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07-31-2024 · 9h 03m

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[00:12:46] fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, pretty no matter where you are in the world, I'm a son
[00:12:49] Parker and there's also a broadcast go to you live from sunny California law,
[00:12:55] sedge those folks were alive and alive. And I hope all the boys, all the girls and all
[00:12:58] the MBS are having a fantastic one because today's beautiful day. Today's a wonderful
[00:13:01] day today is Wednesday. Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, July 31st, last day of
[00:13:09] July. We are in the middle of the summer. We're about to end the summer as a matter
[00:13:14] or fact, but in Los Angeles, California, the summer months, basically start off in the late
[00:13:21] June and go all the way into fall. Well, I guess the summer never really ends here. Anyway,
[00:13:33] folks, it's July 31st, 2024. And it is 11.50am. And I am right on time. So I have nothing
[00:13:46] apologize for in terms of my timeliness no tardiness here folks perfectly on time and
[00:13:54] this is part of the broadcast where I tell you a little bit about my personal news about
[00:13:57] what's going on in the world of a son as an hobby biker image of the time period where
[00:14:05] I pressed the start streaming button and press the stop streaming button that's right
[00:14:16] there are no one piece updates for you guys for all the parasocialists out there I'm
[00:14:20] I'm going to give you a little parasocialist update a little bit.
[00:14:23] What did I do?
[00:14:25] What did I do last night after I ended the broadcast?
[00:14:30] Absolutely nothing.
[00:14:31] I was really tired.
[00:14:32] I was actually pretty tired.
[00:14:36] So I was like, you know what?
[00:14:37] I'm going to have a little bit of me time.
[00:14:40] And that's precisely what I did.
[00:14:41] I watched my hero academia.
[00:14:45] I had my pro at night.
[00:14:47] It was supposed to be my deficit day failed on that front, um, but I did, I did have a
[00:14:54] little bit of pro because I'm the pro goat.
[00:15:00] But beyond that, what Trump is taking questions of black journalism.
[00:15:04] It's tense.
[00:15:05] Okay.
[00:15:06] We'll, we'll dive into that in a second.
[00:15:08] Well, beyond that, nothing else really went to sleep.
[00:15:12] Woke up early, worked out, got brolic.
[00:15:21] You know who it is.
[00:15:22] You know what's about baby? No tub cake. You do the clip from the Porter episode. Poor
[00:15:38] Kaya. I have not. Okay, hold on. I listened to your bottom. I'm a five hour drive. I'm
[00:15:48] only one thing to say to which I was the shittiest. I've known a mankind one second
[00:15:51] without connect too bad. Got to close your video player listening to something too bad
[00:15:55] pause for no fucking reason. Yeah, it's not very good. Anyway, we got the common
[00:16:01] of Veebs, Veebs takes, we have Donald Trump having a meltdown against, uh, I mean, I guess
[00:16:09] he's talking right now at a, uh, a convention for black journalists, which is very stupid
[00:16:17] of him to do so. But, uh, apparently he's melding down a little bit. The Macy is with
[00:16:24] the fat playlist we'll dive into that as well but yeah on the front on the
[00:16:32] personal news front there's not much going on you know what fuck it let's just
[00:16:36] die right into it getting grilled by black watch weird edition let's just die
[00:17:04] the fucking Kamala will announce VP on Tuesday in Philly a next Trump collab
[00:17:27] bro you're missing it no I'm gonna go into it right now I'm not missing shit
[00:17:36] it chill. I'm feeling high profile, heating up pensions and more get we talk about Beirut
[00:18:04] Congrats on your $6 million appraisal by the way. Thank you. Aiden Ross my my real estate
[00:18:09] agent. Dr. Disrespect is back. We'll talk about that as well briefly. There's also
[00:18:22] like the madness happening on Twitter in terms of like uh moist critical being
[00:18:31] cancelled which is so stupid we'll talk about all of that and more in a brief
[00:18:45] moment he just said Kamala Harris is not black that's crazy there are plenty I
[00:18:52] know this lady right over there Paris is a fantastic person who just interviewed
[00:18:57] me at length and we had a great interview I think I heard you got very
[00:19:00] good ratings and when you told me it was the longest one of your life so we had a
[00:19:04] good discussion look I want to talk about that's the Fox lady I mean it is
[00:19:09] not lost on us how divided we are as a country and as you were coming today we
[00:19:14] really got to see that we are divided along the lines of race along the lines
[00:19:18] of gender and there is this question of in this moment where we are why
[00:19:25] Why come here?
[00:19:27] What is your message today?
[00:19:29] My message is to stop people from invading our country that are taking, frankly, a lot
[00:19:37] of problems with it.
[00:19:38] But one of the big problems and a lot of the journalists in this room I know and I have
[00:19:42] great respect for, a lot of the journalists in this room are black.
[00:19:47] I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that
[00:19:54] happen to be taking black jobs you had the best what is that black job sir a
[00:19:59] black job is anybody that has a job that's what it is anybody that has
[00:20:04] alright and they're taking they're taking the employment away from black
[00:20:08] people they're coming in and they're coming in they're invading it's an
[00:20:11] invasion of millions of people probably 15 16 17 million people I have a
[00:20:17] feeling it's much more than that everybody's been seeing what's
[00:20:21] happened. The first group of people, the black population, is affected most by that, and
[00:20:27] Kamala is allowing it to happen. She's the boarder czar. She's the worst boarder czar
[00:20:30] in the history of the world. There's never been a boarder czar like this. She's never
[00:20:34] even essentially been. She said she was there once, but not the right part of the border.
[00:20:38] So she was a boarder czar. She's done a horrible job. These people are coming into
[00:20:42] our country, and they're taking black jobs and Hispanic jobs. And frankly, they're
[00:20:47] taking union jobs. Unions have been very badly affected by all of the millions
[00:20:51] that are pouring into our country. And one thing as we discussed, many of these
[00:20:56] people are coming in from mental institutions, from prisons, from jails,
[00:21:00] they're gang members in other countries. Other countries are setting loose their
[00:21:05] prisoners, they're opening up their prisons and their mental institutions, and
[00:21:09] they're taking their their bad people, drug dealers, gang members, and they're
[00:21:15] bringing them into the United States. And by the way, their crime rate is going down,
[00:21:20] and our crime rate is going to be a disaster.
[00:21:22] Last off, here's the last off. We already dove into the Trump ship, but let the people
[00:21:27] know that we're alive, we're alive, okay? I wanted to get right into it.
[00:21:30] We're in communities of color that are different. We're not all the same. We don't vote the
[00:21:33] same. We don't think the same. It's not monolithic. So as you come here today,
[00:21:38] I want to talk about something that bursts, and this is the weight of the case.
[00:21:43] I did yesterday man, shut up.
[00:21:46] The non-profit money management international recently released data from its mid-year analysis
[00:21:52] that we have found a 52% rise in people who are seeking counseling for being in credit
[00:21:59] debt.
[00:22:00] They're paying for food that is sky high on their credit cards and now they can't
[00:22:04] pay that off.
[00:22:05] The credit counseling non-profit, MMI as I said, is saying now that they've seen
[00:22:09] surges that they haven't seen since we were in a pandemic of people in financial trouble.
[00:22:15] Much of that falls on the shoulders of single moms, single black moms, when you look statistically.
[00:22:22] How do you turn it around?
[00:22:23] What's your plan for the black community when it comes to money?
[00:22:26] So first of all, it's very hard to hear you for whatever reason because of the fact
[00:22:31] that they have bad equipment because I guess, you know, this woman was unable to get
[00:22:34] the right equipment.
[00:22:35] But it's very hard for me to hear you.
[00:22:37] I can hear every other word.
[00:22:39] It's very difficult, actually, but so I don't know
[00:22:42] if they can fix it or do something with it,
[00:22:44] but I'll do the best I can with it.
[00:22:47] The inflation is absolutely destroying our middle class,
[00:22:52] our working class, virtually every class.
[00:22:55] Inflation is a disaster in our country.
[00:22:58] Inflation is a country buster.
[00:23:00] It breaks every country.
[00:23:02] And we had, in my opinion, the worst inflation we've had.
[00:23:05] They say it's 58 years,
[00:23:07] but I think it's much more than that.
[00:23:08] It's been devastating.
[00:23:10] And if you just take a look at a lot of things
[00:23:11] they don't include, like interest rates.
[00:23:14] Interest rates went from 2.4 percent to 10 percent,
[00:23:17] and you can't get the money.
[00:23:18] People can't buy houses.
[00:23:20] They no longer have the American dream.
[00:23:22] Young people, young black people,
[00:23:25] they don't have the American dream anymore.
[00:23:27] They can't buy a house.
[00:23:28] They can't borrow the money because of the cost of the money.
[00:23:31] They can't buy it because of the cost of housing,
[00:23:33] because of the cost of building, because of inflation.
[00:23:36] Inflation is a disaster and it's destroying our country
[00:23:41] and it's destroying the black community
[00:23:43] probably as much or more than any of us.
[00:23:45] So what do you do?
[00:23:46] What's your plan?
[00:23:47] You know what we have to do?
[00:23:47] We have to bring down the cost of energy,
[00:23:49] and that's going to bring down the cost of inflation.
[00:23:51] This was all started with a bad energy policy by Joe
[00:23:55] Biden.
[00:23:57] By the way, just if I might, I was running against a man
[00:24:01] named Biden.
[00:24:02] You probably saw that.
[00:24:04] And he was losing very badly in the polls.
[00:24:06] And then he had a rather bad debate.
[00:24:08] I would say it was a bad debate.
[00:24:09] I would say it was one of the worst debates in history.
[00:24:13] And his poll numbers crashed.
[00:24:15] And instead of saying, you know, let's keep going,
[00:24:18] and maybe something happens the other way,
[00:24:21] they said, oh, we're going to replace him.
[00:24:22] Let's just replace him.
[00:24:23] That's like you're in a fight.
[00:24:24] A price fighter is in a fight.
[00:24:26] He's not doing what you say.
[00:24:27] Let's bring in another fighter.
[00:24:29] So our whole campaign was steered toward him.
[00:24:33] And now we have to steer to it.
[00:24:34] But ultimately it's the same, because they have bad policy.
[00:24:37] They have policies of open borders,
[00:24:39] unbelievable open borders, horrible energy policies.
[00:24:43] They want to get rid of, as you say, gasoline in cars.
[00:24:48] They want to get rid of oil.
[00:24:49] They want to get rid of efficient heating environmentally.
[00:24:54] What they're doing is killing our country.
[00:24:56] They're absolutely destroying our country.
[00:24:58] But the inflation is the thing
[00:25:00] that's hurting the black worker, the black population,
[00:25:05] and every other population within our country.
[00:25:08] Inflation is the worst it's been,
[00:25:10] I think, in over 100 years.
[00:25:12] And they'll fact-check it.
[00:25:13] They'll say, it's only 58, whatever it may be.
[00:25:17] They don't add all the numbers.
[00:25:18] They don't add the really bad numbers,
[00:25:20] and you can check that too.
[00:25:21] But inflation, Harris, is absolutely destroying
[00:25:25] this country and the people in our country.
[00:25:27] Yes, ma'am.
[00:25:28] Can I ask you another question that is also impacting Black women?
[00:25:31] And that's very clear now.
[00:25:34] I'm sorry?
[00:25:35] It's very clear.
[00:25:36] I hear you.
[00:25:37] Okay.
[00:25:38] So, Sadia Massey, someone from Illinois, an unarmed Black woman, was shot the other
[00:25:43] day in her home by a deputy sheriff.
[00:25:46] The deputy has since been charged with murder.
[00:25:50] You said police would get immunity for prosecution if you went.
[00:25:55] Why should someone like that officer have immunity, in your opinion?
[00:26:00] I don't know the exact case, but I saw something, and it didn't look good to me, it didn't look
[00:26:08] good to me.
[00:26:09] Are you talking with the water, right?
[00:26:12] Yeah, well police unions are not backing this person either.
[00:26:17] Are they going to be charging the officer?
[00:26:20] I guess they're charging the officer.
[00:26:21] He's like, because I'm racist.
[00:26:24] Well he might not, it depends on what happens.
[00:26:27] I'm talking about people that are much different cases than that.
[00:26:31] We need people to protect ourselves.
[00:26:33] And by the way in Chicago as an example, a few weeks ago-
[00:26:37] Talk about black on black crime dude, go ahead.
[00:26:40] 117 shootings and 17 deaths.
[00:26:44] Nobody wants that.
[00:26:46] Nobody wants that.
[00:26:47] We need to have our police officers have the respect and dignity back.
[00:26:51] In this particular case I saw something-
[00:26:53] man. Yeah, no, this is really good. So can you get a little more specific back? Yeah,
[00:26:59] the solution to Chicago's gun violence is more policing. That's for the most part, uh,
[00:27:05] no, not even protected by the unions, but sorry, not even more policing, but giving
[00:27:11] police more respect and if a group of people would feel that somebody was being unfairly
[00:27:17] prosecuted because the person did a good job, maybe with crime or made a mistake,
[00:27:22] an innocent mistake. There's a big difference between being a bad person and being an innocent
[00:27:27] person.
[00:27:28] Right now, what you need to understand here, right now, and I'm going to give you a commentary,
[00:27:32] don't yell at me, Trump is trying to message the black men, okay? He made some gains with
[00:27:39] black men. Okay? He's trying to lean into that. The campaign is trying to make more
[00:27:44] gains on that front. And that's why they're ramping up misogyny. It's just for men
[00:27:50] in general it's across the board it's the same it's the same games that they've
[00:27:54] made in men in men across the board specifically non-college educated men
[00:27:59] problem here is he also has a very active white supremacist base so he needs
[00:28:05] to go he needs to dance between this line where he's like especially when it
[00:28:09] comes to prosecutors that are prosecuting you he's trying to dance between this
[00:28:14] line where he's like kind of racist enough but not so racist that like he
[00:28:20] He can still bring up some black men to his side in terms of voting for him.
[00:28:28] That was the most difficult case, and I just want it.
[00:28:31] Now, Biden has a similar case, except much worse.
[00:28:35] I was protected under the Presidential Records Act, Biden wasn't, because he wasn't president
[00:28:40] at the time, and he had 50 years worth of documents, and they ruled that he was incompetent,
[00:28:47] and therefore he shouldn't stand trial.
[00:28:48] And I said, isn't that something?
[00:28:50] He's incompetent, and he can't stand trial, and yet, he can be President.
[00:28:55] Isn't that nice?
[00:28:56] But they released him on the basis that he was incompetent.
[00:28:59] They said he had no memory, and he was a nice old guy, but he had no memory, and therefore
[00:29:04] we're not going to prosecute him.
[00:29:07] I won the case, and it got very little publicity.
[00:29:10] I didn't notice ABC doing any publicity on it.
[00:29:12] George, you're a sloth.
[00:29:13] We're coming to an expense for this, sir.
[00:29:14] I'd love to move over onto the front.
[00:29:15] I didn't notice you do any publicity on it at all.
[00:29:18] I won the case, the biggest case, and this is an attack on a political phone, and I have
[00:29:24] another one where I have a hostile judge- Sir, we have you for a limited time, sir.
[00:29:28] I'd love to move on to different topics.
[00:29:29] Excuse me, you're the one that held me up for 35 minutes, just so you don't understand.
[00:29:33] If we can move on now to the State of the Race, sir, I want to get back to the campaign.
[00:29:38] Senator J.D. Vance is your running mate.
[00:29:40] He's had a lot of controversy lately, and I want to read you a few things that
[00:29:43] he has said in the past.
[00:29:45] He said the Democrats running the country are a bunch of childless cat ladies who are
[00:29:49] miserable at their own lives and the choices they've made.
[00:29:52] And so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.
[00:29:56] He's not talking here about how great it is to be a parent.
[00:29:59] He's attacking what he says are the choices people are making to not have children.
[00:30:04] Did you know that he had these views about people who do not have children before the
[00:30:08] exhibition?
[00:30:09] Oh, that's a great way to ask that question.
[00:30:10] Oh, my God.
[00:30:11] What a great way to ask that question.
[00:30:12] He is very family oriented, and he thinks family is a great thing.
[00:30:16] Of course he's not going to answer it, but it's a great framing on that.
[00:30:20] I know people with families, I know people with great families, I know people with very troubled families,
[00:30:24] and I also know people with no families that didn't meet the right person.
[00:30:28] Things happen. You go through life, you don't meet the right person.
[00:30:31] But he's not just talking about families here. He also says that the people that don't have children should get less votes than those that do.
[00:30:36] I'm just speaking for myself. I think I'm speaking for him too.
[00:30:40] He strongly believes in family, but I know people with great families.
[00:30:44] I know people with not great families that don't have a family.
[00:30:48] And the people without a family are far better.
[00:30:50] They're superior in many cases, okay?
[00:30:53] He's not saying they're not.
[00:30:55] What he's saying is that he thinks the family experience is a very important thing.
[00:30:59] It's a very good thing.
[00:31:00] But that doesn't mean that if you grow up and you grow older and you don't meet
[00:31:04] somebody that would be wonderful to meet and would have been good, that that's a
[00:31:08] bad thing.
[00:31:09] He's not saying that.
[00:31:10] My interpretation, you'll have to ask him, actually,
[00:31:13] but my interpretation is he's strongly family oriented,
[00:31:16] but that doesn't mean if you don't have a family,
[00:31:19] there's something wrong with it.
[00:31:21] Just one last point, and then we'll move on.
[00:31:22] Just one of the bedrock principles of American life
[00:31:25] is one person, one vote.
[00:31:28] Senator J.D. Vance has suggested
[00:31:29] that someone who has children
[00:31:31] should have more votes than a person
[00:31:33] who does not have children.
[00:31:34] I just wanna be clear here.
[00:31:36] Is that the position of your campaign?
[00:31:38] Well, no, but it's not something I've ever heard before.
[00:31:41] I can tell you this.
[00:31:42] Right now, you have illegal aliens coming into our country,
[00:31:46] many from prisons and many from mental institutions,
[00:31:50] and they want to give them votes.
[00:31:52] I don't think they should have votes.
[00:31:53] They came into our country illegally,
[00:31:55] and they're taking the vote away
[00:31:56] from all of the people in this room
[00:31:58] that have been here a long time, that have worked hard,
[00:32:01] that in many cases, and you'll see this happening,
[00:32:04] if I'm not elected, you're going to see it happen.
[00:32:05] If I am, you're not going to have any problem.
[00:32:07] But you're going to see it happening a long time.
[00:32:10] You're going to see the people in this room
[00:32:12] and people outside of this room
[00:32:14] are going to be losing their jobs to people
[00:32:16] that have come into this country illegally.
[00:32:19] Mr. President, can we stay with just kind of the state
[00:32:21] of the race right now?
[00:32:22] Because I felt like that Vice President question,
[00:32:25] candidate question was right in there with that.
[00:32:29] So let's talk about J.D. Vance for a little bit.
[00:32:32] He's had some stumbles out of the gate.
[00:32:33] I don't know if you're hearing what we hear as reporters,
[00:32:36] but it's been a tough couple of weeks for him.
[00:32:39] Why did you choose JD Vance?
[00:32:42] Why didn't I?
[00:32:43] Why did you choose him?
[00:32:44] And I'm having a hard time hearing too.
[00:32:46] I chose him because...
[00:32:47] Everybody out there can, but it's hard.
[00:32:47] I'll tell you why.
[00:32:49] I chose him because he's a very strong believer in work
[00:32:54] and the working man and woman,
[00:32:57] and especially the working man and woman
[00:32:59] who have been treated very unfairly
[00:33:01] because you have many of them,
[00:33:03] many of them in this room.
[00:33:04] But you have many of those people
[00:33:06] They were treated very unfairly.
[00:33:07] They worked very hard and they were treated unfairly.
[00:33:10] He wrote the book that became a best seller.
[00:33:13] The movie became a smash hit.
[00:33:16] He's a very smart guy without the benefit of having a family
[00:33:20] that has contacts like the father that was well connected.
[00:33:24] He got into Yale Law School.
[00:33:26] He graduated in two years from Ohio State,
[00:33:29] Summa Cum Laude.
[00:33:30] I mean, you take a look at, you know,
[00:33:32] his career has been an amazing career.
[00:33:35] He started off at a level with a difficult family situation,
[00:33:40] very difficult, with the mother and the father
[00:33:43] and everything else.
[00:33:44] He ends up going to Yale Law School,
[00:33:46] was one of the top students, became the head
[00:33:48] of the law journal.
[00:33:50] I mean, that's an amazing thing.
[00:33:52] He's a four year.
[00:33:53] He was in the military with great distinction
[00:33:56] for four years, got out, went into business,
[00:34:00] became successful in business, very successful
[00:34:02] of business actually did public offerings and other things.
[00:34:06] And I have to believe in that.
[00:34:09] I mean, he's somebody that was born in a rough situation.
[00:34:12] Most of the people know that situation
[00:34:14] because it was very well documented in his book.
[00:34:17] And I have a lot of respect for somebody
[00:34:19] that can get into Yale and become one of the best students
[00:34:23] in Yale that meets a young woman at Yale
[00:34:27] who was also outstanding.
[00:34:29] And they get married.
[00:34:30] They have a beautiful family.
[00:34:31] But he had a, you know, he's made himself an amazing life.
[00:34:35] He then goes to Ohio, lives in Ohio,
[00:34:38] and he had my endorsement, that helped.
[00:34:42] But he wins the Senate.
[00:34:43] He becomes a United States Senator.
[00:34:46] So he's a United States Senator.
[00:34:48] And so Harris, like I respect you for your success,
[00:34:52] I respect people for their success.
[00:34:55] The reason I ask the question is because the last time
[00:34:57] you and I sat and talked was the day that you were shot.
[00:35:01] We'd been together for much of that day.
[00:35:02] You left to go to Butler, Pennsylvania,
[00:35:05] and we didn't know what was next.
[00:35:07] And two days after that...
[00:35:09] I cannot understand your microphone.
[00:35:11] I know. It is really hard for me to understand.
[00:35:13] I can understand you perfectly.
[00:35:15] Chris is closer.
[00:35:16] I cannot understand you.
[00:35:17] I'm not going to hear that.
[00:35:18] But I can't understand...
[00:35:19] Whoa!
[00:35:20] ...for a few more questions.
[00:35:21] Because of the distance,
[00:35:22] and the mics are really in lousy shape,
[00:35:25] but I cannot understand...
[00:35:26] So...
[00:35:27] Are you asking questions?
[00:35:27] ...what you're saying.
[00:35:29] So, what I wanted to say was,
[00:35:30] the last time we spoke, you said some words that were prophetic, because I asked you who
[00:35:37] you wanted to choose for Vice President.
[00:35:40] And you said normally it really wouldn't matter what they would, you know, you choose somebody
[00:35:44] that you think has a future, that sort of thing.
[00:35:47] But you said these words three and a half hours before an attempted assassination on
[00:35:52] your life, you told me that bad things happen Harris, and that's why this decision
[00:35:58] is important this time.
[00:36:00] things happen you said it twice when you look at JD Vance is he ready on day
[00:36:05] one he's just so horrible can't even be a decent human being for one second it's
[00:36:09] so sad man bro you so many American supporters demon I hate it brother you
[00:36:13] need to understand but I will say this there's a lot of pieces of shit out
[00:36:18] there and also there's a lot of people who are nice but very angry president in
[00:36:22] terms of the election does not have any impact I mean virtually no impact there's
[00:36:26] There's just a lot of bad people out there, man, that's it.
[00:36:28] There's a lot of commotion as to who,
[00:36:29] like you're having it on the Democrat side,
[00:36:31] who it's going to be.
[00:36:32] And then that dies down.
[00:36:34] And it's all about the presidential pick.
[00:36:37] Virtually never has it mattered.
[00:36:39] Maybe Lyndon Johnson mattered for different reasons
[00:36:41] of what we're talking about, not for vote reasons,
[00:36:43] but for political reasons, other political reasons.
[00:36:46] But historically, the choice of a vice president
[00:36:49] makes no difference.
[00:36:51] You're voting for the president,
[00:36:53] and you can have a vice president
[00:36:55] who's outstanding in every way, and I think JD is,
[00:36:58] I think that all of them would have been,
[00:37:00] but you're not voting that way,
[00:37:03] you're voting for the president, you're voting for me.
[00:37:05] If you like me, I'm gonna win.
[00:37:07] If you don't like me, I'm not gonna win.
[00:37:09] I'm gonna get my JD Vance question in.
[00:37:11] JD Vance?
[00:37:12] I'm gonna get my JD Vance question in.
[00:37:14] To your point and to Rachel's point,
[00:37:17] he has a lot of opinions about childless women
[00:37:21] like myself or divorced people like yourself.
[00:37:25] Do you think?
[00:37:26] Well, I mean, my point is here.
[00:37:29] But an issue is said in a friendly manner.
[00:37:31] My point is, do you think the Republican party is getting
[00:37:37] a little bit too judgy about people's lives
[00:37:39] when you think about abortion or when you think about what
[00:37:42] J.D. Dancer's saying?
[00:37:44] I don't think.
[00:37:45] Look, I think that the Democrat party is really
[00:37:49] the one that has the problem.
[00:37:50] I think they're radical on abortion
[00:37:52] because they're allowing abortion in the ninth month.
[00:37:55] They're allowing the death of a baby
[00:37:58] after the baby is born, based on the governor of Virginia.
[00:38:03] Based on the governor of Virginia,
[00:38:05] they're allowing the death of the baby
[00:38:07] after it's born.
[00:38:08] They're allowing abortions in the eighth and ninth month.
[00:38:10] Well, Democrats have denied it.
[00:38:13] And I think the Republican Party is actually much less.
[00:38:16] So I think I've made them much less radical, perhaps.
[00:38:18] But the Republican Party, what we're doing
[00:38:20] is bringing it back to the states where everybody wanted it.
[00:38:23] Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives,
[00:38:26] everybody wanted abortion brought back.
[00:38:29] They didn't want Roe v. Wade in the federal government.
[00:38:32] They wanted it.
[00:38:33] Everybody wanted it back.
[00:38:34] But the majority of Americans opposed
[00:38:36] Roe v. Wade being overturned.
[00:38:37] They don't know about this.
[00:38:38] Right now, they're voting.
[00:38:40] It brought it back to the states.
[00:38:42] I believe in the three exceptions.
[00:38:45] Most Americans don't know about it.
[00:38:47] And says, life of the mother, I do.
[00:38:50] I think most people do.
[00:38:51] I think most Republicans do also.
[00:38:53] But if you take a look, right now they're doing,
[00:38:56] it's an amazing thing.
[00:38:58] Out of the federal government,
[00:38:59] it's in states and people are voting.
[00:39:01] And I will say, Ohio is, let's say,
[00:39:04] let's call it a more liberal version,
[00:39:07] has been approved.
[00:39:08] Kansas, the same thing,
[00:39:09] a little bit surprising to a lot of people.
[00:39:11] But the people are now voting
[00:39:14] and it's taking this issue
[00:39:15] that's been going on for 52 years
[00:39:18] and it's torn apart.
[00:39:18] It was literally set. It was not thrown apart. This is just an abject lie.
[00:39:24] Again, 75% of the country consistently pulled on this issue said Roe v. Wayne is good.
[00:39:30] It was considered to be a super precedent.
[00:39:34] Okay?
[00:39:36] Those fucking Supreme Court justices put on there live.
[00:39:42] But they don't want to see the abortion in the ninth month or the eighth month. Almost everybody agrees to that and they certainly don't want to see
[00:39:51] Every part of the Trump rhetoric is just built on lies
[00:39:54] It makes me so fucking mad when I listen to him over an extended period of time
[00:39:58] I I forgot how much he fucking pissed me off like immigrants are rapist drug dealers, whatever lie
[00:40:05] Okay, the exact opposite is the truth. Okay the overall like
[00:40:10] like 90 plus percent of drugs being shipped over the fucking border are apprehended at
[00:40:14] regular points of entry by American citizens.
[00:40:18] American citizens are the ones who are trafficking the drugs into the country.
[00:40:21] Okay.
[00:40:22] So that's just an immediate lie.
[00:40:24] Undocumented migrants are responsible for less crime than documented U.S. citizens.
[00:40:29] Okay.
[00:40:30] Natural born U.S. citizens.
[00:40:31] So that's another lie.
[00:40:33] The notion that like Americans were actually upset about Roe v. Wade also alive.
[00:40:39] No, I'm not going to give you an alzac to finish this, I have to do it in real time, okay?
[00:40:43] Because I don't want to forget.
[00:40:45] The greatest leaders, some of the greatest leaders in the world were in their 80s.
[00:40:49] But here's the question, would you consider stepping down if you felt that your health was declining?
[00:40:55] Oh, absolutely.
[00:40:57] I think I'd know.
[00:40:59] I think I'd know. Look, if I came onto a stage like this and I got treated so rudely as this woman treated me.
[00:41:05] Oh my goodness.
[00:41:07] I'm fine with it, because she was very rude, sir.
[00:41:11] Very rude.
[00:41:12] That was a nasty, that wasn't a question.
[00:41:14] She didn't ask me a question.
[00:41:16] She gave a statement.
[00:41:17] That wasn't a question.
[00:41:17] I mean, this is very, this is classic Trump, though.
[00:41:20] You said you would.
[00:41:21] You would make that happen.
[00:41:22] Oh, absolutely.
[00:41:23] If I thought that I was failing in some way,
[00:41:26] I want people to be shut up.
[00:41:27] I'll go a step further.
[00:41:29] I want anybody running for president
[00:41:31] to take an aptitude test, to take a cognitive test.
[00:41:34] I think it's a great idea.
[00:41:36] And I took two of them, and I aced them.
[00:41:38] I took two of them.
[00:41:40] But let me ask, I would like to have people running
[00:41:44] for president.
[00:41:45] And I don't mean because they're 75 or 85.
[00:41:49] I think anybody running, I'd like to do it.
[00:41:51] People say it's not constitutional.
[00:41:53] I would like to have something passed where you can do it.
[00:41:56] I think we should know.
[00:41:57] I mean, I've watched what's happened in the last couple
[00:42:00] of years under this gentleman,
[00:42:02] and our country is a mess.
[00:42:04] We have inflation.
[00:42:05] We have the millions of people falling in.
[00:42:08] We have Afghanistan, which was the worst, most embarrassing
[00:42:13] moment in the history of our country.
[00:42:15] What he has done to our country, and her too,
[00:42:17] what they've done to our country,
[00:42:19] she has been a horrible vice president.
[00:42:21] She's considered the worst vice president
[00:42:23] in the history of our country.
[00:42:24] Mr. President, I'd like to welcome you,
[00:42:25] but would you consider taking the cognizance out?
[00:42:27] Mr. President, I would love to know.
[00:42:28] And make it public.
[00:42:29] Well, I've already taken two of them, but I'll do it again.
[00:42:31] Mr. President, how do you intend to?
[00:42:34] I suggested, Harris, that let's take one.
[00:42:38] I said, Joe and I will go and take a cognitive test.
[00:42:41] Now, I'd do it with her, too.
[00:42:44] I would do it with her also.
[00:42:45] You know what?
[00:42:46] She failed her law exam.
[00:42:47] She didn't pass her law exam,
[00:42:48] so maybe she wouldn't pass the cognitive test.
[00:42:51] Mr. President, I just think she wouldn't have passed.
[00:42:53] Just to be clear, you know.
[00:42:54] I'm just giving you the fact.
[00:42:55] To be clear, you don't think, Harris.
[00:42:56] I'm just giving you the fact.
[00:42:58] She didn't pass her bar exam,
[00:43:00] and she didn't think she would pass it,
[00:43:02] and she didn't think she was going to have it pass it.
[00:43:04] And I don't know what happened.
[00:43:05] Maybe she passed it.
[00:43:06] I guess she did pass it.
[00:43:07] There's a man over here, I think he must work for her.
[00:43:09] Mr. President, I would love to ask you about January 6th.
[00:43:12] You called yourself the candidate of law and order.
[00:43:15] When Time Magazine asked you if you
[00:43:17] would consider pardoning all the rioters,
[00:43:19] you said yes, absolutely.
[00:43:21] You called them patriots.
[00:43:23] 140 police officers were assaulted that day.
[00:43:26] Their injuries included broken bones,
[00:43:28] at least one officer lost an eye,
[00:43:30] one had two cracked ribs, two smashed spinal discs,
[00:43:33] another had a stroke
[00:43:35] with the people who assaulted those one hundred and forty officers including
[00:43:39] those i just mentioned patriots who deserve pardons
[00:43:42] well let me bring it back to modern-day like about five days ago
[00:43:46] we have an attack
[00:43:48] on the capital
[00:43:49] horrible attack on the capital what are the people that were protesting and
[00:43:54] what he's incredible monuments bells lines all these magnificent limestone
[00:43:59] he's saying
[00:44:00] He's saying that the Benjamin Anyaport is the worst in January 6th.
[00:44:03] That will never actually come off, especially in the limestone.
[00:44:06] It will never, I've been billed there, I know it doesn't start.
[00:44:08] This is why Democrats are so stupid on the Israel issue, okay?
[00:44:11] They viciously attacked our government.
[00:44:14] They fought with police.
[00:44:15] They fought with them much more openly than I saw on January 6th.
[00:44:20] What's going to happen to those people?
[00:44:21] What's going to happen to the people in Portland that destroyed that thing?
[00:44:23] But sir, my question is on those.
[00:44:24] What's going to happen to the people that tried to break it?
[00:44:25] My question is on those rioters who assaulted officers.
[00:44:28] You have to ask me what's going to happen.
[00:44:31] Oh, absolutely, I would.
[00:44:32] You would part of those?
[00:44:33] If they're innocent, I would pardon them.
[00:44:35] They've been convicted.
[00:44:35] And by the way, the Supreme Court just under...
[00:44:38] Well, they were convicted by a very tough system.
[00:44:44] How come the people that tried to burn down Minneapolis?
[00:44:48] How come the people that took over...
[00:44:50] There were tens of thousands of arrests and convictions
[00:44:54] in the BLM protests.
[00:44:55] But so we're talking about flag-building.
[00:45:00] dragging them down the stairs.
[00:45:01] They're on video.
[00:45:02] Have you seen that video, sir?
[00:45:03] Well, they shot.
[00:45:05] You were part of those rioters?
[00:45:06] They shot a young lady in the face who was protesting.
[00:45:12] They shot her in the face.
[00:45:13] You know, nobody died that day.
[00:45:14] You do know that.
[00:45:15] But people died in Seattle.
[00:45:17] Nobody died.
[00:45:18] But people died in Minneapolis.
[00:45:19] You know people died in Minneapolis.
[00:45:21] And nothing happens.
[00:45:22] And nobody ever talks.
[00:45:23] And nothing happens to those people.
[00:45:25] But you went after the J6 people with a vengeance.
[00:45:29] And I'll tell you what, what about the cops that were,
[00:45:32] and I'm all for the police, as you know,
[00:45:34] but what about the police that are ushering,
[00:45:36] ushering everybody into the Capitol?
[00:45:38] Go in, go in, go in.
[00:45:40] What about that?
[00:45:40] Look, nothing is perfect in life.
[00:45:45] But you have people from Minneapolis,
[00:45:49] you have people just from five days ago in Washington, D.C.,
[00:45:52] they were having fist fights and fighting with the police.
[00:45:56] love Donald Trump's idea that like anyone who opposes me needs the most violent apprehension
[00:46:02] from the law. I'm law and order for like black people, brown people, Palestinians, and I
[00:46:09] only want leniency for my fans. Like he very openly is like, it's a brutal system, very
[00:46:17] brutal towards my fans, but also we have to kill these fucking pro-Palestinian protesters.
[00:46:23] It is so flagrant. It's so obvious what he's saying. It's just like, yeah, dog, if you're
[00:46:30] like a right wing Republican and a white guy, you shouldn't go to jail. Okay. If you're
[00:46:36] protesting police brutality, if you're protesting like Israel's genocide, you should be killed.
[00:46:42] I do two things because I can do a lot of things simultaneously. I close the border.
[00:46:46] We don't want people coming. We want people to come in Harris, but they have
[00:46:49] to be vetted, they have to be checked, they have to come in legally. We want people to
[00:46:53] come into our country. But they have to be vetted, they have to be checked. So when you
[00:46:58] say what do I do? That and I drill baby drill. I bring energy way down, I bring interest
[00:47:03] rates are down, I bring inflation way down so people can buy bacon again, so people
[00:47:08] can buy-
[00:47:09] He's a fascist and a leftist.
[00:47:10] Yeah.
[00:47:11] So that people can go to a restaurant and afford it because right now people can't
[00:47:15] by food your grocery bills are up 40 50 60 percent right she's agreeing to me oh
[00:47:21] she's agreeing oh but it's but it's true your grocery bills are up and then
[00:47:30] they're mandating that you buy an all-electric he is so bad endorse me
[00:47:34] he is not good at this guy is a smart guy but I'm against all everybody having
[00:47:40] an electric car. Okay. I'm very much against that. You have to be able to, if you want a
[00:47:45] hybrid or if you want a gasoline propelled car, but you know, we have more liquid gold
[00:47:52] gasoline.
[00:47:53] I mean, he's very entertaining.
[00:47:54] Any other country, more than Saudi Arabia, more than Russia, more than any other country.
[00:47:59] I want to use it. I want to use what we have. I want to bring down prices, bring
[00:48:04] down costs. And I also have to stop the listen, listen, the thing is, this is entertaining
[00:48:10] For me at least I don't know if you guys find entertaining because he's getting fucking grilled
[00:48:14] But also one aspect of this is like the reason why
[00:48:18] He made this appearance is something that you have that or listen last question. I'll get to the
[00:48:30] Okay
[00:48:31] So here's one thing that I have to stress here. Okay
[00:48:40] Donald Trump went to this specifically because the Republican Party
[00:48:45] Currently thinks that there's an avenue for them to pick some
[00:48:49] blackmail votes from the Democratic ticket. Okay, this was a calculation that they were
[00:48:55] relying on to a certain degree when they were matched up against Joseph Robinette Biden.
[00:49:00] Now, having said that, it's just the same exact, I mean, it's like significantly less
[00:49:07] percentages, significantly smaller numbers than like the non-college educated white
[00:49:13] vote, okay? But it's from the main constituency of the Democratic Party that reliably votes
[00:49:20] Democrat historically. So it obviously has a larger impact. So that's his goal here. That's why
[00:49:27] he went. That's why he went. If you're wondering like, why did he go to the National Association
[00:49:31] Black Journalist? Like, why did he do that? That's the reason, right? The problem, however,
[00:49:40] is that that's not exactly a great political calculation for him, because the major base
[00:49:46] of support for the Trump party, for the Republican Party in general historically, is racists.
[00:49:55] Like, we can play a song and dance around and be like, what do you mean Republicans
[00:50:00] are racists, Democrats are the real racists? Like, come on, it's just, that's what it is.
[00:50:04] It's racist vitriol that works really fucking well for the most active parts of the Republican
[00:50:13] Party's base.
[00:50:14] That's why they cynically will defend Confederate soldiers and Confederate generals and all this
[00:50:19] shit, right?
[00:50:22] So the the issue here is that like he can't appear to fucking woke like most race people
[00:50:29] still vote for him.
[00:50:30] And this looks good for racist people because he's like cooking and being really disrespectful
[00:50:36] and rude, the black women, right? But the goal there, the goal in this appearance is
[00:50:42] not to actually galvanize the base of support that was already gonna fucking vote for him.
[00:50:47] Because if you're raised, of course, you're gonna vote for him. You know what I mean?
[00:50:50] Like, of course, you're already there. You're already in the pocket. You're already in
[00:50:54] the fucking 30% Trump cult, right? And the goal here is to basically be able to
[00:51:02] present himself in a, uh, in a somewhat presentable way to black men. Okay. That's what his goal
[00:51:10] is here. Now I'm not saying that this is a successful strategy. I'm not even saying like,
[00:51:15] I'm not one of those people that's claiming like, Oh, black men are voting in droves for
[00:51:19] the Republican party. No, it's just the same exact shit that has been happening with
[00:51:23] men in general. Okay. Like there is a massive gender gap between the Democratic party
[00:51:29] in the Republican party in terms of male voters. Okay. That's just the reality. They respond
[00:51:34] to machismo, but the Republicans don't understand that if you fucking hit it too hard, if you
[00:51:40] hit this line too hard and in a weird way, in a gross way, in the same way that JD Vance
[00:51:45] has been, then you're actually going to come across like really, you're just going
[00:51:50] to come across as somewhat toxic, right? Trump does a much better job at playing
[00:51:57] this tight rope, then JD Vance does, then, you know, Tim Poole does, then all the Republican
[00:52:02] commentators do in general.
[00:52:05] But what he did today, I think, was unsuccessful in terms of like bringing a larger black male
[00:52:17] voter constituency to the Republican party.
[00:52:19] That was the goal, and he failed on that goal.
[00:52:22] It'll look great for Fox News.
[00:52:23] He'll be like, he's a big fighter.
[00:52:25] Look at him.
[00:52:26] like absolutely destroy, eviscerating these sassy women, you know what I mean? Like, but
[00:52:31] ultimately it's also, it's also kind of a setup because like the way he operates around black
[00:52:38] women who are, you know, being contentious is kind of a matchup for how the public will
[00:52:45] read how he operates towards Kamala Harris, who's also a black woman who's going to
[00:52:49] be contentious towards them, right? So ultimately, ultimately, I think his reaction to the way
[00:52:57] that they were grilling him is not great. Like he's not coming across smooth, he's not coming
[00:53:05] across confident, he's coming across as desperate, flailing, and very aggressive. Now that works
[00:53:11] really well, like I said, with non-college educated men in general, he's owning a woman,
[00:53:16] He's owning a black woman, even better.
[00:53:20] But will that look good, will that look good
[00:53:24] to the base of support that he's trying to capture there?
[00:53:27] I don't think so.
[00:53:31] That's it.
[00:53:34] Like it's not, I think that people
[00:53:37] that see the way he behaves and see the way he responds,
[00:53:43] especially I would say black men
[00:53:46] that see the way he behaves and the way he responds
[00:53:49] will be left with a sour taste in their mouths,
[00:53:52] even if they were kind of teetering on the edge
[00:53:54] of potential Trump support due to some of the factors
[00:53:58] that the rest of the non-college educated male vote
[00:54:01] goes for Trump, okay?
[00:54:05] That's what I think.
[00:54:07] I think that he comes across as like
[00:54:08] being super fucking aggro.
[00:54:11] I mean, there were moments where he just openly
[00:54:13] was just like, yeah, no, we literally should,
[00:54:16] we should institute leniency for my supporters during January 6th.
[00:54:22] But yeah, if you were doing BLM riots, BLM protests, then fuck you, you should be killed.
[00:54:29] Like, it's just, like that's so obvious.
[00:54:35] It's such an obvious fucking double standard that you're demonstrating where you're like,
[00:54:39] the criminal justice system is so, so aggressive, you know?
[00:54:45] god damn aggressive towards January sixers or patriots, but also simultaneously not aggressive
[00:54:51] enough at the top of the hour when there's a three minute abbreak and the ad break avoiders
[00:54:58] that don't subscribe for $6 or for free with a twitch prime, uh, don't get punished nearly
[00:55:04] enough with a three minute abbreak. Now, if you want to be a law abiding citizen, that's
[00:55:09] all you need to do. Maybe you can also get gifted a sub if you're lucky, here's
[00:55:12] a three minute abbreak. Now, because at the top of the hour, there is a three
[00:55:20] an abray. You think Harris's speech got Hamas leader killed? What? No. Can you define hog?
[00:55:32] I hear you saying it all the time and then you were talking about Jewish hogs the other
[00:55:35] day and I realize I don't know who falls under the hog label. Thanks brother. Hog just means
[00:55:39] conservative and oftentimes religious fundamentalists. It just means conservative, reactionary.
[00:55:47] There are hogs of all different backgrounds, all different shapes, sizes and varieties,
[00:55:52] But there is this like universality, there is this universality to hog culture in general
[00:55:58] that I find really fun to browse through, to develop a deeper understanding of.
[00:56:08] I'm fascinated with reactionaries as you guys know.
[00:56:12] But hogs come in all different shapes, colors, sizes all around the planet, they just happen
[00:56:19] to be very right-wing. And I don't think a lot of Americans recognize that or a lot of
[00:56:26] people just don't recognize that like there is a universality to the hogs. I mean the fact
[00:56:30] that he did that in front of a room of journalists and they were already souring on him and
[00:56:33] praising him for the last two weeks. He has to change the media narrative to break
[00:56:36] the cycle. He just made it worse. I agree. Thoughts on killing the leader responsible
[00:56:42] for the negotiation after saying U.S. saying Hamas is the one blocking the deal. Oh,
[00:56:45] don't worry. I got all the smoke for that too. Don't fucking worry. I'm going
[00:56:49] talk about that as well. Um, there's a lot going on in the world.
[00:56:53] We got the doctor disrespect shit too. We got moist critical drama.
[00:56:56] We got doctor disrespect coming back and just hitting the fucking right wing
[00:57:00] pipeline. Pokalol says, have a great day. It's on. No, you have a great day.
[00:57:04] Pokalol's.
[00:57:06] Pokalol's my goat. Um, but yeah, I have, um, we're,
[00:57:11] we'll talk about Venezuela a little bit more as well.
[00:57:15] Who cares about that? My man, I know, I know. Well, you know,
[00:57:18] You know how it is if I don't cover fucking YouTube drama people come after me people will kill me. Okay?
[00:57:25] No basketball takes before we dive into the news
[00:57:28] We are going to we are going to be talking about Israel as well in a little bit
[00:57:33] But you know, I just wanted to get started. We went in we went in hot
[00:57:41] But the National Association of Black Journalists had Donald Trump on earlier today
[00:57:48] Okay. The National Association of Black Journalists had Donald Trump on. We watched it. We watched
[00:57:59] parts of it at least, like we watched it towards the end. And he just gave a spectacular
[00:58:05] performance. I mean, just the all time, all time performance from Donald Trump, showcasing
[00:58:11] that he is not exactly the best at dealing with contentious interviews, especially in
[00:58:20] in a relatively hostile environment, I do wish,
[00:58:24] I wish, maybe I'm wrong for saying this,
[00:58:28] but I wish that there was like,
[00:58:30] at least on the aesthetic front,
[00:58:32] if there was like at least one black male journalist on there
[00:58:35] who was also cooking him, or at least like a centrist,
[00:58:39] it would look even worse for him overall,
[00:58:41] because his goal here is literally to captivate
[00:58:46] or to capture any kind of, any kind of, of, uh, you know, black male voters that he can
[00:58:55] potentially go after, but it's a fucking dud anyway.
[00:58:58] That I think was the old method against Joe Biden.
[00:59:02] That's not going to work against Kamala Harris, especially when, uh, you know, the entire
[00:59:10] The entire Republican Party is just running the DEI narrative, which is something that
[00:59:17] every black person, every brown person, every person that's not white has heard a million
[00:59:22] times over in their lives.
[00:59:24] So it's just an immediate reminder of what that is.
[00:59:26] It's like affirmative action, C-R-T, DEI woke.
[00:59:28] These are all substitutes for basically saying you don't deserve your position because
[00:59:32] a white person deserves your position.
[00:59:34] You actually were only appointed to your position due to your skin color.
[00:59:39] It's just a reminder of that white supremacist narrative and if he doesn't fucking, you know,
[00:59:49] if he doesn't try to address that in a better way, if he doesn't have a good enough counter
[00:59:55] to that, if he doesn't have a good enough way to move away from that and like talk
[01:00:00] about Kamala Harris's qualifications, okay?
[01:00:04] He's not going to be able to captivate.
[01:00:06] i mean he's gonna be able he's going to negatively polarized people against them
[01:00:10] people that he's trying to actually
[01:00:12] uh... went over to a side
[01:00:18] i want to start by addressing the elephant in the room sir
[01:00:22] a lot of people did not think
[01:00:24] it was appropriate for you to be here today
[01:00:26] you have pushed false claims about some of your rivals
[01:00:30] from nicky hayley to former president barack obama saying that they were not
[01:00:33] born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four Congresswoman McCuller,
[01:00:38] who were American citizens to go back to where they came from. You have used words like animal
[01:00:44] and rabbit to describe black district attorneys. You've attacked black journalists calling them a
[01:00:49] by the way, every single thing that she's saying is true. You might be like, oh, well,
[01:00:53] she obviously has an agenda, but it's like, but it's true. He did do all of those things.
[01:00:58] Okay? Like her bias in this situation is completely irrelevant to the points that she's making because the points that she's making are absolutely correct. Okay?
[01:01:13] A loser saying the questions that they ask are quote stupid and racist. You've had dinner with a white supremacist at your Mar-a-Lago resort.
[01:01:22] So, my question, sir, now that you are asking black supporters to vote for you, why should
[01:01:28] black voters trust you after you have used language like that?
[01:01:33] Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever been asked a question so in such a horrible
[01:01:39] manner, first question.
[01:01:41] Doesn't he call white journalists losers and call their questions as well?
[01:01:45] No, he definitely does do that.
[01:01:47] But when you're so consistently fucking saying that like a black woman is a rabbit animal,
[01:01:54] like a black DA is a rabbit animal over and over again, like it's a little bit racially
[01:02:00] motivated.
[01:02:01] Right.
[01:02:02] Like context and nuance is important in these situations.
[01:02:07] Right.
[01:02:08] You don't call a woman a bitch or a cocksucker.
[01:02:11] You call a woman a dick.
[01:02:12] Right.
[01:02:13] When you call a woman a bitch, it's a little bit different.
[01:02:15] Okay.
[01:02:16] number one. Number two, like I call myself an ape or a monkey regularly, right? But obviously,
[01:02:26] if you were to do that to a black person, everybody understands what you're doing.
[01:02:30] Contextually, something that might be appropriate in one situation is not going to be appropriate
[01:02:35] in another situation. One is unimaginably racist. The other one is just, you know, jokes, okay?
[01:02:45] Okay, so that's the difference there in terms of like Donald Trump obviously having all the
[01:02:55] smoke for journalists across the board.
[01:02:57] Having said that, however, Donald Trump has been extra racially animated in terms of dealing
[01:03:05] with people of color that are at odds with him, okay?
[01:03:09] You don't even say hello, how are you?
[01:03:17] Are you with ABC because I think they're a fake news network, a terrible network?
[01:03:23] And I think it's disgraceful that I came here in good spirit.
[01:03:30] I love the black population of this country.
[01:03:32] I've done so much for the black population of this country, including employment, including
[01:03:40] opportunity zones with Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, which is one of the
[01:03:45] greatest programs ever for black workers and black entrepreneurs. I done so much. And you
[01:03:52] know, when I say this, dude, I love the black population, dude. Also, like 60 plus year
[01:04:01] old white men can never navigate this situation correctly in general. It's like a, it's like
[01:04:08] losing ground regardless. Like when people will come into my chat and be like, Hassan,
[01:04:13] You never have black women, uh, on as your guests or you never have black people on as
[01:04:19] your guests.
[01:04:20] It's like, there is no effective counter to that.
[01:04:22] You just have to be like, dude, shut the fuck up and move on.
[01:04:25] Right?
[01:04:26] Because what are you?
[01:04:27] What am I supposed to say to that?
[01:04:28] Turn around and be like, Oh no, here are all the black people that I've had on my
[01:04:32] show.
[01:04:33] Like that's a ridiculous fuck.
[01:04:35] You just immediately you're like, you're being fucking weird and racist.
[01:04:38] Okay.
[01:04:39] And it's true.
[01:04:40] Like it is.
[01:04:42] And especially when you're like a 60 plus year old white dude, when you're like a, when
[01:04:48] you're like a 60 plus year old white dude and Joe Biden was really bad on this too.
[01:04:52] You just always come across like you're saying, I got binders full of blacks in my cabinet,
[01:04:59] which is what Joe Biden basically said.
[01:05:03] If you recall on the BET interview that he conducted, he was basically like, I've died.
[01:05:07] So many blacks.
[01:05:08] I have so many blacks.
[01:05:11] Which is, it's never a good look, okay?
[01:05:14] It's just never a good look.
[01:05:16] It's like something that is not going to be easy to address and there's not really anything
[01:05:28] you could do.
[01:05:29] It's a, you know, you're in a bind in that situation.
[01:05:32] But Trump on the other hand, tries to, doesn't be like, listen, I'm the president.
[01:05:37] You could just, the only way that if you're Trump, to answer this question, the only
[01:05:40] to do is like listen I'm I was the president okay I'm president of all
[01:05:44] Americans okay that includes black Americans as well here are some of the
[01:05:49] policy positions that I've I pushed for you know what I mean instead of being
[01:05:56] like instead of being like no I love all the all of the black people I love all
[01:06:03] of the black people of America. Historically black colleges and
[01:06:10] and universities were out of money,
[01:06:12] there was stone call broke, and I saved them,
[01:06:15] and I gave them long-term financing,
[01:06:18] and nobody else was doing it.
[01:06:19] I think it's a very rude introduction.
[01:06:22] I don't know exactly why you would do something like that,
[01:06:25] and let me go a step further.
[01:06:27] I was invited here, and I was told my opponent,
[01:06:30] whether it was Biden or Kamala,
[01:06:33] I was told my opponent was going to be here.
[01:06:36] It turned out my opponent isn't here.
[01:06:38] you invited me under false pretence.
[01:06:40] And then you said, you can't do it with.
[01:06:43] Like, I think, I also personally think
[01:06:46] that this is like a little whiny.
[01:06:50] This is something that he did a lot after 2020
[01:06:53] when he lost the election, where like,
[01:06:55] there's a difference between being butthurt
[01:06:58] about like liberal elites, and then like,
[01:07:02] using that real anger and resentment
[01:07:07] you have towards liberal elites, and then basically packaging that as like real anger
[01:07:12] and resentment that the white working class has towards liberal elites, he does a really
[01:07:17] good job with that. And he did a really good job with that in the 2016 election. He did
[01:07:22] a really good job with that in general. But the, but when you constantly fucking whine
[01:07:27] about how you lot, how you didn't actually lose the election, you come across like
[01:07:30] a whiny fucking loser, and he's doing that here. This isn't a good way to answer any
[01:07:37] of these questions. You just now look butthurt. Okay. You look like you're complaining. You
[01:07:43] look like you, you, it's too narcissistic that even like those in the edges, maybe
[01:07:51] not like the diehard maga loyalist, like that one guy who's like clapping like a fucking
[01:07:55] seal in the audience, but like the average voter who's like maybe thinking about voting
[01:08:00] for Trump, maybe hasn't made up their minds even at this fucking point or whatever. Like
[01:08:05] they're not going to look at this and go, oh yeah, no, that's my goat right there. It
[01:08:08] just, you look like a bitch. Okay. You look like a little baby. Like, you didn't even
[01:08:14] say hello to me. You didn't say hello to me at all. It's very, it's very fucked up.
[01:08:20] You lied to me. Kamala was supposed to be here. Right? Like it's just not, it's
[01:08:28] It's just not great.
[01:08:31] Also he did know Kamala Harris wasn't going to be there.
[01:08:33] Crazy Kamala just rightfully refused to attend the National Association of Black Children's
[01:08:37] Conference, but I'm on my way to meet with them now in Chicago because of which they'll
[01:08:41] probably end up doing, she has no choice, but remember it is only for that reason.
[01:08:49] He tried to hedge his bets and say Kamala Harris will attend this because I'm attending
[01:08:56] it on the off chance that she does attend it.
[01:09:04] I mean, to be fair, Trump got cheated during the 2020 elections.
[01:09:07] What?
[01:09:09] They did cheat Trump during the election.
[01:09:11] No, they didn't.
[01:09:12] What are you talking about?
[01:09:14] We've, oh, yes.
[01:09:16] Hogs are back, baby.
[01:09:17] Hogs are back, baby.
[01:09:19] Oh, hell yeah.
[01:09:21] Hell, yes, dude.
[01:09:23] I love you.
[01:09:23] Chatter.
[01:09:24] Keep chirping.
[01:09:25] Okay.
[01:09:26] Tell me, tell me everything you believe.
[01:09:28] I want to, I want to examine your beliefs really good.
[01:09:31] Okay.
[01:09:32] with zoom well you know where's zoom she's gonna do it with zoom and she's not
[01:09:39] coming and then you are half an hour late just so we understand I have too
[01:09:43] much respect also the reason why he was half an hour late is because apparently
[01:09:49] where is it where the fuck is the the Huffington Post journalist who talked
[01:09:56] about it is it here somewhere no it's not no that's all my other shit where
[01:10:01] I put it in the lineup. Oh, here, according to HuffPost, a deputy editor of HuffPost,
[01:10:11] Philip Lewis, I'm told that Trump is demanding that the National Association of Black Journalists
[01:10:15] do not lie fact check. And that's why the event hasn't started. We're in a standoff.
[01:10:26] It was an ad break, please. Oh, dude, what do you mean? I already ran the ad break.
[01:10:31] So that was part of the reason, that was part of the reason why that he was late.
[01:10:45] But that's pretty awesome in general.
[01:10:47] Yeah, we're going to do the Kamala isn't black clip.
[01:10:50] Hold on.
[01:10:51] He's going to keep going.
[01:10:52] They couldn't get their equipment working or something was wrong.
[01:10:55] I think it's a very nasty question.
[01:10:58] I have answered the question.
[01:11:00] I have been the best president for the black population since Abraham Lincoln.
[01:11:06] That's my answer.
[01:11:07] Better than President Johnson decided to sign the voting rights act.
[01:11:10] Can you just start off a question and answer period, especially when you're 35 minutes
[01:11:14] late because you couldn't get your equipment to work in such a hostile manner?
[01:11:18] I think it's a disgrace.
[01:11:19] Let me just ask a follow-up, sir, and then we'll move on to other questions here.
[01:11:24] Some of your own supporters, including Republicans on Capitol Hill, have labeled Vice President
[01:11:29] Kamala Harris, who is the first black and Asian American woman to serve as vice president
[01:11:33] and be on a major party ticket as a DEI hire.
[01:11:37] Is that acceptable language to you?
[01:11:39] And will you tell those Republicans and those supporters to stop it?
[01:11:43] How do you define DEI?
[01:11:45] Go ahead.
[01:11:46] How do you define it?
[01:11:47] Diversity, equity, inclusion?
[01:11:48] Okay, yeah.
[01:11:49] Go ahead.
[01:11:50] Is that what your definition?
[01:11:51] That is literally the worst.
[01:11:52] Give me a definition then.
[01:11:53] Would you give me a definition of that?
[01:11:54] DEI.
[01:11:55] Give me a definition of that.
[01:11:56] Sir, I'm asking you a question.
[01:11:57] No, no, you have to define it.
[01:11:58] to find the, define it for me if you're like those are, that's what it means. Like it means
[01:12:07] diversity, equity and inclusion. That's, that's what it, you just, if she just defined it,
[01:12:17] I like that in my, in my head cannon, he's like, no, literally, I don't know what it
[01:12:21] means. Everyone keeps saying it. Like, I don't know what those were in my head cannon.
[01:12:29] I'm imagining Trump literally being like,
[01:12:31] I genuinely don't know what those words mean.
[01:12:34] And I'm just kind of scared
[01:12:35] because everyone always talks about it.
[01:12:37] So please, can you help me out a little bit?
[01:12:40] Like it would be so, so sick.
[01:12:46] I just defined it, sir.
[01:12:47] Do you believe that Vice President Kamala Harris
[01:12:49] is only on the ticket because she is a black woman?
[01:12:52] Well, I can say no, I think it's maybe
[01:12:54] a little bit different.
[01:12:55] So I've known her a long time indirectly,
[01:12:58] not directly, very much.
[01:13:00] and she was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was
[01:13:07] black until the number. Bro, bro, like blackness in the United States of America is, is literally
[01:13:28] historically associated with the one drop rule. Okay. It's just defined by whether white supremacists
[01:13:36] consider you black or not. Okay. You can't just like pull that ripcord. It's like saying
[01:13:42] Obama is white because he's half white. Absolutely zero people think that way. Okay. Saying that
[01:13:51] to a room full of black journalists is insane about a woman born in Oakland too. Like,
[01:13:58] Oh Jesus Christ. Like that's not... it's also funny because simultaneously,
[01:14:14] simultaneously the Republican Party is like maybe Kamala Harris was not born in America.
[01:14:18] Okay. Oh Jesus Christ.
[01:14:25] Number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black.
[01:14:29] So I don't know is she Indian or is she black?
[01:14:31] She is always I don't know why.
[01:14:33] But you know what? I respect either one.
[01:14:35] I respect either one, but she obviously doesn't because she was Indian all the way and then
[01:14:40] all of a sudden she made a turn and she went she became a black person just to be clear,
[01:14:45] sir. Do you believe that somebody should look into that too when you ask a continue in a
[01:14:50] very hostile nasty town. It's a direct question, sir. Do you believe that Vice President Kamala
[01:14:54] Harris is a DEI hire as some public official? I mean, I really don't know. Could be,
[01:14:59] could be there. Also, like what difference does it make even if she was a like,
[01:15:04] obviously she's not an Indian woman. Okay. If you're half black, you're black. That's just how it works.
[01:15:09] Okay. In America, because, you know, that's just the way white supremacists see you.
[01:15:17] And that is how society treats you. That's number one. Number two, even if she was just like
[01:15:24] straight up an Indian woman, that's still calling her a DEI hire in that circumstance
[01:15:30] would still be the same shit which is awesome because in a weird way this almost feels
[01:15:43] chat I'm out of jail congratulations the horny toad 420 for being released from jail
[01:15:52] he's right though nope like it just doesn't make any sense unless you mean dei is just directly
[01:16:06] a directly a substitute for the N word so it doesn't fit in his mind to Kamala
[01:16:14] Harris who is Indian and not black I guess he's like what do you mean DI it
[01:16:20] just means the N word it doesn't make sense for Kamala who is Indian is that
[01:16:25] what he's trying to say I don't get it there are some and there are plenty I
[01:16:29] know this lady right over there Harris is a fantastic person who just
[01:16:33] interviewed me at length and we had a great interview I think and I heard you
[01:16:37] get very good ratings and then you told me it was the longest one of your life so
[01:16:40] we had a good discussion look I want to talk about why you're here today I mean
[01:16:45] it is not lost on us how divided we are as a country and as you were coming
[01:16:50] today we really got to see that we were divided along the lines of race along
[01:16:55] the lines of gender yeah Gloria Harris over here is just like desperately
[01:16:59] clinging on to any fucking parachute. She is Donald Trump's parachute in this situation.
[01:17:06] She is trying her very best. She's the Fox News anchor, by the way. And does she like
[01:17:15] him? Yes. She's a Fox News anchor. Or not Gloria Harris, Harris Faulkner. Is that her name?
[01:17:23] Harris Faulkner. What is this line? Like what black person will be convinced on this
[01:17:30] argument is why I hate when people say you are white I grew up around real
[01:17:39] races and none of them would have considered you white I mean it doesn't
[01:17:42] matter I think plenty of races if they didn't know my background would most
[01:17:46] likely say I'm white Harris Faulkner my bad so that's the reason like I have I
[01:17:53] have as a as a white passing individual I I have a shit ton of privilege okay
[01:18:00] until they find out my name or my background or anything like that you
[01:18:04] You know, that's why I say I'm white.
[01:18:10] There is this question of, in this moment where we are, why come here?
[01:18:16] What is your message today?
[01:18:19] My message is to stop people from invading our country that are taking, frankly, a lot
[01:18:27] of problems with it.
[01:18:28] But one of the big problems and a lot of the journalists in this room I know and
[01:18:32] I have great respect for, a lot of the journalists in this room are black.
[01:18:36] I will tell you that coming, coming from the border are millions and millions of people
[01:18:44] that happen to- Okay, we watched the rest of this.
[01:18:47] And then he just like tries to tie back like anti-immigrant sentiment directly to anti-immigration
[01:18:56] sentiment directly to fucking, you know, black people being harmed by immigrants,
[01:19:02] which I mean, I think that that sentiment is captivating for a lot of people because
[01:19:09] there's no counter narrative to it, which is why I always find it to be a very dangerous
[01:19:13] one that the Democrats do not actually have any sort of counter to, even though they should,
[01:19:19] even though they should have had for years, right?
[01:19:24] But I guess luckily for the Democratic Party, the black jobs thing became a meme almost
[01:19:30] instantaneously, coming from Donald Trump, and everybody started making jokes about it.
[01:19:39] But overall, they should really take his numbers with black voters who for some
[01:19:44] reason can't see the light. I mean, one Fox, the host is grilling him and he can't focus on
[01:19:47] black people for one second. Yeah. So there's also an update on, according to New York Times,
[01:19:54] the Iranian supreme leader has issued a direct strike against Israel. We're going to be getting
[01:19:59] to that in a little bit, uh, after obviously Hamas' Politburo chief, Ismael Honea was assassinated,
[01:20:07] World War III potentially, I don't know. Uh, this is entirely in the hands of the American
[01:20:13] government for the record. They let Israel fucking go nutty mode in the region and just like kind
[01:20:20] of got too focused on their own shit. We'll see. We'll see what happens. Um, I'll keep you
[01:20:28] You guys updated on that, okay?
[01:20:31] But overall, not good, not great at all.
[01:20:38] Not a great situation.
[01:20:39] This happened last night.
[01:20:43] I will get to it in a little bit.
[01:20:46] But Black Journal's group president reacts
[01:20:48] to Trump, is it controversy?
[01:20:50] Wait, is this like a before?
[01:20:52] I think the administration has seen
[01:20:53] an even lower number of unemployment.
[01:21:01] What, Usha Vance got suspended on Twitter.
[01:21:03] Who's that?
[01:21:04] Oh, Usha Vance is Vance's wife, JD Vance's wife.
[01:21:15] Okay, but let's continue with this for now.
[01:21:25] Let's finish this off and then we'll be able to do it.
[01:21:27] So there will be a lot of stock checking that is expected on the stage live as it happens.
[01:21:30] It will be published on NABJ's website and elsewhere.
[01:21:34] I do want to let you know there will also be a protest that is planned here.
[01:21:38] We're not sure how large, but there is going to be a protest outside of the hotel
[01:21:43] where Donald Trump will be speaking to journalists.
[01:21:45] And joining us now is CNN political commentator,
[01:21:47] Jamal Simmons.
[01:21:48] He was Vice President Harris's communications director.
[01:21:51] Hi, Jamal.
[01:21:52] Thanks for coming on.
[01:21:53] So Trump is wavering on whether he'll debate Harris.
[01:21:57] He previously said he was willing to debate Joe Biden
[01:21:59] anytime, any place, anywhere.
[01:22:02] What has changed?
[01:22:04] Well, what's changed is I think Trump thought
[01:22:06] after the Supreme Court rulings on immunization
[01:22:09] and immunity rather, and then the Eileen Cannon's
[01:22:13] rulings on the cases down in Florida,
[01:22:16] that maybe he was gonna avoid having to go back
[01:22:18] in front of another judge or prosecutor.
[01:22:21] But if he sits on a debate stage with Kamala Harris,
[01:22:23] that's really facing a prosecutor for 90 minutes
[01:22:25] on the biggest stage America is gonna have,
[01:22:28] this big courtroom of a debate.
[01:22:30] And so I don't know that he really wants to do that.
[01:22:31] If I'm his campaign, I'm thinking twice about it.
[01:22:34] The problem is he gets called the chicken, basically.
[01:22:37] And I think that's what he's trying to avoid.
[01:22:38] So Harris, for her part,
[01:22:40] during a huge diverse crowd at Atlanta last night,
[01:22:43] There is new polling out, consistently showing Harris
[01:22:46] are performing Biden with black voters.
[01:22:49] But our CNN's Ryan Young spoke with some black male voters
[01:22:51] who said they didn't feel like she is speaking directly
[01:22:55] to them.
[01:22:55] What more does she need to do, you think?
[01:22:58] Before she got picked, she had been spending time traveling
[01:23:00] around the country doing an economic tour, particularly
[01:23:03] thinking about African-American men
[01:23:04] and how to talk to African-American men
[01:23:06] about their financial future.
[01:23:08] So when I think about her economic policy,
[01:23:10] what she's been talking about is wealth and wages, right?
[01:23:12] How do we get people more wealth, start more businesses,
[01:23:15] community development, financial institutions,
[01:23:17] these CDFIs that are kind of an arcane language.
[01:23:20] But really how do we get people more wealth,
[01:23:22] and how do we make sure they get more wages?
[01:23:25] We've seen wages grow over the course
[01:23:26] of the Biden-Harris administration.
[01:23:29] She's also talked about health care and childcare,
[01:23:31] because one of the things for families today
[01:23:34] that matters is that if you're sick,
[01:23:36] if your parents are sick, your kids are sick,
[01:23:37] it's hard for you to work.
[01:23:38] You can't get that extra shift.
[01:23:40] Also, if you don't have childcare,
[01:23:41] you can afford child care. If you're starting to start a company, if you're trying to get
[01:23:46] an extra shift at one, if you can't figure out how your kids are taking care of that
[01:23:50] three o'clock, that is a direct impact on how much money you can make. So I think her
[01:23:55] talking directly about these issues to voters is really going to matter if she goes across
[01:23:59] these states.
[01:24:00] I also want to ask you about this.
[01:24:02] Wait, they pulled Trump off stage?
[01:24:04] I think we have to leave it there by the Trump team. That is the last word.
[01:24:11] Oh, they pulled him. I thought it was weird because I thought, oh, there's one last question
[01:24:16] about project 2025. And then he was like, no, we are relieving.
[01:24:22] I didn't realize that they actually, it was his team that pulled them. Oh dude, that's
[01:24:26] really fucking Mr. Trump for coming, coming today and joining us.
[01:24:33] Oh, that's dude. That's not good. Again, that's another, that's another fucking
[01:24:41] misstep overall. I don't know what the fuck he was thinking. Honestly, like there's no
[01:24:47] reason to attend this. You could have just straight up said, I'm not attending it because
[01:24:51] Kamala's not attending it. In his mind, he did great. I mean, this like plays well for
[01:24:59] all the fucking weird sweaty gross races losers where he's like, look at Trump owning
[01:25:03] black women in broad daylight on a public stage. My goat is back. My king is back.
[01:25:10] But this like doesn't look that great to moderates in general.
[01:25:13] I don't think it looks great to the black men that he was trying to win the votes of and
[01:25:19] win favor with, you know, not it's to say he didn't, and he supports black people more
[01:25:26] than anyone.
[01:25:27] Yeah, no, I understand that, but I'm saying that like his, his risk, the reason why he
[01:25:33] wanted to do this is specifically because he wants to, he thought that he could
[01:25:39] managed through this, navigate through this conversation in a way where he kind of didn't
[01:25:43] look like a fucking asshole. Okay. The problem is there's no spin here. You know what I mean?
[01:25:51] Now it just looks like he's at odds. According to Aiden Ross, the topics for a streamer pre-approved
[01:26:00] Dana White, Russia crypto. What the fuck? That's awesome. He's shifting from disenfranchising
[01:26:13] streams to center, but he can't pivot. Yeah. I mean, he's stuck in the middle
[01:26:18] He's stuck in the middle of like his own, you know, his background, what he's done so far in terms of his like commentary, in terms of like how he has presented himself.
[01:26:29] He's stuck. He's stuck in this place where he's like trying to moderate, but he's not having a good time doing so.
[01:26:38] But also the, the, uh, trying to moderate angle he was doing against Joe Biden.
[01:26:46] Maybe there's another instinct there now that he's going up against a black woman, right?
[01:26:51] Maybe the other, maybe the instinct there is, oh, I just hit, I just hit like max racism
[01:26:56] here thinking that that will be good.
[01:26:59] It might play well to the base, but it's not going to play well to moderates.
[01:27:03] It's not going to play well to independence because the biggest problem with the
[01:27:06] Republican Party, and I say this pretty much every single fucking day. I repeated every single fucking day is that they're so high
[01:27:13] off their own farts that they think every American thinks like them, okay?
[01:27:20] They think every American is just as racist. They think every American is just as sexist.
[01:27:27] Now while yes, a lot of Americans are racist, yes, a lot of Americans are sexist,
[01:27:33] the level, the degree of like overt sexism and racism, has to be managed.
[01:27:39] This is why Republicans used to at least do something known as dog whistles, right?
[01:27:45] A will he won't he type situation, where at least there's a little bit of plausible
[01:27:49] deniability for you, an out, so that you can shift the conversation back to your opponent
[01:27:55] being hysterical.
[01:27:56] Donald Trump on the other hand has consistently leaned into that horrible instinct overall
[01:28:03] That is unimaginably toxic to and this is demonstrable by polling.
[01:28:09] This is demonstrable by the outcome of the 2020 election.
[01:28:13] It's it's genuinely toxic to broader sub-sexes of the society where they just go.
[01:28:20] That's a little fucking wild for me, man.
[01:28:23] I don't really I don't know about all this.
[01:28:26] This is at the heart.
[01:28:28] this is at the heart of the entire conversation surrounding Republicans right now and the way
[01:28:37] that they're having a really hard time responding to the Republicans are weird narrative, right?
[01:28:44] When Democrats say Republicans are weird, okay? When Democrats say that, Republicans double down on
[01:28:51] the weird shit where they're like, look at all the trans people I have in my phone. That's a
[01:28:55] weird fucking thing. Why do you have so many videos of trans people on your phone dog? What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't want to see that. What's wrong with you? I don't want to, I don't want to be around you. You're gross. You're so sweaty. Okay. And that's the, that is the heart of the problem here. Okay. This is a more holistic issue. This is a more holistic
[01:29:29] problem than one Trump could solve. And that's why they're stuck in the middle here, where
[01:29:34] they're trying to, where they're basically trying to navigate this treacherous sea, okay?
[01:29:43] Where they want to look moderate, but they can't get themselves to fucking look moderate
[01:29:49] at all, because all they've done thus far is one thing and one thing only. Republicans
[01:29:55] have blinded themselves into thinking that everyone else is secretly in agreement with
[01:29:59] them, but they're just too pussy to say it because of woke, okay, because they'll get
[01:30:05] canceled. Do you understand? And they just cannot comprehend a world where like, no,
[01:30:14] the average American might actually align with you on some of the fucking. The average
[01:30:18] American might think trans people are weird or gross or whatever, but they don't think
[01:30:22] about it as much as you do. And when you are constantly talking about it, then they fucking
[01:30:27] also feel like you're weird and gross. You're weirder and grosser. Do you understand? This
[01:30:37] is another great example of this. Obviously I retweeted this, but like this is the perfect
[01:30:41] example of this. Okay. Conservatives on weird. How about I show you 2500 anti trans means
[01:30:46] I saved on my phone. Still think I'm weird. Look, this is it.
[01:30:49] I'm curious kind of how you're thinking, you know, when you think about your, the
[01:30:52] that you put out content and the way that you think about growing your media empire.
[01:30:57] Here this is the upload job. It's so beautiful seeing one of the narratives that I have championed
[01:31:07] for fucking years become the legitimate like mainstream talking point finally like out of
[01:31:17] everything else. I know I say 2024 year of Hassanabi vindication but this right here is
[01:31:23] something that I have talked about for fucking years, okay? For years. I even covered this
[01:31:30] interview and if you go back and watch my coverage of this interview, you will see exactly the same
[01:31:34] things that I'm saying about how like insanely brainbroken Republicans are and when they are met
[01:31:40] with like a normal human being in broad daylight, okay? Even a liberal journalist such as Taylor
[01:31:48] Lorenz friend of the show like she is presenting herself in a much better way
[01:31:55] in a much better way than the obsessive psychopathic behavior that that uh Chaya
[01:32:03] Rachel is demonstrating it's just like why do you have a fucking photo of a blowjob on your
[01:32:12] phone like what are you doing here this is the upload job what I don't know what
[01:32:21] I
[01:32:25] Live communities even many made fun of you for saying this stuff was not fact-based when it's the correct response the whole time
[01:32:30] I know you're referencing destiny and you're referencing Vosh
[01:32:35] They are also unimaginably brainbroken and they are also permanently online
[01:32:41] That is why whenever these guys would come
[01:32:44] Whenever like right wing republicans would try to be like super transphobic. I would
[01:32:49] Neutralize that argument about being like why the fuck do you care about this yet?
[01:32:51] that you're so gross, like you're behaving in a very weird way.
[01:32:55] Not recognizing that that was the appropriate measure to take in that situation.
[01:33:00] But that's also specifically because those guys are fucking weird.
[01:33:05] They're weird. They're also weird. They're fucking permanently online.
[01:33:09] They debate the ethics of age of consent laws and debate like lolliporn and the ethics of child pornography.
[01:33:17] That's weird as fuck dog. That's weird. That's my point. That's why I always were reiterate my commitment to be normal. Be fucking normal. Now, obviously, because in many respects, especially Desi, he gets his fucking lines from the Democratic Party, I'm sure he
[01:33:41] now says it's good to show how weird these guys are. Okay. I'm sure he has changed his
[01:33:48] mind now. Just like prior to the swap out of Kamala Harris, he was riding with Biden pretty
[01:33:55] fucking aggressively because he gets his notes and just reiterates whatever fucking MSNBC
[01:34:00] is saying, but like in an edgy way. Okay, that's his that's his angle. Anyway, so this
[01:34:18] This is why I always try to get people to understand like being normal plays a big, goes a long
[01:34:24] way plays a big fucking role in, in showcasing.
[01:34:31] He was, I assumed you want to Biden to drop out.
[01:34:34] No man.
[01:34:35] No, I'm not talking about V. I'm talking about destiny.
[01:34:38] He was, no, he apparently went on a fucking Jubilee, like literally the day of the announcement
[01:34:44] you believe video came out where he was like defending Biden, writing with Biden.
[01:35:13] So this is not about him anyway.
[01:35:17] It doesn't matter.
[01:35:21] Let's get to, let's get to what's going on in Israel because obviously the situation
[01:35:28] is developing and it will have obvious global consequences.
[01:35:32] But beyond the global consequences, if you only care about like American domestic politics,
[01:35:38] This is going to be very important for American domestic politics as well, because yesterday,
[01:35:45] last night, last night, Israel, even though they didn't officially technically take credit
[01:35:55] for it, Israel assassinated Ismael Haniah, Ismael Haniah, for those of you who don't
[01:36:01] know, is the uh, Politburo chief of Hamas.
[01:36:06] He is not the military commander, okay?
[01:36:09] He is not a part of the Hamas military wing at all.
[01:36:12] He is the politics chief, the political bureau chief, okay?
[01:36:16] As in the main guy who was a part of the negotiations process, the guy who was free to travel from
[01:36:24] Qatar to Turkey to also Tehran.
[01:36:26] He was in Tehran for the inauguration of the new Iranian president.
[01:36:32] The new Iranian president, which by the way ran on a reform line as well, or significantly
[01:36:38] more reformist than prior leadership. And he was there. He was there in the midst of the
[01:36:46] ceasefire talks that he has been engaging in. He was in Tehran. He got, he got assassinated
[01:36:56] alongside his bodyguard. 15 minutes after you logged off, your luxuries continues.
[01:37:01] Yeah, I know. Of course I was not live when that happened because when I go offline,
[01:37:08] the world collapses all the time. So, you know, that's normal. Now, prior to that, prior
[01:37:18] to that, he's the leader of Hamas, the one who was cheering October 7th. No, he was not
[01:37:25] the one cheering October 7th. That's the Lebanese, that's the dude in Lebanon. The one that you're
[01:37:29] thinking of is the one that like Zionist routinely point to that say that because
[01:37:34] of what Israel has done to us, the Palestinian people, they deserve a million October 7th,
[01:37:39] which by the way is enough to say genocidal intent for Hamas,
[01:37:44] but Israel's unimaginable cruelty
[01:37:47] and unimaginably violent genocidal rhetoric,
[01:37:49] not enough to say if they're genocidal.
[01:37:52] So, but that's not the same person.
[01:37:55] You're thinking of a different person regardless.
[01:37:57] So Ismail Haniye is not a part of the military wing.
[01:38:05] He is, you're thinking of potentially Yahya Sinwar,
[01:38:09] the person who was responsible for the military wing, Ismael Hania, on the other hand, is the
[01:38:15] one in Qatar. He was in Qatar. He had freedom of travel. I believe he might have even gone
[01:38:21] to China to facilitate that Palestinian front deal that China put together.
[01:38:27] He is functionally the mouthpiece. Is he like a prime minister? He was elected for a brief
[01:38:37] moment obviously on the on the Hamas ticket but but regardless he is the
[01:38:48] way that you need to understand it is like he is basically like a diplomat
[01:38:51] and his job and his responsibility in this sorghum stance is the
[01:38:56] facilitation of the ceasefire negotiations okay now the Israeli
[01:39:04] occupying force that already killed his family like slaughtered his family
[01:39:08] completely. Children, grandchildren, I think it was either his like sister's whole family too,
[01:39:14] like his extended family was all wiped out already, okay, which is of course,
[01:39:21] you know, that's expected. I mean, come on, Aaron Gaza, of course, they're going to get
[01:39:25] fucking killed. So that was already expected barbaric behavior from Israel regardless,
[01:39:37] because, but functionally, his role is to be the negotiator.
[01:39:44] And if Israel is in the midst of hostage negotiations with a ceasefire agreement that the American
[01:39:52] government put together, okay, that the American government basically reiterated their commitment
[01:39:57] to over and over again for the past couple of months, while simultaneously claiming Hamas
[01:40:01] is the one breaking these agreements.
[01:40:03] Hamas is the one actually gumming up the works, okay?
[01:40:07] And then Israel, the Mosheblee was the one actually saying, fuck no, okay, fuck no to the deal that was supposedly Israel's own deal, okay?
[01:40:19] Today's New York Times daily episode, Spout of the Hamas is the reason we don't have a ceasefire line and it broke me. I thought we moved past that.
[01:40:31] No, we have not moved past that, because we will never move past that. That is a State Department line.
[01:40:38] they have to reiterate their commitment to Israel. If they fucking say Israel is fucking up the bag,
[01:40:44] obviously, people are going to be like, whoa, what the fuck? Why are we still aiding and
[01:40:48] abetting Israel's genocidal actions, especially when it's deeply unpopular? By the way, as I
[01:40:55] understand, Hania wasn't in Beijing. That was Abu Marzouk and Asim al-Ahmadi. Okay. Yeah,
[01:41:00] I didn't know if he was in Beijing or not. But regardless, by the way, Hezbollah had
[01:41:07] not confirmed whether or not, uh, Fawad Shakur, the Hezbollah top military commander, uh, had
[01:41:14] been killed until, uh, two hours ago. They finally confirmed it, uh, in the strike in
[01:41:19] Beirut that occurred yesterday. Israel's been going after top, uh, like top generals
[01:41:26] and top administration leaders, uh, including obviously militant, uh, like leaders involved
[01:41:32] and militancy within the resistance groups against Israel and America in the region.
[01:41:38] There was another person that they killed as well earlier today, but assassinating Ismail
[01:41:47] Hania is an entirely different equation.
[01:41:51] And I think people don't fully comprehend it, especially because most people don't
[01:41:57] know how this works.
[01:41:58] people don't understand what Ismael Hania's job was.
[01:42:01] And most people are unfortunately diluted on this issue
[01:42:06] because mainstream media just puts a boatload
[01:42:09] of false information under the auspices
[01:42:12] of like impartial coverage.
[01:42:14] Unless you've been following this stuff closely,
[01:42:17] watching my broadcast,
[01:42:22] you're going to be a little bit confused
[01:42:24] about what is going on.
[01:42:29] But the top leader, Ismael Honea, was assassinated in Tehran last night in a precise airstrike.
[01:42:36] They killed him in his bodyguard, okay?
[01:42:40] And it's really fucked up for two reasons.
[01:42:44] One, Ismael Honea is the chief negotiator in the hostage negotiations deal in the
[01:42:50] midst of this ceasefire demand that the United States government is making, right?
[01:42:55] That's number one.
[01:42:56] Why the fuck would you kill the main negotiator?
[01:42:59] of nowhere he's a civilian he's not a fucking he's not associated with the
[01:43:02] military wing regardless that's number one number two number two this happened
[01:43:08] on Iranian soil in the capital okay so it's another major escalation from
[01:43:15] Israel now Israel has killed Iranian nuclear scientists on Iranian soil on a
[01:43:21] regular basis but this is akin to like killing a top diplomat a top foreign
[01:43:28] diplomat in the midst of negotiations on Iran in the soil, which is obviously a little bit
[01:43:33] different than just like marking nuclear scientists with assassinations. They do on a regular basis,
[01:43:38] right? Like I said, Omega Law civilian. What do you mean? I mean, he is a diplomat. That's
[01:43:47] why he has, he is the person responsible for the negotiations. You can't say Omega
[01:43:56] all civilian. Like you're it's it's like assassinating a fucking ambassador ahead of state. Yeah, it would
[01:44:05] be like smoking Blinken. Hamas leader overnight that could have major repercussions for the
[01:44:22] war in Gaza is Maya Hania, a political leader who was one of the chief negotiators in the
[01:44:27] ceasefire talks was killed in Iran just after attending the inauguration of the country's
[01:44:33] new leader. This comes on the heels of another major assassination of a top Hezbollah
[01:44:37] leader in Lebanon. MTS Taiib isn't Beirut. MTS, good morning.
[01:44:42] Good morning. Well, it really does feel like the Middle East is on the brink of a major
[01:44:45] escalation following what appears to be two assassinations carried out by Israel in a matter
[01:44:51] of hours, including here in Beirut. Now, one of the men killed, Ismail Hania, Hamas'
[01:44:56] political chief, has been a key negotiator for a cease-fire and hostage release deal
[01:45:01] with Israel. But any potential agreement is now a major jeopardy.
[01:45:07] chaos in the immediate aftermath of the Israeli airstrike in the southern
[01:45:12] favorite neighborhood of Dahya when we arrived shortly afterwards hundreds had
[01:45:17] gathered after learning four people including two children were killed and
[01:45:21] at least 70 wounded in the attack. Well you might be able to see over my
[01:45:25] shoulder that building over there that was damaged in that Israeli strike and
[01:45:30] as you can imagine it's a scene of real chaos here but also one of real
[01:45:35] In a mood almost unheard of, the Israeli military claimed responsibility for the strike and
[01:45:43] aimed its target.
[01:45:44] Fouad Shukr, also known as Said Mohsen, Hezbollah's most senior military commander and the head
[01:45:52] of its strategic unit.
[01:45:55] Israel says Shukr was responsible for a rocket attack on a soccer field over the
[01:45:59] weekend that killed 12 young people in the Golan Heights.
[01:46:03] But before his bullet could even respond to his apparent killing, Iranian state TV announced
[01:46:11] another major assassination.
[01:46:13] Ismail Hania, the leader of Hamas' political wing.
[01:46:17] While Iran blamed Israel for the killing, Israel has remained silent.
[01:46:21] But it's triggered panic in the Iranian capital with the Revolutionary Guard ordering
[01:46:25] an immediate overhaul of the nation's internal security.
[01:46:29] The assassination has other major implications, too.
[01:46:33] Hania was leading ceasefire and hostage-release negotiations for Hamas, and was widely seen
[01:46:39] as more moderate and pragmatic than Hamas's military leaders, whom, after nearly ten months
[01:46:44] of brutal warfare, continued to battle Israeli forces in Gaza.
[01:46:49] The fear now is those talks could be completely abandoned.
[01:46:52] Yeah, that's the major issue here, is that there's obviously always going to be internal
[01:47:00] conflict within any organization, there's internal conflict within, you know, the Knesset
[01:47:06] in Israel, right? And Yahya Sinwar is seen as a, as a more obviously the military faction
[01:47:15] leader. So Yahya Sinwar is seen as like a significantly less moderate figure in terms
[01:47:21] of the Palestinian resistance than, than Ismael Haniyez. After all, he's the one
[01:47:28] who's literally negotiating the fucking ceasefire deals
[01:47:32] so assassinating the fucking moderate uh... a guy who's talking to you about
[01:47:36] the ceasefire negotiations
[01:47:38] is the most insane thing you can do
[01:47:42] you want to do the ceasefire deal to begin with and release the hostages to
[01:47:46] begin with
[01:47:48] but they don't want that
[01:47:50] israel is never wanted that especially benjamin and yahoo
[01:47:53] does not want that
[01:47:55] okay
[01:47:56] Are you sad? Hamas leader is dead.
[01:47:59] Brick dumb chaser.
[01:48:01] I'm sad that the Israeli hostages are not returning home.
[01:48:06] I'm sad that the Palestinian hostages are not returning home.
[01:48:09] I'm sad that there is no ceasefire in sight.
[01:48:11] I'm sad that our brutal, violent, barbaric attack dog
[01:48:17] in the Middle East is completely unleashed
[01:48:20] and doing whatever the fuck they want to do
[01:48:24] and escalating tensions with the hopes that daddy the united states of america american soldiers american military men and women will go and defend israel when they do this kind of shit
[01:48:36] and get retaliation
[01:48:40] okay
[01:48:43] if you don't comprehend as you cannot comprehend as i want to tell you
[01:48:49] the idea of the technically claim responsibility even though they did they did the same things they can't fucking help themselves they're fascists right
[01:48:56] what do we know about fascist fascist can never help themselves they have to
[01:49:00] fucking flex
[01:49:02] so what did the idea of do
[01:49:03] on their fucking facebook account
[01:49:05] they posted a photo immediately after the assassination
[01:49:09] of the post of all this money and with the words target eliminated
[01:49:14] and they deleted it
[01:49:15] but of course everybody fucking saw it
[01:49:23] the actual mentor leader of the hummus al-qasamber gays mohammed
[01:49:26] dave was already reportedly killed by the eddie of a few weeks ago in han
[01:49:29] units. Anyway, for Chad is still being dumb, he's mine, Hania held no military rank, he
[01:49:46] was not even weapons trained, he was the head of the diplomatic arm of the party, I'm sorry
[01:49:49] more than two moving pieces, confuses some barks at noises Chad is but y'all need to
[01:49:52] catch up or keep your tongues behind your teeth. US officials already claimed it was
[01:50:02] Israel anyway, of course everybody fucking knows it's Israel, what are we talking about?
[01:50:13] And this morning Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said all out war in the region is
[01:50:18] still...
[01:50:19] as far as I understand it's still not, it is not confirmed.
[01:50:25] Still not inevitable, the following Israel's attack in big groups and assassination in Tehran
[01:50:31] that may be wishful thinking as Hezbollah, Hamas, and now crucially Iran will no doubt respond.
[01:50:38] Yeah, you are 100% going. US has lost with 2,500 Marines are deployed outside Lebanon right now.
[01:50:43] It's just starting. US will need to send 100K plus.
[01:50:48] Now, why the fuck are we in the suicide pack when the obvious situation here is reigning
[01:51:00] in the fucking attack dog by telling him no more weapons, that's it, okay?
[01:51:06] That's all you need to do.
[01:51:07] Like you just have to say, if you're America in this circumstance, all you have to do is
[01:51:11] say, hey, you don't want to do this fucking ceasefire that we presented, that we keep
[01:51:16] Repping that we keep actually fucking pointing to as a good deal that people are finally asking demanding in the Western world even
[01:51:25] Okay, no more weapons. That's it. It ends tomorrow. It ends yesterday
[01:51:30] Okay, it could have ended on October 8th if America wanted to end on October 8th. Okay
[01:51:40] That's the reality
[01:51:42] Iran is gonna send another volley of missiles to give American Israel a 48 hour notice anything short of Israel assassinating
[01:51:54] the Ayatollah on live TV will not have consequences with the state of Israel in the short term.
[01:51:58] They've passed every single red line. I don't think Iran is interested in doing anything
[01:52:00] major that puts the existence of the state of Iran as it currently exists at risk. Yeah.
[01:52:06] Iran said that they will respond, that they will retaliate, but everything that they've
[01:52:10] done thus far, whether it was after a custom city Monies assassination, which was also
[01:52:16] illegal and fucking insane, or whether it be after Israel bombed the consulate,
[01:52:21] has always been incredibly restrained, incredibly restrained, so restrained that even Western
[01:52:27] media has considered it to be restrained. Think about that. Okay. They have no business ever
[01:52:32] giving Iran any kind of fucking positive coverage whatsoever. Okay. Now, the other side of
[01:52:54] this story is that Israel only responds to violence as in Israel only responds positively
[01:53:02] to violence, positively by their enemies, right?
[01:53:06] Like Israel only backs down when they actually have, when they actually see some kind of
[01:53:13] significant harm to their population.
[01:53:16] They respond with extra violence when it's obviously an enemy that they consider to
[01:53:20] be a weak enemy that they can punish by fucking destroying every matter of civil life
[01:53:27] in the Gaza Strip, okay?
[01:53:30] But they backed away from further escalations when Iran sent in a fucked ton of drones,
[01:53:37] including showcasing that they are capable of striking inside of Israel, military bases
[01:53:43] and whatnot, okay?
[01:53:48] Hezbollah did a similar move when they showed drone footage, okay?
[01:53:56] Israel also had to back away from their invasion of Lebanon when Hezbollah pushed
[01:54:01] them out. This is a terrifying lesson to teach the entire resistance group in the region.
[01:54:09] Okay? Like you're basically telling everybody, we'll fucking murder your children if we find
[01:54:18] you to be a weak foe. But if you actually show us that there will be consequences for
[01:54:23] our actions, then we'll back away. That's what they're teaching everybody. They're
[01:54:28] like no diplomacy with us. We're rabid. You cannot negotiate with us. We will do
[01:54:34] do everything in our power to keep fucking killing you
[01:54:37] especially if we perceive you to be weak
[01:54:49] and now they've destroyed the fucking ceasefire talks entirely
[01:54:55] involved
[01:54:55] here is what secretary of state anthony blinkin had to say
[01:55:00] about the honey operation
[01:55:02] that israel conducted
[01:55:05] i think we should look at lebanon is a far more serious situation
[01:55:08] as below may now use precision missiles on israel after it's top
[01:55:11] military leader was assassinated in broad daylight in the middle of Beirut and Beirut
[01:55:15] was always the red line for Hezbollah civilians were also killed in the strike. The real possibility
[01:55:19] of war is with Lebanon in my opinion. I mean, yeah, I think that that is a very real consideration.
[01:55:25] But also Iran's retaliation now Iran says that they might retaliate or they've okay
[01:55:30] to retaliation. So obviously that's that's three fronts all of a sudden you have
[01:55:35] Gaza, you have Hezbollah in the north and you have Iran everywhere. You then
[01:55:40] also have the Yemen retaliation that is very much real as well.
[01:55:48] Yemen literally bombed a fucking Israeli neighborhood with like, with a fucking drone, with like
[01:55:56] a bathtub drone.
[01:55:59] That was insane.
[01:56:00] That's like previously unheard of shit, okay?
[01:56:04] Where the fuck is your air defenses?
[01:56:07] Hania was involved in ceasefire talks in Gaza what impact is his death going to
[01:56:15] have well of course I've seen the seen the reports and what I can tell you is
[01:56:21] this first this is something we were not aware of or involved great man thank
[01:56:27] you once again reiterating that like I was asleep on the wheel Israel is dog
[01:56:34] walking us they do whatever the fuck they want
[01:56:38] Like even if it's not true, right?
[01:56:42] Even if it's literally not true because fucking Benjamin any I was in America like last week. What are we talking about, right?
[01:56:49] Like that no conversations about what the next steps are
[01:56:52] Okay, they didn't they didn't even fucking bring up the top of the hour abrid coming at the top of the hour
[01:56:57] When there's a three minute abrig if you're longer want to see those ads all you need to do is subscribe
[01:57:00] they didn't bring that up for $5, $6 or free with the Twitch Prime by connecting your Amazon
[01:57:06] Prime account to your Twitch account. You get one free subscription a month that you can use on
[01:57:13] whichever broadcast or you choose to use it on. Here's the three-man ad break now. I know I'm
[01:57:20] vile. So even if it is not true and they were absolutely aware of this, which I think
[01:57:50] there, they must have some inclination that it was going to happen. Okay. Why the fuck are you
[01:57:57] saying that Israel gets to do whatever the fuck it wants? You're just showing weakness again.
[01:58:04] The New York Times report says the plan being considered by Iran may be to do another combined
[01:58:08] attack on Israel with allies in Iraq, Syria and Yemen using missiles and drones. But this time
[01:58:12] targeting military sites in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Last time it was military bases in the desert.
[01:58:16] Yeah, it was in Negev that they hid.
[01:58:18] However, Hezbollah didn't participate in the large attack in April.
[01:58:21] This time they may do so.
[01:58:33] Germany just asked citizens to leave Lebanon while it was still possible.
[01:58:36] I think England said similar things as well.
[01:58:40] A lot of the Western nations are trying to fucking evacuate their citizens out of Lebanon as quickly as possible
[01:58:46] because the region is now gearing up for fucking war.
[01:58:50] Great stuff overall.
[01:58:52] Anyone at this point that still tries to maintain the position that like Israel is always looking for a partner in peace
[01:59:07] But can't find it is the most delusional person on the planet now. Do I?
[01:59:12] Do I fault them for being this delusional? No because every aspect of the media is covering it as though
[01:59:18] It's Hamas. That's like fucking up the bag fucking up the deal over and over again
[01:59:22] Okay, but it has always been Israel and it will continue to be Israel
[01:59:27] And if you can't see it, I don't know what to tell you, like, you're in the midst of a
[01:59:31] hostage negotiation, America wants you to do the hostage negotiation, the entire to the
[01:59:36] Western world wants you to do the hostage negotiation, international organs of justice
[01:59:40] have declared you to be a fucking war criminal, your leadership, the international criminal
[01:59:44] justice court has declared Israel to be an apartheid.
[01:59:50] Everyone is basically saying exactly what's going on, and Americans are just going
[01:59:54] La la la la la can't hear you can't hear you they had a fucking pro rape protest like this two days ago
[02:00:01] That's what Israel's worried about
[02:00:04] How much rape can their fucking soldiers do on palestinese that they've detained? That's their top priority right now
[02:00:11] The fact that we are going in ten toes down on this like genocidal
[02:00:20] apartheid regime
[02:00:22] In this like weird suicide pack is insane
[02:00:25] Alden, it's very hard to speculate and I've learned over many years never to
[02:00:38] speculate on the impact one event may have on something else. So I can't tell
[02:00:44] you what this means. That sounds fake. Of course it sounds fake because it's
[02:00:51] like unimaginably cruel. It's insanely cruel. It sounds utterly
[02:00:58] psychotic. Except if you watch my last video on it, Israel just had its own January 6th
[02:01:04] moment. Let's get to this. You will see where I talked about it. Okay. This 60 minute video
[02:01:13] will go through all of the details of why the Knesset held an emergency meeting where
[02:01:21] Benjamin Netanyahu's own Likud party Knesset member actively said, yes, shoving a metal
[02:01:30] rod in the ass of a detained Palestinian in the Sede Tayman facility, which was covered
[02:01:38] for months at this point by even Western media for having like horrific acts of rape be conducted
[02:01:44] a concentration camp that is not actually for Hamas militants, but simply people suspected
[02:01:50] of being Hamas militants, a concentration camp where they released 40% of the detained
[02:01:55] Palestinians in a matter of weeks after
[02:01:57] raping and torturing them by the way
[02:02:00] on that concentration camp
[02:02:04] had nine of the jailers get arrested by the israeli government
[02:02:10] what it is really public do
[02:02:12] they went to the fucking prison and the military courts and tried to personally
[02:02:17] released the fucking nine detained soldiers
[02:02:20] now why did israel try
[02:02:22] to uh... actually do some
[02:02:25] uh... justice here in this one specific instance
[02:02:28] it's because
[02:02:29] they are under investigation by international organs of justice and they
[02:02:34] want to avoid
[02:02:36] penalize for it
[02:02:37] and actually getting punished for it
[02:02:39] they want to use
[02:02:40] complementarity as
[02:02:43] they want to use the principle of complementarity the idea that there's
[02:02:46] due process inside of israel for war crimes therefore no international
[02:02:49] organ of justice can interfere in their affairs
[02:02:51] as a mechanism as a shield
[02:02:54] that's why they wanted to fucking do it
[02:02:56] that's why they arrested the nine people to detain them
[02:02:59] okay they were released by some of them were released by the way
[02:03:08] iranian media reporting that an iranian military advisor was killed in beirut
[02:03:12] also
[02:03:13] milad
[02:03:14] milad beddy one of iran's military advisor lebanon was martyred in last
[02:03:17] night's tag by zanis regime fighters in the here
[02:03:19] he was settled in the vicinity of hajmose mosen shakar building
[02:03:22] and his body was identified a few hours ago
[02:03:31] something that you have to remember is on there you have to consider is that
[02:03:34] the people that were protesting were not protesting because of the
[02:03:37] rapes that were occurring in the city came on concentration camp
[02:03:41] they were protesting
[02:03:42] because they were pro-rape
[02:03:46] that's who we have
[02:03:48] that's who we have a suicide pack with
[02:03:51] that's the country that we have a suicide pack with right now that's the
[02:03:54] country that we're letting ride
[02:03:57] as the country that we're writing in the battle for
[02:04:01] absolutely unimaginable
[02:04:04] so fucking insane
[02:04:06] anyway here's true to parcy
[02:04:08] of of the quincey institute
[02:04:11] uh... shedding some light on the the actions the israel took
[02:04:14] uh... earlier on cnn this morning the vice president of the quincey
[02:04:18] institute in american
[02:04:19] think tanks specializing in u.s. foreign policy his analysis on exactly
[02:04:24] house eyes make the events of the last
[02:04:27] twenty four hours are for the u.s. role in this
[02:04:30] region giving four specific points in his words one
[02:04:34] it kills the ceasefire talks to it may kill renewed u.s. iran diplomacy
[02:04:40] yeah this was a older post from vincent bevins in the final years of the south african apartheid
[02:04:46] the white government decided it must one overthrow the government of angola
[02:04:51] to install a puppet regime in namibia three attacks in bobway four attack but swana five
[02:04:58] It's a xambia in order to survive. This did not work
[02:05:04] Okay
[02:05:06] They are going through the exact steps that every fucking prior white supremacist fascist government has gone through
[02:05:14] It is a damn near identical circumstance to Nazi Germany. It is a damn near identical circumstance to apartheid South Africa
[02:05:22] Okay, and Israel has been given a wonderful exit ramp
[02:05:28] from the resilient Palestinian people to have a South African apartheid ending,
[02:05:35] which it refuses to do so, and it seems like it will have a Nazi Germany ending instead.
[02:05:42] Okay?
[02:05:47] The only difference in this dynamic is that America is unconditionally riding with Israel.
[02:05:52] Honey has been through many attempts on his life, most notably the failed 2003 bombing of the Hamas leadership conclave in the Ramal,
[02:05:59] But what's the value in this? They did it with Salah Shahadeh, Ahmed Yaseen, Al-Rantisi, all unbelievably important figures all replaced.
[02:06:08] Every round in Gaza, there's an article that reads with the euphoria.
[02:06:11] These are the names of the Hamas officials the IDF killed and people forget because God forbid we acknowledge there's something systemic here.
[02:06:17] Exactly.
[02:06:19] Do you think that the Palestinian people are gonna all of a sudden turn around and be like, oh you assassinated the guy that was conducting the ceasefire negotiation?
[02:06:27] Oh, well, I guess I no longer feel some type of way about you murdering my entire family
[02:06:33] You destroying all the water wells you
[02:06:37] Doing a military operation. You're doing genocide to my people. I guess that's okay now. No, he's just gonna be replaced
[02:06:44] of course
[02:06:47] Because this is this is not a a political strategy, okay
[02:06:53] This is a group of individuals that have only known violence their entire lives by this criminal Zionist entity that have no other way out.
[02:07:08] It's a push-comes-the-shelf situation.
[02:07:16] Anyway, three, it may get Prime Minister Netanyahu the war that he has been looking for for it
[02:07:24] corners.
[02:07:25] Kamala Harris, I'm going to bring you back in shortly, Alex, because I know that you'll
[02:07:30] want to make some comments on these.
[02:07:33] So thank you for joining me and Alex this hour.
[02:07:38] Just explain a little further where you believe and what you mean by this analysis in terms
[02:07:47] of Netanyahu and his political calculations at this point.
[02:07:53] Thank you for having me.
[02:07:55] Well I think first of all we have to recognize that Netanyahu in particular has been pushing
[02:08:01] for a war between the United States and Iran for more than 15 years.
[02:08:05] He's done so using the nuclear program on a couple of occasions.
[02:08:10] He was actually quite close.
[02:08:12] The strategy has been to start the war himself and then drag the U.S. into it.
[02:08:16] This may have been one of his best chances yet to do so.
[02:08:19] So it is completely in line with everything else that he's done for the last 50 or
[02:08:24] so years.
[02:08:25] Moreover, we know very well that Netanyahu has been the main obstacle for a ceasefire
[02:08:31] deal.
[02:08:32] media, it's openly discussed how he actually has been leaking intelligence in order to sabotage
[02:08:37] the talks.
[02:08:38] He's being accused by the family members of the hostages, by his own officials, by military
[02:08:42] officials of being the obstacle.
[02:08:44] And he's done so for a very simple reason.
[02:08:46] The minute this war ends, his political career ends, and his prison sentence likely
[02:08:52] will begin given the corruption charges against him.
[02:08:55] So prolonging the war has always been a case, undermining the ceasefire negotiations,
[02:09:00] has been the case, and what is more effective in killing the ceasefire talks than actually
[02:09:04] killing the person on the other side of the migraine.
[02:09:08] And then you have the Kamala Harris aspect of this.
[02:09:11] Kamala Harris' body language, her tone, the rhetoric clearly indicated that there
[02:09:16] will be some form of a shift.
[02:09:18] How substantive it will be, we don't know, but some form of a shift away from what
[02:09:22] Biden's approach to Netanyahu, which has been quite differential.
[02:09:26] But by escalating matters in this way that he is now done, potentially even getting a
[02:09:32] regional war, he will essentially force Kamala Harris into the same bear hug as Biden voluntarily
[02:09:40] adopted after October 7th and will take the initiative away from the Kamala Harris in
[02:09:45] case she becomes president, rather than forcing her to react to events rather than actually
[02:09:51] being able to take initiatives of her own.
[02:09:53] Alex you were in Washington dude dude. I'm telling you right now
[02:10:00] This is this is really fucking bad
[02:10:03] Okay, this will if
[02:10:06] if there is an
[02:10:08] escalation and the United States is brought in to a regional conflict in a much more meaningful capacity in terms of like
[02:10:18] American soldiers, okay
[02:10:20] That's precisely what Benjamin Nennyahu wants. Giving him what he wants is not only devastating
[02:10:28] for the globe, devastating for oil prices in general, devastating for the global economy
[02:10:34] in general, but it's over at that point. It's fucking game over. Like, there was, from
[02:10:45] a domestic politics standpoint, okay, from a simple American election cycle standpoint,
[02:10:53] This right here, from just simply the conversation, if we're going to look at it in the narrowest
[02:11:01] way possible, looking at it as like Biden versus Donald Trump, I mean, Kamala Harris versus
[02:11:05] Donald Trump, if this leads to the Biden administration going to war on behalf of
[02:11:12] Israel, it's the most jover it has ever been for Kamala Harris, okay?
[02:11:21] It's the most jover for, not only just like Israel, it's the most jover for America.
[02:11:30] It's just miserable.
[02:11:31] It seems like ages ago that Netanyahu was there.
[02:11:42] It's not.
[02:11:43] It's what, 72, 90 hours ago.
[02:11:46] It was always going to be a controversial visit.
[02:11:50] What did he-
[02:11:52] Another two points that I've reiterated this election cycle from the start is, one,
[02:11:58] is the most boring election cycle so far, but it has the capacity to become the most
[02:12:02] interesting one. We're already there. It has become the most interesting election cycle
[02:12:06] so far. The other thing that I keep reiterating is an age-old adage from American elections
[02:12:14] in general. Forum policy is never the top of mind until it becomes the only thing
[02:12:20] that people think about. Okay? Forum policy is never top of mind for Americans until
[02:12:29] It is the only thing for Americans.
[02:12:32] Okay?
[02:12:33] Vietnam is an example of this.
[02:12:40] Israel could make this the exact equation.
[02:12:48] He achieved.
[02:12:49] And what did he leave with, if anything?
[02:12:54] Well, I think he achieved things
[02:12:57] mainly on the domestic front.
[02:12:58] He managed to come over here
[02:12:59] and show his domestic audience back home
[02:13:02] that he has the support of the United States,
[02:13:04] not just from Republicans, many of whom were on their feet clapping, giving standing ovations.
[02:13:11] Alongside a number of Democrats, we should say, when he gave his speech to Congress last
[02:13:13] Wednesday, he had these meetings at the White House. He showed that he is very much welcomed
[02:13:21] in Washington. So it was mainly sort of for domestic benefit was the sense. But I would
[02:13:24] say that he left on less good terms because following his meeting with Kamala Harris,
[02:13:31] came out and gave arguably the most forceful speech that we've heard about Gaza from the
[02:13:35] Biden administration. Yes, talking about the U.S. ironclad support for Israel, but then
[02:13:41] talking in very emotive terms about the suffering that we're seeing in Gaza. And she said,
[02:13:47] I will not be silent. A couple hours later, we heard from an anonymous Israel.
[02:13:50] Honey, it was a terrorist. We should be happy. He's gone. If Putin got killed, nobody
[02:13:54] would be sad. Dude, what are you talking about? Hania is not the equivalent of Putin in this
[02:14:02] situation. He's not even the equivalent of Zelensky in this situation. He's the guy who
[02:14:09] is negotiating the ceasefire. What the fuck are you talking about? Putin is comparable
[02:14:31] to Netanyahu in this equation, no matter how hard liberals and Republicans try not
[02:14:35] to see that reality. The equivalence here is Putin being Netanyahu, not Ismael Hania.
[02:14:45] Greatly official who talked about how those comments were problematic and could cause
[02:14:48] problems for the ceasefire deal. So he left under less positive terms than he arrived
[02:14:55] in. I will just note one more thing, Becky. We've heard for weeks, you and I have
[02:15:00] talked endlessly about the ceasefire deal and the US officials putting the onus on Hamas
[02:15:06] saying the ball is in Hamas's court. They have stopped saying that. In fact, it appears
[02:15:11] that the ball has switched into Israel's court. It was always in Israel's court. It's just
[02:15:17] media always likes to play fucking catch up. The media loves playing catch up every
[02:15:24] day. Like months later, they're like, Oh, well, I guess this is a day Taiman concentration
[02:15:30] camp is kind of fucked up. Six months after the original investigative reporting that comes
[02:15:35] from Israeli investigative reporters. Um, for the past three months, we've said that Hamas
[02:15:42] is actually ruining the fucking peace deals, but, uh, and the ceasefire, but, uh, maybe
[02:15:47] it was actually Israel, the balls on Israel's court. And it's like, yeah, if you're, if
[02:15:56] If you're deluded and if you're just like abiding by the State Department line, then
[02:16:01] yeah, you're gonna, if you're reiterating what Anthony Blinken is saying all the time, then
[02:16:05] yeah, you're just lying to your fucking audience.
[02:16:08] You're shocked about this change of attitude.
[02:16:11] The US officials did expect Netanyahu to move forward on that ceasefire deal last
[02:16:17] week.
[02:16:18] And I'm just struck by this image that the Mossad director, David Barnea, was
[02:16:22] at the table on sunday negotiating for the ceasefire
[02:16:27] with cia director bill burns and others while also
[02:16:30] if this is indeed true potentially planning the assassination of it of
[02:16:34] the smell he did that the
[02:16:36] you know that is uh... that's a path for the negotiate with the terrorist
[02:16:42] talk about how the idea of bomb the hospital again all october seven
[02:16:46] leavers coming back
[02:16:49] coming back
[02:16:52] October seven leavers coming back, dude
[02:16:56] Look last time he was in here
[02:16:58] Let me pop in to hear the absolute cope from a son Kamala is as garbage as Biden the copium is fucking crazy
[02:17:04] Hasan is the king of copium on June 27th
[02:17:08] Hmm, perhaps that should have actually gave given you your first inclination that I know what the fuck
[02:17:13] I'm talking about in terms of American domestic policy and foreign policy and you don't but no
[02:17:19] No. Okay. No. He just still operating. He is still operating on this fucking weirdo attitude.
[02:17:30] You literally know nothing you dumbass. Well, I know how to spell no. Which I guess you don't.
[02:17:40] If at this point you still are running with this narrative that like IDF doesn't bomb
[02:17:45] hospitals. You are living on a different planet. Okay. It's not even a position that like
[02:17:52] the American government is pushing. Like, there's no one. Israel's not even pushing that position.
[02:17:58] They're like celebrating how hard they fucking siege hospitals. But thank you. I think any country
[02:18:10] would have a hard time negotiating with a group that cries for the death of all Jews. Yeah,
[02:18:14] you're right, man. That's definitely what's going on in your little hug box that you've
[02:18:20] cultivated this attitude in. Let me explain some to you, okay? This, I would show a little
[02:18:27] bit more, I would be a little bit more humble if I got owned this fucking hard for repeating
[02:18:32] my favorite political commentators' talking points in another political commentators' chat
[02:18:37] without ever like reexamining them at all. If I was this far off base, and the community
[02:18:44] that I was coming into, that I'm chirping at was so on the money, I would probably have
[02:18:51] a little bit of re-examination. This should be your wake-up call, right? But instead,
[02:18:56] you're still operating on this fucking weird boundary. You're still operating on this idea
[02:19:01] that like, yeah, no, Hamas are actually like Jew haters and whatnot, and it's not
[02:19:06] a resistance to an apartheid regime that the entire fucking world sees. Okay? I don't
[02:19:16] know how you refuse to acknowledge that. This guy gave you money for 18 months just to cry. Yeah,
[02:19:26] a lot of this happens quite frequently. People's brains break over one issue and then they just
[02:19:31] become like ride or die haters. They look for an alternative viewpoint that basically brings them
[02:19:44] in. An alternative viewpoint that brings them back or an alternative viewpoint that basically
[02:19:52] confirms their biases. So then they just like get really invested in another person.
[02:20:00] Oh, I'm urging you. I'm urging you to be fair. I think it's all bad. No, don't fucking do
[02:20:27] this like cowardly. Well, I guess both sides are bad shit. Okay. No, you're just like
[02:20:31] trying to retriangulate your position here in the sorghum stance, because like, obviously
[02:20:37] you came in here with the fucking smoke. You're like talking about how the idea
[02:20:40] of bomb the hospital again, thinking that that was going to be a good line when
[02:20:43] Israel has blown up every fucking hospital in Gaza. What the fuck are we talking about?
[02:20:47] Okay, you have to recognize at a certain point that like you're on the wrong side of every single
[02:20:54] fucking issue and that's probably not your own fault. It's because you just keep fucking
[02:21:01] reiterating and regurgitating talking points that you got from someone else without actually
[02:21:05] thinking about it on your own without seeking within yourself what you truly believe. Does
[02:21:10] does this actually correspond to my moral compass?
[02:21:13] Okay?
[02:21:15] It's just weird to do it
[02:21:17] when you're so obviously in the wrong.
[02:21:20] You see what I'm saying?
[02:21:23] There on the last talking point for the streamer
[02:21:25] who has suddenly stopped talking about Israel
[02:21:27] Palestine issue now that the rape torture facilities
[02:21:29] have been exposed.
[02:21:30] Yeah.
[02:21:33] Like Israel two days ago was having a pro rape protest.
[02:21:37] They had a January 6th for pro rape.
[02:21:41] And you're over here being like,
[02:21:42] Oh, actually these guys are still operating on death to all Jews like no, that's not the reason man
[02:21:48] The fuck are we talking about?
[02:21:50] There were a lot of people who were not aware of how Israel operates in general on October 8
[02:21:56] They were shocked with the unimaginable amount of violence. They saw from October 7. Okay, they just could not comprehend
[02:22:04] They were like this is insane
[02:22:05] This isn't this is an insane amount of violence that the Israeli civilians were subjected to and then the next 10 months people
[02:22:12] And then the next month, the next 10 months, people started, you know, understanding, no,
[02:22:25] there is just fucking weird as noise as I'm hearing.
[02:22:31] In the next 10 months, people started coming in terms with maybe why the Palestinian population
[02:22:37] was resisting so aggressively towards Israel, and it wasn't necessarily anti-Semitism
[02:22:43] or Jew hatred or whatever the fuck people think it is.
[02:22:46] No matter how hard Israel tries to maintain that position, I'm not asking you to immediately
[02:23:00] recognize they're in the wrong here.
[02:23:01] I'm simply asking that you just, you know, you could just reconsider on your own.
[02:23:08] You don't have to do it publicly or whatever.
[02:23:11] Just seek within yourself.
[02:23:13] 40,000, 40,000 Palestinians have been murdered over the course of the past 10 months with
[02:23:19] American rockets that Israel is dumping on the entirety of the Gaza Strip. The majority
[02:23:26] of those murdered are women and children and the elderly. The overwhelming majority, two
[02:23:31] thirds. Okay? Two thirds. Don't you think that that is unimaginably radicalizing for
[02:23:39] people? There is no, like what is the policy of people supposed to do? The so-called
[02:23:47] peace process is almost identical to this supposed ceasefire negotiation that the media
[02:23:54] keeps telling us Hamas is fucking up. Think about that. The historical so-called peace
[02:24:08] process, it played out in identical ways in which this current peace process, this current
[02:24:14] ceasefire negotiations is occurring. That's why people are so wrong about the way that
[02:24:20] it the the way that this was like that's why people are so wrong when they talk
[02:24:26] about how Israel could never find a partner in peace that narrative is just
[02:24:30] complete and utter nonsense and so many people can see that that narrative was
[02:24:36] complete and utter nonsense but just simply looking at this round of the
[02:24:39] peace talks and the ceasefire negotiations especially in the midst of
[02:24:44] Israel assassinating the guy who was doing the fucking ceasefire
[02:24:49] Powerful powerful image to to keep in mind treat her
[02:24:55] Let's just for the benefit of our viewers here
[02:24:59] From the u.s. Defense Secretary in the past few hours have a listen
[02:25:05] I don't think war is inevitable. Uh, I maintain that. I think there's always
[02:25:09] room and opportunities for diplomacy and I'd like to see parties pursue those
[02:25:16] opportunities. If Israel is attacked we certainly will help defend Israel.
[02:25:21] Well of course there is a war in Gaza what he's clearly referring to there is
[02:25:26] the was answering a question about whether he believes there will be a
[02:25:29] regional escalation here off the back of what we've seen over the last what
[02:25:35] 25 hours or so, the assassination of two of Israel's key enemies. I mean, the U.S. clearly
[02:25:43] still stands behind Israel. And you heard that from the Defense Minister. Perhaps we are, as Alex
[02:25:50] suggests, seeing a pivot of atmosphere here. But whether or not this administration in Washington
[02:25:59] is changing its position. Should they not come out?
[02:26:03] No offense, but assassin and terrorist in Iran is fucking hilarious and you can't convince me is not.
[02:26:08] This is again, just like trying to be edgy and nihilistic and being like,
[02:26:12] but dude, no, I'm just laughing at the situation. Yeah, dude, when your fucking cousin is drafted,
[02:26:18] when your cousin is sitting on top of a fucking carrier and gets hit with a Yemen rocket,
[02:26:23] okay, and is blown in the fucking bits, I don't think you'll be laughing about that
[02:26:27] situation at all, when or if he's lucky and he actually does get deployed to Lebanon to
[02:26:32] defend Israel, by the way, and then comes back fucked up with his dick blown out, ruined
[02:26:39] for the rest of his fucking life, desperate for medical attention that the American government
[02:26:43] will not give him.
[02:26:44] You won't be fucking laughing about that.
[02:26:46] You won't be laughing.
[02:26:47] You won't be edgy and cool and nihilistic about that reality.
[02:26:50] Okay?
[02:26:51] Stop behaving like fucking animals, not even animals.
[02:26:55] have at least an interest in like self-preservation, right? It's a primal instinct. This is what
[02:27:03] I'm talking about. Like, people do not comprehend what these actions, what kind of consequences
[02:27:08] these actions will have. I hate this notion that people only think about, um, think
[02:27:16] about the worst aspects of it when it comes home to them. It's a very Republican principle.
[02:27:22] Oh, I'm homophobic until my son comes out as gay. Oh, I'm anti-LGBT until my daughter was a lesbian like fucking Dick Cheney
[02:27:30] You know what I mean? It's just like so unimaginably selfish
[02:27:34] Yeah, you think the inflation crisis is bad right now wait until fucking Saudi oil refineries are blown up
[02:27:44] Be desperate for that sweet Venezuelan oil now if that happens
[02:27:52] with more specific parameters with things as tense as they are
[02:27:58] now. They certainly should because I think you know Secretary Austin is absolutely
[02:28:05] correct. War is not inevitable. There's still opportunities to prevent it but
[02:28:10] those opportunities can only be actualized if the United States actually
[02:28:14] does something about it and unfortunately what we're not seeing is the type of
[02:28:18] parameters or red lines that are necessary in order to make sure that
[02:28:22] the Israelis do not escalate matters in this way but now they have and
[02:28:27] And they've done it in the most our day.
[02:28:29] Israel has learned all of the worst lessons
[02:28:33] that they can violate every red line
[02:28:35] with the Biden administration and not see any punishments,
[02:28:38] not see any consequences whatsoever.
[02:28:41] Why would they do anything different?
[02:28:43] Benjamin Ninjah, who selfishly wants the war to continue
[02:28:46] so he doesn't go to jail after the war is over.
[02:28:49] And he is going to do everything in his power
[02:28:51] to stay in office, to avoid legal scrutiny.
[02:28:55] Okay. And yes, that does include opening up another front in the war, maybe even two fronts in the war, specifically so that it can bring the United States into the fucking fold.
[02:29:10] That's it.
[02:29:10] in an auspicious way, aimed at maximum embarrassment of Iran, which means that they also maximizes
[02:29:19] the likelihood that, unfortunately, Iranian will respond and by that trigger an escalatory
[02:29:25] spiral.
[02:29:26] The United States does not want to see a regional war and doesn't want to get dragged
[02:29:29] into that war.
[02:29:30] But what Netanyahu has done here is exactly that.
[02:29:33] He has triggered what would likely lead to an escalation that very well could
[02:29:38] drag the United States into the war.
[02:29:39] If the US doesn't want this, then it needs to do something about it instead of just publicly
[02:29:44] expressing support for Israel to right to defend itself while completely neglecting the United
[02:29:50] States' own interest to stay out of these type of wars.
[02:29:53] I just want to look at this through the lens of the US and Iran and its on-off diplomacy
[02:30:01] as it were.
[02:30:02] today, a new Iranian president who was deemed to be, at least in principle, a better interlocutor,
[02:30:11] be that directly or indirectly with the US at this point, and at this point it is indirectly,
[02:30:18] with regard to any sort of future talks. Where does this all leave that? You're an expert
[02:30:26] in this, you'll closely watch the US-Iranian relationship, which is, of course, extremely
[02:30:33] tenuous. Where is it today, July the 31st?
[02:30:38] Well, it is in a much worse situation than it was yesterday. There was a small opportunity.
[02:30:45] Pzyskian ran on a platform of seeking renewed diplomacy with the United States, regardless
[02:30:51] of whether there would be Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, or even Donald Trump in the White House.
[02:30:57] But this would obviously still be a very tough battle both internally in the United States
[02:31:02] and internally in Iran.
[02:31:03] But that battle, the battle of actually being able to create the political space and the
[02:31:08] political will for sustained diplomacy that actually can lead to success, has now become
[02:31:13] all the more difficult, if not impossible, in the short and the medium term because
[02:31:18] of this assassination.
[02:31:20] Alex, Trita, very much appreciate it. Your time invaluable for us.
[02:31:27] There can be no ambiguity about this, Hashimis. Israel wants total war, wants to drag America
[02:31:38] into an end-seag that will secure its existence forever. It does not want the escalation. It
[02:31:44] does not want peace. It wants the initiation of murder, suicide, attack built in the
[02:31:47] U.S. alliance. And now, Iran's leader orders a tag on Israel for Hania killing,
[02:32:09] officials say. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered retaliation after humiliating
[02:32:14] security failure as Iran once again balances showing strength against the risk of escalation.
[02:32:22] Mr. Khamenei gave the order at an emergency meeting of Iran's Supreme National Security
[02:32:25] Council on Wednesday morning shortly after Iran announced that Mr. Hania had been killed,
[02:32:30] said the three Iranian officials, including two members of the Revolutionary Guards.
[02:32:34] They asked their names not to be published because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
[02:32:38] Iran and Amman's have accused Israel of the assassination Israel which is a war with the Muslim Gaza ship has neither
[02:32:46] Acknowledged nor denied killing mr. Hania who was in Tehran for the inauguration of Iran's new president
[02:32:51] Israel's a long history of killing enemies abroad including Iranian nuclear scientists and military commanders
[02:33:01] Support for Israel in the West isn't as strong as they want us to believe it is the actions are irrational and stink of desperation
[02:33:06] Israel won't have us backing unless it's in direct existential danger, which Netanyahu shine a manufacturer
[02:33:12] Yeah, no, I I agree
[02:33:16] agree. But the reality is, especially in terms of foreign policy, the American government
[02:33:23] rarely ever listens to the wishes of the population. Do you know what I mean? It's not like Americans
[02:33:33] broadly are like, oh yeah, no, I love, I love fucking Waging War all around the planet.
[02:33:38] If that was the case, then people that are running for president, like Donald Trump
[02:33:45] even would not consistently try to present themselves falsely, but still present themselves
[02:33:50] as peaceful doves.
[02:33:52] Okay?
[02:33:53] Through almost 10 months of war in Gaza, Iran has tried to strike a balance, putting pressure
[02:34:02] on Israel to sharply increase attacks by its allies and proxy forces in the region, while
[02:34:06] avoiding an all-out war between the two nations.
[02:34:08] In April, Iran made its biggest and most overt attack on Israel in decades of hostility.
[02:34:12] But yeah, this is terrifying stuff.
[02:34:21] in the Middle East, where two separate attacks in the space of just 12 hours on the senior
[02:34:26] leaders of two Iran-backed groups have raised fears of a wider regional conflict. Hamas
[02:34:32] says its political leader Ismail Al-Hanir was killed during a visit to Tehran. Early
[02:34:37] indications suggest that he and his bodyguard died when a rocket hit the house where he
[02:34:42] was staying. Hamas has accused Israel of being responsible and described the killing
[02:34:46] as a grave escalation.
[02:34:49] Well, hours earlier, Israel said it had killed a senior Hezbollah figure in a strike in Beirut.
[02:34:55] The government has confirmed that Farouq Shukra, one of its top military commanders, was in
[02:34:59] a building targeted by Israel but hasn't confirmed his fate.
[02:35:04] Israel said he was responsible for an attack that killed 12 young people in the Israeli-occupied
[02:35:09] Golan Heights.
[02:35:10] Well, let's start this hour with this report from Yolanda.
[02:35:14] State media in Iran reporting the assassination in its capital of this top Hamas leader.
[02:35:25] A VIP guest, Ismail Hania had been in Tehran along with the heads of other regional armed
[02:35:31] groups backed by Iran for the inauguration of the country's new president.
[02:35:37] But these were to be his last ever public appearances.
[02:35:41] Gaza today, news of the killing worried many Palestinians about the implications for ending
[02:35:47] nearly 10 months of war with Israel.
[02:35:52] If the leaders die, the political leaders, where are we going?
[02:35:55] Children are dying, the elderly are dying, the youth are dying, no one is looking out
[02:36:00] for us.
[02:36:01] I hope this will be the last assassination.
[02:36:04] And God willing, the war will end after this assassination.
[02:36:07] We are all tired.
[02:36:09] This male Henea was from Gaza but had recently lived in Qatar.
[02:36:14] He was seen as more pragmatic than hardline Hamas leaders still in the Palestinian territory
[02:36:20] and had been overseeing talks on a ceasefire and the release of Israeli hostages.
[02:36:25] Now hostage families fear a setback.
[02:36:28] I don't know how this news affects the deal but I really wish for all of the forces
[02:36:35] around the world that we gather in order to bring our people back home.
[02:36:40] I hope our politicians will know to make this news into the release of the hostages.
[02:36:50] Just hours before the Tehran attack, Israel had targeted a senior Hezbollah commander
[02:36:56] in the Lebanese capital Beirut.
[02:36:58] It said he was responsible for a deadly rocket strike in the occupied Golan Heights last weekend.
[02:37:04] fears were already running high about the possibility of retaliation and a wider wall.
[02:37:11] Now, with Iran announcing three days of mourning for Ismail Honegi and vowing a harsh and painful response,
[02:37:21] the Middle East is even more on edge.
[02:37:24] Yolant Nel BBC News, Jerusalem.
[02:37:27] Well, I'll call us back.
[02:37:29] What's sad is that less people care about the news in the Middle East,
[02:37:32] but now that the weird election is going on, I disagree.
[02:37:36] That's why I said
[02:37:38] Depending on what the retaliation looks like
[02:37:41] Depending on what the Iranian and the resistance groups retaliation looks like to this action
[02:37:47] okay
[02:37:49] Whether or not America fucking has to
[02:37:52] Send troops in to the region which they're already fucking moving in a way where they like are
[02:37:59] Our are assuming defensive posture for Israel
[02:38:02] It can be a complete, it can be a complete change in the narrative.
[02:38:09] Great names have only one speed today.
[02:38:14] Yeah, me when cousin blows up brown kids in MENA, me when cousin turns into a 22 a day statistic.
[02:38:23] Not understanding that blowing up brown kids in the Middle Eastern and North African region
[02:38:27] is the quickest way for that to happen.
[02:38:30] But people can't fucking connect the dots.
[02:38:32] Just like people can't connect to DOS between every dollar being spent on the American military industrial complex
[02:38:38] Is a dollar being taken away from fixing your fucking roads fixing your goddamn health care fixing your education?
[02:38:47] They just don't think about it like that at all. They only have one thing and and that is American military might
[02:38:54] Okay, we're a mighty American military. What the fuck other people are gonna find out why we don't have health care today
[02:39:01] Okay?
[02:39:02] They gon' find out.
[02:39:04] They gon' learn today why we don't have healthcare.
[02:39:06] It's like, bro, why are you posting your fucking L's?
[02:39:11] Why are you posting your goddamn L's, dude?
[02:39:18] It's crazy.
[02:39:24] Barbara Pet, Usher is in Jerusalem now.
[02:39:26] Israel never comments on these types of assassinations.
[02:39:29] I asked her whether this time was any different.
[02:39:32] Not so far, no.
[02:39:34] And again, in the most recent briefing with the Prime Minister's office,
[02:39:37] The spokesperson was asked and he said we're not commenting on this incident.
[02:39:43] But we do know that after the October 7th attacks, which were led by Hamas, the Israeli
[02:39:47] government had said that they were going to target all of the Hamas leadership, including
[02:39:51] the political leadership.
[02:39:53] So they have kept that threat current throughout the past 10 months.
[02:39:57] And there was a strike against a political leader, the deputy political leader in Beirut
[02:40:01] in January.
[02:40:02] I think the entire region and probably most other people do believe it was the Israelis who carried it out
[02:40:08] There was a brief moment on social media when a picture of
[02:40:13] Ismail Henea was posted by the government press office here with a graphic saying on his graphic across his face saying eliminated
[02:40:20] But that was taken down very quickly security Israelis don't want to own this
[02:40:24] Yeah, they immediately they immediately were like oops never mind. We fucked up again, but they're so horny
[02:40:30] It's it's the same principle because they're fucking hogs. Okay, they're Nazis. They're right their reactionary
[02:40:37] they're fascists and
[02:40:40] What do we know about hogs in America? What do we know about Nazis in America?
[02:40:44] They can never help themselves. They have to reveal that they're fucking Nazis. Okay, they can never just shut the fuck up
[02:40:52] And just stick to the dog whistles. They immediately leak it
[02:40:55] They immediately turn around and they just openly admit that they are.
[02:40:59] They can't stop themselves.
[02:41:01] Israel's the same fucking way.
[02:41:06] They can't stop themselves.
[02:41:08] Publicly, but as I said, they had been saying that they would be targeting the leadership.
[02:41:16] The question really is now, why they would take this particular opportunity, especially
[02:41:20] when Mr. Hania had been very heavily involved in ceasefire talks, that many were hoping
[02:41:25] would result in at least a pause in the conflict in Gaza.
[02:41:28] Yes, there is that obvious question about why now and the implications on exactly what you've just mentioned
[02:41:34] But are there is anything being reported about how exactly this attack was done?
[02:41:40] Yeah, we don't know exactly how it was done
[02:41:45] We do know that it took place at 2 o'clock in the morning according to Iranian media and also that it was very
[02:41:51] Precise because there were other Hamas leaders in the building as well as a leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad
[02:41:57] And they were not hit. It was very much aimed
[02:41:59] it seems, at Ismail Hania, which means that the Israelis had very good intelligence about
[02:42:04] where he was.
[02:42:06] Perhaps because he was attending an event that had been pre-organized, the inauguration
[02:42:11] of the Iranian president, so maybe they had time to get intelligence on it.
[02:42:16] The Iranian media initially reported that it was a missile fired from outside the
[02:42:20] country, but there have been other reports saying that it was a rocket fired from a
[02:42:24] a nearby building, which would suggest there was some inside help for the attack.
[02:42:31] But we don't have any confirmation of exactly how it was carried out.
[02:42:35] That was Barbara Plattuscio.
[02:42:36] Let's speak live now to General Amir Avivi, who's the founder of the Israel Defense and
[02:42:40] Security Forum.
[02:42:42] General, welcome here to the program.
[02:42:44] What is Israel's strategy here?
[02:42:55] Lady from Tel Aviv, Israeli General, well, it seems like they've covered the broad
[02:43:01] swath of all parties involved in the matter. Yeah. Up next, our guest Benjamin Netanyahu,
[02:43:11] he is going to contextualize why all of these actions were an absolute necessity and put
[02:43:17] a betterment of society, as a matter of fact.
[02:43:19] Well, it was a strategy, I think, from day one. It's very, very clear. There is
[02:43:25] a clear goal of war to eradicate Hamas as a military entity and governmental entity,
[02:43:32] mass as they attacked unprovoked killed 1200 Israelis right women the
[02:43:40] capitated head of children to costages yeah I can't listen this fucking dumb I
[02:43:45] can't listen dumb fuck dude yeah I'm provoking there is no apartheid please no
[02:43:52] politics no politics no Israel don't say anything bad about Israel no
[02:43:58] No politics, no politics, only football, only football, terrorist, they are terrorists.
[02:44:05] Remember October 7th, October 7th, no politics, no politics.
[02:44:13] Good one man, thank you.
[02:44:18] Two back to back developments that could push a region already on edge closer to the brink.
[02:44:24] First, the assassination of the political leader of Hamas, Ismail Heneer.
[02:44:28] We're hearing reaction and condemnation from countries across the Middle East and indeed
[02:44:32] the world.
[02:44:33] Hamas says he was killed in Tehran on Tuesday after meeting with Iran's newly elected president,
[02:44:39] which you see here, and attending his inauguration.
[02:44:43] Iran State media say an airborne guided projectile was used to hit the building where Hania was
[02:44:48] staying in the Iranian capital.
[02:44:50] Hamas was quick to blame Israel, calling it a Zionist strike.
[02:44:55] Israel says it doesn't.
[02:44:56] Why dude? Yeah, it's so crazy that Hamas was quick to blame Israel. Damn respond to reports
[02:45:05] of the foreign media. And here has been part of Hamas for decades. And was a key figure
[02:45:11] in the stalled ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas. Former Iranian foreign minister
[02:45:15] Jared Zarif posting on X says Israeli Prime Minister Benjiyya, is pushing the region
[02:45:22] and the world to the brink of catastrophe, Synergy of Pain.
[02:45:26] Walsh, you're trying to crunch it both here with me now.
[02:45:28] Nick, first of all, just explain what a key figure,
[02:45:32] honey, was and what we know about the attack.
[02:45:35] Yeah, I mean, look, this is one of the leading modder
[02:45:37] at most recognizable faces of Hamas
[02:45:38] and somebody essentially deeply involved
[02:45:41] in all the negotiations that have been happening for months.
[02:45:43] So the US has invested so much political capital
[02:45:46] on the global stage and diplomatically over it as well.
[02:45:48] What we know about this attack is pretty limited at this stage.
[02:45:52] We know an explosion occurred about two o'clock in the morning in northern Tehran
[02:45:56] It appears to be the only Hania and his bodyguards were killed by this blast that was suggest something
[02:46:02] That was pretty precise pretty targeted
[02:46:04] Maybe quite limited and the phrasing being used by Iranian state media here is a guided
[02:46:10] Guided I'm tripping that they aren't saying this is all Hamas fall amount bro
[02:46:14] remember what I told you guys about how
[02:46:17] mainstream media has
[02:46:19] Obviously, two goals here.
[02:46:23] It's always to repackage State Department propaganda in a way that is appealing to the
[02:46:27] broadest audience, right?
[02:46:29] That's number one.
[02:46:31] But in order to do that, you also have to maintain an air of legitimacy and impartiality.
[02:46:38] If you drop the ball on impartiality unless people believe you and less people think
[02:46:44] you are legitimate and right now there is a crisis in the United States of America, maybe
[02:46:50] even in the entire planet with respect to the internet, with respect to so many like
[02:46:54] independent journalists coming out, so many independent outlets existing where mainstream
[02:46:58] media has a very hard time looking like they are a legitimate source of news that you can
[02:47:05] rely on. Okay. And if people don't rely on them as a legitimate source of news, then
[02:47:11] They can't do the fucking primary job, the primary responsibility of like, basically fucking
[02:47:15] reiterating State Department positions in a way that is impartial and is objective.
[02:47:21] So for that reason, they have to retriangulate when certain things are very obvious, right?
[02:47:30] What is very obvious over the course of the last 10 months is that Israel is conducting
[02:47:35] an unimaginably violent affair in Gaza, okay?
[02:47:39] even if you don't think it's a genocide, which of course it is, but even if you don't think
[02:47:43] it's a genocide and many of your parents might not think it's a genocide, but they still
[02:47:46] see 40,000 dead Palestinians, they see all of the fucking death and destruction that
[02:47:51] Israel has brought forward and they go, yeah, that's pretty messed up actually.
[02:47:56] That's undeniable.
[02:47:57] So the mainstream media has to change course and kind of cover that with a little
[02:48:03] bit more honesty, because if they don't do that, then everyone's going to go,
[02:48:07] what the fuck are you doing?
[02:48:08] Like I could see what's happening. I see it on TikTok. I see it on Twitter. I see it on every other outlet. Like I know what's going on
[02:48:14] I've seen it even on accident, right?
[02:48:19] So for that reason they have to change their trajectory. They have to change course. They have to change the dynamics a little bit and
[02:48:26] when Israel is
[02:48:29] The one that is fucking up the peace process
[02:48:32] Bucking up the ceasefire negotiations consistently and the American government keeps reiterating the position that it's actually not Israel
[02:48:38] But it's actually Hamas that's fucking up the peace process. That's one thing, right?
[02:48:43] And they did that. They did that since Biden launched the ceasefire three phase proposal
[02:48:50] Said it was the Israeli proposal even though Israel kept saying no, it's not actually we hate we hate this thing
[02:48:55] We're not gonna do it and kept violating Biden's red lines
[02:49:01] They could continue just reiterating that position over and over again
[02:49:05] But when Israel fucking decapitates the leadership that is responsible that is more moderate and
[02:49:13] Responsible for the ceasefire negotiation on the Palestinian side. It becomes an unavoidable reality
[02:49:20] So they have to be honest about it
[02:49:23] Because if they're not honest about it if they still try to run cover if they still try to make it seem like not
[02:49:30] I know it's actually Hamas
[02:49:32] It's actually Hamas even in this situation and even in this moment, then everyone's gonna go dude
[02:49:39] What the fuck I'm done. I'm never trusting mainstream media ever again
[02:49:43] That's the reason why the there is a noted shift in the coverage of Israel's actions and mainstream media
[02:49:50] And I observed the shift since 2021. It's dramatically changed since 2021 after a lot of the American NGOs
[02:49:57] many of which I'm super critical of openly declared Israel to be an apartheid regime
[02:50:02] okay just making every member of Hamas come forward and surrender willingly nuke
[02:50:10] them yeah no that's that that definitely will make everyone else forget how they've
[02:50:18] been orphaned by Israel Hamas is not simply just an armed wing or an armed
[02:50:25] militant group. Okay? You kill every Hamas person. There's Hamas too. Hamas itself is
[02:50:34] a evolving resistance faction that evolved into the violent, and even a certain is this
[02:50:44] is Islamist fundamentalist faction, as a direct consequence of Israel's 76 year occupation,
[02:50:50] apartheid and its maintenance of the apartheid, which is incredibly violent.
[02:50:54] Do you understand?
[02:50:58] Is an army of orphans that is precisely the reason why you cannot try to deal with this
[02:51:08] in violent ways unless you kill them all, which is seemingly what Israel's trying to
[02:51:13] do, or at least mass displacement?
[02:51:15] A airborne projectile, which frankly could be anything.
[02:51:21] It might suggest it's less likely to be an Israeli jet firing a missile, but we still
[02:51:26] have so many holes in explaining how this extraordinary violation of Iranian security
[02:51:31] even occurred.
[02:51:33] And of course, it's 24 hours after the inauguration that Henea was attending.
[02:51:36] It's a challenge to the comparatively moderate new Iranian president, Masoud Peshashian.
[02:51:42] And it's also clearly a direct challenge to the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah
[02:51:46] Khomeini.
[02:51:47] He said that Israel will face harsh punishment for attacking what he referred to as a
[02:51:50] guest in Iran's house, I'm paraphrasing there, but we're into a dark and very hard to fathom
[02:51:57] chapter here. The southern Beirut attack against Hezbollah left many deeply concerned. We could
[02:52:02] see a conflagration along the northern Israeli-Lebanese border, but now we have a whole extra thought
[02:52:08] to have about quite how Iran, Hezbollah's key backer, respond to this extraordinary
[02:52:13] violation of the sovereignty.
[02:52:15] I mean, they'll feel insulted, they'll feel violated. This was sovereign soil.
[02:52:20] an embarrassment for the Iranians, as Nick was saying. Their intelligence and their security
[02:52:25] apparatus, something like this happening on Iranian soil, very embarrassing. And this
[02:52:29] is why you are bound to see the Iranians responding somehow. But as Nick was saying,
[02:52:35] how we don't know, we'll have to wait and see. But it is certainly something that
[02:52:38] has put the entire region, yet again, on edge. I mean, this has just been a very,
[02:52:47] very dangerous twenty four hours in the region to you together if it was just one it would
[02:52:51] be less concerning they came together is that how would you describe the there are some in
[02:52:56] the region who are seeing this as uh... provocations and an attempt by the israeli cover this already
[02:53:04] push for some we covered uh... we covered shiridh aparsis take
[02:53:09] as he went on cnn to talk about exactly these takes
[02:53:17] Good kill all of Hamas
[02:53:21] brother
[02:53:22] killing all of Hamas is not going to
[02:53:25] magically make
[02:53:27] Palestinians feel
[02:53:30] Good about israel's death and destruction
[02:53:34] Okay
[02:53:36] This is just like this is just violent posturing for no reason. I know a lot of you are coming back after you left
[02:53:45] because of my
[02:53:46] Initial commentary post October 7 because you were uninitiated
[02:53:51] With the subject matter. You didn't know enough about it. Okay
[02:53:56] But like you cannot just kill
[02:53:59] Unless you kill every single person you cannot kill an idea. Okay?
[02:54:05] You just cannot kill people's willingness to survive
[02:54:10] You cannot kill people's willingness to not want to live under an apartheid
[02:54:15] You just can't eradicate that the only way to eradicate that is by eradicating the apartheid itself
[02:54:25] Okay
[02:54:26] That's it. I need you to understand that I know that American framing on the matter is always like oh these guys are terrorists
[02:54:43] They're barbaric. They're terrorists. They're barbaric. They're just operating on pure vitriol and anti-semitism and it's like
[02:54:50] It's not
[02:54:52] Hamas is a response to 76 years of violent occupation.
[02:54:58] Okay, that's it. Hamas is a response to Israel increasing the violence in its maintenance of the occupation.
[02:55:14] What about the charter? What? The 1988 charter or the 2017 charter where they re-triangulated and were like, we're actually not anti-Semitic, we're just anti-Zionist.
[02:55:30] Charter of the top of the hour. Okay. That's a two-parter. You're getting a week off
[02:55:46] I'm sort of a retaliation some sort you think Israel is a right to exist in the region
[02:55:51] I do agree that Israel has been an impressive nation in the region mainly as a satellite of the west
[02:55:55] And they claimed way more than they should have and of Palestine is 1947
[02:55:59] But I believe the Jewish people deserve a nation of their own
[02:56:02] Israel does not have a right to exist in the way that it exists currently
[02:56:07] Israel cannot and will not exist
[02:56:10] as a demographic majority Jewish ethno state that is currently occupying
[02:56:17] territory it does not legally have ownership over where five million Palestinians live.
[02:56:24] Okay, anyway that chatter is the other chatter was right it is the top of the hour I'm going to
[02:56:33] I'm going to serve you a
[02:56:34] 3 minute average. If you no longer want to see those ads, if you want those ads to be
[02:56:40] destroyed, then all you need to do is subscribe for $6 or for free with a Twitch Prime. There
[02:56:58] is no state that deserves to exist by the way, okay?
[02:57:04] Rhodesia did not have a right to exist. And neither does Israel nor does the United
[02:57:10] States of America, nor England, nor Germany, okay? No state has it, no, nor Turkey, no state has a
[02:57:18] right to exist. You have to analyze these situations by looking at the actions and how a state exists.
[02:57:28] Okay? Wabbit Wabbit, thank you for the five gift, the subs, the line, five people that
[02:57:36] no longer see the ads at the top of the hour. Anarchism much, no, that's not even what I'm
[02:57:54] That's not even what I'm saying. I'm not saying like all states are bad or anything like that, although I do believe that a borderless, classless, moneyless society would be an evolution from what we're experiencing currently a good welcomed evolution.
[02:58:12] But that's not what I'm talking about.
[02:58:14] Okay.
[02:58:16] States are an idea that we've cultivated relatively recently as a matter of fact
[02:58:21] It's not like we had the notion of nation states until like the last 100 fucking years
[02:58:27] It is a relatively new phenomena even though obviously with the horse blinders that we have on we
[02:58:33] Cannot see the world
[02:58:35] for all of uh the entire history of mankind
[02:58:39] Okay, I don't want to get into like theory or anything like that
[02:58:46] But ultimately, ultimately, the idea that like every fucking state has to exist, or there has to be a Jewish demographic majority ethno state that has to exist is ridiculous, okay?
[02:59:01] No ethno state has a right to exist as an ethno state. That's number one.
[02:59:06] one. And I say this as an American citizen who routinely criticizes America's many efforts
[02:59:15] in trying to maintain an ethnic majority white population.
[02:59:22] So if I am to say that it is racist in America, why the fuck would I change that narrative
[02:59:27] when talking about Israel? What's racist in America on principle is racist in Israel
[02:59:32] as well. We call Americans that constantly chirp about the great replacement and maintaining
[02:59:43] a white demographic majority, racist Nazis. Why the fuck is it different when it's in
[02:59:49] Israel and all of a sudden the demographic majority is Jewish? It's still racist Nazi
[03:00:01] shit. That's it. It's the same exact kind of hatred. I agree, but it's hard to counter
[03:00:13] and evasive, you know, the Holocaust. No, I mean, I understand that. Darz X is another,
[03:00:21] one of our anti Zionist Jewish Israeli chatters. If I'm not mistaken, the problem in that
[03:00:32] equation is that like the Palestinians didn't do the Holocaust, right? I mean, you know
[03:00:40] everybody knows that. It's not like the Palestinians are responsible for the Holocaust.
[03:00:50] More Palestinians died fighting against Nazi Germany than the one singular Palestinian Grand
[03:00:59] Mufti that was a British colonial leadership figure. Anyway, Israeli anti-Zionists exist,
[03:01:12] yes, and they're all in here. They're all in this community.
[03:01:16] sort of an escalation happening within 24 hours when you have these two targeted
[03:01:30] killings taking place in Beirut and in Tehran, especially really in Tehran,
[03:01:35] the feeling is that this is pushing the Iranians, their proxies in the region to
[03:01:42] some sort of response. What that is we're all waiting to see.
[03:01:47] And we keep hearing that no one wants a war. Iran doesn't want a war.
[03:01:51] So how do they respond by making their point and asserting themselves in this incident, but not escalating to the extent where we're now in a war?
[03:02:00] Nobody wants a war, really, because it would be catastrophic for everybody involved.
[03:02:03] The US doesn't want it ahead of an election. Messing up.
[03:02:06] On March 22, 2004, American made Israeli helicopter fire three missiles at Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, killing him as he left his mosque prayer.
[03:02:14] On the 23rd, Abed Aziz Ran-Tisi is already declared as a replacement.
[03:02:19] On April 17, two missiles fired at his car killed him too. Khaled Mashal then put out an order to
[03:02:25] elect the new head in secret, later revealed to be Ismail Hania. This never works and for a simple
[03:02:30] reason. As long as there is a supply of apartheid, there will be a demand for resistance. Exactly.
[03:02:38] Their foreign policy Israel probably is overstretched after its long war in Gaza and is
[03:02:43] facing in Hezbollah an enemy with a phenomenal rocket arsenal that could do
[03:02:47] significant damage to their population centres. Lebanon does not want the
[03:02:51] spectre of Israeli airstrikes over its key cities like Beirut where Hezbollah has a
[03:02:55] stronghold and Iran look you know they try and walk 10 foot tall the whole time
[03:02:58] and you heard the fire rhetoric from the Supreme Leader today but they're
[03:03:01] suffering from sanctions they just had years of unrest now there's a more
[03:03:04] moderate president power than how many frankly would probably have liked to
[03:03:08] have seen so none of them really wanted but none of them can afford
[03:03:10] at this point to lose face particularly Iran after something like this but
[03:03:14] It's important to look at the two events of the last 24 hours in sort of slight separation.
[03:03:19] They're completely connected in what will happen afterwards, but the strike on Southern
[03:03:22] Bay route, you could argue.
[03:03:25] By the way, the no appetite for more death and destruction in Israeli society narrative
[03:03:30] is completely fucking false.
[03:03:32] It's sad.
[03:03:33] I'm sure it's hard to feel much empathy for it, consider our action, but even supposedly
[03:03:36] left-leaning Israeli Jews can sometimes be afraid of being anywhere that isn't
[03:03:39] their ethno-state.
[03:03:40] I have famed members who will probably never leave the country.
[03:03:43] And when I speak about where I want to immigrate to a lot of times I get told, or there's a large, large Muslim community in next country.
[03:03:49] Yeah, of course.
[03:03:52] No, I get it.
[03:03:53] It's just fear mongering.
[03:03:55] That fear mongering is set at the heart of the Israeli national mythos.
[03:04:01] Um, there is obviously valid justifications for being fearful.
[03:04:05] If you're Jewish, considering, I don't know, centuries of fucking Jewish history of oppression, struggle.
[03:04:12] and being victim to violent pogroms, the Holocaust.
[03:04:17] The problem is that the Israeli government,
[03:04:21] since its inception, has nefariously utilized that
[03:04:25] to create an offensive campaign against people who are helpless,
[03:04:32] people that were not even remotely related to the violence that Jews were subjected to.
[03:04:40] That fear mongering is in my uneducated opinion because sometimes the first step in the fascism
[03:04:44] No, it is an Israel develop it delivers a steady cycle of reinforcement to that fear mongering
[03:04:51] Like Israel is the perfect demonstration of what how a society can completely turn fascist
[03:05:01] If you want to know what happened in fucking Nazi Germany in the lead up to World War two
[03:05:07] look no further than what is going on in Israel and how the average Israeli feels
[03:05:12] about the current government's actions. It is the exact same one-to-one logic.
[03:05:18] It's pure fascism. Fascist leadership demands a steady cycle, a steady
[03:05:29] reinforcement of an enemy that is both weak and strong, an enemy that is in
[03:05:34] every corner. It is of course additionally ironic that for Nazi Germany it was
[03:05:40] the Jews, right? And now for Israel, it is the Palestinians, the Arabs, the Muslims was
[03:05:55] a targeted Israeli response for what happened in the Golan Heights over the weekend, the
[03:05:59] killing of predominantly teenagers playing football, who were Druze. We knew there had
[03:06:04] been an Israeli response and they went a little bit...
[03:06:06] It was a while, I was listening to Gideon Levy this morning on Democracy Now and
[03:06:09] he was talking about like interviewing the Druze population and yes, there were
[03:06:15] some and he said that there were younger Druze that like want to become Israelis whereas like
[03:06:21] the older Druze population very much so identify as Syrian and Druze and do not want Israeli
[03:06:29] citizenship whatsoever.
[03:06:31] But there were still many people, many people in the immediate vicinity in this small town
[03:06:37] where the bombing occurred that said, fuck you Israel, we do not want you to go and
[03:06:44] do more violence in our name. Which is crazy. Like 12 children are fucking blown to bits
[03:06:54] and in the immediate aftermath, the Israeli government shows up at your doorstep and your
[03:06:59] reaction is like, no dog, we don't want this shit. You want to do this for your own self.
[03:07:04] We don't want this shit at all.
[03:07:05] Further, I think, than anybody might have expected by hitting southern Beirut, but
[03:07:22] after that, you might consider a tit for tat had occurred. This extra assassination
[03:07:27] of Hania fully within what Israel has always said it would do.
[03:07:29] They've always said they go after the Hamas leadership.
[03:07:32] Did they say they go into northern Tehran and carry out an attack like this?
[03:07:35] Well, they've done it before, frankly, with nuclear scientists in 2020.
[03:07:39] And so a lot of questions as to what Iran is actually going to be able to do next
[03:07:43] and what's within its sort of pain threshold.
[03:07:45] And a lot of this will just been given an evacuation order
[03:07:48] and told to leave TLV.
[03:07:51] Apparently we're getting charter flighted out tonight.
[03:07:53] I think things are getting a little too hot for the State Department's
[03:07:56] liking. Tel Aviv, be safe. What does it mean? What does the chatter mean? The chatter is
[03:08:36] probably in Israel and is saying that there is an evacuation order in Tel Aviv.
[03:08:41] We've been factored in.
[03:08:50] This comes after the Iranian leadership said that they were going to strike back on Israel
[03:08:56] in retaliation for the Ismail Haniah assassination.
[03:08:59] Not Israelis. Before they even launched an attack like this. But there's a key
[03:09:02] question and that's really US involvement here. Secretary Blinken has said that they
[03:09:06] were not aware, they were not involved in this attack. It beggars belief to me, frankly,
[03:09:11] that there'd be no heads up to the United States of a move like this.
[03:09:14] Is he a courtesy, wouldn't it?
[03:09:15] I mean, yeah, five minutes beforehand. But we simply don't know the full extent, and
[03:09:19] I'm sure Secretary Blinken is telling the absolute truth here. But if this means that
[03:09:23] a key move like this was made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without telling
[03:09:27] the United States, then where is that relationship now? What traction does the Biden administration
[03:09:31] even have after his recent visit to Washington?
[03:09:34] What does it do next?
[03:09:35] Where does, yeah, the role of UF diplomacy right now
[03:09:38] to try and de-escalate the situation.
[03:09:41] I want to ask you about the peace process,
[03:09:43] because Qatar made an interesting comment,
[03:09:44] which was, how can these negotiations continue?
[03:09:49] Qatar's obviously hosting them if one of the key negotiators
[03:09:53] has been assassinated effectively.
[03:09:55] I mean, it's a very strong statement coming from the key
[03:09:59] player in these negotiations, of course,
[03:10:02] that have been, they've stalled over the past few months,
[03:10:07] but they have been ongoing and quite delicate talks
[03:10:10] at this point in time for the release of the hostages
[03:10:13] for a ceasefire deal in Gaza.
[03:10:16] And there are critics of the Israeli Prime Minister
[03:10:18] who have accused him time and time again
[03:10:20] of attempts at sabotaging these talks
[03:10:24] because they've always felt that it is in his interest
[03:10:28] to prolong any war, the wars that are going on
[03:10:31] to stay in office, it's all about his political survival really as many have seen it.
[03:10:38] So you've had this very strong statement coming from the Qataris, the prime minister
[03:10:42] posting on X saying that the approach of political assassination does prompt a question of how
[03:10:51] can mediation succeed when one party assassins the negotiator on the other side.
[03:10:56] So really big questions about what happens next, but clearly at this point.
[03:11:01] This is it. It's like, there's no, you cannot maintain the facade in the Western world that
[03:11:08] like it's actually, you cannot maintain the facade in the Western world. I need to clarify,
[03:11:14] it's not Israel government who's given the evac order. Yeah. You cannot maintain the facade
[03:11:23] that it's actually Hamas that is fucking up the peace process and the negotiations
[03:11:29] when
[03:11:31] Israel killed the principal negotiator
[03:11:34] You just can't and that's why it's yet another miscalculation in terms of like
[03:11:40] Israel trying to do foreign Israel trying to do whatever the fuck it wants to wall
[03:11:46] Not really thinking clearly about how this reads to the Western world
[03:11:49] even the American media is not doing that flies the Tel Aviv are suspended until Friday
[03:11:54] point in time it's very hard to imagine that these talks are going to resume
[03:12:06] in a time soon extraordinary here secretary Blinken this morning talking about the ceasefire is the goal
[03:12:11] almost as though this extraordinary move by the Israelis to kill one of the
[03:12:15] plans for a set of possible responses to attempt to penetrate northern borders
[03:12:19] hold at the very least right I think you can break news from Al Jazeera
[03:12:23] Israel, Israeli channel 12 is preparing to invade the northern border into Lebanon.
[03:12:35] There you go.
[03:12:39] This might be the beginning of the end.
[03:12:44] We call on the security council to issue a resolution obligating Israel to stop its aggression
[03:12:48] against Gaza.
[03:12:51] The Egyptian Jordanian statement.
[03:12:57] They fucking did this before and it spectacularly backfired.
[03:13:01] Yes, U.S. warships are reportedly headed towards Lebanon.
[03:13:07] Maria von Lynne says no official confirmation for now.
[03:13:09] The U.S. Embassy in Beirut urged Americans earlier to prepare for an evacuation plan.
[03:13:13] Let's say a few days people aren't going to be picking up their phones, particularly
[03:13:20] one of them.
[03:13:21] But I mean, we're in a horrific moment here, I think, where the concept of U.S. traction
[03:13:25] slipping is there as we reach this very dangerous moment of unpredictability.
[03:13:30] A lot of people are asking questions about the timing.
[03:13:33] Why now?
[03:13:34] Yeah.
[03:13:35] Why now?
[03:13:36] What's the theory?
[03:13:37] What you mean by now, so close to the Beirut strike?
[03:13:40] No, why now?
[03:13:41] Like, why go after Hania right now?
[03:13:44] And there was a feeling that these talks are back on track when they are getting closer
[03:13:47] when why is it happening?
[03:13:49] Why do they choose to go after Hania?
[03:13:52] And they created the risk of a more hard line leader coming into a place.
[03:13:56] I'm presumed. Hmm. Good question.
[03:13:58] I wonder why I don't know.
[03:14:05] Maybe because Israel had no interest in actually fucking negotiating
[03:14:08] or even like, maintaining the safety and security of the hostages. That's a really good question to ask,
[03:14:15] especially since October 10, Israel's first retaliation, both internally in terms of like
[03:14:20] maintaining its security, was to kill Israelis, and then also immediately start bombing Gaza,
[03:14:27] where the fucking hostages were, which again, killed hostages. It feels like I'm going crazy,
[03:14:34] repeating myself over and over again for the past 10 months, but there was never a moment
[03:14:38] There was never a moment where it seemed like the Israeli government even made inferences to the safety and security of the hostages.
[03:14:47] Their actions showed that reality over and over again.
[03:14:51] What more should Israel do in order to show the world that they are not interested in the safety and security of their own hostages?
[03:15:09] It seems like blowing them up into fucking smithereens was not enough of an indication for many
[03:15:16] His video charts the rise of his bullah
[03:15:24] Really informative given the current context. Yeah profile. Who is Hassan Nasrallah?
[03:15:29] Let's take a look at this video
[03:15:31] This will allow you to understand what happened last time Israel invaded Lebanon by the way in the in the potential
[03:15:37] Eve of a
[03:15:39] possible invasion of Lebanon again
[03:15:50] I think that posted that Israel is preparing a response by Lebanon including an attempt to invade the north not Israel preparing to invade the northern border. Oh, okay
[03:15:59] Okay, my apologies the Twitter
[03:16:03] the Twitter
[03:16:06] Translate function is broken
[03:16:08] for once
[03:16:10] But here let's watch
[03:16:20] Hassan Nasrallah has been the dominant leader of Hezbollah for nearly three decades.
[03:16:48] He is seen by many as a resistance figure accredited with driving Israel from southern
[03:16:53] Lebanon.
[03:16:58] But for others, he's a controversial militia leader whose command of Hezbollah has led
[03:17:03] to an escalation of conflict in Lebanon and the region.
[03:17:08] And how has Hezbollah evolved under his leadership?
[03:17:25] Nasrullah was born in 1960 to a working-class Shi'a family in an impoverished suburb in
[03:17:31] eastern Beirut.
[03:17:33] In 1975, during the Lebanese Civil War, he fled with his family to his ancestral home
[03:17:39] in southern Lebanon.
[03:17:40] There, he joined the Yemen Movement, a Shi'a paramilitary group once known as the
[03:17:46] movement of the deprived. Nasrallah was interested in theology and traveled to Negev and Iraq
[03:17:52] for Quranic studies. But he was forced to return to the civil war in Lebanon, which now had grown
[03:17:59] larger and more complicated. In 1978, Israel's army invaded to root out Palestinian militants,
[03:18:15] and again in 1982, main siege to Beirut and destroying large parts of the city.
[03:18:21] Nasrallah returned to the Amal movement to fight, becoming the group's commander in Beqa Valley.
[03:18:34] During this time, Nasrallah became close with Abbas and Musawi, an influential Shia cleric
[03:18:42] who had just co-founded a new group called Hezbollah, or Party of God.
[03:18:47] The group was formed with the backing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in response
[03:18:51] to Israel's invasion of Lebanon at the height of the war in 1982.
[03:18:56] Nasrallah was drawn in and soon left the MN movement to enlist.
[03:19:01] By 1985, Hezbollah had formally declared its
[03:19:05] Can you cover the black journals with Trump?
[03:19:08] I did in the morning.
[03:19:11] First thing I covered,
[03:19:12] existence in an open letter,
[03:19:15] aligning its identity and goals.
[03:19:18] It called for an armed struggle against Israeli occupation
[03:19:22] and declared its allegiance to Iran's spiritual leader
[03:19:26] Ayatullah Khomeini and his doctrine,
[03:19:29] Wala'iyat al-Faqih,
[03:19:30] which demanded loyalty to him as the highest religious guide,
[03:19:35] the Faqih.
[03:19:38] Nasrallah rose quickly through the ranks of Hezbollah,
[03:19:41] despite his young age.
[03:19:42] After Al-Musawi was assassinated by Israel in 1992,
[03:19:47] Nasrallah, aged just 32,
[03:19:49] replaced his mentor as Hezbollah's leader.
[03:20:14] Under Nasrallah's leadership, Hezbollah expanded its domestic influence and became a key political
[03:20:24] player in Lebanon.
[03:20:26] The group entered parliamentary elections for the first time in 1992, advocating for
[03:20:32] the rights of Shiam Muslims and the Lebanese working class.
[03:20:37] He distinguished himself from the country's growing class of elites by capitalizing on
[03:20:42] Hezbollah's role in resisting Israel.
[03:20:45] In the 1980s and 1990s, Hezbollah carried out dozens of attacks on Israeli military targets,
[03:20:52] as Israel continued to occupy a strip of southern Lebanon, deemed a security zone, totaling
[03:20:58] about 10% of the country's territory.
[03:21:01] People like to hype up these Middle Eastern militaries for some reason when it seems
[03:21:07] like we could drop a few aircraft carriers on them.
[03:21:13] Chat's saying, basically, these people is ironic.
[03:21:15] This guy is so anti-women rights, anti-gay rights, anti-everything else they have for.
[03:21:18] Also as an Iranian, the glorification of the Iranian regime in this chat is crazy.
[03:21:22] Brother, I don't think you understand.
[03:21:24] Okay?
[03:21:25] I don't give a fuck about what a person's personal convictions are when they are at
[03:21:31] the precipice of slaughter.
[03:21:33] Okay?
[03:21:36] Like, it's ridiculous.
[03:21:38] That's it.
[03:21:49] that drop in Gaza, do not avoid gay Palestinians, do not avoid women in Palestine, women in Gaza.
[03:22:00] They kill all. You understand? People that are predisposed with survival from a genocidal entity
[03:22:13] are going to be hyper-focusing on survival instead of gay liberation at that moment.
[03:22:19] It's ironic that you are from the Iranian diaspora and don't recognize the hardening
[03:22:28] positions in your country, in your home nation as a direct consequence of an incredibly violent
[03:22:35] coup that took place with Western influence, with Western backers that set up a Western-aligned
[03:22:45] figurehead that tortured the shit out of your people, which then led to an incredibly fundamentalist
[03:22:53] retaliation against that.
[03:22:56] This has happened historically, everywhere that America has meddled in the affairs of.
[03:23:17] In 1997, Nasrallah's son was killed during clashes with Israeli forces, fueling his
[03:23:39] standing as a champion of resistance against occupation in the eyes of his supporters.
[03:23:45] Hezbollah fought a successful campaign against Israel's occupation of Lebanon.
[03:23:50] And when Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon in 2000, ending an 18-year occupation, it
[03:23:56] was declared a victory for the resistance.
[03:24:13] In 2005, Lebanon's prime minister, Fikr Hadid, the country's most prominent Sunni figure
[03:24:20] at the time, was assassinated.
[03:24:23] He'd been a vocal critic of another regional player that had entered into the country,
[03:24:28] who sent thousands of soldiers to fight during the civil war, but maintained a heavy military presence for nearly three decades.
[03:24:37] Many accused both Syria and Hezbollah of having clear motives to kill Haireda,
[03:24:42] is something they both denied.
[03:24:44] His death would plunge Lebanon into turmoil, yet again,
[03:24:48] and lead to a mass protest movement demanding Syria's withdrawal.
[03:24:52] Syria was a key political ally to Hezbollah.
[03:24:55] And although Syrian dominance in Lebanon diminished after the departure of its troops, the two
[03:25:01] maintained long-standing ties.
[03:25:03] After the 2005 political crisis, Hezbollah's influence had greatly increased.
[03:25:32] For the first time, it negotiated its way into government, and its members took up ministerial
[03:25:38] portfolios and began making strategic alliances with Lebanese factions.
[03:25:43] Asrallah relied on his charisma to boost Hezbollah's public image.
[03:26:04] He showed up his support in the marginalized Shi'a community, the largest of Lebanon's
[03:26:09] 18 sects.
[03:26:10] through low-cost or free social welfare services that the Lebanese government failed to provide.
[03:26:17] Under his watch, Hezbollah built schools, hospitals, and charity organizations.
[03:26:22] When war broke out again between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006,
[03:26:27] the group positioned itself as Lebanon's strongest military force,
[03:26:31] capable of protecting people in southern Lebanon and helping them rebuild their villages.
[03:26:42] More with Israel would prove to be the group's biggest turning point.
[03:27:16] It began in July 2006, when Hezbollah members captured two Israeli soldiers during cause
[03:27:22] border attacks.
[03:27:25] Israel launched the military campaign into southern Lebanon, dropping thousands of bombs
[03:27:30] and missiles.
[03:27:31] The month-long war severely damaged Lebanon's infrastructure, displaced 1 million people
[03:27:37] and killed more than 1,200 Lebanese people in 165 Israelis.
[03:27:43] But after 34 days, Israel withdrew and Hezbollah fighters were celebrated as heroes across the Arab world.
[03:28:11] Nasrallah's speeches were broadcast on Hezbollah's Al-Lanar TV and watched by millions around the region.
[03:28:17] The victory shattered the myth of Israel's invincibility and increased Masrallah's popularity
[03:28:38] in Lebanon and the region.
[03:29:06] Throughout the war, Hezbollah documented its guerrilla campaign to promote its military
[03:29:11] successes and battle readiness, eventually managing to dominate the information war.
[03:29:17] And although the war resulted in a heavy human cost, for many Arabs, Israel's withdrawal
[03:29:22] from southern Lebanon in 2000, then its military failure in 2006 marked a series of long-awaited
[03:29:30] wings.
[03:29:31] Since the end of the war, Nasrallah rarely appeared in public for fear of being assassinated
[03:29:43] by Israel.
[03:29:44] He kept his movement secret and spoke at rallies through video links, but his ambition
[03:29:49] for Hezbollah did not waver.
[03:29:55] Following the war, the group led a series of protests to demand a greater share of
[03:29:59] power and the resignation of the U.S.-backed government of Fuad San Uro.
[03:30:05] In response, thousands of supporters camped out in central Beirut in a bid to overthrow
[03:30:11] the government.
[03:30:13] Two years later, Hezbollah sympathizers and pro-government supporters clashed in Beirut
[03:30:18] after the government threatened to shut down Hezbollah's private telecommunications network.
[03:30:24] This time, the government caved and agreed to meet the ...
[03:30:27] I would revolt if they took my fiber optic cable network away as well. That's right, ladies and gentlemen
[03:30:37] I don't know if they will bring this up in this fucking piece, but they have a fiber optic cable network
[03:30:43] Hezbollah has fiber. I don't just something to think about
[03:30:53] Heated talks in Doha that resulted in Hezbollah getting veto power over cabinet decisions
[03:30:59] He knows you can see this in the whole world.
[03:31:10] That one of us is blind and blind.
[03:31:14] He says to the whole world, we are the leaders of the right.
[03:31:19] The weight of the party of God, his life, his money,
[03:31:24] his food, his drink, his weapons, his weapons,
[03:31:28] from the Islamic Republic of Iran.
[03:31:31] Hezbollah's political and military alliance with Iran angered many Arab states, who feared
[03:31:40] Tehran's growing influence in the region.
[03:31:43] Nasrallah used this platform to rally support for Iran.
[03:31:47] And when war broke out in Syria, he sent his soldiers to fight alongside Bashar al-Assad
[03:31:52] and help them to take power.
[03:32:10] Yeah, he has a list.
[03:32:12] and defend Palestine, and the Palestinian cause, and Syria,
[03:32:18] and the resistance of the resistance.
[03:32:22] As well as intervention and rage the Arab world,
[03:32:40] it also made them a target for reprisal attacks.
[03:32:46] In 2013 and 2014, Islamic State militants carried out more than a dozen car bombings
[03:32:52] in Shi'a areas in Lebanon, killing dozens of people and injuring hundreds.
[03:32:57] At home, many Lebanese blamed Hezbollah for exacerbating the situation in Syria
[03:33:07] and dragging the conflict across its borders.
[03:33:10] 1.5 million Syrian refugees fled to Lebanon, further straining the country's economy.
[03:33:18] In 2016, the Gulf Cooperation Council designated Hezbollah as a terrorist group
[03:33:23] terrorist group and began to apply pressure on Lebanon's government to limit the group's power.
[03:33:28] Ehem bro, the Gulf Cooperation Council doesn't have that kind of smoke for ISIS, doesn't have
[03:33:38] that smoke for any number of different Islamist fundamentalist Wahhabist groups, doesn't have
[03:33:45] that smoke for Israel, only has the smoke for Hezbollah, Iran.
[03:33:53] Look, I'm Sunni, okay? I'm Turkish. I'm Sunni. This is not like a big distinction. It's not
[03:34:01] something that like normal people care about. I feel like Westerners know about the distinction
[03:34:11] and care about it more or like think that this is like a legitimate,
[03:34:16] a legitimate difference when most normal Muslims just see themselves as Muslim,
[03:34:21] they don't see it as like Sunni Shia as a distinction. But ultimately, but ultimately,
[03:34:31] only one group of individuals, Hamas is Sunni as well, by the way. Palestinian resistance is Sunni.
[03:34:36] Palestinian people are Sunni. It is originally an Islamic charity, an Islamist charity that started
[03:34:43] as a Muslim Brotherhood cutout. Okay. Ultimately, the point I'm trying to make is this distinction
[03:34:55] is is not as significant as the way that like it is presented in the Western world and
[03:35:00] beyond that
[03:35:02] Beyond that it happens to be that like the entirety of the resistance is
[03:35:07] Led by mostly shea sex
[03:35:09] The entirety of the resistance against Israel and America in the region
[03:35:14] Or even if they're not shea sex oftentimes they are secular as well or at least secular presenting
[03:35:21] Some of these guys are not great. Some of these guys are horrifyingly bad. Okay?
[03:35:29] But ultimately, but ultimately, it goes from decent to bad to really unimaginably bad.
[03:35:39] And the really unimaginably bad part of that equation is almost always secretly or openly backed
[03:35:45] by Saudi Arabia, UAE, these guys that have openly and privately had maintained a relationship
[03:35:57] with Israel for quite some time at this point.
[03:36:01] Just saying.
[03:36:04] Countries like Saudi Arabia, which had been a key investor in Lebanon, began to shun the
[03:36:08] country's leaders.
[03:36:10] They threatened them with sanctions if they didn't curtail the party's grip over domestic
[03:36:14] politics and their role as a proxy for Iran. This diplomatic pressure, alongside Lebanon's
[03:36:21] economic crisis, began to push the country towards a breaking point. With skyrocketing
[03:36:27] prices at deadlock in parliament and a failure of basic services like electricity and waste
[03:36:33] management, the Lebanese people had had enough of the ruling elite.
[03:36:38] Do they hate Israel or do they his she is more than Israel for Saudis the answer is absolutely fucking yes, not like Saudi
[03:36:46] population
[03:36:48] but
[03:36:50] Saudi Kingdom Saudi Monarchs not even a question absolutely like that is a that is the most common joke
[03:37:01] And in the entirety of the Muslim world is that like the Saudis
[03:37:05] the Saudis would invade Israel if Israel declared to be Shia tomorrow.
[03:38:01] against the new taxes, but rejected calls for resignations, calling it a waste of time.
[03:38:08] Protesters longing for a political change and better living conditions were angered by Nasrallah's
[03:38:13] stance.
[03:38:14] I don't want to ask for the demands of the people of the country.
[03:38:21] I swear to God, this government is needed if it is a shared or a shared one.
[03:38:27] What a joke!
[03:38:30] In August 2020, a massive explosion in Beirut's courts
[03:38:34] has shocked the youth through the city.
[03:38:42] Entire neighborhoods were leveled and more than 200 people were killed.
[03:38:48] But when investigations questioned the role of senior officials in ignoring the threats that led to the explosion,
[03:39:00] Masrullah hit back, accusing the judge leading the case of political bias, and calling for him to be replaced.
[03:39:07] Tensions escalated, fueled by the anger of the victims' families who condemned the repeated suspension of the inquiry as an attempt by politicians to evade justice.
[03:39:18] It culminated in a day of deadly clashes and late...
[03:39:21] Tehran, to aid the Hamas were standing with the Syrian opposition.
[03:39:25] Iran and Hezbollah's conduct in Syria is the reason why people hate Iranian-backed
[03:39:28] militias, but in light of recent events more and more people open up to the
[03:39:30] access of resistance because of the lack of their government's action.
[03:39:36] Also, there's been a little bit of back and forth on that front, but
[03:39:42] like considering that Israel also aligned with the Fundies in Syria
[03:39:48] and even offered them protective cover, whereas Hamas itself literally executed ISIS leadership
[03:39:56] or ISIS militants in their own that tried to operate within Gaza shows you that those
[03:40:05] allegiances are only momentary and can change it in a given moment with the ultimate prize
[03:40:12] or the ultimate goal being the eradication of the apartheid.
[03:40:21] I mean, you know, it's pretty funny to think about people accusing me of being like a busher
[03:40:27] up a lassoed supporter, um, when, you know, I have had a militant that worked within,
[03:40:38] uh, the, the, uh, YPJ on my broadcast and I'm good friends with him, you know what
[03:40:48] I mean?
[03:40:51] That's right.
[03:40:52] Racial Jake, baby.
[03:40:56] So how are you back to 40k while covering Palestine?
[03:41:20] It's because people are waiting for me to move away from this.
[03:41:28] For the first time in years, people feared the country was heading towards renewing sectarian
[03:41:33] tensions.
[03:41:36] The pressure to limit- We're gonna finish this and then I'll go to-
[03:41:39] Israel just said all our war with Iran does retaliatory strikes.
[03:41:45] Fuck it, we ball, baby.
[03:41:48] all other victims of revolutionary gods as a terror organization as it continues to lead
[03:41:52] in such as 20 to 16 and 1701. Where are the condemnations of Hamas and the violent attack
[03:42:03] on October 7th? Where are the condemnations for his balance?
[03:42:07] Still sharpening about this brawl. Members of the council find concern for regional
[03:42:13] escalation. It quaked the prospect of addressing the root of this escalation. I wish to
[03:42:19] cost your minds back for a moment to May 2, 2011. Then Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
[03:42:27] celebrated the termination of Osama bin Laden, describing it as a watershed moment in our
[03:42:32] common global fight against terrorism. He exclaimed his relief at the news that justice
[03:42:38] has been done to such a mastermind of international terrorism. Please, take a moment to reflect
[03:42:44] on this reaction. Just 13 years. Interesting accent from the
[03:42:47] Israeli guy. Is it from one apartheid state to the next,
[03:42:54] baby?
[03:42:58] From one apartheid state to the next motherfucker. It's my it's
[03:43:04] my favorite. It's my favorite fascism dick writers. Okay.
[03:43:09] The guy who's like, the guy who's like, the apartheid is
[03:43:15] perishing in my home state. Where oh where could I go driving the machinery of death and destruction
[03:43:31] that threatens us all. The blood of innocent children in Majdal Shams and of the victims
[03:43:36] of the October 7th massacre and all other victims since then. The ceaseless rocket fire
[03:43:41] on Israeli towns, the ongoing plight of the 115 hostages still being held by Hamas
[03:43:47] tomorrow for 300 days, all trace back to Tehran's ruthless ambitions.
[03:43:53] We urge this, bro, this narrative doesn't even work in Israel anymore.
[03:43:58] Like even, bro, even Israelis are like, come on, dawg, like, what the fuck are you doing?
[03:44:06] Like, what are you doing?
[03:44:08] We need the fucking family members to come back home.
[03:44:11] Like it's, it's so funny that they're still trying to be like, I must
[03:44:16] could release all the hostages tomorrow if they fucking wanted to.
[03:44:21] It's like, no, dude, you just killed the guy who was working on it.
[03:44:26] As a matter of fact, that's the reason why you're here at the emergency
[03:44:28] meeting at the UN Security Council.
[03:44:30] International community to hold the Islamic Republic accountable for its crimes.
[03:44:35] The world cannot afford to cower before the Ayatollah's tyranny.
[03:44:38] We therefore demand that this council moves to condemn Iran for its
[03:44:41] continued support of regional terrorism and increased sanctions on Tehran. We must also
[03:44:47] list – it must also list Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terror organization, as it continues
[03:44:52] to lead and coordinate attacks across the Middle East and the world. I thank you.
[03:44:58] I thank the representative of Israel for his statement, and I give the floor to the
[03:45:03] representative of the Syrian Arab Republic.
[03:45:05] It's pretty funny that the Russian Federation is now the President of the UN Security Council
[03:45:12] in Madagascar.
[03:45:13] Syria reiterates against the state's leader that an occupying entity cannot claim that
[03:45:25] they are defending themselves and an Article 51 of your charge.
[03:45:31] nothing funnier than attacking the peace negotiator on Iranian soil and then turning around and
[03:45:39] being like, you know who we have to condemn here? Iran. Like what? Hey guys, I know we
[03:45:50] came here to this emergency US security council meeting because we, we did another oopsie
[03:45:56] in a long sequence of oopsies, but you know who's really responsible? Iran. Thanks man.
[03:46:04] Because of its Arab-Israeli security, we reaffirmed the maintaining international peace
[03:46:10] and security necessity for the American administration to renounce the destructive policy and to cease
[03:46:20] to prevent the security measures from soldering its responsibilities and fulfilling its
[03:46:25] charter mandate.
[03:46:26] President, the Zionist entity has perpetrated this morning another crime, another terrorist
[03:46:38] aggression in Tehran in Iraq, which led to the martyr of the political office. The
[03:46:46] that is the time when Hamas is male Hanim. This assassination demonstrates the mentality
[03:46:54] of the occupier, and is his daily response to what is called the Biden plan, which is
[03:47:00] contained in your Resolution 2735, which was submitted by the American delegation.
[03:47:05] Before that, Steve, Israeli-occupied entity, have noted another terrorist aggression
[03:47:13] targeting a residential building in the south suburb of Beirut. This led to the
[03:47:20] massive number of several citizens, including one woman, two children, tens of
[03:47:26] people from this neighborhood.
[03:47:31] Oh my God. Once again, chatters were like, you have to watch this are
[03:47:36] terrible with their instincts on what is good content and what is not.
[03:47:39] Okay, let's finish this.
[03:47:40] And Hezbollah's power has been getting louder.
[03:47:43] The U.S. and Gulf countries place sanctions against the group's finance in a bid to curb
[03:47:48] its influence, but Nasrallah remained defiant.
[03:47:56] Man, I feel like Israel hate being addressed as honest to the Jewish.
[03:48:07] Um, I mean, yes and no, it depends on who's listening, uh, internally, I mean, there is no,
[03:48:16] like a lot of Zionists use, uh, Judaism as a shield, a simple defense mechanism.
[03:48:43] But depending on who you're talking to, depending on who you're talking to,
[03:48:47] if it's like a liberal Zionist they will also yell at you for for for saying
[03:48:54] like well well how dare you say Israel's actions are responsible for
[03:48:58] anti-Semitism increasing in the Western world and all around the globe like
[03:49:01] Israel is not Israel is completely removed from Zionism or rather not
[03:49:09] Israel sorry Israel is completely removed from Judaism and it's like yeah I
[03:49:12] know that okay but Israel you should probably take that up with Israel because
[03:49:17] they keep fucking saying they're doing this for Judaism, you know?
[03:49:39] With each crisis that befell Lebanon, Hassan Nasrullah was there to maneuver his party
[03:49:44] to ever-growing power.
[03:49:46] For three decades, he amassed the political and paramilitary force no one could challenge
[03:49:51] at Lebedon.
[03:49:52] A hero to his supporters and a dangerous menace to his adversaries, now he faces complex challenges,
[03:50:02] a country in economic meltdown, tensions with political rivals, and growing international
[03:50:08] pressure on Hezbollah to put down its arms.
[03:50:18] Israel sent messages to diplomatic channels of Lebanon and Iran where Israel says they are ready to go to the point of all-out war if Hezbollah and Iran respond in a way that will severely damage Israel according to Israel's channel 12.
[03:50:30] Israel's preparing for various scenarios including the possibility of Hezbollah attempting to breach the northern border in response to the assassination.
[03:50:37] So the channel 12 thing was actually a wrong translation.
[03:50:42] They're saying they are preparing for an all-out invasion of Israel. Not that they're preparing for an all-out invasion of Lebanon
[03:50:53] New details what?
[03:51:00] Given the Ninyahu just returned from DC and that Israel's head of Mossad was meeting with Burns just two days ago and sees far talks
[03:51:05] The impression is that either the US was in on it or that Israel is deliberately betrayed the US as well
[03:51:11] Yeah, I mean, there's no other there's no other outcome here
[03:51:15] time with that Ovo says in December
[03:51:17] However, 1992 Israel tries to deport 415 Hamas activists to Lebanon.
[03:51:21] Among them, Ismail Hania.
[03:51:23] All kidnapped overnight and bussed northward.
[03:51:26] The story reaches both the courts and the Lebanese border guard who delay the operation.
[03:51:30] Eventually they're sent across and set up a miserable tent camp in Hezboah.
[03:51:35] A week passes, a Lebanese man, Wafiq Safa, pays the group a visit.
[03:51:39] He says he comes on behalf of the General Secretary Hassan Nasrullah and the group
[03:51:43] discuss an alliance.
[03:51:45] next history don't make fun of me chatters I'm fucking ESL okay god damn I rarely ever
[03:51:54] fuck up when saying words and you know it's like one of the the W's and the V's are hard
[03:52:02] for me you're annoying in the way of honey killing secretary Lloyd Austin secretary defense
[03:52:11] Lloyd Austin's US will help defend Israel if it's attacked hard to speculate how
[03:52:15] How hostage has to be affected?
[03:52:16] Blinken says, Germany cautious all parties prevent regional conflagration, conflagration.
[03:52:23] You Russia warns of dangerous consequences.
[03:52:27] America doing the same thing that it's been doing so far, which is, which is, uh, we
[03:52:36] will defend Israel, we will dig right Israel, Israel can do whatever it wants.
[03:52:42] You guys need to shut the fuck up.
[03:52:45] How dare you?
[03:52:46] How dare you speak ill of our goats?
[03:52:48] okay they are the best literally the best they're the greatest democracy on earth
[03:52:56] they're the greatest country on earth they're the most moral army on earth
[03:53:08] israel is also closed it's uh airspace north of hadera
[03:53:13] there's a no tam or a notice to airmen issued by israel's aviation authority this morning
[03:53:19] notice is valid for 24 hours and applies to all aircraft except for emergency flights by the
[03:53:23] by the military police, firefighters and medical evac.
[03:53:26] Banguiriyan airport is unaffected by the closure
[03:53:28] as commercial flights generally do not fly north of Hedera
[03:53:31] to reach the airport near Tel Aviv.
[03:53:33] However, however, other flights going into Tel Aviv airport
[03:53:43] have also been canceled.
[03:53:53] Notice the air mission is not airman, FAA went woke.
[03:53:56] Okay, whatever, who cares?
[03:54:06] It is crazy to me
[03:54:08] that we are potentially one step away from just all out global war and it was
[03:54:20] done so that Benjamin and Yahoo in a disastrous maneuver just could continue
[03:54:26] conducting his all-out war and selfishly bring the United States of America into
[03:54:30] the fold just straight up only only reason there is no other reason like
[03:54:41] Like, yeah, U.S. move to travel advisory to maximum in Lebanon.
[03:54:55] On July 31st, we raise the travel advisory for Lebanon at level four.
[03:54:59] Do not travel over the entire country.
[03:55:01] If you are in Lebanon, be prepared for shelter in place should the situation deteriorate.
[03:55:05] Notice how they're not issuing the full-blown travel declaration to Israel.
[03:55:09] I mean, I guess maybe they are.
[03:55:11] But I don't think it's at the same level.
[03:55:13] There's only one side eats all the smoke.
[03:55:19] the other side will, uh, the other side has a obvious, uh, the other side could obviously
[03:55:26] incur some, uh, wrath as well.
[03:55:33] But you know, New Danny Gonzalez, brother, I'm sorry, are you on fucking crack cocaine?
[03:55:41] Like actually, are you insane?
[03:55:44] Or is this like an elaborate ad break debate at the top of the hour?
[03:55:47] Why the fuck would I watch the new Danny Gonzalez when I'm currently reading out a
[03:55:53] a level four travel advisory Lebanon in the eve of like a potential fucking war in the
[03:56:00] Middle East.
[03:56:01] Like, you have to be on crack cocaine.
[03:56:05] Damn, bro.
[03:56:09] There's a new Danny Gonzalez video about tech products that shouldn't exist.
[03:56:13] Well fuck it then.
[03:56:19] Is Danny Gonzalez actually talking about what's going on in Lebanon?
[03:56:22] Is he a big like Ismael Hania fan or whatever?
[03:56:25] Because if he's not, then I don't care about what he has to say right now.
[03:56:28] I love Danny Gonzalez.
[03:56:29] I love his videos, but I fucking doubt that he's going to be covering the complicated situation
[03:56:34] between the Israel opening up potentially two new fronts of war.
[03:56:42] That's wild dog.
[03:56:44] Anyway, here's the three minute abray now is at the top of the hour.
[03:56:51] There's a three minute abray.
[03:56:53] You no longer want to see those ads.
[03:56:54] All you need to do is subscribe.
[03:56:55] I'm sorry.
[03:56:57] But we're on crack cocaine.
[03:56:58] It seems today and you must be on crack cocaine if you think you're gonna avoid
[03:57:03] seeing those ads unless you subscribe for five dollars or for free here's through an outbreak now
[03:57:07] no it's not a low effort Danny Gonzalez covers electronics that should not exist like Pegasus
[03:57:14] technology from Israel yeah Danny Gonzalez making a lot of commentary on Pegasus surveillance tech
[03:57:23] in his latest video victory signs surrounded by Iranian politicians this was Ishmael Hania
[03:57:29] just yesterday in Tehran for the inauguration of the country's new president in the early
[03:57:35] hours of the morning, he was killed in a precision strike.
[03:57:39] I'm in Lebanon, this is how I fucking find out that I need to evacuate.
[03:57:43] I'm so cooked.
[03:57:44] Be safe, chatters.
[03:57:45] For the Israelis, Hania was a wanted man.
[03:57:54] Here he was on October the 7th, praying for the success of Hamas fighters as they carried
[03:57:59] out a deadly rampage.
[03:58:01] But in the occupied West Bank today, he was celebrated as a hero and a martyr.
[03:58:09] Hania was a political...
[03:58:11] Hassan, once the news is dropping, will you still do the $6 abbreak?
[03:58:14] Yes.
[03:58:16] It's automatic at this point.
[03:58:18] If you think I won't be serving you ads at the top of the hour, as I'm like live
[03:58:23] covering the fucking news dropping, you're out of your goddamn mind.
[03:58:26] Okay.
[03:58:27] If there's one thing that you can rely on, it is that even if the world is
[03:58:31] ending, I will be live, I will find a way and I will be live.
[03:58:39] I will be covering it.
[03:58:41] Okay.
[03:58:41] Collider of the group based in Qatar. Thank you a bit flippin for the five
[03:58:48] years killing is really see it as a significant success was a declared
[03:58:53] strategy to what a success man huh what a fucking what a w what a fat what a fat
[03:59:02] w for us we killed the guy who was more moderate who was in charge of the
[03:59:08] ceasefire negotiations. We did it. You're so stupid, dude.
[03:59:17] Israel, the prime minister, the defense minister, everyone was saying
[03:59:21] the leadership of Hamas in not immune anywhere in the world.
[03:59:26] In Qatar, it was very difficult to do it now because of our dependence on Qatar with the issue
[03:59:32] of our hostages. And therefore, we didn't do it before. I'm sure Israel could do it,
[03:59:38] He helped cultivate Hamas' close relationship with Iran, today the country's supreme leader
[03:59:47] vowed vengeance.
[03:59:48] But up until now, the regime, deeply unpopular at home, has appeared to be primarily concerned
[03:59:54] about saving face, rather than pushing towards all-out war.
[04:00:01] Iran has never wanted to spread war in the region, however, everyone must know that
[04:00:06] Iran will not allow the region to be governed by America and Israel.
[04:00:13] Back in April, Iran launched a huge barrage of missiles at Israel, following a strike on
[04:00:19] its consulate in Syria.
[04:00:21] There was a choreographed move, nearly all was shot down.
[04:00:26] Adding to the pressure now, a senior commander in Hezbollah, Iran's key ally, was targeted
[04:00:33] in Beirut yesterday.
[04:00:34] I think it brings them together, Hezbollah and Iran, and I think the consultations are
[04:00:40] going on between them, and it might be a response that will be from different, from many directions
[04:00:50] simultaneously.
[04:00:51] For many in Israel, the priority is a deal that would bring back the more than 100 hostages
[04:00:57] still held in Gaza.
[04:00:59] There has been little progress in negotiations, but Hynnear was key in them.
[04:01:06] Mediators have criticised his killing.
[04:01:08] Hynnear was seen as a more moderate figure within Hamas.
[04:01:13] He was once a close aide to the...
[04:01:15] I like this, she said.
[04:01:17] We could have killed Ismail Hynnear in Qatar if we wanted to.
[04:01:23] We just couldn't because like Qatar is a key part of the hostage negotiations.
[04:01:28] like, bro, so is the person that you killed. Like you immediately destroyed the argument
[04:01:33] that you were trying to present when you made it seem like you even remotely cared about
[04:01:40] the hostage situation, but you're like, oh yeah, we couldn't do it in Qatar because like
[04:01:45] it's it's a it plays a key role in the hostage, moderate celebrating the murder of hundreds
[04:01:51] of civilians. Brother, what are you talking about? Are you talking about like, like
[04:01:57] fucking member of the Israeli cabinet. Israel literally had a pro rape, Likud, a member of
[04:02:05] the Knesset, argue that anally raping Palestinian prisoners is totally more than just two days
[04:02:11] ago. What the fuck are you talking about? Shut up. You have no leg to stand on. Okay.
[04:02:19] You have no fucking leg to stand on. When I say Ismail, honey, is more moderate. I'm
[04:02:25] talking about him versus Yahya Sinwar and for the record, virtually every Palestinian is
[04:02:41] more moderate than the Israeli government. So I don't give a shit about what you have
[04:02:45] to say about that. Make no mistake, okay? No, it's not. Yeah, brother, I have 40,000
[04:02:54] fucking deaths to point to, okay? The Israeli government is infinitely more violent than
[04:03:01] the worst aspects of Hamas, the worst aspects of Hamas, okay? Straight up. There is enough
[04:03:10] mathematical proof for that reality reported by what? Is this your big gotcha? The Palestinian
[04:03:19] Health Ministry? Is that what you're going to say? Because the American State Department
[04:03:23] agrees that the Palestinian Health Ministry is correct on its fucking numbers. As a matter
[04:03:27] of fact, the Israeli government also uses the Palestinian Health Ministry's numbers
[04:03:31] And the Israeli government also has the Palestinian registry
[04:03:35] that they can cross-reference all of the deaths on.
[04:03:38] And yet they don't fucking come out and say the numbers are wrong.
[04:03:41] They say the numbers are right. They just call them terrorists.
[04:03:44] So don't say fucking yes. You just don't know anything.
[04:03:52] Groups founder Sheikh Yassin himself assassinated by Israel.
[04:04:00] He went on to lead Hamas in Gaza before moving abroad.
[04:04:04] Hania is the second Hamas leader to be assassinated by Israel outside Gaza.
[04:04:11] Another senior figure was killed in Beirut in January.
[04:04:15] Inside Gaza, the head of Hamas's military wing, Muhammad Daif, is thought to have been
[04:04:20] killed earlier this month.
[04:04:22] His deputy was targeted back in March.
[04:04:25] Biqya Yasinwa, leader of Hamas in Gaza, remains alive.
[04:04:34] The group's fighters have been weakened, but are managing to regroup in areas Israeli forces
[04:04:40] have withdrawn from.
[04:04:41] Hamas was also built as an organization to be able to sustain these blows, and it did
[04:04:46] sustain these blows before.
[04:04:49] Its original leader, Ahmad Yaseen, was killed.
[04:04:52] Abdulaziz Aranthisi, who was also the head of the political leader of Hamas, was killed.
[04:04:57] But despite that, Hamas continued to develop his resistance project.
[04:05:02] So I don't think, again, that these assassinations work anymore in the way that Israel thought
[04:05:09] it worked.
[04:05:10] It's ordinary people in Gaza who are suffering the most under Israel's ferocious assault.
[04:05:18] Close to 40,000 Palestinians have been killed.
[04:05:22] the victims today, a well-known Al Jazeera reporter, Ishmael Ogul, and his cameraman,
[04:05:28] Rami al-Rafi, killed in what appears to be a targeted Israeli strike on their vehicle
[04:05:34] as they left.
[04:05:36] You actually usually pick up the dumb people and then generalize the whole chat first
[04:05:39] sometimes?
[04:05:47] If you consider that chatter to be dumb, that means I'm doing my job correctly.
[04:05:53] Because that chatter is fucking dumb.
[04:05:55] Okay?
[04:05:56] However, outside of this community, that chatter's point of view is actually very commonly held.
[04:06:05] If you personalize my criticism of that chatter's idiotic talking points, that chatter's Nazi
[04:06:11] talking points, then that's on you.
[04:06:17] There's 40,000 people in here, not a single person took that personally.
[04:06:21] Except for you, it seems.
[04:06:25] area around Ishmael Henea's former home. More than a hundred journalists have been killed
[04:06:31] in Gaza. An awful price for documenting, awful suffering. Crouched over his body, a colleague
[04:06:40] 176 journals have been executed by Israel since October 7th, by the way, 176.
[04:06:45] vows, the coverage will continue.
[04:06:54] Well earlier I spoke to Mohamed Miranda, an Iranian political analyst and professor
[04:06:58] at the University of Tehran, who told me he believes Iran's response will be even bigger
[04:07:03] than the last time it fired hundreds of missiles at Israel.
[04:07:06] We began with what the reaction would be.
[04:07:09] This time around, I think, yes, the response will be more severe.
[04:07:13] And the Israeli regime is going to have to pay the consequences.
[04:07:19] It's going to have to pay the price, because the regime has-
[04:07:22] Why are you picking on Chadders?
[04:07:23] How would you feel if I presented you to the mass and belittled you?
[04:07:25] How would you feel?
[04:07:26] Bunkshah, I already served the three-man embryo at the top of the hour.
[04:07:29] That's why you got banned.
[04:07:32] The support of the West for all of its lawlessness, for all the crimes that it carries out.
[04:07:37] The West is its partner in trying.
[04:07:39] And so the Iranians know that the only way to stop it is to punish it.
[04:07:45] You're an academic, but I know you are well connected with the Iranian government.
[04:07:49] Are you saying this on your own gut feeling or based on conversations with people in government?
[04:07:56] No, it is my belief from my understanding of what's going on in Iran that the response this time round will be more severe than what we've seen in the past.
[04:08:09] not only because Marcher Hani was a guest of the Iranian government, but also because
[04:08:17] of the fact that he is leading the resistance of the Palestinian people.
[04:08:23] I mean, it seemed clear before that Iran did not want a full-scale military confrontation.
[04:08:31] It did not want war.
[04:08:33] See, it was a new channel, an Iranian analyst, and Iran is crazy.
[04:08:36] I've never seen that in my entire life.
[04:08:37] No, they do that.
[04:08:38] channel four has always done that. Democracy now has always done that channel four has always
[04:08:43] done that. There's a couple outlets that like actually do real journalism. And you know,
[04:08:53] there's CNN sometimes does it too. It just depends with Israel.
[04:08:58] Are you saying that situation might change? Yes, Iran does not want a false Iran supports
[04:09:06] Nazi Russia in bombing my home country. So I would be happy to see the whole country
[04:09:09] burn nuke iran bro 23 month subscriber don't you understand that like there are
[04:09:18] so many people in iran that have nothing to do like literally nothing to do with
[04:09:25] Russia bombing Ukraine you said hamas abhi lamau this doesn't make any sense
[04:09:35] like how are you a Ukrainian liberal who is calling me hamas abhi or we're
[04:09:42] talking about the humanity of Palestinians. If you're Ukrainian, that's like literally
[04:09:48] a cause that you should immediately understand. Okay? How the fuck have you demonstrated this
[04:09:56] level of cognitive dissonance? Where you're like, Oh yeah, Russia is bad for invading my
[04:10:01] country and bombing my home. Okay. And they are, you would be correct on that position.
[04:10:07] But also Palestinians are bad for being invaded by Israel and being murdered and having all
[04:10:13] their homes bomb.
[04:10:19] And also we should nuke Iran.
[04:10:30] Like that makes no sense.
[04:10:32] I just don't understand it, especially when you're a Ukrainian Russian Asian Hassan.
[04:10:40] Invade Lebanon nuke Iran bomb Iran like Japan 1945, bro, bro, you are literally
[04:10:52] Ukrainian what the fuck is wrong with you but what is happening right now you
[04:11:00] want people to feel bad I do but you want other people to feel bad about what
[04:11:06] is going on in your home country and you simultaneously are thinking that you're
[04:11:11] American and the way that you're talking about this shit where you're
[04:11:15] like you have the most like American smoke for anyone and everyone around
[04:11:20] the world when Russia is doing America shit to you. Don't get me wrong. Iran supports Nazi Russia.
[04:11:44] Don't get me wrong. Israel leadership is Nazi to let them burn each other. No, you're just fucking
[04:11:48] saying that now. You're calling me homo sabi and homo sabi because you're an Islamophobic piece of
[04:11:53] shit dick writer of the United States of America. Okay, don't fucking turn around and be like,
[04:11:59] don't get me wrong. Israel is not Nazi to this. This is not how this started. This
[04:12:03] this conversation started with you being like, I'm Hamas Abbey. Everyone buckles like a goddamn
[04:12:13] seat belt. The moment that like their fucking idiotic takes are addressed nowadays. What
[04:12:18] happened formerly 23 month subscriber? What happened? I know what exactly what happened.
[04:12:23] You sort of fucking watch the other commentators and you sort of repeating their dumb ass
[04:12:26] fucking takes over and over again, thinking that you were actually this brilliant intellectual
[04:12:32] that you duked it out in the marketplace of ideas with your fucking friends. Slowly
[04:12:35] But surely your friends in the real world decided that you were annoying started talking behind your back
[04:12:40] You further and further leaned into that community as a life support for what remained of your like
[04:12:47] Experience with other people that community became the only fucking place that you could talk to other people who are like-minded just like you
[04:12:53] Nobody understood how fucking intellectual you were now you're coming back to this community
[04:12:57] They used to be a part of and repeating those same talking points only to have those fucking talking boys
[04:13:02] shove down your throat because you're so fucking stupid and pathetic.
[04:13:06] Don't write any longer.
[04:13:08] Think about the actions that you took.
[04:13:11] Okay.
[04:13:12] Re-examine your positions.
[04:13:14] Perhaps it is not very healthy for you to have remained at these other
[04:13:18] communities, and perhaps you only felt like you were the intelligent person
[04:13:23] when duking it out in the marketplace of ideas with your friends who were not
[04:13:27] as well read.
[04:13:28] You understood the talking points, but when you have to go up against
[04:13:30] someone who knows the situation better than you do, you all of a sudden go, uh, okay,
[04:13:35] maybe, uh, I just think they're both bad. Okay. Reexamine the steps you took in your life
[04:13:45] that led you into repeating YouTuber talking points in another fucking Twitch streamer's
[04:13:50] chat only to get ritualistically humiliated like this. But more importantly, why are
[04:13:55] you wrong so frequently? Okay. Perhaps you've been led astray. Perhaps that the
[04:14:02] The truth of the matter is more complicated.
[04:14:05] And someone has told you a tall tale that fits with the way that you see the world.
[04:14:11] Scale war because it farms the globe.
[04:14:14] If we have a full scale war where the Americans enter the battle, then all of those bases
[04:14:22] that the Americans have in the Persian Gulf region will be destroyed.
[04:14:25] All those countries that host those bases will be destroyed because they will be
[04:14:28] seen as hostile.
[04:14:30] And that will destroy the global economy because there will no longer be oil or gas exports
[04:14:36] from the region.
[04:14:37] No one wants that.
[04:14:38] The Iranians don't want that.
[04:14:40] But Netanyahu probably does want that.
[04:14:43] The Israeli regime probably doesn't want it.
[04:14:46] They know that they are on the losing side and that history will judge them as it
[04:14:53] should despite Western propaganda.
[04:14:56] But Netanyahu wants the war to be expanded.
[04:14:59] And the Iranians have no option but to punish him to prevent him from continuing these outrageous
[04:15:06] acts.
[04:15:07] So it's really up to the West and Americans to end the genocide that they are funding
[04:15:11] and supporting.
[04:15:12] Do you not feel that the Iranian people or some Iranian people will not feel annoyed
[04:15:17] out the lack of Iranian capability to have stopped this?
[04:15:23] You know, a missile attack on Israel would almost certainly have been shot down.
[04:15:28] the last missile attack on Israel was last time round. You know, Iranian air defenses
[04:15:36] were unable to stop this happening. Has that thought highlighted its weakness?
[04:15:41] I think it's very clear that the Iranians had the upper hand that that's why the Israeli
[04:15:46] regime was very careful not to continue the confrontation. And after the attack on the
[04:15:53] Iranian embassy, they discontinued.
[04:15:55] Wait, that's what your takeaway was from that fucking ritualistic undressing
[04:16:00] Look dude. I want you to get better. Okay. I
[04:16:04] Want you to be happier individual?
[04:16:07] It is a little bit obviously
[04:16:09] It's self-serving of me to want you to get better and be a better individual
[04:16:14] Because then you probably won't be chirping in my chat or maybe you'll be welcomed with open arms
[04:16:18] If you reform your positions once again in this community, okay?
[04:16:22] So truth according to Hassan Israel bad Hamas good. Yep
[04:16:27] There's no planet where you did listen to everything. I just said and that was your takeaway
[04:16:32] I didn't even bring up any of these things your shadow boxing with positions that I'm not assuming
[04:16:38] But if you want to have that conversation, yes, Hamas is a
[04:16:42] Resistance group of resistance towards what Israel's apartheid regime
[04:16:47] So yes, the greater evil in this conversation is of course the militant state with nukes
[04:16:53] Okay, that has been killing
[04:16:56] Palestinians at an alarming rate for the past 10 months with no legal scrutiny whatsoever with my well
[04:17:03] Actually, that's not true with some legal scrutiny
[04:17:05] But no actual scrutiny that will have tangible long-lasting peaceful impacts on the region by the United States of America
[04:17:14] Okay, I hope you understand that
[04:17:24] It might make you feel better, like as though you're morally posturing, from a standpoint where your positions are good and my positions are bad by just like making these reductive arguments.
[04:17:36] Well, you're going back to the same exact equation. You're going back to the same hug box.
[04:17:41] inevitably you're gonna go back there and lick your wounds and I am afraid that
[04:17:47] it's going to push you further and further away from the truth okay you're
[04:18:09] not even fucking Ukrainian don't make me do it not even worth it he's just a
[04:18:12] fucking loser who's lying about everything for posturing and is still
[04:18:14] way off the mark oh they lied about being Ukrainian every time there's a
[04:18:22] this man is not alright he's also signed up to a bunch of passport
[04:18:27] bro's dating size, so he's just trying to sex crime all over the world. No one wants
[04:18:31] him limpy from Virginia Beach, pal. OG smear enough adventurous, wild, spontaneous, unpretentious,
[04:18:37] tolerant, flexible, open-minded, intellectual, smart, persistent, practical, stubborn, unconventional,
[04:18:42] free-spirited. Hamas, bad palsy, is good. That's not even correct either. Okay. That's
[04:19:05] also not correct. Hamas has civil governance, ultimately. Okay. When lines are blurred
[04:19:12] between what is Hamas and what is Palestinian. That's also a cowardly argument to make because
[04:19:17] at the end of the day, in terms of a spontaneous militia, what Hamas is doing is literally just
[04:19:23] it is legal by international standards. Hamas defending against the Israeli incursion. Okay.
[04:19:34] Against the Israeli genocide is completely just it is legal. It is just it is valid.
[04:19:41] It is, dare I say, moral, okay?
[04:19:45] The metric ton of propaganda that you feed yourself
[04:19:50] and your parents does not change that reality
[04:19:52] under international standards.
[04:19:54] Israel has no right as a belligerent occupier
[04:19:58] to quote unquote defend itself in an offensive campaign
[04:20:02] in a territory where it is the belligerent occupier of.
[04:20:07] Hamas, on the other hand,
[04:20:08] does have an international right to defend itself.
[04:20:12] Hamas has a legal right to defend itself against the belligerent occupier.
[04:20:16] Okay.
[04:20:18] We're not talking about October 7.
[04:20:21] I'm talking about international law and how it works.
[04:20:24] And in terms of like everything that has happened since October 7.
[04:20:27] Hamas is legal in their actions.
[04:20:38] This is not about the kidnapping or the death in destruction on October 7.
[04:20:42] Mind you.
[04:20:52] How can you separate Hamas from October 7 though?
[04:20:55] That is also their actions.
[04:20:56] Yeah, I can separate it in the same way that you say killing civilians is never
[04:21:00] just. I doubt that you're talking about the United States of America, even if you
[04:21:05] assume that position for the sake of this argument right now, nor do you do
[04:21:09] that for the state of Israel. Okay, I do not agree with the methods of the
[04:21:17] Palestinian resistance on October 7, but that doesn't change the reality that
[04:21:22] they're still suffering from an apartheid. They were suffering from
[04:21:26] an apartheid on October 6th. These aren't just like words that I'm throwing out there.
[04:21:30] No matter how hard some people's favorite debate lords try to explain away this position
[04:21:36] by fucking saying, oh, this is just a buzzword, okay? That is intellectually incurious. People
[04:21:45] suffering from an apartheid, which requires an unimaginable amount of violence and racism
[04:21:51] to maintain
[04:21:53] are going to do shit when they're backed into a fucking corner
[04:21:57] okay
[04:21:59] this is exactly what i said on october
[04:22:01] this is exactly what i said on october eight
[04:22:10] killing civilians is never just but new garan no this is a different chatter
[04:22:19] there is just not a world
[04:22:23] there is just not a world in which like you can fucking keep pushing people
[04:22:26] into a god damn corner
[04:22:29] and killing
[04:22:30] and
[04:22:31] killing so many
[04:22:33] of their family members and controlling every aspect of their lives
[04:22:38] and then not expect any kind of violent resistance
[04:22:41] the standard of violence is always set by the colonizing entity
[04:22:46] in this case it is the standard of violence that was set by israel
[04:22:50] israel is the colonial entity in this equation
[04:22:53] it's not the people resisting against said colonial entity that are at fault
[04:23:01] if you trace the origin of every
[04:23:03] part of palestinian resistance you will recognize
[04:23:07] they didn't start off with
[04:23:08] jew hatred and anti-semitism in the way that israel tries to present this
[04:23:11] false narrative
[04:23:13] welcome ridiculous
[04:23:19] in you the fact
[04:23:20] attacks on the iranians
[04:23:22] uh... because they know that iran has a very powerful droning missile
[04:23:26] capability that they cannot match
[04:23:30] but in any case if they want to try
[04:23:33] the iranians will
[04:23:34] punish them. And the punishment will become increasingly severe. The West supports Israel,
[04:23:41] and therefore it's not going to stop it from carrying out these atrocities. And so the
[04:23:46] Iranians know that the only way to stop the Israeli regime is to hit it where it hurts.
[04:23:51] And tell us a little bit about the new president, who most people here don't really know anything
[04:23:54] about. I mean, what is his likely disposition going to be?
[04:23:59] This position on Palestine is very impressive and how do you not go insane from repeating
[04:24:05] the same intro to anti-zionism dialogue three three times a day every day?
[04:24:09] It's not three times a day, it's three hundred times a day and it used to be way more frequent,
[04:24:13] but I will do it till the day I fucking die, okay?
[04:24:17] Because if I can change 300 people's minds, maybe not the immediate person that I'm addressing,
[04:24:23] but all of these other people that may have had similar opinions, then I've done
[04:24:28] on my part. Okay? That's it.
[04:24:33] And he supports the resistance. He supports Hamas and Islamic jihad and the collective
[04:24:41] axis of resistance in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria, which is supporting the people
[04:24:49] of Palestine. And I think that the Iranian people are united on this issue. And I think
[04:24:58] the whole world is now united. It's only in a handful of countries in the West where they
[04:25:04] continue to insist to invite and engage and applaud a mass murderer.
[04:25:10] Mohammad Rehman, thank you very much.
[04:25:13] Thank you.
[04:25:14] In the last hour, there's been reactions to the killing of Ismail Hania from the US State
[04:25:19] Department and the White House.
[04:25:21] Let's go live to Kieran Moodley in Washington.
[04:25:24] Yes, Chris, this has a certain sense of deja vu going back to April when, of course, the
[04:25:33] Iranian embassy in Damascus was hit by Israel.
[04:25:35] And the Americans today were saying that none of these events helped to bring the
[04:25:38] temperature down, but that all-out war is not inevitable.
[04:25:41] And so ever since the weekend, really, the State Department has been saying
[04:25:44] that the ceasefire in Gaza, getting that deal, that is the best way to bring things under
[04:25:50] control and that that's still possible if not very complicated. And the Americans have
[04:25:54] also of course been engaged in some dialogue between Israel and Hezbollah.
[04:25:58] But with the US again today stressing that firstly Israel has a right to defend itself,
[04:26:03] it does feel like once again back in April the Americans don't really have much control
[04:26:07] over how Israel seeks to retaliate. And indeed the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
[04:26:12] said today that he had no knowledge, prior knowledge, of an attempt at assassination on Ismail Haneer,
[04:26:18] although of course Israel have said they were not responsible. This is what Mr. Blinken
[04:26:22] said today.
[04:26:23] That's not even entirely true. They did take responsibility over it. They took the ownership
[04:26:27] over it and then deleted it.
[04:26:29] First, this is something we were not aware of or involved in. It's very hard to speculate
[04:26:37] and I've learned over many years never to speculate on me.
[04:26:40] Oh my God, Lebanese officials appear increasingly anxious that the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh
[04:26:44] in Tehran would complicate Eversikate the violence along the Lebanese-Israeli border.
[04:26:48] If it was limited to Lebanon, we would be sure that the retaliation would not lead to war,
[04:26:52] but now it is out of our hands.
[04:26:54] You're talking about Iran.
[04:26:56] This is what the Lebanese Foreign Minister said.
[04:26:59] I went to bed yesterday thinking that, okay, this can still be managed, but now when
[04:27:04] I got up this morning and read about Haniyeh, I thought, oh gosh, it's over.
[04:27:11] Why don't you live in the Middle East?
[04:27:13] I used to.
[04:27:15] I grew up in Turkey.
[04:27:18] I like living in America.
[04:27:20] I prefer it.
[04:27:22] There's also some other reasons like I'm not exactly,
[04:27:28] not exactly a hot commodity by the Turkish government
[04:27:31] or wasn't for some time.
[04:27:37] Are you also pro-Iran?
[04:27:38] I mean, it depends on what you mean by pro-Iran.
[04:27:41] I am pro-Iranian people, yes.
[04:27:47] I want the Iranian people to have a government
[04:27:51] that they deserve, that actually responds to their needs.
[04:27:55] I want them to live without fear, without constant fear
[04:27:58] of American intervention, without Western intervention.
[04:28:15] What is this?
[04:28:16] While I understand your perspective,
[04:28:20] I live the United States should consider a nuclear
[04:28:21] strike on Iran.
[04:28:22] Our nation holds significant power,
[04:28:24] and this action could address the threat posed
[04:28:26] by groups like Hamas.
[04:28:27] Although civilian casualties are a tragic consequence,
[04:28:31] they might be deemed necessary in this context.
[04:28:34] Additionally, this approach could
[04:28:35] consider for other powerful issues such as China and Russia. Do you understand? Thanks.
[04:28:48] No, this is like, this like sounds like chat GPT or some shit. It is pretty funny to consider that
[04:28:59] like guys that say stuff like that. I think that chatter is memeing. But guys that say stuff like
[04:29:04] that like without a shred of irony think that they're the good guys. Western chauvinism is
[04:29:11] such a beautiful phenomena that like people legitimately will say that and then simultaneously
[04:29:17] think like I'm saying this for the greater good, not realizing that like you are the Nazi in every
[04:29:23] story, you're the Nazi in other people's stories, but you're the Nazi in general, like you are the
[04:29:29] bad guy. It's not a good guy that says things like that, okay? It's a bad guy that says things
[04:29:34] like that. I'm using good bad dynamics, normally I don't like it, but in this circumstance maybe
[04:29:38] like to the Marvel brand dipshit liberals like maybe they'll understand this like you're a bad person
[04:29:45] okay you're an evil villain and not in like a scary way either you're just kind of a stupid
[04:29:50] evil villain you think you're part of the team but you're like a peon you know what i mean
[04:29:56] you're like sitting in the fucking lair going yeah we're gonna do all of this and like you're
[04:30:00] first to go you know what i mean you're the goon you're goon maxing you're a henchman
[04:30:04] barely. The Iranian people's only hope right now is US interference, which is fucked up.
[04:30:22] They literally write graffitis as in Israel to bomb Iran. They will do the rest of the
[04:30:25] job. Yeah, they're insane. Okay. Like, I understand hating your administration. It's understandable,
[04:30:34] especially with the Iranian leadership. But that's fucking ridiculous. The impact one
[04:30:38] event may have. Yeah, please kill me because I hate my government that might. What do
[04:30:44] mean nothing else so I can't tell you what this means I can tell you that the
[04:30:51] imperative of getting a ceasefire the importance that that has for everyone
[04:30:59] remains. Now the Americans have just said that it's too soon to know how
[04:31:07] recent events have affected the chances of a ceasefire but one other big event
[04:31:12] that's really happened over here of course when it comes to that deal is
[04:31:15] that Joe Biden is no longer running for re-election and he said he's determined to get as much
[04:31:21] done as he possibly can in the next six months. Does that mean that he can now be really radical
[04:31:25] and get a deal done, or is he just seen as a lame duck by both the Palestinians and the
[04:31:29] Israelis? That ceasefire deal then remains the imperative for the Biden administration,
[04:31:34] not just for insurance and peace in the Middle East, but ensuring Joe Biden's foreign
[04:31:38] policy legacy.
[04:31:40] kill me in Washington DC the red flag of revenge is raised in Iran they did this after Suleymani
[04:31:48] was killed and after the April consulate strike red flag of revenge Iran is stuck in the stone
[04:31:57] ages that's so funny like oh wow they have a they have a symbolic thing to show that they're
[04:32:05] seeking out a tit for tat style retaliation that's why they're stuck in the stone ages me on
[04:32:11] the other hand, I don't have a red flag of revenge. I have the rainbow flag strapped to the next,
[04:32:16] strapped to my AC 130 bomber. So obviously I'm woke and not stone age. Nice dude. Sick.
[04:32:26] Oh, by the way, if you want to know, you know, this is so completely in line with what Israel has
[04:32:32] done, Qatar, Turkey, and Jordan have condemned the killing and warned about widening conflict.
[04:32:38] Obviously, Hania was a principal negotiator in the ceasefire negotiations,
[04:32:43] the conversations in terms of releasing the hostages. In 2012, Israel and Amos held
[04:32:48] truce talks. Israel assassinated Hamas leader Ahmed Jabari, hours after he received the draft
[04:32:53] of the truce. In 2024, Israel and Amos held truce talks. Israel assassinated Hamas leader
[04:32:58] Ismail Haniyeh, the primary negotiator in the truce talks. That's great. Which by the way,
[04:33:07] way, of course, is another instance where the proves and the putting, the notion that they
[04:33:20] have no partner in peace is fucking idiotic. Okay? That's it. Anyway, this is the last
[04:33:44] piece that we're going to do. Well, I was actually, you know what? No, I'm done. I'm
[04:33:48] done with that. We're getting back to domestic politics for now before we we're getting back
[04:33:54] to domestic politics for now now to the presidential race and until there are until there are new
[04:34:00] updates on World War three. What could be the biggest hit yet about Vice President Kamala Harris's
[04:34:06] choice of a running mate. It comes after a raucous rally last night in Georgia, her largest
[04:34:11] campaign event yet. Ed O'Keefe was there and has new reporting from Atlanta. Ed, good morning.
[04:34:16] Good to see you now.
[04:34:19] She hasn't chosen a running mate, but the Harris campaign now tells us where she'll
[04:34:23] be headed with that new partner next week.
[04:34:25] They're going to start Tuesday night in Philadelphia.
[04:34:28] Pennsylvania is the home state of one of the guys on the VP shortlist, Josh Shapiro.
[04:34:32] So maybe that's a hint, but we also know the campaign is headed to Western Wisconsin,
[04:34:37] Detroit, Raleigh, Savannah, Georgia, Phoenix, and Las Vegas.
[04:34:42] Some of the contenders are also from those states.
[04:34:44] But here in this battleground state last night, Harris was already making her case.
[04:34:49] Atlanta turned up and turned out for Vice President Harris and a rap star came with a
[04:34:56] new slogan for campaign merch.
[04:35:04] Megan Thee Stallion and others made this the largest crowd of Harris's young campaign,
[04:35:09] more than 10,000 people filled the downtown arena.
[04:35:12] Oh, it's good to be back in Georgia.
[04:35:15] For the first time, she responded to Republican attacks on her immigration record by recalling
[04:35:21] work she did as California Attorney General, going after drug cartels and human traffickers.
[04:35:27] I prosecuted them, in case after case, and I won.
[04:35:31] And if she wins the White House?
[04:35:33] I will bring back the border security bill that Donald Trump killed, and I will sign
[04:35:39] it into law, which it looks like.
[04:35:49] To fix immigration.
[04:35:50] Her immigration record is the subject of new ads by Donald Trump, designed to raise
[04:35:54] out so the time poll show Harris pulling even or ahead of the former president
[04:35:58] thousands waited hours to see Harris speak
[04:36:02] in three weeks we were going from an emotional feeling of no hope to hopefulness
[04:36:08] does she make it easier for Democrats to win Georgia in November?
[04:36:13] in the funny that the supposed Democratic Party dickwriter political commentators
[04:36:17] were so off base on this and the guy who's supposedly on the outside of the
[04:36:23] Democratic Party, who is routinely critical of the Democratic Party was so, was so correct,
[04:36:33] so on the money in terms of how the Democratic Party should continue, swapping out Joe Biden
[04:36:39] with Kamala Harris, just saying in that wild, perhaps there's a perhaps, I don't know, maybe
[04:36:52] Maybe you shouldn't just be an edgy version of MSNBC and make up your own mind.
[04:37:07] A younger person finally at the table bringing energy, bringing excitement, bringing joy
[04:37:12] back into politics makes a huge difference.
[04:37:15] Harris also used her rally to once again try luring Trump back into a debate, as he
[04:37:20] still won't commit to one.
[04:37:22] Well Donald, as the saying goes, if you got something to say...
[04:37:34] On the other side of the country, Republican Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance made
[04:37:38] his first appearance in Battleground Nevada and attacked Harris' record.
[04:37:42] Kamala Harris' vision is open American borders and closed American factories.
[04:37:48] And doubled down on Trump's immigration plans.
[04:37:51] We're going to launch the largest deportation program in American history.
[04:37:55] If you came here illegally, you got to go back.
[04:38:01] Now polls have shown in recent days that the race between Harris and Trump is starting
[04:38:05] to tighten a little bit in these battleground states, if she continues to draw big crowds
[04:38:09] like she did here in Atlanta last night, you can understand why.
[04:38:12] As for Trump, he's making a stop today at the annual meeting of the National Association
[04:38:16] of Black Journalists, one of those media organizations that meets every year and every four years
[04:38:21] invites presidential candidates to stop by and take questions.
[04:38:25] That is the plan.
[04:38:26] Trump, of course, has been pushing to win more Black voter support, especially in
[04:38:29] battleground states like here in Georgia.
[04:38:33] campaign is projecting this on screen above the stage of this valley in
[04:38:36] Harrisburg. Oh, they're doubling down. Calvary's common hairs becomes first
[04:38:43] Indian American US Senator. I don't know if they know this, but she's Indian too.
[04:38:52] Like she's not the first black American US Senator, but she is the first Indian
[04:38:58] American US Senator. Well, actually, is she the first Indian American US Senator?
[04:39:10] Did, um, Nikki Haley wasn't a senator, the governor, it wouldn't it be yet?
[04:39:29] Jindal was Jindal.
[04:39:30] No, Jindal was a, you had Jindal Rokana, but I, Jindal was governor too.
[04:39:54] Chas, I'm saying Elizabeth Warren.
[04:39:56] I guess she is.
[04:39:58] Crazy Kamala saying she's Indian, not black.
[04:40:19] This is a big deal.
[04:40:20] Stone cold phony.
[04:40:22] She uses everybody, including her racial identity.
[04:40:26] Let's see, let's see what the right wing is doing with this, with this one.
[04:40:32] All the media was claiming Kamala Harris.
[04:40:35] Same media, by the way, that claimed that she was once the borders are what she was.
[04:40:39] Now they're saying no, we never said that.
[04:40:41] They also said back then, and she campaigns on this being the first Indian-American senator elected to the Senate.
[04:40:49] Although do they think you only get to pick one like what's happening here?
[04:40:56] Actually
[04:40:57] Actually, what is going on? Do these guys unironically think like if you are of Indian?
[04:41:03] Descent and also black you just only get to be one you can't you're not both like how does this work?
[04:41:10] I I'm confused by this line of attack. Do they unironically think that?
[04:41:23] Like do they think the rage draft is real am I off base here like?
[04:41:34] I thought if you're, you know, both Indian and black, you're just both Indian and black.
[04:41:54] God, it's also not a run for her money.
[04:41:57] But, you know, she campaigns on being Indian American. Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, Indian American.
[04:42:03] Now all of a sudden she did a 180, she becomes, she really is elevating and pushing her black side.
[04:42:11] The thing about Elizabeth Warren is she's white, okay?
[04:42:16] She's not Native American. Roe went back to like 17th century racism, by the way. But
[04:42:26] like that was the funny thing about Elizabeth Warren is that she's a white woman who was like,
[04:42:31] oh, I'm native. I'm native. I'm indigenous. Okay. And as a white woman,
[04:42:40] you know, the, I think it was a Fordham law review that wrote that like she was Harvard's
[04:42:45] first female of color professor in the Harvard Law School, which was crazy, right? Like that
[04:42:53] in like 1992, by the way, holy shit, these institutions are so fucking white. But like,
[04:42:59] but like, that was the joke, because she's white. Kamala Harris is like, she's actually black
[04:43:12] and indian her mother is indian or of indian descent and and her father is is uh jamaican a black man
[04:43:23] so like it's not like she's white in claiming these things like there's a there's a difference
[04:43:30] in these situations like everyone can see her do these guys think everyone can't see her
[04:43:39] what is going on? Like, do they think people just like close their eyes and go, la, la,
[04:43:46] la, no, you don't understand it, brother. She ain't, she ain't black. Like, this is
[04:43:56] one of those things where you can check with your eyes. Like, you can just look at it
[04:44:02] and go, yeah, no, that's, that's a black woman. Like, she didn't magically become
[04:44:13] a black woman overnight. That's not this makes no sense. What the fuck? Yeah. These
[04:44:29] men, these people would be like, these people's brains would break at the cost of looking after
[04:44:34] Latino person. You know what I mean? They would be like, what are you? What? You mean
[04:44:39] to tell me you're both Mexican and black at the same time? Hold on now. No, there's
[04:44:46] only one thing south of the border you're Mexican. Brazilians are a different kind of
[04:44:52] Mexican but you can't be black at the same time. You can be black which means African
[04:45:01] American. Think of how many jobs a Mexican black man can take from us. I don't want to
[04:45:11] think about it brother it scares me. The mere thought of it all brings a shiver down
[04:45:22] my spawn brother I hate that I think it's like 25% maybe no like not 25% like
[04:45:36] no she's just straight up by her dad is black what the fuck bro what yo that's
[04:45:47] weird man what are you doing are you being such a dork this is crazy
[04:46:03] I want to just address that because of course people can have various races and be mixed.
[04:46:07] I think all of us have different mixes.
[04:46:10] That's that's what she means with I bet she means she's Italian and German flight.
[04:46:18] That's America.
[04:46:19] We're all from different countries.
[04:46:20] We have different cultural backgrounds.
[04:46:22] Somebody can have two different backgrounds.
[04:46:24] But here's the thing.
[04:46:25] You don't be entered to one race and one background and say, and then you exploit
[04:46:30] that and you use that for your own gain versus using it as the truth and saying well here's
[04:46:36] my mother is this my father is this this is my background my husband is this this is who I am
[04:46:41] and I want to be there for all Americans no she's not doing that she's doing the opposite
[04:46:46] right that's what I wait what do you mean when was she like I'm here just for black people
[04:46:54] yo fuck that fuck the Indian Americans or fuck white Americans I'm only here for black people
[04:46:59] and black people only she says she did that she's like she came out she was like i'm black i'm a
[04:47:08] black woman and the only people i care about are black women and black women only nobody else
[04:47:14] you feel me he talks to so many african americans to support president trump and they
[04:47:21] they're opposed to her policies they don't think she's looking out for their interests where she's
[04:47:26] not. Anyway, good stuff, good stuff from the Republican party.
[04:47:43] A strong woman, a strong woman, a lawyer and an American.
[04:47:55] Alina Habba, you'll never make me, they'll never, they'll never
[04:47:59] make me hate you. Okay.
[04:48:03] Around with the Constitution.
[04:48:18] It's pretty funny that she fucked up the Trump trial big
[04:48:21] time, RGB lawyer. She's mixed to mom, lawyer, Mexican. I think she's Lebanese too. Yeah.
[04:48:41] Kamala's dad is the goat. This is the way too strange of a meme for anyone that is not
[04:48:55] immediately anyone does not participating in like the first 10 minutes of the broadcast
[04:49:01] where I talk about my personal news is going to look at this and be like, what is this
[04:49:06] thing that you have made
[04:49:08] okay
[04:49:12] you have to be a my hero academia fan
[04:49:15] and you have to know
[04:49:16] who kamala harris' father is
[04:49:18] what is background is
[04:49:20] kamala harris' father is the first person here okay
[04:49:23] he's a marxist economist at stanford university
[04:49:28] then you need to know who yanis varifakis is who is also another marxist
[04:49:31] economist former greek finance minister
[04:49:34] and hasanabe
[04:49:35] friend of the show
[04:49:38] like
[04:49:42] What an insane meme that would never exist in any other context. Like they're just not,
[04:49:50] even people who are invested in the lore of this broadcast and know my hero academia
[04:49:57] will be like, I don't understand what this was. Hamba is 100% Iraqi. Wait, really? She's from Iraq?
[04:50:15] That's I thought she was Lebanese the way she's just like
[04:50:21] No, I don't believe that she exhibits a lot of finnish in tendencies if you know what I mean
[04:50:27] People from the region understand what I'm talking about
[04:50:31] Okay
[04:50:32] She's the type to be like I'm finnish in I'm not Arab
[04:50:36] You know what I mean?
[04:50:40] She's giving she's giving white Lebanese
[04:50:43] He's he's actually a Syrian she's a rocky Catholic or family left in the 80s
[04:51:14] Would be the most anti American energy president that we have ever had she's pledged to ban fracking
[04:51:20] It's on a chill bro. Come on. We finish his catchest rays. It's just a very specific
[04:51:28] Type of person from Lebanon that says like I'm not Arab
[04:51:33] Okay, that's all I'm saying
[04:51:35] in.
[04:51:36] On video, you can go look it up.
[04:51:38] When you fill up your tank at the gas station, maybe you should send a bill to Kamala Harris.
[04:51:45] There is JD Vance on the road there, pressure from Republicans trying to expose cracks in
[04:51:50] the Harris campaign as a resurfaced clip of her promising to ban the energy supply differ
[04:51:55] from her message today, which could leave her vulnerable in a key battleground state.
[04:52:00] Hillary Vaughn live in Capitol Hill with more on that today.
[04:52:03] Hillary, nice to see you.
[04:52:04] Good morning.
[04:52:05] Good morning, Bill. Well, vice president Harris' presidential campaign insists she will not ban fracking if she becomes president.
[04:52:12] But that is exactly what she promised to do the last time she campaigned for the job, promising Americans in 2019.
[04:52:19] Quote, there's no question. I'm in favor of banning fracking.
[04:52:22] But when she joined the ticket as Joe Biden's VP, she adopted his position moving to the center on the issue.
[04:52:29] Harris' campaign today insists she has had a change of heart on the issue forever saying, quote,
[04:52:34] She would not ban fracking.
[04:52:36] We caught up with some Democratic senators
[04:52:38] facing fierce reelection bids in battleground states
[04:52:41] like Ohio and Pennsylvania,
[04:52:43] where fracking is a key industry
[04:52:45] and tried to ask them about Harris'
[04:52:47] old campaign promises.
[04:52:50] She very clearly went the first time
[04:52:51] she ran for president, said she wants to ban fracking.
[04:52:54] Now she's reversed it when she needs to win your state.
[04:52:57] She's the vice president in an administration
[04:52:59] that has contributed greatly
[04:53:01] to our development of new energy sources.
[04:53:04] Do you think that Harris is pretending to be someone
[04:53:07] that she is not?
[04:53:08] I do not.
[04:53:10] Why is that if-
[04:53:11] Wait, what do you mean?
[04:53:13] Democratic senators confronted on Kamala Harris
[04:53:17] and they just give like the most normal answers.
[04:53:20] I thought there was gonna be more drama here.
[04:53:23] Damn, they are fucking trying, dude.
[04:53:26] The desperation is viewable
[04:53:30] from where I'm standing. I can see it. It's like, no.
[04:53:38] If she said she wanted to ban fracking and now she says she won't ban fracking.
[04:53:45] Nozlet, the savior, they go to the 25 of the sun.
[04:53:52] She has promised to ban fracking. Now she's saying she won't ban fracking.
[04:53:57] Is she pretending to be someone she is not?
[04:53:59] My focus is on my stay and my work. I've endorsed vice president Harris.
[04:54:03] I said, I don't know what she said on fracking.
[04:54:05] I am following, I'm working to my state
[04:54:08] and all the above energy policy.
[04:54:10] She said it on live television in 2019.
[04:54:13] Mr. Schumer, this is not a thing in particular.
[04:54:17] We got it.
[04:54:19] Now Bill, both Brown and Casey served with Harris
[04:54:22] during her time in the Senate,
[04:54:24] but it seems like her time in the White House's VP
[04:54:27] is enough to convince them that if she is
[04:54:29] in the Oval Office behind the Resolute Desk
[04:54:31] that she will not go back to her old beliefs, Bill.
[04:54:34] Points you're trying, Hillary, like Olympic points there, right?
[04:54:37] And we gotta go.
[04:54:40] 97 days until election, baby, 97.
[04:54:43] Kamala Harris flipping her.
[04:54:44] Judge Janine, Kamala Harris seems to forget
[04:54:47] she's in office.
[04:54:48] Judge Janine is here to put on a clinic.
[04:54:53] A clinic about what minds you?
[04:54:55] Civility, a clinic on how to present yourself.
[04:54:59] Judge Jeanine is literally like the one person that is more visibly barred out than Kamala
[04:55:08] Harris used to be as, uh, as the vice president running around smiling and shit. Okay. Like
[04:55:16] you are not allowed to blast Kamala Harris when you're kind, you're always out of
[04:55:23] of your mind. You're so angry and slurring your wares because you're judging in.
[04:55:30] Yeah, the only clinic she should be fucking signing up for is rehab.
[04:55:35] There stands on some top issues.
[04:55:36] The vice president claiming at a rally that she's actually tougher on the
[04:55:40] border than Trump.
[04:55:46] Yeah. By the way, this narrative deserve line of attack from Republicans.
[04:55:51] okay yeah I told you this was gonna happen yesterday and they're already
[04:55:56] fucking clamping on this shit and they should it would be stupid for them not
[04:56:00] to okay Donald Trump on the other hand has been talking a big game about
[04:56:09] securing our border but he does not walk the walk as hair is doing everything
[04:56:16] you feared? Yes. Yes, she is. She is. She came out in front of a Georgia audience, predominantly
[04:56:27] of young and old black Georgians and said, and got them to cheer for a right wing anti-immigrant
[04:56:37] policy claiming that she was going to be far more aggressive on the border than Donald
[04:56:44] Trump who doesn't take the border issue seriously. Okay, it is so bad and it spells trouble.
[04:56:54] It spells trouble for Kamala Harris in general, but more importantly than this election cycle,
[04:57:00] it spells trouble for America's future as we are bouldering towards a fascist future
[04:57:06] at an alarming clip, at an alarming rate, just like you're bouldering towards the
[04:57:11] top of the hour ad break at an alarming rate when I serve it to you at the top of the hour.
[04:57:16] There's a three minute ad break at the top of the hour and if you no longer want to
[04:57:20] see those ads all you need to do is subscribe for $6 or for free with a Twitch Prime by
[04:57:28] connecting your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account.
[04:57:31] You will get one free Prime subscription a month capitulating the right wing framing
[04:57:36] on the top of the hour is not the right way to avoid the outbreaks, but getting gifted
[04:57:42] a sub if you're lucky is. Here's the three-man outbreak now.
[04:57:46] People would say, he does not walk it like he talks to it. And when I am president, I
[04:57:57] will work to actually solve the problem.
[04:58:00] And this comes as anonymous campaign officials are telling the New York Times that Harris
[04:58:04] all of a sudden supports fracking, wants to increase border funding, does not want
[04:58:09] to require selling assault weapons back to the government and no longer supports a single
[04:58:13] payer health insurance program.
[04:58:15] But Harris might have a hard time rebranding herself as a moderate because of these past
[04:58:20] statements.
[04:58:21] There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking.
[04:58:24] There's no question that we've got to critically reexamine ICE and we need to probably think
[04:58:28] about starting from scratch.
[04:58:30] What would you do about the millions of specifically assault weapons that are already in circulation?
[04:58:38] We have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program.
[04:58:41] You support the Medicare for all bill.
[04:58:43] I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance.
[04:58:47] So for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it.
[04:58:51] Let's eliminate all of that.
[04:58:52] Let's move on.
[04:58:53] Jesse, I was thinking today about how the media has tried, and Democrats have tried
[04:58:57] to superglot.
[04:58:58] Well, isn't this good for monitors to somewhat care about the border but aren't races?
[04:59:01] Brother, what are you talking about?
[04:59:04] In the year 2020, when Joe Biden was running to the left of Donald Trump's border policies
[04:59:09] that were unimaginably cruel, okay, he on certain polls was defeating Donald Trump on
[04:59:16] the issue of immigration, but on many polls he was trailing behind Donald Trump by like
[04:59:20] 10 points, sometimes 15 points.
[04:59:23] Joe Biden in the last poll conducted on the issue of immigration against Donald
[04:59:26] Trump in 2024 when he was running on a right wing slant on the border, claiming
[04:59:33] that yes, this is a national security problem, and basically running with Donald Trump's 2020
[04:59:39] agenda items, building the wall included in the border bill that he was presenting to Congress,
[04:59:45] was trailing behind Trump by 30 points. Okay? 30. There is no, there has never been a proven
[04:59:59] resilient, staking point for the Democratic Party when they turn around and fucking capitulate
[05:00:06] the right wing framing on right wing hysteria, okay, whether it be crime and funding the
[05:00:11] police or whether it be the issue of immigration. You have to understand this. Democrats for
[05:00:18] some weird reason don't understand it. Okay. My fear with Kamala Harris was also that
[05:00:25] she is very malleable. Okay. She's very malleable and she's not very strong in
[05:00:34] terms of her like ideological commitment to any sort of issue. Having said that, this
[05:00:40] was, this presented an option. Maybe she would be influenced by unions and, and maybe move
[05:00:47] in the right direction. Stay the course influenced by Joe Biden, actively championing, um, progressive
[05:00:55] legislation and, and, uh, with respect to the economy, of course, I thought maybe
[05:01:00] Maybe she would do that, but I was fearful that they would call her a woke socialist Marxist,
[05:01:08] you know, much worse than Joe Biden, and that she would immediately get scared and turn
[05:01:14] around and recenter her focus to the political center or what they think is the political
[05:01:20] center.
[05:01:24] Trump is speaking of Pennsylvania, by the way, as Harris dares in the debate.
[05:01:33] I just want you guys to understand, I mean, I don't want to go through another Trump speech.
[05:01:38] Okay.
[05:01:38] The fucking craziest thing that could have ever happened to Trump speech already happened.
[05:01:44] And now all of those other speeches, you're just like, we already knotted one time.
[05:01:48] You know what I mean?
[05:01:48] We're just not going to nut again in the same way.
[05:01:57] Your concerns on Kamala basically echo 2008 Obama rerun.
[05:02:01] No, it's worse than that because Obama in 2008 was still, uh, uncompromising.
[05:02:09] when he was running. He of course immediately switched his positions as soon as you assumed the office.
[05:02:14] But when he was running, he was running as a progressive champion. Whereas Kamala Harris
[05:02:20] is not done running yet. And she already is re-triangulating her campaign positions at a
[05:02:28] time when the only thing that was good about the Biden reelection was his unyielding support
[05:02:37] for a progressive agenda in terms of the economy, okay?
[05:02:43] No matter what happened, he just kept sticking to the message.
[05:02:47] He was not a good messenger,
[05:02:49] and he barely could stick to the message.
[05:02:50] He would flub quite a bit,
[05:02:52] but the message was still there.
[05:02:53] He was like, no, we're doing rank caps.
[05:02:56] Fuck you.
[05:02:58] Whereas Kamala Harris, fearful,
[05:03:01] exhibiting that old school democratic party instinct,
[05:03:05] is I'm afraid going to immediately fucking retry angulate
[05:03:10] and act like she is not a champion
[05:03:13] of progressive causes at all.
[05:03:15] And actually she's a total moderate and it's a good thing.
[05:03:19] And that sucks.
[05:03:21] Okay.
[05:03:22] That shows that she's wishy washy.
[05:03:24] So that's bad on the aesthetic front
[05:03:26] because obviously voters care about the aesthetics.
[05:03:30] It looks like she's flip-flopping on shit.
[05:03:33] Okay.
[05:03:34] That she has no coherent identity.
[05:03:36] That's not good.
[05:03:38] That will cut away at the momentum that she has currently.
[05:03:41] And not only that, but also, it's not good policy anyway.
[05:03:51] Democrats need to be fighters, not cowards and losers, okay?
[05:03:56] Yeah, this is a direct swap, by the way.
[05:04:07] Do you think X's age would have an impact on their abilities?
[05:04:11] Trump severely all the way to little impact 60% no impact 30% with Kamala
[05:04:18] Harris no impact 60% severely slash little impact at 27% this literally was
[05:04:23] the exact flip for Joe Biden the exact flip for Joe Biden blew the project
[05:04:32] 2025 project to Donald Trump even though he says he didn't have anything to do
[05:04:39] with it he doesn't meet the people it doesn't like them he's just about it
[05:04:41] But the media is basically erasing her past statements and saying that she doesn't have to deal with any of them
[05:04:47] I'm used to it. This could last forever. Yeah, I
[05:04:51] Sometimes go from thinking it could be a landslide and then the next day I wake up and I'm saying oh my god
[05:04:56] It's gonna be a nail biter because she hasn't done a single interview since she's been the nominee
[05:05:01] She hasn't done a real interview since May and
[05:05:06] Why would she do an interview next week?
[05:05:08] Why wouldn't she just wait you and Republicans are underestimating her majorly? Wait, what underestimating her?
[05:05:15] I've never said that like I think Kamala Harris is gonna be a certain type of way
[05:05:20] I'm simply saying what I've seen thus far with the amount of fucking the with the messaging coming from her campaign
[05:05:28] You know the leases of the New York Times
[05:05:30] The the capitulation that she has
[05:05:33] She's already leaned into
[05:05:35] I'm just looking at what she's putting out there for people to read and I don't like what I see
[05:05:46] It reminds me of old school Democratic Party incompetence
[05:05:50] The swap out from Joe Biden the Kamala Harris was not old school Democratic Party incompetence. It was actually an
[05:05:58] unrealistic and and
[05:06:00] surprising
[05:06:01] Very positive mind you
[05:06:03] Demonstration of party competence. They did something so fucking good. I was begging
[05:06:09] for it and it happened. And I was happy that it happened. But then I said, all right, let's
[05:06:15] see what Kamala Harris does. And so far, not great until the convention, get the pop from
[05:06:31] the VP pick.
[05:06:32] Okay, so you don't like what you see who fucking cares. I mean, clearly you do. You're in
[05:06:38] here watching me a political commentator do political commentary. I don't know who you're
[05:06:44] talking to. Okay buddy then don't vote for her. I don't know who you're fighting
[05:06:52] with my friend. I don't know what you're fighting for. I'm very confused about
[05:06:58] what you are doing in here. Like, is someone, are you okay? Is someone forcing
[05:07:05] you to watch the broadcast at gunpoint or something? You know you don't have
[05:07:08] to watch, right? Why are you so mad? Get the pop from the convention. All
[05:07:20] all of a sudden it's September and you haven't answered anything. You haven't been asked about
[05:07:25] your flip flops. You haven't been asked about your coverups. You haven't been asked who you
[05:07:29] are and she could get away with it. It's the same hiding Biden. Now it's hiding Harris
[05:07:36] and now it's just a, you know, what's really funny about this, by the way, I'm almost
[05:07:42] certain the same people that are now yelling at me for criticizing Kamala were most likely
[05:07:49] the same people that were pushing for Biden till the very end. They just have bad instincts.
[05:07:54] That's it. Like they don't really think they just told the party line. You know what I
[05:08:00] mean? Like it's, it's that same exact energy. They were riding with Biden till the very
[05:08:10] end and now they're riding with Kamala till the very end. It's awesome.
[05:08:16] Sprint until November. Can she do this for 96 days? Probably. The media is not
[05:08:22] clamoring to get an interview they want to keep her hidden so this can go on
[05:08:26] forever and I'm not concerned Harold but um yeah no they're not fucking hiding
[05:08:33] Kamala Harris you just did it you're literally showing her at the fucking
[05:08:37] massive 10,000 person auditorium rally that she just conducted yesterday
[05:08:43] I'm paying attention.
[05:08:45] Harold, should he be concerned?
[05:08:47] It should Jesse be concerned about what's...
[05:08:50] I think so for this reason.
[05:08:52] It's a good thing. It's a positive thing to be concerned
[05:08:55] because I think when candidates on either side or both sides who are running
[05:08:59] have to think seriously and thoughtfully about
[05:09:03] are they credible, are they authentic, are they consistent?
[05:09:06] And if they're not going to be consistent,
[05:09:08] voters have every right, and where I agree with Jesse Holt-Harley,
[05:09:11] s e hold hardly as voters have every right to see the vice president now the
[05:09:15] candidate present the nominee for democrats come before the country and
[05:09:19] explain what what was the change in position on fracking how did that come
[05:09:22] about and actually think it's constructive when politicians have
[05:09:25] different opinions on issues as new facts and circumstances present themselves
[05:09:29] it'd be i'd be curious to know is it because the war in ukraine and showed
[05:09:33] us that interview security she thinks about it in a different way than she
[05:09:36] thought about it five or six years ago if jd and burgham and mark or
[05:09:41] who all said very negative things about President Trump over the many years, several years, can
[05:09:45] change. And I believe they did. How come she can't change? But I think the way you address
[05:09:50] that, and just to Jesse's point, she should accept the debates, and the president should
[05:09:53] accept the debates that each of them are offering one another. Because the country
[05:09:56] deserves to see...
[05:09:57] Well, Trump kind of needs a debate because the media is not going to question her. He's
[05:10:02] got to do it.
[05:10:03] But wait, wait, wait. Okay, I'm sorry.
[05:10:04] I was going to play call for number three, because I think this is interesting. This
[05:10:08] This is what she said she would do on day one if she wins, Judge.
[05:10:12] Kamala Harris supports increasing the number of Border Patrol agents.
[05:10:16] So bad.
[05:10:17] Trump blocked a bill to increase the number of Border Patrol agents.
[05:10:21] The one that I wanted said, on day one, I will work to take on price gouging and
[05:10:26] bring down costs, okay?
[05:10:28] As if she's not part of the Biden-Harris administration that caused the inflation
[05:10:32] in the first place.
[05:10:33] Well, yeah, and that's exactly the problem.
[05:10:35] She seems to forget that she is currently in office.
[05:10:39] And I find it so incredibly insulting that she says, when I am president, I will work
[05:10:47] to solve the problem of immigration or the sound that we just heard.
[05:10:51] Are you kidding me?
[05:10:52] You are the Borders are.
[05:10:53] And the fact that Big Tech or the mainstream media is playing games with the Democrat
[05:10:58] Party again, and don't you ever think they're going to change?
[05:11:01] they're pulling out all indications of her being the borders are.
[05:11:05] I mean, you can't, you can't just change on a dime. Harold, you know,
[05:11:10] it's one, let me finish. Sure.
[05:11:11] It's one thing to, you know, say I'm for this and I'm for that in a debate
[05:11:16] and they should debate,
[05:11:18] but she's got to sit down with someone and explain. Harold,
[05:11:21] you want to attribute to her some brilliant understanding as to why she
[05:11:25] evolved on the issues.
[05:11:34] I can't recall. What did I say yesterday that Republicans would,
[05:11:37] immediately say what did I say immediately yesterday when when she unveiled her immigration
[05:11:48] package that republicans would be like dude you were tasked with dealing with a border
[05:11:55] for four fucking years Donald Trump has been trying to kill immigrants for eight okay
[05:12:07] you are new to this equation don't try to switch up on us like this last second
[05:12:13] Ain't nobody believes you.
[05:12:18] No, she wasn't.
[05:12:19] She was the VP.
[05:12:21] I'm telling you right now, chat.
[05:12:26] I promise you, I know a little bit more
[05:12:29] on this issue than you do, okay?
[05:12:31] You can Google it before you write stuff in the chat, okay?
[05:12:37] I'm not a very smart guy,
[05:12:39] but I just have this like,
[05:12:41] super weird autistic talent
[05:12:44] of just retaining this kind of information. Okay. I promise you. I'm right on this. Okay,
[05:12:58] just Google it and you will find out for yourself. Okay, so tell me, what do you mean? Tell me,
[05:13:05] you already don't trust me. What do you mean? Kamala Harris was tasked with dealing with
[05:13:09] the border. That's why we have that famous do not come emote in the chat where she
[05:13:14] went to Guatemala and told Guatemalans do not come. Okay. That was one of the first actions
[05:13:21] that she took in 2021. Joe Biden put her on border duty. She was declared the border czar.
[05:13:30] Okay. This is a big weakness for Kamala Harris. I feared that I'm going to have to repeat
[05:13:38] myself to liberals who are really fucking excited on the common momentum huh what
[05:13:47] do you mean and what else that's it and yesterday I said as soon as she unveiled
[05:13:52] her hardline right-wing immigration status okay that every single that alone
[05:14:00] okay law what do you mean that alone that's a pretty big fucking deal what
[05:14:04] are you talking about?
[05:14:11] Oh fuck.
[05:14:16] That alone?
[05:14:17] Very nice.
[05:14:18] Okay.
[05:14:18] You don't, you don't get to be a fucking asshole while you don't get to be a smug
[05:14:22] asshole while also like, you know, not knowing all of this information.
[05:14:30] It's very odd.
[05:14:32] I said yesterday that as soon as she said, I'm going to fight real hard for
[05:14:36] the fucking border.
[05:14:37] I'm going to do the right wing border shit that Republicans would turn around
[05:14:40] and be like, you are the borders are.
[05:14:41] That's what fucking Joe Biden puts you down as you were passed with handling immigration.
[05:14:48] You fucked it up for four years. Now you're going to fucking start acting different and
[05:14:51] act like you care about the border. You care about immigrants. Fuck you. You're a liar.
[05:14:56] Even you recognize the border is bad now. Donald Trump has been good on the border.
[05:15:01] That's his major fucking role for the past eight years. As a matter of fact, why
[05:15:06] would anybody trust you? Why would anybody believe you? We had a three hour stun log
[05:15:12] on this issue yesterday. Let's continue. Like you mentioned Ukraine. The only thing I could
[05:15:16] think of is when she was in Ukraine was when they said to her, will you be taking any of the
[05:15:23] refugees from Ukraine? She was a bit of that bit of that. And then the president of Poland
[05:15:29] started to respond and he's, and she says a friend in need is a friend indeed. I mean,
[05:15:34] if you have a substantive, changing your position, I'll hear you. But otherwise you're lying like
[05:15:41] Joe Biden came into office as a moderate,
[05:15:44] when he was a progressive, the Trojan horse was full of progressives.
[05:15:47] They backed into the Oval Office and they changed this country.
[05:15:51] That's just so fucking hammered, dude. She's sloshed every time.
[05:15:55] That's why they should have debates. And I'm glad you accept Governor Bergen's explanation.
[05:16:00] I don't care about Governor Bergen. Of course you don't. Of course you don't.
[05:16:04] Um, I got it. It's like Harris is like all of a sudden she has her solo career.
[05:16:09] And she's left her
[05:16:15] She's got to do one or two things. She's got a completely disinvalued the last three and a half years
[05:16:20] You see now complete blank show and she was handcuffed blank slate, man
[05:16:26] How many times do you get hit in the head bro? What is happening by progressives?
[05:16:30] And so when she got one job big dog is to just say words correctly
[05:16:35] Exactly. Okay. That is literally the only job you are tasked with right now.
[05:16:40] This is the first thing she's going to do is fire everyone from the old administration.
[05:16:45] That would be a flip-flop. Everyone would be like, hmm, okay, maybe there's some truth
[05:16:48] to that. The problem is that she wants to own it. When you go on a speech, you say,
[05:16:53] if I'm elected, and if I was sitting there way back in the cheese, I do agree that
[05:16:57] I think she needs to focus on other policies on immigration. She should never bring
[05:17:00] of immigration, voluntarily bringing up immigration, unimaginable dumb, dumb shit. Okay, dumb,
[05:17:06] dumb shit, especially because like, even for the reactionaries, okay, right now, Biden's
[05:17:13] incredibly restrictive policies on the border have already cut immigration dramatically.
[05:17:19] So it's not even a fucking point of contention at this moment. Just if you're going to
[05:17:23] talk about immigration, talk about how Donald Trump is psychotic and walk through the
[05:17:28] steps of how Donald Trump wants to set up concentration camps. Okay? That's it. He wants
[05:17:35] mass deportation. They're waving mass deportation banners at the RNC. What are we talking about
[05:17:40] here? That is insanely cruel. That's the only thing you should say. Donald Trump is advocating
[05:17:55] for the Bracero program or rather the mass deportation of 1.3 million Mexicans that
[05:18:01] that occurred, Mexican-Americans included, where they were dumped into like random places,
[05:18:06] sprayed with toxic chemicals, put into concentration camps under the Eisenhower administration.
[05:18:13] Donald Trump was talking about that positively, okay?
[05:18:20] The forgotten part of American history, and a long sequence of awful policies that we've
[05:18:25] pushed for, time and time again.
[05:18:36] What?
[05:18:43] I have a copy of Kamala Harris' birth certificate.
[05:18:46] or on her birth certificate this year she's Black or African.
[05:18:51] Donald Trump was correct, Kamala Harris is not Black
[05:18:52] and it never has been.
[05:18:53] She's a descendant of slave owners.
[05:18:55] Kamala Harris is the daughter of Donald J. Harris
[05:18:57] who was born in Jamaica.
[05:18:59] And Shyamala Gopalan Harris from India.
[05:19:03] Kamala Harris is four times paternal great grandfather.
[05:19:05] There's a guy named Hamilton Brown.
[05:19:07] Yeah, dude, they did this with Obama too.
[05:19:12] Like, bro, do Republicans not know like one Black person?
[05:19:20] Like just one. That's all I'm asking. Like talk to a singular black person. Just one. Okay?
[05:19:28] One black American. Oh fuck. Fuck this is beeping. One singular black American. And you will understand
[05:19:46] that, yes, a lot of black Americans have white people in their lineage. This is,
[05:19:59] oftentimes, not a consequence of consensual acts of mutual love and respect.
[05:20:07] I may be having a stroke, but I do believe Jamaicans are black. Brown emigrated to
[05:20:30] In Jamaica when it was a British colony and once he arrived he became an avid slave owner
[05:20:35] on the sugar plantations in Jamaica.
[05:20:37] Hamilton Brown imposed the abolition of slavery in the British Empire and promoted slavery
[05:20:40] and slave ownership until the day he died.
[05:20:46] Are these people okay?
[05:20:54] Just one.
[05:20:56] Talk to a singular black person.
[05:20:59] Okay?
[05:21:01] For example, notice how black people that are first generation, second generation migrants from African nations, from the African continent are oftentimes darker than black people in America.
[05:21:23] Let's think about why that might be the case.
[05:21:28] think, think it through. Okay? Why could that be? It's very odd. That's a generalization,
[05:21:57] man. No, it's not a general, what are you talking about, dude? What the fuck are we talking about?
[05:22:02] Up until like, literally 100 years ago, this process often was not consensual. Okay? Yes.
[05:22:12] A lot of black people in America have white ancestors as a byproduct of mass rape that occurred during chattel slavery.
[05:22:21] What do I have to do? Spell this shit out for people? What the fuck?
[05:22:25] Open a goddamn book, man.
[05:22:30] What is happening?
[05:22:34] What the fuck is going on?
[05:22:36] Oh, they banned CRT. Yeah, they really fucking did a number on American education.
[05:22:51] You see, and I raised my hand on that question.
[05:22:53] Aren't you currently working there now?
[05:22:55] Couldn't you just call the old guys, not like you can't talk them into stuff.
[05:23:01] You're just putting that out there.
[05:23:03] So couldn't you have all this stuff done between now and elections?
[05:23:07] It would just be easiest because we're just seeing what it looks like.
[05:23:10] He only works the office from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a nap and a lunch in there.
[05:23:15] So pretty much, I'm clocking in at 4 o'clock, ladies and gentlemen,
[05:23:19] and I'm working the night shift till I'm elected, and I'm going to get things done.
[05:23:23] That would be great, but I don't think that's what's going to happen.
[05:23:26] And to Jesse's point, I am paying attention to be fair.
[05:23:31] Rape is a lesser known aspect of slavery.
[05:23:33] Most of the media focuses on slavery, bro.
[05:23:39] I genuinely don't get it.
[05:23:41] I like, I like, I don't understand how you can't even like walk through the steps.
[05:23:51] Like read a book, a singular book, and you will understand how this happens.
[05:23:55] Uh, when you trace the lineage of, of many black Americans.
[05:23:59] and you find I'm actually black and you're flattening the truth of history to push a point
[05:24:04] colonization has a 600 year history in africa and people are light-skinned there for the same reasons
[05:24:09] wait what black jamaicans are black that's a generalization man wait what do you talk about
[05:24:27] I never said that there aren't like the very same uh there there aren't like the very same
[05:24:32] process that occurred in on the continent of africa you made that inference all on your own
[05:24:39] What the fuck you said the black Africa's in Africa are darker than blacks here. No, I said ever wonder why
[05:25:03] First generation African migrants sometimes tend to be darker
[05:25:08] Then black Americans in the United States of America. This does not mean that there aren't lighter shades of
[05:25:16] Black people or rather rape did not occur in Africa. I'm not rid. I'm not lying about history
[05:25:23] I'm trying to explain to Americans, specifically white people in America, how this very simple
[05:25:33] concept, a historical reality, exists and why black people in the western world have white
[05:25:41] ancestors at times.
[05:25:43] Oh my lord, what a fucking weirdo ass way to laser in on a point that I'm not making
[05:26:08] to just like get upset.
[05:26:16] you say sometimes tend to be man shut the fuck up shut your bitch ass up dumb ass chatter Jesus Christ
[05:26:23] dude oh now you say tend to be yeah you got it dude you're right I was actually minimizing the
[05:26:30] impact of colonial violence on the continent of Africa dumb ass you're gonna get canceled on Twitter
[05:26:41] again Twitter can suck my cock dude who's gonna cancel me the fuck it's all Nazis up in there
[05:26:47] Yeah, go ahead clip it and post it on Twitter. The point I'm making is that black people, African descendants descendants of slaves, okay, African descendants of slaves, specifically in the western hemisphere.
[05:27:13] Okay?
[05:27:15] Can trace their ancestry back to some white people. This is a by-product not of
[05:27:22] consensual loving relationships in most
[05:27:25] circumstances, but is it a by-product of mass rape that occurred under chattel slavery?
[05:27:30] When that's the point I'm making and you're fucking lost in the minutiae trying to make it seem like I'm saying something different
[05:27:36] You're a fucking dumbass. Okay, you're selfish little dumbass and in your narcissistic tendency
[05:27:42] You wanted to turn the conversation and the entire attention in a fucking 38,000 person stream back to you
[05:27:50] Okay
[05:27:51] Me me me me me me me. I don't care what your background is. Okay. You're a narcissistic
[05:27:57] selfish dumb fuck
[05:27:58] Who purposefully tried to act like you're fighting for the cause of social justice and and
[05:28:06] Advocating for historical atrocities in the way that they are represented on this broadcast
[05:28:10] But in fact, that's not your main point here because if that was your main point you would understand the point
[05:28:15] I was making okay, you wouldn't try to fucking attack me
[05:28:21] Keck mad. Okay. Well, that's an easy ban
[05:28:25] Oh
[05:28:29] It is one of the most annoying tendencies that fucking trolls have and everybody understands that it's fucking annoying
[05:28:42] Right, everybody understands that it's fucking annoying the the whole oh, I like waffles
[05:28:47] Oh, you mean you want to fucking kill everyone that eats pancakes? I didn't say that there's a whole different sentence is a very common trope on Twitter
[05:28:55] Okay, but for some weird reason that shit gets a lot of mileage in every fucking community
[05:29:01] Okay, suck my dick
[05:29:04] Not here we're an insane fucking argument to make by the way like this is again if you knew a single black person
[05:29:40] They could probably educate you on this they could be like, yeah
[05:29:43] Like one black person that's all it takes how the fuck do you not know a single black person you live in America, dude
[05:29:51] You live in Florida how the fuck do you not even on accident encounter like a single black person that could be like
[05:29:58] Hey, maybe you shouldn't post this because like
[05:30:02] bringing up the fact that like Kamala Harris has a
[05:30:05] You know a slave her in her ancestry is not the only you think it is it just makes you look like a fucking out of touch dumbass
[05:30:14] like a like a unimaginable racist and not the spam but I want to know if you
[05:30:45] snore please confirm that you snore and please don't make me I don't even if you
[05:30:50] don't know a single even if you don't know a single black person like you could
[05:30:54] just you know use common sense but I guess it's not so common Donald Trump
[05:31:14] clashing with reporters at the National Association of Black Journalist
[05:31:19] conference, Trump's invitation didn't come without backlash from some attendees, with
[05:31:24] the co-chair of the event resigning over the organization's decision to host him.
[05:31:29] And it was tense on stage from the moment Trump sat down.
[05:31:34] Why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that?
[05:31:39] Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever been asked a question.
[05:31:44] So it's such a horrible manner, first question.
[05:31:47] You don't even say, hello, how are you?
[05:31:51] I was invited here and I was told my opponent, whether it was Biden or Kamala, I was told
[05:31:57] my opponent was going to be here.
[05:31:59] It turned out my opponent isn't here.
[05:32:01] You invited me under false pretence.
[05:32:04] And then you said, you can't do it with Zoom.
[05:32:06] And then you were half an hour late, just so we understand, I have too much respect
[05:32:10] for you to be late.
[05:32:11] I have been the best president for the black population since Abraham Lincoln.
[05:32:17] Do you believe that Vice President Connell Harris is only on the ticket because she is
[05:32:21] a black woman?
[05:32:22] She was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went, she
[05:32:26] became a black person.
[05:32:27] Just to be clear sir, do you believe that she is a black woman?
[05:32:29] I think somebody should look into that too when you ask a continuum in a very hostile
[05:32:34] nasty town.
[05:32:35] It's a direct question sir.
[05:32:36] Do you believe that Vice President Connell Harris is a DEI higher as some public
[05:32:40] I mean, I really don't know. Could be. Could be. They're all solid.
[05:32:43] We have you for a limited time, sir. I'd love to know on a different topic.
[05:32:46] You're the one that held me up for 35 minutes just so you know.
[05:32:50] Kamala Harris was supposed to sit with the same panel, but had scheduling issues.
[05:32:56] The organization is hoping to have her join in September,
[05:32:59] but that didn't stop Trump from keeping her in the conversation.
[05:33:03] Would you consider taking the cognitive test?
[05:33:06] Mr. President, I would love to know.
[05:33:07] And make it public.
[05:33:08] Well, I've already taken two of them, but I'll do it again.
[05:33:10] Mr. President, how do you intend to...
[05:33:13] I suggested, Harris, that let's take one.
[05:33:17] I said, Joe and I will go and take a cognitive test.
[05:33:20] Now, I'd do it with her too.
[05:33:23] I would do it with her also, you know what?
[05:33:25] She failed her law exam.
[05:33:26] She didn't pass her law exam,
[05:33:27] so maybe she wouldn't pass the cognitive test.
[05:33:30] Bro, she was the Attorney General of California.
[05:33:33] Like, what are you talking about?
[05:33:37] dog. That's crazy. Like that is a wild thing to run on when you're Donald Trump. What the
[05:33:49] fuck do you want to take the bar exam in California? Many lawyers fail it. Your, your signature
[05:34:04] test taking accomplishment is man, woman, camera, TV. What, what are you saying? Like
[05:34:14] obviously she passed, you know what I mean? She was a courtroom prosecutor. She clearly
[05:34:18] passed. So is Trump incorrect here? Oh, yes. My favorite, like the weird, the weirdos are
[05:34:29] in here. So is Trump in the wrong here? Yes. Presenting it, presenting the notion that
[05:34:36] Kamala Harris failed the bar exam, a reality for every single fucking lawyer, damn near
[05:34:43] every single lawyer at a certain point in their career. Okay. It is incredibly common
[05:34:50] To to not be able to pass the bar exam the first time you take it. It is super common. Okay, so using that I
[05:34:58] Mean, yeah, she wouldn't be sitting where she is right now. Yeah, okay, so you understand that right bringing that up
[05:35:05] When she was a courtroom prosecutor, then the attorney general of the state of fucking, California is so stupid
[05:35:13] Yeah, I'm sure like I'm sure at a certain point
[05:35:17] She was shitting in her diapers too. That doesn't fucking
[05:35:20] There's no relevance to the conversation. You know what I mean like why are you bringing that up?
[05:35:25] Kamala Harris was pooping in her pants
[05:35:28] I will not say at what point in her life or what she has done since then but she pooped in her pants. I
[05:35:35] Okay, got it cool like what the fuck?
[05:35:38] Boop folks in her pants won't say when but it's true. I
[05:35:53] Can't believe hogs have is defending comma like this like there's plenty of fucking shit on Kamala Harrison
[05:35:58] And I do actually criticize her quite frequently definitely more frequently now
[05:36:03] Because there's things that are worthy of criticism, but like this is not one of those things
[05:36:07] This is a very stupid angle of attack, especially when you're Donald Trump, like notoriously
[05:36:13] not known as an intelligent guy.
[05:36:17] And NABJ President Ken Lanmone defending Trump's invitation before the event.
[05:36:24] We invited both of them.
[05:36:26] We got a yes from one of them.
[05:36:27] We'd love to get a yes from Kamala as well, but us as journalists, people who go into
[05:36:31] and have very uncomfortable conversations for the sake of our members, this is an
[05:36:36] important time.
[05:36:37] I understand people are, but disappointed.
[05:36:39] I understand people are upset.
[05:36:41] It is our job also to offer that opportunity
[05:36:43] for those candidates to be here.
[05:36:46] All right, Tyrus, I'll start with you.
[05:36:48] So 35 minutes late, he has to wait.
[05:36:51] He's told his opponent's gonna be there.
[05:36:53] She's not there.
[05:36:54] Somebody, there's a lot of objection to his even being
[05:36:57] there, the co-chair of the event apparently resigned.
[05:37:01] The California bar literally has a 40-time,
[05:37:03] first-time pass rate.
[05:37:05] down. Not a modicum of respect, he says, but how do you think he did phenomenal? Uh, you know what?
[05:37:11] It's amazing. You can break it down to this. Since they like to group, since it's black voters and
[05:37:16] white voters and black this and black that and white this and white that. But when they had an event,
[05:37:22] he showed up. The Democrats didn't. So that should that should mean something. And
[05:37:27] they made him wait. They made him late. Did he leave? He would have been within his reason
[05:37:31] listen. Yeah, he's the goat. He waited. Apparently they made him wait because he
[05:37:40] just refused to be live fact checked or some shit. There was a standoff, but I'm
[05:37:44] running for president of the United States. My time's valuable. He could have left.
[05:37:48] He didn't. He showed up. He was insulted. But here's the thing that I don't judge
[05:37:53] by she was there for what that reporter I'm not calling a journalist was there
[05:37:57] for one reason to get talking sound by. Wait, reporter. I'm not calling her
[05:38:02] journalist, but you just use the synonym once for the Democrats trying to get him to be mean
[05:38:12] and nasty and literally within a minute. That's all they came out talking about. But here's
[05:38:16] the thing. He called her out on it, but the crowd, they were expecting when she said that
[05:38:21] there'd be huge cheers and booze and all this stuff. And they were listening to what
[05:38:26] he had to say. And there was a few times that people yelled out like, Yeah, until
[05:38:29] we so their narrative does not match the American people, no matter what color the crowd
[05:38:35] So that's what they should really be concerned with, but he went there, he knew how it was
[05:38:39] going to be, he answered questions, he was there, he was present, he showed up.
[05:38:43] And I thought his statements were great and he didn't allow them to change the narrative
[05:38:48] or get him, he was exactly who he was supposed to be and this was a big day for him.
[05:38:53] And you know Dana, what about the fact that Trump has gone to places where Republican
[05:38:57] candidates have avoided, I mean South Bronx, Harlem, he went here, he waited, yeah.
[05:39:03] Yeah, Donald Trump, not afraid of black people, has physically been in the presence of a lot
[05:39:11] of black people, clearly.
[05:39:15] So it's, I admire that, right?
[05:39:18] Because if you can say a lot of things about the Trump fans ticket, if you'd like them,
[05:39:21] you don't like them, whatever.
[05:39:22] But they're working for it.
[05:39:24] They're working hard.
[05:39:25] And we, maybe the numbers are going to even out.
[05:39:27] But before Biden pulled out, one of the things we talked about regularly, which
[05:39:31] which is the numbers that were collapsing for Biden
[05:39:34] on the black vote, for example.
[05:39:36] So he won like 91% of the black vote.
[05:39:38] You're just being a demagogue and spilling silvestry now
[05:39:41] just because you don't know what these words mean
[05:39:45] if you're deploying them against me currently.
[05:39:49] Vote in 2020.
[05:39:50] Trump had him getting about,
[05:39:54] I think that Biden was down like 73%.
[05:39:57] So the Republican party doesn't need to win
[05:40:00] all of the black vote in order to win.
[05:40:02] They need to win more than they have before.
[05:40:04] And so addition is better than subtraction
[05:40:07] when it comes to politics.
[05:40:08] And again, they're working for it.
[05:40:11] Thing is, yes, you're probably gonna get
[05:40:14] some hostile questions, gotta be ready for them.
[05:40:17] I worked for a boss who, if people were running late,
[05:40:20] he did not like it at all.
[05:40:24] And I don't blame him for pushing back on that.
[05:40:27] I do wonder how much video, right?
[05:40:30] not a lot of people watch things on television necessarily anymore. This will be sliced and
[05:40:34] diced into a hundred different ways. But I think that the fact that he went there is
[05:40:38] important. She could have gone. She decided not to. She had, and she's at Sheila Jackson
[05:40:43] Lee's funeral today so I get that. She's going to do another sorority event. But where
[05:40:47] are the journalists clamoring for her to do a press conference? There's no demand
[05:40:52] that Kamala Harris.
[05:40:53] What you just literally showed one journalist from the association saying it would be
[05:40:59] be nice to have her here.
[05:41:00] Start answering a bunch of questions.
[05:41:02] I think that if she had gone, she would have gotten some pretty tough questions and she probably
[05:41:06] would not have been able to answer them well.
[05:41:09] One of the things, Harold, that Donald Trump has is more support among black voters than
[05:41:15] any other presidential candidate has, has had Republican Republican, bro.
[05:41:24] That's so funny.
[05:41:25] But come on, dude.
[05:41:27] Yeah.
[05:41:28] The 8% pretty crazy.
[05:41:32] Public and presidential candidate has had.
[05:41:34] Do you expect that's gonna continue
[05:41:36] or do you think Kamala Harris takes some of that from him?
[05:41:40] Well, it's good to see you.
[05:41:41] It's gonna be back around the table for a while.
[05:41:43] I'd say a couple of things.
[05:41:44] I agree largely with what Tyrus and Dana have said.
[05:41:47] I think, number one, I don't know how as a journalist
[05:41:51] you could be surprised that someone
[05:41:52] either accepts your invitation or declines your invitation.
[05:41:56] and just because one of the people except
[05:41:59] had to run their republican i mean it's true
[05:42:01] it's ridiculous to say that
[05:42:03] uh... without mentioning republican in that becomes a lot
[05:42:07] it is only true if you say republicans invitation and i it might be a person
[05:42:11] who you may personally have issues with their disagree with
[05:42:15] but if you're part of that
[05:42:16] organizations a second mark your journalist organization this is not a
[05:42:18] cooking organization
[05:42:20] uh... this is not an organization of electricians who are wonderful valuable
[05:42:24] people
[05:42:24] But these are journalists.
[05:42:25] It's like what Ken, I think, is a little maun.
[05:42:27] He said, we have an uncomfortable job
[05:42:29] of asking tough questions.
[05:42:30] So if you invite someone and your journalist,
[05:42:33] presumably to interview them, you
[05:42:35] shouldn't resign from the organization
[05:42:37] because the person who you were least inclined
[05:42:39] to agree with accepts.
[05:42:41] And the person you were inclined to agree with declines.
[05:42:44] Two, you can't control when you are being interviewed.
[05:42:47] I've been in, I've never run for president.
[05:42:49] I ran for the Senate.
[05:42:50] I went before groups of interviewers and journalists
[05:42:53] who I knew did not hold my positions
[05:42:55] and might be a little hostile to me.
[05:42:57] And I never opened up by saying,
[05:42:59] I wish you to say hello to me,
[05:43:00] I wish you would have been nice to me.
[05:43:02] I thought he missed an opportunity to present.
[05:43:04] I disagreed slightly with Taris and Mr. Grant.
[05:43:06] I would have just laid out all the things.
[05:43:09] I watched a lot of it.
[05:43:10] I would have just laid out all the things
[05:43:11] that you've done.
[05:43:13] President believes that he's done
[05:43:14] to help black voters, help black Americans.
[05:43:17] I certainly would not have questioned
[05:43:18] whether or not Kamala Harris is black or she's in.
[05:43:21] I thought-
[05:43:22] I agree with you about him going there, but Dana made the point also, and I agree, when
[05:43:29] you go before these things, the point of a political exercise is to gain more voters.
[05:43:33] And I'd be curious to know, to answer your question, if they actually believed, if his
[05:43:38] team, because they pulled him after about 35 minutes, if they believed he actually
[05:43:42] gained voters in his process or just excited the voters that he may already have.
[05:43:47] Now he, in his last election, I think was it eight or nine percent of the African
[05:43:51] American vote?
[05:43:52] Obviously, is making an intentional effort,
[05:43:54] has made an intentional decision to go after black voters
[05:43:57] in a more aggressive way, meaning he wants more of them.
[05:44:00] And I'm not convinced that if I were him,
[05:44:04] I would have handled it like this.
[05:44:05] I thought there was probably a more effective way
[05:44:07] to handle it, but I give him credit for going.
[05:44:10] And I give him credit for sitting there.
[05:44:12] And I don't quite know if he achieved.
[05:44:15] If I was his advisor, I'd sit back and say,
[05:44:18] I don't know if we handled that one right.
[05:44:20] What do you think, Jesse?
[05:44:21] He stole the news cycle. Como's gotten great pressure of the last week and a half and he
[05:44:25] just ripped it right back and put it right on it. That's awesome. Yeah. Donald Trump
[05:44:29] stole the news cycle by shitting in his diapers for 25 consecutive minutes and everyone made
[05:44:36] fun of him for his belligerent stances. Everyone's paying attention to me. So I guess I'm
[05:44:45] I'm the winner.
[05:44:48] These people have a kid brain, dude, I swear.
[05:44:56] Masterful gambits are everyone's yelling at you.
[05:45:01] This was a brave move.
[05:45:03] Everybody sees this black, white, Hispanic.
[05:45:05] You're looking at a guy that talks straight, is real, and is courageous.
[05:45:09] He goes right into the lion's den and treats everybody the same.
[05:45:12] It doesn't matter if it's a black woman asking the question, it doesn't matter who
[05:45:14] it is.
[05:45:15] Disrespect him. He's gonna give it right back to you
[05:45:18] It was a Megan Kelly moment and we love Megan if you have a tough question like that right out of the gate
[05:45:23] He took it up or deck and that's what everybody liked to see now if you liked Donald
[05:45:28] Yeah, he fucking killed it when he was like Kamala Harris is not back
[05:45:35] This is not an issue in
[05:45:38] Contest this is not something that you can contest like this. It's just like
[05:45:42] like she's black, like you can see that she's black is literally like looking at Obama and
[05:45:49] be like, that's a white guy. Nope. That's a, that's a white guy. Also DEI by the way,
[05:45:57] like what are we doing? Bro call the group of black people to the lines then. Yeah.
[05:46:09] The lines then also your colleague is on the panel, man. Fucking Harris Faulkner
[05:46:15] is on the panel. Like there are conservative black journalists on there too. Including your
[05:46:25] colleague who was asking questions to Donald Trump. They were all one thing though. They
[05:46:34] were all black. So maybe that's why they were the lions then.
[05:46:38] Trump and you watch that. You're ready now. I mean that this is a big moment for
[05:46:43] the campaign. This was a big confrontation in the summer and he handled it classy.
[05:46:49] It could have been much more nasty. It was fine the way you handled it. If you're going
[05:46:55] to go in there and say, oh, you know, maybe I'm sorry. No, where's that gotten us, judge?
[05:47:01] We've been so politically correct the last couple of years. Again, we're so afraid.
[05:47:05] Yeah. You can't be black if you have mixed blood does not strike me the most effective
[05:47:09] rejoinder to the claim. You're weird. Like, dude, these guys are literally jumping
[05:47:17] over hoops doing like quantum blood science to be like you see Kamala Harris is actually
[05:47:24] not full black she had a white ancestor and it's like like what are you doing like did
[05:47:34] you guys completely forget how to run campaigns like what the fuck I've investigated Kamala
[05:47:40] Harris's trash to find a piece of our DNA to do a 23 and mean test did that to Obama
[05:47:53] to yeah Obama was a two term president. What are we talking about exactly? That shit doesn't
[05:48:00] work. That should be the first clue that like, yeah, that's not good campaigning. You lost
[05:48:08] twice to a black guy in a fundamentally white supremacist country. What are we talking
[05:48:18] about? Like, and before you say, the son, how can you say this is a fundamentally
[05:48:27] white supremacist country and then say this kind of racist rhetoric doesn't work. Don't
[05:48:31] make me explain the equation one more time to you.
[05:48:35] Klansmen don't like to be called racist. Nazis don't like to be called Nazis. Okay. There
[05:48:42] is a level of permissible racism. And if you go beyond it, even racist people are
[05:48:48] like, oh, that's weird and nerdy. Like I just want the regular racism. Okay. That's
[05:48:57] it. And you're going way beyond it. Like the DEI narratives and affirmative action narratives
[05:49:07] do not work well for a lot of moderates, but more importantly than moderates, it doesn't,
[05:49:13] it's a, it's an immediate way to just cast aside any black voter that you could have
[05:49:19] possibly grabbed onto because every black person has been called the word. Okay. And I don't
[05:49:28] mean just DEI? I mean, what it actually spells, DEI, affirmative action. Like these are concepts
[05:49:35] that imply pretty overtly as a matter of fact that like black people and brown people do
[05:49:42] not deserve the position that they're in. And they were only elevated to that status
[05:49:46] due to the color of their skin. They've heard it a lot. Okay. The point is when
[05:49:54] When you do that, just, you know, cast aside all of the potential black, uh, votes that
[05:49:59] you were going to get.
[05:50:00] Well, beyond that, okay, beyond that, there's also another level of racism that you're hitting
[05:50:07] now where you're like looking at a black woman and be like, she's not really black or,
[05:50:11] uh, questioning like what country she's actually from that type of stuff actually makes even
[05:50:18] like normal Republicans kind of look at it and go, I don't know.
[05:50:23] I don't know about that. I'm just a regular kind of races, you know, like lock your door
[05:50:28] when you see a black person walking towards your car in the parking lot type races, not
[05:50:33] like quantum blood race, realist races. That shit's nerdy as fuck. Okay. You can't,
[05:50:43] you can't go to that. You can't go to distance. Yeah. There's a, there's a level of like
[05:50:50] casual racism versus competitive racism.
[05:50:54] racism relies on white supremacy being baked into every aspect of American society. So
[05:51:01] you can just point to things that are racist and go, no, this is the norm. How dare you
[05:51:06] call it races like the criminal justice system? No, actually, it's supposed to fucking lock
[05:51:11] up black men disproportionately. Duh. You say that because you don't want to
[05:51:16] say black people have skulls that imply that they're more violent and barbaric.
[05:51:21] When you fucking flip the narrative and you say black people have skulls that make them
[05:51:25] more violent and barbaric, even the people who are going to agree with you on the criminal
[05:51:29] justice system is not racist aspect, they're going to turn around and be like, what the
[05:51:33] fuck did you say?
[05:51:35] Do you understand?
[05:51:38] That's what the Republicans keep doing.
[05:51:41] All you got to do is point to the existing structure.
[05:51:47] All you got to do is point to the existing inequalities and go, these things are good
[05:51:54] and you're pussy for saying that they're not.
[05:51:56] You're woke for saying that they're not.
[05:51:58] And just keep it at that, okay?
[05:52:03] You can't do the opposite.
[05:52:05] Hassan, you're the one that's going to get spliced and diced here.
[05:52:11] Please chill.
[05:52:12] Wait, what?
[05:52:13] In the midst of my talking point about like America being a fundamentally white supremacist
[05:52:20] nation. Is that is that what people are going to do? Oh man, I'm going to get clipped out
[05:52:25] of context. Okay. Well, whatever. Yeah, that's never happened to me before. What's next?
[05:52:41] Are they going to clip me for the top of the hour ad break and say, Hassan is a fake socialist.
[05:52:46] He serves ads at the top of the hour every hour for three minutes and then says, if you
[05:52:50] no longer want to see those ads, all you need to do is subscribe for $6 or for free.
[05:52:54] Anyway, Trump's being in the Pennsylvania rally agrees to debate Harris. Well, Kamala,
[05:53:08] Let's go challenge accepted. Are you ready? It's only been 10 days and he's already in
[05:53:12] full panic mode. Here's the three minute outbreak. Now behind every use of DIs, the implication
[05:53:33] that an entire pile of more qualified whites had to be passed over to get to the person
[05:53:37] in question. Yeah, exactly. Okay. We interrupt this broadcast for a funny moment here.
[05:53:41] The U S army says their $11 million deal with the rock and the U F L did not resolve
[05:53:46] in a single new recruit. It actually led to 38 recruits delisting. They're now
[05:53:51] trying to get a significant portion of their money back. The rock was supposed to make five
[05:53:55] social media posts and supported the army and he only made two none since April. That's what
[05:54:11] I've been saying. They, they, they needed nine 11 so bad dude. They're suffering. Apparently
[05:54:24] they lost 38 recruits in the process, which is even funnier. Um, there was a bunch of other
[05:54:36] stuff that I wanted to get to and now I'm Oh, Dr. Disrespect. Dr. Disrespect. Ladies
[05:54:45] Ladies and gentlemen, posted for the first time in over a month since he admitted to inappropriately
[05:54:52] messaging a minor. He posted this. It's a, it's a photo where he's telling a story. The
[05:55:01] story is he's playing chess and on the other side, I assume a child is playing checkers.
[05:55:09] Okay, that's the that's the story behind this photo. I suspect but that's not where it ended
[05:55:16] Okay, dr. Disrespect had a lot more smoke
[05:55:21] Beyond the chess checkers dynamic. He posted a bunch of other shit as well
[05:55:30] This post by the way for those of you who are wondering like what does the Twitter community?
[05:55:36] Think about pedophilia
[05:55:38] 73,000 likes. It seems, it seems like Twitter who was chirping like nonstop about like, uh,
[05:55:53] you know, Ava Chris Tyson and how, uh, you know, trans people are automatic rumors and
[05:55:59] pedophiles, all the stuff. Well, turns out they don't give a fuck. They love doc. Okay.
[05:56:06] her like, no, Dr. Disrespect should be able to inappropriately message any minor. Okay.
[05:56:17] Someone said, did you increase the vertical leap at least and got a tan too? 10,000 likes.
[05:56:24] Is this you playing with a minor says wash your crack. Good one. She, her, the internet
[05:56:30] will never fix your real threat. Dot, dot, dot depression. This guy said, I heard you
[05:56:36] a pedophile. I heard you like little boys and girls, little brainwashed woke boy pulling,
[05:56:44] putting out Dragon Ball Z graphics with Kendrick Lamar lines got me big time. Now this is not
[05:56:53] Kendrick Lamar lines at all. Why did Dr. Disrespect think that this was Kendrick Lamar? I think
[05:57:03] we know why he thought it was Kendrick Lamar. Dr. Disrespect is a white man and he thought
[05:57:09] thinks that anytime someone says the N word, it must be a rap lyric and also rap music
[05:57:16] about pedophiles. Well, that's gotta be Kendrick Lamar. Dremel also then ratioed him says shit.
[05:57:24] Not even Kendrick Lamar, but I see why you immediately thought of him hashtag, not like
[05:57:27] us. That was a good one. I see verse said, we're about to see the nasty is leaning
[05:57:42] the all right pipeline ever of course the dock is back the dock is back yeah he's
[05:57:52] getting that kick deal no matter what ladies and gentlemen he's getting that
[05:57:57] fucking kick deal he will fight for that okay wonderful stuff overall I mean
[05:58:06] he's getting Rosa but it doesn't matter he has a shit ton of support you
[05:58:09] You understand? Like think about it this way. Okay. This person roasted is as be hive, right?
[05:58:17] Posted this other angle, right? Fine. Okay. Except this guy, 88,000 likes this post got
[05:58:24] 73,000 likes. So the people roasting him and the people defending him are almost in
[05:58:30] the same fucking level of support. That was hilarious about the guy who responded that
[05:58:39] Diego guy who responded to Dr. Disrespect saying, let's go, Dr. Disrespect is back.
[05:58:46] Who wants to guess what that person's political, political ideology looks like?
[05:58:54] Does anyone want to make a guess of the guy defending Dr. Disrespect, what their political
[05:59:04] association is?
[05:59:06] Oh, that's right.
[05:59:08] Diego says the doc is back.
[05:59:12] Protect the children two days ago.
[05:59:14] Anyone else agrees with me on this?
[05:59:15] Yeah.
[05:59:16] So I'm what you call a minor attractive person.
[05:59:28] These guys have no.
[05:59:31] Huh.
[05:59:34] He's shooting the doc though.
[05:59:36] No, he's not.
[05:59:38] He's literally.
[05:59:39] Check.
[05:59:40] Come on, man.
[05:59:42] This is the average position of the concern American conservative.
[05:59:45] Okay.
[05:59:46] They literally are like, they literally don't have an issue with pedophilia whatsoever.
[05:59:51] They just think it's a good way, it's a good talking point, to claim that all trans people
[05:59:55] are pedophiles, okay?
[05:59:58] That's why so many motherfuckers with literal lolly avatars are straight up Nazis and
[06:00:04] then they fucking openly talk on the timeline about how every trans person is trying to
[06:00:09] fuck kids.
[06:00:10] It's like, bro, you have a lolly avatar with a fucking Nazi gear on it.
[06:00:16] literally a fucking pedophile what are you saying what are you saying right now
[06:00:22] you want to kill pedophiles are you gonna kill yourself like what the fuck
[06:00:25] is going on it doesn't make any sense until you realize that the damn near
[06:00:34] entirety of the anti-trans weirdos on the Republican Party including but not
[06:00:41] limited to Matt Walsh our literal advocates for child marriages bro the
[06:00:47] the very same Republican legislators will turn around and be like,
[06:00:52] all trans people are pedophiles.
[06:00:53] We got to stop them from grooming our children.
[06:00:55] If you see a trans person, that's automatic pedophile.
[06:00:59] And then they literally will go to Congress in their own states,
[06:01:03] in the state legislature and defend child brides, bro.
[06:01:11] Like ask any, I know this is a classic Hank Packer moment, right?
[06:01:17] What did I use to do? My favorite thing to do with like the QAnon rallies and what not was to go to those fucking rallies and ask him, what do you think about? What do you think about the child beauty pageants?
[06:01:32] Okay? Ask a conservative who claims every LGBTQ member is a pedophile unconditionally, what
[06:01:40] they think about child beauty pageants and what they think about child brides. They will
[06:01:46] defend both of these concepts till they fucking die. Okay? They love that shit. They love
[06:01:54] chop beauty pageants and they fucking love chop brides. They think they think that that
[06:02:01] is not pedophilia. That is actual pedophilia shit. Please find me one example of that Lamau.
[06:02:09] Okay. Took me three seconds. State representative Jess Edwards inspired outrage last week after
[06:02:24] describing underage teenage girls as ripe and fertile while arguing against the bill
[06:02:29] to raise the age of marriage in the grand state from 16 to 18 took me literally three
[06:02:39] seconds dude. GOP lawmakers hell bent on preserving child marriage and not only that but I also
[06:03:01] literally have like the beauty pageant shit okay here is from my own YouTube like I've
[06:03:07] had these conversations okay where is it let's find it hold on.
[06:03:14] on IV QAnon rally I don't remember the exact moment where there's Donnie who
[06:03:26] recently got promoted at the CNN by the way I'm gonna see him in the DNC he's
[06:03:32] gone he pee pee poofed oh here's the 10 minute here it is here it is was this
[06:03:58] is it? I think this is not it.
[06:04:00] Not the bag night life in this last media
[06:04:02] No, I'm here.
[06:04:03] On what their kids are watching.
[06:04:05] Did you watch it? Wait, hold on.
[06:04:07] Did you watch it?
[06:04:08] No, I don't, not not.
[06:04:09] I understand that it was
[06:04:11] Did you know what it was?
[06:04:12] Yes, I do, but that's like the idea behind it was,
[06:04:15] was, oh, see how they sexually exploit our children.
[06:04:19] It was an example of the exploitation of children
[06:04:22] in media.
[06:04:23] Oh, you found the clip?
[06:04:25] Oh, y'all are so fucking annoying.
[06:04:32] That's funny. That's a funny clip like but come on time and place. I'm like looking for a specific clip
[06:04:38] You don't have to do that
[06:04:41] Like I'm not even annoyed because like ha ha small head jokes like that's fine
[06:04:45] And that's a funny clip in and of itself
[06:04:48] But like time and place I hate it when I'm looking for something and you just like
[06:04:53] Literally use that as an opportunity to fucking send this dumbass shit
[06:05:07] Because there is a everybody has a right to their voice. So there's not, you know, somebody
[06:05:13] wants to, this is America.
[06:05:15] He said, yeah, I asked him child beauty pageants. He's like, my knees was in one. I think they're
[06:05:24] good. There you go. Proved that Donnie is a real man and a man of the people. Roller
[06:05:56] coaster continues busy or ahead. CNN promotes Donnie on solving a senior correspondent is
[06:06:00] He's reporting on the spread of online misinformation. I said, see you in Chicago, my goat.
[06:06:04] I saw the first three and I saw, I bet Hassan already responded. That's my point. My point
[06:06:23] is these guys literally don't give a fuck about like actual pedophilia at all. Okay.
[06:06:29] They don't care. It's just like a talking point because everybody understands that
[06:06:34] it's bad. Right. So they just use that as a way to be like, no, you know who
[06:06:39] the real pedophiles are, not the fucking conservatives, uh, defending child brides.
[06:06:59] This Republican state senator fought to prevent a passage of a bill increase of
[06:07:02] statute of limitations for victims of, uh, yeah, Pennsylvania state senator
[06:07:06] arrested on child pornography charges.
[06:07:08] Six three year old lawmakers accused of downloading child pornography from
[06:07:11] Tumblr.
[06:07:12] He was charged Tuesday and resigned Wednesday.
[06:07:16] He also, according to central committee, Michael from Pennsylvania, was a
[06:07:21] senator that fought to prevent the passive ability increase the statute of limitations
[06:07:25] for victims of child sexual abuse. So guys, that's classic. That's classic shit. Okay.
[06:07:42] It's like the game linking up with fucking Vitaly to find child predators. Okay. Bro,
[06:07:50] you are the last guy to be looking for child predators. Like, are you looking in a mirror?
[06:07:57] like what's going on? It's like it's crazy. It's crazy. Vitaly always looking for trial
[06:08:05] predators, but he just never seems to find one on kick. You know what I mean? It's like
[06:08:15] going to look for trial predators with EDP. Anyway, but yeah, no, I got fucking, I got
[06:08:24] all the smoke taking out the competition. The weird campaign rhetoric shifts to actually
[06:08:34] their pedophiles, which is accurate and Jim Jordan of knowing about a team doctors
[06:08:38] alleged sexual misconduct. 43 men who say they were sexually assaulted, abused, molested,
[06:08:43] or harassed by Dr. Rick. Might as touch my kings, my goats, they're doing the damn thing.
[06:08:50] Church Strauss. The former employee at the Republican National Committee was just sentenced
[06:08:53] to 12 years in prison for possession of child porn. They also told people in this group that
[06:08:58] his preference was for babies and stated that they were his quote absolute favorite
[06:09:02] and uh solicited another member of the group for videos of babies being raped. George
[06:09:06] His criminal history included multiple convictions for child pornography and child molestation this morning a judge sent me
[06:09:15] Rob shorty to 15. This was my favorite Republican pedophile. And yes, you might go, huh?
[06:09:20] You have a favorite Republican pedophile. I do
[06:09:23] Okay, because that's how common this shit is. Okay, it's so goddamn commonplace that I got stories that I actually
[06:09:30] appreciate that kind of our funnier than the other ones. Okay, even though it's gruesome
[06:09:35] and horrific. You want to know why? Because Ralph Shorty, former Trump-Oglahoma campaign
[06:09:41] chair, state legislature for Oklahoma, okay, literally got busted with a 17-year-old that
[06:09:51] that he had purchased to have sex with, okay?
[06:09:57] But listen, he did it within proximity of, I believe, a school or a church, okay?
[06:10:07] He had formerly passed legislation in his own state that actually brought up the charges
[06:10:16] that if you were caught
[06:10:18] having sex
[06:10:19] or if you were caught
[06:10:21] uh... you know
[06:10:22] uh... uh... engaging in prostitution
[06:10:25] you had
[06:10:26] more charges you had like a elevated charge
[06:10:29] he passed the law and he got hit with his own law that he passed
[06:10:35] come on man
[06:10:41] you were watching interrogation one day we have i've covered this extensively
[06:10:47] ten years in prison police caught shorty in a hotel room
[06:10:50] with a then 17-year-old boy.
[06:10:51] The new charges against Joel Greenberg.
[06:10:53] Sex trafficking of a minor and stalking a political opponent.
[06:10:57] Order Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz
[06:10:59] allegedly having a sexual relationship
[06:11:01] with a 17-year-old girl.
[06:11:03] Investigators examining whether he quote,
[06:11:05] violated federal sex traffic.
[06:11:07] Trust no one, not even yourself.
[06:11:09] Yeah.
[06:11:10] Bro, he was a pedophile trying to play the game
[06:11:14] on new game plus difficulty.
[06:11:16] When you're a Republican legislator, okay?
[06:11:19] Like your Republican legislator and your gay pick a struggle, right?
[06:11:23] Like how the fuck are you gonna be a gay Republican legislator or the Republican Party in the state of
[06:11:30] Oklahoma, but then on top of that you're a pedophile and
[06:11:34] On top of that you literally passed laws about soliciting prostitution near a fucking church
[06:11:42] But he was just straight up like I really I mean it for the thrill
[06:11:46] You know what I mean? He was like I want to play on new game plus difficulty plus seven. Okay, Max prestige diddler is right
[06:11:55] He was like no cheese, baby. I'm not going with the wind blades. I ain't no bitch. Okay. I'm doing SL1 every boss new game plus seven
[06:12:06] Attacking laws to all of a sudden act like this phenomenon of girls getting pregnant at that at a young age
[06:12:11] that we consider young, 16 or 17.
[06:12:13] That, that like it's a new thing, is ridiculous.
[06:12:16] Girls between the ages of like 17 and 24
[06:12:19] is when they're technically most fertile.
[06:12:22] Ianapolis arguing sexual relationships
[06:12:24] between 13 year old boys
[06:12:26] that men in their 20s could be consensual.
[06:12:29] Some of those relationships
[06:12:30] between younger boys and older men,
[06:12:32] the sort of coming of age relationships,
[06:12:33] the relationships in which those older men
[06:12:35] helped those young boys to discover who they are.
[06:12:37] Now it's funny about that,
[06:12:38] that was on a Republican podcast
[06:12:40] and the Republicans were like, what the fuck are you saying, dog?
[06:12:43] Like, he literally got canceled by the Republicans.
[06:12:48] That was a unique one.
[06:12:49] Back in 2004, Lauren Bobert's husband, Jason Bobert, was arrested for indecent exposure
[06:12:56] because he decided to reveal his penis to waitresses.
[06:13:01] Turned out one of the waitresses was 17.
[06:13:03] 33 year old reality TV star, Joe, turns out one of the people was Lauren Bobert, by the way, like.
[06:13:09] That's the, that's the other part. He's back. Wait, what did he say? This proves nothing.
[06:13:16] I guess if we're basing it off of a select few lefties or petos as well, bro, select
[06:13:21] few. Okay. I never said Democrats do not have the capability of being pedophiles.
[06:13:27] Dumb fuck. Of course there are pedophile Democrats too. Okay. So fuck do you mean
[06:13:35] You think lefty, by the way, Pulaski, Pulaski County Democratic Party chairman, big lefty
[06:13:41] from Arkansas. Okay. First and foremost, I literally never said that there is not a single
[06:13:48] Democrat that is like a pedophile. I'm sure there are plenty. Okay. Fuck the Democratic
[06:13:53] party.
[06:13:54] But what you failed to comprehend is that the number one record breaking all time
[06:14:01] champion of pedophilia is a man that they haven't even brought up yet. Okay. His name is Dennis
[06:14:08] Haster. He's going to be in this video. You want to know what records he broke? First of all,
[06:14:13] record breaking for most acts of pedophilia while also in office and also record breaking
[06:14:19] for being still to this day, the longest running US house speaker. Okay. I know I'm spoiling the
[06:14:29] content, but like if we're talking band for band on pedophilia, the Republicans are absolutely
[06:14:36] taking out 10 more bands every time you're almost done.
[06:14:39] Okay, Josh Duggar is in serious trouble, charged with receiving and possessing child pornography.
[06:14:47] Duggar was because like there is no democratic, like ideological position in the party that
[06:14:53] that says like we got to defend child brides.
[06:14:56] There is one in the Republican Party and simultaneously while they're saying that they're also running
[06:15:02] actively on the campaign message that like liberals and all fucking LGBTQ members of the
[06:15:11] LGBTQ community are pedophiles, okay?
[06:15:15] Taken into federal custody, accused of downloading child sexual abuse material online showing
[06:15:21] children under the age of 12.
[06:15:24] Every women accused a Tennessee state representative of abusing them when they were teeny.
[06:15:28] Bro, remember when the Republicans literally ran a pedophile who lost them the state of
[06:15:33] Alabama Senate seat?
[06:15:39] Like that was so crazy.
[06:15:42] That happened under Donald Trump.
[06:15:44] There was a literal pedophile by the name of Roy Moore and he was running.
[06:15:49] He was in the Alabama Supreme Court by the way.
[06:15:52] Real fucking Christian man, you know, hey, I love God.
[06:15:56] I love Christianity. I love the Bible.
[06:15:59] We got to put a cop out of 10 commandments in every school.
[06:16:03] I'm rolling more and definitely not a pedophile. And he almost won.
[06:16:08] He almost won the state of Alabama.
[06:16:10] He was banned from going to his local mall by the fucking
[06:16:16] police in his own dang city, bro.
[06:16:21] Why? You might ask because he kept trying to fuck teenagers.
[06:16:26] That's that's what we're talking about dude. He was picking up teens at the mall. So they banned him
[06:16:38] that guy
[06:16:43] The Republican Party literally was like no, that's our guy. We're still rolling with them a
[06:16:48] song stop projecting
[06:16:51] Guy on the left looks like you Jake tapper. You got nothing. You got nothing big dog
[06:17:00] All you got is me you're projecting. Yeah, sorry. Okay sucks to suck
[06:17:05] I didn't even start this conversation that one dumb fucking the chat did he literally came in and was like
[06:17:10] Name one instance where the Republicans did that
[06:17:13] Okay, hey dumb fuck you literally said conservatives believe blah blah blah. Yes. I did because only one
[06:17:21] ideological group in this country
[06:17:23] automatically says if you're and they run on this to if you're trans if you're gay you're a pedophile and
[06:17:29] And that party is the same party that also runs on defending child marriages, okay? Child brides
[06:17:38] That's that's it. That's all I'm saying
[06:17:42] You're the one who then followed up with please give me one example
[06:17:45] Let me out and then I gave you like a hundred examples and you were like, okay, that's too many examples
[06:17:51] Please stop giving me examples about Republicans being
[06:17:56] caught doing pedophilic shit huh I could find just in many cases Democrats
[06:18:06] being pedophiles I could Republicans you're being a hypocritical idiot oh my
[06:18:09] god oh my god Republicans is a whole defense child marriages false not every
[06:18:25] Republican politician defense child marriages but it's sure weird that a
[06:18:31] significant proportion of them actively do defend child brides don't you think
[06:18:37] that's weird do you feel like that's odd also almost every single Republican at
[06:18:44] least active politician at a certain point has been like trans people are
[06:18:48] pedophiles automatically gay people are pedophiles automatically huh it's just
[06:18:54] weird you're literally trying to talk sense to an actual imbecile is not worth
[06:18:59] it I mean it's still fun I'm having fun with it here's and he was their
[06:19:07] high school basketball coach not only did the Republican stay in office he
[06:19:10] He was re-elected and he was just named chairman of a key state house education subcommittee.
[06:19:16] State representatives in Tennessee have been working on a bill that's obviously a Republican
[06:19:21] dominated legislature.
[06:19:22] The House version of the bill as it was introduced didn't include an age minimum.
[06:19:26] Yeah, it means it could pave the way to legalize child marriage, like child brides.
[06:19:32] Congressman Rose's engagement announcement, no that is not his daughter.
[06:19:35] They reportedly met while she was in high school.
[06:19:38] He was about 42.
[06:19:40] Tucker's talking about the former cult leader Warren Jeffs, who was convicted of sexually
[06:19:44] assaulting minors.
[06:19:45] What?
[06:19:46] That old saying, not every Republican supports child marriage, but you bet your ass every child
[06:19:50] marriage supporter is a Republican.
[06:19:52] Hell yeah, brother!
[06:19:53] Oh!
[06:19:54] Oh, I forgot my goat, Tucker Carlson.
[06:19:57] Here is him defending Warren Jeffs, convicted arranger of child marriage's cult leader
[06:20:04] Warren Jeffs, who was in prison for this, by the way.
[06:20:07] not in prison for that. He didn't warn Jeff, didn't marry underage girls.
[06:20:11] No, he's in prison for facilitation of child rape.
[06:20:14] Whatever the hell that means, the rapist in this case has made a lifelong commitment to
[06:20:19] live and take care of the person. So he is a little different.
[06:20:22] A man running for a college district's governing board arrested for masturbating on a camp
[06:20:27] This was awesome too. This is another one of my favorite ones. Cause like the body
[06:20:32] camera footage from this is so fucking funny and he kept running too yeah yo I
[06:20:40] love I love God how can you not love the Republican Party they are so fucking
[06:20:46] weird dude they are so unimaginably weird bro this America but County College
[06:20:53] police officer found Randy Kaufman with his pants down masturbating in his
[06:20:58] truck at 430 in the afternoon at 430 bro at 430 in the afternoon bro it's like in
[06:21:11] broad daylight the cop rolls up and he's like are you serious he like the cop
[06:21:16] couldn't even comprehend what he was seeing but he was just like you're
[06:21:23] just masturbating in your car in a in a fucking in a school parking lot
[06:21:30] the parking lot just feet away from a preschool and child care center where kids were outside
[06:21:39] playing a former Trump official who has pled guilty to child porn charges. He is a former
[06:21:45] commerce department official in the Trump administration sent us to a five and a half
[06:21:49] year prison term after pleading guilty to possession of.
[06:21:52] Oh yeah, I think he said he was watching by racial porn or something too. Isn't
[06:21:57] what he said or am I misremembering? I think he literally got caught and he was like no I'm
[06:22:01] zirking it but like I'm literally watching like black Latina ladies or something.
[06:22:07] How Republican and Democratic sex scandals differ?
[06:22:17] Over at the fix and this is in 2014 there's been so like every single instance I've shown you
[06:22:22] so far is post 2014. Sir I was yawing in my shit vocally. This day is the most child
[06:22:46] Marriages per capita are nevada, Idaho, or Kansas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah,
[06:22:52] Alabama, West Virginia, Mississippi. Hell yeah, brother. Jokes on you keep defending PDFs, weirdo.
[06:23:02] Bro, there's only one guy who is fighting for his fucking life in this chat right now. And that's
[06:23:10] You, you're the only one.
[06:23:18] I was jerking my penis to woke porn.
[06:23:21] Do not call me.
[06:23:22] Call me a pedophile, but do not call me racist.
[06:23:25] Child pornography is Adam Hageman.
[06:23:27] Tony Lazaro allegedly gave underage girls
[06:23:30] expensive gifts and money in exchange for sex.
[06:23:32] He is charged with sex trafficking.
[06:23:34] A former Florida Elections Commission attorney
[06:23:36] pleaded guilty today to conspiring to distribute,
[06:23:39] receive and possess child pornography.
[06:23:41] Prosecutors say Eric Matthew Lippmann shared the videos on a file hosting site he faces
[06:23:47] up to 20 years.
[06:23:48] The stunning political scandal that is rocking Capitol Hill, Republican Congressman Mark Foley
[06:23:53] abruptly resigned Friday after questionable emails he sent to a teenage boy.
[06:23:59] Dennis Taster convicted of a financial crime.
[06:24:02] Yep, former Republican Speaker of the House, longest Speaker of the House in U.S. Congress.
[06:24:08] This is the shopping mall, where some say it was common knowledge and not a big secret that Roy Moore would flirt with two men.
[06:24:18] This is a 36-year-old Chase Tristan Espy. He was charged with electronic solidification of a child.
[06:24:25] Roy Moore, the client, has more accusers stepped forward alleging sexual misconduct.
[06:24:31] This is the shopping mall, where some say it was common knowledge and not a big secret
[06:24:36] that Roy Moore would flirt with teenage girls when he was in his thirties.
[06:24:40] What a teacher says that Moore initiated a sexual encounter back in 1979 when she was
[06:24:45] just 14 years old.
[06:24:46] A jury found Glein Maxwell guilty of five out of six federal charges, including sex trafficking
[06:24:52] of minors.
[06:24:53] I've met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and
[06:24:57] I guess they lived in Palm Beach, but I wish her well.
[06:25:04] This is why I love Midas Touch. My goats. Anyway, um, how the fuck do we get here? Oh, we're talking about Dr. Kidinspect. Um, yeah. So welcome back, Dr. Kidinspect, uh, doing full, full tilt right wing slant, you know, fully leaning into that.
[06:25:25] He was already right-wing, but he's like going balls with the wall mode with it.
[06:25:29] Uh, why?
[06:25:30] Because Republicans don't mind if you're a pedophile.
[06:25:33] As a matter of fact, they actively defend, uh, child brides and shit like that.
[06:25:39] They don't give a shit.
[06:25:39] They don't care.
[06:25:41] That's it.
[06:25:43] You know, and it's very odd that everybody that's canceled or everybody
[06:25:49] that's like losing their fucking, everybody that's canceled.
[06:25:53] Everybody's losing their career.
[06:25:55] people that are falling off immediately hit that fucking right-wing grift.
[06:25:59] And there are still motherfuckers out here who try to actively tell me that like I'm a grifter.
[06:26:05] Okay.
[06:26:07] Then why is it that every single person is grifting always grift to the right?
[06:26:10] And before you say Jackson Hinkeldingke, he quite literally is a right-wing grifter
[06:26:14] as well.
[06:26:15] Okay.
[06:26:26] Yeah.
[06:26:27] To that chat, I'll argue with you.
[06:26:29] Why don't media pedals lean left when ousted?
[06:26:31] Have you heard about the amp cameraman?
[06:26:36] I did.
[06:27:26] is mean okay wait until fucking Washington post gets a hold of who Ada
[06:27:34] Ross is specifically to shit is he watching me out of a toilet what's
[06:27:39] going on what is the audio on Donald Trump god damn bro to all you are just
[06:27:45] jealous bro what are you it's funny that he says this because I also said
[06:27:50] that I was jealous like I wish I could talk to Donald Trump myself like right
[06:27:55] after this clip, but in this clip I'm actually talking about how like Aiden doesn't understand
[06:28:00] self-preservation if he did, he wouldn't be doing this Donald Trump interview because people
[06:28:06] are gonna yell at him quite a lot in an effort in this conversation. I'm literally saying
[06:28:11] in this in this video, I'm literally saying people are gonna yell at him just the
[06:28:16] fucking shit on Trump. Okay, but he's too stupid to understand
[06:28:21] what I'm saying there, because he doesn't understand, he doesn't understand the point I'm making.
[06:28:27] The point I'm making is not like, you know, the point I'm making is like, oh, don't do
[06:28:34] it.
[06:28:35] I want him to do it.
[06:28:36] Okay.
[06:28:37] I want him to do this.
[06:28:38] But I'm also still saying like, you're gonna get fucking, you're gonna get cooked.
[06:28:44] If you think Twitter is bad at canceling you, you're gonna get fucking absolutely
[06:28:49] comes in and dumps her by mainstream media in an effort to not shit on Aiden, they don't
[06:28:54] give a fuck about Aiden Ross, but in an effort to shit on Donald Trump, they're going to bring
[06:28:59] up, they're going to bring up a kick as a platform and pedophiles are on it. They're
[06:29:05] going to bring up Aiden's past as well. You gotta be 35 years old, bro. And you're
[06:29:10] such a, you bro, he's literally the biggest hypocrite, all his followers. And he immediately,
[06:29:16] He immediately goes, oh, he's a hypocrite.
[06:29:17] They all just love his little, you know, the way he loves his political view of the fuck
[06:29:23] it is.
[06:29:24] He lives in a six million dollar crib.
[06:29:26] Okay.
[06:29:27] He lives in a six million dollar crib.
[06:29:29] But he preaches that all Americans should make all the same amount of money.
[06:29:33] Man.
[06:29:38] House one up is 10 million now.
[06:29:41] Oh, look, I saw it.
[06:29:51] I like that people who find themselves to be champions of intellect and Aiden Ross, but
[06:29:59] basically delivered the exact same talking point.
[06:30:04] Okay.
[06:30:10] Every single person is just, ah, he's in an expensive house.
[06:30:16] Anyway, I mean, honestly, from the time he started living, their house probably value
[06:30:32] did go up near six million.
[06:30:33] No, it didn't.
[06:30:34] Havin this Twitter community was agreeing with you and don't want him to do it either. Yeah, I know
[06:30:44] He's acting like you're not renowned for being targeted by mission media for interactions
[06:30:59] They OCE and Han Etc like that's the only way my conservative dad knows who you are
[06:31:03] You've already been through the ringer and he truly has no clue. Yeah
[06:31:08] You don't get it
[06:31:10] But it's all good
[06:31:11] I'm excited that he doesn't get it and I'm excited that he has no self-preservation skills because honestly I
[06:31:17] I want him to interview Donald Trump because that's content for me. I love that
[06:31:24] So yeah, Aiden also donated 2.2 mil to the campaign. No, he didn't and no fucking way
[06:31:39] Winner at Trump Rose Lake 3 million mention with the average house of a present Cali is 900k. Yeah
[06:31:53] August 5th 1 p.m. EST. I'll be there. I'm fucking stoked. You feel me you understand me
[06:32:01] You should invite Trump onto your stream and see what happens. There's no way. But like I said, I wish, I wish, uh, Aiden Ross. Well, I wish Aiden Ross. Well, uh, you know, thank you for giving me this content.
[06:32:29] That's it. That's all I got. Also, more drama, more content-critic drama. Okay.
[06:32:38] Moist critical. Apparently, moist critical is scaling back on his podcast and like quitting
[06:32:46] being online or something. I saw this on my 4U page as well. He's scaling. He wants
[06:32:53] to go on an indefinite hiatus, scaling back his time on the internet according to an
[06:32:56] announcement sent to his Patreon subscribers. I think this is just like him distancing himself
[06:33:01] from the podcast, but beyond that, I think he was being canceled for a different thing.
[06:33:10] And maybe fans of this show might not be aware of it. Okay. But you are never going
[06:33:18] to guess, actually. Okay. So, Morse critical, debated Sneeko. Okay. Be debated, Sneeko, who
[06:33:28] in that debate, Sneeko advocated for, and you might be shocked to hear this. I was just
[06:33:33] talking about it earlier, child brides. That's right. Which is not surprising, I suspect.
[06:33:46] But that wasn't the, that wasn't the thing that got him yelled at by everyone online.
[06:33:52] anyone have a tweet of like the clip from the debate that got him a lot of
[06:33:57] controversy they got admired in controversy online specifically Twitter
[06:34:02] or no how do you know so much about every niche internet beef and
[06:34:14] controversy I just like stag them up I stag them up and fam central
[06:34:24] and she and that family is making that decision for that child's life, if that's...
[06:34:30] This is what got him fucking, this is what got him canceled online by right-wingers who were very mad at him.
[06:34:38] Why were they very mad at him?
[06:34:40] Why were they very mad at him?
[06:34:43] It's because he said this medical decision of like taking puberty blockers or, you know, HRT of any sort.
[06:34:53] Okay? His medical decision should be kept between a patient, a doctor, and if the patient is underage, parental consent.
[06:35:02] That's what he did, which is like kind of surprising, because moist like, you know, oftentimes doesn't actually put forward like bold and rather controversial to the normie centrist audience stances.
[06:35:19] Now of course in this community you're like what like what do you mean? That's just like the norm
[06:35:27] You can get therapy you can go through the process of making that decision. I thought that's
[06:35:32] Follow up on a clip on this topic. I want to see the actual clip like
[06:35:41] the thing is
[06:35:44] The thing is
[06:35:45] Like this stands that he has here. Okay, this is that he has here is a stance
[06:35:52] completely defended by the medical community okay this is just the correct
[06:36:02] stance these kinds of decisions should be kept to medical professionals the
[06:36:09] patient and the motherfucking parents if consent a parental consent is required
[06:36:15] that somebody but people lost their fucking minds on them here let's watch
[06:36:23] to go through hormone therapy, can they change their gender if they're a child?
[06:36:28] I think that's totally fine as long as everyone is consenting.
[06:36:31] Okay, so as long as everyone...
[06:36:35] Your parents are okay with it, and you are okay with it, I think that's totally a familiar
[06:36:40] decision to make, yeah.
[06:36:41] Okay, so a child can cut their penis off and take hormone blockers and change their
[06:36:46] biology forever, but they can't get married?
[06:36:49] Oh, that's a decision that now extends beyond the family because now you're bringing in a
[06:36:54] different party.
[06:36:55] So if you have someone that's your best wild, by the way, because that's not a real thing
[06:36:58] that happens.
[06:36:59] No, a child can't cut their penis off.
[06:37:01] You're fucking weird, dude.
[06:37:03] That's a weird ass take.
[06:37:04] Why are you thinking about baby dick?
[06:37:06] What the fuck is wrong with you?
[06:37:07] You're thinking about one baby dick being chopped off and two, you're fucking bringing
[06:37:13] it up as a weirdo.
[06:37:15] And number three, you defend child brides, bro.
[06:37:19] This is unacceptable.
[06:37:20] That's not a thing that has happened.
[06:37:22] That's not a thing that can happen.
[06:37:24] Okay?
[06:37:25] That's not a thing.
[06:37:28] That's not even a position that Moise has to defend in this circumstance.
[06:37:33] Okay?
[06:37:34] It's not.
[06:37:35] Because not a thing that happens is just made up.
[06:37:38] It's made up.
[06:37:39] Made up by right-wingers who are constantly imagining a fucking world where it's happening.
[06:37:43] The only time where it could potentially happen, well, it happens all the time in
[06:37:46] terms of circumcision.
[06:37:48] Okay?
[06:37:49] number one, but the only time a situation like that could occur is if there's like literally a
[06:37:53] life altering procedure that a doctor has to make in that moment, like a life saving procedure
[06:37:58] that will be life altering like that. That's it. That's it. Like if a child is in a fucking
[06:38:05] fire or something, you know what I mean? And they need like a skin graft or something,
[06:38:09] or somehow they have like a very unique case of a fucking
[06:38:12] breast cancer or some shit. It's bullshit. They do it to intersect kids as well. That's
[06:38:19] the other part. I forgot again, without consent, mind you, but it is crazy. It is crazy that
[06:38:27] the Republicans make it seem like doctors are just chopping off baby dick left or right.
[06:38:31] Why are you saying that? Why are you thinking that? What the fuck is wrong with you? Anyway,
[06:38:46] The reality of the matter is, the reality of the matter is,
[06:38:50] there is a shit ton of psych evaluations that occur
[06:38:54] before you even get to the position
[06:38:56] where you can even take puberty blockers.
[06:38:59] Okay, it's not like over the counter.
[06:39:00] You can't just like walk over to your local Walmart
[06:39:04] where your local CVS and be like,
[06:39:05] yo, hit me with some HRT doc.
[06:39:07] And then the pharmaceutical, the pharmacist is like,
[06:39:11] oh, I don't want to do this, but woke.
[06:39:13] Here you go.
[06:39:14] I wish you could do that so I can get some goddamn steroids with ease. You know what I'm saying fuck
[06:39:21] But that's not the case now having said that okay, it clears dick shot dick chopping. Yeah
[06:39:30] Having said that as far as bottom surgery top surgery, especially bottom surgery
[06:39:35] Okay, there is no there is no hospital unless you see literal fucking complete
[06:39:41] life-saving, last-ditch effort, medical intervention that is an absolute necessity.
[06:39:47] No hospital is giving you just like a voluntary, fun dick-chopping session, okay?
[06:39:54] Especially if you are obviously under the age of 18. Like, that's not a thing.
[06:40:02] That's not a thing that's happening, okay? The only place where it's happening
[06:40:06] is in the minds of conservatives that's crazy and it's wild that these guys are
[06:40:23] like medical procedures should be kept between a health professional and the
[06:40:31] patient no I actually should be the one consenting I am who a random guy on
[06:40:38] Twitter with a blue checkmark okay I should be the one that makes these
[06:40:42] decisions. Not these fucking gay ass woke ass doctors. Okay. It's like, bro, you are a dumb
[06:40:48] ass. You are a stupid person. Okay. Maybe modern medicine has gone too far that has kept you
[06:40:56] alive. Despite the fact that you are a dumb ass. Okay. Maybe modern medicine has gone
[06:41:02] too far. I don't know. But in this circumstance and in every other circumstance, the notion
[06:41:07] that like these routine medical procedures that have a shit ton of safety valves built
[06:41:14] into it. Okay. A shit ton of pre checks that you need to go through. Like that decision
[06:41:23] being made by medical professionals is unacceptable. Who should that decision be made by fucking
[06:41:27] sneaker? Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? Get the fuck out of here.
[06:41:33] age coming in saying I want to marry that child. I don't think that can happen under
[06:41:38] any circumstance.
[06:41:39] But it's still a personal decision. You're still deciding.
[06:41:42] It's an inner weight.
[06:41:43] Take the other party out of the equation. It's a personal decision.
[06:41:47] If I'm 16 and I personally want to marry this girl, she's beautiful, she's 21 years
[06:41:52] old, her family wants to do it, my family wants to do it. You're saying I can't
[06:41:56] do that. We're both consenting. I'm ready to go. I'm physically mature. But I'm
[06:42:00] I'm not allowed to marry because Moe says that woman's a pedophile, but if then the next
[06:42:06] day I leave it, I'm depressed.
[06:42:07] I want to cut my penis off.
[06:42:09] I can go right into the clinic, snip it off and start taking HRT like Chris Tyson.
[06:42:14] That's a society that makes sense to you.
[06:42:16] It is.
[06:42:17] Yeah, okay.
[06:42:18] Everyone has complete.
[06:42:19] Yep.
[06:42:20] I believe that.
[06:42:21] Dude, dude, doctors are the ones that are making this decision.
[06:42:25] There are psychiatric evaluations.
[06:42:28] You can't just like walk into a fucking woke gay clinic and they're just like, oops, you
[06:42:33] just walked through the penis guillotine, sorry, you're a woman now, like that's not how there's
[06:42:39] words.
[06:42:40] What are we doing?
[06:42:43] These people are fucking insane, dog.
[06:42:46] They're insane, anyway.
[06:42:48] So Charlie, despite the fact that normally he is like very, I would say he's a very,
[06:42:57] He's almost allergic to having controversial takes in a lot of instances and has cultivated
[06:43:03] a massive fan base of people from all different various political backgrounds.
[06:43:09] The consequence of that coming out and swinging in this situation with controversial groups
[06:43:16] such as the American Pediatric Doctors Organization or what are the organizations that have written
[06:43:29] the guidelines for this? It's like we got the American Medical Association, I believe.
[06:43:44] Is the WPAS Standards of Care? I can't believe that he got fucking cancelled because dumbass
[06:43:54] nazis on fucking nazi website
[06:43:58] twitter
[06:43:59] were against
[06:44:01] the the
[06:44:02] better judgment of medical professionals
[06:44:23] get there to even go through the process of making that decision i thought
[06:44:27] that's what it was i thought he was a speaking hyperbole with the dick cutting
[06:44:31] off shit
[06:44:32] i thought that's what we were talking about
[06:44:33] and then if you decide that's the path you want to take it is your body
[06:44:36] you can do that you can make that decision once you become of age to
[06:44:39] make a decision like that
[06:44:41] i just don't understand how it got so muddled
[06:44:44] the half of the fucking conversations i probably and apparently that one was
[06:44:47] literal
[06:44:49] it's a very malicious
[06:44:51] nevermind is clarifying no he's right he's clarifying that like he's talking
[06:44:55] about fucking bottom surgery here
[06:44:57] of age you can do that if you want
[06:45:01] yet no he
[06:45:03] he didn't have a bad stance on this at all
[06:45:05] by the way charlie welcome to it
[06:45:07] my everyday existence just going to point that out
[06:45:10] you know, I've been living in this universe.
[06:45:14] I've been living in this fucking universe for the past, I would say five, six years.
[06:45:19] Uh, you know, this,
[06:45:22] this happens to me on a regular fucking basis.
[06:45:30] Help him. I reached out to him. I mean, I hope he's doing all right.
[06:45:33] Um, no, he's a child, not an adult, but now he's saying an adult.
[06:45:39] Yes. A child with parental consent can,
[06:45:43] As long as they are supervised by a medical professional can make medical decisions with parental consent is what he said in terms of like puberty blockers and shit
[06:45:53] Okay, that is the current process
[06:45:57] That is the current process
[06:46:00] As far as like walking into a clinic in your dick chopped off as a kid
[06:46:04] That's not a thing that happens that is not a part of the current medical literature
[06:46:10] Okay, that is not a thing that happens at all
[06:46:12] Unless we're talking about circumcision or intersex children in which case there is no consent and a child be allowed to decide such a heavy decision
[06:46:23] brother
[06:46:24] Can a child decide if they have a broken bone to be put in a cast?
[06:46:30] Yes, or no if a doctor decides in the situation of the cast is the most appropriate measure to take in the
[06:46:37] sargham stands why the fuck do you think you have a say if a child is a type 2
[06:46:41] diabetic and they believe that he needs insulin pumps pronto do you think that
[06:46:47] the child should get the insulin pump okay or do you think we shouldn't give
[06:46:52] the child an insulin pump because children cannot make any medical
[06:46:55] decisions whatsoever the whole point is there is an entire third party there
[06:47:01] Okay? Children must be protected at all costs, which is why in society we have third-party adults sometimes who are licensed professionals, who we allow to take care of our children, teachers being one of them, right?
[06:47:17] We leave our children, or sorry, not type 2, type 1 diabetes is what I was referencing with the pump.
[06:47:25] Type 2 is just when you, I mean, you can still get it as a child, but that's not what I was talking about.
[06:47:29] Anyway, comparing other diabetes for a while, no it's not.
[06:47:37] The only reason why you think that comparison is wild is because you think trans people
[06:47:41] are icky and gross, and you don't consider this to be a medical decision that medical
[06:47:45] licensed professionals who have studied the matter extensively have decided as the
[06:47:50] best pathway forward, but instead it's just like weird, it's weird, I don't fully
[06:47:56] understand it.
[06:47:57] gender dysphoria okay as a medical issue has been extensively studied okay it has
[06:48:05] been extensively studied these are people who have researched it they
[06:48:09] figured out best pathways forward okay that's just how it works in science you
[06:48:14] might not like it that's just how it works though okay do you understand do
[06:48:21] you get it that is the reason why I compare it to fucking any number of
[06:48:29] other medical decisions. Sometimes there are much harder medical decisions to make. Okay,
[06:48:36] this is not an aesthetic choice for the child. In the eyes of the doctor, this is a life-saving
[06:48:42] measure. That is why it is allowed. Okay, children with cancer get life-saving measures
[06:48:49] that are life-altering as well. Children might get amputations. Okay, these are
[06:48:57] not aesthetic choices. These are things that doctors have thought long and hard about and
[06:49:04] have decided could be the best pathway forward. In terms of puberty blockers, this is the way
[06:49:12] to go according to every fucking medical institution in this country. Do you understand? So you're
[06:49:22] saying if it's life-saving it's valid? I'm saying yes, of course if it's life-saving
[06:49:27] it's valid. Duh, what the fuck? Is it not a spectrum on what in terms of what? There is
[06:49:34] no aesthetic choice in this circumstance, okay? People aren't transing themselves for the
[06:49:40] memes. You are delusional if you think that. People used to say that about gay people back
[06:49:45] when it was more fashionable to shit on gay people instead of trans people. But we evolved
[06:49:49] as a society, so most people don't say that about gay people anymore, where people
[06:49:53] People are like, oh, you're just doing it for attention.
[06:49:56] You're just gay for attention.
[06:49:57] What fucking attention?
[06:49:58] It's only negative attention that you're getting.
[06:50:00] Like, it doesn't make any goddamn sense.
[06:50:02] People don't transition.
[06:50:04] People do not undergo the rigorous and tumultuous,
[06:50:08] sometimes emotionally complicated
[06:50:09] process of gender confirmation for the fucking memes, dog.
[06:50:17] It's not a phase.
[06:50:19] Like, this is a very real situation.
[06:50:21] And it's not just like a very real situation
[06:50:24] that scientists, because they're so afraid of being canceled
[06:50:27] by the woke, are doing gender.
[06:50:30] It is a well-documented medical phenomena, okay?
[06:50:34] So luckily, these fucking scientists,
[06:50:38] these goddamn nerds, are actually studying the matter
[06:50:42] and finding the best pathway forward
[06:50:44] instead of listening to dumb Republican idiots
[06:50:48] on Twitter and making decisions that way, okay?
[06:50:53] Anyway.
[06:51:02] Okay.
[06:51:12] If you find yourself in agreement with me on like 99% of issues, but this is the one
[06:51:21] hang up you have, really reconsider why you might have a hang up.
[06:51:25] Is it because your entire life you've been told, two genders, two genders, two genders,
[06:51:29] two genders, that's the way it is.
[06:51:31] Okay.
[06:51:32] Man is man, woman is woman.
[06:51:33] And that like you haven't been caught up with the new literature on this, okay?
[06:51:38] And it's kind of scary to think about.
[06:51:42] Or maybe I'm just some woke wizard who was drawn to trans the youth secretly, even though you grew up in 99% of the time,
[06:51:48] this is the one issue where you're like, nah, the bridge too fucking far.
[06:51:52] Okay, thoughts on people that regret transition?
[06:51:55] Yes, great subject.
[06:51:57] If you were to look at mainstream media like the New York Times, all the way liberal New York Times, by the way,
[06:52:01] all the way down to like right wing outlets,
[06:52:03] you would think that 120% of trans people that get,
[06:52:07] that undergo this process actually regretted.
[06:52:10] But if you actually look at the data readily available,
[06:52:13] once again, medical regret is very commonplace
[06:52:17] with plastic surgery, for example.
[06:52:19] Plastic surgery has a super high percentage
[06:52:23] of medical regret.
[06:52:24] I forget the exact number.
[06:52:26] But you know what the medical regret percentage is?
[06:52:30] For transition, for gender confirmation surgery,
[06:52:33] 0.4%, or less than 0.4%, 0.4%, 0.04% as a matter of fact. It is unimaginably rare.
[06:52:44] Okay? Compare that to any other procedure and you are going to have a significantly higher
[06:52:50] percentage of medical regret. Okay? It's higher for knee surgery. It's higher for,
[06:52:56] obviously, for tattoos and the like. Okay? This is why the idea that like trans people
[06:53:05] or de-transitioning in a fucking rapid clip is ridiculous, higher for LASIK, yes. Okay.
[06:53:12] But why are there so many articles on this? Why are there so many articles on this?
[06:53:26] Perhaps it's because there's an agenda. And no, the agenda is not pro-trans. The agenda is anti-trans.
[06:53:36] According to 2022 statistics, only around 3% of trans people experience some form of regret,
[06:53:39] but may not de-transition. Conversely, 97% of people who are transgender are happy with
[06:53:43] with their decision of transition, only 5% who de-transitioned. That's 5% of the 3%.
[06:53:50] So 0.4% of all trans people did so because they felt transition was not right for them.
[06:53:55] De-transitioning facts, additional de-transitioning facts is the social pressures that come along
[06:54:00] with the transition that cause people to de-transition as well. Not all de-transitioners are like,
[06:54:06] oh, I'm not trans at all. Some de-transitioners literally are like, no, I'm still trans.
[06:54:10] It's just that like this wasn't for me in particular.
[06:54:14] So there's that reality too.
[06:54:15] And in many circumstances,
[06:54:17] there's a lot of extra pressure from society
[06:54:19] that is obviously there.
[06:54:21] That's the reason why there's such a high suicide rate
[06:54:23] for trans people.
[06:54:25] Oh, has anyone medical professional gone
[06:54:39] before Congress to talk about this?
[06:54:42] Yeah, I think so, but it doesn't really matter, right?
[06:54:44] Because people would rather listen to fucking snico
[06:54:48] because they agree with snico,
[06:54:49] than listen to a goddamn doctor.
[06:54:51] So it doesn't matter that there's plenty of fucking research readily available about this.
[06:54:55] Okay?
[06:54:56] 5% proves you are wrong.
[06:55:00] Penis equals not to cut.
[06:55:01] 5% proves you are wrong.
[06:55:04] Dude, that is an unimaginably low percentage.
[06:55:06] What the fuck are you talking about?
[06:55:09] And the only people that de-transition, the only people that de-transition are even smaller
[06:55:14] than that.
[06:55:15] It's literally 5% of 3%.
[06:55:20] What the fuck?
[06:55:26] There is no world in which you would advocate to stop medical procedures from happening
[06:55:32] when 95 percent, let's say it's actually 5 percent, okay?
[06:55:35] Let's say 5 percent of people that undergo gender confirmation surgery hate it and they
[06:55:41] want to transition, okay?
[06:55:43] There is not a single medical procedure that you would stop if they had a 5 percent regret
[06:55:50] rating, not a single one.
[06:55:52] Can you imagine?
[06:55:53] just stop knee surgeries all together. There's like an active, there's an active constituency
[06:55:59] against knee surgeries because you know, 20% of people that undergo knee surgery, myself
[06:56:04] included by the way, regret the decision. That would be insane. That would be an insane
[06:56:10] thing. The highest percentage, however, comes from not subscribing at the top of the hour.
[06:56:24] Okay. And I still serve that three minute abray to you no matter what. Here's the
[06:56:29] three minute outbreak now subscribe for $5 we're gonna move on to project 2025
[06:56:35] director stepping down a mid-back lash from Trump I got a P of project 2025 has
[06:56:40] stepped down after facing criticism from both Democrats and the Trump campaign
[06:56:44] Paul Dan's helmed the right-wing policy blueprint and personnel project which
[06:56:49] was backed by the conservative Heritage Foundation and if it was enacted it
[06:56:53] would dramatically reshape how the federal government operates at least
[06:56:56] 140 former Trump administration officials contributed to this project and many of its
[06:57:02] proposals overlap with Trump's plans for a second term. But the former president has
[06:57:07] both criticized and distanced himself from it.
[06:57:12] I don't know what the hell it is. It's project 25. He's involved in project. And then they
[06:57:18] read some of the things and they are extreme. I mean they're seriously extreme. But I
[06:57:23] don't know anything about it. I don't want to know anything about it.
[06:57:27] I should note the Trump campaign appeared to cheer Paul Danz's departure tonight, even
[06:57:32] though he is an alum of the Trump administration, who served in the OPM office, saying in a
[06:57:38] quote, it's demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or
[06:57:43] any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign.
[06:57:48] It will not end well for you.
[06:57:50] I should note Paul Danz was supposed to join me on this show tonight, and we
[06:57:54] We hope that he will soon, but he unfortunately canceled our interview within the last hour.
[06:58:00] Here's Dan's and his own words about the project he had been working on for years.
[06:58:04] Our book is set of proposals by conservative organizations.
[06:58:11] Donald Trump and his campaign alone set the agenda.
[06:58:14] Yeah.
[06:58:15] But these are ideas to help them and they'll pick and choose, but a lot of the mischaracterization
[06:58:21] now and false attributions of things to Project 2025.
[06:58:25] That's kind of what Scott's saying, they have nothing else to run on.
[06:58:29] Johnny.
[06:58:30] Chadder, don't you know that presenting the American Journal of Surgery is
[06:58:37] actually being woke, they're doing woke gender.
[06:58:40] Why would you send this to me?
[06:58:42] Why would you send a systematic review of patient regret after surgery, a common phenomenon
[06:58:47] in many specialties, but rare within gender affirmation surgery?
[06:58:49] Don't you know that this is woke gender?
[06:58:52] You're doing a woke, you're doing a gender.
[06:58:54] doing a DEI. I got you. You're being a libtard. You're being a homosexual libtard again. Everybody
[06:59:02] knows science is both woke and gay. Empirical evidence is both woke and gay. Why would you
[06:59:08] ever bring up scientific literature in a conversation where we're just operating on
[06:59:12] fucking vibes, dude? Craziness. This is a vibe based conversation. Also, Sarah M.
[06:59:23] Thornton. Uh, that's a woman. Catherine M. Gast also a woman.
[06:59:31] Division of Plastic and Regal Surgery, University of Wisconsin,
[06:59:34] School of Medicine and Public Health, more like University of Public
[06:59:38] Socialism. Yeah. Not a single biblical passage. Come on now.
[06:59:54] Yeah. It would be crazy if someone's saying you this too,
[07:00:04] which talks about how 146 of the gender-affirmative surgeries in
[07:00:06] the U.S. were for male chest surgeries not related to being.
[07:00:08] Yo, yo, stop.
[07:00:13] Excuse me, kids with gyno, getting fucking top surgery,
[07:00:18] but that's gender affirming, not gender confirming.
[07:00:22] So that's allowed.
[07:00:24] Just like Joe Rogan, my favorite broadcaster,
[07:00:27] constantly shits on HRT,
[07:00:29] but has no problem doing HRT for himself
[07:00:32] in the form of TRT.
[07:00:38] Steven Crowder himself got that chest surgery too.
[07:00:56] Joining us now is Washington Post's national political reporter, Isaac Karnstorf, who has
[07:01:00] been following Project 2025 and its relationship with the Trump campaign closely.
[07:01:04] And Isaac, in your reporting tonight, you talk about how it became this rallying cry
[07:01:09] for Democrats, but also was a nuisance for the Republican nominee Donald Trump as he
[07:01:14] is trying to escape the public spotlight and repair relations with Trump's campaign.
[07:01:19] Can you just lay out a breakdown for people who have heard about Project 2025 but also
[07:01:23] just heard what Trump said on what this relationship and in what Project 2025 was actually doing.
[07:01:32] Project 2025 started before Trump was the nominee, before it was clear that he was going
[07:01:37] to be the nominee. And the idea was for the Heritage Foundation to get together a
[07:01:41] whole bunch of think tanks in the conservative movement and present a consensus view for
[07:01:48] an agency by agency policy blueprint for the next administration, whoever that Republican
[07:01:54] president was going to be. Now, obviously, and there were actually some concerns that
[07:01:58] the president of the Heritage Foundation was too close to Florida governor Ron DeSantis
[07:02:03] for a while, and that could be an issue. But obviously, as it became clear that Trump
[07:02:09] was going to be the nominee, and so many of the contributors to this project were
[07:02:15] alumni of the Trump White House and the Trump administration, and would naturally
[07:02:19] be the kinds of people who Trump would look to to staff the next administration if he does
[07:02:25] win.
[07:02:26] And so that's why when the Trump campaign has not been super specific about the details
[07:02:32] of what he would implement in a second term, naturally a lot of people look at his staff,
[07:02:38] his former staff.
[07:02:39] Dude, imagine being a project, a Heritage Foundation guy, and you're just like, what
[07:02:45] What is the blanket list of Trump proposals, judging by what he has done thus far, uh,
[07:02:52] that like aligns with the Republican party's agenda?
[07:02:56] You get together all the nerds, okay?
[07:02:58] All the nerds that weren't like sexually assaulted by Matt Schlapp.
[07:03:02] You put them in one room.
[07:03:03] Okay?
[07:03:04] That's right.
[07:03:05] There's another sex pest in the Republican party, Matt Schlapp, in the closet gay man
[07:03:09] and a regular sexual assaulter.
[07:03:12] That's besides the point.
[07:03:13] You get them all together.
[07:03:14] Okay?
[07:03:15] 10 remaining that match lap hasn't tried to grab the dicks of so they get together in a room and
[07:03:21] they're just like cook up this fucking nerdy ass Bible for Donald Trump because they're like oh sir
[07:03:28] this is gonna be so sick okay Trump obviously is like I don't fuck with that nerd ship what is this
[07:03:33] I don't care whatever okay then months after you obviously reveal this to the public you're
[07:03:42] like this is what we're gonna do it's gonna be awesome everyone's like wow brilliant this is
[07:03:46] Exactly how we bring in we usher in a new wave of American conservatism, you know many are saying it's the fourth of a certain thing
[07:03:56] You know, I won't say what it is but the fourth of it
[07:03:59] Okay, not the third one, but the fourth one right there. They're like talking about this right there
[07:04:03] They think this is gonna be awesome and then take talk and YouTube get ahold of it and are like, bro
[07:04:12] Oh this shit's fucking insane the media is not covering it yet because why would they it's another think tank policy paper
[07:04:19] There's a million of them, and they're all equally terrifying
[07:04:23] Obviously no producer that's been a fucking producer 20 plus years is gonna look at that and go well. That's just scary
[07:04:28] Okay, but then tiktok reads it
[07:04:35] Okay, youtubers start reading it and they're like oh my god this shit is fucking crazy
[07:04:41] These Republicans are out of control. The Democratic Party still is not talking about it because they're like
[07:04:47] What do you mean Jack? Oh, there's a project 2025?
[07:04:51] I'm old okay
[07:04:53] and
[07:04:54] Then somewhere along the line it reaches like peak mainstream
[07:04:59] Terminal velocity and the media does start paying attention to it. They're like all these kids are fucking talking about this project 20-20
[07:05:05] Oh, let's look into this
[07:05:06] okay
[07:05:08] So they start covering it too. And then it becomes so unimaginably toxic to be associated
[07:05:15] with the heritage foundation and project 2025 as a direct consequence of tick tock that Donald
[07:05:23] Trump comes out and is like, those guys are woke. They're gay. I don't know them. Never
[07:05:28] will I ever do project 2025 and all these guys that spent all of those years dodging
[07:05:40] Matt Schlapp grabbing their penises only to go and work at the Heritage Foundation are
[07:05:46] just sitting there like, dude, this, we wrote this for you, but what do you mean that's
[07:05:53] your thing? Anyway, former President Trump has no authority over responsibility for or
[07:06:06] connection to project 2025. And to make this absolutely clear, the campaign managers have
[07:06:09] just noisily fired the public facing director of the project. Hey, wait a minute. President
[07:06:16] Trump's campaign has been very clear that Project 2025, another deal with the campaign, reports
[07:06:21] of Project 2025's demise would be greatly welcome. They literally fire the head of Project
[07:06:26] 2025, okay? Specifically so they can like disassociate with the, disassociate with the Heritage
[07:06:37] Foundation, which is not a thing you can do as the Republican. It is very much a
[07:06:43] a part of the republican
[07:06:45] strategy
[07:06:47] they know that over there they'll
[07:06:49] willingly go yeah yeah yeah we're bad
[07:06:51] but everybody knows
[07:06:53] that this is very much a fundamental part of the republican
[07:06:57] policy-making apparatus
[07:06:59] okay
[07:07:01] and the ideas that were being presented to kind of fill in those blanks
[07:07:06] but he just did
[07:07:07] what do you mean he just did
[07:07:09] it doesn't matter they're just trying to fucking
[07:07:11] cut ties with it
[07:07:13] But that doesn't change the reality that they've been implementing Project 2025 for the past
[07:07:17] 30 fucking years.
[07:07:19] Okay?
[07:07:20] As a matter of fact, Project 2025 was written off of what Trump did when he assumed the role
[07:07:26] of the presidency.
[07:07:28] So the idea that this is like totally out of pocket is ridiculous.
[07:07:33] It's just that people started paying attention to it.
[07:07:35] It's kind of like Israel, right?
[07:07:38] Israel kills children on a regular basis.
[07:07:41] by the tens, sometimes by the hundreds, okay, on a daily basis. But sometimes when Israel
[07:07:48] kills a group of children, it actually upsets the Western world. So then they go, yo, Israel's
[07:07:54] killing children out there. What the fuck? So immediately they have to turn around and
[07:07:59] be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, those kids deserved it. That's precisely what this is. Okay.
[07:08:07] 2025 is identical in that situation. It's just regular old Republican engineering. It's always
[07:08:13] been the case. It will continue to be the case. But when people started paying attention to it,
[07:08:17] and it became like something that you have to cover, the Trump administration turned around
[07:08:22] and went, no, no, no, that's not us. That's not us is all. I don't even know what that is.
[07:08:26] What is project 2025? Who cares? Come on now. Okay. And get a clearer sense of what that
[07:08:35] would look like and then when the campaign saw that they didn't want to own the things that
[07:08:41] were ending up being controversial. But it's remarkable because a lot of this was as you noted
[07:08:47] done by people who worked for Trump. A lot of the proposals when you look at them are things that
[07:08:51] people in Trump's campaign have actually proposed and suggested would happen if he did win a
[07:08:56] second term. So I think it's remarkable to see such a conservative group that Trump has
[07:09:01] praised the leader of the Heritage Foundation and to now see his campaign cheering, you know,
[07:09:08] the departure of the leader of this of this specific project. Well, right. I mean, look,
[07:09:16] a lot of people at Heritage and involved in Project 2025 loved the notoriety that it was
[07:09:21] getting. They loved to see it being criticized on CNN and MSNBC. They loved that there were
[07:09:28] DNC mobile billboard trucks outside the office. But then when it started angering Trump and
[07:09:34] they started getting backlash from Trump about it, that made them really concerned. And so
[07:09:39] some of what is going on here is trying to have a reset, trying to make smooth this over
[07:09:44] with the campaign, try to get out of the spot.
[07:09:47] Is he liable to piss off his base? No, it's nerd shit. No, no, his base doesn't give
[07:09:53] a shit. What are you talking about? No, the Heritage Foundation is a think tank. You just
[07:10:00] do what the think tank tells you to do because the think tank is relaying the wishes of those
[07:10:08] in positions of power directly to the campaigns. No real fucking voter is like, Oh, wow, I
[07:10:15] really love. I really love project 2025. I'm so mad that he's not doing it. No,
[07:10:20] They don't give a fuck.
[07:10:23] Spotlight, you know, offer up Paul Danz
[07:10:25] as a little bit of a sacrificial lamb.
[07:10:27] And, you know, maybe we can just try to smooth this over.
[07:10:30] And publicly, the campaign is happy to take that W,
[07:10:34] if it means that Project 2025
[07:10:37] stops causing political problems for them.
[07:10:39] The thing is, I don't expect the Democrats
[07:10:41] to stop talking about it anytime soon.
[07:10:43] Isaac Garnes-Dorff, that's a great point there.
[07:10:45] Thank you for joining tonight.
[07:10:48] Thanks.
[07:10:49] And I have a panel of political experts here to-
[07:10:51] I think the funniest part about this is that absolutely zero people believe that Trump is
[07:10:55] legitimately distancing himself from project 2025.
[07:10:58] I think that's pretty funny.
[07:11:00] So all he's done is just like demand that the head get higher fired.
[07:11:05] And that's basically it.
[07:11:07] And like everyone is still like, no dude, this is your shit.
[07:11:11] Don't fucking act like, don't fucking act like this is not your shit.
[07:11:15] Hassan Abbey on the broadcast boys.
[07:11:17] If LeBron was your father, do you make the NBA?
[07:11:19] Uh, I wish LeBron was my father.
[07:11:22] Would I be able to make it into the NBA?
[07:11:24] I mean, do I look like this or do I have LeBron in me?
[07:11:27] You look like this, which is solid.
[07:11:28] I mean, I am taller than Bronnie, apparently, so maybe.
[07:11:31] Would you rather be directly involved
[07:11:32] in the mouths of the palace
[07:11:33] or be the descendant of a royal lineage
[07:11:34] back in medieval times?
[07:11:35] That's such a good question.
[07:11:37] Royal lineage thing, like I don't even care.
[07:11:39] Yeah, I'll be in bread, I'll get gout, whatever.
[07:11:41] If you could naturalize to any country
[07:11:43] and compete in any event,
[07:11:44] men's or women's in the Olympics,
[07:11:46] What country would you choose? What event would you choose?
[07:11:47] Ooh, that's a good question. South Sudan for basketball.
[07:11:51] If you could pick any historical figure to commit a flagrant to on the hardfowl, who would you choose?
[07:11:54] Ooh, Adolf Hitler.
[07:11:57] Nice. Did LeBronov outperform Jordan in minor league baseball?
[07:12:01] I'm a deep rider, so I'm gonna see, yes.
[07:12:02] Would you rather ski weekend in Salt Lake City with Post and Carl Malone, or a trip to the Kentucky Derby, with Cuando and Rajan Rondo?
[07:12:08] Cuando and Rajan Rondo. I don't think Carl Malone and myself have a line on worldviews.
[07:12:12] If you were on the men's all-around gymnastics team, what would your event be?
[07:12:15] When I'm working out I use ring sometimes so I guess I can do that
[07:12:18] What would be the worst location for a new NBA franchise? New Jersey team name New Jersey?
[07:12:23] New Jersey armpits out of all the places in the world New Jersey you have chosen
[07:12:36] LeBron in me is a wild way to ask if he would have his jeans. I mean I said that on purpose
[07:12:41] The HD clip of your three-pointer is beautiful. Oh, yeah, did you guys see this shit?
[07:12:56] Someone actually someone actually got a different angle on my three-pointer and there she was awesome
[07:13:13] Look at that fucking wrist flick dude. That is mint
[07:13:18] It definitely doesn't look this good from the other angle
[07:13:23] It definitely does not look
[07:13:27] It definitely does not look that good from the other angle
[07:13:40] Your form needs a lot of work. Wait, what?
[07:13:43] It announces why I sound like bad on defense
[07:14:19] So I was left alone in the room with no help the tactical setup was so shit
[07:14:22] And made by a bunch of ball hoggers who want to be the star player
[07:14:24] He was often left 1v2 or 1v3 and could do nothing but foul bad defensive setup
[07:14:31] Thank you help hand too high why is your left elbow so wide shit needs to be tucked
[07:14:57] Yeah, I mean that is true. My elbow is pretty wide
[07:15:17] There was no teamwork when I watched it live
[07:15:45] I did feel like you had gotten more ball time and you actually would have helped even the game out more
[07:15:49] You only drilled hard all the time
[07:15:51] Solid form people expect to have a clay Thompson shooting form
[07:16:02] Yeah, I mean of course there's NBA players were shooting for me what matters is if it goes in or not
[07:16:07] Would you do now socialism if a man you could dunk in LeBron will give you a hug after yes
[07:16:26] Defender didn't believe in you at all right there. It's true
[07:16:44] People who critique form are the middle of the bell curve
[07:16:46] You're shot form fuck you guys did your defender had to help defend your teammates middle drive great play by your teammate
[07:17:21] Yeah, I did see this Turkish athlete. I posted on my Instagram hour. I didn't actually I was gonna post it on my Instagram
[07:17:30] But South Korea sent a fully kitted out player for the Olympic shooting Turks and a guy with no specialized lenses
[07:17:35] I cover her ear protection and he got the silver medal
[07:17:39] This is like the most average Turkish man
[07:17:44] Like it is pretty funny
[07:17:47] Turkey literally sent an ex-hipman. I I mean I assume he was in the military
[07:17:52] But I mean everyone is maybe the light believe as you are I'm gonna queen Tom Tom mongol. Jadam. Yeah
[07:17:59] Like this guy in
[07:18:02] Turkey we have a we have a meta on the side of highways
[07:18:05] There's like patches of green and you just fucking set up a barbecue situation like a mini barbecue situation
[07:18:13] That's what this guy cash this guy on the side of a highway
[07:18:18] This is a corner store uncle
[07:18:20] Spends every week at smoking Marlboro goals and drinking tea with sweaty men outside the store
[07:18:25] Then you find out one day. He's an electrical engineer or Olympic Marsman 100%
[07:18:29] This is a 100% lock from from mark bar
[07:18:32] Jandarm Abastu, oh he was Jandarm, so military police. He casually walked in, took out his
[07:18:56] piece, took the shots and just casually walked out without even waiting for his medal. I think
[07:19:01] he's done this before under different circumstances of course. No, Turkey is Jandarm as well. No,
[07:19:27] he's just a soldier. He's a military police guy. Hand in pocket is crazy. A lot of people do
[07:19:40] that apparently. Is even funnier with his inspector gadget nemesis? I love this guy.
[07:20:21] They do it to reduce any factors for potential movement. Oh, that makes sense. His name is
[07:20:29] Diket Yusuf. Yusuf Diket, place of birth, Goksun. Place of residence, Madsen, why
[07:20:43] I'm going to call you Madsen-le. Can you explain the pronunciation of Turkey changed?
[07:20:58] Turkey is the actual Turkish pronunciation of the country's name.
[07:21:09] Yeah, you should do the kids.
[07:21:11] That's what I said.
[07:21:19] There was also another Turkish.
[07:21:21] Uh, I think it was a wrestler or a gymnast that won or not one, but like,
[07:21:31] did the Kevin Gates dance and I was so proud of my countrymen.
[07:21:44] Do you guys know?
[07:21:46] Did you see that one?
[07:21:54] Can I'm.
[07:21:56] Yeah.
[07:21:56] Oh, this, bro, this shit made me so heavy.
[07:22:02] This shit is global dude. This shit is universal
[07:22:07] Bro really pulled that Kevin Gates emo Kevin Gates influence worldwide
[07:22:11] You find so cheer more for Americans or Turks both. I mean turkeys the underdog always so like always of course
[07:22:36] I cheer for Turkey is like what the fuck did the Turks have you know what I mean?
[07:22:41] Let him have some gold right
[07:22:43] Let him hold a piece but like when it comes to basketball
[07:22:46] It's pretty hard to not root for the United States of America baby every time I see LeBron James dunk
[07:22:53] Every time I see LeBron James dunk on motherfucker on my for you page. I'm just I become 10% more patriotic
[07:22:59] You don't understand
[07:23:12] Did you say Clay said place it I guess he just got his feelings
[07:23:16] You feel a lot less pressure this finals run just because you are under manned you got
[07:23:24] some injuries as opposed to previous years.
[07:23:28] Nah.
[07:23:29] I feel confident because I'm the best player in the world.
[07:23:32] Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?
[07:23:35] Absolutely not.
[07:23:36] At the end of the day all the people that was rooting on me to fail at the end of
[07:23:39] the day they got to fail.
[07:23:40] Bro it took me three scrolls to get the LeBron posting on my desktop for you page.
[07:23:44] Okay?
[07:23:45] Three.
[07:23:47] I'm not lying when I say, I love Legote, okay?
[07:24:05] I think it's hilarious how a lot of the tech words we use today basically come-
[07:24:08] I got all the smoke today, you know, listen, we're gonna be- we're gonna be Israel's
[07:24:12] posting today.
[07:24:13] This is disgusting.
[07:24:14] This is 100% the equivalent of like, putting up- I'm straight up saying it.
[07:24:19] This is literally being like, yo Adolf, come talk, like, come talk please at the
[07:24:24] US Congress.
[07:24:25] Or Lamello Ball's basketball shoes actually any good?
[07:24:28] Well I got a pair and I'm gonna let you know
[07:24:29] if they're actually worth it.
[07:24:30] No, no, no, it's good, it's good, it's not.
[07:24:33] Now he's flexing on you.
[07:24:47] If LeBron was your father,
[07:24:48] but yeah, go show them some love.
[07:25:08] Are we just scrolling on TikTok?
[07:25:09] I'm just looking, man.
[07:25:10] I'm just looking to see what's up.
[07:25:13] I saw there was some drama with the game.
[07:25:16] Cash was very mad at YPK rate for ball hogging.
[07:25:20] He's guys made a banger take talk for you. This is life in late-stage. Oh, I love this. It's a pretty good take talk
[07:25:27] I wake up at 8 a.m. And immediately get hit with my morning thought for ties
[07:25:30] Drink shabuake juice have to calories place the shabuake
[07:25:34] I then fight my eight roommates for space since Zillow now owns 100% of homes
[07:25:39] This is our only option for living for breakfast my duplicate brings me my morning ration of trough slop
[07:25:45] 100% processed then I go to my job as a full-time plasma donor to pass the time
[07:25:49] I watched my favorite 24-7 life stream.
[07:25:52] Yo, it's dystopian and today we're gonna be siphoning memory from a duplicate.
[07:25:56] Hopefully there's something good.
[07:25:58] Oh, childhood trauma. That's wack.
[07:26:04] Just then, world-famous lonely-hand model Mimi Moneybags walks in.
[07:26:09] Looks like she's doing a make-a-wish for a 36-year-old man dying of diabetes.
[07:26:12] I can't believe I'm meeting you, IRL.
[07:26:14] Can I use my last memory unit on you?
[07:26:16] She makes 15,000 gallons a year.
[07:26:19] That's a lot of water.
[07:26:20] Figuratively selling your body makes so much more than literally selling it then my girlfriend leaves me because I couldn't make my monthly girlfriend subscription payment
[07:26:27] You need to start donating more by far. I'm already donating the legal limit
[07:26:34] Maybe I should become a live streamer and move into Zillofill then I could probably afford a premium girlfriend
[07:26:39] And only need three roommates then I download sleep premium so I don't get hit with any dream vertisements and that's my day
[07:26:46] People talk about late-stage capitalism would never bring up post-game capitalism
[07:27:02] Yes, I saw the Korean girl. I talked about it yesterday
[07:27:05] Of course, dude, it's impossible. I mean, she's dope. The world record is dope as fuck
[07:27:12] You're talking about moist critical. I did what is going on right now? Why are chatters is asking me if I'm like
[07:27:39] Okay
[07:27:44] Pirate software please YouTube subscribe. Why does USA basketball never stay in the Olympic Village stay in hotels and sometimes even a
[07:27:52] Yeah, USA basketball Federation has the pockets to afford hotels off-site that cost up to 15 million dollars
[07:27:58] It's really just two reasons the first being their celebrity stat outside of a few other
[07:28:03] Olympians NBA stars attract maybe the most attention of any athlete at the game the other reason is pretty
[07:28:08] Everyone's so excited to fucking see LeBron is crazy. I
[07:28:11] I would be to what her to trans do to be a woman in a boxing match at the Olympics today. I
[07:28:21] Out that they let a man fight a woman. I think you're trying to say a trans woman beat up this woman or something
[07:28:30] But having a hard time coming to terms with that
[07:28:34] He isn't even trans. Oh really? It's not even is a cis woman. Nice
[07:28:48] She's not even trans. She just has high testosterone
[07:28:52] Sosher on classic classic
[07:28:58] Yeah, they only allow rapists in the Olympics not trans people. Yeah, I heard that story that shit is crazy
[07:29:07] She has a uterus and a vagina
[07:29:19] Okay, but have you considered that I want to make transphobic content by just calling a cis woman a dude
[07:29:44] Great stuff. Look at this
[07:29:46] People constantly ask what a woman supra. What is a woman's present? They don't know what a woman actually is
[07:29:51] is Iman Khalif is a cis woman, natural, higher levels of testosterone. She's
[07:29:56] competed for years in boxing with no issues. As the satanic display of the
[07:30:00] opening ceremony wasn't enough, the Olympics glorifies man punching women
[07:30:05] in the face with the intent of knocking them unconscious. Iman Khalif is
[07:30:11] one of two male boxers fighting women at the Olympics. A woman is going to
[07:30:16] die. You know what's really funny about Riley Gaines is that like if I am a cis woman that
[07:30:23] looks like Riley Gaines, I'm the last person being transphobic and transvestigating other
[07:30:30] cis women that are kind of fucking yoked. But like she ain't stopping. You know what
[07:30:36] I mean? Her fucking broad-ass clavicles have not stopped her from being actively in the
[07:30:43] transvestigation space for some weird reason. You know what I mean? It's like, bro, you know
[07:30:51] you would be called a man in this situation, right? Meet Imani Khalifa boxer who was banned
[07:31:01] from the women's world boxing championship because he's a man. However, Khalifa is being
[07:31:04] allowed to compete in the women's Olympic boxing in Paris. There's another reason to
[07:31:09] the book of the Olympics. Just more normal stuff from the normal party being normal. Nick
[07:31:32] Marx had a meltdown over this. Yes, dude. Nick Marx is a perfect representation of what
[07:31:39] I talk about all the fucking time. Okay. He is a guy who was like a regular dude who
[07:31:46] who probably thought like trans people are kind of weird or whatever
[07:31:50] and then he started watching Matt Walsh videos
[07:31:53] and actively radicalized themselves into being this like weird freak
[07:31:58] who constantly fucking thinks about trans people
[07:32:01] trans people are constantly on the mind on the top of mind for him
[07:32:05] he went down the pipeline and it's only gonna get worse
[07:32:08] if someone who loves them who's in his life doesn't fucking tell him like
[07:32:12] Bro, you need to stop like you need you're being weird you're being weird as fuck. Why are you constantly talking about trans people?
[07:32:18] You got to stop you're scaring the hose if someone doesn't do that
[07:32:22] Okay, he is going to inevitably go down this pipeline and reach the final stage
[07:32:28] The final stage of course being
[07:32:31] The transvestigation stage where you're just like literally
[07:32:34] Suspecting family members of being trans and shit. Okay. That's where you inevitably arrive at because it's a mental illness
[07:32:41] And it sucks because like voter wiki literally says seven words in she then represented Algeria
[07:33:00] where she ranked 33rd.
[07:33:05] Where is the seven words in I don't get it Oh seventh word is she yeah also Paul iraq
[07:33:30] live says tighter transgender rules are needed to avoid manipulation athlete or rape
[07:33:36] 12-year-old British girl shouldn't be banned from the Olympics, Paul Arrackliffe tells the LBC.
[07:33:42] Protecting the children, by the way. Ultimately, the reason why, for the record,
[07:33:53] ultimately the reason why like every anti-trans person inevitably arrives at
[07:33:57] transvestigation is because of the reality that gender is expression-based, okay? It's not
[07:34:06] like scientific and it's certainly not a fucking binary. Even the biological understanding
[07:34:14] of gender is outdated if you consider that to be male-female as a binary, okay? Like outdated
[07:34:21] in scientific literature. And that's the problem. So if gender is simply a mechanism
[07:34:26] of expression and it's not a binary, after all, I myself am six foot four, 230 fucking
[07:34:33] Compounds and I'm a man Ben Shapiro also is a man. He can't grow fucking facial hair. His voice
[07:34:41] doesn't sound
[07:34:42] All that manly if you want to if you want to consider it under the rigid norms
[07:34:47] rigid binary of gender and he's like five three
[07:34:51] with a very way fish physique
[07:34:54] If we're both men and we are both men right cis men as a matter of fact
[07:34:58] Then that should help you understand that like maybe it's not as binary as you think it is
[07:35:06] Okay
[07:35:07] So that's number one
[07:35:09] number two
[07:35:10] Gender is also simply the expression that you that you choose beyond your sex. Okay
[07:35:20] This is precisely the reason why you can't really tell who's trans and who's not trans
[07:35:24] And that's why anyone who actively claims they can always tell
[07:35:29] end up yelling at a whole bunch of cis women and claim that a whole bunch of
[07:35:35] cis women are actually trans. That's why transvestigations inevitably happen when
[07:35:44] you go down that pipeline and you think anyone could be trans technically. I
[07:35:50] suspect anyone and everyone could be trans. Yeah, this is my legendary tweet on
[07:36:00] it. Masculine femininity exists. Outward indicators of masculine
[07:36:05] infamity exists in nearly every human culture.
[07:36:07] Boys are taught to be more masculine
[07:36:08] in virtually every human culture
[07:36:09] because the role of men is not always the same
[07:36:12] as the role of women, 3.6,000 likes.
[07:36:15] Ben, your 5'3 can't grow facial hair
[07:36:17] and weigh 100 pounds so can wet.
[07:36:18] If we can both be considered men,
[07:36:20] you should probably be a bit more open about,
[07:36:21] I'll remind you about gender expressions
[07:36:22] is clearly not as rigid a binder
[07:36:24] as you try to imply it is, 132,000.
[07:36:27] This is before Twitter was cucked.
[07:36:30] This ratio is so brutal, so devastating.
[07:36:33] Can you imagine a ratio like this
[07:36:35] happening on Twitter nowadays? Fuck no.
[07:36:43] What? Beating up little kids with great scooters? What?
[07:36:54] I altered the trajectory of Ben Shapiro's life with this take so hard.
[07:36:58] He started growing facial hair afterwards.
[07:37:24] I'm a cis woman who conslegates mistaken for manslaughter.
[07:37:26] I was super young. The trans folks barely know what they're talking about.
[07:37:29] Exactly. Like,
[07:37:35] there is no, like it doesn't make sense. It's just like, there's,
[07:37:39] What's your name? There's no rigid rules here and people that try to fucking act like there are
[07:37:45] Oftentimes don't even fit the societal roles that they claim
[07:37:49] Like does anybody think Ben Shapiro is like a fucking super masculine guy? Like what are we talking about?
[07:37:54] It's productive to equate gender to gender expression though. Just saying
[07:38:17] Gender is most closely associated with the expression. That is the way that people I
[07:38:24] Know that if there's an internal expression internal experience as well
[07:38:27] Please stop being fucking annoying. I'm talking to intro level people, okay?
[07:38:34] Introductory conversations surrounding gender in the easiest way to understand is
[07:38:40] Going to be had in the way that I'm having it not in the way that you want to have it
[07:38:46] Okay, I I'm so do come on come on. I've been doing this for ten fucking years at this point
[07:38:55] Please, let me do this. I have de-radicalized and actively fucking made transphobic people
[07:39:01] Not be transphobic for the past ten fucking years one of the most successful things I'm able to do
[07:39:08] Please
[07:39:09] Okay, please. Let me do this please
[07:39:14] Alright, I know what I'm doing
[07:39:23] Okay, don't fucking yell at that chatter either calm down
[07:39:26] Oh, I saw him be so there so you would call Republicans out on everything other than starting
[07:39:44] a war in Ukraine by organizing a coup d'etat and working with the elected government.
[07:39:48] What?
[07:39:52] Is that even Republicans unless you're talking about George W. Bush?
[07:39:56] I mean, which if you think George W. Bush had no involvement in Ukraine, or at least
[07:40:01] I haven't talked about it, you're wrong.
[07:40:03] I have talked about it.
[07:40:05] Anyway,
[07:40:10] It'll be very real here for a second as you can probably tell I've been crying
[07:40:12] a little bit.
[07:40:14] I always get these comments, but like recently it kind of ramped up was I get comments being
[07:40:18] called a man and being called masculine and ask if I'm on steroids.
[07:40:22] There will always be negative people out there and they put women in a box and they think
[07:40:27] women should be fragile and petite and quiet and meek, but that's not the case.
[07:40:34] Women can be strong and they can have broad shoulders and they can take up space
[07:40:38] and they can be big.
[07:40:39] I think I'm getting emotional because I feel very passionate about this.
[07:40:43] anybody trying to find or dictate how you feel about yourself you get inside
[07:40:49] that like this is so sad brother you're just like fucking dickhead you know what
[07:40:55] I mean you're just a dickhead you're a bad person you're a bad person you're
[07:40:59] fucking dickhead for making someone feel this way that's it like I don't know
[07:41:02] how to describe it it's just like you're a bully you're a fucking loser
[07:41:05] you are a sad pathetic worm and your existence on this planet is so sad
[07:41:12] every day that you have to make other people feel bad. Okay? And you closely
[07:41:17] associate that bullying with like political praxis. This is what it's like
[07:41:22] to be a right-winger. Okay? That's what it is. It's just vice signaling all the
[07:41:30] fucking time. Making it seem like when you bully people that you think are
[07:41:35] worse than you, that you categorize as weaker than you, that you categorize as
[07:41:39] like marginalized. And then you pounce on them. You feel like you've done some shit. You know,
[07:41:45] weirdo, MAGA Freak Transvestigated American Rugby Star and Olympian Ilana Maher and God
[07:41:50] bless her for calling out these creeps. Keep calling these conservative assholes weird because
[07:41:53] they are and they're going to lose in November because of it. Like, think about that. Think
[07:42:06] about that. That's so stupid. Like, people are so incredibly brainbroken, especially
[07:42:13] online, that they think that they can say whatever the fuck they want without their
[07:42:16] name or face being associated with it. Did they just run around showcasing the worst of humanity?
[07:42:22] I think you were trying to roast me, but this is actually a fact. I do have a BMI of 30. Well,
[07:42:26] 29.3 more times. I've been crying over weight my whole life. In middle school,
[07:42:33] elementary school, high school, I was always considered overweight. I remember vividly one
[07:42:36] time in high school I did turning the physical to the office and right at the bottom of the
[07:42:40] page it said overweight and I was so embarrassed. Me too. I mean I was actually fat though but even
[07:42:48] still to this day my BMI says I'm overweight. Actually let's look at it right now 230 pounds
[07:42:58] BMI calculator let's see calculator body mass index I am six foot four and I am
[07:43:07] I am 230 pounds 28 yeah I'm on the top my BMI right now is 28.0 I'm at the end of overweight
[07:43:24] I'm almost obese BMI of 30 or greater is obese BMI is an incredibly outdated mechanism for
[07:43:32] trying to fucking figure out whether you're healthy or not can you imagine can you imagine
[07:43:38] looking at someone like myself I mean like he is incredibly overweight it's
[07:43:43] ridiculous it does not account evidence to Betsy what is this moist critical
[07:43:50] situation is crazy it does not account for actual like muscle mass it does not
[07:43:57] take muscle mass into consideration I can't believe you sent this to me with
[07:44:01] 59 fucking seconds with the zero views you are such a moist critical dick
[07:44:06] writer. This is the only time I will allow it because he's getting fucking cooked online
[07:44:12] for being pro trans. Yeah, this man's BMI. This is me this morning working out looking
[07:44:21] yacked. Okay, looking yacked as a motherfucker. My BMI, my BMI is literally, he did the thing.
[07:44:39] to do that. My BMI says I'm almost obese. I'm near obese. Yo, how do I look like that?
[07:45:03] Keep working out. A little bit of gyno, true. Actually, my tits are popping nowadays. I don't
[07:45:22] even care about that. Why is your belt definition so insane? Is it? What's the weight goal,
[07:45:40] 215 probably? I mean, at 215, I'll be peeled. Are you pumped in this photo? I mean, this
[07:45:59] This is, yeah, this is towards the end of my work out.
[07:46:03] But I'm not like flexing or anything.
[07:46:09] Narcissistic arc of Hassanavi streams are really off-putting.
[07:46:15] Wilnef is my league of his own.
[07:46:19] Brother, your username is dedicated to Wilnef,
[07:46:21] my best friend who literally loves himself
[07:46:24] even more than I do.
[07:46:27] Have you watched a Wilnef stream?
[07:46:30] Like, that's crazy.
[07:46:33] You just said I'm being narcissistic and off-putting will never has never had a moment where his
[07:46:38] shirt is not off. Okay. Like you're like, no, it's fine. It's fine when he does it. I
[07:46:50] just don't like it when you do it. Yeah. But will is endearing. Exactly. It's endearing
[07:46:55] when he does it. Hello. Human resources. When Hassan does it, are you watching the
[07:47:27] moist video? Yes.
[07:47:28] What a week, huh? Sports fans? Holy Toledo.
[07:47:32] Yeah, so Moist Critical is in a big oopsie poopsie situation here. It reminds me of the
[07:47:38] time in Moonfall when Casey Houseman sacrifices himself and dies of cringe to become the Moon.
[07:47:44] Yeah, so, uh, being serious now since this has become such a big issue, I've been in
[07:47:49] a lot of drama recently. I'm in hot water and I'm biting on the fart bubbles that
[07:47:54] pop up in the back tub here. It is a lot. So let's start with the most recent one today.
[07:47:59] My retirement. I didn't know I was retiring. That's news to me. I'm as shocked as all of you are.
[07:48:06] I had a ton of fun last night playing a game called Clickleding, which is basically like a
[07:48:10] cuckoldry simulator, but for clicking against like the Lorax in a hotel room. And I just did
[07:48:14] like an old school gameplay commentary video. I was bubbly, full of jubilation. I posted it
[07:48:20] Today only to learn that I'm just a big old fucking liar liar liar plants for hire. I suppose it is crazy
[07:48:27] Bro, this is literally happening me
[07:48:36] Remember when I fucking was in my own discord like responding to chatters and just some chat was saying dumb shit
[07:48:41] I was like I'm gonna kill myself
[07:48:43] Respond to a chatter and then that shit was literally posted at the context
[07:48:47] And I'm in the fucking time of my life in Australia with my friends and shit and then I get I start getting fucking calls
[07:48:54] from normies who saw tweets being like oh Hasan is killing himself he's like
[07:49:00] really fucking sad and because I don't have Twitter on my phone I have no idea
[07:49:06] that this is what's popping way to make someone else's drama about you again
[07:49:14] I'm a political commentator or a commentator in general online and so is
[07:49:20] he it's not me making the drama about myself is just me saying like this is a
[07:49:24] very commonplace thing that happens on Twitter. So it's not that surprising that it happened to
[07:49:30] Charlie, but it is surprising that this is like a thing that happens so frequently.
[07:49:35] It's called sharing an experience with a person who you are relating to.
[07:49:46] Well, also simultaneously doing commentary over it. I hope you understand that chatter,
[07:49:54] You know, yeah, wow, an accurate parallel. How narcissistic is very weird.
[07:50:07] People are so fucking negative. You just watch YouTube and explain why genocide is bad. I will
[07:50:11] never understand the hate. No, that's that's the reason why because people are like, no, genocide
[07:50:15] is good. That's what it is. But anyway, the real reason why I mentioned this from my own
[07:50:28] personal experience and how this has happened to me as well is not to be like, look at me,
[07:50:32] this is just about, this is about me or whatever. But the real reason is like, how is this a thing?
[07:50:38] Like, how have we gotten to a point online where we're just like, I don't even give a fuck what
[07:50:44] the reality is. I just care about like what people who are aligned with me are saying
[07:50:49] about the reality. Nobody fucking investigates it. Nobody looks into it at all. And we just
[07:50:55] kind of see it. I mean, I kind of did it too. I was like, Oh, it seems like he's, uh, taking a
[07:50:59] step back from the podcast or something, but I wasn't even fully talking about him retiring. I
[07:51:06] was actually talking about the, him getting canceled by people, uh, earlier in the day.
[07:51:12] That was real. Right. Wingers were fucking actually trying to cancel him
[07:51:16] for his normal statements about like trans medical care. But like,
[07:51:22] like, it is a fascinating situation where people can just like make stuff up about you. And
[07:51:30] if you don't immediately address it, they're like, nope, it happened. And sometimes depending
[07:51:34] on whether they hate you or not. Okay, depending on whether they hate you or not, it literally
[07:51:44] turns into like, I don't even believe you. Is there was hella people that were like,
[07:51:48] I don't believe you dog, you wanted to kill yourself. You were actually you had
[07:51:51] go in your mouth
[07:51:55] pose
[07:51:56] i apparently and i didn't know this until i post the video
[07:52:00] everyone was under the impression that i was quitting the internet
[07:52:02] so i started scratching at the hair on my chinny chin chin wondering
[07:52:05] when the fuck did that happen
[07:52:07] was i sleepwalking that you have some novelism is this some kind of like
[07:52:11] you know fight club situation but instead of like
[07:52:13] tyler dirt and i have fucking
[07:52:15] charles turd in here that's just making wrong announcements
[07:52:19] it turns out the patient zero behind all of this was a post jackson made
[07:52:23] announcing that I would be leaving the podcasts. Which is something I thought about periodically
[07:52:27] for quite a few months now. Mainly because I started to recognize that I was becoming the
[07:52:31] very thing I'd make fun of with being chronically online. Like I just was always online and the
[07:52:36] podcasts were a big proponent of that and I just kind of wanted to scale back the amount of
[07:52:40] time I spend online. So and I kept Jackson in the loop the whole time here about where my head
[07:52:45] was at. And last week I told him, hey man, I think this is going to be where I hang up the
[07:52:49] jersey. You can put it in the rafters, throw it in the dumpster, but I think I'm just going
[07:52:52] to be sailing off into the sunset here and just reducing the amount of stuff I do online.
[07:52:57] Which he completely understood, so he made the announcement just letting people know
[07:53:00] that.
[07:53:01] And then that got spun on Twitter and Reddit as voice criticals taking an indefinite hiatus
[07:53:06] and quitting the internet fundamentally.
[07:53:09] Don't know when I'll be back, he's done with the internet because of all this controversy.
[07:53:15] Petui on his grave, he's gone.
[07:53:18] I mean I looking at the post I don't even know where that's coming from. It's it's literally just talking about the podcast and me
[07:53:25] Just stepping away like it's not it doesn't extend beyond that
[07:53:29] I can't even wrap my tiny noodle around how anyone could perceive this as me being done with
[07:53:35] The reaction interst dude living in Germany calling him a pedophile one time
[07:53:39] Um, I think I don't know. I don't even know how to access moist criticals podcast. I
[07:53:44] I do know that one of his homies that he's like that he has on his podcast
[07:53:49] I think I don't know if he's like all that he's on it all the time or not
[07:53:52] But he fucking hates me the Turkish dude. He fucking hates me. His name is Kaya. Yeah
[07:53:59] Like he is
[07:54:01] He's weird as fuck. I like Charlie. I think he's a nice person
[07:54:07] You know, we don't always agree on stuff
[07:54:09] Sometimes I feel like he just leans in a little bit too much to the centrist stuff, but overall
[07:54:14] Yeah, one of his homies fucking hates me
[07:54:18] Which is weird cuz he's Turkish
[07:54:21] I also said a lot of pedo and insult shit in the past week
[07:54:29] Wait, you're gonna tell me another guy who just fucking hates me and has called me a pedophile
[07:54:39] Has said pedophilic things
[07:54:48] What?
[07:54:54] I mean
[07:55:11] just tell him enough for the first time. She led an amazing life. What else can you say?
[07:55:20] She was an amazing woman. Whether you agree or not, she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life.
[07:55:28] I'm actually sad to hear that. I am sad to hear that. Thank you very much.
[07:55:36] my favorite clip of all time. Anyway, um, but that's not, that's neither here nor there,
[07:55:53] but it's not even like that. What you just told me about this dude who I've never seen,
[07:56:02] Who I have no idea what he looks like I think what we might have watched the video many many years ago because I remember
[07:56:08] I just only kind of remember that like
[07:56:11] Some dude that moist was on a podcast with was just like fucking saying on his shit about me
[07:56:22] But
[07:56:24] You're telling me he said some fucking weird shit
[07:56:27] Because then it would look like I'm just trying to kick the ass of someone who's like trying to do something good by like
[07:56:32] exposing the system for
[07:56:34] What is this? I'm not gonna watch this four minutes. Okay. He says it's not it's not weird to ask a eight-year-old for up-skirt photos
[07:56:41] I'm based in pedo pill. That's a yikes for me. Okay. I don't even fucking care. I'm not gonna look at this clip
[07:56:47] I don't give a shit is four minutes long all I'm saying is it's not shocking the internet entirely
[07:57:01] But that's the story that they ran with and that's what most people saw not the actual post
[07:57:06] So everyone thought I was quitting the internet
[07:57:08] So I posted that video that I was really happy with because it just felt like an og old-school video
[07:57:11] That made me happy and then bang just a flood of comments and dislikes all saying shit like how could you fucking deceive us?
[07:57:18] I thought you quit huh? What happened to leaving huh?
[07:57:21] I just read this post on Twitter from an account that had a profile pick of titties photo shopped on to Thomas Edison
[07:57:28] That said you were done and had 50,000 likes so I know it was true and you're just a fucking liar
[07:57:32] I can't even just peacefully walk away from some projects without it being a massive fucking reaction
[07:57:39] And this literally is the absolute worst aspect of especially new Twitter, like this has always
[07:57:46] been a case online.
[07:57:47] This has always been an issue online for sure.
[07:57:50] But nowadays with Twitter, it's just like the more fake your information is, the more
[07:57:56] you spread misinformation, the fucking more cloud that you get.
[07:58:01] Very strange stuff overall.
[07:58:04] Okay.
[07:58:05] Very weird shit.
[07:58:08] the truth does not matter what matters is engagement farming what matters is like stick
[07:58:13] into a fucking narrative and in this sorghum stance okay in this sorghum stance for what
[07:58:25] in this sorghum stance is like oh charlie's quitting online uh he's just he's done he's
[07:58:31] done forever and then everybody fucking runs with it over actual nothing burger information
[07:58:37] and trust me no one has a palette more refined for nothing burgers than he's just now feeling
[07:58:41] a taste of what you get daily I know why didn't sneak we get canceled for saying
[07:58:46] pedo shit brother because he's a right-wing guy he's a right-wing troll I
[07:58:51] think at a certain point y'all are gonna understand that when you're like a
[07:58:55] right-wing troll you get this perma shield okay is it really you're
[07:59:03] leaving for your end of letting Porter Robinson play replace you full-time
[07:59:07] exactly yeah you got the vice signaling shield it's the same reason why
[07:59:15] Like when you when you align with like right wing people and you just like promote right wing values
[07:59:22] Even if you marginally moderate to the middle people will love that they'll be like oh my god look at Barstool fucking Dave Porter
[07:59:32] right or Dave Portnoy pork boy not Porter or
[07:59:38] I don't know Aiden Ross
[07:59:40] He's like now apparently fucking talking shit about his own community being like super far right when it's like bro
[07:59:46] you literally scream the F slur on a regular fucking basis. Right? It's because like the
[07:59:54] right is as long as you say the right things that they want to hear, they don't give a fuck
[07:59:58] what you believe than me. I have ranted about the stupidest shit of all time. But this was
[08:00:11] mind boggling even for me. So to set the record straight. No, I'm not retiring despite
[08:00:18] What the experts are telling you now pockets clip was a I by the way
[08:00:23] Okay, all I did was walk talk shit about your community. So how is that relevant wait what more over the six dollars a month?
[08:00:37] What are you doing? Are you trying to do a fucking three minutes of eight? Is that what you're doing?
[08:00:41] That's a double. That's a double one. We're not doing double
[08:00:44] We're not doing two part as your ban for the day. But yes three man a break
[08:00:47] like, look away from a couple of projects.
[08:00:51] Like that's really it.
[08:00:53] Like that's a pretty normal thing to do, especially when one of them I've been doing for like
[08:00:56] eight years.
[08:00:58] I really didn't think it was that deep, especially not deep enough for how big of a story it's
[08:01:03] become with all of the wild narratives running around about the true reason that I stopped
[08:01:07] doing it.
[08:01:09] So let's get into that drama.
[08:01:10] I've talked about it on stream.
[08:01:12] I don't even know how many times at this point, but we'll just talk about all of
[08:01:15] it in this video here.
[08:01:16] So, when covering the Ava Tyson situation, I was attacked by a lot of people for not being
[08:01:21] quick enough.
[08:01:22] Even though I covered it within like the first six hours, people were unsatisfied that-
[08:01:26] That's not quick enough, dude.
[08:01:28] That's not.
[08:01:29] That's not quick enough.
[08:01:30] You should have predicted it.
[08:01:32] Okay?
[08:01:34] You should have actually fucked predicting it.
[08:01:36] You should have just said Ava Chris Tyson is a pedophile when she came out as a
[08:01:42] trans person months ago and then we wouldn't be mad at you. Like, it didn't even matter.
[08:01:48] You don't need like any sort of fucking weird messages in the discord, anything like that.
[08:01:53] You should just have run with the narrative that a trans person is obviously a pedophile,
[08:01:57] but you didn't do that, so I'm mad at you. And that's basically what it is. This entire
[08:02:02] conversation is just that for the mouse bar. And it's wild how much we online in this
[08:02:10] This fucking space, and this includes Charlie, this includes myself, or used to include me
[08:02:14] because I used to be on Twitter on my phone all the fucking time, how much we let this
[08:02:19] right wing shithole that is known as Twitter dictate the actual fucking narrative that
[08:02:28] we decide to have on other platforms where there are real people.
[08:02:35] If you recall, I said this in the Hassan thinks that Twitch streaming is the hardest job in
[08:02:41] the world narrative. If it stays on Twitter, it doesn't go anywhere because half of that
[08:02:46] shit is bought it. It's all right. Wing psychos, but once centrist podcasters and political
[08:02:52] commentators and other people actually take it off of Twitter because they think everyone
[08:02:56] is actually watching it there. Everyone's talking about this and start doing commentary
[08:03:00] on it, then it becomes a real story, because now actual real people are talking about it.
[08:03:08] That I hadn't made a video within like the first fucking 20 minutes of it dropping.
[08:03:11] And then when I did finally finish the full video covering all of it, it was another massive
[08:03:16] problem where now I only did it out of an obligation because people called me out,
[08:03:20] and then I also got accused of being a transphobe because I didn't use Ava Tyson's preferred
[08:03:24] pronouns which were she, her.
[08:03:26] I didn't know that, I thought just calling Ava Tyson by her name was okay and I had also
[08:03:33] heard when I went to the MrBeast thing someone referred to Ava Tyson with they.
[08:03:38] So I was truly under the impression that that was okay and for that I was annihilated by
[08:03:45] a good chunk of Twitter and then annihilated by another good chunk of Twitter because
[08:03:51] I called out Sneeko, who was the main proponent about me covering for Mr. Beast to keep the
[08:03:57] collab alive.
[08:03:58] I remember people in the streamer rose to you about it, then later on admitting in stream
[08:04:02] that his social batter was running out that he was feeling burnout all.
[08:04:05] That's awesome.
[08:04:06] I wasn't talking about Ava Tyson because I wanted the Mr. Beast collab.
[08:04:09] And I talked about how absurd that statement was, especially given his history with
[08:04:13] fighting against the age of consent.
[08:04:16] He's been very vocal about how much he hates the age of consent.
[08:04:19] And so I talked about that briefly at the end of the video, which then changed the whole
[08:04:23] narrative for a lot of people where I never talked about Abetison and only talked about
[08:04:27] Sneeko.
[08:04:28] So it was a complete lose-lose because if I didn't talk about what Sneeko was saying,
[08:04:32] I would have been called a coward for not addressing it and talking about like, well, he was
[08:04:37] going to cover for Mr. Beast until Sneeko called him out.
[08:04:39] So like if I didn't do it, I would have been attacked.
[08:04:42] I did do it, still got attacked.
[08:04:43] It really was unwinnable.
[08:04:45] But from that, spawned a conversation where I talked to Sneeko directly because he was
[08:04:50] very upset that I was talking about how him rallying against the age of consent is pedophile
[08:04:56] arguments like defending pedophilia.
[08:04:58] As I've said, since the very beginning of this channel, I'm always willing to engage
[08:05:01] with people I disagree with.
[08:05:02] He used they then pronounce an attempt not to misgender her specifically didn't use
[08:05:05] he him.
[08:05:06] He doesn't clarify that very well here.
[08:05:08] Remember like for a lot of normies like trans stuff is difficult to parse through.
[08:05:13] It's not that simple.
[08:05:15] I fuck up sometimes and I'm like, you know, I've been with it. I've been with the shits for quite some time
[08:05:20] And I thought that maybe there was a chance I misunderstood what he was trying to say even though it's still abhorrent
[08:05:25] I thought okay, maybe he's not actually trying to defend pedophilia
[08:05:28] He's like some kind of pseudo-intellectual debate bro who's trying to say something else
[08:05:32] so I was willing to hear him out on it and I talked to him in DMs and
[08:05:35] He said he doesn't believe in the age of consent
[08:05:38] He believes in the age of marriage can't assign a number to it
[08:05:40] it, but said that when someone can legally drive, they should be able to marry at the
[08:05:45] same time, which is literally like a 15 or 16.
[08:05:49] Wait, what?
[08:05:50] As Muslims, we believe is our duty to follow the law of the land.
[08:05:55] Bro, there's, oh my God, this motherfucker saying he's Muslim is so annoying, bro.
[08:06:00] I swear to God.
[08:06:01] Dude, I hate fucking.
[08:06:04] I fucking hate adult reverts who especially on the influencer side fucking act like they
[08:06:16] are converting for content specifically participate in the discourse as the most memed out version
[08:06:25] of Islam.
[08:06:26] Okay.
[08:06:27] I fucking hate these larpers.
[08:06:30] Oh my God.
[08:06:32] And you know what I hate?
[08:06:33] Even as much as these fucking LARPers, all the dumb fucking
[08:06:39] Muslims living in diaspora who eat that shit up, who also are like so
[08:06:47] incredibly fucking reactionary and also lean into that shit and it makes me so
[08:06:54] unimaginably mad because you are basically playing a
[08:06:57] a minstrel show for some of the most right-wing fucking shitheads to point to you and go look
[08:07:03] at these barbaric monkeys who believe in all of the worst shit.
[08:07:09] The white Christians also believe that same shit, mind you, but they can still point
[08:07:13] to you and fucking turn around and go, all of you Muslims are like this.
[08:07:20] Okay?
[08:07:21] I hate that shit so fucking much.
[08:07:24] I hate it.
[08:07:25] Okay?
[08:07:27] So part of the reason why I also openly will tell you all the fucking time that I am Muslim,
[08:07:33] okay?
[08:07:35] And a lot of dumb fucking Muslim dudes on TikTok and shit don't see it and it pisses me off
[08:07:40] so much.
[08:07:41] Bro, they literally think we're all fucking weirdos here, okay?
[08:07:46] In the Western world, the understanding of Islam is so fucking distorted.
[08:07:51] They do not see it as this, as this religious belief.
[08:07:55] They think it's all like fucking people who love doing pedophilia and shit.
[08:08:00] So when you got a fucking psycho who looks at Islam and goes, oh, well, I am actually Muslim
[08:08:05] because I'm conservative.
[08:08:07] I am actually Muslim because I think women should marry at the early age of 15.
[08:08:11] That shit fucking breaks my mind.
[08:08:14] Okay.
[08:08:21] Now I say this as someone who, for those of you who don't know, I say this as someone
[08:08:26] whose name is Hassan, who is Muslim, who grew up in a fucking Muslim country before
[08:08:30] where people go, oh, that white boy's talking shit
[08:08:32] about Muslims, okay?
[08:08:35] Motherfuckers are like, oh yeah, no, I love Islam.
[08:08:38] I love doing Sharia law.
[08:08:39] And it's like, bro, shut up, shut the fuck up.
[08:08:43] You grew up in like, you grew up in like New Jersey
[08:08:46] or some shit.
[08:08:47] Like what the fuck do you mean?
[08:08:49] You come from a fucking Christian family.
[08:08:50] All of a sudden you're like, oh, I love Islam
[08:08:52] because I want to marry children.
[08:08:54] Like what are you doing?
[08:08:54] What the fuck is this shit?
[08:08:56] What is happening here?
[08:08:59] So I do hate it.
[08:09:01] I do especially fucking hate it when like dumb motherfuckers who are actually genuine Muslims
[08:09:09] themselves who get very excited at the prospect of a Christian person converting to Islam,
[08:09:16] who get very excited at like, you know, an American guy converting to Islam because they
[08:09:21] love the Quran.
[08:09:22] That's what happened.
[08:09:23] They believe it's genuine and they don't realize how damaging that shit is.
[08:09:31] Anyway.
[08:09:32] should be able to marry at the same time as Muslims we believe is our duty to
[08:09:38] follow the law of the land at the age of 15 I hate that time which is literally
[08:09:44] like a 15 or 16 year old because you get your permanent 15 your license at 16
[08:09:48] and both are way too young to be marrying that shit is completely
[08:09:52] unacceptable it is downright disgusting he then said that he was happy to
[08:09:56] discuss it in a call which I said I was willing to hear him out on and he
[08:10:00] said that you do it later because he was outside doing an IRL stream in
[08:10:03] Turkey. So I was willing to hear him out because again if this is some kind of
[08:10:07] crazy misunderstanding I'd like to know that because it'd be really fucking
[08:10:11] scary for someone in his position with his level of influence to be actually
[08:10:15] advocating for adults marrying and fucking children. That's a huge problem.
[08:10:20] That's a big fucking problem. So if there was something that he was like
[08:10:24] trying to say but failing to do so I was willing to at least hear it. And
[08:10:28] this is where the infamous debate came from. The debate that people are
[08:10:32] calling the debate of the century. I'm kidding not a single soul on the planet
[08:10:36] said that it's actually one of the most dog shit debates I think human beings
[08:10:39] have ever had. He eventually called me on discord. I was under the impression this
[08:10:44] was just him and I talking. I had no idea this was going to be a debate. I
[08:10:49] thought he was going to try and explain himself like hey no this isn't
[08:10:52] actually what I meant. This is what I'm trying to say. I thought this was
[08:10:55] a conversation between him and I. Not this kind of debate show that he was
[08:10:59] putting on for his audience. There is nothing in our DMs that indicated that's where it
[08:11:04] was going. When I joined the call he asked if I was going to record it to which I said
[08:11:07] I can if he wants me to but I was also down to just talk. So I thought maybe he wanted
[08:11:11] it as a recording to like explain to people like no he's not actually a pedophile defender
[08:11:17] or advocating for that kind of thing. Bro what are you doing man? What are you doing?
[08:11:22] This dude is not like this dude is a charlatan. He's a fucking demon. I don't know why
[08:11:27] Why you thought that you would just like let him fucking farm you.
[08:11:32] It makes me so mad.
[08:11:35] So, I thought that is why he asked.
[08:11:45] I didn't know it was because it was being streamed, especially because one of his last DMs was
[08:11:49] about how he's doing an outside IRL stream that he would call me after.
[08:11:54] To me that says when he's done streaming, that's when we'll talk, not as a part of
[08:11:57] his stream.
[08:11:58] I didn't know this was a debate nor a stream until about an hour and 40 into it, roughly
[08:12:04] somewhere in that ballpark.
[08:12:05] I am not a debater.
[08:12:07] I need to fly back down to fucking Florida, cook his ass in the courts again, dude.
[08:12:12] That's what I need to do.
[08:12:13] I never claim to be one.
[08:12:15] I never want to be a debater.
[08:12:18] I've always said that I believe conversations are the most productive because debates
[08:12:22] always devolve into what side can score the most points by explaining their thought process.
[08:12:30] It's just like Nico, Nico is not a serious person. He is just like a perfect grifter. Okay.
[08:12:42] He is a, he both is a, I guess, Muslim. I didn't even fucking know that.
[08:12:48] Um, while also simultaneously as a fucking Nazi, like why the fuck,
[08:12:52] why does anybody have a conversation with this guy? I just don't understand it.
[08:12:58] even if the position is wrong, whereas a conversation is a very different thing to me.
[08:13:05] So I didn't even know that's what this was.
[08:13:07] So obviously I was unprepared for a fucking debate.
[08:13:12] So I entered into the Thunderdome and we started talking.
[08:13:14] I made it clear that I found his statements on the age of consent and children marrying
[08:13:18] adults being fucking hideous.
[08:13:22] Absolutely revolting.
[08:13:23] And then he started arguing about, well, what is a child?
[08:13:26] We must define a child, you know, it's not actually being under 18, it's all a bunch of
[08:13:30] hoolly.
[08:13:31] And I really think if you have to start arguing about, well, what technically is a child?
[08:13:36] You're already way too far gone.
[08:13:38] Like that is so fucking weird.
[08:13:40] And in no uncertain terms, multiple times throughout the debate, Sneeko says that
[08:13:44] he is okay with people that are aged 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, marrying adults that are
[08:13:52] 18 or older.
[08:13:53] You're talking globally. Let's just talk globally. Like do you think it is okay for it?
[08:13:57] I'm not talking about just you specifically anymore. Anyone. Do you think it's okay for anyone in their 20s
[08:14:02] and adult to marry a 15 or 16 year old? A 21 year old. If there was a marriage where the
[08:14:08] father consented and the daughter consented and it was both good on both families and they wanted
[08:14:12] to do it. Why am I going to get involved? Why should we get the government involved? Even get
[08:14:16] back a little bit. Do you think there's not a problem with a... Predation. Predation. Okay.
[08:14:22] Okay? That's the difference between like gay people, adults having a consensual relationship
[08:14:29] which hurts no one versus like an adult having sex with a child which is pedophilia because
[08:14:36] the child can't consent. The child can't consent. Therefore, the adult in that situation
[08:14:42] is taking advantage of a child not having all their mental faculties in order. Why
[08:14:47] is this a conversation that we're having that is very harmful for the child's development
[08:14:51] Okay, that's why we have laws around this sort of thing. Age of consent laws.
[08:14:57] Very, very weird. Very weird. It doesn't make sense. Marriage does not change that reality.
[08:15:05] It is still predation. You're being a predator. I did not actually think that the libertarian
[08:15:15] attitude towards age of consent laws and child marriages, which is not so subtle defenses
[08:15:23] or, I mean, not so subtle defense of pedophilia
[08:15:27] would be actively had,
[08:15:30] like debates surrounding pedophilia would be actively had
[08:15:32] in 2024, the year of our holy Lord.
[08:15:35] I did not think that this was
[08:15:37] where the right would go so openly.
[08:15:43] What happened to shame?
[08:15:46] What happened to decency?
[08:15:50] This is so fucking gross.
[08:15:52] Child being with an adult.
[08:15:53] Okay.
[08:15:54] We haven't even agreed upon what the debt,
[08:15:56] what a child and an adult is.
[08:15:58] You keep saying that's 18.
[08:16:00] That's a great 18.
[08:16:00] That's a child.
[08:16:01] And I'm telling you, that's not even the definition
[08:16:04] of the word.
[08:16:05] What is the number?
[08:16:06] It just tells me a number or else you can do the same thing.
[08:16:07] I just told you there's not a number.
[08:16:10] But do you see one as a problem?
[08:16:11] No.
[08:16:12] If there's no defy, so why can't a 12-year-old marry
[08:16:15] an 18-year-old?
[08:16:15] Because most 12-year-olds haven't gone to puberty yet.
[08:16:18] And most 12-year-olds, as you just said, it changes.
[08:16:20] What if a 12-year-old went through puberty early,
[08:16:22] the parents consent, the 18-year-old,
[08:16:24] and the parents consent?
[08:16:25] Can they do it?
[08:16:26] most likely that's not going to happen you know why cuz islamically if it's not
[08:16:29] the most likely to say it if the families of consented what do you mean
[08:16:32] islamically bro what are you saying
[08:16:35] dude
[08:16:36] he's in turkey right now
[08:16:39] and most turkish people would look at what he's saying go what the fuck are
[08:16:43] you saying
[08:16:44] dog
[08:16:45] are there people who would make this argument in turkey absolutely
[08:16:49] we have our hogs as well
[08:16:51] okay
[08:16:52] we of course have our hogs as well
[08:16:54] He talks like shariahs. I will eat his head.
[08:16:58] But what I put in my head is like...
[08:17:01] Like an animal.
[08:17:04] So, life is like...
[08:17:06] A piece of shariah grown in the village.
[08:17:09] A piece of shariah grown in shariah.
[08:17:12] A 12-year-old girl who can be married according to Islam.
[08:17:15] Can something like this happen?
[08:17:37] they're people who would make this argument? Definitely, okay? Definitely. But those guys
[08:17:43] are not exactly the norm. As a matter of fact, they are people that we in Turkey also fucking
[08:17:48] yell about on a regular basis. You cannot escape hogs, okay? You can't escape hog culture.
[08:17:58] Hogs are universal, okay? We have our version of them in Turkey as well, just like America
[08:18:03] America has their version in the United States of America.
[08:18:06] The universality of hogs, however, aligns on the principle of abolishing age of consent
[08:18:14] and defending, dating and marrying children by justifying it with religion.
[08:18:21] The issue, however, is that in the Western world, people think that the entirety of
[08:18:26] Islam is like this and it's monolithic.
[08:18:28] The kid is mature. The kid is ready. Why should I stop it? At 12 years old. If the kid is physically mature, the parents consent. Both parties are happy. The 12 year old being physically mature.
[08:18:44] If it's what you call this the misabilenme so you can get a relationship with Turkey
[08:18:50] because of how you feel israeli
[08:18:52] he's a Jewish person
[08:18:54] I feel the same thing
[08:18:56] I'm a Jewish man but I use this language
[08:18:58] because I'm a punk turkish
[08:19:02] I don't understand how America is a part of Turkey
[08:19:05] Bro please is this can't be Google translate right
[08:19:11] Bro this dude I have to read it out loud
[08:19:16] out. I don't understand what you're saying. Oh, it's gotta be Google translate. Okay. That's
[08:19:29] crazy. He said the way you feel about snicko, uh, taking ownership over Islam and Turkey
[08:19:38] is the way I feel about Israel taking ownership over, uh, Judaism. I'm a Jewish man, but
[08:19:46] I use the language, the Turkish language because I'm a pan-Turkish and I believe
[08:19:52] that America is actually a part of Turkey, Greater Turkey.
[08:20:05] You fucking asshole.
[08:20:12] That's the only that's the only line that actually makes sense.
[08:20:15] Yeah, I don't think a 14 year old can ever be physically mature.
[08:20:22] Even though even though they literally can, even even though even though what do you mean?
[08:20:27] What? How did nobody yell at him over this?
[08:20:31] Why did more people try to fucking cancel
[08:20:34] moist charlie critical paying guinzo over him agreeing to the scientific
[08:20:42] communities consensus medical professionals consensus on like
[08:20:46] transmedical care for for for young adults and and minors okay while
[08:20:58] simultaneously no one was paying attention to what's going on here this
[08:21:01] guys like legitimately saying the most pedophilic shit you've ever heard.
[08:21:06] Nobody actually defines that. It's fine. I don't, no, I don't, I don't believe so. I
[08:21:13] was 14 once. I actually had a mustache when I was 14. Would you have looked at me and
[08:21:18] said I was physically mature enough to get married? If you were, if you were physically
[08:21:21] mature, if you were mature, yes, I would. Okay. Really, if you were 14, yeah, if
[08:21:26] you were 14 and you were ready to go and you met another 14 year old, yes, I
[08:21:29] No, no, no, no, no, we're talking adults. You keep going back to that is adult. I met physics. I told you my definition
[08:21:35] Oh, so I told you the definition the definition if you were white your puberty, you're an adult
[08:21:40] That's the definition of adult
[08:21:41] So yes, if you're an adult and you have a mustache ready to get married fine
[08:21:44] Okay, not defending Ava Tyson, but if she said this that would be a whole different story, bro
[08:21:48] Oh my god, that is actually a really good point like like Ava Chris Tyson's a weird-ass shit to a fucking 13-year-old
[08:21:56] Okay in a discourse server if she was joking or very straightforwardly
[08:22:05] Unironically saying these exact same words. Oh my god
[08:22:13] Oh my god, I was gonna say people would try to kill her but like he's already trans
[08:22:21] so
[08:22:24] Okay, and ironically saying a 14 year old adult. I think would make most sensible people want to puke
[08:22:31] there's so many instances of this and a lot of the conversation was spent with
[08:22:36] him talking about like overseas age of consent like talking about how Japan's
[08:22:40] age of consent was 13 for the longest time missing that but the whole thing
[08:22:45] what is that dude this is like bro dude dude dude this is like libertarian shit
[08:22:53] across the board oh my god this is peak libertarian conversations like pulling
[08:22:57] teeth and it was fucking painful. And I think it's extremely alarming perspective to have.
[08:23:03] On ironically calling a 14 year old and 12 year old mature enough for a marriage, those
[08:23:09] are middle schoolers. Like holy shit, I think that is extremely concerning to be advocating
[08:23:15] for something like that. Like would Sneeko be okay if his best friend ended up marrying
[08:23:19] a 14 year old? He certainly shouldn't be. No one should be okay with something like
[08:23:25] like that's fucking terrible that is actually terrible but now since I wasn't
[08:23:31] like holding into this topic or making sure that's crazy Nick Merz at a fucking
[08:23:35] react just straight transphobia reacts all the way Nick Merz's channel was going
[08:23:41] to make a channel went from video games to just only talking about only talking
[08:23:47] about drama reactions and just right wing grifting. Oh my God is college football is
[08:23:56] college football. But he's got a hundred thousand views. He's fucking transphobia videos. Okay.
[08:24:03] Moist critical and sneaker are both out of their minds. Extreme centrism 400,000 views.
[08:24:10] Oh, right wing grifting is so fucking profitable. It's crazy, dude. He's playing with Michigan
[08:24:46] His dog shit.
[08:24:53] His Elon Musk situation is upsetting.
[08:24:55] I'm sure it stayed on the topic I thought we were talking about.
[08:25:01] It went all over the place with a ton of different things, but the big one, and this is what
[08:25:05] most people have focused on, which was my response to his question about kids transitioning.
[08:25:11] And the way he would pose that question would be by asking if I thought it was okay if
[08:25:15] kids who want to switch their gender go to the doctor and get their dick c-
[08:25:18] His stream viewership continues to decline, so it makes total sense to grieve. I mean, yeah
[08:25:26] Cut off. Is it okay if a nine-year-old goes to a doctor and gets their cock cut off right then and there?
[08:25:32] And when posed with that question, I replied with yes
[08:25:36] And I talked about this on stream many many times now and I'll talk about it again here. I thought he was talking in hyperbole
[08:25:43] I thought he was just exaggerating being over-the-top talking about the entire subject of
[08:25:49] transitioning. I had no idea that any living breathing human being actually
[08:25:54] thought that that's how transitioning works where you just go into a doctor
[08:25:58] saying, I feel like, yeah, like, that's not how it works. Problem is, Charlie,
[08:26:03] you're living in the real world where you are exercising what is unfortunately
[08:26:09] a forgotten art, which is called critical thinking, where you think to
[08:26:14] yourself, of course, you don't just like walk into a chop shop where
[08:26:18] where there's like a tiny guillotine, okay?
[08:26:21] And they immediately slap that guillotine on your cock.
[08:26:24] And they're like, oh, you're fucking trans now.
[08:26:27] Like that's not how that works.
[08:26:29] Except it doesn't matter that that's not how that works
[08:26:32] because in the world of right wing commentary,
[08:26:36] that is exactly how everything works.
[08:26:38] It's about, it's not about what the truth is.
[08:26:41] It's about what right wingers have decided
[08:26:43] what the truth is.
[08:26:46] Okay?
[08:26:49] Yeah, they're going to fucking West Coast customs, dude.
[08:26:52] Like you're fucking driving your car in
[08:26:54] after evading the police, okay?
[08:26:57] And the door closes and you come out with a new spray paint.
[08:27:01] That's how it is.
[08:27:02] That's how gender confirmation works.
[08:27:11] Switching genders and they lay down on the operating table
[08:27:13] and just snip your whole fucking meat off.
[08:27:15] I didn't know that that's what he actually believed.
[08:27:19] I didn't know he was speaking literally.
[08:27:21] I thought he was just referring
[08:27:22] to the entire process of transitioning
[08:27:25] and just using this over the top statement
[08:27:27] to encapsulate all of it.
[08:27:29] Because you literally cannot get that surgery
[08:27:31] unless you are 18.
[08:27:33] Yeah, like you actually have to go out of your way
[08:27:36] to be that stupid on the topic,
[08:27:37] then you would just spending a couple of seconds looking.
[08:27:40] And here come all the fucking psychopathic right wing
[08:27:43] weirdos, actually in this extreme scenario,
[08:27:46] it did happen one time, yes,
[08:27:48] so you're guess you're owned and it's like,
[08:27:50] oh my God, dude, oh my God, oh my God,
[08:27:54] You did not fucking win this conversation.
[08:27:56] You were just a psycho.
[08:27:57] You literally made it seem like
[08:27:59] you could just walk into a fucking clinic
[08:28:01] and get over the counter penis snipping operation.
[08:28:05] And then you turn around and you're like,
[08:28:06] well, in this one extreme case,
[08:28:08] it did fucking happen one time
[08:28:12] for a completely irrelevant reason.
[08:28:14] And the person wasn't even like trans or whatever.
[08:28:16] But hey, guess what?
[08:28:17] It did happen, so you owned.
[08:28:20] Looking it up.
[08:28:21] There are very rare cases
[08:28:23] where someone under 18 has had.
[08:28:25] You lose the second this conversation starts.
[08:28:28] There's no winning these debates.
[08:28:30] Brother, if you were to cave and capitulate
[08:28:32] the right wing framing on every issue,
[08:28:34] you could say that about virtually every issue, man.
[08:28:37] The right have captured the online marketplace.
[08:28:42] The right have captured mainstream media
[08:28:44] on a lot of issues.
[08:28:46] Crime is out of control.
[08:28:47] It's not, but it doesn't fucking matter
[08:28:49] because it feels like it is
[08:28:50] because the media keeps telling me it is.
[08:28:52] trans people are doing crimes in our pedophiles.
[08:28:55] It's not the case, but it doesn't matter
[08:28:56] because everyone keeps saying it feels like it is.
[08:28:59] So maybe we should just have the conversation
[08:29:02] on the boundaries that they wanna have it, okay?
[08:29:06] Yeah, no matter what happens, yes.
[08:29:08] It always feels like it's a moot point
[08:29:11] because you just can't fucking talk to these animals
[08:29:13] because they're like a brick wall, right?
[08:29:17] You just can't do anything,
[08:29:18] but that should never stop you
[08:29:20] from advocating for the correct things for the truth, okay?
[08:29:26] That surgery performed.
[08:29:28] That's not common.
[08:29:30] So I really didn't think
[08:29:31] that someone could be so dumb on the topic.
[08:29:33] I thought he was just speaking in hyperbole,
[08:29:36] which is my mistake.
[08:29:38] I should have been more clear
[08:29:39] instead of making an assumption
[08:29:41] that he was talking about something nuanced
[08:29:44] in an over-the-top way.
[08:29:47] I haven't hid this take and it's not a new take from me.
[08:29:50] I've talked about this a couple of times
[08:29:51] throughout the years on stream.
[08:29:53] I have no complaints if a kid gets interested
[08:29:55] in transitioning and starts talking
[08:29:57] to their family about it.
[08:29:58] So their parents start talking to doctors,
[08:30:00] the kid starts talking to-
[08:30:02] I wonder if he knows someone who's like trans
[08:30:03] in his immediate life because this is like,
[08:30:05] this is genuinely a breath of fresh air, I would say,
[08:30:12] and it's shockingly uncommon,
[08:30:14] especially for someone who's like,
[08:30:17] like it is like it shouldn't be omega based or whatever right but like this is unfortunately
[08:30:27] a shockingly uncommon position in in the United States of America amongst like people who are
[08:30:34] now super tapped into this kind of stuff. However, however, it is of course the literal consensus
[08:30:41] of the scientific community and medical professionals. So like, you know, sucks, but we are so far
[08:30:50] removed from reality on the matter. But I'm really happy to see that he is like, you
[08:30:58] know, abiding by the medical, the medical communities, prescriptions, and research and data and consensus
[08:31:13] on what to do with trans teenagers instead of just like hyperventilating.
[08:31:19] The doctors, therapists and all of this, because the process of transitioning is one that
[08:31:23] It takes place over the course of many years.
[08:31:26] It's not something that just happens like that.
[08:31:29] And I'm also not afraid to admit that I am not the most educated when it comes to transitioning.
[08:31:33] I am not someone that has a ton of knowledge about the subject to be speaking on it in
[08:31:38] a really in-depth manner.
[08:31:40] But even I know these very surface level things that everyone has easy access to
[08:31:44] to understand.
[08:31:45] It is a long process.
[08:31:48] And I have no problems at all if a kid gets interested in that process and starts
[08:31:52] going through that process with proper care and then when they reach the age
[08:31:56] where they can consider that surgery and decide they want to do it then that's
[08:31:59] all power to them that's entirely up to them they have reached that age they can
[08:32:04] now do that surgery if they want to that is not a surgery that's being offered
[08:32:07] to like a nine-year-old who just says I feel like changing genders today it's
[08:32:11] just not how it works and I didn't think that that's what was actually
[08:32:15] being discussed because it's so fucking silly now I'm sure there's
[08:32:18] some really fringe cases you can point to where that kind of thing did happen, but it's
[08:32:23] not common. Thus I didn't think that's what was being referred to in the conversation.
[08:32:28] And it is again my mistake for not recognizing that at that moment it was being spoken about
[08:32:34] literally. So all that shit that people keep dog piling and spouting about me about
[08:32:39] how I want all kids to go out there and get their genitals chopped off is just fucked
[08:32:44] It's so, it's so ridiculous.
[08:32:47] I recognize I did a horrible job of arguing in this debate, which isn't surprising considering
[08:32:52] I don't debate.
[08:32:54] This is not something that's in my skill set.
[08:32:56] Which of course led to some embarrassingly dog shit arguments.
[08:33:00] Like the one I've seen people reference a couple times is when I briefly mentioned
[08:33:03] sports in this topic.
[08:33:05] It was a stupid point to try and make.
[08:33:07] I was getting hit by like some rebound psychic damage listening to some of the
[08:33:11] drivel brain rot that's Nico is spouting about the age of consent. I don't know why I thought
[08:33:16] this was like an argument to try and make, but I brought up was way impressed, especially
[08:33:20] when it didn't necessarily have the talking points down and ready to go by state committed
[08:33:23] as he was being an ally here. It would have been easy to back off it and pretend that
[08:33:26] it just didn't happen. Dude, I respect this so much. This is dude, I take back everything
[08:33:35] I said about Charlie sometimes being a fucking fan sitter. This is one issue where like
[08:33:41] He would make the most by just never talking about it ever or even dare I say, taking a
[08:33:48] transphobic position and transphobic stance, like this is holy shit.
[08:33:54] Like this is so, so I have so much more respect for him after this.
[08:34:01] Like I've always, I've liked them.
[08:34:03] I'm not shy about that.
[08:34:06] I say that all the time.
[08:34:08] I think he's a, he's a nice dude, but overall this is one issue online where they will cook
[08:34:15] your ass brother.
[08:34:17] They will cook your fucking ass.
[08:34:20] It is legitimately shocking that he just straight up openly was like, I'm not even
[08:34:27] well equipped to defend these positions, but I think is the most humane approach to
[08:34:31] the subject matter.
[08:34:32] I'm not the best debater.
[08:34:33] I think debates are losership, which I agree they are and and it has nothing to do with like the reality or the truth or anything like
[08:34:40] That it's just about yapping and talking points and being able to fucking push them out as quickly as possible
[08:34:45] To make it seem like you won to your side, but ultimately
[08:34:51] Ultimately
[08:34:53] This is an honorable thing that he has done
[08:34:56] You talked about just a situation on the pod with Charlie not giving troll space by responding to them
[08:35:05] We weren't sure you were a Florida resident to the recent video where you pulled out some very scary guns. Yes, I have some very scary toys
[08:35:13] Yeah, oh my god, so I thought you're about to pull
[08:35:21] My gym short
[08:35:24] It was actually cool it was tasteful
[08:35:31] Yeah, we we
[08:35:33] We had this conversation with Charlie about giving into right wing trolls, specifically
[08:35:44] about Sneeko as a matter of fact back then.
[08:35:46] Sports in this subject.
[08:35:47] And I was going to try and elaborate on it, but didn't at all.
[08:35:50] What I was going to try and say is that when a kid gets interested in a sport, they'll
[08:35:54] talk to their parents about it.
[08:35:55] They'll research the sport and go through the process of learning about it.
[08:36:00] And when it comes to transitioning, it's still a process where you talk to your family about
[08:36:04] it, you learn about it, like it was a, like it wasn't a point where I was trying to say,
[08:36:08] well, changing genders is a lot like picking between baseball and soccer.
[08:36:12] Like it's not what I was trying to get at, but because I didn't elaborate on it and
[08:36:16] it really wasn't a good argument to try and make in the first place, that's when
[08:36:19] people have harped on a lot.
[08:36:20] And I get it.
[08:36:21] Like I said, I am not a debater.
[08:36:22] Like I didn't go in here expecting a debate.
[08:36:25] So I had nothing prepared here for this inundation of outrageous questions and tangents.
[08:36:31] Like there was a point where Sneeko was trying to get me to say white power.
[08:36:35] Like the whole thing was a fucking mess.
[08:36:37] It was, without a doubt, probably the worst debate that video has ever been cursed with.
[08:36:42] And I really regret not doing a better job here.
[08:36:45] It's not something I should have even done in the first place.
[08:36:47] I just have a tendency to really hope for the best out of people, and I was really
[08:36:51] hoping that I and most people were wrong about Sneeko's perspective on the age of consent.
[08:36:57] However, unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be the case.
[08:37:00] He was very adamant about this position, and I did a terrible job in arguing with him,
[08:37:06] and I did a terrible job of articulating my beliefs.
[08:37:09] I am supportive of the LGBTQ plus, and I have been, and that's not something I've
[08:37:14] been shy about.
[08:37:16] I just wish I did a better job of expressing that.
[08:37:19] To be open and honest here, and I've talked about this a lot, I've always treated my channel
[08:37:22] kind of like a diary for myself, which is why I just talk about so much different nonsense
[08:37:26] and so many things that I know a lot of people don't give a fuck about, but some of it's
[08:37:30] fun for me to talk about, or some of it's just things I care about.
[08:37:33] So being totally honest, I used to treat the internet as an escape from my dog shit
[08:37:39] real life.
[08:37:40] Truly unhappy, really hated most of everything about myself, and the internet was my
[08:37:46] escape from it.
[08:37:47] But now it's really become that real life is the escapism for me now.
[08:37:52] Like I love posting and creating things, but I don't like interacting with the internet
[08:37:56] around me anymore.
[08:37:58] And it's something that I started to realize a couple months ago, and I've talked about
[08:38:01] it on stream a little bit, how because I've covered so many like drama stories and everything,
[08:38:06] it's pretty much all that I ever get told about when I'm streaming and it's become
[08:38:10] such a massive headache and it's just-
[08:38:13] bro what the fuck him and
[08:38:14] uh... magma male both coming out being like a hay drama
[08:38:21] that's crazy constant negativity that i'm
[08:38:24] fully flooded with
[08:38:25] like at all ours like i am in like this human centipede
[08:38:28] of eating someone's ass while having you feel like this
[08:38:33] i i think i'm uh... a little bit more hard into this because my expectation
[08:38:37] is that every day i log on
[08:38:39] and there's going to be people both lovers and haters of mine
[08:38:43] that are going to tell me to suck shit and kill myself, which happens anyway.
[08:38:47] So I think like I'm, I'm used to it, you know what I mean?
[08:38:52] Like that's what my expectation is.
[08:38:54] So like, for example, the past couple of weeks where people have been like, Hey,
[08:38:57] I know I used to say you suck shit and you should kill yourself.
[08:39:00] But I think you were right on a lot of the stuff when I hear that.
[08:39:02] I'm like, Oh, great.
[08:39:04] That's positive.
[08:39:05] You know what I mean?
[08:39:07] I'm so used to getting an uninterrupted, like,
[08:39:13] Do you anyone the dog? What is the what's the word for it? Like a like a faucet of hatred directed in my direction at any fucking point
[08:39:23] throughout the day that
[08:39:27] Whenever
[08:39:28] Whenever someone is actually nice to me like an onslaught of bombardment a deluge a deluge. Yes, that is the word I was thinking of
[08:39:37] stuff. Whenever people cut through that and go, you know, you've actually changed my mind
[08:39:43] on this, like, I welcome that and it actually shocks me. But ultimately it is something that
[08:39:50] I expect. It's something that I expect. And I do receive it on a daily basis. It hasn't
[08:39:56] been as bad recently. It has not been as bad recently for the past month or so I would
[08:40:06] say, but it is unimaginably toxic on a daily basis and that's just my expectation of it,
[08:40:12] especially because I'm not just talking about quote-unquote drama, I'm talking about politics.
[08:40:17] You know what I mean? So that's even worse than just drama. This is shit that people believe
[08:40:23] basically from birth for the most part and they associated with their identities,
[08:40:27] they associated with their very existence. So for a lot of people when they hear someone go
[08:40:35] against their worldview in such an impassioned way like myself they turn around and go I hate
[08:40:41] everything this person stands for I want to kill this person.
[08:40:46] So ultimately like I said I kind of understand the hatred because everyone's lives kind of
[08:40:55] sucks shit and I'm a very accessible vector for hate.
[08:41:00] So for that reason, I receive a lot of attacks, but having said that, I think it's worth it
[08:41:13] at the end of the day.
[08:41:14] If I can change the minds of 20 people, 30 people, 1,000 people, then it's all worth it
[08:41:24] at the end of the day.
[08:41:25] I think my ass eating with even more things that I'm being demanded to talk about where
[08:41:30] everything just feels like a lose-lose and it has been for the last six or eight months.
[08:41:33] I feel where, if I talk about something, it's a problem.
[08:41:36] Even if something is cut and dry as like Cody Coe having sex with a 17 year old being bad,
[08:41:41] I caught a lot of shit for that too.
[08:41:43] I'm sure a lot of people probably didn't see that, but man, the amount of emails I
[08:41:46] got and a lot of the things I was seeing, even something as cut and dry as that was
[08:41:50] an issue when I talked about it.
[08:41:51] And then if I don't talk about something or if I don't talk about something fast
[08:41:54] enough in the time that some people think is appropriate, I'm then accused of covering
[08:41:58] up for something for an ulterior evil motive.
[08:42:01] So it just really feels like a rock in a hard place where, regardless, it's just going to
[08:42:05] be a massive flood of negativity.
[08:42:08] And a huge critique of me that I've always seen is Charlie's a fence sitter.
[08:42:12] He's just a fucking fence sitting in light and centrist cuck this and that.
[08:42:17] And I've always said for the entire time I've been on the internet, I'm not special.
[08:42:21] I'm literally just a normal guy who-
[08:42:23] Listen, listen, listen, Charlie Apology Form.
[08:42:34] Give it to me, I'm writing it.
[08:42:37] Okay, Apology Form template.
[08:42:44] Ray Jean Rondo Apology Form.
[08:42:50] Paul George Apology Form.
[08:42:52] Paul George Apology Form, open image, new tab.
[08:43:04] Okay, paint.
[08:43:10] How do I open it in?
[08:43:14] Okay, listen, I'm going to do it.
[08:43:29] do it. I'm going to do it, man. I'm going to fucking do it. I want the fuck. Why isn't
[08:43:37] this working? The fuck is a blank one? Okay, save image as put it in here. Okay, to house.
[08:44:12] Okay, date 731. Okay, 731. Reason for behavior. The media convinced me you were a centrist.
[08:44:43] That's a, that's a click. I'm clicking on that. Okay, what do I miss? The media convinced me
[08:45:00] you were a centrist. I miss balling with you. This is so dumb. I was jealous of your hair.
[08:45:26] Okay, that's another one. I'm checking that. Okay, hold on. I was jealous of your hair.
[08:45:33] I don't watch your actual streams okay here's the streams I don't know YouTube
[08:45:59] commentary and then Mercury was in Gatorade okay there you go I hear by I
[08:46:14] I will hereby respect moist critical moist critical
[08:46:26] in parentheses penguin zoe and I will not
[08:46:35] Talk down to the future first ballot hall of famer
[08:46:40] Okay, that's right. I was jealous of hair
[08:46:58] Use this pig. I don't know how to like put his pick on there
[08:47:06] like without
[08:47:11] Maybe I can just copy it and then paste it like this.
[08:47:15] There you go.
[08:47:40] Please make the text bigger.
[08:47:41] No, we're just saving this and we're pumping it.
[08:47:51] Sometimes you just gotta be honest about it, okay?
[08:47:54] Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
[08:47:57] It's done.
[08:48:02] Who got very lucky.
[08:48:03] I just sit here, joke about shit,
[08:48:05] talk about my opinion on things and nothing else.
[08:48:08] I don't have a unique perspective on things.
[08:48:10] I don't have deep insight into the vicissitudes of certain things.
[08:48:15] I am literally just a guy who yaps, has some fun, talks about shit, does some wacky stuff
[08:48:21] as well, and that's it.
[08:48:24] It's just not that deep, but because everything is so inflammatory and charged online, it's
[08:48:29] being perceived in the last, I'd say like the last two years, it's really popped off
[08:48:34] as me making deliberate attempts to appease both sides and play right down the middle
[08:48:40] to soak up as much as possible.
[08:48:42] It's it's all this like nefarious scheme where I'm doing this with my hands, and I just don't understand how it's become
[08:48:49] so
[08:48:50] Insiniery where that's apparently like a really bad thing now
[08:48:54] My opinion is not special and my opinion isn't one that's pandering to any sides or catering to anything
[08:49:00] It's literally just whatever's up here
[08:49:02] I sit down for like 30 to 45 minutes on like a topic or like a video that I'm joking around about and I talk about it
[08:49:09] I am legitimately just an average well below average height guy who's about to turn 30
[08:49:17] I'm not just spitting hot takes out the wazoo here. I'm just
[08:49:23] Being myself. That's all this channel ever has been and now it's become super controversial to do that
[08:49:30] If it's not like, you know, I still do it Charlie. Yeah, everything it seems and it's very frustrating
[08:49:36] For the longest time it was just me having fun and for the most part it still is but
[08:49:42] I've started to recognize over the last few months that some of the things I do just really
[08:49:46] aren't fun for me to do and I've been doing them out of obligation.
[08:49:50] Mainly internet drama.
[08:49:52] When I initially started covering drama so many years ago now it was fun because it
[08:49:57] wasn't as serious like the stories were a lot you know more quirky it was easy
[08:50:03] to get invested because it was kind of just like a soap opera, like a really dumb soap opera,
[08:50:07] but
[08:50:08] Man, he's a centrist hack and I don't care if he's real him or not for money or amount.
[08:50:12] Bro, the centrist hack that you're talking about just came out in front of 15.7 million
[08:50:19] subscribers and advocated for transmedical care, an issue that like is so dramatically
[08:50:28] Like it will it will literally capture the the anger and resentment of every single right-winger
[08:50:37] Like what are you talking about this shit is this shit has almost a million views in an hour
[08:50:45] Like it's gonna get worse
[08:50:48] So many lefties with this mentality last 24 hours sad to see yeah
[08:50:52] Y'all are fucking nutty. That's why I said I apologize. There's like honestly, there's a couple issues where
[08:51:02] There's a couple issues I would say where like if you actually fucking put out a stance
[08:51:07] Like a legitimate stance in defense of like certain groups
[08:51:11] Back in the day that was Palestine and trans people now
[08:51:14] It's a little bit more mainstream to be like pro-Palestine, which is crazy to even say, right?
[08:51:20] there's still a lot of like financial and and career repercussions but like
[08:51:29] coming out and just like defending trans people when they make up like
[08:51:33] such a miniscule percentage of the population with most of the American population thinking that
[08:51:39] they're just like weird and abnormal and then most of the people who hate trans people that are
[08:51:47] far beyond the normal way of like analyzing trans people, but literally taking it to a
[08:51:52] level where they will like try to kill you is still very much, in my opinion, a brave
[08:52:01] thing to do, especially when your content has your content is basically garnered the
[08:52:07] attention of both right wing people and left wing people. You know what I mean? Yeah,
[08:52:25] Don't forget Dylan Mulvaney was the most wanted individual for months.
[08:52:41] Recently it's been much more serious and I feel the need to talk about it.
[08:52:45] Nobody would try to kill you, you should know better.
[08:52:48] Fiat, what?
[08:52:50] I'm exaggerating, like people won't, I mean that's actually kind of funny that you're
[08:52:55] saying that to me.
[08:52:56] No, people do try to kill me, actually.
[08:52:58] What are we talking about?
[08:52:59] No, I get a lot of death threats.
[08:53:01] Some of which are from transphobes, so, you know.
[08:53:05] So now you're wrong actually.
[08:53:06] I don't know why I was about to fucking cave on that about these things because a lot of them are extremely serious with very
[08:53:12] Important topics to discuss, but it has become draining as much as I never wanted to admit it
[08:53:19] I've started to recognize that my mood is immediately impacted
[08:53:22] Do you know what I read on Twitter? Do you get scared by those fuck? No also this is a very important point
[08:53:28] Okay, this is a very important point. Let's talk about how his moog is impacted by
[08:53:33] by by what do you reason Twitter in the morning if that's some horrible stuff
[08:53:38] about a creator or what have you it immediately affects my entire day and my
[08:53:42] whole outlook on the day is why I got off Twitter on my phone straight up I
[08:53:47] know why I call the ambulance get some French cries just fucking whining about
[08:53:52] having to talk about drama what a what a stupid problem to be upset about but
[08:53:57] I'm just trying to explain that it hasn't been as fun recently it hasn't
[08:54:01] And the main thing if you've been around the changes right wing is shit
[08:54:06] That's why for a while is I've always wanted this to be fun and never feel like a job and
[08:54:13] As hard as it is for me to admit this a lot of this kind of stuff
[08:54:17] It has just started to feel like less fun and more of well got to do this because I'm expected to like any time
[08:54:23] I go live most of chat is just telling me about the latest in whatever's happening in the creator space or
[08:54:29] or some other like extremely negative thing going on.
[08:54:32] It's like, okay, well,
[08:54:33] I'm going to have to learn all about that once I turn stream off.
[08:54:36] So I'm worried.
[08:54:37] So I'm learning about these things
[08:54:38] and it's all just really upsetting stuff.
[08:54:40] Like it's not happy.
[08:54:41] It's all very sad, bad stuff.
[08:54:44] And it's been making me.
[08:54:46] None of these motherfuckers ever listen to me,
[08:54:48] including Ludwig,
[08:54:49] but this is literally because of Twitter.
[08:54:52] Because we place a lot of emphasis
[08:54:56] on what we see on Twitter
[08:54:57] because we think that like it is not a 4chan,
[08:55:01] but basically normalized.
[08:55:04] We think like that's, you know, that's the everything app,
[08:55:06] you know, everything happens here on Twitter.
[08:55:09] That's what we think.
[08:55:10] That's not the case anymore.
[08:55:15] I'm telling you, for my mental health,
[08:55:18] for my mental health, it was so much better,
[08:55:22] so much better.
[08:55:23] I'm extremely online.
[08:55:24] I'm online every goddamn day.
[08:55:26] No, stop, you know this, okay?
[08:55:31] but for my mental
[08:55:35] it was significantly better not to be like so tapped in so invested in
[08:55:40] whatever fucking country is getting like canceled or whatever
[08:55:43] on a daily basis
[08:55:45] and half the time it was me i was the one who was getting fucking
[08:55:49] i was i was me i was the one who's getting
[08:55:51] canceled
[08:55:52] for some shit i didn't even say
[08:55:56] not happy
[08:55:58] so i definitely think i'll be slowing down on covering internet related drama or
[08:56:04] like drama in general. I'll still talk about like really wacky stories and shit like that,
[08:56:10] but I definitely think I'm gonna be pumping the brakes on like the kind of drama I have been
[08:56:15] covering recently, and instead I'm gonna go back to focusing on the content that I'm most happy
[08:56:21] with. Like if you ask me what content I'm most proud of throughout my entire time on this
[08:56:25] platform for the last like 17, 18 years, none of it would be drama coverage. It'd be things
[08:56:31] like Skynut. It'd be things like shooting a potato with a tennis racket to see if you
[08:56:36] can make french fries in midair by frying them in hot oil. It's shit like that. And I
[08:56:41] think I'm going to go back to that kind of stuff as opposed to the direction that I have
[08:56:45] been going recently. So yeah, this was a lot to go over here, but I hope this is cleared
[08:56:52] everything up. And yeah, that's really about it.
[08:56:55] He's realizing after stepping into it once, how many freaks are attracted when it comes
[08:56:59] up. Yes. That's literally what it is. People are fucking nuts. So dude, especially when
[08:57:06] like these guys cover drama quite a bit. Once you get that fucking drama pill, once you get
[08:57:11] into the drama, especially drama that pertains like trans people or especially drama that
[08:57:16] pertains to like a beloved right wing figure, for example, they will literally immediately
[08:57:20] turn around and be like, well, there's this left wing adjacent figure that was also
[08:57:24] God why aren't you covering it because for them it has nothing to do with like the actual issue
[08:57:29] It has nothing to do with protecting the children anything like that
[08:57:32] It's just a way to score points in their fucking minds and these guys are so goddamn parasitic
[08:57:37] They just like latch on and just eat away at your fucking soul every goddamn day
[08:57:43] Okay, that's what I warned asman gold about to you said asmins about to learn this
[08:57:48] Yeah, I mean as long as you stay like center center, right? It won't really hurt you that much
[08:57:53] But like
[08:57:56] He will lose a lot of his like core fan base that are liberals or leftists. We're like what the fuck's going on
[08:58:01] But it is really it is really shitty
[08:58:07] It is really really shitty I mean it happened in Nick Merck's
[08:58:12] Like look at Nick Merck's bro. I we talked about it. Look at Nick Merck's used to play fucking cod
[08:58:17] And now he's over here doing like the latest and greatest in fucking trans content
[08:58:22] Let's watch a Nick Merzbitt. Please. I don't want to watch it on my own. I know chat doesn't either
[08:58:45] Then why are we watching it even if those parasites accept you they won't accept you exactly that's the other part of it
[08:58:53] They will inevitably move on when the drama runs dry or when they feel like you can be in the crosshairs too
[08:58:59] Because for a lot of these people, they're not like real fans or whatever you are there. They're just there for the blood
[08:59:07] Okay, they're there for the drama. They're there for the bloodshed. They're not there for the unique content that you're presenting now
[08:59:13] Now many people might say that for me as well, okay?
[08:59:15] And for those people I say, that's not what I'm about.
[08:59:20] I have a very open personal political viewpoint
[08:59:24] and I talk about that pretty openly
[08:59:27] and have since day fucking one.
[08:59:30] Anyway, I'm gonna run the last Freeman outbreak here.
[08:59:36] My goal is to do more content
[08:59:39] and more coverage beyond just like politics,
[08:59:43] but obviously in politics season
[08:59:44] as we're in it currently,
[08:59:46] I'm gonna be covering politics.
[08:59:48] And I'm, you know, I'm gonna give you also good news.
[08:59:52] Friday, I'm gonna have killer Kate Amina,
[08:59:55] Mee Young and Valkyrie.
[08:59:59] If she says yes, Mee Young has said yes already
[09:00:01] to do one piece card unboxings on the stream.
[09:00:06] uh me and got me the one piece cards i'm gonna be opening them on friday with them so get excited
[09:00:14] for that as well and we love you all and i will see you tomorrow ladies and gentlemen you already
[09:00:21] know baby peace