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08-19-2024 · 8h 01m

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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:11:57] Fantastic freedom. No matter where you are in the world of a song piker in this awesome. I broadcast over to you live
[00:12:03] from
[00:12:07] Chicago
[00:12:08] Illinois folks were live and alive, and I hope all the boys girls and MBS are having a fantastic one because today's a beautiful day today's a wonderful day today is
[00:12:18] Yet another Monday Monday news day, and I'm live. I'm alive all the way
[00:12:25] All the way from Illinois
[00:12:27] Chicago, Chicago folks. We're here. We're freaking here, baby. We're here. We're live.
[00:12:39] We're alive. And I hope all the boys, girls and MBS are having a fantastic one. I should
[00:12:43] probably turn those lights off. Probably doesn't look that good. Okay. You fully up your
[00:12:47] travel setup game, bro. I have been up in my travel setup game. You're crazy. This
[00:12:52] is the part of the broadcast where I tell you a little bit about my personal news
[00:12:56] about what's going on in the world of a son also not a piker in between the time pre where
[00:12:59] press the stop streaming button press the start streaming button and yes, the Zinn, the
[00:13:05] Zwin towers are still here. Folks, I bring them everywhere. I have another twin tower
[00:13:09] behind me. This is part of the broadcast where I tell you a little bit about my personal
[00:13:19] news about what's going on in between the world of in between the, in between the
[00:13:23] time pre where press the stop streaming button, press the start streaming button
[00:13:25] in the world of a son, possibly piker and let me tell you folks a lot has happened
[00:13:32] And a lot has happened. Okay. We're here. We're in Chicago, Chicago, according to cutie
[00:13:41] Cinderella. I'm sipping on a diet mountain diet. Dr. Pepper. As a matter of fact, nice
[00:13:46] rich hotel. You filthy commie. Uh, yes, I am not in the Ritz. I'm not in the Ritz,
[00:13:52] but I am in a very nice hotel. I'm in a very nice hotel. Just kidding. I bought
[00:13:58] this. That's right. I don't go to a goddamn city. I don't go to a goddamn city and not
[00:14:03] buy a fucking house, dude. I bought another house. Okay. That's right. Best in the city,
[00:14:10] Trump tower, baby. You already know. You already fucking know, dude. Don't even ask
[00:14:15] about it. If you don't know, now you know. Okay. Yeah. I'm at the fucking Trump tower.
[00:14:22] me outside hanging out, slow down. I'm writing my Dixitra post right now. Good. Anyway, folks
[00:14:38] yesterday, I ended the broadcast, ended the broadcast yesterday. And, and then immediately
[00:14:44] flew out. I immediately flew out to Chicago, Illinois. And I, I, it was a pretty short,
[00:14:53] pretty sweet flight, four hours, not a big deal. Slept a little bit, watched a little
[00:14:57] bit of spy family. And after that, um, you know, I arrived in Chicago, Chicago. Um, how
[00:15:05] was the flight? Did you fly American business class? Why are you going to know all these
[00:15:08] things? I did. Yes. Um, no life flat, but it's a four hour flight anyway. So it doesn't
[00:15:12] really matter. Um, but overall, overall, lots of fun, uh, super easy, super simple.
[00:15:21] Oh, air airport, not that complicated. Like it liked it immediately as soon as I landed
[00:15:26] in Chicago. I was like, this just makes sense. I like it. I'm actually kind of a fan. I'm
[00:15:32] becoming more of like a, I'm becoming more of a fan of the Midwest in general. Okay. But
[00:15:41] um, yeah, I got into my hotel. I checked in. I got into my hotel. I checked in and um,
[00:15:50] what did I do? What did I do after checking it? Let me, let me full screen it a little
[00:15:54] But I feel like the quality is a little low. I might actually be able to improve this set up a little bit
[00:16:00] I think we can crank out the bit rate a little bit higher
[00:16:03] I think on the output front maybe from 4,000 kilobytes to
[00:16:09] There I say 5,000
[00:16:13] Let's see
[00:16:15] Cuz because the the the bandwidth is is is mint
[00:16:20] I don't want to speak too soon f incoming potentially, but like the bandwidth has been bit the bandwidth has been pretty freakin mint
[00:16:28] Don't do it anyway. Okay, so
[00:16:38] I'll explain all the chaos to you guys in a brief moment. Okay. Let me just get situated
[00:16:43] Let me get let me get my source myself sorted out. Did you lick the bean not yet?
[00:16:48] But I will be okay folks folks folks folks folks folks
[00:16:52] personal news wise
[00:16:54] personal news wise. Um, I got into Chicago. Uh, I like Chicago. It's very nice. Uh, it's
[00:17:02] very clean, which is like not, it's unexpected. I would say in comparison like New York and
[00:17:08] um, I checked the band without him. Like this is fire. This works. It's 50 up 50 down
[00:17:14] mint. Okay. You rarely ever get that shit. You rarely ever get that shit consistent.
[00:17:20] full tilt and
[00:17:22] No, I have not ridden the loop yet, but yeah, I am I woke up in the morning and
[00:17:28] It's chaos. It's complete. It's pure chaos inside of the DNC
[00:17:32] We have to go to this place to get our credentials by my manager last second swapped out his credentials for the
[00:17:39] for March for Marchie Poo and he basically kind of left me out here in the dark stranded and
[00:17:46] And as you guys know, I got influencer credentials from the DNC.
[00:17:51] So like there's a difference there.
[00:17:53] You can get press credentials from the press corps or you get influencer credentials directly
[00:17:57] from the DNC.
[00:17:58] I got the DNC credits.
[00:17:59] I don't know why they gave me the DNC credits.
[00:18:03] I have been quite critical of the Democratic Party, but that's because I'm a Fed.
[00:18:07] That's right.
[00:18:08] That's because I'm a Fed and I'm actually a federal agent and I love the Democratic
[00:18:12] Party.
[00:18:13] out to them. If you think that they paid for this hotel room, they did not. Okay, get,
[00:18:19] get real. But yeah, um, so we go to where everybody is, right? We go to where, where
[00:18:30] like you get the prescriptions, but like every fucking, the entire city is blocked
[00:18:33] down. Okay. When I see Mayor Johnson, I'm gonna have a fucking talking to with them.
[00:18:38] Okay. I'm going to have a stern talking to with him. Okay. Because they shut
[00:18:45] down the entire dang city downtown around the United Center is just lockdown mode okay
[00:18:53] cops everywhere they got like sheriffs cook county sheriffs they got like armored personnel
[00:18:59] carriers they letting the fucking ubers in they're not letting cars in until they like
[00:19:04] you know do the do the thing where they like look underneath it I mean it makes sense
[00:19:10] there's a, there's a shit ton of presidents and former presidents out here. So it makes
[00:19:15] sense. Um, yeah. Crook County Sheriff's office. There are gunboats in the river. God damn.
[00:19:23] I didn't see that. I can see the river from over here though. It's pretty nice. So, um,
[00:19:28] but yeah, I'm, uh, it's like pure panic. We get out of the Uber, March and I, um,
[00:19:34] I talked to Austin in the morning and he immediately was like, I'm going back
[00:19:38] to sleep okay he's like I'm going back to fucking sleep I was like all right
[00:19:42] whatever fuck you okay you got a Harris walls camo hat shut the fuck up we're
[00:19:50] not we're not going back dude dude that's crazy that's crazy oh I got my
[00:19:55] cred oh I got pressed too so we're good oh we're fully good I can't show this
[00:20:02] on camera right yeah oh my god it looked like shit on my fucking oh Jesus Christ okay
[00:20:14] I got hall press access but this is not like an honored guest access this is not all access
[00:20:23] but I think we're good you got yours too wait what why didn't you get another one wait
[00:20:30] no fucking shot is this made in the USA man they didn't do Union shop they fucking look
[00:20:38] at that Kamala will continue away are you oh the plan is set up the set up the IRL backpack
[00:20:52] also I'm almost certain that this is my arm you bought this is a new arm that you bought
[00:20:57] is the same fucking arm I had no I didn't lose the other one I don't know where the
[00:21:03] fuck it is okay um I'm almost certain you just you took it and you're like I
[00:21:09] bought a new one anyway um so we we're gonna need that arm though right for
[00:21:14] live streaming okay we'll figure that out um I'm just gonna do an intro if you
[00:21:23] can yeah I just want to set it up and like have it ready to go ready to rip
[00:21:27] I'm gonna do an intro I'm talking about like our you know what our
[00:21:31] adventures look like this morning I'm a blast off and then we'll head down to
[00:21:35] the Palestinian protest first. And then afterwards, first we're going to go to the Palestinian
[00:21:40] pro-Palestinian protests. Okay. Because obviously I am sponsored by both Hamas and the IRGC.
[00:21:47] So like that's my contractual obligation to them. I have to be out there for them, you
[00:21:52] know, show up for them. And then afterwards, I'm going to link up with like Donio Sullivan.
[00:21:58] If he's still there, I'm very excited. I think uncle is already there. You know,
[00:22:02] already he's already out there. I'm talking all these journalists that I haven't I met
[00:22:07] Prem in person that was sick. Prem for those of you who don't know who's been doing a phenomenal
[00:22:13] job earlier on the intercept. And then and then past the intercept he's he's now at
[00:22:21] Zitao, Mehdi Hassan's Mehdi Hassan's shop. And is Obama happening? No. Obama is not going
[00:22:32] to be happening, bro. If you meet Amy Goodman, please take a picture for us. Is Amy there?
[00:22:36] Oh my God, my girl, my queen. I don't know if Uncle Cedar is here. Obama's, the Obama
[00:22:42] interview is not going to happen at the DNC. So what ended up happening is the team
[00:22:47] got back to me and they were like, we love the questions that you had that you lined
[00:22:51] up. I don't think we'll be able to do it in like a short, we want to do a longer format
[00:22:55] because the short format is only 10 minutes. And we were like, Sam Cedar is not there.
[00:23:02] He's doing a show in studio right now. Okay. Sam's in New York. All right. Well,
[00:23:10] shout out to uncle Sam. We got the list of DNC speakers today. Be honest. Did you
[00:23:17] to include a one piece question in the list. No, go to Elmwood Park for Johnny's beef. Alright,
[00:23:26] listen, listen, listen, folks, we're here. So long format sounds fucking sick. Yeah,
[00:23:33] we'll see. Okay. So totally not bad news on the Obama thing that I mean, it could have
[00:23:38] been because they like, it could have been because they, they just didn't want to do
[00:23:42] the interview at all. And they were politely pushing, pushing it back now, you know,
[00:23:46] down the line or they're being genuine that they actually do genuinely want to
[00:23:50] do a fucking longer format stream. So we'll we'll figure it out. You charge Chicago doggit.
[00:23:56] No, dude. No, I fucking landed it like 2am. Okay, I landed at like 12 and I got into my
[00:24:02] hotel room by like one and nothing was open and the hotel doesn't have fucking room service
[00:24:09] at that hour, even though it's like nice. It's a nice hotel. But so I had to order
[00:24:14] like some halal Indian food it was awful bro I'm not gonna lie I ain't seen I ain't
[00:24:22] seen a single Indian dude out here I'm sure there are some but that should have
[00:24:26] been my first fucking inclination okay that shit was dog it was so bad and I
[00:24:32] love God I love Indian food and it was it made me so goddamn sad that like my
[00:24:37] first she just asked me bro Nandre it was fucking 2 a.m. dog what do you
[00:24:42] mean like it was like it was 2 a.m. on a fucking Sunday night anyway everybody
[00:24:50] calm down everybody calm down I'm gonna have good-ass Chicago food okay you need
[00:24:55] to calm down dude everyone in the Chicago every Chicago chatter this is
[00:25:00] your fucking moment I get it okay you're very excited this is like something
[00:25:05] that you have been desperately waiting for for me to go and and experience all
[00:25:11] things Chicago but you need to fucking dial it back you need to dial it back
[00:25:15] right now okay you can't be this excited and and spam in the chat all of the
[00:25:21] places that you need you need me to go see you're like oh my god I lost my
[00:25:25] virginity near the beam like you have to go there okay oh my god like this is
[00:25:32] where I kissed a girl for the first time like it's very important for me that
[00:25:35] you go see it like fucking calm down okay uh is ready to rip what is it giving us uh on the
[00:25:44] on like no where's the camera yeah yeah yeah i want it like full process like
[00:25:54] you know i want to see like the the up and the down make sure that like all the uh the the
[00:26:00] Modems are connected and everything
[00:26:03] Choppo Trunon live show. Yeah, I'm gonna be doing that. I don't know what night that is
[00:26:07] I don't know when that actually is but yeah, I'll be doing that
[00:26:13] Where the where the heck? Oh, it's on Wednesday night the choppo show. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there
[00:26:30] I'll be at the choppo show Wednesday night
[00:26:32] Die DP. I've seen you seen the light. Yeah, bro Chicago seems like a fucking I
[00:26:38] Hate to I hate to say it
[00:26:40] But it seems like Chicago is a Pepsi city, which is wack
[00:26:43] His wack is fucked not gonna lie, but um anyway
[00:26:48] Personal news wise what's going on in the world of a son of a piker. Okay, let me explain to you what the fuck happened
[00:26:55] So so we get down to like this
[00:27:02] This impossible to reach area this destination. We had to get out of the uber. We're trekking the fucking bag
[00:27:08] Like the remote desktop setup. We got the IRL set up on me
[00:27:12] Marsha's got like extra stuff too on top of everything else because he's like
[00:27:17] Because you know, we might need like a roadcast or whatever, right? So
[00:27:24] We got all of this Pepsi's Democratic option. Yeah, it sucks. Okay
[00:27:30] So
[00:27:31] So we finally get in and it's a shit show they have no idea what the fuck I do
[00:27:37] I do people keep coming up taking photos at the line the DNC operatives are looking at me like the volunteers rather looking at me
[00:27:45] Like who the fuck is this guy? It was really cool though. The
[00:27:49] Ambassador what was it the Dutch ambassador was a fan that was pretty sick
[00:27:54] They all got like super stoked
[00:27:58] Wait why
[00:28:03] You're cooking me wait. Whoa. Whoa. Wait. Hold on. Do we have any mini hdmi's?
[00:28:08] Wait that camera only has a mini HDMI support. Can you see if you have one so we can see if we can
[00:28:17] plug it into this then? So when we do the swap there's like Hela Hassanabi heads that came up
[00:28:31] both walk in there and wait does this have a mini HDMI port though the Rodex? Oh okay. Alright if
[00:28:43] you have an HDMI to mini then let's see if we can do that swap out. I know but I just want
[00:28:51] to make sure that there's a seamless transition. You know what I mean? Okay. Okay. So you can
[00:29:02] go to Hassani's you come to Milwaukee tomorrow and I have both waltz and hairs and the obamas
[00:29:06] are doing a rally in the same venue as the RNC is like an hour and a half. I have the
[00:29:09] RSVP link, bro, you are out of your dang mind. If you think I'm going to fucking leave
[00:29:13] Chicago to go to Milwaukee in the middle of all this. Um, no AOC interview. No,
[00:29:22] no, no, we got that lined up. We'll figure out exactly when we're going to do that.
[00:29:25] Don't worry, that will be a thing that we'll do.
[00:29:27] So anyway, what was I talking about?
[00:29:31] So yeah, we, fuck, we got, yeah.
[00:29:39] We got this, we got down there
[00:29:41] and these guys have no fucking idea what I do.
[00:29:44] I don't even know what I do
[00:29:45] because I need a press pass and I'm an influencer
[00:29:48] and I'm also pressed at the same time.
[00:29:51] So like, I'm thinking there's this like major area,
[00:29:54] it's like a press pen
[00:29:55] where they have like all of the fucking journalists sitting down, right?
[00:29:59] Uh, there's a little baby desk spot allotted to our boys over at Dropsite News.
[00:30:05] Shots out to Ryan Grimm.
[00:30:07] Okay, shots out to Skahill.
[00:30:09] Uh, all the former intercept guys.
[00:30:11] So I thought I'd get my credentials in the morning.
[00:30:16] I get my credentials.
[00:30:17] I immediately go to the, uh, the United Center for where the press pen is.
[00:30:22] And I just set up my remote facility there my remote desktop set up there turns out it's an impossibility
[00:30:28] Why because I got my credentials through the DNC is like an influencer credentials and of course
[00:30:35] Influencer credentials apparently they have some fucking yacht party or some shit going on and they're like, oh, yeah
[00:30:40] We thought it would be convenient because all these influencers are gonna be at the yacht party
[00:30:44] So you could just go get it from the Navy pier. I was like
[00:30:47] Like bro, I'm not going to know fucking yacht party. What are you crazy?
[00:30:59] The fuck do you mean? I'm a I'm a serious man, dude
[00:31:04] I know I know I talk about like, you know Trump's bussy and shit
[00:31:08] But like the fuck am I gonna do it a goddamn yacht party with a bunch of tiktokers, bro
[00:31:13] What are you crazy? Is the fucking it's news time, baby is Monday, you know
[00:31:20] Anyway, no disrespect. I met a couple of the influencers out there. I met that one guy that did the Tim Walz
[00:31:25] The Tim Walls, like Valor theft, TikToker, the one that was talking about how he Tim
[00:31:32] Waltz actually served in the military and it's ridiculous. He was in the line with me.
[00:31:38] Anyway, live from the DNC day one, you smack Harry. No, I did not live from the DNC day
[00:31:59] day one protests later. Get in now. So yeah, my goal today as I told you already is to just
[00:32:18] do my regular news coverage as I always do. And then afterwards, like, you know, we're
[00:32:25] going to do a little bit of an IRL portion, things of that nature, Chicago Midwest, Host
[00:32:30] members. Okay, let's blast off real quick. Um, the goal is for today, the goal is to,
[00:32:41] to just like do my regular news coverage, talk about what's going on, uh, and then go
[00:32:47] into, yeah, I'm using a freaking, I'm using a freaking megafaunics blast off me. And
[00:32:52] by the way, which is crazy, Chicago meetup. Please. No, dude. I'm not going to do
[00:32:55] a Chicago meetup brother do you understand how that stuff works like I love you guys
[00:33:02] okay but do you think I could just like set up an impromptu meetup like y'all are fucking
[00:33:08] nutty okay I would need like approval from the police okay I would need to like be able
[00:33:15] I can't just do a impromptu meetup okay in the middle of the fucking DNC that's crazy
[00:33:23] I'll do a giveaway too. I saw you and my boyfriend wanted to go take a pic. I told him he's working
[00:33:34] today. Leave him alone. No, it's all good. If you catch me, if you catch me on the street
[00:33:39] and you want to take a photo, that's perfectly fine. That's valid. Okay. But like, I'm not
[00:33:45] going to, uh, I'm probably not going to be doing a meetup. I apologize. We'll see. Maybe
[00:33:55] if I'm feeling frisky, megafaunix intro, megafaunix blast off me, megafaunix hometown
[00:33:59] Stream combo goes kind of hard to be honest. Oh my god. I should have never given this man this much leeway
[00:34:07] Um, did you see the latest switch update with the collabs and knocking I did it looks whack and it's annoying
[00:34:14] Anyway, here's the blast off. Okay chat let the people know. Well, we're alive. We're alive. We're doing fucking dnc shit
[00:34:22] Okay, here it is
[00:34:26] I will I will glaze myself a little bit
[00:34:29] It's actually kind of shocking
[00:34:31] It's kind of shocking how fucking nice with it. I am with this remote setup now. Like it's not even a problem
[00:34:41] Like as long as I have reliable up down
[00:34:45] Consistent internet
[00:34:47] Reliable internet it is kind of wild how fucking nutty my my remote setup goes people kind of prefer
[00:34:55] The remote setup more, you know what I mean?
[00:34:57] Why do you look like a plantation owner? Did you hire someone else to serve chat at the top of the hour thing?
[00:35:09] I already ran a one minute ad break just now because it's only 35 minutes in you already know
[00:35:14] We don't do three minute average to the top of the hour this early
[00:35:17] If I'm only if I'm only an hour if I'm only 30 minutes in I'm gonna just run a regular ad break a
[00:35:25] One minute sneaky one
[00:35:27] So how do you do IRL streaming? Do you just have regular cellular data? No, I love when you travel with the house
[00:35:33] the classic background. Okay, so where was I? What was I saying? That's better. I like
[00:35:56] how the colors match everything is so off white cream looks good. Yeah, it kind of looks
[00:36:00] fake. Did you get your credentials? Yes, March went and grabbed them. But basically they
[00:36:05] were the last part of the story is, you know, we went all the way out there near the
[00:36:12] convention near the convention hall okay we went all the way out there and we burned the morning
[00:36:20] basically because like we just were running around trying to fucking figure this out and it didn't
[00:36:25] work out it didn't work out at all um can you tell them to stop sending it to israel bro yeah you
[00:36:42] got it um but um dr pepper zero or diet it's diet your camera is slowly sliding to the
[00:37:00] the viewers left. No, I slid it myself just now. Um, what's the protest situation? Apparently
[00:37:12] there's a protest going on and I will be going over there. Um, protests going on and I will
[00:37:18] be going over there. There's a Blinken says Israel accepts you as proposal. The bridge
[00:37:22] guys of impasse and urges Hamas to do the same. This is what we said he was going
[00:37:26] to say. I'm not fucking I'm, I'm not saying shit on the, on the ceasefire deal until
[00:37:32] Hamas comes out and says, this is the same deal that we wanted.
[00:37:35] This is the same deal that we said yes to early on.
[00:37:37] This is the actual deal.
[00:37:39] I do not trust Anthony Blinken.
[00:37:41] Anthony Blinken is a monstrous piece of shit.
[00:37:45] Fuck Anthony Blinken.
[00:37:47] He has lied so consistently at the behest of Israel that there is no reason for me to
[00:37:51] believe that he is being honest.
[00:37:54] Okay.
[00:37:54] If this is the deal that Hamas is saying is no good, then yeah, this deal is no fucking good.
[00:37:59] Anyway, it's not the same deal yet. There you go. So yeah, Trump using AI. We got a lot
[00:38:26] to talk about today. Obviously, we got a lot of news. So we're going to get into it in
[00:38:31] a second. Okay, we're going to get into it right now. Actually, we already blasted off.
[00:38:36] Let's get started. Let's get it going. Don't get it twisted.
[00:38:42] Hassan is reaching the normies with hot praxis, so I feel like I'm yeah
[00:38:52] Okay, perfect. Perfect. Yeah, is Trump leaving uncensored early news
[00:39:08] What hold on? Oh, yeah, I I'm hot hotness praxis is reaching out to the normies ladies and gentlemen
[00:39:14] I told you guys already that this was going to happen and it's happening. Okay, you're a PR late
[00:39:20] So I'm a little bit confused about what's happening here. I don't know anything about Hassan Piker. Is that his name? Hassan Piker?
[00:39:26] I do not follow him. I do not watch his content, not intentionally. It just I just never really do it.
[00:39:33] All of a sudden over the last like couple days, my free page has just been full of
[00:39:38] Hassan thirst posts and my Twitter timeline has been full of people talking about how badly they want to jump this man's bone
[00:39:45] How badly they want to sit in his lap and climb him like a tree and I'm like, what's tea?
[00:39:48] What did I miss? Like what happened? Was there a new development? Did he like do something like spicy other than like exist?
[00:39:55] Truth be told I never paid attention to what this guy looks like. To see a bunch of people
[00:39:58] Thirstying after him surprised the shit out of me because I've only seen like maybe two people up into this point
[00:40:03] Talk about how much they want to like be twisted like a pretzel by him. I didn't know that he was hot
[00:40:09] I'm not opposed to seeing a very large man soaking in water for no reason. I I'm still a human woman, but
[00:40:16] But, you know, it's all kind of set in.
[00:40:21] I feel like I just got tossed into the deep end
[00:40:23] of a conversation that I wasn't aware of happening.
[00:40:27] Yeah, it's working, okay, it's working.
[00:40:31] That's the whole, that's it.
[00:40:34] That's like, I'm glad that it's happening.
[00:40:38] Bro, stop your distracting the masses from theory
[00:40:40] with your body.
[00:40:41] Yeah, no, that's the intro.
[00:40:43] That's the intro to theory.
[00:40:45] Okay, that's how this works.
[00:40:49] How do you manage your ADHD
[00:40:51] when getting out of your normal routine,
[00:40:52] like in Chicago now,
[00:40:53] it's something that I struggle with constantly.
[00:40:56] I have the same routine.
[00:40:58] What are you talking about?
[00:41:00] Like, dude, look.
[00:41:04] Zin tower, micronized creatine capsule pills,
[00:41:10] nicotine gum, an assortment of diet caffeinated beverages,
[00:41:17] made beverages, including white monsters, wake up at the same time.
[00:41:23] The only thing that's different is that I don't get to work out that much, but that
[00:41:28] is literally, that's how I do it.
[00:41:32] I basically make sure that like, and, and, you know, having money actually helps a lot
[00:41:38] with this, but I basically make sure that like everything that I do to the best of
[00:41:44] my ability is identical to everything I used to do at home, okay? Bench that skinny dude
[00:41:57] with you to not lose gains. The skinny dude is March. How the fuck are there so many people
[00:42:02] who don't know who March is? That's crazy. You have time to eat if you want me to order
[00:42:10] some room service or something? Yeah, we're not. Well, I thought we were waiting for
[00:42:19] the micro USB. Okay. Yeah. I mean, it's fine. We can wait for it. Cause, uh,
[00:42:31] thank March for another banger episode. They're thanking you for another
[00:42:33] banger episode. Um, for when you go to Chicago per currently estimate 2,500
[00:42:40] people at the protest, they expect the 30 to 40 K according to the
[00:42:43] organizers. Damn. Chat March is also not be boyfriend. Yeah.
[00:42:57] So, all right, let's get into the news, folks. Let's get into the news and let's do it. The
[00:43:09] Midwest is anything but mid or west. It's true. Okay. Let's get started. DNC day one, President
[00:43:25] Joseph Robin at Brandon is going to be delivering the keynote address tonight. Maybe I'll
[00:43:31] be there for that. I don't even know if I will be. I don't know if I'll attend
[00:43:34] that one, but I could potentially, okay. Now let me tell you, okay. I did not get this
[00:43:44] level of access that this man has right here. I don't know if they just like set up their
[00:43:49] camera right here. If they have new stations, but like the DNC should have given me. I'm
[00:43:54] not kidding. When I say this, the DNC should have given me like a CNN style fucking permanent
[00:43:59] studio. Okay. They fucked up.
[00:44:00] This is our chief White House correspondent, Mary Bruce, our chief Washington correspondent,
[00:44:04] John Carl.
[00:44:05] Mary, you got caught up in all those storms yesterday, but let's talk about the speech tonight
[00:44:09] with President Biden.
[00:44:10] It's going to be a bittersweet moment for him, but he'll get a lot of love in that
[00:44:12] hall.
[00:44:13] Washington has briefly mentioned influencers getting credentials for the DNC.
[00:44:16] I was reading that apparently, in addition to Joe Biden speaking tonight, during the
[00:44:22] week there are going to be five social media influencers, and a bunch of social media
[00:44:27] influencers have wound up with credentials because as every campaign knows, something
[00:44:32] like half of Americans get some of their news from social media.
[00:44:36] Yeah, myself included, except prom is I think the people that are speaking that they are
[00:44:42] giving talking points to or like allowed to speak at the DNC, which I never would have
[00:44:48] done that anyway.
[00:44:49] But the people that got the fucking, you know, who got one of the talking slots,
[00:44:54] that fucking chick Olivia Giuliana, who literally was till the very last moment riding with Biden.
[00:45:02] The Democratic party is so unimaginably washed in this regard where they just literally,
[00:45:09] they're like, oh, it doesn't matter if you have no organic momentum.
[00:45:14] It doesn't matter if you have no like real fan base or whatever, as long as it, a
[00:45:21] DNC staffer said, we should give you one, but then my boss asked if you still burp into
[00:45:26] the microphone. If I get a one, yeah, this is trying to reach out to like coveted zoomer
[00:45:36] who hasn't said shit about God since November pushed the Josh Shapiro for Veep campaign and
[00:45:41] was a shameless Biden bitter ender until the minute he dropped demo.
[00:45:45] Like there is not, there's like eight fucking people that are actually like this in this
[00:45:49] age range. And what I find really funny about that is that all of those eight
[00:45:54] People are also at the DNC. So who the fuck is this outreach for the other seven people that you didn't give
[00:46:01] Time slots to like this is why it's so ridiculous like the Democratic Party. What are you fucking doing?
[00:46:07] I'm not saying give me a fucking time slot. I don't want to talk at the goddamn DNC anyway, but having said that, you know
[00:46:15] Like figure this shit out. It's crazy
[00:46:22] This person's got zero juice. This person's got zero momentum. This person's got zero motion, dude
[00:46:30] What the fuck are you guys doing? Who the fuck's out here being like, oh man, I'm such an Olivia Julian ahead
[00:46:36] You know they got no aura. Yeah, she was a Gen Z for change and then dropped them because
[00:46:50] Because you know she wanted she had higher aspirations to be a fucking Democratic Party staffer
[00:46:58] She genuinely thought Texas was going to flip in 2020. It's like, yeah, this is like, let
[00:47:02] Austin speak, dude. Austin's got more fucking clout and more motion than this person. But
[00:47:11] in any, in any case, in any case, um, what you're so jealous. No, dude, I don't want
[00:47:23] to fucking speak at the DNC. What is wrong with you? What are you fucking delusional?
[00:47:27] But there's like a million people they could have talked to before this person. Okay.
[00:47:32] Um, but good morning when you go to the DNC today.
[00:47:37] So I went to the DNC already earlier today and I mentioned it, but I don't think you guys
[00:47:44] heard it.
[00:47:45] Maybe you're just now trickling in, but basically I fucking went to the DNC already to get my
[00:47:50] goddamn credentials and I couldn't even get my goddamn credentials.
[00:47:54] So that's it.
[00:47:59] Like, uh, that, that, that was my first interaction with the DNC.
[00:48:03] So later today, later today, I will most likely go. I think the UAW actually might have slotted
[00:48:10] me in for Sean. I'm not even joking. And I don't know if it's like an actual event or
[00:48:16] if I have an hour with him. The UAW might have, might have given me an entire fucking
[00:48:22] hour with Sean Fane, I think I'm trying to figure that out right now. I did. I really
[00:48:27] need like, can you tell the clip channels not to upload any news because I'm sure
[00:49:06] want this on your main channel? Yeah, don't upload this stuff. Why do we ever doubt you?
[00:49:14] Another prediction of yours has come true. Yeah, I briefly talked about this yesterday.
[00:49:20] But hey guys, remember when I told you that the Trump supporters are gonna be so insane,
[00:49:25] that they're gonna start making fun of Tim Walts for having weak sperm?
[00:49:29] I mean, I'm sure there's a clip. Someone logged it at the time. Someone must have logged it
[00:49:34] it at the time. As you guys know, I said this immediately. As soon as the ticket was waltz,
[00:49:41] I said he has IVF baby. He had two children with in vitro fertilization. Trump supporters
[00:49:47] are going to turn around and say his sperm is weak and start making fun of him for having
[00:49:52] weak sperm because they're fucking insane. And guess what? We're there now. They're
[00:49:56] carrying around JD Van Sperm Cups. Apparently the reason why they're carrying around
[00:50:01] JD Van Sperm Cups is to make fun of how, how, how weak Tim Walts's sperm is apparently,
[00:50:18] but I don't, I still don't know the veracity of this.
[00:50:21] I don't believe it. I don't want to believe it. I'll be honest with you. Like there's
[00:50:28] no, there's no way there's no way that they're like actively pushing for this. I like,
[00:50:35] It's gotta be like four or five people max if it's real at all.
[00:50:39] Because honestly, honestly, like them making fun of JD Vance, having weak sperm is one
[00:50:47] thing that's expected, okay?
[00:50:50] But them carrying around like JD Vance, like a cup that says like JD Vance is sperm.
[00:50:55] Like I don't think that that's the case.
[00:50:57] There's no shot.
[00:51:02] There's no fucking shot.
[00:51:04] By the way, but yeah, in terms of Republicans being abnormal, once again, Ian Miles wrong,
[00:51:12] the Malaysian bandit who should be arrested and prosecuted for his crimes against the
[00:51:17] beautiful Malaysian state by being an unconditional dick writer and a loyalist to the state of
[00:51:23] Israel should be actually fucking tried for treason and maybe executed by the state.
[00:51:28] But here he is tweeting, many people are saying, you know, he looks alluring and is
[00:51:32] making bedroom eyes of political influences at the DNC pre-show of thoughts.
[00:51:37] Some people just need, you know, I always say like lobotomy, but honestly I think maybe
[00:51:43] euthanization, okay, like, you know, like what the fuck are we doing?
[00:51:52] looking forward to at the convention this week and have the best convention great to
[00:52:08] meet you.
[00:52:09] Hey, well, I haven't even seen the inside of this fucking place yet, but, but yeah.
[00:52:19] Now the on the other on the other bracket
[00:52:24] Cringe Trump war room, which knows what normal is is saying this is cringe now. Let's get back to work shall we?
[00:52:33] Wow dude, but that's fucking cringe man that's really cringe dude another right wing freak out totally normal shit
[00:52:44] That's what our election is about
[00:52:46] Our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of yeah
[00:52:54] I mean she did the fucking she did the the thing that she did last time which is like unburdened by what has become
[00:53:01] You know she did that type beat and that's why
[00:53:05] They're saying she's like cringing and weird, but it's like you can be coherent and then turn around and say the most
[00:53:13] unimaginably weird bullshit someone has ever fucking heard which is what
[00:53:18] Republicans usually do versus someone who just kind of sounds a little off okay
[00:53:24] someone who just kind of sounds a little fucking zuded or makes you know some
[00:53:31] sense but not the most sense when they're fucking off the cuff teleprompter
[00:53:34] off the teleprompter people would most likely people would most likely
[00:53:41] They prefer the word salad over the clear and coherent insane shit that Republicans
[00:53:48] sound a daily fucking basis.
[00:53:53] Bill Clinton, DNC speech, Mr. Trump, I flew with Jeffrey Epstein.
[00:53:56] I knew Jeffrey Epstein.
[00:53:58] Jeffrey Epstein was a friend of mine.
[00:53:59] Donald, you're no Jeffrey Epstein.
[00:54:04] That's a good one.
[00:54:05] Well, yeah, let's get back to it.
[00:54:09] Let's see what the fuck they're talking about with the Joe Biden DNC day one speech.
[00:54:14] I will. And bittersweet is exactly the right word for this. I mean, imagine just a month ago, Joe Biden thought this was going to be his convention, and now instead tonight he's going to walk out on that stage and pass the torch to Kamala Harris.
[00:54:25] He will tout the accomplishments that he and Harris have achieved together, make clear he thinks she is the future of the party, and of course he has been praised for his decision to bow out of the race and endorse Harris, even though the party didn't exactly give him a whole lot of choice in the matter.
[00:54:37] matter. So this is going to be an emotional moment for him, also a chance for him to cement his legacy.
[00:54:42] This is likely the largest audience he's going to have as his now 50 plus year career in politics
[00:54:47] you know begins to wind down. And the challenge then for Harris is to take that baton, run on her
[00:54:51] record with Biden, but also make clear what she would do differently and make this her own.
[00:54:55] And John, you and I have been covering politics for a long time. It's really hard
[00:54:59] to think of a more consequential summer in American politics. You go back to that debate
[00:55:03] less than two months ago, June 27th.
[00:55:08] I mean, we have an entirely different race
[00:55:10] than we had a month ago.
[00:55:11] This is a transformed election.
[00:55:14] This convention is entirely transformed.
[00:55:17] I mean, a month ago, they had to rip up a script.
[00:55:19] They had effectively been working on, really, George,
[00:55:22] starting to work on this convention two years ago.
[00:55:24] Now you have Kamala Harris,
[00:55:26] who was a vice president standing in the shadows
[00:55:30] of an unpopular president.
[00:55:32] Now suddenly the undisputed leader of a newly energized Democratic Party in Georgia, what
[00:55:37] I would look for here is Harris as Mary suggested to subtly but clearly distance herself from
[00:55:44] Joe Biden and interestingly also from herself and from the positions she took when she ran
[00:55:50] an ill-fated campaign four years ago for the Democratic nomination as somebody at the
[00:55:54] far left of the party now.
[00:55:56] She is a transformational figure or wants to be one who can appeal to the left of
[00:56:01] of her party, the center of her party, and also to disaffected Republicans unhappy with
[00:56:06] Donald Trump.
[00:56:07] Meantime, John, foreign president Trump seems to be disoriented by the change.
[00:56:10] His team keeps saying focus on the issues.
[00:56:13] He keeps focusing on Kamala Harris.
[00:56:15] Did this motherfuckers just say far left?
[00:56:20] Meantime, John, foreign president Trump seems to be disoriented.
[00:56:24] Informational figure wants to be one who can appeal from the positions she took
[00:56:27] when she ran an ill-fated campaign four years ago for the Democratic nomination
[00:56:32] as somebody at the far left of the party now, she is a transformational figure or wants.
[00:56:38] Bro, what are you saying?
[00:56:42] Yo, people just be saying shit, okay?
[00:56:46] People just say shit, dude.
[00:56:48] I swear to God.
[00:56:50] Mainstream media, people just say shit.
[00:56:53] Like what are you, what do you mean far left?
[00:56:57] The fuck do you mean far left?
[00:57:01] What are we doing here, man?
[00:57:04] left of what she was never, oh my God. Okay. The word communism just like doesn't mean anything
[00:57:19] to the major media anymore. Yeah. Warning for protesters. Jack Pasobiek is present. Please
[00:57:25] do not engage. Nice. She was called the most left senator or something at the time. Probably
[00:57:33] what he's referring referring to. Yeah. I mean, she's not and she wasn't back then
[00:57:38] either, by the way. It's crazy, dude. Yeah, so far left. It's wild. Call to order. Minion Moore,
[00:57:54] Chairman of the Democratic National Convention Committee, Honorable Jamie Harrison. Okay.
[00:58:06] Here, this is the lineup. That gay guy candle co, thank you to that gay guy candle co for the
[00:58:15] the speakers. Um, remarks, a video intro from Brandon Johnson, mayor of Chicago, uh, confirmatory
[00:58:23] ceremony vote, blah, blah, blah, blah, welcome remarks, Peggy Flan, Flan again, Lieutenant
[00:58:28] governor of, uh, Minnesota. Okay. Uh, member of the US house of rep Illinois, Lauren Underwood,
[00:58:39] video from rich loge's former Donald Trump voter remarks from Robert Garcia joint remarks,
[00:58:46] all this stuff is like, whatever. It's not really that interesting, but I mean, there's
[00:58:50] a lot of, there's a lot of labor people on this lineup. So that's cool. That's the first
[00:58:55] day.
[00:58:58] And then remarks project 2025 chapter one introduction, Michigan state, a senator, honorable Gina
[00:59:05] and Raimondo, Kathy Huckle, governor of New York, Sean Fain is going to be speaking.
[00:59:13] AOC is going to be speaking. And then that's got to be a mistake. Wait, AOC and Hillary
[00:59:23] Clinton back to back. What the fuck? Am I crazy? That's crazy. That's, that's what?
[00:59:31] Okay. Oh, hell no, dude. What the fuck? And then Jim Clyburn, Jamie Raskin, Jasmine
[00:59:43] Crockett, Grace Meng, and then joint remarks from radical liberal Raphael Warnock, remarks
[00:59:58] by Dr. Jill Biden, introduction by Ashley Biden, and then the honorable Joe Biden, the
[01:00:04] Prezzo, the Prezi, okay?
[01:00:11] Bernard Sanders is going to be speaking on Tuesday night.
[01:00:14] Interview with Hilldog?
[01:00:16] No.
[01:00:19] These interviews outdated.
[01:00:20] They're going to be swapping out Hillary Clinton with Austin show. Yeah. You literally don't
[01:00:31] show up on for me on my phone unless I search you up, even though I'm subbed. Yeah, dude,
[01:00:36] they're fucking suppressing me. No, dude, mobile is just broken. Okay. That's all this is.
[01:00:43] I don't think they're like suppressing my free speech here. Okay. With a measly 36,000
[01:00:50] was one hour into the fucking broadcast, you know, um, it's just a mobile app issue. Twitch
[01:00:57] app is cooked. Help me out bro. Where can I get the dope shirt? You can't. I'm gay keeping
[01:01:07] to sake and okay. This is like kind of annoying because I would like to fucking also hang
[01:01:18] out with the, with the prince. Okay. And it's like, he was one of the fucking interview
[01:01:23] targets for me and they didn't play that game at all. Okay. It's like, Oh, do I have to
[01:01:31] be in the administration? Do I have to be a Pesachie bomb? Do I have to drop a Pesachie
[01:01:36] bomb to be able to get fucking big Prince? Do I have to drop a Pesachie bomb to get
[01:01:44] the big Prince interview? What the fuck? Is it because my big boy card has been revoked?
[01:01:57] Is that what this is? Is that the issue? Fake champagne? Socialist get your money
[01:02:00] up more. Yeah. My Lord is so fucking nasty. I know that's the point, but damn, I'm sucking
[01:02:18] you from the mobile app. What does that even mean? That's my Lord. It's not worth it, brother.
[01:02:24] I don't care. If I get to do it with the Pritz, I'm fucking down. I'll down that shot. Alright,
[01:02:30] let's see what the Fox news people are saying about the influencers.
[01:02:32] Like a third of people under 30 get their news from tick tock. So bring in the tick
[01:02:37] Talkers to make Kamala Harris look better
[01:02:41] Yeah, and you know what this I should say is something that this administration has been doing for a while
[01:02:47] I mean, they had a briefing at the White House with social media influencers. You recall at NATO
[01:02:52] They invited like 20 or so to come in and cover the NATO summit
[01:02:56] I don't know how that went over or if people watched it. I mean, that's dumbest thought bro. I'm sorry
[01:03:02] But that is hilarious. Okay. Yeah, let's get the fucking
[01:03:06] influencers at the goddamn NATO summit. Like what, dude, we're really figuring out exactly
[01:03:12] what these kids like, you know what I mean? Hey, if you're under the Asia 35, you know
[01:03:16] what you're fucking primed about, dude? NATO. Okay. It's like, bro, there is like eight
[01:03:23] American citizens that vote on like outside of the DMV, specifically Northern Virginia,
[01:03:32] who the fuck is voting for NATO? There is no NATO voters, man. That's not a thing. God
[01:03:39] damn, I'm fucking losing my mind at how stupid the Democrats can sometimes be. This is like
[01:03:43] old Democratic party shit. They're shedding a lot of this stuff in my opinion. Okay.
[01:03:51] Talk, but they are increasingly aware that that's where people get their information
[01:03:56] and they're trying to reach those voters. And some polling I saw a couple of days
[01:04:01] ago shows that Harris is doing well with Tik Tokers. So maybe it's working guys.
[01:04:05] The Tik Tokers will do some talking. Thank you very much, Jackie. Yeah.
[01:04:11] Was funny that you don't make Harris look better. It's conservatives who makes
[01:04:14] themselves look worse. Yeah. Single issue voters who's concerned about energy
[01:04:21] stability in Germany. Excuse me, sir. I was really worried about making sure
[01:04:29] that Finland joins NATO actually. And I will be writing in Biden because he got Finland
[01:04:37] in the NATO. Anyway, so, um, yeah, that's the situation as DNC day one far left figurehead
[01:04:50] Kamala Harris is transforming the fucking party. Didn't realize you were cosplaying
[01:04:55] to the DNC. What, what do you mean cosplaying can appeal to the left of her party, the
[01:05:00] the center of her party and also to disaffected Republicans unhappy with Donald Trump.
[01:05:05] Meantime, John, foreign president Trump seems to be disoriented by the change.
[01:05:09] His team keeps saying focus on the issues.
[01:05:11] He keeps focusing on Kamala Harris.
[01:05:14] Yeah, and he really has been thrown off his game.
[01:05:18] You've heard him complain privately and publicly about the fact that Biden was swapped out.
[01:05:24] They were prepared to run against Biden.
[01:05:27] Republicans have a clear strategy.
[01:05:28] That is, focus on the issues, as you heard Rich say, you have Republicans, Trump has an
[01:05:35] advantage on crime, on the border, on the economy.
[01:05:39] But he is not focusing on the issues, his is all about attack, attack, attack, personally
[01:05:43] attack and attack some more.
[01:05:46] It's pretty funny, Trump will be like, we're doing a policy on the economy speech, okay?
[01:05:51] We're doing an economic policy speech.
[01:05:53] And then like 90% of the speeches being like every Salvadoran is a rapist and Venezuelans
[01:06:00] are doing new, they're inventing new versions of raping white women. And also, Kamala Harris
[01:06:07] is also participating in this secretly. They want the American blood pool to look less
[01:06:14] white. And it's like, what, what happened? Like, where's the fucking economic policy?
[01:06:22] He just gives a brief moment.
[01:06:24] He just does like one fucking take on it
[01:06:26] where he'll be like, yeah, I'm gonna slash prices by half.
[01:06:29] Won't tell you how he's gonna do it
[01:06:31] and just moves on to the high notes.
[01:06:34] They're the things that he wants to talk about.
[01:06:36] He's like, bacon is four times the price.
[01:06:39] Why?
[01:06:40] Guatemalans, they're eating all the bacon folks.
[01:06:43] No more supply and demand, believe me.
[01:06:46] No more supply of bacon.
[01:06:48] All the Guatemalans, they ate the bacon folks.
[01:06:52] This is why I will stop the Guatemalan migration.
[01:06:56] Everything.
[01:06:57] Everything is just tied back.
[01:07:09] OK, now thanks very much.
[01:07:10] And of course, I have team coverage
[01:07:11] of the Democratic National Convention all week long.
[01:07:14] For more on what to expect tonight and in the days ahead
[01:07:17] in Chicago, Ed O'Keefe joins us
[01:07:18] and as I listed off the speakers,
[01:07:20] it occurs to me a contrast with the Republicans who
[01:07:23] did not have many former's on their stage.
[01:07:25] There were no signs of the Bush family in Milwaukee.
[01:07:27] Good to see you.
[01:07:28] Welcome to Chicago.
[01:07:29] Tonight, as we said, is all about President Biden.
[01:07:32] They're going to give him a big tribute, focus on his decades-long career, and then they're
[01:07:37] going to turn their attention to the future with Harris at the top of the ticket.
[01:07:41] The final push before the convention, Vice President Harris spent Sunday rolling through
[01:07:48] the battleground state of Pennsylvania, alongside running make Minnesota governor, Tim Walz.
[01:07:53] They stopped by a campaign office.
[01:07:55] We're still here.
[01:07:57] Yes, because Hillary Clinton is exactly where we want to hear from.
[01:08:00] Yeah, dude, I don't really understand what like the motivation is for a lot of this stuff.
[01:08:06] I just, I don't get it.
[01:08:09] Like who the fuck's like damn dude, you know what would hear right now a Hillary Clinton
[01:08:13] speech.
[01:08:14] There's just never been a moment in my life where I felt that and I don't think there's
[01:08:18] any human being that actually feels that way either.
[01:08:21] I'm, I'm actually, like I'll say it, I don't think that's a real thing that
[01:08:26] people want.
[01:08:27] Okay.
[01:08:28] And rallied supporters in a wide variety of places while fielding questions about her campaign.
[01:08:35] I very much consider her as the underdog.
[01:08:37] We have a lot of work to do to earn the vote of the American people.
[01:08:40] She also took swipes at former President Donald Trump.
[01:08:43] Anybody who is about beating down other people is a coward.
[01:08:48] It comes after Trump also campaigned in Pennsylvania over the weekend
[01:08:52] and tried to make his case on the economy.
[01:08:55] We will make America affordable again.
[01:08:58] But he once again veered into personal attacks on Harris' intelligence and appearance.
[01:09:04] I am much better looking than her.
[01:09:05] I think I'm much better looking than her.
[01:09:16] What?
[01:09:19] What?
[01:09:20] What a wild thing to say, man.
[01:09:27] He's just going crazy mode.
[01:09:32] I am much better looking than her.
[01:09:34] I am.
[01:09:35] Everyone knows it.
[01:09:36] Believe me, I'm so much better looking.
[01:09:38] If you're a looking person, then come along.
[01:09:46] Rifts like that have Trump allies concerned about whether he can stay on message as Harris
[01:09:50] has made gains, most notably among likely women voters in a new CBS News poll.
[01:09:56] If you have a policy debate for President, he wins.
[01:09:59] Donald Trump, the Provokatour, the showman may not win this election.
[01:10:06] Trump and Harris are both now racing to define what her administration would look
[01:10:09] like as our new poll also finds more than a third of registered voters say they
[01:10:14] don't know what she stands for. She'll use this week in Chicago to try to answer
[01:10:18] those questions as allies say momentum is in her favor. You've seen the level of
[01:10:23] excitement and energy rising and rising and it frankly hasn't crested yet.
[01:10:28] That excitement has thousands descending on Chicago this week. Security is
[01:10:32] tight as law enforcement prepares for large protests opposing the war in
[01:10:37] gaza chicago mayor randon johnson will speak at the convention tonight says his
[01:10:42] city is ready protecting this city is my top priority and i will continue to
[01:10:47] do that protests started last night with about 500 people marching down
[01:10:53] michigan avenue the police were there on foot and bicycle making sure everybody
[01:10:56] was all right more protests with larger numbers are expected in the coming
[01:11:01] days a big one coming today the coalition to march on the bnc starts
[01:11:05] around midday here, Tony, around the United Center.
[01:11:07] You know, and let's go back to Vice President Kamala Harris, because when you're in that
[01:11:10] job, you get a plane and you get a mansion in Washington, D.C.
[01:11:13] But there are no promises about your political future.
[01:11:16] She's going to have to starting tonight and go out there and get it.
[01:11:18] Yeah, absolutely.
[01:11:19] What you need to do.
[01:11:20] Well, you know, one of the most interesting findings in our poll, about 36% of voters
[01:11:24] say they don't know.
[01:11:25] I'm a big fan, but does it feel like a which side are you on moment for going
[01:11:28] to the DNC and participating in it versus staying outside with the protesters?
[01:11:32] I know you say being inside of function as a protester, but will you really ask for an arms embargo to the face of politicians?
[01:11:38] Because that seems like the only thing that wouldn't be, wouldn't be endorsing the Dems right now.
[01:11:42] No, I'm, I'm going to go in and I'm going to fist fight.
[01:11:46] Like, what are you talking about, dude?
[01:11:54] We're going to, I think I will, I think I'm going to, he kind of ate you up, not going to lie.
[01:12:03] No, you're right.
[01:12:04] He did my my loyalty my loyalty is with the Dems, baby. You already know. Hey, listen, I got the hat to prove it
[01:12:13] Okay. Hey, man. I
[01:12:21] Don't know if you know this. I don't know if you know this. Hey lady. Sorry. Okay. I'm saying man isn't like it, you know
[01:12:31] Listen lady
[01:12:32] Okay. Oh my god damn
[01:12:40] member of the fucking media
[01:12:42] shut the fuck up okay the fuck is wrong with you my job is to cover the fucking
[01:12:52] nose and give you fucking commentary okay shut the fuck up Jesus Christ dude
[01:13:01] yeah I'm gonna go spit on fucking Matthew Hassan and Ryan Grimm and all
[01:13:08] the other journalists for literally being inside of the fucking press pool
[01:13:13] to I'm a fight prem. I should have fought him today. I should have literally hit him
[01:13:17] with a bow and been like, yo, what the fuck? It's a real whist side. Are you on moment?
[01:13:21] What the fuck are you inside the DNC covering the DNC?
[01:13:27] Oh, yeah. Yeah. Ryan would body you. Lil pup is truly body. Jesse waters. Do you
[01:13:52] think that they're going to ignore Palestine? They gave. So here's some good things and
[01:13:56] some bad things about this. Okay. One uncommitted DNC will host ever first ever panel
[01:14:01] on Palestinian human rights panelists, uncommitted co-lead Leila El Abed, a surgeon who served
[01:14:07] in Gaza, party organizer with family killed in Gaza by Israeli forces, Minnesota Attorney
[01:14:13] General Keith Ellison, former rep Andy Levin, Arab American Institute president Jim Zogby.
[01:14:21] Okay. And, and this is like pretty solid, pretty huge, right? That's like a pretty big
[01:14:30] deal, but also simultaneously on the other side, you got the DNC coming out with a statement
[01:14:38] against like sexual violence that Hamas committed, which is like so nutty when you think about
[01:14:44] what's going on in Israel right now.
[01:14:47] Pretty incredible though, totally believable that the final DNC platform is a one sided
[01:14:51] condemnation of sexual violence and it's aimed at Hamas.
[01:14:54] Even as the Knesset engages in a full throw to debate as to whether acknowledge the
[01:14:58] The rape of Palestinian detainees is okay or not.
[01:15:05] Like, their entire platform on the Israel shit is just like so incredibly one-sided, okay?
[01:15:23] It's, I know, Tiktar, you're sure the day doesn't matter, but there's a really interesting
[01:15:27] shift on leftist Tiktar of other minorities getting increasingly frustrated by Pasadena
[01:15:31] and prepasant craters as asking marginalized groups in America to sideline their oppression
[01:15:35] and rights by committing to now voting.
[01:15:38] Um, no, you are being increasingly annoying and the shift is, is just incredibly fucking
[01:15:43] annoying.
[01:15:44] Americans are just so fucking selfish and don't give a shit about anything else other than
[01:15:49] themselves.
[01:15:50] Ain't nobody's actually having a conversation like that.
[01:15:53] Okay.
[01:15:54] Palestinian rights are human rights.
[01:15:57] Palestinian rights are the same as, as black liberation.
[01:16:00] Palestinian liberation is the same as black liberation in the United States of America.
[01:16:04] emancipation is directed towards an entire government that literally trains the American
[01:16:13] police departments, okay? There is a direct through line. I don't care. Like, it's just
[01:16:19] so fucking stupid. I'm sick and tired of having this conversation with people who are just
[01:16:24] idiotic, okay? This is a conversation that we're having with people who are just too
[01:16:29] stupid to like, read into it a little bit. I don't care. Fuck, take talk. Okay? Jesus Christ.
[01:16:35] I don't necessarily know what she stands for, what she would do as president. That's a higher
[01:16:40] percentage than Donald Trump. So she's got to spend time this week. The whole party does.
[01:16:43] Explaining again who she is, what she's about, what she would do. The poll also found, interestingly,
[01:16:49] the reason she's starting to close the gap. Those younger voters and voters of color are
[01:16:53] now starting to show up in numbers that suggests they can close the gap. So she's
[01:16:58] She's got to keep focused on them and what they're interested about, which is why you're
[01:17:01] hearing so much this week about the future.
[01:17:03] What will you do for you?
[01:17:04] What would this change in the country mean for you as you get older?
[01:17:07] We'll see a lot of focus on that as well.
[01:17:09] As soon as that rose all girl called black people colonizers, you lost me.
[01:17:17] I'm going to fucking lose my mind.
[01:17:19] Okay, dude.
[01:17:21] Fuck Palestine then.
[01:17:22] Okay.
[01:17:23] You're right.
[01:17:24] They deserve to be genocided.
[01:17:25] Okay.
[01:17:26] You got it.
[01:17:27] Okay.
[01:17:28] They deserve to be genocided.
[01:17:30] right. Israel actually doesn't train the American police department and treat into treating black
[01:17:36] people the same exact way that the IDF treats Palestinian people. You're right about that.
[01:17:41] Fuck all of the truth. Okay. One tick talker said black people also participate in American
[01:17:48] colonial actions. That is a, that is a reality is abject reality, but that pissed you off.
[01:17:56] So fuck that person and fuck this movement. You're right, dude. What do I always tell you?
[01:18:02] I'm a white guy. Okay. I'm white. Fucking people get mad at me. Sam race all the time. Does that
[01:18:10] stop me? Is my allegiance, my allyship conditional? Is it fucking transactional? Are you stupid?
[01:18:17] Get morals, get a fucking backbone and shut your stupid ass up. Okay. I am not having this
[01:18:24] fucking dumbass conversation with you dumb motherfuckers over and over again, okay? It does not fucking matter
[01:18:30] It does not fucking matter. Okay grow a goddamn spine and grow the fuck up
[01:18:39] Okay, God damn dude people are so fucking whiny. There's such little babies
[01:18:46] Like you literally don't give a fuck you just saw it on tiktok and you just you saw it on tiktok and the
[01:18:52] Republicans are right. It's just young people that saw other young people talking about this
[01:18:58] shit and just became like pro that thing, because it was like the hot thing to be in
[01:19:04] support of it seems, okay? What the fuck? The fuck's going on? If you drop a cause
[01:19:21] like that, then you weren't really with it anyway. Okay. Hopefully others do not have
[01:19:32] your, what is this? Oh, shit. I gotta send this to them. Damn, I gotta get this every
[01:19:52] day by the way. They give you fucking press passes every day, which is illa annoying.
[01:19:57] Everyone with trials and they're all small, get a community of fear of a larger form.
[01:20:20] They stay inside their little ponds. What? Yeah. Easier way to revoke them. That's
[01:20:27] Um, but you know, more than anything, she is famous, but unknown, right?
[01:20:32] A face in a name.
[01:20:33] People know why is it your job to assuage someone's conscious for ignoring a genocide?
[01:20:38] I just don't, it's just like so fucking frustrating.
[01:20:41] People just go, Oh man, you're right about Palestine, but you also remind black people
[01:20:47] how white people talk to black people when they don't have time for their issues.
[01:20:51] What are you talking about?
[01:20:52] Like how dude, dude, like, do you think being pro-Palestine is a pro white issue?
[01:20:59] Or is it like entirely comprised of white people? What the fuck is going on?
[01:21:04] Okay, bro. What what are you saying? What are you saying? What are you actually saying?
[01:21:09] I miss this all the DNC lives come back to the community every two years. It's just like
[01:21:21] It's crazy to me that people become so unimaginably selfish in this situation. Nobody gives a fuck
[01:21:28] Okay, no one cares about your personal opinions, dude. What the fuck?
[01:21:31] Look, this is the, it's got the same exact energy as like people being like, man, I
[01:21:36] want to be pro-Bialamba, honestly, really hurts my feelings when black people talk about
[01:21:42] white people a certain way, just hurts my feelings.
[01:21:45] Okay, you're just doing that for like Arabs, I guess now, you know, it's not like it's
[01:21:50] a, being pro-Palestinian is not exactly known as a white issue, you know, is literally
[01:21:58] opposite of what the chatter say, where minorities are acting the same way to the Palestinian
[01:22:01] issues, the way people act towards minorities issues. Yeah. I just, I fucking despise how
[01:22:06] geared people are off of TikTok. All it took, all it took, it seems, for people to like
[01:22:13] completely lose their minds. Okay. On this issue was like, do a little bit of identity
[01:22:19] politics. Okay. Do it, just drop a little bit of identity politics and hyper individualism.
[01:22:26] I deal with this on a daily basis in my chat. It's fucking poison for solidarity. There's
[01:22:31] nothing more annoying than a fucking consistent churper in the chat going I don't like the
[01:22:36] way you said a certain thing and everybody fucking hates that guy in this community.
[01:22:42] Everybody fucking hates that guy on TikTok. Everybody hates that guy on Twitter, but also
[01:22:46] simultaneously everybody loves being that guy. Okay. Everybody loves being the guy
[01:22:52] who uses emancipatory language, who uses fucking academic terms, who uses like intersectionality
[01:23:00] in an effort to like bring the conversation back down to me, me, me, me, me, me, my own
[01:23:06] personal feelings. And it is so cynical to utilize an entire group of individuals for
[01:23:12] that purpose to be like, you know what? This isn't just about me. This is about how the
[01:23:16] entirety of the black community is feeling actually. All black people feel this way.
[01:23:21] Actually, I'm a black person and you have to listen to me. It's like, no, I don't.
[01:23:25] I don't have to listen to you at all. You're fucking delusional. Shut the fuck
[01:23:27] up. Okay? No, it's when a new cost comes along and all the ones earned is important. It does
[01:23:37] hurt white people's feelings when to talk another BLM and in order to talk about it,
[01:23:41] when black people constantly have to pussyfoot around their feelings. What are you saying,
[01:23:45] dude? What are you fucking saying? It does hurt white people's feelings when to talk another
[01:23:50] BLM and I order in order to talk about it, then black people constantly have to pussyfoot
[01:23:54] around their feelings. Okay, you just said that sucks. You just said that sucks. And
[01:24:00] And now you're just being like, and Palestinian should also experience that.
[01:24:04] Is that what you're fucking saying?
[01:24:05] While simultaneously being like, yeah, the active ongoing genocide, I don't really give
[01:24:08] a shit about.
[01:24:09] Is that what you're saying?
[01:24:10] Is that what it is?
[01:24:15] Some of you, I could fucking jiggle some keys in front of you and you would be like,
[01:24:19] oh my God, this is the most entertaining, most enthusiastic I've ever felt about anything.
[01:24:24] Okay?
[01:24:25] No, that it's not Olympics.
[01:24:27] Okay?
[01:24:28] Then why the fuck are you bringing this up?
[01:24:41] It's such a funny situation because like black lives matter or like black liberation in America
[01:24:47] and Palestinian liberation are completely fucking intertwined because you're talking
[01:24:51] down to me.
[01:24:52] I am talking down to you.
[01:24:53] Okay.
[01:24:54] I am because you're chirping about some irrelevant bullshit.
[01:24:58] Okay.
[01:24:59] The fuck do you mean there's a goddamn stadium full of people in here.
[01:25:03] I'm a fucking 33 year old adult and I'm getting some fucking last minute Radley bass bullshit
[01:25:10] Centering a fucking entire genocide around your own personal feelings while you simultaneously fucking act like you are the representation of every black person in America
[01:25:18] Of course, I'm gonna fucking chirp at you. What the fuck do you mean?
[01:25:21] You know exactly what my you know exactly what my perspective is on on black liberation in this country with a fucking chirp at me
[01:25:28] Like I'm like, um, you're talking down to me. Yeah, sometimes you deserve to be talked down. Okay
[01:25:34] What the fuck?
[01:25:39] Holy moly, dude
[01:25:41] guy, sorry, as a, you know, as a, as a disabled black trans woman, I can no longer be pro-Palestine
[01:25:53] because apparently people are chirping on TikTok. Like what? Okay, cool. All right. Like, what,
[01:26:02] what are we doing? What's going on? What the fuck's happening? It is especially stupid
[01:26:07] because one, everybody fucking despises this like identity politics, tone policing, nonsensical
[01:26:14] bullshit. That's number one, but it's so goddamn effective. It is so fucking effective. Okay,
[01:26:21] it is so fucking selfish, but it's so goddamn effective, especially in like,
[01:26:26] circles that try to be as woke as physically humanly possible, where people genuinely don't want to
[01:26:31] be disruptive. They generally don't want to be harmful to marginalized communities that they are
[01:26:38] not a part of. Okay, I don't play that fucking game. Okay, you could take it to the DSA
[01:26:43] meetups if you want you can snap all you want at the dsa meetups we don't play that fucking game here
[01:26:48] okay it's so stupid i've never played that game i will never play that game you could say it's
[01:26:58] because i'm white and it perhaps is a part of that for sure okay yeah i have a lot of
[01:27:04] fucking privilege i try to use it for good this is not a space exclusively for you
[01:27:08] you're not going to ever be able to dominate the conversation in here and if you come in
[01:27:12] with that energy that disruptive energy that record behavior i'm going to fucking show
[01:27:17] of it back down your throat. I'm sorry. Okay. If there's a actual fucking, if there's an
[01:27:23] actual genocide going on with American weapons, with money that could be going back to your
[01:27:28] underserved communities, but instead is going to fucking build bombs so you can laser black
[01:27:32] and brown children overseas. And you're over here being like, well, this doesn't center
[01:27:36] my own personal feelings on the matter. I'm going to tell you to shut your bitch
[01:27:40] ass up. Okay. You can't fucking expect me to sit there and be like, Oh, I'm
[01:27:45] I'm so sorry. Let me clean up the language real quick. You're right. Actually, let me
[01:27:49] lean into your own fucking personal delusions about like what you saw on Tiktok. It's fucking
[01:27:55] ridiculous. Okay. Please stop. Yeah. Sound familiar from the river to the seas, a genocide
[01:28:09] of slogan that hurts my feelings. Oh, but I'm pro-Palestine, by the way. Exactly.
[01:28:13] It's fucking ridiculous. Holy shit. What are we doing here, man? What the fuck
[01:28:23] What are we doing?
[01:28:24] As a black person, why the fuck are you still on this topic?
[01:28:33] It's fucking old as fuck now, I know, but people still want to chirp about it.
[01:28:37] Okay, DNC is way too close to old block, you're picking up that source of energy, yes.
[01:28:48] I just, I hate this shit.
[01:28:51] I hate this shit so much.
[01:29:02] It's also not true, yeah, like, these are the same liberals who never went into
[01:29:05] the street during the BLM protests, a lot of same people fighting police brutality
[01:29:08] or fighting against the genocide, exactly.
[01:29:10] Well, there was cafes at every fucking BLM protests like the fuck are we talking about dude?
[01:29:15] There's Palestinian flags at every black guys matter protest
[01:29:19] People have been at the forefront and even if there wasn't it still doesn't change the reality that like your allegiance and your allyship should never be conditional
[01:29:26] Okay, it should never be conditional. That's so stupid. Oh man
[01:29:32] Like I don't give a fuck
[01:29:34] trans people, black people, Palestinian people, could all collectively come together and tomorrow
[01:29:40] be like, fuck this is a song guy, okay? Fuck him. He's a rich socialist, he's a hypocrite,
[01:29:46] he's a piece of shit, he's a white supremacist, he's transphobic. They could say that all day
[01:29:51] every day. That is not going to change my calculation. It is not going to change my
[01:29:55] moral compass, even a little bit. As a matter of fact, many of these marginalized groups
[01:30:01] Have online said a whole bunch of insane shit about me in the past. I don't give a fuck. Okay
[01:30:08] I'm not some weak
[01:30:11] No spine having baby who goes oh my god
[01:30:15] I can't believe it the people that i'm advocating for are very mean to me
[01:30:20] They don't like me. So I guess they don't deserve like emancipation. What do what are you saying?
[01:30:25] What kind of fucking selfish
[01:30:27] Bullshit is this it's not being morally superior. Okay, shut the fuck up dumbass. That is not what I'm saying
[01:30:33] It's not about being morally superior at all. It's just about having morals in general
[01:30:39] Something that seemingly a lot of people do not have
[01:30:46] Don't necessarily know her life story don't necessarily know the work
[01:30:54] She's been doing the last few years or what she would want to do
[01:30:56] That's what this week's got to be about because it's a four-day ad essentially
[01:30:59] Yeah for her with the potential for a lot of news to be made as well
[01:31:02] Yeah, she's going to define herself now let Republicans get defining for her. Thank you very much
[01:31:07] Some of the thousands of delegates say they are remaining uncommitted as a protest over us support for Israel CNN's Donio Sullivan is here with me
[01:31:15] Doni you've been speaking to some of these my god. I was talking to congressman Jackson about the my freaking go Donio Sullivan, baby
[01:31:26] He's very selfish of you. Okay, dude
[01:31:29] This is earlier on in this program. Whether or not it's going to present a major disruption.
[01:31:36] A lot of people don't know the difference between having morals and only having an
[01:31:39] instrumental relationship with morality. Yeah, they should have an instrumental relationship
[01:31:43] with the top of the hour ad break, which is my instrument of oppression, my mechanism
[01:31:48] of oppression upon those who are unsubscribed. Because at the top of the hour, there's a
[01:31:53] three minute ad break. And if you no longer want to see those ads, you are going to get
[01:31:57] cooked. You're going to see it. If you no longer want to see those ads, you need to subscribe
[01:32:01] or else you are going to see three minutes of ads, $5 or for free. It's that simple,
[01:32:06] which prime is free. Use it on your favorite broadcasters. They're going to have a break
[01:32:09] now. Okay. Thank you. Flocky people that personally think that like the pro-Palestinian movement
[01:32:30] overall are anti black or some shit. And that's why your allegiances with the pro-Palestinian
[01:32:36] movement or on shaky grounds for the record, okay? If people feel that way, then, you know,
[01:32:44] they just don't, they're weak, okay? They're thin-skinned, they're weak, and they don't
[01:32:50] have like any coherent consistent fucking worldview. It has nothing to do. It literally
[01:32:56] has nothing to do with that at all. It has nothing to do with your own personal opinions,
[01:33:00] own personal feelings. Okay. And everything to do with advocating for justice, advocating
[01:33:07] for emancipation. Okay. Hasan, can you please interview the RFK junior supporters protesting
[01:33:39] outside the DNC? Yes, I will be, uh, if I have the chance, one of them came up to
[01:33:45] me in a RNC, in a RFK junior fit, by the way, and dabbed me up. It was a Hasan. Oh,
[01:33:52] Oh, it was that guy. This is the guy. I think this is literally the guy content, baby content.
[01:34:11] You can't possibly believe that there aren't people in there working on behalf of a Republican
[01:34:15] victory. I know you can't discuss this because you couldn't possibly tell me exactly how a right
[01:34:19] thing infiltrator would act in that space in what space in the pro-Palestinian camp. Is that
[01:34:25] what you're saying? You think there's like right wing infiltrators? There's right thing,
[01:34:30] right wing infiltrators in every space. Okay. I mean here, look at this.
[01:34:41] Heads up, neo-Nazi ally and right wing troll, Jack Pasobey, trying to interview DNC
[01:34:45] presidents to undercover outside the United center in Chicago. We're in a cafe over a space,
[01:34:48] don't speak to him. There you go. Yeah. You asked, here are the infiltrators.
[01:35:13] The infiltrators don't even have to be right wing. Let's not pretend the only right that
[01:35:16] unconditionally support Israel. No, I think that chatter was trying to make an argument that
[01:35:20] like chatters on a mega argument that like they are, there are right wing infiltrators
[01:35:25] in the pro-Palestinian space specifically being like, don't vote for the Democrats.
[01:35:29] It's like, I think people can make up their own fucking minds on this issue.
[01:35:32] There are a lot of people who also personally think voting for Trump would be helpful for
[01:35:36] the Palestinians.
[01:35:37] I don't believe that, obviously, that's something that I've routinely criticized.
[01:35:40] I think it's fucking ridiculous.
[01:35:42] Having said that, however, having said that, however, there are people who do
[01:35:45] believe that.
[01:35:46] Okay.
[01:35:47] So just remind yourself of that reality.
[01:35:49] That's your in Chicago. What are you hearing? Hey, Jim. Yeah, I mean there's gonna be probably tens of thousands of protesters
[01:36:02] Expected outside the arena, but when it comes to here on the convention floor
[01:36:05] I mean obviously the Democrats want to tell a story of remarkable unity and the party getting behind Harris
[01:36:12] But for pro-Palestinian activists and demonstrators
[01:36:16] They also want to bring that point up here on the convention floor and they want answers from Harris on Gaza
[01:36:22] and we spoke to some of them yesterday.
[01:36:28] We've got 30 uncommitted delegates
[01:36:30] that are representing over 740,000
[01:36:33] uncommitted voters nationwide
[01:36:34] who voted uncommitted as a pro-peace anti-war vote
[01:36:38] in the Democratic primary.
[01:36:40] This is a meeting of uncommitted democratic delegates
[01:36:43] here in Chicago on the eve
[01:36:46] of the Democratic National Convention.
[01:36:47] That it's not sustainable for our own government
[01:36:50] to fund the mass killing of civilians.
[01:36:53] Folks become delegates at their state party
[01:36:55] and then they come to the National Convention
[01:36:57] and they're either committed to the candidate,
[01:36:59] to one of the candidates or not.
[01:37:01] In our case, we're not committed
[01:37:02] because we haven't heard what we've wanted to hear.
[01:37:04] Looking for a ceasefire,
[01:37:05] we're looking for a strong commitment on the ceasefire.
[01:37:07] We're looking for an arms embargo
[01:37:09] for us to stop sending weapons
[01:37:11] that are contributing to the genocide there.
[01:37:12] I represent some of the over 101,000 voters in Michigan
[01:37:16] who voted uncommitted as a pro-peace anti-war vote.
[01:37:20] Nobody wants to see Trump in November.
[01:37:22] We are a very anti-fascist movement.
[01:37:24] We are actually doing what we can to save the Democratic Party by saying, listen,
[01:37:27] VP Harris, there is a key base of over 730,000 anti-war voters who are telling you
[01:37:33] that we want to see you turn the page on Gals's policy and save Palestinian lives.
[01:37:36] What do you want to hear from Harris in Chicago this week?
[01:37:40] I want to hear from Vice President Harris how it is that she's going to turn a new page on Gals's policy
[01:37:46] from the destructive and disastrous policy of the last 10 months to one that saves lives.
[01:37:52] You got to meet Harris briefly in Michigan.
[01:37:54] We wanted to be able to speak to her directly,
[01:37:57] the fact that Michigan voters would want to support her
[01:38:01] in the November election.
[01:38:02] But we can't do that right now, while our family members,
[01:38:06] our friends, our loved ones are being killed
[01:38:10] with US-funded bonds.
[01:38:11] I told her that we need a policy shift
[01:38:14] that will save lives in the buzzer.
[01:38:16] My community is telling me that they're losing tens
[01:38:19] and hundreds of their family members.
[01:38:21] And she said it's horrific. She's been incredibly empathetic. I do have to say that more we have seen more empathy and compassion
[01:38:28] From vice president Harris, but that is not enough palestinian children can't eat. Oh my god. It's on you forgot kaya. Oh shit
[01:38:36] I was supposed to bring her here
[01:38:38] Worried is there more hope in this movement right now
[01:38:42] But harris at the top of the ticket than there was when biden was there
[01:38:46] I think that in general we would all say we're cautiously optimistic. There's a little bit more
[01:38:51] wiggle room we feel like with Vice President Harris. We've already seen her change the
[01:38:54] rhetoric a little bit, but words are not enough.
[01:38:59] And Jim, you hear that cautious optimism there? I will say one of the delegates also told
[01:39:04] me that- Like, I'm not kidding when I say this. The DNC should have given me a fucking
[01:39:08] slot like this, okay?
[01:39:10] The difference in the engagement between when Biden was on top of the ticket versus
[01:39:15] when Harris was night and day in terms of how the campaign is engaging with
[01:39:19] these activists. Also, a lot of folks, a lot of Democrats saying to people like this, well,
[01:39:24] you know, if you don't vote for what you take on left, the channels were criticizing on committed
[01:39:27] voters for even talking to Harris. I don't care yet. They're silly. Okay. It's ridiculous.
[01:39:35] There is a fucking election going on. Okay. There is a fucking election happening. Obviously,
[01:39:43] it is a pressure point. It quite literally is the smart thing to do. Wait, what did
[01:39:49] you say 9-11 guy, you do understand, I literally have a press pass, like I have a badge given
[01:40:01] to me by the DNC, they just didn't give me a slot, like a permanent space that I can
[01:40:05] stream out of, that's it.
[01:40:13] Why people are like this?
[01:40:15] I'm using the hotel internet, it's pretty simple to extract concessions, you need
[01:40:42] people to talk to Harris, yeah.
[01:40:46] My girlfriend cuts Pritzker's hair and his wife's, I can link you.
[01:40:50] team DM me I don't have a team man this is me how does it feel to have that DNC
[01:40:59] bad seems exciting it it's fine I saw you mentioned in a random video about
[01:41:07] skateboarding pants the grifter because you wore $1,000 pants when did I wear
[01:41:10] $1,000 pants grifting for what liberals are trying to cope that the
[01:41:40] pro-posting protests are not their own potential voters trying to put pressure
[01:41:43] on a key issue yeah you might help Trump and that's not a surprise they didn't
[01:41:48] you a slot? No, not like a speaking slot, but like a permanent space inside of the DNC
[01:41:53] where I can stream.
[01:41:54] It's going to be good for Arab Americans or for Gaza, for this cause, your cause. And
[01:42:00] those folks say that's not our issue. That is for the Harris campaign to answer those
[01:42:04] questions and to change our position.
[01:42:06] And I hate to ask you an impossible question to answer, but I'll ask it anyway.
[01:42:11] Thank you, Jim.
[01:42:12] What are the expectations that things will remain peaceful, that things won't get
[01:42:16] out of control. Are you getting any sense of that from these activists you're talking
[01:42:20] to?
[01:42:21] Yeah, I mean all the activists, so we've spoken to very much say they want things to remain
[01:42:24] peaceful. They want their voices to be heard, they want to remain peaceful. But of course,
[01:42:29] like this, like any demonstration, particularly on this issue, particularly also with the
[01:42:34] idea of potentially counter-protest, and also there could be agitators in these
[01:42:38] crowds outside the next few days. We'll be outside as well. Our colleagues will
[01:42:41] be, but yes, they are hoping as everybody here is that things remain peaceful.
[01:42:45] You have to assume that outside agitators are going to try to infiltrate some of these demonstrations,
[01:42:50] try to see what kind of trouble they can stir up.
[01:42:52] All right, Donio Soltman, thank you very much, really appreciate it.
[01:42:57] All right, as the Democrats work to showcase party unity inside the convention hall,
[01:43:02] not everyone is on board with Kamala Harris outside on the streets of Chicago.
[01:43:06] We've been showing this to you.
[01:43:08] Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters are descending on the city
[01:43:12] to show their discontent with the Biden administration's handling of the Israel Hamas war.
[01:43:16] It's a familiar challenge for the vice president who's become pretty well versed in handling the hecklers
[01:43:41] Inside the convention hall though another small crack in democratic unity with 36 uncommitted delegates on that floor
[01:43:48] They represent hundreds of hundreds of this is so funny obsessed with the DNC rendering of the creator platform
[01:43:55] Donnie don't he sent me the not this rendering but like the actual photo of the platform earlier this morning
[01:44:02] He's like I think they're gonna put the creators there
[01:44:04] They got the unreal engine render
[01:44:14] Every time I watch that I get irked again twitch mobile keeps closing your stream and pulling kison S stream up without me touching anything
[01:44:20] It's annoying as shit dude
[01:44:22] I don't know what the fuck is going on with twitch mobile. Okay. I'm not the boss of twitch. I don't know why you guys like I
[01:44:29] Fear that maybe you
[01:44:33] I fear that maybe you believed my haters when they said like I'm the real boss of twitch
[01:44:40] Like I actually control twitch. I
[01:44:43] Don't
[01:44:45] There's a lot of people who have been talking about which mobile is sucks. Why do 40,000 people watch this dumbass?
[01:44:53] I don't know man. I don't know a question. I ask myself every day honestly. I'm a very fortunate person
[01:45:00] I think that's that that's what it is. I think some people just want to know
[01:45:07] You getting robbed yet. Oh, no, there's a emo tweaking here that I was unaware of and he's robbing me
[01:45:15] He is robbing me, dude
[01:45:21] March hasn't even begun and the media is already working overtime to downplay the attendance.
[01:45:32] I mean, it hasn't begun yet. It's like filling in the pile of unclaimed signs of the pro pass
[01:45:39] sign protest march on the DNC an hour after began organizing they were hoping for 30 to
[01:45:43] 40 K the crowd is maybe one 10 to that size crowd coverings less than half of this three
[01:45:47] softball uh softball sized field size uh park only if you're brought kai to stop him i know i
[01:46:00] fucked it up botan chicago is a city i like it is it only for today this particular protest i think
[01:46:27] there's like different demonstrations throughout the week but this is like supposed to be the first
[01:46:31] day of the protest citizens of american voters and democrats as well we're now learning the three
[01:46:39] free democratic senators who are running for reelection in competitive states will not
[01:46:43] attend this convention.
[01:46:45] You see them there on your screen.
[01:46:47] Let's discuss this all and more with CNN political commentators Kate Bedingfield and Scott Jennings.
[01:46:52] Kate, I was just talking to Gary Peters a second ago and asked him about what he thinks
[01:46:58] that the protesters need to understand about what Harris Kanna cannot do.
[01:47:03] And the very first thing he said was that we need to get to a ceasefire deal.
[01:47:07] There is a little bit of choreography about this particular moment, where maybe they're
[01:47:11] on the cusp of a ceasefire deal, maybe she can't say a whole lot more about this issue
[01:47:16] at risk of jeopardizing that, but you've got thousands of protesters on the streets wanting
[01:47:21] to hear more.
[01:47:22] Well, that's often true in foreign affairs and national security.
[01:47:25] There are things going on that you can't necessarily talk about publicly.
[01:47:29] But I think on this, she's been quite public about where she hopes to get to.
[01:47:33] She's been very vocal that she wants to see a ceasefire now, that she wants to
[01:47:36] see hostages released. She has spent a lot of time making very clear that that's what
[01:47:40] she, President Biden and the administration are pushing for. I think, look, the Democratic
[01:47:46] Party is a big party. It's a big tent. People are going to speak up and be heard. That's
[01:47:50] all right. I think you've heard her handle it both with strength, as I would argue.
[01:47:58] At this point, do you think there's any chance that Congress will take a more aggressive
[01:48:01] stance against Israel? I don't know. I don't know at all. And like I said, there's
[01:48:07] some good things. There's some good things in terms of like having the uncommitted voter
[01:48:13] vote platform like have speaking say speaking space overall though I don't know I don't know
[01:48:21] I don't know I don't know. So here I mean it's not likely it's not very likely the likely it
[01:48:30] is not high. There is also another aspect of this that we're going to be talking about after
[01:48:35] this part of the coverage is done because because there's also the the ongoing ceasefire negotiations
[01:48:46] and there's obviously a lot of misinformation surrounding that the clip that you showed
[01:48:50] before we started talking demonstrates but also you've seen her really be clear that she
[01:48:55] ultimately shares their goal and at the end of the day if you're somebody who's protesting the
[01:48:59] DNC because you're frustrated about where things stand and there's been a lot of reporting
[01:49:03] now about what the CNN person said by the way Kamala cannot slash will not say anything more
[01:49:07] more because of the ceasefire negotiations? Yeah, I think that you can't live stream inside
[01:49:16] the DNC. Wait, what? Where did you get that idea from? No, I never said that. No, no. Chatters.
[01:49:51] I can and will live stream from inside of the DNC. There's two different, there's
[01:49:58] There's one live stream, but there's different methods of live streaming, okay?
[01:50:05] The method that I'm using right now is my remote desktop.
[01:50:08] This is my regular stream that I have at my house, it's the exact same, okay?
[01:50:13] Down to the fucking Zinn towers, okay?
[01:50:15] There's wind towers.
[01:50:18] So normally this setup that I have, I was planning on putting that in the DNC and
[01:50:28] operating from inside of the DNC is my base of operations. However, I have the backpack
[01:50:39] that's down there right now, the IRL backpack. I am going to use the IRL backpack to do a
[01:50:50] live stream from inside of the DNC. Okay, I'm also going to use the IRL backpack to
[01:50:59] do a live stream, not only from inside of the DNC, but also from the pro-Palestinian protests
[01:51:06] that are happening.
[01:51:14] My plan right now is to cover the news, then swap it to the backpack, then venture into
[01:51:24] the pro-Palestinian protests, and then after that, go to the DNC.
[01:51:31] the plan today. Have you been talking with them about it? No way security lets you bring
[01:51:41] a bagpipe full of tech junk. Dude, this is the democratic national convention. What are
[01:51:45] you talking about? Do you know how much fucking media is there? How do you think these guys
[01:51:49] got in? I'm not like a random guy. Meet and greet at all. No, you cannot buy me dinner
[01:51:59] tonight. King. Sorry. And I will not be doing a meeting. Great either.
[01:52:04] Got it. Israel. Donald Trump as president, who has said that we need to go into Gaza
[01:52:11] and finish the job is not a viable option for you. And so I would really say to these
[01:52:15] protesters, look at what Kamala Harris is trying to do to get to a ceasefire.
[01:52:19] Don't ever say not to be an audio nor do you the biggest fucking audio pervert in the
[01:52:24] chat. Okay. And no, we don't have lavalier mics. We do actually we don't we have lavalier
[01:52:33] mics dude. What are you bro this guy bro. Oh my god bro. Oh my god. Oh my god.
[01:52:39] We have love mikes, okay, we do.
[01:52:42] And listen to what she has to say,
[01:52:44] cause she has been very, very vocal about this.
[01:52:46] When you say shares their goal, whose goal exactly?
[01:52:49] Because some of these people on the street,
[01:52:51] I can assure you do not have goals
[01:52:53] that you want inside the Democratic Party.
[01:52:55] I agree with that.
[01:52:56] I agree, I would say most of them do.
[01:52:58] Some do and some have said incredibly anti-Semitic things
[01:53:01] which she has called out.
[01:53:02] Oh my fucking God, shut up, shut up.
[01:53:05] Oh God, these guys are such fucking freaks.
[01:53:09] Um, defaced property, which you remember she, I think the day after the property was defaced
[01:53:22] at Union Station.
[01:53:23] She put out a really forceful statement about it.
[01:53:25] Absolutely.
[01:53:26] But broadly speaking, the cohort of people who want to see a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza,
[01:53:30] she shares that goal.
[01:53:38] Any chance to meet up with AOC this week?
[01:53:41] Yes.
[01:53:42] Um, to those who are rightfully disillusioned by the DNC, take part in the grassroots
[01:53:47] movement just do suddenly anything it's our responsibility. Yeah. You look very demure,
[01:53:59] very mindful. Thank you. I try to be as mindful and as demure as I possibly can every day.
[01:54:08] It's such a cowardly way to cover their shit to be like, wow.
[01:54:14] Bob Shell reporter reveals shocking information about anti-Israel protesters or D&C from Fox News.
[01:54:21] There's been a lot of anti-Semitic statements coming from the protesters.
[01:54:25] and he's been in any of the ATC meaning he means. Yeah. Won't anyway think about the
[01:54:34] PMPDD means my girlfriends work in the blue carpet. We work out of DC. I worked in NASA.
[01:54:39] Let her know if you want a tour of NASA. I'm at Andy Bershure yesterday and you on
[01:54:43] Twitter. Hell yeah. Why are they always anti is reporters. This is good. I mean, they
[01:54:56] should, they should say it's anti is reporters. Instead of saying it, they're anti somatic
[01:55:00] processes upgrade. You know what I mean? It's fucking Fox news, bro. Fox news literally
[01:55:05] normally talks to them like talks about these people like they're fucking human scum like
[01:55:09] they're barbaric monsters oh you are connecting it what are we uh what are we at on the is
[01:55:23] that a better camera or worse camera okay all right is it gonna be too like shaky that's
[01:55:37] what I'm worried about okay go to your little nerdy convention already I want to meet
[01:55:48] all your nerd friends. Dude, what are you talking about? They're a good afternoon from
[01:55:55] Western PA. Have a good stream. Have fun. Just know that when you head into the United
[01:56:03] Center that you'll be in the same building that Michael Jordan, the goat played in.
[01:56:06] Show some fucking respect. I agree. I mean, look, I think Michael Jordan is awesome.
[01:56:14] I just think LeBron is better, but that's it. Like, I do you think I do you think
[01:56:19] I have an issue with Michael Jordan's basketball? Like, what are you crazy? Um, yeah. Alright,
[01:56:31] Let's just turn it off for now. And then, okay, West is at the March on the NC rally.
[01:56:48] This from literally like right here. It's just, it's starting to pick up some steam.
[01:56:53] Should we just go? We should just go. Actually, can you speak to big cat and PFT commenter?
[01:57:02] Can you sneak them into the DNC? They'd make it a lot more fun. Yeah. All right. You
[01:57:05] know what? Fuck it. Let's go. Let's roll out to the protest. So we're going to
[01:57:20] head out to the protest for now. Uh, we're going to go to the protest first after the
[01:57:26] protest, we're going to go, uh, to, uh, we're going to, we're going to head out to the, uh,
[01:57:34] we're going to head out to the DNC as well afterwards.
[01:57:37] Why do you sound so low energy at the moment? Get fucking hyped already. It's hard, man.
[01:57:43] It's hard not to fucking, dude, I just, I flew in. I didn't sleep that much. You
[01:57:48] I'm trying to fucking keep this shit together chat. God damn it. Give me a fucking break. You know, what is this Charlie Kirk?
[01:58:02] We are a public and governor of public and Secretary of State in Georgia that proved our elections and Donald Trump said that was a
[01:58:12] Hey, you're you're an anti patriotic anti-constitutional person crashing our party
[01:58:21] Nothing gets me, nothing gets me as lived up as like seeing one of these guys
[01:58:27] seeing like these incredibly nerdy like lanyard wearing democratic party operative influencers
[01:58:36] get up in the face of a Republican commentator. It gets me so fucking lived up. I despise them
[01:58:42] when they're talking about like, um, Palestine is not an important issue. Let's not talk about
[01:58:47] that. But goddamn, do they pop off on the legs of Charlie Kurgenship? It just, it does, if there's
[01:58:54] anything that unites the Democratic Party or unites the progressive left in general with,
[01:59:02] with, with the, like the entirety of the left umbrella in this country. It is just like being
[01:59:08] in the presence of a right winger for three and a half seconds. Okay. Like, I can't stand some
[01:59:17] of these motherfuckers. I don't know about this dude. I don't know him at all, but I can't
[01:59:20] stand some of these motherfuckers when they're talking about like, you know, Corey Bush getting
[01:59:24] owned or whatever. And it's like, you're gross. Um, but the moment that they just chirp at a
[01:59:30] person like Charlie Kirk is awesome. Georgia and told him to find him to vote. What is a woman?
[01:59:35] Oh my God. That is so fucking weird y'all. Maybe you should meet one.
[01:59:40] He's what is a woman
[01:59:51] Mm-hmm, I don't know what the fuck's that about but oh god, what is the audio? Oh
[02:00:00] All right, you can tell them to come back in a little bit. We're leaving soon the audio is fucking ass, dude
[02:00:24] They will cut this if there's a language, all right?
[02:00:32] Freak.
[02:00:34] Yeah, I do see the unhinged Israel post.
[02:00:40] I did.
[02:00:42] Are we ready to let it rip?
[02:00:44] Well, I just got to disconnect this.
[02:00:46] I got to take the thing off, right?
[02:00:49] Okay, let's,
[02:00:50] Is there like a continuous C spam potentially like a continuous live feed that I can tap
[02:00:59] into to play while we're while we're on our way.
[02:01:07] So I can swap in and out.
[02:01:13] Yeah, I did see Donald Trump poking the bear, the bear being the Swifties.
[02:01:18] Here it is.
[02:01:19] Trump's bizarre AI stunt to win Taylor Swift endorsement backfires.
[02:01:23] He just straight up posted like a fuck.
[02:01:25] He just posted a fake.
[02:01:27] Bro, this is just a straight up live feed.
[02:01:37] That's not what I'm looking for.
[02:01:38] I'm looking for like live commentary and shit.
[02:01:41] C-SPAN might have like actual full blown.
[02:01:52] Advocating for our patients.
[02:01:54] And we see all the Palestinian people.
[02:01:59] No, I'm not going to use cinemarchisms feed, bro.
[02:02:03] That's like literally the same crowd that we're going to.
[02:02:05] Oh my God, you don't understand what I was looking for.
[02:02:08] I'm looking for like, like, uh, like, you know how YouTube channels will have special reporting
[02:02:15] during times like this, like ABC. Okay. Like that's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for
[02:02:20] like an actual fucking live stream, like the CNBC live stream that's not going to be ending.
[02:02:27] And they're just going to be doing the fucking shift even from what I heard from constituents
[02:02:31] on a good amount of worries a few months ago. And now it's readiness. It's positivity.
[02:02:38] And I think that there's a belief and I have confidence that Chicago handles large events
[02:02:42] really well.
[02:02:44] Chief Snelling in the Chicago Police Department has been on top of creating this plan.
[02:02:48] We're going to make sure that everything is seamless for all the visitors visiting
[02:02:51] Chicago and then have the whole nation watching Vice President Harris from the convention
[02:02:57] floor.
[02:02:58] I was going to say is it an interesting balance for you that you know in one
[02:03:01] way you are making sure that the city presents well to the rest of the country
[02:03:06] all of the other delegates who are here in town this week but you also are
[02:03:09] representing your constituents as an alderman so how do you balance those
[02:03:14] two? Alright let's just do this one. Have heard some of your constituents you know
[02:03:18] maybe about traffic or all of those kinds of things that people are
[02:03:22] dealing with. Yeah absolutely though you never take your alderman hat off and I
[02:03:25] never take my Democrat hat off so we've heard concerns but really
[02:03:30] recently we've heard so much excitement that I have constituents who
[02:03:34] let me know they're gonna try to get as close to the UC as they can almost straight
[02:03:38] out when the crowds at Soldier Field camped out by Taylor I don't know if
[02:03:43] they'll be able to hear anything anyway but there's that curiosity in
[02:03:46] Chicago and this is such an important election so I'll be bringing both yeah
[02:03:51] it's a little bit of a palace intrigue
[02:03:54] we're swapping it out in a second what are you hearing from the other
[02:03:59] delegates I imagine that you were out this weekend and it was we've been
[02:04:03] showing some of the celebrations at Navy Pier and other places.
[02:04:05] And that's the most fun part.
[02:04:07] You know, playing host in our city, showing people, you know,
[02:04:10] the heart of the Midwest, a lot of delegates that I've met so far have
[02:04:14] not yet been to Chicago.
[02:04:16] And we're talking a lot about, you know, how we've achieved certain
[02:04:18] things in Illinois, um, uh, how we're a bit of a, a blue stronghold in
[02:04:24] the Midwest.
[02:04:24] So learning from these delegates, um, that are in states that are maybe
[02:04:29] red states or purple states on how they have to fight for wins is a really eye-opening experience
[02:04:34] for me. I want to learn as much and meet as many people as I can this week.
[02:04:38] What excites you about casting your vote as a delegate for Vice President Kamala Harris?
[02:04:44] Yeah, you know, I technically am a youth delegate. I know you look at me and you're
[02:04:49] like, you're 34, why do you count as a youth delegate?
[02:04:52] Yes, yeah.
[02:04:53] But it's very exciting to cast the vote
[02:04:57] for Vice President Harris, the young candidate in the race.
[02:05:00] I think that's really important to distinguish.
[02:05:03] And also as an LGBTQ person, somebody,
[02:05:07] Vice President Harris is fighting for our freedoms.
[02:05:10] We've made pretty clear that the Democratic Party
[02:05:13] right now is the party of freedoms.
[02:05:16] And that's very important to me.
[02:05:17] I wanna learn from this convention
[02:05:19] how in the next 80 days I can mobilize my base
[02:05:22] to get to Michigan, to get to Wisconsin, knock on doors
[02:05:25] and change minds of people.
[02:05:27] Alderman Knudsen.
[02:05:28] Thank you so much for having me on.
[02:05:30] Thank you.
[02:05:31] See you in the streets.
[02:07:14] One more time for Cody Urban to present the next speaker
[02:07:22] representing Chicago for abortion rights.
[02:07:25] Mandy Mebley is an organizer who
[02:07:28] is a critical reproductive rights
[02:07:30] institution in this city.
[02:07:32] Mandy is also a worker owner at Pilsen Community
[02:07:35] books which publicly project incredible displays of support for Palestine, so please give it
[02:07:40] up one more time for me.
[02:07:54] Because we refuse to allow the Democrats to use abortion rights and trans rights as a
[02:07:59] bargaining trip to force us to vote for their imperialist agenda.
[02:08:06] We refuse the liberal co-optation of the reproductive justice movement so they can
[02:08:11] tell us to vote blue no matter who.
[02:08:15] We reject Israel's pinkwashing, and we do not stand with the Zionist so-called feminist
[02:08:21] who celebrate their equal rights to blockade aid traps and murder Palestinian families.
[02:08:27] We remember every single time Democrats promise to reject our right to bodily autonomy and
[02:08:33] utterly fail us.
[02:08:37] We know that there is no reproductive justice without Palestinian liberation, and we refuse
[02:08:43] to let the Democrats separate and divide our struggles.
[02:08:46] We refuse to vote for genocide.
[02:08:55] We will not be distracted by the electoral surface of our two-party system funded by corporations
[02:09:01] and billionaires.
[02:09:02] Another casualty of this absurd election cycle is our abortion funds, many of whom are
[02:09:07] losing funding because the wealthy liberal institutions who pledged money after the
[02:09:12] the Democrats allowed road to fall,
[02:09:15] have now pulled their money to get to Kamala's campaign,
[02:09:19] hindering thousands and thousands of Americans
[02:09:22] from getting the abortion care they need.
[02:09:25] Shame.
[02:09:28] We will continue to fund and support our abortion funds,
[02:09:30] which have been doing all they can
[02:09:32] to keep abortion accessible
[02:09:33] after the Democrats abandoned abortion rights
[02:09:36] on the national stage.
[02:09:39] My retro baseball jacket.
[02:09:41] Look at that.
[02:09:42] Do you have a look like that to go with justice one of the pillars of their campaigns, but empty campaign promises do not provide abortion care to people in states with restrictive abortion bands.
[02:09:54] Empty campaign promises do not keep clinic doors open.
[02:09:59] Empty campaign promises do not stop our tax dollars
[02:10:02] from going to Israel's settler colonial project
[02:10:05] instead of materially and supporting families here in the U.S.
[02:10:09] Empty campaign promises do not stop the bombs
[02:10:12] from falling on thousands of families in Gaza.
[02:10:15] We don't want empty campaign promises.
[02:10:17] We want what the majority of Americans want.
[02:10:20] expanded access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care and support for families, and an
[02:10:26] end to U.S. arms exports to Israel.
[02:10:31] And we know that no matter who wins the election, we will show up in the streets day after day
[02:10:36] to make sure every person has the basic human right to reproductive and gender-affirming
[02:10:40] health care, and we will mobilize and organize day after day until the U.S. stops
[02:10:45] sending money and weapons to Israel and Palestine is free.
[02:10:49] We cannot rely on the Democrats to deliver us our liberation, we will seize it ourselves.
[02:10:57] Real feminists know that our liberation is bound up with the liberation of all working class people fighting for justice and freedom all around the world, including and especially in Palestine.
[02:11:08] No one is free until everyone is free.
[02:11:11] Real power comes not from the politicians, but from the people, and the people say
[02:11:18] Russian struggle for self-determination across every inch of historic Palestine.
[02:13:32] The sea is not just a chain, it's a promise.
[02:13:40] Today in Gaza, we're seeing this because there is nothing more precious than liberation.
[02:14:40] Right now, as we speak, the U.S. military is conducting the Unji Freedom Shield war
[02:14:47] games in Korea. This is one of the largest war exercises on Earth. While the public in
[02:14:58] the U.S. is distracted by the spectacle of the DNC, the U.S. military is dropping bombs
[02:15:06] on Korea. They are rehearsing for the invasion of North Korea with tens of thousands of troops,
[02:15:16] and what's more, these war games are also nuclear war exercises. Right now, the U.S.
[02:15:25] military is conducting nuclear scenarios in Korea, and just a few weeks ago, the U.S.
[02:15:32] South Korea held their first ever war exercise reviewing how they would deploy a U.S. nuclear
[02:15:40] weapon to strike Korea. We want to invite you all to join the U.S. Out-of-Korea campaign.
[02:15:54] Open up your phone. Go to And we have one last chat. We want to teach
[02:16:01] you all repeat after me and the war games leave our land you are so close to
[02:16:37] getting this March launch are you already introduce our final speaker from
[02:16:47] the national students for a democratic system.
[02:16:52] Oh, it's back on.
[02:16:53] Okay, we're good.
[02:16:55] Okay.
[02:16:57] Yep, you gotta do it.
[02:16:58] You gotta do it every time.
[02:17:00] Okay.
[02:17:02] What's up, folks?
[02:17:04] All right, I hope you guys can hear me clearly.
[02:17:07] I just swapped into the main ingest is fixed.
[02:17:11] Hold on, I gotta tell.
[02:17:16] Turned it off and on.
[02:17:20] I don't know why, but as is the case usually, of course,
[02:17:26] our ingest broke a little bit for a second.
[02:17:29] Hope you guys can hear me, audio's crispy, okay.
[02:17:33] All right, is this like actual speed?
[02:17:35] Yeah, free Palestine is what we're gonna be doing today.
[02:17:38] We're gonna be free in Palestine chat.
[02:17:40] Yo chat, yo chat, free Palestine chat.
[02:17:47] Audio's great, good.
[02:17:48] So we're on our way currently to Union Park
[02:17:51] the pro-policy demonstrations are being held. You guys saw some of it on the main feed that I was
[02:17:57] playing on the Associated Press feed. Some of the speakers are speaking out there. We're going to
[02:18:02] go link up with some of the protesters, see what their demands are, see what they're talking about,
[02:18:05] see why they're protesting the DNC. Why aren't they protesting at the Republican
[02:18:09] conventional convention you know all all kinds of stuff okay and yeah that's what
[02:18:21] we're that's what we're ready to do after after the Palestinian protests like
[02:18:25] after the March we'll hang out there for a little bit after that we're probably
[02:18:30] going to be heading over to the DNC you have your credentials with you right
[02:18:34] okay I didn't forget it thank god holy shit for a second I thought I forgot
[02:18:38] I forgot my creds, but we didn't okay so they were never voting them in the
[02:18:47] first place that's ridiculous because these are definitely a lot of these
[02:18:55] people are definitely Democratic Party voters anyway great to see Chicago on
[02:19:05] the background I agree oh my god everyone's fucking freaking out about
[02:19:09] the seatbelt Jesus Christ dude hopefully more importantly than the more
[02:19:15] importantly than the pro-Palestinian protesters hopefully I will see some RFK
[02:19:18] voters out there because honestly those are the real Americans okay everybody
[02:19:22] needs to everybody needs to hear from the RNC or an RNC RFK voters
[02:19:30] Loma Fowl they think you're a baby it looks like two of your modems aren't
[02:19:36] plugged in they are plugged in with two different Y cable so I think one
[02:19:40] of the Y cables cam unplugged as you would cause two motors not to work make
[02:19:43] sure down in the lower compartment everything is plugged in and good did you
[02:19:47] check the motors hold on you just keep the hold the camera steady I got it let's
[02:19:54] take a look make sure down in the lower compartment bro you did not you know I
[02:20:12] did not. They just come on plugs sometimes but I asked remember when I
[02:20:21] asked you was like did you make sure all the modems are plugged in this is what
[02:20:24] I was talking about. I did I did ask that it was on camera so that's good it's
[02:20:33] fun hopefully when the the other two modems I think one of them doesn't work
[02:20:38] anyway though yeah okay Austin an hour ago are you live yet bro this man is a
[02:21:01] this man is a man is bro I swear he came out here and he's like he came out
[02:21:07] here and he he just
[02:21:12] and I just
[02:21:14] just
[02:21:15] lose today
[02:21:16] how does it
[02:21:27] oh it's f-ing
[02:21:30] why is it f-ing?
[02:21:31] is it plugged in the modems?
[02:21:33] no
[02:21:34] what the fuck
[02:21:37] no it says the ingest is fine
[02:21:39] everything is fine
[02:21:41] I don't understand it
[02:21:43] is it just f-ing on their front
[02:21:45] on their end?
[02:21:46] no it's not even f-ing it's back
[02:21:48] I don't know what just happened
[02:21:53] okay
[02:21:54] Add the plug in the two extra modems in
[02:21:59] I had the plug in the two extra modems in obviously because uh
[02:22:04] When we go into the DNC in the even in the protests as well
[02:22:08] There will be a lot of people that are also signing on that are also using the cell tower
[02:22:14] So when they get overloaded, hopefully we'll be able to use all four modems and be able to get unlimited
[02:22:20] Uninterrupted bandwidth and access. I I'm such a freaking nerd with this stuff that when I see like
[02:22:27] When I see the TVU, the Nick Pallum set up, which professional media broadcasters use by the way?
[02:22:35] No, I get excited. But we are today using unlimited IRL. That's right. So shout out to unlimited IRL
[02:22:43] for allowing us to use the backpack. They gave me one. I've beefed it up. I've modified it.
[02:22:49] I use my own stuff, obviously, my own camera and my own mics and stuff. But you know,
[02:22:54] Shouts out to Unlimited IRL once again, you know, there's not an ad, it's just, I'm giving them props.
[02:23:01] I've been using them for years and years and years at this point.
[02:23:04] Okay, nerd professional broadcasting gear, yeah, I get excited when I see professional broadcasting gear.
[02:23:14] It's not an ad, the real ads are at the top of the air when there's a three minute ad.
[02:23:18] Did you try Deep Dish Pete Say It? No.
[02:23:20] I know some thoughts though.
[02:23:21] You know some thoughts? Yeah, Marge is handling all the food, okay?
[02:23:25] And you
[02:23:27] Are you clothes marks about the start I am here we can get out right here actually
[02:23:34] Thank you, sir
[02:23:37] Okay
[02:23:39] You got it. It's gonna be blown out the light as soon as we got down
[02:23:56] as soon as we
[02:23:58] step foot off of the SUV
[02:24:02] Immediately I needed to piss
[02:24:04] what is this? a vehicle disrupter
[02:24:10] oh shit they're balling out here
[02:24:13] realize they have basketball out here this is crazy this changes the dynamic
[02:24:25] dramatically for me I'm lagging a lot
[02:24:27] I might show these youngsters what's what you know what I mean
[02:24:31] damn look at all these flags dude guys to tell me
[02:25:04] if you do okay when we end up talking to some people
[02:25:09] When you see the green hash, National Guild of Lawyers, what's going on?
[02:25:23] One thing I've noticed immediately is how old the crowd is.
[02:25:29] Every time you go to these protests, you'll always see hella people.
[02:25:50] Hi, nice to hear you.
[02:26:07] What is this, justice for the free?
[02:26:09] Dude, I have to pee so bad.
[02:26:13] As soon as I chat, do we need a windsock or is it good?
[02:26:18] Is he good without the windsock?
[02:26:21] This is sick. Okay. No. Yeah, this is fine. I gotta chase these guys
[02:29:46] Yes, all right, let's do it. Let's split up quick. I don't want to miss out on my favorite people though
[02:30:02] Hell yeah, nice to meet you moment
[02:30:06] Yeah, let's do it
[02:30:09] I
[02:30:11] Love that you guys are both coming to the protest. That's it. That's awesome. Nice to meet you
[02:30:16] Oh, catty, it's a valid.
[02:30:18] I see the time.
[02:30:19] And thank you so much.
[02:30:20] I hope you still have a great week.
[02:30:21] What's going on, sir?
[02:30:21] What's up?
[02:30:22] I dropped the fuck fuck suburbs, y'all lay out here.
[02:30:25] Naperville?
[02:30:26] Nah.
[02:30:26] It's worse.
[02:30:27] Oh.
[02:30:27] It's worse.
[02:30:28] Nah, nah.
[02:30:30] Chat, can you hear everybody when I'm talking to them,
[02:30:33] chat?
[02:30:35] Do we need a second mic to potentially give to people?
[02:30:38] If I get a quick pic.
[02:30:39] Yeah, let's do it.
[02:30:40] You want photo too?
[02:30:41] Yeah, if I have.
[02:30:42] All right.
[02:30:44] Thanks, man.
[02:30:45] You are brolic.
[02:30:46] Look at these, look at these pants!
[02:30:49] Look at these pants!
[02:30:51] I'm going to the Gemmerly, I love a crowd.
[02:30:52] God damn!
[02:30:54] It's, it's Sluttie Boy Summer.
[02:30:56] It is.
[02:30:57] God damn.
[02:30:58] Yeah, hell yeah.
[02:30:59] All right.
[02:31:00] All right, nice to meet you.
[02:31:05] Yeah, of course.
[02:31:11] Also, I made you this and I think it's apt for the hour right now.
[02:31:14] Oh, oh my God.
[02:31:16] That's insane.
[02:31:18] Top of the hour.
[02:31:20] literally top of the fucking hour that's crazy what oh my god nice to meet you
[02:31:26] that's what's wrong wait what I mean it's really not that bad wait let me see
[02:31:38] where is it oh I see it yeah okay well how we're gonna film it while the
[02:31:46] thing is off. Nah fuck that, let's just keep the Speck of Dust. Fuck it. Yeah you
[02:31:51] guys are gonna have to sit there with the Speck of Dust. Also, if you no longer want
[02:31:56] to see, there's something worse than the Speck of Dust that you can see. It's
[02:32:01] called a three-minute ad break. And if you no longer, what's up guys? If you no
[02:32:05] longer want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe. What you can
[02:32:08] do for $5 or for free with Twitch Prime by connecting Amazon Prime account
[02:32:13] to retouch account holy shit dude what's going on this is like a oh they're
[02:32:25] moving all right let's go move with them this is like a like a house and I've
[02:32:29] had meet-up right here can I put this in the backpack all right let's do it I
[02:32:40] wonder where Dave Wagle is because there's a bunch of people here there's a
[02:32:52] bunch of a bunch of journalists here there's a bunch of people here which
[02:32:58] I suspect they're leaving now.
[02:32:59] Like, my many of the journals are probably leaving now
[02:33:01] that, like, the speakers are done.
[02:33:04] This is a pretty big fucking crowd.
[02:33:06] I don't know why people were like,
[02:33:08] people were like, oh, it's not 40,000 people.
[02:33:11] It's like, OK, well, this is still
[02:33:14] a shit ton of people here.
[02:33:17] Oh my god, look at the lineup of the cops.
[02:33:35] The protesters are supposed to be marching from this point
[02:33:38] at Union Park all the way down
[02:33:41] to as close as they can get to the DNC.
[02:33:43] I don't think that they're allowed near the DNC.
[02:33:46] Many of the blocks are closed near the DNC.
[02:33:48] We were there early.
[02:34:11] So I think maybe they're just like doing a circle first,
[02:34:14] but I suspect what's happening, bro.
[02:34:25] So what's the situation like?
[02:34:30] It's getting out by the way.
[02:34:31] Fuck, it's the real question.
[02:34:34] We might need it.
[02:34:35] It's a long march.
[02:34:37] It's effing.
[02:34:42] It's effing?
[02:34:52] All right, one second.
[02:34:57] They're all shut off.
[02:35:16] Let me see.
[02:35:17] I'm losing a, it's deep fried.
[02:35:21] It's like super low.
[02:35:22] It's 900 right now.
[02:35:23] Send Wi-Fi password to phone hotspot if I can join it too as soon as we walked over difference
[02:35:56] What's going on? Hey people talk about this stuff on TikTok. I don't know if they can see me or not.
[02:36:03] Oh it's 700 hold on. I've been on that screen for 20 seconds. I'm using my phone. Nice to see you guys.
[02:36:57] I love the Parisian fans. I love them. I think they're sick. I think people just hate for no reason.
[02:37:54] Do you mind if we have a picture of us?
[02:37:57] Of course.
[02:37:58] Let's do it.
[02:37:59] Let me just check to see the cameras on or not on you.
[02:38:03] OK, we're at 2K.
[02:38:04] It should be fun.
[02:38:05] Chat, can you see?
[02:38:08] Chat?
[02:38:12] Chat, can you see?
[02:38:17] And can you hear?
[02:38:18] Or do I need a windsock?
[02:38:28] You always do this.
[02:38:29] That's why I do this, every time, or this.
[02:38:32] All right.
[02:38:33] Nice to meet you guys.
[02:38:35] So yeah, that's all I was saying.
[02:38:36] like very different. What's up? My bike's 200 miles just to be here. You can get off
[02:38:43] your ass, Chad. You can get off your ass and do something, make a difference. This is what
[02:39:02] I always, as I was trying to say, so obviously, and this is something that I
[02:39:48] reiterate whenever I go out and into protests and things of that nature, it's
[02:39:52] obviously a very different vibe here than the way that you see it online.
[02:39:55] People on TikTok are chirping about every random different thing, but as you
[02:40:00] notice is a very diverse crowd of people. There's people from all different walks of
[02:40:04] life here. There's people from all different kinds of backgrounds and
[02:40:07] ethnicities. Obviously being anti-genocide is a pretty solid
[02:40:13] intersectional movement. So don't listen to the fucking churpers online.
[02:40:16] Don't listen to the dumbasses and like random people trying to do TikTok drama.
[02:40:20] Ultimately this is what matters. You got to go out there, you got to put
[02:40:24] bodies out there, and you have to show the Democratic Party, the Republican
[02:40:29] party, whoever is in position power, that obviously genocide is completely unacceptable, that
[02:40:34] our tax dollars should be going to building more beautiful public parks like this one,
[02:40:41] building out our infrastructure, making sure that everyone can be educated, making sure
[02:40:46] that no child is starving at fucking school, you know. It's not exactly a controversial
[02:40:52] Oh God, okay.
[02:40:54] I feel like we're in front of the...
[02:40:56] Love the shirt down here, so it's...
[02:41:01] Yeah, let's do it.
[02:41:06] What's up?
[02:41:19] Oh hell yeah.
[02:41:21] That's OG.
[02:41:23] D.A.C. after a while.
[02:41:38] So what's the situation?
[02:41:40] We're just like circling around here and then they're going to march on to the D.A.C.?
[02:41:42] Yeah, here also.
[02:41:44] And this is like what?
[02:42:07] A couple blocks away from the D.A.C. or something?
[02:42:09] No, it's like three.
[02:42:11] It's like, nice to meet you as well.
[02:42:22] Thank you for everything you're doing.
[02:43:08] He's saying hi to his wife in chat.
[02:43:19] Yeah, she wants one too, let me.
[02:43:41] I'm with the K-Shop magazine,
[02:43:43] it's a lot of checking on the pod.
[02:44:01] We're just scoping out the vibes right now.
[02:44:07] I just wanted to come in and show support,
[02:44:09] see what it's about, talk to a couple people,
[02:44:15] for the DNC afterwards as well.
[02:44:18] I should see what's going on.
[02:44:19] They've been credentialed, man.
[02:44:21] That is not surprising.
[02:44:22] I have heard that, I've heard that people are shocked
[02:44:26] that I got credentialed.
[02:44:33] I've gotten somebody to send me a video.
[02:44:35] They gave them what they gave my computer for, right?
[02:44:39] I mean, we did it a while ago.
[02:44:44] Oh, I just got it today.
[02:44:45] That's shit.
[02:44:48] That's just today.
[02:44:49] Yeah, it's the least shocking thing
[02:44:57] that I have seen so far.
[02:45:12] What's going on?
[02:45:13] I said, you should have.
[02:45:14] So, do you remember any post-Cozanges
[02:45:18] that were in the school?
[02:45:21] Post-Cozanges?
[02:45:22] Yeah.
[02:45:23] No.
[02:45:24] All right.
[02:45:25] Those are my cousins.
[02:45:26] Oh.
[02:45:26] They said, one of them said they were in the school.
[02:45:37] So, if they went to Tanaka at the same time, we probably went to school together.
[02:45:42] Harris.
[02:45:42] Harris.
[02:45:43] Yeah.
[02:45:45] Yeah, that's fine.
[02:45:48] Let's do it.
[02:45:49] Oh, watch out.
[02:45:51] The duration.
[02:46:00] I'm gonna have to cancel it tomorrow.
[02:46:08] It's true.
[02:46:09] Oh, hey, it looks good.
[02:46:11] I'm just over there.
[02:46:13] Producer.
[02:46:25] Producer?
[02:46:26] Okay.
[02:46:27] He's doing the camera off.
[02:47:26] Is there anything you want me to do?
[02:47:28] Yeah.
[02:47:31] You can take it to the camera.
[02:47:32] I'll call you to see it.
[02:47:33] Yeah, nice.
[02:47:34] Thank you for being here.
[02:47:35] Nice to meet you.
[02:47:36] I really appreciate it
[02:47:37] Oh yeah, thank you for being here
[02:47:38] Do you want me to take a picture?
[02:47:39] Yeah, let's do it
[02:47:46] Sweet, thank you
[02:48:22] I have a similar Obama course, let's do it
[02:49:28] I'm so blessed to have you here brother
[02:49:30] Thank you, hey, thank you for being here
[02:49:32] I'm an undocumented Muslim
[02:49:34] I'm actually Mexican
[02:49:35] And I took my Shahada last year and a half
[02:49:38] Oh wow, okay
[02:49:39] I'm undocumented, Mexican, Muslim
[02:49:43] They're coming for me baby
[02:49:44] Yeah
[02:49:45] I appreciate you, I'm gonna leave you alone
[02:49:51] Nice to meet you, brother.
[02:49:52] Hey, I appreciate your support.
[02:49:54] All right, have a good one.
[02:49:57] What's going on?
[02:49:58] Nice to meet you, guys.
[02:50:00] I'm about 16.
[02:50:02] I don't know about politics too much, but soon I'll try to do it.
[02:50:05] I learned so much from you.
[02:50:07] Hell yeah, thank you for being here.
[02:50:10] Yeah, of course.
[02:50:12] It's a sick jersey.
[02:50:29] Of course not, let's do it.
[02:50:30] Dawson, so thank you.
[02:51:01] No, no, it's all good.
[02:51:02] I'm just taking photos.
[02:51:03] Thank you, have a good one.
[02:51:05] What's going on brother?
[02:51:07] Sure.
[02:51:16] Let's walk around March.
[02:51:25] Look at Snazzy as ever.
[02:51:48] I did.
[02:51:49] I'm one of the creators of Fox News last night.
[02:51:59] As you guys know from Gumbel Harris,
[02:52:22] I went through my management
[02:52:32] instead of going through the regular press
[02:52:35] And Ryan was talking about like getting a press access but I was like I had already started the
[02:52:42] DNC side of things so I just went through them
[02:52:45] thinking that I would get more access potentially
[02:52:48] but like
[02:52:49] You know it's the same level of access. I mean it doesn't really change much
[02:52:57] Seems how was it? How was it? It's like supposed to like loop around
[02:53:30] Yeah, that's what I thought was gonna happen, I mean I'm assuming like they'll start walking
[02:53:39] soon.
[02:53:42] Hello, huh?
[02:53:43] Did you dance?
[02:53:48] I just want to say.
[02:53:49] Hell yeah.
[02:53:50] What you do?
[02:53:51] Like the shit you do with your stream?
[02:53:52] Like literally?
[02:53:57] We appreciate you.
[02:53:58] What I do is completely meaningless if you guys don't come out and like me fucking
[02:54:04] talk as shit in a hotel room or in my living room, you know?
[02:54:08] Very good.
[02:54:09] Can I get a picture?
[02:54:10] Yeah.
[02:54:18] Shit.
[02:54:19] Yeah.
[02:54:23] Right now, thank you so much.
[02:54:26] Yeah, yeah.
[02:54:28] I'll take it over.
[02:54:30] I'm looking to do interviews?
[02:54:34] Yeah.
[02:54:35] Um, sure.
[02:54:36] I mean, I can, I can, I'm not like doing formal interviews.
[02:54:39] Yeah.
[02:54:40] I'm just talking to people, you know?
[02:54:42] Yeah.
[02:54:43] Nice to meet you guys.
[02:54:50] Kago's amazing.
[02:55:13] I love it.
[02:55:14] Yeah.
[02:55:15] It's sick.
[02:55:16] I hope you're getting some time to explore Chicago.
[02:55:18] I know you're primarily here for the ANC.
[02:55:19] Probably not, but we'll see.
[02:55:21] So sir, can I get the picture?
[02:55:22] Yeah.
[02:55:23] Yeah, it's OK.
[02:55:36] Thank you so much.
[02:55:36] I'll be back.
[02:55:37] No problem.
[02:55:41] All to what is happening in the same attorney and his analyst?
[02:55:45] No.
[02:55:45] All right.
[02:55:46] Sad.
[02:55:46] Is that the stuff that you mean it?
[02:55:49] It's all good.
[02:55:50] But take a look and, uh...
[02:55:52] What are they?
[02:55:53] Are they harassing you?
[02:55:53] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:55:54] That's not surprising.
[02:55:55] The attorney went to LAPD and told them
[02:55:58] to prosecute me and arrest me
[02:56:01] for protesting outside the APAC president's house.
[02:56:04] Allegedly.
[02:56:05] Allegedly he wasn't there. You don't know that.
[02:56:12] Yeah, yeah.
[02:56:13] Can I have anyone with the LA? My favorite anarchist.
[02:56:21] You want to take a photo?
[02:56:22] Yes.
[02:56:22] All right, let's do it.
[02:56:24] Oh, my God.
[02:56:24] You're so tall.
[02:56:26] OK.
[02:56:27] Can I hold it really?
[02:56:29] I don't know.
[02:56:29] You might have to hold it.
[02:56:31] Let's do it like this.
[02:56:32] Let me take that.
[02:56:38] Thank you.
[02:56:39] Nice to meet you.
[02:56:42] What's up?
[02:56:42] So we're students for Democratic Society,
[02:56:44] the National Heart, right?
[02:56:46] And right now we're trying to do a switch to fundraise for prevention.
[02:56:50] Uh-huh.
[02:56:51] Just wondering if you could give us a shout out or join our stream sometime.
[02:56:54] Sure.
[02:56:55] What are you getting a shout out right now?
[02:56:57] Students for Democratic Society.
[02:56:58] It's live.
[02:56:59] It's live.
[02:57:00] Oh, this is live.
[02:57:00] There's like 50,000 people watching.
[02:57:02] No, it's not.
[02:57:03] Yeah.
[02:57:04] We're policy-info-dive-out-of-my-farm-the-universities.
[02:57:25] Just coming fall semester.
[02:58:02] It's the best way to do it.
[02:58:03] All right.
[02:58:04] Next time.
[02:58:14] I'll tell you to finish Batman.
[02:58:16] I don't know what that means.
[02:58:17] You want to take a photo?
[02:58:19] All right, thanks for being out here.
[02:58:26] Okay, all right, let's do it.
[02:58:28] You've been waiting.
[02:58:30] I'll take a photo with all of you guys.
[02:58:32] Don't worry. Nice to meet you.
[02:58:37] All right, let's do it.
[02:58:39] Yeah.
[02:58:41] Thank you, Sonny.
[02:58:43] I appreciate you so much.
[02:58:45] Long time subscriber.
[02:58:47] We're happy to see you.
[02:58:49] I appreciate you so much, man.
[02:58:51] Thank you.
[02:58:53] Thank you for meeting me.
[02:58:54] I feel like a city man.
[02:58:54] Of course.
[02:58:55] No, the city's beautiful.
[02:58:56] I love it.
[02:58:57] Yeah, good.
[02:58:58] You look like him.
[02:58:59] Nice.
[02:59:00] He's open to the end, that's who he is.
[02:59:00] Plus, you know, hey, it's okay now.
[02:59:02] No, no, no, he's good.
[02:59:03] I like it.
[02:59:04] That's for the food and the food.
[02:59:06] Well, so far, I haven't had food yet.
[02:59:08] Like, literally, I just landed it like last night.
[02:59:10] So I'm excited about that.
[02:59:12] Dude, go get tellos, go get burgers.
[02:59:15] I heard it has the highest
[02:59:17] Michelin star restaurants per density,
[02:59:19] like, per capita in any other city.
[02:59:23] best place. Pequod, eat something like it, try your deep fish. Yeah, I gotta try that.
[02:59:28] You got a soul bucket. All right. Thank you brother, I appreciate it. Have a good day.
[02:59:33] All right. Do you want to take a photo? Yeah. All right. My cool brother is a big fan.
[02:59:37] Thank you. Thank you for being here. I work at one of the fish stores. Oh really? Which one?
[02:59:45] I don't know. It's called Lardo one. It's like a French food store.
[02:59:48] Should we go there? Is that good? Let me go and eat some house. Hell yeah.
[02:59:53] I appreciate you.
[02:59:56] Alright, thank you so much.
[03:00:00] Nice to meet you guys. Hey, what's going on?
[03:00:02] Nice to meet you.
[03:00:04] Want to take a photo?
[03:00:06] I'll take a photo with Mark.
[03:00:08] Yeah.
[03:00:10] Oh, you want him?
[03:00:12] Yeah.
[03:00:14] In chat.
[03:00:16] Thank you so much for speaking for me.
[03:00:18] Hell yeah. Nice to meet you, my man.
[03:00:20] You all want one too?
[03:00:22] Yes, sir.
[03:00:24] Nice to meet you.
[03:00:25] You are tall.
[03:00:26] That's crazy.
[03:00:27] Yeah, can I go ahead?
[03:00:29] Yeah.
[03:00:30] What the hell is that?
[03:00:31] That's a little flip phone there.
[03:00:33] That's crazy.
[03:00:34] That's wild.
[03:00:35] All right.
[03:00:36] What's going on?
[03:00:37] First of all, I'm a big fan, but also more importantly, my son Joe is the biggest fan
[03:00:46] of you in the world.
[03:00:47] He's got all your merch, watching your videos.
[03:00:49] Hell yeah.
[03:00:50] Can I have a book that I just wrote up past?
[03:00:52] Can I give it to you?
[03:00:53] sure I don't know where I'm gonna put it but and maybe if you like it you can have
[03:00:59] me on your show sometime again my son would be so proud of me if I was on your
[03:01:04] show he's been watching you for years and and it's signed and I think you'd like it
[03:01:11] and anyway I love your stuff and like I said it means a lot to my son Joe, it's a ball of
[03:01:17] cost if he's watching alright nice to meet you my man thank you have a good one
[03:01:20] I'm gonna put this in the backpack
[03:01:23] Case for Palestine why it matters and why you should care by Dan Kovalik?
[03:01:30] See this is what I was saying though like it's a it's not
[03:01:34] It's not just a young kid. It's not just like young people. Sure. I'll take one
[03:01:40] Thank you
[03:01:41] It's Garfield he hates the occupation
[03:01:48] Hello
[03:02:04] What's up? Do you want to speak on a rally on Wednesday?
[03:02:09] It depends on what time it is.
[03:02:12] Maybe. Maybe? Yeah.
[03:02:15] Ok, so I'm going to see if there's anybody that's been on email but no one ever answered me.
[03:02:18] What's the organization?
[03:02:20] I'm going to see if I can post it so we can see if there's anybody that's been on email but no one ever answered me.
[03:02:33] Ok, I'm going to see if there's anybody that's been on email but no one ever answered me.
[03:02:38] Ok, just look at your email.
[03:02:42] Hello. Okay. Alright.
[03:02:47] Okay. We'll keep walking. Thank you.
[03:03:05] Thank you.
[03:03:10] Bye.
[03:03:28] Yeah.
[03:03:29] I did talk to some of the SDS people.
[03:03:32] We shouted out your cash out earlier.
[03:03:34] Yeah, yeah, thank you.
[03:03:38] No problem.
[03:03:38] Do you want to take a photo?
[03:03:39] Yes, sure.
[03:03:40] All right, let's do it.
[03:03:41] I got a good joke through the screen.
[03:03:43] Ready?
[03:03:44] All pots and icicles.
[03:03:46] Woo-hoo!
[03:03:47] I can do this.
[03:03:51] You want me to do it?
[03:03:52] Yeah.
[03:03:57] All right.
[03:03:58] What do we want to do all of them?
[03:04:05] I want to hold them off.
[03:04:06] I got a good joke, though, for the cops.
[03:04:09] All cops are bicycling.
[03:04:10] I like it.
[03:04:25] I have to pee so bad right now.
[03:04:27] It's not even a joke.
[03:04:30] It's out of control.
[03:05:37] We've been no bunch of these that long.
[03:05:51] There's always, at this part of those,
[03:05:53] there's always people that are like 800 years old
[03:05:56] and you can tell like cold pink activists,
[03:05:59] like people that have just been literally
[03:06:01] in the trenches fighting against American imperialism.
[03:06:06] Marginally just trying to improve people's lives in the global south for like a century pretty much
[03:06:12] I have so much respect for them. There's always like here look those guys you know what I mean?
[03:06:17] Like there's always some of them happen to be the biggest cranks but you know whatever their heart is in the right place
[03:06:26] They're doing the right thing. Respect
[03:06:31] I don't think that's in the Bible, bro, guys, unless you're evil, he had no words.
[03:07:11] I got the glasses on.
[03:07:20] I was like, when he said Hamas, are you done with Hamas, I was like, oh, shit.
[03:07:25] I thought, that's a very interesting guy with the 1776 shirt wants you to vote for
[03:07:44] Kamala Harris his homie is like Hamas must go but it's also out here they're
[03:07:49] holding like the indigeniside let's see let's see let's see I was just talking
[03:09:37] about okay it's okay it's 5k I don't know what you saw the last thing you saw
[03:09:59] was probably doing a 70 76 shirt coming up and being like yo you down with
[03:10:04] Hamas Hamas must go and I was like damn his motherfuckers also like holding
[03:10:09] and the genocide protest sign which was weird and then his homie had a 1776
[03:10:15] shirt on and he was fucking talking about you have the vote for Kamala Harris the
[03:10:21] mind of the medium voter in America is fucking fascinating as always what's
[03:10:26] happening guys
[03:10:28] photos nice to meet you nice to meet you but uh one of my emphasis is on the
[03:10:35] mark drag queen oh wow have we followed you until right now this summer because
[03:10:43] I need a voice right now okay like a live I work for Hillary oh wow okay
[03:10:48] that's your winners campaign from Michigan but we're fine she's cool she's
[03:10:52] alright be grush yeah so I'm kind of like you live to left this story and
[03:10:56] just appreciate your point of view in the world hell yeah you want to take a
[03:10:59] photo yeah let's do it all right nice to meet you I can tell bro look at that you
[03:11:14] got the OG merch bro by the way by the way Kamala Harris is fucking team
[03:11:19] literally is jacking my swag I swear to God they have a Kamala Harris VP shirt
[03:11:23] that is identical to that no chicken tendies on that one though it's crazy
[03:11:28] The message is the dance stage.
[03:12:01] Democracy, there's a process in that our politicians earn our votes and I think that it's a pretty
[03:12:09] conditional allegiance that we have in the state with our satellite.
[03:12:44] That exists like you'll find, but where do you think it goes from here?
[03:13:03] I think the American system is a duopoly, that's not going to change any time soon unfortunately,
[03:13:08] so I don't know about third party pushes, but I mean it's great, people should be able
[03:13:13] to vote for whoever they want to vote for, I have no problem with that, unless it's
[03:13:16] for Donald Trump, in which case I'm like eh, you know, I have not, and I don't know
[03:13:26] if I will, we'll see what happens.
[03:13:28] You don't know if he will endorse or you don't know if he will vote?
[03:13:33] endorse vote
[03:13:35] I urge people to go out and vote a big platform. I think everyone should go out and vote vote
[03:13:41] at least
[03:13:42] Significant most significant thing you can do
[03:13:45] And I always advocate the vote on ballot measures. I always advocate vote
[03:13:52] Officials those are some of the most impactful
[03:13:55] People that you can vote for in general
[03:13:58] I'm a fan of voting. I love voting
[03:14:00] Um, I think, so, no, but I think it's like there's a connectivity problem with it potentially.
[03:16:36] It should be good now though. Hold on. One second guys, sorry. Oh, it's back. Okay, we're
[03:16:41] good. It's 7K, 8K. What's up? You want to take a photo?
[03:16:45] Yes, sir.
[03:16:46] Oh no, I think you broke his camera.
[03:16:48] Yeah, I just thought it was crazy.
[03:16:50] All right, let's do it.
[03:16:52] Let's do it.
[03:16:56] Yo, thanks.
[03:16:58] All right.
[03:17:00] You want to take a picture with me?
[03:17:02] Yeah, let's do it.
[03:17:04] Oh, that, yeah.
[03:17:06] Thanks.
[03:17:13] Thank you for watching, my man.
[03:17:15] Come on, meet him, bro. I'll fuck with you.
[03:17:17] Nice to meet you.
[03:17:21] First, can we get a picture?
[03:17:23] Second, I'm part of coordinating my protest on Wednesday.
[03:17:27] Oh, someone already asked me, yeah.
[03:17:29] Are you going to?
[03:17:31] Potentially. Let's walk and talk.
[03:17:33] And also, let me see, is it working now?
[03:17:35] Okay, all right perfect perfect perfect where did it cut out chat? I was giving an interview to the Chicago Tribune
[03:17:43] I don't know if you guys if it cut out at that point or not
[03:17:47] Or if it cut out before oh
[03:17:49] You missed the whole thing. I guess you're gonna have to read the Chicago Tribune to hear it then
[03:17:59] Anyway, what's up? You guys wanted a photo, right? Yeah, okay. Yeah, of course
[03:18:24] Of course
[03:18:33] I think you like watching your YouTube stuff, so thanks.
[03:18:34] Hell yeah.
[03:18:35] Thank you for watching.
[03:18:38] I love it so far.
[03:18:39] It's beautiful.
[03:18:45] OK.
[03:18:46] They missed the power.
[03:18:47] I started talking about the imperialist boomerang,
[03:18:51] the fascist boomerang.
[03:19:04] What are you guys interviewing for?
[03:19:08] For what?
[03:19:08] Sensation media.
[03:19:10] What's that?
[03:19:10] It's like a magazine online.
[03:19:12] Oh, OK.
[03:19:13] Potentially.
[03:19:14] I mean, sure.
[03:19:15] Why not?
[03:19:16] But it's got to be quick, though.
[03:19:18] We can just walk.
[03:19:18] Yeah, it'll be quick.
[03:19:19] We can walk, too.
[03:19:20] OK.
[03:19:22] All right.
[03:19:25] So why are you here at the DNC?
[03:19:27] I am here in Chicago for the first time
[03:19:29] for the Democratic National Convention
[03:19:31] and also to see the pro-Palestinian protests.
[03:19:35] And how do you think the protest is going?
[03:19:37] So far, so good.
[03:19:38] I've been to a bunch of these
[03:19:39] all around the world in Melbourne,
[03:19:41] all around America,
[03:19:43] and this is pretty active.
[03:19:45] It's pretty great.
[03:19:46] It's always great.
[03:19:47] I love these sorts of protests
[03:19:48] because they're very diverse.
[03:19:50] There's people from all different kinds of backgrounds,
[03:19:53] all different ages and uh... i think it's great to see
[03:19:58] solidarity expressable
[03:20:00] do you think that the dnc is going to be receptive to this pressure these protests
[03:20:03] around it
[03:20:04] uh... probably not but that shouldn't stop people from still
[03:20:09] applying as much pressure as possible
[03:20:11] i've been an advocate for palestinian emancipation for the past ten years
[03:20:15] of my professional career
[03:20:17] and i'll tell you this much i've never seen this much robust support
[03:20:21] real support on the ground
[03:20:23] and this much going on for 76 years
[03:20:31] and I think it's
[03:20:33] it's beautiful to see it unfold, it's unfortunately happening under such traumatic circumstances
[03:20:40] never in my life would have ever imagined this level of support
[03:20:43] from this many different people.
[03:20:45] Erica can't ignore any longer so...
[03:20:50] I don't see any change in the prospects for politics around just the left in general
[03:20:59] parties history where they were responsive to public pressure
[03:21:14] They also were responsive to donor pressure as well, obviously, but the interests aligned.
[03:21:19] Picking Tim Walts as a VP choice was also very interesting.
[03:21:23] From my perspective at least, he's a pretty solid dude.
[03:21:28] Lots of progressive policies on his platforms since 2006, but he ran for Senate.
[03:21:34] So I think that, for Congress, is he a representative or a senator?
[03:21:41] I think an interesting move, I don't know, I want to see more.
[03:21:52] I like that at least on the messaging front, when it comes to domestic issues, they are
[03:21:57] significantly more responsive to policies or more progressive policies.
[03:22:06] They're not shying away from like the radical, Republican-shout-of-apply, but that's on the
[03:22:14] domestic front.
[03:22:15] On the foreign policy agenda, American foreign policy has always been bipartisan.
[03:22:20] So I don't know if the Democratic Party, barring some kind of like ideological commitment
[03:22:25] to do to to to engaging in less bloodshed is ever going to have one singular figure
[03:22:30] that that moved the needle in this dramatic way.
[03:22:37] What should this movement pursue with respect to the election?
[03:22:48] The amount of what?
[03:22:57] Opposing the Democratic candidate in 2012.
[03:22:59] earnestly protesting against genocide.
[03:23:07] It is every American's right to do so and if they want to withhold their vote for that reason
[03:23:13] I'm not going to vote shame, I always urge people to go out just to ensure that these people
[03:23:26] come to your side.
[03:23:27] And just to get a sense of the political landscape, what do you think the prospects would be for
[03:23:32] this conflict in Palestine under Trump presidency?
[03:23:35] I think that under the Trump presidency, a lot of the actions were set in motion that
[03:23:42] caused October 7 to happen. Trump basically threw accelerant on this fire and he permanently
[03:24:01] recognized the annexation of the Golan Heights. It's Syrian territory that's against international
[03:24:05] rights, international law. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem. He really advanced the ultra
[03:24:13] Zionist project in a super meaningful way, which gave a lot of credence and a lot of
[03:24:20] leeway for a lot of these more far-right figures like Edomar Bankibir and
[03:24:25] Benzalal Smontridge in the Nenial Coalition to openly advocate for more and more
[03:24:33] oppression on the West Bank in terms of like pogroms happening in the palace and
[03:24:37] in there. He really moved this project along dramatically. I don't know what
[03:24:42] it would look like under the Trump administration. It's right now it's a
[03:24:45] Democratic administration and I don't like what I see from the Democrats in
[03:24:48] this in this regard. How would you characterize the stakes of this election?
[03:24:54] The stakes of every election are going to be high. I think that this is no different in that
[03:24:59] regard. 2016 was important, 2020 was important, 2024 will be important. I think before the
[03:25:05] Biden, before the Biden swap out, I would have said that it's probably going to be a rerun and
[03:25:10] less significant. But who knows what happens? Who knows what happens now that the Kamala
[03:25:16] Harris is leading the ticket. Overall I think the American machine is going to
[03:25:23] continue churning out the same exact bloody results that it churs out no
[03:25:26] matter who's in charge. And one other question. There are lots of images of
[03:25:32] political memory that are being drawn up in protests like this. What sort of
[03:25:36] lessons do you think could be taken from them? Either in the 60s, the anti-war
[03:25:39] movement, all of these sorts of things that are sort of being tapped into again.
[03:25:42] Yeah, I love that, kids.
[03:25:47] Oh, sorry.
[03:25:52] I'll tell you what, I think it's pretty funny that people always talk about 68 or people always talk about like anti-Vietnam War protests.
[03:26:01] And then they immediately repeat the mistakes. They love acting like they would be on the right side of history,
[03:26:06] but as history is unfolding, they're objectively on the wrong side.
[03:26:10] So, I hope they understand the most significant lesson
[03:26:14] is that those protesters were right
[03:26:15] and these protesters are right as well.
[03:26:17] They're on the right side of history.
[03:26:19] Would you say those protests succeeded?
[03:26:21] I mean, it ended the American activation of Vietnam
[03:26:26] inevitably.
[03:26:27] I think that it's always good to apply pressure
[03:26:30] even if it's not going to happen overnight.
[03:26:32] Change will never happen overnight.
[03:26:33] You just gotta keep putting your best foot forward
[03:26:35] regardless, keep trucking.
[03:26:37] All right, I thank you for your time.
[03:26:39] No, it's all good. We were walking anyway. All right. Nice to meet you guys
[03:26:53] Thank you so much
[03:27:22] Thank you for being here, Roman.
[03:27:24] Thank you.
[03:27:26] Shout out to my friends.
[03:27:28] Chela, I love you.
[03:27:34] Yeah.
[03:27:36] Thank you.
[03:27:38] Thanks for being here.
[03:27:48] Oh, watch out.
[03:27:51] Yeah.
[03:27:55] Here, take it out.
[03:28:01] Pull it out. Put it on selfie mode and let's do it.
[03:28:03] I'll take one, I'll take one, that's crazy, what's up, yeah, what's going on guys, nice
[03:29:38] to meet you, hell yeah, do you want to take a photo, all right hold on let me let me take
[03:29:49] Let me take a photo real quick.
[03:30:00] I think he was here earlier.
[03:30:02] He was?
[03:30:03] Yeah, that's what he said.
[03:30:08] Nice to meet you.
[03:30:10] What do you want to say about this friend?
[03:30:12] Oh, nice to meet you.
[03:30:13] I heard that the talk earlier about...
[03:30:31] Shinnon TikTok is a shinnon TikTok.
[03:30:33] It's a very diverse crowd of people.
[03:30:37] A lot of people recognize the herd.
[03:30:41] Nice to meet you man.
[03:30:42] Oh yeah, it was good.
[03:30:43] You can take a picture with me.
[03:30:44] Yeah.
[03:30:47] Very good.
[03:30:51] I got a question.
[03:30:52] What's happening to you?
[03:30:53] What?
[03:30:54] This is a mic, oh it's a mic? Yeah, it's a lawn mic.
[03:31:03] Thank you so much man, thank you for all of this.
[03:31:07] I'm concerned still young for what I'm doing and I'll see you next time for the other thing.
[03:31:12] Thank you for being out here.
[03:31:20] What's going on?
[03:31:21] Michigan Albanians, my man!
[03:31:23] I'm mad!
[03:31:24] Justin is doing a leap, I'll put in a bit of work for him.
[03:31:38] It's a great time.
[03:31:55] It's sick.
[03:32:02] Nice meeting you guys. Have a good one.
[03:32:05] It's effing.
[03:32:26] Sorry, the backpack is messing up.
[03:32:28] I'm gonna fix it.
[03:32:33] Oh, it's effing because of...
[03:32:36] No, a little bit right this time.
[03:32:38] It's not the...
[03:32:40] Unfortunately it's not gonna show up
[03:32:42] if you say it now.
[03:32:44] Oh wait! Let me see.
[03:32:48] Bro, it says 850 on here
[03:32:50] but it says 7000 up here.
[03:32:52] I don't know why.
[03:32:54] It might be the fucking...
[03:32:56] Hey son,
[03:32:58] nice to meet you. I'm George.
[03:33:00] I just want to say I really appreciate how you do.
[03:33:02] Oh hell yeah, nice to meet you my man. Thank you.
[03:33:04] Can I have a picture? Sure.
[03:33:06] see if this fixes up yeah it's bad it's just bad here it's just bad here yeah
[03:33:23] Emory SD?
[03:33:44] Emory Arrestees. I just arrested Emory with a high student and we're asking people to say drop the charges, you can just say that way.
[03:33:53] Drop the charges on the Emory students.
[03:33:59] What's up?
[03:34:00] I'm a brother-in-law or a big fan of you, can I get a picture real quick?
[03:34:06] Yeah.
[03:34:07] Got you.
[03:34:08] Also, can you shout out like Asia at UIC?
[03:34:15] Wait, what?
[03:34:16] We're an Asian organization at UIC.
[03:34:19] Okay.
[03:34:20] Are we still live?
[03:34:22] Is it still working?
[03:34:24] It's choppy.
[03:34:26] A.A.J.A. at U.S.C.
[03:34:31] A.A.J.A. at U.S.C.
[03:34:34] U.I.C.
[03:34:36] All right.
[03:34:39] Want me to do it?
[03:34:41] Oh, you want me to film it?
[03:34:43] What was I saying?
[03:34:45] Shout out A.A.J.A. at U.S.C.
[03:34:47] A.A.J.A.
[03:34:51] Shout out A.A.J.A. at U.I.C.
[03:34:53] All right, no problem.
[03:34:55] What's up?
[03:34:57] I've always been very political from an early age.
[03:35:07] Turkey.
[03:35:08] Turkey was very, like, watching the out-of-the-wond administration come to power.
[03:35:13] I saw, first hand, certain things changed dramatically.
[03:35:18] What's up?
[03:36:19] Through my stream is the best possible.
[03:36:21] Oh, your Jesus.
[03:36:24] Okay.
[03:36:25] Love it.
[03:36:26] The rest of the world sees that not all Americans are awful and bloodthirsty.
[03:37:17] There's plenty of people who recognize the violence that America is dealing,
[03:37:21] especially in the global South.
[03:37:23] And that we're doing our part here, doing our very best to try and stop it.
[03:37:27] You see American politicians knock off our ceasefire?
[03:37:40] It's expected.
[03:37:41] It's the unfortunate consequence of being an American politician, you know?
[03:37:46] It comes with the process.
[03:37:49] Did I expect this much turnout today?
[03:37:55] I guess, yeah, I mean, I did.
[03:37:58] I've seen a lot of these protests happen all around the world now, so it's expected for
[03:38:04] sure.
[03:38:05] How important is this election moving?
[03:38:09] This election will be as important as every other elect capacity to make it more important
[03:38:14] if our politicians are responsive to the demands being made by these people here today.
[03:38:28] Politicians are absolutely complicit in the genocide in Gaza.
[03:38:31] When a bomb is dropping on a family, when a bomb is dropping on a mosque, when a bomb
[03:38:37] is dropping on a school that is an American bomb that's being dropped.
[03:38:42] American hands touched it, we built it, we shipped it, and we gave Israel the money
[03:38:47] to be able to purchase it back from us.
[03:38:49] And it's our tax dollars that are funding and facilitating this genocide.
[03:38:53] So American politicians are very complicit in the continuation of this genocide.
[03:38:58] It's a pretty good chance of winning.
[03:39:07] Thank you very much.
[03:39:11] We're going to chat this on TRT.
[03:39:19] Oh nice, nice.
[03:39:20] Okay, titta titta.
[03:39:21] Thanks for being here.
[03:41:52] Chatter is correct.
[03:41:53] What you need to do is subscribe.
[03:41:59] What you can do for...
[03:42:00] This is the second time I got cooked.
[03:42:02] Oh my God.
[03:42:10] Thank you for being here.
[03:42:11] Yeah, how are you?
[03:42:14] Oh, fuck yeah.
[03:42:15] Here's the red.
[03:42:16] What's going on?
[03:42:17] Man.
[03:42:21] Can you sign me for a shirt?
[03:42:23] She's got a burning shirt.
[03:42:25] Of course
[03:42:53] Let's keep walking though
[03:43:17] Dude needs to be so bad. It's true Chad. It's true
[03:43:44] It was true when I first got here and it is still it is still true. It hasn't stopped being true
[03:43:52] Get closer to the dance. I say we take a side step
[03:44:22] Or, or rather we just take a sidestick somewhere around here at the P. I have no idea where
[03:44:35] we're at though. I don't know anything about Chicago.
[03:44:39] We are very close to the exit. We turn right in here.
[03:44:51] Oh that's where it is. Oh shit.
[03:44:53] Okay, we're cooking the side all of my favorite all of my favorite news broadcasts of react to
[03:45:11] They're here
[03:45:14] Such a fucking loser man
[03:45:18] And that's me in 20
[03:45:27] Thank you
[03:45:37] Look at that, okay, that's amazing
[03:45:45] It's crazy!
[03:45:47] Proud of you guys!
[03:45:49] Do you want to take a photo?
[03:45:51] Yes!
[03:45:53] Thank you!
[03:45:55] Let's do it!
[03:45:57] Let's flick it up!
[03:46:14] There you go.
[03:46:16] I also have this to give you.
[03:46:18] What do you got?
[03:46:20] There is this girl who is drawing parking chairs
[03:46:23] but I asked her to draw you from the...
[03:46:25] No!
[03:46:26] It's no way!
[03:46:27] No!
[03:46:28] Look at that blue show of the chat!
[03:46:30] Damn!
[03:46:31] That's fire!
[03:46:32] That's it!
[03:46:33] Oh my God!
[03:46:34] Thank you so much!
[03:46:35] Do you want the other one?
[03:46:36] No, I'm good!
[03:46:37] I'll just put it in the bag.
[03:46:38] Thank you!
[03:46:39] Yeah, of course!
[03:46:40] Get in here!
[03:46:41] here. What's up? What's going on, man? Brawling is hell.
[03:46:52] They spoiled it? Hey, this is it. You were inspired me.
[03:46:54] Nah, chopped it off. I didn't chop it off. Awesome.
[03:47:01] Thanks so much, man. Nice to meet you. Thank you for being here.
[03:47:04] Yeah. All right, let me put this in here.
[03:47:07] I'm getting hooked up one second.
[03:47:23] What's going on?
[03:47:25] You want to do a bow?
[03:47:26] Hell yeah.
[03:47:29] Nice to meet you.
[03:47:30] Nice to meet you.
[03:47:31] My name is Salah by the way.
[03:47:32] Salah?
[03:47:33] Yeah.
[03:47:34] My song, nice to meet you.
[03:47:35] Did I get everybody? Oh, they're trying to get photos.
[03:47:44] Sorry.
[03:47:46] Hello.
[03:47:48] What's going on?
[03:47:54] Hell yeah. I'm proud of you guys for being here. You guys are amazing.
[03:47:57] Of course. Thanks for coming out, man.
[03:47:59] I didn't know if you were going to come over here for the R&C.
[03:48:02] I would have gone to the RNC, I would have gone to the RNC, the problem is they wouldn't have me, at least the DNC has me, you know?
[03:48:13] What is this? Abortion?
[03:48:17] Whoa, that's sick.
[03:48:20] What's happening?
[03:48:21] It's one of the things for all the support work that you've done for us, for my own church, for my own church.
[03:48:26] Nice to meet you guys.
[03:48:27] The representation that you have, we're part of the Palestinian youth movement.
[03:48:31] Hell yeah
[03:48:38] I'm on stream right now
[03:48:43] Shout out your movement while I take a photo
[03:48:52] Oh yeah, Mike's on me
[03:49:01] We mobilized the people for the liberation of Palestine, so if you're ever interested, just check us out on Instagram.
[03:49:08] Hell yeah.
[03:49:08] Alright, I appreciate you, Mark.
[03:49:10] Yeah, nice to see you.
[03:49:12] Yes, yes, yes.
[03:49:15] So, thank you.
[03:49:18] Okay.
[03:49:19] This is sick.
[03:49:20] Hey!
[03:49:21] What's happening?
[03:49:22] Nothing.
[03:49:23] It's cool to see you.
[03:49:25] Bro, you look like a...
[03:49:27] You look like a pro-Palestinian ninja.
[03:49:30] Don't show your arm. It's on stream.
[03:49:34] Oh, shit.
[03:49:35] I'm streaming right now.
[03:49:36] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[03:49:37] It's smart, but...
[03:49:39] Wow, I was...
[03:49:43] Oh, hell yeah.
[03:49:44] I just want to hide your arm from the camera.
[03:49:47] Can we get a picture?
[03:49:48] Yeah.
[03:49:50] That's it.
[03:49:51] Like, you're not allowed to shit.
[03:49:56] Yeah, I was like...
[03:49:57] I was like, I was like,
[03:49:58] that was like my intro to life,
[03:49:59] and I was like, yo, this guy's kinda right.
[03:50:02] Nice to meet you brother.
[03:50:04] How are you?
[03:50:05] I'm fine.
[03:50:06] You say okay if I get the picture?
[03:50:08] Yeah, of course.
[03:50:09] Is it panoramic?
[03:50:10] No.
[03:50:57] For abortion, they're at this march as well.
[03:51:00] I mean, it seems like...
[03:51:02] It's helping to come anyway.
[03:51:28] Us too.
[03:51:46] We'll march back down to DNC ourselves to piss.
[03:51:50] That is the march to liberate my...
[03:51:58] What's the protest at all right now?
[03:52:01] I mean, I guess.
[03:52:02] If it was the French news, I'm looking for people to talk to about Israel Ballastancing in the United States, because I know it's a big deal.
[03:52:10] Which organization?
[03:52:11] The Canal News, you know Canal News.
[03:52:13] Canal News? I feel like I've heard of it.
[03:52:15] It's not news, but it's just news.
[03:52:17] Are you filming right now?
[03:52:18] No.
[03:52:19] No, guys, it's fine.
[03:52:20] Are you filming?
[03:52:21] Yes, I am filming as well, but we can do it at your camp.
[03:52:24] I'm enjoying I have to do an interview
[03:52:42] I've been subscribed for four years.
[03:52:44] Hell yeah, I've seen the harch.
[03:52:46] Oh, okay.
[03:52:47] No, do it this way.
[03:52:48] Do it this way.
[03:52:49] Come on.
[03:52:50] Does it know you?
[03:52:51] How does it know me?
[03:52:52] I don't know.
[03:52:53] But yes, I was wondering.
[03:52:54] That means that it's happening in the U.S.
[03:52:56] as well as Israel and Palestine.
[03:52:58] Why do you think it was such a division?
[03:53:00] You know, as a D&C.
[03:53:02] Because the Democrats are in charge right now.
[03:53:04] I don't know.
[03:53:05] I don't know.
[03:53:06] I don't know.
[03:53:07] I don't know.
[03:53:08] I don't know.
[03:53:09] I don't know.
[03:53:10] because the Democrats are in charge right now. They're the party in power.
[03:53:14] They are funding and facilitating, and innovating Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza.
[03:53:21] That's why these people are protesting. They want to vote for the Democratic Party,
[03:53:25] but they find it to be unconscionable to vote for the Democratic Party
[03:53:28] if the Democratic Party keeps sending bombs to Israel.
[03:53:32] And why do you think Americans are also invested in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
[03:53:38] I think Americans are invested in this conflict because the reality is, I mean, we're funding it.
[03:53:44] Our tax dollars are funding it.
[03:53:46] American hands are building the bombs.
[03:53:49] American tax dollars are funding the research and development.
[03:53:53] And then American subsidies, American tax dollars are going to Israel to go purchase those weapons.
[03:53:58] And why does America don't want to do it?
[03:54:01] Why does both sides of the American government fund the kind of war like this?
[03:54:05] It's American foreign policy. It's bipartisan.
[03:54:08] American foreign policy is always going to be serving the interests of capital
[03:54:12] and Israel is a very valuable ally to the State Department.
[03:54:16] It is an unsinkable aircraft carrier in the middle of a resource rich region
[03:54:21] and of course these are the reasons as to why both parties are always going to be...
[03:54:26] These are the reasons why both parties are going to be in support of Israel.
[03:54:30] I've seen the thing here, the Gaze Fogasa, and I feel as a French person, if it's a
[03:54:38] Gaze Fogasa, if it's a Gaze Fogasa, maybe to be super pro-Palestine and pro-pride
[03:54:45] because of, you know, do you think that, why is that such a position happening in
[03:54:51] the U.S.? Well, as maybe not, it's a Middle Eastern, as a country like France,
[03:54:55] we don't have Gaze Fogasa. It's interesting that here, we have that.
[03:54:59] I think that genocide is still genocide.
[03:55:03] Israeli bombs do not discriminate against gay Palestinians versus straight Palestinians.
[03:55:08] And I think gay people, straight people, trans people, feminist is the wrong that is being committed in Israel,
[03:55:19] being committed against the Palestinian population, and they're offering solidarity.
[03:55:25] And maybe one, not about CS, but you, and we were at the RNC as well,
[03:55:30] we were at the State of Milwaukee, and there was a possibility of police violence in the United States,
[03:55:41] because of what I mean.
[03:55:45] I think violence is a constant in the United States of America.
[03:55:48] Sorry, sorry.
[03:55:49] Both in terms of...
[03:55:51] Okay, were you want to move over there?
[03:55:53] Yeah, maybe if you can.
[03:55:54] Sorry.
[03:55:57] Here you talk, Habibi.
[03:55:59] Oh, thank you.
[03:56:00] Can I get a quick picture with you once, of course.
[03:56:02] Big power.
[03:56:07] Hell yeah.
[03:56:08] Nice to meet you.
[03:56:09] Thank you for being here.
[03:56:10] You're the reason I'm in the politics.
[03:56:12] Hell yeah.
[03:56:13] Thank you for being here.
[03:56:14] Nice to meet you, man.
[03:56:16] Nice to meet you.
[03:56:17] Thank you so much.
[03:56:18] Thank you.
[03:56:19] All right.
[03:56:20] Thank you for being here, guys.
[03:56:22] All right.
[03:56:23] What's up?
[03:56:24] What's up?
[03:56:25] What's up?
[03:56:26] What's up?
[03:56:27] Yeah, one second, let me finish this interview and then I'll do it.
[03:56:31] Okay, this is a good spot to do it.
[03:56:34] We picked the right person to do it.
[03:56:36] Maybe.
[03:56:37] So you organized the protest?
[03:56:39] No, I did not organize this protest.
[03:56:41] So we are talking about the political violence in the US.
[03:56:44] Do you think there was a possibility of non-police violence in the US during this coming election?
[03:56:49] And why might that be?
[03:56:50] Why, it feels very intense from this perspective of someone being here.
[03:56:53] I think violence is a constant in American culture, violence is a product of American
[03:56:58] foreign policy, and that violent attitude sometimes makes its way back to the interior.
[03:57:05] But political violence in general oftentimes is mostly conducted by the right, oftentimes
[03:57:12] against marginalized people, but in terms of violence from the leftist side or the
[03:57:18] Democratic side that's usually a very unique phenomenon even the Trump shooter was a registered Republican. Yes, so I don't know
[03:57:26] This is a more uniquely violent election cycle with the exception of the Trump assassination attempt
[03:57:31] But beyond that, I think it's just business as usual
[03:57:34] Okay, so not that different.
[03:57:36] The news last thing we do, we have a time to just put a few interviews.
[03:57:40] We have some jokes about the election to try and make some laughs.
[03:57:43] It'll be funny tonight.
[03:57:44] Okay.
[03:57:45] Also, I want to give a shout out to Hugo Descripts
[03:57:47] and also my main man, Scuzzi.
[03:57:50] Ah, those are my boys.
[03:57:51] Are you friends?
[03:57:52] Yes, they are.
[03:57:53] Where else would they be?
[03:57:54] Well, I don't know.
[03:57:55] It feels like people feel very well.
[03:57:57] Yeah.
[03:57:58] So the first one is, do you think that a man does not use contraception?
[03:58:01] as you can see there's an active shooter.
[03:58:03] Ah, not a good girl.
[03:58:05] My proverb did not laugh, huh?
[03:58:07] I did not take all this money.
[03:58:09] And then the second one,
[03:58:11] my socks on a burshin are kind of like my socks on hunting.
[03:58:14] If you're going to kill it, you have to eat it.
[03:58:16] Oh, gross.
[03:58:18] That one, not good.
[03:58:19] I mean, it's gross.
[03:58:21] Well, thank you so much for all the support.
[03:58:23] No problem.
[03:58:24] We can send it to you if you want.
[03:58:25] No, no, don't worry about it.
[03:58:26] We'll see it.
[03:58:27] What is your name?
[03:58:28] Hassan.
[03:58:29] Hassan Abi.
[03:58:30] A.B.I.
[03:58:32] A.B.I.
[03:58:33] Yeah.
[03:58:34] Okay, well, thank you so much.
[03:58:35] Nice to meet you guys.
[03:58:39] What's up?
[03:58:40] What's up, big dog? You want a photo?
[03:58:45] Hey, thanks for being here.
[03:58:47] Also, that's a sick jersey.
[03:58:53] Yeah, I know, I know.
[03:58:56] Yeah.
[03:59:04] You're like dead ass, I'm gonna take your job with me.
[03:59:10] Nice to meet you.
[03:59:20] I'm a real person.
[03:59:22] All right.
[03:59:23] Thank you so much, man.
[03:59:24] What's going on?
[03:59:25] What's happening?
[03:59:26] I love the color scheme.
[03:59:28] I did it for you.
[03:59:28] Hell yeah.
[03:59:29] I did it for Palestine.
[03:59:30] Can I take a picture with you?
[03:59:31] Yeah, of course.
[03:59:45] Look at everything swan.
[03:59:46] Yeah, it's fine.
[03:59:47] But thank you for all you did out there.
[03:59:48] Thank you for being a body out there.
[03:59:51] Thank you.
[03:59:52] Of course.
[03:59:59] Oh, thank you so much.
[04:00:00] I love your fits.
[04:00:01] It's great.
[04:00:03] I saw you before, but I was too scared to get a pass.
[04:00:05] No, no, let's do it.
[04:00:09] Sorry, thank you so much.
[04:00:10] Thank you for being here.
[04:00:11] Nice to meet you.
[04:00:13] What's happening?
[04:00:14] You can tell the house and I behave for a mile away.
[04:00:16] Look at this kid.
[04:00:17] Yeah, they really can.
[04:00:19] Please, my Pat, too.
[04:00:22] It's five-star gear on your podium as you have.
[04:00:25] Oh, wow.
[04:00:26] Oh, that's sick.
[04:00:30] Hell yeah, you want a photo?
[04:00:31] Yeah.
[04:00:32] Let's do it.
[04:00:41] Nice to meet you, man. Have a good one. Thank you for being here. Let's do it quick.
[04:00:48] Now, let me show you the public that we made. It's sitting over there with John on the side.
[04:00:53] Oh my God, that's sick. Can I show it to you?
[04:00:56] We got it over there too, but it flips around and it's hanging out on the other side.
[04:01:01] I love that. That's fire.
[04:01:05] Hell yeah. Bye. Yeah.
[04:01:07] Oh, Jesus. Okay.
[04:01:11] Thank you for being here.
[04:01:13] Thank you for coming out.
[04:01:15] Thank you guys for coming out.
[04:01:17] Thank you so much.
[04:01:19] Of course.
[04:01:21] Nice to meet you guys.
[04:01:23] Okay, let's do it.
[04:01:29] Let's run over there.
[04:01:31] What's the quickest way we can get to the convention center?
[04:01:33] We have credentials.
[04:01:35] I don't want to show it on camera, but I mean here.
[04:02:03] The convention center from here is one of the best places in the world.
[04:02:07] I don't want to show it on camera, but I mean here
[04:02:11] The convention from here is what you're saying. Okay
[04:02:28] Do I have to walk around?
[04:02:30] Which way that way or that way? I'm not from here. I'm almost done.
[04:02:33] Chat is left flagging guys. Sorry
[04:10:10] Everything is good. Everything shows good
[04:10:15] Everybody should work out
[04:10:25] What's happening?
[04:10:27] Yeah, let's do it
[04:10:29] Thank you for being here
[04:10:47] Alright, I guess it's good.
[04:10:48] Nice to meet you.
[04:10:57] Nice to meet you.
[04:10:58] Yeah, of course.
[04:10:59] Let's do it.
[04:11:20] Be safe.
[04:11:21] Yes, of course.
[04:11:22] Guess what?
[04:11:23] I don't want to disturb the protest.
[04:11:35] No, I'm good.
[04:11:36] Thank you so much.
[04:11:37] You're welcome.
[04:11:38] From your organization in my inbox, so I'll respond to it if I have time to
[04:11:59] do it.
[04:12:00] You guys are amazing.
[04:13:23] What's the time?
[04:13:26] You just got a picture real quick?
[04:13:28] Very good, very good.
[04:13:29] Where's your streamer backpack?
[04:13:31] It's becoming human now?
[04:13:34] That's Mars, he's my producer.
[04:13:36] He's my friend.
[04:13:38] What's up?
[04:13:41] Uh, I think they're...
[04:13:43] I think they're J.W. Anderson?
[04:13:46] Yeah.
[04:13:48] Thank you.
[04:13:50] What's up? What's up? What's up?
[04:13:52] Y'all want to follow me?
[04:13:54] Yeah.
[04:13:56] Thank you for motivating me to organize.
[04:14:00] Hell yeah.
[04:14:02] Can you shut out the subversive history, boy?
[04:14:04] Subversive history.
[04:14:06] Subversive history?
[04:14:08] I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[04:14:10] I literally enjoy the record right now.
[04:14:12] Oh hell yeah.
[04:14:14] That's the first time I've ever heard that.
[04:14:16] First time I've ever heard that.
[04:14:18] That's a first.
[04:14:20] Nice to meet you.
[04:14:21] Nice to meet you.
[04:14:22] I appreciate your time.
[04:14:23] Nice to meet you guys.
[04:14:24] I appreciate your time.
[04:14:25] Yeah.
[04:14:27] Thank you.
[04:14:28] Nice to meet you.
[04:14:29] I'm sorry.
[04:14:30] I'm sorry.
[04:14:31] Nice to meet you.
[04:14:31] Yeah.
[04:14:37] Let's move that way.
[04:14:38] Nice to meet you guys.
[04:14:39] Thank you for being here.
[04:14:41] Excuse me.
[04:14:42] Sorry, sorry, sorry.
[04:14:48] Sure.
[04:14:49] Thank you.
[04:14:49] Nice to meet you.
[04:14:51] Oh, thank you.
[04:15:01] Awesome.
[04:15:02] Seriously?
[04:15:07] Yeah.
[04:15:08] Nice to meet you guys.
[04:15:09] Thank you for coming.
[04:15:10] Party keeps up with you.
[04:15:11] Are we on the street?
[04:15:20] Yeah, you're on the street now.
[04:15:21] Yeah, I think we can get out through here.
[04:15:22] I mean, I'm assuming they're barricading more.
[04:15:23] No, I think it's like perma-barricaded.
[04:15:28] Probably.
[04:15:29] They're actually putting a little on.
[04:16:20] That's not...
[04:16:21] You see the...
[04:16:22] You're on.
[04:16:40] You see the thing that you're on?
[04:16:57] It's bullshitting, protectors.
[04:17:02] Why are you wearing all the...
[04:17:04] Why are you wearing all the...
[04:17:06] Dennis, protectors.
[04:17:08] You know what I mean?
[04:17:26] Now we make our way down the highway.
[04:17:33] Dude, that was good, though.
[04:17:44] Good vibes, overall.
[04:17:46] Yeah, I mean, that's...
[04:17:48] Anywhere you can see on the left,
[04:17:50] sorry, on the right,
[04:17:52] that doesn't seem barricaded.
[04:17:57] I think no matter what, it's going to be barricaded.
[04:17:59] Is that barricaded fully?
[04:18:00] I mean, this is the proper walk-in.
[04:18:07] It appears so freaking bad, dude.
[04:18:12] They say that you can't technically walk in.
[04:18:16] I don't think they let you walk in,
[04:18:17] so there might be a checkpoint in a certain place.
[04:18:28] I feel wack is fumbling out my credentials
[04:18:29] that it says influencer on it.
[04:18:34] I mean, it does say press on it, too.
[04:18:37] You're right.
[04:18:38] But the main one says influencer.
[04:18:43] I'm here to influence Canal, for sure.
[04:19:13] Wait, hold on.
[04:19:13] Maybe they might let us in through here.
[04:19:15] Excuse me, excuse me.
[04:19:23] For credential people,
[04:19:25] how do we get in to the convention from here?
[04:19:27] Go around the building, one block down.
[04:19:30] Okay, thank you.
[04:19:50] What's up guys?
[04:20:04] Now that we saw a pro-Palestinian anti-genocide protest,
[04:20:09] we back, wait, what happened?
[04:20:13] Easy clap, wipe the camera lens,
[04:20:19] read, okay, shut the fuck up chat.
[04:20:21] We know, we know that the camera
[04:20:28] has a fucking weird little lens issue, okay?
[04:27:58] I'll fix the main ingest again, hoping that it works.
[04:28:10] Oh, it's back.
[04:28:23] What is the likelihood that it stays open?
[04:28:25] The fucking tavern.
[04:28:28] Bro, the police activity here is crazy.
[04:28:32] It is crazy how many fucking cops are here.
[04:28:35] Holy shit.
[04:28:36] You know those fucking school buses
[04:28:38] are for a protest or it's getting arrested.
[04:28:40] Or maybe it's to actually haul him in here, I don't know.
[04:29:00] Okay, well I'm gonna fucking drain him.
[04:29:07] It's gonna be drain-o.
[04:29:12] Where is it, is it like that brown building?
[04:29:14] Yeah.
[04:29:17] I hope so, I hope it's open.
[04:29:19] Yeah, it's really good.
[04:29:28] Dude, I don't care.
[04:29:30] Give me a fucking sink, dude, that's what it means.
[04:29:34] Give me a sink and I'll dump it.
[04:29:36] Oh, what can you do for breakfast?
[04:29:38] Yo, look at this.
[04:29:44] Oh shit, good liars.
[04:29:45] What's up, boys?
[04:29:46] Oh yeah.
[04:29:47] I'm live streaming right now, sorry.
[04:29:48] Nice to meet you
[04:29:52] It's true they have no idea who the fuck I am oh
[04:30:01] I just because I said oh shit is the good liars
[04:30:04] Fuck is this oh?
[04:30:06] Is a union protest or what is happening with these lights? I have no idea. I can go that way, but I can't go shit
[04:30:15] I'm so close. I'm so close to the finish line
[04:30:45] Hi
[04:30:47] Nice to meet you guys.
[04:30:51] I certainly hope you are here to yell at Mala.
[04:30:54] I'm literally going to pass out.
[04:30:56] You want to take a photo?
[04:30:58] Yes, I really do.
[04:31:00] We were just at the Palace of New Protoss.
[04:31:02] We were too.
[04:31:04] Oh my God, wings.
[04:31:09] What are you interviewing today?
[04:31:16] No one in particular today, but potentially some people tomorrow.
[04:31:21] No, no, Obama interview is called off until after the DNC.
[04:31:27] Potentially, we'll see.
[04:31:29] Maybe? I don't know. We'll see.
[04:31:34] Oh, yeah.
[04:31:56] Okay, chat.
[04:32:07] A little march interlead.
[04:32:09] A little march intermission while Hasan drains himself.
[04:32:16] Oh God that backpack is heavy y'all that backpack is heavy my back hurts I'm
[04:32:37] carrying your asses all day I'm carrying y'all all day y'all are heavy as hell
[04:32:44] Oh, is this thing even on?
[04:32:48] You guys even see me?
[04:32:50] It's kind of dark in here, hold on.
[04:32:52] Not bad.
[04:33:03] These are the microphones. This is what we're working with.
[04:33:08] These little guys.
[04:33:14] You just clip it on right here like this?
[04:33:16] Like so? A little magnet? Boom.
[04:33:20] microphone now. You guys having fun? Y'all enjoying the content so far? I think
[04:33:27] honestly I'm like, there were so many moments there where I, this song was kind
[04:33:32] of far away from me, but I was holding the camera and then somebody was coming up
[04:33:36] to me to try to like talk at chat like good faith like somebody like that
[04:33:40] either wanted to like plug something important or just like you know say
[04:33:43] something or like there are moments where I wanted to like tell chat what
[04:33:47] we were doing because this song was kind of far away but I didn't have a
[04:33:50] mic on me so I think I'm just gonna put up with two mics I think it's gonna pop
[04:33:53] the other one on me in the future just so I can like talk to you guys if I
[04:33:57] need to like get some info or something so next stream if you hear me more
[04:34:04] clearly it means that I pop their mic on but I think just and I can also like
[04:34:08] pop it off and like hold it at people that song's talking to you I think
[04:34:11] it's better that way we're learning okay it's our first time using these
[04:34:15] Mike's. He's coming back though. Dad's coming back and he looks relieved.
[04:34:21] All right let's do it.
[04:34:47] What is the Chicago Firefighters Union doing?
[04:34:50] We just talked to them. They're three years without a contract.
[04:34:53] They're trying to fight for us.
[04:34:55] That's crazy.
[04:34:57] Bro, on my beat. Hold on. Let me fix my situation here.
[04:35:03] I'm down to do it oh it's back three years without a contract that's
[04:35:15] unacceptable these guys are saving fucking people's lives
[04:35:21] oops all right well what do you guys want to talk about
[04:35:33] So, uh, we got the arts speech, uh, it's with the National Museum of the State Park, and we do a fully introduced radio show, um...
[04:35:46] That's sick. Yo, show that march. Show the merch.
[04:35:50] Amazing.
[04:35:51] That's amazing, bro.
[04:36:45] I recognize all of you.
[04:37:52] I was here one day.
[04:37:53] You're gonna have hundreds of people say,
[04:37:56] if I stay with you for the last 10 years,
[04:37:59] I will never get to a place without you.
[04:38:08] I just wish to be with you.
[04:38:10] So, I'm gonna find you an Amiga.
[04:38:31] Listen, I'm gonna get up and go.
[04:39:00] I just want to be with you.
[04:39:06] Yeah, I love that.
[04:39:48] Over and over.
[04:40:43] RO2 kit bit rate is inaccurate.
[04:40:51] The bit rate on the unit is correct.
[04:40:53] Sometimes it's bad bit rate, sometimes it's camera
[04:40:55] currently is connection. Your RO2 kit may crash across it.
[04:41:41] It's not me, it's the DNC. They're working with the DNC as well.
[04:41:44] Here, let's take a photo.
[04:41:45] Oh, thank you so much.
[04:41:46] Of course.
[04:41:52] Enjoy the light beauty.
[04:41:54] As much as you can.
[04:41:55] Let's try.
[04:41:56] It's going to be in and out, I think.
[04:42:00] And it's also...
[04:42:01] Getting a late, yeah.
[04:42:03] It's the latest hell.
[04:42:04] I mean, that's fine.
[04:42:05] It's late like 10 seconds out of the game.
[04:42:07] As long as it's like 2-6.
[04:42:20] Will it kick me off?
[04:42:23] We're working on getting a private server potentially to chat.
[04:42:27] Can they...
[04:42:28] You get six or seven to ask for a cleaner's purpose.
[04:42:39] Bro, this place is sick by the way.
[04:42:41] I don't know what chat, I don't know if you're like
[04:42:43] actually able to hear me or see me,
[04:42:46] but this place is fucking so sick.
[04:42:49] I kinda, yeah, it's like, it's like real.
[04:42:54] You know what I mean?
[04:42:55] Very, there's like a bunch of fucking firefighters
[04:42:59] sitting at the bar, drinking.
[04:51:48] Is this like a place? Like a chain?
[04:51:51] Oh, we just...
[04:51:55] I just picked those plates.
[04:51:57] Working on getting you an ETA should be imminent.
[04:52:02] What are we at right now?
[04:52:04] Your shipwires?
[04:52:06] I don't know, I'm gonna check.
[04:52:09] Uh, looks like 42K.
[04:52:12] You know...
[04:52:15] You think I had enough, dude?
[04:52:17] Oh, what the fuck, it's saved.
[04:52:21] Saved!
[04:52:24] Oh my god.
[04:52:26] It's the camera angle.
[04:52:28] You're just eating.
[04:52:29] All right, that was crazy.
[04:52:34] Bro.
[04:52:35] Okay, trap.
[04:52:37] I don't know how, I don't know what happened.
[04:52:38] I'm gonna put on back.
[04:52:41] Okay, we came into this rainin' place
[04:52:42] so I could take a piss, right?
[04:52:45] And it looks fuckin' awesome.
[04:52:46] on my way to the bathroom I saw like a bunch of fucking union firefighters who
[04:52:50] apparently have been trying to get a contract and haven't been able to get a
[04:52:53] contract for three years and I saw these dudes and I was like these guys look like
[04:52:58] real fucking I mean they got the they got the leather neck you know what I
[04:53:02] mean they look like cops right so I was like these guys these guys are
[04:53:06] brought in joyers okay you know what I'm talking about real Polish so of course
[04:53:15] First I thought to myself, yo, I gotta fuckin' pop in,
[04:53:18] try this shit out, Chicago style.
[04:53:22] That's the lady.
[04:53:24] At the counter, what's the best thing?
[04:53:31] That's the same age, you good?
[04:53:35] You're a fuckin' loser.
[04:53:36] That's the lady at the counter.
[04:53:39] What is the best thing, she's a curse breaker.
[04:53:42] Okay.
[04:53:45] So I got it and I got a side of fries
[04:53:50] Let me try the fire
[04:54:04] Look at this it's gonna be your one meal. Yeah, no, I'll have something else
[04:54:14] That's great, I don't know but also I guess not that surprising
[04:54:22] I'm so hungry.
[04:54:41] She said if you get the curse breaker, you gotta get it with the jalapenos.
[04:54:47] And our dude, it's just a bit spicy, but it's barred.
[04:55:01] Anyway, chop, we're back, thank you for waiting, and we're going to go into the DNC, Newswater
[04:55:23] reported riot police engaging.
[04:55:25] Yeah, we saw those mother fuckers staging earlier.
[04:55:30] Nasty motherfuckers bro.
[04:55:37] Nasty motherfuckers, bro
[04:56:04] What is a commission he started already
[04:56:09] Bro, I swear to God you'll try these fries
[04:56:13] they fucking taste like the fries literally taste like funnel cake dude I
[04:56:19] don't know how
[04:56:27] I heard some people were at the event barricades if that happens they'll sweep
[04:56:45] every protestor it's probably a bullshit reason for why they're doing it you
[04:56:58] were there
[04:57:03] protestors were nice they were gentle they were kind
[04:57:16] Move the camera, try to watch Caleb Williams.
[04:57:23] What's up, you want to take a photo?
[04:57:29] Yes, I just really like to love my wallet.
[04:57:32] So I need to go back and get it from a lunch break.
[04:57:35] No, no, I got you. Whatever you got.
[04:57:38] No, I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it.
[04:57:40] No, you have a lunch break. Come on.
[04:57:42] No, it's okay.
[04:57:43] I got it. I'll buy it for you.
[04:57:45] I got whatever you want, no, no, no, it's all good
[04:58:03] Let me know your order and I'll get it
[04:58:09] My zipper is still down. Oh shit it is
[04:58:12] You can't tell though because it's so it's so packed
[04:58:20] But you can't see anything because the pants are crazy pleated
[04:58:36] Well
[04:58:38] I'm not gonna lie, I was shocked to see motherfuckers in the DNC line, I'm out of the line to
[04:58:49] take photos, that was the most shocking so far.
[04:58:53] You know what I mean?
[04:58:58] I don't doubt what you say.
[04:59:00] Alright, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on my obviously, I said I was shocked to
[04:59:08] I'm gonna focus on the DNC line and leave the line to take photos of me
[04:59:12] Really? I'm not surprised by that
[04:59:15] Democratic Party like... I guess
[04:59:24] Looks like we're stable. Looks like we're cooking
[04:59:32] After I did that thing to fix the stream you're welcome chat
[04:59:35] That's unlimit I wrote all the way bro on the back end
[04:59:43] You're welcome guys, you know he's counting on me
[04:59:48] Ain't no way
[04:59:50] Chad he's lying, we didn't do shit
[04:59:57] That's crazy that we're just lying now 42,000 people now think I'm the guy yeah I think I have the god hand
[05:00:18] No, you're the gopher carrying the stream all day
[05:00:24] Do it for them. Okay, so we are going I know where the entrance is
[05:00:27] Yeah, is it closed?
[05:00:29] Yeah, we're on the right side.
[05:00:31] We're just further down from where we were before.
[05:00:33] That's good.
[05:00:34] This is what I'm told.
[05:00:36] We'll see if we can find it.
[05:00:37] And then we have to ask for an escort.
[05:00:39] Because like, you can't get in without one.
[05:00:44] Okay.
[05:00:47] Catch up? Breathe?
[05:00:55] No, that's right. That's right.
[05:00:57] How you gonna hit on a catch up?
[05:00:59] what's wrong with you oh did you order already remember a mime in
[05:01:13] bro this place got popping after we got here I like Chicago it's pretty cool
[05:02:00] good food so far we are there you think you'll have any time to actually
[05:02:06] Explore Chicago, is it gonna be all?
[05:02:10] Okay, fine.
[05:02:11] I'm sorry for asking.
[05:02:12] I know why you're asking, bro.
[05:02:13] Why?
[05:02:15] Well, because I wanna go do
[05:02:15] the fucking thing.
[05:02:16] I'm gonna show them the beautiful,
[05:02:19] the beautiful Windy City.
[05:02:21] I have friends that live here
[05:02:23] that I recommend for stuff.
[05:02:24] There's river walks, there's fucking.
[05:02:27] You just know.
[05:02:27] There's architecture boat tours.
[05:02:29] You just know that I'm a freak.
[05:02:30] There's an architecture boat tour with Chad.
[05:02:31] You just know that I'm a freak
[05:02:32] and I would never do anything
[05:02:34] outside of streaming.
[05:02:36] Yeah.
[05:02:36] So you know your best possibility?
[05:02:38] It's to guilt you into Jack, gilting you.
[05:02:41] So real.
[05:02:43] The best possibility for you is to...
[05:02:45] The beam, what about the beam?
[05:02:47] I gotta leak the beam.
[05:02:51] I'm trying, yeah, I'm trying.
[05:02:53] I'm really trying.
[05:02:54] Just kidding.
[05:02:55] Only politics.
[05:02:57] What's going on?
[05:02:58] No, no, you can do it.
[05:03:00] Can I pay your dog?
[05:03:01] Yeah, of course.
[05:03:02] Alright.
[05:03:03] Hello.
[05:03:04] I don't.
[05:03:06] I'm sorry.
[05:03:08] This dog is amazing.
[05:03:09] It always is.
[05:03:10] Love your stuff, man.
[05:03:11] My buddy got me into it.
[05:03:12] For sure, I mean.
[05:03:14] Thank you for watching.
[05:03:15] I truly don't want to get a guy to go to my house.
[05:03:18] I flew in for New York.
[05:03:20] I flew in for New York at six in the morning.
[05:03:23] I was going to bed at night.
[05:03:24] So I'm like one hour to sleep.
[05:03:26] And I was in New York for like three days.
[05:03:28] And I just flew in early.
[05:03:30] Because I don't understand how public transit works.
[05:03:32] So I was actually working in Los Angeles.
[05:03:34] There you go.
[05:03:35] I'm going to the dog.
[05:03:37] Thank you.
[05:03:39] No problem.
[05:03:45] Can we take it to the dog, Coke?
[05:03:47] I saw the dog too.
[05:03:53] I missed it guys.
[05:03:55] I'm on one of our seats sometimes.
[05:03:57] My brain is sad.
[05:03:59] Yeah. Thanks.
[05:04:01] It is, yeah.
[05:04:17] Go piss again.
[05:04:18] I don't need to piss now.
[05:04:19] Are you from the dog?
[05:04:20] I did not.
[05:04:21] Oh, it's right there.
[05:04:22] I did not oh it's right there oh he's so cute I don't want to get too close
[05:04:35] though he's holding him like a football
[05:04:42] Connelly just walked in.
[05:04:50] Go to the chapters.
[05:05:00] What?
[05:05:02] Bro, we should probably go.
[05:05:14] That's going to be a blast off name for you tomorrow. I just know it.
[05:05:18] Someone's going to put something on that TV.
[05:05:22] Bro, I should be reacting to the TV.
[05:05:24] This is an IRL react, that's not react.
[05:05:28] Classic. I can't stop myself.
[05:05:31] You can't pause it though, I think.
[05:05:34] I can't curse either and say what I want to say in public.
[05:05:38] Even though we are literally surrounded by Hassanabi heads right now.
[05:05:41] Would it be good to see Hillary Clinton speak?
[05:05:43] Pay for that lady food? I already did.
[05:05:46] Bitch.
[05:05:48] What?
[05:05:49] What a doggy!
[05:05:51] That's a Hassanabi head doggy.
[05:05:53] Oh that guy's a Hassanabi head?
[05:05:55] Uh huh.
[05:05:56] No, I do randomly walk up to the people with dogs.
[05:05:59] Actually, I do randomly walk up to the people with dogs.
[05:06:02] Have a good one!
[05:06:04] Nice.
[05:06:06] She forgot her wallet.
[05:06:09] And...
[05:06:11] It was on break.
[05:06:13] You came to say hi to you?
[05:06:15] Mmm.
[05:06:17] I don't think she knew I was here.
[05:06:19] Oh, she just had a watch.
[05:06:21] No, she walked in and was like shocked when she saw me.
[05:06:24] That's my favorite type of like fan interaction is when they're like when they weren't like stream sniping
[05:06:30] They're like what are you doing? They're like randomly working. Yeah, I
[05:06:34] Love those because we do end up sometimes in the most random places
[05:06:37] Yeah, I could some back alley shop in Australia and like that sounds like why is this my store right?
[05:06:46] That's the best
[05:06:49] Do that one that one also ahead had a sixer
[05:06:54] I miss it so much
[05:06:58] It's true that dog is a seven-month chatter is true. I'm the dog
[05:07:15] Bro while the fucking stream was down we're just taking the goddamn lens out and fix the fucking yeah
[05:07:23] March L that's the L for March chat
[05:07:25] That was in the chat for March.
[05:07:28] Oh, hold on, yeah, hold on, it's there.
[05:07:30] That's true.
[05:07:31] That's pretty true.
[05:07:33] Yeah, it's true.
[05:07:34] I can't even see it anymore.
[05:07:37] I feel like I did do that.
[05:07:38] I feel like I did, I did.
[05:07:39] Surprise.
[05:07:40] Wait, really?
[05:07:41] No, I didn't.
[05:07:42] Son of a bitch.
[05:07:44] Double L.
[05:07:46] All right, let's go.
[05:07:53] Okay.
[05:07:54] Uh-uh-uh-uh!
[05:07:55] Actually, I...
[05:07:57] How many of you?
[05:07:59] How do you guys like to come out of the way?
[05:08:01] It's great.
[05:08:02] Incredible.
[05:08:03] It's awesome.
[05:08:04] Food's great.
[05:08:05] I like it.
[05:08:06] I like it a lot.
[05:08:07] Okay, well that might be a little different, but it was the closest that we saw the line
[05:08:17] outside the DNC, and then I had to go to the bathroom, so this happened to be
[05:08:24] the closest place.
[05:08:25] Yeah.
[05:08:26] lucky it's good it's delicious
[05:08:34] wait what's that oh they did that's why they were coming in hot with the
[05:08:46] with the riot gear.
[05:08:47] Well, that's what they had in the room.
[05:08:49] I'll just come down here and get a raise tonight.
[05:08:54] Surprise.
[05:08:54] Hang on.
[05:08:55] Have a good one.
[05:09:10] Fight and die.
[05:09:11] Bro, the TV's behind me.
[05:09:13] Why are you lying?
[05:09:19] They're apparently about to talk about influencers at DNC
[05:09:21] on NBC soon.
[05:09:24] Bro, they're not talking about me
[05:09:25] when they're talking about DNC influencers, OK?
[05:09:27] what the fuck they're talking about like two talkers in shit bro march okay
[05:09:38] they're not like oh me they're not talking about me or march when we're
[05:09:43] talking about dnc influencers oh technically i am a creator for kamala
[05:09:47] though i didn't know that i am
[05:09:52] Mocked by March.
[05:09:58] Alright, let's fucking, let's get it.
[05:10:20] See how we're going to get this shit through. That's the real question.
[05:10:23] It's going to be exciting to try to explain to people what this is.
[05:10:30] What an unmarked backpack with a bunch of wires, cables, and a box.
[05:10:36] We'll be fine, we'll be fine.
[05:10:46] I guess Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
[05:10:48] Mom's gonna stand for it.
[05:10:56] What are yours?
[05:10:58] What does it say?
[05:10:58] Soldiers for God, soldiers for Christ.
[05:11:01] That's cool.
[05:11:02] Badass.
[05:11:10] For the DNC?
[05:11:12] Just hanging out?
[05:11:22] We're not supposed to be walking.
[05:11:23] I don't think so.
[05:11:32] What's going on?
[05:11:34] Can we take a picture?
[05:11:35] Yeah.
[05:11:43] Bro, I used to watch 2IT sports game.
[05:11:45] 2IT sports?
[05:11:47] Shouts out to Rick Strong, he's from here.
[05:11:53] Nice to meet you, my man.
[05:11:55] Yeah, that's fine.
[05:11:57] Hello, oh my god.
[05:12:01] Bro, is this the Chicago flag?
[05:12:03] Yeah, yeah.
[05:12:04] Bro, Chicago loves this fucking flag, bro.
[05:12:08] It's everywhere.
[05:12:12] Hi.
[05:12:15] Hi, hi, hi.
[05:12:17] Hi, hi, oh you're so, you're so good.
[05:12:22] You're such a little killer.
[05:12:24] You're such a little killer.
[05:12:26] How many babies have you had today?
[05:12:27] Three.
[05:12:28] Huh?
[05:12:29] Oh yeah, oh yeah.
[05:12:31] Hey, what's going on?
[05:12:33] Come on, Richie, come on, he's.
[05:12:35] I know, I know, I know, I'm so sorry.
[05:12:38] All right, let's do it.
[05:12:40] I got you your dog, okay?
[05:12:48] I got you a dog.
[05:12:49] What is this?
[05:12:50] Oh my God!
[05:12:51] Hey, what is it?
[05:12:52] It's all my, but like also literally what he had, like it's the same thing that he had.
[05:12:59] It's the same trigger that uh, what's his face?
[05:13:01] Meduria.
[05:13:02] That's sick.
[05:13:03] Thank you.
[05:13:04] I'm just gonna eat you.
[05:13:05] Okay.
[05:13:06] All right.
[05:13:20] Have a good one, guys.
[05:13:21] Yeah, nice to meet you.
[05:13:22] to all right let's do it thank you for watching yeah we just left work to go
[05:13:50] say hi hell yeah all right cool cool you say guys what's going on yeah you
[05:13:58] You wanna ask a question too?
[05:13:59] Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's okay.
[05:14:01] Sure, what's up?
[05:14:02] So, you know, I know you got built a computer by LTT
[05:14:06] and you still use that?
[05:14:09] Oh, I...
[05:14:10] How do you start to use it?
[05:14:11] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do, but it's my secondary.
[05:14:15] Like, I have a primary that I got from Starforge.
[05:14:18] Because I had a 4090 in it, why, why do you ask?
[05:14:21] Well, you know, LTT store, man.
[05:14:23] Well, LTT store.
[05:14:24] Wait, are you, do you work with Linus or something?
[05:14:27] No, I'm just swiped out.
[05:14:28] damn you're just doing a fucking drive-by ad
[05:14:31] I was up to protest, I'm going home now, what the fuck
[05:14:34] I think it's this way, it's this way?
[05:14:36] yeah it's your left side
[05:14:37] alright, nice one, have a good one man
[05:14:40] that's a crime
[05:14:43] what's up?
[05:14:44] I'm back, I've watched you every single day on the street
[05:14:46] nice to meet you my man
[05:14:47] hey, nice to meet you
[05:14:48] you want to take a photo?
[05:14:49] yeah, absolutely
[05:14:50] alright, let's do it
[05:14:51] man, I appreciate you dude
[05:14:52] all your streams I watch every day
[05:14:54] you've made a big change in my life
[05:14:56] hell yeah
[05:14:57] I really do appreciate it
[05:14:58] appreciate it. Alright, watch out, watch out, watch out. Oh hey, what's up? Nice to meet you man. You want to take a photo? Where's your phone?
[05:15:11] I know you gotta get on the run, but I'll let you go. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you man. I'm Brian, I watch you.
[05:15:16] Yeah, I know, it's all good.
[05:15:20] Yeah. Alright, have a good one guys.
[05:15:28] So, do you want to enter through the southeast corner?
[05:15:33] Uh-huh.
[05:15:34] I know the gate numbers.
[05:15:36] They're not good to say them, but yeah.
[05:15:38] So I'm heading to that general area.
[05:15:40] Uh-huh.
[05:15:41] And then hopefully it should be pretty easy to navigate.
[05:15:45] But those are the directions that was good.
[05:15:47] Got it, got it, got it.
[05:15:55] Okay.
[05:15:56] All right.
[05:15:59] We're cooking.
[05:16:00] I'm forgetting all my commercial breaks, but fuck it.
[05:16:02] Why not?
[05:16:03] This way?
[05:16:05] Yeah, that's right.
[05:16:07] This way, it's straight, and then, I don't know, I guess we just kind of look around from there.
[05:16:12] I will go cross him up right now, bro.
[05:16:15] That guy was like 12, bro.
[05:16:17] I don't give a fuck, dude. I just unlocked Ultra Instinct.
[05:16:20] As soon as I saw him, Noshel on Baler Walk, not a care in the world, I should just went, blah.
[05:16:32] Learn a thing or two.
[05:16:35] That's why LeBron's the greatest.
[05:16:37] Not Michael Jordan.
[05:16:38] As I say, as I walk into the hallowed halls that Michael Jordan blessed.
[05:16:52] What does Chad say to that?
[05:16:53] Unfollowed?
[05:17:04] You can't fucking say that in Chicago, is that right here?
[05:17:09] I feel like Zoomers are done with the 90s.
[05:17:12] Zoomers are done with the 90s.
[05:17:13] You can say that to Zoomers.
[05:17:14] Look right here.
[05:17:15] Yeah.
[05:17:16] Yeah.
[05:17:17] So this is the middle area.
[05:17:19] I want to look for gate six or seven.
[05:17:22] Okay, now you just set it.
[05:17:24] Excuse me.
[05:17:26] Which way is...
[05:17:27] Sorry.
[05:17:28] Which way is gate six or seven?
[05:17:29] I don't know.
[05:17:30] Sorry.
[05:17:31] You've got to get to the next one.
[05:17:35] Okay.
[05:17:36] Thank you.
[05:17:47] Ooh.
[05:17:48] I'm excited to see what it's going to look like inside.
[05:17:50] How late does it go?
[05:17:52] Eleven.
[05:17:53] Wait, really?
[05:17:54] Yeah.
[05:17:55] Brandon's nap time is coming up.
[05:17:57] He's got to go early, but usually it goes to like 11 Chicago time. I think 1011. Yes. Well Beyonce's gonna be performing on Thursday night
[05:18:05] I think name one Beyonce saw freedom
[05:18:21] I don't even know if that's those the lyrics are not but
[05:18:23] I've heard it from the only reason why I know the song is because I watch the fucking Kamala Harris rallies. Yep
[05:18:30] God
[05:18:32] What a weirdo
[05:18:33] What a weirdo this guy is you guys watch this fucking weirdo doesn't listen to music
[05:18:38] Who the fuck knows a Beyonce song from might be a left here
[05:18:42] This is the juicer GA line. So you want to kind of keep going what?
[05:18:54] Yeah, that's the line. Holy. I think left you guys have like
[05:19:00] here wait what the live streaming yeah I think I think at a certain point we got
[05:19:08] to realize that like they use we use the same where that they use oh my god
[05:19:17] Oops sorry
[05:19:31] I think that
[05:21:54] Oh, this looks promising ish
[05:21:57] I'm going to make a lot of money.
[05:22:00] I don't need to stay here.
[05:22:03] Maybe.
[05:22:04] But where is the United Center?
[05:22:12] Isn't it like this?
[05:22:14] I don't even fucking know, bro.
[05:22:18] You're over internal affairs.
[05:22:23] We're looking for gate 6 or 7.
[05:22:25] We have influence credentials.
[05:22:26] They want us to go to gate 6 or 7 first.
[05:22:29] More so like India?
[05:22:31] Yeah.
[05:22:32] Yeah, media.
[05:22:33] I want to get a light.
[05:22:34] Uh huh.
[05:22:35] I want to get a light.
[05:22:36] Okay, thank you so much.
[05:22:38] Hmm.
[05:22:39] Hmm.
[05:22:40] Bro, hold up.
[05:22:42] No homes right now.
[05:22:43] We're fucking cooked.
[05:22:44] Caught.
[05:22:45] Oh.
[05:22:46] We're back.
[05:22:47] Oh, we are back.
[05:22:48] We're back and we were back in time for all of Chad to see that.
[05:22:51] I was actually leading us in the right direction.
[05:22:53] Bro, that's crazy because while the Chad was gone, we actually did a full 180.
[05:22:58] That's crazy.
[05:23:00] We actually did a full 180.
[05:23:01] going in the opposite direction that we're going in and the cops specifically
[05:23:05] said bro how did you come so far you're so wrong like why are you here is what
[05:23:12] the cops said
[05:23:16] right what looks like a lot of more like walking out which was so there must be
[05:23:24] an entrance over here people are so happy or lived up I can't you be more
[05:23:31] lived up. I don't know because people are dying. What's Austin doing right now? Austin's probably
[05:23:44] fucking getting a manicure, pedicure, getting his shit sucked. I don't know. Me to Obama? Definitely
[05:23:50] he's not. No, he's not me to Obama. I know that because we we saw the I've had it ladies.
[05:23:56] That was very tough.
[05:24:01] Yeah, that dude that came over there with a fucking seersucker was so weird.
[05:24:09] What?
[05:24:17] We buy, we buy food like Kamala merch.
[05:24:21] Absolutely not.
[05:24:26] Okay, this is Jefferson.
[05:24:28] Is it, or no, Jackson.
[05:24:30] Yeah.
[05:24:32] What's up?
[05:24:34] We have him already.
[05:24:36] We have our media, our press print was already, we're just leaving for the entrance for press.
[05:24:39] entrance for press yeah okay oh okay oh yeah I don't know where to get them
[05:24:49] though I'm not gonna lie to you we had to go to like which hotel do we go to
[05:24:54] first to get them hi region so what's going on
[05:24:59] so no merchants merchant no no bootleg from all a merge no actually not what
[05:25:12] I may have told. Sorry.
[05:25:14] I'm a creep.
[05:25:20] No fun.
[05:25:24] We have influencer credentials, media credentials, and they told us to go to gate 6 or 7 to get in.
[05:25:50] And then we need a liaison or an escort or something.
[05:25:54] Okay, so the media entrance of the South Mag is here on Walcott Street.
[05:26:00] And then there's another guest entrance that's on Madison and Pauline.
[05:26:05] No, no, no, we're, I don't think we're supposed to be.
[05:26:07] The guest entrance is like the one with like all the massive lines.
[05:26:10] It just depends on what group.
[05:26:11] So there's honored guests that's-
[05:26:12] We have to press.
[05:26:13] Yeah, so try here first.
[05:26:15] Okay.
[05:26:16] But they might sit you back around.
[05:26:17] Okay, thank you.
[05:26:17] Oh, hell no, I hope not.
[05:26:20] Thank you.
[05:26:24] Hey, hey, God.
[05:26:26] What do you mean?
[05:26:26] Yeah, bro, he's a fucking cop.
[05:26:28] They've probably, there's a lot of homeless security.
[05:26:34] I mean, this is like every law enforcement agency,
[05:26:38] state level, federal agents, they're all here.
[05:26:41] There's like, bro, Obama's here, Hillary Clinton is here,
[05:26:45] Bill Clinton is here, Joe Potem is here,
[05:26:49] the current president.
[05:26:50] Yeah, what's happening?
[05:26:52] What happened?
[05:26:55] Can I get a shout out to?
[05:26:56] Should I shout out to the court?
[05:26:57] to the local organization.
[05:26:59] Oh yeah, yeah, go ahead.
[05:27:00] Amish no, you do the other,
[05:27:02] you know what defines 50 for it,
[05:27:04] 50 for it, look us up on Facebook.
[05:27:08] We have a progressive group trying to elect
[05:27:11] a progressive Alderman, especially in the 54.
[05:27:14] It's a tough job.
[05:27:22] All right, how are you going, my man?
[05:27:24] Nice to meet you.
[05:27:26] Chicago Alderman are notoriously corrupt.
[05:27:29] One of the more one of the more corrupt institutions in this in this beautiful city
[05:27:35] Well, let me tell you something. Okay all that corruption. It seems to be working. Okay, cuz I like it. I like Chicago
[05:27:40] I'm a Chicago head. I'm a Chicago fan now, okay?
[05:27:44] I'm not lived up, but I am definitely Chicago Pilt
[05:27:53] There's like bike lanes and yet you refuse to go and explore the great city of Chicago, bro
[05:27:59] Okay, I didn't say I'm that Chicago Pilt. We're gonna chill. We got an obligation here
[05:28:03] we got an obligation to lick the beam
[05:28:07] you'll see the beautiful history and architecture of Chicago
[05:28:12] we'll get a roast Italian sandwich
[05:28:15] I mean we'll do some of that dude don't worry
[05:28:19] we'll I think we'll see we just went to that fucking tavern place
[05:28:24] oh god the little line here is also gonna be
[05:28:26] but they said we need to avoid a line I should probably ask
[05:28:29] Mark connects that.
[05:28:31] Yeah, I'm gonna lick the bean. Oh my god. The media space that they gave us is
[05:28:47] literally so tiny
[05:28:50] What is Colleen Al? This is gonna be you reacting to the convention for your hotel room.
[05:29:02] Probably
[05:29:03] Whenever something put inside the convention.
[05:29:07] When you enter the gate, got it.
[05:29:09] That's probably for the best.
[05:29:10] I think we're here.
[05:29:12] Here it is, like, fault your credential pick up.
[05:29:16] Hi, we already have our credentials.
[05:29:18] They told us that we need a media press escort for the influencers.
[05:29:24] Uh, six or seven is what they said.
[05:29:27] Is this gate six or seven?
[05:29:29] I don't know if you want to give them a call.
[05:29:31] Do you have a phone number?
[05:29:33] No, they took, like, I do have a phone number, but they told us.
[05:29:36] Wait, I'm going to give them a call right now, but they said,
[05:29:40] Uh, lean on us, shrewdy, and I'll make sure...
[05:29:44] Please enter your grade 6 or 7.
[05:29:46] You will need to ask for a Creator Press Escort.
[05:29:49] Maybe I just... I'll just call them.
[05:29:54] And see if I can get it like that.
[05:29:58] Just to let you know?
[05:30:00] No, I know.
[05:30:02] Yeah.
[05:30:04] Hello.
[05:30:06] There is a massive line here.
[05:30:08] We're at Gate 6 or 7,
[05:30:10] and the people, the volunteers here have no idea what the press escort looks like.
[05:30:17] Which gate am I at? What is this?
[05:30:21] This is the everywhere it comes in, so.
[05:30:28] I'm outside. I'm outside. There's not like a, there's a great head, but it's tiny.
[05:30:34] And there's a massive line. This is where all the press and all of the
[05:30:38] volunteers and everyone else comes in through. I think this is like a,
[05:30:40] Like a public access area.
[05:30:42] Is this Walcott Avenue?
[05:30:45] Walcott Avenue.
[05:30:52] I'm on the street.
[05:30:54] Jackson and Walcott.
[05:30:56] Jackson and what?
[05:30:57] Walcott Avenue.
[05:30:59] We're on Jackson and Walcott.
[05:31:04] Okay, thank you.
[05:31:11] Who?
[05:31:13] Oh, okay, yeah, I'm going to ask him.
[05:31:17] Hey my man, they told us to come here, like the village marketing team, and they said that
[05:31:27] we need a press escort, here I'm going to look at that.
[05:31:31] They said, great, please enter through gate 6 or 7, Mauricio you will need to ask for a
[05:31:36] creator press escort.
[05:31:39] We're with like the, I can't believe how late, we're with the creators for Kamala.
[05:31:43] We also have a press guide.
[05:31:45] Yeah, we already have our credentials.
[05:31:47] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:31:49] Uh-huh.
[05:31:51] Uh-huh.
[05:31:53] Yeah.
[05:31:55] Okay.
[05:31:57] Someone just said they're gonna come out for us.
[05:31:59] This badge is...
[05:32:01] This is Canadian?
[05:32:03] I do not know.
[05:32:05] This is the badge.
[05:32:07] Yeah, this is what we have.
[05:32:09] I don't want to show it on camera. We're for streaming.
[05:32:11] Alrighty, sorry.
[05:32:13] Yeah, I can, um, I can scan you in and I guess you guys can wait and see if there's someone.
[05:32:20] Okay, let's do that.
[05:32:22] So we just go where? Where do we wait?
[05:32:29] Uh, we can just go right there.
[05:32:35] Now is where we finesse our way in.
[05:32:37] Bro, I don't freaking know.
[05:32:40] What if she's like out there now, and then we just have to wait?
[05:32:44] Well, there's a little bit of a wall cut out of the entrance.
[05:32:47] It's pretty hard.
[05:32:48] You get by the sister fucking convention center?
[05:32:51] Is this even, what is this?
[05:32:52] That fucking convention center right there.
[05:33:03] I'm gonna text her again.
[05:33:05] Okay.
[05:33:05] Yes.
[05:33:07] I'm gonna take a photo.
[05:33:09] I'm gonna take a photo.
[05:33:10] And be like, this is where we're at.
[05:33:21] This is where we're at.
[05:33:25] And then I hope it works.
[05:33:27] Good to get one more.
[05:33:29] No, I'm good, man, thank you.
[05:33:31] No, I'm good on that as well.
[05:33:34] Damn, I mean.
[05:33:35] I mean, it's working, dude.
[05:33:37] Industrious.
[05:33:41] I guess we, wait, hold up, hold up, let me see.
[05:33:44] All right, that part is good.
[05:33:52] Dude, like Twitch staff is texting me to be like,
[05:33:56] tell them I'm watching this straight, the camera went out.
[05:33:58] I also got to text you.
[05:34:06] Okay.
[05:34:11] Chat, is stream good?
[05:34:13] Can you guys see everything?
[05:34:14] Is everything fine?
[05:34:15] Chat, is this real?
[05:34:17] Chat, is this real?
[05:34:18] We're so close.
[05:34:18] We're so close like an old-timey street.
[05:34:20] I didn't see Joe Biden.
[05:34:22] Dude, this is crazy.
[05:34:23] This is like real DNC heads no, real DEM heads no.
[05:34:31] Architecture tours really flamed.
[05:34:33] I was about another person saying that to me.
[05:34:36] Ain't nobody saying that.
[05:34:38] Not a one.
[05:34:39] I'm looking at chat.
[05:34:41] They're all saying the opposite.
[05:34:42] They're like, yo, this sucks.
[05:34:44] Actually, like the architecture tour sucks.
[05:34:46] This is so much better.
[05:34:47] They're like dude we really want you to be able to get into the DNC and say hi to Joe Brandon.
[05:34:55] Oh probably the wind is wind-socking.
[05:35:01] Okay way too dank.
[05:35:03] I want to do that now.
[05:35:05] I mean we're going to go inside in a second.
[05:35:07] She made it.
[05:35:15] Happy for her.
[05:35:17] How did she get into the party?
[05:35:19] Where's this shirt from?
[05:35:27] I don't know where it's from.
[05:35:28] This is a secret. I'm gatekeeping it.
[05:35:29] She said all my way.
[05:35:30] I'm gatekeeping.
[05:35:31] I'm gay-keeping bro. I'm gay-keeping. I like this
[05:35:50] See I told you by the way like this is why like the real the real them like
[05:35:57] The real fucking hard and sold the Democratic Party like this is it. Okay, these guys, you know, they don't know the fuck
[05:36:03] I am okay. Look at this line
[05:36:05] March you are not paying attention. No, anything else
[05:36:10] You are not listening at all bro. I'm just talking to myself.
[05:36:14] We are talking to your chat.
[05:36:15] I'm talking to myself. My game self dude.
[05:36:18] These are the guys who are like, my...
[05:36:21] These are the guys who are like Anderson Cooper.
[05:36:22] I forget the time.
[05:36:23] Anderson Cooper is big.
[05:36:24] I heard that I'm the vessel through which you can communicate with the chat through.
[05:36:27] You don't actually see chat. You see me expecting to relay that music to them.
[05:36:31] March is sleepy.
[05:36:33] Yeah, that part is true.
[05:36:36] Yep, no more stream snipers. Exactly.
[05:36:38] I'm being so...
[05:36:39] There ain't gonna be no shame snipers inside of the D&D, I promise.
[05:36:42] I'll be so online tomorrow, you need to know.
[05:36:45] That's right.
[05:36:46] Straight out of sleep.
[05:36:47] Dude, you locked in though, you locked in for sure where it mattered, like...
[05:36:51] Yeah, I mean, how we built it.
[05:36:52] We needed you to, we needed you to lock in, and you fucking locked in, and that's
[05:36:57] what matters.
[05:36:58] Just like I lock in at the top of the hour when there's a three minute outbreak, and
[05:37:00] I serve it, and Chattney's the lock in, get their money up, not their funny
[05:37:04] up, so they can actually end up subscribing to avoid the ads at the top of the
[05:37:08] hour.
[05:37:09] dude here's your minute I break now chat robot at this point comma is gonna be
[05:37:20] up by the time we get it wait what I want one too what the hell hour in the
[05:37:24] room I have one I know we can't get him in California maybe in Illinois
[05:37:32] fucking governor Pritzker made that shit easy hopefully but oh it's like this
[05:37:57] This is like, like people are,
[05:38:00] people got like delegation bags on or shit.
[05:38:02] These are like delegates I think.
[05:38:04] Interview the women next to you, I'm scared.
[05:38:07] I'm scared of women in general.
[05:38:09] Well, they told me to stay in line, please.
[05:38:11] What?
[05:38:12] We're being told to stay in line, please.
[05:38:13] Please.
[05:38:14] We're something that we never were in line, thank you.
[05:38:16] On my way, stay in line?
[05:38:17] Wait, we're not in line.
[05:38:18] Oh, shit.
[05:38:19] I mean, it's right if we're in line.
[05:38:21] Surely not, right?
[05:38:23] Bro, we shouldn't have.
[05:38:24] We shouldn't have.
[05:38:25] Yeah.
[05:38:26] But like, but to be fair, like, we're not delegate, you know what I mean?
[05:38:34] We're here to do media shit.
[05:38:35] I don't think these are press.
[05:38:36] I don't think it's the press area.
[05:38:38] Like, I don't, press is not.
[05:38:40] Actually that's why I said they have a badge.
[05:38:41] I was like, everybody has this badge.
[05:38:42] You like, yep, that's the badge.
[05:38:43] No, these are like, yeah dude, you think these guys are fucking press?
[05:38:47] I don't know.
[05:38:48] No, they're delegates, bro.
[05:38:49] They're like fucking...
[05:38:50] It's a delegate.
[05:38:52] They're people that are voting.
[05:38:54] Oh.
[05:38:55] also or have voted already or like their donors and like there's a lot of people
[05:39:00] they get invited to this shit and it's all like donated some money it's like
[05:39:04] tWishCon bro okay it's like tWishCon it's like tWishCon okay you know how tWishCon
[05:39:08] you got people they get general admission this is that okay explain
[05:39:18] this in tWishCon terms yeah on tWishCon terms we are lows on the bottom of the
[05:39:25] totem pole in terms of like, yes, hello, oh yes, nice to meet you, it's going great
[05:39:37] I'm very excited to go inside, we're live by the way, just to head up, oh yeah, keep going,
[05:39:42] alright, so where are we going? I am to each of the friends, you're good to go, okay,
[05:39:47] we got our credentials we got everything, we do, we're going to stop the song, what?
[05:40:03] Yes, yeah, no, we're just running yeah, but I'm doing the gears. I'm the one that gets stopped
[05:40:19] Don't die Maricio don't die March
[05:40:27] Is it a problem if we show our credentials on camera, I just don't wear it on purpose because I don't want to show it
[05:40:47] Thank you.
[05:40:48] Thank you.
[05:40:49] How are you guys?
[05:40:50] Great.
[05:40:51] We're just crazy.
[05:40:52] We were running around the city all day.
[05:40:56] This is our first time inside.
[05:40:57] We haven't even been inside yet.
[05:40:58] Yeah.
[05:40:59] It's, um, I just got here about an hour ago.
[05:41:00] We were supposed to get here a little bit earlier.
[05:41:01] But we're bringing 50,000 people into our hands.
[05:41:02] That's not bad.
[05:41:03] Yeah.
[05:41:04] That's a lot of people.
[05:41:05] There's 50,000 people in the chat.
[05:41:06] We're bringing 50,000 people.
[05:41:07] I love that.
[05:41:08] I love that.
[05:41:09] There you go.
[05:41:10] That's a lot of people.
[05:41:11] There's 50,000 people in the chat.
[05:41:12] We're bringing 50,000 people.
[05:41:13] I love that.
[05:41:14] I love that.
[05:41:15] There you go.
[05:41:16] I love that.
[05:41:17] I love that.
[05:41:18] There you go.
[05:41:19] I have some holding 50,000 people right now.
[05:41:21] They're good.
[05:41:22] I don't need you to step up to that so they can scan the yellow badge.
[05:41:25] I'm with him, though.
[05:41:28] Oh, good?
[05:41:29] Yeah.
[05:41:30] All right.
[05:41:31] Good?
[05:41:32] Yeah.
[05:41:33] Every third door, you're right here.
[05:41:36] Okay.
[05:41:37] Wait, second or third?
[05:41:39] Okay.
[05:41:40] Bye, chat.
[05:41:41] All right.
[05:41:45] All right, chat.
[05:41:46] We're gonna get scanned.
[05:41:48] So, you take everything out of them?
[05:41:51] So, what's the separate?
[05:41:53] Uh, it needs to be connected.
[05:41:55] Yeah, it could be possible.
[05:41:57] So, just go right into it.
[05:41:59] And then, should I just walk through?
[05:42:03] Do I take everything out of my wallet?
[05:42:05] Yeah, it's okay.
[05:42:06] Alright, alright.
[05:42:08] There we go. I think that's everything.
[05:42:12] That's trash.
[05:42:14] Do you want to talk to the side?
[05:42:23] Oh, what's this right here?
[05:42:25] Oh, this is a microphone.
[05:42:27] I'm uh, I'm uh, I'm right now. Well, the camera's over there.
[05:42:32] Can you take it off? I can take it off.
[05:42:36] No, you don't have to.
[05:42:37] Chad, are you alive? Chad, is this real?
[05:42:44] Is that a rough one?
[05:42:45] What's that deal like?
[05:42:51] Uh, I stopped him.
[05:42:53] Okay, that is mine.
[05:42:58] He's came by to pick up.
[05:43:07] I don't know if I'm going to be gone.
[05:43:13] I
[05:43:18] Almost didn't let me in with the lob Mike. I I just
[05:43:22] Lost the magnet part to mine. No, yeah, we have to go back and get it
[05:43:27] I think it might go just fell here. I think oh it fell. I want to make sure Chetty didn't made it through that
[05:43:32] Wait, it's like so hard to find that I know it's well I have one here. So no, it's not okay
[05:43:42] We gotta find it. Oh, it's right there. It's right there. You kidding me?
[05:43:45] It's okay, bro
[05:43:48] What do you mean though? It's definitely not. It's going to be so hard to replace it.
[05:43:52] We're good. Sorry for the shaking cam chat.
[05:43:59] And I'm happy to get off.
[05:44:01] Oh yeah.
[05:44:02] I'm being left alone.
[05:44:03] You popped around a little bit this morning?
[05:44:05] Well, we went to, like, my manager's not here and he was the one who originally was, like, facilitating, yeah.
[05:44:11] Yeah, we've met, by the way, on a zoom call. You and I.
[05:44:14] Oh.
[05:44:16] Like, a month and a half ago.
[05:44:17] Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:44:19] Oh, you're right.
[05:44:20] Yeah, that makes sense.
[05:44:22] Yeah, of course.
[05:44:23] So everything's a little bit of a blur.
[05:44:27] But yeah, so he was facilitating that.
[05:44:29] And then he swapped it out for March.
[05:44:32] Because he's my producer.
[05:44:34] And when that happened, he just didn't show up either.
[05:44:38] So he sent me emails that you guys were sending him, like,
[05:44:41] oh, this is where you pick up your badge or whatever.
[05:44:43] And I went to McCormick closet, thinking that we're
[05:44:46] picking up our stuff there.
[05:44:48] Turns out we're not picking up our stuff there.
[05:44:51] We already had our stuff.
[05:44:52] I like going through that.
[05:44:53] It's all good though.
[05:44:54] Okay, well at least you have fun.
[05:44:55] How does that feel for you?
[05:44:56] And then going forward from today,
[05:44:58] I will confirm exactly where you're supposed to be going
[05:45:00] every morning.
[05:45:01] Yeah.
[05:45:02] Pick them up, see you guys soon.
[05:45:03] We need new credentials every day.
[05:45:05] Okay.
[05:45:06] Gaming right out.
[05:45:07] Oh yeah, we are.
[05:45:08] We are.
[05:45:09] Sorry, that was fun.
[05:45:10] Hey, you made it.
[05:45:11] Hey, look at that.
[05:45:15] There you go.
[05:45:23] Anything today?
[05:45:24] No, we just want to hang out and check it out.
[05:45:27] film as much as we can. My goal today is just to show like what the DNC looks like to people.
[05:45:34] And then I think we have some interviews potentially lined up. I got to talk to David about that
[05:45:40] to schedule some stuff tomorrow.
[05:45:41] That's my president.
[05:45:42] In the day after. Outside of what I wanted to originally do was to have a remote setup
[05:45:53] in my hotel room.
[05:45:55] I wanted to put that remote set up at the area that they designated for one of my friends
[05:46:05] at Dropsite.
[05:46:06] Probably on New York Railway.
[05:46:09] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:46:10] But that's not in here, right?
[05:46:11] That's like...
[05:46:12] Oh, it is.
[05:46:13] Wait, he just actually, yeah, he sent me a photo of the...
[05:46:18] But that's not 24-7.
[05:46:19] I can't.
[05:46:20] I can't actually...
[05:46:21] What's up, man?
[05:46:23] I'm watching your stream from Texas.
[05:46:25] More Democrats need to spend more time and money in Texas.
[05:46:27] Turn it blue.
[05:46:29] I agree. Nice to meet you, man.
[05:46:31] Have a good one in there.
[05:46:33] We'll be back.
[05:46:35] I think you should keep it around your neck, by the way.
[05:46:37] Okay. It's fine if we show it.
[05:46:39] They didn't give me a bet.
[05:46:41] Yeah, yeah.
[05:46:43] Oh, wow.
[05:46:45] Thank you.
[05:46:47] The last little sippy road is better.
[05:46:49] That hurts.
[05:46:50] No, no, no.
[05:46:54] Thank you.
[05:46:55] So can they hear?
[05:46:57] Can chat here?
[05:46:58] Yeah, they can.
[05:47:15] It's crazy.
[05:47:16] I think if it's a tour, like a little, you know,
[05:48:03] we're gonna, this is my first time inside.
[05:48:05] Like we were at the Palestinian protest the other day.
[05:48:07] So we're gonna check it out
[05:48:10] and then I'm gonna go see the little like baby cubby
[05:48:13] that they allotted to Ryan.
[05:48:16] He sent me a photo of it.
[05:48:17] Are you streaming from media row?
[05:48:21] Am I streaming from media row?
[05:48:23] I'm just streaming here today.
[05:48:27] But if I do, if I can, I might just actually set up there
[05:48:31] and stream from... I don't know, I think it's probably better to just do it in the hotel.
[05:48:46] Wait, they've talked to delegates.
[05:48:50] It's not, yeah.
[05:48:54] So, I think like some people broke the barrier or something?
[05:48:58] That's what people were saying and the cops came in.
[05:49:00] Yeah, it wasn't like 40,000 people but it was still pretty big crowd.
[05:49:10] Yeah, I think it's like Monday and Thursday and there's two big crowds.
[05:49:20] So we'll see.
[05:49:28] So it was the 100th floor.
[05:49:43] Oops, sorry.
[05:49:45] Told you chat. We're gonna get mobbed in here. This is the one place. I will not this is the one place that nobody's gonna recognize me
[05:49:52] I told you
[05:49:55] No, I mean that doesn't count. That's like that was outside
[05:50:00] No, I doesn't
[05:50:05] Every time I go to a convention like an anime convention and drink on these sorts of things like I'm always like oh, it's not gonna be like that
[05:50:14] Okay, that doesn't count either
[05:50:19] If it happens, you'll see.
[05:50:21] That's why I was asking originally for security, but I don't think it's necessary.
[05:50:29] You can tell us we are amenable.
[05:50:35] So this is Meteoros, that what you said?
[05:50:37] This is Meteoros, so a lot of like New Zealanders.
[05:50:41] And they're really coming like...
[05:50:46] That's sick. So like the young Turks is here?
[05:50:49] I believe so, yes.
[05:50:51] Oh my God, that's awesome.
[05:50:53] And then people come through, like politicians come through here.
[05:50:59] They can.
[05:50:59] And they say, like, what's up?
[05:51:01] Yes, that's safe.
[05:51:03] Most are staffed throughout the day.
[05:51:08] And then you drive it up, you say by heart and radio,
[05:51:10] it's about a huge state debt to set up here.
[05:51:13] That's what they can feel.
[05:51:14] This is what I needed.
[05:51:16] This is what you wanted?
[05:51:17] Well, I don't know how this stuff works.
[05:51:19] I should have, I would have been better to ask ahead of time.
[05:51:32] Oh, you got people in your ear, even while all this is going on.
[05:51:34] All right, we'll be happy.
[05:51:35] It's chaotic.
[05:51:36] This is, I can't remember what news network it is.
[05:51:39] This is BBC.
[05:51:40] That's the Fox News, I think.
[05:51:41] It is.
[05:51:42] You can't remember what news network it is.
[05:51:44] Pretty obvious, they love America.
[05:51:46] We've got BBC also on this side.
[05:51:48] Hell yeah.
[05:51:49] This will get a lot more active
[05:51:51] during like the prime time hours,
[05:51:52] when people are like really doing covers all the time.
[05:51:55] Okay, and then in here we've got like some greater
[05:52:02] No, I'm good man. Thank you. You want any you want water? I'm okay. Thank you
[05:52:59] Okay, I'll remember that hey
[05:53:03] You said he's got snacks. I
[05:53:42] Love them all
[05:53:44] I'm a fan of all of them. Wait, which one is this?
[05:53:48] This also looks Foxy Jason not gonna lie.
[05:53:53] They got Fox vibes on him.
[05:53:57] Oh shit.
[05:54:06] Man, man. How you doing? Hi. How you doing?
[05:54:12] Hi. How are you? These are Ann. We're Shimmer
[05:54:16] right now. Hey, I haven't seen you since. Hello.
[05:54:20] Oh, nice to meet you. Where's Ann? What's he up to?
[05:54:24] Oh he's on the show. Oh are you guys filming right there? Wait it's live right now. Oh hey Suisse is here too?
[05:54:33] I'm not gonna interrupt it. This is my shit. This is what I used to do. This is the uterus.
[05:54:45] I know. I know. What's good? How much? Yeah I'm not in any studio. I'm just streaming out of my hotel room
[05:54:53] streaming out of the backpack but they don't have like a consistent area for us
[05:54:58] so you just need to like block out time so I was like I'll just stream out of the
[05:55:01] hotel instead or I'm probably gonna steal Ryan's little little cubby that they
[05:55:07] gave him apparently oh yeah yeah where is that do you know where that is I don't
[05:55:11] know I don't know exactly yeah drop-sci
[05:55:14] I'm gonna take a picture of my daughters in love with one of you
[05:55:17] I'm not gonna take a picture with one of you
[05:55:19] It's Brad, it's fine
[05:55:23] I can fight it out, it depends
[05:55:26] I know, it's been years
[05:55:30] Oh are we, well don't say anything
[05:55:33] Yeah, I'm alive
[05:55:36] Yo, that's crazy
[05:55:38] They put you guys right on there to the Michael Jordan
[05:55:41] Right on the Michael Jordan statue?
[05:55:43] Show that in a mention, yeah, March, show that, oh I already did, oh okay
[05:55:54] That was so much easier, yeah
[05:55:58] Hell yeah, just nab him
[05:56:02] That's sick, I don't think I'm going to interview anybody, I mean there's no people
[05:56:06] I just want to I just want to you know show the process show people the behind-the-scenes
[05:56:13] stuff like what's your bunch of there's a bunch of people that reached out to us I think I don't know what to talk to them
[05:56:18] What's the weirdest thing about it about like the behind-the-scenes of the process?
[05:56:23] I mean it's all new to me so for me it's like kind of cool because like I go to
[05:56:28] conventions all the time I go to I go to conventions all the time but never
[05:56:35] like a convention like this so for me this is like we're holding her off I
[05:56:42] feel bad we're just gonna keep walking but I wanted to I just wanted to see I
[05:56:48] wanted to get a big dog in action back at some point yeah I will 100% I will
[05:56:52] come back fucking hey Zeus man that was awesome alright yeah let's do it that
[05:57:08] I was
[05:57:10] I know, yeah
[05:57:11] Times!
[05:57:28] Epoch Times, let's go!
[05:57:30] Oh, those are my goats!
[05:57:33] What's going on?
[05:57:34] I'm curious if I can get a picture of you?
[05:57:35] Yeah, of course!
[05:57:40] They got Epoch Times and NTD, side by side.
[05:57:43] I can't believe it, dude. All the vets.
[05:57:45] You really are taller than I thought you'd be.
[05:57:48] Get that all the time.
[05:57:50] I don't think your head sets.
[05:57:52] Oh, thank you. Can you, yeah, say that directly into the microphone.
[05:57:55] It's not that small.
[05:57:57] Chat, there you go.
[05:57:59] Oh, I'm live?
[05:58:00] Yeah, no, oh yeah, I'm live.
[05:58:01] Sorry.
[05:58:03] Nice to meet you guys. What's up?
[05:58:04] Nice to meet you, Benjamin.
[05:58:05] Nice to meet you, Benjamin.
[05:58:06] Yeah, big man.
[05:58:07] Oh, thank you. Nice to meet you. Have a good one.
[05:58:09] Um, I can't believe Deepak Times and NTD, side by side, you don't understand.
[05:58:14] Like, this is, this is my, like, this is like, anime con for me.
[05:58:18] Anime con.
[05:58:19] These are all of the characters and these broadcasters that I watch and some of which
[05:58:24] I despise, but still it's sick.
[05:58:27] I can't believe they've overcome bankruptcy, overcome a federal investigation, and they're
[05:58:34] still here at the DNC.
[05:58:36] That is true grit, okay?
[05:58:38] True grit and Falun Gong money, but still true grit nonetheless.
[05:58:42] First of all, do you have the content creator badge and everything?
[06:00:33] So that will give you access to this space which you are already here and then there is also a lounge upstairs with the 1718 sponge.
[06:00:46] And then you can also sit down and rinse with the wash.
[06:00:50] Well, thanks so much for coming up.
[06:01:15] Nice to meet you.
[06:01:31] Nice to meet you too.
[06:01:32] We have a chat.
[06:01:34] It's uh, in Romania, we're in my hotel room and this is my really roaming situation.
[06:02:15] I'm probably going to try and set up like a permanent stream.
[06:02:24] I've probably streamed from here somewhere, I don't know, if I have space.
[06:02:34] Nice to meet you.
[06:02:36] Nice to meet you.
[06:02:37] Well, good work man.
[06:02:38] Yeah, nice to meet you bro.
[06:02:39] Lookie, why you gotta be so small now?
[06:02:44] This is crazy.
[06:02:45] Dude, are you kidding, you've got like this, you're brawling.
[06:03:05] We just had left, I think after that.
[06:03:09] Like we were watching him stage and then I was like,
[06:03:13] I needed to pee really bad,
[06:03:14] but I guess it saved me a little bit.
[06:03:25] Hard, it's hard to keep up with everything
[06:03:26] that's going on.
[06:03:29] Like, not the creators here.
[06:03:30] I've done it for this, like,
[06:03:43] this is like, you've been doing this for years and years.
[06:03:45] You've been a Victon.
[06:03:47] I remember they treated us a little bit like Victons.
[06:03:49] Yeah.
[06:03:50] For the sequel.
[06:03:53] This is like, imagine if Victon only happens
[06:03:56] like four years, every four years,
[06:03:58] And like, this is the only time a lot of these content creators get to do a bit of it, so I think that's what it is.
[06:04:04] What's your plan while you're here?
[06:04:06] Um, I am currently, I think I just lost our, oh no, she's still here.
[06:04:11] I'm currently just walking around roaming, just getting a feel for the scenery.
[06:04:17] Just saw my old stomping grounds, the young Turks is over there, set this up.
[06:04:22] And then after that, I don't know, we're just gonna walk around.
[06:04:27] I have no like real plan, like my desktop setup is in my hotel room so if I wanted to like actually do commentary I would have to do it, you know, in the hotel room today so...
[06:04:43] But yeah, are you enjoying yourself?
[06:04:45] Are you?
[06:04:46] We're sorry.
[06:04:47] No, we're happy.
[06:04:48] You got some interviews lined up?
[06:04:50] We're just having a regular channel to see what's gonna be a bust and so this is the
[06:04:55] first part of the reason we go to these things and it's how we, uh, you know, release it tomorrow.
[06:05:01] I think that's a good question.
[06:05:03] It's supposed to be the financials that we cut it into.
[06:05:05] Oh, yeah.
[06:05:06] Oh, the crime rate thing?
[06:05:08] Uh, yeah.
[06:05:10] Yeah. Well, regardless, I'm sure it'd be great.
[06:05:12] There you go.
[06:05:13] He's got interviewin' Joshua Hero.
[06:05:15] He interviewed Joshua Hero already.
[06:05:16] Thank you for the plug without having to put your face in the thumbnail.
[06:05:19] It's he and he ran.
[06:05:25] Only watches.
[06:05:33] I grew up like, I was like 13.
[06:05:35] You just been filled in.
[06:05:37] I know. I literally grew up with him.
[06:05:39] It's crazy.
[06:05:41] Jake would talk shit about him sometimes.
[06:05:43] There was a little bit of rivalry.
[06:05:45] But we grew up watching him.
[06:05:47] So it's so funny.
[06:05:49] Now we're peers.
[06:05:51] It's crazy.
[06:05:53] I've never seen him before.
[06:05:55] again for 10 seconds is it been we're using a different camera tomorrow there
[06:06:08] ain't no way we're using the same camera tomorrow it's good it's good it's good
[06:06:12] right now god I fucking hate this which have so fucking much bro I hate it we
[06:06:17] got so much shit we got yeah we're juicy we are like 60k people in here holy
[06:06:25] shit 60,000 new heads watching at the top of the hour in the middle of the hour
[06:06:29] whenever I remember to serve the dream and average at the top of the hour
[06:06:33] here's the dream and average now Chad if you no longer want to see those as all
[06:06:36] you need to subscribe I am not paid by the Dac some others might be but you are
[06:06:42] the ones who keep me on next with your subscriptions here's the dream and average
[06:06:46] now all right let's run it okay let's yeah let's do it let's walk around
[06:06:55] around. Yeah, let's do it.
[06:07:12] It's so good.
[06:07:12] The sad man traces your face to feel better about you.
[06:07:15] Did you do that to me too?
[06:07:16] It's so weird.
[06:07:17] I'm like, I suppose my photo man.
[06:07:20] Like, what are you doing?
[06:07:23] Happy to see you here.
[06:07:23] Thank you.
[06:07:24] Yeah.
[06:07:27] I'm some ass fandom.
[06:07:29] What's up?
[06:07:30] Garrison, the...
[06:07:31] Garrison is the best.
[06:07:32] Nice to meet you as well.
[06:07:33] What's on?
[06:07:34] What's on Fikert?
[06:07:35] Oh yeah.
[06:07:36] I've seen your content for a thing.
[06:07:38] Yeah, it's great.
[06:07:39] What's up, guys?
[06:07:40] Appreciate it.
[06:07:41] We're live right now.
[06:07:42] Are we live?
[06:07:43] Yeah, it's like 16,000 people.
[06:07:44] There's some stuff we can watch here.
[06:07:45] Oh my god.
[06:07:46] You should stream our latest video for Mother of Jones.
[06:07:49] Okay.
[06:07:50] It's not Black or Public.
[06:07:51] It's like, oh I blocked it.
[06:07:53] Yeah, I think you'd like it.
[06:07:54] I would like that.
[06:07:55] You're right.
[06:07:56] is now, you know, you guys picked up Cat, I picked up Guy.
[06:08:01] I'm excited, I'm excited to see what happens.
[06:08:03] I love your stuff, you look great, you look fantastic.
[06:08:13] This is a fit, this is a fit, this is absolutely a fit.
[06:08:16] You're fit, you're fit.
[06:08:18] No, no, no, no.
[06:08:20] Because everybody always has a classic look,
[06:08:22] everybody always wears like suits, you're in here.
[06:08:24] I just thought I'd kind of go like a little like,
[06:08:26] like less dirty, a little bit.
[06:08:28] Yeah, I like it, no I like it, it's great.
[06:08:31] I also, I think the top button button up,
[06:08:33] I think that's a good look.
[06:08:35] People don't do that enough.
[06:08:37] Seriously, appreciate it.
[06:08:39] All right, nice to meet you.
[06:08:40] Nice to meet you.
[06:08:44] Nice to meet you.
[06:08:45] I'm Brian, the right-hand guy at Tamiq Tech Talks.
[06:08:48] Hell yeah, nice to meet you, Brian.
[06:08:49] I love your platform.
[06:08:51] Oh, thank you.
[06:08:52] You're here.
[06:08:53] Oh, thank you, thank you so much.
[06:08:56] Enjoy the convention.
[06:08:57] Thank you.
[06:08:58] Can we get a picture of that?
[06:08:59] Of course.
[06:09:03] Nice to meet you.
[06:09:08] Oh, thank you.
[06:09:10] Wait, did we lose?
[06:09:12] Right there.
[06:09:28] Okay, that's cool. This is fun.
[06:09:30] Chad, are you guys having fun?
[06:09:33] Are you having fun, Chad?
[06:09:36] You've been good.
[06:09:43] Dude, I can't, my internet is bad in here.
[06:09:47] Okay.
[06:09:48] Look at this guy, being cool.
[06:09:50] No, we did not lose our guy.
[06:09:53] Okay.
[06:09:54] Make sure my boss is talking to the right thunder boss.
[06:09:57] And we don't mess it up.
[06:09:58] Don't worry.
[06:09:59] Do your thing.
[06:10:00] I'm going to grab a diet pepsi.
[06:10:06] Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. Oh, I love that. This is it. This is my fit. Little capital, little capital archival piece. I'm slowly revealing it. Normally I won't reveal this stuff to chat. I'm gatekeeping it to you.
[06:10:49] What is this thing? I don't even know what the fuck. I'm a real soda boy and I don't even know what starry is, bro.
[06:11:02] Chicago staples.
[06:11:03] I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is.
[06:11:06] I need me some BC's. I need me some Diamond Dew.
[06:11:54] What's going on, my man?
[06:11:58] It's working today, but yeah.
[06:12:00] What's going on?
[06:12:13] I'm feeling sick.
[06:12:15] What's going on, my man?
[06:12:17] Do you have Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi?
[06:12:19] There's none left in there.
[06:12:22] No worries.
[06:12:40] Why don't you want sugar if I get sorry?
[06:12:42] No, I'm not that bad.
[06:12:44] What is that?
[06:12:46] I'm sure about that.
[06:12:48] Yeah.
[06:12:50] There's a new Sprite.
[06:13:30] You don't get your preferred beverage, so you drink this motor oil, you know what I mean?
[06:13:43] It is what it is, man, it is what it fucking is, you know.
[06:14:13] I don't want to be rude though, what's up, Tair, what's on now, you're on it right now,
[06:14:47] I'm on this right now.
[06:14:49] Yeah, right this moment.
[06:14:52] That's my cue.
[06:14:53] Wait, what?
[06:14:54] What do you mean?
[06:14:55] I saw your bracket.
[06:14:56] No, you look great.
[06:14:57] There's only like 60,000 people watching.
[06:14:59] Okay.
[06:15:02] Oh, there are.
[06:15:03] It's cool.
[06:15:04] Do you want a photo?
[06:15:06] Yeah, of course.
[06:15:12] Thank you.
[06:15:14] Nice to meet you.
[06:15:26] Thank you so much.
[06:15:31] Nice to meet you as well.
[06:15:33] Thank you.
[06:15:35] Right now, we probably will call you.
[06:15:43] Oh hell yeah, you can say hi.
[06:15:45] That's so funny. I love that.
[06:15:51] Little BTS action out of the DNC chat.
[06:15:56] Alright, I can't.
[06:16:00] What's up?
[06:16:02] Hold this for a second so I can drink water.
[06:16:05] That's why I haven't been getting drinks.
[06:16:08] Bro, we can put it down for a second, you know what I mean?
[06:16:12] Let me tell you Ryan, dude, Brace is here.
[06:16:22] Oh my God.
[06:16:28] We got to get Rachel J.
[06:16:40] We got to get the pussy eating.
[06:16:45] I gotta get the pussy eating bandit.
[06:16:48] Racial J, the Gormon, the man that made the legend,
[06:16:53] Piss Pig Grandad.
[06:16:55] You know him by many names.
[06:16:59] But to his enemies, he is known simply as Grace Belden.
[06:17:03] I think he actually might have,
[06:17:07] he might have actually gotten the dark cowboy.
[06:17:11] You are in public?
[06:17:11] I don't care.
[06:17:13] We're good?
[06:17:14] Can we walk around?
[06:17:15] All right, let's do it.
[06:17:16] Are you sure you don't want to fucking take this down?
[06:17:19] Oh, you have it.
[06:17:20] Okay, what's going on?
[06:17:25] Can you interview me for a TikTok?
[06:17:27] Sure, I'm gonna do an interview for a TikTok real quick.
[06:17:32] Yeah.
[06:17:32] Were you really excited about meeting Amy Goodman?
[06:17:36] I was.
[06:17:37] Yes, my best friend texted me.
[06:17:38] She was like, what's your name?
[06:17:39] Was I'm like, who?
[06:17:40] Was I'm like, yeah.
[06:17:41] Yeah, I was just like,
[06:17:42] was I'm like, who's with the protest?
[06:17:43] He's meeting, he's meeting,
[06:17:44] he's meeting, he's meeting.
[06:17:45] I don't know where is it? She's not here. She doesn't come here. Yeah, she doesn't
[06:17:54] Yeah, I I love I love him again, I didn't know I didn't know she was at the protest I forgot like someone in the chat told me but
[06:18:04] She's she's the goat Amy Goodman democracy now one day one day I will meet her
[06:18:12] All right
[06:18:15] Which side is the mic, this?
[06:18:20] Um, it's like, what's um...
[06:18:23] Alright, let's do it.
[06:18:26] You're also live.
[06:18:27] I love...
[06:18:28] Oh, alright, alright.
[06:18:29] Hello, sir. Hello, sir.
[06:18:31] That's what you said.
[06:18:33] That's what you said.
[06:18:34] That's what you said.
[06:18:36] Okay, tell me what you think of that.
[06:18:40] Yeah, just, uh...
[06:18:41] Can you do a horizontal?
[06:18:44] It's awful, they don't have Diet Coke, they got Diet Pepsi, it says Pepsi only institution,
[06:19:04] oh my god, with an ear shot, I'm so sorry, the influence for accommodations are fantastic.
[06:19:10] I'm just a DC man myself in the Pepsi family.
[06:19:14] The only thing I consume is die-mound dew.
[06:19:16] So they don't have die-mound dew here, but.
[06:19:19] Where'd you get it and what have you got?
[06:19:22] I got it last night.
[06:19:24] I woke up this morning, started live streaming,
[06:19:27] went to the Palestinian protests, and now I'm here.
[06:19:31] And what do you think Harris Balls is going to get done?
[06:19:35] What do I think they're going to get done?
[06:19:37] I mean, I don't know.
[06:19:37] We'll see.
[06:19:38] We're going to find out hopefully at the DNZ.
[06:19:41] All right, cool.
[06:19:42] And we're at a new service at a university in Maryland.
[06:19:45] You're going to come by any time soon.
[06:19:47] You have to get to the service.
[06:19:48] University of Maryland?
[06:19:49] Yeah.
[06:19:49] What do I have to say to the students?
[06:19:50] Get out of there.
[06:19:51] No, I'm just kidding.
[06:19:52] No, no, no, I'm joking.
[06:19:53] No, that's sick.
[06:19:54] What's the service?
[06:19:55] Capital News Service.
[06:19:57] Capital News Service.
[06:19:58] All right, hell yeah.
[06:19:59] Love student journalism.
[06:20:01] It's amazing.
[06:20:03] There's a lot of greats that come out of student papers.
[06:20:06] So keep up the good work.
[06:20:08] excited. Who's my favorite influence in here? In this room in particular? I don't know. I'm
[06:20:21] constantly streaming so I don't really watch a lot of other categories but I guess I'll say
[06:20:25] Philip DeFranco. That's someone who my brother at least prefers to watch over me. So you know.
[06:20:33] Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but maybe one day.
[06:20:36] Maybe one day.
[06:20:37] Well, the concept will show.
[06:20:38] All right.
[06:20:39] Thank you.
[06:20:40] Here you go, my man.
[06:20:44] Oh, thank you.
[06:20:46] This is a shirt.
[06:20:48] Thank you.
[06:20:49] Thank you so much, guys.
[06:20:51] Tomorrow, I'm just going to straight up come in with a shirt.
[06:20:57] Like, I'm just going to be...
[06:20:59] Tomorrow, I'm going to put that shirt on.
[06:21:00] I'm putting that shirt on tomorrow.
[06:21:01] I'll be tag talk
[06:21:03] I'm rocking a tag talk
[06:21:05] Come on
[06:21:07] What's going on my man?
[06:21:25] Ok thank you
[06:21:33] Yo, wait, hold up!
[06:21:35] I said Markey!
[06:21:37] I said Markey!
[06:21:39] I said Markey!
[06:21:45] Okay, that's cool.
[06:21:47] I'm back in.
[06:21:49] That's actually dumb.
[06:21:51] I mean, I was never really out,
[06:21:53] but there are people
[06:21:55] that I would get actually excited to see.
[06:21:57] And Markey's cool, yeah.
[06:22:03] Oh, yes, wait one second sorry I have this and I'm with the this is
[06:22:17] like this is good but here you need this but it's also a lot faster but I have that
[06:22:25] It's the same.
[06:22:27] No, no, no, no.
[06:22:29] She works for the...
[06:22:31] She works for the DNC.
[06:22:33] I should say my seat.
[06:22:35] This gets you to the seat.
[06:22:37] Oh, God.
[06:22:39] This gets you to the seat.
[06:22:41] Also,
[06:22:43] what is the...
[06:22:45] Do you have like a seat over there?
[06:22:47] Is that what it is? Like, where are you getting the seat?
[06:22:49] Well, I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna stream from that spot today
[06:22:51] because my gear,
[06:22:53] like my remote gear is in my hotel right this this will get you into that 321 section and then just tell
[06:22:58] it if there's somebody swanning at it to say this is an outside seat get out so how big is it you
[06:23:02] sent me a photo of it it's like wait hold on let me see chat look who it is look who we found
[06:23:08] what's up chat
[06:23:11] you they love you and we have soger you guys need to up the subscribe it's good
[06:23:17] Oh, that was that was why I do it again do it again
[06:23:24] Oh, oh, yeah, no soccer
[06:23:28] Like I came up to soccer in here. He's like I actually like you
[06:23:37] You send me a photo here, I'm gonna
[06:23:39] Oh, I thought Brace actually, Brace was not allowed in to the DNC, turns out I was wrong.
[06:23:50] I got excited.
[06:23:53] So it's just like, so basically, oh that's fine, we can work with that, look at this,
[06:23:58] can I show this?
[06:23:59] Yeah.
[06:24:00] But this is the guy that was squatting in the seat, who is that guy?
[06:24:03] He's gonna beat it, he knows that you might be there, so.
[06:24:07] It's like, it's like, that's fine.
[06:24:09] So that's like the area that they gave you guys
[06:24:11] and that's like, we have that,
[06:24:13] you have that area the whole day?
[06:24:14] Yeah.
[06:24:15] From like morning until night.
[06:24:16] Yeah, I'll text you the number,
[06:24:17] but if section 321, row seven, seat two,
[06:24:20] write that down.
[06:24:22] Section three.
[06:24:23] No, I'll write that down.
[06:24:24] No, it's fine.
[06:24:25] They can't get in there anyway.
[06:24:27] So can I bring my remote desktop set up
[06:24:30] to that area, if I wanted to?
[06:24:33] But the problem with the creator lounges is that there's no like infinite access area.
[06:24:42] Like if there's a creator lounge like I can only get certain time slots and for me I would
[06:24:47] have to have a continuous like throughout the entire day.
[06:24:50] How's everything?
[06:24:51] Yes.
[06:24:52] Subscribe to Dropside News.
[06:24:54] Subscribe.
[06:24:55] How's everything? Yes. Subscribe to Dropside News.
[06:25:11] Subscribe.
[06:25:13] Thank you.
[06:25:15] We just wanted to bring in a couple of Muslim delegates in there who are one of them mad at us.
[06:25:19] I'm taking a flag to take out of their bag.
[06:25:21] No!
[06:25:23] That's crazy.
[06:25:25] Like four people swarmed when they saw the flag.
[06:25:27] Damn!
[06:25:29] God, this is so messed up.
[06:25:31] I was at the Palestinian protest.
[06:25:33] It was pretty good.
[06:25:35] It was pretty good. It was really energized.
[06:25:39] I think that people, I guess we're expecting an insane amount of people.
[06:25:44] But there was a pretty solid number of people there.
[06:25:46] It was a massive protest still.
[06:25:48] It just wasn't 100,000 people, I guess.
[06:25:50] The bigger one is supposed to be the more.
[06:25:52] Oh, I thought it was supposed to be Thursday.
[06:25:54] Well, they tomorrow should be bigger than the day.
[06:25:56] Yeah.
[06:25:57] And maybe building around the week.
[06:25:58] We'll see, yeah.
[06:25:59] Right now they're not feeling it.
[06:26:01] Like the couple of people I talked to are like,
[06:26:04] Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, it won't feel that much pressure.
[06:26:07] Yeah, there's no, I mean they cracked some skulls apparently because like they broke through the barrier a little bit,
[06:26:12] and then they were, you know, cops rolled in.
[06:26:15] If you seize the United Center, there's a ceasefire.
[06:26:18] Yeah, that's how...
[06:26:20] Just like if they seize the Capitol, they'll tell me that all of a sudden they're president.
[06:26:23] Okay, I will seize the United Center if you keep talking like that, Ryan.
[06:26:28] Then there's a ceasefire.
[06:26:29] Yeah, it's like the January 6th, they didn't really have a plan once they took to the parade.
[06:26:34] I don't even know, I'm sure there were assortators.
[06:26:36] I don't know, that's all I heard.
[06:26:38] Ironically enough, kind of oblivious
[06:26:41] of what's going on right now, all around us,
[06:26:43] because I'm here, instead of being on.
[06:26:46] I have a much better idea of what's going on.
[06:26:48] Watching Twitter.
[06:26:51] Who's the coolest person you've seen so far?
[06:26:53] I just saw it, I'm marking.
[06:26:54] Who's the coolest person you saw?
[06:26:57] Like, who are you?
[06:26:59] Who's so, we saw Kellyanne Conway.
[06:27:01] Yeah, Kelly, you had cut my ears in the line.
[06:27:03] So, are you sure you're here?
[06:27:05] Oh, Charlie Burser.
[06:27:06] No, Charlie Burser.
[06:27:08] One of those, one of those like fucking, one of those like kids that want to become like a DNC staffer one day.
[06:27:15] It was like Charmin and Charlie. It was awesome though.
[06:27:17] He was immediately like, he was immediately ripping into him.
[06:27:20] He's like, what are you doing here?
[06:27:22] Remember when you guys tried to steal the election?
[06:27:24] I was like, yeah, yeah.
[06:27:25] Get on his ass.
[06:27:26] Get on his fraudulent ass.
[06:27:28] It was great.
[06:27:29] Mark Kelly, this is pretty much it.
[06:27:33] Mark Kelly?
[06:27:34] No, I know who Mark Kelly is.
[06:27:36] I thought at first, I thought he said, our Kelly.
[06:27:38] I was like, this is how you do it.
[06:27:40] That would be weird.
[06:27:43] He could serve his problems for that.
[06:27:45] Yeah.
[06:27:46] Anyway, we're going to walk around.
[06:27:48] I feel like I'm just holding you up every time,
[06:27:52] everywhere we go.
[06:27:53] Thank you for everything.
[06:27:55] Thank you very much.
[06:27:56] I love Ryan so much.
[06:28:02] That's Ryan Graham. He used to work at the Intercept. What's happening?
[06:28:06] Yeah, sure. He was a Washington DC bureau chief at the Intercept.
[06:28:10] Nice to meet you.
[06:28:14] What's going on?
[06:28:18] Oh, nice to meet you.
[06:28:22] Ryan used to be the Washington DC bureau chief at the Intercept.
[06:28:26] Euro chief at the intercept and then they just started him and stay he'll left and started their own operation called dropside news
[06:28:33] Yeah, they're phenomenal reporters. They're incredible investigative reporters. I love them
[06:28:42] He's also happens to be on the hill. What's happening? He's also on the hill with I think like the breaking points
[06:29:01] Thank you so much.
[06:29:05] Take that.
[06:29:07] Thank you.
[06:29:09] Michael Sherr!
[06:29:13] Oh my God!
[06:29:15] How are you?
[06:29:19] You dig?
[06:29:26] There's no way I'm picking it up.
[06:29:28] I'll try to test it.
[06:29:30] I'm good. I'm great.
[06:29:32] We're swimming right now.
[06:29:34] We're live.
[06:29:36] Michael Sherr, Young Turks.
[06:29:38] Yeah, and many other things.
[06:29:40] Many other houses, but Young Turks most importantly, obviously, this is a Young Turks-only household.
[06:29:45] How are you doing here?
[06:29:48] I'm doing great. They're showing us around. I'm a part of the Creators for Kamala contingency.
[06:29:55] We always do get headed as a creator for Kamala.
[06:29:58] Is creators for Kamala a pet?
[06:30:01] No, I do the CE, but I'm creating for Kamala right now.
[06:30:08] It's pretty great
[06:30:11] No, it's unfortunately a Pepsi
[06:30:22] I will
[06:30:28] It's so funny because at the young turks these people are like my
[06:30:41] superiors, you know, I mean like they were the hose management
[06:32:38] Obviously, you're really lying, I need to get you out of here.
[06:32:40] Minus fucking touch chat.
[06:32:42] Yeah, that's what we call it.
[06:32:44] So, I love...
[06:32:45] There's no way to do it.
[06:32:47] Okay, we can do it.
[06:32:52] Minus touch.
[06:32:54] Minus touch is my favorite
[06:32:56] out of all of those like other
[06:32:58] independent liberal outlets.
[06:33:00] Because I call it
[06:33:02] like an old fact.
[06:33:04] The type of Democrat that I would say like
[06:33:09] Bush-era liberalism.
[06:33:10] Minus touch carries that energy with it.
[06:33:12] And I really respect it.
[06:33:14] Like, I mean obviously there's disagreements that I have
[06:33:16] sometimes and I love that energy.
[06:33:25] I'm going to scope out the scene, check it out.
[06:33:36] I have a pretty young audience that's like unfamiliar with the back end of like
[06:33:40] BNC and how this machine works in general.
[06:33:43] So I thought it would be cool to see that.
[06:33:45] I also am like very nerdy about news outlets in general and news media in general,
[06:33:49] political news.
[06:33:51] I watch it a whole lot.
[06:33:52] If you've ever watched my streams, like that's all I do is just watch
[06:33:55] all these different news outlets.
[06:33:57] So seeing them in action seeing the sausage get made it's just you know, it's a fun exciting experience times
[06:34:18] I'm like that's those are like weird channels that I watch on a regular basis, and they're here
[06:34:26] Like I don't care about like
[06:34:29] If Donald Trump wins
[06:34:43] It's it's probably going to look exactly like it did in 2016 to 2020
[06:34:48] if not worse this time around my Donald Trump to win because like
[06:35:04] Like 2016 he was like, Mexicans are raping,
[06:35:13] he would at least say, and some are very fond people,
[06:35:16] I assume, right?
[06:35:17] Like that was the tail end of that.
[06:35:19] Now he's just like, Guatemalans are coming to do rape
[06:35:22] against white daughters, like 12 million migrants,
[06:35:25] we're immediately deporting them.
[06:35:27] Like he's great, dangerous, rhetoric,
[06:35:30] surrounding immigration in this country,
[06:35:34] surrounding immigrants in this country.
[06:35:36] There's 15 million of them around us.
[06:35:40] They're just like you and I,
[06:35:42] And I am genuinely terrified of what the Republicans will inevitably end up doing
[06:35:48] in terms of the undocumented migrants that are living here.
[06:35:52] Look at the reporting of American citizens.
[06:35:58] There's something I'm worried about with Donald Trump as much, but I think you've learned.
[06:36:04] The reporting of people like Mike Pence, he would make sure he only has a playlist around people who make sure, like Jayne Vance.
[06:36:11] He has more sycophants around him.
[06:36:22] The question you ask is actually the right question, which is, how do you deport migrants?
[06:36:27] How do you deport 15 million people living on US soil
[06:36:31] without an unimaginable amount of violence?
[06:36:33] You can't.
[06:36:34] It's concentration camps.
[06:36:35] It's hitlerian policy.
[06:36:36] It's completely unacceptable.
[06:36:40] Also, you just mentioned like American citizens
[06:36:42] being deported, right?
[06:36:46] It happened with the Percera program.
[06:36:48] It happened with operation,
[06:36:49] I won't say the name of the operation.
[06:36:51] It's just the anti-Mexican slur, anti-Latino slur.
[06:36:56] And Donald Trump routinely brings up that policy.
[06:36:59] mass deportation of Mexicans and, hey, it was good, including American citizens of Mexican
[06:37:06] descent.
[06:37:07] 1.3 million of them were deported in this country, and Donald Trump talks about that
[06:37:11] every rally.
[06:37:12] He talks about that shit like it was awesome, and he keeps saying it, and he keeps saying
[06:37:16] he's going to do that, and it blows my mind that there aren't more news media professionals
[06:37:20] out there, or more politicians out there being like, you want to deport 12 million,
[06:37:26] that's insane.
[06:37:27] That is literally like Holocaust level cruelty.
[06:37:30] This is the Adam Mockler with the PodMiker.
[06:37:32] At the training table at BMC.
[06:37:34] You're probably here with us, though.
[06:37:36] slash Hassanow.
[06:37:37] You are live at Midas and Adam Mockler on YouTube.
[06:37:44] We are live at Midas.
[06:37:45] Touch on YouTube.
[06:37:46] Keep doing the damn thing, guys.
[06:37:54] What's good?
[06:38:00] What's good?
[06:38:01] How are you doing?
[06:38:02] Nice to meet you, man.
[06:38:03] Nice to meet you.
[06:38:04] What's happening?
[06:38:08] Hassan, Hassan.
[06:38:09] Nice to meet you.
[06:38:15] Nice to meet you.
[06:38:16] I have this dude on.
[06:38:17] The stream for the longest on.
[06:38:18] I love your content, man.
[06:38:21] You're great.
[06:38:22] Because I literally went like 10 minutes from here.
[06:38:23] We could chop it up.
[06:38:26] Chicago I love Chicago it's safe what you're looking to do like here I mean just
[06:38:42] basically seeing what's what it's about I've never been I've never been in the
[06:38:45] NC I've never been to Chicago yeah I was at the Palestinian protests earlier yeah
[06:38:49] it was great it was it was awesome
[06:38:56] all they did get to the protests or to get in here with the security out here
[06:39:11] yeah I've never seen anything like it I've never been to the NC yeah which is surprising because like
[06:39:15] Is it better Johnson like supposed to be like a social age we were literally talking about it is like I thought one of my certain things
[06:39:23] Yeah, do you have like a sick like grocery store policy or something?
[06:40:27] I called myself
[06:40:45] Hey, it's not camera.
[06:41:23] It's not going to look like work.
[06:41:43] It needs to be in person.
[06:41:45] You mind if I get a photo?
[06:41:47] Yeah, let's do it.
[06:41:49] Glad to see you here, man. I love what you do.
[06:41:51] Nice to meet you. Thank you.
[06:41:55] Chad, there you go.
[06:41:59] This is the only community online that gets like super stoked with
[06:42:01] the State Department.
[06:42:03] I have something I'm sorry.
[06:42:05] Oh, no, it's all good. What's up?
[06:42:07] I have two daughters. One daughter and a roommate.
[06:42:09] There's juniors at Michigan State that are big fans of yours.
[06:42:11] Would you mind doing a quick face time with them?
[06:42:13] Uh, sure.
[06:42:14] I hate the interruption.
[06:42:15] I apologize.
[06:42:16] It's on camera, by the way.
[06:42:17] They've let you know.
[06:42:18] Are you cool with this?
[06:42:19] Yeah, it's my night.
[06:42:20] You keep thinking about it.
[06:42:31] While you're in the State Department briefings.
[06:42:34] It's like a scene.
[06:42:52] This is my...
[06:42:53] That's Gianna.
[06:42:54] Gianna said to find you.
[06:42:56] Hi, Gianna.
[06:42:57] That's my daughter's roommate.
[06:42:59] So, what?
[06:43:00] Hi.
[06:43:01] Thank you.
[06:43:02] I didn't get my own daughter on this on this show.
[06:43:08] So it's all good.
[06:43:09] Can you hear me for something you were saying?
[06:43:19] Were you saying something?
[06:43:20] Oh yeah, no, we're good.
[06:43:23] Thank you so much, man.
[06:43:24] We're just following her around.
[06:43:26] Oops, sorry.
[06:43:53] So this is level 200.
[06:43:57] Oh, do we ever get to go to the floor?
[06:44:07] My body's breaking down.
[06:44:10] I'm asleep.
[06:44:13] I'm carrying back to the house.
[06:44:15] Okay.
[06:44:16] I'm breaking down right now.
[06:44:19] No, I've been getting a lot of steps right now, but it's good because I didn't work out
[06:44:23] today.
[06:44:24] It's pretty awesome.
[06:44:25] So we gotta weigh in the elevator?
[06:44:44] I'm gonna go back down.
[06:44:59] Where?
[06:45:01] The trick.
[06:45:03] This is good.
[06:45:05] This is crazy.
[06:45:14] This is some real nerd shit.
[06:45:16] It is the chap eating the shit out of me.
[06:45:18] I mean, I like eating the shit out of fun.
[06:45:20] This is the type of IRL stream that they wanted their whole lives, and now they finally got it.
[06:45:26] Oh shit.
[06:45:28] My phone's about to die, dude.
[06:45:30] Uh-oh.
[06:45:31] Surely there's a charger.
[06:45:32] Yeah.
[06:45:34] I need that.
[06:45:36] Oh, what's up, man? Nice to meet you.
[06:45:38] American's also a creator.
[06:45:39] Oh yeah.
[06:45:40] Cool.
[06:45:52] Would you be able to take that?
[06:45:53] Yeah.
[06:45:54] I'm gonna find out.
[06:45:55] I think AOC is supposed to be on soon or was she on already?
[06:46:51] Elevator chat.
[06:46:52] Oh, is it not?
[06:46:59] I think it's super noisy.
[06:47:01] Yeah, I think it's better.
[06:47:06] Fane and Aosie are back to back.
[06:47:08] That's sick.
[06:47:15] Sean Fane, my goat.
[06:47:20] Legend.
[06:47:27] Can I pop a pee through that curtain?
[06:47:34] Can I pop a pee through that curtain, see what's up?
[06:47:37] No, just in between us.
[06:47:44] We are secret.
[06:47:46] No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
[06:47:48] Don't worry about it.
[06:48:04] Alright, it's so deep, dude.
[06:48:07] It's so deep up in here.
[06:48:10] Where's your stoop, bro?
[06:48:13] What?
[06:48:14] This is my suit, bro.
[06:48:17] Fuck, I'm not supposed to be wearing a fucking suit.
[06:48:22] It's crazy.
[06:48:23] Tomorrow I'll be wearing a suit, but I'm going to wear the Japanese, some Japanese shit.
[06:48:31] I'm going to wear the fucking undershirt, like a crazy, crazy white tank top undershirt,
[06:48:41] then I'm just gonna rock a tank top.
[06:48:46] I'm down to go back down and then go up.
[06:48:48] It's fun.
[06:48:49] I don't think we're gonna be able
[06:48:50] to get into the elevators this way.
[06:48:51] What's up there anyway?
[06:48:52] What are we looking at?
[06:48:53] It's like we're here in the room.
[06:48:55] We're here in the room.
[06:48:56] We're here in the room.
[06:48:59] Is that where the seat was that Ryan was talking about?
[06:49:02] Oh, damn.
[06:49:03] I saw the way up there.
[06:49:03] Yeah, yeah.
[06:49:05] We can't go in here at all, all right?
[06:49:06] What's in there?
[06:49:07] It's the, well, we have the.
[06:49:15] Yeah.
[06:49:16] You're on camera.
[06:49:19] I assume it's fine, right?
[06:49:20] Like everyone, this is like a pretty heavily televised event.
[06:49:25] I didn't even, I'm just like,
[06:49:26] it's like five minutes.
[06:49:29] Well, too late.
[06:49:30] I'm glad to be wanting the four teeth.
[06:49:51] I forgot to run the three minute average
[06:49:52] at the top of the hour,
[06:49:53] so I'm running it now by the way, chat.
[06:49:55] She's asking if you want to go in.
[06:49:56] Oh, this sucks, this is awful.
[06:50:02] We're gonna go back down.
[06:50:12] I'm sorry for making you guys all work, walk around, but this ain't moving, look, I think
[06:50:26] they're broken.
[06:50:27] Yeah.
[06:50:38] So how does this work?
[06:50:39] These are all like, who are the people that we're seeing randomly?
[06:50:42] Like the dude, the old dude that came up and was like, they all talking face to
[06:50:45] my daughter.
[06:50:46] Like that's like a delegate.
[06:50:47] Uh huh.
[06:51:00] I was like, you guys are probably able to see that.
[06:51:05] You're like donors right like she said go through the double doors
[06:51:17] Dream set up in my room or do I bring it in here?
[06:51:58] Is there a place why I've been I've been doing this for seven hours at this point like I start off at my desktop
[06:52:30] and I think if I had like a
[06:52:33] Consistent area that I can stream out we want I do
[06:52:42] To a much larger audience than those guys do by the way, but it's fine, but also
[06:54:29] Nothing
[06:54:58] Well, apparently they kicked someone out for having that, but yeah, I'll take it.
[06:55:14] You sure?
[06:55:15] Here we go.
[06:55:16] I love this.
[06:55:19] Thank you so much.
[06:55:20] That's okay.
[06:55:21] Of course.
[06:55:22] Thank you so much.
[06:55:31] God damn.
[06:55:36] God damn.
[06:55:37] Radical out of you guys.
[06:55:38] Unfortunately, you didn't.
[06:55:39] This is sick.
[06:55:40] I didn't hear what he said.
[06:55:49] Well, first he was like, I think I know you from somewhere.
[06:55:51] Where I know you're from.
[06:55:52] And I was like, I don't know.
[06:55:53] You might have seen me because I saw the Democrats were Palestine.
[06:55:56] of seeing it because I saw the democrats of Palestine pin and I was like you probably
[06:56:00] see me like and then he figured out who it was and you got excited and was like oh let
[06:56:08] me give you this the secret flag
[06:56:13] the no no
[06:56:16] the no no
[06:56:18] okay the what the the bowl
[06:56:40] the strip chat
[06:56:41] play back in the young turds
[06:57:08] let's do it let's flick it up
[06:57:12] what's this so this is the food area
[06:57:34] This is incredible.
[06:57:36] Whoa!
[06:57:42] That's crazy.
[06:57:44] Bro, this is the biggest nerd convention of all time.
[06:57:46] 50,000 people.
[06:57:48] That's crazy.
[06:57:50] Sorry.
[06:57:52] This is nuts.
[06:57:59] This is so much bigger than I thought it would be.
[06:58:01] Dude, I know.
[06:58:03] What the hell?
[06:58:07] What's your name?
[06:58:39] I was like 60,000 people just walking.
[06:58:41] Yeah, that's true.
[06:58:43] We need we need an iPhone charger
[06:58:47] Desperately
[06:58:49] Do I have it in the bag?
[06:58:52] I thought I snuck one in there, but I just I need to plug it because I'm at like 10%
[06:58:58] Go on battery saver. No, I need it. I'm feeding my own data
[06:59:03] I'm hoping it with my watch up
[06:59:07] This is sick. Yo, take can you take a photo of me over here?
[06:59:11] I need to take this off, I'm taking this off.
[06:59:33] Do you see how big it is behind?
[06:59:36] That's cool.
[06:59:38] No, no, that's great.
[06:59:40] Thank you.
[06:59:41] Want one?
[06:59:42] No, I'm going to flick you up.
[06:59:47] Is that the floor?
[07:00:23] So that is the floor.
[07:00:26] Okay, so that's like the note 2.
[07:00:27] When you have floor access.
[07:00:28] Let's go back inside.
[07:00:29] It's one can.
[07:00:33] Alright, we're back.
[07:00:34] So we were talking about the floor.
[07:00:35] I'm just going to roam around problems for the places that you told us that we're
[07:02:10] going to go to.
[07:02:11] So we can't go to the floor, but we can go back to the press pin.
[07:02:25] The press pin.
[07:02:47] Okay.
[07:02:48] Pelican backpack.
[07:02:51] That's like this big.
[07:02:52] That has my laptop, my iPad, my iPad.
[07:02:55] I'm going to go back to the floor.
[07:03:00] Pelican backpack that's like this big that has my laptop my other camera like
[07:03:50] all of this other equipment is my sit-down setup. That setup is pretty
[07:03:57] compact but I need it to be in one spot for the whole day just like in the same
[07:04:03] way that you know the young Turks is down there and they're streaming the
[07:04:06] whole day I need to be there the whole day if there's an area that you
[07:04:10] You can allocate to me.
[07:04:11] I only need a desk that size.
[07:04:16] I also do need internet.
[07:05:23] Me and she, I'm the mean guy.
[07:05:25] Okay, bro, I wasn't the only chill here
[07:05:52] or should we just like fuck off
[07:05:53] and then get like, I need to charge my wallet.
[07:05:56] If I can't charge my wallet, grab this one.
[07:06:47] It's dropping.
[07:06:48] Uh-oh, it's dropping rapidly.
[07:06:51] Stabilize, stabilize, still dropping.
[07:06:56] Fuck.
[07:06:57] Is it gonna F?
[07:07:00] Okay, it's picking back up.
[07:07:18] Come on, we're chilling.
[07:07:20] I'm gonna go ask the meme man if he has a iPhone charger.
[07:07:23] Cause I desperately need one of my 10%
[07:07:24] I'm about to fucking die.
[07:07:30] Ask Jake for charger, need Aunt to save the day.
[07:07:35] I'm not gonna lie, I was a little scared
[07:07:36] walking up to the Young Turks booth
[07:07:39] because like I was worried
[07:07:40] Anna was gonna pop off on me.
[07:07:43] You know what I mean?
[07:07:48] Where is Austin bro?
[07:07:49] I do not know where Austin is.
[07:07:52] I do not know where Austin is.
[07:07:54] He is dead to me, okay?
[07:07:56] He is gone.
[07:08:00] This man has avoided me like the plague.
[07:08:03] This man has avoided me like I am a job, okay?
[07:08:10] He is allergic to being on camera and doing...
[07:08:28] Are you show them what you're eating and stuff?
[07:08:30] I'm gonna go browse for a...
[07:08:34] Okay, this is a crazy question, but...
[07:08:36] I love crazy stuff.
[07:08:37] There's a lot of influences here.
[07:08:38] Someone's gotta have an iPhone charger, right?
[07:08:40] What kind?
[07:08:40] regular like not the USB-C with the old one
[07:08:44] I'm not going to lie, meeting is a flop
[07:08:49] Hell yeah, alright
[07:08:51] No, of course
[07:08:53] Nachos?
[07:08:55] Yeah, don't worry
[07:08:57] I don't know where to charge it though
[07:08:59] Wait, I'm going to...
[07:09:19] It's fine, here keep it, keep the box
[07:09:21] I just need the charger for now
[07:09:23] Do you have a charger?
[07:09:28] No
[07:09:30] What's happening?
[07:09:37] Where's the trash?
[07:09:42] You don't know where the trash is.
[07:09:56] Someone left trash on my...
[07:10:07] Oh, this is a microphone.
[07:10:09] It's a really good microphone.
[07:10:11] We're just using it for the first time.
[07:10:13] You know what I mean?
[07:10:41] Scribe our money.
[07:10:49] It's always people outside.
[07:10:58] It's always people outside the club that are hating.
[07:11:00] It's fine.
[07:11:02] Alright, let's do it.
[07:11:04] You might have to do it.
[07:11:19] I have to.
[07:11:25] You have to.
[07:11:26] Me too.
[07:11:27] Here you go.
[07:11:28] You're welcome.
[07:11:28] Everything you do is right.
[07:11:29] Thank you for being that person.
[07:11:31] Thank you.
[07:11:37] So I'm the inspector.
[07:11:45] I'm the inspector.
[07:11:46] Everybody's from your name.
[07:11:48] Same.
[07:11:48] Oh, I do.
[07:11:49] Yeah, he's the man.
[07:11:52] I'm a real head breakfast at 4pm.
[07:11:54] Nice.
[07:11:54] Thanks.
[07:11:55] You're welcome.
[07:11:55] You're welcome.
[07:11:56] You're welcome.
[07:11:56] I can't get a diet, Pepsi.
[07:11:58] I think I'm sick out of there and fucking being me.
[07:12:00] Who are you?
[07:12:07] I'm the right man.
[07:12:08] All right, I fuckin' did it for Mexican food.
[07:12:13] Oh, this is fuckin' Mexican food.
[07:12:16] Yeah.
[07:12:16] That doesn't even register right now.
[07:12:18] Oh fuck, it's a 800 bro.
[07:12:20] Have you been looking at chat?
[07:12:21] Yeah.
[07:12:22] Why the fuck isn't it saying 800 on the up?
[07:12:25] It's fucking right.
[07:12:26] What the fuck?
[07:12:47] My shit is like so busted.
[07:12:55] My shit is so busted.
[07:12:59] It is,
[07:13:04] Rachel Maddow's in the building.
[07:13:06] Dude, so many, so many of my goats are here.
[07:13:09] So many legends in one building, Chad.
[07:13:15] All these people that I routinely talk shit about,
[07:13:19] professionally talk shit about, in one space.
[07:13:25] I mean, is it still fine? Is it still going?
[07:13:28] Oh dude, that shit is like so incredibly delayed, bro.
[07:13:32] Look at that.
[07:13:33] Yeah.
[07:13:34] You need to read it.
[07:13:36] Yeah, I got nothing right now.
[07:13:41] It's delayed, but like.
[07:13:52] The interface is too out of rope.
[07:13:55] Only two interfaces work right now.
[07:14:02] You can go get it.
[07:14:03] You can go get it.
[07:14:05] We can't really go get it
[07:14:06] because I stole the Kamala Harris campaign
[07:14:09] meme guy's charger.
[07:14:12] What is Chad saying right now?
[07:14:15] Are you on the wifi?
[07:14:23] Oh my god, there's like a million.
[07:14:43] It's going to disconnect the hotspot if I get on the Wi-Fi.
[07:14:46] Maybe that'll be fine.
[07:14:55] Maybe I can get it on here.
[07:14:57] Is it easy to get on here?
[07:14:59] Oh, yeah.
[07:15:00] It's hard enough.
[07:15:02] Mobile networks scan.
[07:15:04] It's going to take two minutes to scan mobile networks.
[07:15:07] Is that what you need for that?
[07:15:09] I'm going to tell you.
[07:15:11] I'm going to tell you to connect to the Wi-Fi.
[07:15:14] Let me ask my guy Taylor.
[07:15:18] Do you think you can even answer the turn?
[07:15:20] Yes.
[07:15:21] Do you want another?
[07:15:22] Wait, whoa.
[07:15:23] We can take another one.
[07:15:24] Like a full one?
[07:15:25] God damn.
[07:15:26] I just ran all the way up.
[07:15:28] You're not going to do that?
[07:15:29] My sister is watching your stream.
[07:15:31] It's all waiting.
[07:15:32] They're crazy.
[07:15:33] We're not doing this all the way up.
[07:15:34] Thank you so much.
[07:15:35] Thank you so much.
[07:15:36] All right, thank you so much.
[07:15:38] Damn, we're up big right now.
[07:15:40] Thank you.
[07:15:41] Thank you, Caroline.
[07:15:42] We are up big boys.
[07:15:44] We're up big right now helpful stream snipers. That's crazy. Now we can actually mobilize to
[07:15:56] trashes outside
[07:15:57] W sister
[07:16:06] W's in the chat
[07:16:10] Am I the guy from the turds I used to be on the turds
[07:16:15] Neb you
[07:16:19] That's crazy
[07:16:21] Why do I look like you're offended?
[07:16:22] No, no, it's just nobody.
[07:16:24] All right, let me taste.
[07:17:59] There's a bag.
[07:18:00] It's a bag.
[07:18:01] There's hold, bro.
[07:18:02] It's effing.
[07:18:03] How was that?
[07:18:04] Take, I'm going to kick off the hotspot.
[07:18:12] I'm ending it.
[07:18:13] I'm going to get on the DNCC guests,
[07:18:22] but we also need a DNCC media internet access.
[07:18:26] What's up?
[07:20:34] What do you want me to say?
[07:20:36] It's my birthday.
[07:20:39] OK.
[07:20:43] Nicholas, the happy 21st birthday.
[07:20:45] Who should it be here?
[07:20:51] It says 7,000 on the website.
[07:23:28] Dude, this is melting the battery, I think.
[07:23:50] I'm gonna put my phone down.
[07:23:51] I'm gonna put my phone down on a brick
[07:23:53] over there somewhere.
[07:24:11] I think we're back.
[07:24:14] I just put this over here.
[07:24:16] The streets are saying we're back.
[07:24:18] It's just me.
[07:24:18] It's just me.
[07:25:08] This Michelin Star restaurant for density,
[07:25:11] for capital, whatever.
[07:25:13] And you're munching on, stop eating that.
[07:26:15] Let's go get some actual food later.
[07:27:04] I'm like, listen to it on your phone.
[07:27:06] On your desktop or on this?
[07:27:07] On desktop.
[07:27:10] On desktop, OBS has the bar.
[07:27:12] Yeah.
[07:27:13] Make sure it doesn't peak.
[07:27:14] Also, if you really want to be thorough, you can just record.
[07:27:16] Do a test recording.
[07:27:17] And then just know.
[07:27:19] And then just actually not take one second.
[07:27:21] Yeah.
[07:27:22] Test recording.
[07:27:23] These are your best friends.
[07:27:24] They record like 20 seconds.
[07:27:26] If your audio is not perfect, shout out to the fucking deputy.
[07:27:29] I don't know.
[07:27:30] I hate the young people.
[07:27:32] They're going to yell at you regardless.
[07:27:34] All right.
[07:27:35] Well, thank you.
[07:27:36] Audio perverts.
[07:27:38] Was that megaponics?
[07:27:44] The brightest sandwich I've ever had in my life.
[07:27:46] Stop eating it.
[07:28:29] It was so bad.
[07:28:31] I'm hungry man.
[07:28:33] I had one fucking double burger.
[07:28:35] That's all I had today.
[07:28:37] I'm at this weird impasse where I'm trying to figure out
[07:28:39] what you want to do.
[07:28:53] If we should stay here.
[07:28:55] If we should roam.
[07:28:57] Or roam.
[07:28:59] Or roam.
[07:29:08] We should roam or go back to the hotel, and then I keep shooting from the hotel
[07:30:32] Charlie from Winnipeg, hassle to get in
[07:30:53] I'm team hotel
[07:30:55] I'm tired
[07:31:03] What should I say?
[07:31:19] The song you should hear is more people than the entire venue get them to hook you up
[07:31:23] Yeah, that's actually
[07:31:25] That's real
[07:31:26] He's not wrong
[07:31:27] Yeah, that's real
[07:31:28] It is probably the most, like, it's probably one of the largest fucking large rooms in the entire venue
[07:31:33] The issue was trying to explain that to a person that doesn't do this for a living.
[07:31:39] Can you stream the speeches here?
[07:31:45] In the midst of the speeches, I can't like, I can just go to the bowl,
[07:31:53] to the bowl or whatever the fuck it's called and just like literally put the camera down
[07:31:58] but it's gonna suck. It's gonna take it somewhere else.
[07:32:46] I haven't even run out because I'm having so much fun on the fucking pen.
[07:33:34] I feel like I got FOMO chat. Look at this.
[07:33:50] They should have given me a fucking desktop setup right there and then I could send March down.
[07:33:57] I'd be sick. Inaccessible areas Chad, what are you talking about?
[07:34:12] I don't know. Oh, it's Monday. Jesus Christ. It is Monday. This is a fucking nerdy-ass convention.
[07:34:17] Yo, chill. Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. There it is. Also not behind Chris Hayes right there.
[07:34:24] I'm starting to crack a bit. They can't even see what you're living at.
[07:34:28] Let me see when I charge that. You even thought that I'd run myself.
[07:34:50] 58% in like literally no time. That's sick. Let's go Caroline. Shots at Caroline's wall one time.
[07:35:09] Pre-pack is at 58% is it still charging is it still charged up is it? I mean it's still plugged in but it's showing like
[07:35:43] This didn't have enough charge when we first started
[07:35:46] So it's that's a problem that means it's eating. That's another thing that we're gonna have to solve
[07:35:58] We're gonna need a separate separate charger charge battery swap it out. What's good?
[07:38:06] I'm live by the way, pretty good. It's a little hectic. It was pretty big. It was pretty big.
[07:38:31] I mean, we're on the good scene here. We're checking it out.
[07:41:02] Look at the lip die-hards that are like sneaky, boo-bad content that they watch.
[07:41:31] Or another thing that I've noticed is like, sometimes people just be like,
[07:41:34] oh, he's famous so I want to take a photo with him. Even if I don't fuck with him at all.
[07:41:39] And I'll probably talk about it with my friends as though this was a shitty thing.
[07:41:44] What is he doing here? Not to say that that guy is like that, but oh
[07:41:51] I got the people are going crazy. I wonder if we're missing it
[07:41:59] I'm gonna rush the stage like and then like it's the best. What's the quickest way to get it? Let's go to the press pool
[07:43:30] Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god
[07:43:35] Excuse me. Oh my god, I'm such a big fan of you you're amazing
[07:43:40] Can I, can I take a photo with you?
[07:43:43] Yes, you can.
[07:43:44] I can see it.
[07:44:46] So that's what I was going to say.
[07:45:12] Someone from your like donation department or whatever sent me an email because like they
[07:45:16] didn't know who I was.
[07:45:17] They just like sent me an email as like a donor.
[07:45:19] And I was like, I don't think the department was like, hey, you should come check out
[07:45:28] this studio.
[07:45:30] I was like, I don't think they know who I am.
[07:45:45] Can you, can you please come, Jeff?
[07:45:47] Yeah, of course.
[07:45:48] We got, I got to, can you snap this?
[07:46:02] Your boss in the camera is going to come down here.
[07:47:06] This is insane.
[07:47:07] Chad, you don't have to this point.
[07:47:24] This was a good one. You know what I mean? Like if you see somebody, if you see somebody and they rep democracy now
[07:47:35] That's how you know they're old-head. That was Kismet, dude. That was so perfect. Is it effing?
[07:47:47] Did they get all that? She was like, what? They say you have a big followers. I was gonna say let's go through the press side
[07:48:51] The press, the press pit or whatever. I think we're gonna leave from that end
[07:48:59] Potentially, but I don't know
[07:49:01] He install locks like what I'm so sorry
[07:49:59] What do you say your shoulder check now what he has arm out like this and it grazed my hip
[07:50:09] I'm gonna run it through me to average. What is this Steve Kerr? What it what do they say?
[07:50:28] go see jank he's probably live streaming but I'll check it out what's up what's
[07:50:38] going on yeah of course
[07:50:51] oh I got a run right now I'm sorry guys so sure see you
[07:51:06] Oh, did I just walk through the camera?
[07:51:09] No.
[07:51:11] OK.
[07:51:27] What?
[07:51:28] Going in?
[07:51:31] Oh, nice.
[07:51:32] I didn't know.
[07:51:34] Oh, shit.
[07:51:35] It's like clearly a walk.
[07:51:46] Yeah.
[07:51:47] Yeah, yeah.
[07:51:51] I'm trying to get Uncle.
[07:51:52] I'm trying to get Uncle to come out.
[07:51:54] Oh, we are.
[07:51:59] We are.
[07:52:00] We're what?
[07:52:01] Oh, shit.
[07:52:02] about the our phone is about to die
[07:52:04] what's up our our cameras about to die
[07:52:06] hi
[07:52:07] I wanted the show on the OG the OG before
[07:52:12] this is literally a this is a dude I
[07:52:16] almost there's so lame I saw Amy Goodman
[07:52:20] when I was walking out I was about to
[07:52:21] leave and I almost cried I really I
[07:52:25] like teared up a little bit because
[07:52:27] she's a legend yeah it was amazing
[07:52:30] She was the R and C, she was the L.
[07:52:33] Yeah, she had no idea who I was, but her crew was like,
[07:52:35] that's a huge content creator.
[07:52:38] And she's like, oh, they tell me you're big.
[07:52:41] Yeah, you know, I'm on a flesh.
[07:52:46] What's up, Charlie?
[07:52:47] How you doing?
[07:52:48] You gotta send me permission on all the YouTube videos
[07:52:49] you make about me.
[07:52:50] Ha ha ha ha ha.
[07:52:53] Anyway, um, but yeah, what were we talking about?
[07:52:57] So, Amy Goodman.
[07:52:59] So, I love her.
[07:53:00] Dimash, say now, Young Church is the only two shows
[07:53:02] that were against the Rock War.
[07:53:04] She's been around even longer than us.
[07:53:08] But when I saw her at the RNC,
[07:53:09] she threw, I don't know if she threw shade at me.
[07:53:12] Okay.
[07:53:13] Listen, listen to what she said.
[07:53:14] I don't think so either, but.
[07:53:16] She doesn't know, like,
[07:53:18] I don't think she's that tapped into what's going on
[07:53:21] in the world.
[07:53:22] No, she knows after Sweden.
[07:53:22] We've run into each other a hundred times.
[07:53:25] Okay.
[07:53:25] At these conventions and stuff.
[07:53:26] She said, oh, it's good to see you here.
[07:53:29] You probably feel at home
[07:53:32] She probably thought you were someone else maybe that's
[07:53:36] Bro come on
[07:53:45] We had a falling out because all those people they love fight
[07:53:49] They say they were really mad at me for you
[07:53:53] No, I don't believe
[07:53:59] I can speak with Tom Harmon, but anyway, but yeah, that was sick.
[07:54:04] We're trying to see if they can give me a desk or something, so I can actually stream
[07:54:09] out of here instead of my hotel room.
[07:54:10] So what happened with the desk or something?
[07:54:13] Well, Ryan's desk is tiny, and it's all the way up in the booties, and also, like
[07:54:24] we couldn't even get the gear inside, and now my shit's dying anyway.
[07:54:28] We were like, I'm assuming for the eight hours.
[07:54:30] I went to the protest after you.
[07:54:33] You were there earlier, right?
[07:54:35] Yeah, yeah, I was there so early
[07:54:37] that hardly any protesters were there.
[07:54:39] They did a press conference for like 13 people.
[07:54:42] Oh yeah, Jill Stein, that was the...
[07:54:44] Yeah, yeah.
[07:54:46] So how did it go when you were there?
[07:54:49] It was crazy, it was massive.
[07:54:50] Like, it wasn't like 100,000,
[07:54:52] but it was like still pretty fucking big crowd.
[07:54:55] Like, they walked, they went over,
[07:54:57] They went over to the, they went over to like the near the convention area and then apparently
[07:55:03] like right after we left, riot gear, boom.
[07:55:08] I missed that part.
[07:55:09] Yeah, because I've been on the air since so I didn't really translate this out any
[07:55:12] after that.
[07:55:13] So a bunch of people were here, so reaction to me is interesting, I'm curious about reaction
[07:55:19] to you.
[07:55:20] Because reaction to me is half the people going, oh hey young person!
[07:55:24] Oh, thank you.
[07:55:25] Reaction to you.
[07:55:26] That it worked, it's very good.
[07:55:29] Mice are also dying.
[07:55:30] Mice are also dying?
[07:55:31] Okay, well, this is our last breath.
[07:55:33] Yeah, so half the people hate me, half the people like me, because they just live by
[07:55:39] and boil us and stuff like that.
[07:55:41] But I bet that you get more than that.
[07:55:43] No, I do, yeah.
[07:55:44] Yeah, like nobody says any, no dirty looks, no nothing bad.
[07:55:48] No.
[07:55:49] People are just like excited, they're like, oh my god, what are you doing?
[07:55:52] Like the most I get is like, I didn't think you'd be here.
[07:55:55] Yeah, somebody told me that about you.
[07:55:58] I was getting this hot dog, you're like,
[07:56:00] hey, it's so cool, you and I saw a house earlier
[07:56:03] and I can't believe he's here.
[07:56:05] Yeah, that's what they say for the most part.
[07:56:07] I'm a creator for Kamala.
[07:56:08] Did you know that?
[07:56:10] I did not.
[07:56:15] Yeah, well, that's news to you.
[07:56:17] It's sick, I mean, I don't care.
[07:56:18] Yeah, I'm a creator for Kamala.
[07:56:21] Did you go to a creator's lab?
[07:56:22] I did.
[07:56:23] I did.
[07:56:24] Philly D was there. We hung out a little bit.
[07:56:27] He had a Shapiro interview. Locked down.
[07:56:31] Did I Shapiro?
[07:56:32] No, Josh Shapiro.
[07:56:33] Oh.
[07:56:34] No.
[07:56:35] Did he get it?
[07:56:37] Did he have it? Did he get it?
[07:56:38] He did, yeah.
[07:56:39] Yeah, yeah. That makes sense.
[07:56:40] Yeah.
[07:56:41] Yeah.
[07:56:42] But we'll see what happens.
[07:56:44] I was the Shapiro stand.
[07:56:46] Actually.
[07:56:47] Yeah.
[07:56:48] Here we get no love out of here.
[07:56:50] We'll see.
[07:56:52] Well, I don't know. I don't know what I'm gonna do with interview wise. I have to like go home and talk to my manager and like set up all the
[07:56:58] Interviews that we have but I don't I if I don't do it here like if I don't get a set up here
[07:57:03] Somehow I'm probably just gonna straight for the hotel tomorrow
[07:57:07] Because this is like sense. So this is your first dancing, right? Yeah. So what do you think?
[07:57:12] I mean, it's it's fun. It's like so it is right in my wheelhouse because I'm such a fucking nerd like
[07:57:19] I get excited seeing like random people that I watch and yell about all day every day on
[07:57:25] television in front of me.
[07:57:27] That gets me hype.
[07:57:29] But like other than that, I mean I saw Ed Markey, that was cool from afar, walked past
[07:57:35] him.
[07:57:36] It's still funny because like these people have no fucking clue who I am.
[07:57:40] Like not even remotely aware, which is awesome.
[07:57:42] Okay, let me tell you a funny story.
[07:57:45] So I went to see Bernie speak and I progressed to Democrats America and I gave a quick speech
[07:57:50] there and between after me and before Bernie was from Yellow Drive, so I go to talk to her.
[07:57:58] She didn't want to talk to me.
[07:58:01] But she was there and we talked and she was pleasant and she was nice.
[07:58:05] I think I'm going to interview her.
[07:58:07] So, can you give me a sense of how little they know?
[07:58:11] She's like, you know, I just didn't think
[07:58:13] that force of love was productive.
[07:58:16] No, like, nobody was against force of love more than me.
[07:58:20] Oh, she thought you were like Jimmy Dore.
[07:58:22] Like, not that she thought I was Jimmy Dore,
[07:58:24] but she thinks, oh, all online people are forced to vote.
[07:58:29] Yeah.
[07:58:30] And all online people hate us.
[07:58:33] Yeah.
[07:58:34] I mean, I don't know.
[07:58:36] They just have no idea what's going on online at all, at all.
[07:58:41] They barely know that all of us even exist when in reality TV's almost dead and then they're
[07:58:48] going to have to come to you and me and they're going to be discombobulated.
[07:58:52] What do we do?
[07:58:53] Jesus.
[07:58:54] I'm telling you, they should give me a fucking MSNBC's desk up there next to them.
[07:58:58] Like I needed a permanent desk.
[07:59:01] What the fuck?
[07:59:02] What the fuck, the ANC figured it out.
[07:59:03] Nah, it's all good.
[07:59:04] I like this.
[07:59:05] This was fun, I enjoyed like running around,
[07:59:09] getting to see the process behind the scenes a little bit.
[07:59:13] Got to see a bunch of people, it's cool.
[07:59:17] I'm just still riding on the high of meeting Amy Gilman,
[07:59:19] I don't care.
[07:59:20] That was so sweet.
[07:59:21] Don't get me wrong, I love Amy Gilman.
[07:59:23] And even if she was starting to shit at me,
[07:59:25] even if that's true, I still love her.
[07:59:27] She's a true warrior, she did all the great things.
[07:59:30] Nothing but respect.
[07:59:31] Is that gone over it?
[07:59:34] That's not what I'm talking about.
[07:59:36] It's the dance.
[07:59:40] But although they're going to echo that lady over there,
[07:59:42] it might be Karen Bass.
[07:59:48] Jesus Christ.
[07:59:50] Come on, tell me that doesn't look more like Karen Bass
[07:59:52] than the one that looks like we were right here.
[07:59:54] Okay, she's just...
[07:59:56] No.
[07:59:58] No comment.
[08:00:00] You guys agree?
[08:00:02] We got to do it, we got to shift.
[08:00:04] Okay, am I going back here?
[08:00:07] That's a rush here, but...
[08:00:09] What's up?
[08:00:09] That's a rush here, but it's to die anyway.
[08:00:11] Alright, we're going to die right now.
[08:00:12] I don't want to like...
[08:00:13] Alright, so we got to end it.
[08:00:14] We got to end the stream chat.
[08:00:15] I don't want to interrupt anything.
[08:00:17] We're not going to be able to make it back to the hotel,
[08:00:19] so I'm just going to end the stream tonight for now.
[08:00:22] Okay, I love you all.
[08:00:23] I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early,
[08:00:25] where we'll figure out a lot of the...
[08:00:27] This was the first day.
[08:00:29] We had to figure out some of the kinks,
[08:00:31] And the mic battery, we gotta figure out a bunch of stuff, so we're gonna
[08:00:38] The road mics too, and now we can swap if we go longer than like eight hours
[08:00:42] So for tonight, this is all we got
[08:00:47] I think it's pretty good for, you know, eight hours
[08:00:51] We ran it, we did the damn thing, I love you all
[08:00:54] And tomorrow I will see you bright and early, hopefully
[08:00:57] If we don't have a setup here, I'm going to probably be streaming from my regular setup.