoked
[10:31:04] because Kamala Harris is competent unlike Donald Trump, who's a dummy and can't speak
[10:31:09] good.
[10:31:10] Like, dude, what is going on?
[10:31:16] I know Harry is smarter than this, okay?
[10:31:18] I know he's smarter than this.
[10:31:20] He will obviously never say anything bad about the Democratic Party because he wants
[10:31:24] to be a Democratic party influencer.
[10:31:27] Like he thinks that's the good lane.
[10:31:29] That's his ticket to like MSNBC inevitably and he probably will get there.
[10:31:33] He's smart.
[10:31:34] He's talented, but come on my low-com layers because she can speak good
[10:31:45] Like are you cutting commentary for children? Are you cutting commentary for stupid people? What the fuck is this?
[10:31:52] What kind of commentary is this?
[10:31:56] I'm kind of sad. I never got to see
[10:32:02] Harry's this on this entire week
[10:32:09] call them I go before but I
[10:32:12] Did get kind of mad. Yeah
[10:32:14] uh...
[10:32:19] you sure
[10:32:21] no i don't
[10:32:22] i barely saw elivia juliana i saw the visual and this morning
[10:32:33] because that's literally all you can say
[10:32:37] it was on camera you didn't notice him though where he was
[10:33:06] nine finished interviews
[10:33:15] Law L should have not clapping for commas, but about being the strongest, most lethal man in the world.
[10:33:28] Any chance the speech was head fake to the center, but Harris goes full peresipant office.
[10:33:33] Why do you think that?
[10:33:42] Like what? No.
[10:33:44] The chances are fucking zero.
[10:33:48] Okay.
[10:33:50] This was great. What is this?
[10:33:53] Hassan is hot, and I know I probably shouldn't say that on a live stream because we don't want to feed the narcissism,
[10:33:59] but that's what everybody's saying.
[10:34:01] Thank you. Thank you for saying that.
[10:34:03] Very unprofessional turning up to the DNC at a tank top. No respect for the institution. Please find a suit and tie post-haze
[10:34:20] Yeah, we're right, baby. Dude. This is the most respectful thing I can do to the DNC, okay?
[10:34:26] These goddamn lip-toards, they don't want fucking guns in here. Okay, I gotta ride the bear arms, brother
[10:34:32] I gotta ride the bear arms and I'm here to show it
[10:34:35] There's like literally staffers walking by and they just look in and I'm just doing this that fucking goddamn it
[10:34:41] I'm such an unserious person.
[10:34:43] I'm just going to tell you all this, all the ladies are all saying that they think President
[10:34:59] Business still-
[10:35:00] Oh, I already saw this. Damn. It's got 83,000.
[10:35:07] So now he's attractive.
[10:35:14] Yeah. He was like a model. Everybody would agree with that.
[10:35:20] He does look like a 2K model.
[10:35:21] I'm not attracted to him, but I think he's not bad looking like-
[10:35:26] W, uh-
[10:35:27] Tr-Traceful.
[10:35:28] I'm not, again, I'm not purgatory trying to feel him, but I think he's good.
[10:35:33] Do you think the house is out?
[10:35:34] W.
[10:35:37] Bro, you need to stop with this anti-Kaido propaganda show going on in Wano Orochi.
[10:35:48] He has a right to defend himself from the straw-high parts who are terrorists.
[10:35:51] Also, the idea that citizens of Wano are starving is utter lies peddled by the terrible
[10:35:56] Kuzuki dictatorship.
[10:35:57] They're giving them more than enough smile fruits and plenty of water.
[10:36:00] Please stop with these lies.
[10:36:02] That's incredible.
[10:36:06] Here's Ella during the most lethal
[10:36:33] Ella not reacting to her mom promising to maintain the strongest and most lethal military in the world
[10:36:38] Come on Doug. Are you clapping?
[10:36:49] Right, I thought they were talking about real country or something. I was like banned and please
[10:37:03] We'll keep going. We'll do more of this tomorrow
[10:37:14] There up there it is. That's perfect. I will be in
[10:37:19] Los Angeles tomorrow. I'm so fucking tired
[10:37:21] I'm tired. Don Cheetah was sitting so on me as everyone stood up and clapped about Israel.
[10:37:31] My day is 10 hours. Do you think about March? What do you mean? Do I think about March?
[10:38:02] March is not here. He's partying. What the fuck are you talking about March? March
[10:38:14] is done for the day. He's out. He's out and about, dude. All right. That's my last,
[10:38:19] you know, that's my last little bit here. I'm gonna straight up go to bed. I still
[10:38:26] to pack up and then I'm gonna fucking go to bed and I am going to wake up in a
[10:38:37] couple hours unfortunately so fucking tired I'm so dumb for going this late
[10:38:44] fuck is wrong with me I have to wake up in a couple hours and fly out I
[10:38:54] I fucked it up
[10:39:00] anyway
[10:39:02] What the fuck I love you all hopefully I make it to my flight
[10:39:12] If not, I'm just gonna fucking
[10:39:14] Hey another day in Chicago
[10:39:18] Maybe I'll just be loud tomorrow from the same place
[10:39:22] Hope you like Chicago I did
[10:39:24] It sucks because it's a beautiful city and there's so much good food here
[10:39:28] And I got to eat very little of that good food
[10:39:30] But anyway I love you guys see you tomorrow from Los Angeles hopefully buh-bye.