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08-10-2024 · 7h 52m

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[00:00:00] I'm Son Piker, this is Austin, I'm forecast coming to you live. Honey California Los Angeles
[00:11:16] folks, we're live and alive and I hope all the boys, girls and MBS are having a fantastic
[00:11:19] moment because today's a beautiful day. Today's a wonderful day. Today is Saturday. Ladies
[00:11:25] and gentlemen, it is Saturday, August 10th, 2024. It is 1155 AM and I am almost an
[00:11:38] hour late and I apologize for that tardiness. I apologize for the delay, but this is the
[00:11:44] part of the broadcast where I tell you a little bit about my personal news about what's going
[00:11:47] on in the world of us on house and I will explain to you why I was late. You know,
[00:11:53] this is for all my parasocialists out there after a six hour after a six hour after a
[00:12:12] six hour broadcast yesterday ended it because I had to do another obligation that is my podcast
[00:12:20] also my hair is going to be awful today but whatever hopefully it'll dry because I didn't
[00:12:27] use minoxidil for like couple days because I was out I desperately need a haircut like
[00:12:37] desperately need a haircut it's gotten completely out of control it's like I got to fix it
[00:12:47] Anyway, but um, you look super turkish today. Yes, look to turkish every day. I think
[00:12:58] Anyway, folks, um, and the bark has six hours because I had to do a fear and episode was a banger. It was a return of the Mac return of
[00:13:07] Austin show the show
[00:13:11] Um, and we shot that we shot the, uh
[00:13:15] Yeah, we shot the both episodes, the freemium one and the premium one. You already know,
[00:13:22] baby. But after we were done, after we were done with that, I spent some time with family,
[00:13:31] went to bed, woke up, had a long ass, had a long ass sleep. Okay. Long as hell. By
[00:13:40] By the way, RIP Susan Wojcicki, which is crazy, Susan Wojcicki died, but Ukraine, what bro chill
[00:13:56] out dude like we'll talk about Ukraine there's what I have talked about Ukraine already what
[00:14:02] the fuck y'all are weird as hell sometimes I swear to God this is one of those times
[00:14:18] or you're being weird as hell. Okay. So personal news wise, personal news wise. What else happened?
[00:14:33] Oh, I, um, I went to sleep, woke up late, worked out. I've been hanging out with my mom and dad
[00:14:44] a bunch. My mom is a bit of a, a bit of a birthday girl. So she's been kind of on me a little bit
[00:14:52] On on her birthday, you know making demands and stuff
[00:14:56] But ultimately, you know
[00:15:00] I'm a mama's boy. So it is what it is she deserves the world. So
[00:15:05] Yeah, I hung out with the fam a little bit. I um, yeah, I hung out with the fam a little bit
[00:15:12] I worked out. I got my
[00:15:14] I got my push day out
[00:15:16] Uh, I did like 205
[00:15:18] Her five on the incline on the barbell and I was like damn. I'm pretty strong
[00:15:23] Because the incline is like supposed to be lower than the flat
[00:15:26] Weight-wise but then I went to the flat barbell
[00:15:28] And I haven't done a barbell bench press in a while because it like messes up my rotator cuffs
[00:15:34] But I could I cracked out six on my top set after doing one for another like I did two
[00:15:40] 25 by 225 by six which I think is like
[00:15:44] Bro, were you hitting 315 on flat? No, dude. This is 225
[00:15:48] It's so weak. I'm weak as hell. You look like you're in a good mood recently. Did you recently have sex or something?
[00:16:02] Yeah with your mom, but yeah
[00:16:23] 225 for 225 or six is really bad. You're doing a good job keeping your traps pinned to the bench and using your legs
[00:16:29] Yeah
[00:16:31] Honestly, honestly, 225 for bench press flat is weak. There's no, there's no two ways about
[00:16:38] it. Form is good, but overall, overall is just like 225 for five is weak chat. My PR, my
[00:16:52] lifetime PR is like 15. Like that's not my lifetime personal best on 225 is like around
[00:16:59] 15. Okay. It's pretty weak. For me, it's pretty weak. It's very low for my size. I'm 225 pounds
[00:17:07] myself. I should be able to rip that for 10 easy. No, it's not three plates. So 315 is
[00:17:20] 225. How long it was a 15 PR like many, many years ago compared to your PR that makes sense.
[00:17:30] Yeah. I mean, I was like, my bench press has never been my mode. My bar belt bench
[00:17:36] press has never been my most impressive lift I have very long arms and I have I'm double
[00:17:43] jointed and when I first started when I first started ironically my shoulder would dislocate
[00:17:50] every time on like 135 what if we balled in Chicago before the DNC will be there to
[00:17:55] cover it I'll be down I like that if you set that up LeBatard and friends like I'm
[00:18:01] I'm fucking down, potentially.
[00:18:04] I love balling.
[00:18:05] Anyway, what do you use for workout details?
[00:18:09] You blast off?
[00:18:10] No, I haven't blasted off yet.
[00:18:10] I will in a little bit.
[00:18:13] But yeah, I'm on it.
[00:18:15] I'm on a deficit.
[00:18:16] I'm a deficit, Dan, as you guys know.
[00:18:18] Some of you know this.
[00:18:19] Some of you don't know this.
[00:18:20] So it's not terrible overall.
[00:18:26] It's not terrible overall, but it is what it is, you know?
[00:18:35] Interesting font choice.
[00:18:39] Trump campaigns has been hacked and acknowledged.
[00:18:41] We came out to political began receiving emails
[00:18:42] from anonymous account with documents
[00:18:44] from inside Trump's operation.
[00:18:45] Oh, no.
[00:18:47] Bro, they're already out of control, man.
[00:18:52] They're already dying.
[00:18:55] This is terrible for them.
[00:19:04] Any content creator collab?
[00:19:07] Honestly, yes, but also there's like Democrats
[00:19:12] that are reaching out to my management right now,
[00:19:14] which I think is crazy.
[00:19:16] What's a deficit, Dan? I'm just joking. Like I'm on a deficit because I'm cutting.
[00:19:22] Wait, how'd you get your shoulder stopped dislocating because I have the same problem?
[00:19:24] I connected teaching my left shoulder is made of hopes and dreams. I fear brother or sister.
[00:19:29] What did I do to stop my shoulder from dislocating?
[00:19:33] It's called getting brolic as fuck. I'm sorry.
[00:19:36] That is literally nothing else.
[00:19:40] Like that's it. I just got insanely brolic.
[00:19:45] That's, that's it. And I know it sounds like I'm joking, but it's not a joke. Like you actually have to just simply keep working out.
[00:19:53] You work out all of the other parts of your muscles. You do a lot of accessory work. You do a lot of stability work.
[00:20:02] My, my rotators are weak as hell. You just have to keep working on it. There's not anything else you can do. Wall angels are great.
[00:20:11] You got to work your obliques. You got to work your like every every time on every push day
[00:20:16] I get I grab a resistance band. I wrap it around my wrist and
[00:20:22] and and I do
[00:20:24] What is it called like I take a like a rollie-poly thing like a roller like a back roller put it against the wall and I roll
[00:20:32] While you know activating my yeah wall slides
[00:20:36] activating my my
[00:20:38] What is this called?
[00:20:40] My it's not my obliques
[00:20:44] Anyway, whatever I do the roly-poly for my lads like oh my serratus. Thank you. No. No, not lads serratus
[00:20:51] so that's like
[00:20:53] You just have to
[00:20:55] You have to work all of the muscles around the muscle that is the problem area a
[00:21:02] Lot of people don't understand this physical therapy is like your entire body is like this
[00:21:07] Okay, there's a push and pull everywhere and a lot of people think like oh on the pull side
[00:21:13] I'm experiencing some issues. So it must be the pull side. No, it's usually the exact opposite side
[00:21:20] That is a problem like for example a lot of people have the the QL or was it cute?
[00:21:25] Is it like your lower back injury? A lot of people have lower back injury, right?
[00:21:30] Many people do not understand that your lower back injury has
[00:21:34] has virtually nothing to do with your lower back and everything to do with your mid-back,
[00:21:40] okay?
[00:21:41] That's why you got to roll out your mid-back and everything to do with your hips, everything
[00:21:46] to do with your core, because your lower back is overcompensating for your lack of
[00:21:52] musculature in your hip flexors or your lack of strength in your hip flexors on
[00:21:59] stretch positions.
[00:22:00] It could be a number of different things.
[00:22:02] This is what physical therapists look for.
[00:22:04] That's why they make you do a bunch of different things.
[00:22:06] And you have to, if you have any sort of injury
[00:22:10] or anything like that,
[00:22:11] you have to always look at like
[00:22:14] all of the other muscles in that area.
[00:22:17] Sometimes it could be the way you step.
[00:22:20] The way you step on the ground.
[00:22:22] It could be your fucking shoes.
[00:22:23] Your shoes that impact your knees
[00:22:26] and then your knees that impact your form.
[00:22:28] And then your form suffers as a consequence of that.
[00:22:31] And then your back is fucked up.
[00:22:33] like, yeah, anterior pelvic tilt is really important.
[00:22:36] A lot of people don't know what the athletic stance is
[00:22:38] that you have to, you're supposed to have like your,
[00:22:40] your dick like tucked a little bit, you know what I mean?
[00:22:44] Like your, your hip, your butt is like winking a little bit
[00:22:47] to the forward.
[00:22:49] And while also simultaneously squeezing your ass.
[00:22:55] Yeah.
[00:22:56] Like your pelvis is supposed to be like a little bit
[00:22:59] forward, like, like you're humping the air
[00:23:02] while simultaneously, your ass is clenched.
[00:23:07] Like it's a balance between those two muscle groups,
[00:23:09] but a lot of people, I'll just tell you right now,
[00:23:12] I can tell you exactly what your pain is
[00:23:15] and exactly where it's coming from,
[00:23:17] because I have it too, because you are just like me,
[00:23:20] you sit on your fucking ass like this all day,
[00:23:23] you got gamer neck, and if you ever try working out
[00:23:26] with all of those issues,
[00:23:27] you probably have like hypertrophy
[00:23:29] to your fucking traps at this point
[00:23:31] from literally constantly doing this,
[00:23:34] when your neck like popping out forward,
[00:23:37] the pain that a lot of people experience
[00:23:41] as a consequence of sitting on their asses all day every day
[00:23:44] is almost identical.
[00:23:46] My hip flexors were super tight, super fucking tight
[00:23:50] because you sit like this all day.
[00:23:52] My muscles are used to being flexed up like this.
[00:23:57] So they're very weak when I stretch it like this.
[00:24:01] Because of that reason on a certain lifts like deadlifts specifically I overcompensate with my lower back
[00:24:08] I used to overcompensate with my lower back. So I did a lot of that. I you know my
[00:24:14] My outer glutes my side glutes my glute mead
[00:24:18] They rarely ever contracted they rarely ever activated. So I take extra care and consideration on
[00:24:26] Leg days to make sure that I am activating my side glute
[00:24:30] right? That's really important. Your body's connectivity to everything is dialectical.
[00:24:36] I agree. Your body is absolutely connected all across the board. And many people do not
[00:24:41] understand that. Many people think that it's just like, oh, if I have pain in one area,
[00:24:45] it must be that area. No, it's almost always almost entirely related to a weakness in another
[00:24:53] area or pain in another area that you were oblivious to. Hegelian ass body, I know. So
[00:25:10] in his Jeff Niverd era, no dude, I've been a, I have been someone who has weight trained.
[00:25:16] Like I've, I've weight lifted for years at this point. They saved my life. It gave me
[00:25:21] so much confidence. It fixed my scoliosis. Like this isn't bro science. This is just
[00:25:28] Exercise science, which is a real science. It's a hard science. It has nothing to do with like the bro. We shit
[00:25:35] Obviously, you're hearing it from a bro. We guy and I'm also like explaining it in a really shitty way
[00:25:41] Because I'm not the most well equipped. I'm not like a professional. I didn't like study this in school or anything
[00:25:49] So ultimately you're hearing it from the type of dude who is like not the most knowledgeable
[00:25:54] But everything I'm saying is
[00:25:56] Backed by hard science. I will never tell you like some nonsense bullshit
[00:26:09] You just bought me hit the court again this morning for the first time in years my stamina inverter
[00:26:12] Absolutely asked, but I still got that post up fated way to recover some ego while I get back into it Lamont. Oh, yeah
[00:26:18] You got scoliosis yes, but when I went to when I went are you talking about Cairo fuck no
[00:26:25] I'm not talking about Cairo
[00:26:26] No, I'm talking about physical therapy. I'm talking about exercise science
[00:26:32] No, I'm not talking about chiropractors, bro. That's crazy. Um, no, I would never do that.
[00:26:38] Okay. Chill. Um, but in any case, in any case, yeah, we're talking about real shit. Okay.
[00:26:47] Not like made up shit made by like a cult leader or whatever. Um, I'm in PT post shoulder
[00:26:56] instability surgery and everything has on said tracks. Yeah. So, uh, shoulder instability
[00:27:01] is obviously like I have, I have winged scabs and basically I have winged scabs so like
[00:27:10] every part of my body that is supposed to remain stable in your body that most likely
[00:27:15] is stable moves around with ease for me. Look, you see that? I'm not moving a single
[00:27:20] thing right now, just, just my shoulder. That is not good for weightlifting. That
[00:27:26] is not good. Look, look at this. Look. Look at this. That is literally my fucking shoulder
[00:27:35] going in and out of like where it's supposed to be without it, like without me moving anything
[00:27:41] else, just my shoulder. So that makes it really difficult to lock in and stabilize on
[00:27:47] push exercises. It makes it pretty easy to do pull exercises. That's why I have
[00:27:52] like that's why my pull is pretty strong but my push is not so I always have to
[00:27:59] work against that in an effort not to injure myself okay how bad was the
[00:28:13] scoliosis I mean it wasn't so bad but like I remember going to a doctor in
[00:28:17] Turkey when I was growing up and the doctor was like bro the doctor was like
[00:28:23] bruh you're fucking tall as shit what do you mean like what you really want
[00:28:30] fucking back brace like who gives a shit that your back is a little bent
[00:28:34] literally I'm not even kidding the doctor straight up laughed at me because he was
[00:28:38] like this is an issue this is an issue for people who are you know stunted in
[00:28:45] their growth or whatever off but like you're already so tall who cares like
[00:28:48] and I think he was not wrong because I think he wasn't wrong because like I
[00:28:53] I think the corrective for scoliosis is like really, really fucked up, um, so it, he was
[00:29:01] just like, it's not worth it.
[00:29:02] I had a brace too, but I'm five nine on my back, still kind of curve.
[00:29:12] So I needed that shit.
[00:29:13] Yeah.
[00:29:14] He said it wasn't that bad.
[00:29:16] Have you separated your shoulders at all, bro?
[00:29:20] Wait, what?
[00:29:22] Separated my shoulders.
[00:29:23] What do you mean?
[00:29:26] Like dislocated at per, like completely no, my shoulder dislocation only happens
[00:29:32] like my shoulder dislocation is not, I've only dislocated my knee. I've never fully dislocated
[00:29:39] my shoulder. Because of the hypermobility I have, it doesn't like completely detach,
[00:29:46] but I can like dislocate it just like all of my joints. I can dislocate them without like
[00:29:52] actually fully dislocating them like look my thumb. You see that? I can literally dislocate
[00:30:02] my thumb without actually dislocating it. Anyway, you might want to get checked for EDS. That's
[00:30:13] a major symptom. What is that? If that's the top of the hour ad break joke. What's EDS?
[00:30:23] Adlers, dollows. What the fuck is that? What? Oh, shit. Elastic skin bruises easily. A
[00:30:38] group of persons passed a pair of the child known as an inherited that affect the skin,
[00:30:41] some blood vessels. You do not have EDS. Yeah, I don't think I have it. I do have hypermobility
[00:30:49] though. Yes, I can escape handcuffs unless they tighten it all the way with your height. It can
[00:31:10] be Marvin syndrome. What the fuck? No, it can't bro. I'm 64 dude. I'm not like 610. Is it Marvin
[00:31:17] syndrome for people who are like like 712 or something? Yeah, visual difficulties, tall, thin
[00:31:27] frame long arms legs in no dude. I don't have fucking Marfan syndrome. What are you talking
[00:31:35] about web?
[00:31:36] MD web, MD chatters are crazy right now. Y'all are going nutty mode in the chat. Okay. That's
[00:31:44] crazy, bro. Anyway, listen, listen, let's fucking twitch doctors, the twitch fucking
[00:31:52] doctors.
[00:31:53] Um, all right, let's blast off and let's get started. Okay. Oh shit. This got the big
[00:32:08] serrano legitimately and I show speed fan. Okay. I will stand on that. I will always
[00:32:21] say this. Okay. It's not the free file is the stuff. I love that already. That's phenomenal.
[00:32:28] It's the donor dude when he went to Germany and had Turkish donor and then did a back
[00:32:33] flip and said, this is the greatest food I've ever had in my life. That was it. He locked
[00:32:40] me down forever. And let me tell you one other thing. And I realize why I realize why so many
[00:32:48] people love him. One, because he's very wholesome, but also two. And I don't even know if he's
[00:32:54] doing this in like, he is literally Luffy. Okay, he just lives like Luffy. That's
[00:32:59] number one, number two, he goes to different countries and will like pick something that
[00:33:06] the country men care about a lot. And he glazes it. Okay, that's it. You become a global phenomena
[00:33:16] like that instantly. He wears the jersey, he glazes the country, and he looks at how the
[00:33:22] focus you're pronouncing Donat. That's how he says it. Bro, that's how much of a that's
[00:33:29] So much of an I should be Stan. I am that I say donor like he says it. I'm telling you dude
[00:33:39] I'm telling you
[00:33:44] You say you also say countries like him. Yeah, he touches like one thing that they care about it says this is amazing
[00:34:03] It's over. Okay. He is America's best ambassador
[00:34:10] It's true
[00:34:11] It's true. I am I am a fucking I show speed fan like 100% bro
[00:34:31] So I'm from Tunisia and I call it Soonsea thanks to speed. Yeah. Doner. Yeah, he's great,
[00:34:42] man. He is literally, bro. He is literally fucking. He is Luffy, but he is actually
[00:34:48] Luffy legitimately. And anyway, yeah, we got, we got England, England. We're going to
[00:35:07] talk about England, Mike. We're going to talk about that, Mike. We're going to talk
[00:35:11] about the fucking oil, bro. Okay, so get said he got sent the clip of you riding
[00:35:15] for Mountain Dew. Kays is higher clip about Mountain Dew, by the way. Wait, did he respond
[00:35:20] to it? Do you guys have a reaction to it? Um, it was he too afraid to show it to his audience
[00:35:25] because it calls into question his fat status, but he's not a big boy. He's not a real one.
[00:35:31] I will stand on this. I personally think he's, he's a fake big boy. I've never seen
[00:35:37] a real big boy, a real soda boy actually talked so disrespectfully about Mountain Dew.
[00:35:45] I think K-Zo is skinny.
[00:35:47] He might be wearing like a suit.
[00:35:50] I'm calling into question his bona fides on big boy status.
[00:35:57] Okay.
[00:35:58] There are better sodas.
[00:35:59] I don't agree with you, but it's fine,
[00:36:01] especially because I ventured into like Dr. Pepper.
[00:36:08] Honestly, since I ventured into Dr. Pepper,
[00:36:11] I will keep it above 50.
[00:36:15] I will keep it a fucking buck 50 with you.
[00:36:17] Like I, I personally now know that the world is out there.
[00:36:22] Like there's a much larger world out there
[00:36:24] and that I was not even privy to.
[00:36:26] And I really like it.
[00:36:27] Like I'm on my shit right now.
[00:36:28] I'm on my Dr. Pepper shit.
[00:36:30] And I've been, I've been really into it.
[00:36:36] I haven't touched real Dr. Pepper yet.
[00:36:38] Like I've only drank real Dr. Pepper one time.
[00:36:44] But honestly, it's pretty good.
[00:36:46] And I never thought I would like it.
[00:36:47] I thought it was gross at first, but doctor, but die amount,
[00:36:52] dude is my, my shit. Like it is, is always the OG.
[00:36:56] It's like the one thing we have over gay ass Europe. You know what I mean?
[00:37:01] Like they're like, Oh, no, no, no chemicals. Oh my fuck.
[00:37:06] He yellow five. It's like, no dude, you have to have those chemicals.
[00:37:11] Like it impacts the taste. Like we're, we're not doing this like gay
[00:37:15] You communist shit, okay? We're America. Excuse me. I'm gonna have the chemicals
[00:37:20] You know what I mean? Like I need more chemicals in my shit
[00:37:29] anyway
[00:37:30] You have to stop talking about being a soda boy when you only talking about diet blasphemy, dude
[00:37:39] It doesn't matter this 2024. Okay, the discrimination against diet is like not a thing
[00:37:45] It's not a real thing. Honestly. What is this? Sorry for the reddit link, but this is this video is the true big boy
[00:37:50] What is this? So yeah, I saw, listen, I called in the question in case those big boy status
[00:37:59] because like he shit on Mount Dew, let me blast off real quick and then we'll get started
[00:38:04] on it. Okay.
[00:38:08] How what the Dems can learn not to do from labor, Kamala addresses Palestine again, Trump is falling apart campaign hacked get in now.
[00:38:43] Okay. Do we have a blast off meme today? Let me, let me do this. And then I'll talk about
[00:38:49] the case of situation from lost in court. I mean, what else is new bro? Trump is, he's
[00:38:54] taking L after L. I'm tired of chatting saying Coke zero is better than diet coke. Please
[00:39:01] speak on this bro and clear it up. Yeah. Those chatters have like the weird taste buds.
[00:39:05] Like I'm not going to lie. Um, my, my Coke zero endeavors only work. Like I only
[00:39:11] do the coke zero shit if I if I'm stuck with coke zero usually in Europe diet coke I think
[00:39:18] DC is like probably the perfect DC I suspect is probably the perfect drink like diet coke
[00:39:27] I mean but I only save it like I savor my diet coke specifically for my lunch meal
[00:39:35] bro you always talk about the numbers zero outsells diets you're against the people
[00:39:41] I don't know if it outsells diet in America. I know it probably outsells diet because
[00:39:47] Again, it goes back to the same like it goes back to like how they sugar it
[00:39:58] So
[00:39:59] It might I still don't care. I still think it's better, but
[00:40:06] Is someone give me a good fucking blast off me and y'all are sending me ass. I'm not gonna lie. I'm sorry
[00:40:13] No, no disrespect to the chatters, but there's just been some ass in the chat
[00:40:19] What you've sent me so far that's mean
[00:40:26] Okay, dude. I'm not using I'm not gonna do aida ros me in my fucking blast off. I don't want to give him any I
[00:40:33] Don't want to fucking even talk about him. He's weirdo
[00:40:39] Okay, but no, this is AI image with Luffy doing communism. I don't want to use the AI Luffy I
[00:40:53] Drink iced coffee and iced tea all day because I'm not a 40 year old divorce woman. Okay, so you're a
[00:40:59] 30 year old
[00:41:00] Gay marketing agency executive like what do you mean and also I drink that too
[00:41:17] Okay, this is ass too, but I'm just gonna use it. Fuck it. Okay. All right, whatever. I'm I'm desperate. I'm desperate
[00:41:25] So we're just using that one
[00:41:30] Okay
[00:41:32] That was such a like this gourd on a daily basis pumps out way better shit than this but whatever
[00:41:38] We're just using this
[00:41:40] um, I
[00:41:42] I prefer to drink piss all day. That's nice, man. I hope you're enjoying yourself with your piss with your pee pee
[00:41:49] So, yeah
[00:41:50] All right, let's talk about it. So case. Oh
[00:41:54] Okay, everyone's favorite big boy
[00:41:56] Internet's favorite big boy came out with a take that I found to be utterly unconscionable
[00:42:01] I think abhorrent maybe even repugnant
[00:42:05] You know words that I would often reserve for
[00:42:09] were, uh, words that I would usually reserve for like much worse crimes, but like honestly,
[00:42:14] from where I'm standing, this is pretty much one of the worst things you can do.
[00:42:20] Um, he said mountain do sucks.
[00:42:24] He demanded, he took it once that further and like a communist, un-American communist,
[00:42:33] he demanded that it get banned.
[00:42:35] Okay.
[00:42:36] As you guys know I'm a soda boy as you guys know I'm a soda boy. I'm a big soda boy. I love my sodas
[00:42:42] Okay, I love my sodas new Mamushi video just drop what oh the Mamushi video for for Megan
[00:42:50] I was like what the fuck is that is that another youtuber that I need to know about
[00:42:55] So I
[00:42:58] Don't know what his favorite soda is. I'm sure there's some case oh heads in here that will tell me what his
[00:43:03] What his favorite soda is but Pepsi or coke not a question dude. Don't ever come at me with that question
[00:43:09] It's coke all the way
[00:43:10] I the only Pepsi family product that I consistently consume is the amount of if it wasn't for Mountain Dew Pepsi could literally fall apart
[00:43:18] It's Empire can crumble before my eyes and I would have no issue with it. Okay?
[00:43:24] That Pepsi is better. Oh my god. Oh
[00:43:28] My god, okay. I'm I'm molding I'm molding already
[00:43:31] I've thought that we're gonna have chill vibes. We're not having chill vibes diet Pepsi is a literally motor oil
[00:43:38] It is motor oil diet Pepsi is the only time when someone and it's usually in fucking Europe
[00:43:45] Okay, when someone goes is Pepsi all right? That's the only time where I'm like, you know what? I'll just I'll drink disgusting water
[00:43:51] Okay, give me fucking water. I guess I'll kill myself because it is so
[00:43:58] unimaginably bad
[00:44:01] Okay, diet Pepsi yo stop
[00:44:09] Y'all are robots dude
[00:44:11] Y'all are robots the last time Pepsi slap was Pepsi twist when I was in fucking Turkey
[00:44:17] And they made that like lemon Pepsi twist. That was like when I was a child
[00:44:22] That's the last time Pepsi was actually good for me. I hate every single other type of Pepsi product
[00:44:28] I just I genuinely don't understand it
[00:44:31] You asked for it, which diet soda, diet, Pepsi, Diet Coke, diet, Mountain Dew.
[00:44:36] That's hard.
[00:44:37] You're separating.
[00:44:38] Diet Coke is the peak though.
[00:44:39] I mean, for me, I'm, people are, people are putting up their votes in the, go vote
[00:44:44] in the poll chat, vote, which diet soda, diet, Pepsi, Diet Coke and diet Mountain Dew
[00:44:48] is in the, it's the poll is up.
[00:44:50] All right.
[00:44:51] Anyway, getting back to reality.
[00:45:04] I'm so glad that Pepsi, Diet Pepsi is a 20% disgusting.
[00:45:08] Okay.
[00:45:09] Anyway, Queso said something that I personally find abhorrent, repugnant, unacceptable, un-American,
[00:45:16] outright un-American.
[00:45:17] This isn't Communist China, sir.
[00:45:19] Okay.
[00:45:20] You cannot ban Diet Mountain Dew, all right?
[00:45:23] So I said, I call him the question is big boy status.
[00:45:27] Okay.
[00:45:28] I think he's a skinny man.
[00:45:30] And before people say, Hassan, you're not a big boy.
[00:45:35] I was.
[00:45:36] And also big boy is in spirit. Okay. It is a spiritual thing.
[00:45:42] I am spiritually a fat man still very much so. Okay.
[00:45:51] I don't even need to give you my bona fides. Obviously in this field,
[00:45:55] I was literally over 300 pounds at a certain point in my life.
[00:46:00] I got up to 285 a couple of years ago,
[00:46:04] back up to 285 a couple of years ago. And not only that,
[00:46:09] But also, I have had moments where I have had a sugar hangover.
[00:46:15] Don't talk to me about being a big boy until you've eaten so many fucking cookies that you
[00:46:20] literally, physically feel bad like your, your actual tongue hurts from the amount
[00:46:26] of sugar consumption, okay?
[00:46:30] The big boys in the chat know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.
[00:46:33] Don't talk to me about being a big boy, okay?
[00:46:36] you eat so many cookies that you have a sugar hangover. Okay. Like your body is literally
[00:46:43] trying to push it out. Real sugar fiends know, um, like your mouth hurts when you're eating
[00:46:57] it and you're still eating it. And there's like, anyway, um, don't talk to me about
[00:47:04] being a big boy until you eat, eat, eat, eat, and then you're like, Oh my God, there's
[00:47:10] So much more good food in front of me that I want to eat. So you just slam a fucking soda
[00:47:14] So you can burp a little bit and open up more space in your fucking belly. I'm talking about eating this disorder. Okay. Let's like let's be real
[00:47:23] I definitely had it
[00:47:26] Like but that's that's just what it is. Okay, it's just it is what it is so
[00:47:32] Um at first people think like oh big boys. They grew out their beards to hide their chin
[00:47:37] Turns out as a chatter also called out. Maybe case. Oh is actually growing out his beard so we can hide his single chin
[00:47:43] He has the strongest jaw in the game and he's hiding it. I'm disputing his big boy status right now. Okay?
[00:47:50] I'm disputing it. I'm willing to bet he doesn't even he does not even clean his plate
[00:47:57] I'm willing to bet that he is not a clean plate club big boy
[00:48:05] That's right. These are daggers. These are boulders. I know
[00:48:09] It's all from this one diet Mountain Dew conversation. This Mountain Dew conversation. Anyway, let's let's watch what he said
[00:48:18] You know what else is crazy chat? There are so many Pepsi defenders out there. I can't believe it
[00:48:23] Somebody sent me a clip of Hassan mad at me because I was hating on because I was hating on mountain
[00:48:28] No, not Pepsi Mountain Dew somebody sent me a clip of Hassan who was mad because I was talking crazy about Mountain Dew
[00:48:34] Yo, there ain't no way you like Mountain Dew. Yes, I do. It's the best
[00:48:38] It's the best sport with the five. It's the best. I'm a big boy trying to die at this conversation.
[00:48:48] I held the helping. Yeah. K. So probably still leaves chicken on his wings. Oh my God. I bet
[00:48:56] dude. I bet not a clean boy. Not a clean plate club boy leaves chicken on the wings. Okay.
[00:49:08] I can see it. I can see it right now. It's right. I just Googled European Mountain
[00:49:22] new looks like and oh my God, I've never been more okay with the FDA being dog shit in my
[00:49:26] life. Yeah, I know if you've ever been to Europe and you've seen if you're all by the
[00:49:31] way, Diet Coke, of course won the poll because it's the greatest drink of all time. But um,
[00:49:40] I think the reason why I love Diet Coke is because in America, the artificial sweetener
[00:49:44] in the Coke is very different than Turkey. And I grew up in a diabetic household. My
[00:49:48] My entire family's obese as you guys know, I myself was obese as you guys know.
[00:49:53] And so like I drank that fucking garbo Coca Cola light is what it's called.
[00:49:58] It's not even called Diet Coke when I was growing up in Turkey and that shit was ass
[00:50:02] bro.
[00:50:03] They fucking the artificial sweetener and that was so ass.
[00:50:05] And then when I came to America and I had the fucking delicious nectar of gods that
[00:50:09] is DC Diet Coke like, oh my God, my life changed and I never look back.
[00:50:15] I, I personally think, I personally think that like Diet Coke is so good that I can't drink
[00:50:25] regular Coke. Like I'll have it every now and then, but I think it's too sweet. Maybe that
[00:50:30] actually takes away a little bit of my big boy status, but like I, I find the American
[00:50:34] Coke to be too sweet. Mexican Coke is obviously on top because it's a, you know, Kane, it's
[00:50:41] cane sugar. That's the coke I grew up with in Turkey as well. Like that's the real,
[00:50:46] the real Coca-Cola to the rest of the world actually consumes is made with cane sugar.
[00:50:53] Whereas in America is high frugose corn syrup and it's fucking ass. High frugose corn syrup is
[00:50:58] fucking ass. That is the one part of like the American, the American corn lobby that just
[00:51:05] like absolutely cooked in my opinion, the way that like, like a soda, like a pivotal soda that
[00:51:13] like every American consumes. How do you feel about diet Mountain Dew, Baja Blast? They make the
[00:51:22] cans now? Dude, you're telling me? Yeah, dude, I know. But like, overall, you need to know.
[00:51:32] Overall, you need to know that like, I mean, I'm just a, I'm a real soda boy. Okay, that's
[00:51:41] it. That's all I got to say. I literally order regional sodas that are not available in Los
[00:51:48] Angeles, comaphonia, because gruesome governor Gavin Newsom has decided to do Chinese Communist
[00:51:56] Party style tactics and just like rob people of joy that they could have in their otherwise
[00:52:01] shitty ass lives. So, um, you know, I literally, I will order regional sodas that are not
[00:52:09] available like that are only available in like our Kansas you know what I mean um
[00:52:13] anyway what is this big back is the only way are you the president no he's
[00:52:19] the regional right Bruce Bruce is the president
[00:52:25] but y'all give it a lot of action right now looking a lot of action because I feel
[00:52:28] like a lot of things that we do are being exposed in this time and season of
[00:52:32] our lives man and I just feel that if you drive from 290 and stop at
[00:52:37] at Spring Creek barbecue just to get the moist brisket and moist brisket and rolls. What do
[00:52:44] you have to do is get, you have to stop and get the rose with their signature barbecue
[00:52:51] sauce. Then when you get the rose, you go down the street past the railway down to 90.
[00:52:56] I don't even know, obviously the place that he's talking about, but mixing and matching
[00:53:01] Mixing and matching from two different restaurants. That's that's that's it. That's peak dude. Dude. That's peak
[00:53:08] That is fucking peak about rudies and I immediately knew what they were talking what he's talking about sausage
[00:53:15] You take my god
[00:53:19] You take the rose and you put the sausage from Rudy's into the bread. Yeah
[00:53:26] You could you could stop by what is it Texas Roadhouse? Yeah, that place is a long tube. Yeah
[00:53:33] You could stop by and get those roads as well as a substitute and you stop by H.E.B. to get you the creamy creations
[00:53:40] vanilla ice cream wait he hit a triple dude, okay?
[00:53:44] This man is a god. Okay, this man is a god
[00:53:49] Hitting the triple is unheard of like the double I've done
[00:53:54] I've been there. Okay. I've been there some places have better sides some places have better mains
[00:54:01] Everybody knows this. I've never seen a triple. I guess it's like valid because of the triple. He's doing for the dessert
[00:54:08] Right because like dessert is a demon in and of itself if he's hitting a fucking quad
[00:54:14] Wait, he's hitting a quadruple. Did I misunderstand? Oh cuz he said he's gonna hit Texas Roadhouse
[00:54:19] Wait, hold up. Could stop by. What is it? Texas roadhouse? Yeah, places are long too. Yeah
[00:54:25] You could stop by and get those roads as well as a substitute and you stop by h eb to get you
[00:54:30] No, no, he's saying he's putting out an extra option. It's not a quad. He's he's hitting a triple
[00:54:34] But he's saying you could technically
[00:54:37] Go for your second place for the roles you go to either option. He's saying either or I didn't misunderstand
[00:54:43] It's still impressive. I've never seen somebody hit a triple. That's actually pretty crazy
[00:54:48] I guess it's only because it's the dessert so that makes sense
[00:54:53] Bro, I've done this
[00:54:55] I've done this you want to know you want to know how bad I've done this actually I've done this
[00:55:02] For not even sides. I've done this with the same genre of sandwich
[00:55:09] I have gone to Wawa to get a motherfucking with my family to we all were all demons
[00:55:15] I got I went to Wawa when I was in New Jersey because I haven't been in New Jersey in a while
[00:55:19] Right. I went to Wawa to get a fucking club sandwich
[00:55:22] Okay, because it's like it's peak when Wawa delivered when Wawa, which is a for those of you who are uninitiated
[00:55:29] It's like Publix basically it's like sheets
[00:55:31] it's it's like a gas station that also has a market that makes like fresh sandwiches and
[00:55:39] When Wawa started offering club sandwiches, I think I gained like 40 pounds
[00:55:44] I'm not even kidding. So anyway, it's it's incredible. It's phenomenal and I had to hit it, right?
[00:55:51] I I hit the wah-wah. I got a fucking I got a club sandwich
[00:55:55] Slammed that back had a protein shake on the side and then I immediately went to
[00:56:01] Sorrento's which is another institution in like
[00:56:04] In in a part of New Jersey that is not technically a real place not central Jersey doesn't exist either nor Jersey or South Jersey
[00:56:10] but like this technically is in between central, I mean, uh, not central in between North Jersey
[00:56:16] and South Jersey is an area, um, where, where I went to Sorrento's and I fucking copped a
[00:56:24] number 14 pig special, which is like a combo between a number seven and a number 11. It's got
[00:56:29] both of the meats in it, provolone cheese, not a big provolone cheese type person. Like
[00:56:35] I'm not a big fan of provolone usually, but this is the one time where it fucking perfectly
[00:56:39] hits. I'm talking a sub waist. Like I'm talking a sub sandwich as this big. Okay. That's like
[00:56:44] this thick and this long. And I slammed that back. I ate one and a half sandwich from, from
[00:56:51] Sorento's afterwards. So I've like, I've not only hit a double, but I've also hit a double
[00:56:56] basically on the same category. I'm not even talking like I went to subway or NASA
[00:57:02] way. I would never go to subway. Oh my God. Gross. I don't know why I'm saying
[00:57:06] I don't even want to know I'm using those words um
[00:57:10] But uh, I I went to a a sub shop
[00:57:16] And a wallop and hit uh, and and hit both and they were both like in the same categories both sandwich category
[00:57:27] whoo
[00:57:29] I understand variation but double on the same category some real fast shit not gonna lie. Yeah
[00:57:33] Yeah.
[00:57:34] Are you supposed to have a sub waiter?
[00:57:37] Never.
[00:57:38] I would never.
[00:57:39] Like the only thing that is edible at Subway is the cookies.
[00:57:42] Okay.
[00:57:43] That's it.
[00:57:44] And I think like Subway cookies are the equivalent of like the MRE, the MRE's they offer our
[00:57:51] best soldiers or best veterans in terms of like sugar content.
[00:57:56] It's like if you're carrying a 70 pound rug for the entire day and you need to like
[00:58:01] Literally carb up like that's the type of shit. They give you with the MRE subway cookies are made from the same like sauce basically
[00:58:07] It is the sweetest cookie you'll ever have in your life. I don't know why but yeah, everything else is subway is ass
[00:58:13] I will never eat there Jersey Mike's actually is a
[00:58:17] somewhat acceptable substitute if you live in a place like California where you know
[00:58:21] There is no God and there is no good sub sandwiches. So Jersey Mike's is fine. You just got to double up on the
[00:58:28] You got to double up on like all the things they put in it
[00:58:32] What about Jimmy John's? I mean Jimmy John's is if you're so hungry that like you might die and
[00:58:40] You want whatever you're ordering to get to you before you're done ordering
[00:58:45] That's it Jimmy John's has speed, but that's it. They literally fucking make the sandwich before I'm done ordering it
[00:58:52] I don't know how the fuck they do it and
[00:58:54] They deliver it before I'm before I hang up the phone
[00:58:57] It's just the weirdest experience. I've also never had a Jimmy John's outside of like a college campus
[00:59:03] So I don't even know if they exist outside of
[00:59:07] college campuses
[00:59:10] Wegmans oh
[00:59:12] Wegman subs. Oh my god. Okay. Let's let's continue. Let's just finish this off and then we use vanilla ice cream
[00:59:21] To me up
[00:59:23] And when you get home, you need to make sure you stop by Buggies to get the chocolate ship
[00:59:29] cookies.
[00:59:30] Lift your hands if you have a testimony of how you can shit for three days.
[00:59:36] Yeah.
[00:59:37] No, respect.
[00:59:38] This man, this man knows the truth.
[00:59:41] He speaks the truth.
[00:59:43] That's a certified big boy.
[00:59:47] That's a certified big boy straight up.
[00:59:52] I like that.
[00:59:59] Anyway.
[01:00:00] All right.
[01:00:01] Let's get to the news.
[01:00:04] Can you please discuss your thoughts on Susan's death?
[01:00:07] I don't know what I would say about Susan Wojcicki.
[01:00:10] I have no, like I'm shocked that she is dead.
[01:00:16] Uh, I guess like that's probably the reason why she dropped out of YouTube.
[01:00:21] Like I, yeah, Susan Wojcicki, uh, former CEO of YouTube died.
[01:00:28] Um, did you know Kaseo doesn't like chocolate?
[01:00:31] Oh my God, bro.
[01:00:33] Yo, is he even fat like what is this? Is he even husky bro? He he might be literally just big bone. He might
[01:00:43] He might actually be just big bone, bro
[01:00:46] Is he one of those guys that's just like a power lifter and he just kind of looks big
[01:00:52] Like he's just skinny, bro. What the fuck?
[01:00:55] That's crazy. I just
[01:01:03] Know he is he is skinny dude. What the hell?
[01:01:07] I'm actually I'm actually I heard queso prefers celery and eats wings that right okay stop
[01:01:15] First of all wings without ranch is fine. Okay real fucking east coast boys. No if you're eating buffalo
[01:01:21] You got to eat it with fucking blue cheese
[01:01:23] And I know this is a point of contention for many because a lot of you have the taste palette of a fucking baby
[01:01:29] Ranch is fine, but you gotta if you're eating fucking
[01:01:33] Buffalo wings the side has to be blow cheese
[01:01:36] Okay, the fuck are we talking about the fuck are we talking about?
[01:01:44] Anyway, oh
[01:01:50] Wings with mold as a side what yes, bro. Yes mold mold. Yes moldy ass cheese
[01:02:03] Buffalo sauces as just it would literally anything else, but yes to the blue cheese. I
[01:02:08] Love Buffalo my only my only thing is like I
[01:02:16] Buffalo is one of my favorite sauces in general
[01:02:18] Is this like low calorie? I'm gonna I'm gonna out myself as a skinny king right now
[01:02:23] a little bit but
[01:02:26] But beyond that beyond that I would say
[01:02:30] that
[01:02:32] Honey like
[01:02:34] Hot honey is just like insane. It's just out of this world
[01:02:45] Hot honey is crazy or you can put honey on
[01:02:49] Buffalo wings, dude
[01:02:50] If you ever put like just straight honey on a buffalo wing, dude
[01:02:54] If you've never tried it home my lord if you've never tried it, bro. I'm telling you
[01:03:03] That combo is just crazy I
[01:03:11] Need to know if you're legit east coaster. Did you put old old base easing on your wall of sandwiches? No, I did not
[01:03:21] anyway
[01:03:31] today
[01:03:32] We're gonna be talking about Ingerland. Okay, we're gonna start off with
[01:03:37] We're gonna start off by talking about the olive raves rot fucking out. All right. Oh my god. I am going to die
[01:03:46] my dad
[01:03:48] He's not even here. He left this phone behind and it's just he it's not on silent
[01:03:54] and it's just ringing like a motherfucker you can't probably hear it because
[01:03:59] Because the noise gate is on
[01:04:01] But it happens all this is his favorite thing to do. I swear to God
[01:04:07] He's not even here. It's just gonna keep ringing. I'm gonna put the fuck I'm gonna turn it off
[01:04:13] I'm gonna turn his phone off. Okay
[01:04:15] No, it's not the Turkish National Anthem his phone ringtone is
[01:04:23] It's the default of course is the default are you kidding me it's the fucking default one
[01:04:30] He's the 60 year old man.
[01:04:37] Hiya.
[01:04:38] Get back.
[01:04:39] All right.
[01:04:43] So I covered the UK races riots, the race riots that are happening in the UK, briefly, or
[01:04:51] not even briefly.
[01:04:52] I covered it like last week when these psychopathic fascists had decided, these psychopathic
[01:05:03] fascist had basically decided like you know england is all
[01:05:08] uh england is all island lads blah blah blah like all this shit okay
[01:05:17] anyway england is all city might um but they've gotten they've
[01:05:31] gotten extra riled up we're gonna be talking about all this stuff
[01:05:34] counter protesters actually showed up in massive numbers
[01:05:37] uh showing once again showing once again to the entire planet that like
[01:05:43] Showing once again to the entire planet that you only have your people
[01:05:48] Yeah, you just that's it the only thing you have in the face of this kind of shit is solidarity
[01:05:56] Okay, that's it
[01:06:02] The only people the only people you have looking out for you when the government is not when the government is leaning into
[01:06:09] Uh into the right wing sentiment when the labor government the liberal
[01:06:14] leftist supposedly government is leaning in to this kind of right-wing sentiment
[01:06:22] the only people you have that will support you that will defend you is
[01:06:26] other people from any kind of background really it doesn't have to just be like
[01:06:31] it doesn't have to just be like other Muslims or other migrants or anything
[01:06:35] like that you can see like white boys over here with the Jeremy Corbyn shirt
[01:06:38] on but you know you need you need other people to engage in community defense
[01:06:45] in times like this and I'm really glad that they showed up in massive numbers
[01:06:49] as counter protesters showed up in massive numbers outweighing the the
[01:06:52] psychopathic inbred fascists sometimes ten to one sometimes a hundred to
[01:06:58] one. Newcastle! Newcastle, united, black and white and brown. Real Jordies are not fascists.
[01:07:19] That's the message of hundreds of anti-racism protesters in the city centre this morning,
[01:07:24] a city which notably has escaped disorder thus far.
[01:07:28] Obvious question, but why? What's your message?
[01:07:31] For five reasons. Diversity, inclusion, equality, feeding, justice for everybody.
[01:07:37] I want it to come in today.
[01:07:39] The police can just be able to make that clear.
[01:07:41] The Nazis and the right people are welcome here.
[01:07:45] Majority of my community are not here and it's for one reason.
[01:07:48] And local Imam aliyah sad said police advised his community to stay away to reduce tensions
[01:07:55] Yeah, dude. Hey, sorry these people
[01:07:58] These people are are trying to kill you
[01:08:02] So it would be nice if you just like hid
[01:08:06] And it's like the fuck do you mean bro?
[01:08:09] What do you mean like no your job in that situation is to you know, get the guys who are saying
[01:08:16] We're gonna hunt Muslims down and arrest them. You know what I mean? You're supposed to fucking defend the people
[01:08:23] standing up to the races
[01:08:26] Yeah, Keir Sturmer exactly for what he's going on right now my fucking AC is not working Jesus Christ
[01:08:34] Yeah
[01:08:35] Who keeps us safe? We keep us safe
[01:08:39] Absolutely, the plan that we've worked with the local authorities is that they're our community members
[01:08:43] we'll be protecting all places of worship like even the Hindu temple and the good
[01:08:48] garbages when it's not just the mosque. From early morning hundreds of officers
[01:08:52] drafted in Northumbria of course but a large contingent from Gwent, South Wales
[01:08:57] as well as neighboring forces like Durham. The use of special stop and
[01:09:03] search powers very much in evidence. In one case 10 officers to search one
[01:09:09] manpower shortage it appears not an issue here. In the early days of these
[01:09:14] anti-immigrant riots there were accusations from some that the police
[01:09:18] had on occasions been outflanked taken by surprise but in recent days the
[01:09:23] response of the states has been twofold very public and very swift action
[01:09:27] in the courts and a massive police presence in the streets. Police
[01:09:32] established a cordon separating the large crowd from this a group of less
[01:09:37] than 50 gathered with Union and St. George flags to protest they said against immigration
[01:09:44] and even that women and children at home if they were that frightened for the safety that
[01:09:48] send the women and children and fight for the country but how do you know the ones
[01:09:51] dude also it's like bro one of the best things to do in this circumstance is just to do
[01:09:58] hog watch. And, and honestly, letter rip. Some of the best content. I know that like things
[01:10:08] seem very dark, especially if you are a black or brown person living in the UK, you're a
[01:10:16] Muslim person living in the UK, if you're Arab living in the UK, and you're like, what
[01:10:19] the fuck is going on? Like shit is out of control crazy, right? But I'm not going
[01:10:27] a lie dude. Watching British hogs just like not realize how fucking insane they sound has
[01:10:39] been incredible. Like I you could just put a camera on them all day every day and follow
[01:10:46] them around. I would watch that shit 24 seven. I'm not kidding. Like I thought our hogs
[01:10:52] Those are fun and entertaining and cool. Like you got the fucking Hyal titler guys. You got
[01:10:57] the fucking meal team six guys, right? You have like different varieties of hogs in America.
[01:11:04] British hogs I think are of a very specific variety where they actually break the mold
[01:11:13] even from like American cognition where we look at British people here in the United
[01:11:19] of America and we think like oh they're intellectual they have always been presented as like the nerdy
[01:11:24] people in movies and stuff so like there is a there is an air to like listening to the British
[01:11:31] accent like there's an air of like intellectualism that is associated here in America with the
[01:11:34] British accent not for these fucking hogs bro they are so stupid like stupid okay they are so
[01:11:47] fucking dumb they completely destroyed like years and years of American media
[01:11:57] showing British people as like smart intellectual nerds they have done it they
[01:12:02] have successfully destroyed it every time I see an EDL guy I'm like how could
[01:12:07] they have gotten how can they be so fucking dumb okay it's literally there
[01:12:14] Some of my favorites have been the guy been like that take it all fucking job
[01:12:17] And then the woman will be like well have you have you tried to get a job?
[01:12:22] He's like no I haven't fucking tried to get a job and then she was like, oh, what's the reason?
[01:12:28] He's like, it's just I just go out of prison
[01:12:31] For burglary and it's so but they're taking off fucking jobs. It's like bro. What are you saying fix your life big dog?
[01:12:39] it's like yeah I did some time in a fucking bean I did some time in a fucking
[01:12:48] bean for a murder but honestly they're taking off fucking jobs I would not done
[01:12:54] the murder that one guy was a pedophile yeah it's like it's crazy it is crazy like
[01:13:03] they are so oblivious they have I don't know what they did that like led
[01:13:09] them to think that voluntarily revealing this information wouldn't make you look like a complete
[01:13:16] moron, but the lack of recognition, the lack of self-awareness is incredible. Okay? It is incredible.
[01:13:32] These are the people that never integrated in society. I have them in my family.
[01:13:36] It blows my mind. It blows my mind. I think Margaret Thatcher
[01:13:40] should be unearthed from her grave for the unimaginable crimes that she has committed
[01:13:47] for England in general. Like she is one of, she is Ronald Reagan, but for England. And
[01:13:53] like what she did, what she did to the North, what she did to like labor strongholds, what
[01:14:00] she did to labor in your country, if you're British, like the consequences are so da,
[01:14:06] devastating because like all these people that I'm making fun of right now, they all were
[01:14:10] just like regular jobbers. Okay. They were regular old fucking people. They're, they're
[01:14:16] social safety nets crumbled. Their jobs went away. They got fucking destroyed and they
[01:14:22] just sat there with so much anger and resentment. And then somebody came in and was like, yeah,
[01:14:27] it's actually black people. It's actually brown people. It's actually Muslims. It's
[01:14:33] actually Muslims that's the reason why you're you don't have a job anymore and
[01:14:37] it's like dude oh my god oh here's the tick-tock you found it it's like it's
[01:14:43] a comment over I'm taking our jobs this is not even the one I was talking
[01:14:46] about but there are so many of these interviews dude there are so many of
[01:14:53] these interviews and they're working because they do it they do it
[01:15:01] Simple as that
[01:15:04] Yeah, it's simple as simple as they're taking our jobs and they know me fucking working as someone who lives in the north
[01:15:11] These people are like dogs. They don't work and bitching mon all day down
[01:15:14] The local about immigrants no GCSEs or qualifications is having the majority of them are caught in a cycle of poverty
[01:15:20] But there are no mechanisms pull out our schools are really underfunded and so our social mobility support
[01:15:26] Their hate is bred from a lack of exposure to other people 100% bro. This is literally
[01:15:29] Literally, this is West Virginia, like this is Appalachia, okay?
[01:15:34] They're not like a unique breed, okay?
[01:15:37] This is just what happens when you've been told, when you run on white supremacist fumes
[01:15:42] as a way to, as a defense mechanism, as a way to like, generate a sense of entitlement
[01:15:48] for yourself, when you have no other fucking outlet, when you have nothing.
[01:15:54] You've been given no fucking training programs, you've been given no options to like work.
[01:15:58] It's not like these people wouldn't work if they had the opportunity, but they've become
[01:16:01] like hateful little demons who are now just like unleashing on other people who are born
[01:16:07] out of the same fucking material conditions as they are.
[01:16:09] They just look different.
[01:16:12] Nobody is born racist.
[01:16:14] Okay.
[01:16:15] Nobody.
[01:16:16] Remember that.
[01:16:17] It is all a byproduct of the material circumstances that you're subjected to, the material conditions
[01:16:23] that you're born into.
[01:16:25] social conditioning is how you become racist. That's it. And these guys have nothing. And
[01:16:32] the only people that are reaching out to them and trying to help them out or help them rather
[01:16:37] use their anger and resentment and frustration, they capture their resentment and anger and
[01:16:41] frustration, and they fucking launch it upon people who are trying to make a living.
[01:16:49] He's from London to be clear. No, I'm not just talking about him, but he is just
[01:16:53] just because he's from London, it doesn't fucking change his like, circumstances
[01:16:57] most of the protestors aren't racist anti-immigration, they just want to smash windows and use a pretentive anti-immigration to do so
[01:17:03] the same people avoided the top of the hour outbreak without knowing what an outbreak was
[01:17:07] first one of the day really
[01:17:10] first one of the day, why are you sending me this fucking racist, this guy's a white supremacist bro
[01:17:19] this guy's literally a white supremacist
[01:17:22] first one of the day and you cooked me, y'all are the worst actually
[01:17:29] actually god damn it and it's over the hour there's a free minute I break right
[01:17:40] and if you and if you no longer want to see those fucking ads right or you need
[01:17:47] to get a job dad you need to get a job and have five fucking quid six quid now
[01:17:53] unless you've got a fucking twitch prime yeah by connecting your Amazon Prime
[01:17:59] account near fucking twitch account you'll get one free Prime subscription
[01:18:03] a month use it on your favorite fucking broadcaster hopefully it's me you can also get fucking goop
[01:18:17] to the sub lads if you're lucky fucking inflation mate six quid yeah yeah six fucking quid yeah
[01:18:35] i'm shocked i mean i called that this was going to happen with the cure starmer election
[01:18:41] But I'm, I'm shocked at how quickly they seized on this and I'm kind of shocked that the EDL has this much play still. I did not think that Tommy Robinson would make a comeback this hard, this fast.
[01:19:00] Here's the three minute ad break now, by the way.
[01:19:02] In light of later, we'll do Navar media in a second, but anyone else think Hassan, it sounds like you can sing for the idols when he does the accent.
[01:19:20] I don't know what that is um let's keep it a buck fifty okay let's keep it a buck fifty
[01:19:31] Margaret Thatcher ruined this goddamn country uh but you know in the in the short term period
[01:19:36] Murat Babam in Telefonum Moloor, Silen taqoyar masin, Devam na chelio, Khafayi ijiam
[01:19:44] okay is Silen taqoyar masin Moloor
[01:19:50] okay but anyway let's get back to this
[01:19:55] When people accuse you of being a racist, what do you say?
[01:19:59] A racist? I'm not a racist. I'm just against what's happening.
[01:20:06] Yeah bro, you're wearing a fucking Yankees hat, okay?
[01:20:10] If you're a British person and you're wearing a Yankees hat,
[01:20:13] the likelihood that your racist goes up unimaginably high, okay?
[01:20:18] Straight up, I saw motherfuckers wearing Trump merch, bro.
[01:20:24] bro. I saw people wearing Trump merch. That is crazy. I saw dudes waving Trump flags. It's like
[01:20:33] the universality of fascism, the universality of hogs. It's beautiful. It's poetic. It's something
[01:20:41] that I've talked about quite a bit. It's, it's, you know, kind of funny to see it in action
[01:20:47] in real time. It's like, bro, relax on my team was wrong with you, bro. Come on. Come on.
[01:20:52] If you're an American that's different, but if you're fucking British and you weren't a Yankees hat dude, like come on come on
[01:20:58] Change grand parents about illegal and federal immigration
[01:21:03] Yankee is a pejorative to describe Americans bro. What are you talking about for the rest of the world?
[01:21:10] for especially the global south it means like
[01:21:13] You're it's a pejorative go home Yankee is like
[01:21:16] it's like it's literally a way to say like fuck you you're you're a disgusting
[01:21:23] gringo you know what I mean and the exploitation of our country people
[01:21:33] service your racist sir whoa that's what people say people use the whoa yeah
[01:21:40] that's what they kick dog why are you sig highly he said whoa am I a racist
[01:21:46] Well, whoa, I've only done sick high a couple times now. I don't know why I'm doing an indecipherable
[01:21:56] accent here, but this English girl got Trump tattooed on her head. Yeah.
[01:22:00] Obviously, people are asking why what the tattoo at the end of the day. I absolutely love
[01:22:07] and appreciate what Trump has done for America. I think it's absolutely great person. And
[01:22:11] I don't just feel like he needs to be a pre-shy anyway.
[01:22:14] So my name is Regman Larr.
[01:22:18] Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro.
[01:22:22] It's gotta be fake.
[01:22:23] It's gotta be a fake tattoo.
[01:22:25] But even as a bit, even as a fake tattoo,
[01:22:28] doing this is so insane.
[01:22:30] Oh my god.
[01:22:32] I think British hogs might be stupider than American hogs.
[01:22:38] I think British hogs, and I cannot believe I'm saying this,
[01:22:42] might actually be dumber than American hogs.
[01:22:44] What happened to your public schools, man?
[01:22:47] How the fuck?
[01:22:54] I called BS because it wasn't bleeding and didn't look like a fresh tad.
[01:23:03] What is going on, man?
[01:23:05] What is going on? Another UK hug, yeah?
[01:23:08] I just want to start off by saying if I'm right-wing, then so be it.
[01:23:11] I'm just a normal working Englishman.
[01:23:13] I'm just a normal English bloke.
[01:23:14] And it seems that's that's what the class right-wing extremists these days,
[01:23:20] which I think is it's a bit fucking mental, to be fair.
[01:23:24] yeah dude all the fucking black and brown people that like you know delivery
[01:23:31] is what I will deliver your food work in kitchens work in construction work in
[01:23:36] the NHS as nurses doctors those guys are not working class automatically just you
[01:23:42] bro just a normal English bloke yeah just you bro just you I want to say
[01:23:50] right I keep seeing video floating about on here a British man British people
[01:23:54] win. And it's always happening. It always does happen where they say in they're taking our jobs,
[01:24:01] they're taking our jobs. It's evident that these race rides didn't happen down south as the average
[01:24:07] Southern with their opinion on immigrants, and they'll give a completely different answer to
[01:24:11] up here. The South has so much more money than us is like a completely different world. First
[01:24:14] time I went to a London summer was like living in another world, their state schools are
[01:24:17] better than the private schools up north. It's insane. The gap of education. Yes. And
[01:24:22] Also, you do have to remember, um, there's also significantly more diversity down south as well.
[01:24:31] So you can't like, it's the same rural urban divide in the United States of America that also occurs
[01:24:37] in, in, uh, England as well. Like North, by the way, for those of you in America that are
[01:24:45] not familiar with this, the North is like former labor towns, you know, working class
[01:24:51] background for the most part, labor stronghold for the most part, whereas like the South was
[01:24:55] where the Tories were, like a lot more wealth there. England's entirety, like the entirety of
[01:25:02] the wealth in England comes from the South, specifically from London, specifically from
[01:25:07] like the finance sector. There's not much left in the British economy overall, considering that
[01:25:14] the entirety of the UK. The entirety of the UK was basically just run on colonialism. So,
[01:25:29] isn't the North more diverse in the South if you count out London? I don't know the other parts,
[01:25:33] but how the fuck do you count out London? And yes, there were riots in the South as well.
[01:25:41] There were riots in the South as well. Anyway, pro tip, the parts of the UK that are the
[01:25:57] the race to say there are no go areas are essentially the multicultural areas that actually
[01:26:01] you would love to go for great culture. Yeah. Even most British and Europeans don't know
[01:26:11] those, but parts of England are poorer than Southern Italy and Sicily, which is insane.
[01:26:16] Bro, England as a whole, I think is like poorer than some of America's poorest states. Like
[01:26:25] England is a very poor country. Okay. England is a very, very poor country. You take
[01:26:33] London out of the equation. It is like straight up third world conditions. Okay. It's not even a,
[01:26:43] this is like, like people don't really think about that. People don't really consider that
[01:26:48] at all in the calculation. Fuck off, bro. We aren't that poor. No, absolutely.
[01:26:53] England absolutely is that poor. What do you mean? It straight up is. It's so depressing. We can't
[01:27:07] get out of the spiral. We were the coal mining industry, all the world left when the mines
[01:27:10] are you mad? Lamau, I live here and I live very well. Bro, I'm not talking about your own personal
[01:27:29] anecdotes, man. London January is approximately 22% of the UK GDP from Wikipedia. I don't know
[01:27:36] why you're getting offended at this because America has parts of America that are also
[01:27:40] resembling third world like conditions. I don't know why the fuck you would get mad
[01:27:44] at this. It is just our governments literally robbing us fucking blind. Like it has nothing
[01:27:49] to do with you, or your personal experience at all, in everything to do with mismanagement
[01:27:55] and horrifying austerity, that your own fucking leaders have subjected you to, similar to
[01:28:02] what has happened in the United States of America.
[01:28:04] This is neoliberalism without any sort of contest in the post-Cold War, in the aftermath
[01:28:10] of the Cold War, neoliberalism uncontested, has basically created colonial conditions
[01:28:17] internally.
[01:28:18] It is created internal colonies. It is basically brought back the colonial ambition and rampant
[01:28:28] exploitation back into the fucking mainland. That's it. It spread inward rather than outward
[01:28:34] in the way that England and United States is still doing that, the outward stuff too,
[01:28:39] but like doing it inward as well. It's the same exact fucking attitudes. Neo-liberals
[01:28:50] as people convinced that being poor is a moral failure, they think you're calling them losers
[01:28:54] or pointing out that exploitation is wild. Yeah. The UK's ranked 21 in GDP per capita from the IMF
[01:29:01] in 2024 lower than Canada. British people are literally stereotype for moving to Thailand.
[01:29:13] Meanwhile, they're anti immigration. Yeah. So if you want to understand all of this anger,
[01:29:21] resentment and frustration, this guy is pretty correct on it. UK's dealing with a healthcare
[01:29:26] crisis, a housing crisis, transport crisis, food production crisis, streets are filthy,
[01:29:30] can't get a job, shithole. I live here exactly 14 years of Tory austerity. Look where the
[01:29:37] fuck you are now. You know what I mean? That's part of the reason why here, Starmer, who had
[01:29:41] the charisma of a fucking wet noodle or a blanket, a wet blanket still was able to fucking put
[01:29:47] numbers on the goddamn board as a consequence of the past 14 fucking years. Okay. And a
[01:29:56] And the thing that we haven't even gotten to healthcare crisis, yes, yes, the NHS is
[01:30:02] severely underfunded.
[01:30:04] The NHS is so severely underfunded that when Boris Johnson was running last time around,
[01:30:09] he ran on funding the NHS.
[01:30:12] He lied, okay?
[01:30:14] He lied, of course he lied, but he still ran on it, which is to show you that the
[01:30:21] right wing of the UK was even cognizant.
[01:30:24] Brexit was not just sold on
[01:30:27] Racist lies about Polish people stealing your fucking jobs or you know brown and black people in Muslims stealing your fucking jobs
[01:30:34] But also on the lie that
[01:30:37] England was sending too many funds to the EU and getting nothing in return and that
[01:30:43] All of that money was gonna go back to the NHS
[01:30:46] Like people recognize in a place like England people still recognize social safety nets as a necessity
[01:30:52] except their leadership never gives back to those social safety nets. This is why in the
[01:31:04] immediate aftermath of the Starmer election, in the immediate aftermath of the labor victory,
[01:31:10] what did I tell you? I said, the thing to pay close attention to is the rise of reform.
[01:31:17] That is crazy. That means there's a lot of people who are completely hostile to black
[01:31:25] brown people existing and co-existing in their fucking neighborhoods, that means that there are
[01:31:30] so many people who directly attribute their awful, their dire material circumstances to
[01:31:37] England no longer being white, okay? Because that's exactly what reform ran on. They were
[01:31:42] just straight up like we're more racist than the Tories. That's what they ran on, okay?
[01:31:47] Okay?
[01:31:49] Fascism thrives, fascism thrives in shitty economic circumstances and austerity creates
[01:31:58] shitty economic circumstances for the working class.
[01:32:04] Reform UK landed second place in 18 northeast areas, yeah.
[01:32:09] And, and the reality is, the reality is just like I fucking told you, if Keir Starmer
[01:32:17] Operates with the same like austerity principles. Okay, if Cure Starmer still operates with the same austerity principles
[01:32:25] Which he said he was going to do then this problem is going to get out of hand if Cure Starmer and leans into the anti-immigrant sentiment
[01:32:33] This problem is going to get out of hand and that's precisely what's happening Cure Starmer
[01:32:38] Has been operating on the fucking anti-immigrant principles. That's precisely what he did
[01:32:47] when the labor party
[01:32:49] that is expected to be a counterweight, a counterbalance to the fucking right wing anti-immigrant sentiment
[01:32:56] is also operating with anti-immigrant sentiment and capitulating to the fucking far right on this issue
[01:33:02] of course these people are gonna feel way more confident in their fucking idiotic position
[01:33:11] not recognizing that I think the majority of the NHS is comprised of, you know, people who aren't white British, okay?
[01:33:19] I think about that
[01:33:22] Can you imagine? Oh, we're gonna get these fucking non-wise out of here now
[01:33:25] You're gonna get these fucking migrants out of here. It's crazy. You have no country without that, dude
[01:33:31] What are you talking about?
[01:33:32] Are you not we fine? It's the
[01:33:35] Scruffy dole does it does is what I'm saying it they take our jobs
[01:33:39] They ain't taking the jobs may they're doing the jobs
[01:33:43] That you sat on your ass on dole don't want to fucking do let's face it
[01:33:47] You don't want to do any fucking jobs mate. You don't want to do any jobs
[01:33:52] You just want to rinse the state you want to just claim dog like this is a turn, but he's also dumb. This is a dumb
[01:34:01] No, he's not fucking base, bro. This guy baited us on no, he's not based. I hate this fucking narrative, dude
[01:34:07] This is some straightforward
[01:34:10] Liberal nonsense, dude. Oh, it's cuz you know wanting to do the fucking jobs
[01:34:14] No, this is not about being self-reliant. Okay
[01:34:22] Like oh, you're on the doll, mate. That's why you're fucking that's why you're a loser
[01:34:27] You're not getting off your fucking ass and taking a fucking bootstraps and lifting yourself up by your bootstraps. Yeah
[01:34:34] Like that's not that's not the fucking problem, dude. There's not the problem. I
[01:34:39] Will claim job seekers. That's what you want to do
[01:34:42] That's just an excuse so you don't have to go to work to earn a bit of dollar to earn a bit of money
[01:34:47] You know what I mean?
[01:34:50] So that is a pretty, pretty embarrassing thing to say.
[01:34:52] You can normally see from a mile off, they're absolutely scruffy, scruffy adult asses.
[01:34:58] You can just see what I say.
[01:35:01] I think this guy is hardest in the right place, but I think his heart is in the right place.
[01:35:06] But his analysis is incorrect.
[01:35:08] I really don't understand.
[01:35:10] I really, really don't understand.
[01:35:12] Oh my god, his fucking mom or dad is just like snoring in the background so loudly.
[01:35:21] And then another thing is why are people smashing shops up?
[01:35:26] Why are people looting?
[01:35:30] To me it just seems like these with the masks on, they're just looking for an excuse just
[01:35:37] to go and smash it up and just cause trouble and just kick off and just cause fights.
[01:35:42] the fuck is a point in that? What's the point? That's obviously bred into you, that's obviously
[01:35:49] in you. Oh yeah, any given chance I've got, let's go out and cause, cause trouble, let's
[01:35:53] go out and fucking fake, let's go and smash stuff up. You're doing it, you're doing it
[01:36:00] now because you're in a big fucking crowd and you feel like you can get away with it
[01:36:03] and it's absolutely disgusting, it needs to fucking stop. It needs to fucking stop.
[01:36:08] What is the point? What is that solving? What is that solving? I really, really do not understand.
[01:36:15] I really do not understand at all. What is the point you're trying to make by smashing
[01:36:26] people's businesses up by doing all this? I don't understand it. It needs to stop.
[01:36:36] And then now, and I think people are just looking for any excuse as well.
[01:36:43] Now they're in big crowds as well is just literally everything in this whole thing.
[01:36:47] America's experience extensively throughout the past eight years.
[01:36:51] Yes.
[01:36:52] Look to England for what the American future is going to resemble.
[01:36:57] If the Democratic Party doesn't get their fucking shit in order in terms of how to
[01:37:02] to communicate about the quote unquote migrant problem.
[01:37:08] Okay?
[01:37:09] Labor completely capitulated to the right wing on this issue.
[01:37:15] Okay?
[01:37:17] They did.
[01:37:20] When you do that, when you do that,
[01:37:23] when you lean on this shit,
[01:37:25] when you make it seem like, yeah, you're right,
[01:37:27] actually it's fucking migrants.
[01:37:28] When all of those people
[01:37:30] that might look a little bit different than you
[01:37:32] have the exact same ambitions that you have.
[01:37:37] They want a roof over their heads.
[01:37:38] They want food on their fucking tables.
[01:37:41] They want a better life for their children.
[01:37:44] That is literally the exact same.
[01:37:47] They probably hate their bosses just like fucking you do.
[01:37:50] It's the same exact shit, okay?
[01:37:53] And people are just desperately running away
[01:37:57] from that reality.
[01:37:58] They are trying their very best to not see it, okay?
[01:38:02] They have the same exact interest.
[01:38:06] It doesn't matter what religion they believe,
[01:38:09] it doesn't matter what language they spoke,
[01:38:11] okay, originally,
[01:38:14] they all have the same exact ambitions.
[01:38:18] Let your heart out on camera, Hannah.
[01:38:20] Right, basically, they need to get them all off.
[01:38:23] Okay, that's mad.
[01:38:25] So, wait, off the street?
[01:38:26] Yeah, they're on the streets.
[01:38:28] And they're taking our jobs?
[01:38:29] Yeah, they're taking our houses, they're taking the lot.
[01:38:32] And they took your teeth as well?
[01:38:33] Yeah, they did.
[01:38:34] Let your heart out on.
[01:38:36] Yeah.
[01:38:39] Niko Amalana, my goat, he's, uh, this is, you know, he's, he's been on it.
[01:38:45] He's been doing hog watch directly for many, many years at this point.
[01:38:53] Okay.
[01:38:57] Huh.
[01:38:58] Right.
[01:39:04] Start this.
[01:39:05] Look at the fall out there off.
[01:39:07] What the fuck?
[01:39:08] I don't want to watch this one.
[01:39:09] Okay.
[01:39:14] So.
[01:39:15] Margaret Thatcher.
[01:39:16] So let's finish this.
[01:39:18] Let's finish this.
[01:39:19] And then we're going to look at what Margaret Thatcher did.
[01:39:21] Hey, so what you're talking about?
[01:39:23] What you're talking about?
[01:39:24] No, I'm not.
[01:39:25] How do you explain the prevalence of racism
[01:39:26] among the upper and middle class?
[01:39:27] Then shouldn't they be woke?
[01:39:28] They have amazing lives.
[01:39:29] Please answer.
[01:39:30] Well, racism isn't just born out of, like,
[01:39:32] it's still the same social conditioning
[01:39:34] that upper middle class and rich people also
[01:39:37] experience as well.
[01:39:40] Like, it's not only if you're poor.
[01:39:42] I've never said that only poor people are racist.
[01:39:44] Like, do you think that rich people have like this magical barrier that, that causes them
[01:39:52] to not be raises or something? Like, no, of course, dude, they can look at Elon Musk. He
[01:39:57] is literally a white supremacist. Okay. Straight up. Okay. Okay. Listen, I, I don't want to,
[01:40:10] no, we're not doing this right now. I'm, I'm, I'm locked in. No, I don't want to
[01:40:14] to start fucking saying like incredibly xenophobic shit right after I'm talking about how, you
[01:40:21] know, okay, French are no longer allowed in the United States of America. Okay. That's
[01:40:26] it. That's like, don't show me that right now I'm aware of it. It's on my timeline.
[01:40:33] We are shutting down immigration from France. I'm sorry, Wemby. You are not allowed back
[01:40:38] in the NBA either. Sorry. You have to address the crimes of the French. That is illegal
[01:40:44] flag on the play, shut the fuck up chatters. God damn it. The United States of America.
[01:40:49] Okay. Look at the numbers on the board. That's it. LeBron powers up when he gets dunked on
[01:40:54] LeBron powers up when he gets dunked on. He, you unlocked ultra instinct. Okay. Also it's
[01:41:03] AI. It's not real AI footage has gotten out of control. Shut the fuck up. Even
[01:41:15] track of anyone on the timeline, tweeting out the AI video of LeBron getting dunked
[01:41:18] Don, thank you. Thank you. We will go out. We will come out of them.
[01:41:21] We have foreign friends, black friends, Asian friends. Look at all the people here.
[01:41:32] Are we all, are we all what we've been granted as a right wing football hooligans?
[01:41:37] Do you condemn the violence then?
[01:41:40] Of course I do.
[01:41:42] No significant disorder from either group, but we witnessed a number of arrests across several hours of protest.
[01:41:49] Most of those detained were from the small anti-immigrant gathering.
[01:41:54] Including this person, arrested police said because he was wearing a life-like mask
[01:41:59] and wearing masks under special policing powers is now a crime.
[01:42:04] What the fuck?
[01:42:06] At least one anti-racism person.
[01:42:09] Bro, that's weird as hell. No, that's weird as hell, bro.
[01:42:12] What the fuck was that guy doing? That sucks as hell.
[01:42:15] No.
[01:42:25] The protestor got through the cordon and was led away in handcuffs.
[01:42:29] A number of shops in the area had boarded up just in case of trouble.
[01:42:35] We need to leave by the end!
[01:42:37] Disperse immediately!
[01:42:39] Police ordered both groups to disperse at 3pm and they did, bringing proceedings to an end without the violence which we've seen across the northeast from Sunderland to Hartlepool to Middlesbrough.
[01:42:53] Saturation policing and swift justice a national pince operation producing it appears peace
[01:43:01] In Liverpool the amount of one mosque decided to reach out to those involved in far-right protests to try and bring the community together
[01:43:11] There was a Kier stalling sign. They know the truth Kier stalling is real. Are you avoiding this wait what?
[01:43:27] Yeah, it's a bad guy. He just quit. You know, he's quit into this.
[01:43:30] What?
[01:43:33] And that means we have Kamala. I think she's going to be better.
[01:43:37] She's so bad.
[01:43:38] Wait, this is an old video.
[01:43:41] It's just so fucking bad.
[01:43:42] So I just can't imagine.
[01:43:44] But can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin and the president of China?
[01:43:48] He's a fierce person.
[01:43:49] He's a.
[01:43:50] Where is the old ass clip?
[01:43:52] And no, I don't think she called.
[01:43:53] I don't think he calls Kamala Harris a bitch in this.
[01:43:56] Unless they like digitally altered it
[01:43:58] No, she just says she she's so fucking bad. This is from like this is from before
[01:44:07] He even this is from before
[01:44:10] Joe Biden even dropped out
[01:44:12] Bro liberals you don't have to do this fucking like right-wing reactionary nonsense, bro. I swear to God
[01:44:18] He just said it you missed it
[01:44:26] No, I don't I don't think he calls Kamala Harris a bitch in this
[01:44:30] Am I crazy?
[01:44:34] I remember watching the original video the big stuff is coming from sources granted and emitting now sure that tweet is paired with that video
[01:44:46] Like do I think Donald Trump might have called Kamala Harris a bitch behind closed doors sure like that's not crazy
[01:44:56] That's not all that far-fetched. I mean he is a fucking massive misogynist
[01:45:01] But I remember watching this. I don't think that he called Kamala Harris a bitch in this
[01:45:07] means we have Kamala. I think she's going to be better. She's so bad. She's so pathetic.
[01:45:13] It's just so fucking bad. So I just can't imagine. But can you imagine that guy with
[01:45:19] the dealing with? No, he says she's so fucking bad. They altered
[01:45:22] it. I don't think she's such a fucking. No.
[01:45:28] I think I don't think she I don't think he said that in the original. I think this
[01:45:32] This is altered.
[01:45:33] I just can't imagine.
[01:45:34] But can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin and the president of the so-prophetic?
[01:45:39] It's just so fucking bad.
[01:45:42] Yeah, no, that is, this is fake.
[01:45:51] Finish the video here.
[01:45:52] Let's continue.
[01:45:53] Can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin and the president of China who's a fierce
[01:45:57] person, he's a fierce man.
[01:45:59] A very tough guy.
[01:46:01] and they see them they probably they can't but if they just announce he's he's probably quitting
[01:46:14] I think he just still says I think he's still yeah the original video from a long ago
[01:46:20] he does not he does not he says Kamala Harris is pathetic he does not say Kamala Harris is a
[01:46:25] bitch in this video yeah and also bitch doesn't even make sense contextually she's so
[01:46:33] She's so bitch like she's so fucking bitch like that doesn't make sense
[01:46:41] Also, he's a he's a massive misogynist. I would not be shocked if he is there's a news reports
[01:46:48] about uh, potentially Kamala Harris
[01:46:52] Being called a bitch numerous times. Okay, New York Times wrote about Donald Trump calling Kamala Harris a bitch multiple times
[01:46:58] That I do believe
[01:47:00] Okay, I do
[01:47:02] But I don't think he would do that in public like he's very obviously giving his opinion
[01:47:09] He's very obviously giving his opinion on that fucking
[01:47:15] To to someone with a camera, he knows he's being recorded he would not say that out loud like that anyway, we'll talk about like
[01:47:33] We'll talk about all that in a second. Let's just continue with this Jane Dodge went to find out what happened next
[01:47:38] Several hundred anti-racist protesters gathered at Liverpool's pier head at lunchtime today.
[01:47:52] They were just a handful of opponents with a single union jack.
[01:47:56] Fears of a far-right show of strength seen on the streets of this city a week ago fell to materialise.
[01:48:03] So the last 10 days have been very, very intense.
[01:48:09] They've been terrifying for a lot of people.
[01:48:12] people. The Iman addressing the anti-racist rally today has spent the last few days trying
[01:48:18] to build bridges with some of those who have been demonstrating outside his mosque. Last
[01:48:24] Friday he took to social media with a highly unusual message for them.
[01:48:28] So just to let you know, anybody who attends the protest tomorrow, we're going to be
[01:48:32] handing out free cold drinks to you. We're going to be handing out burgers and chips.
[01:48:37] Adam Kelwick was true to his word. After offering food to those who've come to protect his mosque
[01:48:44] across the road and did the same to those who've come to protest.
[01:48:48] I remember when I first walked over it was very tense. The first two or three people who I saw
[01:48:54] just completely blanked me as if I was invisible looked straight through me
[01:48:58] but I didn't let that determine. I continued smiling and I went to the next people and
[01:49:03] and they gave me a firm head shake to say no.
[01:49:06] And finally we broke through to somebody's heart
[01:49:09] and he accepted the first burger.
[01:49:10] And from that point, amazing things happened.
[01:49:14] We gave out food.
[01:49:15] There's an image of you hugging a man.
[01:49:18] What was the story behind that?
[01:49:20] I actually asked this individual,
[01:49:22] what exactly is it that you're here to protest against?
[01:49:25] And he didn't have a straight answer.
[01:49:28] In the end, he said, we're fed up with the police.
[01:49:31] And I said to him, shouldn't the protest
[01:49:33] maybe be outside the police station instead of the mosque and actually agreed
[01:49:36] with me and said I said yeah and then we realized so that's the other thing like
[01:49:41] anyone that is trying to make this seem like it's anything but like rampant
[01:49:48] Islamophobia rent rampant white supremacy like they're delusional and I've
[01:49:54] seen it in the British media as well okay I have seen it in the British
[01:50:00] media. Part of the reason why I've seen it in the British media, basically like repackaging
[01:50:05] this as like, Oh, anti immigrant protestors, like not openly stating that they are genuinely
[01:50:11] Islamophobic. Part of that is because the media has whipped up these people in a fucking
[01:50:18] frenzy. Okay. Make no mistake. This is not like a anti cop or like anti government fucking
[01:50:26] uh... protest made your delusional
[01:50:30] you think i'm delusional for saying that these fucking protest that literally
[01:50:34] target mosques
[01:50:37] but one of the first
[01:50:39] things that they did
[01:50:40] beyond trying to light a fucking hotel
[01:50:43] uh... the the exit
[01:50:45] of a hotel
[01:50:46] that was known to have migrants
[01:50:49] okay
[01:50:52] it's kids mostly
[01:50:57] y'all there is something
[01:50:59] There is something absolutely nutty about some people. Name one, Moss, they attack. Name
[01:51:04] one, Moss, they attack. What do you mean 43, 43 year old man was charged with racially
[01:51:21] aggravated, aggravated criminal damage after a Moss was targeted. An item was thrown at
[01:51:25] the window and shaft, uh, Shaftisbury street, Newport, about seven BSD on the first of
[01:51:30] August, a Gwent police, a man from Newport was due to appear at the city magistrates
[01:51:34] court on Friday following a week of races, rioting across other areas of the UK.
[01:51:39] police said it was deeply concerning. Yeah, a 43 year old kid did that. Deputy Chief
[01:51:47] Constable Mark Habero said, we will thoroughly investigate any alleged
[01:51:50] offense where racism or discrimination is an aggravating factor. Also, the video
[01:51:56] that we're looking at is literally a protest outside of a mosque. Like this
[01:52:01] guy is talking about with one of the fucking protesters. Why are you
[01:52:05] protesting outside of a mosque if you hate the police? You're fucking
[01:52:12] insane. I think, yeah, it was at the South Port mosque. There was like the first, one
[01:52:19] of the first major incidents was when they literally attacked the mosque. Okay. The very
[01:52:26] first attacks, they, they burned a library. They attacked the mosque. The fuck are you
[01:52:37] talking about? They defaced graves, Muslim graves. Ards mosque got petrol bombed. Oh
[01:52:52] here they burned that library because there was a post going around Facebook saying
[01:53:12] that they were replacing the books with a Quran.
[01:53:15] They set fire to multiple hotels, looted stores, burned in looted mosques, burned down a public
[01:53:19] library that was newly built, and they have injured people too, yes.
[01:53:23] Who are the rioters and what jail sentences have they received?
[01:53:28] This is from one day ago.
[01:53:29] Look at all these fucking kids, dude.
[01:53:35] A lot of people don't want to face the fucking reality.
[01:53:39] Misinformation is a major problem here, okay?
[01:53:41] They're just on Facebook, they're on Twitter.
[01:53:44] they see some of the most psychotic nonsense.
[01:53:47] These are the types of people who literally believe
[01:53:51] like AI images, they see like AI images
[01:53:54] of like a beautiful blonde girl wearing a full fucking burqa
[01:53:58] and they go, oh, this is what's going on in England.
[01:54:00] It's fucking, it's not am I, I'm losing it.
[01:54:04] Fucking England, we gotta defend it.
[01:54:05] Like they are, like they basically have sub zero IQ.
[01:54:10] They fucking literally believe AI images, dude.
[01:54:13] Like how do you deal with a person like that? There are people who are young involved in this as well. Make no mistake. There's online offenses, but you're fucking crazy, dude.
[01:54:38] How old? Look, it's the kids. Lamar. How old do you figure that guy on the right is 17? Yeah. I think this guy's probably, probably like, uh, like maybe like a rough 20. Yeah.
[01:54:58] Like I get it, bro, British, we do the fucking British people are ugly jokes, but like, I don't think they look like this when they're 15, you know what I mean?
[01:55:06] Just a rough, just a rough 17 year old.
[01:55:17] This doesn't mean that there aren't teenagers also fucking participating in the shit, but you're out of your mind.
[01:55:22] Many of the agitation is coming from like known targets.
[01:55:26] It's not like many of the agitations are coming from known people.
[01:55:31] People that I'm surprised have made a glorious return
[01:55:35] like
[01:55:36] Stephen Yaxley Lennon
[01:55:39] Also known as Tommy Robinson the EDL the English defense league like out on about fucking fascist Nazis
[01:55:46] 26 year old man has been sentenced to three years in two months in prison after he pleaded guilty to publishing written material
[01:55:52] To stir up racial hatred
[01:55:54] This case is not an example of preventing freedom of speech as a small minority people will claim is about standing up for what's right and protect
[01:56:02] our communities from fear of violence. This week, we've had some really positive engagement
[01:56:08] to the communities across the country. This guy was so cocky. He tagged the police in
[01:56:25] his hate tweets. Great stuff, man. Mass deportation now set fire to all the fucking hotels full
[01:56:35] of the bastards for all I care. If that makes me racist, so be it. Literally couldn't even
[01:56:42] get the right police force either. He added the right police force. My point is more,
[01:56:48] it's one rule for some and another rule for others because I can categorically tell
[01:56:51] you now, I will not be arrested by North Ants police just showing part of the two tier policing.
[01:56:57] Well, it turns out there's one tier do rats. A hate manifesto gets three years. Climate
[01:57:14] activist plan blockage get five years. Yeah. But have you thought maybe for a brief moment
[01:57:20] that like climate activists are annoying and also go against like capital, whereas
[01:57:26] racist riots are not entirely against capital. Douglas Murray called for violence too.
[01:57:37] course he did he's a fucking freak regular BBC contributor Doug was married
[01:57:41] if the army will not be sent in then the public will have to sort this out
[01:57:44] themselves and it'll be very brutal I don't want him to live that here I don't
[01:57:47] want them here they came under false pretenses he's not talking about the
[01:57:51] fucking races he's not talking about the the racist rioters that need to be
[01:57:54] dealt with he is talking about black and brown people lost control of the
[01:58:00] streets now is it time to send him the army at some point probably yes
[01:58:06] But if the army will not be sent in and the public will have to go in and the public will
[01:58:11] have to sort this out themselves.
[01:58:13] And he's talking about the public sorting out migration.
[01:58:16] It'll be very, very brutal.
[01:58:18] By the way, massive Zionists, massive defender of Israel.
[01:58:22] That's another part of the story that I haven't even gotten to.
[01:58:25] The government, the British government under Tory leadership and even under Labour leadership
[01:58:31] really, is super agro towards anyone that says free Palestine. But they really, really lower
[01:58:38] their, their, their interest of like, doing their due diligence, you know, upholding the
[01:58:46] rule of law, when it comes to fucking psychopathic rabid fascists.
[01:58:52] I don't want them to live here. I don't want them here. They came under false pretence.
[01:58:59] of them came illegally and continue to come illegally and we don't want them here and I'm
[01:59:05] perfectly willing to say that because it needs to be said. If I hated Australia, hated the
[01:59:12] Australian people, hated Australian people, but clearly they've like, freaked dude, came
[01:59:19] into our house. Many of them broke into our house illegally. Many of them were never
[01:59:24] wanted here and they have come here. They have betrayed all of our attempts at hospitality.
[01:59:33] They've spat in our faces. Yeah, dude, by what fucking bringing Halal food, like actually
[01:59:38] using the seasoning. Like what do you mean? Oh, they've spat in our faces. They're disrespecting
[01:59:44] us by existing around our white skin. Shut the fuck up. I hate these fucking monstrous
[01:59:52] pieces of shit dude see this is the posh racist okay there's the obviously like
[01:59:57] the phalingolin style races who has no teeth and then this is the posh races is
[02:00:02] the other side old-school fascism okay
[02:00:07] Tory to the bone and now they want to trample everything we have on the foot
[02:00:13] no no anyway the ones complaining are wealthy EDL supporters as a customer in
[02:00:26] my place is a place of work as the owner of two houses and five cars I'm tired
[02:00:30] grows grows grows anyway Europe invasion Elon Musk this is the UK some
[02:00:48] badass British Patriots Elon Musk found this pig of the UK justice system bro
[02:00:58] this man is a straight-up white supremacist dude a straight-up white
[02:01:04] supremacists. This is like, there is no, there's no ends ifs or buts. Okay. Straight up apartheid
[02:01:17] Elon dude. You know his ass is begging for Rhodesia, but he's just like too much of a coward to
[02:01:28] openly state it.
[02:01:29] So he has to do these like memes to sneakily do it. Yeah. Cuck porn is also a giveaway.
[02:01:37] obviously racialized cock porn, a fan favorite of white supremacist losers staying true to
[02:01:48] the Henry Ford vision over here. Fucking dumbass dude. You watch the hungry games inside of
[02:01:54] the resistance. You watch Star Wars inside of the resistance. You watch the matrix inside
[02:01:57] of the resistance. You watch the version inside of the resistance. You watch V for a agenda.
[02:02:01] When it's fiction, you understand, yet you refuse to see it. When it's the reality,
[02:02:05] you're living in wild. Bro, first of all, every single one of those circumstances is
[02:02:11] like is this like like a pro homa steak like what's he saying here because I know his ass is pro israel
[02:02:17] to the fucking bone what do you mean do you think the resistance are the fucking dumbass inbred races
[02:02:23] on the streets as a billionaire do you think you are closer to the villains in these fictional works
[02:02:31] or are you closer to the the resistance I also don't even know what the fuck the virgin is
[02:02:37] What is he anyway, megafaunix? He's gone complete Nazi
[02:02:51] Seems like a normal pinpost the original word slave is slob, which is referred to white people taking as slaves
[02:02:59] Yes, dude. The real slavery is happening. Uh, and it's it's happening to white people. Oh my god
[02:03:06] He's about to make cracker an illegal term to say on twitter. I swear to god. He's like one step removed from that shit
[02:03:12] it. Yeah. Tyler Kate went to prison and lost his house for copying a post on X Tyler was
[02:03:16] sentenced to 38 most of prison for copying a post made on X by Lucy Connelly. This is
[02:03:20] messed up. Elon is defending someone who called for hotels filled with refugees to be burned.
[02:03:24] They call for direct violence, which by the way, they did do that. Okay. They do that.
[02:03:29] They did that. They literally did that. They tried to burn a fucking hotel with migrants
[02:03:35] in it. What do you mean? Anyway, there's some positive notes as well with obviously
[02:03:45] like the way the community is dealing with it, when it seems like the government is not
[02:03:49] going to take the fucking significant action necessary, and we'll get to that in a second.
[02:03:53] Let's wrap this up though.
[02:03:54] We're not each other's enemies.
[02:03:57] But do you accept some of these people have been racist at these demonstrations?
[02:04:02] There definitely is racism.
[02:04:03] But I don't think it's meant with ill intent, and I'm not talking about the
[02:04:07] organizers of the event by the way, because they are troublemakers and they want to
[02:04:10] turn races against each other, and communities against each other.
[02:04:14] But I honestly believe, and this is what I've witnessed, that the vast majority of people
[02:04:18] who've been protesting against Islam, against the Muslim community, I genuinely believe
[02:04:24] that they are beautiful human beings who were driven, after Southport, by their emotions,
[02:04:31] mixed together with a lot of toxic narratives they've been seeing in the media and online,
[02:04:35] especially during the election campaign.
[02:04:38] And I think it's bubbled up and they've wanted ultimately to change a bad situation,
[02:04:43] what they perceive, whether it's based on ignorance or not, they wanted to change a
[02:04:47] perceived bad situation into a good situation.
[02:04:51] This bridge building hasn't just stopped at food handouts. Protesters have been invited
[02:04:56] into the mosque and tomorrow they've invited Adam and some of his fellow worshippers on
[02:05:01] a day trip to Wales.
[02:05:03] We're going to leave our phones on the coach and we're going to walk out and
[02:05:06] we're going to force people to walk and talk together. He said one of those coaches
[02:05:09] I want to give to you and the Muslim community to join us. So tomorrow morning, we'll be heading up into the hills and we won't be
[02:05:17] Seeing any of these toxic narratives on social media and we'll be able to meet each other walk together
[02:05:23] Talk together and we'll be doing our prayers and they'll be doing some meditation and I've got I'm really looking forward to it
[02:05:30] Deadly is really bro. He's a he's a fucking he is a imam in London or in England
[02:05:37] Of course, he's like, and he's super telegenic. Obviously, he's going to be nice about like the
[02:05:42] people trying to murder him because the media is insanely hostile. I don't think you guys understand.
[02:05:50] Okay. The media is unimaginably hostile to Muslims. I showed you, I showed you a conversation that
[02:06:00] that I think she was a labor, she was a labor minister
[02:06:05] talking to another former labor minister
[02:06:07] who is now a political commentator,
[02:06:10] where she's like, why won't the media call this what it is?
[02:06:12] Is this Islamophobia?
[02:06:14] And like the guy was literally like, no, it's not.
[02:06:18] It's actually valid to have those points of view.
[02:06:20] Like basically he was like defending the idea.
[02:06:22] Zara Sultana was the one talking to the former labor,
[02:06:27] the former labor minister
[02:06:28] was like married to a current Labour Minister. And he literally was like defending the principle
[02:06:37] behind like anti-immigrant sentiment and why the media should not. Yeah, the presenter is
[02:06:43] married to the Home Secretary. The British media, and I've talked about it so much,
[02:06:49] British media is insane. Like British media is absolutely worse. Absolutely worse than American
[02:06:58] media. Okay. I've said this quite a bit. You don't understand how fucking demon like British
[02:07:06] media is. Okay. They've been, they have been inflaming tensions nonstop. Okay. They've
[02:07:19] They've been in flaming tensions nonstop and the labor party has also absolutely leaned
[02:07:24] on this shit.
[02:07:27] Now for those of you who are new to the story, maybe unfamiliar, in Southport there were mass
[02:07:33] stabbings that occurred where three children were killed and 10 others were injured.
[02:07:38] Okay?
[02:07:39] Three children were killed, 10 others were injured.
[02:07:42] Nine-year-old Elise De Silva Aguar, six-year-old baby king, seven-year-old Elise Dot, Stan
[02:07:46] home died after sustaining serious injuries when a knife man entered heart center during
[02:07:50] a Taylor Swift themed dance class on Monday 29th of July. Eight of the children suffered
[02:07:55] stab wounds and two adults were also critically injured. Okay. And they didn't normally in
[02:08:02] the UK, they don't release information until a conviction comes out about who the criminal
[02:08:08] is. Okay. Especially if the person responsible, the crime is underage, which in this circumstance,
[02:08:16] the mass thaber was underage.
[02:08:19] Okay, they don't do it for underage criminals.
[02:08:24] If you recall, this was another thing that happened,
[02:08:27] I think when it was like, many, many years back,
[02:08:29] there was like these two psychotic children
[02:08:32] that like kidnapped another child
[02:08:34] and like murdered the child.
[02:08:36] There was a lot of fucking,
[02:08:39] there was a lot of protests in England
[02:08:40] like a couple of years back.
[02:08:42] Anyway, you might recall the privacy laws
[02:08:44] from that, from that issue. Okay. So here's the thing, immediately, immediately fake news
[02:08:56] ran with it, immediately fake news ran with it all over social media and started saying
[02:09:03] they're hiding, they're hiding who the stabber was because he's a migrant. They're hiding
[02:09:09] who the stabber was because he's a migrant of Muslim background. Okay. Some people
[02:09:16] claiming that he was an undocumented migrant of Muslim background. Okay? Turns out none of those
[02:09:22] things are true. Okay? The stabber, the stabber actually was from a Christian family and was born
[02:09:31] in Wales. He was a Welsh Christian. He was black, but he was a Welsh Christian. So all of that was
[02:09:42] completely fucking made up, but it did not matter. Just like with the Iman Khalif situation,
[02:09:48] Okay. Yeah. Stabber was born in Wales of Ethiopian descent, Christian. Okay. And he also had like
[02:09:56] obviously significant mental health problems. So, here's the thing. Here's the thing.
[02:10:06] Or Rwanda, not Ethiopian. I thought, I thought he was Rwanda, but someone said he's Ethiopian
[02:10:11] in the chat. My apologies. Okay. Immediately, immediately they ran with these false narratives.
[02:10:24] Okay? They ran with these false narratives and it took up in a country like England that has been
[02:10:32] struck by austerity for so many years where there is so much instability, so much poverty, right?
[02:10:40] And with both parties including labor, both parties including labor running on right-wing
[02:10:49] anti-immigrant sentiment, okay, running on right-wing anti-immigrant sentiment, everyone
[02:11:00] was already primed. Everyone was primed for like any kind of pivotal moment. And in a time
[02:11:07] when we see right-wingers basically lose their fucking minds, right, on things that
[02:11:14] are utterly delusional, okay, completely delusional, completely nonsensical, it doesn't matter
[02:11:20] what the truth is. What matters is how people feel. What matters is how many people will lean on
[02:11:29] this new narrative born out of hysteria that corresponds to their biases. Just like with the
[02:11:35] Eman Khalif situation, Algerian female boxer Eman Khalif is a woman. She was a young female
[02:11:42] birth, born a woman, always been a woman, right? And yet people decided she was not a woman.
[02:11:48] And so many people fucking ran with that narrative and still go off on this narrative that she is not a woman
[02:11:57] Now a gold medalist by the way
[02:12:00] Okay, and no amount of proof
[02:12:07] Which shouldn't even be necessary in this circumstance is like crazy, but no amount of proof would get people
[02:12:13] people, no amount of proof would get people to actually fucking believe the reality, the
[02:12:19] reality in front of their eyes. They don't care. Nobody cares about the truth anymore.
[02:12:25] They simply care about their feelings and they simply care about how certain things
[02:12:31] make them feel. They simply care about leaning on narratives that correspond to their own
[02:12:36] biases, okay? But this story is not simply about like a Christian person doing the
[02:12:44] stabbing, because like even if it was, even if it was a Muslim migrant that
[02:12:52] engaged in the stabbing, that still would be unimaginably inappropriate, okay, to
[02:12:59] just like run on this race riot. Like it would be completely unacceptable. It's
[02:13:07] It's actually fucking crazy.
[02:13:11] It's actually crazy that we've moved past instances of violence that people commit, and then that
[02:13:18] being attributed to the entire marginalized population, you're just like, oh, I just felt
[02:13:23] like this was the population that is at fault.
[02:13:27] Okay?
[02:13:28] And I don't know how to fucking solve this problem, but let's see how Novara covered
[02:13:33] it.
[02:13:34] So I come here to Barnsley, just a bit north of Sheffield and Robbram, to find out what's
[02:13:49] going to happen today because at noon, it's time for racism to have called another anti-racist
[02:13:55] demonstration here.
[02:13:57] I think in a way what we encountered last night was a sort of clash between, on the
[02:14:01] one hand, a far-right fantasy about how it is the organisation politically works.
[02:14:07] just write a list of names, people will show up. That's not adequate, it turns out. And
[02:14:13] an intuitive community anti-fascist response that has been sort of molded and grasped by
[02:14:19] groups like Stand Up for Racism, which seems intent on transforming that intuitive community
[02:14:25] anti-fascism into something that holds a particular kind of placard, that has a particular
[02:14:30] kind of voice. So we're going to go and talk to them about what their strategy
[02:14:33] is going forward.
[02:14:35] you expecting to happen here today because from what I can see we've got
[02:14:39] maybe 10 police vans even conservatively you know the the Met police have turned
[02:14:43] up loads of police quite a few counter protesters but no far right as far as we
[02:14:48] can tell what we would expect to happen I've been quite worried and I think
[02:14:54] like everybody in Barnsley today there's some shops being closed people
[02:14:58] are frightened and having gone to the Roth demonstration on Sunday where
[02:15:04] are a thousand very violent thugs, right-wing thugs. I was concerned that that might happen again
[02:15:11] and I still am concerned. Hopefully the intelligence is right and they don't turn up but
[02:15:15] I'm still concerned and worried. Can you characterise the far-right support in
[02:15:20] Bonsley or this area in Rotterham, Sheffield? Who are the people who are attracted to these ideas?
[02:15:25] Where do they come from? What are their, you know, general life conditions like?
[02:15:28] I think like our anti-racist movement, it's a mixture of people.
[02:15:33] The people that were off on Sunday, there were the small corps of very hard, dry, organized people
[02:15:41] who were leading and wanted to cause trouble.
[02:15:43] There were some other people who were there because they were concerned about things locally.
[02:15:49] There's history in Rotherham about, you know, there's lots of chanting out paedophiles, which were incorrect,
[02:15:56] There's a history, there's a lot of local concerns.
[02:16:00] I think nature having a hotel with lots of asylum seekers is not long term, it isn't a
[02:16:06] way forward because it separates the asylum seekers from our communities and my view
[02:16:12] is the Banzi approach, we're having houses linked into the communities much better for
[02:16:16] asylum seekers to be living in the community rather than stuck over two or three people
[02:16:21] to a room in a hotel.
[02:16:23] It's good to see so many people out in support of anti-racism and anti-fascism in Bansley
[02:16:31] today, so I'm very proud so far to see the turnout.
[02:16:34] What do you think has led to so many people attacking a refugee hotel in Rola, is it
[02:16:39] this kind of misinformation or do you see a different cause?
[02:16:43] To me it's a long-term institutionalised thing.
[02:16:49] We've been drip-fed anti-migrant rhetoric for many years by the media, by politicians,
[02:16:57] and it's just kind of got to this point where it's leaked into public spaces and people
[02:17:03] feel like they are allowed to say this kind of thing.
[02:17:07] And obviously they assume that because it's in the media all the time and these people
[02:17:12] in power are saying it, that it must be what everyone feels.
[02:17:16] But it's simply not true.
[02:17:17] personally I'm an immigrant here I've been living here in Balenci for five years now and I have received a lot at my worst points and
[02:17:23] This guy's Turkish. I
[02:17:26] Know my people anywhere
[02:17:28] 100 p. Turkish
[02:17:31] Life I've received a lot a lot of support from the people the locals of the Balenci start off was and ever since I
[02:17:37] Will granted the lift to remain I've always tried my best to give back to the community and I've seen from most of them that
[02:17:44] they've really appreciated this and
[02:17:47] We've been through a lot. A lot of war. Our countries have been torn apart.
[02:17:50] We just want to be somewhere safe, have a safe and UK, especially the locals
[02:17:55] personally in Bondage. They've given us that piece. They've worked with us.
[02:18:00] They've been very friendly. So we'd always appreciate it. And hopefully today
[02:18:03] everything goes well as well. And he's got protesters from both sides.
[02:18:06] They get their messages across with peace and fine and no violence at all.
[02:18:10] I think what happens in difficult times like this one, we've had time.
[02:18:13] As soon as you said our countries have been torn apart by war,
[02:18:16] Most likely Kurdish probably of Syrian descent but that motherfucker speaks Turkish
[02:18:27] He's Kurdish who piece of shit calm down, bro
[02:18:30] That dude 100% speaks Turkish as well
[02:18:43] Yeah, why'd you get so mad chatter chill out?
[02:19:07] And people struggling and stuff like that is
[02:19:09] is we're living like a sort of blame culture
[02:19:13] and people are looking for people to blame
[02:19:15] so it's easy to mix skateboards
[02:19:16] with these minority groups and stuff like that
[02:19:19] and I'm afraid that's what's happening
[02:19:21] and people aren't really looking at the big,
[02:19:24] the bigger issue is what's looking a little bit higher above
[02:19:28] and looking at the government and saying,
[02:19:31] well, you're accountable for what's happening
[02:19:34] in this country, what are you doing to address this?
[02:19:37] I think what we're forgetting in this country
[02:19:38] We're a national immigrant, you know, as fathers, grandparents and stuff like that, especially in
[02:19:45] Barnsley, a big mining community. You know, Barnsley didn't exist before mines when mines were
[02:19:50] introduced and stuff like that. People migrated here to work, you know, to work, look after the
[02:19:54] families. And this is generally, you know, as it happened, refugees escaping World War II and
[02:20:00] that came here as a migrant, you know, what are they escaping and stuff like that? What
[02:20:04] of the experience and what have they been through you know so I think people forget about that you
[02:20:11] know they forget about the images can you remember that little boy on beach that washed up you know
[02:20:17] this is the reality of what they're doing you know and he needs some open support you know
[02:20:24] and I'd like to think that if I were desperate and he needed help with support I could count on
[02:20:29] the people in this country and your local communities and stuff like that and at
[02:20:34] minute it's just seems just very divisive really beautiful
[02:20:59] Oh my goodness!
[02:21:01] What is the dispute you are having with that woman? Just let me to go.
[02:21:05] We don't want, she wants refugees into coming. We don't.
[02:21:14] This country's fault, it's, it's exploding with, you can't get a doctor's appointment.
[02:21:21] You can't get, you can't go to city hospital six and seven hours if you want to A&E appointment.
[02:21:27] Oh, so it's not the refugees it's actually the lack of funding the austerity implemented
[02:21:37] by the party that you voted for every single election you old hag you stupid fuck oh my
[02:21:45] god max cap max cap on voting age cap on voting now okay age cap on voting immediately okay
[02:21:53] immediately. Insta-lock. Holy shit. I fucking despise these pieces of shit, dude. They literally
[02:22:04] keep voting for Tory governments over and over and over again. Tory governments keep delivering
[02:22:10] austerity over and over and over again. And they're like, who am I? I've done this. It's the
[02:22:15] migrants, yeah. It must be the fucking migrants, yeah. No, bitch, you did it. You, you voted
[02:22:24] for it over and over again fuck you mean the migrants the migrants are working at the NHS dumbass
[02:22:37] yeah but this claim is his immigrants are putting pressure on the NHS i think that's what she'll
[02:22:40] say which is false obviously yeah
[02:22:47] have i got my son
[02:22:51] he got shot at army when he took a bullet in measurement and he went in cause of all and
[02:22:55] he got shot yeah a lot of his friends i've had to put open re-outs because they can't let ours in
[02:23:03] They're living on streets. They don't get put up in five-star hotels. Perhaps it's not
[02:23:10] the refugees that we should be protesting against. It's the way they look after.
[02:23:17] Yeah dude, they're living mint dude. Notice how the rhetoric is identical in America?
[02:23:24] Notice how the rhetoric is identical in America?
[02:23:27] Oh, we got the, we got the fucking harmless people here. Why do we?
[02:23:35] But don't we look after them? We put the migrants, we put the migrants in five star hotels.
[02:23:45] We just discarded as far as I'm concerned.
[02:23:51] You're not racist. Looking badly.
[02:23:53] There's black and brown people here. You know what I mean? We're not racist.
[02:23:57] You're talking absolute crap.
[02:23:59] What have you come to do here today?
[02:24:01] What's the idea of being here?
[02:24:03] To get my megaphone, to give my opinion.
[02:24:05] My opinion there.
[02:24:07] I'm just a normal guy, you know what I mean?
[02:24:09] I've had open heart surgery. I can't work anymore.
[02:24:11] I've worked all my life.
[02:24:13] But I'm not having these lot coming here
[02:24:15] saying that this and that, although it's the Lord of Rubbish.
[02:24:17] The lefties.
[02:24:19] And this is what the problem is in this country.
[02:24:21] Lefties. They've caused this problem.
[02:24:23] They've let them in.
[02:24:25] That's what the problem is. Lefties. I hate lefties.
[02:24:29] I've never been to politics up to two years ago.
[02:24:32] I've never voted in my life up to this year.
[02:24:34] My first vote this year, I voted for reform.
[02:24:37] It was YouTube that brought me to attention
[02:24:39] on what was going on in this country and the votes.
[02:24:41] Otherwise, I'm done on.
[02:24:43] We're on YouTube as well. What kind of things are we watching?
[02:24:45] Do you know the names of the channels?
[02:24:47] Just your normal, everyday bloggers.
[02:24:49] You know what I mean? That's all it was.
[02:24:51] And the mainstream media are just liars. Absolute liars.
[02:24:54] i love that he's just like pointing to the steps of his radicalization
[02:25:03] pointing to the steps of his radicalization identical to america by the way because hogs
[02:25:10] are universal there's a beautiful universality to the song and dance that hogs play the squeals
[02:25:17] that you hear from these fucking piglets okay it's always the same shit yes the soldiers out
[02:25:27] And these lot of soldiers are as well.
[02:25:29] Target is right wing. We're not right wing.
[02:25:32] We're just normal people.
[02:25:34] Bro, voted for reform.
[02:25:36] Bro, you voted for reform. What do you mean you're not right wing bro?
[02:25:52] Pull it fed up.
[02:25:53] You are here to do an anti-immigrant protest.
[02:25:56] Like the cognitive dissonance here is out of control.
[02:26:04] I mean look at London. You can't go in.
[02:26:07] I've been to London once in my life.
[02:26:09] Because it's an absolutely terrible place.
[02:26:11] I mean, and you go to London now, and if you have a white dissent, you get stabbed.
[02:26:16] If you're a black dissent, you get stabbed.
[02:26:17] I mean, most of them are blacks that stabbing each other through drugs.
[02:26:20] You know what I mean?
[02:26:21] And said he can't.
[02:26:22] This does not will lie to everybody.
[02:26:24] You know what I mean?
[02:26:25] He's there.
[02:26:25] He's there.
[02:26:34] Bro, it's literally.
[02:26:36] Exactly the same.
[02:26:37] Never been to California.
[02:26:39] Things that like you will get stabbed instantly.
[02:26:44] I went to California one time, bro.
[02:26:45] I went to Los Angeles one time.
[02:26:47] Couldn't even park my F-150.
[02:26:49] pickup truck and any of the God dang parking spaces. Them
[02:26:53] Latiners are stabbing each other left and right. They're
[02:26:56] shooting everything. The entire stores are burned to the God
[02:27:01] dang ground, brother.
[02:27:04] They're in front of you. He's a liar. He's a Muslim. Why have
[02:27:08] we got Muslims in a Christian country? You know, in power.
[02:27:12] I don't understand it. He's drunk.
[02:27:14] Bro, he is progressively getting more and more unhinged. How
[02:27:28] deal with that guy mask is slipping yo you think this guy is moderating his
[02:27:37] position to come across normal are you insane no he's just a fucking idiot
[02:27:44] chatter that person is not like oh I'm not racist and then like starts
[02:27:50] progressively getting more and more raises because he's like trying to hide
[02:27:54] his power level or whatever no he's just that fucking stupid he literally
[02:28:04] said why do we have a Muslim in a Christian country? Is that your sense of what
[02:28:13] Britain should be? Well it should be Christian yeah. I'm not against Muslims
[02:28:17] as long as they're peaceful but you know the Jihadists is limist. I don't like them
[02:28:22] but the rest of the Muslims are alright. Have there been any Jihadis in
[02:28:27] Bosnia? Not as far as I know. I didn't expect to get a protest in Bosnia to be honest with you
[02:28:32] Because we're a small minority in the world aren't we?
[02:28:36] You know what I mean?
[02:28:37] A small little mining village.
[02:28:38] Or was.
[02:28:39] You know what I mean?
[02:28:40] But that's how it is.
[02:28:41] It wasn't the migrants that made Barnsley services not work, this kind of thing.
[02:28:47] It was actually Thatcher closing the pits.
[02:28:50] Do you sympathise with that narrative?
[02:28:52] Yeah, it was Thatcher.
[02:28:54] She killed this country.
[02:28:56] Especially up north where the mining towns were.
[02:28:59] same as Wales. They did Wales as well. You know what I mean? I mean I probably would have
[02:29:03] come out of school and gone underground. You know, I'm a science skill engineer. You
[02:29:10] know what I mean? I could have done hydraulic rams and stuff, but because I didn't have
[02:29:13] an underground training, bits had shut. They weren't doing no training, so I couldn't
[02:29:16] get that job. I got the job on the interview, but they had to take it away from me because
[02:29:20] I got an underground training. So that because of that, yeah? I think that these like
[02:29:25] need to go home. Look at all different flags what you've got you know I mean
[02:29:29] we've just pulled the guy down here and gave him a section what 34 for having a
[02:29:35] Union Jack or a St George flag on his back. What's a section 34? I'm presuming I've
[02:29:40] just been speaking to this fella here section 34 it's some sort of tech
[02:29:46] fucking flag off or you're getting charged. So section 35 and social behavior
[02:29:51] crime and policing act. What does that mean? What have you got to do? Basically we've got
[02:29:56] to leave Bansley. What have they done? They've never said a word. What's the difference up
[02:30:01] there? What they're saying? These boys have just stood there with these patriotic flags
[02:30:05] on them. Chatters. You have to remember something. Some of the fucking dudes that look like
[02:30:15] hogs are not actually hogs. Okay. There's a lot of dudes, especially in like old labor
[02:30:25] areas too. They're just like, I mean, think about Mick Lynch, right? He looks like a cop,
[02:30:31] but he is a very prominent, very important labor leader in the UK. Don't, don't run
[02:30:37] into that mistake of thinking that like a dude who is like, who has that thick ass
[02:30:43] skull that cop dome is automatically going to be like a right-wing guy it's
[02:30:48] personal order two-tier policing what's that two-tier policing what what they're
[02:30:55] doing they're coming over in hotels where okay the two-tier policing I think is
[02:31:00] like the new meta for them right I'm beginning to realize I'm beginning to
[02:31:09] realize that this is like the new the new meta for the hog for it all the
[02:31:13] coming over raping his kids killing people but where we've got to stand
[02:31:17] for it we can't protest but it's all right for them to protest it's stupid
[02:31:30] yeah it's crazy that like they won't let us protest by burning moss and shit but
[02:31:43] then they'll let like the people in the communities that were invading oh shit
[02:31:50] They won't let us protest by like burning mouth and shit, but they'll let like people who are directly in the communities that we are invading to like do harm to
[02:31:59] United States of America won the gold. Of course they did. I heard curry was popping off. Congratulations
[02:32:06] The United States of what world champion of what shut the fuck up. No, a Lyle's world champion of the world. Okay
[02:32:14] That's all I'm gonna say on that front
[02:32:16] I can't watch LeBron videos right now. I can't watch they have curry videos right now
[02:32:21] Because if I do I'm gonna start sounding like the fucking British hogs that are talking about like immigrants
[02:32:27] Because of how
[02:32:29] American I'm gonna get I can't do that. I've already started shooting on Noah Lyles immediately
[02:32:39] That was my first inclination. I mean he's a gold medal winner, too
[02:32:45] Immediately
[02:32:47] for disrespecting LeBron James and the American team.
[02:33:34] So what just happened is that whenever I see police actually fucking dunk on like right-wing
[02:34:35] hogs of all different shapes, colors, backgrounds, ages, I sometimes take a deep breath and think
[02:34:43] to myself like, is this how right-wingers feel all the time? Like a system that is designed
[02:34:50] to basically destroy their ideological enemies, like all the time. Because like it makes me realize
[02:34:58] why right-wingers love cops. I can't imagine a world where like the police were just like
[02:35:07] actively targeting white supremacists on a regular basis, just only them. You know what I mean?
[02:35:14] It's kind of like seeing January six a little bit or like what happened after January six
[02:35:24] With like hogs getting their comeuppance
[02:35:29] Where you know people that just like broke into the Capitol and did a shit ton of crimes on main and
[02:35:37] like
[02:35:39] Telegraph themselves doing crimes on main
[02:35:42] Photograph themselves film themselves live stream themselves doing crimes
[02:35:45] like actually got to experience the criminal justice system. It was crazy. The perpetual
[02:36:07] victimhood narratives are also crazy. Like the two-tiered, two-tiered policing shit is
[02:36:13] like straight up perpetual victimhood. I'm a victim of police brutality. I'm a victim
[02:36:20] of the police like not letting me, you know, burn down a mosque or whatever. Or just
[02:36:27] like terrify a fucking family, like a brown family, you know, as
[02:36:34] what this shit is. But I guess it also, I mean, I guess it's
[02:36:42] like some of you see, regardless, you see it in the chat at
[02:36:47] the top of the hour, when people complain about being
[02:36:50] victim to the three minute outbreak, not realizing that
[02:36:54] they could simply no longer see the ads by subscribing,
[02:36:58] for six dollars or for free with a Twitch Prime. Anyway, here's what they're gonna have right now.
[02:37:19] Well, a group of guys have come up in a sort of black block style get up with Union Jacks on their back faces covered and
[02:37:25] did a sort of pirate flag as well. One of them shouts the other one that they can get past if they just move past the police who try to
[02:37:31] stop them from coming in. That was obviously not happened. A bunch of other police just came down and pushed them up against the wall.
[02:37:37] Now we've got three guys or possibly four pinned up against a shop down there
[02:37:42] One of them looks like he might be a child and then the police have formed a cordon up here and pushed everyone back
[02:37:48] It's really got quite rough
[02:37:50] Do you see what happened just now? Yes
[02:37:55] Just usual please
[02:37:57] This is usual for Barzly you seen this before in Barzly. No
[02:38:02] Not recently back in the
[02:38:04] my distracts things like that police officers that's the other thing hogs from either side
[02:38:14] of the political spectrum in the UK especially if they're old enough remember a time when
[02:38:20] the Tory government killed them so like that's why you see these reform guys sometimes not
[02:38:27] saying this guy is a reform guy, but like, like the anti-police sentiment runs deep.
[02:38:33] Okay?
[02:38:34] Uh, the, the anti-Torre sentiment runs deep.
[02:38:38] That guy who literally fucking voted for reform and was like, I'm not a racist, and then said,
[02:38:44] proceeded to say some of the most racist shit you've ever heard.
[02:38:47] That guy literally also shit on Thatcher.
[02:38:49] using too much force not giving people the pleasure to respect it's a free
[02:39:02] free world free speech and you think you haven't seen that today it wasn't free
[02:39:09] speech it was just Nick and just cost you wearing a banner clave I don't mean
[02:39:13] to say you're going to do it or something's else does it what do you
[02:39:17] think they were trying to do I think they would try to go fishing that's
[02:39:20] That's what you're worried about a club, isn't it?
[02:39:23] What kind of fishing?
[02:39:25] What kind of fish?
[02:39:27] I said, bleep, bleep, bleep.
[02:39:31] Thank you very much.
[02:39:32] I said, there's too many of them in our country.
[02:39:36] Who are they?
[02:39:37] Well, they are.
[02:39:38] Dude, my man literally went, again, hate stature,
[02:39:45] hates the gobs, reform voter.
[02:39:49] You know what, nine year old, you're going fucking fucking sister or your daughter at nine year old.
[02:39:55] We don't do it in England.
[02:39:57] Send them back to their fucking country.
[02:40:00] Yeah? You know what you're talking about, don't you?
[02:40:02] Yeah?
[02:40:03] I'm not racist or all like that, but I just don't fucking want to be in England.
[02:40:13] I thought these dogs were not allowed.
[02:40:25] I thought, I thought Rishi Sunak tried to ban these dogs.
[02:40:28] There's not the cops are using them
[02:40:36] Exo pimps, baby. No, that's not even a fucking cop dog. That's that dudes though. Okay, dude. Fuck you
[02:41:17] Oh my god, these pig fucks dude come on bro come on
[02:41:24] Come on, bro. That's what you do
[02:41:31] Like let him leave let him go home fuck
[02:41:34] No, the dog's harness says security. He has like a like a harness on it.
[02:41:58] This police officer is from the TSG. That's the tactical support group,
[02:42:02] group which is also known as Serial One, which is a civic riot squad that is brought into
[02:42:08] police things like this demonstration.
[02:42:10] Ssh.
[02:42:15] We are present.
[02:42:17] Three hour staff man's been here with them dogs and not everybody spoke to him.
[02:42:20] Dogs have been tossed.
[02:42:22] They've now jumped on him on medicine.
[02:42:25] They have took a record look back.
[02:42:27] They have took a record look back.
[02:42:28] I hope you're proud of yourselves.
[02:42:29] I do want us to go there.
[02:42:30] I hope you're proud of yourselves.
[02:42:32] We'll fucking come in.
[02:42:33] We'll fucking come in.
[02:42:34] What are you going for?
[02:42:35] Why the look with straightened eyes?
[02:42:37] Look with straightened eyes.
[02:42:38] Look with straightened eyes.
[02:42:39] You've got to be all disgusted of it.
[02:42:42] And don't keep pointing down to racism.
[02:42:44] Don't abat racism.
[02:42:46] I've got plenty of black friends.
[02:42:48] Plenty of Asian friends.
[02:42:50] Look, it's abat.
[02:42:52] What's ours?
[02:42:55] Bro, that is a rocky uncle, bro.
[02:43:01] How is that guy white?
[02:43:04] I know people from my region, bro.
[02:43:07] That is not a white guy
[02:43:09] I literally thought he was about to talk about how like he is from Iraq like straight up
[02:43:20] Bro, what the fuck? You know, I was just waiting for him to like bro. Put a fucking cigarette in one hand
[02:43:28] And prayer beads on the other hand of this guy
[02:43:31] He is not out of place in a fucking hookah shop
[02:43:39] What the fuck is this guy? What is this guy? What is he? I need to understand
[02:43:50] No, like actually what the fuck
[02:43:54] Bro, this dude's this dude's name straight up is Osama like he is not like Ahmed Osama Muhammad some like there's no
[02:44:05] You will never convince me that that is not an Arab man. Okay
[02:44:16] Racist yeah, I'm being racist
[02:44:21] I
[02:44:22] Me Hassan a Turkish Muslim man being racist
[02:44:27] to an English guy who just looks like my family members he's literally white
[02:44:40] though what do you mean no dude no way this dude is like at most I'm gonna
[02:44:44] give him Lebanese okay maybe
[02:44:49] so to be honest if I was policing a demonstration about two
[02:45:35] two-tier policing is going to seem a lot more compelling to them is this
[02:45:38] kind of productive the far right are complaining about two-tier policing and
[02:45:43] we've had like really quite a severe response by the police to them in the
[02:45:45] town centre a lot of people standing around who didn't see anything but
[02:45:48] they're seeing a big line of police cordoning off some people one of you
[02:45:51] was a child probably is that kind of productive it's hard to say because I
[02:45:55] mean we I was there on Sunday at Robram and obviously I mean we don't
[02:45:59] not say we don't like the police but in that moment it was like there was a
[02:46:02] murderous mob in front of us in the place over there. I think now they're kind of they've
[02:46:06] clamped down because they've seen what happened and maybe they're embarrassed and they don't
[02:46:09] want it to happen again. So it's hard to say where it's kind of productive but they're
[02:46:13] just kind of having to show themselves now basically after the weekend I think.
[02:46:16] This is the kind of response not to what's happened just now which for which it would
[02:46:20] be excessive, but a response to what happened over the weekend.
[02:46:23] They're just probably a bit embarrassed and they're like oh well this isn't going
[02:46:26] to happen again. And now maybe it's a bit over the top.
[02:46:29] I was a brother. Um, yeah, leftists are so funny. They do. I mean, they're right.
[02:46:36] Like that's just like, that's how it works. If you're, if you're a lead, as you see police
[02:46:40] doing a show of force, it's understandable because you know that normally you're on
[02:46:45] the receiving end of that shit. So you go, yeah, it's kind of fucked up. You know what I mean?
[02:46:54] Cause it's like cops beating on hogs here. And even then you got, you go and you
[02:46:59] to ask her leftist like how do they feel about this kind of violence and they're
[02:47:02] like well it's pretty unacceptable because it's a gross use of force on
[02:47:11] sunday at the at the hotel there were 200 of us they were like four five
[02:47:19] hundred on the other side probably built up to get out for a thousand at the end
[02:47:23] of end of the day but very to start with very few police were there and it
[02:47:30] went on for hours and still the police didn't bring in massive numbers
[02:47:34] They could have they could have swamped the place and stopped the whole thing
[02:47:37] Happening if they if they chosen to do that. What did you see happen? They only made one arrest on the day
[02:47:45] Which was amazing is amazing as far as I concerned, you know and you know, so I think there isn't a consistency of the police
[02:47:53] Response, okay, they're here today, but you know
[02:47:57] There isn't a consistency risk was and I don't think you can rely on them
[02:48:01] generally. We need to rely on ourselves. We need to build a mass movement to fight
[02:48:07] racism. We need to stand up to racism bigger in Banzai and across the country.
[02:48:11] And last night, you know, what is it? Seven and a half thousand in Maltham,
[02:48:16] so more than that, getting up for 10,000 in Bristol. That's the response
[02:48:21] that we need to make and that's what we can rely on. We need to rely on
[02:48:26] ourselves at the end of the day. It's us that need to fight back.
[02:48:29] what do you make of the police response because in some ways one possible criticism of it was that
[02:48:35] the far right isn't that girl the girl that like had a fucking phenomenal take
[02:48:40] i think that she went viral right i mean recently talking tire opposite and so on
[02:48:44] about two-tier policing and you've seen some really quite severe responses by the police
[02:48:49] cattling groups of the far right bro she's just waiting she's just waiting she's fucking
[02:48:54] waiting to pop off. Look at this.
[02:48:56] They're pushing, what looked like a child up against the wall for quite some long time.
[02:49:00] Is that a counterproductive response or is that actually what you'd expect to see?
[02:49:03] Well, did you see how the police were treated the other day?
[02:49:06] You know, when I've seen things on the telly and watched online, the police were...
[02:49:10] That's somebody's mum or somebody's dad or somebody's brother.
[02:49:13] And they were treated atrociously. And if you come and you're behaving in a violent and aggressive manner,
[02:49:19] then you have to face the consequences.
[02:49:23] play with matches, that's what happens. If you come here looking for violence and not looking
[02:49:28] for peaceful protest then unfortunately you're going to face the law and what happens to people who
[02:49:34] decide to say their views, say their opinions in a way that is not productive, not helpful to
[02:49:41] anybody and that makes people who are vulnerable, makes people who are from the most vulnerable
[02:49:47] vulnerable minorities in society make them feel scared and frightened and that's not what
[02:49:52] what we're about. We've got a bar over there that's Brazilian for Vella. We've got
[02:49:57] Pizza Americano which if you're from Bansley it's an absolute stronghold of
[02:50:01] after a night out everybody's getting a pizza from there. Owned by people who
[02:50:05] are not from Bansley, foreign people. Soul Lounge, not British, not Bansley.
[02:50:09] Everything in this town has got some contribution from non-
[02:50:14] British, non-Bansley people. Our Bansley team are not British and we love it.
[02:50:20] the immigrants make our society better they're what make us better as people and make us proud
[02:50:26] to be british and i'm sick of it i'm sick of people making the small minorities in society
[02:50:32] the scapegoat for all the problems your problems are from classism your problems are from the top
[02:50:37] down people making us feel small because we're we're working class but i'm proud to be working
[02:50:42] class and i'm proud to be anti-racist working class as well and i will not have it in my town
[02:50:47] to see what actually brilliant. That was fire. What I just wanted to say one little
[02:51:05] thing. I personally know Tim malls when I was in high school, he gave me advice to be a better
[02:51:09] football player when I got out of this trans, my life fell apart. He told me everything was
[02:51:12] going to be okay. He personally helped my dad through the process to get VA benefits
[02:51:17] actually came by our trailer and said, hi, no cameras, no nothing, just kindness.
[02:51:21] made me feel hope. What the fuck? Well, that sounds too good to be true. Like I believe
[02:51:28] it. But God damn, I mean, it makes sense. He did do this. He did do both of those things
[02:51:37] publicly. He did do both of those things publicly. He was very pro gay and trans,
[02:51:49] but he literally started what is it like the Alliance group or whatever? Like he started
[02:51:53] a support network as the football coach. GSA sponsored in 99. Yeah, he was beating my
[02:52:07] best friend. I went to Mankato East High School. I believe it. I'm sorry that happened to you,
[02:52:26] chatter. I hope you're in a better place now. Expecting very much from today, but we've
[02:52:32] got quite a lot. Perhaps the main story is not either the anti fascists or the far
[02:52:37] right, but the policing operation. Border should be controlled, but let 500 km per
[02:52:42] year also convicted immigrants should be deported. What? Brother, the issue with immigrants is just
[02:52:52] simply processing. That's it. Okay. This chatter hasn't stopped chirping. Look at their logs.
[02:53:03] Free my England look at immigration numbers, literally showing the left side of the story.
[02:53:08] He wasn't Welsh. He got expelled from school for having a knife called for genocide.
[02:53:14] Wait, what?
[02:53:16] Grooming gangs, do you like Kier's commie behavior? Kier's Starmer? You think Kier's Starmer is a communist?
[02:53:23] Can you explain to me what capping fucking child welfare benefits after two children is communist?
[02:53:29] Can you explain to me what Kier is doing in terms of like unlimited migration in the way that you fear?
[02:53:35] When he is literally he ran on an anti-migrant ticket as well
[02:53:39] Also, when you're done, can you actually tell me where you get meth in your London town,
[02:53:49] in your English town?
[02:53:51] Because you must be on that good shit, considering that you are smoking on it right now, if you
[02:53:57] genuinely believe that Keir Starmer is a communist.
[02:54:02] Did you see 2-T Bimingham?
[02:54:06] Certain communities like grooming gangs get away with less time in prison or sense
[02:54:09] at all.
[02:54:10] nothing funnier to me than a British right winger, okay? Talking about grooming gangs
[02:54:17] and how like Muslims are the ones doing pedophilia, but also if you ask them, literally what they
[02:54:24] think the age of consent should be, they'll tell you like 12, okay? Like, virtually all
[02:54:30] British Tories are pedophilia adjacent. They just, what, are you just like jealous
[02:54:36] that sometimes is like a dude from Pakistan. Is that what it is? Is that what your argument
[02:54:41] is? It is identical to our hogs in that regard as well. Which is so funny. It's like Jimmy
[02:54:46] Seville. Jimmy Savile is like one of the most notorious pedophiles of all time. Okay.
[02:54:54] Friend of Margaret Thatcher, friend of the Queen. Was he from fucking Pakistan?
[02:54:59] Was he from India? Was he from a brown country? No. You don't give a fuck. Prince
[02:55:05] Andrew is not a fucking migrant, right? We go fucking grooming gangs. Yeah
[02:55:20] Fucking hell
[02:55:21] No, I owe pedos the guillotine would do for a mole
[02:55:26] Yeah, if you were to fucking slaughter every single pedophile unconditionally
[02:55:31] You would literally cause the Tory party to have zero seats. You would cause the reform party to have zero seats
[02:55:38] So I'm you know, I'm not in favor of capital punishment
[02:55:43] But trust me, your fucking side, the side that advocates for the psychotic things that
[02:55:49] you're talking about would be butchered.
[02:55:56] No more monarchy.
[02:56:14] That's when you'd really see the fucking white genocide that these people talk about.
[02:56:29] We killed all the pedophiles.
[02:56:30] We wouldn't even have the AFD in Germany.
[02:56:33] Yeah.
[02:56:34] The right wing, I mean, honestly, as you guys know, I am expressly, openly anti-pedophile.
[02:56:41] Okay?
[02:56:42] Okay. Unconditionally anti pedophile. I don't believe in capital punishment. I think it's
[02:56:47] a bad idea, but I don't think these guys on the right recognize, brave take. I know.
[02:56:53] I don't think these guys on the right, however, recognize how many people would be slaughtered
[02:56:59] on the right. Okay. Look, see, um, it's true. It's proven. See BS. You sleep with
[02:57:23] 18 year olds, Azan. There you go. He's mad. He's mad that I am, he's mad that I have had
[02:57:32] sex with people over the age of 18. There you go. There it is. He's no real culture.
[02:57:55] But yeah, here's a, here's a great image that I wanted to show. Okay.
[02:58:24] And also tough and bright. The rioters coward behind the police is they're massively outnumbered
[02:58:29] by counter demonstrators let's take a look did you had sex with someone you would think
[02:58:44] underage no you fucking idiot what are you talking about what is happening with these guys bro
[02:58:59] are y'all all right bike helmet brightness the most live place in england i know what happened
[02:59:47] they're talking about the video clip where your friend jokes that she's 16
[02:59:50] who's like my age. That's the, this woman in the video is named Savannah Palatio. She's
[03:00:08] 28 and she was 24 when this was filmed. The suggestion here is malicious and false. Therefore
[03:00:13] reprehensible. Oh my God, it literally does. Oh, that's terrible. Oh wow. Conveniently
[03:00:25] clipped out of context as well. That's cool, man. Yeah. They clipped it. It's not only is
[03:00:42] it a meme, not only is it a joke, but I literally get up and leave and they fucking actually
[03:00:51] They clipped it maliciously to be like, Ooh, he didn't get up and leave. No, they clipped
[03:01:02] it. They clipped it after, right after. So it doesn't show. They clipped it right after.
[03:01:08] So it doesn't show that I can leave or that when she says, when she says she's just
[03:01:14] joking, you had this clip in an intro. I know it's so funny.
[03:01:30] Freaks, bro. Freaks. Not intro, okay buddy song? Yeah. Gross shit, dude. But once again, it don't
[03:01:58] fucking matter. These guys probably know it's not true. It doesn't matter. They're just shit slinging.
[03:02:13] That's it. Maybe they're just mad that I was talking to an adult woman, probably. Highlight
[03:02:43] real of my favorite gamuts from the past few days. Gammalympics. That's insane. I think
[03:03:21] that's unacceptable by the way for the record like fucking sickening a police dog. Like I
[03:03:25] know they're fascist in shit but like come on bro. Oh this one is my favorite. I love
[03:03:40] that he gets double clapped. I love that he gets double tapped like they hit them and
[03:03:49] then wait wait wait for the triple. It's not even just a double tap it's a triple
[03:03:53] watch watch watch oh god it's so good oh baby it's a triple dude getting
[03:04:28] bricked in the dick when you're bricked up the fucking kill migrants is crazy
[03:04:32] I'm not gonna lie it makes me it does it does make me really fucking happy to
[03:04:48] see the oil brubs out there defend their communities to see the fucking oil
[03:04:54] brubs out there, um, go out on a fucking limb and, and take it to the streets and say,
[03:05:00] like, no, we, we stand against racism. Respect. I mean, look at this. This is fucking sick,
[03:05:15] dude. That's sick. Yeah. Two tier policing and action. Exactly. They're defending the
[03:05:44] fucking bashes. You know, it was really funny and somewhat nefarious, but they're
[03:05:49] too stupid to recognize the history of it, but still ironic, funny about the two tier
[03:05:54] policing garbage. Okay, England has a history of allowing fascists to do demonstrations, shows
[03:06:07] a force through black and brown communities and through socialists like trade union as neighborhoods.
[03:06:14] Okay, historically, while defending the fucking fascists. That's what makes it so interesting
[03:06:23] that they fucking turn around and they're like, oh, he's too, he's too, too, policing lad. It's like,
[03:06:28] yeah, it is, except it has always been historically pro-fascist, two-tier policing. But yeah,
[03:06:51] as far as all this like fascist, anti-immigrant garbo goes, big part of that is like obviously
[03:06:59] built in austerity, built in resentment, all this stuff.
[03:07:06] And beyond that, beyond that, the government is like not being very responsive or wasn't
[03:07:14] responsive early on.
[03:07:15] It took like a week for them to like a week of hate crimes galore for them to like actually
[03:07:19] start bringing police out in numbers necessary.
[03:07:24] And I don't know where the fuck here, Stammer is the whole time, but yeah, exclusive.
[03:07:28] The UK government has ignored communication from the country's largest body representing
[03:07:31] British Muslims since far right rise began last Tuesday, Middle East, I can reveal. Oh
[03:07:37] and Jones responded to that or quote tweeted and said, imagine there was a nationwide pogrom
[03:07:41] against British Jews, which lasted for days. Imagine the government then refused to speak
[03:07:45] to let alone meet with the board of Jewish deputies. This is what the government has
[03:07:49] just done to Britain's main Muslim organization. Here's Sturmer. It is wild. They are,
[03:08:08] As you said, Starmer literally ran on anti-immigration rhetoric, I know.
[03:08:13] And the British media is so unimaginably racist towards migrants.
[03:08:18] They have played a significant role in whipping up this crime panic, this migrant panic.
[03:08:23] And the Labour Party is also, to a certain degree, responsible for it because they
[03:08:27] never counter-messaged against the migrant stuff.
[03:08:31] They actually leaned into it.
[03:08:33] If they do not try and fix the underlying material problem born out of Tory austerity measures,
[03:08:44] if they do not fix that, it's only going to get worse.
[03:08:48] You watched me react in real time to the labor victory.
[03:08:54] And this is the only thing I talked about.
[03:08:57] And I didn't even think that it was going to take like it was, it was going to happen
[03:09:01] in like a matter of months, if not fucking weeks. I did not realize I thought that it
[03:09:07] would be something that bubbles up and something that reaches a boiling point, maybe like a
[03:09:12] one year into the administration, two years into the administration. Nope. That should
[03:09:17] happen a couple months after. Okay. I told you that this was devastating.
[03:09:28] 2024 is yet again the year of Hassanabi vindication in this regard. It took 29 fucking days
[03:09:35] For what I told you was going to happen to actually fucking happen
[03:09:43] American liberals don't understand how
[03:09:47] Devastating the situation is they didn't understand that like this shit was leading to
[03:09:53] This this shit was going to reach a boiling point
[03:09:57] Okay
[03:10:02] Here Stalin has to do a couple different things one these tensions on the fucking anti-immigrant rhetoric
[03:10:09] But more importantly than that. He also has to
[03:10:14] Unconditionally reverse the British trajectory of neoliberal austerity if he does not do that if he does not do that
[03:10:23] England is cooked. Okay, you are going to see more of this more of these
[03:10:29] racist right wing
[03:10:31] anti-migrant sentiment bubble up once again, you're gonna see more fucking hate crimes
[03:10:36] And you're not gonna know how to deal with it and you're gonna keep going. Oh well
[03:10:40] I'm capitulating to the right-wing framing on migrants. I'm just gonna
[03:10:44] Believe that migrants are responsible for crime and we got to do something about it
[03:10:48] Okay
[03:10:50] It's completely fucked
[03:10:54] Anyway, let's look at now four ways in which that you destroyed Britain's recent scanning of Margaret Thatcher
[03:11:00] Let's take a look at four ways the iron lady destroyed Britain.
[03:11:04] One, Thatcher laid the grounds for the rampant inequality we see today.
[03:11:09] When she took office, Britain was one of the most equal of wealthy countries.
[03:11:13] When she resigned, inequality had hit a record high.
[03:11:17] Thatcher introduced banking deregulation
[03:11:20] and halved income taxes for the country's wealthiest.
[03:11:23] Don't cut down the tall cockies.
[03:11:27] Let them rather grow tall.
[03:11:29] The top 1% of earners accrued more and more wealth.
[03:11:33] I have made a fortune and that's what I was doing.
[03:11:36] At the same time, she slashed benefits.
[03:11:39] Under her government, wage inequality skyrocketed.
[03:11:42] Well, the pillar society where public expenditure is cut
[03:11:47] and where waste of taxpayers' money is ruthlessly expanded.
[03:11:52] I think the craziest part about this
[03:11:56] is that, like, British people in a lot of ways have, like, the absolute worst peasant brain.
[03:12:03] Because, like, at least Ronald Reagan was, like, kind of charismatic in the way that he actually sold the idea.
[03:12:09] Okay?
[03:12:13] Like,
[03:12:15] at least Ronald Reagan sold the idea to the majority of Americans
[03:12:20] that, like, tax cuts were the wealthy and deregulation were good, fuck labor, all this stuff.
[03:12:25] Whereas like Margaret Thatcher was very obviously, very obviously a societal elite and like did
[03:12:32] not present herself like I think successfully as pro working class blows my mind.
[03:12:49] During her tenure, the percentage of Britons living below the poverty line rose from
[03:12:53] 13% to 22% child poverty more than doubled as one labor is this good?
[03:13:00] I can't tell.
[03:13:01] Twitter, Thatcher's policies caused poverty and deprivation not seen since the Tkensian
[03:13:06] era.
[03:13:07] 2. Thatcher presided over a huge wave of privatisation. She rapidly sold off government-run companies
[03:13:14] at knockoff prices, and unleashed the earliest waves of outsourcing on the NHS. Thatcher
[03:13:20] also sold off the UK's North Sea oil assets in order to pay for tax cuts for higher earners.
[03:13:26] 3. Thatcher paid the way for today's housing crisis.
[03:13:30] The 1980 Housing Act invited tenants to purchase their council homes at a discount rate.
[03:13:36] Since then, over 2 million council houses have been sold off, with less than 5% being
[03:13:41] replaced.
[03:13:42] Today, over a million...
[03:13:44] That's another one of those things where it's like, dude, imagine what you had and
[03:13:47] then you lost it.
[03:13:49] Like, America didn't have these initiatives even due to America being like obviously
[03:13:58] openly anti-communist and being so far removed from the U.S.S.R. and like trade unionist movements
[03:14:04] by this point, you know, post-World War II in the 60s, 70s and then 80s reaching its
[03:14:11] peak in the 80s, right?
[03:14:12] Like at least due to its proximity to the U.S.S.R., due to its proximity to, you know,
[03:14:20] former successful labor movements, trade unionist momentum, they at least had some
[03:14:26] social safety as they still retain some social safety as like the NHS being like a pretty
[03:14:31] obvious one, right? It is rather difficult to gut all of that. But like, we didn't even
[03:14:40] have that you at least had that shit. And she took it away. I just I don't know, man.
[03:14:46] I it's just so frustrating. Fuck.
[03:14:51] The Indian households are stuck on social housing waiting lists.
[03:14:56] Homelessness has hit a record high.
[03:14:58] And a 2017 study found that 40% of right to buy homes are now owned by private landlords.
[03:15:05] Affordable social housing has turned into unaffordable private rentals.
[03:15:09] 4.
[03:15:10] Thatcher
[03:15:11] Like, ain't nobody from England has enough money to avoid the top of the hour outbreak
[03:15:15] because of these policies, you know what I'm saying?
[03:15:17] Because at the top of the hour, there is a three-minute outbreak.
[03:15:24] And if you're from London Town, if you're from London, yeah, you ain't got that sauce.
[03:15:29] You ain't got the juice.
[03:15:30] You ain't got the quid.
[03:15:31] All right?
[03:15:32] You ain't got the fucking quid, yeah?
[03:15:35] Thatcher is responsible.
[03:15:41] She's the reason.
[03:15:45] Anyway, three-minute outbreak is coming to you regardless, of course, to the oil
[03:15:52] to the oil lads, to the oil lads, to the oil bruv's e-re-e's.
[03:15:56] We're going to move on from this to American news in a second.
[03:16:00] That decimated workers' rights.
[03:16:02] Her government wiped out 15% of British industry,
[03:16:05] as in mining, manufacturing and steel.
[03:16:08] She pulled all the pitch, one by one.
[03:16:10] Closed them all.
[03:16:11] Everybody's lost their houses.
[03:16:13] They're all in debt.
[03:16:14] So we're looking after the pitch.
[03:16:16] Here you go for the actual working class flow.
[03:16:19] Unemployment rose to more than 3 million in 1983.
[03:16:23] Meanwhile, that just sought to crush trade unions.
[03:16:26] New laws made it harder for workers to strike,
[03:16:29] and the police brutally suppressed those that did.
[03:16:32] The rule of law must prevail over the rule of the law.
[03:16:36] She called us the enemy within.
[03:16:38] There was only one enemy within, and that was her.
[03:16:42] Trade union membership has been steeply declining since the fact she is,
[03:16:47] meaning less and less workers are protected by collective agreements.
[03:16:51] As his own MPs have pointed out, Kiyostama's praise of Margaret Thatcher for setting loose
[03:16:56] our natural entrepreneurialism failed to account for the inequality, hunger, destitution, and misery
[03:17:02] that resulted from our policies. As one Labour MP warned, those who do not learn from history
[03:17:08] are doomed to repeat it.
[03:17:10] God here you fucking you child starver you you fucking monster. Oh my god. Oh my god. I really I
[03:17:22] Don't know. I don't know what happens. I don't know what happens with the UK. Okay. I don't know anyway
[03:17:29] Undurated aspect is the Hassanabahid undurated aspect of American politics that have the country is actually just completely insane and can never be reasoned with
[03:17:35] with, uh, Keemstar tweets, look at the reflection of the plane. If Kala Harris has to use AI
[03:17:42] to act like she has support than any poll saying she's a 50% or higher is also false. All of
[03:17:47] us Americans are being gaslit. I bet another rigged election happens.
[03:17:54] What's crazy about this is that like there are people who are legitimately coping with
[03:18:00] legitimately coping with like the, the popularity of the Harris walls ticket by just simply
[03:18:09] stating that it's fake. It must be fake. It's actually AI. There's also this, Jack was
[03:18:18] so big. This is crazy. Kamabla is just giving the same speech word for word at all these
[03:18:22] rallies, full puppet mode. It's like, it's a stump speech, man. I know that they should
[03:18:27] probably fix it and like change it up a little bit, make it like locally oriented. You
[03:18:33] know what I mean? Wait, hold on. No way. Okay. I can't, I can't say it, but
[03:19:00] Anyway, um, sorry, I got to keep it a secret.
[03:19:10] Waltz is pulling better than Kamala, Michigan net favorables.
[03:19:13] Waltz have 14% Harris at plus two.
[03:19:16] Um, yeah, that's not surprising.
[03:19:20] I already told you this.
[03:19:27] Waltz is incredible.
[03:19:28] The one thing that I will credit Kamala Harris for is the fact that like, I
[03:19:33] think she just wants to win and doesn't give a shit if her VP out shines
[03:19:37] her, like she's not.
[03:19:39] She's very calculated. She is also, she's calculated. She's also personally, like, very persuadable.
[03:20:02] But one should remember, the reason why Walts is kind of carrying the ticket currently is
[03:20:07] because he is unapologetically progressive and very good at communicating his progressive
[03:20:14] policies and very good at attacking, very good at attacking the Republican narrative
[03:20:23] around the policies from a point that Americans deeply understand fundamentally agree with
[03:20:31] freedom. Socialism is neighborliness. One man's socialism is another man's
[03:20:40] neighborliness. What? Well, this dude is using like fucking industrial tools in
[03:20:49] the house with a door open. I can hear everything. Oh my god. I'm sure misogyny
[03:20:55] and racism is playing a role in here. No, I mean, it's impossible for it not
[03:21:00] to be. I'm sure it plays like a, not a significant role though. I think Kamala Harris is significantly
[03:21:08] better than Hillary Clinton because she doesn't have the oppo on Hillary. But I think a bigger,
[03:21:15] there's always going to be, there's always going to be misogyny and racism. It's America.
[03:21:20] But I do think that a big part of that, a big part of like Waltz's,
[03:21:24] is, uh, Waltz's popularity, skyrocketing and his approval ratings like going up is a consequence
[03:21:32] of the way he communicates. He's very charismatic in a way that is like lovable. He's very charismatic
[03:21:39] in a way that is, uh, is appealing to the Midwest especially. Waltz is also new. So
[03:21:46] there's a novelty, uh, to him as well. It's a lot harder to attack walls repping
[03:21:57] these policies. The black woman arguing for progressive policies plays directly into
[03:22:00] the rights, races, arguments against social programs. Stop. When Kamala Harris says, we
[03:22:09] are not going back. You can't fucking do this shit. This is scared shit. This is old school
[03:22:16] democratic party politics. Shut the fuck up. You're doing it right now. Okay. No, dude.
[03:22:24] No, it's fucking bullshit. I'm sorry. I do not care. I, I, I, you literally have
[03:22:32] to stop. You have to cut this bad instinct out, okay? You have to rip it from your soul,
[03:22:37] okay? Leave that shit behind. I hate this so much. This is exactly what fucking Hillary
[03:22:46] Clinton did. If being unapologetically progressive is popular, why are them scared of it? Well,
[03:22:57] two reasons. One, they're afraid of disrupting their donors, which is who they care about.
[03:23:01] It's the most significant constituency. And two, two, they just genuinely think it's
[03:23:07] unpopular because they're not progressive. They're not genuinely progressive. So they're,
[03:23:12] they're afraid. They're actually legitimately scared that like, if they say progressive things
[03:23:19] and run on unapologetic progressive policies, that they're going to have to defend those
[03:23:24] unapologetically progressive policies. And they don't know how to do it because they're
[03:23:29] fucking actually afraid of progressive policies. They literally think personally
[03:23:33] that those policies are unpopular. They've deluded themselves into thinking that.
[03:23:38] That's why Trump is, I think, part coping and part being real when he says like,
[03:23:47] oh, I can't believe they fucking picked walls. I can't believe they picked walls. What a fucking
[03:23:53] misstep, okay? When Trump said, oh, that was so stupid that they picked walls,
[03:24:02] who is like a radical progressive and similar to Bernie Sanders, I think he was being real.
[03:24:09] He literally thinks that like that kind of politics is scary to the average American.
[03:24:15] That kind of politics is not scary to the average American.
[03:24:17] It's deeply popular.
[03:24:19] That's why so many people will vote for a lifeless, faceless ballot measure that is
[03:24:26] unapologetically progressivist fuck, but then won't vote for the Democrats, okay?
[03:24:39] Last time the Democrats had real momentum is when a black man for the first time ever in
[03:24:46] either major party was running on an unapologetically progressive platform.
[03:24:51] Sure, he was also once in a lifetime charismatic, a phenomenal orator, okay?
[03:24:57] he literally ran on a fucking progressive platform. People forget that shit. He didn't
[03:25:08] deliver anything I know, but we're talking about winning an election. We're not talking
[03:25:11] about like actually delivering that. Waltz has delivered a progressive platform. So
[03:25:16] he has to defend it and Kamala has to defend it as well. Dude, come on Obama won because
[03:25:25] he was charismatic and a black enigma. What? Bro, Barack Obama ran against the
[03:25:32] iraq war and closing down guantanamo bay things he didn't actually end up doing
[03:25:36] but like
[03:25:37] the fuck are you talking about he literally ran on
[03:25:40] health care
[03:25:44] he was objectively
[03:25:46] he was objectively
[03:25:49] a progressive
[03:25:50] ticket he was objectively a progressive candidate
[03:25:53] he also for the first time ever for the democratic party won the cuban vote
[03:25:58] in florida
[03:25:59] you wanna know why he won the cuban vote in florida
[03:26:02] because of young cubans
[03:26:07] he then of course destroyed all progressive momentum in the country
[03:26:22] well he literally went
[03:26:24] he literally went
[03:26:26] turned around
[03:26:28] let joe biden run the senate in the house okay
[03:26:33] uh... joe biden is obviously very right wing
[03:26:38] completely
[03:26:39] he completely dropped all he he
[03:26:42] one of the worst things obama ever did
[03:26:46] He had a grassroots group, okay?
[03:26:52] He had a grassroots group called Obama for America, okay?
[03:26:57] I think I'm saying, if I'm not remembering, if I'm not misremembering the name.
[03:27:02] This group was ready to take Obama's message from the bully pulpit and push for the actual,
[03:27:13] like progressive policy agenda that he was going to run on, okay?
[03:27:23] It was a massive, massive organizing group, Obama for America, okay?
[03:27:31] Obama took that group and immediately put it under the DNC and the DNC shut it down.
[03:27:37] That was one of the first things he did, okay?
[03:27:42] One of the first things he did was take these like millions of Americans all around the country
[03:27:47] that were ready to go when Obama said jump, they were going to say how high when Obama
[03:27:52] said he is organizing for America, not Obama for America.
[03:27:55] Sorry.
[03:27:56] I think it was this 13 million email addresses from the Obama campaign, 13 million was a
[03:28:06] community organizing project to the democratic note.
[03:28:10] It wasn't a initially the democratic national committee.
[03:28:12] I think it was Obama for America.
[03:28:13] And then it turned into organizing for America, who then, yeah, or no, it's sorry.
[03:28:20] It later became the grassroots arm of the Obama for America.
[03:28:23] Basically what ended up happening is after the first, after the first run, he literally
[03:28:28] put it under the DNC.
[03:28:29] It was not originally under the DNC.
[03:28:31] Okay.
[03:28:35] The goal for this movement was supposed to be, the goal for this movement was
[03:28:40] supposed to
[03:28:41] see organizations activities originally centered around political activism in
[03:28:44] favor of obama's early legislative goals
[03:28:47] including two thousand i stimulus package
[03:28:49] democratic parties plans to reform the health care system
[03:28:52] another state goal of all of a was to alleviate perceived political apathy
[03:28:55] and increased support for the democratic party
[03:28:58] okay
[03:29:00] organization well uh... for america
[03:29:03] then
[03:29:04] uh... was turned into a nonprofit group funded in part by corporate money to
[03:29:07] mobilize support behind the president's agenda. He took a genuine grassroots organization and
[03:29:13] brought it under the DNC and then they never utilized it to apply pressure in specific
[03:29:21] democratic and key Republican areas to ensure, to ensure that there was genuine on the ground
[03:29:31] support for the policies. Public option being one of them, right? Public option was a key
[03:29:39] proposal in completely reconstructing the American healthcare system.
[03:29:47] They said it was turned into later, not before. No, I, no, they, they literally took this.
[03:29:54] Eventually the organization played a role in the midterm elections of 2010. Later it became
[03:29:57] the grassroots arm of Obama for America after Obama's second inauguration, I think this is wrong.
[03:30:06] I think this is literally, this is like, this is incorrect. The history of this is incorrect.
[03:30:16] I'll say it. Because I remember reading about it in Ryan Grimm's book, I think it was in Ryan
[03:30:21] and Grimm's book, We Got People.
[03:30:25] Like I think there's issues with this.
[03:30:39] Read the orange box.
[03:30:40] This article has multiple issues.
[03:30:42] Please help improve it or discuss these issues
[03:30:44] on the talk page.
[03:30:49] Except for some work on healthcare reform,
[03:30:51] the Obama administration did not make extensive use
[03:30:53] of OFA, this choice was criticized
[03:30:54] by some veterans of the 2008 campaign
[03:30:56] who believe that Obama has aired
[03:30:58] by being too ready to compromise with conservatives
[03:31:00] and said, yeah, exactly.
[03:31:01] Instead of mobilizing the OFA volunteer base,
[03:31:03] this part is correct.
[03:31:04] So basically, they rarely ever utilized the OFA momentum that they had, they brought it
[03:31:15] under the banner of the DNC, and instead of pushing for progressive policies at a time,
[03:31:25] remember, at a time when he had a Senate supermajority, okay?
[03:31:34] This wasn't like the slim majorities that you see in the Senate nowadays, okay?
[03:31:42] They had a full Senate supermajority.
[03:31:46] People to grassroots machine of two million supporters eager to fight for change.
[03:31:49] Then he let it die.
[03:31:50] This is the untold story of Obama's biggest mistake and how it paved the way for Trump.
[03:32:01] This is one of the biggest issues that I've always had with Barack Obama, something
[03:32:07] that I've regularly criticized.
[03:32:09] And many leftists will tell you that this was like the end of any kind of leftist momentum
[03:32:15] and progressive momentum in this country, especially within the Democratic Party.
[03:32:22] Okay?
[03:32:31] That's why you saw so many Obama voters literally turn around and vote for Donald Trump.
[03:32:37] Like, two-term Obama voters that voted for Donald Trump, you're like, how the fuck does
[03:32:41] that happen?
[03:32:43] Part of that is obviously racism, certainly.
[03:32:45] But a big part of that was also, well, we fucking thought this guy was going to actually
[03:32:49] bring about change.
[03:32:53] We thought this guy was actually going to bring about hope and change, and we believed
[03:32:56] it, and then that hope and change didn't come.
[03:33:01] The 2009 stimulus package came in the form of parachutes for banks and basic gifts
[03:33:08] for the executives and not the actual economic restructuring that would focus on the
[03:33:15] American citizens.
[03:33:17] That was a major misstep.
[03:33:20] The healthcare proposals basically got diluted and turned into Obamacare with an unimaginable
[03:33:26] amount of fucking right wing lies told about it, including but not limited to death panels.
[03:33:32] It's such a funny story when you think about it because it's such a funny story when you
[03:33:39] think about it.
[03:33:40] Because Republicans nowadays, okay, Republicans nowadays will literally never bring up the
[03:33:48] reality that healthcare in this country before the ACA, also known as Obamacare, okay?
[03:33:58] Insurance providers could refuse insurance to you if you had a pre-existing condition,
[03:34:02] okay?
[03:34:03] And that seems insanely cruel.
[03:34:07] It seems far-fetched, okay?
[03:34:11] But they were actively petitioning against that, Republicans were actively petitioning
[03:34:16] against or regularly trying to defend the insurance providers right to not insure people with
[03:34:26] pre-existing conditions.
[03:34:29] Republicans that are still in office now, it sounds so cruel that it feels insane.
[03:34:36] I saw on Twitter, like a couple months ago, people being like, that's not real insurance
[03:34:41] providers refuse to cover people with pre-existing conditions, like that seems crazy and far-fetched.
[03:34:46] Like, no, that was the reality.
[03:34:50] That was literally the fucking reality, man.
[03:34:54] That used to be the reality in this country.
[03:34:55] That's how fucking unimaginably cruel the American government is.
[03:35:01] That's how insane it is.
[03:35:03] the ACA was supposed to be all like much more broad Obama tried to get Republican
[03:35:13] votes when he didn't need Republican votes he got obviously a senator who
[03:35:18] passed away replaced with a spoiler Joe Lieberman and he couldn't whip Joe
[03:35:23] Lieberman or rather refused to whip Joe Lieberman should have used Obama for
[03:35:28] America or organizing for America every step of the fucking way to bring
[03:35:32] about both Republicans to be on board with this progressive policy that many
[03:35:35] Americans wanted at the time, and we should have gotten a fucking public option at the time
[03:35:42] They didn't fucking do that Republicans on the other hand were running insane ads saying death
[03:35:46] panels are gonna come they're gonna kill every old person okay the process took entirely too long
[03:35:56] And that is one of the things I used to bring up all the time back in the day Americans hate
[03:36:01] any kind of legislative hurdle. They hate gridlock, okay? If you pass legislation fast expediently,
[03:36:12] then Americans will, you know, they won't develop the negative polarization that Republicans
[03:36:19] desperately fucking try to launch against initiatives like that. One of the biggest
[03:36:23] benefits under the Trump administration was how fast the Donald Trump administration put
[03:36:29] forward the massive tax cuts for the wealthy and the corporations. It was done so fast,
[03:36:36] so rapidly that people couldn't even develop counter narratives against it. That's why
[03:36:43] there is not that level of negative polarization against the tax cuts and what came after those
[03:36:48] tax cuts. That's why many people don't even fucking know that their tax cuts are sunsetting.
[03:36:55] The only tax cuts that were made permanent were for the top marginal tax rate and the
[03:37:00] corporate tax rate.
[03:37:02] Those are the only tax cuts that were permanent in the Trump tax cuts.
[03:37:08] All the tax cuts that the working class got increased over the course of the past couple
[03:37:14] of years.
[03:37:19] The fact that that was not placed prominently, which by the way you can find my commentary
[03:37:26] on the matter. I did a shit ton of videos about it at the time and how damaging and devastating
[03:37:33] these Trump tax cuts will be. All of the things that I complained about became true, but Americans
[03:37:43] didn't recognize it. Make sure media dropped the ball. Democrats didn't counter narrative
[03:37:47] against it, counter message against it. And they got that shit successfully passed.
[03:38:05] The Paul Ryan tax plan double the standard deduction amount, which screwed most lower
[03:38:08] middle class household. So remember that shit. How the fuck do we get to Obama though? Oh,
[03:38:20] we were talking about bold, unapologetic progress. Bold, unapologetic, progressive momentum. Americans
[03:38:30] are significantly more progressive, especially on economic issues than you think. Okay.
[03:38:38] Why we should push on Democrats? Why we should push on Democrats on the left with
[03:38:43] Obama has an example here.
[03:38:45] The crats were seeking to hold on to the White House after four years in.
[03:38:48] He's going to talk about the dreamers.
[03:38:49] The dreamers would routinely disrupt Obama protests, like immigrants would routinely
[03:38:55] disrupt Obama's protests to try to get him to come to terms with policy that would
[03:39:01] end up offering them a legal pathway to citizenship.
[03:39:04] Power was 2012.
[03:39:06] Then President Barack Obama was running against the Republican candidate Mitt Romney.
[03:39:10] Romney was not the most conservative candidate in the Republican Party even back then.
[03:39:15] Sorry, Obama's rallies in his speeches not protests, sorry.
[03:39:19] Immigrants would protest the fucking speeches.
[03:39:22] Another person who actually pushed Obama to drop an incredibly bad policy position that
[03:39:28] was inherently right wing in his re-election campaign was Bernie Sanders.
[03:39:32] I don't know if he'll talk about that, but Bernie Sanders threatened to run against
[03:39:37] Barack Obama.
[03:39:38] Okay. Mitt Romney was actually okay. No the fuck he wasn't dude. What are you talking about?
[03:39:44] Mitt Romney was not actually okay. What the fuck? I grew up in Canada but moved to America.
[03:39:49] I don't understand why people think American healthcare is better. How do you fucking say
[03:39:52] that and then you say Mitt Romney was actually okay. Don't be duped by the fucking liberal
[03:39:56] media. Whitewashing Mitt Romney's record. Okay. Mitt Romney was never okay. It's
[03:40:05] bullshit maybe the only time that he was okay was when he was the governor of
[03:40:10] massachusetts and implemented obama care back then it was called romney care but
[03:40:17] beyond that he was never okay okay he was a fucking right-wing freak I hate
[03:40:25] when liberals fantasize about like former republican admin officials
[03:40:30] former republican like presidential candidates and whatnot as though they
[03:40:34] were actually good. No, they are just the very same thieves that this current Republican
[03:40:41] admin is, okay?
[03:40:47] But he had staked out an aggressively hard line position on the issue of immigration,
[03:40:53] running on a platform of self deportation, making life so hard for immigrants in this
[03:40:59] country that they would have no choice but to leave. And given that, it probably
[03:41:03] surprised a lot of people that young undocumented immigrants had chosen to spend their time
[03:41:08] an energy protesting president Obama. They held mass demonstrations outside the White
[03:41:14] House where many of them were arrested. They showed up at his campaign offices in California
[03:41:19] with signs like this one that reads Obama stopped deporting dreamers. They even held
[03:41:24] a hunger strike sit in at Obama's campaign offices in the then swing state of Colorado.
[03:41:30] An issue were protections for so-called dreamers, people who were brought to this country without
[03:41:36] legal authorization as I forgot to mention so um obama was also gearing towards uh cutting social
[03:41:46] security and bernie sanders said he's gonna run for president and i think he might have even ran
[03:41:53] for president if i'm not remembering if i'm not misremembering sorry and uh bernie sanders
[03:42:00] was part of the reason why
[03:42:03] no he didn't law
[03:42:04] no bernie sanderson he was gonna run for president
[03:42:08] obama on the other and he specifically said he was gonna run for president
[03:42:13] not in a way we're talking about twelve he's talking about twenty twelve
[03:42:17] he's talking about twenty twelve he's talking about twenty twelve he's not
[03:42:20] talking about two thousand eight
[03:42:21] barack obama
[03:42:23] literally was doing the grand bargain
[03:42:25] and wanted to cut social security
[03:42:29] with the republicans
[03:42:30] it actually fell apart
[03:42:32] because the republican tea party caucus
[03:42:35] said
[03:42:36] that no we're not going to actually give you this because we're obstructionist
[03:42:40] thoroughly
[03:42:41] it was literally an identical equation to the joe biden immigration bill
[03:42:46] i brought this up quite a bit
[03:42:48] joe biden running on a right wing immigration bill
[03:42:51] and trying to pass a right wing immigration bill
[03:42:54] uh... in the lead up to an election and only having a right wing immigration
[03:42:57] immigration bill fall apart due to Republicans refusing to vote on it actually saved this
[03:43:04] country from having even more right-wing attitudes on immigration. Democrats, previous
[03:43:12] president, maybe their next one, have a particularly fraught relationship. This is from Edward
[03:43:16] Isaac Dover, who absolutely despises Bernie Sanders, by the way, and is a massive fucking
[03:43:22] establishment dick writer. For those of you who don't know the background at least,
[03:43:29] the article. Damn, I broke through that fucking paywall so good. Sanders didn't endorse or
[03:43:38] campaign Obama in 2008. Sanders aides have long dismissed the idea that the senator was
[03:43:43] serious about a primary challenge in Obama's reelection. He was asked a serious question
[03:43:46] on progressive radio show. Weaver was referring to an interview Sanders gave on Tom Hartman's
[03:43:52] radio show on July 2011. When the senator said, there are millions of Americans who
[03:43:56] were deeply disappointed in the president who believed that with regard to social
[03:43:58] security and a number of other issues, he said one thing as a candidate and is
[03:44:01] doing something very much else as a president who cannot believe how weak he has been for
[03:44:06] whatever reason in negotiating with Republicans.
[03:44:08] And there's deep disappointment.
[03:44:10] He continued, it would be a good idea if President Obama faced some primary opposition.
[03:44:23] This is literally, this is straight up a take coming due to Barack Obama.
[03:44:33] This is coming from a guy who does not like Bernie Sanders by the way.
[03:44:35] This article is supposed to present Bernie as like maybe subtly racist, okay?
[03:44:44] That's the goal of this article.
[03:44:46] But if you have your priorities straight, you understand that this is quite literally,
[03:44:57] this is quite literally the right thing to do at the time, applying pressure on the incumbent
[03:45:02] president to do the right thing.
[03:45:05] Hmm.
[03:45:06] This is not the only time Sanders raised the idea publicly.
[03:45:11] appearance he spent a few weeks later he expand on the other point they want the
[03:45:14] president to stand up for middle class for the working class of this country and
[03:45:16] they want to take on big money interest in the way that he has not done up to this
[03:45:19] point even talking up a primary challenge since at least that spring when
[03:45:26] he said in a radio interview with WNYC it was already being asked whether he'd
[03:45:30] run against Obama and although he insisted that he wasn't going to in
[03:45:33] a democracy it's not a bad idea to have different voices out there
[03:45:37] prison for Obama was not unusual at the time left-leaning activists pushed
[03:45:42] president on issues such as foreclosure relief, judicial nominations, and drone strikes.
[03:45:47] In August 2011, Justice Reid was being called in to help stop Sanders' primary plans, Davis
[03:45:51] Sarota, former Sanders press sector who remained plugged into the center's thinking during
[03:45:55] the Obama years, and would join his 2020 campaign as a senior advisor and speechwriter,
[03:46:00] wrote that Obama was eloquent, dissembling, conniving, intelligent, and above all, calm,
[03:46:05] and was using those traits in service of being a bizarro FDR with a hideous and
[03:46:08] destructive record, which was true.
[03:46:10] Now, the reason why I'm bringing up the Obama shit is because, um, is, is because, uh, what's
[03:46:30] his face?
[03:46:31] Uh, is it Ari, Ari Melber?
[03:46:33] No, what's his, Ali Velshi is talking about Barack Obama.
[03:46:37] And now we respond to the pressure.
[03:46:38] But the other reason why I'm talking about it is because Barack Obama also ran on a
[03:46:43] progressive campaign in 2008.
[03:46:45] This is from 2012, but like you have to understand that was the last time Democrats
[03:46:50] had massive momentum, massive juice.
[03:46:53] Okay.
[03:46:54] And for some weird reason, they have just been so scared of winning ever since.
[03:47:00] It feels like the current Democratic ticket is a little bit different in responding to
[03:47:05] public pressure, not only on swapping out Biden from the ticket, but also responding
[03:47:13] to public pressure by putting forward Tim Walts, a genuinely positive, genuinely progressive
[03:47:21] candidate as a VP pick.
[03:47:23] a candidate that has the capacity to outshine the president as a matter of fact, which is
[03:47:27] something that most presidents would stay away from.
[03:47:34] They would not want their VP to be a more popular figure.
[03:47:38] That's why Hillary Clinton went with Tim Kaine and the membrane.
[03:47:41] That's why, like, that's why Donald Trump went with Mike Pence.
[03:47:46] He didn't go with any other candidate.
[03:47:48] He went with Mike Pence.
[03:47:49] That's why he went with JD Vance this time around.
[03:47:51] He was worried about a potential vice president outshining him, okay?
[03:51:00] Plans of the social change.
[03:51:02] To be on the side of what the late John Lewis called good trouble, yesterday at a rally
[03:51:08] in Detroit, Michigan, Vice President Kamala Harris was interrupted by a group of demonstrators
[03:51:12] protesting the war in Gaza.
[03:51:14] This was how she responded.
[03:51:18] If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that, otherwise I'm speaking.
[03:51:23] It's a snappy line. Makes for a good sound bite. It's undeniably true that she will be a better president for their cause than
[03:51:35] Hey chair, what's your opinion on this? I don't know if you know this, but like I
[03:51:40] Spoke approximately for 35 minutes prior to this video knowing full well what the details of this video
[03:51:45] We're going to look like which is precisely why I already front look front loaded my commentary
[03:51:49] So you can have an uninterrupted fucking experience watching the rest of the video for like a brief moment, okay?
[03:51:55] and Donald Trump.
[03:51:59] But as those immigration protesters proved back in the Obama administration, these issues
[03:52:03] are more complicated than we're better for you than the other guys.
[03:52:08] Kamala Harris has already proven that she is the kind of thoughtful leader who listens
[03:52:13] on these issues, that she understands the nuance of this particular issue, even while
[03:52:19] some continue to insist that neither nuance nor context matter in the story.
[03:52:24] And her campaign presents a real opportunity to reset the relationship with the varied
[03:52:29] communities expressing dissatisfaction over this war and America's role in it.
[03:52:35] Can the Harris campaign use this as an opportunity to listen?
[03:52:40] And can those protesters use this as an opportunity to be heard?
[03:52:45] I'll talk to The New York Times, Michelle Goldberg, about that after the break.
[03:52:48] Three months ago, before President Biden dropped out of the race, journalist Mehdi Hassan
[03:52:52] to ask the Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez what she would say to Americans who felt like
[03:52:57] they could not vote for Joe Biden because of his handling of the war in Gaza.
[03:53:01] You know for an individual, Palestinian American that has had their family killed, there is
[03:53:08] nothing, I mean I am not here to lecture anyone. I have a vested interest in protecting
[03:53:15] democracy, not just here, domestically, but globally, and it isn't, I truly do not believe
[03:53:25] this as a lesser to evils type of situation.
[03:53:28] I think about what conditions do I want to be organizing under in the next four years.
[03:53:35] What conditions do I want to be organizing under for the next four years?
[03:53:39] Which of the candidates on the ballot would you prefer to organize and protest under?
[03:53:44] who will sit, listen and be moved by the voices of dissent and who will try to silence them.
[03:53:52] These are the questions that will be important both for voters and for the Harris campaign
[03:53:56] as it continues to face Americans who are speaking out loudly against the ongoing war
[03:54:00] in Gaza.
[03:54:01] Joining me now is Michelle Goldberg, a painting columnist for The New York Times.
[03:54:05] Michelle, thank you for joining me.
[03:54:07] You have understood and really tried to parse the nuance in this difficult conversation
[03:54:12] since October 7th, including how it sort of played out on on college campuses. And it seems to me that
[03:54:19] Kamala Harris has a moment and an opportunity here to to bring that nuance into the conversation.
[03:54:25] Prior to what she said yesterday in that rally, she actually met with leaders of the uncommitted
[03:54:29] movement, the group of people who had organized going out in the primary and saying, we're
[03:54:35] voting, we're showing up, but we're telling you about our dissatisfaction. Tell me what
[03:54:38] What you think is going on here?
[03:54:40] Well, look, I think that this is an extremely difficult needle
[03:54:44] for Kamala Harris to thread.
[03:54:46] And I would also say that I'm not sure I agree
[03:54:49] that it's really possible to bring that much nuance
[03:54:52] to a conversation that you're having with protesters
[03:54:54] at a rally, as opposed to with people,
[03:54:59] with kind of stakeholders that you meet with one-on-one.
[03:55:03] I was very glad to hear that she met
[03:55:05] with the uncommitted activists
[03:55:07] and hope she has more and longer meetings with them.
[03:55:11] And to some extent,
[03:55:13] there's just going to be a fundamental difference.
[03:55:17] I don't even know if it's a difference of opinion,
[03:55:18] but there's, Kamala Harris is still the vice president.
[03:55:22] And I don't think it's realistic to expect her
[03:55:25] to break with the policy of the president
[03:55:28] that she serves while she's serving him,
[03:55:31] even if she sent a lot of signals
[03:55:33] that she's much more sympathetic to the Palestinians
[03:55:37] and much more cognizant of the kind of immense suffering of Gaza than Biden has been.
[03:55:44] Let's, let's listen to that. Ben, uh, wrote.
[03:55:47] He literally came up with the perfect response since I was having it any though hard. Yeah. The difference is I actually truly believe it.
[03:55:54] That's the problem. I also am very cognizant of the reality that there is a difference here with what Kamala can say and what kind of pressure Kamala would be able to do.
[03:56:08] to do to the Biden administration, which she is a part of. And the reality is that the Biden
[03:56:15] administration that she's a part of is completely delusionally ultra rabid when it comes to
[03:56:23] Israel. Okay. That's it. Important context. What is this? Dem sock Sean. No, I know, I
[03:56:42] know Kamala Harris reached out to the family, man. I know I already talked about this. I
[03:56:48] did. I don't know why you keep posting. Like we already covered this. I already also talked
[03:56:57] about immediately after the fact that she, at least for a brief moment, talked to the
[03:57:03] uncommitted campaign leaders that were on the line for the photo op. Okay. This doesn't
[03:57:12] mean anything in the grand scheme of things
[03:57:15] it is simply lip service
[03:57:17] if it doesn't follow a genuine change
[03:57:21] from a genuine separation
[03:57:23] from the biden camp
[03:57:26] that's it
[03:57:30] as it stands she's not even making a declaration
[03:57:34] that she
[03:57:35] would try her very best to change the discourse or try to change the way
[03:57:41] things have gone
[03:57:42] a separation from the Biden camp without like being as offensive, you know what I mean?
[03:57:48] That is a major issue, okay?
[03:57:52] If she was a real one, if she genuinely did care about these victims of genocide that
[03:57:57] she spoke to, she would be fucking, she'd be like me.
[03:58:02] She'd be screaming on the rooftops about it.
[03:58:08] That's the difference.
[03:58:10] Simply having a, I'm speaking now moment and then the next rally where she's interrupted
[03:58:15] going, it's ceasefire time. It's going to happen. We're working. Me and Biden are working
[03:58:19] around the clock for a ceasefire is perhaps one of the worst ways of responding to it.
[03:58:26] If you're going to respond to it at all by literally pairing yourself up with Biden.
[03:58:33] I just don't understand that at all. Those people despise Biden. They were never going
[03:58:37] to vote for Biden. They want you to show a different face. They want you to legitimately
[03:58:42] show that you're different than Biden. Even if you're going to fucking lie about it, Biden
[03:58:51] is currently, and this is not only the way that people see it, but it is the reality.
[03:58:58] Biden is currently responsible for the genocide. Okay. If he could end it with a phone call,
[03:59:03] then he's responsible for it. And he's not just, he's not only not ending it with
[03:59:07] a phone call, but he's also personally egging this on by refusing to reign in Israel,
[03:59:13] persistently doing weapons transfers to Israel
[03:59:17] 6,500 rounds sent to Israel yesterday
[03:59:21] 3.5 billion in funds released to send more weapons transfers to Israel yesterday
[03:59:28] JDams specifically to turn dumb bombs into smart bombs like guidance systems sent to Israel
[03:59:33] When Israel used those smart bombs yesterday, not the ones that are being shipped, but the ones that they already had
[03:59:40] on a fucking Ghazan school
[03:59:42] killing 93 students and 93 children and women okay majority overwhelming majority
[03:59:51] of the people Israel killed yesterday that I saw in like literal fucking
[03:59:56] trash bags that they put them in hands feet body parts scattered everywhere
[04:00:03] okay those people died with American bombs okay American weapons it was as
[04:00:11] as according to the current reporting that we are familiar with, CNN confirmation comes.
[04:00:21] It is a US made GBU 39 small diameter bomb that was used in an Israeli strike on a school
[04:00:27] and Moss compound in Gaza, which killed at least 93 Palestinians according to local
[04:00:32] officials.
[04:00:33] I said every dollar spent on making this bomb that killed women and children in Gaza
[04:00:40] could have been spent on American schools, healthcare and infrastructure.
[04:00:43] Why did we do this? Who in America actually wants this? Here's Harris's statement on the
[04:01:05] fucking, here's Harris's statement on the strike, by the way, far too many civilians have been
[04:01:12] killed in Gaza.
[04:01:13] Israel is a right to go after the terrorists that are Hamas, but they also have an important
[04:01:17] responsibility to avoid civilian casualties. We need a hostage deal and we need a ceasefire.
[04:01:21] And I can't stress that strongly enough. The deal needs to get done. It needs to
[04:01:23] get done now. Do you think that does any different than Joe Biden? Be honest. Do
[04:01:30] Do you think this is different than Joe Biden? This is copy paste Joe Biden. Don't be delusional.
[04:01:48] Please check my logs for last mentioned. You got caught by auto mod. Oh my God, megafaunas.
[04:01:53] You really need to stop fucking spamming in the chat. I think Biden's response with a genocide
[04:01:56] is why it's so complicated for Kamala to do anything about it at this point. If she
[04:01:59] breaks with the admin and calls for an arms embargo, what happens? Does Biden, the
[04:02:03] hyper design is taken up to, of course not. So we wait until January for an arms embargo.
[04:02:08] We still need one at that point, we're in a far darker timeline than August and Bargo
[04:02:12] announcement could have healed.
[04:02:15] This is ridiculous.
[04:02:17] She is running for president.
[04:02:19] She is Joe Biden's vice president.
[04:02:22] She is a full blown adult.
[04:02:24] She has the capacity to now use the progressive momentum that she has and the actual, the
[04:02:30] actual wave of progressive support that she has cultivated to pressure the fucking
[04:02:36] president.
[04:02:38] If you say we're not looking back, we're not going back, let's not go back to this either.
[04:02:51] Especially when this issue is deeply unpopular.
[04:02:55] The more she comes out and speaks in this wishy washy way that resembles Joe Biden's
[04:03:02] narrative on the matter, the more she ties herself back to the Biden admin.
[04:03:07] Okay?
[04:03:08] Do you understand?
[04:03:15] The more she ties herself back to the Biden administration by carbon copying Joseph Robin
[04:03:20] at Brandon on this, the more this will hurt her politically.
[04:03:25] Remember Donald Trump has like a 30 point advantage on dealing with Israel Palestine
[04:03:31] in comparison to Joe Biden.
[04:03:33] I don't know if there's any new polling that was done on how Americans perceive Kamala
[04:03:38] Harris.
[04:03:39] They might be deluded and misguided into thinking that Kamala Harris is genuinely
[04:03:43] different than the Biden admin on Israel-Palestine, but she has to make an effort to separate herself
[04:03:51] somehow. You don't know what she is talking to about. Of course, this issue would be private
[04:04:05] talk stop. What are you talking about? I want to reiterate one thing that is very important here.
[04:04:12] Joe Biden is less popular than Trump in the eyes of Americans in terms of handling this
[04:04:17] Israel-Palestine situation. Part of that is precisely because he ends up pissing off both
[04:04:23] sides by having this mealy-mouthed, supposedly even-handed, but actually very much overwhelmingly
[04:04:32] pro-Israel side, while consistently leaking to the media that he's actually very disappointed
[04:04:36] in Israel.
[04:04:37] It shows weakness.
[04:04:38] Kamala Harris, if she continues with this, as Israel also continues butchering children
[04:04:45] as it is consistently done, as Israel continues having pro-rape protests, which the American
[04:04:51] media reviews to cover by the way. So at least they got that on their side. How shocking.
[04:05:00] You guys noticed that in a couple of days is just rather odd that in the past week, Israel
[04:05:07] had pro rape protest at a concentration camp to, to release the prison guards that gang
[04:05:15] raped Palestinian detainees to death. Okay. Then the rapist went on Israeli television.
[04:05:24] One, the rapist was defended on Israeli television. Then the rapist went on Israeli television
[04:05:31] with a balaclava on his head to defend why he raped the Palestinians. Then he unmasked
[04:05:39] himself. He unmasked himself and was like, I was the guy. We all knew he was the
[04:05:46] the guy that you had unmasked him already online, but he also personally unmasked himself.
[04:05:50] The footage of one of the gang rapes was actually released in Israeli media.
[04:06:03] It sounds insane when I describe it, but it's wild because it's true.
[04:06:20] You think she's afraid if she breaks from Biden and calls for an arms embargo, it'll
[04:06:24] signal that he needs to make Trump win at any cost?
[04:06:27] Yeah, great.
[04:06:28] Donald Trump is flailing.
[04:06:30] That's what I'm saying.
[04:06:31] Kamala Harris could be disruptive in this moment, and that disruption utilizing the current massive
[04:06:37] amount of attention that she's garnering could literally lead the extra pressure that the
[04:06:44] Biden administration needs to not fuck up the bag, to not disrupt the Democratic Party
[04:06:50] so dramatically that it causes them to lose the election.
[04:06:54] That is when Benjamin Netanyahu gets the fucking phone call.
[04:06:57] That is when Benjamin Netanyahu gets the arms embargo now.
[04:07:00] if you don't get to the fucking table and say yes to everything that we have put forward
[04:07:05] thus far. That's my calculation on this. It pains me to talk about this from the framework
[04:07:15] of like electability in a country that is genuinely hostile, I would say, to foreign
[04:07:23] policy discussions in general, genuinely hostile to any kind of person, let alone,
[04:07:29] Brown children, holy shit. But yeah, there's obviously the morality and then there's the
[04:07:38] electability. This issue is deeply popular. This issue is deeply popular. Ceasefire is
[04:07:45] incredibly popular. Okay, exactly. There's no reason to be scared of anything. She has
[04:08:09] more of an incentive to actually make a ceasefire happen. Yes. Currently as it stands, offering
[04:08:22] Platitudes, offering platitudes that are in many ways not different than the Biden campaign
[04:08:29] so far, means that you are aligned with the Biden camp.
[04:08:35] And the Biden camp is the moshably unpopular on this issue.
[04:08:39] You are running towards Joseph Robinette Biden, when you should be running against Joseph
[04:08:45] Robinette Biden.
[04:08:46] The only reason why you raised $100 million in a matter of 24 hours.
[04:08:53] The only reason why you raised another like 50 million after the waltz pick, which was
[04:09:00] also unique in comparison to what Democrats normally do, is because you have been running
[04:09:05] away from Biden.
[04:09:06] No, it's not because black women.
[04:09:09] You have the most utterly delusional simply over simplistic and dare I say, race is fucking
[04:09:16] attitude on this issue.
[04:09:19] Black women were voting for Joseph Rabin at Biden by 98% regardless.
[04:09:27] Black women are one of the most reliable voter blocks for the Democratic Party.
[04:09:35] You're just wrong.
[04:09:36] It's crazy.
[04:09:55] I think to think about the kind of mess that we live in where stop genocide is
[04:09:59] a controversial statement.
[04:10:00] not. That's the fucking, that's the situation. It's not controversial. Overwhelming majorities
[04:10:08] agree with you. It's only controversial within the media ecosystem and within the Democratic
[04:10:16] Party because they're too afraid. That's it. They want you to think it's a controversial
[04:10:22] statement. It's not. Think about it, man. What American? You have a conversation with
[04:10:29] every American that you know. Okay? You asked them this question that I just asked. Every
[04:10:37] dollar spent on making this bomb that killed women and children and guys that could have
[04:10:39] been spent on America's schools, healthcare and infrastructure. Why do we do this? Who
[04:10:43] in America actually wants this? Ask that question. Would you rather give unconditional
[04:10:49] weapons to Israel that they use on women and children? Okay? To the tune of billions of
[04:10:55] dollars or spend that money on schools feeding the children, feeding the hungry and the needy,
[04:11:08] building housing for homeless people, fixing our infrastructure.
[04:11:12] You will never, with the exception of like maybe Rabbi Schmooley and, and maybe Joseph Robin at
[04:11:19] Brandon, you will never have a person go, yeah, no, I don't like that. No way. Like you said,
[04:11:45] And there is no, if you don't continue to genocide, I will not vote for you, but there
[04:11:48] is instead a lot of, if you don't stop genocide, I will not vote for you.
[04:11:52] Yeah.
[04:11:55] People where I live will say Israel 100%.
[04:12:01] Are they democratic party voters?
[04:12:03] I doubt it.
[04:12:09] Feel me?
[04:12:10] That's my point.
[04:12:11] I didn't say there are no Americans who would fucking say that.
[04:12:16] There are.
[04:12:17] As a matter of fact, Walter Masterson went to another Republican thing, which was on my
[04:12:24] timeline on TikTok.
[04:12:26] Let me see if I can find it real quick.
[04:12:28] And he literally addressed that point.
[04:12:30] And yes, Republicans were absolutely, hold on, let's see if I can find it.
[04:12:38] Oh, here.
[04:12:43] that Trump, once he gets into power,
[04:12:45] is gonna take away funding for Israel.
[04:12:47] Why would he do that?
[04:12:48] He made Jerusalem the capital.
[04:12:49] He's the only president he ever did it.
[04:12:50] Why would he take the money away?
[04:12:51] Why'd they kill Divert the money
[04:12:53] from Ukraine to Israel?
[04:12:54] Trump is gonna give Israel a carp launch
[04:12:57] to go do what they gotta do.
[04:12:58] Let's go Israel, let's go, leave him alone.
[04:13:00] Stop micromanaging Israel.
[04:13:01] Stop micromanaging Israel.
[04:13:03] We'd be done.
[04:13:04] There wouldn't be a war.
[04:13:05] Israel would be done if we'd stay out of their business.
[04:13:07] We're gonna finish the job.
[04:13:08] Yes, thank you.
[04:13:10] Why are we fighting for a war?
[04:13:11] Why are we not funding our veterans?
[04:13:13] Yes, but I feel like we still need to keep sending money to Israel.
[04:13:16] I don't support these campus protesters.
[04:13:19] Trump talks about, you know, just mowing them down.
[04:13:21] And when he gets elected, I still want to send money to Israel.
[04:13:24] I totally believe because I'm a Christian woman.
[04:13:26] I totally believe in supporting Israel.
[04:13:28] We need to see.
[04:13:29] You are being way too simple about this.
[04:13:31] If, in fact, Netanyahu were to start a full assault on Iran
[04:13:33] and subsequently ended up in a vulnerable position
[04:13:35] because Iran is going to attack America
[04:13:36] would look weak by not responding, dude.
[04:13:45] That is the nuclear option that will destroy the democratic party's chains of winning the
[04:13:50] election no matter what that is in Benjamin Netanyahu's pocket.
[04:13:55] That literally is a thing that I am warning against right now, which is cut this before
[04:14:02] that happens.
[04:14:04] Cut this before that happens.
[04:14:07] You understand that, right?
[04:14:12] Hot take Iran isn't as strong as they think they are.
[04:14:14] No, it doesn't matter.
[04:14:15] It does not matter.
[04:14:16] where you're describing as a double suicide pact, okay?
[04:14:20] That is what I have been ringing the alarm bells on in perpetuity.
[04:14:27] That is exactly the reason why I'm saying cut this shit out before it gets there.
[04:14:35] There has not been a single inclination from the Israeli camp that they will stop at that.
[04:14:49] They will stop from doing that.
[04:14:51] They will not stop from doing that because they know we are going to defend them unconditionally
[04:14:58] no matter what.
[04:15:00] Okay. And if the 4,000 U.S. Marines that are currently in the region on aircraft carriers
[04:15:08] are drawn into war with Benjamin Netanyahu's October surprise, okay, it's going to be really
[04:15:16] shocking for a lot of people that go, oh my God, how, who could have foreseen this?
[04:15:22] How did we get here?
[04:15:25] As it stands currently, more than 50% of the American population does not want US soldiers
[04:15:34] to be put in jeopardy for defending Israel.
[04:15:37] That is exactly what's going to happen if Benjamin Netanyahu chooses to unleash a multiple
[04:15:44] front war.
[04:15:45] If I can see it from over here, then I don't understand how American, the American
[04:15:50] government is not making this calculation. It makes no sense.
[04:16:04] Checking in on the 40 plus swing state demographic POV from old Hosonov ahead, when she said
[04:16:09] yesterday is overwhelmingly popular, even with right-wingers, people don't want her to
[04:16:12] say anything more because they're afraid she will come off as anti-Semitic, would risk
[04:16:16] blowing up a ceasefire or they don't support the embargo vast majority. The embargo
[04:16:21] is the only fucking, the only tool that America has, the arms embargo, is the
[04:16:28] The only tool that America has is the only threat that America has to stop Israel.
[04:16:32] If they don't use it, Benjamin Netanyahu is going to play his hand to do something completely
[04:16:38] insane in an effort to ensure the Trump victory.
[04:16:43] Come November, Trump is flailing right now.
[04:16:46] There's a lot of progressive momentum.
[04:16:48] All of that goes away when you start hearing about American Marines getting blown up
[04:16:53] in aircraft carriers because they went in the war to defend Israel after Israel did some
[04:16:59] unimaginable heinous shit and the regional actors responded to it understandably.
[04:17:09] That threat is still in the air currently Iran and Hezbollah after waving their red flags
[04:17:14] of vengeance have yet to retaliate and said that they will inevitably a retaliation is
[04:17:20] going to happen is what they said.
[04:17:26] officials are in Israel right now trying to manage the results of said retaliation, hoping
[04:17:33] that that retaliation resembles the last Iranian retaliation, which was very limited. Okay.
[04:17:41] Oh, why isn't an October surprise ship my light off now potentially, but the October surprise
[04:17:58] is just a common trope. It's like top of the hour ad break, common trope at the Hassanabbi
[04:18:02] broadcast and not only is it a common trope but it also happens at the top of
[04:18:07] every hour October surprise just seemingly happens every October okay
[04:18:14] every every election cycle and if you want to avoid said October surprise then
[04:18:26] you have to reign in Israel now when you have the leverage and you haven't
[04:18:31] already completely committed the sending troops multiple countries
[04:18:53] surrounding Israel along with the US assets to shoot down everything if that
[04:18:56] hadn't happened, they would have gotten pummeled. Yeah, exactly. Iran doesn't want ceasefire negotiations
[04:19:04] to be harmed by their retaliation. That's why they're waiting. New, I asked the Iranian UN
[04:19:08] mission whether Iran will delay its retaliation until after next week's ceasefire talks. Here's
[04:19:12] what they said. We hope that our response will be timed and conducted in a manner not
[04:19:17] to the detriment of the potential ceasefire. No, I don't think Benjamin and Yahoo will
[04:19:28] nuke Gaza. That's like a funny thing that people have been bringing forward. Like
[04:19:33] he would if it was far enough but he can't because it's literally it's it's the it's like nuking
[04:19:41] brooklyn to save new york manhattan like what are we talking about you can't do that
[04:19:51] like it is it is far too consequential and harmful for uh israeli lives that even they
[04:19:59] wouldn't do that also why should they do that they've dumped multiple nukes worth of
[04:20:06] weapons into Gaza since October 8th. They've virtually nuked Gaza already without nuclear
[04:20:15] fallout. So what are we talking about? In a vacuum, of course, I want Kamala to come
[04:20:39] out as an arms embargo immediately, yet we're in anything but a vacuum. Biden and still
[04:20:42] Potos wouldn't do shit in any hour immediately escalating response. Kamala wouldn't be able
[04:20:46] to unilaterally respond until January. Nope. Wrong. The reason why I say this is
[04:20:53] not because Kamala currently has the power to fucking change the trajectory with her
[04:20:57] own VP allowances with her own VP powers. Kamala has the capacity to change the political
[04:21:06] trajectory by creating another pressure point on the Biden administration, given that she
[04:21:11] is under a fucking microscope right now. And the media is eating out of the palm of
[04:21:16] her hand. Okay.
[04:21:18] From this opportunity, this is already a very popular idea.
[04:21:22] If they were to force Israel's hand, if they were to force Israel's hand because Kamala
[04:21:27] creates a stress point on the Biden camp by showcasing a difference in opinion on how
[04:21:32] to move forward with Israel, then Biden has to respond.
[04:21:38] At that point, it's all a matter of a guy trying to preserve his legacy.
[04:21:42] Will he want to go down as this unimaginably spiteful, ultra-Zionist freak, or will he
[04:21:51] try to maintain his, and preserve his legacy by being the elderly statesman that actually,
[04:21:57] the elder statesman, that actually did the right thing for fucking once?
[04:22:01] And considering that he does care about his fucking legacy a lot, and considering that
[04:22:06] the media immediately gave him that flower saying he did step aside because he did the
[04:22:13] right thing, he stepped aside, it was brave, it was bold, it was beautiful.
[04:22:16] I suspect that he will err on the side of caution and do the thing that he has refused
[04:22:21] to do thus far.
[04:22:24] She has the microphone, she should use it.
[04:22:32] And the thing is, this is not even a brave stance.
[04:22:35] It's not even that crazy of a gamble on the public approval side.
[04:22:40] Do you understand?
[04:22:43] People don't like Biden.
[04:22:44] They like Kamala.
[04:22:45] The public is on our side.
[04:22:48] People don't like genocide.
[04:22:49] They want to stop the genocide.
[04:22:51] The public is on our side.
[04:22:53] She stands to lose nothing and she stands to gain so much more if she were to do this.
[04:22:58] Especially by eliminating one other outlet of interference that I foresee as a major
[04:23:05] fucking problem, especially because of how unimaginably unstable the Israeli government
[04:23:10] is currently. Benjamin Netanyahu is disinterested in putting forward a ceasefire negotiation
[04:23:20] because he's interested in maintaining power. He's interested in continuing the war. Why
[04:23:25] is he interested in continuing the war? Because he's unpopular. And when he is done
[04:23:30] continuing the war, when the war ends, he's going to fucking jail, okay? They
[04:23:35] They might even kill him.
[04:23:39] How the fuck are we waiting on the Trump of Israel?
[04:23:43] And how are we on the mercy and the whims of Trump of Israel?
[04:23:47] And what he might do to ensure Trump wins this upcoming election?
[04:24:02] The thing is we're looking at it from one side.
[04:24:04] We don't know how it is going behind the scenes.
[04:24:05] There's a reality commos avoiding saying things,
[04:24:08] not the risk blowing up a ceasefire because BB,
[04:24:10] especially Israel and news advisor got super pissed.
[04:24:13] No, you're talking scared.
[04:24:15] talking that like they are the power players here, not us. We are the power players. You
[04:24:21] want to know why we're the power players? One phone call. That's it. One phone call.
[04:24:28] This has historically always happened. America makes a phone call, whether it be Ronald Reagan,
[04:24:34] whether it be Bill Clinton, whether it be Joe Biden, America makes one phone call
[04:24:39] like Joe Biden did in 2021, Israel stops the next day. Okay? That's it. And a lot of you have been
[04:24:48] deluded into thinking that APAC has this like outsized power and influence in the United States
[04:24:55] of America. You are wrong. APAC does not have the power of mind control or hypnosis or whatever.
[04:25:03] Okay? APAC needs to dump $20 million into a motherfucking primary in the Democratic
[04:25:10] party in a race that was just redistricted to be able to ensure that an anti-Israel
[04:25:18] politician gets ousted.
[04:25:20] You think they have that kind of juice to change the outcome of a general election?
[04:25:26] You are wrong.
[04:25:27] APAC also has its own self-preservation motives here.
[04:25:31] They cannot have so much outsized impact that people start paying attention.
[04:25:36] Most people had no fucking clue what APAC was.
[04:25:39] Okay?
[04:25:40] had no clue what APAC was. Now everybody knows what the fuck it is, okay? That's the reason
[04:25:44] why they have to dump money, not under the name of APAC, but under the banner of like
[04:25:50] Americans funding democracy and all these other fucking different groups because everybody
[04:25:56] knows what the fuck APAC is now, okay? They relied on operating from the shadows
[04:26:06] for a very long time they relied on america's bipartisan
[04:26:09] uh... bipartisanship on foreign policy for a very long time
[04:26:15] tell that the bowman
[04:26:16] do that's literally what i just said
[04:26:21] a pack is not able
[04:26:23] to win a general election
[04:26:27] that is insane
[04:26:28] that's also
[04:26:29] over
[04:26:30] foreign lobby
[04:26:32] interests manipulating
[04:26:34] in the same way that liberals were worried about
[04:26:36] fucking uh...
[04:26:38] uh... in the same way the liberals were worried about russia
[04:26:43] christian evangelicals more powerful than a pack by the way yes
[04:26:46] christian evangelicals are more powerful than a pack
[04:26:50] don't worry they're not voting for the democratic party anyway
[04:26:53] if you think anyone that is donated the kufi okay
[04:26:57] or if you think that any fucking christian evangelical that like has
[04:26:59] biblical
[04:27:00] uh... goals for israel being uh... given to the chosen sons and daughters of
[04:27:04] god
[04:27:06] if you think that that person is voting democrat i don't want to tell
[04:27:08] you okay
[04:27:33] Biden needs to put conditions on continued arms shipments. The conditions are Nenyao turning himself in the ICC problem solved because he won't know more arms.
[04:27:42] That's more insane than just making a private phone call and telling Benjamin Nenyao to cut it out.
[04:27:54] If you don't believe me about the chosen sons and daughters of God narrative,
[04:28:00] watch this.
[04:28:01] I still want to send money to Israel.
[04:28:03] I totally believe because I'm a Christian woman. I totally believe in supporting Israel. We need to support Israel because
[04:28:10] They are
[04:28:11] gustries of nature.
[04:28:12] Palestinians, they fear Trump.
[04:28:14] And what should we do to all these like Hamas?
[04:28:16] That is the average
[04:28:21] I'm telling you right now.
[04:28:24] That's the average evangelical baby.
[04:28:26] They're fucking nuts.
[04:28:28] How the fuck are we letting nutsos make
[04:28:30] political calculations like this bro?
[04:28:32] Get the fuck out of here.
[04:28:45] Protesters on college camps.
[04:28:46] I think we should say look
[04:28:48] if you're that gung-ho, then please
[04:28:50] here's your one-way ticket and
[04:28:52] And good luck, Godspeed, we're all counting on you.
[04:28:55] That's part of Trump's platform.
[04:28:57] Yeah.
[04:28:58] Keep us saying that, like we need to be deploying our troops to sweep these campuses clean.
[04:29:03] Yeah.
[04:29:04] Absolutely.
[04:29:05] Absolutely.
[04:29:06] They should be deported.
[04:29:07] It'll be funny when Trump gets in, and Palestine's gone, and these guys are gone.
[04:29:12] Yeah.
[04:29:13] Yeah.
[04:29:14] It's hilarious.
[04:29:15] It's hilarious.
[04:29:16] We're all down here.
[04:29:17] We're all evolving.
[04:29:18] afraid that Trump, once he gets into power, is going to take away funding for Israel.
[04:29:22] Why would he do? If Biden gave a shit about his legacy, we wouldn't be here where we are now.
[04:29:40] He's already genocide, Joe, in history books. No. Yeah, dude, that's exactly why everybody
[04:29:48] always talks about how George Washington owned slaves, bro. History books are always so honest
[04:29:54] and so open. No, dude, this makes sense. That's the why the Iranian, the Iranian
[04:30:12] government has not retaliated yet. I do think that that statement that Kamala
[04:30:23] Hare has made is fucking insane. Okay? It is going to be a problem. It is only
[04:30:33] going to increase as a problem. The media is not going to be able to ride on Kamala
[04:30:41] momentum and a refusal to acknowledge what what Israel is doing to Gaza when
[04:30:51] stories like this come out. Airstrike at Gaza, mosque kills at least 80,
[04:30:56] Palestinian people say. Airstrike at a mosque in Gaza. Hamas Ranghaza Health
[04:31:00] Ministry says the attack during dawn prayers killed at least 80 people with
[04:31:05] some reports putting that number over a hundred. The Israeli military says Hamas
[04:31:10] fighters were operating a command center within the compact.
[04:31:14] Oh shit, never mind that's so crazy and so different than what they always say.
[04:31:20] Damn, dude, damn that's crazy.
[04:31:25] Good morning and with that reported death toll of more than 100 people that makes this
[04:31:32] Israeli strike one of the worst mass casualty events in Gaza since October 7th.
[04:31:38] In Gaza's emergency services said that Israel's military dropped three 2,000 pound bombs on
[04:31:44] the Al-Tabin school and mosque complex in eastern Gaza City while displaced people who had
[04:31:50] fled there for shelter were holding early morning prayers.
[04:31:53] Now, the IDF has acknowledged this strike, said the compound was also being used as
[04:31:58] a militant command center and that it killed about 20 Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants,
[04:32:04] including senior commanders.
[04:32:05] Israel is now strongly disputing Hamas' estimate of the total number of dead and said it used
[04:32:11] precise small-sized munitions in this strike to try to minimize harm to civilians. Hamas,
[04:32:17] they're saying dozens. They're disputing the number and the media is just going along with like,
[04:32:25] oh no, it is dozens. Denies it ever uses civilian buildings like schools and hospitals.
[04:32:31] But these latest images speak to the continued loss and despair in Gaza with the total number
[04:32:37] of dead nearing 40,000 people since October 7th, and that is according to Gaza's health
[04:32:42] ministry run by Hamas.
[04:32:44] And this latest strike comes just after Israel agreed to restart ceasefire talks with Hamas
[04:32:49] to be held on August 15th in conjunction with the U.S. and the mediator countries of Qatar
[04:32:55] and Egypt.
[04:32:56] Hamas, though, has not yet said if it will attend.
[04:32:59] Jeff.
[04:33:00] Rami, thank you.
[04:33:01] And that is Gaza's civil defense agency saying that about 100 people have been
[04:33:06] killed in an Israeli air strike on a school on Gaza City.
[04:33:10] Well, we can go straight over to our correspondent Jenny Hill who's in at Tel Aviv. Jenny, good
[04:33:15] to have you with us. Just bring us up to date with the latest.
[04:33:18] Yeah, this is being described as a horrific massacre by Gaza's defense agency, civil defense
[04:33:28] agency, which is run by Hamas. They say that...
[04:33:31] They just don't. Gaza's civil defense is around 100 killed in Israeli strike. Western
[04:33:36] media goes with dozens, but it could mean dozens is technically not wrong. It could mean 10 dozens.
[04:33:42] You know what I mean? It can be nine dozens, still dozens, eight dozens, three Israeli rockets
[04:33:50] struck the school in the garage. Just doesn't make sense. Doesn't support it killed in Israeli
[04:33:54] air strike Gaza civil defense around 100 killed in Israeli air strike. Hmm. Western media
[04:34:00] fucking at it again did great stuff great stuff guys doing a great job
[04:34:06] district of Gaza City this morning they say that the school was being used as a
[04:34:11] shelter for displaced people and there are suggestions that those people may
[04:34:15] have been at mourning prayer when the attack happened it is then reported that
[04:34:19] a fire broke out following the strike with emergency workers scrambling to
[04:34:26] rescue people from inside the building. Now the Israeli military has confirmed the
[04:34:31] strike but they say that the school was housing a Hamas command centre. It's the
[04:34:37] second strike on a Gaza school in as many days and in fact Israel has
[04:34:42] repeatedly struck schools in Gaza in the last week or two each time the
[04:34:46] military insists that they are in effect pursuing legitimate targets that
[04:34:51] schools are housing Hamas bases. They also insist that through the use of precision
[04:34:57] missiles and intelligence they are doing their best to mitigate the loss of civilian life.
[04:35:04] I'll correspond at the Jenny Hill in Tel Aviv. Jenny, thanks for bringing us the latest.
[04:35:10] And I am joining the studio now by Mohammed Taha from BBC Arabic who's also been following
[04:35:15] the very latest. Muhammad, we've seen some really devastating scenes this morning, many
[04:35:21] too graphic, too horrific for us to be able to broadcast fully, but just tell us more about what
[04:35:26] you've been seeing there. And apparently the velocity of these smart missiles that Israel
[04:35:34] used is causing the bodies to be cut and the bodies to be identified. Actually we saw
[04:35:45] different shilling in Gaza. So we saw this shilling with heavy bombs that are destroying the whole
[04:35:52] buildings completely. And we saw these smart bombs that are targeting very, very precise targets.
[04:36:02] So the difference between having a massive attack on a place that could target the
[04:36:08] the five thousand people who were sheltered in this school that would have left us with
[04:36:17] hundreds of people dead but targeting the prayer.
[04:36:22] Is Biden being impeached with the weapons embargo?
[04:36:24] No, what the fuck?
[04:36:27] No.
[04:36:28] Area precisely in the school.
[04:36:32] IDS spokesperson, according to various intelligence indications, there's a high probability that
[04:36:35] the commander of the Central Camp Brigade of the PIJ terrorist organization, Ashraf Judo,
[04:36:39] was at the military headquarters in Al-Tabba School that was attacked.
[04:36:42] La-ha there, Sana say, no, no, no guys, this was an important super terrorist, don't worry.
[04:36:47] Yeah.
[04:36:48] It's just, it always is, it always is, it's just like, no, you don't understand, we had
[04:36:53] to kill like 90 fucking women and children.
[04:36:56] I promise there is a dude there that was worth it.
[04:36:59] And why the heck is every candidate sucking up to Israel and not vocalizing proceeds
[04:37:08] for our sentiments, which according to you is the best option, and will only favor
[04:37:11] a win, makes you think.
[04:37:12] I mean, it's pretty obvious.
[04:37:16] Democrats have shed some of their worst instincts of running scared, but they still have obviously
[04:37:24] genuine fears of going against American foreign policy.
[04:37:28] American foreign policy has always been bipartisan, okay, always.
[04:37:32] That's not a thing.
[04:37:33] That's not, like, that's completely beyond the pale, you know, that's unreasonable.
[04:37:42] There are levels to it.
[04:37:45] one level of American, one, one level of bravery is like being able to make bold decisions,
[04:37:53] like how you're going to run on progressive platforms.
[04:37:56] But there are other areas where they're still very scared and cowardly, like the border.
[04:38:02] Like they're still running, they're still tacking to the center, tacking to the right
[04:38:09] actually on the border, because they're still very much Democrats. They're still afraid
[04:38:17] on issues that pertain to foreign policy they're even more afraid
[04:38:21] they're afraid to make
[04:38:22] a progressive jump
[04:38:26] republicans on the other hand could just lie about it all day every day
[04:38:32] they can lie about being peaceful doves
[04:38:36] but the democratic party
[04:38:37] is always caved in capitulated to
[04:38:40] uh... right wing framing on issues
[04:38:42] especially as it pertains the america's foreign policy
[04:38:46] they they've never they've never
[04:38:48] turned around and and you know
[04:38:54] she's saying that the citizenship is going to be in a positive platform and
[04:38:57] right wingers are losing their minds over so that's one good thing that's good
[04:39:03] they should do that
[04:39:08] left to the school building in large intact
[04:39:12] but that the building that has been
[04:39:15] marillou's is real say everyone they're fucking hates body on a way they're
[04:39:18] even trying to capitulate these people yeah that's the funniest part
[04:39:21] that like donald trump is still
[04:39:23] significantly more popular in israel
[04:39:26] then
[04:39:27] then Joe Biden is affected, is the prayer area that and left more than 100 people died.
[04:39:36] There were, we understood that there were around 300 worshipers praying at that time
[04:39:43] when these high velocity bomb three rockets as we understand, strike that prayer area
[04:39:52] and caused this amount of this but unfortunately the horrific scenes that we
[04:39:58] saw and that we cannot present to viewers is because this high velocity of
[04:40:06] missiles. Mohammad as we know Israeli authorities say that they were targeting
[04:40:12] a Hamas command center within that school so I just wondered do we know then
[04:40:17] whether there was the possibility for these civilians who presumably were
[04:40:21] seeking shelter to receive any kind of warning about this.
[04:40:25] In many cases, the Israeli forces would issue a warning to the people before targeting a
[04:40:33] building or a school or a hospital.
[04:40:35] They ask people to evacuate.
[04:40:38] They ask people to move from fighting area.
[04:40:41] But apparently in this time, Israel wanted really to target Hamas members who were
[04:40:48] apparently praying at that time.
[04:40:51] We understand that Hamas members are religious people.
[04:40:54] They are an ideology.
[04:40:56] They are fighting for a cause, fighting for a sake of,
[04:41:00] as they say, sake of God, sake of their nation,
[04:41:04] sake of having an independent state.
[04:41:08] So they would be praying at that time
[04:41:10] in the morning prayer, which is happening
[04:41:13] with their local times between four and five AM
[04:41:17] the morning so I can't believe there's still more fuckers in here being like
[04:41:22] yo this is like don't attack American allies or you'll get blown up it's like
[04:41:29] bro you're just a genocidal piece of shit like I don't know what else to say to
[04:41:33] you man don't attack American allies lol that statement sums up how people never
[04:41:38] in the military think lol this is the same thing as before if you don't
[04:41:41] want to get destroyed don't attack American allies like I hear stuff like
[04:41:45] this. I live in the Imperial Corps. I live in the United States of America. When I hear
[04:41:50] stuff like this, this like callous nature, this callous indifference that you have to
[04:41:54] human lives, like that you can just write off. I know you do. You know I do what. When
[04:42:04] I hear things of this nature from people who fancy themselves to be, people who fancy
[04:42:12] themselves to be like progressive. It just makes me lose my mind, dude. It just goes back to,
[04:42:18] it goes back to the same fucking principle of like why 9-11 happened. You know what I mean?
[04:42:24] It's also like America is not as mighty as we like to think it is. In some respects we are,
[04:42:31] right? But we are nowhere near as powerful as we think we are, okay? We are also very vulnerable
[04:42:39] due to the lifestyle comforts that we've gotten used to.
[04:42:50] Like the comforts that we've gotten used to
[04:42:53] is going to cook us in the long run.
[04:42:54] It makes us extra vulnerable to outside pressure.
[04:42:58] Disruption of the supply chain causes real panic.
[04:43:06] Now imagine what happens when you got American service
[04:43:10] members coming back home and fucking body bags,
[04:43:13] Okay, because they wanted to defend Israel as Israel's like increase them becoming unhinged and also
[04:43:19] oil refineries are being targeted
[04:43:21] And the price of oil has skyrocketed as a consequence of that
[04:43:47] It won't be as sweet as you think it is
[04:43:53] That's not exactly true. I say all Zionist parties left of goss are pretty positive towards biden
[04:43:57] They're based on mostly liberal bourgeois canazi Jews who like that kind of aesthetic anything right word though
[04:44:02] And their hog levels increase exponentially the numbers I saw for marcher 30 who prefer biden
[04:44:06] 44% who prefer Trump. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[04:44:18] When Israel just struck that prayer area, a few minutes after the beginning of the area,
[04:44:25] they would know that there are members of Hamas were praying at that area,
[04:44:30] so they didn't care much of giving a warning.
[04:44:33] They wanted that target, no matter how civilians would die in that attack.
[04:44:39] Anand Mohamed, you and I have been looking at images throughout the course of the morning,
[04:44:44] families crowding around people that they have lost, people who are injured there at
[04:44:50] the hospital. But I just wonder at this stage in the conflict, realistically, what kind
[04:44:55] of hope is there for the health system, for these hospitals, to actually be able
[04:44:59] to really save the lives of people who have been injured, to treat people when
[04:45:04] And we know that the health system, of course, has really been facing the consequences of
[04:45:09] this ongoing conflict.
[04:45:11] Unfortunately, the health system in Gaza cannot deal with such incidents.
[04:45:15] There is only one hospital working in Gaza, which is Al-Ahli Hospital.
[04:45:22] It's partially working.
[04:45:25] The hospital that we saw picture of is Shohad Al-Aqsa is not working properly, Al-Shifa
[04:45:31] compound is out of service. Al-Mahmedani Hospital is out of service. There are many hospitals
[04:45:37] that are out of service. I heard reports that are saying many doctors were arrested
[04:45:43] by the Israeli forces. Many doctors were killed. This system relying so much on the
[04:45:51] foreign aid or also the doctors that are volunteering to come from foreign countries
[04:45:56] or other countries to come and help in their leave time or in their time.
[04:46:01] That's crazy man, look at this.
[04:46:03] But unfortunately the hospitals do not have enough equipment, enough medications.
[04:46:09] There are hammers out of the Gaza city and yet they keep continuing bombing Gaza cities
[04:46:15] and also all those areas which they have said that they have destroyed the hammers
[04:46:20] and how long they're going to really continue to do that.
[04:46:24] They can always claim that there is Hamas members somewhere and as a result they can kill also
[04:46:32] hundreds of innocent people and this is what is really happening and I think in a view
[04:46:38] of many analysts that this constitutes what you what can be called a state terrorism I
[04:46:44] mean this is what Israel has been trying to do in speaking it become extremely provocative
[04:46:49] and basic
[04:46:52] Over 100 civilians that Israel cold-bloodedly killed a singled out 19 and falsely claimed there were Hamas members by the way
[04:46:57] They said dozens
[04:47:00] Remember when American media said dozens killed Israel now openly says 19 people were killed at the very least or at least out of all
[04:47:08] Of those who were killed 19 of them were Hamas
[04:47:10] For them were from the Jabari family who my personally knows is Rami Abdul of
[04:47:15] Euromed
[04:47:17] Okay
[04:47:18] Euromed monitor, the Euromed human rights monitor, they never engaged in any political or military
[04:47:27] activities. Another was an Imam. One was my neighbor from the Habib family who had a serious
[04:47:32] dispute with Hamas and a university professor from the Kahloot family who never participated
[04:47:36] in any political work. So instantly, instantly like they do this so frequently, we identified two
[04:47:46] others, Abdul Aziz al-Kafarni, a civilian from Bait Hanun with no ties to Hamas and Abdul
[04:47:51] Kerem Hamad, a developed man who sympathized with Hamas but never joined its ranks. The Israeli
[04:47:57] army claims that Monteser Dahir was one of the alleged targets they killed and massacred
[04:48:03] at the Tabin school this morning. In reality, Monteser was an ordinary citizen who, along
[04:48:09] with the sister, was killed by the Israeli army on Friday afternoon, a day before the massacre.
[04:48:16] Initial checks also revealed that the first name of the Israeli army's list is Yusuf
[04:48:20] al-wadiya further investigation shows the use of al-wadiya was killed by israel at his home two days before the massacre
[04:48:26] One of the names on the list is Muhammad amin al-taif a former school principal and a mediator in a local committee with no ties
[04:48:33] They any political activities?
[04:48:35] It's so I mean they do this all the time though, bro. They and it's so consequential like they just they stop aid
[04:48:46] dead in its fucking tracks
[04:48:49] from being facilitated the onra
[04:48:51] by claiming that onerous Hamas and then they they get they get exposed for their
[04:48:58] lives every single time and it never matters it never fucking matters because
[04:49:04] the American media does not ever cover this shit like when they do they rarely
[04:49:11] offer they rarely offer humanity Palestinians I think that one of the
[04:49:17] best things to do in the circumstances to keep mounting pressure on
[04:49:21] Tiktok because honestly the media has been and I hate to admit this but they
[04:49:28] have been responsive to like everybody consistently going why the fuck is no
[04:49:33] one covering this story so cocked the White House on Friday accused Israel
[04:50:10] of ultra naturalist finance minister Bezos month or to be willing to
[04:50:12] sacrifice a lot of Israeli and US hostages held by Hamas and Gaza small
[04:50:16] through response yeah I don't give a shit I don't even want to hear this
[04:50:20] fucking fascist monster respond to it. Okay. What Tiktok has been compromised. They're pushing pro
[04:50:29] Israel content now. Usually military hogs doing labs. And there was that story of Israeli officials
[04:50:34] bragging about it. No, Tiktok is not fucking compromised in that situation.
[04:50:50] I'm going to do the project 2025 videos. Don't worry.
[04:50:52] people who sympathise with the Palestinian cause in the Arab world and the Muslim world.
[04:50:58] And of course as we know the US, UK, among those governments which view Hamas as a terror
[04:51:06] organisation as well, I just want to talk about the broader backdrop of this and that
[04:51:12] is of course Israel waiting to see if an attack from Iran arises. How closer do you think
[04:51:19] this war could be edging towards spiralling into a broader conflict here?
[04:51:24] Well it is really edging towards that and of course there is a lot of pressure on
[04:51:30] Iranian government at the moment to restrain itself but at the same time not the equal
[04:51:36] amount of pressure has been put by the United States and other allies of Israel to restrain
[04:51:43] Israel from these provocative actions
[04:51:46] Israel is
[04:51:48] Continued like America has the power. They just refuse to use it
[04:51:53] Okay, that's what makes me so crazy about this situation. It's one fucking phone call, man
[04:52:00] No more weapons transfers. That's it hang up
[04:52:05] That's it. You don't even need to stop giving them fucking weapons. You can continue giving them weapons
[04:52:09] you just have to tell them that you're not going to give them weapons.
[04:52:16] They'll stop Hezbollah figures, Amos figures, as well as Iranian commanders and sites.
[04:52:25] And that does not really serve the cause of bringing about peace and stability.
[04:52:31] I think we are at a flash point at the moment.
[04:52:35] And if Iran and Hezbollah carry out their promise of responding to Israeli attacks, then we
[04:52:46] will see the beginning of a major regional enthronement that nobody may be able to control
[04:52:54] it at the end.
[04:52:55] And I think this is now the right time for the United States, particularly for the Boyd
[04:53:01] an administration to really pull Israel into line. And they can only do that by stopping
[04:53:07] supplying of arms to Israel.
[04:53:09] Biden would be 10 years down the line treated as like a better arbiter of peace than fucking
[04:53:14] Carter. Okay? Not by Republicans. Republicans hate Carter. But like literally, I'm telling
[04:53:19] you, they would, they would sing songs about him. They would praise, they would
[04:53:25] completely wash away his crimes that led to almost 50,000 Palestinians directly
[04:53:34] being murdered with American weapons. I'm not saying that he deserves that praise,
[04:53:41] I'm simply telling you how this kind of stuff gets written, okay?
[04:53:47] Well, which enables Israel to continue this war not only against Hamas and Gaza,
[04:53:56] but also targeting other supporters of Palestinian cause in the region.
[04:54:04] You mentioned there the Biden campaign.
[04:54:06] I just wonder how you think that this will be viewed internationally cognizant of the fact that the Biden...
[04:54:12] You've seen one phone call, but Israel was reported in the stories about the bombing yesterday to have enough bombs to last the end of the year,
[04:54:17] even if they get cut off.
[04:54:19] after that one phone call baby goes bet and bombs harder
[04:54:22] sends a thousands died to get to the cheers of republicans calling Biden hairs
[04:54:26] anti-semitic in the west and we lose the ceasefire to I might just be running
[04:54:29] scared I don't know old person shit yes dude I don't think you understand
[04:54:34] first of all Israel can say they have enough bombs why the fuck are we why
[04:54:37] the fuck did we authorize 6,500 rounds literally yesterday okay 6,500
[04:54:45] rounds yesterday for the record, this is going to end. This is going to end when Donald Trump
[04:54:52] is in office. Okay. Just so you understand, when Donald Trump says he's going to finish
[04:54:58] the job, he's right. Benjamin Ninnyahu will fucking end the bloodshed. This has happened
[04:55:06] in the past as well. Okay. If you don't think, if you don't think that Benjamin Ninnyahu
[04:55:16] will give that fat fucking W to Donald Trump. You are delusional. Okay. They are buddy,
[04:55:23] buddy for a reason. Okay. And no, they don't have enough weapons, bro. They don't even
[04:55:31] have enough fucking tanks. Come on, guys. This is on Israel. The, this is on Israel
[04:55:46] to completely stop. Okay. Benjamin Nenio currently does not have any interest in
[04:55:52] giving that dub to insane take? Okay, here's what I foresee happening going forward from
[04:56:01] this point on. Benjamin Netanyahu increases the pressure, probably pulls America to a
[04:56:06] certain degree into war after fucking nuking the last round of the ceasefire negotiations.
[04:56:11] If he does that, then Iran and Hezbollah retaliate. Iran and Hezbollah retaliate in
[04:56:16] kind, maybe even more aggressively than they did prior. It'll still be restrained,
[04:56:20] but it'll still be more aggressive than the last round
[04:56:23] that the last round of Iranian retaliation,
[04:56:27] it will lead to some deaths inside of Israel.
[04:56:29] Israel will respond extra hard,
[04:56:32] maybe even knowing full well that it's coming on
[04:56:34] might even start doing preemptive strikes, okay?
[04:56:38] And then, and then America gets dragged into it.
[04:56:42] America gets dragged into the fucking war.
[04:56:45] American troops are now in harm's way.
[04:56:48] That cuts away at the entirety of the momentum of the Kamala Harris campaign and all the good
[04:56:55] will that the Kamala Harris campaign got. Israel is now in the forefront of the political
[04:56:58] conversation again. The last part of that equation of the age old adage, foreign policy
[04:57:05] never impacts elections until it's the only thing that matters happens. It becomes
[04:57:11] the only thing that matters in the American election cycle. Joe Biden is in a death
[04:57:17] spiral. He is already fucking, uh, totally, uh, on board with a bear hug strategy.
[04:57:23] Kamala Harris now has no opportunity to actually change course.
[04:57:27] Kamala Harris has to now align herself because it's far too late because
[04:57:32] America will look weak.
[04:57:33] Kamala Harris has to align herself with the Biden campaign.
[04:57:36] She keeps saying, um, she keeps saying Israel is a right to defend
[04:57:41] itself. We have to defend Israel. We have to defend Israel.
[04:57:44] She casts aside all of the other fucking, she casts aside all the
[04:57:47] progressive momentum that she got, she loses the Gen Z vote. She loses the, she loses Michigan
[04:57:52] 100%. Okay. Donald Trump wins the election. Donald Trump wins the election. He comes into
[04:58:02] office. Benjamin and Yahoo quietly fucking, uh, Benjamin and Yahoo probably gets assurances
[04:58:08] from the American government for some kind of protection. Quietly fucking, uh, reduces
[04:58:12] military, uh, incursion, puts together a ceasefire deal. Donald Trump looks like
[04:58:17] like a fucking peaceful dove who did it, who did the damn thing.
[04:58:23] There is some fighting that continues to occur.
[04:58:27] They reinforce the Abraham Accords extra hard.
[04:58:30] They offer some assurances.
[04:58:34] Maybe Israel gets to successfully push all the Palestinians from Gaza, forceable transfer
[04:58:38] the population, something like that.
[04:58:40] There will be terrorism that they have to deal with, but it's no longer in the
[04:58:43] fucking forefront.
[04:58:49] And then now we're in war with Iran directly.
[04:58:54] You overrate people's capacity to care about Israel.
[04:58:58] You think if American soldiers are fucking dying around the Arabian Peninsula that people
[04:59:05] don't want to talk about Israel, what the fuck are you talking about?
[04:59:09] Do people talk about the Biden withdrawal still?
[04:59:27] No.
[04:59:28] But what I'm talking about is going to happen in the next 80 days.
[04:59:34] talking about happened like what three fucking four fucking years ago, three years ago. What
[04:59:42] are you saying? I'm the one who says Americans don't care about foreign policy until that's
[04:59:46] the only thing that drives the entire election. Okay. Absolutely. Zero voters are voting currently
[04:59:56] against Biden or the common ticket because of the Afghan withdrawal. Donald Trump uses
[05:00:01] that as a talking point, but it's not a very salient talking point. Nobody gives
[05:00:05] of shit. If it's happening, literally like COVID, like Donald Trump getting COVID right
[05:00:15] before the election, it's going to be top of mind. Iran is currently waiting for the
[05:00:30] hostage negotiation talks to end.
[05:00:33] Next week, we will either have Israel coming to terms with these conditions, lying about
[05:00:40] these terms and conditions, which Israel is known to do, and then refusing to follow
[05:00:44] through saying yes to them and then reneging as they have done before or fully subscribing
[05:00:52] to the terms and conditions and starting the ceasefire and permanent end of the cessation
[05:00:56] of hostilities three phase program.
[05:01:04] The last part of that is incredibly unlikely given that America has never not once shown
[05:01:10] that they are interested in reigning Israel in.
[05:01:14] If America is not interested in reigning Israel in, why the fuck would Israel dial it back?
[05:01:22] Israeli government stands to lose nothing.
[05:01:25] Benjamin Netanyahu stands to lose nothing if he continues this war.
[05:01:29] He just maintains his grip on power.
[05:01:35] An administration is now also looking at a Harris campaign.
[05:01:40] Do you anticipate any pivot in strategy from the US bearing in mind it is the closest
[05:01:47] ally of israel
[05:01:50] well camilla harris his voice is stronger
[05:01:53] support for the ceasefire
[05:01:55] and also observation of the uh... uh... human
[05:01:59] this chatter is absolutely correct
[05:02:01] i'm glad i have actually educated charters in this community
[05:02:04] this is precisely what i'm thinking about
[05:02:07] a rerun of the iran hostage crisis
[05:02:09] one hundred percent
[05:02:12] thank you
[05:02:15] that is precisely what i was actually
[05:02:17] carbon copying
[05:02:20] rights by Israelis and Gaza. And of course that is the idea is exhausted and spread out.
[05:02:28] Reserve nicks are being spread us are serving 150 days straight. People are killed and injured left
[05:02:32] and right. This is the one time I say this in a positive sense. Much of Israeli society is too
[05:02:35] liberal and bourgeois for this. I mean, that's another thing that I've been saying about
[05:02:39] both America and also the Israeli society. They might like to hear about these so-called
[05:02:43] dead terrorists on the news, but they won't do 150 days of reserves in Gaza. They want
[05:02:49] They want their vacation in Greece. They want their cushy high-tech job.
[05:02:51] If you pull the weapons, it all falls apart. Thank you.
[05:02:54] This is my calculation. This is what I've been saying.
[05:02:59] A society that is, uh, basically in the, uh, bosom,
[05:03:04] the comfortable bosom of the Western hemispheres, uh, global dominance is too
[05:03:08] used to those comforts. Okay.
[05:03:11] They're not like the fucking Palestinians and Gaza, the Palestinian Gaza,
[05:03:15] the Palestinians and Gaza only know death and destruction.
[05:03:18] So when 90 people die that is still tragic, but that's all they know
[05:03:22] They've never actually seen peace and prosperity same goes for Yemen
[05:03:27] That's why America could not deal with the Ansar Allah administration shutting down
[05:03:33] the the Red Sea
[05:03:36] They just couldn't do it
[05:03:38] Operation protect Amazon Prime literally was an abject failure. Why was it a fucking abject failure?
[05:03:44] Because the fuck are you gonna do you go? Oh, you're gonna bomb Yemen
[05:03:48] That's new
[05:03:49] Well, they certainly they certainly have no experience with that. It's like bro. They just came out of a fucking genocide
[05:03:56] Like that's it and and it failed it completely failed one of the Israeli ports is almost entirely shut down at this point
[05:04:08] Okay, the Israeli economy is hanging on by a fucking thread
[05:04:13] They do not have their own war economy weapons manufacturers. I mean they do
[05:04:19] But it's not enough
[05:04:22] Like it's nowhere near enough they have a what is it a lot? That's it or a no elbit not a lot elbit
[05:04:29] Systems
[05:04:31] That's it. They don't have massive fucking factories like
[05:04:38] Russia like the United States of America that are constantly churning out weapons
[05:04:44] A lot is the one that's bankrupt, but I'm talking about elbit the weapons system the weapons manufacturer
[05:04:49] They have now started like a like a multi-billion dollar factory, but they don't have fucking people to work in the factory
[05:04:57] They rely on Palestinian labor
[05:05:00] They rely on immigrant labor
[05:05:03] So they don't even have the people that will work in the fucking factories. So what are they gonna do?
[05:05:09] What are they gonna do? How are they going to supply a steady flow of weapons?
[05:05:15] How are they going to allow their economy to rebound?
[05:05:18] Because for Russia once they go into a war economy standing there's at least like a steady flow of production
[05:05:26] There's trade that is happening. You're you're getting raw materials. You're getting resources
[05:05:32] You're still maintaining your your trade routes. Maybe America is trying to sanction you, but it doesn't matter
[05:05:37] Turkey's fucking sending chips
[05:05:39] China is sending chips all these other fucking countries are sending chips if they're in the western hemisphere
[05:05:45] They're sending it to Kazakhstan and they're still getting those chips. They're still getting those fucking tools that they need to continue the wage war
[05:05:51] That's a lot of money still exchanging hands Russian economy is not
[05:05:57] Screaming in the same way that the Israeli economy is because they have the fucking factories
[05:06:03] They can create their own supply same with America
[05:06:07] Obviously there was a limit to how much they can make right there is a limit to how much they can make
[05:06:14] same with the United States, same with Russia. Okay? But ultimately, as they still maintain
[05:06:20] their factories, as they still maintain their war economy, like America already has one,
[05:06:26] and Russia also has one, they can still maintain some level of trade. They can still maintain
[05:06:30] some level of commerce. They can still feed people, right? Israel doesn't have
[05:06:34] that. What the fuck do they have? They have surveillance technology, which people
[05:06:38] still purchase. They have shitty techno DJs. They have soda stream and they have ways like
[05:06:47] like what are they going to do? They're fucked. Their economy is completely fucked. Okay,
[05:06:53] what the fuck are they going to do? Russia relies on Iranian North Korean weapons? Yes.
[05:07:05] Even then, that's what I'm saying. Even a country like Russia, which has its own supply
[05:07:12] chain locked down for a war economy, still runs into issues just like the United States
[05:07:18] of America still runs into issues. And that's precisely why they have to rely on South Korea,
[05:07:23] which has a bandwidth for artillery. Russia is getting artillery shells from North Korea.
[05:07:29] America is rerouting South Korean artillery shells to Ukraine. You have to remember
[05:07:36] at the end of the day, there is not like an unlimited supply of weapons. Okay, especially
[05:07:41] you're consistently using them. Okay? Israel doesn't have any of that shit. Israel has nothing.
[05:07:50] Israel would be nothing if it wasn't for the Western world. I don't know why people don't
[05:07:55] understand that. It's just like very weird that it seems like a lot of the like the Israeli
[05:08:00] nationalist mythos was so captivating for so many people and the Israeli PR was so
[05:08:05] captivating for so many fucking people that they started believing their own lies,
[05:08:10] it seems. Okay. Israel is fucking nothing. Okay. It is nothing. It has nothing. It is
[05:08:17] nothing. Israel does not exist without unlimited support from the Western world. I don't know.
[05:08:23] They do have fairly large defense industries such as IAI, Elbit and Rafael, and they've
[05:08:27] a quite large factories in Haifa and Herzli for years. Also their employees have to
[05:08:31] be Israel and pretty sure they don't use Palestinian labor and armaments industry
[05:08:33] for Nancec reasons. The main issue for them is that if they get sanctioned as
[05:08:37] the raw materials with their defense industry dries up. I don't think Israel has the bandwidth
[05:08:41] to maintain this war with their own weapons that they're manufacturing. If that was the
[05:08:45] case, then Elbit would not have chosen to create a new three, I think like $1.5 billion facility
[05:08:52] this year.
[05:08:54] And you have to remember when Israelis are leaving Israel, escaping Israel, okay?
[05:09:01] And you have the other Israelis that are, instead of working in the factories, working
[05:09:05] on the front line as a reservist
[05:09:07] that equation changes as well
[05:09:11] israel doesn't have the fucking manpower
[05:09:14] but think about it
[05:09:16] think about it
[05:09:17] ukraine
[05:09:18] massive country forty four million people okay
[05:09:23] ukraine is running on a fucking manpower against the country that has
[05:09:27] more numbers that's it
[05:09:30] in a lot of instances
[05:09:32] war can be very complicated
[05:09:35] but it can also be very simple to understand
[05:09:37] I know that we don't operate on like the same lesionaire style war strategies as the world
[05:09:43] once did, but yeah, when you have a fucking massive country, go up against a much larger
[05:09:49] country with larger military power, they can throw more men into the front lines.
[05:09:54] They can throw more men into the meat grinder.
[05:10:17] To be fair, isn't Iran also coddled?
[05:10:19] They aren't Yemen and have a lot to lose since the war with the US could meet.
[05:10:23] No.
[05:10:24] No, Iran is not coddled.
[05:10:26] What are you talking about?
[05:10:27] Iran has been victim to a major sanctions regime.
[05:10:31] So the sanctions part of this equation
[05:10:34] is also cucking the United States a little bit
[05:10:38] because all of these countries
[05:10:40] have basically designed their economies
[05:10:42] to withstand the sanctions.
[05:10:44] There are some who obviously are not able
[05:10:46] to withstand the sanctions like Venezuela,
[05:10:49] but there are many others who have been able to
[05:10:52] through all of the hardships,
[05:10:55] designed their economies around the sanctions.
[05:10:57] It is actually literally created an alternative,
[05:11:02] like at first it was an ascetic black market.
[05:11:04] Now it is an alternative economy basically
[05:11:07] that America has forcibly gotten the third world
[05:11:10] to participate in.
[05:11:12] 60% of the poorest nations are under a sanctions regime
[05:11:19] in some way shape or form by the United States of America.
[05:11:24] They still use the dollar for the most part,
[05:11:26] But they are actively trying to,
[05:11:30] they're actively trying to find different ways
[05:11:33] of withstanding these sanctions.
[05:11:44] This is what BB had said after the US started
[05:11:47] with holder shipment, rough or red line law.
[05:11:49] Yeah, they won't do shit, that's bullshit.
[05:11:51] Israel does not have the appetite
[05:11:53] to continue waging this war, especially if they're alone.
[05:11:56] Dude, are you kidding me?
[05:11:57] Are you fucking kidding me?
[05:11:59] If Iran and Hezbollah got together and said,
[05:12:02] We are going to fucking destroy Israel and America wasn't there up Israel's asshole.
[05:12:08] And it was only like America's allies in the region, like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, right?
[05:12:14] If those were the only guys that were left to defend Israel, Israel would perish. What are you
[05:12:18] talking about? There is no world of weight, like Netanyahu speaks a big game, but that doesn't,
[05:12:25] that doesn't mean it's the reality. Our credit got a historic downgrade earlier during this war.
[05:12:31] the economy isn't at a catastrophic collapse level, but things are still pretty bad. That being said,
[05:12:36] companies like Elbit made insane profits off this war with sales up 60% at the end of 2023,
[05:12:41] and drone startups like Extend booming as their products are used for horrors beyond imagination.
[05:12:45] Israel isn't imaginary. It's not fake. It's just dependent. I know, but it's dependent at the
[05:12:52] end of the day. Without unconditional loyalty and support from the Western world, Israel would
[05:12:57] not be able to stand, especially in the violent ways in which it currently does. That's the
[05:13:02] point I'm trying to make. This is why I've always said like the mere threat of sanctions which
[05:13:11] sounded a lot more unlikely maybe four or five years ago sounded insane four or five years ago
[05:13:16] but the mere threat of sanctions on Israel would completely alter the trajectory,
[05:13:21] alter the dynamic that Israel has set up for itself in terms of maintaining an apartheid state.
[05:13:26] the Israeli leadership, particularly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And I think this
[05:13:36] sort of massacre cannot really help the situation as far as the democracy concerned. And I think
[05:13:44] now the democratic candidates will have to really come out and to express their horror
[05:13:52] about the whole thing. But then on the other hand, on the other hand, you have the Republican
[05:13:56] candidate, the former prime minister, Trump, who has said that if he wins the election,
[05:14:04] then she will give the whole of the West Bank and Gaza to Israel. So there is a real
[05:14:13] debate going on in the United States at the moment, but Israeli lobby.
[05:14:18] Doesn't Saudi Arabia get weapons for the USA with the Saudi reserves or US weapons being up to sustain Israel?
[05:14:24] Well, the Saudis were getting fucking owned by literal dudes living in the mountainside
[05:14:33] okay
[05:14:34] The Saudis are also coddled unironically in the same way that Israel is and they are
[05:14:40] significantly more vulnerable to attack
[05:14:42] Because their oil refineries the moment that they start fucking catching on fire
[05:14:46] As they have caught on fire in the past is the moment that they go, oh shit
[05:14:54] what the fuck
[05:14:56] Never mind. We were so wrong. That's part of the reason why they were also telling America
[05:15:01] That's part of the reason why China was able to facilitate a ceasefire between Saudi Arabia and Iran before October 7
[05:15:08] And that's precisely the reason why Saudi Arabia itself was like hey
[05:15:11] You know, we'll help you with the fucking Yemen bombing campaign. We'll help you with the defense will take down Yemen drones
[05:15:20] that are flying
[05:15:22] Through our airspace into Israel, but the reality is we don't want that smoke either
[05:15:28] Saudi Arabia is so unimaginably open for attack like it's not
[05:15:38] You have there's nothing there and
[05:15:40] And also Saudi Arabia's vulnerabilities leave the rest of the world wide open as well
[05:15:47] It would collapse it would completely collapse the global economy
[05:15:53] Okay, it would completely collapse the global economy think like three minute average at the top of the hour is bad
[05:16:03] Oh my god five dollars six dollars however many dollars a month that you use on the Hawes on every broadcast avoid seeing those ads
[05:16:10] Now think gas prices are skyrocketing, okay? Completely fucking skyrocketing.
[05:16:18] Global economy in a fucking red panic. Holy shit. After all of that, China rises, baby.
[05:16:40] Anyway, here's the German outbreak now.
[05:16:46] He is also very active in the United States to make sure that only those who are elected
[05:16:57] the support of Israel and Israel needs.
[05:17:02] It just doesn't make sense.
[05:17:05] I can make an argument to withdraw support from Israel from every angle.
[05:17:09] I can make it, I can make the liberal Zionist argument.
[05:17:14] If you are a liberal Zionist to preserve the integrity of the Israeli apartheid,
[05:17:19] I can make the argument from an anti-Science position.
[05:17:22] I can make the argument from a partisan politics position in the United States of America.
[05:17:26] America. It is literally, it is a done issue. It is a double suicide pact for no fucking
[05:17:33] reason the way it's currently going down. It makes no sense. I am not alone on this.
[05:17:39] The harm is straight. We're literally all of America's allies ship their oil runs along
[05:17:42] with 1000 miles of Iranian coast. Fucking lol if you think anything survives that
[05:17:46] gauntlet of Iran throws down. That's what I'm saying. Zionism is an irrational Zionism
[05:17:57] is an irrational fascist ideology.
[05:18:00] The fact that they are currently,
[05:18:03] the fact that they are currently fuckin' operating
[05:18:05] like this insane, in this insane manner.
[05:18:08] And we're just thinking, no, it'll go aside.
[05:18:10] It'll go, we will just forget about it.
[05:18:12] We will just forget about it.
[05:18:13] We can cast it aside, we can brush it aside.
[05:18:15] When Israel is screaming bloody murder, okay?
[05:18:22] And doing their own NCEG is just crazy.
[05:18:26] It's a death call.
[05:18:27] You're right, that currently Israel relies
[05:18:29] large-ground US repenship missile area of Israel's cutoff from shipments in the long run it'll be more
[05:18:33] it will build more factories you can say preparing for them now and become more independent in defense
[05:18:38] that's why in the future of arms shipment ends the only levers would be actual sanctions on raw
[05:18:42] materials as Israel would just import the materials and build it themselves great let them
[05:18:48] wrong turn settlers hold gun to three-year-olds head in attack on Arab Israeli family in the
[05:19:10] West Bank security establishment figures said this was a serious escalation of right-wing
[05:19:19] activism in the West Bank. This seems manageable, dude. Like this seems manageable just like the
[05:19:26] fucking pro rape riots that they were conducting. Did you guys have the Israeli Rasta dudes? You have
[05:19:34] the video. Oh, Arab Israeli is significant chat. Arab Israeli is significant. Those are the
[05:19:48] Palestinian citizens of Israel. Okay. Those are the positive. The settlers are now attacking
[05:19:56] Palestinian citizens of Israel. You had to have seen the fucking, the, the, the Matis
[05:20:05] Yahu enjoyers. Oh, come on, bro. Where the fuck is it? Those are Israeli citizens that
[05:20:12] they fucking held a gun to a three year olds head. Oh dude, this is all, yeah, this is
[05:20:18] the one, this is the one 10 miles north of Jericho in the Palestinian village of
[05:20:23] Al-Aja. American journalist Reigns Brandon is covering settler attacks against Palestinian
[05:20:28] water sources and infrastructure as his car was stopped, belligerent Israeli settlers
[05:20:33] taunted spit and threw beer at him. Look at these motherfuckers, bro. I love a dude this
[05:20:42] video. I mean, it's blood boiling, but also kind of funny at the same time. Is there's
[05:20:46] such fucking freak?
[05:20:55] Bro, the settler used spit. It was not very effective. Bro, bro, they, yo, I swear
[05:21:04] God you see anybody you see any teenager in the West Bank you see any settler
[05:21:11] teenager in the West Bank they're spitting on you okay they love spitting I
[05:21:15] don't know what the fuck it is bro I don't know what the fuck it is they love
[05:21:20] spitting it's the one thing that they got always like bro bro so fucking in
[05:21:35] bread dude. Oh my God. That's so awesome. Settlers, they, they don't know how to read
[05:22:09] and they love spitting. Okay. It's so good. Yesterday's really settlers physically attacked
[05:22:28] me, my colleague in Palestine is in an attempt to prevent the villagers of Rosaline from
[05:22:32] getting water incidents like this now happen daily at the Al Aja spring. The
[05:22:35] the settlers in the IOF are escalating the water apartheid
[05:23:11] yesterday one of those american activists was shot in the leg too many were gonna come
[05:23:14] from the bottom and i mean fuck no
[05:23:32] that's just like
[05:23:33] the hog universality dude little piglets every time
[05:23:38] Same shit.
[05:23:39] Now let's get back to Kamala.
[05:23:40] And we know him by, we know him by Governor, but you'll soon get to know his wife, Gwen,
[05:23:49] to who?
[05:23:50] You know what?
[05:23:51] Hold on a second, hold on, hold on, hold on everybody, hold on, hold on, hold on, here's
[05:23:58] the thing.
[05:23:59] We are all in here together, I'm, I'm told- We're gonna do the Trump campaign hack as
[05:24:05] well, don't worry, it's coming.
[05:24:06] An extraordinary number of folks who are here together because we love our country.
[05:24:12] We're here to fight for our democracy, voices that I think that we are hearing from, and
[05:24:28] let me just say this on topic of what I think I'm hearing over there.
[05:24:33] Let me just speak to that for a moment and then I'm going to get back to the business
[05:24:36] in hand.
[05:24:37] So let me say, I have been clear, now is the time to get a ceasefire deal and
[05:24:49] I can't believe she like invoked the I can't believe she evoked the name of Biden when talking
[05:25:17] about it. It's like I would never I would literally never bring up by his name in this
[05:25:24] situation like it's not even like I know she's gonna do lip service but even then it's
[05:25:30] like don't bring up Biden. Let's just don't. Don't bring up fucking Biden. By the way, even
[05:25:37] this like shitty middle of the ground response, which is reiterating is reiterating America's
[05:25:42] commitment to its own fucking ceasefire deal that Israel refuses to recognize, acknowledge,
[05:25:49] follow through on. Got the biggest fucking applause. People will take anything at this
[05:25:58] point.
[05:26:05] voices, but we are here to now talk about this race in 2024.
[05:26:16] Kamel Harris called for a ceasefire in Gaza and for the release of Israeli hostages during
[05:26:20] the campaign speech Friday night.
[05:26:22] President and former President Donald Trump held dueling Friday night rallies in the
[05:26:26] West.
[05:26:28] Following their debut in Pennsylvania this week, Harris and her running mate, Governor
[05:26:31] Tim Walls, made their immigration pitch in Battleground Border State, Arizona last
[05:26:36] night.
[05:26:37] his Montana rally, Trump hammered Harris as the architect of the border crisis.
[05:26:43] Natalie Brand is in Phoenix with the latest from the campaign trail.
[05:26:47] Natalie, good morning.
[05:26:50] Good morning, Jeff.
[05:26:51] This is a crucial battleground state and a key target for both campaigns,
[05:26:55] with polls showing the race neck and neck here.
[05:26:59] Vice President Harris campaigning in Arizona told her supporters last night
[05:27:02] she's the underdog.
[05:27:04] That's a message she's been reiterating on the trail this week.
[05:27:08] across the West, dueling rallies with Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota
[05:27:14] Governor Tim Walz, rallying thousands in Glendale, Arizona, Friday night. Our
[05:27:18] immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it. But Donald
[05:27:25] Trump does not want to fix this problem. And former President Donald Trump
[05:27:30] on the stump in Bozeman, Montana. We're going to evict crazy Kamala. The
[05:27:35] issue of immigration in the southern border, top of mind for both campaigns.
[05:27:40] She wants to allow millions of people to pour into our border through an invasion, using
[05:27:48] an invasion process.
[05:27:50] The former president has proposed what he says would be the largest deportation operation
[05:27:55] in U.S. history.
[05:27:56] That's not a solution.
[05:27:58] That's not what's in the best interest of our country.
[05:28:00] I can tell you, immigrants are an essential part of the economy in our country and
[05:28:04] particularly in Arizona. Mesa Mayor John Giles has thrown his support behind
[05:28:09] Vice President Harris. He's among the Republicans in the state and nationally
[05:28:13] who say they can't support Trump. Most of my party and most of the country
[05:28:16] continues to be politically in the middle and we're less and less. Are
[05:28:20] we hearing voices from the middle with an eye on appealing to moderate
[05:28:24] Republicans and independence? The Harris campaign is stepping up its
[05:28:27] ground game in Arizona. Harris and Walls visited one of the state's
[05:28:31] dozen campaign offices.
[05:28:33] Arizona narrowly went for President Biden in 2020,
[05:28:36] helped in part by support from Latino voters.
[05:28:39] While Vice President Harris received a rare endorsement
[05:28:42] from LULAC, the country's largest Latino civil rights
[05:28:45] organization, DACA recipient Jose Patino
[05:28:48] says he wants to hear more specifics
[05:28:50] on immigration reform.
[05:28:52] Do you think that the Harris Walls ticket
[05:28:55] has the support of the Latino community right now,
[05:28:58] or is it still kind of divided?
[05:29:00] It's a little divided.
[05:29:02] It's the Democratic Party at least
[05:29:05] has felt a lot of promises that didn't meet
[05:29:08] in the last four years.
[05:29:12] Today, Vice President Harrison,
[05:29:14] Governor Wall's rally in Nevada,
[05:29:15] another key Southwest battleground
[05:29:18] with a large Latino population.
[05:29:20] Last night, she received an endorsement
[05:29:22] from the powerful culinary union there.
[05:29:24] Former President Trump, meanwhile,
[05:29:26] is expected to attend fundraisers
[05:29:28] in Colorado and Wyoming.
[05:29:30] Michelle.
[05:29:31] natalie brand thank you
[05:29:33] grossly incompetent
[05:29:34] and in my opinion as a very low iq but will find out about her iq during the
[05:29:39] debate okay let's find out about her
[05:29:46] so you know we have this great system
[05:29:49] i want to show
[05:29:50] oh my god
[05:29:52] trump plays viral gavis for the comma here's a gentleman tron and montana
[05:29:55] campaign rally just one of the thing please do you mind putting it up please
[05:29:59] thank you
[05:30:00] we've been to the board
[05:30:03] and i haven't been to europe
[05:30:05] And I don't understand the point that you're making.
[05:30:08] Talk about the significance of the passage of time.
[05:30:12] Right?
[05:30:12] The significance of the passage of time.
[05:30:15] So when you think about it, there
[05:30:16] is great significance to the passage of time.
[05:30:19] Ukraine is a country in Europe.
[05:30:23] It exists next to another country called Russia.
[05:30:27] Russia is a bigger country.
[05:30:28] Russia is a power country.
[05:30:30] Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine.
[05:30:34] So, basically that song.
[05:30:36] So you're no longer, are you necessarily keeping those private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house?
[05:30:46] It's on your laptop and it's then therefore up here in this cloud that exists above us, right?
[05:30:54] The Caribbean nations, island nations in the Western Hemisphere, that's where the Caribbean is.
[05:31:02] We are also in the Western Hemisphere.
[05:31:04] They are our neighbors.
[05:31:05] I'm here, standing here on the northern flank,
[05:31:10] on the eastern flank, talking about what we have
[05:31:13] in terms of the eastern flank.
[05:31:15] I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been.
[05:31:19] Space is exciting.
[05:31:21] It is time for us to do what we have been doing,
[05:31:25] and that time is every day.
[05:31:28] Every day, it is time for us to agree
[05:31:32] that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down.
[05:31:37] We will work together and continue to work together to address these issues,
[05:31:42] to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue.
[05:31:47] It's so funny for Trump to do this because he literally does this as well.
[05:31:51] Like he's the king of doing this shit, which is hilarious.
[05:31:57] Trump is I think the last person to be like oh she drones on and on it's like
[05:32:02] bro you did that probably in the fuck of Montana rally you know what I mean
[05:32:06] like
[05:32:07] Do you ban plastic straws?
[05:32:09] I never should
[05:32:10] yes I mean look I'm gonna be honest it's really difficult to drink out of a paper straw when you had if you're just like if you don't dump it down immediately it starts to bend
[05:32:19] and then you know the little thing catches it and then you know so we gotta kind of perfect that one
[05:32:25] Do you know, okay, a bit of a history lesson, do you know that women were not the women's
[05:32:33] teens were not allowed to have brackets until 2022?
[05:32:37] So the United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the
[05:32:44] Republic of North Korea.
[05:32:45] AI is kind of a fancy thing, it's a first-class tool.
[05:32:48] Wait, what did she say that was wrong with the North Korea?
[05:32:52] It shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea.
[05:32:59] Oh, she's in the Republic of North Korea instead of saying Republic of Korea.
[05:33:05] I got excited. I was like, damn, she's unveiling an important relationship.
[05:33:10] It's artificial intelligence as a woman.
[05:33:20] There's a balance to be struck between being tough and being a b***h.
[05:33:47] I think my favorite is when she's talking about Ukraine, biggest rally crowd. Yes, we know
[05:34:10] lots of fucking big crowds. Okay. But some empty seats. I believe the hogs understood
[05:34:22] a better ad that she talked about it. Unhinged Trump Jr. tweet. Oh yeah, I saw this already.
[05:34:29] They're trying to be like, oh my God, like Tim Walts sucked the horse's penis,
[05:34:34] Suck the cum right out of the horses penis like that's what they're going with because they're so mad about
[05:34:40] Two things one that they're weird. They can't deal with that at all and secondly
[05:34:47] They're really mad that they keep doubling down on how fucking weird they are and they just can't understand why people look at that and go
[05:34:52] That's weird bro. The fuck's wrong with you and
[05:34:55] also
[05:35:00] also
[05:35:01] the other
[05:35:02] The other thing that they're really upset about is the JD Vance couch fucker thing
[05:35:06] What the fuck is the origin of the horse come stuff?
[05:35:29] Um, they just made it up.
[05:35:32] They just straight up made it up.
[05:35:39] They said they thought it would be a good counter way to a good way to counter the JD veins. Fuck the couch meme.
[05:35:51] So if you listen to Kamala's speeches, you'd never even know that she's been running the country.
[05:35:59] She's been running the country for four years and doing a horrible job.
[05:36:02] Look at what's happened to our country.
[05:36:04] We it was questioned on Gaza right again before the rally, but it was the same shit. No, it's really bad
[05:36:13] What she said earlier after the fucking Israeli attack that killed like 93
[05:36:19] people
[05:36:21] Was
[05:36:23] Was was that Israel's a right to defend itself that you can't do that you cannot fucking do that
[05:36:31] Focused on the economy and what we need to do to bring down costs and also strengthen the economy overall
[05:36:43] Israeli strike in Gaza today that killed at least 80 people.
[05:36:48] You know, yet again, far too many civilians who've been killed.
[05:36:52] I mean, Israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are
[05:36:56] Hamas, but as I have said many, many times, they also have,
[05:37:02] I believe an important responsibility to avoid civilian
[05:37:05] casualties. Damn, as bold, brilliant, brave, my queen,
[05:37:10] definitely different than what Biden says all the time.
[05:37:13] Oh my God. Oh my God. What people don't understand, I think with respect to the situation in Gaza
[05:37:21] and the way that Biden mishandled it and frustrated everyone is that Biden kept saying, oh, I'm
[05:37:27] going to get mad at Netanyahu any day now, but then Israel would do some shit to be like,
[05:37:31] oh yeah, you're going to get mad at us. Here's another hundred Palestinian children
[05:37:35] that we slaughtered. Okay. The next fucking day. All right. They kept doing that over
[05:37:40] over and over again. And people after like, I don't know, the hundredth news cycle that
[05:37:45] did that were like, kind of feels like Biden is a little weak on this, doesn't it? Same
[05:37:52] with the rubber red line. Same with the world central kitchen workers. Notice they did
[05:38:01] this strike after her statement yesterday. Yeah, it's just so fucking stupid. Yeah.
[05:38:11] Of course, Phil Gordon is going to say that she's reiterating when she says that she
[05:38:14] is just reiterating what the campaign is saying. Deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties
[05:38:19] and guys are falling in shock by the idea of compound that included school. We know Hamas
[05:38:22] uses schools to gather and operate out of, but also have been clear, Israel must take measures
[05:38:27] to minimize civilian harm. You keep saying that, but they don't do that. And if they
[05:38:32] don't do that, then it doesn't fucking matter, does it? Because people that are paying attention
[05:38:36] to it recognize that Israel is not listening. All you do in that situation is literally
[05:38:42] offer lip service to those who are not paying attention and don't give a fuck about it anyway.
[05:38:50] Okay. That's the problem. When you say this, you, here's what happened. Okay. Here's what
[05:38:57] happened.
[05:38:59] Biden was not just weak on Israel. He was weak on a litany of different shit. Okay.
[05:39:04] And he was aesthetically weak. He was boring. A lot of Americans don't vote on
[05:39:08] like actual policies, young people do, but a lot of Americans overall don't vote on policies.
[05:39:14] They just vote on vibes. So Biden was weak. And that was one of the many different complications
[05:39:20] that he had for the election, right? He was underwater. He was hemorrhaging support,
[05:39:29] but people, but he had also maxed out day recognition here. He did not have the income
[05:39:32] his advantage, all this stuff. Kamala Harris, it doesn't have those same issues. She is seen
[05:39:38] as a generic Democrat. This is the reason why she wasn't hit with the same people who, people
[05:39:48] who wanted a different person, wanted a younger, more vibrant, more dynamic person. We're
[05:39:53] very excited. The issue is, if Kamala Harris maintains the same posture that Biden maintains
[05:40:01] on Israel, the people that do actually pay attention to it are going to start going,
[05:40:07] okay, well, you're not doing anything different. You're not saying anything different. You're
[05:40:10] not doing anything different. What the fuck? This is ridiculous. Now, the Democratic Party
[05:40:17] can make the calculation that maybe there aren't that many people that actually care
[05:40:24] about Palestine, care about Gaza, and will still win the election. But there's
[05:40:28] no reason to make this calculation when you stand to lose nothing, but you stand to actually
[05:40:34] gain a shit ton more support. You stand to lose nothing. You stand to gain more protests
[05:40:43] at your fucking appearances, more of the conversation being centered around Gaza, more
[05:40:50] of the conversation being centered around Palestinians that are getting slaughtered
[05:40:53] American weapons and also a complete, like a complete reversal on the, we're not going back narrative,
[05:41:00] you will literally be seen in the same exact vein as Joe Biden. Her statements on this regard,
[05:41:08] her statements on this front in terms of like reiterating her commitment, reiterating her
[05:41:14] commitment to supporting Israel, blah, blah, blah, but also demanding a ceasefire is going to be
[05:41:18] good for a lot of liberals who may have not liked Joe Biden, didn't really care about
[05:41:23] Gaza all that much, acted like they cared about Gaza, but they just definitely didn't
[05:41:28] like Biden and they liked Kamala Harris.
[05:41:31] And that's a pretty significant number of voters that have now come back to the Democratic
[05:41:35] party. But there are a lot of people who do still care about it, especially in key
[05:41:39] constituencies. I am not so certain that Kamala Harris will be able to make up
[05:41:44] for it, uh, especially if Israel heats up its, uh, it's, it's multiple front war, which
[05:41:52] is a given at this point.
[05:41:54] Okay.
[05:41:55] There is no reason for Israel to not do this.
[05:42:01] Okay.
[05:42:02] Israel wants Donald Trump to win.
[05:42:04] Israeli society likes Donald Trump.
[05:42:06] Benjamin Netanyahu wants Donald Trump to win.
[05:42:08] Benjamin Netanyahu is very close to Donald Trump.
[05:42:10] Benjamin Netanyahu will absolutely pull an Iranian hostage deal with Ronald Reagan,
[05:42:15] Donald Trump. He will give him that dub. Okay? You do not want the October surprise to be in
[05:42:23] the hands of a psychopathic Israeli Donald Trump who has no interest in anything but his
[05:42:29] own self-preservation. What happened? Why are people saying? Zombie Ronald Reagan is
[05:42:57] going to make a deal. No, I'm saying just like with Ronald Reagan and the fucking
[05:43:03] Iran hostage deal
[05:43:07] Benjamin Netanyahu will apps of fucking Lutley
[05:43:12] with apps of fucking Lutley
[05:43:15] give this as a a dub
[05:43:17] for
[05:43:17] donald trump would allow
[05:43:19] this to be a massive w for donald trump
[05:43:27] i'm voting for democracy
[05:43:57] What do you say to those folks who are looking for more than we should look out for civilians?
[05:44:04] Well, look, first and foremost, and the President and I have been working on this around the clock, we need to get the hostages out.
[05:44:10] We need a hostage deal and we need a ceasefire.
[05:44:13] And I can't stress that strongly enough.
[05:44:17] It needs to get done. The deal needs to get done.
[05:44:20] This is the Reagan story.
[05:44:24] Reagan campaign delayed the release of the Iranian hostages.
[05:44:28] campaign manager William Casey set up Sidestep, the American administration, and open up around
[05:44:41] a communication with Ronald Reagan and cooked the Carter administration. We think there's
[05:44:57] now enough evidence to say definitively that Ronald Reagan's campaign manager, the late
[05:45:00] William Casey, ran a multi-pronged covert operation to manipulate the 1980 presidential
[05:45:04] election, and these acts of betrayal might have affected the outcome in April.
[05:45:08] Ford was interviewed by Stuart Spencer, who was the chief strategist and the architect
[05:45:12] of 1980 general election campaign for Ronald Reagan.
[05:45:16] He said that he believed then and now that Carter might have won if the American hostage
[05:45:20] sees that the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979 had been released before the 1980 election.
[05:45:25] But Bill Casey was determined not to let that happen.
[05:45:29] In March, the New York Times confirmed a long-ignored story in the summer of 1980, Casey persuaded
[05:45:34] former Texas governor, John Connolly, to embark on a secret mission in the Middle East where
[05:45:38] Connolly and his associate, Ben Barnes, asked various Arab leaders to urge Iranians not
[05:45:43] to release the 52 hostages.
[05:45:46] This first-hand account was only the latest evidence that Casey, at a minimum, attempted
[05:45:49] to prolong their captivity in order to help his candidate win.
[05:45:53] Nixon also did a similar thing with the, with, uh, the, the South Vietnamese in, in 1968.
[05:46:03] Nixon tried to spoil Johnson's Vietnam peace talks in 68.
[05:46:12] History definitely repeats itself, but if it doesn't repeat itself, it definitely rhymes.
[05:46:20] Okay.
[05:46:25] I don't know why Democrats are just allowing this shit to continue.
[05:46:30] Not recognizing that this in and of itself is a major liability for the upcoming election.
[05:46:36] Benjamin and Yahoo is literally in the tank for motherfucking Donald Trump.
[05:46:43] Sinwar is more extreme than Ismail, honey.
[05:46:47] I don't think there'll be ceasefire especially since is that is Israel's number one targets
[05:46:50] is October seven bro.
[05:46:54] If the Palestinian sides conditions are met and they will only be met, they will only
[05:47:08] be met if America forces Israel to meet those conditions. It stops. It's because you keep
[05:47:22] predicting shit on the money so everybody's numb to it. We'll see. We'll see.
[05:47:31] It's to get done now.
[05:47:38] On economy, I know you're going to speak about that this coming week. Can you give us a
[05:47:42] sense on how what your view is on the Fed and independence of the Fed? President Trump
[05:47:47] weighed in on that this last week and said he thought he should have some say
[05:47:50] say in the Fed's decisions.
[05:47:52] I couldn't agree, disagree, excuse me, more strongly.
[05:47:55] The Fed is an independent entity, and as President, I would never interfere in the decisions
[05:48:00] that the Fed makes.
[05:48:01] And what's your take on their policies right now?
[05:48:04] Do you, there was some concern last week as the market fell that there might be a recession
[05:48:09] coming, what's your view on that?
[05:48:11] Well, as we know, we, there was some turbulence this week, but it seems to have
[05:48:15] settled itself, and we'll see what the decisions they make next.
[05:48:18] I hear about them about the same time you do.
[05:48:20] Sure.
[05:48:21] Do you know what day you were on?
[05:48:22] I just started your concentration.
[05:48:23] Thank you.
[05:48:24] Thank you.
[05:48:25] Thanks.
[05:48:26] Thank you.
[05:48:27] You organize yourself politically?
[05:48:36] Nah.
[05:48:37] I just talk shit on the internet.
[05:48:39] Yes, chatter.
[05:48:42] What's your take on the statement in the meeting on August 15th?
[05:48:46] I think Iran is waiting till August 15th.
[05:48:49] I don't know.
[05:48:50] We're not barring weapons transfers and we're literally fucking we just sent three
[05:48:55] We just released three point five billion dollars in new weapons shipments to Israel and also on top of that
[05:49:01] We just we just sent in
[05:49:04] 6,500 rounds to Israel just yesterday and then Israel responded by fucking executing
[05:49:11] 93 Palestinians in a school in a mosque in
[05:49:15] That exact same hour
[05:49:17] Okay, in that exact same fucking hour
[05:49:22] like if
[05:49:24] That is is what we've done so far and what is happening so far
[05:49:31] Then I don't understand why in the ever-loving fuck
[05:49:36] anyone
[05:49:38] Anyone and I mean anyone
[05:49:41] Would think that Israel's gonna do something different than they have done so far in terms of the hostage deal
[05:49:47] deal. Why would this, why would this be any different? It's like they waited for the confirmation
[05:50:35] to start bombing, not to get too much into diplomatic speak with this statements as any
[05:50:56] party rather than just blaming Hamas. Who knows? I, I am not going to, I mean, that is such
[05:51:09] a, that is such a minor change of pace. I think in the grand scheme of things, especially
[05:51:15] is once again, Israel has stepped up as assault on Hanunis and have told Palestinians
[05:51:22] to flee. I don't think that Israel's actions in any way shape or form correspond to de-escalation.
[05:51:43] Ladies on the Harris and Trump campaigns.
[05:51:44] Political headlines that we're following this morning and joining us are ABC White House
[05:51:47] correspondent Mary Alice Parks and contributing political correspondent Rachel Bade. Good
[05:51:51] morning to both of you. Mary Alice, let's start with you because we know Republicans
[05:51:56] have been criticizing Kamala Harris for not coming out, doing a news conference
[05:52:00] and speaking to the media answering questions.
[05:52:02] Also, we've seen Harrison Walls presenting themselves
[05:52:05] as these warriors that this joyful part of the campaign.
[05:52:09] What is the strategy here?
[05:52:11] Look, I think there's a legit criticism there
[05:52:12] that she hasn't done a press conference yet.
[05:52:14] Hasn't sat for a formal interview.
[05:52:15] So much has happened in two and a half weeks.
[05:52:19] There are so many questions.
[05:52:20] I mean, we're reporters.
[05:52:21] We like more press conferences all the time.
[05:52:23] But she's gonna have to define her campaign more.
[05:52:25] She's gonna have to flush out some of her policy
[05:52:27] positions.
[05:52:28] But that strategy you're talking about, that joyful warrior presence, that excitement leaning
[05:52:33] into the laughing, it has been effective out there on the campaign trail.
[05:52:37] Amazing how quickly she's kind of branded herself like that, blunting criticism that
[05:52:41] she lost too much.
[05:52:43] She looks and sounds different than President Biden.
[05:52:46] I think that it's reminding Democrats they don't have to feel that sense of doom,
[05:52:50] but frankly a lot of them felt about the Biden campaign.
[05:52:52] But it's also letting her draw a contrast to Trump without talking so much about
[05:52:57] Trump. I think every time she sounds joyful or happy, you're sort of reminded that he can sound
[05:53:04] mean and nasty. Like I'm thinking about in his press conference, when he criticized her for not
[05:53:08] giving a press conference, he didn't just say she hasn't taken questions. He said she's not smart
[05:53:12] enough to take questions. And it's that kind of language that so many swing voters are just put
[05:53:17] off by. And Rachel Republicans have been watching this DP pick because they wanted to see
[05:53:22] Would this be a reset for the Trump campaign?
[05:53:25] So how's that going?
[05:53:27] If I had a dollar for every time I heard a Republican say,
[05:53:29] Trump needs a reset, it would be pretty wealthy right now.
[05:53:32] It's not going well.
[05:53:34] And the reason is because Republicans are asking Trump,
[05:53:37] you know this Rachel, you've covered him for a long time,
[05:53:39] to actually fight his basic instincts, right?
[05:53:41] It would stop with the personal attacks,
[05:53:43] stop with the schoolyard taunts like Mary Alice
[05:53:45] was just talking about, and focus on policy.
[05:53:47] There is this belief amongst Republicans up and down
[05:53:50] ballot that even though Harris has erased this lead that Trump had over Biden pretty much all a year
[05:53:55] that she is actually in some ways a richer target for Republicans politically speaking and that's
[05:54:01] because in the past she's supported some policy positions that are rather unpopular with swing
[05:54:05] voters things like Medicare for all banning fracking supporting a mandatory gun buyback program
[05:54:11] and decriminalizing border crossing so Republicans want Trump to focus on that instead what do
[05:54:17] What do you see this week when he comes out and does his press conference?
[05:54:20] He falsely claims that it was unconstitutional for Democrats to replace by and atop the
[05:54:25] ticket.
[05:54:26] He falsely claims that his crowd sizes were larger than Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have
[05:54:30] Dream speech.
[05:54:32] And JD Vance goes out there and starts attacking Harris' running mate for his military record.
[05:54:38] This is not the campaign Republicans want to see Trump run.
[05:54:42] This is not the campaign they think he can win on.
[05:54:44] And that's why you see the Wall Street Journal editorial board, which is very conservative,
[05:54:49] running headlines like this.
[05:54:50] Will Donald Trump blow another election?
[05:54:53] Wow.
[05:54:54] All right, we're going to go from one Rachel to another because Rachel Scott.
[05:54:57] Am I correcting any 2016 vibes from this?
[05:54:59] It seems that the reporters are starting to dismiss the possibility of Trump winning.
[05:55:03] No, it's not 2016 vibes at all.
[05:55:06] If anything, it's closer to the Trump administration resembling Hillary Clinton in 2016, thinking
[05:55:14] that they got this in the fucking bag, or at least they thought that they had it in the
[05:55:19] fucking bag and are still running on those fumes. There is definitely a lot of momentum
[05:55:26] on the Harris-Waltz ticket. There's definitely a lot of momentum there. They're not wrong
[05:55:34] to acknowledge that. It's just a matter of how well the Harris-Waltz tickets continues
[05:55:43] that momentum by leaning into progressive shit by saying that these progressive policies
[05:55:49] These are not, uh, not unpopular or radical.
[05:56:01] Trump is no longer an outsider.
[05:56:03] People have made up their minds on them.
[05:56:05] They made up their minds and they dug their heels in so fucking hard that he got shot.
[05:56:10] And it didn't even move him in the polls, dude.
[05:56:13] That's largely because he did not use that clean slate that he got in a way that would
[05:56:21] benefit him and maybe moderate his positions a little bit more.
[05:56:26] But it's not, it's not looking good for Trump.
[05:56:33] And that might change.
[05:56:39] God, you've been covering the Trump campaign very closely
[05:56:42] and we see this new Marquette University Law School poll
[05:56:45] showing Harris leading Trump now.
[05:56:47] What is the state of the race right now?
[05:56:49] It is neck and neck, but as Rachel just mentioned,
[05:56:51] you have Harris making these very big gains,
[05:56:54] really erasing sort of Trump's edge
[05:56:56] among key demographics,
[05:56:58] especially in some of these battleground states.
[05:57:00] One of the things that I found very interesting
[05:57:02] from this poll was looking at the enthusiasm gap.
[05:57:04] And when we talk about former President Donald Trump
[05:57:06] really wanting to run against President Biden,
[05:57:08] it's because a lot of his campaign advisors
[05:57:10] were looking at the crosstabs in those polls
[05:57:12] and saw not very much enthusiasm among Democrats
[05:57:15] when it came to President Biden.
[05:57:16] It was just at like 34% around May.
[05:57:19] Now it's 55%.
[05:57:21] So when Mary Alice is talking about Democrats
[05:57:23] being energized, right?
[05:57:24] That is not what Trump, the Trump campaign wants to see.
[05:57:27] On the other end of that though,
[05:57:29] Trump is still on firm ground
[05:57:31] it comes to critical issues. Immigration, the border,
[05:57:34] he has very strong polling on those issues.
[05:57:36] And that is exactly why Republicans really want him
[05:57:39] to focus on the issues, not so much the attacks.
[05:57:42] And it's been fascinating to see how it's a whole new race.
[05:57:45] Mary Alice, let's talk about the website for a second.
[05:57:48] And Tim Walls, because there was a slight tweak
[05:57:50] that some folks noticed,
[05:57:52] because the campaign initially called Walls
[05:57:53] a retired command sergeant major.
[05:57:56] Now it says that he rose to the rank
[05:57:59] of command sergeant major.
[05:58:00] So it's a very, very slight tweak,
[05:58:02] but Republicans have really been attacking
[05:58:04] his military service.
[05:58:06] Yeah, exactly.
[05:58:06] But Tim, you step back here.
[05:58:08] It has been 20 years since there has been a veteran
[05:58:11] on both the Democrat and Republican ticket.
[05:58:13] You have to go back to Kerry versus George W. Bush.
[05:58:16] You know, before it was often a prerequisite
[05:58:18] military service for running for office.
[05:58:21] How remarkable that the country sort of swung away
[05:58:23] from that, but now has two veterans,
[05:58:24] two enlisted men running at the top of the ticket.
[05:58:27] Like, I think that some people will care
[05:58:29] about the fact that Walt seemed to sort of misrepresent.
[05:58:32] He said that he was in war when he never saw active combat.
[05:58:36] The campaign now says that he misspoke.
[05:58:38] But I actually think that more Americans
[05:58:40] will care that there are two veterans.
[05:58:41] Walt served in uniform for 24 years.
[05:58:44] You're right.
[05:58:45] They changed the campaign website to no longer stay retired.
[05:58:47] Because even though he did rise to that,
[05:58:49] he rose to that rank, he didn't serve in that position
[05:58:51] long enough to formally retire at that rank.
[05:58:55] But look, he was also when he got out
[05:58:57] and he was really outspoken against the war in Iraq.
[05:58:59] he was consistent with that position.
[05:59:01] I do think that's something he'll be able to talk about.
[05:59:02] Frankly, a lot of Americans were consistent
[05:59:04] in their opposition to the Iraq war.
[05:59:06] And I talked to a lot of veterans,
[05:59:08] some major veterans organizations across the country
[05:59:10] that were really excited about that pick
[05:59:12] just because of the work that Wallace did
[05:59:14] when he was in Congress fighting.
[05:59:15] All right, we gotta watch motherfucking,
[05:59:18] we gotta watch the motherfucking goat talk about walls now.
[05:59:22] We gotta watch the goat talk about walls on CNN.
[05:59:24] my fucking my liege my goat my ledge my legend Jesse the body Ventura that's
[05:59:35] right folks Jesse the body Ventura went on to see an end to talk about to talk
[05:59:46] about my lord Tim Walts where the fuck is the video hold on Jesse the mind
[05:59:58] Venturis is the gubernatorial run dad and some of you know I'm in here a chain
[06:00:09] smoking Korean War era veteran cared about his community but two days after I
[06:00:16] turned 17 he took me down to join the Army National Guard and for 24 years I
[06:00:22] I probably wore that uniform.
[06:00:27] Presumptive Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim
[06:00:30] Walls, the governor of Minnesota,
[06:00:31] touting his service in National Guard
[06:00:34] at a campaign rally tonight in Arizona.
[06:00:36] It comes as Republican VP candidate Senator JD Vance
[06:00:40] criticizes Walls' record, accusing him
[06:00:42] of abandoning his National Guard unit in 2005
[06:00:46] to run for Congress before a deployment to Iraq.
[06:00:50] Well, joining me now, former independent governor
[06:00:52] of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura.
[06:00:54] He endorsed Walls in his recent run for governor.
[06:00:58] Governor Ventura, thank you so much
[06:00:59] for joining me this evening.
[06:01:01] I'm really eager to hear your take on this
[06:01:03] because you are a former Navy SEAL,
[06:01:06] you served in Vietnam, and I have to ask you
[06:01:09] what you think of this attack
[06:01:11] from the Trump vans ticket
[06:01:13] on Governor Walls' military service.
[06:01:16] Well, Laura, I'll tell you what I think.
[06:01:18] I think it's shameful.
[06:01:20] I think it's shameful that a veteran would attack another veteran.
[06:01:25] Governor Walsh served honorably for 24 years in the National Guard.
[06:01:30] After 20 years, you are eligible to retire at any time you deem necessary.
[06:01:36] They talk about him missing his deployment.
[06:01:39] Well, maybe Mr. Vant should ask the real question.
[06:01:43] What is the National Guard doing deploying to a foreign country in a foreign war?
[06:01:48] let's go into history and figure out how that happened that happened because george w bush
[06:01:54] and dick cheney went into the iraq war based on lies no weapons of man while you guys say
[06:02:00] base when he says it i've been saying this for the past fucking week chat y'all i mean he's
[06:02:06] the goat he's the goat he says it way sicker than me but it's like but he's the body
[06:02:13] and the mind he's everything destruction no ties to al-qaeda nothing with 9 11 and they
[06:02:18] ran out of bodies. They needed more bodies. They couldn't implement a draft. That would
[06:02:23] be political suicide. So what George Bush did was sign an executive order sending the
[06:02:29] National Guard into foreign deployment. The National Guard is not for foreign deployment.
[06:02:36] Their name says what they do. They guard our nation from within. So this hogwash about
[06:02:43] governor waltz missing it. I can't begin to tell like, I can't tell you how much I love this man.
[06:02:49] And also I unironically would have voted for RFK junior if RFK junior made Jesse
[06:02:54] event or his VP. I said it back then there was a moment where RFK was like, I might make Jesse
[06:02:59] Ventura my VP. If he had done that, I would have voted for RFK junior. I would have, I,
[06:03:04] I'm not even kidding. I'm, I cannot begin to explain to you how serious I am about this.
[06:03:11] Okay. I don't give a fuck. Okay. I love him. I love this man. And I would have literally
[06:03:22] voted for that fucking brainwirmed freak. That fucking brainwirmed freak.
[06:03:31] Specifically because he put Jesse Ventura as his goddamn VP. I'm not even joking right now.
[06:03:36] Deployment. Not only that, he's 24 years. He's an E nine. I deployed twice. We never even
[06:03:43] had an E-9 with us when we deployed. E-9s are not going to walk the point. They're not
[06:03:50] going to be involved in any combat whatsoever. They're figureheads being the most senior
[06:03:56] enlisted within their company and that's what it's all about. So I think that Vance
[06:04:03] is doing a disservice to himself. They'll never make me hate you, Jesse.
[06:04:08] the United States Marine Corps. I know a lot of great marines and marines show respect.
[06:04:14] And Vance is not showing respect. And let's talk, let's continue. Who does he have respect
[06:04:19] for? Donald Trump. The biggest draft dodger from the Vietnam War.
[06:04:24] Can you say you're not actually serious? You're scaring my Lib brother who's listening
[06:04:27] in the background? Your Lib brother should be listening intently when the Jesse the
[06:04:31] body and the mind ventura is speaking. Because he's speaking fucking facts.
[06:04:35] rich white boy.
[06:04:37] He should literally, dude, the DNC should have him speak.
[06:04:41] Like he is the perfect foil to Hulk Hogan.
[06:04:44] He literally is the perfect foil to Hulk Hogan.
[06:04:49] Obviously they wouldn't let him do that because like he is, he will say some shit about the
[06:04:53] Democrats.
[06:04:54] Like he will, unfortunately, he will, fortunately for us and unfortunately for the Dems, he
[06:05:01] would fucking cook a little too hard.
[06:05:05] Like his ass would be talking about Israel probably.
[06:05:07] I don't know.
[06:05:08] He's just, but, but he is the perfect counter to Hulk Hogan in the sense that, uh, yeah,
[06:05:15] Hulk Hogan ratted Jesse Ventura out to Vince when he was trying to unionize.
[06:05:21] It is a perfect story.
[06:05:24] Hulk Hogan literally is a rat who outed Jesse, the body Ventura to Vince when
[06:05:30] he was trying to fucking unionize.
[06:05:32] Boy who bought his way out of it. I come from South Minneapolis
[06:05:36] My friends and I didn't get out of it. We either got drafted or we enlisted
[06:05:41] I know six or seven or eight of my friends
[06:05:44] Donald Trump was your typical rich white boy who didn't have to serve in Vietnam
[06:05:49] Because he could buy his way out of it and that's who Vance is standing with this guy who leads from the rear
[06:05:56] Then why do you think given all that you've described from the politics the history and of course the person who's on a
[06:06:02] top of the ticket who has been criticized for the bone spurs reason for not going to serve.
[06:06:08] And I frankly, I have not served. I am a civilian and have the ultimate reverence for those who
[06:06:12] have and thank you for your service. So why do you think this is the other thing is like,
[06:06:17] I don't okay, I don't Jesse might get mad at me, but I don't care. You know what I mean? Like,
[06:06:23] oh man, great. Oh, I have the ultimate reverence for those who serve. It's like,
[06:06:28] bro. It's just a job, dude. It's literally a fucking job. That's it. It's a job. We just
[06:06:35] duped the poor into going and fucking up their bodies so they can get the same communications
[06:06:41] degree that everyone else gets with the GI bill so that they can go into the same job
[06:06:46] market. That's ash cheeks and not be able to fucking pay rent in the same exact way.
[06:06:53] this time they did like five fucking years of getting ass blasted and have irreparable
[06:06:59] damage on their bodies and lose their minds while fucking picking cereal at Walmart. Okay.
[06:07:06] It sucks. This is the line of attack to choose politically. Obviously it would have been
[06:07:14] a shit take, man. Oh, shut up. This is the top of the hour. A break, Javay. I know
[06:07:18] this already. You're a 26 month subscriber. You know, this is the same fucking thing
[06:07:23] that I've said about veterans and the unconditional loyalty and reverence that we offer veterans
[06:07:29] all the time is fucking bullshit pandering. Okay. It's bullshit pandering. If you love
[06:07:33] our veterans, okay. If you love our veterans, then make sure that ain't nobody else is going
[06:07:40] to Israel to defend Israel right now. Okay. That's the best thing you can do.
[06:07:46] Change the entire military jobs program from one that participates in death and destruction
[06:07:51] in the extraction of natural resources in the third world of the behest of american corporations
[06:07:55] to one that actually fucking uh did to one that actually builds roads and shit okay also yes you
[06:08:06] were hitting me with a two-parter like i called you out and that's why you got a one-day van
[06:08:15] alienate voters on one level and also people who have served the armed forces on the other
[06:08:21] I don't know. You'd have to ask Mr. Vance that. I don't understand his motive whatsoever how he
[06:08:29] could turn against a fellow veteran. You know, there's kind of an unwritten rule amongst us veterans.
[06:08:36] You don't criticize another veteran. Not every veteran's a knuckle-drager, and I'm not going
[06:08:42] to define knuckle-drager because if you've been in the service, you'll know what a knuckle-drager
[06:08:47] is but you know as a frog man in the United States Navy my job was to ensure
[06:08:53] the Marines could get to shore to do their job we went in ahead of them we
[06:08:58] went in before them to ensure the Marines could land and his point of being
[06:09:04] a Marine like he is and then criticizing the governor after 24 years of
[06:09:10] service it's despicable on his behalf for doing that and I hope all veterans
[06:09:15] feel like I do about it. You don't criticize another veteran and how they served, whether
[06:09:20] they're a cook or whatever they do, they all have a job to do. And if you're going to be
[06:09:25] successful, everybody has to do their job and pitch in to be successful.
[06:09:30] Ventura is forever my hero for making a dead war criminal Navy SEAL pay up. Oh yeah, it
[06:09:37] was awesome. Amen. Should have thought about it before your should have thought about it
[06:09:45] before your bitch ass should have thought about it before his bitch ass thought to slander
[06:09:51] the fucking goat. Okay. Can't do it to him like that. He made the widow of Chris Kyle
[06:10:01] pay him
[06:10:06] america sniper chris kyle notorious liar
[06:10:10] notorious liar
[06:10:13] not the widow of the estate sorry you're right not the widow directly but the
[06:10:17] estate that
[06:10:18] the widow is is getting money from
[06:10:24] he also dumped on jesse waters that bitch
[06:10:27] you'd look
[06:10:30] wait what jesse venture interview hulk hogan ratted me to vince big man
[06:10:34] no i wanna i wanna hear it do you have the fucking
[06:10:42] Do you have the
[06:10:44] Where is it? I want to see
[06:10:50] Yeah, there's no way his ass is going
[06:10:52] There's no way his ass is going on fucking
[06:10:55] The DNC bro, come on
[06:10:57] The US looks away when allies like Israel violate human rights
[06:10:59] But we go to war when other countries commit the same crimes
[06:11:01] The US should hang its head in shame
[06:11:03] Human rights violations or human rights violations
[06:11:06] October 4th, 2018
[06:11:15] And before people yell, this is this is when Russia today was like
[06:11:19] I mean, it was still weird, but like, they also had, you know, some pretty solid reporting
[06:11:24] as well.
[06:11:25] This is when Russia today was actually trying its like anti-imperialism, America, KKK must
[06:11:31] fall apart at 7pm.
[06:11:34] And then at 8pm, they would be, they'd be doing like some right wing commentary.
[06:11:38] This is way before Russia today became like an entirely right wing operation here.
[06:11:58] The numbers speak for themselves.
[06:12:00] Were you high when you sued Chris Kyle's widow?
[06:12:03] Was I high?
[06:12:05] You know, that's a question and I expected
[06:12:08] from someone from Fox.
[06:12:10] No.
[06:12:11] Is that a serious question?
[06:12:12] No, no it ain't.
[06:12:13] Why did I get there?
[06:12:14] No it ain't, because I never sued the widow.
[06:12:16] I sued him.
[06:12:17] Okay, well she's suffering a lot of pain right now.
[06:12:19] No she isn't.
[06:12:20] How do you know that?
[06:12:21] Because insurance pays for it all.
[06:12:24] She hasn't paid one cent.
[06:12:25] How do I know it?
[06:12:26] It's my case.
[06:12:27] the case the case got overturned because the truth came out insurance is paying
[06:12:33] for all of it it isn't costing his family a cent that's the way legal works if
[06:12:38] you do your homework would you apologize to her no she should apologize to me for
[06:12:43] the lie that her husband told about me why would I apologize I didn't do
[06:12:49] anything you only apologize if you've done something wrong now
[06:12:53] I can't, God, I love him so much, bro.
[06:13:00] I love him so fucking much.
[06:13:07] He's the best and brightest that that white people have offered thus far, okay?
[06:13:13] He's the goat.
[06:13:18] So, well said.
[06:13:19] I think it's capturing the sentiment of so many people who are watching this.
[06:13:24] And there is the terms I can think of as kind of an ick factor of having people at
[06:13:30] each other in this way, knowing the nuance and knowing the fact that everyone has served
[06:13:36] and what's the number, less than a percent, one percent of people have protected this
[06:13:40] nation over time.
[06:13:42] I do wonder, given your strong feelings and the way in which he has been attacked in this
[06:13:48] way, and he is addressing it in various ways, it will be the end of the story.
[06:13:52] You have endorsed traditionally third party candidates, although you did endorse him
[06:13:56] for his run for governor.
[06:13:58] Do you intend to endorse the Harris-Waltz ticket now?
[06:14:03] Well, I'll tell you this.
[06:14:04] I met with Bobby Kennedy last winter.
[06:14:08] We met for three hours.
[06:14:09] Apparently, I came in second.
[06:14:12] He chose his woman chef.
[06:14:14] Dude, RFK would have literally unironically
[06:14:17] gotten my commitment.
[06:14:19] What a dumbass.
[06:14:22] Fucked up.
[06:14:24] You fucked up RFK.
[06:14:25] My hand is running, mate.
[06:14:27] Bobby's still a friend of mine, but I'll tell you where I stand right now.
[06:14:32] I'm going to be selfish. A few years ago, I got the opportunity to see the United
[06:14:37] States elect its first black president.
[06:14:39] Yes. I love Jesse Ventura. I do. Yes. And no,
[06:14:43] I don't care that he's also a bit of a conspiracy nutter. Uh, okay.
[06:14:47] I don't care. You will never, you will never make me hate him. Okay.
[06:14:52] I've often maintained the position.
[06:14:54] I've often maintained the position that everybody's, everybody's allowed to have like one kooky
[06:15:01] thing, okay?
[06:15:03] And he's got a bunch of them, but I don't care.
[06:15:06] President, I didn't think that could ever happen.
[06:15:09] And they even reelected him.
[06:15:11] Well, now I'm going to be selfish again.
[06:15:14] I've only got a few elections to go.
[06:15:16] I'm 73 years old now, so the window's closing.
[06:15:19] I want to be alive to see the first woman president of the United States of America and the first woman commander in chief and we've got her right now.
[06:15:32] He's a little too lived up bro bro chill. Jesse chill. Talk about Israel. Jesse. What are you doing?
[06:15:39] Governor, thank you so much for sharing your views. God damn it. He just said that so so quick. He said that so close to me just glazing him.
[06:15:49] I should have pre-watched this, didn't know he was going to live it up this hard bro, fucking
[06:15:55] calm down you know, Jesus Christ.
[06:15:57] I still love him, I still love him.
[06:15:59] I think a lot of people have been very interested to hear what you have said, so you are officially
[06:16:04] endorsing the Harris-Van Wolf ticket, excuse me.
[06:16:08] Yes, I want to see a woman president, it's time for a woman president, we men have screwed
[06:16:14] it up enough.
[06:16:15] you know what? Maybe we'll finally get some legitimate thing on the abortion issue. You
[06:16:21] know how to solve abortion? Hold men responsible. They're the ones ultimately responsible for
[06:16:28] all abortions. If you hold men responsible, then you'll see a big change in the abortion
[06:16:34] rules. What does that mean to hold them responsible? They're responsible for every
[06:16:40] abortion that could take place. They are the aggressor. Sex tells you that. You mean in terms of
[06:16:50] what is he saying, bro? What is my man saying?
[06:16:56] Fine. He still cooks. He still could. There can't be a baby without a man's involvement.
[06:17:02] That's what I'm telling you. So until you hold the men responsible for impregnating women,
[06:17:10] you're not going to get any type of legitimate type of law passed
[06:17:14] you gotta hold men responsible i get what he's trying to say i get what he's trying
[06:17:18] to say he's just saying that like it's because
[06:17:21] abortion seemingly primarily affects women's bodily autonomy that men get to
[06:17:26] make these decisions on behalf of women
[06:17:29] so callously
[06:17:31] they also play a role but i just don't see the vision i don't know how he would
[06:17:34] like
[06:17:35] cause men to also be
[06:17:37] responsible. I don't know how he would do that. I still love him though, so I don't care.
[06:17:42] He's my goat still responsible for the pregnancies of women because they are the ones responsible,
[06:17:49] not the woman, the man. It'll be interesting to see how people evaluate that on the one
[06:17:54] hand, thinking about autonomy and agency over one's body. And also the know, it's
[06:17:58] so funny. She's like genuinely confused as to what he, she's just rolling with it,
[06:18:03] she's like, you can tell, she's like, yeah, that's interesting.
[06:18:07] Signing responsibility on the other. I'd be curious to see
[06:18:10] how that affects you.
[06:18:12] Laura, you know what else I stand for? What governor? I
[06:18:16] don't stand for a minimum wage. I stand for a maximum wage. If
[06:18:21] you can't live on a million dollars a month. Hmm. Something's
[06:18:27] wrong with you.
[06:18:28] Well, I'd like to sign up for the $1 million dollar moncoin.
[06:18:33] Well, if you make $12 million dollars a year, what would you want for?
[06:18:39] What would you possibly need?
[06:18:41] The point I'm making is there shouldn't be any billionaires and I'll tell you why.
[06:18:46] Because nobody works hard enough to get...
[06:18:49] He brought me back.
[06:18:50] He brought me back.
[06:18:51] My God.
[06:18:52] He brought me back.
[06:18:53] You could buy literally all the subscriptions at the top of the hour for a million dollars
[06:18:57] a month.
[06:18:58] You wouldn't need anything else. He's right. He's cooking. He's right
[06:19:06] My goat
[06:19:07] He's talking about you. Yeah, no totally
[06:19:14] me and my billions of dollars
[06:19:18] That I've garnered by serving through men abrogs at the top of the hour
[06:19:21] He's a dream and abrog now. Oh and Sheila. Thank you for the tank of the subs
[06:19:24] Get a billion dollars and my hardest job
[06:19:27] I ever did was going through Navy SEAL training and I was making four dollars a day
[06:19:32] And you're going to tell me a billionaire worked harder than I did bull crap.
[06:19:39] Is there anything more to say?
[06:19:41] Governor Jesse Ventura, thank you so much for joining me this evening.
[06:19:43] I've been eager to hear your opinion and I'm glad I heard it tonight.
[06:19:47] Thank you.
[06:19:48] Thanks, Laura.
[06:19:57] 62,000 people watching the PBS broadcast of the Harris-Waltz campaign.
[06:20:05] That's craziness.
[06:20:06] Let's look at the where Harris and Trump stand in key states according to New
[06:20:13] polling. Things are looking up for Harris.
[06:20:16] President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Governor Tim Walls, will take the stage at
[06:20:20] a rally in Las Vegas. They'll be wrapping up a nearly week-long tour through some of the
[06:20:24] most critical battleground states of this election. The Harris campaign has seen a jolt
[06:20:28] of voter enthusiasm in the last three weeks since President Biden dropped out of the
[06:20:32] race and she became the party's presumptive nominee. She's new polling showing it's
[06:20:37] not just fives.
[06:20:39] Seedens, Harry, and didn't hear to break that polling data down for us, Harry, what
[06:20:43] did these new New York Times poll show?
[06:20:45] I've heard from a lot of people about these days.
[06:20:47] A lot of people with eyes on these.
[06:20:49] I, yeah, a lot of people.
[06:20:51] I think this was the type of polling we've been waiting for, right?
[06:20:54] We've seen that national.
[06:20:55] Damn, Harry was in the pocket deep for fucking Shapiro.
[06:20:58] He was talking about how great Shapiro is.
[06:20:59] What happened?
[06:21:00] He was wrong.
[06:21:02] I was right.
[06:21:03] No polling, showing movement towards Kamala Harris.
[06:21:05] Now we get some swing state polling showing something very similar.
[06:21:10] All right.
[06:21:11] These are in the Great Lake Battleground States.
[06:21:12] We're talking about Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan.
[06:21:15] You go back to May.
[06:21:16] What did you see?
[06:21:17] You saw that a pretty tight race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, but you see more
[06:21:19] red than blue on the screen.
[06:21:21] Of course, all three of these states were states that Joe Biden carried last time
[06:21:24] around.
[06:21:25] You saw a three point lead for Trump in Pennsylvania, one well within the margin
[06:21:28] of error in Wisconsin, and then a one point lead for Biden, Michigan.
[06:21:31] But look at where we are now.
[06:21:33] This is the type of movement the Harris campaign has been looking for, looking Pennsylvania
[06:21:37] a four point advantage, Wisconsin a four point advantage, Michigan a four point advantage
[06:21:42] and in all three of these states we see clear movement towards the Democratic nominee.
[06:21:47] I will point out we're still in no clear leader land in this particular instance
[06:21:51] but the Harris campaign has to love this movement, seven points in Pennsylvania,
[06:21:55] five points in Wisconsin and three points in the great state of Michigan all moving
[06:21:59] towards Kamala Harris, and she has the advantage in all three, although again, no clear leader
[06:22:04] within the margin of error.
[06:22:05] Right.
[06:22:06] Important to keep that context in mind.
[06:22:07] Now, these aren't the only swing state polls that are showing Trump slipping.
[06:22:12] That's exactly right.
[06:22:13] You know, if we were just talking about the New York Times, the college would say,
[06:22:16] you know, hold on a second, hold on, you know me, Jessica, you know that I like
[06:22:20] to see confirmation of an individual poll.
[06:22:23] So there were Ipsos polls that were conducted in these same states, and I want you
[06:22:28] look.
[06:22:29] a course across Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.
[06:22:32] You go back to June, what'd you see?
[06:22:33] You saw Trump on average up by two points,
[06:22:36] very similar to what we saw in the New York Times,
[06:22:38] the Enna College poll.
[06:22:39] Look at where we are now, the August margin
[06:22:41] between Harris and Trump, and look at what we see here.
[06:22:44] We see Harris up by two points.
[06:22:45] Again, no clear leader, but that four-point movement,
[06:22:49] very similar to what we saw in the New York Times,
[06:22:52] the Enna College poll, and this is what we're seeing
[06:22:54] across the polling data.
[06:22:55] It's not just one poll, it's not just one pollster,
[06:22:59] It's across pollsters, it's across polls,
[06:23:01] and of course in these great like battleground states
[06:23:03] that are gonna be so important,
[06:23:05] we're seeing this four point move
[06:23:06] with instead of seeing a small Republican lead,
[06:23:08] we're seeing a small Democratic party lead,
[06:23:11] and in this particular case,
[06:23:12] a small Kamala Harris lead over Donald Trump,
[06:23:15] the reverse of what we were just seeing just two months ago.
[06:23:18] Yeah, and of course the reason we care
[06:23:19] about these particular states so much
[06:23:21] is because of the electoral college
[06:23:23] and how this all is decided in the fall.
[06:23:26] What does this data mean
[06:23:27] for the Electoral College more broadly
[06:23:29] and how that's playing out.
[06:23:30] Yeah, so look, this is what we're talking about,
[06:23:33] the race to 270 electoral votes.
[06:23:37] And I wanna give Kamala Harris
[06:23:38] those Great Lake Battleground States
[06:23:40] where she was leading, although within the margin of error,
[06:23:42] we're talking about Wisconsin, we're talking Michigan,
[06:23:44] we're talking Pennsylvania.
[06:23:46] If we give those three states to Kamala Harris,
[06:23:48] even if she loses in Nevada, Arizona and Georgia,
[06:23:53] which are far from guaranteed,
[06:23:54] these of course were three states
[06:23:55] that Joe Biden carried last time around,
[06:23:57] but in which the Democrats have been falling
[06:23:59] a little bit short of their 2020 numbers,
[06:24:01] at least in recent data,
[06:24:03] at least when Joe Biden's been in the race.
[06:24:04] But if we give Harris Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania,
[06:24:07] look at that, she doesn't even need
[06:24:08] these Sunbelt battleground states.
[06:24:10] She gets to exactly 270 electoral votes.
[06:24:13] So the fact is, when you see those polls
[06:24:16] in those Great Lake battleground states,
[06:24:17] and you see that Harris has turned the tide around
[06:24:20] from basically Donald Trump being slightly ahead
[06:24:24] to now Harris being slightly ahead.
[06:24:26] That could be the entire ball game,
[06:24:27] even if she loses down south, if she wins up north,
[06:24:30] that's enough.
[06:24:31] That gets her to exactly 270 electoral votes.
[06:24:34] And that's why there's New York Times,
[06:24:35] the Enna College polls, as well as those Ipsos
[06:24:37] polling data, why it means so much.
[06:24:39] Mm-hmm.
[06:24:39] And so here we are, we're probably,
[06:24:41] I'm ballparking here 80-something days away
[06:24:43] from the election at this point.
[06:24:45] How much?
[06:24:46] Yeah, good thing that she went with like
[06:24:50] an actual solid midwest pig
[06:24:52] instead of joshapiro
[06:24:55] just saying
[06:24:58] much can things change from now until the election
[06:25:00] yeah so we've seen a lot of movement in the last two to three months and i just
[06:25:05] want to know that the movement that we've seen towards ours
[06:25:08] could easily reverse itself and the reason i say that
[06:25:11] is because how far off were the polls
[06:25:14] on august ten compared to the final margin in michigan pennsylvania and
[06:25:18] wisconsin
[06:25:19] On average in 2016, the average from the polls at this point to the final margin, nine points
[06:25:26] across those three states.
[06:25:27] How about in 2020?
[06:25:29] Look at that.
[06:25:30] The average movement from the polls at this point to the final margin, look at that.
[06:25:35] Five points.
[06:25:36] So the fact is, yes, Kamala Harris may be slightly ahead right now.
[06:25:39] Again though, a race in which there's no clear leader within the margin of her,
[06:25:43] but that could easily turn around in the final, let's say a little bit less than three
[06:25:47] months to go.
[06:25:48] a lot of campaign to go. We got a democratic national convention to go. We probably have
[06:25:52] at least one more debate to go. So still a lot can change. But at the end of the day,
[06:25:57] Jessica, if you are the democratic part of the law, it can change like a war with Iran.
[06:26:03] That Israel brings us into. I'm just saying we definitely should leave that out in the
[06:26:08] open. I think we definitely shouldn't nip that in the bud. I that's certainly not
[06:26:21] a glaringly obvious weakness that is just like sitting there. It is a loaded gun. It's
[06:26:28] Chekhov's gun. Okay. I feel like polledomers is the final margins are the result of polls
[06:26:35] allowing for don't know responsible elections inherently don't count those because they're
[06:26:39] they're not votes or they turn in a vote for one or the other. Harris is losing Latino
[06:26:52] voters and Palestine voters will cause this election should you keep doing lip service
[06:26:55] and pro-Trump policy ads, Hillary Clinton. Yeah, I think, I think the, the, I've said it already,
[06:27:03] look, immigration, immigration stance needs to change for the Sun Belt, Palestine for the Rust Belt.
[06:27:12] Palestine across the board plays well for Gen, Gen Z. Like, whoa, what the fuck?
[06:27:18] Why is my camera being extra wonky lately?
[06:27:28] Bob Doomin, the generic dem destroys Trump, a generic Democrat on a matchup is very different
[06:27:51] than an actual Democrat with discernible policies, charisma, aura, statements that you can listen
[06:27:58] to.
[06:28:02] She is the generic Democrat, but now it's entirely in her hands to either win or make
[06:28:10] this a close election. Can we talk on Florida, please? We don't bring the state up enough.
[06:28:18] Obama won it. No. We will not be talking about the state of Florida. The only thing that is
[06:28:28] like the state of Florida is still going to go deep Republican. Okay. And there is
[06:28:33] a ballot initiative on there. If I'm not mistaken, that is for protecting abortion.
[06:28:39] And even then the state of Florida is going to do what it always does. They are
[06:28:42] They're going to vote by like 85% margins on preserving abortion. They're going to vote
[06:28:48] by like 90%, 99% of the voters are going to vote to legalize marijuana.
[06:28:55] And then they're going to end up voting by like 8% for Donald Trump. Okay? Because they're
[06:29:17] not single issue voters. What are you talking about? I just completely described
[06:29:22] to you. First of all, most Americans are not single issue voters because they just
[06:29:26] vote on partisan lines. They vote because their daddy voted for the party. They vote
[06:29:31] because their mommy voted for the party. They vote because they voted for the party. That's
[06:29:34] it. And the 20% that actually do vote on policy issues, right? Or ideological reasons,
[06:29:41] do actually vote as single issue voters. Okay. Maybe some of the people that actually
[06:29:47] vote along the party line are also still most likely single issue voters like guns
[06:29:52] or I don't know, being racist. So you're wrong on that, but also why the,
[06:30:00] why in the ever loving fuck would you describe Florida as the reasonable
[06:30:05] voter? Like if you're trying to make an argument about like, uh-huh,
[06:30:09] those voters in Florida are reasonable voters.
[06:30:11] That's why because they're not single issue voters,
[06:30:14] it is the worst fucking voter to point to as I'm in the process of
[06:30:19] describing to you how fucking unhinged Floridian median
[06:30:23] voters are. Florida voters are the most unhinged motherfuckers you've ever seen, okay? What I
[06:30:37] just told you, the margins in which they vote for a fucking insanely progressive ballot
[06:30:42] measure, like felony vote restoration, that's massively fucking progressive. They voted
[06:30:49] for that shit by double the margins of like the down ballot races for the Republican
[06:30:57] party and Donald Trump and fucking, uh, was it, it was Donald Trump was on the ticket right
[06:31:03] at that time. It wasn't like a Rhonda Sanchez gubernatorial. I think if they were both on
[06:31:06] it, actually, that was the first time around. Yeah. Florida's 64. I fucking told you, I,
[06:31:16] I made up the numbers in my head. Florida's 64% for weed, 69% for abortion, according
[06:31:21] to polls. And it's still probably like at the minimum plus eight Republican. What
[06:31:45] What is it? What's the Florida polling? I haven't looked at it at all. I actually don't
[06:31:49] know. I'm totally making up the numbers, but, but I do know as a matter of fact that it will
[06:31:57] be significantly more popular. Those ballot measures will be significant. Oh, Paul shows
[06:32:03] hairs I had in Miami date. Oh, okay. Dude. Oh, it's plus yep. RCP average plus 8.5
[06:32:17] baby. Didn't even need to look at that shit. Didn't even need to look at that
[06:32:22] RCP is obviously right-leaning so I won't take that dub. I'm gonna go ahead and mark two points off of that
[06:32:28] It's plus six. Okay. I know what I'm fucking talking about. I know what I'm those are all that polls man
[06:32:46] August polls are not out yet. What do you want them to do? It's fucking late. It's literally late
[06:32:52] July polls the fuck
[06:32:55] Calm down
[06:33:18] Party and you were looking at the polls two three months ago and you compare it where you look now
[06:33:23] Now, I think for no doubt, they'd rather look at this picture in August than the picture
[06:33:27] they were looking at at May.
[06:33:28] It's much more rosy picture for the Democratic Party, but still a lot of campaign to go, Jessica.
[06:33:33] Yeah, that's right.
[06:33:34] All right.
[06:33:35] Harry Inz and always great to have you break it down for us.
[06:33:36] Thanks so much for that.
[06:33:38] Bro, bro, plus six.
[06:33:43] What did I tell you?
[06:33:45] What did I tell you?
[06:33:46] I said plus, I said plus eight.
[06:33:48] That's what RCB shows.
[06:33:50] Hill shows plus six on New Repulse.
[06:33:53] What did I tell you?
[06:33:57] weeks bro relax okay calm down bro that's like fucking more relevant wrong
[06:34:02] Florida will be blue mark my words you are fucking delulu if you man apparently
[06:34:14] they the campaign is currently experiencing teleprompter issues or
[06:34:17] something that's why they haven't gone up yet they are delayed yeah if hairs
[06:34:25] wins Florida it's a landslide and nothing matters and also she's not
[06:34:28] winning Florida don't be crazy bro bro bro every single person in the last four years
[06:34:40] that move to the state of Florida is a die hard right winger like the most freakish right
[06:34:49] winger you've ever seen the amount of people a no fucking way florida is going
[06:34:58] a no fucking way florida is going blue any other state if you have marijuana legalization
[06:35:07] and abortion on the ballot i would say that's a lock okay any other state but florida you
[06:35:14] You have those two measures on the ballot, I would tell you, that is a definite lock,
[06:35:20] okay?
[06:35:21] That's a definite Dem W.
[06:35:24] Any other state in the fucking nation, maybe not Ohio.
[06:35:30] Even Ohio, I would say, you know what, it's not a lock, but it's a hopeful, okay?
[06:35:35] It's a Dem hopeful.
[06:35:37] Put that in the Lean's Republican category.
[06:35:41] Florida is the one fucking state where ballot measures do not matter. Okay. They will vote
[06:35:50] for seizing the means of production by like 68% on a ballot measure and still end up voting
[06:35:58] by eight, nine points for motherfucking Donald Trump. Okay. I'm telling you right now it's
[06:36:08] just incomprehensible. They're insane.
[06:36:10] Okay, I don't care about the starters the openers
[06:36:17] How do you think it'll go in Texas? What do you mean, dude? It's just bro, bro, please please please just like no, no
[06:36:28] No, no with the current way the Democratic Party campaigns, Texas will never flip blue
[06:36:34] Let me tell you why okay because the Republican Party Texas GOP Latino outreach is
[06:36:41] Locked the fuck down
[06:36:43] Okay. Texas GOP Latino outreach is so locked down that there is zero shot that Texas is
[06:36:54] turning blue either. It's not happening. Two months ago, Trump was on his way to a landslide
[06:37:04] and now lives are talking about Florida and Texas being blue. The suffering never ends.
[06:37:08] Yeah. I don't know why. I don't know why people are behaving like this.
[06:37:12] It's probably because they've never met like, uh, I don't think they've ever met like a
[06:37:16] a Latino dude from Texas. That's probably why. Okay. 23 K likes. Oh, Oklahoma, democratic
[06:37:30] socialist. Not the first time. Oh, Oklahoma is disparaged a great state of Texas like this.
[06:37:39] Okay. By saying they're going to go woke and gay, it's, I live in Texas. You're right.
[06:37:52] Every Latino I know votes for Trump. Oh, 100% Texas Latinos, Texas Latinos are, are like
[06:38:03] Not, I mean, obviously this doesn't mean like everybody El Paso is different. I would say like Rio Grande Valley Latinos are different. It's just entirely dependent on how many generations in they are.
[06:38:14] Okay. How many, how many generations in they are? Well, you will hear some of the most horrific like historic levels of racism specifically against Mexicans from Texas Latinos.
[06:38:29] Like, it's just
[06:38:32] is crazy, is crazy. And a big part of that is because the Democratic Party has never done
[06:38:43] proper outreach to the Texas Latino voter base. Latinos across the board, with the exception
[06:38:53] of Florida, with the Cuban population and maybe the new Venezuelan population, with
[06:38:58] those two exceptions, Latinos across the board are the only demographic in this country
[06:39:04] that literally regardless of age actually want bigger government which is probably the worst
[06:39:11] possible way to poll that question like would you say yes to a larger government literally 70
[06:39:16] year old latinos 70 year old latino voters say yes to a bigger government which is like the most
[06:39:21] negative way to poll that question instead of saying social safety nets latinos are historically
[06:39:28] on board with more government spending and more social safety nets. Historically speaking,
[06:39:36] they're also somewhat socially conservative, especially in places like Texas. Okay.
[06:39:41] Hasan, why are Cali Latinos more progressive than Texas Latinos because they're younger
[06:39:49] and also a second generation, third generation, whereas Texas Latinos have been in here for
[06:39:55] like eight times the fucking length of Donald Trump's entire lineage being on US soil.
[06:40:00] American. They're like, they've been in America before America was America. You know what I
[06:40:05] mean? Like they don't have the, the Bob, uh, like attitudes. They do not see themselves
[06:40:16] as immigrants for the most part. Yeah. The border cross them. They didn't cross the
[06:40:20] border type of shit. Crazy. How quick a stake in change by electoral leading. The Republicans
[06:40:28] won Cali by 16 points in 1984 and Dems won West Virginia by 15 points in 1996. It's
[06:40:34] insane to see Florida change from the most consequential swing states to such a deep
[06:40:38] red state in my, in just my lifetime, a lifetime. Yeah. Yeah.
[06:40:56] Remember I'm Bernie pooled record numbers at young Latinos in the 2016 primary, one of
[06:41:00] his best performing demos. Yeah, it makes sense. Young Latinos, just like all other demographics
[06:41:07] that are young in general from all different kinds of ethnic backgrounds are going to
[06:41:11] be more responsive to like, uh, socialist policies, social safety nets, older voters
[06:41:18] on the other hand, with the exception of the Latino voter block are, uh, are not as positive
[06:41:26] on social safety. Unless we're talking about Medicare or social security. Wow. Don't you
[06:42:08] know the next voice president is speaking? Don't you know? I don't know why the quality
[06:42:15] being so ass, bro. Oh, here it is.
[06:42:18] One more time for Tilly. Thank you.
[06:42:27] Oh, Las Vegas. I know some of you spent the week Googling
[06:42:35] Minnesota a little bit and to figure out who these Minnesotans
[06:42:39] were. Here's the one thing I can tell you about us. We spend
[06:42:44] about half our lives talking about the weather. It's what
[06:42:48] we do. So I want to say thank you to all of the
[06:42:52] People you don't have a opus buddy, bro. You don't understand how hard I ride for the Midwest now so shut up
[06:43:05] So sure damn oven, but you know that's a
[06:43:09] Melting like a snowman outside, but look this is incredible
[06:43:15] I want to say thank you to you. It's time to put this motherfucker in the hottest states
[06:43:19] By the way to Arizona to the model like that's the best senators you could ever
[06:43:23] I was raised bro. Are you fucking in center Rosen? Just as a side. There's nothing more Midwestern than
[06:43:33] Riding for one state and then shitting on every other state. I will never stop
[06:43:38] I will double down on my slander against Iowa both Minnesota and Nevada have two women senators and that's a pretty good
[06:43:45] Bro, he can sneak that Iowa line in there!
[06:43:56] Congresswoman Lee!
[06:43:57] Hey, yo, fuck Iowa!
[06:44:00] And a long time ago, I served with Congresswoman Titus, great.
[06:44:09] The special thank you is for what I'm looking at right here.
[06:44:12] Every one of you took time out of your busy lives.
[06:44:14] You didn't need to be here.
[06:44:15] There's many things you could have been doing.
[06:44:19] You chose.
[06:44:20] You braved 108 degree heat.
[06:44:25] I can't even believe I'm saying that.
[06:44:26] Just to be here.
[06:44:28] And I have to tell you, I understand because of the heat,
[06:44:31] they had to shut the door early
[06:44:32] and turn thousands of folks away.
[06:44:36] But don't worry, we're gonna be back a lot.
[06:44:45] All the things you got, babysitters,
[06:44:47] you had to do everything.
[06:44:49] You came here for something bigger than yourselves
[06:44:51] for one simple, eloquent, and beautiful reason.
[06:44:55] You love this country.
[06:45:16] I'm so incredibly proud to be on this ticket
[06:45:19] and I wanna give a big shout out
[06:45:20] with the support of a special group tonight,
[06:45:23] Culinary Workers Union 226.
[06:45:31] Those are my goats that fucking gave Bernie the dub in Nevada.
[06:45:37] A beautiful night that I will never forget.
[06:45:39] At the end of this road, remember, 87 days,
[06:45:43] rarely in your life do you get an opportunity
[06:45:45] in 87 days to change the trajectory
[06:45:47] of not just today or tomorrow,
[06:45:50] but for generations around the world.
[06:45:53] And I keep saying this we can do anything for 87 days and my mantra is we'll sleep when we're dead
[06:46:10] Because when you wake up on that 88th day, you're gonna get to say welcome madam president Harris
[06:46:18] this is
[06:46:32] This is a leader that wakes up every day to try and do things for the American people
[06:46:39] She took on the predators, the fraudsters, the transnational gangs, stood up against the greed of corporate interests,
[06:46:49] stood with working people in organized labor, and never failed to reach across the aisle if it meant improving people's lives.
[06:47:03] I fucking love him, dude. Sorry. He's just so likable.
[06:47:07] I was taught a little something about that commitment, too.
[06:47:10] I was born in a small town in Nebraska where community was a way of life.
[06:47:15] There's some Nebraskans in the house.
[06:47:18] You think I'm kidding?
[06:47:21] You think I'm kidding?
[06:47:23] 25 kids in my class, 12 were cousins.
[06:47:26] That's small town.
[06:47:28] That's small town.
[06:47:30] But you know what? My parents in my community taught me generosity towards my neighbor and to work for the common good.
[06:47:40] My dad was a changed smoking Korean War veteran who two days after my 17th birthday took me
[06:47:47] down to sign up to join the National Guard.
[06:47:53] I was proud for the next 24 years to wear the uniform of this country.
[06:48:02] Thank you to every single one of you who wore that uniform.
[06:48:05] And up to tell you, like my dad before me and millions of others, the GI Bill gave
[06:48:11] me a shot at a college education.
[06:48:18] And just like Tilly.
[06:48:19] watching on the PBS. My dad was a teacher. My older brother was a teacher. My sister was a teacher.
[06:48:25] My younger brother was a teacher. I talked to him a shit about the dens. They left me.
[06:48:33] And we married teachers. So the privilege of my lifetime was spending two decades
[06:48:39] teaching in public schools. And you might have heard coaching football to a state championship.
[06:48:53] You said you were going to vote for RFKs, and they left.
[06:49:02] No, I didn't say I was going to vote for RFK.
[06:49:04] I thought about voting for RFK because of...
[06:49:07] Don't ever close that yearbook. That's my pro tip.
[06:49:10] Look, my students and my players are the ones who encouraged me to run for office.
[06:49:17] They saw in me what I hoped to instill in them.
[06:49:19] A commitment to a common good and something so important.
[06:49:23] the belief as each and every one of you came here. That's my coach, dude. A single person can make a
[06:49:29] difference. Transgressional gangs. Never planned my life. Transnational gangs, bro. And when my
[06:49:41] neighbors and asked if I run for office, I was pretty clueless. I did not know that the district
[06:49:46] I was running in, I'd only had one Democrat since 1892. But my community graced me with the
[06:49:54] the opportunity to represent them in the United States Congress for 12 years, where I had
[06:50:03] the privilege of serving as the ranking member on the VA committee, working with Republicans
[06:50:07] to pass the most extensive veterans package since the G.I.B.L.
[06:50:11] Is Brian Kemp going to have to know why would I dare to install my design here?
[06:50:17] I learned the art of compromising without compromising my values.
[06:50:23] And as now as governor, I bring all those experience together to tackle the most
[06:50:27] pressing challenges we have in the great state of Minnesota.
[06:50:31] Now, each of you came here, you came here
[06:50:33] because you love the country.
[06:50:35] You came here because you know how fantastic leaders
[06:50:37] are going to walk out those doors in a minute or two.
[06:50:39] The person that you see bringing everything to us.
[06:50:42] But just be very clear here.
[06:50:44] Donald Trump sees the world very differently
[06:50:46] than all of us here.
[06:50:52] Each of you talk about service.
[06:50:55] Donald Trump knows nothing about service.
[06:51:02] It's pretty hard to provide service to others
[06:51:09] when you're too busy looking out for only yourself.
[06:51:15] Again and again and again, Donald Trump
[06:51:17] made decisions to weaken this country
[06:51:20] to strengthen his own hand.
[06:51:23] He mocked our laws.
[06:51:24] He sowed division and chaos amongst our citizens.
[06:51:27] And that's to say nothing of his record as president.
[06:51:32] He froze in the face of the global COVID pandemic.
[06:51:36] And our neighbors died because of it.
[06:51:41] By not addressing COVID, he drove our economy into the ground.
[06:51:49] And I just want to set the record straight, because facts do matter and there's not an
[06:51:53] alternate set of facts.
[06:52:03] Here's one for you.
[06:52:05] Violent crime was up during the Trump presidency.
[06:52:09] What would Walt say if he was interrupted by protesters?
[06:52:16] Some of you, some of you gray here.
[06:52:19] I skipped it.
[06:52:20] He said the line, okay?
[06:52:22] When Republicans actually talked about freedom
[06:52:24] and believed in it.
[06:52:26] I've heard this a lot.
[06:52:27] Listen.
[06:52:27] Not these guys.
[06:52:28] These are the guys that believe
[06:52:30] government should be free to invade your exam.
[06:52:32] If he was interrupted by a pro-passing process,
[06:52:34] he'd say, oh, we're gonna make Israel pay.
[06:52:37] Don't you know?
[06:52:38] That's what he would say.
[06:52:39] If you hear Nevada as it's true in Minnesota,
[06:52:41] we respect the neighbor's rights
[06:52:43] to make their own.
[06:52:44] Oh, don't you know I'm secret Somali.
[06:52:46] And for all my Muslim brothers
[06:52:50] We're gonna have Israel pay don't you know choice, but we know that this nation things work fast when you mind your own damn business
[06:52:58] I don't I don't need any help
[06:53:09] We're gonna give all the funds that we gave to Israel to his bullah. Don't you know I?
[06:53:17] Sure the heck don't need any lecture about morality from those guys
[06:53:21] And the last thing they can mind their own damn business is, I don't need any help from
[06:53:29] them talking about my family.
[06:53:39] And this is where it gets personal, where they want to dictate things like IVF and reproductive
[06:53:44] care.
[06:53:45] I know there's a lot of you out there, this is the most personal choices we have.
[06:53:51] When my wife and I decided to have children, we spent years going through fertility treatments.
[06:53:57] And I said, I remember, we have somebody to help.
[06:54:00] You have water?
[06:54:01] All right.
[06:54:02] Again bro, bro is killing him. He's killing him. He's too passionate people lose their minds, bro
[06:54:10] There's like every Deborah and Barbara is sweating as you go through the treatments
[06:54:14] I would have my neighbor come over to have to give shots to my wife and things like that
[06:54:19] And the phone would ring and you would just hope so highly that it would be good news
[06:54:23] And then when you found out the treatments didn't work
[06:54:25] It was a darkness that could blot out the sun
[06:54:28] So I have to tell you, it wasn't by chance when that phone call finally came and we found
[06:54:33] out we were going to welcome our daughter into the world.
[06:54:39] We, we named her the most powerful word in the universe, hope, hope.
[06:54:49] So when you hear, when you hear Kamala Harris and I talk about freedom, we're very clear
[06:54:54] about this.
[06:54:55] We mean the freedom to make your own health care decisions and that your children should
[06:55:07] be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their classes.
[06:55:12] Again, I know Nevada is a lot like Minnesota.
[06:55:34] In Minnesota, we believe in the Second Amendment, but we also believe in common-sense gun violence
[06:55:41] laws.
[06:55:49] Vice President Harris believes education should be a ticket to the middle class, not crippling
[06:55:54] student loan debt.
[06:55:56] And we come here today because in 87 days, we're going to settle our political differences
[06:56:05] not through violence, we're going to settle it by beating them at the ballot box.
[06:56:09] So look, I keep saying this, this is a pretty simple thing here.
[06:56:23] This election is about the choice, about what direction this country will go in.
[06:56:27] And I want to be clear.
[06:56:28] I know very clearly that I am preaching to the choir, but here's my words for you.
[06:56:33] The choir needs to sing.
[06:56:35] The choir needs to sing.
[06:56:37] Well, he switched it up way more than Kamala does.
[06:56:41] He like, he doesn't stop three seasons well, obviously, but he at least like switches it
[06:56:44] up.
[06:56:45] So the other day I was saying this, I started out by saying, don't believe Donald Trump when
[06:56:50] he plays dumb about 2025.
[06:56:52] But then I remembered, you don't believe him on anything because that's what you
[06:56:56] shouldn't believe.
[06:56:57] But look, I coach football for enough years when somebody draws up a playbook, they
[06:57:06] plan on using it.
[06:57:09] And when they do, they'll restrict our freedoms.
[06:57:12] When they do, they'll do what they've done.
[06:57:14] They'll rig the economy so that the middle class gets nothing and the rich get richer.
[06:57:22] If this guy gets an opportunity again, he won't only pick up where he left off, it will be
[06:57:27] much worse than it was last time.
[06:57:31] He'll gut social security, pull your health care, under fund public schools, all of
[06:57:37] it.
[06:57:38] That's damn right.
[06:57:39] Damn right, we're not going back.
[06:57:55] This guy is not fighting for you or your family.
[06:57:57] He doesn't give a damn.
[06:57:59] And his running mate shares his dangerous and backward agenda.
[06:58:04] I said this, all of my friends, we went to Yale, had billionaires fund our career, and
[06:58:09] then we write a book trashing our neighbors that raised us.
[06:58:12] Come on, we're better than that.
[06:58:15] We're better than that.
[06:58:18] And I said it, I want to be clear.
[06:58:20] I didn't call anybody names.
[06:58:21] I spent enough years in that lunch room to know bullies when I see them.
[06:58:25] I just made a very clear observation that they seem to be really concerned about.
[06:58:30] I pointed out that taking away reproductive freedoms, banning books, raising the price
[06:58:35] of insulin, trying to hurt labor unions, nobody's asking for that weird crap.
[06:58:41] No one's asking for it.
[06:58:42] Here's the good news.
[06:58:51] You know how Ronaldo calls it as a clip?
[06:58:53] He's the frame, dude.
[06:58:54] He frames it so well.
[06:58:55] These are the work.
[06:58:56] None of that's going to happen.
[06:58:57] Vice President Harris believes in those freedoms.
[06:59:00] She knows that every single person should get a chance at the middle class.
[06:59:04] She believes in something so beautiful, the promise of America.
[06:59:08] It's that simple.
[06:59:09] The promise of America.
[06:59:15] Madam Vice President, I want to say thank you for putting the trust in me to be your
[06:59:19] running mate, and I want to say she has done so much, and with you together, it's reminded
[06:59:32] us about something.
[06:59:33] It's reminded us that this word can be about goodness.
[06:59:37] It can be about smiling.
[06:59:40] tough work but we can be happy doing it and and Kamala Harris has done something
[06:59:49] that we forever be grateful for her she has brought out the joy in our politics
[06:59:55] Nevada join me in welcoming the next president of the United States
[07:00:05] Let's see if we'll get more, we'll check more concessions this time, everybody.
[07:00:20] I mean, this is an insane thing to come out to, by the way, it is, it does go nutty.
[07:00:30] We're gonna get one extra concession today.
[07:00:50] Also, his framing on the Second Amendment is phenomenal.
[07:00:53] Are you kidding me?
[07:00:54] He says he loves the Second Amendment, he defends Second Amendment,
[07:00:57] But he wants common sense gun violence regulation gun violence laws and he's right to say it like that
[07:01:05] He doesn't even say gun regulations or gun control. He says gun violence control
[07:01:30] Oh last time last time Biden was here. He got COVID
[07:01:35] Yeah, that's why she's like it's good to be back
[07:01:37] We did it
[07:01:44] By the way, that is like one of the only moments where she's like being very real. She loves that shit
[07:02:05] to know Coach Walls as Vice President of the United State
[07:02:24] Court as Master of 226 is in the House of Rights and Workers
[07:03:21] Dignity.
[07:03:26] After safe for years, I've been so proud to work by your side
[07:03:30] when I was Attorney General of California.
[07:03:31] We worked together to crack down on wage theft.
[07:03:37] When I was the United States Senator,
[07:03:38] we fought together for paid family leave and medical leave.
[07:03:46] Earlier this year, right here in Vegas,
[07:03:48] we celebrated your historic contract win.
[07:03:55] And it is my promise to everyone here when I am president,
[07:03:59] we will continue our fight for working families of America.
[07:04:10] Raise the minimum wage for service and hospitality workers.
[07:04:27] Meetings from our incredible president, Joe Biden.
[07:04:59] So deeply grateful to Joe Biden.
[07:05:02] I forgot who Joe Biden was.
[07:05:03] I don't know why.
[07:05:10] I forgot who Joe Biden was.
[07:05:11] Who is that guy?
[07:05:12] So as I said, it's so good.
[07:05:14] Check, can you remind me?
[07:05:15] Who is this Joe guy that they're talking about?
[07:05:17] I stopped by the practice for the men's national basketball team before they headed out to the Olympics
[07:05:25] and being sold on your phone, but just a few hours ago in Paris, they won the gold!
[07:05:40] We showed those French motherfuckers what bro?
[07:05:43] That's right! LeBron James Steph Curry!
[07:05:48] Before that, our women's national soccer!
[07:05:56] Who fries again? It's called freedom fries again!
[07:06:04] That's what we're calling it! USA! USA! USA! USA!
[07:06:18] on the USA. And I don't care. So Nevada, we have 87 days until the election. Yeah, I
[07:06:35] don't know what this fucking limited in taxes on tip shit is. L you still lost to China.
[07:06:54] Dude, that makes me doubly happy. China gets his fucking roses in the form of having
[07:06:58] more gold medals in America. I love that. And also the American basketball team dominates.
[07:07:04] I love that extra hard work is literally win win for me. I don't give a shit.
[07:07:12] We will win.
[07:07:33] I don't have any tolerance for fake news in the chat.
[07:07:36] If you keep repeating the lie that LeBron got dunked on, the lie from the AI footage that
[07:07:44] LeBron got dunked on, I will ban you.
[07:07:45] I will ban you for the week.
[07:07:46] I will ban you permanently.
[07:07:47] And before a prosecutor, I took on perpetrators of all kinds, predators who abused women,
[07:08:12] fraudsters who ripped off consumers, scammers who broke.
[07:08:17] the fake refs that wouldn't give a charge which he was trying to get a charge
[07:08:21] he was trying to get an offensive foul and it's honestly fucked up and we
[07:08:26] should put sanctions on France for that because that was an offensive foul that
[07:08:30] was an offensive foul the LeBron was LeBron was fucking the action it's
[07:08:35] fake it's AI it's not real and also if it was real it was offensive foul
[07:08:40] we should shut down France's nuclear facilities right now
[07:08:48] People like in my entire career, for example, as Attorney General of California, I took on
[07:09:00] one of our country's largest for-profit colleges that scammed students.
[07:09:07] LeBron was not even on the court.
[07:09:09] Yeah.
[07:09:10] Donald Trump ran a for-profit college that scammed students.
[07:09:13] Yeah, y'all are lying, bro.
[07:09:15] He wasn't even there.
[07:09:18] He was literally out.
[07:09:19] As a prosecutor, I specialized in...
[07:09:20] He was out.
[07:09:21] I heard he was actually saving.
[07:09:23] He was literally, he saw a child being kidnapped on the sidelines and he literally went take
[07:09:30] in mode, okay?
[07:09:32] He went Liam Neeson to save the child on the sidelines and actually stopped, and actually
[07:09:39] stopped the Albanians from stealing the child, okay?
[07:09:44] Take in mode and then came back and still try to take a charge, but the referees,
[07:09:51] But the referees refused to give him the charge because they're in the pocket of France.
[07:09:55] They wanted the home turf to win.
[07:09:57] It didn't happen though.
[07:09:59] It didn't happen.
[07:10:00] Like Captain America and Steph Curry, they did the damn thing.
[07:10:05] Put my record against his every day of the week.
[07:10:24] This campaign is not just about us versus Donald Trump.
[07:10:29] It is about two different visions for our nation.
[07:10:35] hours focused on the future. We might get some Gaza protests in this one too. I got a piece.
[07:10:41] For the future! Opportunity to own a home, to start a business, and to build wealth, of
[07:11:44] living for a man. So they have a chance not just to get by, things like groceries are
[07:12:09] still too high. You know it and I know it. When I was Attorney General I went after
[07:12:15] price-fixing schemes. And when I am president, I will continue that work to bring down prices,
[07:12:27] corporations that engage in illegal price gouging, corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents
[07:12:34] on working families, and cap the cost of prescription drugs for all of them. Put the middle class
[07:12:57] and working families first. Because you see, Tim Wells did not appear to have a whole
[07:13:11] I'm coming but we have so much in common and I'll tell you what he and I know the middle
[07:13:19] class built the United States of America.
[07:13:22] Trump has a different plan.
[07:13:49] Just look at his project 2025 agenda which I keep saying I can't believe they put that
[07:13:57] in writing and so if he is elected.
[07:14:05] I don't want to, I don't want to repeat this, but if she doesn't talk about how Joe Biden
[07:14:11] expanded NATO and also reaffirmed our commitment to AUKUS, I can't and get conscious vote for
[07:14:21] this ticket. She does not reiterate Joe Biden's expansion of NATO and his commitment to five
[07:14:34] eyes being lit in Sweden in NATO. I am seeing very little about that. And it fucked me up.
[07:14:41] We're to win in November. He won't. I thought you said NATO was bad. Bro, please I'm making
[07:14:55] a joke man. How many times did I fucking yell about Joe Biden talking about NATO as like
[07:15:01] a, as like a massive fucking campaign feature? It's called sarcasm chat. You know, it was
[07:15:07] was not start casting the three minute abbreak though at the top of the fucking
[07:15:10] hour that's not start casting is coming for you children with breast cancer
[07:15:19] survivors grandparents with diabetes it's coming for you before and we are not
[07:15:31] going in moving forward we will take on the biggest issues facing our nation
[07:16:07] For example, we will address the issue of immigration.
[07:16:15] I was the attorney general of a border state.
[07:16:20] I went after transnational gangs, drug cartels, and human traffickers who came into our country
[07:16:26] illegally.
[07:16:27] I prosecuted them in case after case and on a one.
[07:16:35] We know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it.
[07:16:43] reform that includes yes strong border security and an earned pathway to
[07:16:49] citizenship now officially move back to the Obama era former Democratic Party
[07:16:58] leadership concessions making giving concessions with like bold declarative
[07:17:07] rat there I say radical but very popular policy initiatives a little
[07:17:13] a little bit of push, a little bit of pull.
[07:17:14] I don't think that there should be any fucking push at all.
[07:17:18] I mean, I don't think there should be any pull at all
[07:17:19] and just push, but that's good.
[07:17:22] I've been part of some border security bill in decades.
[07:17:26] But Donald Trump tanked the bill
[07:17:29] because he thought it would help him win an election.
[07:17:32] Yeah, the bill sucked.
[07:17:35] Don't defend the bill.
[07:17:36] Well, when I am president,
[07:17:37] I will sign that bill into law.
[07:17:48] I'm Brian Killme.
[07:17:49] I'm Brian Killme.
[07:17:50] I'm Brian Kilney, that border bill sucks ass.
[07:17:53] And it is fake.
[07:17:54] Block that border bill.
[07:18:00] Our nation, we have been witnessing a full on assault
[07:18:05] on hard won, hard clock freedoms and fundamental rights.
[07:18:12] The freedom to vote, the freedom
[07:18:14] to be safe from gun violence, the freedom to love who you
[07:18:19] love openly and with pride.
[07:18:50] when he was president of the United States Supreme Court
[07:19:01] because he intended for them to undo the protections
[07:19:05] of Roe v. Wade.
[07:19:07] And as he intended, they did.
[07:19:11] Now, in more than 20 states,
[07:19:15] there is a Trump abortion ban.
[07:19:18] Many with no exceptions, even for rape and incest.
[07:19:26] And be sure, if he were to win,
[07:19:29] He would sign a national abortion ban, which would outlaw abortion in every state, even
[07:19:37] Nevada.
[07:19:38] But we are not going to let that happen, because we trust women.
[07:19:51] As is the bill, to restore reproductive freedoms, I will sign it into law.
[07:20:15] Folks who are here, I know the people of Nevada.
[07:20:28] You are battle-born.
[07:20:29] born. You are battle-born. And if Donald Trump wants to pick a fight over our most fundamental
[07:20:41] freedoms, we say, bring it on. Generations of Americans before us led the fight for freedom.
[07:21:19] Now, the baton is in our hands, each and every one of us.
[07:21:32] So we who believe in the sacred freedom to vote will finally pass the John Lewis Voting
[07:21:38] Rights Act and the freedom to live safe from gun violence will finally pass an Assault
[07:21:53] Weapons Ban election.
[07:22:11] understand this is not 2016 this is not 2020 this time around the stakes are even
[07:22:23] higher and that's because last month the Supreme Court of the United States
[07:22:32] basically told the former president that going forward he will effectively be
[07:22:40] immune no matter what he does in the White House. Think about what that means.
[07:22:52] So Donald Trump has vowed to be a dictator on day one of re-elected.
[07:23:00] Essentially the Department of Justice against his political enemies even
[07:23:12] called for the quote termination of the Constitution of the United States who
[07:23:28] who suggests we should terminate the constitution of the United States should never again stand
[07:23:39] behind the seal of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country.
[07:24:35] I literally thought she said IDF to fight for the IDF, I literally thought she said IDF to fight for the IDF.
[07:24:47] I'm going to move backwards.
[07:24:52] What makes for Tim Walls and me to be together on this stage today?
[07:25:01] Think about that. Think about it. Two middle class kids, one daughter of Oakland County,
[07:25:15] I had a summer job at McDonnell, what an insane question, she's not that old, she's 60.
[07:25:38] Think about America, he's the possible that the two of them would be running together
[07:25:45] all the way to the white out.
[07:26:24] And when elected, we will govern on behalf of all the election.
[07:26:44] I believe we each face a question.
[07:26:50] What kind of country do we want to live in?
[07:26:54] A country of chaos, of fear and hate.
[07:27:00] Like that!
[07:27:02] Kaya, try to stop voting for Kamala until there's a ceasefire.
[07:27:08] He's riding Biden in a ticket.
[07:27:26] The beauty of our democracy is we,
[07:27:36] person has the power to answer that question.
[07:27:40] He's voted liberal, but you don't know it yet.
[07:29:39] I mean, I have, but like I said, I need to wait and see.
[07:29:45] We need a blue version of that huge maggot cowboy hat.
[07:29:48] I want her to fight for freedom
[07:29:54] She's getting a little bit better
[07:29:58] She's getting a little bit better with her speeches. I think definitely more dynamic
[07:30:03] Who the fuck cares who a song fights for?
[07:30:10] Hucking scum as Dems power hungry
[07:30:14] Yeah, I mean I agree who the fuck nobody should care who the fuck I vote for
[07:30:19] Problem is a lot of people in here do
[07:30:23] Whether they make a statement or not. I don't know
[07:30:26] Well, Brandon tank top. Are you wearing looks so comfy? I got it on Amazon. I have no idea
[07:30:31] what brain it is. I'm going to be honest with you. There were no protesters today.
[07:30:41] Do you, uh, do you promise to ever get more progressive later in their career? Yes. Joe
[07:30:47] Biden did like a lot actually, especially on the issue of labor, but then he fucked
[07:30:52] it all up with his unconditional unlimited support for permanent genocide in Gaza.
[07:31:04] you ever get more progressive? No. The protesters ate up the Lib Lib service at no, I don't think
[07:31:19] the protest is eight up the Lib Lib service. I was one of the organizers of the dream women
[07:31:37] from 2005 on this. This is back to the same nonsense as Obama days, but at least stepping
[07:31:42] away from the, we try to kick everyone out and build a wall and they didn't let us
[07:31:45] feels like an interesting step forward. Yeah. I think that overall here are the
[07:31:51] marks that I have one new thing that she unveiled and she's like slow dripping
[07:31:55] new policy stuff and like we'll get a boatload of new policy, which of course will open her
[07:32:01] up for attacks from the Republicans, but it's inevitable.
[07:32:11] Basically said, the one line, I say Kamala returns to old them lines of push and pull
[07:32:18] on immigration, Obama era policymaking. She declares her support for a pathway for
[07:32:23] citizenship while still touting Biden's absolutely awful right wing border bill.
[07:32:26] There is no reason to lend credence to the right on this issue.
[07:32:29] He also brought up Trump's policy position, the no tax on tips, which again, I don't,
[07:32:42] like I'm not exactly, like I said, I've been cynical on this.
[07:32:48] I've been cynical on the no tax and tip shit because the major problem with tips in general
[07:32:56] is that it is a benefit for corporations.
[07:33:00] Like the real issue in the service sector is not necessarily that like tips are taxed.
[07:33:05] The real issue in the service sector is that there is no, um, there is no real valid minimum
[07:33:14] wage that is, uh, that is enough to, to help people survive, but yeah, she had an increase
[07:33:27] the minimum wage, but why do tip tax too doesn't sound that thought out.
[07:33:31] I don't know.
[07:33:35] love for walls will fade when he falls in line when asked about Gaza.
[07:33:41] So far, considering everything that the Republicans have said about Tim Walls is that he's a secret
[07:33:47] Somali in the pocket for Muslims, met with a Muslim cleric that said Palestinians are
[07:33:54] human beings.
[07:33:58] You know, horrible things like that.
[07:34:03] I would, I would say that, um, I would say Turkish minimum wage is less than $500.
[07:34:11] Bro, what are you talking about?
[07:34:12] Yeah, that's Turkey, dude.
[07:34:14] What the fuck?
[07:34:24] I work sales.
[07:34:24] You have the pace below minimum wage with the most God awful commission
[07:34:27] rate possible to it.
[07:34:28] Only way this is livable is if I get tips from people who may or may not
[07:34:31] want to tip me because I work in an industry that people don't expect
[07:34:33] to tip at.
[07:34:34] Yeah.
[07:34:34] I just, that's on that cleric did Holocaust denial brother that cleric
[07:34:43] Posted something in 2015 on Facebook if you think that that has anything to do with Tim Walts
[07:34:51] You are the most delusional person on the planet. It's a Washington examiner article about the fucking
[07:34:58] cleric that posted a
[07:35:02] Ridiculous anti-semitic fucking post in 2015
[07:35:06] Yeah, dude, I can't believe it. I'm sure he's also met with fucking literal Nazis to that
[07:35:16] doesn't reflect his position. Like he's the goddamn governor. You have to look to like
[07:35:23] what they believe and what they have said and see if it's in line with the people the
[07:35:28] constituents that he's meeting with. Yeah, it was a fucking psychotic Washington examiner
[07:35:33] uh, hit piece, which by the way, the funniest thing, the funniest thing about that, uh, yeah,
[07:35:42] they hit Obama with the same attack as well. The funniest thing about the, the, like that
[07:35:49] type of, uh, that type of line of attack is that it's the Washington examiner. So of
[07:35:55] course they had to fucking, they had to literally pepper that with some of the most
[07:36:00] innocuous shit. Like, aside from the, the post of that cleric posted from like an obviously
[07:36:07] anti-Semitic propaganda rag. Okay. He also said he stands with Palestinians. Like they
[07:36:16] literally put that in there. And then they were like, and the cleric also met with another
[07:36:20] person. Or on Facebook, the cleric also responded to someone saying, yes, you know,
[07:36:28] The designers regimes crimes are unconscionable and he replied to that with the Palestinian
[07:36:33] flag like really that's what you got on Tim was that he met with one of his constituents
[07:36:42] who is a Muslim cleric who posted something anti-Semitic in 2015.
[07:36:47] Okay, on fucking Facebook.
[07:36:50] Like if that's the level of research that you're going to and the only thing you
[07:36:54] get Navamon is straight up straight up shit from Facebook posts from 2015. Like the only
[07:37:03] thing you can get him on as a person that he spoke to, you're delusional is delusional
[07:37:15] is crazy cleric. Yeah. You're missing the more important point that they're focusing
[07:37:26] so much on walls that they're giving comma largely a free run. She's atop of the ticket
[07:37:29] not him. Yeah, but also he's the she's too generic, I think for them to actually hit
[07:37:35] her on shit. Like, unironically, I think like her, her like regular ass generic Democrat
[07:37:50] ass is like almost seemingly like a it feels like a like an actual fucking benefit, which
[07:38:02] is weird.
[07:38:20] Hey chatters. 2015 was almost 10 years ago. Yeah, it is 10 years ago. What? The US secret
[07:38:32] service apologizes to a master's salon owner after the agent covered a security camera with
[07:38:36] duct tape and broken over salon by picking the lock. So his bathroom could be used by
[07:38:39] various people for a two hour period. After the two hour period secret service agents
[07:38:42] left their salon unlocked and let the tape cover the camera. The woman was told by others
[07:38:46] of the lead Secret Service agent was directing people to use their salon's bathroom without
[07:38:50] authorization. The agents were in the neighborhood of the secure area ahead of Kamala Harris'
[07:38:54] fundraiser. The agents were in the neighborhood of the secure area ahead of Kamala Harris'
[07:38:59] fundraiser. The woman understood she needed a closer salon, but didn't expect the rest
[07:39:03] of what happened. That's fucking hilarious. Look at how dad, like Tim Walz is taking
[07:39:21] this photo he's such a fucking goober dude i'm excited to link up with the great general
[07:39:47] secretary chairman fein at the dnc i'm hoping we're working on it yeah this is why they're
[07:39:55] desperate waltz rollouts going really well and jimmy's panicking yeah dude waltz is
[07:39:59] fucking more popular than kamala harris dude at pennsylvania his net favorables are
[07:40:04] plus 11 fuck you, Gronk. I never want to ask you a question, Gronk. Don't ever, don't ever
[07:40:12] answer. How do I fucking delete this Gronk shit, dude? Oh my God. In every state that
[07:40:20] he is so far participated in, he is literally more positively received than Kamala Harris.
[07:40:30] okay every goddamn state I told you walls would be better for p.m. Shapiro baby bro
[07:40:46] it like no Shapiro's favorables are are decent in Pennsylvania to what black boy
[07:40:53] Max dance to your red sun cover? No, you made that. There is no way. I wish it was real.
[07:41:15] I wish it was real.
[07:41:24] Why does it work so well?
[07:41:41] Anyway, the red shirt pulls it all the other?
[07:41:45] Yeah.
[07:41:50] There's a Twitter extension for Chrome that gives a lot of control over customizing a
[07:41:53] if you're including removing that dumb ass bodice got a control panel for Twitter and
[07:41:56] the extension store. Yeah. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Wait, what? You already talked to us on, dude,
[07:42:07] are you guys stupid? Don't fucking give any air to the Eden, Russia, please. Like, what
[07:42:11] the fuck's wrong with chatters? Like I swear to God, conservatives are collectively having
[07:42:19] a fake pig meltdown over this very real pig of the Detroit rally and selling levels
[07:42:22] a hog watch copium. Plans have tail numbers. What in the AI is going on here? That's make
[07:42:29] who? Yeah. He's the guy who killed the son of in London, 270 page dossier of JD Vance's
[07:42:41] vulnerabilities hacked by Iran. Dude, what the fuck's Iran doing to the Trump campaign?
[07:42:46] By the way, like Iran has been making, I feel like Iran did not forgive nor did they
[07:42:52] forget about the the Cosme Soleimani stuff because honestly like they're what are they
[07:42:59] doing they're like trying to assassinate Trump and shit like they they're they're like
[07:43:07] hacking the fuck out of the Republicans they're pulling a Russia kind of oh my god oh my
[07:43:17] god Republicans are going to do Iran gate oh my god Republicans are going to do Iran
[07:43:21] get in the same way that fucking Democrats did Russia gate for so long.
[07:43:27] Oh my God. This is literally a reverse 2016. Oh my God. It's reverse 2016. Oh my God. I
[07:43:34] said it was 2016 when Biden was in the race and now it has become a reverse 2016. Now
[07:43:40] that Biden's out of the race. Oh my God. I need that once again, uh, much respect
[07:43:49] the IRGC, the brave soldiers were delivering wonderful bangers like this one. Okay, now
[07:44:02] I'm understanding why Republicans love Russians. It'd be fair. I didn't mind the fucking Russian
[07:44:08] gate shit either. I thought it was awesome, but I'm an equal opportunity hack guy in that regard.
[07:44:22] I actually heard a news blurb on NPR concerns that Iran is trying to influence the 24
[07:44:26] for election. Is it really Iran gate or a plan to help Zionists get Iran blink of a shot
[07:44:33] of scare people not too long about Iranian nukes. I just, oh yeah, this be a party front
[07:44:44] runner crush opponents in a nasty primary be portrayed as the inevitable winner.
[07:44:47] Despite everybody hating you forget the campaign and swing stays dismiss opponents
[07:44:51] crowd size and enthusiasm have emails hacked and leaked pick unrelated is true. It's
[07:45:05] Dude, it's literally 2016 rerun. It is pretty great that JD Vance said 270 page report on his vulnerabilities
[07:45:15] Like holy shit. There has to be a world record of being a shitty candidate. Bro. Are you kidding me?
[07:45:20] He's so fucking bad. I could have given you like I think I've probably filled up 100 pages of the dossier
[07:45:27] If we go through it piece by piece if they like actually fully leaked it
[07:45:32] To the media I
[07:45:34] I can tell you what like the first 100 pages are. I've most likely given you the first 100 pages. He is so
[07:45:42] Incredibly vulnerable in like the most obvious ways, bro
[07:45:47] He went on he went on and tried to desperately
[07:45:53] Appeal to like
[07:45:55] Gropers to such a degree that he went on like the the fucking friend podcast and shit like
[07:46:01] Like remember that one pedophile looking guy and you know the dime square people or whatever.
[07:46:10] Like they're like red scare adjacent like that.
[07:46:12] What was it Amy like the fucking Australian chick that looks like the Babadook.
[07:46:19] You have to be extremely online to know what I'm talking about fuck what's her.
[07:46:23] She's like sucking on a fucking Red Bull on her Amy Terese.
[07:46:27] Yes.
[07:46:28] The Skeletor.
[07:46:29] Yeah.
[07:46:30] That one.
[07:46:31] he went on Amy Terezi's podcast bro like think about that what fucking planet are we on it's
[07:46:45] like it's insane dude it oh by the way by the way people are like oh Baba Duk like that's
[07:46:56] crazy do you know what she fucking looks like bro that was a lock like what are you
[07:47:01] talking about how do you spell her fucking name god damn it oh she's on she's on twitter
[07:47:14] still what's the fuck not not this photo there's another there's another like full body image one
[07:47:23] where she just like straight up looks like the vabadook prepare for 20 tweets in the next 24
[07:47:30] hours about you i don't give a fuck amy terezy looks like her sit down air smells like a
[07:47:35] turtle tank filled with cigarettes and her views are worse yeah it's this one yes bro thank you
[07:47:47] you. You look like something that can be sealed away by solving a riddle. It's like, dude,
[07:47:59] scary energy, scary aura, not gonna lie. Very weird stuff. Shouts out to Jedidiah Vance for
[07:48:10] going on her fucking podcast. You know what I mean? Like, like, why would you do that?
[07:48:16] It's not even, have you covered the gripper war on Trump? No. I'm done for the day.
[07:48:28] But I'm gonna go spend time with my family. Okay, I will be live tomorrow though
[07:48:41] So don't be afraid. I'll be live tomorrow another short and sweet
[07:48:48] 7 hour 50 minute 8 hour stream basically
[07:48:53] You already know what it is
[07:48:55] KZO talking smack on you right now, bro
[07:48:58] Bro, we can go band for band on the fucking eater competition. Okay?
[07:49:03] Okay. That's the last thing I'm going to say to KZO. If he's talking smack right now, I
[07:49:10] am telling you I'm revoking his big boy status. Okay. I have to hang out my family. We can
[07:49:18] go band. We can go band for band. We can go pound for pound. Okay. I would, but I
[07:49:30] gotta go for tonight I'm a real eater bro I'm a real eater I'm a real eater I
[07:49:37] don't know if he is he said that shit about diamond he said that shit about
[07:49:40] Mountain Dew. Anyway, love you guys. I will see you tomorrow. Okay. Peace. Bye. Bye.
[07:50:10] A sudden stream, a sudden stream again
[07:50:30] A sudden stream, a sudden stream
[07:50:36] You girls face, startin' discord at hip-fro
[07:50:53] Great names take on Bernie Sanders
[07:51:03] Our GBTQer
[07:51:06] The whole left at your fingertips