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Random Number Generation - Pokèmon Crystal Full Item Randomizer by @Keizaron - !rng !schedule

07-17-2024 · 13h 10m

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[00:00:00] 🎵 so so so so so so I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but I think you can get a lot of points for that.
[00:01:25] This one's pretty easy. You just have to jump on the platform and then go down the stairs. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but I think you can get a lot of points for that.
[00:01:30] You have to be careful with your attacks and you'll lose a lot of time.
[00:01:35] The only thing I really like about this game is how easy they are to use. so so so so so so so so. so so so so so so so so. so so ¶¶ so ¶¶ so ¶¶ so ¶¶ so ¶¶ so ¶¶ so ¶¶ don't know so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so. Hello everyone and welcome to Random Number Generation, the GDU hot fake show about randomizers,
[00:12:39] runners, and the communities behind them.
[00:12:42] I'm Sky Bills your host
[00:12:43] and this is episode
[00:12:45] oh my goodness we've broken the 100 barrier
[00:12:47] again 101 Pokemon
[00:12:49] Crystal full item randomizer
[00:12:52] with the one,
[00:12:53] the only
[00:12:53] Kuzeron
[00:12:54] before we get started here.
[00:12:56] We have
[00:12:57] just a couple
[00:12:58] announcements here
[00:13:00] on behalf of
[00:13:01] Games Done Quick. There's a lot going on here!
[00:13:03] So first of all, join the official
[00:13:05] GDQ Discord and add the HotFix
[00:13:07] role where you can keep tabs
[00:13:09] on upcoming events, talk with staff
[00:13:11] and showrunners, more. Use exclamation
[00:13:13] point discord in Twitch chat
[00:13:15] for more info. And if you've
[00:13:17] missed out on any of our shows or events
[00:13:19] be sure to check out the VODs at
[00:13:21] slash games done quick and go to
[00:13:24] slash hotfix
[00:13:26] for more info on our week
[00:13:28] weekly shows and weekend specials
[00:13:30] and two no sorry three
[00:13:32] events going on tonight.
[00:13:34] Oh my goodness.
[00:13:37] GDK's All Women and Femmes Speedrunning event,
[00:13:41] Flame Fatale returns August 18th through the 25th.
[00:13:44] Use exclamation point FS in Twitch chat to check out the schedule and let us know what you're
[00:13:45] looking forward to the most. I hope
[00:13:47] y'all see the Mario shop where I'm a little
[00:13:49] biased. GDQ is
[00:13:51] going to PAX West from August 30th
[00:13:53] through September 2nd. The schedule's now out and use
[00:13:56] exclamation point PAX
[00:13:58] in Twitch chat for more info, and let
[00:14:00] us know what you're excited about there.
[00:14:02] And last but definitely not least,
[00:14:04] Games Done Quick Express is returning to TwitchCon from September 20th through the 22nd.
[00:14:10] Submissions will be open tomorrow, July 17th through July 24th.
[00:14:16] Use exclamation point GDQX
[00:14:18] in Twitch chat for more info.
[00:14:20] So again, lots going on here with GDQ.
[00:14:23] With that being said though,
[00:14:24] Keys, how are you doing?
[00:14:26] Welcome back to the show. What up oh you know i'm here i'm alive i'm still
[00:14:33] on my pokemon bs you know the the usual. Oh yeah absolutely! I asked
[00:14:39] Keyes and I'm like alright so what kind of pokemon
[00:14:41] do you want to do this time? He's like
[00:14:43] full item rando seems good
[00:14:45] And i'm like alright alright a lot of people
[00:14:47] like their pokemon, for instance.
[00:14:49] So before we get started here, Keys,
[00:14:51] what is it with you and Pokemon Crystal
[00:14:53] in particular? There's so many Pokemon
[00:14:55] games out there.
[00:14:58] Yeah, so it's really just nostalgia. Like this was the game that I played
[00:15:02] The second most as a kid.
[00:15:04] The one I played the most is Diamond
[00:15:06] The Pokemon Diamond of all things
[00:15:08] But uh...I just have a bunch of really good memories i remember being
[00:15:12] being a military brat on base and going in a camping tent in our backyards with my friends
[00:15:19] and we would all be playing a Pokemon game and just be there like fall
[00:15:22] Afternoon or whatnot, because it's a lot of fun vibes
[00:15:26] Well yeah
[00:15:26] And the cool thing I always liked about crystal is
[00:15:29] And I believe this is the same for Golden Southern. You can go back
[00:15:32] and forth between Kano and Jodo
[00:15:33] or me as someone who grew up on Red Blue
[00:15:36] Yellow. It was always like oh my gosh
[00:15:38] this is a huge game. Well now we fast forward
[00:15:40] to 2024 and that's so tiny compared to what we do have now with current Pokémon generations.
[00:15:47] Yeah I definitely love that both regions are in.
[00:15:50] I remember I didn't know that for a while though.
[00:15:53] Really?
[00:15:55] I beat the Elite Four and I was like oh okay, that's it.
[00:15:58] And then I came back a week later and my friend was like hey did you know there are more gyms?
[00:16:03] And I was like, hey did you know that there's more gyms? And I was like what?!
[00:16:10] So yeah as we get going...I do have a few more questions but i want to make sure we can get this started because sometimes this brando can end up being a little cursed so just a tiny bit
[00:16:18] uh without further ado keys go ahead on your couch all right we'll start up in 3, 2, 1.
[00:16:25] Go!
[00:16:26] Good luck and have fun.
[00:16:27] So, Keyes, if you can remember now, this is a big ask because this was probably a while ago
[00:16:31] and I probably couldn't remember my first team.
[00:16:33] What did your first team in Pokemon Crystal look like?
[00:16:37] Oh, I can tell you for sure.
[00:16:39] I picked Totodile.
[00:16:41] Um...I traded my friend for a Mareep because I very very very upset that marip was not available in
[00:16:48] crystal um so i had totodile i had marie i had um what's the app i had a Growlithe,
[00:16:58] I had a Gastly
[00:17:02] and then the last two slots were just kind of shuffled around a lot. At one point in time I ran the shiny Gyarados
[00:17:04] because this is so cool he's red.
[00:17:06] Yeah! Well I just love Gyarados period I is so cool he's red. Yeah, yeah well I just love
[00:17:08] gyarados period the pidgeot
[00:17:12] time explosion or whatever
[00:17:16] oh all right I'm picking this
[00:17:19] because it won't die. Well yes
[00:17:21] I would feel like that is the pick but
[00:17:23] honestly I don't think there was a terrible
[00:17:25] pick in any of those
[00:17:27] Yeah like Kizgat would technically guess technically be the worst but I mean normal type and flying
[00:17:31] type have really strong moves anyway so it's not like it was going to be bad. But there's also a
[00:17:36] chance that because it's an item rando and i can potentially go anywhere and everywhere that uh
[00:17:41] i might be able to find something much higher level eventually
[00:17:46] or you can learn pet buddy oh my god wait Wait, it already knows arrow blast? What?! Wow! Wow!
[00:17:57] Well this is... This is spicy! Well Randomizer, typically when I play one, if things tend to be too good to be true at the beginning,
[00:18:05] I usually go with the philosophy it usually is.
[00:18:08] Oh, it definitely is.
[00:18:10] There's going to be something that happens.
[00:18:12] You know it! I know it!
[00:18:14] Oh yeah, oh! A champ!
[00:18:17] It's gonna be experience, is what it is.
[00:18:20] So I can't remember if I ran this version
[00:18:22] of the mod
[00:18:24] the last time
[00:18:25] I was on the show,
[00:18:26] but we used something
[00:18:28] called Speed Choice
[00:18:28] which adds a bunch
[00:18:29] of like quality
[00:18:30] and lifestyle
[00:18:30] stuff
[00:18:31] and sped up animation so on and so forth.
[00:18:34] You might have noticed that when I attacked
[00:18:35] the Machamp, not only was there no animations
[00:18:37] because they were turned off anyway, but the health bar just
[00:18:39] vanished.
[00:18:41] There's animation speedups for any animations that are still in the game,
[00:18:46] so it saves a lot of time.
[00:18:50] Ooh leftovers! So for folks who may not be familiar with the settings of when you do Pokemon Crystal Flight on Randomizer, what can someone expect watching this and possibly playing it in the future on these settings?
[00:19:04] Chaos. You can expect chaos, you're gonna have to think a lot...
[00:19:09] I- oh hey look, I've got you already
[00:19:11] I have to uh...
[00:19:14] I always have to like keep track of any funky things that might be happening.
[00:19:19] I also have shop randomizers, so money management and resource
[00:19:27] management is so much more important now.
[00:19:29] Oh! Like a Pokeball could
[00:19:31] cost, like, $1200.
[00:19:33] Oh I didn't even think about that, yeah.
[00:19:35] Yeah see you have to be like extra careful
[00:19:37] and the goal of this is to get all the
[00:19:39] items, you know badges
[00:19:41] possibly chins you need to travel around
[00:19:43] all of that and then defeat the elite four
[00:19:45] in Kano Jodoota, or Gold?
[00:19:48] So the ultimate goal
[00:19:50] is to make it to Red.
[00:19:52] So I will need all 16 badges
[00:19:54] I'll need to defeat the Elite Four
[00:19:56] however I can find a way to travel all over the place it's a combination
[00:20:02] of uh different items which I'm going to be perfectly honest with you my brain does not want
[00:20:07] to tell me what those items are right now.
[00:20:09] There's a combination of items that will help me get there.
[00:20:12] Well thanks to y'all we do have this wonderful tracker that folks in the audience can see so
[00:20:17] those are the items that he's looking for we even got
[00:20:20] that nice little go button there uh back when i started
[00:20:23] randomizers that would have been a really nice feature to have
[00:20:26] so I like this, this is a very very nice tracker.
[00:20:31] Yeah, like I...
[00:20:33] I'm a little biased of course but I do think
[00:20:35] that a lot of the Pokemon trackers are really
[00:20:37] good because they're simplistic
[00:20:39] enough to where it's not an overwhelming amount of information,
[00:20:41] but it's very obvious for the most part like what you're getting.
[00:20:44] I know some of the items on the tracker might not look familiar to some people
[00:20:49] which is completely understandable.
[00:20:52] There's
[00:20:52] this thing that I'm flashing right now. This is the
[00:20:56] machine part for example.
[00:20:58] You don't ever see that icon.
[00:21:00] Now apologies to you two
[00:21:03] here because we cannot get your live comments but
[00:21:05] we are a live show right here on Twitch
[00:21:07] and we do have some questions
[00:21:09] here from the chat. We are an active
[00:21:11] chat friendly show so we do our best to
[00:21:13] respond unless Keys needs some serious
[00:21:15] time for this of course.
[00:21:17] But we have our first question from the chat
[00:21:19] here and it says please ask Keys
[00:21:21] again. Thank you for saying please. That's heckin' awesome.
[00:21:24] If the squirrel from Monday survived, you know,
[00:21:26] Keys does this have to do with our conversation in the pre-show?
[00:21:30] What happened?
[00:21:31] Okay, so as As some of you
[00:21:35] may or may not know, the first step is
[00:21:37] back and it's on every other
[00:21:39] Monday at
[00:21:41] 7pm Eastern. So similar
[00:21:43] time to before just a different day.
[00:21:45] I was practicing for the game we were doing that day which is Minecraft Dungeons
[00:21:49] Which if you did not see that speedrun in SGDQ
[00:21:52] You totally should
[00:21:53] Really really fun game. Also a really hard
[00:21:56] game to speedrun.
[00:21:57] I had just finished my practice stream
[00:22:00] and the moment that I cut my stream
[00:22:02] my internet went down and it was down for two and a half hours
[00:22:04] and it was because for two and a half hours. And it was because a squirrel
[00:22:06] decided that, uh...
[00:22:08] A cable outside was delicious
[00:22:10] and, uh...
[00:22:11] Oh no!
[00:22:12] I don't think that squirrel's with us anymore.
[00:22:15] Oh no!
[00:22:17] But, yeah...
[00:22:20] Why does this always happen
[00:22:22] during streams? Some of the most
[00:22:23] ridiculous stuff. I don't know.
[00:22:25] It's wild.
[00:22:29] Okay, so we have another question here. Please ask what Keyes' favorite Pokemon is.
[00:22:31] Can you pick one, Keyes?
[00:22:32] There are so many.
[00:22:34] There's a lot and depending on the day
[00:22:36] and my mood,
[00:22:37] you might get a different answer.
[00:22:39] Okay!
[00:22:40] A lot of times...I'll rotate between Zoroark, specifically Hisuian Zoroark from Legends Arceus
[00:22:48] It's really
[00:22:49] really cool i like the design um i unironically like jinx now because
[00:22:54] it's been a meme for me for so long that i just i
[00:22:57] now i have no choice i I'm in too deep.
[00:23:01] I also really like Gengar and Zapdos.
[00:23:03] And I should have known that, right?
[00:23:05] Didn't you say you caught a Gastly the first time
[00:23:07] you played this?
[00:23:08] Like, Gastly was having a thing?
[00:23:09] Yep, yep.
[00:23:10] So then you'd have...
[00:23:11] Hopefully Ganger!
[00:23:12] I was the kind of person where
[00:23:13] once I got the Game Boy Advance SP
[00:23:15] I know this is old.
[00:23:17] I know y'all.
[00:23:18] But I used the link cable again old to link uh get two games up so i could
[00:23:23] get gangers and alakazams in particular did you have anything like that i sure
[00:23:28] did in fact you know because we're horribly aging ourselves
[00:23:32] in this show apparently
[00:23:33] I remember when Crystal came out
[00:23:36] and
[00:23:36] like 9 or 10
[00:23:38] but Crystal came out with this bundle for the Game Boy Color like it was
[00:23:45] the clear atomic purple Game Boy Color and it came with Pokemon Crystal and it
[00:23:50] was like 10 bucks cheaper if you bought a bundle or something.
[00:23:52] I remember, I told my mom, hey, I really want this
[00:23:55] You know I like Pokemon games?
[00:23:57] I really want Pokemon Crystal
[00:23:58] I didn't say anything about the Game Boy itself
[00:24:01] I guess she misunderstood the instructions and was like i don't know why this game's so
[00:24:06] expensive but uh i got it for you and she got me the game boy that had a tube oh my gosh so
[00:24:11] i have two gameboy colors and I'm like okay perfect.
[00:24:14] I don't need my friends for help!
[00:24:16] I'm just gonna trade!
[00:24:20] Alright couple other great questions here from the chat.
[00:24:23] What is your least favorite Pokemon? And maybe
[00:24:25] if you can't think of a least favorite Pokemon, like maybe
[00:24:27] even a least favorite Pokemon type.
[00:24:29] Skiplum. A Skiplum?
[00:24:32] Skiplum. Really? Even more
[00:24:33] so than like, I don't know, Weedle or...
[00:24:36] I hate Skip Bloom.
[00:24:37] Okay!
[00:24:38] There's a story as to why I hate Skip Bloom.
[00:24:40] Okay, alright, I'd love to.
[00:24:41] I hope it's justifiable story.
[00:24:42] No please! Yeah.
[00:24:44] So um, I was doing a randomizer bingo and i caught a pokemon that had rock smash
[00:24:52] uh if you don't understand the relevance of that chat. RockSmash gives you
[00:24:57] a level 15 Pokemon, and since I
[00:24:59] got it early, I only had like
[00:25:01] a level 6 Pokemon or something, I was like, okay.
[00:25:03] Cool. I have
[00:25:05] a potential chance to sweep an early game with something that's like more than double the level it should be.
[00:25:11] Uh, unfortunately, it was a Skiplum and it was probably...
[00:25:15] Probably the worst run i've ever had in my life.
[00:25:18] Oh my gosh! probably the worst run I've ever had in my life. Oh,
[00:25:18] my gosh.
[00:25:20] So,
[00:25:21] I am a Skiplume hater.
[00:25:24] Sorry to any Skiplume enthusiast and chat.
[00:25:26] I am not that.
[00:25:29] That is... Yeah, I totally understand!
[00:25:33] So along the things you dread the most, you know, Skiplum being one of them
[00:25:37] what part of this run in particular just pokemon
[00:25:41] you know item rando in general do you dread the most i think what scares me
[00:25:47] the most with these which is preventable if you set the logic this way.
[00:25:51] But I never do because I have one brain cell.
[00:25:56] Anytime the logic expects you to get to a much later part of
[00:26:00] the game early when
[00:26:01] you're just not physically prepared for it.
[00:26:05] There's been some seeds I had where I could go to Kanto
[00:26:09] early and they expected me to beat Sabrina. Again,
[00:26:12] something that is within your
[00:26:14] power to stop from happening. I just never do it.
[00:26:17] So, you know, I have to fight a gym
[00:26:18] leader with level 50s and I have
[00:26:20] a level 20.
[00:26:25] But it also adds like a neat little element to it too, it gives me an opportunity
[00:26:27] to like
[00:26:27] find new ways that she fights or something
[00:26:31] there was one seed I did where
[00:26:32] I had to go to the Elite Four Mart, like I didn't have
[00:26:35] to beat the Elite Four specifically but I had to go to the
[00:26:37] Elite Four Mart to get an item. Yeah. To progress?
[00:26:39] I think it was cut of all things. Oh!
[00:26:42] And I was supremely
[00:26:44] underleveled compared to my rival
[00:26:46] but
[00:26:47] we did this thing where
[00:26:50] like I had X defend
[00:26:51] and I did that to survive
[00:26:53] and stall out PP
[00:26:55] Then I had to land a dynamic punch
[00:26:56] To confuse it
[00:26:57] It was like solving a puzzle
[00:26:59] So that was a lot of fun
[00:27:00] But it was also dreadful
[00:27:03] One of the worst things I've ever done in Night at Miranda.
[00:27:08] I'm sure we'll find something ridiculous tonight,
[00:27:12] We always do when I have you on either of my shows, and it's usually
[00:27:16] really good content for the audience
[00:27:18] so I don't want it to be
[00:27:20] too much of a pain for you but at the same
[00:27:22] time I do find it wildly entertaining
[00:27:24] when something unexpected happens.
[00:27:26] Except I will remind you throughout, and I have to do this
[00:27:29] given our friendship, please be sure to save your game.
[00:27:34] Hmm.
[00:27:35] All right, I'll do that right now! Good call, good call, good call.
[00:27:39] Right?
[00:27:41] I think that was my first save of the day.
[00:27:43] Oh man...
[00:27:45] I don't want to be THAT person, but No. Be that person please!
[00:27:48] The first ever show
[00:27:50] I had here on GDQ Hotfix
[00:27:52] a very long time ago might I add
[00:27:54] Poor Keith had a corrupted save file
[00:27:56] and uh... I believe it was my first
[00:27:59] Mercy kill that we had. It sure
[00:28:01] was! Episode 1 of Mercy
[00:28:03] Kill, 6 minutes in,
[00:28:04] corrupted save.
[00:28:06] I was like, no! You didn't save.
[00:28:09] Another question here.
[00:28:12] Are shinies possible?
[00:28:13] I want to say yes. It's crystal.
[00:28:16] Yeah, absolutely.
[00:28:17] It's the old rate so
[00:28:19] 1 in 8100 Yeah, absolutely. It's the old rate so what?
[00:28:19] One in 8190 something, 92 I think.
[00:28:23] Did you find any besides
[00:28:25] the Red Gyarados keys that...
[00:28:26] And this is my own question.
[00:28:27] I only saw one when i was playing pokemon silver
[00:28:30] and i found a bell spark and i had no clue what a shiny even
[00:28:34] was i just saw it and i'm like this i thought like it glitched out right
[00:28:38] because he's and i come from an era where some of us made bad decisions
[00:28:42] And caught stuff that procced off of Missingno
[00:28:45] Like level 200 Pokemon, then your file got corrupted
[00:28:48] That is legit happening to me
[00:28:50] So i thought it was along
[00:28:52] those lines, right? Sure.
[00:28:54] And I caught it!
[00:28:56] Yeah.
[00:28:57] I don't think I found a shiny in this game.
[00:29:00] I think my first shiny that wasn't the Gyarados was an Emerald.
[00:29:03] Oh, really?
[00:29:04] Okay.
[00:29:04] And that one...
[00:29:05] That one I forced.
[00:29:06] Like, that one I, uh...
[00:29:08] I wanted the shiny Rayquaza, so I saved in front of it and I reset for like two weeks straight.
[00:29:14] Now granted, it wasn't all at once.
[00:29:17] I did it on the bus to and from school.
[00:29:20] It was a 30 minute bus ride so you know I'd get an hour of resets in every day during
[00:29:28] school.
[00:29:29] Yeah.
[00:29:30] Other than that...
[00:29:31] The funniest thing about that one though and this is absolutely absurd luck yeah
[00:29:37] i spent the two weeks to get that shiny rayquaza and then my friend had mentioned
[00:29:42] that hey you can get a you can get a beldum in steven's house i was like oh okay
[00:29:45] that's cool and the belldom was shiny first try without even trying wow i got a back-to-back
[00:29:50] shining i was like this thing's sick and i didn't realize it wasn't supposed to be blue.
[00:29:56] So,
[00:29:57] so I was just like,
[00:29:58] oh this is really cool
[00:29:58] why does it turn blue?
[00:30:00] It doesn't
[00:30:01] you got a shiny.
[00:30:03] So another question
[00:30:04] from the chat
[00:30:05] again these are wonderful y'all.
[00:30:07] Is it possible to randomize Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum like you can with Crystal?
[00:30:11] And if so how come you don't run that or I'll say run that as much because
[00:30:15] y'all I'll tell you something when it comes to pokemon
[00:30:17] keys is another pokemon professor you know what i mean like he's knows like so much about pokemon
[00:30:23] and just crystal happens to be the favorite here. But is it due
[00:30:28] to the length of time that you don't run Diamond
[00:30:30] Pro Platinum? If I were to take a guess,
[00:30:32] I would say it doesn't have as much of a nostalgia
[00:30:34] factor but I'm going to like his answer.
[00:30:37] I mean, nostalgia does play some into it uh it's more just the older generations
[00:30:43] of games have a lot more accessibility to them when it comes to modifying them, and also just a bigger plethora of options in the randomizers.
[00:30:54] I think there might be like a beta for Diamond Platinum Pearl
[00:31:00] for Item Rando, but I'm not 100% sure.
[00:31:04] And I do know that at least back
[00:31:08] then there were older versions of the randomizer where like the Pokédex didn't properly work.
[00:31:12] So if you want to do a catch-em all or something, you had to take vigorous notes.
[00:31:18] Oh I bet! Yeah, again again back in the day this is just
[00:31:21] in general and again I'm so sorry about dating
[00:31:23] us both Kaze, I know you didn't
[00:31:25] Well, you technically did sign it up cause
[00:31:27] you know that the conversation always goes
[00:31:29] this way. It's you, it's me, it's Richard, of course we're going to talk about this.
[00:31:33] But it's like if we ran
[00:31:34] into something like how I ran into the
[00:31:36] shiny belt truck and didn't put two together
[00:31:38] with the shiny Gyarados
[00:31:39] you wouldn't have internet to fall back on back then,
[00:31:43] or at least some of us didn't even know where to go
[00:31:47] back then. So it was one of those could go into your local
[00:31:51] bookstore and maybe like buy something or even just thumb through the pages real quick because who hasn't done that?
[00:31:57] That's a 90s kid experience.
[00:31:59] I still remember – and just to continue to further date us i still remember going
[00:32:07] to okay oh yeah
[00:32:12] yeah yeah it was a cheat in Hint Site
[00:32:15] and I remember
[00:32:17] most of the
[00:32:19] cheats they put on for Pokemon were just
[00:32:21] complete BS right?
[00:32:23] Like really dumb stuff like oh you can get yoshi and mu3
[00:32:25] and stuff like this uh just absolutely
[00:32:28] you know ridiculously false things but i
[00:32:32] i remember my
[00:32:33] my proud moment as a child was submitting the game winners.
[00:32:38] Like, I submitted a tip.
[00:32:39] I was like hey if you don't evolve your Pokemon right away
[00:32:43] You could possibly learn their most powerful moves way earlier
[00:32:47] For example Squirtle will get Hydro Pump at like 40-something
[00:32:49] whereas Blastoise doesn't get it until
[00:32:50] 50-something. Not worth
[00:32:53] its time. No, it's not
[00:32:55] worth it but like i was
[00:32:56] like they accepted my submission i have
[00:32:58] a submission on game winners let's go
[00:33:02] and this is this is baby keys era
[00:33:05] like i think the username I had back then
[00:33:07] was like XGP
[00:33:09] which is like
[00:33:10] the name of the
[00:33:11] original name
[00:33:11] of the ship
[00:33:12] from Outlaw Star.
[00:33:15] Y'all are getting
[00:33:16] a history lesson.
[00:33:17] Oh yeah! Well like I'm not kidding
[00:33:19] when I said you were a Pokemon professor, Keyes
[00:33:21] I truly mean that. You know your stuff
[00:33:23] with this franchise
[00:33:25] Well, I want to talk a little bit later
[00:33:27] because we do have a few more questions remind me to return to it i want
[00:33:29] to talk about one of your favorite marathons i've ever seen on your channel keys the touch grass
[00:33:35] marathon but we'll talk about that later because we still got some questions from the chat here.
[00:33:41] So...
[00:33:44] What Pokémon had the biggest upgrade from original version to regional variant?
[00:33:49] Which Pokémon did you like the least in
[00:33:51] the original to the most in the new regional variant and as an example for this person
[00:33:55] in chat um they detested uh stun fist but adore the galarian variant we received in Gen 8?
[00:34:02] I... hmm.
[00:34:05] I mean, it's not like older-older.
[00:34:09] So I'll give two answers.
[00:34:13] My general answer would be Zoroark and Zarua, because I really like how they changed from dark to normal ghost
[00:34:17] And I just like their artistic design
[00:34:21] If you want to go, like, actual
[00:34:23] old school and go back
[00:34:25] to, like, Gen 1 Pokemon,
[00:34:27] I really, really
[00:34:29] like Doug Dimidome
[00:34:31] Weezing.
[00:34:32] Was that the Weezing that looked like there were smokestacks? Or is that something else?
[00:34:39] So he had smoke stacks at the top of his hat, and his hat looked like an absurdly comically tall
[00:34:44] top hat.
[00:34:46] He also became part fairy for some reason.
[00:34:48] He was Poison Fairy I think?
[00:34:50] It was really funny just going
[00:34:52] from a gaseous ball to someone who looks like that they drink tea with their pinky up and whatnot.
[00:35:01] That's a good one! I always liked the Alolan Executorutor and the Alolan Raichu.
[00:35:05] I thought both of those were babies.
[00:35:07] Alolan Raichi was so good!
[00:35:09] What a gorgeous Monk.
[00:35:12] Okay, another fun question here from chat. if either of us lived in the pokemon world and we
[00:35:17] were a gym leader what pokemon type would our gyms be i would be dragon 110 percent i love
[00:35:23] dragons i would i would either be I'd either be ghost or dark.
[00:35:27] I just happen to really like
[00:35:28] mons that are ghosts
[00:35:29] and mons that are dark.
[00:35:31] Yeah,
[00:35:31] I could see also though
[00:35:33] if there was ever
[00:35:34] an Eeveelution gym
[00:35:35] I could see you having an Eeveelution gym i could see you having
[00:35:36] any illusion jim keys yeah yeah that would be fun
[00:35:40] i do like uh i do really like sylvan and i do like
[00:35:45] a leafy on the lot too. Yeah!
[00:35:47] They are adorable.
[00:35:48] Glazeon's also a little sweetie.
[00:35:49] Mm-hmm.
[00:35:50] All right so let me see, I'm catching up here
[00:35:54] And again this is great chat.
[00:35:56] Um, Alolan Marowak's really good, yes I agree there
[00:35:59] also too, there was a question
[00:36:00] have you done Archipelago
[00:36:03] with Pokemon? Let me tell y'all where
[00:36:05] to find that content! You can go here
[00:36:07] at slash kizeron for some awesome archipelago
[00:36:11] content but i'll let you talk about that like he's because you do a lot of it so
[00:36:15] much yeah i i do them some uh anyone who's been
[00:36:19] a watcher of the first step.
[00:36:20] I've had Pokemon Archipelago featured on there several times as like an emergency hey we, we need to get the show going but there's some sort of technical difficulty. Let's just do an Archipelago.
[00:36:32] I've
[00:36:33] been doing a lot of Emerald Archipelago.
[00:36:36] If
[00:36:37] I do red at all, then
[00:36:38] I make sure it's as obnoxious as possible. So I'll do
[00:36:41] Map Rando, Stat Rando
[00:36:43] with that.
[00:36:45] The Crystal Archipelago has apparently
[00:36:47] improved a lot since I last looked
[00:36:49] at it so that might be something I try out soon.
[00:36:52] Like literally soon.
[00:36:54] Maybe next week.
[00:36:58] I'll look forward to that. So pretty much
[00:37:00] you do stream every day, right? Because I usually wake up by time and you're
[00:37:03] usually up and going and it has been a lot of archipelago lately. Is that about what your
[00:37:08] schedule is? You streaming about the afternoons Eastern we'll call it. Yeah yeah like I usually
[00:37:13] start...I'll start at 12 or 1
[00:37:15] Eastern usually
[00:37:17] and I usually go about 6 to 8
[00:37:19] hours cause this
[00:37:21] is my full time gig so I treat is my full-time gig.
[00:37:23] So I treat it like full time.
[00:37:25] I try to get a solid amount of time in.
[00:37:29] That is also why y'all should follow Keith.
[00:37:31] Again, just very quality entertainment there
[00:37:33] and again,
[00:37:34] it is a lot of
[00:37:36] Pokemon but he's
[00:37:37] also liked,
[00:37:38] I know you do some
[00:37:38] Ender Lilies content
[00:37:39] as well.
[00:37:40] What else lately
[00:37:41] has arrived besides
[00:37:42] Pokemon content
[00:37:43] out of curiosity?
[00:37:44] Um, so I'm going to be honest,
[00:37:46] I really want to play some more Minecraft Dungeons.
[00:37:49] Really?!
[00:37:51] Hobbs and I were super disappointed that we couldn't have the race
[00:37:54] that we wanted on Monday,
[00:37:56] but we're actually planning out
[00:37:58] playing that game further. It's one of
[00:38:00] the few... Not to say we haven't
[00:38:02] done bangers for the first
[00:38:04] step obviously, but it's one of the few TFS games where Hobbs and I
[00:38:07] have both been equally as excited to get into.
[00:38:11] So that's something that's gonna be happening a lot soon.
[00:38:14] Really like doing Fire Emblem stuff as well. Not necessarily speedrun stuff, I like
[00:38:18] doing challenge stuff with that.
[00:38:21] Really
[00:38:22] like old-school first-person shooters too.
[00:38:24] Like a lot of times if I do an Archipelago
[00:38:26] I might include Doom or Doom 2
[00:38:28] just kind of as my
[00:38:29] BK mode games while
[00:38:32] still doing something. Well, if you
[00:38:34] do like Zelda 1 keys,
[00:38:36] I'm a big fan. It's called The Legend of Doom if you
[00:38:39] ever want to play it. It's a doom mod that
[00:38:41] spelled a 1. It was so much fun.
[00:38:43] I would recommend it to anyone.
[00:38:44] I've seen that. It looks interesting.
[00:38:47] Yeah, would very much recommend. Let me know if you ever
[00:38:49] play it. I would love to see your
[00:38:51] thoughts and impressions behind it.
[00:38:53] So back to Pokemon here because I talked about this earlier
[00:38:55] one of the things that
[00:38:57] I'd enjoyed Te do was the Touch Grass
[00:39:00] Marathon. It was an incentive in Keys'
[00:39:02] stream again. A bunch of us here are full-time
[00:39:04] streamers, so Keys, what did you
[00:39:06] like the most about the Touch Grass
[00:39:08] Marathon and what is it?
[00:39:10] So, the Touch Grass Marathon and what is it? So, the Touch Grass Marathon was such a silly idea.
[00:39:17] It's literally exactly what it sounds like.
[00:39:20] I played every single Pokemon game up until
[00:39:21] I touched a patch of grass that could produce an encounter
[00:39:25] So some games were done in 30 seconds,
[00:39:29] Some would take, like, 10 to 15 minutes.
[00:39:32] And we had to make some exceptions too,
[00:39:34] I included the GameCube games
[00:39:36] as well, so XD and
[00:39:38] Colosseum.
[00:39:41] And... Oh god, there's no actual grass
[00:39:43] so like we just had to find a blade of
[00:39:45] grass and I'd touch it and be like that counts!
[00:39:47] Next game! What did you do for stadium?
[00:39:51] Accepted that could not add stadium.
[00:39:54] Now see maybe in the future if you were to do it again
[00:39:57] Maybe wait until you get to Erica's gym cause there's gotta be grass here
[00:40:01] Yeah yeah
[00:40:03] Technically It's definitely one of those silly things where like, oh we're gonna have a little bit more fun with this game and then we'll go back to the old days. Like, we can't mon or something. Yeah, yeah.
[00:40:04] Technically.
[00:40:05] It's definitely one of those silly ideas that
[00:40:06] could probably actually
[00:40:07] be developed into
[00:40:08] something with the
[00:40:09] funniest meta.
[00:40:11] Oh, yeah!
[00:40:11] Absolutely.
[00:40:12] I love that.
[00:40:15] I think my... Because I had a timer up and everything
[00:40:17] we made a joke like oh we're turning this into
[00:40:19] a speedrun
[00:40:21] And uh...I think the biggest time
[00:40:23] that I lost was transitioning from Game Boy Advance game to DS, because I found out that my DS capture died, so I had to grab Emrys.
[00:40:40] So was this a regular DS or 3DS?
[00:40:42] Regular.
[00:40:43] Okay, I tried using the 3DS and again this could be an age thing very much so
[00:40:49] Every time I try to turn on the 3D mode on my 3DS
[00:40:52] I just could not understand the screen
[00:40:55] If that made sense I'd just be like what am i looking at
[00:40:59] I turned it on once blinked did not like how my eyes reacted when
[00:41:03] i blinked said nope and turned it back off and never tried
[00:41:06] it again.
[00:41:07] That was my experience, I was wondering if i was the only person who had been through that but
[00:41:12] my gosh...
[00:41:14] I think the only other time I've turned on 3D is if you had one of the, like, catsuit kitty captures instead of a loopy capture.
[00:41:25] The software for the capture will shift very slightly to
[00:41:32] the left and right every time you turn 3D on and off.
[00:41:36] So it'd be like one of those nervous ticksics I would do sometimes just to watch something.
[00:41:41] Yeah! No, that's understandable.
[00:41:45] And then of course there is Game Boy Camera and that's a whole different thing you all may want to talk to Pidge about.
[00:41:53] Bless Pidge.
[00:41:55] And void.
[00:41:58] I love the aesthetic.
[00:42:00] I couldn't rock it, but I love it.
[00:42:04] It's so good.
[00:42:06] So far, what are you thinking about this seed?
[00:42:09] What are your initial impressions?
[00:42:10] Obviously, Lugia good at the beginning.
[00:42:13] Stat's pretty decent.
[00:42:14] Yeah, Lugia good at beginning.
[00:42:16] It's surviving. I wish
[00:42:18] I could do more damage than I have
[00:42:20] been. It feels like I have really bad offensive DVs,
[00:42:23] which for
[00:42:25] anyone that doesn't know what a DV is it's
[00:42:27] determinant value, which is
[00:42:29] determines what your stats
[00:42:31] become. In Gens 1 and 2,
[00:42:33] it's a number between 0 and 15
[00:42:35] And then from
[00:42:37] Gen 3 onward, it became
[00:42:39] individual values instead of
[00:42:41] DVs, and it was 0-31.
[00:42:44] But yeah I feel like I have 3 or less in my offenses
[00:42:48] It's not good. But nothing can kill me!
[00:42:52] Yeah so you have a tank it sounds like
[00:42:56] uh someone asked if we all ever had the game boy printer okay that was really fancy technology and
[00:43:01] honestly back then you were lucky just to have a game boy color or a gameboy
[00:43:06] advance i don't know if i've ever seen a printer
[00:43:08] in person other than like you know if you go nowadays to like
[00:43:12] your favorite retro game store maybe you'll see it in the wild but
[00:43:15] it's kind of rare how about you keys do you ever have any uh
[00:43:18] engagement with that i have the camera and the printer
[00:43:21] in a box to my right oh
[00:43:25] i saved a lot of my old toys.
[00:43:27] I was bad, I didn't save
[00:43:29] a lot of my old games so you know
[00:43:31] getting old games again has been
[00:43:33] obnoxious but uh... Yeah
[00:43:35] I have a lot of my old hardware. Like, I even have like...
[00:43:37] I have a Sega Genesis Model 1 and a Model 2.
[00:43:41] I have Super Famicom and SNESes just laying around.
[00:43:45] So you said the Genesis. Isn't that the one where like you kept upgrading it by putting more stuff in it if that makes sense?
[00:43:52] I remember seeing like...
[00:43:53] Yeah there's like that cartridge. There's a picture that was floating around of that, like,
[00:43:58] super cartridge from hell where it's
[00:44:01] just, like, five billion Sonic games
[00:44:03] stacked on another...
[00:44:04] Yeah, you know what I'm talking about! It's almost like
[00:44:07] as if the Genesis evolved. Like, it wasn't like you know the uh
[00:44:11] the expansion pack in the 64 which back then again that was big stuff right but like nowadays i hear
[00:44:17] about the genesis and what that was like
[00:44:19] And just every time you kept putting another part into the genesis
[00:44:24] Oh my goodness
[00:44:27] I have one of those, like the Sonic 3 and Knuckles attachment thing.
[00:44:34] And it just looks so goofy!
[00:44:37] Putting that in a Genesis is the same thing to me as like putting
[00:44:41] in the Pokemon pinball cart in your Game Boy.
[00:44:44] Remember it was so big because you had to put an actual battery
[00:44:47] in it, so you could get the rumble?
[00:44:50] Yeah I remember that all too well. in it, so you can go with the rumble.
[00:44:52] Yeah, I remember that all too well.
[00:44:54] That was definitely innovative for the time and I remember
[00:44:56] when Fire Red came out
[00:44:58] I was really, really excited
[00:45:00] and then we got HeartGold and SoulSilver, but I was a little
[00:45:02] disappointed that HeartGold and SoulSilver wasn't
[00:45:05] an advanced game because
[00:45:06] the DS wasn't exactly cheap when
[00:45:09] it first came out. Oh no.
[00:45:11] It was not. also like the first set of models were
[00:45:15] like the hinges were kind of weak so like it was really easy to accidentally break
[00:45:21] oh yeah you always get those stories when a console first comes out with something happening.
[00:45:25] Like, you know, do you ever see the warnings, for example, for the Wiimotes, y'all?
[00:45:29] To have it attached because apparently people were throwing the Wiimotes into their monitors or TVs or something.
[00:45:35] I was like, oh my God.
[00:45:38] But yeah, if a warning exists...
[00:45:39] I made fun of a friend for losing a Wiimote
[00:45:42] and then the next day I hacked up
[00:45:44] and lost the Wiimote. So, uh...
[00:45:47] There are two dents in my wall.
[00:45:50] But I will say though that the Switch is one of
[00:45:52] the most interface-friendly systems we've had in a very long time.
[00:45:57] I think that's why it has been around for so long.
[00:46:00] Yeah, I think this is Nintendo's longest console?
[00:46:04] In terms of like lifespan.
[00:46:07] Yeah, yeah.
[00:46:09] So that's why folks are so enthused about the new Nintendo technology
[00:46:13] that would possibly be coming out because it's like okay well what
[00:46:15] are they going to do next?
[00:46:16] And I said as long as it's not named the switch you i'm okay
[00:46:21] but you would curse right imagine if you get a switch
[00:46:25] youth no no i I like the idea
[00:46:27] someone said in chat
[00:46:29] you can share
[00:46:30] all of your ideas
[00:46:31] for what you would
[00:46:32] like the new
[00:46:32] Nintendo console
[00:46:33] to be named
[00:46:33] but I like the
[00:46:34] idea of calling it
[00:46:35] the Super Nintendo
[00:46:36] Switch.
[00:46:38] That would be
[00:46:39] cute, actually. Yeah!
[00:46:41] I'm aboard. You
[00:46:42] sold me. I sold you on that one. That's good.
[00:46:45] You sold me. Like, that sounds so cute.
[00:46:47] I always liked it, and certainly too,
[00:46:50] it is the best that Nintendo systems have been able to hook up
[00:46:53] to the internet for instance.
[00:46:55] If anybody tried to connect their Wii or their Wii U
[00:46:58] if you had a Wii U to the internet.
[00:47:00] Oh my gosh! It was an adventure, to say the least.
[00:47:05] I-I had one of the... there's that like story going around about
[00:47:09] Wii Us for awhile that certain ones just kinda died there's that like story going around about Wii U's for a while,
[00:47:10] but certain ones just kind of died after a certain amount of time passed.
[00:47:14] Really?
[00:47:15] I have one of those. My Wii U no longer works.
[00:47:18] Really? I had one! But it's in my closet now.
[00:47:21] I don't know the last time I booted it up.
[00:47:23] Maybe off-booted it up. It's been a little while.
[00:47:29] Luckily, I had two, which is you know,
[00:47:31] two more than I should have ever had.
[00:47:35] There've been a couple of TFS episodes where
[00:47:37] I did have to use a Wii U but like my first one that
[00:47:39] I got yeah it's bricked.
[00:47:42] Oh and speaking of TFS now
[00:47:43] I have it in my follow the runner thing
[00:47:46] because I want folks to know
[00:47:47] but why don't you talk about The First Step?
[00:47:48] Now my show has been around for a while
[00:47:50] but your show has been on even longer
[00:47:51] yours and Hobbs so yeah feel free to talk about the first step.
[00:47:55] Yeah so the first step is old as dirt
[00:47:57] that's the recurring theme of this conversation
[00:47:59] never forget
[00:48:01] I think our first episode was 2018?
[00:48:06] Yeah.
[00:48:06] Y'all were like a year before me,
[00:48:09] I'm pretty sure because I was 2019
[00:48:10] and it
[00:48:12] was Hobbs' idea originally.
[00:48:16] And he'll joke, whenever you ask him,
[00:48:18] he'll joke and be like,
[00:48:18] oh yeah, keys was my third choice.
[00:48:21] But he reached out to me one day
[00:48:23] and he was like, hey do you want to do a speedrunning show together?
[00:48:28] Make it like a low effort show where...
[00:48:32] We kind of had the convenience, and you understand having to go through this
[00:48:36] but we kind of have the convenience
[00:48:37] since it's just us as a recurring cast
[00:48:40] and not constantly rotating runners.
[00:48:43] It saves us time when it comes
[00:48:45] to getting vetting and
[00:48:46] tech checks taken care of.
[00:48:49] We wanted to make a show that was
[00:48:50] low overhead
[00:48:52] when it came to setting things up,
[00:48:55] but we also wanted a show that was actually kind of impactful so the first step
[00:48:58] came about um and the whole purpose of the show if you've never seen it is to show how
[00:49:03] easy it is to get into speed running uh using low effort methods. So we will
[00:49:08] usually play a game
[00:49:10] once
[00:49:11] roughly like 8 hours or so
[00:49:14] and then we'll take notes of
[00:49:16] any prominent things, anything that we might have found.
[00:49:19] Like oh it looks like if you slide then your
[00:49:21] movement's faster than if you run or that kind of thing
[00:49:23] and we'll race against each other because
[00:49:24] doing those improv style
[00:49:27] races is a really awesome way to get into speed running because one you don't,
[00:49:31] you don't have the pressure of self-improvement yet.
[00:49:34] Cause you're just getting into it, but two,
[00:49:36] just doing it with a friend really like it kills a lot of the
[00:49:40] potentially aggravating parts
[00:49:42] of a run. Like there's been
[00:49:44] many, many games that we've done on TFS
[00:49:46] where when I was playing it solo
[00:49:48] I wasn't having like the greatest time with
[00:49:51] it. But then when I was racing it with Hobbs even if
[00:49:55] I was getting my butt kicked um i'd be having a blast because I was just with a friend
[00:49:59] and that's- that's the important thing
[00:50:01] that everyone has to remember, speedrunning is supposed
[00:50:03] to be fun first and foremost you're supposed
[00:50:05] to be having fun with it so we really like
[00:50:07] pushing that and showing everyone
[00:50:09] anyone can pick up speedrun You don't have to be fancy you
[00:50:13] don't have to spend 15 hours practicing a frame perfect trick you could just pick
[00:50:18] up the game and go fast so for folks who may not be as
[00:50:23] familiar with the first step, if you were to pick
[00:50:25] maybe an episode or two
[00:50:27] because again we talk
[00:50:29] about it all the time our GDQ
[00:50:31] Hot Facts shows are on YouTube and they're very diligently put up so if you were to recommend
[00:50:36] someone to watch an episode of tfs what direction would you point someone in and be like yes that
[00:50:41] is one of my favorite episodes and that'll get you into tms
[00:50:44] there are three episodes i can think of um all for slightly different reasons
[00:50:50] but they're all really really good.
[00:50:55] I would recommend watching our Super
[00:50:57] Metroid race. We didn't get to finish
[00:50:59] and it's a bit of the
[00:51:01] longer, a bit on the longer side.
[00:51:03] This is back when we were able to have
[00:51:05] four hours for the show instead of two and a half, so
[00:51:09] we were able to do longer games
[00:51:13] or games that were a lot more difficult to finish and uh we had both never played super
[00:51:18] metroid before which is really shocking to hear um but uh so that was a really good episode it
[00:51:24] was really close actually a lot of points where we were in sync with each other
[00:51:28] which is really wild when you think about it
[00:51:30] because it's a Metroid game, you can go anywhere.
[00:51:34] I would also recommend Untitled goose game that was actually like our
[00:51:38] this is one of our like first few episodes we've ever done uh very
[00:51:42] very nail biter right at the end as close of a race
[00:51:47] as we've ever had.
[00:51:48] And then there was a
[00:51:50] race...
[00:51:51] Well, it wasn't a race.
[00:51:51] We did a co-op run
[00:51:52] because sometimes we
[00:51:53] won't do races.
[00:51:54] We'll just do a run
[00:51:55] cooperatively.
[00:51:56] We did a co-op run.
[00:51:57] It was a four player Halo 4 run or Halo 3
[00:52:01] run and that probably is my favorite episode because the vibes were really
[00:52:05] cool we had improved a ton in our practice.
[00:52:09] Like, we had splits up and could visibly see,
[00:52:11] hey, like, we're understanding how to play this
[00:52:14] a lot better.
[00:52:14] We feel good about this.
[00:52:17] And it might not be, like, the the most impressive statistic but we had only
[00:52:21] gotten like three or four runs in and we we got like a top 20 top 15 times
[00:52:26] something like that and now that was with very little effort.
[00:52:33] Chad was picking out some of their favorite episodes
[00:52:35] too, so we have some TFS fans in chat.
[00:52:37] Very cool. And again, Keys,
[00:52:39] what is the next episode? Just so we know.
[00:52:42] The next episode is... and thank goodness I can see my calendar
[00:52:46] It's gonna be the 29th of July
[00:52:49] Unfortunately, I will not be there because I will be in michigan for a family reunion but um
[00:52:54] hobbs will be there and we will have a special guest fill-in for me and it's still gonna be
[00:52:58] just as good of an episode as it always is.
[00:53:03] We're in the planning stages right now, trying to
[00:53:05] nail what game we think will work best
[00:53:07] and who we want as a guest.
[00:53:09] I should be talking about that tomorrow morning.
[00:53:12] I know what it's like to be a guest. I've filled in for Hobbs I should be talking about that tomorrow morning.
[00:53:14] I know what it's like to be a guest.
[00:53:15] I've filled in for Hobbs,
[00:53:15] I think,
[00:53:16] a couple times.
[00:53:21] I've enjoyed when you filled in for Hobbs because then that meant
[00:53:22] I could get away with playing Yu-Gi-Oh!
[00:53:24] Because Hobbs will never play it.
[00:53:26] Oh my, I feel like this needs to happen
[00:53:30] for some kind of incentive. You know what? I'm going to think about that and come back to that. We need to get Hobbs to play with you!
[00:53:37] I do remember one of the episodes you and I did together...
[00:53:41] we put a picture of Hobbs in one of those webcams. Just to be like, look, Hobbs is playing!
[00:53:49] Yeah that sounds about right! So yeah chat was also
[00:53:53] reminiscing here about the first step
[00:53:56] in talking about their favorites.
[00:53:57] So we have, The Donkey Kong Country Show
[00:54:00] was really good.
[00:54:02] We had some love for Hang On and Scroll.
[00:54:07] Because there was quite a few that folks had.
[00:54:09] The number of times you tried to run Metroid Prime
[00:54:11] where tech issues prevented it from working,
[00:54:13] yeah, that sounds about right.
[00:54:14] That sounds about in character
[00:54:18] um uh someone else said i really like the one where they coach ecchi and spike
[00:54:22] through pokemon and kingdom hearts 2. i remember seeing
[00:54:24] that series it was pretty good.
[00:54:28] We really,
[00:54:30] really enjoyed doing that and Ecchi and Spud... I mean, we
[00:54:32] already know that they're gamers but
[00:54:33] if they needed to prove themselves
[00:54:36] they definitely did that day because
[00:54:38] they went into this completely fresh to the format and
[00:54:43] everything. And they both did a killer job.
[00:54:45] I do agree.
[00:54:50] You know, if I could have a top four then I would probably include
[00:54:52] the Ecchi and Spike episode because
[00:54:54] I remember
[00:54:54] every time
[00:54:57] we ever went to Ecchi and Hobbs' feed, you'd hear Hobbs giving really detailed instructions.
[00:55:05] Like yeah, do it this way... oh yeah if you approach it this way then
[00:55:11] you get to skip this phase or whatever
[00:55:12] and you immediately go to me and spike
[00:55:14] and it's just the two stooges which is like
[00:55:16] jolting on used thunderbolt
[00:55:18] also I wanted I'm gonna tell you, Thunderbolt.
[00:55:23] Also, I want to take a moment to shout out our tag,
[00:55:25] our wonderful friend Richard who said
[00:55:27] still proud of the intro video made
[00:55:29] and there is a link to that if you all want to catch it for the Prime episode in particular,
[00:55:32] The one folks look fondly upon. So be sure to check that out!
[00:55:36] More favorite episode of TFS was the 6-point run of the newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game, that sounds like fun!
[00:55:44] Yeah, um it was... let's see who was it? My old man brain is trying to remember- oh, I could go ho instead of Yumi.
[00:55:55] There was me,
[00:55:56] Hobbs,
[00:55:58] Bobby,
[00:56:00] Covert Muffin,
[00:56:04] Emre... Oh, I feel so bad I don't remember.
[00:56:06] I'm forgetting one person! Who am I forgetting?
[00:56:08] No! I didn't want to put you on the spot!
[00:56:12] I was just trying to remember but that was a fun episode too.
[00:56:15] There were some connectivity issues now and again,
[00:56:19] But I think it was Saints. Oh yeah! That sounds right.
[00:56:23] Oh gosh she's gonna be so mad at me.
[00:56:26] How could you forget?
[00:56:28] No one tell her,
[00:56:30] please. Thanks.
[00:56:30] How long ago was that?
[00:56:34] 20, 22 years. uh 20 22. okay well to be fair time has been kind of distorted lately so i think
[00:56:41] saints will forgive you i hope so i can't remember something that happened in 2022!
[00:56:49] Yeah, neither can I!
[00:56:53] Another question bringing it back to the randomizer here...
[00:56:55] What are the catch rates for each Pokemon?
[00:56:59] Oh, so this is just for simplicity's sake
[00:57:02] and making sure that we don't go horrendously overestimate
[00:57:05] but I just have it set
[00:57:06] to everything's a master ball essentially
[00:57:08] okay so that's the good side throw ball get your catch no i like that because i mean
[00:57:14] i don't feel like really hiking up the catch rate adds anything to
[00:57:19] The Randomizer, right? Like we know how annoying
[00:57:21] it was in the original and we tend
[00:57:23] to do that when we make
[00:57:24] the different settings that we have
[00:57:27] right. Does this add to The Random right? Does this add to the randomizer?
[00:57:29] Does this add to our enjoyment?
[00:57:31] I mean sure it might be a good troll for the audience
[00:57:33] to be like ha we're here for 10 minutes
[00:57:35] and we're still trying to catch this view
[00:57:37] but you know for runners we don't want to deal with any of that.
[00:57:42] All right so I kind of catch everyone up on some of what's been going
[00:57:46] on in the game... Ooh fire punch for my hobo.
[00:57:54] I got the pass early so I'm in Kanto super duper early and I'm gonna be honest this was not on purpose
[00:57:58] I usually play with 50% level boost,
[00:58:02] both for wild Pokemon and for trainers just to like add a little bit of an
[00:58:06] extra spicy challenge.
[00:58:08] I turned off the trainers being 50%.
[00:58:13] I forgot to turn off the wilds being 50%,
[00:58:17] so that's why I have a level 48 Ho-Oh,
[00:58:19] when you're only supposed to get like level 20s and 30s in that grass.
[00:58:22] So, oops!
[00:58:24] Yeah, here we are!
[00:58:26] Some of the chat says what do you mean?
[00:58:28] I love late bike and fly in Mt Silver.
[00:58:32] Yeah, that's another thing
[00:58:33] anyone who has any experience
[00:58:35] with playing these
[00:58:37] I made sure
[00:58:39] Fly and Bike were available early
[00:58:41] because those are the worst trolls ever just it's good exercise for the character i
[00:58:47] guess but it's so slow now we get that and before folks come
[00:58:51] on the show now it is completely up to my guests
[00:58:55] to determine whether or not this seed's going to be
[00:58:57] vetted and when I say vetted, I mean like
[00:58:58] is there any major trolls that someone else can
[00:59:01] look over and be like hey you might not want
[00:59:02] to have this seed on the show
[00:59:04] however if it is unvetted which you know
[00:59:07] sometimes that makes for a fun episode i say well it's at your discretion here's when the next show
[00:59:12] starts so we can't meet it by then, you know, we have the double over
[00:59:16] bet on prices right and move on to the
[00:59:18] next show, you know what I'm saying?
[00:59:20] But at the same time
[00:59:22] I do like a little bit of
[00:59:24] a mix of that vetted and non-vetted.
[00:59:26] But given, again,
[00:59:27] and this is no fault
[00:59:29] of our own,
[00:59:29] I swear me and Keith
[00:59:30] are always cursed
[00:59:31] when we're in the same room
[00:59:32] one way or another.
[00:59:33] I'm glad that you
[00:59:35] had this early.
[00:59:43] Yeah, I... uh i'm glad that you had this early yeah i've learned i've learned after doing shows with you i've learned i'm sure i'm sure i'm gonna find something else that all fix for you know next next next time soon
[00:59:52] oh yeah well with me and keys it's always something right
[00:59:55] it's just like this ongoing motif.
[00:59:59] Mm-hmm.
[01:00:00] I was thinking about...
[01:00:02] Me and Keys did a run of Forbidden Memories
[01:00:04] a couple years ago.
[01:00:06] Actually, I think it'll be three years ago, as of January
[01:00:09] and um, I was thinking about the wild
[01:00:11] luck, and the most wild that
[01:00:13] I found was the dry gumo
[01:00:15] early for me? I mean come
[01:00:18] on! What were the odds of that?
[01:00:21] I still can't
[01:00:22] believe I didn't get an MBD but I got
[01:00:24] a Toon Gator.
[01:00:26] Yeah, you got multiples right? I think you got two
[01:00:28] in that run. Yeah, I got two Toon Gators and no MBDs.
[01:00:31] Yeah, this is why we gotta have a rematch.
[01:00:33] This is why I always propose a
[01:00:35] rematch because we need it. Not only that...
[01:00:37] I'm hungry for the rematch.
[01:00:38] Not only that, it would just be fun to encourage each other in person!
[01:00:42] It'd be awesome to have a good laugh.
[01:00:45] I think a Forbidden Memories race in person would be really hype.
[01:00:49] The crowd would get into it.
[01:00:52] Oh, for sure for sure
[01:00:58] double over bids your favorite ending for the price is right no get out of here that's too sad when both people lost. No, bad.
[01:01:03] That's cursed.
[01:01:07] But yeah, me and Keyes have a lot of experience with random games.
[01:01:11] I mean that's one of my favorite things about your stream in general
[01:01:12] is whenever you turn it on there's always like an archipelago or a
[01:01:15] randomizer or something going on TFS stuff
[01:01:18] You never know what you're going to find and a lot of it's just
[01:01:21] you never know what to expect right? Like none of it's like a fixed speedrun or a fixed game.
[01:01:25] It's always something beyond that,
[01:01:27] a challenge run, a randomizer
[01:01:28] and I always enjoy that about your stream.
[01:01:30] It's a good time.
[01:01:31] Thanks.
[01:01:32] Yeah, I have found that the longer I've streamed
[01:01:38] The more I don't want to do exactly the same thing over and over
[01:01:44] Which is...
[01:01:44] I mean, I'm doing the randomizers of like
[01:01:46] the same games over and over but at
[01:01:47] least it's a different experience
[01:01:49] every time. It isn't like pure speed
[01:01:51] running where oh,
[01:01:53] i didn't get the critical here so
[01:01:55] I'm gonna lose five seconds and now my time isn't as good it's just oh
[01:01:59] i didn't get the crit this sucks
[01:02:04] i think one of the toughest things for me to always accept about speedrunning, and it's good to have these conversations.
[01:02:10] We just had a Street EQ wrap up as of this recording. It was a couple weeks ago, congratulations to everyone involved.
[01:02:16] Congratulations on the money raised.
[01:02:18] It was a wonderful endeavor.
[01:02:20] But we talk about speed running and speed running is just really exhausting.
[01:02:24] It's a lot of time saves with a lot of the time.
[01:02:28] Not a huge payoff, right? I mean, obviously
[01:02:30] there are exceptions, you know.
[01:02:32] We think of the barrier skip in Windbreaker,
[01:02:34] the gelato skip in Sunshine.
[01:02:36] You know, there are sizable skips but then other times
[01:02:39] it's like I'm going to do this skip
[01:02:41] and I'm going to lose one
[01:02:43] minute if I fail it and save
[01:02:45] five seconds if I get past it
[01:02:46] and that's the exhausting part about speedrunning, right?
[01:02:49] Oh, definitely.
[01:02:50] And you know, that's some of the reason why
[01:02:52] I really enjoy the fact that we have a show
[01:02:55] like The First Step.
[01:02:56] I'm not trying to pump my own ego up or anything like that.
[01:03:00] It's a good show! Thank you.
[01:03:03] It's just nice to have some sort of reminder because we all get lost in the
[01:03:07] sauce sometimes right? Oh yeah. It's nice it's nice to have a reminder that hey
[01:03:12] you can still have like fun ways to approach things and also
[01:03:16] hey you can always play it safe and a of times, until you're at the point where
[01:03:22] you're absolutely like top three,
[01:03:24] top two and you need to save half a second
[01:03:26] to stand a chance,
[01:03:27] A lot of times taking those slower,
[01:03:29] safer strats is going to be so much better not only
[01:03:34] for your mental but you'll finish more runs that way and i think that gets kind
[01:03:38] of lost in translation sometimes um You can practice a segment
[01:03:43] a ton, you can
[01:03:45] know, you could practice the flagpole
[01:03:47] glitch in Mario runs
[01:03:49] over and over and over and over, you could spend
[01:03:51] hours, days working on it but it's not
[01:03:53] going to translate to a real run success
[01:03:55] until you start getting comfortable doing
[01:03:57] it in a real run so there's
[01:03:59] a lot of value to knowing
[01:04:01] safe and backup strats
[01:04:03] and not worrying too much about,
[01:04:05] oh, I'll lose a minute if I don't get this skip.
[01:04:10] Like, oh, well that's a minute I can save
[01:04:12] once I'm a lot more comfortable with the game, you know?
[01:04:15] Yeah. Absolutely! And speaking of again first step in mind
[01:04:19] what was your first speedrun KZ? It's no secret
[01:04:23] KZ has been in the community for a very long time.
[01:04:25] Again I believe Kaze and I may have started around the same time
[01:04:28] but what was your first game?
[01:04:36] It wasn't Crystal, surprisingly.
[01:04:38] Crystal was the first
[01:04:40] game that I streamed speedrunning
[01:04:42] but my first actual
[01:04:44] speedrun umrun was Resident Evil 5.
[01:04:49] Really? I would have...
[01:04:51] You tell me this after Mercy Kill concluded!
[01:04:55] Dang it, that would've been so good to have on!
[01:04:59] I forgot the mark of secret potion
[01:05:01] I was trying to remember. No, jokes aside
[01:05:03] Yeah like uh
[01:05:04] I loved playing it
[01:05:07] It was a game that I actually got my I loved playing it.
[01:05:07] It was a game that I actually got my dad into, so he
[01:05:12] dad's a speed runner!
[01:05:15] He doesn't know it but my dad dad's a speedrunner. Sure!
[01:05:21] Because we would try to go through the game super fast and they weren't top times
[01:05:23] or anything, but like we actively
[01:05:24] went in with the goal of
[01:05:26] we want to beat this game as fast as possible, which that is
[01:05:29] speedrunning folks.
[01:05:31] If you ever have any doubt
[01:05:33] if you're just trying to beat the game fast, congrats
[01:05:35] you're a speedrunner.
[01:05:37] It doesn't have to be some big formal thing. It doesn't have to be some big formal thing.
[01:05:40] It doesn't have to be a confirmed time on the leaderboard, you just try to defeat a game fast...
[01:05:44] Guess what? You're a speedrunner. Like, and some of us don't even realize that.
[01:05:48] I love that moral for sure. Another
[01:05:51] question here from chat, for the people who
[01:05:53] have not heard it before could Keys explain
[01:05:55] how you got into Pokemon
[01:05:57] speedruns?
[01:05:58] This is a fun story that I love telling
[01:06:01] and it's also a story that
[01:06:03] it sounds like total
[01:06:05] BS man so
[01:06:07] um
[01:06:07] I was on YouTube
[01:06:12] and I was looking up
[01:06:14] Bone Thugs in Harmony
[01:06:16] because I just really wanted to listen to some rap
[01:06:18] that day.
[01:06:20] And um... For some, the YouTube algorithm can sometimes be a little funky.
[01:06:26] Oh no! Really?
[01:06:27] My recommended video after Bone Thugs in Harmony was Pokemon Crystal Speedrun by Worcester
[01:06:33] in 3.22
[01:06:36] or whatever it was, and I was like wait
[01:06:37] I loved playing Crystal as a kid so I actually
[01:06:39] sat down and watched it to see how he beat
[01:06:41] it so fast because I was so confused How can you beat a Pokémon game that fast?
[01:06:46] And after watching it...
[01:06:49] Looking back this sounds like
[01:06:50] a really cocky comment to make but
[01:06:52] after watching it I was like,
[01:06:53] I could do this! I could beat this one day
[01:06:54] so that's how I got into it and
[01:06:56] I remember the first time that I actually
[01:06:59] tied world record
[01:07:00] was a big deal to me because I was like
[01:07:02] I did it. I, I proved myself that,
[01:07:04] hey,
[01:07:05] I said I could do it
[01:07:06] and I did it.
[01:07:07] Now I'm super duper washed
[01:07:09] because there's a lot of really
[01:07:11] and that's not even
[01:07:12] like a self-depreciation thing.
[01:07:14] That's just
[01:07:14] there are so many fantastic Pokémon speedrunners now.
[01:07:17] I can't even name
[01:07:20] a quarter of them now but back in my day
[01:07:23] I'd be able to name everyone
[01:07:25] but now there's just so many fantastic runners.
[01:07:29] I mean like you got a bunch of new wave of runners, like you got Ecchi, you've got TTS
[01:07:35] for life, you got all these like really,
[01:07:36] really sick runners that I
[01:07:39] could not possibly keep up
[01:07:41] with at this point in time
[01:07:42] because they're just
[01:07:42] they're really good. They're
[01:07:43] really smart. Well let's
[01:07:46] not forget Shen either.
[01:07:47] I want to give a big shout out to Shen who is also been on my show.
[01:07:50] Shen is in forever.
[01:07:53] He is the living calculator.
[01:07:55] There has been so many fantastic runs with you and
[01:07:59] Shen and Chrism, and of course I want to
[01:08:01] mention Atchi again too. Atchi is fantastic.
[01:08:04] And again, y'all are just
[01:08:05] such great leaders in the community.
[01:08:07] Even if you don't actively run
[01:08:08] the games as much
[01:08:09] as y'all used to,
[01:08:10] because nowadays at least
[01:08:12] as far as I can understand
[01:08:14] a lot of creators have gone
[01:08:15] to challenge-run content
[01:08:17] to achievement based content or randomizers um some folks go so far
[01:08:22] to call it the retirement home of speed running but we do that so we don't get rusty right like
[01:08:27] our somebody can keep our days though ah Right? He kind of is, though.
[01:08:31] Aw, dang.
[01:08:34] I'll never forget...
[01:08:36] Piggybacking off
[01:08:37] that comment,
[01:08:37] I'll never forget
[01:08:38] the first speedrun Coliseum.
[01:08:42] Like, I remember a lot of us were sitting on the couch
[01:08:45] and Spike being Spike he's like
[01:08:48] Welcome to the Speedrun retirement home!
[01:08:53] That's us!
[01:08:57] That's
[01:08:57] us!
[01:08:58] I mean, it's no joke, y'all!
[01:09:00] Some of us are starting to be in our late 30s early
[01:09:02] 40s all right like this is a thing it has been a hot minute since i've
[01:09:08] been a part of the community oh like i think officially being a part of
[01:09:13] A speedrun community
[01:09:14] This year is 10 years
[01:09:17] 10 years of speedrunning
[01:09:18] Yeah, I started my stream 10 years ago
[01:09:21] And went to my It'll be 10 years ago and went to my owl of it'll be 10 years since i went to my first gdq in january
[01:09:27] 20 25 actually oh my gosh that was painful to say um you're right it has been about a decade
[01:09:35] hasn't it? It really
[01:09:37] has.
[01:09:39] Retirement Coliseum was
[01:09:40] great, Mitch.
[01:09:43] I sure love whenever
[01:09:45] I see like a brand new runner
[01:09:47] and I meet them at a GDQ
[01:09:49] and I find out they're
[01:09:50] like 22 or something.
[01:09:51] I'm like, ah, damn it.
[01:09:53] I'm so old.
[01:09:53] All I'm going to say is
[01:09:54] ADF is a youngin'.
[01:09:56] Adath is a baby!
[01:09:58] Adath is so young compared to most of us.
[01:10:00] He's such a baaaby.
[01:10:02] They're like wait a second what?
[01:10:07] No no there are I'd be like, wait a second. What is... No!
[01:10:08] Now there was somebody in chat saying
[01:10:09] late 30s is retirement home.
[01:10:11] I'll tell you now
[01:10:12] late 30s early 40s
[01:10:13] you definitely feel
[01:10:14] especially if you have been speedrunning for over a decade
[01:10:17] or doing speedrunning adjacent content
[01:10:19] You really start to feel it in your arms
[01:10:22] and your wrists and your hands
[01:10:23] So again, note out there, please take care of y'all
[01:10:25] because I wish I had started using compression gloves 10
[01:10:28] years ago and I need to do that now.
[01:10:30] And not just your hands
[01:10:32] but also in your eyes too.
[01:10:34] Sometimes things will start to look blurry
[01:10:36] and things like that. We laugh, we laugh about this, but this does
[01:10:39] happen over time.
[01:10:42] Yeah,
[01:10:43] like, I used to wear
[01:10:45] compression gloves a lot. Like, I actually...
[01:10:47] For a while, I I had a compression glove sponsor
[01:10:51] But um, I don't wear them as much anymore
[01:10:53] and it's not because they're not good
[01:10:55] It's that before I stream now
[01:10:57] which I wish I did when I first started like you said.
[01:11:01] I do a lot of hand and wrist exercises even if
[01:11:06] i know it's going to be a really calm and not high APM stream.
[01:11:12] Like I will still stretch now.
[01:11:15] I really wish I did that when I first started.
[01:11:18] Yeah, like I could even tell
[01:11:20] a couple of days, I had done six
[01:11:21] hours of Smash Bros Melee Retro
[01:11:23] achievements because the GameCube sets just came out
[01:11:25] and after... And I
[01:11:27] lose track of time like any other person who enjoys
[01:11:29] games would. And about six hours in, I'm
[01:11:32] like, oh my gosh, I need to stick both
[01:11:34] my arms into buckets of ice.
[01:11:36] You just feel it.
[01:11:38] And I was just like...
[01:11:39] I didn't say anything on stream, but the minute I turned off stream,
[01:11:42] I was just like,
[01:11:43] ah, it's so painful.
[01:11:47] Literally crumbling to dust.
[01:11:50] The bones started creaking.
[01:11:52] Oh, yeah!
[01:11:53] Yeah, I mean we had this conversation in the pre-stream where like
[01:11:56] I can't get up from my computer chair or my couch or my bed without something creaking now
[01:12:00] and I'm just like is this how it's gonna be now?
[01:12:03] I can't wait until the hosts of Hot Fics were all just gray.
[01:12:09] Well, isn't Spike starting to get some gray in his beard the last
[01:12:15] time. Spice got
[01:12:17] the salt and pepper thing going on which I
[01:12:18] actually think is a really, really nice
[01:12:21] look. I was just like
[01:12:23] you know, with every game of SNES Mania
[01:12:26] he completes, he gets another gray hair
[01:12:28] and that is my story
[01:12:29] and I'm sticking with it right now
[01:12:31] Is there an actual retirement age
[01:12:34] for speedrunning?
[01:12:35] Approaching your 40s and you feel like that.
[01:12:36] No, jokes aside, you're not too old for it.
[01:12:39] You just got to take care of yourself,
[01:12:41] which is something I wish I took more seriously 10 years ago.
[01:12:44] No, absolutely not! My grandma
[01:12:46] played Super Mario 64
[01:12:48] in her late 60s
[01:12:51] early 70s. No, you're not too old for video
[01:12:53] games or streaming or speedrunning
[01:12:55] like you can totally do it.
[01:12:58] It's just more or less like the older you get,
[01:13:00] the more you have to take more breaks, stretch,
[01:13:01] take care of yourself.
[01:13:04] And to be honest, we should all be doing that at a younger age.
[01:13:05] We just don't think about it because again,
[01:13:09] we become so invincible right we feel invincible we feel like we're goal oriented and it's just one of those things where it's just so easy
[01:13:13] to forget these things so i tend to talk about this kind of stuff a lot on my show.
[01:13:19] Jokes aside...
[01:13:21] Yeah, definitely.
[01:13:24] Really, really good advice for sure.
[01:13:27] Yeah, Spike's not technically a Hotfix host but he does do
[01:13:29] GDQ interview crew which
[01:13:31] Keese I believe you are on as well
[01:13:33] and yeah it's just
[01:13:35] again Spike is part of the crew
[01:13:37] and yeah just the next time you see Spike,
[01:13:39] I'm like, take a look.
[01:13:40] Again, every game
[01:13:41] he completes with Nesmanian
[01:13:43] and you see more salt
[01:13:44] and pepper as you go on.
[01:13:46] No!
[01:13:46] And again,
[01:13:47] I want to shout out Spike.
[01:13:48] He finished the whole 602 in one sitting.
[01:13:51] Keith, I don't know the last time you did a 24-hour plus stream.
[01:13:54] I just looked at that and I just thought...
[01:13:57] So, you know
[01:14:01] Back when my bones didn't creak
[01:14:03] I think the longest stream
[01:14:04] I ever did in consecutive hours
[01:14:06] Was like
[01:14:06] 30 or 31
[01:14:08] Wow
[01:14:09] If I tried to do like...
[01:14:12] I feel it after 6 now!
[01:14:15] Any time I do any sort of really long incentive and it's gonna be 10-14 hours. My body is immediately dreading
[01:14:23] it, and
[01:14:23] I can't imagine doing a long challenge
[01:14:27] like 6.02. Not anymore.
[01:14:30] Yeah, that's not
[01:14:31] even like a randomizer. That's just a full on long speedrun challenge.
[01:14:37] I would have to... gosh how would I approach that? I'd have to like not stream for a couple of days
[01:14:45] and just really build up
[01:14:47] like rest and relaxation beforehand.
[01:14:50] Yeah.
[01:14:51] Spend some time with the pupper
[01:14:53] because it's good for the soul.
[01:14:54] Keyes by the way has a super cute puffer!
[01:14:57] Yeah we got Yuki, my little Samoyed...
[01:15:01] We have Boxy who is a half-Main Coon cat
[01:15:04] Really really cute and really talkative We have Boxy, who's a half-Main Coon cat.
[01:15:05] Really, really cute.
[01:15:08] And Emre is coming home with A new kitten tonight!
[01:15:11] We also have
[01:15:12] A snake, which some people aren't
[01:15:14] About. Totally understandable. but we have a snake
[01:15:17] We have new kitten coming in like we just...
[01:15:19] We have fur babies!
[01:15:21] Aww that's so cute
[01:15:23] I'm pretty excited for the kitten she's's a little ragdoll, or he excuse me, he's a little ragdoll.
[01:15:31] He is a stray so he is a little sick but we are going to take care of him and give him a good home
[01:15:39] uh someone was asking about sun now it's been a few years since i sat down
[01:15:42] and had dinner with son but it says his son to full-time speedrunner remember
[01:15:46] seeing him do a run of aquanet time
[01:15:48] rando while back which caught you off guard sent is doing a run at pax west
[01:15:52] let's take a look at that schedule real quick let me love it let me see this let
[01:15:55] me see those which by the way y'all should follow along again PAX West is gonna be amazing
[01:16:00] uh Keyes are you going to be there?
[01:16:02] I so I will not be working the event but i think i'm going anyway. Nice! So, I will probably
[01:16:09] be there, so... And, you know,
[01:16:11] I'm probably gonna hang out around the
[01:16:13] GDQ area, so anyone going to PAX West
[01:16:15] if you wanna say hi, like, I'm
[01:16:17] for sure gonna be there.
[01:16:22] Um, I found out recently that pax east is going to because i am far away from the west coast very very far away from west coast but the
[01:16:27] east is supposed to be taking place in May next year, so I will most likely
[01:16:30] be able to hang out at East.
[01:16:33] So that'll be fun.
[01:16:35] But yeah, let's take a look at this.
[01:16:36] Sounds like a reasonable time too.
[01:16:38] Final Fantasy Type-0 Any% Cad Sen. Yeah that's Sen! And not only is Sen speedrunning,
[01:16:43] Sen is doing a two hour run? Wow.
[01:16:49] Yeah so uh kind of backtracking a little bit to when we mentioned Archipelagos.
[01:16:55] I'll do Archipelagos with Scent all the time.
[01:16:57] Like, Scent still does a lot of speedrun adjacent content.
[01:17:03] He's not really a streamer but he also very much keeps up
[01:17:08] with the oops uh he very much keeps up with
[01:17:10] the current scene and everything.
[01:17:15] Ascent opened up RPG limit break 2019
[01:17:17] let's see this
[01:17:19] oh yeah, yeah, yeah Final Fantasy
[01:17:21] tied 0-10% that is so awesome! I would love to play an Archipelago with y'all or with you and Sen at some point.
[01:17:32] I think he's still recovering from event fatigue.
[01:17:37] Oh my goodness, Scent? You want to talk about someone who gives 150% all the time. I don't
[01:17:45] know how Scent has that
[01:17:47] amount of energy, but my goodness
[01:17:49] just
[01:17:50] I can't fathom that
[01:17:53] Scent's a monster!
[01:17:57] And you've seen this,
[01:18:00] because you're
[01:18:01] an old-time GDQ person
[01:18:04] too. It used to just be sent!
[01:18:07] There didn't use to be a prize team.
[01:18:09] Yeah! It was just sent.
[01:18:13] That should be the next time y'all
[01:18:15] enjoy this. It's justall introduce It's just sent.
[01:18:17] It's just sent.
[01:18:19] But yeah, then we got like
[01:18:21] Game and Shout. We got Corvime now.
[01:18:23] The workload has spread a lot
[01:18:25] better for Sent. I felt so bad every time um before the prize team existed
[01:18:30] i felt so bad percent because like he he would run himself ragged and you could tell he wasn't
[01:18:35] feeling good but a lot of people at home probably didn't notice because Sense is so
[01:18:39] good at just like
[01:18:39] flip of a switch, just being
[01:18:42] the prize man.
[01:18:45] Just being really good at talking about everything
[01:18:47] having all the information about the prizes.
[01:18:49] Which he knows so much about everything!
[01:18:55] Yeah, that sounds about right.
[01:18:58] That's the power of the prize wizard, yo I bought
[01:19:00] the Prize Wizard poster that they
[01:19:02] sold towards the end of GDQ, I can't wait to get
[01:19:04] that in for my setup. Wait
[01:19:06] that was a thing? Yeah!
[01:19:08] It said like thank you prize wizard and it's just this big poster of
[01:19:11] Settner. I was like hey Oth, i hope you don't mind having a
[01:19:13] big poster of Settner play. Wait that's sick? I didn't even know
[01:19:17] there was a thing? It was a thing yeah i'll send you a picture of it after yeah please do
[01:19:22] i did not know that that was that's so cool yeah it was like towards the end of
[01:19:26] the event like i saw the yeti randomly at it and i'm like that looks pretty
[01:19:30] sweet actually that That's so
[01:19:32] cool!
[01:19:34] Yeah, maybe they'll sell it again soon.
[01:19:36] I can see and be like, yo you should
[01:19:38] sell that again because some folks may
[01:19:39] miss that.
[01:19:41] He really sent it at the end of
[01:19:43] the event, oh my goodness y'all.
[01:19:47] That's so punny. Think any
[01:19:49] popular games would allow a sub
[01:19:51] category of beating a game while physically running
[01:19:53] a marathon. I mean, we kind
[01:19:55] of have something like that, right? I remember
[01:19:57] what was it?
[01:20:00] The game with the hula hoop
[01:20:01] on the Switch. You know what I'm talking see this is our bad memories
[01:20:08] yeah so i mean that would technically qualify right because
[01:20:11] you're doing both at the same time. I would count it.
[01:20:17] Good old boomer memory.
[01:20:21] Our time has come.
[01:20:23] I remember all the old stuff,
[01:20:25] Keith! I can't remember anything new!
[01:20:29] At this point in time if you ask me about something
[01:20:31] that happened like 2014
[01:20:33] to 2018, I could probably you like vivid details about it but if like hey do
[01:20:37] you remember what you did on tfs three months ago nothing at the time because of the new season
[01:20:43] format but like if you ask me that at any point in time i'd be like it's been three months
[01:20:49] time is so difficult since i was asking what is an archipelago yeah and i don't
[01:20:55] mind explaining that for folks coming in.
[01:20:56] Also, hello y'all! You are watching G2Q Hot Fakes
[01:20:58] I'm Skybillz and this is Random Number Generation
[01:21:00] And I have one of the hosts of The First Step here
[01:21:03] Keeseraan here
[01:21:04] Who you all should very much follow again.
[01:21:08] That is slash keysron and also check out the first step on GDQ Hot Picks as well.
[01:21:13] Be sure to check out our Hot Picks site for more information on when those episodes will occur. So
[01:21:19] again, wanted to do a reintroduction there
[01:21:21] because a lot of folks coming in saying hi.
[01:21:22] So Archipelago, I don't know if there's
[01:21:25] any short and quick answer for this but it's a way
[01:21:27] to play multiple randomizers at once and it's typically
[01:21:29] done with a friend group. I've seen
[01:21:31] folks sometimes do multiple games
[01:21:33] but I feel, and my
[01:21:35] personal opinion is Archipelago is best shared
[01:21:37] with friends
[01:21:38] Definitely It's Archipelago is best shared with friends.
[01:21:40] Definitely.
[01:21:42] It's also...
[01:21:45] Archipelago is such a convenient thing because anyone who ever goes to any sort of event,
[01:21:47] it doesn't even have to be like a speedrunning event.
[01:21:48] Just any sort of con or any sort
[01:21:51] of uh just like group gathering every time
[01:21:54] every single time you ever like make new friends or something it's like yeah
[01:21:57] like we'll add each other, we should totally
[01:21:59] play games together.
[01:22:01] And everyone plays a completely different thing.
[01:22:02] Like I was...
[01:22:03] I've been friends with a lot of people
[01:22:05] in the Ori community
[01:22:07] and a lot of people
[01:22:09] in like the Super Metroid community.
[01:22:11] Those are games I don't play, but
[01:22:13] I'm able to do stuff with them now because
[01:22:16] they can play Super Metroid
[01:22:18] in an archipelago while I
[01:22:20] play Pokemon or Fire Emblem or something.
[01:22:22] So we're able to play games together with the games that we know
[01:22:27] and still get to have like, that fun friend time together.
[01:22:30] Didn't you once do an Archipelago where it was multiple Pokemon games?
[01:22:35] Yep, and it's very confusing.
[01:22:37] I bet.
[01:22:39] There's a lot of item overlap.
[01:22:42] So I can't tell you how many times i'd get like surf and be excited but it
[01:22:45] was for the game that couldn't use it oh hang on richard says you gave oria 9s your safe with us
[01:22:52] now what's that about oh yeah i'm such a luck that's such an old tweet
[01:22:58] that's so long ago how do you remember i uh there you go, safe!
[01:23:09] We did Ori for the first step.
[01:23:16] We didn't Ori in Will of the Wisps when it came out and Hobbs is very much like hey play play blind forest first that way you can at least get familiar with the game
[01:23:19] and um i
[01:23:23] i used to do this thing where i would rate games, just give it a
[01:23:27] 1-10 thing
[01:23:29] whenever I'd finish them before TFS.
[01:23:33] And...I don't think I've ever given anything a 10
[01:23:35] and that's because I'm being like a little
[01:23:36] little bit of a snob about it like there's no such thing as a perfect game
[01:23:39] so i'll never give anything a ten. Like you know, be super pretentious
[01:23:42] about it I-I'm very self aware that it's a silly mindset but uh
[01:23:45] So the highest I'll ever give a game is a nine and ori was a nine to me
[01:23:50] i had so much fun with it um i can't think of a single time that i was like genuinely frustrated
[01:23:55] at it like i might have played up like a frustration just for
[01:23:58] like stream content but like i had a genuinely good time and then
[01:24:03] playing the sequel was also a ton of fun too like i
[01:24:06] just the series is great
[01:24:08] would you give it
[01:24:11] a 10 if you could
[01:24:12] if I weren't pretentious
[01:24:15] don't think I would
[01:24:16] give it a 10 but
[01:24:17] I think I'd get
[01:24:18] one of time okay all right whatever would give it a 10, but I think I'd give the second one a 10.
[01:24:21] Okay. All right.
[01:24:22] I wonder how Richard feels about that.
[01:24:24] I just like the fact that
[01:24:26] the second one had combat in
[01:24:27] it.
[01:24:28] So yeah.
[01:24:28] Yeah.
[01:24:32] I think Or Ori is a beautiful game and
[01:24:32] again or we've had
[01:24:34] folks from the Ori
[01:24:35] randomizer community
[01:24:35] here still trying to
[01:24:37] persuade Richard to
[01:24:38] do a randomizer on
[01:24:39] here one day.
[01:24:41] Okay, to do a randomizer on here one day. Mhm.
[01:24:45] I'm also kind of backtracking a little bit too, like I have a lot of friends in the Kingdom Hearts
[01:24:47] community as well,
[01:24:49] and I am a little more familiar with Kingdom Hearts because
[01:24:51] if you're stuck with Mr.
[01:24:54] Jeff Hobson over here then you gotta
[01:24:56] know some of it, right?
[01:24:59] So
[01:25:00] is Hobbes a person of habit like just knows what he likes
[01:25:07] in terms of gaming i would say so i would say yeah. I think he might be...
[01:25:14] He's a lot more willing to step out of his comfort zone than some people might realize.
[01:25:20] But otherwise you can kind of tell like oh yeah this is a Hobbs game.
[01:25:24] Oh very much so.
[01:25:25] I mean, I'm the same way
[01:25:26] Like I find something that I really like
[01:25:28] and it's sometimes hard to get me to try something new
[01:25:31] My partner frequently makes fun of me
[01:25:32] but I want to spend my time doing something
[01:25:35] I know I'm really going to like.
[01:25:36] So sometimes I resist trying new games.
[01:25:40] But then I'm like,
[01:25:40] I am going to play a new game tonight.
[01:25:42] The NES championship thing is coming out, and
[01:25:45] I don't know if that counts because I've played a lot
[01:25:48] of the games in which
[01:25:50] the challenges are centered around, but
[01:25:51] it still looks like that's going to be a lot of fun.
[01:25:54] I would count it accounts yeah why not but yeah archipelago is
[01:26:01] always undergoing um new games too so i know soon like there's some stuff in beta
[01:26:07] like diddy kong racing is eventually going to get added to it which is really my favorite
[01:26:11] oh yeah yeah that's awesome because that's one of my favorite racing games.
[01:26:19] Let me make sure...
[01:26:22] I'm caught up on chat here, because again
[01:26:24] I love to read y'all's questions if you
[01:26:26] have a question for myself, please let us know.
[01:26:30] I promise you we don't bite.
[01:26:33] So again, we're about an hour in.
[01:26:35] So first off, how are you feeling do you need a break
[01:26:39] how is the pupper doing napping so uh she's good i'm
[01:26:44] i'm good for whatever if we want to encourage a wellness break, I'm
[01:26:50] totally down to do that right now.
[01:26:54] Yeah, weekend if you want
[01:26:56] to. It never hurts to get up and
[01:26:57] stretch.
[01:26:59] You know what? I think after...
[01:27:01] ...I go through this dialogue, like,
[01:27:03] I could give us a countdown
[01:27:04] and give everyone the chance
[01:27:05] to refill their-
[01:27:07] What's my usual hotfix feel?
[01:27:14] Get up, stretch your legs, take a bio break, get some water. Always good to do that! We encourage Wellness Hero.
[01:27:19] I have my water here.
[01:27:20] But I do want to like...
[01:27:21] I like getting up and just walking up and down the stairs once or twice.
[01:27:25] Get the blood flowing, you know?
[01:27:27] Oh yeah!
[01:27:28] We are old!
[01:27:29] Go ahead and pause in
[01:27:31] three, two,
[01:27:33] one, pause.
[01:27:35] Yeah I'll make
[01:27:35] sure I turn off
[01:27:36] my mic before
[01:27:36] I stand up
[01:27:37] to you.
[01:27:37] You don't
[01:27:37] want to hear
[01:27:37] out you know.
[01:27:41] Anyways folks if you have been enjoying GDQ Hot Fics and you Anyways, folks
[01:27:41] If you have been enjoying GDQ Hotfix
[01:27:43] And you have been enjoying our show
[01:27:45] I wanted to remind you all
[01:27:46] That your subs
[01:27:48] Prime Gaming subs
[01:27:48] Gift subs
[01:27:49] And bits shared
[01:27:49] On the GDQ Twitch channel
[01:27:51] Help support games done Quick hotfix.
[01:27:53] If you enjoy watching speedruns and our content,
[01:27:55] consider subscribing to
[01:27:57] the channel. And again, Keys and I, we both
[01:27:59] provide content for this so any help
[01:28:01] on that front is very much appreciated and with that being said i'm gonna
[01:28:06] follow keys example i'm going to get up in the stretching hydrate and we'll be right back with
[01:28:11] random number generations ¶¶ so so so so ¶¶ so I'm not sure if you can see this, but the game is a bit more complex than it was in the first game.
[01:29:57] The game has some of the most interesting and fun stuff to do, like get your own so so so so so so so.
[01:31:19] . so so so so so so so Thank you. so so so so so random never generation i am Random Never Generation.
[01:33:46] I am joined here by Keys, who's running a Pokemon Crystal
[01:33:50] Full Item Randomizer while we have just
[01:33:52] the full-on chill discussion here.
[01:33:56] So again, Chad, I want to thank you all for participating in Giza.
[01:33:59] I want to thank you for being here.
[01:34:00] I've been having a great time.
[01:34:02] I've been having a great time too,
[01:34:03] so much so that I didn't even realize over an hour had passed.
[01:34:07] Yep, we had to take care of the pupper which
[01:34:08] I hope makes an appearance at some point
[01:34:10] because I love the dog.
[01:34:13] Yuki, come here.
[01:34:15] Oh.
[01:34:20] Oh puppy. I have a slight delay on my end so I'm just waiting to see Yuki. We'll see her eventually.
[01:34:24] Do you want to look at the camera?
[01:34:28] You're going to be okay. We'll see her eventually. Do you want to learn speedrunning?
[01:34:30] Oh, that would be...
[01:34:32] Okay so once we get back into it like
[01:34:34] if you can teach Yuki a
[01:34:36] speedrun What a you can teach yuki a speed run
[01:34:40] what a good dog i would i would like honestly oh all right i'll answer it as
[01:34:46] soon as that count is back in. Okay, yeah go for it!
[01:34:49] Start up again in 3...2...1...
[01:34:51] Go!
[01:34:53] Honestly?
[01:34:55] I would love to find a
[01:34:57] way to, like, teach
[01:35:00] any dog. Like, not even necessarily Yuki, but
[01:35:02] teach a dog to do, like,
[01:35:04] a classic Super Mario level?
[01:35:07] Oh, that's a really good
[01:35:08] idea. I think the one I could think of
[01:35:10] that might be done is maybe 4-1
[01:35:12] because a lot of that's just running and jumping.
[01:35:15] Mm-hmm.
[01:35:17] That'd be so cool.
[01:35:19] I would like that.
[01:35:20] I'd like to see one day,
[01:35:22] we would live in a world
[01:35:24] where possibly if we have
[01:35:25] multiple dogs
[01:35:26] that could do speedruns,
[01:35:27] I would love to see
[01:35:28] a dog race.
[01:35:30] Yeah,
[01:35:32] that'd be so cool. But you have to make sure
[01:35:34] they're not all distracted by each other
[01:35:38] They need partitions or something like that
[01:35:43] Yeah definitely or something like that. Yeah, definitely. I would love to see
[01:35:45] something like that though.
[01:35:47] So is Yugi pretty responsive?
[01:35:49] Like can she learn tricks?
[01:35:51] Would it be pretty okay to teach her
[01:35:53] with enough time? She
[01:35:55] is very smart,
[01:35:58] but sometimes
[01:35:59] too smart. So like I
[01:36:01] could teach her something.
[01:36:03] She actually knows a decent amount of advanced tricks,
[01:36:06] but she's kind of like the cat about it.
[01:36:08] It's like, I don't really want to do it today.
[01:36:11] I know how to do it.
[01:36:12] I'm not doing it today.
[01:36:13] But then the next day
[01:36:14] like oh yeah
[01:36:14] I'll totally
[01:36:15] jump for that biscuit
[01:36:17] sure.
[01:36:20] So it's a matter
[01:36:21] of getting her
[01:36:22] to be more consistent.
[01:36:23] Yep
[01:36:24] yep we gotta get the consistency
[01:36:25] down and I'm gonna be perfectly honest
[01:36:27] with everyone
[01:36:28] I'm too much of a sucker
[01:36:31] if
[01:36:32] the roles were reversed
[01:36:34] and Emre was still a full-time streamer
[01:36:37] And I was the one that got back in the workforce
[01:36:39] And she was like, you know, home with the dog all of time
[01:36:42] She'd probably honestly be better behaved
[01:36:45] Like, I'm willing to admit that You should probably honestly be better behaved.
[01:36:47] I'm willing to admit that.
[01:36:52] I don't let Yuki get away with a ton of really bad stuff, obviously,
[01:36:54] but it's like I'm a lot less...
[01:36:57] The word I'm looking for.
[01:36:58] Arsh isn't the right word.
[01:37:01] This is perfect, we're talking about dogs and you're letting the dogs out.
[01:37:03] Yep, yep, yep.
[01:37:05] Scripted.
[01:37:07] Authoritative.
[01:37:08] Like, I'm not as authoritative with dogs because I'm just too into the
[01:37:11] Oh my god, they're so cute!
[01:37:13] I want to pet them and love me.
[01:37:14] Oh, same.
[01:37:15] Yeah, I feel that.
[01:37:20] So! Yeah, I feel that. So you were talking about the molt-the many, many pets
[01:37:23] that you had earlier.
[01:37:24] I'm interested as to the story behind
[01:37:27] the little noodle that y'all have,
[01:37:29] the danger noodle.
[01:37:30] Oh yeah, so
[01:37:32] we recently adopted
[01:37:35] a 12-year-old albino
[01:37:37] corn snake. His name is Monroe.
[01:37:40] So the deal is, anyone who doesn't know, Emre
[01:37:44] now works as a vet tech. They're very
[01:37:48] happy with that really fulfilling job. Heets to work around animals all the time
[01:37:53] but she just called me up one day and was like hey remember when we were
[01:37:58] joking about getting a snake? Do you want to get one and i was like what's
[01:38:04] the catch um there's this older lady that she's moving out of state and because of all
[01:38:09] the equipment that you need to take care of a snake, like the tank and the lights
[01:38:13] and everything.
[01:38:14] She didn't want to risk breaking
[01:38:16] anything. So she was just like
[01:38:18] it would just be easier to give it to someone who
[01:38:20] could keep an eye on him.
[01:38:23] So, we just ended up
[01:38:25] with a snake!
[01:38:27] Because we really wanted
[01:38:29] the lizard and here we are
[01:38:31] And Monro's so, he's got such a personality for a snake.
[01:38:36] Really?
[01:38:37] Yeah, he loves exploring,
[01:38:40] if you have him around your neck or something,
[01:38:44] on your shoulders. He'll just slither around everywhere
[01:38:48] and try to sneak into your shirt. Try to get through your sleeve
[01:38:52] and stuff. Just doing as much exploring as possible.
[01:38:54] Oh!
[01:38:55] Anytime that Yuki sees the snake
[01:38:58] they always boop snoots
[01:39:00] and it's really really cute.
[01:39:01] Oh that's adorable!
[01:39:07] Our cat... our older cat anyway. Now we have two. Um, our older cat doesn't really acknowledge
[01:39:11] That the snake is there. I don't think she actually knows we have a snake, to be honest.
[01:39:19] Oh, this randomizer
[01:39:20] is bad. Why does Morty
[01:39:22] have a Gengar? Ooh, Rando.
[01:39:24] I mean, that's always going to happen mean that's always going to happen there is always going to be something
[01:39:29] the randomizer has in common with a base game it happens a lot
[01:39:35] Someone said in chat those of you who don't watch pieces stream.
[01:39:37] You'll never truly appreciate the collective confusion and
[01:39:40] Chatlin keys got up then came back saying I'm ready to help with this.
[01:39:51] Yeah, that's a, That's been an adjustment for me because I've always had...
[01:39:56] I don't want to say like basic, like they're not good animals or anything obviously.
[01:39:58] But I've always had like basic pets, like dogs cats you know like the pretty standard yeah set of animals um but uh i've never had a lizard before
[01:40:06] so this is actually like kind of kind of a cool experience so far.
[01:40:10] But I guess slight content warning,
[01:40:15] but if you don't know what a snake's diet is,
[01:40:19] eat these other... know what a snake's diet is, he eats
[01:40:20] other like
[01:40:21] rats and mice and stuff.
[01:40:24] That's been an adjustment for me because
[01:40:26] I'm such a softie that
[01:40:27] I can't handle doing it myself, so everyone has to do it.
[01:40:34] No, that's understandable!
[01:40:35] I actually think rats and mice are quite cute.
[01:40:37] I know I would have some difficulties with that for sure.
[01:40:42] Yeah, definitely.
[01:40:44] But yeah, I mean,
[01:40:45] I actually never seen pictures of your pets.
[01:40:47] I'm going to have to see like the cat and the snake
[01:40:49] and stuff like that.
[01:40:50] Like they're so cute.
[01:40:51] I'll have to send you some
[01:40:52] for sure.
[01:40:55] Well, cats now, right?
[01:40:56] You said today y'all
[01:40:57] are getting another cat.
[01:40:59] Yep.
[01:40:59] Emre will be home
[01:41:00] probably in like 30 to 45 minutes and we're just gonna have a snake there.
[01:41:08] Why not? Have a kitten there.
[01:41:10] Aww so it's a little one just a little tiny friend very tiny
[01:41:18] i'm excited though i don't think i've ever actually had a kitten
[01:41:22] every single cat I vever had has been at least, like, two or three years old.
[01:41:26] Yeah, that's understandable.
[01:41:28] I mean, a lot of folks like to get their pets from shelters
[01:41:31] and sometimes it's kind of rare to find them when they're tiny.
[01:41:35] Definitely. Where do I want
[01:41:39] to go? I have a few options, but I'm trying to like parse
[01:41:43] where I wanna go. The biggest things that we're missing right now
[01:41:46] are obviously badges but um i also still don't have surf
[01:41:52] yeah i noticed that so you have the bicycle, which is great,
[01:41:55] and your fly also great.
[01:41:57] So again, like you said, those were pre-vetted.
[01:41:59] But now you're looking for surf
[01:42:01] and again, as with most of the HMs
[01:42:03] they're prior to complete the game.
[01:42:06] So do you have any
[01:42:07] leads then where you think Surf might be
[01:42:09] or any ideas?
[01:42:11] I don't really necessarily
[01:42:13] have an idea so like you can have
[01:42:15] a dynamic logic in these where it's like, oh I just got cut so my next progression is likely behind cut but I usually have more random logic. So
[01:42:28] my goal right now is
[01:42:30] go to
[01:42:32] any area that has
[01:42:34] a ton of possible checks, so like we're about
[01:42:36] to climb Tin Tower because there's like 12 or 13 items I can pick up.
[01:42:42] We're just going for the really item dense areas right now.
[01:42:48] Yeah that makes
[01:42:49] perfect sense and that's how you tend to eliminate
[01:42:51] areas where like okay, where is it most likely
[01:42:53] to be? Where is the next likely place to be? We do
[01:42:55] that a lot within randomizers so...
[01:42:57] Oh yeah, definitely.
[01:43:02] I'm very happy with this holo! Not gonna lie.
[01:43:03] I wish I had like Drill Peck but...
[01:43:06] Well you pretty much have everything else
[01:43:08] you could possibly want.
[01:43:10] Well, listen, I'm a greedy little pig, okay?
[01:43:13] I bought my super moves.
[01:43:17] So it's the first thing to know
[01:43:18] I had Aeroblast on Lugia.
[01:43:25] Yeah, I had Aeroblast Llast lugia that wasn't good enough i upgraded well to be fair but the stats on matlug were a little janky especially oh yeah it just did not have off.
[01:43:32] It was rough.
[01:43:34] Speaking of jank what is the jankiest Pokemon you've ever finished this particular randomizer with and why?
[01:43:45] I remember having to use a Mad Cargo once,
[01:43:49] which...
[01:43:50] Mad Cargo as is
[01:43:52] is already not a great Pokemon.
[01:43:54] I like the design, I like the concept
[01:43:57] but it's-it's a very forgettable Pokemon to
[01:43:59] the point where a lot of people when they see
[01:44:02] Mad Cargo in one one of these are like, oh I thought
[01:44:07] it was gen 3 not gen 2.
[01:44:09] That's like yeah that's...
[01:44:11] That's a pretty normal reaction but uh i had to finish with the mad cargo before
[01:44:14] and it was just misery you never realize how many uh
[01:44:19] moves do you a certain type of pokemon has in
[01:44:22] a game until your quad weak to it.
[01:44:24] Oh yeah, oh yeah! There's nothing like getting hit by
[01:44:27] Water Gun and screaming in pain.
[01:44:30] WATER GUN!
[01:44:33] Bubble!
[01:44:35] Yeah, imagine bubble killing you.
[01:44:40] Oh that's a good TM. That's quite good.
[01:44:43] Oh yeah. I actually don't think I put it on the Ho-Oh right now, but...
[01:44:48] Maybe later if I get a bad fight?
[01:44:53] The TMs for the most part have been pretty good so far! We got an earthquake tm we got a rock slide tm
[01:44:58] we got fire punch yeah stamp fire punch is never
[01:45:02] a bad thing to have even though you put fire punch on a bird hey it balls its wing up okay
[01:45:13] he's trying his best you leave him alone uh question from the chat have you
[01:45:17] thought of a name for the new kitten um no no i am not
[01:45:24] in fact I'm taking a second to reply to Emre because they were like,
[01:45:30] do you want me to bring the kitten on stream
[01:45:32] when I get home?
[01:45:33] So.
[01:45:34] Oh!
[01:45:35] I said yes.
[01:45:36] Yay!
[01:45:37] Congratulations chat.
[01:45:38] You're gonna meet the kitten at the same time as me.
[01:45:45] Another question from the chat is the sportirt bottle progression it can be so we had a seed where um i got the ss ticket and access
[01:45:58] to kanto so everything that you could reach with the squirt bottle i was able to reach
[01:46:02] before i found a squirt bottle it does give us one additional check now though but at this point
[01:46:07] in time it's not progression but if you get it early then it is so is it like late game it's not progression, but if you get it early then it is.
[01:46:12] So is it like late game? It sounds like
[01:46:14] it's kind of a meme check.
[01:46:16] Yeah, like
[01:46:17] I mean it's not too far out of the way
[01:46:19] and I'm probably going to do it anyway just because it isn't like
[01:46:23] the slowest thing in the world. But it's only one check.
[01:46:29] But you know, it's
[01:46:31] It's You & Me on a hot pick show
[01:46:33] so that check is probably going to be the check
[01:46:34] So I either ignore it
[01:46:36] or get it
[01:46:37] It's transformative
[01:46:41] in nature
[01:46:41] Um It's transformative in nature.
[01:46:46] Let me see.
[01:46:47] Someone wanted to ask,
[01:46:49] what are your thoughts on... I believe this is a newer Pokemon,
[01:46:51] Wiglet?
[01:46:53] Oh yeah, anyone
[01:46:55] who hasn't played Pokemon Scarlet
[01:46:57] and Violet there's a
[01:46:59] It's not technically a regional
[01:47:01] form but I mean it is a regional form let's be real.
[01:47:04] It's basically
[01:47:05] like a really elongated white
[01:47:07] Diglett and it is
[01:47:09] so silly looking.
[01:47:12] My opinion is it's silly looking.
[01:47:14] That's a good one. Wiggler
[01:47:16] and Wug Trio are sure a thing.
[01:47:19] Ask Keys
[01:47:20] how he feels about
[01:47:21] Tangela.
[01:47:24] Oh, good old Wigglywoo. Perfect Pokemon! Nothing wrong at all! 10 out of 10 would always recommend.
[01:47:33] I'm surprised you didn't name your snake with glee.
[01:47:39] Well, you see... I kinda
[01:47:41] wanted to but
[01:47:43] he already had a name so
[01:47:45] I was like oh well, I'll respect the name. Aw dang. So what respect the name.
[01:47:47] Aw, dang.
[01:47:48] So what is
[01:47:49] the name then?
[01:47:51] Oh, the
[01:47:51] snake?
[01:47:51] Yeah.
[01:47:52] Yeah, Monroe.
[01:47:53] Oh my, oh
[01:47:54] that is very
[01:47:55] different from
[01:47:56] like the rest
[01:47:56] of the package.
[01:47:57] Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah we got yuki we got boxy we got monroe
[01:48:03] it's like there's always one that stands out i don't i don't know why
[01:48:07] the previous owner named him monroe but you know he kind of responds when
[01:48:11] i say his name so i'm not taking it away.
[01:48:14] No no absolutely not and you said the snake was 12 in terms of like age?
[01:48:18] Yeah yep 12 years old.
[01:48:23] He's
[01:48:24] in the speedrun retirement home
[01:48:26] with the rest of us.
[01:48:28] Ask Keys to give tips for running a Pokemon Crystal Rando.
[01:48:32] So what do you recommend to someone who's never run
[01:48:35] Pokemon Crystal Rando then?
[01:48:37] If, if you've never done a randomizer in general,
[01:48:41] what I would recommend is...I would actually like play
[01:48:45] a non-randomized game, uh non-randomize run of it
[01:48:49] just to get re-familiar and reacclimated with the game.
[01:48:52] And then once you start picking
[01:48:54] up randomizers, just do some more
[01:48:56] simple things like
[01:48:57] you can randomize so many
[01:49:00] different aspects. You can make it so the move sets are random like what
[01:49:04] i have right now or you can keep it vanilla so you don't have to like overthink and
[01:49:09] have to worry about oh if i run into this Mewtwo it could have
[01:49:13] Thunderbolt against my Gyarados or
[01:49:15] something. So I would
[01:49:17] definitely recommend considering lower
[01:49:19] settings at first just to
[01:49:21] kind of get used to it. When you want
[01:49:24] to get to more advanced
[01:49:25] randomizer stuff, like you get to your
[01:49:28] item randomizers and whatnot, those
[01:49:30] also have a plethora of options, to a degree
[01:49:32] where it might feel really,
[01:49:33] really overwhelming because there's just so much you can do.
[01:49:36] But kind of same thing like just kind of slowly ease your way into
[01:49:41] it. Like with full item rando there's actually
[01:49:45] like a much easier variance than what i'm doing there's key item randa which is
[01:49:50] just key items like it's every item on the ground will be the same. Otherwise, you can make it so badges are just shuffled within gyms
[01:50:00] So you don't have to worry about knowing the location of every item
[01:50:03] To find your badges
[01:50:05] There's a lot of ways
[01:50:06] to kind of ease yourself in,
[01:50:07] but that is definitely what I recommend
[01:50:08] is just kind of a slow
[01:50:10] and steady approach to it.
[01:50:13] That's very good advice.
[01:50:14] Pretty much across the board
[01:50:15] for randomizers, especially for pokemon where
[01:50:18] just everything can feel overwhelming especially the further you get into the generations and
[01:50:22] the more nuanced things become it's really good uh the next thing first of all T-Pat says hi. Hi T-Pat that's my
[01:50:31] weatherman! The second question and then this is getting back to discussion on
[01:50:37] your pets as far as the snake
[01:50:39] is. What is the life expectancy
[01:50:40] of the corn snake?
[01:50:43] That is a good question!
[01:50:46] Next question!
[01:50:49] Let me just pull up Google real quick. I actually don't know.
[01:50:55] Um, I don't think we've gotten to the Gyarados yet. So, sue him?
[01:51:00] Someone was asking what was the Gyarados.
[01:51:02] Wipes and domesticated
[01:51:04] corns.
[01:51:06] Here we go! Random content.
[01:51:08] Here you go, Chad. It says six to eight years in the wild
[01:51:11] and it's very clearly not in the wild right now.
[01:51:14] Up to 24
[01:51:15] years in human care. There we go.
[01:51:18] Wow!
[01:51:18] That's a lot longer than I thought.
[01:51:21] Not that that's a bad thing,
[01:51:23] but it's just a lot longer
[01:51:24] than I thought. Someone asked what was
[01:51:27] the Gyarados? I don't think we've gotten there yet.
[01:51:29] We were there, but I don't know.
[01:51:32] We can't surf. We can't surf.
[01:51:33] Yeah, we can't surf.
[01:51:35] We do not know yet.
[01:51:38] We will eventually hopefully
[01:51:39] I'm trying to like can you even beat this
[01:51:43] you can have a surplus seed it's so unlikely but you can't have a
[01:51:47] surface so it would be incredibly funny if my
[01:51:51] first surfless seed ever was today.
[01:51:55] So,
[01:51:55] we're on the ice path right now.
[01:51:57] Who had issues with the ice
[01:51:59] path their first time? I know I did!
[01:52:02] I'm really bad with puzzles.
[01:52:04] Oh, I suck
[01:52:06] at this because the ice
[01:52:08] puzzle in gold and silver is different
[01:52:10] from the ice puzzle in crystal.
[01:52:13] So, because I had Silver version
[01:52:15] before I had Crystal version when I got
[01:52:17] here in Crystal, I was just like where the
[01:52:19] heck am I?
[01:52:21] What direction do I go? I'm terrible at Ice
[01:52:23] Puzzles, just in general and in any game.
[01:52:25] I don't know
[01:52:25] what it is.
[01:52:27] My brain just
[01:52:27] does not like
[01:52:28] ice puzzles.
[01:52:30] Oh, neither do
[01:52:30] or the strength
[01:52:31] puzzles and this
[01:52:32] has everything
[01:52:33] in it.
[01:52:33] Oh yeah, oh
[01:52:34] yeah, they have so much in here.
[01:52:37] So someone asked us,
[01:52:38] do you guys have a grass type? I believe the way
[01:52:40] these seeds work is, geese will primarily
[01:52:42] only use one Pokemon. It's
[01:52:44] almost like the kind of Ironmon route, if you're familiar with
[01:52:47] Peta Ironmon where just everything revolves
[01:52:49] around that one Pokemon and no
[01:52:50] Kesa's main Pokemon is not a grass type
[01:52:53] it is Ho-Oh
[01:52:53] Yeah so the big thing about what I would suspect why that was asked is in Emerald Archipelago there is a check where you talk to a trainer and she'll give you an item if you have
[01:53:08] a grass Pokémon. Oh! I didn't think about that.
[01:53:11] But I-I think... I think that's the only instance in older generations of games
[01:53:15] where that's something you can do.
[01:53:18] Other than, like, showing Bill's
[01:53:21] grandpa certain Pokemon to get, like,
[01:53:23] evolution stones or something.
[01:53:25] I think. Yeah, like in the original
[01:53:27] game, I guess the equivalent would be of how many Pokemon did you catch have a thing?
[01:53:32] Mm-hmm. Like the professor aids to give you stuff.
[01:53:37] And there's so many good money items I'm finding, but my bag is full.
[01:53:42] Oh see that would be one of my weaknesses in Pokemon Randomizers
[01:53:47] Is I always have to organize my bag
[01:53:49] Like it's just a thing that I do
[01:53:51] and that would take up so much time.
[01:53:53] Oh yeah.
[01:53:55] I've uh...I've definitely
[01:53:57] done that before myself. In fact like
[01:53:59] the start of this I was spending a lot more time organizing but
[01:54:01] now I'm kind of just at the point where it's like nah, I don't need to. I want to!
[01:54:07] God do I want to but I mean I don't need to yeah, definitely do not like having in Pokemon games full bags of any kind.
[01:54:18] I'm gonna lose time selling a buncha stuff right now but this shop has rare candies that I'm set for life.
[01:54:24] Oh yeah, and that's one of the nice things about the Renderer.
[01:54:27] I like the idea of being able to get a rare candy at any point.
[01:54:30] Mm-hmm.
[01:54:32] Uh, no. Not yet.
[01:54:34] You know what? Actually...
[01:54:37] This is just free money! I'm gonna get the Samula coin and equip it.
[01:54:42] I DO like free money!
[01:54:46] It's my money and I want it now.
[01:54:48] You don't want leftovers? I guess you don't really need them until
[01:54:50] Elite Four. Yeah,
[01:54:52] I-I don't need them for a while. So we're good.
[01:54:57] I think I taught strength of flash
[01:54:59] I usually don't teach flash because
[01:55:01] I just know these areas well but
[01:55:03] usually for the sake of stream i'll just do it so people don't see
[01:55:07] a black screen for like two minutes oh what am I doing? I don't even have surf! What am
[01:55:12] I doing?! I was gonna say. Isn't there water in this?
[01:55:15] There sure is!
[01:55:16] You know what?
[01:55:18] Go me!
[01:55:21] Good job, Pease.
[01:55:22] Good job, Me.
[01:55:24] I've never gone this long without surf.
[01:55:26] I'm so thrown off right now.
[01:55:28] Oh no! Did we have a that's-never happened before?
[01:55:32] For me? Yeah, it's never taken this long.
[01:55:35] Ah, it's the thing.
[01:55:37] The thing had to happen.
[01:55:40] There it is!
[01:55:41] Welcome to the Games Done Quick stream, folks.
[01:55:44] It's always something,
[01:55:45] I'm telling y'all.
[01:55:46] You gotta put in the Leonardo DiCaprio meme where he's pointing when he's in his chair like that's a thing.
[01:55:53] No, I was thinking of well there it is so that is the big thing we're looking for
[01:56:05] right now, we're looking for sort of hopefully Keyes isn't
[01:56:07] running out of places to look at and. It's a big game, right?
[01:56:09] I would be surprised. There's still plenty
[01:56:11] of areas left. We can definitely...
[01:56:14] We're not in trouble yet.
[01:56:16] Yet.
[01:56:17] Yeah, the key word yet. We, the keyword
[01:56:19] yet.
[01:56:20] We're rapidly
[01:56:21] approaching that
[01:56:22] but we're not
[01:56:23] there yet.
[01:56:23] Oh don't
[01:56:23] say that
[01:56:23] no oh
[01:56:24] by the way
[01:56:25] safe check
[01:56:26] I should
[01:56:26] have asked
[01:56:26] you at
[01:56:27] the break
[01:56:27] here we
[01:56:28] go
[01:56:28] hooray there you break. There we go.
[01:56:31] Hooray!
[01:56:33] There you go, good job.
[01:56:35] I just get so nervous keys, I hope you don't mind.
[01:56:37] It's more of a me thing, I swear.
[01:56:39] I would rather be reminded than not.
[01:56:41] Yeah, that's a regular thing I've been doing on my shows now where it's like please save.
[01:56:45] Like even if you don't think you need to just for my sake please save.
[01:56:50] Yeah yeah yeah i get it entirely
[01:56:54] i mean there's no worse feeling in a randomizer where when you go to load a
[01:56:58] save like let's say you need to reset for some reason you soft lock or
[01:57:01] something happens that you don't like and then
[01:57:03] it's not there. And then you don't get a resolution! It's-it's not a nice feeling so
[01:57:08] if you're listening to this... The amount of times I've lost the run because I didn't save.
[01:57:17] I do have a tracker up, obviously.
[01:57:21] Kinda got lost in the sauce of talking, so I'm like backtracking and double checking a couple of spots.
[01:57:27] Dang, I'm a bad influence.
[01:57:29] No! This would happen on my stream anyway.
[01:57:34] Okay good.
[01:57:38] Good, good, good, good, good.
[01:57:41] And again, by the way folks
[01:57:42] for folks tuning in because it's on the other side of the bridge
[01:57:45] please do follow keys that is at slash kizeron if you're watching on youtube
[01:57:50] and you cannot see our twitch chat that is k-e-i-z a-r-o-Z-A-R-O-N
[01:57:55] And again, Keys streams
[01:57:56] most days. Keys is a full time streamer
[01:57:58] so please give Keys all the support
[01:58:00] just a fantastic streamer
[01:58:02] and friend
[01:58:03] I don't know why I punched the Merrill.
[01:58:06] Why did you punch your cute buddy?
[01:58:10] It wasn't on purpose, but...
[01:58:13] You punched a cute guy with water mouths!
[01:58:15] ...I would also be lying if I said that it was an accident.
[01:58:17] That was so cute! No, we don't punch-
[01:58:19] It was on purpose then.
[01:58:21] We don't punch cute things on the stream!
[01:58:23] I'm sorry!
[01:58:25] Oh poor Matt.
[01:58:28] This is where the run goes
[01:58:32] completely off the rails.
[01:58:34] That's gonna be karma.
[01:58:36] Yeah, I was going to say that's gonna be karma yeah i was gonna say that's
[01:58:38] that's bad luck yeah surf is going to move
[01:58:41] to somewhere and i'm going to be sad okay a dynamic game it wasn't the bunny
[01:58:46] technically i called her oh no wait it was for sale this It wasn't the bunny. Technically, I call... Master! Thank God!
[01:58:49] Wait, it was for sale this whole time?
[01:58:52] I'm a genius!
[01:58:53] You are?
[01:58:55] I could have gotten here a lot earlier, but
[01:58:57] I'm a genius! Yeah,
[01:59:00] Merrill I see as a bunny and or
[01:59:02] a mouse. Like Azubarill
[01:59:04] is very almost like
[01:59:06] bunny adjacent we'll call it, but yeah
[01:59:08] Meryl's closer probably to a mouse.
[01:59:10] I agree with all of this.
[01:59:12] Oh yeah, you did set the mouse on fire!
[01:59:15] That's true, chat!
[01:59:17] This poor baby!
[01:59:23] Oops... this poor baby
[01:59:29] well i guess you can go back and surf now and all that we We can go check out the Red Geridos
[01:59:31] at some point.
[01:59:32] We can,
[01:59:33] which I'm actually
[01:59:34] going to do that
[01:59:34] in like a couple of minutes
[01:59:36] so anyone who
[01:59:37] really,
[01:59:37] really wants to see
[01:59:38] what The Shiny is
[01:59:39] Yeah!
[01:59:40] Soon TM. yeah soon tm
[01:59:49] i like how the randomizer does randomize that it's really sweet because you see the gyarados all the time like it's cool shiny but it's nice to mix it up.
[01:59:57] It's also nice because sometimes that's the only way you see a shiny.
[01:59:58] Yeah.
[02:00:01] You get to see something that you've never seen before a lot of times.
[02:00:04] I mean, I guess like you could always just google
[02:00:06] an image, I guess, but that's less fun.
[02:00:08] Also, hi Jiggy!
[02:00:11] Hi Jiggy!
[02:00:12] I swear it wasn't playing that he was supposed to play crystal twice for the record is
[02:00:17] keys before gdk look i haven't played crystal on my own in a while this is my excuse to pick it up
[02:00:26] so where I haven't played Crystal on my own in a while. This is my excuse to pick it up. So where else are you playing Crystal? Did it already happen besides RNG?
[02:00:31] No, no so this Saturday there's a big Pokemon hotfix event.
[02:00:37] Oh, very cool!
[02:00:37] And I will be there doing a randomizer Cinco bingo.
[02:00:44] All right, so y'all better go support Keyes during that then.
[02:00:47] That sounds like a good time.
[02:00:49] Bingo's are a ton of fun.
[02:00:51] I'm super excited to show it off.
[02:00:52] I've done it a few times.
[02:00:53] This is terrible.
[02:00:54] What?
[02:00:54] Are you kidding me?
[02:00:56] This is because you defeated the Merrill. I'm blaming this on the Marrow.
[02:00:59] Okay, there we go. I punched him too like that.
[02:01:01] Okay, you didn't have to do THAT!
[02:01:04] Well... no but-
[02:01:05] Was that necessary?!
[02:01:07] No, it wasn't, but I
[02:01:10] sure did.
[02:01:14] Look, he probably
[02:01:16] deserved it, okay? He just deleted that Metapod!
[02:01:19] What a bully!
[02:01:21] He had generations of family
[02:01:22] That just...
[02:01:23] Disapparated
[02:01:25] That's so sad!
[02:01:27] That poor thing sad! That poor thing.
[02:01:29] Nooo!
[02:01:33] Dang, this just keeps getting sadder
[02:01:35] and sadder. First the Merrill
[02:01:37] and now the Metapod.
[02:01:40] Thanks, everyone for tuning in for the last time
[02:01:42] that Keyserun is ever on a Skybill show.
[02:01:44] I mean it wasn't an otter
[02:01:46] or a rat so that's fine but you know
[02:01:48] I'll keep that in mind i know what to avoid
[02:01:55] it wouldn't be me if i wasn't being sad over some defenseless critter getting punched right
[02:02:01] that poor thing.
[02:02:02] Oh...
[02:02:03] He's got a family.
[02:02:05] Okay now we can go here!
[02:02:07] Now I can not look silly.
[02:02:09] There we go.
[02:02:10] Look there's water.
[02:02:12] So he's...
[02:02:12] Look, there's surf.
[02:02:13] Are you just looking for badges now?
[02:02:16] Yeah, yeah.
[02:02:18] I mean, there's a chance that something
[02:02:22] that I need is locked behind Whirlpool.
[02:02:24] But it's not necessarily a guarantee.
[02:02:27] I'm still kind of just doing the shotgun approach
[02:02:30] and going through areas with, you know, three plus
[02:02:33] checks that don't take too long.
[02:02:35] Yeah.
[02:02:38] Hopefully we find the badges?
[02:02:39] I miss the leopard sprite for surfing.
[02:02:41] That one's really cute.
[02:02:44] The one in what is it? Firebird
[02:02:46] Leaf Green, it's just like
[02:02:48] an undefined Pokemon. Maybe
[02:02:50] there could be a case that would be a Snorlax
[02:02:52] but it's really hard to see.
[02:02:54] I meant to grab that item
[02:02:57] and I totally...
[02:02:58] Don't mind me!
[02:03:01] What? I didn't see anything.
[02:03:02] Yeah, didn't see anything you say say? Yeah, look, it's
[02:03:05] so dark. Oh no, I sure hope
[02:03:07] I can... Oh no!
[02:03:09] Ah, heck. It sure would be a shame
[02:03:11] if I couldn't see. Oh no, oh dear.
[02:03:15] How excited am I for the Bloomboro set?
[02:03:18] I'm very excited because did you know
[02:03:19] the next Magic the Gathering set has critters?
[02:03:23] I did not know that,
[02:03:25] but it doesn't surprise me that you know that.
[02:03:27] My poor wallet is going to be in pain after that set.
[02:03:31] There's otters and wracks and possums and mice
[02:03:35] and honey badgers and mice. And honey badges.
[02:03:38] Oh no, it's over.
[02:03:40] It's over for you.
[02:03:41] My poor wallet.
[02:03:43] Goodbye money.
[02:03:45] Hello critters, but goodbye money
[02:03:47] and guess what
[02:03:50] Teferi Time Raveler
[02:03:52] is back as like a special guest
[02:03:54] he's not in standard it's just a special guest
[02:03:56] like a collectible
[02:03:57] and he's a bird because
[02:03:59] of course, birds in games. Am I right?
[02:04:02] A bird?
[02:04:03] Yeah, he's a bird.
[02:04:06] He's that card.
[02:04:07] Hmm.
[02:04:11] I sure am a Teferi stan!
[02:04:14] People don't like me, I understand. That was a memory!
[02:04:17] That feels like forever ago now.
[02:04:20] I have a...
[02:04:24] I made a couple of new friends recently who
[02:04:26] used to play Magic and they were
[02:04:28] talking about getting back into it. I told them I used to play Magic
[02:04:30] Yeah! And uh, they're like oh what kind of
[02:04:33] what kind of decks would you run?
[02:04:35] I told them what I would run
[02:04:39] Yeah?
[02:04:40] I'd be like, yeah,
[02:04:41] I'm an Esper and Dimir boy
[02:04:42] And they're like
[02:04:43] So we're not playing with you
[02:04:44] Yeah
[02:04:45] I have a commander
[02:04:46] I've two commander decks
[02:04:47] I'm never allowed to play
[02:04:48] Unless it's competitive
[02:04:49] Which is sad
[02:04:50] No one wants To play against my rogue deck That literally allowed to play unless it's competitive, which is sad.
[02:04:54] No one wants to play against my rogue deck that like literally steals all of my opponent's cards from their side of the battlefield and no one ever wants
[02:04:58] to play toys. They're my toys.
[02:05:00] No one ever wants to play with my sliver deck, Peter.
[02:05:04] I have a sliver deck? Those are so fun.
[02:05:06] Yeah they are.
[02:05:07] But no one ever wants me to play it.
[02:05:09] I'll become public enemy number 1 at the multiplayer table, you know?
[02:05:15] No no see what you do is like...
[02:05:17] You make a challenge out of it right?
[02:05:20] Five dollar buy-in.
[02:05:22] If you win the pot if you beat me.
[02:05:26] Oh, no! We actually used to
[02:05:28] do that but with booster packs like
[02:05:30] you know, if you take somebody out, you got a booster pack.
[02:05:32] Yeah I've seen some stories do that before.
[02:05:34] It's kind of neat.
[02:05:35] Oh yeah!
[02:05:35] No one ever wants to play against my Demir deck
[02:05:37] because the minute something hits the board
[02:05:39] like I play a card and steal it
[02:05:41] and I'm just like
[02:05:41] it's mine for the remainder of the game now
[02:05:50] those are my kinds of decks why
[02:05:57] why uh why bother playing game when i can steal your game and play it
[02:06:04] yeah let's talk about this the other day i was driven i was like i don't know how to make a commander deck that's like quote unquote nice.
[02:06:06] Even if I think it's nice,
[02:06:08] I end up playing stuff in secret
[02:06:09] and I'm like oh that turns out
[02:06:11] that that's not very nice is it?
[02:06:13] Do it anyway.
[02:06:15] No mercy!
[02:06:17] Yeah Keyz is quite the card player from... and still would be too if he played.
[02:06:26] But yeah I like- I still like Arena for playing. if you played. But, um...
[02:06:28] Yeah I still like Arena for playing cards
[02:06:30] because it's easier to get your hands on stuff
[02:06:34] Arena just makes- I mean
[02:06:36] you can always make proxies, I guess. But Arena, it feels better for me than using proxies
[02:06:41] because I still feel like I can experiment a lot more
[02:06:44] with just regular cards.
[02:06:47] And then also...
[02:06:47] I don't know. It might like being a little pretentious but
[02:06:51] I don't like using proxies. I just like using what I have.
[02:06:54] I like artwork, like this would be a pull artwork in the game
[02:06:59] But Chet, this shouldn't
[02:07:00] be a surprise to you that this is the kind of stuff
[02:07:02] that me and Keyes like to use slash play
[02:07:04] I mean we play Forbidden Memory
[02:07:05] at least people have that
[02:07:07] That shouldn't be any surprise whatsoever
[02:07:09] And yes, we do get it
[02:07:11] back, Karma Wars!
[02:07:16] Ugh.
[02:07:19] I still remember when
[02:07:21] Kethys was in standard
[02:07:24] and you could make that
[02:07:25] four color
[02:07:26] basically play solitaire until you win.
[02:07:30] There is a deck like, it's about to rotate out. There was a deck like that, I mean
[02:07:32] it's about to rotate out but there was a deck that was kind of
[02:07:34] like that in Standard. Kind of.
[02:07:36] Because they extended Standard
[02:07:38] by another year so now it's a three-year
[02:07:40] rotation instead of two.
[02:07:42] Interesting.
[02:07:43] Yeah, that made things kind of more comboey.
[02:07:48] I remember I got into doing the Kethys combo like
[02:07:52] the last couple months you were able to do it and
[02:07:55] it was genuinely probably my easiest mythic ever.
[02:08:00] Yeah!
[02:08:01] Yeah, that sounds about right.
[02:08:06] I wanna be here.
[02:08:08] Aww! But I like looking at the Laffer's sprite.
[02:08:11] Alright we're here now. We're fighting Blaine.
[02:08:17] Now Chat if you haven't seen Pokemon Crystal
[02:08:20] You might be surprised in which the context we see Blaine
[02:08:25] Look at his little room!
[02:08:27] That's horrible!
[02:08:29] At least in HeartGold he has a full-fledged
[02:08:31] dungeon cave.
[02:08:34] Yeah, I'll never forget when i saw that
[02:08:35] i'm like um blade are you doing okay over here
[02:08:39] you good buddy oh i think he's actually used to play
[02:08:44] nexus of fate yes He's actually used to play Nexus of Fate.
[02:08:46] Yes.
[02:08:49] Yes.
[02:08:50] Yes, yes, yes.
[02:08:53] And then I used to cry a lot.
[02:08:55] Yes.
[02:08:58] Uh... I die a lot. Yes. I know what I'm about when it comes to these games, okay?
[02:09:01] Yeah!
[02:09:05] Also thank you for taking care of Ditto.
[02:09:07] Ditto has cost me, believe it or not, some Ironmon runs.
[02:09:10] I had a really good Gengar and then the Ditto used Shadow Ball
[02:09:13] And then I was very sad for awhile
[02:09:16] He critted me
[02:09:22] So ever since then I have not liked Ditto.
[02:09:26] Wait...I don't have the car keys? Oops. Silly me! I don't wanna be here yet. This is a huge waste of time.
[02:09:30] Hey! Look it's your Pokemon game- well it was.
[02:09:33] It was. A worthy fire punch, I would say.
[02:09:41] All's well that ends well for me.
[02:09:45] And got another bomb that just got deleted.
[02:09:49] Deserved! The most deserved deletion ever.
[02:09:53] I can...
[02:09:55] No, I'd have to play the dungeon.
[02:10:00] So here, I can get some checks here.
[02:10:01] Now again folks, I'm just at the point right now where it's like there isn't really much in terms of direction of where to go
[02:10:08] I'm just going to areas that I can knock out several checks
[02:10:12] at once. He's lost a run
[02:10:14] of champion to his Steel Extr... Oh,
[02:10:16] I remember that! That transformed into
[02:10:18] a Snorlax. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, that
[02:10:20] Snorlax was so busted
[02:10:21] and then it transformed into me
[02:10:24] And even though I had a dire hit
[02:10:25] I couldn't get one crit
[02:10:29] Well, I think I remember that Iron Man run
[02:10:33] It was such a good one,
[02:10:35] I was excited because I think I can beat this before
[02:10:37] 1000 attempts and then I lost on the 2000
[02:10:39] attempts later it's like oh hey I finally won
[02:10:41] Yeah me and Keyes are both Kaiser champions.
[02:10:43] He's had a tentacruel
[02:10:45] And I had a melodic
[02:10:47] Hey look!
[02:10:48] I'm wearing the shirt with the tentacruel that I won with
[02:10:51] Oh yeah!
[02:10:52] I just noticed that
[02:11:00] yeah the 10 accrual that i got for that run was absurd it had pickup and the pickup item pool was actually like tummy Oh, so you're the reason
[02:11:06] why pickups ban in Super
[02:11:07] Kaizo? Yeah, I genuinely
[02:11:09] think that I contributed to
[02:11:11] pickup getting banned because
[02:11:13] I had... Lemonades were the most common item.
[02:11:17] There was also, I think
[02:11:18] I could get like a full restore and
[02:11:20] rare candies were also something
[02:11:22] I could pick up so I was actually
[02:11:24] really high level when I got the champion.
[02:11:27] Like, I think it was like a level 96 or something like that.
[02:11:32] Oops! My bad.
[02:11:34] No, it isn't your bad!
[02:11:35] I mean, that was the system you had to work with.
[02:11:37] I'll take my W and run away now thanks.
[02:11:41] Yeah, I got through about 500 runs of Super Kaiser and I'm like
[02:11:45] I need a break. I don't want this to turn into thousands of runs again.
[02:11:49] I-I want to try Super Kaizo at some point
[02:11:52] I just haven't had the time
[02:11:54] You know what the main gimmick with it is, yeah?
[02:11:56] Yeah!
[02:11:57] Yeah... God bless Safari the main gimmick with it is yeah yeah yeah sure do god bless safari zone
[02:12:04] i think i could get to safari enough time but
[02:12:07] i don't know if i can turn it around from there.
[02:12:09] Yeah, yeah.
[02:12:11] Oops, let the flash not dig.
[02:12:13] Silly me.
[02:12:14] Those are two different things, Keith!
[02:12:17] See look,
[02:12:18] It's the top option on one of my Pokémon.
[02:12:21] I just picked the wrong Pokémon.
[02:12:22] Oh, I see.
[02:12:35] Okay that's a strong move but terrible coverage. We're not going to worry about that. That's a good item.
[02:12:36] Again we are looking for badges.
[02:12:41] There! See it good commentator curse.
[02:12:43] Finally we get a good one.
[02:12:45] Okay if I get Whirlpool then there's
[02:12:47] a lot of areas that are open...
[02:12:49] Well not a lot it's just Whirirl Island but that's a lot of checks
[02:12:52] so...
[02:12:54] That is there I suppose
[02:12:56] Do you know where to find Whirpool? Like
[02:12:58] Is it in the store or...?
[02:13:00] No clue! Okay, that's fine.
[02:13:03] No clue at all.
[02:13:07] We'll get there one day!
[02:13:16] Alright so how many badges are you missing? 1...2...5...6...7...
[02:13:20] That's a lot given how late ish in the seed this is yeah but i'm i'm guessing
[02:13:29] that like a lot of them are going to be like pretty grouped up, yeah that makes sense.
[02:13:37] Number five...
[02:13:39] Aw man.
[02:13:41] I was hoping that I would get blessed at this shop.
[02:13:44] You thought they would just
[02:13:45] be selling badges? Is that what's
[02:13:47] going on here? Yeah, yeah.
[02:13:49] Hey, welcome to my medicine shop.
[02:13:52] Here's my badge.
[02:14:04] Okay, you know what? Just so I can make some progression but also stew in my think tank for a little bit. I'm gonna not have this gym because I'm here.
[02:14:07] It's a few fights, but I'll get three checks out of it so that's not like the worst thing.
[02:14:11] Only Ash Ketchum is allowed to get badges without earning them properly.
[02:14:15] What a cheater!
[02:14:19] I think there's even like, a joke later in the anime
[02:14:21] where he says like, yeah, I probably didn't earn
[02:14:23] some of those.
[02:14:25] Yeah...yeah, I'm pretty sure there is.
[02:14:29] And now you look at like the current Pokemon before it flipped over to this
[02:14:33] new one and its like wait when did Ash get all these busted Pokemon. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
[02:14:42] Where can I go?
[02:14:44] Aaron at the tractor right now.
[02:14:46] Don't mind me, folks.
[02:14:52] Bye, Alakazam! now don't don't mind me folks bye elka there's still a lot like i mean there's still a lot of stuff i can do because i have surf so
[02:14:54] i really shouldn't be doing this as you go instead
[02:14:57] yeah i mean it's right here.
[02:15:05] So like, see that little
[02:15:06] strength puzzle? I would have messed that up
[02:15:08] if I didn't remember that.
[02:15:13] I, uh... I would have messed that up if I didn't remember That So, I used to Do a lot of spinner hell
[02:15:15] Randomizers, which if anyone
[02:15:17] Doesn't know what spinner hell is, every trainer
[02:15:19] Is a spinner and they have maximum vision so it leads to like really hilarious
[02:15:22] hilarious things like the walk through a wall just to fight you um i did so many of those in
[02:15:28] a row that I got used to doing this puzzle a little differently, because you can just like push the middle boulder and then pull the other guy out.
[02:15:35] So when I tried to de-rust an actual vanilla speedrun of this before, I kept
[02:15:43] messing up the boulder.
[02:15:45] It felt so bad.
[02:15:48] Yeah!
[02:15:49] I mean sometimes the simplest things in
[02:15:51] games is the easiest thing to mess up.
[02:15:53] Wait, Chuck had a hit on top?
[02:15:57] Terrible rando.
[02:15:59] Okay...
[02:16:01] Alright! Look at that! There you go. Um, okay. Alright, alright, alright.
[02:16:03] There we go.
[02:16:04] The think-think paid off.
[02:16:09] Unbelievable.
[02:16:12] Well...
[02:16:16] Alright let's do the surf that I was talking about.
[02:16:22] There is still a decent amount.
[02:16:26] Yeah, I was gonna say the Whirl Islands would be my guess once we get the Whirlpool.
[02:16:37] Yeah like- A place like Whirl Islands is like a really good example of just like high density checks for little time
[02:16:45] again as a reminder folks please follow keys if you are not doing so already. I guarantee it is a good time on stream.
[02:16:50] Oh, there it is!
[02:16:53] I'm just going to keep talking about stuff and seem to find it.
[02:16:56] Alright let's go.
[02:16:59] Let's go.
[02:17:00] That's so...
[02:17:02] The backwards commentator curse.
[02:17:05] I need this in my life more often.
[02:17:06] Yeah, where's this coming from?
[02:17:08] Yeah, this is so good.
[02:17:12] Incredible.
[02:17:13] Oh, okay.
[02:17:14] Fireblast would be good if
[02:17:16] I didn't have firepunch already And since I'm so high level,
[02:17:19] I'd rather the accuracy over the damage and... Yeah.
[02:17:23] We are a Level 100 after all! Sometimes
[02:17:27] I feel like against Red,
[02:17:29] that level 100 never seems to be enough
[02:17:31] against six Pokemon.
[02:17:33] Yeah, sometimes his team is just really,
[02:17:36] really good.
[02:17:38] The worst part is when his team isn't
[02:17:40] good but they're tanky. All you have to do
[02:17:44] is avoid rock Pokemon.
[02:17:46] Oh I'm sure I won't.
[02:17:51] There's not that many rock moves in this game though.
[02:17:55] That's true.
[02:17:59] Rocksword, rocks rock slide ancient power yeah rock throw rock slide ancient power
[02:18:06] oh that might not feel
[02:18:12] i'm a water the odd natural. And what are the eyes?
[02:18:16] Well, I'm currently on your
[02:18:18] show so I would guess high.
[02:18:20] This has been going too well.
[02:18:23] Yeah, there's got to be something.
[02:18:24] There's got to be some sort of hiccup.
[02:18:27] If I remember,
[02:18:28] they were super...
[02:18:30] No, it's not this.
[02:18:31] It's the azalea mine. The last time I... No, it's not this. I joked!
[02:18:33] The last time...
[02:18:35] Well sorry the second to last time
[02:18:37] was on Mercy Kill and was nice enough
[02:18:39] to play Animorphs for me
[02:18:41] Uh, I thought you nailed it I thought it was actually a really good one.
[02:18:46] Oh, no, it's in the top.
[02:18:48] Okay, I was about to say where are my repels at?
[02:18:50] They're right there.
[02:18:55] Ah! Inventory! They're right there. My inventory? Ah, inventory management!
[02:18:57] I don't miss this.
[02:19:07] Might as well just sell everything. Wait, did that say done button?
[02:19:09] Yeah! It shows your stats.
[02:19:13] Oh... I've never seen that before.
[02:19:18] Yeah it's part of the mod.
[02:19:20] Gotcha.
[02:19:22] I can literally pull it up and show you real quick.
[02:19:31] Like, it just shows all the stats and stuff.
[02:19:35] Oh that Lugia was garbage i knew it
[02:19:37] i knew it ah what a loser
[02:19:47] i love lukia too but that was horrendous to look at.
[02:19:51] What a bozo.
[02:19:55] Now I extra don't feel bad for swapping.
[02:19:58] 4 attack 5 special special? What is that?
[02:20:02] Weenie Hut Jr.?
[02:20:05] Ugh...
[02:20:08] Alright well we do have whirl access and I think whirl is like 15 or something.
[02:20:13] Oh yeah, I can see multiple badges being there.
[02:20:17] Also I forgot to put my Repel up.
[02:20:20] Oops.
[02:20:25] I see the spinners aren't super fast.
[02:20:28] They're kind of fast, but they're not, like... Yeah, they're kind of fast but they're not like...
[02:20:30] Yeah. They are very manageable
[02:20:34] It's nice having that option because it does
[02:20:37] suck just getting hit by a trainer
[02:20:40] for no reason.
[02:20:44] Alright, you know what? For the people, since I have the Silver Wing...
[02:20:49] There's an item over here anyway, but let's just see what the
[02:20:52] loot is for ponies.
[02:20:54] I like the fact, responding to that
[02:20:56] question in audience, that rare candies can
[02:20:58] be in shops because
[02:20:59] again this goes back to what we were talking about before.
[02:21:03] What makes the randomizer more interesting?
[02:21:05] What makes it less interesting?
[02:21:06] I don't think the randomizer becomes more interesting if you have to grind right?
[02:21:11] So that's why I like the rare candies being available in shops possibly.
[02:21:18] Oh... okay.
[02:21:22] Oh... That's um... Oh.
[02:21:23] That's, um...
[02:21:26] You didn't have to
[02:21:28] do that!
[02:21:35] No! Aww! Okay. to do that. Oh, poor dog.
[02:21:39] That is another thing.
[02:21:40] You have killed three innocent Pokemon.
[02:21:44] Were they innocent?
[02:21:45] Yes! They could have just chilled.
[02:21:47] You could have run away and... Oh, nice.
[02:21:50] Uh, you could have just chilled.
[02:21:52] I could have.
[02:21:54] But that's less funny
[02:21:57] i'm a monster oh my goodness why
[02:22:05] if that would have been edgert, I may have had to put down my mic for a second because...
[02:22:10] Oh no!
[02:22:12] That's my Pokémon.
[02:22:13] I love the Dratini-Dragonair-Dragonite line.
[02:22:17] They are really awesome line. Yeah, even
[02:22:19] though Dragon Knight looks nothing like
[02:22:21] Dratini and Dragonair!
[02:22:23] Dragon Knight's so funny
[02:22:25] Just the dragon... Hey I here yeah how's it going
[02:22:31] yeah but if you've ever seen a dragon dragonite in the anime they do not take
[02:22:35] you know what from nobody oh Oh yeah, no they are. Oh my gosh.
[02:22:40] They
[02:22:40] are ready.
[02:22:42] I think one of the games Lance has a Dragon
[02:22:45] Knight like in role play and
[02:22:46] Dragon Knight just like you know, blows up Team Rocket.
[02:22:50] Ha!
[02:22:52] I believe it. Yeah, get him.
[02:22:54] Wasn't there like an episode of the anime
[02:22:55] where there's like a super giant Dragonite?
[02:22:58] Yeah. He was like taller than like a lighthouse or something
[02:23:00] yeah that was like the monster island or something like that
[02:23:04] yeah yeah you always name your jatini noodles
[02:23:07] oh that's a cute thing for a chichini.
[02:23:10] Yeah! If Keith had destroyed a Zig Zagoon I may have been very upset.
[02:23:17] Thank goodness there are none in this game.
[02:23:21] No, they exist!
[02:23:24] Oh man...
[02:23:25] If you run into them with the Elite Four that's one thing but if it's just in the wild and you just go around i was you know then i get upset it's a light murderous rampage
[02:23:44] no No. Okay, so I'm gonna check this item up here and now I can go through the radio tower. So I don't really want to, but we're starting to run out of areas and having Claire's Gym open is a nice thing because that means we can go to Dragon's Den and get
[02:24:04] a few items. And the hard requirement for that is clearing this.
[02:24:08] By the way... I might as well. I love the Dragon's Den music!
[02:24:12] It goes so hard.
[02:24:16] That and the
[02:24:17] Victory Road music as well.
[02:24:21] They're just both so good.
[02:24:23] Oh, no! Okay, look, this one's not my fault it's not your fault but the poor noodle
[02:24:32] the commentator's anti-curse strikes again. No! Poor noodle!
[02:24:36] It was never supposed to be like this.
[02:24:38] No, but I can forgive you
[02:24:40] because that's have to get past that
[02:24:42] it's not a wild one. But still, poor
[02:24:44] noodle. Oh and now we're Pikachu!
[02:24:47] Oh my god. It would be a shame
[02:24:49] if it got Earthquaked.
[02:24:51] Oh combo on!
[02:24:53] This is not fair!
[02:24:55] This is NOT fair! This is NOT fair!
[02:24:59] Team Rocket are the bad guys.
[02:25:03] They're like, hey what Pokemon
[02:25:05] would be Sky-like? That'll be our entire setup.
[02:25:11] Poor Dragonite!
[02:25:14] That's rough.
[02:25:16] I'm so sad...
[02:25:19] I'M NOT MAD, I'M JUST SAD!
[02:25:23] See, I like Zapdos.
[02:25:25] I'm sad about that one.
[02:25:27] It's only happened once so far though, instead of like the 30 times for you.
[02:25:30] Yeah... that does this cool. I like that a lot.
[02:25:36] I really aesthetically like Articuno the most out of the three,
[02:25:40] Yeah.
[02:25:41] I just wish it were better.
[02:25:43] Like, it's good in Gen 1, but then afterwards
[02:25:46] It doesn't have proper offense so it's kinda hard of hard to use. And a doggy too!
[02:25:53] These guys are monsters. They are! This is wild, the chances, the chances of all this...
[02:26:04] How do they have so many cute things? Yeah. Let's see, uh let's see, it sounds like you still have quite a few tracks though here between here and Blackthorn.
[02:26:17] Yeah there's definitely... There's definitely some stuff we can do i don't want to do claire
[02:26:28] so i'm unlocking her but i'm gonna like put her off for a little bit.
[02:26:35] Why did I switch to the opposite? That Goldeen looks angry.
[02:26:40] That Goldeen's very mad
[02:26:42] that I Earthquaked the Pikachu.
[02:26:43] That was a very angry-looking fish!
[02:26:45] Oh yeah, oh yeah it was not happy with us.
[02:26:52] Awwwwwww...
[02:26:55] Little ice piggy! Little ice piggy.
[02:26:57] No...
[02:27:06] These gens have too many cute onesons. They've too many cute Pokemon.
[02:27:17] And then I look at the current gen of Pokemon and it's like, a Wind Chime?
[02:27:21] Hey there's sentient peppers now.
[02:27:27] Yeah I saw that! I'm just like wow wow, Holdvon sure has changed.
[02:27:33] There's a building that looks like a dragon or something? A dragon that looks like a building?
[02:27:34] Yeah!
[02:27:35] Yeah, I see that one.
[02:27:37] Raladon... You played Rogue didn't you?
[02:27:40] I tried
[02:27:41] it for like an hour and I didn't have enough
[02:27:43] time to play more of it. Aww
[02:27:45] It's fun. I enjoyed it.
[02:27:48] I've lurked in a few streams. It does look like
[02:27:52] a lot of fun.
[02:27:56] I think i forgot to deck the Mart in Ekrut.
[02:28:01] That feels like so long ago!
[02:28:03] Yeah, yeah... So I'm gonna go there and hope that i did
[02:28:09] and i'm just wasting a little bit of time and we hope that there isn't
[02:28:13] something there there's something there then i'm not
[02:28:15] feel like a dummy chat listen gen 3 still feels new to me, okay?
[02:28:21] You don't know how many times I've played Pokemon Rogue
[02:28:24] and I'm like, wait, who is that?
[02:28:25] What is that?
[02:28:26] Our bones creak, chat.
[02:28:28] Give us a break.
[02:28:31] Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out fairy weaknesses
[02:28:32] and resistances, okay?
[02:28:35] It's still taking me
[02:28:37] a hot minute.
[02:28:42] Yeah, honestly that one's fair.
[02:28:52] So let's double check if I did the mark.
[02:28:56] If I did, then whatever. If I didn't that's a lot of possible checks
[02:29:00] that I ignored.
[02:29:03] So, I don't even remember going over here.
[02:29:05] Listen, if I tell myself 20 years ago... I'm an idiot!
[02:29:07] No, you're not. If I tell
[02:29:09] myself 20 years ago was recent,
[02:29:11] I'd feel better. Okay?
[02:29:14] Okay?!
[02:29:15] I agree with this.
[02:29:19] Every time
[02:29:20] I hear that a game is in its
[02:29:21] 20s now or something just like oh no
[02:29:24] yeah it's like if um you know gdq likes especially hapix likes to do all these
[02:29:28] different specials right if there's like an anniversary of some kind it's really
[02:29:31] cool stuff right and then you think think about when that game came out.
[02:29:36] It takes
[02:29:37] me to a place.
[02:29:39] Oh yeah.
[02:29:40] Alright so this mark gets
[02:29:42] a second mark after you clear the...
[02:29:45] Oh, right.
[02:29:45] This is happening.
[02:29:46] All right.
[02:29:47] It's just a light violent crime going on.
[02:29:50] No big deal.
[02:29:51] Eh.
[02:29:52] It's Lance.
[02:29:53] Lance must be good, right?
[02:29:56] Sure. Yeah! It's Lance. Lance is supposed to be good, right? Sure!
[02:29:59] Alright maybe not
[02:30:00] to some folks
[02:30:02] I can see that
[02:30:06] I'm gonna...I can come back here I guess a Water Stone lets me check some stuff.
[02:30:07] I'm going to... I can come back here if we need more checks,
[02:30:09] because there's still the entire Rocket hideout
[02:30:11] that I could check.
[02:30:11] Oh my gosh!
[02:30:13] He did just get the Water Stone, which gives us...
[02:30:15] Mario 64 is turning 30 in a couple years
[02:30:19] 30. 33 like three zero yeah 20 26 will be 30 years old.
[02:30:30] No!
[02:30:34] I gotta tell off that one later No! Oh my
[02:30:36] god, we're dirt.
[02:30:39] Yeah, we are.
[02:30:41] We were born during the literal invention of video games.
[02:30:46] And the internet.
[02:30:47] Oh, my God. Did you ever use Ask Jeeves? And the internet. Oh my god!
[02:30:49] Did you ever use Ask Jeeves?
[02:30:51] Yes.
[02:30:53] Yeah, yeah before Google it was always Yahoo and Ask Jeeves.
[02:30:57] You ever pick up a phone and you heard...
[02:31:01] Uh huh. Yeah. You ever pick up a phone and you heard Get off the phone! I wanna get on the internet.
[02:31:03] My favorite is when my mom wanted to gossip with her friends while I was doing research for school
[02:31:08] so I would just lose internet and be very
[02:31:11] angry about it.
[02:31:14] Okay, good find.
[02:31:15] Good find. Now I can use waterfall.
[02:31:25] Okay, so we only need three more badges. So that's not bad at all. I can waterfall now, so I can go back to Mortar and there are a lot of items I can get. So this is...
[02:31:33] Everything is coming up
[02:31:34] keys right now.
[02:31:35] You remember those discs that used to come
[02:31:38] in the mail?
[02:31:39] Oh yeah.
[02:31:43] I was a kid that would like put them on strings and hang them up on my ceiling as decoration.
[02:31:53] I know what I'm about.
[02:31:57] Oh, I never taught waterfall!
[02:32:08] Were you there when I played Oregon Trail for SGDQ like almost 10 years ago. I remember watching it, yes.
[02:32:11] That's going to be ten years ago in Summer Next Gen.
[02:32:19] Back before Spike had salt and pepper hair, it was weird.
[02:32:23] Back when my wrists didn't creak.
[02:32:25] No!
[02:32:29] Like I'm not as skinny as I used to be anymore either...
[02:32:33] I used to be a stick.
[02:32:35] Now it looks like I have,
[02:32:36] like, a beer belly if
[02:32:37] I sit in certain way.
[02:32:40] You got a second landline
[02:32:41] so you could be online?
[02:32:42] That was fortunate of y'all!
[02:32:44] Wait, that's smart.
[02:32:47] Why didn't I think of that one?
[02:32:48] That's so clever.
[02:32:53] Remember when game magazines came with demo discs?
[02:32:55] I remember when a Smash Bros CD
[02:32:57] came with one of my Nintendo
[02:32:59] powers that is all
[02:33:01] just adventure-friendly.
[02:33:03] There's like, uh...I used to get
[02:33:05] a Playstation magazine back in the
[02:33:08] Playstation 1 era and it had like a demo disc that had
[02:33:11] the first couple of levels of
[02:33:15] Tomb Raider, all this stuff uh you can play like a like a decent amount
[02:33:21] of demos like it was really cool i remember that i think it was i think it's called
[02:33:25] playstation underground i think is what it was called. But the disc I had
[02:33:29] was actually genuinely
[02:33:32] one of my first
[02:33:32] interactions with speedrunning
[02:33:35] because there were
[02:33:37] a couple video guides that show, like, oh yeah
[02:33:40] you can skip this entire area
[02:33:42] of Tomb Raider if you do
[02:33:44] this. Or, oh yeah
[02:33:46] like
[02:33:46] there's such a thing as Platinum Relics and Crash Bandicoot
[02:33:51] and this is how you get them
[02:33:53] it's like a really good
[02:33:55] and clean run of one of the levels
[02:33:57] I once
[02:33:59] had a VHS sent to me in the mail and it was a promo for Star Fox 64.
[02:34:04] Oh my god, I remember that!
[02:34:07] I hate that I remember that.
[02:34:10] You know what you want to talk about? i think like banjo too was on there too
[02:34:17] oh no my just felt my back tweak itself a little bit.
[02:34:23] Oh no!
[02:34:27] This is terrible!
[02:34:31] Hey, ocean This is terrible.
[02:34:36] Hey, OG's Rollercoaster Tycoon is still good.
[02:34:37] That game has actually aged really well chat
[02:34:39] Would recommend still
[02:34:44] I love when there are old games that you used to play that are still
[02:34:46] worth your time.
[02:34:48] Oh yeah, I love classic RCT.
[02:34:53] Okay so we have a check here.
[02:34:55] It'll unlock another check too I think.
[02:34:59] Oh no it won't unlock another...
[02:35:03] But we are two badges away.
[02:35:05] I'm just kind of following the sequence
[02:35:06] of events here and it's kind of working out, but now
[02:35:08] my sequence is empty.
[02:35:10] Yeah, we didn't
[02:35:13] really have quote-unquote
[02:35:14] direct events to find out
[02:35:16] when new games were coming out. You kind of just
[02:35:18] went to the store and you saw a
[02:35:20] poster.
[02:35:22] Yeah, I could see some sort of advertisement.
[02:35:25] Very rarely you get like a commercial
[02:35:27] I remember when the friggin'
[02:35:29] Crash Bandicoot had
[02:35:31] a crossover with Pizza Hut
[02:35:33] Oh yeah! Yeah, I remember that
[02:35:35] Yeah Yeah...
[02:35:37] Oh man
[02:35:41] A giant Crash Bandicoot costume
[02:35:43] That was worn
[02:35:45] It was the first game we ever played? Mine was probably Super Mario Bros. 3 followed by Castlevania III
[02:35:54] My first game that I ever played, and I'm going to use play lightly
[02:35:59] because I was sitting on my dad's
[02:36:01] lap and I would use the mouse and he would use
[02:36:03] a keyboard. And I was like not even one year old
[02:36:04] yet but
[02:36:05] the Wolfenstein 3D.
[02:36:08] Oh! I had that!
[02:36:09] I had Wolfenstein on DOS, yeah.
[02:36:12] Yeah! Good ol' DOS!
[02:36:15] I'll never forget if I wanted to play my game...
[02:36:18] Command prompt CD dot-dot CD Wolfenstein I'll never forget if i wanted to play my game command prompt cd dot dot cd wolf 3d
[02:36:22] wolf 3d and then there you go oh man
[02:36:32] Oh did you um to say something about Did you mark the thunder badge on the tracker?
[02:36:34] I sure did not
[02:36:36] Thank you for pointing
[02:36:36] Well thanks to Chad for pointing that out.
[02:36:40] Thank you, chat.
[02:36:42] Yep. So now we're just looking for the Earth badge?
[02:36:45] Uh, looking for earth and mineral.
[02:36:47] Mineral, that's it.
[02:36:48] Unfortunately, mineral is gray so it's sometimes really hard to tell if its marked or not. Same with the Boulder Badge.
[02:36:57] Yeah there was also Nintendo Power that was a good way to find out about new releases.
[02:37:04] I remember back when GameStop
[02:37:06] was actually more focused on games than merch.
[02:37:10] It was EB Games back then, I think. I think it was eb games back then i think i eb i think it was eb games in canada
[02:37:16] and i think it was separate in the states because i remember at least the mall that's
[02:37:21] like five minutes from where I live right now.
[02:37:24] Like,
[02:37:24] I used to go there as a kid all the time and I remember
[02:37:26] like the second floor had
[02:37:28] a GameStop and the first floor had an EB Games
[02:37:30] or other way.
[02:37:34] Oh! I forgot
[02:37:35] to...
[02:37:35] I should have
[02:37:35] mentioned this
[02:37:36] in the pre-show.
[02:37:37] So I saw a
[02:37:38] sprite in a
[02:37:39] video game.
[02:37:39] I have literally
[02:37:40] not seen it
[02:37:40] since I was
[02:37:41] a kid.
[02:37:42] My friend Liz
[02:37:42] Starr, again
[02:37:43] you all may
[02:37:43] know Liz,
[02:37:47] was playing Word Munchers the other day. I'm streaming and like I have literally not seen the little froggy sprite with a mouth
[02:37:51] in two eyes since...
[02:37:52] Since I was a kid i'm like oh my god
[02:37:59] that's damn
[02:38:05] but that's all this part was.
[02:38:06] It was just like kind of something
[02:38:08] that resembled a frog's face with two legs on it.
[02:38:10] Yeah, yeah.
[02:38:13] I remember...
[02:38:15] I remember...
[02:38:22] It wasn't even like a soundtrack, it was just a bunch of beep boop noises. Yeah!
[02:38:25] Aw man.
[02:38:28] You still have EB Games in New Zealand and Austria? I haven't seen
[02:38:30] an EB Games in a very long time because I think
[02:38:32] GameStop bought them out. Now, it
[02:38:34] wouldn't surprise me if I saw
[02:38:36] EB Games for a few years because I lived close to Canadian border.
[02:38:39] Granted, I was on the US side but I grew up very close to Canada so
[02:38:43] that wouldn't surprise me if that was somehow related. Yeah like I'm in
[02:38:47] Washington state and I mean like I State. If I reach up high enough
[02:38:49] I can reach Canada so...
[02:38:51] Yeah!
[02:38:55] So that might be why
[02:38:57] I also saw eb games
[02:39:00] yeah that's where i actually got my lime game boy color from like i got that for
[02:39:04] a birthday at uh eb games like i got to pick that out
[02:39:07] yeah i still have that too I even still have the box.
[02:39:13] I have...I have the grey
[02:39:15] like old Game Boy
[02:39:17] Oh the brick!
[02:39:19] Yeah the brick where it's green's sickly green for this screen instead of black and white oh my
[02:39:24] goodness i could not read that screen yo nice mineral badge all right we're missing one I... so, okay. If Shop Sanity weren't one of my options this would actually be a terrible, terrible, terrible decision.
[02:39:45] But because I have Shop Sanity on...
[02:39:48] That means that the souvenir shop at Mt. Moon as items, so we're gonna go there.
[02:39:56] Oh! I didn't think about that. Yeah.
[02:39:59] If my last badge is there then I just look like a cheater.
[02:40:03] If it isn't there,
[02:40:04] I won't be surprised and I gain absolutely
[02:40:06] nothing from this because I'm level 100.
[02:40:08] I'm not even getting experience anymore.
[02:40:11] This is, I would say...
[02:40:12] This is one of the mean rivals.
[02:40:14] There's fun rivals and there's mean rivals.
[02:40:16] This rival is not a nice person.
[02:40:19] No, no.
[02:40:20] So the cool thing...
[02:40:22] And this is why he's actually my favorite rival.
[02:40:24] The cool thing about this rival
[02:40:26] it's very obvious that he has character development
[02:40:30] because, you know,
[02:40:31] he starts off like a complete jerk, right?
[02:40:33] Like shoving you around saying
[02:40:36] he's the best everyone else is trash blah blah blah
[02:40:40] but he eventually gets a Crobat which you can't get a Crobat unless
[02:40:45] you treat your Pokémon well.
[02:40:47] And also he becomes a lot less harsh too so like
[02:40:50] You can see his attitude change and tell that he cares about his Pokémon
[02:40:54] Oh that's cool I didn't think of that
[02:40:55] Like there is actual character growth
[02:40:57] I'm such a cheater.
[02:40:59] Dang!
[02:41:01] Scripted!
[02:41:03] So scripted. Look at this dirty
[02:41:05] cheater here all right so i'm gonna click that go mode button
[02:41:12] so now i just have to beat the elite foreign and beat red
[02:41:15] there you go i have all the badges,
[02:41:19] I should do this first.
[02:41:21] I think my favorite rival was
[02:41:23] Scarlet Violet
[02:41:27] Oh, Nimona. I love her.
[02:41:29] She's so much fun.
[02:41:32] I jokingly call her Goku because she just...
[02:41:33] She's so ready to fight all the time.
[02:41:35] It's literally just Goku.
[02:41:39] Okay, so that... I'm probably not saving time because
[02:41:43] I didn't fly there first and then I flew back anyway but
[02:41:46] if you have all 16 badges before you fight the Elite Four,
[02:41:51] you can actually get a neat little time save here.
[02:41:54] You can unlock Mt Silver slightly early and get the Fly Point for it
[02:42:00] so after you beat Delete 4
[02:42:02] you just come back.
[02:42:04] It saves like 20 or 30 seconds.
[02:42:08] Like, it's actually a big amount but it's so unlikely to happen.
[02:42:14] Also lucky for us because we have all our badges and we're in go mode.
[02:42:17] I don't have to pick up anything anymore.
[02:42:18] We're literally just going.
[02:42:20] We're breezing.
[02:42:27] Easy breezy from here this song goes so hard it's a really good song i
[02:42:32] adore all the chiptune pokemon music like it, it's so good.
[02:42:38] Like anytime I've ever played a Pokemon game that has
[02:42:42] a way to play like the older format of music.
[02:42:47] I take it, like every time.
[02:42:48] Oh by the way best Pokemon character
[02:42:51] of all-time keys?
[02:42:52] I'm going with larry how about you
[02:42:55] larry
[02:42:59] maybe it's just because we're in the retirement home now but larry speaks to
[02:43:03] me i love like again't want to spoil anything later on that happens with Larry
[02:43:07] I love Larry's character so much
[02:43:13] Larry's character is so relatable.
[02:43:18] Like,
[02:43:18] I wouldn't be surprised if
[02:43:20] you like polled anyone
[02:43:22] like 16 and under
[02:43:24] and then polled anyone like 21 and older
[02:43:27] Yeah
[02:43:27] How skewed Valery's popularity would be
[02:43:31] With a lot of younger people
[02:43:32] He'd be like, he's funny I guess
[02:43:34] Probably like
[02:43:35] Not even a
[02:43:37] top 30 character for them. Whereas
[02:43:39] people outrage is like, oh yeah, he's number one.
[02:43:42] He's so number
[02:43:43] one that he's triple S tier.
[02:43:45] I just remember reading his lines in the game and i'm like i love this guy he's so great
[02:43:54] i just never thought to myself this is the most unforgettable pokemon character i will
[02:44:01] man they really don't want to be nice to you tonight I'm so sad.
[02:44:13] Awwww! I like Ampharos, I'm sad now
[02:44:15] There's somebody who can't poke them
[02:44:17] on So many cute Pokemon!
[02:44:24] Oh my gosh, no! Not Iridos.
[02:44:28] Okay, Rock Slide's 90% to hit and I missed three in a row.
[02:44:31] Well you know what that means? It's 50-50
[02:44:33] if it's 100%. You know how this works.
[02:44:35] Yeah yeah unless it's an enemy
[02:44:37] in which case it's 100%
[02:44:39] unless the sun is in their eyes.
[02:44:41] Yes, I love the scene where Larry treats you to a meal.
[02:44:44] That is the best.
[02:44:45] It's so good.
[02:44:45] It is wholesome.
[02:44:49] I do like the latest interactions that you have with Larry.
[02:44:54] Again, not to spoil in case someone hasn't played through the game yet
[02:44:59] You do run into him more than once and one of the later times you run into him more than once, and one of the later times you run into him is just so funny and so relatable as a millennial. By the way, for folks watching
[02:45:16] I mean we still have a few battles left
[02:45:18] But again, I want to take this time
[02:45:19] To shout out Keyes
[02:45:20] Again, Keyes
[02:45:21] The time always flies by The time we get to spend together
[02:45:24] so thank you so much for being on my show
[02:45:26] It's 630 already? What?
[02:45:29] Yeah, yeah
[02:45:29] I didn't even realize
[02:45:31] Yeah We're just having a nice conversation real life.
[02:45:35] Yeah, we're just having a nice conversation and you're
[02:45:37] playing epically and our
[02:45:39] time here is almost done, yeah.
[02:45:42] Thank goodness.
[02:45:44] I love being on your shows, by the way.
[02:45:45] Like, I don't think I've ever...
[02:45:47] I've always said like thanks for having me
[02:45:49] on and whatnot. I don't think I've ever just
[02:45:51] outright flat out said I love your shows.
[02:45:53] Oh thank you!
[02:45:56] I appreciate that.
[02:45:58] I just like to chill with chat and whoever I've had.
[02:46:00] Yes the gameplay is cool and important
[02:46:02] but sometimes I just
[02:46:04] like to talk to folks whether it be in the chat or with my guests. It's important to me.
[02:46:07] Yeah like I mean obviously every single hotfix show kind of has its own vibe depending on who
[02:46:14] is hosting and whatnot. And I think the thing that I appreciate a lot about being on your shows is it's almost
[02:46:21] like an interactive interview.
[02:46:23] Yeah!
[02:46:24] Like you're basically just interviewing me the whole time but we also have gameplay in the background and a lot of silly inside jokes that we get to share with people.
[02:46:32] Yeah!
[02:46:36] The vibes here are immaculate.
[02:46:39] I appreciate that.
[02:46:40] We do our best here.
[02:46:42] All right, so this is the final trainer in this bot.
[02:46:45] Like he's made this all look easy.
[02:46:48] This is our quote-unquote champion,
[02:46:50] or as it parentheses, you know,
[02:46:52] because obviously we'll say that more.
[02:46:55] After this,
[02:46:56] we just...
[02:46:57] We enter the Hall of Fame and then, oh.
[02:47:00] Oh! Poor... Now that
[02:47:02] is a bunny, okay?
[02:47:04] That is 1,000% a bunny.
[02:47:06] That's a water bun.
[02:47:08] Poor baby. The cutie is what it is.
[02:47:10] No! Not for me!
[02:47:12] This game, really?
[02:47:14] They're so cuddly. Okay, that's not as cuddly
[02:47:16] but you know what I mean.
[02:47:17] This game is so anti-noodle.
[02:47:21] Look at none of our size!
[02:47:25] Okay, that's not very cute either.
[02:47:27] That's like the fourth Parasect
[02:47:28] in this Elite Four. What the heck?
[02:47:30] Poor Bonnie.
[02:47:32] How many paracets?
[02:47:34] I have got to go through like 30 seconds of...
[02:47:38] Thank goodness, by the way,
[02:47:40] I don't know why it took me this long to point this out because it's been two hours but
[02:47:44] I have Hold To Mash on which is another quality of life thing that's included in this mod
[02:47:51] That's the one thing that I don't miss about speedrunning
[02:47:52] Pokemon games
[02:47:53] is
[02:47:54] the amount of
[02:47:55] mashing through text
[02:47:56] you have to do.
[02:47:57] Yeah, yeah.
[02:47:59] And it's like
[02:47:59] it's one of those things
[02:48:00] too where
[02:48:00] going all the way back
[02:48:04] to when we were kind of talking about
[02:48:05] health and stream health
[02:48:07] and all that stuff.
[02:48:09] I don't think people give mashing
[02:48:11] the respect that they should
[02:48:13] because it's a mindless
[02:48:15] thing to do a lot of times. You're just hitting
[02:48:17] A and B or X and
[02:48:18] triangle or whatever.
[02:48:21] But
[02:48:21] mashing really strains your wrists, fingers and hand muscles.
[02:48:28] Yes! I think fighting games still do the worst thing to my hands.
[02:48:32] Joysticks are also a pretty big culprit in that i do much better with
[02:48:36] the d-pad in terms of long term playing versus any kind of joystick
[02:48:42] i noticed that when i uh because i have
[02:48:44] a smashbox um and that was kind of inspired because
[02:48:46] uh bobby uses fight sticks all the time but uh um i i have a smashbox and i'm not quite
[02:48:54] comfortable with it yet when it comes to legitimate speedrunning,
[02:48:58] instead of just challenge runs or casual things.
[02:49:01] But I do want to get comfortable with it because
[02:49:04] It feels a lot more ergonomic.
[02:49:06] Someone said is the Elite Four
[02:49:08] the best way to level your Pokemon to 100?
[02:49:10] I mean, in randomizer, if you find a shop that
[02:49:12] sells Rare Canyons, that would probably be my
[02:49:14] advice for leveling them on to 100.
[02:49:15] Oh my gosh! what a cutie.
[02:49:18] Yeah so like if...
[02:49:21] Usually the best way
[02:49:23] God they really just want me to murder everything cute
[02:49:27] The best way would probably be
[02:49:28] Two? Would probably be... Oh my god, two?
[02:49:29] Two bodies!
[02:49:30] Would probably be Elite Four.
[02:49:33] Alright last Mon and this one isn't cute so who cares.
[02:49:37] As soon as the screen fades and we pull up the stat
[02:49:40] screen that's time and
[02:49:45] look at you making quick work out of that
[02:49:48] yeah once once we were ready to go...
[02:49:51] Actually, this hoa was not good either.
[02:49:55] Once we got most of the badges
[02:49:57] and we just started like
[02:49:59] We kind of fell into some items but
[02:50:01] it was kind of funny because I remember before
[02:50:03] the second break
[02:50:05] before the first break I had mentioned like
[02:50:07] I tend
[02:50:09] to go to areas that have more checks and the logic
[02:50:13] that I have is more random.
[02:50:14] Like it's not like if you get cut,
[02:50:16] then the next thing is probably behind cut.
[02:50:18] Yeah.
[02:50:19] But I started doing it that way just now, and it literally led to everything.
[02:50:24] So maybe I did set it up that way, and I am once again a dummy about it.
[02:50:28] But that's okay. We got there eventually.
[02:50:30] Oh yeah! We absolutely got there.
[02:50:35] But I just... Again after looking at the stats yeah i understand what you're talking about now you made that work very well considering and even
[02:50:41] though we ran into golems it's not like again rock moves are so scarce
[02:50:44] right? And I can say that now because
[02:50:46] I wasn't going to
[02:50:47] you know.
[02:50:49] Like I knew
[02:50:50] we were gonna be fine with hello
[02:50:52] and I'm double checking because i we said rock slide rock throw and ancient
[02:50:58] power so yes double checking right now um oh roll out we forgot about rollout. We forgot about rollout.
[02:51:04] Rollout would be scary. That could actually be super scary.
[02:51:09] Anyone who doesn't know how rollout works...
[02:51:12] Once you use it, you use it for five turns straight and it doubles in power each turn.
[02:51:18] So like you have- It's 90 accurate which that's a funny thing about rock moves is most rock moves aren't 100% accurate. like in this game it's only ancient power
[02:51:29] every single other rock move can miss um sandstorm technically counts
[02:51:34] as a rock move but i mean yeah i was, I was gonna say, I think weather's
[02:51:37] treated a little differently.
[02:51:39] So there's five. There's only
[02:51:41] five rock moves. You're so unlikely to run
[02:51:43] into one, but it's still running anything with
[02:51:45] a four times weakness is always terrifying. And then running anything with a four times weakness is always terrifying and then
[02:51:48] running something like a mad cargo that is allergic to water and ground
[02:51:55] terrible terrible terrible terrible i forgot how cute this ending is
[02:52:00] it's adorable oh the ditto's dancing yeah
[02:52:03] yeah
[02:52:06] yeah um that's that's's an example of a Pokémon Crystal Full Item Randomizer.
[02:52:13] Like we mentioned at the beginning and kind of sprinkled throughout
[02:52:16] the whole stream.
[02:52:19] I did slightly easier settings, but it's a really customizable experience.
[02:52:24] Like I said earlier you could reduce it so it's only key items that get
[02:52:27] shuffled around and not every item mixed up.
[02:52:30] You can do things like
[02:52:32] reduce the Pokemon's levels
[02:52:35] or increase the Pokemon's levels, you can do
[02:52:37] really wild stuff like change the
[02:52:39] typing's power of move.
[02:52:41] All that stuff.
[02:52:42] There's so much you could do
[02:52:44] that you can probably play a randomizer
[02:52:48] like this for the next 10 years
[02:52:50] and just have a different experience literally
[02:52:52] every time.
[02:52:54] Yeah, and again it really shows how passionate you
[02:52:56] are about this generation of Pokemon
[02:52:58] I mean you know it so well, you know the map so
[02:53:00] well, I mean it's no wonder that you play this one quite a bit.
[02:53:03] You have the love for that
[02:53:05] that comes with just playing and having
[02:53:07] experience with it.
[02:53:09] Oh yeah, oh yeah. It is
[02:53:11] definitely my favorite generation.
[02:53:14] I know what's wrong with the game,
[02:53:16] I know that there are some balancing issues and whatnot,
[02:53:18] but it is definitely my favorite.
[02:53:21] Well again,
[02:53:22] it was wonderful to have you on.
[02:53:24] I enjoy the conversations as always keys.
[02:53:26] And again, if you want to talk about your stream real quick,
[02:53:29] we have a couple seconds here.
[02:53:32] Shout outs any of those things please by all means yeah so uh i mean just
[02:53:36] slash keys run uh k-e-i-z-a-r-o-n um that's pretty much every single social media
[02:53:41] ever too so like if you're a Twitter goer or YouTube or something
[02:53:45] You can find me there too
[02:53:47] I
[02:53:49] do a bunch of Pokemon randos
[02:53:51] Do a bunch of Archipelagos
[02:53:53] Do a bunch of challenge runs, so on and so forth i believe emre is here with
[02:53:57] a kitten now so you know what yeah we got a second
[02:54:02] wait we got time for for a little kitty yeah
[02:54:20] oh wow you're so precious!
[02:54:21] You can see the dog.
[02:54:22] It's so small!
[02:54:23] They are so tiny!
[02:54:24] Aww, they are so cute!
[02:54:25] I love them!
[02:54:26] I'm going to take this one. I'm going to take this one. I'm going to take this one. You can see the dog. It's so small!
[02:54:27] They're so tiny!
[02:54:30] Well, there you go. What a perfect way to...
[02:54:33] Also, follow my stream because I have animals.
[02:54:35] You'll see animals all of the time.
[02:54:38] I don't think there's anything else I can say.
[02:54:40] I think it was a perfect send-off.
[02:54:41] I have cat, I have kitten,
[02:54:43] I have dog, I have snack.
[02:54:45] Come follow me. Enjoy the vibes.
[02:54:48] Aw, what a cute kitty oh i'm so stoked well thank you for that that was really
[02:54:55] sweet to see I love having pets on my show that That was really good timing, too.
[02:55:00] Yeah, that was absolutely perfect
[02:55:02] and now you can go spend time with the kitty.
[02:55:05] That's the plan!
[02:55:06] Yeah! Well, you
[02:55:08] go enjoy that again.
[02:55:10] Congratulations on the randomizer.
[02:55:12] Great time and great stream in general.
[02:55:14] We appreciate that.
[02:55:16] Thanks for having me on.
[02:55:17] Always appreciated it.
[02:55:19] And follow keys again.
[02:55:20] Good game play. Great animals as well. it. And again, follow keys again. Good gameplay, great
[02:55:21] animals as well. So please go do
[02:55:23] that. So again folks, this
[02:55:25] is not the end of our GDK broadcast. If you had
[02:55:27] fun here I promise you will certainly
[02:55:29] have fun on the next show that we have tonight
[02:55:32] on Hot Picks. But again, as a reminder
[02:55:34] your subs, Prime Gaming subs, GIFs subs
[02:55:36] and bits shared on the TDK Twitch channel help support
[02:55:38] Games Done Quick Hot Picks. If you
[02:55:40] enjoy watching speed runs and our hot pick shows,
[02:55:43] consider subscribing to the channel
[02:55:45] again. I'm a showrunner, Keith is a
[02:55:47] showrunner, and of course, please watch
[02:55:49] The First Step when it airs again.
[02:55:51] We have a complete schedule on
[02:55:53] slash hotfix, so please check out
[02:55:55] all of our shows again, please. Thank you so much.
[02:55:57] It was great.
[02:55:59] Absolutely. Again, this is not
[02:56:01] the end of our Hot Fix content tonight though.
[02:56:04] Stay tuned for Time Capsule coming up after the break.
[02:56:08] Take it away, Tippi.
[02:57:11] Time Capsule so so Thank you. so so.. so so..
[02:57:40] .
[02:57:42] .
[02:57:44] .
[02:57:46] .
[02:57:48] .. so so so I'm going to go ahead and do that.
[02:58:29] I'll just take a look at the map, see if there's anything else I can find. so so so so so so so so so so so I'm not sure if you can see it, but the game is pretty much a.. so.
[03:01:16] . so so so so so Hello and good evening friends. Welcome to the Games Done Quick Hotfix! I'm your host, Smooth Operative,
[03:02:30] And you are watching Time Capsule. It is a show where we travel back in time
[03:02:34] To your favorite years of gaming and showcase awesome speedruns
[03:02:37] Of games released
[03:02:39] in the same year. Tonight we are diving into an overlooked title
[03:02:43] for the PlayStation 2, released in 2005
[03:02:47] It is the Tekken spin-off game you didn't know you needed in your life.
[03:02:50] And honestly, we're going to get right to it here to speed run
[03:02:52] the world premiere of Tekken's Nina Williams in Death by Degrees.
[03:02:57] Please welcome the sleeper agent himself, St. Million
[03:03:00] World premiere
[03:03:02] Hey Saint
[03:03:04] Yeah, where are my sleeper agents at?
[03:03:06] Where are the sleeper agents at?
[03:03:08] Hey everybody
[03:03:08] Hi
[03:03:09] It's nice to be back on the hot fix it's been a while for myself uh but i'm
[03:03:15] really glad to be here this is definitely a tech in game It's a very unique Tekken game
[03:03:21] You can tell by
[03:03:23] the 10 trillion tons of mayhem
[03:03:27] Here we go
[03:03:29] This is the Nina Williams video game.
[03:03:32] It's the first and last standalone Tekken game featuring mainly one character from the series.
[03:03:39] Project Nina, you know?
[03:03:41] Project Nina it was. And then it turned into
[03:03:43] Tekken's Nina Williams in Death by Degrees
[03:03:45] It all takes
[03:03:47] place on this... or not all
[03:03:49] but most of it takes place on this luxury
[03:03:51] yacht and I'm letting this intro video go for a little bit because we're
[03:03:54] not going to get to see pretty much any of the cut scenes because we're gonna skip through them
[03:04:00] i think when we were talking about it the cutscenes probably total over an hour
[03:04:04] at least. Yes, so
[03:04:06] you might see the estimate is three and a
[03:04:08] half hours.
[03:04:10] This is a long game, and
[03:04:12] it's mostly because of load screens
[03:04:14] and skipping cut scenes. It takes up like 45 minutes of time
[03:04:19] in that three and a half hours, but this game
[03:04:23] is kind of special to me because i bought
[03:04:26] this at a shop called e star land in virginia on agdq some friends and
[03:04:33] I went to this game shop oh wow, wow. And as speedrunners do
[03:04:36] we were looking for obscure games
[03:04:38] that would be like, oh, this looks terrible
[03:04:40] let's play it in the hotel room
[03:04:42] and this was one of those games
[03:04:44] and that was like six plus years ago or something there you go
[03:04:48] and somewhat recently i was just going through my games and i was like oh yeah
[03:04:53] death by the creeds this terrible game and there's were still no speedruns of it anywhere on the island.
[03:04:58] Yeah, we couldn't find a single one so this according to our search
[03:05:03] is going to be the world premiere of Tekken's Nina Williams in Deathly
[03:05:07] Degrees V-Run.
[03:05:08] Yes, hence World Premiere at the Cintra.
[03:05:10] It's just fun to say you know what I mean?
[03:05:12] Yeah so the plot of this game is that Nina is the ultimate
[03:05:17] assassin by the way.
[03:05:18] That's kind of her thing. She's an
[03:05:20] assassin. Yeah, just in case you didn't know.
[03:05:23] She's investigating...
[03:05:25] Oh, here's a little sneak peek of the gameplay
[03:05:26] we have to look forward to.
[03:05:31] So there's a plot afoot.
[03:05:34] A criminal organization
[03:05:35] is experimenting in the
[03:05:37] ocean and the Bermuda Triangle.
[03:05:39] And a video leaks on The Net
[03:05:42] capital N, The Net
[03:05:44] This is 2005
[03:05:45] Not featuring Sandra Bullock?
[03:05:47] Just The Net
[03:05:49] and Nina is working for the CIA
[03:05:52] in collusion with MI6,
[03:05:55] a couple other agents
[03:05:57] to investigate what's going on
[03:05:58] on this luxury yacht
[03:06:00] criminal organization ship where they're
[03:06:03] doing experiments. Yeah? So her underg- uh, cover is that she's entering an
[03:06:09] underground fighting tournament which is really an over watered fighting
[03:06:13] tournament because it's on a boat and uh that's where the game begins all right
[03:06:18] so uh this gameplay goes on for a while well let's get to it then shall we right
[03:06:23] to it if i get right to it i mean explain the whole game and then yeah of course
[03:06:29] there she is there she is.
[03:06:39] Alright, so we're gonna start on Beginner. I actually don't know how much of a difference it is between Beginner and Normal.
[03:06:44] I think you take less damage and maybe enemies have less health.
[03:06:45] It's not really noticeable.
[03:06:47] I just pick it because it seems like the faster.
[03:06:49] I mean, yeah.
[03:06:51] This requires more testing.
[03:06:56] So if you are finding the run interesting at any point like feel free to be around death by degrees
[03:07:01] this game is kind of like melgear solid 2 mixed with resident evil mixed with
[03:07:07] jet lee's rise to honor and i'll explain more about that later yeah just to get the vibe but i'm gonna go ahead and start at a time in three two one go good luck
[03:07:14] and here's the load screen of the game, get used to this one and see a lot
[03:07:18] of them are just going to immediately skip cut scenes.
[03:07:24] And we're going go right into the tutorial.
[03:07:35] And here we are.
[03:07:37] Alright, so here we get a taste of the 360 degree combat system
[03:07:43] The twin stick combat system that is heavily I believe inspired by Jet Li's Rise to Honor
[03:07:48] which came out soon before this. Very similar move around and then you flick
[03:07:56] the stick to do combos.
[03:08:00] And depending on how you attack, you can do different combos. I'm doing a heavy combo here
[03:08:05] it's kind of...the best way to dispatch multiple enemies and break their guard.
[03:08:11] And you actually can't die in this tutorial, so you just kind of
[03:08:15] kick butt for a little while.
[03:08:17] Yeah, they interrupt Nina at the pool or something.
[03:08:20] Yeah she's chilling at the pool. So you're on the ship of a criminal organization
[03:08:25] And they kind of get the tip from somewhere that Nina's maybe undercover so they ruin her
[03:08:32] little day at the pool. She's so undercover
[03:08:36] Now we're locked in our quarters and we get in our cocktail dress
[03:08:39] Of course. We do. Get a bottle of water
[03:08:42] right here. This helps
[03:08:43] refill our focus gauge for critical
[03:08:46] attacks, it's going to be very important
[03:08:47] and we're taking this bottle of water all
[03:08:49] the way to the end of the game. Oh, wow.
[03:08:51] For the final boss because it's just
[03:08:54] that useful in the final
[03:08:56] boss specifically. Okay.
[03:08:59] So Nina's
[03:09:00] locked her quarters but we're just gonna escape real quick
[03:09:04] just you know flip off the side of the balcony no big deal yeah
[03:09:11] the music is so good in this.
[03:09:13] Like, when Saint showed me
[03:09:14] this initially
[03:09:15] I felt like I was just
[03:09:16] watching a Bond film
[03:09:17] or something.
[03:09:18] Very Bond-y.
[03:09:20] It's very cinematic.
[03:09:22] Like it's almost a shame we have to skip the cutscenes
[03:09:24] but you know what is what it is.
[03:09:26] So for stairs flipping up is faster
[03:09:30] It's cool, I don't know why
[03:09:32] Running up any stairs in this game is like
[03:09:34] running on butter for some reason.
[03:09:36] If you sprint up the stairs she doesn't
[03:09:39] go as fast as when she normally runs.
[03:09:40] Yeah her little feet are like
[03:09:42] woo woo woo woo woo. So doing a dodge upstairs does
[03:09:45] a flip which is much faster. And it
[03:09:47] looks cooler so there's that.
[03:09:49] We're going to
[03:09:50] see the first real
[03:09:53] showing of the fastest movement tech in the game, which is dodging forward.
[03:09:58] Let me get out this menu...
[03:10:02] So sometimes sprinting is faster, the fastest way to travel if it's a short distance but
[03:10:08] If you hold your
[03:10:11] Hold L1 which is kind of your martial arts button and press forward in kind of a rhythm, then you do this little dodge tactic.
[03:10:20] So like a little sweep?
[03:10:22] Yes so she's just a sweeper agent on the ship
[03:10:26] It's true. So it's her and two other agents
[03:10:28] on this mission,
[03:10:29] and she's called a sweeper,
[03:10:31] which means that
[03:10:32] if the other two agents fail,
[03:10:34] then she activates
[03:10:35] and she finishes the mission,
[03:10:37] which I can only imagine means sleeper agent but there was maybe a localization yeah we're not entirely sure but I mean she does sweep
[03:10:47] the feet so it's possible across across the deck with her cool movement.
[03:10:51] It's possible.
[03:10:55] Now do we meet the other agents involved?
[03:10:58] Oh, oh, we will. do we? Okay, good.
[03:11:00] Oh do we?
[03:11:02] Trust no one. Ten million... ten trillion
[03:11:04] tons of mayhem. We will
[03:11:06] meet fellow
[03:11:08] agents and we're going to meet one right now actually he's under attack
[03:11:12] by a sniper and uh we're gonna go and help him out sounds good But in fact, if you hold sprint while going up ladders, you go faster.
[03:11:26] So that's just what you do here.
[03:11:28] Oh nice!
[03:11:29] So we're gonna get a taste of the sniper gameplay.
[03:11:33] We're going to take this guy out...
[03:11:36] Boom! X-ray damage.
[03:11:39] This is one of the early X-Ray Critical games.
[03:11:45] Alright, we're gonna pick up a sniper rifle and do some sniper gameplay.
[03:11:49] Sweet! I'm down. No. So the agent that we're protecting here, his name is Alan Smithy which is totally not an alias.
[03:12:01] Okay, Alan?
[03:12:03] He needs protection which is actually
[03:12:06] total BS because he almost
[03:12:08] never takes damage from enemies
[03:12:09] and he has infinite
[03:12:12] ammo. He also never shoots these guys that you're shooting.
[03:12:16] They die in one hit to the head, which is what I'm going to try to do,
[03:12:19] but sometimes they take two shots to the back or three shots to the whole body.
[03:12:28] It's kind of a sniper tutorial i guess here uh this isn't a tutorial oh and this is the real thing throwing you right in there okay yeah this is
[03:12:33] real danger on the line.
[03:12:38] As you can tell by the Danger Meter on the bottom left that fills up if these snipers
[03:12:42] look at us to run.
[03:12:43] Oh there's like a little danger meter. Okay. Yes.
[03:12:46] Dangerometer. Alright, so
[03:12:48] Alan does take damage. I was totally lying
[03:12:50] but he never really takes enough
[03:12:52] damage for it to matter.
[03:12:55] That we know of anyway
[03:12:56] yeah
[03:12:57] you imagine Alan just like dies right here and now
[03:13:00] god
[03:13:02] a real death's never happened before
[03:13:04] I better
[03:13:05] alright, I hope you liked the first five minutes of this I better hush. that i take cover if the danger meter gets too high because health is kind of important in this
[03:13:21] first little segment so they can shoot nina dead yeah you can get shot hey hey alan hi what's up thanks yeah no problem let this cutscene play
[03:13:32] sure again
[03:13:36] what a badass you're pretty good, now we have this cool sniper.
[03:13:41] Yeah, screw it.
[03:13:43] She's like, It was trash.
[03:13:45] Who cares?
[03:13:46] I didn't like that anyways.
[03:13:48] I can't put it in my cocktail drink.
[03:13:50] Yeah, that is probably true.
[03:13:53] Okay.
[03:13:54] Now back to the action.
[03:13:56] Now loading. Back to the stealth
[03:13:58] action gameplay.
[03:14:01] We're going gonna go down this ladder,
[03:14:03] and there's a shiny item here...
[03:14:06] It's a crank.
[03:14:08] It's an hexagonal
[03:14:09] crank I should say.
[03:14:11] So things that you can interact with are always kind of sparkling like that?
[03:14:15] Yeah, important things.
[03:14:16] Important things, okay.
[03:14:18] Just going to go down this ladder here.
[03:14:27] And now we're gonna break into the boat proper
[03:14:31] Oh my goodness!
[03:14:33] So, let's talk about the camera for a little bit. Sure. I'm holding
[03:14:35] R2 right now which kind of lets me control
[03:14:37] the camera in a sort of
[03:14:39] slightly freeform way
[03:14:41] but the camera shifts
[03:14:44] a lot in the same vein as
[03:14:45] a Resident Evil type of game,
[03:14:48] and that can mess with your movement quite a bit.
[03:14:50] Oh, I can imagine.
[03:14:52] Kind of holding R2 and controlling the camera is going to help us a lot
[03:15:00] to cut corners precisely, but a lot of times you cannot use the camera
[03:15:05] control.
[03:15:08] It honestly feels random
[03:15:09] where you can and can't use the camera.
[03:15:11] Okay. Maybe on like the bigger
[03:15:13] sections of the boat where it's kind of like yeah usually when you're
[03:15:16] close to a wall or something they don't want you to use the camera like a long little jaunt around
[03:15:22] the boat yes okay so if you could imagine Resident Evil 2 and the mansion
[03:15:27] right? Iconic
[03:15:28] You're always going back to places
[03:15:30] Wait, in 2?
[03:15:33] There's a mansion, right?
[03:15:34] There's a mansion? That's like RPD.
[03:15:38] RPD? It's... that's a mansion.
[03:15:40] I don't know. The RPD? Straight
[03:15:41] mansion. Straight mansion. Resident Evil 1
[03:15:43] there's a mansion. We'll go with that.
[03:15:46] This is pretty much the same thing, this whole boat
[03:15:48] is like a mansion
[03:15:50] I see you were making a comparison there
[03:15:52] There's a lot of backtracking and there are puzzles
[03:15:54] that are like
[03:15:56] Go get the key to the door all right that's a puzzle it's a lot of puzzles like that
[03:16:02] so we're breaking into the boat proper here
[03:16:06] this is a cia communication save point uh normally in a run you wouldn't save it these
[03:16:12] because it just takes a little bit of extra time but there are laser grids that we're
[03:16:16] gonna have to bypass that give you an instant game over and
[03:16:20] that would mean
[03:16:21] we would have to do everything over
[03:16:23] again because this is a ps2 game
[03:16:26] if you don't save your game then you go
[03:16:28] back to the beginning
[03:16:29] yeah there's no
[03:16:30] pre-loading of saves
[03:16:32] if Saint messes up.
[03:16:34] We're just kind of going for it here.
[03:16:36] No, we're trying to make this pretty legit.
[03:16:46] Alright, so... this pretty legit you know all right so this is uh mature oops i'm skipping cutscenes
[03:16:53] so hard the menu opened now in terms of this game and its story, like is this canon? No. This is a non-canon Tekken game.
[03:16:56] Non-Canon.
[03:16:57] As important as the Tekken Canon is.
[03:16:59] Standalone fun story.
[03:17:01] Yes it's a one-off.
[03:17:03] Nina's really not even kind of like
[03:17:05] her normal self in this game.
[03:17:06] She has a totally different character.
[03:17:08] She's much nicer in this game.
[03:17:10] Oh, she's so much nicer.
[03:17:13] Alright, I'm actually going to do a little in this game. Oh, she's so much nicer. Alright.
[03:17:13] I'm actually going to do a little
[03:17:15] technique I just learned about.
[03:17:17] You can kind of go over this
[03:17:19] and get where you need to go faster
[03:17:21] with the wall run.
[03:17:24] Dude, how's she wall running in heels?
[03:17:26] Wall running in heels. First time in games.
[03:17:29] Wait, it might be.
[03:17:30] I don't know. Proof check me.
[03:17:32] I know the Prince of Persia is not wearing heels. That's for damn sure.
[03:17:35] While running in heels, a video essay.
[03:17:39] Alright so right now we're trying to locate
[03:17:43] an agent that went missing one of the two agents has gone mia and we're kind
[03:17:50] of searching for him it's not alan it's not allen it's uh the other guy, his name is John Doe.
[03:17:59] John Doe, okay!
[03:18:01] Also not an alias.
[03:18:04] Also sometimes when you dodge by enemies
[03:18:07] they just get completely baffled and look
[03:18:09] around where did she go
[03:18:11] I have no idea
[03:18:13] another
[03:18:14] benefit real quick of the dashing that we're doing throughout most
[03:18:20] of the game is when you dash like this or i should
[03:18:25] say when you sprint normally away from enemies they have a rubber banding mechanic where they can catch up to you pretty quickly.
[03:18:33] And uh...they rubberband up to you and they have special attack animations that lunge them forward and knock
[03:18:38] you down because the game is designed so you don't run away from a lot of fights but the dashing
[03:18:46] really circumvents that mechanic because you're not technically sprinting,
[03:18:49] so it never activates the rubber band-aid attack.
[03:18:52] So they kind of can't catch up to you which is a pretty nice side effect
[03:18:56] of the dashing.
[03:18:58] Oh okay. Someone in the chat referred to it as
[03:19:00] wave-dashing. Wave-dash
[03:19:02] Now I'm wondering if that's like a technique
[03:19:04] in other Tekken games
[03:19:06] or something like that? It might be
[03:19:08] Yeah we'll have to let yeah it's a melee technique
[03:19:10] or yeah you'll have to let me know we just got fingerprint scanner
[03:19:14] it was just on the conveyor belt convenient for sure
[03:19:18] it's quite mysterious that we just got John Doe's fingerprint scanner they supposed to have on his person but we're going to use it to get access to certain doors throughout the entire game, which is a very Metal Gear
[03:19:32] concept. Yeah, so
[03:19:34] we can access all the doors with
[03:19:36] this now? No.
[03:19:38] We have to get fingerprints and oh my god, that's
[03:19:40] a dead body. Oh no!
[03:19:42] This is clearly the work of a professional.
[03:19:45] Hopefully it's...
[03:19:46] No one we know.
[03:19:48] Who is that?
[03:19:49] It's Richard.
[03:19:50] It's Richard!
[03:19:51] Oh no!
[03:19:52] Richard I need this fingerprint i'm so sorry
[03:19:53] richard we're sorry all right
[03:19:57] so we have level one access now we are going to power on the cargo lift
[03:20:02] so we can get out of this room eventually.
[03:20:06] Or it's one way to get out of this room, I should say. This is the other way.
[03:20:10] Here's a key for a semi-intended way of getting out
[03:20:15] of this location. We're heading to a boss fight now
[03:20:23] So in this game, you can use melee weapons, you can also use guns.
[03:20:27] You can only hold one gun and one melee weapon but there are permanent upgrades throughout the game
[03:20:34] holsters and
[03:20:36] tactical belts. And these give you
[03:20:38] more slots to carry items
[03:20:40] or weapons. So we're about to get
[03:20:42] the first of those
[03:20:44] permanent upgrades which are very important because the bosses
[03:20:47] in this game
[03:20:47] are a lot faster
[03:20:51] if you have
[03:20:52] plentiful weapons. So now we can hold
[03:20:55] two melee weapons.
[03:20:57] Now we get some ventilation gameplay which is this is definitely a tekken
[03:21:03] game as you will see oh wow okay but for real nina moves pretty fast in the vent yeah
[03:21:14] wow she moves faster if you hold sprint oh okay, okay, so that works in the vent
[03:21:18] too. Yeah, that's tech. Interesting.
[03:21:21] Speed tech.
[03:21:23] First ever world premiere.
[03:21:26] There we go.
[03:21:29] So we load into a level
[03:21:31] and then we get another cutscene
[03:21:33] and then another load screen.
[03:21:35] Oh my god! There's blood all over the floor.
[03:21:37] What happened? I don't know. What happened to John?
[03:21:40] Something happen to John?
[03:21:42] We pick up this gun right here, it's a 9mm Thurb handgun.
[03:21:57] 3RB. nine millimeter thurb handgun three rb i think it means three round burst okay the third
[03:22:01] we're going into the cooler. This is where the blood leads
[03:22:07] What is it? Oh my god, that's a dead body John does dead
[03:22:10] spoilers So do we know what happened to him?
[03:22:14] He got something shoved in his neck.
[03:22:17] Oh my goodness.
[03:22:19] Some object or something.
[03:22:21] Just some object, no he's completely dead so this is where
[03:22:24] we meet one of the executives of the criminal organization called kometa
[03:22:29] organization his name is bryce he's he's just a jerk, and he has infinite pistols in his jacket.
[03:22:37] So we're gonna have to fight him in this cooler.
[03:22:40] So this is the first boss?
[03:22:42] This is the first boss this is the first boss all right Nina get him
[03:22:46] and he's just taunts you so much he's
[03:22:49] so annoying we actually don't have to deplete his whole health bar here.
[03:22:56] We're going to fight him a second time in a different location,
[03:22:59] but we've got to get into half-health or just below half-health.
[03:23:02] Okay.
[03:23:04] Anything sometimes hit the meat into him does a little extra damage, so now we have critical
[03:23:11] The purple meter in the top left is our critical meter And this gives us the x-ray attacks.
[03:23:17] Oh, yeah!
[03:23:19] So it takes a little bit of time to do these
[03:23:21] but they always do
[03:23:22] a pretty significant amount of damage
[03:23:24] because just normal attacks is kind
[03:23:27] of a chip damage type of situation.
[03:23:32] Now, is it difficult to aim for the bones?
[03:23:36] It's not too bad there There's a little bit of
[03:23:38] delay, and it's
[03:23:39] aiming something on like a console
[03:23:41] game, so it's a bit funny.
[03:23:43] A little clunky, okay.
[03:23:45] But it's not the worst.
[03:23:55] And time slows down down so you can really kind of dial in your attack. Now I'm curious, and I don't know if Saint will notice
[03:23:59] but the chat may know this. Is Bryce
[03:24:01] a character in any other Tekken game?
[03:24:03] No, I think he's exclusive
[03:24:05] to Death by Grease as are
[03:24:07] many of the characters in this criminal organization.
[03:24:09] I see. Okay, okay.
[03:24:10] I'm not incredibly well-versed
[03:24:12] in Tekken, so thanks.
[03:24:14] Yeah, me neither.
[03:24:15] I kind of want to get Tekken 8
[03:24:16] evos this weekend, by the way.
[03:24:18] If anyone's into watching competitive fighting games such as tekken
[03:24:23] starring nina williams from tekan then you may be able to see her this weekend. Yeah?
[03:24:31] The real Nina.
[03:24:34] I want to meet the real Nina, are you kidding me?
[03:24:36] Alright so Bryce ran away, we're just gonna leave John, we don't need him anymore
[03:24:39] he's done for.
[03:24:40] Okay bye John. So Alan is the only other agent from MI6 left and he's going to be kind of in our earpiece throughout the game giving us directions and sending us maps,
[03:24:51] and stuff like that. But currently we need to get
[03:24:54] a GPS device from Bryce that belonged
[03:24:57] to John. So he's kind of taunting
[03:25:00] us in running with it
[03:25:05] chat says there are 10 000 entrance in evo
[03:25:09] that's wild damn that's way too many people.
[03:25:13] That's awesome though, is it still in Vegas?
[03:25:15] I killed this guy to see if he would drop a health kit but he did not
[03:25:21] So items...I'll talk about items for a moment.
[03:25:25] Sure!
[03:25:26] There are meal kits which heal you and there are water bottles that give you critical gauge. The meal kits are extremely important throughout the whole run
[03:25:35] because you just take
[03:25:37] damage in this game
[03:25:38] as much as you'd like to avoid it
[03:25:41] uh, it's
[03:25:43] just inevitable
[03:25:43] so I'm going to be stopping
[03:25:45] to kill enemies, not just for
[03:25:47] random drops which will
[03:25:49] hopefully be health kits
[03:25:51] but we also need some experience
[03:25:53] points to level up In this game there you can level up nina to have
[03:26:00] more kind of uh of her signature moves from tekken they're like combos
[03:26:07] we actually don't get a lot of them because we just don't spend
[03:26:09] the time playing the game enough to have
[03:26:11] the skill points to buy all of the abilities,
[03:26:13] unfortunately. So you have to kind of pick and
[03:26:15] choose what you're gonna... You have to kind of pick and choose what your gonna... You have to kind of pick and choose,
[03:26:17] And then what we are actually going to
[03:26:19] Pick the most are abilities
[03:26:21] That make our melee weapons
[03:26:23] Have more durability.
[03:26:25] Because melee weapons are very strong so yeah mainly weapons are finite you don't
[03:26:31] get them forever they break and just as well the guns
[03:26:36] you get have limited ammo and once they're out of ammo uh nina just tosses
[03:26:44] she's like ah whatever yeah let's get rid of it.
[03:26:51] So we're chasing Bryce, We have to chase him down
[03:26:53] He's being a real jerk
[03:26:55] But we are just going to follow the
[03:26:57] drip drops of blood.
[03:27:00] See what, uh...we'll find.
[03:27:03] I'm a little low on health but I am just gonna skip these guys.
[03:27:09] Oh my gosh they have the whole crew out for her there's always so many people
[03:27:13] no matter what if you clear them all and then leave
[03:27:15] and come back in there's just another like 12 dudes there that is
[03:27:18] so funny they're like nina, Nina can we get your autograph?
[03:27:21] Exactly, so it's kind of an early XP
[03:27:23] farm. Okay that makes sense
[03:27:25] if need be
[03:27:26] alright so what we saw there is the GPS device
[03:27:29] was left in the middle of this
[03:27:31] Coliseum pool area. How convenient
[03:27:34] it is. It's truly a trap
[03:27:35] or wait, is it?
[03:27:40] I'm going to save here
[03:27:41] I really don't die
[03:27:43] To Bryce 2
[03:27:44] Very often
[03:27:45] Bryce 2
[03:27:46] Bryce 2
[03:27:47] You thought you saw
[03:27:48] The last of Bryce
[03:27:50] Oh no
[03:27:50] That character
[03:27:51] Little did you know So can you save it Oh, no. That character.
[03:27:53] Little did you know. So can you save at any point or it's at the little circles?
[03:27:57] You have to find these save points.
[03:27:58] Okay I see.
[03:27:59] The CIA communication points.
[03:28:00] Okay I see.
[03:28:01] And we're going gonna go behind the bar
[03:28:04] it'll check me up pick that up yield kit small
[03:28:11] it's enough and we're going to open a armory chest these are scattered throughout the game they
[03:28:17] are little puzzles that you can solve to get items so this is a whole chest full of weapons, but we can't take them all.
[03:28:25] We can only take a couple because we have limited space,
[03:28:27] But what I mostly want...
[03:28:32] It's like a honeycomb number puzzle.
[03:28:34] Oh okay. Oh, okay.
[03:28:35] I just want these katanas.
[03:28:38] They're the strongest in here.
[03:28:42] And I don't really need the guns because I already have a gun. i really don't want to die to bryce so
[03:28:48] I'm going to fully heal even though i don't think I'm gonna
[03:28:50] die Bryce. That's a good call. Weird things can happen you never know
[03:28:54] sometimes you get wombo combo it's a sad time oh i love this arena yeah this is pretty cool
[03:29:01] place all right pinpoints the location of a cometa executive or something. I don't know this GPS does some plot thing. I forget
[03:29:12] It's a trap Bryce is going to trap us in here and there are spikes all around us to battle to the death with Bryce.
[03:29:20] So this fight is actually pretty tough casually,
[03:29:24] but one tip is you can hit him into the spikes
[03:29:27] and it does a ton of damage, and that's exactly
[03:29:29] how we're going to beat him. Okay.
[03:29:32] Now. Using
[03:29:33] the arena to our advantage?
[03:29:35] I like that. Take a bunch of bullets
[03:29:37] to the face.
[03:29:40] So he can kind of get stuck in the corner
[03:29:44] Oh, we don't want to be hitting this bike still
[03:30:03] Hit him a couple times I'm just gonna crit him and then I think he'll relocate after a crit. Yeah, brick break him.
[03:30:05] Break his chest cavity.
[03:30:07] Somehow he'll get back up.
[03:30:09] There we go. So that's how that's supposed to go.
[03:30:15] Alright, so when you readjust like that then you can kind of aim him into a spike.
[03:30:22] You just gotta watch
[03:30:23] where he goes. So you can see
[03:30:25] it does a lot more damage on
[03:30:26] the... Oh, yeah.
[03:30:31] Otherwise, you're just kind of slowly chipping away at him.
[03:30:33] Yeah, it's a really slow chip-away if you don't use this strat.
[03:30:38] I feel like this arena... the way that it is designed...
[03:30:41] This must be the way you are supposed to do it.
[03:30:44] It's pretty much designed as such.
[03:30:46] Yeah, okay.
[03:30:49] Yeah, that's Bryce too.
[03:30:51] Not too bad. Took a few shots
[03:30:52] but we'll watch a little bit of this
[03:30:55] cutscene. You'll never believe how he dies.
[03:30:57] You'll never believe what happens next.
[03:31:00] Watch it.
[03:31:01] Ooh!
[03:31:03] This is a mature game, by the way.
[03:31:05] The first and only mature Tekken game.
[03:31:07] Oh wow! I didn't realize that actually.
[03:31:10] It has the M rating in everything.
[03:31:11] Yeah, it has the M rating.
[03:31:13] And Nina on the cover.
[03:31:14] There's really not much that makes it
[03:31:16] a mature game other than some blood.
[03:31:19] I think it was kind of a marketing
[03:31:20] gimmick to have the mature rating.
[03:31:22] Oh, I see. To make it seem like
[03:31:24] you were playing this kind of edgy Tekken game.
[03:31:27] Yeah, it's like you see Tekkens Nina Williams
[03:31:29] mature and be like, oh yeah
[03:31:31] I wanna buy that. Yeah, you're like whatever
[03:31:33] I'll buy it.
[03:31:35] Alright so now we have level 2 access from Bryce's fingerprints. And we are going to
[03:31:42] use that to explore more of the ship. Our current objective now is to find...
[03:31:48] We have to spy on an executive
[03:31:50] meeting of this criminal organization,
[03:31:52] so that's what we're going to work on right now.
[03:31:54] So are we
[03:31:56] going in a disguise or just straight into this?
[03:32:00] We're trying to spy on it.
[03:32:02] I think our disguise is kind of the jig is up at the moment.
[03:32:07] Anytime you see enemies, they're like,
[03:32:09] we found the intruder!
[03:32:16] I'm gonna kill some of these guys
[03:32:17] in this lobby for some XP and hopefully some drops.
[03:32:20] So if you have any announcements
[03:32:22] that you wanted to get through, that would be a pretty good time.
[03:32:24] Yeah, sure. Well, you know
[03:32:26] next month is August
[03:32:28] and we do have some things coming up.
[03:32:30] So let's talk about them.
[03:32:31] First of all, GDQs next All Women & Femmes speedrunning event Flame Fatales returns on
[03:32:37] August 18th and goes through the 25th.
[03:32:40] You can use the command
[03:32:40] exclamation mark FF
[03:32:42] in our Twitch chat
[03:32:42] to check out the schedule
[03:32:44] and let us know
[03:32:44] what you are looking forward
[03:32:45] to the most.
[03:32:47] And also,
[03:32:48] if you didn't know,
[03:32:49] GDQ is heading
[03:32:50] to PAX West from August 30th through September 2nd.
[03:32:55] The schedule is out for that as well and you can use the command exclamation mark PAX in our Twitch chat for more information.
[03:33:05] And yeah, let us know what you're excited to see at Pax. Heck yeah! Alright, so now that we have access to second level things, it means we can use the elevator.
[03:33:20] We're going straight to the basement which is going to advance the plot as the elevator
[03:33:27] gets disabled.
[03:33:28] This might be the nicest elevator I've ever seen in a game.
[03:33:32] Oh yeah.
[03:33:35] This whole ship is like luxury.
[03:33:37] Luxury.
[03:33:43] I find the now loading screen kind of comforting.
[03:33:44] I think it's just a maybe PS2 era comfiness.
[03:33:47] Yeah, it's just like not a lot of games even have
[03:33:50] like a little loading animation anymore.
[03:33:52] They're just like a static image or something.
[03:33:54] Or actually loading screens are getting pretty advanced.
[03:33:58] Oh?
[03:33:59] It'll be like a whole cut scene playing and I'm like, wait, this is the
[03:34:02] loading screen?
[03:34:03] Oh.
[03:34:04] Oh, yeah, they hype them well.
[03:34:05] Yeah. I am specifically
[03:34:07] referring to Alan Wake 2.
[03:34:09] I didn't realize that I was in the loading
[03:34:11] screen, but...
[03:34:12] Wait, what?
[03:34:15] Alright, so we escaped the elevator
[03:34:17] they kind of crashed it on us
[03:34:19] You missed something shiny, what was it?
[03:34:22] Those are gold coins and that's
[03:34:23] specifically a New Game Plus related thing
[03:34:25] Okay I see. So there are 30 gold coins in the
[03:34:28] game and the more you collect the more extra items you'll get in new
[03:34:31] game plus okay and uh extra weapon slots right off
[03:34:35] the bat so not necessarily useful, but potentially 100% category.
[03:34:42] Yeah, if someone's brave enough to take it on, yeah, 100%.
[03:34:49] Could be fun. Okay, sweet.
[03:35:01] And now we're
[03:35:02] going to meet Alan
[03:35:04] again face-to-face
[03:35:06] this time and we're
[03:35:08] going to go through a required combat sequence.
[03:35:12] Sort of mini boss fight.
[03:35:15] It's just a bunch of dudes with riot shields.
[03:35:19] Nina, Nina! Can we get your autograph?
[03:35:20] Yeah exactly.
[03:35:21] And they're actually the main reason I got the katanas from that armory back then.
[03:35:26] They help with Bryce hitting him into the spikes so you don't have to use an unarmed
[03:35:30] combo. Okay. into the spikes so you don't have to like use an unarmed combo okay but um
[03:35:34] here's the gun we found a couple easy kills and what were oh my god yes
[03:35:40] oh nice okay we got a grenade i'm gonna fire off for us today Oh my god, yes. Oh nice!
[03:35:43] Okay we got a grenade
[03:35:45] I'm gonna fire off the rest of that
[03:35:47] It's only hold one ranged weapon
[03:35:49] So this is the best possible drop
[03:35:51] for this fight You get six grenades per drop
[03:35:53] It's totally random and kind of
[03:35:55] rare, but it speeds up
[03:35:57] this whole fight sequence
[03:35:59] considerably. Okay
[03:36:01] Because they're just one shot in an AoE.
[03:36:03] We got a little GDQ luck on our side, let's go!
[03:36:06] GDQ luck there.
[03:36:09] So Alan he actually does help you a bit here.
[03:36:12] This guy always runs away so far away, I don't know why.
[03:36:17] That's an item that drops we're not gonna pick up there's like essential oils
[03:36:22] that you get that are like buffs to Nina.
[03:36:25] They buff your defense... Oh my god more grenades?
[03:36:29] Jeez Louise! Like yeah there's these oils but they're
[03:36:33] never quite useful enough to um
[03:36:39] it's never quite worth it to pick up the buffs at least my theory is that they're not quite worth it
[03:36:49] oh you dropped the gun
[03:36:53] so we're just killing the last all right there's like one more guy coming
[03:36:57] actually had some good drops here.
[03:36:59] Some needle kits.
[03:37:01] Okay, hold on.
[03:37:02] He decided to actually pull his weight a little bit.
[03:37:13] Oh, look at that. wait for a little bit nice we're getting a lot of health items so it's kind of good yeah this is lucky.
[03:37:20] Alright, this fight sequence went pretty well.
[03:37:23] We made out like a bandit. Did Alan get anything?
[03:37:25] One bottle of water for the road.
[03:37:28] Uh, Alan doesn't pick up items, he
[03:37:29] doesn't really need them. He doesn't know how.
[03:37:31] He doesn't know how.
[03:37:33] He's not trained.
[03:37:36] Now we get
[03:37:37] some exposition about the super weapon that is possibly being built by this criminal organization. It's a series of satellites that do something involving sinking ships,, that's what we're learning about.
[03:37:52] Okay the plot thickens?
[03:37:54] Yeah! The plot thickens through these load screens. Nina she's feeling moderately interested interested she's just like oh okay i guess we gotta figure that out
[03:38:05] here we get the stingray drone which is totally not the cypher from metal gear solid 2.
[03:38:11] you know the little thing that flies around on the tanker...
[03:38:15] or big shell?
[03:38:17] I'm making no comparisons to Metal Gear Solid 2.
[03:38:20] Good don't! There's no similarities between this game absolutely not they're solid
[03:38:26] but the sing ray drone is a gameplay mechanic
[03:38:29] that will we will see occasionally.
[03:38:33] We'll have to like fly a drone around
[03:38:35] and investigate things
[03:38:42] Alright so right now we're breaking into the quarters of one of the executives Lana lay. She is a woman who uses whatever those oriental fans are called.
[03:38:54] Just fans, I guess. She has like a bladed fan
[03:38:57] that she uses and she
[03:38:59] uses poisons and she loves to torture
[03:39:01] people because she's real evil.
[03:39:03] Gosh, I can't wait to meet her.'s real close sounds so fun so we're breaking into
[03:39:08] her quarters through the aquarium it's a little swim sequence because this is exactly sequence.
[03:39:18] Because this is exactly Metal Gear Solid 2
[03:39:24] Swimming with the fishes We're just swimming right up here.
[03:39:27] Oh, we're just in the fish tank!
[03:39:29] Yeah, we are the fish.
[03:39:33] Okay, we get a defibrillator
[03:39:35] This is the best item in the game.
[03:39:37] It's... when you reach 0 HP, it will automatically pop and let
[03:39:41] you heal to full but it will also give you a full critical meter.
[03:39:45] Now these are hard-to-find correct? Yeah, these are hard to find, correct? Yeah. These don't drop anywhere.
[03:39:50] Right. So we have to use them wisely.
[03:39:54] Yeah so anytime we're low health, we really want to use a med kit
[03:39:59] because
[03:39:59] we strategically use them
[03:40:02] on certain boss fights.
[03:40:05] Because you can fight
[03:40:06] a boss for a while,
[03:40:07] use your crits
[03:40:07] and then
[03:40:08] when you're low health just kind of purposely
[03:40:10] die because that your crit gauge will get refilled right so it's sometimes a strategic death yeah
[03:40:16] we don't really rely on it just for heals.
[03:40:19] I know.
[03:40:24] So that's why we want plenty of med kits is to avoid using our defibrillators.
[03:40:26] Defibrillators.
[03:40:27] We got to hoard them for a while.
[03:40:28] Exactly.
[03:40:34] So right now we're kind of scouring her quarters uh for fingerprints
[03:40:38] and we also get a bit of lore there's a picture of a scientist that we may or may not be seeing.
[03:40:42] There are three pieces of these fingerprints,
[03:40:44] so we just gotta scan them as we go.
[03:40:49] Gonna pick up a katana.
[03:40:52] Little extra melee weapon for some fights coming up, and we got a code or I am just gonna guess...
[03:41:01] Oh that's it. Uh-huh.
[03:41:03] So the codes are always the same?
[03:41:05] Yeah, okay.
[03:41:07] Just have to remember them.
[03:41:09] We have a secret little holster giving us a permanent upgrade for firearm slots and this is lana
[03:41:15] lay's closet it's lana leigh's closet okay so we're gonna scan this little
[03:41:19] wrist piece for the final fingerprint giving us us third-level access to the boat.
[03:41:27] Now are we going to take any of
[03:41:28] the clothes? Well...
[03:41:30] That's kind of a good idea.
[03:41:32] She could be like disguised in
[03:41:35] Lana's clothes. Well, she's like
[03:41:36] oh god what happened to my dress?
[03:41:39] It's all ripped. Gross.
[03:41:41] Gross. What's that?
[03:41:43] Okay.
[03:41:48] Lana had a suit just laid out for her yeah she just had a nina williams sized body suit and here we are my that's convenient spy suit
[03:41:57] yes My, that's convenient. Spy suit. Yeah, this suit's really cool because it's not just purple but has kind of like the sheen
[03:42:01] of turquoise when you hit certain lighting.
[03:42:04] Yeah, it's like a kind of duochrome suit. I like it.
[03:42:07] It's really cool.
[03:42:09] Real Raiden vibes.
[03:42:11] Yeah, you can see it.
[03:42:12] A little bit.
[03:42:14] Okay! So now we have third level access now we're going to try to get
[03:42:18] to a place where we can spy on this uh meeting
[03:42:24] i love how nina like looks behind her just to make sure nobody's watching coast is clear yeah
[03:42:31] which is funny because you're constantly running past people in this run and going
[03:42:35] through the door and they can't do anything to stop you. Yes.
[03:42:38] Maybe it's just like a, oh bye, you can't follow me.
[03:42:42] Oh,
[03:42:43] chat says it is an iconic outfit
[03:42:45] so I want
[03:42:47] to know does Lana ever wear it or
[03:42:49] it's just a nina i think it's just the nina thing but you find it in long
[03:42:52] you'll find it in the closet there's no explanation for it
[03:42:58] okay so now we've
[03:43:00] Wrapped back around into the
[03:43:03] Main yacht
[03:43:04] Banquet hall I guess
[03:43:07] It would be
[03:43:09] Okay they're having a big party?
[03:43:12] A big meeting?
[03:43:13] Yes.
[03:43:14] There's a piano down there.
[03:43:17] Oh wow okay.
[03:43:18] They hang out for parties.
[03:43:20] Pretty cool stuff. Seems legit a lot of load screens in here too
[03:43:25] a lot of places to just hang out and load
[03:43:30] so we're going to a door that was locked previously by a third level access key. This game's design is extremely linear, it's a lot of get access to thing, now you can go through this thing.
[03:43:44] And then it makes you backtrack a lot too.
[03:43:47] It's just one of those games.
[03:43:48] I mean yeah there are a lot of games like that so we can forgive it for sure. No big deal.
[03:43:53] Now we have another laser grid. I will
[03:43:55] focus here because if you die
[03:43:57] it's a pretty big setback.
[03:43:59] Sure, yeah. Fingers crossed you got this.
[03:44:01] It's not difficult. I just have to not you know die oh god i'm so nervous well saint
[03:44:07] can't talk but if you're feeling chatty you can join the official gdq discord and add yourself
[03:44:11] to the hotfix role where you can keep tabs on upcoming events talk with staff and
[03:44:15] showrunners and more use the command exclamation mark discord in our twitch chat for more info
[03:44:24] oh gosh i was just barely Oh gosh.
[03:44:25] I was just barely stepping in it. Alright, we'll see what happens when you step
[03:44:29] in that. It's okay, we gotta back up.
[03:44:33] I would have saved but there is no save point. It's okay, we gotta back up.
[03:44:40] I would have saved but there is just no save point between what we did and where we are. No you're fine.
[03:44:41] That's okay.
[03:44:45] I made just for such an occasion.
[03:44:48] I'm like, yeah this is really easy but...
[03:44:50] Oh you did make a save!
[03:44:51] Oh okay, I thought maybe you-
[03:44:53] I did.
[03:44:54] Okay, okay.
[03:44:55] We don't have as many meal kits on this one but that's alright.
[03:44:57] Run invalid.
[03:44:58] We lost our meal?
[03:44:59] That's alright.
[03:45:04] This is now pure showcase.
[03:45:07] Ugh I can't believe
[03:45:08] I died there.
[03:45:10] That's never happened before.
[03:45:12] Chat says, Snake!
[03:45:14] Nina?
[03:45:15] Nina!
[03:45:18] Yeah. Nina? Nina! Nina! Good thing it was all just a bad dream while we were in this locker room.
[03:45:24] Anyways, let's get out of this locker room.
[03:45:30] So there are a bunch of lockers you can open and this is more on the casual gameplay side of things but you can scan a bunch of different fingerprints that are optional throughout the whole game
[03:45:41] and you take those fingerprints and you go to these lockers and they give you bonus items
[03:45:45] that's so weird it's like a thumbprint activated like locker yeah they're all thumbprint everything's related to thumbprints
[03:45:54] for convenience do people still unlock the phones with the thumb
[03:45:58] oh well yeah whoa oh the thumb on the front?
[03:46:03] As opposed to the finger...
[03:46:04] Anywhere I suppose
[03:46:08] I used to have a phone that did a frontal like
[03:46:14] The screen could read your thumbprint okay
[03:46:29] my phone's severely outdated i shouldn't be asking these questions Okay, let's not mess up one of the easiest parts of the game. But that is an example of just if you don't save and just barely mess up,
[03:46:33] you will just game over. Yeah. It's a little unfortunate they're
[03:46:37] not more lenient about it. You know one little laser and
[03:46:41] you're gone. They're savage.
[03:46:44] Alright.
[03:46:46] Nina, be careful.
[03:46:48] Seriously it's guarded by a god.
[03:46:50] God I'm like
[03:46:52] nervous.
[03:46:55] Let's go further this way. There we go.
[03:47:01] Alright nice! Yay! You did it. And we can turn it off
[03:47:05] We actually are going to be passing back through this exact hallway numerous times
[03:47:10] okay
[03:47:10] It's just one of those backtracking
[03:47:12] Oh look away some mature game
[03:47:14] Mature game Mature game?
[03:47:15] Mature game!
[03:47:17] We'll be going through here a few times...
[03:47:21] I'm gonna go back behind this counter
[03:47:24] just for a little, dotanuki sword it's an upgraded katana basically
[03:47:31] and i'm just gonna kill some guys get some drops.
[03:47:40] Let's see if they dropped the cameras... Okay, we got one milk it water bottle That's fine for now.
[03:47:50] So do we still have at least one defibrillator?
[03:47:52] Yes, yeah
[03:47:54] We have a defib
[03:47:56] This is pretty much the same state that we were in before.
[03:48:00] The only difference on this file is I have some stun grenades for some reason.
[03:48:06] Stun grenades are not entirely useful, they don't do a lot of damage, they do stun normal
[03:48:12] enemies but they're not as good as hand grenades. We'll probably just be getting rid
[03:48:18] of them at some point.
[03:48:19] But we do still have the assault rifle
[03:48:21] that we picked up as well.
[03:48:22] So, we're going to put the Stingray drone in a little vent.
[03:48:25] I was about to ask if she
[03:48:27] was going to go in there.
[03:48:28] No, it's just too small for her to fit.
[03:48:31] Maybe the stingray drone will fit.
[03:48:33] Right, okay.
[03:48:35] And then
[03:48:36] you get this cool
[03:48:38] drone vent gameplay.
[03:48:41] What? This is so fun!
[03:48:45] It doesn't seem too difficult to control... Can you break it?
[03:48:49] Yes. Usually you don't really break it on your own that much, but enemies can shoot it down pretty quick.
[03:48:57] I see. Okay.
[03:49:05] There we go. I'll just go through this weird area. Get some water...
[03:49:08] And now, this drone's gonna spy through a little kind of glass mirror
[03:49:12] at the executives meeting
[03:49:15] where we learn more plot.
[03:49:20] What happens at the meeting?
[03:49:22] Oh, nothing good. They're all dead.
[03:49:25] So Lana Leigh
[03:49:26] she killed everyone
[03:49:28] in the meeting because
[03:49:30] she wants to take all the power from
[03:49:32] the organization except Enrique.
[03:49:34] We'll meet him again.
[03:49:38] He looks exactly like Benicio del Toro.
[03:49:40] Wait for real?
[03:49:41] I don't think they got his permission but he's exactly benicio del toro interesting okay i'm looking
[03:49:48] forward to meeting you said the name was enrique enrique can't wait to find Enrique. So, Enrique
[03:49:55] and Lone Allay are the last
[03:49:58] of the Komata executives
[03:50:00] or so we think.
[03:50:03] I'm going to go ahead
[03:50:04] and heal a bit.
[03:50:07] It's been for a stun gun, third grenade.
[03:50:10] We can't through this door until they're done using it so...
[03:50:13] Oh my gosh that's so funny!
[03:50:15] It's like a clown car.
[03:50:16] He said yeah we'll wait for you to go through the doors
[03:50:18] yeah as long as the little door itself is open nina cannot interact with it
[03:50:23] so okay you just wait for all the enemies to finish piling out.
[03:50:29] Oh man, that guy went ham on the door! Yeah these guys are just doing combos when you
[03:50:34] enter this room I don't know why they're just attacking nothing i don't know like what is on
[03:50:41] like the clothes but it looks like these men raided guy fury's closet
[03:50:45] like i can't totally tell. Flavortown Jitsu.
[03:50:50] Yeah,
[03:50:51] Flavortown Jitsu.
[03:50:54] Yeah, we'll go with it.
[03:50:58] Alright, so right now we've learned about the meeting...
[03:51:02] Oops. I was not going this way actually.
[03:51:07] The soundtrack goes pretty hard in this game.
[03:51:13] So right now, we have to relay what we learned about the Komi Taz executive meeting to the CIA because they need to know what happened so we're heading
[03:51:22] towards a computer that can send those images and we're also gonna enable some
[03:51:28] lifeboats so he can escape the boat. Okay, that sounds reasonable.
[03:51:32] And we're actually nearing the end of
[03:51:34] the
[03:51:34] yacht.
[03:51:37] The first
[03:51:38] yacht part of the game, like Act
[03:51:40] 1.
[03:51:43] We're going to go somewhere else for Act 2 and then Act 3
[03:51:45] is we're back on the yacht.
[03:51:47] Spoilers. We'll be back.
[03:51:56] So just navigating some boat.
[03:52:02] Just gonna dash away so they don't rubber band on us.
[03:52:04] They still try to sprint to catch up to you, but they won't do the actual attack that lunges at you and tackles you.
[03:52:10] So you have a little bit of time to get away?
[03:52:13] Yeah especially as long as you're doing the wave dashing
[03:52:15] that Nina does. Nice.
[03:52:23] Come back up this room.
[03:52:28] Go ahead and grab the executive roster. We don't need this, we just have to pick it up before
[03:52:40] we can actually access this laptop. Send images to CIA.
[03:52:45] Sounds important. Is the internet okay on Send images to CIA.
[03:52:46] Sounds important.
[03:52:49] Is the internet okay on this yacht?
[03:52:50] Do some hacking here.
[03:52:50] The wireless is good.
[03:52:53] It's the best, it's luxury internet.
[03:52:55] Luxury yacht internet.
[03:53:03] Release the control on the lifeboats, and now we're gonna GTFO. I'mma pop a quick save because we're about to have a boss fight oh yeah the boat's on lockdown now doesn't
[03:53:12] really matter because we're about to leave okay now are we going to meet lana oh we are going
[03:53:17] to move along okay Are we going to meet Lana? Oh, we are going to meet Lana.
[03:53:18] Okay.
[03:53:25] All right, now we're gonna use the lift that we powered earlier.
[03:53:30] Nice sound effect here.
[03:53:38] So cool. Classic.
[03:53:44] And we actually saved our assault rifle for this outside area
[03:53:48] because you're gonna have to fight a bunch of people
[03:53:50] or not you, me. You're going to have to
[03:53:52] fight a bunch of people who unfortunately
[03:53:54] don't drop anything. They're just scripted
[03:53:57] that you have to kill these dudes
[03:53:58] dudes these dudes. Dudes.
[03:54:05] I wish they dropped stuff, because there's so many of them.
[03:54:06] We've got to funnel them in here.
[03:54:09] Oh, that seems smart.
[03:54:10] Get them all lined up i'm all lined up you actually can't do this
[03:54:18] there you go this is the part where you fall down. Right now, we can turn this handle and get out of here!
[03:54:27] Okay, we are officially leaving the boat.
[03:54:30] Now we're gonna get this lifeboat out of here.
[03:54:32] For sure.
[03:54:36] This is like so dramatic. Yep.
[03:54:39] Dramatic crane.
[03:54:40] Oh no, something goes wrong and nina falls back on the boat
[03:54:43] then she runs for a helicopter which the london lay
[03:54:47] and enrique are trying to escape on what uh but lanalee hits nina with a poison
[03:54:53] dart that makes her hallucinate about some trauma she had
[03:54:55] back when she was a kid,
[03:54:57] where dad was shot in the snow.
[03:55:00] And that's like
[03:55:01] the whole side plot
[03:55:03] of Nina
[03:55:04] getting over her trauma of when her and her sister watched their father
[03:55:10] get killed in front of them oh my gosh so that leads us to this snowy boss fight with Lana Lay and Child Nina.
[03:55:18] Where we have to protect Child Nina from zombies or else we will take tons of damage while Lana Lay throws a fan at us.
[03:55:27] It's... it's very stressful casually but we're gonna try to
[03:55:31] kind of handle this so we're going to knock her down
[03:55:35] and then we need to run back help Nina.
[03:55:37] Every time a zombie bites Nina it takes like a quarter of our life hard away.
[03:55:43] So she's doing the dance okay she's going her dance. Okay, she's gonna move.
[03:55:49] Okay, good.
[03:55:50] So we're just gonna attack
[03:55:52] Lana anytime we can.
[03:55:54] Once you do enough damage to her, she kind of does a dance
[03:55:56] and then she'll run in a direction.
[03:56:00] So you just need to do enough damage to her to make her start moving around. And we always need to run back to Nina
[03:56:09] to protect her from zombies
[03:56:13] It's always good to keep Lana close to Nina
[03:56:17] because you don't want Lana close to Nina.
[03:56:22] Because you don't want her to run too far
[03:56:22] and protect young Nina.
[03:56:24] Right, little Nina's
[03:56:25] getting away from us here.
[03:56:26] Little Nina's doing good actually
[03:56:27] she's
[03:56:28] nice and far away from the zombies,
[03:56:34] And you can kind of guide her away from things too
[03:56:38] One kick will always make the zombies fall over as well which is pretty useful
[03:56:47] put an elbow drop on her. Ooh, that hurts. Boom!
[03:56:53] Okay.
[03:56:55] That's fine.
[03:56:58] Keep kicking zombies one time. It takes them a long time to get back
[03:57:00] up luckily so
[03:57:01] I don't want to waste too much of the it takes him a long time to get back up luckily so
[03:57:03] i don't want to waste too much of the katana's durability on
[03:57:06] zombies though okay but i thought she was done.
[03:57:15] Okay, now she's doing the thing...
[03:57:18] Right over here.
[03:57:21] Ooh it burns.
[03:57:22] I'm just gonna throw all these stun grenades because i don't ever use them.
[03:57:26] Oh wow.
[03:57:27] They're just kind of leftovers.
[03:57:30] That took care of the zombies for a bit.
[03:57:41] Not too bad. Okay,
[03:57:43] after that, Nina gets captured anyways and is taken to a penitentiary on an island, a private island.
[03:57:52] So we're going to prison.
[03:58:01] Okay. We have to prison break now we have to prison break which nina does by
[03:58:09] literally just hulking out of her handcuffs she She's like being tortured by electricity, much like Snake in Mildred Sullen.
[03:58:12] But she just eventually breaks out.
[03:58:14] She just faints out of them and she says, Good morning.
[03:58:16] Good morning. And then that's where we're picking up here.
[03:58:20] Thanks. We have to retrieve our goods.
[03:58:25] So it will be in this big room for a little while, while the retriever...
[03:58:30] Our goats are in that doorway directly ahead.
[03:58:32] But I'm actually going to go up here first because there's some upright sweet kids.
[03:58:38] They're just faster if you go straight and get them
[03:58:42] This prison has seen better days, that's for sure
[03:58:44] Oh yeah, it's like they found a prison or something
[03:58:49] Climb across this chasm.
[03:58:54] Now can Nina
[03:58:55] be shot down in the middle of the...
[03:58:58] She can't be shot down,
[03:58:59] but when you're dropping from
[03:59:01] the pipe if
[03:59:03] you get shot while you're dropping that short distance
[03:59:05] she can like get shot
[03:59:07] not a distance.
[03:59:09] It doesn't always happen, but it's kind of funny if it ever does happen.
[03:59:15] And we're just giving these guys the runaround while we pick up some extra loot.
[03:59:19] So we got a permanent upgrade for our melee weapons
[03:59:23] uh dota nuki which is like level two katana i'm gonna push these guys over it's a little bit of XP.
[03:59:39] I like, it's very subtle but I like the indicator that you have hit someone how it changes from red to green
[03:59:41] Yeah, that's kind of like an over's like a aggro. These guys are about
[03:59:44] to attack. That's why they usually turn red
[03:59:47] Alright, now we gotta get our stuff
[03:59:50] which includes our fingerprint scanner
[03:59:52] Which is how we are going to get out of this room gotta get our stuff which includes our fingerprint scanner,
[03:59:53] which is how we are going to get out of this room.
[03:59:57] It opens the menu for us for whatever reason
[04:00:01] and killing these guys just gets them out of our way, but also gives us...
[04:00:13] Now we're gonna go back up to our cell, because there is a soldier who's going to betray the company and that's why they're
[04:00:31] here.
[04:00:32] And that's why they still have access to the doors barry harry goldman harry goldman how could you very
[04:00:44] if you know, you know.
[04:00:48] Sweep on over to this door.
[04:00:52] Nina's legs must be getting tired with all of this waved out shang.
[04:00:56] She got strong legs! That's for sure.
[04:00:57] She got strong legs.
[04:01:01] Okay, so
[04:01:03] we had to get that fingerprint
[04:01:05] open the door and now we have
[04:01:08] to go get a key to open a different
[04:01:10] door in that room.
[04:01:12] It's classic
[04:01:14] puzzle gameplay.
[04:01:29] Sure is muggy today we're going to the bathroom and there's a guy in here who's struggling on the toilet
[04:01:31] and we're literally going to kick his
[04:01:33] door in. Oh no! And kill
[04:01:35] him. Oh wow, what a way
[04:01:37] to go.
[04:01:41] Hey oh wow what a way to go
[04:01:47] shouldn't have had those burritos apparently not today was the wrong day to just eat food that's how imagine that's how you go out
[04:01:51] just like have a hard time i don't want to nina kicks the door in and you die
[04:01:59] so now we have the key.
[04:02:00] Nice!
[04:02:06] Let's see, what else to talk about during load screens?
[04:02:10] You don't need to say anything. about during load screens. Oops.
[04:02:12] You don't need to say anything.
[04:02:15] I'm tempted to kill these dudes for XP,
[04:02:18] but maybe later.
[04:02:27] It's usually nicer when there are a bunch of people who have clumped up and then you can kind of just combo them all together. But they were a little bit spread out.
[04:02:28] Now do the enemies have like, a pretty predictable pathing to Nina or did they get
[04:02:33] a little out of control sometimes?
[04:02:35] They're mostly predictable.
[04:02:37] Okay.
[04:02:38] But their move set that they throw
[04:02:39] out is usually slightly random.
[04:02:42] Okay. Yeah. usually slightly random. Random, okay.
[04:02:48] Crossing through this room again.
[04:02:50] Now we have a required fight with the Tekken Force. This is
[04:02:52] Heihachi Mishima's forces. a haihachi mashima's forces so hai hachi is kind of in collusion with the komita
[04:02:59] organization we've been dealing with now have we met him yet hi uh not nina has because she fights in the king of iron quits tournament well
[04:03:10] sure so we haven't seen him um we'll see him on a screen at some point. He like talks to
[04:03:16] Nisil Del Toro. Okay.
[04:03:19] It is the gun
[04:03:20] we picked up, very useful
[04:03:21] If we...
[04:03:26] There's a possibility that enemies before this
[04:03:28] drop a shotgun. That's usually
[04:03:29] the best thing to handle these guys with.
[04:03:33] I'm gonna just
[04:03:34] crit this guy, because they can block a lot of attacks.
[04:03:38] But if we got a shotgun these dudes die in one shot-gunshot which is super super nice.
[04:03:44] It's just not in the route to pick up...
[04:03:46] It was just not. It random i see what drops yeah
[04:03:52] excuse key gag
[04:04:00] okay what is happening next in this game? There's so many load screens to think about it.
[04:04:02] You have to really think hard
[04:04:04] about what's happening in the story.
[04:04:05] Yes.
[04:04:06] Remembering all of the cutscenes.
[04:04:07] Right.
[04:04:08] So we're going down to a dungeon and this is where they are keeping the scientist
[04:04:12] who kind of built their satellite super weapon project.
[04:04:15] That's like a terrible place to keep him.
[04:04:18] Yeah I guess he did
[04:04:20] something bad.
[04:04:23] So they're
[04:04:24] keeping him down here in this dank dungeon
[04:04:26] with literal medieval
[04:04:28] torture devices.
[04:04:31] This place is really gritty. Oof.
[04:04:33] It's probably stinky. I don't
[04:04:34] like the sound of that.
[04:04:37] There's, like, candles and
[04:04:38] buckets.
[04:04:43] You say There's like candles and buckets. Excuse me.
[04:04:45] Alright, now it's coming up my favorite line
[04:04:47] It's what I say when I upload a YouTube video
[04:04:49] to people hey if you have that you might as well check one
[04:05:00] out slash saintmillion.
[04:05:03] Subscribe while you're there.
[04:05:05] Saint will be doing a more in-depth review of this game pretty soon. I don't know that there's a release date for it but
[04:05:15] it's something to look forward to so please if you are enjoying the run and want to see
[04:05:19] more nina go ahead and subscribe to Saint's YouTube channel.
[04:05:24] Yeah, I can definitely say that this game is maybe not the best game ever
[04:05:28] but it definitely is charming in its sort of
[04:05:32] age and just what it was going for i really like the respect to for
[04:05:37] i respected for the vibe they went for the gameplay and design
[04:05:41] just kind of didn't work out load screens are not great bad camera angles but it's like spy action
[04:05:49] it has like they have potential you know... You can see the ideas.
[04:05:55] I didn't see every cutscene but the ones that I did see were pretty damn cool so...
[04:06:01] Yeah and the cutscenes are pretty funny too.
[04:06:03] So it's worth a playthrough just to experience the story once you know
[04:06:09] or just watch your play through if you don't want to play
[04:06:12] because it is a pretty long game and it can be difficult.
[04:06:17] I imagine it's difficult to get a hold of as well.
[04:06:20] Uh, maybe.
[04:06:21] I got this for like $4 six years ago.
[04:06:24] I don't know how much that would have
[04:06:25] changed because Tekken 8 came out.
[04:06:29] Multiple Tekkens have come out since then, but Tekken 8 is really popular now.
[04:06:35] How many of you are playing Tekken 8 right now? Who's your fighter?
[04:06:40] Yeah, who's your fighter. I want to know what everyone plays.
[04:06:43] Coming up is a pretty dangerous part of the run. The Tekken force is coming at us in full force now in the sewers and
[04:06:52] they're dangerous because they can throw knives so even though we're dashing away
[04:06:56] they can really do a lot of damage to us and stall us if they land those knives.
[04:07:01] Just gonna try to go as fast as possible but kind of serpentine,
[04:07:06] serpentine? Serpentine so we don't get hit with those knives, and there's a lot of them. They
[04:07:14] can also hit us on the ladder but they were very nice there. Oh wow yeah! Yeah there's
[04:07:18] a lot of them.
[04:07:26] Just gonna keep running and dodging... This is another defibrillator, we definitely want this.
[04:07:30] It's one of like five or six we're gonna get in the whole run, and they're all worth it.
[04:07:35] So from the honeycomb puzzle box I got this grenade launcher
[04:07:39] And i'm going to use it on these dudes
[04:07:44] okay i want them to clump up a little bit but they're being a little difficult
[04:07:56] all right well they didn't really drop a ton of good things. I'm just gonna peace out and see a little bit.
[04:08:00] Don't want to burn the defib just yet. We got 11 meal kits, okay that's decent.
[04:08:06] Just full heal. Oh come on! I dodged that! That would be a great time to hit them with grenades.
[04:08:21] Well, now might also be a good time for me
[04:08:23] to give a big shout out to all of our wonderful supporters
[04:08:27] your subs pride in gaming subs gift subs and bits shared here on the gdp twitch channel do
[04:08:32] help support the games done quake holothix. So if you enjoy watching speedruns on the regular,
[04:08:37] consider subscribing to the channel and thank you all so much for being here! Okay, now we got double crit.
[04:08:53] I swear I saw a grenade but I think it disappeared or something.
[04:08:58] All right, I'm killing these guys because items and
[04:09:02] let's be so having double crit before the boss is coming up
[04:09:06] Oh nice!
[04:09:10] It just makes you able to target two bones
[04:09:12] at the same time when doing a crit
[04:09:14] so you do double damage.
[04:09:16] Now do you have to
[04:09:17] target those bones
[04:09:19] separately? Yep. Okay, I see.
[04:09:21] One after another.
[04:09:23] But we want to keep our XP
[04:09:25] up and keep leveling
[04:09:27] our crit gauge because we want triple crit by the final boss right
[04:09:31] so at that point when you use a defibrillator to get a full deal and full crit you get three
[04:09:37] crits each defibrillator out of up to six defibrillators so it kind of burns through the
[04:09:41] final boss really fast oh i see you save everything so that's why we saved them for
[04:09:45] the front yes okay and that in the reason the final boss we want crits so bad
[04:09:51] is because you don't get to use any other
[04:09:53] weapons. You don't get guns, and you don't get melee
[04:09:54] weapons for the final boss. It's a straight duel
[04:09:57] like it doesn't even let you
[04:09:58] if you bring them
[04:10:00] Okay, I see what they were going for They wanted to make doesn't even let you if you bring them.
[04:10:00] Okay, I see what they were going for. They wanted to make it like
[04:10:03] really dramatic. You need to use your martial arts at this point
[04:10:06] Use what you got, ya know? Your own two fists
[04:10:09] Alright we're gonna make a heroic leap across this
[04:10:12] so we don't fall into the water.
[04:10:14] Nice jump! And then we're gonna take a ladder
[04:10:16] right into the water.
[04:10:20] It's actually
[04:10:21] so funny. You actually cannot fall into the water there you have to
[04:10:24] jump across and then take the ladder okay okay i don't know why that's this really funny but uh
[04:10:31] it is what it is.
[04:10:32] It's a Tekken
[04:10:33] game, if you
[04:10:35] couldn't tell by
[04:10:36] the gameplay.
[04:10:40] Pick up another
[04:10:41] sword.
[04:10:43] Every chance we can get a sword will take it because it does more damage Pick up another sword.
[04:10:43] Every chance we can get a sword,
[04:10:44] we'll take it because it does more damage than just melee
[04:10:49] even though they do break.
[04:10:52] So how many katanas do we have?
[04:10:53] Just one now? Right now let's take inventory
[04:10:56] we have two two okay so what's nice about katanas as well is if you pick up two of
[04:11:01] the same type of katana nina will just dual wield it and then
[04:11:05] that takes up only one slot for melee weapons
[04:11:11] that's so awesome all right we got a water elevation puzzle.
[04:11:17] We just pick 15 feet and then that puzzle is solved
[04:11:21] And the Tekken Force is after us once again
[04:11:25] Run Mina run!
[04:11:26] We're just gonna pick this ladder.
[04:11:33] Now do you know if the enemies can also fast travel down the ladder
[04:11:36] or that's not a thing?
[04:11:37] No, they can't use ladders.
[04:11:39] They can't use elevators.
[04:11:40] Wait,
[04:11:40] they can't even
[04:11:41] use the ladder?
[04:11:41] They're baffled
[04:11:42] by such technology.
[04:11:43] That is so funny.
[04:11:44] This is spy technology
[04:11:46] that Nina uses.
[04:11:49] Takes a trained professional.
[04:11:52] Okay
[04:11:56] I'm tempted to make a save before this next part, just because of how that laser grid went before.
[04:12:01] Yeah, just make it...
[04:12:02] When it did not expect to die.
[04:12:03] Just make a save.
[04:12:04] Yeah but now that this run is you know, not entirely valid.
[04:12:12] I'll go ahead and save. you know, not entirely valid. We're coming up to a point where we'll have to cross some ledges
[04:12:17] try to not get hit by some electric cables which will instantly game over us.
[04:12:22] Now are they like swinging around trying to hit her?
[04:12:25] Yeah, they're kind of swinging it's a little. We'll see.
[04:12:33] So they're trying to flush Nina out of this area, because
[04:12:35] it just can't stop her. So they're flooding
[04:12:36] this stairway
[04:12:39] shaft thing.
[04:12:41] So we have to
[04:12:42] use our dexterity
[04:12:45] to escape acrobatics
[04:12:48] or climbing
[04:12:48] or whatever.
[04:12:49] There's two minutes.
[04:12:52] Oh no, you gotta go. there's two minutes oh no you gotta go there's pressure now there's pressure death by degrees
[04:13:01] oh yeah in terms of the name Death by Degrees while we do this...
[04:13:04] Sure.
[04:13:05] I think the name is a reference to the combat system with the twin stick fighting
[04:13:11] like it's 360 degrees of combat, even though it's really just like eight directional
[04:13:16] combat. Still that's kind of clever. Death by degrees and then there's also Nina's flashbacks to when her father died in snow, so it's like cold death by degrees.
[04:13:30] And the super weapon that we're trying to stop...
[04:13:33] spoilers! it's related
[04:13:34] to global warming and making the oceans rise
[04:13:37] So heat death by degrees there's like
[04:13:40] multiple themes in word play
[04:13:44] So what you are saying is's the perfect title for this game
[04:13:48] that's exactly what i'm saying there's no better title perfect
[04:13:52] um actually let this one come back down so I don't know if i made it in time
[04:14:00] yeah, so they like kind of wiggle then they fly away
[04:14:03] It's unnatural. It's not natural.
[04:14:09] Boom, we did it.
[04:14:13] So we're out of there?
[04:14:15] Good that place place was yuck, yuck.
[04:14:20] So how are you feeling?
[04:14:21] Uh, I'm feeling pretty good.
[04:14:22] I'm bummed that we had to load a backup save on something
[04:14:26] that really should have been...
[04:14:27] I was literally practicing before this
[04:14:29] because i really didn't want to die there and then i died there sometimes it's just like
[04:14:33] that but that's just how it goes you know that's life in
[04:14:36] that's life death by degrees and now i'm going to save before every single laser
[04:14:39] grid which is there's another one coming up now the panic saves yeah now the panic
[04:14:45] stays like i'm questioning everything i think we've Got the yips.
[04:14:51] So we're just gonna run around this...
[04:14:53] We're in this outside area now of the penitentiary
[04:14:55] We'll be back here a couple times
[04:14:57] as well.
[04:15:06] Trying to dispatch all of these guys because there's a laser grid coming up, but they will chase you through it and make, make it quite a bit more dangerous.
[04:15:13] In a really fast world record attempt scenario or something,
[04:15:19] you probably wouldn't kill these guys you just kind of chance it and
[04:15:22] cross the lasers we're just like hoping fast yeah they didn't drop anything really oh yeah Oh yeah, yeah. That's okay though.
[04:15:32] Gobbles equipped... Yeah it could have gone there
[04:15:34] but I'm just gonna let
[04:15:36] it breathe because
[04:15:38] sometimes you think you can go right
[04:15:40] away but it's actually actually about to change.
[04:15:43] It's completely random. And what we get for succeeding
[04:15:47] is a railgun! Oh, the fabulous prize!
[04:15:51] It's very strong and it has three shots only
[04:15:53] Like just total?
[04:15:55] You can't reload
[04:15:57] it? Three shots
[04:15:59] make them count
[04:16:01] And we're actually going to bring it
[04:16:03] to a boss specifically later on so we're gonna hold on to it for a little while
[04:16:08] okay very useful in bosses though
[04:16:13] buses tend to block or avoid bullets in general, in this game.
[04:16:18] Like more so than just your basic enemy?
[04:16:20] Yeah, yeah some bosses they just like hold their sword up and then suddenly they're blocking every bullet.
[04:16:25] It's one of those types of deals.
[04:16:28] Alright, so we're gonna go in this
[04:16:29] room. This is a bit of an optional room
[04:16:31] but there's a permanent upgrade
[04:16:33] I think it's tactical belt so we can hold more melee weapons and there's also
[04:16:38] a medium health kit oh so not exactly required to go in here but
[04:16:43] they might as well pick up yeah it's honestly nice having both of these things.
[04:16:49] Even though you have to go through... Oh, it's a holster, sorry.
[04:16:53] Even though we have to go through two load screens to get these.
[04:16:59] It's still kind of
[04:16:59] worth it.
[04:17:01] These guys are a bit annoying,
[04:17:04] so here they are.
[04:17:05] They're trapped in here. They don't know how to use the
[04:17:07] door yeah i think so yeah that happens a lot in this game they just are helpless
[04:17:16] they have the claw arms or if they have the claw hands so they can't use the door hand.
[04:17:20] Oh okay.
[04:17:21] Just stuck in there.
[04:17:23] This is where we were supposed to go.
[04:17:25] Little Tekken poster there.
[04:17:27] Oh that's fun!
[04:17:28] Also full of just dudes hanging out. teching poster there. Oh, that's fun. This is also full
[04:17:28] just dudes hanging out
[04:17:30] just like
[04:17:31] drinks on the table
[04:17:33] It's like a break room.
[04:17:34] Oh
[04:17:34] this doesn't look
[04:17:35] like a break room.
[04:17:36] It is like a break room.
[04:17:38] This looks like
[04:17:38] a very important room. It looks like a very important room. It's just it's like a security guard
[04:17:41] room they're just chilling okay so we opened some security doors
[04:17:48] We're basically making our way through, like, the most secure part of this compound.
[04:17:52] And now we have to deposit some items so we can get through the metal detector.
[04:17:57] Oh!
[04:17:58] And then we'll get these items back later?
[04:18:00] Yeah, we'll have to come back for these items so you're kind of missing some things...
[04:18:05] So what's happening now?
[04:18:07] Nina is depositing her items.
[04:18:09] Okay.
[04:18:11] All of them? All of them?
[04:18:12] All of them.
[04:18:14] So we have to...
[04:18:16] This is naked Nina.
[04:18:18] She's not naked, she's wearing a swimsuit.
[04:18:20] It's like Naked Snake, you know?
[04:18:22] Alright, I'll give you that
[04:18:25] one, Saint.
[04:18:27] Half-Naked Snake.
[04:18:30] We love
[04:18:31] Nina, we swear. Yeah but this is temporary... oh I accidentally did a flip.
[04:18:36] Okay, we'll just not go that way.
[04:18:40] The ladder.
[04:18:42] These guys are kind of not as dangerous usually um as the other attacking force people
[04:18:50] of course i say that they just co this cobblestone down there.
[04:18:57] So we're heading out, and we have to activate an elevator so we can get back to this point
[04:18:59] with our gear. That's the whole point
[04:19:01] of this little side...
[04:19:02] We just had to take a small det detour we have to take a detour
[04:19:05] too it's like a dark souls shortcut you know okay we're going unlocking the fire link
[04:19:12] so we're going to turn on the elevator.
[04:19:17] And then...
[04:19:20] We are going to fall off, and bring it down this way because we'll be coming back this way with our stuff
[04:19:32] right oh i forgot to unlock this i I forgot to unlock it from the other side.
[04:19:40] Oh do you have to go back?
[04:19:41] A little bit of a goof but...
[04:19:43] It doesn't take too long.
[04:19:44] Okay so you have to go back and open it now?
[04:19:45] Yeah I just have to go back around this fence.
[04:19:48] That was a little bit...
[04:19:50] All right well while C is
[04:19:52] backtracking a little bit
[04:19:54] I do want to say that if you are having fun
[04:19:56] with us tonight and you're curious about any of our other
[04:19:58] hotfix shows, make sure to go
[04:20:00] to our website,
[04:20:02] slash hotfix for more information
[04:20:04] on all of our amazing weekly shows
[04:20:06] and weekend specials.
[04:20:09] Unlock the door, this is what I forgot to do. Perfect!
[04:20:13] Hey, I needed to use that door. Get out of the way!
[04:20:17] They can Get out of the way.
[04:20:20] They can use that door, but they can't use this one.
[04:20:24] Okay, this one's too...the door is too heavy. This one's built out of plot armor
[04:20:28] so it just can't. built out of plot armor.
[04:20:31] So they just can't.
[04:20:32] High security.
[04:20:34] High security plot door.
[04:20:43] I think if there's a load screen they just can't manage to do it. They probably didn't want to program them in the section after the fact.
[04:20:50] Yeah.
[04:20:52] Alright, so now we're gonna go get our stuff
[04:20:54] back. Okay.
[04:20:56] Take one last look.
[04:20:58] We're actually going to get one of the best
[04:21:00] uh... not one of the best guns not one of the best guns but one of
[04:21:03] the better guns in the game that is critical for a certain boss skip
[04:21:07] later on it's in this crate on the bottom left there you said a boss
[04:21:11] skit a boss skip? A boss skip.
[04:21:12] Ooh, okay.
[04:21:13] Like the only
[04:21:14] boss skip and one
[04:21:15] of the only skips
[04:21:16] in the whole game
[04:21:17] because the game
[04:21:18] is very linear
[04:21:18] and built
[04:21:19] in a very
[04:21:21] PlayStation 2
[04:21:22] kind of way
[04:21:22] where it's hard to skip stuff
[04:21:25] all right we gotta run this back let's open this honeycomb puzzle armory thingy And we got... Magnum.
[04:21:50] We'll be also saving that gun until we need it.
[04:21:53] Nina's gonna show us magnum by the end of the run.
[04:21:56] Magnum? It's magnificent!
[04:21:58] One look...
[04:22:11] Alright, so now we gotta go backtrack to that elevator. We left behind for ourselves.
[04:22:14] Sorry, go ahead. And we're gonna meet Benicio del Toro boss fight one.
[04:22:20] AKA Enrique.
[04:22:21] Enriquing yeah I just call him Benicio Del Toro because he just is that's just who
[04:22:26] he is and i'm surprised they didn't get sued for this
[04:22:29] game oh okay that was my next question like what did benicio del toro think of this i don't know
[04:22:36] if he knows anything about it maybe he doesn't know yeah no clue
[04:22:41] and i think uh the careers of game were just fans
[04:22:45] and these guys can't stop me now they're just going to watch her go up this elevator.
[04:22:50] They'll just help us.
[04:22:52] I was going to say, what happened to Nina's outfit?
[04:22:54] They messed it up real bad.
[04:22:58] Yeah, it gets tattered over the course of... The game.
[04:22:59] Yeah. Each outfit gets tattered pretty much except for the final one.
[04:23:04] Going for realism.
[04:23:05] So we got a little bit of a skip here coming up.
[04:23:09] Wait for this guy to say for your status flip and then
[04:23:17] they weren't done coming out of the door apparently right
[04:23:20] gandalf's like,
[04:23:21] fly you fools! And Nina does the backflip.
[04:23:23] Fly you fools!
[04:23:25] Backflips stylishly. Yes.
[04:23:27] Down with the Balrog. It's actually
[04:23:29] Nina's birthday soon, right?
[04:23:32] What? I think.
[04:23:34] Like in the lore?
[04:23:36] Damn, for real? I'm gonna double check.
[04:23:39] What does that make her
[04:23:40] zodiac wise? gosh um chat you'll have to help me out with that
[04:23:47] um i can't find it now but i thought oh wait yeah date of birth july 25th yo that's like when the evo is
[04:23:58] that's uh in like about a week or so so hey happy, happy birthday Nina. Happy early
[04:24:04] birthday Nina. Early birthday. Seems like now is a good time to maybe pick
[04:24:08] up the speedrun if anyone's having fun with us. Exactly.
[04:24:12] Give Nina a birthday gift and learn to speedrun by degrees,
[04:24:15] and sit through all the load screens. Yes. I will say that's probably
[04:24:19] the hardest part of this whole run is the patience
[04:24:23] you need. Oh yeah, well...
[04:24:25] To just sit through a lot of these screens
[04:24:27] Oh here we can see
[04:24:29] Enrique talking to Haihachi
[04:24:33] I'm gonna let this play for just a second.
[04:24:40] So there he is. Oh wow!
[04:24:47] Now do we know if benicio del toro ever
[04:24:49] had this hairstyle
[04:24:51] that'd be the real question Should be more concerned about that woman behind you.
[04:25:03] Nina Williams.
[04:25:04] Very casual.
[04:25:05] Yeah.
[04:25:06] Chat answered the question,ina is a leo so same oh yo let's go maybe that's why i'm
[04:25:13] so into this game that's why you feel a connection to this game. Maybe, I'm sure.
[04:25:20] So we have Enrique boss fight.
[04:25:22] Alright, let's go.
[04:25:24] Ooh, what's this?
[04:25:26] I'm going to scan his scabbard for part of his fingerprint.
[04:25:29] He just leaves it here and you can can just scan in the middle of the boss fight.
[04:25:31] That's so funny!
[04:25:33] Hey good iframes!
[04:25:35] I didn't time very well...
[04:25:37] I'm gonna go ahead and heal because we don't want to use any Defibrillators on this
[04:25:41] guy.
[04:25:43] So just gonna do some due diligence there, and start off with a crit. Two crits to adjust.
[04:25:55] So we have a lot of weapons that can damage Enrique pretty handily but again I'm gonna save the railgun, save
[04:26:04] the magnum and we just kind of kind of combo him
[04:26:08] carefully while not taking too much damage.
[04:26:17] I'm pretty much just watching his attacks, you always get a free combo after he does some kind of attack and they can do the katana combo Oh, I missed my crit somehow.
[04:26:44] If you whiff your crit Nina just kind of does a single attack but you still lose all of
[04:26:53] your crit meter which is pretty rough.
[04:27:01] I'm gonna chip away at him here.
[04:27:05] Thank you, camera!
[04:27:08] Yeah the directional fighting system is like kind of interesting until the camera starts rotating in a really crazy way.
[04:27:16] And suddenly you mess up your combo.
[04:27:20] I imagine this would be ten times harder
[04:27:22] if you were doing this on a PS2 controller there's a little adapter that we are using for this run correct
[04:27:33] so saints on the ps4 controller adapter and while it's still pretty tough
[04:27:37] I think these two controller users might
[04:27:39] have more of a challenge here.
[04:27:51] OK. Oh yeah, the guitar is good. You can have it your way.
[04:27:54] Yep there's another camera kinda just messing up my combo. That happens quite a bit.
[04:28:01] So I wouldn't say this boss fight is one of the harder ones but does
[04:28:04] take a bit more patience because it's just a lot of chip damage.
[04:28:11] But once you get him in the corner and into the rhythm,
[04:28:17] it's kind of a simple boss fight.
[04:28:26] I don't want to use that con.
[04:28:28] Don't call her honey honey yeah he does
[04:28:30] that a lot
[04:28:42] bone crack that didn't sound very good
[04:28:51] mamacita Mamacita.
[04:28:52] Mamacita?
[04:28:55] Mamacita? Don't call her Mamacita!
[04:28:56] Mamacita?
[04:29:06] Not bad at all. Yeah! Oh, he landed on the railing. I've never seen that before.
[04:29:09] That was really weird.
[04:29:10] Oh yeah!
[04:29:11] He like fell behind it.
[04:29:12] Usually you hit him over it.
[04:29:13] Basically...
[04:29:17] Get that grind. Skateboarding.
[04:29:29] Okay, we're getting close to a finish here.
[04:29:35] Those bones aren't breaking yet. That was a good kick though.
[04:29:36] Usually when the boss is low, that's where you start seeing the bone break animations.
[04:29:42] Yet somehow they always manage to stand back up.
[04:29:44] Yeah, you can like break both his legs and he's still jumping around
[04:29:48] Video game stuff. Yeah
[04:29:54] Okay again a bit of a longer boss fight but I routed it this way specifically because
[04:30:01] the later boss fight where you fight him he does way more damage
[04:30:06] he's way more unpredictable oh i see and um
[04:30:10] we're gonna use a rail gun on the second bite for him which is
[04:30:13] coming up later right well on, well done Thank you
[04:30:16] So we knocked him out
[04:30:18] He starts pleading
[04:30:19] bargaining for us
[04:30:21] I could be a witness for the CIA
[04:30:24] and Nina's like hmm
[04:30:25] And then out of nowhere Anna Williams,
[04:30:28] Nina's sister
[04:30:30] barges in she is working for
[04:30:32] this organization and
[04:30:34] she kicks Nina
[04:30:36] and the guy gets away and so does anna oh wow okay a sibling rivalry
[04:30:46] she's currently lurking yes Yes, she's been watching.
[04:30:49] We see you waiting for time to critically strike.
[04:30:53] All right, so we're going to scan the second fingerprint of Enrique on his sword, giving us more access to
[04:31:00] this facility.
[04:31:02] Which will let us free
[04:31:04] the scientist. That was the whole point of all
[04:31:06] this. The scientist who's locked up. Oh gosh, I forgot
[04:31:08] about that guy. Yeah, exactly exactly there's a lot of like googling
[04:31:14] when i was playing this game like where do i go now in this game oh you got a little bit
[04:31:18] lost and i got really lost i see it wasn't until after i beat the game
[04:31:22] that i realized that nina has a little like quest journal in the menus that just like never saw
[04:31:28] oh so she has like her supposed to help you she has like her own accounts of what's happening
[04:31:33] that's interesting kind of like shenmue it's like her little diary with what's going on
[04:31:37] that's kind of cool see if i saw that would probably have been a little bit easier.
[04:31:44] All right so now we're going to use the key
[04:31:46] to turn off the metal detector
[04:31:48] so we can actually leave the faster way.
[04:31:52] We don't have to go all around this facility just to leave.
[04:31:57] And now we're gonna restock on some stuff, and then go into this kind of break room where there's an armory chest full
[04:32:04] of weapons. Oh, good.
[04:32:07] Stock up for
[04:32:08] a couple fights
[04:32:10] coming up.
[04:32:12] Boss fights.
[04:32:14] Who's the next
[04:32:15] boss we're headed to? The next boss
[04:32:16] we're heading to is
[04:32:18] Anna, I believe.
[04:32:21] Anna Williams.
[04:32:22] Okay.
[04:32:27] ... Williams. Okay. I'm really smart.
[04:32:29] You totally don't have a cheat sheet right in front of me.
[04:32:33] It memorizes
[04:32:34] it all.
[04:32:37] If you have like a printed paper of solutions, is that tool-assisted?
[04:32:41] Uh no.
[04:32:43] It's just paper assist…
[04:32:44] Paper assisted!
[04:32:50] A pass. Yes. it's just paper assist paper assisted a pass yes a past paper-assisted speed run pass runs we'll give you a pass this time thank you you're welcome
[04:32:56] all right let's head down this Lucas and then see what happens.
[04:33:08] We're back at this area,
[04:33:10] the camera's doing whatever it wants,
[04:33:12] but we'll just flip up the stairs
[04:33:14] and get out of here.
[04:33:22] See? So you said the scientist is Lucas?
[04:33:23] Yeah, his name is Lucas.
[04:33:23] Okay.
[04:33:25] You were asking me something?
[04:33:27] Have you played any Tekken games tippy I
[04:33:33] Know, I have because I used to play Eddie but I can't remember
[04:33:37] I can't remember which tech and it was it was even all of them
[04:33:39] It was ages ago.
[04:33:40] My sister and I used to go to the arcade sometimes together
[04:33:42] and play Tekken
[04:33:43] and Soul Calibur and stuff.
[04:33:46] Yeah, so
[04:33:47] it was a good time
[04:33:49] love the Soul Calibur cabinets too
[04:33:52] oh yeah, Soul Calibur
[04:33:54] played Valdo a lot
[04:33:57] and then I get
[04:33:57] the best mashinghing yeah character yeah
[04:34:01] babe i don't know what i'm doing you can't count on it i don't know valdo's a little weird and
[04:34:06] hey so am i so maybe valdo is your astrological sign.
[04:34:13] Valdo is my astrological sign, yes.
[04:34:15] Just Valdo?
[04:34:16] Yes, just Valdo.
[04:34:17] You don't share a sign he IS the sign.
[04:34:19] But yes Eddie is fantastic in Tekken and I think probably played as Eddie the most
[04:34:26] in the past.
[04:34:27] Yeah he's sick.
[04:34:28] He's like who you always picked right?
[04:34:30] It's like I'm going to be Eddie Gordo it was just the coolest.
[04:34:32] He's dancing.
[04:34:33] He's got the moves, you know?
[04:34:34] Exactly.
[04:34:38] Alright, we freed Lucas.
[04:34:39] Yay! And now we need
[04:34:41] to follow him
[04:34:43] To investigate his super weapon he was developing
[04:34:50] I'm gonna take his mule kit, cause he got the camera
[04:34:53] He left it here?
[04:34:55] He left your meal kit! Lucas, you gotta eat! It's important! You gotta eat!
[04:34:59] Well skin and bones, Lucas.
[04:35:03] We're not gonna fight these guys. Alright, Lucas can handle himself
[04:35:06] We're gonna leave
[04:35:07] The load times are quite a lot
[04:35:11] But also I wonder
[04:35:13] If someone were to play this on on a modded PS3 or something.
[04:35:18] Right.
[04:35:18] Maybe it would speed these little loading screens up just a bit.
[04:35:21] But we're running this on what?
[04:35:23] A slim PS2?
[04:35:24] Yeah, just the PS2 Slim.
[04:35:26] Slim PS2. I forget the model number.
[04:35:29] There's a 9 in there somewhere.
[04:35:31] But the fastest way
[04:35:32] would probably be to have your own
[04:35:34] hard drive installed in
[04:35:37] a classic PS2
[04:35:40] with the game
[04:35:42] installed on it.
[04:35:44] I think that's the fastest way to have
[04:35:45] load screens.
[04:35:49] Emulator is not necessarily that much faster either,
[04:35:51] they're still pretty long but
[04:35:52] probably faster than disk.
[04:35:54] Oh sure yeah.
[04:35:57] But yeah, the load screens are probably
[04:35:59] the worst part about the game I would say.
[04:36:03] Everything else is like this run
[04:36:05] would be pretty fine otherwise it's just
[04:36:07] load screen sort of constant. i think that that's something that typically will
[04:36:11] deter a runner from you know approaching a game like this you know it's just
[04:36:17] there are good and bad speed games.
[04:36:19] Can you hold your breath for a long time?
[04:36:21] I don't know, but...
[04:36:23] Anyone who thinks they can hold their breath
[04:36:24] for a long time, I challenge you.
[04:36:26] I'm going to hold my breath. Chat, don't do it.
[04:36:28] I'll go through this as fast as I can.
[04:36:30] Okay, here we go. the chat don't do it i don't recommend this as fast as i can okay i'm gonna try
[04:36:55] okay here we go. Did I do it? Did I win? Oh no, I totally failed. We're still swimming. Chad just breathe. While you're breathing I do want to say that if you missed out on any of our shows
[04:37:17] or events uh that you're curious about be sure to check out the VODs on our YouTube
[04:37:21] channel that's slash games done quick.
[04:37:24] Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already
[04:37:26] and while you're on YouTube, make sure
[04:37:28] you subscribe to Saint's YouTube channel
[04:37:30] as well if you're enjoying a run
[04:37:32] that's slash saint million he will be releasing a video about this game in
[04:37:40] the upcoming weeks so it's definitely something to look forward to if you want to see more nina morning who doesn't
[04:37:49] let's get it going what hashtag mornino hashtag let's just get it going Hashtag let's just get it going.
[04:37:56] Hashtag let's just get it going.
[04:37:58] No context, let's just get it going.
[04:38:00] It's a Nina reference from Time Capsule.
[04:38:02] There we go.
[04:38:11] Alright, we're just kind of going to the next plot point we're gonna pick up a dotanuki okay and you're going to the rooftop segment, which features another sniping scene from
[04:38:24] the beginning if you remember.
[04:38:27] With a different sniper rifle
[04:38:28] presumably. A different sniper
[04:38:30] rifle. Because the other one's damaged
[04:38:32] and missing. The other one Nina just threw
[04:38:34] away. She just didn't need any more.
[04:38:36] She was like screw this.
[04:38:41] There's actually a climbing sequence with spotlights that we're gonna have to do in it but if we're fast enough right here
[04:38:46] you can kind of get a one cycle but you really have to have the perfect movement so i'm gonna
[04:38:52] try oh camera movement okay i'm not not gonna make it.
[04:39:06] All right, we just gotta run now. So there's only one opportunity in this cycle of spotlights where you can actually get past them and if you're very quick you can actually get past them.
[04:39:11] And if you're very quick, you can make it
[04:39:12] without waiting but since
[04:39:14] we got spotted...
[04:39:17] These kind of
[04:39:18] snap around as quickly
[04:39:20] as the little electric rope things.
[04:39:25] The spotlights?
[04:39:26] Yeah, they were like on you really quick.
[04:39:28] Yeah when they spot you
[04:39:28] they just fly over and have a quick meal while hanging out. Oh yeah.
[04:39:32] And uh, just wait for this right sequence so these both spotlights have to go up
[04:39:38] and then one has to come down and then that's when you can go i spent a lot of time here casually yelling at my tv like
[04:39:50] i like that you are playing this on the CRT. Oh, yeah. Well,
[04:39:53] the reaction time is
[04:39:55] really important, especially when you're lining
[04:39:57] up the criticals.
[04:39:59] Just a little bit of delay on that
[04:40:01] is infuriating. Oh, I i bet because you have to aim for like thin bones
[04:40:06] on like lana lay or something yeah all right so in terms of the plot, I grab this medium mule kit.
[04:40:17] Every mule kit counts because every mule
[04:40:21] kit means we will be more secure and saving our defibrillators much later.
[04:40:28] We're editing Lucas's passcode, his fingerprint security so he can meet us. So that's what that was all about.
[04:40:37] We had to give him access to a certain area?
[04:40:40] Yeah, upgrade his stuff because Nina can just sweep around the place and she's an agent.
[04:40:46] She can get access to places.
[04:40:47] But Lucas, he's just a scientist.
[04:40:50] He doesn't do flips and swim underwater and stuff.
[04:40:54] That we know of.
[04:40:55] That we know.
[04:40:58] We don't know for sure
[04:41:04] and now we're heading to a sniper sequence
[04:41:08] and right up this ladder is a really unfair part where you get shot
[04:41:10] almost no matter what, no matter
[04:41:12] if your spamming dodge is
[04:41:13] Oh okay. I just knock it hit
[04:41:16] What the heck? That's not happening.
[04:41:18] I've never done that without being hit.
[04:41:20] Yo, let's go!
[04:41:21] It's kind of awesome.
[04:41:24] So here is a sniper...
[04:41:26] He didn't do his job so now he's got the price sorry guy sorry you're fired
[04:41:34] oh my gosh she just disappears deleted from existence. Delete.
[04:41:39] Super.
[04:41:41] Delete.
[04:41:43] Alright, now we have a lovely
[04:41:46] lengthy
[04:41:48] sniper sequence.
[04:41:49] Yeah, so this might be
[04:41:51] a good time...
[04:41:53] Sure, yeah.
[04:41:54] This might be a good time to take a little stretch break
[04:41:56] if y'all are needing it, but
[04:41:58] I do want to say that games done quick express is returning to twitchcon this year
[04:42:04] from september 20th through the 22nd submissions are open from now until July 24th.
[04:42:11] So if you're interested,
[04:42:13] just use the command
[04:42:14] exclamation mark GDQX
[04:42:16] in our Twitch chat
[04:42:17] for more information.
[04:42:23] Ooh, nice shot.
[04:42:24] Thank you.
[04:42:26] Oh, we got him.
[04:42:28] That headshot's a little finicky to hit.
[04:42:31] Alright, next. So this is like the last sniper sequence but you keep panning
[04:42:37] over to different parts of the rooftop area and there's another sniper
[04:42:41] sequence in the game. there's a total of three
[04:42:43] the third one will also be at this exact same location
[04:42:47] oh okay it's like not very much different at all
[04:42:51] so they kind of like reuse this one spot i don't really want to get hit uh taking damage
[04:42:58] from snipers is not like the end of the world but it's not preferable
[04:43:19] i am trying to save literally as many medkits as i can because uh some of the later boss fights are just savage how much damage they can output in a short amount of time. Reload.
[04:43:34] I love aiming on consoles.
[04:43:40] Not as easy as it is on a mouse keyboard i guess
[04:43:48] not for me maybe some other people though i was never really a console shooter gamer. That's fair.
[04:43:52] I love that they put load screens
[04:43:54] in between the sniper segments.
[04:43:56] Oh yeah, like the music is still going yeah it's like wait we're gonna
[04:44:00] load one more time while you're the game is reloading the weapon Okay.
[04:44:15] Just going to reduce the dangerometer over there.
[04:44:19] So what happens if it gets maxed? They start hitting you.
[04:44:22] I have a lot, well a little chunk of damage but
[04:44:25] It will keep hitting you and also mess up your aim
[04:44:29] So you pretty much have to take cover at that point these guys
[04:44:39] i gotta say the aiming is a little bizarre
[04:44:41] in this game because you'll be making shots
[04:44:43] and it won't even look like you're aimed at the enemy.
[04:44:46] Yeah. It's so strange.
[04:44:47] There's like a strange kind of bullet travel
[04:44:49] comp... It makes you think there's bullet travel by just kind of bullet travel.
[04:44:51] It makes you think there's bullet travel by just delaying
[04:44:54] your shot hitting.
[04:44:56] So sometimes I'll aim quick, shoot as I go across them
[04:44:59] and it doesn't look like they get shot for another second. Yeah, that's wild. It's a little awkward.
[04:45:06] I feel like sometimes when you're not very zoomed in the bullet hit box
[04:45:11] you're shooting is kind of wider, like it has a little bit more forgiveness
[04:45:15] easier when you're not zoomed in yeah when you're kind of zoomed
[04:45:18] a little far out it seems like it kind of gives you a little bit of leeway
[04:45:23] like some headshots just will go away
[04:45:28] like some headshots just seem easier
[04:45:34] it's actually really hard to like see them i think i saw him he was like off a bit yeah right
[04:45:40] there's a bazooka guy here that definitely have to shoot
[04:45:44] um you cannot kind of hide from him he will still be guy here that I definitely have to shoot.
[04:45:44] You cannot kind of hide from him,
[04:45:46] he will still do damage even if you take cover from him.
[04:45:52] So I might keep an eye out for him.
[04:45:53] Oh, I didn't crash that one.
[04:45:56] Oh, there's a good guy here. Got the other one.
[04:45:59] Hmm, huh?
[04:46:00] Guess not yet.
[04:46:08] I think it's once this guy dies.
[04:46:08] Ooh!
[04:46:09] The other guy arrives.
[04:46:11] A red flash across the screen.
[04:46:13] There he is, this guy.
[04:46:14] He's a critical target?
[04:46:20] Now can you get the bazooka no unfortunately
[04:46:31] which i don't know okay look i feel like i'm'm confusing the third sniper segment with this one,
[04:46:34] so I'm looking at the wrong place.
[04:46:35] It's okay.
[04:46:41] Is the third sniper segment also here? oh okay yeah i can see that getting confusing
[04:46:47] all right done now we need to go meet with lucas and we're going to descend into the depths
[04:46:49] of this prison island. It's
[04:46:51] more than just a prison island.
[04:46:53] It's a full-on research facility.
[04:46:55] Okay then.
[04:46:57] Just like Resident Evil, this isn't just a mansion there's a clandestine laboratory
[04:47:05] or something. Climb on this rope.
[04:47:10] You actually...
[04:47:11] I think the whole point
[04:47:11] of that sniper sequence
[04:47:12] is that you can't
[04:47:13] climb across this
[04:47:14] because the snipers
[04:47:15] will just shoot you off.
[04:47:16] Oh, okay.
[04:47:16] Have you tried it
[04:47:17] or it requires more testing?
[04:47:19] I've actually not
[04:47:19] tried it.
[04:47:20] I just kind of assumed... Oh okay.
[04:47:21] Because you're constantly getting shot while trying to get
[04:47:23] on it and off the ground. Sure.
[04:47:25] So it's just like
[04:47:27] maybe there is a way to skip
[04:47:29] it? I don't think I was able Maybe there is a way to skip it.
[04:47:34] I don't think I was able to.
[04:47:38] Away we go. What else can we talk about during this load screen?
[04:47:45] Now, are you mashing through a bunch of cutscenes here or what's happening in the story now?
[04:47:50] So right now we're in the outside area
[04:47:53] where we were before, so we're kind of backtracking
[04:47:55] and we're meeting Lucas at
[04:47:57] an elevator that requires two people
[04:47:59] Of course it does
[04:48:01] It's been in our face this whole time.
[04:48:04] It's like the elevator requires two people and now we can finally do it because Lucas is waiting there.
[04:48:10] Okay so we're gonna go meet back with Lucas.
[04:48:13] We're going to be go meet back with Lucas.
[04:48:17] We're gonna be him right after this load screen.
[04:48:21] And then we'll go do another load screen and then another load screen,
[04:48:25] there's like a door that leads to a hallway to a load screen coming up.
[04:48:27] It's really comical.
[04:48:30] There he is.
[04:48:32] Hey Lucas, what's
[04:48:33] up?
[04:48:35] Hurry! So he's like trying to get some evidence I think against this organization
[04:48:42] He knows of where something important is so So he wants to get us
[04:48:47] to it first.
[04:48:49] Now, how does he know that
[04:48:51] he can trust Nina in this scenario?
[04:48:53] He doesn't. She's CIA
[04:48:54] and she broke him out. Okay he's just you know based on her
[04:48:59] it was like yeah i don't know what i he was locked up for some reason i guess
[04:49:03] he was thinking about betraying them okay So she's kind of helping him
[04:49:07] because he's a witness.
[04:49:09] He made this super,
[04:49:11] satellite super weapon.
[04:49:12] Right.
[04:49:12] And he needs protection
[04:49:13] because...
[04:49:14] He needs protection.
[04:49:15] ...he probably is the only one
[04:49:16] who knows how to manage it exactly so now we get a new soundtrack
[04:49:24] here in this facility that's kind of cool oh yeah this is kind of comfy
[04:49:30] all right so now we need to open this door that's locked the controls are busted
[04:49:38] it's a real puzzle.
[04:49:42] We're going to go up the sniper tower
[04:49:44] and get a key to a forklift
[04:49:46] that I promise this is all
[04:49:48] going to make sense.
[04:49:49] Okay.
[04:49:53] Spy vibes out here. The spy music.
[04:50:00] High frames.
[04:50:02] He has the forklift key!
[04:50:04] Okay, cool.
[04:50:06] If he shoots us off it's a little bit faster but
[04:50:09] It's okay if he doesn't. Okay, nice timing guy.
[04:50:12] Wow.
[04:50:14] What a jerk.
[04:50:18] We're out of here.
[04:50:19] We've lost the enemy!
[04:50:20] We've lost the enemy!
[04:50:24] She's sweeping that way.
[04:50:28] You don't mess with the sweeper, okay? We activated the forklift...
[04:50:30] Can you guess where this is going?
[04:50:33] A small vent.
[04:50:34] Going up or...
[04:50:36] Going down.
[04:50:39] Stingray.
[04:50:41] That's a great question, I don't know if Nina is forklift certified, do you?
[04:50:47] Probably not.
[04:50:49] Do they train assassins in forklift driving?
[04:50:51] Well hey, that might be an important part of training! You never know like that might be a very important part of training
[04:50:54] you never know like what you'll find it's like one of those things where
[04:50:57] it's like you probably have to know how to like fly a chopper yeah and they
[04:51:01] teach you multiple things so it's like you better
[04:51:04] know how to figure out a
[04:51:05] forklift. Oh yeah, if Nina can fly
[04:51:07] a chopper, she can manage the forklift
[04:51:09] I assume she can fly a chopper
[04:51:11] No certifications necessary
[04:51:13] You know? Yeah
[04:51:14] So we're flying this drone around necessary, you know? Yeah.
[04:51:16] So we're flying this drone around to open
[04:51:18] some doors for ourselves.
[04:51:20] The drone seems
[04:51:22] pretty forgiving when you kind of brush the wall
[04:51:24] Is it tough to control?
[04:51:27] It's not.
[04:51:27] It drifts a little bit.
[04:51:29] It's kind of touchy
[04:51:30] but if it bumps a wall
[04:51:31] it doesn't really do damage.
[04:51:34] This is one of the unskippable cutscenes
[04:51:36] of the game.
[04:51:36] I don't know why you can't skip that, because it's an important stingray action.
[04:51:42] Alright so we turn that elevator on now we can go up here
[04:51:45] and we're gonna open the door for ourselves
[04:51:48] And I gotta be kind of careful here
[04:51:50] Uh, cause if these guys
[04:51:52] pull out their guns and start
[04:51:54] shooting at us it's kinda
[04:51:56] immediate game over.
[04:51:58] Oh wow, so you still have to be kind of sneaky.
[04:52:02] Woohoo that was close!
[04:52:04] Yeah once it turns red they'll start shooting and they combo the stingray really fast.
[04:52:09] And you lose.
[04:52:11] Good job,
[04:52:12] but luckily on stingray segments like that,
[04:52:15] when you get mission failed and you retry it just restarts you in that drone segment. It doesn't like
[04:52:22] game over or load a save, it lets you just retry. Oh okay but you still have to start
[04:52:27] that sequence from the beginning? Yeah I'll have
[04:52:29] to start the Stingray sequence from the start. Yeah, so we'll have to start
[04:52:29] the Stingray sequence from the start.
[04:52:31] Yeah, that's not too bad.
[04:52:32] All right, so now we broke in
[04:52:33] and then we can go here.
[04:52:36] So at this point
[04:52:37] we're hearing from Alan
[04:52:38] who's also on this island
[04:52:39] Alan, our MI6 partner that the Komita criminal organization has just unleashed some sort of mechanical monster
[04:52:52] on
[04:52:54] just themselves, I guess.
[04:52:56] There's like a scramble for some
[04:52:57] evidence on this super weapon.
[04:53:00] So now there's a big monster down here, so we have to look out for that.
[04:53:08] Just get these guys through the stuff.
[04:53:13] And here's the point that i was telling
[04:53:15] you about where we go through a door
[04:53:17] and then we're going to walk down the
[04:53:18] hallway and just open another door
[04:53:21] and there's literally no point to this
[04:53:22] hallway except they were trying to like And there's literally no point to this hallway, except...
[04:53:24] They were trying to flesh out the architecture of the place, you know?
[04:53:28] Yeah, but this is just like door-to-a-door.
[04:53:33] It's classic PS2 gameplay.
[04:53:37] Alright, in this area
[04:53:38] there are electric fences
[04:53:40] that we really have to be careful not to
[04:53:43] touch while we dash through it, because they
[04:53:44] do a considerable amount of damage.
[04:53:47] So this fence is pretty deadly.
[04:53:50] We're still gonna go through like this.
[04:53:52] Just try to avoid people
[04:53:53] in the fence. But we're about to turn it off anyway
[04:53:59] that's just it's a puzzle
[04:54:04] looks like we can turn it off do you want to turn it off
[04:54:07] i guess if that's our only option yeah if that's the plot critical thing to do then
[04:54:11] yeah i think i'll do
[04:54:14] uh i don't think they need to kill those guys.
[04:54:21] Lucas, follow us!
[04:54:25] Wait he's not following us. He's gonna tank those guys for a second.
[04:54:28] Okay.
[04:54:30] He's not going to get hurt...
[04:54:32] Oh they chased me anyways.
[04:54:34] See Lucas scared these guys off.
[04:54:36] Yeah they were like I'm not fighting them. they're like we're not gonna touch lucas
[04:54:40] he's a pro fighter yeah get nina
[04:54:44] all right so when we got that magnum it was for this boss fight with anna coming up
[04:54:50] so we are on this bridge and the bridge is falling apart uh like as you fight anna
[04:54:57] and if you fall through one of the holes on the bridge,
[04:55:00] you die instantly.
[04:55:01] The Fibrillators don't help you.
[04:55:02] However, Anna, she flips away
[04:55:05] if she falls in one of the holes.
[04:55:06] So it's like, oh, that's unfair, but okay, whatever.
[04:55:10] But with the Magnum specifically on the last shot of the magnum if you combo her she won't
[04:55:15] flip out of the hole and I have no clue why it's like this.
[04:55:20] But i'm gonna try to nail it first tried she flips out but on
[04:55:24] the last bullet she should go in and that's a ball skip nice so that's's Anna one done.
[04:55:32] Anna one, her done.
[04:55:34] So that's a skip I found completely on accident.
[04:55:38] I guess I got really lucky when I was just like fighting her and I pulled out my magnum
[04:55:42] And I was like, whoa she just died
[04:55:45] And then I figured out that setup
[04:55:48] So what happens during this cutscene is the monster that was running amok in this facility
[04:55:52] Falls onto the bridge where Nina and Anna
[04:55:53] are fighting,
[04:55:54] and Anna and Lucas fall. So Anna kind of
[04:55:57] disappears,
[04:55:58] and Lucas needs help because he's
[04:55:59] getting chased by this giant golem.
[04:56:01] Oh no! And I am going to save here
[04:56:04] again, because
[04:56:06] the escort mission coming
[04:56:08] up is kind of
[04:56:10] random and Lucas can die
[04:56:12] pretty easily.
[04:56:14] We're going to be escorting Lucas and Lucas can die pretty easily.
[04:56:17] We're going to be escorting Lucas out of the building? That's right, we are gonna be
[04:56:19] escorting Lucas out of a scary situation with a scary monster.
[04:56:23] Nice guys.
[04:56:25] Peckinforce. Most elite units.
[04:56:27] Pretty annoying guys.
[04:56:31] I mean no match for Nino
[04:56:33] but still have one.
[04:56:37] Going back in here... we don't have to fight these guys,
[04:56:40] We're just running right here.
[04:56:43] Okay so we have a maze situation here.
[04:56:47] We have security cameras,
[04:56:49] we see the overlay of the kind of tunnel system that Lucas is in
[04:56:55] and it's our job to guide him out.
[04:56:58] All right.
[04:56:59] It's like an escort mission, basically.
[04:57:02] Okay, so I gotta pay attention
[04:57:03] for a sec.
[04:57:05] This is random.
[04:57:12] His starting position is usually left of the glowy f i'm at a four-way intersection which way do I go four-way intersection left I think so the goal here is to go to
[04:57:19] the glowy l on the top right there's a crowbar
[04:57:22] there that sounds right you should be heading
[04:57:26] to g right now uh the glowy letters are where there
[04:57:30] are cameras so you see L, there's a crowbar
[04:57:35] okay this is good he's at G so now he's going to
[04:57:39] get the...
[04:57:42] If I go left, he'll automatically turn right and end up at L.
[04:57:47] So the goal here is not to get him killed. We want to get him to Crowbar and then
[04:57:51] get into the exit without running into the monster, which is always automatically
[04:57:55] tracking them and following them so we can't go back the way we came here's lucas
[04:58:08] i'm gonna make him go straight we're going to basically do a loopy loop
[04:58:10] um from l we're going to go down to H and then
[04:58:13] go all the way along the bottom from K to J to I.
[04:58:18] You might see the Golem on these cameras at some point.
[04:58:22] He's usually not far behind, just waiting
[04:58:27] for him to get to H.
[04:58:29] I can go straight or do you want me to go straight?
[04:58:31] I'm going to go straight so I might be able to turn right.
[04:58:35] I don't see that going.
[04:58:37] So Lucas is at the bottom-right.
[04:58:39] He's heading towards K.
[04:58:41] He's at the four way intersection., it just turned right at the bottom right
[04:58:47] corner. Exciting stuff.
[04:58:48] This is like... this is intense!
[04:58:49] It kind of is.
[04:58:50] Watch my voice, Trey!
[04:58:51] Uh, it IS intense. Oh, there's a car coming in.
[04:58:52] I'm gonna go back to the front and then turn around.
[04:58:55] Oh, there's another one. There's another one. It kind of is. It is intense...
[04:58:57] Oh, he should be hanging the case down there.
[04:59:00] Hey Lucas!
[04:59:01] Run Lucas run!
[04:59:03] Yeah, he's not very urgent at all windy walk
[04:59:10] but what lurks in the darkness
[04:59:14] okay keep going straight please as fast as you can.
[04:59:17] Oh my gosh, there it is!
[04:59:19] These are called J statues. I don't know what the J stands for, really.
[04:59:29] But we'll be seeing a lot more of them throughout the rest of the room.
[04:59:33] Alright.
[04:59:34] Lucas is coming up
[04:59:35] near the exit. He'll be showing up there. Okay, left somewhere out
[04:59:46] okay this went actually really well.
[04:59:50] This can be a stressful part because his starting position is random and if you can't pinpoint
[04:59:55] exactly where he is and if you make the wrong turn or you don't move fast enough,
[05:00:00] Lucas takes a lot of damage from the golem.
[05:00:03] And depending on their position,
[05:00:05] Lucas can get permanently comboed
[05:00:07] and you just immediately game over when game over. Oh, so if he
[05:00:10] dies it's just game over? I mean yeah that makes
[05:00:12] sense. Okay well good job
[05:00:13] we got out of there. Yeah that was lucky RNG actually
[05:00:16] in that case
[05:00:17] So now Lucas got the crowbar and he broke himself out,
[05:00:20] and the statue tried to chase him out but
[05:00:22] the tunnel collapsed on
[05:00:24] the statue. Of course it did!
[05:00:26] Of course.
[05:00:28] Now it's just us and Lucas chilling, and we're gonna
[05:00:30] keep trying to make our way to this research facility
[05:00:33] that he keeps talking about
[05:00:35] in the cutscenes that you're not seeing.
[05:00:37] Imagine he's just making it all up.
[05:00:39] He very well could have been he's
[05:00:41] making it up just to get nina's autograph
[05:00:43] but um oh that's a good point uh but alan the other agent guy he did send
[05:00:49] nina a map of the complex okay suspiciously he just always Nina a map of the complex.
[05:00:51] Okay.
[05:00:52] Suspiciously, he just always has a map ready to go.
[05:00:56] Alright we got that crowbar, we'll be using it too and I'm gonna grab this extra...
[05:01:01] holster.
[05:01:03] Holding more firearms.
[05:01:07] And then we are going to...
[05:01:10] The whole point of
[05:01:11] all of this in this area was to get the crowbar to open a hatch that
[05:01:16] was always sitting there.
[05:01:17] Wow.
[05:01:18] But, of course you need to fight Anna and then guide Lucas through through the maze it just blends in with everything right here
[05:01:26] use crowbar that's actually so funny there's even a cut scene for it and we go down Deeper into the depths of degrees
[05:01:38] Deeper into the degrees
[05:01:39] Deeper in degrees of death
[05:01:41] And other than that one backup save I had to do, this is a pretty decent run so far.
[05:01:50] Nice! Yeah.
[05:01:51] Things are going swimmingly.
[05:01:52] Doesn't seem like there's been too many complications aside from that so
[05:01:56] you're doing great this is great i'm having a good time everyone's oh great i love this for us
[05:02:04] just happy to show off Nina.
[05:02:06] I just think it's cool that she has her own game out of nowhere like, I bet
[05:02:12] just betting that so many Tekken fans probably don't even know this game exists.
[05:02:16] I think the hardcore Tekken fans probably don't even know this game exists.
[05:02:17] I think the hardcore Tekken fans know it exists,
[05:02:19] but if you've just kind of played
[05:02:21] Tekken and even the PS2
[05:02:24] like, you probably
[05:02:25] have never heard of this. It didn't sell very well even though it did
[05:02:28] have a considerable team behind it.
[05:02:31] I'm curious how many copies is sold now?
[05:02:33] Not sure...
[05:02:37] But this game was also made by namco when it was still just namco this was released the same year
[05:02:44] that namco merged with uh bandai and yeah okay so this is one of the last pure namco with Bandai. Bandai? Yeah, okay.
[05:02:49] So this is one of the last pure Namco games.
[05:02:52] A Tekken side game
[05:02:53] featuring Nina Williams.
[05:02:57] Alright, so
[05:02:57] we let Lucas in through a lock because we swam
[05:03:00] for the thing and now we're going to head to a cut scene and nope not a cutscene seven cutscenes
[05:03:08] which we will be skipping all of them which means we have eight load screens to go
[05:03:12] through sure I'll do my best to explain uh the plot unless you want to say an announcement
[05:03:18] there's plenty of time yeah I mean uh i mentioned this once before but
[05:03:22] i do want to mention it again that um gdqs next all women and fem speed running event flame fatales
[05:03:28] is coming up august 18th through the 25th so you can use the command exclamation mark ff in our twitch
[05:03:34] chat to check out the schedule and let us know what you're looking forward to the most and then
[05:03:39] yeah see if you want to indulge us with some of the plot. I would love to.
[05:03:42] Okay, so at the bottom of the ocean
[05:03:45] there's this thing called methane hydrate.
[05:03:47] It's like bacteria on the ocean floor
[05:03:49] and this is all fictional.
[05:03:51] So when activated by electromagnets,
[05:03:54] which are shot
[05:03:55] from satellites,
[05:03:57] that bacteria bubbles up
[05:03:59] and gets really hot. It's super
[05:04:01] fuel efficient.
[05:04:03] And it also causes ships to sink and lose track of their radar devices.
[05:04:10] Like, it's something on the ocean floor that activates from the satellites in space. And it can sink
[05:04:15] ships from space. Okay, but what is
[05:04:17] like the range on this thing?
[05:04:18] Lucas was smashing a cookie mat.
[05:04:21] The range from space.
[05:04:24] I just meant like in terms of underwater like how big is that area where
[05:04:28] ships can sink and things all over the world oh my gosh it's a satellite system
[05:04:33] all over the world and not only can it sink ships, if
[05:04:36] all of it is activated at the same time
[05:04:38] it raises the ocean's
[05:04:40] levels and
[05:04:41] all of civilization will be
[05:04:44] flooded. Who would do that?
[05:04:45] We're in a scuba suit. Who would do that? We're in a scuba suit.
[05:04:46] Who would do that, honestly?
[05:04:49] Only
[05:04:50] a crazy person.
[05:04:52] Only somebody who hated...
[05:04:54] This camera change always messes me up.
[05:04:57] Okay. Oh wow Nina even has the scuba suit on. Yeah we're gonna do
[05:05:01] some diving. Okay. So yeah
[05:05:05] methane hydrate it's activated by a satellite system
[05:05:10] that we've been talking about
[05:05:11] the super weapon system
[05:05:12] it's called Salacia
[05:05:13] Like Salacious Crumb from Star Wars
[05:05:16] but just Salacia.
[05:05:20] A very obscure
[05:05:21] Star Wars reference. Thank you, Shane.
[05:05:23] That's what happened at the
[05:05:25] beginning of the game when a leaked
[05:05:27] video
[05:05:27] of a ship exploding and going underwater,
[05:05:31] it was the satellite system being tested.
[05:05:35] And that's... we're trying to stop global warming.
[05:05:38] It's Nina versus Global Warming Death Probe that's we're trying to stop global warming it's nina versus global warning death by degrees wow
[05:05:43] i wow yeah uh so now we're in the research lab. It's been filled with poison gas or toxic
[05:05:53] gas and all those scientists have been killed to cover up this project, so that's why
[05:06:00] we have this mask and scuba suit so we can kind of traverse
[05:06:02] this area. And our goal now is to neutralize the gas which means
[05:06:08] we gotta pick up two key items. This is one of them.
[05:06:12] It's a chlorine-based detergent,
[05:06:14] and the other
[05:06:16] one is like bleach or something?
[05:06:18] And we're gonna put both in the sprinkler system
[05:06:20] and turn it on.
[05:06:21] And that will solve the poison gas situation.
[05:06:24] Just bleach it, you know?
[05:06:26] Yeah with detergent though so it smells good.
[05:06:28] So it also smells good.
[05:06:30] Listen we're gonna save the world
[05:06:31] and make sure it smells good in the process
[05:06:33] exactly the other item isn't bleach but i forget what it's called some chemical
[05:06:38] um we're also gonna stop at this armory puzzle we're gonna get some more weapons.
[05:06:50] Okay... the main thing we want here are the guns.
[05:06:56] Submachine gun and a shot-a
[05:07:01] Shot-A
[05:07:02] And there's also defibrillator in this room that is a little hidden but
[05:07:07] i've played the game so I know it's here
[05:07:13] again, I don't trust the camera's angles.
[05:07:16] So I'm always holding R2 like this to control the camera.
[05:07:18] Right.
[05:07:19] It's something that you probably...
[05:07:21] Oh, calcium hydroxide, I guess is what it's called.
[05:07:24] It's not bleach.
[05:07:28] Calcium hydroxy clean sure yeah
[05:07:40] we're gonna go put that in the sprinkler system okay sounds like a party i guess it's uh yeah it's pretty fun
[05:07:48] don't try this at home no no don't put chemicals in your sprinklers system don't do it at home turn it on
[05:07:58] unless you have like a toxic research facility um situation going on special circumstances yeah
[05:08:05] what's really weird is this fog effect over the game it really does not work in the emulator oh really like i originally uh
[05:08:11] emulated this game and i legally ripped it from my copy of the game
[05:08:15] and i played on an emulator and uh
[05:08:18] yeah when you're in this area there's just like squares that are floating everywhere
[05:08:22] oh it looks really bad it looks fine here fine enough but then later
[05:08:27] really struggles i'd be kind of curious to see, like the visual comparison.
[05:08:31] It sounds really funny.
[05:08:33] Yeah.
[05:08:34] HD remake when?
[05:08:36] Ooh!
[05:08:37] Could you imagine?
[05:08:38] The people want Nina.
[05:08:40] Make the load screens non-existent please i don't know this is
[05:08:44] like a pretty interesting story i feel like if they did re make it like i'd play
[05:08:48] it they should just like yeah i mean i played this version exclusive please come on
[05:08:57] with the console that would be epic it's's a fire alarm activated sure is
[05:09:04] Says break glass, you know just presses it like a button
[05:09:14] Before he broke it off camera. Yeah, she wanted to be discreet.
[05:09:16] There we go, we solved it.
[05:09:19] So we had to do that because the doors leaving this area would not open otherwise.
[05:09:26] We get a good question come in from chat, is there a limit to the air you can breathe? Or Nina's wearing the suit and she's completely immune?
[05:09:34] It's infinite in the suit.
[05:09:36] Okay, so yeah. If Nina's wearing the suit she doesn't have to worry about suffocating.
[05:09:39] Suffocating or swimming underwater
[05:09:41] I think you have infinite air
[05:09:42] at that point. Oh okay. Well
[05:09:44] that's
[05:09:45] nice for the gamers. You don't
[05:09:47] have to stress about that kind of thing. It's a big dub
[05:09:49] for the gamers. I mean, yeah.
[05:09:51] Can focus more on your fighting
[05:09:53] technique. Yeah, in swimming form.
[05:10:00] Okay so at this point now that we've unlocked some doors and
[05:10:05] cleared the gas from this area, Lucas has actually gone ahead on without us.
[05:10:10] And he is looking for the evidence by himself.
[05:10:12] Oh no!
[05:10:13] So a bit silly on his part, but he seems to be doing something on his own lucas what are you doing
[05:10:20] but we are just going to continue our search investigating this
[05:10:24] facility looking for lucas and evidence. And, uh...
[05:10:28] we're going to stumble upon
[05:10:32] a bit of a brutal- Oh gosh!
[05:10:36] A bit of a brutal scene coming up.
[05:10:42] Got a bunch of dead bodies left by the J statue beast,
[05:10:48] and I think I'm actually gonna kill these guys for some exp
[05:10:55] now i haven't really seen you like or maybe i'm just like not reading the game well but how do you level up
[05:11:02] your skills is there a menu i've not leveled up anything at all actually okay i will admit
[05:11:08] i've been saving my skill points though.
[05:11:10] The main things you get from leveling up
[05:11:12] are more crit meter
[05:11:13] and skill points to spend
[05:11:17] but I haven't had enough necessarily
[05:11:19] to make any
[05:11:21] worthwhile upgrades. Yeah, exactly.
[05:11:24] I may just...
[05:11:27] Nice! They're just dropping the candy. Candy meal kits. Nice.
[05:11:31] They're just dropping the candy!
[05:11:33] That was nice of the game.
[05:11:35] Thank you.
[05:11:36] Thank you.
[05:11:37] Thank you.
[05:11:41] Maybe I will check how many skill points
[05:11:43] I have
[05:11:43] Well don't let me pressure you
[05:11:45] Now I'm worried
[05:11:46] I was just like
[05:11:48] Yeah, I heard you talk about the skill points
[05:11:51] Let's talk about it skill points and I'm like... Yeah yeah yeah. No let's-let's
[05:11:53] Let's get in the menu here.
[05:11:55] Cause this is a good point. Um, I'm gonna
[05:11:57] Get melee proficiency
[05:11:59] Okay actually needed
[05:12:01] Yeah I have enough for two of melee proficiency.
[05:12:04] This makes my weapons not break as fast.
[05:12:06] Ooh that's nice!
[05:12:08] Actually did mean to say it better.
[05:12:10] We have a double boss fight coming up
[05:12:12] like three phases of two different bosses.
[05:12:15] So I'm going to go ahead and just
[05:12:16] plant a save here.
[05:12:22] I think the timer's wrong because of the backup save, but it's no biggie.
[05:12:28] We'll rely on the real game time or the real timer in the...
[05:12:32] Yeah there's a timer at the end of the run right?
[05:12:35] Yeah but mine is skewed because of the backup save.
[05:12:37] Oh I see.
[05:12:38] So we'll rely on RTA.
[05:12:40] Right
[05:12:41] So we're going to fight that J statue
[05:12:42] That we saw chasing Lucas
[05:12:45] That was a jade statue?
[05:12:47] A J, the letter J
[05:12:49] dash statue is what it's
[05:12:51] called. I thought you said jade statue.
[05:12:53] No no no that would be cool
[05:12:54] That would be cool
[05:12:56] That would be cool that would be cool yeah that'd be cool actually all right we're gonna start
[05:13:00] with a double crit on its little robot brain take that Yeah, bust your
[05:13:08] system.
[05:13:12] Gonna go ahead and heal because I suspect
[05:13:14] I'll be taking a little damage.
[05:13:19] Alright so this guy he launches these
[05:13:21] little drones that you gotta
[05:13:23] dodge periodically
[05:13:27] and then once they attack Fly by two times or sorry three times
[05:13:32] they uh aim at you and they launch some missiles but if you run around the boss
[05:13:36] they'll hit him instead so it does a little extra damage to him.
[05:13:40] My strat for this guy is
[05:13:42] to do the first attack of the katana
[05:13:44] combo over and over,
[05:13:47] and that seems to
[05:13:48] kind of do the most damage,
[05:13:51] the first attack.
[05:13:52] If you do the full combo, it doesn't necessarily...
[05:13:55] It's not very DPS efficient, I guess?
[05:13:58] Right, you don't want to waste the moves.
[05:14:00] Oh, he got me.
[05:14:02] I thought it was part of the way enough.
[05:14:04] Way in the smackdown on Nina.
[05:14:06] He literally did a wrestling move.
[05:14:09] It was a smackdown.
[05:14:13] Okay. as well as a smackdown. Tia!
[05:14:16] Alright, so that's phase one.
[05:14:18] The only thing different in phase two for this
[05:14:20] statue is he uses flamethrowers more and oh i actually didn't
[05:14:27] even know he could jump off the wall wrestling style in phase one i thought that was a phase two joint, but
[05:14:32] um, I guess
[05:14:34] you can just do it anytime
[05:14:36] for me, honestly
[05:14:39] again
[05:14:41] we're just going to keep trying to dodge those drones they're coming again
[05:14:45] all right one hit let's not do that
[05:14:49] we're gonna come one more time or no they're shooting lasers now
[05:14:52] just make sure they hit the statue
[05:14:57] all right just watching to get stunned
[05:15:03] oh yeah alan's over there now He's charging up the super laser.
[05:15:06] Okay. Get it, Alan!
[05:15:08] He's gonna finish it off for us once we get this thing low enough.
[05:15:17] There we go. Get one last crit on him.
[05:15:22] Alright, he's pretty low.
[05:15:28] I think...
[05:15:32] If we get him in front of the cannon it should just end the fight, but sometimes it's easier to
[05:15:39] just kill him. Okay, now he's gonna
[05:15:41] do his flamethrower attack.
[05:15:44] This is fine.
[05:15:47] You know what? I'm gonna get out my gap
[05:15:53] oh forgot about those guys come on saint
[05:15:59] okay nice Come on, Saint. Nice! Ended.
[05:16:01] And then Alan finishes him off with a laser beam.
[05:16:05] That's actually the weapon that satellite uses. It's like an electromagnet laser, so that was just sitting around as a test version of it.
[05:16:14] But that's technically what's in the satellites that makes the global warming happen.
[05:16:18] The testing facility. this all makes sense in
[05:16:21] the context of the story I promise I believe you yeah so make another cheeky save real quick
[05:16:28] just because The Boss fight coming up was is with Enrique again. It's the final fight
[05:16:32] with him, Benicio del Toro legally distinct Benicio Del Toro but we have a special strategy for him.
[05:16:42] Because he does a lot of damage, he's unpredictable
[05:16:46] and he has a lot of health.
[05:16:48] So what is our strategy?
[05:16:50] Our strategy... Is to use the jay statue which is running
[05:16:55] rampant during this fight it will charge both nina and enrique
[05:16:59] so it does damage to him until he has half health,
[05:17:02] and then the J statue kind of runs off and breaks down.
[05:17:06] And then we are going to double crit him
[05:17:08] and then use the rail gun,
[05:17:09] and that will finish off the rest of his health.
[05:17:12] All right, let's do it. So instead
[05:17:13] of engaging him in direct combat
[05:17:15] which is really how you lose a lot
[05:17:17] of health and burn through a lot of meal kits
[05:17:19] he's very aggressive. And he's good
[05:17:21] at blocking too. Huh? He's good at blocking
[05:17:24] as well. Yeah, and he blocks everything.
[05:17:26] So we're just gonna
[05:17:28] try to avoid him.
[05:17:30] Well, try not to get charged ourself.
[05:17:35] So we just keep baiting him over here, just to hang out with the J statue.
[05:17:37] The J statue's like a little puppy!
[05:17:41] Or...a big puppy in this case.
[05:17:43] His statue is supposed to target the boss, actually
[05:17:45] but sometimes he just goes in a direction
[05:17:47] There we go
[05:17:51] He's a good boy
[05:17:53] He's a floppy little puppy
[05:17:54] Yeah, he's just like
[05:17:55] a sloppy puppy.
[05:17:58] So I want to distract him
[05:18:00] kind of
[05:18:00] because he actually
[05:18:03] dodges the staff
[05:18:04] of this church
[05:18:04] so you want to kind of get him in a block animation or
[05:18:12] You want him to start...
[05:18:13] No! not me.
[05:18:25] Okay.
[05:18:31] Now does the J statue do like a significant amount of damage when it doesn't yeah so you see the health phase lost so far yeah that is a
[05:18:34] significant amount of damage okay so that was from one hit come on he's going kind of badly but
[05:18:41] it'll be all right go ahead and burn a medium milk get into my big stuff Come back over here.
[05:19:03] Oh come on!
[05:19:06] Yeah, sometimes he has like a ranged weapon that comes out super fast.
[05:19:16] This statue's not really helping out, right?
[05:19:21] Yeah. The statue is just chilling.
[05:19:23] Uncharacteristically terrible
[05:19:25] right now.
[05:19:27] Usually he targets him
[05:19:29] and goes, there we go.
[05:19:30] There you go. Who's a good boy yeah like kind of
[05:19:34] kind of line them up in a weird way
[05:19:39] yeah just actually like you won't
[05:19:50] Hey there Oh No oh come on what's wrong he's not the best you can do no
[05:19:57] charge how did that not hit him
[05:20:01] it's like going right around because He just clipped around them.
[05:20:04] Oh my gosh.
[05:20:10] This can go really fast, but
[05:20:16] it's not. i mean the statue is just not really cooperating with he's not cooperating and even though
[05:20:19] he ran right into him that last time he like doesn't do damage because
[05:20:22] just hit i don't know, weird programming of something.
[05:20:30] He's close though! He's close to half health. That's all we need. We just need him to be
[05:20:34] half health
[05:20:40] He's just running in walls
[05:20:48] Okay, he should be up there. Let's go.
[05:20:51] A little too much damage...
[05:20:54] But it's honestly still faster than chip damaging him constantly.
[05:20:58] Okay, perfect.
[05:21:00] He is below half health and J statue is going to go get incapacitated on the wall
[05:21:04] but we are gonna finish him off now.
[05:21:06] We're gonna finish him off now okay we're gonna double crit
[05:21:12] get out our rail gun target him one two oh come on! What the heck?
[05:21:19] Okay. I just don't want to die
[05:21:21] I don't wanna use a
[05:21:23] D-Pid on this guy
[05:21:25] Yeah, just have your meal kits
[05:21:28] This is how overly aggressive he is.
[05:21:33] Come on, give us a move.
[05:21:36] That shotgun does nothing.
[05:21:38] That's weird, you should be dead by now this is stressing me out
[05:21:44] okay okay good job he is the hardest fight in
[05:21:47] the game he's harder than the final boss, any of the
[05:21:51] final few bosses. Ooh, okay, okay
[05:21:53] Enrique is
[05:21:55] super dead now?
[05:21:56] He's super dead. Super dead
[05:21:58] He's not coming back I. Dead, dead, dead.
[05:22:00] He's not coming back.
[05:22:01] I should have let the cutscene play out but he watches Nino walk away as he dies and
[05:22:05] is like what a nice view!
[05:22:07] And then he just dies.
[05:22:09] Well, he got to see the beautiful nina before he died yeah all of her glory
[05:22:16] all right now we are going to get out of here we We gotta find Lucas.
[05:22:22] Oh yeah, shit, where's Lucas?
[05:22:25] So Enrique was
[05:22:27] holding onto Lucas and he got the evidence
[05:22:29] Lucas got the
[05:22:31] evidence that Enrique took it from him and then in the midst of the fight
[05:22:34] that we were just in lucas took the evidence and ran away okay so now we're tracking them down
[05:22:39] and seeing what happened with him well he must be like relatively nearby, he must be relatively nearby then. He must
[05:22:44] be relatively nearby then. Surely.
[05:22:46] I'm going to take a little bit of a detour.
[05:22:48] This is an optional ladder.
[05:22:50] It's a tall ladder but
[05:22:52] it's very much worth it because we're going to get
[05:22:54] the second strongest
[05:22:57] melee weapon in the game.
[05:22:58] And what is that? It's called a Ripper Blade.
[05:23:01] The Ripper Blade.
[05:23:02] It's a huge sword. Okay okay and we'll be taking this to the end of
[05:23:07] the game uh yeah well we'll be using in the final
[05:23:12] few sections really okay cool it's in this These sections, really. Okay, cool.
[05:23:16] It's in this...
[05:23:28] It's hard for me to tell sometimes what the pictures are when you do these puzzles some kind of mythological stuff okay so the ripper blade is something that we're going to see a lot of upcoming
[05:23:32] enemies using they're like cyborg soldiers oh And it's going to introduce this whole
[05:23:38] subplot within the game
[05:23:40] that Komita is also
[05:23:42] working on cyborg soldiers,
[05:23:44] which Nina was planned
[05:23:46] to be used as an experiment oh no but um she's not gonna
[05:23:50] fall for that she can't but they were using like cia agents as
[05:23:58] signers. So were they trying
[05:24:01] to clone her first?
[05:24:04] No,
[05:24:04] they're just going to make her a cyborg.
[05:24:07] Okay, they were just going to mod her a bit. they were just gonna mod her a bit.
[05:24:09] They were gonna mod her.
[05:24:10] Get a new graphics card or something.
[05:24:14] Something, yeah.
[05:24:15] And oh no! Lucas is dead.
[05:24:18] No!
[05:24:18] And Alan is here.
[05:24:20] What did Alan do?
[05:24:21] Alan apparently found him here.
[05:24:24] Uh-uh. I don't trust
[05:24:26] Alan. Mysterious. I don't trust Alan.
[05:24:28] He says he's gonna tell us
[05:24:30] that Lana Lay did it
[05:24:31] and we're gonna take
[05:24:33] Lucas' pocket watch.
[05:24:34] Sure, blame it on Lana.
[05:24:35] That's messed up.
[05:24:36] So we just took
[05:24:37] Lucas' pocket watch
[05:24:39] Lucas liked
[05:24:39] that pocket watch a lot
[05:24:42] and he checks it in
[05:24:43] the cut scenes sometimes, and I think
[05:24:45] you're supposed to go, hmm, why is he checking that
[05:24:47] pocket watch all the time?
[05:24:49] Oh, I bet there's a secret thing in it. Maybe
[05:24:52] so we got it. Alan didn't know about it but we did
[05:24:56] Okay. And that's like plot thickens
[05:25:00] Yeah, the plot thickens for sure.
[05:25:03] Right now we're just escaping the island
[05:25:05] with Alan and
[05:25:07] we're doing one last backtrack
[05:25:09] through the whole facility it's like a
[05:25:11] best of... Twitch tours.
[05:25:12] Run, exactly.
[05:25:14] Get your camera!
[05:25:17] On you left, you'll see the dingy prison that we broke out in.
[05:25:20] And on your right another dingy prison even more garbage
[05:25:28] see ya we're out of here the sound effect effect for Nina's like wave dash is so funny to me,
[05:25:37] like it's crunchy and it's crunchy.
[05:25:39] It's like a crunchy sweep.
[05:25:42] I find that entertaining,
[05:25:43] like an auto-generated gamertag crunch crunch
[05:25:47] crunch it's nina eating on the girl surely gordita crunch oh gosh oops camera shenanigans.
[05:25:59] You get to hear this music intro a lot.
[05:26:01] I'm okay with it.
[05:26:02] The bailing guitar.
[05:26:10] And remember this place, good times.
[05:26:20] Going back to the outside area. So we're heading back up to the rooftops where we did that last sniper sequence but this
[05:26:24] time Alan is involved and we gotta protect him in the sniper sequence.
[05:26:30] That is the last thing we're doing on this island before we head out.
[05:26:42] Excuse me.
[05:26:45] All right, we're going to take this elevator and they are just once again helpless.
[05:26:49] Stop Nina.
[05:26:51] I'll just watch her go up the elevator.
[05:27:05] A funny thing about this part coming up is there was like the wire we had to cross To get to this one tower. It's electrified now because we powered on the elevator so
[05:27:13] it's like if you try to climb the wire while it's turned on you'll get knocked off and you're
[05:27:18] supposed to turn it off so alan can take the wire, but you really don't even have
[05:27:22] to do it. You just leave it on and he'll cross it anyway. Okay, so Alan is... So you're supposed
[05:27:27] to turn this off and then go up this ladder and take out a sniper but you don't have to turn that the power
[05:27:34] off i mean i guess they expect you to turn it off for they expected courtesy courtesy.
[05:27:47] I actually should have grabbed him for an instant kill, but
[05:27:49] I'm gonna grab these grenades
[05:27:51] and as this guy dies we'll start the sniper sequence.
[05:27:57] Same deal as last time except we're just protecting Alan.
[05:28:01] See he's on the power line anyways so We didn't have to turn it off.
[05:28:04] So he's going to go jack the
[05:28:06] helicopter while we protect him
[05:28:08] and we're relying on him to come and pick
[05:28:10] us up so we can escape.
[05:28:13] Hopefully. Hopefully. He will pick us up that's the plan right
[05:28:19] right right he's a good guy right right? Maybe There he goes
[05:28:26] I'm not controlling this
[05:28:27] But I will be soon
[05:28:28] Uh-oh
[05:28:31] Trouble
[05:28:32] Could have seen this coming
[05:28:34] Oh no Are the cyborgs here now
[05:28:38] no not yet not yet okay i couldn't hit anyone up there
[05:28:50] yeah the sniper has a bit of a sway on it. What are you doing?
[05:28:52] Alan will just be judgy with you no matter how you perform during this fight.
[05:28:56] You can literally get
[05:28:57] headshots instantly every time and he'll
[05:28:59] just be complaining. It's madness
[05:29:01] I say. Hurry up and take him
[05:29:03] out! What are you doing?
[05:29:08] He'll also say that he's running out of ammo, but he has infinite ammo.
[05:29:13] So he's just a liar.
[05:29:14] He has to make it seem urgent, y'know?
[05:29:21] Yeah, he's just yeah he's just a what do we call it
[05:29:34] like wire or something that's about degrees. I'm trying to shoot them.
[05:29:36] That's what I think I am doing.
[05:29:40] OK. what I think I'm doing. Okay
[05:29:44] Now we should start spawning back here
[05:29:48] Oh, there's more Right, there is one more wave on the ground.
[05:29:54] So this is the final sniper sequence?
[05:29:56] Yeah, this is the last sniper sequence we're going to be seeing.
[05:30:01] We have these really far away guys.
[05:30:03] Got some nice shots there.
[05:30:06] Nice, those guys are kind of tough.
[05:30:09] They are so far away.
[05:30:13] Two rooftop rows at the same time.
[05:30:21] This guy... And then, next place they spawn is here. Uh, this guy.
[05:30:22] And the next place they spawn is here.
[05:30:29] Okay...
[05:30:34] Oops! Thought that guy was dead.
[05:30:38] Now we're gonna be down here... See this sniper section is a lot better because it doesn't load three different times while you're doing the sniper section
[05:30:45] it just continues spawning people i find that weird that it was giving you loading screens at
[05:30:50] all in in the last mission There's some questionable load screen
[05:30:55] related decisions in this game.
[05:30:58] Yeah, I mean
[05:30:59] maybe just limitations at the time.
[05:31:02] I don't know.
[05:31:03] It was definitely a point of criticism when this game did come out.
[05:31:06] They got kind of 50s along the board, and load screens were definitely up there with one of the reasons for it not being so well received
[05:31:17] which is understandable you don't want to sit there
[05:31:21] go through a door oh i gotta load again i mean at least not during a
[05:31:25] mission maybe you know between missions sure for I mean, at least not during a mission.
[05:31:26] Maybe between missions? Sure, forgivable but...
[05:31:29] A bit weird.
[05:31:30] But it was a different time.
[05:31:32] It was a different time. It was 2005 okay?
[05:31:34] Yeah.
[05:31:36] Time capsule. I, time canceled. I do want to say too if y'all are enjoying the run make sure you follow Saint on his
[05:31:43] YouTube channel that's slash saint million and uh if you're enjoying the run subscribe while you're there
[05:31:50] i'm sure he would appreciate it
[05:31:54] true be true oh yeah you can shoot alan too pick up Be true.
[05:32:00] Oh yeah, you can shoot Alan too.
[05:32:03] Oh snap! He doesn't have a comment on that?
[05:32:05] That is so funny.
[05:32:08] He waves at you he's like thanks oh nice shot nina
[05:32:10] you're doing great up there
[05:32:17] okay so alan got the helicopter.
[05:32:21] Okay.
[05:32:24] He has secured the chopper.
[05:32:27] Damn!
[05:32:29] This is a straight up movie whoa
[05:32:35] i can skip this i'm just laying in place it looks kind of cool there's anna
[05:32:38] there she is geez ah She's so furious.
[05:32:43] Sibling rivalry, etc.
[05:32:45] Etcetera.
[05:32:49] Alright now we were escaping and we were uh we got back to the boat we got shot down near
[05:32:57] the boat and we had to land here then nina she's got a new outfit she's got final outfit there are cyborgs now
[05:33:04] a lot's happened okay so these are the cyborgs in question these are the cyborgs
[05:33:09] okay we made it we made it y'all. We got this one. Defibrillator...
[05:33:13] And Nina lands through the window of the captain's room but we are back on the boat from the
[05:33:17] beginning of the game.
[05:33:19] Okay.
[05:33:20] So we will be doing some backtracking but there are we now have access to um inaccessible stuff from earlier rooms sorry
[05:33:29] let's stop so we're gonna make our way through the boat and our current quest is uh
[05:33:38] our current quest is uh to stop the super weapon i think at this point lucas is dead
[05:33:43] oh we have a puzzle r.i.p come on it goes a b
[05:33:51] and then cd
[05:33:56] can't guess the last part?
[05:33:58] I don't know, is it F-E?
[05:34:00] No, we're done.
[05:34:01] It was A-B-C.
[05:34:05] That's all you need. Good job.
[05:34:07] We did it. Now we got a blank card for our efforts,
[05:34:13] which were immediately going to turn into a level one pass key.
[05:34:19] A blue card.
[05:34:22] So there are
[05:34:23] blue doors, there's yellow
[05:34:25] doors and there are red doors now.
[05:34:27] So it's just three new levels of access that we need in the mod.
[05:34:31] Oh my gosh, that sound scared me!
[05:34:34] I'm so sorry.
[05:34:35] It's okay.
[05:34:36] We have kind of a unique puzzle here it was like the flag um
[05:34:42] is this like a boat system with flags yeah it's like a nautical
[05:34:45] flag i don't exactly remember what each flag means
[05:34:49] but yes, it is in the system. So two are Romeo and Juliet
[05:34:53] putting those in opens a painting of Romeo and Juliet
[05:34:57] we pick up a secret medallion behind the painting.
[05:35:01] This is the executive boardroom from earlier.
[05:35:04] Ooh it's a nice board room!
[05:35:06] So now we can open these doors that we couldn't go into before.
[05:35:10] So it's real masterful backtracking
[05:35:12] design going on here.
[05:35:15] So you, like, pretty much remember
[05:35:17] the layout from before? Like, it's easier
[05:35:19] to go through the boat since you've already done it.
[05:35:21] Yeah. Yeah, so you
[05:35:23] go out that door and you're like, oh, I'm here!
[05:35:25] Oh yeah! Oh yeah, this place.
[05:35:28] It's not fun.
[05:35:29] And then
[05:35:30] things are a little different on the boat now. There's That's not fun. And then, uh...
[05:35:31] Well things are a little different on the boat now
[05:35:33] There're cyborgs everywhere
[05:35:35] There's J statue sitting there
[05:35:37] They don't actually activate unless you run close enough to them
[05:35:40] Oh! That's convenient?
[05:35:42] You just pass by them.
[05:35:44] These guys are here.
[05:35:46] Can't wait for them
[05:35:47] to close the door
[05:35:48] so I can enter.
[05:35:49] That's the weirdest thing
[05:35:51] about this.
[05:35:52] Yeah.
[05:35:53] The door is wide open, but you still got to wait, you know?
[05:35:56] Until you put in your own fingerprint code.
[05:35:58] It's like you're not allowed to go through the locked gate at the private community and your fingerprint exactly what you stole yes
[05:36:08] so right now with that medallion that we got it's part of a puzzle that's
[05:36:15] reminiscent, or
[05:36:17] direct reference to Metal Gear
[05:36:19] 2 I think
[05:36:20] so you have
[05:36:23] to take it to a cold place the medallion changes to a certain type of
[05:36:26] medallion and they take it to a warm place.
[05:36:29] So it changes to a different one now.
[05:36:30] It's like a hot-cold puzzle.
[05:36:32] Oh yeah!
[05:36:34] There's that there's that puzzle like that
[05:36:37] death bite agrees so we're heading to the cooler that we fought bryson
[05:36:41] oh so long ago is he just in there no bryce is dead oh okay but i mean like is his just in there? No, Bryce is dead.
[05:36:46] Oh okay but I mean like
[05:36:47] is his body in there?
[05:36:51] We'll see
[05:36:53] no Bryce's body
[05:36:54] is somewhere else
[05:36:56] But we will see Bryce's body again okay that's weird i didn't
[05:36:59] just a little spoiler there for that i apologize all right back into the cooler
[05:37:06] still blood here they didn't clean anything up there's been no time
[05:37:10] but they did empty this cooler out of all of the meat that was hanging around
[05:37:13] oh good but instead but they didn't move our dead agent friend.
[05:37:19] He's still here.
[05:37:21] But there are new cyborgs here.
[05:37:23] Alright so our crest turned into a cold Nadath Chimera Crest
[05:37:27] and there is also a large meal kit here,
[05:37:29] the biggest heal of the game. We're going to grab
[05:37:31] that
[05:37:31] and just try to take...
[05:37:36] Oh!
[05:37:37] How did he use that large meal kit
[05:37:39] that was a big hit geez i don't think i've ever been hit by
[05:37:43] that that's why they give you the big can that's why they pay them
[05:37:47] the big books all right bro yeah get out of there oh my god that was terrible i basically just
[05:37:53] picked up an item to use enough that's probably why it's there yeah it's like hey you're gonna
[05:37:57] need this they know you're going to get hit by the cyborgs.
[05:38:01] It's good game design, really.
[05:38:05] And the cool thing about being on the boat again is that all of the items
[05:38:13] you picked up before, they respawned this time around.
[05:38:18] Oh! That's convenient. earlier i kind of ran and picked up another large meal kit
[05:38:25] that was in the room we're going into right now because it respawned so it's kind of useful if
[05:38:31] you have like knowledge of where certain items are. Like this water bottle is here again, so I'm gonna grab that as well.
[05:38:36] Oh yeah! If you know where it is and it's kinda on the way.
[05:38:39] Exactly. It's like copy paste all the items are back
[05:38:44] like someone just like went in and reset an escape room or something
[05:38:50] this is a big elaborate escape yeah so now our goal is to use this cold medallion, um,
[05:38:58] To get a Chimera Key and then we're gonna go to a hot room.
[05:39:10] And I get the medallion changes into a hot thing, and you get a second.
[05:39:12] That's hot.
[05:39:14] It's a good puzzle.
[05:39:17] So we're going to go this way.
[05:39:19] The place we need to turn in this ice medallion is actually
[05:39:20] in Lana Leigh's room.
[05:39:22] Where are we putting it?
[05:39:23] In the fridge, or...?
[05:39:25] There is a... Her fridge sure there's a slot
[05:39:32] so it's hard to describe all the puzzles in this game like as you're
[05:39:36] going through them.
[05:39:36] Sure.
[05:39:37] There is a display with a ship,
[05:39:40] Like a little model ship
[05:39:42] And you put
[05:39:44] The key in where that is and then the glass comes down and then there's a key
[05:39:48] in the ship okay
[05:39:52] all right let's trust the process i'll believe it when i see it what guns do i
[05:39:56] have oh i didn't use all of my shots just gun clear what did you
[05:40:03] use on enrique the railgun yes do you have any more of that? No it was used all pretty yeah
[05:40:11] Just check but the assault rifle is useful. I definitely want that more than the submachine gun
[05:40:17] What comes in handy for a of boss fights coming up okay
[05:40:24] so we're going to a familiar lana lay's
[05:40:27] apartment here i'm just gonna go back to her closet and like steal more clothes yes
[05:40:34] exactly i'm going to go on poshmark and get revolver
[05:40:37] clothes all right so here's here's the ship.
[05:40:41] So we're going to put in
[05:40:42] the medallion
[05:40:43] and
[05:40:46] the glass is going to come down
[05:40:48] and then there's a key
[05:40:49] in the ship
[05:40:50] chimera key and do not forget to take the medallion back
[05:40:54] which i did my casual playthrough before running through the rest of the ship you can actually
[05:40:58] leave it there even though you need it so you can't leave it there oh well you
[05:41:03] can leave it there but you're not supposed to
[05:41:05] the game if you leave it just leave it there
[05:41:08] it stays there it doesn't go back in your inventory yet
[05:41:10] right which i didn't do.
[05:41:13] So because we're back on the ship and everything has respawned
[05:41:17] We can go back up into this aquarium attic
[05:41:21] And get the extra defibrillator
[05:41:26] because it has respawn so this is also optional
[05:41:28] but might as well
[05:41:30] I'd say that the three crits
[05:41:32] it gives you for having it kind of makes it worth it yeah
[05:41:38] i would agree with you and it's a full heal for a boss fight the last couple
[05:41:43] boss fights can kind of like burn your health down and you might use extra defibrillators, especially for a no reset type setting.
[05:41:51] Now did you level up for that third crit slot? No, we're gonna
[05:41:56] get more levels as we finish
[05:41:58] the game here. Right on.
[05:42:00] So we're gonna skip Lana Lay's room actually
[05:42:02] We're just gonna go out this way
[05:42:04] We didn't actually go out this way
[05:42:08] we didn't actually go out this way before because we didn't have to
[05:42:14] but there is a water bottle in here and again i haven't used any water bottles this whole run because i'm saving them for the final boss.
[05:42:18] So we're going to chug water right near the end.
[05:42:23] So remind me again, what does the water bottle do?
[05:42:25] It gives you critical gauge. OK, so it's kind of like mana but it's critical gauge
[05:42:30] manna yeah nina's mana nina's mana her magic
[05:42:35] magic slow motion time magic yes Yes. That makes sense.
[05:42:39] Check some out. I don't know, I see
[05:42:41] a little blue bar... My brain goes
[05:42:43] for the mana. Yeah. So we
[05:42:45] have laggy area here
[05:42:46] so we're gonna position our camera down, and that's
[05:42:49] because there are so many cyborgs
[05:42:51] up on this platform. Oh!
[05:42:53] But they're all standing around this ripper blade
[05:42:55] that we want, and it...
[05:42:57] once you pick it up, they activate.
[05:43:02] Um... so even though there's tons of them
[05:43:04] They only activate like
[05:43:06] four at a time
[05:43:08] but I am going to try to kill a few of them.
[05:43:17] Like that?
[05:43:20] You do want these meal kits extra
[05:43:21] and I'm also going
[05:43:23] for the extra XP
[05:43:27] that they provide
[05:43:29] Roll grenades, action
[05:43:32] there.
[05:43:35] They also drop
[05:43:36] medium hits which is
[05:43:37] pretty good. Alright so they gave us some
[05:43:40] extra points.
[05:43:42] Six skill points. I forgot that you actually don't get a lot of skill points if you use ranged weapons but that's okay we got more meal kits.
[05:43:52] We were a bit short after the Enrique fight.
[05:43:57] We're going to get a ton of skill points when we fight more J statues, which are coming
[05:44:01] up.
[05:44:02] There's actually three that we have to fight on this ship
[05:44:05] that are just as big as the previous one just as big and even badder than before bigger and
[05:44:10] better you thought we were done with J statues. We're just getting started.
[05:44:15] Oh, J one two and three are coming. That was just the prototype.
[05:44:22] A proto.
[05:44:24] What the hell is a proto
[05:44:25] y'all won't get it forget
[05:44:27] if you know
[05:44:28] all right gonna sweep
[05:44:32] on back through here but again angling
[05:44:34] my camera down because there's so many enemies up
[05:44:36] there that just lags your game
[05:44:41] So we went to the boiler room there I kind of skimmed over it or didn't
[05:44:44] mention it, but went to the boiler room.
[05:44:47] The medallion changed
[05:44:49] into a different type of medallion
[05:44:51] and now we're gonna go deposit
[05:44:53] that medallion and get the second key
[05:44:55] that we need to proceed
[05:44:56] to the final layer of the ship,
[05:45:00] which is a submarine...
[05:45:01] A secret submarine depot.
[05:45:03] Are we going diving?
[05:45:05] Are we about to get a thunderball in here?
[05:45:09] A thunderball? Yeah, maybe.
[05:45:11] No, there's no more swimming.
[05:45:13] Well, that's a lie. There is swimming
[05:45:14] but not in the deep diving sense.
[05:45:17] It's like a submarine bay
[05:45:18] it's not a harpoon fight or anything no no it's it's a submarine bay
[05:45:24] nina is going to be submarine bay
[05:45:28] that was bad joke.
[05:45:33] Alright, we're gonna take the elevator straight up to the fourth floor which is where
[05:45:37] we need to put in this medallion so we're back in a very
[05:45:45] familiar area here basically the beginning of the game.
[05:45:50] This game makes plentiful use
[05:45:53] of all its areas
[05:45:56] and backtracking, but
[05:45:59] it's nighttime on the ship now which is a bit different okay go
[05:46:04] ahead this big aquarium put in the unicorn medallion.
[05:46:13] And we will get the unicorn key
[05:46:14] and we can leave
[05:46:15] the medallion.
[05:46:15] We don't need it anymore.
[05:46:17] We're out of here.
[05:46:18] We're not fighting
[05:46:19] these cyborgs.
[05:46:20] They're way too powerful.
[05:46:24] But we got the medallion we got we've got the key that we need we left the medallion because we don't need it anymore
[05:46:28] so with these two keys we're gonna go down to the first floor to that piano
[05:46:33] that we saw a long time ago.
[05:46:36] Where's Rebecca? Will she play
[05:46:37] it for us? Who's Rebecca?
[05:46:39] Never mind. Is Becca Black?
[05:46:41] No. I think it's Resident Evil evil one if you play as chris like he doesn't know how to
[05:46:47] play the piano he just doesn't get it so we're back in class yeah rebecca goes in and plays
[05:46:52] it for him oh yeah then this must be like a Resident Evil type
[05:46:54] reference. Sure, like
[05:46:56] this isn't the 50th time we've referenced
[05:46:58] Resident Evil, surely not? No.
[05:47:01] So you can't just
[05:47:02] do the piano puzzle. You have to rotate it twice first because these letters have to line up on the keyboard.
[05:47:11] There's a keyword that you find out somewhere else through like lore text um
[05:47:18] a key word of orpheus is what we need to put in so you can't play this keyboard
[05:47:23] until you put two keys in the unicorn key
[05:47:26] you're unlocking the piano yeah you have to unlock the piano
[05:47:31] so does nina know how to play oh she does
[05:47:33] yeah she's playing wait what why is it the last three letters s-u-x
[05:47:41] this piano sucks okay and this is an unskippable cutscene
[05:47:46] it's actually the main theme of
[05:47:47] the game in a piano arrangement.
[05:47:52] We've activated
[05:47:53] the ship's trap card.
[05:47:55] Yes.
[05:47:57] Huh, nice. let's go the secret checkered elevator
[05:48:06] we descend
[05:48:09] there was a lot of love pouring in for the channel and i do want to say thank
[05:48:12] you all so much for watching if you are a discord user
[05:48:16] and you want to talk more hotfix talk more gdq you're totally welcome to join us in our
[05:48:22] geq discord all you have to do is add yourself to the hot fix role and you can keep tabs on
[05:48:27] upcoming events talk with staff and showrunners
[05:48:30] and lots more. So if you are interested in that
[05:48:33] You can use the command!discord
[05:48:36] for access to the server
[05:48:39] I hope you'll join us.
[05:48:43] We're in the submarine now?
[05:48:45] Oh, are we going into the submarine now?
[05:48:46] We're in the submarine
[05:48:47] now.
[05:48:48] Okay.
[05:48:49] And guess what
[05:48:50] we're doing?
[05:48:51] Can you guess? Not Okay. And guess what we're doing? Uh...
[05:48:52] Can you guess?
[05:48:53] Not a harpoon fight?
[05:48:55] Not a harpoon fight,
[05:48:57] We're exiting the submarine.
[05:49:00] Okay sure well we're going swimming! The submarine has put a mirror room in this game and you just go through it.
[05:49:07] It's just another loading screen.
[05:49:09] It's just another place to put loading screens actually.
[05:49:12] But it adds to the experience. another place to put loading screens, actually.
[05:49:13] But it adds to the experience. You've got to see
[05:49:15] Nina go through the little hatch and
[05:49:17] It's Nina Williams in a submarine.
[05:49:20] Go down there. That's what fans wanted.
[05:49:21] Yeah.
[05:49:22] So we dive into some water but
[05:49:25] we're just gonna leave it's not a long underwater sequence it's
[05:49:28] just like a pool
[05:49:35] now Now... The sequence of quests in this game
[05:49:39] is really hard to remember sometimes. We're heading through the engine room,
[05:49:43] I believe.
[05:49:47] To activate... Oh! We're going to the engine room so we can go through
[05:49:49] a ventilation system to a control
[05:49:51] room to upgrade our card to a yellow
[05:49:53] card. Okay So so what do we
[05:49:56] do? Just like put our current card into
[05:49:58] like a magical box and it just turns
[05:50:00] it to the correct color? Yes!
[05:50:02] That's exactly...
[05:50:04] Alright, let's go! All right.
[05:50:06] Let's go.
[05:50:09] It's exactly that.
[05:50:11] There's a ladder to get down
[05:50:12] to the bottom floor, but it's faster
[05:50:15] just climb up like we drop.
[05:50:17] So Nina never takes any kind of fall damage right
[05:50:20] no she doesn't okay that's cool
[05:50:25] so to get through this room we gotta turn off the steam vent.
[05:50:30] The steam pipes...
[05:50:33] Because you have to climb across the steam pipes.
[05:50:37] And of course turning off the steam pipes, it activates these enemies for some reason.
[05:50:47] It's like they know- They know it's time to fight, but we're just gonna leave.
[05:50:51] They can't use ladders?
[05:50:56] They're strong cyborgs, but they're not very nimble.
[05:51:01] Back up here.
[05:51:04] If we get knocked down
[05:51:05] they will be
[05:51:07] ready to punch us so we'll just be very careful. So you have to watch out for this steam? Yep All right, we're free in place.
[05:51:28] Nice! Was it difficult learning the sequence for that?
[05:51:32] Just because I'm not sure what the hitbox is like on this scene.
[05:51:35] It's even weirder,
[05:51:36] because sometimes you press forward one time
[05:51:39] and Nina will move her arm one time right but sometimes you press forward and nina
[05:51:44] will move twice and there's just no rhyme or reason to it at least i can't couldn't tell
[05:51:50] it's like a weird double input yeah it's just just does it sometimes or at some points along the pipe
[05:51:54] that will give you a double movement so you gotta be careful
[05:51:57] that you don't stop right at the game because she might
[05:52:00] just automatically move into it pretty soon. Watch her fingers or you'll get
[05:52:04] burned, I see. Just odd
[05:52:06] quirks about a game that
[05:52:08] you learn when you route it
[05:52:10] Alright
[05:52:12] so put in the blue card. we have iframes while that loads
[05:52:15] so that's why that happened wait who was singing the guy this guy was singing oh
[05:52:21] we're gonna kill him because he's a little annoying. He was right in the middle of his song!
[05:52:26] Da da da da...
[05:52:27] I actually did not mean to...
[05:52:30] You can scan a lot of different finger points in the game,
[05:52:34] we skipped that because it's just extras.
[05:52:37] So what are you using to scan the fingerprints?
[05:52:41] A fingerprint scanner we got at very near the beginning.
[05:52:44] Oh right! It was like one of the first items you picked up? Exactly.
[05:52:47] Okay, okay.
[05:52:49] So here we are going to get
[05:52:50] some stuff.
[05:52:55] This is the final armory we're going to access, and it also has a ripper blade.
[05:53:01] So we have three ripper blades. We're gonna take these grenades...
[05:53:06] And if I can fit it
[05:53:08] more grenades. Or sorry, grenade
[05:53:10] launcher and more grenades.
[05:53:12] I think that's all I can take.
[05:53:14] That's plenty.
[05:53:16] Loaded.
[05:53:19] We are ready
[05:53:20] to fight a series
[05:53:23] of bosses that leads us to the final
[05:53:25] bosses. Okay, this is
[05:53:27] like the Tekken bracket has arrived. Oh yeah, this is like the tekken bracket has a oh yeah this yeah this is the king of iron fist
[05:53:32] turn okay all right for nina but it's like a super serious mission it's a fight to the death
[05:53:39] for everybody involved.
[05:53:44] The way these
[05:53:45] cyborgs activate, it's so funny.
[05:53:49] So now we have the yellow
[05:53:51] card, we can get through here.
[05:53:55] It's a key to a key to a key.
[05:53:57] That's the linear gameplay of this game.
[05:53:59] That's why it takes so long. and there's really no way to bypass
[05:54:01] doors that I could tell
[05:54:03] because the doors aren't
[05:54:05] a type of situation where it's like
[05:54:07] if you clip through the door, the load zone is
[05:54:09] there. It doesn't work like that.
[05:54:11] You have to activate the door
[05:54:14] and have the
[05:54:15] security clearance to do that. Oh, there's
[05:54:18] cyborg stuff happening in here by the way.
[05:54:20] Yeah, let's not forget about that. This is where you learn that the cyborgs are like oh
[05:54:23] my god they're real people pick up a final holster i'm still not sure if you even really need this holster
[05:54:35] I just feel like grabbing it because it's right there
[05:54:40] and we have a little code puzzle that you would figure out the solution to if
[05:54:44] you pick up, like, documents along the way.
[05:54:45] But the code's always the same.
[05:54:48] So just go ahead and do that.
[05:54:51] This leads to… even more cyborg clandestine stuff.
[05:54:57] Just more cyborgs, huh?
[05:54:58] Just more cyborgs.
[05:54:59] Listen it's cool okay.
[05:55:00] Just so you know just how evil they are.
[05:55:03] Fall away...
[05:55:05] Cyborgs.
[05:55:07] So many.
[05:55:09] It's the facility where they keep them.
[05:55:13] Okay, so we're going into a room that
[05:55:16] has access to
[05:55:18] unlock the final area
[05:55:20] of the game, but we can't go into the
[05:55:22] final area of the game until we have
[05:55:23] the red card
[05:55:24] so we have to send this pod off it has a cyborg in it but we need
[05:55:30] to empty it so we can get into later we're gonna get into the cyborg Yeah, we're gonna be a cyborg pod. Wow.
[05:55:37] Personally. Then we get
[05:55:39] this object called the icy key
[05:55:41] like icy
[05:55:43] but not like icy
[05:55:45] Sounds like is it like blinged out like nina's gonna wear it
[05:55:48] it's the ice okay okay um this key can be inserted into the j statues that are stationary
[05:55:55] along all around the boat and then you fight them.
[05:55:59] So there's three J statues,
[05:56:00] insert the icy key
[05:56:02] and then kill the J statues
[05:56:04] because they're holding Chinese
[05:56:07] chess pieces inside of them that
[05:56:09] you need to put into a Chinese
[05:56:11] chessboard in the captain's room
[05:56:13] which unlocks Lana Leigh's bedroom.
[05:56:16] That is a very obscure puzzle, but
[05:56:17] we'll go with it. Yeah, so our goal is to get to lana lee's bedroom and
[05:56:21] i'm not kidding and steal more clothes probably well we're gonna steal something
[05:56:25] that is true take it all nina just grab it and run there's a little klepto she's like looking around
[05:56:32] like don't watch me okay that's what she's checking for when she opens the doors she's
[05:56:35] like is anything else i can take in here i could fit in my pocket? Yeah, what else can I fit in my pockets?
[05:56:43] Okay.
[05:56:45] So the first jay statue we're gonna fight
[05:56:47] is actually
[05:56:49] the hardest and it's back down here in the engine room we were just in.
[05:56:55] I think it's intended that you fight this one last?
[05:56:58] It seems like the most difficult because it has a giant laser beam attack
[05:57:03] um but it's it's the fastest to get while we're still here so we're going
[05:57:07] to go fight him anyways
[05:57:10] so the ripper blades we've been getting
[05:57:11] the giant swords they are the best thing to use against J statues because they can stunlock them to some degree each J statue is kind of different amount of hits before it gets stunlocked.
[05:57:25] This one
[05:57:25] doesn't stunlock very easily, but the Ripper
[05:57:28] Blade does so much damage.
[05:57:30] So much more than anything else you have.
[05:57:32] That's why we're hoarding them.
[05:57:33] And... than anything else you have that's why we're hoarding them that's why we're hoarding these and
[05:57:35] uh hopefully i can get melee proficiency three let me see how many skill points we got
[05:57:43] uh okay i think we're...
[05:57:45] Oh, we're quite short. That's fine.
[05:57:49] J statue. This is like camouflage j-statue
[05:57:53] They're each a different color. One's red statue. Oh yeah, that's kind of cool.
[05:57:58] One's red, one's camo and one is just like iron
[05:58:00] looking. They kind of
[05:58:02] low-key look like mini Iron
[05:58:04] Giants to me. Yeah, they do.
[05:58:06] When did Iron Giant come out? That's a great question,
[05:58:09] Zane. That very may well be
[05:58:11] what it was inspired by. It looks
[05:58:12] like it came out in
[05:58:14] 1999, So...
[05:58:16] Whoa, this guy's immediately laser beaming!
[05:58:18] Very possible.
[05:58:19] Holy shmoly!
[05:58:20] Okay now he's driving.
[05:58:21] Usually he just starts driving around but uh it's the first time I've ever seen him
[05:58:25] just open with the laser beam.
[05:58:27] So this is the attack that we have to dodge
[05:58:30] to get to him. Dark Souls has trained me,
[05:58:33] but not well enough!
[05:58:42] We're going to do the little single attacks, hit him with two crits.
[05:58:49] And then as soon as he's recoiling from this, get more
[05:58:51] ripper attacks and just melt
[05:58:53] his bar. Wow yeah
[05:58:54] no wonder we're hoarding these
[05:58:57] oh yeah the r Blades are so good
[05:59:00] which is why I want Melee
[05:59:02] Proficiency 3
[05:59:04] to see how many skill points it has
[05:59:06] So you can use it more for sure
[05:59:20] On the other J statues, we're going to get tons of skill points because we can stun lock them and then keep doing melee attacks and kind of build a huge combo. and that's going to give us thousands
[05:59:21] of skill points. So that's what's
[05:59:23] going to get up to the final level
[05:59:25] or not final level, but
[05:59:27] the third level of weapon durability
[05:59:29] because we want these melee weapons
[05:59:32] to last as long as possible.
[05:59:34] They're so good against all the bosses
[05:59:36] going forward.
[05:59:39] Being that
[05:59:40] bosses are just giant HP pools the ripper blades they rip
[05:59:46] rip and tear until it's done yeah rip and turn in a ribbon
[05:59:53] i hope everyone's having a good time yeah i'm having fun thank you so much for being on the
[05:59:58] show by the way i know it kind of was um a big effort tackling this game so yeah i was talking about at the beginning of
[06:00:06] the run but yeah i got this game well at gdq so many years ago which one Do you remember? I think it was AGDQ 2018.
[06:00:15] It might be off like a year, but it was definitely in Virginia because we went to East Star Land that's the store I picked this up at.
[06:00:22] Shoutouts to East Starlington if you're still
[06:00:24] around.
[06:00:25] Selling me
[06:00:25] those for
[06:00:25] $4 and
[06:00:28] it was the
[06:00:29] sweeper special
[06:00:30] the sweep
[06:00:31] supermarket
[06:00:32] sweeper
[06:00:33] I was could Could you imagine
[06:00:36] Nina in Supermarket Sweep? She would
[06:00:38] slay... Oh my god, she'd be grabbing all the hands
[06:00:40] Dashing through the aisles
[06:00:41] Stealing all the turkeys
[06:00:44] Yeah, kicking it into her cart.
[06:00:46] Yeah. Juice all over
[06:00:48] the floor.
[06:00:49] Making a mess.
[06:00:53] Alright, so now we're going to head back
[06:00:54] into the boat because the last two J statues are back up in the.
[06:01:00] Okay, but they aren't too far away.
[06:01:04] The first one we're going to go fight is
[06:01:09] in the fighting arena, in which Nina is fighting in, in the opening cutscene.
[06:01:12] It's kind of where the fighting tournament was taking place.
[06:01:15] Oh yeah it's like the ruins looking place. It's not the ruins looking place it's like not
[06:01:19] the ruins it's just like boxing arena
[06:01:24] you'll see in just a second we've been through this room like twice now.
[06:01:30] But this is the final time.
[06:01:31] And every time you go through here, this red J statue is
[06:01:33] here. So I think it's a point of
[06:01:35] like, oh what is that? You never really know.
[06:01:38] And then the final it's like the final bosses
[06:01:41] it's like oh you gotta go fight those things
[06:01:43] it's kind of like a subtle foreshadowing yes
[06:01:46] it's very foreshadowing so this one's red cage fight also it seems like uh the game store is a local
[06:01:59] game store for someone in the chat so i guess it's still around that's
[06:02:01] pretty awesome yeah it's a really cool story they have so many retro games obscure games
[06:02:07] old consoles like video game statues like just relics of the past and a lot
[06:02:12] new stuff too.
[06:02:13] There's a really great statue
[06:02:16] of Nina
[06:02:18] for death by degrees in
[06:02:20] her kind of opening outfit cocktail dress yeah that's it she has
[06:02:24] like a katana yeah that would be a fun one to acquire for sure yeah the death by degrees
[06:02:30] statue they came out with the same year as this game.
[06:02:33] It's like $70 or something.
[06:02:35] I want that!
[06:02:37] But I don't want to spend $70 on it.
[06:02:39] Well, you know collectors
[06:02:41] out there?
[06:02:55] So two hits from the Ripper Blade stuns this guy and I'm doing my light attack combo so i can just stack up uh skill points against this guy.
[06:02:57] This statue just can't.
[06:03:00] No, he's
[06:03:01] dead. So we've just got
[06:03:03] tons of points from him. i think it kind of went off the screen
[06:03:09] like a bunch of points but then my small combo went off but okay Okay, we didn't get necessarily all of that.
[06:03:18] I guess we got some but not enough.
[06:03:21] But on the next jade statue we should get enough.
[06:03:24] So we just have one more jade statue yeah a jay statue sorry i keep saying
[06:03:28] jades statues okay listen i blame too many hours into murder two or two jade collectibles yeah
[06:03:37] all right Two or two jade collectibles. Yeah. Alright, we're out.
[06:03:39] So we got another Chinese chess piece
[06:03:41] I can't remember what it's called
[06:03:43] but it's in English
[06:03:45] known as Chinese chess i suppose
[06:03:49] each statue has a piece and you need three to unlock the rest of the game
[06:03:55] so we're gonna go find that last guy Last statue
[06:03:58] Yeah, you gotta beat him up and take the piece
[06:04:00] Beat him up and take his stuff
[06:04:02] He is in the reception room
[06:04:07] I don't think there's anyone here reception room.
[06:04:11] I don't know if anyone in the chat knows what that means or is.
[06:04:13] Is the receptionist gone?
[06:04:16] Everyone's gone when you get there, yeah.
[06:04:17] Okay, everyone's gone.
[06:04:18] It's just going to be us and the J-State here showing up. Everyone's gone when you get there. Okay, everyone's gone.
[06:04:19] It's just going to be us and the J statue.
[06:04:24] All along the way are these cyborgs chasing us around.
[06:04:31] Can they climb ladders? No. Okay, that's good. They're too chunky.
[06:04:35] They probably weigh like a ton each of them
[06:04:39] So these are
[06:04:41] just humans that all
[06:04:43] kind of got turned into the same
[06:04:45] looking cyborg? Yeah.
[06:04:47] That's wild.
[06:04:56] It was kind of like eventually it's revealed that Nina was going to be an experiment of this type too.
[06:04:57] So what is it that prevented her from?
[06:05:00] She's just too good. She's just too good she's just too yeah i guess that's the answer she's
[06:05:04] too good she can't be like captured you know can't it can't uh it's a force of nature
[06:05:11] oh and every time you walk up to these J statues, their little thing comes out. And they put the key in.
[06:05:18] A little slot.
[06:05:20] I see your key!
[06:05:24] Exactly. So this is the last J statue we're fighting, but it's also the easiest.
[06:05:29] This one gets stunned in 1 Ripper Blade hit.
[06:05:32] Just 1?
[06:05:33] Yeah just one.
[06:05:35] And every J statue has kind of their own
[06:05:37] unique ability. This one has Gatling
[06:05:39] guns. The red one had
[06:05:40] electricity was like the big theme
[06:05:42] and the one on the boat had laser beams
[06:05:46] but he's never really going to get to use his uh
[06:05:49] those uh gatling guns because we're just gonna
[06:05:54] keep them still mocked the entire time.
[06:05:57] The
[06:05:58] bone crack sound every
[06:06:00] time is so good.
[06:06:03] Yeah, it's really
[06:06:04] satisfying when an actual bone crunches.
[06:06:13] Again just trying to build up this combo as much as we can.
[06:06:17] It's a ton of skill points.
[06:06:21] You can see
[06:06:21] his Gatling Guns all try to come out, but
[06:06:23] he's never going to be able to
[06:06:25] use it.
[06:06:29] I'm not going to use my crit again, i'm actually just gonna save it for a boss fight. Just finish him off this way. It's a chunk.
[06:06:42] Spin it back, Nina!
[06:06:47] We've got 3000 skill points we are going to use that
[06:06:51] to finally get the level 3 melee proficiency so there's a lot of skill points in here
[06:06:56] that we just never get to a lot of skills
[06:06:59] we can never use
[06:07:00] because in speedrun
[06:07:01] it doesn't make as much sense
[06:07:03] to farm skill points
[06:07:04] and unlock those
[06:07:05] special combos,
[06:07:06] unfortunately.
[06:07:07] You just kind of
[06:07:07] make do with what you have
[06:07:09] acquired.
[06:07:09] Yeah, it makes weapons a lot more valuable
[06:07:13] and using strats with those weapons right on
[06:07:16] but there are a lot of cool combos in the game yeah i think so to unlock as you see a lot of them in that intro cutscene we
[06:07:26] watched that's what i'm saying like nina's got the like the double kicks going. Oh my!
[06:07:31] Da-na, da-na, da-na, da-na...
[06:07:33] So good.
[06:07:34] Yeah.
[06:07:35] Even with like the guns and swords there are special combos you can do with guns and melee weapons.
[06:07:43] Nice. Pretty cool.
[06:07:45] Pretty cool.
[06:07:46] Alright, so we got the final
[06:07:48] piece, Chinese
[06:07:51] chess piece that we're gonna go to the captain's room that's back down in the submarine
[06:07:59] bay a few more load screens. We're getting there.
[06:08:04] How are you feeling about the run overall now that
[06:08:06] you've been at it for almost
[06:08:08] three hours? Feels good!
[06:08:10] Feels good!
[06:08:12] That is great to hear. I'm still kicking myself for game overing
[06:08:15] on like a really easy like oh don't worry about it that really easy part you know
[06:08:21] with speed games you know things happen and you just try again yeah do you think
[06:08:27] that you will be trying to
[06:08:30] you know improve the time for this after
[06:08:33] this run yeah I think so.
[06:08:36] Because there's a lot of strats that I would
[06:08:37] not make a save game
[06:08:40] like right here I'm going to make a save game because
[06:08:42] we could game over in just
[06:08:44] a moment but
[06:08:45] there's also some strats like not
[06:08:48] getting extra defibrillators and just kind of doing better
[06:08:52] um just like more risky strats i would
[06:08:55] like to get nailed down on it is a long run though
[06:08:59] well and you know there's not a lot of um
[06:09:03] there's no uh like page for this game so yeah there's no runs on the internet that i
[06:09:09] could find unless there's some secret death by degrees leaderboard website maybe you know it's um
[06:09:16] kind of like making the blueprint
[06:09:18] for what the speedrun could look
[06:09:20] like, you know, somewhere
[06:09:22] to start from. This is the hardest
[06:09:25] laser part.
[06:09:29] Very precise., okay good.
[06:09:31] Then we get another railgun
[06:09:35] And we are going to use that railgun
[06:09:37] not on any bosses, actually.
[06:09:40] There's a big escape
[06:09:41] that we have to do
[06:09:42] after we do some bosses.
[06:09:43] The railgun is really good
[06:09:44] at taking out these cyborgs
[06:09:46] which we're going
[06:09:47] to be forced
[06:09:47] into some fights with them.
[06:09:49] The railgun makes handy work of them all right
[06:09:53] finally we're in the captain's room there's the chinese chess board
[06:09:57] we're going to put all the pieces we got from the jay statues in here
[06:10:02] which unlocks lana lay's bedroom which i don't know how she gets into her
[06:10:08] bedroom when all those pieces are in the jay
[06:10:10] statuettes i mean she might use like a separate entrance bedroom when all those pieces are in the J statues?
[06:10:13] I mean, she might use like a separate entrance.
[06:10:16] Government plant for the CIA checkpoint.
[06:10:19] And we are going to save again.
[06:10:22] Wait, the government plant was a save point? That's right.
[06:10:23] That is too good.
[06:10:25] That's too good.
[06:10:26] That's too good I say.
[06:10:28] Damn she's good.
[06:10:30] Sweeper agent, damn she's good.
[06:10:32] Damn she's good damn she's good
[06:10:33] alright so
[06:10:36] I want to let this cutscene play actually
[06:10:40] this is Lana Leigh's room. It's so creepy.
[06:10:44] She's just a doll enthusiast.
[06:10:48] Wait, what? It's Bryce.
[06:10:52] She has Bryce... His corpse.
[06:10:54] Dead in her bed?
[06:10:55] There's the evidence, Duffin.
[06:10:57] What the hell?
[06:10:58] Dead in bed.
[06:11:02] Aw is he gonna spring to life?
[06:11:04] No. No! oh is he gonna spring to life no no nina just take it
[06:11:09] oh oh my gosh oh we've been poisoned by lana lee
[06:11:14] where the hell did she come from? I don't know
[06:11:16] if she must have been standing there the whole time.
[06:11:17] Was she hiding under her own bed? She was just like
[06:11:20] hiding in the curtains of the
[06:11:22] bed.
[06:11:24] Waiting for Nina.
[06:11:25] Lana got us again, we we're gonna go into a ptsd dream sequence
[06:11:29] about anna when she was young and her dad died in front of her inner sister
[06:11:34] only this time nina will need to protect both Anna and little Nina.
[06:11:39] There's young Anna and young Nina who can both get bit by zombies. We're now naked zombies strangely.
[06:11:46] So I'm gonna crit her and kind of hit her in this direction get a few extra
[06:11:53] hits and then we need to promptly go and start defending the twins or i don't know if they're twins but they're
[06:11:59] their sisters yeah this is i think anna's the younger sister probably anna's like
[06:12:07] the becks so the story behind these two is they're both trained by
[06:12:09] their parents, their dad is like an assassin professionally and their mom
[06:12:14] is an Aikido champion
[06:12:17] And they're both trained, but Nina was always like better.
[06:12:21] And Anna's always seeking approval from their dad
[06:12:25] But their dad liked Nina more
[06:12:27] So it's always been this this bitter sibling rivalry, and then their dad dies,
[06:12:33] and they kind of bond over that or something?
[06:12:36] Yeah how did their dad die?
[06:12:38] Right but this game is not canon and their dad died when they were kids i see so it's a bit
[06:12:44] obscure okay
[06:12:49] but we will see the final conclusion of this whole thing in the final cutscene
[06:12:54] we'll kind of see the full story of what oh nice okay this fateful day don't cry girls it's gonna be okay
[06:13:10] there was a lot of crying.
[06:13:14] So the Ripper Blades do some decent damage to Lana.
[06:13:18] I'm actually saving my crit for Phase 2 of this fight
[06:13:22] which is quite a bit more difficult.
[06:13:27] I still have like an...
[06:13:31] Might as well just use this.
[06:13:38] Okay, this one's about to be broken.
[06:13:42] Get these zombies out of here.
[06:13:46] Also, Alana Leigh's fan attacks are a lot more powerful this time around.
[06:13:52] She is Nina's greatest fan.
[06:13:56] Okay so she is's gonna disappear again...
[06:14:00] checking on the kids. Where's Nina? Little Nina is right there.
[06:14:02] Oh god I lost her. No no, she's right there by-
[06:14:04] Wait am I crazy? She's right by Anna.
[06:14:07] Oh my god you're right. That would be a terrible babysitter.
[06:14:12] This is why Saint wouldn't make up for her good parent.
[06:14:17] Where are the girls?
[06:14:19] Okay, Lana's almost done for...
[06:14:25] One last hit! Alright, Lana phase one complete.
[06:14:29] So you have to get her entire health bar down
[06:14:31] to get to phase two?
[06:14:32] Yeah, but there's another fight.
[06:14:33] Okay.
[06:14:34] Good job, good job.
[06:14:36] Have you ever heard of Yoshimitsu? yoshi mits who yes she met's who well
[06:14:42] he's one of the coolest fighters just around town just around town i mean yoshimitsu would be just around
[06:14:51] town you know and uh i may or may not have a video about on such yoshi mutsu
[06:14:55] my youtube channel slash SaintMillion if you want to watch it.
[06:14:59] Hold down this elevator and walk over here,
[06:15:01] and hello! It's the Manji sword.
[06:15:04] The best sword in the game.
[06:15:06] It's Yoshimitsu's sword.
[06:15:08] What?
[06:15:09] Yoshimitsu just left it there or she paralleled sharpness lana stole
[06:15:13] it here it is it's even green oh thanks richard so cool there's the link for the video if anyone's curious.
[06:15:20] Oh, Richard, thanks!
[06:15:22] Yeah Yoshimitsu is one of my favorite characters that's who I play usually in Tekken or Soul Calibur.
[06:15:27] I'm like Yoshimitsu, easiest choice.
[06:15:33] All right so we've chased Lana into the headquarters
[06:15:38] of the super weapon Salacia,
[06:15:40] the satellite system which can cause global warming and she's lost it at this point
[06:15:46] and she's going to activate every satellite and try to end the world because she's lost her love
[06:15:55] the love of her life that nina killed and she's just like screw it i'm gonna end the world the whole world has to pay for what
[06:16:00] nina has gone and nina is once again poisoned but this time it's the most horrific hallucination
[06:16:06] dream ever oh wow as you can see by the surroundings luckily yoshimitsu's manji sword makes very easy work of her we just have to oh
[06:16:19] whoa she spawned right here that's really weird and all these like baby dolls like fly towards you this whole time uh if she hits
[06:16:28] you after you get hurt so you gotta like hit lana out of zombie b Bryces and zombie Enriques.
[06:16:37] Wait, what?
[06:16:38] These are zombie Bryces and zombie
[06:16:40] Enriques? Yeah, you're in this like hallucination
[06:16:42] dream with zombie
[06:16:44] versions of the bosses you've killed...
[06:16:47] It's a pretty good asset reuse if you ask me.
[06:16:50] Well, y'know it's Lana's fever dream we're just living in it.
[06:16:54] Exactly. So, you really gotta not get hit by her because if you do...
[06:16:59] Dang it, I thought she was ready to get critical but she's in her invulnerability phase
[06:17:05] You can see where she runs into first if you like are able to look at her.
[06:17:09] Sometimes it's a bit hard.
[06:17:12] If you get hit, you have to redo that first part.
[06:17:15] Tough to see in this dream sequence in general.
[06:17:19] And it's even worse because the camera is kind of hard to control
[06:17:27] and this is one of the main reasons we want the durability leveled up, because the Manji Sword also has limited durability.
[06:17:34] But it does the most damage and makes quick work for this fight for the most part
[06:17:49] all right i'm getting fed up with her, I'm gonna burn a
[06:17:51] water bottle so I can crit her because
[06:17:53] once she gets to half health
[06:17:54] this phase ends
[06:17:56] and she will stop
[06:17:59] like scampering off in a bunch of annoying directions so you'll be able to
[06:18:03] get a good crit on her yeah i thought the one she was in but i guess not
[06:18:12] no now the one she was in but i guess not
[06:18:17] no no no oh my gosh so she's doing a dance we gotta follow her again
[06:18:20] and these dolls just throw tackles on you.
[06:18:35] There she is, I'm actually gonna wait until she did she immediately just run away oh my god
[06:18:38] this is terrible so six defibrillators we're using one
[06:18:42] all right first of fibular here we go
[06:18:47] i'm gonna save my manji sword a little bit
[06:18:51] she's really giving me the business all right i'm quitting you
[06:18:54] right now don't you dare do anything dial this in really carefully oh god it's so horrific looking
[06:19:03] that is horrifying. Break her legs.
[06:19:07] This puts her into
[06:19:09] phase two of the fight. She won't disappear
[06:19:11] anymore it's just an all out
[06:19:13] fight with so many zombies
[06:19:15] and her. And what's really nice about this phase,
[06:19:19] if I can manage it, is she will not dodge bullets at all. She won't go
[06:19:24] invulnerable anymore. so if I can get this
[06:19:28] Assault rifle on her long enough
[06:19:30] I'm getting shot by Bryce
[06:19:40] It's it's so easy to get wombo combos in this phase of the fight. Alright, we're just gonna land a crit there. Knock her down so we can hit her with the Magi Sword a few times.
[06:19:50] There we go.
[06:19:52] She's dead.
[06:19:54] Done with Lana.
[06:19:55] Very nice.
[06:20:00] And now you have five more defibrillators left in case yeah five more for the final fight okay which is pretty good I'm going to go ahead and activate the super weapon.
[06:20:09] I'll just wait for it to
[06:20:11] come back up.
[06:20:17] So she activated this superweapon, we have to stop and there's only one way to do that it's with one final puzzle involving lucas's pocket watch
[06:20:25] it turns out the pocket watch was the key to stopping this in an emergency code.
[06:20:31] We're stopping the underworld right now.
[06:20:33] Was the key all along?
[06:20:35] It is the key, so it's just kind of like a puzzle. There's a glitch sometimes that you put in the right things...
[06:20:46] Oh, I had backwards. It's not glitchable.
[06:20:51] I just forgot.
[06:20:54] Ah, you saved the world!
[06:20:59] And now the satellites are done boom satellites you're done. You're done salacia
[06:21:09] You're gonna work in this town again okay so we've done that actually where does
[06:21:17] this take place like self-destruct sequence is activated it takes place
[06:21:21] on the bermuda triangle, okay you mentioned it.
[06:21:23] Sorry I might not have ever said that.
[06:21:25] No you did, I slipped my mind.
[06:21:28] It takes place on a boat called the Amphatrite
[06:21:30] Okay
[06:21:32] But I never brought that name up because its's so forgettable and hard to remember.
[06:21:35] But it is the Amphitrite, A-M-P-H-I-T-R-I-T-E.
[06:21:40] Like amphitheater?
[06:21:42] Exactly.
[06:21:43] Okay.
[06:21:43] Well yeah there is like a whole little theater we have the red card now nice
[06:21:48] the final car final card
[06:21:53] loading all right it's not over though Loading.
[06:22:00] Alright, it's not over though. We have plenty of enemies to take care of these are a mandatory fight right here.
[06:22:02] Oh I don't wanna die!
[06:22:09] Okay I died. Yeah you can't pause and heal in the middle of just getting stuff locked. Right.
[06:22:11] Cool. Using guns is great until you're locked in an animation that gets you comboed forever and then grab these medkits
[06:22:24] shotgun now we can triple prick. Oh yeah they're aggressive!
[06:22:28] Yeah they are super aggressive. You have to fight them in the tightest corridor in video games
[06:22:34] On the mash against
[06:22:42] So you had to fight those four i see because that last guy just blocks that door forever are you gonna have the meal kits now or yeah i need
[06:22:46] to keep a meal kidding up okay because i have to save my defibrillators and
[06:22:50] these dudes will just sleep those two attacks would have killed me oh my god
[06:22:56] you entered the room and it was like immediate yeah i was spamming dodge
[06:23:01] i still kind of got hit by that
[06:23:08] i have four grenade launcher shots.
[06:23:10] There's another required fight with these guys right here, outside this elevator.
[06:23:16] So what are you going to be using for these enemies?
[06:23:18] I'm gonna use a grenade launcher.
[06:23:20] Okay.
[06:23:21] Because I was saving it for just...
[06:23:24] I want to clump them up quickly.
[06:23:26] There we go.
[06:23:27] That was nice.
[06:23:28] I'm going to pick up this meal kit.
[06:23:31] Are you not there?
[06:23:33] Okay.
[06:23:35] Thanks!
[06:23:35] They all activate, but...
[06:23:41] Just gonna leave.
[06:23:43] We are a I'll activate, but just gonna leave. And we are officially done
[06:23:45] with all non-boss
[06:23:47] combat. We're going to skip things
[06:23:48] and head to the final
[06:23:50] boss in that escape pod that we primed earlier
[06:23:55] wait we primed in a skateboard yeah remember the cyborg Pod
[06:23:58] so now that we have the red card we can go into that room and get in the
[06:24:06] pot it's all sounds like a plan it's the plan let's do it you'll never guess who the final boss is even though you know
[06:24:19] who could it be do you have any ideas on who the final boss could be well keep it to yourself and don't spoil
[06:24:27] it just keep it to your stuff all right okay we're kidding we love you thanks for hanging
[06:24:34] around yeah we appreciate you guys hanging out so much.
[06:24:36] Thank you so much. Just sharing some Death by Degrees
[06:24:38] with y'all.
[06:24:40] And uh
[06:24:41] maybe I'll let this cutscene play a little bit.
[06:24:45] Oh snap. Oh, snow.
[06:24:46] The boat's on fire.
[06:24:49] Rocked.
[06:24:50] Screw this boat. Let's get out.
[06:24:52] Get out of the sound.
[06:25:00] Shoot. come
[06:25:04] despite agrees house there oh snap
[06:25:09] whoa wow those are not very secure no not at all just opened
[06:25:19] nina Nina! Don't, don't fall.
[06:25:31] Ah. Oh my god. Ah, Savior.
[06:25:34] Ah, Rescue Chopper. Let's go.
[06:25:34] Chopper.
[06:25:36] Oh!
[06:25:37] Okay.
[06:25:40] Diss Anna Williams.
[06:25:43] Anna has re-entered the chat.
[06:25:46] No words.
[06:25:49] Alright, this is the final fight,
[06:25:50] The Showdown with Anna.
[06:25:51] It's a three-phase boss fight
[06:25:52] and I'll let Richard know on time
[06:25:56] when it comes up.
[06:25:57] Yeah, it's a sister showdown.
[06:25:59] Let's go.
[06:25:59] It will not be short. It's a sister showdown. Let's go! It will not be short.
[06:26:01] It's a longer fight.
[06:26:05] So I'm gonna crit Ana just three times right off the bat
[06:26:09] There are barrels that fall all over this arena randomly
[06:26:12] all the time and it's really good if anna gets in them explosive barrels right okay
[06:26:18] that was great yeah yeah so i credit her three times and a barrel hit her for kind of a lot of damage,
[06:26:25] And she's still got kind of a lot health so that's just final boss health pool stuff
[06:26:30] So i'm actually going to pop water bottles wait i went to the wrong menu
[06:26:38] i wanted to like level things up i actually don't have as many
[06:26:41] water balls as i usually do but that's okay oh we gotta make do with what
[06:26:44] we have here yes just hydrate y'all okay so anna is very quick and has quite the reflexes
[06:26:56] And blocks a lot of our attacks
[06:26:58] She also does a decent amount of damage
[06:27:02] So we want to crit as much as we can
[06:27:04] It's all we got,
[06:27:04] We can't use melee weapons or guns against her
[06:27:06] This is just hand-to-hand honor duel
[06:27:10] You know?
[06:27:11] Yes and they make that a point so this final boss is more dramatic.
[06:27:16] Exactly.
[06:27:18] The sibling rivalry will come to the head here.
[06:27:21] So you can actually get knocked off this arena and it'll be an instant game over, even if you have the Fibrillators.
[06:27:28] So
[06:27:29] I'm kind of fighting her in a really safe
[06:27:31] spot far away from the edge.
[06:27:34] A safe spot
[06:27:35] near the fire.
[06:27:38] Get a little cutscene here as we go into phase two
[06:27:48] oh Ooh! Double slap. Evenly matched. They're like, alright whatever
[06:27:50] let's do this.
[06:27:52] Let's get serious now.
[06:27:54] You cracked my rib cage open but
[06:27:56] you slapped me and now it's on so going back to my safe spot because i do
[06:28:01] not want a game over trying to do the critical heavy combo gonna chug some more water pretty combo.
[06:28:11] Gonna chug some more water. Good idea, hydrate everybody.
[06:28:13] Hydrate.
[06:28:17] I'm gonna keep a couple of them in the wings.
[06:28:21] Okay, so at this point it's kind of...
[06:28:25] Oh, I missed my crit.
[06:28:27] It's okay if she kills me, please.
[06:28:30] Of course when I'm standing around trying to get hit
[06:28:33] She starts dodging everywhere and not doing anything
[06:28:36] Hit me!
[06:28:37] Come over here
[06:28:38] Okay of course one the other guy got hit by that
[06:28:40] That's fine we're gonna difficulty over here. Okay, of course only I got hit by that.
[06:28:41] That's fine. We're going to difficulty get full crit.
[06:28:44] So
[06:28:45] I'm gonna try to knock her down before
[06:28:47] I crit her here
[06:28:48] because it's actually really easy to start a crit against ana and then her character model like
[06:28:55] moves out of your field of vision okay that works too.
[06:29:05] So she'll start kind of like jumping all over the place like that.
[06:29:07] Oh right. We hit all three so that was great and she's probably going to get hit with this barrel
[06:29:09] so it's even better.
[06:29:11] Yeah, it's hard to hit her in like the appropriate bone spots when she's moving all over
[06:29:16] place yeah she can just leave your field of vision and the crit thing if you climb in an awkward way
[06:29:26] okay dang that's mean so at this point honestly this is the first time i've
[06:29:32] gotten thrown in this game.
[06:29:34] Amazing.
[06:29:36] Usually when you get thrown by a random enemy,
[06:29:39] like you'll get that tutorial dialogue
[06:29:42] that's like to evade a throw...
[06:29:44] Wait did you get that? So I just got
[06:29:45] that against Anna.
[06:29:47] That's the end of the game but we want
[06:29:49] to make sure you understand how to play.
[06:29:52] Yeah, that's pretty funny
[06:29:53] actually. Oh, fun fact If you're running the game and doing no saves
[06:29:58] And then you die against Ana
[06:30:00] You literally go to the first room in the game
[06:30:02] No way!
[06:30:03] It just starts the game over from after the tutorial.
[06:30:08] That's wild, that's brutal.
[06:30:10] I'm kinda just trying to get further to the side.
[06:30:13] This is a blunt...
[06:30:16] Come on.
[06:30:17] Get hit by the barrel.
[06:30:19] This fight's kind of long...
[06:30:22] I mean, it's supposed to be! It's a final boss! Final showdown here!
[06:30:26] They're really likely to hit me.
[06:30:31] That's counterintuitive, but I have all these defibrillators.
[06:30:35] I can do better.
[06:30:42] I can do better, sis on sis sorry sweaty sorry sweating literally letting you hit me
[06:30:52] all right come on say hit her with the brick breaker yeah
[06:31:05] oh crack yes all right phase three oh okay time is gonna come up if her health hits zero or if i can knock her off the building er yeah so in phase three she can now be hit off the ship i'm gonna be really careful about
[06:31:12] this because i can easily die so when i kick this so this barrier next to me actually doesn't break
[06:31:20] um but the one next to it does.
[06:31:21] I think it just broke.
[06:31:23] Okay.
[06:31:24] So I'm going to try and hit her in.
[06:31:26] Oh, I'm nervous.
[06:31:27] Not get hit in myself because that will be a game over.
[06:31:32] So I'm taking a bit of a risky strat here.
[06:31:36] Some water bottles...
[06:31:39] If i can crit her in the right place,
[06:31:41] and get her on the ground I can line up one final kick to get her off.
[06:31:48] That's a little too far away.
[06:31:51] I'll still try to kick her out though we may end up killing her on hp but i will
[06:31:57] do my best It kind of took too long, but I know that.
[06:32:03] But I think she was way too far anyway.
[06:32:06] Get off the ship!
[06:32:08] Okay, no time yet.
[06:32:13] Hmm? Okay... Okay. Study all your moves! Let's not lock on.
[06:32:14] I can get rotated around really easily if you're locked on.
[06:32:25] Then you're the one going off the edge.
[06:32:29] Okay, that's fine.
[06:32:32] Defibrillator.
[06:32:34] So we can crit her
[06:32:36] to eventually finish it, but
[06:32:38] if I can get her in the right spot
[06:32:40] Right here. Okay
[06:32:44] See if she'll...
[06:32:47] I'm just gonna burn the last one, because I just need to knock her down.
[06:32:55] Line up the field goal. And time!
[06:32:57] Nice! Off
[06:32:59] the ship.
[06:33:01] 326? Just under
[06:33:03] 326. Okay. What do you think, Saint?
[06:33:05] That wasn't a totally legit run because of the backup save, but hey, we're underestimating it.
[06:33:11] But the concept is there.
[06:33:13] The concept of runs here.
[06:33:14] We're underestimate.
[06:33:15] Great job.
[06:33:16] That's exactly what the run will look like.
[06:33:18] Let's watch this ending play out.
[06:33:20] Oh yeah, we get the full flashback now of what has been happening in the past.
[06:33:29] So I think they were kidnapped by these people
[06:33:34] that's nina's father not this guy he's getting gun pointed at Oh my gosh, this is terrifying for such a young girl
[06:34:04] i don't know what's gonna happen That woman's dead.
[06:34:14] She didn't take it.
[06:34:18] Wow. Death by degrees, but early death by you know
[06:34:22] bullets
[06:34:23] but it's cold
[06:34:25] outside
[06:34:25] it's cold
[06:34:25] maybe it's
[06:34:27] cold
[06:34:27] outside
[06:34:28] there's a little
[06:34:31] little Anna
[06:34:32] she was there too yeah you can't forget about it she was
[06:34:37] there Aw. oh
[06:35:02] don't let go
[06:35:10] whoa oh this thing is coming down.
[06:35:18] Helicopter.
[06:35:28] Nice. Boom! The fleet has arrived.
[06:35:49] Now we're even.
[06:35:52] Oop, see ya!
[06:35:55] Just skip her across the ocean like a rock?
[06:35:59] Absolutely don't.
[06:36:00] Skip, dunk.
[06:36:03] And there she goes.
[06:36:07] Hmm.
[06:36:09] Oh, that Anna. That's death by degrees.
[06:36:17] Sweeper. we'll be counting on you sweeper
[06:36:24] oh she's so badass
[06:36:28] tekken's nina william by Degrees, ladies and gentlemen.
[06:36:32] GG!
[06:36:33] GG? Wow. That was really something. I enjoyed that a lot. Thank you so much for running this game for us, Saint.
[06:36:41] Do you have anything
[06:36:43] left you'd like to say to our viewers?
[06:36:45] I just want to thank everyone for tuning in
[06:36:47] and hanging out and watching some
[06:36:49] Nina and sticking with us it wasn't a all the way legit run because of
[06:36:55] the backup save unfortunate but the concepts there i'm probably going to try to get a recorded run
[06:37:01] and maybe an SR comp page.
[06:37:03] So if you're interested in this run, which if you're not,
[06:37:06] I totally understand the load screens.
[06:37:09] You know, it's not too bad.
[06:37:12] It's got N got no gear solid vibes
[06:37:14] resident evil vibes this time is all wrong by the way because of the backup save oh for sure but um
[06:37:21] yeah it's it's just a weird old PS2 game.
[06:37:25] Thanks for watching!
[06:37:26] Thanks to my YouTube viewers as well supporting me and
[06:37:30] my different weird ventures
[06:37:32] And thanks for having me once again oh of course gdq to all
[06:37:36] yes thank you so much um and i do want to say that if you enjoyed the run here tonight make
[06:37:41] sure to keep an eye on saint's youtube channel that's saint million for a more in-depth
[06:37:48] look at death by degrees uh coming pretty soon it's in the works in the works yeah but um
[06:37:54] making a video all about it. Yeah, making
[06:37:56] really good progress on that so looking forward to
[06:37:58] a whole video dedicated to Nina
[06:38:00] subscribe to St.
[06:38:02] Millian's channel because you do not want to miss
[06:38:04] it but that is a wrap on tonight's episode of
[06:38:07] time capsule everybody I've been your host with operative thank you so much
[06:38:11] for watching if you're interested in submitting your own speedrun for this
[06:38:14] show make sure to use the command exclamation mark time capsule right here
[06:38:18] in our twitch chat or come find me on twitch smooth operative and let's talk about it
[06:38:24] if you just got here and you missed out on our hotfix shows tonight, worry not. Stay tuned for a replay of RNG and Time Capsule coming up right after the break. We will be live again Friday night 7pm Eastern with Do All the Things and Parallel Universe.
[06:38:39] Thanks again so much for watching everyone have a beautiful day or night wherever you are in the world
[06:38:43] And we will see you next time. Goodbye., y'all. so so
[06:43:49] is so you. so so. so so. so so ¶¶ so so so so Thank you. so so so so so so so I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, but it's a good idea.
[06:44:46] I'll try to get out of here before they start attacking me. so so so Hello everyone and welcome to Random Number Generation, the GDQ hot fake show about randomizers,
[06:44:48] the runners, and the communities behind them.
[06:44:55] I'm Sky Bills your host and this is episode oh my goodness we've broken the 100 barrier again 101 pokemon crystal full item randomizer with the one are on before we get started here.
[06:45:03] We have just a couple announcements here
[06:45:06] on behalf of GameStuntQuake.
[06:45:08] There's a lot going on here.
[06:45:10] So first of all, join the official GDQ Discord and add the
[06:45:13] Hotfix role where you can keep tabs
[06:45:15] on upcoming events, talk with
[06:45:17] staff and showrunners and more.
[06:45:19] Use exclamation point discord
[06:45:21] in Twitch chat for more info. And if you've
[06:45:24] missed out on any of our shows or events,
[06:45:26] be sure to check out the VODs at
[06:45:28] slash games done quick
[06:45:30] and go to
[06:45:32] slash hotfix for more info on our
[06:45:34] weekly shows and weekend specials
[06:45:37] and two, no sorry
[06:45:38] three events going on coming up
[06:45:40] oh my goodness, Gina G's next
[06:45:42] all women and femme speedrunning event,
[06:45:44] Blaine Patel returns August 18th through the 25th.
[06:45:47] Use exclamation point FF in Twitch chat to check out the schedule
[06:45:51] and let us know what you're looking forward to the most.
[06:45:54] I hope y'all see The Marioio shop where i'm a little biased
[06:45:57] gdq is going to pax west from august 30th through september 2nd the schedule's now out and use
[06:46:03] exclamation point hacks in Twitch chat for more info
[06:46:06] and let us know what you're excited about there.
[06:46:09] And last but definitely not least,
[06:46:11] Games Done Quick Express
[06:46:12] is returning to TwitchCon from
[06:46:14] September 20th through the 22nd.
[06:46:17] Submissions will be open tomorrow, July 17th
[06:46:20] to July 24th.
[06:46:22] Use!GDQX in Twitch chat for more info. So again,
[06:46:28] lots going on here with GDQ.
[06:46:30] With that being said though, Keith, how are you
[06:46:32] doing? Welcome back to the
[06:46:34] show! What's up? Oh, you know
[06:46:36] I'm here.
[06:46:38] I'm alive.
[06:46:39] I'm still on my Pokemon BS.
[06:46:42] You know, the usual.
[06:46:44] Oh yeah, absolutely.
[06:46:45] Yeah, I asked Keyes,
[06:46:46] I'm like, all right,
[06:46:47] so what kind of Pokemon
[06:46:47] do you want to do this time he's like
[06:46:49] full item rando seems good and i'm like all right a lot of people like their pokemon crystal for
[06:46:56] instance so before we get started here keys what is it with you and Pokemon Crystal in particular?
[06:47:01] There's so many Pokemon games out there.
[06:47:04] Yeah, so... It's really just nostalgia.
[06:47:07] Like this was the game that I played The second most as a kid
[06:47:11] The one I played the most is Diamond
[06:47:13] I've played on Diamond of all things
[06:47:14] But uh
[06:47:15] I just have a bunch of really good memories
[06:47:17] I remember being
[06:47:19] Being a military brat on base and going in a camping tent
[06:47:23] in our backyards with my friends,
[06:47:25] and we would all be playing a Pokémon game
[06:47:27] and just be there like all afternoon and whatnot.
[06:47:29] Like it was just a lot of fun vibes.
[06:47:32] Aw, well yeah,
[06:47:33] and the cool thing I always liked about Crystal is,
[06:47:37] and I believe this is the same for Golden Silver,
[06:47:38] you can go back and forth between Kano and JoJo
[06:47:40] and for me as someone who grew up on
[06:47:43] Red, Blue, Yellow, I was always like, oh my gosh
[06:47:44] this is a huge game. Well now we fast
[06:47:47] forward to 2024 and that's so tiny
[06:47:49] now compared to what we do have
[06:47:50] in our current Pokemon generation.
[06:47:53] Yeah, I definitely love that both regions are in.
[06:47:57] I remember I didn't know that for a while though.
[06:48:00] Really?
[06:48:01] Like, I beat the Elite Four and was was like, oh okay that's it.
[06:48:05] And then I came back a week later my friend was like hey did you know there are more gyms
[06:48:09] and I was like what?
[06:48:13] So yeah as we get going I do have a few more questions but I want to make sure we can get this started because sometimes the spread though can end up being a little cursed.
[06:48:23] Just a tiny bit.
[06:48:25] Without further ado, Keys, go ahead on your count.
[06:48:28] All right, we'll start up in
[06:48:29] three, two, one,
[06:48:32] go! Good luck and have fun.
[06:48:34] So, Keys, if you can remember though this is a big if because
[06:48:36] this was probably awhile ago and I probably couldn't remember my first team
[06:48:39] What did your first team in Pokemon Crystal look like?
[06:48:44] Oh I could tell you for sure
[06:48:46] I picked Totodile Alright Oh, I can tell you for sure. Okay!
[06:48:47] Um...
[06:48:48] I picked Totodile.
[06:48:49] Alright.
[06:48:50] Um...
[06:48:51] I traded my friend for a Mareep because I was very, very, VERY upset that Mareep was
[06:48:54] not available in Crystal.
[06:48:56] So I had Totodile, I had Mareep was not available in Crystal.
[06:48:57] So I had Totodile,
[06:48:58] I had Mareep,
[06:49:00] I had... What else did I have?
[06:49:02] I had a Growlithe,
[06:49:04] I had a Gastly,
[06:49:06] and then the last two slots were just kind of shuffled around
[06:49:09] a lot. At one point in time i ran the shiny Gyarados because they're like
[06:49:12] this is so cool he's red! Yeah yeah well I just love Gyarados
[06:49:15] period and that's what we got that. The Pidgeot, the
[06:49:19] Titan Fluxion...
[06:49:23] Oh!
[06:49:25] Alright, I'm picking this because it won't die.
[06:49:27] Well yes, I would feel like that is the pick but
[06:49:29] honestly i don't think there was a terrible pick in any of those.
[06:49:33] Yeah like Pigshot would technically be the worst but I mean Normal type and
[06:49:37] Flying type have really strong moves anyway so It it's not like it was gonna be bad.
[06:49:42] But there's also a chance that because it's an item rando and I can potentially go anywhere and everywhere
[06:49:47] that uh...I might be able to find something much higher level eventually.
[06:49:53] Or you can learn Peppa, buddy.
[06:49:55] Oh my god!
[06:49:57] Wait, it already knows Aeroblast? What?!
[06:50:00] Alright well... Wow! Wow! It already knows arrow blast? What? All right, well.
[06:50:00] Wow!
[06:50:01] Wow!
[06:50:04] Well, this is spicy.
[06:50:07] Well, in Randomizer, typically when I play one,
[06:50:09] if things tend to be too good to be true at the beginning
[06:50:12] i usually go with the philosophy it usually is and uh oh it definitely
[06:50:16] is there's gonna be something that happens you know it i know it, I know it. Oh yeah! Yeah- ooh! My champ!
[06:50:25] It's gonna be experience is what it is.
[06:50:27] So I can't remember if I ran
[06:50:29] this version of the mod
[06:50:31] the last time I was on the show.
[06:50:33] We used something called Speed Choice,
[06:50:35] which adds a bunch of quality-of-life stuff
[06:50:38] and sped up animations
[06:50:39] so on and so forth. You might have noticed
[06:50:41] that when I attacked the Machamp, not only was there no animations
[06:50:44] because they're turned off anyway but the health bar just vanished. There's animation
[06:50:50] speedups for any animations that are still in the game, so it saves a lot of time.
[06:50:57] Ooh, leftovers! That's good.
[06:50:59] So for folks who may not be familiar with the settings
[06:51:03] when you do Pokemon Crystal Flight on Randomizer,
[06:51:06] what can someone expect watching this and possibly playing it in the future
[06:51:09] on these settings? Chaos. You can expect chaos.
[06:51:14] You're going to have to think a lot um
[06:51:16] i oh hey look i've got it already i have
[06:51:19] to uh i always have to like keep track of
[06:51:22] like any funky things that might be happening. I also have like a...
[06:51:28] I have shop randomizers, so
[06:51:32] Like money management and resource management is so much more important now
[06:51:36] Oh! Like, a Pokeball
[06:51:37] could cost like $1,200.
[06:51:40] Oh, I didn't even think about that.
[06:51:41] Yeah. So you have to be extra
[06:51:43] careful. And the goal of this
[06:51:45] is to get all the items, you know badges
[06:51:48] Possibly gems you need to travel around
[06:51:50] All of that and then defeat the Elite
[06:51:52] Four in Kanojo-do
[06:51:54] Go!
[06:51:56] So the ultimate goal is to make it to red.
[06:51:59] Oh!
[06:52:00] I need all 16 badges,
[06:52:01] I'll need to defeat the Elite Four...
[06:52:04] However I can find a way
[06:52:07] to travel all over the place.
[06:52:08] It's a combination
[06:52:09] of different items
[06:52:11] which, I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, my brain
[06:52:13] does not want to tell me what those items are right now
[06:52:15] but there's a combination of items that will help
[06:52:17] me get there.
[06:52:22] Well, thanks to y'all we do have this wonderful tracker that folks in the audience can see so those are
[06:52:24] the items that he is looking for
[06:52:26] We even got that nice little go button
[06:52:29] Back when I started randomizers,
[06:52:31] that would have been a really nice feature to have
[06:52:32] so I like this. This is a very, very
[06:52:34] nice tracker.
[06:52:37] Yeah, like I
[06:52:37] am a little biased of course but I do think that biased, of course.
[06:52:40] But I do think that a lot of the Pokemon trackers are really good
[06:52:44] because they're simplistic enough to where it's not an overwhelming amount
[06:52:47] of information but it's very obvious for the most part, like what you're getting.
[06:52:51] I know some of the items on the tracker might not look familiar to
[06:52:56] some people which is completely understandable,
[06:52:59] there's this thing that I'm flashing right now.
[06:53:03] This is the machine part, for example.
[06:53:04] You don't ever see that icon.
[06:53:07] Now
[06:53:08] apologies to you two here because we cannot get
[06:53:10] your live comments but we are a live show right here on
[06:53:13] Twitch and we do have
[06:53:15] some questions here from the chat. We are
[06:53:17] an active chat-friendly show so
[06:53:19] we do our best to respond unless
[06:53:21] kids need some serious time for this of course.
[06:53:24] But we have our first question from the chat here it says
[06:53:27] please ask keys again thank you for saying please that's heckin awesome
[06:53:31] if the squirrel from monday survived you know keys does this have to do with our conversation in The Pretty Show?
[06:53:36] What happened?
[06:53:38] Okay.
[06:53:39] So as some of you may or may not know, the first step is back and it's on every other Monday at 7pm Eastern.
[06:53:48] So similar time to before just a different day.
[06:53:52] I was practicing for the game we were doing that day which is minecraft dungeons which if you did
[06:53:57] not see that speed run in sgdq you totally should uh really really fun game also a really hard
[06:54:03] game to speedrun but uh i had just finished my practice stream, and the moment that I
[06:54:08] cut my stream, my internet went down, and it was down for two-and-a-half hours...
[06:54:12] And it was because a squirrel decided that uh, a cable outside was delicious and uh...
[06:54:17] Oh no.
[06:54:18] I don't think that squirrel is with us anymore?
[06:54:21] Oh, no!
[06:54:23] But yeah.
[06:54:26] Why does this always happen during stream? But, uh... yeah.
[06:54:31] Why does this always happen during streams? Some of the most ridiculous stuff!
[06:54:33] I don't know it's wild.
[06:54:36] Okay so we have another question here.
[06:54:39] Please ask what Keyes' favorite Pokemon is. is can you pick one case there's so many there's a lot and depending on the day in my mood you might get a different
[06:54:45] answer okay um a lot of times the answer, like I'll rotate
[06:54:49] between Zoroark
[06:54:52] specifically Hisuian
[06:54:53] Zoroark from Legends Arceus
[06:54:55] it's really really cool, I like the design
[06:54:57] I unironically like Jinx now, because it's been a meme for me
[06:55:03] for so long that now I have no choice.
[06:55:05] I'm in too deep.
[06:55:08] I also really like Gengar and Zapdos.
[06:55:10] And, and I should have known that right?
[06:55:12] Didn't you say you caught a Gastly the first time
[06:55:14] you played this, like Gastly was on your team?
[06:55:16] Yep, yep.
[06:55:17] So then you'd have hopefully Gengar!
[06:55:19] I was the kind of person where once I got the Game Boy
[06:55:21] Advance SP, I know this is old.
[06:55:24] I know y'all.
[06:55:25] But I used the link cable again
[06:55:27] old to link
[06:55:29] two games up so I could get Gengars's and Alakazam's in particular.
[06:55:33] Did you have anything like that?
[06:55:35] I sure did, in fact...
[06:55:37] because we're horribly aging ourselves this show apparently
[06:55:41] I remember when Crystal came out
[06:55:43] and...
[06:55:45] like 9 or 10, I think? Yeah!
[06:55:47] But uh, Crystal came
[06:55:49] with this bundle for
[06:55:51] the Game Boy Color. Like it was clear atomic purple Game Boy Color. It was the clear atomic purple
[06:55:54] Game Boy Color, and it came
[06:55:55] with Pokemon Crystal,
[06:55:57] and it was like $10 cheaper
[06:55:58] if you bought a bundle or something.
[06:56:00] I remember I told my mom,
[06:56:01] hey, I really want this like you know
[06:56:03] i like pokemon games i really want pokemon crystal i didn't say anything
[06:56:06] about the game boy itself uh i guess she misunderstood the
[06:56:10] instructions and was like i don't know why this
[06:56:13] game's so expensive
[06:56:13] but I got it for you
[06:56:15] and she got me the Game Boy that had a 2.
[06:56:17] Oh my gosh!
[06:56:18] So I had two Game Boy colors
[06:56:20] and I'm like, okay perfect
[06:56:21] I don't need my friends for help
[06:56:23] I'm just gonna trade.
[06:56:24] Ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha I don't need my friends for help. I'm just gonna trade.
[06:56:27] All right, couple other great questions here from the chat.
[06:56:30] What is your least favorite Pokemon?
[06:56:32] And maybe if you can think of a least favorite Pokemon
[06:56:34] like maybe even the least favorite Pokemon type.
[06:56:36] Skiploom?
[06:56:37] Skiploom?
[06:56:39] Skiploom.
[06:56:39] Really?
[06:56:40] Even more so than like, I don't know, Weedle or...
[06:56:44] I hate Skiploom.
[06:56:45] Okay.
[06:56:45] There's a story as to why
[06:56:47] I hate Skip Bloom.
[06:56:47] Okay, all right.
[06:56:48] I'd love to.
[06:56:48] It's justifiable story.
[06:56:50] No, please.
[06:56:51] Yeah?
[06:56:51] So I was doing
[06:56:53] a randomizer bingo
[06:56:54] and I caught a pokemon that had rock smash uh if you don't understand the
[06:57:00] relevance of that chat um rock smash gives you a level 15 pokemon and since i got it
[06:57:07] you know early i only had like a level six pokemon or and since I got it early, I only had
[06:57:08] like a level 6 Pokemon or something.
[06:57:09] Okay, cool.
[06:57:11] I have a potential chance to
[06:57:13] sweep the early game with something
[06:57:15] that's more than double the level it should be.
[06:57:19] Unfortunately, it was a skip and it was probably probably the worst run i've ever had in my life oh my gosh
[06:57:29] i'm aplume hater, sorry to any
[06:57:31] Skiplume enthusiasts in chat
[06:57:33] I'm not that
[06:57:35] That is
[06:57:37] Yeah, I totally understand.
[06:57:40] So along the things you dread the most,
[06:57:43] you know Scythlin being one of them,
[06:57:45] what part of this run in particular just Pokemon
[06:57:48] you know Ida Miranda in general. Do you dread
[06:57:51] the most?
[06:57:53] I think what scares me the most with these
[06:57:55] which is preventable
[06:57:56] if you set the logic this way but I never
[06:57:59] do because I have one brain cell.
[06:58:01] But anytime
[06:58:03] the logic expects you
[06:58:05] to get to a much later part of the game
[06:58:07] early when you're just not
[06:58:09] physically prepared for it.
[06:58:12] Like there's been some seeds I had where
[06:58:15] I could go to Kanto early and they expected me
[06:58:18] to beat Sabrina, again something that is
[06:58:20] within your power to stop from happening.
[06:58:22] I just never do it.
[06:58:24] So, you know, I have to fight a gym leader with level 50s and I have a level 20.
[06:58:28] But it also adds like a neat little element to it too.
[06:58:32] It gives me an opportunity to find new ways that she fights or something.
[06:58:37] There was one seed I did where I had to go to the Elite Four Mart,
[06:58:41] Like I didn't have to beat the Elite Four specifically but I had to go to the Elite Four Mart. Like, I didn't have to beat the Elite Four
[06:58:43] specifically,
[06:58:43] but I had to go
[06:58:44] to the Elite Four Mart
[06:58:45] to get an item
[06:58:46] to progress.
[06:58:47] I think it was cut
[06:58:47] of all things.
[06:58:48] Oh!
[06:58:50] And I was supremely
[06:58:51] underleveled
[06:58:52] compared to my rival
[06:58:53] but we did this thing where like I had X defend and I did that to survive and stall out PP. Then I had the land a dynamic punch to confuse it. It was like
[06:59:05] solving a puzzle, so that was a lot of fun.
[06:59:08] But it was also
[06:59:09] dreadful and
[06:59:10] one of the worst things I've ever done in
[06:59:13] random.
[06:59:16] I'm sure we'll find something
[06:59:18] ridiculous tonight. We always do
[06:59:20] when I have you on either of our shows
[06:59:22] and it's usually really good content
[06:59:24] for the audience, so
[06:59:25] I don't want it
[06:59:27] to be too much of a pain for you. But at
[06:59:29] the same time, I do find it wildly
[06:59:30] entertaining when something unexpected happens.
[06:59:33] Except, I will remind you throughout
[06:59:35] and I have to do this given our friendship.
[06:59:37] Please be sure to save your game.
[06:59:41] Alright, I'll do that right now! Good call, good call
[06:59:45] I think that was my first save of the day
[06:59:51] i don't want to be that person but i just want to make sure
[06:59:56] the first ever show i had here on GDQ
[06:59:59] Hotfix a very long time ago,
[07:00:01] might I add. Poor Keith had a corrupted save
[07:00:03] file and
[07:00:04] I believe it was my first Mercy kill that we had.
[07:00:07] It sure was. Yes, it was. yes episode one of mercy killed six minutes in corrupted save
[07:00:13] i was like no you didn't say so another question, are shinies possible?
[07:00:20] I want to say yes, it's
[07:00:22] crystal.
[07:00:23] It's the old rate so
[07:00:25] 1 in 8190
[07:00:29] something, 92 I think?
[07:00:30] Did you find any besides the Red Gyarados keys that-
[07:00:33] This is my own question!
[07:00:34] I only saw one when I was playing Pokemon Silver
[07:00:37] and I found a Bellsprout
[07:00:39] And I had no clue what a Shiny even was i just saw it and i'm like
[07:00:43] this i thought like it glitched out right because keys and i come from an era where some of us made
[07:00:49] bad decisions and caught stuff that procced off of MissingNo
[07:00:52] and like, you know level 200
[07:00:54] Pokemon and then your file got corrupted
[07:00:56] Like that is legit happening to me
[07:00:58] So I thought it was along those lines
[07:01:00] Right? Sure. And I caught it.
[07:01:03] Yeah.
[07:01:04] I don't think
[07:01:05] I found a shiny in this game.
[07:01:07] I think my first shiny
[07:01:08] that wasn't the Gyarados
[07:01:09] was an Emerald.
[07:01:10] Oh really?
[07:01:11] Okay.
[07:01:11] And that one
[07:01:12] that one I forced And that one I forced, like that one
[07:01:13] I wanted the shiny Rayquaza so I
[07:01:17] saved in front of it and I reset for two weeks straight
[07:01:21] Now granted it wasn't like all at once, I did
[07:01:24] it on the bus to and from school. Oh yeah!
[07:01:28] It was a 30 minute bus ride so you know I'd get an hour of resets in
[07:01:32] every day during school.
[07:01:35] Yeah!
[07:01:37] Other than that, I never...
[07:01:39] The funniest thing about that one though
[07:01:41] and this is absolutely absurd luck
[07:01:43] Um, I spent the two weeks to get
[07:01:45] that shiny Rayquaza,
[07:01:47] and then my friend had mentioned that
[07:01:49] hey, you can get a Beldum in Stephen's
[07:01:51] house. I was like oh okay, that's cool.
[07:01:53] And the Beldum was shiny. First try without even trying wow i got a back-to-back
[07:01:57] shiny i was like this thing's sick and i didn't realize it wasn't supposed to be blue
[07:02:03] so i just like oh this is really cool. Why does it turn blue?
[07:02:07] It doesn't! You got a shiny!
[07:02:10] So another question from the chat and again these are wonderful y'all
[07:02:14] Is it possible to randomize Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum like you can with Crystal?
[07:02:18] And if so how come you don't run that or I'll say run that as much because y'all
[07:02:21] I'll tell you something when it comes to Pokemon.
[07:02:24] Keyes is another Pokemon professor.
[07:02:30] You know what I mean like Like he's knows like so much about Pokemon It just crystal happens to be the favorite here
[07:02:33] But um, is it due to the length of time that you don't run diamond pro platinum if i were to take a guess
[07:02:39] i would say it doesn't have as much of a nostalgia factor but i'm not like he's answered
[07:02:43] um i mean nostalgia does really sunk into it.
[07:02:48] It's more just the older generations of games have a lot more accessibility to them when it comes to modifying them, and also just a bigger plethora of options in the randomizers. Like I think there might be like a beta for Diamond Platinum Pearl for Item Rando but i'm not 100 sure um and i do know that at least back then like
[07:03:16] there were older versions of the randomizer where like the pokedex didn't properly work
[07:03:19] so if you wanted to be like a catch-em-all or something,
[07:03:21] you had to take vigorous notes.
[07:03:25] Oh, I bet!
[07:03:26] Yeah, I mean, again,
[07:03:27] back in the day... This is just in general.
[07:03:29] Again, I'm so sorry about dating Rose both Ks. I know you didn't.
[07:03:32] You technically did sign it up
[07:03:34] because you know that the conversation always
[07:03:36] goes this way. It's you. It's me. It's Richard. Of course
[07:03:38] we're going to talk about this. But it's
[07:03:40] like if we ran into something like how I ran into
[07:03:43] the shiny Bellsprout didn't put two
[07:03:44] together with the shiny Gyarados
[07:03:46] you didn't have internet to
[07:03:49] fall back on back then, you know?
[07:03:50] Maybe, or at least some of us didn't even know where to go back then, you know? Maybe or at least some of us didn't even
[07:03:53] know where to go back then.
[07:03:55] So it was one of those like,
[07:03:56] you could go into your local bookstore
[07:03:58] and maybe buy something
[07:04:01] or even just thumb through the pages real quick
[07:04:03] because who hasn't done that. That's a 90s
[07:04:04] kid experience.
[07:04:06] I still remember
[07:04:08] and just to continue
[07:04:10] to further date us,
[07:04:12] I still remember going to
[07:04:17] Oh yeah!
[07:04:19] Yeah, it was a cheat
[07:04:21] and hint site
[07:04:21] And I remember
[07:04:24] most of the cheats they put on for Pokemon were just complete BS, right?
[07:04:29] Like it'd be really dumb stuff.
[07:04:30] Like, oh, you can get Yoshi and Mewthree and stuff like this.
[07:04:33] Just absolutely...
[07:04:35] You know,
[07:04:38] ridiculously false things but I remember my proud moment
[07:04:40] as a child was submitting
[07:04:43] the game winners
[07:04:44] Like I submitted a tip
[07:04:45] I was like hey if you don't evolve your pokemon
[07:04:49] right away you could possibly learn their most powerful moves way earlier for example squirtle
[07:04:54] will get hydro pump at like 40 something whereasastoise doesn't get it until 50-something.
[07:04:59] Not worth its time.
[07:05:01] No, it's not worth it.
[07:05:03] I was like, they accepted my submission.
[07:05:05] I have a submission on Game Winners.
[07:05:06] Let's go!
[07:05:09] And this is
[07:05:11] Baby Keys era
[07:05:12] like I think the username I had back
[07:05:14] then was like XGP
[07:05:16] which is like the name of
[07:05:17] the original name of the ship from
[07:05:19] Outlaw Star.
[07:05:22] Y'all are getting a history lesson.
[07:05:24] Oh yeah, I'm not
[07:05:25] kidding when I said you're a Pokemon professor,
[07:05:27] I truly mean that. You know your
[07:05:29] stuff with this franchise.
[07:05:31] Well, I want to talk a little bit later
[07:05:33] because we do have a few more questions. Remind me
[07:05:35] to return to it. I wanted to talk about one
[07:05:37] of your favorite marathons I've ever seen on your channel, Keys.
[07:05:40] The Touch Grass Marathon.
[07:05:43] But we'll talk
[07:05:44] about that later because
[07:05:45] we still got some questions from the chat here.
[07:05:49] So
[07:05:49] what postcard from the chat here. So...
[07:05:51] What Pokemon had
[07:05:53] the biggest upgrade from original version
[07:05:55] to regional variant? Which Pokemon did you
[07:05:57] like the least in the original
[07:05:59] to most in new regional variant. And as an example
[07:06:01] for this person in chat,
[07:06:03] they detested Stunfist but adore
[07:06:05] the Galarian variant we received
[07:06:07] in Gen 8.
[07:06:10] I...
[07:06:10] Hmm. I mean... I...hmm.
[07:06:12] I mean, it's not like older-older
[07:06:16] So I'll give two answers
[07:06:18] My general answer would be Zoroa and Zorark
[07:06:21] Because I really liked how they changed from
[07:06:23] Dark to normal Ghost. And
[07:06:25] I just like their
[07:06:27] artistic design.
[07:06:29] If you want to go actual old school
[07:06:31] then go back to like gen one pokemon i really really like doug dimidome wheezing
[07:06:40] was that the wheezing that looked like there were smokestacks or is that something else
[07:06:46] so he had smoke stacks at the top of his hat and his hat looked like an absurdly comically tall
[07:06:51] top hat he also became part fairy for some reason. He was Poison Fairy, I think?
[07:06:58] It was really funny just going from a gaseous ball to someone who looks like they drink tea with their pinky up and whatnot.
[07:07:07] That's a good one!
[07:07:09] I always liked the Alolan Exeggcutor,
[07:07:11] And the Alolan Raichu
[07:07:12] I thought both of those were babies
[07:07:14] Alolan Raichu. I thought both of those were babies. Alolan Raichu is
[07:07:16] so good. What a
[07:07:18] gorgeous mon.
[07:07:19] Okay, another fun question here from Chad.
[07:07:22] If either of us lived in the Pokemon
[07:07:24] world and we were gym leader, what Pokemon type would our gyms be?
[07:07:27] I would be dragon 110%.
[07:07:29] I love dragons.
[07:07:30] I'd either
[07:07:33] be ghost or dark.
[07:07:34] I just happen to really like mons that are ghost and Mons that are dark
[07:07:37] Yeah, I could see also
[07:07:39] though if there was ever an
[07:07:41] Eeveelution gym I could see you having
[07:07:43] an Eeveelution gym
[07:07:44] Yeah, yeah that would fun. I do like
[07:07:48] uh... I do really
[07:07:50] like Sylveon and I do like
[07:07:52] Leafeon a lot too. Yeah!
[07:07:54] They are adorable. Glaceon's also
[07:07:56] a little sweetie.
[07:07:59] Mm-hmm. Alright, so let me see if I'm catching up here
[07:08:01] and again this is great chat
[07:08:03] AlohaMerox really good
[07:08:05] yes I agree there. Also too
[07:08:07] There was a question. Have you done
[07:08:09] Archipelago with
[07:08:10] Pokemon?
[07:08:10] Let me tell y'all
[07:08:11] where to find that
[07:08:12] content.
[07:08:13] You can go here at
[07:08:14] slash
[07:08:15] Kizeron for some
[07:08:17] awesome Archipelago
[07:08:18] content but I'll let you talk about that
[07:08:20] because you do a lot of it.
[07:08:22] I do Archipelago so much.
[07:08:24] Anyone who's been a watcher
[07:08:26] of The First Step, I've had
[07:08:28] Pokemon Archipelago featured on there several times
[07:08:31] as like an emergency, hey we
[07:08:32] need to get the show going but there's
[07:08:35] some sort of technical difficulty let's just do
[07:08:37] an archipelago
[07:08:37] um I've been doing a lot of Emerald Archipelago.
[07:08:41] If I do red at all, then
[07:08:45] make sure it's as obnoxious as possible so I'll do like Map Rando
[07:08:49] Stat Rando with that.
[07:08:52] The crystal archipelago has apparently
[07:08:54] improved a lot since I last
[07:08:56] looked at it so that might be something I try out
[07:08:58] soon, like
[07:08:59] literally soon, like maybe next week?
[07:09:02] Ooh.
[07:09:05] I'll look forward to that! So pretty much you do stream
[07:09:08] every day right? Cause I usually wake up by time and you're usually
[07:09:11] up and going. And it has been a lot of archipelago lately.
[07:09:14] Is that about what your schedule is?
[07:09:15] You stream in about the afternoons,
[07:09:17] Eastern we'll call it?
[07:09:19] Yeah, I usually start
[07:09:21] 12 or 1 Eastern, usually. And I usually start, I'll start like 12 or 1 Eastern usually.
[07:09:24] And then I usually go about 6 to 8 hours because this is my full-time gig so
[07:09:30] I treat it like full time and try try to get, you know, solid amount of timing.
[07:09:36] That is also why y'all should follow keys again,
[07:09:38] just very quality entertainment there.
[07:09:40] And again,
[07:09:41] it's,
[07:09:42] it is a lot of Pokemon,
[07:09:43] but he's also likes, I know you some underlilies content as well.
[07:09:47] What else lately has your eye besides Pokemon content out of curiosity?
[07:09:51] Um so i'm gonna be uh... I really want to play
[07:09:55] some more Minecraft Dungeons.
[07:09:56] Really?
[07:09:56] Uh, I had a lot of fun with it.
[07:09:58] Uh, Hobbs and I
[07:09:59] were super disappointed
[07:10:00] that we couldn't have
[07:10:01] the race that we wanted
[07:10:01] on Monday
[07:10:02] but we're actually
[07:10:04] like planning out
[07:10:05] playing that game further. it's one of the few not to say
[07:10:08] that we haven't done bangers for the first step obviously but it's one of the few tfs games where
[07:10:13] hobbs and i have both been equally as excited to get into.
[07:10:18] So that's something that's going to be happening a lot
[07:10:19] soon. Really like
[07:10:21] doing Fire Emblem stuff as well, not
[07:10:23] necessarily speedrun stuff, I like doing challenge
[07:10:25] stuff with that.
[07:10:31] Really like Old School run stuff i like doing challenge stuff with that um really like old school first person shooters too like a lot of times if i do an archipelago i might include
[07:10:34] like doom or doom 2 just kind of as my BK mode game
[07:10:38] while I'm still doing something.
[07:10:40] Well if you do like Zelda 1 keys
[07:10:42] I'm a big fan. It's called The Legend
[07:10:44] of Doom if you ever want to play it.
[07:10:46] It's a Doom mod that Zelda won.
[07:10:48] Oh, yeah!
[07:10:48] It was so much fun.
[07:10:50] I would recommend it to anyone.
[07:10:51] I've seen that.
[07:10:52] Yeah.
[07:10:52] It looks interesting.
[07:10:54] Yeah, would very much recommend.
[07:10:56] Let me know if you ever played.
[07:10:57] I would love to see your thoughts and impressions behind it so so back to pokemon
[07:11:01] here because i talked about this earlier one of the things that i'd enjoyed keys do was the touch
[07:11:06] grass marathon it was an incentive in keys to stream again.
[07:11:10] A bunch of us here are full time streamers, so he's what did you like the most about the touch grass marathon and what is it?
[07:11:17] So the touch grass marathon was such a silly idea.
[07:11:23] It's literally exactly what it sounds like, I played every single Pokemon game up until
[07:11:28] I touched a patch of grass that could produce an encounter.
[07:11:32] So some games were done in like 30 seconds,
[07:11:36] some games would take like 10 to 15 minutes
[07:11:39] and we had to make some exceptions too
[07:11:41] like the... I included like the GameCube games as well.
[07:11:43] So XD and Colosseum
[07:11:47] And oh god there's no actual grass
[07:11:50] so like we just have to find a blade of grass
[07:11:52] and I'd touch
[07:11:52] it and be like, that counts!
[07:11:53] Next game!
[07:11:54] What did you do for stadium?
[07:11:57] Um, accepted that I could not
[07:11:59] add stadium.
[07:12:01] Now see, maybe in the future if you were to do it again,
[07:12:04] maybe wait until you get to Erica's gym because there's got to be grass there.
[07:12:07] Hit a Grassmon or something.
[07:12:08] Yeah!
[07:12:10] Technically.
[07:12:11] It's definitely one of those silly ideas that could probably actually be developed into something with the funniest meta.
[07:12:18] Oh yeah, absolutely! I love that.
[07:12:21] I think my- cause I had a timer up and everything. Like we made, we made a joke like,
[07:12:25] Oh,
[07:12:25] we're turning this into a speed run.
[07:12:27] And,
[07:12:27] uh,
[07:12:28] I think the biggest time that I lost was transitioning from Game Boy
[07:12:34] Advance game to DS.
[07:12:42] Because I found out that my DS capture died, so I had to grab Emrys.
[07:12:47] So was this a regular DS or
[07:12:49] 3DS? Regular.
[07:12:50] Okay, I tried using the
[07:12:52] 3DS and again, this could be an age thing
[07:12:55] very much so. Every time I try to turn on the 3d mode
[07:12:58] on my 3ds i just could not understand the screen if that made sense i'd just
[07:13:03] feel like what am i looking at i i turned it on once,
[07:13:08] blinked, did not like how my eyes
[07:13:10] reacted when I blinked, said nope and
[07:13:12] turned it back off and never tried it again.
[07:13:14] That was my experience. I was wondering
[07:13:16] if I was the only person who had been through that, but my gosh.
[07:13:21] I think the only other time I've turned on 3D is
[07:13:26] If you have one of the, Katsukiri captures instead
[07:13:29] of a Luffy capture,
[07:13:31] the software for the capture will shift very slightly to
[07:13:38] the left and right every time you turn 3D on and off.
[07:13:43] So it'd be like one of those nervous tics I would do sometimes just to watch something.
[07:13:48] Yeah! No's that's understandable
[07:13:52] and then of course there's game boy camera and
[07:13:54] that's a whole different thing that you may all may want to talk to pitch about
[07:14:00] bless pidge Bless Pidge.
[07:14:02] And Void.
[07:14:05] I love the aesthetic.
[07:14:07] I couldn't rock it,
[07:14:09] but I love it. It's so good.
[07:14:13] So, so far what are you thinking about the seed?
[07:14:16] What are your initial impressions?
[07:14:17] Obviously Lugia good at the beginning stats seem pretty deep.
[07:14:21] Yeah, Lugia good at beginning.
[07:14:22] It's surviving.
[07:14:24] I wish I could do more damage than
[07:14:26] I have been.
[07:14:27] It feels like I have really bad
[07:14:29] offensive DVs which for anyone
[07:14:32] that doesn't know what a DV is,
[07:14:32] it's a determinant value
[07:14:34] which determines what your stats become.
[07:14:38] In Gens 1 and 2
[07:14:40] It's a number between 0 and 15
[07:14:43] And then
[07:14:44] from Gen 3 onward, it became
[07:14:46] individual values, IVs instead
[07:14:48] of DVs, and it was 0 to 31.
[07:14:51] But yeah,
[07:14:52] I feel like I have three or less in my offense
[07:14:55] It's not good
[07:14:57] Nothing can kill me!
[07:14:59] Yeah, so you have a tank
[07:15:01] it sounds like
[07:15:03] Someone asked if we all ever have the Game Boy printer?
[07:15:05] Okay, that was really fancy technology
[07:15:08] and honestly back
[07:15:09] then you were lucky just to have a
[07:15:11] Game Boy Color or a Game Boy Advance.
[07:15:13] I don't know if I've ever seen a printer in person
[07:15:16] other than like, you know,
[07:15:17] if you go nowadays to like
[07:15:19] your favorite retro game store
[07:15:20] maybe you'll see it
[07:15:21] in the wild
[07:15:22] but it's kind of rare.
[07:15:23] How about you Keith?
[07:15:23] You ever have any
[07:15:24] engagement with the program?
[07:15:26] I have the camera and the printer in a box to my right.
[07:15:30] Ooh!
[07:15:32] I saved a lot of my old toys.
[07:15:34] That was bad.
[07:15:35] I didn't save a lot of my old games so you know getting
[07:15:38] getting old games again has been obnoxious but uh yeah i have a lot of my old hardware
[07:15:42] like i even have like i have a sega genesis model 1 and a Model 2.
[07:15:48] I have Super Famicom and SNESes just laying around.
[07:15:52] So you said the Genesis, isn't that the one where like
[07:15:56] you kept upgrading it by putting more stuff in it, if that makes sense.
[07:15:59] I remember seeing...
[07:16:00] There's like that cartridge
[07:16:02] there's that picture
[07:16:04] floating around about Super Cartridge
[07:16:06] from Hell where it's
[07:16:08] 5 billion Sonic
[07:16:09] games stacked on another...
[07:16:11] Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. It's almost
[07:16:13] as if the Genesis evolved.
[07:16:15] Like, it wasn't like, you know,
[07:16:17] the expansion pack in
[07:16:20] the 64, which back then again that was
[07:16:22] big stuff right? But like nowadays
[07:16:24] I hear about the Genesis and what that was like
[07:16:26] and just every time you just kept putting another
[07:16:28] part into the Genesis.
[07:16:31] Oh my goodness! I have
[07:16:35] one of those, like the Sonic 3 and Knuckles
[07:16:39] attachment thing.
[07:16:40] Mm-hmm.
[07:16:42] And it just,
[07:16:43] it looks so goofy.
[07:16:46] It's putting that in a Genesis is the same thing to me as like
[07:16:48] putting in the Pokemon pinball cart
[07:16:50] in your Game Boy
[07:16:51] because it was, remember it was so big putting in the Pokemon pinball cart in your Game Boy.
[07:16:54] Remember, it was so big because you had to put an actual battery in it so you could get
[07:16:56] the rumble?
[07:16:58] Yeah, I remember that all too well. That was
[07:16:59] definitely innovative for the time and i remember when uh fire red came out
[07:17:05] i was really really excited and then we got heart gold in soul silver but i was a little
[07:17:09] disappointed that her cold school server wasn't an advanced game because
[07:17:13] again, the DS wasn't exactly
[07:17:15] cheap when it first came out.
[07:17:17] Oh no. It was not.
[07:17:21] Also like
[07:17:21] the first set of models were like...
[07:17:23] The hinges were kind of weak.
[07:17:25] So it was really easy to accidentally break.
[07:17:28] Oh yeah! You always get those stories when a console first comes out with something happening.
[07:17:32] Like you know, do you ever see the warnings, for example,
[07:17:34] for the Wiimotes y'all
[07:17:36] to have it attached because apparently people
[07:17:38] were throwing the Wiimotes into their monitors
[07:17:40] or TVs or something? I was like oh my god.
[07:17:45] But yeah if a warning exists...
[07:17:46] I made fun of a friend for losing a Wiimote and then the next day I hacked up
[07:17:51] and lost a Wiimote. Yeah. There are two
[07:17:55] dents in my wall.
[07:17:57] But I will say
[07:17:58] though that the
[07:17:59] Switch is one of
[07:18:00] the most like
[07:18:01] interface friendly
[07:18:02] systems we've had
[07:18:03] in a very long
[07:18:04] time.
[07:18:04] I think that's
[07:18:05] why it's been around for so long.
[07:18:07] Yeah, I think this is like Nintendo's longest console in terms of lifespan?
[07:18:14] Yeah! So that's why folks are, like, so enthused about the new, you know, Nintendo technology
[07:18:20] that would possibly be coming out because it's like, okay, well what are they going
[07:18:22] to do next?
[07:18:23] And I said as long as it's not named The Switch U, I'm okay with that.
[07:18:28] The U is cursed, right?
[07:18:30] Imagine if you get a Switch U.
[07:18:32] No, no.
[07:18:33] I like the idea someone said in chat
[07:18:35] you can share all of your ideas for what you would like
[07:18:39] the new Nintendo console to be named. But I
[07:18:41] like the idea of calling it the Super Nintendo
[07:18:43] Switch.
[07:18:45] That would be cute actually.
[07:18:47] Yeah! I'm aboard.
[07:18:49] You sold me. I'm aboard.
[07:18:51] You sold me. I sold you on that one. That's good.
[07:18:53] You sold me. Like, that sounds so cute.
[07:18:55] I always liked it and certainly too
[07:18:57] It is the best that Nintendo systems have been able to hook up to the internet for instance
[07:19:01] If anybody tried to connect their Wii or their Wii U if you had a Wii U to the Internet
[07:19:07] Oh my gosh
[07:19:09] It was an adventure to say the least i
[07:19:13] i had one of the there's that like story going around about we use for a while
[07:19:17] but like certain ones just kind of like died
[07:19:19] after a certain amount of time. Really?
[07:19:21] I have one of those, my Wii U
[07:19:23] no longer works.
[07:19:25] Really? I have one but it's in my closet
[07:19:27] now! I don't know the last time I booted
[07:19:29] it up, maybe Oth booted it up. Maybe Oz booted it up,
[07:19:31] It's been a little while.
[07:19:35] Luckily I had two which is you know
[07:19:38] two more than I should have ever had but
[07:19:42] Is that there've been a couple of TFS episodes
[07:19:44] where I did have to use a Wii U
[07:19:45] but like my first one that I got
[07:19:47] yeah it's bricked.
[07:19:49] Oh and speaking of TFS
[07:19:50] now I have it in my
[07:19:51] follow the runner thing
[07:19:53] because I want folks to know.
[07:19:55] But why don't you talk about The First Step?
[07:19:59] Now, my show's been around for a while, but your show's been on even longer, yours and Hobbs'. So yeah, feel free to talk about The First Step.
[07:20:02] Yeah, so The First Step is old as dirt. That's the recurring step. Yeah, so the first step is
[07:20:03] old as
[07:20:04] dirt.
[07:20:05] That's
[07:20:05] the recurring
[07:20:05] theme of
[07:20:06] this
[07:20:06] conversation
[07:20:06] never
[07:20:06] forget.
[07:20:07] I think
[07:20:08] our
[07:20:08] first
[07:20:09] episode
[07:20:09] was
[07:20:09] 2018?
[07:20:13] Yeah
[07:20:13] y'all were like a year before me I'm pretty sure because i was 2019.
[07:20:19] And it was Hobbs's idea originally and he'll joke whenever you ask him. He'll joke and be like,
[07:20:25] oh yeah, Keyes was my third choice.
[07:20:27] But he reached out to me
[07:20:29] one day and he was like, hey, do you
[07:20:32] want to do a
[07:20:33] speedrunning show together?
[07:20:36] Make it a low effort show where...
[07:20:39] You know we kind of have the convenience and
[07:20:41] you understand having to go through this
[07:20:43] but we kinda have the convenience of
[07:20:45] since its just us as a recurring cast and not
[07:20:48] constantly rotating runners like it saves us time when it comes to getting like
[07:20:52] vetting and tech checks taken care oh sure like We wanted to make a show that was low overhead
[07:20:59] when it came to setting things up.
[07:21:02] But we also wanted a show
[07:21:03] that was actually kind of impactful.
[07:21:04] So the first step came about.
[07:21:07] And the whole purpose of the show, if you've never seen it,
[07:21:09] is to show how easy it is to get into speedrunning
[07:21:11] using low-effort methods.
[07:21:14] So we will usually play a game once,
[07:21:19] like roughly eight hours or so.
[07:21:21] And then we'll take notes of any prominent things
[07:21:25] anything that we might have found
[07:21:26] Like oh it looks like if you slide
[07:21:27] your movement is faster than if you run or that kind of thing.
[07:21:29] And we'll race against each other because
[07:21:31] doing those improv-style
[07:21:33] races is a really, really awesome way
[07:21:35] to get into speedrunning because one,
[07:21:37] you don't have the pressure of self-improvement yet
[07:21:41] cause you're just getting into it. But two, doing it with a friend really like
[07:21:45] It kills a lot of the potentially aggravating parts
[07:21:48] of a run.
[07:21:50] Like there were,
[07:21:51] there's been many,
[07:21:55] many games that we've done on TFS where when I was playing it solo,
[07:21:58] I wasn't having like the greatest time with it.
[07:22:02] But then when I was racing it with Hobbs, even if I was getting my butt kicked I'd be having a blast because I was just with a friend.
[07:22:05] And that's the important thing everyone has to remember
[07:22:08] speedrunning is supposed to be fun first and foremost
[07:22:10] you're supposed to be fun, first and foremost.
[07:22:11] You're supposed to be having fun with it so we just really like pushing that
[07:22:14] and showing everyone that anyone can pick up speedrun.
[07:22:18] You don't have to be fancy, you don't have to spend 15 hours practicing a frame perfect
[07:22:24] trick. You can just pick up the game and go fast. So for folks who may not be as
[07:22:29] familiar with The First Step, if you were to pick maybe an episode or
[07:22:33] two. Because again, we
[07:22:35] talk about it all the time. Our
[07:22:37] GDQ Hot Pics shows are on YouTube and they're
[07:22:39] very diligently put up.
[07:22:41] So if you were to recommend someone to watch an episode of TFS, what direction would
[07:22:45] you point someone in and be like yes that is one of my favorite episodes and that'll get
[07:22:49] you into TFS? There are three episodes i can think of um
[07:22:55] all for slightly different reasons but they're all really really good
[07:22:58] um i would recommend watching our super metroid race we didn't get to finish, and it's a bit on the longer side. This was back when we were able to have four hours for the show instead of two and a half.
[07:23:16] So we were able to do longer games or games that were a lot more difficult
[07:23:22] to finish, and we had both never played Super Metroid before, which is really shocking to hear.
[07:23:30] But that was a good episode, it was close and there were actually a lot of points where we were in sync with each other
[07:23:35] Which is wild when you think about it because it's
[07:23:37] a Metroid game. You can go anywhere.
[07:23:41] I would
[07:23:41] also recommend Untitled Goose Game.
[07:23:44] That was actually
[07:23:44] one of our first few episodes we've ever done.
[07:23:49] Very, very nail-biter
[07:23:50] right at the end
[07:23:51] as close of a race as we've
[07:23:54] ever had and then
[07:23:56] there was a race. Well it wasn't a race racing we did a co-op run because sometimes
[07:24:00] we won't do races we'll just do a run cooperatively um we did a co-op run it was
[07:24:04] a four player halo 4 run or Halo 3 run and that was
[07:24:08] probably is my favorite episode because the vibes
[07:24:11] were really cool.
[07:24:13] We had improved a ton in our
[07:24:15] practice like we had splits up
[07:24:17] and could visibly see hey like we're understanding how to play this a lot better.
[07:24:21] We feel good about this.
[07:24:24] And it might not be, like, the most impressive statistic,
[07:24:27] but we had only gotten, like, three or four runs in
[07:24:29] and we got a top 20,
[07:24:32] top 15 time, something like that.
[07:24:34] And that was with very little effort.
[07:24:39] Chad was picking out some of their favorite episodes too, so we have some TFS fans in chat. Very cool!
[07:24:44] And again Keyes what is the next episode just so we know?
[07:24:48] The next episode is... and thank goodness I can see my calendar.
[07:24:52] It's going to be the 29th of July.
[07:24:54] Unfortunately, I will not be there because
[07:24:57] I will be in Michigan for a family reunion
[07:25:00] but Hobbs will be there,
[07:25:02] and we will have
[07:25:03] a special guest
[07:25:03] fill in for me,
[07:25:04] and it's still going to be
[07:25:05] just as good of an episode
[07:25:06] as it always is.
[07:25:09] We're in the planning stages
[07:25:10] right now
[07:25:11] trying to nail
[07:25:12] what game we think will work best and who we want as a guest.
[07:25:16] I should be talking about that tomorrow morning.
[07:25:19] I know what it's like to be a guest.
[07:25:21] I filled in for Hobbs, I think a couple times.
[07:25:26] I've
[07:25:26] enjoyed when you filled in for Hobbs because
[07:25:28] then that meant I could get away with playing Yu-Gi-Oh!
[07:25:31] Because Hobbs will never
[07:25:32] play it again. Hobbs just not... Oh my, I feel like this needs to happen for some kind of incentive.
[07:25:38] You know what? I'm gonna think about that and come back to that.
[07:25:41] We need to get Hobbs to play with you!
[07:25:43] I do remember one of the episodes
[07:25:45] you and I did together.
[07:25:47] We put a picture
[07:25:49] of Hobbs in one of those webcams
[07:25:51] just to be like, look,
[07:25:52] Hobbs is playing!
[07:25:55] Yeah, that sounds about right.
[07:25:58] So yeah, chat was also reminiscing here
[07:26:01] about the first step in talking
[07:26:03] about their favorites.
[07:26:04] So we have the Donkeyong country show was really good
[07:26:08] um we had some love for hang on i'm scrolling because there's quite a few that folks had
[07:26:15] uh the number of times you tried to run Metroid Prime
[07:26:18] where tech issues prevented it from working,
[07:26:20] yeah,
[07:26:20] that sounds about right.
[07:26:21] That sounds about in character.
[07:26:23] Oh no!
[07:26:26] Someone else said
[07:26:27] I really like the one
[07:26:27] where they coach
[07:26:28] Ecchi and Spike
[07:26:29] through Pokemon
[07:26:30] and Kingdom Hearts 2
[07:26:30] I remember seeing
[07:26:31] that series
[07:26:32] it was pretty good
[07:26:33] we
[07:26:34] we really
[07:26:35] really enjoyed
[07:26:36] doing that
[07:26:37] and Ecchi and Spike I mean we already know that
[07:26:39] they're gamers but like they if they needed to prove themselves they
[07:26:43] definitely did that day because they went into this
[07:26:47] completely fresh to the format
[07:26:50] and everything, and they both did a killer job.
[07:26:53] I do agree. You know, if
[07:26:55] I could have a top four,
[07:26:57] then I would probably include the Ecchi and Spike
[07:27:00] episode because I remember
[07:27:01] every time
[07:27:04] we ever went to
[07:27:06] Ecchi and Hobbs'
[07:27:08] feed, you'd hear Hobbs giving really detailed instructions like
[07:27:12] yeah, do it this way. Oh yeah if you approach it
[07:27:17] this way then you get to skip this phase or whatever
[07:27:20] And then you immediately go to me
[07:27:21] in spike and it's just the two stooges which is like jolting on use thunderbolt
[07:27:29] also i want to take a moment to shout out our tag. Our wonderful friend Richard said
[07:27:33] still proud of the intro video made and there is a link to that if you all wanna catch it
[07:27:37] for the Prime episode in particular, the one that folks look fondly upon. So be sure to check that out.
[07:27:43] More favorite episode
[07:27:45] of TFS was the six-player run of the
[07:27:46] newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
[07:27:48] video game. That sounds like fun!
[07:27:51] Yeah, um, it was...
[07:27:54] Wait, who was it?
[07:27:55] My old man brain is trying to remember.
[07:27:57] Oh hey, I have to go ho instead of loogie at me.
[07:28:01] There
[07:28:01] was me, Hobbs, Bobby, Covert Muffin, Emre...
[07:28:10] Oh I feel so bad.
[07:28:11] I don't remember everyone.
[07:28:12] I'm forgetting one person!
[07:28:13] Who am I forgetting? I feel horrible. No! bad i don't remember i'm forgetting one person who am i
[07:28:14] forgetting i feel horrible no i didn't want to put you on the spot
[07:28:19] i was just trying to remember but that was a fun episode too there were
[07:28:23] some like connectivity issues now and again, but I mean...
[07:28:25] I think it was Saints.
[07:28:27] Oh! Yeah, that sounds right.
[07:28:30] Oh gosh, she's gonna be so
[07:28:31] mad at me.
[07:28:33] How could you forget?
[07:28:35] No one tell her, please.
[07:28:37] Thanks.
[07:28:38] How long ago was that?
[07:28:40] Uh...
[07:28:41] 20?
[07:28:42] 22 years?
[07:28:44] Okay well to be fair time has been kind of distorted lately so i think saints will forgive
[07:28:48] you i hope so i can't remember something that happened in 2022. Yeah, neither can I!
[07:28:59] Another question
[07:29:00] bringing it back
[07:29:01] to the randomizer here
[07:29:02] what are the catch rates
[07:29:03] for each Pokemon?
[07:29:06] Oh so
[07:29:06] this is just for simplicity's
[07:29:08] sake and making sure that we don't
[07:29:10] go horrendously overestimate but
[07:29:12] I just have it set to everything
[07:29:14] is a Master Ball essentially.
[07:29:17] That's a good sign. Throw a ball, get your catch
[07:29:19] No I like that because
[07:29:20] I mean I don't feel like
[07:29:22] really hiking up the catch rate
[07:29:24] adds anything to the randomizer right
[07:29:26] we know how annoying it was in the original.
[07:29:28] And we tend to do that when we make up
[07:29:31] uh...the different settings that we have, right?
[07:29:34] Does this add to the randomizer? Does this add to our enjoyment?
[07:29:37] I mean sure! It might be a good troll for the audience
[07:29:40] to feel like we're here for 10 minutes
[07:29:42] and we're still trying to catch this view.
[07:29:45] But you know,
[07:29:45] for runners,
[07:29:46] we don't want to deal with any of that.
[07:29:49] All right. So to kind of catch
[07:29:51] everyone up on some
[07:29:53] what's been going in the game... Ooh! Fire Punch
[07:29:55] for my hobo.
[07:29:57] I got the pass early,
[07:29:59] so I'm in Kanto super-per early and uh i'm gonna be honest this
[07:30:02] was not on purpose uh i
[07:30:05] i usually play
[07:30:07] with
[07:30:08] 50 level boost
[07:30:10] both for wild pokemon and for trainers just to like add a little bit of an extra spicy challenge.
[07:30:15] I turned off the trainers being 50%, I forgot to turn off the wilds being 50%. That's why I have a level 48 Ho-Oh.
[07:30:26] When you're only supposed to get like, level 20s and 30s in that grass so uh oops.
[07:30:31] Yeah! Here we are.
[07:30:32] Some of the chat says what do you mean? I love late bike and fly in Mt Silver.
[07:30:38] That's another thing anyone who has any experience with playing these,
[07:30:44] I made sure that Fly and Bike were available early
[07:30:48] because those are the worst trolls ever.
[07:30:52] It's good exercise for the character, I guess. But it's so
[07:30:54] slow. Now we get that.
[07:30:57] And before folks come on the show, now
[07:30:58] it is completely up
[07:31:00] to my guests to determine whether or
[07:31:03] not the seed's going to be vetted. And when I say vetted, I mean like
[07:31:05] is there any major trolls that someone else
[07:31:07] can look over and be like hey you might not want
[07:31:09] to have this seed on the show
[07:31:11] However, if it is
[07:31:13] unvetted which sometimes makes for a fun episode.
[07:31:16] I say, well, it's at your discretion. Here's
[07:31:18] when the next show starts. If we can't meet
[07:31:20] by then, you know, we have
[07:31:22] the double overbid on Price is Right
[07:31:24] and we move on to the next show, you know what I'm saying?
[07:31:27] But at the same time
[07:31:29] I do like a little bit
[07:31:31] of a mix of that. Vetted and non-vetted
[07:31:33] but given again
[07:31:34] this is no fault of our own. I swear me and Keyes
[07:31:37] are always cursed when we're in the same room
[07:31:39] one way or another. I'm glad that
[07:31:41] you had this early.
[07:31:44] Yeah,
[07:31:45] I've learned.
[07:31:47] I've learned after doing shows with you.
[07:31:50] I'm sure I'll find something else that
[07:31:55] I'll fix for next time soon.
[07:31:59] Oh yeah. Well with me
[07:32:01] and Keyes it's always something right? It's just
[07:32:03] like this ongoing motif.
[07:32:05] Mm-hmm.
[07:32:07] I was thinking about
[07:32:09] me and keys did a run of forbidden memories
[07:32:11] um couple years ago
[07:32:13] i actually think it'll be three years ago as
[07:32:15] of january and um
[07:32:17] i was thinking about the wild luck, and the most wild that I found
[07:32:21] Was the Dry Gumo early for me?
[07:32:24] I mean come on! What were the odds of that?
[07:32:28] I still can't believe I didn't get an MBD
[07:32:30] but I got
[07:32:31] a Toon Gator
[07:32:32] yeah
[07:32:33] you got multiples right
[07:32:34] I think you got two
[07:32:35] in that room
[07:32:35] I got
[07:32:36] I got two Toon Gators
[07:32:37] and no MBDs
[07:32:38] this is why we gotta
[07:32:39] have a rematch
[07:32:40] this is this is why I always have a rematch. This is why I always propose
[07:32:41] a rematch because we need it.
[07:32:43] I'm hungry for the rematch.
[07:32:45] Not only that, it would just be fun to
[07:32:47] encourage each other in person.
[07:32:49] It'd be awesome to have a good laugh.
[07:32:52] I think a Forbidden Memories race in person
[07:32:54] would be really, really hype.
[07:32:55] I think the crowd would really get into it.
[07:32:57] Oh, for sure, for sure.
[07:33:01] Mm-hmm.
[07:33:02] Double Overbid's your favorite ending for The Price sure, for sure. Double over bids
[07:33:03] your favorite ending
[07:33:03] for The Price is Right?
[07:33:04] No!
[07:33:05] Get out of here!
[07:33:05] It was too sad
[07:33:06] when both people lost.
[07:33:08] No!
[07:33:08] Bad!
[07:33:10] That's cursed.
[07:33:14] But yeah, me and Keys have a lot of experience with random games.
[07:33:18] I mean that's one of my favorite things about your stream in general,
[07:33:20] whenever you turn it on there's always like an archipelago
[07:33:22] or a randomizer or something of the sort
[07:33:24] going on TFS stuff. You never know
[07:33:26] what you're going to find and a lot of it's just
[07:33:28] you never know what to expect, right? Like none of it's
[07:33:30] like a fixed speedrunner or a fixed game
[07:33:32] It's always something beyond that, a challenge run,
[07:33:34] a randomizer and I always enjoy that about your stream
[07:33:36] it's a good time
[07:33:37] Thanks! Yeah, I have found
[07:33:41] that
[07:33:42] the longer I've streamed
[07:33:45] the more I don't want to do exactly
[07:33:49] the same thing over and over
[07:33:51] which is,
[07:33:52] I mean,
[07:33:52] I'm doing the randomizers of like
[07:33:54] the same games over and over but at least
[07:33:55] it's a different experience every time.
[07:33:57] It isn't pure speedrunning where oh, I didn't get the critical here so I'm gonna lose 5
[07:34:03] seconds and now my time isn't as good,'s just oh i didn't get the crit this sucks
[07:34:11] i think one of the toughest things for me to always accept about speed running
[07:34:15] and angela it's good to have these conversations, right? We just
[07:34:17] had SGDQ wrap up as of this recording.
[07:34:19] It was a couple weeks ago.
[07:34:21] Again, congratulations to everyone involved.
[07:34:23] Congratulations on the money raised. It was
[07:34:25] a wonderful endeavor. But you, but we talk about speed running
[07:34:28] and speed running is just
[07:34:30] really exhausting. It's a lot of time
[07:34:32] saves with a lot of the
[07:34:34] time, not a huge payoff,
[07:34:36] right? I mean obviously obviously there are exceptions.
[07:34:38] You know, we think of the barrier skip in Wind Waker,
[07:34:40] the gelato skip in Sunshine.
[07:34:43] There are sizable skips,
[07:34:45] but then other times it's like
[07:34:46] I'm going to do this skip
[07:34:47] and I'm going to lose one minute if i fail it
[07:34:51] and say five seconds if i get past it and that's like the exhausting part about speed running right
[07:34:56] oh definitely and you know that's some of the reason why I really enjoy
[07:35:00] the fact we have a show like The First Step
[07:35:03] Like...I'm not trying to pump my own ego up or anything like that
[07:35:06] You should! It's a good show
[07:35:09] Thank you It's just good show! Thank you.
[07:35:11] It's just nice to have some sort of reminder,
[07:35:13] because we all get lost in the sauce sometimes right?
[07:35:15] Oh yeah.
[07:35:17] It's nice to have a reminder that hey
[07:35:19] You can still Have like fun ways to approach things and also
[07:35:23] Hey! You can always play it safe. And a lot of times until you're at the point
[07:35:29] where your absolutely top 3 or top 2 and you need to save half until you're at the point where you're absolutely like,
[07:35:31] top three, top two and you need to save half a second
[07:35:34] to stand a chance.
[07:35:35] A lot of times taking those slower safer strats
[07:35:39] is gonna be so much better not only for your mental but you'll finish more runs that way and i
[07:35:44] think that gets kind of lost in translation sometimes um you could you can practice a segment
[07:35:50] a ton um you can like you know you could practice like the flagpole glitch in Mario runs over and over and over.
[07:35:56] You could spend hours, days working on it but it's not going to translate
[07:36:00] into a real run success until you start getting comfortable doing it in a real run.
[07:36:06] So there is a lot of value to knowing safe and backup strats,
[07:36:11] And not worrying too much about oh I'll lose a minute if I don't get this
[07:36:15] skip. Like
[07:36:17] oh well that's a minute I can save once
[07:36:19] I'm a lot more comfortable with the game you know
[07:36:21] Yeah
[07:36:21] Absolutely and speaking of again first step in mind, what was your first speedrun, KZ?
[07:36:29] It's no secret.
[07:36:30] KZ has been in the community for a very long time.
[07:36:33] You know, again, I believe KZ anduna may have started around the same time
[07:36:36] but what was
[07:36:37] your first game?
[07:36:43] It wasn't
[07:36:44] Crystal surprisingly
[07:36:45] Crystal was the first game that i streamed speed running
[07:36:49] but my my first actual speed run um was resident evil 5. Really? I would have...
[07:36:57] You tell me this after
[07:37:00] Mercy Kill concluded.
[07:37:01] Dang it, that would have been so good to have on!
[07:37:06] I forgot the Mark of the secret potion.
[07:37:08] I was trying to remember.
[07:37:09] No, Joseph said...
[07:37:10] Yeah, like, uh...
[07:37:11] I loved playing it.
[07:37:14] It was a game that
[07:37:15] I actually got my dad into.
[07:37:18] So he, he actually, my dad's a
[07:37:21] speedrunner. He doesn't know it
[07:37:23] but my dad's a speedrunner because
[07:37:25] we would try to go through the game
[07:37:27] super fast and
[07:37:28] they weren't top times or anything but
[07:37:30] like we actively went in with the goal of we want to beat this game as fast as possible which that
[07:37:36] is speed running folks if you ever have any doubt
[07:37:40] if you're just trying to beat the game fast
[07:37:42] congrats! You are a speedrunner
[07:37:44] Yeah it doesn't have to be some big formal thing
[07:37:46] It doesn't have to be
[07:37:48] a confirmed time on a leaderboard You just try to defeat a game fast, guess what?
[07:37:52] You're a speedrunner.
[07:37:53] And some of us don't even realize that.
[07:37:55] I love that moral for sure.
[07:37:57] Another question here from chat.
[07:37:59] For the people who have not heard it before,
[07:38:01] could Keyes explain how you got into Pokemon speedruns?
[07:38:05] This is a fun story that I love telling
[07:38:08] and it's also a story that, it sounds like total BS man.
[07:38:13] So I was on YouTube and I was looking up bone thugs
[07:38:22] in harmony because I just really wanted to listen
[07:38:24] to some rap that day.
[07:38:27] And for some reason,
[07:38:29] the YouTube algorithm
[07:38:30] can sometimes be a little funky. Oh, no!
[07:38:33] My recommended video after Bone Thugs
[07:38:35] and Harmony was
[07:38:37] Pokemon Crystal Speedrun
[07:38:40] by Worster in
[07:38:41] 322 or whatever it was. And I was like, wait
[07:38:44] I loved playing Crystal as a kid so I actually
[07:38:46] sat down and watched it to see how he beat
[07:38:48] it so fast because I was so confused. I was like
[07:38:50] how can you beat a Pokemon game that fast?
[07:38:53] And after watching
[07:38:55] it, looking back
[07:38:57] this sounds like a really cocky comment to make
[07:38:59] but after watching I was like, I could do this!
[07:39:00] I could beat this one day! So that's how I got into
[07:39:03] it and I remember the first time
[07:39:05] that I actually like
[07:39:06] tied world record
[07:39:07] was a big deal to me
[07:39:09] because I was like,
[07:39:09] I did it.
[07:39:10] Like I proved myself
[07:39:11] that hey,
[07:39:12] I said I could do it
[07:39:13] and I did it.
[07:39:14] Now I'm super-duper washed
[07:39:16] because there's a lot of really
[07:39:18] that's not even like a self
[07:39:20] depreciation thing, that's just
[07:39:22] so many fantastic Pokémon speedrunners
[07:39:24] now I can't even, like, name
[07:39:27] a quarter of them now.
[07:39:28] Back in my day,
[07:39:30] I was able to name everyone but now
[07:39:32] there's so many fantastic runners
[07:39:34] um... You got a bunch of new wave fantastic runners. I mean, like you got
[07:39:37] a bunch of new wave
[07:39:39] of runners
[07:39:39] like you got Ecchi
[07:39:40] you got TTS
[07:39:41] for life
[07:39:42] you got all these
[07:39:43] really sick runners
[07:39:44] that I could not possibly keep up with at this point in time
[07:39:49] because they're really good, they're really smart.
[07:39:52] Well let's not forget Shen either
[07:39:54] I want to give a big shout out to Shen
[07:39:55] who's also been on my show for a long time
[07:39:57] Shen is in forever
[07:40:00] he is the living calculator there has been so many fantastic runs with you and shun
[07:40:06] and chrism and of course i want to mention Achi again too.
[07:40:09] Achi's fantastic.
[07:40:10] And again y'all are just such great leaders
[07:40:13] in the community.
[07:40:14] Even if you don't actively run the games
[07:40:17] as much as y'all used to because nowadays at least as far as i can understand
[07:40:21] a lot of creators have gone to challenge run content to achieve man-based content
[07:40:26] to randomizers um some folks go so far to call it the retirement home of speedrunning,
[07:40:32] but we do that so we don't get rusty.
[07:40:34] Right?
[07:40:34] Like, or so we can keep our days though.
[07:40:38] Oh dang.
[07:40:41] I'll never forget...
[07:40:43] Piggybacking off of that comment,
[07:40:45] I'll never forget
[07:40:47] I think it was the first speedrun
[07:40:49] Colosseum. Like, I remember a lot of us were sitting on
[07:40:52] the couch yeah and you know spike being spiked he's
[07:40:55] like welcome to the speed run retirement home
[07:41:00] that's us!
[07:41:03] That's us.
[07:41:06] I mean, it's no joke y'all some of us are starting to be in our late 30s early 40s alright like this is a thing.
[07:41:13] It has been a hot minute since I've
[07:41:15] been apart of the community.
[07:41:17] Like I think officially
[07:41:19] being part of a speedrun community
[07:41:21] This year is ten years.
[07:41:24] Ten years of speedrunning.
[07:41:26] Yeah! I started my stream ten years ago
[07:41:28] and went to my
[07:41:30] It'll be ten years since
[07:41:32] I went to my first GDQ in January
[07:41:34] 2025, actually. Oh my gosh,
[07:41:36] that was painful to say.
[07:41:40] You're right,
[07:41:40] it has been about a decade, hasn't it?
[07:41:43] It really has.
[07:41:45] Retirement Coliseum was great, Svendt!
[07:41:49] I sure love whenever I see like a
[07:41:53] brand new runner and meet them at a GD Keep
[07:41:56] and I find out they're like 22 or something
[07:41:58] I'm like, ah damn it.
[07:41:59] All I'm going to say is Adaph is
[07:42:02] a youngin'.
[07:42:03] Adaph is so young compared to most of us
[07:42:07] He's such a baaaby
[07:42:09] I'd be like, wait a second
[07:42:11] What?
[07:42:15] There was somebody in chat saying late 30s is retirement home.
[07:42:18] I'll tell you that late 30s early 40s.
[07:42:20] You definitely feel especially if you have been speed running for over a decade or doing
[07:42:25] speedrunning adjacent content, you really start to feel it in your
[07:42:28] arms and your wrists and your hands.
[07:42:30] So again, note out there, please take care of y'all
[07:42:32] because I wish I had started using
[07:42:34] compression gloves 10 years ago and I need
[07:42:36] to do that now.
[07:42:37] And not just your hands
[07:42:39] but also in your eyes too
[07:42:41] sometimes things will start to look blurry
[07:42:43] and things like that
[07:42:44] We laugh about this, but this does happen over time
[07:42:47] Yeah, like I does happen over time.
[07:42:49] Yeah, like I uh...I used to wear compression gloves a lot,
[07:42:52] Like actually for a while I had a compression glove sponsor
[07:42:57] but um, I don't wear them as much anymore. And it's not
[07:43:00] because they're not good. It's that
[07:43:02] before I stream now, which
[07:43:04] I wish I did when I first started
[07:43:06] like you said
[07:43:06] I do a lot of hand and wrist exercises.
[07:43:13] Even if I know it's gonna be a really,
[07:43:15] really calm and not high APM stream,
[07:43:19] like I will still stretch now.
[07:43:20] I realize that APM stream. Like, I will still stretch now.
[07:43:23] I really wish I did that when I first started.
[07:43:25] Yeah, like, I could even tell a couple days ago
[07:43:27] I had done six hours of Smash Bros.
[07:43:30] Melee Retro Achievements because the GameCube sets just came
[07:43:32] out. And after...
[07:43:33] I lose track of time like any other person
[07:43:36] who enjoys games would.
[07:43:37] About six hours in, I'm like, oh my gosh,
[07:43:40] I need to stick both my arms into buckets of ice.
[07:43:43] You just feel it.
[07:43:45] And I was just like...
[07:43:45] I didn't say anything on stream
[07:43:48] but the minute I turned off stream
[07:43:49] I was just like, ah!
[07:43:50] It's so painful.
[07:43:53] Literally crumbling teeth was like, ah, it's so painful. Yeah.
[07:43:53] Literally crumbling to dust.
[07:43:56] Mm-hmm.
[07:43:57] The bones started creaking.
[07:43:59] Oh yeah, I mean we had this conversation
[07:44:02] in the pre-stream where like
[07:44:03] I can't get up from my computer chair or my couch or my bed without something creaking now
[07:44:07] and i'm just like is this how it's gonna be now?
[07:44:10] I can't wait until
[07:44:13] The hosts of hotfix were all just like, gray.
[07:44:17] Well isn't Spike starting to get some gray in his beard?
[07:44:23] Spike's got the salt and pepper thing going on, which I actually think is a really nice
[07:44:27] look.
[07:44:28] I was just like, you know with every game of Snassmania he completes, he gets another
[07:44:33] gray hair and that is my story
[07:44:36] And I'm sticking with it right now
[07:44:38] Is there an actual
[07:44:40] retirement age for speedrunning?
[07:44:42] Approaching your 40s and you feel like that
[07:44:43] Jokes aside, you're not too old for it.
[07:44:46] You just got to take care of yourself
[07:44:47] which is something I wish
[07:44:49] I took more seriously 10 years ago.
[07:44:51] No, absolutely not.
[07:44:52] My grandma played Super Mario 64
[07:44:55] in her late 60s, early 70s.
[07:44:58] No you're not too old for video games or streaming
[07:45:00] or speed running like you can totally do it
[07:45:02] It's just more or less like the older
[07:45:04] you get the more you have to take more breaks
[07:45:06] stretch, take care of yourself and And to be honest we should all like the older you get, the more you have to take more breaks.
[07:45:07] Stretch.
[07:45:08] Take care of yourself and to be honest
[07:45:09] we should all be doing that
[07:45:10] at a younger age.
[07:45:11] We just don't think about it
[07:45:12] because again
[07:45:12] we become so
[07:45:13] invincible.
[07:45:14] Right.
[07:45:14] We feel invincible.
[07:45:15] We feel like
[07:45:16] we're goal oriented
[07:45:17] and it's just one of those things where it's just so easy to feel invincible we feel like we're goal-oriented and
[07:45:18] it's just one of
[07:45:18] those things where
[07:45:19] it's just so easy
[07:45:20] to forget these
[07:45:20] things.
[07:45:21] So I tend to
[07:45:22] talk about this
[07:45:23] kind of stuff a
[07:45:23] lot on my show
[07:45:24] jokes aside.
[07:45:27] Yeah definitely really good advice for sure.
[07:45:32] Yeah, Spike's not technically a Hotfix host
[07:45:34] but he does do GDQ interview crew
[07:45:38] which Keese I believe you are on as well.
[07:45:40] And yeah, it's
[07:45:42] just again Spike is part of the crew and
[07:45:44] yeah, just the next time you see Spike
[07:45:46] I'm like take a look. Again every
[07:45:47] game he completes with Nesmania.
[07:45:50] You see more salt and pepper as you go on.
[07:45:53] No!
[07:45:53] And again, I want to shout out Spike.
[07:45:55] He finished the whole 6-0-2 in one sitting.
[07:45:58] Keith, I don't know the last time
[07:45:59] you did a 24 hour plus stream
[07:46:01] I just looked at that and I just thought...
[07:46:05] So back when my bones didn't
[07:46:09] creak, I think the longest stream
[07:46:11] I ever did in consecutive hours
[07:46:13] was like 30 or 31.
[07:46:16] Wow.
[07:46:16] If I tried to do like...
[07:46:19] I feel it after six now.
[07:46:22] Any time I do any sort of really long incentive and it's gonna be like 10 to 14 hours, my body is immediately dreading it...
[07:46:32] ...I can't imagine doing a long
[07:46:33] challenge like 602. Not anymore.
[07:46:36] Yeah, that's
[07:46:37] not even like a randomizer. That's just
[07:46:39] a full-on, long speedrun
[07:46:41] challenge.
[07:46:44] I would have to like...
[07:46:46] Gosh,
[07:46:48] how would I even approach that?
[07:46:49] I'd have to not stream for a couple of days
[07:46:52] and just really build up like rest
[07:46:55] and relaxation beforehand. Yeah, spend
[07:46:59] some time with the pupper because it's good for the soul. Keyes by the way has like a super cute
[07:47:03] pupper. Yeah we got yuki my little samoyed um we have boxy who's
[07:47:10] a half maine coon cat really really cute really talkative and emy's coming home with a new kitten tonight.
[07:47:18] We also have a snake, which
[07:47:20] some people aren't about. Totally
[07:47:22] understandable, but we have a snake.
[07:47:24] We have a new kitten coming in. We have new kitten coming in.
[07:47:25] We have fur babies!
[07:47:28] Aw, that's so cute.
[07:47:30] I'm pretty excited for the kitten.
[07:47:32] She's a little ragdoll.
[07:47:34] Or he, excuse me. He's a little rag doll. Uh,
[07:47:37] he's astray so he is a little sick but we are
[07:47:41] gonna take care of him and give him a good home.
[07:47:45] Someone was asking about Sun.
[07:47:47] Now, it's been a few years since I sat down and had dinner with Sun.
[07:47:51] But it says this.
[07:47:52] Sun to full-time speaker.
[07:47:53] And I remember seeing him do a run of Ocarina of Time Rando a while back, which caught you off guard.
[07:47:56] Sun is doing a run at PAX West.
[07:47:59] Let's take a look at that schedule real quick.
[07:48:01] Let me see this.
[07:48:03] Which by the way, y'all should follow along
[07:48:05] again. PAX West is going to be amazing.
[07:48:07] Keys, are you good at the bar?
[07:48:09] I will not be working the event
[07:48:11] but I think I'm
[07:48:13] going anyway. Nice!
[07:48:15] So I will probably be there
[07:48:17] and I'm probably going to hang out around the gdq area so anyone
[07:48:21] going to pax west if you want to say hi like i'm for sure gonna be there um
[07:48:26] i found out recently that packsX East is going to,
[07:48:30] because I am far away from the West Coast.
[07:48:32] Very, very far away from West Coast.
[07:48:33] But the East is supposed to be taking place in May next year.
[07:48:36] So I will most likely be able to hang out at East.
[07:48:40] So that'll be fun.
[07:48:42] But yeah, let's take a look
[07:48:43] at this.
[07:48:45] Final Fantasy Type-0
[07:48:47] Any% Cadet? Yeah, that's
[07:48:49] Sent! And not only a said speed running spence
[07:48:51] set is doing a two hour run wow
[07:48:57] yeah so uh kind of backtracking a little bit to when
[07:49:01] we mentioned archipelagos i'll do
[07:49:03] archipelago's with sense all the time like sent still does a lot of likes speed run adjacent
[07:49:08] content he's not really a streamer.
[07:49:18] But he also very, very much keeps up with the current scene and everything.
[07:49:30] Ascent opened-up RPG limit break 2019 let's see this oh yeah yeah final fantasy type 0.8 that is so awesome i i would love to play an archipelago with you and Senek
[07:49:35] sometimes. That sounds like fun.
[07:49:38] I think he's
[07:49:39] still recovering
[07:49:41] from, you know, event
[07:49:43] fatigue.
[07:49:45] Oh my goodness, Sent?
[07:49:47] You want to talk about someone who gives like 150%
[07:49:50] all the time
[07:49:51] I don't know how Sent
[07:49:53] has that amount of energy,
[07:49:55] but my goodness.
[07:49:57] Like just...
[07:49:59] I can't fathom that.
[07:50:01] Scent's a monster!
[07:50:02] Like...
[07:50:05] And like you've seen this because you're an old time GDQ person too.
[07:50:12] It used to just be sent. There didn't use to be a prize team.
[07:50:16] Yeah! Sent was- It was just Sen.
[07:50:19] That should be the next time
[07:50:21] we all introduce it's just Sen!
[07:50:23] It's just Sen.
[07:50:28] Then we got got Game and Shout, we got CorvMA now
[07:50:30] like the workload is spread
[07:50:32] a lot better for Sent. I felt
[07:50:34] so bad every time before
[07:50:36] the prize team existed. I felt so bad for Scent
[07:50:38] because he would run himself ragged
[07:50:41] and you can tell he wasn't feeling good,
[07:50:43] but a lot of people at home probably didn't notice
[07:50:45] because Scent is so good
[07:50:46] at just like flip of a switch,
[07:50:49] just being the prize man.
[07:50:51] Just being really good
[07:50:52] at talking about everything,
[07:50:54] having all the information
[07:50:55] about the prizes which...
[07:50:57] He knows SO much about everything!
[07:51:01] Yeah, yeah that sounds about right.
[07:51:04] That's the power of The Prize Wizard Guild- I bought the prize wizard poster they sold towards the end of the GDQ.
[07:51:10] I can't wait to get that in for my setup.
[07:51:13] Wait, that was a thing?
[07:51:14] Yeah!
[07:51:15] It said like thank you Prize Wizard and it's just this big poster of Sett
[07:51:18] And I was like hey Oth,
[07:51:19] I hope you don't mind having a big
[07:51:20] poster of center wait that's sick i didn't even know it
[07:51:24] was a thing it was a thing yeah i'll send you a
[07:51:27] picture of it after yeah please do i did not know that that
[07:51:30] was that's so cool!
[07:51:32] Yeah it was like towards the end of the event. Like I saw the Yeti randomly at it and I'm like
[07:51:36] That looks pretty sweet actually
[07:51:38] That's so cool
[07:51:40] Yeah maybe they'll sell it again soon. I can see if you're like yo, you should
[07:51:45] sell that again because some folks may have missed that.
[07:51:48] He really sent it at the end of the event. Oh my goodness y'all.
[07:51:53] That's so punny. move on. Oh my goodness, y'all. So funny.
[07:51:55] Think any popular games would allow
[07:51:57] a subcategory of beating a game
[07:51:59] while physically running a marathon?
[07:52:01] I mean we kind of have something like that, right? I remember
[07:52:04] like... What was
[07:52:06] it? The game with the hula hoop
[07:52:08] on the Switch.
[07:52:11] You know what I'm talking about. See, this is
[07:52:12] our bad memories here at work. Like ring fit?
[07:52:14] Ring fit, yeah.
[07:52:15] So, I mean, that would technically qualify, right?
[07:52:18] Because you're doing both at the same time.
[07:52:19] I would count it.
[07:52:20] I would count it.
[07:52:27] Oh, good old, good old boomer memory.
[07:52:30] Our time has come.
[07:52:31] I remember all the old stuff, Keith!
[07:52:33] I can't remember anything.
[07:52:41] At this point in time, if you ask me about something that happened like 2014 to 2018 I could probably give you vivid details about it but hey do you remember what you did on TFS three months ago?
[07:52:47] I mean, nothing
[07:52:48] at the time because of the new season format. But
[07:52:50] if you ask me that at any point in time, I'd be like
[07:52:52] It's been three months
[07:52:54] Time is so difficult.
[07:52:59] So someone's asking,
[07:53:00] what is an archipelago?
[07:53:01] Yeah, I don't mind
[07:53:02] explaining that
[07:53:02] for folks coming in.
[07:53:03] Also, hello y'all.
[07:53:04] You are watching
[07:53:05] GDQ Hot Fakes.
[07:53:06] I am Sky Vils.
[07:53:06] This is Brandon and i have one
[07:53:09] of those of the first step here he's around here who you all should very much follow again that
[07:53:15] is keysron and also check out the first step on gdq hot picks as well
[07:53:19] Be sure to check out our hot fix site for more information on when those episodes will occur
[07:53:25] So again wanted to do a reintroduction there because a lot of folks coming in saying hi.
[07:53:29] So Archipelago! I don't know if there's any short and quick answer for this but it is
[07:53:33] a way to play multiple randomizers at once and it's typically done with
[07:53:37] a friend group. I've seen folks sometimes do multiple games, but
[07:53:41] I feel and my personal opinion is Archipelago is best shared with friends.
[07:53:46] Definitely it's also...Archipellago is such a convenient thing because anyone who ever goes to any
[07:53:53] sort of event, it doesn't even have to be like a speedrunning event, just at any sort
[07:53:56] of con or any sort of group gathering group gathering every time
[07:54:01] every single time you ever like make new friends or something it's like yeah
[07:54:04] we'll add each other, we should totally play games together
[07:54:07] and everyone plays a completely different thing. I was
[07:54:10] i've been friends with a lot of people in the Ori community,
[07:54:15] and a lot of people in like the Super Metroid community.
[07:54:18] Those are games that don't play.
[07:54:20] But I'm able to do stuff with them now because they can they can play super metroid in
[07:54:25] an archipelago while I play pokemon or fire emblem or something so like we're
[07:54:30] able to play games together with the games that we know
[07:54:33] and still get to have like that fun friend time together.
[07:54:37] Didn't you once do an archipelago where it was multiple Pokemon games?
[07:54:42] Yep, and it's very confusing.
[07:54:44] I bet!
[07:54:46] There is a lot of item
[07:54:48] overlap so...I can't tell you how
[07:54:50] many times I'd get like Surf
[07:54:52] and be excited but it was for the game that couldn't use it.
[07:54:55] Oh hang on Richard says you gave Ori a nine
[07:54:57] so your safe with us.
[07:54:59] Now what's that about?
[07:55:01] Oh yeah.
[07:55:03] That's such an old tweet!
[07:55:04] That was so long ago, how do you remember?
[07:55:06] I uh...
[07:55:09] There he goes, see?
[07:55:10] So um...
[07:55:12] I uh...
[07:55:14] We did Ori for
[07:55:16] the first step.
[07:55:18] We did Ori and Will of the Wisps when it came out
[07:55:20] And Hobbs was very much like
[07:55:22] Hey play Blind Forest
[07:55:24] so you can at least get familiar with the game.
[07:55:27] And I used to do this thing where I would rate games, just give it a 1-10 thing whenever i'd finish them before tfs
[07:55:38] and i don't think i've ever given anything
[07:55:41] attend and that's just because i'm being like a little
[07:55:43] little bit of a snob about it like there's no such thing as a perfect game
[07:55:46] so i'll never give anything intent like you know be super pretentious about it like there's no such thing as a perfect game so i'll never give anything intent like you
[07:55:48] know being super pretentious about it i'm very self-aware that it's a silly mindset but uh so
[07:55:53] like the highest i'll ever give a game is a nine and ori was a 9 to. I had so much fun with it
[07:55:59] um, I can't think of a single time
[07:56:01] that I was like genuinely frustrated at it
[07:56:02] Like I might have played up like a frustration
[07:56:04] just for like stream content but like
[07:56:06] I had a genuinely good time
[07:56:09] and then playing the sequel
[07:56:11] was also a ton of fun too.
[07:56:13] The series is great.
[07:56:17] Would you give it a 10 if you could?
[07:56:20] If I weren't pretentious,
[07:56:22] I don't think I would give it a 10.
[07:56:24] But I think I'd give the second one a 10.
[07:56:26] Okay! Alright.
[07:56:28] Wonder how Richard feels about alright. I wonder how Richard feels about that?
[07:56:32] I just like the fact
[07:56:33] that the second one had combat in it so...
[07:56:35] Yeah, yeah.
[07:56:38] I think Ori is a beautiful game and again
[07:56:40] we've had folks from the Ori randomizer community here still trying to persuade Richard to do a randomizer on here one day.
[07:56:49] Also like kind of backtracking a little bit too.
[07:56:52] I have a lot of friends in the Kingdom Hearts community as well.
[07:56:55] Like, I mean...
[07:56:56] I'm a little more familiar with Kingdom Hearts because if you're stuck
[07:57:00] with Mr. Jeff Hobson over here, then you gotta know some of it, right?
[07:57:06] So is Hobbes a person of habit that just knows what he likes in terms of gaming?
[07:57:15] I would say so.
[07:57:16] Yeah, yeah.
[07:57:17] I think he might be...
[07:57:20] He's a lot more willing to step out
[07:57:22] of his comfort zone than some people might realize
[07:57:26] but otherwise yeah you can kind of tell like oh yeah this is a hobbs game oh very much so i
[07:57:32] mean i'm the same way like i find something that I really like and it's sometimes hard to get me to try something new.
[07:57:38] My partner frequently makes fun of me but I'm like...
[07:57:40] I want to spend my time doing something I know I'm gonna really like so sometimes i resist trying new games sure but then
[07:57:47] i'm like i am going to play a new game tonight the the nest championship thing is coming out and
[07:57:52] i don't know if that counts because I've played a lot of the games
[07:57:55] in which the challenges are centered
[07:57:58] around, but it still looks like that's going to be
[07:58:00] a lot of fun.
[07:58:01] I would count it.
[07:58:02] Why not?
[07:58:07] But yeah, Archipelago is always undergoing new games too so I know soon there's some stuff in beta like Diddy Kong Racing's eventually gonna get added to it.
[07:58:17] Really?
[07:58:18] Oh yeah!
[07:58:19] That's awesome.
[07:58:21] Because that's one of my favorite racing games.
[07:58:26] Let me make sure.
[07:58:28] I'm caught up on chat here, because again, I love to read y'all's
[07:58:32] questions if you have a question for myself
[07:58:36] please let us know. I promise you we don't bite.
[07:58:40] So again,
[07:58:41] we're about an hour in so first off
[07:58:43] how are you feeling?
[07:58:45] Do you need a break? How is the pupper doing?
[07:58:48] Puppers napping so uh she's good i'm all right i'm good for whatever
[07:58:53] if we want to encourage a wellness break i'm totally down to do that right now.
[07:59:03] Yeah, we can if you want to! It never hurts to get up and stretch.
[07:59:06] You know what?
[07:59:07] After I go through this dialogue
[07:59:09] I could give us a countdown and
[07:59:11] give everyone a chance to refill their well let's what's my usual hot fix spiel uh get
[07:59:17] up stretch your legs take a bio break, get some water.
[07:59:22] Always good to do that. We encourage wellness here.
[07:59:25] I have my
[07:59:27] water here but I do want to like
[07:59:28] getting up and just walking
[07:59:30] up and down the stairs once or twice
[07:59:32] to just get the blood flowing.
[07:59:33] We are old!
[07:59:37] Go ahead and
[07:59:37] pause in 3, 2,
[07:59:40] 1, pause.
[07:59:43] Yeah, make sure I turn off my mic before I stand up to you. You don't want to hear
[07:59:44] out, you know?
[07:59:47] Anyways folks if
[07:59:48] you have been enjoying GDQ Hotfix
[07:59:50] and you have been enjoying our show. I wanted to remind you all
[07:59:53] that your subs, Prime Gaming subs
[07:59:55] gif subs, and bits shared on the
[07:59:57] GDQ Twitch channel help support Games Done Quick
[07:59:59] HotFix. If you enjoy watching speedruns
[08:00:01] and our content consider subscribing to the channel. And again, Keyes
[08:00:05] and I we both provide content for this so any help on that front is very much appreciated.
[08:00:11] And with that being said i'm gonna going to follow Keyes' example.
[08:00:14] I'm going to get up and stretch and hydrate.
[08:00:16] And we'll be right back with Random Number Generation.
[08:00:19] Random Number Generation so so ¶¶ so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ¶¶ so so so so so so Thank you.. so so so so Random Never Generation, I am joined here by Cheese, who's running a Pokemon Crystal Full Item Randomizer.
[08:05:59] Well we have just the full on chill discussion here so again chat
[08:06:03] I want to thank y'all for participating and Cheese
[08:06:05] I wanna thank you for being here So again, Chad, I want to thank y'all for participating.
[08:06:06] I want to thank you for being here.
[08:06:07] I've been having a great time.
[08:06:09] I've been having a great time too.
[08:06:10] So much so that I didn't even realize over an hour had passed.
[08:06:13] Yep.
[08:06:14] Glad to take care of the pupper,
[08:06:15] which I hope makes an appearance at some point because
[08:06:18] I love the dog.
[08:06:19] Yuki!
[08:06:20] Come here!
[08:06:21] Oh puppy.
[08:06:22] Oh.
[08:06:23] I have a slight delay on my end as well. Oh, puppy. Oh.
[08:06:28] I have a slight delay on my end so I'm just waiting
[08:06:30] to see you pee.
[08:06:32] We'll see her eventually.
[08:06:36] Do you wanna learn speedrunning like? Oh, that would be...
[08:06:39] Okay so once we get back into it
[08:06:41] like if you could teach Yuki
[08:06:43] a speedrun
[08:06:47] What a good dog.
[08:06:51] I would like, honestly... I'll answer it as soon as that count is back in.
[08:06:53] Okay! Yeah go for it!
[08:06:55] Start up again in 3
[08:06:57] 2 1 Go! Honestly? Start up again in 3, 2, 1...
[08:06:59] Go!
[08:07:00] Honestly?
[08:07:02] I would love to find a way
[08:07:05] To like teach any dog
[08:07:07] Like not even necessarily Yuki
[08:07:08] But teach a dog
[08:07:09] To do like
[08:07:11] A classic Super Mario level. Oh that's
[08:07:15] really good idea! I think the one I can think of that might be done is maybe
[08:07:19] 401? Because a lot of that's just running and jumping.
[08:07:24] That'd be so cool.
[08:07:26] I would like that.
[08:07:27] I'd like to see one day...
[08:07:29] We would live in a world where possibly if we have
[08:07:32] multiple dogs that could do speedruns
[08:07:34] I would love to see a dog race.
[08:07:37] Yeah, that'd be so cool.
[08:07:39] But you have to make sure
[08:07:40] that they're not all distracted by each other.
[08:07:44] Oh yeah, that would probably be the hardest part.
[08:07:46] They need like partitions or something like that!
[08:07:49] Yeah definitely.
[08:07:51] I would love to see something like that, though.
[08:07:53] So is Yuki pretty responsive?
[08:07:56] Like can she learn tricks?
[08:07:58] Would it be pretty okay
[08:08:00] to teach her with enough time?
[08:08:02] She is very
[08:08:04] smart, but sometimes
[08:08:06] too smart. So like
[08:08:08] I could teach her
[08:08:10] something. Like she actually knows a decent
[08:08:12] amount of advanced tricks,
[08:08:13] but she's kind of like a cat about it. It's like... She actually knows a decent amount of advanced tricks,
[08:08:14] but she's kind of like a cat about it.
[08:08:15] It's like I don't really want to do it today.
[08:08:18] I know how to do it.
[08:08:19] I'm not doing it today.
[08:08:20] But then the next day, it's like oh yeah,
[08:08:22] I'll totally jump for that biscuit, sure.
[08:08:27] So it's
[08:08:27] a matter of getting her to be more consistent.
[08:08:30] Yep, yep.
[08:08:31] We gotta get the consistency down and I'm gonna
[08:08:33] be perfectly honest with everyone I'm gonna be perfectly honest with everyone, I uh...
[08:08:36] I-I'm too much of a sucker.
[08:08:38] If the roles were reversed
[08:08:41] And Emre was still a full time streamer
[08:08:44] And I was the one that got back in
[08:08:46] the workforce, and she was the one like you know home with
[08:08:49] the dog all the time. She'd probably honestly be better behaved
[08:08:52] Like I'm willing to admit that
[08:08:55] I don't let Yuki get away with like a ton
[08:08:57] of really bad stuff, obviously, but it's like
[08:08:59] I'm a lot less
[08:09:00] harsh isn't the right word.
[08:09:06] This is perfect. We're talking about dogs and you're letting
[08:09:08] the dogs out yep yep yep scripted authoritative like i'm not i'm not as authoritative with
[08:09:16] dogs because i'm just i'm too into authoritative with dogs because i'm just
[08:09:17] i'm too into the oh my god they're so cute i want to pet them love me
[08:09:21] oh same yeah i feel that
[08:09:27] so you were talking about the molt,
[08:09:29] the many pets that you had earlier. I'm interested as to
[08:09:33] story behind the little noodle y'all have, the danger noodle
[08:09:37] Oh yeah so um...
[08:09:40] So we recently adopted a 12 year old albino corn snake
[08:09:45] His name is Monroe
[08:09:48] So the deal is anyone who doesn't know, Emre now works as a vet tech.
[08:09:55] Very happy with that really fulfilling job, gets to work around animals all the time.
[08:10:01] But... to work around animals all the time. But
[08:10:01] she just calls me up
[08:10:03] one day and is like, hey, remember when we were joking about
[08:10:05] getting a snake? Do you want to get one?
[08:10:07] And I was like...
[08:10:09] What's the catch?
[08:10:12] There's this older lady that she's moving out of state.
[08:10:15] And because of all the equipment
[08:10:16] that you need to take care of a snake
[08:10:18] like the tank and like the lights and everything
[08:10:20] she didn't want to
[08:10:22] risk
[08:10:23] breaking anything
[08:10:24] yeah
[08:10:25] so she was just
[08:10:25] like it would
[08:10:25] just be easier
[08:10:26] to give it
[08:10:26] to someone
[08:10:27] who
[08:10:27] could keep
[08:10:28] an eye on him
[08:10:29] so
[08:10:30] we just
[08:10:31] ended up
[08:10:32] with a snake because we just ended up with a snake.
[08:10:33] Because we really wanted a lizard, and here we are!
[08:10:38] And Monro's so cool, he's got such a personality for a snake.
[08:10:43] Really?
[08:10:44] Yeah,
[08:10:44] he loves exploring.
[08:10:46] He loves...
[08:10:48] Like if you have him like around your neck or something
[08:10:51] like on your shoulders
[08:10:52] like he'll just slither around everywhere
[08:10:55] and try to sneak into your shirt
[08:10:57] trying to get through your sleeve
[08:10:59] and stuff, doing as much exploring as possible.
[08:11:01] Any time that
[08:11:03] Yuki sees the snake, they always boop snoots and it's really cute.
[08:11:08] Oh, that's adorable!
[08:11:11] Our cat... our older cat anyway, now we have two...
[08:11:15] Our older cat doesn, now that we have two. Our older cat doesn't really acknowledge
[08:11:19] That the snake's there
[08:11:20] I don't think she actually knows
[08:11:21] We have a snake to be honest
[08:11:28] Oh this randomizer's bad.
[08:11:29] Why does Morty have a Gengar?
[08:11:30] Boo, Rando.
[08:11:33] I mean, that... That's always going to happen.
[08:11:34] There's always going
[08:11:35] to be something
[08:11:35] that the randomizer has in common
[08:11:37] with the biggest game, it happens a lot
[08:11:39] Someone said in chat, those of you who don't watch
[08:11:43] Keyes' stream, you'll never truly appreciate
[08:11:45] the collective confusion in chat when Key's got up
[08:11:48] and came back saying, I'm going to need your help with
[08:11:50] the snit.
[08:11:54] Yeah, that's been an adjustment
[08:11:56] for me because I've always had...
[08:11:59] I don't want to say basic, like they're not
[08:12:01] good animals or anything, obviously.
[08:12:03] But I've always had basic pets, like dogs and cats.
[08:12:05] You know, the pretty standard
[08:12:06] set of animals.
[08:12:09] But like the pretty standard set of animals. But I've never had a lizard before,
[08:12:13] so this is actually
[08:12:14] kind of a cool experience so far.
[08:12:17] But I guess slight
[08:12:20] content warning,
[08:12:21] I guess.
[08:12:22] But like,
[08:12:22] I mean,
[08:12:22] if you don't know
[08:12:23] what a snake's
[08:12:24] diet is,
[08:12:26] it eats other
[08:12:28] fats and mice and stuff. So that's been an adjustment for me because I'm such a softie that
[08:12:35] i can't handle doing it myself, so everybody has to do it. No that's understandable
[08:12:41] I actually think rats and mice
[08:12:43] are quite cute, I know I would have
[08:12:45] some difficulties with that for sure
[08:12:47] Yeah definitely
[08:12:52] But yeah! I mean I've actually never seen pictures of your pets
[08:12:54] I'm gonna have to see like the cat
[08:12:56] and the snake and stuff like that
[08:12:58] They're all so cute. Oh yeah, I'll have to send you some
[08:13:00] for sure.
[08:13:03] Well, cats now, right?
[08:13:05] You said today y'all are getting another cat?
[08:13:06] Yep.
[08:13:15] Emory will be home probably in like 30 to 45 minutes and we're just gonna have a snake there. We're not saying that how to have a kitten there.
[08:13:17] Aww, so it's a little one? Just a little tiny friend?
[08:13:22] Oh very tiny.
[08:13:25] I'm excited
[08:13:26] though, I don't think I've ever actually
[08:13:28] had a kitten. Every single cat I've
[08:13:30] ever had has been at least like two or three years old.
[08:13:33] Yeah that's understandable.
[08:13:35] I mean a lot of folks like to get
[08:13:37] their pets from shelters and sometimes
[08:13:39] it's kind of rare to find them
[08:13:41] when they're tiny.
[08:13:42] Definitely.
[08:13:45] Where do I want to go?
[08:13:47] I have a few options that I'm trying to like
[08:13:49] parse where I wanna go
[08:13:51] The biggest things we're missing right now
[08:13:53] are obviously badges,
[08:13:56] but I also still don't have surf.
[08:13:59] Yeah, I noticed that.
[08:14:00] So you have the bicycle, which is great
[08:14:02] and your fly also great.
[08:14:04] Like you said, those were pre pretty vetted but now you're
[08:14:06] looking for surf and again
[08:14:08] as with most of the HMs they're required
[08:14:11] to complete the game
[08:14:12] so do you have any leads then where you
[08:14:15] think surf might be or any ideas?
[08:14:17] I don't really necessarily
[08:14:20] have an idea. So like, you can
[08:14:21] have a dynamic logic
[08:14:23] in these where it's like
[08:14:25] oh, I just got cut. So
[08:14:28] my next progression is likely
[08:14:30] behind cut but I usually have
[08:14:32] a more random logic.
[08:14:34] So my
[08:14:35] goal right now is
[08:14:37] go to
[08:14:39] any area that has
[08:14:41] a ton of possible checks. So, like, we're
[08:14:43] about to climb Tin Tower because there's, like,
[08:14:45] 12 or 13 items
[08:14:47] I can pick up.
[08:14:49] We're just going for the really
[08:14:50] item-dense areas right now.
[08:14:55] Yeah, that makes perfect sense and that's how you
[08:14:57] tend to eliminate areas. You're like, okay, where is it most likely
[08:15:00] to be? Where is the next likely place to be? We do
[08:15:02] that a lot within randomizers, so...
[08:15:04] Oh yeah, definitely.
[08:15:05] Also, I'm very
[08:15:08] happy with this holo. Not gonna lie.
[08:15:10] I wish I had like Drill Peck but...
[08:15:13] Oh!
[08:15:14] I mean you pretty much have everything else you could possibly want on that holo.
[08:15:17] Well listen, I'm a greedy little pig okay?
[08:15:22] I want my super moves.
[08:15:27] So it's the person who had Aeroblast on Lugia.
[08:15:29] Yeah, I had Aeroblast Lugia.
[08:15:29] That wasn't good enough.
[08:15:30] I upgraded. Well, to be fair, but the stats on that Lugia. That wasn't good enough. I upgraded.
[08:15:32] Well, to be fair, the stats on that Lugia were a little
[08:15:34] janky, especially for the game.
[08:15:36] Oh yeah! It did not have off.
[08:15:39] It was
[08:15:40] rough. Speaking of jank, what is the
[08:15:43] jankiest Pokemon
[08:15:44] you've ever finished this particular
[08:15:47] randomizer with and why?
[08:15:49] Um
[08:15:50] I remember having to use a Mad Cargo once.
[08:15:55] Which...
[08:15:56] Oh!
[08:15:57] ...Mad Cargo as is
[08:15:58] is already not a great Pokémon.
[08:16:01] I like the design,
[08:16:02] I like the concept
[08:16:04] but it's a very forgettable Pokemon
[08:16:06] to the point where
[08:16:08] a lot of people when they see
[08:16:09] Mad Cargo in one of these
[08:16:12] are like oh I thought it was Gen 3, not
[08:16:14] Gen 2. That's like, yeah, that's
[08:16:17] a pretty normal
[08:16:19] reaction but I had to finish
[08:16:20] with the mad cargo before and it was just
[08:16:22] misery.
[08:16:24] You never realize how many moves a certain type of Pokémon has in the game
[08:16:29] until you're quad weak to it.
[08:16:31] Oh yeah, oh yeah! There's nothing like getting hit by a water gun and screaming in pain.
[08:16:37] Water gun!
[08:16:41] Bubble!
[08:16:42] Yeah, imagine bubble killing you.
[08:16:47] Oh, that's a good TM! That's quite good.
[08:16:51] I actually don't think I'd put it on the Ho-Oh right now but...
[08:16:56] Maybe later if I
[08:16:57] get a bad fight.
[08:17:00] The TMs for the most part have been pretty good
[08:17:01] so far. We got an Earthquake TM, we got
[08:17:03] a Rock Slide TM.
[08:17:05] We got Fire Punch.
[08:17:07] Yeah, Stab Fire Punch.
[08:17:14] Yeah, Stabbed Fire Punch is never a bad thing to have even though you put fire punch on a bird!
[08:17:17] Hey it balls its wing up, okay?
[08:17:21] He's trying his best.
[08:17:21] You leave him alone.
[08:17:23] Question from the chat.
[08:17:25] Have you thought of a name for the new kitten?
[08:17:28] No. No No I have not
[08:17:30] In fact I'm taking a
[08:17:33] Second to reply
[08:17:35] To Emre because they were like
[08:17:36] Do you want me to bring the kitten on stream when I get home?
[08:17:40] Oh!
[08:17:41] I said yes.
[08:17:42] Yay!
[08:17:44] Congratulations, chat.
[08:17:45] You're going to meet the kitten at the same time as me.
[08:17:50] Another same time as me.
[08:17:54] Another question from the chat is, Is this a sport bottle progression?
[08:17:57] It can be so we had a seed where I got the SS ticket and access to Kanto, so everything that you could reach with the Squirt Bottle
[08:18:08] I was able to reach before I found the Squirt Bottle.
[08:18:10] It does give us one additional check now though,
[08:18:13] but at this point in time it's not progression
[08:18:16] But if you get it early then it is.
[08:18:19] So is it like late game?
[08:18:20] It sounds like it's kind of a meme check.
[08:18:23] Yeah, I mean, it's not too far out of the way
[08:18:26] and I'm probably going to do it anyway just because
[08:18:29] it isn't like the slowest thing in the world
[08:18:30] but it's only one check.
[08:18:36] But you know,
[08:18:39] it's you and me on a hot pick show so that check is probably going to be THE check
[08:18:41] so I either ignore it and feel bad or
[08:18:44] get it and it's useless.
[08:18:46] It's transformative in nature.
[08:18:52] Let me see... Someone wanted to ask, what are your thoughts on...
[08:18:55] I believe this is a newer Pokemon, Wiglet?
[08:19:00] Oh yeah! Anyone who hasn't played
[08:19:03] Pokemon Scarlett and Violet, there's a...
[08:19:06] It's not technically a regional
[08:19:07] form, but it's a regional form. Let's be real.
[08:19:10] Yes.
[08:19:11] It's basically like a really
[08:19:13] elongated white Diglett.
[08:19:19] And it is so silly looking. My opinion is its silly looking. That's a good one! Wigglet and wugt trio are sure a thing.
[08:19:30] Ask Keese how he feels about Tangela.
[08:19:33] Oh, good old Wigglywoo.
[08:19:36] Perfect Pokemon! Nothing wrong at all.
[08:19:39] 10 out of 10 would always recommend it.
[08:19:41] I'm surprised you didn't name him Snake Wigglywug.
[08:19:45] Well
[08:19:45] you see
[08:19:46] I kind kinda wanted to but we already had a name so I was like, I'll respect the name.
[08:19:55] So what is the name then?
[08:19:59] The snake? Yeah, Munro.
[08:20:01] That's very different from like
[08:20:03] the rest of the patties!
[08:20:07] We got Yuki, we got Boxy, and we got Yuki. We got Boxy.
[08:20:08] We got Munro.
[08:20:09] It's like there is always one that stands out.
[08:20:13] I don't know why the previous owner named him Munro but you know he kind of responds
[08:20:18] when I say his name so
[08:20:19] I'm not taking it away
[08:20:20] no no absolutely not and
[08:20:22] you said the snake was
[08:20:22] 12 in terms of like age
[08:20:24] yeah yep 12 years old
[08:20:27] he's a he's in the speedrun retirement
[08:20:32] home with the rest of us.
[08:20:35] Ask Keys to give
[08:20:36] tips for running a Pokemon
[08:20:38] Crystal Randall. So what do you recommend to someone who's never
[08:20:41] run pokemon crystal randos then um if
[08:20:45] if you've never done a randomizer in general
[08:20:48] what i would recommend is i would actually actually play a non-randomized game
[08:20:54] Non-randomize run of it
[08:20:56] Just to get re-familiar and be acclimated with the game
[08:20:59] And then once you start picking up randomizers, just do some more simple things.
[08:21:04] Like...
[08:21:05] You can randomize so many different aspects
[08:21:08] you could make it so the movesets are random like what I have right now
[08:21:12] or you keep it vanilla so
[08:21:13] you don't have to overthink and have to worry about, oh
[08:21:17] if I run into this Mewtwo it could have Thunderbolt
[08:21:21] against my Gyarados or something. So I would definitely recommend considering
[08:21:26] the lower settings at first, just to kind of get used to it when you want to get some more
[08:21:31] like advanced randomizer stuff,
[08:21:34] like you get to like your item
[08:21:35] randomizers and whatnot.
[08:21:37] Those also have a plethora of options
[08:21:38] to a degree to where it might feel
[08:21:40] really,
[08:21:40] really overwhelming because there's
[08:21:42] just,
[08:21:42] there's so much you can do,
[08:21:43] but kind of same thing,
[08:21:45] like just kind of slowly ease your way into it.
[08:21:50] Like with full item rando,
[08:21:51] there's actually a much easier variance to what I'm doing.
[08:21:54] There's key item rando, which is just key items. Like it's every item on the ground will be the same otherwise you can make it so badges are just shuffled within gyms,
[08:22:07] So you don't have to worry about knowing the location of every item
[08:22:11] To find your badges. There's a lot of ways to ease yourself in.
[08:22:14] But that is definitely what I'd recommend
[08:22:16] It's kind of a slow and steady
[08:22:17] approach to it very good advice pretty much across the board for randomizers especially for pokemon
[08:22:25] where just everything can feel overwhelming especially the further you get into the generations
[08:22:29] and the more nuanced things become.
[08:22:31] It's really good!
[08:22:33] The next thing out...
[08:22:34] First of all T-Pat says hi.
[08:22:36] Hi T-Pat!
[08:22:37] That's my weatherman!
[08:22:41] The second question, and then
[08:22:43] this is getting back to discussion on your pets as
[08:22:45] far as the snake is, what is the life
[08:22:47] expectancy of the Quince?
[08:22:49] That is a good question! Next
[08:22:53] question. Let me just
[08:22:57] pull up Google real quick.
[08:22:59] I actually don't know.
[08:23:02] Um...
[08:23:03] I don't think we've gotten to the Gyarados yet.
[08:23:05] So...
[08:23:06] Soon, TM?
[08:23:07] Someone was asking what was the Gyarados.
[08:23:08] Wipes the domesticated
[08:23:11] corn
[08:23:12] here we go random
[08:23:14] content. Here you go chat. It says six
[08:23:17] to eight years in the wild and it's very clearly
[08:23:19] not in a while
[08:23:19] up to 24 years in in the wild and it's very clearly not in a wild one.
[08:23:21] Up to 24 years in human care, there we go! Wow
[08:23:25] That's impressive. That's a lot longer than I thought. Not that that's a bad thing
[08:23:29] It's just a lot longer than I thought.
[08:23:32] Someone asked what was the Gyarados? I don't think we've gotten there yet,
[08:23:35] i mean we were there but i don't know if yeah
[08:23:37] We can't surf. Yeah we can't surf.
[08:23:40] That's right we do not know yet.
[08:23:44] We will eventually... hopefully.
[08:23:48] I'm trying to- Can you even beat the sur-
[08:23:50] You CAN have a Surfless Seed!
[08:23:52] It's so unlikely but you can have a Surless seat. It's so unlikely, but you can
[08:23:53] have a surfless seat.
[08:23:55] So it would be incredibly funny if
[08:23:57] my first surfless seat ever was
[08:23:59] today.
[08:24:02] So we're on the ice path right now who had issues with the ice path their first time i
[08:24:07] know i did i'm really bad with puzzles oh i suck at this because the ice puzzle in Gold and Silver is different from the ice puzzle in Crystal.
[08:24:20] So... Because I had Silver version before I had Crystal version when I got here in Crystal,
[08:24:25] I was just like where the heck am I?
[08:24:27] What direction do I go?
[08:24:29] I'm terrible at ice puzzles
[08:24:31] just in general and any game
[08:24:33] I don't know what it is my brain just does not like ice puzzles oh neither do or the strength
[08:24:38] puzzles and this has everything in it oh yeah oh yeah they have so much in here
[08:24:43] so someone asked us can youes have a grass type?
[08:24:46] I believe the way these seeds work is
[08:24:48] Keyes will primarily only use one Pokemon.
[08:24:50] It's almost like
[08:24:51] the kind of Ironmon route
[08:24:53] if you're familiar with
[08:24:54] types of Ironmon
[08:24:54] where just everything revolves
[08:24:55] around that one Pokemon. And no,
[08:24:57] Kese's main Pokemon is not a grass
[08:24:59] type, it is ho-
[08:25:00] Yeah so the big thing about
[08:25:03] what I would suspect
[08:25:05] why that was asked
[08:25:07] is in
[08:25:08] Emerald Archipelago
[08:25:10] there is a check
[08:25:11] where you talk
[08:25:12] to a trainer
[08:25:13] and she'll give
[08:25:14] you an item
[08:25:15] if you have
[08:25:15] a grass Pokemon.
[08:25:16] Oh,
[08:25:17] I didn't think about that!
[08:25:18] But I-I-I think...
[08:25:19] I think that's the only instance
[08:25:20] in older generations of games
[08:25:22] where that's something you can do.
[08:25:25] Other than like showing
[08:25:26] Bill's grandpa certain Pokemon to get like evolution stones or something
[08:25:32] I think yeah like in the original game i guess the equivalent would that be of
[08:25:35] how many pokemon did you catch? Have a thing.
[08:25:39] Mm-hmm.
[08:25:42] Like the professor aids that give you stuff.
[08:25:43] Yeah.
[08:25:46] And there's so many good, like,
[08:25:48] money items I'm finding but my bag is full.
[08:25:50] Oh, see, that
[08:25:51] would be one of my weaknesses in
[08:25:52] Pokemon Randomizer, is I always have
[08:25:55] to organize my bag. Like it's just a thing
[08:25:57] that I do and that would take up so much
[08:25:59] time. Oh yeah.
[08:26:02] I have a and that would take up so much time. Oh, yeah. I've definitely done that before myself.
[08:26:05] In fact, at the start of this
[08:26:06] I was spending a lot more time organizing
[08:26:08] but now I'm kind of just at the point
[08:26:09] where it's like, nah
[08:26:10] I don't need to...
[08:26:12] I want to!
[08:26:14] God do I want to but I don't need
[08:26:16] to. Yeah, definitely
[08:26:18] do not like having in
[08:26:20] Pokemon games full bags of any
[08:26:23] kind.
[08:26:25] I'm going to lose time selling
[08:26:27] a bunch of stuff right now, but this shop
[08:26:28] has rare candies that I'm set for life.
[08:26:31] Oh yeah. And that's one of the nice things about The Rinder
[08:26:33] I like the idea of being able to get over a candy at any point
[08:26:38] Uh no... not yet
[08:26:41] You know what? Actually,
[08:26:44] this is just free money. Come on,
[08:26:46] get the amulet coins and equip it!
[08:26:50] I do like free money!
[08:26:52] It's my money and I
[08:26:53] want it now.
[08:26:54] You don't
[08:26:54] want leftovers?
[08:26:55] I guess you
[08:26:56] don't really
[08:26:56] need them
[08:26:57] until Elite
[08:26:57] 4.
[08:26:58] Yeah,
[08:26:58] I don't
[08:26:59] need them
[08:26:59] for a while
[08:27:00] so we're
[08:27:01] good.
[08:27:03] I don't
[08:27:04] think I taught strength of flash I usually don't think
[08:27:04] I taught strength of flash
[08:27:06] I usually don't teach flash because
[08:27:07] I just know these areas well but
[08:27:09] Usually for the sake of stream
[08:27:11] I'll just do it so people
[08:27:13] Don't see a black screen for like two minutes.
[08:27:17] What am I doing?
[08:27:18] I was gonna say, wait,
[08:27:20] isn't there water in this?
[08:27:22] There sure is! You know what?
[08:27:33] Go me! Good is you know what go me good job peace good job i've never gone this long without surf i'm so thrown off right now oh no Did we have a that's never happened before?
[08:27:38] For me?
[08:27:39] Yeah.
[08:27:40] It's never taken this long.
[08:27:42] Ah, it's the thing.
[08:27:44] The thing had to happen.
[08:27:46] There it is! Welcome to the Games Done Quick stream The thing had to happen.
[08:27:48] There it is! Welcome to the Games Done Quick stream, folks.
[08:27:51] It's always something I'm telling y'all.
[08:27:54] You gotta put in the Leonardo DiCaprio meme where he's pointing like when he's in his chair,
[08:27:58] like that's a thing.
[08:28:00] Now I was thinking of well there it is.
[08:28:12] So that is the big thing we're looking for right now.
[08:28:13] We're looking for sort of,
[08:28:15] hopefully Keyes isn't running out of places to like,
[08:28:16] I mean it's a big game,
[08:28:16] right?
[08:28:17] Like I would be surprised.
[08:28:19] There's still plenty of areas left. Like we can definitely...
[08:28:21] We're not in trouble yet.
[08:28:23] Yet?
[08:28:25] Key word, yet.
[08:28:27] We're rapidly approaching that but we're not there yet.
[08:28:31] Oh don't say that! don't say that no oh by the way uh safe check i should have asked you at the break there we go hey hooray
[08:28:38] there you go good job i, Steve. I just...
[08:28:40] You did it.
[08:28:41] ...I get so nervous, Keyes.
[08:28:42] I hope you don't mind.
[08:28:43] It's more of a me thing,
[08:28:44] No, it is fine.
[08:28:45] I swear.
[08:28:46] I would rather be reminded than not.
[08:28:48] Yeah.
[08:28:49] That's a regular thing
[08:28:50] I've been doing on my shows that
[08:28:51] where it's like, please save.
[08:28:53] Like even if you don't think you need to just for my sake
[08:28:57] please save.
[08:28:57] Yeah yeah yeah.
[08:28:58] I get it entirely.
[08:29:01] I mean there's no worse feeling in a randomizer where when you go to load the save
[08:29:05] like let's say you need a reset for some reason you soft lock or something happens that you don't
[08:29:09] like and then it's not there mm-hmm and then you don't get a resolution it's it's not there. And then you don't get a resolution!
[08:29:13] It's,
[08:29:14] it's not a nice feeling
[08:29:15] so if you're listening to this
[08:29:16] The amount of times
[08:29:17] I've lost the run
[08:29:18] because I didn't save
[08:29:20] I do have a tracker up, obviously.
[08:29:27] I kind of got lost in the sauce
[08:29:29] of talking so I'm backtracking
[08:29:31] and double checking
[08:29:32] a couple of spots
[08:29:33] to make sure that I... No! backtracking and double checking a couple of spots.
[08:29:34] Dang, I'm a bad influence.
[08:29:36] No! This would happen on my stream anyway.
[08:29:48] Good good good good good and again by the way folks uh for folks turning tuning in because it's on
[08:29:51] the other side of the bridge please do follow keys that is at slash keys around if you're watching on youtube and
[08:29:57] you cannot see our twitch chat that is k-e-i-z-a-r-o-n and again keys streams most
[08:30:04] days keys is a full-time streamer, so please give keys all the support.
[08:30:07] Just a fantastic streamer and friend.
[08:30:11] I don't know why I punched them, Errol.
[08:30:13] Why did you punch the cute bunny?
[08:30:17] It wasn't on purpose.
[08:30:20] You punched it,
[08:30:21] you didn't put water in it.
[08:30:22] I said that it was an accident.
[08:30:24] That was so cute!
[08:30:25] No, we don't punch...
[08:30:26] We don't punch... It was on purpose, Din.
[08:30:28] We-we don't punch cute things
[08:30:30] on the stream! I'm sorry!
[08:30:34] Poor Merrill!
[08:30:36] This is where the run goes completely off the rails.
[08:30:41] That's gonna be karma.
[08:30:43] Yeah, I was going to say! That's bad luck!
[08:30:47] Surf is gonna move somewhere and i'm gonna be sad okay a dynamic game it wasn't
[08:30:53] the bunny technically i called oh no wait it was for sale this whole time? I'm a genius.
[08:31:00] You are!
[08:31:02] I could have gotten here a lot earlier
[08:31:04] but I'm a genius.
[08:31:05] Yeah, Meryl I see as a bunny
[08:31:08] and or a mouse
[08:31:09] like Azubarill
[08:31:11] is very almost like
[08:31:13] bunny adjacent we'll call it but
[08:31:15] yeah Merrill's closer probably to a mouse
[08:31:17] I agree with all of this
[08:31:19] Oh yeah you did set the mouse on fire! That's true chat!
[08:31:24] This poor baby!
[08:31:28] Oos?
[08:31:30] Clumsy me!
[08:31:34] Well, I guess you can go back and surf now.
[08:31:36] We could go check out the Red Darius
[08:31:38] at some point. We can!
[08:31:40] Which I'm actually gonna do that in like a couple of minutes,
[08:31:43] so anyone who really, really wants
[08:31:45] to see what the shiny is...
[08:31:46] Yeah!
[08:31:47] Soon, TM.
[08:31:51] I like how the randomizer does randomize that.
[08:31:53] It's really sweet because you see the Gyarados all the time,
[08:31:56] it's cool shiny but it's nice to mix it up.
[08:31:59] It's also nice cause sometimes
[08:32:01] it's the only way you see a shiny.
[08:32:04] Yeah.
[08:32:05] You get to see something like,
[08:32:07] you've never seen before a lot of times.
[08:32:10] I mean, I guess like,
[08:32:12] you can always just Google an image I guess but that's less fun.
[08:32:15] Also hi Jiggy.
[08:32:17] Hi Jiggy.
[08:32:19] I swear it wasn't playing
[08:32:20] that Keys was supposed to play Crystal twice
[08:32:22] for the record IS Keys before GDKey.
[08:32:27] Look,
[08:32:27] I haven't played Crystal on my own in a while.
[08:32:29] This is my excuse to pick it up.
[08:32:33] So
[08:32:33] where else are you playing, Crystal?
[08:32:35] Did it already happen besides RNG?
[08:32:38] No, no.
[08:32:39] So this Saturday there's a big Pokemon hotfix event.
[08:32:44] Oh, very cool.
[08:32:44] And I will be there doing um a randomizer cinco bingo
[08:32:51] all right so y'all better go support keys during that then that sounds like a
[08:32:54] good time bingos are a ton of fun i'm super excited to show it off
[08:32:59] i've done it a few times this is terrible why are you kidding me this is because
[08:33:03] you defeated the marrow i'm blaming this on the mirror. Okay, there you go.
[08:33:07] I punched him to pick that up.
[08:33:09] Okay, you didn't have to do THAT!
[08:33:12] Was that necessary?
[08:33:14] No, no it wasn't. But I sure did.
[08:33:21] Look he probably deserved it okay?
[08:33:24] You just deleted that Metapod! What a bully!
[08:33:28] He had generations of family
[08:33:29] that just
[08:33:30] disapparated. That's so sad!
[08:33:34] That poor thing.
[08:33:36] No!
[08:33:43] Dang, this just keeps getting sadder and sadder. First the Merrill and now the Metapod.
[08:33:45] Thanks everyone for tuning in for the last time that Keyserun is ever
[08:33:50] on a Skybill show.
[08:33:51] I mean,
[08:33:51] it wasn't an otter
[08:33:53] or a rat
[08:33:53] so that's fine
[08:33:54] but you know...
[08:33:56] Hmm.
[08:33:56] I'll keep that in mind.
[08:33:57] I know what to avoid.
[08:34:01] It wouldn't be me if I wasn't being sad over some defenseless critter getting punched, right?
[08:34:08] That poor thing.
[08:34:09] And a family.
[08:34:12] Okay, now we can go here.
[08:34:14] Now I can not look silly.
[08:34:16] There we go.
[08:34:17] Look, there's water!
[08:34:19] Look, there's surf!
[08:34:20] Are you just looking for badges now yeah yeah um i mean there's uh there's a chance
[08:34:28] that something that i need is locked behind whirl, but it's not necessarily a guarantee.
[08:34:34] Um...
[08:34:34] I'm still kind of just doing the shotgun approach
[08:34:36] of going through areas with
[08:34:39] you know, three plus checks
[08:34:40] that don't take too long.
[08:34:42] Yeah.
[08:34:45] Oh, I think plus checks that don't take too long. Yeah. Hopefully we find the badges?
[08:34:46] I miss the Leper's Sprite
[08:34:48] for surfing, that one's really cute.
[08:34:50] The one in
[08:34:51] Firebird Leaf Green it's just like an undefined Pokémon.
[08:34:57] Maybe there could be a case that would be a Snorlax but it's really hard to see.
[08:35:02] I meant to grab that item and I totally...
[08:35:05] Don't mind me!
[08:35:07] What? I didn't see anything.
[08:35:09] Yeah, didn't see anything you say.
[08:35:11] Yeah look it's so dark oh no
[08:35:13] I sure hope I can...
[08:35:15] Oh no!
[08:35:16] Ah heck.
[08:35:17] It sure would be a shame if I couldn't see.
[08:35:19] Oh no oh dear.
[08:35:22] How excited am I for the Bloomboro set?
[08:35:25] I'm very excited because did you know
[08:35:26] the next magic the gathering stat has critters
[08:35:30] i did not know that but it doesn't surprise me that you know that my poor
[08:35:34] wallet is going to be in pain after that set.
[08:35:37] There's otters and rats,
[08:35:39] And possums and mice
[08:35:42] And honey badges
[08:35:45] Oh no! It's over.
[08:35:48] Yeah... my poor wallet Oh no. It's over for you.
[08:35:49] My poor wallet.
[08:35:51] Goodbye money.
[08:35:54] Hello critters, but goodbye money.
[08:35:57] And guess what?
[08:35:59] To theory, Time Raveler is back.
[08:36:00] He's like a special guest.
[08:36:01] He's not in Standard.
[08:36:03] It's just a special guest,
[08:36:04] like a collectible.
[08:36:05] And he's a bird because of course,
[08:36:06] birds and games.
[08:36:07] Am I right?
[08:36:08] A bird? Yeah, he's a bird Because of course, birds in games. Am I right?
[08:36:10] A bird? Yeah he's a bird!
[08:36:12] Keeves wants that card.
[08:36:15] I sure am a Teferi Stan.
[08:36:24] People don't like me i understand that was a memory oh man
[08:36:31] that feels like forever i have uh i made made a couple new friends recently who
[08:36:33] used to play Magic and they
[08:36:35] were talking about getting back into it.
[08:36:37] And I told them that I used to play Magic
[08:36:39] They're like, what kind of decks would you run.
[08:36:44] I told them what I would run!
[08:36:45] Yeah?
[08:36:46] I'd be like yeah, I'm an Esper and Dimir boy, so they're like so we're not playing with you.
[08:36:52] Yeah, I have a commander... I have two
[08:36:54] commander decks I'm never allowed to play unless
[08:36:56] it's competitive, which is sad! No one
[08:36:58] wants to play against my rogue deck that literally
[08:37:00] steals all of my opponent's cards from their side of the battlefield
[08:37:04] and no one ever wants to play toys they're my toys no one ever wants to play with my sliver back
[08:37:11] are you in a slipper? Those are so fun.
[08:37:13] Yeah, they are. But no one ever wants me to play it! I'll become public enemy
[08:37:17] number 1 at the multiplayer table, you know?
[08:37:21] No, see what you do is like
[08:37:24] You make a challenge out of it
[08:37:26] It's like
[08:37:28] Five dollar buy-in
[08:37:30] If you win the pot if you beat me
[08:37:35] We actually used to do that, but with booster packs. Like you know if you take somebody out
[08:37:37] you got a booster pack.
[08:37:39] Yeah I've seen some stories about it before
[08:37:41] It's kinda neat.
[08:37:43] Oh yeah, no one ever wants to play against my Dimir deck because the minute something hits the board I play a card and steal it.
[08:37:48] It's mine for the remainder of the game now.
[08:37:53] Those are MY kinds of decks.
[08:37:56] Why bother playing
[08:38:00] game when I can steal your game and play it?
[08:38:04] Yeah, let was talking about this the other day
[08:38:08] on my stream and I was like
[08:38:09] I don't know how to make a commander deck
[08:38:11] that's quote-unquote nice
[08:38:13] Even if I think it's nice
[08:38:15] I end up playing stuff in secret.
[08:38:16] So I'm like,
[08:38:17] oh that turns out
[08:38:17] but that's not very nice
[08:38:19] is it?
[08:38:20] Do it anyway.
[08:38:21] No mercy.
[08:38:24] Yeah,
[08:38:25] Keyes is quite the
[08:38:26] card player from... and still would be too if he played. But yeah I like- I still like Arena for playing cards because it's easier to get your hands on stuff
[08:38:40] arena just mean you could always make proxies i guess but like arena like it feels better
[08:38:46] for me than using proxies because like i i still feel like i can experiment a lot more
[08:38:51] yeah with just like regular cards and then also i i don't know it might be like being
[08:38:57] a little pretentious but i don't like using proxies. I just like using
[08:39:00] what I have. I like the artwork
[08:39:02] Like it's the beautiful artwork in
[08:39:04] the game
[08:39:04] But this shouldn't be a surprise to you
[08:39:08] that this is the kind of stuff that me and he's like
[08:39:10] to use slash play i mean we played forbidden memory when they speak
[08:39:14] that shouldn't be any surprise whatsoever and yes we do get it back. I still remember
[08:39:26] when Kethys
[08:39:29] was in Standard, and you can make that
[08:39:32] four-color
[08:39:33] basically play solitaire until
[08:39:36] you win. There is a
[08:39:38] deck like... I mean it's about to rotate out, but there
[08:39:40] was a deck that was kind of like that in Standard.
[08:39:42] Kind of.
[08:39:43] Mm-hmm.
[08:39:43] Okay.
[08:39:43] Because they extended Standard by another year,
[08:39:46] so now it's a three-year rotation instead of two.
[08:39:49] Interesting.
[08:39:49] Yeah, that made things kind of more combo-y.
[08:39:52] Mm-hmm.
[08:39:54] Yeah, I remember
[08:39:55] I got into doing the Kepis
[08:39:57] combo like the last
[08:39:59] couple of months that you were able to
[08:40:01] do it and it was
[08:40:02] genuinely probably my easy couple of months that you were able to do it. And it was genuinely
[08:40:03] probably my easiest mythic
[08:40:06] ever. Yeah.
[08:40:08] Yeah, that sounds about right.
[08:40:13] I want to be here.
[08:40:15] Aww, but I like looking at the lapras sprite.
[08:40:19] Alright we're here now. We're fighting pain.
[08:40:23] Now chat if you haven't seen
[08:40:25] Pokemon Crystal, you might be
[08:40:27] surprised in which the context we
[08:40:29] see Blaine.
[08:40:32] Look at his little room!
[08:40:34] That's horrible!
[08:40:36] At least in HeartGold, he has a full-fledged dungeon cave.
[08:40:41] Yeah, I'll never forget when I saw that.
[08:40:42] I'm like, um...
[08:40:43] Blaine, are you doing okay over here?
[08:40:46] You good buddy?
[08:40:49] Oh I think he's actually used to play Nexus of Fate.
[08:40:53] Yes.
[08:40:55] Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
[08:40:59] Then I used to cry a lot.
[08:41:01] Yes.
[08:41:05] I know what I'm about when it comes to these games, okay?
[08:41:08] Yeah!
[08:41:12] Also, thank you for taking care of Ditto.
[08:41:14] Ditto has cost me, believe it or not
[08:41:16] some Ironman runs. I had a really good ganger and then the
[08:41:19] ditto used shadow ball and then i was very sad for a while he critted me so ever since then
[08:41:27] ever since then i have not liked Ditto.
[08:41:29] Wait, I don't have the card keys?
[08:41:33] Silly
[08:41:33] me! I don't want to be here yet.
[08:41:35] This is a huge waste of time.
[08:41:37] Hey! Look, it's your Pokemon game! Well, it
[08:41:40] was a Pokemon game. It was.
[08:41:43] A worthy
[08:41:44] fire punch I would say.
[08:41:46] All's well that ends well for me.
[08:41:50] Again another mom just got deleted that ends well for me. Again, another bomb
[08:41:51] that just got deleted.
[08:41:53] Deserved!
[08:41:55] The most deserved deletion ever.
[08:41:59] I can't...
[08:42:01] No, I'd have to fight a bunch of them.
[08:42:05] So here, I can get some checks here.
[08:42:07] Now again folks,
[08:42:09] I'm just at the point right now where it's like there isn't really much
[08:42:12] in terms of direction of where to go.
[08:42:15] I'm just going to areas that I can knock out
[08:42:18] several checks at once.
[08:42:20] He's lost a run of champion to a steel extra oh I remember that, that
[08:42:24] transformed into a Snorlax yeah I remember that. Yeah that Snorlax was so busted and
[08:42:28] then it transformed into me and even though I had a dire hit i couldn't get one crit
[08:42:36] but i think i remember that better your mom run it was it was such a good one i
[08:42:41] was excited because like i think i can beat this before 1,000 attempts
[08:42:45] and then I lost them in 2,000 attempts later.
[08:42:47] It's like oh hey, I finally won.
[08:42:49] Yeah me and Keyes are both Kaiser champions.
[08:42:51] He has had a tentacle rule
[08:42:53] And I have melodic. Hey look,
[08:42:55] I'm wearing the shirt with the
[08:42:56] tentacruel that I won with! Oh yeah,
[08:42:59] I just noticed that. Yeah,
[08:43:03] but the tentacruel that I got for
[08:43:04] that run was absurd.
[08:43:05] It had Pickup and the Pickup item pool
[08:43:07] was actually like tummy thick.
[08:43:10] Oh so you're the reason why
[08:43:12] Pickups ban in Super Kaizo!
[08:43:14] I genuinely
[08:43:16] think that I contributed
[08:43:18] to pickup getting banned because
[08:43:19] I had... Lemonades were
[08:43:22] the most common item. There was
[08:43:24] also, I think, I could get like a full restore
[08:43:26] and rare candies were also something
[08:43:29] I could pick up. So I was actually
[08:43:31] really high level
[08:43:32] when I got the champion. Like I think I was like level
[08:43:34] 96 or something like that.
[08:43:38] So, uh... oops! My bad.
[08:43:40] No it isn't your bad!
[08:43:41] That was the system you had to work with.
[08:43:43] I'll take my W and run away now thanks.
[08:43:48] Yeah I got through about 500
[08:43:50] runs of Super Kaizo, and I'm like,
[08:43:51] I need a break. I don't want this to turn into
[08:43:54] thousands of runs again.
[08:43:56] I want to try Super Kaizo at some point,
[08:43:59] I just haven't had the time.
[08:44:01] You know what the main gimmick with it is, yeah?
[08:44:03] Yeah! Yeah! Sure do.
[08:44:06] God bless Safari Zone.
[08:44:16] I think I could get to Safari with enough time, but I don't know if I can turn it around from there. Yeah.
[08:44:20] Oops, my flash not good.
[08:44:21] Silly me.
[08:44:23] Those are two different things, Keyes.
[08:44:28] See, look, it's the top option on one of my Pokemon.
[08:44:29] I just picked the wrong Pokémon.
[08:44:30] Oh, I see it, I see it.
[08:44:37] Okay that's a strong move but terrible coverage
[08:44:40] we're not going to worry about that.
[08:44:41] That's a good item.
[08:44:43] Again we are looking for badges
[08:44:47] A badge! Let's go
[08:44:49] Alright, good commentator curse Finally we get a good one.
[08:44:52] Okay, if I get Whirlpool
[08:44:54] then there's a lot of areas that are open.
[08:44:56] Well, not a lot.
[08:44:57] It's just Whirl Island
[08:44:58] but that's a lot of checks so...
[08:45:00] That is there, I suppose. do you know where to find whirlpool like is it in a store
[08:45:07] no clue okay that's fun.
[08:45:15] We'll get there one day!
[08:45:23] Alright, so how many badges are missing? I'm looking at two classes.
[08:45:27] One, two, five, six, seven.
[08:45:32] That's a lot given how late-ish in the seed this is.
[08:45:33] Yeah, but
[08:45:34] I'm guessing that a lot of them
[08:45:36] are going to be pretty grouped up.
[08:45:39] Yeah! Yeah, that makes sense.
[08:45:43] Number five.
[08:45:46] Oh, man.
[08:45:47] I was hoping that
[08:45:48] I would get blessed
[08:45:49] at this shop.
[08:45:51] You thought
[08:45:51] they would just be
[08:45:52] selling badges?
[08:45:54] Is that what's
[08:45:54] going on here?
[08:45:56] Yeah, yeah. I was like hey welcome to my medicine shop! Here is my badge.
[08:46:02] Okay you know, just so I can make some progression but also stew in my think tank for a little bit.
[08:46:11] I'm gonna knock out this gym because i'm here. It's a few fights but
[08:46:14] I'll get three checks out of it so it's not like the
[08:46:16] worst thing only ash ketchum is allowed to get badges without earning them properly
[08:46:23] what a cheater
[08:46:25] i think there's even like a joke later in the anime where he says,
[08:46:29] yeah, I probably didn't earn some of those.
[08:46:32] Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is.
[08:46:35] And now you look at the current Pokemon before it flipped over to this new one and its like wait when did Ash get all these busted Pokemon?
[08:46:44] Mmhmm.
[08:46:45] Mmhmm.
[08:46:49] Where can I go?
[08:46:51] They're at the Tracker right now, don't mind me folks!
[08:46:55] Bye Alakazam!
[08:46:57] There's still a lot of stuff I can do because I have Surf, so...
[08:47:01] I really shouldn't be doing this. I should go up instead.
[08:47:04] Eh! I mean it's right here.
[08:47:07] Mhm.
[08:47:17] So like, see that little strength puzzle? I would have messed that up if I didn't remember that.
[08:47:27] I uh... so I used to do a lot of Spinner Hell randomizers, which if anyone doesn't know what Spinner Hell is, every trainer is a spinner and they have maximum vision. So it leads to really hilarious things'll walk through a wall just to fight you.
[08:47:34] I did so many of those in a row that I got used to doing this puzzle a little differently, because you like push the middle boulder and then pull
[08:47:41] the other guy out. So when I tried to de-rust an actual vanilla speedrun of this before
[08:47:49] i kept messing up the boulder.
[08:47:54] It felt so bad. Yeah! I mean, sometimes
[08:47:56] the simplest things in games is
[08:47:58] the easiest thing to mess up.
[08:48:00] Wait, Chuck had a hitmontop?
[08:48:04] Terrible rando.
[08:48:06] Okay.
[08:48:07] Okay.
[08:48:08] All right.
[08:48:09] There we go.
[08:48:11] The think tank paid off.
[08:48:15] Okay. There you go, the think tank paid off.
[08:48:19] Unbelievable.
[08:48:27] Wow... all right let's go do the surf stuff that i was talking about
[08:48:31] i bet you there is some decent amount yeah i'm just gonna say the world islands would be my guess once we get the
[08:48:33] whirlpool. Mhm.
[08:48:38] Yeah, a place like Whirl Islands is
[08:48:40] really good example of high density
[08:48:42] checks for little time.
[08:48:48] ... for a little time. Again, as a reminder
[08:48:49] folks, please follow Keys if you are
[08:48:50] not doing so already. I guarantee
[08:48:52] it is a good time on stream.
[08:48:56] Oh! There it is!
[08:49:00] I'm just going to keep talking
[08:49:01] about stuff you seem to find out.
[08:49:05] Let's go.
[08:49:06] That's so...
[08:49:09] The backwards commentator curse. I need this in my life more often.
[08:49:13] Yeah, where is this coming from? You know, usually people blame me.
[08:49:16] Yeah, this is so good incredible oh fire blast would be good if i didn't have
[08:49:23] fire punch already and since i'm so high level i rather the accuracy over the damage. Yeah.
[08:49:30] We are a level 100
[08:49:31] after all.
[08:49:33] Sometimes I feel like against Red
[08:49:35] that level 100 never seems
[08:49:37] to be enough against you know six pokemon
[08:49:40] yeah like some sometimes like his team is just really really good
[08:49:44] or like the worst part is when his team isn't good but they're
[08:49:48] tanky all you have to do is avoid rock pokemon
[08:49:57] oh i'm sure i won't oh don't think there's not that many rock moves in this game, though.
[08:50:02] That's true.
[08:50:04] There's what?
[08:50:05] Rock throw, rock slide, ancient power?
[08:50:09] Yeah,
[08:50:09] rock throw, rock slide, ancient power...
[08:50:13] Oh...
[08:50:14] That might match up.
[08:50:17] Eh!
[08:50:19] I'm a warrior of the odds.
[08:50:23] Well, I'm currently on your show so I would guess high.
[08:50:27] This has been going too well. Yeah there's gotta be
[08:50:31] something! There's got to be some sort of hiccup.
[08:50:34] If I remember,
[08:50:35] they were super...
[08:50:37] No, it's not this.
[08:50:38] It's Azalea Bar.
[08:50:40] The last time...
[08:50:42] Well, sorry,
[08:50:42] the second-to-last time Jesus on Mercy Hill and was nice The last time, um... Well sorry. The second to the last time
[08:50:44] and was nice enough
[08:50:46] to play Animorphs for me
[08:50:48] I thought you nailed it!
[08:50:50] I thought it was actually a really good run
[08:50:52] Where in the w-, no. Literally on the top. Okay I was about to say where are my repels at?
[08:50:57] They're right there!
[08:51:00] Am i inventory full? Oops.
[08:51:03] Ah, inventory management! I don't miss this.
[08:51:12] Might as well just sell everything.
[08:51:14] Wait did that say done button?
[08:51:16] Yeah! It shows your stats.
[08:51:20] Oh... I'd never seen that before.
[08:51:24] Yeah it's part of the mod.
[08:51:27] Gotcha.
[08:51:28] I can literally pull it up and show you real quick.
[08:51:35] Like, it just shows all the stats and stuff.
[08:51:37] Oh nice!
[08:51:39] All that Lugia was garbage, I knew it!
[08:51:43] I KNEW IT!
[08:51:45] Ah what a loser.
[08:51:51] Terrible.
[08:51:52] I don't appreciate that.
[08:51:53] I love Lugia, come on.
[08:51:54] I love Lugia too but that was horrendous to look at.
[08:51:59] What a bozo!
[08:52:02] Now I extra don't feel bad for swapping.
[08:52:06] 4 attack 5 special? What is that?
[08:52:09] Weenie hut junior
[08:52:20] all right well we do have world access and i think whirlirl is like 15 or something. Oh yeah, I can see multiple badges being there.
[08:52:24] Also I forgot to put my rappel up. I see the spinners aren't super fast, they're kind of fast but they're not like...
[08:52:37] Yeah. They're very manageable.
[08:52:43] It's nice having that option,
[08:52:44] because it does suck just getting hit by a trainer for no reason.
[08:52:58] You know what? for the people since I have a silver wing there's an item over here anyway but let's just see what the loot is.
[08:53:00] Just for funsies.
[08:53:01] I like the fact, responding
[08:53:03] to that question in an audience, that rare candy
[08:53:05] can be in shops because
[08:53:06] again this goes back to
[08:53:09] what we were talking about before. What makes the randomizer
[08:53:10] more interesting? What makes it less interesting? I don't think the randomizer more interesting, what makes it less interesting.
[08:53:13] I don't think the randomizer becomes
[08:53:15] more interesting if you have to grind, right?
[08:53:17] So that's why I like
[08:53:19] the rare candies being available in shops,
[08:53:21] possibly. Mm-hmm.
[08:53:26] Oh.
[08:53:27] Okay.
[08:53:30] Oh.
[08:53:32] That's um...
[08:53:33] Take that. You didn't have to
[08:53:35] keys
[08:53:36] you didn't have
[08:53:38] to do that
[08:53:39] Oh
[08:53:42] poor dog
[08:53:44] That is a Oh, poor dog.
[08:53:50] That is another thing you have killed three innocent Pokemon.
[08:53:52] Were they innocent?
[08:53:52] Were they really?
[08:53:54] They could have just chilled.
[08:53:58] You could have run away and they oh nice uh you're gonna just chill you know i could have i couldn't but that's less funny he's a monster. These poor critters!
[08:54:07] Oh my goodness, why?
[08:54:09] Why?
[08:54:13] If that would have been Edratini
[08:54:15] I may have had to put down my mic for a second because...
[08:54:18] That's my Pokemon!
[08:54:19] I love the Dratini, Dragonair, and Dragonite line.
[08:54:23] They are really awesome lines.
[08:54:26] Even though Dragon Knight looks nothing like Dratini and Dragoneer.
[08:54:30] Oh, Dragon Knight's so funny! Just a dragon...
[08:54:33] Hey! I'm here! How's it going?
[08:54:37] Yeah but if you've ever seen a dragon, Yes! How's it going?
[08:54:40] Yeah, but if you've ever seen a dragon... Dragonite in the anime, they do not take you know what from nobody.
[08:54:44] Oh yeah no, they are- oh my gosh.
[08:54:47] They are ready.
[08:54:49] I think one of the games, Lance has a Dragonite in roleplay and
[08:54:53] Dragonite just blows up Team Rocket.
[08:54:58] Like yeah! Get him! Wasn't there like an episode of the anime where there's a super giant Dragonite?
[08:55:04] Yeah!
[08:55:05] He was taller than, like, a lighthouse or something ridiculous.
[08:55:07] Yeah that was like The Monster Island or something like that.
[08:55:11] Yeah, yeah.
[08:55:12] You always name your Jatini noodles?
[08:55:14] That's a cute name for Jatini.
[08:55:16] Yeah, if Keith had
[08:55:19] destroyed a Zig Zagoon i may have been very upset
[08:55:24] thank goodness there are none in this game no they exist!
[08:55:34] If you run into them with the Elite Four that's one thing. But if it's just in the wild and you
[08:55:36] go around on its...
[08:55:38] Then I get upset.
[08:55:40] Just a light murderous rampage you know no big deal
[08:55:50] no
[08:55:53] okay so I'm gonna check this item up here and now i can go through the radio tower. So
[08:55:58] I don't really want to but we're starting to run out of areas, and having Claire's Gym open is a nice thing because that means we can go to Dragon's Den and get a few items.
[08:56:12] And the hard requirement for that is clearing this by the way i might as well
[08:56:17] i love the dragon's den music it goes so hard that in the Victory Road music as well.
[08:56:28] They're just both so good.
[08:56:29] Mm-hmm.
[08:56:30] Oh, no!
[08:56:31] Okay look, this one's not my fault.
[08:56:32] This is not your fault but the poor Noodle!
[08:56:33] I'm sorry.
[08:56:34] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This one's not my fault. It's not your fault, but the poor
[08:56:36] noodle!
[08:56:38] The commentator's anti-curse
[08:56:40] strikes again.
[08:56:42] Poor noodle.
[08:56:43] It was never supposed to be like this.
[08:56:51] No, but I can forgive you because that's like you have to get past that it's not like a wild one but still poor noodle. Oh and now we're Pikachu!
[08:56:55] There would be a shame if it got Earthquaked.
[08:56:58] No!
[08:57:00] This is not fair!
[08:57:01] This is not fair!
[08:57:05] That hurts!
[08:57:06] Team Rocket are the bad guys.
[08:57:08] That hurts!
[08:57:10] They're like, hey, what Pokemon
[08:57:12] do Sky like?
[08:57:13] That'll be our entire setup.
[08:57:19] Poor Dragonite! That's rough.
[08:57:23] I'm so sad. I'M NOT MAD, I'M JUST SAD!
[08:57:27] Aww, that was a stupid... I'm just sad.
[08:57:31] See, I like Zapdos. I'm sad about that one.
[08:57:33] It's only happened once so far though instead of
[08:57:35] the 30 times for you.
[08:57:37] Yeah...Zapdos is, I like Zapdos a lot.
[08:57:43] I really
[08:57:44] aesthetically like Articuno
[08:57:45] the most out of the three
[08:57:47] I just wish it were better
[08:57:48] It's good in Gen 1 out of the three, I just wish it were better.
[08:57:51] Like, it's good in Gen 1, but then
[08:57:52] afterwards, it doesn't really have
[08:57:54] proper offense, so it's kind of hard to use.
[08:57:57] And a donkey too!
[08:58:04] These guys are monsters they are
[08:58:10] this is wild the chances the chance of all this
[08:58:13] how do they have so many cute things? Yeah.
[08:58:19] Let's see, it sounds like you still have quite a few tracks though here between here and Blackthorn.
[08:58:24] Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah there's definitely...
[08:58:28] There's definitely some stuff we can do.
[08:58:31] I don't want to do claire
[08:58:35] so I'm unlocking her but I'm gonna like put her off for a little bit
[08:58:40] i don't know why did i I switch to the opposite? That Goldeen looked angry.
[08:58:47] That Goldeen's very mad that I Earthquaked the Pikachu.
[08:58:50] That was a VERY angry looking fish! Oh yeah.
[08:58:53] It was not happy with us.
[08:58:59] Awwwwwww
[08:59:01] Little ice piggy
[08:59:03] Little pig. No.
[08:59:09] These drones have too many cubons, they've too many cubon-mons.
[08:59:19] ... too many cute Pokemon. And then I look at the current
[08:59:20] gen of Pokemon and it's like
[08:59:22] a Wind Chime?
[08:59:28] Hey, there's sentient peppers now. Yeah I saw that! I'm just like wow, Polvon sure has changed.
[08:59:34] There's a building over here. changed.
[08:59:39] There's like a building that looks like a dragon or something, a dragon that looks like a building
[08:59:41] Yeah I've seen that one
[08:59:43] Rhaladon
[08:59:45] You played Rogue didn't you?
[08:59:47] I tried it for like an hour and I didn't have enough time to play more of it.
[08:59:51] Aww, it's fun! I enjoyed it.
[08:59:55] I've lurked in a few streams.
[08:59:58] It does look like a lot of fun.
[09:00:02] I think I forgot to deck the Mart in Ekri's.
[09:00:08] That feels, like so long ago.
[09:00:09] Yeah, yeah... So I'm gonna go there and hope that I did
[09:00:16] And I'm just wasting a little bit of time
[09:00:18] And hope that there isn't something
[09:00:20] there. If there's something there, then I'm going to
[09:00:22] feel like a dummy. Chat, listen, Gen 3
[09:00:24] still feels new to me, okay?
[09:00:28] You don't know how many times I've played Pokemon
[09:00:31] Verge and I'm like, wait who is that? What is that? Our bones creek
[09:00:35] chat. Give us a break! Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out
[09:00:39] fairy weaknesses and resistances, okay?
[09:00:42] It's still taking me a hot minute.
[09:00:48] Yeah honestly that one's fair.
[09:00:59] So let's...
[09:01:02] double check if I did the mark.
[09:01:04] Because if I did, then whatever.
[09:01:07] If I didn't, then that's a lot of possible checks that I ignored.
[09:01:08] Listen, if I tell myself
[09:01:11] 20 years ago... no you're not
[09:01:15] if i tell myself 20 years ago was recent i feel better okay
[09:01:21] okay i agree with this Okay?
[09:01:24] I agree with this.
[09:01:29] Every time I hear that a game is in its 20s now or something, it's like, oh no!
[09:01:31] Yeah, it's like if...
[09:01:33] GDQ likes to do all these different specials
[09:01:36] Right? If there's like an anniversary or something. It's really cool stuff right and then you think about like when that game came out
[09:01:41] Like
[09:01:43] It takes me to a place oh yeah all right so this this mart gets a second mark after you
[09:01:51] clear the alright this is happening all right there's just
[09:01:54] just a light violent crime going on no big deal
[09:01:59] it's lance lynn's supposed to be good right sure
[09:02:06] all right maybe maybe not to some folks.
[09:02:09] I can see that.
[09:02:12] Waterstone wants me to check some stuff.
[09:02:14] I'm going to come back here if we need more checks because there's still the entire rocket hideout I could check.
[09:02:18] Oh my gosh!
[09:02:20] We did just get the Water Stone which gives us...
[09:02:22] Mario 64 is turning 30 in a couple years.
[09:02:26] Thirty?! Like three zero? turning 30 in a couple years. 30?
[09:02:27] Like 3-0?
[09:02:29] Yeah, 2026 will be
[09:02:32] 30 years old.
[09:02:35] No!
[09:02:36] No!
[09:02:38] I can tell off that one later.
[09:02:41] No!
[09:02:42] Oh my god.
[09:02:44] We're dirt.
[09:02:45] Yeah, we are.
[09:02:48] You were born during the literal invention of video games.
[09:02:52] And the internet!
[09:02:54] Oh my god...
[09:02:56] Did you ever use Ask Jeeves?
[09:02:58] Yes.
[09:02:59] Yeah, yeah before Google it was always Yahoo and Ask Jeeves.
[09:03:03] You ever pick up a phone and you heard err-rrr-rrr-rrr?
[09:03:08] Get off the phone! I want to get on the internet.
[09:03:10] My favorite is when my mom wanted to gossip with her friends while I was doing research for school,
[09:03:15] so I would just lose Internet and be very angry about it.
[09:03:21] Okay good find, now I can use Waterfall.
[09:03:27] Okay so we only need 3 more badges, so that's not bad. It's not bad at all.
[09:03:32] I can waterfall now
[09:03:34] So I can go back to
[09:03:36] Mortar and there is a lot of items
[09:03:38] I could get
[09:03:40] Everything is coming up keys right now.
[09:03:43] You remember those discs that used to come
[09:03:45] in the back?
[09:03:46] The AOL discs? Oh, yeah.
[09:03:49] Oh, yeah. I was
[09:03:51] a kid that would put them on strings and hang them up on my ceiling as decoration.
[09:03:59] I know what I'm about!
[09:04:03] Oh,
[09:04:03] I never taught waterfall.
[09:04:06] Were you there
[09:04:07] when I played
[09:04:08] Oregon Trail
[09:04:09] for SGDQ
[09:04:11] like almost 10 years ago?
[09:04:14] I remember watching it.
[09:04:16] Yeah, yes.
[09:04:17] That's going to be
[09:04:18] 10 years ago
[09:04:19] in summer next year.
[09:04:32] Back before Spiker Back when my wrists didn't creak. No!
[09:04:33] Like I'm not a skink anymore? No.
[09:04:36] Like I'm not as skinny as I used to be anymore either...
[09:04:40] I used to be a stick, now it looks like I have like a beer belly if
[09:04:44] sit in certain way.
[09:04:51] You got a second landline so you could be online? That was fortunate of y'all! Wait, that's smart!
[09:04:54] Why didn't I think of that one?
[09:04:55] That's so clever
[09:05:04] remember when game magazines came with demo discs i remember when a smash brothers um cd came with one of my Nintendo powers. That is
[09:05:08] all just a bunch of...
[09:05:09] I used to get, like,
[09:05:12] a PlayStation magazine
[09:05:13] back in the PlayStation 1 era and
[09:05:16] it had, like, a demo disc that had the first couple of levels
[09:05:20] of Tomb Raider. All this stuff. You could play like
[09:05:27] a decent amount of demos.
[09:05:29] It was really cool, and I remember that... Oh yeah!
[09:05:31] I think it was called PlayStation Underground
[09:05:33] I think is what it was called
[09:05:35] But the disc I had
[09:05:37] Was actually genuinely one of my first
[09:05:39] interactions with speedrunning.
[09:05:43] Because there were a couple video guides that showed
[09:05:46] you can skip this entire area
[09:05:49] of Tomb Raider if you do this or oh yeah
[09:05:53] there's such a thing as platinum relics and crash bandicoot and
[09:05:58] this is how you get them. And it's like a really good and clean run of one of the levels.
[09:06:04] I once had a VHS sent to me in the mail, and it was a promo for Star Fox 64. Oh my god, I remember that!
[09:06:15] I hate that i remembered that. You know what's wrong with that?
[09:06:18] I think like Banjo Tooie was on there too. Mm-hmm.
[09:06:25] I just felt my back tweak itself a little bit.
[09:06:31] Oh, no! Oh this is
[09:06:34] This is terrible
[09:06:37] Hey
[09:06:41] OG's Rollercoaster Tycoon Is still good. That game has actually aged really well chat. Would recommend still.
[09:06:49] I love when there are old games that you used to play that are still worth your time.
[09:06:55] Oh yeah, I love classic
[09:06:56] RCTs.
[09:07:00] Okay so we have
[09:07:01] a check here it'll unlock another check too
[09:07:03] I think
[09:07:03] oh no it won't unlock a It'll unlock another check too, I think.
[09:07:07] Oh no, it won't unlock another... But we are two badges away!
[09:07:12] Like, I'm just kind of following the sequence
[09:07:13] Of events here and it's kind of working out.
[09:07:15] But now my sequence is in.
[09:07:16] So let's...
[09:07:18] Yeah, we didn't really have like quote-unquote
[09:07:21] direct events to find out when new games were coming out.
[09:07:24] You kind of just went to the store and you saw
[09:07:27] a poster. Sometimes- Yeah, like you see some sort of advertisement
[09:07:31] Very rarely do you get like a commercial. I remember when
[09:07:35] friggin' Crash Bandicoot
[09:07:37] Had like a crossover
[09:07:38] With Pizza Hut
[09:07:39] Oh yeah
[09:07:40] Yeah
[09:07:41] I remember that
[09:07:41] Yeah
[09:07:42] Yeah
[09:07:44] Aw man
[09:07:45] The giant Crash Bandicoot Oh man.
[09:07:48] A giant Crash Bandicoot costume that was worn.
[09:07:51] What's the first game we ever played? Mine was probably Super Mario Bros 3 followed by Castlevania
[09:07:58] 3.
[09:08:00] My first game
[09:08:02] that I ever played, and I'm gonna use
[09:08:05] play lightly because
[09:08:06] I was sitting on my dad's lap and I would use the mouse
[09:08:08] and he'd use a keyboard,
[09:08:09] And I was like not even one year old yet.
[09:08:13] The Wolfenstein 3D
[09:08:15] Oh! I had that!
[09:08:16] I had Wolfenstein on DOS, yeah.
[09:08:19] Yeah!
[09:08:20] Good old DOS.
[09:08:22] I'll never forget if I wanted to play my game command prompt cd dot dot cd wolf3D
[09:08:29] wolf3D and then there you go. CD, Wolf 3D, Wolf 3D.
[09:08:30] And then there you go.
[09:08:32] Oh man.
[09:08:37] Did you mark the Thunder Bad badge on the tracker i sure
[09:08:42] did not thank you for pointing me okay well thanks to chat for pulling that out too
[09:08:49] yep so now we're just looking for the Earth badge?
[09:08:52] Uh, looking for earth and mineral.
[09:08:54] Mineral, that's right.
[09:08:55] Unfortunately, mineral is gray so it's sometimes really hard to tell if its marked or Thrun. Same with the Boulder Badge.
[09:09:04] Yeah, there was
[09:09:05] also Nintendo Power. That was a good way
[09:09:07] to find out about new releases.
[09:09:09] Mm-hmm.
[09:09:11] I remember back when GameStop was actually more focused on games than merch.
[09:09:15] Wasn't it like, it was EB Games back then, I think?
[09:09:19] I think it was EB Games in Canada and I think it was separate in the States.
[09:09:25] Because I remember at least the mall that's like five minutes from where I live right now
[09:09:31] Like I used to go there as a kid all the time
[09:09:32] And I remember like the second floor had
[09:09:35] a GameStop and the first floor had an
[09:09:36] EB Games or other way
[09:09:38] Oh
[09:09:39] I forgot to, I should have mentioned this
[09:09:43] in the pre-show. So I saw a sprite
[09:09:45] in a video game that I've literally not seen
[09:09:47] since I was a kid. My friend Liz
[09:09:49] Star again you all may know Liz
[09:09:51] was playing Word Munchers
[09:09:53] the other day on stream and I like, I have literally not seen
[09:09:56] The Little Froggy Sprite with the mouth
[09:09:58] and the two eyes since
[09:10:00] Since I was a kid
[09:10:02] I'm like, oh my gosh!
[09:10:06] That's Damn
[09:10:08] But that's all this part was
[09:10:13] It was just like kind of something
[09:10:15] That resembled a frog's face with two legs.
[09:10:17] Yeah... yeah.
[09:10:20] I remember when we did it.
[09:10:25] It wasn't even like a soundtrack, it was just a bunch of beep boop noises.
[09:10:29] Yeah yeah!
[09:10:32] Aw man...
[09:10:34] You still have EB games in New Zealand and Austria? I haven't seen any of the games
[09:10:38] in a very long time because
[09:10:39] I think GameStop bought them out
[09:10:41] now it wouldn't surprise me if
[09:10:43] I saw EB Gamesworthies
[09:10:44] cause I lived close to
[09:10:45] Canadian border, granted
[09:10:46] I was on the US side
[09:10:47] but I grew up very
[09:10:48] close to Canada so that wouldn't surprise me
[09:10:51] if that was somehow related yeah like i'm in i'm in washington state i mean like i could
[09:10:56] if i if i reach up high enough i I can, I can reach Canada. So yeah.
[09:11:02] So that might be why
[09:11:03] I also saw EB games.
[09:11:07] Yeah,
[09:11:07] that's where I actually got
[09:11:08] my lime Game Boy Color from.
[09:11:10] Like, I got that for a birthday at EB Games.
[09:11:12] Oh nice.
[09:11:13] Like, I got to pick that out, yeah.
[09:11:15] I still have that too!
[09:11:16] I even still have the box!
[09:11:19] I have...
[09:11:20] I have the gray, like old Game Boy.
[09:11:23] Oh, the brick!
[09:11:25] Yeah, the brick where it's green. That sickly green for the screen instead of black and white.
[09:11:30] Oh my goodness. i could not read that
[09:11:32] screen yo nice mineral badge all right we're missing one I, so okay if shop sanity weren't one of my options this would actually be a terrible
[09:11:49] terrible terrible decision.
[09:11:51] But because I have
[09:11:52] shop sanity on
[09:11:53] that means
[09:11:55] that the
[09:11:56] souvenir shop
[09:12:00] at Mount Moon
[09:12:01] has items
[09:12:02] so we're gonna go there.
[09:12:04] Oh! I didn't think about that. Yeah.
[09:12:06] If my last badge is there then I just look like a cheater.
[09:12:10] If it isn't there, I won't be surprised and I gain absolutely nothing from this because I'm level 100,
[09:12:15] I'm not even getting experience anymore.
[09:12:18] This is one of the mean rivals right?
[09:12:21] Like there's fun rivals and there are mean rivals.
[09:12:23] This rival is not a nice person.
[09:12:25] No, no he isn't. I mean
[09:12:27] so the cool thing
[09:12:29] this is why he's actually my favorite rival
[09:12:31] The cool thing about this rival is
[09:12:33] it's very obvious
[09:12:36] that he has character development, because
[09:12:38] you know, he starts off like a complete jerk.
[09:12:40] Right? Like, he's shoving you around
[09:12:42] saying he's the best,
[09:12:44] everyone else is trash, blah blah blah.
[09:12:47] But...he eventually gets a Crobat!
[09:12:51] Which you can't get a Crobat unless you treat your Pokemon well.
[09:12:55] And also he becomes a lot less harsh too.
[09:12:56] So you can see his attitude change
[09:12:58] And you can tell that he cares about his Pokémon
[09:13:00] Oh that's cool I didn't think of that
[09:13:04] I'm such a cheater
[09:13:08] DANG! Scripted!
[09:13:10] So scripted. Look at this
[09:13:12] dirty cheater here.
[09:13:16] Alright, so... I'm gonna click that go mode button.
[09:13:19] So now I just have to beat the Elite Four and then beat Red.
[09:13:22] There you go!
[09:13:25] Thanks, I have all the badges.
[09:13:26] I should do this first.
[09:13:27] I think my favorite rival was the one from uh
[09:13:29] the most recent game scarlet violet oh nimona yeah i love her she's so much
[09:13:35] fun i i jokingly call her Goku because she's just,
[09:13:39] so ready to fight all the time.
[09:13:42] It's literally just Goku.
[09:13:46] Okay, so
[09:13:47] I'm probably not saving time because I didn't fly there first and then I flew back anyway.
[09:13:53] But if you have all 16 badges before you fight the Elite Four,
[09:13:57] You can actually get like a neat little unneat little time save here.
[09:14:00] Like you can unlock Mount Silver slightly early and get the fly –
[09:14:05] Oh, nice!
[09:14:05] You could get the Fly Point for it.
[09:14:07] So after you deep delete four, you just come back.
[09:14:11] It saves like
[09:14:12] 20-30
[09:14:14] seconds. Like it's actually like a
[09:14:16] big amount but it's so unlikely
[09:14:18] to happen.
[09:14:21] Also lucky for us because we have all our badges and we're in go mode.
[09:14:24] I don't have to pick up anything anymore, we're literally just going.
[09:14:27] We're breezing.
[09:14:29] Easy breezy from here.
[09:14:31] This song goes so hard.
[09:14:33] It's a really good song.
[09:14:34] I adore all the
[09:14:36] chiptune Pokemon
[09:14:37] music, like it's
[09:14:38] so good.
[09:14:53] Like anytime I've ever played a Pokémon game that has a way to play the older format of music.
[09:14:55] I take it, like every time.
[09:14:56] Oh, by the way,
[09:14:58] best Pokemon character of all time keys?
[09:14:59] I'm going with Larry.
[09:15:00] How about you?
[09:15:02] Larry.
[09:15:05] I love it! Maybe it's just because
[09:15:07] we're in a retirement home now, but Larry
[09:15:09] speaks to me.
[09:15:11] Like, again, I don't want to spoil anything
[09:15:13] later on that happens with larry
[09:15:15] i love larry's character so much
[09:15:20] larry's character is so relatable
[09:15:25] like i wouldn't be surprised if you like polled anyone 16 and under
[09:15:31] And then polled anyone 21 and older
[09:15:34] Yeah
[09:15:35] How skewed Larry's popularity would like with a lot of younger people
[09:15:39] it'd be like oh he's funny I guess or whatever probably like not even a top 30 character
[09:15:45] for them whereas like people our age is like oh Outrage is like, oh yeah, he's number
[09:15:48] one. He's so
[09:15:49] number one that he's like triple S tier.
[09:15:52] I just remember reading his
[09:15:54] lines in the game and I'm like, I love this guy.
[09:15:57] He's so great!
[09:16:01] I just never thought to myself
[09:16:03] This is the most unforgettable Pokemon
[09:16:05] character I will- NO!!
[09:16:07] Come on.
[09:16:13] Man, they really don't want to be nice to you tonight.
[09:16:14] I'm so sad. Oh. I like Ampharos. Oh!
[09:16:22] I like Ampharos. I'm sad now There's so many cute Pokemon
[09:16:28] Oh my gosh, no!
[09:16:31] Not Gyarados.
[09:16:33] Oh my go-
[09:16:35] Okay, Rock Slide's 90% to hit
[09:16:37] and I missed three in a row. Well you know what that means
[09:16:39] it's 50-50 if it's 100%.
[09:16:40] You know how this works.
[09:16:42] Yeah, yeah.
[09:16:42] Unless it's an enemy in which case
[09:16:44] it's 100% unless the sun is in their eyes.
[09:16:47] Yes, I love the scene where Larry
[09:16:49] treats you to a meal.
[09:16:50] That is the best. It's so good.
[09:16:52] It is wholesome.
[09:16:56] I do like
[09:16:57] the latest interactions that you have
[09:17:00] with Larry. Yes! Again, not to spoil
[09:17:03] in case someone hasn't played through the game yet
[09:17:05] but like, you do run
[09:17:07] into him more than once and
[09:17:09] like one of the later times you
[09:17:11] run into him is just
[09:17:11] so funny and like like one of the later times you run into him is just so
[09:17:13] so funny and like so relatable as a millennium
[09:17:22] by the way for folks watching
[09:17:23] I mean we still have a few battles left
[09:17:25] But again
[09:17:25] I want to take this time
[09:17:26] To shout out Keys
[09:17:27] Again
[09:17:28] The time always flies by
[09:17:30] The time we get to spend together
[09:17:31] So thank you so much
[09:17:32] For being on the show
[09:17:33] It's 6 630 already?
[09:17:35] What?
[09:17:35] Yeah, time flies.
[09:17:39] Yeah, we're just having a nice conversation
[09:17:43] and you're playing epically,
[09:17:45] our time here is almost done.
[09:17:49] I love being
[09:17:51] on your shows, by the way.
[09:17:53] I don't think I've ever...
[09:17:55] I've always said thanks for having me on and whatnot. I don't think I've ever... I've always said
[09:17:55] thanks for having me on
[09:17:56] and whatnot,
[09:17:57] but I don't think
[09:17:57] I've ever just
[09:17:58] outright flat out
[09:17:59] said I love your shows.
[09:18:01] Oh thank you!
[09:18:01] I appreciate that.
[09:18:03] I just like to
[09:18:04] chill with chat
[09:18:04] and whoever I'm at. yes, the gameplay is cool
[09:18:07] and important and all but sometimes
[09:18:08] I just like to talk to folks
[09:18:10] whether it be in the chat or with my guests
[09:18:12] It's important to me
[09:18:13] Obviously every single hot fic show kind of has its own vibe.
[09:18:19] Just depending on who's hosting and whatnot.
[09:18:22] And I think the thing that I appreciate a lot about being on your shows is it's almost like an interactive interview.
[09:18:30] Yeah!
[09:18:31] Like, you're basically just interviewing me the whole time but we also have gameplay in
[09:18:36] the background and also just a lot of really silly inside jokes that we get to share with people
[09:18:39] yeah
[09:18:43] the vibes here are immaculate i appreciate
[09:18:46] that we do our best here all right so this is the the final trainer in
[09:18:52] this guy like he's made this all look uh easy this is our quote unquote champion or
[09:18:57] is it parentheses you know because obviously yeah but after this we just
[09:19:04] we enter the hall of fame and then oh oh poor now that is a bunny.
[09:19:10] Okay?
[09:19:11] That is 1000%
[09:19:12] of bunny.
[09:19:13] That's a water bun.
[09:19:15] Poor baby.
[09:19:16] The cutie
[09:19:16] is what it is.
[09:19:17] No!
[09:19:18] Not for me.
[09:19:19] It came really. They're so cuddly. Okay, that sucks. No! Not perfect. This game, really?
[09:19:21] They're so cuddly- okay that's not as cuddly but you know what I mean.
[09:19:24] This game is so anti noodle.
[09:19:27] Look in front of us eyes.
[09:19:32] Okay that sounded very cute. it's not of all size okay that sounds like a fourth parasect
[09:19:35] in this only before what the heck poor
[09:19:37] bonnie so
[09:19:39] how many pairs oh yeah we gotta wait we gotta go through like 30 seconds of...
[09:19:45] Thank goodness by the way. I don't know why it took me this long to point this out because it's been two hours but
[09:19:51] I have Hold To Mash on which is another quality of life
[09:19:54] thing that's included in this mod that's the one thing that i don't miss about speed
[09:19:59] running pokemon games is the amount of mashing through text you have to do yeah yeah and it's like
[09:20:06] it's one of those things too where i i like going all the way back to when we
[09:20:11] were kind of talking about like health and
[09:20:14] like stream health and all that stuff.
[09:20:16] I don't think people give mashing the respect
[09:20:19] that they should because it's a mindless thing
[09:20:22] to do a lot of times, right?
[09:20:23] Like you're just hitting A and B or X and triangle
[09:20:26] or whatever um but like mashing really strains your wrist fingers and hand muscles.
[09:20:35] Yes!
[09:20:37] I think fighting games still do the worst thing to my hands
[09:20:40] joysticks are also a pretty big culprit in that
[09:20:42] I'd be much better with a D-pad
[09:20:44] in terms of long term playing versus any kind of joystick
[09:20:49] i noticed that when i uh because i have a smashbox um and now it's
[09:20:52] kind of inspired because uh bobby uses fight sticks all the time.
[09:20:56] But I have a Smashbox, and I'm not quite comfortable with it yet
[09:21:02] when it comes to legitimate speedrunning
[09:21:04] instead of just challenge runs or casual things.
[09:21:07] I do want to get
[09:21:09] comfortable with it
[09:21:09] because it feels a
[09:21:11] lot more ergonomic.
[09:21:13] Someone said, is
[09:21:14] the Elite Four the
[09:21:15] best way to level
[09:21:15] your Pokemon 200?
[09:21:17] I mean in
[09:21:17] randomizer if you find a shop that sells
[09:21:19] rare candies that would probably be my advice for leveling them on oh my gosh what a cutie
[09:21:25] yeah so like if... Usually the best way
[09:21:29] God they really just
[09:21:31] want me to murder everything cute.
[09:21:33] The best way would probably be
[09:21:35] Oh my god two? Two bunnies!
[09:21:37] Would probably be Elite Four Alright Two bunnies!
[09:21:44] Alright, last Mon. And this one isn't cute so who cares?
[09:21:49] As soon as the screen fades and we pull up a stat screen. That's time, and...
[09:21:50] Time!
[09:21:53] Look at you making quick work out of that!
[09:21:55] Yeah, once we were ready
[09:21:57] to go- Actually, this Hoa was not good either.
[09:21:59] Wait, no.
[09:22:01] Once we got most of the badges
[09:22:03] and we just started...
[09:22:05] We kind of fell into some items
[09:22:08] but it was kind of funny
[09:22:09] because I remember before the second break
[09:22:12] before the first break, I had mentioned
[09:22:14] like
[09:22:14] I tend to go to areas that have
[09:22:17] checks and the logic
[09:22:20] that I have is more random.
[09:22:23] Like, it's not like if you get cut then the next thing
[09:22:23] is probably behind cut.
[09:22:25] Yeah.
[09:22:26] But I started doing it that way
[09:22:28] just now
[09:22:29] and it literally led to everything
[09:22:31] so maybe I did set it up that way,
[09:22:33] and I am once again a dummy about it,
[09:22:35] but that's okay.
[09:22:36] We got there eventually.
[09:22:37] Oh yeah, we absolutely got there.
[09:22:39] But I just, again, after looking at the stats,
[09:22:42] yeah, I understand what you're talking about
[09:22:44] now. You made that work very
[09:22:46] well considering and even though we
[09:22:48] ran into golems it's not like again
[09:22:50] rock moves are so scarce right? And I can say
[09:22:52] that now because I knew I wasn't going to jinx any of your gameplay.
[09:22:56] Like, I knew we were gonna be fine with Hello.
[09:23:01] Alright, I'm double checking, cause we said Rock slide rock throw and ancient power so
[09:23:05] i'm yes double checking right now um oh roll out we forgot about rollout
[09:23:14] super scary yeah anyone who doesn't know how to That could be scary. Rollout actually would be... Super scary. Yeah, yeah.
[09:23:16] Anyone who doesn't know how rollout works
[09:23:18] once you use it
[09:23:20] you use it for five turns straight and
[09:23:22] doubles in power each turn
[09:23:24] so like you have it's 90 accurate, which that's a funny thing about rock moves
[09:23:30] is most rock moves aren't 100% accurate. Like in this game, it's only ancient power. Every single other rock move
[09:23:37] can miss.
[09:23:39] Standstorm technically counts as a
[09:23:41] rock move, but I mean...
[09:23:43] Yeah, I was gonna say, I think weather's treated
[09:23:45] a little differently. So there so there's five. There's
[09:23:48] only five rock moves. You're so unlikely
[09:23:50] to run into one but it's still running anything
[09:23:52] with a four times weakness is always
[09:23:54] terrifying and then running something
[09:23:56] like a Mac Cargo that is allergic to water and ground.
[09:24:02] Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible.
[09:24:06] I forgot how cute this ending straight-up was. It's adorable.
[09:24:08] Oh the dittos dancing? Yeah. Yeah... I forgot how cute this ending straight is. It's adorable.
[09:24:08] Oh, the dittos dancing? Yeah.
[09:24:13] Yeah! That's an example of a Pokémon Crystal Full Item Randomizer, like we mentioned at the beginning and kind of sprinkled throughout
[09:24:23] the whole stream. I did slightly easier settings but it's a really customizable experience.
[09:24:30] Like I said earlier, you can reduce it so
[09:24:32] it's only key items that get shuffled around
[09:24:34] and not every item mixed up.
[09:24:37] You can do things
[09:24:39] like reduce the Pokemon's
[09:24:41] levels or increase the Pokemon's levels.
[09:24:43] You can do really wild stuff,
[09:24:45] change the typing's power of
[09:24:47] all that stuff. There's so
[09:24:49] much you could do
[09:24:50] that you can probably stuff like that there's so much you could do that
[09:24:51] you can probably play
[09:24:54] a randomizer like this for
[09:24:56] the next 10 years and just have
[09:24:58] a different experience literally every time
[09:25:00] yeah and again it really shows how passionate
[09:25:03] you are about this generation of Pokemon
[09:25:04] I mean you know it so well, you know the map
[09:25:06] so well, I mean it's no wonder that
[09:25:08] you play this one quite a bit
[09:25:10] You have the love for that
[09:25:12] that comes with just playing and having
[09:25:13] the experience with it oh yeah oh yeah it is it is definitely definitely my favorite generation i
[09:25:21] i know what's wrong with the game i know that there's some balancing issues and whatnot
[09:25:25] but it is definitely my favorite well again it was wonderful to have you on i enjoy the
[09:25:31] conversations as always keys.
[09:25:34] And again,
[09:25:36] if you want to talk about your stream real quick,
[09:25:37] we have a couple seconds here.
[09:25:39] It's a shout outs.
[09:25:41] Any of those things please by all means.
[09:25:41] Yeah.
[09:25:42] So,
[09:25:42] uh, I mean just which on TV slash keys run,
[09:25:46] uh, K E I Z A R O N. Um, that's, Yeah, so I mean just slash keysrun K-E-I-Z-A-R-O-N That's pretty much every single social media ever too
[09:25:49] So like if you're a Twitter goer or YouTube or something
[09:25:52] You can find me there too
[09:25:53] I do a bunch of posts something. You can find me there too.
[09:25:58] I do a bunch of Pokemon randos,
[09:26:00] do a bunch of archipelagos,
[09:26:02] do a bunch of challenge runs, so on and so forth.
[09:26:04] I believe Emre is here with a kitten now, so you know what?
[09:26:06] Yeah! We got a second.
[09:26:09] We-we got time for-for a little kitty.
[09:26:11] Yeah.
[09:26:13] Oh wow! You're SO small!
[09:26:16] Yes he's only 10... Oh, you're so small! Yes he's only 10-
[09:26:17] Oh, you are a kitty.
[09:26:25] Aw we own a reptile kitty.
[09:26:27] Well you're so precious!
[09:26:29] A mukey kong now.
[09:26:30] You can see the dog.
[09:26:32] It's so small!
[09:26:34] So tiny!
[09:26:36] Awwwwwww There ya go, what a perfect way to... Oh, tiny. Aww.
[09:26:38] Well there you go.
[09:26:40] What a perfect way to... Also there you go
[09:26:40] follow my stream
[09:26:41] because I have animals
[09:26:42] You'll see animals
[09:26:43] all the time
[09:26:43] Yeah
[09:26:44] I don't think
[09:26:46] there's anything else
[09:26:47] I can say
[09:26:47] I think that's
[09:26:47] the perfect send-off.
[09:26:48] I have cat,
[09:26:49] I have kitten,
[09:26:50] I have dog,
[09:26:51] I have snack.
[09:26:51] Come follow me.
[09:26:53] Enjoy the vibes.
[09:26:54] Aw, what a cute kitty!
[09:26:58] Oh, I'm so stoked stoked well thank you for that
[09:27:01] that was really sweet to see I love having pets on my show
[09:27:05] That was really good timing too yeah that was absolutely perfect and now you can go spend time with the kitty.
[09:27:12] That's the plan!
[09:27:13] Yeah! Well, you go enjoy that again. Congratulations on the randomizer great time and again just great stream in general. We appreciate
[09:27:21] that. Well thanks for having
[09:27:23] me on. Always appreciate it
[09:27:25] And again, follow keys again. Good gameplay
[09:27:27] great animals as well
[09:27:29] so please go do that
[09:27:30] So again folks, this is not the end of our Judicate great animals as well. So please go do that.
[09:27:32] So again, folks,
[09:27:33] this is not the end of our GDQ broadcast.
[09:27:34] If you had fun here,
[09:27:35] I promise you
[09:27:35] you will certainly have fun
[09:27:37] on the next show
[09:27:38] that we have tonight
[09:27:39] on Hot Picks.
[09:27:39] But again,
[09:27:40] as a reminder,
[09:27:41] your subs, Prime Gaming subs, GIFs
[09:27:43] and bits shared on the GDK2H shell
[09:27:44] help support GameStun Quick Hotfix
[09:27:46] If you enjoy watching speedruns
[09:27:48] and our Hotfix shows, consider
[09:27:50] subscribing to the channel. Again, I'm a showrunner,
[09:27:53] Keese is a showrunner and of course please watch The First Step when it airs
[09:27:57] again. We have a complete schedule on slash hotfix
[09:28:01] so please check out all of our shows again, Keith. Thank you so
[09:28:04] much. It was great.
[09:28:06] Absolutely. Again, this is
[09:28:08] not the end of our Hotfix content
[09:28:10] tonight though. Stay tuned
[09:28:12] for Time Capsule coming up after the break take it away tippy so so so so so so so so so so I'm not sure if that's the right word, but it is.
[09:30:18] There are a few things you can do to get out of this world.... so so so so so so so so so so so so so so. so so Thanks for watching! so so so Thanks for watching! Hello and good evening friends. Welcome to the Games Done Quick Hotfix!
[09:34:36] I'm your host, Smooth Operativeative and you are watching time capsule it is the show where
[09:34:40] we travel back in time to your favorite years in gaming and showcase awesome speed runs of games
[09:34:45] released in the same year tonight we are diving into an overlooked title for the PlayStation 2
[09:34:50] released in the year 2005 it is the Tekken spin-off game you didn't know you needed in your
[09:34:56] life and honestly we're going to get right to it. Here to speedrun the world premiere
[09:35:00] of Tekken's Nina Williams in
[09:35:02] Death by Degrees, please welcome
[09:35:04] the sleeper agent himself,
[09:35:06] Saint Millian!
[09:35:08] World premiere?
[09:35:10] Hey Saint! Yeah, where am I sleeping world premiere hey yeah where my sleeper agents at
[09:35:13] where the sleeper agents at
[09:35:14] hey everybody
[09:35:15] it's nice to be back on The Hot Fix
[09:35:19] it's been a while for myself,
[09:35:21] but I'm really glad to be here.
[09:35:24] This is definitely
[09:35:24] a Tekken game.
[09:35:26] It's a very unique
[09:35:27] Tekken game.
[09:35:28] You can tell by
[09:35:29] the ten trillion tons of mayhem oh my god here we go this is
[09:35:36] the nina williams video game it's the first and last standalone Tekken game featuring mainly one character from the series.
[09:35:46] Project Nina, you know?
[09:35:48] Project Nina it was.
[09:35:49] And then it turned into Tekken's Nina Williams in Death by Degrees.
[09:35:53] It all takes place on this, or not all,
[09:35:56] but most of it takes place on this luxury yacht
[09:35:58] and I'm letting this intro video go for a little bit
[09:36:01] because we're not going to get to see
[09:36:02] pretty much any of the cut scenes
[09:36:05] that are gonna skip through them i think when we were talking about it the cutscenes probably total
[09:36:10] over an hour at least yes so yeah you might see the estimate is three and a half hours.
[09:36:17] This is a long game
[09:36:19] And it's mostly because of load screens
[09:36:21] And skipping cutscenes
[09:36:23] It takes up like 45 minutes of time in that three and a half hours
[09:36:28] but this game is kind of special to me because i bought this at a shop called e star land in virginia one agdq some friends
[09:36:40] and i went to this game shop oh wow and as speed runners do we were looking for obscure games
[09:36:47] you know be like oh this looks terrible. Let's play it in the hotel room
[09:36:48] and this was one of those games
[09:36:50] and that was like six
[09:36:53] plus years ago or something
[09:36:54] There you go. And somewhat recently, I was just going
[09:36:57] through my games and I was like, oh yeah
[09:36:59] Death by Degrees is a
[09:37:01] terrible game. And there were
[09:37:03] still no speedruns of it anywhere.
[09:37:05] Yeah, we couldn't find a single one so this according to our search is going
[09:37:11] to be the world premiere of Tekken's Nina Williams in Death by Degrees of Begrown.
[09:37:15] World premier at the set though. It's just fun to say, you know what I mean?
[09:37:19] Yeah. So the
[09:37:21] plot of this game is that
[09:37:23] Nina is the ultimate assassin by
[09:37:25] the way. That's kind of her thing.
[09:37:27] She's a silent assassin.
[09:37:29] Yeah, just in case you didn't know.
[09:37:31] Yeah. Uh, she's investigating... Oh, here's a little sneak peek of the gameplay
[09:37:33] if we have to look for it here.
[09:37:36] So there's
[09:37:37] uh
[09:37:37] plot afoot.
[09:37:41] A criminal organization is experimenting in the ocean
[09:37:44] in the Bermuda Triangle,
[09:37:46] and a video leaks on The Net, capital N, m the net this is 2005. not featuring sarah just
[09:37:56] and nina is working for the cia in collusion with MI6, a couple other agents to investigate what's going on
[09:38:05] this luxury yacht criminal organization ship where they're doing experiments.
[09:38:12] So her cover is that she's entering an underground fighting tournament,
[09:38:18] which is really an over-watered fighting tournament on a boat
[09:38:22] and that's where the game begins.
[09:38:24] Alright.
[09:38:25] So this gameplay goes on for a while.
[09:38:28] Well let's get to it then shall we?
[09:38:30] Let's just get right to it.
[09:38:31] I mean explain the whole game and then yeah of course there she
[09:38:36] is all right so we're gonna start on beginner i actually don't know how much of a difference it is between beginner
[09:38:45] and normal uh if i think you take less damage and maybe enemies have less health
[09:38:51] it's not really noticeable i just pick it because it seems like the faster i mean yeah this requires
[09:38:57] more testing so if you are finding the run interesting at any point like feel free to
[09:39:01] around death by degrees pick it up this game is kind of like Metal Gear Solid 2
[09:39:06] mixed with Resident Evil
[09:39:07] mixed with Jet Li's Rise to Honor
[09:39:10] and I'll explain more about that later.
[09:39:12] Sure, yeah.
[09:39:13] Just to give the vibe
[09:39:14] but I'm gonna go ahead and start the time in 3-2-1-go!
[09:39:19] Good luck!
[09:39:21] And here's a load screen of the game.
[09:39:23] Yeah, get used to this one.
[09:39:24] You're going to see a lot of them.
[09:39:28] We are just going to immediately skip cut
[09:39:43] and scenes go right into the tutorial And here we are. All right, so here we get a taste of the 360 degree combat system. The twin stick combat system that is heavily I believe inspired by Jet Li's Rise to Honor which came out soon before this.
[09:39:59] Very similar, you move around and then
[09:40:02] flick the stick to do combos
[09:40:07] And depending on how you attack, you do different combos. I'm doing a heavy combo here. It's kind of the best way to dispatch when multiple enemies break their guard.
[09:40:18] You actually can't die in this
[09:40:20] tutorial, so you're just kind of
[09:40:22] kicking butt for a little while.
[09:40:24] Yeah, and they interrupt Nina
[09:40:26] at the pool or something.
[09:40:27] Yeah, she's chilling at the pool.
[09:40:30] So you're on the ship of a criminal organization and they
[09:40:32] kind of get the tip
[09:40:34] from somewhere that Nina is maybe undercover
[09:40:37] so they ruin her
[09:40:38] little day at the pool. she's so undercover yeah now we're
[09:40:43] locked in our quarters and we get our cocktail dress of course do you get a bottle of water
[09:40:49] right here this helps refill our focus gauge for critical attacks,
[09:40:53] it's gonna be very important
[09:40:54] and we're taking this bottle
[09:40:56] of water all the way to the end
[09:40:57] of the game-
[09:40:58] Oh wow!
[09:40:59] For the final boss
[09:41:00] because it's just that useful in the final boss specifically.
[09:41:04] Okay.
[09:41:06] So Nina is locked in her quarters but we're just gonna escape real quick.
[09:41:11] Just you know flip off the side of the balcony no big deal yeah
[09:41:18] the music is so good in this like when saint showed me
[09:41:21] this initially i felt like i was just watching a Bond film or something.
[09:41:25] Very... very bondy?
[09:41:27] It's very cinematic! Like it's almost a shame we have to skip the cutscenes but you know
[09:41:31] it is what it is.
[09:41:33] So for stairs flipping up as faster
[09:41:37] It's cool but I don't know why
[09:41:39] Running up the stairs
[09:41:41] running up any stairs in this game
[09:41:43] Is like running on butter For some reason if you sprint up the stairs she like doesn't go as fast as when
[09:41:46] she normally runs yeah her little feet are like yeah so doing a dodge upstairs does
[09:41:52] a flip which is much faster and it looks cooler so there's that and we're going to uh see the first
[09:41:59] real showing of the fastest movement tech in the game which is dodging forward.
[09:42:09] Let me get out of this menu...
[09:42:11] So, sometimes sprinting is faster, the fastest way
[09:42:13] to travel if it's a short distance but
[09:42:16] If you hold your
[09:42:17] Hold L1 which is kind of
[09:42:19] Your martial arts button and
[09:42:21] Press forward in kind of a rhythm
[09:42:23] Then you do this little
[09:42:25] Dodge tactic It's like a little sweep yes so she's a sweeper agent on the
[09:42:33] ship two other agents on this mission and she's called a sweeper which means that if the other two agents
[09:42:40] fail then she activates and she finishes the mission which I can only imagine
[09:42:45] means sleeper agent but there was maybe a localization yeah we're not entirely
[09:42:51] sure but I mean she does sweep the feet so it's possible across the deck exactly
[09:42:57] cool movement it's possible
[09:43:02] now do we meet the other agents involved oh
[09:43:05] oh well you will so do we we? Trust no one.
[09:43:10] Ten million
[09:43:10] ten trillion tons of mayhem
[09:43:12] we will meet
[09:43:13] fellow agents
[09:43:15] and
[09:43:16] we're gonna meet
[09:43:17] one right now actually
[09:43:17] he's under attack
[09:43:18] by a sniper
[09:43:19] and uh we're gonna go help him out.
[09:43:23] Sounds good!
[09:43:30] In fact if you hold sprint while going up ladders. You go faster, so that's just what you do here
[09:43:35] Oh nice, so we're gonna get a taste of the sniper gameplay
[09:43:40] We're gonna take this guy out boom x-ray oh my goodness damage
[09:43:45] this is one of the early x-ray critical games
[09:43:51] all right we're going to pick up a sniper rifle and do some sniper gameplay.
[09:43:55] Sweet! I'm down.
[09:44:00] So the agent that we're protecting here his name is alan allen smithy which is totally not an alias
[09:44:09] okay he needs protection uh which is actually total bs because he almost never takes damage from enemies
[09:44:17] and he has infinite ammo he also never shoots these guys that you're shooting
[09:44:23] they die in one hits of the head which is what I'm gonna try
[09:44:26] to do but sometimes they take two shots to the back or three shots to the whole body.
[09:44:31] It's kind of a sniper tutorial i guess here? Uh this isn't a tutorial oh
[09:44:37] this is the real thing throwing you right in there okay yeah
[09:44:40] this is real danger on the line
[09:44:45] as you can tell by the danger meter on the bottom left that fills up if these snipers look at us too long.
[09:44:50] Oh, there's like a little danger meter? Okay.
[09:44:53] Yes. Dangerometer.
[09:44:55] Alright so Alan does take damage, I was totally lying
[09:44:57] but he never really takes enough
[09:44:59] damage for it to matter.
[09:45:02] That we know of anyway.
[09:45:03] Yeah.
[09:45:05] Can you imagine Alan just dies right here and now
[09:45:08] god real that's never happened all right i hope you liked the first five minutes of this
[09:45:14] i better see it again but no these guys they're pretty much chumps uh
[09:45:20] but it is really important that i take cover if the danger meter gets too high
[09:45:25] because health is kind of important in this
[09:45:28] first little segment so they can they can shoot nina dead yeah
[09:45:32] you can get shot hey hey alan hi what's up thanks yeah no problem let this cutscene play sure yeah
[09:45:43] what a badass you're pretty good nice now we have this cool sniper
[09:45:48] man screw it she's like it was trash sniper. Screw it.
[09:45:50] She's like, it was trash.
[09:45:52] Who cares? I didn't like that anyways.
[09:45:54] I can't put it in my cocktail drink.
[09:45:57] Yeah, that is probably true.
[09:46:05] Okay. Now back to the action now loading back to the stealth action gameplay
[09:46:09] we're gonna go down this ladder and there's a shiny item here.
[09:46:13] It's a crank, it's a hexagonal crank I should say.
[09:46:17] So things that you can interact with are always kind of sparkling like that?
[09:46:21] Yeah important things. interact with are always kind of sparkling like that?
[09:46:22] Yeah, important things. Important things. Okay.
[09:46:25] I'm just going to go down this ladder here...
[09:46:31] And now we're gonna break into the boat proper.
[09:46:34] Oh my goodness!
[09:46:38] So, let's talk about the camera for a little bit.
[09:46:41] I'm holding R2 right now which kind of lets me control the
[09:46:44] camera in a sort of a slightly free form way um but the camera shifts
[09:46:51] a lot in the same vein as a Resident Evil type of game.
[09:46:55] And that can mess with your movement quite a bit.
[09:46:57] Oh, I can imagine.
[09:46:59] Kind of holding R2 and controlling
[09:47:01] the camera is
[09:47:02] going to help us a lot to cut corners kind of precisely but a lot of times you cannot
[09:47:11] use the cost of the camera control it It honestly feels random
[09:47:16] where you can and can't use the camera.
[09:47:18] Hmm, okay. Maybe on like the bigger
[09:47:20] sections of the boat where it's kind
[09:47:22] of like a long... Yeah, usually when you're close to
[09:47:24] a wall or something they don't want you to use the camera.
[09:47:27] Like a long little jaunt around the boat?
[09:47:30] Yes.
[09:47:30] Okay, so if you could imagine Resident Evil 2 in The Mansion, right?
[09:47:35] Iconic.
[09:47:36] You're always going back to places in two no there's a mansion right
[09:47:41] there's a mansion that's like rpd the rpd it... that's a mansion.
[09:47:47] The RPD? Straight mansion!
[09:47:49] Straight mansion. Resident Evil 1 there is a mansion.
[09:47:51] We'll go with that.
[09:47:53] This is pretty much the same thing.
[09:47:55] This whole boat is like a mansion.
[09:47:57] I see you were making a comparison there
[09:47:59] There's a lot of backtracking and there's puzzles
[09:48:00] that are like
[09:48:02] go get the key to the door
[09:48:04] Alright, that's a puzzle
[09:48:05] It's a lot of puzzles like that
[09:48:07] So we're breaking into the boat prop It's a lot of puzzles like that.
[09:48:11] So we're breaking into the boat proper here.
[09:48:15] This is a CIA communication save point.
[09:48:22] Normally, in a run, you wouldn't save at these because it just takes a little bit of extra time but there are laser grids that we're gonna have to bypass that give you an instant game over
[09:48:27] and that would mean we would have to do everything over again, because this is a PS2 game.
[09:48:33] If you don't save your game then you go back to the beginning.
[09:48:37] Yeah there's no preloading of saves if Saint messes up we're just kind of going for it here no
[09:48:43] we're trying to make this pretty legit you know
[09:48:48] all right so this is a mature... oops.
[09:48:52] Skipping cutscenes.
[09:48:54] So hard the menu opened.
[09:48:56] Now in terms of this game and its story like
[09:48:59] Is this canon?
[09:49:01] No, this is a non-canon Tekken game.
[09:49:03] Non-canon.
[09:49:04] As important as the Tekken canon is.
[09:49:06] Stand alone fun story.
[09:49:08] Yes.
[09:49:08] It's a one off.
[09:49:09] Nina's really not even kind of like her normal self in this game.
[09:49:13] She has a totally different character.
[09:49:15] She is much nicer in this game.
[09:49:17] Oh, she's so much nicer!
[09:49:20] Alright, I'm actually going to do a little technique i just learned about is you can
[09:49:25] kind of go over this and get where you need to go faster with the wall run dude how's
[09:49:30] she while running in heels that's while running in heels first time
[09:49:33] games.
[09:49:35] Wait,
[09:49:36] it might be
[09:49:37] I don't know
[09:49:37] proof check me
[09:49:38] I know the
[09:49:39] Prince of
[09:49:40] Britain is
[09:49:40] out here
[09:49:40] in heels
[09:49:41] as for
[09:49:41] damn sure
[09:49:42] while
[09:49:42] running
[09:49:43] in heels
[09:49:43] a video
[09:49:44] essay all right While running in heels of the USA.
[09:49:46] Alright, so right now we're trying to locate an agent that went missing. One of the two agents has gone M and uh we're kind of searching for him it's not alan
[09:49:59] it's not allen it's uh the other guy his name is john john John, okay. John Doe.
[09:50:06] John Doe, okay.
[09:50:08] Also not an alias.
[09:50:11] Also sometimes when you dodge by enemies
[09:50:13] they just get completely baffled and look around where did she go I have no idea another
[09:50:21] benefit real quick of the dashing that we're doing throughout most of the game
[09:50:29] is when you dash like this or i should say
[09:50:32] when you sprint normally away from enemies they have a rubber banding
[09:50:35] mechanic where they can catch up to you pretty quickly.
[09:50:41] And, uh...they rubberband up to you and they have special attack animations that lunge them forward
[09:50:45] and knock you down because the game is designed so you don't run away
[09:50:49] from a lot of fights. But the dashing
[09:50:51] really circumvents
[09:50:53] that mechanic, because you're not technically
[09:50:55] sprinting, so it never
[09:50:57] activates their rubber banding attack.
[09:50:59] So they kind of can't catch up to you,
[09:51:01] which is a pretty nice side effect
[09:51:03] of the dashing.
[09:51:05] Oh, okay.
[09:51:06] Someone in the chat referred to it as wave dashing.
[09:51:08] Wave dashing.
[09:51:09] Now I'm wondering if that's like a technique in other
[09:51:12] tech in games or something like that it might be yeah it's a melee technique oh yeah you'll
[09:51:18] have to let me know we We just got a fingerprint scanner.
[09:51:21] It was just on a conveyor belt.
[09:51:23] Convenient for sure.
[09:51:25] It's quite mysterious that we
[09:51:27] just got John Doe's
[09:51:29] fingerprint scanner that he's supposed to have on his person, but we're going to use it to get access
[09:51:34] To certain doors throughout the entire game which is a very Metal Gear concept
[09:51:40] Yeah so... We can access all all the doors with this now?
[09:51:44] No. We have to get fingerprints and oh my god that's a dead body. Oh no!
[09:51:49] This is clearly the work of a professional. Hopefully it's no one we know who is that it's richard it's richard oh
[09:51:57] no i need this fingerprint you're so sorry richard we're sorry.
[09:52:06] So we have level one access now
[09:52:12] We are going to power on the cargo lift so we can get out of this room eventually
[09:52:15] Or it's one way to get out of this room, I should say. This is the other way.
[09:52:17] Here's a key
[09:52:19] for a semi-intended
[09:52:21] way of getting out of this location.
[09:52:23] We're heading to a boss fight now. getting out of this location.
[09:52:24] We're heading to a boss fight now.
[09:52:30] So in this game, you can use melee weapons.
[09:52:33] You can also use guns.
[09:52:42] You can only hold one gun and one melee weapon, but there are permanent upgrades throughout the game Holsters and tactical belts
[09:52:45] These give you more slots to carry
[09:52:46] weapons.
[09:52:48] We're about to get the first of those
[09:52:51] permanent upgrades, which are very important
[09:52:53] because the bosses in this game
[09:52:54] are
[09:52:56] a lot
[09:52:57] faster if you have
[09:52:58] plentiful weapons. So now
[09:53:01] we can hold two melee weapons.
[09:53:04] Now we get some ventilation
[09:53:05] gameplay,
[09:53:07] which is this is definitely a tekken game as you'll see oh wow
[09:53:16] okay but for real
[09:53:18] Nina moves pretty fast in the
[09:53:19] vent. Yeah
[09:53:20] She moves faster if you hold sprint
[09:53:23] Oh, okay so that works
[09:53:25] in the vent too
[09:53:26] Interesting
[09:53:27] First ever too. Yeah, that's tech. Interesting.
[09:53:29] Speed Tech.
[09:53:31] First ever world premiere.
[09:53:34] Oh yeah!
[09:53:37] So we load into a level and then we get another cutscene
[09:53:40] And then another load screen. Oh my god! There's blood all over the floor
[09:53:44] What happened? I don't know. What happened to John?
[09:53:48] Something happen to John? We pick up this gun right here. It's a 9mm...
[09:53:53] Millimetal?
[09:53:54] 9mm Thurb handgun
[09:53:58] 3RB, I think it means three round burst. Okay.
[09:54:03] The
[09:54:03] Thurb.
[09:54:05] We're going into the cooler. This is where
[09:54:07] the blood leads.
[09:54:09] What is it? Oh my god. It's a dead body. John Doe's dead. Spoilers.
[09:54:18] So do we know what happened to him?
[09:54:21] He got something shoved in his neck.
[09:54:25] Just some object or something.
[09:54:28] Just some object, no he's completely dead.
[09:54:31] This is where we meet one of the executives of the criminal
[09:54:33] organization called Kometa
[09:54:35] Organization. His name
[09:54:37] is Bryce, he's
[09:54:39] just a jerk and he has infinite
[09:54:41] pistols in his jacket.
[09:54:45] So we're gonna have to
[09:54:46] fight him in this cooler.
[09:54:48] So this is the first boss? This is the first boss.
[09:54:51] Alright, Nina.
[09:54:52] You get him.
[09:54:53] He taunts you so much he's so annoying
[09:54:59] uh we actually don't have to deplete his whole health bar here
[09:55:03] we're gonna fight him a second time in a different location,
[09:55:06] but we gotta get into like half health or
[09:55:07] just below half health. Okay.
[09:55:11] Anything sometimes hit the meat
[09:55:13] into him? It does a little x-ray damage
[09:55:16] So now we have critical
[09:55:18] The purple meter in the top left is
[09:55:20] our critical meter, and this gives us
[09:55:22] the uh...x-ray attacks
[09:55:24] Oh yeah! So it takes a little bit of time to do these, but they always do
[09:55:29] a pretty significant amount of damage because just normal attacks is kind of chip damaged
[09:55:35] type of situation.
[09:55:38] Now,
[09:55:39] is it difficult to aim
[09:55:41] for the bones? It's not too
[09:55:43] bad. There's a little bit of delay
[09:55:45] and you know, it's aiming something on like a console game
[09:55:49] right it's a bit fun a little clunky okay but uh
[09:55:52] it's not the worst and time slows down so you can really
[09:55:57] kind of dial in your attack
[09:56:02] now i'm curious and i don't know if saint will notice but the chat may know
[09:56:06] this is bryce a character in any other
[09:56:09] Tekken game? No, I think he's exclusive
[09:56:11] to Death by Degrees as are
[09:56:13] many of the characters in this criminal organization
[09:56:16] I see, okay
[09:56:16] I'm not incredibly well versversed in Tekken, so thanks.
[09:56:20] Yeah, me neither.
[09:56:22] I kind of want to get Tekken 8 Evos this weekend, by the way.
[09:56:25] If anyone's into watching competitive fighting games such as Tekken and nina williams from tecum then you may be able to see
[09:56:34] her this weekend yeah the real i want to meet the real nina you kidding me all right so bryce ran away
[09:56:43] we're just going to leave john we don't need him anymore he's done he's done for
[09:56:47] okay bye john so alan is the only other agent from mi6 left, and he's going to be kind of in our earpiece throughout the game giving us directions
[09:56:56] And sending us maps and stuff like that. But currently we need to get a gps device from Bryce that belonged
[09:57:04] to John so he's kind of taunting us and running with it
[09:57:12] chat says there are 10,000 entrants in Evo. That's wild.
[09:57:16] Damn that has way too many people.
[09:57:20] That's awesome though. Is it still in Vegas?
[09:57:26] I killed this guy to see if he would drop a health kit, but he did not
[09:57:29] So items
[09:57:32] I'll talk about items for a moment
[09:57:35] There are meal kits which heal you, and there are water bottles that give you critical gauge.
[09:57:39] The meal kits are extremely important throughout the whole run because
[09:57:43] you just take damage in this game it's as much as you'd like to avoid it
[09:57:49] it's just inevitable so i'm gonna be stopping
[09:57:53] to kill enemies not just for random drops which will hopefully
[09:57:57] be health kits.
[09:57:59] But we also need some experience points to level up in this game there you can level
[09:58:04] up Nina to have more of her signature moves from Tekken.
[09:58:11] They're like combos. We actually don't get a lot of them because we just
[09:58:15] don't spend the time playing the game enough
[09:58:17] to have the skill points to buy all of the abilities
[09:58:20] unfortunately. So you have to kind of
[09:58:21] pick and choose what you're going to... You have to kind of pick and choose
[09:58:23] and then what we are
[09:58:25] actually going to pick the most
[09:58:27] Are abilities that make our melee weapons have more durability
[09:58:31] Because melee weapons are very strong
[09:58:36] So yeah, melee weapons are finite. You don't get them forever. They break just as well the guns you get have limited ammo and once they're out of ammo
[09:58:45] Nina just tosses the gun.
[09:58:51] She's like, eh, whatever.
[09:58:52] Get rid of it.
[09:58:53] So we're chasing Bryce.
[09:58:58] We have to chase him down.
[09:59:00] He's being a real jerk, but we're just gonna follow the drip drops of blood
[09:59:07] You what? Uh...we'll find
[09:59:14] I'm a little low on health but i am just gonna skip these guys
[09:59:19] oh my gosh they have the whole crew out for her there's always so many people in that lobby no matter what. If you clear
[09:59:21] them all and then leave and come back in
[09:59:23] there's just another like 12 dudes there
[09:59:25] That is so funny. They're like Nina, Nina
[09:59:27] can we get your autograph? Exactly
[09:59:28] So it's kind of an early XP farm
[09:59:30] Okay, that makes sense Yeah Exactly. So it's kind of an early XP farm.
[09:59:32] Okay, that makes sense.
[09:59:33] If need be.
[09:59:36] Alright, so what we saw there is the GPS device was left in the middle of this
[09:59:38] Coliseum pool area.
[09:59:40] How convenient.
[09:59:41] It's truly a trap or wait is it
[09:59:47] i'm gonna save here that i really don't die to Bryce 2 very often.
[09:59:52] Bryce 2?
[09:59:53] Bryce 2.
[09:59:54] You thought you saw
[09:59:55] the last of Bryce.
[09:59:56] Yeah, you thought
[09:59:56] you saw the last
[09:59:57] of that character.
[09:59:59] Little did you know.
[10:00:00] So can you save
[10:00:01] at any point
[10:00:02] or it's at the little circles?
[10:00:04] You have to find these save points.
[10:00:05] Okay, I see.
[10:00:06] The CIA communication points.
[10:00:08] Okay, I see.
[10:00:08] And we're going to go behind the bar.
[10:00:11] Whoa, great.
[10:00:11] Still checking up.
[10:00:13] Pick that up.
[10:00:15] You'll hit small.
[10:00:17] It's enough.
[10:00:18] And we're going to
[10:00:19] open an armory chest.
[10:00:23] These are scattered throughout the game. they're little puzzles that you can solve to get items.
[10:00:29] So this is a whole chest full of weapons but we can't take them all, we can only take a couple because we have limited space but what i mostly want
[10:00:39] it's like a honeycomb number puzzle oh okay uh i just want these katanas. They're the strongest in here.
[10:00:50] And I don't really need the guns, because I already have a gun.
[10:00:54] And I really don't wanna die to Bryce so I'm gonna fully heal even though I don't think I'm to die to Bryce, so I'm going to fully heal.
[10:00:56] Even though I don't think I'm gonna die to Bryce.
[10:00:58] That's a good call.
[10:00:59] Weird things can happen you never know sometimes you get wombo comboed
[10:01:03] It's it's sad time
[10:01:06] Oh i love this arena! Yeah, this is a pretty
[10:01:08] cool place.
[10:01:09] Ten points...
[10:01:12] Location of a Comita
[10:01:13] executive or something? I don't know. This GPS
[10:01:16] does some plot thing, I forget.
[10:01:19] It's a trap! Bryce is
[10:01:21] gonna trap us in here and there are
[10:01:23] spikes all around us
[10:01:25] to battle to the death with Bryce
[10:01:27] So this fight is actually pretty tough
[10:01:29] casually, but
[10:01:31] one tip is you can
[10:01:33] hit him into the spikes and it does a ton
[10:01:35] of damage and that's exactly how we're going to beat him
[10:01:37] now. Using the arena to exactly how we're going to beat him. Okay. Now.
[10:01:40] Using the arena to our advantage?
[10:01:42] I like that.
[10:01:43] Take a bunch of bullets to the face.
[10:01:47] So you can kind of get stuck in the corner.
[10:01:51] Oh, we don't want to get into this fight still.
[10:01:55] Come on.
[10:01:57] Get them a couple times. Move. Come on, Bryce. get one multiple times move come on brace move it
[10:02:06] all right i'm just gonna crit him and then i think he'll relocate after a frit
[10:02:10] yeah brick break him.
[10:02:12] Break his chest cavity.
[10:02:14] Somehow he'll get back up.
[10:02:16] There we go.
[10:02:18] That's how that's supposed to go.
[10:02:22] Alright now so when you readjust to go. Alright,
[10:02:23] so when you readjust like that, then
[10:02:24] he can kind of aim him
[10:02:27] into a spike.
[10:02:29] You just gotta watch where he goes.
[10:02:31] So you can see it does a lot more damage on
[10:02:33] the left. Oh, yeah.
[10:02:38] Otherwise, you're just kind of
[10:02:39] slowly chipping away at him. Yeah,
[10:02:41] it's a really slow chip away if you
[10:02:44] don't use this strat. I feel like
[10:02:46] this arena, the way it's
[10:02:48] designed... This must be the way you
[10:02:50] are supposed to do it, right? Yeah, it's pretty
[10:02:52] much designed as such.
[10:02:54] But um...
[10:02:56] yeah that's Bryce too
[10:02:58] Not too bad. Took a few shots but
[10:03:00] we'll watch a little bit of this cutscene
[10:03:02] you'll never believe how he dies
[10:03:04] You'll never believe what happens
[10:03:05] next.
[10:03:08] This is a mature game by the way.
[10:03:12] The first and only mature
[10:03:13] Tekken game. Oh wow! I didn't realize that actually!
[10:03:16] It has the M rating in everything.
[10:03:18] Yeah it has the M rating.
[10:03:20] And Nina on the cover...
[10:03:22] There's really not much that makes it a mature game
[10:03:24] other than some blood.
[10:03:27] I think it was kind of a marketing gimmick to have the Mature rating.
[10:03:29] Oh, I see. To make it seem like
[10:03:31] you were playing this kind of edgy
[10:03:33] Tekken game.
[10:03:35] Tekkens Nina Williams mature and be like,
[10:03:37] yeah, I want to buy that. Yeah, you're like, whatever,
[10:03:39] I'll buy it.
[10:03:42] Alright, so
[10:03:43] now we have level 2 access
[10:03:45] from Bryce's fingerprints
[10:03:46] and we are going to use that level 2 access from Bryce's fingerprints, and
[10:03:48] we are going to use that to explore
[10:03:50] more of the ship. Our current
[10:03:52] objective now is to
[10:03:54] find... We have to spy
[10:03:56] on an executive meeting of this criminal organization.
[10:03:59] So that's what we're going to work out right now.
[10:04:01] So are we going in a disguise or just straight like this?
[10:04:07] We're trying to spy on it, I think our disguise is kind of the jig itself at
[10:04:12] the moment okay yeah anytime you see enemies they're like but we found the intruder me a tutor
[10:04:26] i'm gonna kill some of these guys in this lobby for some xp and hopefully some drops so if you have any announcements that
[10:04:29] you wanted to get through now i'll be a pretty good
[10:04:31] time yeah sure well you know um next month is august and we do have some things coming up
[10:04:36] so let's talk about them first of all uh gdqs next All Women and Femmes speedrunning event, Flame Fatales, returns on August 18th and goes through the 25th.
[10:04:46] You can use the command exclamation mark FF in our Twitch chat to check out the schedule
[10:04:50] and let us know what you
[10:04:51] are looking forward to the most and also if you didn't know
[10:04:56] gdq is heading to pax west from august 30th through September 2nd.
[10:05:02] The schedule is out for that as well,
[10:05:04] and you can use the command
[10:05:05] exclamation mark PAX
[10:05:06] in our Twitch chat
[10:05:07] for more information
[10:05:08] and yeah,
[10:05:09] let us know what you're excited
[10:05:10] to see at PAX.
[10:05:14] Heck yeah. Heck yeah. let us know what you're excited to see at parks heck yeah heck yeah
[10:05:35] all right so now that we have access to second level things means we can use the elevator. We're going to go straight to the basement which is going to advance the plot as the elevator gets disabled.
[10:05:36] This might be the nicest elevator I've ever seen in a game.
[10:05:39] Oh, yeah.
[10:05:40] This whole ship is like luxury.
[10:05:43] Luxury.
[10:05:45] ... is like luxury luxury
[10:05:53] i find the now loading screen kind of comforting i think it's just a maybe ps2 era comfiness. Yeah, it's just like
[10:05:55] not a lot of games even have a little loading
[10:05:58] animation anymore. They're just like a static
[10:06:00] image or something. Or like
[10:06:02] actually loading screens are getting pretty advanced
[10:06:04] It'll be like a whole cut scene playing and I'm
[10:06:09] like wait this is the loading screen oh yeah they hide them well yeah I am specifically
[10:06:14] referring to Alan Wake 2. I didn't realize that
[10:06:17] I was in the loading screen, but...
[10:06:19] Wait, I am IN the loading screen?
[10:06:23] Alright so we escaped the elevator
[10:06:25] They kinda crashed it on us You You missed something shiny, what was it?
[10:06:28] Those are gold coins and that's
[10:06:30] specifically a New Game Plus related thing.
[10:06:32] Okay. So there are 30 gold
[10:06:34] coins in the game and the more you
[10:06:36] collect, the more extra items you'll get in New Game Plus.
[10:06:39] Okay. And extra
[10:06:40] weapon slots right off the bat.
[10:06:42] So not necessarily
[10:06:44] useful but potentially
[10:06:47] 100% category.
[10:06:49] Yeah, if someone's brave enough to take it on.
[10:06:52] Yeah, 100%.
[10:06:53] Could be fun.
[10:06:57] Another honeycomb puzzle.
[10:06:58] This is going to give us another permanent upgrade
[10:07:00] To our arsenal
[10:07:02] It's a, another tactical belt
[10:07:04] Which means more melee weapons can be wielded
[10:07:06] Okay sweet
[10:07:08] And now we're going to meet Alan again face-to-face this time and
[10:07:15] We're going to go through a required combat sequence sort of mini boss fight.
[10:07:21] Okay, mini boss.
[10:07:22] It's just a bunch of dudes with riot shields.
[10:07:25] Nina, Nina, can we get your autograph?
[10:07:27] And they're actually...
[10:07:28] Yeah, exactly.
[10:07:29] And they're actually the main reason
[10:07:30] I got the katanas from that armory back then.
[10:07:33] They help with Bryce hitting him into the spikes so you don't have to use an unarmed combo.
[10:07:38] Okay.
[10:07:39] But here's the gun we found
[10:07:43] do a couple easy kills
[10:07:45] and what were- oh my god yes
[10:07:47] Oh nice! Okay
[10:07:49] We got a grenade, I'm gonna fire off to us
[10:07:51] since it only holds one ranged weapon.
[10:07:54] So this is
[10:07:55] the best possible drop for this
[10:07:57] fight, as a grenade. You get
[10:07:59] six grenades per drop.
[10:08:01] It's totally random and kind- rare but uh it speeds up this whole fight sequence considerably
[10:08:07] okay because they're just one shot in an aoe we got a little gdq luck on our side let's go there so alan he actually does help you a bit here this
[10:08:20] guy always runs away so far away uh That's an item that drops
[10:08:25] we're not gonna pick up, there's
[10:08:27] like essential oils
[10:08:29] that you get that are buffs to Nina
[10:08:31] they buff your defense
[10:08:33] oh my god more grenades?
[10:08:35] At least at least
[10:08:38] Like yeah, it's these oils but they're never quite useful
[10:08:41] enough to um
[10:08:44] It's never quite worth it That was my name.
[10:08:49] It's never quite worth it to pick up the buffs, at least
[10:08:53] my theory is that they're not quite worth it. We dropped a gun.
[10:08:57] So we're just killing the last...
[10:09:01] Alright there's like one more guy coming. I actually had some good drops here
[10:09:05] Some meal kits.
[10:09:09] He decided to actually pull his weight a little bit. Uh, no kit. Oh, that's a no-kit!
[10:09:19] Nice, we're getting a lot of health items
[10:09:21] so it's kinda good. Yeah, this is lucky!
[10:09:25] Alright, this fight sequence went pretty well
[10:09:27] He made out like a bandit.
[10:09:30] Did Alan get anything?
[10:09:32] And one bottle of water for the road.
[10:09:35] Uh, Alan doesn't pick up items.
[10:09:36] He doesn't really need them.
[10:09:37] He doesn't know how.
[10:09:38] That's right, he's not trained. he doesn't really need them. He doesn't know how He doesn't know how
[10:09:39] That's right, he's not trained
[10:09:41] Now we get
[10:09:44] some exposition about
[10:09:46] the super weapon that
[10:09:48] is possibly being built by this criminal organization.
[10:09:51] It's a series of satellites
[10:09:53] that do something
[10:09:55] involving sinking ships,
[10:09:57] so that's what we're learning about.
[10:09:59] Okay, the plot thickens?
[10:10:01] The plot thickens through these load screens. Nina, she's feeling moderately
[10:10:05] interested
[10:10:09] She's just like oh okay I guess we gotta figure that out. Here we get the stingray drone which is totally not the cipher from Metal Gear Solid 2.
[10:10:18] You know the little thing that flies around on the tanker.
[10:10:25] I'm making no comparisons to Metal Gear Solid 2, none at all.
[10:10:27] There's no similarities between this game
[10:10:29] and Metal Gear Solid.
[10:10:39] But the Sing Ray drone is a gameplay mechanic that we will see occasionally.
[10:10:44] We'll have to fly a drone around and investigate things
[10:10:59] all right so right now we're breaking into the quarters of one of the executives lana lei she is a woman who uses uh whatever those oriental fans are called just has like a bladed fan that she uses
[10:11:04] and she uses poisons
[10:11:06] and she loves to torture people.
[10:11:09] Okay.
[10:11:09] She's really evil.
[10:11:10] Gosh, I can't wait to meet her.
[10:11:11] Yeah, she's real pleasant.
[10:11:12] She sounds so fun.
[10:11:14] So we're breaking into her quarters through the aquarium, it's a little swim sequence
[10:11:20] because this is exactly millgear's hold at 2.
[10:11:31] Swimming with the fishes, we're just swimming right up here.
[10:11:35] Oh, we are in the fish tank. Yeah, we are the fish.
[10:11:39] Okay, we get a
[10:11:41] defibrillator. This is the best item
[10:11:43] in the game. It's... when you
[10:11:45] reach 0 HP it will automatically pop and let
[10:11:48] You heal to full but it will also give you a full critical meter. Now these
[10:11:52] Are hard to find correct? Yeah these are like limited
[10:11:56] These don't drop anywhere.
[10:11:58] So we have to use them wisely.
[10:12:01] Yeah, so anytime we're low health,
[10:12:03] you really want to use a med kit because
[10:12:07] We strategically use them
[10:12:09] on certain boss fights.
[10:12:11] Because you can fight a boss for a while,
[10:12:13] user crits, and then
[10:12:15] when you're low health just kind of purposely die
[10:12:17] because your crit gauge will get refilled.
[10:12:20] Right, so it's sometimes a strategic
[10:12:22] death in that regard. Yeah, we don't really
[10:12:24] rely on it just for heals.
[10:12:26] So that's why we want plenty of medkits
[10:12:28] is to avoid using our defibrillators the
[10:12:32] fripper we got a hoard them for a while exactly so right now we're kind of
[10:12:36] scouring her quarters for fingerprints.
[10:12:43] And we also get a bit of lore,
[10:12:44] there's a picture of a scientist
[10:12:46] that you may or may not be seeing during the run.
[10:12:50] There are three pieces of these fingerprints so We just gotta scan them as we go.
[10:12:56] Gonna pick up a katana, little extra melee weapon for some fights coming up.
[10:13:03] And we got a code, or I am just gonna guess...
[10:13:07] Oh that's it.
[10:13:09] So the codes are always the same?
[10:13:11] The codes are always the same. Yeah, okay.
[10:13:13] Into the wardrobe.
[10:13:14] Just have to remember them.
[10:13:16] We have a secret little holster giving us a permanent upgrade for firearm slots.
[10:13:22] And this is Lana Lay's closet? This is Lana Lay's closet?
[10:13:23] This is Lana Lay's closet.
[10:13:24] Okay.
[10:13:25] So we're gonna scan this little wrist piece
[10:13:27] for the final fingerprint,
[10:13:28] giving us third-level access to the boat.
[10:13:33] Now are we going to take any of the clothes well that's kind of a good idea she could be like
[10:13:41] disguised in lana's clothes and she's oh god, what happened to my dress?
[10:13:46] It's all ripped.
[10:13:47] Gross.
[10:13:49] What's that?
[10:13:51] Lana had a suit
[10:13:53] just laid out for her.
[10:13:54] Yeah she just had a Nina Williams
[10:13:56] sized bodysuit
[10:13:58] and here we are. My, that's convenient
[10:14:00] spy suit
[10:14:01] yeah this suit is really cool because it's not just purple but has kind of like the sheen
[10:14:08] of turquoise when you hit certain lighting.
[10:14:10] Yay!
[10:14:11] It's a kind of duochrome suit.
[10:14:13] I like it.
[10:14:14] It's really cool. Real Raiden vibes.
[10:14:18] Yeah, you can see it.
[10:14:19] A little bit.
[10:14:21] Okay!
[10:14:22] So now we have third-level access.
[10:14:24] Now we're gonna try to get…
[10:14:26] …to a place where we can spy on this meeting.
[10:14:31] I love how Nina looks behind her just to make sure nobody's watching.
[10:14:36] Coast is clear!
[10:14:40] Which is funny because you're constantly running past people in this run and going through the door they can't do anything to stop you yes maybe it's just like a
[10:14:46] bye you can't follow me oh chat says it is an iconic outfit so
[10:14:53] i want to know does lana ever wear it or it's just a nina i think it's
[10:14:57] just the nina thing but you find it in Lana's closet.
[10:14:59] You find it in the closet. There's no explanation for it.
[10:15:02] Forget it.
[10:15:05] Okay.
[10:15:06] So now we've wrapped back around into the main yacht banquet hall i guess
[10:15:15] it would be okay they're having a big party a a big meeting?
[10:15:20] Yes.
[10:15:21] It's... There's a piano
[10:15:23] down there.
[10:15:24] Oh wow.
[10:15:25] Hang out for parties.
[10:15:27] Pretty cool stuff.
[10:15:28] Seems legit.
[10:15:29] A lot of load screens
[10:15:30] in here too. A lot of load screens in here too
[10:15:31] a lot of places to just hang out and load
[10:15:34] so we're
[10:15:38] going to a door that was locked
[10:15:40] previously by a third level access key this game's design is extremely linear
[10:15:45] it's it's a lot of get access to thing now you can go through this thing and
[10:15:51] then it makes you backtrack a lot, too.
[10:15:54] It's just one of those games.
[10:15:55] I mean, yeah, there's a lot of games like that, so
[10:15:57] we can forgive it for sure. No big deal.
[10:16:00] Now we have another laser grid.
[10:16:01] I will focus here because if you die it's uh it's a pretty big step
[10:16:06] sure yeah fingers crossed do you got this it's not difficult i just have to not
[10:16:10] you know die oh god i'm so nervous well saint can't talk but if you're feeling chatty you can join the
[10:16:16] official gdq discord and add yourself to the hotfix role where you can keep tabs on upcoming
[10:16:21] events talk with staff and showrunners, and more.
[10:16:26] Use the command exclamation mark Discord in our Twitch chat
[10:16:27] for more info.
[10:16:30] Oh gosh.
[10:16:33] I was just barely stepping in.
[10:16:34] Alright, we'll get to see what happens when you step in that.
[10:16:39] It's okay.
[10:16:40] We got it back up.
[10:16:41] I would have saved, but there's just no save point between what we did and and where we are yeah you're fine that's okay
[10:16:51] i made a save just for such an occasion
[10:16:55] i'm like yeah this is really easy.
[10:16:57] Oh, you did make a save.
[10:16:58] Okay, I thought maybe...
[10:17:00] We don't have as many meal kits
[10:17:03] on this one but that's alright.
[10:17:05] Run invalid.
[10:17:05] That's alright. but that's all right run invalid we lost our meal that's all right
[10:17:11] this is now pure showcase oh i can't believe i died there
[10:17:18] that's never happened before.
[10:17:19] Chat says, Snake! Snake!
[10:17:21] Nina?
[10:17:22] Nina!
[10:17:25] Good thing it was all just a bad dream while we were in this locker room.
[10:17:31] Anyways, let's get out of the soccer room
[10:17:36] so that there's a bunch of lockers you can open, and this is kind of like more on the casual gameplay side of things.
[10:17:43] But you can scan a bunch of different fingerprints that are optional throughout the whole game
[10:17:48] And you take those fingerprints and go to these lockers and they give you bonus items
[10:17:52] that's so weird it's like a thumbprint activated like locker yeah they're all
[10:17:58] thumb print everything's related to thumbprints for convenience.
[10:18:01] Do people still unlock the phones with a thumb?
[10:18:04] Oh well... yeah.
[10:18:07] Well oh, the thumb on the front?
[10:18:10] As opposed to the finger on the back as opposed to the finger
[10:18:11] anywhere I suppose.
[10:18:15] I used to have a phone that did a frontal,
[10:18:18] like the screen could read your thumbprint or whatever.
[10:18:20] Oh OK, my phone is severely outdated. could read your thumbprint. Oh, okay, okay.
[10:18:23] My phone is severely outdated.
[10:18:25] I shouldn't be asking these questions.
[10:18:34] Okay, let's not mess up one of the easiest parts of the game okay but that is an example of just if
[10:18:38] you don't save and just barely mess up you will just
[10:18:41] game over it takes a lot of time.
[10:18:43] It's a little unfortunate they're not more lenient
[10:18:46] about it. You know, one little laser
[10:18:48] and you're gone.
[10:18:49] They're savage.
[10:18:50] Alright.
[10:18:57] Be careful. Seriously Seriously it's guarded by a gun. God I'm like nervous for you.
[10:19:01] Let's go further this way. There we go.
[10:19:07] Alright, nice! Yay!
[10:19:09] We did it.
[10:19:11] And we can turn it off.
[10:19:13] We actually are going to be passing back through this exact hallway numerous times.
[10:19:17] Okay. It's just one of those
[10:19:18] backtracking... Oh, look away.
[10:19:20] Mature game.
[10:19:21] Mature game?
[10:19:24] We'll be going through here a few times.
[10:19:28] I'm gonna go back behind this counter, just for a little
[10:19:34] Jotunnuki sword. It's an upgraded katana, basically
[10:19:38] and I'm just gonna kill some guys get some drops
[10:19:48] Let's see if they dropped. The cameras...
[10:19:50] Okay, we got one milk hit
[10:19:52] water bottle
[10:19:54] That's fine for now
[10:19:56] So do we still have at least one defibrillator yes okay yeah this is pretty much the same state
[10:20:05] that we were in before um the only difference on this file is that I have some stun grenades for
[10:20:11] some reason. Stun grenades are pretty not entirely useful, they don't do a lot of
[10:20:17] damage. They do stun normal enemies but they don't uh
[10:20:21] they're not as good as hand grenades i see we'll probably just be getting rid
[10:20:25] of them at some point but we do still have the assault rifle that
[10:20:28] we picked up as well so we're going to put the stingray drone
[10:20:30] in a little vent i wasn't about to ask if she was gonna go in there like can you know it's
[10:20:36] just too small for her to fit maybe the stingray drone will fit right okay and then you get this cool
[10:20:48] what this is so fun
[10:20:52] it doesn't seem too difficult to control, can you break it?
[10:20:56] Yes.
[10:20:58] Usually you don't really break it on your own that much
[10:21:23] but enemies can shoot it down i see pretty quick okay And now this drone's going to spy through a little kind of glass mirror at the executives meeting, Where we learn more plot
[10:21:27] What happens at the meeting oh
[10:21:29] Nothing good. They're all dead
[10:21:32] So Lana lay she killed everyone in the meeting because
[10:21:37] she wants to take all power from the organization except Enrique
[10:21:42] who is... we'll meet him again. He looks
[10:21:45] exactly like Benicio Del Toro.
[10:21:47] Wait, for real? I don't think they got his
[10:21:49] permission but he's
[10:21:51] exactly Benicio Del Toro.
[10:21:53] Interesting. Okay, I'm looking forward to meeting...
[10:21:56] You said the name was Enrique?
[10:21:57] Enrique
[10:21:58] Okay
[10:21:59] Can't wait to find Enrique
[10:22:01] So Enrique and Lanaleigh are the last of the Komata executives, or so we think.
[10:22:10] I'm gonna go ahead and heal a bit.
[10:22:14] Going for a stun gun. Bird grenade.
[10:22:20] You can't go through this door until they're done using it, so... Oh my gosh, that's so funny.
[10:22:21] It's like a clown car.
[10:22:23] It's like, yeah, we'll wait for you to go through the doors.
[10:22:25] Yeah, as long as the little door itself is open nina cannot interact with it
[10:22:30] so okay you just wait for all the enemies to finish piling out
[10:22:36] oh man that guy went ham on the door.
[10:22:38] These guys are just doing combos when you enter this room I don't know why they're just
[10:22:43] attacking nothing.
[10:22:44] I don't know like what is on like the, but it looks like
[10:22:49] these men raided Guy Fieri's closet.
[10:22:52] I can't
[10:22:53] totally tell.
[10:22:54] Flavortown Jitsu.
[10:22:57] Yeah.
[10:23:00] Flavortown Jitsu to yeah. Flavor town jitsu, yeah we'll go with it.
[10:23:05] Alright so right now we've learned about the meeting.
[10:23:11] I'm going this way actually. we've learned about the meeting... The soundtrack
[10:23:15] goes pretty hard in this game.
[10:23:19] So right now, we have to relay what we learned about the Comitas executive meeting
[10:23:25] To the CIA because they need to know what happened.
[10:23:28] So, we're heading towards a computer that can send those images.
[10:23:32] And we are also going to enable some lifeboats so we can escape the boat.
[10:23:37] Okay, sounds reasonable.
[10:23:39] We are actually nearing the end of the yacht.
[10:23:44] The first yacht part of the game, like Act 1.
[10:23:48] We're going to go somewhere else for Act 2
[10:23:50] And then Act 3 is we're back on the yacht spoilers we'll be back
[10:24:01] so just navigating some boat
[10:24:07] it's gonna dash away so they don't rubber band on us they still try to sprint to catch
[10:24:12] up to you but they won't do the actual attack
[10:24:14] that like lunges at you and tackles you so you have a little bit of time to get
[10:24:18] away yes especially as long as you're doing
[10:24:20] the wave dashing that Nina does. Nice.
[10:24:41] We're back in this room. Go ahead and grab the executive roster, we don't need this we just have to pick it up
[10:24:47] before we can actually access this laptop send images to cia sounds important is the
[10:24:54] internet okay on this yacht? Do some hacking here.
[10:24:57] Yeah, it's the best!
[10:24:59] Luxury yacht internet.
[10:25:03] We're gonna release the control
[10:25:05] on the lifeboats and and now we're gonna GTFO.
[10:25:10] I'mma pop a quick save because we're about to have a boss fight.
[10:25:16] Oh yeah, the boat's on lockdown now it doesn't really matter because we're
[10:25:20] about to leave okay now are we going to meet lana oh we are going to use the lift that we powered earlier.
[10:25:35] Nice sound effect here.
[10:25:46] So cool. Classic.
[10:25:47] It's a classic sound.
[10:25:52] And we actually saved our assault rifle for this
[10:25:54] outside area because you're going to have to fight a bunch
[10:25:57] of people, or not you, me
[10:25:58] are going to have to fight a bunch of people
[10:26:00] who unfortunately don't drop anything
[10:26:02] they're just scripted
[10:26:03] you have to kill these dudes
[10:26:05] I wish they dropped stuff because there's so many of them.
[10:26:13] We've got to funnel him in here.
[10:26:15] Oh, that seems smart.
[10:26:17] Yeah.
[10:26:18] Get them all lined up.
[10:26:19] Get them all lined up.
[10:26:20] You actually can't do this.
[10:26:27] There you go, this is the part where you fall down.
[10:26:29] Now we could turn the sandal
[10:26:31] and get out of here.
[10:26:33] Okay, we are officially leaving the boat.
[10:26:37] Yeah, we're going to get this lifeboat out of here for sure.
[10:26:44] This is like so dramatic Dramatic crane
[10:26:46] Oh no something goes wrong
[10:26:49] And then Nina falls back on the boat
[10:26:50] Then she runs for a helicopter
[10:26:52] Which the Londolet and
[10:26:54] Enrique are trying to escape on.
[10:26:56] What? But Londolet hits
[10:26:58] Nina with a poison dart that makes her
[10:27:00] hallucinate about some trauma she had
[10:27:02] back when she was a kid, where her dad was shot in
[10:27:05] the snow. And
[10:27:07] that's like the whole
[10:27:09] side plot of Nina
[10:27:11] getting over her trauma
[10:27:13] of when her and her sister watched their father get killed in
[10:27:17] front of them.
[10:27:18] Oh my gosh!
[10:27:19] So that leads us to this snowy boss fight with Lana Lay and Child Nina, where we have to protect Child
[10:27:26] Nina from zombies
[10:27:27] or else we will take tons of damage
[10:27:30] while Lanalee throws a fan at us.
[10:27:34] It's
[10:27:34] very stressful casually but we're're gonna try to kinda handle this.
[10:27:40] We're going to knock her down and then run back help Nina.
[10:27:44] Every time a zombie bites Nina it takes like a quarter of our life hard away.
[10:27:50] So she's doing her dance. Okay, she's gonna move.
[10:27:55] Good good. So we're just going attack lana anytime we can once you do enough
[10:28:01] damage to her she kind of does a dance and then she'll run in a direction
[10:28:06] so you just need to do enough damage to her To kind of make her start moving around
[10:28:14] And then we always need to run back to Nina
[10:28:16] To protect her from zombies
[10:28:20] It's always good to keep Lana close to
[10:28:22] Nina, Lana close to Nina
[10:28:28] because you don't want to have to run too far to protect young nina
[10:28:31] right little neena's getting away from us is doing good actually she's um
[10:28:36] nice and far away in his mom bows
[10:28:44] and you can kind of guide her away from things too. And one kick will always make the zombies fall over as well, which is pretty useful
[10:28:54] put an elbow drop on her Okay. That's fine.
[10:29:04] Keep kicking zombies one time, it takes them a long time to get back up luckily so...
[10:29:10] Don't wanna waste too much of the katana's durability on zombies though
[10:29:16] but i thought she was done
[10:29:22] okay now she's doing her thing.
[10:29:25] Over here.
[10:29:28] I'm just going to throw all these stun grenades because I don't ever use them.
[10:29:32] Oh wow.
[10:29:33] They're just kind of leftovers. don't ever use them. Oh, wow.
[10:29:38] That took care of the zombies for a bit.
[10:29:42] Always about done.
[10:29:44] Not too bad. Always about done.
[10:29:46] Not too bad. Ooh, GG on that one!
[10:29:48] Okay. After that, Nina gets captured anyways and is taken to a penitentiary on an island,
[10:29:56] a private island.
[10:29:58] So we're going to prison.
[10:30:01] Okay.
[10:30:03] We have to prison break now?
[10:30:04] We have to prison break now. We have to prison break, which Nina does by literally just hulking out of her handcuffs.
[10:30:12] She's like being tortured by electricity much like Snake and Melgar
[10:30:17] Swellen. But she
[10:30:19] just eventually breaks out. She just fakes out of them
[10:30:21] and she says, good morning.
[10:30:24] Good morning! And then that's
[10:30:25] where we're picking up here.
[10:30:27] Nice.
[10:30:28] We have to retrieve our goods, so we'll be in this big room for a little while
[10:30:36] while we retrieve it.
[10:30:37] Our goods are in that doorway directly ahead
[10:30:39] but i'm actually going to go up here first because there's some upright sweet kids
[10:30:45] they're just faster if we go straight and get them. This prison has seen better days that's for sure. Oh yeah,
[10:30:51] it's like they found the prison or something like that. We're gonna climb across this chasm.
[10:31:07] Now can Nina be shot down in the middle of the... She can't be shot down, but when you're dropping from the pipe if you get shot while you're dropping that the pipe, if you get shot while
[10:31:10] you're dropping that short distance,
[10:31:12] she can get shot
[10:31:13] not a distance.
[10:31:16] It doesn't always happen but
[10:31:17] it's kind of funny if it ever does happen
[10:31:22] and we're just giving these guys a run around while we got some extra loot
[10:31:26] so we've got a permanent upgrade for our melee weapons, Dota Nuki which is like level 2 katana. I'm gonna crush these
[10:31:35] guys a little bit. It's a little bit of XP.
[10:31:40] I like- it's very subtle but i like the indicator that you have hit someone how
[10:31:45] it changes from red to green.
[10:31:46] I feel like that's kind of yeah that's like a
[10:31:49] Like you've got aggro, these guys are about to attack that's why they usually turn red
[10:31:56] all right now we gotta get our stuff which includes our fingerprint scanner
[10:31:59] which is how we are going to get out of this room.
[10:32:06] He opens the menu for us, for whatever reason
[10:32:10] and killing these guys just gets them out of our way but also gives
[10:32:12] us what we actually want to help.
[10:32:21] Now, we're going to go back up to our cell
[10:32:24] because they are in the fingerprint that we need
[10:32:33] okay here we have a soldier who is going to betray the company and that's why they're
[10:32:38] here and that's where they still have access doors barry goldman harry goldman how could you barry
[10:32:50] if you know you know
[10:32:55] sweep on over to this door.
[10:32:59] Nina's legs must be getting tired with all
[10:33:01] this wave dashing. She got strong
[10:33:03] legs. That's for sure.
[10:33:05] She got strong legs.
[10:33:08] Okay. That's for sure. You got strong legs.
[10:33:16] Okay, so we had to get that fingerprint open the door and now we have to go get a key to open a different door in that room it's classic puzzle gameplay
[10:33:26] sure is muggy today. What was that noise?
[10:33:29] Sure is muggy today.
[10:33:31] We're going to the bathroom
[10:33:35] and there's a guy in here who's struggling on
[10:33:37] the toilet, and we're literally gonna
[10:33:40] kick his door in. Oh no!
[10:33:42] And kill him. Oh wow, what a way
[10:33:44] to go.
[10:33:55] Shouldn't have had those burritos apparently not today was the wrong day to just eat food that's how imagine that's how you go out I don't want having a hard time here.
[10:34:03] Nina kicks the door in and you die.
[10:34:07] So now we have the key.
[10:34:16] Nice. Let's see, what else to talk about during load screens? Oops.
[10:34:17] I don't need to say anything.
[10:34:19] I'm tempted to kill these dudes for xp but maybe later
[10:34:27] it's usually nicer when there are a bunch of people who have clumped up
[10:34:30] and then you can kind of just combo them all together.
[10:34:33] But they were a little bit spread out. Now, do the
[10:34:35] enemies have like a pretty predictable
[10:34:37] pathing to Nina or
[10:34:39] did they get a little out of control sometimes?
[10:34:42] They're mostly predictable,
[10:34:44] but their move set that they
[10:34:46] throw out is usually
[10:34:47] slightly random.
[10:34:48] Random, okay.
[10:34:53] Crossing through this room again
[10:34:54] now we have a required fight
[10:34:57] with the Tekken force
[10:34:58] this is Haihachi Mishima's
[10:35:00] forces
[10:35:01] so Haihachi
[10:35:03] is kind of in collusion with the komita organization we've been dealing
[10:35:07] with now have we met him yet hi uh not nina has because she fights in the King of Iron Quest
[10:35:16] tournament. Well sure so
[10:35:17] we haven't seen him
[10:35:20] um we'll see him on a screen at some
[10:35:22] point he like talks to Nisil
[10:35:23] Del Toro
[10:35:24] okay
[10:35:24] here's the gun we picked up very to Nisil Del Toro. Okay.
[10:35:29] Use the gun we picked up, very useful
[10:35:33] Um if we there is a possibility that enemies before
[10:35:35] this drop a shotgun and that's usually the best
[10:35:37] thing to handle these guys with. I'm gonna just crit this guy because they can block
[10:35:43] a lot of attacks but if we got a shotgun these dudes die in one shot.
[10:35:49] Which is super, super...
[10:35:51] It's just not in the route?
[10:35:53] It was just random.
[10:35:54] I see, random.
[10:35:55] What drops.
[10:35:58] Excuse me. random drops yeah
[10:36:07] okay what is happening next on this game there's so many load screens to think about it yeah you have
[10:36:10] to really think hard about what's happening in the story yes remembering all the cutscenes right
[10:36:14] so we're going down to a dungeon and this is where they're keeping
[10:36:18] the scientists who kind of built their
[10:36:20] satellite superweapon project
[10:36:22] That's like a terrible place to keep him
[10:36:24] Yeah, I guess
[10:36:26] he did something bad
[10:36:27] So they're keeping him down here in this Did something bad.
[10:36:33] So they're keeping him down here in this dank dungeon with literal, like medieval torture devices.
[10:36:36] This place is really gritty.
[10:36:39] Oof.
[10:36:46] It's probably stinky. I don't like the sound of that there's like candles and buckets
[10:36:52] excuse me all right now's coming up my favorite lines what I say when I upload a YouTube video to people.
[10:37:00] Hey, did you see my video on the net? saint million subscribe while you're there
[10:37:13] saint will be doing a more in-depth review of this game uh
[10:37:19] pretty soon i don't know that there's a release date for it but it's something
[10:37:22] to look forward to so please if you are
[10:37:24] enjoying the run and you want to see more nina go ahead and subscribe to saint's youtube channel
[10:37:30] yeah i can definitely say that you know this game's maybe not the best
[10:37:34] game ever but it definitely is charming in its
[10:37:38] sort of age and just what it was going for
[10:37:42] i really like them i respect to for i respect it for the vibe they went for
[10:37:46] the gameplay and design just kind of didn't work out
[10:37:50] load screens are not great bad camera angles but it's like spy action.
[10:37:56] It has like...
[10:37:58] It had potential, you know?
[10:38:00] Yeah, I...
[10:38:00] You can see the ideas.
[10:38:02] I didn't see every cutscene
[10:38:05] but the ones that I did see were pretty
[10:38:07] damn cool. Yeah, and the cutscenes are
[10:38:09] pretty funny too. So it's worth
[10:38:10] a playthrough just to experience the story
[10:38:12] once, you know?
[10:38:15] Or just watch a playthrough
[10:38:17] if you don't want to play it.
[10:38:19] Because it is a pretty long game
[10:38:21] and it can be difficult as well.
[10:38:23] I imagine it's difficult
[10:38:25] to get a hold of as well.
[10:38:26] Uh, maybe. I got this for like four dollars I imagine it's difficult to get a hold of as well. Maybe.
[10:38:28] I got this for like $4, six years ago.
[10:38:30] I don't know how much that would have changed
[10:38:32] because Tekken 8 came out
[10:38:36] and multiple Tekkens have come out. Oh yeah, since then.
[10:38:39] But Tekken 8's really popular now.
[10:38:42] How many of you are
[10:38:42] playing Tekken 8 right
[10:38:44] now? Who's your fighter?
[10:38:47] Yeah, who's your fighter? I want to know what everyone plays coming up
[10:38:50] is a pretty dangerous part of the run uh the tekken force is coming at us in full force
[10:38:56] now in the sewers and And they're dangerous because
[10:39:00] they can throw knives, so
[10:39:02] even though we're dashing away,
[10:39:03] they can really do a lot of damage
[10:39:06] to us and stall us if they land those
[10:39:08] knives, so I'm going to try to
[10:39:09] go as fast
[10:39:10] as possible, but kind of serpentine
[10:39:12] Serpentine? Serpentine?
[10:39:16] So we don't get hit
[10:39:17] with those knives
[10:39:17] and there's a lot of them
[10:39:20] They can also hit us on the ladder, but they And there's a lot of them.
[10:39:20] They can also hit us on the ladder, but they were very nice
[10:39:23] there. Oh wow yeah! Yeah there's a lot of them.
[10:39:30] Just gonna keep running and dodging.
[10:39:33] This is another defibrillator, we definitely want this.
[10:39:37] It's one of like five or six we're going to get in the whole run
[10:39:39] They are all worth it
[10:39:45] So from the honeycomb puzzle box i got this grenade launcher and I'm gonna use it on these dudes okay i want them to clump up a little bit but they're being a little difficult.
[10:39:56] Ugh!
[10:39:58] Alright well, they didn't really drop a ton of good things.
[10:40:04] Let's see if this guy sticks out. really drop a ton of good things. I'm just gonna fix that up.
[10:40:06] Let's heal a little bit.
[10:40:07] Don't want to burn the defib
[10:40:08] just yet.
[10:40:10] We got 11 meal kits, okay.
[10:40:12] That's decent.
[10:40:15] Just full heal. Oh come on! I dodged that!
[10:40:21] Now would be a
[10:40:23] great time to hit them with the grenade
[10:40:28] well now might be also a good time for me to uh give a big shout out
[10:40:32] to all of our wonderful supporters your subs prime gaming subs gift subs and bits shared here on the gdq
[10:40:38] twitch channel do help support the games done quake politics so if you enjoy watching speed
[10:40:43] runs on the regular consider subscribing to the channel And thank you all so much for being here. Okay, now I got double crit.
[10:41:00] I swear I saw a grenade but
[10:41:01] I think it disappeared or something.
[10:41:05] Alright, I'm killing these guys because items and XP.
[10:41:10] So having double crit before the boss is coming up really useful.
[10:41:13] Oh nice!
[10:41:16] It just makes you able to target two bones at the same time when doing a crit, so you do double damage.
[10:41:23] Now do you have to like those bones separately?
[10:41:27] Yeah.
[10:41:28] Okay I see. One after another.
[10:41:30] But we
[10:41:31] want to keep our XP up and
[10:41:33] keep leveling our crit gauge because we want
[10:41:35] triple crit by the final boss.
[10:41:37] Right. Because at that point when you use a defibrillator so we get a full deal
[10:41:42] and full crit you get three crits each defibrillator out of up to six defibrillators
[10:41:47] so it kind of burns through the final boss really fast. Oh, I see. If you save everything.
[10:41:51] So that's why we saved them for the final boss? Yeah.
[10:41:53] Okay.
[10:41:54] And the reason the final boss
[10:41:56] we want crits so bad is because
[10:41:58] you don't get to use any other weapons. You don't get guns and you
[10:42:01] don't get melee weapons for the final boss, it's a straight duel like it doesn't even let
[10:42:05] you if you bring them. Okay I see what they were going for
[10:42:09] They wanted to make it really dramatic.
[10:42:13] Use what you got,
[10:42:14] your own two fists.
[10:42:17] Alright, we're gonna make a heroic
[10:42:18] leap across this so we don't fall into the water.
[10:42:21] Nice jump. And then we're gonna take a ladder fall into the water. Nice job. And then we're going to take a ladder
[10:42:23] right into the water.
[10:42:27] It's actually
[10:42:28] so funny. You actually cannot
[10:42:29] fall into the water there, you have
[10:42:31] to jump across and then take the ladder
[10:42:33] into it okay okay i don't know why that's this really funny
[10:42:38] it is what it is it's a tekken game
[10:42:42] if you couldn't tell by the gameplay
[10:42:47] pick up another sword every chance we can get a sword will take it because it
[10:42:52] does more damage than just melee.
[10:42:56] Even though they do break.
[10:42:59] So how many katanas do we have? Just one now?
[10:43:02] Right now, let's take inventory... We have two.
[10:43:04] What is nice about katanas as well is if you pick up two of the same type of katana, Nina will just dual wield it and then that takes up only one slot for melee weapons.
[10:43:16] That's awesome!
[10:43:20] We got a water elevation puzzle
[10:43:24] you just pick 15 feet and then that puzzle is solved.
[10:43:28] And the Tekken Force is after us once again.
[10:43:32] Run, Nino run!
[10:43:33] We're just gonna take this ladder.
[10:43:36] Hmm... gonna take this ladder.
[10:43:41] Now, do you know if the enemies can also fast travel down the ladder?
[10:43:43] No. They can't use ladders.
[10:43:45] They can't use elevators. Wait, they can't even use the. They can't use elevators.
[10:43:48] Wait, they can't even use the ladder?
[10:43:50] They're baffled by such technology.
[10:43:51] That is so funny.
[10:43:54] This is spy technology that Nina uses.
[10:43:57] Takes a trained professional.
[10:43:59] Okay...
[10:44:03] I'm tempted to make a save before this next part, just because of how that laser grid went before
[10:44:09] where it did not expect to die. Just make a save.
[10:44:11] But now that this run is
[10:44:12] not entirely valid
[10:44:14] I'm going to go ahead and save
[10:44:17] We're coming up to a point where Go ahead and save.
[10:44:22] We're coming up to a point where we'll have to cross some ledges, try to not get hit
[10:44:25] by some electric cables which will instantly game over us.
[10:44:29] Now are they they swinging around
[10:44:31] trying to hit her?
[10:44:32] Yeah, they're kind of swinging.
[10:44:34] It's a little weird.
[10:44:35] So they're trying to flush Nina out of this area because they just can't stop her.
[10:44:42] They are flooding the stairway shaft thing, so we have to use our dexterity to escape acrobatics or climbing, whatever.
[10:44:56] There's two minutes!
[10:44:57] Oh no.
[10:44:58] We gotta go.
[10:44:59] There's pressure now.
[10:45:00] There is pressure. Death by degrees.
[10:45:08] Oh yeah, in terms of the name death by degrees while we do this...
[10:45:11] Sure.
[10:45:12] I think the name is a reference to
[10:45:14] the combat system with the twin stick fighting.
[10:45:18] Like, it's 360 degrees of combat,
[10:45:20] even though it's really just like
[10:45:22] eight directional combat.
[10:45:24] Still, that's kind of clever.
[10:45:25] It's death by degrees.
[10:45:27] And then there's also Nina's flashbacks to when her father died in the snow,
[10:45:34] so it's like cold death by degrees
[10:45:37] and the super weapon that we're trying to stop
[10:45:40] spoilers, it's related to global warming
[10:45:42] and making oceans rise
[10:45:44] so heat Death by degrees there's like multiple themes
[10:45:48] and wordplay
[10:45:51] So what you're saying is it's the perfect title for this game?
[10:45:55] That's exactly what I'm saying.
[10:45:56] There's no better title. Perfect.
[10:45:59] I'm going to actually
[10:46:00] let this one come back down because I don't know if I made
[10:46:02] it in time or am I getting
[10:46:04] knocked out?
[10:46:07] Yeah, so they like kind of wiggle then they fly away
[10:46:09] Oh my gosh!
[10:46:11] It's unnatural!
[10:46:13] It's not natural
[10:46:16] Boom we did it nice all right so we're out of there good that
[10:46:22] place was yuck
[10:46:28] so how are you feeling saint Zane? I'm feeling pretty good.
[10:46:30] I'm bummed that we had to load a backup save
[10:46:32] on something that really should have been...
[10:46:34] I was literally practicing before this
[10:46:36] because I didn't want to die there
[10:46:38] and then I died there.
[10:46:39] Sometimes it's just like that.
[10:46:40] That's just how it goes,
[10:46:41] you know?
[10:46:42] Past life
[10:46:42] in Death by Degrees.
[10:46:44] And now I'm going
[10:46:45] to save before
[10:46:45] every single laser grid
[10:46:47] which is there's another one coming up.
[10:46:50] Now the panic saves.
[10:46:51] Yeah, now the panic saves. I'm questioning
[10:46:53] everything.
[10:46:54] Got the yips.
[10:46:58] We're just going to run around this.
[10:46:59] We are in the outside area now of the penitentiary
[10:47:02] we'll be back here a couple times as well
[10:47:08] I'm trying to dispatch all of these guys because there's a laser grid coming up but they
[10:47:14] will chase you through it and make it quite a bit more dangerous.
[10:47:23] In a really fast world record attempt scenario or something
[10:47:25] you probably wouldn't kill these guys
[10:47:27] You'd just kind of chance it and cross the lasers
[10:47:32] They didn't drop anything...
[10:47:34] really. Oh yeah yeah.
[10:47:36] That's okay though.
[10:47:40] Could've gone there, but
[10:47:42] I'm just going to let it breathe.
[10:47:44] Because sometimes you think
[10:47:46] it can go right away, but it's actually
[10:47:48] about to change because it's completely random.
[10:47:52] And what we get for succeeding
[10:47:53] is a rail gun.
[10:47:55] Oh, fabulous
[10:47:57] prize! It's very strong.
[10:47:59] It has three shots only.
[10:48:02] Like just total?
[10:48:08] You can't reload it? It's just three shots, make them count. And we're actually going to bring it to a boss specifically later on so we going to hold onto it for a little while.
[10:48:15] Okay.
[10:48:16] Very useful on bosses, though.
[10:48:20] Bosses tend to
[10:48:20] block or avoid bullets
[10:48:22] in general in this game. Like more so than
[10:48:25] just your basic enemy? Yeah
[10:48:27] some bosses they just like hold their sword
[10:48:29] up and then suddenly they're blocking every bullet
[10:48:31] it's one of those types of deals
[10:48:34] Alright So we're going gonna go in this room
[10:48:36] this is a bit of an optional room but there's a permanent upgrade um i think it's tactical belt
[10:48:42] so it can hold more melee weapons and And there's also a medium health kit.
[10:48:47] So not exactly required to go in here, but...
[10:48:50] We might as well pick one.
[10:48:51] Yeah, it's honestly nice having both of these things.
[10:48:55] Even though you have to go through...
[10:48:57] Oh, it's a holster. Sorry. Fire round.
[10:48:59] Even though we have to go through two load screens
[10:49:02] to get these
[10:49:05] It's still kind of worth
[10:49:07] these guys are a bit
[10:49:10] annoying
[10:49:10] but they're trapped in here
[10:49:13] they don't know how to use the door
[10:49:15] yeah I think so
[10:49:16] that happens a lot in this game they just are helpless
[10:49:23] they have the claw arms or if they have the claw hands so they can't use the door hand
[10:49:26] oh okay it's stuck in there.
[10:49:29] This is where we were supposed to go.
[10:49:32] A little Tekken poster there.
[10:49:33] Oh, that's fun.
[10:49:34] And this is also full of
[10:49:35] just dudes hanging out
[10:49:36] with drinks on the table it's
[10:49:40] like the break room oh this doesn't look like a great it is
[10:49:43] like a breakthrough this looks like a very important room
[10:49:46] it's just it's like a security guard room. There was big chilling.
[10:49:52] OK, so we opened some security doors.
[10:49:55] We're basically making our way through the most secure part
[10:49:58] of this compound.
[10:50:00] And now we have to deposit some items so we can get through the metal detector
[10:50:04] oh and then we'll get these items back later yeah we'll have to come
[10:50:07] back for these items so you're kind of missing some things.
[10:50:12] So what's happening now?
[10:50:13] Nina's depositing her items.
[10:50:16] Okay.
[10:50:18] All of them.
[10:50:19] All of them.
[10:50:21] So we have to...
[10:50:23] This is naked Nina.
[10:50:25] She's not naked, she's wearing a swimsuit.
[10:50:27] It's like Naked Snake you know?
[10:50:29] Ah I see what you're saying.
[10:50:31] Alright I'll give you that one Saint
[10:50:32] Half naked snake
[10:50:35] We love Nina
[10:50:38] we swear
[10:50:38] This is temporary
[10:50:41] Oh, accidentally did a flip
[10:50:42] Okay, we'll just not go that way this is temporary oh i accidentally did a flip
[10:50:44] okay we'll just not go that way
[10:50:48] like the ladder these guys are kind of not as dangerous
[10:50:52] usually um as the other attacking force people
[10:50:57] of course i say that they just cobbled me down there
[10:51:01] so we're heading out and we have to activate an elevator so we can get back to this point with our
[10:51:06] gear that's the whole point of this little side so we just had to take like a small detour we have
[10:51:11] to take a detour too it's like a dark Souls shortcut, you know? Okay.
[10:51:16] We're going to unlock the Firelink truck.
[10:51:19] So we're going
[10:51:20] to turn on the elevator
[10:51:22] and then
[10:51:25] we are going to fall off and then bring it down this way because we'll be coming back this way with our stuff right yes oh i forgot to unlock
[10:51:42] this i got through a market from the other side.
[10:51:48] Oh, do you have to go back? A little bit of a goof but
[10:51:50] it doesn't take too long.
[10:51:51] Okay, you have to go back and open it now?
[10:51:52] Yeah I just have to get back around this fence
[10:51:55] I was a little bit distracted there.
[10:51:57] All right well while C is backtracking
[10:52:00] a little bit, I do want to say that if you are having fun
[10:52:03] with us tonight and you're curious about any
[10:52:05] of our other hotfix shows make sure
[10:52:07] to go to our website slash hotfix shows, make sure to go to our website,
[10:52:09] slash hotfix for more information
[10:52:11] on all of our amazing weekly shows
[10:52:13] and weekend specials
[10:52:16] I'll unlock the door
[10:52:17] this is what I forgot to do. Perfect.
[10:52:20] Hey, I needed to use that door. Get out of the way!
[10:52:28] They can use THAT door... but they can't use this one.
[10:52:31] Okay, the door is too heavy.
[10:52:33] This one's built out of plot armor so they just can't.
[10:52:38] High security.
[10:52:39] High-security plot door.
[10:52:46] I think if there's a load screen
[10:52:47] they just can't manage to do it.
[10:52:50] They probably just didn't want to, like, program them in the section after the fact.
[10:52:57] Yeah.
[10:52:59] Alright so now we're gonna go get our stuff back.
[10:53:02] Okay.
[10:53:03] Take one last look.
[10:53:06] We're actually gonna get one of the best...
[10:53:08] Not one of the best guns but
[10:53:10] one of the better guns in the game
[10:53:12] that is critical for a certain
[10:53:13] boss skip later on. It's in this crate
[10:53:15] on the bottom left there. You said a
[10:53:17] boss skip? A boss skip.
[10:53:19] Ooh, okay. Like the only boss
[10:53:21] skip and one of the only skips in the whole game
[10:53:24] because the game is very linear
[10:53:26] and built in a very
[10:53:28] PlayStation 2 kind of way where it's hard
[10:53:30] to skip stuff.
[10:53:32] Alright, we're back. Let's open this honeycomb puzzle armory thingy.
[10:53:46] And we got...
[10:53:51] The Magnum.
[10:53:58] We'll be also saving that gun until we need it. Nina's gonna show us Magnum by the end of the run.
[10:54:02] It's magnificent!
[10:54:05] What, Look!
[10:54:11] All right, so now we gotta go backtrack to that elevator
[10:54:17] That we left behind for ourselves
[10:54:21] And we're gonna meet Benicio del Toro
[10:54:25] Boss fight one aka enrique yeah
[10:54:30] i just called benicio del toro because he just is that's just who he is and
[10:54:34] i'm surprised they didn't get sued for this game. Oh, okay!
[10:54:38] That was my next question like what did Benicio del Toro think of this?
[10:54:42] I don't think he knows anything about it.
[10:54:46] Maybe he doesn't know yet.
[10:54:48] He has no clue, I don't think.
[10:54:50] The careers of the game were just fans
[10:54:51] and these guys can't stop Nina
[10:54:53] but they're just going to watch her go up the elevator
[10:54:55] because she's helpless.
[10:54:58] Yeah, I was going to say what happened to Nina's outfit?
[10:55:00] They messed it up real bad.
[10:55:01] Yeah, it gets tattered over the course of
[10:55:04] The game.
[10:55:05] Each outfit gets tattered pretty much
[10:55:08] except for the final one going for realism yeah so we got a little bit
[10:55:13] of a skip here coming up wait for this guy to say report your status. Flip!
[10:55:21] And then... They weren't done coming out of the door, apparently.
[10:55:27] Gandalf's like, fly you fools!
[10:55:29] And Nina does the backflip.
[10:55:30] Fly you fools! Backina does the back foot why are you fools backflip stylishly yes down with
[10:55:34] the balrog it's actually nina's birthday soon right i Like, in the lower...
[10:55:43] Damn, for real?
[10:55:44] I'm gonna double check.
[10:55:46] What does that make her, like, Zodiac-wise?
[10:55:49] Oh gosh, um...
[10:55:58] Chat, you'll have to help me out with that um i can't find it now but i thought oh wait yeah date of birth july 25th yo i think that's like when evo is that's uh in like about a week or so so hey happy birthday
[10:56:09] nina happy early birthday nina seems like now is a good time to maybe
[10:56:14] pick up the speedrun if anyone's
[10:56:16] having fun with us.
[10:56:19] Give Nina a birthday gift and learn to
[10:56:20] speedrun just by degrees and sit
[10:56:22] through all of the load screens. Yes.
[10:56:25] I will say that's probably the hardest part of this
[10:56:27] whole run is the patience
[10:56:29] that you need to
[10:56:31] just sit through a lot of these screens.
[10:56:34] Oh, here we could see um enrique talking to haihachi
[10:56:40] i'm gonna let this play for just a second there is oh wow now do we know if benicio del Toro ever had this hairstyle?
[10:56:58] That'd be the real question.
[10:57:06] Should be more concerned about that woman behind you nino williams very casual yeah
[10:57:12] chat answered the question nina is a leo so same oh yo let's go maybe that's why i'm so into this game that's why you feel a connection
[10:57:23] to this game so we have enrique boss fight. Alright, let's go.
[10:57:29] He has a sword. Ooh, what's this?
[10:57:31] I'm gonna scan his scabbard for part of his fingerprint.
[10:57:34] He just leaves it here
[10:57:35] and you can just scan it in the middle
[10:57:37] of the boss fight. That's so funny.
[10:57:40] You need good iframes.
[10:57:41] I didn't time you very well, but...
[10:57:44] I'm gonna go ahead and heal because we don't
[10:57:46] want to use any defibrillators on this guy.
[10:57:49] So just gonna do some due diligence there and start off with a crit, two crits to adjust. Okay, yeah.
[10:58:01] So we have a lot of weapons that can damage Enrique pretty handily but again I'm going to save the rail the railgun save the magnum and we just kind of
[10:58:13] kind of combo him carefully while not taking too much damage wait he went over the whole console
[10:58:22] okay so i'm pretty much just watching his attacks
[10:58:26] you always get a free combo after he does some kind of attack and they can
[10:58:30] get a combo Oh, I missed my crit somehow.
[10:58:51] If you whiff your crit and it just kind of does
[10:58:56] a single attack but you still lose all of your crit meter which is pretty rough Pretty rough.
[10:59:16] Thank you, camera. The directional fighting system is
[10:59:18] kind of interesting until the
[10:59:20] camera starts rotating in a really crazy
[10:59:22] way and
[10:59:24] suddenly you mess up your combo.
[10:59:27] I imagine this would be 10 times harder if you were doing this on a PS2 controller
[10:59:33] There's a little adapter that we are using for this run correct saint yeah
[10:59:39] yes so saints on the ps4 controller adapter and while it's still pretty
[10:59:44] tough i think ps2 controller users might have more of a challenge here.
[10:59:55] Okay.
[10:59:56] Oh yeah, the guitar is good.
[10:59:59] You can have it your way!
[11:00:02] Yep there's another camera kinda just messing up my combo that happens quite a bit.
[11:00:08] So I wouldn't say this boss fight is one of the harder ones, but it does take
[11:00:11] a bit more patience because it's just a lot chip damage. But once you get him in a corner and kind of into the rhythm, it's pretty...
[11:00:25] It's kind of a simple boss fight. uh lot bone crack
[11:00:54] that didn't sound very good
[11:01:02] mamacita don't call her Mamacita!
[11:01:03] Mamacita.
[11:01:16] Oh, he landed on the railing. I've never seen that before. That was really weird. Oh yeah! He like fell behind it. Usually you hit him over it.
[11:01:19] Basically... kind of funny.
[11:01:23] Get that grind...
[11:01:25] skateboarding
[11:01:29] Okay, we're getting close to
[11:01:33] Close to a finish here close to close to
[11:01:35] a finish here
[11:01:41] Those bones aren't breaking yet
[11:01:43] Usually when the boss is low that's when you start seeing
[11:01:45] the bone break animations yes somehow they always manage to stand yeah you can like break both his
[11:01:52] legs and he's still just jumping around video game stuff yeah this is video game stuff
[11:02:01] okay again a bit of a longer boss fight but i routed it this way specifically because the later boss
[11:02:09] fight where you fight him he does way more damage he's way more unpredictable. Oh, I see.
[11:02:19] We're going to use the railgun on the second fight for him which is coming up later.
[11:02:22] Right on. Well done.
[11:02:23] Thank you. So we knocked him out
[11:02:25] he starts pleading
[11:02:26] bargaining for us. He starts pleading,
[11:02:28] bargaining for us.
[11:02:30] He presents himself. I could be a witness for the CIA and Nina's like hmm
[11:02:32] and then out of nowhere
[11:02:34] Anna Williams, Nina's
[11:02:36] sister barges in, she's working for
[11:02:39] this organization
[11:02:40] and she kicks Nina
[11:02:42] and the guy gets away
[11:02:43] And so does Anna
[11:02:45] A sibling rivalry.
[11:02:49] Anna Williams has entered the chat.
[11:02:51] She's currently lurking.
[11:02:55] We see you in it.
[11:02:59] So we're gonna scan We see you. Waiting for time to critically strike.
[11:03:04] Alright, so we're gonna scan the second fingerprint of Enrique on his sword
[11:03:08] giving us more access to this facility
[11:03:11] which will let us free the scientist. That was the whole point
[11:03:13] of all this. The scientist who's locked up.
[11:03:14] Gosh, I forgot about that guy. Yeah, exactly.
[11:03:17] There's a lot of
[11:03:18] Googling when I was playing this game. Like where do I go now in this game?
[11:03:24] Oh you got a little bit lost in the game.
[11:03:26] I really lost and it wasn't until after I beat the game that I realized that Ninaina has a little like quest journal in the menus
[11:03:33] that just like never saw oh so she has like her she has like her own accounts of what's
[11:03:39] happening that's interesting kind of like shenmue it's like her little diary with what's happening. That's interesting. Kind of like Shenmue, it's her little diary
[11:03:43] with what's going on.
[11:03:44] It's kind of cool.
[11:03:47] If I saw that,
[11:03:48] it would probably have been a little bit easier.
[11:03:51] All right so now we're gonna use
[11:03:54] the key to turn off the metal detector So it can actually leave the faster way
[11:03:58] We don't have to go all around this facility just to leave.
[11:04:06] And now we're gonna restock on some stuff. We're going to go into
[11:04:08] this kind of break room where there's an
[11:04:10] armory chest full of weapons. Oh good!
[11:04:14] Stock up
[11:04:15] for a couple fights
[11:04:17] coming up.
[11:04:19] Boss fights.
[11:04:21] Who's the next boss we're heading to?
[11:04:23] The next boss we're heading to the next boss we're heading to is anna i believe oh anna williams okay
[11:04:34] i'm really smart.
[11:04:36] I totally don't have a cheat sheet right in front of me.
[11:04:40] It memorizes it all.
[11:04:44] If you have like, a printed of solutions, is that tool assisted?
[11:04:48] No.
[11:04:50] It's just paper assist.
[11:04:52] Paper-assisted.
[11:04:54] A pass.
[11:04:56] Yes. Pass runs. a pass yes a past paper assisted speed round pass runs we'll give you a pass this time thank
[11:05:01] you you're welcome all right let's head down this hallway free lucas and then see what happens
[11:05:15] we're back at this area the The camera's doing whatever it wants,
[11:05:19] but we'll just flip up the stairs
[11:05:21] and get out of here.
[11:05:26] So you said
[11:05:27] the scientist is Lucas?
[11:05:28] Yeah, his name's Lucas.
[11:05:30] You were asking me something?
[11:05:32] Have you played any Tekken games, Tippi?
[11:05:35] I know I have because I used to play eddie but i can't remember
[11:05:41] i can't remember which second it was it was even all of them it was ages ago um my sister
[11:05:46] and i used to go to the arcade sometimes together and play Tekken
[11:05:50] and Soul Calibur and stuff.
[11:05:53] Classic. Yeah, so
[11:05:54] it was a good time.
[11:05:57] Love the Soul Calibur cabinets
[11:05:58] too. Oh yeah. Soul Calibur played... caliber cabinets too oh yeah uh soul caliper played valdo a lot the best matching character
[11:06:08] hey if i don't know what i'm doing, you can't count on it.
[11:06:11] I don't know.
[11:06:14] Valdo is a little weird and so am I.
[11:06:18] Maybe Valdo is your astrological sign.
[11:06:21] Valdo is my astrological sign.
[11:06:22] Just Valdo, yeah.
[11:06:23] You don't share a sign, he IS the sign.
[11:06:27] But yes, Eddie is fantastic in Tekken and I think probably played as Eddie the most in the past.
[11:06:33] Yeah, he's sick. He's like who you
[11:06:35] always picked, right? It's like,
[11:06:37] I'm with the Eddie Cordo. He's the coolest.
[11:06:39] He's dancing. He's got the moves, you know?
[11:06:41] That boy era or something. Exactly.
[11:06:50] Alright, we freed lucas yay and now we need to follow him to investigate his super weapon
[11:06:54] he was developing.
[11:06:57] I'm going to take
[11:06:58] his meal kit because
[11:06:58] he's got the camera.
[11:07:00] He left it here?
[11:07:01] He left your meal kit.
[11:07:03] Lucas, you gotta eat. It's important.
[11:07:05] You gotta eat or else it's gonna bone for this.
[11:07:10] We're not gonna fight this guys.
[11:07:11] Alright, Lucas can handle himself.
[11:07:13] Uh, we're gonna leave.
[11:07:16] Yeah, the load times are quite a lot, but also I wonder
[11:07:20] if someone were to play this on like a modded PS3 or something
[11:07:24] maybe it would speed these little loading
[11:07:27] screens up just a bit, but
[11:07:28] we're running this on what? A slim PS2?
[11:07:31] Yeah, just the PS2 Slim.
[11:07:33] Forget the model number.
[11:07:36] There's a 9 in there somewhere.
[11:07:38] But, um...
[11:07:38] The fastest way would probably be
[11:07:40] to have your own hard drive
[11:07:43] installed in
[11:07:44] Classic PS2
[11:07:46] with the game installed.
[11:07:49] Oh, I see.
[11:07:50] On it's...
[11:07:51] I think that's the fastest way to have load screens.
[11:07:54] Emulator is not necessarily that much faster either.
[11:07:57] They're still pretty long, but
[11:07:59] they're probably faster than the disc.
[11:08:00] Oh sure, yeah.
[11:08:03] But yeah, the load
[11:08:05] screens are probably the worst part about the game
[11:08:07] I would say.
[11:08:09] Everything else is like... this run
[11:08:11] would be pretty fine otherwise it's just
[11:08:13] load screens are constant.
[11:08:15] I think that that's something that
[11:08:17] typically will deter a runner from approaching a game like this.
[11:08:22] You know, it's just one of those things.
[11:08:24] There are good and bad speed games.
[11:08:26] Can you hold your breath for a long time?
[11:08:28] I don't know.
[11:08:29] All right.
[11:08:31] Anyone who thinks they can hold their breath for a long time? I don't know. All right. Anyone who thinks they can hold their breath for a long time, I challenge you.
[11:08:33] I'm going to hold my breath. Chat, don't do it.
[11:08:35] I don't recommend it. I'll go through this as fast as I can.
[11:08:36] Okay. I want to try.
[11:08:38] Here we go.
[11:09:02] Okay. okay here we go Did I do it? Did I win?
[11:09:10] Oh no, I totally failed.
[11:09:12] We're still swimming chad just breathe
[11:09:19] and while you're breathing i do want to say that if
[11:09:22] you missed out on any of our shows or events uh that you're
[11:09:25] curious about be sure to check out the vods on our youtube channel that's games done quick
[11:09:31] subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and while you're on youtube make
[11:09:35] sure you subscribe to saint's youtube channel as well if you're enjoying the
[11:09:38] run that's st million he will be releasing a video about this game in the upcoming weeks.
[11:09:48] So it's definitely something to look forward to if you want to see Mournino.
[11:09:53] Mournino?
[11:09:54] Who doesn't want to see more Nina?
[11:09:56] Let's get it going.
[11:09:58] What?
[11:10:00] Hashtag more Nina.
[11:10:01] Hashtag let's just get it going.
[11:10:03] Hashtag let's just get it going.
[11:10:05] No context, let's just get it going. No context, let's just get it going!
[11:10:07] It's a new reference from Time Capsule.
[11:10:09] There we go.
[11:10:13] Alright, we're uh...just kinda
[11:10:15] going to the next plot point.
[11:10:16] We're gonna pick up a Dotonuki.
[11:10:18] Okay.
[11:10:22] And we are going to the rooftop segment which features another sniping scene from
[11:10:31] the beginning if you remember with a different sniper rifle presumably
[11:10:36] a different sniper rifle because the other one's damaged
[11:10:39] and missing. The other one Nina just threw
[11:10:41] away. She just didn't even want it.
[11:10:43] She was like screw this.
[11:10:45] There's actually a
[11:10:46] climbing sequence with spotlights that we're gonna have to do
[11:10:50] in it but if we're fast enough right here you can kind of get a one cycle but
[11:10:55] you really have to have the perfect movement. So I'm gonna try and...
[11:11:02] Oh, camera movement!
[11:11:04] I'm not going to make it.
[11:11:08] Alright we just gotta run now.
[11:11:11] So there's only one opportunity in this cycle of spotlights where you can actually get past
[11:11:15] them and if you're very quick you you can make it without waiting.
[11:11:20] But since we got spotted...
[11:11:24] These kind of snap around
[11:11:26] as quickly
[11:11:27] as the little electric rope things.
[11:11:34] The spotlights?lights yeah they were like on you really quick oh yeah when they spot you they just fly over we have a quick meal while hanging out
[11:11:38] oh yeah and uh just wait for this right sequence so these both spotlights have to go up, and then one has to come down.
[11:11:47] Then that's when you can go.
[11:11:50] I spent a lot of time here casually yelling at my TV like
[11:11:53] what the hell
[11:11:54] how did I get spotted
[11:11:57] I like that you are playing this on a CRT
[11:11:59] oh yeah well
[11:12:00] reaction time is really important especially when you're lining up the criticals.
[11:12:06] Just a little bit of delay on that is infuriating.
[11:12:09] Oh I bet.
[11:12:10] Because you have to aim for thin bones on on like Launalei or something.
[11:12:16] Yeah.
[11:12:17] Alright, so in terms of the plot...
[11:12:22] I'm gonna grab this medium mule kit. Every mule kit counts because every mule kit means we will be more secure in saving our defibrillators much later.
[11:12:34] We're editing Lucas's passcode, his fingerprint security so he can meet us somewhere.
[11:12:42] So that was what it was all about.
[11:12:44] We had to give him access to the other area
[11:12:47] okay his stuff uh because nina can just you know sweep around the place and she's an agent
[11:12:53] she can get access to places but lucas he says Lucas is just a scientist.
[11:12:57] He doesn't do flips and swim
[11:12:59] underwater and stuff. That we know of.
[11:13:02] That we know of!
[11:13:03] We don't know for sure.
[11:13:07] And now we're
[11:13:08] heading to a sniper
[11:13:10] sequence.
[11:13:12] And right up this
[11:13:14] ladder is a really unfair part
[11:13:16] where you get shot almost no matter what no matter if your
[11:13:19] spamming dodge is oh okay i just knock it hit what the
[11:13:23] heck that's not how i've never done that
[11:13:25] without getting yo let's go it's kind of awesome okay uh so here's a sniper
[11:13:33] he uh he didn't do his job so now he's got paid price sorry guy sorry you're fired
[11:13:51] oh my gosh he just disappears deleted from existence delete super delete all right now we have a lovely
[11:13:53] lengthy sniper
[11:13:55] sequence
[11:13:56] yeah so this might be
[11:13:58] a good time
[11:13:58] sure yeah um this might be a good time. Any announcements?
[11:14:01] Sure, yeah.
[11:14:05] This might be a good time to take a little stretch break if y'all are needing it.
[11:14:13] But I do want to say that Games Done Quick Express is returning to TwitchCon this year from September 20th through the 22nd.
[11:14:15] Submissions are open from now until July 24th,
[11:14:18] so if you're interested,
[11:14:20] just use the command
[11:14:21] exclamation mark gdqx
[11:14:23] in our twitch chat for more information
[11:14:29] oh nice shot thank you
[11:14:41] oh got him nice shot thank you oh god that headshot's a little finicky to hit all right next so this is like the last sniper sequence but you keep panning over to like different parts
[11:14:44] of the rooftop area and there's another sniper sequence in the game there's a total of three
[11:14:50] the third one will also be at this exact same location. Oh, okay.
[11:14:54] It's like not very much different
[11:14:56] at all so they kind of like
[11:14:58] reuse this one spot
[11:15:00] which I don't really want to get hit
[11:15:02] Taking damage from snipers is not like I don't really want to get hit.
[11:15:08] Taking damage from snipers is not, like, the end of the world,
[11:15:10] but it's not profitable.
[11:15:40] I am trying to save literally as many medkits as I can, because some of the later boss fights are just savage how much damage they can output in a short amount of time oh yeah Reload. I love aiming on consoles. Not as easy as it is on a mouse keyboard i guess
[11:15:48] not for me maybe some other people though
[11:15:50] i was never really a console shooter gamer
[11:15:55] myself that's fair.
[11:16:01] I love that they put load screens in between the sniper segments.
[11:16:03] Oh yeah, like the music's still going.
[11:16:04] Yeah, it's like, wait we're gonna
[11:16:07] load one more time while you're the game is reloading the weapon
[11:16:20] it's going to reduce the dangerometer over there.
[11:16:24] So what happens if it gets maxed?
[11:16:26] They start hitting you for like...
[11:16:29] kind of a lot, well
[11:16:31] a little chunk of damage but it will
[11:16:32] keep hitting you and it will also mess up your
[11:16:35] aim so
[11:16:36] you pretty much have to take cover at that point.
[11:16:40] These guys are a bit annoying.
[11:16:41] There we go.
[11:16:45] I gotta say, the aiming
[11:16:47] is a little bizarre in this game because you'll
[11:16:49] be making shots and it won't even look like you're aimed
[11:16:52] at the enemy yeah it's so strange there's like a strange kind of bullet travel it like makes you
[11:16:59] think there's bullet travel by just kind of delaying your shot hitting. So sometimes I'll
[11:17:03] like aim quick, shoot as I go across them it doesn't look like they get shot for like
[11:17:07] another second. Yeah it's wild. It's a little awkward.
[11:17:15] I feel like sometimes when you're not very zoomed in, the bullet hitbox
[11:17:17] your shooting is kind of wider
[11:17:19] it has a bit more forgiveness
[11:17:21] Is that when you are not zoomed Yeah, when you're not zoomed in?
[11:17:23] Yeah, when you're kind of zoomed a little far out
[11:17:25] it seems like it gives you a little bit of leeway.
[11:17:31] Some headshots just seem easier
[11:17:33] than this guy's. like some headshots just seem easier uh let's see it's actually really hard to
[11:17:39] like see them i think i saw him he was like up a bit yeah right classic there's a bazooka guy here that
[11:17:49] i definitely have to shoot um you cannot kind of hide from him he will still do damaged even if you take cover from him so i might keep an eye out
[11:18:02] oh there's a good guys here the red flash across the screen there
[11:18:18] is this guy he's a critical target
[11:18:23] now can you get the bazooka? No. Yeah. Fortunately.
[11:18:29] Which?
[11:18:30] I don't know, okay.
[11:18:33] I feel like
[11:18:34] I'm confusing the third
[11:18:36] sniper segment with
[11:18:37] this one so I'm confusing the third sniper segment with this one, so I'm like looking in the wrong place.
[11:18:43] Is it a third sniper segment also here?
[11:18:46] Yes. Oh okay. Yeah, I can see that getting confusing.
[11:18:50] Alright! Done. Now we need to go meet with Lucas and we're going to descend into the depths of this prison island. It's more than just a prison island.
[11:19:00] It's a full-on research facility. Okay then.
[11:19:04] Just like Resident Evil.
[11:19:08] This isn't just mansion there's a clandestine laboratory or something.
[11:19:15] Climb on this rope... you actually I think the whole point of that sniper sequence is
[11:19:19] that you can't climb across this because
[11:19:21] those snipers will just shoot you off.
[11:19:23] Oh, okay.
[11:19:23] Have you tried it or it requires more testing?
[11:19:26] No, actually not tried it.
[11:19:27] I just kind of assumed...
[11:19:28] Oh, okay.
[11:19:29] Because you're constantly getting shot while trying to get on it and sure so it's just like
[11:19:35] maybe there is a way to uh skip it i don't think I was able to.
[11:19:45] Away we go.
[11:19:50] What else can we talk about during this load screen?
[11:19:55] Now, are you mashing through a bunch of cut scenes here or like what's happening in the story now so right now we're in a we're in the outside area we were
[11:20:00] in before so we're kind of backtracking. We are meeting Lucas at an elevator that requires two people.
[11:20:06] Of course it does.
[11:20:08] Yes! It's been on our face this whole time.
[11:20:11] It's like the elevator requires two people.
[11:20:14] And now we can finally do it, because Lucas is waiting there.
[11:20:17] Okay so we're gonna go meet back with Lucas.
[11:20:20] Yes. We're going to meet him right after this load screen.
[11:20:24] Nice! Then we'll go to another load screen. Nice! And then we'll go to another
[11:20:25] load screen, and then another
[11:20:27] load screen. There's like a door that
[11:20:29] leads to a hallway to a load screen
[11:20:31] coming up. It's
[11:20:32] really comical.
[11:20:38] There he is!
[11:20:39] Hey Lucas, what's up?
[11:20:42] Hurry!
[11:20:44] So he's like trying to get some evidence
[11:20:45] I think against this
[11:20:47] organization
[11:20:48] He knows of where something important is
[11:20:51] So he wants
[11:20:53] to get us to it first
[11:20:54] Now how does he know that he can trust get us to it first.
[11:20:57] Now how does he know that he can trust Nina in this
[11:20:59] scenario? He doesn't. Because she's CIA
[11:21:01] and she broke him out.
[11:21:03] Okay, so he's just based on her
[11:21:06] helping him. He was locked up for some reason
[11:21:10] i guess he was thinking about betraying them okay so she's kind of helping him because
[11:21:14] he's a witness he made the super satellite super weapon right and he needs protection because
[11:21:21] he probably is the only one who knows how to manage it exactly so now we get a new soundtrack Exactly.
[11:21:30] So now we get a new soundtrack
[11:21:33] here in this facility, it's kind of cool.
[11:21:34] Oh yeah, this is kinda comfy.
[11:21:40] Alright so... Now we need to open this door that's
[11:21:42] locked. The controls are busted.
[11:21:44] It's a real puzzle.
[11:21:48] We're gonna go up the sniper tower and get a key to a forklift.
[11:21:53] I promise this is all gonna make sense.
[11:21:56] Okay.
[11:22:00] Spy vibes out here.
[11:22:01] The spy music, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.
[11:22:07] Hi friends.
[11:22:09] He has a forklift key.
[11:22:11] Okay, cool.
[11:22:13] If he shoots us off it's a little bit faster but...
[11:22:16] It's okay if he doesn't.
[11:22:18] Okay nice timing guy!
[11:22:19] Wow!
[11:22:21] What a jerk!
[11:22:25] We're out of here.
[11:22:27] We've lost the enemy!
[11:22:29] She's sweeping that way.
[11:22:32] You don't mess with the sweeper, OK?
[11:22:35] We activated the forklift.
[11:22:37] Can you guess where this is going?
[11:22:40] A small vent.
[11:22:41] Going up or going down
[11:22:44] stingray
[11:22:47] that's a great question
[11:22:49] I don't know if Nina
[11:22:50] is forklift certified
[11:22:52] do you
[11:22:52] probably not do they train assassins forklift certified. Do you?
[11:22:54] Probably not.
[11:22:56] Do they train assassins in forklift driving? Well, I mean, hey, you never know
[11:22:59] like that might be a very important part
[11:23:01] of training. You never know what
[11:23:02] you'll find. It's one of those things where it's like,
[11:23:05] you probably have to know how to fly a chopper
[11:23:07] and they teach you multiple
[11:23:09] things so it's like you better know how
[11:23:11] to figure out a forklift.
[11:23:13] If Nina can fly a chopper she can manage the forklift oh yeah if nina can fly a chopper she
[11:23:15] can manage the fork right i assume she can fly a chopper no
[11:23:18] certifications necessary you know yeah so we're flying this drone around
[11:23:24] to open some doors for ourselves.
[11:23:28] The drone seems pretty forgiving when you kind of brush the wall, is it tough to control?
[11:23:34] It's not- it drifts a little bit.
[11:23:36] But if it bumps the wall,
[11:23:38] it's not the end of the world.
[11:23:40] This is one of the unskippable cutscenes
[11:23:42] of the game.
[11:23:43] I don't know why you can't skip that
[11:23:45] because of an important stingray action.
[11:23:50] All right, so we turn the elevator on now we can go up here
[11:23:52] and then we're gonna go open the door for ourselves and I gotta be kind of
[11:23:56] careful here because if these guys pull up their guns and start shooting at us, it's kind of immediate game over.
[11:24:04] Oh wow.
[11:24:05] So you still have to be kind of sneaky.
[11:24:09] Ooh, that was close.
[11:24:11] Yeah, once it turns red they'll start shooting
[11:24:13] and they combo the stingray really fast
[11:24:15] and you lose.
[11:24:18] Good job. But luckily on stingray segments like that when you get mission failed
[11:24:24] and you retry it just restarts you in that drone segment it doesn't like
[11:24:29] game over low to save save, it lets you just retry.
[11:24:33] Oh okay but you still have to start that sequence from the beginning?
[11:24:36] Yeah, we'll have to start the Stingray sequence from the start.
[11:24:38] Yeah that's not too bad.
[11:24:39] Nice now we broke in and Now we can go here.
[11:24:43] So at this point, we're hearing from Alan who is also on this island, our MI6 partner that the komita criminal organization has just unleashed some sort of mechanical
[11:24:59] monster on it just, I guess.
[11:25:03] There's like a scramble for some
[11:25:04] evidence on this super weapon.
[11:25:07] So now there's a big monster down here.
[11:25:10] Uh...
[11:25:10] So we're gonna have to look out for that.
[11:25:14] Just get these guys.
[11:25:20] And here's the point I was telling you about,
[11:25:24] where we go through a door and then we're going to walk down a hallway and just open another door.
[11:25:28] And there is literally no point to this hallway except...
[11:25:31] They were trying to like flesh out the architecture of the place you know
[11:25:35] yeah but this is just like door to a door
[11:25:40] it's classic ps2 gameplay
[11:25:44] all right in this area
[11:25:45] there are electric fences
[11:25:47] that we really have to be careful not
[11:25:49] to touch while we dash through it because they
[11:25:51] do a considerable
[11:25:53] amount of damage so these this fence is pretty deadly.
[11:25:56] We're still gonna go through like this...
[11:25:59] Let's try to avoid people and defense
[11:26:02] But we're about to turn it off anyway
[11:26:06] It's just- It's a puzzle.
[11:26:10] Looks like we can
[11:26:11] turn it off.
[11:26:12] Do you want to
[11:26:12] turn it off?
[11:26:14] I guess if that's
[11:26:15] our only option,
[11:26:16] yeah.
[11:26:16] If that's the plot critical thing to do, then yeah, I think I'll do it. i think my excuse
[11:26:32] lucas can take care of those guys lucas follow us because you got it wait he's not following us he's gonna tank uh those guys okay he's not going to get hurt oh they chased me anyways weird
[11:26:40] oh yeah see lucas scared these guys off yeah they were like come on fighting
[11:26:44] they're like we're not going to touch lucas yes he's a pro fighter. Yeah, get Nina.
[11:26:50] Alright so when we got that magnum it was for this boss fight with Anna coming up
[11:26:56] So we are on this bridge, and the bridge is
[11:27:00] falling apart.
[11:27:02] Like as you fight Anna.
[11:27:04] And if you fall through one of the holes
[11:27:06] in the bridge, you die instantly.
[11:27:08] Defibrillators don't help you oh however anna she flips away if
[11:27:12] she falls in one of the holes so it's like oh that's unfair but okay whatever
[11:27:16] but with the magnum specifically on the last shot
[11:27:19] of the magnum if you combo her she won't like flip out
[11:27:23] of the hole and i have no clue why it's like this but I'm gonna try to nail it first
[11:27:29] trying. See, she flips out but on the last bullet she should go in.
[11:27:34] And that's a boss skip.
[11:27:35] Nice!
[11:27:36] So that's Ana one done.
[11:27:39] Ana one
[11:27:40] her done.
[11:27:41] So that's a skip I found completely on accident.
[11:27:45] I guess I got really lucky when it was just like fighting her and I pulled out my magnum and I was like whoa she just died.
[11:27:52] And then I figured out that setup.
[11:27:54] So what happens during this cutscene
[11:27:55] is the monster that was running amok
[11:27:57] in this facility falls onto
[11:27:59] the bridge where Nina and Anna are fighting
[11:28:01] and Anna and Lucas fall And Anna and Lucas fall.
[11:28:04] So, Anna kind of disappears
[11:28:05] and Lucas needs help
[11:28:06] because he's getting chased
[11:28:07] by this giant golem.
[11:28:09] Oh no!
[11:28:09] I am going to save here again
[11:28:12] because the escort mission coming up is kind of random and Lucas can die pretty easily
[11:28:21] we're going to be escorting Lucas out of the building that's right we're gonna be escorting Lucas out of the building? That's right.
[11:28:24] We're gonna be escorting Lucas out
[11:28:26] of a scary situation with that scary monster.
[11:28:31] Peckinforce, most elite units.
[11:28:37] Pretty annoying guys.
[11:28:42] I mean, no match for Nina but still kind of annoying.
[11:28:45] Going back in here... We don't have to fight these guys, we're just running right here.
[11:28:50] Okay so we have a maze situation here.
[11:28:54] We have security cameras, we see the overlay of the kind of tunnel system that Lucas is in
[11:29:02] and it's our job to guide him out.
[11:29:05] Alright.
[11:29:06] It's like an escort mission, basically.
[11:29:08] Okay so I gotta pay attention for a sec.
[11:29:12] This is random.
[11:29:14] His starting position is usually left of the glowy F?
[11:29:20] I'm at a four-way intersection, going left I think.
[11:29:24] So the goal here is to go to
[11:29:26] the glowy L on the top right. There's a crowbar there. Left or straight, that sounds
[11:29:31] right! You should be heading to G right now. Uh,
[11:29:35] The glowy letters are where there are cameras so you see L,
[11:29:38] there's a crowbar.
[11:29:42] Okay so this is good.
[11:29:43] He's at G.
[11:29:44] So now he's going to get the straight or left. He's going to automatically turn right and end up at L.
[11:29:54] So the goal here is to not get him killed.
[11:29:56] We want to get him to crowbar and then get him to the exit without running into the monster which is always
[11:30:01] automatically tracking them and following him so we can't go back the way we came here's lucas it's a crowbar
[11:30:18] we're gonna make them go straight we're going to basically do a loopy loop um from l we're going to go down to h and then go all the way along the bottom from K to J to I.
[11:30:25] Uh, we might see the Golem on these cameras at some point.
[11:30:29] He's usually not far behind.
[11:30:33] Just waiting for him to get the H.
[11:30:35] I can go straight,
[11:30:39] so I'm actually going to turn right.
[11:30:42] Don't see that going.
[11:30:44] So Lucas is at the bottom right, he's heading towards K.
[11:30:49] He's at the four-way intersection.
[11:30:51] Yeah, just turn right at the bottom-right corner.
[11:30:55] Exciting stuff. This is intense! It kind of is.
[11:31:01] Uh... it IS intense—oh, I think I saw something.
[11:31:05] Oh, he should be heading to K soon.
[11:31:06] There he is.
[11:31:07] Hey Lucas.
[11:31:09] Run Lucas, run!
[11:31:12] Yeah, he's not very urgent at all.
[11:31:14] Windy walk
[11:31:18] What lurks in the darkness
[11:31:22] Okay, keep going straight please as fast as you can. Oh my gosh
[11:31:24] there he is. This is the these are called j statues i don't know what
[11:31:31] the j stands for really but we'll be seeing a lot more of them throughout the rest of the room.
[11:31:39] Alright, Lucas is coming up near the exit. He'll be showing up there.
[11:31:44] Okay.
[11:31:45] We're left and we're out.
[11:31:52] Okay this went actually really well
[11:31:56] This can be a stressful part because his starting position is random oh
[11:32:01] and if you can't pinpoint exactly where he is and if you make the wrong turn
[11:32:05] or you don't move fast enough lucas takes a lot of damage from the golem
[11:32:09] and depending on their position
[11:32:12] Lucas can get permanently
[11:32:13] comboed and you just immediately game over
[11:32:15] Oh so if he dies it's just game over
[11:32:17] I mean yeah that makes sense Okay well good job we got out of
[11:32:21] there yeah this is lucky rng actually in that in that case so now lucas got the crowbar and
[11:32:26] he broke himself out and the statue tried to chase him out but the tunnel collapsed down in the
[11:32:32] statute of course it did of course so now it's just us lucas chilling and we're gonna
[11:32:38] keep trying to make our way to this research facility that he keeps talking about
[11:32:42] in the cutscenes
[11:32:43] that you're not seeing.
[11:32:44] Can you imagine
[11:32:44] he's just making it all up?
[11:32:46] He very well could have been.
[11:32:48] He's making it up
[11:32:49] just to get Nina's autograph.
[11:32:50] But,
[11:32:52] oh, that's a good point.
[11:32:53] But Alan the other agent guy he did
[11:32:56] send Nina a map of the complex.
[11:32:58] Okay. Suspiciously he just always
[11:33:00] has a map ready to go.
[11:33:03] Alright we got that crowbar, we'll be using it too and I'm gonna grab this extra
[11:33:07] holster holding more firearms
[11:33:11] And then holding more firearms.
[11:33:17] And then we are going to... The whole point of all this
[11:33:19] in this area
[11:33:21] was to get the crowbar to open a hatch.
[11:33:24] It was always sitting there.
[11:33:25] Wow.
[11:33:26] But of course,
[11:33:28] you need to fight Anna and then guide Lucas
[11:33:29] through the maze.
[11:33:30] It just blends in
[11:33:31] with everything.
[11:33:32] Right here.
[11:33:33] Use crowbar. It's right here, used for a bar.
[11:33:35] That's actually so funny.
[11:33:36] There's even a cutscene for it.
[11:33:39] And we go down.
[11:33:42] Deeper
[11:33:42] into the depths of degrees.
[11:33:45] Deeper into the degrees.
[11:33:47] Deeper in degrees of death.
[11:33:52] And other than that one backup save I had to do, this is a pretty decent run so far.
[11:33:58] Nice! Yeah.
[11:33:59] Things are going swimmingly.
[11:34:00] Doesn't seem like there's been too many complications aside from that,
[11:34:03] So you're doing great.
[11:34:05] This is great. I'm having a good time
[11:34:06] this is everyone's oh great i love this for us
[11:34:11] just happy to show off nina i just think it's cool that she has her
[11:34:15] own game like there has her own game.
[11:34:16] She has her own game?
[11:34:17] Out of nowhere, like...
[11:34:18] I'm just betting that so many Tekken fans
[11:34:21] probably don't even know this game exists.
[11:34:23] I think the hardcore Tekken fans
[11:34:25] know it exists.
[11:34:26] The hardcore fans, for sure. But if you've just kind of played Tekken fans know it exists. Hardcore fans, for sure. But if you've just
[11:34:28] kind of played Tekken and even
[11:34:30] the PS2, like
[11:34:31] you probably have never heard of this. It didn't sell
[11:34:34] very well, even though it did have a
[11:34:36] considerable team behind it. I'm curious how many copies is sold now
[11:34:44] but this game was also made by namco when it was still just Namco.
[11:34:49] This was released the same year that Namco
[11:34:52] merged with
[11:34:53] Bandai.
[11:34:55] So this is one of the last pure
[11:34:57] Namco games.
[11:34:59] A Tekken side game featuring Nina Williams.
[11:35:04] Alright, so we let Lucas in through a lock as we swam him through a thing and now we're going to head into a cutscene
[11:35:09] and, nope.
[11:35:12] Not a cutscene. Seven cutscenes
[11:35:15] which we will be skipping
[11:35:16] all of them, which means we have eight load
[11:35:18] screens to go through.
[11:35:24] So I'll do my best to explain uh the plot unless you want to say an announcement there's plenty of time yeah i mean i mentioned this once before
[11:35:28] but i do want to mention it again that GDQ's next
[11:35:32] all-women and femme speedrunning event
[11:35:34] Flame Fatales is coming up
[11:35:36] August 18th through the 25th.
[11:35:38] So you can use the command exclamation mark
[11:35:40] FF in our Twitch chat to check out the schedule and let us know what you're
[11:35:43] looking forward to the most and then yeah see if you want to indulge us with some plot I would love
[11:35:49] to okay so at the bottom of The Ocean there's this thing called methane hydrate it's like
[11:35:54] bacteria on the ocean floor and this is all fictional fiction got it so when
[11:35:59] activated by electromagnets which are shot from satellites.
[11:36:04] That bacteria bubbles up
[11:36:06] and gets really hot. It's super
[11:36:08] fuel efficient.
[11:36:10] And it also causes ships to sink
[11:36:12] and lose track of their uh radar devices like it's it's something on
[11:36:18] the ocean floor that activates from the satellites in space and you can think
[11:36:22] ships from space okay but what is like the range on this thing uh lucas was smashing a man
[11:36:28] the range from space i just meant like in terms of underwater
[11:36:33] like how big is that area where ships can sink and things go?
[11:36:36] All over the world. Oh my gosh! The world... It's a satellite system all
[11:36:40] over the world. And not only can it sink ships, if all of it is activated
[11:36:44] at the same time It raises the ocean's
[11:36:47] levels and
[11:36:48] all of civilization will be
[11:36:51] flooded. Who would do that?
[11:36:52] We're in a scuba suit
[11:36:53] Who would do that, honestly?
[11:36:57] Only only a crazy person
[11:36:59] only somebody who hated oh my god this
[11:37:01] this camera change always messes with
[11:37:03] me
[11:37:04] okay oh wow nina even has the scuba suit on.
[11:37:07] Yeah.
[11:37:07] We're going to do some diving.
[11:37:10] Okay.
[11:37:11] So yeah, methane hydrate.
[11:37:14] It's activated by a satellite system that we've been talking about the super
[11:37:18] weapon system it's called celacia okay like salacious crumb from star wars but
[11:37:23] just celasia
[11:37:27] a very obscure star wars reference. Thank you, Saint.
[11:37:29] So that's what happened at the beginning of the game when a leaked video
[11:37:35] of a ship exploding and going underwater,
[11:37:39] it was the satellite system being tested.
[11:37:41] Ooh!
[11:37:43] That's... We're trying to stop global warming.
[11:37:45] It's NENA versus Global Warming Death by Degrees.
[11:37:49] Wow.
[11:37:50] I...
[11:37:52] wow.
[11:37:53] Yeah.
[11:37:56] So now we're in the research lab.
[11:37:58] It's been filled with poison gas or toxic gas and all the scientists have
[11:38:01] been killed to cover up this project.
[11:38:05] So that's why we have this mask in scuba suits so we can kind of traverse
[11:38:09] this area.
[11:38:15] And our goal now is to neutralize the gas, which means
[11:38:17] you got pick up two key items.
[11:38:18] This is one of them.
[11:38:22] It's a chlorine based detergent And the other one is like bleach or something, and we're going to put them both in the sprinkler system and turn it on,
[11:38:28] and that will solve the poison gas situation.
[11:38:30] Just bleach it, you know? Yeah, with detergent
[11:38:33] though so it smells good.
[11:38:35] So it also smells good.
[11:38:37] Listen, we're going to save the world and make sure it smells good in
[11:38:39] the process. Yes, exactly.
[11:38:41] The other item isn't bleach but I forget what it's called. It's some
[11:38:44] chemical. We're also going to stop at
[11:38:46] this armory puzzle and we're
[11:38:48] going to get some more weapons.
[11:38:58] ... Okay. The main thing we want here are the guns.
[11:39:03] Submachine gun and a shot-a.
[11:39:07] Shot-A?
[11:39:08] And there's also a defibrillator in this room that is a little hidden, but...
[11:39:13] I've played the game so I know it's here.
[11:39:20] Again, I don't trust the camera's angle,
[11:39:22] So I'm always holding R2 like this to control the camera.
[11:39:25] Right because... It's something that
[11:39:27] you probably- Oh calcium hydroxide I guess is what it's called? It's not bleach?
[11:39:33] Calcium hydroxy clean sure yeah
[11:39:41] we're gonna go put that in the sprinkler system okay
[11:39:43] sounds like a party i guess
[11:39:45] it's uh yeah it's pretty fun don't try this at home no
[11:39:51] no don't put chemicals in your sprinkler system don't do it at all right on
[11:39:59] unless you have like a toxic research facility situation going on special circumstances.
[11:40:06] Yeah, what's really weird is this fog effect over the game it really does not work in the emulator
[11:40:16] oh really like i originally uh emulated this game game and legally ripped it from my copy of the
[11:40:21] game.
[11:40:22] And I played on an emulator.
[11:40:24] Yeah when you're in this area there's just like squares that are floating everywhere.
[11:40:29] Oh! It looks really bad. It looks fine here. just like squares that are floating everywhere.
[11:40:30] Oh!
[11:40:31] It looks really bad.
[11:40:32] It looks fine here,
[11:40:33] fine enough,
[11:40:35] but then it really struggles.
[11:40:36] I'd be kind of curious to see the visual comparison.
[11:40:38] It sounds really funny.
[11:40:40] Yeah. HD remake when oh could you imagine
[11:40:45] the people want nina make the load screens like non-existent please
[11:40:50] i don't know this is is a pretty interesting story.
[11:40:52] I feel like if they did remake it
[11:40:54] I'd play it.
[11:40:55] They should just...
[11:40:57] PlayStation 6 exclusive!
[11:41:00] PlayStation 6. Come on! Let's do this. exclusive please come on with the console that would be epic it's a fire alarm activate it
[11:41:09] sure is it says break glass n Nina just presses it like a button.
[11:41:19] She broke it off camera.
[11:41:21] Yeah she wanted to be discreet
[11:41:25] there we go we solved it so we had to do that because the doors
[11:41:30] leaving this area would not open otherwise made a good question come in from chat is there a limit to
[11:41:37] the air that you can breathe or nina's wearing the suit and she's completely it's infinite in
[11:41:41] the soup okay so yeah if nina's wearing the suit she doesn't have to worry about um suffocating
[11:41:46] suffocating or swimming underwater i think you have infinite uh air oh okay well that's uh
[11:41:52] that's nice for the gamers you don't have to stress about that kind of thing big dub for the gamers. You don't have to stress about that kind of thing.
[11:41:56] It's a big dub for the gamers.
[11:41:57] I mean, yeah it can focus more on your fighting technique.
[11:42:01] Yeah in swimming form. Okay, so at this point
[11:42:09] Now that we've unlocked some doors
[11:42:11] And cleared the gas from this area
[11:42:13] Lucas has actually gone ahead on without us
[11:42:16] And he is looking for The evidence by himself Lucas has actually gone ahead on without us.
[11:42:19] And he is looking for the evidence by himself.
[11:42:19] Oh, no!
[11:42:22] So a bit silly on his part,
[11:42:25] but he seems to be doing something on his own.
[11:42:26] Lucas, what are you doin'?
[11:42:27] But we're just going to continue our search
[11:42:29] investigating this facility looking for Lucas and evidence
[11:42:34] And uh, we're going to stumble upon
[11:42:42] a bit of a brutal oh gosh they got me
[11:42:45] a bit of a brutal left by the G.A. statue beast.
[11:42:55] And I think I'm actually going to kill these guys for some extra cash.
[11:43:02] They're doing me a little more trouble than they are. kill these guys for some exp. Now I haven't really seen you, like...
[11:43:04] Or maybe I'm just not reading
[11:43:06] the game well? But
[11:43:08] how do you level up your skills? Is there a menu?
[11:43:11] I've not leveled up anything at all.
[11:43:13] I see. Okay.
[11:43:15] I will admit that I have been saving my skill points though.
[11:43:17] The main things to get from leveling up are more crit meter
[11:43:21] um and skill points to spend but i haven't
[11:43:24] had enough necessarily to um finally got it
[11:43:28] to make any worthwhile upgrades yeah Yeah, exactly. I see.
[11:43:31] I may just...
[11:43:37] Nice! They're just dropping the candy.
[11:43:40] That was nice of them game thank you thank you thank you
[11:43:47] uh maybe i will check how many skill points i have
[11:43:51] well don't let me pressure you. Now I'm worried.
[11:43:53] I was just like...I heard you talk about
[11:43:57] the skill points and I'm like... Yeah yeah, let's talk about it. Let's get in
[11:44:01] the menu here. Because this is a good point
[11:44:03] um i'm gonna give melee proficiency okay i actually needed
[11:44:09] yeah i have enough for two of my other proficiency this makes my
[11:44:12] weapons not break as fast.
[11:44:14] Ooh, that's nice!
[11:44:16] Actually did mean to save there.
[11:44:18] We have a double boss fight coming up. Like three phases of two different bosses.
[11:44:22] So I'm gonna go ahead and just plan a save here.
[11:44:29] I think the timer's wrong because of the backup save, but it's no biggie.
[11:44:34] We'll rely on the real timer in the...
[11:44:39] Yeah, there is a timer at the end of the run right?
[11:44:42] Yeah but mine is skewed because of the backup save
[11:44:44] Oh I see
[11:44:45] So we will rely on rta right so we're gonna fight that jay
[11:44:48] statue that we saw chasing lucas that was a jade statue a j the letter j dash statue oh it's called I thought you said James no no that would be cool
[11:45:01] all right we're gonna start with a double crit on its little robot brain take that yeah
[11:45:14] bust your system
[11:45:19] gonna go ahead and heal because i suspect that will be taking a little damage
[11:45:25] all right so this guy he launches these little drones they gotta dodge periodically
[11:45:33] and then once they attack fly by two times or sorry three times
[11:45:42] they uh aim at you and they launch some missiles but if you run around the boss they'll hit him instead
[11:45:45] so it does a little extra damage to him so my strat for this guy is to do the first attack of the katana combo
[11:45:52] over and over that seems to kind of do the most damage the first
[11:45:58] attack if you do a full combo it doesn't necessarily
[11:46:02] it's not like very dps efficient i guess right you don't want to waste the moves
[11:46:07] oh he got me i thought was part of the way enough. Laying the smack down on Nina.
[11:46:12] He literally did a wrestling move.
[11:46:16] It was a smackdown.
[11:46:20] Kia! Alright, so that's phase one
[11:46:25] the only thing different in phase two
[11:46:26] for this statue is
[11:46:28] he uses flamethrowers
[11:46:31] more and...
[11:46:32] Oh!
[11:46:33] I actually didn't even know he could jump off the wall wrestling style in Phase 1.
[11:46:37] I thought that was a Phase 2 joint, but um,
[11:46:40] I guess you can just do it anytime
[11:46:45] for me honestly again we're just gonna keep trying to dodge those
[11:46:50] drones they're coming again again. One hit, let's not see that one.
[11:46:56] Can't come one more time.
[11:46:58] Or no, they're shooting lasers now.
[11:46:59] Just make sure they hit the statue.
[11:47:05] Just walking to get stunned
[11:47:08] oh yeah Alan's over there now
[11:47:11] he's charging up the super laser
[11:47:12] okay
[11:47:14] he's gonna finish it off for us once we get this thing rolling So, one last crit on him.
[11:47:32] Alright he's pretty low... I think...
[11:47:46] If we get him in front of the cannon, it should just end the fight but sometimes it's easier to just kill him. Okay he's gonna do his flamethrower attack
[11:47:51] this is fine
[11:47:54] you know what i'm going to get out my gap
[11:48:00] oh forgot about those guys come on saint
[11:48:06] okay nice ended and then alan finishes them off with a laser beam.
[11:48:11] That's actually the weapon that satellite uses, it's like an electromagnet laser
[11:48:17] so that was just sitting around as a test
[11:48:20] version of it, but that's technically
[11:48:22] what's in the satellites that makes
[11:48:24] the global warming happen. The testing
[11:48:26] facility. This all makes sense in the context
[11:48:28] of the story, I promise. I believe you.
[11:48:30] So, make another cheeky save
[11:48:33] real quick.
[11:48:34] Just because the boss fight coming up
[11:48:36] is with Enrique again.
[11:48:38] It's the final fight with him. Benicio del Toro.
[11:48:42] Legally distinct Benicio
[11:48:43] Del Toro.
[11:48:45] But we have a special
[11:48:47] strategy for him
[11:48:48] because he does a lot of damage,
[11:48:51] he's unpredictable
[11:48:52] and he has a lot of health.
[11:48:55] So what is our strategy?
[11:48:57] Our strategy
[11:48:57] is to use
[11:48:59] the J statue
[11:49:00] which is running rampant during this fight
[11:49:03] charge both nina and enrique so it does damage to him until he has half health
[11:49:09] and then the j statute kind of runs off and breaks down. And then
[11:49:13] we are going to double crit him,
[11:49:15] and then use the rail gun, and that will finish
[11:49:17] off the rest of his health.
[11:49:19] Alright, let's do it. So instead of engaging
[11:49:21] him in direct combat, which is really how you lose
[11:49:23] a lot of health and burn through a lot of meal kits.
[11:49:26] He's very aggressive.
[11:49:28] And he's good at blocking too.
[11:49:30] He's good at blocking as well.
[11:49:31] Yeah, and he blocks everything.
[11:49:36] So we're just gonna try to avoid him...
[11:49:39] Well, try not to get charged ourselves.
[11:49:43] We keep baiting him over here to hang out with the J statue.
[11:49:44] The J statue.
[11:49:46] The J statue's like a little puppy.
[11:49:49] Or a big puppy in this case.
[11:49:50] This statue's supposed to target the boss actually but sometimes it just goes
[11:49:53] in that direction.
[11:49:57] Okay. but sometimes he just goes in a direction. There we go!
[11:49:59] He's a good boy.
[11:50:00] He is a floppy little puppy!
[11:50:01] Yeah, he looks like a sloppier puppy.
[11:50:05] So I want to distract him kind of because he actually dodges the step
[11:50:10] with this charge so you want to get him in a block
[11:50:15] animation or...
[11:50:19] You want him to start?
[11:50:20] No! Not me.
[11:50:39] Just hanging out with them Now does the J statue do like a significant amount of damage when it doesn't? Yeah, so you see the health that he's lost so far yeah that is a significant amount of damage okay so that was from one hit
[11:50:44] come on he's going kind of badly but we'll be all right
[11:50:50] go ahead and burn a medium milk cat get into my big stuff Come on. oh come on
[11:51:13] yeah sometimes he has like a ranged weapon that comes out super fast This statue's not really helping out right now.
[11:51:28] Yeah, the statue is just killing!
[11:51:30] Uncharacteristically terrible right now.
[11:51:34] Usually he targets him and goes...
[11:51:36] There we go.
[11:51:38] Who's a good boy?
[11:51:40] You gotta kinda, kinda...
[11:51:44] Kinda line him up in a weird way.
[11:51:48] Yeah, just actually like he won't- Yucky! Stay there. Ugh, come on!
[11:51:53] No!
[11:51:57] Charge!
[11:52:01] Oh, I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! no
[11:52:08] charge how did that not hit him he's like going right around just like clipped around them oh my gosh.
[11:52:18] This can go really fast,
[11:52:19] but it's not. I mean the statue is just
[11:52:23] not really cooperating with he's not cooperating
[11:52:25] and even though he ran right into him that last time he like doesn't do damage because
[11:52:29] just hit i don't know weird programming of something.
[11:52:38] He's close though, he's close to half health
[11:52:41] that's all we need is for him to be half health This is really bad You're pathetic.
[11:52:47] He's just running in the walls.
[11:52:53] Okay, he should be right there.
[11:52:56] That's go.
[11:52:59] Taking a little too much damage
[11:53:03] but it's honestly still faster than chip damaging him constantly
[11:53:07] He is below half health. The J statue is going to go
[11:53:09] get incapacitated on the wall
[11:53:11] but we're going to finish him off now.
[11:53:13] We're going to double crit
[11:53:15] Get out our reaper Ooh.
[11:53:21] Get out our railgun, target him...
[11:53:23] One, two...
[11:53:26] Oh come on! What the heck?
[11:53:28] Okay I just don't wanna die. I don't want to die i don't use the d-bit on this guy
[11:53:32] yeah just have your meal kits this is how overly aggressive he is.
[11:53:42] Ugh, come on. He has like no health.
[11:53:44] Alright shotgun does nothing.
[11:53:47] That's weird you should be dead by now.
[11:53:49] This is stressing me out.
[11:53:51] Okay.
[11:53:54] Good job. He is the hardest fight in the game.
[11:53:57] He's harder than the final boss,
[11:53:58] any of the final few bosses.
[11:54:00] Ooh, okay, okay okay enrique is uh super dead now he's super dead
[11:54:04] super bad that dead he's not coming back i should let the cutscene play out but
[11:54:09] he watches nina watch
[11:54:11] walk away as he dies and he's like what a nice view
[11:54:14] and then he just dies well he got to see
[11:54:18] the beautiful nino before he died yeah all of her glory
[11:54:23] all right now before he died. All of her glory. Alright, now
[11:54:24] we are going to get out
[11:54:26] of here. We gotta find
[11:54:28] Lucas. Oh yeah, shit, where's
[11:54:30] Lucas?
[11:54:32] So Enrique was holding onto Lucas Oh yeah, shit. Where's Lucas?
[11:54:33] So Enrique was holding on to Lucas and he got the
[11:54:35] evidence. Lucas
[11:54:37] got the evidence then Enrique took it from him
[11:54:39] and then in the midst of the fight
[11:54:41] that we were just in, Lucas took the evidence and ran away.
[11:54:44] Okay. So now we're tracking him down
[11:54:46] and seeing what happened with him.
[11:54:48] Well he must be like relatively nearby
[11:54:50] then. He must be relatively nearby.
[11:54:52] Surely. I'm going to take a little bit of a detour.
[11:54:55] This is an optional ladder.
[11:54:57] It's a tall ladder, but it's very much worth it
[11:55:00] because we're going to get the second strongest melee weapon in the game.
[11:55:05] Ooh, and what is that? It's called a Ripper
[11:55:07] Blade. The Ripper Blade.
[11:55:09] It's a huge sword.
[11:55:11] Okay. And we'll be taking
[11:55:13] this to the end of the game?
[11:55:15] Uh yeah, we'll be taking this to the end of the game? Yeah, well, we'll be using it in the final few sections really.
[11:55:20] Okay cool.
[11:55:21] It's in this... it's hard for me to tell sometimes what the pictures are when you do these puzzles
[11:55:34] some kind of mythological stuff okay so the ripper blade is something that we're
[11:55:38] going to see a lot of upcoming enemies using they're like cyborg soldiers oh okay and it's
[11:55:43] gonna introduce this whole subplot within the game
[11:55:47] that Komita is also working on cyborg soldiers.
[11:55:50] Of course they are.
[11:55:52] Which Nina was planned to be used as an experiment.
[11:55:55] Oh, no.
[11:55:56] But she's not going to fall for that. She can't. Oh no.
[11:56:01] She can't.
[11:56:14] So, like were they trying to clone her first no we're just gonna make her a cyborg okay they're just going to mod her they're going to mod her Get a new graphics card
[11:56:20] or something.
[11:56:21] And oh no, Lucas is dead.
[11:56:25] No!
[11:56:26] Alan is here. What did Alan do?
[11:56:28] Alan apparently found him here.
[11:56:31] Uh-uh, I don't trust Alan.
[11:56:33] Mysterious.
[11:56:34] I don't trust Alan.
[11:56:35] He says he's going to tell us that Lana Leigh did it and we're gonna take lucas's sure blame
[11:56:41] it on lana yeah that's messed up so we just took
[11:56:44] lucas's pocket watch um lucas liked that pocket watch a lot
[11:56:49] and he checks it in the cut scene sometimes
[11:56:52] and i think you're supposed to go hmm why is he checking that pocket watch
[11:56:55] all the time oh i bet there's a secret thing in it
[11:56:58] maybe so we got it uh alan didn't know about it, but
[11:57:02] we did. Okay. And that's like
[11:57:05] plot thickens,
[11:57:07] right? Yeah, the plot thickens
[11:57:08] for sure. Right now, we're just
[11:57:10] escaping the island with Alan and we're just escaping the island with Alan and
[11:57:13] we're just doing one last backtrack
[11:57:15] through the whole facility. It's like a
[11:57:17] best of
[11:57:18] run. Exactly
[11:57:21] Get your camera
[11:57:22] On your left you'll see Exactly. Get your camera!
[11:57:24] On your left, you'll see the dingy prison that we broke out in.
[11:57:28] And on your right another dingy prison.
[11:57:30] Even more garbage.
[11:57:35] See ya.
[11:57:37] We're outta here.
[11:57:39] The sound effect for Nina's
[11:57:41] like, wave dash is so
[11:57:43] funny to me. It's crunchy?
[11:57:45] Yeah, it's crunchy! It's like a crunchy
[11:57:47] sweep. I find that
[11:57:49] entertaining. It's like an auto-generated
[11:57:51] gamer tag.
[11:57:53] Crunch, crunch, crunch.
[11:57:55] It's Nina eating on the go, surely.
[11:57:57] Gordita crunch.
[11:57:58] Oh gosh.
[11:58:01] Oops, camera shenanigans.
[11:58:08] You get to hear this music intro a lot. I'm okay with it.
[11:58:10] The bailing guitar.
[11:58:12] Yeah, remember this place. Good times.
[11:58:23] Alright, heading back to the outside area.
[11:58:26] So we're heading back up to the rooftops where
[11:58:29] we did that last sniper sequence, but this time Alan is involved and we gotta protect
[11:58:34] him in the sniper sequence. That is the last thing we're doing on this island before we head out. Excuse me.
[11:58:50] Alright, we're gonna take this elevator
[11:58:52] and they are just once again
[11:58:54] helpless to stop Nina.
[11:58:57] We'll just watch her go up the
[11:58:58] elevator.
[11:59:06] A funny thing about this part
[11:59:08] coming up is there's like the wire
[11:59:11] we had to cross
[11:59:12] to get to this one tower.
[11:59:16] It's electrified
[11:59:17] now because we powered on
[11:59:19] the elevator, so it's like if you try to climb the wire now because we powered on the elevator.
[11:59:20] So it's like if you try to climb the wire while it's turned on,
[11:59:23] You'll get knocked off and you're supposed to turn it off so Alan can take
[11:59:27] The wire but you really don't even have to do it.
[11:59:30] You just leave it on and he'll cross it anyway.
[11:59:32] Okay, so Alan is...
[11:59:34] So you're supposed to turn this off and then go up
[11:59:36] this ladder and take out a sniper
[11:59:37] but you don't have to turn that
[11:59:39] power off. That's really funny. I i mean i guess they expect you to turn it off for courtesy So we're just gonna take this sniper out. Actually should have grabbed him for an instant kill, but...
[11:59:55] Gonna grab these grenades and as this guy dies
[11:59:59] We'll start the sniper sequence
[12:00:04] Same deal as the last time,
[12:00:06] except we're just protecting Alan.
[12:00:08] See? He's on our line anyways.
[12:00:10] We didn't have to turn it off. So he's gonna go
[12:00:12] jack the helicopter while we protect him, and we're relying on him to come and pick us up so we can escape.
[12:00:20] Hopefully.
[12:00:21] Hopefully.
[12:00:22] He will pick us up.
[12:00:23] That's the plan.
[12:00:24] Right? he will pick us up that's the plan right
[12:00:26] right right he's a good guy right maybe there it goes i'm not controlling
[12:00:34] this but i will be soon.
[12:00:38] Uh oh! Trouble!
[12:00:40] Could have seen this coming.
[12:00:42] Oh no... Are the cyborgs here now?
[12:00:44] No, not yet.
[12:00:53] The sniper has a bit of a sway on it.
[12:00:57] What are you doing?
[12:01:00] Alan will just be judging of you no matter how you perform during this fight.
[12:01:03] You can literally get headshots instantly every time and he'll just be complaining it's madness i say hurry up
[12:01:11] what are you doing
[12:01:15] they'll also say that he's running out of ammo, but he has infinite ammo.
[12:01:20] So he's just a liar.
[12:01:22] He has to make it seem urgent you know?
[12:01:25] Yeah, he's just a... whatever do we call him?
[12:01:42] Like, liar-liar-liar just a whatever you call it like lighter light of fence on by degrees I'm trying to shoot them. That's what I think I am doing.
[12:01:48] Okay, now she start spawning back here...
[12:01:55] Oh, there's more.
[12:01:57] Right, there is one more wave on the ground.
[12:02:01] So this is the final sniper sequence?
[12:02:03] Yeah, this is the last sniper sequence we're gonna be seeing.
[12:02:05] Okay.
[12:02:09] We've got these really far away guys. Got some nice shots there.
[12:02:12] Nice, those guys are kind of tough
[12:02:16] because they are so far away
[12:02:18] Two rooftop rows at the same time
[12:02:22] Come on rose at the same time
[12:02:35] then the next place they spawn is here. Alright.
[12:02:39] Oops, thought that guy was dead.
[12:02:43] We're gonna be down here.
[12:02:46] See, this sniper section is a lot better because it doesn't
[12:02:48] load three different times
[12:02:50] while you're doing the sniper section.
[12:02:52] It just continues spawning people. I find
[12:02:54] that weird that it was giving you loading
[12:02:57] screens at all in the last
[12:02:59] mission. There's some questionable
[12:03:01] load screen related
[12:03:02] decisions in this game.
[12:03:05] Yeah, I mean maybe just limitations at the time.
[12:03:08] I don't know.
[12:03:09] It was definitely a point of
[12:03:11] criticism when this game did come out.
[12:03:13] It got kind of 50s along the board and load screens were definitely up
[12:03:19] there with a lot of reasons for it not being so well received, which is understandable.
[12:03:26] You don't want to sit there and go through a door,
[12:03:29] oh I gotta load again.
[12:03:30] I mean at least not during a mission
[12:03:33] maybe you know between missions sure forgivable
[12:03:36] but it's a bit weird it was a different time it was 2005 okay
[12:03:45] i do want to say uh too if y'all are enjoying the run make sure you follow Saint on his
[12:03:50] YouTube channel that's slash saint million and uh if you're enjoying the
[12:03:55] run subscribe while you're there!
[12:03:57] I'm sure he would appreciate it.
[12:04:01] True, true.
[12:04:05] Oh yeah, you can shoot Alan too.
[12:04:08] Oh snap! He doesn't have a comment
[12:04:09] on that? No. That is so funny.
[12:04:12] You won't complain but when you're doing everything
[12:04:13] perfectly... He waves at you!
[12:04:15] He's like, thanks! Nice shot, Nina.
[12:04:17] You're doing great up there.
[12:04:23] Okay so Alan got the helicopter.
[12:04:28] Okay.
[12:04:33] He has secured the chopper.
[12:04:35] Damn!
[12:04:37] This is a straight up movie. Whoa!
[12:04:42] I can skip this I'm just laying it away because it looks kind of cool
[12:04:44] There's Anna
[12:04:44] She's so furious
[12:04:49] Sibling, rivalry, etc.
[12:04:53] Etc.
[12:04:55] Alright.
[12:04:57] Now
[12:04:57] we were escaping
[12:05:00] and we got back to the boat.
[12:05:03] We got shot down near the boat
[12:05:04] and we had to land near the boat.
[12:05:07] And Nina, she's got a new outfit.
[12:05:09] She's got a final outfit.
[12:05:10] There are cyborgs now. A lot's happened.
[12:05:12] So these are the cyborgs in question?
[12:05:15] These are the cyborgs.
[12:05:16] We got this one.
[12:05:19] Defibrillator, and Nino lands
[12:05:21] through the window of the captain's room
[12:05:22] but we are back on the boat from the beginning of the game.
[12:05:26] Okay.
[12:05:26] So we will be doing some backtracking, but there are...
[12:05:29] We now have access to inaccessible stuff from earlier.
[12:05:35] Rooms, sorry.
[12:05:36] So we're going to make our way
[12:05:39] through the boat
[12:05:41] and our current quest is
[12:05:42] our current quest is uh
[12:05:49] our current quest is uh to stop the super weapon i think at this point lucas is dead oh we have a puzzle r.i.p
[12:05:52] goes ab goes a b
[12:06:01] and then cd
[12:06:07] can you guess the last part i don't't know, is it F-E? No we're done. It was a B C D
[12:06:11] That's all you need
[12:06:13] Good job
[12:06:15] Now we got blank card for our efforts
[12:06:20] which were immediately going to turn into a level one pass key
[12:06:26] a blue card.
[12:06:28] So there are, there's blue doors
[12:06:32] There's yellow doors and there are red doors now
[12:06:36] Three new levels of access that we need gosh that sound scared me i'm so sorry it's okay
[12:06:43] kind of a unique puzzle here there's like the flag um there's like a boat system with flags yeah it's
[12:06:52] like a nautical flag I don't exactly remember what each flag means but yes
[12:06:58] in this system two are Romeo and Juliet putting those
[12:07:01] in opens a painting of Romeo and Juliet
[12:07:04] And we pick up a secret medallion behind
[12:07:07] the painting.
[12:07:08] This is the executive boardroom from earlier
[12:07:10] Oh it's a nice boardroom
[12:07:12] So now we can open these
[12:07:14] doors that we couldn't go into before
[12:07:16] so it's real masterful
[12:07:19] backtracking design going on here.
[12:07:22] So you like pretty much remember the layout from before,
[12:07:25] like it's easier to go through the boat since you've already done it?
[12:07:28] Yeah yeah so you go out that door and you're like, oh I'm here!
[12:07:32] Oh yeah!
[12:07:33] Oh yeah this place.
[12:07:35] So fun.
[12:07:36] And then uh...
[12:07:38] Well things are a little different on the boat now
[12:07:40] There's cyborgs everywhere, there's Jay statues sitting there...
[12:07:44] They don't actually activate unless you run close enough to them so...
[12:07:47] Oh! That's convenient?
[12:07:49] You just pass by them without a problem.
[12:07:53] These guys are here,
[12:07:55] can't wait for them to close the door so I can enter. That's the weirdest
[12:07:57] thing about this.
[12:07:59] Yeah. The door is wide open, but you still
[12:08:01] gotta wait, you know?
[12:08:06] Until you put in your own fingerprint yeah it's like you're not allowed to go through the locked gate at the private community and your fingerprints
[12:08:13] what you stole!
[12:08:15] So right now, with that medallion we got...
[12:08:19] It's part of a puzzle that is reminiscent or direct reference to Metal Gear 2, I think.
[12:08:27] So you have to take it to a cold place so the medallion changes
[12:08:32] to a certain type of medallion and they take it
[12:08:34] to a warm place so it changes to a certain type of medallion and they take it to a warm place, so it
[12:08:36] changes to a different medallion.
[12:08:38] It's like a hot-cold puzzle.
[12:08:40] Oh yeah, there's that puzzle
[12:08:42] like that in the movie.
[12:08:44] Death by degrees. So we're heading to the cooler that we fought Bryson oh so long ago.
[12:08:49] Is he just in there?
[12:08:51] No, Bryce is dead.
[12:08:52] Oh okay but I mean like...
[12:08:54] Is his body in there?
[12:09:03] We'll see no bryce's body is somewhere else and uh but we will see brian's body okay that's weird i didn't Just a little spoiler there
[12:09:08] That makes no sense
[12:09:10] Alright back into the cooler
[12:09:12] Still blood here
[12:09:14] There has been no time
[12:09:16] But they did empty this cooler out of all
[12:09:19] of the meat that was hanging around.
[12:09:20] Oh, good!
[12:09:21] But instead...
[12:09:23] They didn't move our dead agent friend.
[12:09:26] He's still here.
[12:09:27] But there are new
[12:09:28] cyborgs here all right so our crest turned into a
[12:09:32] cold medan chimera crust and there's also a large meal kit here
[12:09:36] the biggest deal in the game we're gonna grab that i'm just trying to take oh
[12:09:44] they use that large meal kit that was a big hit geez
[12:09:48] i don't think i've ever been hit by that. That's why they
[12:09:51] give you the big can.
[12:09:53] That's where they pay them the big bucks.
[12:09:57] Yeah, get out of there. Oh my gosh.
[12:09:59] Yeah, that was terrible. I basically just picked up an item to use
[12:10:02] that's probably why it's there yeah they know you're gonna get hit by the cyborgs
[12:10:08] it's good game design really
[12:10:16] and the cool thing about being on the boat again is that
[12:10:19] all of the items that you picked up before that have fixed placements,
[12:10:22] they respawned this time around.
[12:10:26] So...
[12:10:26] Oh, that's convenient.
[12:10:29] Earlier I kind of ran
[12:10:30] and picked up another large mule kit that was in the room we're
[12:10:33] going into right now because it respawned. So it's kind of useful if you have like knowledge
[12:10:39] of where certain items are. Like this water bottle is here again so we're gonna grab that as well. Oh yeah,
[12:10:44] I mean if you know where it is and it's kind of on the
[12:10:46] way. Exactly. It's like copy-paste
[12:10:48] all the items are back.
[12:10:51] Like someone just went in
[12:10:52] and reset an escape room or something
[12:10:55] this yacht is just a big elaborate escape yeah
[12:11:00] so now our goal is to use this cold medallion um,
[12:11:05] to get a chimera key
[12:11:07] and then we're gonna go to
[12:11:09] a hot room
[12:11:11] and I get
[12:11:12] the medallion changes into a hot thing and you get a second that's hard and it's it's a good puzzle
[12:11:23] so we're gonna go this way so the place we need to turn in this ice medallion is actually in Lana Leigh's room, so...
[12:11:30] Where are we putting it?
[12:11:31] In the fridge or...?
[12:11:32] There is a good question.
[12:11:33] Her mini-fridge?
[12:11:34] Sure!
[12:11:35] There is a slot. Her mini-prinj? Sure.
[12:11:36] There's a slot...
[12:11:39] It's hard to describe all the puzzles in this game as you're going through them, but
[12:11:44] there's like a display with a ship, like a little
[12:11:47] model ship and
[12:11:49] you put the key in
[12:11:52] where that is and then the glass comes
[12:11:54] down and then there's a key in the ship.
[12:12:01] Okay. let's trust the process i'll believe it when i see it what guns do i have oh i didn't use all of my
[12:12:05] shots
[12:12:08] just gonna do it What did you use on Enrique, the railgun?
[12:12:12] Yes.
[12:12:13] Do you have any more of that?
[12:12:14] No.
[12:12:15] We used all three shots on Enrique.
[12:12:16] Yeah okay.
[12:12:18] The assault rifle is useful,
[12:12:20] I definitely want that more than the submachine gun
[12:12:22] which comes in handy for
[12:12:25] a couple boss fights coming up.
[12:12:28] Okay.
[12:12:30] So we're going to a familiar
[12:12:33] Lana Leigh's apartment
[12:12:35] here for quarters. We're just gonna, like,
[12:12:37] go back to her closet and, like, steal
[12:12:39] more clothes? Yes!
[12:12:41] Exactly. I'm gonna go on Poshmark her closet and steal more clothes. Yes, exactly.
[12:12:43] I'm going to go on Poshmark and get revolver clothes.
[12:12:45] Alright, so here's the ship.
[12:12:48] So we're going to put in
[12:12:49] the medallion
[12:12:52] and So we're going to put in the medallion. And the glass is going to come down, and then there's a key in the ship.
[12:12:58] Chimera Key.
[12:12:59] And do not forget to take the medallion back, which I did in my casual playthrough before running through the rest of the ship.
[12:13:04] You can actually leave it there even though you need it.
[12:13:07] So you can't leave it there?
[12:13:09] Oh well you can leave it there but you're not supposed to. You're not going to beat the game if you leave it there. can leave it there. You're not supposed to.
[12:13:13] Just leave it there.
[12:13:15] It stays there, doesn't go back in your inventory yet
[12:13:17] Right.
[12:13:21] So because we are back on the ship and everything has respawned
[12:13:25] we can go back up into this aquarium attic and get the extra defibrillator
[12:13:31] because it has respond so this is also optional,
[12:13:34] but... Might as well.
[12:13:36] I'd say that the three
[12:13:38] crits it gives you for
[12:13:40] having it
[12:13:42] kind of makes it worth all the time. Yeah, I would agree with you and it's a full heal for a boss fight the last couple boss fights can kind of like burn your health down and you might use extra defibrillators. Right. Especially for a
[12:13:56] no reset type setting.
[12:13:58] Now, did you level up
[12:13:59] for that third crit slot?
[12:14:02] No, we're going to get more levels
[12:14:04] as we finish the game here.
[12:14:06] So, we're going to skip Lana Leigh's room actually.
[12:14:08] We're just going out this way...
[12:14:12] We didn't go out this way before because we didn't have to.
[12:14:16] But there is a water
[12:14:17] bottle in here, and again
[12:14:19] I haven't used any water bottles
[12:14:21] this whole run because I'm saving them
[12:14:23] for the final boss. So we're gonna
[12:14:25] chug water right near the end
[12:14:29] so remind me again what does a water bottle do it gives you critical gauge scenario okay
[12:14:34] so it's kind of like mana but it's critical gauge. Mana? Yeah.
[12:14:38] Nina's mana. Her magic.
[12:14:42] Magic.
[12:14:42] Slow motion time magic. Yes.
[12:14:44] Makes sense. Checks out.
[12:14:46] I don't know. I see a little blue bar. My brain
[12:14:49] goes for the manna.
[12:14:51] We have laggy area here,
[12:14:54] so we're going to position our camera
[12:14:55] down. That's because there are
[12:14:57] so many cyborgs up on this platform.
[12:15:00] But they're all standing around this
[12:15:01] ripper blade that we want, and
[12:15:04] once we pick it up, they activate.
[12:15:07] Um...
[12:15:07] So... Even though there's tons of them, they only activate like four at a time.
[12:15:14] But I am going to try and kill a few of them.
[12:15:32] I do want these wheel kits extra and i'm also going for the extra XP that they provide.
[12:15:37] Go grenades
[12:15:38] action there.
[12:15:42] They also dropped
[12:15:43] medium kicks, which is
[12:15:44] pretty good. Alright, so they gave us
[12:15:47] some extra points.
[12:15:49] Six skill points. I forgot that
[12:15:50] you actually don't get a lot of skill points with the
[12:15:54] ranged weapons but that's okay we got one more kits we were a bit short after uh the enrique fight
[12:16:08] we're gonna get a ton of skill points when we fight more J statues, which are coming up.
[12:16:11] There's actually three that we have to fight on this ship.
[12:16:13] That are just as big as the previous one? They're just as big and
[12:16:14] even badder than before. Bigger
[12:16:17] and badder. You thought we
[12:16:19] were done with J statues, we're
[12:16:20] just getting started.
[12:16:22] One two and three
[12:16:24] coming.
[12:16:25] That was just the prototype.
[12:16:28] The pro2
[12:16:30] What the hell is a protoo?
[12:16:33] Y'all won't get it forget it
[12:16:35] If you know you know
[12:16:41] all right gonna sweep on back through here but again angling my camera down because there are so many enemies up there that just lags your game.
[12:16:49] So we went into the boiler room there, I kind of skimmed over it
[12:16:51] or didn't mention it but
[12:16:52] went to the boiler room, medallion changed
[12:16:55] to a different type of medallion.
[12:16:57] And now we're going to go deposit
[12:16:59] that medallion and get the second key
[12:17:01] that we need
[12:17:01] to proceed to the final lair
[12:17:04] of the ship,
[12:17:06] which is a submarine a secret submarine are we going diving depot
[12:17:11] are we about to get uh thunderball in here or sector ball yeah maybe no there's no more swimming well okay
[12:17:20] that's a lie there is swimming but not in the deep diving sense it's like a
[12:17:24] submarine bay it's not a harpoon fight or anything
[12:17:28] no no it's it's a submarine bay nina is going to be
[12:17:31] submarine bay that was bad joke
[12:17:53] all right we're going to take the elevator straight up to the fourth floor which is where we need to put a very familiar area here. Basically the beginning of the game.
[12:17:56] This game makes plentiful use of all of its uh areas and backtracking but the ship it's
[12:18:06] nighttime on the ship now which is a bit different okay as well go ahead in this big aquarium put in the
[12:18:15] unicorn medallion
[12:18:19] and we will get the unicorn key and we can leave the Medallion.
[12:18:22] We don't need it anymore.
[12:18:24] We're out of here.
[12:18:25] We're not fighting these Cyborgs.
[12:18:26] They're way too powerful.
[12:18:29] But we got the Medallion.
[12:18:31] We got...
[12:18:31] We've got the key that we need.
[12:18:32] We left a medallion because we don't need it anymore.
[12:18:35] So with these two keys,
[12:18:37] we're going to go down to the first floor
[12:18:39] to that piano that we saw a long time ago.
[12:18:42] Where's Rebecca?
[12:18:44] Will she play it for us?
[12:18:45] Who's Rebecca?
[12:18:46] Never mind.
[12:18:47] Rebecca Black?
[12:18:48] No, and I think
[12:18:49] it's Resident Evil 1.
[12:18:51] If you play as Chris
[12:18:52] like he doesn't know how to play the piano.
[12:18:55] He just doesn't get it.
[12:18:56] So Rebecca goes in and plays
[12:18:58] it for him. Oh yeah, then this must be
[12:19:00] a Resident Evil type reference.
[12:19:02] Sure, like this isn't the 50th time we've referenced
[12:19:05] Resident Evil, it's really not
[12:19:07] So you can't just
[12:19:09] do the piano puzzle, you have to rotate
[12:19:11] it twice first because these
[12:19:13] letters have to line up
[12:19:15] on the keyboard.
[12:19:19] There's a keyword
[12:19:19] that you find out somewhere else through
[12:19:22] lore text
[12:19:23] A keyword of Orpheus
[12:19:26] is what we need to put in
[12:19:28] so you can't play this keyboard until
[12:19:30] you put two keys in, the Unicorn key
[12:19:32] You're unlocking the piano
[12:19:34] Yeah, you have to unlock the piano so does nina know how
[12:19:38] to play oh she does yeah she's playing wait what why is it the last three letters sx
[12:19:48] this piano sucks, okay?
[12:19:50] And this is an unskippable cutscene
[12:19:52] It's actually the main
[12:19:54] theme of the game in a piano arrangement
[12:19:58] We've activated the ship's trap guard.
[12:20:00] Yes.
[12:20:04] Nice! Let's go.
[12:20:11] The secret checkered elevator
[12:20:14] we descend
[12:20:21] there was a lot of love pouring in for the channel and I do want to say thank you all so much for watching if you are a Discord user and you want to talk more hotfix talk more GDQ you're
[12:20:27] totally welcome to join us in our GEQ Discord. All
[12:20:30] you have to do is add yourself to the Hotfix role,
[12:20:32] and you can keep tabs on upcoming events,
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[12:20:36] and lots more! So if you are interested
[12:20:38] in that, you can use the command exclamation mark discord
[12:20:41] in the twitch chat for access to the server i hope you'll join us
[12:20:49] we're getting a submarine.
[12:20:51] Oh, are we going into the submarine now?
[12:20:53] We're in the submarine now.
[12:20:55] Okay.
[12:20:56] And guess what we're doing.
[12:20:58] Uh...
[12:20:59] Can you guess?
[12:21:00] Not a harpoon fight? Not a harpoon fight?
[12:21:02] Not a harpoon fight
[12:21:03] We're exiting the submarine
[12:21:06] Okay, sure
[12:21:08] Well we're going swimming
[12:21:09] The submarine is but a mere room
[12:21:11] and you just go through it it's just another uh
[12:21:15] loading screen it's just another place to put loading screens actually yeah but it's
[12:21:19] it adds to the experience you know you got go to see Nina go through the little hatch
[12:21:24] and... It's Nina Williams in a
[12:21:26] submarine. Go down there. That's what fans wanted.
[12:21:28] Yeah.
[12:21:29] So we dive into some water
[12:21:31] but we're just gonna leave. It's not a long underwater sequence this is just like a pool
[12:21:40] now
[12:21:44] the sequence of quests in this game
[12:21:46] is really hard to remember sometimes.
[12:21:48] We're heading to the engine room,
[12:21:50] I believe.
[12:21:52] To activate...
[12:21:54] Oh, we're going into the engine room
[12:21:55] so we can go
[12:21:56] through a ventilation
[12:21:56] system
[12:21:57] to a control room
[12:21:58] and then
[12:21:58] upgrade our card
[12:22:00] to a yellow card.
[12:22:02] Okay,
[12:22:02] so what do we do?
[12:22:03] Just like put
[12:22:03] our current card
[12:22:04] into like
[12:22:05] a magical box and it just turns
[12:22:06] it to the correct color yes
[12:22:08] that's exactly
[12:22:11] all right
[12:22:12] let's go
[12:22:14] so
[12:22:15] it's exactly that.
[12:22:17] There is a ladder to get down
[12:22:20] to the bottom floor but it's faster just climb up like this and drop
[12:22:24] So Nina never takes any kind of fall damage right?
[12:22:28] No she doesn't.
[12:22:28] Okay, that's cool.
[12:22:34] So to get through this room we've got to turn off the steam vent
[12:22:35] which is out of the steam vent, uh, the steam pipes.
[12:22:38] Because you have to climb across the steam pipes.
[12:22:42] And of course turning off the steam pipes
[12:22:46] it activates these enemies for some
[12:22:49] reason
[12:22:53] like it's like they know they know it's time to fight
[12:22:57] but we're just gonna leave. They can't use ladders
[12:23:02] There's strong cyborgs, but they're not very nimble
[12:23:16] We get knocked down, they will be ready to punch us. So you have to watch out for this steam I'm gonna get undone.
[12:23:35] All right, we're three and clear.
[12:23:35] Nice.
[12:23:38] Was it difficult learning the sequence for that?
[12:23:39] Just because like,
[12:23:41] I'm not sure what the hitbox is like on this scene.
[12:23:43] It's even weirder,
[12:23:46] because sometimes you press forward one time and Nina will move her arm one time.
[12:23:48] Right.
[12:23:49] But sometimes you press forward
[12:23:51] and Nina will move twice.
[12:23:53] And there's just no rhyme or reason to it.
[12:23:55] At least I couldn't tell.
[12:23:56] It's like a weird double input of some kind, I guess.
[12:23:58] Yeah, it's just like does it sometimes
[12:24:00] or at some points along the pipe
[12:24:01] that will give you a double movement movement so you got to be careful that
[12:24:04] you don't stop right in this game because she might just automatically move into
[12:24:09] Watch her fingers or you'll get burned I see. Just odd quirks about a game that you learn you route it
[12:24:18] all right so we put in the blue card we have iframes while that loads
[12:24:22] so that's why that happened wait who was singing the guy this guy was singing oh all right
[12:24:28] we're gonna kill him because he's a little annoying he was right in the middle of his song
[12:24:34] i actually did not mean to...
[12:24:37] You can scan a lot of different fingerprints in the game,
[12:24:40] we skipped that because it's just extras.
[12:24:44] So what are you using to scan the fingerprints?
[12:24:48] A fingerprint scanner we got at the very near beginning.
[12:24:51] Right, it was like one of the first items
[12:24:53] you picked up.
[12:24:53] Exactly.
[12:24:54] OK, OK. So here we are going to get
[12:24:57] some stuff
[12:25:01] This is the final
[12:25:03] armory we're going to access
[12:25:05] and it also has a Ripper Blade.
[12:25:09] So we have three Ripper Blades. Nice!
[12:25:11] I'm gonna take these grenades...
[12:25:14] And if I can fit it...
[12:25:16] More grenades. Or sorry, grenade launcher and more grenades. i think that's all i can take yeah okay
[12:25:21] that's plenty loaded
[12:25:26] we are ready to fight a series of bosses that leads us to the final bosses.
[12:25:33] Okay, this is like...the Tekken bracket has arrived.
[12:25:37] Oh yeah! This is the King of Iron Fist turn.
[12:25:39] Okay, alright.
[12:25:40] For Nuna. But it's like a super serious mission. It's a fight to the death for everybody involved.
[12:25:50] The way these cyborgs activate, so funny.
[12:25:54] So now we have the yellow card
[12:25:58] you can get through here.
[12:26:03] It's a key to a key to a key. That's the linear gameplay of this
[12:26:05] game. That's why it takes so long,
[12:26:07] and there's really no way to bypass doors
[12:26:09] that I could tell because the doors
[12:26:12] aren't a type of situation where
[12:26:14] it's like if you clip through the door,
[12:26:15] the load zone is there. It doesn't work
[12:26:18] like that. You have to activate
[12:26:20] the door and have the like security clearance to like do that oh
[12:26:24] there's cyborg stuff happening in here by the way oh yeah let's not forget about this
[12:26:28] is where you learn that the cyborgs are like oh my god they're real people. Oh!
[12:26:37] Okay I'll pick up a final holster
[12:26:39] I'm still not sure if you even
[12:26:41] really need this holster.
[12:26:43] I just feel like grabbing it because it's right there.
[12:26:47] We have a little code puzzle that you would figure out the solution to
[12:26:51] if you pick up documents along the way, but the code's always the same so just go ahead and do
[12:26:56] that this leads to even more cyborg clandestine stuff there's more cyborgs, yeah?
[12:27:04] Just more cyborgs.
[12:27:05] Listen, it's cool, okay?
[12:27:06] Just so you know
[12:27:06] just how evil they are.
[12:27:09] The hallway.
[12:27:12] Cyborgs.
[12:27:14] So many. It's the facility where they keep them
[12:27:19] okay so we're going into a room that has access to unlock the final area of the game,
[12:27:27] but we can't go into the final area of the game until we have
[12:27:30] the red card.
[12:27:32] So...
[12:27:33] We have to send this pod off. It has a cyborg in it, but we need to empty it so we can get
[12:27:38] into it later.
[12:27:40] We're going to get into the cyborg pod?
[12:27:41] Yeah, we're gonna be a cyborg pod person. Then we get this object called the icy
[12:27:48] key, like I-C
[12:27:50] not like icy
[12:27:52] Sounds like it blinged out
[12:27:54] like Nina's gonna hear it? It's the
[12:27:56] ice. Okay, okay
[12:27:57] This key can be inserted in gonna wear it? It's the I.C. Okay, okay.
[12:28:00] This key can be inserted into the J statues that are stationary
[12:28:02] all around the boat and then you
[12:28:04] fight them. So there's three
[12:28:06] J statues. You gotta got insert the icy key,
[12:28:09] and then kill the J statues
[12:28:11] because they're holding Chinese
[12:28:13] chess pieces inside of them
[12:28:16] that you need to put into
[12:28:17] a Chinese chess board in the captain's room which unlocks lana leigh's
[12:28:22] bedroom that is a very obscure puzzle but we'll go with it yeah so our goal is to get to lanalee's
[12:28:26] bedroom and i'm not kidding and And steal more clothes, probably.
[12:28:30] We're going to steal something.
[12:28:33] Take it all, Nina.
[12:28:34] Just grab it and run.
[12:28:38] She's like looking
[12:28:38] around like don't watch me.
[12:28:42] That's what she's checking for when she opens the doors. She's like looking around that's what she's checking for when she opens the doors she's like is there anything else I can take in here
[12:28:44] that could fit in my pocket
[12:28:46] yeah what else can I put in my pockets
[12:28:48] okay so the first J-Stat Okay.
[12:28:54] So the first J statue we're gonna fight
[12:28:58] is actually the hardest, and it's back down here in
[12:29:00] the engine room you were just in. I think it's
[12:29:02] intended that you fight this one last
[12:29:04] It just seems like the most difficult because
[12:29:06] it has a giant laser beam attack
[12:29:08] But
[12:29:11] it's the fastest to get while we're still here, so we're going to go fight him anyways.
[12:29:16] So the Ripper Blades that we've been getting, the giant swords, they are the best thing to use against j statues because they can stun lock them
[12:29:26] to some degree each ga statue is kind of different amount of hits before it gets
[12:29:30] stone marked this one is doesn't still mock very easily but the river blade does so much damage
[12:29:37] so much more than anything else you have that's why we're hoarding
[12:29:40] that's why we're recording these and uh hopefully i can get melee proficiency free.
[12:29:47] Let me see how many skill points we got.
[12:29:50] Okay, I think we're...
[12:29:52] Oh, we're quite a bit short.
[12:29:54] That's fine.
[12:29:56] J statue is like camouflage j statue.
[12:30:00] Oh yeah that looks kinda cool.
[12:30:03] One's red one's camo and one is just like
[12:30:06] iron
[12:30:07] they kind of low-key look like mini
[12:30:10] Iron Giants to me
[12:30:12] yeah they do
[12:30:13] when did Iron Giant come out?
[12:30:15] that may well be what it was inspired by When did Iron Giant come out? That's a great question, Zane.
[12:30:16] Very may well be what it was inspired by.
[12:30:18] It looks like it came out in 1999 so...
[12:30:23] Whoa! This guy is immediately laser beamin' me.
[12:30:25] Impossible.
[12:30:25] Holy shmoly!
[12:30:28] Okay, now he's driving. Usually he just starts
[12:30:29] driving around but uh
[12:30:31] let's put something better
[12:30:32] I've never seen him
[12:30:33] open with the laser beam
[12:30:35] So this is the attack
[12:30:36] that we have to dodge
[12:30:37] to get to him.
[12:30:38] Dark Souls has trained me, but not
[12:30:40] well enough.
[12:30:45] So we just want to do a little single
[12:30:46] attacks, hit him with two crits.
[12:30:53] And then as soon as he's recoiling from this, get more ripper attacks and just melt
[12:31:00] his bar. Wow yeah
[12:31:01] no wonder we're hoarding these
[12:31:04] Oh yeah the ripper blades are
[12:31:06] so good which is why
[12:31:08] I want melee proficiency 3 so I can
[12:31:10] see all my skill points.
[12:31:12] Oh yeah, so you can use it more for sure.
[12:31:15] On
[12:31:16] the other J statues
[12:31:18] we're going to get tons of skill points because we can
[12:31:21] stunlock them and then keep doing melee attacks
[12:31:24] and kind of build a huge combo
[12:31:26] And that's gonna give us thousands of skill points
[12:31:29] So that's what's gonna to give us the final level, or not final level but
[12:31:34] the third level of weapon durability because we want these melee weapons
[12:31:39] to last as long as possible. We're so good against all the bosses going forward.
[12:31:46] Being that bosses are just giant HP pools,
[12:31:49] the Ripper Blades... they rip. Rip and tear until it's done yeah rip and tear nina rip and tear
[12:32:00] i hope everyone's having a good time. Yeah, I'm having fun!
[12:32:04] Thank you so much for being on the show by the way
[12:32:06] Thanks for having me
[12:32:08] It was a big effort tackling this game
[12:32:12] Yeah, I was talking about it at the beginning of the run.
[12:32:14] But yeah, I got this game at GDQ so many years ago.
[12:32:17] Which one?
[12:32:19] Do you remember?
[12:32:20] I think it was AGDQ 2018.
[12:32:21] 2018, okay.
[12:32:22] It might be off like a year.
[12:32:24] But it was definitely in Virginia.
[12:32:26] We went to East Starland that is the store I picked this up at.
[12:32:29] The shout outs to East Starland if you're still around.
[12:32:31] Just East Starland selling me this for $4 and um... it was the sweeper special the sweet super market sweeper i was could
[12:32:42] you imagine nina in supermarket sweeps she would slay oh my god she'd be grabbing all the hands
[12:32:47] through the aisles stealing all the turkeys you know yeah kicking it into her cart
[12:32:53] yeah juice all over the floor.
[12:32:57] You're making a mess.
[12:33:01] Alright, so now we're going to head back into the boat because the last two J statues
[12:33:03] are back up in
[12:33:05] the boat.
[12:33:07] Okay.
[12:33:08] But they aren't too far away.
[12:33:10] The first one we're going to go fight
[12:33:14] is
[12:33:14] in the fighting arena
[12:33:16] in which Nina is fighting in
[12:33:17] and opening cut scene.
[12:33:19] It's kind of where the
[12:33:20] Oh yeah it's like
[12:33:21] fighting tournament
[12:33:22] was taking place
[12:33:22] The ruins looking place
[12:33:25] It's not the ruins
[12:33:27] it's like boxing arena.
[12:33:31] You'll see in just a second, we've been through this room
[12:33:33] twice now
[12:33:35] but this is the final time
[12:33:37] and every time you go through here, this red J statue
[12:33:40] is here. So I think it's a point
[12:33:42] of like oh what is that? You never really
[12:33:44] know and then the final
[12:33:46] part of the final
[12:33:48] boss is like oh you gotta go fight those things
[12:33:50] It's kind of like a
[12:33:51] subtle foreshadowing
[12:33:52] Yes
[12:33:52] It's very
[12:33:54] foreshadowing
[12:33:55] So this one's red
[12:33:57] Cage fight
[12:33:59] Also it seems like the game store is a local game store for someone in the chat.
[12:34:07] So I guess that's pretty awesome.
[12:34:09] Yeah, it's a really cool store.
[12:34:11] They have so many retro games, obscure games, old consoles like video game statues,
[12:34:17] just relics of the past and a lot of new stuff too.
[12:34:20] This place was awesome.
[12:34:22] There's a really great statue
[12:34:23] of Nina for Death by Degrees
[12:34:26] in her kind of opening outfit
[12:34:28] cocktail dress.
[12:34:29] Yeah, she has like a katana.
[12:34:32] Yeah, that would be a fun one to acquire for sure. yeah that's it she has like a katana yeah
[12:34:32] that would be a fun one to acquire for sure
[12:34:35] yeah the death by degrees statue that came out
[12:34:38] the same year as this game it's like 70 or something i that, but I don't want to spend $70 on it.
[12:34:46] Well, you know collectors out there?
[12:34:50] So two hits from the Ripper Blade stuns this guy
[12:34:53] and I'm doing put two hits from the Ripperblade stun this guy, and
[12:34:54] I'm doing my light attack combo so I can just stack up
[12:34:58] skill points against this guy.
[12:35:02] This statue just can't.
[12:35:05] Now he's dead.
[12:35:07] So we've got tons of points from him, I think it kind of went off the screen.
[12:35:16] Like, we got a bunch of points but then my small combo went off...
[12:35:20] Okay, we didn't get enough so...
[12:35:25] Guess we got some but not enough.
[12:35:28] But on the next Jade Statue
[12:35:29] we should get enough.
[12:35:31] So we just have one more Jade Statue?
[12:35:33] Yeah, a Jade Statue.
[12:35:34] Sorry, I keep saying Jade Statue.
[12:35:36] Not Jade Statue okay?
[12:35:37] This is Tomb Raider 2.
[12:35:38] Listen, I blame too many hours in Tomb Raider 2.
[12:35:40] Too many hours in Tomb Raider 2 jade collectibles.
[12:35:42] Yeah.
[12:35:44] Alright we're out.
[12:35:46] So we got another chinese chess piece i can't remember what it's
[12:35:50] called but it's in english known as chinese chest i suppose
[12:35:56] each statue has a piece and you need three to unlock the rest of the game.
[12:36:01] So we're gonna go find that last guy, last statue.
[12:36:05] Yeah, gotta beat him up and take the piece.
[12:36:07] Beat him up and take his stuff
[12:36:11] he is in the uh reception room
[12:36:16] i hope that anyone here knows what that means or is.
[12:36:20] Is the receptionist, like gone?
[12:36:23] Everyone's gone when you get there, yeah.
[12:36:25] Okay everyone's gone.
[12:36:26] It's just going to be us and a J statue showing up. Now all along the way are these I'm gonna show you.
[12:36:34] All along the way are these cyborgs chasing us around.
[12:36:38] Can they climb ladders? No. Okay, that's good. They're too chunky.
[12:36:41] They probably weigh like a ton each of them.
[12:36:46] So these are just humans that all kind of got turned into the same looking cyborg yeah that's wild
[12:36:58] it was kind of eventually revealed that nina was going to be an experiment of this type too.
[12:37:03] So what is it that prevented her from...
[12:37:06] She's just too good.
[12:37:08] Yeah, I guess that's the answer.
[12:37:10] She can't be like captured you know
[12:37:13] can't it can't uh it's a force of nature can't be tamed oh and every time
[12:37:18] you walk up to these j statues their little thing comes out and they put the key in.
[12:37:25] The little slot.
[12:37:27] I see your key!
[12:37:30] Exactly.
[12:37:32] So this is the last J statue we're fighting, but it's also the easiest.
[12:37:35] This one gets stunned in 1 Ripper Blade hit.
[12:37:38] Just 1?
[12:37:40] Yeah just 1. And every J statue has kind of their own unique ability. This one has Gatling
[12:37:45] guns, the red one had
[12:37:47] electricity was like the big theme
[12:37:49] and the one on the boat had laser beams
[12:37:51] but
[12:37:53] he's never really going to get to use his uh says uh gatling guns because we're just gonna
[12:38:00] keep them stone locked the entire time
[12:38:04] the bone crack sound every time. So good.
[12:38:09] Yeah, it's really satisfying when an actual bone crunches.
[12:38:21] Again, just trying to build up this combo as much as we can
[12:38:23] gets us a ton of skill points
[12:38:28] You can see his Gatling Gun's like trying to come out,
[12:38:30] but he's never gonna be able
[12:38:32] to use it.
[12:38:34] I'm not going to use my crit again
[12:38:36] I'm actually just save it for a boss fight.
[12:38:38] Just finish him off this way.
[12:38:46] Chunk It's a chunk.
[12:38:53] Spin it back, Nina! We've got 3000 skill points
[12:38:55] we are going to use that
[12:38:57] to finally get the level three melee proficiency so there's a lot of skill points in
[12:39:02] here that we just never get uh or lost skills we can never use because
[12:39:08] in speed run it doesn't make as much sense to farm
[12:39:10] skill points and unlock those special combos
[12:39:12] unfortunately
[12:39:13] you just kind of make do with what
[12:39:15] you have acquired
[12:39:16] yeah, it makes weapons a lot more valuable
[12:39:18] using strats with those
[12:39:21] weapons. Right on.
[12:39:23] But there are a lot of cool combos in the game.
[12:39:26] Yeah, I think
[12:39:27] so. To unlock.
[12:39:30] You see a lot of them in that intro cutscene we watched that's what i'm saying like
[12:39:35] nina's got the like the double kicks going and it's so good.
[12:39:42] Yeah.
[12:39:44] Even with the guns and swords, there's special
[12:39:46] combos you can do with
[12:39:48] guns and melee weapons.
[12:39:50] Nice. Pretty cool.
[12:39:53] Alright, so we got... Nice. Pretty cool. Pretty cool.
[12:39:58] All right, so we got the final piece, Chinese chess piece.
[12:40:09] We're going to go to the captain's room that's back down in the submarine bay a few more load screens we're getting there how are you feeling about the run overall now that you've been at it for almost like three hours
[12:40:15] feels good feels good that is great to hear i'm still kicking myself for game overing on
[12:40:22] like a really easy like
[12:40:24] Oh, don't worry about it.
[12:40:26] That really easy part.
[12:40:27] You know
[12:40:27] with speed games
[12:40:29] you know
[12:40:29] things happen
[12:40:30] and you just try again.
[12:40:32] Yeah.
[12:40:33] Do you think that
[12:40:33] you will be trying to
[12:40:37] you know improve the time for this after this run yeah i think so because there's a lot of
[12:40:43] strats that i would you know not make a save game like right here
[12:40:47] i'm gonna make the same game because we could game over in just a moment but
[12:40:53] there's also some strats like not getting extra defibrillators and just
[12:40:57] kind of doing better.
[12:41:00] Just, like, more risky
[12:41:01] strats I would like to get nailed down in a run.
[12:41:03] It is a long run though.
[12:41:06] Well, and you know there's
[12:41:07] not a lot of
[12:41:09] I think there's no
[12:41:11] like page for this game
[12:41:14] so... Yeah, there's no runs on the internet
[12:41:16] that we could find unless there's some secret
[12:41:19] death by degrees leaderboard website maybe you know it's um kind of like making the blueprint
[12:41:25] for what the speedrun could look like.
[12:41:28] You know, somewhere to start from so...
[12:41:30] This is the hardest laser part.
[12:41:35] Very precise. Okay good.
[12:41:37] Let me get another railgun!
[12:41:42] And we are going to use that railgun...
[12:41:45] Not on any bosses actually.
[12:41:47] There's a big escape that we have to do after we do some bosses.
[12:41:50] The Railgun is really good at taking out these cyborgs,
[12:41:53] which we're going to be forced
[12:41:54] into some fights with them.
[12:41:56] The Railgun makes handy work of them.
[12:41:59] Alright, finally, we're in the captain's room
[12:42:01] with the Chinese chess board
[12:42:03] and we're going to put all
[12:42:05] the pieces we got from the jade statues in here
[12:42:07] which unlocks Lana Leigh's bedroom.
[12:42:12] I don't know how she gets into her bedroom when all those pieces are in the Joe statues?
[12:42:17] I mean, she might use a separate entrance.
[12:42:19] Government plant.
[12:42:21] That will see a checkpoint. a separate entrance government plan and we are going to save again wait the government
[12:42:28] plant was a safe point that's right that is too good that's too good it is too good. That's too good.
[12:42:32] That's too good, I say.
[12:42:33] Damn she's good.
[12:42:34] Sweeper agent?
[12:42:35] Damn she's good.
[12:42:36] Damn she's good.
[12:42:37] All right so...
[12:42:38] I want to let you know that this is a very interesting story and it's going to be Alright, so...
[12:42:45] I want to let this cutscene play actually.
[12:42:49] This is Lana Leigh's room that's so creepy.
[12:42:52] She was just a doll enthusiast.
[12:42:54] Wait, what? It's Bryce.
[12:42:57] She just has Bryce dead in her bed?
[12:43:00] There's the evidence!
[12:43:02] What the hell?
[12:43:04] Dead in bed.
[12:43:06] Oh, weird.
[12:43:08] Aw, is he going to spring to life?
[12:43:10] No.
[12:43:11] No!
[12:43:13] Nina just take it.
[12:43:16] Oh my god!
[12:43:18] We've been poisoned by Lana Lake.
[12:43:21] Where the hell did she come from?
[12:43:23] I don't know, she must have been standing there the whole time.
[12:43:25] What was she hiding under her own bed?
[12:43:26] Come on.
[12:43:28] Come on.
[12:43:30] I'm waiting for Nina.
[12:43:32] Lana got us again. We're going to go into a
[12:43:34] PTSD dream sequence
[12:43:36] about Anna when she was young and her dad died in front of her and her sister.
[12:43:41] Only this time, Nina will need to protect both Anna and little Nina.
[12:43:47] There is young Anna and young Nina
[12:43:48] who can both get bit by zombies
[12:43:50] who are now naked zombies,
[12:43:52] strangely.
[12:43:53] So I'm going to crit her
[12:43:55] then kind of hit her in this direction get a few extra hits, and then we need to promptly go
[12:44:02] and start defending the twins. I don't know if they're twins but they're sisters. Yeah,
[12:44:09] I think Anna's the younger sister.
[12:44:11] Probably.
[12:44:13] The story behind these two is that
[12:44:15] they are both trained by their parents
[12:44:17] Their dad is an assassin professionally and
[12:44:20] their mom is in Aikido champion, and they're both trained but
[12:44:25] Nina was always better
[12:44:28] and Anna's always seeking approval from their dad but
[12:44:32] their dad liked Nina more. I see. So it's always been like this bitter sibling
[12:44:36] rivalry and then their dad dies.
[12:44:40] They kind of bomb over that or something.
[12:44:43] Now, how did their dad die?
[12:44:45] Right. But this game is not canon and their dad died when they were kids.
[12:44:49] I see.
[12:44:50] So it's a bit... okay but we will see the final conclusion of
[12:44:59] this whole thing in the final cut scene we'll kind of see
[12:45:02] the full story of what oh nice okay Don't cry girls, it's gonna be okay.
[12:45:17] Yeah there was a lot of crying.
[12:45:21] So the Ripper Blades do some decent damage to lana i'm actually saving my
[12:45:26] crit for phase two of this fight which is quite a bit more difficult okay
[12:45:36] i still have like a
[12:45:48] let's just use this Okay, this baton's about to be broken. Get these zombies out of here.
[12:45:53] Also Alana Leigh's fan attacks are a lot more powerful when stunned around.
[12:45:58] She's Nina's greatest fan.
[12:46:01] Okay so she's gonna disappear again... checking on the kids. Where nina little nina is right there
[12:46:08] you know oh god i lost her no no she's right
[12:46:10] there but wait am i crazy she's robin oh my god you're right.
[12:46:18] You'd be a terrible babysitter.
[12:46:22] This is why Saint wouldn't make up for her good parent.
[12:46:25] Where are the girls?
[12:46:27] Okay... Lana's almost done for.
[12:46:32] One last hit.
[12:46:33] Alright, Lana phase one complete.
[12:46:36] So you have to get her entire health bar down
[12:46:38] to get to phase two?
[12:46:39] Yeah, but there's another fight.
[12:46:40] Okay.
[12:46:41] Good job, good job.
[12:46:43] Have you ever heard of Yoshimitsu?
[12:46:45] Yoshimitsu who?
[12:46:46] Yoshimitsu who?
[12:46:56] Well, he's one of the coolest fighters just around town just around town i mean yoshimitsu would be just around town you know and uh i may or may not have a video about one such
[12:47:01] yoshi mutsu on my youtube channel slash say million if you want to hold down
[12:47:06] this elevator and walk over here and, it's the Manji sword,
[12:47:11] the best sword in the game. It's Yoshimitsu's sword.
[12:47:15] What?
[12:47:17] Yoshimitsu just left it there or should you get... Unpar lana stole it here it is it's even green
[12:47:23] oh thanks richard so cool there's the link for the video if anyone's going oh
[12:47:27] richard thanks yeah yoshimitsu he's one of my favorite characters. That's who I play
[12:47:32] usually in Tekken or Soul Calibur
[12:47:35] I'm like
[12:47:36] Yoshimitsu, easiest choice
[12:47:37] Alright
[12:47:40] So we've chased Lana into the
[12:47:42] headquarters of the super weapon, Salacia
[12:47:46] The satellite system which can cause global warming
[12:47:50] She's lost it at this point, and she's going to activate every satellite
[12:47:55] and try to end the world because she's lost her love Bryce.
[12:48:00] The love of her life that Nina killed,
[12:48:02] and she's just like, screw it.
[12:48:03] I'm going to end the world.
[12:48:05] The whole world has to pay for what Nina has done.
[12:48:08] And Nina is once again poisoned,
[12:48:10] but this time it's the most horrific
[12:48:12] hallucination dream ever oh wow as you can see by the surroundings
[12:48:20] luckily yoshimitsu's manji sword makes very easy work of her. We just have to... oh, she's gone right here?
[12:48:28] That's really weird and all these like baby dolls
[12:48:31] fly towards you this whole time. If she hits you after you get hurt so you gotta like hit lana out of zombie
[12:48:41] braces and zombie enrique's wait what these are zombie braces and
[12:48:46] zombies yeah you're in this like hallucination dream
[12:48:50] zombie versions of the bosses you've killed
[12:48:53] it's a pretty good asset reuse if you ask me.
[12:48:56] Well, you know it's Lana's fever dream we're just living in it.
[12:49:00] Exactly so you really gotta not get hit by her because if you do...
[12:49:06] Oh dangit I thought she was ready to get crit'd because if you do...
[12:49:10] She was ready to get critical pushes in her invulnerability phase.
[12:49:12] You can see where she runs into first
[12:49:14] if you are able to look at
[12:49:16] her, sometimes it's a bit
[12:49:18] hard.
[12:49:19] You have to redo that first part.
[12:49:22] Tough to see in this dream sequence
[12:49:24] in general. And it's even worse because
[12:49:26] the camera is kind of hard to control.
[12:49:30] She was in that one, wasn't she?
[12:49:33] This is one of the main reasons we want the durability leveled up
[12:49:38] Because the Manji sword also has limited durability but it does the
[12:49:42] most damage and makes quick work of this fight for the most part stupid girl so she's gonna run this way come on
[12:49:54] so she's gonna run this way where are you going this one all right i'm getting fed up with her
[12:49:57] imma burn a water bottle so I can crit her
[12:49:59] because once she gets to half health,
[12:50:01] this phase ends
[12:50:03] and she will stop
[12:50:05] scampering off
[12:50:07] in a bunch of annoying directions.
[12:50:09] So you'll be able to get a good crit on her yeah
[12:50:14] i thought it hit the one she was in but i guess not
[12:50:20] no no no Oh my gosh.
[12:50:22] So she's doing a dance. We gotta follow her again
[12:50:26] And these dolls just throw tackles on you
[12:50:30] ... on you.
[12:50:41] Okay, there she is.
[12:50:45] I'm actually going to wait until she... did she immediately just run away oh my god
[12:50:51] this is terrible so six defibrillators we're using one all right first of fibula here we go
[12:51:01] okay i'm going to save monty's soul a little bit she's really giving me the business all right i'm quitting you right now don't you dare do anything
[12:51:04] like dial this in really
[12:51:07] carefully? Oh god, it's so
[12:51:09] horrific looking. That is horrifying.
[12:51:12] Break her legs.
[12:51:14] Alright.
[12:51:18] This puts her into phase two of the fight. She won't disappear anymore. It's just an all-out fight with so many zombies and her.
[12:51:24] And what's really nice about this phase, if I can manage it, is she will not dodge bullets at all.
[12:51:30] She won't go invulnerable anymore so if i can get this Rifle on her long enough.
[12:51:37] I'm getting shot by Bryce.
[12:51:43] It's so easy to get wombo combos in this phase of the fight.
[12:51:48] Alright, we're just gonna...
[12:51:50] ...nade a crit there.
[12:51:52] Knock her down so we can hit her with the manji sword a few times.
[12:51:58] There we go She's dead
[12:52:00] Done with Lana
[12:52:02] Very nice
[12:52:03] And now you have five more defibrillators left
[12:52:07] Yeah, we have five more for the final fight.
[12:52:09] Okay. Which is pretty good.
[12:52:18] Nighty night.
[12:52:19] So she activated this super weapon, we have to stop it and there's only one way to do that.
[12:52:27] It's with one final puzzle involving lucas's pocket watch
[12:52:32] it turns out the pocket watch was the key to stopping
[12:52:37] this in an emergency code right now was the key all along so it's just kind of like a
[12:52:47] puzzle there's a glitch sometimes you put in the right things oh i had that one
[12:52:58] i just forgot
[12:53:08] ah save the world And now the satellites are done.
[12:53:10] Boom.
[12:53:12] Satellites, you're done!
[12:53:13] You're done, Salacia.
[12:53:18] You're never gonna work in this town again.
[12:53:20] Mm-mm.
[12:53:22] So we've done that... Actually where does this take place like self-destruct sequence is
[12:53:27] activated it takes place in the bermuda triangle right okay you mentioned sorry i might not have
[12:53:31] ever said that no you did i just it slipped my mind
[12:53:34] it takes place on a boat called the amphitrite okay but i never brought
[12:53:38] that name up because it's so forgettable and hard to remember
[12:53:42] but it is the amphitrite A-M-P-H
[12:53:45] I-T-R-I-T-E
[12:53:47] like amphitheater?
[12:53:49] exactly
[12:53:49] well yeah there's a whole little theater
[12:53:52] we have the red card now
[12:53:54] nice, the red card now nice
[12:53:55] the final car final card
[12:54:00] loading all right it's not over though we have plenty of enemies to take care of, these are a mandatory fight right here.
[12:54:07] Oh I don't wanna die! Okay I died.
[12:54:11] Yeah you can't pause and heal in the middle of just getting your stuff rocked right all right cool using guns is great until you're locked
[12:54:22] in an animation that gets you combo forever and then grab these medkits
[12:54:31] shotgun now we can triple crit oh yeah they're aggressive
[12:54:35] yeah they're super aggressive you have to fight them in the tightest corridor in video games.
[12:54:41] Come on bro! I'm mashing this.
[12:54:45] So you had to fight those four because that last guy just blocks that door forever.
[12:54:51] Are you going to have the meal kits now?
[12:54:52] Yeah, I need to keep a meal kitting up because I have to save my defibrillators and these dudes will just sleep. Those two
[12:55:00] attacks would've killed me.
[12:55:01] Oh, my God!
[12:55:03] You entered the room and it was like
[12:55:05] immediate flips.
[12:55:07] I still kind of got hit by that.
[12:55:14] Okay.
[12:55:15] I have four grenade launcher shots.
[12:55:17] There's another required fight with these guys right here outside this elevator so what are you
[12:55:24] going to be using for these grenade launcher okay i was saving it for just i want to clump them up hopefully
[12:55:33] there we go that's nice when do we move and pick up this meal kit
[12:55:39] are you not there?
[12:55:42] Thanks.
[12:55:46] Okay, I'll activate but just gonna leave
[12:55:48] and we are
[12:55:51] officially done with all non-boss combat.
[12:55:54] We're gonna skip things and head to the final boss.
[12:55:58] Okay, wow!
[12:55:59] In that escape pod that we primed earlier.
[12:56:02] Wait, we primed an escape pod? Yeah primed earlier.
[12:56:04] Wait, we primed an escape pod? Yeah, remember the cyborg pod?
[12:56:06] Oh! I was like, I gotta empty this
[12:56:08] pod. Oh, right, right. So
[12:56:10] now that we have the red card, we can go
[12:56:12] into that room and get in the pod.
[12:56:15] Sounds like a plan.
[12:56:17] It's THE plan.
[12:56:18] The plan. Let's do it.
[12:56:20] You'll never guess who the final boss is.
[12:56:23] Even though you know it.
[12:56:25] Who could it be?
[12:56:27] I will never guess who the final boss is.
[12:56:29] Do you have any ideas on
[12:56:31] who the final boss could be?
[12:56:33] Keep it to yourself and don't spoil it. Just keep it to yourself and don't spoil it just keep it to your stuff all right
[12:56:38] jk we're kidding we love you thanks for hanging around yeah we appreciate
[12:56:42] you guys hanging out so much thank you so much sharing some death by degrees with y'all
[12:56:48] and uh maybe i'll let this cut scene play a little bit
[12:56:52] oh snap hello but oh the boat is getting rocked.
[12:56:57] Screw this boat. Let's get out.
[12:56:59] Get outta town.
[12:57:07] Whoa!
[12:57:09] Death by degrees.
[12:57:11] Oh, snap.
[12:57:16] Whoa!
[12:57:17] Wow, those are not very secure.
[12:57:20] No, not at all. Just opened.
[12:57:24] Nina!
[12:57:28] Don't fall.
[12:57:37] Ah, savior. Ah, save your...
[12:57:39] Ah, rescue chopper. Let's go.
[12:57:41] Chopper.
[12:57:42] Oh!
[12:57:43] Okay?
[12:57:46] Diss Anna Williams.
[12:57:48] Anna has re-entered the chat.
[12:57:52] No words.
[12:57:54] Alright, this is the final fight
[12:57:56] The showdown with Anna
[12:57:58] It's a three phase boss fight and i'll uh let i'll let richard know on time when
[12:58:04] it comes up yeah it's a sister showdown it will not be a short it's a longer fight.
[12:58:11] So I'm going to crit Anna just three times right off the bat.
[12:58:16] There are barrels that fall all over this arena randomly all the time,
[12:58:20] and it's really good if Annana gets in them explosive barrels right
[12:58:25] okay that was great yeah yeah so i credit her three times
[12:58:28] and a barrel hitter for kind of a lot of damage and she still got kind of a lot of damage, and she's still got
[12:58:33] kinda a lot health so that's just final boss health pool stuff.
[12:58:37] So I'm actually going to pop water bottles
[12:58:41] Wait, I went to the wrong menu
[12:58:44] cut i wanted to like level things up actually don't have as many water balls
[12:58:48] as i usually do but it's okay well we gotta make do with what
[12:58:52] we have here i guess just hydrate y'all okay so anna's very quick and has
[12:59:01] quite quite the reflexes and blocks a lot of our attacks.
[12:59:04] She also does a decent amount of damage
[12:59:08] So we want to crit as much as we can
[12:59:11] It's all we got, we can't use melee weapons or guns against her
[12:59:14] This is just hand-to-hand honor duel, you know?
[12:59:18] Yes, and they make that a point
[12:59:20] so that this final boss is more dramatic.
[12:59:23] Exactly.
[12:59:25] The sibling rivalry will come to a head here.
[12:59:28] Yes.
[12:59:28] So you can actually get knocked off this arena,
[12:59:31] and it'll be an instant game over
[12:59:32] even if you have defibrillators.
[12:59:35] So I'm kind of fighting her in a really safe spot far away from the edge,
[12:59:41] a safe spot near the fire.
[12:59:43] Yeah well cuts in here as we go into phase two.
[12:59:51] Oh!
[12:59:54] Double slap.
[12:59:56] Evenly matched.
[12:59:58] They're like, alright, whatever. Let's do this.
[13:00:00] It's getting serious now.
[13:00:01] It gets serious.
[13:00:04] You cracked my ribcage open but you slapped me.
[13:00:05] And now it's on.
[13:00:09] So going back to my safe spot because I do not want a game over.
[13:00:13] Trying to do the critical heavy combo
[13:00:17] Gonna chug some more water
[13:00:21] Good idea, hydrate everybody. Hydrate.
[13:00:32] I'll keep a couple of them on the wings. Okay so at this point it's kind of... Oh, I missed my crit. It's okay if she kills me because
[13:00:36] Of course when I'm standing around trying to get hit she starts dodging
[13:00:41] everywhere and not doing anything hit me come over here okay of course
[13:00:45] when the other guy gets up that's fine for good difficulty
[13:00:50] culprit so I'm gonna try to knock her down before I crit
[13:00:55] her here because it's actually really easy to start the crit against Ana and
[13:00:59] then her character model
[13:01:02] moves out of your field of vision.
[13:01:06] Okay, that works too.
[13:01:09] So she'll start
[13:01:10] jumping all over the place like that. Oh, great.
[13:01:13] We hit all three, so that was great. And she's probably
[13:01:15] going to get hit with this barrel, so it's even better.
[13:01:17] Yeah, it's hard to
[13:01:19] hit her in like the
[13:01:21] appropriate bone spots when he's moving all over the place.
[13:01:24] Yeah, she can just leave your
[13:01:26] field of vision in the print thing if you
[13:01:28] time it in an awkward way.
[13:01:38] Dang, that's mean so at this point honestly this is the first time i've gotten thrown in this game amazing
[13:01:42] usually when you get thrown by a random enemy
[13:01:45] You'll get that tutorial dialogue
[13:01:47] That's like, to evade a throw
[13:01:50] Wait did you get that?
[13:01:51] So I just got that against Ana
[13:01:54] It is the end of the game But we want to make sure you understand So I just got that against Ana.
[13:01:57] It's the end of the game, but you know we want to make sure You understand how to play
[13:02:00] Yeah, that's pretty funny actually
[13:02:02] Oh fun fact if you're running the game
[13:02:04] And doing no saves,
[13:02:06] and then you die against Ana,
[13:02:07] you literally go to the first room of the game.
[13:02:09] No way.
[13:02:10] Yeah.
[13:02:10] It's just complete game over.
[13:02:12] Just starts the game over from after the tutorial.
[13:02:15] That's wild.
[13:02:16] That's brutal. I'm kind of just trying to get other people
[13:02:18] on this leg.
[13:02:26] Yeah, this fight's kind of long
[13:02:29] i mean it's supposed to be it's a final boss final showdown here
[13:02:32] really likely to hit me like that's like counterintuitive but I have all these defibrillators.
[13:02:41] You can do better.
[13:02:43] You can do better sis.
[13:02:46] Come on sis!
[13:02:49] Sorry sweaty. Sorry, sweetie.
[13:02:53] I'm literally letting you hit me.
[13:02:57] Alright, come on, C. Hit her with the Brick Breaker.
[13:02:59] Yeah. Oh, cracked.
[13:03:01] Nice!
[13:03:02] Alright, phase three.
[13:03:04] Ooh okay.
[13:03:05] Time is gonna come up if her health hits zero or if i can knock her off the building or the side of the ship yeah so in
[13:03:15] phase three she can now be hit off the ship and i'll be really careful about this because
[13:03:20] i can easily die.
[13:03:22] So when I kick this...
[13:03:24] This barrier next to me actually doesn't break
[13:03:27] but the one next it does
[13:03:29] so I think it just broke, okay? Okay.
[13:03:31] So I'm gonna try to hit her in.
[13:03:33] Oh, I'm nervous.
[13:03:34] Not get hit in myself because that will be a game over.
[13:03:38] So I'm taking a bit of risky stride here.
[13:03:41] I'm going to use some water bottles.
[13:03:43] If i can crit her in the right place and get her on the ground,
[13:03:47] I can line up one final kick to get her off.
[13:03:55] Come over here, come over here... final kick to get her off. That's a little too far away.
[13:03:58] I'll still try to kick her out, though.
[13:04:00] We may end up killing her on
[13:04:01] HP, but I will try my best to...
[13:04:06] It kind of took too long to line that up.
[13:04:10] But I think she was way too far anyway.
[13:04:13] Get off the ship okay no time yet
[13:04:25] save all your moves!
[13:04:29] Let's not lock on. You can get rotated around really easily if you're
[13:04:31] locked on, then you're the one going off
[13:04:33] the edge.
[13:04:38] Okay, that's fine.
[13:04:40] Defibrillate her so we can crit
[13:04:42] her
[13:04:42] and eventually finish it but if I can get her in the right spot
[13:04:46] Right here. Okay
[13:04:50] Let's see if she'll... I'm just gonna burn Blast one because I just need to knock her down
[13:04:54] ... one because I just need to knock her down.
[13:05:03] Line up the field goal, and... time!
[13:05:05] Nice! Off the ship 326 just under 326 okay what do you think saint that wasn't a totally legit
[13:05:15] run because of the backup save but hey we're underestimating what
[13:05:19] the concept is there or under estimate great job that's exactly what the runs will look like
[13:05:25] let's watch this uh oh yeah ending play out the full flashback now
[13:05:31] what's been happening in the past
[13:05:36] so i think they were kidnapped by these people
[13:05:50] that's nina's father not this guy the guy who's getting gun pointed at No! You bastard!
[13:05:58] Me not! You bastard!
[13:06:05] Nina! Oh my gosh, this is terrifying for such a young girl.
[13:06:11] Oh no... What's gonna happen?
[13:06:17] Everyone's dead.
[13:06:22] She didn't take it. She didn't
[13:06:23] take it.
[13:06:25] Wow. Death by degrees,
[13:06:27] but really death
[13:06:28] by bullets.
[13:06:31] But it's cold outside. It's cold out there.. But it's cold outside.
[13:06:33] Baby, it's cold outside.
[13:06:37] There is a little Anna.
[13:06:41] She was there too. Yeah, you can't forget about him and she was there Aw. No, no, no, no, no. Don't let go. Whoa!
[13:07:16] Oh, this thing is coming down.
[13:07:20] Whoa!
[13:07:24] Helicopter.
[13:07:33] Nice.
[13:07:35] Uh-oh. Ooh! Boom.
[13:07:38] Boom. The fleet has arrived now we're even oh see ya
[13:08:03] just skip her across the ocean like a rock absolutely don't it There she goes.
[13:08:14] Hmm.
[13:08:15] Oh, that Anna.
[13:08:17] That's death by degrees.
[13:08:32] Oh, she's so badass.
[13:08:38] Tekken's Nina Williams in Death by Degrees, ladies and gentlemen.
[13:08:39] Yeah? GG?
[13:08:44] GG! Wow. That was... degrees ladies and gentlemen GG GG that was really something I enjoyed that a lot thank you so much for running this game for us Saint
[13:08:49] um do you have anything left you'd like to say to our viewers?
[13:08:52] I just want to thank everyone for tuning in and hanging out
[13:08:55] And washing some Nina
[13:08:57] And sticking with us
[13:09:00] It wasn't an all the way legit run because of the backup save unfortunate but
[13:09:04] the concepts there i'm probably going to try to get a recorded run and maybe sr
[13:09:09] comp page so if you're interested in this run which
[13:09:13] through not i totally understand the load screens
[13:09:17] you know it's it's not too bad it's got melgear solid vibes
[13:09:21] resident evil vibes this time is all wrong
[13:09:24] by the way because of the backup save
[13:09:26] oh for sure but um
[13:09:27] yeah it's
[13:09:30] just a weird old ps2
[13:09:32] game thanks for watching, thanks to
[13:09:34] my YouTube viewers as well
[13:09:36] supporting me in my different weird
[13:09:38] ventures and thanks for having me
[13:09:40] once again. Oh of course! Happy new year TVQ
[13:09:43] to all. Yes thank you so much um and i do want to say that if
[13:09:46] you enjoyed the run here tonight make sure
[13:09:49] to keep an eye on saints youtube channel that's
[13:09:53] saint million for a more in-depth look at death by degrees uh coming pretty soon
[13:09:59] it's in the works in the works yeah but um you're making a video all about it
[13:10:02] yeah making really good progress on that so looking forward to a whole video dedicated to Nina uh
[13:10:08] subscribe to Saint Millian's channel because you do not want to miss it but uh that is a wrap on
[13:10:14] tonight's episode of time capsule everybody I've been your host, Smooth Operative. Thank you
[13:10:17] so much for watching. If you're interested
[13:10:19] in submitting your own speedrun
[13:10:21] for this show, make sure to use the
[13:10:23] command exclamation mark time capsule
[13:10:25] right here in our Twitch chat or