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08-09-2024 · 6h 47m

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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:00:00] I hope all the boys girls and MVs are having a fantastic one because today's a beautiful
[00:12:25] day today's a wonderful day today is a special day a very very special day and I'm feeling
[00:12:33] great you might be thinking to some why is this a special day why are you feeling great
[00:12:38] Well, let me tell you, really quickly, let me dive right into it.
[00:12:41] It's because it's a beautiful day that we celebrate every fucking week.
[00:12:45] That's right.
[00:12:47] It's Friday, ladies and gentlemen.
[00:12:54] 9th, 2024.
[00:12:57] It's fucked up Friday.
[00:13:00] Last fuck Friday.
[00:13:01] Fucker fans, mom Friday.
[00:13:03] Happy Friday.
[00:13:04] More like Friday.
[00:13:05] More like Friday Slay.
[00:13:06] That's right, ladies and gentlemen, it's the fucking weekend.
[00:13:09] A-Street!
[00:13:10] A-Right!
[00:13:11] Long!
[00:13:12] Fought!
[00:13:13] With blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors who came before us and said, no, we will have
[00:13:22] a sense of autonomy on the weekend.
[00:13:24] We will have a sense of purpose and sense of dignity and sense of humanity.
[00:13:29] And no matter how hard they try to take that away from you, you still got the weekend,
[00:13:32] baby.
[00:13:33] You still feel like a human being and the vile today are going to be.
[00:13:39] You understand me immaculate. No fuck shit. Okay. No boring. No fuck shit. No nothing.
[00:13:44] No bad stuff. Okay. Cause it's Friday. Uh, it's Friday, 11, 22 a.m. and I'm here and
[00:13:50] I am right on time. And, uh, honestly, very excited to start today. But before I get
[00:13:57] to the news, this is part of the bar guys, where I tell you about my personal news,
[00:14:03] but what's going on in the world of a song, Hassan, I'll be Piker in between the
[00:14:06] the time period where I pressed the stock shroom button and pressed the star shroom button.
[00:14:11] Let me do a vibe shift. Why did you cancel the fun stuff today? There was supposed to
[00:14:21] be fun stuff happening later tonight, but unfortunately, uh, we had to cancel the basketball
[00:14:30] stuff for a couple of different reasons. Um, one, because I couldn't get Jason, the
[00:14:40] I don't think they want to do it number two it is because you like America and brother
[00:14:54] you can't be asking me that question right after I watch LeBron KD step Curry highlights
[00:15:02] bro this is the worst time to ask me right now is the moment where I am the most patriotic
[00:15:08] you understand me like this is absolutely the worst time to ask me about how much i love america i'll give a standing ovation right now you feel me
[00:15:16] god damn i'll stand up and salute the flag as long as it's being carried by my president
[00:15:23] okay my president sure mb2 max and jason are not in la oh they're not lebron
[00:15:41] Motherfuckin' James. That's my real president. That's my real goat.
[00:15:47] Wait, look Captain America, we'll get to that in a second.
[00:15:52] We're not gonna talk about that yet.
[00:15:54] But yeah, this is part of the broadcast where I tell you about my personal news last night at the end of the broadcast.
[00:15:59] You know, another nine hour half day stream. What the fuck's going on?
[00:16:03] You already know this guy quiet quitting as always.
[00:16:06] No, I cancel because the courts are occupied.
[00:16:10] Hey, you go. Thank you for the stream. Thank you for the rain. Sorry. Hope you had a good stream
[00:16:18] Okay, and the broadcast
[00:16:31] Was some highlights. What else did I do hung out with them hung out with the mom?
[00:16:40] hung out with the dad
[00:16:42] Did a little bit of a hot tub action?
[00:16:45] Bathtub action bubble boy. You already know the deal trying to get this recovery going I have been I think pushing my body to the absolute
[00:16:54] physical limit of a 33 year old man I'll be honest with you I mean the cardio, the basketball,
[00:17:01] hitting the pavement, putting the pussy on the pavement every goddamn day with these old knees
[00:17:06] not great you know I mean look that's what people normally do when they have to keep up
[00:17:15] with my daily lifestyle and activity okay that's what they do you see that
[00:17:23] fucking passed out. Why? Because she got a good workout this morning, okay?
[00:17:31] Hung out with the boys and the girls. Play date. While I was squatting, doing front
[00:17:40] rack, single leg lunges, okay? Walking lunges, doing RDLs, that is Romanian
[00:17:51] deadlift she was out there playing around chasing chasing her girlfriend chasing her boyfriend
[00:18:00] you know I also did have to shut talls last night but it didn't actually impact my diet
[00:18:07] that much I weighed myself from 229 on the boys scale boys scales always more important
[00:18:12] than the scale at home when you're in front of your boys you know you take your clothes
[00:18:15] off, sitting there, dick hanging out in front of the entire gym, in front of your trainers,
[00:18:28] in front of all the other people. Do you wear yourself daily? Uh, yeah, semi-regularly,
[00:18:36] but, um, did all that. Just hit 2.25 this morning. I'm right there with you. Brother,
[00:18:47] I'm about to pass you. I'm sorry. No disrespect. I'm about to cook you. Okay.
[00:18:52] 229 on the boys scale you become the old naked dude at the gym no I mean I don't go fully
[00:19:00] naked I'm in my eye I dropped trial but I got the pants on still I don't weigh myself
[00:19:04] bare ass dude that's crazy this dude hit me up by the way not the not the stalker one
[00:19:16] but the dude who made this video he hit me up he's like thanks for the con words brother
[00:19:21] I was like bro you better watch out dude I think you're funny as fuck but that dude
[00:19:24] gonna kill you but anyway um woke up early this morning had a convo with the new york times after
[00:19:36] doing lower body push day lower body push pull worked out went to the bakery as i like to call
[00:19:47] it to get my cake up you know what i'm saying got my freaking cake up wake up get your cake up
[00:19:55] Talk to the New York Times again another New York Times convo. Yes, bro. They keep they keep blowing up my phone, dude
[00:20:02] They keep blowing up my phone. I don't know what to do
[00:20:06] I'm like, dang. Okay. Sure. I'll talk to you
[00:20:11] but um, but yeah overall a
[00:20:22] song turn your mic up. No
[00:20:30] Classic looked into it was that oh, yeah
[00:20:35] Yeah.
[00:20:38] He's I'm seeing in his when you're Chicago, I will.
[00:20:40] I'm talking to Doney.
[00:20:43] I'm talking to my man, my main man, Doney O Sullivan about that as well.
[00:20:47] So anyway, um, life is pretty good overall, you know, working out, working.
[00:20:57] I really don't have any time to myself, but, um, I fucking hate you big boy ass
[00:21:07] fucks.
[00:21:08] I'm 511 between a game way.
[00:21:09] I'm asking anybody to refuse to put on LBs
[00:21:11] I'm an Harman Kallers I take in
[00:21:13] Literally sitting at 155 for like two months
[00:21:15] Bro the grass is always greener
[00:21:17] You have a natty fucking six pack
[00:21:22] Okay
[00:21:23] You have a god dang natty six pack
[00:21:25] No matter what you do
[00:21:27] You know how hard it is for someone like myself
[00:21:29] To get the gutters going
[00:21:31] You wanna know
[00:21:32] Also hold on
[00:21:33] I'm gonna send myself a video
[00:21:34] Cause I want you guys to
[00:21:36] I want you guys to see how devastatingly fat I was
[00:21:39] This is after a year of working out to after like a sequence of injuries and what not
[00:21:46] It's like kind of crazy how much weight I've actually lost
[00:21:49] I watched this video and I could not believe it. Hold on
[00:21:56] I'm gonna send it to myself
[00:22:03] Discord real quick hold up, but yeah, I want to show you guys the video. That's that'll be the last
[00:22:10] That'll be the last like
[00:22:11] I'll be the last workout related the thing that I will talk about and then we'll get to the news
[00:22:19] You already know dude
[00:22:20] I've been I think I've been diving too much into the news without doing personal news people are immediately like nah, dude
[00:22:28] Like what the fuck get to the news news man, what creatine pills do you take?
[00:22:31] I don't know just a normal one the regular kind. It's the work. I'm the worst person to ask this question
[00:22:37] I don't know like
[00:22:38] It's the green one
[00:22:40] Do you have loose skin if you have any advice I'm filling it out or reducing
[00:22:45] I mean I have kind of loose skin, but like luckily at 33. It's not like it's still pretty taught
[00:22:53] Like I don't know. Maybe I have a lot of loose skin. I'm not aware of it
[00:22:58] But you guys want to know this is a video
[00:23:02] Chat this is a video from June, okay of 2022
[00:23:09] From two years ago from two years ago, okay
[00:23:15] look at this look at how fat I used to be is you've seen me now you like you've seen
[00:23:26] you know what I look like now look at how thick I was bro like it's crazy like I had
[00:23:50] I had the muffin top dude I had the fucking flat tire I was a big old boy like I think
[00:23:58] that actually shows because you've seen what my bag looks like now that actually shows
[00:24:03] of disparity quite well and then that is that's one thing but you haven't seen the worst one hold up
[00:24:09] let me show you the let me show you the craziest dude this is from when I first started working out
[00:24:18] I don't know why the quality is so bad on this but hold up I'm gonna show you another one hold up
[00:24:31] dude from fake to Brawlik yeah I was thickums dude I was thick as hell it wasn't too long
[00:24:44] You weren't getting more than 4k steps today. You locked in honestly it I don't get that many steps either still like I just
[00:24:52] Happen to work out a lot more. I think
[00:24:55] Bro, look at this. You guys want to see how fucking
[00:25:02] Look at this I can't even do hinges like well, you know, it was crazy
[00:25:34] She's crazy
[00:25:35] Here this is the no not this one. This is the one. This is the craziest one hold up
[00:25:40] I don't know why like the video quality is so bad, but look at this
[00:25:44] I don't know what happened to the video quality on this. I think you're being harsh on this dude
[00:26:00] It's like a different dude, bro. That is when I was that is when I had just turned 30 chat
[00:26:12] Like I had just turned 30 in the years in the sequels between me turning 30 to 33. I have literally de-aged
[00:26:22] Do not show those videos the LGBTQ Twitter
[00:26:26] It's not though. You look the same in your physique isn't that bad? No, you can't tell
[00:26:32] That's because I hide it really well. That's my whole that's my whole point
[00:26:36] Like it's very deceptive
[00:26:39] It's very very deceptive
[00:26:43] That was Donnie not you
[00:26:50] Yeah, I'm built like this. It's not even a joke. I literally was built like that
[00:26:56] You feel like getting fit is harder
[00:26:58] When you're in your 30s. Yeah, I mean probably certainly, but it doesn't matter. You can still do it. That's the point. All right
[00:27:07] You're the new Ray Kurzweil, but doing it was in an exercise to the 200 daily supplements
[00:27:17] Majority report. Thank you for the rate. Hope you had a good stream
[00:27:20] I'm 98 pounds, bro. It's hard with an eating disorder. God damn. I don't even
[00:27:27] Really just like one leg of mine. That's how much that weighs
[00:27:30] I look as I was using Minecraft camo ain't no way bro. What the fuck is
[00:27:47] It no
[00:27:49] No, it's not
[00:27:52] No, it's like the digital camo. Oh my god the background. Oh my god. Oh my god
[00:28:07] That's Minecraft. Oh my god that literally is Minecraft in the background like that
[00:28:11] What I thought they were talking about the camo pattern on the I thought they were talking about the camo pattern on the on the gear
[00:28:24] That's like that's just digital, but this is I
[00:28:28] Don't even think that's digital and that's like it doesn't look like it. It might be that's crazy though
[00:28:34] That's crazy. All right. Anyway
[00:28:36] It's the make dirt. That's crazy. All right. Anyway, let's get started. Let's pop off. Let's blast off and let's get into it
[00:28:49] Holy shit, that's crazy
[00:28:55] Check out the highlights in USA versus Serbia dude
[00:29:00] Check out the highlights. You don't want me. You don't want me to check out the highlights because I'm gonna start talking about how America
[00:29:06] It is allowed to dominate the entire planet permanently. Okay
[00:29:12] America as a as a hegemon needs to continue
[00:29:15] Okay
[00:29:17] It needs to continue. Don't even give me. Oh, dude. This is the one I liked this one already
[00:29:21] This one is so good. This one is such a funny take that. Okay. Fuck it. We'll do it. Hold on. Let me blast off real quick
[00:29:27] Okay.
[00:29:28] Would you smoke Krag on stream?
[00:29:31] No.
[00:29:32] This implies that I smoke it off stream.
[00:29:36] Trump X Harris match up.
[00:29:42] Trump goes to Montana after hiding.
[00:29:45] What else is there going to do?
[00:29:55] Ukraine invades Russia.
[00:30:05] No reverse kick documentary.
[00:30:13] You know
[00:30:18] Have you taken your morning proper yet? No, I have not
[00:30:23] Then but not Eddie shaking my head. No
[00:30:27] Blood still has a look at keyboard when typing yeah, I'm 33 shut up. All right. Do we have a blast off me or not?
[00:30:36] You see Jesse water saying walls is closeted. Oh
[00:30:48] LinkedIn billionaire getting interviewed by Tapper awkward top dem donors explain. He's not buying influence with Kamala
[00:30:53] Yeah, we'll look at that in a second. I have you seen the Kevin's orbit tweet. Yes, I have
[00:31:06] Fuck the bless on me use this
[00:31:09] No
[00:31:17] Out of 10 how strange is Dana white very strange
[00:31:30] Did the Joe?
[00:31:31] Did you did you the Joe Rogan apology tweet?
[00:31:34] Joe Rogan walk back is endorsement
[00:31:38] No shot
[00:31:40] Ain't no way
[00:31:47] This man acts like being 33 is a fucking disability
[00:31:50] It is bro. It's disability to get this bread dog. What the fuck? Joe Rogan walks back RFK
[00:32:29] junior endorsement. Is he compromised by the deep state? I can't believe Joe Rogan is
[00:32:44] compromised by the deep state folks. We already know. So did Tim pool. I think they realized
[00:32:54] that like they are unironically going to get shitted on by like their entire right wing
[00:33:00] fan base that they've cultivated over the course of many, many years of being centrist
[00:33:06] figures, liberal centrist figures because RFK is literally eating away at the Trump
[00:33:14] base with this.
[00:33:17] So they're just now turning around and being like, oh my, I was wrong.
[00:33:28] I find it ironic that there are U S Air Force ads in this particular Twitch stream, dude,
[00:33:33] great.
[00:33:34] Call me the rock the way I'm fucking stealing money from the American Defense Department.
[00:33:39] Well, stealing money that I pay into with my taxes, but still here it is.
[00:33:45] By the way, Trump base hairs, magic of Trump goes to Montana after hiding Joe Rogan walks
[00:33:49] back.
[00:33:50] Our key junior endorsement is a compromise.
[00:33:51] Ukraine based Russia, UNO reverse and new kick document are getting now.
[00:34:00] guys know about the rock, right? About how the military was like, Oh, here's $11 million,
[00:34:06] sir. And then the rock was like, can you smell what the rock is cooking? It's called, you're
[00:34:11] not getting any, you're not getting any new recruits.
[00:34:13] No, the rock kind of base. I think it's fucking awesome that they got their money up and
[00:34:28] not their funny up. The rock got like millions of dollars and was like, yeah, I'm only
[00:34:39] going to do like two ads. Shut the fuck up. Harris and walls are campaigning in
[00:34:44] Phoenix, Arizona is a tough battle ahead in Arizona because obviously it's one of the
[00:34:51] it's one of those states that's just like weird. It's like New Hampshire,
[00:34:55] but even weirder. New Hampshire is kind of like the Arizona of the north. Arizona is the
[00:35:01] Arizona of the south. It's like a, it's just a very weird place. This is an area where she
[00:35:08] will talk about the border. She will be right wing on the border here. I don't think it's
[00:35:12] It's a good idea, but, you know, uh, is GGs on that front.
[00:35:18] The military is just as disconnected with the American people as the Republican
[00:35:20] bases.
[00:35:23] Don't talk shit about my shitty state.
[00:35:25] I will never stop talking shit about Arizona.
[00:35:28] Come on, bro.
[00:35:29] It's like, look, I'm sorry guys, but if you're in Nevada, or if you're in
[00:35:34] certain parts of California, or if you're in Arizona, it's like God is
[00:35:37] telling you to get out.
[00:35:39] Okay.
[00:35:40] Like there is no better way.
[00:35:41] Like I'm not exactly like a spiritual religious person, but honestly if it gets to 150 degrees is God's telling you
[00:35:49] It's like it's hell on earth man. Like this is what you think hell is
[00:35:54] This is what it is
[00:35:56] Like you're experiencing it people in Arizona are gonna go to hell and be like oh, this is great
[00:36:01] This is like another cheerful summer day for me
[00:36:05] Okay, people in Arizona be like, dude, what?
[00:36:15] but it's a chill hundred and twenty two degrees today. Okay. Calm down. It's not like it's
[00:36:21] 150. That was one time. It's a breezy hundred and twenty degrees today. Hasan, calm down
[00:36:38] with your fucking bullshit. Don't California or Arizona also my boyfriend laugh in the
[00:36:44] the other room he's a AZ native I just got stuck here yeah you are not meant for
[00:36:53] these climates white man bro no one is meant for those climates do you not
[00:37:00] there isn't like dude no humans are not meant for this calm are you a snake are
[00:37:09] you typing as you slither on the keyboard what do you mean you're not
[00:37:12] meant for these climbers white man are you a scorpion is a scorpion typing this
[00:37:21] it's like it's it's reptiles bro that's it yo reptiles are probably like listen dude
[00:37:27] i'm not into this this is too much i'm gonna stay in the hole today anyway democrat's gonna
[00:37:45] get socialist kicked off the ballot in two different states boo that's my go claudia
[00:37:56] Delacruz and Karina Garcia, bro. Gloria Lariva too. Even though she's not on the ticket anymore,
[00:38:03] I guess I was not paying attention. Boo. Leave them alone. Keep them on the ticket.
[00:38:12] You did it. No. Gloria Delaclaudia La Cruz. Oh, is it, is her name Claudia Delacruz?
[00:38:29] But her first name is Gloria. Yeah. It's crazy because this is like, uh,
[00:38:37] it's coming off the heels of me suspiciously having a call with the DNC
[00:38:41] where I was like, listen, I got a chatter. Okay. I got a chatter. Their name is they Tuesday. Okay.
[00:38:50] And they are constantly chirping in here about vote PSL, vote PSL. We got to get PSL off the ticket.
[00:38:58] I made the boss call. Yeah. Dile them up. I was like, Kamala, you better get the
[00:39:03] fucking, you better sue these states to get PSL off the ticket. Okay. PSL coming in hot.
[00:39:11] What is this? Oh, these motherfuckers are freaks. Wonder why she chose 88 days out to post this.
[00:39:40] No, I don't think Chaya Rachel is doing like 1488 posting. Come on, dude. Y'all are crazy.
[00:39:48] Up day Tuesday in the chat. Let's talk about PSL. No, I feel like day Tuesday just wants to talk
[00:39:57] about PSL. Like doesn't even care about what the context is. Oh wait, these guys are,
[00:40:08] some of these guys are Nazis. Wait, did Chaya Raychik unknowingly get duped by a bunch of
[00:40:16] fucking Nazis to Nazi post? Oh my God, that's so funny. There is literally no, bro. This is
[00:40:25] the most orthodox Jewish woman on the planet. Are you fucking insane? There is no way she knows
[00:40:34] what she just did. Okay. Like, no, she does not know. No, dude. Like she is very Nazi adjacent.
[00:40:48] Okay. It's like the Ben Shapiro phenomena. It's like every Ben Shapiro, Chai Ray, Jake,
[00:40:54] and others are like, obviously firmly committed to fascist principles, fascist ideology,
[00:41:02] But like, they don't take it to that one last second, like the one last leap of faith that
[00:41:10] separates them from like dying the wool out and about neo-Nazis, right?
[00:41:15] And that is that like, because of their Jewish background, they obviously don't blame everything
[00:41:22] wrong on the planet on the Jews, right?
[00:41:25] Like, they'll be anti-Semitic towards anti-Zionist Jews and stuff like that.
[00:41:32] Like even then they, they won't be like, yeah, no, us Jews do control the media.
[00:41:38] Like you're not going to hear that from them, right?
[00:41:40] But they're completely in agreement with everything else, which is why I think this is pretty
[00:41:44] funny.
[00:41:45] I, I suspected like, I suspect that she's just got foolishly duped into posting this
[00:41:49] thinking like, Oh, this is a right wing thing.
[00:41:52] And then all these other Nazis are like, like this dude is a real, like this big
[00:41:57] Alaska.
[00:41:58] He's an actual fucking neo-Nazi.
[00:41:59] You know what I mean?
[00:42:00] like, like Holocaust deniers shit, right?
[00:42:03] But he's quote retweeting Chaya Ragek
[00:42:06] and then Chaya Ragek is like fucking reposting it.
[00:42:08] Gosh, she's so stupid.
[00:42:20] In every other Sorghum Stands,
[00:42:23] in every other Sorghum Stands, I would consider it,
[00:42:25] like if it was anyone else,
[00:42:27] I would consider it to be like nefarious.
[00:42:30] If it was like Stephen Miller doing it,
[00:42:31] I'd be like, oh no, he's like an out and about Nazi,
[00:42:33] right?
[00:42:34] But like, I don't think, I think Chaya Ragek
[00:42:37] is like that kind of stupid.
[00:42:40] you know what I mean. Anyway, New Yorker radio had my queen, my goat, Nancy Pelosi. Kevin Sorbo
[00:43:04] posted one of the best tweets I've seen. I think of this, of this election cycle, I will never
[00:43:12] have a goaded tweet like that. I'm not going to lie. Like no matter how hard I try, it's just
[00:43:17] not going to happen. We'll talk about that too. But yeah, before we get to that, we,
[00:43:26] There's something I need to talk about
[00:43:56] Take that number off son, and stop putting three fingers up to your dough.
[00:43:59] You deserve a good humbling.
[00:44:00] Get in there baby, let's put it up!
[00:44:01] Put it up!
[00:44:02] Way too loose!
[00:44:03] Stop it, I'm gonna grab a summer therapist
[00:44:05] Slamming the chair deck
[00:44:06] Inside a red sign
[00:44:08] Inside of some red signs
[00:44:09] Yeah, dude, that means nothing a red case
[00:44:11] I want to see if you're different
[00:44:13] Don't know what I'm gonna say with you
[00:44:15] Like, you're a problem about me
[00:44:16] Just don't let's run, let's do it!
[00:44:19] He said you're little, bro!
[00:44:21] He said you're tiny, you're a tiny man, dude!
[00:44:24] Anyway, NBC's coming for you. No, no, no, it's fine. I just highlight highlights. But like,
[00:44:51] Honestly, honestly watching LeBron and Steph Curry almost kiss. I think that might have
[00:44:59] been the gayest moment of my life. Like when they embrace one another after, after bringing
[00:45:05] it back, after almost losing to Serbia and like congratulations, you know, they played
[00:45:09] a fucking solid ass game. It was one of the first times where I actually disrespected
[00:45:15] the glorious, uh, Soviet Republic of Yugoslavia, the Republic of Yugoslavia is like, honestly,
[00:45:21] Yugoslavia still existed. This shit would have been a lock. Cause like think about it.
[00:45:26] Think about all the fucking, think about the talent pool. If you got Luca on that lineup
[00:45:30] too, it's like, it's a, it's a rep, right? It's a rip is done. Right. So thank God for
[00:45:36] that moment in that brief moment. Like I said, like I felt too American, but, um,
[00:45:46] it's just, I'm glad that Yugoslavia doesn't exist. Cause they probably would have fucking
[00:45:50] cooked America, even this team, which is one of the best teams of all time, better than
[00:45:55] the dream team, better than redemption. Anyway, but overall they brought it back. Uh, the
[00:46:03] highlights are fucking sick. LeBron James comes up to Steph Curry right after, uh,
[00:46:08] and almost kisses them. And in that moment, I was thinking to myself, God damn dude,
[00:46:12] what if, what if it was like a three way kiss and I was there in between? What
[00:46:15] If I kissed both of you guys, it was, it was the gayest I've ever felt in my life.
[00:46:21] I think, uh, it was the most patriotic I've felt.
[00:46:25] It's just pretty cool.
[00:46:26] Four way kiss with KD.
[00:46:28] I'm also down for that too.
[00:46:30] Right.
[00:46:31] Like it's cool.
[00:46:34] They're, they're putting it on.
[00:46:36] They're putting it on for the old guys too.
[00:46:38] Like they're not just doing it for America.
[00:46:41] Honestly, they're doing it for me personally with, with, with old folks.
[00:46:47] Like they're doing it for the, they're doing it for the people that are old. Okay.
[00:46:50] It's important. We are not washed. Okay. We are not washed.
[00:46:55] You might be 33 years old thinking about like your retirement plan or whatever.
[00:46:59] It doesn't matter. You are not washed. LeBron has still got it, bro.
[00:47:05] You need help. This is not healthy. It's not, that's what you think.
[00:47:10] You go to therapy, right? What do I do?
[00:47:13] I watch a 39 almost 40 year old man ball his fucking face off.
[00:47:18] and carry the United States of America to a gold medal. Okay. Where's the Chinese team?
[00:47:24] I don't see it anywhere. Huh? Where's the Chinese team in the Olympics for basketball?
[00:47:29] Oh, they got so many gold medals. They're beating America on gold medals. Don't get me started.
[00:47:34] Don't get me started. Oh my God. Yeah, they're too busy swimming, dude. Anyway, so yeah,
[00:47:51] not yet gold. I know I'm just, I'm just, you know, I'm wish casting. I don't even like
[00:48:01] Carmelo Anthony like that, but it's just, if it was, it was disrespectful, you know what
[00:48:05] I mean? You better fucking watch, better watch your fingers, dude. Doing his, that's his thing.
[00:48:10] You can't do that. You're actively making me team friends. Ew. Okay. That's all I gotta
[00:48:17] say to you. Ew. Also, it is honestly scripted. It is definitely scripted. Like I watched
[00:48:23] bunch of the French games, they, they are literally getting the home turf advantage pretty aggressively.
[00:48:31] It is definitely scripted for this to be a fucking France US showdown. If they try to
[00:48:35] put some fuck shit on the US, I think America should sanction France. Okay. If they try
[00:48:43] to do like an insane number of fucking fouls for France versus like America, you know,
[00:48:50] by, by, by halftime, if I see like a disparity in the number of fouls, number of free throw
[00:48:56] shots that France has gotten as opposed to the United States of America, I am advocating
[00:49:01] to absolutely put sanctions on France. Okay. Sanctions on France may be a shock and hostile
[00:49:08] campaign. I can't, I can't be held liable for how I feel about it. French fries, more
[00:49:14] like freedom fries. France is about to learn today. Like they got fucking oil refineries.
[00:49:19] Okay, they're gonna learn what it's like
[00:49:23] Normandy part two. That's right, baby d-day
[00:49:27] None of this shit. Okay. I will be I will be paying close attention to the referees, okay?
[00:49:35] You could pull that shit on Canada. That's America's hat. Okay, you could pull that shit on Japan
[00:49:42] That's like, oh, it's a great story the Japanese team. They got a swag that white boy
[00:49:47] They got fucking a 5a guard you try to pull that shit on the United States of motherfucking America
[00:49:52] Okay, I'm telling you right now. We are bringing Halliburton back. Okay, we're bringing Halliburton back
[00:49:59] We will destroy every fucking
[00:50:02] We will destroy the entirety of the French countryside only to rebuild it back so that dick chain
[00:50:08] He can make another cool billion dollars on the side. You understand me. That's how I feel about it
[00:50:13] Okay
[00:50:16] No, not Tyrese. No, I'm talking about Halliburton the company. I
[00:50:20] I am still a fucking political commentator. I was talking about Dick Cheney, Halliburton,
[00:50:42] not Halliburton on the team. Your radio has some thoughts about LeBron and Kerry embracing
[00:50:48] after the game ended. They should have just kissed, honestly. If they kissed, gay marriage
[00:50:53] would not even be a problem anymore. The Supreme Court supermajority would not be
[00:50:59] able to do anything about gay marriage forever. Look at that. Bro, come on. Come on. Look at
[00:51:11] that. Like, look at that dude. Just imagine, just imagine LeBron holds you like that.
[00:51:19] Just imagine. I'm imagining it. I'm imagining it and it's making me cry a little bit. Like
[00:51:28] I'm tearing up a little bit thinking about that. Like LeBron embraces me after, after
[00:51:33] a game like I'm I'm I'm gonna kiss him like he holds me like that I'm gonna
[00:51:40] kiss him I'm gonna put a little low-peck like that like I'm not it's just look
[00:52:19] at that shit bro look at that shit bro what Captain America when it's fucking
[00:52:31] gold game oh my god that's beautiful I hope they have sex tonight I hope they have sex
[00:52:40] tonight who cares about basketball bro even if you don't care about basketball don't you
[00:52:49] care about America the United States of America the greatest country on the planet back to
[00:52:54] back World War champions what the fuck are you talking about put some respect on the
[00:52:58] fucking global hegemonic superpower, okay 800 military bases, baby. That's right. That's
[00:53:02] right.
[00:53:03] Oh, okay. Anyway, let's move on back to the real world for a second. Oh, chatters thought
[00:53:20] that they were in a safe space that talks shit about America, not there is a there
[00:53:25] is a there's a window of glaze. Okay, there is a window of glaze. If if America if
[00:53:32] If LeBron is performing, okay, understand that in proximity in like a 15 minute window
[00:53:41] before and after I watch a LeBron highlight, where in the fucking, where in the banner on
[00:53:46] his chest, okay, I will be the most annoying pro America motherfucker.
[00:53:52] After that, it's fine.
[00:53:54] You know, after that, forget about it.
[00:53:55] We'll get back to America being like gross and violent and whatever.
[00:53:58] But like in that 15 minute window, 15 prior, 15 after.
[00:54:02] If you come to me and you start talking shit about America, you will hear some things that
[00:54:06] you've never heard from me.
[00:54:07] Okay.
[00:54:10] Patriotism is ugly when it's American.
[00:54:14] I sure.
[00:54:15] Catch me 15 minutes down the line and I'll agree with you.
[00:54:17] Okay.
[00:54:18] Not right now.
[00:54:19] Not right now.
[00:54:20] Oh, man.
[00:54:21] It is also funny that like I feel patriotic as someone who is unimaginably critical
[00:54:34] of the United States of America. Okay. And then like, you got conservatives complaining
[00:54:42] all the time about like who they suspect out of the American athletic talent in the Olympics,
[00:54:52] like who they're trans, which of our athletes are trans. It's like, you are outright the
[00:54:57] most delusional, the most insane person on the planet. Okay. Where like, how can
[00:55:05] you be how can you be a normal person and watch like any of this shit not feel a sense
[00:55:11] of pride or joy at all and fucking turn around and you'd be like how do I make this annoying
[00:55:16] how do I how do I look at this and be like oh you know what like actually that's a trans
[00:55:22] person yogi is still the best in the world right now nice fun yeah well you saw you
[00:55:30] saw what happened. Also, Katie, I respect him so much. Like true poster. This man, this man
[00:55:56] was nonstop posting. Like imagine, imagine the comeback. Imagine the beauty, the feelings
[00:56:07] that you're supposed to have in this moment, like hanging out, hanging out, maybe partying
[00:56:11] a little bit, you know what I mean? Probably can't party too hard. But like, what do you
[00:56:16] do? And beat was big down the stretch, acknowledge him. Yes, he was. Um, what I was rooting as
[00:56:31] team USA and I want friends to beat them by 1000 boys to a presidency stands, but shut
[00:56:38] the fuck up, bro, bro, bro, that is different. Okay. He's just, he's just the fucking
[00:56:46] annoying he's a typical fucking Celtics fan, dude. He is just like, shut the fuck up. Okay.
[00:56:52] Shut up. Okay. Real quick rant here on the Olympics. I'm like, this is a, this is a separate
[00:56:57] thing. It's not because he doesn't feel patriotic, even though he doesn't feel patriotic because,
[00:57:01] you know, he's just like brainbroken because he's a fucking Bostonian. And that's just
[00:57:06] how it is. Okay. That's just how it is. His brain is just fucking his brain is
[00:57:11] mush. Okay. That's, that's all it is.
[00:57:13] Olympics guy. I haven't paid much attention to the Olympics. Done a couple tweets here and
[00:57:17] there on track and field. But let's get to the basketball. A lot of back and forth. USA
[00:57:23] beat Serbia in a squeaker last night. I know he yeah, he's Matt Tatum is riding the bench.
[00:57:28] He's like, oh, I'll put some respect on it. Grant on the Twitter machine on X late
[00:57:34] night. Sherpen American fans were rooting for Serbia. Some Nuggets fans, um, other
[00:57:41] people other reasons. I saw Pat that be like, can you believe people weren't you
[00:57:44] rooting Americans obviously for the US? Let me say this as clearly as bluntly as
[00:57:51] straightforward as I can. I was rooting against them, and I want France to beat
[00:57:59] them by a thousand points. I don't care that I'm American. The disrespect that
[00:58:05] Steve Kerr has shown Jason Tatum throughout this
[00:58:09] makes me hate this team.
[00:58:11] Jason Tatum, look at his shirt.
[00:58:14] He brought me a world championship, an NBA championship, banner 18.
[00:58:18] I know we got a Celtics on there.
[00:58:20] In fact, I think the Celtics team, by the way, would beat the Olympic team.
[00:58:23] Different story, different day.
[00:58:25] Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo!
[00:58:32] Oh my God.
[00:58:35] Uh, Steve Kerr, he didn't play him the first time and he's like, oh, I'm an idiot. How did I not get him in?
[00:58:43] I'm so stupid. Won't happen again. Does it again? Blames it on math. Steve Kerr, you moron.
[00:58:49] So what happens to the Celtics on the fucking, uh, on the Olympics team?
[00:58:54] I guess you could swap them, but like,
[00:58:57] like, he's just, dude, imagine being a Celtics fan. You're such a fucking baby, dude. You're such a baby.
[00:59:04] like they have they have Celtics on the team like what do you want all five the
[00:59:09] starting five the entire starting five is not Boston Celtics day one obviously that
[00:59:15] means they get to be the starting five of the Olympics team this is how it's
[00:59:20] supposed to work like you have an opportunity to bring together talent that
[00:59:25] never plays with one another historically and only plays against one
[00:59:28] another and he's like I don't get it why is the why is the starting five
[00:59:32] Not the boss is salting starting five. It doesn't make sense. They want
[00:59:43] These guys are that much better than Tim. He can't get five ten minutes three time first time all NBA team
[00:59:48] Who are these guys? Yeah, curry. I like curry curry play game. I hate LeBron runs a hundred years old
[00:59:53] Durant and you're a hundred years you oh my god
[00:59:57] I can't talk you're a hundred years old how dare you shut the fuck up
[01:00:00] What have you done in your life you fucking bitch shut the fuck up shut up. You're older than LeBron
[01:00:06] He's done so much more than you. He will be the president one day. He should be the president right now
[01:00:11] Fuck you booker on the same team. They suck. You know who won the championship
[01:00:15] You know who had the best players the Celtics and to make this guy fly to France his mother Tatum's mother is
[01:00:21] Now complaining about it and rightfully so
[01:00:24] To make this guy who is a true superstar in this league be embarrassed like this fuck
[01:00:30] Steve Kerr hasn't done dick. He hasn't done dick. He was handed his super team from Mark Jackson.
[01:00:38] No control in the locker room. You can dream on being punchin' people in the face. He just sits there.
[01:00:43] Kumbaya. Steve Kerr, I could do anything Steve Kerr has done I could do as a coach.
[01:00:48] Fuck that guy. You can't figure out how to get Jason Tatum in the game. 10 minutes, not barrisome.
[01:00:53] You know, I'm 20 in the first half. What could have been worse?
[01:00:56] And these guys were so much better. They're not so much better. They're so much better.
[01:01:01] They behold in the hardware, not us. The embarrassment that they're trying to lay on this guy. Fuck
[01:01:06] that.
[01:01:07] Dude, that's so funny. If Tatum started to sit at LeBron, USA would have never been
[01:01:12] down 20. He's not wrong about Kirby and handed a greatly drafted team. I mean, I've
[01:01:21] seen, I've seen, look, I don't know enough about like inside baseball in terms of basketball
[01:01:27] like this to tell you, but everyone, everyone keeps talking about how it's not Steve Kerr
[01:01:31] that's leading this team at all. And they're just kind of leading themselves. They even
[01:01:36] make plays on their own as well. Like, but it's just like, I think preserving the fucking
[01:01:48] feelings of Jason Tatum is probably not in, in on top of mine for anyone, you know what
[01:01:57] mean like that's a crazy thing to say that is actually a fucking insane argument to make
[01:02:04] oh my god you're embarrassing my favorite boy uh he is mama's he is mama's favorite son
[01:02:11] his mom is watching the game like nobody fucking cares dude what the fuck
[01:02:21] like make the argument on uh statistics make the argument say like tatum would be better as uh
[01:02:27] if he was, if he was starting, like some in the chatter saying, Katie's of the fourth quarter
[01:02:38] had no set plays. So Kerr plays are sucking Kerr is so bad. He's a championship merchant.
[01:02:53] It's even funnier when you consider they haven't lost a game with Kerr as coaches here. Yeah,
[01:02:57] bro. They also have like, yeah, that, that's not because he's a great coach. Like even
[01:03:05] I know that dude, you could literally have the bench warmer team for the Olympics team
[01:03:13] for the United States of America, clear almost every fucking team, dude. And other teams are
[01:03:19] actually playing better than they ever have historically. Like they have solid players.
[01:03:24] The NBA has a shit ton of non-American players that are superstars. So like they go back
[01:03:31] And they play their goddamn fucking hard out for their countries. Okay. I mean, look at Serbia.
[01:03:37] It's just, it's just that it's still doesn't matter because the, the, you know, the, the, the lineup is insane.
[01:03:51] Like, think about it this way. Okay. The, the people that don't make the cut to play for the Olympics team themselves
[01:04:04] Could have like the next 15 could literally put together a super team themselves
[01:04:12] Like it's just crazy
[01:04:18] Even with like Jaylen Brown is not in the fucking team like Jaylen Brown
[01:04:23] finals MVP
[01:04:25] Not on the team
[01:04:27] like think about that
[01:04:29] like it's just it's
[01:04:40] It is pretty crazy. Yeah, let's continue fuck that. I got back to his back. I don't care USA team
[01:04:45] But what the roof of LeBron get Tatum is minutes all route the American the American depth of talent is is
[01:04:54] Unparalleled
[01:04:58] Okay, right the rant LeBron pre-mattonis
[01:05:02] Get him out of here put Tatum in the game. I am rooting
[01:05:06] France I'm gonna be eating baguettes. It's a tall order. I hope France smacks him
[01:05:10] I hope France smacks him and then I hope you should get deported
[01:05:15] Okay, they should deport Dave Portnoy. Fuck you. Okay. I don't know where I don't care.
[01:05:26] Deport his ass. Okay. That's how I feel about it. Dave Deportnoy. Go fucking be French,
[01:05:47] bitch. Cheer against team USA. You mean like all those Americans who were making fun of
[01:06:01] no allows for not winning gold as late as race. Good old double standards. Volume
[01:06:05] Nuggets fans nobody gives a fuck who y'all lambs believe is the best play in the league players got major respect for yoke
[01:06:11] We don't worship him like y'all do but most of us are in always brilliant trolling you corn balls for rooting against as a part of the game
[01:06:17] Deal with it. I'm a Nuggets fan. I get both sides. Honestly. That's crazy dude. I mean, I get it
[01:06:40] But also it's giving white supremacy. I'll just say it. Okay. Sorry. He against LeBron white supremacist attitude
[01:06:57] rooting against, rooting against LeBron and rooting for team Serbia because of Yolkic.
[01:07:05] I like, I love him. He's great. He's, he's an incredible player. He is, he is literally,
[01:07:13] he is what so many out of shape white boys look up to to be like, Oh my God, like that's
[01:07:21] That's a guy like me. There are so many tall out of shape white boys who could never play
[01:07:28] professional basketball, who could never play even NCAA basketball, who look up to a man
[01:07:34] like that. They go, wow, this kind of chubby white boy is dominating this league. That
[01:07:42] is diversity. That is a DEI. That is a representation politics. You know what I mean? You see
[01:07:49] it. You see it out there. And I get it. I have a friend that thinks this. It's not me. Yeah.
[01:07:58] I would never, not me. Other people think that way. When they see Yokech, I Yokech DEI,
[01:08:17] you're crazy. No, that's like the actual, that is what DEI actually means. It means
[01:08:22] like a person who is still good and thriving. A lot of people immediately assume when I
[01:08:28] say DEI, they think like, Oh, a person who doesn't deserve that position. Like that's
[01:08:32] That's not what it is. He is technically that is diversity, equity and inclusion. Okay.
[01:08:37] That is the real application of DEI. Holy shit. You know, you know, I was, I was in
[01:08:54] the fucking LeBron defensive posture because I forgot to run the three minute abrick at
[01:08:58] the top of the hour. Okay. So I apologize for the top of the hour ad break. Enjoyers
[01:09:04] out there who are graciously waiting for me to serve you the three-minute outbreak at the
[01:09:11] top of the hour. I apologize for the delay, for the tardiness. I got a little carried
[01:09:16] away here. We are going to talk about everything now. We're going to talk about the news now.
[01:09:25] Okay, don't worry. It's coming now. Shut up and give me that. Yeah, you can avoid seeing
[01:09:34] those ads by the way if you no longer want to see those ads all you need to
[01:09:37] subscribe what is this listen the floodgates are open on twitch right like
[01:09:42] this website like cringe right just doing everything if if the Democrats want to
[01:09:48] compete with Donald Trump on Aiden Ross what they should do is they should get
[01:09:52] Kamala Harris to go on agent stream and agent telling Kamala to save the
[01:09:56] emerald Kamala says it and then all of a sudden her campaign is gonna
[01:10:00] freaking blow the fuck up she's gonna become super popular and she's gonna win the election
[01:10:05] i'm telling you we gotta fight fire with fire donald trump and adan ross gets a fucking tesla
[01:10:12] i think comma should go on agent dream and fucking say it battlegole hamburgers this is the most
[01:10:18] he's been vivic ramasquammy squeaks was a bernie bro i saw that i've responded to that i wrote
[01:10:26] something in the chat yeah this is a really funny
[01:10:59] he is he looks up like a local restaurant or bar and then everyone goes
[01:11:07] Did the girl put out no she broke up with me out of Froyo
[01:11:16] Yeah, deserved
[01:11:19] Okay, you deserve to be broken up without a fucking Froyo bitch hogging shit about burn dog like that
[01:11:26] Yeah, I'll say it
[01:11:32] What if he goes to all the bars, huh?
[01:11:35] What if he actually goes to all the bars and has a beer at the bar?
[01:11:40] You couldn't even comprehend that though.
[01:11:42] You didn't even think about that.
[01:11:43] You were like, oh, he's probably faking it.
[01:11:45] What if he's late all the time?
[01:11:46] Cause he's slamming back fucking bros at the local brewery.
[01:11:54] That's right.
[01:12:00] Honey, wake up.
[01:12:01] They're calling to him.
[01:12:02] Walls are swarthy German immigrant.
[01:12:09] Walls is a great example of what people mean when they say that there's still
[01:12:12] an unassimilated German immigrants living in the Midwest.
[01:12:15] He made up the outwards trappings, but inwardly these people are not fully American, which
[01:12:18] is why they gravitate to identity grievance politics.
[01:12:21] Wow.
[01:12:25] Welcome back, Benjamin Franklin.
[01:12:27] That's crazy.
[01:12:28] Benny Franks.
[01:12:29] Wow.
[01:12:32] I haven't seen this kind of racism for like three centuries.
[01:12:37] This is like, he took it back to the 1800s, like early 1800s racism.
[01:12:44] That's sick, dude.
[01:12:48] That's actually fucking cool. Wow. Except Benny France got pussy like he did straight
[01:13:04] up. So he was specifically French pussy, which is why he did not consider the French to be
[01:13:09] non white. He considered them to be white as well. But like, like this guy is an incel
[01:13:15] on top of that. But that's cool, man. That's cool. I like this. Amen. Germans and Scandinavians
[01:13:24] and upper mid, mid best have been socialists since they arrived in the 19th century and
[01:13:28] promoted the worst sorts of them policies post CRA wall shares these beliefs and should not
[01:13:32] be VP. This guy 700 and this guy's 765 likes, bro. That's crazy. Walls is a great example
[01:13:45] of what people mean when they say that they were, they are still unassimilated German
[01:13:48] immigrants living in the Midwest. He may adopt the hours trappings, but inwardly these
[01:13:52] people are not fully American, which is why they gravitate to identity grievance
[01:13:55] politics. That's cool. That's cool. I like this. I think we should definitely not nuke Twitter.
[01:14:16] As a white dude, I congratulate Elon's app for creating racism I can finally experience personally.
[01:14:27] It's from his Swedish sideway. What is this? Minnesota is so gay because the Nordic
[01:14:32] Civilizational Energy cycle is separate and slightly ahead of the Anglo and Continental
[01:14:36] European, the civilizational spark. Bro, just get into horoscopes, man. Y'all are so weird. Get into
[01:14:43] fucking horoscopes, bro. Stop fucking doing this. Like, that is so much more, like, I can't believe
[01:14:52] I'm saying this. That is an infinitely more normal way to be weird about something. Like,
[01:15:01] this is just schizophrenia in display, okay? It's like fascist schizophrenia.
[01:15:05] What the fuck are you doing? Like get into DND get into like get into something that is not going to
[01:15:14] make you be this okay whatever this is interesting not a big civilizational cycle guy myself but
[01:15:23] there could be some truth there I attributed the more how they settled an already pacified land
[01:15:27] so did not become warlike and relied on each other for survival in the far north climate leaving
[01:15:32] the common communism well I don't know in this regard they are similar to the
[01:15:36] Anglo the first wave settled hostile to go I'm telling you right now every time
[01:15:49] I read something like this I get more Chinese okay I'm like build the fucking
[01:15:55] great firewall dude every time I read this I'm like she is so right like he
[01:16:01] is so right dude no this is to know no not even what the fuck does that mean
[01:16:07] You know what it means man build the firewall build the firewall no more we need to do repression
[01:16:14] Freedom of speech too many too many consequences
[01:16:17] Too many consequences. We're out of control these people are out of control. They should not they should immediately be reeducated, okay?
[01:16:35] They literally built their entire ideology around that hard times create me
[01:16:38] Yeah, I know and the funniest thing is in that ideology in that in that cycle of like hard times create good men
[01:16:46] And then, you know, or hard men and then hard men create good times and good good times create soft men
[01:16:52] It's like bro. You are the soft man
[01:16:55] Okay, you are posting you are posting on Twitter. Okay, you're posing on Twitter. You're not a hard man
[01:17:04] You're not hard body. Okay, you're not
[01:17:07] You're you're posting
[01:17:09] The nerdy is racist shit possible like you can't even be like a normal races
[01:17:15] Okay? You can't even be like a normal race. There's so many of them out there that you
[01:17:22] had to be like a weird, super nerdy version of that. It's crazy. It's crazy. Well, I don't
[01:17:30] know. In this regard, they're similar to the Anglo, the first wave settled hostile territory
[01:17:34] and later immigrants entered a pacified land. The French were their first trading
[01:17:38] with scattered native populations, but didn't colonize or pacify. Would be interesting
[01:17:41] to read a good study on the German settlement. My sense of it is mostly based on my own
[01:17:44] travels and talks with people from that area about their family love. Germans are ultra-conformists
[01:17:50] and the culture they're conforming to is turbo-suite. I'm not a fan of the hyphenated Americans at all,
[01:17:54] but this is not rightly their fault. About their family lore, not family love. Imagine going,
[01:18:15] dude, dude, going to the German countryside and asking people individually if they still maintain
[01:18:28] They're barbarian epigenetic memories from times when they purged the Romans from the forest, okay?
[01:18:36] Like I'm going up to every fucking Hansel and asking them
[01:18:41] Hello, sir. Do you recall your barbaric ancestry?
[01:18:47] Or do you feel like you are pacified as a consequence of settling on already pacified territory? What are you doing?
[01:18:58] it's so stupid. Yeah, white on white racism is fire as fuck. Not gonna lie. No, it's awesome.
[01:19:23] It's actually, this is what I'm saying. It's like, when you're, when you're so raises
[01:19:28] you skip the steps, like these guys are not even talking about brown people. They have
[01:19:33] now decided Germans are swarthy again. Welcome back Benjamin Franklin. Okay. It's awesome.
[01:19:46] This is why ultra nationalism inevitably gets to this point
[01:19:51] where you just start separating the whites.
[01:19:55] When you get to the start separating the whites territory,
[01:19:58] you've already skipped a couple of steps.
[01:20:00] Like these guys make,
[01:20:03] and I've been watching a lot of these interviews
[01:20:05] from England right now, okay?
[01:20:06] The Defend England fucking gammons look normal, okay?
[01:20:11] Okay, they are so out there in terms of the the racism Olympics in terms of like their racist tier list
[01:20:20] That like they have literally made the fucking gammon that go on like lbc or whatever
[01:20:29] Or get interviewed by like a bbc broadcaster. So I can't carry. I can't get a fucking job
[01:20:35] Why? Well, it's because of fucking Marv isn't taking my job. I just got out of prison. Yeah, I did a stabbing
[01:20:45] right
[01:20:46] And now now and what's the fucking army because you got black folk taking my fucking job, mate
[01:20:53] Like that's what they're saying on
[01:20:56] Television and even those guys are more normal on the racism spectrum than these fucking guys are okay
[01:21:03] That's crazy. Oh, it's, it's awesome. There's a spectrum. Yes. There is like, there are,
[01:21:29] like, there are new levels of racism that you only see when Twitter becomes more like four
[01:21:36] Chan and then inevitably like eight Chan, right? The white race and the black race purely
[01:21:45] an American thing in the EU, I think elsewhere as well. People talk a lot about the ethnicities
[01:21:48] and it is therefore a lot more divided than simply two monolithic races. Yeah, dude.
[01:21:53] because America fucking literally kept chattel slavery for a lot longer than everybody else,
[01:21:59] which is precisely the reason why there is a concept such as a black person in the United
[01:22:03] States of America that is devoid of like their, their African ancestry.
[01:22:10] So they created a new identity, African American or black, right?
[01:22:15] Whereas a lot of the people, a lot of the people living in, in other parts of the
[01:22:20] world while still were harmed by chattel slavery, still were harmed by colonialism, racism,
[01:22:27] they still can trace back their ancestry and still retain some semblance of like an ethnic
[01:22:34] origin. So that's the major reason as to why there is this like separation between black
[01:22:39] and white in the United States of America. Having said that, however, no, the black
[01:22:45] white dynamic still very much exists everywhere. Okay, come on now. Once the poll posters
[01:22:53] get used to Twitter more. It'll be a whole new shit show. Yeah. I don't know if you saw
[01:23:13] the reason my hero academia episode, one of the redestro's disciples leaders is if you
[01:23:16] live conservatives and grow people get clayheaded. I spent my water when I heard that. I don't
[01:23:20] remember that part. But so we talked about Joe Rogan. I think I should start there
[01:23:37] first before the before the presidential debate announcements. So Joe Rogan Joe Rogan
[01:23:44] came out and let it rip. Okay. In the, in the most expected way possible, he came out
[01:23:52] and he let it rip. Okay. Where is it? Where the fuck is the goddamn Joe Rogan tweet and
[01:23:59] the apology that I, oh, here it is. Joe Rogan on his, uh, on his, his, uh, latest episode
[01:24:11] or whatever gave a endorsement to RFK junior. Okay. Let's watch.
[01:24:16] That's just what they do. That's politics. They do it on the left. They do it on the
[01:24:19] right. They gaslight you. They manipulate you. They promote narratives. And the only one
[01:24:25] who's not doing that is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
[01:24:27] You a fan?
[01:24:28] Yeah, I am a fan. Yeah, he's the only one that makes sense to me. He's the only one
[01:24:31] that he doesn't attack people. He attacks actions and ideas, but he's much more reasonable
[01:24:40] and intelligent. I mean, the guy was an environmental attorney and cleaned up
[01:24:43] East River. He's a legitimate guy. You know, before anybody started calling him an anti-vaxxer,
[01:24:50] which I thought he was, I thought he was just nut. This like conspiracy theorist nut until
[01:24:54] I read his book. I read the real Anthony found.
[01:24:57] Bro, you're a conspiracy theorist nut. So of course you read his book and you were
[01:25:00] like, Oh, I agree with this. I'm like, what? I love when people go, Oh dude, I thought
[01:25:05] it was a conspiracy theorist. The guy is a conspiracy theorist. And then I read
[01:25:12] his book about conspiracy theories and I agreed with them because I'm a conspiracy theorist
[01:25:16] and I went oh my god everything clicked is how much of this is real because if it's all
[01:25:23] real this is fucking insane and we live in a world where we're being manipulated by these
[01:25:28] health organizations that are being paid by the pharmaceutical drug interests and these
[01:25:33] pharmaceutical drug.
[01:25:34] So I talked about this extensively yesterday it's so funny that these guys are basically
[01:25:38] describing capitalism, how it works, but then like still attributing it to like some random
[01:25:43] evil. This is like at the heart of liberalism. That's why liberalism, which is anti materialist
[01:25:50] in terms of like analyzing the world has a real hard time avoiding, you know, Nazi
[01:25:59] sentiments and fascist sentiments because like every single conspiracy theory ultimately
[01:26:04] leads to an out group and that out group of like shadowy figures almost always is considered
[01:26:10] Jewish, right? That's how so many of these conspiracy theories, whether it's like flat
[01:26:14] earthers that think like NASA is owned by the Jews or, or any number of different conspiracy
[01:26:19] theories that like probably start off as not very dangerous, almost always needs to find a
[01:26:25] scapegoat. Okay, the scapegoat can take different forms. You can call them globalists,
[01:26:30] the elite, shadowy cabal, you can call them Jews, but most of it is a, most of it is just terminology
[01:26:40] designed to talk about a group of shadowy figures in the out group that is like both weak and also
[01:26:50] simultaneously very powerful and historically speaking, it's always Jewish people, right?
[01:26:57] He's an anti-vaxxer, simper, anti-vaxxer, simper. Oh hell no, you're a conspiracy theorist too. They are not describing capitalism. You are wrong. That's just copium.
[01:27:04] Please do not ban this person mods. I like this one. That's just delusional paranoia. Yes, you're right. He's not describing capitalism.
[01:27:13] Pharmaceutical corporations, which he will describe in a second, having people that go into the regulatory agencies and what is known as a revolving door,
[01:27:25] door is actually not just in the pharmaceutical industry, it's in every industry. And that in
[01:27:31] of itself is a byproduct of existing under a capitalist organization of the economy and ensuring
[01:27:37] that the regulatory agencies are still, you know, doing the bidding of these mega corporations.
[01:27:43] Okay. Sometimes the interests of the Omega wealthy actually end up aligning with the
[01:27:48] interests of the cattle, the regular citizenry, the working class. In the case of vaccines,
[01:27:53] it does, they want you not to fucking, they want you not to die, okay? Because you're valuable
[01:28:02] as cattle, you're valuable as workers, okay? So they don't want you to actually fucking die,
[01:28:06] they don't want you to gum up the works, they don't want you to fuck up the hospital networks,
[01:28:10] they want you to be able to go back to work three days instead of taking three weeks off.
[01:28:15] That's why vaccines are important for everyone. But ultimately, if you care about,
[01:28:20] you know, mitigating some of the worst consequences of COVID, then yes, you should get vaccinated.
[01:28:24] So you're interested in that regard. That's precisely why all of these like
[01:28:28] billionaires and millionaires were getting the vaccine before anybody else. Okay.
[01:28:33] Having said that, however, these nutters still exist. And then they point to like the very valid
[01:28:39] skepticism that exists within big pharma and the revolving door between the regulatory
[01:28:44] agencies and that pharmacy company want to keep you alive because of how they that's
[01:28:50] how they make money oh my god but don't you want to stay alive like this is what exactly
[01:28:54] what I'm trying to explain to you and know you're wrong globally speaking or at least
[01:29:02] even historically speaking that is not what has driven pharmaceutical innovation even
[01:29:07] to this day even to this day medical innovation is not simply operated on the profit motive
[01:29:14] What turns medicine, what turns medicine sour, I would say,
[01:29:19] what actually holds back innovation in the medicine,
[01:29:23] in the medical field is literally the profit motive.
[01:29:25] Dumping a shitload of money into R&D,
[01:29:29] but the R&D is not actually using,
[01:29:31] finding new ways of using existing medication
[01:29:34] for different ailments,
[01:29:35] but instead finding new ways of extending your patent
[01:29:39] is actually against innovation.
[01:29:41] It actually harms innovation in the medical field.
[01:29:44] but most novel chemical compounds are still found
[01:29:47] in publicly funded research facilities,
[01:29:50] not by people who wanna fucking, you know,
[01:29:52] make billions of dollars or whatever,
[01:29:54] but oftentimes just people working
[01:29:57] to genuinely advance mankind, people working to, you know,
[01:30:00] make medicine readily available.
[01:30:02] That's why some of the most important medical innovation
[01:30:05] in the form of novel chemical compounds
[01:30:08] and their application in the medical field
[01:30:10] have come from people who have literally given
[01:30:12] their patents out for no money whatsoever. Okay, insulin being a phenomenal example of
[01:30:18] this. I don't know why I'm brought out to the forefront. I agree. Yeah, I mean, he is anti
[01:30:29] vax though. Yeah, landlords want to sell you houses, you need shelter or landlords want
[01:30:37] you to rent the house from them and you need shelter. So you have no choice. That doesn't
[01:30:40] mean houses are bad as a concept. Thank you. That is a brilliant analogy chatter.
[01:30:46] you so much. Okay. I believe that the profit motor should be completely ripped away from
[01:30:56] medical innovation and the field of pharmaceuticals in general and healthcare in general. Okay.
[01:31:02] I'm a major advocate for free healthcare. Major advocate for free healthcare. I think
[01:31:06] it's gross. It's disgusting. There's an inelastic demand there regardless. So even
[01:31:11] from a hyper capitalist framework, everybody understands anyone with basic econ 101 a anyone
[01:31:21] who's ever taken a micro econ or macro econ principles class understands that healthcare
[01:31:27] has inelastic demand and therefore has to be heavily regulated. Okay. That's it. What
[01:31:36] will be the incentive to innovate? What do you mean brother? What do you mean? I just
[01:31:41] explain to you that like there is no incentive to innovate in
[01:31:45] terms of profit right now. Almost all of the novel chemical
[01:31:49] compounds come from pharmaceutical research happening at
[01:31:53] publicly funded institutions. But you think scientists are only
[01:32:02] doing science because they don't because they want to fucking
[01:32:06] make money like that's crazy. So a lot of this mismatch in
[01:32:24] the in in this field specifically the anti vaxxer
[01:32:28] shit is literally born out of that, that we are juxtaposition of like looking at your medical
[01:32:34] care professionals and thinking of them as people who are trying to farm you, people who
[01:32:39] are trying to make money off of you.
[01:32:41] That is where a lot of the skepticism comes from.
[01:32:44] And I don't think people understand how dangerous that is for the future of mankind, okay?
[01:32:50] It should not be profit driven.
[01:33:01] The people that actually make out like bandits in the pharmaceutical field, in the field
[01:33:07] of medicine, are not the actual fucking grad researchers, okay?
[01:33:11] They're barely making ends meet.
[01:33:15] You've never, I fear that you've never actually met someone who is a PhD, who is actually
[01:33:20] a grad student working on this research.
[01:33:23] So you just in your mind think these are all like homosexual Marxists, but then also
[01:33:28] simultaneously multi-millionaires only working on this kind of stuff specifically for the profit
[01:33:34] motive when it is the furthest from the truth, okay? They make maximum $30,000 a year barely can make
[01:33:41] ends meet and the only reason why they're doing it is because they want to advance mankind, okay?
[01:33:47] That's it. They have genuine fascination with whatever they're working on and they want to
[01:33:53] also make the world a better place. This is a normal incentive that a lot of human beings have,
[01:33:59] okay? The people that are actually making the money are executives that don't actually play a role
[01:34:06] in the research part at all. They are the ones who then land on the patents and then try to work
[01:34:15] as best as they can to extend those patents, use all the money that they make and dump it
[01:34:21] back in the marketing. Use all the money that they make and dump it back in the research
[01:34:24] and development, but not necessarily for a novel chemical compound discovery,
[01:34:28] but instead research and development for new mechanisms of delivery. This is a trick
[01:34:35] that pharmaceutical companies use, big pharma uses, to extend the patents that they have.
[01:34:42] Okay. Oh, this was a normal drug that you need, but now you can put it up your
[01:34:48] asshole so we still maintain fucking another five-year extension on the patent so you can't
[01:34:55] get the generic version so yeah um there's a lot of issues here proof of your point doctors dot
[01:35:02] board is medical professionals who could do make lots of money still go out into dangerous areas
[01:35:06] and give care for free exactly people always talk about how uh you know profit motives
[01:35:19] including Joe Rogan who doesn't understand it by the way Joe Rogan doesn't understand the
[01:35:23] problem. He's literally talking about like how, how the systems are so broken fundamentally,
[01:35:30] but doesn't understand what the reasoning is. So inevitably you just go back to this. They
[01:35:35] are doing this attitude. Who is they? Well, Joe Rogan himself might not think it's Jews.
[01:35:41] I don't think he is. I don't think he believes that, but plenty of people do attribute the
[01:35:45] day to Jews, but it's not the anti-Semitism in this circumstance that I'm like, that
[01:35:50] I'm complaining about it's the it's the lack of interest in like
[01:35:54] Examining the underlying reasons as to why this structural problem exists in the structural problem exists because of capitalism because
[01:36:02] People have lied for years and years about the profit motive and how that is the only reason why people do shit
[01:36:08] companies are pumping
[01:36:29] these products out into the population and telling us that we need them and then making
[01:36:34] insane amounts of money and then
[01:36:36] and also the government is in on it.
[01:36:39] And also they share a patent with Moderna
[01:36:42] and also they share profits
[01:36:45] and there's $700 million, 700,
[01:36:48] I mean, however much money was made,
[01:36:50] whatever the number is that these guys made
[01:36:53] off of these products.
[01:36:55] Like this is all of it is fucking crazy.
[01:36:57] There's the revolving door
[01:36:58] between the CDC and the FDA
[01:37:01] and then these pharmaceutical drug companies.
[01:37:03] So the people that make the regulations
[01:37:04] then go on to have these cushy jobs with the farmers who
[01:37:07] do good drug corporations like Oh, nothing to see here.
[01:37:10] So it's open. It's right out in the open. Right. And when he
[01:37:12] talks about all that stuff in his book, you're just like,
[01:37:14] what the fuck, man, if this wasn't true, he would be sued.
[01:37:20] No, American freedomist beach, unfortunately, in a circumstance
[01:37:25] like this, fortunately, it exists. But unfortunately, in
[01:37:27] circumstances like this one, make it virtually impossible to
[01:37:30] fucking genuinely be litigious against someone who
[01:37:33] writes unhinged shit in a book
[01:37:36] Okay
[01:37:38] That's it. So it seems to be true. Yeah, it's a scary thing because people don't want to talk about because they don't want to be attacked
[01:37:45] You know, they don't want to be called an anti-vaxxer. That's a big one, right?
[01:37:49] anyway, so
[01:37:51] He endorsed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in this video
[01:37:56] What I find, what I find very funny about this is that he had a bit of a Kyle Rittenhouse
[01:38:06] moment. He endorsed RFK Jr. and immediately the Republicans were like, oh, what the fuck,
[01:38:11] fuck you, cat turd, cat turd, one of my favorite political commentators in the space, probably
[01:38:17] the goat, the greatest of all time to do it, the greatest white boy to ever do it,
[01:38:22] out and was talking about how Joe Rogan is gay like literally immediately it's like that they have
[01:38:27] one defense they did this um do we have the uh i know he pulled back on the endorsement guys stop
[01:38:35] spoiling i know um do we have the cat third uh trifecta talking about Joe Rogan and and uh first
[01:38:43] defending Joe Rogan i saw like a like a triple monty out there on my twitter timeline where it was
[01:38:48] like a, it was a compilation of cat dirt takes about Joe Rogan making fun of everyone that
[01:38:54] makes fun of Joe Rogan and then turning around and then a shitting on Joe Rogan himself. Oh,
[01:39:02] here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Thank you. Cat dirt, the left crying about Joe Rogan,
[01:39:06] 24 seven is making him 1000 times more popular. Dear leftist of the thought Joe Rogan could
[01:39:12] say anything to us on his podcast and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, but
[01:39:16] cry. Joe Rogan endorses RFK Jr. So I've never been a Joe Rogan fan can't stand him. Yes,
[01:39:27] he has a popular podcast, but I've always thought he was absolutely politically dumb.
[01:39:31] He's great at figuring things out two years after we do. What a legend. So did it surprise
[01:39:36] me when he endorsed idiot RFK Jr. Today, lol. No, we are talking about the same fucking
[01:39:42] idiot who endorsed Bernie Sanders, right? He's the podcast equivalent of a dumb blonde
[01:39:48] joke. Who has the gayest low IQ dumb male blonde joke political infant podcast in the world?
[01:39:54] Joe Rogan answer A answer B also Joe Rogan. So, so that's the beauty of it all. These
[01:40:03] guys are a cult. Okay, they are an insane cult. And they did this to Kyle Rittenhouse
[01:40:13] the other day as well. I forgot to even cover it because there was so much other stuff
[01:40:17] going on. But if anyone has the link for the Kyle Rittenhouse memes, I would
[01:40:20] love to, I would love to show you guys that as well. If you remember, Kyle Rittenhouse
[01:40:27] also came out and had a moment, had a brief moment. It was a blip basically, okay? Where
[01:40:39] Kyle Rittenhouse himself, themself, came out and was like, hey, I don't think I'm
[01:40:50] to support Donald Trump, okay? Because Donald Trump is not good at gun laws, right? Donald
[01:41:01] Trump is not good at gun laws. I have the Joe Rogan, Donald Trump thing. Don't worry.
[01:41:05] I have it. Do we have the actual, do we have the original Cauvin House tweet? The original
[01:41:17] tweet. Anyway, so Cauvin House for those of you who don't know is a person who very
[01:41:23] specifically went to kill people at a BLM protest, as a counter protest, they're an agitator,
[01:41:30] got away with it as well, you know, legal, legal to do that sort of thing.
[01:41:37] And was a beloved figure by the right for quite some time.
[01:41:41] But here's what happened to him the other week.
[01:41:44] Calvary now said he wasn't going to vote for Trump due to him being bad on the Second
[01:41:47] Amendment.
[01:41:48] The MAGA circus went immediately ballistic, called him a traitor, and created a conspiracy
[01:41:52] that he's actually a trans woman and a part of the globalist Illuminati. Here's the video.
[01:41:57] I am Kyle Rittenhouse, Outrest Director for Texas Gun Rights. A lot of people are upset
[01:42:01] that I said I'm going to be writing in Ron Paul for President of the United States.
[01:42:06] And that is true. I will be writing in Ron Paul. Unfortunately, Donald Trump had bad advisors
[01:42:11] making him bad on the second amendment. And that is my issue. If you cannot be completely
[01:42:17] uncompromisable on the second amendment, I will not vote for you. And I will write somebody
[01:42:22] else and we need champions for the Second Amendment or rights will be eaten away and
[01:42:26] eroded each day. I support my decision and I have no takebacks.
[01:42:31] So that was wrong. He did have a takeback. So after like 24 hours of every Republican
[01:42:37] immediately doing this to him, he did take it back. It's all a Psyops as Isaac's army.
[01:42:43] He's a she. Q told us symbolism will be their downfall. Q told us infiltration instead
[01:42:51] of invasion. They literally started saying he was actually a woman and also gay and
[01:42:58] also a Freemason and also Illuminati and possibly Jewish. So then he turned around and said over
[01:43:04] the past 12 hours, I've had a series of productive conversations with members of the Trump's
[01:43:07] team and I'm confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second
[01:43:11] Amendment rights. My comments made last night were ill informed and unproductive. I'm
[01:43:16] 100% behind Donald Trump and encourage every gun owner to join me in helping send him
[01:43:20] back to the White House, okay? They are out of control. The Republicans are so insane
[01:43:29] at this point that they immediately go, oh, you don't want Trump. You must be a gay trans
[01:43:35] person, a gay trans woman who is actually secretly a woman.
[01:43:42] Here's another version of events as well. Biological female, this is a female, female
[01:43:47] Shoulder to hip ratio, female cue angle, no space,
[01:43:50] carbon house, female skeletal markers, oval female skull,
[01:43:54] small ear, slopping jaw, like I'm telling you right now,
[01:43:58] I'm telling you right now, if the number of people who
[01:44:02] operate like this continues to grow, if the number of people who operate
[01:44:06] like this continue to grow, it's over. I mean it's
[01:44:11] already over. The American project is done, okay? It's done.
[01:44:15] We have been fucking running on fumes, okay? This is not bait. I'm telling you there are
[01:44:21] back in the day there only used to be people like this who would be screaming at you on top of a
[01:44:28] fucking soapbox outside of a subway station. Now those guys are on Twitter and others like them
[01:44:35] are also on Twitter going, wait a minute, this guy's right. Okay, we are slowly growing the
[01:44:41] number of people who are giving themselves schizophrenia. Okay? They did this to Andrew
[01:44:48] Tate as well. The love figures on the right, the moment that they sidestep from whatever
[01:44:54] like the prevailing right wing narrative is, the moment that they sidestep, they're like,
[01:44:59] oh, you're a woman. You're actually a woman. You're a trans woman. And you are a gay and
[01:45:05] and also a woman.
[01:45:07] Yeah, they're now transvestiting Andrew Tate.
[01:45:10] I guess she forgot to wear her fake penis.
[01:45:14] I told everyone about this a while back.
[01:45:16] It's all of them.
[01:45:17] If they are on stage, they are part of the inverted show.
[01:45:20] He slash she blocked me for calling him slash her
[01:45:22] a transformer.
[01:45:23] Those sloping, sloping shoulders and her sister
[01:45:25] is even worse with those huge hips.
[01:45:27] It's so obvious.
[01:45:30] Cock-watching.
[01:45:41] Bro, I'm telling you,
[01:45:43] we went from pocket-watching to cock-watch.
[01:45:46] Oh, it's so good and the Republicans lost their minds over Joe Rogan as well
[01:45:52] So Trump
[01:45:54] Alongside the rest of the Republicans is the reason why I did the sidestep away from the Kyle Rittenhouse phenomena
[01:46:00] Is because they got one speed immediately. They're like they pounce right?
[01:46:06] so Joe Rogan
[01:46:08] Apped Joe Rogan was forced to basically make a fucking statement
[01:46:12] Okay, because they built this audience.
[01:46:18] It's filled to the brim with dumbass hogs, and they just kind of our audience captured
[01:46:22] in that regard.
[01:46:23] Okay, they're just audience captured in that regard.
[01:46:27] They now are too invested in maintaining this grift or rather like they believe some
[01:46:35] of the statements that they're making, but maybe not all of it, but because their audience
[01:46:41] This is so massively right-wing because they've pandered so much to the fucking hogs that
[01:46:47] they can't even say like, I kind of like RFK Jr. without everybody calling them gay and
[01:46:51] trans women.
[01:46:53] Okay?
[01:46:54] They're claiming they're trans men, not trans women.
[01:47:01] Fuck, I, you're right.
[01:47:05] I'm sorry.
[01:47:07] It's just so insane.
[01:47:09] It confused me.
[01:47:10] Okay.
[01:47:11] You're right.
[01:47:12] They're calling them trans men and secretly biological women or whatever.
[01:47:17] right. I'm sorry that I fucked up my proper misgendering because bro, it is with Dylan Mulvaney.
[01:47:40] Mulvaney. Remember Dylan Mulvaney? One can. Dylan was on the Bud Light can. Everybody was like going
[01:47:48] crazy for months, for like a month, actually. They think Dylan Mulvaney was actually a biological
[01:47:56] a woman assigned female at birth, then she was transed into being a man and then she
[01:48:04] was retransed into being a woman again. Like that's, you're insane, brother. You have to
[01:48:14] realize like you lost your fucking mind. You lost day mine, bro. Anyway, so Joe Rogan after
[01:48:23] Donald Trump pounds on him as well as everybody else.
[01:48:28] You know, cat turd and all these people were like so fucking mad at Joe.
[01:48:39] Trump joins the supporters in attacking Joe Rogan for saying he's an RFK junior fan.
[01:48:46] It will be interesting to see how loudly Joe Rogan gets booed at the next time he enters
[01:48:51] the UFC ring, MAGA 2024, eating his ass.
[01:49:07] So he now turned around and posted a tweet, he said, for the record, this isn't an endorsement.
[01:49:12] This is me saying that I like RFK Jr. as a person, and I really appreciate the way he
[01:49:16] discusses things with civility and intelligence.
[01:49:18] I think we could use more of that in this world.
[01:49:21] I also think Trump raising his fist and saying fight after getting shot is one of the most
[01:49:24] American fucking things of all time.
[01:49:26] I'm not the guy to get political information from.
[01:49:29] If you want that from a comic, go to comic Dave Smith.
[01:49:32] He actually knows what he's talking about.
[01:49:38] I like Omar, but are posting this like Joe rogue is going to listen to John Oliver about
[01:49:46] the vaccine shit. I listen to Joe Rogan daily. And this is upsetting. He built a community
[01:49:57] around the top of the hour. I'm defeated. I feel so God dang defeated. Yes. At the
[01:50:35] top of the hour, at the top of the hour, there is a three minute outbreak. If you
[01:50:42] You no longer want to see those ads. All you do is subscribe, which you can do for $6 or
[01:50:50] for free with Twitch Prime by connecting Amazon Prime account through Twitch account. You
[01:50:53] get one free Prime subscription a month. Who's nine fix is gifting five tier one gift
[01:50:58] to subs of the community. Thank you. Here's the three minute, here's the three minute
[01:51:02] outbreak. Now hogs were crying about the endorsement. Thanks for curling this up
[01:51:17] because I was literally crying about it. You are not normal. You have lost your fucking
[01:51:23] mind. If you're crying about Joe Rogan endorsing RFK Jr over Donald Trump. Okay. Holy moly.
[01:51:32] Anyway, but Joe Rogan wasn't the only person. Okay. So they did this with Joe because much
[01:51:41] like Democrats, they're now vote shaming, which I personally love. Keep up the good
[01:51:46] You only do this if you want to lose, okay?
[01:51:50] Apparently the neo-nazi Trump invited to dinner alongside Kanye West has revoked their support
[01:51:56] White supremacist a far-right political pundit. Nick went to shockingly revoked his support from Trump's campaign early Friday announcing on social media that he
[01:52:02] And is silly. I mean he is he and his allies believe the presidential bid is headed for a catastrophic loss
[01:52:08] Okay, young groipers are posting about how sad they are
[01:52:12] But it doesn't end there.
[01:52:16] Setback for the RFK junior campaign, right when YouTuber Tim Poole says he'll vote for
[01:52:20] him and RFK thanks him.
[01:52:21] But now Poole, after facing criticism for cat, there are another prominent magnifigures
[01:52:25] for abandoning Trump.
[01:52:26] Says he was just kidding and won't be voting for RFK.
[01:52:29] After all, that was a short lived, that was a short lived ha ha.
[01:52:39] I was just kidding moment from Tim Poole, who you know is, is famous for this kind
[01:52:45] of ha ha, just kidding moments.
[01:52:46] He's a, he's a kidder.
[01:52:48] He loves, uh, he loves the, the jokes.
[01:52:51] He's a big jokester.
[01:52:53] RFK junior says, I'm so grateful to you, Tim, for your confidence in me, but most
[01:52:58] of all, for your steadfast defense of the constitution and relentless love for
[01:53:03] our country.
[01:53:06] Oof.
[01:53:06] I really stepped in it this time.
[01:53:07] Ha, ha, ha.
[01:53:08] Holy crap.
[01:53:09] I'm voting for Trump.
[01:53:09] What the fuck?
[01:53:11] Wait, I thought Tim was a centrist.
[01:53:25] I can't believe hogs with hogs thought RFK was siphon votes from Biden.
[01:53:28] Yeah, that was awesome.
[01:53:30] Do the Trump call, get proud for bullying them and apologizing or do they believe they magically
[01:53:38] had an epiphany?
[01:53:40] You do this when you are losing, okay?
[01:53:44] You play bully ball and you fucking bully voters and you vote shame when you're losing,
[01:53:50] okay?
[01:53:52] That's it.
[01:53:57] Yes, I am trolling and responsible people attacking Joe Rogan and Kyle right now.
[01:54:00] So there's no real argument against voting Trump, but fuck me.
[01:54:03] of these diehard magas are destructive as the left is. I love this stuff. I hate it when
[01:54:20] the Democratic party does this. Think about, if you are a liberal, if you are a liberal,
[01:54:28] okay? If you're in the shadow, there's a lot of liberals amongst us right now, because
[01:54:32] there's a lot of people tuning back into the election, excited about Kamala Harris,
[01:54:38] reinvested reinvigorated
[01:54:43] Remember how funny it is when cat turds starts yelling about Joe Rogan for his endorsement of not Trump
[01:54:51] Okay, don't do that. Don't fucking do that
[01:54:57] Okay, don't be
[01:55:01] Like the fucking Magikultus. This is why we say you look like the Magikultus. You look like blue and on you look like blue Maga
[01:55:09] I want Trump to win. You will not turn things around by denying reality or insulting moderates.
[01:55:27] Drop your egos. It's so funny. It's dude. No, they're like, are we trusting polls now?
[01:55:34] I love that. Yes. Yes. No, you're right. You shouldn't trust the polls. Trump is doing
[01:55:38] great.
[01:55:40] Rasmussen. I'm going to be honest with you. MAGA influencers need to chill out and
[01:55:55] stop acting like losers. You're not helping anything. In fact, you're actively hurting
[01:55:58] Trump, Joe Rogan is a celebrity. Suddenly we're supposed to care about celebrity opinions.
[01:56:02] The internet is not real life sign off and harvest the ballot. I love that they are doing this.
[01:56:12] It's like, bro, you can't say mega influences chill out and stop acting like losers when
[01:56:16] you look like this. Okay. When you are the quarter pounder, but yeah, they are in
[01:56:24] a dire fucking situation and they recognize it. And why? Why are they in a dire situation?
[01:56:33] Because the Democratic Party, for the first time ever, in a sequence of W after W, has
[01:56:39] actually responded to the pressure because it happened to be a perfect planet-aligned
[01:56:46] moment where the donors, the voters and Nancy Pelosi, most importantly, were all in agreement
[01:56:54] that Biden needs to get swapped out of the ticket.
[01:57:00] So they responded to that pressure and they did it.
[01:57:03] Then they followed along with that additional pressure and made another good move.
[01:57:09] They made Tim Walsh the VP, basically locking them down on progressive policies, making
[01:57:16] bold, declarative, out and about progressive policies, your mainstay, your actual platform.
[01:57:26] Okay?
[01:57:28] All the while, notice how Republicans have no response to that, because they are not
[01:57:33] used to running against a good fucking strategy.
[01:57:38] Do you understand?
[01:57:40] Republicans are not used to running against actual good strategy.
[01:57:45] They don't know how to do it.
[01:57:46] They've never done it.
[01:57:48] They don't know what to do.
[01:57:49] They're flailing.
[01:57:50] Kind of new to the American policies, the VP have actually any political leverage?
[01:58:04] It can.
[01:58:18] The VP is supposed to be like the person who controls Congress, both in the Senate,
[01:58:24] but also like the person who just basically controls Congress, like is the surrogate for
[01:58:29] the presidency.
[01:58:37] These guys are not wrong, but what they failed to comprehend is they fed into the
[01:58:42] Republicans being psychotic losers and extra weird. Okay. They did that. It's you guys,
[01:58:51] dumbass. You can't just like swap it out in the last second. You can't just like do incredibly
[01:58:59] weird hyper focused on trans panic, hyper focused on like the skull science narratives for years
[01:59:07] and years and years. And then in the last moment, turn around and be like, oh, we were
[01:59:12] actually normal like we were trying to just cut taxes like what I don't understand like you can't do
[01:59:17] that. You already primed the skit-sows in your base. Real quick on all this dumb infighting and
[01:59:29] melting down first Cal Rittenhouse. Now it's Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan endorsed Bernie Sanders in 2016
[01:59:35] and Trump won easily. Has everybody who is one of these mega influencers completely forgot about
[01:59:42] 2016 and how every poll had Hillary had until the very end has everybody forgot how Corey Bush had
[01:59:50] Followers and got beat by a relative nobody with 10,000 Twitter followers
[01:59:54] Twitter is not real life. It's getting really cringe seeing so many of these quote-unquote mega influencers
[02:00:01] Melt down and react emotionally
[02:00:03] To what is obviously a Kamala sigh up these images that get out that many people are saying are AI
[02:00:10] The fact that she had a concert in the one in a wildly popular bands hometown
[02:00:16] And it was a free concert of Bonnie there in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. They're he's like hey man
[02:00:26] Don't be weird and like over the top right wing
[02:00:30] While simultaneously repeating talking points that he saw on Twitter that are weird and over the top right wing
[02:00:37] That it's a Psyop that the only reason why there's a lot of momentum behind Kamala Harris because a fucking Bonnie where it bonny bear
[02:00:43] Like are you insane or Bon Ivor?
[02:00:48] However, you fucking say it like you are the problem dumbass. Also. This is really funny apparently again
[02:00:55] abject denial of reality
[02:00:58] He made a video on me someone just sent me the link left to its melt over meltdown over Trump
[02:01:04] camera
[02:01:06] It's not working man. Only a hundred thousand views big dog was happening
[02:01:13] It for a long time the mouth bros gave him a big get here's to son Abbie's
[02:01:19] It is quite literally
[02:01:22] It is quite literally an FEC campaign contribution violation. Okay, just so you understand
[02:01:28] I am right. He is wrong. Does it really matter?
[02:01:31] Because nothing really matters for these guys the truth doesn't matter the rules or anything like that doesn't matter
[02:01:42] But again, you are the weirdo, okay?
[02:01:46] You are the weirdo.
[02:01:47] You are the reason why so many in the base is so primed and ready to go with, like,
[02:01:52] uh, with, with these unhinged conspiracies that make everybody look differently at the
[02:01:59] Republican Party.
[02:02:01] Hometown.
[02:02:02] Everyone's like, oh my god, the Kamala Namanan is real.
[02:02:05] Trump needs to fire his campaign manager.
[02:02:07] Oh my god.
[02:02:09] Holy crap.
[02:02:10] get like bro you can't come back from base being a basement pisser right you just can't
[02:02:17] like you're already a weirdo in every sense of the word right real type but like beyond that you're
[02:02:24] also pumping out videos daily about like transpanic shit like those are the real reasons why the
[02:02:30] republicans are seemingly very off-putting i heard a lot of these mega influencers that
[02:02:36] that are suddenly now doom-pilling
[02:02:38] because the point of the Kamala Psyop
[02:02:41] is exactly this and you're falling for it, okay?
[02:02:44] I'm not gonna call anyone out by name
[02:02:46] because, you know, it's not helpful.
[02:02:48] The fact is all these huge crowds
[02:02:51] and all these polls that are coming out.
[02:02:55] Hold on, I gotta quote retweet this.
[02:03:17] After you're giving him a platform,
[02:03:30] he already has a big platform, shut the fuck up.
[02:03:38] I don't know, to be honest,
[02:03:39] the trans stuff does kinda do numbers.
[02:03:40] Yes, weird, but trans online, online.
[02:03:45] Okay. That's the whole point.
[02:03:48] What does numbers online doesn't translate to fucking votes
[02:03:53] because the motherfuckers that vote are your grandparents.
[02:03:58] Okay. The motherfuckers that vote are your parents.
[02:04:01] They're business owners.
[02:04:03] They ain't online like you are.
[02:04:06] They go outside.
[02:04:07] They don't know any of this shit.
[02:04:08] I don't give a fuck about Brie Larson's titties, bro. Oddly specific. Yeah. Oddly specific to
[02:04:39] him. This is what he does.
[02:04:41] He ultra online, right? Right wing grievances, normal voters, weirdos. Don't realize they
[02:05:24] are the problem. And as far too late, the change trajectory after making eight videos
[02:05:27] a day about Brie Larson and Dylan Mulvaney, Republicans have diluted themselves into
[02:05:31] ultra ultra online right when grievances are shared by normal voters. Like that's the phenomena
[02:05:40] that actually works when you're really fucking online right? That's why here I'll give you an
[02:05:45] example about myself. Many of you because you use Twitter all the fucking time think like oh Hassan
[02:05:54] you are hated by so many people. You are just like genuinely despised by people. People fucking
[02:06:00] hate you they want to kill you and there are a shit ton of people who do hate me okay they're just
[02:06:06] not in the real world most people have no fucking clue who i am i keep trying to explain to you guys
[02:06:12] this right i am not like a household name at all if you have a opinion on me at all beyond like
[02:06:21] oh i think that's like the progressive guy right he's like the does shit online uh he's
[02:06:28] he's like an online progressive guy. If you have an opinion on me that is super strong in
[02:06:32] either direction, that means you're probably very online. Okay? That's it. Most people
[02:06:42] know me as like the guy who played among us with AOC, not even as the 9-11 guy. Any
[02:06:52] young people who I mentioned you to know you as the rich millionaire guy claiming
[02:06:55] to be socialist? Yes, that is an indication of who you see. Okay? That's the whole
[02:07:02] point. If you think that there are, if you think that there are literally like a ton of
[02:07:10] people who are like, oh, this is a socialist hypocrite guy, you're talking to extremely
[02:07:15] online people. Okay. That's what I'm trying to explain. Most people might know you as
[02:07:23] that most of the deal is celebrity in the world. Exactly. I tried to explain to you
[02:07:34] guys this with Valentina Gomez. Okay, this person was running for Secretary of State in
[02:07:43] Missouri. Okay. And remember when I told you guys, and there were chatters in here when
[02:07:50] this video came out, chatters in here were like, well, this actually does work in Missouri.
[02:07:54] And I told you, fuck no, it doesn't work. These faggots should get their own faggot
[02:07:58] category. Because before if a man hit a woman, it used to end in jail. Now it
[02:08:04] get to a gold medal at the Olympics. These are the worst Olympics in history. They have
[02:08:10] made a mockery out of Christianity and women. And let me remind you, there's no such thing
[02:08:15] as a chick with a dick. Keep women sports females.
[02:08:18] Yeah, she got a whopping seventh place. Seventh place. Because most people in the
[02:08:28] Republican primaries that vote for the Republicans in the state of Missouri for the Missouri
[02:08:34] Secretary of State, if they even knew about this shit, they'd be like, ew, that's gross
[02:08:40] as fuck. I don't give a fuck about this. Do you understand? Most people look at that
[02:08:47] and go, oh, that's gross. Most people online look at that and go, ooh, that's based. Finally,
[02:08:53] someone's saying it. She got seven plays, dude. You have to remember even Republicans
[02:09:05] are like, Oh, what the fuck? I don't care about this shit. Shut up. You think most people
[02:09:23] are going to come up to you and confront a six before built, dude, online people, expect
[02:09:26] other online people to be like them. No, that's not the case. That's not what I'm trying
[02:09:29] to say. You're misunderstanding. I'm not saying that like, Oh, my interactions with
[02:09:34] people in the real world are overwhelmingly positive. So everyone must like me. That's
[02:09:38] not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that most people don't know who the
[02:09:40] fuck I am. Okay. If you're in here and you're primed and you literally watch
[02:09:46] me every day, yeah, you develop this attitude that like everyone must know who he is and
[02:09:51] everyone must feel the same way that I do. They either love him or they just hate him because
[02:09:55] you see all the fucking negative shit on Twitter. Most people don't know who the fuck I am.
[02:10:00] Of course not. And at most, if they do know who the fuck I am, and this is not, this
[02:10:06] is not ego, please understand the words that are coming out of my mouth. Okay.
[02:10:11] the words that are coming, listen to what I am saying,
[02:10:14] and develop some kind of comprehension
[02:10:17] of what I am saying, okay?
[02:10:19] Most people in the real world do not know who I am.
[02:10:22] I am not a relevant figure in most people's lives.
[02:10:25] I might be relevant in your life,
[02:10:28] and I might be very relevant in the lives of my haters,
[02:10:31] whose brains I live in rent free,
[02:10:33] but, you know, most people don't know who the fuck I am,
[02:10:38] okay?
[02:10:41] Now, why am I talking about this?
[02:10:43] You literally talk about this every day.
[02:10:45] Why am I talking about this?
[02:10:46] Because I need you to understand
[02:10:48] that there is a massive difference.
[02:10:51] There is a massive difference between what plays online
[02:10:56] and what works in the real world
[02:10:59] or what is interesting to people in the real world.
[02:11:02] There's also a massive difference
[02:11:05] between what plays online
[02:11:07] and what actually motivates someone to go out
[02:11:09] and vote for a party.
[02:11:14] Hassan, I think you have a little bit of a blind spot as a cis man.
[02:11:17] There's a lot of transphobia out there.
[02:11:18] Even if people do find transphobia gross, you're misunderstanding what I'm saying.
[02:11:23] I have had this argument a lot because you are insecure.
[02:11:26] What?
[02:11:27] No.
[02:11:28] No.
[02:11:30] No.
[02:11:32] The overwhelming majority of American society is transphobic.
[02:11:37] Okay?
[02:11:38] Gender, in the way that most people understand it, is biologically determined.
[02:11:43] And it is just two genders, okay?
[02:11:45] That is the normative position for Americans, okay?
[02:11:52] They're wrong, and it will take a very long time
[02:11:55] to educate people, and it takes generations, okay?
[02:12:00] Having said that, however, most people
[02:12:04] do not constantly obsess over trans people
[02:12:07] unless they become transphobic to a certain degree.
[02:12:10] There's tears to it.
[02:12:12] Most people are just like,
[02:12:13] yeah, I don't really understand this gender stuff.
[02:12:15] it's weird, it's gross, whatever.
[02:12:17] Okay, they move on with their lives.
[02:12:20] But some people go in the opposite direction
[02:12:24] where they just become pathologically obsessed
[02:12:27] and they start saying like,
[02:12:29] this is the most important thing of all time.
[02:12:31] We have to talk about swim meets in high schools.
[02:12:35] What if there are trans women participating
[02:12:37] in the high school swim meet?
[02:12:38] We have to stop this.
[02:12:40] We have to put an end to this immediately.
[02:12:42] Everyone, trans people are all around.
[02:12:44] They're in every corner and it just captures their entire brain, it eats away at their consciousness.
[02:12:49] That level of pathological obsession with trans people is off putting to normal people
[02:12:56] who might even agree with them on the trans thing when they're like, yeah, they're weird and gross, I don't really get it.
[02:13:00] But then they turn around and go, why the fuck do you care this much?
[02:13:04] Nobody ultimately gives a single shit about anything that much.
[02:13:20] Okay?
[02:13:21] Do you understand?
[02:13:28] Genuinely asking us on would you agree that Fox News perpetuating this chronically online takes or no? Yes, they are
[02:13:34] Fox News is also
[02:13:36] dialed in
[02:13:38] Okay, Fox News is also dialed in on the extremely online takes
[02:13:44] They are and that's still
[02:13:48] That is still bad
[02:13:50] Electorally and I said this in 2022 if you remember when the midterms happened in 2022
[02:13:57] was supposed to be a fucking red wave, right? Obviously it's the most expected outcome. When
[02:14:02] you look at like the historic precedent, when you have an unpopular president, when people
[02:14:07] are experiencing negative real wage growth, when they're, when the cost of living is going
[02:14:12] up and their actual salaries are not catching up to that, that's, that's insane. That
[02:14:18] is like an unimaginable L, right? For the president and the midterms are oftentimes
[02:14:23] seen as, as, as another way to show that like Americans are
[02:14:28] frustrated with the president. So a red wave was expected. Why
[02:14:36] didn't it come to fruition? It's because the Republicans dropped
[02:14:40] the ball and they ran with like insane candidates everywhere.
[02:14:43] Okay, they ran with, they ran with like there's kitty litter in
[02:14:48] schools, classrooms, and they're doing like, and these children
[02:14:52] are becoming cats, they're becoming trans cats. They ran
[02:14:55] with crime crime think about crime crime is all over the place crime is crazy
[02:14:59] crime crime crime crime crime crime okay they ran with fucking school shooter
[02:15:04] ass motherfuckers like black masters thinking that that would that would look
[02:15:09] well in a place like Arizona and they put Herschel Walker like they put
[02:15:15] fucking weirdos bro they put weirdos who were running weird ass campaigns
[02:15:21] And at the time I said at the time I said
[02:15:26] You talking my anti-wokestion the midterms over here today
[02:15:29] Republicans need to take a look at the long look in the mirror and figure out why we can't connect with fed-up Americans
[02:15:34] They're previous 8,000 tweets look at this scene from Disney's light year
[02:15:38] The suit is intentionally designed to make pedophiles cocks hard. Yeah, it's true
[02:15:43] I've said this so many times the more you fucking talk about pedophile shit the more gross you come across
[02:15:49] Cross to Normans dumb guy with an agenda walks around and normal stores. My favorite subgenre of video
[02:15:58] It's normie poison
[02:16:00] It is normie poison in the immediate aftermath of the 2022
[02:16:05] midterm election
[02:16:06] I fucking told y'all that like if Republicans keep leaning into this weirdo shit
[02:16:11] They are gonna be off-putting to normal voters
[02:16:14] I was right and they're doing it again because they don't know anything else because they're so invested in the culture war narratives that like
[02:16:23] If they're so invested in the culture war narratives in the trans panic and all this shit that they just have they've deluded themselves into thinking
[02:16:32] They've deluded themselves into thinking other people also think like them. Okay?
[02:16:37] They think Matt Walsh gets so much play in the normal world.
[02:16:42] This is the kind of anti-woke crusade nonsense that made normies uncomfortable.
[02:16:45] Oh yeah.
[02:16:46] The young adult section is this whole thing, it's four times bigger.
[02:16:51] None of this in your new category called Manga, which is again four times bigger than
[02:16:57] the World History section.
[02:16:58] Looked like Greta Thumber.
[02:16:59] Hashtag Greta Thumber.
[02:17:00] Did not write this book.
[02:17:01] I looked at it.
[02:17:02] I read some of it.
[02:17:03] She didn't write it.
[02:17:04] had a longer, unabridged version of Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn.
[02:17:07] I looked for some favorite theologians and philosophers of old and didn't.
[02:17:11] God, you're so boring and so weird, dude.
[02:17:14] This can't be real, right?
[02:17:15] Most of them. Some of them were there, but none of them.
[02:17:18] Hey, guys, notice how my hair is very long back then,
[02:17:23] and I'm still calling him fucking weird.
[02:17:25] I haven't stopped calling him fucking weird, because I was a...
[02:17:30] This is part of the reason why I like Tim Waltz,
[02:17:32] because everybody thinks like he's the one who invented
[02:17:34] Republicans are weird narrative. He definitely brought it to the forefront for the Democratic Party,
[02:17:39] but if there's a motherfucker who's been doing that, because it is objectively the truth,
[02:17:45] it's me. I've been doing it for years. That's what Hogwarts is, Hogwarts.
[02:17:52] Guy who's angry that fucking capitalist corporation is selling more popular books than
[02:17:57] less popular books is weird. That's weird.
[02:18:00] The others and so this is my feet social science and sections. Yeah, dude divorce court really truly
[02:18:07] And I and I mean this with my whole chest wholeheartedly has destroyed this country divorce court has
[02:18:13] Absolutely destroyed men we got to fix it. Hey, by the way, he looks hook finn because it uses the n-word profusely
[02:18:18] That's why he said the unabridged version. That's why what he's talking about
[02:18:21] He's like, why don't they have huckleberry finn with the n-word in it. Oh, that's wonderful
[02:18:26] So I was getting out the plane last night as students asked what I was so excited about told her
[02:18:30] I'd won my election was the first trans woman elected in Montana. She immediately teared up my son is trans
[02:18:34] She said and began to tell me about all the joys and fears
[02:18:37] Oh that I come with this transition how much happening healthy he's now
[02:18:41] I got to see pictures of her and her son in Paris the two of them beaming with joy
[02:18:44] She also talked about how scary the world was but how this moment gave her hope
[02:18:46] I'm telling you dude the more normalized
[02:18:50] Transexistence becomes the more suburban moms and dads
[02:18:53] You're gonna see more of those like the golden retriever family that you saw on Fox news
[02:18:57] Remember that like perfectly white family with a white picket fence in California with their with their trends
[02:19:02] I think they had a trans son right you're gonna see more of that
[02:19:05] It's the same with gay shit or burguh fell brought about a normalization like just being gay in public
[02:19:11] Once that cats out of the bag, you're gonna have suburban moms finally
[02:19:16] Be f-word-pilled. Okay, they're gonna have gay friends and women especially white women love having gay best friends
[02:19:24] Okay, that's huge all of a sudden you've locked down a major political coalition. That's huge
[02:19:31] Then you're gonna have those people have children that are gay boom
[02:19:35] It's done the cats out of the bag. You can't go back
[02:19:39] You can't just like try to fucking push people back into the dark corners when their children are coming out as gay
[02:19:45] That's kind of what I see it was talking about when he said like, you know
[02:19:48] a lot of the anger that people feel a lot of the anger and resentment that like
[02:19:53] Republicans try to captivate a lot of the a lot of the anger that they try to like focus on right is about the next generation
[02:20:00] Because the next generation is way more open about being gay that makes the next generation is open by being trans when you're hyper focusing on that
[02:20:07] You're forgetting the reality that like there are a lot of children who are that you know what I mean?
[02:20:11] And these people's parents are gonna have a genuinely different person your biggest Achilles
[02:20:16] these deals that you can make a great and salient point,
[02:20:18] but then say some shit like F word pilled.
[02:20:21] Yeah.
[02:20:22] No, I think that that is my biggest,
[02:20:25] that is actually my,
[02:20:27] that is actually what differentiates me from other people,
[02:20:30] not necessarily that like I'm also,
[02:20:36] despite being online for fucking 10 hours every goddamn
[02:20:39] day, I think I have a better understanding
[02:20:43] of like what normal people feel
[02:20:46] than most of these fucking political operatives
[02:20:49] who lean into their absolute worst instincts.
[02:20:51] I also am fucking silly and say dumb shit.
[02:20:54] Respective, I'm not boring.
[02:20:56] Atter, it'll happen.
[02:20:58] Let's take a look at Republicans flopping last night
[02:21:00] because these women went crazy.
[02:21:02] You have the best example.
[02:21:03] Michigan, unbelievable, say house flips,
[02:21:05] state senate flips.
[02:21:06] Six months ago, you would have written off.
[02:21:09] Dude, this guy knows women.
[02:21:10] I wanna hear more analysis from this fucking thing.
[02:21:13] I wanna hear what this thing has to say
[02:21:15] about these women, okay?
[02:21:16] Dobs, she wins handily.
[02:21:19] In five states had abortion referendums,
[02:21:21] including my home state of Montana, all of them passed.
[02:21:25] I mean, abortion is becoming the issue
[02:21:27] that's driving turnout.
[02:21:28] Last night, exit polls, you guys talked about it earlier.
[02:21:31] Democrats win independence in a non-presidentially
[02:21:33] or just no polls all that coming.
[02:21:35] One of my best locks on this is,
[02:21:39] one of my best locks on this is the idea
[02:21:42] like Republicans have basically diluted themselves into thinking that their opinions are popular.
[02:21:49] Republicans of the old guard knew that their opinions were not popular.
[02:21:53] They would desperately try to commercialize these points by basically hiding the underlying
[02:21:59] resentment towards like black people, for example.
[02:22:02] The famous Lee Atwater clip comes to mind, which is you can't say the N word any longer.
[02:22:07] So you say other things, right?
[02:22:12] That's why you have the dog whistle, but Republicans, by way of state legislatures, by way of state
[02:22:19] legislatures, advanced this like super crazy anti-trans agenda all across the fucking,
[02:22:28] all across the country, ain't nobody was asking for it.
[02:22:32] Who the fuck in even Ohio was like, we really have to have Penis inspection day?
[02:22:38] Nobody!
[02:22:39] Okay?
[02:22:40] did that because they thought, no, no, no, this is really good. We're giving our base
[02:22:45] what they want. They want this. They want this more than anything else. They forgot.
[02:22:50] And this is a major flub with Ron DeSantis. And why he fucking lost handily in the primaries.
[02:22:57] They put the cart before the horse. Culture war issues are supposed to be a distraction.
[02:23:04] They're not supposed to be just simply the forefront of all of your legislative agenda,
[02:23:09] mass. The real goal in this circumstance is to simply distract people with culture war
[02:23:15] issues to differentiate yourself from the Democratic Party while offering tax cuts and
[02:23:20] deregulation to the corporations. Okay? If you run simply on culture war shit and you
[02:23:28] literally fucking hammer that point in over and over again, you're gonna lose. And that's
[02:23:33] precisely what is happening to the Republican Party. Here's the funniest part about it.
[02:23:41] But if Democrats do that, they lose, too.
[02:23:44] Could you imagine?
[02:23:45] The equivalent of this is the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016, okay?
[02:23:50] Running on like, running on your transphobic, if you don't vote for us, is the most idiotic
[02:23:55] thing that you could ever do, okay?
[02:23:58] I'm not saying that that's the only thing that the Hillary Clinton campaign did, but
[02:24:02] they certainly placed an outsized emphasis on that shit.
[02:24:05] Don't do that.
[02:24:07] Don't ever fucking do that.
[02:24:09] Do you think trans people are like aliens that are separate from the rest of society?
[02:24:15] No!
[02:24:16] Trans people are fucking workers too!
[02:24:19] Run on shit that helps every American and then explain to them why paid family leave
[02:24:26] is good, okay?
[02:24:28] Why, you know, destroying child poverty is a good thing.
[02:24:33] Why feeding children is a good thing.
[02:24:35] by making it easier for workers of this country
[02:24:38] to have like free time for themselves is a good thing.
[02:24:41] And then if they fucking complain about that shit,
[02:24:44] the material improvements that will come for them,
[02:24:46] then, you know, fuck them.
[02:24:49] Pretty transphobic take.
[02:24:50] I know I am literally a transphobe, okay?
[02:24:53] I am the number one enemy of all things LGBTQ
[02:24:58] for saying something like trans people are also nurses,
[02:25:02] doctors, fucking teachers, okay?
[02:25:05] They have the same interest. They don't like live in a separate place. They don't live in
[02:25:10] like a hive. They live in homes. They rent. Okay. They are also responsive to economic
[02:25:17] pressures. Holy fuck. Look, 75,000 high school kids participating in high school sports in
[02:25:36] Utah, four transgender kids playing high school sports in Utah, one transgender student
[02:25:40] playing girl sports, 86% of trans roots, trans youth supporting suicidality, 56% of trans
[02:25:46] youth have attempted suicide and they're running fucking and they're like it was so bad to the
[02:25:52] Utah governor I remember vetoed a bill and literally said yo I can't get conscious fucking
[02:26:00] vote for a bill that is literally designed to bully one trans girl in this fucking
[02:26:05] state okay when you are that locked in when you are that dialed when you are that
[02:26:12] fucking insane. Okay. When you're that insane, that is off
[02:26:18] putting to other people. Now there's also another side to
[02:26:22] this. Okay. Yeah, the legislature still went hog wild and
[02:26:27] overrode the veto, but you have to understand something. None of
[02:26:31] that means that this is like a genuine policy that people
[02:26:35] were desperately, people were like, Oh, thank God, a breath of
[02:26:39] fresh air. We made sure that that one trans girl is no longer participating in
[02:26:44] high school athletics and I feel so confident that the Republican Party is
[02:26:48] carrying my interests across the finish line. That's not a thing that people
[02:26:53] care. You only think that if you're so primed and so deluded in your echo
[02:27:00] chambers that you think everyone is that fucking lasered in on like trans
[02:27:04] people. Okay. Off-putting. Remind us why you lost viewers with the Israel coverage. You think
[02:27:17] that it is a good, this is a adequate equivalent? Yes, dude. People don't want to fucking tune
[02:27:24] in to me talk about how America is participating in a genocide every day. That doesn't change
[02:27:30] the reality that it is still patently unjust and inhumane. Yeah, I'm not a politician,
[02:27:38] you fucking idiot. I'm a political commentator. The fuck do you mean? And I'm not saying make
[02:27:47] Palestine the forefront of your conversation when I'm doing electoral calculations anyway.
[02:27:53] So what the fuck argument is this? I'm simply stating time and time again, regardless of
[02:27:58] my own morality on the matter, Democrats have an easy dub in dealing with Gaza. Okay,
[02:28:07] They have an easy dub, they have an electoral dub there.
[02:28:09] They will lose no voters and they will only gain voters.
[02:28:13] That's something you do for good politics.
[02:28:32] So you're not wrong, Chatter, they're obsessed man, you're underestimating how Fox is bringing
[02:28:36] the brains of all Republicans of this nation.
[02:28:38] Yes.
[02:28:39] Okay?
[02:28:40] Yes.
[02:28:41] You are right about that.
[02:28:43] And that is the one thing that I mentioned in this video as well, where I said,
[02:28:47] where I said there's only one thing that would make this so much worse. If Fox
[02:28:57] News succeeds in making everyone as primed and as angry and as locked in on
[02:29:04] trans people and they actually flip the normal voters into being just as like
[02:29:09] transphobic as the average Twitter user, then this country is
[02:29:13] permafucked and then they will be able to actually successfully launch
[02:29:17] these strategies, but I do not believe that Fox news been able to successfully implement it. Okay. No,
[02:29:30] that's it. It's not working. If anything, it makes people go, um, I don't really care about this.
[02:29:46] Oh, a lot of my normal friends got trans on the mind all the fucking time, bro. I know it's not
[02:29:55] just Fox news. Okay. It's also the shade room, no jumper, all of these like other even like,
[02:30:03] like, you know, random meme accounts, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook is everywhere. Okay. But
[02:30:10] the moment that they are that lasered in on trans people, bar stool, the moment that they're
[02:30:15] that lasered in that dialed in on the trans people, look at what happened with the in Mon
[02:30:19] Kali situation. I don't see it getting there. Even here in hyper conservative Idaho, I
[02:30:27] don't hear that rhetoric is often anymore and people are straying to a more centrist
[02:30:31] opinion more and more on those topics. Yep. Most people don't want to think about it.
[02:30:48] Okay. Most people don't want to think about it. The end wokeness account on Twitter can pump
[02:30:55] out as much transphobic sentiment as they want to, but ultimately at its peak usage, Twitter was
[02:31:02] 20% of the American population was using Twitter. Okay. 20% of the American population was using
[02:31:07] Twitter. And it's peak usage. It's much lower than that now. It's gotten significantly worse.
[02:31:13] And woke me to get 200,000 likes on Twitter that does not reflect the real world at all.
[02:31:19] And that certainly does not reflect the attitudes of normal voters. If you are thinking about this
[02:31:25] from the perspective of the electoral victories. Okay. And it was because these women just
[02:31:33] went crazy. Oh man that's good. Yeah these these women be crazy man. Women be voting.
[02:31:40] They be shopping and they be voting you know. I really don't care how Messina meant for this to
[02:31:45] sound. Men need to think about how they speak about women. Historic activism and voter turnout
[02:31:48] is not crazy. We don't want to die. I extremely appreciate it. Thank you for being an ally
[02:31:52] in this fight. Last night was a definite win but we got ways to go. You're totally right.
[02:31:55] I apologize for being inarticulate during the TV interview. What I was trying to convey
[02:31:58] is that the energy of women voters and the political power is what saved the night for the
[02:32:01] the Democrats across the country. That's Jim Messina. Obama's he ran Obama's
[02:32:06] campaign in 2012 or he was on Obama's administration from the Obama Biden
[02:32:10] 2012 campaign manager. Let's see what they were doing on election night though.
[02:32:15] So yeah, this is not an exciting evening. You know, kind of like many of my
[02:32:22] days before I met my wife. Oh my God. Yes. He did not say that. Stop.
[02:32:30] We gotta run that. I don't mean it as being a dig, but I know you hang with some normies, but I promise you the Ohio blue collar crowd, their brains are completely broken by Magasit.
[02:32:39] Well,
[02:32:41] first of all, that's Ohio. Secondly,
[02:32:46] that's the reason why you have to run a normal campaign as the Democrats are doing kind of right now. Okay. If you don't counter message against all of the brainbroken right wing panic, you let
[02:32:59] that the entire territory be dominated on those key issues by right wing panic.
[02:33:05] You have to give people things that they care about, okay?
[02:33:09] So they can be invested in your campaign.
[02:33:11] They can be invested into voting for you, okay?
[02:33:20] That's it.
[02:33:22] Democrats don't do that and haven't really done that.
[02:33:25] They haven't done that in a while.
[02:33:35] Is this a mid-series clip show?
[02:33:36] No.
[02:33:37] you that my interpretation and my analysis has not changed since the midterms and actually
[02:33:46] exactly what I predicted is happening right now.
[02:33:53] You now understand this is not a filler.
[02:33:55] This is just me simply telling you that if you fucking behave like a weirdo over and over
[02:34:01] again and then you think that your weirdo opinions are reflected by broader society,
[02:34:07] if you run up against someone who goes, nah, that shit is weird.
[02:34:10] just want to feed children, all of a sudden you're cooked. If you run against someone who
[02:34:18] on the other hand goes, oh, all this weirdo stuff is scaring me. And maybe I'm a weirdo
[02:34:24] too. And they lean into it. They tack right. The Democrats tacking right on issues that
[02:34:30] are born out of right wing hysteria will actually be a loser for the Democrats. Okay.
[02:34:43] There is no rebuttal if you ignore it. No, you shouldn't ignore it. You should
[02:34:47] talk about how fucking weird it is and what your actual campaigning what you're
[02:34:52] campaigning on people have forgotten that like people just don't even think
[02:34:58] about this especially in even in this community right like I was supposedly left
[02:35:02] this community politicians are supposed to earn your fucking votes man they are
[02:35:07] supposed to earn your votes okay offer them things and those things should be
[02:35:14] as broad encompassing as possible policies that are actually helpful, that actually reflect
[02:35:21] the anxieties that Americans feel. Republicans do a very good job of recognizing that there
[02:35:27] are anxieties and then funneling all of that anger and frustration back to their opponents,
[02:35:33] back to marginalized people, back to people that have been historically dominated by
[02:35:37] American politics, okay? Weaker people in general, people that do not have the capacity
[02:35:43] to fight back. They need to win the suburban white woman. The transvestigating of Katie
[02:35:56] Ledecky really upset my moderate mom. Yes. Yeah. I mean, this was the original bathroom
[02:36:05] bill that literally fucking was scrapped in North Carolina. This was the reason why
[02:36:11] Trump was also pro trans when he was literally running for the presidency in 2016. People
[02:36:17] forget this. Donald Trump literally was pro-trans. Do you remember that? Donald Trump was pro-trans
[02:36:28] when he was running for president in 2016. Things changed dramatically since 2016 to 2024.
[02:36:36] Okay? Why was he pro-trans? Because he recognized that most people didn't give a shit. He held
[02:36:55] held up a pride flag at a fucking rally.
[02:36:59] The damage and devastation that can be inflicted by Islamic radicals.
[02:37:05] As he used the LGBT against Muslims, because he was, he had smoke for the Muslims at the
[02:37:10] time.
[02:37:11] So he was like, I'm actually so pro-trans, so LGBTQ, I'm going to save them from the
[02:37:16] Islamic terrorists.
[02:37:18] He said, Caitlyn Jenner can piss in whatever toilet she wants, as long as she's pissing
[02:37:22] in a fucking Trump power.
[02:37:25] The damage and devastation that can be inflicted by Islamic radicals has been proved over and
[02:37:32] over at the World Trade Center, at an office party in San Bernardino, at the Boston Marathon,
[02:37:41] at a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and many, many other locations.
[02:37:50] Only weeks ago, in Orlando, Florida, 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic
[02:38:00] terrorist.
[02:38:02] This time, the terrorist targeted LGBTQ community.
[02:38:11] No good.
[02:38:12] And we're going to stop it.
[02:38:34] As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from
[02:38:44] the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.
[02:38:50] Believe me.
[02:38:52] I have to say, as a Republican, it is so nice to hear you.
[02:39:22] But guys, I don't think you understand Donald Trump 2016 was running as a moderate on many
[02:39:31] issues with the exception of immigration.
[02:39:37] Like people literally, we have completely, we have completely fucking forgotten what
[02:39:45] happened in 2016.
[02:39:46] Like it got retconned and in many respects, I totally understand why people don't remember
[02:39:51] it because immediately after becoming president, he did not, he didn't do any moderate things.
[02:39:57] things. He was obviously insane. This is great to like remind people routinely because like
[02:40:09] things change, okay? He is a permanent room reader. This is such a funny thing because
[02:40:17] Rhonda Sanchez when he was running against Donald Trump showed all of this in a video
[02:40:21] and I called him out too, said he was gonna fucking lose big time, not because he was
[02:40:27] was also like a genuinely unlikable figure,
[02:40:31] but also because he's a fucking idiot.
[02:40:34] Like most people don't give a shit like that.
[02:40:38] Here, here's another one.
[02:40:40] Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower
[02:40:42] and wanna use the bathroom.
[02:40:43] You would be fine with her using
[02:40:46] any bathroom she chooses.
[02:40:47] That is correct.
[02:40:48] Appearing at a live town hall meeting on Today Show,
[02:40:51] Trump also said he admires Harriet Tubman,
[02:40:55] but doesn't think Andrew Jackson should be removed
[02:40:58] from the $20 bill. Andrew Jackson had a great
[02:41:01] question. Ask this question. What's the one habit you wish he'd give up?
[02:41:06] He's tweeting. She's referring to this
[02:41:10] infamous retweet that caused a political firestorm
[02:41:14] of Melania and Ted Cruz's wife Heidi.
[02:41:17] It was dueling town hall meetings as just blocks away
[02:41:20] Hillary Clinton was at Good Morning America's studio. What did he say about
[02:41:25] North Carolina's bathroom bill? He literally said, drop it.
[02:41:28] drop it. Y'all are stupid as fuck for caring about this. Here, political grand old primary,
[02:41:42] April 21st, 2016, Trump transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want. Oh, I had a feeling
[02:41:52] that question was going to come up. I will tell you North Carolina did something that was very
[02:41:56] strong and they're paying a big price. There's a lot of problems. The Republican presidential
[02:42:00] candidate said during a town hall event on NBC's today, referring to comments from an
[02:42:04] unnamed commentator who on Wednesday night, who on Wednesday said North Carolina should
[02:42:08] leave it the way it is right now. Trump said he agreed. Leave it the way it is North Carolina.
[02:42:15] What they're going through with all the businesses that's leaving all the strife and this is on
[02:42:19] both sides. Leave it the way it is. He said referring to the companies that have canceled
[02:42:23] plans to move or expand business in the state as a result of law, which bashed transgender
[02:42:26] individuals from using a bathroom that does not match their gender at birth. There
[02:42:31] There have been very few complaints.
[02:42:32] The way it is, people go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate, Trump said.
[02:42:37] There has been so little trouble.
[02:42:39] And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic,
[02:42:44] I mean, the economic punishment that they're taking and louder than asked Trump, does
[02:42:50] he have any transgender people working at his company?
[02:42:53] Really I don't know.
[02:42:54] I probably do.
[02:42:55] I really don't know.
[02:42:56] Trump said, answering that he would allow say a transgender celebrity like Caitlyn
[02:42:59] Jenner to use whatever bathroom she wanted at Trump Tower.
[02:43:10] No disrespect, but what point are you trying to make here?
[02:43:20] Donald Trump in 2016, when he won, was a significantly more moderate figure on this issue.
[02:43:28] There I say progressive or woke in comparison to Donald Trump in 2024.
[02:43:39] The only difference between then and now is that Republicans went back to the drawing
[02:43:44] board after they got a fucking massive L on the bathroom bills.
[02:43:48] So they were like, how can we tie anti-transpanics, how can we tie anti-transpanic to a way that
[02:44:00] is sticky for the average American?
[02:44:04] And the answer is meritocracy.
[02:44:08] Americans love meritocracy.
[02:44:09] They love merit.
[02:44:11] What is the only place where there is merit?
[02:44:15] What is the closest to a real meritocracy?
[02:44:18] Sports.
[02:44:19] So they, like this is literally, like I know for a fact that this is what happened.
[02:44:24] There were investigative, there was investigative reporting on this.
[02:44:27] All of those psychopathic right-wing Christian think tanks went back to the drawing board
[02:44:33] and focus tested different kinds of narratives.
[02:44:36] They noticed that the trans bathroom bills were really stupid.
[02:44:39] Most people were like, I don't give a shit, shut the fuck up.
[02:44:42] But they found one that hit big.
[02:44:45] Trans women are cheating in sports. Trans people are treating in sports. That pulled significantly better than all other anti-trans narratives.
[02:44:57] Okay? So they kept hammering that position over and over again. But it wasn't necessarily because Americans give a fuck about like trans people participating in sports or American people hate trans people like that.
[02:45:10] people like that. It was because they thought that trans people are weird and maybe gross,
[02:45:18] but also cheating. They're being weird gross and cheating in sports. They're stealing scholarships
[02:45:26] from normal cis people. That could be your daughter. They're cheating. They're breaking
[02:45:34] the meritocracy they were able to figure out a successful narrative that stuck but it still
[02:45:41] doesn't mean that it was because everyone is like that primed into fucking wanting to kill trans people
[02:45:47] okay i do not think that they want to slaughter your children okay they want to transify your
[02:45:59] children is as sticky a narrative as the sports one it doesn't pull as well especially
[02:46:06] because it's too gross to think about. Okay? It is entirely too gross to think about that like,
[02:46:18] and it's also so utterly devoid of the truth. Like, if you are misogynistic, or I mean, there's
[02:46:28] obviously evidence for this as well in most sports, especially like combat sports and whatnot,
[02:46:33] like obviously men on average are probably going to outperform women on
[02:46:39] average okay cis women versus cis men so people if they hold on people if they
[02:46:56] genuinely think that like due to transphobia and due to how like gender
[02:47:02] ties back to our understanding of the world and it's like you know it has like
[02:47:07] really solid, really firm social conditioning on that front. If, if people have that opinion,
[02:47:19] and many people do, they look at it as like, oh, these are men cheating. Okay. They're,
[02:47:25] they're men cheating and ruining the meritocracy. That's just the way they operate. That's just
[02:47:32] the way they see it. That's why it's such a, um, that's why it's such a, like a salient narrative
[02:47:38] that people can attach to. It's effective messaging, right? It's very effective messaging on that
[02:47:46] front. And it's demonstrably effective. Polls show that it's effective, right? I mean, this is like
[02:47:51] an issue that the overwhelming majority of Americans will not agree with you on.
[02:47:57] Okay? So that is just the unfortunate underlying reality. But people don't think about
[02:48:15] you know, children being mutilated by medical professionals in the same vein.
[02:48:20] That's too insane for the average person.
[02:48:23] The average person's experience with their doctors is overwhelmingly positive.
[02:48:27] People like their doctors, they don't really like their healthcare.
[02:48:30] Okay?
[02:48:32] People like their primary care physicians if they have it.
[02:48:35] People like their, their pediatricians.
[02:48:37] People trust their doctors.
[02:48:40] So you cannot make Americans legitimately believe that their doctors are going to be making medical
[02:48:56] diseases that chop their children's penises off or whatever the fuck. Only the most insane people
[02:49:02] believe that. Okay? Do you get it? Do you understand? And that's why whenever they go off on a tangent,
[02:49:12] whenever Republicans go off on a tangent about like trans children, they're trying to make everybody
[02:49:17] trans or whatever, that feeds into the base the Nick Merck types who are like completely
[02:49:24] brainbroken by this shit, unfortunately, because they watched too many Matt Walsh videos.
[02:49:28] But that is far from the attitude or the opinion that the average American has
[02:49:34] Okay, the number of truly insane people is growing every day. I am not underestimating the amount of truly insane people
[02:49:43] The number of people that are genuinely losing their fucking minds on this issue is growing every day
[02:49:49] But as it stands still
[02:49:51] Okay box news has not been able to in my opinion penetrate the collective consciousness of Americans into being primed
[02:49:58] To be that transphobic
[02:50:00] You feel me?
[02:50:03] You smell me?
[02:50:05] You get it?
[02:50:08] It's upsetting to me that you can get people stirred up about
[02:50:17] When explained from a white supremacist framing the concept of merit in this case bases an assumed privilege. Yes
[02:50:23] Obviously, there is none it is ridiculous, but I'm just simply talking about what people suspect
[02:50:29] They automatically assume if you're like that's why I always
[02:50:32] deflate that and joke about it and say like these people are fucking delusional
[02:50:37] they're obsessed with trans people they should be obsessed with the top of the
[02:50:40] hour ad break okay because it's coming for you like there's no secret shadowy
[02:50:44] trans people cabal that are like magical athletes and they're just like so good
[02:50:48] at everything no matter what but there is a three man abrogate the top of the
[02:50:52] hour and many people just refuse to recognize it and then bam before you
[02:50:56] realize it hits you in the fucking face there's three man abrogate coming
[02:51:01] to you unless you subscribe for $5 or for free. How do we, how do we get into this conversation?
[02:51:07] We got in this conversation because the quartering, quarter pounder, Tim Pool, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro,
[02:51:15] they have all-
[02:51:16] Real crap.
[02:51:17] They have all dove head first into this narrative and fed into these kinds of panics. Okay.
[02:51:24] Here's a three minute outbreak. Now, by the way, J. Nicole Q, thank you for the,
[02:51:30] Thank you for the five gifts and subs.
[02:51:44] So it's far too late for these guys to change direction.
[02:51:47] Paul, you went out by name because, you know, it's not helpful.
[02:51:50] The fact is, all these huge crowds and all these polls that are coming out, they have
[02:51:56] one goal.
[02:51:57] And that's to make you panic and make you demoralized and make you give up.
[02:52:01] And you guys are falling for it.
[02:52:04] It's so obvious.
[02:52:05] How can you not see this?
[02:52:07] Stop tweeting about how, oh, my God, the polls, oh, Trump's got to make a major
[02:52:11] change.
[02:52:12] Kamala is going to get on that debate stage. Kamala is going to have to answer questions
[02:52:16] eventually. Kamala is going to have to do the town hall. And everyone's going to remember
[02:52:20] how unlikable and how much of a crotch she is. So stop being babies and get out there
[02:52:27] and harvest a ballot. That's how you win. That's how winning is done. Well, you guys
[02:52:30] are all crying on Twitter about, oh my God, a 21-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse that
[02:52:36] endorsed Trump. All you're doing is pushing away potential Trump voters. Your followings
[02:52:41] are exclusively Trump voters. You aren't making a change. You're just turning people off, chill, stop.
[02:52:47] He's not wrong about that. Vote shaming turns people off. Falling for the
[02:52:54] Psyop, the obvious Psyop. Yeah, but it's not a Psyop, dumbass. You participated in the Psyop.
[02:53:01] If you think it's a fucking Psyop, if you think the Democrats were playing 5D chess to
[02:53:05] make you guys so fucking hyper focused on the weirdo narratives that you think
[02:53:09] think the weirdo narratives that you personally think are like really, really important top
[02:53:13] of mind issues and you're wrong. I do love that though. I do personally love that these
[02:53:32] guys are going nutty mode. Big if true. I can't wait to be a stallion like that, bro.
[02:53:40] We are in Tim Walz's stomach. Gross. Gross. They don't understand the JD van. The JD
[02:53:54] J.D. Vance couch fucker thing works because J.D. has no Riz, okay? He has no aura and the
[02:54:01] thing is like not that crazy. It was a, it was a unique meme born out of a fucking account
[02:54:07] with like 1200 followers at the time. Okay. J.D. Vance is off-putting and it wasn't
[02:54:17] like an incredibly gross thing. You don't have to also directly point to like someone
[02:54:26] physically sucking off a horse, you fucking gross loser. You cannot try to recreate what
[02:54:37] was an organic shitpost. Most people are going to look at you and be like, dude, that's weird
[02:54:41] as fuck. Most people don't even know about the couch shit. Like maybe they heard it
[02:54:46] and they laughed. Okay, that's it. Can you address as the golden dorsing Trump? I
[02:54:53] had a dream about it last night and I want to hear your thoughts on it. That is
[02:54:56] the most insane thing you've ever asked. Like, that is one of the truly uniquely insane things
[02:55:05] that a chatter has asked me. Like, we have now, we have now officially, we've now officially
[02:55:12] reached like new levels of drama farming, where now I have to like deal with something
[02:55:18] that you imagine so that someone could clip it out of context like me addressing something
[02:55:21] that you imagined that we will clip out of context. Why are you dreaming about
[02:55:25] Asma goal, bro be fucking normal. Okay, tune the fuck out
[02:55:29] To none of the all tune out of the internet if that's like if you're dreaming of a asma goal, bro
[02:55:45] I'm sorry. I can't I can't I can't be more. I can't be more serious about this
[02:55:52] Yeah, if they had made a graphical description of how GD vans fucked the couch it would not have landed it would just be weird I
[02:55:57] Don't even know what the original meme look like, but yeah before we get to the Kamala Harris
[02:56:17] wall situation there was another thing that I wanted it what is this I was so
[02:56:44] scared until the last moment of what this is what this meme is gonna be the
[02:56:49] the maga movement in his most radically honest form
[02:57:15] women
[02:57:16] this is normal
[02:57:18] we should run a campaign on this
[02:57:28] are destroyed
[02:57:34] well it's here with the uh... why won't we talk to me okay let's see react to the
[02:57:39] And Kamala Harris-Juicenton-Walls is a running mate from Joseph Robin and Rogan from yesterday.
[02:57:44] The Joe Rogan experience.
[02:57:46] If someone is going to inherit your soul, they don't want to bog down with bad habits.
[02:57:49] Right.
[02:57:50] Yeah, well they don't want it to be evil.
[02:57:51] They want it to have negative energy attached to it and the karma of killing a bunch of
[02:57:55] people.
[02:57:56] Right.
[02:57:57] Who wants Dick Cheney's soul?
[02:57:58] You know?
[02:57:59] They only want to have that dude.
[02:58:00] Remember when he shot someone and then the guy apologized to him?
[02:58:03] Yeah.
[02:58:04] Isn't that nice?
[02:58:05] You know gangster that is?
[02:58:06] Yeah.
[02:58:07] is like, yeah, I look like a bird. Don't worry about it.
[02:58:09] I look like a dude. Can you what is with? Is there any way to
[02:58:14] you that we're not being gaslit? Like to hell by camp by
[02:58:18] Kamala Harris?
[02:58:20] Well, in what way?
[02:58:21] Like, wasn't she like a joke even among Democrats, like 10
[02:58:25] seconds ago, like, literally, like a day ago?
[02:58:27] Yep. And now it's like, the country's rallying around.
[02:58:30] I know. Yeah, what?
[02:58:31] Yeah, it's because, and I will, I will repeat this over and over again.
[02:58:40] And I said this over and over again.
[02:58:41] So did Edgar Mantam.
[02:58:45] There was a poll that came out in the New York Times.
[02:58:47] There was a poll that came out in the New York Times a couple months prior to the swap,
[02:58:54] the swap that happened that showed that a generic no name Democrat was outperforming
[02:59:05] Biden by 25 points. 25 points. Okay? I saw that and I said, wow, it sure seems to me like Americans
[02:59:25] don't hate Democratic policies. They just hate whoever the Democrats have put forward. Okay? I
[02:59:36] I also pointed to the down ballot races in contested Senate seats, where the same Democrats
[02:59:51] that were now not faceless Democrats, but actual candidates like Amy Klobuchar and things like
[02:59:56] that were actually outperforming Biden up until the moment of the swap by 10 points.
[03:00:08] Okay.
[03:00:13] This to me showed that Americans were not angry at the Democratic Party, they were not angry
[03:00:22] at the Democratic policies, they were angry at who was at the top of the ticket, something
[03:00:33] important to consider.
[03:00:37] Why did I describe all of this?
[03:00:39] Because Kamala Harris is a generic Democrat.
[03:00:43] is basically a fucking blank sheet of paper. Okay? That's it. That's why there is so much
[03:00:57] momentum. The fact that she is younger than Joe Biden, the fact that she is more dynamic,
[03:01:05] more vibrant than Joe Biden, the fact that she's a woman when this is going to be a race
[03:01:10] about women's reproductive rights. That's the reason why there's so much momentum. She is
[03:01:19] a generic Democrat through and through. Okay. How was she a blank sheet of paper when she
[03:01:29] was the VP because VP's if picked to not outshine the P like Kamala Harris was our
[03:01:37] blank sheets of paper.
[03:01:44] I don't know. I don't know where we're so easily manipulated and they're all doing
[03:01:48] it in lockstep. Yeah, no doubt about it. There's no doubt about it. She was she pulled as the
[03:01:54] least popular vice president of all time. She is, you know, dinner with a friend of mine
[03:02:01] recently who actually knows her. He says she's very smart, but when she gets in front
[03:02:06] of a camera, she locks up and she's just not good at communicating and she tries to
[03:02:10] go off script and she she's anything but generic. Kamala Harris is the most
[03:02:18] Democratic Democrat. What are you talking about? Kamala Harris is a generic Democrat.
[03:02:25] When she was a senator from California under the Trump administration, she, much like the
[03:02:31] rest of the Democratic Party, ran on a fuck ton of progressive policy positions. She ran
[03:02:36] for president on the progressive campaign when she was going up against like other
[03:02:41] obviously significantly more popular progressive candidates. Okay. She got owned for that
[03:02:47] reason. She was so forgettable in the in the actual Democratic primaries in 2019. Okay.
[03:03:04] Policy wise, she's just a dem. That's it. You know, whatever you're talking in front
[03:03:13] of a large group of people, there's a bizarre stress and pressure that really constricts
[03:03:20] your ability to communicate. I'm aware. Yeah. As of the last few minutes. Yeah, it's
[03:03:25] weird. And this is just you and me, right? There's just you and me. And now imagine
[03:03:29] you and me, but we're in front of 15,000 people that are hanging on our every word
[03:03:33] and you're kind of free-balling. And maybe you really haven't even done the research.
[03:03:37] Like someone's asking you, how are you going to fix the economy? Right? And then you
[03:03:40] have some, not, well, the problem is everybody needs money for, because the bills and we're
[03:03:45] working on that.
[03:03:46] Like what?
[03:03:47] Well, you can, that's so obvious when you know, with the passage of time is significant
[03:03:51] and the significance of the passage of time is significant because of the passage of
[03:03:54] time.
[03:03:55] So that's someone who is basically like a kid in the fifth grade who's writing a
[03:04:00] book report for them read the book. That's every time I see her on camera
[03:04:04] that's all I can think is that she's the kid who didn't do her homework. Right.
[03:04:06] Because she just has that vibe. Do you see the clip of her talking about how
[03:04:10] dare we wish Merry Christmas to people? No. Yeah she does this bizarre like
[03:04:16] rant about how we shouldn't be wishing Merry Christmas to anyone. Is this
[03:04:19] when she was a senator? I don't know. It's recent. It's recent. Yeah. It's
[03:04:24] so strange that like that was her like that's the only time I've seen her
[03:04:27] passionate about anything on camera come on really I haven't seen that I've seen
[03:04:32] the one she's telling that people need to be woke everyone needs to be more
[03:04:34] woke oh yeah more woke you should figure out who's the wokas try to be the
[03:04:38] wokas but she's you whatever whoever you read more woke she's like laughing it's
[03:04:42] like what the fuck and when we all sing happy tunes and sing merry Christmas
[03:04:47] and wish each other merry Christmas these children are not gonna have a
[03:04:50] Merry Christmas. How dare we speak Merry Christmas. How dare we. Merry Christmas everyone. Wait,
[03:05:02] what the fuck? Do they think that she's anti-Merry Christmas? Do you think that that is the
[03:05:14] context of that is that she's like anti-saying Merry Christmas? The speech was in response
[03:05:21] to a very recent mass shooting if I recall correctly. Yeah, bro, this is, yeah, man,
[03:05:32] keep running the fucking war on Christmas narratives. Yeah, that's what the Democrats
[03:05:36] are running on war on Christmas. So they found a clip ripped out of context and played
[03:05:44] it and took it as a fact. It's just like contextually speaking, that is literally
[03:05:50] the fucking dumbest context. Okay, you have to be so unimaginably primed that
[03:05:58] you have lost like parts of your brain that normally operate where you go,
[03:06:03] Hmm, this doesn't pass the smell test.
[03:06:06] I know this.
[03:06:10] I know this from how my haters fucking clip me out of context all the time.
[03:06:16] Okay.
[03:06:19] I know that there are a lot of people who are just like genuinely primed
[03:06:24] into fucking hating someone.
[03:06:27] So they just go, yeah, no, I bet.
[03:06:33] I bet that like, uh, she's just anti-marry Christmas. That's so stupid. And then here
[03:06:40] she is saying, Mary Christmas, like she's pro-marry Christmas. What's going on? Oh,
[03:06:44] I guess she's flip-flopping on Christmas. Nobody cares about that.
[03:06:51] Reddit thread on this topic on the Joe subreddit. It's so obvious that the context in the
[03:06:58] clit is some court decision where kids didn't get justice around Christmas time
[03:07:02] is not going to get people, uh, is not going to do with people generally wishing others
[03:07:05] Merry Christmas. It shits me that people believe this. Joe's got full boomer. His famous bullshit
[03:07:10] detector is a dead battery for years now. What is that clip from? Let's go find it. Let's go.
[03:07:18] Let's, let's find that. Trump falsely claimed Harris doesn't want anybody saying Merry Christmas.
[03:07:28] Former U.S. president Donald Trump made the claim at an August 3rd 2024 rally.
[03:07:32] Trump told the crowd on August 3rd rally, Harris ready, two words are Merry Christmas.
[03:07:36] She doesn't want anybody saying Merry Christmas. Well, first of all, it's August.
[03:07:39] basically the accusation less than five months from Christmas holiday was that
[03:07:46] Harris while setting her sights on the White House did not want anyone saying
[03:07:49] Merry Christmas however this broad claim was both false and nothing more than a
[03:07:53] lament or latest chapter in what has become the known as what has become
[03:07:56] known as a war on Christmas a familiar theme have seemingly imaginary
[03:08:00] persecution promoted at past Trump rallies the Fox article this is where
[03:08:10] it comes from then Senator Kamala Harris warned America is not the same
[03:08:14] Merry Christmas until there was a permanent status for some illegal
[03:08:16] immigrants amid a Trump era battle over prosecutions for some illegal immigrants who came to the
[03:08:20] U.S.'s children.
[03:08:22] It was about dreamers.
[03:08:25] According to NBC News, article linked in the Fox News story and photo posted on NBC Latino
[03:08:28] X account, the video showed Harris begin a news conference for the Dream Act rally at
[03:08:33] the United Methodist Building near the U.S. Capitol.
[03:08:36] Now really, what's really funny about that, what's really funny about that is that
[03:08:43] Dreamer protections was at 90% approval rating, 90%.
[03:08:51] It was so popular that Trump had to actually go back on the Dreamer status and basically
[03:08:56] put it on the back burner.
[03:08:59] Yeah.
[03:09:01] So I think that the context of this story obviously makes people understand exactly what
[03:09:10] what the fuck she's saying, unless you are brainbroken.
[03:09:14] Especially because it's such a non-issue.
[03:09:17] Nobody hates Christmas, man.
[03:09:18] Nobody's the fucking Grinch.
[03:09:19] Like, what are you, a child?
[03:09:21] You're literally like, the Democrats are the Grinch.
[03:09:23] They wanna steal Christmas.
[03:09:25] Yeah, Emon Khalif won the gold medal, by the way.
[03:09:29] Algerian boxer, Emon Khalif,
[03:09:32] wins gold medal at Paris Olympics
[03:09:33] after facing scrutiny over misconceptions about her sex.
[03:09:37] Which is a wild way to fucking describe the situation.
[03:09:40] was just trans panic maxed out, which I'm sure they'll go, uh, they'll, they'll probably
[03:09:48] fucking go even nuttier now.
[03:09:51] Shitstorm incoming.
[03:09:52] Don't you love it?
[03:09:55] Don't you love it when we're just like at the mercy of some of the most insane people?
[03:10:40] Why isn't the Olympic institution defending her?
[03:10:42] They have.
[03:10:43] What do you mean have the fuck do you want them to do?
[03:10:52] I am YouTube and I love engagement. These right-wing trolls are great for the numbers. Exactly. Bro,
[03:11:11] her opponent came out and apologized for leaning into the transpanic shit, but it doesn't even
[03:11:17] fucking matter. Okay. It doesn't matter. You have to understand in most circumstances, it's
[03:11:26] not even, what is this? What Biden's decision to got a two full, a full two hour documentary.
[03:11:33] nice. It doesn't matter. These people are not operating on what the truth is. They don't
[03:11:40] care. They've like hallucinated and locked themselves into a fucking right wing bubble.
[03:11:45] Anyway, we are currently watching another version of this. Okay. We are currently watching
[03:11:53] another version of this exact same phenomena. Okay. Female boxer from Algeria that is like
[03:12:03] pretty fucking anti-LGBTQ by the way, right, where it's illegal to be gay or trans, wins
[03:12:11] gold medal in the women's boxing division, right-wingers refuse to admit that she's a
[03:12:18] woman and go off with trans panic regardless, but it doesn't fucking matter.
[03:12:26] It doesn't matter what the truth is.
[03:12:29] Just like it doesn't matter what the truth is, these fucking dinguses either,
[03:12:32] They literally think Kamala Harris is like saying I'm gonna be so mad if you say Merry Christmas. Don't ever say it
[03:12:41] And she invoke Greta Thunberg a little bit there. Oh
[03:12:44] That's so nutty. No, how dare we how dare we how dare you? Yeah, no
[03:12:50] We're definitely being gaslit and not only that here's here's the big one, right?
[03:12:53] She wasn't elected right she was
[03:12:57] appointed vice president and then the they didn't do primaries
[03:13:01] They had no primaries for Joe Biden and now all of a sudden she is the nominee because he's stepping away
[03:13:08] And so then they bring in her and they bring in this other guy who's radical from Minnesota. That's the vice president
[03:13:15] who like the the crazy thing is like Tim walls if Joe Rogan wasn't so
[03:13:21] Insanely fucking right wing pill like
[03:13:24] If he wasn't so insanely red pill he would look at a guy like Tim walls and be like he's awesome
[03:13:29] But he's hitting the fucking right-wing talking points like he's fucking Brian kill me dude. What do you mean radical?
[03:13:38] If so if Kyle Kalizky sat down and drove Rogan right now and explained to him Tim Walls his positions and the fact that he owns
[03:13:46] No stocks, okay
[03:13:49] That's like so good for normies dude
[03:13:52] So good for average like middle of the ground moderate to like moderate right normies. They love that shit
[03:13:58] 24 year veteran and then spent most of his time like dealing with veterans affairs in Congress,
[03:14:06] literally fucking fed children, paid family leave. These are not things. These are not
[03:14:12] individual policies that Joe Rogan would consider to be radical. This is a man who has literally
[03:14:16] been like, yeah, I'm pro Bernie Sanders. Okay, doesn't own fucking stocks. If someone were
[03:14:25] to sit down and explain to Joe Rogan who Tim Walls is and what his positions are he'd be like oh dude
[03:14:32] that seems like a great guy if you watch one video of Tim Walls I don't know hanging out with his
[03:14:38] daughter going to the fucking state fair he'd be like oh man actually never mind I maybe I was a
[03:14:43] misled okay but because he's getting so much right when commentary on uh all on his entire
[03:14:54] timeline it's like so obvious that it's broken his brain
[03:14:57] um huh he believes a lot of wild things
[03:15:01] one of them is transgender surgery for people who are
[03:15:05] under thirteen um another one is
[03:15:08] um abortion up until nine months oh
[03:15:12] yeah um obviously
[03:15:15] there's reasons why people medically
[03:15:19] would like if the woman's life is in danger if the child has
[03:15:23] something wrong, it's not going to live. There's, there's reasons why they choose to do things
[03:15:28] like that. But that stuff scares the fuck out of people. He changed the Minnesota state flag
[03:15:35] to make it look like this. Bro, he's lit. What?
[03:15:38] Calling flag. Dad! He's so brainbroken. He's so brainbroken. He's so brainbroken.
[03:15:45] He's literally so brainbroken. Dude, dude, dude.
[03:15:48] oh my god brother you are so fucking stupid dude you are so fucking stupid
[03:16:02] someone needs to take his Facebook away and his Twitter away dude you need to
[03:16:05] tap out you need to fucking dial it back holy fuck dude yeah oh you ever
[03:16:14] seen it. No. Yeah. Show that video. So the video of him taking down the Minnesota flag
[03:16:21] and you replaced it with the new flag that look dog. It doesn't look like the fucking
[03:16:26] Somali flag. Number one. Number two, it was a fucking fan contest. It's not like him walls
[03:16:33] did the flag dumb ass looks a lot like the Somali flag. Wow. Minnesota is a huge population
[03:16:49] of small isn't well isn't what's her face yes yeah what's her face you know
[03:16:54] my oh buddy there's a video of him doing it
[03:17:00] man okay well let's see the video huh Jamie Jamie shut the fuck up Jamie let
[03:17:06] me do my thing hey Jamie I'm in the pocket okay I'm going ultra instinct
[03:17:12] okay I'm doing rightly memes shut the fuck up Jamie talking about some shit in
[03:17:16] the background, but they did change them. Jamie, shut your bitch ass up.
[03:17:20] And the state flag, correct? Sometimes the false. Yeah, that's the problem with
[03:17:26] like fact checkers. Some of these fact checkers are completely full of
[03:17:28] shit. Like you're just trying to debunk something, especially now when
[03:17:32] there's no, yeah, you're right. Fact checkers are full of shit because
[03:17:37] they said that it was a fan contest, which it was that the people voted on,
[03:17:42] which was the truth that all of that stuff is actually fake.
[03:17:47] What's real is he's secretly a Somali man. Yeah. Yeah, no, Tim Walls, dude from fucking
[03:17:58] like Nebraska or whatever farm farm hand growing up football coach teacher 24 year veteran.
[03:18:10] actually a secret Somali oh my god mate of wait until wait until this motherfucker finds
[03:18:19] out that he speaks Mandarin oh my lord wait until this dude finds out Tim was speaks Mandarin
[03:18:27] holy shit all the scrutiny being paid attention to what this guy's done what have you what's
[03:18:36] the the false stuff Jamie it's not the flag itself right yeah I mean I typed in
[03:18:41] I'm just trying to even get to it a whole bunch of stories are popping up I'll
[03:18:44] just straight this like no he didn't give him a small flag no he didn't she
[03:18:48] resemble Somali false small but what does it look okay but what does it look
[03:18:52] like now I was trying to get to okay on the left at least Joe Rogan gives us
[03:18:59] cognitive dissonance in real time once again dude he has so many of these
[03:19:02] moments there's gonna be like an eight-hour long compilation of Joe Rogan
[03:19:07] facing normal facts and just being like well I don't know why does it lie on the
[03:19:15] right is a Minnesota state flag okay same color as small flag a white star a
[03:19:21] different white star in it it's not the same color and it's not the same flag it
[03:19:28] is so insane dude the account that you are posting the account that you are
[03:19:37] taking into consideration is Andrew Torba, the Nazi who owns the Nazi platform GAB.
[03:19:46] You are not trusting your intuition, you're not trusting your own maybe personal critical
[03:19:53] thinking skills or whatever remains in that fucking APE head of yours, and you are instead
[03:19:59] trusting Andrew fucking Torba, the Nazi who owns GAB, the Nazi website for Nazi
[03:20:08] pedophiles oh my god holy shit dude what the fuck like the smaller full
[03:20:17] brainlet dude flag very different than the original Minnesota flag and there's
[03:20:23] the video down below that that's when he changes it out so he takes out the
[03:20:27] Minnesota State flag oh hold on a second wait a minute turn the volume up
[03:20:32] please so you hear him say that all right ready whoa wait a minute so he gets
[03:20:41] the flag picks it up moves it out of the way never places it look at this we as
[03:20:55] a society were not equipped to deal with the internet every single person we as
[03:21:03] Because the society are not equipped to deal with the democratization of information dissemination.
[03:21:27] Everyone has now become the email, so Zoomers don't know this.
[03:21:34] And Generation Alpha, if you're in here, you don't know this thing that when we were
[03:21:40] growing up our parents used to believe it was called email chains, okay?
[03:21:52] Chain letters, email chains.
[03:21:56] Back then, they would do like these crazy like email this to 10 people or else like you're
[03:22:02] going to be cursed or whatever, right?
[03:22:06] If you don't send this to like 10 other people, if you don't send this email to like 10 other
[03:22:10] people who would curse for life and our parents and our grandparents believe that shit, right?
[03:22:16] They did.
[03:22:17] They were scared.
[03:22:20] But luckily there was not a broad network that actually connected all of those people
[03:22:26] who believe in that kind of stuff so that they could all get together and collectively go,
[03:22:33] no, it is real.
[03:22:34] The email chain stuff that I saw is real, okay?
[03:22:42] But now, now with the internet, you're on Facebook and they fucking believe that
[03:22:49] shit.
[03:23:05] Why is that better?
[03:23:07] I don't know.
[03:23:08] care what the flag looks like, first of all, and why do you get to change the flag?
[03:23:12] How crazy is that the governor gets to change the flag?
[03:23:15] Who else is involved in that decision to change the flag?
[03:23:18] Is that what happened?
[03:23:19] I don't know.
[03:23:20] Usually it's a big event that let people pick, you know, there's a lot going on.
[03:23:24] Right.
[03:23:25] Now we have a bunch of people that's a high population of Somalis in your state.
[03:23:28] I would imagine they would want to try and get that flag a little closer to home.
[03:23:34] The worst incident of fact-checking was the quid pro quote,
[03:23:39] frid quote Joe clip where Biden brags about...
[03:23:44] Oh, I guess we're moving on.
[03:23:59] I'm going to look up the Somali percentage.
[03:24:05] Hey, guys, we did it.
[03:24:14] 64,354 Somali people got together
[03:24:20] that make up a whopping 1.25% of the entire Minnesota
[03:24:24] state population, they got together like the pirates that
[03:24:28] they are and took over this, you know, democratic process. Joe
[03:24:49] Rogan, if you have been watching him over the course of many,
[03:24:53] many years like I have, is a in real time example of what
[03:25:00] happens to your brain when you watch and read too much right wing garbage.
[03:25:20] This is literally a perfect demonstration, like he has gotten progressively dumber, progressively
[03:25:30] dumber over the course, especially accelerated post pandemic, especially accelerated when
[03:25:36] When he moved to Austin, Texas, he is a perfect, perfect example of what happens when you do
[03:25:52] too much right wing commentary, when you read too much right wing shit.
[03:26:01] That time that he withheld a billion dollars of aid to Ukraine.
[03:26:06] So they fire a prosecutor to fire a prosecutor that we now know his son worked for.
[03:26:10] if you and if you type that in snopes or whatever would tell you just like oh that didn't happen
[03:26:15] biden there was no quid pro quo and biden didn't want the prosecutor fired that is because he didn't
[03:26:19] know that his son worked dog you're just objectively wrong his son didn't work for the
[03:26:26] prosecutor you fucking idiot also not only are you wrong but if his son worked for the
[03:26:36] prosecutor, then it would be still against his best interest to advocate the fire, the
[03:26:43] prosecutor. So not only are you wrong, but you're so stupid that even in the wrong argument
[03:26:51] that you're making, you still are literally not showing a conflict of interest rather
[03:27:00] Lack there of Hunter Biden worked for Burisma.
[03:27:07] The prosecutor was refusing to prosecute Burisma.
[03:27:15] He was also considered to be too corrupt by every group involved in,
[03:27:23] I don't know, Ukrainian affairs in general, Republicans and Democrats
[03:27:28] like petitioned international organizations petitioned the Obama administration at the
[03:27:36] time to push Ukraine to drop the prosecutor.
[03:27:43] Hunter Biden working at Burisma was benefiting from this prosecutor not being dropped.
[03:27:56] Those are the facts.
[03:27:59] It was so stupid to make an argument like this because while Hunter Biden is a beneficiary
[03:28:10] of nepotism and did not deserve the job that he got at fucking Burisma obviously and lied
[03:28:15] to Burisma about his access to the White House to be able to get that job, Joe Biden's
[03:28:23] decision to remove the prosecutor from his role was not actually one that helped Hunter
[03:28:34] Biden. As a matter of fact, it harmed Burisma and it harmed Hunter Biden. But the hilarity
[03:28:45] of the situation is, is that this fucking dumbass doesn't know the actual, he doesn't
[03:28:50] even know what the actual false information is. He said, Oh, Hunter Biden worked for the
[03:29:01] prosecutor that Joe Biden ended up firing. That doesn't make sense, dumbass. And that
[03:29:05] means Joe Biden worked against Hunter Biden, even in the fucking false narrative that you're
[03:29:09] trying to present. I can't deal with right wingers, man. They are so fucking stupid.
[03:29:22] The argument that he just presented is that Hunter Biden had quid pro quo with Joe in the
[03:29:33] Burisma situation, where he actually worked with the prosecutors that Joe Biden was advocating
[03:29:38] to fucking fire, that Republicans in Congress were writing open letters to demand Joe Biden
[03:29:43] fire.
[03:29:47] Biden, there was no quid pro quo and Biden didn't want the prosecutor fired because
[03:29:51] he didn't know that his son worked for Burisma at the time.
[03:29:54] And it's like, how can you just say that's fake?
[03:29:57] Like it's scary to me that people will read that and be like, oh, it's fake. It's like don't look at it
[03:30:01] Like you with your eyes. Yeah fact-checkers are fucking dangerous and it's really
[03:30:06] It's really I mean what you're you're seeing is kind of treason
[03:30:10] That's that's kind of what it is if you're seeing that kind of fact-checking. You're lying
[03:30:14] You're lying in your you're intentionally misrepresenting facts and you're doing so because you want a specific result
[03:30:22] assault politically, right? And it should be illegal, especially if people,
[03:30:26] this is one of the funniest fucking stories because it just like it doesn't
[03:30:30] hit like Republicans tried it. It objectively didn't hit.
[03:30:34] It was so fucking out there and nobody gave a shit about it.
[03:30:37] They literally spent countless hours doing this investigation.
[03:30:42] It fall down its fucking face. It, like,
[03:30:46] it was genuinely such a dud that even Fox news dropped it,
[03:30:50] But Joe Rogan himself is still running with this narrative. That's how fucking far he is
[03:30:57] At this point, I feel yeah, well, sorry. I said fault. I'm getting dumber by watching Joe Rogan
[03:31:04] This is a real issue. Okay
[03:31:06] This is a very real thing that happens when you watch too much Joe Rogan
[03:31:12] I watched seven minutes of 50 seconds of Joe Rogan and I've already become stupider
[03:31:32] Think of you as a fact-checker, you know, and what does that mean?
[03:31:36] Minnesota in here who participated in the flag redesign the final read the final design melded two top contenders
[03:31:42] Then was given to a design team to clean up and modify the star chosen was picked to represent both Minnesota as the north star state
[03:31:48] The blue on the left is an abstract shape of Minnesota and the light blue contrast represents the sky
[03:31:54] These guys are so fear-obsessed. This was an extremely democratic process. Yeah, we got a primary source in the chat
[03:31:59] What? Prosecutor was going to investigate Barisma, Brandon withheld a billion to
[03:32:10] Poroshenko unless he dropped that prosecutor. You don't have the facts on
[03:32:13] this case. Stop defending the Biden crime syndicate. You are literally fucking
[03:32:16] stupid. You are the stupidest person. You are the stupidest person in the
[03:32:20] chat right now. Okay? No, the prosecutor was not investigating Barisma. The
[03:32:26] prosecutor was withholding his investigation on Barisma. The
[03:32:29] prosecutor was also withholding a bunch of other investigations that the
[03:32:33] UK wanted him to move on so they could seize the assets of certain people that he was supposed to prosecute
[03:32:38] This was the reason why many international leaders were demanding that the Obama administration
[03:32:44] Turn around and get this prosecutor to be dropped from the case unless you personally think the hunter Biden has incredible
[03:32:51] I love you bro, but you are wrong of all those very closely. You followed it very closely and you're still in the wrong
[03:32:56] What the fuck are we doing? Do you think that hunter Biden has juice?
[03:33:04] so much fucking juice that he was able to not only motivate Joe Biden to do
[03:33:10] something that was inevitably going to hurt him, but also to motivate
[03:33:14] international global leaders like the UN was trying to drop the fucking
[03:33:19] prosecutor. Republicans in Congress were writing letters. Why do you think they
[03:33:25] were doing that? Do you think Hunter Biden was able to convince all of them?
[03:33:28] Do you think he just showed his dick that everybody and everyone was under
[03:33:31] his spell. Hunter Biden's got aura like that. Joe protected Hunter. He did so with a laptop
[03:33:41] too. Oh my God. No, don't move on from the original point of contention. Do not move
[03:33:47] on from the original point of contention. You're trying to fucking, you're trying to
[03:33:51] hit multiple avenues now. Fuck the laptop. We can get to that later as well. Answer
[03:33:56] my question. Do you think Hunter Biden was able to motivate numerous European officials
[03:34:05] a prosecutor in the UK. No, you're not demonstrating a pattern. Get back. No, you're not. You're
[03:34:11] not demonstrating a pattern. You are moving the goalposts because you don't know as much
[03:34:16] as I do about this issue.
[03:34:19] Listen to my words. Do you think that Hunter Biden was able to legitimately change the
[03:34:31] opinions of multiple independent UN backed investigators, a prosecutor in the UK, numerous
[03:34:43] Republicans in Congress, three GOP senators call for Ukrainian government reform in 2016
[03:34:50] letter, including Republicans, eight senators, five Democrats and three Republicans, Ron
[03:34:56] John Johnson, Rob Portman, and Mark Kirk, signatories acknowledged governmental reforms already
[03:35:03] made in Ukraine and expressed concern about the resignation of a cabinet minister who
[03:35:06] heralded those reforms.
[03:35:08] We primarily, we similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the prosecutor
[03:35:12] general's office and judiciary.
[03:35:14] The unanimous adoption by the cabinet ministers are the basic principles and action plan
[03:35:17] is a good step.
[03:35:19] Do you think Hunter Biden was able to captivate eight total senators, including three Republicans
[03:35:25] five Democrats to actively petition, to actively petition the American government at the time
[03:35:39] to get this prosecutor off. No, Hunter did not have that much influence, but Brandon did.
[03:35:48] Ukraine was and is a bipartisan project. So wait, so you think Joseph Robinette Brandon went to
[03:35:58] to Republicans and said, hey, can you write a letter to me? And the Republicans were like,
[03:36:09] yeah, we'll do it, sir. Republicans that are still in office, by the way, at the time of
[03:36:13] this article. I don't know if they're still in office, all of them, but like Joe Biden
[03:36:20] was like, hey, can you please write me a letter demanding that I drop this prosecutor
[03:36:29] so that I can do this without looking like I'm corrupt and trying to save my son,
[03:36:35] though dropping this prosecutor actually harms my son because the prosecutor is refusing to follow
[03:36:42] through on a barisma investigation that's been active for a while because if that's the case
[03:36:55] considering that there was a united states house oversight committee investigation into
[03:36:59] the biden family why didn't those republicans come out and speak and say yeah joe biden actually
[03:37:03] got us to, um, Joe Biden actually got us to, to, to fucking write this letter. I missed
[03:37:15] the chatter. Where's he at? Guys, Joe Biden sucks. Okay. You don't have to do all of this
[03:37:24] shit. Yes. Yes. 50 directors or whatever the security community community to write a
[03:37:32] letter to the laptop. No, we're not talking about the laptop. We're talking about, we're
[03:37:39] You're not talking about the laptop.
[03:37:41] You haven't been able to provide any counter sources.
[03:37:45] This conversation is not about the laptop.
[03:37:48] This conversation is about Hunter Biden and Burisma.
[03:37:52] Stop running away and moving the fucking goalpost.
[03:37:56] Get back to my question.
[03:38:09] You know exactly what's going on right now.
[03:38:14] Stop frantically Google searching and admit that you're fucking maybe not as knowledgeable.
[03:38:32] prove to Joe who defeated people this on a letter. Oh my God. You have provided zero
[03:38:50] evidence as to how Joe Biden got Republican senators to write a letter demanding that the
[03:39:03] Obama administration drop the prosecutor in Ukraine. Okay. This is entirely irrelevant
[03:39:14] to that point of contention. Getting like fucking security community members to talk
[03:39:19] about the laptop is completely irrelevant. That is an entirely separate case. So it's
[03:39:42] a good thing that those Republican senators didn't come out and blow the whistle on Joe
[03:39:45] asking them to write a letter. Yeah, it's shocking that those very same Republicans
[03:39:50] that wrote that letter to Joe after Joe asked them to write that letter. So the 50 were
[03:39:55] where all supporters are joke.
[03:39:56] No, the 50, chatter,
[03:39:59] I'm not doing your little rhetorical trick.
[03:40:01] We can have a conversation about the laptop later.
[03:40:04] If you actually answer the questions I'm asking you
[03:40:07] about a totally separate case,
[03:40:09] this is completely irrelevant to the point of contention,
[03:40:13] no matter how hard you try to grasp at straws, okay?
[03:40:19] You're moving the goalpost
[03:40:20] and you're demanding that I stay on your topic
[03:40:23] because you also recognize that you're in the wrong.
[03:40:27] What does it mean to be a fact checker? The problem with facts is a lot of them are very subjective
[03:40:30] You could find one small inconsistency or one
[03:40:35] The look we could phrase a question in a certain way and have your answer false in a different way because you're
[03:40:41] You're just finding some nitpicky way to look at things. I've seen a lot of that the appointment
[03:40:48] That's are not subjected with the phone like that's not fact checked at all
[03:40:54] You guys just fucking your gas lighting. It's right your gas lighting
[03:40:59] This is what it says, we picked the new flag.
[03:41:01] State emblems redesigned commission,
[03:41:05] tasked with choosing the new flag and seal made its...
[03:41:07] No, they're lying too, they're all Somali.
[03:41:09] Final selections this week,
[03:41:11] and the new design will debut next year.
[03:41:13] It follows four months of meetings,
[03:41:15] many spirited debates,
[03:41:16] and 2,500 submissions from the public
[03:41:19] sharing their ideas for the new symbols.
[03:41:20] This is why they changed it, is...
[03:41:23] He said it was problematic.
[03:41:25] Problematic.
[03:41:26] Oh, I love that term.
[03:41:27] Our current flag is problematic.
[03:41:29] I think we all know that.
[03:41:30] We've evolved from a more diverse state,
[03:41:32] evolved into a more diverse state,
[03:41:34] and I think it's more reflective of that.
[03:41:36] Okay, what was the original flag?
[03:41:39] There's concern with the scene depicted on the old flag,
[03:41:42] which many found offensive.
[03:41:44] First adopted in 1957, the flag showed a white settler
[03:41:47] tilling land as an indigenous man rides horseback.
[03:41:51] Indigenous members of the State Emblem Redesign
[03:41:53] Commission said it was harmful to their communities
[03:41:56] and promoted the erasure of their people from the land.
[03:42:00] What? Well, can I see what it looks like?
[03:42:02] Show me the original is crazy.
[03:42:12] Because the person quoted in that article
[03:42:17] is Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan.
[03:42:21] A name that you're probably unfamiliar with now,
[03:42:24] but you will most likely be very familiar with down the line.
[03:42:28] She is slated to be governor of Minnesota.
[03:42:33] She also happens to be of native descent.
[03:42:38] There's probably, you know, there's probably some reason for her to refuse the old flag.
[03:42:53] Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan, who was a member of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe.
[03:42:58] Am I saying that right? I don't know.
[03:43:00] Revisie used the old flag of their people from the land
[03:43:09] What? Well, can I see what it looks like? She's from my tribe. I would like to be excited
[03:43:14] But she reminds me of a certain tribal leader from her band, but I won't get in the tribal politics here. Oh, no, I don't want to
[03:43:21] Oh, no, let's not get into that
[03:43:29] No, a real native not like elizabeth warren like an actual native
[03:43:35] Like show me the original um, just get a photo of the original minnesota flag
[03:43:39] Tribal politics are as follows. The very same divide that you have among leadership is from
[03:43:48] everything that I've read on the matter. Every single issue that you see in even democratic
[03:43:54] processes like sometimes the division between rank and file union members versus the people
[03:44:00] who are at the leadership positions in the union even if it's democratically aligned.
[03:44:06] people will be at odds with one another. Same goes for tribal politics as well. A lot of the
[03:44:14] natives who are not a part of the structure or in position of power within
[03:44:25] tribes will sometimes have odds with those who are in leadership positions.
[03:44:33] stop saying natives what indigenous people sorry I'm trying to get my band to adopt unions and all I
[03:44:49] would say is an uphill battle yeah there's also there are also the very same economic incentives
[03:44:56] sometimes if you cover like if you cover earth protectors and shit like that long enough you
[03:45:03] sometimes you realize that there's always one group of indigenous people that are always down
[03:45:09] for fucking pipelines, okay? It's those who are oftentimes in the pocket of the oil and gas giants.
[03:45:17] There's always a group of people that'll be like, no, no, no, we love, we're natives,
[03:45:22] we fucking love this pipeline, okay? You can always find a group that is,
[03:45:28] is, you know, that stands the gain.
[03:45:35] Just like you can always find a group in native populations,
[03:45:40] that is pro-Israel, for example.
[03:45:48] As a member of the Cherokee Nation,
[03:45:49] I give you the N word pass.
[03:45:52] Okay, chill.
[03:45:59] I worked on White Earth Reservation in Minnesota on White.
[03:46:02] I was never told not to say natives.
[03:46:03] You know, people are being overly cautious.
[03:46:10] Some extremely online indigenous people are also,
[03:46:13] You know, also overly cautious.
[03:46:17] So if people's only interaction with like indigenous people
[03:46:21] are online, they sometimes maybe hear from like influencers
[03:46:24] and whatnot and then think like that certain things
[03:46:27] are not allowed or appropriate.
[03:46:34] Anyway, let's continue.
[03:46:41] Okay, click on that.
[03:46:43] Let's see what it looked like.
[03:46:45] Okay.
[03:46:46] So there's a Native American on a horseback.
[03:46:49] I see it though.
[03:46:51] And then there's a farmer tailing the land
[03:46:52] Native American on horseback. Is that problematic because Native Americans
[03:46:58] didn't really ride horses and people didn't really tell the land? Like I
[03:47:01] understand what... There's a big controversy about that actually. Yeah.
[03:47:05] Whether or not horses, how long horses have been in North America? Well horses
[03:47:09] originated in North America. What? Yeah, horses originated in North America,
[03:47:14] including zebras. All of them originated in North America. Then they
[03:47:17] wiped out and they had been introduced into Asia and Africa and all
[03:47:22] as other continents and then reintroduce back to America.
[03:47:25] Right.
[03:47:26] And I meant like when people rode them.
[03:47:28] Decorated.
[03:47:29] Right.
[03:47:30] So a lot because a lot of people
[03:47:32] are saying that First Nations peoples had horses
[03:47:35] for a lot longer than Europeans had been in America.
[03:47:38] Certainly possible.
[03:47:39] There's certainly different segments,
[03:47:43] different North American tribes that were much better,
[03:47:45] including right here where we are, the Comanche.
[03:47:48] The Comanche were notoriously good at raising horses.
[03:47:51] and it was part of how fierce they were.
[03:47:53] They had so many horses and they rode them so well
[03:47:56] and they could ride sideways and shoot arrows
[03:47:57] underneath the horse's neck.
[03:48:00] But I don't know why that's so problematic.
[03:48:03] You gotta replace it with something that looks
[03:48:04] a whole lot like a Somali flag.
[03:48:06] The idea.
[03:48:10] I like that he could have just read the article,
[03:48:13] which features the indigenous lieutenant governor
[03:48:17] of the state. And I suspect probably mentions why it is considered, you know, annoying and
[03:48:27] problematic and shitty. I have something to do with genocide. I'm going to go out on a
[03:48:32] limb and assume that it has something to do with genocide. Because that is what happened.
[03:48:38] So I didn't read the article, right? But like immediately my first my first inclination
[03:48:43] is it might have something to do with genocide. Joe Rogan knows that, that the genocide of
[03:48:48] the indigenous population happened. But instead of doing that, he was like, what's problematic
[03:48:58] about it that Indians are riding horses? Like, like, what do you mean? Like, you can
[03:49:10] ask that question and then follow that up by getting an answer why did you just
[03:49:16] ask that question in a rhetorical manner only to just like make a joke about it
[03:49:21] and to move on doesn't look at your smiley flag it's kind of crazy I mean
[03:49:34] that's it does it does certainly does certainly same color certainly also as
[03:49:38] a white star it's just a different white star correct yeah yeah so it's like
[03:49:43] Yeah, there's another fucking flag that has the color blue and and white stars on it. That's insane
[03:50:02] I'm I can't do this, you know the flag doesn't bother now Somalia the United States of America or the state that he's currently in texas
[03:50:11] Let me that much is real
[03:50:13] So many fucking flags have that people in minnesota like it but who cares it's just a star and some colors
[03:50:19] the real problem is
[03:50:22] When you hear discussions of things that are like openly Marxist philosophies,
[03:50:28] when you hear talk about equal outcomes and not just equal opportunity,
[03:50:35] but that we all need to arrive at the same place, equal outcome talk,
[03:50:38] there's only one way they can do that and it's by.
[03:50:41] What is it called? Vexilology and inherently Marxist fascination.
[03:50:48] It's like, dude, I hate this full blown Marxism, which is, um, which is flag design.
[03:51:04] Forcing you.
[03:51:14] Well, it's by everyone having nothing.
[03:51:16] Yeah.
[03:51:17] That's the only way to have things totally equal.
[03:51:19] Hell yeah.
[03:51:20] Because you can't have everyone have everything.
[03:51:21] That's impossible.
[03:51:22] Right.
[03:51:23] There's no way.
[03:51:24] There's not enough resources.
[03:51:25] And so to, for equal distribution, that has to be enforced by law.
[03:51:29] So that has to be enforced by the government.
[03:51:31] And the government generally does not have equal.
[03:51:33] They have much more than you.
[03:51:34] And that's Fidel Castro in Cuba. That's
[03:51:37] That's what North Korea. That's virtually every communist country that's ever existed
[03:51:44] No
[03:51:47] Brother, no, no, you can't do that. You can maybe say that about North Korea
[03:51:52] Okay, but don't ever come for fucking Fidel like that. Don't ever
[03:51:58] Ever come for Fidel Castro like that you son of a bitch you fucking ape. You don't know anything
[03:52:03] Fidel Castro implemented land reforms on his own fucking family. Suck my dick dude. Shut the fuck up
[03:52:12] that's crazy bitch. What do you mean? Oh he owned all the land. The government did everything. It's
[03:52:26] like as opposed to having slavery which was cool. Bro he knows no way dude no fucking way.
[03:52:36] decides what you can and can't do with your time and all under the guise of making it better
[03:52:51] for everyone.
[03:52:52] And that's exactly what they did to North Korea when they took over people's farms.
[03:52:55] They said, Google that old image.
[03:52:56] It is an indigenous person on horse holding a spear.
[03:53:00] The white farmer is tilling a field with a plow.
[03:53:03] It's raises this fuck.
[03:53:04] Yeah.
[03:53:05] The Minnesota, the land of the savage natives and obviously Minnesota, the sand is the
[03:53:14] sand to the land of savage natives and also white people that were taming the
[03:53:19] land because they are advanced and peaceful came the land and the natives
[03:53:26] less use of savage please bro what the fuck are you talking about man and now
[03:53:42] Minnesota the land of Somalis said we're gonna take over the farm so that
[03:53:52] everybody has food yeah probably better if you don't call a savage bro do you
[03:53:56] think I'm oh my god oh my god chatters shut the fuck up I'm saying the depiction
[03:54:04] of natives there is to imply savagery a racist trope against the indigenous
[03:54:11] population that is why I am saying that I can't believe how much time we spent on
[03:54:20] this fucking one Joe Rogan video I'm losing my mind we're gonna start when
[03:54:24] the government has all the food if you kill a cow they'll kill you yeah it's
[03:54:28] nuts it's nuts that people don't learn from history and it's nuts that people
[03:54:32] People who subscribe to this leftist ideology have this very distorted version of humans
[03:54:39] and how capitalism works and what's the benefits of it.
[03:54:42] I think there's a lot of parts of progressive ideology and philosophy that could be applied
[03:54:48] to society to make things better.
[03:54:51] I think if we funded more things the same way we fund the fire department, the police
[03:54:56] force, these are kind of socialist things, right?
[03:54:59] Everybody gets access to the fire department.
[03:55:01] It's a part of being in the community.
[03:55:02] We all pay for it.
[03:55:04] Education is that way, but it should be much more funded,
[03:55:07] right?
[03:55:07] It should be much more prestigious,
[03:55:08] much more, much better trained teachers,
[03:55:12] a more esteemed position.
[03:55:14] Watch out, bro.
[03:55:15] You kind of sound a Somali right now.
[03:55:17] You know what I mean?
[03:55:19] You're sounding real Somali with this attitude,
[03:55:21] like, fucking, what are you, Tim Walts?
[03:55:23] Talk about funding education and shit.
[03:55:26] Hey, yo, chill, Joe.
[03:55:28] That's radical DEI socialist Marxist Somali politics right now that you're broaching on.
[03:55:36] I feel the same way about law enforcement.
[03:55:38] They should be much more respected, much better trained.
[03:55:41] Much more respected.
[03:55:42] Put much more resources into that and have them be integral and a part of the community.
[03:55:46] And for the safety of the community, not the bad guys who come in to pull you over
[03:55:51] because you rolled through a fucking stoplight.
[03:55:54] You know, that kind of shit.
[03:55:55] Right.
[03:55:55] And I think the problem is these people that have this idea of equal outcome, this is the
[03:56:02] worst version of all these leftist ideologies.
[03:56:06] The worst version is open borders, everybody should have everything, and then the equal
[03:56:11] distribution of it.
[03:56:12] And then what always comes with that is they unarm the citizens.
[03:56:15] And if they don't unarm the citizens, you can't get away with any of this stuff.
[03:56:19] But as soon as you have no one has guns other than the police, everybody is forced
[03:56:22] to comply.
[03:56:26] What is he talking about bro?
[03:56:33] I'm done.
[03:56:34] I'm done with that.
[03:56:35] We're getting back to like real news.
[03:56:38] Kamala explainer.
[03:56:39] My box just dropped.
[03:56:42] All right, we'll do this.
[03:56:47] We'll do this.
[03:56:48] Seven moments.
[03:56:51] Kamala here is explained in seven moments.
[03:56:54] Masanabe explained by one big moment, the top of the hour, abbreak.
[03:56:58] At the top of the hour, there's a dream in abbreak, if you no longer want to
[03:57:05] those ads all you need to do is subscribe for six dollars over free. Oh, fuck, I'm spilling.
[03:57:19] How can I not see the ads by subscribing, chatter? Oh, shit. Gamer patch, thank you for the 20
[03:57:46] community to give the subs allowing 20 people to also no longer see the ads. Absent serotonin,
[03:57:51] thank you for the five get the subs allowing five people to no longer see the ads. Here's
[03:57:53] the German ad right now. 38 year old Kamala Harris is swept into office as San Francisco's
[03:58:07] District Attorney, and as she did, she made history.
[03:58:10] For too long, we've asked these very simplistic questions about criminal justice policy that
[03:58:15] offer only two choices.
[03:58:17] Either you're soft on crime or you're tough on crime.
[03:58:20] And instead, I suggest we should be smart on crime.
[03:58:23] What was smart about the smart on crime campaign?
[03:58:26] You're telling the progressives, like, I'm not just going to throw everybody in jail.
[03:58:30] You're telling people who want more of a tough on crime approach that, like, I
[03:58:34] still believe in this.
[03:58:35] was prosecutor coming out of the tough on crime nineties at a time when American drug policy was
[03:58:43] incredibly committed. The idea was okay, bro, we have to investigate Kamala Harris.
[03:58:58] No, no, how the fuck does she still look the same, bro? That's weird. Yo, what's going on?
[03:59:07] Bro that shit is like she was that was she was 39 there or something
[03:59:13] No, that's weird. That's weird man. Is she a vampire? I'm here to ask the fucking bold and and brave questions
[03:59:22] No
[03:59:25] No, that's weird. I thought it was odd
[03:59:31] that she I
[03:59:32] Thought it was odd that she like obviously is is 60 years old and looks like she's 40
[03:59:38] But looking at her back when she was actually 40, I'm realizing I think she took a deal with the devil. Okay, 666.
[03:59:48] She, she ate the beheleth that kept her from aging. Like, I think she just got perma stuck in her 40s.
[03:59:57] How long has she looked like she's 40 years old? It's the same one that Bernie Sanders ate. Maybe she is a real progressive after all.
[04:00:09] Because Bernie Sanders in like 1993 was like 150 years old, and since then he has looked
[04:00:18] the exact same.
[04:00:19] And now he's like 250 years old, but he still looks exactly the same, you know?
[04:00:25] Tell-tale sign.
[04:00:26] That tough on crime isn't working, what we need is the numbers rather than the emotions
[04:00:37] that are dragging a lot of our police.
[04:00:39] Let's build metrics into our measure of how effective we have been with our criminal
[04:00:45] justice system.
[04:00:46] metrics by which she judges her success.
[04:00:49] As prosecutor, it's the numbers, the cases that you want.
[04:00:52] I did an analysis of who our homicide victims were,
[04:00:54] who were under the edge of 25 when they were killed.
[04:00:56] And I learned that 94% of them were high school dropouts.
[04:00:59] Perhaps untraditional for me to ask the question, but I did.
[04:01:02] She was raised primarily by a single immigrant mother
[04:01:05] who was a scientist.
[04:01:06] It's kind of like, what can you prove, not what do you feel?
[04:01:09] Nobody is looking to their DA for soaring speeches
[04:01:12] about the future of democracy.
[04:01:14] But I also think that women, in order to be taken seriously, particularly in politics,
[04:01:18] you do have to show that you have a command of the facts, the figures, the numbers, that
[04:01:22] you're not emotional.
[04:01:23] And so that aspect of national politics has not come very easily to her.
[04:01:28] Kamala Harris, a candidate for California's Attorney General.
[04:01:31] Your opponent, Ron Gold, said that he is for the legalization of marijuana recreationally.
[04:01:37] Your thoughts on that?
[04:01:40] I think he's entitled to his opinion.
[04:01:43] It was very difficult to pin her down about what she thought about things.
[04:01:49] Kamala Harris' stance on Teacher Tenure is not entirely clear.
[04:01:52] She would try to say, you know, I'm a prosecutor.
[04:01:56] 100% this is correct. I mean, they're trying to make her sound more progressive.
[04:02:04] And she did do certain things that would come across as progressive by those day standards.
[04:02:10] But the reality of the matter is she did a whole lot that wasn't, okay?
[04:02:19] That's her openly shitting on the legalization of marijuana as an initiative for the record.
[04:02:24] Make no mistake.
[04:02:25] She wasn't like pro legalization there.
[04:02:28] But also beyond that, she has quite literally talked about rehabilitative justice while simultaneously
[04:02:35] shitting on rehabilitative justice.
[04:02:38] I have videos of Kamala Harris from way back when, when she was openly talk, I think it
[04:02:44] was like the Chicago ideas seminar or whatever, where she literally is being like, it is a
[04:02:49] delusion to think that you can educate our crime problem, like verbatim, while you got
[04:03:02] videos of Kamala on your phone.
[04:03:04] I don't have videos of Kamala on my phone.
[04:03:05] I just remember things.
[04:03:07] Yeah.
[04:03:10] If you rewatch the whole speech of Chicago ideas forum, you get a very different approach
[04:03:14] uh, to, to crime. Really? That doesn't match what she said about the back on track initiative.
[04:03:20] I know, which is why I'm telling you she straight up flip flops on that shit pretty aggressively
[04:03:34] in the Chicago ideas festival. She openly is, is making fun of protesters that say build schools,
[04:03:41] not prisons. This is California that we're talking about. Yeah. Also, she looked at the
[04:03:50] drop out numbers and then did the most like cop thing you can do. She was like, oh, people
[04:03:56] do crime when they drop out of school. So what should we do? Prosecute people for truancy,
[04:04:03] which is again, an insane thing. Like my expectation of her is not to be this like super woke
[04:04:14] progressive DA at a time when that wasn't like a real thing. Yeah. Wow. This is the
[04:04:21] The famous, you don't want Copmola Harris video from 2019.
[04:04:27] Many of the DGG years will lose their minds when they see me watching this because they
[04:04:31] think this is why me and destiny broke up when we were friends.
[04:04:35] Anyway, we'll, we'll continue with this.
[04:04:39] Puder, I have to remain neutral about these things.
[04:04:42] I really shouldn't take a position.
[04:04:44] I have many clients in that matter.
[04:04:47] So I cannot talk with you about what we're doing in terms of the case.
[04:04:50] Very seldom is she like first on an issue, right?
[04:04:53] She checks out the temperature first, sees how others around her are kind of reacting
[04:04:58] and then she jumps in.
[04:04:59] I want to be very well informed about exactly where it's going with the potential of my
[04:05:04] opinion would be before I just express something off the cuff.
[04:05:09] She also enters public life at a time when you really didn't see any woman of color
[04:05:14] in prominent positions in elected life.
[04:05:16] It was a different time in a largely white political system.
[04:05:20] She had those ambitions from I think a very young age to make it in politics to be highly
[04:05:25] successful, to make lives better for people, but I think she also knew that as a woman,
[04:05:31] a woman of color in positions that had always been killed by white people, she wasn't always
[04:05:37] going to be the one who was out on the front edge.
[04:05:40] She's not a trailblazer in a policy sense.
[04:05:45] California's Attorney General Kamala Harris announced that she will indeed run for
[04:05:48] the U.S. Senate.
[04:05:49] Can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male
[04:05:59] body?
[04:06:00] Okay.
[04:06:01] So, in terms of analyzing someone's progressive bona fides, I consider a Senate tenure that
[04:06:18] was short-lived under a Trump administration to be akin to a Mickey Mouse ring, okay?
[04:06:26] though the Mickey Mouse ring actually is a very valid ring and maybe even a harder ring to win
[04:06:32] than normal NBA rings, I'm using what people colloquially mean Mickey Mouse ring. Why? Because
[04:06:44] Democrats love acting like they are literally fucking the most progressive people you've ever seen
[04:06:52] when they have no power. Okay? When Democrats are in a position of no power, they will go
[04:07:03] balls to the wall in terms of how progressive their policy positions are and what they champion.
[04:07:12] Kamala Harris was pro Medicare for all. What I will say, however, that I think is interesting
[04:07:20] is that she also did run as a progressive in a field where there were many progressives.
[04:07:33] So that to me is a little bit more indicative that like her instincts at the very least thought,
[04:07:37] her instincts were that saying that you are even for progressive causes will allow you to win
[04:07:53] elections. I'm happy to answer a more specific question. That the government has the power
[04:08:01] to make a decision about a man's body?
[04:08:03] I thought you were asking about medical procedures that are unique to men.
[04:08:06] I'll repeat the question. Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make
[04:08:14] decisions about the male body? I'm not thinking of any right now, Senator.
[04:08:21] Kamala Harris really arrives as a politician and this makes sense in the context of her background
[04:08:26] when she's the one asking the questions.
[04:08:29] They have not asked me to open an investigation.
[04:08:32] Perhaps they've suggested.
[04:08:34] I wouldn't say suggested.
[04:08:36] Inferred.
[04:08:40] You don't know.
[04:08:42] In your March 24th summary,
[04:08:44] you wrote that quote after reviewing the special counsel's final report.
[04:08:47] I will say that no one...
[04:08:49] I'm asking a question.
[04:08:51] What a lot of Americans saw was a senator who just seemed exciting,
[04:08:54] who it seemed willing to hold the...
[04:08:57] No one saw that.
[04:08:59] No.
[04:09:02] This is, no.
[04:09:04] This is revisionist history.
[04:09:06] She had a couple of good moments.
[04:09:08] Ain't nobody thought she was an exciting senator.
[04:09:10] Come on, bro.
[04:09:11] These men accountable,
[04:09:13] not let them kind of warm their way
[04:09:15] out of the questions she was asking.
[04:09:17] That was really important for Kamala Harris
[04:09:19] when she served with the Judiciary Committee.
[04:09:21] She knew how to turn conversations
[04:09:24] into really serious examinations and cross-examinations of the folks who were brought before the committee.
[04:09:30] Bro. Bro.
[04:09:34] I'm sorry.
[04:09:38] No, hearing moments do make the news, especially those hearing moments. They were heavily televised.
[04:09:43] The Brett Kavanaugh stuff was poppin'.
[04:09:46] People did like her.
[04:09:48] For the Brett Kavanaugh shit.
[04:09:51] The reason why I'm saying, the reason why I'm disputing the narrative
[04:09:55] It's not because like those things didn't get a lot of play on MSNBC. It certainly did.
[04:10:00] I just think it is ridiculous to claim that those, those moments actually led to like a
[04:10:08] lot of people being excited about her because of her primary performance in 2019. Like that's
[04:10:23] That's, that's the only thing like it did not translate to like a Katie Porter style phenomena,
[04:10:31] right? Like I would say Katie Porter and her hearing and her moments and her pop-off moments
[04:10:40] in her hearings are almost iconic. Like I have obvious issues with Katie Porter, whatever,
[04:10:46] that's besides the point but like people know Katie Porter and uh people know Katie Porter by the
[04:10:53] the fucking whiteboard you know what I mean they know exactly what like exactly what that's about
[04:11:01] a lot of people and she's had a lot more moments than just like that one off with Brett Kavanaugh
[04:11:05] or with Bill Burr or Barr they know Katie Porter as the the woman with the whiteboard who just
[04:11:12] This fucking rips into, you know, pharmaceutical CEOs, things of that nature, like bankers.
[04:11:22] So there's a Bill Burr, Bill Barr.
[04:11:28] Almost like a perfect recipe there for her to introduce a version of herself to folks
[04:11:32] who might not know her outside of California.
[04:11:34] I can't.
[04:11:35] I'm not able to be rushed this fast.
[04:11:39] It makes me nervous.
[04:11:40] I think the fact that those clips went viral shows that there's an appetite, right?
[04:11:44] because of she herself as America's advocate.
[04:11:46] You had donors, I mean just busting down her door
[04:11:49] after that saying you need to run for president.
[04:11:52] Yeah, this is again revisionist history
[04:11:55] and also regardless of what the fucking donors felt about her,
[04:11:58] she literally got dunked on so hard in 2019 primaries.
[04:12:01] Come on, it's part of the reason why Joe Biden picked her.
[04:12:04] I stand before you today to announce my candidacy
[04:12:09] for president of the United States.
[04:12:11] It's a campaign announcement in Oakland.
[04:12:13] And I think there were 20,000 people there.
[04:12:15] I mean, it was just sort of insane.
[04:12:18] Expectations have become so high for her
[04:12:21] after those moments.
[04:12:24] Senator Harris said she's proud of her record
[04:12:27] as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president,
[04:12:30] but I'm deeply concerned about this record.
[04:12:32] The 2020 primary happened in a political moment
[04:12:34] where the energy on the left and among progressives
[04:12:36] was very strong.
[04:12:37] The 2020 campaign was when her background
[04:12:40] as a prosecutor was really a liability.
[04:12:42] she tried to reposition herself as a progressive prosecutor because that was sort of the hot
[04:12:48] bad.
[04:12:49] And you got motherfuckers in here like mega phonics being like no she was a progressive
[04:12:56] prosecutor like at the time there was no such thing okay that was not a thing it was
[04:13:00] not a thing.
[04:13:01] It never quit shit.
[04:13:10] I am an advocate for what we need to do to not only to criminalize but legalize marijuana
[04:13:14] in the United States.
[04:13:15] I would never have described Kamala Harris as a progressive.
[04:13:20] She called herself the top cop in San Francisco
[04:13:24] and then later when she was elected attorney general,
[04:13:26] like she used those language.
[04:13:28] You know, her career sort of predated this idea
[04:13:30] of what a progressive prosecutor is.
[04:13:32] She really had trouble packaging her background
[04:13:36] in law enforcement as palatable to the base.
[04:13:40] What you saw often was a candidate
[04:13:42] who just seemed to be trying to say
[04:13:44] what she thought would catch fire with the base at that point.
[04:13:48] Who here would abolish their private health insurance
[04:13:51] in favor of a government run plan?
[04:13:54] All right.
[04:13:55] A lot of Democratic voters didn't feel
[04:13:57] they were engaging with a candidate
[04:13:59] who maybe actually believed that.
[04:14:00] People walked away not entirely sure what she believed.
[04:14:05] I remember she was 100% progressive.
[04:14:07] She did objectively use some progressive things.
[04:14:08] Even today, I'd love to just be happy with.
[04:14:10] Obviously, she did bash it to him just saying,
[04:14:15] Don't make me pull out all your fucking tags.
[04:14:18] Where is it?
[04:14:30] She's in with this and pretty bass shit back in the day.
[04:14:32] The back on track initiative was really the genesis of rehabilitative justice.
[04:14:44] You did.
[04:14:45] You said it was the basis of rehabilitative justice.
[04:14:52] Like Kamala Harris invented rehabilitative justice.
[04:14:57] Look, why?
[04:14:59] Because she wanted to get prisoners to be educated.
[04:15:02] Megalib phonics. Was I wrong? She dropped recidivism from 54% to less than 10% with the background track initiative.
[04:15:24] The vast majority of parents have a natural desire to parent their children well and love their children.
[04:15:31] But there are some who don't necessarily have the skills and the resources to do that.
[04:15:37] I don't know about those numbers. I don't know about those numbers. I will look into it.
[04:15:45] That sounds crazy. And I doubt that it's from just one policy initiative in general. That
[04:15:54] seems like that seems personally to me, like it was only 200 people. I thought you met in
[04:16:11] the entire state of California. I was like, bro, that is literally like, I thought you
[04:16:18] You meant a statewide implementation of an initiative that you put forward dropped statewide
[04:16:25] recidivism from 54% to 10%.
[04:16:28] You literally delivered that information.
[04:16:35] You delivered that information like I was about to be like Kamala Harris is the greatest
[04:16:39] criminal justice mind of all time, okay?
[04:16:42] 54 to 10% drop in recidivism.
[04:16:46] literally like turning one of the worst penal systems in the country, California to Norway.
[04:16:52] Okay. Like we're talking no better than Norway 10% recidivism. God damn dude. She implemented
[04:17:03] his D A in San Francisco. Then HG, they ran a pile program in LA. The point is she fucking
[04:17:07] did it and it just needs to scale. Oh, the point is she fought for it implemented
[04:17:25] trial to end it work. She had that dog in her. They just need to do a more, all
[04:17:28] I'm more open-minded. I'm more open-minded. It's just crazy to say that still regardless in the California prison system
[04:17:36] Which is like notoriously bad despite the fact that right-wingers personally think that they're like playing tickle party in prison in California
[04:17:45] It's one of the craziest things
[04:17:48] That even my uncle believes for some weird fucking reason
[04:17:52] California is a notoriously draconian state. Our prison population is fucking overcrowded.
[04:17:58] Okay? We have a horrifying structure, torturous conditions in general. Okay? And yet people
[04:18:08] literally think that like we're just letting everybody out. We're doing patty cakes in prison.
[04:18:12] Like we don't have, we don't have like a notoriously bad criminal justice process here in this
[04:18:21] state. It's pretty crazy. We literally make prisoners fight wildfires in this country.
[04:18:32] Surely Kamala Harris didn't have a statement on that on the prisoner slave labor population.
[04:18:43] Let's continue. She ran out of money and she struggled to break through.
[04:18:47] Although I am no longer running for president, I will do everything in my power to defeat
[04:18:54] Donald Trump and fight for the future of our country.
[04:18:57] Joe Biden is officially the Democratic Party nominee for president.
[04:19:00] And I commit that I will in fact pick a woman to be vice president.
[04:19:06] Post-Summer 2020, we were in this George Floyd moment.
[04:19:09] Biden was talking about passing the torch eventually to a new generation of leaders.
[04:19:14] the idea that he would be picking a black woman, somebody who was younger than he was,
[04:19:18] suggested that he would be picking essentially an heir to the Democratic Party.
[04:19:22] I have no doubt that I picked the right person to join me as the next Vice President of the United
[04:19:28] States of America and that's Senator Kamala Harris. And the road ahead will not be easy, but America?
[04:19:37] She did argue against the reduction of person over counting in the state of California because
[04:19:40] decision act would make the state lose low wage workers wait stop and so our Joe
[04:19:53] and I the first year and a half of her vice presidency not great to put it
[04:20:00] mildly we've been to the border we've been to the border you haven't been to
[04:20:04] the border and I haven't been to Europe she was I love that that's a that's
[04:20:15] one of my favorite. That is actually low key one of my favorite Kamala moments.
[04:20:22] And I haven't been to Europe. I love that.
[04:20:41] That is literally a v-pline. Dude, that is straight up Selena Meyer. God, I'm going to be
[04:20:48] be fucking unbearable. But Kamala Harris is so Selena Meyer coded. I'm not even like,
[04:20:56] I don't know how to describe it. It just feels like she was invented by Armando Enugie of
[04:21:01] leading diplomatic efforts with Mexico and some Central American countries to address root
[04:21:06] causes of migration to the southern border. This is a no win issue, especially early
[04:21:11] and a vice presidency. You know what Kamala Harris is going to solve? I'll solve with
[04:21:16] the world do not come to the extent that they're even this person is like dick riding pretty
[04:21:21] hard. I'm sorry, but this person is holy moly dick riding hair is so fucking hard. Every
[04:21:30] time she says something, it's like, oh, what are you supposed to solve El Salvador? No,
[04:21:48] it's not public correctional facilities have gone to private facilities by contract.
[04:21:51] I have below 70% of capacity than the state has to pay. I worked at the Elizabeth
[04:21:54] detention center for inns. It's bought the money. Be real. What are you saying that they
[04:22:07] wanted to keep prisoner population at a certain level in an effort to make sure that they
[04:22:11] didn't have to pay for the entire process? Is that what you're saying? I mean, literally
[04:22:17] though, she's the VP, what unilateral power that she have brother. That's a ridiculous
[04:22:23] abdication of duty and responsibility in the situation. When you're talking about
[04:22:27] an elected position on a fucking ticket. It's the second most powerful part of the ticket.
[04:22:33] She was appointed the borders are it was a fuck you move by Joseph Robin at Brandon.
[04:22:36] But what the fuck are we talking about? Why are we excited about Tim Walz then? I mean,
[04:22:40] come on. Like the entire point of that. Look, listen to me. Joe Biden fucked over
[04:22:49] Kamala Harris. I've been saying this. I used to make fun of this all the time in
[04:22:54] beginning of the candidate in the beginning of the presidency, I used to make fun of this
[04:22:58] shit all the time. Joe Biden would make Kamala do side quests that were like the worst fucking
[04:23:02] shit cleanup duty of all time. That's why she was on the border. Okay. It is the worst
[04:23:10] possible job. They married her. The borders are, bro. It's a fucking awful place to
[04:23:16] put the VP. It was revenge for her calling out Biden for busing her in her youth at
[04:23:22] debate yet. Yeah, Kamala Harris didn't did not want to do shit about prison overcrowding.
[04:23:34] No, we know that already. Come on. We know that. I know that. I was joking when I was
[04:23:40] responding to that chatter when I said, Oh, I sure hope that Kamala Harris didn't have a statement
[04:23:46] about prisoners in our overcrowded facilities. Metrics to determine one's success in this
[04:23:57] world, they're probably not going to become clear for another decade at best.
[04:24:03] She was definitely becoming a team player for the Biden administration, but she was also kind
[04:24:07] of turning her back on a lot of her previous platform as a child of immigrants, but also as
[04:24:11] someone who's been a huge champion of immigration policy and immigration reform.
[04:24:14] And she is interviewed by Lester Holt.
[04:24:16] One of the first major media interviews that she gave, really introducing herself to a lot
[04:24:21] of Americans for the first time. Very basic and anticipated questions such as have you yourself
[04:24:28] been to the border yet? She could not seem to give a straight answer. I'm here in Guatemala today,
[04:24:33] at some point. In aftermath of that, there were not a lot of major media.
[04:24:38] There seems to be so much of a tag or wind that Republicans do what you think Republicans are
[04:24:42] gonna shit on her for being tough on crime. What are you insane? Dude, it's literally a cop
[04:24:47] versus comic race. What the fuck? Yeah, dude, Republic is going to start buying ads in Texas to be like,
[04:24:54] Kamala Harris wanted to enslave black people further. It's like, what, you want her to win Texas?
[04:25:06] What? You're crazy. The appearances for her, that one interview became sort of the anchor
[04:25:15] that a lot of Americans had when it came to, you know, what do you know about this person?
[04:25:19] the difference obviously between now like as much as I hate to admit this
[04:25:28] policing as an institution is deeply fucked in this country and yet policing as an institution
[04:25:33] is deeply popular in this country I hate it it's one of my like least favorite probably one of the
[04:25:40] biggest mismatches between like what the reality is objectively and how americans perceive certain
[04:25:45] things. I hate it so much, but Americans fucking love cops. Okay. They love, they love cops.
[04:25:52] That's why it's always so funny when people are like, we are not respecting our cops more.
[04:25:56] It's like, bro, there is literally no profession in the United States of America that receives
[04:26:03] like fallatio that they do not deserve more than fucking cops. They fuck up on a regular
[04:26:09] basis. It's built into the process that they get no repercussions for it. And yet
[04:26:13] Americans are like literally 70%. They're like, Oh, I love cops. Young people hate cops dog.
[04:26:26] Your local police has a 68% favorability rating. Your state police has a 65% favorability rating.
[04:26:35] County sheriffs have a 62% favorability rating. That's a 38 net. There is no profession that
[04:26:43] That is as consistently popular as cops.
[04:26:51] We are very unique.
[04:26:54] This might be, I'll be honest with you, I'll give it a buck 50, okay?
[04:26:58] We in this community have a lot of opinions that do not reflect the broader American society.
[04:27:04] We're on the edge on a lot of shit, okay?
[04:27:07] This might be the one thing that we are diametrically opposed to the rest of the
[04:27:12] country on, okay?
[04:27:24] up. Uh, US Capitol police is a 52% favorable 27 unfavorable is plus 25 net. That might
[04:27:32] be partially because of a Coast Guard Air Force, Marine's Navy, Army special space for space
[04:27:39] for us. I would not bundle counting shares in that same band is cause for favorability.
[04:28:01] No, do sheriffs is separate and sheriffs are literally, what are you talking about
[04:28:09] Sheriffs are literally less favorable than cops
[04:28:14] sheriffs have a net 38 local cops have 44
[04:28:21] sheriffs are also awful in general that's like
[04:28:25] sheriffs are even worse than regular cops which is crazy
[04:28:28] oh my god
[04:28:31] Have you ever eaten a croissant like this bro? Please don't show me this I saw it
[04:28:38] like this is
[04:28:42] like i'm not gonna lie this is like I think
[04:28:48] I think I think Dr. Umar saw this and had a heart attack like I think he didn't even see the tweet
[04:28:55] He just like knew that
[04:28:57] Like like a presence of the force who had been disturbed
[04:29:01] Like it zapped them. You know what I mean? He like he didn't even have to see it. He felt it
[04:29:07] And I think I think he sensed that disturbance and it broke him
[04:29:12] like every part of this tweet is so insane from
[04:29:19] Like him just show like RG RG three showcasing his his throat go skills like I feel like he literally
[04:29:29] dislodged his job for the fucking photo op. He's got the thick side of the croissant in
[04:29:36] Comparison to the lady
[04:29:38] Obviously you got like the the you know for dr. Umar's purposes
[04:29:42] you got the, the snow buddy side of the conversation, but that's not what I'm getting into. Obviously
[04:29:47] I'm, uh, you know, a Yakuubi and devil myself and also promise agenation. Um, but like he
[04:29:57] took the thick side of the croissant. He fucking lodged it so far down, right? He
[04:30:03] lodged it so far down mouthfully open. Okay. Mouthfully fucking open. And also
[04:30:13] the tweet, because many people just get locked in. Many people just get lasered in on the
[04:30:20] throat, on the throating here. Okay. But a lot of people I think don't realize, yeah,
[04:30:26] this is wife. A lot of people don't realize that like, well, first of all, they're wearing
[04:30:30] like the same, like their outfit matching, which is crazy too. But he said it's always
[04:30:35] croissant o'clock in Paris like arguably that is so scrum didly umptious type in terms of like
[04:30:48] tweeting like Oakley doke Lee it's croissant o'clock like what the fuck is going on I mean it's
[04:30:57] very cute but this is like like this is exactly the type of shit like I said this is this is
[04:31:07] so this is so in dr. Romar's wheelhouse like this is Ned Flanders bro that's crazy enjoying
[04:31:18] a flaky big goodness with your wife and pairs of the flex but brother they are going to
[04:31:22] cook you for this image said mighty keep not gonna lie y'all got us in stitches over
[04:31:31] here with the replies and quotes. How long would it take you to eat this buttery greatness?
[04:32:03] Yo, what the fuck? Got dude fired on at ESPN for saying he was a corn ball brother.
[04:32:29] I just don't get the joke. It's just homophobia. No, dude. They're, everyone's cooking them from,
[04:32:36] you know, posting like a corn ball, like a white guy. It has nothing to do with homophobia, man.
[04:32:45] Yeah, I feel like this is the reverse of what you see on tiktok, which I always I was like weird with the
[04:33:08] Black wife effect or whatever. This is the reverse of that and I didn't know that that was a thing like we're in we're in like
[04:33:26] Reliably voting Republican territory with this post. Okay
[04:33:30] This is literally like this post is the equivalent of locking your doors when you see a black person walking near your car
[04:33:37] like straight up. I'm sorry. Don't get mad at me. This is like, this is, this is a wild
[04:33:51] thing. I didn't think you could culturally appropriate white people until I saw this
[04:34:01] post. This is crazy. No, this is great. The croissant o'clock, I think that's what
[04:34:13] did me in. Like I think when I saw that, when I saw him post croissant o'clock, that
[04:34:19] was like, it's being fired. I got it for calling him calling him a cornball brother.
[04:34:28] Day one. We did a white girl for the first time. I'm trying this out because I don't
[04:34:41] discriminate. I penetrate on my mama and for all my options watching this, you're one week.
[04:34:48] Dana white girl. She seasons her chicken with just soft. I am terrified. Call the
[04:34:52] food police. We've been eating cheese and crackers and one for three nights in a
[04:34:56] I am starving! My stomach is in my ass! Somebody help!
[04:35:00] Two weeks dating a white girl, I invited her to my family reunion,
[04:35:04] but my uncles didn't say, hey, I'll see you there if you. So I felt kind of sad.
[04:35:08] But we did teach her how to do the cupid shuffle, so that's progress.
[04:35:11] One month dating a white girl and we just left the Billie Eilish concert,
[04:35:14] and now she's gonna make green bean casserole. Oh, suck it! Yes, the night
[04:35:18] she keeps getting better. Six months dating a white girl,
[04:35:21] we got yoga, egg brunch at 12, and we're gonna go to Yosemite Park later on.
[04:35:26] Oh my god, okay. Hey, I used to work for Adidas when he launched his pro curse or I worked with him a lot one-on-one
[04:35:50] I can tell you this post is so on par for him. He's just kind of a silly dumb dude. No, no
[04:35:54] He is I mean it's like this is in offensive. This is obviously the inner is gonna rip him apart like he's just having fun
[04:36:01] I have no issues with this. Okay, please understand that I'm just I'm just meaning like it's just he's just a dork, you know
[04:36:12] There's nothing wrong with being a dork, but also like
[04:36:30] croissant a clock
[04:36:42] This buttery goodness. He said he said this buttery greatness. I'm in stitches over here
[04:36:59] Grum did Lee um she is
[04:37:02] Dating white people is hard you start going to rabbit funerals and shit. There's levels to this
[04:37:18] There's level to this when LeBron does it is calculated. Yo
[04:37:22] No, when LeBron does it is awesome. Come on
[04:37:27] When LeBron posts like a white girl on instagram, it's the best shit dude when he's like
[04:37:33] The classic oh
[04:37:35] I can't believe this is my life
[04:37:37] Or it's taco Tuesday
[04:37:41] He's it's different. There's a different energy to it. I'm not even kidding. There's a different energy to it
[04:37:50] No, it's not there is there is literally a different energy to it when he does it
[04:37:57] The Bart drawing. Yes
[04:37:59] You're shameless come on come on
[04:38:04] Okay, you guys are being white supremacists again, bro. You're being goddamn dude. That's crazy. That's crazy
[04:38:12] That's crazy that you guys are I I forgot. I forgot how white supremacy was thriving in this community
[04:38:19] I forgot for a second and and now I feel
[04:38:23] Pucked up that even I brought up the RG3 situation because some of you are wearing clans robes again
[04:38:30] First of all, I did with you a happy happy women's history mom. Oh my god
[04:38:59] RG3 was born in Japan. We're gonna stop Asian. Hey, brother. Wait. Is he a he's an army brat
[04:39:11] I didn't know that but that also explains why he's so corny
[04:39:16] Like for sure
[04:39:20] Yeah, that makes sense that makes so much sense. I'm begging you bro. Look at his hair closely
[04:39:43] What what what was it what was up with his what I mean, I mean he's in France
[04:40:22] You know what I mean he's in front he's in France, you know
[04:40:32] Maybe oh my god. Oh my oh my god. Oh, no, I didn't even notice I thought you were oh
[04:40:52] Bro, this is why this
[04:40:58] This is why when I was a text I was telling Nick like remember when he got that
[04:41:01] When he got that fade the one time and he looked like a
[04:41:06] And he looked like a fuck boy and then he never got it again, and I was like bro
[04:41:09] You have to go to a black barber
[04:41:11] Did he hit the haircut on the flight over this is maybe it's the photo dude. Maybe it's like the the camera or something
[04:41:21] This is oh that's so bad. There's a hate crime
[04:41:25] This is I hate to say it this is a this is a young Republican fade for sure it is it is like straight up
[04:41:45] This is straight up like
[04:41:47] Like it's not 4g autoblow. I'm talking like
[04:41:50] like young Americans for freedom ass fade.
[04:41:58] It's not a fade, it's an immediate show your hairline, bud.
[04:42:08] Bro, I don't think you understand.
[04:42:09] Like I don't have a fade or whatever this is.
[04:42:15] I mean, this lineup is so bad.
[04:42:17] This lineup is so brutal.
[04:42:19] It's like we've moved beyond the lineup.
[04:42:22] The lineup is so brutal.
[04:42:24] move beyond like like a white barber or a French barber. Like it's like a blind barber.
[04:42:31] Like, cause I feel like, I feel like this is not like a white guy would fuck this up,
[04:42:38] but like not this bad. You know what I mean? It's like a uniquely bad.
[04:42:43] That's a halt, not a fade. Why you got RG three curbing the buttery greatness zoomed in.
[04:42:52] was a jump cut not a fade. Okay, we're done. We're done. We're done. We're done. We're done.
[04:43:09] This is crazy. He let his wife cut his hair be nice. Okay. Let's get back to Kamala Harris.
[04:43:39] I can't believe we just skipped around. We haven't done a single fucking news bit yet
[04:43:44] today. Joe Rogan, Kamala Harris, RG3's fucked up ass fade. Like what are we doing? This
[04:43:51] This is okay, let's continue.
[04:43:52] 2020 is the dobs decision.
[04:43:54] The moment where the Kamala Harris that voters are seeing right now really started to come
[04:43:59] into being was in 2022 when the dobs decision leaked.
[04:44:04] The woman's right to abortion has been overturned and will lead to nearly total bans on the
[04:44:09] procedure in about half the states.
[04:44:11] The significance of that is profound in terms of what it means for the rights of
[04:44:18] individuals and in particular for the right of an individual to make decisions about their own body
[04:44:23] and not have their government tell them what to do. Through my reporting, what I found was that
[04:44:27] she was virtually the only major official in Washington who understood the salience of that
[04:44:32] issue. Suddenly she sees for herself a role. Glaze! Glaze! You're, you're crazy bro! What are
[04:44:48] Are you saying she said I researched the entirety of Washington and found out bro. I don't even dude
[04:44:59] I don't even throw LeBron this hard. Okay
[04:45:03] As a matter of fact, you become the LeBron of throwing you become the RG three of throating Kamala Harris. What the fuck?
[04:45:13] she said
[04:45:16] She said
[04:45:17] Kamala Harris is the only
[04:45:20] woman who understood the salience of the issue of abortion in the democratic party, bro, you
[04:45:37] literally said you wanted a four-way tongue fight with Katie, Stephen LeBron. Okay. First
[04:45:42] of all, you're homophobic. Second of all, you're racist white supremacists. And last
[04:45:48] but not least at the top of the hour, there's a three minute outbreak. And if you no longer
[04:45:51] want to see those ads. All you need to do is subscribe for $6 or free. I didn't say that
[04:45:57] any of that. You guys shut up. I didn't say that. People weren't in here when I said it.
[04:46:02] Why are you repeating the things I didn't say? Anemic jab. Thank you for the five gifted
[04:46:19] edge runner. Thank you for the five gifted. Here's the term and I'm right now. Now you
[04:46:29] literally said that bro. It was an emotional moment. I felt pride. Okay. Pride in
[04:46:34] my country pride in the gay way. I just, I felt it in my heart. I would kiss him, whatever.
[04:46:53] I don't care. It was in the 15 minute barrier. After watching LeBron highlights, I've already
[04:47:03] told you, I am not responsible for the things I say in that 15 minute leading up to the
[04:47:10] highlight and 15 minute. It's like the police camera. You know what I mean? You
[04:47:15] know how the police camera is like you, you, before you turn it off or turn it
[04:47:19] on it, like still is rolling. And there's like a 30 second window that also is captured.
[04:47:24] It's like that. I have a LeBron window. If I'm going to watch a LeBron highlight footage
[04:47:31] 15 minutes prior, 15 minutes after, I am not responsible for things I say. Anyway, let's
[04:47:41] continue with this.
[04:47:42] We understood the salience of that issue. Suddenly she sees for herself a role in
[04:47:47] this administration, being the spokesperson for the Biden White House on the issue of
[04:47:52] I cannot stress this enough. I'm going to run this back. I'm sorry. This woman in all sincerity said
[04:48:04] the Dobs decision leaked in 2022 and I researched everyone in American politics
[04:48:11] and found out that Kamala Harris was the only person who understood the significance of abortion.
[04:48:20] What am I absolutely cooked you this shit is fire? Wait a second. What's that on a song shoulder? Do I say you're absolutely goddamn right?
[04:48:33] I do serve three men every get the top of the fucking hour and honestly
[04:48:37] There's not really much you can do about it with these
[04:48:40] That's crazy because I just ran the abbreak
[04:48:45] We're hearing that there's emergency vehicles outside the White House wait what I
[04:48:52] Mean, I don't know why the fucking fire department would be there if Biden is dying
[04:48:56] All right, let me finish this before we get to the fucking most insane new cycle of all
[04:49:08] time followed up by even more insane shit.
[04:49:11] Do you want the dog's decision leaked?
[04:49:14] The woman's right to abortion has been overturned and will lead to nearly total bans on the
[04:49:19] procedure in about half the state.
[04:49:21] The significance of that is profound in terms of what it means for the rights of individuals
[04:49:28] and in particular, for the right of an individual
[04:49:31] to make decisions about their own body
[04:49:33] and not have their government tell them what to do.
[04:49:35] Through my recording, what I found was that
[04:49:37] she was virtually the only major official in Washington
[04:49:40] who understood the salience of that issue.
[04:49:44] No, Gleis, that's crazy.
[04:49:47] She was virtually the only major official in Washington
[04:49:50] who understood the salience of that issue.
[04:49:54] It's not a thing that like, you can't,
[04:49:59] this is an insane thing to say. I, I, I normally you could say like, oh,
[04:50:07] Hasan, you're like hyper-focusing on what she's saying, like who cares, move on.
[04:50:11] I cannot begin to explain to you how insane of a statement this is. Like it is the most
[04:50:17] significant policy decision that impacts half the fucking population. Virtually every Democrat
[04:50:25] was screaming it for the fucking rooftops. No, it wasn't just Kamala Harris that like understood
[04:50:29] that abortion was going to be a big problem like that. What the fuck? Suddenly she sees for herself
[04:50:36] a role in this administration being the spokesperson for the Biden White House on the issue of abortion.
[04:50:43] It's something that is very sincere to her beliefs. This is about people having the
[04:50:47] freedom to make the decision that is in their own best interest. I think that was hugely
[04:50:51] essential for her growth as a politician and just trusting her own instincts.
[04:50:56] In America, freedom is not to be given, it is hours by right.
[04:51:01] Now we're seeing her in more comfortable settings, especially in the last year college tours,
[04:51:05] small businesses, talking about economic opportunity, loan cancellation, climate, and it's those
[04:51:10] kinds of forums where she really does shine.
[04:51:15] We are not going back.
[04:51:17] The speech that she gave in Wisconsin was really interesting, where she almost stumbles into
[04:51:23] a new rallying cry for the campaign, and the folks who were in that high school auditorium
[04:51:28] latched on to that line and started chanting it back to her.
[04:51:37] And she realizes in the moment that she has stumbled upon a new phrase.
[04:51:45] It is specific enough to resonate with people, it's general enough to not necessarily
[04:51:49] have to define it too carefully. That kind of describes not just her campaign, not just this
[04:51:54] moment, but can describe a little bit of just how spoiled and rotten the vibes were in the country
[04:52:00] before Biden dropped out, because it's an opportunity for a lot of folks to be
[04:52:05] re-inspired and reawakened. The word authenticity is often so fraught with
[04:52:10] racial and sexist undertones, but you look at the rallies, the talks that she's doing
[04:52:15] right now, this is a person who's having fun.
[04:52:18] The most important thing that, I love you back.
[04:52:22] That ease and confidence with which she is currently carrying herself is reflective of
[04:52:26] someone who knows that the story of her career basically is not a net negative for her.
[04:52:33] I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week.
[04:52:38] You see her kind of embrace her biography as a person, as a color, and she's realized
[04:52:44] that her personal story is actually powerful.
[04:52:45] It helps her relate to people.
[04:52:47] It helps women's relate to her.
[04:52:49] She's a complex woman who has complex ideas
[04:52:53] and is very cautious, steady,
[04:52:56] not gonna rock the boat a whole lot
[04:52:58] and down the middle a consensus person.
[04:53:05] I'll tell you on the subject of my mother
[04:53:07] and I keep saying this, but it's true.
[04:53:08] You know, she said just since we were young,
[04:53:10] you know, you may be the first to do many things,
[04:53:12] but make sure you're not the last.
[04:53:15] Really quickly, before you go,
[04:53:16] Um, was this ad sponsored by Kamala Harris's campaign because they should disclose that they can't, you can't be doing this. You can't be posting a Kamala Harris campaign ad without disclosing that you're doing a Kamala Harris campaign ad that was wild.
[04:53:44] Anyway, look, school, Pamela Harris, what did we learn?
[04:53:51] She was, you know, both progressive and aggressive at times as a prosecutor, as her, you know,
[04:53:59] cop record.
[04:54:02] She was also the first woman to care about abortion.
[04:54:09] She discovered, she discovered the importance of the issue of abortion for the Democratic
[04:54:13] Party.
[04:54:28] Have you considered this?
[04:54:29] What is, I saw the, if you replace the word Zionist with Jew in a sentence that you're
[04:54:34] about to say, and it sounds anti-semitic reconsider what you're about to say.
[04:54:43] But those are two entirely different things.
[04:54:53] Raises response.
[04:54:54] Oh man.
[04:55:00] If you think that's bad, try putting the N word in there.
[04:55:03] No bueno.
[04:55:04] Anyway, look, look, we got, we got some shit that I got to talk about.
[04:55:18] It's not just about Kamala Harris, who was attorney general officer to keep inmate
[04:55:22] locked over cheap, cheap labor.
[04:55:26] Boris, California also argued allowing certain inmates to be
[04:55:28] paroled early with depleted program that allowed prisons to
[04:55:30] fight wildfires. Like her prosecutorial record and her
[04:55:35] cop background is not great. It's bad. It was part of the
[04:55:37] reason why I was like very anti-comal hairs from the
[04:55:40] jump. Okay. Also, here is senior White House
[04:55:57] correspondents for ABC News, former CNN correspondent
[04:55:59] Immersive trucks pulled up outside the White House gates,
[04:56:01] Multiple entrances to the White House have been blocked off.
[04:56:04] Biden isn't Delaware, so what's happening in the White House isn't related to him?
[04:56:19] That's a bummer.
[04:56:21] I mean, uh, fuck, I meant, uh, thank God.
[04:56:25] Oops.
[04:56:27] I just slipped out.
[04:56:36] I meant the opposite of that thing.
[04:56:44] The dogs killed again.
[04:56:46] Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
[04:56:48] Yeah.
[04:56:49] People adding secret service in my chat after I said that, but like, they're
[04:56:52] too busy getting fucking eaten alive by Biden's dogs. I thought I saw somewhere that commas
[04:57:21] attorney general during most of those logups and not as many were locked up while she was
[04:57:24] disjointed attorney. Can you provide any insight bro as the attorney general, you still have power
[04:57:28] over like what is going on in the, in the state. Like you have influenced over it.
[04:57:37] How Kamala Harris fought to keep non violent prisoners locked up by the American prospect
[04:57:42] of California attorney general. She spent years subverting a 2011 Supreme court ruling
[04:57:46] requiring the state to reduce its prison population, the overseeing judicial panel nearly found the
[04:57:51] state in contempt of court. So the irony is whenever people fucking talk about,
[04:58:00] whenever people personally talk about how Kamala Harris, like Republicans keep talking
[04:58:06] about how Kamala Harris was like, was releasing prisoners, it's like, no dude,
[04:58:10] She did the exact opposite. She kept them in. Okay. So they're wrong as fuck about that issue.
[04:58:24] Kept them in specifically for the, oh my god, this is so funny. Remember what your haters said?
[04:58:33] You were wrong. That's everything. Assam, bro, you really got issues, bro. I swear to god. Assam,
[04:58:38] Abby, you have actual issues. All right. You got some real issues. So chat,
[04:58:42] I have to just clarify. I have to take that Rolex back. There's a presidential Rolex
[04:58:48] that I gave up president I didn't write the law you fucking idiot
[04:58:54] bro you did the fec violation I didn't write the law dumbass
[04:59:02] bro this is so brain dead yo people are so stupid his entire fan base was saying i'm wrong
[04:59:11] and it's just a gift i'm wrong and it's just a gift brother you did a campaign ad
[04:59:17] with an endorsement in front of five hundred thousand people where you
[04:59:24] violated the law how the fuck is this my fault bro what is happening
[04:59:33] I have to take it back and I'm just gonna give it to a Baron Trump all right
[04:59:38] so Hassan you you're right bro all right I'm not giving it to president
[04:59:42] Trump anymore we are giving it to the Baron okay Baron is receiving that
[04:59:45] watch. So I'm just letting you know right now. Um, just, just, just letting you know. All right.
[04:59:50] As far as the Cybertruck, my dad is driving it around and my dad loves it. My dad's getting
[04:59:54] comments, pictures everywhere. My dad loves the shit. So, um, that shit was a rental. I just
[04:59:58] paid for it. I give a fuck. My dad was like, Hey, you can't get sell. Get that back. What do
[05:00:03] you mean? He's like, Hey, the president of the ship. Bro, I'm gonna tell y'all. Bro,
[05:00:07] bro. Hasan needs to chill out.
[05:00:11] Asan is a little snitch. Asan is a sucker and a loser. This is a song is doing way too much, bro. He did it in front of 500,000 people. Does he think that other people don't have eyes and an awareness? It was a campaign event.
[05:00:35] How are these people so stupid? Hey, can I, can I just say, can I just say, hey, remember that context
[05:00:59] currently rated helpful while Marin limits on the amounts of value in person who contributed
[05:01:03] towards presidential elections. A contribution is only counted if its value is given to influence
[05:01:08] a federal election. Personal gifts do not meet that criteria, but gives to a campaign would.
[05:01:11] Wait, so every single fucking idiot that was telling me that I was in the wrong
[05:01:19] Every single fucking idiot including the idiots that wrote the fucking stupid ass
[05:01:24] context
[05:01:26] Thing context note y'all are wrong. I don't even mind breaking the law. I think it's great break the law all the time
[05:01:36] Who gives a shit giving to a candidate family member in a clear bypass is also a violation. I
[05:01:50] Don't even yeah
[05:01:52] This is so funny to me. I'm fucking. This is hilarious. Community nails are so dumb people are so stupid
[05:03:10] What the fuck?
[05:03:12] It was my fault
[05:03:26] Did you see a didn't try to get speed? Oh, it's an doors trumpet fail hard. Yeah, I saw that
[05:03:33] Dude, I love speed
[05:03:35] Like this man
[05:03:38] this man
[05:03:41] legitimately
[05:03:43] with one
[05:03:45] with one quick action
[05:03:47] made me become a permanent defender of him and also a permanent lover of speed.
[05:03:54] Okay.
[05:03:55] I am legitimately an I show speed fan.
[05:04:00] Okay.
[05:04:01] I will stand on that.
[05:04:03] I will always say this.
[05:04:05] Okay.
[05:04:06] It's not the free file of steam stuff.
[05:04:08] I love that already.
[05:04:09] That's phenomenal.
[05:04:10] It's the donor dude.
[05:04:12] When he went to Germany and had Turkish donor and then did a back.
[05:04:16] And then did a backflip and said this is the greatest food I've ever had in my life
[05:04:22] That was it
[05:04:23] He locked me down forever and let me tell you one other thing and I realize why I
[05:04:31] Realize why so many people love him
[05:04:35] One because he's very wholesome
[05:04:37] But also to and I don't even know if he's fucking doing this in like he is literally Luffy, okay?
[05:04:43] He just lives like Luffy. That's number one. Number two, he
[05:04:49] Goes to different countries and will like pick something that the the country men
[05:04:56] Care about a lot and he glazes it. Okay?
[05:05:00] That's it
[05:05:02] You become a global phenomena
[05:05:05] Like that instantly he wears the jersey
[05:05:08] He glazes the country and he looks at he touches like one thing that they care about and says this is amazing
[05:05:17] It's over
[05:05:19] Okay, he is America's best ambassador take Rahm Emanuel's bitch ass out of Japan who refused to attend the
[05:05:28] The Hiroshima Nagasaki thing that that was happening because they didn't want Israel to be there
[05:05:33] Okay, and put I show speed as the Japanese ambassador. Okay
[05:05:40] Fuck Rahm Emanuel. He does not deserve to represent America in Japan
[05:05:45] Okay, Ada Ross smoking you I did not make the rule
[05:06:07] I don't know how to describe to you guys. I don't know how to explain
[05:06:21] To you guys that if you do
[05:06:23] He said not inviting Israel made Hiroshima and Nagasaki political. Yeah, I think doing Hiroshima and Nagasaki made it political
[05:06:50] Clearly no one would have known if you didn't snitch
[05:06:55] Hall monitor behavior
[05:06:57] Bro
[05:07:00] He did it in front of 500,000 people
[05:07:04] When he was
[05:07:06] Interviewing the former president. I don't know how to explain this to you guys
[05:07:11] but if you do that
[05:07:14] While interviewing the former president people are going to see it. I don't know how to explain it
[05:07:24] He is attacking you viciously. We need to stop this man. Shut the fuck up, dude. Who gives this shit? Oh my god
[05:07:42] Yeah, I used to I
[05:07:47] Used to I used to own twidge now I own Congress. I own the FEC
[05:07:56] What a ridiculous world we live in bro. What a fucking ridiculous world we live in
[05:08:27] Isn't it a dub that you got Trump and a didn't hit by an FEC charge anyway?
[05:08:47] No, because I can't take ownership over that bro. What the fuck do you mean?
[05:08:51] He did it in front of 500,000 people in every go forward president like what would that would be insane for me to look
[05:08:57] I did that
[05:08:59] Okay, it's just like I don't know. It's fine. Yeah, I did it. Sure. That was my that was me
[05:09:19] I'm the only reason why people saw it. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's continue. Honestly, you should lean into that
[05:09:38] Yeah, you got it. Tell the world. You think Obama 2024? He can. What do you mean?
[05:10:13] Is he good? No, bro. Oh, the past.
[05:10:27] No, bro, you got really poor because crypto tanked. That's the reason why you got really poor. I don't
[05:10:32] I don't think I should be got poor under Biden, bro, I'm not even old enough to vote.
[05:10:45] It's Trump.
[05:10:46] Yo chat, which one a better pressure?
[05:10:51] He is.
[05:10:52] Yeah, I should be.
[05:10:53] He is literally Luffy, bro.
[05:10:55] Actually, actually, yeah, Hassan 50 journals who wrote about it, bro.
[05:11:05] It's not even the journals who wrote about it though.
[05:11:07] Like you, you literally did it.
[05:11:12] You did it.
[05:11:13] The funniest part is Trump is like oblivious to the law.
[05:11:18] makes it even funnier. Like, bro, you're the president. You don't know the fucking law.
[05:11:23] Like you were the president, dude. You were the president and you're running for reelection.
[05:11:28] But that doesn't make any sense to me at all that like that happened. And everyone
[05:11:42] involved was yelling at me for being like, Hey, he violated campaign. He violated campaign
[05:11:50] contribution laws like in front of half a million viewers. Wait, do you think he
[05:12:04] accepts gifts like that without recording it most likely. This also means that Baron definitely hates
[05:12:12] you. Why the fuck would Baron hate me? He's just, he's up. He got a presidential rolly, bro. What are
[05:12:17] you talking about? He should love me. If I'm baron, I'm like, damn, my son is sick, dude.
[05:12:26] Major house, I'll not be W. We're up boys. Is it him giving the Baron also a VC violation?
[05:12:56] I'm not entirely sure, but I don't know. You got a ball with Baron. Yes.
[05:13:17] What a stupid situation. Jesus Christ. This goes back to the same thing that I was fucking
[05:13:28] complaining about before, which is that like, we genuinely have become like a much dumber
[05:13:37] society, and it frustrates me to no fucking end. Okay? Like how the fuck did we get here?
[05:13:53] How this happened? Your food is here, Austin said, food go eat it. Murat!
[05:14:02] We got here by letting 12 year olds running online discourse, I know.
[05:14:21] No, Austin didn't buy me food.
[05:14:25] Austin bought himself food and ordered it ahead of time and is probably now freaking
[05:14:29] the fuck out because he's worried that it's going to get stolen.
[05:14:48] Eat it?
[05:14:49] No, I'm not going to eat it.
[05:15:06] Austin is alive.
[05:15:07] year. He'll be here. You said earlier today the amount of insane people are increasing but it's
[05:15:13] not the normal voting population do you believe that due to the generation that's currently
[05:15:16] growing over the internet Twitter will be more brainbroken the future? Yes. I do because I think
[05:15:22] people genuinely are being like educated online and bro people are not paying attention to school
[05:15:34] they're paying attention to the fucking Aiden Ross okay and like Aiden Ross can be an entertaining
[05:15:40] person to watch, but like you should still pay attention to school. If you're learning
[05:15:45] from him, you're cooked. It's over. What is this, Tautic?
[05:15:55] Questions on undefeated season and winning the Minnesota varsity league state championship
[05:15:59] and ballerit. Competitive success requires more than mere physical strength and agility.
[05:16:03] It also demands mental fortitude and tactical planning. As for the opportunities for students
[05:16:08] to engage in competitive multiplayer gaming to expand extracurricular activities and social
[05:16:11] Opportunity also expand breaks me about you for the role of your hub of the transferring have a great summer training
[05:16:16] I can't really accomplish next
[05:16:18] W Tim walls W Tim walls
[05:16:22] Let's go
[05:16:26] I don't know what he's done up until this point, but W Tim walls and I don't know if we've seen enough from them to
[05:16:33] Expect that right now. Let's find out nine three as said you might be a fucking viewer. Hey, Tim
[05:16:40] If you're listening bro
[05:16:41] Listen, dude, I never been to Minnesota, but
[05:16:46] You're trying to do a watch party. Let me know bro. I could pull up to the crib
[05:16:51] Now we're gonna have more tech issues. We need an IT guy on the spot though
[05:17:01] He's he's the goat dude
[05:17:03] Pro tampon and pro gamer goaded
[05:17:10] Yeah
[05:17:14] Anyway, that's like I
[05:17:16] Think there's something very funny. I think there is something very funny about every single fucking idiot that said I
[05:17:25] I can't get over this, bro. Every single dumbass said that this shit. I was wrong. I was stupid.
[05:17:33] Stop sending me the Obama meme. I'm not going to look at it. Take a minute off. Every single
[05:17:39] person came, every single person in my mother fucking in my mother fucking mentions. I spoke
[05:17:51] to multiple FEC experts when we reached out to the FEC directly about this for our
[05:17:54] Washington Post coverage.
[05:17:55] Hassan didn't write the FEC rules nor is he the one enforcing them. The gifts
[05:17:59] would have been a violation, whether or not Hassan pointed it out. Yeah, it's so dumb.
[05:18:08] But the problem is, you know what the problem is? The problem is it doesn't matter. Okay.
[05:18:14] It doesn't matter. Like this dude, and this is not like a moral equivalent whatsoever,
[05:18:23] obviously, but this dude could have like done another crime, right? He could have like
[05:18:27] drunk drove on camera, right? In front of 500,000 people. And if I were to say
[05:18:33] like, bro, you're drunk driving, that's like, you're, what the fuck? You're
[05:18:35] to put people in, you're going to get in trouble. You're going to go to jail. You're drunk driving
[05:18:38] in front of 500,000 people and he actually got arrested. How the fuck would it be my fault?
[05:18:44] But once again, like I said, there is something very funny about all of these people, about all
[05:19:03] of these motherfucking people that were saying I was a dumb ass and I was wrong. Oh, there's a
[05:19:10] difference between gifts and donations, dumb ass. It starts out, I was right. Suck my dick.
[05:19:15] like, okay, I will say one last thing, okay, before we move on, Aiden wants to get back
[05:19:50] on Twitch as well and like stream on Twitch, right?
[05:19:55] One of the things you have to do is just like demonstrate to people, because Twitch
[05:20:00] is very open minded, Twitch is very open minded about like having people come back
[05:20:07] to the platform.
[05:20:09] of the things that you have to show is not only that you've changed, but also that you're
[05:20:15] like in command of your audience. Okay. That you're in command of your audience. Wait, hold
[05:20:23] on. Let me, let me finish this in. And, and the problem is when you immediately try
[05:20:29] to docks a person, when you immediately say that you're putting a $1 million bounty
[05:20:34] to like find dirt on a person, when you start making shit up about a, about another
[05:20:39] content creator instantly as your first, as your first reaction to a situation like this.
[05:20:47] When I literally warned Aiden ahead of time that like stuff like this would most likely
[05:20:52] happen. Okay. If he were to do this interview with Donald Trump and he didn't even understand
[05:21:01] heads up Aiden is trying to pay people to make stuff up about you. Like that's what
[05:21:03] mean like that's weird bro that is weird oh shit okay like that's weird oh shit
[05:21:13] like does this have to turn litigious like what the fuck are we doing that's
[05:21:49] weird behavior bro please that's an insane thing to do why does he hate you so
[05:22:11] much he needs like a like a perfect villain and he thinks I'm a perfect
[05:22:15] villain that he's created in his mind like he's literally fucking he's
[05:22:22] He's literally, he's built like this insane fucking audience
[05:22:28] that is super primed into hating me regardless.
[05:22:32] And it's, you know, he does gambling sponsorships and shit
[05:22:37] and he knows that I'm like against that,
[05:22:40] especially for unregulated crypto gambling casinos.
[05:22:43] And he's literally funded by a crypto gambling casino.
[05:22:55] And that's it.
[05:22:56] That's pretty much it really.
[05:22:57] Like he just thinks like I'm, I'm this massive villain in his life.
[05:23:05] To be fair, you shit on 20 words. I didn't know I don't.
[05:23:08] I haven't thought about nor talk about Aiden Ross until the Trump thing.
[05:23:15] I tried to get him to not fucking ride the Andrew Tate train. Like I literally,
[05:23:24] I tried to get him to not fucking go down the Andrew Tate lane as well.
[05:23:29] When he was going down that lane,
[05:23:31] Like there have been multiple times throughout his career where I was like, bro, you're going down this right wing pipeline. Like it's not good. There's videos of it. We had this conversation publicly. I've talked about it before. He's just like super sad to see.
[05:23:49] Apparently he responded again.
[05:23:59] Hassan responded, I don't want to respond to him anymore.
[05:24:02] He's the most contradicting, hypocritical person ever.
[05:24:05] His political fucking mindset doesn't make sense.
[05:24:07] He has a five million dollar fucking crib, okay?
[05:24:10] He drives a sports car.
[05:24:11] Hassan, why don't you donate all the money that you make outside of what your expenses
[05:24:15] are to your community?
[05:24:16] No, you won't because your community is stupid as fuck.
[05:24:20] And also, I want to say one thing, for Ms. Kiff and fucking Hassan, for all
[05:24:24] you guys seeing my audience too young to vote.
[05:24:26] Listen, bro.
[05:24:27] My audience is young.
[05:24:28] But a lot of these people could vote by chat and miss kid you act like your audience not full bunch of fucking weirdos, too
[05:24:34] Didn't you get caught doing some crazy shit, bro?
[05:24:36] Same with you. I saw you probably got some crazy shit in this in the closet, bro
[05:24:40] You got some crazy skeleton in the closet, bro. I know for a fact you do
[05:24:44] Right chat my joking brothers. That was filthy rich is that I?
[05:24:52] Know for a fact that I've scaled this in you
[05:24:55] I know for a fact that you probably have scaled this in your closet and then turned around and was like
[05:25:00] Like his dad is filthy rich, bro.
[05:25:03] I take care of my parents.
[05:25:05] Like I literally, I take care of my parents.
[05:25:16] Jesus Christ.
[05:25:19] Also, yeah, the mansion is five million now.
[05:25:27] Price of the mansion went up.
[05:25:29] How much money my dad has went up.
[05:25:34] And also, how much money have you fucking raised, bro?
[05:25:41] This community alongside myself raised
[05:25:43] more than $2 million for Palestine.
[05:25:46] What have you done?
[05:25:48] You know what I mean?
[05:25:50] The fuck have you done?
[05:25:53] All you do is gamble bro. Come on
[05:25:55] It's fucking rich get off my community's dick y'all are mad. That's all you've been in politics for 15 years
[05:26:00] You can't get a president stream. You can't get a stream of a candidate. You can't you know why cuz nobody fucking likes you
[05:26:06] No, I think the real reason why I would not get a presidential
[05:26:16] candidate
[05:26:17] To be on my stream is because I wouldn't be eating their asshole like he did with Donald Trump
[05:26:24] And most people would probably shy away from that sort of thing because they don't want to do contests contested interviews
[05:26:33] They don't want to have an adversarial interview. I don't know why he's so riled up
[05:26:41] I'm just speaking facts. I don't even do politics and I got to shoot at the president. Huh. He's bad
[05:26:47] Yeah
[05:26:49] Politicians are fake also politicians don't like you. How do these two points get reconciled?
[05:26:57] Yeah, I mean the Mary and will is in a jank. Don't count. Come on chat. Let's be real
[05:27:10] Mary will instead come on stream. Yes, but that doesn't count we're talking about a major candidate not like someone running in the primaries
[05:27:25] His wokeshoot has gone on too long back in my day sniffing at seats after someone said on it would end your career
[05:27:37] Why is the guy still relevant you play games? He's like you don't know politicians. Yeah, it doesn't matter
[05:27:50] Yeah, he leaked
[05:27:54] He says he'll pay one million dollars or someone leaks dirt on us on his fucking insane, bro
[05:27:58] He should be worrying about his own cryptocurrency tanking like I don't know what the fuck he's trying to
[05:28:02] He's trying to do more
[05:28:04] It's crazy. Wait, let's get to the fucking news man. Jesus Christ. What are we doing?
[05:28:37] This crowd size is legitimately wild, yeah, I mean this is pretty crazy
[05:28:43] We are doing please give me dirt to give him for one million man. Shut the fuck up you guys are oh
[05:28:56] Bro, listen, I don't think you guys understand like you joke around about this shit, but like
[05:29:04] Virtually everything virtually everything that fucking people make up about me already is so sticky
[05:29:10] Like come on like people people want to believe it anyway. It's so fucking annoying
[05:29:36] While Kamala Harris is filled up her venue after venue is holding a pack rally
[05:29:40] This is Donald Trump sat in empty rally in Bozeman, Montana retweet. So all Americans know didn't he stop
[05:29:45] He's not going to Bozeman. I thought like what happened some happened to his car also this one
[05:29:52] So I'm going undercover at the DNC. What should my costume be?
[05:29:54] Trump's nephew 4g auto blows gonna be at the DNC. I'm very excited about that. But yeah, I think he had a plane issue
[05:30:07] I can't believe this dude is a spray tan lineup. I can
[05:30:43] Eli Lake new line of attack against walls dropped
[05:30:51] Democratic vice president now made Tim walls on at least five occasions as governor of Minnesota has hosted a Muslim clerk who celebrated
[05:30:56] Hamas October 7 attack last year on Israel and promote a film popular among new announces it glorifies Adolf Hitler
[05:31:03] Well, this is classic shit, dude. It's classic shit
[05:31:07] They did this with Obama too, okay? They're fucking
[05:31:14] Why is that? Oh classic ADLs also coming after him. This is is just a clamp, dude
[05:31:19] Oh, they did this with Obama. They always do this shit
[05:31:23] Who gives a fuck?
[05:31:25] Tim Walls repeatedly holds the Muslim cleric was celebrated October 7 and share pro Hitler website link
[05:31:32] Then we're kind of VP Tim Walls on at least five occasions governor of Minnesota
[05:31:36] This is from the Washington examiner. This is the Oppo. This is what the Oppo came up with the Imam
[05:31:44] Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota joined other Muslim leaders in May
[05:31:47] for a meeting about mosque security with waltz's gubernatorial office in Minnesota. Zaman also
[05:31:52] spoke at a May 2020 event to call for peaceful protest the governor during the riots in Minnesota
[05:31:56] sparked after George Floyd's death. In April 2019 the cleric delivered an invocation before
[05:32:01] waltz's state address. Just months after Zaman called for an end to a government shutdown
[05:32:05] at a press conference. Zaman moreover attended a 2019 event that waltz hosted for Ramadan.
[05:32:10] Okay. Democratic Vice President Sonami Tim Walson is at least five occasions. Okay.
[05:32:21] Walls of Sides of the Monk could serve as a problematic baggage. I love when they do
[05:32:25] oppo and then they soft serve it like, ooh, it could be problematic for him. It's like,
[05:32:30] bro, you want it to be problematic for him. Okay. Josh Shapiro gave his first post-Veep
[05:32:39] stakes interview to the infamously discredited Selena Zito at the right wing Washington
[05:32:43] Examiner. We really dodged a bullet with this guy. That's insane.
[05:32:46] And now the Washington examiner is doing oppo on the other VP pick instead of Josh Shapiro
[05:32:55] With the headline basically
[05:32:57] From Eli Lake the reporter at FP saying I don't think Shapiro had this kind of skeleton in his closet
[05:33:19] Zamanos from Bangladesh
[05:33:21] Said on October 7 last year that he stands in solidary with Palestinians against Israeli attacks that day was saw 1200
[05:33:27] He's murdered by Hamas. He also shared an image of a Palestinian flag on Facebook and
[05:33:30] responsible posts by Yusuf of the Abdullah director of the Islamic association in North
[05:33:34] America. Wait, he didn't even, he didn't even be, hold on. The Biden Harris admitted, wait,
[05:33:47] Palestine has the right to defend himself. The Biden Harris administration, Abdullah
[05:33:49] wrote in the post, this is not even Zaman at this point. This is a total, this is
[05:33:53] a different person. So he didn't celebrate it. He said, like this post just says
[05:34:04] He stands in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks.
[05:34:11] The mommy while he's used the Facebook page over the year to share official
[05:34:14] Hamas press releases.
[05:34:15] Okay.
[05:34:16] That's what the fuck blog posts on anti-Semitic websites slamming Jews.
[05:34:21] And in one 2015 incident, a link to a piece for a pro Hitler film called
[05:34:24] the greatest story never told the propaganda movie.
[05:34:26] Yeah, that part is the only thing that is like actually fucked up.
[05:34:33] He also has justified violence.
[05:34:35] Bro, this is from a 2015 Facebook post.
[05:34:37] How the fuck is Tim Wall supposed to know that?
[05:34:39] That's insane. That's like 18 layers removed from Tim Waltz. That's insane. At least with like Obama's pastor, you could say Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who was fucking awesome, by the way, had said like mother fuck, not mother fuck America, but like God damn America for doing colonial violence.
[05:34:59] Like that was a direct one-to-one link. Barack Obama had attended and said that that was his like that's
[05:35:07] Talked about how that was his pastor, right? This is one of the Muslim community leaders in Minnesota
[05:35:17] that literally
[05:35:19] Hasn't even fucking celebrated October 7th attacks
[05:35:21] But it's like linked to another guy that also hasn't celebrated the October 7 attacks either has only said
[05:35:33] The Biden Harris administration Abdullah wrote in the post was on the wrong side of history and supporting the extremist Zionist regime and its illegal settlements
[05:35:42] What the fuck?
[05:35:44] Not a single part not a single part of this is like
[05:35:49] Not a single part of this passes the smell test. This shit is so stupid
[05:36:00] It's weird how you stick up for a guy doing the same thing Joe Rogan did for not doing his due diligence. Wait, what?
[05:36:06] Not doing his due diligence. Do you know how many people fucking governors meet in their time as a governor of a state?
[05:36:18] I'm sure there's significantly worse things that other people have done that have met the governor
[05:36:25] Okay, a 2015 Facebook post that is bad for the record. This is ridiculous
[05:36:31] okay, is not going to be a
[05:36:36] a salient attack point.
[05:36:47] What the fuck?
[05:36:54] Like, Trump had dinner with a Nazi.
[05:36:58] What are you guys saying?
[05:37:03] Trump had dinner, like literally dined with a Nazi.
[05:37:14] What the fuck?
[05:37:23] Trump also had actual Nazis in his cabinet too.
[05:37:38] so pro-choice Nancy Pelosi asked me if I should tone it down I stand with Planned Parenthood and we
[05:37:45] won. Wow I can't believe it. Apparently Critics Blast VP nominee Tim Walsh were massive COVID-19
[05:37:54] fraud under his watch. What dude Donald Trump was the president bro what are these people doing?
[05:38:02] Dude, I'm so confused like PPP fraud. Remember a couple days ago. Remember a couple days
[05:38:15] ago when someone was like talking about PPP or like COVID programs. And I said that like
[05:38:23] the PPP fraud stuff you could point to, but Americans love getting money. And ultimately
[05:38:30] that was like not seen as a negative overall, even though there was a lot of like, if
[05:38:34] If I were to criticize the fraud that occurred under the pandemic recovery plans that I would
[05:38:45] just simply talk about how big corporations abuse PPP loans, knowing full well that they
[05:38:50] would never have to repay them, knowing full well that they didn't actually have to give
[05:38:54] it back to their workers and just like pocket of the cash.
[05:38:58] But beyond that, I wouldn't talk about it too much because overall people like
[05:39:02] the steamy checks. Yes, I said PP. What is happening? Are you guys, is this still the
[05:39:13] like Aiden Ross fan base still remaining in this chat? What's going on? Are you PPP loans
[05:39:40] on my job? 90% went to small businesses and sole props rare fraud. No, there wasn't rare
[05:39:46] fraud. PPP loan frauds were were very commonplace. Are you kidding me? It was a state level thing,
[05:39:53] not PPP feeding our future. He admitted it didn't work out great, but they recovered
[05:39:57] all the money I think so honestly I don't really care. Oh someone brought this up the
[05:40:01] other day that this could be a line of attack. Education department says the Education Department
[05:40:07] after report criticized oversight of feeding our future. Wall said the legislative auditors
[05:40:11] report was a fair critique of the department though he said no state employees are recused
[05:40:15] the wrongdoing. Relax is called dark humor libtard thank you. Governor Tim Walz oh fuck
[05:40:28] I don't have fucking I'm not subscribing to the Starship union. Sorry. No disrespect
[05:40:35] Go to Wall said in a report last week that scrutinized the state education department for his lack of oversight for feeding our future
[05:40:41] The nonprofit at the center of a massive FBI fraud investigation is a fair critique
[05:40:45] But he added that the state agency has improved oversight measures to prevent fraud he defended state employees for their work during crisis
[05:40:50] We can always do better to get in context matters
[05:40:52] It was a challenging time for everybody Wall said in 2020 when the pandemic shuttered schools and organizations of russian to get food
[05:40:57] to children in need. We take responsibility for that. The Office of Legislative Auditor
[05:41:03] and nonpartisan office of the Audit State Government released this 120-page special
[05:41:10] report last week, criticizing the Education Department's inadequate oversight over feeding
[05:41:14] our future, which created opportunities for fraud instead of fail to act on warning
[05:41:17] signs in the meal programs. When asked Monday about the report, I had a news conference
[05:41:21] on other subjects' walls. Thanks the legislative auditor's office for the report and for
[05:41:27] the legislature for adding new tools for the Education Department, including hiring
[05:41:30] an inspector general to investigate fraud allegations.
[05:41:37] What is it?
[05:41:38] Basically, it wasn't due to corruption or anything, it was due to not being designed
[05:41:41] as an adequate auditing slash checks built in, which is a fair critique, but they
[05:41:44] caught it and prosecuted accordingly, so it didn't even happen.
[05:41:48] The U.S. Department of Agriculture reimburses schools, nonprofits, and daycares for feeding
[05:41:51] low-income children.
[05:41:54] Legislative auditor Judy Randall told the bipartisan group of lawmakers last week that the
[05:41:56] the Education Department and other state agencies
[05:41:58] don't have a regulatory mindset.
[05:41:59] Instead, employees are focused on helping our position
[05:42:01] with technical assistance in submitting federal reimbursements.
[05:42:06] FBI agent testified that the FBI opened his investigation
[05:42:09] after Education Department employees reported concerns
[05:42:11] or Randall said her office saw no documentation of that.
[05:42:14] Instead, the FBI content department in February of 2021,
[05:42:18] state Republicans said the report vindicated them
[05:42:19] for criticizing the Education Department in 2022.
[05:42:24] When asked about it,
[05:42:24] They simply didn't do as much due diligence as they should have,
[05:42:28] noting that the agency has a new commissioner Willie Jett who started in 2023.
[05:42:32] Education commissioner Heather Muller defended the agency's diligence.
[05:42:36] You should read into the scandal during the trial.
[05:42:38] One of the jurors was dismissed because the defendants tried to bribe them with money.
[05:42:48] What?
[05:42:53] I served in a combat zone.
[05:42:55] I never said that I saw a firefight in my city.
[05:42:58] I never said that I saw a firefight in my city.
[05:43:04] I never said that I saw a firefight myself
[05:43:09] Katie Vance hit out at a CNN correspondent Brianna Kaler slanderous and shameful and opposed ever Kaler said vance did not see combat during his deployment in Iraq I
[05:43:18] Served it a combat zone. I never said that I saw a firefight myself. I know the the rally in Arizona is starting
[05:43:29] You want to come in?
[05:43:31] But it's not it's not yet. We got Mark Kelly and shit
[05:43:35] Yeah, Kamala Harris and Tim Walser in her
[05:43:40] You're lipped up. I'll tell you when it when it's done. It's this is is Mark Kelly and and
[05:43:55] Mara said hell yeah mark Kelly
[05:43:57] Trump just called the New York Times and said he will sue them because he said he lied about that
[05:44:02] They said he lied about a helicopter crash in an angry phone call nearly two hours ago as he
[05:44:07] Contended with airplane mechanics issues
[05:44:10] Trump assisted to the times he has records from a bad helicopter landing with Willie Brown
[05:44:14] that Brown says never happened and threatened to sue the newspaper.
[05:44:18] When asked to see the record, Trump responded mockingly in a sing-song childlike voice,
[05:44:22] repeating the question, what is going on?
[05:44:43] Kind of holds him not going to lie, I'm lipped up.
[05:44:52] I don't even think it's delayed PTSD, I think it's just PTSD.
[05:44:57] Trump also put out this video after the flames forced the land.
[05:45:00] It's a really beautiful place Montana, so beautiful flying over and you just look down
[05:45:05] That's the way it's supposed to be, but we have a very high rating in Montana.
[05:45:11] We have a lot of popularity, I like them, they like me, but I'm here to do some fundraisers
[05:45:17] and most importantly to support Kim Sheehy who's running for the U.S. Senate and we think
[05:45:23] he's going to do really well, we're going to have a rally and it'll be a lot of
[05:45:26] fun and then tomorrow we're going to do some more different stops, different
[05:45:30] Hussain's dad is Trump lol. Yeah
[05:46:00] the way they got out. It's an embarrassment to our country. So we have a great campaign. We have
[05:46:07] something that's going to be really very important. It's called, you know, going to make America great
[05:46:13] again. And it's going to happen very fast. We're going to become energy independent again.
[05:46:17] Prices are going to start going down, including for food, for energy and everything else.
[05:46:22] And we're going to really do a job. Thank you very much.
[05:46:24] does moron know about your mega billionaire dad no i mean he's here my
[05:46:35] mega billionaire dad um i didn't know about it either his news to me yeah that's
[05:46:42] why i lived in fucking lived in basically squalor and until recently until i
[05:46:52] bought my fucking dentist until i leased my dentist Porsche i was driving my
[05:47:00] I fucking 2010 put a Camry Sport.
[05:47:09] Cause you definitely know who these old that too for sure.
[05:47:35] It's good.
[05:47:43] I heard a song won't watch part one of dog 404 vid.
[05:47:47] Why?
[05:47:48] I thought the second,
[05:47:50] the second one was much more important than the first one.
[05:47:53] That's why I skipped the first one.
[05:47:54] The first one was like, he fakes his videos
[05:47:58] and I think he like ran an illegal lottery.
[05:48:04] but like the illegal lottery thing, yeah,
[05:48:09] the illegal lottery thing is like, whatever.
[05:48:13] I think it's just like,
[05:48:14] you can chalk that up to just malpractice
[05:48:17] or not knowing how things are supposed to work.
[05:48:21] It's technically legal.
[05:48:23] Oh, no, there you go.
[05:48:33] Donald's so relatable, we all have PJs like this.
[05:48:35] Yeah, the thing is, they like that he has a,
[05:48:43] they like that he has a fucking PJ.
[05:48:45] They don't like it when I get a PJ from all the money that I make off the top of the hour
[05:48:49] ad break that I serve. What's up? No, it's not time yet. You can sit down if you want.
[05:48:54] Like they don't like it when I, when I get multiple PJs off of like all of the top of
[05:48:59] the hour ad breaks that I serve where I tell you that if you no longer want to see those
[05:49:03] ads, all you need to do is subscribe for $5 or for free with the Twitch Prime by connecting
[05:49:08] your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account. It's been a long time.
[05:49:16] been a long time. I'm alive. I know there's been a lot of skeptics out there that said
[05:49:22] that I was dead, but it's not true. I actually did get COVID.
[05:49:27] It's good. Who's that? Who's that? I don't still have it.
[05:49:33] Oh my God. March walked in and Austin said, who is that?
[05:49:36] No, I didn't see it. Without even a shred of, no, I wish it was fake. I wish what
[05:49:42] just occurred. I didn't see who it was. You would wave to somebody and I turned
[05:49:46] around and I was like, who was literally forgot what March looks like, bro.
[05:49:51] You know, like, did you, did you also, did you see Murad and think that he was me?
[05:49:56] No, I, I remember who everybody was. Look, I've been gone for a little bit. I was supposed
[05:50:02] to be back last weekend, but I missed a fly. I didn't miss a flight. My flight got
[05:50:06] canceled and I got stuck and now I'm a Republican. Yeah. No, but look, the last
[05:50:13] time we were all together, Joe Biden was still the president. Well, he's still the president,
[05:50:19] but like he was still the candidate of the party. And I just want to say, you think there's
[05:50:25] a coincidence, might just me leaving to go, you know, and then Joe Biden dropping out.
[05:50:31] I may have made a few phone calls. I'm not going to say that it was because of me.
[05:50:35] A lot of people saying it's Pelosi, but I just want to say the coincidence, there's
[05:50:40] a little bit too close of a coincidence. Um, but I got the news on a plane. I was actually
[05:50:46] on a plane at the time. And, um, I have a story about a plane. Actually, should I save
[05:50:51] it for the podcast? Save it for the pod, man. It's, he's so bad. He's so bad. He's got,
[05:50:56] he's got playing stories and stories, man. It was bad. It would happen today.
[05:51:00] I'm crazy. Well, I can't even tell you. Okay. Well, I'll give you a hint.
[05:51:05] I almost got in a fight on a plane today. That'll be the hint. Okay. Um,
[05:51:09] Um, but, and I, yeah, but I didn't, it was for the pod.
[05:51:14] Yeah, we're never hearing it.
[05:51:15] No, don't worry.
[05:51:16] He's going to be on the podcast.
[05:51:17] Yeah, I'll be on the podcast.
[05:51:19] It wasn't, no, it was, it was actually anti-Karen.
[05:51:22] I wasn't the Karen this time, okay?
[05:51:24] Okay.
[05:51:25] Um, speaking of Karen's, uh, Donald Trump's plane had to do a landing.
[05:51:30] Yeah.
[05:51:30] Did you hear about this?
[05:51:31] No, it's plane related.
[05:51:32] Angry plane called nearly two, he has helicopter trip records and
[05:51:36] threatens to sue.
[05:51:37] So he's so mad for President Donald J Trump on Friday afternoon vehemently maintained that he had one once been in a dangerous
[05:51:44] Helicopter landing with Willie Brown the former mayor of San Francisco and insisted he had records to prove it
[05:51:50] Despite mr. Brown's denial in an angry phone call to the New York Times reporter as he landed several hours away from his plane rally in
[05:51:56] Bozeman, Montana because the mechanical issues on his plane mr. Trump
[05:52:00] It's the times where it's coverage of his meandering news conference. Oh my God. They wrote meandering
[05:52:07] bro. Oh, it wasn't me and we're so back. We are so back to like 2016 or not even, is
[05:52:14] this is like 20, I was like, this is like 2019, like 2019 saying meandering news conference
[05:52:21] in like a objective article is what it's supposed to be like an objective news piece
[05:52:26] is is very is very 2019 coded. They're like, they're, they're ready.
[05:52:33] Excoriated, not excrochiated. Sorry.
[05:52:35] Um, well, man, you fucking Haberman is not objective. Yeah.
[05:52:39] I didn't know what that word means.
[05:52:41] Anyway, um, well, context is probably means like he was lambasting people.
[05:52:47] He was like, you just use another word to describe angry.
[05:52:50] He was like ripping into a mess. Okay.
[05:52:51] All right.
[05:52:52] You just used a word to describe a word. I didn't know.
[05:52:56] Um, I joined the I represent the American public for the by the way
[05:53:03] We're gonna do the Brazil thing on the pot to the Brazil playing
[05:53:08] Probably not the best to have it in front of Judy Cinderella best
[05:53:12] I have a combo, but anyway, yeah, the video is pretty bad. I was watching it on the plane
[05:53:16] Mr. Trump was expected to keep his rally schedule on Friday is playing
[05:53:20] Boarding a smaller plane to compete the journey complete the journey
[05:53:23] Mr. Brown denied on Thursday that he had ever flown in a helicopter in Mr.
[05:53:26] Trump. It appeared Mr. Trump have made confused.
[05:53:28] Willie Brown with Jerry Brown, the former governor of California, with whom Mr.
[05:53:32] Trump traveled by helicopter in 2018 while surveying wildfire damage in the
[05:53:36] state. But Jerry Brown, who left office in January 2019,
[05:53:39] said through a spokesman there was no emergency landing and no discussion of
[05:53:43] Kamala Harris. Willie Brown, who was a boyfriend of
[05:53:46] vice president Kamala Harris during the 1990s,
[05:53:48] knew Mr. Trump as a potential business associate during those years
[05:53:51] when Mr. Trump, then a New York developer, was working on new projects.
[05:53:55] A biography of Ms. Harris, Kamala's way in American life reported that Mr. Trump has sent
[05:53:59] his private plane for Mr. Brown and Ms. Harris in 1994 to fly them from Boston to New York City.
[05:54:06] We have the flight records of the helicopter Mr. Trump assists to Friday,
[05:54:10] saying the helicopter had landed in a field and indicating that he had intended to release
[05:54:14] the flight records before shouting that he was probably going to sue over the Times article.
[05:54:18] Oh my God. It just when asked to produce the fly records, Mr. Trump respond to mockingly
[05:54:23] repeating the question in a sync song voice as of early Friday evening. He has not provided them.
[05:54:29] Mr. Trump has a history of claiming he will provide evidence. Yes. Like his tax returns
[05:54:36] to back up his claims, but ultimately not doing so. He has also told the helicopter story before
[05:54:40] in his 2023 book, Letters to Trump in which he published a book. That's called Letters to
[05:54:45] Trump. I'm the number one Glaser. I am the great a Glaser of Donald Trump. And I did
[05:54:50] not know he wrote a fucking book, bro. That's crazy. In the book, Mr. Trump, bro, we actually
[05:54:59] had an emergency landing in a helicopter together. It was a little scary for both of us, but
[05:55:03] thankfully we made it. Why would you lie about that? No, it's such a weird thing.
[05:55:11] Cause he thinks he thinks is cool.
[05:55:14] Makes him look cool.
[05:55:16] To be in a helicopter, almost helicopter crash.
[05:55:19] Okay.
[05:55:24] Um, the answer to this question was Biden a good president.
[05:55:32] I mean, he, he was good on certain issues and really bad on others and is, he's still
[05:55:38] alive.
[05:55:39] He's still the president.
[05:55:40] I forget sometimes.
[05:55:42] Read my last message, dude, what I already ran to three minute average at the top of
[05:55:45] the hour, bro.
[05:55:46] Why are you?
[05:55:47] Why are you guys like this politics is back though? I like that
[05:55:58] Like wills here Marge is here, but like QT indicated that she is gonna be late
[05:56:04] Yeah, so I don't know why everyone's here at this time. I
[05:56:08] Don't know. I don't think people understood when when QT said they you guys made a decision to switch it up
[05:56:15] like
[05:56:16] I'm just saying I just know that QT is gonna be late as fuck
[05:56:19] like she won't be here for at least another hour probably most likely you
[05:56:25] didn't I don't think you guys read what she said she says she's done now with
[05:56:30] her nail appointment and she will be coming here after her nail appointment
[05:56:36] You look good. You look good. I'm fucking you you get tan
[05:56:41] That island god damn. Oh, man. Oh, yeah
[05:56:50] Oh
[05:56:51] Man politics I've been watching his son lately. Yeah, he's back. I'm back
[05:56:56] Yeah, that's so you know that's how you know his son is back cuz I'm fucking tuned in 11 a.m. I'm right on that
[05:57:02] I'm right in that chat. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah, well, it looks like he's been on survivor. I love the shirt, too. You look good.
[05:57:10] Listen, are you, uh
[05:57:13] I know you're you're kind of buying in a little bit on the wall side
[05:57:17] Yeah, are you getting into football?
[05:57:19] Because I feel like that's going to be an integral part of the dem's pitch this season dude. He's a he's a fucking
[05:57:25] He's got to be a liking fan. He won the state championship dude. He got a chip. You got a chip when he times
[05:57:30] Yeah. No, I, I not, not football, but like, you know, who knows? Who knows?
[05:57:39] Sorry, that's not going to work for me because I've already planned something.
[05:57:42] Oh, God. Okay.
[05:57:43] That's right. We're taking a train to San Francisco September 4th for my birthday.
[05:57:48] We're watching San Francisco versus the Jets.
[05:57:51] Oh!
[05:57:52] Furand in San Francisco!
[05:57:53] Wait, I love that.
[05:57:54] San Francisco!
[05:57:55] Oh, yeah. I love San Francisco.
[05:57:57] I love San Francisco.
[05:57:59] We're going to dodge human feces and we're going to watch football, baby.
[05:58:03] Oh, yeah.
[05:58:03] Yeah, San Francisco is fake now.
[05:58:05] It's good.
[05:58:06] It's good.
[05:58:07] There's no more.
[05:58:08] I heard it right on a train and stream on a train.
[05:58:10] I like that.
[05:58:11] I don't know if I'll be able to do the train thing, but I wrote.
[05:58:14] I wrote a train recently, but I'm saying because I don't think I'll be able to stream it.
[05:58:19] Really beautiful.
[05:58:20] Oh, there's like not Amtrak.
[05:58:22] No, it's like a gorgeous.
[05:58:24] Okay, they're saying Santa Clara.
[05:58:27] Yeah, I took I took an Amtrak train. It was it's it seemed like it was just covered in urine
[05:58:32] Like all all of the train like everywhere I went it was just it smelled like
[05:58:38] It just smelled like pee everywhere
[05:58:41] Yeah, it's American public trains. It is
[05:58:45] A bit of a mess. I won't lie. I paid six dollars for a business class seat though
[05:58:48] Where was what the fuck's going on? When is when is this rally supposed to start chat?
[05:58:52] When is Kamala coming up?
[05:58:54] I want to watch Austin get lived the fuck up. I'm so excited. I'm missing stream tonight
[05:59:01] I'm ready to go I can end it right now. It's just I know that I knew that QT was gonna get your screen
[05:59:08] You literally have a rally up right now. No, I'm not gonna watch it
[05:59:11] It when when QT is here the moment that she gets here will start the pod
[05:59:20] Yeah, chill bro, it's not
[05:59:24] I thought it was the Beyonce song that was a Beyonce song
[05:59:29] Trader yet. No, bro. You can't you can't oh my god. Look at that fucking crowd show me that crowd again. Oh
[05:59:39] Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. The crowd is crazy. The crowd is actually no, I'm back. I feel listen to this listen
[05:59:44] Okay, what about our queen? Oh fuck? Yeah much. I think he's been really a fantastic president in the United States
[05:59:51] so I
[05:59:53] Really wanted him to make a decision of a better campaign
[05:59:58] because they were not facing the fact of what was happening
[06:00:01] just a little background.
[06:00:02] I've never been that impressed with his political operation.
[06:00:07] Yeah, I'm not, I'm at a time.
[06:00:10] They won the White House Bravo, but.
[06:00:15] So my concern was this ain't happening.
[06:00:21] Dude, that's crazy.
[06:00:24] She's going to mask off.
[06:00:27] But she's right though.
[06:00:28] I know she did do that though. She liked, she'd been popping off.
[06:00:31] And I think we have to make a decision for us this to happen.
[06:00:36] And the president has to make the decision and it was close in 2022.
[06:00:40] I won't say necessarily I knew what I was doing at that time. I know.
[06:00:46] Okay. First of all, you're, you're literally now repeating my talk about
[06:00:52] verbatim. You used to be like, I knew, but it was going to win from the jump.
[06:00:55] No, you're right.
[06:00:56] I'm the one who used to say I've been slowly morphed into you.
[06:01:00] I'm the one who used to say you are actually adopting a lot of my position.
[06:01:04] I really appreciate it.
[06:01:05] You know, I've, I've slowly, it took me a while, but I have slowly adopted, you know,
[06:01:09] I'm still not, I'm still a little bit more moderate on some things.
[06:01:13] Like I do believe in the stock market.
[06:01:20] But other than that, I think we align on most other things.
[06:01:25] No, I don't fuck. I don't know. I have money there. I'm sorry. You know what? I'm sorry.
[06:01:31] I have money there. I'm going to. Yeah, you're done. You're done. I have money there and I
[06:01:36] look, I don't know. I'm sorry. I know. I know this is it comes to a shock. This, by the
[06:01:42] way, this is going to cause Trump to kill himself. I'm not even kidding. I think there's
[06:01:46] a flag on the play here. Like they should definitely that's the that's the rally
[06:01:51] Wait, you know the fucking hair falls early is insane right now dude. I'm not gonna lie pent up
[06:01:56] I'm not a lie dude. This is like this is actually flag on the play
[06:02:01] This is BM bad manners. This is a foul. This is a red flag
[06:02:07] Red card to two yellow cards equals one red card
[06:02:12] No shot
[06:02:13] You can't do this bro. He is going to die
[06:02:17] He's not gonna show up. I feel like I
[06:02:20] I feel like he's just not going to show up to the rally
[06:02:25] Dude Dems are griefing Dems are griefing. This is really fucked up shit. I haven't seen this much energy out of Democrats
[06:02:33] Since Obama. Yeah, it seems no, he's just not gonna do well bro. He hasn't done a rally
[06:02:41] In any battleground states. Yeah, and he chose to do it in fucking bozeman in Montana
[06:02:48] Yeah, okay, which is not a fucking battleground stage. No and the rally is literally tiny. It
[06:02:55] is a tiny ass rally. And this is the one thing that Donald Trump, yeah. Oh my God. This is
[06:03:02] the one thing that like he has always had over. Oh my God. This is the one thing he's always
[06:03:10] maintained over the motherfucking Democrats. He is this the one thing that he's always had over
[06:03:17] the Democrats is that like he has big ass rallies. Oh, that one was Phoenix. Sorry. That's not
[06:03:22] Montana. You know what's crazy though is the Trump's last rally in Phoenix versus the Harris
[06:03:26] Walls rally in Phoenix tonight. Sorry. It's funny because the Montana, you want to see
[06:03:30] the Montana one? Yeah. The first rally that they had in Philadelphia, they were trying,
[06:03:34] the Republicans were trying to say that the only reason why the crowd was big was because
[06:03:38] Meg DeStalion was there. And then they try to say that about Eau Claire where they said,
[06:03:44] where they said in Eau Claire, it was because of Bon Iver.
[06:03:48] And that's the reason why like everyone was there.
[06:03:51] But really?
[06:03:52] If you want to see that, I mean, Vance did this while, you know, Kamala was doing that.
[06:03:56] It was crazy.
[06:03:57] That's crazy.
[06:03:58] Um, but that's just Vance, right?
[06:04:00] It's like Trump versus Trump is important.
[06:04:04] This is biggest compared to Clinton and Obama.
[06:04:05] This could be the largest Democratic rally in Arizona history for Harris Walls tonight.
[06:04:09] January 8th, ahead of the DEM primary, Obama gathered around 12,000. In 16 Clinton gathered
[06:04:16] 10,000, not much to speak of for DEMs before that. Damn. This is awesome. I'm going to move to a swing
[06:04:26] state. You are how fucking lived up I am. I'm going to move to the swing state that needs me,
[06:04:33] and I'm going to register as a citizen of that particular state to vote.
[06:04:37] So now bond bone Eve air
[06:04:44] Yeah, it is hard man. Shut the fuck up. There's like 11 different
[06:04:48] Pronunciation of it in the chat. I don't care man. I'm sorry. No disrespect to the guy
[06:04:52] But when's the last time he had a fucking album? Oh god damn dude. I'll be honest
[06:04:57] I don't even know who that is holy fuck dude. Oh my god every time I bring this up
[06:05:01] There's so many people being like it's bone Apple T. I don't know man. Who is it?
[06:05:05] fuck is he's a he's a talented musician no I'm sure he's a talented musician I
[06:05:15] just don't know but it's like probably know them if I just if I if I would hear
[06:05:19] their music last time I was 2019 shut the fuck up I mean I'm not saying their
[06:05:26] music sucks I just don't even know them and I don't I may have heard their
[06:05:33] songs before they work with Taylor Swift Austin okay great oh okay there
[06:05:37] Okay, you know what now I know them now. Trump rally size for oh yeah this is what I mean it
[06:05:45] hasn't started yet but this is pretty funny. What color is this filled over venue? Bone?
[06:05:52] Bon Iver. So I've got I've got a question. I'm here to learn. I've got a question. So in 2020
[06:06:01] in 2016 they underestimated Trump's numbers in the polls but now that there is a enthusiasm
[06:06:11] that the democrats have closed the enthusiasm gap and maybe pass the republicans uh in the in the in
[06:06:17] enthusiasm they have passed them in enthusiasm will that make the polls look at my go accurate
[06:06:24] oh fuck yeah polls were already accurate 2020 polls were accurate the only time polls were
[06:06:29] for an accurate of 2016.
[06:06:30] Okay.
[06:06:33] Yes!
[06:06:34] I actually love this man.
[06:06:50] Can't you try that?
[06:06:54] Okay bro, you're yelling so much.
[06:06:58] Little volleyball logo please.
[06:07:05] They're gonna say shit about the border,
[06:07:07] it's gonna kill me.
[06:07:08] People showed up in Philadelphia the other night.
[06:07:14] And then 10,000 plus walked into a field
[06:07:17] in Western Wisconsin.
[06:07:24] On Wednesday, the largest crowd of the campaign
[06:07:29] showed up in Detroit, Michigan.
[06:07:31] Mm-hmm, yes, it did.
[06:07:37] But Arizona just couldn't leave it alone, could ya?
[06:07:43] Love how he's talking about the crowds,
[06:07:45] because Trump is going to be steaming.
[06:07:49] He's so mad.
[06:07:52] It's going to make him so mad.
[06:07:56] It's not as if anybody cares about crowd sizes or anything.
[06:07:59] See, he knows.
[06:08:03] Wow smart. Let me begin. Let me begin by giving a few thanks to some people here and a few dear folks to us.
[06:08:10] First of all, I want to thank Arizona for sharing Senator Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords with the rest of the country.
[06:08:15] Gabby was a classmate of mine in 06 and they are both national treasures. Thank you Arizona.
[06:08:26] Also at the privilege of serving with Congressman Gallego and I'll have to tell you he was an amazing colleague and I have to tell you he's going to be an amazing senator.
[06:08:45] I still can't believe Kamala Harris picked him. I can't believe it. I thought she was going to pick her up.
[06:08:55] Yeah.
[06:08:56] All the local elected officials thank you, but the most important thank you to each and every one of you
[06:09:08] Look
[06:09:10] You took time out of your busy lives. You found babysitters. You took time off work
[06:09:15] You'll walk for miles in look. I'm a minnesotan. I'm like a damn snowman. I'm melting here
[06:09:22] We walk on water half the year in Minnesota. It's so damn cold
[06:09:28] You came into this space with
[06:09:30] And you came here for one beautiful, simple reason.
[06:09:42] You love this democracy.
[06:09:44] I'll tell you what, I couldn't be prouder to stand with you and I couldn't be prouder
[06:10:14] to be on this ticket.
[06:10:21] You know what's at the end of this little journey?
[06:10:24] Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States.
[06:10:36] This is a leader who wakes up every day on the side of the American people.
[06:10:43] She will take on the predators, she will take on the fraudsters, she will take on the transnational
[06:10:49] gangs and she will stand up to the corporate interests and put middle America first.
[06:11:02] And she's been effective, she's been willing to reach across the aisle no matter what,
[06:11:07] just to make sure it improves people's lives.
[06:11:09] And I'll have to tell you, I know a little something about commitment to people.
[06:11:14] Some of you heard this, I was born in a small town in Nebraska.
[06:11:17] We talk about small towns, these are those Nebraskans that moved out here for the winters.
[06:11:25] So, look, small town was all about community.
[06:11:30] My mom and dad, they taught us to show some care to your neighbors, show some generosity,
[06:11:35] work towards a common good, be a decent human being to your neighbors.
[06:11:38] I like how he mixes it up a little bit, not word for word.
[06:11:43] My dad, and some of you know him in here, you had him, a chain-smoking Korean war-era veteran,
[06:11:50] cared about his community, but two days after I turned 17, he took me down to join the Army National Guard.
[06:11:57] And for 24 years, I proudly wore that uniform.
[06:12:01] Proud of that service, but what my nation gave my dad and millions of others and me
[06:12:13] was an opportunity to use the GI Bill to get a college education. My dad was a
[06:12:23] teacher, my brothers and sisters, my brothers and sisters and I all became
[06:12:34] teachers and we married teachers. I had the privilege of teaching high school
[06:12:47] social studies for 20 years and you might have heard coaching a state
[06:12:55] championship football team. Oh man. Coach, coach, coach, coach, coach, coach, coach.
[06:13:08] Now if the Vikings could just win. Yeah, thank you. We've earned it. Thank you.
[06:13:17] Oh, I'm so done. If I wasn't voting for him before.
[06:13:22] Better off, better near Green Bay. I'm not voting for us. If I can't, I'm just kidding. That's a joke.
[06:13:28] Look, it was my students. It was my students who were going to be to run.
[06:13:32] They saw in me what I hope to instill in them a commitment to a common good
[06:13:38] The belief the true belief that one person one of us in here can make a difference in somebody's life
[06:13:47] Where's trouble Oh, I
[06:13:52] Wasn't very politically and I did not know it when I decided to run for Congress that there had been one other
[06:13:59] Democrat elected in that district since
[06:14:01] 1992, but my neighbors believed and they graced me with an opportunity to serve them in the United States Congress for 12 years
[06:14:12] And I'm proud of the work. I did as ranking member on the Veterans Affairs Committee working on the Agriculture Committee
[06:14:24] And I worked hand-in-hand with Republicans to make sure that we were crafting legislation that improved the lives of veterans and people all across this country I
[06:14:33] I learned how to compromise without compromising my values.
[06:14:45] And as governor of the great state of Minnesota, I brought all of those experiences to the challenges
[06:14:54] facing the state of Minnesota.
[06:15:00] This idea about a common good, this idea about something bigger than ourselves, this
[06:15:04] idea of kindness, generosity, and compassion, that this building, which I have been told
[06:15:09] by the way, might be the largest political gathering in the history of Arizona.
[06:15:14] Wow.
[06:15:15] Oh, Trump's going to hate that so much.
[06:15:19] I think it's safe to say Donald Trump sees the world a little differently than we do.
[06:15:35] First and foremost, I'm going to be very clear about this.
[06:15:37] He doesn't know the first thing about service.
[06:15:42] It's hard to provide service when you're too busy serving only yourself.
[06:15:49] and again and again, Donald Trump weakens our country to strengthen his own hands.
[06:15:56] You've watched him mock our laws.
[06:15:58] You watched him sow chaos and division at every opportunity.
[06:16:02] And that's to say nothing of his record as president.
[06:16:08] As governors, as governors, he froze during COVID and pitted us in a hunger game against
[06:16:14] our neighbors to try and find basic life-saving needs.
[06:16:19] And because of him, our neighbors died.
[06:16:24] By failing to address COVID, he drove the economy into the ground.
[06:16:29] And let's be very clear.
[06:16:31] The statistics and the facts are clear about this.
[06:16:34] Violent crime was up under Donald Trump.
[06:16:40] And we don't even have to count his crimes in that to make it up.
[06:16:45] It is the first time I hear that.
[06:16:49] I haven't heard that line.
[06:16:50] That's awesome.
[06:16:51] That's fucking so good. Wow. Look he's so good at the oh
[06:16:57] Those oh my god. Oh my god
[06:17:01] I'm at the ballot box
[06:17:12] Especially the gray hairs in the crowd we know we know our relatives
[06:17:17] Republicans used to be the people talking about freedom
[06:17:21] not this group, when they talk about freedom, it means that the government should be
[06:17:28] I skipped it to make it live
[06:17:32] we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make
[06:17:35] we maybe wouldn't make the same choices, but we respect them
[06:17:40] and I know in Minnesota and in Arizona and places across this country
[06:17:45] You know what makes society work best is when you learn a golden rule. Mind your own damn business. That's right
[06:17:51] That's a great way to talk about transitions, dude. Yeah, like medical decisions that are deeply personal. Yeah mind your own fucking business
[06:17:59] But get your fucking government hands off my body. Yeah
[06:18:04] I don't need you telling me about what religion we worship and I sure the heck
[06:18:10] Don't need you to tell me about my family. Thank you
[06:18:19] It's a phenomenal way.
[06:18:23] It is the Hassanabi method for the record.
[06:18:27] This is how I try to neutralize these transphobic arguments all the time.
[06:18:31] My wife of 30 years, because yes, we share family values.
[06:18:35] We just make our own damn choices about our family.
[06:18:38] Do you think they just gauze in Arizona? Fuck no.
[06:18:41] But when we wanted to have children, we went through years of fertility treatment.
[06:18:47] treatment and I remember it was like it was yesterday just waiting for good news
[06:18:53] and then the phone would ring and you would be 10 stop and then you would hear
[06:18:57] that the treatments had failed it was a it would blot out the son that you just
[06:19:03] wanted something so beautiful and so simple to have a child and then one
[06:19:07] day and it wasn't by chance when that news came and we welcomed our daughter
[06:19:12] into the world. We named her hope. We named her hope. This guy's story is
[06:19:24] incredible. Yeah, I know. He's got it. He's got it all. Like imagine, he had no
[06:19:29] aspirations for any of this. And he's so sweet. And now he's, imagine, this guy
[06:19:36] is now vice president of the United States. I don't know why you're crying. So that's crazy.
[06:19:41] When Vice President Harris and I talk about freedom, we're very clear. We
[06:19:46] We mean the freedom to make your own health care decisions and for all of our children
[06:19:57] to be free to go to school without worrying they'll be shot dead in their classroom.
[06:20:11] And in Minnesota, believe me, we believe in the Second Amendment, but we also believe
[06:20:14] in common sense gun violence laws.
[06:20:17] Behind my colleagues and I was in Congress, Ruben could tell the story, for three years
[06:20:26] in a row I was the top gun in the congressional trap shoot so we can shoot better than
[06:20:30] them too. He moved that around in his speech as early around which is good.
[06:20:45] Crippling student loan debt. And this building and what we believe in we are
[06:20:55] people that settle our political differences not through violence but
[06:20:59] through voting. Being a better shot than Dick Cheney, he's the most way to be a better shot.
[06:21:06] He shot no one in the face as far as we know
[06:21:20] Oh my god, oh my god, I'm gonna nut again Tim Boss net worth is less than the average American
[06:21:24] That's crazy
[06:21:26] And he doesn't own any spots. I know I know it's so cool
[06:21:31] And was like anti
[06:21:34] Let's just go ahead and not go through this thing that it's so close. Let's just win big people
[06:21:39] He was the best he was the best shot in Congress when he was in Congress our choice
[06:21:47] How often how often you get a choice so simple that this is going to decide the direction of our country
[06:21:53] Yeah, 87 days to decide the direction we're gonna go and I've been why is it so cool that he's not rich
[06:22:01] 87 days of politician
[06:22:03] Did you see my military is working backwards chatter.
[06:22:11] Think about that.
[06:22:12] We'll sleep when we're dead.
[06:22:14] You know it and I know it, but I think we need to be reminded.
[06:22:24] You know exactly what Donald Trump's plans are.
[06:22:27] You know which direction he's taking us.
[06:22:31] Don't believe this guy.
[06:22:32] Don't believe that's like, listen, no one in here believes this guy.
[06:22:36] So anyway, but don't believe it when he's playing dumb about this project 2025.
[06:22:42] Oh
[06:22:47] Motherfucker they wrote their plan out, but just like they're getting arrogant about it
[06:22:52] They're saying the quiet stuff out loud. It'll take our freedoms. It'll break the economy for the super rich
[06:22:59] Yeah under fun veterans and you know that if he goes back again
[06:23:02] He's not only going to let go where he left off. It is going to be much much much worse
[06:23:09] also he's like it's a new speech to him yeah he freestyles he doesn't tell the
[06:23:17] prompted yet I know I'm preaching to the choir I need had his needs to mix it up
[06:23:22] a little bit I think I saw her speak to the union the other union I thought she
[06:23:28] was much more effective in a smaller than practices over people the choir
[06:23:32] needs to sing the choir Trump stop fighting for your family he doesn't
[06:23:44] give a damn and his running mate shares the same dangerous twisted backward
[06:23:50] agenda every kid every kid in my class of 25 studied at Yale had their career
[06:24:05] funded by Silicon Valley billionaires and then writes a book trashing the very
[06:24:10] I love that. No liberal has ever hit that line before him. I really love it. Liberals
[06:24:18] love Hillbilly Elegy. Did you watch it? Yeah. She actually has the right take on Hillbilly
[06:24:28] Elegy, unlike most liberals.
[06:24:30] We know the stakes.
[06:24:32] We know who they are.
[06:24:34] When they told us, we believe them.
[06:24:36] We know what's coming, but here's the big thing about it is.
[06:24:40] That's a reality that's not going to happen because of the people in this building.
[06:24:43] And millions across the country.
[06:24:49] This is a campaign about the future.
[06:24:52] We know what's there.
[06:24:53] We know it can come.
[06:24:54] We're not people who are afraid of the future.
[06:24:57] We shape the future.
[06:24:58] I think Trump's afraid to do a rally because he knows it won't be this high.
[06:25:03] Pamela Harris believes in the freedom to make your own choices.
[06:25:06] She believes in the opportunity for every single person to enter the middle class.
[06:25:10] And she believes something so beautiful.
[06:25:13] She believes in the promise of America.
[06:25:15] The promise of America.
[06:25:16] Is this Montana rally like campaign fundraising or anything?
[06:25:21] Thank you Madam Vice President for the trust you've placed in me.
[06:25:23] Like what's the benefit there?
[06:25:24] I want to say something else that this incredible leader, this incredible woman
[06:25:30] has brought to this fight she she has brought back compassion and decency and
[06:25:40] humor and joy to our politics he's a really good marketer natural so even the
[06:25:50] joy thing Arizona bring that joy with you bring those files the joy thing is a
[06:25:55] new line from walls as well and it directly is about Kamala hair is laughing all the time
[06:26:01] it's another way to like try to effectively neutralize yeah he wasn't using a teleprompter
[06:26:10] okay awesome you're clapping in my ear bro
[06:26:14] i just wanted to stand for the he uses the joy thing as a way to like cleverly
[06:26:22] neutralize the whole like Kamala is goofy for laughing all the time shit
[06:26:26] it. Oh, by the way, you said, how is he so energetic as a senior? Bro, he's six. They're
[06:26:31] the same age. They're the same age, bro. The value of Mr. Cole campaigner and direct opener
[06:26:38] for Kamala Farah ways, whatever detriments he brings him off of research, which is that
[06:26:41] faith. Anyways, no, his oppo is, is marginal. It's like nothing. There she is. He has
[06:26:49] something that's very important. He has something that's very important. He looks genuine
[06:26:55] And he has charisma and when you're genuine and have charisma, people won't believe all
[06:27:00] the oppo, even if it's real with Donald Trump, people, people saw him as a real guy.
[06:27:06] He was, he was honestly dishonest, which was very refreshing for a lot of people who also
[06:27:12] shared a similar frustration with the way things were going.
[06:27:16] Trump was able to capitalize on that anger and resentment and redirected to enemies
[06:27:21] that he had personally.
[06:27:23] So for that reason, a lot of people don't fucking believe all the awful shit about Donald
[06:27:27] Trump because they founded the charismatic Obama is the same is the same situation.
[06:27:33] Obama's very charismatic.
[06:27:34] He came across as authentic.
[06:27:36] And that's why whenever I tell Austin about shit that Obama did, he doesn't believe
[06:27:40] me and he's like, I don't care.
[06:27:41] I still like him.
[06:27:42] I still don't believe him.
[06:27:43] Walls has that capacity as well.
[06:27:45] So a lot of that opa won't stick on him regardless.
[06:27:48] Oh, yes, madam, madam president.
[06:28:01] Good evening! She's so pretty.
[06:28:15] Let me just start by thanking everyone who is here. Thank you all so very much.
[06:28:39] Yeah, if nobody happened to be back in Arizona, I agree. You know, you know she's a liar.
[06:28:58] I don't think protesters will hit this one. It's Arizona. The crowd is too big to control,
[06:29:06] but I don't think there's like a big enough momentum or mobilization for pro-Palestine protests in Arizona.
[06:29:12] Amite was dedicated his life to the service of our nation as a fighter pilot, as an astronaut,
[06:29:32] and as a member of the United States Congress, and he has given so much to our country.
[06:29:37] He always fights for the people of Arizona, and I am so grateful for your friendship and
[06:29:44] your leadership.
[06:29:45] And so, why do you hate Mark Kelly?
[06:29:48] I already told you, pretty conservative on the border, good on gun issues, obviously,
[06:29:53] especially his wife cool back cool back story anti-union I'm done I'm out come on
[06:30:02] bro you got walls remember he was also clapping like a seal for Benjamin and
[06:30:11] Yahuha which is another issue but president Joe by no no no no just don't
[06:30:33] talk about him we don't need to I don't I don't think I know but it's just like I
[06:30:37] want you know look thank you Joe we don't need to I agree with you though
[06:30:42] But there's nothing to gain by this.
[06:30:45] There's not like a coalition of voters that are like,
[06:30:47] mention Joe, or we won't vote for you.
[06:30:50] We're sad he's not running.
[06:30:54] You know?
[06:30:59] Most of us didn't want him to keep running.
[06:31:06] Just don't talk about him.
[06:31:08] And why is he doing interviews?
[06:31:09] Just don't do anything.
[06:31:12] Just sit behind, just hide.
[06:31:16] Because Republicans would be wasting their time
[06:31:18] to go after Joe Biden.
[06:31:19] He's not running.
[06:31:21] I hope he doesn't speak at the convention. Surely he won't, right?
[06:31:29] I don't know. Surely he won't speak at the convention.
[06:31:33] I mean he can't speak at the convention. Oh God.
[06:31:37] This is fine, bro.
[06:31:50] Thank you.
[06:31:54] Thank you.
[06:31:58] Thank you.
[06:32:05] She's doing she's doing the same dull speech though like it's not gonna hit the same if Waltz is switching it up every time
[06:32:12] You know what I'm saying? I know is a stumps these grown
[06:32:28] Wait, does it purchase first?
[06:32:37] This is big hold on. She's got a thing here together. I'm I'm told an
[06:32:46] Extraordinary number of folks who are here together because we love our country. We're here to fight for our democracy
[06:32:53] Respecting the voices that I think that we are hearing from and let me just say this on topic of what I think I'm hearing over there
[06:33:12] Let me just speak to that for a moment and then I'm gonna get back to the business
[06:33:22] So let me say I have been clear now is the time to get a ceasefire deal
[06:33:31] Now is the time.
[06:33:36] Thanks for the name of the album.
[06:33:38] It's not a collaboration.
[06:33:40] I and I are working around the clock every day to get that ceasefire deal done and bring the hub by respect.
[06:33:56] Your voices, but we are here to now talk about this race in 2024.
[06:34:00] This is the race in 2024.
[06:34:05] Better response the last time.
[06:34:07] It's not going to be enough.
[06:34:09] People are going to get annoyed.
[06:34:11] So, Tim Walz, so let's just say this.
[06:34:14] besides being a much better job though I've come to say I'm speaking shut the
[06:34:20] fuck up you want Trump to win extraordinary person she's known by
[06:34:25] many titles yeah it's still bad people are still gonna protest their kids hope
[06:34:30] and she might have way hey next time there's an even bigger crowd she'll go
[06:34:33] full way made me who knows for 12 years pressures good to his former high
[06:34:40] school students you mean not enough for you yeah it's not just for me big dog you
[06:34:45] did come on this is responding to me football players he was coach no coach
[06:35:01] walls so it's so good to be back in Arizona and I thank you all for turning
[06:35:20] out today this is an extraordinary extraordinary and Arizona also this
[06:35:31] say this as exciting as this is we cannot lose sight of bro I didn't
[06:35:37] even pulled us out. They, they said yes to a $6.5 billion, I believe weapons transfer.
[06:35:47] Like Normie liberals will go, oh, this is great. What else do you want?
[06:35:50] It's going to be hard work, but I know we like hard work. Hard work is good work for
[06:35:54] all of us.
[06:35:55] As many of you know, before I was elected vice president, sorry, I was 6.5 thousand
[06:36:15] munitions to Israel.
[06:36:17] Before that, I was the attorney general and before that, an elected district attorney.
[06:36:32] I was a courtroom prosecutor.
[06:36:39] So I took on- No, the numbers 3.5 billion shut up.
[06:36:44] ...perpetrators of all kinds.
[06:36:46] I got the number wrong.
[06:36:48] This and this.
[06:36:49] ...redators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, scammers who broke
[06:37:01] the rules for the first real day.
[06:37:02] He mixed this up by talking about Trump and what he did.
[06:37:05] So Arizona?
[06:37:09] Hear this, or I say.
[06:37:10] Hear me when I say.
[06:37:12] I know Donald Trump's type.
[06:37:15] I know Donald Trump's type.
[06:37:21] It's not going as much of a.
[06:37:36] I'm going to just criticize the media.
[06:37:37] He's going to say, I think that attitude would be better.
[06:37:39] You know, I hear you, and I'm trying to get this on spot.
[06:37:41] Yeah.
[06:37:42] Largest for profit colleges that scammed students.
[06:37:47] Well, Donald Trump ran a for-profit college that scammed students.
[06:37:58] As a prosecutor, I specialize in cases of sexual abuse.
[06:38:03] Well, Donald Trump was found liable for...
[06:38:05] An American citizen was reportedly shot by the Israeli military today
[06:38:08] while dispersing from a weekly demonstration against an illegal settlement in Beata.
[06:38:11] As attorney general, I held...
[06:38:13] The idea of also block his endos from transporting him to a hospital.
[06:38:17] Well, Donald Trump was just found guilty of fraud, 34 counts.
[06:38:24] And of course, we'll deal with that, we're going to win in November.
[06:38:34] We're going to win in November.
[06:38:38] Just to say, in this campaign, I will proudly put my record against his every day of the week.
[06:38:49] That being said, it's not just about us versus Donald Trump, it is about two different visions,
[06:39:25] One, ours, focused on the future.
[06:39:31] The other, focused on the past.
[06:39:36] And Arizona, we fight for the future.
[06:39:40] The future with affordable healthcare, affordable childcare and paid leave.
[06:39:52] The future where we build a broad-based economy where every American has an opportunity
[06:40:04] to own our home, to start a business, to build wealth.
[06:40:08] Thus today, I know we have a number of Native leaders.
[06:40:18] And as president, I will tell you,
[06:40:21] in our tribal sovereignty and respect
[06:40:26] tribal self-determination, this can
[06:40:37] realize their aspirations.
[06:40:39] And every Native community is a place of opportunity.
[06:40:49] We here, we believe in a future
[06:40:53] where we lower the cost of living for America's families.
[06:41:01] So that they have the chance not just to get by,
[06:41:05] but to get ahead.
[06:41:06] Because look, while our economy is doing well
[06:41:13] by many measures, prices for everyday things
[06:41:17] like groceries are still too high.
[06:41:19] You know it and I know it.
[06:41:22] When I was attorney general, I went
[06:41:24] after price-fixing schemes.
[06:41:27] And when I am president, I will continue that work
[06:41:30] to bring down prices. I will take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging. I will
[06:41:41] take on corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on working families. The cost of prescription
[06:41:55] drugs for all Americans. This is to say, unlike Donald Trump, I will always put the middle
[06:42:09] class and working families first. This is huge. Because you see Coach Walls and I know
[06:42:21] the middle class built the United States of America.
[06:42:35] And while we work to move our nation forward, look Donald Trump be very clear and tends to
[06:42:45] move us backward. Going back.
[06:43:03] Okay guys
[06:43:20] But I'm glad that we saw the palace time part of the equation
[06:43:24] None of this affects you are your rich friends
[06:43:29] Man shut the shut your bitch ass up dude
[06:43:32] I'm a fucking advocate for the working class when I was broke and also what I'm fucking wealthy suck my fucking dick
[06:43:37] Dick, dumbass. None of this affects you.
[06:43:42] We're not doing basketball tonight because we're not doing basketball tonight because I'm doing the pod tonight and also because basketball was canceled because they're doing another event at the, at the, um, at the venue.
[06:43:57] Anyway, I'll talk more about this tomorrow. I love you all. I will obviously, I'll see you tomorrow. We got a lot to cover.
[06:44:04] I didn't even get to have the shit that I wanted to cover today, but I'm going to shoot the fear and podcast right now.
[06:44:10] So I'll see you it's gonna be the first step so back with the full cast you know in quite some time Austin is here
[06:44:16] Cutie's here wills here. We're all here
[06:44:20] anyway
[06:44:21] Love you all free Palestine
[06:44:24] And now I'll see you tomorrow. Bye