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08-14-2024 · 8h 23m

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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:11:14] I hope all the boys, girls and MBS are having a fantastic one because today's a beautiful
[00:11:17] day.
[00:11:18] Today's a wonderful day.
[00:11:21] Today is Wednesday.
[00:11:22] That's right.
[00:11:23] Ladies and gentlemen, it's hump day.
[00:11:25] It's Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 11, 33 a.m. is 83 degrees and sunny here in California,
[00:11:32] Los Angeles.
[00:11:33] And there is a literal camera crew in here in this room right now with me and NBC
[00:11:39] camera crews in here in the room right now.
[00:11:43] It's the most cringe thing I've ever done.
[00:11:44] I just, I just did this intro for all of you in front of adults, in front of adult human
[00:11:52] beings.
[00:11:53] Think about that.
[00:11:54] Is the audio bug?
[00:11:55] Is it still bad?
[00:11:56] Oh my God.
[00:11:57] It's so annoying.
[00:11:58] Okay.
[00:11:59] Anyway, I'm live and alive and I hope everyone's having a fantastic one.
[00:12:04] And this is the part of the broadcast where I tell you a little bit about my personal
[00:12:07] news about what's going on in the world of a son of a pilgrim between the time period
[00:12:12] where I press this option and button and press the start streaming button.
[00:12:17] And this is for all the parasocialists out there who are not familiar.
[00:12:20] This is where we, this is where I give you a little bit of an update on what
[00:12:23] happened in my life and not much.
[00:12:27] Honestly, I ended the broadcast last night, you know, another short nine
[00:12:31] hour day. You already know what it is. Actually, it was an eight hour day.
[00:12:35] That was literally a half day.
[00:12:37] Part of the reason why was because I had to get a haircut.
[00:12:40] You guys can see part of the reason why I got the haircut is
[00:12:43] because I wanted to look presentable for television.
[00:12:46] And I got my brother to also get a haircut as well.
[00:12:52] And that's pretty much it.
[00:12:53] That's all I did.
[00:12:55] Oh, I took a bath as well.
[00:12:56] Big bubble boy, as you guys already know,
[00:12:59] had to do some rest and recovery
[00:13:02] so that I could be ready for the leg day
[00:13:06] that we did at the gym earlier in front of these cameras.
[00:13:10] That's right.
[00:13:11] I went to bed, I woke up
[00:13:13] And the first thing I did after waking up was go to the gym with NBC.
[00:13:18] I brought them over there because they wanted to see what I do in my daily routine.
[00:13:23] What do I do with my life?
[00:13:25] And honestly, I wanted to, like I had an opportunity.
[00:13:29] I wanted to basically, I wanted to basically be like, what do I do with my life?
[00:13:34] Like, how can I make myself fucking cool?
[00:13:36] How can I make myself look way cooler than I actually am?
[00:13:40] And then instead of doing any of that, I just decided,
[00:13:42] I'm just gonna do what I normally do
[00:13:46] and be incredibly cringe and incredibly,
[00:13:50] you know, incredibly rigid in my structure,
[00:13:53] in my work plan.
[00:13:57] Well, yeah, are they gonna watch your stream for 10 hours?
[00:13:58] No, they're not.
[00:13:59] They're gonna be leaving soon,
[00:14:01] but they're here right now.
[00:14:03] Wait, let me see if I can show you guys.
[00:14:05] Do you wanna go on the other side?
[00:14:07] At a certain point?
[00:14:08] Okay, because we gotta go up for now
[00:14:11] because he wants to uh our mbc homie wants to film from the other side as well and i didn't
[00:14:25] want him like crawling under there yeah you're good told you they're in here it's crazy yeah
[00:14:37] oh my god anyway i haven't done this in a while i haven't been like a standing stream in a while
[00:14:47] I realize now that like the camera angle is a little low and this thing keeps falling
[00:14:52] Yeah, I'm probably gonna lower it back. Yeah, but you're back. Are you stuck?
[00:15:01] Do you still have that treadmill? I do is right here. You can see it. I
[00:15:21] Never use it though
[00:15:23] Yeah, let him out his own with the fuck no, he's trapped dude. It's over
[00:15:28] new cancellation inbound
[00:15:30] My son trapped NBC camera man for the entire day
[00:15:34] It wasn't enough that I trapped my editors in my dungeon and my mods now. I'm trapping
[00:15:44] journalists and broadcasters
[00:15:47] So yeah, where's kaya she's I don't know I think she's just hanging out outside
[00:15:53] There's a lot of commotion in here a lot of activity in here. So that's probably why she's not in here
[00:15:58] Um are we reacting to any NBC series? They're shooting not right now, but yeah
[00:16:07] Personal news wise that's it. I worked out. Oh here. I'll tell you a funny story
[00:16:12] While I was lifting I went in before they actually got here. I went in before they got to the gym
[00:16:18] Obviously, I told everybody like you know, we're gonna be doing this. We're gonna be filming so
[00:16:23] Please you know, I apologize for the inconvenience all the stuff and they were like no, it's fine
[00:16:28] But I I also was like a little worried because I've you know as you know I've been lifting and and also playing basketball
[00:16:39] a lot so it takes a lot of strain on my knees and on my lower back and stuff so I was a little worried
[00:16:43] I I went in early and I stretched because I was like I'm gonna throw my back out or anything like that and
[00:16:50] of course
[00:16:51] Lo and behold obviously I'm in front of the camera
[00:16:54] I'm like thinking in my mind I have to do perfect form because literally the entire world is gonna be squat policing me and
[00:17:00] And and on my not even on my top set, but like at 255 wasn't even that heavy
[00:17:07] I like felt a little tweak on the third on the third rep and I literally kept it going
[00:17:15] I was like nope gotta still push through this there ain't no way there ain't no way
[00:17:20] I'm like it was a very stupid moment for me
[00:17:24] As you guys know, I do obviously care about not injuring myself
[00:17:27] but I was on camera so I was like there is no shot absolutely zero shot I am you
[00:17:35] know going to stop this on three so I pushed it through it was fine and then
[00:17:42] I kept doing the rest of the day like we did lower weights obviously like RDL
[00:17:47] front loaded lunges and things of that nature but as someone with experience
[00:17:54] soft tissue injury that is exactly how I handled it tweak continue regret it later
[00:17:58] yeah no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine are you replacing lester holt yeah no that's literally
[00:18:08] what's going on they that's why they're in here this is how they this is how they chose lester
[00:18:13] holt as well they went to his house with cameras and they were like lester would you would you
[00:18:19] want to be the you know the the main host of the nightly broadcast whatever his show is called
[00:18:26] I assume it's called like lester hole. Yeah, I'm
[00:18:30] I'm the I'm the next up
[00:18:32] That's what they're saying
[00:18:34] You really don't think NBC would edit that video if you had to stop mid-set to prevent injury. Okay. It don't argue with me
[00:18:39] Okay, I wasn't thinking all right. Don't make fun of me
[00:18:43] All right, the Macy's thinking of the play as we got Donald Trump's rally in Asheville, North Carolina
[00:18:48] I'm gonna blast off on Twitter and we're gonna get we're gonna get started in a little bit
[00:18:53] it. Um, but, um, but yeah, we got a big day today. I, I feel weird cause like there's cameras
[00:19:03] everywhere. I still have to order my, my Uber and stuff, uh, like the delivery for groceries,
[00:19:10] but I don't want to do that cause I don't want the camera to catch it. Um, on that,
[00:19:15] on that end, and I also need to text Felix to let him know that NBC cameras are here
[00:19:20] as well. And if he's going to be comfortable with that, but I don't know if he will
[00:19:23] so let me see let me text them BTS you don't mind right if you do I'll kick
[00:19:41] them out before you here no problem Rose nervous in front of cameras as if
[00:19:54] he's not in front of the camera every day love it no no no no no your
[00:19:57] misunderstanding I have my dad wants me to order groceries and I don't want
[00:20:02] fucking do that I usually do that secretly while I'm streaming and talking
[00:20:07] to you guys but I don't want to do that with another camera that can see what my
[00:20:12] home address is chat like it's not about being nervous obviously I'm a
[00:20:18] shameless person if you haven't noticed how shameless of a human being I am
[00:20:22] I'm literally wearing the fucking Gucci shirt today okay what they already dropped
[00:20:30] their NBC article. How did they do it so quick as more young men use a hair loss drug? Some
[00:20:36] doctors caution about rare side effects. That's real funny chat. There's been a 200% increase
[00:20:44] in prescriptions. That's real funny, dude. You guys are so funny. Haha. He yeah, one
[00:20:49] day you're going to be over the age of 30 and you're going to have to worry about
[00:20:53] your hairline too. This is not a thing that I thought I would ever have to deal
[00:20:58] with okay even though I should have known ahead of time because my dad is bald as hell my grand
[00:21:04] dad is bald as hell okay and and oh yeah oh hairline haha hairline joke we
[00:21:11] started off we started off real quick we got guests here and you're embarrassing
[00:21:16] me in front of the guests how dare you chat
[00:21:19] how dare you just big it bro what do you mean big it this is perfectly fine
[00:21:25] I'm not big and shit okay um it's true I'm 34 and the widow's peak is just a
[00:21:32] Widow now at this point. Yeah. That's how it usually goes. You were on NBC three weeks
[00:21:38] ago. Progressive content creators gear up for Kamala Harris. Yo, I saw a take talk by the
[00:21:43] way from Christian. What's his name? He was last night when I was scrolling on my free
[00:21:49] page, bro, they're paying people to go to the DNC. I didn't fucking I didn't get
[00:21:55] paid. Not Christian Walker. No, bro, they're paying people to go to the DNC. I'm a
[00:22:02] fucking influence I get pinched I get paid shit no I saw some numbers being
[00:22:08] thrown around it's probably like TikTok is probably just like TikTok so it's
[00:22:12] fake like I'm sure it's not like the numbers being thrown around and I
[00:22:17] literally but they were talking about like 50 grand bro 50 grand Christian
[00:22:23] divvina yeah butchered his name I'm sorry Christian you're great I love
[00:22:29] You're a great content creator. Anyway, hold on. Let me see if I can find this tick-tock. Let me let me see if I can pull this up
[00:22:35] Could a lot of you this shit the blew my mind dude
[00:22:42] Where is it? I
[00:22:45] Was not offered $50,000 by the Harris campaign. I want to make something clear alright, and I'm not trying to get you
[00:22:50] Jump I'm really not trying to get you jumped
[00:22:51] I know what happens when a creator of my son the realty is actually crazy
[00:22:54] It's so expensive to attend hotels fly childcare and some creators are being paid for the grand to attend some of us
[00:22:58] have the funders at a pocket. So that's the thing. Like first of all, they did not for
[00:23:03] me shit. I'm paying for my own flights. I'm paying for my own damn hotel. They wouldn't
[00:23:08] even give me a goddamn like permanent space where I get live stream from. And like,
[00:23:14] I don't even know how to explain to the DNC people that like, I'm like, Hey guys,
[00:23:19] I mean, it's not a problem. Obviously I can pay for it. It's not an issue for
[00:23:23] me. It's probably a major issue for content creators who are like first timers doing
[00:23:26] this you know don't worry it's on you don't have to disclose it first of all
[00:23:30] you're wrong if I was getting paid I I think you have to disclose it or at
[00:23:35] least like FEC would like this is the type of shit that you can absolutely
[00:23:40] track but what is what is frustrating about this is like I don't want any of
[00:23:47] that stuff anyway. But at least give me a goddamn, like press area, you know, I'm stealing
[00:23:56] one from Ryan Grimm of Dropsite News, shout out to Ryan Grimm. Obviously, you know, independent
[00:24:02] journalists and independent content creators have to help one another out. But like, literally,
[00:24:06] I was talking to, um, I was talking to uncle, the uncle, Uncle Jank, not Sam Cedar, not my
[00:24:17] biological uncle, not my, not my real uncle this morning. And like it apparently they
[00:24:24] are so like the DNC is so reluctant to just like offer like an actual space for people
[00:24:33] to like, you know, use, uh, if they are a part of the press, the fact that people don't
[00:24:46] have to disclose political sponsors. So dishonest and gross. Like now I'm wondering which posts
[00:24:49] are paid like that AOC among a stream from 2020. Was that paid? Oh my God, that is
[00:24:54] about me. Yeah. No, dude. It was not, that was not paid at all. What the, dude, people
[00:25:00] are so crazy. Anyway, will you debate your uncle, the DNC? I will actually he wanted
[00:25:06] to do that. Are any of the trustworthy creators saying that they were paid? This is this is
[00:25:14] a fun little drama. I didn't know that you could get paid like this. And I'm kind of
[00:25:19] I'm kind of bummed by an invited influencers of the White House today and acknowledged
[00:25:25] that young people get the news from them who did who did he invite to the White House?
[00:25:31] I wasn't invited fuck is going on what the hell is this come to Milwaukee on Tuesday for
[00:25:41] the walls Kamala stumps no I I'm not gonna go to Milwaukee in the middle of the DNC man
[00:25:45] um yeah anyway they don't know you bro you don't have young people in here bro I'm on
[00:26:00] Twitch. He said young people. Oh God. You guys are, you guys are my biggest enemies. I swear
[00:26:07] to God. All right. Anyway, I'll look at all that in a second. Let's blast off. Let's let's post on
[00:26:15] Twitter. This is the part where I, you know, write about I also post on Twitter and then it's
[00:26:21] like basically, it basically means that I'm, you know, announcing that I'm going to be covering
[00:26:27] the news now. This is the news portion of the broadcast after like the first 25-30 minutes
[00:26:33] of messing around. Then I get to the news. Why do you talk so much today? You usually say,
[00:26:45] fuck mainstream media and then keep quiet for six hours? Yeah, that's literally what I say. You
[00:26:48] got it right. Okay. All right. What are we going to talk about today? What are we going to
[00:26:55] talk about? Content for tomorrow? Another Trump press conference? Oh God, he is the content.
[00:26:59] Thank you so much my lord and savior for giving me such incredible unlimited content.
[00:27:06] He's just flailing around.
[00:27:08] The more desperate he gets, the more funny it gets.
[00:27:11] Okay.
[00:27:12] We'll talk about that.
[00:27:17] We're going to be talking about Trump rally in Asheville, North Carolina.
[00:27:32] news for waltz what is that chat really gonna try and dunk on it with the camera audience oh 100%
[00:27:41] chat is gonna chat already i've noticed is being like extra annoying right now because like they
[00:27:47] know that there are other people around like they know that this is like being recorded so obviously
[00:27:54] they're you know they're they're working extra hard to get my attention um you hear about disney
[00:28:01] trying to dismiss a wrongful death lawsuit because a guy signed a disney plus user agreement i did
[00:28:05] it is so insane. Yeah, I mean, there's no way that that is going to be an effective strategy
[00:28:13] regardless. But the fact that they even tried is insane to me. Like what a psychotic, what
[00:28:22] psychotic thing to do where they're like, yeah, we're going to, you signed off, you signed on
[00:28:28] Disney Plus and you didn't read the fine print which has a no arbitration clause on your Disney Plus
[00:28:35] contract so if we kill you if we directly kill you on any other Disney property then sorry
[00:28:44] sucks to suck you can't sue for wrongful death it was a free trial too yeah that's incredible
[00:28:51] stuff thank you I didn't know you could do that I didn't know it was like that um anyway
[00:28:58] Anyway, Inhanomar W. Trump Rally in Asheville, North Carolina.
[00:29:03] A big announcement coming in a second.
[00:29:05] I will do that as well.
[00:29:11] Stream today.
[00:29:14] NBC is in the building shooting a day in the life.
[00:29:23] life. Oh, it looks will be on later. Get in now. Where's
[00:29:39] Kyah? She's gone. She hates you. She left. She doesn't want to
[00:29:44] see you. That's what she told me. Yeah, exactly. Do you want
[00:29:50] to get out? Do you want to get out? Okay, no, I'm just
[00:29:55] gonna blast off and then and then I will I will let you out sorry don't worry don't worry you're
[00:30:04] not stuck here here it is folks we're live and alive we're blasting off okay let the people know
[00:30:15] like retweet I'm gonna free I'm gonna free my man is now okay this is a goddamn prison is a
[00:30:21] prison of your own making my mind is a prison and I take this off now the mic I was mic'd
[00:30:43] up to chat wait you want to pull it up more alright no no no you're going the right way
[00:30:56] it's fine oh you want it you want me to keep it on yeah okay it's fine we're still mic'd
[00:31:19] up they're gonna get some of the politics stuff and then tomorrow we're gonna do an interview
[00:31:24] in the morning as well.
[00:31:27] We did a little bit of like a walk-in talk.
[00:31:35] We did a little bit of a walk-in talk after the gym
[00:31:38] yesterday.
[00:31:42] Is that good?
[00:31:43] Are you checking the sound?
[00:31:45] Is it still fine?
[00:31:46] Okay, just making sure.
[00:31:47] Oh, no, it's not fine.
[00:31:50] You said the sound is fine.
[00:31:52] Look at this.
[00:31:54] I can still hear.
[00:31:57] Yeah, wait.
[00:31:58] Oh
[00:32:18] Okay, let's get down hide the memes chat. Yeah, bro be normal chat be freaking normal dude
[00:32:40] The room is bugged they'll hear everything. Yeah, I know I'm as you guys know I have a lot of secrets
[00:32:47] And I don't live stream everything
[00:32:52] My freaking phone okay, hold on
[00:32:58] Let's put that on do not disturb. Okay. Um, I know I said it before but thank you for being a motivational figure for physical health
[00:33:08] on eight months because it's a lifting and I'm losing my beer getting seen gains
[00:33:11] appreciating my mind hell yeah brother that's what I'm talking about are you in
[00:33:16] the Beyblade tournament so tomorrow QDC New Relay has a Beyblade tournament the
[00:33:19] problem is like that is also the same day where the where the negotiations are
[00:33:26] happening the Israel Palestine negotiations are happening and if they
[00:33:33] fall apart I suspect that like Iranian retaliation is going to come
[00:33:38] immediately after that so on the one hand I do want to participate in the Beyblade tournament
[00:33:42] on the other hand I'm like you know potential world war three might break uh during the Beyblade
[00:33:49] tournament so I just I don't know I I still haven't been able to break the news the cutie
[00:33:56] where it's like I really want to I really want to participate in your Beyblade tournament but
[00:34:01] but also at the same time, it's like World War three might occur.
[00:34:06] But yeah, do it for QT World War three can wait.
[00:34:09] I don't think you can.
[00:34:10] I don't think it works that way.
[00:34:18] Perfect sound bite for NBC.
[00:34:19] Lamal, um, guys, let's get to the news.
[00:34:27] Okay.
[00:34:28] We're done.
[00:34:29] We're done with this.
[00:34:32] Um, you have to stream.
[00:34:34] If you don't stream, World War, there will definitely happen.
[00:34:36] All right.
[00:34:36] Let's get back to this game that we're watching earlier.
[00:34:39] Apparently influencers are getting paid to go to the DNC or to do like political content
[00:34:48] Especially if it's marginalized person look I please I'm not trying to start a fight here
[00:34:52] I just want to explain this because it's very funny to me how this must have occurred. All right
[00:34:56] There's a timeline of events. All right. I don't look at my emails a lot. I don't look at my emails a lot
[00:35:00] I'll give you quick proof
[00:35:03] My transactions crying cuz I'm actually very broke fun fact. Okay, so three things happened, right?
[00:35:07] I was checking through my emails. I have a bunch of emails. I was trying to go back through them to make sure I didn't miss anything important.
[00:35:11] One, I got an email offering asking me to migrate for sponsored content if I was to make a video mocking JD Vance during the RNC.
[00:35:20] Second, I got a video offering $500 for me to post Kamala Harris memes on my account.
[00:35:27] And then third, I learned that while I was researching for a sponsored content thing.
[00:35:32] Can you see this screen?
[00:35:34] No, you don't need to. Sorry. I just want to, I need to pull something so that I can
[00:35:41] do this announcement thing in a second. And I don't want to show that my email. $500.
[00:35:48] Lamar, keep that shit. You do that for free every day. Yeah, the thing is, the thing
[00:35:53] is, I defend the Democratic Party's honor every day for free.
[00:35:59] I think I was going to do that. Probably that's the reason why they don't want to
[00:36:02] pay me because they know I'm such a big fan. What have been about climate change?
[00:36:06] That if the content that you're being paid for is political because that falls
[00:36:10] under the FEC and not the FTC, you as an influencer are not required to disclose
[00:36:15] that you were paid. I make videos about all these things. Like I'm pretty sure it
[00:36:20] was only a few days ago that I made the video where I was like, do you guys
[00:36:22] know that influencers don't have to disclose if they are being paid to
[00:36:25] make videos about politics? Because it kind of blew my mind. Now we're going to do this in a
[00:36:28] laziest way possible. I'm gonna turn around my phone and show you on my
[00:36:31] to talk to you the series of videos that led to you being confused to think that I and other
[00:36:36] people were offered $50,000 to attend the Democratic National Convention.
[00:36:40] Okay, I just got to close out of a few tabs real quick. Sorry. I immediately regret bringing
[00:36:49] this jump. I bring I, you know, like, I was, yeah, I was just-
[00:36:52] Does the campaign have to disclose who they paid? Yeah. A lot of people I think don't
[00:36:56] understand how this works, because the FEC is already logging all of those payments.
[00:37:01] Like all of that stuff is totally above board. So I think people think like, oh, this person
[00:37:06] doesn't have to disclose that they actually did an ad. And that's really funny because
[00:37:12] it doesn't matter if that person disclosed that they did an ad or not. The FEC disclosure
[00:37:17] is there. So if someone is actually, if someone is actually paid to do an ad for
[00:37:24] a political campaign, then that is like one of the most tracked, one of the most transparent
[00:37:32] forms of like donations that you can directly track because it's disclosed to the FEC. So,
[00:37:42] you know, the very same FEC that also has some other pesky rules and regulations like when they
[00:37:50] hold Aiden Ross or at least the Trump campaign that the Aiden Ross presidential rolly that he
[00:37:56] gifted Donald Trump was obviously a clear cut violation of the individual contribution clause
[00:38:02] that they have considering that it was much more expensive than $3300 that you are allowed to give
[00:38:10] to a president as a gift or a donation. So yeah, I didn't make that rule just like I didn't
[00:38:19] make the rule about this, okay? They have to log all this stuff.
[00:38:23] I thought about like making this video more lighthearted. Why would I bring back the clown?
[00:38:27] People don't even remember it. I've gained hundreds of thousands of followers.
[00:38:31] Okay, okay. Right. So Biden was still president in that one. Um, and then uh, you know, so then
[00:38:44] after Biden drops out to make this video, or when I just realized that like, see, you see the
[00:38:51] joke see the joke somebody commented wasn't it like 50k will at least you have your integrity
[00:38:56] and it was not $50,000 but I thought that was so funny that I make this next video
[00:39:10] me if that super packet offer me to make the 50k Biden vid dude I'm not gonna lie
[00:39:15] I'm not gonna lie for 50 bands dude for 50 bills I might if you catch me if you catch me
[00:39:24] hitting the Nene with Kamala Harris, like just know that I have been compromised. Okay. I
[00:39:30] mean, it's a lot of money. Okay. It's a lot of money. I've turned down a lot more money
[00:39:37] in the past, but times are changing. Okay. Just kidding. This community is entirely funded
[00:39:45] by the top of the hour ad break, which comes at the top of every hour. It's funded
[00:39:49] by you the subscribers which is why I say no to a shit ton of advertisers that
[00:39:58] want to advertise even though the DNC has never actually come to me for an
[00:40:01] advertisement I'll be honest or no Democratic Party official has ever
[00:40:04] come to me with an advertisement soccer to go or thank you for the 10 gift
[00:40:15] this of lost people say for the five gift this subs Katari Dancer they
[00:40:19] were the 100 gift this subs goddamn we got the we got the cutter emissaries
[00:40:24] in the chat. Okay, um, but yeah, if you no longer want to see those ads at the top of
[00:40:30] the hour, you can subscribe for $5 or $6 now Brandon's America or for free with a Twitch
[00:40:37] Prime by connecting to your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account. You get one free
[00:40:39] Prime subscription a month. Use it on your favorite bra gas there. Hopefully that's
[00:40:43] me. You can also get gifted a sub if you are lucky. Okay. Um, by the many different
[00:40:50] people that just give the subs just do them an ad break now you hide in the jug of iced tea I'm not I
[00:41:03] always start my morning with the cold brew first come on you should know better and then a while
[00:41:08] past that scope a bit but then I make this video about political ad disclosure in which I talk
[00:41:13] about the fact that if we're just not disclosing so no I wasn't offered $50,000 it's offered money
[00:41:21] to both make fun of JD Vance and I'm doing this shit for free what the fuck okay okay like
[00:41:29] like no memes, no memes. What's going on? Is it cause I'm giving it away? I haven't stopped
[00:41:35] making fun of JD Vance. Like what am I doing? What am I doing? What the hell? I haven't stopped
[00:41:44] making fun of JD Vance for free 99 bro. Like obviously it's a little different if they're
[00:41:51] like, Hey, can you, uh, can you talk about how great Kamala Harris is? Like that's different.
[00:41:58] You know what I mean?
[00:41:59] But like, yeah, why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?
[00:42:02] I feel a little played right now.
[00:42:04] I feel a little played.
[00:42:06] Okay.
[00:42:07] This is kind of fucked up.
[00:42:10] Now I'm also thinking like all these people that make JD vans memes and stuff, like, are
[00:42:15] they getting paid?
[00:42:16] What else are they paying for?
[00:42:19] You know?
[00:42:20] Who are they?
[00:42:22] Who?
[00:42:23] Who are they paying for?
[00:42:24] Is it?
[00:42:25] Is everything paid?
[00:42:27] can't be seen to support billionaire multi-estate moguls like yourself. Yeah, that's right. The
[00:42:31] Democratic party deep outside of the pockets of mega corporations, mega corporations such as myself,
[00:42:39] me, individually, a mega corp. I didn't take either of those monies, but even if I did,
[00:42:47] I guess I technically wouldn't have to tell you I could be lying, but I'm not. I just closed
[00:42:51] all of you I also in this video somewhere in here I post the uh where is it I post yeah the email
[00:42:57] itself so you know uh I don't know what you're talking about um but I think maybe you're confused
[00:43:04] and once again I'm not trying to attack you or be mean or be condescending I know what my voice
[00:43:08] sounds like it's stuff like that I just mean that like I was never offered $50,000 because trust me
[00:43:13] if I had been offered $50,000 yeah I'm down to get on here and sucking and slurping that's
[00:43:19] That goddamn bro. He's putting out his price dude smart
[00:43:25] Smart I see you. I see you Christian. I see what you just did
[00:43:31] I see what you just did. He was like, uh-huh. I've been offered $500. I didn't take those ads at all
[00:43:37] But if I were to be offered
[00:43:40] $50,000 now, that's a different that's a different set of circumstances
[00:43:45] When this is a huge controversy on Fox News tomorrow with Laura Ingram, you will partly
[00:43:50] have yourself to blame.
[00:43:52] Oh yeah, I forgot.
[00:43:55] You can't have fun in any certain sense whatsoever.
[00:43:59] And that also we can't even make jokes about this because dummies will take it seriously,
[00:44:04] but such is the nature of politics in general.
[00:44:08] Anyway, how do you take your coffee?
[00:44:11] You seem like a black coffee guy.
[00:44:13] Yes.
[00:44:14] cold brew concentrate that I dilute with a little bit of water. Monkeypox, the global
[00:44:21] health alert now. Okay, we'll look at that in a little bit as well.
[00:44:24] Can these donations be acquired via Freedom of Information Act? That could be really
[00:44:28] fun to find out. Dude, you don't need a Freedom of Information Act. Just literally browse
[00:44:34] through FEC filings. Okay. Guys, every donation that an individual makes to a political
[00:44:42] campaign, myself included, is readily available on the fucking website. This is something that I
[00:44:48] have explained to you guys before. America has a lot of dark money super pack loopholes that you
[00:44:56] can engage in. It's a legalized form of bribery. But in terms of even like super packs directly
[00:45:03] paying for an ad with a content creator, they still have to log that. Okay? That's it. Every
[00:45:16] individual donation is public information. It's not a secret at all. If you want a Twitter thread
[00:45:21] of all the tons of content like political announcements plus polls from today in one
[00:45:24] place, scroll through one I made for my friends in Twitter community. Use it if it helps.
[00:45:29] Apologies for self promotion. No one else I found has this. Okay, we'll look at all of
[00:45:33] of that. We'll look at all the new polling, the good and the bad. Have you talked to the
[00:45:39] NBC guy about Cousy? No dude, shut up. Shut up. Stop. I'm going to stop reading chat if
[00:45:45] you guys keep doing this. Okay. Did you miss the announcement? No, you didn't. You didn't
[00:45:50] miss the announcement. I'm going to look, they want the link for people to get tickets,
[00:46:03] post the IG Tiktok and Twitch is a collaborator. Man, what is this? What is this? Like,
[00:46:08] a little bit crazy I feel like they're asking too much okay too damn much what
[00:46:14] the fuck this is a video MP4 vertical okay this is the regular one all right
[00:46:22] let me download this real quick I have to download it chat I have to download the
[00:46:27] thing oh no leaks well cannot be virus can't just download it man god damn it
[00:46:35] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I just fucking download it why can't I okay this is annoying um organizing
[00:46:59] drive file cannot be virus scan so it won't let me download it and it's really annoying
[00:47:08] open in a new window no how do I okay this is bro writing my thesis on hold for you give it to me
[00:47:18] now chat already found it oh they already leaked it I mean I guess they kind of leaked it they
[00:47:25] they didn't fully leak it shut up shut up hold on right click no no it doesn't
[00:47:33] work like that on on the on the computer I don't think yeah it doesn't work like
[00:47:39] that what the fuck why can't I'm so annoyed with this okay hold on hold on
[00:47:47] oh it worked it did it took like an hour to finally come through input cannot
[00:47:54] be open close wait maybe I actually have it downloaded earlier let me see if I
[00:48:08] have it downloaded and my documents this is great this riveting content for the
[00:48:14] NBC for NBC to be taken a look at this is unfortunately a
[00:48:21] unfortunately a very commonplace issue with twitch streaming is you just have
[00:48:26] to do like real. Oh, I got it. I downloaded it. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Yeah,
[00:48:52] thank you. I'm I'm impregn. Okay, I'm impregn. That's the truth. This God's honest truth.
[00:48:59] Now you guys know. That's it. I'm freaking impreg man. Hold on. What is this? Okay.
[00:49:25] the fuck is that good I don't even know if that worked or not okay okay where is it downloads
[00:49:34] boom I think that's the correct one okay that's gonna upload and while that is uploading let
[00:49:44] me show you without further ado chat hold on for the why don't how do you full screen
[00:49:57] this shit. Is it F11? Okay, I think it's F11 here. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna get
[00:50:10] small over here in the corner. Without further ado.
[00:50:16] Throughout history, man is intellectually sparred in the marketplace of ideas. The
[00:50:30] sport is the oldest time itself. Countless hours of moral grandstanding spent proving
[00:50:38] News dismissed, the loudest, and the most attractive, and thus civilization evolved, guided by the sweating hands of its most worthy debate lords.
[00:50:53] Now, thanks to the internet, debate has reached its final form.
[00:51:02] That's right folks at twitch con
[00:51:43] What the fuck? Oh my god. I think I've bricked my computer by doing this f10 f11 shit
[00:51:50] At twitch con in this upcoming twitch con I will be doing a show called debate lords
[00:52:01] Obviously the
[00:52:03] the entirety of it
[00:52:05] Like the conceptually it is not about like actual political debates or anything that is like super consequential
[00:52:12] It kind of is a joke about how
[00:52:16] Consequential we will take debates. It's more so about the the sport of it all
[00:52:22] You can get your ticket at this link that I'm gonna be posting on my Twitter as well
[00:52:27] Well, okay, but yeah, here it is, Hassanabi's debate lords, description of first ever special
[00:52:35] event posted by Hassan were some of your favorite political creators debate irreverent topics
[00:52:41] that have plagued the internet for too long.
[00:52:44] And it's going to be in the twitch rivals arena presented by state farm.
[00:52:48] Apparently.
[00:52:49] Finally, some respect for the art of the debate is descriptive.
[00:52:53] No, it's not.
[00:52:54] It's unscripted.
[00:52:55] It's going to be in front of a live audience as well.
[00:52:58] So yeah, I've been I've been working on this. This is a partially contractual obligation as
[00:53:07] well for me in terms of my appearance at TwitchCon. Did you see your and Maya's panelists sponsored
[00:53:17] by Chevron? I think they sponsor everything AT&T Capcom Chevron and Samsung Galaxy sponsor
[00:53:24] or everything. Um, for Twitch count, I guess, I don't know. But yeah, I have a panel with
[00:53:30] Maya as well on fundraising and like a community building and fundraising and doing like, uh,
[00:53:35] I can see the spiraling out of control pretty quickly. The mouth. No dude, because we're
[00:53:41] not going to have fucking losers on. Okay, we're going to have like normal people and
[00:53:46] not like weirdos on as guests. Okay. The entire point of it is to make content
[00:53:53] and not to like, be the most annoying person on the planet,
[00:53:57] which is usually what like,
[00:53:59] real fucking debate lords wanna do.
[00:54:01] Also, many of chat is currently doing that now.
[00:54:13] Okay, gonna start banning chatters in here.
[00:54:16] Okay, okay.
[00:54:18] It's always long-term community members
[00:54:20] that are becoming the very same things
[00:54:22] that they act like they despise.
[00:54:24] All right, hold on, I gotta sneeze.
[00:54:27] Oh my god. Yeah, this is a change makers on Twitter with Maya and Hassan Abbey. That's
[00:54:37] on Saturday. Join Maya Higa and Hassan Abbey and explore the power of fundraising and activism
[00:54:41] on Twitch. That's another thing that I'm doing as well here. I'm posting the trailer
[00:54:44] on my Twitter as well here. If you want to go and like give it a rewatch, you want
[00:54:57] to go and download it. You know what I mean? Here you go. You can hear it is linked
[00:55:03] here as well. We're blasting off on this as well. You mean X? No, I don't mean X. What's
[00:55:20] the charity one for? No, this is, this is not. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, this debate Lord's stream
[00:55:27] is also going to have like a donation component to it. Oh, I forgot the debate Lord stream
[00:55:33] is also going to have a donation component to it, a fundraising component to it. And
[00:55:38] that also will be, I don't know if I'm allowed to reveal the charity, but like the one I chose
[00:55:45] was one I obviously very much like, and it's a very good one. I'm allowed to disclose it. Okay,
[00:55:53] it's for doctors without borders. As you guys know, which is a banger charity, as you guys know,
[00:56:00] they work in active combat zones, including in Gaza. So, yeah, I'm very excited that we
[00:56:12] were allowed to put this together and have an actual, like, there's a lot of people working
[00:56:19] on this, basically. Just to be clear, TwitchCon tickets are the only tickets we need, and
[00:56:24] the event itself is first come, first serve, I assume. Okay, now we have officially arrived
[00:56:28] I did the point of the broadcast that is my least favorite point of the broadcast where I play the role of a customer support
[00:56:34] Service person. I don't fucking know. I don't think so
[00:56:38] I think it's just like every other event at twitch God you buy a ticket for twitch God and then you get to attend if you
[00:56:43] Are first come first serve. Yes
[00:56:46] Okay, I don't know but I believe it is first come first serve
[00:56:50] It's just you buy a ticket for fucking twitch gone and then you get to go. Okay?
[00:56:56] Bro chill it's just
[00:56:58] I don't know, man. I don't know. I don't know. Okay. Instructions are here. Yeah, here. First
[00:57:11] ever special event. I was by a song or some of your favorite creators debate at Reverend
[00:57:14] topics that have plagued the internet for too long. She was the debate head to head
[00:57:17] and the winners will be decided by a song and chat with all the proceeds going directly
[00:57:20] to charity. Yeah. I will not be debating myself. I will actually be hosting the debates
[00:57:28] alongside Austin show. And I've told Will this as well, but you know, I have to once
[00:57:33] again reiterate that to him, but you know, it's gonna, some of the people that are, you
[00:57:38] know, some of your faves are going to be on here. Okay. But I will be the moderator.
[00:57:41] I will be the guy who is in charge of, of, uh, the assignment of points and things
[00:57:48] of that nature. But yeah, I'm, I'm very stoked on it.
[00:57:52] What you're not going to be debating yourself live on stage. And what's the point
[00:57:59] if you're not debating yourself in front of thousands. Okay. All right. Can I take this
[00:58:03] off? Or are you? Oh, okay. So you won't. All right. Are you streaming this? Yes, this
[00:58:13] will be live streamed as well, of course, if it's not on, you know, if you're not there
[00:58:18] in in person, you will be able to watch on my channel as well, of course. That's
[00:58:27] usually how we do it. The goal is for fun and to raise money not to actually pull
[00:58:36] part issues. Yes, dude. Yes. The funniest part about this is that like calling this debate
[00:58:42] lords is going to probably incur the wrath and the in the interest of some of the worst
[00:58:48] people online. Okay. And what I find personally hilarious about it is that like, they are
[00:58:55] going to be like, why aren't you debating actual political stuff? You know, you know,
[00:59:02] It's like the entire point of this is to have fun.
[00:59:06] It's for content, okay?
[00:59:16] But it is my fault.
[00:59:17] I did not realize that immediately the invocation
[00:59:20] of the name debate alone has brought forward
[00:59:23] some of the most annoying people that want to debate
[00:59:27] about the veracity of the term debate
[00:59:30] and why we must debate at the debate show.
[00:59:32] Stop, okay?
[00:59:33] We're not doing that.
[00:59:46] Missed opportunity could be a big show.
[00:59:48] Yeah, I apologize chatter.
[00:59:51] I instead of,
[00:59:54] instead of doing this thing,
[00:59:57] I should have asked you first,
[01:00:00] like what is a better way to go about this?
[01:00:03] Could have been a big show.
[01:00:04] It's not gonna be one now,
[01:00:06] but it could have been.
[01:00:18] Okay.
[01:00:23] Hassan keeps asking to take the mic off
[01:00:26] so we can scream and chat
[01:00:27] like a cop turning off his body cam 100%.
[01:00:31] Like the moment that I take this microphone off of me,
[01:00:34] I am going to unleash one of the largest bandwaves
[01:00:37] you've ever seen, okay?
[01:00:39] I am going to say things that might get me banned
[01:00:42] off this platform because y'all are being so
[01:00:44] fucking annoying right now, it's crazy.
[01:00:48] Twitch streaming is all about back and forth
[01:00:49] communication with the chat.
[01:00:51] And sometimes chat can be very hostile,
[01:00:53] especially if there's things that are different.
[01:00:57] If they notice that there's additional eyeballs
[01:00:59] additional attention to what's going on. This is one of those moments. So they're trying
[01:01:03] to fuck up the normal process in which we have, you know, polite back and forth and
[01:01:09] fun conversations by, you know, bringing forward their own, their own personal, their
[01:01:18] own personal motivations, their ambitions, most of it relies on most of it revolves
[01:01:22] around wanting my attention. Anyway, you see the National Social Security League, every
[01:01:32] American social security number stolen. No, I did not see that with the fuck. Our usual
[01:01:43] polite discourse. Yeah, exactly. All right. Um, another Trump press are happening in New
[01:01:51] Jersey. We're going to be talking about that. Uh, but, uh, let's get started. Representative
[01:01:57] Ewan Omar projected to win the democratic house primary. Let's take a look now. Uh, you
[01:02:02] have to remember that, uh, APAC and other, uh, APAC and other groups had actually tried
[01:02:08] to, uh, APAC and other people had actually tried to cook Ewan Omar and, and launch primary
[01:02:14] challengers against her and Rashida to leave far before this last, uh, midterm election
[01:02:19] cycle. Okay. Um, this time around, they didn't even dump a lot of money into this one,
[01:02:25] uh, into this race, I believe because she had already been tested time and time again.
[01:02:31] So we are, um, uh, we're going to be, we're going to be at least celebrating one W this
[01:02:39] uh, primary season.
[01:02:40] They did that with Corey Bush.
[01:02:42] They successfully, uh, they suspended, they successfully dismantled Corey Bush's campaign,
[01:02:48] uh, by dumping around $8 million Apex subsidiaries dumping around $8 million.
[01:02:53] Not really talking about the issue of Israel either on the ads obviously because no one would give a shit in Missouri about that
[01:02:59] As a talking point, but more so just like separating her from the Democratic Party because it's the Democratic Party's primary claiming that
[01:03:06] She was never around to vote for bills and really hammering in on on on her weaknesses
[01:03:13] They did that also
[01:03:15] They did that also successfully with Jamal Bowman as you guys know in New York
[01:03:19] But they didn't really dump a lot of money into the Ilhan Omar primary and she handily won her race
[01:03:25] So we are going to be watching now some updates from NBC news a congressional race
[01:03:32] I don't know why this guy looks like the dude from American history acts. What's his name?
[01:03:36] I have no idea who that is but
[01:03:40] Then you kind of look like him a little bit Ed Norton we were watching this week
[01:03:44] This is NBC News projecting that Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar is the winner in the Democratic primary in their fifth congressional district defeating
[01:03:53] former Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels in a primary rematch.
[01:03:57] Walk us through this win for Congresswoman Omar for progressives generally.
[01:04:01] There's a lot of attention on this race because Jamal Bowman and Corey Bush were two fellow members of the progressive squad in the US House
[01:04:09] Democratic caucus and both of those members they lost primary races this summer
[01:04:13] And so the question was it was ill on a home are ultimately going to be able to hold on to her Minneapolis seat
[01:04:18] And and she did and I think this is part of the reason why she was able to do so
[01:04:25] Okay
[01:04:27] People and help them to see the evil doings of Israel and the United States
[01:04:34] HELLOOOOOO!
[01:04:36] Okay!
[01:04:37] May Allah awaken the people and help them to see the evil doings of Israel and the United States.
[01:04:45] That's literally the only thing I could hear last night when I got the news that Yianomar had won her primary.
[01:04:57] InshaAllah!
[01:04:59] My friend!
[01:05:01] This meme will never never not gonna be caggling. It is probably the best
[01:05:06] It is probably the best possible meme
[01:05:08] Okay, and she faced an onslaught of criticism for being an outspoken critic of the Israeli government's Warren and Gaza
[01:05:16] Our videos are my videos are louder. I know chat. I know I haven't been able to fucking fix my audio problems
[01:05:22] Okay, I don't know what it is. Oh
[01:05:24] My god, I know she also voted against the bipartisan infrastructure package
[01:05:29] package that was brought forward by the Biden administration.
[01:05:33] She wanted more social spending to go along with that infrastructure package.
[01:05:38] And her primary opponent was highly critical, saying that she was not focused on the issues
[01:05:43] that were important to her local congressional district there in the greater Minneapolis
[01:05:47] area.
[01:05:48] But as you saw, she narrowly pulling off a victory.
[01:05:50] She will.
[01:05:51] Very likely knowing that in the general election, this is all but a solid win.
[01:05:54] Yes.
[01:05:55] As you well know, Joe, she will be returning to Congress.
[01:05:56] This was the real race.
[01:05:57] Yeah.
[01:05:58] Okay, get fucked everybody that was praying on her downfall. I love him. I don't know. As
[01:06:04] you guys know, she's my own compromising queen. Um, phenomenal, phenomenal, uh, politician
[01:06:11] and you know, notice how, notice how the analysis changes dramatically. By the way,
[01:06:17] when she won because when Corey Bush lost and when Jamal Bowman lost immediately, made
[01:06:23] sure media for the most part started talking about how, Oh, it was because of a pack.
[01:06:27] It was because of Israel. It was because of Israel. It's like, that wasn't the main point of contention at all in these races.
[01:06:34] It was not even the major point of contention in New York, despite the fact that Jamal Bowman had been redistricted.
[01:06:42] Okay? And there were some voters that might care about that a little bit more.
[01:06:46] Ultimately, the major point of contention in terms of what A-PAC money was doing was to separate Jamal Bowman from the Democratic Party.
[01:06:55] it was to separate Cory Bush from the Democratic Party.
[01:06:59] However, when Ilhan Omar is presented in a similar light
[01:07:02] and still overcoming her primary challenges,
[01:07:05] partially as a consequence of not having as many,
[01:07:08] not having as many funds dumped into that
[01:07:11] from outside groups,
[01:07:14] and partially because she is a resilient
[01:07:17] and relatively strong candidate
[01:07:19] that is well liked by her constituents,
[01:07:23] They, you know, the dynamic changes, the analysis changes, and they go, oh yeah, well, you know,
[01:07:29] she was very strong about making sure that there was full commitment to the original
[01:07:34] Biden infrastructure bill, the Build Back Better bill.
[01:07:40] Ian Hanomar has also obviously withstood unimaginable amounts of racist attacks time
[01:07:45] and time again, and she has overcome all of that, like, think about it this way.
[01:07:53] This is one of the congress persons in this country that has had to deal with like people
[01:08:00] straight up openly saying on Tucker Carlson at the time, the most popular news broadcast
[01:08:06] in the country, right?
[01:08:09] With millions of people tuning in, people were unironically investigating her trash
[01:08:13] and trying to do DNA tests to make this like incredibly racist claim that like she had
[01:08:20] married her brother and all this stuff.
[01:08:22] just so so incredibly creepy and so incredibly gross and part of the only
[01:08:28] reason why that was permissible that was allowed in the eyes of many of these
[01:08:32] fucking freaks in a way that you can't really get away with for any other
[01:08:36] candidate is because she was a black woman a refugee from Somalia and also on
[01:08:42] top of that Muslim visibly Muslim she wears a hijab that made it so that
[01:08:48] she was a target rich environment and that like you could get away with saying whatever
[01:08:53] the fuck you want about her and I have obviously never forgotten that I've never let that
[01:08:58] go and not only that but also republicans are doing exactly what is expected gearing
[01:09:04] up for another january 6th style situation because they just simply do not fucking understand
[01:09:09] how projections work most of the conversation surrounding this most of the conspiracy
[01:09:15] theories surrounding this kind of thing in terms of how elections and how votes are tabulated
[01:09:21] and how projections are made by news media before every single vote is counted comes from
[01:09:28] a clear cut lack of understanding of the process. Republicans do this on a daily basis. Here's
[01:09:34] Ryan Fornier, chair of Trump students, executive director and contributed to today's America,
[01:09:41] Big time Trump guy saying how in the hell did in-house this should go from 5% reporting to 95% within an hour giving her the win
[01:09:48] Never saw this before
[01:09:52] Huh, I don't know if you know this, but a general election is coming up
[01:10:01] Okay, they might have figured out how to tabulate results pretty fast. You know what I'm saying
[01:10:08] That could be one of the reasons another reason is because like a lot of these channels actually operate on projections, right?
[01:10:14] There are many different mechanisms that the average person is unfamiliar with in an effort to get this information before
[01:10:22] the the general public
[01:10:24] Gets it. This is how this is how a lot of this is a lot of news broadcasters operate. Okay
[01:10:31] What about the heartbreaking will stance the laws? Oh my god. I don't even care. I'm so fucking irrelevant, but
[01:10:41] But yeah, overall this is not new it happens in Republican race as well
[01:10:46] I know but that doesn't stop Republicans from saying that there's a conspiracy does it one of my favorite cases on this was
[01:10:54] Obviously Marjorie Taylor Greene if you recall Marjorie Taylor Greene was on the same fucking ballot as Donald Trump
[01:10:59] And she kept on running with this narrative that Donald Trump actually had the election stolen from him
[01:11:07] Except she was on the same ballot
[01:11:09] The fuck do you mean?
[01:11:11] Like how does that work? Marjorie Taylor Greene, it don't matter. It don't matter. Just like
[01:11:17] when Republicans talk about universal ballot registration or when they talk about mail
[01:11:24] in votes, when they talk about mail in ballots, there are Republican states with mail in
[01:11:31] ballots that have been around, that have had this process for a very long time, Utah
[01:11:35] being one of them. Trump himself in the state of Florida actually is a mail in ballot
[01:11:40] voter. Which is why it is ridiculous to run against this process. But the reason why they
[01:11:47] run against the process is so that they can gear up their fan base into claiming or disputing
[01:11:54] the results of the election and claiming that there was some kind of theft, some kind of
[01:11:58] thievery occurring, you know, the 2000 mules or whatever. Okay. Yeah, classic heads I
[01:12:06] when it tells you you lose logic. Exactly. Exactly. So, you know, wonderful stuff going
[01:12:14] on though. Love that. Definitely. People should not, you know, people probably shouldn't be
[01:12:19] worried about such a thing. You having this combo four years ago? Isn't it a bit premature
[01:12:24] to announce Biden as a winner when the votes are still being counted? The media dunked
[01:12:27] on Trump and declared himself the winner before vote counting stopped. Now they're
[01:12:29] all doing the same thing. Same shit way not to be biased. My man, if you don't
[01:12:34] understand how projections are declared by the media historically like
[01:12:39] throughout time and that's not our fault yet you can't project someone to be the
[01:12:44] winner when the swing states are still counting votes when it's a close race I
[01:12:49] didn't hear you crying when Kentucky went to Donald Trump immediately like I
[01:12:55] didn't hear you go wait a minute all the votes haven't been counted in
[01:12:58] Kentucky like what's going on bitch because we know we know which way
[01:13:01] Kentucky swings. We know which way Alabama swings. We know where Tennessee's going. I'm
[01:13:06] sorry. I can't believe they declared Joe Biden the winner before all the votes came in from
[01:13:13] Alaska. What the hell are they doing? What? Do my votes not matter? Do the Alaskan votes
[01:13:19] don't matter? Is that what you're saying to me? Now, one part that I'm worried about
[01:13:23] is that the silent majority, sorry, they can't shut the up minority will actually
[01:13:29] go silent will actually go quiet after this and I'm fearful I'm fearful that they will take it
[01:13:34] too far and and start getting violent I'm fearful of that but also by the way this was this was
[01:13:42] before january 6 just saying does he have the gift of sight does he have the vision
[01:13:52] Lisa and al-ghaib is what many people are saying turns out he does have the gift of foresight
[01:13:58] Okay. He does. It's called pre-watch piker at it again. That was before January six. I was like,
[01:14:06] listen, they're gearing up their fucking entire fandom to dispute the results. And one other thing
[01:14:12] that I probably mentioned in this video that I have talked about so many times over as well
[01:14:17] is that this is a false attribution to Donald Trump. If you single out Donald Trump as the
[01:14:23] only person responsible for January six, you're actually running cover for the rest of
[01:14:28] the Republican Party. Okay, I know I talk about this here and I have talked about it many, many
[01:14:33] times over. Republicans have always run on disputing election results, even when they win, because
[01:14:42] one method for the Republican Party is to suppress voters, okay? And how do you suppress voters?
[01:14:50] You take voters off the ballots, okay? You purge the voter names off the registry.
[01:14:55] You shut down polling stations, how do you get to do all of this?
[01:15:02] You have to lie about there being massive electoral fraud, election fraud.
[01:15:08] So it's not necessarily just Donald Trump that has actually said that these elections are
[01:15:13] cooked and they're lying.
[01:15:15] He just took it to the logical conclusion, right?
[01:15:19] He just took it to the logical conclusion.
[01:15:23] Republicans, including beloved figures that are seen as like mainstream Republicans have
[01:15:27] also cast out on election results in the past or have also said undocumented migrants
[01:15:33] are voting.
[01:15:34] They've alluded to that.
[01:15:35] They've pointed to that time and time again, including, but not limited to the likes of
[01:15:38] Paul Ryan.
[01:15:39] Okay.
[01:15:40] So it's not just a Donald Trump thing.
[01:15:42] This has always been a Republican party thing.
[01:15:46] They've always done it.
[01:15:47] Okay.
[01:15:48] They've always done it.
[01:15:50] So make no mistake, Kevin McCarthy himself is also cast out on certain, uh, certain results.
[01:15:58] So the notion that there is like an honest Republican out there, there's an honest Republican
[01:16:02] party out there.
[01:16:03] No, bullshit.
[01:16:05] They've always cast out on it.
[01:16:07] And much like so many of the other Republican panics that, uh, American, the American population
[01:16:14] gets swept away with.
[01:16:17] born out of hysteria and nothing else okay guess what American you know a lot of the American
[01:16:25] structure is fundamentally flawed our infrastructure is busted we have a lot of problems but if
[01:16:31] you want to be if you want to be real American the American election process is pretty fucking
[01:16:37] solid okay I hate to give America a dub on this but real recognize real the American
[01:16:44] votes are tabulated accurately and there is very little election, there's very little
[01:16:53] voter fraud happening in the country. And there have been, there have been a million
[01:17:01] different, there have been a million different studies on this from Republicans who want
[01:17:06] to prove that the American elections are always engineered and that the American
[01:17:10] elections are stolen by the Democrats every time they win or stolen by the
[01:17:14] Democrats even when they lose or I mean even when they when they do win
[01:17:18] the the electoral college like Trump literally also put together an election
[01:17:23] integrity committee after the 2016 election that he fucking won by the way
[01:17:29] okay and every single one of those committees comes back with the same
[01:17:35] exact answer that no voter fraud is not happening. One of the most famous examples of this is,
[01:17:43] I believe it's either the American Enterprise Institute or the Heritage Foundation. Which
[01:17:46] one is a chat? You can correct me. One of those two major Republican think tanks conducted
[01:17:51] a massive, massive study on this. Okay. It's one, it is the one that they use all
[01:17:58] the time. I believe it's the Heritage Foundation. Okay. I believe it is the Heritage Foundation.
[01:18:03] here's Paul Ryan in 2018. Paul Ryan isn't saying there was voter fraud in California, but
[01:18:10] saying that the election system is just bizarre. It defies logic to me. We had a lot of wins that
[01:18:15] night and three weeks later we lost basically every contested California race. The election
[01:18:18] system they have, I can't begin to understand what ballot harvesting is. So here is the most
[01:18:25] comprehensive, here is the most comprehensive election fraud cases from across the United
[01:18:31] States by the Heritage Foundation. This is the database, okay? What is really funny about this
[01:18:38] is that they have found 1,546 proven instances of voter fraud over the course of 30 fucking years,
[01:18:49] bro. 30 years midterm elections at general elections, like local elections, every single
[01:18:58] every single election, they tabulated all of it, and they only found 1,546 proven instances of
[01:19:07] voter fraud with 1,313 criminal convictions for voter fraud. A lot of those guys are also Republican,
[01:19:14] by the way, this isn't just like Democrats, so that makes it even funnier. Let's split it 50-50.
[01:19:19] That is so marginal and so unlikely that you couldn't even swing like the fucking Comptroller
[01:19:32] election in Los Angeles with if that was all focused in one fucking race in a place like
[01:19:37] California if all of those provenances of voter fraud were over one fucking election one election
[01:19:46] it still wouldn't be able to change the outcome. Okay? That is why this is all complete nonsense.
[01:19:56] And what's funny about it is that their own personal election integrity committees, including
[01:20:03] the one that George W. Bush ironically put forward, including the bipartisan voter election
[01:20:08] committees that are put forward, none of them have ever found anything beyond the
[01:20:13] margins okay anything beyond the fucking margins they've never been able to prove
[01:20:19] that like voter fraud is happening consistently part of that is because it's
[01:20:24] far too difficult to put together a comprehensive mechanism of voter fraud
[01:20:30] okay you would have to have so many people in on it you would have to have
[01:20:36] have like tens of thousands of people in on this massive conspiracy, okay, which is precisely
[01:20:46] the reason why they've never been able to prove it.
[01:20:48] And it's just born out of pure panic and hysteria and like secret migrants somehow being able
[01:20:55] to vote on elections and all of them are voting Democrat, okay.
[01:21:02] The 2022 election was decided by a 214,000 vote margin.
[01:21:11] He did get a lot of votes though.
[01:21:14] Kenneth Mejia.
[01:21:18] Anyway, so that's it.
[01:21:23] It's complete and utter nonsense.
[01:21:26] And yet they are obviously gearing up their fan base
[01:21:30] for this idiotic conspiracy,
[01:21:35] an idiotic conspiracy that I still suspect
[01:21:38] will not lead to another January 6th style situation
[01:21:41] because January 6th obviously happened
[01:21:44] and also ultimately, you know,
[01:21:48] there were criminal consequences for it.
[01:21:50] For the first time ever,
[01:21:51] you got HVAC business owners
[01:21:52] who were white supremacists and the like,
[01:21:54] who have always been defended by the system,
[01:21:57] not be defended by the system unconditionally,
[01:21:59] which was obviously refreshing for us,
[01:22:02] watchers of American politics from afar on the left,
[01:22:06] it was surprising, but it was also surprising for them.
[01:22:09] So I think that they won't put themselves out there
[01:22:12] once again, because there's too much to lose.
[01:22:16] Once they actually saw deter,
[01:22:18] once they actually saw repercussions,
[01:22:19] criminal repercussions,
[01:22:21] I feel like that, you know,
[01:22:24] really just nipped that shit in the bud forever.
[01:22:31] Anyway, didn't you say you're not going to make fun of HVAC business owners after experiencing the horrors of European AC? That's true.
[01:22:39] I apologize. You're right. I much love to the HVAC business owners.
[01:22:44] Much love to my HVAC specialists out there. I love you all.
[01:22:50] Without you, this would be communist Europe and I would die in the heat.
[01:22:56] So yeah.
[01:22:58] Thanks for watching. Stay updated.
[01:23:01] that's my goat NBC news right there. All right, moving on. We're gonna be talking about
[01:23:08] walls is solo download campaign stop, where he talked to municipal municipality workers,
[01:23:14] state workers at a state workers union. And he had some really cool moments. Okay,
[01:23:23] we'll get to that in a second. And I, it's good now. Okay, perfect. I'm gonna take this
[01:23:28] off so I can fucking chirp at my chat yeah get ready get ready chat I'm taking
[01:23:36] the fucking mic off the cameras are off okay yeah there you go I'll do invent
[01:23:56] new slurs for chat why are you like this why are you like this why I mean I
[01:24:02] just want to know why are you like this why do you behave like this is there
[01:24:07] something is there something that I've done okay what the fuck is wrong with
[01:24:12] you guys. It's like, like, you know, you know, we have guests. Okay, you know, we have guests,
[01:24:20] why are you behaving like this? Luckily, I did not. This is the reason why we have the sensor
[01:24:28] chat. Okay, this is the reason why YouTube demonetizes all the videos where chat is
[01:24:32] prominently displayed. Okay. I just want you to understand. I don't want you to understand.
[01:24:40] like so many people
[01:24:43] chat reflects their streamer I know I know maybe you should reflect me less
[01:24:49] you know they're gone yeah they expose your trailer drip
[01:25:04] whoa she actually came back
[01:25:07] me and my kids have a long way who go look in the discord
[01:25:14] no no that was a jump scare dude chat we have a discord for like friends and games and stuff
[01:25:22] And she said, at here, anyone want to Valo in 15 minutes?
[01:25:26] And then freaking Hassan said me and posted a picture of him
[01:25:30] dressed like George Washington.
[01:25:32] And it was like the biggest jump scare of my life.
[01:25:35] I was like, there ain't no way.
[01:25:37] Here, I'll show you the pic.
[01:25:38] I don't want so much, deeply.
[01:25:40] Dude, when he got addicted to Valo,
[01:25:43] he turned into a monster.
[01:25:45] He's like me when, you know, you get too competitive,
[01:25:48] but you're not good enough.
[01:25:50] I can show.
[01:25:51] I'm not getting in there.
[01:25:52] Okay, I'm the same way. I'm the same way. So I can say that. Look, this was the pic.
[01:26:02] The Valo monster, dude.
[01:26:05] People say bring out the Valo monster again. It's just that like the Valo monster never left.
[01:26:10] I still got that dog in me. It's just that, you know, I try to keep the dog on a leash.
[01:26:16] Speaking of dogs, Kaya place. Good girl.
[01:26:25] She was just laying right outside the room, fighting games to destroy your whole vibe.
[01:26:35] I know.
[01:26:36] Thanks, President Harris is running, may Governor Tim Walls made his first solo campaign stop
[01:26:45] as Donald Trump gets back on the trail.
[01:26:48] Selena Wang is checking it off from Washington.
[01:26:49] Good morning Selena.
[01:26:51] Good morning George.
[01:26:52] J.D.
[01:26:53] Vance and other Republicans are attacking Governor Walls for retiring from military
[01:26:57] service before his unit was deployed to Iraq.
[01:27:00] Governor Walls is also under fire for saying in 2018 that he carried weapons in war
[01:27:05] even though he never saw active combat.
[01:27:07] the Harris campaign later saying that he misspoke Governor Walsh.
[01:27:11] Dude, this is my favorite type of fucking media coverage when they just like take something
[01:27:16] that Republicans use as oppo research, and then say, and then instead of being like,
[01:27:22] yeah, nobody actually gives a shit about this immediately going, well, there's controversy
[01:27:28] because he's under fire.
[01:27:30] A lot of people, a lot of people are saying this, and it's like a, it's a classic,
[01:27:35] Like it's a classic cheat, okay?
[01:27:38] Something that major media does regularly.
[01:27:40] If they can't actually move the needle in a certain direction, then they'll turn around
[01:27:44] and be like, if there's no like there there, you know what I mean?
[01:27:48] If it's like not a real fucking story, it's basically the Trump version of many people
[01:27:52] are saying, okay, Trump does that all the time when he will just be like, who's saying
[01:27:57] it motherfucker?
[01:27:58] You're saying it.
[01:27:59] What do you mean?
[01:28:00] Many people are saying it.
[01:28:01] And it's the same exact thing that major media does all the time.
[01:28:05] under fire for controversy. No, dude, there is no under fire for controversy. Okay. It's
[01:28:12] like a chatter talking about your drama. Exactly. Like, this is not top of mind for people. Okay.
[01:28:18] People are not like invested all that much in this. And you're the one who's invested
[01:28:24] in it. And you're the one who is now covering the investment that you have by saying, Oh,
[01:28:30] people is under there's this person is under fire. He is now hitting the
[01:28:36] campaign trail and defending his military record. Overnight, Minnesota
[01:28:41] Governor Tim Walls defending his military record after relentless attacks
[01:28:46] from Donald Trump and JD Vance who've accused walls of lying about his
[01:28:50] military record. I'm gonna say it again as clearly as I can. I am damn
[01:28:54] proud of my service to this country and I firmly believe you should
[01:29:04] never denigrate another person's service record walls retired from the National
[01:29:08] Guard after more than two decades of service to run for Congress back at
[01:29:13] attacks from felt I'm bill differing you know what I'm saying I'll denigrate
[01:29:16] your service record all day baby I don't give a fuck not for Walt Stoke as
[01:29:20] he's cool a veteran Vance who also never saw active combat anyone brave
[01:29:27] enough to put on that uniform for our great country including my opponent I
[01:29:31] I just have a few simple words.
[01:29:34] Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
[01:29:40] And slamming Trump as out of touch
[01:29:42] with working class America.
[01:29:44] Like for me, it's like, yeah, he's doing a great job
[01:29:46] for, you know, running for office, right?
[01:29:49] He's doing a great job as VP.
[01:29:51] But if we're being for real, like,
[01:29:52] I'm gonna shit, dude, what do you mean?
[01:29:55] Here's how I would rather,
[01:29:57] and I think this is how he has actually
[01:30:01] done a good job by veterans, okay?
[01:30:03] my advocating for their fucking healthcare. That's it. That's how I, that's how I thank
[01:30:08] you for your service. Okay. Like I don't, I don't need to like suck you off for your,
[01:30:16] for going into active duty. Okay. But obviously he's not going to do that. And you know,
[01:30:21] you can't do that in America in general. You can only, um, do you have any insight
[01:30:29] into why APAC did not invest in Omar's race? Um, because they have in the past
[01:30:34] And it doesn't matter.
[01:30:37] Like they, I think they probably have a finite amount of resources and they wanted to go after
[01:30:42] like weaker candidates in general and Corey Bush and Jamal Bowman were seemingly significantly
[01:30:48] weaker candidates than, uh, then in Hanomar because they don't want to look like they
[01:30:57] don't want to look like they dumped a boatload of money and then lost because like the
[01:31:01] entire point is to be scary and this ominous like ever present figure, this, this shadowy
[01:31:08] the ominous ever present figure that is, um, that is standing at top of like American politics.
[01:31:16] You know what I mean? They're not demigods. Just look at you guys that didn't bleed on
[01:31:23] the dozen. Nothing brave about eating an IED. Conventional wisdom is that Bowman and Bush
[01:31:30] were weaker because they came right into the house with no previous legislative experience
[01:31:33] and didn't emphasize their constituent services. Omar is popular in a district has good
[01:31:37] services slash availability and was previously a state legislator. They don't think
[01:31:41] it's worth the investment as much as they dislike her. Yeah. No, you're right on the
[01:31:46] money. Megafonics. You're absolutely correct on this. Plus they also have tried and, and
[01:31:52] um, tested the E Hanomar waters already. They did, they did before and they failed, which
[01:31:58] is why they were like, yeah, it's fine. You know what I mean? Eight years active duty.
[01:32:10] All I got was several disabilities and shitting ease. Yup. Under the radar story
[01:32:22] of E Hanomar wins tonight. Chances look good. Omar was shooting to leave in summer
[01:32:25] were all state reps for getting elected to Congress, they had institutional support within
[01:32:28] their state parties to fend off APAC. Jamal Bowman and Corey Bush did not. They also have had
[01:32:37] better constituent services, true, but again, that comes from having a legislative at the state
[01:32:43] level, but still a legislative background, right? The only person who was able to withstand that
[01:32:53] was AOC and I think part of that was because she was so charismatic and so dynamic and so
[01:33:01] telegenic and and was able to withstand like the immediate challenges because and then once you're
[01:33:10] done with your first cycle it's over you know what I mean because if you do if you go through
[01:33:15] your first cycle then you actually have and are able to overcome contest then you literally
[01:33:22] can just be like, yeah, I'm a fucking two term like Congress person, what are we talking about?
[01:33:27] Once you get to the second term, it's like people have now recognized that you are like,
[01:33:34] obviously, like you have a legislative background that you can point to, right?
[01:33:39] They can be like, this is what I've done for my constituents.
[01:33:43] Absolutely wrong. Okay, you're right.
[01:33:48] Can you simply picture Donald Trump working in to make Donald's trying to make a McFlurry
[01:33:52] or something it's oh he knows he knows us he knows us he couldn't run that damn
[01:33:57] flurry Mcflurry machine if it does too many things so as a Harris campaign
[01:34:02] emphasizes its union ties um bowman got gerrymandered the only one a pack I
[01:34:08] actually bought I was Cory versus you know bowman got a pack to come on dude
[01:34:12] they fucking slam 20 million dollars into a fucking primary guys this is not the
[01:34:19] general election. It was a fucking random primary, dude. Are you kidding me? Like,
[01:34:28] that's crazy. The United Auto Workers Union. It's a historic amount of money that they dumped into it.
[01:34:38] As wild as wild shit. You can't cast that aside as nothing filing complaints with the National
[01:34:44] Labor Relations Board against Trump and billionaire Elon Musk after their conversation on X,
[01:34:50] claiming they're threatening striking workers.
[01:34:52] I look at what you do, you walk in and you just say,
[01:34:55] you want to quit?
[01:34:56] They go on strike.
[01:34:57] I won't mention the name of the company,
[01:34:59] but they go on strike and you say, that's okay,
[01:35:01] you're all gone.
[01:35:02] You're all gone, so every one of you is gone.
[01:35:04] Even Teamsters boss Sean O'Brien, who's...
[01:35:07] Didn't you also say it was more performative
[01:35:08] to project strength?
[01:35:09] Yes, it is to project strength.
[01:35:12] They looked at weaker candidates and they dumped it.
[01:35:16] They looked at weaker candidates
[01:35:18] and dump the shitload of funds against primary opponents weaker for a multitude of different
[01:35:24] reasons. Obviously Jamal Bowman's redistricting played a significant role there and, and wanted
[01:35:29] to make it seem as though, wanted to make it seem as though like they got more juice
[01:35:33] than they actually do, but it worked. The media then also gave them free coverage
[01:35:37] on that matter. Although the campaign ads had nothing to do with Israel at all and
[01:35:43] And although the constituents were not voting because of Israel, Israel, of course, played
[01:35:49] a fucking role. Okay. Played a major role. A pack played a major role. $20 million in ads
[01:35:57] is incredibly important, dude. Like you guys talk about the top of the hour outbreak as
[01:36:03] though it's like significantly disruptive to this stream. And many of you don't even
[01:36:08] see it because you subscribe for $6 or for free with a Twitch Prime by connecting Amazon
[01:36:14] Prime account to your Twitch account. You get one free Prime subscription a month and
[01:36:18] you know, you use it here on your favorite broadcast there. But like think about it,
[01:36:24] $20 million worth of ads like that's so much you're flooding a market in them with like
[01:36:30] relatively lesser known figures spoke at the Republican convention saying firing workers
[01:36:36] for organizing striking and exercising their rights as Americans is economic terrorism.
[01:36:42] This morning, Trump getting back on the campaign trail in swing states after a week and a
[01:36:46] half away.
[01:36:48] Speaking in North Carolina this afternoon, as some Republicans push to keep their candidate
[01:36:53] focused on issues like inflation and immigration instead of insulting Vice President Kamala
[01:36:59] Harris.
[01:37:01] In response to the UAW charge, the Trump campaign is saying, quote, this frivolous
[01:37:05] lawsuit is a shameless political stunt intended to erode President Trump's overwhelming support
[01:37:11] among America's workers.
[01:37:12] Now, both Trump and Harris are claiming that they would do more to help working class Americans.
[01:37:17] Harris herself is also planning to roll out her economic vision later this week.
[01:37:21] George?
[01:37:22] Okay, Selena, thanks.
[01:37:23] And of course, the context for the Trump campaign's attacks on military services
[01:37:26] at the former president himself, avoided service in Vietnam claiming bone spurs.
[01:37:30] Thanks very much.
[01:37:31] So, news, the United Auto Workers has-
[01:37:34] Wise bro, always yabbing about nonsense, but has no actual policy ideas. I mean, how dare
[01:37:41] you, dude? He came up with no tax on tips. That was his, and Kamala Harris stole that from him,
[01:37:46] which is really fucked up. Really fucked up Kamala stole that from him. How dare you?
[01:37:55] That was a big one, okay?
[01:38:04] Piled federal labor charges against both Donald Trump and Elon Musk. The charges are tied
[01:38:09] to particular comments made during Trump's ex interview with Elon Musk yesterday.
[01:38:14] I mean, I look at what you do, you walk in, you want to quit? They go on strike. I won't
[01:38:20] mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, that's okay, you're all gone.
[01:38:24] You're all gone, so everyone of you is gone.
[01:38:27] A senior advisor for the Trump campaign released a statement saying in part, quote,
[01:38:31] this frivolous lawsuit is a shameless political stunt intended to erode President
[01:38:35] Trump's overwhelming support among America's workers. Elon Musk has not- Bro, you can't- what do you mean?
[01:38:42] What do you mean overwhelming support among America's workers? Dog, you literally were talking to a
[01:38:47] billionaire union buster laughing about how funny it is to violate the fucking law and like fire
[01:38:55] workers for striking. Even the mere mention of that is a violation of the law, okay?
[01:39:02] Okay.
[01:39:04] Like you cannot advocate to fire striking workers.
[01:39:09] It is illegal.
[01:39:10] Okay.
[01:39:11] You can't fire striking workers.
[01:39:14] That is also illegal.
[01:39:15] But you can't even fucking advocate for it.
[01:39:17] And you did that in front of millions of people.
[01:39:23] Like millions of fucking people.
[01:39:27] Yet, respondent.
[01:39:29] Well, let's talk to Sean Fane, the president of the United Auto Workers Union.
[01:39:33] Sean, good to have you here on America to size, we've covered you a lot over the past
[01:39:38] year.
[01:39:39] Hey, Bob, thanks for having us.
[01:39:42] So tell me about the decision to do this, you're either watching or informed about-
[01:39:47] Chairman Fane, Chairman Fane, stand up and salute.
[01:39:50] Chairman Fane, I will go into battle for you, sir.
[01:39:55] Chairman Fane, give me my orders, my goat.
[01:40:01] Out the comments made by Musk and Trump, and you decide to file these federal labor
[01:40:05] charges.
[01:40:06] What was behind the decision is to do it so quickly.
[01:40:10] Look, because this is the problem, yeah, once again, once again, just like I snitched on,
[01:40:18] just like I snitched on Aiden Ross with the FEC situation.
[01:40:23] We're snitching on him again.
[01:40:24] I snitched on Trump as well, when he did that illegal thing.
[01:40:30] And there it is, you know, classic problem in America right now, the rich keep getting
[01:40:35] richer at the expense of the working class. And people like Donald Trump and Elon Musk,
[01:40:41] they sneer at labor law, but they don't care about labor law because they don't care about
[01:40:45] working class people. You know, they believe in buying off the system and buying off politicians
[01:40:51] and being able to have their way with people. And you know, look, it's, employers need
[01:40:55] to be held accountable in this country when they break the law. It is a federal right
[01:41:00] of workers to go on strike and they cannot be fired for that. But you know, people
[01:41:04] like Donald Trump and Elon Musk, they laugh about firing people because they can care less
[01:41:09] about people, about their jobs and what they do to their careers.
[01:41:12] All they care about is the billionaire buddies and taking more wealth.
[01:41:17] And so this is a which side are you on election?
[01:41:19] And that's why working class people will vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walls because
[01:41:23] they're one of us.
[01:41:24] And Donald Trump and Elon Musk represent everything that this nation stands against.
[01:41:28] Sean, give me your assessment. The real sense of things on the ground among workers, especially
[01:41:35] in the UAW. They had a Democratic candidate who was walking the picket lines with them,
[01:41:41] and they have an ally and vice president Harris. But Joe Biden as president has this 50 plus
[01:41:46] years in public life, building the relationship for the labor. How has the adjustment been
[01:41:51] among UAW members to the Harris campaign? I know she has been with you on stage.
[01:41:58] is the governor walls is speaking to labor people today in California, but what's the
[01:42:03] real sense you have about how labor is adjusting to this new dynamic and new candidate atop
[01:42:08] the ticket?
[01:42:10] I think the adjustments amazing.
[01:42:12] Look our people, they're looking forward to this, there's so much energy around this
[01:42:15] campaign and the biggest reason why I think that is is because when people look at
[01:42:20] Kamala Harris, when they look at Tim Walls, they see themselves.
[01:42:25] They see people that started out of McDonald's.
[01:42:27] They see a person that's been a teacher as the teaching profession has been decimated
[01:42:31] over the last few decades by the Republican Party.
[01:42:34] And so, you know, when you look at people and you see yourself, you know, they're relatable.
[01:42:39] So working class people, especially the Democrats played a role in that too.
[01:42:44] Okay.
[01:42:46] The Democrats played a role in decimating the teachers unions as well with the fucking
[01:42:50] charter school nonsense.
[01:42:51] Okay.
[01:42:52] Since the 90s.
[01:42:53] You know, we'll let it, we'll let this one slide, Chairman Fain, that's my goat.
[01:42:59] Why do you never talk about Biden taking down the railroad strike?
[01:43:02] I do. You're just fucking stupid. I have covered it extensively.
[01:43:07] You're just a fucking idiot who doesn't know anything about anything. Okay?
[01:43:13] It's so stupid. You get your news from TikTok. Okay? I get my news and disseminate news
[01:43:22] on motherfucking oh you said they I thought you meant me even then it doesn't matter even then it
[01:43:31] doesn't matter even then it doesn't matter charter schools can be a good thing no one can't stop
[01:43:40] they did they did major media also talked about it as well the major problem here is what came
[01:43:48] after Biden broke the strikes. Okay, Biden broke the strikes. Then what did he do? He
[01:43:57] went with labor secretary, I mean, transportation secretary, people to judge. And also I apologize
[01:44:03] for misreading what you said. Labor transportation secretary people to judge and Biden went
[01:44:10] back to the actual fucking railroad companies and turned around and got them to meet the
[01:44:16] demands of the actual labor unions. So this is the part of the equation that rarely ever
[01:44:24] gets coverage in the media. This is what people don't know. Okay. This is what people are
[01:44:29] not familiar with. Like I am always going to hold the Biden administration to account.
[01:44:37] Okay. And there's plenty that you can talk about. On the issue of labor. I think that
[01:44:46] Biden, and I've said this before on the issue of labor, Biden is one of the most pro labor
[01:44:51] presidents
[01:44:53] Perhaps of all time, but certainly in recent history. Okay
[01:44:58] That's just true
[01:45:00] That doesn't change the reality that he's also a genocide there and has destroyed that
[01:45:06] Oh, I didn't hear about that. I was confused on why they were saying he was so pro union when he did that
[01:45:09] Yes, because he went
[01:45:11] No, I said perhaps of all time because it's a very low bar with only like FDR and a couple
[01:45:17] other presidents clearing that bar.
[01:45:19] Biden also is the only fucking president that has walked a picket line.
[01:45:24] Only sitting president.
[01:45:32] We need anti-war, not pro-labor.
[01:45:34] Come on, Chad.
[01:45:39] No, we need both.
[01:45:49] And by the way, anti-war can only happen with pro-labor.
[01:45:59] You will never be able to cultivate pressure.
[01:46:03] You will never be able to generate real popular pressure that is noticed by those in positions
[01:46:08] of power without backing from labor.
[01:46:13] And yes, the UAW has supported the anti-war movement.
[01:46:15] The UAW itself is actually, alongside 12 other unions, have applied pressure to the
[01:46:19] Biden campaign to change course on Israel.
[01:46:23] They have literally been advocating non-stop.
[01:46:28] Should they do more?
[01:46:30] I think they should.
[01:46:34] speaking on the economy. Oh, he already started. Let's see what my goat is saying.
[01:46:39] Thank you very much. That is a very frisky group, I have to say. I already ran
[01:47:00] the top of the hour. I break chat. And by the way, we have some very good polls
[01:47:05] coming out today. I just heard despite all of the fake publicity about this
[01:47:10] radical left person from San Francisco. How San Francisco doing? Not like, not
[01:47:17] like North Carolina now we have some very good polls coming out so that's good
[01:47:22] you know can considering the fact that they what they do I mean what they do
[01:47:27] what the fake news is able to do and yet we're leading but there's like two
[01:47:32] pollsters that show I'm doing well is Rasmussen and Trafalgar like even
[01:47:36] Trafalgar doesn't show I'm doing well on key states I don't know what the fuck he's talking about
[01:47:39] they took it away from him or his internal polls actually show something
[01:47:44] different terrible and I'm not sure that they picked the right guy in him but he
[01:47:50] got 14 votes 14 million votes you got if chat you can find me a YouTube streamer
[01:47:56] subtitles are working I'll turn I'll switch to that one they are a threat to
[01:47:59] democracy right as they say get in bottom break the barricades I'm gonna die
[01:48:02] I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die members of
[01:48:05] Congress Chuck Edwards and Virginia Fox just Google it warriors thank you
[01:48:10] here. Here every single time someone says that Google, okay, railroad unions on Biden. Okay.
[01:48:23] Okay. Railroad unions on Biden paid sick leave. Okay. And then you can find, I mean, this
[01:48:37] is Ibev. We never stopped applying pressure, hard fought success on rail sick days. After
[01:48:44] most of the negotiations, the IBIS Railroad members for the largest U.S. freight carries
[01:48:48] have finally have what they have sought out, but many working people take for granted paid
[01:48:53] sick days. Okay. Here, this one has a subtitles. Thank you. Thank you. The man is used. Okay.
[01:49:06] While President Joe Biden was calling on Congress November, the past legislation to implement
[01:49:09] the agreement, he stressed that he would continue to encourage railroads to guarantee
[01:49:11] paid sick time for their employees. I share workers concerned about the inability to
[01:49:15] take leave to recover from illness or take care of a sick family member, Biden said that
[01:49:19] pressure plus the I bevs ongoing ever is paying off at last.
[01:49:29] Do you understand?
[01:49:32] If you want to actually hear about it, if you want to actually hear about it, go to
[01:49:36] the fucking unions directly.
[01:49:38] They never stopped applying pressure even after Brandon broke the strike.
[01:49:42] Okay, he literally kept up the pressure as well, and they went directly to the
[01:49:47] fucking railroad companies and quietly got them to stand down. The major issue in this
[01:49:58] situation is that for some fucking weird reason, and I don't know, you rarely see this in mainstream
[01:50:04] media, you only, the only places covering this is actually union papers, dude. That's
[01:50:13] why so many motherfuckers come in here after getting geared on TikTok to be like Biden
[01:50:18] broke the labor union pressure on the railroads on the railroad unions like how dare you say
[01:50:25] he's pro labor it's like I know I know he's not the best actually for modern presidents
[01:50:31] he is literally the best low low bar to clear Biden never mentioned it too is he stupid bro
[01:50:41] what are we talking about he was until we had the fucking claw him out of power talking
[01:50:48] about NATO at every campaign stop. Yes, the answer is he is fucking stupid. Yes, the people
[01:50:58] surrounding him are fucking brain dead. Okay, he would go to like North Carolina and be like
[01:51:05] I expanded NATO. I Finland is NATO Jack. I was like I want to fucking I'm Brian kill
[01:51:11] me. I want I'm Brian kill me in a video game I would like to jump off of a fucking cliff.
[01:51:16] Every time I heard him say, he expanded NATO, I was like, it literally stabbed me directly
[01:51:23] in the fucking heart.
[01:51:26] What an idiotic way to run a fucking campaign!
[01:51:29] Yes, NBC left.
[01:51:42] Listen, she has the greatest press.
[01:51:46] She went from being a totally disrespected person six weeks ago.
[01:51:52] Nobody thought she had a chance.
[01:51:54] And I don't think she can possibly win.
[01:51:56] If she does, our country is finished.
[01:51:57] You want to know the truth.
[01:51:58] But she was totally disrespected, the most unpopular vice president in the history of
[01:52:04] our country.
[01:52:06] And then they decided to get politically correct.
[01:52:09] We have to put her in.
[01:52:10] They put her in, and now they are putting her on the covers of Time magazine with an
[01:52:14] artist sketch.
[01:52:17] They don't use a picture.
[01:52:20] They don't use a picture.
[01:52:21] They use an artist sketch.
[01:52:22] I want to use that artist.
[01:52:23] I want to find that artist.
[01:52:24] I like him very much.
[01:52:27] But we're going to beat her also, and they may then get
[01:52:29] a third candidate.
[01:52:30] Who knows?
[01:52:30] This is a little bit different than we're supposed
[01:52:33] to be doing.
[01:52:34] You're supposed to have a candidate.
[01:52:35] You know, we spent probably $100 million on
[01:52:39] beating him, and then we had a very good debate.
[01:52:41] And we beat him, and they said, well, instead of
[01:52:45] letting it go, who knows what happens, right?
[01:52:47] It's the world of politics.
[01:52:48] They say, we want him out.
[01:52:50] Joe, you're getting out now, Joe.
[01:52:52] Well, I want to get out.
[01:52:53] I have 14.
[01:52:54] You're getting out and out, so we can do it the nice way
[01:52:57] or we can do it the hard way.
[01:53:00] And he's getting out, he's getting out.
[01:53:03] In fact, they're not even giving him a good spot to speak.
[01:53:06] You know when he's speaking on Monday,
[01:53:07] Monday's not the, that's the worst day,
[01:53:10] but that's what they do.
[01:53:11] And it's their own form of, it's just another,
[01:53:14] I guess relatively, it's a minor form of cheating
[01:53:17] by comparison to what they really do, right?
[01:53:19] Everything, Kamala Harris touched you.
[01:53:22] Dude this is poison. This is literally poison for the election. Consistently fucking crying
[01:53:29] about Biden. Like what are you doing man? What are you doing? Oh they really fucked them up.
[01:53:34] They really fucked them up big time. It's like bro you were running against them.
[01:53:38] And now you're running against someone else. You're just whining that like you have a stronger
[01:53:42] ticket to go against now. You're going to save America. Like I don't think this works. Like
[01:53:48] I think this is really fucking whiny
[01:53:51] Now this is a little bit different day because this isn't around this is what talking about a thing called the economy
[01:53:57] They wanted to do a speech on the economy a lot of people are
[01:54:01] Very devastated by what's happened with inflation and all of the other things. So we're doing this as a
[01:54:07] Intellectual speech you're all intellectuals today today. We're doing it and we're doing it
[01:54:12] Right now and it's very important. They say it's the most important subject. I think
[01:54:19] His fan base is already voting for him chat
[01:54:22] Come on. You've met MAGA guys. Okay, you've met Trump supporters. You know what they're like
[01:54:28] Okay, he could go up there and literally be like I think every single one of you are
[01:54:34] Disgusting little worms and I hate you and they would be like hell yeah, mr. President. You're right. You say it like it is
[01:54:40] I'm a worm for you
[01:54:42] Okay. Like, it doesn't matter. He's not going after his base. His base is superhardened already.
[01:54:52] He's going after new voters or people that are in the margins, people outside of his immediate
[01:54:57] base of support.
[01:54:58] You don't hear about the American dream anymore. It's dead. Heratical liberal policies
[01:55:02] have caused horrific inflation, decimated the middle class, and gutted the finances
[01:55:08] of millions and millions of American families. Real incomes are down by over $2,000 a year
[01:55:15] per family. I mean, that's a lot of money. They're down by that, and it's actually much more of
[01:55:20] your figure at a certain way if you add some other categories, and it's much more than that.
[01:55:25] But down by 2000, since she took office, and it was just announced that real earnings were
[01:55:30] down once again at a record rate, the Harris price hikes have cost the typical household
[01:55:37] $28,000. Congratulations. Hope everyone's happy.
[01:55:43] credit card debt has exploded and it's exploded to the highest it's ever been
[01:55:50] and the cost of a typical monthly mortgage has tripled tripled and probably
[01:55:55] more than that if you think about it we were at about 2.4% and now you're up
[01:56:00] to 10% and even 11% but you're really not there because you can't get the
[01:56:04] money even if you want to pay it July alone 350,000 people were added to the
[01:56:10] unemployment rolls Kamala I'm not gonna lie you can thank Brandon for that okay
[01:56:16] both by being like an old white guy but also being like an old-school
[01:56:20] politician who doesn't fuck with that in general but like that is one of the two
[01:56:25] key things that the Kamala Harris campaign thus far is picked up from the
[01:56:28] Brandon Camp, Brandon reelection that is objectively good is dropping like convoluted intersectionality
[01:56:38] arguments about like, it's just like academic speak, okay.
[01:56:45] And yeah, the someone related, Harris has thus far wisely avoided all the identity
[01:56:50] politics excesses of Clinton 2016, no charts about intersectionality, obsessing over
[01:56:55] black women voters, et cetera.
[01:56:56] Waltz is particularly good at speaking with our DEI consultant
[01:56:59] vibes or lingo.
[01:57:00] Now remember, there were moments where Biden did that when he
[01:57:04] talked about black voters in a way where he was like, and those
[01:57:07] were massive flubs, but in a way where he was basically like,
[01:57:10] if you don't vote for me, you literally aren't black.
[01:57:14] Right.
[01:57:15] Like those were really, really bad moments.
[01:57:19] Those were not good moments for him.
[01:57:20] But beyond that, he never did like, he never did like the
[01:57:23] intersectionality shit right he wasn't he wasn't with the woke stuff because he's fucking all this dirt
[01:57:29] that is good that's not a bad thing like talk about the actual issues that matter
[01:57:35] don't just like leave it as a standalone to be like we are we love diversity okay
[01:57:41] talk about how republicans are using diversity as a way to like undermine black and brown people
[01:57:47] don't fucking be like you know if you ain't voting for me you ain't black jack
[01:57:53] But with that exception, with that exception, Biden didn't do a lot of like DEI narratives
[01:57:59] in general, or any sort of like identity politics stuff or academic speak, you know, and I think
[01:58:06] it's good that the common hairs picked that up. The other thing that they picked up that I think
[01:58:10] is really good. Okay. He literally said, if you don't vote for him, you ain't black as a quote.
[01:58:16] I know I already brought that up. Why are you bringing up something chat? I don't know if
[01:58:23] if you're following from a mobile phone and you're just like, you know, you haven't gotten
[01:58:28] to the point where I already said that, but like, just, you know, hold that shit in the
[01:58:33] pocket for a second. Wait, maybe I will address it. Okay. Um, no charts about intersectionality
[01:58:44] obsessing over black women, voters, etc. Walt's the particularly good at speaking with
[01:58:47] a DI consultant, vibes or lingo. Kamala is running a strangely Trumpy campaign while
[01:58:51] Trump is running a strangely hilarious campaign. It's just, it's not just service level
[01:58:55] stuff like this, I agree. I agree. That's why I said this is a 2016 reversal. I'm actually
[01:59:06] pretty glad that there's like sticking to the issues instead of doing like the classic
[01:59:10] democratic, the classic democratic operative instincts. Okay. Whereas the Republicans
[01:59:27] are doing that. Even Trump being like Kamala is not really black. That's a, that's a weird,
[01:59:35] a misstep. That's a weird attempt to do the racialized politics, though. Like he's trying
[01:59:40] to do identity politics, but from the right. Um, no glass ceiling talk, none of that shit.
[01:59:51] Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So the other good thing that the Biden campaign also did.
[02:00:00] The other good thing that the Biden campaign also did was be uncompromising in terms of
[02:00:07] Communicating economic progressive politics, progressive policies, okay?
[02:00:17] Every single time like by Biden was the worst messenger for this
[02:00:22] But the method was good the message was good the messenger was awful
[02:00:29] So what I mean by this is anytime they were like your oldest fuck your oldest fuck you're gonna die
[02:00:34] Please please leave Biden will come out and be like i'm doing red caps jack
[02:00:39] I don't give a fuck and it was like, I mean, it's awesome. It's just that you have other
[02:00:46] Unavoidable issues here, you know, I mean
[02:00:48] But I'm glad that he was doing that and I'm happy that the Kamala campaign at least with the Tim Walls pick has kind of done that too
[02:00:58] They keep trying to be like you're radical you're radical radical and she's like we're not radical. These are good policies and that's a good thing
[02:01:06] okay
[02:01:07] Look how many people showed up to
[02:01:15] to a JD van speech today. Yeah. I mean, he's Rizla's brother. He's so bad. Deborah is dying
[02:01:24] in the corner. So yeah, those are the two good things that the, those are two good instincts
[02:01:38] that the democratic party is like kind of moving on right now. Now obviously if they
[02:01:43] find themselves, uh, in, in more contested races, if, if the momentum starts dying
[02:01:50] down post DNC for example like post delivering the post delivering like some of the policies
[02:01:59] and have the Republican Party address those as like communist policies or whatever the
[02:02:03] fuck they might be they might get scared away from defending some of these platform issues
[02:02:11] and that would be really bad for them to do to do that and then they start leaning
[02:02:18] on their worst instincts they start running scared and they start talking about how like
[02:02:22] they're not radical actually and that they're they're moderate centrist or whatever the
[02:02:28] fuck that was very deceptive of you that photo was taken half an hour before the JD
[02:02:36] event started afterwards at least 10 more people arrived to see Vans you know what
[02:02:40] you're right you're right that is double the amount the Vans rally doubled technically
[02:02:49] That's how you lie with statistics. Okay.
[02:02:53] Wow. The advanced rally doubled after that photo was taken.
[02:02:56] How dare you not talk about that?
[02:03:06] And now the bombs are starting to drop in the Middle East.
[02:03:10] You see what's going on there, right?
[02:03:11] That would have never happened.
[02:03:12] Israel would have never happened.
[02:03:13] Ukraine would have never happened with Russia based.
[02:03:17] You wouldn't have ever had an embarrassment.
[02:03:19] You say Israel would never happen.
[02:03:21] Like it would not have existed if it was.
[02:03:25] Inflation would have never happened.
[02:03:27] We would have never had.
[02:03:28] It was caused by a very stupid energy policy.
[02:03:31] Then he went back to my policy because prices were going up so much.
[02:03:35] But it'll end if they won this election.
[02:03:37] On day one, all of that would end.
[02:03:39] And this country will go through hell.
[02:03:41] And it can never come back.
[02:03:42] Once it goes, it's pretty far down already.
[02:03:46] We're going to have to work very hard.
[02:03:47] It's pretty far down.
[02:03:48] When you let 20 million people come into our country
[02:03:53] from places unknown and from prisons
[02:03:58] and from mental institutions and terrorists.
[02:04:02] Kamala Harris won in the economic crisis,
[02:04:05] she will only-
[02:04:06] Do you think Trump's way of addressing the inflation crisis
[02:04:09] is by doing more tax cuts?
[02:04:12] Okay.
[02:04:14] Doing more tax cuts, which he already did
[02:04:16] at a time when corporate profits were record high.
[02:04:19] That certainly is not an inflationary fiscal policy, you know, um, and also, obviously a, even from like a classical, uh, pro capitalist economists will, will consistently claim about like flooding the market with more money, uh, causing inflation.
[02:04:40] And it's like, he did that shit too.
[02:04:43] And he wants to further cut rates now too, which is like, I mean, he's just wrong on every front.
[02:04:48] But she'll never do them. She'll never do them. She'll say them for the election, but she'll never do
[02:04:57] Also, I am biased
[02:04:59] I'm also biased against Kamala Harris, too
[02:05:02] When I left office, I handed Kamala and crooked Joe Biden a surging economy with no inflation
[02:05:08] The 30-year mortgage rate was 2.4 percent gasoline had reached $1 and chat every chatter everyone is biased
[02:05:16] The difference is, I'm honest and I tell you what my biases are, okay?
[02:05:22] 7%.
[02:05:23] The Hispanic American poverty rate was down 8%.
[02:05:28] The biggest drops, the greatest drops that you've ever seen in this country.
[02:05:32] They've never had it so well.
[02:05:35] Nobody, nobody has, every group, every group.
[02:05:38] Men, women, Hispanics, Asians, blacks, everybody was down at.
[02:05:43] One thing that is really funny about Trump's economic policies is that he wants to do like
[02:05:48] insane tariffs, like both on China and just like tariffs across the board, which will
[02:05:55] actually increase costs.
[02:05:57] He wants to also simultaneously cut rates and have control over cutting rates as the
[02:06:02] president, which again will literally will literally will play a role in inflation
[02:06:11] going up. Like he wants to he wants to tackle this issue from every end. Like he wants to
[02:06:19] he wants to make it so that if he's a second term that there will be a lot of growth in the
[02:06:24] short term not with the tariffs but with like with the interest rates. But like whoever
[02:06:31] comes after is going to be sitting on complete economic collapse. Liberal playbook what they've
[02:06:37] have done to poor San Francisco.
[02:06:39] Again, not all that different from average Republicans'
[02:06:41] mind, you know, that is how the Republicans operate.
[02:06:43] Harris invited the American energy through open or borders,
[02:06:46] flooded the country with low wage migrant workers,
[02:06:49] passed the Green News scam, racked up almost $10 trillion
[02:06:54] in debt, and buried our workers in job killing
[02:06:56] regulations costing $10,000 per family.
[02:07:00] That's a lot of money.
[02:07:02] You don't have to imagine what a Harris presidency would
[02:07:06] look like you're living through the misery right now except that we'll get
[02:07:10] worse and you're paying the price a price like nobody's ever paid one of the
[02:07:14] worst parts for one of the worst aspects of this for Trump is that like the
[02:07:19] economic recovery has already happened like inflation is already softened Kim
[02:07:24] Jong-un of North Korea respected us we were respected by everybody in the
[02:07:29] world goes back to the same equation of like the Joe Biden did that stickers
[02:07:34] all over the gas pumps. Like when the price is actually normalized again, all of a sudden
[02:07:41] that becomes a way to actually positively campaign for the current administration.
[02:07:52] So like this is a major issue for him. We're not going to let this. The further you move
[02:07:58] away from negative real wage growth that people did experience, that was a very real
[02:08:03] thing, the more people forget that they had negative real wage growth and don't attribute
[02:08:11] that to the administration as a negative at all.
[02:08:15] You were a terrible attorney general, you were a terrible district attorney, you're the worst
[02:08:20] vice president in history.
[02:08:21] Get out of here, go!
[02:08:22] Get out of here!
[02:08:23] Get out of here!
[02:08:24] Get out of here!
[02:08:25] Go!
[02:08:26] Get out of here!
[02:08:27] What do you mean?
[02:08:28] That's how it works, brother.
[02:08:29] The opposite of that would be deflation.
[02:08:31] Get out!
[02:08:34] I think I think there are this doesn't for the record there are absolutely areas
[02:08:55] that need deflation I'll give you an example this would this is like a very
[02:09:00] unpopular thing to say but housing desperately in need of deflation like
[02:09:11] housing prices is completely fucking out of control. Okay, but in that in that
[02:09:20] circumstance college prices, okay, the rental market, these are areas of the
[02:09:27] American economy, pharmaceutical prices, health care costs, these are areas that
[02:09:34] absolutely need deflation. Why is that unpopular to say? It's technically
[02:09:41] popular to say, but it's unpopular amongst voters. Why is it unpopular amongst voters?
[02:09:48] Because a lot of the fucking voters happen to be people that already own homes, people
[02:09:54] that may even own their second home, people that are renting out their homes. A lot of
[02:10:03] Americans still are homeowners. I would say that homeowners are more represented in
[02:10:09] the voting population than non-home owners are.
[02:10:17] That's great.
[02:10:18] That's why it's unpopular.
[02:10:23] That was one of the most successful shows ever done.
[02:10:26] I mean, that was a lot of people like him.
[02:10:28] I think they like me, too, come to think of it.
[02:10:31] But he's great.
[02:10:32] And he gave us his full endorsement.
[02:10:34] And he's a great guy.
[02:10:34] But he basically, you know, he's a guy who doesn't need
[02:10:38] this stuff.
[02:10:38] What he wants to do is see our country be great again.
[02:10:41] And he understands.
[02:10:42] And it's very hard for him to endorse the opposing
[02:10:44] party.
[02:10:45] It's not easy.
[02:10:45] It's very hard, but you know, he really cares about our country, and he knows the opposing
[02:10:51] party has destroyed, really destroyed and permanently destroyed our country, and he
[02:11:00] can't watch that.
[02:11:01] But we had a great chat for two and a half hours, two and a half hours being grilled by Elan,
[02:11:08] and we had a good time actually, we talked about something we love, much easier when
[02:11:15] You know something, right?
[02:11:17] She doesn't want anybody to know what she's really for.
[02:11:21] And that way she could change it, you know?
[02:11:23] I mean, she'll tell you what she wants
[02:11:25] and change it the way she wants it.
[02:11:27] And ultimately, it'll be the way she wants it.
[02:11:30] I mean, the clown that she picked as a vice president,
[02:11:32] this guy's a clown.
[02:11:33] He was so bad.
[02:11:37] You know, when Minneapolis was burning down,
[02:11:39] he didn't want to call in the national guard.
[02:11:41] I got him in the front.
[02:11:43] You got to get the national guard.
[02:11:44] Get it, get it, get it.
[02:11:46] I'm telling you, if I didn't force it upon him,
[02:11:49] you might not have the city.
[02:11:50] Remember CNN standing up?
[02:11:52] This is a season of love.
[02:11:54] This is what — this is a very peaceful protest.
[02:11:58] And the whole city is burning down behind him.
[02:12:01] Have you ever seen anything?
[02:12:02] As far as the — I could see the whole thing.
[02:12:04] It looked like World War II.
[02:12:06] Speaking of World War III,
[02:12:08] I'll keep you out of World War III.
[02:12:10] He's going to put you in World War III.
[02:12:14] We're very close.
[02:12:15] You're very close to being in a war, a big war, a world war.
[02:12:21] You're very close.
[02:12:22] We've never been this close, and we have incompetent people in the White House, grossly
[02:12:25] incompetent people.
[02:12:27] There was no reason for Russia and Ukraine to go at it.
[02:12:30] There was no reason for Israel to be attacked on October 7th.
[02:12:34] It would have never happened.
[02:12:37] But a politician will always go back to where they started, and on November 6th, she
[02:12:42] She will be a San Francisco liberal, again, destroying everything in sight.
[02:12:48] I wonder what she does after this.
[02:12:51] Our country will never recover, especially when added to the destruction they've already
[02:12:55] caused over the last almost four years.
[02:12:58] Think of our country.
[02:12:59] Think of the border.
[02:13:00] Think of what happened.
[02:13:01] We had the best border.
[02:13:02] You know my favorite, my all-time favorite graph, right?
[02:13:05] That is my all-time favorite graph, not only because it shows the best border.
[02:13:10] for another reason. I tell you what, I'm glad I looked around to look at it go, wah, pew.
[02:13:16] That was, that's my favorite of all time. Even if it was, you know what this is? You
[02:13:24] know what this is? It's like the fucking Staten Island New Yorkers yelling crime, crime,
[02:13:30] crime. That's exactly what this is. He's doing it again. Thank you. Thank you.
[02:13:35] doing it again. Thank you very much. Even if it were bad numbers, negative numbers,
[02:13:43] I still think it would be my favorite of all time. If Harris wins this election, the result
[02:13:48] will be a 1929 style. But it doesn't even fucking matter. 1929. When I win the election,
[02:13:59] we will immediately begin a brand new Trump economic boom. It'll be a boom. We're
[02:14:04] We're going to turn this country around so fast.
[02:14:10] Many people say that the only reason the stock market is up is because people think I am
[02:14:16] going to win.
[02:14:17] Did you ever hear that?
[02:14:20] But there was one day, a couple of weeks ago, when they weren't thinking that and you
[02:14:24] saw what happened.
[02:14:25] This will be a 1929-style crash.
[02:14:30] You know, I have one of the most brilliant men in Wall Street, I think here.
[02:14:34] I shook hands with them just a little while ago.
[02:14:36] Got where Scott?
[02:14:40] This man, will you come up here please?
[02:14:42] Just come up here for a moment.
[02:14:45] He is considered one of the most brilliant men
[02:14:49] on Wall Street and he's-
[02:14:52] Look, look, look, this is what Trump
[02:14:54] just did with the immigration thing.
[02:14:55] Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry,
[02:15:04] cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.
[02:15:08] They're so fucking stupid, they've like devolved, dude.
[02:15:12] They have literally devolved.
[02:15:14] Like they're not even, they're not,
[02:15:17] this video makes it seem like I,
[02:15:19] like these guys are actually fans of the crime
[02:15:23] because it's a mere talking point for them.
[02:15:25] Do you understand?
[02:15:27] It's simply a fucking talking boy.
[02:15:28] This was in 2022 and this obviously failed.
[02:15:32] The crime panic was that crime panic
[02:15:36] basically got so out of hand,
[02:15:39] especially amongst the Republicans
[02:15:40] who wanted to use it as a weapon against the Democrats,
[02:15:44] that they would just not even talk about
[02:15:45] how like you're bringing up,
[02:15:47] you're because of you like crime rates are high
[02:15:50] or whatever, they were just simply yelling crime,
[02:15:53] crime, crime.
[02:15:56] That's what Donald Trump is doing over there
[02:15:58] when he's talking about the immigration numbers.
[02:15:59] Like I love those numbers, they're so good to me.
[02:16:02] Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry,
[02:16:09] cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.
[02:16:18] You worked on Jank?
[02:16:19] Okay, let's not talk about that.
[02:16:21] Everybody, on my first day back in the Oval Office, I will sign an executive order directing
[02:16:26] every Cabinet Secretary and Agency head to use every tool and authority at their
[02:16:31] their disposal to defeat inflation and to bring consumer prices rapidly down.
[02:16:37] We'll do it very rapidly.
[02:16:38] What is this?
[02:16:42] When you look at the cost of groceries, the cost of bacon went up four and five times.
[02:16:48] Bacon.
[02:16:49] I don't order bacon anymore.
[02:16:50] It's too expensive.
[02:16:51] Man, shut up.
[02:16:52] It will be a whole of government effort to raise the standard of living and make a
[02:16:58] better life.
[02:16:59] I don't order bacon.
[02:17:00] Notice how when other politicians say shit like this everybody makes fun of them and they're like bro. Shut the fuck up
[02:17:06] You're out of touch
[02:17:07] You're just fucking saying that but when Trump says it oh god
[02:17:10] He definitely does he he definitely goes to the grocery store and fucking orders bacon 50 60 70% in so many items
[02:17:18] You look at car insurance
[02:17:20] I couldn't believe when I looked at those numbers this morning. I was studying numbers and I looked at the car insurance numbers
[02:17:26] It's incredible and that's just one of many you can go through many but the groceries is to put it in simple terms
[02:17:31] I'm not gonna lie. This is one of the worst times
[02:17:34] This is one of the perhaps worst if not the worst time to bring up
[02:17:39] Inflation because the new numbers that just came out
[02:17:43] Literally show that in like the used car market for example in the rental market in the car market. There's deflation in
[02:17:50] the used car market in
[02:17:52] In the used car market, there's deflation by 11 points, not inflation, deflation.
[02:18:00] This is the greatest commercial they ever had.
[02:18:04] But that's what happened.
[02:18:05] This is inflation.
[02:18:07] This is tick-tock.
[02:18:08] This is tick-tock.
[02:18:09] This is inflation.
[02:18:11] This is what's happened.
[02:18:12] It just happened to happen.
[02:18:13] Somebody gave me this one today.
[02:18:14] I said, I think we'll put it up as an example of inflation.
[02:18:19] But you know what?
[02:18:20] Our relation is destroying our country, it's destroying our families.
[02:18:26] We will target everything from car affordability to housing affordability to insurance costs
[02:18:31] to supply chain issues with the worst supply chain we've ever had in the history of the
[02:18:36] country.
[02:18:37] Is he going to, is he going to fucking increase the price control?
[02:18:39] What is he saying?
[02:18:40] I will instruct my cabinet that I expect results within the first 100 days or much
[02:18:44] sooner than that.
[02:18:52] I would say the first seven days is fine.
[02:18:56] Our insurance is up 70 to 100 percent, and you can't get it.
[02:19:01] You can't even get it.
[02:19:02] Does that – do you agree with that?
[02:19:03] You can't even get it.
[02:19:04] They tell me.
[02:19:05] Insurance is up 50 percent or higher.
[02:19:08] The whole industry is out of control.
[02:19:09] The insurance industry has never been anything through the – we have never been in a situation
[02:19:14] with insurance like it is right now.
[02:19:16] You can't get it no matter what you pay, but prices will come down.
[02:19:21] You just watch.
[02:19:22] They'll come down, and they'll come down fast, not only with insurance, with
[02:19:25] everything.
[02:19:26] But the center of our effort to bring the cost of living under control will be the all-out
[02:19:30] push to end the Biden-Harris war on a thing called American energy.
[02:19:38] American energy.
[02:19:40] We will drill, baby, drill.
[02:19:43] We're going to bring energy prices down.
[02:20:04] Thank you.
[02:20:06] And just so you know, they stopped it, and it was terrible what they did.
[02:20:09] That's what caused the whole problem in the country, even with supply chains.
[02:20:12] I mean, it just caused a problem.
[02:20:14] And then they said, oh, go back to the Trump plan.
[02:20:17] Now they're drilling.
[02:20:18] But the day after the election, if they win this election,
[02:20:22] the drilling stops.
[02:20:23] They're only doing this for purposes of getting elected.
[02:20:26] They said, let's go back to what Trump was doing.
[02:20:29] But the prices are still way high.
[02:20:31] You see $5 a gallon now for gasoline,
[02:20:34] and much higher than that in some areas.
[02:20:37] And we will put ANWAR back into service.
[02:20:40] You know, ANWAR in Alaska,
[02:20:42] It could be the largest oil field in the world.
[02:20:44] It could be larger than Saudi Arabia.
[02:20:46] It could be larger than what Russia has.
[02:20:49] And Reagan, Ronald Reagan, tried to get it.
[02:20:51] Good man.
[02:20:52] He tried to get it.
[02:20:53] Couldn't get it.
[02:20:54] Bush tried.
[02:20:54] Everybody tried to get it.
[02:20:55] I got it.
[02:20:56] And the first, it was tough.
[02:21:02] And I got it at different times because they
[02:21:04] stopped it on environmental.
[02:21:05] You know, they used the environment to stop
[02:21:07] everything, like, you know that.
[02:21:08] And we're all environmentalists.
[02:21:10] We want to see what's right.
[02:21:11] We want clean air.
[02:21:12] We want clean water, but we don't want to destroy our country.
[02:21:15] But they stopped it, and we got it going.
[02:21:19] We got it going.
[02:21:20] We got it going like never before.
[02:21:21] It was all set to go.
[02:21:22] And then the first, think of this, the first week in office,
[02:21:25] they stopped it.
[02:21:26] They gave it back.
[02:21:27] They said, no, we're not going to do it.
[02:21:28] The greatest, not only great for Alaska,
[02:21:30] which is an incredible place and beautiful state.
[02:21:33] They wanted it so badly.
[02:21:34] Economic development for Alaska
[02:21:36] would have been so good.
[02:21:37] But worldwide, I mean, we would have been selling
[02:21:40] oil and gas all over the world.
[02:21:42] The star country is in the environment, you think?
[02:21:47] No, that's too long-term thinking, okay?
[02:21:52] So you know this speech was supposed to be
[02:21:53] a new speech on the economy,
[02:21:54] and instead it devolved into the name-calling
[02:21:56] common on CNN.
[02:21:58] So CNN cut away from the speech to fact check it
[02:22:00] and have a panel about how bad Trump is doing.
[02:22:02] Also this past week, the USA hit the highest level
[02:22:04] for oil production and export ever in history
[02:22:08] for our nation.
[02:22:09] Yeah, that don't matter.
[02:22:10] Republicans don't operate on facts they operate on fucking feelings. So like he'll just
[02:22:18] He he does not care about this like he does not care about oil production in the country and like what stage it's at. I mean
[02:22:26] It's it's it's complete vibes based
[02:22:29] Okay
[02:22:35] Under Kamala's extreme high-cost energy policy known as net zero
[02:22:40] You know what that zero then they have no idea what it means by the way
[02:22:43] My cousin is watching YouTube video right now titled,
[02:22:45] it's not so stupid as you could politics.
[02:22:47] Your cousin is about to become the most reactionary
[02:22:50] fucking loser of all time.
[02:22:52] You better, you better get in there before it,
[02:22:55] before it festers and he starts talking about like
[02:22:59] trans athletes doing the sports
[02:23:01] and how fucking unacceptable that is.
[02:23:04] Okay, keep an eye out on your cousin.
[02:23:05] He's, he's about to go on a right wing journey.
[02:23:08] That powers the plants.
[02:23:11] It's not wind that goes around and around.
[02:23:14] And, darling, let's watch the President's State of the Union speech tonight.
[02:23:19] I'm sorry, we won't be able to do it.
[02:23:21] The wind isn't blowing, darling.
[02:23:23] We have no electricity.
[02:23:28] We have no electricity, darling.
[02:23:30] We won't be able to watch tonight.
[02:23:31] But perhaps sometime during the week it will be blowing and we'll be able to get
[02:23:35] our television on.
[02:23:37] Upon taking office, Harris and Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline.
[02:23:41] They issued orders to close dozens and dozens of existing power plants, and Kamala has vowed
[02:23:48] that if elected, she will absolutely ban fracking.
[02:23:52] She said, I'll ban fracking just recently.
[02:23:55] I'll ban fracking.
[02:23:56] There will be no fracking.
[02:23:58] That means that she can't win the state of Pennsylvania, because Pennsylvania is
[02:24:02] all about fracking.
[02:24:04] That's their biggest industry.
[02:24:05] And you know what, Pennsylvania?
[02:24:06] I hope you're watching, because that's what she says, and that's what you'll do,
[02:24:10] that's what you'll go back to. She wants to ban fracking and she's wanted it for her entire career.
[02:24:16] And we're not going to let her just screw our country like that. We're not going to let her.
[02:24:19] So if Harry, how does he, how does he square that hole? You know, how does he square that circle?
[02:24:28] Like inflation rate, inflation numbers are looking banger for the fucking Biden admin.
[02:24:34] And he's like, no, you don't understand. It's still very high. It's still, it's still so high.
[02:24:39] And it's like, okay.
[02:24:43] She's going to collapse under these lunatics.
[02:24:45] By contrast, she said it already has.
[02:24:49] I hope who said that, ma'am?
[02:24:51] Hello.
[02:24:53] You look healthy, though. You look very nice.
[02:24:56] You look very nice.
[02:24:57] By contrast, I'm announcing today
[02:24:59] that under my leadership, the United States
[02:25:01] will commit to the ambitious goal
[02:25:04] of slashing energy and electricity prices
[02:25:06] by half at least.
[02:25:09] half. People don't care about the numbers though. They care what they pay more in public.
[02:25:13] I know. I understand that. We intend to slash prices by half. As far as consumer goods goes,
[02:25:23] oh my God, he keeps saying he's going to slash price by half. Hold on, hold on. I want to
[02:25:26] see what he's going to say. Well, I voted for him. I still got him down a lot, but
[02:25:29] we're looking to do it. We're looking to cut him in half and we think we'll be able
[02:25:33] to do better. And every single thing that I promised, I produced every single thing.
[02:25:48] You will never have had energy so low as you will under a certain gentleman known as Donald
[02:25:54] J. Trump. Have you heard of him? So we think your energy bills will be down by 50 to 70
[02:26:02] percent. How good would that be for a thing called inflation? How good would that be?
[02:26:08] You know, energy is such a big topic, such a big cost,
[02:26:12] so powerful, so big that if you have a donut shop,
[02:26:16] you have the ovens, you have a truck that delivers the donuts,
[02:26:18] if you have whatever you do, you're heating, you're cooling,
[02:26:22] everything is about that, that's where they really blew it.
[02:26:25] They blew it with too much borrowing,
[02:26:27] they blew it with wasting $9 and $10 trillion
[02:26:30] on the scam, the great scam in history.
[02:26:33] There are a lot of scams that they worked on.
[02:26:35] Where's the laptop from hell?
[02:26:37] Was it around, by the way?
[02:26:39] But they did it by doing a lot of things.
[02:26:43] But with the energy, it's such a big topic.
[02:26:45] No matter what business you're in,
[02:26:46] you have to heat your business, cool your business.
[02:26:48] You need cars, trucks to get there
[02:26:50] and to take the product.
[02:26:52] It's so energy dominated.
[02:26:55] My administration will issue rapid approvals
[02:26:58] for new energy infrastructure, unlock new lands
[02:27:01] for drilling, and achieve energy independence
[02:27:03] and energy dominance.
[02:27:04] So we want energy dominance almost immediately.
[02:27:08] We were energy independent four years ago.
[02:27:11] Think of it.
[02:27:12] Today, we're getting energy from Venezuela
[02:27:15] in the form of tar.
[02:27:18] We're getting it from Venezuela.
[02:27:21] Tar.
[02:27:23] You ever see what it is to make oil out of tar?
[02:27:26] They have tar.
[02:27:26] They have a lot of tar.
[02:27:28] It's not good.
[02:27:29] You know where they make it in Houston, Texas?
[02:27:31] It's the only plant in the world
[02:27:32] that can take this material and turn it
[02:27:34] into gasoline and oil, but no, it's tar.
[02:27:39] And they're doing very well.
[02:27:43] You know, speaking to that just for a second,
[02:27:44] so Venezuela crime is down 72 percent
[02:27:48] because they're taking all of their criminals
[02:27:50] out of Caracas, out of the different places.
[02:27:52] Their mental institutions are literally closing up.
[02:27:55] They're taking the people from mental institutions,
[02:27:58] people from prisons and jails, terrorists.
[02:28:01] They have terrorists all over the place.
[02:28:04] And you know where they're bringing them?
[02:28:05] Welcome to the United States of America.
[02:28:09] Murderers, drug dealers.
[02:28:12] And Venezuelan crime is down 72%.
[02:28:14] But that's the only one.
[02:28:16] All over the world, crime is down,
[02:28:18] because they're taking their criminals
[02:28:20] and their people from mental institutions,
[02:28:22] and they're putting them into our country
[02:28:25] because we have stupid people like Kamala.
[02:28:28] Every time he talks about this,
[02:28:29] I'm more convinced that he thinks asylum
[02:28:31] means insane asylum.
[02:28:33] like asylum seekers are actually seeking an insane asylum.
[02:28:35] Look at a couple of, remember I said,
[02:28:37] I'm so convinced by this now.
[02:28:40] I said that a year ago, everyone said, oh no, he's so wrong.
[02:28:43] Do you see what's happening with migrant crime?
[02:28:45] They make our criminals look like nice people, they do.
[02:28:50] These are the toughest,
[02:28:52] these are the toughest people in the world,
[02:28:55] the toughest people.
[02:28:56] We built 571 miles of wall as an example.
[02:29:00] They could have, it's more than I said I was going to build,
[02:29:04] but then I was going to add 200 miles we had it built,
[02:29:07] and they didn't put it up.
[02:29:08] Would have taken three weeks to erect.
[02:29:09] It was all there, rated to put up.
[02:29:11] Would have taken three weeks to put up.
[02:29:14] And that's when I said they actually won open borders.
[02:29:17] And Kamala wants open borders.
[02:29:19] And she said it for 15 years, she wants open borders.
[02:29:23] The most famous line of Kamala is do not come.
[02:29:26] Like she flew to Guatemala to tell the migrants
[02:29:29] to not come to America.
[02:29:30] People can flow into our country.
[02:29:31] To further combat inflation, I will terminate
[02:29:35] the fucking Green New Scans and rescind all of the
[02:29:38] un-spent funds.
[02:29:39] The right-wing sentiment that Democrats express
[02:29:40] in terms of immigration that's also fucking
[02:29:42] ridiculous.
[02:29:43] If all of the un-spent funds back to building
[02:29:46] roads, bridges, and give it back to the
[02:29:48] government and we won't, it's like throwing
[02:29:50] what she did, what they did was like
[02:29:52] throwing billions of dollars out the window.
[02:29:55] We will stop wasteful spending and big
[02:29:57] government special interest giveaways and
[02:29:59] finally stand up for the American taxpayer, which hasn't happened since I was president.
[02:30:04] We stood up. We stood up. We stood up. I mean, prior to COVID coming in in history, there's
[02:30:12] never been an economy like we had. Then when COVID came in, you know, we rebuilt the
[02:30:16] military. We defeated ISIS. Everybody said it would take 10 years to defeat. I did
[02:30:21] it in eight months. We did. We did. We rebuilt that whole. We did so many things
[02:30:27] And we created the greatest economy.
[02:30:29] I get a lot of credit on everything,
[02:30:30] including the economy.
[02:30:32] When COVID came in, we had to do certain things.
[02:30:34] We had to make certain moves.
[02:30:35] And if we didn't make those moves, Scott,
[02:30:38] and if we didn't help businesses survive
[02:30:40] for that little period of time,
[02:30:42] you would have had that 1929-style depression.
[02:30:44] That's what you would have had.
[02:30:46] We did a great job.
[02:30:47] But then when we handed it to them,
[02:30:48] the stock market was higher
[02:30:50] than it was previous to COVID coming in.
[02:30:52] Think of that.
[02:30:53] It was actually higher.
[02:30:55] And we handed them something that was a jewel.
[02:30:58] By the way, more people died from COVID
[02:31:01] in the Biden administration than the Trump administration.
[02:31:04] And he got it when it was ending all over the world.
[02:31:07] It was pretty much ending.
[02:31:09] So we never really got the credit we deserve for that
[02:31:12] with the ventilators and all of the different things
[02:31:16] that we did, the outfits, a lot of things.
[02:31:18] We were producing in New Hampshire in different places,
[02:31:21] masks who had mass factories opening up.
[02:31:24] We had everything, and we did a good job.
[02:31:26] And then it came back, and it should have come roaring back,
[02:31:29] but they really blew it.
[02:31:31] They spent so much money.
[02:31:34] They didn't have to spend any more money.
[02:31:36] What they had to do is let our economy take over.
[02:31:39] But we had some great Republican governors
[02:31:41] that did a fantastic job.
[02:31:43] The Democrat governors, not so much.
[02:31:45] Out of the top 25, as an example,
[02:31:48] crime-ridden cities, virtually every single one
[02:31:51] of them is run by Democrats.
[02:31:55] Think of that.
[02:31:56] To make both new and used cars more affordable, I will end
[02:32:01] the Biden-Harris electric vehicle mandate one day
[02:32:05] away.
[02:32:06] What?
[02:32:12] Doesn't make sense.
[02:32:15] And by the way, there's a great place for electric cars.
[02:32:18] They're going to do great.
[02:32:19] I think they're going to do great.
[02:32:21] And Elon's heard me say that many times.
[02:32:22] He still endorsed me.
[02:32:23] I mean, I couldn't.
[02:32:25] I wouldn't be able to change.
[02:32:27] It's a question of how far do they go
[02:32:28] and how much do they cost
[02:32:30] and all of the different things, factors.
[02:32:32] But electric cars have a great place in our country,
[02:32:34] but you have to be able to be, really,
[02:32:36] get gasoline-powered cars, hybrids,
[02:32:39] many different types.
[02:32:40] Diesel, you want diesel with trucks?
[02:32:43] You know, they want to make trucks all electric.
[02:32:44] Going to California, you have six stops.
[02:32:46] With diesel, you have no stops.
[02:32:48] That's hard to beat, right?
[02:32:50] If they're too heavy, common sense,
[02:32:52] we're the party of common sense.
[02:32:54] An electric truck weighs twice what a more than twice two and a half times what a gasoline-propelled truck weighs right?
[02:33:02] That would mean you would have to rebuild every bridge and tunnel in the United States. Oh, that sounds reasonable
[02:33:08] It would cost so much money the United States doesn't have every country together
[02:33:12] Doesn't have what it would cost. Yeah, there's a great place for electric
[02:33:15] But there's a place famously we had this exact same smoke for when trucks became the size of fucking tanks, dude
[02:33:24] The further reduced consumer prices. This is why the dumbest angle to hit EVs on like he's not wrong
[02:33:30] EVs are heavier, but it is hilarious that like cafe standards and loopholes surrounding cafe standards have caused trucks to be ginormous
[02:33:41] Number one selling fucking vehicles in the country by the way
[02:33:47] It's it's so like that was not a consideration at all back then
[02:33:51] In my next term, the Trump dividend will be even larger.
[02:33:55] It'll be a dividend.
[02:33:58] By repealing the Biden-Harris regulatory onslaught, we can save an estimated $20,000.
[02:34:04] And you're talking about a tremendous amount, $6,000, $7,000, $8,000 a year, just in savings.
[02:34:13] So to get to economic relief to workers and families, we will make additional tax
[02:34:18] cuts.
[02:34:19] gave us, the great economy, will make tax cuts.
[02:34:23] Additionally, will make them permanent because, you know, we have a thing where they want
[02:34:28] to terminate at the end of the period when they expire.
[02:34:31] The Trump tax cuts.
[02:34:32] He wants $1 billion from the oil and gas industry.
[02:34:36] That's why I keep saying drill, baby drill.
[02:34:38] You'll be paying four times much.
[02:34:40] And we will do something else, which was copied, I mean, viciously, ruthlessly copied.
[02:34:45] No tax on tips.
[02:34:47] Okay?
[02:34:48] No tax on you know they wanted to do that. Why didn't they do it three and a half years ago?
[02:34:58] They didn't want it. It was actually the opposite. They hired 88,000 IRS agents to go after these people
[02:35:06] Yeah, they're going after Coca-Cola man. Shut the fuck up and also some much wealthier individuals all of these positions three weeks ago
[02:35:15] The real Kamala says that's the best counter to that is like they're fucking pummeling Coca-Cola
[02:35:21] But of course, you would want to make sure that Coca-Cola keeps all the fucking
[02:35:29] This motherfucker loves avoiders
[02:35:31] Dude more than I do at the top of the hour when you can avoid seeing the three-minute outbreak at the top of the hour
[02:35:36] By subscribing that's the most I love the avoiders. Okay at the top of the motherfucking hour
[02:35:43] And there's a three-minute outbreak and I want you to avoid seeing those ads
[02:35:48] By subscribing for six dollars or for free
[02:35:50] Okay, here's the thermonabrake now, blam.
[02:36:03] I know the VP debate was announced.
[02:36:05] I'm excited.
[02:36:06] They have seniors on fixed incomes who are suffering the ravages of inflation.
[02:36:10] There will be no tax on social security.
[02:36:14] We're going to stop it.
[02:36:16] No tax on social security.
[02:36:24] This cruel double taxation of social security benefits, and this has been talked about
[02:36:29] for a long time.
[02:36:30] She'll probably announce this on Friday, too.
[02:36:32] Look, they have a spy in the audience right over there.
[02:36:35] He's spying.
[02:36:37] Let's see, Karbala, I think we should do no tax on social secure.
[02:36:41] But it only came into existence in 1984,
[02:36:44] and at that time it only affected
[02:36:46] a very small number of recipients.
[02:36:48] But now, nearly half of all seniors
[02:36:51] are forced to pay income tax on social security.
[02:36:53] And thanks to inflation, under Harris, she is horrible.
[02:36:57] This tax hits more seniors every year, more and more,
[02:37:00] and they can't make it.
[02:37:01] They're not making it. They're failing.
[02:37:03] You know, the people that did it right, they saved,
[02:37:06] they worked, they saved and saved.
[02:37:08] Those are the people that were hurt most by this kind of thinking
[02:37:11] and this economy.
[02:37:14] With your vote, I will end this injustice,
[02:37:16] and I will always protect Social Security and Medicare
[02:37:19] for our great seniors, just as they did
[02:37:21] for four incredible years.
[02:37:22] There was never any talk about doing anything.
[02:37:26] By contrast, Kamala Harris has a three-step plan to destroy Medicare and to destroy Social
[02:37:33] Security.
[02:37:34] First, she has thrown open our borders.
[02:37:37] You know what that's going to do?
[02:37:38] They're all signing up.
[02:37:39] Oh, congratulations.
[02:37:40] They'll be all signing up right next to you.
[02:37:43] But she's opened up our borders.
[02:37:45] Think of it.
[02:37:46] Again, I believe it's 20 million people, but I think it's probably much more with
[02:37:49] the gotaways.
[02:37:50] And you know what a gotaway is, right?
[02:37:52] Remember, I had Remain in Mexico policy.
[02:37:55] You think that was easy to get from Mexico?
[02:37:57] Well, I had a do to them.
[02:38:00] And I had Remain in Mexico.
[02:38:01] They ended it immediately.
[02:38:03] They thought it was unfair to Mexico.
[02:38:04] Can you believe that?
[02:38:05] Mexico is like a railroad track coming into our country.
[02:38:10] They thought it was unfair.
[02:38:11] It's not unfair.
[02:38:12] But Mexico agreed to it.
[02:38:14] Remain in Mexico, and they ended it very early.
[02:38:16] They ended it almost immediately.
[02:38:18] Second, she's flooding our country with millions
[02:38:21] and millions of low-wage migrants
[02:38:23] in giving them welfare, free healthcare, food stamps,
[02:38:27] public benefits, and third.
[02:38:33] She's giving them what our military vets don't get.
[02:38:37] They're sleeping on a street in freezing or very hot weather.
[02:38:41] And illegal immigrants that came in so illegally
[02:38:47] and don't speak a word of English
[02:38:49] are living in some of the most luxurious hotels
[02:38:52] in the world.
[02:38:56] It's incredible.
[02:38:57] You see that?
[02:38:58] You've been seeing the stories.
[02:38:59] They're living in hotels.
[02:39:00] They're taking, right, front-row Joe's.
[02:39:01] They're taking some of the best hotels
[02:39:03] because the government pays more than they can get
[02:39:06] from wealthy customers.
[02:39:07] So they say, well, I don't know about this.
[02:39:09] I think we'll take the illegal immigrant.
[02:39:11] We're going to get more money from the U.S.
[02:39:13] government than some rich guy coming in from Argentina.
[02:39:16] And third, he wants to make them all citizens,
[02:39:20] dumping them into Medicare and Social Security
[02:39:22] until those programs buckle and collapse.
[02:39:24] And that's what's going to happen.
[02:39:26] Under them, Social Security, Medicare,
[02:39:29] and other programs will collapse.
[02:39:31] No country can sustain what's happening right now.
[02:39:36] The millions of illegal aliens pouring into our country
[02:39:40] under border, czar, harris,
[02:39:42] are coming from all sorts of places,
[02:39:45] from countries unknown, literally, from countries unknown.
[02:39:49] And they, as I said, they're coming in from prisons
[02:39:52] and from mental institutions,
[02:39:53] and they're coming in as terrorists.
[02:39:55] We have more terrorists living in our country right now.
[02:39:57] And nothing good is going to happen from this.
[02:40:01] And now it's getting more and more violent.
[02:40:04] Just pick up the newspapers, turn on your television.
[02:40:07] People stabbed.
[02:40:08] A woman yesterday raped in New York, raped viciously.
[02:40:12] And when they said she was raped, you know what she said?
[02:40:15] They weren't trying to rape me.
[02:40:16] They were trying to kill me.
[02:40:17] They were trying to kill her.
[02:40:20] And he was a gentleman from a certain country,
[02:40:22] I won't mention.
[02:40:23] happened to be in South America, but it's not South America.
[02:40:26] It's all over the world that they're coming in.
[02:40:28] It's not South America.
[02:40:29] Bro, bro, bro, he's doing it again.
[02:40:31] Any time there's a new crime committed by undogumented
[02:40:34] migrants.
[02:40:35] Two, think of this one, migrants, they came in.
[02:40:38] Immediately, you hear about it.
[02:40:39] They're called the Kamala migrants.
[02:40:41] And they were arrested for rape of a 46-year-old woman.
[02:40:46] And it was a rough situation.
[02:40:48] There were four or five other situations
[02:40:50] over the last couple of days.
[02:40:51] rape and murder, rape and beating, rape and
[02:40:55] something else, and sometimes just immediate
[02:40:58] killing.
[02:40:59] These people are brutal.
[02:41:02] These are people that came out of the toughest
[02:41:04] jails anywhere in the world, from all over the
[02:41:07] world.
[02:41:08] And we can't take them.
[02:41:09] No country can sustain it.
[02:41:12] No country.
[02:41:19] They all said I was wrong when I said that
[02:41:21] migrant crime will reach epidemic proportions.
[02:41:24] And then now it's much worse than that, it's a lot worse than epidemic proportions.
[02:41:29] It's beyond control.
[02:41:31] We have a new category of crime.
[02:41:33] No, we don't.
[02:41:34] It's called migrant crime.
[02:41:36] And I think it's going to end up being the worst category of all.
[02:41:39] These people are tough, they're tough, they're mean, they're angry, and they shouldn't
[02:41:45] be in our country, and it's not going to work out well.
[02:41:48] The migrants that Harris led in are raping our women and hurting our children, and
[02:41:53] And now Kamala wants to let them pillage Social Security and Medicare.
[02:41:58] That's what's going to happen.
[02:41:59] It will never happen.
[02:42:01] It will never even get close to happening if I'm in office.
[02:42:05] And I think you're going to have to welcome back Hitler, dude.
[02:42:08] That's what this is.
[02:42:09] One hundred percent.
[02:42:19] If Kamala wins, you will have mass amnesty and citizenship for all of the Biden-Harris
[02:42:25] illegals that poured into our country.
[02:42:27] If I win, you will have the largest deportation operation in American history starting at noon
[02:42:33] on Inauguration Day 2025.
[02:42:43] And you know, I don't say that happily because it's not an easy situation with so many people.
[02:42:49] It's not sustainable.
[02:42:50] But Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dwight Eisenhower, General Eisenhower, President Eisenhower,
[02:42:55] he was very strong on borders.
[02:42:57] He felt that you cannot do this.
[02:42:59] The largest deportation operation we ever had was under-
[02:43:03] The White Eisenhower President, drive front.
[02:43:06] And he understood that it was not sustainable to have millions of people coming in.
[02:43:10] But what he went through is peanuts compared to what we're going through.
[02:43:13] Nobody's ever got no country.
[02:43:15] No country, no border has ever gone through what we're going through.
[02:43:19] And they're destroying our country.
[02:43:21] The Kamala migrant invasion is also a major factor in crushing your wages and driving
[02:43:26] up the cost of healthcare and the cost of all of your goods.
[02:43:30] of uninsured illegal aliens are getting billions and billions of dollars in free healthcare
[02:43:36] paid for by American citizens on your medical bills.
[02:43:40] It's right on your medical bills.
[02:43:41] You know, you know, when you hear this, you get angry because it shouldn't happen.
[02:43:50] But what happens to them, they come up in caravans.
[02:43:53] I think I came up with that name.
[02:43:55] But they have caravans of thousands and thousands of people, many, many criminals in those
[02:43:59] caravans.
[02:44:00] It's unbelievably dangerous for women.
[02:44:02] The women in those caravans are just absolutely horrible what happens.
[02:44:07] I'm not going to tell you now.
[02:44:09] It's horrible what happens in those caravans coming up.
[02:44:12] It's a rough journey.
[02:44:14] But they come up because we have very stupid people here that say,
[02:44:18] if you come up, we will give you health care, social security, medical school.
[02:44:24] You know our schools in a lot of places are not, you can't even go anymore.
[02:44:28] They've taken the place of our students.
[02:44:30] They have people sitting in chairs.
[02:44:32] Don't speak a word of English.
[02:44:34] And they're taking the place of our young children.
[02:44:37] The hospitals, a person told me the other day
[02:44:41] from San Diego, they said they can't get
[02:44:43] into a hospital anymore.
[02:44:44] The hospitals are being occupied
[02:44:46] by the illegal aliens.
[02:44:48] Somebody's got to take care.
[02:44:50] They're being occupied.
[02:44:51] And the reason they're coming is because people
[02:44:54] like Gavin Newscombe and people like Kamala are saying,
[02:44:59] come, come, it's the American dream.
[02:45:01] Come, they're destroying our country and we can't do it.
[02:45:03] We can't let it continue.
[02:45:05] You're not going to have a country anymore.
[02:45:06] People like Scott, brilliant Wall Street people,
[02:45:09] they're right about what they say.
[02:45:11] Bro, this is so fucking hit, Larry,
[02:45:15] and I don't know what else to say.
[02:45:17] We already know that undocumented migrants
[02:45:20] are not responsible for a larger share of crimes
[02:45:22] then natural born US citizens, okay?
[02:45:26] Natural born US citizens do more crime per capita
[02:45:30] than undocumented migrants do.
[02:45:32] Undocumented migrants also are a much smaller percentage
[02:45:36] in comparison to natural born US citizens.
[02:45:38] So in totality those numbers are like even more ridiculous.
[02:45:42] The per capita argument is the obvious argument to make
[02:45:48] in terms of like their contribution to the crime rate,
[02:45:52] right? But like, the totality argument makes it even more insane.
[02:45:57] Donald Trump says undocumented migrants kill hundreds of thousands of
[02:46:00] Americans every year. The real number in the last fiscal year was 26. Okay.
[02:46:05] 26 undocumented migrants killed 26 people. Now, obviously every
[02:46:10] death is still completely a fucking tragedy, completely unacceptable.
[02:46:14] But the idea that like the idea that you tackle crime by shutting off
[02:46:19] Immigration is insane. It's just born out of the the hallucinations of the right
[02:46:25] The idea that like these guys are actually responsible for crimes hundreds thousands is an abject lie
[02:46:31] And it blows my fucking mind that the Democratic Party does not push back on this narrative
[02:46:36] He has gone
[02:46:37] Above and beyond no more dog whistles. He just keeps saying
[02:46:41] Migrants are coming in and they're all fucking rapists and their drug dealers and their murderers and their murdering all the time
[02:46:46] And the numbers keep going up and up and up
[02:46:50] If the Democrats do not nip this shit in the bud if they do not counter message against this fucking narrative panic
[02:46:56] We are headed down a very scary path
[02:47:01] Okay
[02:47:04] Very scary path. We're already there the Republican Party is primed on this issue
[02:47:10] Okay
[02:47:12] Can you please explain the less educated things such as social benefits crime and criminal status
[02:47:16] that's a sure about migrants because the only thing I know
[02:47:17] is that the immigrant population is only two-thirds
[02:47:19] of the population.
[02:47:20] No, we're not even talking about the immigrant population.
[02:47:22] We're talking about undocumented migrants.
[02:47:24] OK, some say there's 15.
[02:47:26] Some say there's 20 million.
[02:47:27] Some say there's like 12.
[02:47:29] OK, and the 12 million total, OK, living on US soil
[02:47:37] across the board for over multiple years and whatnot.
[02:47:42] Now the thing is, the thing is this kind of rhetoric
[02:47:47] is incredibly dangerous.
[02:47:48] It is exactly what led to the riots in the UK,
[02:47:51] the race riots where they were just like trying to stab,
[02:47:53] they were trying to burn mosques
[02:47:55] and trying to stab like random fucking people
[02:47:57] that they suspect of being migrants.
[02:48:02] Wait, what did he say?
[02:48:03] Did I miss him saying we'll keep the Affordable Care Act?
[02:48:05] And you saw that having to do with social security.
[02:48:08] For four years I was there
[02:48:10] and for four years I never raised the age.
[02:48:11] They're gonna end up raising your age by five years.
[02:48:14] I never raised your age.
[02:48:15] I never did anything.
[02:48:16] I left your plan the way it was.
[02:48:18] Never touched it.
[02:48:19] I was there four years.
[02:48:20] Same thing with Russia.
[02:48:22] They said, oh, he's going to go and, you know, start a war.
[02:48:24] So, well, you know what?
[02:48:26] For four years, Russia never went into Ukraine.
[02:48:31] They waited until I got out, and then the army
[02:48:33] started to form.
[02:48:35] But, you know, if you go back with Russia,
[02:48:38] Bush let them have a lot of land.
[02:48:41] You know that?
[02:48:43] Obama? President Barack Hussein Obama.
[02:48:47] Have you heard of him?
[02:48:49] Barack Hussein Obama let them have the latter land.
[02:48:53] Now you have Biden.
[02:48:55] He's letting them have the whole thing, okay?
[02:48:58] The whole thing.
[02:48:59] But you had President Trump.
[02:49:00] What did Putin take under Trump?
[02:49:02] Nothing. Nothing.
[02:49:04] Took nothing.
[02:49:05] He took nothing under Trump, but he took under Bush.
[02:49:08] He took under Obama.
[02:49:10] Big, big stuff.
[02:49:11] We took it in Ukraine, in and around Ukraine, but he took nothing under Trump.
[02:49:17] But now he's taken.
[02:49:18] Now he's going for the big one, isn't he?
[02:49:21] We're going to deliver lower prices, lower drug costs, new options that will dramatically
[02:49:26] reduce the crushing burden of American patients.
[02:49:30] Kamala and Joe tried to take credit for a $35 insulin.
[02:49:35] You know that.
[02:49:36] You know who did that?
[02:49:37] I did that.
[02:49:38] I did that.
[02:49:39] I did the insulin, and it kicked in.
[02:49:40] And you know, I remember when I did it, it had to be a statute, it was a certain statute
[02:49:45] that took a certain period of time.
[02:49:47] I said, I hope I'm elected because somebody is going to get a lot of credit for doing
[02:49:50] what I got done.
[02:49:51] I got it done.
[02:49:52] $35 insulin, and now they take credit for it.
[02:49:55] It's terrible.
[02:49:56] Terrible.
[02:49:57] They take credit for a lot of things they shouldn't be taking credit for.
[02:50:01] You know, they said congratulations, you did a good job at insulin.
[02:50:04] That would be nice.
[02:50:05] Nobody is going to go crazy about that.
[02:50:07] Congratulations, because insulin was impossible for people to afford.
[02:50:10] They were dying.
[02:50:11] They didn't get there.
[02:50:12] The expense was, again, if it's $35, nobody thinks it's like even possible.
[02:50:17] But they could say like, you did a great job, thank you very much.
[02:50:21] Or you did a good job.
[02:50:23] But instead, they say, we brought insulin in at $35.
[02:50:27] It's a lie.
[02:50:28] Kamala is fighting for healthcare for illegal aliens and fighting for healthcare for – and
[02:50:34] think of this – he's fighting for healthcare for people that are destroying our country
[02:50:40] I'm fighting for health care for the American people, the people that are supposed to have
[02:50:45] the health care.
[02:50:50] The colossal influx of migrants into our cities is driving rent, rent absolutely through the
[02:50:56] roof.
[02:50:57] That's why – and you know who's paying the rent, the government.
[02:51:00] Our government is paying rent.
[02:51:02] We're paying numbers that were not obtainable.
[02:51:04] In fact, if I ever went back into business, I'd buy some buildings in certain areas
[02:51:08] and I'll charge the government the highest rent you've ever seen.
[02:51:11] That's what they're doing.
[02:51:13] Some very smart landlords are getting a lot of money.
[02:51:15] That's why some of the luxury hotels are going into migrants.
[02:51:18] They can make much more money renting to a migrant than to wealthy people.
[02:51:22] But that's why as President, I will seal the border.
[02:51:25] I will send them all back to their countries where they belong.
[02:51:28] Prices will come down and come down dramatically and come down fast.
[02:51:33] Yeah, this is-
[02:51:40] To further address the housing affordability crisis, we will work with states like
[02:51:45] Nevada, a great state.
[02:51:47] leading big in the poll there, by the way, thank you very much, good governor, to open
[02:51:52] up large tracts of federal land for housing constructions and similar to opportunity zones
[02:51:58] that I did with Senator Tim Scott, a great guy from South Carolina, Senator from South
[02:52:04] Carolina came in, he said, I have this idea, he's had it for a long time.
[02:52:09] If Trump said he would do Bernie-style universal healthcare, would I vote for him?
[02:52:13] No, I don't believe him.
[02:52:14] What do you mean?
[02:52:16] things that we've done in terms of economic development.
[02:52:19] I give him like he also personally at these areas
[02:52:22] also low taxes personally acted like he was going
[02:52:25] to do price checks for like half of this fucking conversation.
[02:52:28] He's not going to do any of that shit either
[02:52:30] of the thing called, which I always come back to
[02:52:32] the American dream cause we've lost the American dream.
[02:52:36] We will bring back our supply chains.
[02:52:39] You know, supply chains were basically not even talked.
[02:52:42] It was automatic.
[02:52:43] You have a thing.
[02:52:44] It's delivered from here to here.
[02:52:45] when this lunatic became president with her.
[02:52:49] Remember, she was there at every step of the way,
[02:52:51] but she was like silent because she was,
[02:52:54] I don't know, nobody respected her
[02:52:56] until she was the only choice left.
[02:52:59] They couldn't get anybody else.
[02:53:01] Did you see where they had the 12 most likely to be?
[02:53:02] He also keeps fucking talking about
[02:53:04] how every migrant is a rapist criminal.
[02:53:06] Are you fucking insane?
[02:53:08] And she was the one that was like, she was ranked.
[02:53:10] She was ranked.
[02:53:12] Like what is this fucking Faustian bargain, dude?
[02:53:14] like hey you get we will bring back the promise of health care but then we kill
[02:53:19] every fucking brown person like what are we doing other foreign countries ending
[02:53:23] costly supply chain those are supply chain disruptions we're gonna bring them
[02:53:29] back we're gonna bring them back fast as we reduce burdens and domestic
[02:53:33] manufacturers American workers will make our critical goods better and cheaper
[02:53:38] we're gonna make them in our country right here in the USA illegal man
[02:53:42] And shut the fuck up, no human being is a needle.
[02:53:45] That's not just a talking point, you know what I mean?
[02:53:47] What do you mean?
[02:53:49] If the only thing stopping you from being like,
[02:53:52] if the only thing stopping you from getting this designation
[02:53:56] is a piece of paper, then fucking make them like citizens.
[02:54:00] What kind of stupid shit is this?
[02:54:03] You can say illegal migrant all day every day,
[02:54:07] but it doesn't change the reality, you know what I mean?
[02:54:09] These are people with dreams.
[02:54:11] These are people who contribute.
[02:54:12] These are people who work every fucking day.
[02:54:16] Like, it is such an idiotic argument to make.
[02:54:19] Oh man, illegal migrants.
[02:54:20] Oh shit, okay dude.
[02:54:22] Let's fucking start killing people who are jaywalking too.
[02:54:26] Biden's been unable to take those tariffs off China
[02:54:30] because there's so much money coming in.
[02:54:31] They don't know what to do.
[02:54:32] How do you replace it?
[02:54:33] Our current, he's on the take.
[02:54:35] Yeah, you're right.
[02:54:37] Do you come from North Carolina, sir?
[02:54:40] Where is the guy that said that?
[02:54:42] he's fun that's pretty good i would say i think you're a really smart guy but your opinion on
[02:54:49] illegal immigration is really dumb if you think i'm a really smart guy then try to understand
[02:54:58] what i'm talking about with respect to illegal immigration and how it's just hysteria okay
[02:55:04] i'm not gonna immediately attack you if you think i'm a nice person or a smart person on other
[02:55:09] other issues, then just think a little bit, okay?
[02:55:14] Chas stop yelling at him.
[02:55:17] I mean, there is no positive argument.
[02:55:23] There is no positive argument for, like, mass deportation in general.
[02:55:27] Obviously, it would destroy the American economy.
[02:55:30] That's number one.
[02:55:33] If you don't care about the humanity of all these people,
[02:55:36] Mass deportations is a uniquely ruthless, uniquely cruel policy in general.
[02:55:43] It's also openly fucking racist.
[02:55:46] That's why he has no issues with Elon Musk, also at a certain point being an undocumented immigrant.
[02:55:56] But beyond that, the economic, I mean it would never happen regardless.
[02:56:01] like it would be putting the cart before the fucking horse
[02:56:06] America the American agricultural production genuinely relies on undocumented migrants
[02:56:12] the solution in this process is to document them and allow them to also benefit from unionization
[02:56:20] this would also obviously drive up prices
[02:56:24] but in the long run it would make this country a much more habitable place to live in
[02:56:30] It would also greatly improve the wages for the documented workforce.
[02:56:39] The only difference between an undocumented migrant and a documented U.S. citizen is documentation.
[02:56:45] But that is the reason why companies can take these desperate people and use them as a
[02:56:53] cudgel against the documented labor force.
[02:56:56] Okay?
[02:56:57] Together, we will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, low inflation,
[02:57:08] so that everyone can afford groceries, a car, and a hot house.
[02:57:11] And taxes with skyrocket.
[02:57:12] Come on, man.
[02:57:13] What are you talking about?
[02:57:14] Taxes with skyrocket.
[02:57:15] We will stop the invasion and the migrant car.
[02:57:19] Yeah, you mean tax collection with skyrocket?
[02:57:22] If that's what you mean, then you're right.
[02:57:24] Yeah, we would collect even more taxes.
[02:57:26] It's great.
[02:57:27] security which is under siege. We will strengthen our military, build a missile
[02:57:33] defense shield, keep critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of
[02:57:40] our schools, and keep men out of women's sports. We will defend the Second
[02:57:53] Amendment, restore free speech, and we will secure our elections.
[02:58:01] Yeah, a lot of people think that it's also like regular border crossers, but the majority
[02:58:08] of undocumented immigrants in this country now that are coming in are actually visa
[02:58:12] overstairs.
[02:58:13] They're flying in with visas and staying.
[02:58:18] It's not actually the Guatemalan Mayran that you're thinking of.
[02:58:22] Country destroying liberal agenda.
[02:58:24] She destroyed San Francisco.
[02:58:26] She's not going to destroy our country.
[02:58:29] So get your friends, get your family, register, volunteer, and get that.
[02:58:33] My Tia works 80 hours a week, she didn't get her papers in the 80s before coming.
[02:58:37] She just didn't get her papers in the 80s before coming.
[02:58:39] She's a bit of a loony Catholic, but she's not a criminal.
[02:58:41] She works at a factory making car mats.
[02:58:43] That's the type of person who's getting deported under this idiot.
[02:58:45] That's what I'm saying.
[02:58:46] We will save our economy.
[02:58:47] We will rescue our middle class.
[02:58:50] We will put America first and we will make America great again.
[02:58:55] Thank you very much.
[02:58:56] North Carolina.
[02:58:57] God bless you.
[02:58:58] Thank you. God bless you all. Thank you very much.
[02:59:03] Undocumented immigration, like immigration in this country historically has always been talked about on the boundaries of its economic impact.
[02:59:13] They've lied about that as well. They've obviously lied about it quite a bit on that front too.
[02:59:18] Oh, immigrants are taking your jobs. They're taking your jobs.
[02:59:20] The real solution in that circumstance was always to document them, okay?
[02:59:25] up wages across the board because this never ending hyper exploited population that's constantly
[02:59:32] cycling in and out of the country is always going to be used and abused by business owners.
[02:59:37] That's why you know in your immediate life, whether you're cognizant of this reality or
[02:59:42] not, at least one Trump supporting business owner that absolutely hires undocumented migrants.
[02:59:48] Okay.
[02:59:50] Like that's that's a consistent reality.
[02:59:55] Okay. One thing you have to consider in this, in the situation is that this is a relatively
[03:00:06] new phenomena. The conversation moving away from immigrants are taking your jobs to immigrants
[03:00:12] are actually raping your daughters is a relatively new phenomena in American discourses. Obviously
[03:00:19] always existed, but it used to be simply just like the most rugged white supremacist
[03:00:24] Republicans that used to say this stuff, not like the top of the ticket aggressively.
[03:00:30] We're talking about a country that Ronald Reagan ran and literally gave amnesty to hundreds
[03:00:39] of thousands of undocumented immigrants.
[03:00:41] So you know, this is like things have changed dramatically since then, okay?
[03:00:49] Things have changed dramatically since then.
[03:00:51] The entire legality of the migrant process, not new, it's just very, very old friend.
[03:00:59] I mean, there was a period of time when Americans didn't talk about the American Republican
[03:01:06] Party did not fucking talk about migration as like, as a, as a average Eurofascist, but
[03:01:13] instead simply said, this is an economic problem.
[03:01:16] Okay.
[03:01:25] very, very old in the sense that, yeah, it's Hitlerian. What is this? How do you create
[03:01:39] an easier process of documenting immigrants? What stops violent offenders from abusing the
[03:01:43] open system? First and foremost, if we have such an open system right now, why the fuck
[03:01:49] are undocumented migrants responsible for less crime than documented US citizens, natural
[03:01:55] born US citizens? Like, what do we talk about? You're literally arguing with a hypothetical
[03:02:02] as though that hypothetical is real. You know what I mean? Oh dude, if we have an open border
[03:02:08] process then like every rapist is going to come into the country. Trump is saying that
[03:02:12] already. It's a lie. It has not happened. I mean, this is not like a new process. It's
[03:02:26] just objective fact. Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S. born Americans.
[03:02:31] There are multiple studies on the matter. And in terms of like the number of undocumented
[03:02:37] migrants obviously there's also less undocumented migrants and there are
[03:02:40] natural born US citizens in the country so when you look at the actual
[03:02:44] totality when you look at the actual numbers it's it's like insane it's like
[03:02:49] 20 okay Trump says 100,000 the reality is 26 like think about that
[03:02:55] disparity Trump says hundreds of thousands of Americans are being killed
[03:02:59] by undocumented migrants the real number is 26 chat that means that
[03:03:05] every single time an undocumented immigrant is is is causing a heinous crime is is doing a homicide
[03:03:13] not 26 per day 26 per year okay it's not complicated of course they commit less crime because they
[03:03:23] have much more to lose versus it isn't exactly 26 and 20 23 so far in 2024 26 26 in 2023
[03:03:41] Okay. I'd like to have a source of that 26 number because I know I'm going to be challenged if I ever mention it. It's called the customs and border patrol dot gov cbp dot gov customs and border patrol stats. Okay, here it is criminal non state criminal non citizen statistics the following the summer of U.S.
[03:04:07] Border Patrol Enforcement Actions.
[03:04:12] Total criminal convictions by type.
[03:04:20] The overwhelming majority of apprehensions come
[03:04:22] due to illegal entry and re-entry, okay?
[03:04:28] There are some that also are
[03:04:29] about illegal drug possession and trafficking.
[03:04:32] Most of it is illegal drug possession,
[03:04:34] though, not trafficking drugs,
[03:04:36] because as we know, once again,
[03:04:39] and this is, this bears repeating,
[03:04:42] according to the Department of Homeland Security
[03:04:43] statistics. 90 plus percent of all drugs that come into the United
[03:04:50] States of America are apprehended at regular points of entry.
[03:04:54] Okay. And almost 90% of all of those who are apprehended at the
[03:04:59] regular points of entry for trafficking drugs are American
[03:05:02] citizens. homicide manslaughter is 23. I was wrong. It's not
[03:05:09] 26 is 29
[03:05:11] Okay
[03:05:13] 29
[03:05:14] You don't need sources in a face-to-face argument. You just have to make it obvious that your opponent is dumb
[03:05:39] I'm just saying if you want to fucking ask if you if people ask you for sources on this shit
[03:05:44] No, not 29 per capita 29 in totality
[03:05:50] 29 in totality
[03:05:55] Okay
[03:06:12] That also includes manslaughter, not just like direct intentional homicide. It could be like a fucking vehicular manslaughter type shit
[03:06:20] Okay
[03:06:22] Regardless
[03:06:23] This chart literally proves that Republican policies limit and restrict crime and are better on the crime side. Wait, what?
[03:06:49] This data literally shows how much better Trump was in regulating antisocial and dangerous behavior
[03:06:56] What?
[03:07:00] What the fuck are you talking about? It does?
[03:07:03] Obviously an entire group of people are not monolithic unless you are the most racist person on the fucking planet
[03:07:15] Okay, but you do have to understand something pretty significant here, right?
[03:07:22] You just saw numbers go from three to sixty and you went wow this shit is out of control in that if you look at the actual
[03:07:32] Crime rate across the board in that same time frame. We're talking tens of thousands in comparison to 23
[03:07:40] Okay? Do you understand? Tens of thousands. Undocumented migrants are not a fucking monolithic force, dumbass.
[03:07:50] But even if they were, they are responsible for less crime per capita than natural-born U.S. citizens, dumbass.
[03:07:59] It's the exact opposite of what you think, dumbass. If you want to lower the fucking crime rate, you have to literally let in a flood of undocumented migrants, technically.
[03:08:09] If you want to talk about it with a baby brain the actual argument because it doesn't benefit your purpose would be to lower the American crime
[03:08:17] Rate we have to ensure that there are more undocumented migrants because they are responsible for less fucking crime than natural born US citizens
[03:08:25] We have to flood the market with the deport Americans and bring in undocumented migrants
[03:08:30] Obviously that would be silly to make an argument such as that one
[03:08:33] But that's what the data would show the data doesn't show what you think it shows all homicides
[03:08:52] In fucking
[03:08:54] 2022 was 24,849
[03:08:58] 62 of them were caused by undocumented migrants
[03:09:05] 60 fucking two and the numbers are the same across the board for everything
[03:09:14] Of course the numbers are the same across the board for everything on documented migrants are one
[03:09:19] smaller in terms of the percentage of the population than natural born US citizens
[03:09:25] they're responsible for less than 1% of the murder it's so fucking stupid there
[03:09:37] is no way to make the math work in your favor in this situation because a lot of
[03:09:42] this a lot of this argument is born out of pure panic pure hysteria it's
[03:09:48] it's just made up. Okay. 24k homicides crazy is the US. Okay. No, we are not okay. Also,
[03:10:08] we are a very, very violent nation, but also we have a lot of people too. I feel like I
[03:10:25] am I, I, I feel like I'm repeating myself quite a bit on this stuff. But this is an
[03:10:35] issue that I think is important to repeat because unfortunately I do not see a lot of
[03:10:41] the Democratic Party repeating this false fabricated notion that undocumented migrants
[03:10:48] are responsible for an unimaginable number of fucking crimes.
[03:10:53] It's completely made up.
[03:10:55] It sounds insane.
[03:10:59] It sounds insane when you think about it.
[03:11:01] I get it.
[03:11:03] I get it.
[03:11:04] hearing from one side that they're just doing crimes all the time left and right.
[03:11:10] They're never, they're never stopping with their ceaseless crimes, but then when
[03:11:15] you actually look at the number, you're like, oh my God, they're just lying.
[03:11:17] Like the Republicans are just lying. It's that simple. That's it. The quicker
[03:11:26] that you recognize that, okay, the quicker you recognize that the faster
[03:11:32] things will start making sense for you, okay? No, they're just races that's on. Yes, but
[03:11:43] racism is learned behavior, dude. You can't just like let it fucking hang like that, okay?
[03:11:50] There's plenty of people who have this predisposition with an interest in becoming more races because
[03:11:57] fear is a very big motivator in this conversation, fear of the unknown. And if all of the
[03:12:05] outlets that you pay attention to are constantly fucking drumming up this
[03:12:10] crime panic narrative and no one is actually going hold on let's look at the
[03:12:15] facts for a fucking second like the way I'm doing it then you're just basically
[03:12:19] you're just basically letting that you're basically allowing this country to
[03:12:24] turn into Israel in terms of like how fucking unimaginably racist Israel is
[03:12:28] how do you think that happened it's not like Israeli Jews have a different
[03:12:33] bone in their brain or something that causes them to be fucking anti-Palestinian, they learned it.
[03:12:41] They learned it through the ceaseless cycle of fear-mongering. Why is there a ceaseless cycle
[03:12:46] of fear-mongering and dehumanization of Palestinians? Because that's the only way that you can
[03:12:53] justify the incredibly cruel shit that you're doing to the Palestinians. You just have to
[03:13:06] have you just have to have this stuff constantly pummeled into your goddamn brain until it's
[03:13:14] it's just a reality that you take for granted. Okay. And that's where we're at right now with
[03:13:21] this undocumented migrant crime shit. That's where we're at with the crime panic shit too.
[03:13:28] How would you go about explaining it to them if they counted the Biden administration lying
[03:13:43] about the statistics. That is unfortunately next level hoggery, okay? The moment that someone,
[03:13:52] the moment that someone starts saying that the government websites of the Department of
[03:13:57] Homeland Security and the government websites of the Customs and Border Patrol are lying,
[03:14:01] I don't know what to tell you at that point because like you usually have to ask them like,
[03:14:05] do you think the Customs and Border Patrol is good or do you think they're bad? Like,
[03:14:10] Like why would they lie at the behest of the Biden administration?
[03:14:16] And also were they lying at the behest of the Trump administration when the crime numbers
[03:14:20] were super low under the Trump administration?
[03:14:23] If not lower, like those sites, these are not institutions that Republicans think are
[03:14:32] bad institutions.
[03:14:33] They love these institutions, you know, Democrats can barely balance a checkbook.
[03:15:02] Republicans are too harsh with enforcing police, which there was a happy medium.
[03:15:05] What do you mean, Democrats can barely balance a checkbook?
[03:15:09] What the fuck are you talking about?
[03:15:11] Like...
[03:15:13] What?
[03:15:14] Democrats are the only party that's like serious.
[03:15:16] I hate to balance the checkbook shit, uh, already.
[03:15:20] But the Democrats are the only party who are at least like serious about actually deficit-hawking.
[03:15:25] That's some, that is some real fucking boomer shit right there though.
[03:15:28] Respect to that one boomer.
[03:15:33] Yeah, Donald Trump was real...
[03:15:35] Donald Trump was a real deficit hawk.
[03:15:37] That's why I want to vote for him, you know,
[03:15:39] when he fucking unleashed massive permanent taxes
[03:15:43] for corporations and the mega wealthy in this country.
[03:15:52] S&U, AW are extremely excited about this campaign.
[03:15:56] We're ready to go to work to ensure they get elected
[03:15:58] because we know, you know, looking at Donald Trump,
[03:16:01] people like him, you know, no one relates to that.
[03:16:04] I mean, the man was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
[03:16:06] Daddy gave him millions to start out
[03:16:08] and daddy bailed him out of, you know,
[03:16:10] service to this country and and that's been history in life. He serves no one but
[03:16:14] himself. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, they spent their life serving others
[03:16:18] and that's what this election is about is working class people taking their
[03:16:22] lives back.
[03:16:23] Sean, last time we caught up, we were in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and you've
[03:16:27] been working to unionize different automobile plants in Tennessee and
[03:16:32] elsewhere. And you look at the political map, a lot of the political
[03:16:36] map and some of these emerging battlegrounds in the deep South and the South overlap with
[03:16:41] your targets as a labor leader. Is the South a changing place politically? Is labor getting
[03:16:48] more of a foothold, not just in terms of union efforts, but in terms of political strength?
[03:16:53] Look, I think, look, this all comes down. You go back to our big three campaign. You
[03:16:59] know, 75% of Americans union or not supported us in that fight because the issues we're
[03:17:05] talking about having a living wage, not a minimum wage, a living wage where you can have one
[03:17:11] job and make a decent living, you know, having adequate health care, having retirement security
[03:17:16] and getting your time back, not having to work seven days, week, 12 hours a day or not
[03:17:20] having to work two or three jobs, just a scrape to get buy paycheck to paycheck.
[03:17:24] That's what matters to American people, whether they live in the South, the North
[03:17:27] or East or West or wherever they live.
[03:17:29] And that's why 75% of Americans supported us.
[03:17:32] And that's why workers are understanding now the reason why they need to organize.
[03:17:36] And I believe that's what this election's about.
[03:17:38] When you look at these two candidates, you can't see a more stark contrast.
[03:17:42] You have working class people on one side with Kamala Harris and Governor Jim Walz.
[03:17:47] And you have billionaires and people that represent the billionaire interest on the
[03:17:49] other side and Donald Trump and JD Vance.
[03:17:51] And so it's a very clear picture for us.
[03:17:54] And I believe you're going to continue to see a shift over time with where people
[03:17:57] stand in this country.
[03:17:59] You mentioned billionaires a lot in your public remarks here in our conversation as well.
[03:18:05] But there is a push by the Trump campaign to connect with labor, especially on the issue
[03:18:10] of immigration, talking about the border, framing that as an economic argument for workers
[03:18:16] across the country as a reason to go with Republicans.
[03:18:18] And Republicans hosted the Teamsters at the Republican National Convention.
[03:18:23] When you are encountering a UAW member who says, and I've met some of them, covering
[03:18:27] in the UAW who says, look, I'm a traditional Democratic voter, but I like what Trump's
[03:18:33] saying on immigration.
[03:18:34] That's pushing my vote toward him.
[03:18:36] What do you say?
[03:18:37] Well, I say, first off, Donald Trump is all talk, and that's all he's ever been.
[03:18:42] He's no action.
[03:18:43] You look at workers when Donald Trump was president in the UAW, they were left behind.
[03:18:48] Plants were closing in this country.
[03:18:51] Workers at Lordstown in Ohio, their plant closed under Donald Trump.
[03:18:55] He didn't. He told those workers, don't stay your houses.
[03:18:58] And then he did nothing to help save that situation.
[03:19:01] Those workers were sent all over the country to work at other plants.
[03:19:04] And under Kamala Harris under Joe Biden,
[03:19:07] those workers are now returning back to Lordstown because they put a battery
[03:19:10] plant in that town. So, you know, look, uh, when Trump and him talk about
[03:19:14] immigration, all the why do so many people keep saying kick video,
[03:19:19] kick video, kick video in this chat.
[03:19:22] Like I said, I would get to it if I have time.
[03:19:24] obviously like you know it's not like I don't know why the fuck people are so
[03:19:31] adamant about it like yeah dude I will get to it when I have time like what the
[03:19:37] fuck some other shit is happening in the world right now and as a fucking
[03:19:42] political commentator my job is to cover that shit okay I know more pedophiles
[03:19:51] have been uncovered on kick, I know. Not shocking revelation, you know?
[03:20:03] That's how the billionaire class makes their living. They want to keep working class people
[03:20:07] divided. It's divide and conquer. It's the oldest trick in the book. They want to point
[03:20:12] a finger at the frustration for working class people in this country and why your life
[03:20:15] sucks right now. And the reason your life sucks is they want you to blame it on a
[03:20:19] black person, an LGBTQ plus person, or they want you to blame it on some destitute
[03:20:25] desperate person trying to find a better life by crossing the border. And it's a shame,
[03:20:29] but that's what these people are. They play divide and conquer and hoping that that works,
[03:20:33] but, you know, they think we're stupid. They think working class people are stupid,
[03:20:37] and we're not. We know this game. We know better than that. And at the end of the day,
[03:20:41] you know, it's what we, what we bring home every day, why we work. We work to have a
[03:20:45] decent standard of living and a decent quality of life. And again, I go back to that. That's
[03:20:49] what this is all about. And Donald Trump doesn't care at all about that. All he cares
[03:20:52] about is extracting more wealth for him and his billionaire buddies while working class
[03:20:57] people continue to get left behind.
[03:21:00] Sean final thing here, when I spoke to President Biden last week, he said he's going to work
[03:21:04] with Governor Shapiro and spend a lot of time in Pennsylvania.
[03:21:08] That's a battleground.
[03:21:09] We know union members are important there for a Democrat to win Pennsylvania.
[03:21:13] So put Pennsylvania aside, where else do you believe President Biden should be utilized
[03:21:18] to make sure labor support is stoked in the coming weeks?
[03:21:22] Look, I mean, there's a lot of, you know, battleground states.
[03:21:26] We're looking at, you know, Michigan, you know, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, you know,
[03:21:31] Arizona, Georgia.
[03:21:32] I mean, but, you know, ultimately it's just this.
[03:21:34] I mean, I believe it's just talking about the successes of the Biden Harris administration
[03:21:40] and what they've done to bring jobs to America.
[03:21:42] Something Donald Trump didn't do.
[03:21:45] You know, Donald Trump likes to talk about the auto industry and how he's going to save
[03:21:48] it.
[03:21:49] First off, he had an opportunity to save it and he didn't do a damn thing.
[03:21:52] So, you know, I just believe that we got to speak truth to what's happened and, you
[03:21:56] know, talk about inflation, the real cause of inflation.
[03:21:59] How much was this guy paid?
[03:22:01] What do you mean, brother?
[03:22:02] He was paid by fucking Joe Biden showing up to a goddamn UAW picket in the midst
[03:22:09] of one of the most important labor organizing events of all in recent American history yet
[03:22:17] that's how he was fucking paid inflation corporate greed and pre consumer price gouging not policy.
[03:22:26] And so, you know, and that's what Donald Trump represents. And I just think, you know, when
[03:22:33] we go to those battleground states, I think that's the winning messages that working
[03:22:35] class people, the people have to come first in this country, not the billionaire
[03:22:39] in corporate class that already are doing. Oh my god my goat my queen my queen my queen my queen
[03:22:44] my queen my queen I love her I love her I love her I love her no that's it Nancy Pelosi is is a
[03:22:51] permagote that's from four months ago wait what Pelosi joins Calvary Biden to stop transfer
[03:22:59] us web is the Israel death from four months ago where's she been where's she been for the past
[03:23:13] four months Nancy please please bring this back up Nancy please bring this back up Nancy come
[03:23:21] Come on. You're the best. Come on Nancy. Come on Nancy. Pushes across the finish line. Nancy
[03:23:29] Pelosi please. Oh my lord. Where is it? I saw the Quincy Institute post. Hold on. Nearly
[03:23:37] 60 Democrats of Congress including former Speaker Pelosi are urging the White House to withhold
[03:23:40] arms from Israel. But just this week the U.S. agreed to give $23.5 billion in new
[03:23:46] military aid to Israel. Does VP ask these guys to end America's support for the slaughter
[03:24:41] fucking tweet where he admitted to doing pedo shit. So there's
[03:24:49] that. So guys, NBC's back. Biden harbors lingering frustration
[03:25:02] at Pelosi, Obama and Schumer. Yeah. The leader of the tweet
[03:25:09] means it never happened. I know we'll talk about Dr. Speckman
[03:25:11] a little bit. Alright, let's go. I mean, I think when you
[03:25:17] were here before it was Joe. Look at how happy they are by
[03:25:19] the way. Look at how happy morning Joe is. Like they went
[03:25:23] from, they were the, the last bastion of the Biden dead enders and look at how excited they
[03:25:28] are at these poll numbers.
[03:25:29] What happened Joe?
[03:25:30] I thought, I thought, I thought maybe I'm wrong that polls didn't matter.
[03:25:38] Polls certainly didn't matter when he was trying to make an argument about how polls
[03:25:41] don't matter because, uh, because, you know, Joe Biden was doing worse in the polls.
[03:25:50] Fake friends.
[03:25:51] Now they're laughing.
[03:25:52] They're farting on Biden.
[03:25:53] They're laughing on them.
[03:25:56] friends. Why we were probably talking about Joe Biden, the Trump people were talking about
[03:26:02] how what is the audience someone pissing they were going to win they were measuring the curtains
[03:26:06] etc. etc. I think we all said it's only July. Now we can say it's only August. So it's still
[03:26:15] still early. But again, quoting Churchill for the 18th time, at least it's now sort of the
[03:26:23] end of the beginning. We're about to get into the full swing of the campaign. You've got
[03:26:27] new numbers from swing states. What are you finding? Yeah, you're right. This race has
[03:26:32] been reset certainly since May, but even since July when President Biden dropped out.
[03:26:40] Look, back in May, we did. We saw Biden trailing. The D&C have been firebombing my
[03:26:46] home in Palestine every time I've voted for them. I switched to Republican now
[03:26:49] because I think they will do better, but because I don't want to reward D&C
[03:26:52] Tim was going to level my entire neighborhood at least with Trump. We get funny clips
[03:26:57] Bro, that's an insane. That is an insane bargain, dude
[03:27:08] like good luck with that man my man like I
[03:27:18] Don't know what to tell you
[03:27:20] No, I get I get wanting to punish a Democratic Party and you should definitely be very outspoken about that
[03:27:28] You should even turn around and say that you're not only not voting for the Democratic Party
[03:27:33] but the Republican party as well in when you're communicating your desires for the Democratic party to to change their trajectory on this.
[03:27:44] Okay.
[03:27:45] But if you think for a moment that like Donald Trump's going to be better for Gaza, dude, if you ask me to check your chat log one more fucking time, I'm going to tell you right now.
[03:27:54] I am putting you on a Boeing spaceship to the international space station where your eight-day trip is going to turn into an eight-month trip
[03:28:02] Do you understand me? You are becoming a fucking astronaut. Take a week off
[03:28:09] Literally has not that chatter has been trying to get me to watch a majority report clip and has not stopped
[03:28:14] I know I see it. He asked me every fucking time. Okay. I see it
[03:28:24] If I don't fucking check your logs, that means I saw it and I moved on. Okay. I saw it. I moved on you should too
[03:28:33] In all of the swing states or at best tied right now
[03:28:40] Harris is either leading or tied with Trump in those swing states
[03:28:46] There's one state Nevada, which she's still trailing in but overall if you look at those seven swing states
[03:28:52] 8. Harris is up against within the margin, but up 48, 47 Biden was down by 3 points.
[03:29:00] So it's a reset. What's the to me the most remarkable piece of this poll is what we've
[03:29:04] been seeing in surveys now that have been coming out in the last week or so is how
[03:29:11] little she has been burdened, shall we say, by her association with the administration.
[03:29:19] the sitting vice president and yet 59% of voters in the listen I've been saying this I've been
[03:29:25] saying this and I'm glad that it's being it's it's getting picked up it's getting pick up on
[03:29:30] twitter reverse 2016 is a theory like gravity is a theory I'm so glad that other people are also
[03:29:35] noticing this okay it's good it's good I'm glad that other people are also picking this
[03:29:42] this shit up. Reverse 2016, baby. Hillary going to snatch that prison. So watch out.
[03:29:54] She's a girl gone wild. Year of Hassanabee vindication. Oh yeah. What's the reverse 2016
[03:30:02] theory? The reverse 2016 theory is one that I've been slushing around in my mind for
[03:30:09] quite some time. First, I said it was actually just like 2016 where Biden, who is like deeply
[03:30:17] on popular was refusing to drop out of the race despite obvious calls for it in the same
[03:30:23] way that Hillary Clinton is and that it was going to be a potential victory for it was
[03:30:29] going to be a potential victory for Donald Trump just like in 2016.
[03:30:33] Okay.
[03:30:35] Having said that, however, since the swap out having with Kamala Harris becoming
[03:30:39] the leader on the ticket and Tim Walts, the momentum has swung wildly in the other
[03:30:45] direction where now Donald Trump is operating like Hillary Clinton against
[03:30:51] Kamala Harris that is not operating like Hillary Clinton but I would dare I say
[03:30:56] even almost Trumpian ways here's what they posted look at this fucking cringe
[03:31:07] ass knob he posted this this is what he posted on his true social bro he is so
[03:31:22] cook anyway I can't even fucking play it Elon posted it we won haters will say
[03:31:31] this is AI 800,000 likes oh my god shoot me into the fucking sun on a rocket
[03:31:37] ship um oh my god all my god 800,000 likes for this all my fucking lord dude
[03:31:45] people are so stupid the boomer base is eating that up I promise you it's got
[03:31:55] to be bodied. It's gotta be. I hope it's so incredibly fucking cringe. It was cringe when
[03:32:09] Hillary Clinton did it. It was cringe when other celebrities did it in the 2016 in the
[03:32:15] in the 2016 cycle. And it is still very much cringe when the Trump administration is doing
[03:32:20] it. Shots at Baron. I lose a Baron slapped the fuck out of his nanny in Central Central
[03:32:35] Park after school way really. Anyway, let's get back to this swing states think that she
[03:32:45] is basically the change candidate. She's turning the page from Trump and Biden. She is a generational
[03:32:52] change, obviously, but they believe that too. And even though Trump is ahead on issues
[03:32:58] like immigration and the economy on inflation, obviously the number one issue for so many
[03:33:04] voters. She's only trailing Trump by six points. I think if Biden were in, you know,
[03:33:11] were Biden were in this race, it would be a much bigger margin.
[03:33:14] Amy, when you were here last with those polls that showed so much of this race had swung
[03:33:18] toward Donald Trump, there was, as you know, among Democrats,
[03:33:23] Big Slam OG. Trump is in cringe. Stop talking crazy. If I was talking crazy right now,
[03:33:28] I'd be telling you there is no three-minute embryo coming for you at the top of the hour,
[03:33:31] But I'm talking sane. Okay. Because at the top of the hour, there is a three-minute
[03:33:35] outbreak. If you no longer want to see those ads, then all you need to do is subscribe,
[03:33:39] which you could do for $6 or for free with the Twitch Prime. Here's the three-minute
[03:33:42] outbreak now. A sense of almost resignation mid-summer of the debate was a disaster. Joe
[03:33:48] Biden, we love the guy, but he's too old. I'm not going to go vote for Donald Trump,
[03:33:52] but I think I'm sitting this one out. Is that what this is about? I think that's exactly
[03:33:56] what we're seeing is those voters who were parking themselves in, I'm going to vote for
[03:34:01] or RFK Jr., maybe, or I'm undecided,
[03:34:04] have now all come back to Democrats.
[03:34:07] What's interesting, too, is RFK Jr. now
[03:34:11] is more of a problem for Trump than he is for Harris.
[03:34:16] Again, many of her voters now coming back to her,
[03:34:21] but the RFK voter is just by profile,
[03:34:25] is somebody who should be or would be more,
[03:34:29] would be more interested in voting for Donald Trump.
[03:34:33] So Amy, is it over?
[03:34:37] Can you explain why RFK juniors are bad choice?
[03:34:40] No, I'm done.
[03:34:44] I'm done explaining it.
[03:34:46] I've explained it far too many times, okay?
[03:34:50] Like, if I'm gonna vote for RFK, I'm gonna vote Democrat.
[03:34:53] Like, why the fuck would I vote for a Democrat
[03:34:56] who is just as pro-Israel
[03:34:59] as the rest of the Democratic Party is, but then also is like anti-medicine. No man. I'm
[03:35:06] good on that. Like my major issue isn't just like, it's not even just vaccines, it's just
[03:35:11] medication in general. Okay. My major issue with the Democratic Party is not that like,
[03:35:17] I want a guy who is basically a regular ass Democrat with like two exceptions. Okay.
[03:35:27] medicine, anti-medicine.
[03:35:29] I'm stating it to indicate that the movement of voters back toward the vice president who
[03:35:36] was sitting on the fence or just not thinking about things.
[03:35:40] Is it a combination of relief and gratitude among voters, gratitude toward the president
[03:35:45] for withdrawing and relief that, as you pointed out, a sitting vice president in
[03:35:49] the United States is now someone new?
[03:35:52] That she's new.
[03:35:53] I do wonder if she weren't a woman, if this weren't as historic as it is, if you would
[03:36:00] have that level of movement and intensity.
[03:36:03] Because she literally is, even if you don't know much about her.
[03:36:07] No, it's just because she's not Joe Biden.
[03:36:12] That's it.
[03:36:13] That's the only thing she's not that has been the most helpful thing, okay?
[03:36:18] That's it.
[03:36:20] politics. You're not following this day today. You've been hearing and seeing from two older
[03:36:27] white guys for a long time. She's just not Joe Biden. She is not a carcass. The people
[03:36:35] do not have a problem with the Democratic Party's platform. That's why a generic Democratic
[03:36:41] corner in the New York Times poll that I keep reiterating over and over again a couple
[03:36:45] months ago showed a generic Democrat winning 25 points like the generic Democrat 25 points
[03:36:56] over Joe Biden. Okay. Kamala Harris is simply not a carcass. That's it. It's not because
[03:37:03] she's a woman. It's not because she's a black woman. It's not because she's a black Indian
[03:37:06] woman. None of that. None of that matters all that much in the grand scheme of things,
[03:37:12] especially for the Democratic Party voters.
[03:37:15] Is because she's a generic Democrat who is much younger.
[03:37:22] On time now, and being very uninspired by it.
[03:37:24] And then all of a sudden here comes this woman
[03:37:27] who doesn't look or act or sound
[03:37:28] like anything you've seen before in politics.
[03:37:30] And suddenly it's like, huh, I'm gonna listen in.
[03:37:33] So she's getting a benefit of the doubt that-
[03:37:36] This is just delusion overall.
[03:37:40] it's not like Kamala Harris is like a uniquely charismatic figure. As a matter of fact, all
[03:37:45] the coconut memes come from or like the wheels on the bus or all the laughing memes literally
[03:37:49] come from the fact that she's kind of goofy and not super charismatic. It's okay. You
[03:37:56] don't have to be okay, especially when people are geared towards voting for the not a
[03:38:04] carcass boat okay that's it like there is no this is just delusional in my
[03:38:13] opinion is quite remarkable for sitting by its president so jaymar what we're
[03:38:19] seeing here trends that it's not that Donald Trump is losing support but rather
[03:38:23] the Kamala Harris has gained support reconciled in as Amy as Amy just said
[03:38:27] and I think it's particularly of note as you talked to Democrats how they
[03:38:32] feel younger voters coming home. And certainly
[03:38:35] question. Why do you watch random MSN pundits? I tune in here so I can avoid them. How about
[03:38:39] you avoid the top of the R. I break which I ran already. Okay. I watch major media pundits
[03:38:45] so that I can do commentary over voters of color. And that's just a coalition she has
[03:38:51] to build particularly in the suburbs and the big cities in these battleground states.
[03:38:55] Yeah, it feels like folks coming home
[03:38:59] rather than her moving undecided voters
[03:39:02] to the Democratic column.
[03:39:04] And there's obviously a huge difference.
[03:39:05] Now, in an era of polarization,
[03:39:07] getting Democrats to come home,
[03:39:09] getting them motivated is crucial
[03:39:12] because mobilization matters,
[03:39:15] I don't think it matters as much as persuasion,
[03:39:16] but mobilization matters a lot.
[03:39:18] The key for her is gonna be the next phase,
[03:39:21] which is persuasion, which is moving undecided voters
[03:39:24] to the Democratic column.
[03:39:26] Those numbers you guys flashed on the screen for the VP
[03:39:28] are positive, these to be where Biden was,
[03:39:31] but they're still challenging
[03:39:33] for a Democratic candidate for president.
[03:39:35] Look, it's not ideal to be losing narrowly in Nevada
[03:39:39] and to be basically tied in Pennsylvania right now,
[03:39:42] because if you lose those two states,
[03:39:44] the path of the White House gets really complicated
[03:39:46] for a Democrat.
[03:39:47] But obviously this is a lot better
[03:39:49] than where they were a few months ago.
[03:39:51] And also guys, it's important to point out,
[03:39:53] she's also done, she stabil
[03:39:56] speaking of democrats com
[03:39:59] were so many house and sen
[03:40:01] were worried that they wer
[03:40:04] Biden was so weak on top o
[03:40:06] very least now, she's hel
[03:40:09] who were looking for volun
[03:40:12] for support, looking for
[03:40:14] and all that was drying u
[03:40:16] now at least I think a lo
[03:40:19] feel better about their
[03:40:21] It's like this, a rising tide really does lift all boats.
[03:40:27] Different types of stone waves.
[03:40:28] You all didn't want this, Joe.
[03:40:30] Joe, you hated that, Joe.
[03:40:32] You were advocating against it, Joe.
[03:40:34] You kept saying these people are crazy, Joe.
[03:40:36] The fuck happened?
[03:40:38] The fuck happened?
[03:40:40] You didn't put respect on Nancy Pelosi's name.
[03:40:42] That's what fucking happened.
[03:40:44] Yeah, it really does.
[03:40:45] And it's exactly what's happening here.
[03:40:48] Donnie.
[03:40:49] Yeah, these guys are the worst is these bro. They were also on Team Shapiro as well. Like
[03:40:56] they just they just looked in to so many sequential W's from the Democratic Party, responding to
[03:41:04] pressure in a way that they never have. There's also one other W that I got to give
[03:41:10] Joe Biden. New conversations coming out from the chaos and confusion that was happening has basically one
[03:41:22] vindicated AOC about the chaos and the confusion behind the scenes that she was warning about
[03:41:29] and two kind of gave Joe a little bit of a W. It turns out that Joe Biden's dropping and also
[03:41:37] simultaneous endorsement of Kamala Harris came as a bit of a shock because it seems like Nancy Pelosi
[03:41:45] was actually interested in doing the thing that I thought was very devastating and open primary.
[03:41:55] I think that was Joe's last like fuck you, but it actually worked in favor for the Democratic Party
[03:42:01] and its chances come November. As I said before, it would have been a horrible, I mean it would
[03:42:09] would have been great for content. I'm going to the DNC regardless, right? It would have
[03:42:13] been great for content, but it would have been horrible for the Democratic Party. If
[03:42:19] they were doing an open primary right now, like coming up to an open primary, people
[03:42:25] fucking petitioning, trying to put their name out there. It would have been a, it
[03:42:32] would have been a fucking, it would have been a tornado.
[03:42:37] AOC was very right.
[03:42:38] I did not think so at the time.
[03:42:39] AOC was the one who said that that was what was going on behind closed doors.
[03:42:44] It made me think that maybe she's lying to save face a little bit because of how unimaginably
[03:42:50] insane that is in terms of like how Democrats still could not see how much chaos that
[03:42:57] would create.
[03:42:58] Imagine a Walls ticket, brother.
[03:43:03] There is no world where it, first of all, Tim Walls is great.
[03:43:10] should thank Kamala Harris for that. Okay. You should thank Nancy Pelosi for that as well.
[03:43:15] But you should thank Kamala Harris for that. Walls had not walls never had fucking presidential
[03:43:20] ambitions. What are we talking about? There was no, it would have been Gavin Newsom. Okay.
[03:43:30] It would have been Gavin Newsom going up against like all these other like random
[03:43:36] fucking Democrats with Nancy Pelosi most likely pushing for Gavin Newsom, Josh Shapiro as well
[03:43:46] potentially. So the reality is, the reality is that the party would have been in utter panic.
[03:44:02] A lot more people would pay attention, but it would have looked so chaotic and so disordered.
[03:44:10] Where are we assuming you're calling out the machinations against Kamala didn't help corner
[03:44:14] donors in the jumping on board following Biden's baton pass. Yeah, this was this was luck after
[03:44:21] luck after luck. One thing it wasn't was true party competence, it seems. I don't know why
[03:44:27] Nancy Pelosi personally also openly revealed that she was open for an open primary, I
[03:44:34] said open like eight times. But it would have been a horrible, horrible idea.
[03:44:40] I was saying that the evidence that young voters were coming home to Democrats was anecdotal
[03:44:47] before.
[03:44:49] Now we see the numbers that that is happening.
[03:44:51] I suspect it will continue to happen.
[03:44:53] But you know, that was Joe Biden's biggest challenge.
[03:44:57] As has been pointed out here, it's not that Donald Trump is losing voters.
[03:45:02] It's that Kamala Harris is picking up voters that were staying away.
[03:45:07] younger voters coming home, people of color, voters coming home, women, more
[03:45:14] women moving to Kamala Harris in her direction. I think especially important
[03:45:19] though, even though they don't vote as much as older voters, younger voters,
[03:45:27] the energy that is now behind Kamala Harris is just so striking and I say
[03:45:33] that, mainly anecdotally, but there's so many younger voters that we're going to sit
[03:45:39] it out or just had no connection to Joe Biden, but now want to volunteer, that want to go
[03:45:46] to rallies, that want to make phone calls. It's pretty striking, just the difference
[03:45:52] a month makes. Two words, and you guys have talked about hope and change. If you
[03:45:57] look back the last 30 years when the Democrats have had that enthusiasm, that kind of wave
[03:46:03] that we're feeling with Bill Clinton. I worked on Bill Clinton's campaign in 1992, did advertising,
[03:46:09] of course, with Barack Obama. You had that hope and change. Hillary Clinton, you couldn't
[03:46:14] that high pitch noise that you hear is a staple for Morning Joe because the average age of Morning Joe
[03:46:20] Watchers are like 86. No one fucking hears it. It's so goddamn annoying. Every clip I watch from
[03:46:27] them has that high pitch noise in the background. I try to not bring it up because it's now
[03:46:31] Now you're going to hear it too and not be able to unhear it, but that is the reason
[03:46:37] because most people that watch Morning Joe are not in this community.
[03:46:41] They're 80 fucking five years old.
[03:46:44] So obviously they don't hear the high pitch.
[03:46:46] It's really goddamn annoying though and sell that and she lost Joe Biden.
[03:46:50] He won.
[03:46:51] He sweeted it out, but there wasn't that enthusiasm.
[03:46:53] Why?
[03:46:54] Because you couldn't sell hope and change.
[03:46:55] When you have that, you're almost unbeatable.
[03:46:58] That's what that's kind of what you mentioned.
[03:47:00] constituency, young people, people of color, they want hope, they want change.
[03:47:05] Pretty much everybody wants that, even if you're happy in your life, you say
[03:47:08] hope, you want more hope, yeah, you want more change, yeah. So that's the thing,
[03:47:12] that's the wave that's happening, and that's what the Cook Report is saying.
[03:47:15] That's what the anecdotal things are saying. So when you have that, as I
[03:47:20] said, those magical two words, and Donald Trump can stand on his head,
[03:47:23] there's one thing he can't give you is change, and he certainly can't
[03:47:26] give you hope. He's going in the opposite direction. So once again,
[03:47:29] and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama,
[03:47:31] Kamala Harris, Hope and Jane.
[03:47:33] And the word you keep hearing with these rallies is joy.
[03:47:35] People are happy to be there, they're enthusiastic
[03:47:37] and contrast that with Donald Trump
[03:47:39] on X for two hours with Elon Musk,
[03:47:41] just laying out his grievances.
[03:47:43] A very different picture there.
[03:47:46] A number inside your report, Amy,
[03:47:48] that will harden the Harris campaign
[03:47:49] is this independent number,
[03:47:51] which three months ago, Donald Trump
[03:47:52] in your analysis plus three, now Harris plus eight.
[03:47:57] That's a huge number.
[03:47:58] It is a big movement and it's a lot of independent women that are coming over and right now supporting
[03:48:04] Harris.
[03:48:05] I think to Jonathan's point when you look at who those undecided voters are or people
[03:48:10] who are.
[03:48:11] Kamala's malleability as a politician is her best trait.
[03:48:13] I think it is not the worst thing in this situation.
[03:48:19] It's just entirely dependent on how she moves going forward like I said.
[03:48:24] And they're basically, I think in a holding pattern in terms of her policies, they're like
[03:48:29] doing a slow drip release of the policies.
[03:48:31] They obviously can't avoid it once the DNC comes around.
[03:48:34] But like part of that is because when you have no policies, when you don't have the
[03:48:40] white paper out, they're not going to be able to attack them and be like, this is
[03:48:44] a devastatingly bad idea, whatever.
[03:48:48] It's like reverse project 2025, right?
[03:48:52] Republicans are not able to tackle any of the ideas because she's currently just riding
[03:48:58] the momentum wave.
[03:49:01] I would like to also see her policies.
[03:49:03] Some of the stuff that they've mentioned so far are pretty good, pretty progressive.
[03:49:07] The Tim Walls pick basically locks her into more radical, quote unquote radical, progressive
[03:49:13] policies in general.
[03:49:21] We'll see.
[03:49:22] We're still saying maybe I'll vote third party.
[03:49:26] They are very cross-pressured on the following.
[03:49:29] They feel very anxious about the economy.
[03:49:32] They do feel like inflation is getting worse at a higher level than the overall electorate.
[03:49:38] They don't like Donald Trump personally.
[03:49:39] I mean I feel like we've been re-running this same playbook now for a long time of
[03:49:45] voters who say, well, I mean, I kind of liked his policies when he was president.
[03:49:50] I don't really like how he acts.
[03:49:52] And so those voters, how Harris talks to those voters, how she's able to, as Jonathan pointed
[03:49:57] out, persuade them that she's going to be able to deliver for them.
[03:50:03] And more important, if Trump can stay on the message about the economy.
[03:50:10] But again, I feel like we have this conversation over and over again, if only he would stick
[03:50:15] to a message on the thing that he's actually winning on.
[03:50:20] Yeah, that that's a lot of people inside the campaign and the Republican Party
[03:50:24] it gets worse every time Joe speaks. Oh my God would like to do the same thing.
[03:50:28] I think it's because they just don't want they don't want anyone under the age
[03:50:31] of like 80 to hear what he has to say. It's not. Jane Mort, I want to underline
[03:50:38] something that you said. I think it's so important for people watching. Yes,
[03:50:40] these numbers have shifted where we are right now though. If you look at
[03:50:45] all these numbers kind of where we were a month ago is for as this race being closed.
[03:50:53] This is still tied. This race is tied right now. Now it's tied with a slight lean to Harris
[03:51:01] a month ago. It was hot tied in with a slight lean except in Nevada and North.
[03:51:07] Huh? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I thought those polls were insignificant, inconsequential,
[03:51:15] irrelevant, utterly irrelevant. Joe, Joe, I've been tuning into your goddamn broadcast
[03:51:22] every fucking day. For the past couple of months, Joe, I've heard you personally say
[03:51:30] on numerous occasions that those polls are just inconsequential. It's hokum. No one
[03:51:36] should read into them at all. It's a conspiracy to dethrone the goat, your goat.
[03:51:44] That's Caroline. If you look at those numbers and Joe fraud, bro, you know,
[03:51:48] Hey, uh, with a slight lean and all the states that really, uh, make a huge difference. Uh,
[03:51:54] it was, you know, so it's Harris plus two. Now in Arizona, it was Trump plus one.
[03:52:00] Titan, Georgia, it was Trump plus three. You go down this list. Everything except for Nevada
[03:52:07] and North Carolina. Those are all within the margin of error. This race is tied.
[03:52:13] Yeah, Joe, we're in an era of political trench warfare. This is World War One in American politics.
[03:52:20] Amy mentioned the same conversation that we've all been having for nine years. Well,
[03:52:23] yeah, because we're a 51 49 country and Democrats have an advantage.
[03:52:28] but obviously we have an electoral college not a popular vote so it's a it's a
[03:52:33] toss-up country and has been now for the last three presidential elections but
[03:52:37] just two things first of all you look at Georgia and North Carolina in that
[03:52:42] in that graphic you just show this is important to focus on too and it does
[03:52:46] show the possibility that Kamala Harris could galvanize black voters in
[03:52:50] a way that we haven't seen since 2012 the American politics look at that
[03:52:54] number there where she obviously has has moved numbers in Georgia and North
[03:52:59] Carolina both states with significant black populations. Boy if she can win
[03:53:03] Georgia and North Carolina that really really changes the equation because
[03:53:09] obviously creates less pressure on her to carry all three of those states in the
[03:53:13] Great Lakes. You do have Donald Trump. It was Iran fire commons after leaving
[03:53:23] voting location from speaking right now. Let's listen. I'm live now. We just had a poll that
[03:53:30] Oh, here goes. We're doing very well. And we have an interesting
[03:53:35] Oh, here we got some, we got a couple of different things. Okay.
[03:53:39] When he left Trump speaks after casting ballot in Florida primary,
[03:53:43] they had a couple of moments here. One of them was really cool. He said,
[03:53:47] where they asked him about the Harris AI crowds. Shit.
[03:53:53] there's all kinds of video evidence and people who were there who have proven that false.
[03:53:58] Can you tell us why you made that claim?
[03:53:59] Well, I can't say what was there, who was there.
[03:54:01] I can only tell you about ours.
[03:54:02] We have the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics.
[03:54:05] We have crowds that nobody's ever seen before.
[03:54:08] And we continue to have that.
[03:54:10] We have a level of enthusiasm that nobody's seen before.
[03:54:13] They want to make America great again.
[03:54:15] That's what's happening.
[03:54:16] We're going to make it great again.
[03:54:17] Right now we have a failing nation.
[03:54:19] We're in a failing nation.
[03:54:20] Bro, he sounds like AI.
[03:54:22] If my eyes were closed then I heard this. I'd be like, that's AI Trump. That's not real Trump and
[03:54:28] Become in many ways a third world nation and we're not gonna let that happen. Thank you
[03:54:33] Bros never answered a serious question straight. Oh
[03:54:37] Also, here's some interesting news Arizona court fetus can be referred to as unborn human being in an abortion measure voter pamphlet
[03:54:45] Arizona voters will decide in November whether to add the right to an abortion to the state
[03:54:50] constitution, which obviously is a big deal for any state, not Florida, because this is in the
[03:54:57] Florida ballot as well, except it will not have any sort of, it will not have a single, but even a,
[03:55:05] even a little bit of positive benefits for the Democratic Party because Florida is the most
[03:55:12] fucked state on the planet where they routinely vote for some of the most progressive ballot
[03:55:16] measures and then go and vote for like reincarnated Hitler on a regular basis. So that's not going
[03:55:22] to really move the needle in Florida, but it will move the needle in places like Arizona.
[03:55:27] Also, speaking of people being unhinged, more JD Van's audio has resurfaced. New Van's audio
[03:55:34] in an interview from 2020 JD Van's agrees with a podcast host who says having grandmothers
[03:55:37] help raise children is the whole purpose of the post menopausal female. And you can sort
[03:55:43] sort of see the effect it has on him to be around them. Like they spoil all the classic
[03:55:48] stuff that grandparents do to grandchildren, but it makes him a much better human being
[03:55:54] to have exposure to his grandparents. I don't know yet. And the evidence on this, by the
[03:55:58] way, is like super clear. That's the whole purpose of the post-monopausal female in
[03:56:02] theory. Did your in-laws, and particularly your mother,
[03:56:05] bro bro too much internet man too much internet too much fucking internet that's that's it
[03:56:20] you're doing it you're doing too much internet he did it he went on these fucking random
[03:56:26] loser podcast and he talked about post menopausal females how the fuck did the Trump camp
[03:56:36] not look at this immediately after Donald Trump Jr. was the one who said we should have
[03:56:44] JD veins. That's the first thing I would have done. Oh, my fucking loser son who's really
[03:56:50] invested in memes is telling me that this is a good pick. Let me go. Let me go search.
[03:56:59] Let me go search like any podcast appearances that he's made because I know he's made podcast
[03:57:03] appearances because my dumb ass son loves making podcast appearances
[03:57:12] Because he's a fucking loser and so is JD Vance the exact same kind of fucking loser in law
[03:57:19] Show up in some huge way. She lived with us for a year, right?
[03:57:24] So, you know, I didn't know the answer that no, but he can't talk about something so normal, right?
[03:57:31] Like he has personal experiences with being raised by his grandparents
[03:57:35] This is something that we know about his background.
[03:57:37] He could just be normal about it
[03:57:39] and be like,
[03:57:40] I was very fortunate that my grandmother and my grandfather was in my life.
[03:57:45] I loved coming from a large family like that.
[03:57:48] You know, I saw the benefits of that.
[03:57:50] No.
[03:57:51] He has to fucking say like,
[03:57:53] Postmenopausal females have a natural predisposition to take care of the children of the family.
[03:58:00] It's like, dude, you're so fucking weird.
[03:58:04] why
[03:58:05] it blows my mind that he mathematically figures out the grossest way to talk
[03:58:09] about shit
[03:58:11] in a way that like
[03:58:12] is both
[03:58:13] parts nerdy
[03:58:14] and part
[03:58:16] dehumanizing of like normal people
[03:58:19] nobody in ohio
[03:58:21] that hears this is going to go
[03:58:23] yeah that's my guy
[03:58:25] okay
[03:58:25] yeah that was weird unadvertised feature of marrying an indian woman
[03:58:29] it's in some ways the most transgressive thing i
[03:58:33] what huge way she lived with her in lawry did your in-laws and particularly your mother-in-law
[03:58:41] show up in some huge way she lived with us for a year right so you know i didn't know the answer
[03:58:48] that no so that was weird unadvertised feature of marrying an indian woman it's yeah it's in some
[03:58:57] bro these dudes need lobotomies to be normal i swear to god
[03:59:02] like the words that you are using the words that you're using could not be
[03:59:09] grosser okay I don't know they just can't help themselves I think it's just like a
[03:59:15] charisma problem you know what I mean it's just a charisma problem he could
[03:59:21] just be like bro I married into an Indian family they really love family
[03:59:25] values. Okay. My mother-in-law is like very invested in my life. Okay. But no, he has to
[03:59:35] do it with Eric Weinstein, who just has to be a weird fucking racist loser about it.
[03:59:40] You know what I mean? Like,
[03:59:45] It was the most transgressive thing I've ever done against sort of the hyper neoliberal
[03:59:52] approach to work and family. My wife had this baby seven weeks before she started
[03:59:56] the clerkship, still not sleeping any more than now.
[04:00:00] Are you even listening to what he's saying? Yes, I am. And I'm also filtering it to make
[04:00:06] it appear normal because what he's saying, both of those things that he just meant, both
[04:00:12] the podcast host and JD Vance, both of what they said is not that weird to say. Like,
[04:00:22] actual statement of like grandparents taking care of your children is actually not a bad thing.
[04:00:27] It's actually a really good thing. Is it perfectly normal thing to say? Okay.
[04:00:34] Post-menopausal females have a natural predisposition towards taking care of the born child.
[04:00:40] Is it an insanely weird way to say it? Okay. And on the other side, the podcast host being like,
[04:00:48] Well, this is an unadvertised feature of the Indian race.
[04:00:53] He's also fucking insane.
[04:00:57] Like.
[04:00:59] What? Why? Like what?
[04:01:02] Well, I think these guys just talk normal.
[04:01:04] And whenever he tries to talk normal, he keeps saying,
[04:01:07] Mama, mama, my mama, my mama.
[04:01:10] And it's like, bro, that's that's also weird.
[04:01:13] You're like, you're not.
[04:01:15] Like, I want to shake him and be like, be fucking normal.
[04:01:18] dumbass what's wrong with you yeah I come from Nepal and it made sense but
[04:01:23] every child was shitting on us so I just didn't say anything in chat no like it's
[04:01:27] it's not a it's not a weird thing to say in general it's just how he's saying it
[04:01:34] is fucking weird okay do you understand what I mean like he could be like listen
[04:01:41] I'm a fucking white boy from Ohio I never I had no idea what like Indian
[04:01:46] families were like you know what I mean I had no fucking idea that my
[04:01:50] like India mother-in-law was going to be so like all over the child-raising process like it's awesome
[04:01:59] it's great you know it's wonderful like my wife's family cares a lot about my wife's family cares a
[04:02:07] lot about you know being a part of my my kid's life it's the it's the absolute worst way
[04:02:20] is the absolute worst way to say like a relatively normal thing okay because you
[04:02:32] just automatically hit it from like the weird scientific breeder fetish angle the
[04:02:38] clerkship still not sleeping the working family my wife had this baby seven
[04:02:44] weeks before started the clerkship still not sleeping any more than an hour
[04:02:49] half in a given interval. And her mom just took a sabbatical. She's a biology professor in California.
[04:02:56] Yeah, describing your wife as having features like she's a new iPhone, it's just
[04:03:02] you just hear what you want to hear in general. You have a clear disposition. Yeah, I do. I actually
[04:03:08] yell at fucking chatters all the time for being weird too. I don't know if you know this,
[04:03:13] there's plenty of fucking leftists in this community that are objectively not normal.
[04:03:17] and I yell at them all the time and they almost always turn around and fucking double down on the
[04:03:23] weirdness and be like I'm not normal it's not normal I'm not gonna be normal shut the fuck up
[04:03:26] you're being ableist or whatever the fuck and then I banned them okay so no this is a this is a
[04:03:41] equal equal opportunity uh smoke moment just took us about a couple for a year and came and
[04:03:50] lived with us and took care of our kid for a year okay so it was just one of these things
[04:03:53] where it's like this is what you do. The biology professor PhD drops what they're doing
[04:04:02] to immediately tend to the need of a new mother with her infant. Painfully economically inefficient.
[04:04:10] Why didn't she just keep her job, give us part of the wages to pay something else to do it?
[04:04:14] Right? Because that is the thing that the hyper-liberalized economics wants you to do.
[04:04:20] And the economic logic of always prioritizing paid wage labor over other forms of contributing
[04:04:29] to a society is to me, it's actually a consequence of a sort of fundamental liberalism that is
[04:04:44] ultimately going to unwind and collapse upon itself.
[04:04:49] I think it's the abandonment of a sort of Aristotelian.
[04:04:53] Is this such a white conversation?
[04:04:54] It's like when your chatters ask you
[04:04:56] why you live with your parents, I know.
[04:04:58] But it's like, like I get what he's trying to say, okay?
[04:05:05] I get what he's trying to say once again.
[04:05:07] What he's trying to say is actually sound, okay?
[04:05:12] What he's trying to say is that capitalism
[04:05:17] causes people to operate in a way that is not beneficial.
[04:05:23] It makes people alienate from one another,
[04:05:27] not only just alienate from their labor,
[04:05:28] but alienate from one another
[04:05:30] and it destroys the family unit.
[04:05:32] It is not, everyone is constantly talking
[04:05:34] about productive labor.
[04:05:38] Everyone is constantly focused on productive labor.
[04:05:40] Everyone is constantly focused on
[04:05:42] like what their contributions to the economy
[04:05:44] would look like.
[04:05:46] And that creates this vacuum where women that want to have children, women that want to
[04:05:53] actually, women that want to actually take care of their children, it causes them to
[04:05:58] move away from doing things like that.
[04:06:02] Okay?
[04:06:06] That's what he's, that's the way, that's, that's what he is basically trying to fucking
[04:06:11] say.
[04:06:13] he's doing a really bad job at saying those things. He doesn't believe it's
[04:06:20] capitalism, he won't say all that. All he does is use his liberalism as a scapegoat,
[04:06:24] the point figures of the left. Yeah, yeah, because he's also like a Silicon
[04:06:29] Valley tech loser. Of course he's not going to say it's capitalism. Virtue
[04:06:33] politics for a hyper market-oriented way of thinking about what's good and
[04:06:42] what's desirable if people are paying for it and it contributes to GDP and it
[04:06:47] makes the economic consumption numbers rise then it's good and if it doesn't
[04:06:52] it's bad I think that that entire sort of to me that's sort of the root of our
[04:06:57] political problem and it sort of agrees with the podcast who says having
[04:07:15] grandmother self-raised children is the whole purpose of postmenopausal
[04:07:18] female he also agrees with the host grandparents helping raise children is a
[04:07:21] weird, unadvertised feature of marrying an Indian woman.
[04:07:26] That's awesome. What is this? Why were you hiding the true
[04:07:31] Ludwig from us? What does this even mean? I think there's a
[04:07:45] there's a tendency for a lot of these guys who want to sound
[04:07:48] super smart that like hyper intellectualized certain
[04:07:51] subjects. And it comes across as like boring and dare I say
[04:07:55] sociopathic, it might come across as like super intelligent
[04:07:59] to like people who are desperate for some kind of
[04:08:01] pseudo-intellectual dribble, right? But like when you're running for a fucking, when you're
[04:08:08] running for president, all of a sudden, no, don't say Ben Shapiro, Ben Shapiro has his
[04:08:12] moments like that. But I don't think Ben Shapiro would talk about fucking like post menopausal
[04:08:18] females, okay? For all of his, for all of his faults, Ben Shapiro at least like is still
[04:08:27] better room reader than JD Vance is. Okay, you give Ben too much credit. I think Ben Shapiro is a
[04:08:45] bad person. Okay, but I think Ben Shapiro also legitimately loves his family. Okay,
[04:08:54] maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm crazy for saying that, but I've never gotten the attitude like I don't
[04:09:00] think I could see Ben Shapiro being like my stupid son or daughter asked me about Pokemon
[04:09:05] And I told him to shut the fuck up for a second like that's like
[04:09:08] That's like a like a very specific type of person. I don't think Ben Shapiro would say that
[04:09:14] Okay, why are you so racially motivated when you talk? What the fuck are you saying a couple of months ahead of us?
[04:09:25] I'm a kitty. I'm going to North Carolina right now. We're gonna speak on the economy. It's basically
[04:09:31] Beach on what Matt Walsh would say that though. Yes, the old women thing is something Matt Walsh would say
[04:09:36] Yes, yes. You are apps of fucking Lutely right. Matt Walsh would 100% say some shit like that.
[04:09:47] Some weird ass shit like that. Okay. Yes. Yes.
[04:09:54] What's going on with our economy? It's gone very bad under this group of people with
[04:09:59] inflation with the economy itself and so many other things. The other thing we'll
[04:10:04] When you look a little bit on his crime, if you look at the migrant crime in New York,
[04:10:07] it's been out of control, and it is everywhere, as I predicted a long time ago,
[04:10:12] and we'll be talking a little bit about crime, and all of the people that have come into our
[04:10:17] country illegally, millions and millions, I think it's close to 20 million, maybe it's
[04:10:21] more than 20 million, and they shouldn't have been allowed to come here. It's causing
[04:10:27] tremendous problems, causing death, and just it's been a harsh or nobody's seen anything
[04:10:33] like it, and it's only going to get worse. They should not have allowed this to happen
[04:10:36] to our country. With that being said, I'm leaving for right now, North Carolina. Do you
[04:10:41] have a question?
[04:10:42] Yes, sir. What is the other guy doing about what's happening with that thing?
[04:10:46] Well, they're looking at it, and they're doing it very professionally, and it looks
[04:10:49] like it's Iran. Iran doing it because Iran is no friend of mine, and you know, a lot
[04:10:54] of bad signals get sent. But it looks like it's Iran doing it, and the reason
[04:10:59] is because I was strong in Iran and I was protecting people in the Middle East
[04:11:04] that maybe they aren't they aren't so happy about that so that's what it
[04:11:08] seems to be Iran I don't want to say exactly but it was a
[04:11:15] rant there's all kinds of people who were there
[04:11:22] well I can't say what was there who was there I can only tell you about ours
[04:11:27] as we have the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics.
[04:11:31] We have crowds that nobody's ever seen before.
[04:11:33] And we continue to have that.
[04:11:36] We have a level of enthusiasm that nobody's seen before.
[04:11:38] They want to make America great again.
[04:11:40] That's what's happening.
[04:11:41] We're going to make it great again.
[04:11:42] Right now, we have a failing nation.
[04:11:44] We're a failing nation.
[04:11:46] And we come in many ways, a third world nation.
[04:11:49] And we're not going to let that happen.
[04:11:51] Thank you very much.
[04:11:52] Thank you, everybody.
[04:11:53] All right, Donald Trump speaking as he participates
[04:11:56] early voting in Florida ahead of him leaving for North Carolina. Again that rally happening at
[04:12:03] 4 p.m. Eastern right here on live now from Fox. We're also keeping an eye out in Michigan where
[04:12:08] J.D. Vance will be up. You all understand that you have an obligation. An obligation to record
[04:12:16] what you think is true and say what you think is true. And uh and but we know we've all
[04:12:22] We could have divided into I just want to say once again that I was right and I was always right and I will never be wrong
[04:12:33] Oh my fucking God
[04:12:35] Fox has Trump plus one in the head-to-head nationwide
[04:12:38] That is his best poll result in a while, but here's some other information that came out from it
[04:12:44] Well, this is the only candidate with a net positive rating is 41% view him favorably and 39 unfavorably
[04:12:49] Well, 16% say they've never heard of him vances under water by 13 points and 9% are unfamiliar with them
[04:12:57] Twice as many Republicans have a negative view of vans than Democrats have of walls
[04:13:04] Just saying
[04:13:06] What a fucking solid pick that was, huh?
[04:13:09] Now remember all the people that were like no no no
[04:13:13] It's gotta be Shapiro
[04:13:16] Oh my lord. Oh my lord. I need to know who Trump's makeup artist is
[04:13:38] That they can get him get him under the wig. I don't know
[04:13:42] That's a random thing to care about my food is almost here chat. I'm just getting ready. Anyway, let's continue
[04:13:58] I'm looking for a job Biden jokes with influencers the White House conference
[04:14:02] Yeah, he is competing camps. Now I know I look like I'm for you can smile
[04:14:13] But I've been around a long time, and it's never been this bad before.
[04:14:22] I'm not going to mean the press, I mean, the way we treat each other in politics.
[04:14:27] And it's literally getting incredibly difficult to count the number of liars people here.
[04:14:33] They don't know what to believe, they don't know what to count on.
[04:14:37] But you break through, you break through in ways that I think are going to change
[04:14:41] an entire dynamic of the way in which we communicate. And that's why I invited you to the White House
[04:14:47] because- What the fuck wasn't I invited bro? I'm a goddamn influencer, I cover fucking politics.
[04:14:54] How come I wasn't invited? Who was invited to this? I mean, I don't think I would go, but still.
[04:15:03] What the hell is this about? The future is now. Oh, that would be so sick. Yeah,
[04:15:18] they brought, they brought up Brooklyn dad defiant. Is he literally talking to random
[04:15:23] YouTube, Twitch and TikTokers right now, that's kind of cool. Yeah, I don't know.
[04:15:28] You wouldn't go to the White House and invite a fucking cap.
[04:15:32] It depends. People have brought it up before. People have brought that up before and
[04:15:46] I would much rather talk to like Sean Fain or someone from NLRV than someone like
[04:15:53] Joseph Robin and Brandon. Bro, you were, check your email.
[04:15:56] I'm looking for a job.
[04:16:05] Thanks for watching, stay.
[04:16:07] Got a lot more to get to, including a new look at the state of the nation's economy.
[04:16:12] Key data on inflation was just released this morning and it was better than expected,
[04:16:16] showing a slight cooling in the month of July.
[04:16:19] Here to break down the numbers and what it means for your money,
[04:16:22] NBC's Senior Business Correspondent Christine Romans.
[04:16:25] Hey Christine, morning.
[04:16:32] Annual inflation of 2.9%, that is the coolest in three years
[04:16:36] And when you strip out volatile food and energy, also the coolest, the lowest inflation
[04:16:41] reading in about three years.
[04:16:43] This is good news.
[04:16:44] It shows you in food categories, about half the food categories actually fell from June
[04:16:48] to July.
[04:16:49] Half of them went up a little bit, but overall you're seeing that price pain of a couple
[04:16:54] of years ago has certainly faded.
[04:16:55] And that could allow the Fed, the Federal Reserve, to go ahead and start cutting interest
[04:17:00] rates later this fall.
[04:17:02] That would be a real sea change for American family finances.
[04:17:06] Those lower interest rates would mean lower borrowing costs for a mortgage, for a new home,
[04:17:11] on credit card debt.
[04:17:12] So we're entering kind of a new period of the inflation fight.
[04:17:15] After three years of price pain, you're starting to see some relief here, 2.9 percent.
[04:17:21] When you look inside some of these categories, energy prices basically moving sideways.
[04:17:26] Food at home prices moving sideways.
[04:17:28] You can also see what we've been calling the similar value in these, in these numbers.
[04:17:32] A lot of companies have been cutting their prices on food to try to get you to come back
[04:17:36] and it looks like it worked.
[04:17:37] You can see those in these numbers.
[04:17:38] So again, a cool inflation reading allows the Fed maybe to start cutting rates soon,
[04:17:42] guys.
[04:17:43] Thank you.
[04:17:44] Thank you, Kristi.
[04:17:45] Hey, thanks for watching.
[04:17:46] Don't miss the today show every weekday at 11.
[04:17:49] I want to bring in MSNBC.
[04:17:51] Harris's future economic policies need enough meat on the bones for voters before
[04:17:54] the DNC says Tim Miller.
[04:17:57] political analyst Tim Millar, who's worked on Jeb Bush's 2016 campaign and
[04:18:01] host the Bull Work podcast and Robbie Mooc, Hillary Clinton's former campaign
[04:18:06] manager and currently president of the House majority pack. Robbie, how
[04:18:10] tricky will it be for Vice President Harris to remain part of this
[04:18:14] administration and appear with the president and then try to split with
[04:18:19] him and his policies literally the next day?
[04:18:21] Well, I don't think it's quite as black and white as that.
[04:18:26] I mean, she is her own person, she worked with the president, but she has her own plan for
[04:18:33] the future.
[04:18:34] And I think at the end of the day, the contest in this race is about which candidate has
[04:18:40] a plan for the future, which candidate do voters feel can bring us into a better future.
[04:18:46] And the problem that Donald Trump has had all along is he has a pretty icky past.
[04:18:53] His time in the White House was full of instability, recklessness, we all remember him talking about
[04:19:03] drinking bleach to cure COVID.
[04:19:06] And so Harris has this incredible opportunity to have all the advantages of incumbency,
[04:19:12] right?
[04:19:13] She walked into a campaign with a big bank account, staff,
[04:19:16] people out in states, all the things ready to go.
[04:19:19] But I think the voters are willing to hear her out
[04:19:21] and let her chart her own course.
[04:19:24] And that's both an opportunity, but it's also a challenge.
[04:19:28] She's got to go get that done.
[04:19:29] And I think the time to do that is running out.
[04:19:32] But this is the perfect time to unveil those policies
[04:19:35] as she goes into the convention.
[04:19:36] Tom, Tim, I want to read for you
[04:19:39] part of what the New York Times said today
[04:19:40] about Vice President Harris' plan going forward.
[04:19:43] The Times reports she will lay out an approach
[04:19:45] relatively light on details.
[04:19:47] It will shift emphasis from Mr. Biden's focus
[04:19:50] on job creation and made in America manufacturing
[04:19:53] and toward efforts to rein in the cost of living.
[04:19:56] But it will rarely break from Mr. Biden on substance.
[04:20:00] That strategy reflects the advice economic aides
[04:20:03] have given Ms. Harris to be clear and bold in talking
[04:20:07] about the economy, but not overly specific.
[04:20:11] Tim, what do you make of that strategy
[04:20:14] and is this the kind of plan you think she can ride
[04:20:16] for another 12 weeks?
[04:20:19] It's only 12 weeks, right?
[04:20:21] And so I just think that's an opportunity for her.
[04:20:24] Tim shouted you out the other day,
[04:20:25] said people should suggest someone like you
[04:20:29] to their brain broken, insul friends or family
[04:20:32] falling down the right wing hysteria path.
[04:20:34] wait, really? Not Tim Pooley. He's talking about her in addition to being a challenge,
[04:20:45] right? There's fewer time for, you know, having to deal with having different challenges
[04:20:49] that you got through a primary, you know, other democratic challenges, trying to poke
[04:20:53] holes in plans, et cetera. I think a lot of times Democrats traditionally have gotten
[04:20:57] a little too bogged down in plans and white papers and Republican campaigns have been
[04:21:02] a little bit better about being breezier on details and focusing on thematics.
[04:21:06] you know, whether that's right or wrong, it is something that helps tends to help in a campaign setting. And so I think that you can't I think that the challenge just listen to Robby talk is she's got an offer talk about the future. There's three enough meat on the bones for what is the plan for the future. How are we going to reduce costs either at the grocery store in housing.
[04:21:25] I noticed in her first ad she mentioned reducing housing costs, which I think is really smart. That's an issue that a lot of people are dealing with right now.
[04:21:32] And then Donald Trump on the other side, he's going to want her to carry all the baggage
[04:21:37] that was keeping Biden's numbers down on this.
[04:21:39] And so I think that will be the push and pull between the campaigns with her, talking about
[04:21:42] how she's not going back and Trump doing his best in between his weird tangents to try
[04:21:48] to make her carry the Biden baggage on economic issues, particularly inflation.
[04:21:53] Can I stay with me?
[04:21:54] NBC's Dasha Burns is joining us in Asheville, North Carolina, the site of Trump's afternoon
[04:21:59] rally.
[04:22:00] And so, Dasha, what's Trump going to say today?
[04:22:02] What's his economic message to the country?
[04:22:06] Well, look, Anna, you could see his visit to a state
[04:22:08] like North Carolina as playing a bit of defense,
[04:22:11] given this has been a Republican stronghold
[04:22:14] for the last few elections he won here in both 2016
[04:22:18] and in 2020.
[04:22:19] But as Harris is trying to open the aperture,
[04:22:22] widen the map for Democrats in states
[04:22:24] like North Carolina, in states like Georgia
[04:22:26] that we're seeing as kind of out of play for Democrats
[04:22:29] when President Biden was at the top of the ticket.
[04:22:32] the Trump campaign will say they're not taking any states.
[04:22:36] But what in states like Georgia that we're seen as kind of out of play for
[04:22:43] Democrats, but last few as well, look, you could see his visit to a state like
[04:22:49] North Carolina as playing a bit of defense, given this has been a Republican
[04:22:54] stronghold for the last few elections. He won here in both 2016 and in 2020.
[04:22:59] But as Harris is trying to open the aperture wide in the map for
[04:23:03] Democrats in states like North Carolina, in states like Georgia that were seen as kind of out of play for Democrats when President Biden was at the top of the
[04:23:11] ticket. The Trump it was a video. So fuck was that campaign will say they're not taking any states any votes for granted. And he's here to
[04:23:37] deliver a message on the economy. This is a state that has had a Republican legislature as well. Mostly Republican held positions
[04:23:46] across the state with the exception of Governor Roy Cooper, who is a Democrat, but the Trump
[04:23:51] campaign will say, look, a lot of businesses in North Carolina are booming in places like
[04:23:56] Raleigh and places like Charlotte, and he will say that that is a result of Republican policies.
[04:24:02] He knows that right now, for now, he's still polling better than Democrats, than Harris,
[04:24:07] than certainly better than Biden on the economy. Harris trying to chip away at that,
[04:24:11] but he's going to try to deliver that message and contrast what he could do on the economy
[04:24:16] the president. He was asked
[04:24:18] about his campaign. He was
[04:24:20] asked about his campaign
[04:24:22] versus his opponent. The
[04:24:24] question is this is what the
[04:24:25] campaign wants him to do what
[04:24:27] he theoretically wants to do.
[04:24:28] But what the plan is for the
[04:24:29] message today and what the
[04:24:30] actual execution looks like
[04:24:32] with former President Trump.
[04:24:33] You never know how aligned
[04:24:35] those will be just this
[04:24:37] morning. He was asked about
[04:24:38] some of the talking points
[04:24:39] lately that his campaign is
[04:24:40] not so thrilled about him
[04:24:43] questioning the size of
[04:24:45] Biden. Take a listen to what he said as he was voting early in West Palm Beach this morning.
[04:24:51] We have the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics. We have crowds that nobody's ever
[04:24:55] seen before and we continue to have that. We have a level of enthusiasm that nobody's
[04:25:01] seen before. They want to make America great again. That's what's happening. We're going
[04:25:04] to make it great again. Right now we have a failing nation. We're in a failing
[04:25:08] nation and becoming in many ways a third world nation and we're not going to let
[04:25:13] that happen.
[04:25:16] And Anna, you've heard his allies,
[04:25:18] people like Kellyanne Conway,
[04:25:19] like the Vakrama Swami,
[04:25:21] like Nikki Haley, who of course was an opponent,
[04:25:23] but now has endorsed him,
[04:25:24] go on television in the last few days
[04:25:26] and say, you are not going to win
[04:25:29] if you're talking about crowd sizes,
[04:25:31] if you're talking about race,
[04:25:32] if you're launching these personal attacks on Harris,
[04:25:35] talk about her record,
[04:25:36] tie her to President Biden,
[04:25:38] that is the more successful path forward.
[04:25:41] The question is,
[04:25:42] dude. Nikki Haley. Once again, the underrated star that Republicans are too silly to actually
[04:25:51] vote for. She's just right. Like I said this, I said this in the primary too. She was right
[04:26:02] when she was like, yo, Republicans either chill the fuck out about this like abortion
[04:26:05] shit. What are you doing? It's so funny. It's so funny that people just like simply
[04:26:15] don't consider her at all because, you know, she's just not exactly charismatic.
[04:26:25] She's, you know, she's a fucking loser in the Republican sense, but her instincts are sound.
[04:26:41] Question is, how much will that message resonate with the guy that is in control of the message?
[04:26:46] Is in control of the message from a president Trump on it?
[04:26:48] on it.
[04:26:48] Dasha Burns reporting for us.
[04:26:50] Thank you.
[04:26:51] So President Biden made some news just a few minutes ago
[04:26:54] when he dropped.
[04:26:55] Yeah, she said whichever party drops their 80-year-old
[04:26:58] candidate first would win.
[04:27:02] That's what she said.
[04:27:03] I mean, obviously, it was self-serving, but.
[04:27:06] By the White House Creator Economy Conference
[04:27:09] and was asked about inflation.
[04:27:11] Here's what he said.
[04:27:12] Exactly.
[04:27:13] I think you have to leave the inflation as the president.
[04:27:16] Yes, yes, yes.
[04:27:18] I told you we're gonna have a soft landing.
[04:27:19] We're gonna have a soft landing.
[04:27:21] My policies are working, start right in that way, okay?
[04:27:23] And Mr. President, thank you.
[04:27:24] Thank you so much.
[04:27:25] Thank you so much.
[04:27:26] You gotta move this way.
[04:27:27] Mr. President, can you know Mr. Sun reached out to?
[04:27:29] Robbie, what do you make of the president
[04:27:31] essentially declaring victory here?
[04:27:35] Well, I'm not an economist obviously.
[04:27:38] The numbers speak for themselves and they are good.
[04:27:41] But I think the election is gonna be very divorced
[04:27:44] from economic figures.
[04:27:46] Obviously the stock market doesn't represent the economy.
[04:27:49] And although inflation is coming down,
[04:27:51] the pain of inflation is still gonna be very
[04:27:53] president in people's lives.
[04:27:55] You know, when I'm talking to people or you go,
[04:27:57] you look at it in a focus group,
[04:27:59] people talk about how things are just a lot more expensive
[04:28:02] than they used to be five years ago.
[04:28:04] And what's really encouraging to me is to see
[04:28:06] that Harris is actively gonna take that on.
[04:28:09] It's hard for a president to go out
[04:28:11] and immediately lower prices.
[04:28:13] That's not how our country works.
[04:28:14] That's not how our economy works.
[04:28:16] But I do believe both candidates need
[04:28:19] to present a credible plan for a way
[04:28:21] that they could try to get prices lower.
[04:28:24] And I think this is actually, I totally
[04:28:26] agree with Tim's point that I think Democrats tend
[04:28:28] to get in the weeds and want to do our fancy white papers.
[04:28:31] But I think this is actually a place
[04:28:33] where Trump's flippant attitude and his lack of detail
[04:28:37] is probably to his detriment.
[04:28:39] Because when he says, by tomorrow,
[04:28:42] I'll make everything 10% cheaper.
[04:28:44] It's just not credible.
[04:28:45] And so I'm interested to see what he says today and you know, see how these,
[04:28:49] these dueling plans matter.
[04:28:51] What do you mean?
[04:28:57] No, it's literally, it is actually the best way to talk about it.
[04:29:09] Because it causes people to hear what they want to hear.
[04:29:15] Like if I liked Donald Trump even a little bit and I heard him talk about
[04:29:20] prices and I was going to cut him in half.
[04:29:21] I'll be like, oh, sick.
[04:29:22] Even I was like, is he saying he's going to institute price controls?
[04:29:30] Like it sounded like it.
[04:29:32] He ain't going to do that obviously, but still it didn't stop him from sounding like he was going to do that.
[04:29:41] And again, the number is just this morning, 2.9% inflation, the lowest we've seen in the last three years, 3.6% wage growth.
[04:29:52] So people are earning more than they're having to pay for some of these items.
[04:29:56] Tim, is it enough for Trump to just channel Ronald Reagan and ask voters if they're better
[04:30:02] off than they were four years ago?
[04:30:05] Not really because we were all locked in our rooms four years ago.
[04:30:08] So you know, you better off than you were five years ago doesn't have quite the same
[04:30:11] ring to it.
[04:30:12] So I don't think so.
[04:30:14] He has offered some specificity on his plan and that is a hugely inflationary.
[04:30:23] Don't worry, Chatters.
[04:30:26] It's coming.
[04:30:27] and you're going to complain about how my mic is peaking.
[04:30:30] I never want to hear from motherfuckers ever again
[04:30:32] about how my mic is peaking because it's going to peak.
[04:30:35] It's going to peak and I don't care.
[04:30:38] Sorry, you asked for it.
[04:30:40] You're going to get it.
[04:30:42] Okay, that's it.
[04:30:45] Tariff on everything.
[04:30:46] So, and that's what I'm going to be looking at today.
[04:30:48] Is he going to continue with his protectionist tariff
[04:30:51] policy?
[04:30:52] And I think that is enough.
[04:30:53] That would give an opportunity to the Harris campaign
[04:30:55] on Friday to talk about how he actually would increase
[04:30:58] prices with his plans and you know potentially have an olive branch out to my people kind
[04:31:02] of the free market Republicans who don't like to former Republicans who don't like Donald
[04:31:07] Trump who are going to be key swing voters in in right in North Carolina and in Georgia.
[04:31:11] So I think that's something to watch for on the economic side as well.
[04:31:14] Tim Miller and Robbie Mook please stay with us.
[04:31:19] I want to disrespect Tim Miller because he was like saying nice things about me apparently
[04:31:22] but like I wouldn't consider Jeb Bush's guy nor Robbie Mook to be two people that
[04:31:28] understand how to win elections. I'm just saying with Elon Musk and in that
[04:31:35] conversation, he accused vice president Harris of running a quote completely
[04:31:38] fraudulent campaign and that she has flip flopped on many of the major issues.
[04:31:45] Carl Rove, of course, knows the thing or two. Brother, he called you a
[04:31:47] Putin. Apologies. He ain't a friend. Wait, why do you guys know so much
[04:31:50] about Tim Miller? He said I'm a Putin apologist. Why does he know who
[04:32:02] the fuck I am that's number one like that I don't understand I just searched his
[04:32:10] name and yours on Google so he has said nice things about you first thing that
[04:32:17] pops up his kids probably watches you my guys no isn't he like dumb chat or
[04:32:31] gossip he called me a putin apologies his fucking brain broken actually
[04:32:38] actually brain broken he's frequently on Brian Taylor Cohen's channel let me
[04:32:59] tell you Brian Taylor Cohen's never called me a fucking Putin apologist I
[04:33:07] I thought, yeah, he's in the pot save universe.
[04:33:11] That's so funny.
[04:33:12] Oh, about making an opponent pay.
[04:33:15] But it's hard left as some people believe, Oh God, oh my God, the demons are back.
[04:33:21] Okay.
[04:33:36] Also called you a 30 year old smoke show socialist gamer who was
[04:33:39] complimented the Mujahideen warriors for fucking Dan Crenshaw.
[04:33:43] Okay.
[04:33:43] That one is not, he's not the worst for that one.
[04:33:54] That one is like, it's fine.
[04:33:56] Literally, it's like Calvin has aged. Oh God
[04:34:10] Here's Joe Rogan on Kamala Harris crushed it. Yeah, that's a problem
[04:34:14] That's a problem, and I don't think they thought she was gonna be able to do that. Oh, that's the thing
[04:34:18] Yeah, you can you fucking coach somebody bro
[04:34:22] It ain't hard. I mean, maybe she just practice these coaches. There's public speakers and stuff. Yeah public speaking coaches
[04:34:28] Yeah, there's political speech analysts. There's people that magic is to people how to take Lucas gets hired to give her like some
[04:34:33] one-liners listen I mean there's a crazy world where there's shit like that
[04:34:36] where they somebody goes you need a couple zingers in your back pocket I
[04:34:40] don't know hundred percent that's not your world and your brain doesn't operate
[04:34:42] like that Trump's does Trump is looking at like you know to make a little put
[04:34:48] down or or he's just quick in that way so he is quick in that way also it would
[04:34:52] behoove him to hire a few great comics to just tour with them and
[04:34:57] just one liners about all these different fucking people I mean if he
[04:35:02] remember them I mean I think I know he likes to go off his own head sure he
[04:35:05] could remember a few hinge cliff bangers he hires hinge cliff to take him on the
[04:35:10] road you know fucking insane that would be a dude hinge cliff riding bangers for
[04:35:16] Trump to shit on people comedy cures and it also is like sometimes what kind of
[04:35:20] just pushes I'm not kidding when I say this Donald Trump is organically fun
[04:35:24] here than Tony hinge cliff please forgive me but the other day I made a
[04:35:52] fatal mistake and told me that told me that the cheapest to get to the
[04:35:55] The common fundraiser at the Fairmont San Francisco was 500 grand.
[04:35:58] Unfortunately, I was wrong and that was the most expensive and the cheapest was $3,300.
[04:36:02] Please forgive me and don't make me dress up as a cop.
[04:36:04] So you can suck my dick.
[04:36:05] Okay, first of all, we know that that's not the case because Megaphonics was actually
[04:36:11] in the chat because he attended the common Harris Fairmont fundraiser.
[04:36:20] He attended by giving 500 grand to Kamala Harris' campaign individually, personally.
[04:36:26] That is the truth.
[04:36:27] You have a 10 hour flight.
[04:36:33] Where are you sitting?
[04:36:34] I got put up on the Joe Rogan subreddit.
[04:36:39] Oh God, this is, I don't want to even see it.
[04:36:45] Yeah.
[04:36:46] Megafonics did that, by the way.
[04:36:47] He did.
[04:36:48] He attended the fundraiser because he's that fucking lived up with 500 fucking bands.
[04:36:55] Okay?
[04:36:56] 500 bands.
[04:36:57] That's how it lived up this man is dude think about that
[04:37:02] And then you try to silence me
[04:37:05] They try to silence me by gifting subs at the top of the hour
[04:37:10] The amount of subs he gifted was five only five people were allowed
[04:37:16] To know why can see the eyes at the top of the hour
[04:37:19] Thinking and that's gonna be enough to buy my silence dude get out of here
[04:37:27] Yeah, Libba phonics dude blue maga phonics
[04:37:32] Here's a dream and I break now by the way for all of you because at the top of the others through an abrick Felix is gonna
[04:37:36] Be here soon. I think he just texted me. Oh he is here. He's not he's not just gonna be here soon. He is here
[04:37:45] Shit, I'm still eating anyway
[04:37:55] Did you lose the new Chava with Jeff Stein on sanctions things over the top?
[04:38:04] The thing you're getting from him as you know, no one is coaching them, right?
[04:38:08] You know, he's going off the cuff. You know, he's nobody gets to tell him what to do when he goes out there
[04:38:13] And he tells you nothing. It's like he's just off the cuff off the cuff and that's why it gets sideways sometimes
[04:38:20] Yeah, you know it gets a little fumbly sometimes
[04:38:22] Okay, but what I'm saying is that what she did was like a pro
[04:38:27] She did that like a pro. Yeah, that's where it gets dangerous because you don't think that was calculated
[04:38:32] You think that was off the cuff like just responding to those. Yeah, no that was a 100% planned out thing
[04:38:38] Yeah, 100% and well executed. Yeah, like she fucking nailed it
[04:38:42] Yeah.
[04:38:49] Tony Huesquiff is not funny.
[04:38:58] Donald Trump is significantly funnier than Tony Huesquiff.
[04:39:02] That's crazy.
[04:39:05] Quick, fun TikTok drama.
[04:39:07] Yeah, we're going to do Grock AI filter having no.
[04:39:28] We're going to do Grock AI having no filter now
[04:39:31] that Felix is here.
[04:39:34] But I got to finish my food first
[04:39:36] before I bring Felix on.
[04:39:39] So Biden claims Harris isn't as far
[04:39:41] left as some people believe.
[04:39:42] Let's hear what he says.
[04:39:44] President George W. Bush called Roe the architect of his campaign against John Kerry, first to
[04:39:50] senior White House correspondent Peter Ducey reporting live from the North Lawn. Hello, Peter.
[04:39:55] Martha, good afternoon. We had a chance to check in with President Biden on his way down to New
[04:39:59] Orleans. And he is now claiming that Vice President Harris is not nearly as far to the
[04:40:04] left as her own personal platform in 2020 would suggest.
[04:40:08] protest.
[04:40:11] And how much more progressive is Vice President
[04:40:13] Paris than you as a candidate in the general?
[04:40:19] These issues we've worked on together in major
[04:40:21] objects economically, no one calls what we did on
[04:40:25] ever such a progressive—it's a good policy.
[04:40:29] And we have reached out to the campaign today.
[04:40:32] That's my goat, that's my goat.
[04:40:34] He's a genocide air, but that's my goat.
[04:40:35] On Econ.
[04:40:40] Why is he throwing?
[04:40:41] Shut the fuck up. It's a good ass answer. I told you this is like one of the few places where like
[04:40:50] Brandon has been uncompromising. He's just like shut the fuck up. Yeah, no, you're gonna get infrastructure is bending
[04:40:56] And you're gonna like it like suck my dick
[04:40:58] He literally did that shit all the time
[04:41:05] Every time you'll feel so let me finish this real quick
[04:41:09] I'm about to finish the food and now
[04:41:12] What yeah, I'm telling you I'm saying I'm an eating right now. I'm all about to be done
[04:41:21] and then i'll and then i'll receive you
[04:41:28] the response of a duchy slanted is so bad who gives a fuck fuck do you say they
[04:41:32] clarified that on medicare for all for example she no longer supports it even
[04:41:36] though she did back in twenty twenty
[04:41:38] but it doesn't seem like here's a state she needs to explain herself anytime
[04:41:43] soon which means that
[04:41:44] tape about her talking health care the border and defending ice
[04:41:49] uh... and the list goes on is all
[04:41:51] old as opposed to
[04:41:53] something that could advance her campaign in 2024.
[04:41:57] Just because she doesn't have anything in interview schedule
[04:42:00] on her public schedule doesn't mean that she's not taking her message directly to voters.
[04:42:04] There's zero percent chance it's ever happened but can you imagine if Kamala Harris ran on expanding Medicare?
[04:42:12] Like there's no way if she just somehow flipped it and was like I'm actually pro medicare for all again
[04:42:21] Don't know what would happen. I
[04:42:23] Would lose my fucking mind
[04:42:27] Do you think talking to me as a mistake or no? I mean she's gonna keep holding out as for as long as she can you want to fucking get in I
[04:42:35] He's a Felix is like standing in the corner. Oh
[04:42:40] Oh, yeah, there is one
[04:42:45] This is the least chair from the standpoint of chair this place has ever have for sure
[04:42:52] that one
[04:42:54] I've never said it's never been this vacant. They're usually like eight years. We were we were filming stuff. Um, sorry to eat in front of you, but I'm almost done.
[04:43:07] All good.
[04:43:09] Yeah, we're watching douchey. Biden actually did that classic Biden moment. Remember when Biden, they'd be like Biden, you're so old, like, you know, your bitch is not bad, your smoke is not loud, like you're going to die.
[04:43:21] your bitch is not bad. Your smoke is not loud. Like you're going to die to kill you. They're
[04:43:25] not trying to kill you. And then Biden will be like, Oh yeah, well, I'm going to make
[04:43:29] it so that it's illegal to be a landlord. Like he would just come out and just be like,
[04:43:34] it's, you know, $5 rent, rent increase maximum. Yeah. NBC's still here. Chas stop asking.
[04:43:42] Anyway, yeah. Remember how we do that? He had a kind of a moment like that again
[04:43:46] when they like asked them about Kamala Harris being more progressive than him. And he
[04:43:50] like it's not progressive is just so you know it's infrastructure spending the
[04:43:53] fuck do you mean which I think is a really good way to deal with that kind
[04:43:58] of message in general this is like the only time he's cogent is when it's like
[04:44:03] a spite thing yeah like that that is the most coherent he gets even with like
[04:44:12] even with the fact that he endorsed Kamala Harris which apparently was
[04:44:16] unexpected. Well, yeah, it is. The entire thing was weird.
[04:44:19] Like he did it from a fucking tweet, which he never does.
[04:44:22] Like he did. He does not like, obviously, like he has people
[04:44:26] running the Twitter account, but he doesn't like anything
[04:44:29] important. He does it exactly how you would do it in like
[04:44:32] 1977. You like call a bunch of reporters over. Yeah.
[04:44:38] Yeah. No, I think he he did it that way to fuck with Obama.
[04:44:43] No, I think so too. Yeah, no, I think it was like resentful. I think it was resentful towards Obama
[04:44:49] I think it was resentful towards Nancy Pelosi who like has been doing interviews now and it seems like she was actually
[04:44:56] legitimately down for like an open primary
[04:44:59] Where I think she would have absolutely pushed for Gavin Newsom. I don't know about that. I feel like
[04:45:05] What Pelosi is doing now? I feel like it's her taking the heat off of Kamala
[04:45:10] It's her making it seem like I was the mastermind of all this. I caused all this
[04:45:15] I don't give a fuck about Joe like I wish him the best, but I haven't even spoken to him
[04:45:20] maybe he has Parkinson's and then
[04:45:24] That way like her calculus is something like you know
[04:45:29] I don't want voters to think that Kamala did this that she was like scheming in back rooms
[04:45:34] Which you know, she wasn't yeah, I don't think it was I think it was I think it was my goat
[04:45:40] Nancy Pelosi. No, yeah, it was 100% her. I don't think she was like, I don't think she was like
[04:45:48] that hard up to make Newsom the guy. I think she knows at least that that's not a guaranteed thing
[04:45:55] that Newsom would have a little bit of the dissensus effect or just because he is, you know,
[04:46:01] reasonably successful in his own state that doesn't carry over nationally and would in
[04:46:05] fact freak everyone out yeah if they saw him um the campaign as would have written themselves
[04:46:12] like don't california my texas you know yeah there's no like news and have that spate of
[04:46:18] like executive orders and vetoes earlier this year where it was just like it was i mean it was
[04:46:24] the sand is like against rent control against all this shit it like a very open rightward
[04:46:30] tilt and it's like it doesn't matter how much of that shit you do republicans are just
[04:46:35] going to say California California people shitting in the streets in San Francisco it doesn't matter.
[04:46:39] Yeah. Um, is this his son? Yeah, Peter douchey. I thought he was younger than that. No, they
[04:46:51] just all get that way. We're like, Republicans just look like they're 14 and 44 at the same time.
[04:46:58] Steven Peter are like the same age now. If you have your son young enough, he'll eventually
[04:47:02] exceed you will get older than you. That's what happened with John McCain and his mom.
[04:47:11] But yeah, here, this is what he said.
[04:47:12] The President is vice president Harris than you as a candidate in the general.
[04:47:24] The issues we've worked on together have made safe progress economically. No one calls what we
[04:47:30] did on him. It's a good policy. And we have reached out to the campaign today. They clarified
[04:47:38] that on Medicare for all, for example, she no longer supports it even though she did great.
[04:47:44] I'm so glad people would yell at you so much in 2019. If you're like, I don't think
[04:47:49] any of these people besides like Marni are sincere about pushing for Medicare for all.
[04:47:54] Pete even said, do you remember when Pete said goodness gracious? I, Peter Paul Bootygug,
[04:48:01] I support Medicare for all and we'll never go back on it. Dude, people would yell at me
[04:48:06] Because they would bring up
[04:48:09] Kamala's like, you know the vote trackers like where they'll be like
[04:48:12] This person is 99 percent progressive like yeah, like it's like a afl cio scorecard, but like not for labor
[04:48:20] so
[04:48:21] They were constantly bring that up
[04:48:24] to be like
[04:48:26] Kamala is more progressive than bernie. You just hate a black woman. Yeah, and this
[04:48:30] And then this score how they score those things is so weird. Yeah. Yeah, if you don't if you vote against like
[04:48:38] I don't know a bill that Rick Scott put out where it's like
[04:48:43] If you die in a job site a company should be able to like have an option to buy your kids
[04:48:51] GE should be able to make its own Janissaries out of people who that sounds pretty sick though
[04:48:56] like I mean would you trust them to do Janissaries though they don't have any
[04:49:00] there's no religious or there's no Turks involved in no amount yeah Jack Welch
[04:49:05] could not create a good Janissary it's too bloodless but if you vote against that if you
[04:49:11] vote against they have they have this is JD Vance yeah JD Vance and Blake Masters is like
[04:49:16] the closest you can get to having a Janissary created by like a Silicon Valley billionaire
[04:49:22] And it's objectively bad. Yeah. Yeah, JD Vance could not be able to defeat Winged Hussars like no shot
[04:49:30] Yeah, he when you can't you have to start the Janissary program like early. Yeah, like five fucking years old
[04:49:38] I think it could work in America
[04:49:40] But you can't like he he started the Janissary program at 19
[04:49:46] That is like that's embarrassing
[04:49:48] That's like going to a taekwondo class when you're like a grown-up
[04:49:52] All the kids are there would nod said about Jay-Z
[04:49:56] Yeah, well the other older millennials and chat
[04:50:00] No, you're absolutely right on that
[04:50:02] but I do I do think that like
[04:50:06] the the Democratic Party for
[04:50:11] Some weird reason like especially the Tim Walls pig as well has like accidentally arrived at really solid
[04:50:18] positions overall with one obvious glaringly obvious weakness, which is Israel, which is
[04:50:25] just like standing there waiting to be the October surprise that is not even a fucking
[04:50:30] surprise.
[04:50:31] It's like everybody knows that Benjamin Indian was in the tank for Donald Trump and is getting
[04:50:37] increasingly more unhinged every single fucking day and like not trying to put forward
[04:50:46] Not trying to put forward like weapons transfers as a condition in an effort to curb Israel back, like in an effort to reign Israel in, is basically just allowing them to run the table.
[04:50:57] Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like, their calculus is if we say like, you know, weapons will never be conditioned, maybe they won't try to fuck us in October.
[04:51:09] And it's like, they're probably going to do that anyway.
[04:51:12] I would assume I don't know if they'll be able to I don't even know what they could do
[04:51:18] If they tried to do like a Reagan hostages thing, no American would care
[04:51:23] No, if they were like we got we know that's what they're doing kill
[04:51:27] That's what they're doing
[04:51:28] No, I think that they're doing like the Ronald Reagan play like I genuinely think that
[04:51:34] Like I don't even think Donald Trump thinks about these things all that much
[04:51:37] But ultimately there he's just like yeah, I don't really like this fucking guy, but he hates Joe Biden
[04:51:43] So it's whatever yeah, I'll do whatever you want if you you know
[04:51:46] But like how could they do like they the only way they could do that at this point because they like killed most of the
[04:51:52] Hossages pretty deliberately with airstrikes
[04:51:55] They would just have to they would like get an actor and be like hey, this is the guy who got kidnapped
[04:52:01] Gorm
[04:52:02] We rescued your
[04:52:04] You know, all your favorite hostages remember? Yeah, they would no, no, I'm saying that like
[04:52:10] I'm saying that like some kind of like some kind of cessation of hostilities will
[04:52:17] Will only happen under the Trump administration like that's what I'm saying like Ben Benjamin
[04:52:21] Andejo without like any sort of extra pressure from the Democratic Party is not gonna fucking move in that direction
[04:52:28] But I don't he hasn't I don't even think like
[04:52:30] like, that would be possible under Trump, like Trump couldn't maybe get a deal with like,
[04:52:37] you know, the PA, but especially with Sinwar, I don't think he's achieving that. There's
[04:52:43] just, he may think he can, but like, what is he going to send Jared there again? Jared
[04:52:51] negotiation with Sinwar. How is that going to go? That'd be sick. Yeah. Who is this
[04:52:58] guy and why is he anti-Semitic? A lot of good reasons. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm an NBC's
[04:53:09] watchin' bro, come on. I'm medically Jewish for anyone who wants to know. When I was born,
[04:53:16] this is diagnosed with the highest level of Judaism. I should post my 23 in me again.
[04:53:24] That never stopped people from yelling at me, but it's unenviachable. Like me and Ben Shapiro
[04:53:30] have the same one. Well 99% Ashkenazi. Yeah, we're in the 99 club. Damn. That's like lack
[04:53:38] of intolerance, easy lock. Yeah. And you know what? I just, I like dairy anyway.
[04:53:47] I respect that. You're strong. You're strong. I won't talk about, with NBC here,
[04:53:53] I won't talk about Halva. We're not going to get into that. But yeah, let's continue on Harris
[04:54:03] Flip-flopping on major issues. I personally think the Democratic Party, if I'm going to put my,
[04:54:09] you know, election watcher hat on, which I enjoy the role of every time, like every four years,
[04:54:15] when this sort of stuff happens, it doesn't make any sense for them to not lean into the
[04:54:22] progressive policies which it kind of feels like Harris is doing by picking Tim Walz she's
[04:54:27] like locked in on that yeah and also the anti-semitism of course i'm so the anti-semitism ticket
[04:54:35] i love the idea that Tim Walz is like he was ride or die with like PLO he did not leave
[04:54:43] fucking white bear lake until he was probably 39 bro i i i love that because like Joe Rogan called
[04:54:50] call them a secret Somali. What? Oh, dude, you didn't hear about this. He did this like
[04:54:56] a democratic, like flag contest or whatever. And, uh, and, and like the people in, in,
[04:55:04] uh, Minnesota, democratically designed like a flag, a new flag for the state. Cause the
[04:55:08] old one was like, like native American guy on a, with a spear. Yeah. Like, you
[04:55:14] know, white man plowing the land type shit. It was like pretty basic, regular
[04:55:19] race and stuff, right? So he made a, he made it like, he made his contest and people chose
[04:55:26] his new flag. And one of the first things is the Republicans did was call it like, the
[04:55:32] flag of Somalia.
[04:55:33] Well, yeah, that's it. Like, it has similar colors, but the problem in it set of flag
[04:55:38] is not that it's the Somali flag, it's that it looks like the flag for like a zoom
[04:55:43] competitor. It looks like the logo for a zoom competitor or like a tertiary EU members public
[04:55:51] transit system. It's really bad. It's really just very boring. And if they had just straight up taken
[04:55:57] Somalia's flag, that would have been better. That would have been way better.
[04:56:01] So my life is great. So the Minnesota flag is not my favorite, but I don't give a shit because
[04:56:05] I'm not a flag nerd, right? Right. But Republicans like, of course, in their, you know,
[04:56:10] endless expertise in how to do normal political campaigning. We're like, oh, he's like secretly
[04:56:18] Somali. Yeah, because there's a lot of Somalis in Minnesota. By the way, a lot of Somalis is
[04:56:26] it's 1.2% of the population. They act like they're just there are no more white people there.
[04:56:34] They got rid of them.
[04:56:36] Yeah.
[04:56:37] Is it? Yeah. No, they, I mean, what, I think there's that like study or poll that came out the day, like Trump leaning voters who live in like a major metropolitan areas.
[04:56:50] And those are like, you know, those are the people who are like strongest for Trump are conservatives in urban enclaves.
[04:56:56] They would overestimate immigrant populations by a factor of like a hundred.
[04:57:02] Americans are like that with everything like if you go by asking Americans a group of like
[04:57:10] 2000 randomly selected Americans what they think the population of anyone is according
[04:57:16] to them one third of Americans are Jewish.
[04:57:18] What happened to those people are trans then two thirds somehow are black.
[04:57:25] Crime is literally such a constant that they do crimes to you if you're not doing crimes.
[04:57:31] doing crimes to the criminals in the process of it in every neighborhood except for their own.
[04:57:36] Yeah. Consistently. Pole Americans on crime numbers, they think there is literally nonstop
[04:57:43] homosexual Marxist trans people that are doing crimes in every neighborhood and they're all Somali,
[04:57:49] but their neighborhoods fine. Yeah. Yeah. It's Americans are not good with numbers. I don't
[04:57:55] know if it's because of the imperial system versus metric, but like people greatly overestimated
[04:58:01] these things. And I think like, yeah, just sight unseen, they're like, oh, Minnesota, the state,
[04:58:07] just the entire state is like two thirds to Molly now. And Tim Waltz did it in the last like four
[04:58:14] years. Yeah. Oh, here, this is like the you go poll date on what? Yeah, no, this is exactly.
[04:58:21] Yeah, for millionaires, the Muslim small subgroups of the population seem much larger than many
[04:58:25] Americans. Yeah, we're just very bad at math. There's also this other side of it, too. Like,
[04:58:32] let me see if I can find it. Oh, I think this is also a fascinating phenomenon. Like, obviously,
[04:58:37] with immigrant crime, they're like completely lost. Like routinely Donald Trump says hundreds of
[04:58:45] thousands of Americans are being murdered every year by undocumented migrants. The number's
[04:58:49] like 23. But this guy, Iraq veteran 8888, Eric Blandford, gun owners, GA state director,
[04:58:59] and I think like a guntuber, actually came out with like pretty reasonable take. If an
[04:59:04] illegal immigrant has been here for 10 plus years and hasn't committed a crime, go ahead
[04:59:07] and give them amnesty. Someone's grandma or someone like that who is harmless. If someone
[04:59:12] is productive, by all means, let them stay and contribute. That's what he said. And
[04:59:16] And I suspect people are going to get very mad at him for this, which by the way, one
[04:59:21] of my favorite things about American politics is that almost every single person that has
[04:59:27] that opinion is also in for mass deportations.
[04:59:29] Yeah, yeah, no.
[04:59:30] I mean, it's like one-to-one.
[04:59:32] Any, like it's very similar to what you see with abortion, where I actually think that
[04:59:38] things are more in more pro-choice sided than Paul suggests, even though Paul suggests
[04:59:45] that is, you know, by far the majority position, you, when you ask some Republicans who call
[04:59:50] themselves like pro-life or anti-abortion, okay, you know, what conditions they go, yeah,
[04:59:57] I think abortion is terrible. I don't think anyone should do it unless, you know, there's
[05:00:01] a medical issue or the, like there was, uh, there's incest or something or the mom
[05:00:08] is too young to have it or they're poor and the list goes on until they're just
[05:00:12] describing like the average physician before they're describing nine months
[05:00:17] abortion. Yeah. Before they're like, yeah, no, actually, you should be able to kill
[05:00:21] a baby after it's born like the Democrats want. Yeah. And yeah, there's just such
[05:00:27] a like a deluge media environment that it's the same thing with fucking
[05:00:31] immigration. We're like, yeah, there'll be tons of people who support
[05:00:36] mass deportations, but their actual program for like pathway to citizens
[05:00:41] citizenship or amnesty is like, you know, kind of to the left of what we have now.
[05:00:49] Yeah, that's the, that's the craziest part. It's like, we live in a country where there is a 90%
[05:00:59] we have a 90% approval rating for amnesty for all DACA recipients. Like obviously,
[05:01:06] that's like the peak of the conversation. Like these are people who literally don't have
[05:01:10] have a criminal background you know what I mean like they don't have a criminal record
[05:01:12] or whatever they're like going to college they have jobs but like but those two things
[05:01:17] are at odds with one another like that doesn't cause anyone to go hmm this seems a little
[05:01:22] weird why the fuck are Americans seemingly saying let's do hit Larry in politics and
[05:01:29] do nasty portations to like 15 million people living on US soil but then also simultaneously
[05:01:37] they're like, but yeah, we should also fucking allow them to stay here. Yeah, I think there's
[05:01:43] a current in American politics that maybe it's always been here. Maybe it's a product of
[05:01:51] like the last 40 years of the state, the state willfully shedding a lot of its power.
[05:01:59] But I think there is a current in American politics where both voters and politicians
[05:02:05] love looking busy. And this is a great example of something where someone is just mindlessly
[05:02:11] picking something that makes them look busy. And it's horrible because, you know, it's this vast
[05:02:19] dragnet and these horrible abuses are happening. But I really think they're considering it as
[05:02:24] much as like a blue state mayor who like bans vapes. It's all the same impulse. Let's look
[05:02:32] busy. Let's look like we're doing something. Yeah, it's just that, you know, I think we are getting
[05:02:40] to like, did you see this? This is, we're getting to like Euro fascist levels of anti immigrant
[05:02:46] sentiment and an alarming rate. Did you see the Trump campaign posting that meme yesterday that
[05:02:52] Elon Musk reposted as well? Let me see if I can find it real quick. It was, what was it chat?
[05:03:02] Do you remember it was like the import the third world get the third world or whatever?
[05:03:09] Let me see
[05:03:11] No, no, I saw that that people were people were posting that because they were like
[05:03:15] They were saying that Ilan Omar fit like her election was fixed, which like
[05:03:21] Yep, yeah, there is an anti-israel conspiracy. Yeah in all parties in America
[05:03:28] Goddamn they post you so much here. This is what I no no
[05:03:32] This is the one import the third world become the third world is before you on Omar's race
[05:03:37] This is yesterday this in and of itself in my opinion is the most like European racist like
[05:03:45] This is pure European style race. Yeah, but America is obviously very anti-black, but we have like our own
[05:03:53] We have our own sauce, right? Like we have our own way of being
[05:03:57] being anti-black and anti-brown, it's actually kind of shocking that like we have so quickly
[05:04:04] arrived at like French style race or like the reform party in the UK.
[05:04:09] Yeah, this is weird because in 2016 you saw a lot of this from Trump surrogates.
[05:04:16] Trump surrogates especially aligned with like the Bannon and like Dailycaller and Breitbart
[05:04:22] out of things, we're itching for like exactly that, like a euro style like Garrett Wilder's
[05:04:29] right wing populist party.
[05:04:31] Trump himself and people very close to Trump and officially part of the campaign would kind
[05:04:37] of try to avoid that because you know, of course the thing that no one likes to acknowledge,
[05:04:44] Trump's success in 2016 was being seen as more moderate than Hillary, which that is
[05:04:50] not a value judgment. That is how voters saw him. And so there was like a conscious effort
[05:04:55] to avoid like, you know, stuff like that directly from him, even though it was useful for surrogates
[05:05:02] to do throughout the base. The difference is now is that him and the campaign, they're
[05:05:06] directly saying this stuff. I mean, possibly going for broke, possibly they don't know
[05:05:11] what they're doing. Possibly they don't know why they even won in the first place.
[05:05:15] I don't know why they were successful in 2016,
[05:05:21] why they were almost successful in 2020.
[05:05:24] They have no idea.
[05:05:25] I don't think it was this.
[05:05:27] I think it was in spite of this, especially in 2020.
[05:05:31] Like I just don't think, like this is,
[05:05:35] this is like average Israeli mindset shift.
[05:05:37] You know what I mean?
[05:05:38] Like this is not, you're absolutely right
[05:05:41] when you talk about how like
[05:05:42] American understandings of immigration are actually quite progressive in comparison to the average European mind
[05:05:49] Right like let's be real in Europe
[05:05:53] You can have like a fucking die-hard like a guy who calls themselves a fucking communist turn around and be like no
[05:05:58] You don't understand. We do have to stop the boats. Yeah, like you don't get it
[05:06:02] Like we just don't have enough space like this is not how this works
[05:06:04] Like we have to make sure that the Polish cannot step foot on our beautiful island
[05:06:09] And that's like the only kind of xenophobia that I agree with is for I mean, they are Polish.
[05:06:16] That's fine. But like, you know, in moderation, okay, I think the Polish create beautiful cities.
[05:06:22] Chicago, Illinois. Well, I will be there. We're both are going
[05:06:28] to be there. We're both going to be there. Yeah, I just
[05:06:29] talked to Chris about potentially doing some of you guys at your show. That'd be
[05:06:34] wonderful. Yeah, I'd love to do that. But that'll be wonderful. Um, not in front of NBC. Oh yeah,
[05:06:42] anti Polish jokes in front of NBC. That's fucked up. I'm just kidding. Please don't get mad.
[05:06:47] I'll say something worse. Don't worry. I'll get you out of this one. Yeah. But so,
[05:06:55] the reason I was posting the reason why I was pointing to this is because like,
[05:06:58] I don't, I just don't understand why Democrats, well, Democrats are not countermessing against
[05:07:06] the immigration stuff at all and they've just like leaned into it.
[05:07:08] So on that front, they're like being very old school Democratic Party running scared,
[05:07:13] running the center, but also simultaneously like the Tim Walsh pig is like a, I think
[05:07:19] a sign for, a sign for, for things to be different within the Democratic Party.
[05:07:27] So I don't know. I just, um, I don't know what the fuck they're going to do about Israel.
[05:07:31] I guess that's what it comes down to at the end of the day for me. And also for like a
[05:07:35] lot of these, uh, radically progressive policies that, uh, the Republicans keep lasering on
[05:07:41] and saying is like socialism and communism. Right. We have no earthly way of knowing.
[05:07:47] I mean, if I had to guess with, with, uh, you know, domestic policy, I would assume
[05:07:54] that we'll see. We'll continue to see some sort of like Biden-esque infrastructure deficit
[05:08:02] spending, that type of thing. Nothing too crazy or exciting, but generally what we've
[05:08:08] seen before, certainly like an improvement of the Obama stimulus, but nothing that is
[05:08:16] transformational to the American economy or anything is real. I think it's unfortunately
[05:08:22] is safe that path of least resistance. But like, I don't even fully agree with that.
[05:08:29] I just think that, yeah, sure, you got APAC, you got big donors, and you got the media,
[05:08:34] which will like, come up your asshole the moment that you like, even retry Angulate
[05:08:40] by like 3% on America's foreign policy. Yeah.
[05:08:44] But like there is broad momentum on the ground in terms of like, you stand to lose no voters
[05:08:55] because not a single person is like running on the I need Israel to continue doing genocide
[05:09:00] or also I will never vote for you.
[05:09:02] There are people like that.
[05:09:03] They're just voting for the Republican Party anyway, right?
[05:09:06] Right?
[05:09:07] Like you don't have a Democratic, a potential Democratic voter slanted them or like might
[05:09:13] vote for the Dems. But you do have a lot of people who say they won't vote for the Democratic
[05:09:17] party because of the Israel stuff. So I don't know. I just, I don't understand how they can't like,
[05:09:23] like why Kamala Harris? I mean, obviously she's, uh, she has zero personal ideological convictions,
[05:09:31] but like it seems like she's done the right thing so far to win because it looks like she
[05:09:36] wants to win. Like she doesn't care. Doesn't have like a big Hillary style of presence
[05:09:40] where she's like I don't want anyone to outshine me so I'm gonna go with fucking Tim Kaine.
[05:09:44] She literally went with Tim Waltz, a person who was objectively going to outshine her and has so far.
[05:09:50] Only person on either side of the ticket that has a positive approval rating.
[05:09:55] Yeah, Trump is running the Hillary 2016 campaign.
[05:09:58] Yes, yes. It's become a reversal, like 2016 reversal, where he's just like refusing to
[05:10:04] to listen to reason and just like running on random weird shit,
[05:10:10] even with like the racial animus,
[05:10:12] like the Kamala Harris is not really a black person.
[05:10:16] Like that's like a weird type of identity politics
[05:10:18] that he's trying to do.
[05:10:19] Right, yeah, no, they're mere images of themselves.
[05:10:22] Like he's his version of weird in pole
[05:10:26] that like only plays for a certain like
[05:10:28] postgraduate degree holder,
[05:10:31] like Republican think tank preacher.
[05:10:34] and just sort of bricks everywhere else. That's his version of that. They even, they have their
[05:10:41] own version of that Madonna and Hillary dancing cartoon. Yeah. But for, come on Israel, like I
[05:10:48] I absolutely like agree that the more popular position right and the more like the one with
[05:10:56] more upside if we're just going to talk in purely cynical electoral language here is
[05:11:04] you know, doing anything, doing anything to restrict or hopefully end weapons, weapons
[05:11:12] shipments to Israel, it would be the bare minimum by what I mean by like path of least
[05:11:18] resistance is that in her calculus and the calculus of any Democrat that you would get
[05:11:23] in there, their calculation is like that there is no upside to this, that maybe some
[05:11:29] Some people are happy, but ultimately they could do they would do this and they think
[05:11:36] that like either I don't know, there is a massive attack on Israel.
[05:11:41] They're afraid of Afghanistan type.
[05:11:44] That's what I think too.
[05:11:46] Yeah.
[05:11:47] Like the moment they would do that that like, you know, let's I will I will temper this.
[05:11:55] Let's say that's what I've been saying to like because Afghanistan was a massive
[05:11:59] Like that was when the when the Biden honeymoon was over right like where media started like lasering him
[05:12:05] Which happened under the Obama administration as well, even though Obama was already like pretty fucking
[05:12:10] conservative and so was Joe Biden, but like the media
[05:12:14] regularly
[05:12:15] Constantly outflanked them from the right in a way that is like so obvious
[05:12:21] Obvious in terms of like a reversal from the trobera where they would literally talk like they're the most
[05:12:26] You had like abolish ice ass people on fucking CNN and shit back in the day when Trump was the president and the moment
[05:12:34] Biden comes in there like immigrant care rents
[05:12:36] Carevans like they just have this attitude where they have to be
[05:12:39] Like contentious towards the right no matter what they they they write like people love forgetting this
[05:12:46] They write that on kids in cages
[05:12:49] Yeah, like one of the reasons that I think like they're pivot to the right there pivot to like a sort of like
[05:12:55] second Bill Clinton term style or first Bill Clinton term style policy and
[05:13:00] immigration you know it's very similar to what he put out there is that if for as
[05:13:06] bad as people's memories are or as little as they know people do remember
[05:13:10] that people remember seeing the Democratic Party doing that yeah just
[05:13:15] turning around fully you know I don't give a shit whether it polls right or
[05:13:20] not whatever like David Schor argument there is for it you can't just
[05:13:24] totally reverse like that and expect people not to notice yeah I don't I mean it Greg
[05:13:31] but felt of all people was bringing up that point was like you guys were calling
[05:13:35] Trump a Nazi yeah like for four years ago and now you want to build the wall like
[05:13:41] and I know that like obviously Fox News can't really hammer on that point too
[05:13:46] much because they want to they don't want to even like they don't even want
[05:13:50] to leak a little bit of their voter base in the Democratic Party because if
[05:13:53] they recognize that the Democrats are just as reactionary on immigration and stuff, they're
[05:13:58] worried that Trump's hemorrhaging base will diminish even further.
[05:14:02] But that is such an easy opening for the Dems, for them to just turn around and be like,
[05:14:08] really?
[05:14:09] Oh, you want to build the wall now?
[05:14:10] I thought that was racist.
[05:14:11] What the fuck happened?
[05:14:12] Oh, maybe because you recognize that 12 million Guatemalan migrants are doing rapes
[05:14:16] all the time and also murdering millions of Americans on a daily basis, like Trump
[05:14:22] is saying.
[05:14:23] Yeah, like
[05:14:25] Just like Israel kind of there is one American policy on immigration
[05:14:31] and it changes around the margins, but the policy is the same and that is
[05:14:36] Every American president in Congress try to find the sweet spot and that sweet spot is
[05:14:41] letting in the exact amount of like cheap exploitable labor
[05:14:46] while also
[05:14:49] Also the minimum amount that is gonna like
[05:14:51] make people freak out and get mad over whatever,
[05:14:57] press one for English or whatever, shit like that.
[05:15:01] That is the single American immigration policy
[05:15:04] and it has been that way, 40, 50 years, whatever.
[05:15:10] The changes around the margins are how codified
[05:15:15] that system of cheap labor is,
[05:15:17] whether and how we extend that to,
[05:15:21] tech jobs and things like that and very specific types of visas for skilled labor, how widespread
[05:15:33] the enforcement side is around the margin, but it's the same thing, it's the same thing
[05:15:39] no matter what.
[05:15:41] I just, I don't even understand, like, like, if there is a new wave of like Democrats trying
[05:15:52] to actually win, which I'm not entirely certain that there is, but if there is that going
[05:15:58] off of like the, the Kamala Swap and also the Tim Walsh choice and like them leaning
[05:16:05] on like them running on basically like abolishing captive audience like anti labor meetings and
[05:16:13] stuff like that, you know, yeah, things that are things that are actually somewhat unconscionable
[05:16:19] in like the older Democratic Party. It doesn't make sense. If they're not going to try to at least
[05:16:28] do the Democratic Party thing, which is to say, oh, you want to deport every migrant.
[05:16:32] How does that work? Right? Like it's it's such a gimme. It's right there for them to just be like
[05:16:39] even if they're not going to completely counter message on it and be like this is right wing
[05:16:43] panic. This is hysteria. 23 migrant murders happen in 2024 not 100,000 like yeah it makes up
[05:16:52] 0.3% of all homicides on US soil like that's not how you fucking that's not how you like
[05:16:58] solve the issue of crime even though crime itself is also fucking lower historically low and all of
[05:17:05] this stuff was just like right wing panics um even if they're not going to do that they can still
[05:17:11] fucking turn around and just be like oh you want to do concentration camps at the border like you
[05:17:16] are you are doing Hitler you are doing hit Larry in politics at least we want to do like
[05:17:21] lighter versions of Hitler you know what I mean it's incoherent it's inco because like
[05:17:25] Like this is the problem with like trying to match the right on something like this.
[05:17:34] They're always going to up the ante.
[05:17:36] It's the same reason why they eventually have to why the right wing eventually like
[05:17:40] had to fucking kill row because you can't like you you you can use these things to
[05:17:47] like rile up the base and you know provide amazing electrical dividends in certain specific
[05:17:54] locations and you can hold on to them for a very long time without actually doing anything,
[05:18:01] but eventually you kind of have to.
[05:18:04] You kind of have to or you will face an insurgency within your party.
[05:18:08] And you know, linking your policy to whatever the Republican one is, just going, oh, we're
[05:18:13] doing that, but it's, you know, more competent in an X or Y way.
[05:18:17] You are now, you are now paid to that.
[05:18:20] We're now paid to that and all the other insane things that will be added onto it at the mercy
[05:18:26] of a base that, you know, the their party is captive to you have, you have let people in
[05:18:33] the villages dictate the future of your party's positions on this thing for no fucking reason.
[05:18:39] Why did you do that?
[05:18:40] Um, all right, well, let's get back to back in 2020 trying to dagger Kamala on how radical
[05:18:46] our policies are.
[05:18:48] They've dagger in on Fox News now.
[05:18:49] Yeah, they're. Yeah, but it doesn't seem like
[05:18:53] Harris thinks she needs to explain herself anytime soon,
[05:18:57] which means that tape about her talking health care,
[05:19:00] the border and defending ice and the list goes on is all old
[05:19:05] as opposed to something that could advance her campaign in 2024.
[05:19:11] Just because she doesn't have anything in interview schedule
[05:19:14] on our public schedule doesn't mean that she's not taking
[05:19:16] her message directly to voters.
[05:19:47] Institute post about it saying that like, uh, you know, 60 Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi
[05:19:53] want to stop weapons transfers to, uh, stop weapons transfers to Israel.
[05:19:58] That was actually apparently right after the world central kitchen.
[05:20:03] Like Israel has given so many openings to the democratic party to be like, Oh, we want
[05:20:08] to, we want to hit this from a partisan angle.
[05:20:10] Yeah.
[05:20:11] Like so many, whether it be the pro rape or I hits rape insane.
[05:20:16] whether it be the new report that just came out where like Haritz reporting that
[05:20:22] Israel was purely projecting whenever they say like Hamas is using human shields. They do use
[05:20:27] Palestinians that they detain that are not even suspected of being terrorists mind you just like
[05:20:32] random Palestinians they nav and put in Israeli gear and handcuff and then just like fucking push
[05:20:41] into the front lines and send them down like the tunnel systems and stuff hope you know if it if
[05:20:48] they explode they explode in an effort to like save the lives of their own own soldiers you know
[05:20:56] that aren't eating hell of a or smoking fucking cigarettes out in the open you see that one
[05:21:02] wait was it the dude who was just like smoking a bog in a fucking window oh yeah yeah yeah and
[05:21:06] And then the elbow just fucking yeah, that was so crazy because it was like
[05:21:12] That was so crazy because it he wasn't he was in the corner of the apartment
[05:21:16] So he wasn't even compromised from one angle, but two like he could have been shot from either window
[05:21:23] Windows, I don't know what they're like cats. You cannot keep them away from windows. Yeah, they it was just so crazy anyway
[05:21:32] But yeah
[05:21:34] Outside of those situations like they they just don't want they don't want their their
[05:21:39] And they don't want their combatants to die. So they're using like fucking Palestinians. You got it's in our bank of your
[05:21:47] Storming al-Aqsa again, right? Yeah
[05:21:52] Like that was so aggressive they even Benjamin Nanny. I was like, yeah, you can't do that like only he he tweeted out that only he gets to
[05:21:59] Do that, I don't know if you saw that to
[05:22:01] Yeah, he's home lander. Yeah, he was like only I get to you do not get to subordinate like you do not get to
[05:22:08] overstep your boundaries and do something so racially motivated to cause a pogrom only I get to do that move.
[05:22:15] Yeah. So all this stuff, all this stuff is out just did some research on your guests haven't found a single m
[05:22:23] Israel ha post and even worse zero tweets where he condemns Hamas. I hate to see you go down this radical road.
[05:22:29] Let me let me be clear. I think it's horrible that there is not a Moss module in digital combat simulator.
[05:22:39] Yeah. What is this? A majority report today was talking about how 180 one journalists that have been killed only 16 have not have been not the IDF. What?
[05:22:51] He's just killed more than 100. They've killed 200 at this point.
[05:22:54] Yeah, easily.
[05:22:56] Yeah, but yeah, there's so many there's so many fucking opportunities. I mean
[05:23:02] You are say this is
[05:23:04] Local to Twitter. This is not electorally important
[05:23:08] But I have seen I have seen a lot of like, um, you know hated villains of twitter and liberal twitter
[05:23:15] Uh from from from years and years ago people who were very big into russia get
[05:23:19] They read the Mueller report and they were like holy shit. There's a lot of fucking Israelis in here and
[05:23:28] Somehow some way a lot of these people the cap cramp lady for one
[05:23:34] They have been like pretty clear-headed on this but that would be for the party that was an opportunity to go
[05:23:41] Hey
[05:23:42] They're doing fucking Russia election interference and they don't and they don't ever
[05:23:49] Yeah, they don't ever do it.
[05:23:51] They don't ever do it to the Republican party
[05:23:53] to like put, I don't know,
[05:23:54] like a fucking base progressive in a fucking primary.
[05:23:57] You know what I mean?
[05:23:58] They only put literally the worst
[05:24:01] like right-wing Democrats in primaries.
[05:24:03] They literally fucking,
[05:24:07] they constantly are manipulating American politics
[05:24:10] to swing rightward,
[05:24:12] which is against the Democratic party at the end of the day.
[05:24:14] Like they're running against the Democratic party
[05:24:16] and God forbid you say anything, you know what I mean?
[05:24:18] Holy shit. Yeah, very frustrating. Yeah, it's like
[05:24:24] They're not even I mean
[05:24:27] For most of them, I really do think it is like ideological alignment
[05:24:32] At least like towards the top like I you know, I do think that like Joe Biden
[05:24:38] earnestly believes this absolutely
[05:24:41] Fucking insane shit for others. I think it's you know, cowardice. They are operating on like an older calculus
[05:24:48] where they think this is the path of least resistance and there's no upside for anything else.
[05:24:55] But I don't know, yeah, the common thread is they just they don't give a shit. This does not animate
[05:25:00] them. Fucking entire families being reduced to charred amounts of flesh does not animate them.
[05:25:06] No, I've given up on trying to convince liberals on this issue from the perspective of like the
[05:25:11] morality, the angle on genocide, they don't care, right? Like, I've given up on that front.
[05:25:16] But it also presents an electoral disadvantage, a massive opening, like that's the reason
[05:25:24] why I try to hit it from like a partisan angle where I talk about it where it's like, Benjamin
[05:25:28] Denio is, is Trump is Israeli Trump.
[05:25:33] So like the notion that some Democrats will be like, Oh yeah, we can't believe how you
[05:25:40] know how many humans is how many civilians are being killed is like really fucked up,
[05:25:45] Which is why we wrote off another $18 billion weapons package.
[05:25:49] Yeah.
[05:25:50] He's insane.
[05:25:51] Kamala going, we can't look away.
[05:25:53] We have to bear witness.
[05:25:55] Because the thing that I'm doing and we'll never stop doing, weapons are never going
[05:26:00] to be on the table.
[05:26:01] They will never be something we take away.
[05:26:02] Maybe she's saying that to be like, yeah, you have to see what I'm doing.
[05:26:06] Okay.
[05:26:07] Yeah, I love this shit.
[05:26:08] Yeah.
[05:26:09] It's like she shadow captured it.
[05:26:11] Yeah.
[05:26:12] Yeah.
[05:26:13] I don't know. I I
[05:26:15] Gilad Ardawn went nutty mode. Oh, did you see him fucking yell at the Palestinian? No this dog
[05:26:22] look
[05:26:24] This is Israel to stop killing civilians
[05:26:27] I'm a monster of Palestine as UN representative. You demand Israel to stop killing civilians as a security counsel
[05:26:32] But it targets them in their shelters and tents
[05:26:37] You demand Israel to allow food and medicine in
[05:26:41] But it ensures that famine and diseases spread.
[05:26:48] You demand Israel to treat Palestinian prisoners humanely, but it tortures them and allows
[05:26:55] the Israeli jailers to rape and abuse their Palestinian hostages.
[05:27:01] You call on it to stop its settlements, but it rapidly accelerates its colonization
[05:27:08] of Palestinian land.
[05:27:10] That's so crazy because like the ICJ basically said Israel's an apartheid state like a month ago
[05:27:17] And I didn't see
[05:27:20] One singular Western media outlet cover that yeah
[05:27:25] They literally declared all Israeli settlements in accordance to international human rights law to be illegal
[05:27:32] which we've known for a very long time and
[05:27:36] demanded that Israel actually
[05:27:38] remove themselves from all territory currently occupies beyond the 67 boundaries
[05:27:45] Not a single fucking peep from CNN or any of these like outlets
[05:27:50] It's just isn't afterthought maybe like one MPR hit. That's it. Yeah, I
[05:27:55] Thought I was insane like I wouldn't say it surprised me because this is
[05:28:00] You know you very much come to expect these things in American media
[05:28:04] But that no one asked Kamala after she ascended to to her candidacy
[05:28:11] Hey, what do you think about the pro rape riots?
[05:28:16] Sweeping this country that you said we will never stop giving weapons to yeah, how is that not a fucking question?
[05:28:23] Yeah
[05:28:25] Boggles the mind
[05:28:28] Here's gilada are done look even just even just on a cynical angle of like oh
[05:28:33] Oh shit, it might be a bad idea to give our most advanced weapon systems and
[05:28:40] Plans and everything to this country that does not seem that booking stable
[05:28:47] Even just that they're not even from that angle much less any angle of morality
[05:28:53] you know and
[05:28:55] Also once again, I
[05:28:58] Don't think Democrats understand that like when you maybe I'm wrong on this you can correct me
[05:29:03] I'm wrong on this
[05:29:04] But there was a pull that was conducted recently like a week ago
[05:29:08] That showed that the majority of Americans do not want US soldiers to be deployed to defend Israel
[05:29:16] Okay
[05:29:18] Of course, we don't give a shit there's 40,000
[05:29:21] Soldiers in the Middle Eastern region total
[05:29:23] 4000 more Marines are like fucking shipped around the Arabian Peninsula, right? Yeah
[05:29:28] We have like six aircraft carriers, you know all these like strikers half are like F 22
[05:29:33] are now over that airspace yeah and we've been we've been you know bouldering towards like uh
[05:29:40] we've basically been dancing through the tune of whatever fucking israel wants to do in the region
[05:29:46] i don't understand why the democratic party like at all like someone in biden's orbit
[05:29:54] or someone in kamala's orbit someone in a position of power with like a semblance of sanity
[05:29:59] doesn't recognize that like if
[05:30:02] And we will find out soon what happens after august 15th, which is tomorrow when the last round of you know ceasefire negotiations happen
[05:30:10] um
[05:30:12] If iran retaliates or when iran retaliates rather in the aftermath of these negotiations
[05:30:18] If israel chooses to like do full-blown multiple front n siege style warfare
[05:30:24] against iran and against lebanon
[05:30:26] Lebanon has Bola. American troops are going to be deployed. Yeah, but they're gonna have
[05:30:32] to be deployed. Why doesn't anyone, why doesn't anyone understand in the Democratic Party that
[05:30:40] like that is going to cost them this election? Well, again, like they are operating on like
[05:30:48] partially an old calculus and personally they got singed by Biden, by Biden in Afghanistan.
[05:30:55] fear I think is that okay if this happens and like Israel enters this war that like
[05:31:05] who knows who can predict the future but just my personal appraisal I don't think they would
[05:31:13] really survive without American support without American F-22 securing air superiority without
[05:31:20] like American Marines without any of this shit. I think it would be a horrible fucking deadly war
[05:31:30] everywhere, but I think just long term they don't survive it. If that happens and it happens before
[05:31:39] the election, the calculus among Democrats is probably that like if we let them just get like,
[05:31:46] I don't think they'll like it's the end of Israel overnight, but like really take it on the fucking chain worse than they ever have ever
[05:31:55] That it's Afghanistan all over again that they did you know they get painted with that brush
[05:32:01] Again, this is not a value judgment. I also personally think it won't get there. I just don't think it'll get there
[05:32:07] I think if America says no more weapons going forward. I don't think Benjamin Nini out of those
[05:32:13] I'm still gonna wager this war fuck you. That's I totally agree. I think I think that's the easiest way to solve it
[05:32:19] Bro, yeah, yeah, I totally agree
[05:32:21] It's like they don't think that economies in the shitter one of their entire ports is done. Okay
[05:32:26] It's like bankrupt one fucking whole last port is bankrupt
[05:32:30] Economy is tanking you got fucking reservists that are supposed to be working on marketing campaigns and inventing the worst kind of
[05:32:37] Techno you've ever seen
[05:32:38] You've ever heard of like too busy killing fucking children in the front lines like the Israeli the Israeli economy is in the shitter
[05:32:46] They got downgraded again. They could have got angry like two days ago
[05:32:50] They can no longer keep Tel Aviv sit that people realize how big that Houthi loading munition was yeah
[05:32:56] I think they can no longer guarantee
[05:32:59] Safe skies over Tel Aviv and perpetuity that means massive fucking brain drain
[05:33:04] And that means that they have to run fucking combat air patrols and they have to keep their jets in the sky
[05:33:11] Way more than they can afford to now with fuel being as expensive as it is
[05:33:16] Especially after they picked up a ton of like modified F-35s that per flight hour are far more fucking expensive
[05:33:24] Than the Barack or any of their other older generation for aircraft
[05:33:29] It's it is we have all the fucking leverage in the world
[05:33:35] Yeah, Israel is real relies on 300,000 liberal Zionists who increasingly want to leave their population numbers are shrinking too
[05:33:43] Like they're like oh, we have to keep maintaining a demographic majority Jewish ethno state
[05:33:48] But it's like bro. You're literally hemorrhaging people because
[05:33:51] Yeah, guess what dude? Maybe maybe it's not the safest place for Jewish people turns out, you know
[05:33:56] when you've got a fucking suicidal government that was always so fucking
[05:34:01] funny that like we have this this place has to exist there has to be a safe place
[05:34:06] for Jews and also it's constantly under attack we need more weapons at cost or
[05:34:13] just for free than anyone has ever received we need more help per popular
[05:34:18] like per capita I don't think any nation gets more help from everyone than
[05:34:23] Israel does. But it's safe. And it has to exist because of how safe it is.
[05:34:28] And yeah, Biden comes out and is like, if it wasn't for Israel, not a single Jew would be safe.
[05:34:32] It's like, bro, you are literally the president of America. That's like a threat.
[05:34:36] When you say that, you're, you're being like, no, we're going to kick them out.
[05:34:42] I'm going to be crazy to the Jews if it wasn't for Israel.
[05:34:48] We have more Jews here than Israel, bro. What are you talking about?
[05:34:51] Like why would you ever say that?
[05:34:54] People know this. American Zionists know this and you know how I know they know this because they don't want to live.
[05:35:02] They don't go and fucking live in Israel.
[05:35:04] Barry Williams, Jerry Seinfeld, any of these people.
[05:35:07] Bill Ackman, Bill Ackman has billions of fucking dollars despite being so stupid he lost her herbal life.
[05:35:14] He could build, think about that house he could get in Israel.
[05:35:17] Ben Shapiro.
[05:35:18] Ben Shapiro.
[05:35:19] None of them want to live there because it sucks.
[05:35:22] Yeah, it's like, they know it sucks.
[05:35:25] Is it the eternal homeland or the only place
[05:35:28] that anyone is hit or does it suck?
[05:35:32] Yeah, no, none of them have the smoke
[05:35:33] that Eric Adams has who obviously will,
[05:35:37] once he retires, move to the goal on Heights.
[05:35:39] Yeah, yeah, he will do that.
[05:35:40] I mean, he will do that.
[05:35:42] He'll do that.
[05:35:42] Go on Heights, John Kirby, that's another one.
[05:35:45] I feel like he would live in Israel.
[05:35:48] Like Israel's greatest allies in America are always going to be evangelical Zionists like more than more than liberal Zionists, more than Jewish Zionists in general.
[05:35:58] It's going to be the Richie Torres.
[05:35:59] I don't know.
[05:36:00] I don't know.
[05:36:00] Not even Richie Torres, but I don't know.
[05:36:02] There are like, look, evidence suggests that, um, let's say hypothetically, someone directed the X men movies.
[05:36:15] Oh, let's say hypothetically.
[05:36:16] Oh, God.
[05:36:17] committed horrible crimes. That is a situation in which an American Zionist will go live
[05:36:23] there. If you are a Hollywood director who committed horrible crimes, well, then it is
[05:36:32] the safest place in the world for you.
[05:36:33] Yeah. But that's it. No extradition policy. That's when that comes into play.
[05:36:39] That's the homeland for that.
[05:36:41] like well it is interesting because like so is France kind of for similar for
[05:36:48] similar purposes yeah yeah interesting track record yeah they go to France they
[05:36:53] go to Israel but it's just like it still doesn't make any sense like I said it
[05:37:00] just doesn't make sense I feel like I can make an argument that is like from a
[05:37:05] liberal Zionist position as to why like America has to reign this in I can make
[05:37:09] an argument from like the pro-state department position as to why America has the right in
[05:37:14] this end. I cannot for the life of me make an argument like I cannot steal man the argument
[05:37:20] for like bear hugging and offering unconditional loyalty and support and permanent weapons
[05:37:25] transfers to Israel. Like there is no good reason to do it. Even stupid. It's not
[05:37:31] a like unless they're like secretly acceleration is and they're like no we're going to bring
[05:37:36] about the end of Israel in shalom by by frustrating everyone in the region to a degree where like
[05:37:42] they have to respond. Yeah. Yeah. Just pushing it to the point where like guitar can no longer
[05:37:48] stand back. Yeah. Yeah. It is it's fucking baffling. It's baffling. But it is a symptom
[05:37:55] of like a Democratic Party where or really just politics in general in America where
[05:38:01] everyone is if they're not incredibly old, which they are most of the time, they still
[05:38:08] think like an old person. They still think like it's 2002 or 1996. And yeah, unfortunately
[05:38:18] for everyone in the world, it always is 2002 in their minds.
[05:38:24] Yeah, I guess. It's again, seemingly makes no goddamn sense. But here, listen to this
[05:38:31] and is going to make your fucking blood boil this motherfucker to those who still have the
[05:38:37] capacity to as he's like what hold on here listen to his response Saturday August 10th
[05:38:48] Israel targeted not a school not an innocent school we targeted dangerous terrorists operating
[05:38:58] in a Hamas command and control center.
[05:39:01] Oh, that was another Hamas command and control center.
[05:39:03] What a coincidence.
[05:39:04] Yeah.
[05:39:05] It's so, wow, fucking, how unlucky can you be?
[05:39:08] Yeah.
[05:39:09] Wow.
[05:39:09] Center within El Taba'in school.
[05:39:14] As usual, Hamas cynically abuses civilian facilities
[05:39:18] which should be protected as their terror bases.
[05:39:23] This strike eliminated at least, at least 31 Hamas and
[05:39:29] Palestinian Islamic jihad.
[05:39:31] This was also insane.
[05:39:32] Like this was a insane lie.
[05:39:34] When they were like, here are the names and they released the
[05:39:37] names and people were like, what are you talking about?
[05:39:39] That's my fucking uncle and you killed him last week.
[05:39:43] They've done that multiple fucking times.
[05:39:45] They literally were like, bro, here is that's my uncle.
[05:39:49] He's a shopkeeper.
[05:39:50] And he's fucking like Bennett odds with Hamas before also you killed him last week. Yeah, that's how
[05:39:59] That's how much they're playing on autopilot in the sense of like because America media never holds them to account for this shit ever
[05:40:06] Where they they would just be like yeah, here's a guy. He's a Hamas leader. Okay. What are you gonna do?
[05:40:12] No fear
[05:40:14] It's the same reason why they'll put out a fucking calendar in Arabic and be like look
[05:40:19] It's the fucking instructions and how to kill babies. Yeah, they're okay. They'll do they have no fucking fear
[05:40:27] They correctly judged that no American president
[05:40:30] Has the intelligence or courage to realize that the fucking smart move is
[05:40:37] To turn turn this bigot off
[05:40:39] Yeah, like even from even if you're like invested in the continuation of the Israeli apartheid state, okay
[05:40:47] Even if you are invested in Israel maintaining its like demographic destiny, right?
[05:40:54] Which is inherently a fascist ideology inherently fascist sentiment, but like even if you can't recognize that and you want that to happen, right?
[05:41:03] You have to fucking reign Israel in
[05:41:07] unless they just personally think
[05:41:09] that I guess like Hezbollah, Ansarallah, and Iran are just never going to retaliate and they're going to do the same level of restraint that they've shown before, and just do like a calculated strike again, but this time with like a little bit more frequency increased.
[05:41:28] Yeah, and it's like, I don't know, like maybe, but it's like at a certain point, you have
[05:41:37] to do so.
[05:41:38] If someone kills someone who was ostensibly under diplomatic protection, a negotiating
[05:41:44] party, someone negotiating, a chief negotiator, they kill them within your borders.
[05:41:51] That is kind of the point, you're well past the point where you actually kind of have
[05:41:56] to get back.
[05:41:57] And now they're saying they're not going to show up. Like the Palestinians are saying
[05:42:02] that they're not going to the Palestinian envoys are not going to show up. But then America's
[05:42:06] saying like, no, no, no, we're just doing shuttle diplomacy anyway. Like they're Hamas is really
[05:42:13] statements that they're just not going to show up on August 15th unless like there
[05:42:18] is a firm commitment to the original proposal that they had put forward in February that
[05:42:24] America then put forward again in March, claiming that it was Israel's proposal, that then the
[05:42:30] United Nations voted on that seemingly has been held up for some reason. I just can't
[05:42:38] think about, I can't think of any reason why it would be held up. It's just weird.
[05:42:42] That's a fucking another thing. I hate the liberal Zionist characterization of like,
[05:42:50] Netanyahu is the be-all and end-all of all of Israel's problems, and when he's gone, it's like a fever dissipates, you know?
[05:42:57] Their problems are much more deep-rooted than that and go back to the
[05:43:02] originating ideology of the state and it is not traceable to any one person, obviously, but
[05:43:10] just again in practical terms
[05:43:13] Netanyahu is done as a political entity when the war is done and
[05:43:18] And for a guy who has, you know, definitely picked his horse in this race,
[05:43:28] someone who is by the terms of like the Mueller report and all this interfering in American elections.
[05:43:38] Why would you want, if you were a Democrat, why do you want to help keep him as a viable political entity?
[05:43:45] Again, you know, we say again, they consider these all the path of least resistance, but
[05:43:53] they really are fucking not.
[05:43:55] Yeah, they're really stupid choice.
[05:43:58] These are fucking dumb choices.
[05:44:00] Yeah, the heads of the Israeli security and intelligence service told Nenya how demeaning
[05:44:05] and also stress in a written document that they gave to the prime minister that the
[05:44:08] time to reach a deal is running out and emphasize the delay and insist on certain
[05:44:12] positions in the negotiations could cost a lot of hostages by whom like cost a lot of
[05:44:17] hostages by by Israel like and then yeah who's the one fucking who was killed the most amount
[05:44:22] of hostages who yeah yeah just in general some unknown actor could be a state actor
[05:44:28] could be not could be a third party it could be just someone someone who has f-15 it's
[05:44:33] a natural it's a naturally occurring f-15 that's dropping gbu 31s on the hostages it's
[05:44:39] It happens sometimes when the fucking Coriolis effect hits low pressure environments
[05:44:46] Someone's doing it. We don't know who yeah
[05:44:53] UK asks Israel to investigate if you US has Israel to investigate if Israel uses palestinians as human shields
[05:44:58] We'll still provide 20 billion dollars in weapons either way
[05:45:02] US presses Israel to probe allegations of troop using gossips as human shields and explosive tests
[05:45:08] Yeah
[05:45:09] That's how serious we're taking it. Hey, you guys investigate it. Yeah. See if you did anything wrong.
[05:45:15] One of the examples that came up in the meeting today is the recent announcement by Hamas that
[05:45:19] one male hostage was killed and two female hostages were seriously wounded by their captors.
[05:45:23] The Israeli intelligence service couldn't verify this, but they're seriously concerned for the
[05:45:26] lives of hostages. There's so many, sir. Yeah, this was a Hamas statement. It could be one of
[05:45:33] those like baits when they'll be like, oh, one of the hostages died to like apply pressure
[05:45:39] to Israel, or they could have actually done it specifically to apply pressure to Israel,
[05:45:44] which once again, that's one hostage that Hamas is killed versus like 100 hostages that Israel
[05:45:51] is killed so far.
[05:45:52] But of course, that doesn't matter.
[05:45:54] Also, like this is probably just, you know, whatever Israeli government official leaked
[05:46:00] this to Barak Rodin, like who fucking knows?
[05:46:03] Yeah, a senior Israeli official.
[05:46:04] No, I think the Hamas released it themselves, I think,
[05:46:08] that they said they killed one,
[05:46:10] Hamas Miltin killed a captive.
[05:46:13] A senior Israeli official said that one of the issues raised
[05:46:16] in the meeting was the linkage between a possible attack
[05:46:18] by Iran and Hezbollah and reaching a hostage deal
[05:46:21] in a ceasefire in Gaza.
[05:46:23] But they don't, but I just don't think that,
[05:46:26] I don't think that,
[05:46:29] I just I don't think that Nityahu has an issue with like Iran retaliating. Yeah. No, I think
[05:46:39] he's banking on Iran retaliating so that America goes into the war and the war continues yet
[05:46:44] he doesn't want this to end. Everyone in the world can figure this out except for apparently
[05:46:52] you know the U. S. State Department, the U. S. Department of Defense and anyone else
[05:46:57] where it would actually be useful if they knew these things.
[05:47:01] Yeah.
[05:47:03] In Biden's case, I don't know.
[05:47:04] Maybe he actually, that is specifically what he wants.
[05:47:08] Who fucking knows?
[05:47:09] Who can even get inside his head?
[05:47:11] But it is baffling.
[05:47:12] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
[05:47:14] slightly expanded the mandate given to the Israeli
[05:47:16] negotiations team on the Gaza hostage deal
[05:47:18] according to two senior Israeli officials.
[05:47:20] The Israeli officials said that Netanyahu gave
[05:47:22] a reasonable mandate that justifies traveling
[05:47:24] to the round of talks and cutter tomorrow.
[05:47:26] added that the flexibility in any hours given regarding the positions that Israel will present
[05:47:30] makes it possible to conduct negotiations and move forward. But it is not clear whether this
[05:47:34] flexibility will be enough to reach a deal. The Israeli negotiations team will fly tomorrow morning
[05:47:38] to Qatar for a few hours of talks. And if necessary, an Israeli working level team
[05:47:43] will remain in Doha for further negotiations. I mean, you know what makes the negotiations
[05:47:51] and certain that you killed the previous chief negotiator of the other side. Yeah. That is
[05:48:00] that kind of makes it fucking hard to make a deal. How much of you contributed personally
[05:48:06] to the Palestinian plate monetary or are you just all talk all talk brother? I've made
[05:48:12] $700,000 from it. Yeah, no, I've made money. Yeah, it's just dude, I'm I'm cooking out
[05:48:19] here, dude. I'm fucking, dude, I'm, I'm, I'm making hand over fist, dude.
[05:48:25] Mula, baby.
[05:48:26] I posted something the other day about, um, how, uh, Chinese fighter pilots
[05:48:32] in J 11s will do barrel rolls at American pilots over the South China
[05:48:37] Sea. And I just, you know, I thought it was funny.
[05:48:39] It's funny to do like a barrel roll at someone aggressively.
[05:48:43] Yeah.
[05:48:43] And this guy replied to me and he was like, Oh, all this stuff about
[05:48:48] Israel, but you think it's funny when China does barrel rolls
[05:48:53] Outrageous for clicks
[05:48:55] Do people come in here people come into my community this shit all the time when they'll be like a son
[05:49:00] What do you think about Chinese aggression in South China Sea? I'm like, bro
[05:49:04] Israel is doing a fucking genocide
[05:49:07] Russia is literally fucking melting goddamn towns and you over here being like oh a Chinese
[05:49:14] Coast Guard sprayed water on a Filipino boat
[05:49:17] Oh my god, like do you think these things are on the same wavelength like what the fuck the Chinese Air Force?
[05:49:24] They're a little worse thing. They're doing right now. It's barrel. They like they're fine
[05:49:30] It's just barrel rolls. Please don't do what about ism. That's not what about ism
[05:49:34] Like you don't understand that word. It is what about ism to be like what about China?
[05:49:39] That's what about ism dumbass
[05:49:42] Like what kind of fucking take is this it's just it's like
[05:49:45] comparing like this stuff it's comparing a fucking heart attack to like
[05:49:53] getting a you like getting a zip removed okay that's what you're doing in this
[05:49:58] situation higher families entire bloodlines everyone in the family
[05:50:03] Wides out hundreds. This is this is it. Oh, did they fucking sprayed water and they're doing barrel rolls
[05:50:10] Yeah, why won't you condemn? They like they have like like with with sticks and stones. They have like border
[05:50:17] Border involvement with like the Indian border guards or whatever
[05:50:22] Imaginable cruelty and it's like bro. Are you fucking serious? Oh, no, they got the ship wet
[05:50:28] That's the last thing you should do to a fucking boat. Yes, put water on it
[05:50:32] Like God forbid you cannot you cannot be fucking for real right now. You're like saying
[05:50:38] You saw stop is not funny ships hate water. I know
[05:50:43] exactly
[05:50:47] Fucking barrel rolls
[05:50:52] Democrats one tonight all 111 eight packing doors Democrats have won so far this cycle being pro-israel's good policy and good
[05:50:58] politics. I just I am a featherman's in there. Yeah, of
[05:51:06] course. Yeah. Go to the bathroom real quick.
[05:51:12] Scoop former president Donald Trump spoke on the phone with
[05:51:14] his brother Prime Minister Benjamin Indian on Wednesday and
[05:51:16] discussed the Gaza hostage deal and ceasefire deal according to
[05:51:18] the two US sources who were briefed on the call. Wait,
[05:51:24] Trump is telling him to take the deal. One source said
[05:51:28] Trump's call was intended to encourage 90 out to take the
[05:51:30] deal but stressed he didn't know if this was indeed with
[05:51:32] the former president told Neniyahu.
[05:51:35] The Israeli Prime Minister's office
[05:51:36] didn't deny that the call took place.
[05:51:37] The Trump campaign declined to comment.
[05:51:42] I mean, yeah, I'm pretty sure this is not legal.
[05:51:47] Do you guys have anything else that you want to film
[05:51:48] or are you guys done?
[05:51:55] Okay, all right, well, no,
[05:51:56] you won't be able to get me wrapping up
[05:51:58] because I won't be done for like a couple of hours.
[05:52:03] You can do whatever you want.
[05:52:04] Yeah, if you want to, all right.
[05:52:10] What are your thoughts on Neniyahu
[05:52:12] denying the top of the hour abbreak?
[05:52:13] I'm literally reading that on purpose.
[05:52:15] not a bait because I'm going to run the three minute outbreak now because it's 15 minutes
[05:52:21] in and we were you know we were having a conversation so I didn't want to serve it but I'm going
[05:52:26] to serve it now. Yes, NBC's been here. What is happening with my fucking AC dude? It just
[05:52:37] completely stopped working. Here's the three minute outbreak now, Chatters. We have
[05:52:49] this thing as well I want to talk about with Glenn Beck crying and Mark Cuban on Jon Stewart
[05:52:58] talking about Elon Musk. Channel 11 reported Naio still has it included withdrawal from
[05:53:08] the Philadelphia Corridor and the team's mandate. He also included a monitoring of civilian return
[05:53:12] to the North across the Netsarim Corridor plus her V Hersey Hallavi said a few hours
[05:53:16] ago if the political bureau allows it will have ways to invade at any time. I'm not
[05:53:19] Optimistic these are points the Israeli negotiators disagree with BB on on the distance seems to why too early
[05:53:26] Yeah, it's just like
[05:53:28] Like that is the reason that is the fucking reason why this
[05:53:34] Negotiation is just like not a real negotiation
[05:53:37] Like they're openly saying it in Israeli media that they're like yeah, the conditions are not great for us
[05:53:47] There's usually complaining about your AC wall is there is really hostage other starving. Yes. I'm also here's
[05:54:06] Here's one thing, Mino Shafik has officially stepped down as president of Columbia.
[05:54:11] Oh no, I was gonna start there as a freshman.
[05:54:15] Yeah, that's like...
[05:54:16] As a Jim Alpha student myself, turning 18 next month.
[05:54:20] Yeah, it's really sad.
[05:54:24] I know, I just don't think I'll be safe there.
[05:54:27] All right, you here, here's Mark Cuban slamming Elon Musk while I go pee and take care of some stuff here.
[05:54:35] I mean look at Elon right Elon and being one of those powerful people
[05:54:40] He's trying to be the most influential man in the world. It sounds like a commercial, but literally that's what Twitter has given
[05:54:47] I've got to say I think he might be that I don't I don't even think he's trying to be when you when you talk about somebody who is
[05:54:54] Setting up satellite links for war zones and also controlling discourse in the most important media platform
[05:55:01] I think he's the most powerful.
[05:55:03] Because Twitter is in almost every country, right?
[05:55:05] And so Twitter gives him the ability
[05:55:07] to connect to the prime minister,
[05:55:10] the head of every country in the world.
[05:55:12] That's right.
[05:55:13] And that person, whoever's in charge of that country,
[05:55:15] has an interest in what happens on Twitter.
[05:55:17] And what happens on Twitter,
[05:55:18] because of the control of the algorithms
[05:55:20] being the biggest user,
[05:55:21] is all dependent on Elon Musk.
[05:55:23] He literally, wherever his thumb wants to go,
[05:55:25] he gets to push his hard money.
[05:55:26] And he's transparent about where he wants things to go.
[05:55:31] I think he's very clear that, uh, okay. Um, for sports guys, I, uh, I'm only a combat
[05:55:41] sports fan. Is merc Cuban hated or beloved in the basketball community? And if he is
[05:55:49] hated why. I don't know anything. I know he owns some team. He's beloved. That's what we're
[05:56:03] seeing. Okay. Okay. And he, he, I know he got, he made his fortune by inventing CNET, which
[05:56:12] Which is very funny to me.
[05:56:14] I think it's great that you used to be able to invent, you know, a web comic or something
[05:56:22] and make eight billion dollars.
[05:56:29] Civil war is inevitable and that white people are under the guise of it.
[05:56:34] Right.
[05:56:35] It's, you know, to be like, civil war is inevitable and then he'll write underneath
[05:56:37] there.
[05:56:38] Hmm.
[05:56:39] You know.
[05:56:40] Kind of an understatement on there.
[05:56:42] But I can't decide whether or not it's better to know exactly where he stands and know where
[05:56:50] he's going to be put the thumb on, because he's clearly a very bright guy, and he has
[05:56:55] a media empire that has the largest reach and most influence of anything on the face
[05:57:00] of the earth, and there's no question he's going to leverage it in this election.
[05:57:04] No question.
[05:57:05] But the crazy part is he has more impact globally than he does domestically, in
[05:57:08] my opinion, right?
[05:57:10] Because when you go on X, you see a preponderance.
[05:57:14] First of all, I want to state again, John Stuart looks great.
[05:57:18] This is like an 82-year-old man, I think, and he looks awesome.
[05:57:24] This is, you know, if the Daily Show was ever doing a gag in 2002 in the heyday where
[05:57:31] they showed John Stuart as old, he actually looks better now as a real old guy than
[05:57:37] he did in those skits that they did.
[05:57:42] Second of all, I don't really agree about Twitter
[05:57:46] being incredibly influential everywhere.
[05:57:51] As in Amerifat, people in other countries
[05:57:56] are using Telegram.
[05:57:58] That's the thing.
[05:58:00] Twitter is for YA fiction authors and guys like the Bitcoin breakdancing dad who, you
[05:58:11] know, with the TikTok daughter, that's who uses Twitter.
[05:58:14] It's not people in other countries.
[05:58:17] They're using Telegram and all that type of stuff is also for bots.
[05:58:20] I think they're greatly overstating the importance of Twitter.
[05:58:23] Totally agree.
[05:58:24] that it's Twitter at its peak was like 20% of the American population using it or something.
[05:58:30] Not even that. Like at like at its peak, those were what the numbers look like. Yeah. For
[05:58:36] daily active users in America. Now it's like now it's it's nothing. It is a fraction of
[05:58:44] the user base. Yeah. And all the things they've all the changes he made have been
[05:58:49] to hide that it's like largely bot activity like yeah I think everyone saw the thing we're one of
[05:58:55] those you know those fucking dumbass accounts it's like you know historical history history and videos
[05:59:02] yeah they posted a clip of the Kazakh news anchor doing a vocal warm-up where they're like
[05:59:07] this is what caused all the sounds like they posted it with no audio and it's still oh yeah
[05:59:11] it's still got a hundred thousand and all these people are replying to it like damn
[05:59:15] Yeah, it's one of the it's one of the best examples of the dead Internet theory 100%
[05:59:22] I don't fully believe in dead Internet theory. I think that like
[05:59:27] On Twitter though, there is like I
[05:59:31] Don't even think it's like a deliberate
[05:59:34] Botnet like people like to care for a spot net status. I just think like no one is paying attention
[05:59:40] And these things are just like I
[05:59:43] I
[05:59:45] Fuck you know, you know like the like weird everyone gets these weird spam DMs now where it's like
[05:59:54] Put the pussy in bio type thing
[05:59:56] Yeah, and it's like they don't even there's no link to a website. I was I was looking for pussy
[06:00:03] I went to the website and it was not there
[06:00:06] But no, they literally just bots that are advertising nothing because it's just all automated and no one is like
[06:00:13] uh at the wheel yeah um oh here we have you seen the aiden ross though he's a
[06:00:23] birther on you he uh so first he did the trump interview did you see that yes
[06:00:29] it's fucking awesome yes and before the trump interview i was like bro aiden
[06:00:33] like i don't think you understand you think like twitter's bad like you think
[06:00:35] cancel culture is bad like make sure media is gonna be up your ass for if
[06:00:39] you do this interview and he didn't understand it and he thought i was being
[06:00:42] jealous of him. Okay. Then, then when he was doing the fucking Trump interview, he gifted
[06:00:50] him a presidential role and I was like, that's an FEC violation. Like you can't just, you
[06:00:54] can't just like gift a person running for office, like a gift that is significantly
[06:01:00] more expensive than fucking $3,300, the max individual contribution. And he thought I
[06:01:07] was responsible for the FEC coming after him snitched. And it's like, no, I'm pretty
[06:01:12] sure that would have fucking found out about that. Yeah, you gave him a car. I think it's
[06:01:18] the car thing was even funnier to me because it's like, all right, Donald Trump, here's
[06:01:23] your favorite thing, a reminder of your own morality. Here, drive around with the scariest
[06:01:29] moment of your life that you don't even Donald Trump doesn't even like talking about
[06:01:32] it. He is not even bringing it up anymore. The only he brings it up. He brings it
[06:01:37] up with Elon. He brought it up. He likes talking about it, but he only likes talking
[06:01:40] about it like it's a it's like a heavenly like it's like heaven's mandate that saved his life
[06:01:45] he just doesn't sound i think it freaked him out oh i agree with that yeah like the way he talks about it
[06:01:53] i i you know i just i the most stuff i see about it like i guess he does talk about it but the
[06:02:02] most the vast majority of people talking about it are republicans who are doing very 2016 style
[06:02:07] posting. Yeah. Like, hey, y'all, the mainstream media is trying to make us forget that someone
[06:02:14] tried to on a live Trump. Yeah, I said, there was a really funny tweet I saw earlier where
[06:02:23] it was like, where was it? Hold on. Oh, yeah. Today marks one month since an assassination
[06:02:31] attempt on President Trump's life. Big tech in the media wants you to move on and forget
[06:02:36] about it we won't there must be accountability to what it was a registered
[06:02:40] Republican like what do you mean this is so 2016 their accountability I love
[06:02:46] holding people accountable you're not even thinking about what that means are
[06:02:50] we gonna dig up the fucking stupid guy yeah at him yeah he was held accountable
[06:02:57] they shot him in the head yeah they don't them pretty quick if someone tried
[06:03:02] to assassinate president mother go I think we would have heard about a nice
[06:03:05] I
[06:03:09] Think this is driving them insane
[06:03:12] I don't get it because I think if it was still Biden like that in a I think that would have helped them
[06:03:18] Absolutely, oh for sure Biden, but now it just got fucking buried it got buried. Yeah, but apparently a didn't still got smoke for me
[06:03:35] You know
[06:03:43] No, I think it's cute that he's like
[06:03:46] I'm not kidding when I say this a lot of people will be like, oh dude. I can't believe you're saying this but I
[06:03:51] Think it's cute that Aiden is like learning how to be racist
[06:03:55] Yeah, you know what I mean like he's like slowly but surely like he was the type of dude because I've known him for years, right?
[06:04:03] right? And there was a point like before, before Andrew Tate where he was just like genuinely
[06:04:09] the type of guy who's like, too stupid to like be Republican.
[06:04:14] We saw that clip of him reading about Hitler. And straight up, does not know who that is.
[06:04:22] And for the record, like a lot of Republicans are very stupid. A lot of Democrats are
[06:04:25] very stupid too. But like, like, I know I always say like conservatives are so dumb,
[06:04:29] hogs whatever right like there is a level beyond that stupidity where you're just like
[06:04:35] like truly too dumb to like have any kind of like ideological interest in either party
[06:04:42] yeah and I think he's like learned what politics is from like the most insane like
[06:04:50] extremely online grouper losers in his community so he just like repeated them
[06:04:55] over and over again and has basically now arrived at like go back to your own
[06:05:02] country. Yeah, yeah, he just like it's so weird to see him learn it too because
[06:05:08] it's like he still he doesn't know enough to know like actual like racial
[06:05:12] stereotypes. Yeah, it's like if there were racist children's books that would
[06:05:19] really help them. If someone could write like a Richard scary type book
[06:05:24] about racial stereotypes. That would be enormously useful to this man. With like not too much
[06:05:30] reading though. Like you need mostly like, you need mostly pictures. You need all the classic
[06:05:37] Richard Scare characters like the worm who drives the apple car, but he is virulently racist.
[06:05:43] How the fuck it like this guy hates America and lives in America.
[06:05:46] And I think if you're an independent, it makes no fucking sense.
[06:05:49] Go back to the punch you were pointing us on.
[06:05:52] Her behavior has been part of it.
[06:05:53] But he's born in America.
[06:05:54] Like, look, his community is so insane,
[06:05:59] because they're like says the Jew.
[06:06:01] They're like, they fucking hate him too.
[06:06:03] I never understand that.
[06:06:05] Yeah.
[06:06:06] I think, I don't know.
[06:06:08] I think it would be fun.
[06:06:11] Every time on our podcast, it's like, go back to Israel.
[06:06:17] That seems fun.
[06:06:18] I don't know.
[06:06:19] Oh, shit.
[06:06:20] Overnight propaganda attempt for you, actually.
[06:06:22] Like, look at this.
[06:06:24] Attack the Jews, El Jews, like, greedy Jew.
[06:06:30] El Jews is going to be in my head for a while.
[06:06:33] This guy said, kill all Jews, 2024.
[06:06:37] Like, who are these people?
[06:06:40] I don't think it's good to give yourself a deadline like that.
[06:06:43] That's just a way to set yourself up for failure.
[06:06:46] That's all or nothing thinking, you know?
[06:06:48] Yeah, oh I didn't do it this year. I guess I'll never do it
[06:06:52] Someone in his community confronted him with this and I laughed at him addressing
[06:06:55] But I'll be real with you guys if you guys dig you'll find albums of mine that are crazy. They'd be like what the fuck is this
[06:07:20] People get like cancelled for for uh, did you see that there was this girl brooks coal field?
[06:07:26] who was like saying like she was like pro George Zimmerman in 2012 yeah which is
[06:07:33] it insane like you're 16 why the fuck do you care about this like you have to be
[06:07:38] a real loser to be like like invested in George Zimmerman on the wrong side as
[06:07:43] like a high school yeah that's crazy to me that's great yeah do you remember like
[06:07:50] the dipper movement of the early 2010s? No. It was on Twitter and Vine, there were a lot of people
[06:07:59] kind of like for it was cooler than Xen is now. There's like a Xen movement. I think Xen is fine
[06:08:05] to do. I prefer long cut tobacco, you know, the pouches. That's why I like Xen. I used to be a
[06:08:15] dipper myself but not like it wasn't a political thing I just like to me too me too I dipped
[06:08:21] because I was I was doing my tie and jiu jitsu a lot and I thought that like dipping instead of
[06:08:29] smoking a it was way cheaper and b I thought it would be like better for my cardio I don't know
[06:08:34] if it was but anyway there was a movement of online dippers from like red states and they
[06:08:40] They were all like these 14 year olds.
[06:08:42] And we're like, yeah, I knew I'm like, pull one.
[06:08:47] This guy is like, I can not deal with 13 is a 13 year old.
[06:08:54] But yeah, it was, it was community like that.
[06:08:56] And they were all like, I believe in, you know, two things,
[06:08:59] fucking dip and George Zimmerman.
[06:09:02] Yeah.
[06:09:03] It was like a very, you know, baseline.
[06:09:05] Floyd rivers type thing, you know, um, I,
[06:09:11] Yeah, that that's that way. I just don't understand how you like like get to this degree of like outward white supremacy
[06:09:21] Like how like it's a Klansman in a robe. Okay a bush hiding in a bush with a gun
[06:09:28] There's a red flag
[06:09:29] You got like I assume is this either like lean or is it great drink?
[06:09:34] I don't know he didn't drink lead no now
[06:09:36] he does well he's a he's a bit of a culture vulture in that regard and also
[06:09:41] became a lean addict but like but like it's yeah I don't think Jewish people
[06:09:45] should do lean you know we we should do heroin regular heroin I just don't
[06:09:51] understand how the fuck he like like I don't know I like how do you how do you
[06:09:56] do this so he how old would see what he made that oh he said it's not a it's
[06:10:02] It's not a right flag, it's a box trap.
[06:10:05] Yeah, let's see what he got.
[06:10:08] You guys dig, you'll find albums of mine that are crazy.
[06:10:11] They'll be like, what the fuck?
[06:10:12] This is the RFK Junior answer.
[06:10:14] It's like, I never said it was a choir.
[06:10:16] I never said it was a choir, boy.
[06:10:18] I've done a lot of weird stuff, yeah.
[06:10:21] Have I told you about my time with Jeffery Epstein?
[06:10:27] Dig all you want.
[06:10:28] I was very open about it.
[06:10:30] There's clips of me in the past saying stuff.
[06:10:32] I'm sorry, 10 years ago, 15 years ago
[06:10:35] when Black Ops 2 was a thing,
[06:10:38] that's just how it was, bro.
[06:10:39] That's just how it was.
[06:10:40] I don't think he thought about it on a deep level.
[06:10:52] I just don't.
[06:10:53] But it's like, I don't know.
[06:10:56] I don't think he can think of anything on a deep level.
[06:10:59] But like, you know.
[06:11:02] It was not that long ago, when was Black Ops 2?
[06:11:04] I don't know.
[06:11:05] I think I'm going to be the abumbler presidency, wasn't it?
[06:11:08] And it's just wild.
[06:11:12] So it's 2012. Major alert.
[06:11:14] Kamal Arouge real name has been exposed.
[06:11:16] It's all coming out to the storm.
[06:11:18] No community note.
[06:11:19] Yeah, no community note.
[06:11:22] I look this account so good.
[06:11:25] This is I first found them when they were like, Jason Aldean
[06:11:29] compromised and executed for treason.
[06:11:33] Yeah. How do you get to this?
[06:11:35] How do you
[06:11:37] How do you get to this level of insanity like I just don't understand it
[06:11:41] I think you remember when like Roseanne got in trouble
[06:11:47] When she got like fired from which time well that when she got the first night where she got fired from the reunion sitcom
[06:11:54] Well, oh, she was like I was posting through with Ambien or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, and obviously the post she got in trouble for
[06:12:00] the like the star on the camel spec was the Valerie Jarrett post of course, which was not QAnon that was just like racist, but
[06:12:11] The the stuff before that which kind of put the spotlight on her was QAnon stuff and she's a huge QAnon
[06:12:19] I did not I know there's a huge QAnon person and I thought what she said about QAnon was so illustrative
[06:12:26] she said
[06:12:28] It's like a it's like a great mystery novel that we're all working together on she did something like that. Oh, yeah
[06:12:36] Yeah, I like Roseanne, you know, I
[06:12:42] Don't like that was a good show. I don't know I everyone here their parents were not even born yet
[06:12:48] I was on the idea. No, I do here the oldest person in here your parents were born in
[06:12:55] 1989 I
[06:12:57] I was not alive when Roseanne was initially on the on the air, but you know there were reruns. It was a good show
[06:13:03] But for like kind of a kooky person like Roseanne or a lot of these people who are into QAnon
[06:13:09] It's exactly that that it's a collaborative fiction project
[06:13:12] And you have the regular thing of like crazy outlandish shit where you get to feel like you're in on something
[06:13:18] You have some secret arcane knowledge that no one else has which is always exciting, but for QAnon especially it's so
[06:13:25] you are really really like going deep in you know finding hand symbols and this
[06:13:35] guy oh this guy put his hand in his pocket this angle that means he's been
[06:13:40] killed by the Marines at Gitmar for treason it seems really exciting and
[06:13:44] I really love I want to be clear I think QAnon is great I don't agree what I
[06:13:50] I don't like think it's true, but like,
[06:13:53] it's a fun little hobby, but that's why I always say,
[06:13:56] like invest in like fucking,
[06:13:57] I don't know getting really into like D&D or something.
[06:14:00] Like I feel like it's, because like,
[06:14:02] as long as you know it's not like real,
[06:14:05] there's a, there's a, there's something that like removes it
[06:14:08] from your immediate reality.
[06:14:10] Like these people, these people go from like this
[06:14:13] being a hobby to like, I think giving themselves
[06:14:16] schizophrenia.
[06:14:17] Yeah, that's the problem.
[06:14:19] No one would think it was bad if these people didn't freak out and kill a Domino's guy every couple months.
[06:14:27] That's the problem with it, is that it's too real to them.
[06:14:31] And if this stuff is too real to you, it is a question of when, not if,
[06:14:41] When you see like, um, yeah, I don't know the Amazon guy, you'll be like, oh my God, that
[06:14:49] is a version of Joe Biden, they cloned him and he was born as a woman, he was assigned
[06:14:55] with any politicians, triple transitioned him all the way over and turned him into an
[06:15:01] Amazon driver and he's going to shoot me because I revealed that Donnie Osmond's
[06:15:06] soul is trapped in a crystal and we have to free him.
[06:15:11] And that's when it becomes a problem.
[06:15:14] Or you kill a mob boss like that one guy did.
[06:15:16] I don't agree with that.
[06:15:19] But if we could just prevent them from killing people, everyone would like it.
[06:15:26] Bro, Ari Melber is talking about trailing Harish on targets, bros, pods, and streamers.
[06:15:34] This is like, I think it's weird seeing ex-QC and Aida Ross on MSMBC.
[06:15:40] It is very it feels wrong. Yeah, it feels like dream like
[06:15:45] it's
[06:15:47] It's kind of awesome. I'm not gonna lie. That's like I
[06:15:52] Think it's funny to meet someone anyone and wear a shirt with like their face on it. I think that's larry. Oh, he's Canadian. Yeah
[06:16:03] Yeah, I don't I don't like it
[06:16:05] I feel like it draws too much unwanted attention to these platforms
[06:16:09] It's good. Just don't pay attention to it. It's fine.
[06:16:12] Well, are like regular cable news watchers going to find out about kick?
[06:16:20] Oh, no, what if my mom learns about Mr. Bass? Mr. Bass.
[06:16:25] That session though drew over half a million viewers already.
[06:16:28] Trump's visit with Logan Paul, the streamer I showed you a moment ago,
[06:16:31] already has over six million views and counting. These tactics are a part of this election.
[06:16:37] Yeah, I think this stuff is kind of dumb like people ask me all the time whenever I interview
[06:16:43] Whenever I do interviews in the media people will be like oh
[06:16:46] Like what do you think like do you think this is like a successful method? I'm like no I just I don't think people understand
[06:16:53] Like it's probably more successful that there's an endless sequence of like right-wing commentary. Yeah happening on like the no-jumper
[06:17:00] jumper, shade room, like T accounts, all these communities that are like weirdly right wing
[06:17:08] on a lot of like male, female gender dynamics, like endless gender, gender wars and stuff.
[06:17:13] Like I think that is probably more significant in terms of like breaking the brains of people.
[06:17:18] It's like a, uh, then, then like one individual, uh, podcast appearance.
[06:17:24] Yeah, I just like I think again we talked about like how
[06:17:29] Trump 2024 is very Hillary 2016 we like this strategy is very Hillary 2016 S.
[06:17:40] Oh who has the most views I'll go on there well you know and they would be
[06:17:45] coming here you know what I'm saying yeah yeah Trump
[06:17:49] my line is open there's no viewbotting here of course yeah
[06:17:53] But like it just it strikes me as like
[06:17:58] A lot of fervor over something that will not produce a lot of if any votes. I think there are like
[06:18:06] young people who
[06:18:08] Lean trump, obviously, but I don't think I don't think that like won anyone over. You know what I mean
[06:18:16] Yeah
[06:18:18] He literally made hitler youth video content through and you take the prager you no
[06:18:21] I know I'm saying that that's like way more significant. I think in terms of like brain-breaking
[06:18:26] Yeah younger generations and like one off like a one-off appearance that Trump has but even then it doesn't fucking matter ultimately
[06:18:34] Yeah, I agree with that. You cannot you cannot fucking go against all media. It's a lot of mainstream media
[06:18:42] But if they
[06:18:43] Like the only reason why trouble is able to is because Fox is right wing and it's the most popular news
[06:18:48] broadcaster in the fucking country is a part of major media but like there's no
[06:18:53] there's no world in which you can just like even with Fox Trump is not I mean
[06:18:58] Trump is still like kind of underwater in the polls because people have already
[06:19:04] made up their fucking minds there's no better there's no better way to like not
[06:19:09] be able to win than being president for four years and then losing the fucking
[06:19:13] cadaver yeah and then running a rerun of that campaign again the worst thing
[06:19:18] that could have been Trump was for him to become a known quantity that removes any ability
[06:19:24] among you know most independent voters to see him as more moderate or to see him as an outsider
[06:19:30] who can meaningfully change things if you already know what you get from a Trump presidency.
[06:19:35] But beyond that to the earlier point about like the Trump internet strategy,
[06:19:42] I mean the thing about the internet and like certainly people do change their minds
[06:19:47] and they do fall down rabbit holes and stuff and can get involved in very weird or maybe
[06:19:53] not so weird, but otherwise heavily politicized communities online, right? But I think for
[06:20:00] the most part the internet and internet media, its power is not in convincing people but
[06:20:09] in, you know, just multiplying the voices of people who already are ideologically
[06:20:15] line. Maybe bringing them further into the pack, but for the most part, all internet media is just
[06:20:23] the highest form of rallying up a base that already is there, so to speak. And just as a way to bring
[06:20:30] new people in, especially for an electoral project, I think it's, you know, results remain to be
[06:20:39] I just yeah, it just
[06:20:44] It's the same it's the same thing with like with Twitter people are like, oh man
[06:20:51] Twitter is like breaking people's brains like no, it's not it just brought back like
[06:20:56] The fucking worst of the four-chain groiper losers into the forefront and then everyone else that considers that to be like
[06:21:04] Incredibly gross have basically just left the platform like I'm a power user
[06:21:09] I'm a fucking I am a Twitter power user or I was a Twitter power user. I had it on my phone
[06:21:15] I had a fucking alt account
[06:21:17] I was responsible for like because Twitter power users like the whales are responsible for most of the posts and most of the fucking
[06:21:23] Organic engagement on the platform. I don't use it. I took it off my phone
[06:21:27] I don't use it unless I'm like literally fucking live streaming beyond that. I don't use it at all
[06:21:33] I used to use it so much more. I used to use it double the amount of times I use like and
[06:21:39] And I think I'm not alone in this like there's a lot of people who are just like
[06:21:44] Greatly dialed back. They're using so many content creators. I talked to I know it's anecdotal but so many content creators I talked to have
[06:21:51] Talked about like also deleting it from their phones now because they just think it's like a right-wing shithole
[06:21:57] That is constantly pumping them with fucking toxicity
[06:22:01] Yeah, I mean ultimately
[06:22:03] It's this was I mean again before anything
[06:22:07] He did not want to do this like Elon Musk very expressly did not want to buy Twitter and he was forced into it
[06:22:15] That is the thing that I think everyone forgets. He paid way too much for something that has taken up
[06:22:23] way too much of his time for a very minuscule if any return
[06:22:30] That said I think like once he was sort of realized that he couldn't get out of this and that he was pot-committed
[06:22:38] He made a very short side of calculus that it's like, okay
[06:22:41] I'll like the finger was on the scale for like broadly liberal shit. I'll put my finger on the scale for like
[06:22:49] Incredibly like alienating right wing stuff. Yeah, and the short term result of that is like, okay
[06:22:57] now like yeah
[06:23:00] The world of psychology is like it that's like a post that you fucking see it like yeah
[06:23:06] Yeah, you see that every day, but instead of like, instead of that galvanizing and and and radicalizing people what it's almost like they believed every book that people wrote in 2017 about how the internet radicalizes everyone.
[06:23:21] It's like they believe that now and they're like, oh, we'll get everyone on board with like the most right wing shit possible. But the actual result is just people are just kind of non plus and leave.
[06:23:35] same thing with right wing cultural stuff. The right wing cultural shift seemed ascended
[06:23:42] even just two months ago. I thought it was temporary because I think all cultural shifts
[06:23:49] are temporary and there's always swing back and people overplay their hands. It's always
[06:23:56] what happens. We've seen it with everything. I didn't expect it to peter out as fast as
[06:24:04] it did. And in retrospect, it seems pretty predictable when you look at the midterm results
[06:24:10] that the actual result of this stuff was people mostly tuning out. Yeah. And I think the other
[06:24:16] side of it is that like, it caused Republicans to develop a genuine sense that like their ideas
[06:24:23] are popular and not fucking gross. Exactly. Like average people, they're there. It caused
[06:24:30] the Christopher Rufo's of the world to like gain momentum in the Republican Party, which is
[06:24:34] Hurting them electorally exact. It's the same thing when like Elizabeth Warren
[06:24:40] Because everyone who worked on her campaign or Kamala's 2020 campaign for that matter. Yeah
[06:24:46] Everyone they knew and then all their timelines
[06:24:51] Everywhere it's all the same. It's a bunch of fucking infographics and the Memphis
[06:24:55] Corporate style of art and like here's what here's how to fucking tell an ADHD person that you can't go to their wedding like shit like that
[06:25:04] And they're like, Oh, this is all I see. This must be what everyone's timeline is like. Let's build a presidential campaign around it.
[06:25:11] Yeah. And now we have the reverse of it, which is,
[06:25:15] you know,
[06:25:16] Republican elected officials and think tank people and all these people being like,
[06:25:20] Okay, I guess, uh, everyone wants to hear.
[06:25:24] I guess we should, um, screen showings of our new movie Hitler, the untold story. Yeah. The world's greatest man.
[06:25:31] It just freaks people out.
[06:25:33] JD Vance is basically like built in a fucking laboratory of like that kind of mind melting.
[06:25:42] Like I saw another interview that he did with Eric fucking Weinstein, not even Brett, okay?
[06:25:47] The lesser Weinstein.
[06:25:50] And he's calling like, he talks about his wife or he talks about his mother-in-law
[06:25:55] as a like and says that like he uses terms such as
[06:26:02] What do you say post-menopausal females have a genetic predisposition to like
[06:26:08] Engage in child rearing like it just what it's like
[06:26:15] It's are you mean they're grandkids you fucking idiot? That's amazing. They're purpose is
[06:26:20] Yeah, it's just like there's such a normal way to say that you're you're not making a statement that is like that out
[06:26:30] That out of pocket, but the way that you're saying it makes it sound like you're an insane person dude
[06:26:38] Like look I mean here it just lives in the clip and you'll understand sort of see the effect
[06:26:42] It has on him to be around like they spoil them sort of all the classic stuff that grandparents do to grandchildren
[06:26:48] But it makes him a much better human being to have exposure to his grand parents.
[06:26:54] I don't know.
[06:26:55] And the evidence on this, by the way, is super clear.
[06:26:57] That's the whole purpose of the post-monopausal female in theory.
[06:27:00] Did you're in?
[06:27:01] But who is theory?
[06:27:02] Eric Weinstein post-monopausal female is like, yeah, you know, laws, and particularly
[06:27:07] your mother-in-law show up in some huge way.
[06:27:12] She lived with us for a year, right?
[06:27:14] So, you know, I didn't know the answer to that.
[06:27:16] No.
[06:27:17] weird, unadvertised feature of marrying an Indian woman.
[06:27:20] It's, yeah, it's in some ways the most transgressive thing
[06:27:22] I've ever done against.
[06:27:23] I, bro, you can, like, leave it to me.
[06:27:27] Like, no, this podcast should have never been aired.
[06:27:30] The moment that you have like any kind of political
[06:27:32] aspirate, like political ambition,
[06:27:34] you're sitting across from fucking Eric Weinstein,
[06:27:38] saying post-monopausal female, saying like,
[06:27:42] it's an, it's an unadvertised,
[06:27:45] like, it's an unadvertised like genetic trait of the Indian, like, this is, this should be
[06:27:53] a slam dunk normal statement. Like the type of thing you say to, you know, the aunt in
[06:28:02] your family, you have the most strange relationship at Thanksgiving when you have
[06:28:06] nothing to talk about. Oh, you know, my niece has been spending a lot of time with grandma.
[06:28:13] What was her fucking grandkids?
[06:28:16] Is it a great how the older members of the family
[06:28:20] and they have this symbiotic relationship
[06:28:23] where it's exciting for both of them and blah, blah, blah?
[06:28:26] Very uncontroversial statement.
[06:28:29] And then you just sprinkle like some insane person stuff
[06:28:33] on that.
[06:28:34] And you're like the Femoid species
[06:28:36] when their fucking estrogen runs out
[06:28:39] and you can't use their pussies anymore.
[06:28:42] Their instinct is to raise the young and Indians get a racial buff on grandkids.
[06:28:48] Yeah.
[06:28:49] What?
[06:28:50] What are you talking about?
[06:28:52] How did you, you took such a normal thing and you made it so fucking strange.
[06:28:57] But it's, it's because he's like, he has the same like Elon Musk tendency of like wanting to be wanted by like the dumbest fucking losers.
[06:29:07] Like he got swept away.
[06:29:10] He got swept away by like, I guess all the shit that he saw in his timeline. That's why he was following like, you know
[06:29:17] Hyal Hitler 97 or whatever the fuck. A lot of those were fake. No, no, I know but I'm saying like, but dude
[06:29:23] He literally retreated the guy who fucking got fired for attending a white nationalist conference yesterday
[06:29:31] Because he like is very deep in that. Yeah. Yeah, that's why I'm exaggerating when I say the Hyal Hitler 97
[06:29:38] But like he is like, bro, he went on.
[06:29:41] Did he didn't go on fucking Amy Therese's podcast or something like that's
[06:29:45] insane, bro.
[06:29:46] What are you doing?
[06:29:47] Yeah, you should be lobotomized.
[06:29:50] The fuck it is.
[06:29:51] Yeah.
[06:29:52] No, it's like he has the stench of like, not just someone who's too deep
[06:29:59] into that world, but most pathetically of all, someone who got into it
[06:30:05] when they were like 40.
[06:30:06] There is something very alienating to people of someone who, like, okay, according to his
[06:30:14] rule, according to his current view of the world, he was like, whatever you want to call
[06:30:21] it, the New World Order or a fucking global home or whatever these people say, right?
[06:30:26] Yeah.
[06:30:27] He was like the James Bond of that world.
[06:30:31] He was like their foot above foot soldier.
[06:30:34] wrote a book that was like the IMF should take over Appalachia because they're lazy and
[06:30:40] and force them force feed them the right sigma grindset podcast so they can pick themselves
[06:30:45] up by their fucking bootstraps he literally his claim to fame was throwing his family
[06:30:51] under the bus and he all this all this stuff that these guys hate now the world economic
[06:30:56] form all this that was those were the only places he went to and then when he's 40
[06:31:04] like wait oh the opposite is true I I know that me who just figured this out I should be telling
[06:31:14] everyone what to do yeah um here's a he appeared on Laura Ingraham again to come across by the way
[06:31:24] more eyeshadow he's wearing more eyeshadow than her that's point out Laura Ingraham literally is a
[06:31:30] childless cat lady who like by JD vanes standards she has three adopted children I think they're
[06:31:36] like literally from Guatemala to or El Salvador if I'm not mistaken so like for her to have JD
[06:31:43] vanes on to and routinely defend him is additionally funny because he has directly attacked her yeah
[06:31:51] okay yeah um but let's see there are one of my dear friends um tonight said to me well the all
[06:31:58] All these suburban women, all these suburban women,
[06:32:01] all they care about is abortion
[06:32:02] and they don't understand that decision
[06:32:03] is with the states now.
[06:32:05] It's not banned nationally.
[06:32:07] Is this such a fun little gaslighting operation
[06:32:09] that they've been trying to do?
[06:32:10] This is like Trump.
[06:32:11] Trump tried to message his way out of the abortion ban
[06:32:14] by simultaneously being like,
[06:32:16] it's good that I did it to continue,
[06:32:18] you know, the wave of you Angel, who's voting for him
[06:32:21] but also recognizes that like everybody fucking hates it.
[06:32:24] Yeah.
[06:32:25] And then he got like,
[06:32:26] when he faced like a minor rebellion with like the color written housing and all these other people he was like, okay, okay, okay, I'll ban it.
[06:32:32] Yeah.
[06:32:32] And then it just, yeah, no fucking 10 more, 10 more, 10 million more independent voters just gone.
[06:32:39] Yeah, it's awesome. It's awesome that he's like, it's awesome that they're trying to be like, no, everybody likes it.
[06:32:46] Yeah.
[06:32:46] Everybody actually all the legal scholars wanted Roe v Wade gone.
[06:32:51] Yeah, well, they needed it gone and it's better than it's gone, but also it has no effect.
[06:32:57] Yeah, yeah.
[06:32:58] It might as well not, not happen to the point that we didn't do it, but we also did it.
[06:33:05] So vote for us if you're evangelical.
[06:33:06] Yeah, let's hear what he had to say.
[06:33:08] People, some people don't understand that decision is with the states now.
[06:33:11] It's not banned.
[06:33:12] And it's good.
[06:33:13] That's why, that's why it's so good.
[06:33:15] That's why we're, as the Republican Party, we're trying to get it off the ballots
[06:33:18] desperately.
[06:33:19] Yeah.
[06:33:20] or just completely overturning the ballot measures in states like Kentucky and Kansas and
[06:33:27] everywhere else where they do make that decision. And then they're like,
[06:33:30] yeah, actually, we lied. We're still going to ban abortion.
[06:33:32] Yeah. Though it is the generational crisis for them. It is like, again, I don't think people
[06:33:41] fully processed how insane the 2022 result was. Knowing how unpopular Biden was, everyone
[06:33:49] Hated the fucking economy everyone hated inflation and yet negative real wage growth
[06:33:56] Yeah, like every single person got like a marginal boost in their salary. That was completely wiped out by inflation like
[06:34:05] Completely it's okay. They were poorer. Americans were objectively poorer
[06:34:09] underbiden for the first two fucking years and
[06:34:12] And literally even then they couldn't win because they were so heavily invested in the transpanic shit, crime panic narratives and whatnot.
[06:34:20] They crushed a Democratic Party led by a popular and charismatic speaker in Obama.
[06:34:27] Like some of their best midterms ever were against him.
[06:34:31] But against fucking stupid Joe who is like clinically dead.
[06:34:37] Donald Trump as the leader of the party has not won a single midterm insane
[06:34:47] insane
[06:34:50] No way a nepo baby in this lip-tart thing with a vape addiction or shit talking people them out
[06:34:56] brother you have a
[06:34:59] Anonymous account on Twitter to talk shit to people that you hate like I
[06:35:05] Cannot stress this enough
[06:35:07] This is bottom of the barrel for you. Okay?
[06:35:10] Like I also overcame my lip tart diagnosis. Yeah, he's not one of the lip tarts school. Yeah, it's awesome. Thank you. Thank you chatter for coming in and owning us in the marketplace of ideas nationally even if people something wanted to be banned nationally.
[06:35:29] It's with the states. What do you say to suburban women out there who are marinating in this propaganda?
[06:35:36] Well, first of all, I don't buy that, Laura.
[06:35:39] I think most Suburban women care about the normal things that most Americans care about.
[06:35:43] Senator, one of my-
[06:35:44] What?
[06:35:45] What?
[06:35:46] They're trying to do the fucking- We're not the weird ones.
[06:35:49] They are shit so hard.
[06:35:50] They care about normal things, like how Indian grandmothers have a genetic predisposition
[06:35:57] to have grandkids.
[06:35:59] Dude, there is nothing more normal than being a woman or having a daughter or knowing
[06:36:06] a fucking woman in general and being worried about their medical fucking future because
[06:36:14] so many of these abortions are not happening at the recreational bases that you fucking
[06:36:20] dumb losers claimed it was happening on.
[06:36:24] It's just like, it's so stupid.
[06:36:26] Of course normal people care about that.
[06:36:28] That is so dumb.
[06:36:29] I've never met a single fucking person who is normal that also was like, no, but
[06:36:35] it's so great that they're, you know, they were doing the Holocaust with the abortions
[06:36:39] and now they've stopped it.
[06:36:41] Yeah.
[06:36:42] Every, what's normal?
[06:36:44] An issue that every, literally affects everyone.
[06:36:49] Everyone cares about.
[06:36:51] That's not normal.
[06:36:52] What is normal is a 42 year old with his mom's last name who every time he gets
[06:36:59] on camera is wearing eye shadow and talks about his lifelong weight struggles.
[06:37:05] Which one's normal? I don't know who knows who's to say guy at the gym called me a pussy
[06:37:13] liberal advice guy at the gym saw me in a common 2024 shirt can you hide me a real quick
[06:37:18] to go beat his ass I mean he's right why the fuck are you wearing a common why are you
[06:37:24] wearing a common pale you're taking our chain here if you were in a common 2024 shirt at
[06:37:28] the gym you kind of deserve it I'm not gonna lie bro how like the campaign is like been
[06:37:34] around for a month. How the fuck did you get a combo?
[06:37:36] It's 20, 20 for sure. He preordered. Oh my God, dude.
[06:37:42] You know what? I I I briefly I left Equinox in 2019, the one in
[06:37:49] Williamsburg when I used to live in Brooklyn, because I saw a
[06:37:53] Pete Buttigieg shirt. I saw one there and I was like, I've
[06:37:57] got to leave West Hollywood, he was the only place that you
[06:38:00] You will see that by the way.
[06:38:02] This was like the hotbed, the rich, the rich white gays were the rich white racist gays
[06:38:10] with the people in his shirts.
[06:38:11] Oh my God.
[06:38:13] That's the only, only time I've ever seen one in the wild.
[06:38:15] What for me, it wasn't like this was before mayor Pete was like really nationally known.
[06:38:21] It was before primary season kicking the full gear.
[06:38:24] It was more like it could have been any candidate, but just the fact that someone
[06:38:29] cared about like a primary candidate that much. I think it was like 2018 and 2018 really
[06:38:35] just alienated me from that place. That's insane. Oh my God. Can you look? God. Where
[06:38:44] else can you get your, where else can you get tricked down? You gotta find a new place
[06:38:51] to do that. I love the accounts of like straight guys who use the sauna in the West Hollywood
[06:38:58] It's me, by the way, me.
[06:39:00] I have done that.
[06:39:01] They're like, hey, fellas, can you cut it out in here?
[06:39:03] Can you stop?
[06:39:05] He's a guy who doesn't know what K-Sex is.
[06:39:07] Can you stop fucking horse playing in here?
[06:39:10] Yeah, what's going on?
[06:39:11] What are you guys doing with it?
[06:39:12] Is that a new stretching technique?
[06:39:13] Hey, hey, guys, cut it out.
[06:39:19] OK, let's see what the.
[06:39:21] Senator JD Bance, the 2024 Republican,
[06:39:23] vice presidential candidate, running mate of Donald Trump.
[06:39:27] Senator, it's great to see you. When you look back on this, I mean, they destroyed Biden's
[06:39:33] career. They pushed him out of the race. They use the media to whip up the propaganda to
[06:39:38] try to demoralize Trump supporters. And at the end of all this, Senator, your campaign
[06:39:44] is up one point nationally.
[06:39:46] Congratulations. Yeah, the media tried to demoralize the Trump campaign. And there's
[06:39:56] a whopping. There's a whopping within the margin of error. One point increase over Kamala from
[06:40:03] this Fox News poll fucking clobbering by it was. Oh my God. That's why he keeps talking
[06:40:09] about how sad he is that he defeated Biden so thoroughly favorite up. Yeah. I do feel
[06:40:15] bad for him. Like in a way I do think it was so fun for him to like see Biden. I think
[06:40:22] I think for old people too, it's exciting for them for a really old person to see someone who's like 7.5% margin of interest
[06:40:31] That's okay. That's crazy. Why does this one say three points? That's normal. This one
[06:40:38] 7.5% margin of interest why?
[06:40:42] Why even have a hole
[06:40:44] Why do you have a margin of error not margin of interest? Sorry, shut up. Why you know what I have a pole
[06:40:52] You might as well just like be like we all we shook an eight ball that we flipped a coin
[06:40:58] that I'm just gonna win independence love Donald Trump 100% margin of error
[06:41:04] so bad this is the anybody want me 100% no but then they just came back and we're like
[06:41:15] Yeah, fuck it. I like all the like not even like the
[06:41:21] Resmuciner any of the crazy ones can produce a poll where JD Vance is like less than 10 points underwater
[06:41:28] I know even the Fox News poll the Fox News poll said
[06:41:32] JD Vance is polling more poorly amongst Republican voters
[06:41:37] like people that get to know him hate him the most he is a real Rhonda Santas moment for him
[06:41:46] and he just has to sit there and be like like like when Dana Fash was like uh was like Donald
[06:41:53] Trump said you're the weird one and not him what do you have to say to that and he was just like
[06:41:58] Man, I am weird fucking the evil little feisty makes is
[06:42:05] Like you're right the way to characterize it where they're where they're like okay
[06:42:10] So the entire liberal media machine and every celebrity and everyone
[06:42:15] Has talked about how you're you're gross
[06:42:19] You fucking look and act weird and no one likes you and everyone's talking about how much they hate you and look
[06:42:26] the result of all that you're not that unpopular like it would that well people
[06:42:33] it look we pulled ten people in your hometown and only nine of them said they
[06:42:38] want to kill you with hammers this is objectively better than the last ball
[06:42:42] where ten people said it seems like there's momentum for your JD man
[06:42:50] He almost lost it Tim Ryan
[06:42:56] Bro in Ohio deep red Ohio
[06:43:00] On the same fucking ballot the governor who is like obviously more moderate and obviously it's different for governors governors can
[06:43:07] You know be significantly more popular than the than the rest of the ticket, but by 25 points
[06:43:13] Yeah, like my but the wine got 25 points. I'm fucking JD veins. Why do you guys underperform Donald Trump in Ohio?
[06:43:20] Mike DeWine might as well be like a fez all the side
[06:43:26] like his
[06:43:27] He's mr. Business Republican. He's you know the type of guy that they barely have anymore and
[06:43:35] like
[06:43:36] JV Vance
[06:43:37] All the like Michael might probably gets 30% margins without bands on the ticket
[06:43:44] Yeah, they brought him down
[06:43:46] He's that fucking bad. He is electoral poison
[06:43:52] Yeah, it's so awesome that they picked him. It could have been Doug Burgum like it came down to the wire, dude
[06:43:58] I was a burgum maniac in it and I was I was riding with Burgum. I was you know excited about it
[06:44:04] There's there's two big misses in this election cycle. RfK junior could have had Jesse
[06:44:10] Jesse Ventura and I would have voted for him if he did and
[06:44:15] Despite the fact that he is like seemingly John Fetterman style brainwarmed on Israel
[06:44:20] I don't think Ventura would have accepted. No, he said he was thinking about it
[06:44:24] He was like the second he would ultimately though. Yeah, he's he's super lived up
[06:44:28] No, he hates like everything RK stands for yeah
[06:44:32] But it would have been sick and then and then, you know, Doug Burgum could have been the ticket
[06:44:36] the ticket leader for Donald Trump. There was a version of reality where Biden stays in and Trump picks Burgum
[06:44:44] and it's like the first time Trump ever wins a popular vote and they win the House and Senate.
[06:44:50] That is a version of reality. Oh, speaking of RFK Jr. RFK Jr. I don't know if you remember this went to the Trump campaign
[06:44:59] and was like, make me the head of like, give me medicine.
[06:45:03] Yeah, make me the medicine guy.
[06:45:05] Yeah, give me give me the FDA and I will like JFK, pick it apart
[06:45:10] and throw it into a million pieces like J.F.P. said about the CIA
[06:45:13] or whatever. Like, and Trump's like, no.
[06:45:18] What are you talking about? That that is going to go to like
[06:45:21] a billionaire pharmaceutical guy.
[06:45:23] I love that Trump is like at least with him enough to
[06:45:26] know like this guy adds nothing for
[06:45:29] And now he sought a meeting with Kamala Harris to discuss a cabinet job.
[06:45:37] What leverage does he think he has?
[06:45:41] I just don't understand it because like he's basically Rahm Emanuel, but also anti-medicine.
[06:45:46] Yeah.
[06:45:47] So like what difference do you offer to the ticket than any other regular Democrat?
[06:45:54] He's literally the only constituency he's for is Bill Maher.
[06:45:58] You're like, if you are like, you're like, I'm okay with gay marriage, I'm pro-Israel,
[06:46:05] but I don't believe germs exist.
[06:46:07] Yeah, I don't believe your candidate.
[06:46:09] And that's one guy in the world, the greatest interviewer alive.
[06:46:12] Also, he's like legitimately, and I'm not just saying this like, he is legitimately anti-semitic.
[06:46:20] You cannot be disinvested in conspiracy theories and not be anti-semitic regardless.
[06:46:25] But like he is, he literally openly sitting next to like John Levine and shit was like
[06:46:30] COVID was an Ashkenazi Jewish conspiracy with the Chinese like they collaborated together.
[06:46:35] We're not refresh my memory on this one.
[06:46:38] He said that like Jewish people like can't get COVID right?
[06:46:43] Was that the thing?
[06:46:44] Yeah, which is which is so like saying Ashkenazi Jews can't get sick means that you've like
[06:46:52] you that's anti-Semitic in and of itself.
[06:46:54] So far from the reality that like you what did you like you didn't meet a single Jewish person in your life
[06:47:01] We have a fuck that you arrive at this conclusion. Yeah. Yeah, it's like it's insane
[06:47:07] I mean
[06:47:12] What is his operating theory then?
[06:47:15] Then it was like
[06:47:17] Was it like Israel worked on it with China? Is that what he's saying?
[06:47:21] I don't even know maybe he there's like a new type of a dissimism where he's like only doesn't like Ashkenazi
[06:47:30] Vodya, yeah, he's like I think I'm supposed to be a servant of the Sephardi's
[06:47:35] I'm even cattle
[06:47:37] Ashkenazi, no, thank you. It's parties
[06:47:41] Yeah, God's emissaries. Yeah, I don't I don't know. I don't know what the fuck like I don't know how he's like so I
[06:47:47] I don't know how he's so pro-Israel unless like I don't know
[06:47:52] He did hang out with Jeffrey Epstein. I mean, yeah
[06:47:55] Some page out there somewhere, you know what I mean? It's just like Israel, please
[06:47:59] It's either that right which I'm not sure I don't even think like do you think Jeffrey Epstein would think he's like important enough to blackmail
[06:48:10] Because I don't know like
[06:48:12] true
[06:48:13] Especially back then when he was like a he was like a fucking environmental lawyer
[06:48:17] You know what I mean?
[06:48:18] It was like just some guy who would like go on air America and be like we have to clean up this river. Yeah, but like I
[06:48:25] Think that his Zionism is like I
[06:48:28] Don't know. It's a very like 90s Hollywood style Zionism where you're like I like Israel because it's the most badass country in
[06:48:36] Yeah, babes. Yeah, he said Palestinians are the most pampered refugees in the world
[06:48:42] Like insane for can move all people this yeah, and also I think he's like linked up with the rabbi shmueli
[06:48:51] You are so fucking insane like it blows my mind how you can
[06:48:56] How do you how do you do this like how?
[06:48:58] Brainworms, I guess yeah
[06:49:01] Talk about an internet. His campaign is only internet stuff
[06:49:05] That's why he's getting a whopping six percent, baby
[06:49:08] It's like think about if you could bring Ross Perot and his peak form back
[06:49:15] this election or
[06:49:18] For this election when Biden was in it
[06:49:21] What do you think he gets Ross Perot probably wins electoral votes in this environment if he was pro-Palestinian?
[06:49:27] I'm not even kidding. He would probably melt the table a little bit
[06:49:32] Yeah, like he would he would eat away at the Democratic Party's base
[06:49:38] Aggressively if he wasn't so nutty like cuz a lot of Americans are dumb as fuck. They love this like weird like oh, yeah
[06:49:45] I'm gonna I think medication is poisoning you
[06:49:48] Yeah, that's why we need to eat ladybugs or whatever the fuck right like
[06:49:56] Americans are weirdest fuck on top of that if he was like actually fucking cranked out to the same like if he was like
[06:50:02] Truly the anti-war candidate early see like presented himself as such like I feel like he would he could make
[06:50:09] He could legitimately get a lot of momentum in like very important blue states
[06:50:15] Yeah, yeah, I I
[06:50:19] Yeah, mmm. I just think like
[06:50:23] He's I
[06:50:26] Would guess final results for the RFK a campaign under 3% nationally
[06:50:32] which is so insane considering how exhausted this electorate is.
[06:50:37] Yeah.
[06:50:38] Again, like Ross Perot, if Ross Perot in his 1992 form, we're alive right now and running,
[06:50:46] I would bet $10,000 that he wins electoral votes in at least one state easily in this environment.
[06:50:56] Even with this.
[06:50:58] Hey everybody, this is Cavie Johnson.
[06:51:01] Why are there no bugs on her?
[06:51:06] And he she just fucking goofy woman was like here's a bag of ladybugs to help your garden
[06:51:12] Okay, it was like oh, thanks
[06:51:16] All over my body, so everyone knows I'm normally good
[06:51:23] This is a living culture like Cambodia
[06:51:27] What did he do? I don't know
[06:51:29] Oh
[06:51:32] He has to be dead like bugs do not respond this way to humans. Okay. No, he's dying
[06:51:49] The bugs are not tracking him as like an organic matter like they literally are just like no, this is like
[06:51:54] This is a car kiss
[06:51:58] Okay, needs to run for the for the Senate seat from Lawn Door
[06:52:03] Hallows
[06:52:05] He never explains why the bugs are on him
[06:52:09] So fucked up. Yeah, how do you also not like instinctively try to swat one?
[06:52:19] They're calling it was ear and shit the entire time it's so weird
[06:52:23] But yeah, he, he went after a cabinet job at the meeting was a granite. He previously
[06:52:27] saw an administration with an administrative job with Trump amid discussion of Kennedy back
[06:52:31] in the form of president. I think Trump is desperate enough that he might like actually
[06:52:36] like later down the line, he might get Kennedy to like potentially drop out and endorse him.
[06:52:41] I don't know. Yeah. I think Trump's October surprise attempt will either like, I literally
[06:52:48] I think this may happen where they're going to get an actor to say he was a hostage
[06:52:54] and that Trump negotiated his release with Hamas in Israel.
[06:52:58] Yeah, that's that's one.
[06:53:00] And it's going to be it's going to be Patrick that David.
[06:53:04] Will pretend to be a hostage.
[06:53:07] Well, no, he's too broad.
[06:53:10] He's too. He's too.
[06:53:12] He's too broad.
[06:53:13] They would know that he's been fed well.
[06:53:17] something like that or it will be like guess what RFK is gonna be my fucking
[06:53:22] vaccine guy one or the other yeah that well yeah Mpox yeah they're gonna be
[06:53:30] like Mpox is fake yeah has he advanced on value payment yet I just I just
[06:53:38] realized no because I don't know if he has because he's only done like the
[06:53:42] weirdo grouper ones he hasn't gone to any of the cool fucking podcast he's not cool enough
[06:53:47] like he's not Joe Rogan material he's not cut out for the fucking he's not cut out for the Joe Rogan
[06:53:52] is the Patrick bed Dave is like that's the big leagues okay boys that's not big leagues that's
[06:53:58] still weird you're talking to a bunch of Canadians who larp is like who never went to college that
[06:54:03] larp is like American frat bros okay and maybe that shit was like four years ago when there
[06:54:07] were college age that was fine but now there's old too and like the alcoholism is like genuinely
[06:54:13] set into their faces when they you know they get the bald one face I love your 25 why do
[06:54:18] you look like that the fuck happened to you I love when Dana White hangs out with the
[06:54:21] milk boys cuz they know why it is like a 60 year old man yeah like we're gonna do some
[06:54:26] bitches together like yeah cool Dana me about 25 year old me and Steiner gonna do
[06:55:04] I let me go on record. I've said this privately. I hate how mean people are to her when she got that like
[06:55:11] She did something like job for the USC where she was interviewing fighters and people were like
[06:55:14] I went to fucking journalism school. They didn't even let me do it and it's like
[06:55:20] Well, first of all, you're stupid for going to journalism school
[06:55:23] Second of all, this isn't a journalism. This is an internal promotions job
[06:55:27] And this is a nice pretty lady that everyone likes and you're being crazy
[06:55:31] You're down your defender. Okay. Yeah, you do the Hawk to a girl make fun of Stiney, dude. I
[06:55:38] Just don't want to know like I hate myself for knowing what those words mean
[06:55:42] You know what I mean? It's just like one of those things is just like immediately snaps me out of it
[06:55:47] Oh, Brett Cooper better. Yeah, right Brett Cooper better we be break Cooper got fucking doped by a phase Ronaldo clip, okay?
[06:55:55] Where's your where's your fucking?
[06:55:57] Journalistic code now
[06:56:01] of Fazer and Aldo clip, of Fazer and Aldo being like,
[06:56:05] Fazer and Aldo fucking being like,
[06:56:07] oh yeah, the Kamala Harris campaign is calling me too.
[06:56:10] And then she was, she, I gotta find that TikTok dude.
[06:56:14] I gotta fucking find that TikTok dude.
[06:56:24] Might've been a dead end for Kamala, but her team-
[06:56:27] I archived that shit too.
[06:56:28] I was like, yeah, I wanna fucking show this on stream.
[06:56:30] Oh, it's Brett Cooper.
[06:56:31] Was she like a TPUSA girl?
[06:56:33] I think so.
[06:56:34] I think she's like Femme Chabibbo.
[06:56:35] She's like the woman very-
[06:56:37] for Kamala the younger woman variant of Ben Shapiro who does like a fake streaming setup
[06:56:42] Yeah, and she copied my steeze so fucking hard dude. They swag jacked. She's doing the whole like lighting thing
[06:56:50] She also like I never noticed this about her
[06:56:54] Previously, but she has like the very like millennial voice styling. It's like she well
[06:57:00] Today children
[06:57:03] Yeah, the voice that you reach up when dig threads and
[06:57:07] McFox dick they have been undeterred next they reached out to another streamer Ronaldo from phase and that also
[06:57:13] Did not turn out the way that they hope so
[06:57:17] Camila Iris
[06:57:20] You in the secret service to do a stream. I am not doing a stream with any
[06:57:25] politicians well not having it it's not even if they just don't want to talk to
[06:57:29] come not even if they just don't want to talk to come I'm not a web creator
[06:57:44] they don't want to be involved he's not a web creator never mind oh who can blame
[06:57:48] that how can this girl be a credible news source this is what I'm talking
[06:57:52] when I say stop believing everything you see online.
[06:57:54] 4.2 million subs.
[06:57:56] How are people so global?
[06:57:58] I don't know.
[06:57:58] DailyWire is done.
[06:58:00] It's done.
[06:58:00] It's over.
[06:58:01] Can I just say something that I love about Ronaldo is,
[06:58:06] and I think this is an artistic choice on his part,
[06:58:09] because I saw streams before he was in phase.
[06:58:12] He was a competitive Fortnite player for a while,
[06:58:14] and I was familiar with him.
[06:58:17] You making the twisties the headset mic or the audio cracks
[06:58:22] Makes all of it so much like funnier. I agree. It's a great artistic choice. I think he's a genius
[06:58:29] No, he's he's very funny. I like him a lot. Yeah, he's very good. I like all the new phase boys. They're they're all great
[06:58:35] Yeah, it's a Tyler one. Is the Tyler one headset shit. Yeah, it's it's a great choice. I think he's a genius for that
[06:58:41] yeah
[06:58:43] moxie does it too
[06:58:45] But, um, yeah, where's your fucking God now we be my discord like loves doing break Cooper memes like they
[06:58:53] And at first they were like I think it because they're horny. I think like there's no other reason. I don't I don't understand it
[06:59:00] I've never I've never even seen like a conservative. I've seen some fans of some real like fifth string conservative women like
[06:59:09] I don't even need to bring up the the Lonnie's the Melanie fans
[06:59:13] I've never seen not even the most desperate 61 year old man be like Brett Cooper. You are one smart smoke show
[06:59:22] There's like I haven't seen a brick Cooper fan anywhere
[06:59:27] Yeah, they do this
[06:59:28] They do this shit like not stop your chatter. They're the only ones
[06:59:32] You know, they literally are the root dude. I mean look see I'm look at the discord
[06:59:37] This is insane. They have so many fucking gifts on lock for Brett Cooper
[06:59:42] They're just like posting it non-stop. They're freaks. They're actually freaks
[06:59:47] These didn't exist before no one was making bread. No, they have made it. They have made it. They have made these 100%
[06:59:55] You guys are fucked up. Yeah
[06:59:57] It's just like yeah, I got a nuke this fucking discord man. It's so bad
[07:00:09] You're very like a hian 47 there that's kind of cool
[07:00:12] Actually, they call me you bald fuck that that's crazy. Oh
[07:00:17] There's one of you. You got this one every failure is a success. Oh
[07:00:28] I'm gonna related one too
[07:00:30] And the browser
[07:00:32] Yeah
[07:00:37] Okay, okay, we're done. We're done. I'm stopping the
[07:00:47] I can't even oh
[07:00:51] Okay, I look like a scary murderer there
[07:00:55] okay we're done we're done when I'm when I'm like when my weight cut is done and
[07:01:02] I'm like finally down to 2020 do you think a fun piker is hot come back for
[07:01:08] some new gift framing so you guys can do it when I'm less fat this was funny
[07:01:12] Do you think Hassan piker is hot? No
[07:01:16] Why do you think it's all
[07:01:43] Please be lying
[07:01:46] Don't like the hair before yes
[07:01:48] Okay
[07:01:51] When I was on my long hair phase
[07:01:57] Bro, I broke a cup again.
[07:02:07] I think, yeah, I guess it was his old bedroom.
[07:02:12] He took a ton of money.
[07:02:14] I don't think so.
[07:02:16] I don't know.
[07:02:17] I don't know what he did.
[07:02:18] I think he just, like, now just defends pedophilia a lot.
[07:02:22] Yeah.
[07:02:23] Like, that's his new, that his new lane is being like,
[07:02:26] I defend pedophilia Islamically.
[07:02:29] Yeah, all those crazy conservatives were like Muhammad married a three-year-old. Yeah, I'm saying I like that's what that's what blows my mind about it is that like
[07:02:41] These guys these like later reverts. They all like these fake grifter reverts in the podcast and like pu a scene like Andrew Tatum
[07:02:49] Whatever aren't just like they're not they're not like
[07:02:54] abiding by Islam or whatever like they don't give a shit about it they just like
[07:02:59] have leaned into the to the Islamophobic memes about what it is to be Muslim and
[07:03:04] they're like yeah I only care about Islam because I want to kill you if you
[07:03:07] draw a picture of Mohammed and I love pedophilia like I don't want to do
[07:03:11] terrorism all the guy all the MI5 assets in London who are like in like
[07:03:17] like insane like anti-shia
[07:03:20] Yeah, psychophants, yeah
[07:03:22] Who don't like they smoke and drink and do everything
[07:03:24] but they want to like kill every shia
[07:03:26] Yeah
[07:03:26] It's the exact same thing
[07:03:28] It just, it doesn't make any sense to me
[07:03:31] what the fuck this guy's doing
[07:03:32] He's just like
[07:03:33] He filtered Islam through like the most
[07:03:35] western centric lens
[07:03:37] and was like
[07:03:38] Oh, I like it because of what these guys are saying
[07:03:41] Yeah
[07:03:42] about Islam
[07:03:43] Not because of like Islam itself
[07:03:45] None of the fucking principles, nothing like that, but simply, but simply because you know, everyone is saying they're really bad. Yeah.
[07:03:57] He just did the defending pedophilia shoot yesterday. Oh yeah. No, I saw this. I just feel a pedophile is one day going to use this image in the heat of a controversy.
[07:04:06] a thousand likes bro if your mastercard please advertise under this like
[07:04:20] please fucking buy ads here if you're fucking Expedia calm yeah this is so
[07:04:27] nutty dude also speaking of pedophilia dr. disrespect apparently he made a
[07:04:35] come back. Vacation is just too good right now. I bet I bet going on vacation with your
[07:04:41] wife after a pedophilia confession is great. I bet that's the best vacation of your life.
[07:04:48] Yeah, we'll be back soon though champs we have lost to talk about and then he goes
[07:04:52] yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, which I don't know is that like a
[07:04:59] a doctor disrespect. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's a doctor
[07:05:04] respect thing. Okay. Yeah. So and he deleted the tweet where
[07:05:07] he saw that I saw that but it's like, you can't. What is his
[07:05:14] move now just act like it never happened? Well, I guess
[07:05:18] they're calling you a kid like her on x doc. That's what
[07:05:21] they're saying on the everything. Connor's so funny.
[07:05:26] He did he did come back and was like when he first came back
[07:05:34] He did this thing where he was like, uh-huh, of course they them in the bio would say this and it was like
[07:05:40] Even like the most
[07:05:43] Centrist like right wing, but like secretly I'm you know, I claim to be a centrist
[07:05:48] Even though I'm right-wing accounts were like no dog like this shit doesn't work like what the fuck are you talking about?
[07:05:55] Yeah, I it's just I
[07:05:57] guess his move is like okay I'm gonna come back after a month and then maybe
[07:06:02] everyone will like people won't care as much yeah I just like you know if OJ
[07:06:10] showed anything different media environment of course but like I think he
[07:06:15] could have if he just like denied deny deny deny if he did that even with
[07:06:22] overwhelming proof he would like there'd be enough people who were still
[07:06:26] like, well, he says you didn't fucking do it, that he could like maintain a
[07:06:31] decent viewership, but he just he completely obliterated any possibility of
[07:06:37] that. Yeah, you can't like admit it. But Brandon is excited. Can't wait.
[07:06:42] It's boring without you. I guess the other thing I don't get like how
[07:06:46] does from what I can tell this guy's stream is like, okay, I'm going to
[07:06:53] act like Ben Stiller in that dodgeball movie while playing Call of Duty and
[07:06:58] people are like this is the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen yeah I don't
[07:07:03] get it I know I'm sorry I don't but this is amazing doc doc you doing this
[07:07:10] stupid fucking character that you've done for 20 years you prevented me from
[07:07:16] killing my entire family that's what people say and it's so crazy to me but
[07:07:22] Yeah, but have you thought that you're not 12 feelings for a doctor this makes audience not 12
[07:07:26] That's not he's is older than mine, bro. What are you talking about? They're all fucking like retired cops and shit
[07:07:31] Yeah, no all of his audience are guys who are like hey doc. I'm a I'm the head of the guard shift at Bob Romero base
[07:07:38] We we're in champions club firm handshakes
[07:07:42] Yeah, it's all guys who are like in black water
[07:07:45] If you have like done a massacre that the US government covered up you are a doc subscriber to your three
[07:07:52] Shitty Nick Merck put up a video of dog returns so quick, but nothing really on him tons of mr.. Beast and even though yeah mr.. Beast is
[07:07:59] People are fucking going crazy over mr.. Beast of the you see he like
[07:08:04] violated
[07:08:05] Mr.. Beast the oh the he violated the Geneva conventions. Yeah, yeah, but did the other guy the Delaware guy that
[07:08:14] Oh the pedophile yeah, yeah, that was great. He's very good. Fuck how the fuck do you see a guy?
[07:08:21] You're like, oh my content is like mostly child-pacing
[07:08:25] Yeah, I should you know I should hire a
[07:08:30] Allen about pedophile with like a pedophilia charge why did you like I feel like he was sort of like set up for failure in
[07:08:38] this way like everyone was waiting for a damn to break and
[07:08:42] it's like
[07:08:44] Ultimately like who knows?
[07:08:47] You know what like what the deal is with any of this I?
[07:08:52] I'm waiting a you know that guy on YouTube legal eagle. Yeah, I like him because he's you know, he like me
[07:09:00] Me and him were both middle-aged Matt
[07:09:04] He I have a I bought his gavel
[07:09:06] He's whenever there's like a legal thing with like a streamer or something
[07:09:11] I always wait for his video because he he puts it in terms for you know
[07:09:16] People like me and him guys who fought in the Korean war
[07:09:20] No, I'm kidding. He's not that old
[07:09:23] But he's I like why he said he he does very good videos about people's legal
[07:09:29] then in other news and I always like to wait for his take but like
[07:09:33] Who knows?
[07:09:35] What happened with any of that? I am waiting on his video, but I think like
[07:09:39] Like when someone like, there's someone like Mr. Bees whose entire thing is that they are
[07:09:44] the most advertiser friendly creator in the world that like, you know, anyone can buy
[07:09:53] product placement or ad space here and the most brand friendly guy ever.
[07:09:57] When someone like that exists and is making hundreds of millions of dollars.
[07:10:02] No one will say this out loud, of course, because it's like, you know, it's the
[07:10:07] The worst thing you could appear as on the internet is openly like jealous or hoping
[07:10:13] for someone's downfall just for the sake of downfall, even though that is what everyone
[07:10:17] does.
[07:10:18] Yeah.
[07:10:20] People were so eager for there just to be like one little crack on the dam for anything
[07:10:26] to happen for the floodgates to pour out for everyone to, for there to be enough
[07:10:31] momentum to be like, fuck this guy.
[07:10:34] Yeah.
[07:10:35] And that is a defense of him.
[07:10:37] I'm just saying that that is like, that is a major vulnerability he had.
[07:10:41] Having said that, when you have that kind of vulnerability, I cannot believe that he
[07:10:46] only now hired a HR person.
[07:10:48] I'm like, bro, you're like a multi, you're a multi hundred million dollar corporation
[07:10:54] and you didn't have a fucking HR person like that's to protect you.
[07:10:57] It's not to protect the fucking people.
[07:10:59] Right.
[07:11:00] Exactly.
[07:11:01] Like, I don't know how he didn't know that and like, again, having the vulnerability
[07:11:07] he did, he just, he, who knows what he thought,
[07:11:12] I can do this forever, who the fuck knows?
[07:11:15] Right?
[07:11:16] But yeah, it's just, I mean, like for however,
[07:11:19] like smart or capable someone is,
[07:11:22] there is a reason why like for the most part,
[07:11:25] you don't see 26 year olds running like companies
[07:11:27] that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
[07:11:30] Yeah.
[07:11:30] It's because of shit like this.
[07:11:32] It's been a minute since we last talked about it,
[07:11:34] but there are new Mr. Beast allegations and updates.
[07:11:37] Because among other things, there's this alleged narrative that Mr. Beast is blocking people from speaking about victims,
[07:11:41] including those who say they were sexually assaulted.
[07:11:44] And in part, these updates start with Airet, Ava Tyson's partner,
[07:11:47] with her being an anonymous ex-account, posting what they claim as an internal message Airet originally sent to mods in a Discord group.
[07:11:53] And I really want to stress this before we get into it.
[07:11:55] Currently, it is unclear if this message is authentic, right?
[07:11:58] Airet hasn't spoken out to confirm or deny it.
[07:12:00] But whether it is or is not genuine, it has led to a ton of responses online,
[07:12:04] and it's continued this narrative and it's also led us
[07:12:07] to another big response.
[07:12:08] With all that said, going down the list,
[07:12:10] this alleged message claims that Ava is disgusted
[07:12:12] by who she used to be,
[07:12:13] that she regrets buying Shadman art.
[07:12:15] This message also claiming that Ava didn't know Lava GS
[07:12:17] was a minor when she began making sexually explicit jokes
[07:12:19] and discord channels where he was present.
[07:12:21] They're both lava and another person who says
[07:12:22] they were a minor on those channels have responded
[07:12:24] saying Ava definitely knew Lava was a minor at the time.
[07:12:27] And then the message shifts to Jess
[07:12:29] who we mentioned in our previous coverage.
[07:12:30] Jess claims that she and Ava had a sexual relationship
[07:12:33] that she was then brought on to the Mr. Beast team
[07:12:35] and that things quickly turned to sexual assaults.
[07:12:37] And here that message claims that Ava paid
[07:12:39] for all of Jess's living expenses
[07:12:40] but that she viewed Jess platonically like a sister.
[07:12:42] Also claiming that Jess once tweeted a threat
[07:12:44] to kill herself with the alleged message
[07:12:46] then going on to read,
[07:12:46] there has already been a third party investigation
[07:12:49] at Beast for a couple of weeks regarding Jess.
[07:12:50] However, as Mr. Beast has been under so much pressure
[07:12:52] recently, they don't want to say anything publicly
[07:12:55] in case it causes more things to flare up online.
[07:12:57] With that adding that Ava's initial response
[07:12:59] was quote, entirely written by the Mr. Beast execs
[07:13:01] under the insane pressure of Amazon and other corporate investors.
[07:13:04] And claiming Amazon execs basically forced Jimmy to ditch Ava.
[07:13:07] But then, like I said with all of that,
[07:13:08] we saw Jess responding to this anonymous account,
[07:13:10] getting him to share a screenshot of what appears to be
[07:13:12] part of the same message from Aira
[07:13:14] and this alleged Discord channel,
[07:13:15] with Jess and saying a number of the claims spread
[07:13:17] in this message were lies,
[07:13:18] saying Ava did not pay for all of her living expenses,
[07:13:21] claiming that their relationship wasn't just platonic,
[07:13:23] and notably saying she never threatened
[07:13:25] to kill herself, an addict.
[07:13:26] My case got moved to the new third party investigators
[07:13:28] probably because the company didn't like the results
[07:13:30] of the original investigations, which started in early June.
[07:13:32] Yes, Mr. Beast wants to avoid anyone saying anything publicly
[07:13:35] about what happened to me and other victims
[07:13:37] so investors don't pull out.
[07:13:38] They don't care at all that I was essayed at their company.
[07:13:41] But then also, as all of that was playing out,
[07:13:42] you had creator, Rosanna Pansino,
[07:13:44] claiming she got a hold of another alleged document.
[07:13:46] But they're saying this one is a 36 page employee manual
[07:13:48] written by Jimmy himself and claiming
[07:13:50] that she confirmed its legitimacy
[07:13:51] with two former Mr. Beast employees.
[07:13:53] They're also posting a full document
[07:13:54] to act with going through parts of it in a video.
[07:13:56] Yeah. There's like one of the, one of the things is no, doesn't mean no. What? Like one
[07:14:03] of the, one of the bullet points is like, I mean, it's not, it's not about what you
[07:14:09] would think it's about. It's more so about like, uh, when you, you know, call up a dollar
[07:14:13] store because you want to buy everything. And then they say, no, then, you know,
[07:14:17] like, just keep pursuing it. Like maybe, you know, even I, Jimmy, Mr. B's Donaldson
[07:14:23] and we'll give the call if necessary.
[07:14:26] Maybe they have like a manager in a different dollar store
[07:14:29] that might be a fan or their children might be a fan,
[07:14:31] that kind of shit.
[07:14:32] But it's even then it's like ridiculous.
[07:14:35] Yeah.
[07:14:36] To put in a fucking document like that.
[07:14:38] Yeah.
[07:14:39] Or they're starting with a section titled,
[07:14:39] I Only Want A Players,
[07:14:41] in which Jimmy allegedly writes.
[07:14:42] A players are obsessive, learn from mistakes,
[07:14:45] coachable, intelligent, don't make excuses,
[07:14:49] believe in YouTube, see the value of this company,
[07:14:52] are the best in the goddamn world at their job.
[07:14:55] B players are new people that need to be trained into A players
[07:14:59] and C players.
[07:15:00] When you're like 24 or 25, you need to be playing Steam Deck.
[07:15:06] You need to be having sex on a floor mattress.
[07:15:08] The shittiest box spring available.
[07:15:11] Half your meals need to be some type of drink.
[07:15:16] But like writing this when you're 25 is so sad.
[07:15:20] It's crazy.
[07:15:20] It's so sad.
[07:15:21] I don't care how much money he makes.
[07:15:23] This is a wasted youth.
[07:15:25] Average in police.
[07:15:26] They don't suck, but they aren't exceptional
[07:15:29] at what they do.
[07:15:30] They just exist, do whatever, and get a paycheck.
[07:15:34] They aren't obsessive, aren't spelled wrong again.
[07:15:37] C players are poisonous and should be transitioned
[07:15:41] to a different company immediately, all caps.
[07:15:44] It's okay, we give everyone severance,
[07:15:46] so they'll be fine.
[07:15:47] With Rosanna here going on to say
[07:15:48] that this is evidence of Jimmy playing favorites,
[07:15:50] saying that it shows that those who don't fit into Jimmy's definition of a player are treated as less than within his company,
[07:15:56] arguing that normal people with healthy work-life balances are not welcome,
[07:15:59] which then rolls into a later portion of the document titled,
[07:16:01] It's Okay for the Boys to Be Childish.
[07:16:03] If talent, he's referring to his best friends,
[07:16:05] wants to draw a dick on the whiteboard in a video or do something stupid,
[07:16:09] let them.
[07:16:10] Parentheses, assuming they know all the risks and aren't missing contacts on why it's not safe.
[07:16:16] People like when we are in our natural element of stupidity.
[07:16:20] Really do everything you can to empower the boys when filming and help them make content. Help them be idiots
[07:16:27] I don't know if he's mad in another cell or if he's necessarily sinister, but just like again a
[07:16:33] Multi-million dollar company, which is what this is.
[07:16:36] Bro, getting that in writing is so fucking stupid.
[07:16:39] No, it's like what doesn't make sense is like he's it when I first read like parts of the argument
[07:16:45] it came across like
[07:16:47] this was a dude who like
[07:16:49] like was running a five person YouTube channel at the age of 20.
[07:16:54] Yeah.
[07:16:55] Because he was, but the problem is he's a running a hundred person company that owns
[07:17:02] an entire chunk of like North Carolina that has products in Walmart.
[07:17:09] Yeah.
[07:17:10] And as an Amazon.
[07:17:11] Yeah.
[07:17:12] Yeah.
[07:17:13] a multi-million dollar to glomerate now in the physical products they are
[07:17:19] primarily a production company but a production company that has that much
[07:17:24] fucking revenue and part of it like that's a real business it's not like a
[07:17:30] business in the way that like you know people will start a LLC for you know a
[07:17:36] podcast or something this is a real fucking thing and you wouldn't you
[07:17:43] you know, what's an equivalent like to scale it up a bit.
[07:17:48] Would you run MGM this way?
[07:17:51] No, you don't know.
[07:17:56] Eventually building, he plays favorites.
[07:17:59] There is a boys club and they are allowed to do things
[07:18:03] that other people aren't.
[07:18:04] Now with this, I want to stress,
[07:18:05] this is just a couple of things for Rosanna's video.
[07:18:07] If you want to watch it,
[07:18:08] I'm going to link to it of course
[07:18:09] in the description down below.
[07:18:10] But for the most part right now,
[07:18:12] those are the updates we have.
[07:18:13] And that possibly in part because last week
[07:18:15] creator Ludwig saying Jimmy told him directly that he's waiting on all of the allegations to come
[07:18:18] out and then he'll make one reply which on that note you have a lot of people right now waiting on
[07:18:22] part three of dogpack 404's video which he teased will cover sexual misconduct cover-ups but as we
[07:18:27] wait to see what happens I gotta pass the question out to you what are your thoughts here and then
[07:18:32] oh did you see the Disney wrongful death suit yeah Jesus I I said it but it's like
[07:18:39] don't you wish they had like a better opponent than fucking Rhonda Santis yeah
[07:18:44] What an evil shit, but no one no one in a position of power that is like actually remotely competent is gonna go after fucking Disney anyway
[07:18:53] So in a system like ours, you will never have a guy that is remotely competent go after like
[07:19:01] Like Sheldon White House is not taking on fucking Disney
[07:19:05] Situation where you would ever get like maybe even like token-centered hearings about something like this
[07:19:10] would be like a
[07:19:12] a Republican in the White House with the Democratic Senate in House.
[07:19:17] That's the only time where Democrats try to look busy with this type of thing.
[07:19:21] That's how you get Kamala Harris advocating for Medicare for All.
[07:19:24] Exactly.
[07:19:25] Yeah.
[07:19:26] Democrat messaging bills saying permanent communism now, international proletarian
[07:19:30] revolution.
[07:19:31] Yeah.
[07:19:32] Yeah.
[07:19:33] Yeah.
[07:19:34] When they don't hold the White House, they are doing pretty much all the things
[07:19:38] Like that the Senate is supposed to do as an ever-rated
[07:19:44] Mary if you watch this for the manual or to get to kill your wife
[07:19:48] Like I mean, I think they're just throwing darts at a board. It's just like a wild
[07:19:56] Wild miscalculation to even try that though because obviously that's gonna garner so much negative PR
[07:20:02] It is probably like my like on balance more advantageous for the company to just pay this yeah
[07:20:08] So here for those of you who don't know Disney's trying to get out of a wrongful death lawsuit from a grieving husband tossed out of court
[07:20:14] Because he signed up to Disney plus years earlier a free trial
[07:20:19] His wife suffered a fatal allergic reaction at a Disney Springs restaurant
[07:20:24] after
[07:20:25] She said she had allergies and asked at the Disney restaurant if the food
[07:20:32] actually had these things that she was allergic to and was assured that the
[07:20:38] food did not have this thing that she was allergic to. Then she fucking died.
[07:20:43] And then Disney said, sorry, there is a no arbitration clause in the one month
[07:20:51] free Disney Plus trial sign up, so you technically can't fucking sue us for
[07:20:57] this is like if conservatives were competent they would be like making a
[07:21:04] major thing out of this and like it wouldn't just be this case there is
[07:21:08] there are so many instances of Disney using lawyers to just terrorize real dude
[07:21:16] the lawyer for the Disney the lawyer for Disney in the UK sue us for killing
[07:21:21] your family because you shamed in canto one time on Disney plus no way of
[07:21:24] Batista fuck off who was appointed to the Florida Supreme Court by Jed Bush dude fuck off
[07:21:31] I think part of this is like we do like
[07:21:36] We have such America is so good at just like hiding that we're pure villains status
[07:21:41] like nobody nobody thinks about that, but it's like
[07:21:45] comically evil on
[07:21:47] every fucking like in every sense of the word yeah
[07:21:51] Like no not the wrestler man the Cuban dictator
[07:22:15] Fucking god, he's Batista bombing the family. Oh my god
[07:22:22] Like if you use the teeth grandson, he would be like a nine-year-old
[07:22:30] That's crazy.
[07:22:35] Piccolo accepted the Disney Plus subscriber agreement.
[07:22:38] Oh, that's God.
[07:22:40] That is such an insane like, God, lawyers are crazy.
[07:22:44] I mean, Disney is like famous for fucking up people's lives with lawyers.
[07:22:48] Like they are just insanely religious company.
[07:22:53] And like for like right wing populism, it would be such an easy move to be like,
[07:22:57] Hey, like for Elon Musk or someone to be like, hey, we're funding it. Like if Disney tries to fucking ruin your life
[07:23:03] We're funding like a team of lawyers. You know dude, you fight back. Yeah, like Peter Thiel versus Gawker shit
[07:23:09] Yeah, exactly, but the thing is it's not Gawker. It's fucking Disney. So you can't do that
[07:23:14] Like there's no one actually fighting them. Yeah, there's no one with that kind of no one can take on that smoke
[07:23:19] Like I don't even think Elon Musk could Elon Musk is also like uniquely incompetent. I don't think you can do anything
[07:23:25] I think like
[07:23:27] like this is such a weird counterfactual but like okay could like I'm trying to
[07:23:36] think of like a billionaire with like nation-state wealth who would if they
[07:23:41] were in opposition to Disney could come out on top like Prime George Soros I
[07:23:50] don't know I don't know like Soros was a very skilled currency trader he was a
[07:23:56] smart guy. He's like fucking 180 now. But Bill Gates, maybe? I
[07:24:04] don't know. I just don't see any of those guys rocking the boat
[07:24:07] like normal billionaires would never disrupt that process.
[07:24:11] That's why it's a weird counterfactual because you have
[07:24:13] to imagine them being in a situation where they would they
[07:24:17] have the motivation and desire to like, take them. Yeah, it's
[07:24:22] like, think about it this way. Like, I don't even think I
[07:24:24] I mean, the closest you can get to a situation like that is like Jeff Bezos versus MBS.
[07:24:28] Yeah, I mean, like that's the only time where I've like ever seen a billionaire
[07:24:33] and like a billionaire, theocrat fucking monarch actually like duke it out.
[07:24:41] Yeah.
[07:24:42] And that was almost like two nation states.
[07:24:45] Yeah, odds with each other.
[07:24:47] Yeah.
[07:24:47] Yeah, it is.
[07:24:48] Yeah.
[07:24:49] That's weird to think of.
[07:24:50] I mean, like what are you almost did with the Disney
[07:24:53] was like, I'm going to take Disney and plants out of my cars and you'll see like that's the most you did. They never like, yeah, they'll never do anything that like, just like Ron DeSantis wouldn't like want to annihilate one of the biggest like employers in the state.
[07:25:09] Yeah, but that was also like such a major misstep like I could not comprehend like the horrible political instincts from Rhonda
[07:25:17] Santas to go after like the biggest like tourism driver in the fucking state like what is wrong you're so stupid like culture wars are supposed to be a distraction
[07:25:26] They're not supposed to be the only thing you do not suppose to disrupt capital with culture warship is supposed to be culture war in an effort to like continue allowing capital to run supreme
[07:25:37] bring. There is a competent way to do that. There is like a
[07:25:40] competent, like populist way to go head to head with like the
[07:25:45] biggest private employer in your state. But like, that's not
[07:25:48] the the tax he took. You know, he um, yeah, he went full in on
[07:25:54] the exact type of stuff that alienated everyone in 2022.
[07:25:58] Yeah, but has it really affected Florida? No, because
[07:26:01] fucking he backed down. What are you talking about dumb
[07:26:04] ass
[07:26:06] but what the fuck elon would destroy disney giga giga haas
[07:26:10] but is it really effective florida no it hasn't because fucking ronda sanchez
[07:26:13] backed away
[07:26:15] dude fucking uh... what's his face voldemort
[07:26:18] uh... rick uh... rick rick scott rick scott was like
[07:26:23] yeah i don't know what he's doing
[07:26:25] literally they asked rick scott which by the way
[07:26:29] incredible figure in general okay
[07:26:31] Wild that Florida keeps like voting for him. I don't understand how he barely won the first time
[07:26:37] He's like, but he's like responsible for like a ward winning record breaking insurance fraud like
[07:26:47] Like that was before he ran
[07:26:51] Like a regular evil Republican billionaire where it's like, oh, I cornered the market on like insulin needles or something like that
[07:26:58] No, he's like a criminal
[07:27:01] Grimadal
[07:27:03] Anyway, it's just wild but like yeah, and then the Republican Party made him in charge of like fundraising
[07:27:08] I think or something yeah, so they went up to him in the midst of this like Disney back and forth and seen him around
[07:27:13] Rhonda says in Disney and they were like, what do you think about you know?
[07:27:16] Your state's governor Rhonda sand is fighting with Disney. He was like, yeah, I don't know what's going on there
[07:27:21] He's a dial-up
[07:27:24] Yeah, he's like yeah, he's a normal like McConnell style Republican. Yeah, it's fucking terrifying for him
[07:27:29] Yeah, the only billionaire JB Pritzker, he's gonna come after Disney for not doing reverse toilet gender day.
[07:27:37] He's gonna hit it from the other angle where he's like, Disney's not woke enough.
[07:27:43] I like, I always like want him to be a more national figure just so people can see that tweet the funniest ever.
[07:27:51] I think it was so great because it was like everyone was kind of able to laugh at it, you
[07:28:01] know, everyone on every political persuasion.
[07:28:07] Yeah, he's the best.
[07:28:11] Please look at Rick Scott Electoral History.
[07:28:14] Gotta be honest, if I were a Florida Democrat, I'd have lost Rick Scott twice by 1% two
[07:28:18] red wave years and then lost to him by 0.1% of blue wave year. I assume God hated me and
[07:28:24] wanted me to die too. Yeah, I don't understand how resilient he is. Well, but I also don't
[07:28:30] understand like Mitch McConnell either. Like, Kentucky and don't like Mitch McConnell.
[07:28:35] I mean, I don't know. It's hard to get like good approval rating polls of people senators.
[07:28:42] Um, I don't know. I think who knows really, but like maybe they find him like personally gross,
[07:28:52] but they think he like does a lot for the state. Like he brings a lot of money home.
[07:28:57] God, running Charlie Chris against him. What a fucking bundle.
[07:29:05] Democrats have gotten within ass hair so many fucking times,
[07:29:09] Yeah, both in the Senate and the governor in the gubernatorial race. It's like crazy. Yeah, like in Florida
[07:29:15] I don't know what the fuck the Florida Democratic Party is doing like I mean they ran a fucking dude with like
[07:29:22] They ran a dude who literally was outed as like
[07:29:25] Doing meth in the in the fucking fountain blue hotel. It was so funny with a gay prostitute
[07:29:32] It was so funny and he almost defeated ronda sanftis
[07:29:36] He almost ended the DeSantis experiment before it started
[07:29:40] he was like
[07:29:42] Dude one month. He's out there. He's like
[07:29:46] Fucking Maduro is a dictator blah blah blah and then the next month. He's like yeah, I get by sometimes when I do Molly
[07:29:54] You are almost the governor. Yeah, what no, I know the main thing was after the election
[07:29:59] I'm saying that like don't you think that that would be something that would come up in the OPPO
[07:30:05] Like, don't you think that the Democratic Party should investigate the background of a person
[07:30:11] running for a gubernatorial race in a state like fucking Florida?
[07:30:16] What do you mean?
[07:30:17] That was after his laws.
[07:30:19] I know that was after.
[07:30:20] He should have never ran to begin with.
[07:30:22] You want to talk about liberal figure on the scale on Twitter, though?
[07:30:28] You used to get, like, auto-modulated if you posted the Gillum naked picture.
[07:30:32] Wait, really?
[07:30:33] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[07:30:34] I
[07:30:36] Didn't even know there was a naked picture. I only saw the the guy the the prostitute guy
[07:30:41] No, there's a picture of Gillum like passed out like naked. Oh
[07:30:45] You used to get on a lot of it if you posted that yeah, well woke woke Twitter. I'm glad that man's I even got to the bottom of that
[07:30:53] Yeah
[07:30:58] What do you mean doing that with the gay hookers good very political here dude? I don't understand Florida at all dude
[07:31:03] I just don't get it I
[07:31:05] I I will never understand it
[07:31:12] Maybe he has been rehabilitated off met though everyone deserves a second. Man shut up. Neeks get Jesus Christ every day dude with this fucking guy
[07:31:21] Like it happened like two years ago man, what do you talk about it was revealed immediately after he lost the race
[07:31:35] Trump talked to Benjamin any on Wednesday, dude what I told you about Ronald Reagan
[07:31:44] with the hostage negotiations, just saying something to think about, what is this?
[07:32:01] He's going to move the ball.
[07:32:03] I love Basia.
[07:32:04] I want to move here.
[07:32:05] Well, I said it, I wasn't going to talk about it.
[07:32:06] You actually mean that.
[07:32:07] You actually mean that.
[07:32:08] You could see yourself living there.
[07:32:09] I am looking at real estate today.
[07:32:11] I've never, I've traveled all over the world.
[07:32:13] I want to show you, look at it.
[07:32:15] Look at it.
[07:32:16] Look at it.
[07:32:17] Look at it.
[07:32:18] Look at it.
[07:32:19] Look at it.
[07:32:20] Look at it.
[07:32:21] Look at it.
[07:32:22] but yeah i'm back here how much how much is like the average property out there like a house
[07:32:28] i think it's it's pretty cheap you can get a good house on the um and mostar like on the
[07:32:32] by the water for like 300 000 something like that but i would probably get like a high rise apartment
[07:32:36] something like miami type apartment because i'm here all the time most time is the place to go
[07:32:40] i'm telling you that's the best place here yeah wait what i love bozzie here i
[07:32:50] breaking pro palace time protesters storming democratic after party
[07:32:53] Event on Kamala's campaign smokes bombs set up at the outdoor restaurant mass arrest. What the fuck?
[07:32:59] Procrastination crash days fundraiser after party for Kamala Democrats who attended were residing refusing to let them ignore the protesters
[07:33:30] Demands for an arms embargo to Israel police immediately called in to arrest several protesters
[07:33:36] Hey, man, you gotta do what you gotta do
[07:33:41] You gotta do what you gotta do man
[07:33:45] You gotta do what you gotta do. Hey, it would be really interesting if
[07:33:52] if Trump got to put forward to how he's the peace guy in Israel, Palestine, once again,
[07:34:06] I'm reiterating my statement. Democrats have nothing to lose and only stand to gain from
[07:34:13] packing the shit up. That's all I'm saying. How effective are protests like this? Brother,
[07:34:23] if you can't protest like this, how else are you supposed to protest? This is in
[07:34:27] In my opinion, I don't give a fuck if this kind of shit like negatively polarizes those
[07:34:32] in positions of power against like pro-Palestinian protesters, like asking kindly never works.
[07:34:39] Okay.
[07:34:40] It's about a consistent pressure campaign where you never, you ceaselessly and endlessly remind
[07:34:48] people that at the top of the hour, there's a three minute outbreak and if you no longer
[07:34:51] want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe for $6 or for free with Twitch
[07:34:54] Prime.
[07:34:55] connect the Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account and get one free Prime subscription
[07:35:05] month. Here's the three man right now. The point of protest like this is to cause this
[07:35:26] comfort, force the issue. Yeah, like the reality of the matter is this type of shit
[07:35:31] also is like significantly like even from the worst person's point of view, like, you
[07:35:38] know, I'm talking about the type of dudes like, why would you stop the roads? Like,
[07:35:42] Oh, you're gonna let you're gonna stop ambulances from crossing the road or whatever like
[07:35:47] Okay, fine, you know, I I agree with that form of personal. I agree with all forms of protest in this situation because it's like obviously the situation is
[07:35:56] Untenable is unmanageable. It's it's indefensible
[07:36:00] Having said that however this I think is also the type of brothers of like, you know
[07:36:05] Even a fucking asmongold type of person who would be like, oh my day is ruined would probably understand
[07:36:12] Because who the fuck are you supposed to protest at that point?
[07:36:15] Like what are you supposed to do?
[07:36:17] Just like not protest?
[07:36:19] I think ultimately that's what it is.
[07:36:20] The people that would get mad at this would be like,
[07:36:23] you know, don't protest.
[07:36:29] Fuck you, wait, why?
[07:36:42] Cops are gonna crack many student heads
[07:36:46] and it will be on every news outlet in one month.
[07:36:48] It's, this is not gonna fucking go away.
[07:36:51] And it shouldn't go away.
[07:36:53] It's a it's a good thing that they're protesting protest inside the DNC fundraiser event are disrupting mayor Adams and other politicians tonight calling for justice in Palestine and demanding Kamala Harrison the Democrats and their complicity in this ongoing genocide the noise protest outside is continued across the street.
[07:37:14] The pro pro passing process have started.
[07:37:18] They were inside a DNC fundraiser disrupting mayor Adams and other politicians calling for justice in Palestine.
[07:37:24] and then apparently they also managed to crash today's fundraiser after party for Kamala the
[07:37:31] Democrats attended who attended were residing refusing to let them ignore the protest demands
[07:37:36] for an arms embargo to Israel police immediately were called in and arrested several people
[07:37:40] yeah beyond the lookout tomorrow from fucking Joe Scarborough and like all of the liberal
[07:37:46] outlets being like it's unacceptable why are you guys doing this I mean you would welcome
[07:37:50] said oh my god oh my god no I don't want to fucking any wisdom let me guess okay I
[07:37:57] you will not guess it's too insane right really I would be concerned for anyone
[07:38:02] if they guessed I thought it was gonna be like this is why I went to Ukraine you
[07:38:08] make fuck six you make fuck sticks don't understand I went to Ukraine to crack
[07:38:12] skulls and now I can't wait to come back now I can't wait to come back to
[07:38:17] New York and cracks him pro-Palestinian jihadi skulls to it's weirder than that. Okay. I was I tried to be as weird as possible
[07:38:25] Let's see what he let's see what he said
[07:38:28] Okay, so
[07:38:29] Did he post a lot? That's a bum. I would go to his media grid and find the post with the folding chair for an image
[07:38:37] Yeah, there. Oh
[07:38:40] My god
[07:38:44] Okay, I wasn't that far off
[07:38:47] But I feel like the headline here is, again, he is saying this, I want to make it very clear,
[07:38:53] I'm not saying this, nor is anyone I know saying this. He is saying that African Americans have
[07:39:01] a racial buff to folding chair attacks. No, I do not believe that. No, that's from the
[07:39:08] fucking Montgomery bra, dude. That's why it's an old ass fucking meme. We're not an old ass
[07:39:14] me but like old now remember when there was a there was like a like a fucking group of like white
[07:39:20] races dudes who were drunk as fuck in Montgomery that were voting okay so this was like big for like
[07:39:28] I thought he was like he said my brain is so rotted I know everything like this we have a certain
[07:39:34] peculiar set of skills he's trying to do the taken thing and so when he posted the folding chair I
[07:39:38] I thought you should not say that any race is better at using
[07:39:43] folding chairs as a weapon than any other one.
[07:39:46] Yeah, Terrace and Hamas supporters of free Palestine groups
[07:39:48] think they're going to disrupt the DNC.
[07:39:51] Well, it will be the largest assembly
[07:39:52] of African-Americans since 2008.
[07:39:54] We have a rather peculiar set of skills.
[07:39:57] Like, he's saying that, first of all,
[07:40:01] when I saw the folding chair immediately,
[07:40:03] I thought, is this like an Evangelion reference?
[07:40:07] I was like, what is he trying to say?
[07:40:10] But then I very quickly understood it's a boondock service.
[07:40:13] I thought it was the Montgomery, the Montgomery boat fight.
[07:40:16] Was it not when the when the brawl?
[07:40:20] How does it work?
[07:40:21] Was it on? Was it on the boondocks?
[07:40:22] It could have been the.
[07:40:24] I thought it was the Montgomery boat flight.
[07:40:26] Yeah.
[07:40:28] That happened. I never saw this.
[07:40:29] Oh, this was huge on Twitter.
[07:40:31] This like blew the fuck up.
[07:40:33] I've never seen this.
[07:40:34] Yeah, it's three black men and women.
[07:40:37] Wait what the video shows black women and women escalating a fight. Wait what?
[07:40:42] Okay, this is a racist ass interpretation of the events that I'm told it
[07:40:46] No, a bunch of drunk white boys came off a boat and started beating the shit out of a black security guard
[07:40:52] It was telling them like you have to move your fucking boat because a much larger boat is trying to park here and
[07:40:57] and
[07:40:58] ultimately
[07:41:00] Ultimately, they just got there to ask. Yeah someone I think
[07:41:03] Did someone use a chair in this fight or no am I wrong yeah ultimately they they rushed to his defense and beat the fucking dog shit out of the
[07:41:12] The racist losers. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, it's a great story. This guy is
[07:41:17] Making racist revisionist history here
[07:41:21] But I think it's the
[07:41:33] Yeah, it's just like when someone uses a chair like fights break out or whatever anyway regardless
[07:41:42] He's he's trying to do a meme. Okay. He's trying to do a meme and he's trying to say like
[07:41:46] Yeah, black people have a peculiar set of skills. I don't think anyone should say them. I think
[07:41:54] You know, I don't like
[07:41:56] Fetical game. Well, I will famously love defending Israel
[07:42:01] That's what it is. That's like, you know, there's there's so many like
[07:42:05] I really don't think this is like widespread. This is just like a few cynical people, but I've seen some like some funny like
[07:42:16] Watermelon people accounts like the people talking about like on Twitter being like, oh those watermelon people have been telling you all about it
[07:42:22] Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, I said like a bunch of like white people who are like
[07:42:25] I've been sitting my white ass down and watching black creators tear into these Palestine people. Yeah
[07:42:31] Yeah, like yeah, no, I don't yeah
[07:42:36] Everything is like a three letter agency operation. I think it just as easily this could just be like, you know
[07:42:43] People are fucking cynical or they're getting I think they might people might be getting paid a little bit
[07:42:48] You know, I think I think it could very well be like
[07:42:53] Some weird pro is real group. Could like be paying influencers who fucking knows that happened before
[07:42:59] for. Who knows? I but I saw a lot of funny posts about it from
[07:43:05] you. There's there were a lot of people who are like riding the
[07:43:08] common momentum to be like, oh, these guys are spoilers. Like
[07:43:12] these pro-Palestinian demonstrators are spoilers.
[07:43:15] And it's like, yeah. Um, no, they're like, I think it is
[07:43:19] ash or turf. Yeah. And yeah, even that is like, you guys are
[07:43:25] pot committed to like the single entity that that could like try and fucking lose
[07:43:32] this for Kamala. A lot of black people don't care about Palestine. There was a
[07:43:35] post someone saying that black people are participating in the impure actions.
[07:43:38] Yeah, that's ridiculous. Okay, that's fucking bullshit. That is inherently, you
[07:43:45] know what that's like? That's like when people go black men have a real
[07:43:48] homophobia problem in the community. It's like, bro, have you seen every
[07:43:51] other American race and group like what the fuck are you talking about what about white people
[07:43:56] like no you're just casting an additional fucking lens on black people to be like oh they're
[07:44:02] somehow different than everybody else and even then it's the opposite so you're fucking ridiculous
[07:44:07] and wrong I don't I don't know what post that's talking about um but you know Americans of all
[07:44:14] types, you know, can participate in imperialism. That's the great thing about the military.
[07:44:24] Yeah, but also, it's not even that like it's it's ridiculous to say that like, I think the the average
[07:44:30] black person is probably a little bit more tuned into fucking systems of oppression, even if they're
[07:44:36] not like speaking with even if they're not communicating on on terms such as like intersectionality
[07:44:42] or whatever they just like they recognize it from their own personal fucking everyday existence
[07:44:48] like it's ridiculous right right like singling them out like that yeah yeah i do hate that though i
[07:44:55] do fucking hate that that that's singling uh the pro-palestine process is lost and will never again
[07:45:01] regain my respect once they ran up in mother manual amy and charleston there isn't a
[07:45:07] nancy tweet a talk of them screaming or black person apologizes for the anti-blackness they
[07:45:10] they could push me further away at this point. Wait, what? This was
[07:45:14] wait, what? Wasn't that like with Biden? Yeah, that was literally
[07:45:18] with Biden. Yeah, that was like months and months. Yeah, this
[07:45:21] person is broken. Dude, what are you talking about? Look, there
[07:45:26] are there are a lot of liberal careerists in in every every
[07:45:31] part of American media. Okay, it's ridiculous. Yeah. If there
[07:45:36] was also a pro Palestine protest in Mother Emanuel, Amy
[07:45:39] Charleston it was probably most likely organized by black people too and then he follows his on by
[07:45:45] going I can't think of even one time black folks demonstrated inside an American mosque
[07:45:49] Christian Muslim or otherwise no matter what like what are they gonna demonstrate inside of a mosque
[07:45:54] against like for 9 11 like yeah what the fuck yeah I like I like I was like it's like he's like
[07:46:04] doing protocol shit, but about like Muslims. It's like, oh, but if we protested in your
[07:46:11] mosque where you control America from, it would be a problem.
[07:46:14] He called Marglamon Hill of Russian accent. Oh, there you go. Okay. Okay. So that's, that's
[07:46:18] why that's why you need to know. Okay. Listen, don't come after Mark. Okay. Oh, I will
[07:46:24] always defend them. Yeah, they're, they will, they will never run out of money
[07:46:30] to pay people for acting disgusting.
[07:46:33] That will never happen.
[07:46:35] We'll always see this, unfortunately.
[07:46:41] Yeah, do they know Muslims can also be black yet
[07:46:43] in America too, especially in America?
[07:46:46] Yeah, what the fuck?
[07:46:51] What?
[07:46:52] A leak call from the ADL show that they were terrified
[07:46:53] of TikTok, two months later, Congress voted ban.
[07:46:55] TikTok, APEC admitted that black and Palestinian solidarity
[07:46:57] was hurting their cause.
[07:46:58] Two months later, a bunch of newer accounts
[07:46:59] are sowing discord between both communities.
[07:47:01] They're not, because this is Twitter.
[07:47:02] Nobody gives a shit about this. Okay.
[07:47:04] Nobody gives a shit about this until there is like an ABC news special on it.
[07:47:08] Right. Right. But right now it's just on Twitter.
[07:47:11] You can't do like back in the day when a lot of people were actually, uh,
[07:47:15] on Twitter or whatever, when a lot more journalists were on Twitter,
[07:47:19] maybe then you could actually move the needle in some direction,
[07:47:21] but you cannot know it's happening bad on Tik Tok. It doesn't matter.
[07:47:28] I don't think it's like, I mean,
[07:47:30] I would believe that it's a more concerned effort and you could actually move the needle a little bit, but like
[07:47:38] Twitter itself now
[07:47:40] It's Giga on tiktok
[07:47:44] There's also a lot of opportunities liberal that will say the shift for self-promotion
[07:47:49] The post people are yelling about said all America's participating imperialism and the lives are just trying to do CI divide and congregate
[07:47:56] I suppose I would claim propel sign is anti-black. It's on tiktok. It's on
[07:48:00] It's bad not just Twitter. Okay. Give me the fucking tick-tock and I'll see it anyone that fucking turns around and goes
[07:48:12] Hey, this white supremacist empire with its fucking 800 military bases and its tentacles and every little thing
[07:48:19] That's going around specifically in the third world
[07:48:23] You know where a lot of black and brown people happen to be the victims of said empire
[07:48:27] You know who's actually mostly responsible for that black American descendants of slaves
[07:48:31] That's an insane fucking thing to say. You are the most delusional person on the planet. There is no way
[07:48:37] I will ever take you seriously, okay?
[07:48:40] What is this supposed to actually say because I haven't seen it you'll agree with this take is one for one what you've said before
[07:48:47] Was it just like the protest Biden speech at the mother of manual Amy church and Charleston?
[07:48:59] Oh, it was it was the Biden speech. Yeah
[07:49:01] I think one of the most like cynical one of the most grossest aspects of the Biden camp that they did this shit
[07:49:07] Was when they would like weaponized black people as a shield
[07:49:10] Talk about fucking human shields. Yeah, yeah, literally would just be like wow
[07:49:14] It's really fucked up because a lot of black people love Biden
[07:49:16] So you must be against black people and I was like I I'm telling you Kamala Harris is a black woman
[07:49:22] Who should be the substitute to Biden and motherfuckers would try to tell me that it's anti-black to to usurp Biden
[07:49:28] I love the Democrat Q non stuff they did with her went by not stepping down. That's Joe Biden shielding Kamala
[07:49:35] Yeah
[07:49:37] never understood that how that was happening. What is this? What started? I never thought I would
[07:49:43] be one of those people that comes crying on the internet and if my English is not comprehensible
[07:49:48] it's fine it's not my first language but this has to be said I'm so sick I'm so sick and tired
[07:49:54] of Americans playing your identity politics I'm so I'm so sick of it you were all able to
[07:50:00] comprehend pink wash and you were all able to comprehend how you think was identity
[07:50:05] In the name of fighting, you are all able to comprehend how pink washing is fucked up.
[07:50:14] That killing people in the name of something is fucked up.
[07:50:19] You are able to comprehend it when it came to queerness and pink washing, but you're
[07:50:23] not able to comprehend it when it comes to race.
[07:50:26] You're coming on the internet, coming telling Palestinians how they're playing oppression
[07:50:31] olympics how there's other genocide we are very well aware we're from the global
[07:50:36] south we are aware to what's happening i'm fucking half iraq and health
[07:50:40] balistinian we not saying anything wrong what the fuck why are people why
[07:50:44] are people mad about this i don't understand you're aware of the
[07:50:48] oppression that's happening and it's never because of what is because of you
[07:50:51] it's fucking because of you it's your government is the people that you
[07:50:57] keep voting and it's your tax money. I've never been in the US and I never fucking will be.
[07:51:03] Never fucking will be. You guys are fucking wack. You're insane. You're so beyond selfish.
[07:51:10] It's fucking insane. A black woman in fucking presidency is not going to save us. I know
[07:51:16] I'm not fucking saying vote Trump and fucking do something. Do something. I'm so sick
[07:51:22] tired of this? Do something! It's your responsibility. What more do you need to
[07:51:28] see? What more images need to come out of Sudan? Congo? Fucking Palestine? Any of
[07:51:33] those countries? What do you need to fucking see? To fucking start acting and
[07:51:37] realizing you're the fucking problem. You're the fucking problem. No one's
[07:51:42] stop policing you. No one's telling you not to fucking speak up. Speak up, but
[07:51:46] do not speak up when it comes to pressing my people. I don't give a fuck
[07:51:50] anymore I don't give a fuck anymore what's that it's fucking also white people it's
[07:51:58] all of you it's fucking all of you every fucking race in fucking America has
[07:52:04] oppressed us black people also wear a universe and get on the plate and come
[07:52:10] to our countries and kill us you've all the same fucking metamated fucking
[07:52:15] people to government the sign papers to kill us. I don't want to hear it anymore. I don't want to hear
[07:52:22] it. You are our colonizers. I do not want to fucking hear it. I don't want to hear it. I'm done.
[07:52:31] I'm fucking done. We've watched our people die for fucking years. We're not the people that
[07:52:36] oppressed you. Instead of taking a second, a second to think how fucking identity politics
[07:52:42] is so fucking toxic and is killing people, you're playing into the entire fucking agenda.
[07:52:50] Step by step, you're all fucking brainwashed, you're all fucking ridiculous and fucking
[07:52:55] pathetic.
[07:52:56] I'm so fucking done, done.
[07:53:00] So fucking done, you're all the fucking same, all of you, every single one of you,
[07:53:05] every single fucking American is complicit and I'm done.
[07:53:08] You're all fucking complicit.
[07:53:10] You're all complicit.
[07:53:11] Yeah, I think this was willfully misinterpreted. Yeah, this is the least I
[07:53:16] Saw people saying people specifically the black women saying they're voting for Kamala saying that they should take the power line flag
[07:53:21] I don't know my or if they're voting for Kamala. Yeah, I don't really care about these fucking like oh you need to
[07:53:26] You need to change your bio or whatever none of that stuff moves needle go out and fucking protest. Okay, um
[07:53:32] She's absolutely right when she talks about like identity politics being a a mechanism to shield America's like gross and violent actions
[07:53:40] and she's completely correct.
[07:53:42] Right, and she's not singling anyone out.
[07:53:44] She's saying that like, yeah, that like,
[07:53:49] nor is she saying that anyone is like more culpable
[07:53:52] than the other, just that like, you know, again,
[07:53:56] anyone in America can join the military
[07:53:59] or otherwise like commit these acts.
[07:54:04] Yeah, I don't think this is like,
[07:54:06] I don't think this is like specifically singling out,
[07:54:09] like people are making it seem like
[07:54:11] specifically singling out Black people, even one point that she made, this is actually a really
[07:54:16] important point. Not the fact that there are like Black troops on deployment, because that's a
[07:54:21] another consequence of like America exploiting underserved communities to consistently have like
[07:54:31] some function of a poverty draft. But this part where she talks about like
[07:54:38] like how America puts black people into positions of power to specifically justify heinous acts.
[07:54:48] That part is absolutely correct and it is deliberate.
[07:54:51] I mean, it's like, it's the column power phenomena, like it's the, it's the fact that, it's the
[07:54:57] fact that like the UN ambassadors are black, like you got you, you, that is deliberate.
[07:55:03] That is 100% deliberate, like that's, that's on purpose.
[07:55:07] these are people playing the role of like, playing the role of a shield.
[07:55:13] It's the it's the same, the same reason you for Biden's like, uh, press secretary. Yeah.
[07:55:20] Yeah, exactly. It's just like a very cynical and very racist way in which like, this doesn't mean
[07:55:25] that like black people don't deserve to be in that position at all. That's not what I'm saying.
[07:55:29] This is the other side of like, this is however the other side of like the way liberals
[07:55:34] also, the way liberals also basically put forward like a shield of race to whitewash their actions.
[07:55:50] I don't like this take, brother. I mean, look, it's Coronel West who said black faces in
[07:55:56] high places will not be able to undermine white supremacy. This is a white supremacist
[07:56:05] reinforcement ultimately. That's what it is. Catalyst of a Tate Talk Live argument, yeah.
[07:56:20] At the college courses you went to, they sent out a black faculty leader to talk to
[07:56:22] the students. Yeah, that was UCLA. Liberals love doing this shit, but ultimately it's
[07:56:42] that if the ticket is making you uncomfortable,
[07:56:44] then maybe it should.
[07:56:46] No, I mean, I don't know what part of it was clipped.
[07:56:49] And obviously she's very emotional in this situation
[07:56:52] and maybe not thinking about it.
[07:56:55] But there was a massive anti-war movement
[07:56:57] during the Civil Rights Movement as well.
[07:57:00] So it's not like a lot of people personally
[07:57:04] recognize that that's a form of oppression that
[07:57:08] exist domestically and also that the rest of the world is subjected to on a regular basis.
[07:57:15] Right. Yeah. No. And just, you know, anecdotally, again, like, I'm sure there's a ton of, like,
[07:57:24] horribly cynical shit on TikTok, but...
[07:57:28] She only called out black people. You can't say she's right. No, she didn't. She said
[07:57:33] every American is responsible, and that even includes black Americans, which is like the
[07:57:38] only part of it that is like, that is the only part of this conversation that's like
[07:57:43] a little bit emotionally charged to a degree where it understandably makes people uncomfortable
[07:57:48] because you live in the United States of America and you understand systemic forms of oppression
[07:57:53] that, that, that churn out these results. But that's it. They saw it was ineffective
[07:58:02] to call anti-Palestine anti-Semitism, now they're calling it anti-black. Yeah,
[07:58:05] Yeah, 100% that's fucking ridiculous, dude
[07:58:09] The bit which is talking about black people serving the military be our colonizers the bit that was clipped and blew up on Twitter came across a bit on
[07:58:17] He's due to her yelling and crying her overall point is much more coherent. Yeah
[07:58:23] It would people people willfully like misinterpreted it to make it sound like it was directed that way
[07:58:32] you know
[07:58:34] This is relatively small in the tick-tock thing there was an argument to an account called lean and account called back that thing up
[07:58:39] which a lot of the common was senator got right there we're talking about Congo
[07:58:47] yeah I think it's a cynical way it's a cynical way to
[07:58:52] it's a cynical way to basically shut this argument down
[07:58:57] she's ultimately not wrong yes black people who are abused and oppressed domestically are also then
[07:59:04] as a as a byproduct of that oppression are sent to the front lines to do the bidding of white
[07:59:10] supremacists. This is 100% the case. I think like that's not wrong. That is absolutely the case.
[07:59:23] I think he's responding to the Tiktok with Black Liberal saying he's voting for Kamala because
[07:59:26] Biden was helping with the Congo law and has said that it's been ongoing for more years than
[07:59:30] Palestine and was downplaying Gaza. Jesus Christ. Do you think this discourse is a PSYOP?
[07:59:42] No, I think people are, I don't think it's a PSYOP dude. I think people just like,
[07:59:48] I think people see people run with whatever the fuck they want to a lot of people
[07:59:54] Especially if they're directly directly victims of this kind of action
[08:00:00] Will be will not be using the appropriate terms and the care and consideration
[08:00:05] especially if they're not super geared on like
[08:00:08] super clued in on like like
[08:00:11] Western like there's different kinds of bigotry in the West right especially if you didn't grow up in America English
[08:00:18] your second language or maybe even third you know and after seeing like horrific images of
[08:00:27] no agency possibly you know your family reduced to mounds of flesh chart into the earth you know
[08:00:38] maybe the exact term will not be perfect um this girl's videos are a miniscule part of this
[08:00:49] I would watch more before saying much
[08:00:53] K-Hive has definitely started directing this unhinged K-Hive energy towards profiles on protestors and activists and is ugly
[08:01:01] There's no better way to gum up the works for
[08:01:05] There's no better way to go of the works of like a broad popular momentum, especially amongst young people
[08:01:10] Then by causing division
[08:01:12] This is what I said about the Josh Spiro pig as well for my my own personal reasoning for Josh Spiro
[08:01:18] was not that he was like, you know, over the top Zionist or whatever. I don't think he was like any more Zionist than the average fucking
[08:01:25] average Democrat is right maybe with a little bit more of a personal connection, you know the the
[08:01:32] Volunteer for the IDF or whatever but
[08:01:36] When it was in high school, but like beyond that every Democrat is just as unconditionally supportive of Israel's existence as an apartheid state
[08:01:45] For me, it was more so about my red line was the school voucher program, which is an immediate
[08:01:53] way to say fuck you to the teachers unions and shows your willingness to destroy what
[08:01:59] remains of the public school system.
[08:02:02] But beyond that, I also cautioned the Democrats that Josh Peer as a pick for VP would constantly
[08:02:10] create an endless cycle of back and forth between Democrats and their base of support,
[08:02:15] especially ones that would like normally be the door knockers, be the organizers, because
[08:02:19] they would constantly run to the center and keep saying, oh, our base is just like anti
[08:02:24] semantic. That's why they're not voting for us. Right. I mean, which would be ironic
[08:02:28] because those are like all the fucking burning coalition. I had like, you know, my input
[08:02:35] on this was not and is not important because I, you know,
[08:02:40] I'm not voting for the ticket.
[08:02:44] And I don't imagine there was any realistic VP pick
[08:02:48] that could change that for me.
[08:02:52] But as someone interested in like horse race politics
[08:02:56] who has been following it forever,
[08:02:59] I think Shapiro as a VP pick,
[08:03:04] like he went a little bit above and beyond, you know, using anti DBS laws to go after fucking Ben and Jerry's that puts him a little bit more in that camp.
[08:03:18] Oh, yeah, true. I forgot about that.
[08:03:19] He's an average Democrat, but I think I really think his main weakness as a VP.
[08:03:24] Well, there's a call to fucking pro passing, pro KKK.
[08:03:27] People try to justify that by saying, oh, he was saying, why wouldn't it be bad if they also broke the rules?
[08:03:34] And it's like calm fucking calm. Yeah. No, that's ridiculous. That's like how like conservatives talk about Trump's remarks after Charles fell
[08:03:42] It's the exact same thing, but uh Shapiro
[08:03:45] his biggest weakness I thought was
[08:03:49] crimes
[08:03:50] He committed those crimes for his own for
[08:03:55] I like that we both have our own pet project that we were more offended by yours was on crimes valid
[08:04:01] Vouchers I think also bad for sure but like he that thing where like his
[08:04:08] don't win this donor this guy that he was childhood friends with his nephew he
[08:04:15] found his fiance dead stabbed in the back of the head multiple times the first
[08:04:21] guy he calls his uncle suicide oh he calls oh Josh Shapiro's friend
[08:04:26] Hulk comes over, he takes all, like all electronic devices,
[08:04:32] it's all that out.
[08:04:33] Then they call the cops.
[08:04:36] The medical examiner says she killed herself
[08:04:39] by stabbing herself in the back of the head
[08:04:41] multiple fucking times.
[08:04:45] And it's a really fucked up story.
[08:04:48] The woman's family has like,
[08:04:51] I think it made it to the Pennsylvania State
[08:04:53] Supreme Court that they're gonna like reopen the M.E.s report to be, you know, not categorized
[08:05:01] it as suicide, hopefully.
[08:05:04] But that was a massive fucking, like, again, morally, I think, obviously disqualifying,
[08:05:11] but just even if, even if like they find out that he did nothing wrong, that he
[08:05:18] just incompetent and legitimately thought this was suicide. Do you want like every time your VP picks
[08:05:27] names, his VP, his name comes up that you see a graphic of a woman being stabbed in the back of
[08:05:34] the head multiple times. Yeah. Connected to him. Do you want that for your VP pick? No, no one wants
[08:05:39] that. Yeah, that would have, that would have not been great. Yeah. And he, look, he probably
[08:05:45] guaranteed Pennsylvania and that's you know I get bad as a calculation but I
[08:05:51] just thought you know from my perspective someone who enjoys horse-raised
[08:05:56] politics for the sake of picking winners and losers I thought ultimately
[08:06:02] would he would be taking away way more than he would add. Yeah I mean it's
[08:06:09] it ultimately is also the unique dynamic, um, not the Josh birthing, but going back to the other
[08:06:18] quote unquote drama, or whatever. But like, at least in my experience, like I went to a bunch
[08:06:24] of Palestinian protests, like we've been covering this for quite a bit, like those are not like
[08:06:29] even remotely the fucking DSA white caucus crowds that you would see. No, those were some of the
[08:06:35] most diverse fucking crowds of young students from every different fucking background. So like,
[08:06:42] I don't think that there is, I don't think that there's any love lost or, or any kind of like,
[08:06:48] lack of solidarity. So it's, this is probably marginal. People are just like very desperate
[08:06:56] as, as like the conditions in Gaza worsen, people will become more and more desperate to
[08:07:01] like grab on to any little thing they can and this is what this is what the new thing is
[08:07:07] for a brief moment. It's probably nothing. And like to anyone who is disheartened by
[08:07:13] this, I would have to say that like out in the world and again this is anecdotal of course.
[08:07:22] But people are much more attuned to the connection between imperialism abroad and the
[08:07:30] the excesses of the empire and the empire's proxies,
[08:07:34] how that connects to oppression at home.
[08:07:38] They're way more attuned to that than you may think.
[08:07:41] People are, they have a way better handle
[08:07:44] on a lot of this than a lot of people may think.
[08:07:48] And, you know, look, I,
[08:07:51] going all the way back to October of last year,
[08:07:54] I thought, you know, okay,
[08:07:57] this is the most successful attack on Israel,
[08:07:59] like in my fucking lifetime,
[08:08:02] maybe this will make things harder
[08:08:06] through the anti-war for the anti-Zionist side in America,
[08:08:10] right?
[08:08:11] That was a lot of people's guess.
[08:08:13] I think some of the guesses people make
[08:08:16] where they were like,
[08:08:17] this is the end of the fucking organized left in America.
[08:08:19] Those were stupid at the time and they were proven.
[08:08:21] Most handsome.
[08:08:22] Yeah, those were proven.
[08:08:24] Dumbest time went on.
[08:08:25] But, you know, my interpretation of October 7th was this is their strategy is that they don't, they're not going to wait on whatever yield that broad sympathy in America could create.
[08:08:40] And I think that was a fair calculation to make.
[08:08:42] What ended up happening is that this is the broadest, most diverse, and fastest growing
[08:08:53] that I've ever seen the anti-Zionist movement ever in America.
[08:08:58] I did not expect that at all, and I think that really caught people flat-footed.
[08:09:10] it was a beyond pleasant surprise.
[08:09:15] And people will, whether it's because they are cynical
[08:09:19] or whether it is because they are getting paid,
[08:09:22] will try to undermine that
[08:09:24] and try to trick people into increasingly my new factions
[08:09:34] over essentially just very cynical mechanisms
[08:09:40] and it's easy to fall for that, but you also just have to keep in mind, what we have now
[08:09:50] is it was inconceivable even five, even three years ago, and it is absolutely terrifying.
[08:09:59] Yeah.
[08:10:00] And just don't lose sight of that, don't lose sight of your fellow people who know
[08:10:04] better.
[08:10:05] Yeah.
[08:10:06] It's silly shit.
[08:10:07] It's whatever.
[08:10:08] It's like.
[08:10:09] I mean, I had a, I had a conversation with Mark along hill about this, uh, a while back, uh, if you
[08:10:15] guys want to go check that out on his show, but like this is something I've said quite a bit. I mean,
[08:10:21] this is not like oppression Olympics or whatever, but like the conditions of Palestinians are
[08:10:24] subjected to in Gaza and the conditions of Palestinians are subjected to in the West Bank
[08:10:31] are like far worse. Like, and I say this as someone who consistently has talked about
[08:10:37] about, like, consistently it talked about obviously white supremacy and how it plays
[08:10:44] such a significant damaging role in American societal development, how it plays a massive
[08:10:51] role in and reinforces its like early goals of enslaving black people specifically through,
[08:11:00] I guess, like the criminal justice system and enslaving black people still and brown
[08:11:05] people still through the criminal justice system, by way of legalizing that same process.
[08:11:12] And all of that is obviously unconscionable. The thing is, in terms of like what's going
[08:11:19] on in Gaza, I mean, like I've said this a long time ago, and I've reiterated a bunch
[08:11:25] times like the conditions in the conditions in the the Jim Crow south would be a genuine
[08:11:36] improvement to the conditions in Gaza right now. And I don't think that there is like,
[08:11:41] I don't think I don't think that's a controversial thing to say people might get mad at me
[08:11:44] for saying that right now. This is something that I talked to Marco on hill about as
[08:11:47] well. And like, it's just objectively the truth. It's ridiculous. We're talking
[08:11:52] about a fucking genocide. You know what I mean? People might not want to hear that people might
[08:11:56] want to feel like that's, you know, not the case or whatever, but it's like, it's, it's,
[08:12:02] it's hell. It's hell on earth. It's like mechanized death. Um, they can take it up a ton of easy
[08:12:08] codes. Exactly. Tiny easy codes who himself is, is how to change your heart after visiting
[08:12:13] the West Bank. And this is before like the latest incursion in Gaza. So, you know,
[08:12:20] I don't know what else to say about it beyond that.
[08:12:22] Those are, those are, and it's not like the,
[08:12:25] this doesn't mean that segregation was a,
[08:12:30] was a, was a comprehensible permissible thing.
[08:12:35] It was not.
[08:12:36] It was, it's utterly immoral, gross.
[08:12:38] It was a system of apartheid.
[08:12:41] And that would still be a more preferable circumstance
[08:12:45] for many people right now in Gaza.
[08:12:48] Gaza as it is now is, you know, the only thing that I could compare it to in like our collective
[08:12:57] cultural memory is just very broadly the Eastern Front under the advancing Wehrmacht.
[08:13:06] Yeah.
[08:13:07] Dude, it's like the Tulsa massacres, right, bombing of Black Wall Street, like, think
[08:13:14] about that.
[08:13:15] like a gross chapter of American history with the litany of different kinds of comparable
[08:13:23] the forms of violence against black people specifically deliberately that's happening
[08:13:28] literally every day like all the time it's crazy with much better weapons right like with much
[08:13:35] better weapons like all of our technological prowess is going to specifically melting
[08:13:41] palestinian people in entire city blocks. It's crazy. Yeah, I mean like the amount of,
[08:13:50] you know, as doctors have said, they have never seen this many children with sniper rounds
[08:13:57] in their bodies. Children deliberately shot with sniper rifles. The most accurate air to
[08:14:04] The underground munitions ever created, the CEP for like a small diameter bomb is one fucking meter, one fucking meter, I think that's like, what, like what, even one-fifth of like a larger JDAM's CEP, deliberately and repeatedly aimed at families, at grandmothers, at little kids, at schools.
[08:14:34] like beyond a shadow of the doubt, just a racial annihilation campaign.
[08:14:40] And another, another like oftentimes overlooked aspect of this is that it
[08:14:45] could literally end with one phone call.
[08:14:47] That's what like, that's what's so fucking frustrating about this.
[08:14:50] Like it could end with one singular phone call.
[08:14:55] No more weapons transfers until you get to the fucking table and you
[08:14:59] cut the shit out.
[08:15:00] It's happened before.
[08:15:01] It's literally happened before throughout American history Ronald Reagan, Joe Biden himself had a similar moment in 2021.
[08:15:09] That's what's wild about it.
[08:15:11] Is that it could not happen without our undying loyalty and commitment and financial support.
[08:15:19] And yeah, I just don't know a single American person.
[08:15:24] black, white, doesn't matter what their background is, but if you were to ask them, would you
[08:15:30] rather give $18 billion to Israel every two months so they can kill random children and
[08:15:37] women or fix your fucking potholes and like fund your, fund your schools.
[08:15:43] I don't know a single American that would say, no, I want permanent, permanent genocide
[08:15:48] actually.
[08:15:49] Do you want the SS training your police?
[08:15:51] Yeah.
[08:15:52] Do you want everyone from the fucking dog catcher to the senator from your state
[08:15:59] vetted by the political arm, the international political lobbying arm?
[08:16:04] The lieutenant governor is talking about like oh my god that shit was so crazy.
[08:16:08] Yeah, do you want them vetting every candidate you vote for training your
[08:16:13] police? How many weapons are enough? How many weapons are
[08:16:19] Are you willing to give them at cost or nothing even so that this can go on forever so that
[08:16:27] they never have to face the consequences of the world that they have created around themselves.
[08:16:34] Yeah, that we have to.
[08:16:36] That's the other aspect of it.
[08:16:39] All the Black Lives Matter protests, we're talking about the Disporsed Targeted Black
[08:16:42] People by Police.
[08:16:44] Post 9-11 IDF has trained every single fucking police department in this country.
[08:16:48] you know what I mean, like Kedlin corralling as a strategy
[08:16:51] that actual Black Lives Matter processors experienced
[08:16:54] was like common practice from the IDF,
[08:16:56] counter-terrorism practices that they taught
[08:16:59] to American police precincts all the way from New York City,
[08:17:03] which also happens to have a division in Tel Aviv,
[08:17:06] down to like TeraHot Indiana, you know what I mean?
[08:17:09] It's not like this was like they,
[08:17:13] it's not like this is only in the big cities or whatever.
[08:17:16] across the board. That shit's crazy. So it does actually reinforce white supremacy in America as well
[08:17:24] because it's simply white supremacy already in the form of our foreign policy upon the global
[08:17:31] south. I think a lot of the stuff you see of people just you know acting cynically whether it
[08:17:38] is like you know Isaac Edward Devorre saying that Shapiro is was like singled
[08:17:46] out or whether it is whatever influencer anywhere trying to set a vision
[08:17:54] anything any type of like just broad cynicism you see of this that is like
[08:18:02] you know a misdirection in nature is trying to get you to think about
[08:18:08] about anything, something else, other than the direct angle of this, that is someone who
[08:18:16] is fully aware that all of this is a stain on all of us. It is a stain, a mark on every
[08:18:22] American. It is them trying not to think about that, and they're trying to convince themselves
[08:18:31] as much as they are trying to convince you.
[08:18:34] Yeah.
[08:18:35] All right.
[08:18:37] That'll be all for today, folks.
[08:18:41] That's, thank you, Felix Biederman of Chabotrap House.
[08:18:44] My pleasure.
[08:18:45] Yeah.
[08:18:46] Instead of funding Israel,
[08:18:47] we could have gotten Felix a F-22 or an F-15.
[08:18:51] I wouldn't even ask for an expensive F-22.
[08:18:53] I would have, like an F-16,
[08:18:55] even a really cheap one, like the J39C Grippen,
[08:18:59] that is a steal at half the price.
[08:19:01] Don't be do by this dumb shit. Okay. Don't let people break your solidarity
[08:19:08] It's just like record behavior who gives a fuck. I mean, it's it's silly nonsense. I
[08:19:13] Hate entertaining stuff like this. It's just like I despise this so much. It's so fucking annoying
[08:19:21] But yeah
[08:19:23] Anything you want plug
[08:19:25] Um
[08:19:27] Well, we have we have a new merch out at chopa travis comms. Yeah store or merch. I forget which one try both try more
[08:19:36] Maybe I'm right. Um, I
[08:19:40] Get I can't plug the show sold out
[08:19:43] Damn flex
[08:19:45] We I mean really we should have got a bigger venue
[08:19:47] But we didn't even think to do this till too late and that's before I announced that I want to be on it
[08:19:52] I'm gonna do so we'll be on it. So if
[08:19:55] All the people who bought tickets, if they die and we have to sell new ones, uh, check it out.
[08:20:01] Um, and Choppo Trap House on Patreon, SoundCloud, Apple Podcast, and, Slice Choppo Trap House.
[08:20:11] All right, bye everybody. Peace.
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