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07-21-2024 · 8h 48m

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[00:00:00] 🎵 so so so
[00:03:19] you so so so so. so so so so so so so so so.. so so so so so so so so so you. so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so
[00:08:47] you so so. Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president.
[00:08:50] But it makes you not qualified for the presidency.
[00:08:53] Number one...
[00:10:11] First question! Are you fucking kidding me? It's the first question! so first president trump. so and now very I'm so close to that big group. You gotta worry about it.
[00:10:16] Vice President Trump. Vice President Trump. Oh! so so are you Oh
[00:11:21] That's a megaphone. No matter where you are in the world, I'm a soundbiker. And this is our broadcast coming to you live from sunny California, Los Angeles folks were alive and alive.
[00:11:24] And I hope all the boys, girls, and enbies are having a fantastic moment because today's a beautiful day.
[00:11:25] Today's a wonderful day.
[00:11:27] Today is Sunday. And normally I would be giving you
[00:11:29] a little bit of my
[00:11:30] personal news about what's going on in the world
[00:11:32] of Hasan Asanami Piker, but at this
[00:11:35] part of the broadcast, but unfortunately I feel like there's something a little bit more pressing than that.
[00:11:46] I don't know. I feel like there's something going on there's
[00:11:49] something in the air
[00:11:53] ladies and gentlemen
[00:11:56] the 46th president of the United States of America, Joseph Robinette Biden.
[00:12:08] On this beautiful Sunday, on July 21st, 2024... 2024
[00:12:45] has chosen to drop out of the race so That's right.
[00:12:48] I fucking told you.
[00:12:51] I told you this shit would happen.
[00:12:55] I told you for months at this point.
[00:13:05] I told you this shit at a time when these pants would actually fit a lot better now they're falling off my goddamn ass
[00:13:19] It's fucking jover ladies and gentlemen boys girls and enbies it is Jover I said our fucking eyeliner on my face because I was at a goddamn trailer shoot it'say fun day baby Go ahead, spam filters off
[00:13:51] Spam filters off.
[00:13:57] Spam till your heart's content.
[00:14:03] Woo!
[00:14:06] God damn it.
[00:14:09] It's fucking coconut time, bitch.
[00:14:14] It's coconut time, ladies and gentlemen.
[00:14:16] You already know Joseph Robinette Bryden has officially dropped out of the race
[00:14:21] and as I told you he would endorsed Kamala Harris
[00:14:25] and for that
[00:14:27] because this is a
[00:14:29] I don't know if you're new here or not
[00:14:30] but because this is a
[00:14:31] very political community
[00:14:33] I have something
[00:14:35] for that as well
[00:14:35] I have
[00:14:37] a song for kamala harris's vice presidency as well we knew
[00:14:44] that this was coming a long time ago that's right ladies and gentlemen kamala harris is now very likely to be the official
[00:14:52] candidate the official presidential candidate for the 2024 democratic Party ticket. the holy navy training themselves so that they can destroy
[00:15:11] the mega signals and if there is one force to be reckoned with
[00:15:14] on the internet within the democratic party's constituencies
[00:15:19] it is the motherfucking K-Hype. We did it, Joe!
[00:15:39] We did it, Joe!
[00:15:43] It goes close. We did it, Joe! Take those balls to the fucking wall.
[00:15:50] That's right!
[00:15:53] Fuck all the haters, fuck all the non-believers.
[00:15:57] It's coconut time.
[00:15:59] It's mamala time baby.
[00:16:03] Wooo! baby. Woo!
[00:16:14] She's working with the deep state
[00:16:17] Come, come, come
[00:16:18] More like
[00:16:20] She wants to make you never come again
[00:16:23] But not in a puritanical, depian way but in a weird freak-like liberal kind of way Welcome to the Comso! so Ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls, and enbies.
[00:17:07] Welcome to the Come Zone.
[00:17:09] Welcome to the Hasanabi Broadcast.
[00:17:12] Kamala Harris wants
[00:17:13] to vaccinate your children.
[00:17:15] That is a song by Satch,
[00:17:17] another community member that was made approximately four years ago on September 25th 2020.
[00:17:25] Gearing up for this moment...
[00:17:28] And then QAnon Republicans are like WTF! this moment.
[00:17:33] Is it Jover dot com says, It is 100%
[00:17:35] Jover, ladies and gentlemen.
[00:17:38] That's right. We're going to get right into it, okay?
[00:17:40] Folks, no personal news time with the exception of one thing.
[00:17:43] So you might be wondering...
[00:17:45] Oh fuck, I just stabbed myself.
[00:17:47] You might be wondering, Hasan,
[00:17:49] um, you're a little bit late I mean this is
[00:17:51] a pretty significant moment in American political history like how are
[00:17:54] you not immediately on it? Like why were you not covering it ahead of time? You
[00:17:58] said if he drops out, he's probably going to drop out on Sunday.
[00:18:01] If he drops out, he's probably going to drop out on Sunday
[00:18:03] for fucking a long-ass time, right?
[00:18:06] And you were saying all that
[00:18:07] and that's because...
[00:18:18] ... that's because I knew it was going to happen,
[00:18:19] but I had other obligations to Twitch.
[00:18:27] We were actually setting up a really sick trailer for a debate, like first show. Like a secret show that we're doing which you guys will I hope enjoy.
[00:18:32] That's not out yet obviously and the trailer i was like listen guys
[00:18:35] we pushed it back because last week trump got shot it was supposed to be we were supposed to
[00:18:40] shoot the trailer last week and then um trump got shot, so I was like,
[00:18:44] I'm not doing this. Obviously, I can't do the trailer
[00:18:46] tomorrow.
[00:18:47] Then they were like, okay, we'll push it to
[00:18:50] next week. And I was like, okay, well,
[00:18:52] next week, leading up to this, leading
[00:18:55] up to this shoot. I was like, I know that Joe Biden is
[00:18:59] going to drop out on Sunday guys and they're like no you don't know that come on. I was like no
[00:19:03] he's going to drop out on sunday
[00:19:05] like i'm telling you right now i'm telling you right now
[00:19:10] i can't i can't be there like they were Oh, we set up a green screen for you.
[00:19:15] I'm like,
[00:19:15] you don't understand.
[00:19:16] I'm going to be fucking live
[00:19:17] for like eight hours minimum,
[00:19:19] possibly 12 after this.
[00:19:21] So they were like,
[00:19:24] they were,
[00:19:25] they were literally like, uh, they were literally
[00:19:26] like,
[00:19:27] uh,
[00:19:27] sure.
[00:19:28] Whatever.
[00:19:29] Um,
[00:19:30] we'll figure it out.
[00:19:31] I was just like,
[00:19:31] Nope,
[00:19:32] no big dog.
[00:19:33] As soon as I found
[00:19:34] out March went,
[00:19:35] Oh no,
[00:19:35] I was putting on
[00:19:36] my fucking stupid ass emo
[00:19:37] makeup on. Okay?
[00:19:39] Having a grand old time
[00:19:41] not having a care in the
[00:19:43] goddamn world. Okay?
[00:19:46] And
[00:19:46] March who's also helping produce the show points to me and goes, Oh no. And I got
[00:19:53] the first text message from Austin. As a matter of fact.
[00:19:58] Austin Show was the first person to actually text me,
[00:20:02] it's Jovert.
[00:20:03] And from that moment on,
[00:20:05] it was like, all right,
[00:20:06] I got the fucking emo shit on me. I'm not gonna put this on
[00:20:09] ever again and I want to put it on ever again.
[00:20:11] Let's just take this shot. So we
[00:20:13] did the... We filled out that
[00:20:15] but there was like eight other fucking...
[00:20:17] There was like eight other things going on okay and i i basically
[00:20:26] i i was like i'm done i'm going i grabbed k, put her in the car, drove back.
[00:20:32] I had to piss myself so bad.
[00:20:34] I had to pee so bad on the drive back.
[00:20:38] I had to pee so fucking bad.
[00:20:40] I pull up to my driveway,
[00:20:42] the gate is not opening fast enough.
[00:20:43] I'm like fuck this.
[00:20:45] I get out of the car,
[00:20:46] I run into the house,
[00:20:47] I try to unlock my door.
[00:20:49] I can't unlock my door,
[00:20:51] I pissed in my front yard.
[00:20:56] That's how bad
[00:20:57] my situation was.
[00:21:01] Yeah, that's what I did to 83,000 Yeah.
[00:21:02] That's what I did to 83,000 people that had just came in.
[00:21:06] You get your political commentary from a dude who,
[00:21:08] uh,
[00:21:09] I mean it was in the grass,
[00:21:10] so it's fine.
[00:21:11] And Kaya was also peeing in the front yard anyway so i was like you know
[00:21:14] what this is some alpha dog shit i'm so hot right now i was like you know what kya this
[00:21:19] is how you're supposed to do it okay i taught her the way i taught her how to do it. Okay? I taught her the way, I taught her how
[00:21:24] to do it and I did
[00:21:26] that's the level of dedication that you get for me
[00:21:28] Hasan Hassan Avi Piker ain't nobody
[00:21:30] else out here doing it the way I'm
[00:21:32] doing it
[00:21:32] No, that's not the caprice on poppy is wrong
[00:21:38] that's not what i found out i wasn't in this outfit at that point but it's funny regardless
[00:21:42] but funny regardless, but I'm not joking
[00:21:48] when I tell you.
[00:21:49] Like, I posted on my TikTok
[00:21:50] I was like, oh yeah, we'll post this
[00:21:53] TikTok. We'll post this fucking TikTokck we'll post this fucking tick-tock first like
[00:21:56] we got a bunch of these cool ass outfits i'm gonna get to the news in a second by
[00:22:00] the way obviously right after this holy what's happening here
[00:22:05] i was like oh we're wearing these cool ass outfits let's like
[00:22:08] let's do a tick tock with all the each individual office right
[00:22:12] so we posted the first outfit like i shot in the first outfit.
[00:22:21] We're in the middle of our second shoot right now,
[00:22:24] and Joe Biden has officially chosen to drop out.
[00:22:26] So I am going to be rushing home and I'll be live in approximately
[00:22:28] 30 minutes.
[00:22:31] I knew this was gonna fucking happen.
[00:22:39] That's real! That's real that's actually
[00:22:40] real
[00:22:40] we were in the
[00:22:41] middle of a
[00:22:42] shoot
[00:22:42] We were in
[00:22:45] the middle
[00:22:45] of a fucking
[00:22:45] shoot
[00:22:46] and that's
[00:22:47] actually what
[00:22:47] happened to me
[00:22:48] in in real life.
[00:22:50] I had an opportunity,
[00:22:51] I was like do I actually drive back home
[00:22:53] in this fucking emo gear?
[00:22:55] Or yeah,
[00:22:56] I know I called it earlier today.
[00:22:58] Of course I called it earlier today. Of course I called it earlier today.
[00:23:00] I'm shooting a show today for Twitch
[00:23:01] so I most likely won't be live.
[00:23:03] Biden, you better not drop out yet.
[00:23:06] Yeah, but of course,
[00:23:08] that was like in the midst of... But, you know, of course. Of course.
[00:23:13] That was like in the midst of... I'm shooting a trailer today for Twitch.
[00:23:15] Most likely someone made sure he's okay.
[00:23:18] No, I didn't.
[00:23:19] I'm here.
[00:23:29] Are you playing a blue haired liberal in the show?
[00:23:33] I'm playing a blue haired liberal and a fucking red blooded patriot. But yeah, this is the expectation.
[00:23:36] I am such a messy bitch that like of course campaign is canceled cancelled I need some time
[00:23:43] to relax and bounce on dick
[00:23:44] I'll announce Kamala when I feel like it
[00:23:47] whoo
[00:23:49] remember what I fucking told you guys
[00:23:51] I said this is the most boring election cycle but
[00:23:55] overnight it has the capacity to become the most interesting election cycle we're there
[00:24:00] we're officially there. This is now
[00:24:04] officially become
[00:24:06] a historic run.
[00:24:08] It went from a fucking rerun
[00:24:10] between a cadaver and a convict,
[00:24:12] both people that Americans were tired of
[00:24:15] on both sides,
[00:24:17] regardless of policy. People were just like
[00:24:19] on vibes alone. They're like, bro, I don't fucking
[00:24:21] care about this. I don't want to fucking
[00:24:23] dial into this. I don't give a shit about this at all.
[00:24:25] And then overnight, guys, seven days ago, Donald Trump, 45th president of the united states of america donald john
[00:24:38] trump got shot in the ear at a butler pennsylvania
[00:24:44] rally that was seven days ago!
[00:24:47] It feels like eight lifetimes
[00:24:49] ago, that shit
[00:24:50] happened only seven
[00:24:53] days ago! Think about that!
[00:24:58] The Think about that. The writers woke the fuck up.
[00:25:01] They thought, you know what?
[00:25:02] We gave the NBA a goddamn dud.
[00:25:05] No seven game final basically fucking blew out
[00:25:09] the entirety of the Mavericks
[00:25:10] so they were like we gotta
[00:25:11] turns out it's because
[00:25:13] they were writing this script
[00:25:15] for this shit dude
[00:25:16] they literally gave nothing
[00:25:19] to the NBA final script
[00:25:20] so they gave it all
[00:25:22] to the fucking election cycle!
[00:25:27] Here's my main man Vladimir Ilyich Lenin likes to say, there are decades where nothing happens and then there are weeks where decades happen. We are in the week where decades are happening.
[00:25:40] We are now officially in that week, okay?
[00:25:45] We were in that week last week. We're in that week this
[00:25:48] week. It hasn't stopped being the week.
[00:25:54] You have to see this? There are days where decades happen. Those
[00:25:59] are the days Hasan doesn't stream. There are decades
[00:26:01] where days happen. Those are the days Hasan does
[00:26:03] stream. I mean, it's just
[00:26:05] like...
[00:26:06] Dude, being
[00:26:09] out there in fucking downtown Los Angeles as a goddamn shoot with full
[00:26:14] emo gear on,
[00:26:15] on my fucking face.
[00:26:16] Like it feels like you're getting caught with your dick out.
[00:26:19] You know what I mean?
[00:26:21] It's like, how is that
[00:26:23] even possible? Anyway
[00:26:24] That's besides the point. We're done
[00:26:27] with my shitty
[00:26:28] drama. Not even drama really but
[00:26:31] like my own silliness.
[00:26:33] We are getting into...
[00:26:35] We are getting into the news.
[00:26:40] All right.
[00:26:40] I'm just going to see what the fuck is going on.
[00:26:42] I don't want to watch MSNBC
[00:26:44] because I don't want to, I don't want
[00:26:45] to watch people who are suicidal and
[00:26:47] I don't want to watch Fox news
[00:26:49] because I don't want to watch
[00:26:50] people masturbating because I feel
[00:26:52] like both are, you know, a violation of terms of service.
[00:26:55] So I'm just going to go right down the middle.
[00:26:57] Clinton News Network, we're going...
[00:27:00] Clinton News Network,
[00:27:01] we're going right down the middle.
[00:27:03] CNN, let's see what's happening.
[00:27:05] President Biden and the campaign running in full force
[00:27:08] until the moment that he wasn't.
[00:27:10] You know, there was no real way for you to run
[00:27:13] for president 50%.
[00:27:14] There's no way for you to sort for president 50%.
[00:27:15] There's no way for you to sort of half be a candidate.
[00:27:18] And I think that is,
[00:27:19] no,
[00:27:20] you can't do this.
[00:27:21] We can't do this.
[00:27:22] We can't,
[00:27:22] I can't look at it.
[00:27:23] I cannot look at Rachel Maddow right now.
[00:27:25] I don't want to see listen dude listen i don't
[00:27:28] want to see i don't want to see someone on the brink she's on the brink big dog
[00:27:34] look at her look at her she's on the brink step away from the ledge rachel don't
[00:27:41] do it rachel it's okay rachel is gonna be all right it's gonna be all right, don't do it!
[00:27:51] She's sitting... she's like bathtub toaster that she gets the call
[00:27:56] she's like fuck it I have to go in for a little bit.
[00:27:58] We're postponing it
[00:27:59] for like five minutes.
[00:28:01] Let's get to Kamala Harris
[00:28:03] or not Kamala Harris.
[00:28:04] About how exactly this race
[00:28:06] is going to unfold
[00:28:07] in the coming days and weeks. to talk about in a little bit
[00:28:08] because it was really important
[00:28:09] for us to hear how exactly this
[00:28:11] race is going to unfold in the
[00:28:13] coming days and weeks, We are
[00:28:14] obviously in a really
[00:28:16] unprecedented situation but it
[00:28:17] was important for a lot of
[00:28:18] people in the Democratic Party to hear the words coming THE PRESIDENT'S MOUTH THAT IN HIS EYES, THE PERSON THAT NEEDS
[00:28:24] DEPUTY.
[00:28:29] ROLE OF THE PRESIDENCY ON DAY ONE AND HE WILL DO SO that he chose is the person who he said could take on the role
[00:28:31] of the presidency on day one.
[00:28:33] I was just talking to campaign
[00:28:34] coacher Cedric Richmond, and
[00:28:36] he said there's no question
[00:28:37] about it.
[00:28:37] This is an example of President
[00:28:39] Biden doing the right thing.
[00:28:41] And he said he was really glad to hear
[00:28:43] the president coming out
[00:28:44] to publicly endorse Kamala Harris
[00:28:46] and that the campaign is going to be behind her,
[00:28:49] but sort of the machinations
[00:28:50] of exactly how the campaign is going to
[00:28:52] transition over to making
[00:28:54] that sort of the campaign's
[00:28:56] operation in the coming
[00:28:58] days. Obviously all of those things need
[00:29:00] to get figured out, but look I think if there was a scenario where the president...
[00:29:03] Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro.
[00:29:05] Immediately they're switching up the narrative so fast.
[00:29:07] I told you.
[00:29:08] But car sellers, Kamala is running against
[00:29:10] the oldest nominee for President
[00:29:11] of the United States in american history i mean
[00:29:12] the man is nearly 80 years old and so the question is can he serve another four years
[00:29:16] i'm not sure he can now every single one of these
[00:29:19] indecent straight up or like, Joe's not old.
[00:29:24] How dare you say that? Every single
[00:29:26] one. What did I tell you?
[00:29:28] I told you there's no fucking Biden
[00:29:30] or Bustin' his goddamn party! They're all
[00:29:32] just fucking ruthless machine politicians
[00:29:34] with bad fucking instincts.
[00:29:37] It didn't even take 30 seconds for these
[00:29:39] motherfuckers to switch up.
[00:29:40] They were trying to fucking gaslight us.
[00:29:42] Joe Biden is not going to drop out. You're out of your mind.
[00:29:45] He's actually sharp as a tack, okay?
[00:29:48] He's actually sharp as a tack.
[00:29:49] The moment that they fucking switch it up
[00:29:51] what did I tell you? You think Harry
[00:29:53] Sasson is gonna be out thereon is going to be out there?
[00:29:56] He's going to be out there being like, yeah
[00:29:58] actually I'm a Biden dead ender. Sorry,
[00:30:00] Biden or bus for me. I wanted a candidate
[00:30:02] that's like 800 years old, you know
[00:30:04] Kamala's too young, too vibrant You think that's what they were gonna say there
[00:30:07] are people in this community that were trying to tell me hassan biden is actually really popular
[00:30:13] in certain demographics and that the media or uh aspects of Democratic Party are really riding
[00:30:19] with Biden.
[00:30:19] Like, no, they're not.
[00:30:20] They're just careerist pieces of shit who did not make the right calculation.
[00:30:25] Okay?
[00:30:26] Vindication after vindication. Put some respect
[00:30:28] on it. Obviously put some
[00:30:30] respect on Uncle Jink
[00:30:32] too who's been fucking
[00:30:34] dialed in on this issue
[00:30:35] for months at this point. People made fun of him, not me
[00:30:39] of course, I'm riding with Cenk as always
[00:30:41] but he was right
[00:30:43] 100%. He was right from the jump
[00:30:45] 2024 is 2024
[00:30:49] is the year of Hasanabi vindication
[00:30:52] so far
[00:30:53] anyway
[00:30:56] but I can't be
[00:30:58] the only one who's a Biden dead ender.
[00:31:00] I lied this entire time as an obvious political commentator,
[00:31:04] as an unbiased political journalist,
[00:31:06] political commentator.
[00:31:07] I always try to tell you not what I think, but what the public wants
[00:31:10] to hear.
[00:31:11] And for that reason,
[00:31:13] I must reluctantly tell
[00:31:14] you that I will not be voting
[00:31:15] for Kamala Harris because
[00:31:16] I was riding with Biden.
[00:31:18] I'm the only one in America
[00:31:19] in the United States of America that was actually like, I'm the only one in America, in the United States of America,
[00:31:21] that was actually like
[00:31:22] I need the 800-year-old carcass.
[00:31:25] Okay?
[00:31:26] I need him.
[00:31:27] I need him in my veins.
[00:31:29] I need him.
[00:31:31] Just kidding. of course not
[00:31:33] because I'm not a fucking idiot!
[00:31:34] All right, holy shit.
[00:31:36] All right, let's continue.
[00:31:38] Let's see what Bakari Sellers
[00:31:39] who was selling us the idea that Joe Biden is fine not that long ago.
[00:31:43] What is he saying now?
[00:31:45] I'm going to be on the phone tonight calling delegates,
[00:31:47] getting them, whipping them up, trying to get them on board for Congress.
[00:31:50] I don't think that's going to be a difficult task
[00:31:53] anything else the vice president where is jamie harrison
[00:31:57] where is jamie harrison bring him to me now
[00:32:01] 100 million dollars lost in front of Lindsey fucking
[00:32:04] Graham. Then the Democratic Party
[00:32:06] put you on the DNC chair.
[00:32:08] Where is he? Where are you?
[00:32:11] What happened?
[00:32:12] I don't want Bakari. I want Jamie.
[00:32:14] I wanna see his piece of shit.
[00:32:16] I wanna see that piece of shit on television,
[00:32:18] on the front lines going...
[00:32:20] Yeah, everything I lied about for the past fucking like six months
[00:32:24] is actually... I was just lying.
[00:32:28] What are we doing?
[00:32:30] We put a motherfucker who does not know anything
[00:32:33] about campaigning who got absolutely
[00:32:36] bodied by Lindsey Graham, an
[00:32:38] in-the-closet gay man in the fucking
[00:32:40] deep south
[00:32:41] who is one of the least popular politicians
[00:32:44] in Congress.
[00:32:46] Jamie Harrison dumped $100 million into that race,
[00:32:49] got fucking comstered
[00:32:50] and then
[00:32:51] what did the Democratic Party do?
[00:32:55] The Democratic Party went, you know what, Jamie? You you know what Jamie you're the goat
[00:32:58] you're the goat you you lost gracefully so you you should leave the DNC oh my God and
[00:33:06] what did Jamie Harrison do for For those of you who are,
[00:33:08] just tuning in and those of you who are wondering what the fuck's going on,
[00:33:12] Joe Biden has dropped out.
[00:33:14] But these characters that I'm pointing to right now
[00:33:17] are the characters within the Democratic Party
[00:33:19] who just kept telling us
[00:33:20] a lie. Something that we can
[00:33:23] see with our own two fucking eyes. I've been saying this
[00:33:25] since 2019.
[00:33:27] Since 2019 I said Joe Biden is since 2019
[00:33:28] I said Joe Biden has lost his fucking step
[00:33:32] he is not the Joe Biden
[00:33:34] that would have won in 2016
[00:33:36] he is not the right person
[00:33:38] for this fucking party.
[00:33:39] In 2019, I said that obviously I was biased.
[00:33:41] I'm a Bernie bro.
[00:33:43] I was a Bernier buster.
[00:33:44] I was busting.
[00:33:46] I was busting for Bernie pretty fucking hard.
[00:33:48] That was one of the reasons,
[00:33:50] but there was a very valid reason not to put Joe because he was going
[00:33:54] to drop the incumbent advantage come 2024,
[00:33:59] because he was too fucking old in 2019
[00:34:01] people knew he was old in 2019
[00:34:03] but the media gaslit us, the media kept
[00:34:05] telling us no this 85 year old
[00:34:07] man, this 800 year old demon
[00:34:09] is actually running on the best adrenochrome
[00:34:13] you've ever done seen. He's perfectly
[00:34:15] fine. Nothing is wrong, and then
[00:34:16] 50 million people watched
[00:34:19] Joe Biden
[00:34:20] look like all of our collective grandparents.
[00:34:24] Okay?
[00:34:26] 50 million Americans watch the president
[00:34:29] of the United States of America
[00:34:30] basically play the role
[00:34:33] of grandpa that's unfortunately, you know, lost not only his step
[00:34:38] but his mental fucking faculties.
[00:34:41] And then after that debate where 50 million people watched,
[00:34:46] 50 million Americans watched Joe Biden fail to demonstrate basic competency
[00:34:51] for weeks.
[00:34:53] If not an entire month, I don't even know my confidence. for weeks,
[00:34:55] if not an entire month.
[00:34:58] I don't even know my concept of time is so out of whack at this point because like I said,
[00:35:00] seven days ago Donald Trump was shot and it feels like a lifetime ago,
[00:35:02] but I think it was a month ago.
[00:35:05] For an entire month, we played this song and dance on television with donors
[00:35:11] where all of the family members of Joe Biden were basically saying, come on grandpa.
[00:35:17] You can't drive no more.
[00:35:19] We have to take the car keys away from you, grandpa.
[00:35:22] We have to.
[00:35:23] And he stood by and said, fuck now I'm driving this
[00:35:27] goddamn car. If you can't drive a vehicle, you can't drive a
[00:35:31] nuclear submarine as the commander in chief one number
[00:35:35] two, The only people in Joe Biden's orbit
[00:35:38] that obviously wanted him to stay in the race
[00:35:39] was like Hunter fucking Biden
[00:35:41] and his immediate family members
[00:35:43] and like eight people in the Progressive Caucus.
[00:35:45] That's it.
[00:35:46] And Joe Scarborough, never forget. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, Jamie Harrison, the DNC chair Bakari Sellers and a couple select few members were the people that were like no Joe is good I'm Joe's good. I'm riding with him.
[00:35:58] I'm riding with Biden behaving like Biden dead enders as though they
[00:36:02] would, as though he was the best possible choice here.
[00:36:06] Oh my God. oh my god
[00:36:16] and it was wild i felt like i was going crazy a couple years down the line we are gonna look back at this this moment and go remember when the president's inner
[00:36:22] circle, Jill Biden
[00:36:24] his wife and his children
[00:36:26] one of which is literally a
[00:36:28] convicted felon and like a person who very famously has more pictures doing crack than sober.
[00:36:36] Okay, those were the guys who are like you have to stay in this race honey. you have to stay in this race, honey.
[00:36:41] You have to stay in this race.
[00:36:43] When the entire country was like, what are
[00:36:45] you doing? 67%
[00:36:47] of Democratic Party voters were like, we
[00:36:49] have to swap Joe out. out 67 70 plus percent of the entire country
[00:36:54] 70 of independence
[00:36:57] the entire nation was like what are we doing but the fuck are we doing so yeah
[00:37:06] I will be taking a fucking victory lap on this day and I will not be nice about
[00:37:10] it oh my lord will not be nice about it. Oh my Lord, you should have known.
[00:37:17] You should've know when Hillary Clinton came out.
[00:37:20] Okay.
[00:37:21] Like three, four days ago and said no Biden should stay in the race.
[00:37:27] Listen I get it you feel like you deserve to be the president
[00:37:34] You felt like it was your time in 2016
[00:37:37] and you got ritualistically humiliated
[00:37:39] and refused to learn
[00:37:40] any lessons from that humiliation
[00:37:43] And then, you stuck to it, and now
[00:37:46] it sucks because
[00:37:47] there's another woman.
[00:37:49] There's another woman with a likelihood of possibly
[00:37:51] winning the presidency as a matter of fact.
[00:37:54] And those words are never going to be
[00:37:56] Madam President
[00:37:58] Clinton.
[00:37:59] If it happens, it's going to be
[00:38:01] Madam President
[00:38:02] Harris. It's going to be Mamala Harris and that probably Harris it's gonna be
[00:38:06] Mamala Harris
[00:38:06] and that probably
[00:38:08] that probably
[00:38:10] just
[00:38:11] stings you
[00:38:12] right in the
[00:38:13] fucking heart
[00:38:14] every time
[00:38:15] you think about
[00:38:16] that
[00:38:16] you're like
[00:38:16] ahhh and you deserve, and you're like,
[00:38:16] ah!
[00:38:19] And you deserve it because you're a bad person.
[00:38:20] Hillary Rodham Clinton,
[00:38:21] you are a bad person.
[00:38:26] You brought Donald Trump upon this nation for four fucking years.
[00:38:28] Your incompetence, you and you alone, and all of those
[00:38:30] in your immediate fucking circle is responsible
[00:38:32] for Donald Trump. They did the Pied Piper strategy
[00:38:34] they propped up Donald Trump
[00:38:36] they said Donald Trump would be the best possible person to run against,
[00:38:40] and Donald Trump defeated you.
[00:38:43] Your instincts were so bad.
[00:38:45] You're like Wisconsin.
[00:38:45] I don't need to go there.
[00:38:46] Why the fuck would I go there?
[00:38:47] You know what I mean?
[00:38:48] A blue wall my ass.
[00:38:50] And for a moment
[00:38:51] I thought this was a rerun,
[00:38:53] that this election cycle was seemingly
[00:38:55] a rerun. Bad candidate
[00:38:57] that many people are not enthusiastic about going up against an unknown entity in
[00:39:03] 2016, but a known entity now for better or for worse.
[00:39:07] And I will get into that in a second. But I told you, this is not
[00:39:11] a 2020 rerun, this is a 2016
[00:39:13] rerun. We have a person who's
[00:39:15] gripping on
[00:39:16] when everyone else is reading the
[00:39:19] fucking room and recognizing that this situation
[00:39:22] is untenable. This is not good.
[00:39:23] It's not good at all
[00:39:26] that he
[00:39:28] is going to most likely lose
[00:39:30] to Donald Trump.
[00:39:32] Okay?
[00:39:34] Huh.
[00:39:37] Here's the
[00:39:38] DNC chair,
[00:39:41] Jamie Harrison
[00:39:42] only
[00:39:44] 48
[00:39:47] hours ago what a difference
[00:39:48] 28 hour uh 48 hours
[00:39:51] makes we'll see oh we'll fucking see baby we'll see what kind of difference that
[00:39:55] makes don't won't we let's see what he had to say actually you know what let me let me do up
[00:40:01] let me be ruthless today let me be a piece of shit.
[00:40:03] Let's see what he had to say.
[00:40:04] He said, just in case you didn't know, I'm still riding with Biden 2024.
[00:40:09] The polls that are most important to me is when I hit the ground and I
[00:40:12] interact with folks, look at the crowd that Joe Biden
[00:40:15] talked to at the NAACP.
[00:40:17] Can you imagine bringing up crowds when you're Joe Biden and you're running against Donald
[00:40:23] Trump?
[00:40:25] Joe Biden never,
[00:40:28] never in a million fucking years
[00:40:31] had the same level of fandom as Donald Trump.
[00:40:34] He did not
[00:40:34] and he never did throughout his entire political
[00:40:36] career, okay? And he
[00:40:38] did not when he was the Vice President that was for
[00:40:40] Obama and he did not when
[00:40:42] he was the President, okay?
[00:40:44] And he is the president still.
[00:40:46] The idea that you would ever bring up
[00:40:49] something that Trump is objectively good at,
[00:40:51] which is no metric of success anyway
[00:40:52] because Trump drew significantly larger crowds
[00:40:55] in the 2020 election and still lost to Joe Biden,
[00:40:57] the idea that you would bring that up
[00:41:00] when you're running against Trump is so fucking stupid.
[00:41:03] Because
[00:41:03] the reality is
[00:41:06] 67% of Democrats said that they were voting against Trump.
[00:41:11] They were not voting for Biden, whereas 60% of Republicans say
[00:41:15] they are voting for Trump.
[00:41:17] That's the difference, okay?
[00:41:21] That's the difference.
[00:41:22] So for him to be like, oh, he draws a lot of crowds,
[00:41:24] who are you lying to, man?
[00:41:27] Who the fuck are you lying to? These are folks
[00:41:30] who are leaders, black leaders
[00:41:32] in communities across this country
[00:41:33] And then bringing this up, 52% of
[00:41:35] black voters in the Democratic Party said that
[00:41:37] they want to replace Joe Biden, that they said he was not
[00:41:40] confident enough to be president even. That's
[00:41:42] also bullshit. It is 100%
[00:41:45] a cynical weaponization of
[00:41:46] identity which Democrats love to do
[00:41:48] They love to do it. They did it
[00:41:50] to Bernie and they were doing
[00:41:51] it to keep Biden in the race.
[00:41:54] Biden is not black. Kamala
[00:41:57] Harris is fuck you mean
[00:41:59] black people want Biden?
[00:42:01] What a ridiculous fucking
[00:42:03] statement!
[00:42:05] Like, they were literally gaslighting
[00:42:07] in the worst ways possible. They were like...
[00:42:10] They were literally like, yeah like yeah no black people want Biden
[00:42:12] so you're fucking racist because you say
[00:42:14] no a black woman should be the
[00:42:16] presidential candidate like you're a racist actually
[00:42:18] and it doesn't even
[00:42:20] fucking matter what Kamala's background or identity is in this circumstance.
[00:42:23] I'm just simply saying that, like,
[00:42:25] It was that ridiculous that they were
[00:42:27] Just acting as though
[00:42:29] The vice president
[00:42:30] Which is chosen
[00:42:32] As the vice president which is chosen,
[00:42:34] which is chosen as a replacement for the president
[00:42:39] was not good enough.
[00:42:42] But what do you expect from Biden
[00:42:44] who literally
[00:42:45] openly said, oh no
[00:42:48] I'm picking a VP not because of their
[00:42:50] background or anything
[00:42:52] but because she's a black woman. He said that
[00:42:54] he said that with Katonji Brown Jackson
[00:42:56] who I actually like the time you brown
[00:42:58] Jackson is the only
[00:43:00] the only defense attorney, the only public
[00:43:03] attorney. Okay,
[00:43:05] that has ever sat in the fucking Supreme Court of the United States.
[00:43:07] She had qualifications out
[00:43:09] the ass. She is a better representation
[00:43:11] of the American public in terms
[00:43:13] of the Supreme Courts of the United States justices than anyone else.
[00:43:18] And they literally cut that
[00:43:20] in this most cynical way by being like,
[00:43:22] well we put a black woman!
[00:43:24] We put a black woman on the supreme court it's like so gross leaning into
[00:43:29] to leaning in to the worst instincts of their the leaning into the worst messaging from the Republican Party.
[00:43:38] Okay?
[00:43:43] Oh, no! They went private.
[00:43:45] The Biden accomplishments guy.
[00:43:47] What about Biden's wins?
[00:43:50] What about Biden's wins?
[00:43:52] It's so funny how the moment the money stops coming from the donors,
[00:43:54] they switch on Biden.
[00:43:56] Listen.
[00:43:59] Listen buddy.
[00:44:02] It wasn't just the donors,
[00:44:04] but unfortunately for all of us,
[00:44:07] the only way to get these fucking assholes to do anything is through the donors.
[00:44:08] Okay. Is Harry Sasson okay?
[00:44:10] Of course he's okay! He's gonna be
[00:44:11] the most loyal
[00:44:13] fedayeen for Kamala Harris.
[00:44:15] A lot of these guys who
[00:44:17] openly said, no, no, no, I'm riding with Biden. You
[00:44:20] are wrong. They're all going to
[00:44:22] immediately turn around and of course
[00:44:24] endorse Kamala Harris.
[00:44:25] They're going to advocate for Kamala Harris.
[00:44:30] Of for Kamala Harris. Okay?
[00:44:33] Of course they are because they're, you know,
[00:44:34] they want to be
[00:44:36] party loyalists.
[00:44:39] I told you no one in this goddamn nation
[00:44:41] was going, I'm voting for Biden
[00:44:43] because I like Biden and
[00:44:45] Biden alone. He's so charismatic.
[00:44:47] I love his policies.
[00:44:49] I love his legislative agenda. No one was doing that. That is precisely the reason
[00:44:55] why Biden was actually getting out-competed with down ballot candidates.
[00:45:03] In key states, he has to win Arizona, Nevada, Georgia even
[00:45:10] like everywhere in the country, Biden was
[00:45:13] getting outperformed by
[00:45:15] fucking Amy Klobuchar!
[00:45:18] Okay?
[00:45:20] By like 10 points.
[00:45:23] You were jerking out Biden four years ago,
[00:45:26] Keck Leo,
[00:45:26] Keck Leo.
[00:45:27] That's such a funny thing to say because there has never been a moment where I
[00:45:32] have ever fucking given this dude even
[00:45:35] an ounce of credit that he does not
[00:45:37] deserve. If we talk about the
[00:45:39] NLRB under the Biden regime,
[00:45:41] great. Okay? I've defended
[00:45:43] that. If we talk about actually pulling out of Afghanistan,
[00:45:46] That is brave.
[00:45:47] Okay.
[00:45:48] That was the right thing to do.
[00:45:49] I'll stand by that.
[00:45:51] But everything else,
[00:45:52] Especially in the lead up to the race and everything else post-the-race,
[00:45:55] he has gone
[00:45:56] back on.
[00:45:59] Don't be
[00:46:00] ridiculous.
[00:46:05] Anyway, do you have any guesses for who Harris will choose as Oh, anyway.
[00:46:06] Do you have any guesses for who Harris will choose as her VP?
[00:46:09] White man.
[00:46:10] One of the whitest men you can find, okay?
[00:46:13] One of the whitest, most straight men you can find okay not even like a little gay
[00:46:18] not even a little zesty
[00:46:23] like you can't even have someone you can't even have someone
[00:46:26] like maybe a little zesty. It just has to be
[00:46:28] like it's like a rerun. Barack Obama's perfect
[00:46:32] counter was like a racist goofy white guy Joe Biden. Kamala
[00:46:36] Harris' counter has to be like the driest white boy
[00:46:39] to ever do it.
[00:46:40] Okay?
[00:46:41] And I don't mean like Tim Kaine style white guy.
[00:46:43] I mean like an Andy Beshear or a Mark Kelly, that type of guy.
[00:46:50] Okay? If there's
[00:46:51] a cop dome that actually fucking works
[00:46:53] even better...
[00:46:55] Mark Kelly does have the cop dome.
[00:46:57] The
[00:46:58] cop phrenology.
[00:47:04] JB Pritzker is great
[00:47:05] but I don't think
[00:47:06] that'll be the case
[00:47:07] but I do love
[00:47:07] I like JB Pritzker.
[00:47:10] We need a tubby man.
[00:47:11] We need like
[00:47:11] a big rotund boy.
[00:47:12] We need to bring back
[00:47:13] big boys.
[00:47:16] I mean look at this bro
[00:47:17] draw dropped
[00:47:18] with his pick
[00:47:18] of Bashir's family.
[00:47:22] Bro they draw dropped at this pick up Bashir's family. Bro, they...
[00:47:23] That's what I'm talking about. Motherfucker looks
[00:47:25] related, dude.
[00:47:27] And I don't mean just with his parents.
[00:47:34] No, no.
[00:47:35] Bashir is actually pretty solid.
[00:47:38] That's a joke.
[00:47:39] Those are jokes.
[00:47:40] Those are jokes.
[00:47:41] Those are jokes. Okay? okay all right i need to sit down holy
[00:47:48] moly what a day not with the senior most out there
[00:47:53] warming his staff
[00:47:54] uh... that the decision
[00:47:55] i was made
[00:47:57] i also just want to know you know in the letter that he sent he said he is going
[00:48:00] to focus
[00:48:01] the rest of this term on making sure that he is finishing out
[00:48:05] the rest of the first term as well as he can and really focusing
[00:48:10] on doing the duties of the presidency. What he didn't say there-
[00:48:14] Do the right thing, Brandon!
[00:48:15] Cut all aid.
[00:48:18] Put BDS on the map, Brandon, do it.
[00:48:20] Netanyahu fucked you over.
[00:48:22] He fucked you over.
[00:48:23] You bear hugged him?
[00:48:23] He was a fake friend, okay?
[00:48:25] Take that phone call when he comes in
[00:48:27] to the American Congress. His
[00:48:29] arrest warrant should be out by then,
[00:48:32] okay?
[00:48:33] Coordinate with the ICC.
[00:48:37] Get that arrest warrant application to go through and then arrest his ass.
[00:48:39] I swear to God, dude.
[00:48:41] I swear to God.
[00:48:42] I will door knock for Kamala Harris.
[00:48:45] I will go around the nation.
[00:48:47] I will tell every single person
[00:48:49] to vote for Kamala Harris
[00:48:50] if this happens.
[00:48:51] It's not going to happen,
[00:48:53] but if it did,
[00:48:54] that would be pretty cool.
[00:48:56] Okay?
[00:48:58] Making the right decision, there is
[00:49:00] also a lot of anger, a lot
[00:49:02] of bad blood, a lot of hard feelings
[00:49:04] about the way all of this was
[00:49:05] handled by various Democrats in the party i was on
[00:49:08] the phone with campaign co-chair cedric richmond and he unleashed some
[00:49:13] really harsh words on the donors that in recent days had refused to give to
[00:49:17] president biden and uh he said that what DONORS THAT IN RECENT DAYS HAD REFUSED TO GIVE TO PRESIDENT BIDEN.
[00:49:25] IS NO WAY YOU CAN WIN AND HE WAS SAYING LOOK, THE DONORS no way that you can win. And he was saying, look, the donors basically ensured that this
[00:49:32] was a no-win situation for the president. He said the donors now better pony up and we are
[00:49:37] actually seeing the first signs of donors actually turning around and saying yeah, now that he is PONY UP AND WE ARE ACTUALLY SEEING THE FIRST SIGNS OF DONORS ACTUALLY TURNING AROUND AND SAYING
[00:49:51] RIGHT NOW.
[00:49:56] I WANT TO GO TO CAITLIN COLLINS WHO'S ALSO COVERING ALL OF THIS FOR US. CAITLIN THESE ARE DRAMATIC DEVELOPMENTS AND IT'S COME AS who's also covering all of this for us caitlin these are dramatic developments and it's come as a
[00:50:03] surprise to a lot of us after the president united states for days and days kept saying
[00:50:08] he's in it to win it he's not not going anywhere, he's staying in the race
[00:50:12] then all of a sudden he posts this
[00:50:14] letter to the American public saying
[00:50:16] It wasn't all of a sudden everyone knew
[00:50:18] was coming I knew what was coming and
[00:50:20] I'm a fucking dumbass okay? I don't have insider sources or anything.
[00:50:23] Well, maybe a little bit, maybe some
[00:50:24] but come on
[00:50:27] come on, come on. Everybody knew
[00:50:29] what was happening. Proved significantly so that could also
[00:50:31] play a factor in how we are learning this dramatic breaking news
[00:50:34] from the president himself and a letter that was posted online announcing he is not going to seek
[00:50:40] the election and the democratic nomination for this november to challenge donald trump for the I WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE PRESIDENCY.
[00:50:50] THE PRESIDENCY.
[00:51:03] BUT FIRST YOU WORKED INSIDE THE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE. to see what Democrats are saying about this. But first, you worked inside the Biden White House.
[00:51:06] What's your reaction
[00:51:07] to this news from the president?
[00:51:11] You know, it's
[00:51:11] an incredible amount of
[00:51:14] kind of thoughts for me. The DNC chair blocked
[00:51:16] me? Oh, damn. It's still so sad, right? I mean
[00:51:18] Joe Biden is this American hero
[00:51:20] he's such a patriot. It's not sad
[00:51:22] Saved us from Donald Trump. No one is sad
[00:51:24] Literally not a single person is sad.
[00:51:27] Hunter Biden, sorry. Hunter Biden is
[00:51:28] sad. His ass ain't getting a pardon.
[00:51:31] Oh no! Oh his ass is
[00:51:32] going to federal prison big dog. Okay?
[00:51:35] That's the one guy who's sad right now and he can
[00:51:37] suck me. I was a big Hunter Biden
[00:51:39] advocate for the longest time
[00:51:41] until I saw his fail son
[00:51:43] ass in the fucking White House
[00:51:45] attending meetings with the fucking staffers
[00:51:48] sitting side by side with Joe Biden
[00:51:50] being like nope
[00:51:51] please keep running pop pop
[00:51:54] please keep running papa
[00:51:55] bitch ass
[00:51:57] essentially that he did not believe Biden lock him up running, Papa. Bitch ass.
[00:51:59] Essentially that he did not believe Biden Donald Trump if he remained on the ticket
[00:52:02] but with
[00:52:03] Biden's statement about 20 minutes
[00:52:06] after he posted this letter saying
[00:52:07] that he is going to endorse Vice President Harris as the Democratic nominee.
[00:52:10] We're watching these statements, we are seeing people like
[00:52:13] Senator Mark Warner, progressive House member Jamal Bowman
[00:52:17] getting behind her as a Democratic nominee. Is that
[00:52:20] what you expect to see? If Republicans
[00:52:22] try to run
[00:52:23] the gambit of being like
[00:52:26] we're going to sue to make sure that
[00:52:28] Kamala is not on the ballot before
[00:52:30] the convention even happens.
[00:52:32] The entire nation
[00:52:34] will collapse on them.
[00:52:37] Do you understand me?
[00:52:38] That was one of the many reasons why I said there's no
[00:52:41] fucking way that they're going to like try
[00:52:43] and hold this up in the court
[00:52:45] system. They can try
[00:52:47] because they're panicking right now
[00:52:49] that is the worst possible thing that they can do.
[00:52:52] Why is that the worst possible thing they can do?
[00:52:54] Because that feeds into
[00:52:56] they want to end democracy,
[00:52:58] they have no respect for democracy narrative.
[00:53:00] A smart staffer, and I know
[00:53:02] many of you motherfuckers are watching me right now
[00:53:05] if you are in those
[00:53:07] fucking rooms, that's the angle
[00:53:09] oh really?
[00:53:10] The convention didn't happen?
[00:53:14] That's how scared they are that they can't run a normal race.
[00:53:15] So,
[00:53:16] they're going to try and do like
[00:53:17] the exact same thing
[00:53:18] that they did last time
[00:53:20] with January 6th
[00:53:21] when they tried to do false electors
[00:53:22] when they wanted to do false electors? When they wanted to, like,
[00:53:24] do some weird court
[00:53:26] process to undermine
[00:53:28] the will of the people?
[00:53:30] Really? How about you fight on November
[00:53:32] 5th? How about you fight in November? Why? How about you fight in November?
[00:53:34] Why are you trying to fight
[00:53:35] in the fucking court process?
[00:53:37] It's like a,
[00:53:38] it's the easiest messaging dub of all time.
[00:53:42] Mike Johnson called it illegal.
[00:53:43] He's fucking pieces of shit in the Republican Party, they have the audacity. They're like, oh sorry you can't do that? Fuck you mean you can't do that? There's no procedure That is actually
[00:53:55] Put
[00:53:56] Was put into motion
[00:53:57] Okay
[00:53:58] You can cry
[00:54:02] You can cry
[00:54:03] Until you have
[00:54:04] No more tears left
[00:54:05] Oh 14 million primary
[00:54:07] voters who cast their ballots for you. Am I
[00:54:09] right? Fuck them up.
[00:54:11] You're fucking them over. Suck my
[00:54:13] dick dude. Your account's called nwokeness
[00:54:15] keep crying okay
[00:54:16] these are the types of people who like imagine trans
[00:54:19] in their minds and then fucking uh have an aneurysm okay these are not serious people people. Get the fuck out of here. Keep crying, dude. Oh, it's so beautiful. It's
[00:54:35] so wonderful. It's so brilliant. Oh my lord.
[00:54:45] Cernovich?
[00:54:45] I thought it was Jack Posobiec.
[00:54:47] By any objective analysis, we witnessed
[00:54:49] a coup? Yeah dude, totally.
[00:54:51] Totally. Yeah they're chirping.
[00:54:54] They're chirping so hard
[00:54:55] because they know that Biden
[00:54:57] was a weak candidate.
[00:54:59] And they know,
[00:55:00] that anyone that's like even remotely competent
[00:55:04] is actually going to be
[00:55:05] a stronger candidate than the fucking carcass!
[00:55:08] There's enough movement, there's enough momentum, there's enough
[00:55:11] movement and enough momentum in the Democratic Party.
[00:55:13] They got juice right now. They got motion.
[00:55:15] Okay? They do.
[00:55:17] Now, I need you
[00:55:19] to understand something. They can still fuck it up, and the Democratic Party
[00:55:21] always, always fucks it
[00:55:23] up, okay? So these
[00:55:25] upcoming months are very important.
[00:55:28] Okay? They're very
[00:55:29] important. Kamala Harris has to basically undo a lot of the last minute motions from the Biden administration without actually creating a big enough rift in the party.
[00:55:48] It's not going to be from Kamala's side,
[00:55:50] it obviously is going to happen with competent
[00:55:53] administrators
[00:55:55] around her. And I really
[00:55:57] do hope that they
[00:55:59] have that.
[00:56:02] CNN avalanche of donations pouring into Harris' campaign.
[00:56:12] Joe Biden, President Joe Biden is a patriotic American
[00:56:14] Dude I verbatim told you
[00:56:16] I could have written these fucking quotes
[00:56:18] Joe Biden is a patriotic American
[00:56:19] Who has always put our country first
[00:56:21] His legacy, vision, values and leadership
[00:56:24] Make him one of the most consequential presidents
[00:56:25] in American history. With love and gratitude to
[00:56:27] President Biden for always believing in the promise of America
[00:56:29] and giving people the opportunity
[00:56:31] to reach their fulfillment. God bless
[00:56:33] America with Joe Biden's greatness and goodness.
[00:56:35] I told you he is a wonderful man.
[00:56:38] We're going to preserve his legacy.
[00:56:39] I told you verbatim that's what they're going to say,
[00:56:41] and that's what they're saying.
[00:56:42] Of course.
[00:56:43] Of course that's what they're saying.
[00:56:47] Ugh.
[00:56:53] You said a white man for advice, but I'm trying to think Buttigieg is up there and the gay thing might
[00:56:55] make it hard? Nah, I don't even think Pete Buttigieg
[00:56:57] reads as gay.
[00:56:58] I think Pete Buttigieg is just not very likable.
[00:57:01] He's too much of an elitist
[00:57:02] and Kamala Harris has already got that
[00:57:04] you need a salt-of-the-earth type dude.
[00:57:08] You don't need a guy who is basically like gay and a little bit more charismatic JD Vance that's what I think
[00:57:15] though who knows what Democratic Party will do. Okay?
[00:57:20] Endorse Harris now.
[00:57:21] Are you supporting Kamala Harris? Good job, Nancy.
[00:57:23] You pulled off another insurrection. Totally disappointed
[00:57:25] with the leads of the Democrats and
[00:57:27] MSN. Joe Biden did not deserve this hack job.
[00:57:29] I will continue to vote for Joe Biden. That's a bot,
[00:57:32] okay? That's not a real person.
[00:57:34] Get the fuck out of here.
[00:57:37] By
[00:57:38] the way, obviously this community...
[00:57:40] Well right now we have 117 thousand people in here.
[00:57:44] So this community is a little bit different
[00:57:48] Right now there's probably
[00:57:49] a lot of normies in here as well.
[00:57:51] Having said that however, having said that however, okay?
[00:57:56] By and large this community
[00:57:58] is a little bit different than other communities.
[00:58:00] We pay a lot of attention to politics,
[00:58:03] we're kind of losers that way
[00:58:05] and not just when like shit starts popping off.
[00:58:08] So what do I mean by this?
[00:58:10] Why am I saying this?
[00:58:11] Because a lot of normies that
[00:58:12] see the shift will actually
[00:58:14] register to vote.
[00:58:15] I believe it. Okay?
[00:58:17] We're brainbroken. We already have made
[00:58:20] up our minds a long time ago. However, a lot
[00:58:23] of normies, a lot of people on TikTok
[00:58:25] a lot of people that are
[00:58:27] in demographics
[00:58:28] that literally were just like I'm not too invested
[00:58:31] in this race. It's a rerun. My life is
[00:58:33] not better. We'll actually start paying
[00:58:35] attention and that's why it's very important
[00:58:37] that
[00:58:39] Kamala Harris stays
[00:58:41] strong on her messaging,
[00:58:44] sticks to issues and actually says like,
[00:58:47] look.
[00:58:48] You know we are continuing this progressive agenda it's bold
[00:58:51] We're not letting the Republicans ruin democracy. We're
[00:58:54] not letting Donald Trump become a dictator
[00:58:57] on day one, none of that
[00:58:59] and we're also restoring
[00:59:01] reproductive rights for everyone in this country. We're going to do that. We're also restoring reproductive rights for everyone in this country.
[00:59:06] And we're going to do that,
[00:59:07] we're going to fight tooth and nail,
[00:59:08] okay?
[00:59:09] We're going to claw back those civil liberties
[00:59:12] that the Republican Party tried to take away from you,
[00:59:15] okay? That's right.
[00:59:17] No more app breaks at the top of
[00:59:18] the hour. Sometimes they come in the middle of the
[00:59:20] hour because I'm an hour in now,
[00:59:22] three minutes long. Okay?
[00:59:24] No more.
[00:59:28] Medicare for all, gifted subs for all.
[00:59:31] At the top of the hour and sometimes in the middle of the hour there's a three minute ad break.
[00:59:33] You no longer want to see those ads
[00:59:35] all you need to do is subscribe.
[00:59:36] You can do that for $6.
[00:59:37] You can do that for free with a Twitch Prime,
[00:59:39] which promise free mess survey.
[00:59:41] They give me the five back at BD.
[00:59:44] Thank you.
[00:59:44] Thank you.
[00:59:45] Thank you for the 20 gifted subs. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the 20 gifted subs. Thank you, thank
[00:59:48] you, thank you.
[00:59:50] We're going to look at Donald Trump and what he had
[00:59:52] to say as well. Here's a three-minute break now, Jack!
[01:00:00] That was not part of the storyline?
[01:00:02] No, she's going.
[01:00:03] She's running on gifted subs for all.
[01:00:06] Anyway.
[01:00:12] I'm so fucking fired up.
[01:00:16] A lot of people will be like,
[01:00:17] oh this is like your Super Bowl and it's like they don't understand.
[01:00:19] I do this when there's 10 people in here.
[01:00:21] I do this when there's a thousand people in here.
[01:00:22] I do this every day.
[01:00:24] You're paying attention now,
[01:00:25] but it gets me very excited that a lot of people are not paying
[01:00:28] attention to politics makes me me very happy, okay?
[01:00:38] What about Josh Shapiro?
[01:00:39] I think Josh Shapiro is too green.
[01:00:41] Pennsylvania's a key state and he actually outperforms Biden on some of the polls
[01:00:46] He has almost like a 10 point lead on Donald Trump.
[01:00:51] If he was at the top of the ticket,
[01:00:53] obviously those are like one-off polls.
[01:00:56] There's not a lot of those polls.
[01:00:57] There's a unique,
[01:00:58] um,
[01:00:58] he's very,
[01:00:59] but he would,
[01:01:00] he would clear Pennsylvania and It'd be a lock.
[01:01:02] Having said that however,
[01:01:04] he is a lesser known entity
[01:01:06] in the Democratic Party
[01:01:08] so I don't know about Josh.
[01:01:18] Anyway, Taylor Swift brother is the win.
[01:01:22] Anyway, you know what?
[01:01:23] I think, you know what I think?
[01:01:26] You know who I think should be Kamala Harris' running mate?
[01:01:27] Joe Biden.
[01:01:30] And if Joe Biden is not interested in the vice presidential position,
[01:01:32] then it should be Jimmy Carter.
[01:01:34] And if it's not Jimmy Carter, We should just find the oldest possible person we can.
[01:01:37] You know what I'm saying?
[01:01:40] Why not?
[01:01:41] Fuck it, YOLO.
[01:01:42] It seems like that was fine.
[01:01:45] Yeah, reach across the aisle.
[01:01:47] Get Dick Cheney to be your VP.
[01:01:48] He has a lot of experience in that field anyway.
[01:01:54] Joe Biden said
[01:01:55] my fellow Democrats
[01:01:57] I have decided not to accept the nomination
[01:02:00] of folks saw my energies on my duties
[01:02:02] as president for the remainder of my term
[01:02:04] verbatim what I told you he was going to say
[01:02:05] My very first decision
[01:02:07] as the party nominee in 2020
[01:02:08] was to pick Kamala Harris as my vice
[01:02:11] president.
[01:02:12] And it's been the best decision I've made.
[01:02:22] Today, I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala
[01:02:28] to be the nominee of our party this year, Jack.
[01:02:32] Cut the malarkey Democrats!
[01:02:34] It's time to come together and beat Trump.
[01:02:38] Let's do this.
[01:02:40] Let's do this.
[01:02:42] Thank you, thank you, thank you!
[01:02:52] Watch me... watch me I'm gonna finish the job I'm gonna finish the job Jack thank you you, thank you, thank you!
[01:03:03] Anyway here's the deal Jack anyway I shouldn't say that.
[01:03:11] In a phone call with CNN minutes after Biden
[01:03:13] announced his exit from the 2024 race,
[01:03:14] former President Trump responded, he's the worst president
[01:03:17] in the history of our country. He goes down as
[01:03:19] the single worst president by far in the history of our country. Oh,
[01:03:21] dude. Oh, he is coping.
[01:03:23] He's worried.
[01:03:26] He's panicked.
[01:03:27] He's fucking panicking,
[01:03:29] dude. Come on, dog. He's panicking hard. You know this entire his entire fucking campaigning strategy is just dust now.
[01:03:43] Okay? They had it.
[01:03:45] They were like, he's the perfect person to run
[01:03:47] against. If there's one Democrat
[01:03:49] we could easily fucking beat
[01:03:50] is Joe Biden.
[01:03:57] It's motherfucking
[01:03:58] Joe Biden
[01:03:59] and now they got to
[01:04:00] cast aside all those
[01:04:01] campaign ads.
[01:04:02] They gotta,
[01:04:04] they gotta toss them. They got to toss them.
[01:04:05] They have to toss them.
[01:04:06] They have to restart.
[01:04:07] Woo!
[01:04:12] Everything that the RNC did, even though they tried to message it,
[01:04:14] why is my family calling me in this moment right now?
[01:04:17] That's crazy. Even
[01:04:18] though everything that
[01:04:21] they did, they tried on the last second
[01:04:22] swap to a unity message. They tried to on the last second swap to like a unity message.
[01:04:24] They tried to make it seem like,
[01:04:27] you know,
[01:04:28] they weren't attacking Joe Biden.
[01:04:29] Donald Trump mentioned Joe Biden by name,
[01:04:31] like once or twice,
[01:04:33] you know what I mean?
[01:04:39] And just kept saying this administration all of that is still hollow it's still gone its jover for them okay
[01:04:43] it's freakin jover for them, baby.
[01:04:50] Woo!
[01:04:54] Kent Klippenstein with another leak.
[01:04:58] What happens to this account
[01:04:59] if Biden loses?
[01:05:03] The name of the account
[01:05:04] is Biden's Wins, not
[01:05:05] Biden's Loses. There are no plans to lose.
[01:05:08] He said any updates
[01:05:10] to this?
[01:05:17] Oh my lord.
[01:05:21] Fucking prophetic?
[01:05:26] Yeah, I love Veep.
[01:05:28] I might do a rerun.
[01:05:29] I might watch Veep again from the start
[01:05:31] because this is a very Veep-ass election cycle
[01:05:34] straight up. They fell in line 20 minutes ago.
[01:05:46] I'm 100% of Kamala Harris, you should be too.
[01:05:48] Retweet and follow to make sure all Americans are ready to
[01:05:51] defeat Donald Trump. Of course they are.
[01:05:53] Of course they are. They immediately started
[01:05:55] a new account called Kamala Harris's Wins.
[01:05:59] Wow.
[01:06:02] What is this?
[01:06:03] Biden lettuce?
[01:06:04] Oh, we had our own version of
[01:06:05] this?
[01:06:07] Well, I guess little us one.
[01:06:14] We had our own version.
[01:06:18] By advocating for Biden to drop out,
[01:06:21] Hassan said in the motion,
[01:06:22] the end of Western civilization as we know it.
[01:06:24] I hope you are happy, sir.
[01:06:26] Bro, your name is Anatolian Alt.
[01:06:28] What are you talking about?
[01:06:31] Anatolia will rise again, brother.
[01:06:33] Don't worry.
[01:06:34] Anyway, let's check in on Donald Trump
[01:06:36] who is definitely not mad right now.
[01:06:38] Let's see what he had to say.
[01:06:40] Crooked Joe Biden was not fit
[01:06:42] to run for president and is certainly
[01:06:45] not fit to serve.
[01:06:46] And never was he only attained the position of president by lies,
[01:06:53] fake news, and not leaving his basement,
[01:06:56] which is a cell phone.
[01:06:57] By the way,
[01:06:58] that is you're owning yourself.
[01:06:59] You're saying that a cadaver basically,
[01:07:02] uh,
[01:07:03] a cadaver basically like on a stretcher the entire
[01:07:07] time and stretched his way into the presidency
[01:07:09] against you, the powerful being
[01:07:11] that you are supposedly.
[01:07:13] Okay? Just a reminder
[01:07:16] for that. Also, what happened to Unity
[01:07:18] sir? Where's the Unity?
[01:07:20] All those around him including
[01:07:22] his doctor and the media knew
[01:07:24] he wasn't capable of being president and he wasn't and now look what he's
[01:07:28] done to our country with millions of people coming across the border totally unchecked
[01:07:31] and unvetted many from prisons mental institutions and record numbers of terrorists.
[01:07:38] I suspect that if there is any narrative damage that is the most significant to the re-election campaign,
[01:07:53] to the election campaign now of Kamala Harris.
[01:07:57] It was done by Joe Biden at the last minute
[01:07:59] when he tried to pull this fucking right-wing
[01:08:01] Donald Trump's own border policy agenda, okay?
[01:08:05] It's very, very important for the Democrats to just move away from that as quickly and
[01:08:11] as expediently as possible.
[01:08:13] Because I don't believe that the American population, no matter how reactionary they may get on immigration
[01:08:21] are going to like putting their name in association with a guy who keeps saying
[01:08:27] Mexicans are rapists and they're killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.
[01:08:32] Okay, that's his argument for the upcoming election.
[01:08:35] That is insane! You are not only hallucinating but you're actually now
[01:08:40] hallucinating at a level
[01:08:42] where it's like
[01:08:43] objectively untrue.
[01:08:45] Okay?
[01:08:46] It's...
[01:08:46] Like I was thinking
[01:08:47] about this last night.
[01:08:48] He's like hundreds of
[01:08:49] thousands of Americans
[01:08:50] are being murdered
[01:08:51] by undocumented migrants
[01:08:52] every fucking...
[01:08:53] Every year.
[01:08:54] That's what he was saying.
[01:08:55] Right?
[01:08:56] And it's such an insane thing to say
[01:09:00] that if
[01:09:03] someone counter messages against
[01:09:05] that and goes, you're out of your mind.
[01:09:06] That is objectively untrue.
[01:09:08] Empirical evidence suggests there's no
[01:09:10] data for this. Data actually shows the exact opposite that undocumented
[01:09:13] migrants are responsible less crimes per capita
[01:09:15] than natural born US citizens
[01:09:17] okay and they keep hammering
[01:09:19] that in and they keep trying to explain
[01:09:21] to people what the process in which the deportation of 10 million plus people living on U.S. soil right now would look like and how similar that is to Nazi Germany,
[01:09:37] Americans will move away from that.
[01:09:41] Americans will go, okay,
[01:09:42] that's a little bit gross.
[01:09:46] Okay? go okay that's a little bit gross okay
[01:09:52] huh you lost Mary is an imperial I don't care that part isn't like that part is fine they don't have to say that
[01:09:59] the content will be unleashed if biden gives the green light I'm the one that up to score with him Walking down home time, I know he got some
[01:10:08] hoe in him Pull on him, extort shit, bully death throw
[01:10:11] on him Say Drake, I hear you like I'm young
[01:10:13] You been out here a go to sell block run To any bitch that talk to them and they in love Just make sure you hide your ass That's the other side of this.
[01:10:23] Like, Americans love tough on crime narratives and shit
[01:10:26] And it's like you you have a prosecutor,
[01:10:28] a former prosecutor,
[01:10:29] like I don't like that,
[01:10:30] but average voters are going to look at this
[01:10:33] and be like,
[01:10:33] that's a former prosecutor
[01:10:34] going up against a convicted felon.
[01:10:36] If Trump was not a convicted felon at this point,
[01:10:39] that would be a different dynamic
[01:10:41] but Americans do care about that.
[01:10:42] They fucking hate the idea of voting for a convicted felon.
[01:10:48] The ones that are deep in the pocket They hate the idea of voting for a convicted felon.
[01:10:50] The ones that are deep in the pocket,
[01:10:51] deep MAGA,
[01:10:52] they don't give a shit.
[01:10:54] Donald Trump could literally,
[01:10:55] in his own words,
[01:10:58] execute someone on Fifth Avenue and they'd still vote for him willingly, okay?
[01:11:01] But this, for the
[01:11:02] old folks, oh my god. This shit
[01:11:04] would go kind of nutty for the old folks.
[01:11:08] It would go kind of crazy for the Rust Belt.
[01:11:11] All these people that are also swept up in the crime panic narrative,
[01:11:16] Jamie Harrison,
[01:11:19] DNC statement.
[01:11:23] The American people owe Biden an enormous debt of gratitude
[01:11:25] for the unparalleled...
[01:11:26] Okay, shut up, Jamie, you bitch. It's a little bit dependent on which narrative the Republicans go with.
[01:11:45] If they turn around and try to go with like, you know,
[01:11:48] Kamala Harris was actually a woke DA or something,
[01:11:51] then it's a little different.
[01:11:52] But we'll see.
[01:11:53] We'll see.
[01:11:54] I'm thinking about it right now.
[01:11:55] There's a lot of things happening in my mind, okay?
[01:11:59] Too many things at once.
[01:12:00] We didn't even talk about my fat ass dub against the phase boys
[01:12:04] yesterday
[01:12:05] that was crazy
[01:12:07] that
[01:12:10] was wild but that's besides the point
[01:12:12] I've officially reached for those of you who
[01:12:15] are watching yesterday officially reached onk status W onk status as a
[01:12:19] matter of fact so
[01:12:23] that was pretty fire.
[01:12:28] Zoomer's calling you, Jokic?
[01:12:30] Yeah, I saw that.
[01:12:31] Oh, shoot!
[01:12:33] Yep.
[01:12:42] Fuck off! Okay, I'll do it. yep max got facialed anyway um i doubt it i doubt and to be proven wrong yeah all Anyway, I doubted.
[01:12:46] I doubted and to be proven wrong.
[01:12:47] Yeah, all my doubters where they at now?
[01:12:51] The news has been so stacked lately that you've barely had a chance
[01:12:54] to cover the ICG ruling.
[01:12:55] Yeah, I covered it yesterday.
[01:13:00] Okay. barely had a chance to cover the ICJ ruling. Yeah, I covered it yesterday. Hey gang just woke up.
[01:13:03] Hey gang
[01:13:04] just woke up. Did I miss anything significant?
[01:13:10] No. up? Did I miss anything significant? I found out Biden dropped out
[01:13:12] from the race for Hassan Lahan's TikTok. What the fuck?
[01:13:14] That's why I posted that TikTok.
[01:13:16] I thought it'd be the funniest possible way
[01:13:18] for people to find out
[01:13:19] that Joe Biden dropped out of the race.
[01:13:26] RFK probably going to drop and endorse Trump.
[01:13:30] Uh,
[01:13:31] we'll see.
[01:13:31] I can see that happening even though RFK jr was like,
[01:13:37] I mean he's crazy man.
[01:13:38] You could,
[01:13:38] I can see him fucking
[01:13:39] endorsing Kamala Harris
[01:13:41] low key because he
[01:13:43] is a weird dude brother. He is a weird
[01:13:46] fucking dude. It's less likely
[01:13:48] it's less likely. It's less likely,
[01:13:54] but it's more likely that he definitely...
[01:13:56] It's more likely that he endorses Trump,
[01:13:58] but he's weird as fuck, dude.
[01:14:00] He's weird as hell.
[01:14:12] Anyway... WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP Dad fuck em up I'ma do my stuff
[01:14:16] Not if Trump offered him a position at the FDA or some shit
[01:14:20] He had pork tapeworm.
[01:14:22] T-Solius that caused cyst formation, seizure in brain
[01:14:25] mid student here.
[01:14:26] What?
[01:14:29] Yeah I mean either way
[01:14:31] he drops out and like
[01:14:32] it's probably
[01:14:33] beneficial for the Democrats regardless.
[01:14:40] Rachel Maddow
[01:14:41] says I don't think there's going to be another one whisper of a fight in the Democratic Party about getting behind Kamala Harris.
[01:14:46] Adding that this is not the start of an open primary and Harris will be at the top of the ticket.
[01:14:50] I do think it's really scared about what happens next and whether the Democratic Party can come
[01:14:56] together.
[01:14:57] What would you say to them?
[01:14:59] I think that, um, the Democratic Party was in, um in really bad shape with the concerns about the
[01:15:09] enfeebled public appearance of the president and that debate shook people, not only because
[01:15:16] it was one bad performance but because
[01:15:18] it underscored, reified
[01:15:20] and validated some niggling
[01:15:22] concerns that people had had about
[01:15:24] the president's age and his... What kind of word was that?
[01:15:27] What did she say?
[01:15:30] What?
[01:15:30] It underscored, reified, and validated
[01:15:33] some niggling concerns
[01:15:35] that people had had about the president's age and his health
[01:15:38] and his capacity.
[01:15:39] And it I have never heard that word in my entire life.
[01:15:44] I've never,
[01:15:45] I'm sure it's a normal word.
[01:15:47] I've just never I'm sure it's a normal word.
[01:15:47] I've just never heard it.
[01:15:49] Absolutely split the Democratic Party
[01:15:51] into many different pieces and with that status
[01:15:57] of the democratic party heading into November, I think that alone
[01:16:00] would have meant that the Democrats had essentially zero chance of prevailing in
[01:16:04] November. President Biden has endorsed Vice President Harris.
[01:16:09] I don't think there is going to be one whisper of a fight in the Democratic Party about getting
[01:16:15] behind her.
[01:16:16] I think that the Democratic Party will now unify like nothing you have seen from this party in many years around the necessity of supporting her and building the kind of campaign you have never seen before to try to keep donald trump from returning to
[01:16:33] the white house and from undoing the american system of government the endorsement of president
[01:16:38] biden a vice president harris, I mean, I could be wrong
[01:16:41] but I believe that will be seen as
[01:16:43] Bro, Kamala pulls a fucking
[01:16:45] Keir Starmer and is
[01:16:47] like all of a sudden
[01:16:49] Kamala Harris pulls a Keir Starmer all of a sudden, Kamala Harris pulls a Keir Starmer. All of a sudden
[01:16:52] the specter of communism
[01:16:54] is not only haunting Europe but also
[01:16:56] haunting America? Oh my lord dude
[01:16:58] I mean not going to happen obviously even though her dad
[01:17:00] is a Marxist professor at Stanford.
[01:17:03] But they're not
[01:17:05] exactly on good terms. I'm just saying,
[01:17:07] dude! A period
[01:17:09] at the end of the sentence underscored
[01:17:11] let's go.
[01:17:13] And it'll be, you know there will be technocratic stuff that needs
[01:17:15] to happen in terms of getting her at
[01:17:17] the top of the ticket and the delegates and the convention
[01:17:19] and all that stuff in the campaign but
[01:17:21] this is not the start of an open primary.
[01:17:24] And if the Democrats want to start a primary
[01:17:26] in late July
[01:17:28] and thereby commit electoral
[01:17:30] suicide, I will be surprised.
[01:17:32] You know, Democrats have surprised me before
[01:17:33] but this means that
[01:17:34] Vice President Harris
[01:17:35] is going to be
[01:17:36] at the top of the ticket
[01:17:37] and what this is
[01:17:39] gonna mean for Joe Biden
[01:17:40] I mean
[01:17:41] he
[01:17:42] with
[01:17:43] by running
[01:17:43] with Barack Obama
[01:17:45] in 2008 and then serving
[01:17:47] ably as... So
[01:17:49] a couple angles of attack from Republicans
[01:17:51] immediately. Okay? One,
[01:17:53] they're going to say if Biden, Trump already mentioned this I've talked about
[01:17:57] this in the build up to Biden dropping out a couple angles of attack are going to be
[01:18:02] if he can't actually run for president how the fuck is he supposed to be president, right?
[01:18:08] And to them,
[01:18:10] to them the counter is pretty easy.
[01:18:12] You just say look I think Americans deserve like a younger
[01:18:15] more vibrant, more dynamic person.
[01:18:17] And I did my job.
[01:18:19] I've been in office for 50 plus years you know?
[01:18:23] I've been an office...
[01:18:24] I've been in office for so long
[01:18:26] that I think it's the right thing to do.
[01:18:27] I think I wanted to give the Americans an opportunity
[01:18:29] to put a fresh face on this,
[01:18:31] like bold progressive agenda.
[01:18:33] Right?
[01:18:34] And,
[01:18:35] and I,
[01:18:36] I feel like there's,
[01:18:37] there's an effective counter
[01:18:38] there for that
[01:18:39] but that's one thing
[01:18:40] they're going to do
[01:18:40] they're obviously also
[01:18:41] going to try and sue
[01:18:42] at every state
[01:18:43] to be like no
[01:18:43] you have to put Joe Biden
[01:18:44] on the ticket
[01:18:45] even though he's literally
[01:18:46] not even a fucking candidate yet
[01:18:47] the convention hasn't happened yet.
[01:18:50] So,
[01:18:52] another
[01:18:53] avenue of attack is obviously that
[01:18:55] Kamala Harris was the vice president and she knew
[01:18:57] that Biden's mental faculties were not in order which is why
[01:19:00] I thought that was another angle of attack an avenue of attack that is like pretty solid
[01:19:06] which is why I thought that the Democrats could not be so open and
[01:19:10] so bold about Joe Biden's mental faculties diminishing,
[01:19:14] Which is why him staying in the race post that debate or even doing
[01:19:17] that debate was really really stupid.
[01:19:20] But if that debate had not happened,
[01:19:22] ladies and gentlemen today,
[01:19:23] I will say this.
[01:19:25] I want to thank all of the fucking idiots in Biden's orbit in
[01:19:30] Biden's close circle
[01:19:31] that thought
[01:19:32] that debate
[01:19:33] that happened
[01:19:34] this early
[01:19:35] was a good idea
[01:19:36] that Biden
[01:19:37] would be able
[01:19:37] to demonstrate
[01:19:38] competence
[01:19:39] in that debate
[01:19:39] because if it wasn't
[01:19:41] for them,
[01:19:42] we would be fucking slow rolling
[01:19:44] this demented old man
[01:19:47] into the convention
[01:19:49] and I would be still screaming
[01:19:51] from the fucking rooftops that he's going to get
[01:19:53] com stirred by Donald Trump because he's going to keep having those moments.
[01:19:57] He's going to keep having those moments and the Trump administration is
[01:20:00] going to keep fucking,
[01:20:01] or the Trump campaign is going to keep hitting those moments over and
[01:20:05] again the tweet that changed it all yep thank god thank the fucking lord, dude. Holy moly!
[01:20:23] Obama's release statement
[01:20:26] for now Michelle and I just want to express our love
[01:20:27] and gratitude that Joe and Jill Obama said
[01:20:29] they're such phony little bitches dude
[01:20:31] yeah fuck
[01:20:33] Obama I mean he is such a – he is just objectively a bad person. Like anyone who doesn't – anyone who kept Joe Biden in the race for this long and then doesn't immediately turn around and go, I'm 100%
[01:20:47] fully behind whoever
[01:20:49] is at the top of that ticket which is
[01:20:51] Kamala Harris is a bad person.
[01:20:53] If you care about
[01:20:55] the Democratic Party or even more than that if you care about the Democratic Party, or even more than that, if you care about Donald Trump not being president again,
[01:21:01] You can't behave in this snake-like fashion.
[01:21:04] Okay?
[01:21:05] This is some snake shit.
[01:21:08] Straight up. This is some snake shit straight up.
[01:21:13] This is just like personal pride and being fucking annoyed with the situation and not like,
[01:21:16] Oh God. And, and not like,
[01:21:19] God.
[01:21:22] And not immediately fucking falling in line because it's outside of your control on the party.
[01:21:26] Anyway,
[01:21:30] is there gonna be a Harris-Trump debate?
[01:21:31] There has to be.
[01:21:32] Are you kidding me?
[01:21:35] If Trump doesn't do a debate against Kamala Harris... Remember, Kamala Harris actually performed fairly well in the debates
[01:21:39] even though she obviously was deeply unpopular in the stacked Democratic primary.
[01:21:44] But Kamala Harris did perform fairly well on the debate. She had a couple pop off moments.
[01:21:48] She is a prosecutor at the end of
[01:21:51] the day. She will, I think, cook Donald Trump.
[01:21:55] She will be able to cook Donald Trump. They just got to get her off those downers and put her on some uppers.
[01:21:59] They literally gotta swap
[01:22:01] out. She needs
[01:22:03] to not be barred out ever again
[01:22:05] and then from this moment on
[01:22:07] you know, put her in a fucking
[01:22:09] vat. Let her go cold turkey.
[01:22:12] No more Xanax for Mamala.
[01:22:16] Only uppers from this point on.
[01:22:18] I want her fucking cracked out like Hunter Biden
[01:22:20] on the main stage. You know what i'm saying doing doing cartwheels
[01:22:24] and okay you got the uppers already on deck for this fucking corpse.
[01:22:33] Give him to Mamala.
[01:22:35] Let her fucking thrive, okay? My name is Harry Sasson.
[01:22:47] I'm 21 years old and I'm fully supporting
[01:22:48] Vice President Kamala Harris in 2024.
[01:22:50] Who's with me? Of course he is.
[01:22:52] That's my goat. No disrespect to Harry Sasson on this fucking,
[01:22:55] On this broadcast okay?
[01:22:57] I love him.
[01:23:00] This happen to you too bro?
[01:23:03] What is this? They said get your ass back into the studio? What is this?
[01:23:04] They said get your ass back into the studio.
[01:23:06] What is this?
[01:23:10] Enjoying a wolf spritzer at El Presidente restaurant here in D.C.
[01:23:14] They said get your ass back to the studio is true this happened to me as well
[01:23:20] objectively
[01:23:23] do you think they will run with a copoppmuller versus felon Trump narrative?
[01:23:27] Potentially.
[01:23:28] I don't think it's that bad of a narrative.
[01:23:29] Democrats have raised $5 million in just over an hour.
[01:23:36] Holy shit!
[01:23:39] Jesus Christ, dude.
[01:23:41] Listen, listen.
[01:23:43] The fight is not done.
[01:23:46] Okay?
[01:23:50] There is okay there is still you know this is not a
[01:23:52] moment of celebration beyond the fact
[01:23:54] that Genocide Joe is out
[01:23:56] Jim Crow Joe is out. Okay, Jim Crow Joe is out and
[01:23:59] it's like a very
[01:24:01] different race
[01:24:03] now
[01:24:03] but in some respects it's not all that
[01:24:07] different in the sense that Donald Trump is still
[01:24:09] very much
[01:24:11] he's a weak candidate but very much a candidate
[01:24:13] that has a shit ton of
[01:24:15] momentum. Okay?
[01:24:19] This I hope this swap out,
[01:24:22] I hope will activate a lot of those in the margins.
[01:24:27] A lot of young voters,
[01:24:28] Hispanic voters in general that have not been paying attention in key states
[01:24:33] and uh kamala harris's genuine separation from joe biden on the issue of Palestine will actually play a significant role here.
[01:24:45] Okay?
[01:24:46] It will.
[01:24:47] Kamala Harris, months ahead of Biden, kept leaking to Politico and other outlets
[01:24:53] that she was like for a ceasefire.
[01:24:56] That she was just like...
[01:24:57] That to me absolutely shows
[01:25:01] decent political institutions That to me absolutely shows that to me,
[01:25:02] absolutely shows decent political instinct regards of the fact
[01:25:05] that she's been really awful in the past four years with respect
[01:25:10] to how she's like basically hemorrhaged her staff and how, you know,
[01:25:16] she's played the role of like a person doing side missions and kind of goofy overall.
[01:25:30] Anyway.
[01:25:33] Yeah, Kamala Harris defends anti-Israel college protests
[01:25:36] and speculation.
[01:25:37] Now she can replace Biden in a race.
[01:25:38] This was on July 9th.
[01:25:41] Okay?
[01:25:45] You put a woman in office, you get world war three.
[01:25:48] That's so funny.
[01:25:49] Yeah, no, totally.
[01:25:51] You're right chatter.
[01:25:53] That's the yeah.
[01:25:54] Women are so emotional.
[01:25:55] Am I right?
[01:25:56] And not Donald Trump who is like very clearly super competent and unemotional famously.
[01:26:08] That's awesome dude is 2024 man How are you still operating
[01:26:18] with these ridiculous
[01:26:19] fucking narratives? I don't understand.
[01:26:22] Are you a fucking ape?
[01:26:24] Are you a goddamn caveman?
[01:26:26] What kind of a statement is this?
[01:26:28] And I'm not even saying Kamala Harris
[01:26:30] doesn't have a shit ton of weaknesses.
[01:26:32] I certainly did not want her
[01:26:33] as the candidate in 2020
[01:26:36] okay, in those primaries.
[01:26:39] Like I'm not exactly super fond of Kamala Harris either.
[01:26:42] This is not the moment for that.
[01:26:43] That's neither here nor there
[01:26:44] and I will get to that eventually
[01:26:46] but like to say it's because she is a woman
[01:26:50] is so stupid. And especially when one of the most pressing
[01:26:56] issues on this election is going to be
[01:27:00] on the boundaries of women's
[01:27:03] reproductive rights. Okay? Thank you, Mr.
[01:27:07] President for your service and stepping
[01:27:09] aside. Yeah, Austin is doing victory laps right now. thank you mr president for your service and stepping aside yeah austin is
[01:27:11] doing victory laps right now
[01:27:19] oh my god oh my lord let's Oh, my God. Oh, my Lord.
[01:27:21] Let's see what they're saying to Mike Johnson and how tough of a call do you believe this is for him?
[01:27:27] No, I think that he's crying.
[01:27:30] I think President is ridiculous.
[01:27:31] He's crying.
[01:27:40] I think President Biden has shown in recent weeks his ability to handle and manage complex international matters,
[01:27:44] to continue his lifelong record of service and his legacy of leadership in foreign policy okay this is glazing this is glazing this is too much
[01:27:50] it's too much it's too much chris cool you can't be doing that that's too much. Stronger and safer. It's too much. It's too much, Chris Coons.
[01:27:53] You can't be doing that.
[01:27:54] That's too much.
[01:27:54] That's illegal, bro.
[01:27:56] You're crying about an 82-year-old man.
[01:27:58] We are still negotiating our annual appropriations bill.
[01:28:01] He didn't die, bro.
[01:28:03] He didn't die. He's still alive!
[01:28:05] Barely, but he's still alive, motherfucker!
[01:28:06] What are you doing? Peace in Gaza
[01:28:07] and a stable and more secure future
[01:28:10] for Israel and the Israeli people
[01:28:12] Joe Biden has more experience in foreign policy than any national leader,
[01:28:18] and to have him step aside now I think would be...
[01:28:20] Dude yeah we need to keep Biden in office actually. The one guy from Delaware who's like We gotta keep him in the office, actually. The one guy from Delaware who's like we got to keep him
[01:28:25] in office.
[01:28:27] Senator Coons, you're joining us on just
[01:28:29] breaking news that is happening as of this moment.
[01:28:31] Last question. President Biden said
[01:28:33] he'll address the issue later this week.
[01:28:35] That's my opinion
[01:28:35] That's what I'm thinking
[01:28:37] That's the Rust Belt
[01:28:38] You know
[01:28:40] That's like everyone in the Rust Belt
[01:28:42] Is basically like
[01:28:43] I'm a Wisconsin
[01:28:47] voter who works
[01:28:49] at an HVAC business, and I was thinking
[01:28:51] like, I want a president that
[01:28:53] will protect Israel.
[01:28:57] That's what I was thinking, you know?
[01:28:59] That's my one vote, okay?
[01:29:02] I'm a western
[01:29:03] Pennsylvania voter, okay?
[01:29:06] I worked in the fracking industry
[01:29:07] pretty much all my life.
[01:29:10] And I'm thinking who's
[01:29:12] the president that brought
[01:29:13] Finland and Sweden into
[01:29:16] NATO? That's my guy, I'm
[01:29:19] writing with Biden,
[01:29:20] I will write his name.
[01:29:23] Okay?
[01:29:24] He is a writing candidate.
[01:29:26] He is my guy, I don't care.
[01:29:28] I'm not voting for anybody else, okay?
[01:29:30] ...he laid out for what we could do together
[01:29:33] if we put down the tools of partisanship
[01:29:36] come together as a country and legislate and solve problems and the legislature. And I think that's what we're going to have to do
[01:29:39] in this country, is
[01:29:40] make sure that our
[01:29:41] institutions of
[01:29:42] citizenship come
[01:29:43] together as a
[01:29:44] country and
[01:29:45] legislate and solve
[01:29:46] problems three and
[01:29:47] a half years later
[01:29:48] I've had a chance
[01:29:49] to watch Joe Biden sign into law landmark bills bills, the most consequential legislative record since LBJ. And I expect you'll hear
[01:29:52] from him when he speaks in a few days about his confidence in American people,
[01:29:57] the urgency of our coming together and putting aside partisan bickering
[01:30:01] and embracing the bright future that our country can have
[01:30:05] if we will just work together.
[01:30:08] Yeah, massive news from him this afternoon.
[01:30:10] Senator Chris Coons thank you for jumping on with us on this breaking news. Yeah, massive news from him this afternoon.
[01:30:13] Senator Chris Coons, thank you for jumping on with us on this breaking news.
[01:30:13] I really do appreciate your time.
[01:30:16] Thank you, Caitlin.
[01:30:19] This is CNN Breaking News.
[01:30:23] And if you're just joining us, I'm Wolf Blitzer in Washington DC...
[01:30:27] My God!
[01:30:29] ...I want to welcome our viewers here in the United States and around the world we are following major breaking news WE ARE FOLLOWING MAJOR BREAKING NEWS.
[01:30:44] 2024 PRESIDENTIAL RACE.
[01:30:52] ANNOUNCEMENT JUST BEFORE 2 P.M. EASTERN EARLIER TODAY, SENDING sending out a statement that reshapes the 2024 presidential race
[01:30:55] just one month before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
[01:31:00] And Wolf, we're learning that Biden made this decision within the last 48...
[01:31:04] It's wild because technically Wolf is drinking on the job again today.
[01:31:07] We know that he was objectively getting zooted off his own fucking alcoholic beverage,
[01:31:13] the Wolf Spitzer.
[01:31:16] Okay? My man is drunk as a skunk right now, okay? He's in
[01:31:18] the situation room going, yeah that's right
[01:31:20] baby. We did it.
[01:31:22] We did it. We served a three minute outbreak at the top
[01:31:24] of the hour. We did it again! At the top
[01:31:27] of the hour, there's a three-minute ab break. If you no longer want to see those ads,
[01:31:30] all you need to do is subscribe.
[01:31:31] For $6 now because of
[01:31:33] fucking Brandon inflation.
[01:31:35] Okay? Brandonomics.
[01:31:40] Or,
[01:31:41] for free with the Twitch Prime.
[01:31:42] Twitch Prime is
[01:31:42] free!
[01:31:43] Or you can get
[01:31:44] gifted a sub if
[01:31:44] you're lucky
[01:31:44] to do that right
[01:31:45] now.
[01:31:45] Beach in
[01:31:46] Delaware where the president is in isolation
[01:31:48] right now.
[01:31:49] Give us the latest.
[01:31:50] What are you hearing over there, Priscilla?
[01:31:51] It's so funny that he has COVID too right now.
[01:31:54] This is hilarious.
[01:31:55] Well as the President was self-isolating at his residence here in Delaware from this positive COVID. THE PRESIDENT WAS SELF-ISOLATING AT HIS RESIDENCE HERE IN DELAWARE FROM HIS POSITIVE COVID
[01:32:18] STEP ASIDE. NOW IMPORTANTLY RIGHT AFTER right after putting that out. He also said that he was fully throwing his support behind
[01:32:21] Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee and urging the party
[01:32:26] to come together. It was a remarkable moment after weeks of Democratic lawmakers, allies, donors
[01:32:33] calling for the president to withdraw from the race over the last few weeks. The president has
[01:32:38] had multiple private conversations with lawmakers. He has tried to assuage their
[01:32:42] concerns on the campaign trail, but none of it was enough as lawmakers were still putting out
[01:32:48] letters just yesterday telling him he had to step aside.
[01:32:52] Now, this morning,
[01:32:53] to show you how quickly all of this came together,
[01:32:55] his campaign was saying that President Biden
[01:32:57] was in it to win it,
[01:32:58] that he was staying in the race and not going anywhere.
[01:33:01] But then now we're-
[01:33:01] Wasn't that quick, honestly quick honestly like was it that crazy
[01:33:04] like wasn't that crazy putting this out he had notified his senior white house and campaign
[01:33:08] teams that according to a source who spoke with our mj lee and i am also told by a source that ACCORDING TO A SOURCE WHO SPOKE WITH OUR M.J. LEE, AND I'M ALSO
[01:33:17] HARRIS.
[01:33:22] WAS A CHALLENGE FOR THE CAMPAIGN SO CLEARLY THEY ARE been throwing their money behind the campaign. That, too, was a challenge for the
[01:33:24] campaign. So clearly, a
[01:33:26] stunning development and one that has
[01:33:28] been shocking to campaign and White House
[01:33:30] officials.
[01:33:31] They put the money on
[01:33:32] 10 bands, baby. They put the money faucet on. 10 bands, baby!
[01:33:35] They put the money faucet on
[01:33:37] they turned it on like that
[01:33:39] they were like yep, that's up
[01:33:41] get your money up not your funny up
[01:33:43] Well these have been some 3 plus agonizing weeks for President THE PRESIDENT HAS BEEN PUTTING A LOT OF WORK INTO THIS
[01:33:47] ANYTHING.
[01:34:00] VERY MUCH DUG IN.
[01:34:04] WITH THE POLLS THAT HE WAS BEING PRESENTED, WITH THE DATA that was showing that things were not looking good for him. We know of private conversations
[01:34:07] where he insisted that he was in fact seeing polling and data that showed that he could defeat
[01:34:12] Donald Trump. One thing I think is so important to look back on for a second, President Biden ONE THING THAT I THINK IS SO IMPORTANT FOR US TO LOOK BACK ON FOR A SECOND
[01:34:26] AND AFTER THAT DISASTROUS DEBATE PERFORMANCE, A LOT OF DEMOCRATS a bridge and a transition candidate. And after that disastrous debate performance, a lot of Democrats were asking the question
[01:34:31] of well whatever happened to that?
[01:34:33] And I thought we got a really insightful answer from the president on that just last week
[01:34:37] when he was asked about this. He said, I thought
[01:34:39] I was going to be able to move from this to pass it on to someone else but I didn't anticipate
[01:34:44] things getting so divided is what the President said earlier this year when i asked him at a press conference
[01:34:51] basically the same question why does it have to be you on that ticket given that so many voters
[01:34:56] across the country have questions about your age, your health and fitness. He said because
[01:35:01] he believes that he is the most qualified person to do the job and finish the job that
[01:35:07] he had started. So the picture that has emerged, Wolf, over
[01:35:10] the course of his presidency is
[01:35:12] that the president came into this
[01:35:14] job at the White House very much
[01:35:17] intending to be a transition candidate
[01:35:19] but once he started doing the job,
[01:35:21] it became clear to him that
[01:35:22] it was going to be more difficult
[01:35:24] than he could have ever imagined
[01:35:25] for him to pass the torch as he had
[01:35:27] once made clear he wanted
[01:35:29] to do back in 2020. Now we should make clear for our viewers THE PRESIDENT'S VICE PRESIDENT CAMILLA HARRIS, WHO WAS A
[01:35:36] BACK IN 2020.
[01:35:40] VIEWERS THAT THE PRESIDENT ANNOUNCING HE WAS GOING TO DROP his vice president, Kamala Harris. And now the party is in a place
[01:35:43] where even given that endorsement
[01:35:45] they need to actually figure out
[01:35:46] the process of how they move forward
[01:35:48] and decide who that nominee
[01:35:51] is going to be.
[01:35:52] We got an important statement
[01:35:54] from former President Barack Obama,
[01:35:56] and this was a really key line.
[01:35:57] Governor Newsom canceled his appearance
[01:35:59] at the U.S.-Northern Judicial Conference.
[01:36:01] He said we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead.
[01:36:04] But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process for which an outstanding nominee emerges.
[01:36:13] So Wolf, just in the moments after this remarkable news from
[01:36:17] the president that he was going to be leaving the race we have heard from a lot of different
[01:36:21] Democrats and a lot of different voices too who fall on different sides of the argument should I THINK IT'S A GREAT QUESTION. WE HAVE SEEN THIS IN THE
[01:36:45] HAS BEEN A CONCERN FOR SO MANY DEMOCRATS AS WE'VE ALL have all been waiting for a decision from President Biden. Wolf? And we're just about
[01:36:47] two weeks or so away from that Democratic convention in Chicago that will officially
[01:36:52] nominate the Democratic presidential candidate. We're watching all of this unfold. MJ, I understand THE PRESIDENT'S CANDIDATE. I THINK IT IS A GREAT IDEA TO
[01:37:01] CANDIDATE.
[01:37:03] UNFOLD.
[01:37:11] YEAH, I'VE GOT IT.
[01:37:16] IN THE AFTERMATH OF PRESIDENT BIDEN DROPPING OUT OF THE 2024 RECORD. Vice President Kamala Harris in the aftermath of President Biden dropping out of the 2024 race.
[01:37:21] She says that she was honored to have received President Biden's endorsement
[01:37:25] and intends to earn and win the nomination for the presidency. This, of course is the first time THE PRESIDENT'S NOMINATION. HE IS A VERY GOOD MAN AND
[01:37:37] WE DID REPORT EARLIER THAT PRESIDENT BIDEN AND VICE speak on the phone earlier today. That is not surprising. Just a little bit more from
[01:37:41] the vice president's statement here, she says I am honored to have the
[01:37:44] President's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination.
[01:37:48] She also talks about how it has been
[01:37:51] such a profound honor to have served
[01:37:53] as the president's vice president,
[01:37:55] expresses her gratitude
[01:37:56] to First Lady Jill Biden
[01:37:58] as well and talks about sort of the relationship that they have built over the the president's late son, Joe Biden. And then we have
[01:38:01] President Trump and First Lady
[01:38:03] Jill Biden as well and talks
[01:38:04] about sort of the relationship
[01:38:06] that they have built over the
[01:38:08] years, including the
[01:38:10] relationship but she had with THE PRESIDENT'S RUNNING MATE IS A FACTOR IN HIS VICE
[01:38:31] WOLF, ALL OF THE ATTENTION NOW IS GOING TO REALLY BE ON KAMALA HARRIS. everything else. Wolf, all of the attention now is going to really be on Kamala Harris.
[01:38:35] This has already been the case for the last several weeks as we have been sort
[01:38:39] of in limbo trying to see where the president was going to land in terms of his own decision.
[01:38:45] But, of course, given that things seemed headed in the wrong direction for the president
[01:38:50] for a while now, there has been a lot of speculation about Vice President Harris and whether
[01:38:55] an endorsement formally would come from the president which, of course it has. And
[01:38:59] so now we are going to be paying close attention to everything that she does
[01:39:03] just in the coming days.
[01:39:04] How does she carry herself in public now
[01:39:07] that this news is out?
[01:39:08] Does she sort of step up her campaign operations with-
[01:39:11] Here, I mean you can run this,
[01:39:13] You get,
[01:39:13] you can literally run this.
[01:39:15] You can literally run this as an ad
[01:39:16] now like
[01:39:17] sick of this? Well think about
[01:39:20] this. He's a world
[01:39:22] leader in temper tantrums
[01:39:25] she never loses her cool.
[01:39:27] She prosecuted sex predators,
[01:39:29] he is one.
[01:39:31] We haven't got a.
[01:39:33] She shut down for-profit colleges that swindled Americans.
[01:39:38] He was a for-profit college.
[01:39:40] At Trump University, we keep success.
[01:39:41] Literally.
[01:39:43] He's owned by the big banks.
[01:39:45] She's the attorney general who beat the biggest banks in America
[01:39:48] and forced them to pay homeowners $18 billion.
[01:39:52] He's tearing us apart, she'll bring us together.
[01:39:57] This is Trump And in every possible way
[01:40:00] this is the anti-trump so if that's what you're looking for bro call me
[01:40:05] Cocomelon the way I'm coconut peeled right now okay i i just i don't know i i'm feeling the momentum
[01:40:12] there's really only one comma
[01:40:14] i just i'm dude dude it's not bad it's not bad I just, I'm... Dude.
[01:40:20] Dude, it's not bad.
[01:40:21] It's not bad.
[01:40:23] It's not bad.
[01:40:26] You were just talking about what this day means and the significance of this in a personal level.
[01:40:29] Bro, stop crying! Stop crying!
[01:40:31] You used to be a fucking Maoist! Stop crying!
[01:40:33] Oh my god bro
[01:40:35] He already cried earlier he's crying again
[01:40:37] you gotta take his fucking glasses off and cry one more time
[01:40:39] Chris' statement where she plans to earn and win I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT THIS.
[01:40:42] MORE TIME.
[01:40:50] POLITICALLY ASTUTE OF HER. Maoist third world is in San Francisco, bro. I take the rules very seriously.
[01:40:52] Technically, Joe Biden can't just say
[01:40:54] you're now the nominee.
[01:40:55] If Joe Biden stepped down from president
[01:40:57] the Constitution says she's automatically president
[01:40:59] but this is not about the Constitution
[01:41:01] this is about the Democratic Party
[01:41:03] and under our rules it's the delegates who
[01:41:05] make the decision. It's not Joe Biden
[01:41:07] it's not Kamala Harris, it's not Nancy
[01:41:09] Pelosi, it's not the Clintons, it's not the Obamas
[01:41:11] Our delegates make the decision." And so
[01:41:13] she is being very politically astute by saying
[01:41:15] to the delegates, I am going to work
[01:41:18] to earn your support.
[01:41:19] I appreciate the support I'm getting from the Clintons
[01:41:21] and from everyone else but I understand that it comes down to you.
[01:41:24] And by saying she's going to work to earn
[01:41:26] that support,
[01:41:27] I think that's very smart.
[01:41:29] So that gives a delegate
[01:41:30] the opportunity to feel
[01:41:31] they have a job to do uh
[01:41:34] they have to make a decision here also i think that she's
[01:41:38] she's letting other people know the water is warm
[01:41:42] you want to jump in you want to get some you could try to earn these delegates YOU KNOW, I THINK THAT'S WHAT SHE'S SAYING.
[01:41:48] YOU WANT TO GET SOME?
[01:41:51] WELL.
[01:41:54] AGAINST ME IT'S A PROBLEM. SHE IS NOT CLOSING THE DOORS. saying I accept Joe Biden, therefore no.
[01:41:55] So that puts other Democrats in a very interesting position.
[01:41:58] If you're a swing state governor,
[01:42:00] if you're a rising star in this party,
[01:42:02] if you're a celebrity, if you're somebody who wants to say look
[01:42:05] I don't believe in Kamala Harris, I don't trust that she can If you're a celebrity, if you're somebody who wants to say,
[01:42:06] look I don't believe in Kamala Harris.
[01:42:08] I don't trust that she can win.
[01:42:09] I think I can win.
[01:42:10] What are you going to do?
[01:42:12] You're gonna have to make the decision
[01:42:14] that no-no, I'm gonna raise my hand
[01:42:16] and I'm going to say,
[01:42:16] I think I could do a better job.
[01:42:18] I think I can win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan.
[01:42:23] I think I have a better shot
[01:42:24] than I want those delegates
[01:42:25] to listen to me.
[01:42:31] So you're gonna have to watch over the next 24, 48 hours does anybody else raise their hand and say that they also want to earn the nomination?
[01:42:35] What she's acknowledging is the nomination is not yet hers, and that's a very big deal.
[01:42:40] That's just a true fact but in other parties you might have somebody demagogue it, steamroll it
[01:42:45] say everybody get behind me I am now going to lead this party. She's not doing that very politically astute.
[01:42:50] But then you've been involved in Democratic politics your whole life to see the Clintons,
[01:42:55] the president top senators getting behind her as a nominee. Do you think anyone else if you are I THINK IT'S A GREAT QUESTION. YOU KNOW, SHE WAS THE
[01:43:03] THE NOMINEE.
[01:43:08] KNOW, A DEMOCRAT WHO HAS A LOT OF STAR POTENTIAL GOING going forward that you would, that they'd be brave enough to kind of get in this ring
[01:43:11] at this point with seeing who's lining up behind Ares so far?
[01:43:16] It would take an extraordinary amount
[01:43:17] of self-confidence and belief in himself to do it.
[01:43:20] But are there doors that are still open? Yes, are there doors that are still open yes their door they're
[01:43:22] still open uh for instance pelosi hasn't yet said she's for kamala um president obama as
[01:43:28] usual is staying very very neutral at least publicly to make sure that because he is the
[01:43:34] rock star of rock stars in this party, that he doesn't tip it one way or another.
[01:43:37] So you do have some doors that are still open and, but the grade just got steeper
[01:43:44] because Joe Biden gave me endorsement.
[01:43:46] He gave it immediately.
[01:43:47] The Clintons came out and-
[01:43:48] Oh, there was another funny thing.
[01:43:50] Donald Trump literally, yeah,
[01:43:51] Donald Trump literally donated to Kamala Harris
[01:43:53] while she was a candidate for state attorney general.
[01:43:56] Total of 6,000 in 2011 and 2013 combined.
[01:44:00] So that's something to remember.
[01:44:03] But I also want to check in on our fellow defiant dads,
[01:44:06] specifically out of Brooklyn.
[01:44:08] Hold the line.
[01:44:09] We got this, he said.
[01:44:11] And then, you know...
[01:44:12] And then he got the news.
[01:44:13] I hope he's doing all right.
[01:44:15] He was pretty fucking defiant.
[01:44:18] He was defiant to the last moment.
[01:44:20] Okay?
[01:44:21] Which was kind of ridiculous, as I stated.
[01:44:26] As I stated, these guys,
[01:44:28] these Biden dead-enders were like
[01:44:30] hallucinating a world
[01:44:33] in which Biden was going to crawl across the convention
[01:44:42] oh my lord i believe comic can win it uh at the top of the ticket i don't believe Kamala can win at the top of the ticket.
[01:44:48] I don't believe this, I don't believe that.
[01:44:49] I think I can do it.
[01:44:51] Kamala Harris just said, come on in, the water's warm.
[01:44:55] Well, and you know what I thought about
[01:44:56] when I saw that both Clintons
[01:44:58] got behind her?
[01:44:59] I was thinking of Hillary Clinton
[01:45:00] because she is a woman
[01:45:02] who knows what it's like
[01:45:03] to run against Donald Trump
[01:45:05] and that could be
[01:45:06] the position we see Harrison. We don't know yet, obviously
[01:45:09] we are keeping our power drive, waiting to see what Democrats decide here. But it doesn't
[01:45:14] seem like that's a scenario the Trump campaign has been prepping for. They have been singling out Harris.
[01:45:18] I noticed it multiple times when you and I were in Milwaukee last week
[01:45:22] before the Republican convention,
[01:45:23] and I just wonder what on its early basis
[01:45:26] what you think that race will look like,
[01:45:28] a Harris versus
[01:45:29] Donald Trump.
[01:45:32] You know?
[01:45:33] I will give kudos to Nancy Pelosi
[01:45:35] for pushing Biden out.
[01:45:37] I will. She did that.
[01:45:39] She did that shit,
[01:45:41] even though at the last second she was like,
[01:45:42] maybe we have an open convention,
[01:45:44] which I didn't like too much.
[01:45:46] She talked to Politico yesterday,
[01:45:49] which I didn't have a lot of time
[01:45:50] to cover because I was bawling.
[01:45:52] But that was not great.
[01:45:55] But everything else aside from
[01:45:56] that, she has been very active
[01:45:58] women.
[01:45:59] That's something that the Trump team does a lot.
[01:46:02] I think she's angling for Newsom, which I don't think is a good idea.
[01:46:08] Especially because there's too much like...
[01:46:11] Newsom has too much stink on him.
[01:46:13] A lot of people like him,
[01:46:15] a lot of people like him,
[01:46:17] but not for President obviously. I don't think that
[01:46:22] she will
[01:46:23] try to
[01:46:27] cook the ticket like that. That would be
[01:46:29] ridiculous but a double California ticket is
[01:46:31] crazy.
[01:46:33] It's actually kind of stupid.
[01:46:35] Especially black voters who are so critical, and so
[01:46:37] you've got a real matchup here because
[01:46:40] you've got somebody who
[01:46:41] has at times been very, very strong in that prosecutor role.
[01:46:47] Most people think about Kamala Harris they don't think about her as Vice President.
[01:46:49] They think about her being in the Senate grilling nominees from the Trump administration,
[01:46:54] grilling CEOs just going after people and putting them in their place.
[01:46:58] So that side of her personality gives a chance to come forward now
[01:47:01] in a very different way. Kamala Harris won
[01:47:03] a lot of support from people when Biden stumbled,
[01:47:06] Biden stumbled. He didn't do well in the debate. Everybody was freaking out and I was sitting right next to Anderson
[01:47:11] Cooper when Anderson Cooper brought Kamala Harris on. She was cool, she
[01:47:16] was calm, she was
[01:47:18] collected, she was strong.
[01:47:20] There was no time for anybody to hand her talking points.
[01:47:22] There was no time for anybody to write up a speech.
[01:47:24] There was no teleprompter. She had to just literally walk out the door...
[01:47:27] Okay bro they're just glazing! Oh my god they have one speed I swear
[01:47:31] to God they have one speed it's just glaze mode. They switched it up
[01:47:35] they switched on our boy.
[01:47:37] They're so fake,
[01:47:39] fake friends all around us.
[01:47:39] You know what I'm saying?
[01:47:45] They're just like that Anderson Cooper response was mid.
[01:47:46] Okay.
[01:47:48] Kamala Harris was not exactly cooking in that fucking Anderson Cooper response
[01:47:50] in the immediate aftermath of the debate. To be fair
[01:47:52] to her it was an impossible
[01:47:54] situation to like massage
[01:47:56] your way out of, to message your way out of, to message your way out of,
[01:47:58] to manipulate your way out of.
[01:48:00] You couldn't do that
[01:48:00] and she didn't actually
[01:48:02] do a great job either
[01:48:03] but fuck it.
[01:48:04] Who cares?
[01:48:05] For Biden
[01:48:05] but for Trump
[01:48:06] he just became
[01:48:06] the oldest presidential nominee in American history
[01:48:09] Van Jones, obviously
[01:48:11] we're going to be watching all this very closely
[01:48:13] Van Jones, thank you for that wolf
[01:48:15] By the way, Elon is losing his fucking mind
[01:48:17] Our viewers are always Elon Musk said is fucking mine.
[01:48:20] Elon Musk said
[01:48:21] he's dumping 45 mil every
[01:48:24] month to a Trump super PAC,
[01:48:26] then Trump came out literally
[01:48:28] the next night at the RNC and
[01:48:31] said, if you own an EV
[01:48:32] you're gay.
[01:48:35] Literally. Elon Musk
[01:48:37] who is still
[01:48:38] one of the
[01:48:42] quote-unquote founders
[01:48:44] slash...
[01:48:46] He's still the CEO of Tesla,
[01:48:47] right? I mean, most of his bread
[01:48:49] is buttered by Tesla.
[01:48:51] And this motherfucker was like,
[01:48:54] oh I'm giving $45 million.
[01:48:57] $45 million a month to Donald Trump.
[01:49:02] Donald Trump turned around and said,
[01:49:04] I'm going to abolish EVs
[01:49:07] basically at his RNC speech.
[01:49:09] He didn't spend as much time
[01:49:10] as he did on immigrants, but he basically was like
[01:49:12] EVs are gay.
[01:49:13] You can't have an EV anymore.
[01:49:15] It's illegal
[01:49:15] and this dumb fuck
[01:49:17] is still riding for him.
[01:49:20] Okay?
[01:49:21] He's still riding
[01:49:22] for them.
[01:49:25] Trump wasn't Okay? He's still riding for him. Trump walked it back
[01:49:26] when he heard 45 mil.
[01:49:28] Yeah, but it doesn't matter because he's still like
[01:49:29] very anti-EV in his rally.
[01:49:32] So what's that about?
[01:49:32] And anybody that
[01:49:33] votes for the head of the
[01:49:36] United Auto Workers, this guy doesn't know
[01:49:38] what he's doing. He's approved all...
[01:49:40] That's not what he said, Law. You're just lying.
[01:49:42] Yes, brother. He didn't say if you own an electric vehicle, you are
[01:49:45] a homosexual.
[01:49:47] Are you new here?
[01:49:50] Obviously that's not exactly
[01:49:51] what he said. I'm just saying he immediately
[01:49:53] came out against EVs in his RNC speech.
[01:49:59] Insane.
[01:50:00] Chatters are like, dude, that's not literally what he said.
[01:50:05] Fuck you.
[01:50:07] Yeah, I know. Yeah. like dude that's not literally what he said you yeah i know electric cars
[01:50:12] and you know elon i love eli guy doesn't know what he's doing he's approved all electric cars and you know elan i love el Elon Musk. Do we love him? I love him.
[01:50:20] And anybody that...
[01:50:23] ...long massive tubes and they're landing gently right on the dot.
[01:50:29] And he said, that's the coolest thing I've ever seen.
[01:50:31] And you say how long would it take government to come up with
[01:50:34] that one?
[01:50:35] I don't think they have heard of it.
[01:50:36] Perhaps they still haven't heard of it,
[01:50:39] but he's a very advanced person
[01:50:41] and he's doing other things that are great.
[01:50:42] Yeah, he's advanced all right.
[01:50:44] We have to make life good for our smart people.
[01:50:47] We have some smart people. We have to make life good for our smart people you know we have some smart people we
[01:50:49] have to make life good for us smart people
[01:50:51] and he's as smart as you get
[01:50:55] but elon endorsed me the other day and I read,
[01:51:00] I didn't even know this.
[01:51:01] He didn't even tell me about it
[01:51:03] but he gives me $45 million a month.
[01:51:11] Not 45 million.
[01:51:14] It gives me
[01:51:14] 45 million
[01:51:15] a month!
[01:51:20] And I told him of course he has to be dick eating right now because that's a lot of cookies.
[01:51:25] Okay? That's a lot of money.
[01:51:27] He needs it.
[01:51:29] He needs it bad He needs a bad,
[01:51:31] just a little while ago to say I was coming here.
[01:51:33] How you doing?
[01:51:34] And he didn't even mention it.
[01:51:36] He didn't mention.
[01:51:37] I mean other guys,
[01:51:38] they give you $2 and you got to take them to lunch.
[01:51:41] You got to wine up, dine them?
[01:51:44] No.
[01:51:44] He's a great guy.
[01:51:45] He really is.
[01:51:46] But he's never mentioned to me
[01:51:48] why are you hitting the electric cars
[01:51:50] because he understands I'm not hitting it.
[01:51:52] I think it's incredible
[01:51:54] i've had them i've driven and they're incredible but they're not for everybody some people have to
[01:52:00] drive long distance yeah now he's like re-triangulating. He's like yeah you know it's not for
[01:52:04] everybody. EVs are
[01:52:06] still gay but some people
[01:52:08] are gay and I'm okay with it
[01:52:10] meanwhile Elon is posting
[01:52:12] through it right now.
[01:52:15] Trump fans, let's fucking go!
[01:52:16] Trump fans, let's fucking go!
[01:52:19] It's like dude you are such a fucking loser I swear to God
[01:52:21] You are so
[01:52:22] demonstrably dumb You are so demonstrably dumb.
[01:52:25] You are so objectively dumb.
[01:52:28] I'm, oh my lord.
[01:52:33] Trump fans Biden's announcement
[01:52:39] Here is a fun little chaos moment
[01:52:42] One last
[01:52:44] Incredibly chaotic moment From the messy bitch who loves drama Joe Biden.
[01:52:50] Biden's announcement stunned White House and campaign aides
[01:52:53] who up until this afternoon were insisting he'd stay in the race.
[01:52:56] We're all finding out by tweet, said one Dem.
[01:52:58] None of us understand what's happening.
[01:53:00] Yeah.
[01:53:02] You guys don't understand a lot of things, do you?
[01:53:08] There's a lot you don't understand
[01:53:08] I think like for
[01:53:10] example you didn't
[01:53:11] understand that like
[01:53:12] you know you could
[01:53:14] just hold on for
[01:53:15] dear life to a
[01:53:17] carcass because you're an opportunist careerist, okay?
[01:53:24] Yeah.
[01:53:24] I mean,
[01:53:25] I have all the smoke.
[01:53:27] I do not care about these people's
[01:53:30] interest in the matter.
[01:53:32] I'm just going to outline,
[01:53:33] particularly on foreign affairs,
[01:53:35] the very dire situation
[01:53:38] we are in this country
[01:53:39] and a movement, whether
[01:53:40] it is... Think
[01:53:42] about Vance and opposing
[01:53:44] funding for
[01:53:46] Ukraine. He's going to talk
[01:53:48] I think a lot about foreign policy. It is his lane and it's going to
[01:53:52] be very statesman like very almost Churchill-like, I think. And he's capable of delivering that kind
[01:53:58] of speech. And I look forward to hearing from him, Senator High camp. Thank you.
[01:54:02] And if you were just joining us now, it has been an extraordinary moment by the way,
[01:54:06] Americans may not realize it, but they just witnessed a civil coup. No dude,
[01:54:10] this isn't a fucking civil coup.
[01:54:12] Okay? This is
[01:54:14] a party actually behaving
[01:54:16] like a fucking party.
[01:54:19] Like,
[01:54:20] it's ridiculous.
[01:54:23] Biden can technically be VP again?
[01:54:25] Yeah, he should do it.
[01:54:26] He should run for VP.
[01:54:30] It's just...
[01:54:31] Like...
[01:54:41] It's getting... it's getting Biden to come to terms with the reality that is in front of the party.
[01:54:44] Okay, that's it. That's not a coup.
[01:54:46] They didn't, like,
[01:54:48] force him out. They didn't put a fucking gun to his head. They didn't use
[01:54:50] the military.
[01:54:52] It's ridiculous
[01:54:53] Biden is still the president of
[01:54:57] the United States of America he's
[01:54:59] just no longer running for
[01:55:01] reelection how would you know?
[01:55:06] You're right.
[01:55:07] They put a gun to his head.
[01:55:08] They hit him with the COVID beam.
[01:55:11] As early as last night,
[01:55:12] to his staff was that he is staying in.
[01:55:14] It is full speed ahead. She said that this is a decision... I THINK IT'S A GREAT IDEA. SHE SAID THE
[01:55:18] AHEAD.
[01:55:25] ACTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT WENT PUBLIC. SHE ALSO TOLD THE STAFF NOW THEY She also told the staff that now they need to put their head down,
[01:55:26] they need to stay focused.
[01:55:27] And she said they need to protect Vice President Harris
[01:55:30] and that is where all eyes are going to be in the coming days.
[01:55:33] I am told by a senior administration official
[01:55:35] about President Biden is expected to meet with israeli
[01:55:38] prime minister netanyahu this coming week and that vice president harris is as well
[01:55:43] every move that the vice president makes her influence on
[01:55:45] the global stage as well any campaign stops she makes that's where the mic THE VICE PRESIDENT MAKES, HER INFLUENCE ON THE GLOBAL STAGE AS WELL.
[01:55:58] WE HAVE SEEN A LOT OF
[01:56:04] CLASS.
[01:56:07] OF THEM WERE IN
[01:56:08] DISAGREEMENT ABOUT THE BEST WAY TO MOVE FORWARD THAT A LOT OF THEM DID NOT did not want to see a coronation of Vice President Harris.
[01:56:08] They wanted to see some sort of mini primary play out
[01:56:10] in a very expedited fashion.
[01:56:12] Well, now since then you've had powerful senators
[01:56:14] and Congress people.
[01:56:16] You've also had the congressional black caucus.
[01:56:18] You have had major, major names including the Clintons come
[01:56:22] out and say they are all backing Vice President Harris since those developments I'm told that
[01:56:26] donors are now quickly coalescing around Vice President Harris. And we're also learning that
[01:56:32] more donors are asking about how they can pitch in, how they could give more to Vice President
[01:56:37] Harris. So you were seeing a big shift just in the last several minutes and in the last hour.
[01:56:42] I want to ask because President Biden has made it clear that he wanted to have
[01:56:45] that second debate with former president Donald Trump.
[01:56:48] It's an ABC News debate that was supposed to take place just weeks before the election,
[01:56:52] coming at a very critical...
[01:56:53] They have to do another debate.
[01:56:55] Trump will look so weak if he says no.
[01:56:58] Like they'll just...
[01:56:59] He will look so incredibly weak.
[01:57:01] Americans want to see the matchup
[01:57:03] get on the debate stage. It's going to be another
[01:57:05] fucking banger of a debate potentially
[01:57:07] if she is the Democratic nominee.
[01:57:09] Do you believe that she'll want to
[01:57:10] President Donald Trump?
[01:57:14] There are just so many questions at this point, but she wouldn't be a strong debater.
[01:57:18] She's a former prosecutor. This is someone who can really go after and attack people.
[01:57:24] That is what she's known for doing very well on a public fashion,
[01:57:27] so she would be a strong contender, I'm told by multiple people,
[01:57:30] against former President Donald Trump.
[01:57:32] She will know exactly where to hit him and where his source spots are,
[01:57:35] and when it comes to the vice presidential debate of course now all eyes are on who would be
[01:57:39] her vice presidential pick right? But this is probably going
[01:57:43] to be full steam ahead.
[01:57:44] I've still got to work the sources,
[01:57:45] work the phones
[01:57:46] to figure out exactly what their plan
[01:57:47] is on that debate
[01:57:48] but Vice President Harris
[01:57:49] I'm told would be very strong.
[01:57:51] Thank you Selena
[01:57:52] and I want to bring in now
[01:57:53] our Chief Washington correspondent John
[01:57:56] Karl.
[01:57:57] John, you're getting word and hearing reaction from Donald Trump's running mate by from
[01:58:02] Donald Trump's running mate Senator J.D. Vance.
[01:58:04] Yes, it's a relatively short statement, Rachel, and perfectly SENATOR J.D. VANCE? YES, IT'S A RELATIVELY SHORT
[01:58:15] THE TICKET.
[01:58:16] SO THIS IS... THIS MEANS AUTO WIN FOR that she becomes the replacement at the top of the ticket.
[01:58:20] This means auto win for Trump? No, it doesn't.
[01:58:23] I think a lot of people are... It's entirely dependent on who the VP is,
[01:58:26] but more importantly than that,
[01:58:27] how the Democrats message going forward.
[01:58:30] Okay?
[01:58:31] But no, it is not a fucking...
[01:58:33] It is not an automatic dub at all.
[01:58:35] Anything you could attack Joe Biden for,
[01:58:37] you can now attack Kamala Harris for.
[01:58:40] The statement goes on to accuse Kamala Harris
[01:58:44] of quote covering up Joe Biden's mental capacity, saddling the nation.
[01:58:53] The only counter to that, by the way, is to say Joe Biden
[01:58:57] is still completely mentally fit. just lie and say he's
[01:59:00] still completely mentally fit to run the country
[01:59:02] but running for re-election
[01:59:04] while also running for the country
[01:59:06] or running the country is entirely two different
[01:59:08] dynamics. And Joe Biden did this because he wanted to be a more capable administrator
[01:59:13] in his last, like, couple of months in office
[01:59:16] because he loves this country that much
[01:59:18] and he wanted to present a fresh new face of the American public that will
[01:59:21] continue his legacy even better than before.
[01:59:23] Democrats from pushing
[01:59:25] forward with this effort to replace
[01:59:27] Joe Biden by saying there would be legal
[01:59:29] challenges if there was an effort to make a change after the primaries.
[01:59:35] But they are now pivoting to a race that they expect that they will now have against Kamala Harris.
[01:59:42] And John, we know that former President Donald Trump out of the campaign trail
[01:59:46] while he has focused much of his attacks on President Joe Biden
[01:59:50] He's also attacked Vice President Kamala Harris as well.
[01:59:53] If she is, in fact, the Democratic nominee, how do we expect the Trump campaign to take on Harris?
[01:59:59] Well, they're going to make much of the fact that she was given responsibility for dealing with
[02:00:04] the problem of undocumented immigrants coming over the border.
[02:00:08] Now, she wasn't the borders are. That's what Republicans labeled her.
[02:00:12] She was given the job of dealing with all
[02:00:15] the migration that was coming up from Central
[02:00:16] America, but they will portray her
[02:00:18] as the one that was in charge of the border
[02:00:21] which, of course, is issue number
[02:00:23] one for Republicans.
[02:00:25] This is why I thought... This is exactly the reason
[02:00:27] why I thought Joe
[02:00:29] Biden fucking hitting a right-wing
[02:00:31] slant on immigration was an unimaginably
[02:00:34] bad move. I think this is her biggest weakness because she's seen
[02:00:37] as like the border czar and it is the weakest issue for the Democrats,
[02:00:42] and Americans have become increasingly more right wing.
[02:00:45] So going forward from this moment on, they need to say like oh we are trying to be the
[02:00:51] adults about the border situation.
[02:00:53] We want to process migrants more.
[02:00:58] Republicans want to put them in concentration camps.
[02:01:00] Don't even talk about your policies on the border.
[02:01:07] Talk about how Republicans want to put every person with even any kind of Hispanic origin, any kind of Hispanic background directly in a concentration camp.
[02:01:10] Because the way Republicans always benefit
[02:01:15] from putting out these bold declarative statements
[02:01:19] without any emphasis on what that policy would look like in action.
[02:01:24] They did this with abortion, okay?
[02:01:26] Oh, we just Democrats want to do abortion at nine months.
[02:01:31] Democrats want to do abortion at nine months. Abortion is murder.
[02:01:33] Abortion is murder. Look where that got them objectively unpopular.
[02:01:38] Okay. Objectively unpopular.
[02:01:40] And it's part of the reason why
[02:01:42] uh, the Democratic ticket
[02:01:44] still holds a little bit of weight in this country
[02:01:46] despite the fact that
[02:01:48] many Americans experience negative real wage growth for two fucking years under the Biden administration.
[02:01:53] Okay?
[02:01:54] So,
[02:01:55] For that reason,
[02:01:56] For that reason,
[02:01:59] What they have to do is cut
[02:02:01] against the narrative and
[02:02:03] explain to Americans
[02:02:05] what it would look like
[02:02:07] to deport tens of
[02:02:09] millions of people that have
[02:02:12] lived on U.S. soil,
[02:02:14] that have participated in the American
[02:02:16] economy in incredibly
[02:02:18] important ways and how
[02:02:20] unimaginably cruel and devastating
[02:02:23] that reality would be.
[02:02:25] They should have done this for the past four years as
[02:02:27] Republicans were cutting this kind of narrative.
[02:02:29] They should have done this for a very long
[02:02:31] time. They didn't do it, they still
[02:02:33] have an opportunity to try and reframe
[02:02:35] the narrative. Now that there is a
[02:02:37] new slate, now that there's a blank
[02:02:39] slate, to a certain degree
[02:02:42] okay?
[02:02:43] Now that there is a blank slate to a certain degree, okay? Now that there is a blank slate
[02:02:44] to a certain degree,
[02:02:46] this is an opportunity
[02:02:47] to restructure.
[02:02:48] I genuinely think
[02:02:50] that if they try to go,
[02:02:51] oh no, we went hard on the border.
[02:02:53] We are the board... I'm the borders czar. we went hard on the border. We are the board... I'm the border czar.
[02:02:55] I went hard on the border. Donald Trump
[02:02:57] is lying. He didn't want to do the right-wing
[02:02:59] immigration bill that Joe Biden
[02:03:01] presented because
[02:03:02] he was just like... He wanted to use the border as a talking point.
[02:03:08] That is weak.
[02:03:10] That's weak nuts.
[02:03:11] That is really, really bad.
[02:03:14] Okay?
[02:03:16] That's really fucking bad. Okay? That's really fucking bad.
[02:03:18] They weren't happy with the
[02:03:20] candidates and the choice that they had
[02:03:22] and now
[02:03:23] they will have a different choice.
[02:03:27] And if it's Kamala Harris,
[02:03:28] it is that generational choice
[02:03:30] you're talking to.
[02:03:31] Not in the number two spot,
[02:03:32] but in the number one spot.
[02:03:34] And Americans,
[02:03:36] they've been telling pollsters this for a while.
[02:03:38] They yearn for a new kind of politics.
[02:03:43] All of a sudden Donald Trump looks like the man from yesterday. Trumpism
[02:03:48] and the MAGA movement...
[02:03:49] Oh, let's hear what Axelrod has to say.
[02:03:52] He was urging Biden to drop out months
[02:03:54] ago.
[02:03:55] You know, Ben Jones was talking earlier about what a tough decision this must have been for President Biden.
[02:04:02] And when you look at it in the grand scheme of things, I mean to go from three –
[02:04:05] a little over three weeks ago showing up in Atlanta debate donald trump and then to this decision now
[02:04:11] can you help me get paid from hutch he blocked them banned
[02:04:13] me for miss chad when i try to collect he's been calling both you and i idiots
[02:04:17] so the bet is if b Biden wins 2024 presidential election,
[02:04:20] If he does not I get $500 or if not I get $500.
[02:04:23] Assuming he runs against Trump yeah.
[02:04:24] He's the incumbent.
[02:04:25] If he's not president 2025 I win the bet.
[02:04:27] I'll accept a $500 bet within those terms.
[02:04:32] I mean, yeah,
[02:04:34] he's not going to pay you.
[02:04:37] We'll be honest with you.
[02:04:39] He is probably too busy,
[02:04:41] you know, deleting his tweets
[02:04:44] about how everyone is stupid
[02:04:45] for not riding with Biden.
[02:04:48] Donald Trump.
[02:04:49] And that may well be Kamala Harris.
[02:04:50] You know, I think some of her supporters have done or disobeyed I THINK THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION. I THINK IT IS A GOOD QUESTION
[02:05:00] DIS SERVICE BECAUSE THEY SAY SHE'S THERE, HISTORIC, YOU The real case they should be making is why she'd be the strongest candidate.
[02:05:03] And there are some really strong arguments to suggest she would be, but
[02:05:07] she might be stronger if she comes through a process where for people
[02:05:11] saying Kamala Harris is a black and Indian woman
[02:05:13] and Americans are sexist and racist
[02:05:15] and will not accept this,
[02:05:18] you do not understand.
[02:05:20] There is one side of the
[02:05:21] story. You can overcome these
[02:05:24] weaknesses, I guess
[02:05:26] if you can out-compete
[02:05:28] the other side. Barack
[02:05:30] Obama was the first black
[02:05:32] man, was the first black man, was the first black president.
[02:05:36] How was he able to do that?
[02:05:37] It was because
[02:05:38] he fucking absolutely destroyed
[02:05:40] Hillary Clinton in the primaries
[02:05:41] and he was able
[02:05:42] to put forward
[02:05:43] a clear,
[02:05:45] and coherent,
[02:05:46] and very bold,
[02:05:47] very progressive agenda.
[02:05:49] Okay?
[02:05:50] Change.
[02:05:51] Hope in change.
[02:05:53] He won by pretty fucking solid numbers.
[02:05:55] He not only won, but he also had a Senate that was
[02:05:59] a super majority for the Democrats.
[02:06:01] He fucked it up, but that's besides the point.
[02:06:03] Okay?
[02:06:04] He became this neoliberal demon immediately after he got
[02:06:07] into office, but that's not what we're talking about
[02:06:09] right now. His middle name was
[02:06:11] fucking Hussein and we were
[02:06:13] a lot closer
[02:06:14] to
[02:06:16] the worst kinds of Islamophobia you've ever seen.
[02:06:21] A motherfucker whose name is Barack Hussein Obama, okay?
[02:06:28] Barack Hussein
[02:06:30] Obama, who
[02:06:32] Hillary Clinton's camp literally called
[02:06:34] a Muslim,
[02:06:35] was able to become
[02:06:39] president. Problem is
[02:06:40] is Kamala Harris charismatic enough?
[02:06:43] Is Kamala Harris going
[02:06:45] to be able to put forward a clear and coherent
[02:06:47] message that Americans respond to
[02:06:49] positively. Will she be able
[02:06:51] to overcome some of the
[02:06:53] weaknesses of being associated
[02:06:55] with the Biden regime?
[02:06:58] These are real problems here because she's not an unknown person to a certain degree. She is a, you know, she is a known entity. She was the vice president. Lucky for her, They only talked about how
[02:07:11] silly of a goose she is, you
[02:07:13] know? She was like, oh yeah, she's so silly
[02:07:15] she laughs a lot. She's stupid.
[02:07:17] That's what they presented her as.
[02:07:21] So we'll see.
[02:07:22] Senator John Fetterman,
[02:07:23] people pushed out an honorable man,
[02:07:25] loving father and great president
[02:07:26] before an absolute sleazeball like Menendez.
[02:07:28] Congratulations.
[02:07:30] Yeah, no, He's just worried
[02:07:31] That people whose brains
[02:07:34] Don't work too good
[02:07:35] Are getting pushed out
[02:07:37] That's what it is
[02:07:38] He's got his own personal motivation
[02:07:41] Okay He's like Oh you don't like it when someone is
[02:07:46] stupid
[02:07:47] Like I don't I thought Americans wanted car crash victims
[02:07:54] in positions of power. I don't understand.
[02:07:57] Thanks, John Fetterman. WEEK. BUT IN THE REST OF THE COUNTRY,
[02:08:03] NOT SO MUCH.
[02:08:06] CAN BE BEATEN.
[02:08:09] FOCUS ON THAT.
[02:08:24] PUT OUT THIS STATEMENT, AND HE CALLED HIM THE WORST I spoke to Trump moments after Biden put out this statement,
[02:08:25] and he called him the worst president in US history.
[02:08:28] And then he said that he does believe Harris
[02:08:31] would be easier to beat.
[02:08:32] Obviously we don't know if that's
[02:08:33] who he'll be facing in this election
[02:08:34] but this is not just uncertainty for Democrats it's uncertainty WE DON'T KNOW IF THAT'S WHO HE'LL BE FACING IN THIS ELECTION. BUT THIS IS NOT JUST UNCERTAINTY FOR DEMOCRATS, IT'S UNCERTAINTY
[02:08:48] DONORS ABOUT
[02:08:50] LOOKS LIKE NOW?
[02:08:51] YEAH, KAYLIN,
[02:08:54] TODAY AND
[02:08:56] TWO YEARS, AND THEY ARE SAYING THAT new landscape looks like now yeah caitlin i've been talking to a number of people today and
[02:08:58] definitely over the last several days and the big thing right now is how quickly can vice president
[02:09:04] harris consolidate this field and i spoke with a top fundraiser for the biden-harris campaign I THINK IT'S A GREAT QUESTION. AND I THINK IT'S AN INCREDIBLE
[02:09:11] THIS FIELD.
[02:09:17] DOZENS OF DONORS, WHO SAID RIGHT to win or to lose. And frankly, she has 24
[02:09:18] to 48 hours to do so.
[02:09:19] But this person did not believe
[02:09:21] that there was any sort of
[02:09:23] truly organized effort
[02:09:24] to push someone else
[02:09:26] other than the vice president.
[02:09:27] I love when the Republicans are like, oh dude
[02:09:29] Harris is such an easy lock
[02:09:31] it's going to be so easy to defeat her
[02:09:33] meanwhile they're
[02:09:35] simultaneously trying to get all of
[02:09:37] their lawyers to sue in every state
[02:09:40] to keep Joe Biden on the ticket.
[02:09:43] Paris is so easy
[02:09:44] to beat, which is why we're certainly
[02:09:46] not fucking panicking right now
[02:09:48] on the Republican side.
[02:09:49] The donors are prepared to back
[02:09:51] her and that's going to be critically important
[02:09:53] This is being viewed by many people
[02:09:55] in the Democratic Party as
[02:09:57] path of least resistance, she has
[02:09:59] clearest path to inheriting campaign infrastructure SHE HAS THE CLEAREST PATH TO INHERITING THE CAMPAIGN
[02:10:09] TALKING TO ANOTHER SOURCE WHO IS VERY CLOSE TO THE VICE And the other thing, talking to another source who's very close
[02:10:12] to the vice president.
[02:10:13] There is a lot of concern about
[02:10:15] the really compressed timeline right now
[02:10:19] to get all of these ducks in a row.
[02:10:21] There are so many decisions that need to be made, THE PRESIDENT'S DECISIONS. SHE IS A VERY STRONG PERSON AND
[02:10:25] DUCKS IN A ROW.
[02:10:32] EVEN THE PEOPLE WHO ARE THE who want this to eventually end up with the vice president as
[02:10:35] the top of the ticket, they are worried is how
[02:10:37] this person put it to me. So look,
[02:10:40] The next day or two are going to be extremely critical. One of the other factors in all THE NEXT DAY OR TWO ARE GOING TO BE EXTREMELY CRITICAL.
[02:11:03] WHEN WE TALK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE in the best position. When we talk about the importance of black voters and
[02:11:09] black delegates are to this Democratic Party, that's not just a talking point.
[02:11:13] It is a real practicality about where the powerhouses are within the democratic national
[02:11:18] committee and those are the people in the coming days who are going to decide
[02:11:22] how this goes and who this goes to and i imagine shortly after that the discussion about I THINK THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION. IT IS A GOOD QUESTION.
[02:11:35] DISCUSSION ABOUT WHO WOULD BE HER RUNNING MATE WILL ACCELERATE as well a lot of whispers about that as well, Caitlin.
[02:11:38] Oh yeah, I mean the amount of ways
[02:11:41] that Democrats' phones are blowing up today
[02:11:43] cannot be overstated.
[02:11:45] Everyone is talking about this and asking
[02:11:46] that very question.
[02:11:47] One who's the nominee going to be in two if it is Harris?
[02:11:50] What does that ticket look like at Abby Phillip will continue
[02:11:53] to report on this kit, continue to have those conversations.
[02:11:55] Let us know what you're hearing. We also Scott Jennings CNN senior political commentator here with us CONTINUE TO HAVE THOSE CONVERSATIONS. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU'RE HEARING. WE ALSO HAVE SCOTT JENNINGS, A CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR HERE WITH US.
[02:12:18] SOMETHING THEY HAD KIND OF BEEN PREPARING IN CASE THIS VERY preparing in case this very scenario happened. What does this moment mean for Republicans?
[02:12:22] Yeah, it's shocking. I mean if I had known the second coming of the Lord Almighty was going to
[02:12:26] happen on the east coast this weekend, I wouldn't have gone to San Diego. I'd have been there with
[02:12:29] you but here we are three weeks after the cheap fakes by the way episode,
[02:12:33] which the most embarrassing gaslighting that ever happened.
[02:12:35] I mean Republicans are going to paint Kamala Harris as Joe Biden.
[02:12:41] He's mad number two in the administration that has a
[02:12:43] mid-30s approval rating that's overseeing
[02:12:45] this inflation crisis. She was
[02:12:47] the border czar for the immigration
[02:12:49] crisis that everybody is mad about. And is mad about him, and on top of
[02:12:52] that, she's been one of the principal ring
[02:12:54] leaders of the cover-up of Joe Biden's
[02:12:56] actual condition. So I hear a lot
[02:12:58] of...I've been listening for the last couple hours
[02:13:00] a lot of crowing and pumping up. Scott is the Republican
[02:13:03] on the CNN lineup. Not a great politician
[02:13:05] for those of you who don't know. He's mad.
[02:13:06] It was a complete disaster
[02:13:08] and right now it looks like she
[02:13:10] Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and a bunch of rich people have just pushed Joe Biden out of this race.
[02:13:17] And in the process disenfranchised millions of Democrat voters.
[02:13:21] Yeah dude.
[02:13:23] Everyone who voted for Joe Biden in the primaries is like yeah I'm not voting for Kamala Harris
[02:13:26] get the fuck out of here dude.
[02:13:28] Is it interesting to you that we haven't seen a picture of Joe Biden today?
[02:13:31] We don't have a picture of him signing the letter?
[02:13:33] I mean this is a huge decision.
[02:13:35] Also, the letter doesn't say why exactly.
[02:13:38] Why is he stepping down?
[02:13:40] He's so mad!
[02:13:43] Oh, he's so mad! Dude's so mad dude come on come on look i don't know what happens tomorrow but today
[02:13:50] i am going to i'm gonna sit i'm gonna kick back and i'm gonna enjoy
[02:13:54] the republicans in a state of absolute panic.
[02:13:57] Unanswered by this letter and the mystery surrounding him today.
[02:14:01] Yeah, well he does have COVID so I think that's probably why we're not seeing
[02:14:04] him you know i just talked to Chris Coons,
[02:14:06] his co-chair who spoke to him after this announcement.
[02:14:10] We didn't even see Joe Biden.
[02:14:11] And also what if maybe it wasn't him who signed it?
[02:14:13] People like house speaker Mike Johnson,
[02:14:15] but I do wonder Scott, what does this this mean if Harris is the nominee?
[02:14:18] Let's game this out for a second. What does that mean for the Trump campaign?
[02:14:23] They have been preparing to run against President Biden...
[02:14:26] Why would he panic? Isn't this the
[02:14:28] best news for them after that debate
[02:14:30] in Atlanta, but this is...
[02:14:32] Guys, Biden is so
[02:14:34] fucking old. Please.
[02:14:37] He was literally what chances he has of winning right now are already marginal, they were
[02:14:41] going to only get worse from this point on.
[02:14:44] How do you not see this?
[02:14:46] Like no, no, this was not good this
[02:14:51] was a depressive voter turnout
[02:14:53] reelection okay this was a rerun it
[02:14:56] was the momentum was only in the Trump direction.
[02:15:02] I'm telling you, dude.
[02:15:03] That's the reason why Republicans are so fucking mad right now
[02:15:06] and trying everything they can to just be like,
[02:15:08] yo, dude, it's so fucked up. It's so fucked up how they did
[02:15:11] my boy Joe Biden
[02:15:12] Like oh my god all the primary
[02:15:15] voters voted for him. It's like no they voted
[02:15:17] for the Democrat okay
[02:15:18] They voted for whoever the fuck is at the top of the ticket.
[02:15:22] You have an unprecedented level of interest in a race that was unimaginably boring and uninteresting
[02:15:29] For many people who were not interested in voting at all.
[02:15:32] This is the opportunity for the Democratic Party to put forward some kind of
[02:15:37] competent leadership, and actually use this blank slate
[02:15:43] in some respects to their
[02:15:45] advantage.
[02:15:46] Now, it's actually no longer
[02:15:49] a fucking old person
[02:15:50] against an older person.
[02:15:53] These are the types of things that Americans in the margins
[02:15:55] care about. Many of you are talking
[02:15:58] about how she's black, she's a black woman
[02:16:00] and she's an Indian woman. These are the types
[02:16:01] of things that American voters care about? Yeah, sure.
[02:16:04] But you know what else they care about?
[02:16:06] Old people who are chaotic.
[02:16:09] Old people
[02:16:10] who they don't really like that much.
[02:16:12] Old people who have also taken away
[02:16:14] 50% of the country's fucking
[02:16:16] reproductive rights, reproductive
[02:16:19] freedoms.
[02:16:21] Washington Party shit the bed and put a fucking conservative
[02:16:23] in the front seat? Yeah I don't think that that's a good the front seat yeah i don't think that
[02:16:24] that's a good idea i hope they don't do that that's why the people that have
[02:16:27] been mentioning are not actually conservative
[02:16:29] shapiro would be more conservative in my opinion than even like a bashar
[02:16:34] or or uh even Mark Kelly.
[02:16:36] Mark Kelly's pretty middle of the road as well.
[02:16:40] And
[02:16:40] the thing is
[02:16:44] I don't really trust the Democrats.
[02:16:50] As I've said time and time again, they do have the worst fucking instincts.
[02:16:55] But this is a moment where they actually moved in a direction albeit a difficult
[02:17:02] one but they moved in the correct direction so if they keep up this momentum if they keep up this momentum
[02:17:07] and
[02:17:10] they put forward a decent
[02:17:12] plan of attack
[02:17:13] and don't lean
[02:17:16] to the more conservative losing battles
[02:17:19] like the border,
[02:17:22] and instead lean into winning battles
[02:17:25] like abortion.
[02:17:27] Okay?
[02:17:27] Like the economy rebounding, things of that nature. Then... Okay. who were saying that they were going to vote for Joe Biden and pick up more in demographics
[02:17:41] that you need to pick up
[02:17:42] to win key states.
[02:17:45] Okay?
[02:17:46] What is this?
[02:17:47] Some points to back you up.
[02:17:49] GOP strategist Terry Sullivan
[02:17:51] tells CBS News that his fellow
[02:17:53] GOP operatives are less than enthusiastic.
[02:17:55] They're the dog that caught the car,
[02:17:58] says Scott McFarlane.
[02:17:59] Kyle Griffin, Trump desperately wanted President Biden
[02:18:02] to stay in the race according to multiple reports.
[02:18:04] This is true.
[02:18:06] Okay? They did.
[02:18:07] They really wanted Biden
[02:18:08] and the reason why they really wanted Biden
[02:18:10] is because they thought Biden
[02:18:12] Is the candidate to beat.
[02:18:17] There was a likelihood that Biden was the candidate to be,
[02:18:23] But likely the likelihood that Biden was the candidate to beat. But like I said,
[02:18:25] Democrats can still fuck up the bag
[02:18:27] here but they have a wonderful
[02:18:29] opportunity.
[02:18:33] This is also a pretty solid narrative here as well,
[02:18:35] Harris such a good candidate because she can credibly claim
[02:18:37] the accomplishments of the administration without being held
[02:18:39] responsible for any of Biden's specific mistakes
[02:18:41] She literally exists in the context
[02:18:43] of what came before,
[02:18:44] but is also unburdened by what has been.
[02:18:46] That is true.
[02:18:48] She can literally dismantle
[02:18:51] the genocide Joe narrative
[02:18:54] not to say that she will
[02:18:56] because that requires bravery.
[02:18:58] I don't know if she's going
[02:18:59] to be courageous enough
[02:19:00] but she has separated herself
[02:19:04] early on. She separated herself early on.
[02:19:06] She separated herself a couple months prior from Biden
[02:19:08] on this issue, okay?
[02:19:17] I'm telling you. This also creates an opportunity to genuinely galvanize the youth vote,
[02:19:24] to genuinely get
[02:19:26] the youth vote back
[02:19:28] into action.
[02:19:32] Actually coping.
[02:19:33] Kamala is not beating him.
[02:19:35] No shot Lamal actually coping.
[02:19:39] Yeah, get ready for a lot of people
[02:19:41] basically saying that like she's a woman.
[02:19:43] Americans are too misogynistic
[02:19:44] which while they simultaneously
[02:19:46] are just being that person,
[02:19:48] I think Kamala Harris is not a great candidate,
[02:19:51] but she is the one
[02:19:52] that the Democratic Party put forward.
[02:19:54] I'm just analyzing this
[02:19:56] with what I've seen so far.
[02:19:59] In a world where Joe Biden is trailing behind Donald Trump closely,
[02:20:04] despite the fact that he's a cadaver,
[02:20:06] I see a world where there's only more votes to gain in this process.
[02:20:12] The donations pouring in are coming from big-ticket donors, by the way.
[02:20:17] But that is only good because it's going to lead
[02:20:21] to a lot of money being dumped in
[02:20:24] to reframing the narrative and getting people
[02:20:28] to pay attention,
[02:20:30] and getting people to pay attention and getting people interested in the form of ad spends.
[02:20:33] Obviously, hundreds
[02:20:35] of millions of dollars thus far
[02:20:36] was not getting that done for Joe.
[02:20:39] Okay? So there is a little bit of
[02:20:41] uncertainty there! We don't know
[02:20:43] if the hundreds of millions of dollars
[02:20:45] behind Kamala Harris,
[02:20:47] is actually going to
[02:20:49] get people interested in Kamala Harris,
[02:20:53] is going to get people
[02:20:54] to want to vote for Kamala Harris.
[02:20:57] I suspect that it will do far better
[02:21:00] for Kamala Harris than Joe Biden.
[02:21:03] Okay?
[02:21:05] I think regular voters will get excited too.
[02:21:07] Biden just inspired no enthusiasm, yes.
[02:21:11] How charismatic is she? Not great. is she not great
[02:21:13] she's not great I will say
[02:21:15] but while she's
[02:21:17] not great this man was
[02:21:19] a cadaver and the voters were still
[02:21:21] like yeah I think whoever is on the top of that ticket
[02:21:25] I'm voting for.
[02:21:26] 67% of Democratic Party voters that said that they were voting for Biden
[02:21:30] were voting against Trump.
[02:21:32] Their main motivation was voting against Trump. You main motivation was voting against Trump
[02:21:35] You need to understand that, that is important
[02:21:37] This is still a Trump race
[02:21:38] Okay? That's not
[02:21:41] a good race that the Republicans want to have
[02:21:43] Okay? Trump is a very unpopular person.
[02:21:46] You need to understand
[02:21:47] this motherfucker almost got killed
[02:21:50] and people were like
[02:21:51] celebrating
[02:21:53] and by people I mean not myself.
[02:21:55] I would never do such a thing, okay?
[02:21:57] But others were.
[02:22:02] I was celebrating for other reasons.
[02:22:04] You know, maybe I was celebrating because he
[02:22:05] survived.
[02:22:06] I was excited.
[02:22:08] But like everyone
[02:22:09] was celebrating.
[02:22:11] Half of the country
[02:22:11] was celebrating.
[02:22:12] Well not half but you
[02:22:13] know around 30%
[02:22:14] of the country
[02:22:15] was excited that he survived and he's like the messiah of the country was excited that he survived.
[02:22:17] And,
[02:22:17] He's like the Messiah.
[02:22:19] The second coming of Jesus Christ.
[02:22:21] The rest of the country was like...
[02:22:23] The rest of the voters at least were like...
[02:22:26] Yeah,
[02:22:26] No.
[02:22:26] This is kind of sad. at least. We're like, yeah no this is you know
[02:22:27] kind of sad
[02:22:29] But it wasn't enough to quell
[02:22:36] concerns from Democrats for him
[02:22:38] to step aside, growing to a steady
[02:22:41] stream. I salute President Biden
[02:22:43] I just feel that it's time
[02:22:45] for him to step aside
[02:22:47] if we were to be able to protect
[02:22:49] what he allowed us to gain
[02:22:51] in 2020, which was
[02:22:53] a victory for democracy.
[02:22:55] But he delivered.
[02:22:57] Yeah, yeah, yeah. He did the right thing.
[02:22:58] He got us across the finish line
[02:23:01] knows very well uh and as we saw just a little while ago he is already
[02:23:07] endorsed her publicly that happened very, and I know their camps speak
[02:23:12] to each other quite often. The other names will also be familiar. Kentucky Governor
[02:23:18] Andy Beshear has been mentioned a lot. North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper. GOVERNOR ANDY BESHEAR HAS BEEN MENTIONED A LOT.
[02:23:29] THE NAMES I KEEP HEARING ABOUT. YEAH, THOSE NAMES HAVE are the names I keep hearing about.
[02:23:31] Those names have been out there for a while, Casey?
[02:23:33] You know what I was going to say those are the names that
[02:23:35] are in all of the conversations that I'm having right now
[02:23:37] and we saw the Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro come
[02:23:39] out and say something very nice about Biden from what I can tell has yet to endorse Kamala Harris SHAPIRO COME OUT AND SAY SOMETHING VERY NICE ABOUT BIDEN FROM WHAT I CAN TELL HAS YET TO
[02:23:58] HANDLING IT.
[02:24:00] LOT AND I HAD A LOT OF
[02:24:02] ABOUT THIS ACTUALLY, ABOUT HOW THIS RACE IS GOING TO CHANGE is going to change with her at the top of the ticket, what the strengths and weaknesses
[02:24:04] of a Harris ticket are.
[02:24:06] They're different from the strengths and weaknesses with Biden at the top of the ticket.
[02:24:10] And they really have to think through that and consider that as they're thinking about
[02:24:13] picking their number two. One of the advantages, a major advantage... THINK ABOUT THAT. I DON'T KNOW IF THEY ARE CONSIDERING IT AS A
[02:24:18] THEIR NUMBER TWO.
[02:24:43] THE TICKET HERE.
[02:24:45] THINK HAVE TO THINK THROUGH, AND I WAS HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH A VERY SMART at the top of the ticket here. The other thing that you, I think, have to think through,
[02:24:46] and I was having a conversation with a very smart operative
[02:24:48] that's been in Kamala Harris' circle in the past,
[02:24:51] has been inside the Biden administration.
[02:24:54] They were arguing as someone who has advised
[02:24:56] a lot ofES, RIGHT?
[02:25:05] PUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE ANGERING AN ENORMOUS SEGMENT OF THE PARTIES right move for you right now. Putting yourself out there angering an enormous segment of the
[02:25:09] party in black voters by challenging Kamala Harris and also just potentially going on to
[02:25:14] lose either that fight or the election won both, instead you could be her number two THAT'S THE PARTY. IT IS A FIGHT FOR ELECTIONS.
[02:25:21] SHE WON BOTH.
[02:25:27] PARTY.
[02:25:28] IF DEMOCRATS LOSE IN NOVEMBER YOU HAVE ONLY BEEN ON THE ticket for 80 days, is it really your fault? So I think that there's some of that going on behind the scenes too.
[02:25:30] Audie, I want to get your thoughts
[02:25:31] on how
[02:25:33] the African...
[02:25:34] Think about it.
[02:25:38] I think it was May 30th and we were all sitting here talking about how the race would change sentence caps because of Trump's conviction.
[02:25:45] And it's just been a rollercoaster.
[02:25:47] Okay, well, calm down, bro.
[02:25:48] He's like, oh, I want to hear your thoughts on the African-American vote.
[02:25:53] One of the concerns they have is will it look like big donors just Bigfooted the voters in the Democratic primary process
[02:26:01] and got the result that they wanted.
[02:26:04] So I think that's why you hear...
[02:26:05] Bro, this only fucking works as a narrative
[02:26:07] if like 70% of
[02:26:10] the Democrats
[02:26:10] said they were voting for Biden 70% of the Democrats that said
[02:26:12] they were voting for Biden
[02:26:13] weren't saying they want
[02:26:16] Biden to drop out.
[02:26:33] I'm sorry if this was like a Hillary Clinton-style situation and the donors were actually at odds with the rest of the fucking voters, with the rest of the fucking voters,
[02:26:33] with the rest of the party.
[02:26:34] Then yeah,
[02:26:35] that makes sense.
[02:26:38] Right now
[02:26:39] on the other hand,
[02:26:40] right now
[02:26:40] on the other hand
[02:26:41] the donors
[02:26:42] were completely in line
[02:26:44] with what the broad majority
[02:26:46] wanted.
[02:26:48] Oh dude, by the way, this is awesome.
[02:26:51] If Kamala Harris
[02:26:52] does this, she actually wins.
[02:26:55] So I don't buy that argument that impeachment
[02:26:58] does not make sense and the Senate will acquit.
[02:27:00] I don't buy that argument.
[02:27:02] There needs to be accountability
[02:27:04] What are you going to do in the next one year
[02:27:06] to diminish the mentally retarded action of this country?
[02:27:12] He called him a mentally R-word Trump, and Kamala Harris' response was...
[02:27:17] Well said.
[02:27:20] Well said.
[02:27:22] Um, well I plan to win this election. I'll tell you.
[02:27:27] Bro, that's so funny
[02:27:28] that this is the attack ad
[02:27:30] from the RNC research lab?
[02:27:32] This is what you cooked up? If she keeps that momentum,
[02:28:02] is the RNC research trying... if she keeps that momentum that's free promo okay
[02:28:04] because like
[02:28:06] obviously those who would care about ableism
[02:28:10] are not going to care about ableism enough
[02:28:12] to be like I'm not voting for fucking
[02:28:14] whoever the Democrat is over Donald Trump.
[02:28:18] And all you're doing is showing
[02:28:20] at least
[02:28:21] people who are on the RNC research
[02:28:24] side,
[02:28:26] maybe in the margins that
[02:28:27] she's a little bit more lighthearted
[02:28:30] than the annoying woke scoldy ass Democrats.
[02:28:39] As well as different groups.
[02:28:41] You're going to continue
[02:28:42] to see throughout the afternoon
[02:28:44] different progressive groups
[02:28:45] and members of Congress
[02:28:47] come out
[02:28:48] and acknowledge
[02:28:49] their support for her.
[02:28:51] Yeah, I was just gonna to say we're going to take a quick break.
[02:28:53] We're going to continue all of our analysis,
[02:28:56] all of our reporting right after this.
[02:28:58] We'll be right back.
[02:29:04] Okay, bro They're fucking farming
[02:29:05] They are farming commercial breaks harder than I do
[02:29:08] At the top of the hour
[02:29:09] God damn
[02:29:11] God damn, dude.
[02:29:13] At the top of the hour there's a three-minute ad break, by the way.
[02:29:16] And if you no longer want to see those ads
[02:29:17] or you want an uninterrupted broadcast experience
[02:29:19] all you need to do is subscribe for
[02:29:21] $6
[02:29:22] or for free with a twitch prime two drums are free you can also get gifted us
[02:29:27] up if you're lucky here is the three minute ad break now it's coming for you terrible transition decent on yours okay my
[02:29:38] transition was good dude I used the wolf transition to segue into the ad break
[02:29:43] come on now here's their man out right now okay Okay.
[02:30:00] Democratic nominee, it's been an extraordinary day of developments we are just coming off
[02:30:04] on the heels of Republican National Convention and
[02:30:07] that attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.
[02:30:10] Of course, we were also just about 100 days out from the November election
[02:30:14] And also just a few weeks away from the Democratic National Convention.
[02:30:18] There are so many questions here about what happens next.
[02:30:22] Will Vice President Kamala Harris face a challenge on the Democratic side?
[02:30:25] How will the convention play out?
[02:30:27] She does not have a delegate just yet,
[02:30:29] but there are still
[02:30:30] so much more to cover in this race
[02:30:33] as we continue to follow
[02:30:34] these extraordinary developments.
[02:30:36] Our team learned earlier today
[02:30:37] that this was a decision that was made very quickly by President Biden's the president's decision to cancel the election. This is
[02:30:38] a very extraordinary
[02:30:39] developments our team learned
[02:30:40] earlier today that this was
[02:30:41] a decision that was made very
[02:30:43] quickly by President Biden,
[02:30:45] his AIDS closest advisors
[02:30:47] shocked by this decision as
[02:30:48] the president officially announces that he is stepping out of this race as i mentioned earlier our coverage
[02:30:49] continues on abc news and again we'll be right back here on world news um
[02:30:56] sir the edits are pouring in. What do we do? The GOP is... now they call me You think Jill offered...
[02:31:34] Okay, dude.
[02:31:35] No, I don't think Jill Biden
[02:31:36] offered head if Joe Biden backs out.
[02:31:38] I think Jill Biden did not want
[02:31:40] Joe Biden to back out really bad.
[02:31:43] Where are the Kamala memes?
[02:31:44] Auntie pilled.
[02:31:45] What do you mean?
[02:31:45] She is like the most auntie coded auntie out there.
[02:31:48] What are we talking about?
[02:31:52] Like, yeah, Well, like...
[02:31:54] Another edit? Old but gold.
[02:32:01] By the way, for those of you who are unfamiliar
[02:32:03] this is the reason why people say
[02:32:06] they're coconut pilled when talking about Kamala Harris
[02:32:08] because
[02:32:10] she whether deliberately
[02:32:12] or without recognizing did historical materialism and basically said like, you know.
[02:32:20] This is like all of history that came before it weighs on the consciousness
[02:32:25] of the newest generation.
[02:32:28] And it's true, it's a correct statement to make.
[02:32:32] And you know,
[02:32:33] that's why people say they're the Coconut Army. And by people I mean
[02:32:36] us. We say we are the Coconut Army.
[02:32:39] Fuck the K-Hive.
[02:32:40] They were so fucking fake.
[02:32:42] They were so goddamn
[02:32:44] fake dude. I said
[02:32:46] I am in awe
[02:32:49] I'm shocked
[02:32:50] that all of the K-Hivers
[02:32:52] did not give a shit
[02:32:54] about Kamala Harris possibly replacing Joe Biden.
[02:33:00] And................... throughout their lives
[02:36:05] are going to look at this and go,
[02:36:07] no that's right.
[02:36:09] I'm actually also just as schizo as
[02:36:11] James fucking Lindsay.
[02:36:14] You're wrong.
[02:36:15] I said this exact same
[02:36:17] thing about the trans panic right
[02:36:20] trans panic and like right-wing populism that hyper focused on like
[02:36:24] children's genitalia was objectively gross
[02:36:28] for the normal republic, for the normal
[02:36:31] voters. And that's why
[02:36:32] the red wave that was supposed to be a massive typhoon
[02:36:35] turned into a red puddle
[02:36:37] in the midterms.
[02:36:38] That was one of the big reasons why this
[02:36:41] level of narrative, this kind
[02:36:43] of narrative going absolutely crazy
[02:36:45] mode on the timeline in front
[02:36:47] of all that
[02:36:49] running candidates that repeat terms like this specifically
[02:36:52] made it gross, too gross for people to vote for.
[02:36:57] And you saw that.
[02:36:59] You saw that in the electoral defeats
[02:37:02] that occurred in the midterms.
[02:37:04] So I think that there's one other aspect of this
[02:37:08] where Republicans just go balls to the wall
[02:37:11] and just start saying really insane
[02:37:14] shit. Really insane
[02:37:16] shit that is off-putting.
[02:37:21] Really
[02:37:21] insane shit
[02:37:22] that's off-putting to normal republicans
[02:37:25] okay gretchen whitmer is 10x the candidate commonly as though yes of course i think
[02:37:29] gretchen whitmer is a significantly better candidate than kamala Harris. I agree,
[02:37:35] but Kamala Harris is on the ticket and Kamala Harris has the endorsement
[02:37:39] it's the easiest swap out that shows that it is not a chaotic switch over
[02:37:45] but instead
[02:37:46] a guided, well directed
[02:37:49] well orchestrated
[02:37:51] choice
[02:37:53] that Biden made himself
[02:37:55] if he keeps up being a pagan choice that Biden made himself.
[02:37:58] If he keeps up being a fucking petty bitch from this point on
[02:37:59] and isn't just going along with, like, this is what we did.
[02:38:08] This is why I made this decision because I think she's great. I made this decision because I'm a fan.
[02:38:13] I made this decision. I chose her as my vice president because I knew, I had full confidence that she
[02:38:17] could be
[02:38:18] the
[02:38:21] president one day.
[02:38:23] If they don't do that
[02:38:24] which I still don't know but if they
[02:38:27] don't if they if they don't do that and if
[02:38:29] they just like have messaging discipline
[02:38:32] and they ride with her from this point
[02:38:34] on until november
[02:38:36] then the likelihood that she wins the race goes up
[02:38:39] by a lot.
[02:38:51] Lazily taking the least confrontational choice is the best way to win.
[02:38:53] Neither of the best way to win,
[02:38:54] nor the best thing for voters.
[02:38:55] We need that open convention.
[02:38:56] I think you're wrong.
[02:38:58] I have,
[02:39:00] I'll admit that I'm wrong if that happens and then it's like
[02:39:02] a banger but
[02:39:03] I think that you're wrong
[02:39:06] on this.
[02:39:12] Okay like I think that's a massive
[02:39:15] self-own
[02:39:16] and It'd be great for content
[02:39:24] Like it would be great
[02:39:26] It would be
[02:39:28] Great for content
[02:39:29] I'm talking 200k
[02:39:32] viewers average every day for me,
[02:39:34] but I still don't think it's the right idea
[02:39:36] for making
[02:39:38] sure that Donald Trump doesn't become president.
[02:39:42] It was not a matter of Trump doesn't become president. You know?
[02:39:42] It was not a matter of getting to the
[02:39:45] convention unless he was planning on staying in it.
[02:39:47] If he was going to get out, he needed to
[02:39:49] get out right now, like the beginning
[02:39:51] of this week in order to give whoever succeeds him, he wanted it to I THINK IT'S A GREAT IDEA. AND I THINK THAT IS WHAT WE
[02:40:01] PRESIDENT, THE BEST CHANCE TO CONSOLIDATE THE PARTY AND THAT right now. I'm just speaking to several sources who are telling me Vice President Harris is
[02:40:06] calling around on Capitol Hill, she's calling around to Democratic organizations. She has a
[02:40:10] list of dozens of calls that she's making today and tonight. The message is what she said in her
[02:40:16] statement, you've been with us up until this point, I'm asking for your support, stay with
[02:40:20] us but the ball is in motion now and she's, from what I've been told with two of the biggest constituencies
[02:40:28] in the Democratic Party, the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Hispanic caucus.
[02:40:32] She's made calls to the heads of both of those organizations today.
[02:40:36] That's, again, I keep having
[02:40:38] to emphasize this because
[02:40:39] when we talk about voters
[02:40:41] of color in the Democratic Party
[02:40:42] it sounds like a talking point
[02:40:45] but this is a party that is powered by voters of color,
[02:40:49] by members of color, the DNC,
[02:40:52] the delegates who will eventually vote to decide
[02:40:54] who's the nominee.
[02:40:55] Those people,
[02:40:56] the most powerful figures
[02:40:57] in those constituencies
[02:40:59] are black men,
[02:41:00] black women, Hispanic
[02:41:01] men, Hispanic women.
[02:41:02] She knows that she is
[02:41:04] working those lines
[02:41:05] and I think
[02:41:06] she's trying
[02:41:07] to lock this in
[02:41:08] because we're seeing people
[02:41:10] breaking those lines, and I
[02:41:11] think she's trying to lock this
[02:41:13] in as a source told me fundraising
[02:41:15] source told me it's 24 to 48
[02:41:16] hours. That is what people are looking at. And if she can show show a real command of this race, it will be over.
[02:41:18] Oh, Robert F. Kennedy has a press conference starting at 515 in five minutes.
[02:41:24] What President Biden said to endorse her as the next nominee.
[02:41:27] What does the next...
[02:41:28] Robert F. Kennedy's got a press
[02:41:29] conference, we're really locked in on that
[02:41:31] We'll get to it when he does it
[02:41:33] She said I'm going to work to earn
[02:41:36] this nomination
[02:41:36] And that's what working to earn it looks like. You don't say, the president named me and it's me
[02:41:43] because I'm a black woman you have to give it to me or your racist or sexist. She is not doing that
[02:41:47] she is doing hard work. She is calling the power centers in this party,
[02:41:51] she's calling black organizations, she's calling Hispanic
[02:41:52] organizations again. That would be so Hillary
[02:41:55] Clinton coded and I'm glad that
[02:41:56] that's not what's happening.
[02:41:59] She's doing what needs to be done and that's the way it's supposed to be SHE IS A PARTY. I THINK IT'S A GREAT IDEA TO
[02:42:07] IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE.
[02:42:11] CONVENTIONS.
[02:42:12] SHE'S NOT A
[02:42:13] RULE-BASED PARTY.
[02:42:14] SO SHE IS
[02:42:15] FOLLOWING THE
[02:42:16] RULES.
[02:42:19] PERIOD FOR
[02:42:31] IT'S A HIGHLY, IT'S
[02:42:32] AN EXPENSIVE ISSUE AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO for the convention with a nominee unsettled. So it's,
[02:42:33] it's a high wire act right now for the entire party they are aware of that
[02:42:40] but right now the work in the Vice President's office
[02:42:43] is just moving at a frenzied pace.
[02:42:46] You want to see how smart it is though?
[02:42:48] Because there is a process
[02:42:50] if you think you've got a better shot,
[02:42:52] jump into water. Kamala Harris, she said look, the water better shot, jump in the water. Kamala Harris, she's like look
[02:42:54] the water is warm, jump in but once
[02:42:56] you go through the process then you have to support our nominee
[02:42:59] and so we're going to have a process that's going to be clear
[02:43:01] and transparent, everybody's going to understand what it
[02:43:03] is and then once we have a nominee and it looks like it's going to understand what it is. And then once we have a nominee,
[02:43:05] and it looks like it's going to be Kamala Harris,
[02:43:07] you had your moment.
[02:43:08] If you want to jump in, the water's warm.
[02:43:11] But once we have a nominee,
[02:43:12] everybody has to get behind her.
[02:43:13] I mean, and what does that look like though
[02:43:14] in the sense of we for three weeks?
[02:43:16] We have seen a major division in the Democratic Party.
[02:43:18] Yes, those who thought Biden should get out and said it lot of people
[02:43:21] thought it didn't say if because they didn't want to
[02:43:23] They thought he should make it on his own
[02:43:25] And then other people who were firmly behind him.
[02:43:28] I mean, it is a question of a unified front,
[02:43:30] what that looks like as we wait to see
[02:43:32] does anyone else get in the race?
[02:43:34] Yeah, I mean, look, everyone that I have spoken to, there's no question that... THE PRESIDENT'S PARTY. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT? I THINK IT IS A GREAT
[02:43:45] PRESIDENT IF SHE IS ABLE TO CONSOLIDATE THIS QUICKLY AND and get the majority of the power centers in the party behind her there
[02:43:49] will be an immediate effort to consolidate around her. And everyone
[02:43:52] that I've talked to believes that this change at the top is going to lead to an
[02:43:56] injection of an enormous amount of energy. Energy that
[02:43:59] frankly, Caitlin, has been notably
[02:44:01] Joe Biden
[02:44:03] has served our country with honor and dignity as the
[02:44:05] first president to ever walk out on a picket line with striking
[02:44:07] workers. He has been the most pro-working class president in modern American history
[02:44:09] Thank you Mr. President for all you've done
[02:44:11] I mean, he's also
[02:44:13] a genocide dare but Bernie doesn't give a fuck about that
[02:44:15] But he's not wrong when he says he is the first
[02:44:17] president to ever walk on a picket line with striking workers. That's like
[02:44:20] objectively a true thing that Joe Biden did.
[02:44:22] It's like one of the things that I have defended
[02:44:23] Joe Biden on across
[02:44:26] the board against the naysayers
[02:44:28] and I say this is someone who was not going to vote for
[02:44:31] joe biden like i literally openly said i ain't voting for genocide yo
[02:44:35] i'm not doing it and i openly said it i openly said
[02:44:39] i ain't voting for Joe Biden
[02:44:41] and I know there's
[02:44:43] a lot of dudes in Michigan,
[02:44:45] a lot of people in Michigan who also feel the same way.
[02:44:47] There's a lot of people who are young
[02:44:49] that otherwise could be
[02:44:51] convinced to vote for someone else but not for biden
[02:44:55] okay it's my red line you want trump to win so bad man if i wanted trump
[02:45:01] to win so bad, man. If I wanted Trump to win so bad, I would have
[02:45:03] absolutely advocated for
[02:45:05] Joe Biden to stay in the fucking race.
[02:45:07] Also, actually no, fuck
[02:45:09] that. If I want Trump to win so bad, I'll just advocate
[02:45:11] for Trump. What are you talking about?
[02:45:13] Like, you think there's a punishment
[02:45:15] for advocating for Trump? Are you kidding me? He was president
[02:45:17] for four years. If anything
[02:45:19] online right when content thrives
[02:45:22] it would be better for me to fucking advocate for Trump
[02:45:24] if that was my goal. I could literally just
[02:45:26] do that and probably get more
[02:45:28] donations and maybe even a
[02:45:30] fucking Fox News slot as a
[02:45:32] regular commentator on there.
[02:45:35] I'm one of the largest political content creators
[02:45:37] on the fucking planet, you think the Republicans wouldn't
[02:45:39] love to have me on their side? Are you kidding me? They actually
[02:45:41] do give a shit about independent voices unlike
[02:45:42] the fucking Democrats. Okay?
[02:45:47] So dumb.
[02:45:50] Yeah, I definitely secretly want it.
[02:45:54] Anyway. the guy who to a fault is honest at all times even when it causes so many people
[02:46:03] to yell at him is going to hide his motivations here.
[02:46:07] Just one quick thing, Caitlin.
[02:46:09] I was at the RNC talking
[02:46:10] to Trump officials about this. They insist obviously
[02:46:13] that the race doesn't fundamentally change
[02:46:15] they think Vice President Harris is fundamentally going to be painted the same way I THINK THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION. THE PRESIDENT IS NOT GOING TO
[02:46:25] PRESIDENT BIDEN BUT AT THE SAME TIME AND THE TRUTH IS FOR THE they really had one main plan, which is to win the blue wall.
[02:46:27] The question is does a vice presidential pick on Harris' part and her unique things that she brings
[02:46:33] to this race, does it close some doors? Does it open others?
[02:46:36] A lot of people have different views of that but there is a calculus. DOES IT OPEN OTHERS? A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THAT, BUT THERE IS
[02:46:38] CALCULUS.
[02:46:39] IT'S NOT JUST A CLEAR
[02:46:42] THERE'S GOING TO BE
[02:46:47] DECIDES ABOUT A
[02:46:48] VICE PRESIDENTIAL PICK OR WHETHER THEY'RE GOING TO areas and advantage in others depending on what she decides about a vice presidential pick.
[02:46:51] And that's going to change the map for sure.
[02:46:54] Yeah, safe to say it has fundamentally changed. Wolf, back to you.
[02:46:57] Caitlin, thank you. I want to get back to our panel right now
[02:47:00] and Audie let me start with you on this block
[02:47:02] because as we know the Democratic
[02:47:04] Convention in Chicago is coming up in a couple
[02:47:06] weeks or so early voting
[02:47:08] for the president actually starts I can't wait to go to the convention, baby!
[02:47:11] I can't wait to go to the motherfucking convention!
[02:47:13] Oh my God!
[02:47:15] It is gonna be...I'm going to be
[02:47:17] nutting, okay?
[02:47:19] Big weeks are ahead of us. Big weeks are ahead of us next week.
[02:47:22] I'm going to Texas,
[02:47:23] obviously I'm going to be playing in the creator league for one day,
[02:47:25] but obviously in between,
[02:47:26] I'm going to be still streaming nonstop and then, the DNC.
[02:47:32] Ooh, I'm going to be in Chicago.
[02:47:33] I've never been to Chicago, by the way, guys.
[02:47:35] I've never been to Chicago in my entire life.
[02:47:37] I've never been to Illinois.
[02:47:39] My first time is Chicago and I'm going to be at the mother freaking dnc oh my lord that's
[02:47:45] the earliest they can meet they did happen to have a meeting scheduled for friday i'm gonna
[02:47:50] say they probably won't make it to Friday and they will have to decide.
[02:47:54] One of the goals though between now and then is to continue to see this strong show of
[02:47:58] support.
[02:47:59] I don't know, maybe some of the folks who've also been named as people
[02:48:03] who might run in an open primary may throw their support
[02:48:06] behind her and sort of take their names.
[02:48:08] You need to go a little bit further than that.
[02:48:11] Out of contention.
[02:48:11] What do you know, Penny?
[02:48:12] So... Yeah, we're looking at a food fight. out of contention. What do you know, Penny?
[02:48:16] Yeah, we're looking at a good fight. Well I think most folks have come to recognize particularly after the last three weeks where
[02:48:20] we've had so much more time talking about Joe Biden than Donald Trump.
[02:48:29] We would really like to not have that happen and let the convention be an affirmation of our party and an opportunity to thank Joe Biden, and so again I think what you're going
[02:48:33] to continue to see organizations organizations members of Congress coming
[02:48:37] out and claiming their support.
[02:48:39] I mean, I've seen even people who are currently pledge delegates saying hey, I'll supply with
[02:48:44] Joe Biden says that's why should support That's what I'm gonna support Biden says that's who I should support, that's who I'm going to support.
[02:48:47] They'll still have to figure out a process.
[02:48:49] The delegates are still going to have to vote.
[02:48:51] And that's a footnote here too because
[02:48:53] when I talk about it being orderly yes
[02:48:55] there's the money and the message. RFk is live okay bro how are you guys so
[02:49:00] dude i mean loki who cares but like sure we'll take a look you know what
[02:49:05] i mean i thought he was going to be streaming
[02:49:07] it on x but i guess he's not
[02:49:09] and for his handling of the many
[02:49:12] difficulties
[02:49:13] and challenges personal challenges and
[02:49:15] tragedies
[02:49:17] that he suffered during his life with so much admirable conduct
[02:49:25] and the empathy that he derived from those experiences, and that
[02:49:30] he was always proficient at showing to the rest of us.
[02:49:37] I want to add that the a year ago a little over a year ago when i entered this race
[02:49:46] i predicted that president biden suffered from a degenerative condition
[02:49:51] that was not going to improve
[02:49:52] and that it would make it impossible for him
[02:49:55] to govern effectively.
[02:49:57] It's so funny that he sounds like he's dying also,
[02:50:01] like Biden. That obvious condition. so funny that he sounds like he's dying also like biden
[02:50:08] that obvious condition was to hide it from the american public it's like and we got a guy with brain worms who also sounds like he's dying,
[02:50:11] a guy who sounds like a stroke victim
[02:50:13] and a dude who at least has
[02:50:15] like a little bit more
[02:50:17] coherence but is an actually
[02:50:19] insane person. Like an insane
[02:50:21] fucking rabid right-wing
[02:50:23] fascist.
[02:50:26] Such wonderful
[02:50:27] choices up until today.
[02:50:30] Which is
[02:50:31] in a period of crisis.
[02:50:33] And we have two crises, and they both derive from the same condition
[02:50:41] and that condition is the corporate emergence of the domination of corporate power over American democracy. That accelerated beginning in 2010 with the Citizens United case that unleashed a tsunami of corporate money into the American political process.
[02:51:01] And both parties are now captured by that corporate money. And they've lost
[02:51:06] any kind of authentic
[02:51:07] connection to the American people.
[02:51:09] I said it would drop out and
[02:51:11] endorse the Democrats if Biden dropped out,
[02:51:13] but now I'm going to stay in the race?
[02:51:15] Is that the method for him?
[02:51:18] On the Republican side, President Biden promised the last time around
[02:51:19] that he was going to drain the swamp.
[02:51:22] But instead, he came in and he appointed a pharmaceutical lobby this phony dude he's just trying to farm the
[02:51:32] drama like nobody cares big dog people are only in it to be like,
[02:51:37] who are you going to endorse after dropping out?
[02:51:40] He's like...
[02:51:41] He's like, no man, I'm staying in.
[02:51:45] An oil lobbyist to run the interior department so you lobbyists yeah says you
[02:51:53] yeah famously i didn't cover an active genocide for fucking nine months
[02:51:58] leading up to this and have done
[02:52:01] news coverage
[02:52:02] non-fucking stop
[02:52:04] the past four years every
[02:52:06] single day. I just started because, you know
[02:52:09] I found out that there's an election cycle
[02:52:11] going on and people are interested in it
[02:52:13] Bro thought he was in the fucking X a excuse chat for a moment saying like this as vice
[02:52:23] president is a salute to the cia and to the intelligence community
[02:52:30] and to the military industrial complex,
[02:52:33] their gravy train is going to continue.
[02:52:36] And President Trump has a connection
[02:52:40] to the American people,
[02:52:41] a populist connection.
[02:52:43] But in many ways it's the same fraudulent collection
[02:52:46] that we saw...
[02:52:49] The Epstein connection, bro?
[02:52:50] You hung out with him.
[02:52:51] You did...
[02:52:52] Bro, this guy
[02:52:53] did archaeological digs
[02:52:54] with Jeffrey Epstein
[02:52:55] and Ghislaine Maxwell.
[02:52:56] Okay?
[02:52:56] That's the first thing
[02:52:57] he said
[02:52:58] after he announced
[02:52:59] his run
[02:53:00] after he announced his presidential, after he announced
[02:53:01] his presidential run,
[02:53:02] he went on Fox News
[02:53:03] and was like,
[02:53:04] yes, I am best friends
[02:53:05] with Jeffrey Epstein
[02:53:06] for a long time.
[02:53:08] Like nobody asked him
[02:53:09] for this.
[02:53:10] There's issues at America
[02:53:11] that are critical
[02:53:12] to our country. We have issues that are critical to our country.
[02:53:14] Jesus loves archaeology!
[02:53:16] Hey, look at
[02:53:17] President Biden
[02:53:17] and President Trump.
[02:53:20] You can look
[02:53:20] at them
[02:53:21] and say
[02:53:21] these are very
[02:53:22] different people
[02:53:22] their dispositions are
[02:53:23] different their personalities are different
[02:53:26] they're expressed ideologies are very very different
[02:53:30] their approach to politics could not be more distinct. But if you actually look at the policies over which they differ,
[02:53:38] over the landscapes in which they're staging this election, it's a very narrow Overton window of guns,
[02:53:47] of culture war issues,
[02:53:49] of abortion,
[02:53:51] of trans rights et cetera.
[02:53:54] And the big existential issues that are actually THE BIGGEST ISSUES ARE NOT JUST INFLATION, BUT ALSO
[02:53:58] FEDERAL LABOR,
[02:54:00] ET CETERA.
[02:54:05] ARE NEVER ADDRESSED. is the national debt.
[02:54:07] This is now $34 trillion.
[02:54:11] The service on that debt alone is now greater than our
[02:54:13] military budget. Within five years,
[02:54:16] 50 cents out of every dollar that we collect and THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO
[02:54:25] COLLECT IN TAXES WILL GO TO This is not sustainable. President Biden and President Trump offer no solutions.
[02:54:29] President Biden, on his webpage, has no policy issues addressing this or any other policy.
[02:54:39] He has a picture— I love that he said abortion is a culture war issue and then said you know what americans do care
[02:54:42] about national debt he's such a crank dude job he's gonna finish
[02:54:46] it's the job of running up the deficit.
[02:54:49] For a brief moment, I was like, oh, he's actually
[02:54:51] like kind of spitting two sides of the same coin.
[02:54:53] These guys actually don't care about anything.
[02:54:55] Like they're beholden to their corporate masters and then
[02:54:59] he goes
[02:54:59] and that's why everyone cares about the national debt
[02:55:03] that's crazy saying it was going to run the presidency as a business
[02:55:09] he was going to balance the federal budget,
[02:55:11] and instead he ran up
[02:55:12] an $8 trillion debt more than all
[02:55:15] the presidents combined. Yeah, he's not
[02:55:16] endorsing anybody, okay? Fuck this
[02:55:19] guy. We'll find out later what he's into,
[02:55:21] what he's trying to do.
[02:55:21] All right?
[02:55:22] But let's get back to analysis.
[02:55:23] They approach the process thinking
[02:55:25] I have gotten this far.
[02:55:27] I am worth so much.
[02:55:28] This is going to be something
[02:55:29] that I'm gonna be able to do
[02:55:30] with relatively little problem.
[02:55:32] Well, call Ron DeSantis and ask him how that went, okay?
[02:55:36] Like there's a reason why Republicans for example usually nominate someone
[02:55:40] who's running the second time around. Donald Trump that wasn't true but I THINK THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION. IT IS.
[02:55:51] AT BOB DOLE ALL THE WAY BACK BECAUSE ACTUALLY RUNNING IS that is unlike any other test that exists in American
[02:55:53] politics. And honestly, none of those people
[02:55:56] were up for this.
[02:55:56] No, you're right, man.
[02:56:01] Definitely.
[02:56:03] What are you? like a fucking Republican from 1998?
[02:56:06] What are you talking about the national debt is a problem?
[02:56:12] It's literally...
[02:56:13] It has always been a fucking dead-ass,
[02:56:15] dead issue. Like, Republicans
[02:56:17] only fake care about it in an
[02:56:19] effort to cut social safety nets.
[02:56:21] That's it.
[02:56:25] Yeah. It's like America trying to do IMF shit
[02:56:28] To itself
[02:56:28] Directed by psychopathic
[02:56:32] Republicans
[02:56:32] And I got, like, 40-month subscribers in the chat being like no we need IMF style austerity measures
[02:56:40] In this goddamn country
[02:56:43] No man that's not how that works okay it? It doesn't work that way. We don't do
[02:56:47] that to other countries, we don't do that to ourselves.
[02:56:50] Try to incite a bloody insurrection with any number of things that could turn your stomach.
[02:56:59] We stick with him, with that extraordinary loyalty.
[02:57:03] I don't even know if you'd call it that.
[02:57:04] I think it's loyalty to a fault.
[02:57:06] So look, the Democrats are a big tent sometimes it's a tumultuous
[02:57:11] ten but i think in the end we represent more americans than the republicans do
[02:57:19] and if you're right about that um and the Republicans still. And if I may put you on the spot, who do you think
[02:57:21] that she might bring to run
[02:57:23] this ticket with her? We're hearing several names
[02:57:25] floated out.
[02:57:26] Yeah sure, I'll let her make that decision.
[02:57:29] I would say this. It's a deep bench.
[02:57:32] And, you know, I'm loyal to my own governor who's done a great job, J.D. Pritzker.
[02:57:38] But I'm sure she will pick the person that she can work with and give you the best opportunity to win in November.
[02:57:45] I don't think it'll be a senator the reasons mentioned before uh
[02:57:51] it's virtually a 50-50 senate and you don't want to take anybody off that
[02:57:55] bench so looking at some of these democratic
[02:57:59] governors across the state all right right, Mike Quigley,
[02:58:01] thank you so much for spending our time with us, Representative. We really appreciate that
[02:58:05] and we'll be seeing you here in August when we all head to Chicago,
[02:58:09] so we appreciate your time. Welcome to Chicago, thank you.
[02:58:12] All right I want to now bring in ABC News Phil Leboff he's joining us there from New York so
[02:58:16] uh Phil it sounds like we're just getting some information here about
[02:58:20] what the DNC's overall efforts that are happening right now to...
[02:58:25] It is under the Illinois ABLAST, which is under the control of JB,
[02:58:32] The Protectorate. It is literally
[02:58:33] the DNC's happening under the comfortable
[02:58:35] banner of the JV Protectorate?
[02:58:37] I'm just saying, dude.
[02:58:40] He's the guy
[02:58:41] Chicago Oblast Illinois Ob Oblast, very own JB.
[02:58:48] It's a letter that is going out to people
[02:58:50] to shore up support for Kamala Harris.
[02:58:52] So we just got it. Let me read a little bit of it to you.
[02:58:55] I'd be stoked on that.
[02:58:56] It says dear fellow Democrats, we are current and former members of the Democratic
[02:59:00] National Committee.
[02:59:01] We are proud to steadfastly support Joee biden in his run to defeat donald trump
[02:59:07] in 2020. it goes on to say we are deeply grateful to president biden and his family for their
[02:59:11] decades of service to our nation but then it, we strongly and enthusiastically endorse Vice President
[02:59:18] Kamala Harris the candidate with the best experience and capacity to unite the party
[02:59:23] and the United States for the Democratic nomination
[02:59:26] for President of the United States.
[02:59:28] We ask that you join us,
[02:59:29] and then it is signed by dozens
[02:59:31] of members. I won't go through them,
[02:59:33] but members
[02:59:34] from California all the way to Florida
[02:59:37] and states in between.
[02:59:39] No doubt, the list will grow
[02:59:41] as this letter circulates around
[02:59:43] but Kena, very obvious
[02:59:45] as we're talking about what happens next,
[02:59:48] that members of the Democratic National Committee,
[02:59:50] as they say both current and former,
[02:59:52] are looking to shore up support for Vice President Kamala Harris
[02:59:56] so that it's more really, you know,
[02:59:59] President Biden has endorsed her,
[03:00:01] that it's really more of an anointing instead of having
[03:00:04] more infighting that we've seen
[03:00:07] so far. Right, which is exactly what
[03:00:09] we're hearing from some Democratic leadership here
[03:00:11] they don't want this to be a coronation
[03:00:13] especially after the primary
[03:00:15] that the American people just experienced in which there wasn't really
[03:00:17] a choice. Joe Biden was the one on the ticket, but also
[03:00:20] Phil when you look through this letter
[03:00:22] it really lists off
[03:00:24] not only the Democratic
[03:00:26] policies that are crucially
[03:00:28] important, but it is very critical of Donald Trump.
[03:00:31] And they even go back to some really specific things and they right here what
[03:00:34] Donald Trump's botched and uncaring let them drink bleach approach
[03:00:39] to Americans suffering and dying from the COVID pandemic.
[03:00:43] This is pretty ruthless language here.
[03:00:46] Yeah, I think that's what you're going to see moving forward.
[03:00:49] There was this there was this moment after it seems like more than
[03:00:52] a week ago but it's just now a week
[03:00:54] after that horrific assassination attempt
[03:00:56] where people were talking about unity
[03:00:58] and you saw at that point
[03:01:00] President Biden paused his campaign pulled down some negative ads but now
[03:01:04] when you read this this letter and you're right kane it reads as a coalescing but also
[03:01:10] you know their sharp aim at Donald Trump.
[03:01:14] Bro, it's done. It's over.
[03:01:15] That was last week.
[03:01:17] In this media
[03:01:19] landscape,
[03:01:21] it might as well have been
[03:01:23] 80 years ago.
[03:01:25] Okay?
[03:01:27] Like absolutely zero Americans
[03:01:29] care about that currently.
[03:01:32] Straight up.
[03:01:34] Like it's just...
[03:01:35] It's actually kind of crazy.
[03:01:37] In my mind, I've been covering this...
[03:01:39] I've been covering the news nonstop.
[03:01:42] And to me,
[03:01:43] it feels like it happened months ago.
[03:01:47] It feels like it happened at least a month ago.
[03:01:49] It has only been seven days.
[03:01:50] It's crazy.
[03:01:53] I told you guys that if Biden drops out post-RNC, it would destroy any kind of Republican framing.
[03:02:00] And it already caused the Republicans to panic and start launching boulders,
[03:02:05] launching daggers at the Democrats anyway.
[03:02:08] So much for that fucking unity drive.
[03:02:11] Okay?
[03:02:12] There's no
[03:02:13] unity whatsoever.
[03:02:17] I mean, they were never going to unite anyway.
[03:02:19] Republicans don't know how that works.
[03:02:21] There are a furious amount of phone calls
[03:02:23] being had between top Democratic members
[03:02:26] about who to get behind for the presidential nomination,
[03:02:29] who to get behind for a potential VP pick under a Harris nominee, assuming she gets
[03:02:34] the nomination.
[03:02:35] And Harris herself reaching out to key members of the House and Senate Democratic Caucus, we are told.
[03:02:41] As well as Harris' team trying to reach out to some of the Senators I'm told who have not yet made an endorsement
[03:02:46] Trying to shore up some critical support at this time. Also Joe Biden himself the president. And so we're seeing a lot of people trying to
[03:02:49] get an endorsement, trying to
[03:02:51] shore up some critical support
[03:02:53] at this time also Joe Biden
[03:02:55] himself this move very much
[03:02:57] blindsiding even top Democrats were told that he has recently the House Democratic leader. That came after Joe Biden went public with his announcement
[03:02:59] that he would drop out from
[03:03:00] this race.
[03:03:01] Now, Wolf, both sides are now
[03:03:02] gaming out the impact that a
[03:03:03] Kamala Harris as the
[03:03:04] Democratic nominee
[03:03:05] would have downed Ticket.
[03:03:06] Recall the big concern
[03:03:07] about the election
[03:03:08] campaign in the Republican Party was that it would be impact that a Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee would have down
[03:03:11] ticket. Recall, the big concern among
[03:03:13] Democrats was that if Joe Biden were at
[03:03:15] top of the ticket, he essentially
[03:03:16] would sink their chances at keeping
[03:03:18] the Senate and taking back the House.
[03:03:20] Now that if Kamala Harris is at the top of the ticket THE SENATE AND TAKING BACK THE HOUSE. NOW THAT IF KAMALA HARRIS IS
[03:03:24] THESE RACISTS?
[03:03:30] SOME YOUNGER VOTERS, FROM MINORITY VOTERS, PEOPLE WHO believe she could shore up support from some younger voters, from minority
[03:03:33] voters. People who have been... Voters who have actually not been framed
[03:03:36] from the Biden coalition perhaps he can energize that base
[03:03:40] Republicans on the other hand, believe
[03:03:42] they can very much tie Harris to all the policies
[03:03:45] that they believe will make her toxic
[03:03:47] to some of those more swing district Republicans
[03:03:50] swing district Democrat.
[03:03:53] Chatters
[03:03:55] who are crying
[03:03:57] because they have very valid fears
[03:03:59] of misogyny
[03:04:04] You need to understand something very important.
[03:04:07] Republicans have been
[03:04:08] desperately trying to move
[03:04:10] away from the issue of abortion
[03:04:12] The moment that they start saying misogynistic things
[03:04:17] because they will
[03:04:17] because they can't stop themselves
[03:04:19] is the moment
[03:04:21] that this conversation centers around
[03:04:23] women's reproductive rights.
[03:04:27] Please
[03:04:28] understand
[03:04:31] the conversation will be reshaped around what the Republicans want to do
[03:04:39] to women.
[03:04:41] Republicans will eat that bait voluntarily.
[03:04:44] Let them.
[03:04:50] Yeah, women win elections all the time.
[03:04:52] Republicans being weird towards women will hurt them.
[03:04:53] This is in 1992.
[03:04:54] Yeah.
[03:04:55] Guys, come on.
[03:04:57] Mexico voted for a Jewish woman.
[03:05:00] What are we talking about?
[03:05:08] Like that's your background is not as important as the way people think it is in America.
[03:05:11] You can absolutely,
[03:05:13] It will give you disadvantages.
[03:05:17] It'll make it harder for you to overcome
[03:05:18] certain disadvantages, but Hillary
[03:05:21] Clinton didn't lose because she was a woman,
[03:05:23] okay? She lost because she was
[03:05:25] an uncharismatic woman with a shit ton
[03:05:26] of oppo behind her, who everybody despised.
[03:05:30] Who was a representative of the
[03:05:32] elite, the Democratic Party's fucking
[03:05:33] elite at a time when people
[03:05:35] were looking for actual change and Donald
[03:05:37] Trump basically presented himself as like a more
[03:05:40] moderate candidate than the rest of the Republicans
[03:05:42] on issues that actually mattered, like cutting social
[03:05:44] security and shit.
[03:05:46] And even on the gay shit, he was like
[03:05:48] yeah I don't care. He waved the LGBT flag!
[03:05:52] And then he didn't follow
[03:05:53] through on any of that and obviously
[03:05:55] people remember the chaos
[03:05:57] and awfulness of
[03:05:58] having to pay attention to politics for four fucking years.
[03:06:07] So that's why it's a very different election in 2020
[03:06:09] and a very different election in 2024 now.
[03:06:13] But like,
[03:06:14] even then Hillary Clinton won the fucking popular vote.
[03:06:19] But Hillary didn't lose
[03:06:20] because she was a woman, okay?
[03:06:22] That's silly.
[03:06:23] She lost because she sucks.
[03:06:29] Not to say that Kamala Harris won't
[03:06:33] campaign poorly.
[03:06:34] She might,
[03:06:37] but right now is entirely too early.
[03:06:48] Donald Trump, where they say Kamala Harris is easy to beat that she Is not going to be a threat at the top of the ticket. But the reality
[03:06:52] Is when you really get through these conversations with some of its top political
[03:06:55] advisors, they are aware that any shift in the race could shift their planning.
[03:07:00] They know there was an enthusiasm gap for President Joe Biden.
[03:07:04] How does moving that ticket around even with Kamala Harris at the top of the THE PRESIDENT'S CANDIDATE. HOW DOES THAT MOVE THE TICKET
[03:07:05] AROUND?
[03:07:11] JOE BIDEN?
[03:07:13] THEY DON'T WANT ANY MORE TURNOUT FOR DEMOCRATS IN THE fall. Obviously, if there's more enthusiasm around whoever the candidate is that is going to lead
[03:07:16] to likely more turnout at the polls so obviously all of this they are watching closely but much
[03:07:22] of it isn't holding for them in real time.
[03:07:26] Yeah, and what are you hearing
[03:07:27] in the sense of we're already
[03:07:28] seeing attacks from well-funded
[03:07:31] Trump super PACs going after Harris?
[03:07:34] It's not...we don't know actually
[03:07:36] who is going to be the Democratic nominee, Kristen. AFTER HARRIS. IT'S NOT, WE DON'T KNOW ACTUALLY WHO IS GOING TO BE
[03:07:38] IS A BIT OF A HOLDING
[03:07:40] CAMPAIGN.
[03:07:41] AND IT HAS BEEN A
[03:07:46] ARE ALSO SEEING THEM KIND OF STARTING TO REFLECT ON THEIR for several weeks. That's why whenever they were coming out and attacking Harris, you were also
[03:07:48] seeing them kind of starting to vaguely
[03:07:50] attack some of these high-profile
[03:07:53] Democratic governors because
[03:07:54] they don't know exactly what the campaign is going
[03:07:56] to look like. The other thing to talk about here
[03:07:59] is the fact that Donald Trump's team, they haven't spent a lot of money
[03:08:01] on advertising but they have spent
[03:08:03] millions of dollars on modeling
[03:08:05] on data collection
[03:08:06] on formulating an entire campaign based on that that was to beat President I THINK IT'S A GREAT QUESTION. THE PRESIDENT IS NOT GOING TO
[03:08:18] DIFFERENT WITH WHOEVER ELSE IS ON THE TICKET. going to hear Donald Trump, if it is potentially Vice President Kamala Harris,
[03:08:21] going after her as saying she is part of the Biden administration.
[03:08:25] They believe that is one of their biggest assets, painting a broad brush because again
[03:08:29] what they've prepared for is running against Biden, his policy. I THINK THEY ARE GOING TO BE PUTTING THEIR OWN ASSETS,
[03:08:39] PERSON BUT ALSO THEY ARE HOPING THAT CAN LOOP KAMALA HARRIS INTO us into that, which is why again they are hoping that she likely
[03:08:41] is at the top of the ticket.
[03:08:42] But they are saying to me
[03:08:43] that they are preparing for
[03:08:44] all scenarios right now.
[03:08:47] Yeah, a lot of scenarios
[03:08:48] to prepare for there.
[03:08:49] Christian Holmes, thank you
[03:08:50] for that. Keep us updated on what you're hearing
[03:08:52] and David Oxler joins the table now.
[03:08:54] David, I just heard from a source
[03:08:56] familiar that says the Biden campaign just did
[03:08:58] an all call with staff who
[03:08:59] obviously is totally shell shocked by this decision and that jen o'malley dylan
[03:09:04] and julie rodriguez who are running this campaign talked about moving full steam ahead they said
[03:09:09] everyone on that campaign still has a job. Obviously, they believe
[03:09:13] they are now working for Harris.
[03:09:14] But what are the actual calculations
[03:09:16] happening inside
[03:09:17] the Democratic Party
[03:09:19] about who the nominee is
[03:09:20] and who can beat Trump?
[03:09:22] Yeah, look, I think that the Vice President
[03:09:24] clearly has an advantage in this
[03:09:26] and may well be
[03:09:28] the putative nominee
[03:09:30] but I do think
[03:09:32] you know the reason people are holding back?
[03:09:35] I hope not. From the brilliant
[03:09:37] minds that gave us the early debate
[03:09:39] for Joe Biden? Yeah, I don't
[03:09:41] know about that. These states that a
[03:09:43] Democrat has to win and it's still the states that Joe Biden had to win THE STATES THAT A DEMOCRAT HAS TO WIN AND IT'S STILL THE STATES
[03:09:52] SUNBELT STATES MAY BE A BRIDGE TOO FAR. PENNSYLVANIA HAS ALWAYS BEEN SORT OF THE TOP OF THE RUNNING the Sun Belt states may be a bridge too far. Pennsylvania has always been sort
[03:09:57] of the tipping state both campaigns pointed to as the one that was that the
[03:10:03] Democrats had to have trump has other paths
[03:10:06] uh so uh the question is who can run well in those states and the question
[03:10:10] they're asking about the vp is how will she run in those
[03:10:14] states and that's why you're seeing the names you're seeing
[03:10:17] in terms of the vice presidential candidates obviously josh shapiro would
[03:10:21] give them a good chance in the state of pennsylvania mark kelly
[03:10:24] who's a war hero and an astronaut
[03:10:27] and a moderate with a strong record on border issues.
[03:10:33] He's also from a battleground state,
[03:10:35] would offer another set of
[03:10:38] assets to them.
[03:10:41] But they need
[03:10:42] to demonstrate it's fine
[03:10:45] to mobilize the CBC and
[03:10:46] the Hispanic caucus. They need to A, make a case for the whole country THE CBC AND THE HISPANIC CAUCUS.
[03:10:57] GOVERNORS AND SWING STATES SENATORS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ABOUT WHAT THEY And B, they need to talk to these governors and swing state senators
[03:11:00] and members of Congress and say here is why I think I can help.
[03:11:05] Bob, one of the interesting things you described it as a precise thing
[03:11:08] that I think it's definitely sort of like threading this very delicate needle at
[03:11:13] this moment but the other aspect of this is the unknowns about some of these other names and
[03:11:18] that's the thing i think that gives people a lot of heartburn
[03:11:20] As they're deliberating over
[03:11:22] Who really should be at the top of the ticket
[03:11:24] If they had their fantasy pick
[03:11:26] Which is how some of these have described it
[03:11:28] It's a fantasy football
[03:11:29] But what does, you know I DON'T KNOW IF YOU HAVE READY FOR THIS, BUT I WANT TO
[03:11:36] PICK.
[03:11:51] DEMOCRATS HAVING NOT BEEN ON THE NATIONAL STAGE BEFORE? a Gavin Newsom, all of them. And so there is a sort of imprecision to what happens outside
[03:11:55] of Kamala Harris that I think is causing a lot of stress right now inside the party.
[03:12:00] There are people who want someone else but they also have to prove that those other
[03:12:04] people are not going to come with downsides
[03:12:06] that frankly they just don't know about
[03:12:08] yet because they haven't been on the scene.
[03:12:10] The strongest case for Kamala
[03:12:12] is she's battle tested.
[03:12:14] You don't imagine there will be some new skeleton to fall out the closet
[03:12:17] because she has been on a national stage,
[03:12:19] and went through a national campaign so I think there is certainty you can have
[03:12:23] at least what you know when with with Kamala Harris.
[03:12:24] I think with some of the other folks if you were to chat GPT or Spock
[03:12:29] or Martian just as kind of like mathematically
[03:12:32] You'd say you got to win Michigan
[03:12:34] You gotta win Pennsylvania You've got to win Pennsylvania.
[03:12:35] You've got to win Wisconsin.
[03:12:36] And so you say well look
[03:12:37] you've got a democratic governor
[03:12:38] of two of those three states.
[03:12:39] It's very popular one.
[03:12:40] It is very popular.
[03:12:42] Shapiro is popular.
[03:12:43] Gresham is popular
[03:12:44] and so you might start there, well but then what about
[03:12:47] she's female? What about anti-Jewish stuff? You would
[03:12:51] at least considering those different possibilities and so
[03:12:55] that process needs to play out
[03:12:57] because if you don't let
[03:12:59] that process play out and you say, well just cause she's
[03:13:01] a VP you gotta take her
[03:13:02] He was talking about Shapiro being Jewish
[03:13:05] Like he's saying
[03:13:07] it's a weakness
[03:13:08] that Kamala Harris,
[03:13:09] it can be perceived
[03:13:10] as a weakness
[03:13:10] that Kamala Harris
[03:13:11] is a woman
[03:13:11] and Josh Shapiro
[03:13:12] is Jewish.
[03:13:13] There's only
[03:13:13] a couple months left
[03:13:14] and one of the other things
[03:13:15] I'm hearing
[03:13:17] They're not talking about her husband.
[03:13:18] Her husband is Jewish, too. Who gives a fuck?
[03:13:20] Just to throw out something else that I've heard
[03:13:22] when I've talked to Democrats, is that
[03:13:25] some people say, well, if she
[03:13:27] can open up the map in other ways.
[03:13:28] Roy Cooper maybe opening up North Carolina
[03:13:31] Maybe that's a better state for her than Pennsylvania
[03:13:35] Although not enough electoral votes to make up for it.
[03:13:40] So he'd lose if that were the exchange she made.
[03:13:43] It wouldn't be enough.
[03:13:44] I guess what I'm saying is just to tell you what I'm hearing from people, there is the blue wall, right?
[03:13:51] But there's also a calculation about how else
[03:13:53] might she change the map.
[03:13:55] Maybe it does bring some of
[03:13:57] the Sunbelt states back.
[03:13:59] Maybe it does bring Georgia back. These are
[03:14:01] unknown. I cannot stress enough
[03:14:03] people don't, there's no
[03:14:05] people cannot take the data to the bank
[03:14:07] on this stuff because it's not factored
[03:14:09] in what we don't know
[03:14:11] about these other potential candidates.
[03:14:12] Yeah, a lot of questions here and David
[03:14:14] I want to get your thoughts on the prospect
[03:14:15] of a delegate vote but we do gotta squeeze
[03:14:17] in a quick break. It's not tested?
[03:14:20] One, it's not tested yet
[03:14:22] Hossan Abiyakab means all except Kamala
[03:14:26] Right I'm so stoked to vote for her
[03:14:27] Unironically
[03:14:28] I mean listen it depends
[03:14:30] It depends on what she does going forward i'm not gonna sit here and immediately
[03:14:34] endorse kamala harris okay you can if you want to and i'm glad that you guys are very excited
[03:14:43] but the reality of the matter is
[03:14:46] this is why I keep stressing
[03:14:50] the importance of the upcoming days
[03:14:51] in terms of messaging
[03:14:53] will they take advantage
[03:14:55] of this fresh slate?
[03:15:00] This new opportunity that has been hand-delivered
[03:15:03] to them by God, according to Joe Biden?
[03:15:06] Or will they
[03:15:07] lean into the dumb shit
[03:15:09] that they've been doing so far?
[03:15:11] Dumb shit like in terms of Israel.
[03:15:16] She could technically lock down Michigan
[03:15:17] with, like,
[03:15:19] one fucking...
[03:15:21] One narrative direction change
[03:15:23] and be like,
[03:15:23] yeah, no, we're
[03:15:24] cutting all this off. Like the rest of the world has turned israel into
[03:15:27] a pariah israel itself has turned itself into a pariah it's an incredibly important ally of ours
[03:15:33] and under my administration we're going to take a new path forward or something like that.
[03:15:38] I've called for ceasefire far before anybody else.
[03:15:42] Yada, yada, yada.
[03:15:43] Like, you know, try to angle it as middle of the ground as possible.
[03:15:46] Then boom, Michigan's locked in.
[03:15:48] That's number one because
[03:15:50] working class Michigan votes are
[03:15:52] already locked in this way you
[03:15:54] actually ensure that you get Michigan
[03:15:56] Pennsylvania on the other hand is a little bit harder that you get Michigan.
[03:15:59] Pennsylvania, on the other hand,
[03:16:00] is a little bit harder in my opinion.
[03:16:02] I think maybe my
[03:16:04] opinion is potentially they go with Shapiro.
[03:16:07] I don't think it's a good idea. Shapiro is too new,
[03:16:09] and also beyond that
[03:16:11] he's pretty conservative,
[03:16:12] just like Mark Kelly
[03:16:13] is pretty conservative.
[03:16:14] Like,
[03:16:14] it sucks that the replacement...
[03:16:17] It kind of sucks that the VP candidates they have
[03:16:23] that they're talking about are pretty...
[03:16:26] I mean, they're just pretty conservative in general.
[03:16:29] Not Bashar, no.
[03:16:31] Ironic enough, even though he's from Kentucky,
[03:16:34] he is not as conservative
[03:16:35] as some of these other candidates are.
[03:16:38] J.B. Pritzker is also not as conservative.
[03:16:41] So like, you know, they did mention Pritzker a little bit but
[03:16:43] it's probably not Pritzker let's be real
[03:16:45] You know what's really
[03:16:47] funny? Someone told me J.B. Pritzker
[03:16:49] is Jewish I had no idea.
[03:16:53] Like, I was talking to someone at the gym
[03:16:55] and they were like, don't you think that people will...
[03:16:59] Don't you think him being...
[03:17:00] And this was a Jewish person saying this. Don't you think that like him being and this is a jewish person saying this don't you think that it like him being jewish will be
[03:17:04] a uh like a burden like people will be anti-semitic to him and i was
[03:17:10] like are you talking about shapiro and they were like, are you talking about Shapiro?
[03:17:13] And they were like, no, I'm talking about J.B.
[03:17:15] Pritzker
[03:17:16] and I was
[03:17:19] shocked. I did not
[03:17:21] even know that and I don't even think like
[03:17:24] Van Jones was talking about
[03:17:25] Van Jones was actually talking about
[03:17:28] Josh Shapiro and anti-Semitism being
[03:17:30] a burden, a unique burden
[03:17:32] on a Josh Shapiro ticket
[03:17:33] um and a unique bird in a Josh Shapiro ticket,
[03:17:38] which is pretty interesting.
[03:17:42] But nobody knew that Pritzker was Jewish.
[03:17:43] He's so like
[03:17:44] middle America,
[03:17:46] fat Polish guy coded
[03:17:49] but not...
[03:17:51] Yeah, he's
[03:17:53] Jewish-U ukrainian
[03:18:04] anyway there's another group of people that I want to hear from.
[03:18:09] At first I said they would be celebrating but I think they're in a state of panic
[03:18:15] And given the fact that the republican convention was extremely well
[03:18:19] received so the number i'm going to be looking at is not you know uh hypothetical races between
[03:18:26] trump and harris or trump and whitmer or trump and whoever um races between Trump and Harris or Trump
[03:18:27] and Whitmer or Trump and whoever, but rather
[03:18:30] Trump. Just tell me what Trump's number
[03:18:33] is against all three of any of those candidates
[03:18:36] and that will tell you something
[03:18:38] because if Trump's number grows,
[03:18:40] that is a really good sign
[03:18:41] for the Republicans.
[03:18:42] If it stays the same,
[03:18:43] it means the race
[03:18:44] is competitive
[03:18:45] if the Democrats
[03:18:46] can nominate someone
[03:18:47] who can sort of coalesce
[03:18:48] their undecided vote.
[03:18:50] And if Trump's number goes down because people are taking wait
[03:18:53] and see, I'd say that would be distressing for
[03:18:56] the Trump campaign.
[03:18:57] Wow.
[03:18:58] But Arnon all the numbers that we have seen
[03:18:59] are numbers of Trump versus Biden, you know?
[03:19:03] And when that dynamic change-
[03:19:06] Brilliant analysis from these guys.
[03:19:08] Jen O'Malley Dillon just had an all-hands call with his message
[03:19:11] per a recording obtained by Axios.
[03:19:14] ...through on any campaign in my life.
[03:19:15] It makes me so optimistic because we've been through really tough weeks,
[03:19:20] the hardest weeks I have ever been
[03:19:21] through on any campaign in my life.
[03:19:24] We've all been through that together and despite that you guys were still
[03:19:28] doing the job.
[03:19:29] You are still out there
[03:19:31] doing the work
[03:19:32] and that is what makes me
[03:19:33] so optimistic
[03:19:34] and I know
[03:19:35] that's what makes
[03:19:36] the president
[03:19:36] and the vice president
[03:19:38] so optimistic.
[03:19:39] So today,
[03:19:40] we are here to say, you've got this.
[03:19:43] It is okay to feel sad.
[03:19:46] It is okay to grieve.
[03:19:48] It is okay to be unsure but also be optimistic about our path forward because bro this is literally
[03:19:56] furor bunker oh my god is this after or before it like this is literally Führerbunker
[03:20:06] This is like
[03:20:07] the gun is in my mouth
[03:20:10] and I'm speaking to the microphone
[03:20:12] through the barrel of the gun shit.
[03:20:15] Oh, this is after.
[03:20:32] Okay. That's wild, man.
[03:20:35] Has Austin mentioned this to you yet and as Jamie Angel says source calls the vice president
[03:20:38] the only name being discussed
[03:20:40] is content creator Mr. Austin Schell
[03:20:42] yeah he's told me
[03:20:43] Cory Bush endorsed Microsoft he's told me.
[03:20:48] Corey Bush endorsed Mamala,
[03:20:50] Summer Lee endorsed Mamala. I don't know what AOC and Bernie have said
[03:20:52] so far.
[03:20:55] I do feel like
[03:20:57] we'll see
[03:21:01] I think AOC was not lying
[03:21:05] when she said the Democrats are
[03:21:07] not exactly fully committed to Kamala
[03:21:10] but I did
[03:21:12] not think that
[03:21:14] she was the person not committed to Kamala
[03:21:16] Harris if Kamala Harris is the person on the ticket.
[03:21:19] And I'm a little
[03:21:20] interested to see what they come
[03:21:23] out with now that
[03:21:24] the obvious thing that was going to happen
[03:21:27] did happen
[03:21:28] and they rode with Biden until the thing that was going to happen did happen. And
[03:21:29] they rode with Biden until the very end,
[03:21:31] which was shocking
[03:21:32] because obviously
[03:21:36] the writing on the wall was set
[03:21:38] I mean it was a Obviously, the writing on the wall was said.
[03:21:43] I mean, it was impossible.
[03:21:47] I think.
[03:21:52] It was impossible for Biden not to drop out. No Trump-Harris debate?
[03:21:54] Republican source tells Politico
[03:21:55] Trump is unlikely to debate Kamala Singh.
[03:21:58] He'll likely call her an illegitimate candidate.
[03:22:00] Oh, that's fear, dude.
[03:22:02] That's fucking fear.
[03:22:05] Oh, what happened?
[03:22:06] You really wanted Biden but you don't want Kamala?
[03:22:09] What's that about?
[03:22:09] What's that about?
[03:22:18] I think she needs to lean on that.
[03:22:20] It's too soon to tell, though. They're waiting for the numbers to come out. There's no way. of issues you will hear about between now and November.
[03:22:49] Who do you think, Congresswoman, might be the strongest running mate for Kamala Harris
[03:22:53] if she does become the presidential nominee?
[03:22:57] Okay, I'm not. It's like my head is spinning.
[03:23:00] It's been spinning for three weeks.
[03:23:02] I think that there are got it. That there are conversations
[03:23:04] that need to be had,
[03:23:05] we need to see who even the people
[03:23:07] are that would be interested if they
[03:23:09] were asked and I'm just not going
[03:23:11] there today my head is just spinning
[03:23:13] too many different other ways, Walt.
[03:23:17] I think all of our heads are spinning right now.
[03:23:19] Representative, thank you so much for joining us.
[03:23:22] Thank you.
[03:23:24] You carried Lutz so hard in basketball versus Jason.
[03:23:26] I don't know what you're talking about.
[03:23:29] Ludd carried himself.
[03:23:30] He played phenomenal.
[03:23:31] He was not a burden,
[03:23:33] but an asset at times.
[03:23:56] He played above my expectations. because of Ohio's electoral situation and their unwillingness to recognize a candidate unless it came at it by a certain date.
[03:23:58] So that was the reason they advanced it.
[03:23:59] Well, now it changed their law.
[03:24:00] They still said they wanted to do it.
[03:24:02] And it's supposed to happen as early as next week.
[03:24:05] And the question is whether that happens or not
[03:24:08] and—or whether they-whether this actually
[03:24:11] goes to a convention.
[03:24:12] I think what's going to happen is that the vice president is probably gonna work very
[03:24:16] hard to nail down the commitments of as many delegates as she possibly
[03:24:20] can in the next few days and say
[03:24:22] I've got the number.
[03:24:25] Schriezer saying
[03:24:26] you low-key got R up? Yeah, no, Schriezer
[03:24:28] compared me to Jokic which is crazy.
[03:24:31] I mean that's Glaze for sure.
[03:24:33] I got lucky. I'm much taller
[03:24:35] and much larger
[03:24:36] and have a decent mid-range
[03:24:38] That's it.
[03:24:42] Almost 100k
[03:24:43] all the haters here as well? No, it's mostly
[03:24:45] lovers I think.
[03:24:49] Jokic has no aura? Come on, bro. Yes he does
[03:24:52] I got
[03:24:54] you going for a double-double at DreamCon
[03:24:56] We'll see. Listen
[03:24:58] the people that I'm gonna be
[03:25:00] playing against, first of all it's a 5 on 5 full court.
[03:25:03] People I'm going to be playing against
[03:25:05] are going to be much better skilled.
[03:25:07] I think that I can be
[03:25:08] a decent mid-range shooter.
[03:25:10] I can be a decent, helpful teammate overall.
[03:25:15] But there's two dudes on the other team that are 6'7".
[03:25:19] It's going to be much more difficult to shoot over them. Anyway, that's a brief moment of basketball for people who are interested in hearing my perspective on the game that took place yesterday. If you're interested in avoiding the outbreak that's coming right, at the top of the hour there's a three-minute ad break.
[03:25:36] And you can avoid those ads by subscribing for $6 or for free with Switch Prime. Oh, I saw this meme.
[03:25:55] If this is the one
[03:25:56] I think it is.
[03:25:56] This was the funniest
[03:25:57] fucking meme dog
[03:25:58] don't even want to look
[03:25:59] Jason in the eyes.
[03:26:01] Yeah,
[03:26:02] Kaya,
[03:26:02] I think was the one
[03:26:03] that took the dub yesterday.
[03:26:05] Everybody loves her. People were saying
[03:26:07] she's got incredible aura, better aura
[03:26:08] than like the entire new FaZe lineup
[03:26:10] and obviously I agree with
[03:26:12] that. I'm a little biased as her dad but
[03:26:15] ... as her dad, but...
[03:26:31] But yeah, she was giving Jason the side eye.
[03:26:34] 537 is my rating for that ad break.
[03:26:34] That's crazy.
[03:26:39] Yeah, we got the W-onk. We got the W-unk We got the W-unk momentum
[03:26:40] There were a lot of people saying like super nice things
[03:26:43] There were a couple
[03:26:44] There were a couple people who were like Trying to shit on me in their communities and everyone was like, bro
[03:26:51] You think this guy is like... I saw some tweets from uh, their community being like
[03:26:55] you think this guys the fucking devil the way people talk about him
[03:26:58] Like people talk about him. Like,
[03:26:59] people talk about
[03:26:59] Hasan as like he's
[03:27:00] the antichrist and it
[03:27:01] turns out he's just
[03:27:02] like a chill-ass dude
[03:27:03] and it was shocking
[03:27:05] to see so many
[03:27:06] people just being
[03:27:06] like,
[03:27:07] yeah,
[03:27:07] no,
[03:27:07] those are like
[03:27:08] clip chimps for
[03:27:09] the most part. He's just like clipped all
[03:27:11] the time but most of the people that hate him
[03:27:13] are just like right wing or republican they hate him because of their
[03:27:16] politics you should make a community it's good
[03:27:20] for growth.
[03:27:21] I want it.
[03:27:21] I don't know how to do it.
[03:27:22] I might just make one,
[03:27:24] one of these days people are saying that Hassan is pissed about Biden
[03:27:27] dropping out.
[03:27:28] Wait,
[03:27:29] what?
[03:27:30] Bro,
[03:27:30] I've been dancing.
[03:27:34] Well, that's the problem with fucking right-wingers.
[03:27:36] You know what I mean?
[03:27:37] Oh shit, look at that.
[03:27:38] Lib Bizzle is back in the community.
[03:27:40] Coconut Queen all the way.
[03:27:41] Kamala unburdened by what has been. Now free to win the election. Bizzles back in the community. Coconut Queen all the way. Kamala unburdened by what has been
[03:27:42] now free to win the election. Bizzle Kudeta
[03:27:44] achievement unlocked.
[03:27:51] My friends keep saying Kamala is the loser because too many women don't like
[03:27:54] women yeah too many women don't like women that's why hillary clinton which
[03:27:57] wasn't just a woman but like an incredibly unlikable woman literally
[03:28:01] won the fucking popular vote. Like, come on guys
[03:28:04] what are we talking about here?
[03:28:09] I think
[03:28:10] that people
[03:28:12] go...I think that people that say like,
[03:28:14] oh,
[03:28:14] these women hate
[03:28:15] women or people just
[03:28:17] hate women in general
[03:28:17] and they can't do it
[03:28:19] are silly.
[03:28:21] Like,
[03:28:21] I think it's
[03:28:21] it just comes from
[03:28:22] their own personal
[03:28:24] perspective a little bit. Maybe they have that opinion
[03:28:26] a little bit, but they don't want to say it outright.
[03:28:29] But
[03:28:29] yeah, no, I know that there's misogynistic
[03:28:32] people out there. Most of them already vote for the
[03:28:34] Republican Party, but this is a...
[03:28:35] The moment that Republicans start fucking...
[03:28:38] The moment that the Republicans
[03:28:41] Start fucking chirping
[03:28:44] About Kamala Harris being a woman and shitty because of that reason
[03:28:48] is the moment that the Democrats can immediately reframe
[03:28:51] the conversation and be like, this is not shocking
[03:28:53] coming from the Republicans who took away women's bodily autonomy. Took away
[03:28:57] women's right to choose
[03:28:59] reproductive healthcare measures
[03:29:01] for themselves that they can take for granted
[03:29:03] in the fucking Western world.
[03:29:05] So like
[03:29:09] it's just it's the easiest one to have.
[03:29:10] It's the easiest convo to have.
[03:29:11] Do you want...
[03:29:16] The Republicans are in a bind in that situation because they literally are locked in
[03:29:19] to this
[03:29:21] abortion situation that they've
[03:29:23] presented for themselves.
[03:29:24] But the issue is, they want to run away
[03:29:27] from it, right? They want to run away from the abortion
[03:29:29] stuff because it's deeply, deeply
[03:29:31] unpopular. Nobody wants to think about
[03:29:33] like a
[03:29:35] blonde blue-eyed woman in fucking
[03:29:37] Texas dying as a consequence of an
[03:29:40] ectopic pregnancy that she couldn't get aborted
[03:29:42] in time. And yet, that is what's
[03:29:44] happening around the country
[03:29:45] in places where the Republicans have successfully restricted
[03:29:48] access to abortion.
[03:29:50] So, like... That is...
[03:29:52] That is massively consequential for this election.
[03:29:57] Kamala Harris being a woman
[03:29:58] automatically brings out the fucking forefront
[03:30:00] in a way that like hillary clinton
[03:30:03] never could beyond that i hope kamala harris doesn't do that like oh you're just you don't
[03:30:09] vote for me your fucking hate women shit.
[03:30:11] Okay?
[03:30:12] That would be the worst possible thing to do.
[03:30:13] That's like the classic Hillary Clinton supporters doing that shit.
[03:30:17] I hope that she doesn't do that.
[03:30:18] I hope she sticks to the issues because obviously women from a variety of different backgrounds have won
[03:30:24] elections in North America.
[03:30:27] You got Moss, you got our girl Claudia
[03:30:33] in Mexico.
[03:30:37] Ultimately
[03:30:37] and she's Jewish as well
[03:30:39] in a fucking super Christian, super Catholic country
[03:30:41] so like people obviously don't care at the end of the day.
[03:30:45] What they care about is like whether you're charismatic or not
[03:30:48] at the end of the day,
[03:30:49] they care about like how you message yourself,
[03:30:52] what the vibes look like.
[03:30:53] If the vibes are abysmal
[03:30:55] like fucking Hillary Clinton then
[03:30:57] that's going to have a
[03:30:58] spell trouble for you.. I don't know. THEIR PARTY'S RECRUITMENT IS A TOUGHER
[03:31:26] THAN IT SEEMS TO BE.
[03:31:29] NOW, THIS IS THE
[03:31:30] NEWS AT 5 AGENDA.
[03:31:36] PRESSURE FROM HIS OWN PARTY, PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN announcing he will not seek a second term.
[03:31:36] Calls for him to step aside have been growing since his disastrous debate performance in late June.
[03:31:42] From the start, the president speaking with a raspy voice
[03:31:45] at times stumbling and trailing off
[03:31:47] unable to finish his thought.
[03:31:49] Making sure that we're able
[03:31:50] to make every single solitary person eligible
[03:31:54] for what I've been able to do
[03:31:55] with the COVID,
[03:31:58] excuse me, dealing with everything we have to do
[03:32:02] is look if we finally beat Medicareare even on the issues that's disrespect
[03:32:14] come on he's dead he's dead already, that's disrespect.
[03:32:20] I'm just kidding,
[03:32:21] he deserves it,
[03:32:22] he deserves it all.
[03:32:24] Fuck this man.
[03:32:25] God,
[03:32:25] I hate him. It's a real monkey's paw situation for him too
[03:32:33] like he was like
[03:32:34] he wanted to be president his whole life and then
[03:32:37] he finally fucking becomes president
[03:32:38] and he's not even fucking coherent. And he's an
[03:32:41] embarrassment.
[03:32:44] And they beg him
[03:32:45] to step aside for like a month.
[03:32:49] And then
[03:32:50] he says only God can judge me.
[03:32:51] But you had a bad episode.
[03:32:51] And then God gives him COVID like three days later.
[03:32:54] But your friend Nancy Pelosi actually framed the question that I think is on
[03:32:56] the minds of millions of Americans.
[03:32:59] Was this a bad episode or the sign of a more serious condition?
[03:33:03] It was a bad episode.
[03:33:06] No indication of any serious condition, I was exhausted.
[03:33:09] I didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing and had a bad night.
[03:33:15] Many Democrats questioning if Biden had the stamina for a second term.
[03:33:19] I have medical doctors traveling everywhere every president does it you know medical doctors from the best
[03:33:25] in world traveling everywhere i go i have an ongoing assessment of what i'm doing
[03:33:32] they don't hesitate to tell me if they think there's something wrong.
[03:33:35] I know you said you have an ongoing assessment,
[03:33:37] but have you had a full neurological and cognitive evaluation?
[03:33:41] I get a full neurological test every day with me.
[03:33:45] And I've had physical, you know,
[03:33:49] I mean, I've been involved in reading...
[03:33:51] That's literally what Trump said.
[03:33:53] I mean, yes. Nancy? I know your doctor said I'm listening to what Trump said. Yes, an answer.
[03:33:56] I know your doctor said he consulted with a neurologist.
[03:33:59] I guess I am asking you a slightly different question.
[03:34:01] Have you had the specific cognitive tests
[03:34:04] and have you had a neurologist, a specialist do an examination?
[03:34:08] No.
[03:34:08] No one said I had to.
[03:34:09] No one said they said I'm good.
[03:34:11] Biden saying only divine intervention could force him out.
[03:34:15] You sure?
[03:34:16] Yeah, sure? Yeah, I'm sure.
[03:34:18] Look,
[03:34:20] if the Lord Almighty came down
[03:34:22] and said Joe get out of the race
[03:34:23] he'd say Lord Almighty's not coming down.
[03:34:25] But it wasn't enough to quell concerns. The hubris
[03:34:28] for him to step aside, growing
[03:34:30] into a steady stream. I salute
[03:34:32] President Biden. I just
[03:34:33] motherfucking hubris though.
[03:34:36] That's hubris.
[03:34:38] He said, God only God can judge me and God was like bro
[03:34:40] what'd you say?
[03:34:42] What'd you fucking say?
[03:34:46] Did you forget
[03:34:47] that I put you on this earth and I could take you out? Did you forget that I put you on this earth and I can take you out?
[03:34:50] Did you forget that I gave Trump COVID two weeks prior to the election?
[03:34:55] Did you forget that I gave COVID to the world?
[03:35:03] I will, in the most hilarious way take you out
[03:35:05] in the same exact fucking way dude.
[03:35:07] Oh no!
[03:35:07] I got DNC to delete
[03:35:09] or RNC to delete the post.
[03:35:12] That's crazy.
[03:35:14] They're such bitches bro.
[03:35:17] Or did they block me?
[03:35:19] Is the RNC research trying to cancel kamala harris lamal
[03:35:25] no they deleted it huh
[03:35:29] i can't be retweeting people like this
[03:35:32] they're taking advantage of my political instincts.
[03:35:46] The diagnosis reckoning with his political reality, it's the job he'd spent a lifetime working toward
[03:35:56] more than a half a century in Washington, earning a reputation as a lawmaker with
[03:36:00] friends on both sides of the aisle. A man who led with empathy
[03:36:04] after enduring so many personal tragedies,
[03:36:07] including the loss of his first wife
[03:36:08] and their young daughter
[03:36:09] and later his beloved.
[03:36:12] Flashback, Kamala laughed and said well
[03:36:15] said when an attendee at her
[03:36:17] event mockingly used the term mentally
[03:36:19] r-worded to attack President Trump
[03:36:21] uh huh Like imagine being the Republican Party's opposition research wing,
[03:36:33] and you're like, wow, Kamala Harris laughed at someone
[03:36:36] calling Trump mentally R-worded.
[03:36:39] Are you
[03:36:40] fucking stupid? You're the Republican Party.
[03:36:42] What do you mean? Are you marketing for Kamala now?
[03:36:49] Like, that's precisely what the Republicans say and do.
[03:36:53] Brianna Wu is now on Team
[03:36:55] Coconut? Yeah, whatever dude, she's a fucking idiot. Who cares? Brianna Wu is now on Team Coconut.
[03:36:57] Yeah, whatever dude.
[03:36:58] She's a fucking idiot.
[03:36:59] Who cares?
[03:37:01] She was literally doing the... I saw she was doing
[03:37:02] the fucking weird thing.
[03:37:05] The classic like oh Starship Troopers is not a fascist work
[03:37:11] she's just so stupid who cares hey just let her bro let that let that just go away no one gives
[03:37:17] this at this point I think the only people
[03:37:18] that care about her are people who are simply
[03:37:20] still trying to dunk on her.
[03:37:25] Bro, Donald Trump got shot
[03:37:26] and Breonna Wu, literally
[03:37:29] the first thing that she did.
[03:37:31] Donald Trump's body hadn't even hit
[03:37:32] the fucking floor yet.
[03:37:33] First thing that dumbass did
[03:37:34] was post about my old tweet
[03:37:37] against fucking Tom Cotton
[03:37:39] because Tom Cotton was saying like as a
[03:37:42] sitting senator he was saying like we should
[03:37:44] kill protesters so I
[03:37:46] quote retweeted it with a meme and she
[03:37:48] posted that fucking meme and immediately said it's too early
[03:37:51] to tell what the shooter's ideology is but
[03:37:53] I'm immediately going to blame Hasan for it
[03:37:54] anyway. And even her own fan
[03:37:57] base was like bro, what are you saying?
[03:38:01] Like what the fuck are you talking about? Look at the tweet that
[03:38:03] You screenshotted. In the tweet that
[03:38:05] You screenshotted, you're talking about a
[03:38:07] Republican sitting senator
[03:38:09] Actively demanding to kill protesters.
[03:38:12] And Hassan is the worst person
[03:38:14] here? There are people being like, I don't even like Hassan
[03:38:16] and you're out of your fucking mind here.
[03:38:21] She's just a pathetic destiny orbiter and that's it.
[03:38:26] There is nothing else.
[03:38:30] Desperately looking to suckle on my teat.
[03:38:32] All the concerns that they have raised about Joe Biden and as well
[03:38:35] as his cognitive ability, will that trickle down
[03:38:39] ticket to some Democrats? Some in key races like
[03:38:42] Sheryl Brown of was who went pushed
[03:38:45] for joe biden to step aside yet to support kamala harris at this moment so it remains
[03:38:51] to be seen how quickly the rest of the party gets behind Kamala Harris.
[03:38:55] But at the moment, we are hearing from a lot of Democrats who are simply relieved, Wolf,
[03:39:00] that this episode about Joe Biden being on top of the ticket is behind them
[03:39:04] as they grapple with this next chapter in
[03:39:06] historic ride. Wolf? All right, interesting, Manu. Thank you very, very much. I want to bring
[03:39:11] Jeff Zeleny right now. Jeff, an urgent effort clearly is underway across the Democratic Party JEFF, AN URGENT EFFORT CLEARLY IS UNDERWAY RIGHT NOW ACROSS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY TO RALLY BEHIND
[03:39:23] MINUTE BY MINUTE TELEPHONE CALLS ARE BEING MADE FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT TO LAWMAKERS It really is, really minute by minute. Telephone calls are being made from the Vice President to lawmakers and other officials trying to secure their support for the nomination.
[03:39:33] We've really seen just a dramatic movement here in the last several hours. I THINK THAT'S A GREAT QUESTION. IT IS AN INTERESTING QUESTION
[03:39:44] EXAMPLE.
[03:39:45] FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON AND SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY praised joe biden but in the same statement just a little earlier today they also said they fully
[03:39:49] support kamala harris barack obama has taken a different approach to this he put out a statement
[03:39:55] earlier saying that he of course praises joe biden and that's what the statement was about
[03:40:00] really talking about his effort to get out of the race in his selfless act
[03:40:04] but also leaving open the question of who he would support. Talking to his advisors, I
[03:40:09] am told that he is staying out of this for now and wants
[03:40:13] play a unifying role at the end of this much like he did in the 2020 primary
[03:40:17] campaign. That's being criticized by some, but
[03:40:20] this is the approach he has taken
[03:40:22] unifying his burning
[03:40:24] former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She also
[03:40:26] has not weighed in. So look, this process
[03:40:28] is moving, but there is no doubt.
[03:40:30] No one has stepped up to run against her.
[03:40:33] And that is also significant several hours.
[03:40:35] Dude, Obama sucks so bad.
[03:40:38] Like I know Democrats love him and shit.
[03:40:40] But God, he's so fucking annoying
[03:40:42] He told Joe not to run 2016
[03:40:47] Which was now we know
[03:40:49] A bad idea.
[03:40:52] Okay, he was like no step aside
[03:40:54] for Clinton
[03:40:54] and honestly that one is
[03:40:58] kind of fair because who would
[03:41:00] have thought right?
[03:41:02] And then in 2020 he made
[03:41:04] everyone else step aside for Bryden
[03:41:07] because he was terrified of
[03:41:09] Bernie Sanders.
[03:41:10] That was a massively consequential move
[03:41:13] that even someone as stupid
[03:41:15] as myself could tell you
[03:41:17] was wrong a mile away.
[03:41:18] And I did!
[03:41:21] I have not stopped criticizing
[03:41:24] the issue
[03:41:25] with having Biden be the fucking
[03:41:28] candidate in 2019 and 2020
[03:41:30] since 2020 I have not stopped
[03:41:35] I've been talking about how he's a one term president
[03:41:37] we're losing our incumbent advantage if he's the guy
[03:41:39] what the fuck are we doing
[03:41:41] what a stupid decision
[03:41:42] that was Barack Obama
[03:41:43] and then up until a week stupid decision. That was Barack Obama.
[03:41:45] And then up until a week ago,
[03:41:47] he was continuing along with that idiotic
[03:41:50] decision making or at least
[03:41:51] that like absolutely selfish
[03:41:53] self-interested way of operation
[03:41:57] and not letting not not uh telling joe button to step
[03:42:02] aside swiftly and he's still doing it he's like oh i don't know i'm gonna be the unifying it I don't know if I'm going to be the unifying role
[03:42:07] you're so silly man
[03:42:12] now is the time for her to show that
[03:42:16] every single moment that goes by, they're looking
[03:42:18] for those statements, people coming out and offering support.
[03:42:21] I know we are waiting for Democratic leadership
[03:42:23] but David and I were talking earlier
[03:42:25] these are Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries and Schumer
[03:42:30] they have to listen to their members okay. They ha-they have to do a lot of listening today too
[03:42:35] before they come out uh and and put a stake in the ground.
[03:42:39] And so this next day or two,
[03:42:40] everyone understands are gonna be really critical.
[03:42:43] And yet David, in this moment talking to donors
[03:42:45] I know Abby has Van has Aly. We've all been talking.
[03:42:49] You know, they got what they wanted today.
[03:42:50] I was talking to one big donor
[03:42:51] who said, you know,
[03:42:51] you'd think there would be
[03:42:52] a sense of celebration
[03:42:53] when the pound on the table
[03:42:54] is holding their money back.
[03:42:54] 25!
[03:42:56] One of them said to me,
[03:42:56] I'm sick to my stomach
[03:42:57] because I have sadness for God and can't fulfill what he wanted.
[03:43:01] Yeah.
[03:43:01] There is this deep sense of sadness.
[03:43:03] Listen, Karen, there is a lot of affection and respect
[03:43:06] for Joe Biden among Democrats.
[03:43:09] I don't think anybody took great joy in what happened today.
[03:43:12] You know, I worked with him for several years
[03:43:16] and was really proud to do that,
[03:43:17] and it's a sad day.
[03:43:20] This wasn't an anti-biden movement it was a beat trump
[03:43:24] movement and there was a conclusion that they didn't feel the president could do
[03:43:27] that wasn't a reflection on what he's he's. So, yeah, it was
[03:43:32] rough. But in terms of what's going on
[03:43:34] now, you know, you say why are
[03:43:36] these leaders hanging back? And Abby's right.
[03:43:38] The leaders have to listen to
[03:43:40] their members. The members they're most interested in listening to are the members who are in these competitive
[03:43:46] districts, competitive states and they want to hear from them and they want to examine
[03:43:52] how you can be affected by that.
[03:43:54] And for Pelosi, that is obviously a concern but she's very much focused on what gives
[03:43:59] us the best chance to beat Donald Trump.
[03:44:01] I was just talking to donors today
[03:44:03] and I took a few of them.
[03:44:04] These are people
[03:44:05] who didn't actually
[03:44:06] a couple weeks ago
[03:44:07] want Kamala Harris
[03:44:07] on their ticket
[03:44:08] when they were
[03:44:08] talking about this.
[03:44:09] They seem to have
[03:44:10] at least the ones
[03:44:10] I spoke to
[03:44:11] fully accepted
[03:44:11] as Kamala Harris
[03:44:12] and they're not all in.
[03:44:13] Well, people had to walk
[03:44:15] around the barn a couple of times and get their
[03:44:16] heads around it. Kamala Harris
[03:44:18] has not been a polling dynamo
[03:44:21] she's not like she's the most popular
[03:44:22] human ever born.
[03:44:24] And that weighs on people, look I wanna say something
[03:44:28] this is the most consequential decision
[03:44:32] this party is likely to make in this century.
[03:44:36] Who do we put up against Donald Trump? It's not an
[03:44:38] emotional decision, it's a mathematical
[03:44:40] decision and nobody
[03:44:42] understands necessarily as
[03:44:44] I said before there are a lot of variables here.
[03:44:46] Some of these swing state governors haven't been tested on national stage.
[03:44:49] What's the likelihood of those skeletons falling out and destroying
[03:44:52] the whole campaign? This is a consequential decision. And so right
[03:44:55] now you've got a lot people rushing rushing in, wanting to support Kamala,
[03:44:58] the Russian certainty but tomorrow always comes and what you don't –
[03:45:02] I love about what Obama did.
[03:45:04] He stayed back.
[03:45:05] He said let's talk it out.
[03:45:08] Give everybody a chance to make their best case so we can make the best decision.
[03:45:12] And there is not a more important – whenever Pelosi opens her mouth…
[03:45:16] Oh yeah, I hear him.
[03:45:21] What's that?
[03:45:22] April 14th, 2020,
[03:45:24] more than four years ago.
[03:45:27] One truly wild thing
[03:45:28] that we haven't really talked about is biden stated interest in being
[03:45:30] a single-term president like we're just going to throw air and come an advantage because joe's
[03:45:34] going to be a vegetable by the end of his presidency truly incredible stuff.
[03:45:42] That's crazy.
[03:45:46] Who would have fucking thought, dude?
[03:45:48] Who would have thought? I'm going to repost it and like my own tweet, fuck it.
[03:45:52] Who would have thought, bro?
[03:45:53] What? Are we serious?
[03:45:55] Like that's crazy.
[03:46:00] I'm telling you, dude.
[03:46:01] It wasn't that wild.
[03:46:03] It was not that wild of a fucking sentiment to express at the time.
[03:46:07] ...... Liking your own tweet
[03:46:24] Is the equivalent of a self suck
[03:46:25] Well I mean
[03:46:26] I do that too
[03:46:26] So
[03:46:27] What is your view
[03:46:31] On Bernie Sanders
[03:46:31] I love Bernie Sanders.
[03:46:33] I will always...
[03:46:34] I will always love Bernie Sanders.
[03:46:38] However,
[03:46:39] he has disappointed me gravely
[03:46:42] on... He's disappointing disappointed me gravely on he's disappointed me a lot with uh with the israel stuff
[03:46:48] post october 7th he took far too long to call for a ceasefire. He used
[03:46:54] to be the boldest, one of the most bold
[03:46:58] congresspersons out there across the board on the issue of Israel
[03:47:02] and now he's like, now he no longer is.
[03:47:09] And that makes me truly sad
[03:47:11] and it's not because the DNC did that to him.
[03:47:16] He did that to himself.
[03:47:30] Anyway, anyway having said that his legacy
[03:47:31] is still very important.
[03:47:40] And I think that that is
[03:47:40] something you can't take away from him
[03:47:43] and for that reason alone,
[03:47:45] I will forever love that man
[03:47:47] even if for that reason alone, I will forever love that man.
[03:47:50] Even if I get disappointed with him from time to time. anyway
[03:48:01] I can't believe this got 60k
[03:48:06] likes
[03:48:07] AOC and by got cck likes um aoc and biden biden basically cooked aoc
[03:48:12] and bernie a little bit
[03:48:17] by getting them to be like this ride or die for him.
[03:48:22] That's why I said,
[03:48:23] I don't think it's a smart decision.
[03:48:27] And I said it from the jump.
[03:48:29] I don't think it's a smart decision to beat this aggro And I said it from the jump.
[03:48:32] I don't think it's a smart decision to be this aggro.
[03:48:38] It's a snapshot, and the snapshot yesterday is completely radically different than the snapshot today.
[03:48:40] Look, whatever happened on a given day
[03:48:43] The course is clear
[03:48:44] The path is clear for Democrats
[03:48:46] We must win Michigan
[03:48:48] we must win Wisconsin
[03:48:49] we must win Pennsylvania
[03:49:00] and by the way we must win one congressional district, Omaha too because it splits its electoral votes that will determine if its electoral votes can decide the presidency. And so we now have a fundamental reset of this campaign,
[03:49:04] no question about it.
[03:49:06] Now I'll just say one other thing on this.
[03:49:08] The reason we are losing today
[03:49:10] is because Donald Trump has consolidated his vote.
[03:49:14] His base is maxed out
[03:49:15] and we Democrats have not
[03:49:17] consolidated why? Yes! Because up
[03:49:19] until several hours ago, we weren't
[03:49:21] sure... This isn't coping him, he's right.
[03:49:26] It is vitally important with this reset that we do the following job one that's it that's the that's the line he's 100 right
[03:49:34] he's absolutely
[03:49:35] right.
[03:49:36] There are so many
[03:49:38] likely voters that
[03:49:40] are tapped out
[03:49:41] as a consequence of interest in the race and as a consequence of a fresh new face entering
[03:49:47] the fray, they absolutely will.
[03:49:52] They are absolutely votes to win.
[03:49:55] Joe Biden would have never been able
[03:49:56] to bring them back.
[03:49:57] Lloyd Doggett was the first
[03:49:58] Democratic lawmaker
[03:50:00] to actually call on President Biden
[03:50:02] to step aside.
[03:50:03] Congressman Doggett is here with me
[03:50:04] in the studio right now.
[03:50:06] Thanks very much for coming in.
[03:50:07] Great to be with you, Walt.
[03:50:07] You've become a historic figure and you're the first one,
[03:50:11] first Democrat to say Biden should step aside.
[03:50:14] Well it's an historic day
[03:50:15] and President Biden made a courageous decision.
[03:50:17] Oh dude, suck me. There were so many goddamn people before this dude.
[03:50:21] I mean he was the only elected person doing it but... But, of course, CNN and mainstream media will never fucking turn around
[03:50:33] and give props to anybody else.
[03:50:35] I mean, Dean Phillips deserves more praise.
[03:50:37] Thank you. else. I mean, Dean Phillips deserves more praise.
[03:50:42] Like, Dean Phillips unironically... I mean, he sucks but
[03:50:44] Dean Phillips deserves more fucking praise if you're
[03:50:47] going to go inside of the Democratic Party. But, of course,
[03:50:49] the person who deserves most praise is Cenk, Uncle
[03:50:51] Cenk.
[03:50:55] For the
[03:50:55] record, a lot of people are asking
[03:50:57] like, oh, Kamala Harris this, Kamala Harris that.
[03:50:59] Are you going to vote for her?
[03:51:00] And I told you I don't know.
[03:51:02] Part of the reason why I say that is because
[03:51:05] I don't know what our positions are gonna look like
[03:51:08] and one of the key positions
[03:51:13] That i'm interested to see if she actually deviates away in terms of foreign policy is on the issue of Gaza.
[03:51:18] Kamala Harris has lightly, under the vice presidential position,
[03:51:23] lightly sidestep Biden at times.
[03:51:26] Call for a ceasefire before Biden did.
[03:51:29] These are significant but I might be simply wish casting.
[03:51:34] Okay?
[03:51:37] That matters depending on how
[03:51:40] she moves in which direction she moves in
[03:51:44] is absolutely going to determine whether I vote for her or not.
[03:51:50] Personally, obviously,
[03:51:52] I am not going to stop you
[03:51:53] from voting for her if you want to.
[03:51:57] But
[03:51:57] if you're asking me what my position is
[03:51:59] that's what I care about.
[03:52:02] I also simultaneously believe that if she continues the right-wing immigration agenda,
[03:52:08] and on top of that does some nutty Zionist shit.
[03:52:18] You did this? What is this?
[03:52:21] Stop calling me a Republican law? Yeah.
[03:52:24] If she just
[03:52:25] continues along
[03:52:26] with Biden's
[03:52:27] foreign policy,
[03:52:28] which is going
[03:52:30] to be difficult
[03:52:31] in general
[03:52:31] because how
[03:52:32] are you going
[03:52:33] to criticize
[03:52:34] Biden if
[03:52:34] Biden is still going in that,
[03:52:36] in one direction and you want to go on another?
[03:52:39] The upcoming days will be tricky on that front.
[03:52:48] So we'll see single issue voter
[03:52:54] no
[03:52:55] I'm far from a single issue voter Single-issue voter, Ahsan? No.
[03:52:59] I'm far from a single-issue voter.
[03:53:11] But ultimately it doesn't matter. squirrels not being charitable about a zoo yeah okay who gives a shit
[03:53:13] like
[03:53:16] man I Like, yeah.
[03:53:20] Okay.
[03:53:22] She's mad at me.
[03:53:23] Why do you guys care?
[03:53:26] To get over it.
[03:53:38] It's kind of wild that there are 92,000 people in here and you're bringing up an anonymous account who I am almost completely in agreement with on every issue, including even Kamala Harris.
[03:53:52] I'm just holding out to see whether or not she will actually follow through
[03:53:58] on Joe Biden's agenda to a T.
[03:54:01] Also, she hates everybody
[03:54:03] and sometimes myself as well.
[03:54:15] But think about what you're doing when you're like oh this account on twitter doesn't like he was like crazy there's a million people that don't like me squirrel on the other hand is someone who I am in agreement with
[03:54:25] more times than I'm not only if you care more about the drama
[03:54:34] than the actual news that are happening
[03:54:35] do you bring up such stupid things.
[03:54:39] Don't do it in the future.
[03:54:42] Alright, from this afternoon, CBS News, CBS
[03:54:44] we debate VB Harris Trump. I don't know
[03:54:46] who I'm going to debate so far. We haven't determined
[03:54:47] who's going to be on that side but I think whoever it is
[03:54:49] I'd like to debate. Yeah, sure.
[03:54:53] 100%.
[03:54:59] More 70%, CBS, does it change how you see this whole race?
[03:55:10] Trump.
[03:55:10] No,
[03:55:11] it's policy.
[03:55:11] The policy is still bad.
[03:55:12] The policy,
[03:55:13] whether it's him or her wouldn't be any different.
[03:55:14] She was in charge of the border. She was the borders are she was the worst ever. Yeah. a man in there that shouldn't be in there.
[03:55:27] Trump added,
[03:55:28] I think he's been the worst president in the history of our country.
[03:55:29] He's been a disaster.
[03:55:30] The worst president we ever had.
[03:55:31] So I think it's good for the country. Anyway.
[03:55:59] Okay. Anyway, so by delaying his endorsement Obama has ruined Kamala Harris' chance to become president and essentially committing political suicide for the Democratic Party? No, I don't think it
[03:56:02] matters that much.
[03:56:05] I think it's a shitty thing
[03:56:07] to do though. It's a shitty thing to do in general
[03:56:09] to not endorse the person
[03:56:11] that Joe Biden endorsed.
[03:56:13] What the fuck are you doing?
[03:56:16] But no,
[03:56:17] I don't think it ruined
[03:56:18] the Democratic Party or anything.
[03:56:29] Would you say
[03:56:30] you are unbiased
[03:56:31] no answer needed
[03:56:32] what
[03:56:33] no of course
[03:56:33] I would never
[03:56:34] say I'm unbiased
[03:56:35] I say
[03:56:36] I'm honest
[03:56:37] and always
[03:56:38] will tell you
[03:56:39] what my biases
[03:56:39] are whereas everyone is biased but many people
[03:56:44] refuse to admit that or even recognize their biases
[03:56:50] that's the difference between me and CNN. They did so with a clear understanding that we would only succeed if we were united.
[03:57:05] In the 248 years since, our country and our people have been tested
[03:57:09] but the American spirit has always triumphed
[03:57:12] despite our individual differences when our safety But the American spirit has always triumphed.
[03:57:12] Despite our individual differences, when our safety was threatened,
[03:57:15] When our values and freedoms were attacked,
[03:57:17] When the stakes were high
[03:57:19] Americans have found ways to come together
[03:57:21] And unite behind common cause
[03:57:23] and common purpose.
[03:57:25] That's the lesson of our founders
[03:57:27] who gathered in Pennsylvania two-and-a-half centuries ago,
[03:57:30] and it's a lesson our party must learn from now. I've known Kamala Harris for nearly two decades,
[03:57:36] we both been prosecutors with both stood up for the rule of law. We both fought for
[03:57:41] the people and delivered results. Kamala Harris is a patriot worthy of our support,
[03:57:46] and she will continue the work
[03:57:48] of generations of Americans who came before us
[03:57:51] to perfect our union, protect our democracy
[03:57:53] and advance real freedom.
[03:57:55] She has served the country honorably as Vice President
[03:57:58] and she is ready to be president.
[03:58:01] The best path forward for the Democratic Party
[03:58:03] is to quickly unite behind
[03:58:05] Vice President Harris and refocus on winning the presidency.
[03:58:10] The contrast in this race could not be clearer, and the road to victory—
[03:58:14] Dude, the hogs haven't been squirming as much. Oh
[03:58:17] ew, Jared Moss
[03:58:18] I mean his dedication of public services
[03:58:21] entire life
[03:58:22] we may not see that again
[03:58:25] and so obviously this is a passing of the torch
[03:58:28] to new generation. I think it's going
[03:58:30] to be Kamala, I have endorsed
[03:58:31] Kamala Harris. Democrats are
[03:58:34] very disappointed. So this guy decided
[03:58:36] to genocide the Palestinians while being a one-term president
[03:58:38] so he didn't even do it to get reelected.
[03:58:40] He did it for fun?
[03:58:41] Oh no, he did it because he loves it.
[03:58:44] For sure.
[03:58:46] You thought that Americans care
[03:58:49] that much about
[03:58:50] Israel genociding
[03:58:51] Palestinians
[03:58:52] are you crazy
[03:58:53] it wasn't even
[03:58:55] like number
[03:58:55] it was barely
[03:58:56] number four
[03:58:57] it's really
[03:58:58] impactful for those who do care,
[03:59:01] um, those who become
[03:59:02] single-issue voters because genocide is
[03:59:04] you know
[03:59:05] kind of hard to
[03:59:08] cast aside
[03:59:11] but beyond that
[03:59:13] it was like
[03:59:15] its foreign policy, Americans don't give a fuck about
[03:59:17] foreign policy the entire system is designed so
[03:59:19] we are sedated as foreign policy just
[03:59:21] is a thing that happens, right? And it's a machine that keeps churning.
[03:59:30] Overall
[03:59:30] our overall overall
[03:59:32] American foreign policy is something that most
[03:59:35] Americans don't give a shit about
[03:59:36] and Biden on that issue
[03:59:39] was doing it not because he wanted to be
[03:59:42] reelected he was doing it because
[03:59:45] he said it, he said it himself
[03:59:47] he's a Zionist
[03:59:49] you literally just admitted
[03:59:51] that you're a one issueissue voter? Fucking hypocrisy.
[03:59:53] No,
[03:59:54] I said it's understandable for others to be one single issue voters when that single issue is genocide.
[04:00:07] The reasons for why I didn't want to vote for Biden, despite the fact
[04:00:12] he was more progressive on labor
[04:00:13] than every other modern Democratic and Republican president,
[04:00:19] if one more person sends me the fucking squirrel tweet,
[04:00:23] I am going to literally put you on a fucking spaceship
[04:00:25] okay i don't fucking care dumbass i don't care what the fuck is wrong with you are you
[04:00:33] a car crash victim like john fetetterman? Are you Biden?
[04:00:35] Are you Joe Biden?
[04:00:36] Do you have the same bad brain?
[04:00:38] Who fucking cares?
[04:00:41] Like, are you that desperate to get a fucking drama nut?
[04:00:44] Is that what it is?
[04:00:45] What drama
[04:00:46] isn't going to happen?
[04:00:46] You want me to dunk on
[04:00:47] an anonymous Twitter account
[04:00:49] that I agree with?
[04:00:53] Shut the fuck up. Anyway.
[04:01:04] Huh.
[04:01:12] Yeah. I don't understand the one-issue voter when it comes to Gaza.
[04:01:13] The alternative is worse, isn't it?
[04:01:15] He said he would tell them to finish their job.
[04:01:23] Yes, Donald Trump would be worse for Palestinians in general as he was worse for Palestinians in general.
[04:01:28] Having said that however people don't think like that the matter they're
[04:01:31] not thinking about it
[04:01:32] like that.
[04:01:32] They're thinking about
[04:01:33] it like they are
[04:01:35] thinking about it like
[04:01:36] oh Joe Biden is the one
[04:01:37] currently doing genocide
[04:01:38] now fuck him because at the end of the day it like, oh Joe Biden is the one currently doing genocide now. Fuck him.
[04:01:40] Because at the end of the day
[04:01:42] Joe Biden has killed
[04:01:43] more Palestinians than Donald Trump has.
[04:01:46] This is the truth.
[04:01:53] Aren't you not thinking about it like that either?
[04:01:55] No, that's why I said I'm not even a single-issue voter on this.
[04:01:57] Okay?
[04:01:57] I think that's perfectly valid
[04:01:59] to be a single-issue voter on
[04:02:00] because it's genocide.
[04:02:01] But if you're asking me,
[04:02:02] like I think Joe Biden's right wing anti-immigration narrative package with
[04:02:07] like everything he did in the last,
[04:02:10] everything he did since October
[04:02:12] has just been so
[04:02:14] fucking awful.
[04:02:16] Like, I don't know what the fuck happened.
[04:02:18] I don't know if an anvil fell on his head
[04:02:20] where he just decided to move in a way
[04:02:23] where it was just so
[04:02:24] insane.
[04:02:27] Okay?
[04:02:28] October 7th happened and his dementia
[04:02:30] went completely out of control the whole idea
[04:02:35] that they were going to go to the right of the republican party on immigration
[04:02:39] are you on crack are you? Are you the stupidest
[04:02:44] person on the planet? He was already
[04:02:46] trying to do that with the crime shit. It literally
[04:02:48] cost them seats in New
[04:02:50] York and almost turned the fucking
[04:02:52] New York gubernatorial race into a Republican one, which was
[04:02:55] insane. They didn't learn
[04:02:57] from that and then they hit that
[04:02:58] same exact bar on immigration
[04:03:03] Like what are you doing
[04:03:07] what the fuck do you want you want to be the you want to put a fucking rainbow
[04:03:11] sticker on a concentration camps is that what it is and then all of a sudden its
[04:03:14] woke? What are we talking about here What?
[04:03:34] People on the timeline giving you advice about your post game.
[04:03:36] My man,
[04:03:38] Asani is to worry less about the presidential campaign and more about his postgame we three not him for six like i was just trying to
[04:03:51] oh he's talking shit he said he's too big to be calling lame ass files
[04:03:54] i'm sorry bro you hit my arm what do you mean
[04:03:58] he's gonna spin to the opposite way
[04:04:03] I do have post game bullshit a post game. I mean he has a good he has a good turnaround
[04:04:09] You I mean, he has a good turn around. Hassan this is for you. When you back down
[04:04:11] when you get the ball
[04:04:13] first of all call for the ball
[04:04:15] Get low and call for the ball
[04:04:31] Let's say you want to back down with your I mean, he's not wrong.
[04:04:46] He's right. I think my biggest problem is I don't like playing bully ball.
[04:04:51] And I'm also too comfortable.
[04:04:54] Max was saying,
[04:04:55] you're big but you're soft?
[04:04:56] Yeah, that's because he was talking shit.
[04:05:01] I don't like being... I don't like being
[04:05:02] that aggressive.
[04:05:04] Especially because
[04:05:05] I have a fucking
[04:05:06] solid floater.
[04:05:08] My midrange is
[04:05:09] lethal, okay?
[04:05:10] Let's be for real.
[04:05:13] Let me talk a little bit of shit.
[04:05:16] I can play the pose,
[04:05:19] but I like making easy shots.
[04:05:24] They're contested, but they're still easy.
[04:05:26] You had some amazing defense that block you got
[04:05:28] had you looking like a true athlete? Yeah, that's my arm and that's
[04:05:39] Max. But I mean he's just like shorter than me. That's
[04:05:43] the other thing.
[04:05:48] How many times a week do you lift?
[04:05:50] I,
[04:05:50] um,
[04:05:52] I live four times a week.
[04:05:54] Legendary new Hassan ball gift, yeah that was great, oh shit, Oh shit!
[04:06:07] What's up?
[04:06:11] What's up, big dog?
[04:06:12] Oh you're here to do laundry okay.
[04:06:22] I feel you know, it's not feelings is more up get y'all What's that?
[04:06:31] Get your ass into his body.
[04:06:32] Yes, you had some what? Webby defense
[04:06:34] where you held on Jason then flipped your hips
[04:06:36] and blocked Max's layup?
[04:06:47] I'm only listening because I thought that we were talking about ass like a butt no even before it started
[04:06:54] this was hilarious I don't know I just I've warmed up I got my body loose,
[04:06:59] got my shot right.
[04:07:01] That's right.
[04:07:04] And I'm just ready to ball.
[04:07:08] Yeah, it's easy you're're playing in short Kings. Exactly. Best tweet from Max's community.
[04:07:14] Hassan and Ludwig and max all got bubble buzzed.
[04:07:17] This is a gay gooner galore. My bad for this.
[04:07:22] Guy in the green shorts
[04:07:23] caked up though. What does
[04:07:25] Asanas chat on?
[04:07:28] Okay, I think
[04:07:29] the funniest was I saw a YouTube comment
[04:07:32] of people saying
[04:07:37] Hasan,
[04:07:39] y'all lost to Ludwig from video games
[04:07:43] And Hasan from politics
[04:07:45] Which is true
[04:07:51] They did.
[04:07:58] It was,
[04:08:04] I mean that's especially because Jason cooked Ludwig before.
[04:08:10] Ludwig from video games and Hassan from politics. Lost to a news reporter i mean it's true the believers won big last night yeah i know
[04:08:22] creator league of tiktok of Hasanavi? I have no idea
[04:08:25] how well these people play by the way
[04:08:27] Oh yeah, zero clue. Duke is coaching
[04:08:29] he's not playing? Oh they
[04:08:31] drafted? JW68
[04:08:33] oh no. They all play good?
[04:08:36] Marcellus Howard played college basketball?
[04:08:38] Oh, no. I'm so f***ing cooked.
[04:08:40] If you get blocked
[04:08:42] or crossed up on subbing
[04:08:44] I'm gonna get blocked and crossed up. I'm on subbing. I'm gonna get blocked
[04:08:47] and crossed up.
[04:08:49] Ray's insane, Jason's alright, Max is
[04:08:51] alright, Cash is alright, Dashay is absolute
[04:08:53] dog shit. Some legit insane
[04:08:54] ballers. YPK Ray plays in a pretty good
[04:08:57] Pro-am league with Hella X overseas
[04:08:59] G League players oh no
[04:09:00] Oh my god am I getting
[04:09:06] Hassan is actually A Hooper, bro.
[04:09:08] Nah, it's crazy to get cooked by Lowey from video games and Hasan from politics.
[04:09:11] Hasan moving like Jokic.
[04:09:13] Jokic.
[04:09:17] Well, I even had the VB. I don't even know why they did that. Got to stop watching Kyrie clips and open up some Jokic clips.
[04:09:37] My ego is not too big.
[04:09:39] My ego will never be that
[04:09:40] big for basketball.
[04:09:43] Oh, this
[04:09:44] is funny. The Grindr shit.
[04:09:48] But yeah.
[04:09:52] Um... at the Republican... But yeah. EuroLeague aura,
[04:09:54] Jason was not practicing
[04:09:55] the day before.
[04:09:56] Do you need some milk?
[04:09:57] I do.
[04:09:58] You need some milk.
[04:10:01] Bye later. That was cute. I do. You need that one, man? Later.
[04:10:02] That was cute.
[04:10:03] That was cute.
[04:10:06] You got drafted pretty late by Mark.
[04:10:08] How does that make you feel?
[04:10:09] First of all,
[04:10:10] I got drafted in the first
[04:10:12] I think it was a fourth pick or the fifth pick
[04:10:14] but
[04:10:17] It doesn't make me feel bad at all.
[04:10:18] It actually makes me
[04:10:23] It actually makes me feel good.
[04:10:25] I don't want them to have high expectations of me.
[04:10:32] I don't... I don't want to be...
[04:10:36] What?
[04:10:41] And
[04:10:41] I just want to say this on a personal level.
[04:10:44] What?
[04:10:45] I am emotional about...
[04:10:48] Bro, this guy is such a fucking loser dude.
[04:10:51] Schrezer calling you Turk Nowitzki? That's great!
[04:10:53] I love that
[04:10:54] as a massive compliment dude he is such a dude dude dude dude what are the democrats doing bro
[04:11:01] what are they doing this guy is such a fucking loser.
[04:11:04] Oh, the president's decision
[04:11:06] because this
[04:11:08] president Joe Biden
[04:11:09] has been a transformational
[04:11:12] president. He's been
[04:11:13] a great leader.
[04:11:16] He's a good man, a decent man who has done so much for this nation
[04:11:20] but so much to see us as people.
[04:11:26] To value us, to fight
[04:11:28] for us.
[04:11:30] This is glaze.
[04:11:33] This is glaze.
[04:11:35] It's too much.
[04:11:36] It's too much. This is illegal. It's too much. It's too much.
[04:11:37] This is illegal flag on the play.
[04:11:40] You're doing too much.
[04:11:41] You're doing too much,
[04:11:43] Jamie.
[04:11:43] This is not,
[04:11:44] this is not a pro is inappropriate
[04:11:47] you can't be
[04:11:50] dis-Biden pilled
[04:11:51] that's crazy
[04:11:53] you're the DNC chair
[04:11:55] what are we doing?
[04:11:56] you're the Democratic Party's chair.
[04:11:58] What the fuck?
[04:12:08] Bro did something and needs a pardon before the term ends for sure.
[04:12:13] Yeah, what is going on?
[04:12:22] What? what the hell why is he doing this
[04:12:28] he's still in the furor bunker.
[04:12:33] He's still there.
[04:12:35] Think about the transformational things we have seen over the course of these past three and a half years.
[04:12:43] From the investment into our climate, fighting against the climate crisis, helping those
[04:12:48] burdened by student loans, bringing down the cost of prescription drugs. It has been transformational as it relates to what he has done and what he is accomplished. And you know i'm emotional because i am still still riding with biden
[04:13:10] that's a crazy thing, dude.
[04:13:13] You don't understand?
[04:13:14] Jamie Harrison is Biden's biggest fan?
[04:13:15] No, I think he literally...
[04:13:18] I think it's either that or he's just like such a fucking loser.
[04:13:21] Like he's addicted to losing.
[04:13:26] Like he's addicted to losing like he loves losing He's committed to one thing, which
[04:13:28] is what he did and then they
[04:13:30] elevated him so maybe he thinks
[04:13:32] if I lose harder, maybe they'll make me president.
[04:13:35] I don't know. That's a wild thing to do though. Like does he hate common or something?
[04:13:48] Maybe this on the other hand, I think it's just like, you know, Does he hate Kamala or something? Maybe.
[04:13:58] This, on the other hand, is bullshit news.
[04:14:01] Some Democratic donors and officials are reaching out to Senator Joe Manchin because they're standing for the presidential nomination.
[04:14:03] Yeah, that's bullshit.
[04:14:05] Yeah.
[04:14:09] That right
[04:14:10] there is just
[04:14:11] bullshit.
[04:14:15] There's not no, there's not even a consideration that's a is not...
[04:14:16] No, that's not even a consideration.
[04:14:18] That's a lie.
[04:14:21] That's like problem solvers cocky shit.
[04:14:23] Nah, no way.
[04:14:26] That's not real.
[04:14:28] Yeah, that...
[04:14:28] You know who leaked that?
[04:14:29] Joe Manchin himself
[04:14:30] leaked that.
[04:14:31] Exactly.
[04:14:33] Now, source
[04:14:34] Joe Manchin
[04:14:34] get the fuck
[04:14:36] out of here.
[04:14:38] What AOC was warning about is not Joe Manchin chatters.
[04:14:41] What AOC was warning about
[04:14:43] is what Nancy Pelosi all but confirmed
[04:14:46] the other day.
[04:14:48] All but confirmed the other day. National Convention.
[04:14:55] All but confirmed the other day before Joe Biden came out and endorsed Kamala and dropped out, Nancy Pelosi was talking about an open convention
[04:14:59] and how good that would be because I think
[04:15:02] she was angling for
[04:15:03] gruesome Newsom
[04:15:05] like it's like a little
[04:15:07] bit of a coup in the party
[04:15:09] on that front.
[04:15:11] And I think that's a devastating idea.
[04:15:13] It's a terrible idea.
[04:15:14] It's a bad idea.
[04:15:16] It's not a good idea at all.
[04:15:19] Every blue dog damage refused to mention Kamala
[04:15:21] when talking about the resignation? Yeah, they can
[04:15:23] shut the fuck up.
[04:15:27] They will
[04:15:28] be brought to heel.
[04:15:37] Okay?
[04:15:38] I think it's ridiculous.
[04:15:40] Right after this.
[04:15:43] Like that's crazy
[04:15:43] so yeah I mean
[04:15:47] the Joe
[04:15:47] is nothing
[04:15:50] it's
[04:15:52] ridiculous shit is nothing. It's nothing. It's ridiculous.
[04:15:59] You're right, it's a bad idea. That's exactly why they'll do
[04:16:01] it. They might.
[04:16:05] I mean look
[04:16:06] It was a
[04:16:08] losing race for the Democrats with Joe Biden
[04:16:10] Now the dynamic has changed
[04:16:12] a little bit okay
[04:16:13] now the dynamic has changed a little bit, okay?
[04:16:14] Now that I name it can change a little bit
[04:16:16] but it's entirely dependent on what they do
[04:16:18] from this point on.
[04:16:21] Okay?
[04:16:33] From this point on what's up oh you don't want her out there hello she's just having fun out there Hello.
[04:16:37] She's just having fun out there.
[04:16:43] I didn't get to... I didn't get to run with her this morning
[04:16:44] because I was shooting a trailer because I didn't... to run with her this morning because I was shooting a trailer,
[04:16:46] although I thought
[04:16:49] that Joe Biden would drop
[04:16:51] out.
[04:16:53] Which was like, no, we've got to shoot
[04:16:55] this trailer.
[04:16:57] To which I told him,
[04:16:58] I'll stop filming
[04:16:59] if Joe Biden drops out.
[04:17:04] Yeah,
[04:17:05] Joe Manchin is a joke, chatters. That's not a real thing
[04:17:08] What is this? You know it's a good thing when right-wing
[04:17:14] accounts are losing their shit
[04:17:15] Yeah
[04:17:16] The people who called
[04:17:18] this a third of
[04:17:18] democracy for years
[04:17:19] just ran a coup
[04:17:19] against the sitting
[04:17:20] president.
[04:17:22] Now,
[04:17:23] for anyone who still
[04:17:24] believes January 6th
[04:17:24] was a coup,
[04:17:25] take notes.
[04:17:25] You should witness
[04:17:26] a real one July 21st.
[04:17:30] Like they're You just witnessed a real one, July 21st. They're so stupid.
[04:17:34] As you think about what has transpired today since 1.45 p.m., not physically seeing him even address a camera in delaware let alone an oval
[04:17:44] office statement like lbj did when he dropped out in march of 1968 it is disconcerting isn't it
[04:17:53] but they didn't even release a white house still photograph
[04:17:56] nothing so are we i mean do i think that anyone who goes against Trump will win?
[04:18:03] No.
[04:18:05] Well, yes and no.
[04:18:08] I think that Kamala Harris has a pretty solid chance of winning, depending
[04:18:12] on what she does.
[04:18:14] From this point on.
[04:18:16] Full-throated support for Kamala Harris
[04:18:18] from the Democratic Party
[04:18:19] On top of Kamala Harris changing up the narrative a little bit.
[04:18:23] Biden not getting in her way by doing things that she is at odds with
[04:18:28] that will harm her chances will actually
[04:18:32] make or
[04:18:35] break this election.
[04:18:37] If Kamala Harris, like I said
[04:18:39] changes
[04:18:41] the trajectory
[04:18:42] and Joe Biden now has seemingly unlimited opportunities as a consequence of not running for re-election
[04:18:50] follows through on Kamala Harris's narrative direction,
[04:18:55] especially in terms of the immigration stuff.
[04:18:58] Well, the immigration stuff is deadlocked anyway
[04:19:03] but in terms of immigration, changing narratively changing course in terms of the ongoing genocide
[04:19:12] and Gaza narratively shifting course maybe doing a little bit more than just
[04:19:16] narratively shifting course
[04:19:17] all this stuff
[04:19:19] will be determining
[04:19:22] whether she wins
[04:19:24] the election or not.
[04:19:30] To what extent Biden will be a part of Kamala Harris' campaign
[04:19:33] is he out? It doesn't matter.
[04:19:40] It doesn't matter because everything that Joe Biden does as president is still reflected on Kamala Harris,
[04:19:42] because Kamala Harris is still Joe Biden's vice president.
[04:19:46] Do you see what I'm saying?
[04:19:48] So like, let's say Kamala Harris is following through on like ceasefire calls.
[04:19:54] Right.
[04:19:54] And says like we are going to change trajectory with our relationship, re-examine our relationship
[04:19:59] with Israel. Not to say that she
[04:20:01] will do that. That would require a lot of bravery
[04:20:02] I don't think Kamala Harris is brave
[04:20:04] but she has actually sidestepped
[04:20:06] and moved in a different direction when she was vice president, pushing
[04:20:12] for a ceasefire at least publicly before Joe Biden ever did. Okay? Having said that... Okay.
[04:20:28] Having said that, let's say she says that and then Joe Biden doubles down on the commitment to Israel and just goes against what she's saying that fucks up
[04:20:32] the bag,
[04:20:32] that shows disorder,
[04:20:34] that shows chaos.
[04:20:36] That still makes it seem,
[04:20:39] and still makes it seem like the Democrats don't have their shit together
[04:20:46] it also makes Kamala Harris objectively weak right subjectively weak.
[04:20:52] Right?
[04:20:54] Is Gaza your main concern in the world?
[04:20:56] No, it's one of
[04:20:58] it's a major concern for me though
[04:21:00] not the only concern that I have, but it is a major one
[04:21:04] for sure. I mean, it's...I didn't forget that it is an ongoing and active ethnic
[04:21:10] cleansing campaign. Neither did the International
[04:21:13] Organs of Justice, mind you. The ICJ
[04:21:15] just recently declared
[04:21:17] Israel to be
[04:21:19] engaging in an unlawful act
[04:21:21] in the occupied territories and immediately
[04:21:24] ordered them to evacuate the West Bank
[04:21:26] and East Jerusalem.
[04:21:28] That's a pretty fucking big deal.
[04:21:30] I know that we're not focusing on that
[04:21:32] because we're lasered in on our own shit.
[04:21:34] Americans don't care about foreign policy.
[04:21:37] I do.
[04:21:44] There's no chance she risked making Gaza a pillar of her campaign.
[04:21:48] No,
[04:21:48] I don't think it's supposed...
[04:21:50] I don't think she would ever do that.
[04:21:51] I'm not saying she would do that.
[04:21:54] I'm simply saying
[04:21:55] um,
[04:21:58] I'm simply
[04:21:58] saying
[04:21:59] that
[04:22:00] a
[04:22:02] shift
[04:22:03] away
[04:22:04] this is an
[04:22:04] opportunity
[04:22:05] to go back on all of Joe Biden's weaknesses and recenter them,
[04:22:09] recenter the narrative on Kamala Harris and what the path forward would look like.
[04:22:16] And the path forward would actually be would look like.
[04:22:17] And the path forward would actually...
[04:22:20] This is a unique opportunity
[04:22:21] to get a reset. You never get a reset
[04:22:23] like this.
[04:22:24] You can keep hammering on all the positives of the Biden administration.
[04:22:29] You can even look at like...
[04:22:30] You can even claim the economy's rebounding, things like that.
[04:22:33] You can talk about how progressive this administration has been on labor.
[04:22:40] And you're doing that in a you're doing that with a vibrant fresh new face that's dynamic that can
[04:22:44] actually like speak okay however there are a lot of Okay?
[04:22:55] However, there are a lot of glaringly obvious weaknesses that beyond Biden's age and
[04:23:00] the fact that many Americans don't ride with him because he's just too old.
[04:23:03] And this was basically a fucking rerun election and no one wanted to really participate in it.
[04:23:08] There are some right-wing issues that Biden has taken on, or there are some issues like immigration
[04:23:17] that Biden has been very very aggressively right wing on.
[04:23:21] And I think that was a massive misstep.
[04:23:26] Also Gaza.
[04:23:28] Gaza all but confirms
[04:23:30] that plenty of key states where there was active uncommitted campaigns
[04:23:36] are going to be much harder to win than last time around people are not people people just kind of
[04:23:45] cast that aside and they thought like it doesn't really matter dude what the do you mean
[04:23:50] when like the uncommitted campaign was massively
[04:23:53] consequential in these primaries everybody talks about the
[04:23:55] 14 million primary voters that
[04:23:57] voted for Joe Biden but these guys had
[04:23:59] no alternative, no option and they chose
[04:24:01] to and these are the most active voters in the
[04:24:04] Democratic Party because they're voting in the primary
[04:24:06] because the real uncommitted voters just don't vote in the
[04:24:08] fucking primaries let alone vote
[04:24:10] in the goddamn elections and the general elections
[04:24:12] but
[04:24:13] the fact that
[04:24:14] there was
[04:24:15] a massive
[04:24:16] and pretty
[04:24:18] there was
[04:24:19] a massive
[04:24:19] uncommitted campaign
[04:24:20] that was put together
[04:24:21] super fast too
[04:24:23] and with like limited amount of
[04:24:25] grassroots organizing, they were able to
[04:24:27] bring
[04:24:30] percentages
[04:24:32] like significant percentages
[04:24:33] of the primary vote
[04:24:35] for basically nothing as a protest
[04:24:38] vote was
[04:24:40] shocking. It exceeded my expectations
[04:24:44] and It exceeded my expectations.
[04:24:51] And I think that this is something that they need to pay attention to.
[04:24:55] My position on that has not changed at all.
[04:25:04] Like,
[04:25:05] that is...
[04:25:06] That is very,
[04:25:10] very important.
[04:25:12] Biden lost
[04:25:13] a significant number
[04:25:15] of votes to uncommitted in the fucking uncontested
[04:25:18] primary
[04:25:19] a larger
[04:25:23] number of votes
[04:25:24] in the fucking primaries
[04:25:26] than vote numbers that he defeated Donald Trump over in 2020.
[04:25:34] Okay?
[04:25:35] If you're winning a state by 10,000 votes in 2020
[04:25:39] and then
[04:25:40] 10,001 voters
[04:25:42] in the primaries
[04:25:44] in the Democratic Party's
[04:25:45] uncontested primaries
[04:25:46] go out
[04:25:47] specifically
[04:25:47] to say
[04:25:48] fuck you
[04:25:49] unless you change course
[04:25:51] on Palestine.
[04:25:52] That is
[04:25:54] unimaginably consequential for
[04:25:57] the general election.
[04:25:58] I think the people that think
[04:26:00] The issue of Gaza is not significant
[04:26:03] Are wrong
[04:26:04] It's significant because it will be a make or break moment
[04:26:10] For a lot of voters in the margins that either are not going to vote
[04:26:14] or will uh or will absolutely be motivated to go out and vote
[04:26:19] for whoever is at the top of that ticket.
[04:26:27] I'm not even talking about this from the morality perspective, because obviously it is incredibly immoral to continue an active genocide, to aid and abet
[04:26:32] an act of genocide.
[04:26:38] But this goes beyond that there are electoral consequences
[04:26:42] that the media didn't
[04:26:44] really cover that much when it was
[04:26:46] happening. I did.
[04:26:49] I talked about
[04:26:50] it. I talked about it quite a bit.
[04:26:55] Remember,
[04:26:56] one vote in the primary
[04:26:58] is like 10 votes
[04:26:59] in the general.
[04:27:00] Okay?
[04:27:01] If one person
[04:27:02] is saying they're uncommitted
[04:27:03] and not voting
[04:27:04] in the primary that means more
[04:27:06] than 10 people are uncommitted in the general
[04:27:12] that's pretty significant.
[04:27:17] Not gonna lie,
[04:27:18] a significant amount of people
[04:27:19] are worried about immigration?
[04:27:20] No, because it's untested.
[04:27:23] You so obsessed with the Gaza-Israel conflict?
[04:27:27] Yeah, I know. It's a genocide. I am obsessed with an act of
[04:27:29] genocide.
[04:27:31] But that is not the only consideration
[04:27:33] here and I don't why people don't see this.
[04:27:35] Okay?
[04:27:37] On immigration,
[04:27:39] the Democratic message is untested
[04:27:40] because the Democrats
[04:27:41] have not launched
[04:27:42] an opposition at all
[04:27:44] to immigration.
[04:27:45] They just caved
[04:27:47] to the Republican framing, a Republican framing that is not
[04:27:50] born out of reality but born out of panic and hysteria
[04:27:53] It is incredibly stupid to do such a thing
[04:27:56] And that's why Donald Trump keeps
[04:27:59] going, immigrants are killing hundreds of
[04:28:01] thousands of Americans every day.
[04:28:03] Okay? That's crazy!
[04:28:05] What are we doing?!
[04:28:07] One side is just not living in reality. The other
[04:28:09] side is not doing anything to fucking
[04:28:11] parse through that mania.
[04:28:16] Please.
[04:28:25] Like I said, it's not top of mind for Americans because genocide still falls under the foreign policy category.
[04:28:31] Foreign policy does not have
[04:28:33] a capacity to make or break
[04:28:34] elections until it is the most
[04:28:36] significant thing, and for Americans
[04:28:38] it's not the most significant thing.
[04:28:40] It's true.
[04:28:42] Even at the peak when everyone was thinking about it
[04:28:44] it was barely making it to
[04:28:47] the top four of considerations.
[04:28:49] However, at a time when you need to bring back voters entire blocks of
[04:28:56] voters from demographics like under 35 demographics like uh hispanic votes hispanic voters Demographics like Hispanic votes, Hispanic voters.
[04:29:05] Like at a time when you need those guys to win
[04:29:09] You simply can't brush this aside and be like, ah, it's whatever.
[04:29:13] It's not a big deal.
[04:29:16] Okay?
[04:29:18] Stop spreading misinformation.
[04:29:20] There are 12 billion Guatemalans attacking the Lincoln Memorial right now? Exactly.
[04:29:36] What What the fuck?
[04:29:40] My Chattarino broke.
[04:29:45] Hold on now, I gotta rerun it.
[04:29:50] Um...
[04:29:53] I hope that's something That people understand Like
[04:29:55] Yeah
[04:29:58] What is happening here
[04:30:02] Okay
[04:30:03] I think I fixed it
[04:30:05] Dude Okay, I think I fixed it.
[04:30:10] Dude my computer is dying right now.
[04:30:19] What the fuck? What is happening?
[04:30:20] Okay.
[04:30:24] Please stop sending me
[04:30:26] the fucking
[04:30:26] Joe Manchin tweet, okay?
[04:30:29] Nobody cares.
[04:30:32] All right, real Donald Trump, 5.52 p.m. Eastern, okay?
[04:30:40] So we're forced to spend time and money on
[04:30:43] fighting Kruger Joe Biden. He polls
[04:30:44] badly after having a terrible debate and quits the race.
[04:30:47] Now we have to start all over again shouldn't
[04:30:49] the republican party be reimbursed for fraud and
[04:30:56] yo he's so mad.
[04:31:01] Come on man, don't give the game away.
[04:31:07] You're basically all but confirming that this is a good move.
[04:31:09] That's wild.
[04:31:12] He's like, come on dude, we want it,
[04:31:14] we want the money, we want our money back.
[04:31:18] Shouldn't the Republican Party
[04:31:19] be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe,
[04:31:21] including his doctors and fake news media
[04:31:22] just knew he wasn't capable of running for
[04:31:24] or being president?
[04:31:25] Just asking.
[04:31:26] Just asking.
[04:31:28] That's wild.
[04:31:29] Just...
[04:31:31] He's tweeting
[04:31:32] in a way where he's never tweeted before.
[04:31:34] He doesn't tweet like this normally, okay?
[04:31:36] He is sad. Bro is panicking.
[04:31:39] Bro knows it's at the top
[04:31:40] of the hour and there's a three-minute ad break coming for him.
[04:31:42] He knows that he doesn't have money
[04:31:44] because he dumped all of his funds
[04:31:45] into the fucking Joe Biden ads
[04:31:46] and now
[04:31:48] he's left
[04:31:49] with no six dollars
[04:31:51] to avoid the ad break at the top of the hour.
[04:31:54] He don't even have a Twitch Prime,
[04:31:56] he used it on himself.
[04:31:59] Okay?
[04:32:00] He used it on himself.
[04:32:01] But you, unlike Donald Trump,
[04:32:04] could use your Twitch Prime here. It's free
[04:32:06] if you no longer want to see those ads.
[04:32:08] Or you can give this up if you're lucky
[04:32:10] with the three-minute ad break now.
[04:32:20] Biden's campaign co-chair, Cedric Richmond was saying this I want to be crystal clear he's made a decision and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for reelection, win
[04:32:27] re-election.
[04:32:29] Yeah, OK. Just a few hours later,
[04:32:32] a letter was released bearing Biden's signature announcing he's going to step aside from the race.
[04:32:39] That's so funny.
[04:32:40] They're crying foul.
[04:32:42] They're playing to the referee.
[04:32:44] They're like, I don't like it.
[04:32:46] They're not playing fair.
[04:32:49] Get the fuck out of here, dude.
[04:32:51] See you on a Sunday night.
[04:32:52] Good to see you, Laura. And we understand that
[04:32:54] four of the president's top advisors made a pilgrimage to the beach house it
[04:32:58] was ron clain anita dunn steve rischetti and mike donnellan they were all there last night
[04:33:04] yeah her name ain't anita, if you know what I mean.
[04:33:08] Let her know what exactly was going to happen.
[04:33:10] She is talking about this and saying with this selfless and patriotic act,
[04:33:15] President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of public service between the American people and our country. the president's campaign.
[04:33:18] In a very
[04:33:19] periodic act,
[04:33:20] President Biden is
[04:33:21] doing what he has
[04:33:22] done throughout his
[04:33:23] life of public service
[04:33:24] putting the American
[04:33:25] people and our country
[04:33:26] above everything else.
[04:33:27] As recently as last
[04:33:28] night, the president was digging in according to to a report in the new york times that outlined his frustration with speaker pelosi and barack
[04:33:29] obama for not doing more to stop the democratic party mutiny against him and president biden
[04:33:35] justified staying in the race just last week, saying he initially wanted to
[04:33:40] be a bridge to another generation
[04:33:42] of Democrats but he doesn't want to hand things
[04:33:44] off to them while the country is so polarized.
[04:33:47] The pressure on the president
[04:33:48] built and built and built after that really shaky debate,
[04:33:51] which happened way earlier than normal because his campaign thought that was going to help them.
[04:33:56] It didn't.
[04:33:57] The president now says it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president.
[04:34:01] And while it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in
[04:34:05] the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely
[04:34:09] on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of
[04:34:12] my term. And there have been a lot of questions about what exactly the
[04:34:17] family's impact was on President Biden, as he weighed what to do.
[04:34:23] And we just got a statement from the First Lady's office that says,
[04:34:26] down in the last hours of the decision only he can make she
[04:34:29] was supportive of whatever road he chose.
[04:34:32] She is his biggest believer, champion
[04:34:33] and always on his side in that trusted way
[04:34:36] only a spouse of almost 50 years can be.
[04:34:40] That is the latest from
[04:34:41] a very busy day here at the White House. Laura?
[04:34:48] Wow! Peter thank you so much.
[04:34:50] I want everyone to understand there are few points we have to be very clear about tonight.
[04:34:57] Biden, tonight is just as overall healthy and just as capable of doing the job
[04:35:03] as he was before
[04:35:04] the debate with President Trump.
[04:35:06] Obama, Schumer, Pelosi they all knew
[04:35:08] that he was basically not completely
[04:35:11] together then weeks and weeks
[04:35:13] ago in fact they've known it for years
[04:35:16] but they didn't care.
[04:35:18] They didn't care so long as
[04:35:20] they didn't threaten their hold on power
[04:35:22] So what changed for Biden
[04:35:24] wasn't his overall competence.
[04:35:27] They're so good, they immediately moved on.
[04:35:29] They're like all right time to bust out the new moves okay?
[04:35:34] To solve this threat,
[04:35:35] The power brokers in the party apparently intended to give the nomination to Kamala Harris.
[04:35:41] Well, that is ludicrous.
[04:35:44] You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?
[04:35:48] You existed! You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context
[04:35:52] Of all in which you live and what came before you.
[04:35:55] The significance
[04:35:56] of the passage of time, so when we think
[04:35:59] about it there is great significance
[04:36:01] to the passage of time. Who doesn't
[04:36:03] love a yellow school bus?
[04:36:05] Right can you raise your hand if you
[04:36:07] love a yellow school bus, right?
[04:36:08] Like this doesn't work.
[04:36:10] Always ask is there a Venn diagram for this?
[04:36:12] I'm telling you it's fascinating when you do.
[04:36:16] This doesn't – this is not good.
[04:36:18] This is not good strategy. is not a good strategy.
[04:36:20] Happened last night and this morning.
[04:36:22] Kamala Harris has not won
[04:36:24] a single primary. She hasn't
[04:36:26] persuaded a single delegate.
[04:36:28] She tried to run in the 2020 cycle and we all remember she was
[04:36:31] utterly humiliated, dropping out even before the Iowa caucuses
[04:36:35] This part is actually fair and solid.
[04:36:39] The performance as VP has been pretty abysmal.
[04:36:40] Vice President Kamala Harris and her office are on damage control tonight after the latest in a series of missteps
[04:36:46] growing tension between Vice President Kamala Harris and the White House
[04:36:49] As the 2024 race heats up,
[04:36:52] can she make a good second impression on voters?
[04:36:55] Or could she drag down the Democratic ticket?
[04:37:00] And remember what Politico told us about Harris's VP office? That it was totally dysfunctional.
[04:37:07] I remember when the Washington Post told us that Harris is...
[04:37:11] Thank you, please this is sanity,
[04:37:13] okay? The last insane chaotic
[04:37:15] stupid month in American politics has obscured a
[04:37:17] simple basic truth. Trump is deeply
[04:37:19] unpopular and an eminently beatable
[04:37:21] politician. It is so fucking real,
[04:37:24] and this is the reason why I was saying
[04:37:26] that even Joe Biden,
[04:37:28] despite being a fucking carcass
[04:37:30] that people now recognize is a
[04:37:32] carcass, still had a shot at defeating
[04:37:35] Donald Trump. Albeit,
[04:37:36] a shot that was increasingly
[04:37:38] getting worse and worse.
[04:37:41] As days went on,
[04:37:44] Joe Biden's chances of winning this re-election was getting harder and harder.
[04:37:49] Having said that however, I think people forget how unimaginably unpopular Donald Trump is.
[04:37:57] I don't think he's unpopular brother.
[04:38:00] You are wrong.
[04:38:02] Okay,
[04:38:02] you are fucking wrong.
[04:38:05] I'll say, I'll say it like this, okay? 2016 Donald Trump was new. He was fresh. People were like, ooh, this is a guy. I really hate the fucking system. I'll blow up
[04:38:17] this goddamn system.
[04:38:19] 2020 Donald Trump lost
[04:38:21] after four years of being president.
[04:38:24] Okay? At that point
[04:38:25] he was no longer an unknown entity.
[04:38:29] Everybody knew him.
[04:38:30] His popularity stayed solidly at that 30% base of support.
[04:38:35] That support is an absolute must if you want to win the Republican Party's primaries.
[04:38:41] But, the Republican Party itself recognized how fucking polarizing and unpopular Donald Trump was.
[04:38:47] Okay?
[04:38:48] I live in Butler. Uh-oh.
[04:38:52] Yeah, he
[04:38:53] might be popular in Butler but guess
[04:38:55] what? Butler County, Pennsylvania
[04:38:58] is 14,000 people.
[04:39:00] Okay?
[04:39:01] He's not fucking popular in populated areas.
[04:39:06] Like that's a predicament. You know what I mean?
[04:39:10] When we're talking about Pennsylvania,
[04:39:12] like yeah sure the countryside surrounds
[04:39:14] the cities but you know
[04:39:16] we're not doing a Maoist peasant revolution
[04:39:18] or some shit okay?
[04:39:19] We're doing an election. And in a
[04:39:21] democratic election, you gotta be
[04:39:23] popular in the cities too if you wanna win the state.
[04:39:26] You feel me?
[04:39:33] 200k people actually I thought Butler was tiny
[04:39:37] turns out he wasn't popular enough
[04:39:41] in Butler.
[04:39:43] There was at least one guy...
[04:39:51] He won in 2016, which disproves that?
[04:39:52] Brother? Donald Trump in 2016, which disproves that. Brother?
[04:39:53] Donald Trump in 2016, like I
[04:39:55] said, was an anti-establishment
[04:39:58] candidate. He had not
[04:39:59] actually shown
[04:40:01] what he would be like if he was the president.
[04:40:04] Okay?
[04:40:06] Now, as far as
[04:40:08] the anti-immigrant sentiment goes
[04:40:10] I was right in that chatter who randomly said there's 200,000 people in Butler.
[04:40:16] It was wrong.
[04:40:17] The city of Butler is around 13K.
[04:40:22] Also, Donald Trump still lost the popular vote.
[04:40:25] So there is that reality as well.
[04:40:28] Okay?
[04:40:35] I lunch with some coworkers-workers, blue collar jobs
[04:40:37] Southwest Ohio. Most of them laughed when another made a joke about Trump getting shot
[04:40:41] Yeah there was one guy who didn't like Donald Trump and Butler
[04:40:45] Okay on that There was one guy who didn't like Donald Trump and Butler. Okay?
[04:40:47] On that...
[04:40:51] On that day, there was one fucking dude Who was really not...
[04:40:54] He was really not on board with Donald Trump, okay?
[04:40:58] His name, Thomas Matthew Crooks.
[04:41:02] Turns out he wasn't really on board
[04:41:04] with Joe Biden either.
[04:41:06] Donald Trump happened to be
[04:41:07] in distance,
[04:41:10] in the appropriate distance for him
[04:41:12] all things
[04:41:14] considered.
[04:41:17] Anyway anyway
[04:41:18] yeah trump losing his
[04:41:25] incumbency advantage should be evidence enough
[04:41:27] yes like donald trump is not donald trump
[04:41:31] is not a popular person he's a very polarizing candidate and
[04:41:36] he's also a very unpopular candidate.
[04:41:40] Okay?
[04:41:41] He is perhaps one of the best candidates
[04:41:44] that the Democratic Party at this stage could run against.
[04:41:50] And the Republican Party recognized that reality,
[04:41:53] which is why they tried to get him out.
[04:41:56] But one thing
[04:41:56] that I forgot to mention and I keep saying
[04:41:59] I was going to talk about this, and I keep forgetting because I get
[04:42:01] sidetracked over
[04:42:03] and over again.
[04:42:07] The one thing that I keep forgetting
[04:42:09] is immigration.
[04:42:11] The pro-immigration sentiment is untested.
[04:42:14] What the Democrats need to do
[04:42:16] is actively be like,
[04:42:17] oh you want to fucking...
[04:42:18] Right now there's a 60%
[04:42:20] 60 plus percent approval rating for
[04:42:22] deporting every single migrant
[04:42:24] living on U.S. soil, okay?
[04:42:26] That is insane
[04:42:28] and I don't think people understand
[04:42:30] how fucking scary that is
[04:42:32] but the reason for that I don't think people understand how fucking scary that is.
[04:42:34] But the reason for that Is because
[04:42:35] This narrative is uncontested
[04:42:38] Okay?
[04:42:39] That's Pew Center research studies
[04:42:42] Conducted on the matter.
[04:42:43] Okay?
[04:42:45] That is uncontested.
[04:42:47] What do I mean by this?
[04:42:49] Not a single fucking person
[04:42:52] on the Democratic ticket has turned around and said, how do you suppose we do
[04:42:58] this?
[04:43:00] Okay.
[04:43:01] How do you suppose we do that?
[04:43:04] Walk them through the steps. How do you suppose we do that?
[04:43:07] Walk them through the steps.
[04:43:16] The American population objectively hated when Donald Trump used family separation as a deterrence policy.
[04:43:17] Because at the end of the day,
[04:43:20] even a fucking Nazi doesn't want to be called
[04:43:21] a Nazi.
[04:43:22] Even a Klan's member
[04:43:24] does not want to be
[04:43:25] called a racist.
[04:43:27] Okay?
[04:43:28] When push comes to shove
[04:43:31] and you start
[04:43:32] imagining what
[04:43:35] that policy would look like in real life,
[04:43:39] you will cause genuine distaste
[04:43:43] in the broader population for mass deportation.
[04:43:48] These fucking freaks
[04:43:50] had mass deportation signs
[04:43:53] at the RNC,
[04:43:55] and that is on the Democrats.
[04:43:57] Make no mistake, that is on the Democrats. Make no mistake,
[04:43:59] that
[04:43:59] is entirely
[04:44:00] on the Democratic Party
[04:44:02] because these
[04:44:03] fucking cowards
[04:44:04] have not
[04:44:05] for even one moment
[04:44:06] turned around
[04:44:07] and went
[04:44:07] mass deportation?
[04:44:10] Excuse me. How will
[04:44:11] we do that? Do you want to
[04:44:13] build camps? Do you want to
[04:44:15] start door knocking? Do you want
[04:44:17] to send in BORTAC units to every fucking
[04:44:20] Hispanic community and do
[04:44:21] dragnets, and then
[04:44:24] process them through
[04:44:26] the criminal justice system
[04:44:28] and put them inside of camps where you concentrate
[04:44:30] certain subsects of the population?
[04:44:32] Because that sounds a lot like fucking Nazi
[04:44:34] Germany to me. Because it is! Because that is
[04:44:36] exactly what it is! And the problem is
[04:44:38] the Democrats did not fucking do that.
[04:44:41] Instead, they literally
[04:44:43] rolled around and showed their
[04:44:45] belly like the fucking cowards that they are.
[04:44:49] That
[04:44:49] needs to change yesterday.
[04:44:52] Okay?
[04:44:52] You need to make Republicans understand what they are voting for,
[04:44:58] because the last time the Democrats refused to do that
[04:45:01] Abortion rights were taken away
[04:45:04] Reproductive rights
[04:45:06] Were taken away
[04:45:07] And now
[04:45:10] The Republicans are suffering
[04:45:11] As a consequence of that, by the way.
[04:45:13] They deserve it but they're suffering politically
[04:45:16] as a consequence of fully following through on their insanely restrictive
[04:45:22] insanely cruel agenda.
[04:45:25] Every blonde, blue-eyed woman
[04:45:26] in Texas or in Ohio
[04:45:28] or in any number of red states
[04:45:30] that will have complications
[04:45:33] as a consequence of not being able to abort their ectopic pregnancy is on them.
[04:45:38] And Americans know that, but it shouldn't get to that point.
[04:45:43] It should not get to the point where the Republicans actually do follow through
[04:45:45] on their agenda and then everybody goes
[04:45:47] oh my god who would have thought that it would be so
[04:45:49] fucking cruel and so unusual
[04:45:52] The Democrats
[04:45:53] cannot cower
[04:45:54] and wait
[04:45:56] for the Republicans to build the concentration
[04:45:58] camps, and to start
[04:46:00] doing mass deportation
[04:46:02] until they turn around and go see we told you
[04:46:04] this was really bad. Especially
[04:46:06] when they themselves
[04:46:09] are the ones who are now
[04:46:11] actively pushing a right wing
[04:46:13] immigration agenda.
[04:46:15] Okay?
[04:46:16] I think
[04:46:17] that is an
[04:46:19] even greater
[04:46:21] misstep than
[04:46:23] actively participating
[04:46:25] in the ongoing genocide in Gaza from an election standpoint.
[04:46:32] I'm not talking about the morality of it,
[04:46:34] I am simply talking about in terms of winning this election,
[04:46:38] in terms of winning this re-election.
[04:46:40] That is a bigger mistake than even the Gaza thing.
[04:46:45] Okay? Why'd you guys ban this guy?
[04:46:49] And no, I do want that.
[04:46:51] They don't belong in our country, idiot.
[04:46:53] You're a racist.
[04:46:55] I unbanned this person because he's brilliant
[04:46:56] and I wanna hear more from them.
[04:46:58] They're calling me a racist because
[04:47:00] I said that
[04:47:01] you know,
[04:47:03] demanding concentration
[04:47:06] camps for tens of millions of people that currently
[04:47:08] live in the United States America is crazy Do you understand where I'm coming from?
[04:47:28] I hope it's not just you who understands
[04:47:30] Where I'm coming from
[04:47:31] I hope that's not just you who understands where I'm coming from.
[04:47:32] I hope that the Democratic Party heeds this warning as well.
[04:47:38] This is one of your greatest takes
[04:47:39] because it applies to so many damn shortcomings.
[04:47:41] Thank you, beautiful makeup man.
[04:47:43] I know, I have fucking eyeliner on right now
[04:47:45] because I was at a shoot
[04:47:47] and I couldn't take it off as best
[04:47:48] as I wanted to. As a nonpartisan having to choose who to vote for, my vote will be for Trump.
[04:47:59] Okay, nice.
[04:48:00] Thank you. yeah I'm out here looking like JD Vance
[04:48:08] I had the fucking ear thing
[04:48:09] to look like Donald Trump now I have
[04:48:12] the eyeliner to look like JD.D. Vance. I'm hitting both.
[04:48:33] ... Defend our borders from what exactly?
[04:48:36] From the continuously record-breaking amounts of illegal immigrants pouring over the border.
[04:48:37] Are you being serious?
[04:48:40] Can you tell me what the problem is with undocumented migrants coming
[04:48:42] across the border to seek asylum legally?
[04:48:45] Is there a thing you can point to, with the exception of like Juan to seek asylum legally?
[04:48:47] Is there a thing you can point to with the exception of like one
[04:48:48] or two high profile crimes that have happened
[04:48:52] because consistently undocumented migrants are responsible
[04:48:55] for less crime per capita than natural born U.S. citizens, okay?
[04:48:59] Because if you can point to like actual harm being conducted directly in the hands of these
[04:49:05] undocumented migrants,
[04:49:07] maybe we can have a conversation on those boundaries.
[04:49:10] Because right now you're just saying I kind of don't like it
[04:49:13] on VIBES alone.
[04:49:16] Human trafficking by cartels, drugs, terrorists. Great.
[04:49:20] Human trafficking by cartels is entirely a consequence of the border policies being ruthless
[04:49:28] and incredibly restrictive.
[04:49:30] If there is a legal pathway
[04:49:32] to actually coming into
[04:49:34] the United States
[04:49:35] and getting processed adequately
[04:49:37] in an swift manner,
[04:49:38] then there's no human trafficking.
[04:49:40] You've eliminated that. Drugs! That's another good point.
[04:49:44] According to the Department of Homeland Security more than 90% of drugs
[04:49:48] coming over the border into the coming into the United States of America come
[04:49:51] from routine points of entry. This
[04:49:53] means that they're not actually coming over the border
[04:49:55] with regular like
[04:49:56] Guatemalan abuelas sneaking
[04:49:59] the fucking metric tons of fentanyl, but instead they're coming with
[04:50:02] American citizens that actually have American citizenship and have American cars with American
[04:50:10] license plates that go down to Mexico and get their cars chopped up
[04:50:14] and have fentanyl packaged inside of their cars.
[04:50:18] Because at the end of the day, if you wanted to ship in metric tons
[04:50:22] of fentanyl or cocaine into this nation,
[04:50:25] into this beautiful nation,
[04:50:26] you probably wouldn't be able to get away with doing that
[04:50:29] by shoving it under the belly and in the pockets of a bunch
[04:50:34] of migrants, right?
[04:50:35] Because they have a tendency to scatter.
[04:50:38] It's very hard to keep track of.
[04:50:40] Think about it a little bit
[04:50:40] and you will recognize that even if
[04:50:42] you don't believe the empirical evidence
[04:50:44] shown by the department of homeland security which you might think is like captured by woke
[04:50:52] so immigration and border security are separate issues conflating them is a mistake.
[04:50:56] My friend you are the first of all immigration and border security or separate issues know
[04:51:01] they are the same and you're the one who is conflating immigration and border security
[04:51:05] open border
[04:51:08] is deeply unpopular with the majority
[04:51:09] of Americans
[04:51:10] there
[04:51:12] is no such thing as an open border
[04:51:15] In the way that you understand
[04:51:16] An open border
[04:51:17] Simply processing people
[04:51:19] That are coming into this country
[04:51:21] In an expedient manner
[04:51:23] Does not mean open borders
[04:51:24] It means there's better control,
[04:51:27] there's better mechanisms of control
[04:51:28] in terms of who comes into this fucking country.
[04:51:31] Okay?
[04:51:35] At the end of the day, we have open borders among states.
[04:51:40] And your dumb ass can travel from one state to the next.
[04:51:43] Okay?
[04:51:44] And if you want to actually have some level of control...
[04:51:48] Then you're not disagreeing with me.
[04:51:50] I'm simply stating that there
[04:51:52] are a lot of people who want to come here,
[04:51:54] many of which have legal claims
[04:51:55] that they can make for asylum, and I agree with that.
[04:51:58] And I think there is enough space for them here
[04:52:00] as well. There's enough wealth for them here as well.
[04:52:03] There's enough work for them here as well
[04:52:04] and therefore they should be processed.
[04:52:07] They should have the proper documentation
[04:52:09] and work alongside
[04:52:11] the rest of the documented workforce
[04:52:13] so that they are not a depressive force
[04:52:15] on the wages
[04:52:17] of documented U.S. workers The two-tier
[04:52:20] immigration system only presents
[04:52:22] a untapped
[04:52:24] resource, a resource that's constantly
[04:52:26] replenishing
[04:52:28] in the form of undocumented labor because there's a two-tier
[04:52:31] labor structure.
[04:52:35] These business owners are cleaning out
[04:52:37] your fucking pockets
[04:52:38] by using
[04:52:40] hyper exploited, undocumented your fucking pockets by using hyper
[04:52:41] exploited undocumented labor
[04:52:43] against you. Okay?
[04:52:46] The actual solution to that is
[04:52:47] not to magically try and stop
[04:52:49] every single person from coming into this country,
[04:52:52] but it's instead to document them,
[04:52:54] allow them to participate in the labor force
[04:52:56] alongside the rest of the documented labor force
[04:52:59] and get them to unionize alongside everybody else. And then, you can have
[04:53:03] every worker advocate for
[04:53:05] better wages. Now having
[04:53:07] said that, you are the one who
[04:53:09] made this conflation first and foremost.
[04:53:11] Immigration and border security are separate issues,
[04:53:12] conflating them is a mistake
[04:53:13] but you also fucking simultaneously
[04:53:15] said drugs and terrorists.
[04:53:16] By the way,
[04:53:17] the last smoke I have
[04:53:20] is for the terrorism.
[04:53:21] Okay?
[04:53:29] Let me get to that part as well and then we'll get back down to it 90 percent of domestic terror that occurs on u.s soil does not happen with foreign-born
[04:53:34] terrorism. It's not
[04:53:36] foreign-born or migrants that are
[04:53:38] doing terror. It's actually
[04:53:41] homegrown white supremacists,
[04:53:44] far right anti-government extremists
[04:53:45] comprise the overwhelming majority
[04:53:47] of domestic terror incidents post
[04:53:49] 9-11 and even pre-9-11.
[04:53:51] 9-11 is actually a unique
[04:53:53] phenomenon in and of itself,
[04:53:55] okay? So that's a unique phenomena in and of itself. Okay?
[04:53:57] So that's very important for you to understand.
[04:54:01] I mean, there was an instance
[04:54:02] that could be declared an act of terror
[04:54:04] and that was a fucking Republican,
[04:54:07] a registered Republican. But of course, that doesn't
[04:54:08] register as terrorism in your mind.
[04:54:11] If he was Muslim, however,
[04:54:13] well, I bet that you would have said that's an
[04:54:14] act of terror. So there's that.
[04:54:18] Okay, now you're chirping
[04:54:19] about some other shit. You've
[04:54:21] moved the goalposts
[04:54:24] to open borders deeply
[04:54:25] unpopular which I already described it's not about open borders at all unpopular, which I already described. It's not about open
[04:54:28] borders at all. It's about simply
[04:54:29] having better processing
[04:54:31] in a more expedient manner to ensure
[04:54:34] the safety and security of all parties
[04:54:36] involved. Then he said that's great then let's have a secure border so we can process
[04:54:40] the legit asylum seekers and get immigrants that will benefit our economy.
[04:54:42] Dems have been horrible about this the last three years and
[04:54:45] we'll lose because of it.
[04:54:46] Well, that's wonderful that you are in agreement with me i like that
[04:54:49] it took us like five minutes but now you are uh
[04:54:52] you know now you're coming to terms with what i was saying
[04:54:54] that's great cool okay I am not against you on this Okay.
[04:55:00] I am not against you on that front
[04:55:02] I do think the Democrats have been horrible
[04:55:03] on that front
[04:55:04] See? Imagine if the Democratic Party
[04:55:08] had the willingness to be able to communicate this
[04:55:11] instead of fucking
[04:55:12] waiting for four
[04:55:14] years of Republican framing on the matter
[04:55:16] with hysterical posturing,
[04:55:18] getting increasingly more nutty. Again, I repeat myself, Donald J.
[04:55:24] Trump keeps saying immigrants are killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.
[04:55:29] This is an abject lie, okay? This is a lie. Can you imagine
[04:55:32] a world where it's like COVID?
[04:55:34] You know what I mean? If that was the case
[04:55:36] you would have at least one
[04:55:38] immediate relative or someone
[04:55:40] that you know that has been murdered by an undocumented immigrant.
[04:55:43] Okay?
[04:55:45] Except COVID is fake.
[04:55:46] You know, unlike the
[04:55:48] migrant crimes, which is real.
[04:55:53] He never said that.
[04:55:54] You're tripping me guy, sir.
[04:55:57] He has said that numerous times.
[04:55:59] He said that at the RNC speech as well.
[04:56:06] He has literally said that, and it's
[04:56:08] additionally ironic that he's saying that
[04:56:10] at a time when crime is actually lower than it was
[04:56:12] according to trends,
[04:56:14] it has readjusted back
[04:56:16] to the fucking downtrend of crime
[04:56:19] going down year over year.
[04:56:21] Crime was also another unique hysteria
[04:56:23] that the Democratic Party capitulated
[04:56:25] on, that was a massive misstep.
[04:56:28] I don't know
[04:56:29] why we allow right-wing charlatans
[04:56:31] to dominate the conversation in this fucking country
[04:56:33] but that's because the Democratic Party are feckless cowards
[04:56:36] in general.
[04:56:41] Yeah.
[04:56:44] So yeah.
[04:56:47] Promise So yeah. Problem is that the flooding of migrants
[04:56:49] in cities associated with them, so it's the Republicans
[04:56:51] who did it? The problem is the flooding
[04:56:53] of migrants is simply
[04:56:54] an issue because there is not good enough leadership to deal with it.
[04:57:01] There is no flooding of migrants.
[04:57:03] Migrants come, migrants should have the capacity to come and go if they want to
[04:57:06] and they should be
[04:57:07] documented and processed
[04:57:08] so they can participate
[04:57:09] in a labor force.
[04:57:11] But,
[04:57:11] because our leadership
[04:57:13] on the Democratic front
[04:57:14] this is why I said
[04:57:15] this is a massive
[04:57:15] Democratic failure
[04:57:16] Because our leadership on the Democratic This is a massive democratic failure.
[04:57:24] Because our leadership on the Democratic front are feckless cowards that don't want to do anything ever,
[04:57:28] God forbid they disrupt something, Okay? Anything
[04:57:29] until it's far too late
[04:57:31] and then they can posture against it with
[04:57:33] I told you so's and finger wagging.
[04:57:35] God forbid they were actually taking the initiative
[04:57:37] and moving in a positive direction.
[04:57:40] But what they should have done from the jump,
[04:57:42] from the start was to immediately prosecute Greg Abbott
[04:57:46] and immediately prosecuted Ron DeSantis
[04:57:49] for the crimes of human
[04:57:51] trafficking. What they did
[04:57:53] was completely
[04:57:54] and utterly unacceptable.
[04:57:56] If we were a serious country,
[04:57:58] if we were a serious country that didn't
[04:58:00] care about political posturing, theater and playing with hundreds of thousands of people's lives as though they are mere pawns in a culture war narrative and
[04:58:11] a panic that you want to set,
[04:58:13] those governors would be communicating with one another.
[04:58:16] If Texas genuinely did not have
[04:58:17] enough bandwidth the process all of these migrants,
[04:58:20] they will be going to
[04:58:20] the federal government and going,
[04:58:21] hey we don't have enough bandwidth.
[04:58:23] Can you get can we get a little bit more resources for this?
[04:58:27] Okay, and the federal government will say yes
[04:58:30] or they would say no
[04:58:31] we don't have enough resources for this either.
[04:58:33] Why don't you send this number of migrants over to another state
[04:58:37] that can handle it? Okay? We're a goddamn nation!
[04:58:41] We are not fucking 50 idiots running
[04:58:44] around with their own fucking agendas.
[04:58:46] We're supposed to be a fucking country, okay?
[04:58:48] If the goddamn Eurocucks can
[04:58:50] do it when they've been fighting one another
[04:58:52] even though they're inbred as shit and have literally
[04:58:54] been fucking each other's cousins
[04:58:57] for hundreds of goddamn years
[04:58:59] if they can fucking do it, how the fuck
[04:59:01] can't we do it?
[04:59:03] It's supposed to be a country man we're
[04:59:05] a country what are we doing
[04:59:06] but the Biden administration should have
[04:59:14] done is immediately dump a shit ton of federal resources
[04:59:17] in states like New York and states like Illinois that the migrants were being unjustifiably shipped off to.
[04:59:24] The major problem there was that the red
[04:59:27] states that were literally trafficking these
[04:59:29] migrants, engaging in interstate
[04:59:31] trafficking, which is illegal by the way
[04:59:33] and should be prosecuted
[04:59:34] what they were doing was completely unacceptable.
[04:59:37] What the Biden administration didn't do, okay?
[04:59:40] What the Biden administration didn't do
[04:59:41] was give additional resources to these places
[04:59:44] to these states, okay?
[04:59:46] To these cities
[04:59:48] and also demand
[04:59:50] better transparency and better communication
[04:59:52] between the states that were engaging in this trafficking
[04:59:54] scheme.
[04:59:56] Okay?
[04:59:58] They could have done that.
[04:59:59] They could have been like,
[05:00:00] okay,
[05:00:01] you're sending all these migrants over here.
[05:00:03] Um,
[05:00:03] you have to communicate that ahead of time.
[05:00:05] You can't just like dump people hundreds of thousands of
[05:00:08] people into a different state for for political
[05:00:12] posturing okay but now that you've done this
[05:00:16] we're going to help process them and help document
[05:00:20] them
[05:00:20] some states did do that I believe
[05:00:24] it was Colorado as a matter of fact
[05:00:26] that did do that
[05:00:28] that basically had like an open policy
[05:00:31] to try and actively,
[05:00:33] I think it was Colorado
[05:00:35] that tried and actively
[05:00:36] wanted to document them
[05:00:40] and give
[05:00:41] them proper processing so they
[05:00:43] can actually participate
[05:00:45] in the labor
[05:00:47] force.
[05:00:49] I thought it was like a bus load you pulling to Trump
[05:00:52] no there were like 80,000 migrants
[05:00:54] total that were shipped into New York and another
[05:00:56] 80,000 I think to Illinois
[05:00:58] like it was
[05:01:00] the number of migrants that were like alone.
[05:01:03] It wasn't bus loads.
[05:01:04] They started flying them out.
[05:01:06] Yeah.
[05:01:08] 40,000 to Colorado.
[05:01:10] Like they,
[05:01:10] it was crazy.
[05:01:14] Problem is
[05:01:14] they also did that
[05:01:15] without giving a prior
[05:01:17] go ahead
[05:01:17] to those states.
[05:01:24] Okay? And it's additionally ironic
[05:01:26] because like Texas, it's not like
[05:01:28] Texas doesn't need the labor
[05:01:29] it's not like Texas doesn't need the fucking
[05:01:32] extra hand. Okay?
[05:01:34] They do,
[05:01:35] and it's not like Texas
[05:01:36] doesn't have space for them.
[05:01:38] What are we fucking talking about? Anyway.
[05:01:49] That's why I always stressed one thing.
[05:01:56] You know, there's another fucking border state out there.
[05:01:59] California.
[05:02:00] Why do you not see Gavin Newsom complaining about the inflow of migrants?
[05:02:05] Okay? Even though he did
[05:02:07] also change his narrative a little bit because
[05:02:08] I had to respond and be a dick rider
[05:02:10] for Joe Biden, which I thought was gross.
[05:02:14] Why is it
[05:02:15] that Gavin Newsom doesn't fucking complain about the
[05:02:17] flow of migrants coming into
[05:02:19] California
[05:02:20] you know what I mean
[05:02:22] what's up
[05:02:24] is it just like it's only a problem for red states?
[05:02:28] Is that what it is? Or is it just simply
[05:02:30] political posturing?
[05:02:32] It's the second thing.
[05:02:34] It's not the first thing. Okay?
[05:02:37] This nation is one
[05:02:39] in the most positive terms.
[05:02:42] If I'm not going to talk about
[05:02:43] white supremacy,
[05:02:44] indigenous genocide,
[05:02:46] slavery,
[05:02:46] the maintenance and continuation
[05:02:47] of white supremacist slavery, this maintenance and continuation of white supremacy slavery.
[05:02:50] This is a nation
[05:02:51] that is comprised of immigrants.
[05:02:54] Okay?
[05:02:56] That's it.
[05:02:58] And the new crop of immigration
[05:03:00] coming from Latin American, South
[05:03:02] American countries has kept
[05:03:04] our population relatively
[05:03:06] young.
[05:03:08] As America develops less and less people have children.
[05:03:13] Okay?
[05:03:16] Legal ones?
[05:03:17] You are fucking delusional!
[05:03:19] What do you mean legal ones?
[05:03:20] Do you think your inbred, hick, angloid grandpappy actually came here legally?
[05:03:27] The difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration is paperwork, you dumb fuck.
[05:03:32] You just mean white.
[05:03:36] Your fucking Klansmen
[05:03:38] grandparents also
[05:03:40] came here and the difference was
[05:03:42] they were fucking processed.
[05:03:48] How dare you?
[05:03:50] You chinless inbred hicks coming in here being like my grandpapa came
[05:03:55] here under just means.
[05:03:58] Okay?
[05:03:58] You don't understand, brother.
[05:04:01] Yeah, okay.
[05:04:02] There's a little bit of sister fucking going on
[05:04:04] and they wanted to live La Vida Loca
[05:04:07] out here in America.
[05:04:08] Okay?
[05:04:11] Get the fuck
[05:04:12] outta here. You are a dirty, filthy mess, Hassan.
[05:04:31] I respect the fact that I'm not banned.
[05:04:33] I did not expect to have a voice here.
[05:04:35] My grandparents had paperwork
[05:04:36] and I'm 50?
[05:04:37] Oh my God,
[05:04:38] you're 50 years old?
[05:04:39] Go kiss your grandchildren.
[05:04:41] What the fuck are you doing
[05:04:41] chirping in my Twitch chat?
[05:04:44] Holy fuck, dude.
[05:04:48] You don't know who you're talking about
[05:04:48] you're a dirty filthy
[05:04:49] mess Hassan
[05:04:50] and you need to
[05:04:51] take a bath
[05:04:52] come on grandma
[05:04:54] it's bedtime for
[05:04:55] you the fuck are you doing in a goddamn Twitch chat? Anyway.
[05:05:14] That last comment is racially charged, by the way.
[05:05:21] If you didn't know that...
[05:05:22] I mean, I do know that, but it's pretty funny.
[05:05:33] Okay. She's mad you made fun of her Gen X TikToks?
[05:05:34] Yeah, she came in here with that energy.
[05:05:35] She's like,
[05:05:36] You disrupted the Gen X.
[05:05:40] We're coming for you now.
[05:05:41] What are you going to do?
[05:05:44] Call life alert? The fuck are you going to do about it? Oh, man!
[05:05:46] You done did it.
[05:05:48] You pissed off. You activated Gen X.
[05:05:51] Gen Xers,
[05:05:53] rise up.
[05:05:55] You should perhaps reflect on
[05:05:57] why your fucking immediate relatives don't
[05:05:59] call you no more.
[05:06:01] It's this energy
[05:06:02] you bring to the table that they
[05:06:04] probably find disgusting
[05:06:06] calling fucking Turkish
[05:06:08] people filthy
[05:06:09] in Twitch chats.
[05:06:12] I mean, that's awesome.
[05:06:16] You gonna Gen Z me, bro?
[05:06:17] What does Eminem say?
[05:06:19] Someone trying to cancel Eminem?
[05:06:21] You gonna Gen Z me bruh
[05:06:22] oh my god the lead poison
[05:06:27] generation is out
[05:06:29] they're chirping Anyway... anyway
[05:06:46] westerners being anti immigration will never not be funny to me
[05:06:48] you have two main groups the europeans who stole
[05:06:50] poor nations resources and americans whose nation
[05:06:52] was founded on immigration.
[05:06:55] Both groups then bomb and destroy poorer countries and wonder why those countries have refugees showing up.
[05:06:57] Yeah, literally.
[05:07:06] Yes. Yes. Your take on why there's 6% support for deporting immigrants is very clever, given the average voting base pairs what they hear you need to have an alternative view to give them to choose. I don't think the viewers are realizing
[05:07:15] the nuance of your argument,
[05:07:16] tip of the cap.
[05:07:17] No,
[05:07:17] that is what I'm saying.
[05:07:19] The narrative
[05:07:20] against mass deportation
[05:07:22] is untested.
[05:07:24] Even the narrative
[05:07:24] for mass deportation is untested. Even the narrative for mass deportation is untested.
[05:07:27] Absolutely zero fucking Democrats have been like,
[05:07:29] how are we going to do mass deportation?
[05:07:34] You know?
[05:07:35] No one has asking that question.
[05:07:36] Walk Republicans through the steps of mass deportation and watch
[05:07:41] the rest of the country go okay maybe that's a little bit too far.
[05:07:46] But it's not like the media is going to do
[05:07:48] that on their own because they're fucking cowards
[05:07:50] too.
[05:07:52] The Democrats need to demonstrate
[05:07:54] a little bit of leadership.
[05:07:56] They need to do something that's, like, you know, good for them in terms of winning the
[05:08:02] election. Hey, Son.
[05:08:18] If you're unbiased, why don't you get invited to unbiased networks like MSNBC or Fox?
[05:08:24] Wait, what?
[05:08:25] I never said I'm not...
[05:08:26] I never said I'm unbiased.
[05:08:29] This is a bait, right? This is a joke. He's saying unbiased, but this is a bait.
[05:08:30] This is a joke.
[05:08:31] He's saying on bias networks like Fox and MSNBC
[05:08:35] neither of which are unbiased.
[05:08:42] Yeah. yeah oh the worst part about it
[05:08:46] the craziest part is Texas
[05:08:48] is dumping a shit load of money into
[05:08:50] busing migrants to other parts of the country.
[05:08:53] And this was
[05:08:54] back in February, they've done worse since then
[05:08:56] but back in February
[05:08:58] the craziest part is it's Venezuelans
[05:09:00] for the most part, okay? We gave Venezuelans for the most part. Okay?
[05:09:02] We gave Venezuelans temporary protective status
[05:09:05] okay?
[05:09:06] We offer them TPS because like they're escaping
[05:09:09] Maduro, they're anti-communist
[05:09:10] They're supposed to be like this this generation's Cubans, right?
[05:09:14] And now we're like,
[05:09:16] oh yeah, what the fuck?
[05:09:17] We're letting them brown people in here.
[05:09:20] Bro, what do you mean? anyway
[05:09:40] these hogs don't want to say we conquered the land and took it by force
[05:09:47] And its ours now so they say we came here legally? I mean yeah The thing is
[05:09:57] People who aren't anti-immigration
[05:09:58] Wouldn't vote for Trump
[05:09:59] Anyway
[05:09:59] They probably see
[05:10:00] Not challenging anti-immigration
[05:10:01] As a way to appeal
[05:10:02] To that crowd
[05:10:02] That also don't like Trump
[05:10:04] Yeah, that's stupid
[05:10:05] My point is also don't like Trump. Yeah, that's stupid.
[05:10:08] My point is if I promise you
[05:10:10] if you have
[05:10:12] relatives that are in the margins
[05:10:15] they're not super MAGA They're not like super MAGA, right? They're not
[05:10:17] fucking straight up Hitlerian in their
[05:10:19] politics, right? If you talk
[05:10:21] to them and if you ask
[05:10:23] them what they think mass deportation
[05:10:26] means, if you make them think
[05:10:28] beyond the talking point, because
[05:10:30] right now they're simply repeating a
[05:10:32] talking point that they've heard, that they think
[05:10:34] sounds good.
[05:10:36] Most people that you talk to about mass deportations and how that would look like and how that would work,
[05:10:44] would have a post Roe v. Wade decision style attitude towards that kind of policy because it is objectively
[05:10:53] Hitlerian okay Donald Trump is literally talking about and I'm going to use a term here that is
[05:11:00] a slur but that's what it was called.
[05:11:03] Donald Trump has referred to Operation Wetback on positive grounds time and time again.
[05:11:11] This was one of the largest anti-immigration mass deportation policies that the American government has ever used okay in the aftermath of
[05:11:23] the Bracero program 1.3 million South Americans were deported from this
[05:11:29] country okay they were put into were deported from this country. Okay?
[05:11:34] They were put into camps and then they
[05:11:36] were forcibly deported.
[05:11:39] Donald Trump
[05:11:40] has mentioned that over and over again as a positive thing.
[05:11:47] No, the term is a slur. Yeah, they also literally deported American citizens.
[05:11:59] Okay?
[05:12:01] Yeah it was just a full-blown white supremacist piece of legislation.
[05:12:11] That is what Donald Trump wants to do.
[05:12:18] I don't think that if you were to, and this is not like talked about in American history,
[05:12:23] I don't think you learned
[05:12:24] about this in class.
[05:12:26] I doubt that you learned
[05:12:27] about this in class, right? Like this is unimaginably cruel
[05:12:42] Okay
[05:12:43] This is incredibly cruel Okay.
[05:13:03] This is incredibly cruel. yeah also this is a good take and
[05:13:05] we're so there
[05:13:06] Edenture Mantem says welcome back to 2022 take and we're so there.
[05:13:08] Ed in Germantum says, welcome back
[05:13:09] to 2022.
[05:13:10] I think watching
[05:13:11] Trump curb stomp a
[05:13:12] black woman will be
[05:13:13] even more satisfying
[05:13:14] than watching him
[05:13:15] commit elder abuse
[05:13:16] on a scale usually
[05:13:17] only possible by 300 poundpound Nigerian women.
[05:13:20] So, I'm actually looking long forward to the Kamala Harris presidential campaign.
[05:13:24] You would never be able to put your face to this kind of sentiment
[05:13:29] in the real world.
[05:13:32] Okay?
[05:13:33] This is
[05:13:34] the type of racism
[05:13:36] that, like, racists
[05:13:38] would maybe shudder at.
[05:13:41] Okay?
[05:13:42] And the reason Ed Ingram Anthem is saying
[05:13:44] welcome back to 2022
[05:13:45] is because this is exactly what the Republicans did.
[05:13:48] This is exactly what they did. They thought
[05:13:50] because Twitter is like
[05:13:52] weird and very right wing
[05:13:55] that the rest of the world,
[05:13:57] the rest of America is like that.
[05:14:00] Okay? Especially
[05:14:01] when it comes to immigration,
[05:14:03] this isn't like trans issues, okay?
[05:14:06] Everybody knows somebody
[05:14:07] that is either an immediate relative
[05:14:09] of an undocumented migrant or knows
[05:14:13] that undocumented Margaret
[05:14:14] themselves, you live in the
[05:14:16] United States of America. There
[05:14:18] are more than 10 million,
[05:14:19] perhaps maybe even 20 million
[05:14:21] on document and migrants that are
[05:14:22] living with us every day of the
[05:14:25] fucking week. We work with them
[05:14:27] we talk to them
[05:14:29] there's like you don't even
[05:14:31] you don't have... You don't see them
[05:14:33] as subhuman.
[05:14:35] You only have this attitude online.
[05:14:38] This is why
[05:14:39] I say
[05:14:40] Deep Blue District Republicans are some of the most reactionary nazis because they larp okay
[05:14:49] they larp like their groipers it's the ronSantis Rider-Dyers
[05:14:55] They're like
[05:14:56] This is a winning narrative
[05:14:59] Okay
[05:15:01] This is a winning narrative
[05:15:02] No it's not
[05:15:03] You're fucking gross.
[05:15:05] Okay?
[05:15:06] You're gross.
[05:15:06] You're disgusting.
[05:15:08] You're a fucking loser
[05:15:09] and you're absolutely
[05:15:11] disgusting.
[05:15:12] And most voters
[05:15:14] that live in the fucking suburbs
[05:15:16] That do have a bunch of racist attitudes
[05:15:18] Will see this and go
[05:15:20] Oh, ew
[05:15:20] Okay
[05:15:21] That's a little weird
[05:15:22] That's like nerdy shit
[05:15:23] That's too nerdy for me
[05:15:25] Okay nerdy shit. That's too nerdy for me.
[05:15:27] Okay?
[05:15:30] A lot of people know trans people at this point? No, that's your generation.
[05:15:33] That's generational.
[05:15:35] If you think a lot of people know trans
[05:15:36] people then it's entirely related to where
[05:15:39] you live and what generation you're in Yeah, they're doing birtherism.
[05:15:55] Like this type of shit is not going to get... This type of shit is not going to get,
[05:15:58] This type of shit's not going to work.
[05:16:00] It's just not.
[05:16:03] We don't have to.
[05:16:05] She has citizenship issues.
[05:16:06] We good.
[05:16:07] We good. issues we good. Anyway.
[05:16:36] In the time that we started talking about immigration and whatnot.
[05:16:43] Yeah, Trump says he'll round up
[05:16:44] millions of Latinos in mass detention camps
[05:16:46] as a part of Project 2025
[05:16:48] then it says it will be larger than the 1950s
[05:16:50] military style operation called Operation
[05:16:52] Wetback.
[05:16:53] I take the oath, that is why as soon as I take the oath of office we will begin
[05:16:58] the largest deportation operation in the history of our country.
[05:17:03] Even larger than that, President Dwight
[05:17:07] D Eisenhower many years ago he was a big
[05:17:11] deportation person.
[05:17:13] Yeah, why don't you talk about the numbers?
[05:17:15] Why don't you talk about
[05:17:15] the name of the operation?
[05:17:18] He recognizes that ultimately...
[05:17:21] Like I'm telling you
[05:17:21] he's getting away with it
[05:17:22] because no one is calling into question what he's saying.
[05:17:25] Liberals are fucking asleep at the wheel. Maybe they're a little too chaotic right now
[05:17:29] because of up until this moment, they were too chaotic on the Biden front.
[05:17:33] They were like, is Biden going to drop out? Is Biden not going to drop out? Up until this moment, they were too chaotic on the Biden front.
[05:17:34] They were like, is Biden going to drop out?
[05:17:35] Is Biden not going to drop out?
[05:17:37] That was the major narrative, both in the media and also inside of the Democratic ranks.
[05:17:46] This has to
[05:17:47] be addressed immediately.
[05:17:49] It needs to be called into question.
[05:17:52] What the fuck are you
[05:17:53] saying?
[05:18:02] Liberals need to start campaigning yesterday.
[05:18:04] Okay?
[05:18:06] Then watch what the fucking polling looks like.
[05:18:09] No, I do not believe that 60% of Americans are on board
[05:18:13] despite what the polling shows right now.
[05:18:16] I do not believe that 60% of Americans
[05:18:17] will be on board with mass
[05:18:19] deportation once they come to
[05:18:21] terms with what that looks like.
[05:18:24] Because when you
[05:18:25] describe to them what that looks like, okay?
[05:18:29] When you describe to them what that looks like, they're going to go,
[05:18:31] oh, that's not what he's advocating for.
[05:18:33] Yes, he is.
[05:18:36] Yes, he is.
[05:18:38] He's saying it.
[05:18:45] At a session around Harris' dining table last Saturday with six Democratic governors and their chiefs of staff, according to multiple people who were told.
[05:18:53] Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer slammed the way the president in the campaign had been talking about abortion rights.
[05:18:57] Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker hammered Biden's response
[05:19:00] to the migrant crisis
[05:19:00] and insisted they need
[05:19:01] to quickly get much more aggressive
[05:19:02] about attacking Republicans
[05:19:03] or Trump for panicking
[05:19:04] the bipartisan immigration bill.
[05:19:06] I don't agree with this.
[05:19:08] That's bad instincts.
[05:19:21] Maryland Governor Wes Moore complained, That's bad instincts. own first terms. Most have beaten Trump-inspired Republicans in their 2022 races. What they're seeing in the Biden campaign, they told Harris,
[05:19:23] does not look like a path to victory and they were
[05:19:25] eager to see changes. Okay, said
[05:19:27] Harris after listening to an hour of deconstruction,
[05:19:29] what do you think should be done?
[05:19:32] I do fear, I do fear that they're
[05:19:34] going to still stay on the
[05:19:36] right-wing immigration slant
[05:19:38] and that's not good. The
[05:19:40] solution to Donald Trump saying he's going
[05:19:42] to do mass deportations is not
[05:19:44] to say, oh we just want to like do
[05:19:46] some apprehensions
[05:19:48] okay? The solution is to bring
[05:19:50] the American public back to reality on immigration okay if they don't fix that
[05:20:08] if they don't
[05:20:10] fix that, they will lose. I'm serious and I don't know if they will. I I feel like Kamala's mostly going to focus on abortion.
[05:20:50] That's not necessarily a bad thing either,
[05:20:52] but immigration is in some ways one of the largest, most consequential policy agenda items for both parties.
[05:21:04] The Republicans know that's their strong suit. That's their strong suit specifically because the Democrats have done an abhorrent job at combating it, and they haven't combated it at all. They've basically turned around and caved on the framing
[05:21:19] a narrative
[05:21:21] that is utterly
[05:21:23] hysterical
[05:21:24] It's just completely made up, I cannot stress
[05:21:27] this enough
[05:21:27] The notion that undocumented made up. I cannot stress this enough.
[05:21:29] The notion that undocumented migrants
[05:21:31] are doing crimes
[05:21:33] or the notion that undocumented migrants
[05:21:35] are responsible for the American economy
[05:21:37] tanking is an abject lie.
[05:21:41] The truth is the exact opposite.
[05:21:44] Immigrants, undocumented immigrants pay into social security
[05:21:47] and pay into taxes
[05:21:48] and they take significantly less
[05:21:51] from
[05:21:52] the social safety nets that are already
[05:21:54] you know rather diminished
[05:21:57] to begin with okay
[05:21:59] they also commit
[05:22:01] less crime per capita than
[05:22:03] documented... Illegals aren't
[05:22:05] doing crimes, Hasanabilal.
[05:22:07] Dude, I'm sorry. I don't know how to
[05:22:09] describe the reality to you.
[05:22:11] I know that you've
[05:22:12] heard something from
[05:22:13] your dad and you're
[05:22:14] repeating it,
[05:22:14] and then you heard
[05:22:15] it on television
[05:22:15] and you heard it
[05:22:16] on like fucking
[05:22:17] right-wing outlets.
[05:22:19] But what I'm telling
[05:22:20] you is the truth.
[05:22:22] Okay? Do you care is the truth. Okay?
[05:22:22] Do you care about the truth or do you care about,
[05:22:25] you know,
[05:22:26] leaning into your hug box and assuming that the way
[05:22:29] you see the world is the correct way to see
[05:22:32] the world? Okay? way to see the world.
[05:22:33] So much for being a leftist?
[05:22:35] There are tons of news stories about people getting killed and
[05:22:37] raped by illegals. Yes, you dumb
[05:22:39] fuck. That's how hysteria
[05:22:41] sets in.
[05:22:46] Ultimately, when you look at the broader picture... I'm not saying that undocumented immigrants have never done a fucking crime, dumbass.
[05:22:51] Of course.
[05:22:52] Of course undocumented immigrants have done crimes.
[05:22:55] Okay?
[05:22:56] What are you stupid?
[05:22:58] They're human beings at the end of the day.
[05:23:00] Some are good, some are bad.
[05:23:01] Don't be fucking stupid.
[05:23:03] But what you have to look at is
[05:23:05] if this segment of the population
[05:23:07] is genuinely
[05:23:09] like so focused
[05:23:11] on being criminals, then
[05:23:13] the data would reflect that.
[05:23:16] We'd see alongside this
[05:23:18] massive immigration coming into the country
[05:23:20] because Donald Trump is saying
[05:23:22] millions of immigrants are fucking running over
[05:23:24] the border. They're invading America.
[05:23:26] What do they have to show for it?
[05:23:28] He's saying that they're fucking criminals, okay?
[05:23:30] They're all criminals.
[05:23:31] They're all coming in from asylum.
[05:23:33] They're all coming in from insane asylums.
[05:23:35] They're all coming in from fucking prisons. They're invading the country.
[05:23:37] They're military-aged men, and yet
[05:23:39] that doesn't reflect in the fucking crime?
[05:23:42] How does that happen?
[05:23:45] Okay?
[05:23:46] How many Americans killed by illegals is too many?
[05:23:48] I don't know.
[05:23:49] But as long as they're fucking killing less than natural born U S citizens at a
[05:23:54] less fucking per capita density than natural bornborn U.S. citizens,
[05:23:57] you can't make the argument that they're responsible for crime.
[05:24:00] They're responsible for crime more so
[05:24:02] than natural-born U.S. citizens.
[05:24:04] Unless your argument is it's okay when Americans are raping
[05:24:07] and pillaging and killing and murdering one another.
[05:24:09] It's just not okay when it's an illegal
[05:24:11] doing it, okay?
[05:24:14] So stopping one group of crime
[05:24:15] isn't worth it? That's not how you stop
[05:24:17] crime, dumbass.
[05:24:20] Men are responsible for like
[05:24:22] 90% of violent crime.
[05:24:24] Do we ever make an advocacy to
[05:24:26] fucking neuter men? To kill
[05:24:28] men across the board? We can only tackle crime by just killing men no of course
[05:24:32] not because that would be stupid it would not stop crime That is not how this works.
[05:24:43] Also,
[05:24:43] crime is down!
[05:24:52] Immigrants are taking our jobs those jobs criminal jobs
[05:24:54] they're taking our crime
[05:24:56] I don't understand why it's so hard for people to think critically and not look beyond hysteria because hysteria and panic is like comforting.
[05:25:09] Most of this,
[05:25:10] the most of this kind of attitude does come from racism okay comes from white supremacy
[05:25:16] you're like a little scared you're like oh man i don't know about these guys they
[05:25:20] don't speak the language i'm scared scared of them. They eat unique foods.
[05:25:24] They got salsa hips, they're dancing.
[05:25:26] They're going to fuck my wife, you know?
[05:25:29] And then they just move on from that.
[05:25:32] That's where the real fear and the panic
[05:25:35] is coming from, this is just seasoning on top of it
[05:25:37] for people who are terrified
[05:25:39] of seasoning in general
[05:25:40] like that literally is it
[05:25:42] This is just a way to basically add
[05:25:45] additional reasoning to
[05:25:47] why they are so fearful,
[05:25:49] okay?
[05:25:52] Do you get it?
[05:26:03] Okay. Do you get it? Because you can't just be like,
[05:26:04] yeah, I think Mexicans are inferior to white
[05:26:07] people and that's why they should be
[05:26:09] mass deported
[05:26:09] they don't they can't say that so they
[05:26:12] say oh there's actually a real reason
[05:26:15] a valid reason why I'm afraid of Mexicans.
[05:26:18] And that's because they're rapists
[05:26:20] and drug dealers
[05:26:22] and murderers.
[05:26:25] And it's like
[05:26:26] that's still very racist to say
[05:26:28] but
[05:26:30] the more Trump says it
[05:26:31] and the more Democrats don't fight against
[05:26:34] that kind of sentiment
[05:26:35] and call it out for what it is exactly,
[05:26:38] the more that narrative becomes the norm.
[05:26:41] And then you have to deal with a bunch of people
[05:26:42] who are just straight up hallucinating
[05:26:44] a false reality. Huh, wrong.
[05:27:08] Where does the money come from to take care of illegal immigrants regardless
[05:27:11] of their country of origin? What do you think
[05:27:13] is happening with illegal immigrants?
[05:27:14] Do you think that they're just...
[05:27:17] Do you think that they have no way to take
[05:27:18] care of themselves, like They're not human beings.
[05:27:22] The idea that they're a
[05:27:23] burden on our fucking social safety
[05:27:25] is so funny because, one, we don't even have
[05:27:27] real fucking social safety in this goddamn country.
[05:27:29] Two, it is not
[05:27:30] accurate at all.
[05:27:33] They can't take advantage
[05:27:33] of any of the fucking programs.
[05:27:37] Are they taking handouts
[05:27:39] or are they taking the jobs?
[05:27:40] Which one is it?
[05:27:41] They're doing both.
[05:27:42] There are also criminals.
[05:27:44] They're actually invading.
[05:27:45] Do you understand?
[05:27:46] None of this
[05:27:46] actually makes sense
[05:27:47] when you like
[05:27:49] examine it a little bit
[05:27:50] and you realize,
[05:27:51] oh I'm just throwing darts at a fucking board
[05:27:53] to see what sticks.
[05:27:55] Because it's not driven through
[05:27:57] critical thinking. It's not driven by logic.
[05:28:00] It's just driven by pure
[05:28:01] panic.
[05:28:04] Immigrants are both taking our jobs,
[05:28:06] but they're also taking handouts
[05:28:07] and stealing our resources.
[05:28:09] They're also stealing all the crime
[05:28:12] and all the criminals criminals jobs by doing crimes
[05:28:15] even though it seems
[05:28:17] like they're doing less crime per capita
[05:28:19] than natural born citizens as this fucking
[05:28:20] woke libtard is telling me. And also
[05:28:23] simultaneously
[05:28:24] crime is down, even telling me. And also simultaneously,
[05:28:27] crime is down even though immigration is up. So which one is it?
[05:28:30] We know when they're going.
[05:28:31] It's been documented independently. They are shipped on
[05:28:33] buses. People are organizing this stuff. It costs money.
[05:28:36] I don't care where people come from. There's just the right way to do it
[05:28:38] and you know that. I have love for everybody.
[05:28:40] No, you're just a pussy dude.
[05:28:42] I hate you. I hate this narrative.
[05:28:45] You're just such a fucking pussy.
[05:28:47] Oh,
[05:28:47] I have love for everybody.
[05:28:48] Just do it right.
[05:28:49] Do you understand how fucking difficult it is to even get a green card from
[05:28:52] one of these like unfavorable nations?
[05:28:54] Get the fuck out of here.
[05:28:56] Just say with your goddamn chest
[05:28:57] Okay?
[05:28:59] Either stop being a fucking pussy
[05:29:02] okay and say it
[05:29:03] with your chest or
[05:29:05] don't fucking live in this delusional space
[05:29:08] where you're like, oh I love people but also fuck Mexicans.
[05:29:12] Okay?
[05:29:19] The fuck do you mean?
[05:29:26] This shit sucks so much.
[05:29:29] It's like, oh, I'm objectively on the right side of this, I promise.
[05:29:31] My heart is in the right place but I also want to deport
[05:29:33] 20 million people
[05:29:35] and put them in fucking concentration camps.
[05:29:38] That's fucked up? pretend people like that?
[05:29:41] People... Okay, you're either a
[05:29:42] pussy or a dumbass. Which one is it? You have
[05:29:44] to pick one because there's no other option in this
[05:29:46] circumstance. Do you understand?
[05:29:51] Which is it? Are you a pussy or are you a dumbass? Are you a dumbass that thinks
[05:29:53] like immigration is actually a super uncomplicated
[05:29:55] process and
[05:29:56] these guys are still coming in
[05:29:59] through this like insane route
[05:30:01] because they just want to invade
[05:30:03] America?
[05:30:05] Or, are you a pussy who thinks
[05:30:07] they want to invade America but doesn't want to say
[05:30:09] it like that. So now you have to posture like you actually
[05:30:12] have some kindness in your fucking heart.
[05:30:14] What are you talking about, dude?
[05:30:17] We know when they're
[05:30:18] where they're going has been documented
[05:30:20] independently. They're shipped on buses. People are organizing this stuff. It's been documented independently. They're shipped on buses. People are
[05:30:23] organizing this stuff. It costs money.
[05:30:25] I don't care where people come from. There's
[05:30:27] just the right way to do that.
[05:30:31] Brother, I don't have to fucking narratively dance around
[05:30:34] the way that you're saying fuck Mexicans
[05:30:36] without saying fuck Mexicans
[05:30:37] it's like being like black people are this or that
[05:30:40] they have a bad culture
[05:30:42] but that's equivalent to saying the fucking N-word,
[05:30:45] but you're not directly saying it.
[05:30:47] You're just taking the long way home.
[05:30:48] That's the point.
[05:30:50] You're failing to comprehend, okay?
[05:30:53] Do you think
[05:30:54] immigrants
[05:30:55] most of them coming from Latin America
[05:30:58] have a genuine interest
[05:31:01] in bettering their fucking lives
[05:31:03] and participating in the American workforce,
[05:31:05] or do you think they're invading the country?
[05:31:07] Answer that question.
[05:31:09] Answer my question. Do you think
[05:31:11] they are monolithic?
[05:31:13] Are they a monolithic force that is coming into the country
[05:31:16] because
[05:31:17] while they have no other options
[05:31:20] and they just simply want a better future for themselves
[05:31:22] and their children, or do you
[05:31:24] think personally
[05:31:25] that there are monolithic forces
[05:31:29] coming into the country because they want to do
[05:31:31] some fuck shit, they want to do crimes
[05:31:32] which is it?
[05:31:37] I'm not putting words in your mouth.
[05:31:39] I'm asking you a question so that
[05:31:41] you can actually say the words from your mouth.
[05:31:43] Answer my question!
[05:31:45] Go based off what people are saying, not the narrative.
[05:31:48] Dude okay, listen dumbfuck
[05:31:50] I'm asking you a direct question
[05:31:52] Do you think
[05:31:54] asylum seekers
[05:31:56] Are coming into this country as economic migrants or those
[05:31:59] fleeing crime or those fleeing
[05:32:01] instability at home
[05:32:02] and simply want a better life
[05:32:05] for themselves just like you do
[05:32:06] with the same exact purpose?
[05:32:09] Or do you think they're a monolithic force
[05:32:12] invading the country?
[05:32:14] I'm asking you the question.
[05:32:16] You can answer it because you said why don't they just come in legally yeah dumbass i want the legal
[05:32:25] pathways to be open i want there to be a humane and just legal processing system.
[05:32:32] We do not currently have that, okay?
[05:32:34] The reason why people actually fucking take this tumultuous journey
[05:32:39] that is oftentimes deadly for them
[05:32:42] is because they have no other options.
[05:32:46] I think they're probably coming from a reasonable place most of the time, honestly.
[05:32:48] Good! That's a good starting point.
[05:32:51] Okay. But there's due process. Shut up. Honestly, good. That's a good starting point. Okay?
[05:32:51] But there is due process.
[05:32:53] Shut up!
[05:32:55] I'm advocating to change the process.
[05:32:59] So while I'm advocating
[05:33:01] that changed the process if if you say oh well they're still jumping
[05:33:05] the line then it doesn't matter. We're not having
[05:33:09] the same conversation. I'm talking about the current process, okay?
[05:33:14] We're talking about
[05:33:15] the actual motivations.
[05:33:17] You're the one who's
[05:33:17] immediately going into
[05:33:18] the rules.
[05:33:19] You're like, oh,
[05:33:19] but they're breaking
[05:33:20] the rule.
[05:33:22] Do you think if someone
[05:33:24] is fleeing
[05:33:26] their own home nation, leaving
[05:33:28] behind their friends
[05:33:30] go to a nation that they don't
[05:33:32] like speak the language well in?
[05:33:34] Do you think that they're fucking doing that?
[05:33:37] Do you think that they're doing that and that,
[05:33:40] that process should be eased and,
[05:33:42] and that those people should be processed in an
[05:33:45] expedient manner.
[05:33:48] Okay? Good.
[05:33:50] Then you're not on board with
[05:33:51] mass deportation, and you
[05:33:53] should stop fucking advocating for this dumbass shit where like they're shipped on buses.
[05:33:58] It costs money, I don't care where people come from there's just the right way to do it okay?
[05:34:03] At least you are not a demon see there you go
[05:34:10] that's the point I was making
[05:34:11] most people when you fucking describe to them
[05:34:13] the actual conditions of where these people are coming from
[05:34:15] are not going to posture like Hitlerian
[05:34:17] weirdos. anyway so anyway
[05:34:38] would you consider opening up more immigration and pathway to citizenship for those that are here than increasing border security?
[05:34:51] I'm in favor of improving processing and integration measures
[05:34:59] for everyone that comes to the United States of America,
[05:35:03] and also giving them an allowance
[05:35:05] to go back and forth if they want to.
[05:35:07] That's number one.
[05:35:09] Number two, I am of course in favor of full-blown amnesty
[05:35:13] to all undocumented migrants that have been living on the u.s soil especially
[05:35:19] those who have been living here for more than five years, six
[05:35:21] years. Okay? Streamline the process, hire
[05:35:25] more judges, and hire more immigration processors
[05:35:30] not just like fucking Customs and Border Patrol.
[05:35:35] So no borders?
[05:35:36] Got it? That will work genius?
[05:35:38] I know dude.
[05:35:40] So here's what I don't understand we live in the United States of
[05:35:43] America you have no issue with the fucking border
[05:35:45] having no border between North Dakota and South
[05:35:47] Dakota or whatever fucking state you're in
[05:35:48] but God forbid when it comes down
[05:35:51] to like actually going through a hard border, by the way,
[05:35:54] and making it so that people don't have to fucking illegally enter the country
[05:35:57] and therefore are entering legally every single time.
[05:36:01] Okay?
[05:36:04] You're like, oh oh that means no borders. Why do you hate American citizens?
[05:36:20] Okay, dude.
[05:36:24] I'm undocumented and I've been living in the U.S. since I was two years old. I'm undocumented.
[05:36:25] I've been living in the U S I was two years old.
[05:36:26] I'm 28 now to expect me to leave the U S and live in a country.
[05:36:28] I've never visited as the stupidest shit ever.
[05:36:30] I own a house,
[05:36:31] have a bachelor's and work for a nonprofit.
[05:36:33] I'm more of an American than a lot of those rivalries, and
[05:36:36] on top of that, you are
[05:36:38] an American with the subscription to Haas
[05:36:40] so you don't even see the three minute average
[05:36:42] at the top of the hour. Meanwhile, many of the
[05:36:44] fucking hog chirpers in here
[05:36:45] that somehow
[05:36:47] magically think they're more American than you
[05:36:49] who will probably be jealous that
[05:36:50] you also have a house and probably want to
[05:36:52] deport you more now
[05:36:53] we'll also see a three minute outbreak at the top of the fucking hour
[05:36:57] that's the other thing
[05:37:04] many of these dumb fuck reactionaries just crawled
[05:37:08] out of their mother's pussy that's all they did
[05:37:10] okay, they didn't do shit else
[05:37:12] these people came here
[05:37:14] okay, they fought way
[05:37:16] harder than you ever have to be American.
[05:37:19] If anything, they deserve it more
[05:37:21] than you. Okay?
[05:37:22] I'm in favor of deporting natural-born U.S. citizens
[05:37:25] that are Republican and reactionary
[05:37:27] instead of the undocumented migrants
[05:37:30] that have been fucking busting their goddamn asses.
[05:37:34] The fuck have you done?
[05:37:35] All you do is chirp.
[05:37:37] All you do is fucking complain
[05:37:38] that you saw like a Mexican person.
[05:37:41] That's all you do,
[05:37:42] You're like afraid of your own shadow,
[05:37:44] You're weak,
[05:37:44] Cowardly,
[05:37:45] Fucking losers.
[05:37:48] It is the reactionary mind that sets back this country more than anything else.
[05:37:54] Okay?
[05:37:56] Seriously.
[05:38:10] Okay? and I'm sure there's some good people on the Republican side.
[05:38:19] Anyway, here's a three-minute break now. remember when you said
[05:38:37] you want a no border
[05:38:38] with a robust and
[05:38:38] productive system of
[05:38:39] regulations and
[05:38:40] infrastructure to
[05:38:40] correctly and quickly
[05:38:41] allow for legal
[05:38:42] immigration yes that
[05:38:43] is what I'm advocating for.
[05:38:44] No, these guys think no border
[05:38:46] means nothing, like no control
[05:38:48] over who comes in
[05:38:50] and out of
[05:38:52] state-d drawn borders.
[05:38:54] Okay?
[05:38:55] That's what they think.
[05:38:57] That's what I'm trying to,
[05:38:58] you know,
[05:38:59] explain to people.
[05:39:00] That's not how it works.
[05:39:02] Thoughts on Jason the wee-wee?
[05:39:03] I like him a lot.
[05:39:05] He's very funny,
[05:39:06] and I think people are
[05:39:07] very hard on him.
[05:39:08] I think he's actually
[05:39:09] a pretty solid player.
[05:39:10] He needs to have more confidence
[05:39:11] in his own ability.
[05:39:13] Obviously,
[05:39:13] he needs to train a little bit harder.
[05:39:16] But overall,
[05:39:17] I think he's got decent ball handling
[05:39:19] and,
[05:39:21] you know,
[05:39:21] if his shot gets a little bit better
[05:39:22] he could be
[05:39:23] he could be a pretty solid operative.
[05:39:29] Um could be a pretty solid operative. Grow
[05:39:29] a little too? I mean, they can't do that.
[05:39:33] Your take on immigration is probably
[05:39:35] the reason why some leftists hate you.
[05:39:36] There's plenty of fucking things that I say
[05:39:38] that causes other leftists to hate me.
[05:39:40] I don't care.. Anyway. Senator Trump advisor Jason Miller on NBC says the major liability for Kamala Harris is that she wants to ban plastic straws.
[05:40:22] The Republicans are completely lost right now?
[05:40:23] No,
[05:40:25] the Republicans will hammer on the fucking undocumented immigrants narrative and say Kamala Harris is the border czar
[05:40:30] and she's responsible for
[05:40:34] immigration. It'll be a hard one for them to
[05:40:36] justify because they've already
[05:40:39] said that she was feckless
[05:40:40] and had no power
[05:40:41] and was goofy for the past four years.
[05:40:44] But,
[05:40:44] they'll still try to reframe her
[05:40:45] as like an evil demon.
[05:40:51] But do you get what I mean?
[05:40:54] Their biggest problem is that
[05:40:55] with Kamala Harris,
[05:40:57] they only dunked on her for being goofy,
[05:41:00] silly, laughing weird and
[05:41:03] ultimately being like a joke
[05:41:04] right? For years and years
[05:41:06] they did that. And now
[05:41:08] now they have to present her as
[05:41:10] like a scary person
[05:41:12] and Now they have to present her as like a scary person. Okay. I think that they're going to be...
[05:41:29] I think that they're going to try
[05:41:31] to say she, like, fucked her way
[05:41:32] to the top.
[05:41:34] They're going to try to say that
[05:41:37] she's, you know,
[05:41:38] not a real American because she's black
[05:41:40] and Indian.
[05:41:43] And I think a lot of that stuff, especially the misogynistic stuff.
[05:41:47] If utilized correctly by Democrats will recenter the conversation on an issue
[05:41:52] that's very weak for the Republicans.
[05:41:55] Republicans are
[05:41:56] the party that took away
[05:41:57] women's bodily autonomy.
[05:42:00] It will be a reminder
[05:42:01] for people in the margins,
[05:42:03] for the moderates,
[05:42:04] for the independents and the like.
[05:42:09] So I think that there's a very solid way to deflect away from that.
[05:42:15] The only issue that I see
[05:42:17] is that she's the border czar, right?
[05:42:22] They put her on the border
[05:42:23] and look at the border.
[05:42:25] The border is terrifying.
[05:42:27] Now obviously border crossings have been And look at the border. The border is terrifying. Now, obviously,
[05:42:28] border crossings have basically
[05:42:30] diminished
[05:42:31] at this stage. That panic
[05:42:36] narrative set in. The Biden administration postured
[05:42:39] in a very right-wing way,
[05:42:41] and now even from
[05:42:43] a conservative standpoint
[05:42:45] it's just like there's not
[05:42:47] really an issue. There was never really an issue when the border crossings were up anyway.
[05:42:52] But now you can't even claim that there's a lot of border crossing happening.
[05:43:06] So. happening. So not a very strong, I mean it's an issue that they're strong on but the problem is it's built on a house of cards, right?
[05:43:15] It's a narrative that exclusively relies
[05:43:18] on the person receiving said narrative
[05:43:22] to be as hysterical.
[05:43:29] You have to be fucking hysterical, or you have to literally fucking hysterical.
[05:43:31] You have to literally
[05:43:32] be fully tapped in
[05:43:33] to this idea that there are like,
[05:43:36] ironically we were joking about earlier,
[05:43:38] 12 million Guatemalans
[05:43:39] currently attacking
[05:43:40] the Lincoln Memorial,
[05:43:42] you know what I mean?
[05:43:43] In any given moment.
[05:43:51] And so it's actually,
[05:43:55] depending on how they reframe that conversation,
[05:43:56] they can get out of it.
[05:43:59] But it would require a clear and coherent narrative
[05:44:03] that casts aside all these fucking lies
[05:44:05] and it would require the Democrats
[05:44:07] to go back on their right-wing attitudes
[05:44:10] on immigration.
[05:44:26] And this isn't simply for this election cycle. This is like a permanent election cycle process because whenever Republicans feel like they're in a state of panic,
[05:44:30] they can always hit the immigrant parachute.
[05:44:34] Oh, all of a sudden there's caravans at the border.
[05:44:35] Look at all these Haitians
[05:44:36] that are crossing the border.
[05:44:39] You know what I mean?
[05:44:40] They always can do that.
[05:44:50] A conservative never made me feel like they were better than me just admit that she's an elitist what does this have to do with anything? We're talking about policy, dumbass.
[05:45:03] She's an elitist.
[05:45:05] Donald Trump despises you.
[05:45:12] What did you mean by Republicans don't understand what mass
[05:45:14] deportation means? They
[05:45:16] don't think it clearly,
[05:45:20] okay? They means they don't think it clearly okay they don't think about what mass deportation of migrants means
[05:45:23] as in they have they only simply hear the narrative and they think oh it's
[05:45:28] good yeah this seems great if you walk them only simply hear the narrative and they think, oh it's good.
[05:45:28] Yeah this seems great if you walk them through step by
[05:45:31] step of what that means okay?
[05:45:34] If you walk them through step-by-step
[05:45:37] of what that means that means giving more money to Customs and Border Patrol,
[05:45:40] training people, basically
[05:45:42] SWAT teams. BORTAC is the name.
[05:45:44] Okay? Operating
[05:45:46] in an unconstitutional manner
[05:45:48] in what is known as what the aclu calls constitution free zones okay 100
[05:45:54] miles uh 100 miles inside every fucking american waterway, every American...
[05:46:01] Every American...
[05:46:03] I guess airport?
[05:46:05] I'm not entirely sure about the airport.
[05:46:06] But every American border and waterway
[05:46:09] the Customs and Border Patrol Special Weapons
[05:46:12] and Tactics Team, BORTAC, can basically
[05:46:14] fucking work
[05:46:15] in a way where there's no due process
[05:46:18] if they suspect you of being
[05:46:20] a migrant, they could just come and apprehend you.
[05:46:23] So what they would have to do
[05:46:24] in order to do this mass deportation
[05:46:26] is basically in every major city
[05:46:28] the Constitution Free Zones by the way
[05:46:30] is basically where 85% of the entire
[05:46:33] country lives.
[05:46:35] So what this means is
[05:46:37] now you're going to have these fucking military men
[05:46:39] door knocking and
[05:46:41] doing dragnet operations.
[05:46:44] Dragnet is in like collective punishment,
[05:46:46] just like going into an area and just conducting a sweep
[05:46:47] door by door, okay?
[05:46:50] Opening up all these doors,
[05:46:51] busting through
[05:46:52] and arresting everybody
[05:46:54] and processing them we're talking about tens of millions
[05:46:57] of people in order to process them expediently you're going to have
[05:47:01] to put them in front of one judge 200 people at a time sometimes
[05:47:05] in the same exact way that they operate
[05:47:07] in El Salvador.
[05:47:08] Okay?
[05:47:11] You're gonna have to do these sham trials
[05:47:13] where you put all these people
[05:47:14] and then you're going to be like, oh, you're a suspected migrant.
[05:47:16] We're rounding you up. Then you're going to have to
[05:47:18] put them in these fucking shitty ass camps
[05:47:20] facilities, right? Concentrated
[05:47:22] segments of the population
[05:47:24] have to be concentrated at these facilities.
[05:47:27] We call those concentration camps throughout history and we will
[05:47:31] them concentration camps when the time has passed.
[05:47:35] Okay?
[05:47:39] Then you try to, after After you put them in these concentration camps
[05:47:41] You're gonna fucking deport them
[05:47:43] You're going to deport them to whichever country
[05:47:45] That you wish To deport them too whichever country that you wish
[05:47:47] you'd deport them
[05:47:48] to.
[05:47:49] Many of these
[05:47:49] people and their
[05:47:50] children have no
[05:47:52] association with
[05:47:54] their,
[05:47:54] with their country
[05:47:55] of origin at this
[05:47:56] point.
[05:47:56] They've been living
[05:47:56] here for 10 years,
[05:47:57] 10 plus years. Okay? They've been living here for 10 years, 10 plus years. Okay?
[05:47:59] They've been working here. That's a massively costly operation
[05:48:04] that is a massive burden on the
[05:48:08] american economy and for
[05:48:11] what reason are we doing
[05:48:13] this so that we can
[05:48:14] cripple our agricultural
[05:48:16] output so that the cost
[05:48:18] of a fucking the cost of poultry is now tenfold.
[05:48:23] The real solution in this circumstance
[05:48:25] perhaps is the humane one.
[05:48:28] Okay?
[05:48:35] Because the process to get a green card is 20 plus years
[05:48:37] so they lose their livelihood in a process that you're saying
[05:48:39] isn't practical. Yes.
[05:48:42] And I don't think most Republicans,
[05:48:44] I don't think most Republicans will be on board with that when
[05:48:46] you walk them through these steps.
[05:48:49] Okay? okay wouldn't it be more effective to put them to work instead of deporting them?
[05:49:06] I mean, they are already at work.
[05:49:08] They're working.
[05:49:08] They're working every day.
[05:49:11] ...harder than the last three weeks
[05:49:12] that Biden campaign has been through.
[05:49:14] And so, you know,
[05:49:15] for the people who kept their heads down
[05:49:17] and were doing the work in Wilmington,
[05:49:18] I know this is an incredibly emotional
[05:49:20] and difficult day,
[05:49:21] but I do think that President Biden
[05:49:22] will be remembered fondly for it.
[05:49:25] I do think it's an incredibly selfless thing that he did.
[05:49:28] And I think it's frankly rare in politics to see somebody put their own self-interest aside and say i don't think this is what's best
[05:49:35] for the country anymore and i think he should get some credit for that aoc has endorsed mamala
[05:49:41] kamala harris will be the next president of the united states to pledge my full support
[05:49:43] to ensure her victory in November. Now more than
[05:49:45] ever, it's crucial that our party and our country swiftly
[05:49:47] unite to defeat Donald Trump with a threat to American democracy.
[05:49:49] Let's get to work. There you go.
[05:49:52] For re-election
[05:49:53] we're ready. I'm talking about Governor Newsom. I'm talking about Pete Buttig ready. I'm talking about Governor Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and on and on, Gretchen Whitmer
[05:50:02] And already Newsom and Buttigieg have endorsed Vice President Harris.
[05:50:08] To what degree do you think the party is just going to essentially coalesce around her,
[05:50:14] even though Senator Manchin is talking about re-registering as a Democrat
[05:50:17] and running.
[05:50:19] Do you think there's actually going to be a competition
[05:50:21] as Pelosi and Obama want
[05:50:23] there to be an open competition?
[05:50:25] I think it's unclear how much, like,
[05:50:27] President Obama really wants there to be
[05:50:29] a fully robust open competition
[05:50:31] or wants there to be some ability
[05:50:34] for everyone to have the chance
[05:50:35] to buy into the outcome.
[05:50:37] I think those are
[05:50:38] two different things
[05:50:39] and
[05:50:39] to your
[05:50:41] question, Jake
[05:50:42] to a great extent
[05:50:43] I think this
[05:50:44] is quickly
[05:50:46] coalescing
[05:50:46] around her
[05:50:47] it's not just
[05:50:48] the names of the people you said,
[05:50:50] AFT, The Teacher's Union, SEIU,
[05:50:52] You have Congressional Black Caucus,
[05:50:54] Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
[05:50:55] You have certain state delegations
[05:50:57] from South Carolina to Tennessee already.
[05:50:59] It's like each sort of faction delegations from South Carolina to Tennessee already.
[05:50:59] It's like each sort of faction and building block
[05:51:02] of the Democratic coalition is starting
[05:51:04] to emerge here in addition
[05:51:05] to all the names you mentioned
[05:51:07] and Roy Cooper and Josh Shapiro,
[05:51:09] I'll add to that as well
[05:51:10] as potential people that were mentioned
[05:51:12] as somebody who could throw their hat into this ring.
[05:51:15] Mark Kelly...and they're backing her
[05:51:17] and I think that is significant.
[05:51:19] Now, I'm not terribly surprised by it.
[05:51:21] In my conversations
[05:51:22] with people
[05:51:23] over the last three weeks,
[05:51:25] there has been
[05:51:26] the sense
[05:51:27] inside
[05:51:27] the Democratic National Committee
[05:51:29] and Democratic circles
[05:51:30] of people who were..., she's a joke.
[05:51:32] Anyone that takes this shit seriously is a
[05:51:34] fucking idiot, okay?
[05:51:36] Come on. Come on. Come on.
[05:51:38] Let this dude...
[05:51:39] Dude, listen. I tweeted about this earlier.
[05:51:43] You know I fucking despise
[05:51:44] this person. Okay?
[05:51:47] You know I despise him.
[05:51:50] Lord
[05:51:51] forgive me.
[05:51:54] But goddamn if I had like
[05:51:55] if I had the ear
[05:51:56] of a single fucking
[05:51:59] politician in position
[05:52:00] in a position of power
[05:52:01] oh my god the things I would
[05:52:04] do to Joe Manchin's family?
[05:52:06] Like you don't understand
[05:52:08] perfectly legal mind you
[05:52:10] I'm not saying anything illegal
[05:52:11] one immediately sick the irs on them okay
[05:52:15] the entire family number one just put them in under a
[05:52:20] mountain of paperwork they have to
[05:52:23] just like impossible for them
[05:52:25] to get out of it. Like they just action after action
[05:52:29] then I would investigate
[05:52:31] her daughter's interesting relationship with her father
[05:52:36] in terms of all of the wrongdoing there.
[05:52:41] Why is it that her big pharma executive daughter
[05:52:44] was raising the price of certain drugs that then were being sold to
[05:52:51] West Virginians, right? Like how did no regulatory body look at that at all?
[05:53:00] Okay.
[05:53:01] That's another thing I would look into.
[05:53:03] Why does his brother own a fucking massive coal mine.
[05:53:08] Okay?
[05:53:10] Oh, his wife. It wasn't his daughter.
[05:53:12] Sorry. His wife. Right?
[05:53:15] Was it his wife or was
[05:53:16] it his daughter? I thought it was his daughter.
[05:53:21] His brother owns a massive coal mine.
[05:53:23] How come Joe Manchin is sitting on the energy committee?
[05:53:26] Like, what's up with that?
[05:53:27] I think it is his daughter.
[05:53:29] Anyway...
[05:53:31] Like, I would look into
[05:53:32] his family's inappropriate dealings
[05:53:35] and the conflict of interest.
[05:53:37] Okay?
[05:53:38] And the conflict of interest, okay? And the conflict
[05:53:39] of interest
[05:53:40] that is absolutely there.
[05:53:47] And this I would have done
[05:53:49] when he wasn't playing ball with build back better.
[05:53:52] I wouldn't have waited for this moment to do that, okay?
[05:53:57] I would not have waited for this moment to do that.
[05:54:02] I would've,
[05:54:03] I would've done this the moment that he was like,
[05:54:06] oh yeah,
[05:54:06] you gave me this fucking sweetheart deal.
[05:54:10] Okay? You gave me this fucking sweetheart deal. Okay, you gave me this fucking
[05:54:12] sweetheart deal. You put me
[05:54:14] front and center on this
[05:54:16] bipartisan legislation
[05:54:17] and then now you're fucking chirping?
[05:54:22] Now you're fucking chirping? Now you're fucking
[05:54:22] chirping that you want certain
[05:54:24] amenities, you want certain things
[05:54:26] taken out. Okay, I'm
[05:54:29] going to prosecute your entire family.
[05:54:30] I'm gonna put you under a mountain of fucking paperwork. I'm gonna make your life a living hell. I'm going to put you under a mountain of fucking paperwork. I'm going to make
[05:54:33] your life a living hell. I'm going to take away
[05:54:35] your committee positions so you no longer
[05:54:37] can get any lobbying money,
[05:54:39] okay? I'm going to take
[05:54:41] away your committee positions so
[05:54:42] you no longer have any power in the Democratic Party whatsoever.
[05:54:46] So now, your fucking lobbying money is dried up because you can't...
[05:54:50] You don't have the capacity to write legislation or be impactful in Congress.
[05:54:54] So what the fuck happened?
[05:54:56] Okay, you want that shit?
[05:54:58] You don't want that shit,
[05:54:58] you fucking play ball.
[05:55:00] You suck my fucking dick.
[05:55:02] You get on your goddamn knees
[05:55:03] and start sucking my cock before you get back on your fucking boathouse.
[05:55:07] Okay?
[05:55:13] By the way, nothing I just described to you is like inappropriate. Well except for the cocksucking part but like nothing I describe to you is inappropriate. Everything I just mentioned is exactly what the Republicans would do to fucking pull rank.
[05:55:28] Okay?
[05:55:29] Democrats simply don't do that.
[05:55:31] Now they should.
[05:55:33] Now they should.
[05:55:34] Oh, you want to run for president?
[05:55:36] Good luck.
[05:55:39] There has not been a man who has fucked over
[05:55:41] the Democratic Party as hard as Joe Manchin
[05:55:43] has these past four fucking years
[05:55:45] and we're still like letting operate? He wants to sign
[05:55:48] back on as a Democrat simply so he can
[05:55:50] run for president
[05:55:51] and contest the fucking convention?
[05:55:55] I would put him in
[05:55:56] jail so fucking fast, dude. You don't understand.
[05:56:00] Like...
[05:56:01] Every
[05:56:03] goddamn politician is compromised.
[05:56:05] Every single one of them is doing
[05:56:07] a whole bunch of fuck shit from Nancy Pelosi to Joe Manchin
[05:56:10] to Kyrsten Sinema, every single one of them.
[05:56:13] Use it.
[05:56:15] Hassan acting like an actual Stalinist?
[05:56:17] Yeah I know.
[05:56:20] Making sure that politicians can no longer be above the law
[05:56:22] is basically Stalinist? Are you
[05:56:24] pro-Stalin? Because you're
[05:56:26] sounding a lot like you're pro-Stalin in this
[05:56:28] situation because nothing I said is actually inappropriate
[05:56:33] everything is above board What benefits do the Republicans see in deportations?
[05:56:45] Is it just for the lulz?
[05:56:47] You need to set up a reactionary sentiment.
[05:56:52] You need to set up a reactionary sentiment. You need to set up
[05:56:53] a reactionary sentiment
[05:56:54] against immigration
[05:56:55] so that there's like
[05:56:56] enough appetite
[05:56:57] to continue having
[05:56:59] a two-tier labor system
[05:57:00] in this country.
[05:57:01] Everybody fucking understands that business
[05:57:03] owners rely on undocumented migrant
[05:57:05] labor, specifically in the agriculture industry
[05:57:07] and specifically in the poultry
[05:57:09] industry. Okay?
[05:57:11] Meatpacking facilities, chicken factories. All of these factories are comprised of mostly undocumented migrant labor.
[05:57:20] Most of the construction as well.
[05:57:24] Good call.
[05:57:27] So...
[05:57:27] Everybody understands that we need to enslave
[05:57:30] these people
[05:57:31] to basically be able to get them
[05:57:32] to do these things at like
[05:57:34] unimaginably low prices.
[05:57:37] Okay?
[05:57:39] But given America's history,
[05:57:41] it's like,
[05:57:41] oh some people
[05:57:42] don't want to do
[05:57:42] that pussy shit.
[05:57:43] They're like,
[05:57:43] oh enslaving and, enslaving an entire group of people
[05:57:48] because they're coming from a different country.
[05:57:51] Well, that seems kind of not great
[05:57:52] so let's create a system
[05:57:54] where they basically are desperate as fuck okay and they'll
[05:57:59] do the job without any sort of fucking work safety uh protections with no legal recourse
[05:58:07] whatsoever for
[05:58:08] unimaginably low wages
[05:58:10] and we know that
[05:58:13] people are going to still keep coming into the
[05:58:15] country because we fucked over
[05:58:16] the rest of the planet.
[05:58:18] So they're going to still
[05:58:19] try to come here
[05:58:20] because we're reaping
[05:58:21] the benefits
[05:58:22] of that unequal exchange
[05:58:24] and the death
[05:58:25] and destruction
[05:58:25] that we continue
[05:58:29] to cause all around the world.
[05:58:31] Okay?
[05:58:34] So everybody knows migrants are going to keep flowing in.
[05:58:41] It's a perfect way to just recycle your workforce. And this is all above board, like...
[05:58:43] This is done pretty much in a legal way
[05:58:48] In this country.
[05:58:50] I've often,
[05:58:51] I've talked about
[05:58:51] the Purdue Chicken Factory
[05:58:53] basically shipping
[05:58:55] undocumented laborers
[05:58:57] into Alabama facilities
[05:58:58] building trailer parks for them
[05:59:00] and then forcing them to go
[05:59:02] work for bottom of the
[05:59:04] barrel wages. And
[05:59:06] then when they dare to
[05:59:08] speak up against like
[05:59:09] back pay that
[05:59:11] they are owed or when they dare
[05:59:13] to speak up against like the
[05:59:14] sexual assaults that are happening by
[05:59:17] managers in their factory floor
[05:59:18] they give a fucking phone call to the department of homeland security
[05:59:24] and they say hey there's a shit ton undocumented migrants in this facility
[05:59:28] they called the fucking they call customs and Border Patrol on their own facilities.
[05:59:33] They do a raid.
[05:59:35] The next day after the raid is done,
[05:59:38] they pay a meager fine,
[05:59:41] which is significantly less than the amount of profits that they're able to generate by using basically slave wage labor.
[05:59:56] And then they go back to step one they go back to the same exact areas and they immediately get as many
[06:00:00] undocumented migrants possible and put them in the same fucking trailer parks only to have
[06:00:06] them work in the same fucking factory a week later this is how the american agriculture facility agricultural production works.
[06:00:16] Okay?
[06:00:17] That's how it works.
[06:00:18] Make no fucking mistake.
[06:00:20] And,
[06:00:21] the only way that you can have this,
[06:00:23] uh,
[06:00:23] you know,
[06:00:25] is this immediate return.
[06:00:27] The only way that you can drive higher and higher
[06:00:29] fucking profits for these
[06:00:31] facilities is by maintaining
[06:00:33] an incredibly reactionary posture
[06:00:35] against the undocumented migrants.
[06:00:39] That's it.
[06:00:41] That's it.
[06:00:43] Are there any good journalists documenting this?
[06:00:46] Yeah.
[06:00:47] Just look up, I mean...
[06:00:50] Look up Purdue Chicken Factory undocumented labor.
[06:00:52] There's plenty of coverage on that one.
[06:00:54] And there's a million different examples of this, it's not just
[06:00:57] that but that's the one I use all the time. You also have
[06:01:01] prison labor, that's another way to get slavery
[06:01:04] by a different name even though it's not even a different
[06:01:08] name is the same name here
[06:01:14] teen risked all of lee guatemala her payoff grueling jobs ruling job in u.s chicken plant
[06:01:22] that's from february 7 2022
[06:01:30] you gov america snap point U-Gov America snapped polling data on Biden's decision to end his presidential campaign.
[06:01:33] 71% of Americans approved the decision and just 16% disapproved.
[06:01:36] That includes 70% of Democrats.
[06:01:40] More in the article, including views on Kamala Harris.
[06:01:48] There's less consensus over who should be the new Democratic presidential candidate,
[06:01:52] but 60% of Democrats, Joe Biden is supporting Vice President Kamala Harris.
[06:01:56] While only 21% of Democrats support someone else, 90% are unsure.
[06:01:59] Thank you for watching. support someone else 90 are unsure
[06:02:06] latest economist yugo poll conducted july 13th to 16th found trump leading
[06:02:10] harris 44-39.
[06:02:12] That was slightly larger than Trump's lead against Biden of 43-41.
[06:02:16] Donald Trump polls slightly better against Kamala Harris
[06:02:18] than he does against Joe Biden.
[06:02:19] This is before Kamala Harris became the nominee. This is before Kamala Harris became the nominee.
[06:02:22] This is before Kamala Harris, hopefully will start doing fucking campaign ads
[06:02:27] this is before Kamala Harris won't start running for president.
[06:02:36] So we'll see what happens.
[06:02:39] That's why I keep stressing the importance of, that's why
[06:02:41] I keep stressing the importance
[06:02:42] of like ensuring
[06:02:44] that
[06:02:45] there is like clear coherent messaging.
[06:02:50] What?
[06:02:50] Buy a shot of video? This is not real.
[06:02:54] For Americans I want to take a moment
[06:02:56] to address some of the hateful shit
[06:02:58] you've been talking about me many
[06:02:59] of you have said I am suffering from
[06:03:01] brain worms or that I have applesauce
[06:03:03] for brains well dude if Biden had this level of mental faculties,
[06:03:09] he would literally not demanding he drop out.
[06:03:21] You know what I mean?
[06:03:28] I won't misword, so here it is.
[06:03:28] Fuck you.
[06:03:29] You're all a bunch of faggots.
[06:03:30] End of quote.
[06:03:31] Repeat the line.
[06:03:34] So enjoy President Cackles or President Booty Juice?
[06:03:36] I really don't give two fucks anymore, Biden out.
[06:03:38] My fellow Americans-
[06:03:44] Down to the fucking F word dude, down to the F word
[06:03:47] if he said those things...
[06:03:48] If he said that...
[06:03:49] He'd be winning every state.
[06:03:52] You know he would say it too.
[06:03:53] He's like the Pope.
[06:03:59] Both Catholic.
[06:03:59] Both,
[06:04:01] both Catholic.
[06:04:02] Both say the F word. Bottom, All right. like Virginia and New Mexico where Democrats had not planned on needing to spend massive resources
[06:04:20] to win. So one
[06:04:22] thing to remember is that
[06:04:23] Biden did not, this was not a fucking coup
[06:04:26] d'etat. And the reason
[06:04:27] that Kamala Harris is like not even all that popular at this point
[06:04:31] is because of Biden.
[06:04:33] Make no mistake,
[06:04:35] Biden's selfishness and refusal to drop out of the fucking race until it was far too goddamn late is why the Democrats' starting point is still worse than it should be.
[06:04:55] Don't let anybody,
[06:04:56] don't let any of these fucking Biden dead-enders
[06:04:57] like turn around
[06:04:58] and try to chirp at you too.
[06:05:03] Saturday night decision
[06:05:04] to end Biden's re-election campaign.
[06:05:11] Thank you. early saturday biden told senior aides that it was full steam ahead for the campaign but
[06:05:18] later that evening he had changed his mind following a long discussion with his two closest
[06:05:22] aides.
[06:05:24] Steve Ricchetti, who had been with Biden since his days in the Senate, drove to see
[06:05:26] the president at his house on the Delaware
[06:05:28] Shore on Friday. Mike Donilon
[06:05:30] arrived on Saturday, two men
[06:05:32] both of whom have been by Biden's side
[06:05:34] during key decisions about whether to seek the presidency
[06:05:37] in 2016 and 2020 sat at a distance
[06:05:39] from the president. Still testing
[06:05:41] positive for COVID.
[06:05:44] The funniest is that he still has COVID. The funny is that he still
[06:05:45] has COVID.
[06:05:49] Elizabeth Warren
[06:05:49] is on CNN here, let's see what
[06:05:51] Elizabeth Warren has to say.
[06:05:52] 5 million people have seen their student loan debt canceled and going after junk fees
[06:05:58] and these giant corporations that are gouging people at the grocery store
[06:06:02] and at the gas pump.
[06:06:07] Biggest climate package in the history of the
[06:06:09] world, paid for
[06:06:11] by a 15%
[06:06:13] minimum corporate
[06:06:15] tax on these billionaire corporations.
[06:06:18] So he's got amazing accomplishments,
[06:06:22] truly transformative. But today
[06:06:26] is about what Joe Biden did.
[06:06:29] He gave America a lesson in patriotism.
[06:06:33] Donald Trump thinks that to be a leader, it's all about himself and preening
[06:06:39] in front of the cameras and everyone has to bow down to him.
[06:06:43] Joe Biden reminded us that true patriotism
[06:06:47] true leadership is putting the people of the United States
[06:06:52] of America first and that's what this president has done. I admire that.
[06:06:58] You were quick to endorse Vice President Harris for the Democratic presidential nomination,
[06:07:02] and we know she's been making calls all day shoring up support among delegates
[06:07:06] and superdelegates such as yourself.
[06:07:08] Have you spoken with her?
[06:07:11] I don't talk about private conversations, but let me do say this
[06:07:15] about Kamala. She is someone
[06:07:18] who is ready to step up,
[06:07:22] to bring our party together,
[06:07:23] to take on Donald Trump toe
[06:07:25] to toe and
[06:07:27] to win in November.
[06:07:30] She's ready for that.
[06:07:32] If she does end up at the top of the ticket, whom might you want her to consider as her
[06:07:37] running mate?
[06:07:40] I actually wanna hear this from the vice president herself.
[06:07:43] Let her figure out what she wants to sort through this because Joe Biden treated Vice President Harris like a partner with real respect. Someone
[06:07:53] that he had a working relationship
[06:07:55] Also, this is the type of shit that liberals
[06:07:57] want to get behind too
[06:07:59] You can't make that about Joe Biden
[06:08:02] saying Kamala Harris is brat,
[06:08:05] like, that's the kind of shit
[06:08:06] that also plays a role in the minds
[06:08:08] of a lot of the youth and a lot of
[06:08:09] people who don't really give a
[06:08:11] shit about anything but vibes.
[06:08:14] I think that
[06:08:14] all of that like free media that you
[06:08:16] get, all of the momentum
[06:08:19] that you get from like
[06:08:20] all the momentum that you get from
[06:08:25] having a candidate that's a little bit younger,
[06:08:28] it changes the dynamic
[06:08:29] so much.
[06:08:32] I think it's
[06:08:33] a good thing.
[06:08:35] It'll take some time for the polls to actually reflect.
[06:08:39] It's not going to be overnight,
[06:08:41] but I suspect if...
[06:08:43] And this is a very big if.
[06:08:45] I suspect
[06:08:46] If
[06:08:47] The Democratic Party can
[06:08:50] Genuinely reshape the narrative
[06:08:53] Around this election
[06:08:54] Position it as like women's reproductive
[06:08:57] rights were taken away. We're going to get that
[06:08:59] back. We're going to claw that shit back.
[06:09:01] We're going to continue with bold progressive
[06:09:03] momentum.
[06:09:06] Donald Trump wants to do mass deportations of migrants,
[06:09:09] their fucking crazy Nazi shit.
[06:09:13] Like...
[06:09:16] Are you saying Kamala will actually get memed in the presidency?
[06:09:19] No, no, no.
[06:09:20] In a close race everything matters though
[06:09:23] and this isn't
[06:09:25] memeing. This is like
[06:09:27] celebrities backing candidates and stuff openly.
[06:09:30] I don't think that you would do that for Joe Biden until the very last moment,
[06:09:35] and maybe not even at all. Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, you stuck my dick. is going to be the right person to hold Donald Trump accountable.
[06:10:02] I think she's got it.
[06:10:04] She's ready to go.
[06:10:05] She can bring us together,
[06:10:07] she can take it to Donald Trump
[06:10:09] and she can win.
[06:10:11] She ran against you and President Biden I THINK THAT'S A GREAT QUESTION. IT IS A GREAT QUESTION AND WE
[06:10:14] SHE CAN WIN.
[06:10:20] IN 2020, HER CAMPAIGN DID NOT MAKE IT VERY FAR. Are you sure that she's ready for this challenge?
[06:10:23] Look, she has been vice president
[06:10:27] for three and a half years now.
[06:10:30] She's been on the front lines.
[06:10:32] She is now battle tested and ready to go.
[06:10:36] I don't have any doubts about Kamala Harris' ability
[06:10:41] to win, and more importantly, I don't have any doubts about Kamala Harris's abilities
[06:10:48] to govern as president of our United States of America.
[06:10:53] Senator Elizabeth Warren from the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
[06:10:56] a pleasure thank you so much for joining me. Just after the Biden-Trump debate
[06:11:01] here on CNN last month I had this exchange with Vice President Harris.
[06:11:06] Yes there was a slow start but it was a strong finish and what became very clear through the course of the night is that joe biden is fighting on behalf
[06:11:15] of the american people on substance on policy on
[06:11:19] performance joe biden is extraordinarily strong
[06:11:25] and i'm sorry extraordinarily strong. And that cannot be debated.
[06:11:27] On substance and policy
[06:11:29] and performance tonight, I mean
[06:11:31] the President's performance
[06:11:33] clearly was disappointing for
[06:11:35] his supporters. CNN is reporting Democratic lawmakers watching the debate were worried about the president's performance.
[06:11:40] One said it was a disaster, another called it a train wreck.
[06:11:43] Those are Democrats especially worried that Biden did not punch back on Trump's lies.
[06:11:52] Listen, people can debate on style points, but ultimately this election and who is the president of the United States has to be about substance.
[06:12:02] And the contrast is clear.
[06:12:05] And we have certainly come very far since then.
[06:12:08] Joining me now, Abby Phillip, David Axelrod, Caitlin Collins, also Van Jones, Elizabeth Griffin and Jamal Simmons.
[06:12:13] David, you've been vocal that the president Biden needed to step aside and talk about this historic moment.
[06:12:21] You know, Anderson, it was interesting. I was flying to New York and
[06:12:23] I got a text saying he's out
[06:12:26] And the letter was sent to me.
[06:12:31] And my first impulse
[06:12:34] was to feel profound sadness.
[06:12:37] I think that tough prosecuting error
[06:12:38] doesn't really work
[06:12:39] because Trump isn't an innocent black man,
[06:12:40] pothead or single
[06:12:41] mother. Nah, Americans are
[06:12:43] dumb as fuck dude like
[06:12:45] Americans are stupid as fuck bro
[06:12:47] they see convict and they're like nope I'm
[06:12:49] writing him off I'm telling you
[06:12:51] that's precisely the reason why when everyone was
[06:12:54] like no dude Donald Trump getting convicted is
[06:12:56] actually going to help his chances. I was like, no it's
[06:12:58] not if you met a fucking American
[06:13:00] like they literally are so They immediately write you off as a human being.
[06:13:05] Okay?
[06:13:07] It's not even a joke.
[06:13:09] It's disgusting, it's gross
[06:13:10] but in this situation
[06:13:11] it's kind of beneficial
[06:13:12] for the Democratic Party at least
[06:13:15] Americans also
[06:13:17] despite my greater attempts
[06:13:19] love cops like they fucking
[06:13:21] love cops.
[06:13:24] Oh my God.
[06:13:27] Policing as an institution is one of the most popular institutions in this fucking nation.
[06:13:30] Even though they are literally the laziest,
[06:13:34] The absolute consistently worse at their fucking jobs.
[06:13:36] It is crazy.
[06:13:41] If fry chefs were as bad at their jobs as cops are on a regular fucking frequency,
[06:13:44] we would be arresting...
[06:13:45] There would not be a McDonald's left in the country.
[06:13:48] Okay? We would abolish
[06:13:50] the institution.
[06:13:53] Like,
[06:13:54] they're just... But having said all that despite their glaringly obvious
[06:13:59] inefficiencies and overall disinterest in conducting their jobs
[06:14:05] In a normal fucking way
[06:14:07] Like bare minimum shit
[06:14:09] Americans love cops
[06:14:12] And they fucking hate criminals
[06:14:14] Okay
[06:14:15] They Hate criminals hate criminals, okay?
[06:14:17] They hate criminals. Like they're just like
[06:14:19] oh you've done anything? You've done any crime?
[06:14:21] I can't look at you in the same way.
[06:14:23] They literally will be like
[06:14:24] they literally will just be like, oh dude you've
[06:14:28] you're a single mother of
[06:14:30] four children and you stole a loaf
[06:14:32] of bread. You need the death penalty.
[06:14:34] That's the fucking energy that god damn Americans
[06:14:36] uh, that god damn Americans have.
[06:14:39] Once you are a convict,
[06:14:40] it takes a lot for you to redeem yourself
[06:14:43] in the eyes of the broader population.
[06:14:45] Nope, not except Donald Trump.
[06:14:46] We're not talking about the MAGA loyalists.
[06:14:48] They don't give a fuck. Donald Trump. We're not talking about the MAGA loyalists They don't give a fuck
[06:14:48] Donald Trump could like
[06:14:50] Donald Trump could film himself doing statutory
[06:14:54] An American MAGA cult
[06:14:55] Would still vote for him 100%
[06:14:57] They'd be like no I do that too. I do that to my
[06:15:00] daughter's friends all the time or
[06:15:02] I wish I could. He just got away
[06:15:04] with it, okay?
[06:15:06] I'm telling you
[06:15:07] Donald Trump and his fan base is one thing.
[06:15:11] But his fan base alone is not going to carry him across the fucking finish line.
[06:15:14] Okay?
[06:15:15] He needs moderates.
[06:15:16] He needs independents.
[06:15:17] He needs people that normally vote for the Republican Party
[06:15:20] to go out and vote
[06:15:20] for him.
[06:15:21] But unfortunately for him, they see him as too gross.
[06:15:25] Okay?
[06:15:26] He's gross as fuck. a lot of those people in the fucking margins on the other hand
[06:15:38] if you care about
[06:15:40] the legal process Kamala was just granted all the 168 delegates unanimously
[06:15:44] from North Carolina State number two.
[06:15:46] Yeah.
[06:15:53] Odds are on a higher voter turnout, no shot
[06:15:55] I do not believe that we will have
[06:15:57] a higher voter turnout this year
[06:15:59] than the last election cycle
[06:16:01] The last election cycle was a one-off, it was a COVID
[06:16:04] election, it was Mickey Mouse rings.
[06:16:06] Let's be real dude, it was the bubble
[06:16:08] ring for Joe Brandon.
[06:16:10] Okay?
[06:16:11] We will not have those numbers ever again.
[06:16:14] It was the COVID ring, straight up.
[06:16:18] It just doesn't count.
[06:16:26] No way. Because mostly it wasn't just COVID, but it was also universal mail...
[06:16:32] Like it was too easy for people to vote,
[06:16:36] okay? It was far
[06:16:38] too easy.
[06:16:39] It was far too fucking
[06:16:42] easy for people to vote and
[06:16:44] God damn it, our politicians hate that shit okay they are not fans of
[06:16:48] that kind of thing they're like what do you mean you want you mean to tell me
[06:16:51] the poor people brown people black people can vote like that no
[06:16:54] nope we can't like that? No, we can't do that.
[06:17:03] A song confirms illegal voting and voter fraud?
[06:17:07] No.
[06:17:10] Unless you mean like increasing voter turnout
[06:17:13] is just,
[06:17:13] it's fucked up.
[06:17:20] Yeah. Show running perspective, he's got to know
[06:17:25] He's got his back up against the wall and they've got to do something
[06:17:28] To change the narrative.
[06:17:29] Alyssa, how do you think it is impacting this campaign?
[06:17:31] The reality is Trump world has been overconfident
[06:17:33] I frankly think the selection of JD Vance signaled an overconfidence
[06:17:37] Not choosing somebody who would bring in some independents and moderates more
[06:17:40] of a doubling down. This is an X factor that yes, they're ready for it in the fact,
[06:17:44] in the case that she's a known quantity, but this short runway actually favors her.
[06:17:49] The one thing I would predict is this,
[06:17:50] I think this will get incredibly ugly you have the issues of race,
[06:17:53] you have the issues of gender when you have Kamala Harris involved and I could see a world in which
[06:17:58] they go way too far on some of those issues and can massively, massively alienate moderate voters.
[06:18:04] Something's happening out there. Energy, energy.
[06:18:07] Thirty million dollars raised already for Act Blue.
[06:18:11] Joteka Eddy, one of the great African American powerhouses
[06:18:14] behind-the-scenes, her win with Black Women's Sunday call
[06:18:17] crashed today because so many people were trying to get on that
[06:18:20] call. There is also something happening on tick-tock uh trump
[06:18:24] owned twitter i think kamala harris is gonna own tiktok young people are remixing her dancing
[06:18:29] they're remixing some of our moments we like, oh this is cringy.
[06:18:33] Young people love it they're putting uh They Not Like Us
[06:18:37] under those TikTok memes or putting Get Information
[06:18:41] something is happening in terms of energy, and I think that would scare
[06:18:44] the jeepers out of the Trump campaign.
[06:18:46] The Trump campaign is scared tonight
[06:18:48] because something is happening now outside their calculations,
[06:18:50] outside their control. This thing could go
[06:18:52] outside of the control of the campaign. There could be a real movement here.
[06:18:55] It's always been the case that you had two unpopular, essentially
[06:19:01] incumbent and an incumbent in a quasi... Worst thing Kamala
[06:19:05] Harris could do in this moment is try to do that
[06:19:07] dark Brandon shit, and like lean into
[06:19:09] the memes by the way. No just be
[06:19:11] your goofy damn self okay?
[06:19:14] But also be a little bit more
[06:19:16] you know, be a little bit better
[06:19:18] with your messaging and just
[06:19:20] like don't try to fucking
[06:19:21] make it happen. Don't try
[06:19:24] to lean into the fucking memes, please.
[06:19:27] Just be your goofy as hell
[06:19:29] on your own. I would
[06:19:31] say dial back the goofy a little bit.
[06:19:34] You know? There'll still
[06:19:35] be some goofy shit.
[06:19:40] But just don't.
[06:19:42] Oh my God, I hope they don't try to fucking do that.
[06:19:44] I hope they don't try to lean into that shit. Please, please,
[06:19:46] please, please. That would be devastating.
[06:19:49] All of
[06:19:50] that fucking free marketing gone
[06:19:52] overnight.
[06:19:56] You know some dumb ass right now.
[06:19:58] And Kamala Harris is fucking campaign is already suggesting like,
[06:20:02] well,
[06:20:02] let's go out and,
[06:20:03] you know,
[06:20:04] let's put coconut trees on the next stage that you go to.
[06:20:08] You know what I mean?
[06:20:09] It's like, don't do that.
[06:20:11] Don't fucking do that.
[06:20:14] Bad news for you, VoteDarkBrandon. Brandon. they're definitely gonna do that
[06:20:32] you think she will adapt Biden's 100 days plan
[06:20:35] rental cap eliminate medical debt
[06:20:36] I hope so cause
[06:20:38] I have listen listen, long-time watchers know
[06:20:43] I've said a couple things along this re-election.
[06:20:49] I've said a couple times that Biden, his message is good.
[06:20:53] He's just the fucking worst messenger.
[06:20:56] And like...
[06:20:57] The elimination of medical debt and rent caps, like rent control
[06:21:03] at the federal level. Those are
[06:21:04] insanely good policies
[06:21:06] shit that I personally love
[06:21:08] I just hated hearing it from him
[06:21:11] because people kind of hate him for good
[06:21:14] reason.
[06:21:15] You know,
[06:21:15] they hate them.
[06:21:18] So like sticking to that,
[06:21:24] speaking to those policies is surefire
[06:21:29] biden embraced the left to hang on let's hope she she doesn't back off now.
[06:21:35] Yeah,
[06:21:35] for sure.
[06:21:38] Remember when Bernie was speaking?
[06:21:39] Now that's the person who can articulate the points.
[06:21:41] Well,
[06:21:41] yeah.
[06:21:42] Kamala Harris can articulate that well too,
[06:21:44] by the way
[06:21:44] I have no doubt
[06:21:48] that she could do that too
[06:21:49] it's just that
[06:21:50] I don't know
[06:21:52] I feel like she is not very battle-tested.
[06:21:56] I am still
[06:21:57] very much concerned with how
[06:21:59] she will...
[06:22:03] Is Twitter now real life?
[06:22:04] No, it's less real life than it even was before. And it certainly wasn't
[06:22:08] real life before like this here is Twitter real life. Let's take a look. Good afternoon.
[06:22:14] I want to welcome these leaders for coming in
[06:22:17] and have this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues
[06:22:22] of our time.
[06:22:26] I am Kamala Harris.
[06:22:28] My pronouns are she and her.
[06:22:29] And a woman sitting at the table wearing
[06:22:31] a blue suit
[06:22:32] and
[06:22:34] Like that's disability accommodations, right?
[06:22:38] Wow It was really fucked up Like, that's disability accommodations, right? Wow.
[06:22:39] It was really fucked up.
[06:22:40] Can't believe she did that.
[06:22:44] Fucking owned.
[06:22:47] You know what I mean?
[06:22:48] This is a winning message guys
[06:22:51] hey banger one
[06:22:53] RNC research
[06:22:54] what a banger
[06:22:55] RNC research
[06:22:58] thank you for the fucking
[06:23:02] banger okay
[06:23:03] no that's gonna move you across
[06:23:05] the finish line
[06:23:06] let's be real, okay.
[06:23:11] I think the broad majority of Americans
[06:23:13] there are people who are blind in the room
[06:23:15] Yeah no, I know
[06:23:17] The broad majority of Americans
[06:23:19] probably get annoyed when they see trans activist chirp
[06:23:21] or disability activist chirp.
[06:23:24] But this is the other side of that
[06:23:25] equation, okay?
[06:23:28] This is the other side
[06:23:29] of that equation. It's like, what's it to you bro?
[06:23:32] Let people be fucking accommodating
[06:23:34] Like, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?
[06:23:36] What a fucking loser
[06:23:38] Really this is your winning message
[06:23:40] Hey guys, what's up I'm a fucking dickhead
[06:23:43] and I just like I suck shit
[06:23:44] and
[06:23:45] I personally think that it's awful to be
[06:23:49] accommodating to people
[06:23:50] hell yeah I'm a fucking playground bully.
[06:23:53] It's like bro you are a fucking dumbass
[06:23:55] okay? You're just a bad guy
[06:23:57] you have presented yourself as a
[06:23:59] bad person. I hope you are
[06:24:01] happy. Also, Lobegasan and FaZe Jason the Weenie and Plackboy Masked I hope you are happy also Lobby Gasan
[06:24:03] and FaZe Jason
[06:24:04] the Weenie
[06:24:05] Plackboy Mass Basketball
[06:24:06] 2v2 video is out
[06:24:07] it's 18 minutes long
[06:24:08] we might watch this after
[06:24:10] and re-analyze my game footage.
[06:24:23] Yeah, guys were probably just went from saying Biden is all this shit to saying whatever this is i think we have a really good
[06:24:25] shot here no that's what i said too earlier exactly no this is verbatim what i said earlier
[06:24:30] when i showed you james lindsey's take jason's committee already made a dope emote of you.
[06:24:37] Wonk, oh let's go!
[06:24:42] Damn. damn take on that video
[06:24:57] retweeted by Ed Ingramantum.
[06:24:59] It's so sick the Republicans are going to lose because
[06:25:01] they can't stop bullying people for five minutes.
[06:25:03] Yeah, no, literally.
[06:25:06] They just, dude,
[06:25:07] I'm telling you right now,
[06:25:08] it's not fucking 2016 man.
[06:25:11] It's not.
[06:25:12] There was four years of this shit.
[06:25:15] There was fucking four years
[06:25:16] of this shit
[06:25:17] when Trump was president, and it didn't
[06:25:19] move the needle for people. People's lives
[06:25:20] didn't get better. Okay?
[06:25:24] No.
[06:25:28] It's so fun.
[06:25:29] It's awesome.
[06:25:30] Really simple under discussed reason why Kamala Harris shouldn't be president,
[06:25:33] no children and no becoming a step parent to older teenagers doesn't count.
[06:25:38] That's great.
[06:25:38] Thank you. older teenagers doesn't count. That's great.
[06:25:48] That's awesome. I love that shit.
[06:25:57] That was my clip earlier,
[06:25:59] let's get in the post lab and get you moving like yo, yo kitchen inside and outside on I saw
[06:26:07] What is this please do this onk
[06:26:11] What the fuck is
[06:26:12] this?
[06:26:14] Bro, come on, bro.
[06:26:17] You're gonna get me fucking banned.
[06:26:20] I didn't even see what that was.
[06:26:23] No answer to the question on everyone's minds?
[06:26:25] No, Kamala Harris does not have a doctorate in foreign affairs.
[06:26:28] She is...
[06:26:28] Is
[06:26:30] a country in Europe. It
[06:26:33] exists next to another
[06:26:35] country called Russia. Russia is
[06:26:37] a bigger country, Russia is a powerful
[06:26:39] country. Russia decided to invade
[06:26:42] a smaller country called Ukraine.
[06:26:44] So basically that's wrong.
[06:26:46] Brilliant.
[06:26:48] Excuse me, all facts, okay?
[06:26:52] All facts, no printer. I'm sorry. Can you point?
[06:26:57] Can you point me to what's wrong with this statement?
[06:27:06] Call it a day. me to what's wrong with this statement? Talk your shit,
[06:27:07] queen.
[06:27:16] It's illegal to be wrong?
[06:27:17] Yeah.
[06:27:19] Oh, I didn't realize... I didn't realize that...
[06:27:21] I didn't realize
[06:27:23] that Republicans get mad
[06:27:24] when someone is, you know, dumbing down
[06:27:27] statements
[06:27:29] for them to understand.
[06:27:35] Bro, this is so funny.
[06:27:37] Okay?
[06:27:37] This is literally like you're just trying to say when you don't know what the fuck
[06:27:41] you're talking about and you're just trying to say things that you know
[06:27:45] that are factually accurate.
[06:27:52] You know, Ukraine is a country in Europe.
[06:27:57] It exists next to another
[06:27:58] country called Russia.
[06:28:00] Russia is a bigger country.
[06:28:02] Russia is a powerful country.
[06:28:03] Russia decided to invade
[06:28:04] a smaller country called
[06:28:05] Ukraine, so basically
[06:28:06] that's wrong.
[06:28:07] True? ukraine so that basically that's wrong true
[06:28:18] stephen miller is uh melting down people they had ballots they They filled out circles. They went to
[06:28:20] the voting booths. They spent money
[06:28:22] on advertising. This is so funny because
[06:28:24] like this argument,
[06:28:26] who are you making this argument to?
[06:28:28] To people who are Biden or Bust?
[06:28:31] Is that who?
[06:28:33] I'm a Biden or Buster.
[06:28:35] I'm an 85-year-old
[06:28:37] Democratic Party loyalist.
[06:28:39] I've voted for the Democratic Party in every
[06:28:41] primary and I've voted for the
[06:28:43] Democratic Party in every general election.
[06:28:46] I will never stop voting for
[06:28:47] the Democratic Party.
[06:28:49] And I also happen to watch Fox News
[06:28:52] and I take this Stephen Miller
[06:28:54] guy who was Donald Trump's
[06:28:56] immigration czar
[06:28:58] okay very seriously
[06:29:00] and I think this bald man,
[06:29:03] who is a literal Nazi
[06:29:05] by the way,
[06:29:07] I take him
[06:29:09] very seriously. He's right.
[06:29:11] He's right. I am mad.
[06:29:14] I voted for Biden in the primary
[06:29:16] I voted
[06:29:18] Wait you literally said
[06:29:19] You won't
[06:29:20] Vote for Biden? Oh my God, people do
[06:29:24] I'm making a joke man
[06:29:26] I'm not an 85 year old lifelong
[06:29:28] Democratic Party voter dumbass
[06:29:30] I'm saying
[06:29:32] I'm saying in this scenario
[06:29:37] you have to
[06:29:39] like who's he talking to?
[06:29:41] Who's he talking
[06:29:43] to?
[06:29:44] He's talking to a hypothetical 85 year old who was like always voted for the Democratic Party,
[06:29:49] who is now like well I cast my ballot in the primaries for Joe Biden, and I'm really disappointed.
[06:30:01] I'm...
[06:30:02] I'm really disappointed.
[06:30:06] My expectations
[06:30:07] are that Joe Biden
[06:30:10] would be the president. I care about that sort
[06:30:13] of thing and not voting for
[06:30:14] whoever the Democrat is.
[06:30:17] And as President Trump said,
[06:30:20] the Republican Party
[06:30:22] spent tens of millions of dollars
[06:30:23] running against Joe Biden!
[06:30:25] Oh, this part's really awesome.
[06:30:27] Aw, dude, I'm sorry.
[06:30:29] Are you out of money?
[06:30:31] Can you no longer avoid the ads at the top
[06:30:34] of the hour?
[06:30:35] Aw, did you waste all your purse on Joe Biden?
[06:30:39] Oh man.
[06:30:40] That's so he's like, I want to rerun.
[06:30:44] We want is unfair.
[06:30:47] Why did they go? Why did they go why do they go ahead and
[06:30:50] and change who the candidate is that's so mad i'm
[06:30:53] so mad i'm so mad now i have to sit through three minutes of ads at the
[06:30:58] hong sanami broadcast so mad. Now I have to sit through three minutes of ads at the Haas on Army broadcast.
[06:31:13] Ah... Yeah. In the words of, in the words of Pokemon, if you're a broke boy just say so Steven Miller.
[06:31:20] Okay? The three minute ad break comes up. You're a broke boy. Just say so, Stephen Miller.
[06:31:21] Okay?
[06:31:23] The three-minute ad break comes for you though unless you get gifted a sub if you're lucky.
[06:31:27] Thank you, Jacob Johns
[06:31:28] with the five gifted subs
[06:31:29] allowing five people to no longer see
[06:31:31] the ads at the top of the hour
[06:31:36] this is three-minute am break now only timeline where republicans are unironically riding for
[06:31:38] biden i mean this was pretty obvious they were
[06:31:42] They were already like behind the scenes trying to lock
[06:31:45] him in
[06:31:52] Democrats just canceled democracy.
[06:31:54] They threw out an entire primary and used donor
[06:31:56] extortion to do so, like a third world state?
[06:31:59] Yo!
[06:32:00] Who is this for, brother?
[06:32:02] This only works for Bernie
[06:32:04] or busters
[06:32:05] like a person who actually deviates
[06:32:09] from the Democratic
[06:32:10] Party and like represents
[06:32:12] different interests
[06:32:13] even if you don't believe Bernie Sanders is and represents different interests,
[06:32:16] even if you don't believe Bernie Sanders is genuine,
[06:32:18] which many people do, obviously.
[06:32:25] Joe Biden has his roots in the Democratic Party. He's a
[06:32:28] calcified institutionalist.
[06:32:31] His replacement
[06:32:32] being made in the hands of the Democratic Party
[06:32:36] implies that all of his voters will
[06:32:38] unironically go and excitedly
[06:32:40] vote for whoever the fuck the replacement is.
[06:32:47] Like, this only works To drive
[06:32:49] This only works to drive a wedge
[06:32:51] Between like people who really wanted
[06:32:53] Bernie Sanders or a type of person
[06:32:55] Like Bernie Sanders
[06:32:56] Who actually has
[06:32:57] different
[06:32:59] policy prescriptions,
[06:33:01] a different agenda.
[06:33:04] Okay?
[06:33:06] Did you say this only works for Bernie or Busters?
[06:33:09] Yes.
[06:33:10] And even then it didn't work,
[06:33:11] but I'm just saying like the likelihood that someone votes
[06:33:16] not for whoever the Democratic
[06:33:19] Party's candidate is after they
[06:33:21] have voted for Joe Biden
[06:33:23] is even lower
[06:33:24] than the likelihood of Bernie
[06:33:26] voters that will not vote for whoever's the nominee.
[06:33:52] Okay.
[06:33:54] Oh, no.
[06:33:55] I think they'll be all right. the only reason why
[06:34:08] the donor voices
[06:34:10] were significant
[06:34:12] in this process
[06:34:13] was because they were
[06:34:18] reflective of the broader population
[06:34:20] sentiment
[06:34:21] towards the Democratic of the broader population sentiment towards
[06:34:23] the Democratic presidential
[06:34:24] candidate, the likely candidate.
[06:34:29] They've raised like
[06:34:30] $50 million in a matter of hours
[06:34:33] since Biden
[06:34:35] dropped out. Okay?
[06:34:40] Yeah, I'm sure
[06:34:41] there'll be some naysayers. There's also
[06:34:44] some fucking dumbasses who are like
[06:34:46] yeah Joe Manchin would be great
[06:34:48] we should put him in charge
[06:34:49] because you're the dumbest person on
[06:34:52] the planet
[06:34:52] God I hate You're the dumbest person on the planet.
[06:34:57] God, I hate you so much.
[06:35:02] Le Whimsical Coconut ladies raised 5 mil from APAC
[06:35:03] by the way.
[06:35:05] Listen, whimsical coconut lady
[06:35:07] and I
[06:35:09] like I said, I don't know what
[06:35:11] she's going to do in terms of Israel
[06:35:13] Palestine but it is pretty significant
[06:35:16] for her to have
[06:35:18] already stated that she
[06:35:20] was down for a ceasefire far before
[06:35:22] Joe Biden ever said it, when
[06:35:24] she was the Vice president of Joe Biden.
[06:35:27] Okay? And there
[06:35:28] was no world where Joe Biden
[06:35:30] was fucking dropping out or anything.
[06:35:38] We'll see what happens I'm not saying that like
[06:35:40] Kamala Harris is going to fucking deliver
[06:35:42] a free Palestine or some shit
[06:35:44] I'm not saying that at all. Are psychos really trying to promote major now?
[06:36:01] Nah, just Matty Iglesias who's allergic
[06:36:03] To having good takes What?
[06:36:15] People who are pushing for this to happen. It's kind of like when your grandpa, you gotta take the keys and everybody,
[06:36:22] You've got to take his keys! You've got to take his keys! And he's fighting and he's fighting
[06:36:26] Everybody is so frustrated and then you finally get the keys back
[06:36:31] And then you finally get the keys back and then you just cry because this is somebody that you love,
[06:36:34] this is somebody that you care about,
[06:36:35] this is somebody who was there for you,
[06:36:37] this is somebody...
[06:36:37] Dude, I don't give a fuck.
[06:36:39] Like,
[06:36:41] I mean, I have like purely...
[06:36:43] I have like an entirely selfish motivation here as well.
[06:36:48] Like I despise him.
[06:36:50] I despise this fucking old freak in spite of the fact that I am obviously brutally honest
[06:36:57] and will openly recognize when he does good things you know going in and
[06:37:02] participating in a picket line as a
[06:37:04] seating, as a seated president
[06:37:06] like as a sitting president is pretty historic
[06:37:08] but ultimately
[06:37:11] he's a fucking genocidal monster
[06:37:13] with a really bad track
[06:37:15] record in the 50 years that he was in
[06:37:17] American Congress like
[06:37:19] when I
[06:37:21] say take the keys away from Grandpa,
[06:37:23] I'm like...
[06:37:24] I'm thinking about the motherfuckers on the road.
[06:37:26] Okay?
[06:37:27] I'm not fucking shedding tears in this situation.
[06:37:31] Like,
[06:37:31] I'm thinking about the families that grandpa's gonna fucking run over.
[06:37:35] And this time, it's not even technically just a car.
[06:37:39] We're talking about, you know,
[06:37:41] A nuclear submarine.
[06:37:43] Or 10.
[06:37:46] That's why I kept repeating
[06:37:49] during the Dianne Feinstein saga,
[06:37:51] if you trust this person to be
[06:37:53] a legislator,
[06:37:56] do you trust them behind the wheel?
[06:37:58] If you say yes, you have to let them drive. You have to let them
[06:38:00] drive
[06:38:00] and you have to sit in shotgun
[06:38:04] while they drive you around no seat belt you have the raw dog that
[06:38:12] you wouldn't be here without him and he had to take something from him
[06:38:15] now this is not
[06:38:17] look there's politics with politics but this is a
[06:38:20] human moment for one of the great humans in america this is a huge moment
[06:38:25] for him for his family,
[06:38:27] for all of us who love him.
[06:38:28] For all of us who wanted him to get across the finish line
[06:38:31] but if you're a young person watching this
[06:38:34] this is leadership
[06:38:36] this is patriotism
[06:38:41] this what it means to put the country first and put the party first. Shut up! It took them fucking weeks
[06:38:44] to get here, okay?
[06:38:47] It took them fucking weeks to get here.
[06:38:50] Get out of here.
[06:38:51] The cost first,
[06:38:52] when your arm gets tied to let somebody else finish pitching the game,
[06:38:55] that's what Joe Biden has done.
[06:38:57] And he's done that for all of us.
[06:38:58] And so I just want to say, I don't know who's going
[06:39:01] to be the VP, the non-VP.
[06:39:03] I don't know anything about politics.
[06:39:04] I just know that I love this man.
[06:39:06] I care about this man.
[06:39:07] It was painful every day to sit up here and talk about him like he's just a, you know some problem for the party way till we get
[06:39:14] to the convention. You're gonna see people crying standing screaming cheering. He may not get a chance to talk for 10 minutes. We finally get a chance
[06:39:21] to put our arm around this guy. You did the right thing for this country. Bro he literally
[06:39:25] dude, dude he lodged that thing
[06:39:29] so far down his throat he's got tears coming out
[06:39:32] of his eyes. Okay? These are not
[06:39:34] tears of joy. These are not
[06:39:36] tears of sadness. These are
[06:39:38] tears that you involuntarily
[06:39:40] have when you're lodged it. when you lodged it.
[06:39:42] When you lodged it and you can't breathe,
[06:39:44] it's lodged down your fucking...
[06:39:47] It is lodged so far down your throat
[06:39:49] you can't breathe no more, okay?
[06:39:51] These are glazed tears.
[06:39:53] He's not even...
[06:39:55] I know I use the term, he's
[06:39:57] blowing bubbles on it quite
[06:39:59] a bit but this is
[06:40:01] Van Ahigao Jones.
[06:40:04] Oh, my God!
[06:40:09] Oh!
[06:40:11] Oh!
[06:40:12] Yeah, he's doing... He's going cross-eyed.
[06:40:21] Dude, that's
[06:40:23] crazy.
[06:40:26] Have some decency, man.
[06:40:28] Where is your sense of honor?
[06:40:30] Men used to go to war.
[06:40:32] What are you doing right now?
[06:40:38] That is an 800-year-old man on live television?
[06:40:41] On CNN?
[06:40:45] You woke up this morning and you were like, I'm ready.
[06:40:47] I'm ready to do the deed. He's crying for Joe Biden
[06:40:59] you're a fucking tool Hasan
[06:41:03] go get run over by a tank in the West Bank
[06:41:05] or take a rubber bullet to the head?
[06:41:08] Sick, man.
[06:41:14] Hot Venezuelan women in my
[06:41:16] area? My bang mate is a
[06:41:19] migrant. Who do people think
[06:41:20] dude
[06:41:21] dude
[06:41:24] these guys are so gross
[06:41:29] There's just no
[06:41:31] They're so fucking
[06:41:33] Gross like
[06:41:34] Ain't nobody thinks you're cool, man
[06:41:40] When you talk like this
[06:41:41] You know that, right?
[06:41:42] Like everyone thinks
[06:41:43] You're fucking gross, dude
[06:41:53] It's so fucking weird.
[06:42:01] Is this real? It's not community noted. Yeah, it is real I'm going to be a little bit more specific about this.
[06:42:12] But I want you all to know that
[06:42:14] we are not just talking about
[06:42:16] the president's death, but
[06:42:18] what he did for his country and
[06:42:20] for our people. And so I hope that we take a moment to honor this man and to love this man.
[06:42:22] I love Joe Biden, I appreciate what he's done,
[06:42:24] and a lot of people are heartbroken today.
[06:42:27] Even if it's the right thing, it's still just horrible.
[06:42:29] Is it?
[06:42:33] Is it? Is it?
[06:42:34] Yeah.
[06:42:36] Are you Hunter Biden?
[06:42:37] Like, what's happening?
[06:42:41] Who's the only people?
[06:42:44] The only people that are devastated are like Jill Biden and Hunter Biden. Here's what
[06:42:46] Naomi Biden posted, by the way.
[06:42:48] Statement from Hunter Biden
[06:42:50] for my entire life.
[06:42:52] I looked at my dad in awe. How could
[06:42:55] he suffer so much heartache and
[06:42:57] yet give so much of whatever remained
[06:42:59] of his heart to others?
[06:43:00] Like bro chill, okay?
[06:43:02] He was a center-right Democrat for 50 years. He was a center right Democrat for 50 years.
[06:43:05] He wrote the crime bill.
[06:43:07] Okay.
[06:43:07] He is responsible for,
[06:43:10] for so many black and brown men being locked up in prison permanently.
[06:43:14] Give me a fucking break,
[06:43:16] which is ironic
[06:43:18] because he's also
[06:43:19] a massive advocate
[06:43:22] alongside Strom Thurmond, segregationist
[06:43:24] white supremacist Strom Thurmond in the
[06:43:27] sentencing disparity for crack cocaine
[06:43:29] as opposed to just regular cocaine.
[06:43:32] Damn!
[06:43:33] They got fucking ethered
[06:43:35] off the platform and this is their real account too.
[06:43:38] Maybe you shouldn't say some unhinged racist shit in the chat. anyway
[06:43:56] I'm probably late but did you see AOC Anyway.
[06:44:01] I'm probably late, but did you see AOC and Doris Kamala? Remember that livestream law?
[06:44:03] AOC's career is like the rest of them?
[06:44:05] No, I think AOC made her...
[06:44:07] I think AOC made her motivations very clear
[06:44:08] but I'm not going to talk about that right now
[06:44:26] ... yeah she just wants whoever the fucking democrat is to win she's a democrat through and through i don't i don't think that you should have leaned on the Biden stuff
[06:44:30] That hard
[06:44:31] I think that was a mistake
[06:44:33] But overall
[06:44:35] I don't think she was like
[06:44:38] You know She was like, you know.
[06:44:43] Like what career is?
[06:44:44] Bad career is if she is a careerist. Anyway, not only in the policies he passed
[06:45:03] but the individual lives he's touched oh my god
[06:45:05] over a lifetime I've
[06:45:07] witnessed him absorb the pain of
[06:45:08] countless everyday Americans who have given
[06:45:11] he's given his personal phone number too
[06:45:13] because he's old and he forgot
[06:45:15] that he shouldn't be doing that
[06:45:16] because he wanted them to call him
[06:45:18] when they were hurting,
[06:45:19] when their lassoes
[06:45:20] were slipping through their hands.
[06:45:22] That unconditional love has been as north star as president and
[06:45:24] his apparent he is unique in public life today in that there's no distance between
[06:45:32] joe biden the man and drill by, the public servant of the last 54 years.
[06:45:36] I'm so lucky every night I get to tell him
[06:45:38] my love and to thank him.
[06:45:39] I ask all Americans to join me tonight
[06:45:41] in doing the same
[06:45:42] and demanding that Mr. President,
[06:46:06] my dad pardons me before he leaves office. Why aren't you talking about all the Let's Go Brandon shirts that will now sit in Hogg's closets?
[06:46:07] I mean,
[06:46:07] I have one.
[06:46:08] I wear it still.
[06:46:11] He's still the president for now.
[06:46:13] So I think people can still wear it.
[06:46:16] I'm going to keep,
[06:46:17] I'm going to keep wearing it.
[06:46:20] My let's go brand new shirt.
[06:46:24] Biden bows out late reversal of Penn's race for White House as president endorses Harris the lead ticket.
[06:46:30] That's it.
[06:46:39] So... so anyway
[06:46:42] we were talking about
[06:46:44] Brandon and Hunter Biden
[06:46:47] and as far as like Brandon's,
[06:46:50] oh, Zionist publications losing their minds?
[06:46:53] After Biden's endorsement,
[06:46:55] what has Kamala Harris said about Israel?
[06:46:57] While it is unclear if other senior Democrats would challenge Harris,
[06:47:00] Israel could be bracing for a change
[06:47:01] in its U.S. ties.
[06:47:06] Ha ha
[06:47:06] ha ha
[06:47:07] Oh man Oh, man.
[06:47:12] Oh, baby.
[06:47:15] Don't threaten me with a fucking good time, dude.
[06:47:17] Don't do it.
[06:47:21] Don't do it. Don't do it.
[06:47:25] United States Vice President
[06:47:27] Kamala Harris
[06:47:29] will be set to become the 47th US president after Joe Biden.
[06:47:36] In his statement, Biden offers full support endorsement for
[06:47:38] Harris while it is unclear whether other senior Democrats would challenge
[06:47:45] Harris for the party's nomination, Harris' rhetoric towards Israel
[06:47:47] especially since October 7th and the war in Gaza has toed
[06:47:49] the same line as President Biden.
[06:47:51] Harris has been more vocal in calling out
[06:47:53] the humanitarian catastrophe that is
[06:47:55] unfolding Gaza through the nine-month war,
[06:47:57] saying in early March that people in Gaza are
[06:47:59] starving.
[06:48:02] Dude. Dude, dude.
[06:48:05] It's like it's amazing.
[06:48:07] It's amazing to see like people panic because they're like well you know she said that people
[06:48:12] in Gaza are starving.
[06:48:14] Which is objectively true.
[06:48:17] Like, arguing that Palestinian suffering in Gaza must end through the increase of food shipments and a six-week ceasefire coupled with a hostage deal. Bro, you're
[06:48:25] a villain, okay?
[06:48:27] Jerusalem Post, whoever the fuck is writing
[06:48:29] this article is so villain coded,
[06:48:31] okay? You're literally just a villain.
[06:48:34] Like, this is not villain like this is not like
[06:48:36] this is not like a good person writing this article okay
[06:48:39] you cannot be a good person i know i usually stay away from good bad
[06:48:44] dynamics when talking about politics right like we're all a product of our
[06:48:48] own material circumstances or material conditions but like you are a bad guy there is no other way
[06:48:53] to describe writing this, okay? Arguing
[06:48:57] that Palestinian suffering in Gaza must end
[06:48:59] through the increase of food shipments and a six-week
[06:49:01] ceasefire coupled with a hostage deal. The Vice
[06:49:03] President stated that the conditions are inhuman
[06:49:05] and our common humanity compels us to act.
[06:49:08] As U.S. President Joe Biden said, the U.S. is committed
[06:49:10] to get more life-saving assistance to innocent
[06:49:12] Palestinians in need urgently.
[06:49:16] Harris also called on Israel to do more to ensure delivery of aid, including the opening
[06:49:20] of additional land crossings in Gaza.
[06:49:22] Adding that there can be no excuse in this regard.
[06:49:25] In April, Harris met with the famous American Israeli hostages held in Gaza. The vice president underscored that President
[06:49:29] Biden and she have no prior
[06:49:31] priority in uniting the hostages with their loved
[06:49:33] ones.
[06:49:38] Later in that same month,
[06:49:39] in a phone conversation with Isaac Herzog,
[06:49:41] Harris reassured him
[06:49:42] that the administration's commitment
[06:49:43] to Israel security,
[06:49:43] including international efforts
[06:49:44] to ensure Israel can defend itself
[06:49:46] against Iran and its proxies.
[06:49:48] Kamala on two-state solution, short answer is
[06:49:51] yes
[06:49:51] not good
[06:49:54] not good folks
[06:49:56] speaking at the Munich security conference back in February
[06:49:59] firmly call for a two-state solution to answer the
[06:50:01] Israeli and Palestinian peace and security on
[06:50:03] the global stage. Well you know
[06:50:05] the ICJ had a decision
[06:50:07] on that recently, Jerusalem Post
[06:50:09] just something to consider. The ICJ has also basically stated that 67
[06:50:16] boundaries must be held too because Israel is unjustifiably occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
[06:50:31] We'll look at the hog cope in a second
[06:50:34] and
[06:50:34] the short answer is yes
[06:50:44] Harris said when questioned whether such a solution
[06:50:46] is achievable I do believe it but we must put
[06:50:47] the discussion in context starting with October 7
[06:50:49] a mosque committed terrorist attack that was slaughtering
[06:50:51] over 200 Israelis and innocent people many of them young
[06:50:53] people who are attending concert women were horribly tortured rape being used
[06:50:56] as a tool war is important we remember what
[06:50:58] that was harris went on to say understanding understanding
[06:51:01] israel has the right to defend herself, how it does still matters.
[06:51:05] Okay.
[06:51:08] This article is
[06:51:09] not featuring some
[06:51:11] of the moments where she's sidestepped away
[06:51:13] from Biden by leaking to Politico and other places that
[06:51:17] she was like actually very upset with even the way that the Biden
[06:51:22] administration, uh,
[06:51:24] was dealing with Israel.
[06:51:29] Leaking, but beyond that...
[06:51:33] This is interesting.
[06:51:34] I didn't even know this by the way.
[06:51:36] This is new for me as well.
[06:51:37] So shouts out to ArachnoKami for
[06:51:39] posting this.
[06:51:42] It's not
[06:51:43] usual for my
[06:51:45] political savant status to be
[06:51:48] shooketh by someone who
[06:51:50] is more knowledgeable on something like this.
[06:51:52] This is something that's, like, immediately
[06:51:54] in my wheelhouse normally.
[06:51:56] But when she was running for president 2019 harris voted against the bill
[06:51:59] to send extra weapons to israel she was one of only 22 democratic senators who do so doesn't
[06:52:03] mean much of course but i doubt biden would have done the same before running in early
[06:52:07] 2018 she voted against a Republican-led bill to weaken
[06:52:09] Dodd-Frank Bank regulations. The bill was lobbied for
[06:52:11] by the CEO of Silicon Valley Bank.
[06:52:13] 17 Democratic voters, less senators,
[06:52:15] voted for it. So, the thing
[06:52:17] is...
[06:52:18] The thing is, this is important.
[06:52:23] Kamala Harris, when she was a California senator,
[06:52:25] was actually unlike other California senators.
[06:52:28] I will say this.
[06:52:29] California senators. I will say this California senators historically
[06:52:31] are fucking
[06:52:32] annoying, okay? They are
[06:52:35] awful. They are some of
[06:52:37] the worst most conservative
[06:52:39] institutionalists out there.
[06:52:41] California politicians in general.
[06:52:43] Gavin Newsom,
[06:52:45] California governor, very much
[06:52:47] a neoliberal. Dianne Feinstein,
[06:52:50] Nancy Pelosi.
[06:52:51] These are like establishment Democrats
[06:52:54] that are massive institutionalists, right?
[06:52:58] And they oftentimes
[06:53:02] never put
[06:53:03] their name out
[06:53:05] there in any
[06:53:06] meaningful capacity
[06:53:07] whereas an Adam
[06:53:08] Schiff will be
[06:53:09] the same as well
[06:53:09] however when
[06:53:11] Kamala Harris
[06:53:12] when Kamala Harris was there, she actually was like pro-Medicare for all.
[06:53:18] Now this doesn't mean anything because she wasn't center left.
[06:53:22] If you look at just her track record,
[06:53:26] if you didn't know anything about American politics, let's say,
[06:53:30] and then you simply looked at her track record
[06:53:32] and you looked at her track record and you actually looked at her votes on legislation,
[06:53:40] she was...
[06:53:42] Because I remember when she was going up against Bernie Sanders,
[06:53:47] they would put this up
[06:53:49] and I thought it was really funny.
[06:53:51] She was more progressive than Bernie Sanders even
[06:53:54] with her legislation.
[06:53:56] Now the way that they calculate
[06:53:58] that is not exactly
[06:53:59] great, I think Bernie
[06:54:02] was losing on some like gun
[06:54:03] related stuff, like losing some points on progressive legislation.
[06:54:07] Well yeah, that's
[06:54:09] real. That's 100% real. That doesn't mean
[06:54:10] anything. Hold on.
[06:54:13] I'm not saying
[06:54:14] I'm
[06:54:15] on the Kamala I'm not saying... I'm not saying
[06:54:17] I'm on the Kamala train or anything
[06:54:19] like that, okay?
[06:54:21] What I'm saying is
[06:54:23] Democrats
[06:54:26] when they do not
[06:54:28] have control over the House
[06:54:30] or control over the Senate
[06:54:32] or control over the White House
[06:54:33] will literally pop off
[06:54:35] sometimes, like their fucking Marxist-Leninists
[06:54:39] like they're Maoist Third Worldists, like they're
[06:54:40] advocating for J.D. Pond style
[06:54:42] permanent first world genocide
[06:54:44] having said that
[06:54:46] California Democrats don't usually do
[06:54:49] that, even when
[06:54:51] they have no power. Kamala
[06:54:53] Harris however did do that
[06:54:55] so at least for her
[06:54:57] because she had ambitions for you know a higher office later down the line
[06:55:02] she personally saw that as a good way to run so she ran on that track record in the 2019 primaries however however do I believe that
[06:55:16] she is legitimate in terms of like Medicare for all, in terms of her support
[06:55:20] for Medicare for all.
[06:55:21] Here it is.
[06:55:22] She ran into the primaries
[06:55:23] as a pro-Medicare
[06:55:25] for all candidate.
[06:55:33] That's a bit of a stretch.
[06:55:37] No, I don't think she is guys.
[06:55:39] You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Okay. in the spring
[06:55:48] the White House
[06:55:49] decided Kamala Harris
[06:55:50] would be the most senior person
[06:55:51] in the U.S. government
[06:55:51] to start expressing
[06:55:52] this forced empathy with the suffering Palestinians senior person in the U.S. government to start express this forced empathy with the
[06:55:53] suffering Palestinians of Gaza? The war
[06:55:55] in Gaza has really accentuated
[06:55:57] the cold hard fact that the U.S. posture towards Israel
[06:55:59] is a firmly bipartisan one, says
[06:56:01] Jeremy Scale. He says that Kamala Harris would be
[06:56:04] the most senior person in the U S government
[06:56:05] to start this express force of empathy
[06:56:07] for the suffering Palestinians and Gaza.
[06:56:08] Yes.
[06:56:11] So
[06:56:11] the fact that I don't think she is like a progressive, ideologically-minded,
[06:56:23] progressive loyal soldier.
[06:56:25] Right?
[06:56:25] I don't believe that at all.
[06:56:27] Having said that, however...
[06:56:28] She, at the very least,
[06:56:32] unlike Joe Biden,
[06:56:34] does have a track record of at
[06:56:36] least running as a progressive
[06:56:38] showcasing her
[06:56:39] legislative bona fides
[06:56:42] as progressive.
[06:56:44] I didn't even know about the Israel thing.
[06:56:47] That is actually really interesting to me.
[06:56:51] Like, that's kind of crazy.
[06:56:55] Kamala Harris
[06:56:56] voted against a bill to send extra
[06:56:58] weapons to Israel that's like
[06:57:00] that's genuinely
[06:57:02] interesting I mean
[06:57:04] I didn't even know that absolutely
[06:57:06] Lamal
[06:57:06] okay I didn't even know that. Absolutely, Lamao?
[06:57:10] Okay, chill.
[06:57:27] I'm alive now and I don't have the blue hair. Yeah, this is pretty funny.
[06:57:30] This is an astonishing admission of weakness. Demanding that you want your money back is so funny.. TNC secretly recruiting Joe Manchin and throw a head-to-head tune up primary for Kamala Harris. Heard it here first.
[06:58:03] That's actually an interesting take on the Joe Manchin shit. A tune-up
[06:58:05] fight is not wrong.
[06:58:09] I mean,
[06:58:09] I think Joe Manchin is a fucking idiot.
[06:58:13] And I'm sure that there's like actual legitimate dumb asses
[06:58:16] that do think he'd be great.
[06:58:18] But presenting it as a tune-up primary actually...
[06:58:23] That's an interesting perspective i'm not sure if i agree with it fully
[06:58:26] but i am more on board with that than like then the assumption
[06:58:33] that there's legitimate momentum behind
[06:58:35] Joe Manchin. Who actually
[06:58:37] likes him? No. That's why he's saying it's a
[06:58:39] tune-up primary.
[06:58:41] A tune-up fight is when
[06:58:44] your prize fighter loses a fight and
[06:58:46] loses confidence, and in order
[06:58:48] to regain confidence
[06:58:50] you do a tune-up fight. You put like a really
[06:58:52] fucking bad fighter against them and he beats the shit out of that
[06:58:55] bad fighter so he
[06:58:56] gains some of that confidence back.
[06:59:02] Joe Manchin would be
[06:59:03] a good tune-up fight because he's got no support,
[06:59:05] no base. He's not even a real fucking Democrat.
[06:59:08] He literally left the party.
[06:59:10] He can suck my cock.
[06:59:11] I hate him. I hate him so much Anyway.
[06:59:36] That could be interesting.
[06:59:37] I don't know if it's 100%,
[06:59:38] but
[06:59:39] okay.
[06:59:51] Yeah, Um, okay. Oh this was another reason by the way
[06:59:53] Biden was bracing for Pelosi to go public
[06:59:55] this week as I told you
[06:59:57] Remember I told you if Biden doesn't drop out
[06:59:59] by the end of this weekend,
[07:00:00] Democrats were going to get ugly
[07:00:02] and they were going to get public
[07:00:03] and that's precisely what Nancy Pelosi
[07:00:07] I suspect communicated to Joe Biden
[07:00:09] or at least he started recognizing that
[07:00:13] was going to happen. And that would have been real
[07:00:15] fucking dirty. And I don't think you want
[07:00:17] that. I don't think you want that on your legacy.
[07:00:20] If you care about your image, if you care about your legacy
[07:00:22] you don't want fucking Nancy Pelosi
[07:00:24] like a lifelong Democrat
[07:00:26] who's been by your side
[07:00:27] every step of the way
[07:00:29] to just come out and
[07:00:32] be like you're selfish
[07:00:34] yeah no I saw the
[07:00:38] I saw the fucking mansion thing.
[07:00:41] Yeah.
[07:00:59] Okay. How pissed do you think Joe is going to be tomorrow when he wakes up and finds out he's not running anymore?
[07:01:09] Probably real upset Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way it was about to be the hard way
[07:01:12] yeah It was about to be the hard way. Yeah.
[07:01:19] That Israel bill is interesting.
[07:01:21] I mean,
[07:01:22] the timing of it
[07:01:22] is when she's posturing
[07:01:23] She's angling to be like a progressive
[07:01:26] person running
[07:01:28] against Bernard Sanders
[07:01:29] but it's still actually kind of
[07:01:32] I think it's still courageous
[07:01:34] to put your name on
[07:01:37] an anti-Israel bill
[07:01:38] ever in Congress.
[07:01:41] So
[07:01:42] I didn't even know that
[07:01:44] but So I didn't even know that.
[07:01:52] But who knows what happens?
[07:01:54] Who knows what happens with her uh, with the way
[07:01:56] that she conducts herself
[07:01:57] in terms of like dealing
[07:02:00] with Israel? I don't know. I'm not saying
[07:02:02] I know. I'm not saying she's going to be pro
[07:02:04] Palestinian
[07:02:05] at all.
[07:02:07] I'm simply stating
[07:02:09] that
[07:02:09] there are at least some
[07:02:12] given the
[07:02:15] limitations, given the restrictions that you have as a
[07:02:19] given the limitations and the
[07:02:21] restrictions that you have as a vice
[07:02:23] president to a president.
[07:02:24] She has actually sidestepped
[07:02:26] the Joe Biden administration before
[07:02:28] on the issue of Palestine
[07:02:30] a little bit lightly
[07:02:32] I want to wait for 30 minutes and then all of a sudden
[07:02:36] you're a communist then no i'm definitely not a common list
[07:02:38] in
[07:02:39] all right we covered john fetterman
[07:02:46] hillary clinton telling donors to stick with President Biden, she's never wrong.
[07:02:50] I dunked on that.
[07:02:58] We're in the middle of our second shoot right now and Joe Biden has officially chosen to drop out.
[07:03:03] So I am going to be rushing home and I'll be live in approximately 30 minutes.
[07:03:09] I knew this was happened that is literally that is what happened
[07:03:19] actually actually oh damn we got a new one already
[07:03:25] damn we're back to back firing off
[07:03:26] ladies and gentlemen
[07:03:27] the 46th president of the United States of America, Joseph Robinette Biden.
[07:03:40] On this beautiful Sunday, on July 21st, 2024... 2024
[07:03:56] has chosen to drop out of the race so
[07:04:08] remember when i told you guys this is the most boring election cycle but
[07:04:13] overnight it has the capacity to become
[07:04:15] the most interesting election cycle we're there
[07:04:18] we're officially there ladies and gentlemen
[07:04:22] onk dance okay wasn't just an Ankh dance.
[07:04:31] It looked like the Japanese... a Japanese sitcom. Stop. Here are some updates on fundraising.
[07:04:53] Exactly, David. Vice President Kamala Harris is already full steam ahead.
[07:04:57] We're learning that in just these last few hours she's been working to shore up support,
[07:05:01] making calls to Democratic leaders, party leaders and members of Congress.
[07:05:06] Now, Vice President Harris, she's already been this administration's
[07:05:08] leading voice when it comes to these issues that are central to this election like immigration
[07:05:14] and abortion. And David if she does become the nominee
[07:05:17] This would be historic she would be
[07:05:19] the first black woman and the first asian american
[07:05:22] she's also already been in critical meetings with president biden throughout
[07:05:26] her vice presidency and this week she is expected to meet with
[07:05:29] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
[07:05:31] and as you say David,
[07:05:33] she's full steam ahead,
[07:05:35] she has already fundraising off of this announcement
[07:05:37] She says she will do everything in her power to unite the Democratic Party THE PRESIDENT'S DEMOCRATIC PARTY, AND SHE IS NOT GOING TO
[07:05:40] BE ABLE TO DO THAT.
[07:05:48] PARTY AND DEFEAT DONALD TRUMP. HARRIS IS CLEARLY ALREADY the meantime, I know you're there in Rehoboth Beach. Any indication from
[07:05:50] the White House from the Biden campaign? What was the biden campaign as
[07:05:55] to when they think the president will make the trip back to Washington D C
[07:05:59] Back to the White House and when we might perhaps see,
[07:06:02] hear him address the nation?
[07:06:05] Well, David, I am learning
[07:06:06] from a senior administration source
[07:06:08] that the president is expected
[07:06:10] to address the nation sometime later this week.
[07:06:12] Not in the coming days, I'm told
[07:06:14] later in the week and we did hear from
[07:06:16] the President's doctor today he said
[07:06:18] he is still isolating but his symptoms
[07:06:20] are improving significantly.
[07:06:22] So that is a step up from what we heard the day before
[07:06:25] when the doctor said he still had some hoarseness and...
[07:06:28] Someone's dead now, it was in 40 mil?
[07:06:30] Now she's fucking...
[07:06:32] Dude, dude, holy shit.
[07:06:34] 40 bands?
[07:06:36] 40 mil?
[07:06:38] 40 fucking mil?
[07:06:39] It's been like six hours, man.
[07:06:42] That's crazy.
[07:06:45] Is it actually?
[07:06:46] Are you guys fucking with me?. 40
[07:07:11] N's not bands I know
[07:07:13] she could I know.
[07:07:18] She could go bam for... Yeah, dude! No, actually... more than that
[07:07:31] what the fuck
[07:07:33] bro their shit's on fire
[07:07:35] right now
[07:07:36] brother Bro, their shit's on fire right now.
[07:07:39] Brother, that is... Okay. Outro Music We can go M for M. What a milk that I made by truck
[07:07:58] that will lie with the factory rims.
[07:08:00] I got in 90 years to verge the bribers
[07:08:02] on really good threat. It's got to the point
[07:08:04] that I don't even care about Jews
[07:08:05] and the safe that I don't even wear.
[07:08:07] Bro, they fucking hated Biden.
[07:08:10] Like and by day
[07:08:11] I mean like everybody
[07:08:12] That's crazy
[07:08:14] As of 9pm Eastern Time
[07:08:17] grassroots supporters have raised
[07:08:18] 46.7 million
[07:08:20] through ActBlue following Vice President Kamala Harris'
[07:08:22] launch. This has been the biggest fundraising
[07:08:24] day of the 2024 election cycle.
[07:08:26] Small donors are fired up and ready to take
[07:08:28] on this election.
[07:08:33] This isn't even the money faucet yet.
[07:08:35] Like, people are talking about APAC and shit.
[07:08:37] This isn't even the fucking money faucet that comes
[07:08:39] in.
[07:08:41] Like, this is just straight up people being like, oh I'm invested
[07:08:43] in the election cycle.
[07:08:46] They have to compete with 60 billionaires
[07:08:48] funding Trump?
[07:08:49] No, I know.
[07:08:50] Trump has the billionaire vote on lock for sure.
[07:08:57] Oh, by the way,
[07:08:59] the funniest part is like you guys were saying
[07:09:03] Kamala Harris got 5 million dollars
[07:09:04] from AIPAC and it's literally
[07:09:07] fucking Biden's money. Harris'
[07:09:09] Israel lobby total pre-Biden
[07:09:11] is 182 thousand dollars chatters be total pre-Biden is $182,000.
[07:09:14] Chatters in the chat being like Kamala Harris got directly
[07:09:17] $5 million from AIPAC. it's not even a headline reader at that point
[07:09:31] it's just like
[07:09:32] I don't know. Is that... is that 52 million
[07:09:59] dude this will go hard on baby leftist tiktok diss content. You know it? Oh I know.
[07:10:07] Someone was trying to fucking yell
[07:10:09] at me on TikTok because they
[07:10:10] didn't understand what I was saying about Cody
[07:10:13] Coe. They were
[07:10:15] claiming that I was saying like Cody Coe is rehabilitated or some
[07:10:19] shit.
[07:10:19] I was like,
[07:10:19] you missed it.
[07:10:21] Like you missed the point so widely.
[07:10:23] Like I was saying in order for Cody,
[07:10:26] Cody even fucking start
[07:10:27] the conversation
[07:10:28] rehabilitation.
[07:10:29] So he needs to take
[07:10:30] accountability and
[07:10:31] atonement like this.
[07:10:33] There's no
[07:10:34] rehabilitation.
[07:10:34] There's no rehabilitative
[07:10:36] justice before someone
[07:10:37] takes accountability and he
[07:10:38] certainly hasn't.
[07:10:39] That was a massive point that I stressed.
[07:10:46] It's just so much,
[07:10:48] so much of my...
[07:10:51] That's not what that video said.
[07:10:53] Yeah, the point...
[07:10:54] I'm not even going to fucking get into it, please.
[07:10:58] And also don't like go there
[07:11:00] and fucking you know try
[07:11:02] to find the TikTok or anything
[07:11:03] no, it was a disingenuous
[07:11:06] framing of
[07:11:07] my statement.
[07:11:10] Okay?
[07:11:11] Do not fucking link it.
[07:11:12] Do not go there.
[07:11:14] Don't fucking drama bait.
[07:11:15] Like,
[07:11:17] I should have never even brought it up. Yeah. But anyone that thinks
[07:11:27] That I'm like
[07:11:27] Anyone that thinks
[07:11:29] That
[07:11:29] That Anyone that thinks that like...
[07:11:33] That...
[07:11:36] Anyone that tries to even act Like I was even remotely
[07:11:37] On his side on this issue
[07:11:40] Is just either grossly misunderstanding the point
[07:11:43] or just trying to fucking farm
[07:11:49] anyway Anyway.
[07:11:59] Hey, coming out hot on firing all cylinders. Let's see... She wants to ban plastic straws? I love my plastic straws! I hate those paper straws. I love my plastic straw, I hate those paper
[07:12:04] straws. Anyway, she wants to
[07:12:06] Bro, I'm sorry, they're so
[07:12:08] cooked, they have to find new shit
[07:12:09] and if all the new shit is just like
[07:12:12] she's black, she's a woman
[07:12:13] she's black, she's a woman, she's Indian
[07:12:15] and
[07:12:16] she had sex with people
[07:12:18] and she slept their way to the top. If that's
[07:12:20] all they got, people are going
[07:12:22] to be like dude what are you saying?
[07:12:25] Like
[07:12:25] You have to remember something really important
[07:12:28] We have a false understanding
[07:12:31] of how the broader
[07:12:33] Republican base of support operates
[07:12:36] because we're online.
[07:12:38] And when we're online,
[07:12:39] we only see the Nazis.
[07:12:41] We only see
[07:12:42] the fucking Hitlerian people.
[07:12:44] We only see
[07:12:44] the Groper accounts. It's like Groeper Rapist
[07:12:47] 1488 said
[07:12:49] Kamala Harris'
[07:12:50] skull actually
[07:12:52] demonstrates that she has
[07:12:54] higher proclivity to servitude or whatever.
[07:12:57] Like,
[07:12:57] that's not an,
[07:12:58] like no one in fucking Western Pennsylvania is thinking like
[07:13:01] that.
[07:13:02] Okay.
[07:13:03] That's just one fucking guy who literally lives in like Dime Square
[07:13:08] posting that shit and has
[07:13:10] a Patreon subscription to every
[07:13:12] fucking Red Scare adjacent podcast.
[07:13:14] That's not a real person,
[07:13:16] okay? That's a freak.
[07:13:18] That freak walks outside, sees the sunlight and perishes.
[07:13:22] Okay?
[07:13:24] So that's something you need to remember.
[07:13:27] Like the conceptual Lindy
[07:13:29] or conceptual James
[07:13:31] style people who are like
[07:13:33] Kamala Harris is actually a Satanist
[07:13:35] Marxist. No, man.
[07:13:38] People don't see it like that
[07:13:40] Okay
[07:13:40] People don't operate like that
[07:13:42] So if these guys
[07:13:44] If these guys are fucking
[07:13:47] Hitting this line
[07:13:48] And the only thing
[07:13:51] they got is like straw
[07:13:52] and then like oh she's Indian
[07:13:54] or whatever the fuck
[07:13:56] I promise you
[07:13:58] that narrative
[07:14:01] will not be as
[07:14:03] important as you think
[07:14:05] it is. We have the capacity
[07:14:07] to place a lot of emphasis on shit like
[07:14:09] that when we're online and we get mad, and we're like,
[07:14:12] but every American is sexist.
[07:14:14] No, there's fucking sexism,
[07:14:17] there's misogyny,
[07:14:18] and then there's like, why doesn't
[07:14:20] she have children?
[07:14:22] She is a broodmare
[07:14:25] of my fetish.
[07:14:27] There's differences
[07:14:28] there. There's normal
[07:14:30] sexism and then there's the shit that you see online, okay?
[07:14:37] The normal sexism is like, oh yeah, she's a woman and she's going to be on her period.
[07:14:41] How the fuck do we...
[07:14:42] How can we have a woman on her period. How the fuck do we, how can we have a woman on her
[07:14:44] period be the
[07:14:46] president? They're emotional. Like that's regular
[07:14:48] sexism. Still inappropriate, still
[07:14:50] unacceptable but that's just regular
[07:14:52] sexism. Okay?
[07:14:56] The way you fucking deal the way you deal with that is by
[07:14:59] immediately recentering
[07:15:00] the conversation to how
[07:15:02] incredibly emotional and incredibly irrational
[07:15:06] Donald Trump has been
[07:15:07] despite not having a pussy.
[07:15:09] Okay?
[07:15:11] That's number one.
[07:15:12] Number two,
[07:15:13] the way you deal with that is
[07:15:16] by being like well of course here they go again
[07:15:18] the fucking party that literally
[07:15:20] wants to murder women
[07:15:21] for wanting to get
[07:15:24] a fucking routine health procedure
[07:15:27] is over here chirping about women.
[07:15:30] Just keep hammering,
[07:15:32] keep hammering the point
[07:15:33] about how the Republican Party...
[07:15:34] There's people in the Republican Party
[07:15:35] that want to ban IVF. There's people in the Republican Party that want to ban IVF. There's people
[07:15:37] in the Republican Party that have openly
[07:15:39] advocated to ban abortion. They call it murder.
[07:15:43] Do you get
[07:15:43] it?
[07:15:45] So Kamala automatically on abortion being incredibly consequential in this election cycle.
[07:15:52] Kamala Harris being a woman automatically centers the conversation on that issue
[07:15:58] because she's a woman.
[07:15:59] So Republicans that recognize
[07:16:02] that they need to be more moderate
[07:16:03] in terms of how they approach
[07:16:05] the subject matter of women's rights
[07:16:07] this time around because they're
[07:16:09] suffering electoral consequences
[07:16:11] for taking away women's
[07:16:13] bodily autonomy in many states,
[07:16:15] even in red states.
[07:16:17] Cannot go above and beyond in the
[07:16:20] way that they shit on women.
[07:16:23] Okay?
[07:16:24] Abortion is murder, though, regardless of your opinion.
[07:16:26] I can't believe you banned that guy. He's
[07:16:28] stating facts,
[07:16:30] dude.
[07:16:34] I can't believe you banned that first time chatter.
[07:16:37] We need to let free discourse fly in here and we got to unban that guy.
[07:16:38] Please Lake McGroove,
[07:16:41] please unban that guy. Please. Blake McGroove. Please unban him because he's
[07:16:43] right. Abortion is murder
[07:16:45] except some murders are fucking totally
[07:16:47] fine as long as it like, as long
[07:16:49] as we recognize that it destroys our election chances.
[07:16:52] Which is why everyone that said abortion is murder immediately
[07:16:56] were like but some murder is fine? Like if its a product of incest
[07:17:00] or rape and then other states were like no actually that kind
[07:17:03] of murder is not fine either. And then some were even like well, murder is not all right in our state
[07:17:10] but if you want to murder your child
[07:17:12] you can just fly over to California
[07:17:14] and then you can murder your child there
[07:17:17] so maybe it's not murder What do you mean abortion is murder?
[07:17:28] The reason why you're bringing up
[07:17:29] Murder in that equation
[07:17:30] Is because you're saying it's unacceptable at every level
[07:17:32] Okay
[07:17:33] It's so fucking saying it's unacceptable at every level. Okay?
[07:17:36] It's so fucking stupid!
[07:17:38] How are we still doing this?
[07:17:41] Oh, abortion is murder except Trump said murderous states' rights issue.
[07:17:42] Is that what you're saying?
[07:17:44] If libtards want to murder
[07:17:46] their babies, they can do
[07:17:47] so if they want to do so.
[07:17:49] Is that what it is?
[07:17:54] Like, what the fuck are we talking about your position is is standalone is unique it is
[07:18:01] actually in the over it's in the minority like it's in the it's in the minority. Like, it's in the margins,
[07:18:07] okay? There's a minuscule percentage
[07:18:09] of people that chirp a lot
[07:18:10] but a minuscule percentage
[07:18:12] of people nonetheless
[07:18:14] that consider what you're saying. You don't
[07:18:17] even consider what you're saying to be true.
[07:18:24] Why are you letting this troll
[07:18:25] trigger you? I'm not not do i come across as triggered i literally
[07:18:30] unbanned him the reason why i wanted to address that is because it's a very common talking point
[07:18:35] and it's very easily addressed.
[07:18:39] And the reason why I address that very common talking point with very
[07:18:40] easy retorts is so that
[07:18:42] you can use that next time someone comes up
[07:18:45] to you and says some dumb shit
[07:18:46] because if you're even a little bit politically uh minded
[07:18:51] you're gonna have that you're gonna have that conversation with some fucking idiots you feel me
[07:19:02] not trigger but like we know he's an idiot
[07:19:06] I know brother but it's not for you maybe
[07:19:08] but it's for the 57,386 other people
[07:19:14] that are in the chat alongside you.
[07:19:16] Some of which may have never thought
[07:19:18] about addressing that talking point easily in the same way
[07:19:29] uh... Are they just basically
[07:19:36] coronating Kamala?
[07:19:37] Yes.
[07:19:40] It's anti-democratic chat.
[07:19:42] It's really fucked up.
[07:19:43] I hate it.
[07:19:45] They did a cool on my president,
[07:19:47] on my big beautiful president.
[07:19:50] They did a cool...
[07:19:51] Run for re-election.
[07:19:51] Can Thames come together behind comma four up to the minute
[07:19:54] reports stay with fox news channel right now you holding your lungs secret sustainable weight loss
[07:20:02] with just one breath,
[07:20:03] Lumen tells you what
[07:20:04] your currently burning for energy.
[07:20:05] What the fuck?
[07:20:07] The reason professional Republicans
[07:20:08] are freaking out
[07:20:09] is now they have to do politics
[07:20:10] which requires them
[07:20:11] to understand normal people
[07:20:12] to some extent
[07:20:13] but they've spent the last decade
[07:20:14] becoming extremely weird, it's so true.
[07:20:17] The next three months will be Trump campaign guys
[07:20:19] waving 4chan memes of voters in swing states
[07:20:21] as their power walking away.
[07:20:23] Oh yeah.
[07:20:33] So far the attacks are, she laughs a lot and she did cool against Biden.
[07:20:35] Can't wait for what more dirt they come up with.
[07:20:38] Shaking like a chihuahua.
[07:20:39] Kamala should be a trad wife
[07:20:40] and furthermore her physiognomy suggests that... they won't go after her
[07:20:51] for stuff that's actually bad because they support all those
[07:20:53] things exactly same thing as Obama
[07:20:55] he killed an American 16 year old with a drone and Republicans were like, uh, he's secretly gay
[07:20:59] Yeah
[07:21:02] $100 proof of this?
[07:21:06] I'm running for governor
[07:21:08] to torch the world agenda illegal immigrants getting taxpayer handouts
[07:21:12] that's a disgrace transgender trash in our school
[07:21:17] all towards that, kingdom come.
[07:21:20] Communist China secretly buying up Missouri land?
[07:21:23] All towards that too.
[07:21:27] Okay, that's a banger though.
[07:21:29] Like, that's such a fire ad.
[07:21:32] I mean that literally and figuratively, okay?
[07:21:35] God, Republicans have so much fun.
[07:21:37] It's messed up.
[07:21:43] It's gotta be awesome, you're just hallucinating.
[07:21:47] I don't know if this is a real ad,
[07:21:48] I don't think it is.
[07:21:51] You're ready for a governor to force the left?
[07:21:53] I'm ready to light him up.
[07:21:55] Bill Michael, conservative for government.
[07:21:57] Yeah no that's not real.
[07:21:59] No I don't think he's real.
[07:22:01] Wait is real? Someone sent me the fucking ad.
[07:22:17] ... I just realized they bet
[07:22:18] they had to get
[07:22:18] Bernie to promise
[07:22:19] he wouldn't run
[07:22:19] for Biden
[07:22:20] to step down.
[07:22:23] Dude, I don't think he's got that dog in him no more.
[07:22:26] I think the last time cooked him.
[07:22:30] I'm out of the loop.
[07:22:31] What's the China buying land in Missouri thing?
[07:22:33] Oh, dude.
[07:22:35] Remember when I said conservatives love hallucinating shit?
[07:22:39] Like 90% of their campaigning revolves around
[07:22:44] shit that they just thought up in their minds
[07:22:46] and it scared them. They're like children
[07:22:48] they operate on
[07:22:50] childlike boundaries
[07:22:52] they operate like children okay
[07:22:55] it's like there is no more like in the 90s and stuff at least they were like oh
[07:23:00] tort reform or i don't know they're like budget hawks
[07:23:05] deficit hawks, they used to have at least
[07:23:07] some tangible shit that they would latch
[07:23:09] onto or they were really
[07:23:11] open about wanting to
[07:23:13] fucking eviscerate social security.
[07:23:17] Nowadays, they do
[07:23:18] a lot more populism. I think
[07:23:20] that Sarah Palin...
[07:23:23] I think that George W. Bush
[07:23:24] and then Sarah Palin Tea Tea Party caucus adjacent like right-wing populism kind of changed the narrative within the Republican Party.
[07:23:31] And then Donald Trump kicked it into the most logical conclusion that you could finally arrive at where they were like, yeah we're going to throw aside this
[07:23:37] like... We're going to cast
[07:23:39] aside all this shit.
[07:23:41] All this dumb shit about
[07:23:43] being a deficit hog. Who cares?
[07:23:45] No one cares. Republicans used to put
[07:23:48] the national debt
[07:23:50] clock or whatever all the time. They would just
[07:23:52] post it.
[07:23:55] They
[07:23:56] just totally threw that aside.
[07:23:57] They were like, yeah, this stuff sucks.
[07:23:59] Let's just do the racism.
[07:24:00] What are we fucking doing?
[07:24:01] And that is kind of where we're at now.
[07:24:07] And if you're always just simply running on culture war narratives,
[07:24:11] like at a certain point,
[07:24:12] you just have to make up new stuff.
[07:24:14] Right?
[07:24:17] So
[07:24:17] if you're like the deficit clock,
[07:24:22] If you're exhausting all of the options.
[07:24:27] If you're exhausting everything
[07:24:28] You just got to start making new shit up.
[07:24:30] Like the Chinese are buying farmland.
[07:24:34] Are Chinese citizens buying farmland in America?
[07:24:37] Yes.
[07:24:38] They're I think in the top 20
[07:24:40] barely cracking the top 20.
[07:24:42] Barely cracking The top 20 of like foreign nationals
[07:24:44] That are buying land in the United States of America
[07:24:46] It's not even a thing
[07:24:47] Okay?
[07:24:48] It is so minuscule
[07:24:50] So that's number one It just isn't it is so minuscule.
[07:24:52] So that's number one,
[07:24:53] it's just again
[07:24:54] total hysteria
[07:24:55] what if they
[07:24:56] are okay?
[07:24:57] What if they
[07:24:57] are why the
[07:24:58] fuck would
[07:24:58] that be a
[07:24:59] problem like
[07:24:59] what are
[07:25:00] they doing
[07:25:00] Chinese things
[07:25:01] on the land? What kind of
[07:25:02] Chinese things could they be doing on the land that's
[07:25:04] fucking terrifying?
[07:25:07] Or they talk about crime. They're like
[07:25:08] crime is out of control. Crime is not
[07:25:11] out of control. But they just out of control, but they just like
[07:25:13] developed this narrative
[07:25:13] that like there's
[07:25:14] organized retail rings
[07:25:16] and the media totally
[07:25:18] goes along with it
[07:25:19] because they're
[07:25:19] fucking assholes.
[07:25:21] They'll be like,
[07:25:21] oh yeah,
[07:25:22] there's organized
[07:25:22] retail theft that's happening
[07:25:24] that's stolen billions of dollars
[07:25:26] okay? Billions
[07:25:28] of dollars. Of course they
[07:25:30] have not done that. That would be
[07:25:32] insane in order for organized retail theft to single-handedly steal billions of fucking dollars worth of merchandise,
[07:25:43] they would have to be...
[07:25:45] What are they stealing? Gold bullions?
[07:25:48] What are we talking about? They're stealing fucking Gucci
[07:25:49] purses. Okay? That's like
[07:25:51] $4,000 a pop.
[07:25:56] It was bullshit. It was bullshit.
[07:25:58] It was actually total shrink,
[07:25:59] right?
[07:26:01] They were talking about shrink,
[07:26:08] which for the record is not like organized retail theft is a marginal part of that number.
[07:26:09] Okay?
[07:26:11] Most of that retail theft was happening because of everyday people
[07:26:14] like yourself,
[07:26:16] you know, putting putting stuff putting extra
[07:26:18] stuff in your bag when you're at self-checkout
[07:26:24] and it's totally built into the profit margins anyway.
[07:26:29] Do you think grocery stores don't know
[07:26:32] that there will be more people stealing
[07:26:34] when they're self-checkout machines
[07:26:36] instead of like human beings processing at the cash register?
[07:26:40] No, they know that.
[07:26:41] But it's still...
[07:26:42] They're still turning profit because they don't have to hire people.
[07:26:44] They don't have to pay their fucking health insurance.
[07:26:46] They don't have to pay if something happens
[07:26:48] to them at the workplace
[07:26:49] so it's like
[07:26:50] it's a
[07:26:50] cost that they're
[07:26:51] willing to take on
[07:26:52] that's where
[07:26:56] that fucking number
[07:26:57] comes from
[07:26:57] okay that stuff that fucking number comes from.
[07:26:59] Okay?
[07:27:01] That stuff and things
[07:27:04] that get, you know, things that get stolen
[07:27:06] by employees, all this shit
[07:27:07] but they lied about it anyway
[07:27:10] organized retail theft is out of control
[07:27:12] so much theft is happening
[07:27:13] beyond comprehension
[07:27:16] it was a fucking lie
[07:27:18] now we don't talk about it no more. What happened? Did theft go away?
[07:27:23] What
[07:27:24] happened?
[07:27:25] Well, what happened is we moved on from that position
[07:27:27] because everyone started recognizing
[07:27:29] oh shit, the data actually doesn't correspond
[07:27:32] to the false narratives that we're presenting.
[07:27:37] So
[07:27:37] that's another thing.
[07:27:40] Another hysterical panic is like,
[07:27:43] obviously the classic trans people are queering the youth.
[07:27:47] If you have a gay teacher,
[07:27:49] they're grooming your children.
[07:27:51] Just what the fuck do I even say to that?
[07:27:53] At that point, it's like
[07:27:54] I don't even know what to tell you.
[07:27:57] You know what I mean?
[07:27:58] Yeah dude, being gay in public means
[07:28:00] you automatically turn someone else's child gay. So what happened if they
[07:28:04] don't worry, they'll see a straight couple in public
[07:28:06] and then turn back to being straight
[07:28:08] like that's not how anything works
[07:28:10] Okay? Another completely
[07:28:12] made up fucking panic
[07:28:13] hysteria Democrats Okay? Another completely made-up fucking panic.
[07:28:14] Hysteria.
[07:28:19] Democrats are doing abortions at nine months in Democrat-run cities.
[07:28:21] What the fuck are you talking about?
[07:28:24] It's like 0.01% of abortions that happen in the third trimester
[07:28:28] and those are very complicated medical procedures
[07:28:31] that are occurring as a consequence
[07:28:34] late recognition of a pregnancy.
[07:28:37] And more often than not, it is illegal for the record
[07:28:40] for getting an abortion in the third trimester
[07:28:42] for no reason whatsoever regardless.
[07:28:44] There's not a single fucking state in this country where you can just have
[07:28:47] an abortion
[07:28:48] on the third trimester.
[07:28:52] The reason
[07:28:53] why people get that is because of medical
[07:28:55] complications. You have to go to a fucking doctor.
[07:28:58] You have to have a conversation
[07:28:59] and get a psych evaluation
[07:29:01] in order to be able to get
[07:29:02] a third trimester abortion.
[07:29:05] It's not for fun. who the fuck would carry a pregnancy
[07:29:08] to almost term
[07:29:10] and then go through this fucking medical
[07:29:12] procedure, that is insane
[07:29:14] you are the most insane
[07:29:16] part, you just made it up!
[07:29:18] You imagined a world where this is happening,
[07:29:20] and now it's my problem.
[07:29:22] Now it's your sister's problem.
[07:29:24] Now it's your mother's problem.
[07:29:26] Now it's your girlfriend's problem.
[07:29:28] Like everyone on the fucking
[07:29:29] country has to deal with your
[07:29:31] fucking mania!
[07:29:33] Republicans have held this goddamn
[07:29:35] nation hostage for far
[07:29:37] too long with their hysterical panics.
[07:29:41] It's crazy, it's like having
[07:29:42] your email chain reading grandmother
[07:29:46] have the keys to the fucking castle!
[07:29:50] Isn't that crazy?
[07:29:52] Another
[07:29:52] fucking hysteria from the Republican side
[07:29:55] is the immigrant panic,
[07:29:57] right?
[07:29:59] Undocumented migrants do less crazy undocumented migrants
[07:30:00] do less crime
[07:30:03] per capita than natural
[07:30:05] born U.S. citizens
[07:30:06] so the idea that they are
[07:30:09] responsible for this endless crime donald trump said hundreds of
[07:30:13] thousands americans have been murdered by undocumented migrants completely wrong wrong
[07:30:18] not true you made that up but now you made it up and i have to deal with it you made that up but now you made it up and I have to deal with
[07:30:22] it. You made that shit up
[07:30:24] and now I have to act like what you're saying has any sort
[07:30:26] of veracity
[07:30:27] how insane
[07:30:30] insane undocumented How insane.
[07:30:33] Insane.
[07:30:37] Undocumented migrants are stealing our jobs,
[07:30:39] but they're also stealing the fucking handouts.
[07:30:39] Which is it?
[07:30:42] Are they lazy or are they super hardworking and they're stealing American jobs? I don't see your ass working in the fucking field. The fuck do you mean they're stealing our jobs? They should get better wages in general. They should be allowed to be a part of the documented U.S. labor force
[07:30:57] and not use as a cudgel
[07:30:59] to lower and depress the wages
[07:31:01] of the remaining workforce
[07:31:03] in our two-tier labor system. It's fucking bullshit.
[07:31:07] Okay?
[07:31:12] That's another fucking made up
[07:31:13] panic. Then they say undocumented migrants
[07:31:16] are bringing drugs over the border,
[07:31:18] another completely
[07:31:19] made-up hysterical lie.
[07:31:23] Okay? You made it up!
[07:31:25] The Department of Homeland Security's own fucking
[07:31:27] information, unless you think they're gay and woke
[07:31:29] even under the Trump administration
[07:31:30] They reported time and time again
[07:31:32] consistently that 90
[07:31:35] plus percent of drug apprehensions happen at regular points of entry.
[07:31:40] Okay?
[07:31:41] That's where they're actually fucking bringing the drugs over,
[07:31:44] and you know who's actually bringing the drugs over?
[07:31:46] It's not undocumented migrants.
[07:31:48] They're more likely to be stopped at the regular port of entry
[07:31:51] because they don't have the proper documentation.
[07:31:53] It's American citizens, dumbass!
[07:31:56] They go down,
[07:31:58] they chop up their fucking cars
[07:31:59] and they load it up with fentanyl.
[07:32:01] How else would you
[07:32:03] traffic metric tons of
[07:32:05] fentanyl and chemical compounds
[07:32:07] necessary to make fentanyl
[07:32:09] in the United States of America over the fucking border.
[07:32:13] You think a Guatemalan abuela
[07:32:15] is fucking shoving the fentanyl under her titties?
[07:32:18] You think that's who's bringing in the drugs?
[07:32:20] What are you, fucking crazy?
[07:32:22] That doesn't even make mathematical sense.
[07:32:25] You're so stupid.
[07:32:26] That's another fucking idiotic narrative
[07:32:28] completely made up, but now
[07:32:31] we have to deal with it. Why?
[07:32:33] Because enough Republicans believe it.
[07:32:36] It's craziness.
[07:32:38] It's madness.
[07:32:41] But it's madness but
[07:32:43] when enough dumbasses
[07:32:45] believe a thing, everyone else
[07:32:47] has to fucking sit there and be like
[07:32:49] oh well maybe there is some truth to what he's saying.
[07:32:52] Oh no. And most people
[07:32:54] are not well equipped
[07:32:55] to have this conversation because they don't know the
[07:32:58] truth so if the other side
[07:33:00] is convincing and emotional
[07:33:02] and angry, then you start believing them.
[07:33:07] Now do black people?
[07:33:08] What does that mean?
[07:33:10] Holy shit!
[07:33:11] At the top of the hour, black people just like white
[07:33:13] people just like brown people are going to see a three-minute
[07:33:15] ad break? Is that what you're trying to say?
[07:33:22] And if you no longer want to see those ads,
[07:33:25] doesn't matter what your background is.
[07:33:26] Doesn't matter whether your ethnicity is,
[07:33:28] doesn't matter with your,
[07:33:29] what your,
[07:33:30] uh,
[07:33:30] what your race is.
[07:33:32] You need to subscribe for $6 or for free with a Twitch Prime.
[07:33:42] As he's emotionally crying about something
[07:33:44] you wouldn't debate
[07:33:45] against someone
[07:33:45] about brother I
[07:33:47] have debated
[07:33:47] professional
[07:33:48] conservatives when
[07:33:49] you were shitting
[07:33:50] in your diapers
[07:33:51] okay
[07:33:51] I've debated
[07:33:53] up and down
[07:33:54] top to bottom,
[07:33:55] every single dumbass on the conservative lineup.
[07:33:58] Especially those who are willing
[07:34:00] to debate me.
[07:34:01] I mean,
[07:34:01] I'm still down to do this with Ben Shapiro,
[07:34:04] Steven Crowder,
[07:34:05] and the like.
[07:34:07] I'm older than you homie? Okay well
[07:34:08] I apologize because your brain
[07:34:11] is so god damn stunted that
[07:34:12] at least in the gentlest ways possible
[07:34:15] tried to assume that you were 14 years old because
[07:34:18] you're behaving like a child.
[07:34:20] So I suspected it that you were childish and not that like your brain stopped
[07:34:25] developing at the age of 14 and now you're just like that
[07:34:28] and it's everybody else's problem i you need to understand something by the way
[07:34:33] okay you need to understand something
[07:34:37] i used to even debate dumbasses
[07:34:39] like you in this chat, I would pull them up
[07:34:40] and Discord and we'd have this conversation
[07:34:42] and the same cycle
[07:34:44] would always take place
[07:34:46] aww dude, yeah okay you own that guy but he's a fucking always take place. Oh, dude.
[07:34:49] Yeah, okay.
[07:34:50] You own that guy but he's a fucking dumbass.
[07:34:51] You need to talk
[07:34:52] to a smart conservative.
[07:34:54] I'm a smart conservative
[07:34:55] then I'd bring him over.
[07:34:57] I'd bring the
[07:34:57] smart conservative over.
[07:35:00] I'd fucking own him in the same exact fashion. Then another
[07:35:02] person would chirp in the chat and go
[07:35:04] oh no that guy you just owned
[07:35:06] well he's a fucking
[07:35:07] dumbass I'm actually much smarter okay you wouldn't have the balls okay
[07:35:14] brother this happened for years until i decided it's probably best not to have these dummies on
[07:35:21] okay probably best not to have these fucking dummies on. Okay?
[07:35:27] Unless you want to come on right now, I don't know. You're going to
[07:35:29] have to go on guest star though if you want
[07:35:31] to come on.
[07:35:31] We're not doing it
[07:35:32] on discord anymore.
[07:35:36] Conceptual James
[07:35:37] comes out against
[07:35:37] women.
[07:35:40] There's a very good
[07:35:40] chance now that
[07:35:41] Democrats will rob awful American women of ever having
[07:35:45] the opportunity to elect the first woman president.
[07:35:47] Law, Marxism always robs its constituents...
[07:35:49] Wait what?. I don't even know what that means. The Bill Igoe ad is very real, by the way.
[07:36:31] To an enthusiastic crowd of supporters at a rally in St. Charles today getting taxpayer handouts that's a disgrace on sunday after the attempted
[07:36:46] assassination of former president oh it is real
[07:36:49] president joe biden spoke about it is real that ad
[07:36:52] is real oh my god by popular request, here's Trump's full riff from yesterday's rally in Michigan on President Xi being brilliant because he controls 1.4 billion people with an iron fist.
[07:37:05] Okay, but when he glazes Xi, I'm like
[07:37:07] on board. You know what I mean? When I'm fucked up
[07:37:09] that's the real thing.
[07:37:10] These killers are sharp.
[07:37:12] The press gets angry. They said
[07:37:14] is President Xi of China
[07:37:17] a smart man? No said no. He's a brilliant man.
[07:37:21] He controls 1.4 billion people in the world.
[07:37:23] Is that guy still on the chat?
[07:37:25] He makes guys like Biden look like babies. They don't even know whether
[07:37:29] they're coming or going.
[07:37:31] The next day, Hitler says,
[07:37:33] Trump calls him brilliant!
[07:37:34] Classic. classic don't explain anything that I'm wanting to use
[07:37:46] until you push side and create space
[07:37:47] give him a bang for your buck
[07:37:49] oh he's a gaming
[07:37:51] watcher yeah
[07:37:53] he left after I said come on
[07:37:54] and you know I'll debate you
[07:37:57] another Another ad by that guy.
[07:38:03] Washington calls us backwards.
[07:38:05] They look down on us.
[07:38:06] Well,
[07:38:07] Washington?
[07:38:08] He's like,
[07:38:08] I'm going to prove him right.
[07:38:15] Washington calls us backwards.
[07:38:17] Let me tell you how inbred I am.
[07:38:20] I'm Bill Igle and I am backwards as shit.
[07:38:21] You can get bent!
[07:38:23] Here in Missouri, we believe
[07:38:25] in boys and girls. Not its
[07:38:27] they's or thems. We worship God
[07:38:29] not abortion. We cling to
[07:38:31] guns, not guns. No!
[07:38:35] You worship God, not abortion?
[07:38:38] I love worshipping abortion, dude.
[07:38:45] Fuck. Fuck! Did he say we worship guns?
[07:38:48] We cling to guns, not government.
[07:38:51] And we know where illegal immigrants belong.
[07:38:55] The hell out of here. I'm Bill Igle, as Governor
[07:38:57] I'll always fight Washington
[07:39:01] Bro you're a governor
[07:39:03] what do you mean you're going to fight Washington?
[07:39:05] Like 80% of your job
[07:39:07] is begging for more funds.
[07:39:09] What are you saying?
[07:39:14] I'm still listening to you
[07:39:16] pick and choose what you want
[07:39:17] to read lol
[07:39:17] and have your cult talk shit
[07:39:19] to me
[07:39:19] aww
[07:39:20] are you a victim
[07:39:21] are you a victim now
[07:39:23] vibe fresh
[07:39:23] I said
[07:39:24] I will extend you an offer
[07:39:26] if you want to come debate me on the issue of
[07:39:28] immigration, we can do that
[07:39:31] and now you're like oh
[07:39:32] no your chat is being mean to me
[07:39:35] like what happened?
[07:39:37] You were talking a big fucking game
[07:39:39] about how easily ownable I am.
[07:39:59] ... your cult is attacking me like have you considered not saying
[07:40:02] objectively stupid things and then maybe people would
[07:40:06] not react in that fashion.
[07:40:12] Like, I don't know why another...
[07:40:14] Okay wait hold on there's another
[07:40:15] here's another conservative narrative okay? Here's another conservative narrative, okay? Here's another
[07:40:19] conservative narrative.
[07:40:21] I'm a conservative.
[07:40:23] I get to say
[07:40:24] whatever the fuck
[07:40:26] I want
[07:40:26] and if you respond
[07:40:28] to me
[07:40:28] with the same energy that I put out
[07:40:31] there, okay? Then you're
[07:40:33] wrong. Why would you do that to me?
[07:40:34] What? You have destroyed me
[07:40:37] You have killed me
[07:40:38] Why would you destroy me like this?
[07:40:41] Why would you why would you say mean words to me?"
[07:40:45] It's like bro, if you're advocating for horrible shit then yeah yeah, people are going to respond
[07:40:52] in kind.
[07:40:59] Conservatives turn into
[07:41:00] words of violence geeks at a moment
[07:41:03] of friction, okay?
[07:41:05] It only takes like three and
[07:41:07] a half seconds of friction for
[07:41:09] a conservative to be like, words are violence.
[07:41:11] Why are you doing this to me?
[07:41:12] This is completely
[07:41:13] and utterly unacceptable.
[07:41:17] It's great,
[07:41:18] great stuff.
[07:41:20] Oh,
[07:41:21] let's hear what he has
[07:41:22] to say.
[07:41:40] You know, kind of hang around that sort of thing Oh, let's hear what he has. Let's see what might go down. this cabinet have covered up for Biden in this regime against the American people. Against the American people, look how irrational the Democrat Party is. They want him out,
[07:41:46] they want Biden out, but
[07:41:47] they won't admit he has dementia.
[07:41:49] They want her in, but they won't admit that
[07:41:51] she should trade with the 25th Amendment.
[07:41:53] And we all have to play along with this?
[07:41:55] We don't have to act like,
[07:41:56] This is no big deal.
[07:41:58] Let me tell you something.
[07:41:59] This is our country too.
[07:42:00] We conservatives and Republicans are non-democrats.
[07:42:02] You don't have to sit here
[07:42:03] and watch it with a tongue hanging out
[07:42:07] or chin hitting the floor and our eyes popping out of our heads. This is our country too they're making
[07:42:11] a mockery of them by the way. January 6th Mark what do you mean January 6th. Mark, what do you mean January 6th?
[07:42:20] August 1st 2023 right here look at this oh it's very, it's very long. It's very involved.
[07:42:29] It's an indictment against Donald Trump.
[07:42:32] Former President Donald Trump was indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury on four counts related to efforts
[07:42:39] to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.
[07:42:43] Wait a minute, is it the Democrat Party
[07:42:46] overturning the results of a primary election? Oh, Mark come on.
[07:42:51] Trump was charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States, witness tampering,
[07:42:55] conspiracy against the rights of citizens and obstruction of attempt to obstruct an official
[07:43:00] proceeding.
[07:43:03] Wow!
[07:43:03] I love when it lines up.
[07:43:05] If he's charged with obstruction, which
[07:43:08] has now been thrown out by the Supreme Court
[07:43:10] by an unconstitutional prosecutor
[07:43:12] then what the hell is a Democrat party doing?
[07:43:16] What the hell
[07:43:16] they just stole an election from 15 million
[07:43:19] voters
[07:43:19] lied to them then, lied to them now in elections from 15 million voters.
[07:43:20] Lied to them then, lied to them now.
[07:43:23] But what exactly has Kamala Harris done for the country?
[07:43:26] I keep hearing well she's female and she's black
[07:43:29] so younger voters and minorities,
[07:43:33] she'll now be able to attract them.
[07:43:35] She's never been able to before.
[07:43:36] She dropped out before Iowa.
[07:43:38] She couldn't get the South Carolina
[07:43:40] where over 50% of the voters in the Democrat Party are black.
[07:43:43] But she has done a lot, I have to confess.
[07:43:47] Here's The Washington Times.
[07:43:49] Illegal immigration is bringing slavery into America.
[07:43:51] Wait a minute! She is the border czar! There's more slavery occurring
[07:43:56] on our border in the United States since the end of the Civil War under Kamala Harris and Biden, his presidency.
[07:44:07] They write there is a very real human cost to open borders modern day slavery
[07:44:12] right now our southern border is the least secure in history.
[07:44:15] Mexican drug cartels are making a killing by taking advantage of migrants
[07:44:19] on their journey to our country. Sadly, migrant women and children
[07:44:23] are often raped, robbed, forced to smuggle drugs. And those who cannot pay
[07:44:26] their fee for passage to the U.S., or trapped in indentured servitude and fear
[07:44:31] of their own lives or their families." Wow! She's done a hell of a lot.
[07:44:36] More than 6 million illegal aliens have crossed our border in the last 27 months
[07:44:40] This is human suffering on a massive scale.
[07:44:42] This would not be happening if not for the Biden administration's lawful open border policies, and it goes on.
[07:44:50] Well that is what she has done for all of the black and brown people,
[07:44:53] the women and children on the southern border.
[07:44:55] I can't think of anything else, can you?
[07:44:57] No, I can't.
[07:44:59] The fact of the matter is if President Trump had to pick somebody
[07:45:03] to run against obviously Biden would be number one
[07:45:06] but a close number two would be number one.
[07:45:08] But a close number two
[07:45:10] will be his Vice President
[07:45:12] Kamala Harris
[07:45:15] I noticed that all the Democrats and Liberals in the media
[07:45:17] on cable, on networks, in the newspapers
[07:45:18] and online.
[07:45:19] They're very giddy tonight.
[07:45:22] Finally got rid of Biden.
[07:45:24] Now we have Harris.
[07:45:26] They're very giddy.
[07:45:31] But you know what? Those voters who were disenfranchised I don't think they are giddy. Those people on the border suffering from
[07:45:35] Harris's czarina position, I don't think they're giddy.
[07:45:40] I think the minority community has no love for
[07:45:44] Kamala Harris, they never did.
[07:45:46] I think that ruling class Democrats and
[07:45:48] the ruling class in Washington D.C.,
[07:45:50] and their media are giddy.
[07:45:52] They're giddy because they lie.
[07:45:55] Mark Levin made you a conservative
[07:45:57] in 2016? Super convincing speaker
[07:45:59] plus I was a moron no, I don't
[07:46:04] Dude you got duped by master shake that's crazy
[07:46:08] You want to close out?
[07:46:11] That's crazy in my mind like I would not admit that Do you want to close out?
[07:46:12] That's crazy in my mind.
[07:46:13] Like, I would not admit that.
[07:46:21] What is this W W-onk?
[07:46:23] He's saying Hassani is on.
[07:46:26] We're doing something different. Bro that nigga is not the suckest dick.
[07:46:31] One he look good as shit. No gay shit though.
[07:46:32] Because I'm a good looking dude bro!
[07:46:34] Come on bro!
[07:46:36] That's a good looking nigga bro!
[07:46:39] Just gotta keep it up.
[07:46:40] Two...
[07:46:47] He literally said, yo who y'all got real shit? Y'all got temper or a sign?
[07:46:49] Who look better?
[07:46:50] Yo you're a gay.
[07:46:51] I'm keeping up buck.
[07:46:52] What are you on about?
[07:46:53] I'm comfortable with my sexuality.
[07:47:03] Oh no, it's close.
[07:47:05] Honestly, I'm gonna have to go with
[07:47:06] September.
[07:47:07] Wow, that's messed up.
[07:47:10] I know, I saw me making it rain in the
[07:47:12] Poggers community.
[07:47:14] Sorry.
[07:47:15] Okay, so...
[07:47:20] One thing I gotta say
[07:47:23] I
[07:47:25] forgot because I haven't done a lot of collabs thing I gotta say, uh, I forgot
[07:47:26] because I haven't
[07:47:27] done a lot of
[07:47:28] collabs in a while
[07:47:29] because like
[07:47:30] you know
[07:47:32] I've been on
[07:47:32] an island
[07:47:33] for the most part
[07:47:34] but like
[07:47:35] I think I think
[07:47:36] people forgot that
[07:47:39] I'm a normal person
[07:47:41] when I'm in real life, and they're
[07:47:43] not just seeing me
[07:47:44] through clips from like insane
[07:47:48] haters that are like
[07:47:50] basically trying to present
[07:47:54] me in the worst way possible
[07:47:55] like it's just, I'm a normal person no matter how hard people try to like
[07:48:04] present it. I think the greatest counter to that is just basically going out and doing normal collabs with people
[07:48:13] That i normally wouldn't do collabs with
[07:48:17] All ear baskets?
[07:48:20] Oh yeah, I had the um...
[07:48:28] Good shot.
[07:48:35] Fuck!
[07:48:42] Fuck, this nigga's dog is asking for good
[07:48:49] Oh Yeah Too tall.
[07:48:51] Yo!
[07:48:53] Too tall, bro.
[07:48:57] What?
[07:49:00] That's a line.
[07:49:03] Okay, but you two three heads taller than them No I know
[07:49:04] They're good players
[07:49:07] Like they're not bad players
[07:49:08] I'm just much taller than they are
[07:49:10] Which is why I kept saying like
[07:49:12] To my own chat
[07:49:13] we'll see what happens
[07:49:14] if Max
[07:49:17] is on fire
[07:49:19] then it's going to be
[07:49:21] very difficult
[07:49:22] because like
[07:49:24] I have to give him space
[07:49:26] and when I didn't give him space
[07:49:28] he crossed me super easy
[07:49:29] see oh See?
[07:49:37] Who's she? Like he crossed me there.
[07:49:39] No way!
[07:49:41] Every time, every time...
[07:49:45] What?! Come on, come on. What? I'm fucking 16!
[07:49:47] Swap, swap.
[07:49:51] Oh my...
[07:49:59] Oh. I love you. Oh, fuck!
[07:50:00] Oh!
[07:50:00] That's all right?
[07:50:01] I got no energy.
[07:50:04] Sit back, sit back. That's it. Let's go. energy. Max needed to have good shooting
[07:50:18] To create space
[07:50:19] What happened in Ludwig?
[07:50:23] Brother left the Kendrick Lamar
[07:50:25] Concert immediately got a white boy babe what's going on here?
[07:50:40] What's going on here?
[07:50:41] Bro went to the Kendrick Lamar concert and started acting different.
[07:50:44] He started acting different!
[07:50:46] It's true.
[07:50:47] That's 100% correct.
[07:50:51] They look like two big brothers with a pig, their little bro over
[07:50:53] their team. Okay
[07:50:55] for the record they are good
[07:50:57] like they're good like they're they're good they're good players what how socialist
[07:51:04] when money dude you're rich why don't you give it to the poor sorry if you do
[07:51:08] and I don't know but hey look he just said
[07:51:10] sorry if you do and I don't
[07:51:13] know, but I don't think it would be living this good in the
[07:51:15] USSR to be able to say something about the
[07:51:16] government. Also
[07:51:18] what about people who see this guy just fucking came in here to rapid fire talking points.
[07:51:27] Crazy how tall you are in the game but in the NBA you'd be considered short?
[07:51:32] Yeah, of course.
[07:51:41] Yeah, I'm going to move to the USSR. Watch the full YouTube vid?
[07:51:56] Yeah, we have a YouTube
[07:51:58] vid lined up.
[07:52:00] I kind of want to look at that.
[07:52:04] What are we going to sign versus I kind of want to look at that. Ludwig and Hassan versus FaZe, Jason Weedon, Plaggboy Maxx.
[07:52:07] Basketball 2v2.
[07:52:10] I was a little worried at first because I thought
[07:52:13] that this collab wouldn't happen.
[07:52:14] It was very excited for it.
[07:52:16] And I was also a little worried about,
[07:52:18] I was also a little worried about this,
[07:52:20] um,
[07:52:21] about us losing for the most part,
[07:52:23] because you know i wasn't
[07:52:25] super confident in ludwig i wasn't super confident in my own skills
[07:52:30] in general That didn't give me a lot of confidence either.
[07:52:39] Ladies and gentlemen, I'm currently in transit on my way to ball like it's not just
[07:52:44] a hobby but a mere occupation.
[07:52:46] That is more than an occupation that is my life.
[07:52:49] I'm on my way to go play two V2 pickup basketball
[07:52:51] with the phase boys
[07:52:52] Two new phase recruits are gonna be put through the fire against Ludwig Ogren,
[07:52:59] The White Mamba and also myself Hassan Hasnabi Piker. A battle of athleticism
[07:53:04] a battle of composure, a battle of endurance
[07:53:08] A battle of age and experience over beauty and youth
[07:53:12] I don't know what the f*** i'm saying right now but we're playing against The FaZe Boys
[07:53:16] FaZe Jason The WeeWee and also FaZe Plaqueboy Max.
[07:53:21] All right my team once again me
[07:53:23] and that white boy with all the swag in the world okay?
[07:53:26] An ass they can fight back
[07:53:27] And an ass that won't quit, that's the team.
[07:53:29] We're Team Ass Big Booty Team
[07:53:31] We are going up against Jason The Wee-Wee
[07:53:33] Jason The Weenie
[07:53:35] If we beat them and become fazed they will no longer be fazed
[07:53:37] I talked to banks already.
[07:53:39] You wanna shoot?
[07:53:39] Let Ludwig shoot.
[07:53:41] Nah, let Jason shoot.
[07:53:42] Yeah yeah yeah, let Jason shoot.
[07:53:43] Hey hey, RPS, RPS loser shoots me and you.
[07:53:46] What the f*** is RPS?
[07:53:47] Rock Paper Scissors.
[07:53:48] I've never heard that in my life.
[07:53:49] How the have you never heard that?
[07:53:51] I say rock, paper, scissors.
[07:53:52] OK, all right.
[07:53:53] I'll shoot.
[07:53:54] Wait wait, have you ever seen anime?
[07:53:56] Yes.
[07:54:01] Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. What's shoot. That's crazy.
[07:54:05] Chill!
[07:54:07] Let the master work
[07:54:09] he knows what he's doing.
[07:54:14] It's all good? Hey, hey!
[07:54:15] Is it best of three or what?
[07:54:16] Hey, it's all good.
[07:54:18] So we're playing for 2K total, 1K each. We're doing one game?
[07:54:21] No, we should do best of three I think right?
[07:54:23] Best of three?
[07:54:24] . No stretching.
[07:54:36] Oh yeah, you're on. Yeah Jason!
[07:54:44] I should have grabbed that.
[07:54:50] Back out?
[07:54:52] Oh my god oh
[07:54:56] oh my gosh hey now
[07:55:02] good hey you got it i'm not there i'm gonna go He's not going to get no easy like points.
[07:55:08] Two-one, swap. 3-1. Swap.
[07:55:26] Oh, damn! And one. Bad foul. You okay?
[07:55:27] Sorry about that.
[07:55:28] Try to admit it.
[07:55:31] I didn't challenge the two short kings.
[07:55:33] They challenged us kind of.
[07:55:38] If you see me
[07:55:39] walking around,
[07:55:42] that's because I'm conserving energy.
[07:55:44] Okay? I'm a big boy.
[07:55:46] Obviously I'm a big boy. Obviously like obviously
[07:55:48] I'm not always going to be active the entire time
[07:55:51] especially because like
[07:55:53] I have to
[07:55:55] no, I'm serious
[07:55:56] I have to
[07:55:57] someone said load managing?
[07:55:59] 100%.
[07:55:59] It's unk game, okay?
[07:56:02] I know especially because
[07:56:04] I'm playing for two at certain points
[07:56:06] not to be kind of mean
[07:56:07] but like I have to make sure that i'm
[07:56:10] like spending my energy wisely sometimes i'm gonna cheat and you know
[07:56:16] take a step back. Good girl.
[07:56:38] Good job. All the way, all the way. No no no! Stop.
[07:56:41] All the way, all the way. No no no!
[07:56:44] You didn't have to do that.
[07:56:45] You can go up.
[07:56:54] It's like a dog in there. 6'3"?
[07:57:04] I try to encourage love the shoot, yes. I have to play mad hard for her.
[07:57:06] So I need you to guard this thing.
[07:57:11] He definitely traveled there.
[07:57:15] Nice! Not bad, lad.
[07:57:22] Aw f***.
[07:57:24] How do I miss that?
[07:57:27] My threes did get better after the shooting challenge
[07:57:29] I used to never shoot threes at all
[07:57:33] Ah! See he passed me everything Oh, shit.
[07:57:34] See?
[07:57:35] He passed me every time.
[07:57:36] Oh, yes!
[07:57:37] I didn't go in.
[07:57:38] Take it out.
[07:57:43] Okay, lad.
[07:57:44] That's 11. That's 11.
[07:57:45] Stand point.
[07:57:49] It's 1K each.
[07:57:53] Oh no! Good D, good D.
[07:57:57] Good D Max.
[07:58:04] Is it a double rim? Yeah but but it's fine. It wasn't that bad.
[07:58:11] Two more on set three. Nah.
[07:58:14] Yo let's come back!
[07:58:17] Hey! No. God damn it.
[07:58:28] No way. No way!
[07:58:32] That's crazy!
[07:58:36] Oh no!
[07:58:40] No it's not that was good.
[07:58:42] That was clean.
[07:58:43] Clean enough.
[07:58:44] We almost killed a child with that ball.
[07:58:46] Small defender who knows how to play will strip you every possession.
[07:58:50] Stay in the paint on D I mean,
[07:58:54] listen my only advantage.
[07:59:01] Bro, you talk so much while balling I'll be mad as hell.
[07:59:04] You can't hear them talking because they're mic'd up.
[07:59:09] If you watch their stream, you'll only hear them talking. If you watch my stream,
[07:59:10] you'll only hear me and Lud talk.
[07:59:17] Of course, we're all talking. It's 2v2.
[07:59:22] Anyway... We're all talking. It's 2v2. Anyway, but yeah, no, I'm not very good.
[07:59:26] I'm not very good at all.
[07:59:27] Like, I'm not...
[07:59:28] I'm not very confident in my dribble.
[07:59:31] I'm not confident in my ball handling.
[07:59:33] My shots are all right,
[07:59:36] but also beyond that,
[07:59:41] I don't know. I'm just like a little goofy, I don't know.
[07:59:42] I'm just like a little goofy, I would say.
[07:59:44] Like the way I see myself on the court when I rewatch myself playing video games.
[07:59:50] When I rewatch myself playing basketball, I'm like definitely very goofy.
[07:59:57] No way! God damn it!
[08:00:01] Hand up hand up he wants that.
[08:00:07] Come on oh hand up hand up he wants that you want that again
[08:00:12] ah you got it good d Good D. Keep it going.
[08:00:18] Damn! I'll give it to you.
[08:00:23] Come on. I'll give it to you.
[08:00:26] Come on, come on!
[08:00:28] That was off me!
[08:00:30] Swap, swap!
[08:00:33] Really do play like Jokic minus the passing.
[08:00:38] You have a pretty solid big man game, good inside the paint, a decent jumper and enough dribbling skills
[08:00:40] to get you to your spots.
[08:00:42] Yeah but like
[08:00:42] I wish I was better. I wish I was better.
[08:00:46] I wish I was better at dribbling.
[08:00:48] I feel like, also when
[08:00:50] I'm in...
[08:00:51] When I'm off my man
[08:00:54] I just don't think I'm...
[08:00:55] I don't think I'm off my man, like, I just don't think I'm... I don't think I'm...
[08:00:57] I don't know.
[08:00:59] I just look goofy. That's it.
[08:01:02] Yeah, help me there.
[08:01:03] I love you!
[08:01:04] Yeah, help me there.
[08:01:06] Ball's in!
[08:01:14] That was not a foul on me.
[08:01:16] But he didn't call foul on me no That was a foul on Ludd, but he didn't call foul on me, no?
[08:01:19] That was a block, by
[08:01:21] the way. That was
[08:01:21] solid one too.
[08:01:27] I don't understand how you can simultaneously move quick,
[08:01:29] but you also look like you're moving at 0.25 speed
[08:01:32] at the same time?
[08:01:33] Yeah, I'm a big body brother.
[08:01:34] That's what it is.
[08:01:36] It's also explosiveness.
[08:01:37] I can be explosive sometimes,
[08:01:40] but that's it.
[08:01:44] If you see me look actually
[08:01:46] good, that's because I'm moving fast
[08:01:48] and that's it.
[08:01:50] Oh, fuck!
[08:01:52] Wait, someone's mic fell.
[08:01:54] Let's get one by two.
[08:01:56] Wait where is my dog?
[08:01:57] Oh Kaya, Kaya come here,
[08:01:59] Get over here Kaya, Kaya come here. Get over here.
[08:02:00] Kaya?
[08:02:02] Ball in session!
[08:02:04] I got him, I got him.
[08:02:07] Just don't let them ice-hole.
[08:02:09] Blood, don't let them ice-o. Ludd, don't let him ice-o!
[08:02:14] No way!
[08:02:15] Yes!
[08:02:18] I'm more proud of that D...
[08:02:20] ...I'm more proud of that D than I am of many of my
[08:02:22] shots because those are easy fucking shots
[08:02:24] in general for me.
[08:02:28] With
[08:02:29] my size advantage, the shots
[08:02:30] I'm taking are easy shots
[08:02:33] but advantage. The shots I'm taking are like easy shots, but being able
[08:02:35] to do decent defense against a
[08:02:37] player that's way faster than me
[08:02:41] they're not uncontested.
[08:02:43] They are always contested.
[08:02:44] Max was up my ass the entire time.
[08:02:47] The problem is, there's a massive size difference there.
[08:02:50] So when I'm jumping up or if I'm like even fading a little bit true,
[08:02:55] but your D is mid.
[08:02:56] Not going to lie.
[08:02:57] No,
[08:02:57] my D is made because the person I'm playing defense against is significantly
[08:03:03] faster than me and can shoot like
[08:03:08] of course my d is going to look mid in that situation
[08:03:16] no screen. Get back! Oh my god.
[08:03:18] You gotta take it out.
[08:03:24] Hand up.
[08:03:27] Nah.
[08:03:35] Shoot it, shoot it. Shoot it, Frank.
[08:03:39] Hey, hey. Oh!
[08:03:43] This is where I got mad at brother Louie.
[08:03:45] Just put it up. Hey, hey, hey! I got mad at brother Lou.
[08:03:50] Hey, hey look! What's up baby? We've got time.
[08:03:52] Is this ball safe?
[08:03:54] We don't have time.
[08:03:56] I'm fucking... I got no energy.
[08:04:01] Your handle is much better than loads.
[08:04:03] Yeah, that's not saying much dude.
[08:04:05] I was like he wasn't he was just not passing it to me i'm like dude i'm much larger just
[08:04:11] like play to that advantage and i'm just having to cut over and over again and wasting energy.
[08:04:24] That's the only time where I was like,
[08:04:26] come on bro, just pass me the ball. That's it. That's game. Oh, that is a good game.
[08:04:32] Oh shit!
[08:04:33] Where are my haters at now?
[08:04:36] Huh?
[08:04:37] Oh you're too old. Where my haters at now, huh?
[08:04:40] Oh you're too old
[08:04:42] Oh you don't have any money anymore
[08:04:44] Like obviously they are going to say
[08:04:45] Oh you destroyed a bunch of little kids who were 5'4
[08:04:50] Max will cook all of you jason's pretty good too
[08:04:53] i won't say the same about luck hit my two bald your hit my tooth it's
[08:04:58] all i need your heart out dude you did great man Max is hard to stop though.
[08:05:02] Ball in second!
[08:05:07] Good reach, Lud.
[08:05:09] Bad shot from me. I shouldn't have done that.
[08:05:12] They didn't think you looked 27 yards away? Good reach. Bad shot for me, I shouldn't have done that.
[08:05:15] You didn't think you looked 27 after some cardio?
[08:05:19] You know I worked out in the morning too, right?
[08:05:22] Like I had worked out prior in the day just so you know Oh, fuck. You good?
[08:05:35] Ball's in.
[08:05:47] Ah, fuck.
[08:05:47] Can't do it.
[08:05:54] Jason needs more confidence. That's what he needs. He needs the... He needs more confidence.
[08:05:56] That's what he needs.
[08:05:57] He needs that... He needs more confidence in his game.
[08:05:59] I think he gets it.
[08:06:00] He gets in his own head.
[08:06:01] W Gladez?
[08:06:03] Okay,
[08:06:04] he needs to be more...
[08:06:05] Oh, look at that in a second. He needs to be more, I'll look at that in a second.
[08:06:06] He needs to be more confident his game
[08:06:08] I think like he's not bad.
[08:06:10] He's got decent handles.
[08:06:15] He's got decent handles he He needs to improve his shot a little bit.
[08:06:23] Jason's chat said they were like,
[08:06:25] Unk worked out in the morning and still beat you.
[08:06:28] Yeah.
[08:06:28] I mean,
[08:06:28] it is true.
[08:06:29] I did work out in the morning.
[08:06:33] Jimmy Butler can teach you how to dribble for a big man,
[08:06:36] dude.
[08:06:36] I want to do that. I actually, here's, I want to do that.
[08:06:38] I actually...
[08:06:38] Here's what I want to do.
[08:06:40] Before DreamCon,
[08:06:41] so like we have only
[08:06:42] a couple days,
[08:06:43] but I actually want
[08:06:44] to get Max
[08:06:47] and I guess Jason too
[08:06:48] even though he's on the other side
[08:06:49] He's on the opposing team next week
[08:06:52] And
[08:06:54] work with
[08:06:55] Lethal
[08:06:56] Shooter Well Lethal... Work with a lethal shooter?
[08:07:01] Look at this.
[08:07:02] I was watching this.
[08:07:03] These mistakes are ruining your jump shot.
[08:07:06] Like, I want to get...
[08:07:08] I want to do like one more stream where we go and train.
[08:07:18] Lethal Shooter is... I think Lethal Shooter is a...
[08:07:25] Isn't Lethal Shooter also?
[08:07:26] Oh, no.
[08:07:27] That's not who I'm thinking of.
[08:07:29] I thought Lethal Shooter was the dude who's also a Rebel. Oh, he
[08:07:34] is! Yeah, he's the Rebel athlete.
[08:07:38] That requires you dudes to
[08:07:40] actually communicate and plan this out
[08:07:42] yeah i no lud well let's not here i do want to do it with lud
[08:07:46] but he's not here already texted him and he didn't respond to me
[08:07:56] a study stream damn you love basketball no I'm not gonna study basketball right now lethal shooter fucks up everyone's jump shot.
[08:08:06] Lethal Shooter make Kyle Kuzma go from 43%
[08:08:09] From 3 to 31%.
[08:08:10] I personally despise him.
[08:08:15] Is this the...
[08:08:17] Wait, did I gas up Hasan
[08:08:19] to y'all already? Did I gas up
[08:08:21] Hasan? That nigga is handsome no gay shit
[08:08:23] He a good looking dude just keeping it stacked
[08:08:25] Morg and Silky
[08:08:27] Silky's salty as shit
[08:08:29] You supposed to be the cool nigga in the fucking house
[08:08:31] Mogging that lame ass nigga
[08:08:33] He look good though, no gay shit I'm just keeping a step I'm just keeping it
[08:08:36] real five-star drug has unite bitch out of here. What was this? I said this on stream.
[08:08:57] We officially hit on status. Yeah, I know.
[08:08:59] I've officially hit onk status but it's cool.
[08:09:01] I like it.
[08:09:04] I like being onk status.
[08:09:09] So I like being on status. You blow the whistle to say off by a little?
[08:09:12] Sack!
[08:09:18] Put that ass down in the paint.
[08:09:20] Come on, David!
[08:09:25] That is not basketball.
[08:09:27] Yes!
[08:09:29] That's right. Big body!
[08:09:35] Hey, hey. What?
[08:09:42] You put your whole body on that every time.
[08:09:44] Yo Jason do it.
[08:09:46] You all start taking outside shots. Yeah.
[08:09:57] Hop!
[08:10:00] As long as you can hit that. Hold on.
[08:10:05] Oh my god!
[08:10:06] What's going on, ref?
[08:10:07] I know, I know, I know, I know.
[08:10:10] I got throw up.
[08:10:11] Get there.
[08:10:14] Jesse back down y'all!
[08:10:15] Yo, I'm telling you bro!
[08:10:18] I should've just pain-
[08:10:19] I should have backed him up my bad.
[08:10:23] Iron wall bro!
[08:10:25] You're not pushing it over.
[08:10:31] That was crazy.
[08:10:32] That was really good.
[08:10:45] Rippin' life! Rip him, Loi. Clip on him!
[08:10:52] Look at Loway's defense, he's crazy.
[08:10:58] Oh yes! Peace peace! I get it.
[08:11:08] No! Yes. Oh my God, I thought I missed that. Bag him up.
[08:11:09] Oh, that was a good shot.
[08:11:15] You go?
[08:11:27] Hup! Oh!
[08:11:35] Beat him. Down there. I'm down.
[08:11:41] Time out ref! What are we using the timeout for?
[08:11:45] Using it for my ass is tired
[08:11:52] You're doing great. I know how do you feel? I feel good. I can prove your performance
[08:11:56] Uh, think it's a off ball movement on offense
[08:11:58] But usually when you're ISO against him,
[08:11:58] like there I just box out Max
[08:12:00] and you should win that.
[08:12:01] Let's go!
[08:12:01] Let's go!
[08:12:02] So I mean like he pushes me
[08:12:03] in and you don't
[08:12:04] get the shot but...
[08:12:04] You had a couple good rebounds.
[08:12:06] I'm just trying to get
[08:12:06] good rebounds,
[08:12:07] good D so if you don't
[08:12:07] have to worry about D.
[08:12:08] You're doing great.
[08:12:10] Back, I'll shoot this three and make it.
[08:12:13] I'll shoot it!
[08:12:15] Awwww!
[08:12:17] Don't miss those.
[08:12:20] Why are your legs so fat, bruh?
[08:12:24] I have strong ass legs bro what you talking about
[08:12:27] Pick love coming lad pick love
[08:12:30] Get help.
[08:12:30] You got help.
[08:12:33] I got one.
[08:12:34] Stay, stay, stay.
[08:12:38] Hey!
[08:12:40] See how close that was? Hey! I didn't see that. That was slow.
[08:12:43] I was slow to pass him.
[08:12:45] No, foot never went down?
[08:12:47] That was. You changed your pivot foot.
[08:12:49] Pick right.
[08:12:52] Still on right. Goddamn, low end!
[08:12:55] He's big body.
[08:12:57] Big body augering.
[08:13:00] Pick left.
[08:13:09] No. What's the whistle? What's the whistle? Check up, check up, check up. You can't blow the whistle like that. You want me to hit
[08:13:12] that three?
[08:13:13] I got you.
[08:13:14] I'm good for one.
[08:13:20] That's why
[08:13:20] you gotta play
[08:13:20] that side.
[08:13:22] Oh, no!
[08:13:24] Yeah, Jason.
[08:13:25] Take four.
[08:13:27] New York, you got it.
[08:13:28] Don't force.
[08:13:28] I'll come.
[08:13:30] What is this?
[08:13:32] Look at Max's reaction
[08:13:33] to your jump shot in his face is so funny.
[08:13:37] Brain, let's go.
[08:13:40] Do I not?
[08:13:43] Do I not?
[08:13:44] Oh my. Get in there! Get in there, nigga! That one was bad.
[08:13:59] It doesn't...
[08:14:00] This is a favorable edit, too.
[08:14:02] This is a favorable edit because
[08:14:04] this is oh shit alright peace brother
[08:14:11] please have fun this is a favorable edit too
[08:14:16] Because he was like
[08:14:18] I was talking to him
[08:14:19] He's not confident in his shot
[08:14:23] And then he shot two threes in a row
[08:14:26] And I said, oh,
[08:14:28] yeah, win by two, right?
[08:14:31] And he was like,
[08:14:32] yeah. Do I not? Oh my...
[08:14:34] Get in there! Get in there, nigga!
[08:14:36] Let's go.
[08:14:39] I was like, win by two, right? He's like,
[08:14:39] win by two.
[08:14:39] Right?
[08:14:40] He's like,
[08:14:40] yeah.
[08:14:41] I was like,
[08:14:41] okay.
[08:14:43] And then I just fucking blasted off of
[08:14:44] him and he
[08:14:44] stepped back.
[08:14:50] I got lucky
[08:15:00] They got a red Yo bro, I'ma let y'all niggas know this right now. I'm not a stupid or retarded nigga.
[08:15:01] I'm not a red durag moron.
[08:15:04] Yo bro, if I'm playing the 6-5 nigga and they know how to shoot
[08:15:06] and they are big and know how to use their
[08:15:08] body, I stand no chance unless I make every shot.
[08:15:12] And I didn't think I had to explain that this shit is ridiculous.
[08:15:17] This shit is ridiculous like yo bro, there's some demoralizing ass shit. That's why I don't want be one big niggas like what the fuck
[08:15:26] Do y'all know how demoralizing this is
[08:15:32] He's directly like his hand
[08:15:33] is directly
[08:15:35] on my face. Like he covered
[08:15:37] my face completely
[08:15:39] like there's not anything
[08:15:41] he can do in that moment.
[08:15:44] His hand is in my mouth.
[08:15:58] Like but look at the mechanics on that can we just take a brief moment to notice decent shot mechanics i think think. It goes the distance, okay?
[08:16:06] It goes the distance.
[08:16:07] Decent shot mechanics
[08:16:08] goes the distance.
[08:16:10] Is that your phone in your pocket?
[08:16:12] It is not.
[08:16:12] I do not have my phone in my pocket
[08:16:16] Oh, oh this is the full clip Hassan did Max so dirty
[08:16:24] Yep Oh, they clipped it out there.
[08:16:30] I go, where's the camera?
[08:16:31] Where's the camera?
[08:16:32] And I walk up into the three goggles. Contesting is about getting height to change the shooter's angle.
[08:16:51] Covering the face does nothing?
[08:16:54] I mean, dude, in that height difference. What is he supposed to do?
[08:17:00] Jump up and try to block the ball
[08:17:02] Oh
[08:17:06] Look at the Jokic.
[08:17:10] All the way from back of his head.
[08:17:30] Yeah. That's why I stopped playing basketball when I got to high school.
[08:17:31] People like you,
[08:17:32] well don't worry.
[08:17:33] People like me were...
[08:17:34] I was ass.
[08:17:35] Like way more ass.
[08:17:58] I was way more ass in high school You would swap places with Mags if it was you contesting Jokic?
[08:17:58] Yes.
[08:18:05] Blocking Linus Leif or anybody who isn't a pro is your best bet in that scenario? Yeah.
[08:18:10] No, there's a lot i need to work on
[08:18:12] i need to work on my ball handling
[08:18:14] i need to work on my shots
[08:18:16] they're not like super consistent
[08:18:18] i only did mid-range here
[08:18:20] and even then i wasn't very happy with my shot percentage
[08:18:23] Even though it was fairly high
[08:18:24] But like those are not super contested shots
[08:18:28] Those are shots that are contested off of someone
[08:18:30] Who's like a much smaller defensive player
[08:18:31] Um I need to get better at of someone who's like a much smaller defensive player.
[08:18:35] I need to get better at,
[08:18:37] I just need to be more confident in my dribbling
[08:18:38] because if you notice
[08:18:40] I'm wide open when I'm dribbling,
[08:18:43] in most situations.
[08:18:55] Oh come on.
[08:18:56] Come on, love.
[08:18:58] No, no, I was talking to him. He beat me.
[08:18:58] He beat my ass.
[08:18:59] You pushed him.
[08:18:59] Yeah, give him a little push.
[08:19:01] A little love.
[08:19:03] Yeah, that was fucked up.
[08:19:06] He got beat and then pushed
[08:19:07] him while he was on the fucking run. I was like
[08:19:09] don't do that dude you're gonna fucking hurt him.
[08:19:19] No! God damn it. I'll stick with him, I'll stick with him. What shirts are you wearing?
[08:19:22] You're a fucking asshole. I'll segue.
[08:19:29] What shirts are you wearing? Put it up.
[08:19:37] Confidence, confidence.
[08:19:41] Stay right there, stay right there.
[08:19:45] Slow down a little bit Yeah, you're right Apollo Escobar tick-tock of you know
[08:19:54] There's no reason for me to shoot that
[08:19:59] No There's no reason for me to shoot that. No.
[08:20:02] Take your time, take your time.
[08:20:06] Ready?
[08:20:07] Right here, right back.
[08:20:08] All the way. There you go. Ready? I'm here. Right here, right on your back.
[08:20:10] There you go.
[08:20:15] I'll look at him in a second. Oh! Stay close.
[08:20:26] Hey, ready?
[08:20:27] I saw him.
[08:20:28] Take it out.
[08:20:35] Turn right, turn right! Take it out. I'll try to pass you.
[08:20:38] That's terrible, you can't be getting blocked by...
[08:20:41] You're not shooting My pick and rolls are asking too
[08:20:47] Like I was not even trying at that point
[08:20:49] I was so tired
[08:20:49] I was so tired by this point chat I was so tired by this point, chat.
[08:20:52] I was like trying to conserve my energy
[08:20:56] to the best of my abilities
[08:21:00] I was feeling bad for Ludd, but now
[08:21:02] I know why you don't let him shoot.
[08:21:04] No, I gave him a lot of
[08:21:05] opportunities.
[08:21:07] I was trying to get him to...
[08:21:10] Those are Joker-level screens, bro?
[08:21:12] Yeah, bro. It's just like I'm trying to min max
[08:21:14] I'm trying to fucking min max dude Are you getting tired this quick?
[08:21:32] What? This is like
[08:21:33] This was literally
[08:21:36] like the second hour and also i worked out in
[08:21:39] the morning how am i getting tired this quick it's
[08:21:43] 90 degrees out it's more than 90 degrees out and
[08:21:46] this is my second workout of the day I'm guarding a player that is literally half
[08:21:53] of my size. Okay?
[08:21:58] What are we talking about here?
[08:22:01] You think this was 15 minutes long?
[08:22:05] This is basically two hours at that point
[08:22:07] and it's a 2v2
[08:22:15] where I'm doing a lot more work than
[08:22:19] I normally would.
[08:22:22] These are all massive factors
[08:22:24] at play here.
[08:22:29] Hey!
[08:22:31] Okay.
[08:22:32] Well, we can't score.
[08:22:33] Excuse me.
[08:22:34] We're not going to win.
[08:22:35] Excuse me.
[08:22:36] I think it's 9-6?
[08:22:37] 9-6. And he just scored.
[08:22:43] Put that shit up.
[08:22:44] Swish!
[08:22:47] He's not confident in his shooting ability.
[08:22:49] That's why I'm giving it to him. I'll let him have it.
[08:22:53] I told you!
[08:22:55] Put it up, put it up, you got this!
[08:23:00] Oh! Put it up, you got this. One on one.
[08:23:04] That's ten? Ten what? Ten what?
[08:23:06] It's not getting points.
[08:23:14] Shot! Shot! Oh my god! That's out, that's out.
[08:23:17] On you.
[08:23:18] No no no.
[08:23:19] You're not allowed to step up.
[08:23:20] I'm going to step up. I'm going to step up. I'm going to step up. That's how. On you!
[08:23:21] You're not allowed to step out and be the first one
[08:23:23] to touch him back in.
[08:23:27] Your rebounds are smooth glides?
[08:23:29] I don't know what that means.
[08:23:33] His shot is atrocious, do not let him shoot.
[08:23:36] Come on bro, it's fine, he can shoot sometimes.
[08:23:38] He shot a three-pointer last game.
[08:23:41] You can't be the first one to make contact if you're
[08:23:43] the one who brings it out.
[08:23:45] You can shoot for me, I'll shoot for you if you want.
[08:23:51] I'll reach out for it.
[08:23:59] Game point? Big body!
[08:24:05] Big body augering! Hey, hey I'm over here.
[08:24:10] Shot, shot. Oh what the f***? Good D.
[08:24:13] Good D.
[08:24:14] Good D.
[08:24:15] Wait.
[08:24:16] I thought you were
[08:24:17] watching pace still.
[08:24:18] I was going over to Jason.
[08:24:28] He's trying to rally with a three. You don't have another one.
[08:24:30] No, you don't.
[08:24:33] Straighter to the corner. man no you don't no no you don't uh straight or two went by two right can
[08:24:39] you win off a tour now uh sure sure is the face community being really dumb
[08:24:45] towards you've been there?
[08:24:45] No, not at all.
[08:24:46] They were so fucking awesome.
[08:24:48] Their chats were all like W on cause honest kind of nice with it.
[08:24:52] They're calling me a joke edge.
[08:24:54] They call me fucking Turk now whiskey. They were calling me fucking Turg Nowitzki.
[08:24:58] They were super nice.
[08:25:01] There was a lot of people who were like, damn, I thought this dude sucked. Like, I thought he was a fucking bad guy.
[08:25:10] Like, there was a lot of people I think that were just like oh yeah we thought this guy was an asshole and all he likes talking about is
[08:25:14] politics or some shit and then they were like, never mind.
[08:25:17] He's just a normal guy.
[08:25:21] Which is true. I am a normal guy.
[08:25:23] I think a lot of people online
[08:25:24] that spend all of their time online...
[08:25:27] A lot of people online that spend most of their time online,
[08:25:30] a lot of people online that spend most of their time online have a very different opinion
[08:25:34] of me than like until they see me in an uninterrupted fashion.
[08:25:41] Like at the top of the hour when there's a three minute ad break that
[08:25:43] interrupts the broadcast a little bit.
[08:25:45] But if you no longer want to see those ads,
[08:25:46] all you need to do is subscribe for $5 or for free with Twitch Prime.
[08:25:54] We talked about cancellation on Kyrie? Okay, I talked about like one or two things. Like
[08:25:56] that wasn't that big of a deal.
[08:26:05] The bid on the first game was like 95% on FaZe, yeah.
[08:26:09] People forget that
[08:26:10] I was an adult when
[08:26:14] I became famous, so
[08:26:15] I had a normal
[08:26:16] development.
[08:26:20] I had a normal
[08:26:21] development and I was a normal development
[08:26:21] when I was a normal guy
[08:26:24] before I got on Twitch and it broke my fucking brain.
[08:26:56] .... Also, Kyrie's cancellation is an NBA Twitter meme too. Yeah.
[08:27:05] Back out! back out.
[08:27:07] Oh bad shot.
[08:27:13] Oh you're moving by twos?
[08:27:15] Yup.
[08:27:19] Where's the camera?
[08:27:20] Where's your camera?
[08:27:28] That's it baby.
[08:27:29] Hey, let me get a song combined for 13 don't forget!
[08:27:31] Hey good game.
[08:27:33] Yo what's up? What the fuck one of my favorite hip hop meme pages just posted a clip from this
[08:27:36] You're actually W-onk now?
[08:27:42] I'm very excited to defeat Duke Dennis' team in the upcoming Creator League alongside Max,
[08:27:48] as a matter of fact.
[08:27:49] You're going to teammates with him?
[08:27:50] Yeah that's right.
[08:27:51] See that Mark?
[08:27:52] Mark hit me up.
[08:27:53] Mark hit me up.
[08:27:54] He sent me text message like oh are you good?
[08:27:56] Do you play basketball?
[08:27:57] I just said yep and apparently that was good
[08:27:59] enough for him to pick me that's bull because you know what i texted him on the fourth or fifth
[08:28:03] player on our team i said cause he was thinking about who to pick i said they called me the white
[08:28:07] lebron and then he Ludwig, who the hell calls
[08:28:09] you that? And then he didn't pick me until the very
[08:28:11] last pick. You guys think the ref called some
[08:28:13] bulls**t today? Sometimes you just blow
[08:28:15] your f***ing whistle. Yeah, you were horrible.
[08:28:17] You're genuinely one of the worst refs ever do it i thought you did great
[08:28:20] you were trying hard you're farming some clips can't wait to see it on the tick-tock
[08:28:23] you should retire today please make a twitter community yeah
[08:28:35] rama's gonna ask you if you could go shopping and he kept getting nervous saying you had aura.
[08:28:41] It was hilarious.
[08:28:51] Jason down? Oh, this is about the...
[08:28:54] The Lethal Shooter stream potentially. Or like any kind of basketball.
[08:29:05] OH SHIT! to do a stream with you max and lethal shooter training for the dreamcon match oh i'm so down what the yeah i would i mean i gotta i gotta see if i can get him on board.
[08:29:19] You were making Ron nervous the whole two games?
[08:29:21] Okay, that's probably because I've known Ronaldo for like years.
[08:29:25] And the thing is,
[08:29:27] like,
[08:29:29] I didn't even realize how young he was when,
[08:29:32] when I first met him,
[08:29:32] I just thought he was young, and he's still
[08:29:34] young.
[08:29:38] But yeah,
[08:29:39] he used to...
[08:29:40] He's been around this community for a while.
[08:29:45] Lodz's message
[08:29:45] in Discord after was kind of shady towards
[08:29:47] you?
[08:29:49] I can't believe he said that. Yes, it
[08:29:51] leads to a basket but at what cost
[08:29:53] to the communal spirit?
[08:29:54] What?
[08:30:05] What? but at what cost to the communal spirit? The one that you got right down is right here i have it so he really is turk nowitzki uh his mid
[08:30:10] range game is his main weapon he is playing smaller guys
[08:30:14] but look that's pretty contested and as you can see this is an ugly double rim
[08:30:19] and he was hitting a ton of these types of shots uh all game long i think they played
[08:30:24] two games and yeah they, they were contested.
[08:30:32] He was able to stretch it out
[08:30:34] to three as well. You can see one there.
[08:30:41] I think these were back to back plays And he even hit this game winner
[08:30:47] He's got some shooting versatility um watch on this shot his feet are a little off and yeah
[08:30:55] he's like shooting out to the side but watch as he aligns himself in the air
[08:31:01] to get that elbow square to the basket.
[08:31:03] Damn!
[08:31:04] That's crazy!
[08:31:07] I've never even done... I've never done this level of analysis
[08:31:10] before.
[08:31:12] You correct really well with your core,
[08:31:15] this is wild stuff.
[08:31:17] ...this but barely.
[08:31:19] My biggest criticism with him is that he doesn't get a deep
[08:31:21] enough seal on these post-ups
[08:31:23] to get the ball all the way out here
[08:31:25] That's just making his life
[08:31:27] unnecessarily hard. What he should do
[08:31:29] is tell Ludwig, hey don't throw that in an entry pass
[08:31:32] yet i gotta back down this guy all the way to the hoop
[08:31:34] the problem with that is i just don't trust lug to be able to pass it to me
[08:31:38] uh between me and Jason.
[08:31:43] Like, I'll be honest.
[08:31:45] That's why I was like wide out.
[08:31:50] There was a couple moments where I would literally... There was a couple moments where I would just have...
[08:31:53] I'd be wide open between me and him. No one in
[08:31:55] between us and he just would not look up
[08:31:57] And it's just trust your team bro no i i do i do trust lud but i also know his like
[08:32:09] limitations catch it right here and then go up so like you can see on this plate gets it
[08:32:16] right there and then goes into this fadeaway which he was hitting shots but still that's
[08:32:21] an unnecessarily tough shot. He could have created a much easier shot
[08:32:25] by working without
[08:32:26] the ball in his hands and getting a deep seal
[08:32:29] near the hoop. Brother watching the film like
[08:32:31] he's an NBA prospect, I mean,
[08:32:33] I'm assed but it's good to see...
[08:32:36] I'm so fortunate that I'm able to do this on camera
[08:32:40] and then have people just legitimately analyze it.
[08:32:43] Oh my god.
[08:32:44] I forgot the fuck I run the three-minute handbrake, by the way, after I said I was going to run it. Oh my god, I forgot to fucking run the three-minute handbrake by the way after I said
[08:32:47] I was going to run it but
[08:32:48] yeah, this is like
[08:32:53] this is great. I'm getting free
[08:32:54] coaching and then when he has an
[08:32:57] even bigger mismatch on him, he still
[08:32:59] was content getting the ball
[08:33:01] outside of the paint and then he tries
[08:33:03] to back him down but Ben just
[08:33:05] gives up a little too early.
[08:33:08] And you can see when he catches this,
[08:33:10] he immediately goes into a move
[08:33:11] where he started off outside the pink
[08:33:13] so his feet are only right there.
[08:33:21] Not as easy as it could have been if we compare to this play where he's taking him off the dribble he gets way deeper in the paint you
[08:33:25] see? He gets that foot right there and then he's able to just go up
[08:33:29] right there. It's easy
[08:33:31] He had a couple impressive passes
[08:33:33] Ludwig did not finish them
[08:33:35] but that doesn't mean the pass is bad
[08:33:37] Finds him as a cutter right away yeah he tried to tell me
[08:33:42] he tried to tell me that that i was not fast enough on that pass i was like come on bro
[08:33:47] he's like yeah just pass and go Come on, bro.
[08:33:52] He's like, yeah, just pass and go.
[08:33:54] I was like, just pass and go give me the ball and dive in because they're going to double
[08:33:56] me and I will immediately dish it back
[08:33:59] to you.
[08:34:02] And he's like, yeah, just pass it back to me fast enough and i was like come on bro like i'm passing it to you pretty fast
[08:34:07] here he's gonna get double teamed up here ludwig slips the screen and he hits him. He did miss this
[08:34:16] pass at the beginning of the game, I think he's tall enough to see over the top of the
[08:34:20] defense that you should have seen this play developing you could have shot
[08:34:23] that over into the space where that's true heading but i was too i was already i was already up he
[08:34:29] shot instead defensively it's pretty clear that he's out of position
[08:34:33] out here on the perimeter.
[08:34:35] This is not the type of player you can guard
[08:34:37] these quick little explosive
[08:34:39] guards. If he plays up
[08:34:41] too close, he's pretty prone to getting blown by.
[08:34:45] And he doesn't have a lot of vertical explosiveness at all.
[08:34:50] Like,
[08:34:50] he barely gets off the ground to contest these shots.
[08:34:53] But when they switched Ludwig
[08:34:55] onto Max and had Hasan Roman in the paint
[08:34:57] as a rim protector, I was...
[08:34:59] I thought there were some pretty impressive flashes.
[08:35:01] He's still pretty ground-bound
[08:35:02] but he was still able to make an impact just with his size
[08:35:05] and just with timely rotations. You know, there
[08:35:09] he deters one shot now he deters a second shot
[08:35:13] And then they do score on this, but
[08:35:16] Hassan is right there, and he's contesting it. That's
[08:35:18] just a tough make. You can
[08:35:20] see on display, he's going to
[08:35:22] slide over and force the pass,
[08:35:24] and then
[08:35:25] he's going to block that shot.
[08:35:27] Again, he starts the play.
[08:35:29] Dude, I have no...
[08:35:30] Yeah, I have no vertical ability.
[08:35:32] It's really bad.
[08:35:34] I only have vert.
[08:35:37] I have no vert. I have no vertical ability on defense
[08:35:39] I only have like minimal
[08:35:41] Vertical
[08:35:42] Takeoff when i'm on offense
[08:35:45] And i've already made my fucking mind up
[08:35:47] on what kind of shot
[08:35:49] I'm going to take.
[08:35:51] Yeah, you white?
[08:35:53] There's plenty of white boys
[08:35:54] who can fucking jump pretty high.
[08:35:57] We're in the TikTok era now, people are
[08:35:59] doing plyometrics, okay?
[08:36:10] I can't even dunk.
[08:36:11] I'm 6'4". I can't dunk, and I'm not that heavy anymore.
[08:36:15] I mean, I'm still pretty heavy, but I could definitely...
[08:36:18] I should be able to dunk at this point and I still can't.
[08:36:20] So yeah my vertical is pretty bad.
[08:36:23] There Max gets the bull by he rotates over
[08:36:28] He's able to shut that down without even jumping right let's see
[08:36:35] yeah like i think this was his most impressive perimeter defensive possession.
[08:36:43] He's able to stay with him and then get the block at the rim.
[08:36:48] I thought this was a pretty impressive rotation.
[08:36:50] That's exactly what I said. That was my, I think that was a pretty impressive rotation. That's exactly what I said, that was my
[08:36:52] I think that was the most impressive thing I did the entire
[08:36:54] game
[08:36:54] but that was only because I started
[08:36:58] that was only because I started giving him
[08:37:00] range
[08:37:01] like I started giving him range.
[08:37:03] Like, I started giving him distance because I noticed that he
[08:37:05] was losing confidence in his shot.
[08:37:07] So I literally started
[08:37:09] just giving him more distance. If he
[08:37:11] was not a good shooter from the jump, I could have
[08:37:13] given him a lot of distance
[08:37:15] and just stayed
[08:37:17] like
[08:37:20] stayed
[08:37:22] a little bit behind and collapsed on him as soon as he got into like perimeter
[08:37:26] as soon as you got into like the paint
[08:37:28] why are you asking me this question over and over again?
[08:37:36] Are you okay?
[08:37:36] Are you using the green screen right now or are you home?
[08:37:39] If so, it's been a while.
[08:37:41] Be sure you be taking care of yourself.
[08:37:43] What is happening?
[08:37:51] What are you saying?
[08:38:07] . chatter chill you're being weird.
[08:38:13] It's getting hard to defend you. People on IG are saying you shoot hoops like Trump dances? What?
[08:38:18] He's out here. Axe gets the by, he meets him at the rim and forces him away from getting that easy layup
[08:38:21] so overall i'm really impressed by the shooting ability I do
[08:38:24] wonder if the rim protection translates to bigger competition.
[08:38:29] I do think he has a plus wingspan, so maybe relative to the size of the competition
[08:38:34] He could be like a Jokic type rim protector
[08:38:36] I also do think he has untapped potential as a screener,
[08:38:40] He did set a few screens over the course of this game
[08:38:42] but Ludwig was not all that good to take advantage of them
[08:38:46] and I think if he does work on getting those deeper seals, it's going to take his game
[08:38:49] to another level.
[08:38:51] This is great.
[08:38:52] This is a great film review.
[08:38:55] So that's great.
[08:39:03] Turk Nowitzki is gold.
[08:39:07] Generational off-season run.
[08:39:27] He should do third leg J Jokic Lamal.. The fundamentals are clean.
[08:39:29] His bank shot game is surprising.
[08:39:33] Double rim two,
[08:39:36] watching Contra Critics play D is the bane of my existence.
[08:39:38] His game winner was crazy contested. 60s fundamentals?
[08:39:42] You have to force him
[08:39:44] to fade left way too
[08:39:45] comfortable in the right
[08:39:45] pocket.
[08:39:46] Wait, what?
[08:39:47] I was on the left.
[08:39:55] You you and Max could be like Steve Nash, Mario Stoudemire
[08:39:57] DreamCon and Pig & Roll Demons Is it me to say Ludwig does not look like he plays basketball weekly?
[08:40:11] He has never played basketball
[08:40:13] like until six months ago.
[08:40:16] Max said it was demoralizing.
[08:40:18] You're not going to go on that?
[08:40:19] No,
[08:40:19] I,
[08:40:20] oh we already watched it,
[08:40:21] yeah.
[08:40:22] Um,
[08:40:27] construction workers and plumbers in the league dude I am though like
[08:40:29] I'm not
[08:40:29] I am not
[08:40:33] a
[08:40:33] um
[08:40:34] I am not like a very Am NOT a I
[08:40:38] Am not like a very good player. I've never
[08:40:42] I've never fucking claimed to be a good player My god god I see him son.
[08:40:48] He's big.
[08:40:49] Bro, I've met him before!
[08:40:51] I met him at TwitchCon.
[08:40:52] Oh no they're big.
[08:40:53] I ain't gonna lie.
[08:40:56] Oh no they they big bodies. Oh my god Chad I'm nervous should I go up and say something or should I wait patiently?
[08:41:02] Oh no I'm nervous. Yeah, he's the kid that stole Bradley Martin's hat.
[08:41:31] But yeah um I'm not that good I've never said I'm
[08:41:32] that good
[08:41:33] I think I'm average
[08:41:34] but I'm also very
[08:41:36] tall and very
[08:41:37] big
[08:41:37] and I know how to like
[08:41:40] use the height advantage.
[08:41:49] Oh, left pocket.
[08:41:50] They're saying they want you having to go left with the ball in your
[08:41:52] left hand?
[08:41:53] Dude,
[08:41:53] they don't know what my left hand looks like.
[08:41:56] I didn't even bring that.
[08:41:57] I didn't even fucking bring that out as an expert ball watcher i was impressed with your
[08:42:01] bawling move that ass baby i want to see you put that big body to
[08:42:06] work in crater clash
[08:42:10] nah you've claimed
[08:42:11] you ball out
[08:42:12] I mean
[08:42:12] I ball
[08:42:13] yes
[08:42:13] I ball a lot
[08:42:14] you got very good
[08:42:15] fundamentals
[08:42:16] I don't think so
[08:42:17] I think...
[08:42:23] We'll see.
[08:42:24] We'll see how well
[08:42:25] I play
[08:42:26] in a five-on-five,
[08:42:30] especially because there there are,
[08:42:33] uh,
[08:42:34] there are going to be like real ballers there.
[08:42:36] There's a lot of fucking,
[08:42:37] like there's a lot of content creators who just like play basketball for their
[08:42:41] content that are going to be playing.
[08:42:45] And those guys are gonna be a lot better,
[08:42:48] but we'll see.
[08:42:49] We'll see what happens.
[08:42:51] You do have good fundamentals.
[08:43:09] Big booty bitch Take the compliment. you need to learn how to dunk man i need better vert i need to position myself better and play post better
[08:43:12] that has always been a consistent problem of mine
[08:43:15] I never
[08:43:17] I don't know why, I just don't like
[08:43:19] I don't
[08:43:22] um
[08:43:22] I don't know
[08:43:25] you need to be careful with YPK Ray
[08:43:30] he's fast as fuck that's what I'm saying
[08:43:32] there's gonna be I mean I'm never gonna be around him
[08:43:34] like let's be real, dude.
[08:43:37] There's not going to be a moment where I'm
[08:43:39] playing against him most likely.
[08:43:43] He's
[08:43:43] going to have to blow past two dudes
[08:43:45] to get to me most likely.
[08:43:52] Hobbs is earned, not wished for?
[08:43:56] I just...
[08:43:57] No, I mean
[08:43:58] I do work on it
[08:44:00] The fact that he kept encouraging Ludd
[08:44:05] Instead of bitching about his mistakes
[08:44:06] Every shot is how a player should behave
[08:44:07] In a disadvantageous duo
[08:44:09] that is what I do in badminton as well it's going to help a lot of the team
[08:44:13] yeah, I mean
[08:44:14] I'm definitely a lot nicer when
[08:44:18] I play basketball than I am when
[08:44:20] I, like, play Valorant.
[08:44:21] You know what I mean?
[08:44:36] Also... also yeah I'm not a dick but I am when up when I'm playing when I'm playing a game that I'm confident in confident enough. That's very different.
[08:44:46] Anyway, that'll be all for today.
[08:44:48] I wanted to watch that.
[08:44:49] Go watch it.
[08:44:50] Give it a like give it a
[08:44:51] follow on the second channel
[08:44:53] um
[08:44:58] that's all for me for today. I'm
[08:45:00] tired and tired as hell
[08:45:01] um for today. I'm tired. Tired as hell.
[08:45:04] Love you all,
[08:45:06] and I will see you tomorrow.
[08:45:08] As always, we're going to have a big-ass stream tomorrow too, I suspect, when all the
[08:45:11] 9-to-5ers, the jobbers come back
[08:45:13] into the community to
[08:45:14] figure out what the hell's going on in the world.
[08:45:18] This was
[08:45:19] a unique Sunday stream
[08:45:21] but congratulations to Joeiden for dropping out of the race
[08:45:27] okay we'll see if we're if we'll see if i'm riding with mamala
[08:45:31] when her campaign comes to fruition a little bit, but...
[08:45:35] on that note for tonight, I'm out.
[08:45:38] Peace everybody! Love you all! See ya tomorrow! Bye! Los Angeles, California says her song.
[08:45:49] The starlight to the starlight
[08:45:52] to the topic just begun is is again
[08:46:17] us on a street
[08:46:19] man
[08:46:20] us on a
[08:46:23] street
[08:46:23] man
[08:46:25] reviewing the it sudden discord at tip-top
[08:46:41] great names take on grace
[08:46:45] tiny Bernie Sanders, LGBTQ Air Force
[08:46:54] The hole left at your fingertips
[08:46:58] I lay at your fingertips, I lay at your door. H3 crowded up ate the young turds online show
[08:47:13] three full fucking years of this plenty more to go
[08:47:25] 90 day fiancé
[08:47:27] Talks of champagne
[08:47:29] Bourgeoisie Trump Valley life George Washington. There it is again, the sun is streaming.
[08:47:49] The sun is streaming.
[08:47:53] Yeah! The sun is streaming. Yeah, it is out again.
[08:47:58] The sun is streaming.
[08:48:01] The sun is streaming.