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Minecraft Dungeons current patch speedrun by @JHobz296 and @Keizaron - !tfs

07-15-2024 · 12h 49m

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[00:00:00] so so so so so so so so so foreign so. so so so so The so so so so so so so so so so. so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so Thank you. so ¶¶ so so ¶¶ so so so so so ¶¶ so ¶¶ so I'm not sure if that's the right word, but it does seem to be.
[00:11:11] And now we're back at the end of the game!. so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ¶¶ so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so She's the one for me
[00:18:31] There's no place I'd rather be she's the one for me when you're so is time so Can you feel the heat?
[00:19:38] When we turn here, it's a street
[00:19:39] Step and dance with me Step back and it's been raced up, always raced up
[00:19:52] You make me wanna run, run when you can't race up
[00:19:57] Always racing oh uh uh so Outro Music Hello everybody and welcome to the first step here on GDQ Hotfix.
[00:20:58] My name is Jay Hobbs, I am joined by...
[00:21:02] Hi! I'm Kizuron.
[00:21:04] Who is on his phone?
[00:21:08] So as you might have guessed
[00:21:09] by us starting a little late
[00:21:10] unfortunately we run into
[00:21:11] some technical difficulties today.
[00:21:14] Keys' internet decided to go out about
[00:21:15] right before we were
[00:21:17] supposed to go live with the show?
[00:21:19] Yep, like an hour ago. I literally
[00:21:22] finished my own stream.
[00:21:24] I was playing this...
[00:21:26] I was playing Minecraft Dungeons, which by the way, if you haven't
[00:21:28] played it before, folks, you really should. It's a lot more
[00:21:30] fun than you might think.
[00:21:32] And yeah, his ISP is currently having an outage.
[00:21:35] So that's unfortunate but it is what it is.
[00:21:39] Live broadcast baby we're going to persevere and if you are new
[00:21:43] to the first step here on GDQ topics,
[00:21:44] The idea of the show here is that we try
[00:21:47] To show you low effort ways to get into speed running.
[00:21:49] Something that normally what that is
[00:21:52] Is like we play a game for the first time and then
[00:21:54] We just race it, seeing
[00:21:56] how fast we can do without looking up anything about
[00:21:58] the speedrun, without doing
[00:21:59] any practice, nothing like that.
[00:22:02] Something we wanted to
[00:22:04] try with kind of the revamp
[00:22:07] of the show at this new season and everything
[00:22:09] is we wanted to allow ourselves a little bit
[00:22:12] of looking at the speed run.
[00:22:14] So, we can maybe look up some simple tricks
[00:22:16] and simple guides but we're still
[00:22:17] going in with just one playthrough
[00:22:19] no practicing stuff like that
[00:22:21] but we are gonna let ourselves
[00:22:23] kind of look into a little bit more
[00:22:25] and I feel like this was a really good game for that wasn't it
[00:22:29] keys because we got to learn just some basics yeah so i mean one just being able to play through
[00:22:36] in general which was our original format anyway,
[00:22:38] really makes a difference with this because
[00:22:40] this is definitely a game that after you play it for
[00:22:42] 10-15 minutes, you get
[00:22:44] a lot of the concept. But also
[00:22:47] the community recently released a video like a day or two ago explaining
[00:22:53] how to get into speed running the current patch of this which is what we would be racing right now.
[00:23:00] Yeah.
[00:23:00] But instead I will be doing for you all solo today,
[00:23:02] but really,
[00:23:04] really good video.
[00:23:05] Uh,
[00:23:05] really,
[00:23:06] really informative.
[00:23:07] Um,
[00:23:07] if you are looking to expand your speedrunning community at all, do that.
[00:23:12] Those videos are really nice for people like us and also for everyone at home who wants
[00:23:16] to get into it I'm sure once I have a way to send a link again i could put the youtube video in chat so
[00:23:24] you all can get into it as well and i was gonna say everybody can go to the page
[00:23:28] dungeons go to the guide section and you'll find it there uh oh yeah like a day or two ago
[00:23:34] yeah exactly without further ado i think we get right into this and then we can keep talking as
[00:23:38] we're going so i have a brand new character here um you see level one nothing on them
[00:23:43] i picked the one that looks exactly like me uh which is why
[00:23:50] this character they got the blue on theming and everything uh
[00:23:53] and uh i'm just gonna get started with it so time's gonna begin in three
[00:23:57] two one go all right and uh i'm actually running
[00:24:02] some splits on this because i felt like it so we launch into a cutscene
[00:24:06] And then the tutorial which we can exit
[00:24:08] thankfully
[00:24:09] And that was one of the things that we would not have known exactly without looking things up. So, we just thought that'd be
[00:24:15] more interesting and then
[00:24:16] I believe... Oh, I think it just hit M and go to
[00:24:19] like the next Creeper Woods. Yeah, there
[00:24:21] we go.
[00:24:23] So, we're jumping right into Creeper Woods.
[00:24:25] A little thing that you could do here too, which I don't think it's really going to make a difference for our format specifically
[00:24:33] but uh... you could...
[00:24:36] What is the word? It's not selling your weapon
[00:24:38] but it's breaking it down.
[00:24:40] I was trying to remember what I was supposed
[00:24:42] to do at the beginning there and that's what it was.
[00:24:44] So you're supposed to salvage your uh
[00:24:47] your salvage um yeah you want to like salvage your weapon
[00:24:52] and uh and your your two weapons your
[00:24:55] your uh your sword and
[00:24:58] your bow because
[00:24:59] they will end up
[00:25:02] giving you one anyways for the beginning
[00:25:04] so that you're not completely
[00:25:05] without a weapon.
[00:25:08] Yeah you basically get for like a second or two of
[00:25:12] time investment you get 30 emeralds I think it is
[00:25:15] and uh you can only get away with it this first level
[00:25:18] because the game just kind of looks at your inventory
[00:25:20] and goes, hey,
[00:25:21] this person has absolutely no way to do combat.
[00:25:24] So we'll give you a sword and bow for free.
[00:25:26] So it's just really easy emeralds.
[00:25:29] Now, because we're not practiced, you know
[00:25:31] I'm gonna have- I'm gonna be doing a little bit more
[00:25:33] of like killing some enemies to try to not die
[00:25:35] look at the map and stuff like that
[00:25:37] but uh- oh! I went right past something very important hold on
[00:25:40] I'm going back uh but what I'm gonna try to do when I remember to do it is roll and
[00:25:46] actually shoot the bow as a rule because that lets me continue to roll but actually
[00:25:51] not really
[00:25:52] stop the shoot. So, I'll show you here so I can stand still.
[00:25:55] If I'm moving and then I shoot,
[00:25:56] I have to stop to do it.
[00:26:07] But basically it um but basically firing is or firing the bow is very fast and will one-shot everything right now um and i'm coming into this little optional area because it gives us access to a merchant.
[00:26:17] Yeah, there's a handful of NPCs that you can rescue throughout this game that help improve your base,
[00:26:25] essentially.
[00:26:25] So there's the one
[00:26:26] to Hobbs has got,
[00:26:27] which is a basic villager
[00:26:31] that sells you know average stuff there's also some other ones where like
[00:26:37] you pay a more exorbitant price and you can potentially get something really good
[00:26:41] there's also gotcha there's there's there's the gacha merchant
[00:26:45] yeah and the reason we care about the
[00:26:48] merchant is actually because
[00:26:50] there are some uh
[00:26:52] there's a few good items that we really do care about getting. Most notably there is a set of armor that will...
[00:27:03] I'm also trying not to die um there is a set of armor that will
[00:27:09] make it so that you get a speed boost whenever you roll as opposed
[00:27:13] to right now where you actually get slowed down on your roll.
[00:27:19] Can I please move?
[00:27:23] Pretty typical diablo style
[00:27:28] gameplay where you know items will have different
[00:27:32] enchantments and whatnot where did it put me open me back here i
[00:27:35] think i got a little
[00:27:37] ganged up on there um and i had already used my healing
[00:27:41] potion so
[00:27:45] i can't remember what the name of The enchantment was but there is a
[00:27:48] I think it was a bow
[00:27:51] That i got that actually had this
[00:27:52] No it wasn't a bow
[00:27:53] It was an inventory item i could use
[00:27:56] But it kind of just pushed things back
[00:27:59] and stunned them for a little bit. It was really
[00:28:01] good for mob control.
[00:28:03] I was trying to get those arrows, but I should
[00:28:05] be fine.
[00:28:07] The problem is that these oh no i just completely resized my screen hold on
[00:28:15] that probably messed everything up i did not know it let you do
[00:28:18] that okay hold on we're gonna fix this on the fly. This all counts
[00:28:23] That should hopefully...I don't even know if it looked messed up on stream at all because like my size of an obs might have been fine but um yeah it just
[00:28:32] completely resized so we're just gonna go ahead and take these guys out instead of trying to roll
[00:28:37] past them i'm new to the game i I should have just done that to begin with.
[00:28:42] I don't think we need to go into here
[00:28:43] for anything.
[00:28:48] So the one nice thing is
[00:28:49] at least if I have to kill a few more enemies i will
[00:28:51] level up um a bit sooner and stuff and you do want
[00:28:54] to level up at least once because you want to
[00:28:59] use enchantments oh yes, yes! Good! I got exactly
[00:29:02] what I wanted.
[00:29:04] We're gonna put this here... Alright, cool.
[00:29:06] All the boots! Yes! So, this is
[00:29:09] one of the big things that we wanted was
[00:29:10] this relic.
[00:29:13] Relic? That's we wanted was uh this relic
[00:29:17] um the rally that's yes yeah yeah the boots let you you know they are good sweetness they let you move really fast
[00:29:21] and their cooldown is, like, reasonable too.
[00:29:24] Yeah.
[00:29:24] Oh, and I...
[00:29:25] It's like a second.
[00:29:27] Yeah, so now
[00:29:28] I can move really, really fast when I have the Swiftness Potion
[00:29:30] and that.
[00:29:32] I'm missing one from over here.
[00:29:37] Dude, I don't remember them having the elders right on him like this i'm just gonna take him out because i'm too nervous
[00:29:41] um but i am going to try to go up this way, yeah.
[00:29:45] Which was something that they mentioned in the video.
[00:29:51] Something that a lot of times whenever you see me
[00:29:54] and Hobbs race anything on this show, a lot of times whenever you see me and Hobbs race anything on this
[00:29:56] show, a lot of times you'll see one of us kind
[00:29:58] of goes gung-ho a little slower
[00:30:00] takes out mobs
[00:30:02] a little more.
[00:30:04] Best advice I could give to anyone picking up any game for the first time or whatever just
[00:30:10] you know go at your own pace
[00:30:13] yeah it's a speed but like safety strats are a real thing.
[00:30:16] So something that I'm neglecting to do is keep the map open a lot more because it obscures my vision a little bit but these...
[00:30:26] The world we're going through
[00:30:28] is not set exactly the same
[00:30:30] way every time.
[00:30:32] So I don't remember. And not that I would remember
[00:30:34] anyways right now.
[00:30:37] There we go.
[00:30:39] Exactly what everything is. So I'm near the end
[00:30:41] there is
[00:30:43] think I'm near the end anyways
[00:30:45] Yeah so there's something else I want to try
[00:30:47] to do here real quick. I need to come up here and let's see if this works
[00:30:53] like taking a couple of tries here.
[00:30:58] Well,
[00:30:58] I'm so pleased that you're going for this because I don't think I was
[00:31:00] Yes. Here we go! I did it. Okay. So what
[00:31:04] I did was basically there's a little countdown timer at the end of every level and you just skip
[00:31:08] that by hitting Go to camp um you have
[00:31:11] to basically close the menu and press accept on
[00:31:19] on something at the same time uh I might get this crossbow.
[00:31:21] Well, I do want this as well.
[00:31:23] How much do I have right now?
[00:31:24] Oh, you did get
[00:31:28] an armor that you haven't equipped yet that you could maybe oh thank
[00:31:32] you i didn't see that yeah we'll salvage that i don't know go ahead and use that because why not
[00:31:39] um and i think this is actually okay.
[00:31:42] Tasty bone.
[00:31:43] What am I up to? 183, so
[00:31:45] I'll get the bow if I have to but I'm going to see
[00:31:47] if some of the other chests have spawned around here.
[00:31:49] This is something I don't actually know
[00:31:51] and it doesn't look like it.
[00:31:55] Does the village merchant have
[00:31:57] the locking? Yes.
[00:32:01] You can always reserve them. Getting think getting the bow is actually better
[00:32:04] for me here.
[00:32:08] So we'll do that.
[00:32:10] I think that's at least better.
[00:32:12] We want to go to Cacti canyon and make sure i'm on the lowest i wonder if i like didn't
[00:32:17] set creeper what's the lowest but i think i did because it was one shotting stuff um
[00:32:32] so So I do want to try and get some more money. Now the Deathcap mushroom there just increases
[00:32:36] our movement speed a little bit when we use it
[00:32:38] which is why I wanted
[00:32:40] it but like it's not as
[00:32:42] important as the armor that we could have seen
[00:32:44] Oh my gosh
[00:32:45] Oh wow Yeah that we could have seen. Oh my gosh.
[00:32:47] Oh wow!
[00:32:49] I haven't actually used this bow before, so like...
[00:32:55] The depth will make it really good because of the movement like hob said but also it
[00:33:00] increases your i is it attack speed.
[00:33:14] Thank god I have a strength potion right now because I am so low health that i need to just stop here and kill things.
[00:33:20] Okay.
[00:33:25] Wait, like a really good inventory... Oh! That was a good time level up!
[00:33:26] Oh my god!
[00:33:27] That's so good!
[00:33:31] A good artifact inventory for Hobbs
[00:33:33] since we're trying to go fast is
[00:33:35] Boots of Swiftness
[00:33:37] Guess what? Boots of Swiftness guess what boots of
[00:33:39] swiftness again
[00:33:40] and then the mushroom it's a pretty good
[00:33:42] pretty good loadout for what we're doing
[00:33:44] yeah so i'm gonna play this a little
[00:33:45] safer one of the things is uh like
[00:33:47] said we wanted it to still be
[00:33:48] a show about like getting in without doing
[00:33:51] a ton of research, getting the speed around that thing.
[00:33:53] A ton of researcher kind of like planning.
[00:33:55] So we didn't watch like every single how you do every part
[00:33:59] of every level right?
[00:34:03] We wanted it to it to still be like
[00:34:07] minimal looking things up uh we just want to look up a few more like techniques and stuff mostly for fun um so i'm just gonna i'm worried about being taken out by these guys
[00:34:12] Okay the apple helps a lot
[00:34:16] Yeah rangers when you're low health
[00:34:24] and not able to dodge as much
[00:34:26] because like your cooldowns are not
[00:34:28] where you want them to be
[00:34:29] or probably like the scariest part
[00:34:30] of the beginning I would say.
[00:34:33] Yeah they just like hit you from really far away oh i think
[00:34:38] two shots on them
[00:34:42] they're getting stronger.
[00:34:44] Yes!
[00:34:48] Oh, so many zombies. I'm trying to hold onto this TNT a little bit
[00:34:52] but like... what just do it here.
[00:34:55] Uh how do I
[00:34:56] I need to power the beacon.
[00:35:01] There's probably one down here
[00:35:03] I see that potion of swiftness so we'll try to do that too.
[00:35:05] Ow! Um... there is a beacon over here. Good.
[00:35:09] Oh, I'm sure the audience has noticed already but in case you haven't
[00:35:13] if you look there's always that little yellow
[00:35:16] and black arrow. Really really good for
[00:35:20] picking up the game because at least you have the idea of where to go
[00:35:24] So actually I would say learning this game if you're newer
[00:35:29] to speedrunning is probably a lot easier than some other games
[00:35:34] because a lot of the difficulty of learning a new game is just directional awareness.
[00:35:38] Yeah, I agree with that.
[00:35:51] Oh can I not get up this way? Oh that is so unfortunate. I was really hoping I could...not have to backtrack here but it's okay.
[00:35:56] Oh! We're good.
[00:35:58] Oh my goodness.
[00:35:59] Never needed more help in my life.
[00:36:01] I never need less health on me.
[00:36:03] There you go.
[00:36:05] All right so swiftness potion now it can get moving.
[00:36:09] Yeah so we really want the armor because like i
[00:36:11] said it speeds you up while actually
[00:36:13] gonna take a pit stop for this
[00:36:20] oh i just realized you don't have default controls
[00:36:22] no i remapped mine to be like
[00:36:24] league
[00:36:28] I uh can't really give you any crap
[00:36:32] because I re-adapted mine
[00:36:33] like I was playing Valorant.
[00:36:35] Yeah, I mean,
[00:36:36] I knew you were going to be
[00:36:36] something like that.
[00:36:38] Like my words on my mouth
[00:36:40] and everything. I figured you're either going to do
[00:36:43] like valor or like over or not a old-school runescape yeah So I normally wouldn't necessarily want to even bother with the supply chests, but I need the extra regeneration right now.
[00:36:59] When you pick up health, you don't really get like a burst of health. You
[00:37:02] get um...
[00:37:04] A regeneration buff for a little bit
[00:37:08] Uh, so oh right I need the blue one. It's probably over here.
[00:37:15] Also if you roll off of ledges you go really far which is super fun.
[00:37:21] So um...
[00:37:24] Get familiar with this.
[00:37:27] Yeah so I need a key right now.
[00:37:30] Oh that's really helpful.
[00:37:34] That's a really fortunate drop yeah oh except there's only one wave i
[00:37:39] thought there was more never mind it's like i mean you can use
[00:37:43] it for the next thing yeah yeah so these keys can be obnoxious
[00:37:48] because if you get hit they fall and then make them potentially run away from
[00:37:52] you yeah like that.
[00:37:55] Yeah!
[00:37:58] Well,
[00:38:00] that's unfortunate. There goes the TNT.
[00:38:01] I don't need that regular chest.
[00:38:05] So right now my
[00:38:07] my uh arrows my bow my crossbow is like way
[00:38:11] better than my um
[00:38:15] then my regular attack so i'm trying to just mostly use my bow but like you know sometimes
[00:38:23] we're gonna have to use regular attacks too which kind of help stagger enemies.
[00:38:28] Alright, I decided to clear them out because I knew they were
[00:38:32] going to get in my way on the way back if I didn't and then game does
[00:38:36] spawn more so so yeah. Gotta be careful.
[00:38:40] But I'm trying not to kill a bunch of enemies, which you know...
[00:38:43] As you'd imagine in a game where they expect you to stop
[00:38:46] and kill like everything that- Oh, did get it yeah that's okay you get three lives uh
[00:38:54] is it three last per level i think maybe her level did i level. Did I already die once on this level?
[00:38:59] I just forgot.
[00:39:01] You sure did, like right at the beginning.
[00:39:04] All right, we're going to take it slightly easier.
[00:39:14] Does the key go back to where you, where you pick it up virtually? Oh no look its on this guy.
[00:39:16] I didn't know that could happen.
[00:39:19] Yeah so i was trying to just initiate
[00:39:21] that and then kill them but unfortunately
[00:39:23] it didn't work out too well for me
[00:39:25] Alright at least we got a strength potion
[00:39:29] It doesn't help our bow, I don't think.
[00:39:32] Which sucks.
[00:39:32] I could be wrong.
[00:39:33] Maybe it does.
[00:39:34] But
[00:39:34] um
[00:39:35] I think it just helps
[00:39:37] the
[00:39:38] sword.
[00:39:48] So when you were doing your initial playthrough of this, did you have a favorite weapon at all? I kind of messed around with the few. i definitely felt that the bow was very strong
[00:39:55] uh there were some upgrades to the bow that were very good
[00:39:58] most notably one that increased the attack speed every time you use it.
[00:40:06] Um, which I thought was really, really good
[00:40:09] um because
[00:40:12] It let's just like fire a ton
[00:40:17] Right Okay, i was trying to hold off on using the potion there once i saw that for expondent now we need to just
[00:40:23] oh more boys. Okay.
[00:40:30] Yeah my initial playthrough was actually with a buddy of ours so i i unga bunga'd with melee and he
[00:40:38] he's the bow and he was very clearly doing a lot more than i wasn't yeah
[00:40:45] yeah Yeah, I think there's good melee weapons too.
[00:40:49] The bow is definitely helpful for somebody who's underleveled or doesn't know what they're doing.
[00:40:54] Like, I actually did some of the levels on a little higher difficulty than they recommended here and there.
[00:41:01] Is somebody back here?
[00:41:05] Because I was wondering if maybe like... More weight!
[00:41:08] I was wondering if maybe going to a higher difficulty
[00:41:12] to have slightly less time, but getting a better weapon out of it
[00:41:16] was gonna be worth it. It didn't really end up being
[00:41:19] worth it because the levels kind of like scale to
[00:41:23] your stuff. Okay, so then this is the ending thing right?
[00:41:27] So let's try to do this again
[00:41:35] there we go
[00:41:37] all right so that's Cackbat Canyon.
[00:41:44] So we get credit for completing the run. Honestly not too bad for not being practiced.
[00:41:48] Honestly I'm pretty happy with just not kicking a game over throughout this
[00:41:51] run like if we want if we have that i will be ecstatic um let's uh salvage what we can
[00:41:59] um i don't think
[00:42:01] we care about a cutlass, although it does have sharpness on
[00:42:03] it so maybe
[00:42:05] i care about that
[00:42:07] but we're going to
[00:42:12] salvage this stuff. I want to try and save
[00:42:14] my upgrades for the
[00:42:16] armor, but the fact that I'm not getting
[00:42:18] the armor is really bad right now.
[00:42:20] It's very unfortunate, but...
[00:42:23] Oh, you know, since we're not racing
[00:42:25] I can tell you this. You could just right-click
[00:42:27] on the weapon and it'll
[00:42:28] auto-update. Yeah, I actually know that
[00:42:31] I just keep forgetting.
[00:42:34] Okay, okay. Alright, right so yeah our recommended power at this point is 10 and i'm at three so you will probably
[00:42:38] i need to keep that in mind and actually stop and kill some things
[00:42:41] more often especially because they haven't gotten the armor or really
[00:42:44] like any armor of note um i believe that some of the levels have like chances for
[00:42:52] armor this is also one of the ones that has chances for the
[00:42:54] swiftness relic
[00:42:56] I think
[00:42:58] So that is like
[00:43:03] if I can get another swiftness Relic then I can actually have two know, two at once.
[00:43:12] You'll never go slow again it's amazing what happens when you have a complete
[00:43:19] pair of shoes oh this is the wrong way
[00:43:25] Oh Uh oh.
[00:43:26] Ow.
[00:43:29] Use the dog to try and distract them a little bit.
[00:43:32] Go ahead and melt some steel here.
[00:43:35] Again, as we go through this run
[00:43:37] I'll remind everyone in chat every now and again
[00:43:40] if you want to pick up this game
[00:43:42] it seems like a really easy and friendly
[00:43:44] game to get into
[00:43:46] just go
[00:43:47] to the page
[00:43:49] and there is a tutorial
[00:43:50] that was released like
[00:43:51] a day or two ago for
[00:43:52] current patch if
[00:43:54] current patches your
[00:43:55] thing yeah which it
[00:43:56] seems so the thing
[00:43:57] about I did look into any% a little bit as well and any% looked kind of neat but is very different.
[00:44:03] You pretty much do a glitch to like get very overpowered from the tower at the start and then you speed through everything else being overpowered.
[00:44:14] So they made current patch so that there was something
[00:44:17] where you had to actually go through more of the game
[00:44:22] oh they hit me
[00:44:25] yeah i know um speedrun wise the
[00:44:28] glaive is one of the like melee weapons that we would actually want to try and get.
[00:44:35] If we can get lucky.
[00:44:39] It's kind of unfortunate you're not really getting what you need from Defender.
[00:44:42] Yeah, but it's the thing is like you could reset around that if you were doing serious attempts at this game
[00:44:48] But since we are just doing a one-off um you know i'm not gonna bother with resetting around stuff
[00:44:54] like that uh there we go i was really hoping maybe we could get something very good there.
[00:45:04] You might be able to just bypass this enderman, but I think I'm going to take him out just to be safe.
[00:45:12] Uh oh. So the spiders can actually be kind of annoying because they will freeze you into place.
[00:45:17] Hey we got armor! So I'm gonna go ahead and just spend a second to put that on. There we go.
[00:45:24] Because at least it'll help me out a little bit as i'm rolling through all this stuff don't know what this particular armor has on it but you know
[00:45:32] it'll be helpful.
[00:45:38] Yeah, I think one of my funniest deaths that I had was a spider froze me.
[00:45:46] And then whatever that ghost-looking thing
[00:45:50] that sets the three by three blue fire on you,
[00:45:54] there were two of them and i got backed out
[00:45:58] yeah um i do have enough money for the
[00:46:02] um mushroom now yeah i would still prefer the armor as a machine.
[00:46:08] Oh, I just got mega hurt from that.
[00:46:12] Oh no! That's unfortunate okay
[00:46:27] all right
[00:46:27] good that didn't fall down all the way i thought it was going to
[00:46:32] that's terrifying yeah it's not i knew it wasn't gonna kill him but helps a lot with these costs.
[00:46:44] And you'll notice because of that regeneration thing I'm I'm grabbing apples and stuff even when
[00:46:50] I'm full health because
[00:46:51] I know I'm gonna take a hit.
[00:46:56] Nice. The dog's actually
[00:46:57] kind of helping out a lot here, I feel like.
[00:46:59] Or maybe there's just standing in the blades...
[00:47:02] Okay, there we go. Oh, I can't go that way.
[00:47:05] Or maybe I could have but slightly differently.
[00:47:13] Gotcha! Slightly different. There we go, airbender.
[00:47:15] Yeah but I will still conserve things a little bit here.
[00:47:20] Where..., I think
[00:47:21] I'm gonna go this way. Yep.
[00:47:24] Ow!
[00:47:31] Am I going this way? Uh-oh. There's a party going on.
[00:47:43] Yeah, we're gonna go ahead and...
[00:47:48] We're gonna take things out here just to play it safe.
[00:48:05] Okay, if I were more familiar with like exactly how certain parts of the procedural generation are done, then I would be able to just fly through a lot more of this but since i'm not and i'm new i'm gonna like you know take more stuff out
[00:48:10] and because i have like no health right now oh that was a well-timed level we can get right past
[00:48:14] them she can't keep getting away with this i'm
[00:48:18] barely getting away with it
[00:48:22] uh there is a chest and i I am going to check just...
[00:48:24] Oh, no, I'm not.
[00:48:26] I was like, I do still kind of want another one of the boots or something.
[00:48:31] Oh, no!
[00:48:34] Yeah, there it is.
[00:48:35] Yeah, that's what happens if you get hit by one of the spider projectiles.
[00:48:45] Should have just gone around this way.
[00:48:50] Okay, fetch the staff.
[00:49:01] Yeah, we have to initiate this little cutscene here.
[00:49:04] Is there anything around here I can get in the meantime?
[00:49:05] Doesn't look like it.
[00:49:10] Ow, ow, ow, ow!
[00:49:14] Ow! Oh my god... This is bad. I'm dead again.
[00:49:18] Whew! Okay. I'm dead again. Oh, no.
[00:49:20] OK.
[00:49:24] You got this you got you just trying to make it spicy. I thought the ads were going to be a problem but it was actually
[00:49:26] just the main one.
[00:49:27] OK, this is actually
[00:49:28] actually the swiftnession's gonna help a ton.
[00:49:42] Whoa! Oh I did this level
[00:49:44] casually, I was also
[00:49:46] way stronger.
[00:49:48] I was doing it on a little higher difficulty but
[00:49:50] that was way stronger which helped a lot um so i'm not used to i didn't i don't
[00:49:55] even know what some of the moves are this guy can do so
[00:50:06] yeah a lot of my gameplay with some of these bosses was run up melee like
[00:50:08] a madman and run away and cry until i
[00:50:10] could heal again
[00:50:14] we're just gonna do some kiting not ideal and i'm back out of here so that's
[00:50:18] very unfortunate i should have saved more throughout the level, I guess.
[00:50:23] Oh dude, I'm kinda like...I was kind of glitching him out for a second! Oh no!
[00:50:31] Okay, okay. It's fine. Fine
[00:50:36] The ads are killing me dude
[00:50:40] Being out of uh, oh this is rough being out of arrows right now it's real
[00:50:45] bad okay
[00:50:52] all right i got some more arrows from that.
[00:50:56] Dude!
[00:50:59] These projectiles do a ton.
[00:51:02] I think I need to just play it and save frame.
[00:51:11] Ow, I'm dead. Right?
[00:51:56] I feel like I got slowed or something there um this is a problem you got this I'm trying to like group them up where i'm hitting both the worried about the ads right now. Okay! Wow.
[00:51:59] That was the right play, honestly.
[00:52:03] As risky as that was, that was the right thing to do. You finished him off
[00:52:07] before he could get his attack off. i noticed i could kind of bug him out
[00:52:14] you gotta be kidding me now is not the time to be out of arrows and have these jerks okay okay okay i really want the pig because he
[00:52:23] probably has some arrows no oh at the end of it
[00:52:31] okay well we'll give that another try.
[00:52:33] This is really hard under leveled and at least this will refresh
[00:52:37] The merchant
[00:52:39] I can get the deathcap Mushroom and maybe...
[00:52:41] Okay, just a second.
[00:52:45] Did we have
[00:52:46] anything? We got a
[00:52:47] better sword so let's do that.
[00:52:51] Short bills are honestly
[00:52:52] also really good, because I think these use
[00:52:54] three... Does it use
[00:52:56] three per?
[00:52:58] I feel like it might. So I think I'm actually
[00:53:00] going to use the short bow, but I'm not going to uh
[00:53:04] i'm not going to salvage it just yet
[00:53:09] all right we'll give another try we'll give another try
[00:53:13] this does have me nervous for later levels though
[00:53:22] you got this.
[00:53:28] Oh my god!
[00:53:32] They're just knocking me around! Give me the business.
[00:53:35] A wombo combo, it's real!
[00:53:37] I really need to use the dog
[00:53:39] and distract them more.
[00:53:47] Oh this weapon attacks real fast.
[00:53:48] That's nice.
[00:53:49] This way, this way.
[00:54:01] So the one problem with like, the Deathcap mushroom is it's got a pretty long cooldown.
[00:54:07] Oh I must have attacked right away. Darn it!
[00:54:08] I wanted to hold on to that shadow.
[00:54:09] Alright but I didn't have to use my health potion this time so that's good
[00:54:21] ow yeah we're gonna well this thing is decent range
[00:54:26] okay that's going gonna help a lot actually
[00:54:28] it's a melee weapon because that's one of the main reasons they use
[00:54:31] the glaive in runs is for its range so so.
[00:54:41] Yeah, because I would say
[00:54:45] my favorite melee weapons to use
[00:54:47] were like any dual wielded daggers
[00:54:49] but man where they terrible when you were surrounded.
[00:54:51] Yeah, I did like the daggers as well but not for the run.
[00:54:53] I knew they were not going to be an answer
[00:54:55] for the run for sure.
[00:54:56] Yeah, yeah, for sure.
[00:54:58] I lost it back there. It's so hard to notice it's not on your back
[00:55:04] yeah now it's spawning more okay that's fine we're just gonna
[00:55:06] play safe take them out you're gonna i've got a lot more arrows this time
[00:55:13] yeah see they have glaives so they are doing you know they're outranging me by a lot
[00:55:36] come back here all right now we're good something i can kind of do oh that was silly me um
[00:55:40] something i can kind of do here and there is use um
[00:55:48] okay use something to like stun an enemy
[00:55:51] uh use like a Use a bow shot
[00:55:53] to stun them or something, and then
[00:55:55] a melee
[00:55:57] to do more damage.
[00:56:01] Having the potion right there so I could just dodge that Enderman entirely was very helpful.
[00:56:11] I went slightly around the slow way there, but I wanted to avoid getting hit too much.
[00:56:18] Think we're still going right ways, that's good...
[00:56:22] Do we have to go up this way? No no we gotta go down this way.
[00:56:30] Now that i've the mushroom too that'll help a lot with the boss.
[00:56:38] Oh yeah for sure
[00:56:59] yeah okay i got some waves here I think that mushroom in general is just going to be super helpful for whenever you have to deal with mobs like this.
[00:57:04] Yeah, unfortunately it was on cooldown at the start of the game but I would probably use it.
[00:57:11] I just want to use it when i've got like the most effectiveness out of it, you know
[00:57:13] Like now ow
[00:57:20] So you do we didn't talk about it before but you do get one potion at a time uh the problem is that's pretty long pull down so
[00:57:27] i'm gonna use the pit if i can
[00:57:31] Just gonna fire at this guy
[00:57:34] I can't believe your- This is Sparta income, that's so rude
[00:57:38] I've got a real quick um e-farmer
[00:57:42] does not have any of the things that we want either just this although cool down
[00:57:47] artifact cooldown might be nice i'm going to real quick though, just checking all of these
[00:57:56] to see...
[00:57:58] I think it was the bow in particular
[00:57:59] I wanted to see what it had not great um yeah
[00:58:04] i don't really want to level up any of those i might level up the cooldown
[00:58:07] just because we're not getting lucky and because we can get two of them so
[00:58:13] hmm and because we can get two of them. I'm going to go ahead
[00:58:14] and do that. We can always salvage the armor
[00:58:15] if I really want the points back,
[00:58:17] which is something that I really appreciated about this game.
[00:58:20] Yeah, it's
[00:58:21] really nice that you can try out different things and not get punished for
[00:58:25] it.
[00:58:26] W move devs!
[00:58:29] W move.
[00:58:30] I'm gonna go to see how much better the boss fight goes.
[00:58:42] We'll see see hopefully well
[00:58:48] i think the rain is going to be the biggest thing honestly
[00:58:51] oh for sure a lot that knight saved a ton of arrows!
[00:59:01] Yeah my thinking is that I can go ham with melee until I need to heal and then stay at range.
[00:59:11] Although, I might even try to Drainge out the adds first.
[00:59:24] Back, back to my league kiting skills.
[00:59:33] I'm actually going to go ahead and use the uh...
[00:59:37] That was unfortunate, uhh...
[00:59:42] Oh no!
[00:59:45] Small world?
[01:00:01] I don't know if i've ever seen that I'm not. This is so easy. Okay. No, no, don't get stuck!
[01:00:09] Oh jeez I got stuck for a second that was very scary
[01:00:23] Alright i gotta punch him back
[01:00:29] See how'd that hit me.
[01:00:31] I think we can finish in here. Oh, yeah. Easy.
[01:00:35] And I got the Glaive this time. What?
[01:00:39] No! no
[01:00:48] okay there we go and this time we went ahead and killed that before the enderman got here.
[01:00:54] You just wanted to show everyone at home what a bad attempt and a good
[01:00:56] attempt looks like, I get it.
[01:00:58] Yeah, obviously.
[01:01:01] Professional speedrunners on this show.
[01:01:03] Boy, howdy.
[01:01:06] Hey.
[01:01:08] Cool.
[01:01:10] All right.
[01:01:12] Much better stuff to blow through.
[01:01:14] Yeah, I'm happier
[01:01:16] with the position we're in going forward too
[01:01:18] knowing that I have a glaive now
[01:01:19] and a shortbow and a second boots of swiftness
[01:01:22] let's go
[01:01:22] Oh nice!
[01:01:24] We can put that on...
[01:01:26] we also have some cooldown reduction now too
[01:01:28] Put this on
[01:01:30] salvage that
[01:01:32] probably put on...
[01:01:36] Oh this has all the cooldown stuff but I think i'm gonna put on the better armor
[01:01:39] just for safety and then
[01:01:40] I can still get the cooldown
[01:01:43] if the blade doesn't have something I want.
[01:01:44] I don't really care about either of those things,
[01:01:47] so we'll just grab that
[01:01:50] and salvage the rest of this.
[01:01:56] Yeah, cooldown reduction is huge.
[01:01:59] Um yeah we're still not getting lucky on
[01:02:01] the other stuff but that's fine.
[01:02:05] So now we go to redstone mines because we only have one more the other stuff, but that's fine.
[01:02:06] So now we go to Redstone Mines because
[01:02:08] which is actually going to be easier so you do
[01:02:10] Desert Temple early
[01:02:12] quote unquote like it's unlocked
[01:02:14] but it's harder than
[01:02:16] Redstone Mines but because you can get the boots from it.
[01:02:22] And I think like an armor...
[01:02:24] You do it first ideally so I could have... If I had died again
[01:02:28] I probably would have just changed which
[01:02:30] thing I was going for. And yeah, look at
[01:02:32] now that I've got the glaive
[01:02:33] I'm gonna be going through things a lot faster.
[01:02:41] Oh my gosh. And the double boots like I've never had this so this is like wild this is beautiful to watch oh my Oh my god, I'm not even using the mushroom on top of it.
[01:02:52] I need to get this back for a second.
[01:02:54] Uh, we'll go ahead and grab the generation set and skip the...
[01:03:00] Alright, gotta free the villagers.
[01:03:17] Okay okay! okay okay i get it i get it oh my god i saved all the villagers but then i didn't get through the door because i thought it was they were very mad that we did that. Yeah.
[01:03:23] Oh, I got hit by the minecraft.
[01:03:25] Alright, we're fine this time.
[01:03:29] There's something I can appreciate about this run that you're all seeing right now, and
[01:03:34] you don't really think about too much casually is a lot of times runs like
[01:03:40] this the fancier bells and whistles really
[01:03:42] aren't a way to go faster. Because you think about
[01:03:45] it, increasing movement
[01:03:47] speed and increasing cool-down
[01:03:49] time or decreasing however
[01:03:51] you say it makes enough of a difference
[01:03:53] even though it's such a basic
[01:03:55] thing.
[01:03:57] Your arrows
[01:03:59] shoot fire and also have a 5%
[01:04:01] chance of getting a crit or something like that.
[01:04:04] It's nice when that works, but...
[01:04:07] Yeah, I do appreciate that you do care about
[01:04:11] getting some upgrades in here though.
[01:04:13] You know, there are some stuff you want to grab it's not just
[01:04:17] we start with like this one thing and then that's it oh definitely
[01:04:22] i'm gonna die again yeah once you've rolled you're like uh oh
[01:04:25] I have no way to get away from them so we're going to play this room safe since
[01:04:29] I've died twice now um I know it's not the same room but
[01:04:32] the same type of room
[01:04:36] Yeah, we're going to use that ranged hard advantage and grab some arrows.
[01:04:44] The problem is just they can really stack up on you fast, and if you get in a bad way
[01:04:51] like it's something that takes multiple hits. It gets rough.
[01:04:56] See how close I was to actually defeating them all last time? There we go. And there's one back here.
[01:05:14] We need to go this way now.
[01:05:24] Now, the cart got me
[01:05:30] plus the car. What a jerk.
[01:05:39] Oh boy, alright um... I'm gonna play this a little safe
[01:05:42] and just kinda wait here for a sec-
[01:05:43] Yeah, cause it sounds like my potion's almost back
[01:05:46] I'm going the wrong way
[01:05:54] Fuck! way. Maybe we have to take them out, I don't know.
[01:05:58] I didn't think we had to but but I will just to be safe.
[01:06:03] No,
[01:06:03] we didn't.
[01:06:07] These cards are vicious
[01:06:09] sometimes. Yeah.
[01:06:13] Alright, there it is. This is where i need you to go
[01:06:19] take out that creeper away oh this is a boss oh boy okay Okay, now that Creeper is in the way.
[01:06:23] Oh, this is a boss!
[01:06:24] Oh boy, okay.
[01:06:26] I do not feel well equipped for this but I think I can play to range
[01:06:27] because he doesn't summon adds
[01:06:29] and I did just get my health back
[01:06:31] so that's good.
[01:06:34] Okay. And I did just get my health back, so that's good. Okay and here is the attack speed
[01:06:42] Let it rain a little bit until he goes and does that.
[01:06:45] Now we should be good, alright. Good! Much better than the other boss.
[01:06:51] Now what you need to get out. Ah, don't get stuck!
[01:06:57] I am sitting in lava
[01:06:59] and gonna die from the lava on it
[01:07:01] I gotta... oh my gosh
[01:07:03] Okay now this is greedy
[01:07:06] Trying to go for this wall. I'm like six such low health
[01:07:14] The problem is these are one frame apart that you need to press these buttons, so it's just a little tricky.
[01:07:20] Okay! Mine's done. Hey I didn't game over on that one, so that's good.
[01:07:25] Well done. Hey, I didn't get him over in that one. So that's good.
[01:07:26] Well done.
[01:07:32] Item of casting?
[01:07:33] I don't know if that matters.
[01:07:35] Is this a better glaive it sure is yeah
[01:07:39] um yeah we'll get back and it's just like no it's
[01:07:43] hunting but i was like if that's a mechanical bow oh it's like the same
[01:07:46] glaive how could you lie to me he's uh i thought
[01:07:50] it was an 11 my bad yeah i'm gonna check i think i will take the uh This one in case I um...
[01:08:03] Yeah. Sorry, I'm just trying to see
[01:08:07] if any of these armors look mad or anything.
[01:08:08] I don't really know how this works so we're gonna get rid of it.
[01:08:12] I'll take the... what's it called?
[01:08:16] The other glaive just in case we get
[01:08:20] level up more and I want to
[01:08:22] put on the thing that does a little bit more damage.
[01:08:25] Okay.
[01:08:33] Hey, look, our spiders come in new flavors. How exciting!
[01:08:34] Yeah cave spiders are much less brutal in this game than they are
[01:08:41] in actual Minecraft, I think.
[01:08:49] You can definitely see the power of having so much movement speed increase as your artifacts, because the hops just go and ham through these mobs oh get out here oh no Okay, good.
[01:09:13] Oh!
[01:09:22] Gotta play so fast with all of our attacks.
[01:09:26] Oh no!
[01:09:28] We're okay, we can get out of this.
[01:09:32] I believe... yes! Well done! Okay, greedy. Greedy of me. Yeah I wanted a straight potion.
[01:09:49] That was the choice?
[01:09:51] Yeah.
[01:09:53] For what it's worth I would have done the same.
[01:09:56] I thought I'd be able to take them out fast enough because I had the deathcap thing up but that was wrong.
[01:10:02] Yeah, I don't like these guys chasing me so richly though.
[01:10:05] Zombies are too slow to really do
[01:10:08] anything so they're fine
[01:10:14] I don't think we actually have to take him out, so...
[01:10:21] I think we just need to activate all these things. Ow!
[01:10:26] He's fine
[01:10:34] i don't know where the actual exit is so uh ideally i'd be doing this in a way
[01:10:38] such that i go and near the exit, and...I think I'm kind of doing it?
[01:10:42] Maybe. Can't quite tell.
[01:10:47] Well let's say you are so the people at home are more impressed.
[01:10:55] Ow, we'll go ahead and use our push now to Take care of the summoner, dude.
[01:11:01] Stay safe with you because yeah,
[01:11:04] I don't want you blocking me in again
[01:11:06] Now I got stuck on a corner
[01:11:11] and sit back here on this one to be safe
[01:11:16] since I have no potion,
[01:11:17] and I'm kind of wanting to play it a bit safer right now
[01:11:21] where kind of wanting to play it a bit safer right now have to fight the golems.
[01:11:36] Okay, come on stupid illagers!
[01:11:40] Yes that was a well-timed level up.
[01:11:43] How do you keep
[01:11:45] getting these level ups?
[01:11:47] I need them, that's how.
[01:11:51] Incredible.
[01:11:53] This is not the way to go, is it?
[01:11:55] Oh I pressed a potion too late!
[01:11:57] I pressed it but just a little too late
[01:12:01] It's okay
[01:12:04] so i think i got baited by the objective marker there but i think
[01:12:07] i actually had to go this way yeah that was what happened. It's like a maze.
[01:12:30] Please be a supplies chest, yes good.
[01:12:33] Fine get out of here.
[01:12:36] He really wanted those arrows!
[01:12:40] I'm gonna play it a little safe while my
[01:12:44] health potion's still out.
[01:12:49] Oh, we're at boss aren't we? Or at least waves... Nope! We're at boss. Okay.
[01:12:54] I don't remember how this one works
[01:13:03] all right well while hobbs is messing around with the boss i'm gonna do my best to try and remember what our announcements usually are since my screen real estate is kind of not there.
[01:13:09] But I want to remind everyone that we will be taking a break soon
[01:13:14] in five or ten minutes, I don't know.
[01:13:17] And just wanna remind everyone that
[01:13:19] that's a good time for everyone to get up
[01:13:21] stretch your legs, get some water
[01:13:23] take a bio break
[01:13:24] want to remind you all that we
[01:13:26] on the first step like these breaks because it shows all of you at home
[01:13:30] that when you're learning speedrunning,
[01:13:31] you don't have to do it in one go.
[01:13:33] Please, please don't ever pressure yourself
[01:13:35] to committing more time than you have.
[01:13:38] We know that there's family stuff, school
[01:13:41] stuff etc but you can speedrun at your own pace
[01:13:46] Also don't forget we play ads during the breaks.
[01:13:51] If you don't want to see the ads,
[01:13:52] you can always subscribe to the channel.
[01:13:54] You'll get ad-free viewing.
[01:13:55] You'll get to hear a bunch of awesome music
[01:13:57] during the breaks.
[01:13:58] The breaks are usually about five minutes.
[01:14:01] Also, we're not the only show tonight! Our
[01:14:03] good pal Kiara is
[01:14:05] doing Game Masters after this, so
[01:14:07] be sure to stick around once
[01:14:09] we are done with this episode of The First Step.
[01:14:12] Also, thank you all very much for tuning in when one of us is on the phone.
[01:14:16] Yes, really appreciate it.
[01:14:19] And thank you Keiths for affording me the opportunity to focus for a second there
[01:14:24] there we go
[01:14:28] do i need to take him out is that why the music was so weird yep okay this is not okay
[01:14:55] uh since i got cornered i'm like not gonna play around with this you know yeah fair fair oh Fair, fair. Oh. It's like where am I going?
[01:15:01] I'm not even doing the thing this time.
[01:15:07] I'll sit through the seven seconds yeah
[01:15:10] i didn't i didn't want to chance it
[01:15:19] so we got two levels left that's all all! There are only 2 more levels, but as you can see things get harder as we go.
[01:15:21] Oh yeah.
[01:15:26] I'm gonna keep checking for our armor.
[01:15:28] Ocelot is... Oh, this is it!
[01:15:31] This is not the armor we wanted.
[01:15:33] I don't think that this has swift footed.
[01:15:36] Yes, which I need to salvage this one
[01:15:39] to be able to up here at that point.
[01:15:41] Yes!
[01:15:42] OK so that's going to help a ton and now let's go ahead
[01:15:45] and get the shield a little shield thing why not um oh this this had rush too so we
[01:15:51] even got a backup armor there if we needed to and power bow i don't think we want.
[01:16:00] They're gonna be flying though!
[01:16:04] Oh they go flying back as I said?
[01:16:07] No no you're going to be flying because of all this yeah
[01:16:10] they have it uses charged attacks i don't want to have to sit there and charge up attack so
[01:16:16] all right high block calls
[01:16:20] this level's so hard.
[01:16:22] I will once again probably need to play things safe and kill some enemies here and there.
[01:16:28] Yeah look at how fast we're going now.
[01:16:31] Ow!
[01:16:33] And look at how fast you died!
[01:16:35] Hooray! Everything's faster now!
[01:16:39] I got cornered was the problem.
[01:16:45] Please, keep moving! Keep moving! Thank you.
[01:16:49] I need to remember to dodge more now too is the problem.
[01:16:53] Like, I haven't been wanting to do this before.
[01:16:55] Yeah you get in a habit of not doing it and now that it's optimal like
[01:16:58] You're just used to not doing it.
[01:17:00] I don't like like situation i'm in
[01:17:05] we're gonna take you out uh sky or crossroad we might actually switch to
[01:17:08] that real quick yep Yep. You will.
[01:17:21] Ah!
[01:17:43] Brutal, okay. Brutal level of brutal stuff. ah brutal okay i should have leveled brutals i don't want to say that once you get past this level you're home free because like the run's still going to be difficult but
[01:17:46] this is definitely a huge difficulty ramp compared to some
[01:17:49] of the other levels even going to the desert early yeah because this is the
[01:17:52] one that getting a huge relief yeah this is the one that needs um oh i did not know
[01:18:00] that was coming and i keep pressing the potion just refraction too late that's really unfortunate
[01:18:14] i did not mean to potion there so that's
[01:18:16] really unfortunate.
[01:18:17] Fine. Thank you, gla1ve!
[01:18:25] Wow... I'm trying to use the scatter shot since i don't have a potion right now
[01:18:44] oh my gosh i've wanted the apple really bad
[01:18:53] oh i got a uh shadow potion there but
[01:18:56] like immediately attacked because i
[01:18:58] didn't know it was coming so yes we got the potion okay
[01:19:06] always gotta keep us on our toes yeah
[01:19:11] oh andy Always gotta keep us on our toes. Yeah. Oh, and the apple!
[01:19:13] Nice!
[01:19:15] Oh no I ran out of the
[01:19:17] attack speed! Okay.
[01:19:19] I'll pick that up just to salvage.
[01:19:21] We're gonna play this safe and kite them down here.
[01:19:29] Yes, another apple. Very helpful.
[01:19:32] Nice! And I'm about to get my Deathcap back so here we go.
[01:19:40] They spawned more. I thought for sure it was at the end of them
[01:19:44] but it's behind me and i was not expecting that
[01:19:47] he's not ready for it at all these guys have like ridiculous range It's really frustrating.
[01:19:58] Did I salvage the bow? I hope I didn't with the other bow,
[01:20:01] because I'm not sure if i want the scattershot using
[01:20:06] i think he just made a quick swap okay oh it does only use one ammo it looks like
[01:20:11] which i'm surprised by I thought he was using 3.
[01:20:21] Okay, these have like just...
[01:20:24] You know what arrows
[01:20:25] are kind of the errors right now so
[01:20:29] supplies that's good
[01:20:33] oh let's go food.
[01:20:38] I need to go down.
[01:20:45] It's so funny that you're surrounded by like 100 zombies and this is the reprieve room.
[01:20:50] Like, this is...this is the smooth sailing room.
[01:20:53] Way better.
[01:20:55] Uh oh I didn't realize that I needed...
[01:20:57] Hey look! You got the enchantments.
[01:21:01] I need a little gold dude here. Where is it?
[01:21:05] ... I'm just taking them out because like, I don't know where the goal is yeah and i saw that like my death cap has been
[01:21:23] mushrooming come back up
[01:21:30] god glaive is so good. Yeah.
[01:21:31] Um...
[01:21:33] So I don't know where the gold key guy is.
[01:21:37] Cause I'm wondering if it's in here?
[01:21:43] Do I have to do this?
[01:21:45] Like, I don't know.
[01:21:47] Well, it is
[01:21:48] giving you the markers, so... Oh, you're right, it is giving you the markers so oh you're right i can't I'm going to use this potion and kind of stall things out just a little bit.
[01:22:10] Try to let that health potion come back. Yeah, there we go. potion, kind of stall things out just a little bit.
[01:22:12] Try to let that health potion come back? Yeah there we go. And then I'll
[01:22:14] deal big damage. There we go.
[01:22:23] Alright.
[01:22:29] I think we did have to come down here.
[01:22:31] I probably didn't have to kill the evoker,
[01:22:32] but I probably have to kill the evoker but i probably had to kill the evoker
[01:22:38] that's the way that's the way to describe that yeah
[01:22:41] um or maybe it didn't have to come down here?
[01:22:44] What the heck?
[01:22:51] Um...I think it was just leading me to the exit.
[01:22:55] Huh.
[01:22:57] I was gonna tell you to turn around then.
[01:23:00] Yeah, although this seems to be a different objective, so maybe that was another way around.
[01:23:07] Yeah, maybe.
[01:23:09] Oh yeah you're at the buffet.
[01:23:12] It looks like we are just about at the time for our break. So I think i'm just gonna kind of get to the next supply chest and then we'll take a break.
[01:23:25] I need to remember that I need to roll.
[01:23:31] Rolling around at the speed of sound.
[01:23:35] Yeah, it's like if I had it from the beginning of the run
[01:23:38] i'd be used to just mashing it but because you kind of don't want to once
[01:23:42] you get the boots Mm-hmm.
[01:23:52] Alright, I'm not getting baited by the chest.
[01:23:56] As soon as you roll down there a whole bunch of stuff spawns.
[01:24:01] Whoa! That was weird, got pushed around the wrong way.
[01:24:05] Alright where's the next
[01:24:07] fly? Chess... No! all right where's the next fly just no no oh okay well
[01:24:13] wow uh we're gonna take a break and uh be right back so as soon as i'm
[01:24:18] back in camp here i'll count us in
[01:24:20] uh
[01:24:22] and we're gonna pause in three two one
[01:24:24] pause
[01:24:25] uh we'll be right back folks thank you
[01:24:27] so much for watching
[01:24:28] and before we let you go uh please remember
[01:24:32] that gdq's all women and fem speed running event flame fatales is coming
[01:24:37] back next month august 18th to the 25th. So use exclamation point FF in chat if you want to learn more about that to check out the schedule and let us know what you're looking forward to the most.
[01:24:48] So we will be back in just a few minutes. Don't go anywhere. so so so so so so so. so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so
[01:30:31] welcome back from the break folks thanks. Thanks for sticking through it.
[01:30:33] We are going to get right back into the run here so 3-2-1 resume!
[01:30:40] I'm going to go back to highball calls
[01:30:44] I am on the like lowest right that it can be on yeah
[01:30:49] That's something I've been kind of forgetting to check but I think I have
[01:30:52] Been generally uh so we learned there we need to play a little bit
[01:30:57] safer i feel like it was near the end of the things too, when you come and figure out how your playstyle should be
[01:31:12] for this level after you had already lost a couple of lives yeah like early
[01:31:18] yeah now we know it's all part of the process folks this is how you learn
[01:31:24] and again like keys i looked up a little bit for this one.
[01:31:27] But we specifically didn't really watch how they get through all the levels besides
[01:31:31] The first one so oh my gosh
[01:31:35] Okay well that's i think i saw an apple or something Oh my gosh. Okay, well...
[01:31:37] I think I saw an apple or something.
[01:31:40] I'm stuck!
[01:31:42] Oh boy.
[01:31:43] That was very...
[01:31:48] We should play this safe as much as I would like.
[01:31:54] Another Power Bow.
[01:31:56] You should hover over your blinking heart to see how much health you have.
[01:31:59] Four?
[01:32:00] FOUR! Oh my god!
[01:32:02] Okay, there was an apple. Alright.
[01:32:08] See the problem is when I I get stuck in spots like that.
[01:32:11] Oh boy! This is not where I wanted to go.
[01:32:15] Yeah so I'm just going to take them out now yes they hit for
[01:32:20] so far range i'm trying to get the strength potion to finish him off but
[01:32:25] uh all right we're okay. We're okay.
[01:32:34] We're good.
[01:32:38] So many, dude.
[01:32:45] It is both a blessing and a curse that remains
[01:32:47] the same when you die in Funback.
[01:32:49] Yeah.
[01:32:53] Ugh. I'm back. Yeah. Ugh,
[01:32:53] I just hate how like
[01:32:54] long of range
[01:32:57] those guys have.
[01:32:59] Um,
[01:32:59] hmm.
[01:33:03] I feel like I'm coming close to the first
[01:33:08] required fight right? Like so
[01:33:11] I kind of want to thin the herd. Wasn't the first one
[01:33:13] kinda soon?
[01:33:15] I believe so.
[01:33:21] You are annoying, sir.
[01:33:24] Oh my gosh! There's so many of them!
[01:33:32] And I'm low on arrows these guys are just the worst because of that range
[01:33:37] see how do you still hit me you know I think this level encapsulates
[01:33:51] entirely why
[01:33:53] you definitely want to grind a little bit casually.
[01:33:56] Yeah, well casually it's like
[01:33:58] you're probably keeping up with the level scaling
[01:34:00] Where am I going?
[01:34:03] I'm getting confused on where to go now
[01:34:05] Oh my gosh yeah this level layout is a little
[01:34:10] less straightforward than it was last time too um and i did not have the map up because i'm a fool
[01:34:19] all right we're gonna we're gonna just get through here safely cause I've already
[01:34:23] lost too many lives here
[01:34:28] I really do wish though that you could have
[01:34:29] that map overlay
[01:34:30] and like
[01:34:31] have it smaller
[01:34:32] in a corner
[01:34:32] yeah
[01:34:34] cause I
[01:34:36] think
[01:34:36] and I'm sure that's why you're doing it too but
[01:34:39] i very rarely had it up because it just felt like a distraction a lot of times
[01:34:44] yeah it does make it kind of hard to see the enemies sometimes
[01:34:50] i will to see the enemies sometimes. I want to go get the like, you know, enchanter but
[01:34:55] jeez
[01:35:23] they have uh We are close to getting this health potion back. Of course you're back.
[01:35:26] Let me away! So the other thing is that you don't roll towards your cursor, which I'm not used
[01:35:32] to. I would think
[01:35:34] that you would roll towards your cursor and I keep making that
[01:35:36] mistake. You roll the direction you're facing.
[01:35:39] Yeah, I
[01:35:40] struggle with that as well. so that's messing me up quite a bit
[01:35:49] okay there we go we have a stealth potion now so we can sneak on through.
[01:35:59] Uh okay this is where last time we went through the boss thing
[01:36:06] And I'm going the wrong way this time
[01:36:11] This layouts rough, yeah. Oh it's just not here God, this layout's rough.
[01:36:18] Oh it's just not here so this time I do have to do this.
[01:36:23] At least you found the key this time.
[01:36:24] Yeah but now I have to... Oh boy, this is not good.
[01:36:30] Yeah. You know what? We just wanted
[01:36:31] a new level layout.
[01:36:34] That level layout was brutal.
[01:36:38] That's okay, we'll give it another try.
[01:36:41] Like I said, I haven't gone through with this mindset before right?
[01:36:45] These are the stumbling blocks you
[01:36:47] would hit on your first run.
[01:36:49] And you've got to not let this deter you.
[01:36:51] I'm a big proponent of
[01:36:53] first runs are the best
[01:36:55] because they mean you get a second run.
[01:36:58] And second runs are so nice
[01:37:00] because you just save tons of time,
[01:37:01] which is really motivating.
[01:37:05] You know? Oh, definitely.
[01:37:06] What I would do after here is go finish watching the video
[01:37:09] that tells you how to run the game and look at what was my most problematic levels.
[01:37:18] Right? What were my most problematic levels, right?
[01:37:21] What were my most problematic levels and go look at those specifically.
[01:37:25] And be like, okay, how do I deal with these situations
[01:37:27] that I got put in last time
[01:37:30] like for the for now all i can do is just try to take it a bit safer right also i don't think
[01:37:37] your role actually gives you eye frames i I could be wrong about that, but like
[01:37:40] i think it's more just about getting through things quickly.
[01:37:48] All right Alright.
[01:37:53] Look how fast we go when we do have everything on. So nice.
[01:37:58] How did he hit you still? Yeah, it's ridiculous.
[01:38:02] Yes there are a lot of spots where they hit me even that doesn't feel like I should have gotten hit.
[01:38:07] Mm-hmm.
[01:38:17] Oh! Hmm. Okay.
[01:38:20] This room looks exactly like your first attempt.
[01:38:24] Yeah, I don't like that I don do have the potion now. Okay good.
[01:38:40] Kinda holding onto that potion a little bit.
[01:39:06] Yeah in case I can get regeneration things. Alright, now I'm going to use that potion with Light's Save. Gonna take care of some of the ones that are annoying me down here. oh oh i got an important update on my internet did they tell you it's out
[01:39:34] it was a squirrel. Oh no!
[01:39:39] So obviously that squirrel is no longer with us,
[01:39:41] but...
[01:39:43] Okay we're gonna play this safe
[01:39:45] I have learned. Oh yeah.
[01:39:49] No, no, no, no. The rest of you don't come over here.
[01:39:51] All right? Good.
[01:39:52] I was like, I need to just play it safely from my version.
[01:39:56] Yeah. Now you remember this time these guys are going to spawn.
[01:40:03] So brutal. Oh, can't roll too quickly!
[01:40:07] I keep forgetting
[01:40:12] you have to like click back and then roll ow
[01:40:15] i did it again okay we're okay
[01:40:28] We are going to wait on this potion.
[01:40:35] A little bit... I can only wait so long, I am a speedrunner.
[01:40:39] I only have it in me to wait for so long.
[01:40:42] Yes! Alright, we got through it.
[01:40:45] Much better. Last time didn't we die like twice there or something?
[01:40:53] Yeah, yeah. And we get to the supply room because we're gonna get this health back.
[01:41:11] Go through the well.
[01:41:15] This time I'm just gonna not kill the thing, though I am still going to go for the pig
[01:41:21] in case we can get...
[01:41:23] That's the wrong way.
[01:41:36] Ow. This way...
[01:41:43] Okay, we're gonna heal. Alright good.
[01:41:48] We learned from last time this was a good choke point to just kinda like handle these so they don't...
[01:41:54] This run through definitely feels good. these so they don't
[01:41:55] yeah but this run through definitely feels a lot more manageable this time I can go this way I Do men Come on. Get looming! Not rolling down there, almost made the mistake this time though.
[01:42:46] Nice okay cool. Those.
[01:42:48] All right.
[01:42:49] I'm going to go back and get those guys. all right i was so close to the end last time
[01:43:04] you really were there's a fight in here now but like oh man Fortunately, I think I aggregates some of the
[01:43:31] the enemies from down below but that's okay
[01:43:37] good oh that was some clutch bread dude brad dude
[01:43:55] i don't know how much experience you get from these mobs, but I wonder if you'll hit 11.
[01:43:59] Oh.
[01:44:01] Alright, we have all our lives this time, so that's yeah. Yeah, it's you're in such a good position.
[01:44:11] There we go. I wanted to get rid of that guy at the beginning so and
[01:44:14] we got a strength potion this time
[01:44:22] so that's good strength motion is so helpful because now we can start one-shotting some of these enemies
[01:44:33] and i got another one yeah Oh, and another one!
[01:44:35] Yeah so I will wait for this one to wear off because I don't think they stack.
[01:44:39] Could be wrong but it's about to wear off so grab it now.
[01:44:50] That was a bad time for me to use the Deathcap because you know the enemies hadn't spawned yet but I could level up.
[01:44:53] Nope, I'm gonna get away.
[01:44:56] Play it safe. No, I'm gonna get away.
[01:44:57] Right save.
[01:45:01] Good bread! Bread! The game's
[01:45:05] really trying to make it up to you.
[01:45:08] Oh boy, there's pork up there too that I really want but...
[01:45:13] Good alright got it and we need to go to you
[01:45:17] Alright now we can probably just melee everything with the Deathcap mushroom...
[01:45:21] Maybe there's one more wave?
[01:45:28] Ugh! Alright. Oh.
[01:45:29] Alright, I need to get out of this situation.
[01:45:37] I would really like to go take out the one who's buffing them, but...
[01:45:44] ...I'm not sure if I can get to them safely.
[01:45:48] Yeah see this is a little risky but we got there okay good nice
[01:45:58] you know what i didn't check does this thing have oh piercing okay we can get that
[01:46:04] that would've been smarter to check sooner but better late than never. Yeah, I was hoping maybe it had the thing with the fire rate there's still another wave. Okay, that's fine. That's fine.
[01:46:20] Ow, ow, ow.
[01:46:25] I clicked out of the window for a second.
[01:46:29] Come on help us, there we go!
[01:46:35] Oh my god
[01:46:42] yeah i really wanted to kill the enchanter dude i got one of them
[01:46:47] now i can get together we have a little bit of invulnerability after dying so There we go
[01:46:59] Okay
[01:46:59] Here it is
[01:47:01] Alright Try to do this thing again.
[01:47:08] There we go.
[01:47:12] Alright! We got through High Block Pulse. There we go.
[01:47:17] Alright, we got through High Block Pulse.
[01:47:20] Hardest level done!
[01:47:25] City and Pinnacle is obviously still hard but most of it is just the boss fight.
[01:47:27] Here we got another Deathcap Mushroom.
[01:47:29] I don't think we really care
[01:47:31] about replacing one of the boots, so
[01:47:33] I think we'll just stick...
[01:47:35] Actually, you know, I kind of am going to
[01:47:37] replace it for the attack speed, right?
[01:47:41] You could
[01:47:43] keep the boots and then
[01:47:45] swap to having two mushrooms on the fight.
[01:47:48] Oh, good call! That's what I'll do.
[01:47:54] Alright cool, we'll do that.
[01:47:57] Last chance real quick if there's anything
[01:47:59] we care about there's not um and just get going
[01:48:06] all right yeah because i can't i can't pick any of these others
[01:48:09] you have to have a minimum difficulty
[01:48:11] of this. Recommended power 16
[01:48:13] we're at 10 so obviously still quite underleveled
[01:48:17] but in position But we're in a position that hopefully should be better for us to stop.
[01:48:25] And this one has a lot of bouncing around! I didn't even mean to hit
[01:48:35] okay roll please the amount of times i bounced into a
[01:48:40] mob and
[01:48:41] oh my god
[01:48:47] nope okay okay okay we're good we're good we're good leave me alone
[01:48:53] leave me alone all right we have to fight and i'm dead Haha.
[01:49:09] Let's get back off the thing. Good.
[01:49:10] Okay.
[01:49:12] Ah! Yeah, see it's... Okay.
[01:49:17] Yeah, see it is spawning me right into a group of them that was brutal. Ow! Wow. Yeah, when I was playing this cache, I was just one-shotting everything and trying to
[01:49:32] get through it quickly so...
[01:49:33] We're trying to get through it quickly so they're trying
[01:49:34] to get through it uh taking everybody out so i do need to play this a lot safer Okay, um...
[01:49:50] Oh now is not a good time to click out of the window!
[01:49:54] We're okay we're okay. to click out of the window
[01:49:56] we're okay we're okay apparently just click out the window more that's how you
[01:50:01] survive I'm gonna grab this.
[01:50:13] I wanna...
[01:50:14] Kinda went slow there intentionally, dang, I was really hoping to hit them with that it's fine
[01:50:24] man those axe hits are so brutal, they hit you from so far away
[01:50:29] I'm kinda like stalling a little bit for my health potion
[01:50:37] Because i think we're gonna have a fight here.
[01:50:42] Yeah, okay i'm going to try not to use the health potion right away, but... Yeah, we got you too. so
[01:51:13] want to remind everyone in chat while hobs is going through these waves uh don't forget
[01:51:19] we are not the only show on tonight our good friend Kiara has game masters
[01:51:24] Immediately after TFS is done, I believe it's kaizo Mario levels
[01:51:30] Yeah Should be very cool Mario levels? Yeah.
[01:51:32] Should be very cool.
[01:51:38] Always a fun watch.
[01:51:40] Power of the Beacons.
[01:51:41] Alright, this is definitely a
[01:51:43] take some enemies out kind of room if i've ever seen one
[01:51:51] i don't like how low I am on arrows. It is what it is.
[01:52:07] Yeah, just really felt like I needed to take them all out there uh and then some supplies
[01:52:24] do you know if you get that that amount of arrows or is it random?
[01:52:27] I don't actually know.
[01:52:30] Me neither.
[01:52:31] Okay, I don't believe we need to fight this golem.
[01:52:36] Uh... ooh maybe we do.
[01:52:40] Because I don't think this is required yet.
[01:52:44] Well? Do we? golem in order to get the...
[01:52:47] Well, do we?
[01:52:49] Does the golem bring the bridge up or do I need to go through
[01:52:51] that tunnel?
[01:52:54] You know what? We're going to fight
[01:52:54] the golem. I don't think the golem will be too bad.
[01:53:01] Okay. uh you know we're gonna fight the goal i don't think the golem will be too bad
[01:53:07] and especially if he just doesn't want to do it.
[01:53:19] It does seem like some of the bosses is kind of break if you stand right up next to them.
[01:53:23] So there we go, alright cool.
[01:53:25] Did he drop arrows on me? No. Okay so it didn't...
[01:53:31] Alright. Here's what I'm hoping for.
[01:53:33] Yeah, I was like can we just roll it? It looked
[01:53:35] like there was an invisible wall. the wall
[01:53:45] not this way this way yeah so we are absolutely just going to run through this it's horrible looking oh ow ow ow
[01:54:00] no out No, ow!
[01:54:01] Dang. Alright.
[01:54:05] Come on. Alright we're making it spicy.
[01:54:09] ... spicy
[01:54:18] this way supplies
[01:54:20] let me out so we did have to go through there
[01:54:23] so i didn't have to fight the goal i'm going to know for the future if we have to like redo this oh come on how are you even reaching him Oh, this is hideous.
[01:54:49] Pick them out first.
[01:55:03] Alright. What did we learn? Don't fight the golem.
[01:55:08] Oh man, do I have to fight this golem?
[01:55:11] Nope, wait, no, maybe we we just go this way.
[01:55:19] Hey, a level up and it's turn portion sweet
[01:55:22] springboard
[01:55:24] I have learned in the springy sections
[01:55:26] that you've got to fight them right like yeah yeah as well yeah absolutely based on how
[01:55:32] the last thing
[01:55:35] it would be one thing if there were none of these shielded enemies with the maces.
[01:55:39] They're like, for real part.
[01:55:42] Oh definitely. I'm sprung over there.
[01:55:58] I'm just gonna go ahead and take advantage of this.
[01:56:07] I would like to save some of these arrows because I feel like I might need them for
[01:56:12] the final boss.
[01:56:13] Yes!
[01:56:14] Maybe another strength potion?
[01:56:17] Oh, there we go. Yes! Get another strength potion.
[01:56:23] And now we have a stealth
[01:56:24] potion so we can really get moving.
[01:56:29] Oh, you love to see it.
[01:56:31] Yeah.
[01:56:33] You're right at the end too.
[01:56:35] This is not a place for a pepper on out though. Okay, okay.
[01:56:47] I'm gonna hang out for a sec.
[01:56:52] Yeah, yeah! Especially since the boss is right up those stairs.
[01:56:56] There's a big claymore... 21? Do I want to go for that?
[01:57:00] The problem is it takes forever to attack but look at that strength increase
[01:57:07] i don't think this is generally like regarded what you do
[01:57:13] let's go for it we'll see how it goes. Yeah!
[01:57:15] I wasn't- I didn't want to influence this.
[01:57:20] I think we'll do this. The healing thing
[01:57:21] sounds nice but I think it won't come into play as much
[01:57:24] as we would hope.
[01:57:31] I gotta remember to roll.
[01:57:33] Dude, I'm never rolling.
[01:57:35] Alright, now this should be
[01:57:40] good luck yeah the first part i don't want to be too bad the second part i think was kind of rough oh the second part's really hard well one life in a dream Okay, this weapon.
[01:57:57] Very glad I got it.
[01:57:59] What a game changer!
[01:58:01] Also the fact that it has the thing where when you use a relic
[01:58:04] You get extra
[01:58:08] damage um on your next hit is huge because we have pretty spammable relics here.
[01:58:19] Did you see how much damage they just did? It sure
[01:58:21] did!
[01:58:25] Ow... Out.
[01:58:34] Oh, it spawned that right on me! I didn't realize this was in the last life too
[01:58:36] That's unfortunate I would would have maybe played it a bit safer
[01:58:38] and done some more arrow shots.
[01:58:42] Okay, well
[01:58:43] that's fine.
[01:58:46] He's right back into it.
[01:58:49] So close. Maybe he could have checked the shop or something,
[01:58:51] but I don't think there's really anything big that would have helped us.
[01:58:54] So now here's the problem,
[01:58:55] is I don't know if this weapon we grabbed...
[01:58:57] This is why I didn't get rid of the glaive.
[01:59:00] I don't know if it's going to be good for regular enemies, you know?
[01:59:03] Right.
[01:59:06] What it means is
[01:59:08] that it still has decent range.
[01:59:12] Yeah, it's not the worst.
[01:59:15] I think everything that was hitting you with the glaive
[01:59:18] Is probably just going to be a problem regardless like the axe guys or the maces
[01:59:24] or whatever it is nice thing is it's got like a combo with a real big third hit, so.
[01:59:34] But I do think I kind of need to, yeah, just fight
[01:59:36] enemies more, unfortunately.
[01:59:41] In this section.
[01:59:45] How is that still hitting me, dude?
[01:59:49] I maybe should have gotten the enchant
[01:59:51] on it for healing after a mob, but because I waschant on it for like healing after a mob but my
[01:59:53] because i was thinking about it for the context of the boss fight
[01:59:57] i knew that wasn't right not much there so
[02:00:02] oh my gosh.
[02:00:05] An apple!
[02:00:10] Ow, yeah see it has a long attack or long wind up on the attacks that's kind of brutal. Okay.
[02:00:29] Apparently this is the way I need to go! I was even going the wrong way, dude.
[02:00:31] I'm waiting on the self-push if it wasn't obvious
[02:00:33] like I really...I really need it it we can salvage a couple things
[02:00:38] uh no we can't get rid of our armor obviously
[02:00:42] why did that mob do an indie 900 don't think i want a regular crossbow
[02:00:49] oh i did forget to switch to the death cap mushroom too at the end
[02:00:55] remind me about that this next time.
[02:01:00] Oh, I don't like this!
[02:01:03] Ohhh geez... oh geez
[02:01:10] hey you made it further before your first death this time yeah Hey, that's the robe you actually want.
[02:01:26] And I just get two of them dropping back to bag that's funny um out of curiosity it
[02:01:33] doesn't have it anyways those are the one one of the ones that can have you know the dash but not that i don't remember what it's called
[02:01:42] the roll master thing basically ow why am i back here why am I back here?
[02:01:53] Oh my god. Clutch bread. Clutch apple.
[02:01:57] Another clutch apple.
[02:01:59] How do you keep getting away with this?
[02:02:03] Oh, what? I'm gonna fight more.
[02:02:08] I mean, fight in quotations. They're just getting spanked right now well yeah
[02:02:13] but that's why while it's still spawning these enemies you know yeah yeah that's fair Oh, sweet.
[02:02:28] That was really well-timed on the shadow thing.
[02:02:37] Alright, good.
[02:02:39] Oh, that was a big hit.
[02:02:41] Yeah, you get more damage when you come out of the shadow attack.
[02:02:42] Yeah, definitely the time more damage when you come out of the shadow attack so like
[02:02:44] yeah definitely the time to clear out a big mob so Hey, good time for a level up.
[02:03:11] We have learned we don't need that.
[02:03:14] Just have to go through here.
[02:03:18] I love how fast that is, by the way.
[02:03:22] There's a Golem in here!
[02:03:24] That's great
[02:03:31] wait is he buffing the golem did i just see that oh maybe
[02:03:34] oh i'm so focused on where i need to go.
[02:03:45] God they still hit me... Nope, not that way. This way.
[02:03:52] Over here. Just a reminder again folks in the chat
[02:03:56] if this looks like a game that you want to speed run
[02:03:59] go to's page of Minecraft Dungeons
[02:04:03] and there is a brand new guide
[02:04:06] that came out a day or two ago for current patch if this is the category you want to give a shot
[02:04:11] sometimes people just don't like dealing with having it down fast stuff which i totally get
[02:04:15] yeah and like the run is very different for any percent
[02:04:18] like you just get overpowered
[02:04:19] early from a glitch and then
[02:04:21] do the run, which in its own right can be very fun
[02:04:24] don't get me wrong, but for some people
[02:04:26] they want to tackle
[02:04:28] a bit more of the difficulty of it.
[02:04:30] It kind of reminds me
[02:04:32] of Pokemon runs where there's
[02:04:33] manipulation versus no manipulation.
[02:04:36] Yeah.
[02:04:37] Different tastes is all...
[02:04:39] Alright, we're definitely gonna have to
[02:04:41] take out the enemies here because i've already lost
[02:04:45] the one or two lives whatever it is uh
[02:04:49] i don't want to lose more before the boss.
[02:04:53] I believe the guide is by
[02:04:54] Exotic Panda?
[02:04:56] Now,
[02:04:57] now I can use
[02:05:00] the stealth potion and not have to oh my god zoomed in
[02:05:06] uh oh self push right out um no don't roll forward.
[02:05:17] Oh I almost got the health.
[02:05:21] Yeah, yeah, almost got it. Okay.
[02:05:26] That's so unfortunate when that stuff goes around.
[02:05:28] I definitely couldn't...
[02:05:30] I didn't have the ability to like pay attention
[02:05:32] to that and try to move through the area fast.
[02:05:38] I don't want these enemies, like shooting at me later so she can take it down.
[02:05:43] Yeah, it's there. Okay, alright. Alright folks, I see how it is.
[02:06:03] That's still it?
[02:06:10] Get out of here. Oh, thanks for the pork!
[02:06:14] Clutch pork! wait there's gonna be like a fight here
[02:06:41] isn't there so i should probably
[02:06:45] say
[02:06:47] no dude Oh, dude.
[02:06:54] Ow! Are you hitting me?
[02:07:02] Unbelievable. Get out of here!
[02:07:06] Gone.
[02:07:08] Oh, I know this is the final staircase.
[02:07:10] Okay. Well you know what?
[02:07:12] I'm fine with taking them all out.
[02:07:14] So I think I'm gonna kinda hang here for a sec
[02:07:17] I definitely want that potion to come back
[02:07:19] before going into this fight based on how
[02:07:21] things went last time.
[02:07:23] Also, don't forget the second mushroom too.
[02:07:25] Oh yeah, you know what? We'll do that right now.
[02:07:28] Although, if I'm
[02:07:29] spamming hits from this, I actually don't know if i want that well oh
[02:07:35] you got the enchantment yeah exactly um the artifact synergy
[02:07:39] yeah it's fine.
[02:07:43] We'll give it a shot.
[02:07:47] I'll hit it now, just pop that potion right away.
[02:07:49] You do have some lives available this time so...
[02:07:52] I think I have like one extra one better than zero Pretty good. Oh, come back here.
[02:08:18] He's being very rude.
[02:08:21] And I kind of just face tank a lot of that because i was trying to power them down fast
[02:08:27] yeah see this is the thing i keep wanting the roll to have iframes and it doesn't
[02:08:32] you can't roll through things in this.
[02:08:41] Oh, come on! It spawned the laser on me dude.
[02:08:48] We'll figure this out we'll figure this out
[02:08:57] oh my gosh.
[02:09:06] I don't like what's happening here
[02:09:09] ow oh it's that laser again man
[02:09:16] all right i think we'll go back to the glaive too.
[02:09:18] But I do think I'm probably mostly just gonna need to like use a lot of ranged attacks and play it safe.
[02:09:24] Real quick, we'll check the merchant if there's anything...
[02:09:28] No. There's nothing here we care about uh
[02:09:31] we can't use either of these because they don't have the dashing
[02:09:34] so just get rid of them i'll go back to uh oh
[02:09:37] we have a better well it's a crossbow but not a scatter.
[02:09:45] Maybe we just do a regular crossbow?
[02:09:50] Already wounded enemies or something.
[02:09:54] I don't know.
[02:09:55] Yeah,
[02:09:56] I would consider it
[02:09:57] but I also have no clue
[02:10:00] how much DPS you're getting.
[02:10:06] I think we'll use that,
[02:10:08] we're gonna do against wounded enemies.
[02:10:13] We're going to Salvage our Scattercross bow, get some knockback and then get another boost there.
[02:10:20] Yeah I think that's the play and we're gonna switch
[02:10:23] back to the glaive
[02:10:25] which means
[02:10:27] I kinda don't wanna salvage it but I do want
[02:10:29] the point back but I don't need the point, it's fine
[02:10:33] Not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting this to be as hard
[02:10:37] as it was. Yeah, I gotta give runners
[02:10:41] credit they get through this game so fast.
[02:10:44] This is two TFS episodes in a row where that's the prevalent theme.
[02:10:50] I didn't expect this to be as hard.
[02:10:53] I mean, I expected Hades' Fresh Vial to be that hard. I mean, I expected Hades
[02:10:54] Fresh Vowel
[02:10:55] to be that
[02:10:55] hard.
[02:10:58] I honestly
[02:10:59] thought it'd
[02:11:00] be like I
[02:11:00] knew would
[02:11:00] be hard.
[02:11:01] I didn't
[02:11:01] think it
[02:11:02] would be
[02:11:02] as hard
[02:11:02] as it
[02:11:02] was
[02:11:03] that think it would be as hard as it was.
[02:11:06] Uh that was, I did not mean to pick up the TNT.
[02:11:12] Okay i'm just yeah i'm playing a little safe here.
[02:11:15] Apologies.
[02:11:16] That knockback is nice!
[02:11:23] The fire rate doesn't seem that great, though.
[02:11:37] I don't have a roll right now. Oh, come on! Holy...
[02:11:41] Good, alright.
[02:11:45] Whew! I think it goes without saying that no matter what the game is,
[02:11:56] It's always fun to watch high level players go through these
[02:12:02] games super quick.
[02:12:05] Never doubt how talented the people are that do any sort of runs.
[02:12:10] They make it look so easy and it never is.
[02:12:14] Yeah, like they would probably be just flying through all this right now
[02:12:16] but I'm having to play it safe because i'm once again out of healing
[02:12:24] they hit me i don't know i gotta i gotta
[02:12:27] i'm gonna try to just rush through this next thing, but I need the help
[02:12:30] to do it.
[02:12:32] Yeah, there we go.
[02:12:36] Good. OK.
[02:12:38] It's good movement.
[02:12:40] No, no, Good movement. No!
[02:12:42] No!
[02:12:44] Bad!
[02:12:47] No, no buffing.
[02:12:56] We don't do that in this household. Bad!
[02:12:58] Yeah and again, this comes from like another...
[02:12:59] we didn't watch the whole...
[02:13:04] Oh my god okay we didn't watch that um the whole like tutorial video again
[02:13:08] like we didn't watch the individual level things which is where
[02:13:11] they would have gotten into more combat strategies.
[02:13:16] You play more.
[02:13:19] Incredible.
[02:13:20] So we'd have a better idea of
[02:13:21] how to take things out
[02:13:23] if we watched all of that.
[02:13:27] Oh, I am nervous.
[02:13:28] Yeah, which again, you can find that
[02:13:30] at the website for this game, it's just in the guide section
[02:13:38] Yeah
[02:13:39] It's like an hour and a half video
[02:13:44] Yeah we only watched like 15 minutes like an hour and a half video yeah
[02:13:47] yeah we only watched like 15 or 30 minutes of it um just kind of get the basics basics
[02:14:07] this was greedy but i paid off let's go he can't keep getting away with what is your definition keep getting away with this. What is your definition of getting away with?
[02:14:13] Ah, every time.
[02:14:17] I'm so convinced there's a way to just get
[02:14:19] to the other side of that.
[02:14:20] Who's gotta be right?
[02:14:21] No don't attack the pig!
[02:14:23] Just go.
[02:14:26] You have to fight the casual instincts.
[02:14:28] I'm not trying to, my mouse's cursor is on top of it
[02:14:32] and that's causing it to attack.
[02:14:36] Oh yeah, that knockback is like huge to give you some space.
[02:14:42] Speaking of space I was like I need to wait on the south ocean.
[02:14:47] I am at 1 hp literally oh my god all right now we rush Okay. Get out of here.
[02:15:00] That's a lot cleaner than your last couple runs through.
[02:15:08] Maybe, it's still terrifying though.
[02:15:11] Oh no if it's scary!
[02:15:13] How old they do so much?
[02:15:24] Dude they chase so far too. No!
[02:15:27] Ow ow.
[02:15:30] Clutch Apple let me roll. ow
[02:15:38] clutch apple let me roll i need you to not be buffed anymore
[02:15:53] I'm gonna pop the potion I mean, if you were gonna die, I guess flying backwards into a backflip is one way to do it
[02:15:57] all right leave them alone no no
[02:16:05] ow you hurt so much yes no
[02:16:12] i was so excited installing it Just a little bit for the potion.
[02:16:18] I'm not gonna fully wait on it because there weren't that many enemies right here, but...
[02:16:22] There are here! I wish i waited on it
[02:16:29] oh i pressed it i pressed the dart like at
[02:16:31] the same time that i died i pressed the
[02:16:33] potion so bummer you still have more lives than
[02:16:38] been previous attempts though so it's true
[02:16:44] uh no no no i've learned i'm not going to try to brute force that.
[02:16:53] Yeah,
[02:16:55] I have learned from my past mistakes.
[02:16:58] I'm not going to try to brute force through those enemies
[02:17:01] just going to take you out.
[02:17:09] What the heck? It's like turning me around.
[02:17:11] I think my mouse curse is going outside of the window.
[02:17:14] That's a couple weird issues.
[02:17:16] I'm gonna heal now so that it like comes back to the second phase hopefully
[02:17:19] because he has this long animation all right once again more lives
[02:17:25] uh and now that i'm using the glaive we're gonna switch to this
[02:17:31] hopefully uh hopefully he doesn't go too uh too wild with the lasers yeah yeah hey I didn't mean to use both mushrooms when I did.
[02:18:08] I don't feel like chasing him on that side.
[02:18:14] Get back over here!
[02:18:16] Oh, come on.
[02:18:20] Alright, guess we're gonna chase him.
[02:18:24] I'm going to pop the potion now just in case he spawns lasers on me. so I'm playing it safer. Well I can save her.
[02:18:58] Either way, either way, either way.
[02:19:03] Oh my gosh they're so fast.
[02:19:09] Popping that potion immediately... I'm out of arrows
[02:19:13] That's not good
[02:19:17] yeah if that laser comes over me i am just dead
[02:19:23] all right but we got him halfway
[02:19:35] it seems like he has a predictable pattern.
[02:19:43] Oh, I was hoping he was stuck.
[02:19:46] Oh man! I had nowhere to go
[02:19:52] all right Oh, dude.
[02:20:04] How do you handle that?
[02:20:05] That's so brutal.
[02:20:09] It's a rough boss yeah very
[02:20:11] brutal
[02:20:11] so I think
[02:20:14] either he just lined up and did
[02:20:17] this every single time
[02:20:21] and there's like a secret attack we haven't seen yet but it seems like he does
[02:20:24] the like the scatter bullet then he gets into position then he does the four-way laser.
[02:20:32] Yeah.
[02:20:33] Then, he gets in a position again.
[02:20:35] Then he does like three or four extra heads that pop up
[02:20:38] then repeat.
[02:20:40] Scatter big big laser other lasers
[02:20:43] the problem is the way the scatter plus um
[02:20:48] okay that's fun
[02:20:56] yeah the problem is the way that like scatter plus laser patterns can happen
[02:21:01] yeah patterns can happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:21:07] I'm dead.
[02:21:09] Okay okay okay come on
[02:21:12] No why would you spot me here?
[02:21:21] I liked your idea when he got to the four lasers you would just
[02:21:25] like kind of stutter shoot him with the arrows
[02:21:28] yeah i'm getting greedy now.
[02:21:35] That is not the direction I was trying to roll.
[02:21:40] That got me killed.
[02:21:43] I was trying to roll this way.
[02:21:46] Stop attacking! so Oh my gosh!
[02:22:10] I tried to roll off, but I just used the roll.
[02:22:17] No.
[02:22:23] And I accidentally potion really early, but we're fine. okay I'm so curious how this would have gone if we were both going like if you would
[02:23:02] have just crushed it somehow.
[02:23:04] Oh, I think i'd be in the same exact boat as you.
[02:23:08] Yeah, the final boss will bring over
[02:23:27] Okay Okay. Alright, at least we're heading in with basically full health into here. Ow!
[02:23:28] They are just so fast, dude.
[02:23:38] Uh... I could have gone that way. That wouldn't be fine.
[02:23:46] I think i need a potion here. Okay, okay.
[02:23:54] I got through that pretty quickly and I was really staring at the map.
[02:24:10] Dude, these golem boss fight areas are fantastic
[02:24:12] now. Just don't do them.
[02:24:15] Nice little break.
[02:24:23] I'm talking quiet because I don't have the audio balance but my internet's back
[02:24:28] all right geez you got it back your internet's back that's so good my internet's back.
[02:24:42] Stupid squirrels!
[02:24:46] Oh my gosh, I'm not dead.
[02:24:53] How am I not dead? Oh, this is bad.
[02:24:55] Didn't want to hit that spring?
[02:24:58] Okay, okay.
[02:25:01] I think what we're gonna do...
[02:25:02] I'll get this one more...
[02:25:04] Well hmmm, I don't know if we have time.
[02:25:06] Dang! I was going to say If we had time for you to like go
[02:25:09] they're like set up and then let's try to do one final race
[02:25:13] maybe we could do that of like the tower or something
[02:25:18] look i'm just
[02:25:19] happy to have internet again, okay?
[02:25:23] I am down for
[02:25:25] whatever!
[02:25:26] Okay.
[02:25:36] Um, I think I okay um i think i'm gonna give this level one more attempt and if it goes rough we're going to break and see like if we can get keys in here as well for the last little bit of show
[02:25:41] here but either way i'm just happy that i can see stuff on my monitors again yeah again.
[02:25:52] Oh man, why do you get like stuck there? Hit him, please. Thank you.
[02:26:14] Woo!
[02:26:14] Okay, okay.
[02:26:19] We're gonna stall here on 2 HP for our health potion
[02:26:28] or are we getting an apple that helps um i think i can make this okay yeah
[02:26:56] and we got the health rush. I got some pork. That'll help us stay healthy here.
[02:27:01] And it should be that. Alright, good.
[02:27:08] This way... I did not like where I backed myself into into here but it is what it is
[02:27:29] and somehow i got out of it
[02:27:32] are you gaming Okay.
[02:27:37] And we're good!
[02:27:41] Let's go, just get hit by the And we're good.
[02:27:50] Let's go, just get hit by everything.
[02:27:51] No.
[02:27:57] I just don't want any summoners or enchanter things to live. I don't know what they're called, that wasn't obvious
[02:28:03] I just kept calling them enchanters, that fits the bill
[02:28:08] That's what they're doing.
[02:28:09] They're enchanting enemies, right?
[02:28:10] That's it.
[02:28:23] Okay, I need a pop-up potion for sure. Go go go go!
[02:28:25] Go go go go go go!
[02:28:27] Ow ow ow!
[02:28:29] I couldn't roll.
[02:28:30] I was just stunlocked up against the wall.
[02:28:34] On me, group!
[02:28:37] Let's goooo!
[02:28:38] Oh this one is going...
[02:28:42] No it is still going down I think.
[02:28:53] Yeah, still this way. It looked like it was gonna be going the other way. There's a trick. Okay...
[02:29:01] Wait, why are there enchanted enchanters?
[02:29:04] Wait that's a thing.
[02:29:06] Apparently!
[02:29:08] That's so lame. I don't know if I don't want to be in this position right now.
[02:29:26] We're gonna heal.
[02:29:34] Good! Good. No, you're blocking it!
[02:29:39] Thank you.
[02:29:42] Oh, I'm sorry. King of thank you.
[02:29:48] Good
[02:29:54] making sure we get through here and we got a stealth potion so we can really push through
[02:30:10] all right self-push just ended but we're pretty much right at the top here. No!
[02:30:11] Why did it do that again? That's so frustrating.
[02:30:20] Okay, well that's unfortunate my mouse cursor once again went over the game window.
[02:30:30] But I think we're gonna be fine.
[02:30:40] All right... Alright. Oh, you know what I'm gonna do here too?
[02:30:45] I'm going to switch to this.
[02:30:52] I think it is better to have the claymore at the end here
[02:30:54] for the bigger damage.
[02:30:55] Okay, knock me out.
[02:30:59] Wait! We're out of me out. Wait,
[02:31:01] wait,
[02:31:01] no,
[02:31:01] that's huge.
[02:31:02] Yeah,
[02:31:02] we're out of the arena now.
[02:31:04] What the heck?
[02:31:09] Does that mean you have to fight the giant spider?
[02:31:13] I would love that.
[02:31:15] Wait a minute.
[02:31:19] Ow, hit me twice.
[02:31:21] Where's it going?
[02:31:25] Where'd he go?
[02:31:27] Imagine if that meant the heads, like...
[02:31:31] all spawned in there. Okay!
[02:31:32] He went back there for the animation so we'll jump back in.
[02:31:35] Darn!
[02:31:36] Yeah.
[02:31:37] Imagine?
[02:31:46] Ow. At least your potion's almost back.
[02:31:52] Yeah, I know. I'm trying to make sure that I don't die before I get back.
[02:32:01] Yeah, we just gotta stall it. Oh gosh! Ran out of room! no oh
[02:32:08] he's not making it easy no
[02:32:18] stop spawning it on me Dude, I don't know how I'm gonna survive this one
[02:32:28] Okay Okay. You still made really good headway. Yeah.
[02:32:29] Screw.
[02:32:30] I'm going to go back and do this again. Oh, my man.
[02:32:39] He put like he's putting a whole circle around himself.
[02:32:46] So I can't get to him.
[02:32:49] He's barricading himself.
[02:32:50] You being smart?
[02:32:52] I hate smart bosses. Oh, his head spawned weird. Playing this like so safe now. I'm dead, yeah but he's real low.
[02:33:19] He's really low.
[02:33:22] And I feel I feel good about this one.
[02:33:24] Yeah.
[02:33:25] But we've seen how fast I can die.
[02:33:27] Yeah, that's true.
[02:33:29] Yes! Okay.
[02:33:31] Nice!
[02:33:32] Oh my god you still died?
[02:33:34] Could you imagine?
[02:33:37] Okay...
[02:33:40] Yeah this is it. Okay. Yeah, I was like
[02:33:42] I am not chance of getting there
[02:33:44] I'm dodging that laser for sure
[02:33:46] And that's time
[02:33:48] Nice! Okay.
[02:33:53] Didn't mean to skip the cutscene, but I was splitting on my other splits. Alright a little longer than I was expecting.
[02:33:55] But...
[02:33:57] We did get through it that last level was brutal.
[02:34:00] Was not expected for okay we got just a little bit of
[02:34:05] time left here in the show folks so we're going to take another quick break and be back and now
[02:34:09] that keys internet is working again maybe we'll have a little
[02:34:12] chat during the break and see what we can do
[02:34:14] in this time but
[02:34:15] before we get to the break I just wanted
[02:34:18] to remind folks that if you
[02:34:20] missed any of Summer Games Done Quick 2024 and you want to check it out
[02:34:23] you can go subscribe at games sorry slash games done quick and of course gdq is going
[02:34:29] to be at pax west again this year as well that is happening august 30th to september 2nd so please
[02:34:35] if you want to to you know if you want to come check that out if you're going to be at pacswest
[02:34:40] come check us out and hang out for some of the speedruns we've got going on.
[02:34:44] You can use exclamation point PAX, P-A-X in the chat to get the full schedule.
[02:34:49] All right.
[02:34:49] For that or with that done,
[02:34:51] we are going to be back in just a few minutes.
[02:34:53] Bye bye. done we are going to be back in just a few minutes I see we're getting better so..
[02:35:37] .
[02:35:39] .
[02:35:41] .
[02:35:43] .
[02:35:45] .. so chop chop punch turn block
[02:36:00] kick punch so I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but I think you can just jump on him and he'll be fine.
[02:36:26] This is a pretty good run for your money. so.
[02:36:42] .
[02:36:47] . so so ¶¶ so so so so.
[02:38:10] .. so Welcome back everybody from the break.
[02:38:48] I'm finally here.
[02:38:49] My internet is back.
[02:38:51] I'm so happy.
[02:38:52] I'm super bummed that we don't have enough time for us to do an actual head-to-head of
[02:38:56] the actual story.
[02:38:57] But we discussed it over the break.
[02:38:59] We're going to take the remaining 30 minutes of the show and just see who can
[02:39:02] get furthest in the tower i have no experience in
[02:39:05] this at the cops you've dabbled in it i did it just like once
[02:39:08] yeah and i didn't even like finish it so what this is is
[02:39:11] basically we start at an even playing
[02:39:13] field we start with nothing
[02:39:15] as we go through the
[02:39:17] tower each floor you're going to be provided
[02:39:19] a set of rewards to pick from. You get to choose one keys.
[02:39:22] One of those rewards is
[02:39:23] one of the level-up resources,
[02:39:25] the enchantment things.
[02:39:27] And all the rest are either
[02:39:29] artifacts or weapons, armor.
[02:39:32] And the goal is to get all the way through the end.
[02:39:35] Most floors are combat floors but there are some shops and other things.
[02:39:39] The shops just give you one item if you need.
[02:39:43] That's pretty much it! We're gonna see how far we can get in the next half hour or so,
[02:39:47] So if you want to count us down, Keyz...
[02:39:50] Heck yeah! We're going to start in 3...2...1...GO!
[02:39:55] I was fully expecting another scream.
[02:39:57] I'm just fully expecting it.
[02:40:00] God, I'm so excited about playing this.
[02:40:02] I was watching the whole time and like damn
[02:40:04] I know! It's okay
[02:40:06] Keyes and I will have to race or
[02:40:08] do some co-ops another time
[02:40:10] So it's really weird having nothing
[02:40:12] to begin with. It feels really odd, and yeah every combat floor you
[02:40:17] have to take out everything before the end like anything below it. You get up again I got knocked off. Okay, fine.
[02:40:35] But you get up again?
[02:40:37] Oh that would have actually been perfect if
[02:40:40] I had killed every enemy. Definitely weird not having my usual stuff.
[02:40:52] Yeah.
[02:40:53] No!
[02:40:55] I threw my TNT and horribly, horribly missed.
[02:40:59] Was that not everyone?
[02:41:01] Okay.
[02:41:02] Oh okay.
[02:41:03] Go ahead and grab these Sulfists because they're unique.
[02:41:06] No no no, not go to camp. I will say by the way the speed things are still
[02:41:10] helpful um if you see them because you have to like get to the end portal each time you know so
[02:41:24] oh okay
[02:41:28] i keep hitting my inventory in hopes that like i start going faster
[02:41:35] it feels wrong not having stuff.
[02:41:46] What's... Okay, I was like when are the new things gonna spawn? Oh
[02:41:48] there's stuff back here.
[02:41:50] Stuff.
[02:41:52] Alright, good.
[02:41:55] Floor two cleared but I gotta get up to the top.
[02:41:58] Yeah, so this is why it's still helpful to have
[02:41:58] rapid properties still helpful to have um rapid crossbow for the limerick there is uh i'm gonna go ahead and get the crossbow.
[02:42:16] Yeah, floor two cleared.
[02:42:20] Nice. So this is actually the category that
[02:42:21] Shockwave ran at SGDQ,
[02:42:25] except he did blind tower which was effectively what we're doing
[02:42:29] because the tower changes once a week from what I understand.
[02:42:33] So that you could like route it
[02:42:36] but he did where he didn't know
[02:42:39] what things he was going to find
[02:42:41] which is basically what we're doing too because
[02:42:43] we just haven't done this before was gonna find which is basically what we're doing too because we didn't uh
[02:42:45] we just haven't done this before
[02:42:56] i have more Is that it? No, I didn't see the weather.
[02:42:59] That it?
[02:43:00] No!
[02:43:01] Or is there an enemy?
[02:43:03] I could have sworn that was all of them
[02:43:11] what is what is going on blend in
[02:43:17] i hate this floor so far maybe that's hard i just hate this
[02:43:21] wasting my time okay uh
[02:43:26] i might get an increased fire rate on this thing.
[02:43:28] Yeah, we're going to replace our crossbow.
[02:43:30] Oh god, I'm allergic to this floor.
[02:43:35] See,
[02:43:38] I really like the increased fire rate thing. Very nice.
[02:43:45] Oh hello? Where- where-
[02:43:47] Ah!
[02:43:48] Oh, no, I'm alive.
[02:43:56] Dude, I keep getting TNT drops from creepers.
[02:44:00] Where are the other enemies?
[02:44:04] Oh, you're way over there.
[02:44:06] I see what you mean by the camouflage.
[02:44:07] Yeah. Yeah, of course that was the last enemy. Yeah.
[02:44:09] Yeah, of course that was the last enemy. So rude.
[02:44:12] Oh, this one has the
[02:44:17] thing but you know what i think uh i think
[02:44:20] this is going to be more important i think actual armor is going to be
[02:44:25] more helpful so Hey, hey.
[02:44:46] It might not be like the best for like runs but I do really like having
[02:44:52] like the fire arrows because like you can shoot something and ignore it and go to something else
[02:45:00] oh didn't see you.
[02:45:04] I needed to go this way anyways, man.
[02:45:08] No no no no no!
[02:45:10] God, I died already.
[02:45:13] Oh no really? Yeah.
[02:45:15] You only get three for the whole thing.
[02:45:19] I got chilled so my
[02:45:21] movement was slow down.
[02:45:25] Right when a creeper showed up.
[02:45:27] Part of the problem with this for us is that we don't know what all of the
[02:45:28] artifacts and stuff are
[02:45:32] so there's going to be a little bit yeah
[02:45:35] here and there for us oh i'm so slow Ow ow, ow. Plants.
[02:46:04] Like stuck? Okay.
[02:46:07] Oh what?
[02:46:15] ... Oh, I look so cool in this armor
[02:46:29] that open oh it opened over here all right
[02:46:33] yeah there's a lot of armor and the skin stuff so let me use my
[02:46:40] i heard a fact forgot
[02:46:46] um fortune's beehive armor there's only so many
[02:46:49] options I got, we're gonna get the spear
[02:46:53] Oh also there is underwater floors keep
[02:46:55] No! No don't say that
[02:46:57] Yeah, or you have to manage the air.
[02:47:00] Water levels are the worst...
[02:47:04] every game.
[02:47:11] Ouch. Ouch! Alright, well we're gonna...
[02:47:15] be sad that we're dying.
[02:47:19] Oof, okay. Okay. Oh, this is the exit.
[02:47:21] Good.
[02:47:22] After that...
[02:47:23] Um, dagger's gone.
[02:47:24] I think we're gonna grab this i need to start getting some enchantment points actually
[02:47:37] should have done that here probably Here, probably.
[02:47:49] Oh boy! Okay I took my first death.
[02:47:51] I did not know how that relic worked or that artifact whatever it's called
[02:47:57] good i need you to die i'm so far behind Ow. Ow, I'm almost dead again.
[02:48:07] That's not good.
[02:48:23] I see.
[02:48:27] Yep, I'm dead. Oh boy! Alright well that's really not good.
[02:48:33] Good. Too reckless.
[02:48:36] Yeah keep doing it, keep doing that keep doing that no
[02:48:40] yeah i'm i have internet now hobbs i
[02:48:42] can't be nice i want you to have some
[02:48:44] competition though
[02:48:51] all right that's two deaths for me oh no No.
[02:49:02] Oh, it starts the whole floor over. Yeah.
[02:49:04] I wonder if you did on the same floor i did
[02:49:15] that's not four or six the one with the like piranha plants i just cleared for eight
[02:49:18] the shelter floor yes floor 8. The shulker floor.
[02:49:21] I spent a decent amount of time sulking over what I wanted
[02:49:23] to buy. Oh, I actually
[02:49:25] do need after-eat things? I didn't think I had to.
[02:49:27] I thought they were just there for their combat potential.
[02:49:31] Well, it's unfortunate that I would have been activating them as I went. went
[02:49:53] why is this floor so big big okay longbow, raid
[02:49:55] farmer, winged club, burst crossfire
[02:49:57] I don't think i want any of those so im just gonna get the enchantment
[02:49:59] which by the way i should be doing on these...
[02:50:03] Beehive armor?
[02:50:05] Chance to summon a bee!
[02:50:10] I don't care if that's good or not.
[02:50:12] Can someone be when you roll? Yes!
[02:50:20] Ehehehe Yeah!
[02:50:25] My first roll summoned a bee.
[02:50:36] Wait, how do I get air? Oh.
[02:50:37] I see.
[02:50:38] Aw this is terrible!
[02:50:41] I hate it here.
[02:50:47] Okay,
[02:50:48] I didn't know how that artifact worked.
[02:50:49] I wanted to use it at the end there to learn.
[02:50:51] So
[02:50:51] I don't love it
[02:50:52] but
[02:50:52] Whirlblade i don't love it but um world blade
[02:50:59] yeah i don't really like our current one so i'm gonna do that get him b
[02:51:04] um Get him, bee!
[02:51:10] No my bee! Oh there's a merchant floor wait a bee stinger chance to summon b
[02:51:21] oh my god i have a d build
[02:51:26] this is so stupid.
[02:51:29] Oh, I can make one of these unique. Alright.
[02:51:30] We'll make this unique.
[02:51:42] Hey! Hey! I'm on the first boss floor he's... This boss floor?
[02:51:43] I mean that makes sense.
[02:51:45] Ah ha!
[02:51:46] I'm so stupid!
[02:51:52] No, I killed my own bees!
[02:51:56] Ow... my own beast. Ow!
[02:51:59] Oh no, I died.
[02:52:02] I'm on my last chance already
[02:52:03] if you see me.
[02:52:04] Aw dang.
[02:52:07] I'm like stalling for my potion right now.
[02:52:14] Oh, never mind. There's an apple. Who needs a potion?
[02:52:18] Um...I think I glitched out the gas and
[02:52:21] i'm okay with that
[02:52:27] i'm gonna just take some damage here so I can finish off this gas.
[02:52:30] I thought I was out of the way for that- No! My pig is on fire.
[02:52:36] This is a disaster.
[02:52:38] Oh, okay.
[02:52:40] Ouch.
[02:52:44] No no no no!
[02:52:45] Well I died again.
[02:52:47] I have failed the tower.
[02:52:49] I will start from the bottom and try again
[02:52:52] all right cool hi i have
[02:52:56] i can play it slightly slow which i need
[02:53:00] because man am i hurting yeah you definitely have a huge love like I don't know which difficulty I'm on either.
[02:53:20] I didn't think about that until now.
[02:53:26] It's possible we're not on casual difficulty, or
[02:53:59] maybe you can't even do it on that difficulty. so I do love how I can just summon bees. It is cool.
[02:54:03] Oh, there's a burst crossbow.
[02:54:09] What? Is still alive? Come on man i thought i got everything on that side no you know what there we go unfortunate
[02:54:18] so area unfortunately
[02:54:28] well now i think we'll grab this first.
[02:54:38] Alright. all right
[02:54:43] get them bees the good news is i learned a little bit about what upgrades are going to be available, so
[02:54:55] I can try and use that to my advantage yeah
[02:55:06] but page nine cleaves. Let's go. I'll keep getting that.
[02:55:23] I want to upgrade my stuff more.
[02:55:27] Yup, we're gonna get the soul lamp.
[02:55:31] Sounds great.
[02:55:34] What the heck?
[02:55:38] Oh, they unique smith. Okay.
[02:55:41] Oh yeah, they'll upgrade one of your things to unique.
[02:55:45] Well unlucky for me all my stuff is unique!
[02:55:51] Yep that is unlucky for you.
[02:55:53] Alright I'm on the boss floor. Nice!
[02:55:56] That's where I died.
[02:56:07] How did I manage to throw the TNT in the one pit in this level? Alright.
[02:56:10] Get him bees! Yeah, he's up.
[02:56:14] Okay.
[02:56:15] Combat floor.
[02:56:16] I'm gonna go get the Combat floor. Oh, wow.
[02:56:37] That was fast.
[02:56:42] All right. Oh wow, that was fast. Alright good
[02:56:49] But how do we get our arrows back?
[02:56:52] Uhhh... find some
[02:56:55] BUT WHERE?!
[02:56:57] On the floor. Oh, well that's unfortunate.
[02:57:07] Okay, I'll go. okay okay
[02:57:10] that's good
[02:57:13] it's definitely up there this
[02:57:16] oh my god
[02:57:20] the bees aren't enough right now
[02:57:25] Oh, I'm so dead. There's no way I survived right?
[02:57:32] Yeah all right! All right that's fine, that's fine. I got one more chance
[02:57:37] and i have my arrows back.
[02:57:42] I can sound the horn and go the wrong way, but or a little movement speed boost
[02:57:52] all right so i'm not going to switch our armor i don't like the eye of the
[02:57:55] guardian uh i think we're just gonna get one of
[02:57:58] these and upgrade them my speed boost.
[02:58:01] I wanna kill the ghast first, I'm struggling with its projectiles more than anything else
[02:58:05] Yeah, I managed to glitch it out at the time I actually did kill it but then I died anyways. Act through the plants.
[02:58:31] I don't actually know if I need to kill all through the plants.
[02:58:34] I don't actually know if I need to kill all of the plants because I feel like they get
[02:58:35] summoned by these little cactus dudes.
[02:58:45] Okay, the ghast is dead. This feels a lot more doable to me. Let's speed go. Oh, that speed! Goal! Alright. I'm not getting the Beehive armor.
[02:59:07] I will get the Fortune Spirit thing.
[02:59:14] Come on. Yes!
[02:59:24] Cher is doing a good job of not letting me approach him. Oh no, no, nope.
[02:59:40] I'mma play it super safe and I'm just gonna run in a lot of circles until I can potion again.
[02:59:46] Very fair.
[02:59:48] I could give the bee
[02:59:50] Stinger a chance to summon a bee.
[02:59:52] Yeah, I have that too!
[02:59:54] Of course you do.
[02:59:56] I have a full b build I don't think i'm going to.
[03:00:12] Ow! Oh my gosh, that's so much damage.
[03:00:15] Oh, I did not realize the Beastinger does such little damage but just hits a lot.
[03:00:22] It's cool, but also I don't know if it is the best
[03:00:26] or what I am trying to do here.
[03:00:30] He is so close to dead
[03:00:34] what's all mine oh run in circles running circles running circles running
[03:00:37] circles it's not worth the risk and make sure they died
[03:00:46] good good i believe i believe a little more now
[03:00:52] gotta be out of that kill let's go
[03:01:01] yeah Yeah!
[03:01:07] Floor 11 cleared. Nice. Let's go,
[03:01:09] let's go bees! I'm getting to floor
[03:01:11] 9 next. Blended robe...
[03:01:13] I mean that's probably way better than the bee thing,
[03:01:15] but I gotta commit
[03:01:17] to this!
[03:01:21] Alright I'm All right.
[03:01:26] I feel like I'm catching up.
[03:01:28] Oh, definitely! I'm playing super safe.
[03:01:33] It's just kind of your afforded right as the one in the lead at the moment.
[03:01:40] Like I have to play aggressive.
[03:01:44] Yeah yeah yeah, yeah.
[03:01:47] Sweet bees! Join me!
[03:01:57] The bees are doing work. Yeah.
[03:02:02] I don't know what any of these are.
[03:02:04] Coral blade, we're about to probably get the unique merchant so yeah i'm gonna get
[03:02:10] the coral blade all right i don't like the beast that much oh finally an arrow bundle, thank god!
[03:02:18] Make this unit.
[03:02:20] Thank you.
[03:02:27] Alright I'm onto the boss floor. farmer vaccine
[03:02:32] all right i'm on to the boss floor let's see how this goes
[03:02:39] i'm all about having ads. I glitched out the ghast again, let's go!
[03:02:47] Oh no it spawned in.
[03:02:50] Oh I'm so almost dead already!
[03:02:53] OH MY GOSH!
[03:02:54] What?!
[03:02:55] Once it spawned in it just killed me right away.
[03:03:05] Get him bees! Oh.
[03:03:17] That wasn't a teammate, that was
[03:03:18] a spider following me the whole time
[03:03:28] ghost kindler briefly gained ghost form when rolling.
[03:03:33] Okay listen, I like the bees but like... Oh, that was so close. Why is there more water?
[03:03:54] I'm so close to dead.
[03:04:04] Wait, how do I even...
[03:04:06] Yes! We got that.
[03:04:08] Oh, I see.
[03:04:10] No, I don't see it.
[03:04:19] Huh?
[03:04:23] I'm supposed to... Oh my gosh, that hurt.
[03:04:33] Stag stag stag stag, stag, stag.
[03:04:36] Yes! Good. No! Got through it thank god
[03:04:40] I think we're gonna use that opportunity to upgrade our armor
[03:04:44] Cause that clearly needed an upgrade
[03:04:52] or let's do more damage well i don't have any pets, so...
[03:05:07] That was scary. How's it going for you? What floor are you on?
[03:05:10] Dead! I died on 14.
[03:05:13] Oh, okay so you got the furthest so far.
[03:05:18] Now I'm facing T'rath though... yeah yeah yeah now i'm on the track no yeah but you know what upgrades are coming
[03:05:26] because they're the same.
[03:05:31] Oh, I'm out of arrows.
[03:05:33] I want that B build again!
[03:05:35] That was great.
[03:05:43] Uh... do I want thundering arrows or... Oh, guardian vexes sound great.
[03:05:46] We'll go with that.
[03:05:54] Uh oh, I'm not one-shredding creepers anymore, that's scary!
[03:05:57] Oh no... Ow. ow
[03:06:14] no
[03:06:17] where enemies oh they're there.
[03:06:26] Is this the last one? Awesome.
[03:06:28] Um...
[03:06:33] I think we're gonna get another armor. So like nervous what the armor's gonna do. Where in the wor- oh.
[03:06:39] There we go. All right. right
[03:07:00] ah you're on the floor that i was on i needed to die
[03:07:02] yeah if i can get to the next floor i
[03:07:03] win right and we're almost out of time I think I'm going to make it through this one. such horrible things.
[03:07:30] All that my internet stayed out.
[03:07:36] I finally got, like, a couple of decent artifacts.
[03:07:38] Floor cleared!
[03:07:40] Nooo!
[03:07:42] Well, GG.
[03:07:48] Alright, I'll just see how high I can get in the remaining time. Boots of Swiftness! Let's go!
[03:07:50] Yeah, I couldn't place that one.
[03:07:53] They took their sweet time to show up, didn't they?
[03:07:56] Oh and if you had gotten your keys it's a shop.
[03:07:57] Owwwww!
[03:08:00] Power Smith increases the power of the chosen item. Let's upgrade this, cool!
[03:08:06] Oh echo? I didn't see it had echo. Oh my gosh that's awesome!
[03:08:14] Oh yeah this floor...I hate this floor. Floor 16!
[03:08:20] Let's go.
[03:08:26] Yeah, now my weapon is really doing some good damage damage it's not like one-shotting anything
[03:08:39] oh come on.
[03:08:44] Nice.
[03:08:47] Yeah, let's upgrade our bow because our bow has not been
[03:08:48] Who is alive still?
[03:08:52] Am I getting camouflaged again?
[03:08:55] Uh...
[03:08:57] Uh...
[03:09:00] Uh...
[03:09:03] Pfft. uh
[03:09:35] oh that one's too good okay How does this work? Alright, not sure if I'm going to make it through the rest of this floor in our time.
[03:09:38] So I wanted to say thank you, everybody, for tuning in.
[03:09:40] Sorry we couldn't have a race here at the beginning.
[03:09:41] At least we got something near the end here.
[03:09:42] Yeah.
[03:09:45] And please tune in every other Monday
[03:09:47] I almost said it, Keith.
[03:09:50] Please tune in every
[03:09:51] other Monday at 7pm
[03:09:53] Eastern for the first step here on Gdq hotfix yes don't go
[03:09:58] anywhere though make sure you stay tuned because we got game masters coming up
[03:10:03] right after this. Right when
[03:10:07] time was called, I finished my floor
[03:10:09] so I'm pleased. Yeah, I'm finishing mine
[03:10:11] too because I'm just right here
[03:10:13] but yeah don't go anywhere
[03:10:15] folks we got Game Masters coming up right after this there's still some
[03:10:20] enemies they need to go away i'm gonna guess that's all the rest
[03:10:27] it wasn't okay well then
[03:10:29] why don't we see you next time
[03:10:32] folks oh real quick
[03:10:33] folks just as a heads up
[03:10:36] i will not be
[03:10:37] kind of sucks that this episode went the way it did too I will not be it kind of sucks that this episode went the way
[03:10:39] it did too. I will not be here
[03:10:40] next episode. We will have a special guest
[03:10:43] on though. It'd be
[03:10:45] a fun time. Give them the same love that you
[03:10:47] give me. Don't give them any of the ribbing you give me.
[03:10:50] Yeah, with that
[03:10:51] please stay tuned
[03:10:53] Kiara
[03:10:54] take it away when you come back from the break.
[03:10:57] Bye! you come back from the break That's right. so. uh uh. so and then when we do. so so. now we'll go back so. so so The I'm not sure if that's the right word, but it does seem to be.
[03:14:29] There are some more of these in this room... so. so so Welcome to Welcome back from the break, everybody.
[03:15:29] And welcome to Game Masters.
[03:15:31] I'm your host, Kiara underscore TV.
[03:15:33] And we're going to have a wonderful Kaizo showcase today
[03:15:36] with four awesome runners. before we get into that i want
[03:15:39] to remind you to join the official gdq discord and add the hotfix role where you can keep tabs
[03:15:44] on upcoming events talk with staff and showrunners like me, and more.
[03:15:48] Use Exclamation Point Discord in Twitch
[03:15:50] chat for more info. And
[03:15:52] if you missed out on any of our shows or events
[03:15:54] be sure to check out the VODs on
[03:15:56] slash games done quick
[03:15:59] I am joined here
[03:16:00] by four awesome
[03:16:02] Kaizo runners Shoujo, Shubda
[03:16:05] YouFailMe and GlitchCat7
[03:16:07] who all participated in the most recent kaizo relay race at sgdq 2024
[03:16:13] you missed it the vod's awesome it's an awesome race full of incredible levels we're going to be
[03:16:17] going back in to the SGDQ 2024
[03:16:20] levels.
[03:16:21] We're gonna be doing
[03:16:22] an individual race
[03:16:23] this time
[03:16:23] and doing a deep dive
[03:16:25] on what it took
[03:16:25] to make these
[03:16:26] levels come together.
[03:16:28] So,
[03:16:29] Shojo,
[03:16:29] welcome to the show. How are you doing?
[03:16:31] Doing alright, thank you. Awesome! You got
[03:16:35] shoved a hello-hello. Hello. And you fail me.
[03:16:39] Hello, thanks for having me.
[03:16:41] And join me on comms
[03:16:43] for the first parts of the one and only
[03:16:45] Glitch Cat 7.
[03:16:47] What up? Awesome! So
[03:16:49] we are going to be giving our runners eight minutes for these levels, whoever
[03:16:54] wins you know? We're not keeping track of points or anything, it's a friendly race from
[03:17:00] everybody but Glitchcraft is gonna give some insights into all It's a friendly race from everybody, but you know,
[03:17:01] Glitch Cat is going to give some insights into all these levels.
[03:17:05] Maybe missed the SGDQ show.
[03:17:07] Some of these levels are wilds.
[03:17:08] I don't know how they came together.
[03:17:10] It's just pure magic, I think what the kaizo community can do because
[03:17:16] every single one of these levels that you're gonna see today is like a collaboration between so many
[03:17:21] different people. Because not only like designing the levels but coming up
[03:17:25] with all these mechanics and then making them actually work within super mario world it's no
[03:17:29] easy task and you know big shout outs to all of the kaizo creators for giving us so much fun stuff to play.
[03:17:38] And it's just like an endless, seemingly endless amount of levels.
[03:17:42] But everybody are you ready to start with track one?
[03:17:46] Yes. Let's do it.
[03:17:48] Awesome! Okay so we're going to go ahead and start in 3...2...1...go!
[03:17:54] We have 8 minutes best of luck.
[03:17:57] So Blushcat, what do we got here?
[03:17:59] Well this is a level from Light Aligns and Sela
[03:18:02] and this has a really, really interesting mechanic right off the bat. You got the meter that's
[03:18:07] counting down green it goes to yellow it goes to red that is the timer when that meter expires
[03:18:13] the players will switch sides like teleport over to the side. And so
[03:18:18] they're doing things on one side that affect the other side and then they need
[03:18:20] to move really quickly to get where they need to be.
[03:18:23] This was I think a really good one to start off with because it's kind of like
[03:18:26] it's honestly maybe one of the most straightforward
[03:18:28] levels that you've ever raised for sure uh i guess something to note here the meter
[03:18:36] uh you know it might look kind of slow but this is actually really quick
[03:18:39] you really have to optimize your movements with the meter to get everything done in time and also
[03:18:45] add to that you're sort of mirrored based on where you are. So if you're not jumping or aligned properly,
[03:18:50] you can just teleport into the wall
[03:18:52] and Mario does not like to be in walls.
[03:18:56] So Shubda are first
[03:18:58] to enter the checkpoints but now Shubda are first to enter the checkpoints, but you know,
[03:19:00] Shrubda and Yufei are right behind them.
[03:19:03] I want to ask Shrubda how did you feel like as this
[03:19:06] as the opener level for GDQ?
[03:19:08] How do you feel about it?
[03:19:12] Like was just like, did it come as a surprise like oh this is a really deep mechanic i haven't had to worry about yet um i actually called in the
[03:19:17] practice room that if we had a light well we knew we would have a Light Alignment CLO
[03:19:21] level but when we did it would be
[03:19:23] a vertical level.
[03:19:25] So this was
[03:19:27] not a surprise to me. The back and forth
[03:19:29] was a little bit but
[03:19:31] it was not as much
[03:19:32] of a surprise as it could have been.
[03:19:34] Awesome. Well, you
[03:19:36] failed me that was awesome making it to
[03:19:38] the second pipe and GG
[03:19:40] you failed me that was in under two minutes. Holy crap.
[03:19:45] That was really good. But we have a couple of minutes to let the other runs go and you failed me. How do you...
[03:19:56] Well first of all um that was awesome
[03:20:00] thank you i remembered that second half very well because i literally failed that ending and then the beast got it
[03:20:04] the next attempt.
[03:20:05] So,
[03:20:05] that one's lived
[03:20:07] a little bit rent-free
[03:20:08] so,
[03:20:09] thought I didn't fail
[03:20:09] that ending this time.
[03:20:12] Very good.
[03:20:13] Very good. Yeah, that was very, very good. Yeah that was a very impressive performance.
[03:20:17] So we're not doing this with no information obviously.
[03:20:21] We have honestly today two representatives from each team which was awesome.
[03:20:27] Didn't really plan it out that way, it's kind of just like how
[03:20:29] it works but GG shoved up our second finisher.
[03:20:36] Something to note about this level that is kind of
[03:20:38] obvious if you think about it, but
[03:20:40] might not this actually an auto-scroller
[03:20:42] too, right? The level
[03:20:44] is moving up on its own so um you know that puts an extra time pressure
[03:20:48] on this. Sela and Nidaleins are really known for these kind of really kind of far out beautiful
[03:20:54] gimmicks, that are are easily digestible.
[03:20:56] Once you understand what you're doing,
[03:20:58] oh it's not that bad but working through
[03:21:00] it can be kind of a challenge.
[03:21:02] This was tricky on stage to figure out
[03:21:04] exactly where you needed to be
[03:21:09] when the meter would expire. Sometimes, you'd be a little bit off position and you'd be like
[03:21:11] I know I'm aiming for the red blocks or the ice blocks
[03:21:14] but you would be slightly off-position
[03:21:16] and wouldn't make it.
[03:21:19] Go ahead.
[03:21:20] One thing that I didn't notice until watching, I think
[03:21:23] a few people play this after the fact
[03:21:25] is there's kind of some decorations
[03:21:27] spread out through the level.
[03:21:28] The little, kinda pink... they're not quite vines I guess chains?
[03:21:32] Those are supposed to serve as a bit of guidance from where you want to be during your teleport.
[03:21:38] It was very... it was so subtle that I don't think anyone would notice where you want to be during your teleport.
[03:21:40] It was very, it was so subtle that I don't think anybody noticed
[03:21:42] it during the race but I thought
[03:21:44] that was a cool little thing that they added.
[03:21:46] Yeah and Emily GG's
[03:21:48] So everybody finish in under half the time I allotted for you,
[03:21:51] so it turns out
[03:21:53] y'all are pretty good at Kaizo!
[03:21:55] The last thing
[03:21:57] that I want to mention that I really appreciate
[03:21:59] is that level is like the auto scroller itself,
[03:22:02] like the actual speed of the vertical screen is pretty slow.
[03:22:06] But it gives you so much left and right movement to fit
[03:22:10] in where it just still feels like even though this left and right movement to fit in,
[03:22:11] where it just still feels like even visually
[03:22:13] externally it's going slow.
[03:22:14] There is so much to do
[03:22:15] where it still feels really fast
[03:22:17] having accomplished so much stuff
[03:22:19] changing your momentum
[03:22:20] that direction so many times
[03:22:23] to be able to clear it. So awesome work, y'all! Are you ready for track two?
[03:22:27] Excellent! This one is by Fire150
[03:22:31] Let's get going in 3... 2... 1...
[03:22:33] And go!
[03:22:37] I've always said
[03:22:39] in Super Mario World that
[03:22:41] it can be a hard sell to do what I would call
[03:22:44] a limiting gimmick, or a gimmick in the level where some of your base powers
[03:22:48] are removed. Fire sells it on this one. The gimmick here
[03:22:52] going on is you can only jump while the p-switch
[03:22:56] is active and also the piece which is making those coins appear and certain things so you have
[03:23:00] to kind of figure out how to get a lift either falling in the air or bouncing off an object if the P-Switch
[03:23:07] has already timed out.
[03:23:08] How does that even work?
[03:23:09] What do you do with ASM to make it so you can't be a game mechanic?
[03:23:17] I am not a coder myself,
[03:23:20] So magic.
[03:23:22] Honestly sometimes when it comes to Mario World stuff if I'm asking D4 or someone
[03:23:28] I have no idea what the scope of what i'm asking for is it's like am I asking to open a window or install a swimming pool?
[03:23:32] Metaphorically.
[03:23:35] I want to take note too of that trick. Shubja just got it,
[03:23:37] Phail just got it. At the end there they have to...the P-Switch has
[03:23:41] expired and they've got the shell underneath them and then they're throwing
[03:23:45] the P-Switch up And it goes through Mario
[03:23:48] and when it gets to Mario's feet,
[03:23:50] It touches Mario's feet so it activates
[03:23:52] Actually as far I know, I invented that trick
[03:23:54] Long time ago. Congratulations!
[03:23:56] You're famous.
[03:23:59] Wow.
[03:24:03] So I guess mechanics for the second half,
[03:24:05] The big thing is this Yoshi elevator.
[03:24:08] Yoshi behaves this way when Yoshi is stuck in a wall thing is this Yoshi elevator.
[03:24:09] Um, Yoshi behaves this way when Yoshi is stuck in a wall
[03:24:11] he will clip upward like that until
[03:24:13] he's not stuck in a wall anymore.
[03:24:15] So right at the end there with that big kind of block
[03:24:17] uh, of coins
[03:24:19] they want to get Yoshi into the coins and those coins are not
[03:24:22] solid then the p switch expires and then once their solid blocks yoshi is going to teleport up
[03:24:27] but they have to time their jump so that they're in the air when the P-Switch expires
[03:24:31] and time that to land on Yoshi
[03:24:33] when he's up there. That is not easy
[03:24:35] to do, and that was especially difficult
[03:24:37] to do on stage. You have to kind of
[03:24:39] hear the sound of the P-Switch running out.
[03:24:41] It makes a little chirp sound.
[03:24:45] Yes.
[03:24:47] This is
[03:24:48] kind of like a question for everybody.
[03:24:50] So obviously we're
[03:24:52] playing, we're online, we're all in
[03:24:54] our own stream rooms
[03:24:56] and going through everything.
[03:24:58] What's the difference like
[03:25:00] playing in a crowded room?
[03:25:01] You got a whole bunch of people cheering me on.
[03:25:04] And how does that affect your game?
[03:25:07] I guess I should say
[03:25:09] Does it make things harder for you?
[03:25:11] Does the energy translate to you
[03:25:13] and just feel like you can do anything.
[03:25:15] How does that work for you?
[03:25:19] It gives me a lot of stress, actually, my hands were
[03:25:24] shaking extremely badly for the first
[03:25:26] three levels during
[03:25:27] the actual event.
[03:25:30] It's just...
[03:25:32] My hands were shaking really badly for the first three levels of the actual race, which wasn't great.
[03:25:43] It doesn't make it easy to play,
[03:25:45] it just gives me a lot of stress.
[03:25:47] Yeah I'm the same way
[03:25:49] I get like a lot of tournament nerves
[03:25:51] where its like okay
[03:25:53] Im on the clock i have to do this or like something huge is
[03:25:56] on the line yeah my hands shake if you fail me
[03:25:58] ggs um taking level one two congratulations that's fine i'll tell
[03:26:05] you what when we were on that
[03:26:06] very
[03:26:06] okay
[03:26:07] I was just gonna say
[03:26:08] that final room
[03:26:08] is very very silly
[03:26:09] because you can't jump
[03:26:11] and you have to get
[03:26:11] to the slope
[03:26:12] in time
[03:26:13] to slide
[03:26:13] to kill
[03:26:14] the buzzy beetle
[03:26:15] at the end
[03:26:16] and uh of course,
[03:26:17] but fire was very generous and gave the player
[03:26:19] a checkpoint.
[03:26:21] Yeah.
[03:26:23] Funny ending.
[03:26:25] If there wasn't a checkpoint there that would kind of shake things up a little bit,
[03:26:29] because you'd have to go all the way back around.
[03:26:31] I was going to say, to speak to the stage experience, I'll be real,
[03:26:33] I could barely hear anything with the crowd between the crowd, you know, donations being called out
[03:26:39] and commentary. Didn't catch that!
[03:26:41] The only way I knew I could hear my teammates
[03:26:43] And the only way I knew something happened was when
[03:26:45] the crowd roared like, okay cool
[03:26:47] Something cool has happened But But yeah I couldn't
[03:26:49] hear anything at all really.
[03:26:52] Yeah it was a surreal experience for
[03:26:55] sure and I'm right with Glitch
[03:26:57] It was...
[03:26:58] I think I didn't hear the crowd at all.
[03:27:00] I don't know if I just,
[03:27:01] just mentally turned them out every once in a while and here's something
[03:27:04] that BD would say.
[03:27:06] Uh,
[03:27:07] yeah,
[03:27:07] definitely being on the stage is,
[03:27:08] it was a lot harder because just those really small like kind of careless deaths really penalize you a lot.
[03:27:14] Luckily with the three person format it was a lot more forgiving but But yeah, you just die
[03:27:20] two or three quick times
[03:27:22] and then you rotate
[03:27:23] and you're like
[03:27:23] well I'll get another attempt
[03:27:25] in about two minutes
[03:27:26] it's not much room for error
[03:27:29] which really puts you
[03:27:30] out of your comfort zone, I think.
[03:27:33] Yeah.
[03:27:33] Chojo finishing that up.
[03:27:38] Alright, so Shota, speaking of
[03:27:40] tournament nerves and Rix against the Clonks, all eyes are on you now Shubba.
[03:27:46] Yeah no this is harder than it was on stage because I don't have a shoujo to rely on.
[03:27:59] The P-Switch trick with the Yoshi is not something
[03:28:01] I expected to show up in this at all.
[03:28:05] I thought that would be considered too hard.
[03:28:09] I love seeing my-
[03:28:10] Yeah, spitting that P switch out under your feet.
[03:28:12] I think one of the coolest things about Kaizo is,
[03:28:16] being able to talk about it early on where Mario World's a game full of cracks
[03:28:22] and Glitchpad used so they said it lets the light in
[03:28:24] so for all this creativity that can happen but
[03:28:28] you know taking something that's like a glitch in the base game
[03:28:31] and then utilizing it to create platform and mechanics is so awesome.
[03:28:37] That's like my favorite obviously, is Yoshi getting stuck in a wall
[03:28:42] using as the Yoshi Vader which makes me laugh every single time I see it.
[03:28:47] It's one of my favorite mechanics I've seen used.
[03:28:49] So super, super happy to see it there.
[03:28:53] Let's cat, what do we got for the next level?
[03:28:55] You can go ahead and count this one in for our runners ah well we've got some
[03:28:58] shells and uh shao shao is a very very talented uh maker of shells um you know obviously when
[03:29:05] a shell is moving mario can bounce on it and when a shell
[03:29:07] isn't moving he can't he kicks it and gets it active so the
[03:29:11] main trick here is the shell jump which is
[03:29:13] a very common kind of thing now in kaizo used to seem impossible
[03:29:16] but now it's pretty commonplace and
[03:29:18] xiao xiao has created a level uh around some shell mechanics with an
[03:29:22] interesting twist that we're about to learn about so
[03:29:24] if you all are ready i can do the countdown three two one go good luck have fun everybody who's gonna dethrone you fail me
[03:29:33] sorry to get some villain energy i uh i don't know if xiao xiao is watching
[03:29:37] the show i i have committed to getting the moon
[03:29:40] at the end of the level,
[03:29:42] which is
[03:29:43] pretty tough,
[03:29:46] but yeah, so Xiao,
[03:29:48] if you're out there, I'm going gonna try and get the moon for you.
[03:29:51] And you have to do a midair to get the moon right?
[03:29:54] Oh my gosh.
[03:29:56] Oh nice we're going to see a midair!
[03:29:57] What's a midair?
[03:29:59] So yeah two things in this... So, yeah, well two things.
[03:30:00] In this level, um, coins.
[03:30:02] You can't actually grab the shells
[03:30:04] normally you can pick them up
[03:30:05] but when you touch a coin
[03:30:07] uh, a shell will appear
[03:30:08] in Mario's hands
[03:30:09] so in addition to
[03:30:10] gauging the angle
[03:30:12] that the shells are rebounding off of the wall
[03:30:14] bouncing off the shell and things you have to aim yourself
[03:30:16] so that your touching coins
[03:30:18] in the air. And then okay, shove
[03:30:20] they're going for the midair. I can explain that.
[03:30:22] So a midair is a trick
[03:30:23] that was originally developed
[03:30:24] by the Vanilla speedrunners actually
[03:30:26] to skip a little bit in Yoshi's Island 3.
[03:30:30] What's going on is you are abusing,
[03:30:32] you're basically throwing the shell underneath Mario's feet.
[03:30:35] When Mario is holding a shell and turns left or right
[03:30:38] You're holding the shell left, you're holding the shell right
[03:30:41] But in between that there is a brief moment
[03:30:44] where Mario is basically holding the shell
[03:30:46] facing toward the camera
[03:30:47] and if you throw the shell in that
[03:30:50] moment with a tight frame window
[03:30:52] you throw the shell at an angle that it
[03:30:55] winds up underneath Mario's feet.
[03:30:56] In so doing, you can bounce off of the shell
[03:30:58] completely in midair, hence the term
[03:31:00] Mid-Air. Fun fact too, it used to be called
[03:31:03] a Shell Jump, but Shell to be called a shell jump.
[03:31:04] But Shell Jump has become a colloquialism for the rebounding off of walls
[03:31:08] and midair is now the term for doing that.
[03:31:11] They're also available in Mario Maker
[03:31:13] We have seen them at GDQs before In Mario Maker but I don't know if we've seen them in Mario Maker. We have seen them at GDQs before, uh, in
[03:31:16] Mario Maker, but I don't know if we've seen a mid-air
[03:31:18] on the GDQ stage otherwise.
[03:31:19] We definitely have during Reset Phase Small Only
[03:31:22] Yes, yes that was
[03:31:24] That's correct, yeah, I think that was the first time
[03:31:26] someone has gotten a midair on GDQ stage.
[03:31:29] She did a double midair actually.
[03:31:31] She sure did.
[03:31:35] There are a couple variants. but the fact that it just rolls off and becomes an indicator,
[03:31:47] It's a small thing,
[03:31:48] But it makes me so happy.
[03:31:53] And GG as well.
[03:31:56] That time counts it
[03:31:57] But you know we're to have to penalize you
[03:31:59] five seconds for starting at the checkpoint.
[03:32:02] I don't know what happened.
[03:32:04] But
[03:32:04] I've played this before and I just didn't
[03:32:08] beat it.
[03:32:09] But, um...I think you're good.
[03:32:13] Even with that penalty, GG.
[03:32:17] I didn't go for the midair though. Okay, now the race is on to see if either Shuvda or YouFailMe can get this mid-air.
[03:32:25] We got about three minutes into the levels and we have five minutes left for this one. We're doing pretty good on time,
[03:32:31] I'd say.
[03:32:32] There we go!
[03:32:35] Oh!
[03:32:36] Are you kidding me?
[03:32:39] Fun fact, if you do that you don't actually have to do anything in this room because the
[03:32:43] switch state hasn't changed.
[03:32:44] Wow!
[03:32:45] GG's, you failed it out.
[03:32:46] That was awesome.
[03:32:48] Is that an OK Speed hitter?
[03:32:50] Adds to the highlights.
[03:32:52] It's a p speed, you may be able
[03:32:54] to make it with no p speed
[03:32:56] but I don't know, it's not a huge distance
[03:32:58] Yeah, I was gonna note
[03:33:00] about mid-airs.
[03:33:02] There are a lot of variations of the midair because you're basically just abusing like
[03:33:05] I said that property where Mario is holding the shell toward the camera.
[03:33:09] The most common version is with P speed because Mario needs to be moving a little bit faster to catch up with
[03:33:14] the shell there are faster types of speed in mario world if you're shot out of a cannon or
[03:33:19] if you are sliding on your butt down a slope uh you can also do that with emitter but the no p speed variation
[03:33:26] is not only harder but a little more luck dependence because you're depending on some sub
[03:33:33] yeah shout outs to uh tj well. They have a very, very awesome kaizo that gives you a lot of help to learn midairs. It literally just gives you feedback on what you're doing wrong, like for each input.
[03:33:46] So if you're holding left for too long or if you're holding Y for too long it gives you that feedback.
[03:33:51] That's where I learned how to do midairs and so shoutouts to TJB.
[03:33:56] They had a...I know they They had a really big play in the 2022 relay,
[03:33:59] just helping everything come together at the last minute.
[03:34:02] Great member of the community and yeah,
[03:34:05] there was a lot of good things
[03:34:10] it to that point too um you know because i mean we know tjb they're just
[03:34:14] absolutely an incredible player. This kind of thing
[03:34:17] used to be sort of impossible.
[03:34:20] We're seeing people
[03:34:21] casually pull off mid-airs
[03:34:23] right here, just pulling them out
[03:34:25] of their pocket but that used to be
[03:34:27] 5, 10, 6, 7 years ago here just kind of pulling them out of their pocket. But that used to be like
[03:34:27] 5, 10, 6, 7 years ago
[03:34:29] an impossible sort of trick
[03:34:32] that only you would get
[03:34:33] 1 in 50 or something and people spent a lot
[03:34:36] of time learning that and improving their technique did anybody hit
[03:34:39] this during the relay by the way there is a kaizo block here i heard about it afterwards and i
[03:34:48] i had no idea. Yep that's really funny GG again so far everybody's doing great we
[03:34:56] finished that in under six minutes so g, GG's everybody with a midair.
[03:34:59] But you failed me, so...
[03:35:01] Plus ten points for the midair.
[03:35:04] And we're not keeping track of score,
[03:35:05] but you get ten points for that.
[03:35:09] All right, so level four, this one I think got quite the reaction out of
[03:35:16] the crowd and I think the runners on this one.
[03:35:19] Sharda, I know you know a lot about what happened here and before we actually see
[03:35:25] what's happening in this i'd love for you to like talk about what went into making this work.
[03:35:33] You said I know anything!
[03:35:34] Oh wait, okay, alright so
[03:35:36] Um...
[03:35:38] I know what I'm into
[03:35:39] Alright um I'll, my bad, my mistake.
[03:35:45] I'll say what I know because I was talking to D4
[03:35:48] who basically made an ASM and NAssembly, a video
[03:35:53] decoder for
[03:35:55] the Super Nintendo to play
[03:35:57] a video file. And
[03:35:59] that's the level, that's how it handles
[03:36:01] everything and it looks up all of the
[03:36:04] collision and hits
[03:36:06] based off... I think it was like a color lookup
[03:36:10] Like a pixel lookup of where you're at
[03:36:14] It's absolutely ridiculous, maybe correct me if I'm wrong
[03:36:17] if I mess that up, I'm going off of a conversation
[03:36:19] I had with them
[03:36:20] but
[03:36:21] I just don't know how this is working on a Super Nintendo. It's so impressive,
[03:36:28] and i won't say any more unless someone else has something else to add. So we can
[03:36:32] go ahead and get this one going in three, two, one.
[03:36:37] So
[03:36:38] the reason why this is letterboxed
[03:36:40] is because
[03:36:41] the SNES has
[03:36:43] a routine where it draws on the screen and that can
[03:36:47] get overloaded if you are doing
[03:36:49] too much processing while
[03:36:50] you're drawing to the screen.
[03:36:52] Basically, the entire screen is
[03:36:54] blanking on the top and the bottom so the level itself has to be in letterboxd It's just a spectacle to watch.
[03:37:09] Shoutouts to the Bloody Tears remix, apparently that was kind of an accident
[03:37:14] I'm told that Wolsk selected that without knowing that Bloody Tears
[03:37:17] Was kind of a meme
[03:37:18] in the Kaizo community, and they were just
[03:37:21] like, oh, that's perfect. We have to use that.
[03:37:25] But this is... I mean, this is just such
[03:37:27] an achievement, and I love my favorite...
[03:37:28] Honestly, one of my favorite moments from the whole relay
[03:37:30] was when the SGDQ came on the screen and the crowd roared.
[03:37:33] There's something about that that just was like so special.
[03:37:46] Oh my gosh. Yeah, so this is a level you can't fail. You'll go through it's an auto-scroller oh no! An oh no anime. This was a mistake after all, can't believe this
[03:37:51] but yeah it's just a hit counter
[03:37:54] we'll see who can get through the lowest hits
[03:37:57] I feel like he's doing pretty good here
[03:37:58] You notice a lot of little references and shout outs to
[03:38:03] uh fan games and other things there was actually watch for taskbot they're coming up
[03:38:07] uh the mario they're doing the backwards long jump to bad apple references
[03:38:12] and the franker z i think they're showing up
[03:38:14] here pretty soon
[03:38:18] yeah this is
[03:38:22] I don't know you know
[03:38:23] what he had to summon
[03:38:24] like
[03:38:25] what deal
[03:38:26] she had to make
[03:38:27] to get this to work
[03:38:28] but
[03:38:28] we're ever
[03:38:30] thankful for this
[03:38:31] Dita the Fourth is one of the most brilliant minds
[03:38:35] in kaizo right now and she has just made an in addition to this i mean she was part
[03:38:39] of the 2022 relay she made a whole editor for a different game um she is just has given us so much and
[03:38:46] she's just such an absolutely wonderful person yeah i'm chad's the dance have also as well
[03:38:51] for helping get this together.
[03:38:54] And Dan was there too!
[03:38:56] But, you know, Dan was integral to the game as well so...
[03:38:59] No yeah he's amazing
[03:39:02] I'm surprised they're not melons though
[03:39:04] instead of little're not melons though, you know? Instead of little things.
[03:39:06] All melons.
[03:39:13] Apparently it was Panga who suggested that 69 be one of the answers for the relay.
[03:39:19] Or how many exits are in Mario World?
[03:39:21] Sounds like Panga, yeah.
[03:39:25] I do want to bring attention to Shoujo here. Still at two hits, absolutely incredible. There was TAS bot.
[03:39:40] Yeah, there's Doomguy aside, you know, FrankerZ in there.
[03:39:44] Any Frankersz in chat? I haven't asked chat to post emails yet, so...
[03:39:50] I want some dogs. I would really like some dogs.
[03:39:54] Back in high school my router password was dogface no space with underscores that's how much i love frank
[03:40:04] ranker z frankers frankenstein yeah we get some info from chat as well that it's based off of the color value of a pixel, what counts as a hit. What counts as stuff you can jump on and what actually
[03:40:22] is just for visual effects.
[03:40:26] Shojo Thousand Crow, I think I saw three
[03:40:28] hits total for that.
[03:40:31] GG
[03:40:33] Which is ridiculous
[03:40:35] It's a bullet hell game in Mario
[03:40:38] That's just awesome to see
[03:40:40] So, I wanted to say, like...
[03:40:41] I think people at this point are maybe
[03:40:43] desensitized
[03:40:45] to seeing incredible things in Mario World
[03:40:47] but just to underscore that is one of
[03:40:49] the most impressive achievements we've seen in Mario World modification.
[03:40:53] That is just unbelievable what had to happen to create that.
[03:40:59] If you'd like a fun fact,
[03:41:01] that is the only Mario World game that requires an SD card
[03:41:08] at high speed.
[03:41:09] Otherwise the level flickers.
[03:41:10] Yeah mine flickered a little bit.
[03:41:12] It's still very much playable
[03:41:14] but I did notice that
[03:41:15] and I was like
[03:41:16] should I go buy
[03:41:17] a new SD card?
[03:41:18] I think it'll be okay.
[03:41:23] Like it boggles my mind.
[03:41:26] Like if nobody is coded in ASM, you know just go Google ASM
[03:41:31] It's just like a whole bunch of series of low-level computer instructions
[03:41:35] with three, like, alpha
[03:41:37] numeric codes that
[03:41:39] signify an instruction and then like a whole bunch
[03:41:41] random crap after it. I...
[03:41:43] Even reading through it with notes and explanation of how each line works, I still don't get it.
[03:41:48] And then you can go ahead and make something like pretty much everything you're seeing today has like some sort of
[03:41:56] custom assembly coating that went into it to make it possible
[03:41:59] uh anyway um uh glitch cap we got track five coming up tell Tell me about it, what we've got here?
[03:42:09] This one is brainy. The setups can be a little cryptic and I think this one in particular really encouraged team communication.
[03:42:17] I know, you know all us on the Goombas and across the hall
[03:42:20] and the Fuzzies we were all just kind of discussing it talking about it
[03:42:23] This uses a couple of obscure kind of properties
[03:42:26] In Mario World that I can explain along the way when we get there.
[03:42:30] But this was by Blagon, who has made some other really brainy stuff.
[03:42:34] And you know ChoJo, you won that. How about we have you count this then?
[03:42:39] Oh okay. 3-2-1 go!
[03:42:45] Don't worry I know how to count. I learned. Thank you for that so the gimmick in this level is that mario will become
[03:42:55] big mario when in the air and And Big Mario can spin jump
[03:43:00] to destroy those yellow turn blocks
[03:43:02] and also can take damage on
[03:43:04] the munchers that gives him iframes,
[03:43:06] right? And so you can run through a dangerous
[03:43:08] surface that you otherwise would die on.
[03:43:11] Big Mario is also two tiles high instead
[03:43:13] of the one tile for Small Mario,
[03:43:14] and that means that in some of these situations
[03:43:17] the racers are going to have to crouch
[03:43:18] to get underneath gaps you see kind of fail down there
[03:43:22] crouching and that was the thing and that happened to me during the race as
[03:43:25] well it's just sort of a thing if you take damage right when one of those
[03:43:29] kicking koopas is on the very edge of a ledge like that they have a chance to
[03:43:33] just fall off into the lava and uh then you have no more kicking creeper yeah a bit of a frame here
[03:43:39] around failure there it's that frame perfect I didn't know that was frame perfect.
[03:43:43] Yeah, people have used that in
[03:43:45] sort of trick
[03:43:45] games with glitches and things that
[03:43:48] you have to do that on purpose
[03:43:51] but to point out too,
[03:43:53] Sojo was working on the obstacle
[03:43:55] earlier, they want to take damage
[03:43:57] on the wrecks. There's that wreck
[03:43:59] walking around and they wanna jump so
[03:44:01] their big and then they take damage on the wrecks, and now
[03:44:04] they're small. But when they do take damage, it turns
[03:44:06] the wrecks around because otherwise
[03:44:08] it's going to walk off into the lava, and
[03:44:10] they want it to be walking to the right
[03:44:12] so they can get a jump up there.
[03:44:14] And, uh...the other thing to point out, Shavda already making it
[03:44:17] to this checkpoint, these turn blocks
[03:44:20] that you see, they rotate for a set period of time
[03:44:23] and then stop rotating. So
[03:44:25] by taking damage and running into that
[03:44:27] horizontal passageway with the shell,
[03:44:29] what they want to do is
[03:44:30] make four turn blocks
[03:44:33] rotate. There can only be four turn blocks rotating at a time,
[03:44:36] so by rotating the first one to get in and then hitting the other ones
[03:44:40] and hitting that final one it stops the block on the left from rotating
[03:44:44] and that rebounds the shell so they can take damage on the vine uh that is
[03:44:48] a pretty obscure property of super mario world but um it's being used to pretty cool effect here
[03:44:53] and it makes them have to operate on a on the timer that is their iframes nice job sojo
[03:44:58] also shout outs to blackon for putting this beautiful face
[03:45:02] in the ground here underneath the turn block setup
[03:45:07] probably didn't get noticed by many but some love some beautiful faces in the walls
[03:45:15] now the aesthetics here are really on point and i also love the uh transparent pink lava
[03:45:21] it's very pretty gg is a shrubbed up this one was really hard to do on stage.
[03:45:32] Yeah, for me personally I thought this was the hardest level because
[03:45:37] The first setups in both sections were really tough
[03:45:42] so it's very hard to build a lot of consistency uh in both sections it almost felt like you know
[03:45:48] kind of lucky to get the opening trick one out
[03:45:51] of three times and then some other time I got it.
[03:45:53] It's usually time to switch off to the next person.
[03:45:56] Yeah this is definitely...
[03:45:57] I agree this was one of the tougher ones very good um now
[03:46:06] okay uh i'm seeing it we have a you know flag on in the chat. So thank you for making that,
[03:46:13] That was awesome.
[03:46:15] And this is a special track,
[03:46:19] Track 6 from Vargo and Maddie
[03:46:23] at 69X0420.
[03:46:25] Absolutely incredible!
[03:46:27] We love them!
[03:46:31] Shoujo, what can you tell me about this level well um
[03:46:36] this is the level in the race that i said i had an advantage on because
[03:46:39] i was practicing speed running a maddie game for like a couple months beforehand.
[03:46:45] It is absolutely
[03:46:46] what you'd expect from Margo and Maddie.
[03:46:48] It is very
[03:46:50] ASM heavy,
[03:46:51] and it is definitely on brand for them.
[03:46:55] Margo and Maddie work really,
[03:46:57] really well together.
[03:47:00] It's just a really good level that involves
[03:47:02] a shell you control it by pressing L or R on your controller
[03:47:06] to make it move left or right,
[03:47:09] and they make some really cool tricks with it.
[03:47:13] I can't wait to see it so So go ahead and start in 3, 2, 1, go!
[03:47:19] Good luck.
[03:47:21] Maddy is a very awesome individual.
[03:47:24] I started at checkpoint again, this sucks.
[03:47:27] Shoujo stop cheating! Oh my gosh.
[03:47:30] I don't remember playing up to this point!
[03:47:36] Get her off the stage!
[03:47:38] I have cheated.
[03:47:43] Alright, so here's what we'll have you do
[03:47:45] at Showtrip. You can go to the end
[03:47:48] and then your goal,
[03:47:50] you will end going back
[03:47:52] in and hitting the checkpoint. How about it?
[03:47:54] Oh, sure.
[03:47:56] Yeah, yeah, just like a...
[03:47:58] Okay sure. You're just doing it in reverse. Reverse checkpoint order
[03:48:03] Listen!
[03:48:11] So I guess to speak To the gimmick of this level a little bit
[03:48:13] It's the distinction between
[03:48:15] Active and inactive shells
[03:48:17] Just kind of a shorthand
[03:48:19] Of my own, inactive
[03:48:20] shells are stationary. They're not doing that
[03:48:22] little spinning animation. Active shells are moving.
[03:48:25] You can only bounce on an
[03:48:26] active shell but in this case
[03:48:28] instead of having to actually hold and kick the shell
[03:48:31] Maddie and Margo have
[03:48:32] so graciously allowed us to press
[03:48:35] L or R to
[03:48:36] kick the shell at a distance and start it
[03:48:39] moving and make it active. So that's kind of what's going
[03:48:41] on here, they're using the kicking
[03:48:43] shell to bounce on it and then like in
[03:48:45] Shuvda's room keeping
[03:48:47] keep kicking the shell
[03:48:49] to the right so that it does not hit the on off block
[03:48:53] and send them into the abyss shout out to this kaizo block that
[03:48:57] that uh the beast dodged first try and everyone on my team I think hit twice each for being a gamer
[03:49:08] ding
[03:49:18] yeah you're also seeing these on-off switches that swap the state of the blue and pink blocks. The on-off blocks have to be hit by something, so Mario's head or a shell.
[03:49:24] But then there are also on-off coins and they can just
[03:49:28] be touched by an enemy or by Mario. They don't actually have to be hit like a block
[03:49:32] would. And you're using both of those in conjunction to um
[03:49:36] create some interesting situations yeah it seems like a lot to just wrap your head around
[03:49:41] like anytime that the l or r buttons are involved, like toggling on-off.
[03:49:46] You can really use L and R off as a toggle for practically anything it seems like.
[03:49:51] But anytime it gets involved...
[03:49:54] This is really a three button game at its core.
[03:49:58] You've got spin, you've got jump, and run.
[03:50:01] And adding in additional things to do on top of those really just like punishes your brain.
[03:50:10] I was in the practice room before the relay, and the day of
[03:50:13] I took apart and cleaned my controller
[03:50:15] And when I saw this level, the first thing I thought was I'm REALLY glad I cleaned my controller and when i saw this level the first thing i thought was
[03:50:16] i'm really glad i cleaned my own heart buttons just in case i need to use them all right g1 for
[03:50:22] shoujo number one doesn't count it doesn't't count I gotta get back to the checkpoint
[03:50:28] Gotta get to the checkpoint but you failed me
[03:50:30] What's going on
[03:50:32] right here at the start with the
[03:50:34] or at the end here with the text coming up
[03:50:36] Yeah at the end, you have to
[03:50:39] get a life
[03:50:40] which I guess you don't know until
[03:50:42] you hit the hint but yeah
[03:50:44] if you...I don't know who would get here
[03:50:46] and think to do that intuitively but yeah after you see that
[03:50:50] um it should trigger your brain that you need to get a bounce combo with the shell meaning
[03:50:54] you just need to bounce on it i think it's eight times uh rack up enough points to where you get a one-up
[03:51:02] and then the state will change and allow you to pass that's so cool
[03:51:08] that's the only time in the level when that is the thing that swaps the state.
[03:51:12] Every other time we're hitting the coins or blocks to change the state of the block.
[03:51:17] Also, that hint is just super funny.
[03:51:20] I haven't played any of Maddy's games, but every single one I've seen...
[03:51:27] Because like I watched Shoujo play it a lot.
[03:51:31] Some Sonic themed ones.
[03:51:34] There's always a whole bunch of really cheeky moments in them
[03:51:38] and also like a lot of wholesome moments
[03:51:41] so it definitely feels very them yeah they have a ton of personality and
[03:51:48] it really shines through a lot and makes it adds to the experience a lot, I think as a player.
[03:51:55] That's just something that I love so much about Kaizo
[03:51:58] like I've always kind of considered playing a level
[03:52:01] you're having a conversation with the maker.
[03:52:04] You know while your playing and reading their mind
[03:52:06] seeing what they value about level design
[03:52:08] and what they choose to challenge you to do
[03:52:10] And that's just something I've loved
[03:52:12] about it that you can really see
[03:52:19] someone's personality through the kinds of things that they make and kind of get up close with that in an interesting way. Yeah so much work
[03:52:21] at the start of the show but it really is true like how much work goes into it.
[03:52:25] GG's!
[03:52:26] JoJo making two-
[03:52:27] Oh yeah!
[03:52:29] A little bit roundabout way.
[03:52:34] But just like any game that is made, it's not just made by one person.
[03:52:42] It's like you'll usually see a whole bunch of credits listed from the
[03:52:46] music that goes in and just
[03:52:48] gives each game their
[03:52:50] own unique feel.
[03:52:52] To all the custom coding involved
[03:52:55] to make mechanics work to all the custom coding involved to make mechanics work,
[03:52:56] and also all of the custom sprites
[03:52:58] and artwork that goes in.
[03:53:01] So I know Shredda you had some very elaborate overworlds
[03:53:05] that people have made
[03:53:07] It adds so much character to like any individual game
[03:53:12] That's just awesome to see because you have
[03:53:15] all these people spending a lot of time to make these, but also just having a huge community
[03:53:22] of people wanting to play them.
[03:53:24] That's like a magical combo.
[03:53:26] It was like okay, people want to make levels, people want to play levels and it just
[03:53:29] has evolved over so many years into this and
[03:53:33] just so much variety so much creativity
[03:53:36] just so much awesome stuff yeah uh fun fact with that apparently um the producers were going to hire
[03:53:44] deviser blue to do the overworld for this uh game for the relay but he put all of his energy into the one that i hired him for
[03:53:54] that he couldn't do it anymore yeah and it is an absolutely incredible
[03:54:01] world. You know, Chendo, why don't you plug that?
[03:54:04] Plug that a bit
[03:54:05] of a game that people can play that you've made.
[03:54:08] Oh yeah, it's called
[03:54:10] A Road for Emily. It's for Shoujo here.
[03:54:12] It's a nice easy hack that everybody can play.
[03:54:16] That's a lie!
[03:54:18] I would like to say that that's not true.
[03:54:22] I don't know,
[03:54:23] the Thumbshredder level was alright.
[03:54:24] It only took
[03:54:25] Shoujo five hours?
[03:54:27] That's not that bad.
[03:54:29] One stream.
[03:54:33] That's the mark, yeah.
[03:54:37] Definitely check out SMW Central to
[03:54:39] go look at
[03:54:41] all these games that you can play and like really
[03:54:44] you know we have two more levels in this. We still have a lot more show after
[03:54:47] this as well so you're not gonna go anywhere um but
[03:54:51] You'll see a lot of very difficult stuff that is part of GDK races showcased like what we're doing
[03:54:58] here. But there's a lot more to Kaizo than just ultra ultra difficult games.
[03:55:05] So a lot of them will have, there's like
[03:55:07] varying difficulty grading system on there
[03:55:11] so you can find games of any difficulty
[03:55:14] things that are kind of close to vanilla Super Mario worlds, and it's just new levels in
[03:55:20] that style. There is actually ground in those that is not going to kill you. So there really is options
[03:55:27] where if you enjoy Super Mario
[03:55:29] World at all, there's probably a game
[03:55:31] for you out there that
[03:55:33] I think is very worth your time
[03:55:35] because you don't have to go
[03:55:37] do all the ultra-difficult stuff to have fun
[03:55:39] with this hobby.
[03:55:43] But yeah, Blitchcat,
[03:55:45] we got two more levels here. me about level seven uh there's a lot
[03:55:49] there's a lot of violence in repose um man this one is interesting i had i had a lot of fun with
[03:55:55] this and um for those that have seen the relay,
[03:55:58] I won't spoil it,
[03:55:58] but the moment that just cook had at the end,
[03:56:01] that only took a few seconds,
[03:56:03] but perceptually,
[03:56:04] I think for all of us that took hours time slowed down and stretched out in that moment.
[03:56:09] This was made by Alex Snorrunkpyro? I hope I'm saying their name
[03:56:13] right. There's some interesting things going on here and I suddenly
[03:56:17] understood as soon as I saw this why we were asked to practice
[03:56:21] a certain Toho-esque hack before the relay.
[03:56:25] Very good, let's go ahead and get started on this you have eight minutes and three two one go hey i'm not starting
[03:56:36] in the checkpoint this time wow all right congratulations again so the gimmick All right, congratulations. You did a good job.
[03:56:47] So the gimmick here is that these shells have decided to take vengeance against Mario and they are shooting these blue
[03:56:51] cluster sprites or these little blue
[03:56:54] bullets on a cycle.
[03:56:57] And shells have their
[03:56:58] own sort of pattern for shooting those
[03:57:00] bullets. The green ones are
[03:57:02] shooting horizontally, the red one is shooting vertically and we'll see some
[03:57:05] other patterns later. So figuring out how to
[03:57:08] use the shell for the shell jump there off
[03:57:11] of wall but timing it to avoid the shots.
[03:57:13] And then you see Sojo up there dodging on that donut platform
[03:57:17] they can't stand because it'll fall so she wants to keep moving left and right
[03:57:21] to avoid these shots from that red shell.
[03:57:24] And we're going to see some more different types of shot patterns
[03:57:26] coming up in a little bit, but nudging...
[03:57:28] There's the blue one on fail screen.
[03:57:31] The blue one shoots horizontally
[03:57:32] and then vertically,
[03:57:34] so timing when you nudge the shell into the pit to get it moving for a jump
[03:57:39] and then jumping on it is trickier than it seems.
[03:57:45] That's a lot of the fun
[03:57:46] of these levels as well is
[03:57:50] I see like a lot of Kaizo levels
[03:57:52] there's like a puzzle where you're trying to figure out
[03:57:53] it's like okay how am I doing this jump?
[03:57:55] What is the timing here that I gotta do?
[03:57:59] There's still a lot of mechanical skill involved in...
[03:58:02] Shut up, though. That was awesome!
[03:58:06] Making it look easy there.
[03:58:11] One thing to note too, just a little...
[03:58:13] Just kind of an obscure mechanic
[03:58:15] Right at the end when they get into that checkpoint,
[03:58:17] they are Big Mario and Big Mario's
[03:58:20] spinning will break through the yellow turn
[03:58:21] blocks but by taking
[03:58:23] damage on the one lingering bullet
[03:58:25] there as they're falling down,
[03:58:27] they break their spin jump and that's what's allowing them to not plummet.
[03:58:34] And then in this second section here with fail
[03:58:37] and shove there on.
[03:58:39] We've also got the, in addition to shells firing at you
[03:58:42] in every direction,
[03:58:43] we've got the sort of moving up
[03:58:45] and down platforms that munchers and things
[03:58:47] And two something I didn't even notice during the relay
[03:58:49] but I'd really like to shout out because they're very cool
[03:58:51] CircleFrendo who's a
[03:58:53] really excellent coder and helper in our community
[03:58:55] check out the waterfalls in the
[03:58:57] background. See how smooth they're moving circle friendo did that oh yeah
[03:59:01] it's really really pretty kind of remind me of like the smb2 usa um in the all-stars versus
[03:59:07] is that what that is back there? I think that is, yeah.
[03:59:11] That was really choppy and it's like a couple frames for the animations
[03:59:15] Yeah they've got that nice kind of translucency
[03:59:18] And the really smooth waterfall animation. I didn't even notice
[03:59:21] that until someone pointed it out later because I was so
[03:59:23] focused on not getting shot by these
[03:59:26] shells.
[03:59:28] And then in this final section too, we've got
[03:59:29] the disco shell. That's the flashing colored shell to And then in this final section too, we've got the Disco Shell.
[03:59:31] That's the flashing colored shell that you're seeing
[03:59:34] that tracks Mario's movement and has a kind of wedge-shaped hitbox
[03:59:37] so it's a little bit harder to bounce off of than a normal shell
[03:59:40] Since it tracks Mario's movement,
[03:59:43] you can lead it off the edge and into
[03:59:45] the pit so that it will not be
[03:59:47] a threat as they're making their way to
[03:59:49] the final pipe there.
[03:59:52] So both in This is really close between you, Dale being a hand instructor here.
[03:59:56] So both in this final section.
[04:00:01] Yeah, but see how,
[04:00:04] see how fail is bouncing off the right side of that disco shell?
[04:00:07] That's because they're working with the angle. Oh geez yeah and then here it is!
[04:00:12] I'm kind of amazed that the superintendent Nintendo doesn't cry with all these projectiles.
[04:00:17] Because as soon as you get four projectiles on screen it just wants to non-exist anymore.
[04:00:23] works! I'm thinking more Nintendo versus nice job Shep to get in
[04:00:34] the yeah getting that soon I say when when just go cut into Nice job, Shubda. Getting in that zone.
[04:00:35] I tell you when Juzko got into that room the first time we all just collectively gasped and time slowed down
[04:00:42] And to watch it back took only a couple of seconds.
[04:00:46] But in our perspective, at least in mine,
[04:00:48] That took forever!
[04:00:50] It was just like... Matrix!
[04:00:54] What I've done here is broken it.
[04:00:57] You got the kill screen!
[04:00:59] Shasha, what did you do? Explain yourself.
[04:01:01] This always happens to me! All I did was hit the on-off switch!
[04:01:06] This always happens.
[04:01:11] So, the secret ending there...
[04:01:13] Oh, oh, yeah.
[04:01:15] Getting a really pretty screen and winning the game.
[04:01:18] Reset. Alright, you know...
[04:01:20] 25 points for Shoujo
[04:01:22] for showcasing the kill screen
[04:01:24] in Mario World.
[04:01:26] You did it!
[04:01:30] It's Mario World. You did it! It just was afraid of your
[04:01:31] skills, the game was just like, no I can't compete
[04:01:33] with her. You know what, I'm really happy that that didn't
[04:01:35] happen on stage.
[04:01:37] You know, um
[04:01:38] I want to give a shout out to the super nintendo for being willing to
[04:01:44] i mean i guess unwilling but being a trooper and going through all the stuff that we do to it
[04:01:50] do all the stuff that we do to it. So you can do
[04:01:51] all this stuff.
[04:01:53] So, you know...
[04:01:56] I apologize
[04:01:57] to Shoujo's
[04:01:58] Super Nintendo
[04:02:00] on behalf of Shoujo. You don't Shojo's Super Nintendo.
[04:02:03] You did great,
[04:02:04] Super Nintendo. We love you.
[04:02:07] You're doing your best.
[04:02:09] Got one more level here in this segment to do it. I believe in you.
[04:02:12] And yo, Shubdada tell us about the final level here
[04:02:14] You can go ahead and count us down this time
[04:02:18] All I remember is that there's a friend
[04:02:20] named Lara, right?
[04:02:22] Lara the Poki.
[04:02:24] And she's gonna help us along our way using L and R
[04:02:28] and that's all I remember.
[04:02:31] Three, two, one go 1, go!
[04:02:37] Big shout out to this level was made by Herosoft and WhomWhyNot
[04:02:41] who are just a pair of great, wonderful silly friends. And this is
[04:02:45] This is a very hero and whom why not level with the kind of narrative
[04:02:50] structure. This is the wild Wildview, and they have to use
[04:02:55] Laura the Pokey here to help save
[04:02:57] these Goombas. See how they're saying help?
[04:02:59] And Laura has a couple of abilities
[04:03:01] Laura can act like a shield
[04:03:03] to reflect that mole.
[04:03:04] If enemies touch the stranded Goombas,
[04:03:06] The Goomba will run away in fear and not be able to be saved
[04:03:10] So Laura can reflect objects
[04:03:12] And act as a shield
[04:03:13] That's what they're using here in the first section.
[04:03:16] They spawn Laura in with L&R
[04:03:18] and then there's a little tracker on the screen
[04:03:20] that shows where Laura is going to spawn.
[04:03:22] That's that little indicator that's floating around
[04:03:24] by Mario.
[04:03:27] And I want to point out too for...
[04:03:29] Oh, go ahead. No no no!
[04:03:31] You go ahead Glitch God.
[04:03:33] Okay well, for people
[04:03:35] that are unaware there is sort of a visual lexicon
[04:03:38] of indicators in Super Mario World and that helps the players understand what to do at
[04:03:42] a glance.
[04:03:43] So you're seeing both purple and gold coins hanging out here on
[04:03:47] the screen.
[04:03:47] Gold coins,
[04:03:48] uh,
[04:03:48] our common shorthand for do a regular jump and purple coins are
[04:03:52] shorthand for do a spin jump.
[04:03:53] So it's letting the players know what they need ahead of time
[04:03:55] because you have to spin jump off of
[04:03:58] laura's head because laura is sort of spiky
[04:04:03] i also love how like practically everything every asset
[04:04:06] in this level is like custom art. Really a striking appearance, it almost looks
[04:04:10] like a completely different game.
[04:04:13] Yeah the multiple layers of parallax scroll in the background is really beautiful.
[04:04:22] So here, in fail screen Laura can also ride the trolley
[04:04:24] which is situated down there at
[04:04:26] bottom so they need to sort of unspawn
[04:04:28] Laura because Laura can't touch the blue
[04:04:31] flames that are hanging out, and so
[04:04:33] they need to make sure that Laura
[04:04:34] unspawns, call her back. You can press L
[04:04:37] or R to call Laura out, and then
[04:04:38] L or R to make Laura go back into the ground.
[04:04:41] So avoiding those blue flames, and keeping up with the trolley there.
[04:04:44] I was kind of sad that section wasn't a little bit longer
[04:04:47] I hope in the director's cut that the uh
[04:04:49] That little section where laura can be on
[04:04:52] the cart is longer because it's very cool i
[04:04:54] thought those were really cool concept so phil what does this director's cut
[04:04:59] um i believe that uh i'm sure BD and other producers may be in chat.
[04:05:05] But I believe the idea is they're going to work on a director's cut where
[04:05:10] a lot of levels levels that were made
[04:05:12] a little bit friendlier are relay safe,
[04:05:16] maybe with nerfs or sections cut.
[04:05:19] Those will now be included and I think
[04:05:21] that's the version that's going to be submitted
[04:05:24] to SMW Central, to be
[04:05:26] officially hosted by the site.
[04:05:28] So essentially it'll just be more content
[04:05:30] Awesome!
[04:05:32] We do have BD in the chat that says, oh don't worry about it. It will be.
[04:05:38] I can't wait.
[04:05:39] I think we're also planning on having a little reprise of the race once the director's cut comes out, so there might be a fun community event
[04:05:45] where folks can race
[04:05:47] the new versions of the levels.
[04:05:51] Yeah, the version
[04:05:51] of these levels with no stage
[04:05:54] safety is a BD.
[04:05:56] Sounds fun!
[04:06:00] Yeah, you know, I mean, a lot goes into creating
[04:06:02] a game for Marathon
[04:06:04] in particular for GDQ know having been a racer
[04:06:07] and also on the testing team
[04:06:09] for the 2022 relay
[04:06:11] we're always making concerns about
[04:06:13] is this too difficult? Are we going to be able
[04:06:15] to complete it in the given time limit?
[04:06:16] Because, you know, nobody wants to DNF on a level.
[04:06:20] Oh and here's my favorite part, fail me!
[04:06:22] Getting to the mole pyramid
[04:06:25] Nothing can actually hurt you here unless
[04:06:28] Fail were to, don't do it, jump into
[04:06:30] the blue spikes that are
[04:06:32] hanging out on the ceiling but
[04:06:34] by bouncing off of Laura the mole
[04:06:36] will bounce up a level on the pyramid and the mole is also tracking mario's
[04:06:40] position so by manipulating mario yeah uh-huh isn't it fun yeah i had a lovely time with this
[04:06:46] on stage when i realized that nothing was actually going to come and get me
[04:06:49] here, and I just needed to hang out long
[04:06:51] enough.
[04:06:54] But yeah, by moving Mario around
[04:06:56] to manipulate Mario's position, the mole
[04:06:57] is also trying to track where Mario is. And by
[04:07:00] using the mole and Mario together
[04:07:02] they're able to ascend the mighty pyramid.
[04:07:04] Yeah, and like I don't know if y'all noticed
[04:07:06] like everybody got to this checkpoint here
[04:07:08] on the train which is...I love this asset here. It looks so good.
[04:07:11] Within like two seconds of each other
[04:07:13] So, genius!
[04:07:15] That was absolutely incredible.
[04:07:17] Wow! Cray clears!
[04:07:19] Yeah This is tight. So i think fail got it first
[04:07:24] and then shoujo and shoved are basically tied that was absolutely like that wow
[04:07:28] that was crazy close that's awesome yeah, probably like two seconds between you.
[04:07:33] Gee, geez.
[04:07:34] We love a good sync on the final level.
[04:07:38] Well, everybody, excellent work just crushing
[04:07:43] through the SGDQ levels
[04:07:45] and Glitch Cat thanks for all
[04:07:47] the insightful commentary as always
[04:07:48] this was great
[04:07:50] and everybody we're going this was great. And everybody,
[04:07:54] we're going to go into
[04:07:56] a short break here. This was just
[04:07:58] part one of our show,
[04:08:00] kind of like giving a closer look,
[04:08:02] a deeper look at all the levels
[04:08:04] that went through
[04:08:04] the SGDQ 2024 showcase.
[04:08:07] Make sure as well
[04:08:08] to go check out
[04:08:09] the YouTube channel
[04:08:09] slash games
[04:08:11] real quick for
[04:08:12] and just go watch that race
[04:08:15] Go watch the live race, it's super awesome to see
[04:08:17] you know them figure it out real time
[04:08:19] And now
[04:08:21] that you know a little bit that goes into it
[04:08:22] You can see how they must have been feeling on the uh other stage
[04:08:26] seeing some of this stuff for the first time but when we come back from the break all four of our
[04:08:32] runners here today have gone through and selected a handful of levels that they really
[04:08:36] like we're going to be challenging the other three to race through them so that's what
[04:08:41] you had to look forward to after the break don't go anywhere we'll see so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so Thank you. so so so so so so so um so so so so so so so and welcome back to game masters hope you all enjoyed the break this is the game master's kaizo
[04:15:08] edition special going through a whole bunch of awesome
[04:15:11] kaizo levels made by
[04:15:12] the community. Before we get into our next segment
[04:15:15] I want to remind you all that your subs
[04:15:16] Prime Gaming Subs, GIF Subs, and
[04:15:18] Bitch Cheered on the GDQ Twitch channel. Help support Games Done
[04:15:21] Quick Hotfix. If you enjoy
[04:15:23] watching speedruns, consider subscribing to the channel
[04:15:25] it really helps a lot so thank you
[04:15:27] And also go to
[04:15:30] slash hotfix for more info on our weekly shows and our weekend specials.
[04:15:35] This is going to be our second segment here.
[04:15:37] And the way this is going to work is we have all four of our runners who is going to be participating so we're saying goodbye
[04:15:43] temporarily to glitch cat on commissary because he's going to be playing but all four of our
[04:15:49] runners have selected um among their favorite race levels and are challenging the others to play them.
[04:15:55] So we're just going to rotate through all of our runners favorites,
[04:15:58] and you know, we'll see how the others can do.
[04:16:01] I do want to point out that a lot of this is going to be sight reading so
[04:16:07] Although our runners may have seen the levels, these are not practiced they're not rehearsed. So we're gonna do it live and I I have, uh... We're bumping up the time
[04:16:15] to ten minutes per level
[04:16:17] that they will have to race and
[04:16:19] whoever wins, wins.
[04:16:21] If nobody wins, we'll see who got the checkpoints first
[04:16:23] but again, you know,
[04:16:24] the points are made up and don't matter.
[04:16:26] But I'll assign them 100 points to everybody
[04:16:28] for being a great sport this whole time.
[04:16:32] Let's go ahead
[04:16:32] and bring in our first set of levels that shoujo has picked out so shojo what do you have
[04:16:39] on the dock for us um so this first level is by me and I picked it because
[04:16:47] it's by me.
[04:16:49] As
[04:16:50] yeah, so the first
[04:16:54] level... Yeah, thank you. The first level
[04:16:57] is by me which I picked because
[04:16:59] it's by me.
[04:17:03] The second
[04:17:04] level is
[04:17:05] a really cool level that's inspired by
[04:17:08] one of my favorite games, Casio.
[04:17:10] And then the third level
[04:17:12] is just really funny.
[04:17:14] All right.
[04:17:16] Well I can't wait to say it runners are you ready
[04:17:19] yeah let's go awesome so that starts you know our first race in three two one go luck, have fun.
[04:17:31] Beeline y'all see Paul?
[04:17:33] Paul Trude
[04:17:37] I love that Yoshi is saying good luck and have fun, of course.
[04:17:41] Our baby Yoshis! Thanks, Yoshi.
[04:17:43] Our baby Yoshis on the title screen.
[04:17:47] So this is sort of the first level that i ever seriously made um
[04:17:54] i was i was asked very suddenly to do to make a level and I said okay.
[04:18:01] Or rather I offered to make one
[04:18:03] because I was making a series
[04:18:05] of levels for
[04:18:07] one of Shubha's
[04:18:09] development hacks at the time.
[04:18:15] This was supposed to go on that but it ended up being a race level so i don't think it turned out too bad for what it is
[04:18:22] which is doing very well already
[04:18:27] the song also slapped so hard but do you recall that the selection was?
[04:18:32] I do not know.
[04:18:36] You know,
[04:18:37] I'm gonna give a thousand points
[04:18:38] to the Super Nintendo sound chip
[04:18:41] for just being another trooper,
[04:18:43] an aspect of the Super Nintendo
[04:18:44] that just has worked great
[04:18:46] for Kaizo games
[04:18:47] because you can get
[04:18:48] some really good sounding music.
[04:18:51] Oh yeah, it's incredible.
[04:18:53] One of my favorite things to do is go
[04:18:55] to SMW Central and listen
[04:18:57] the entire music catalog because people
[04:18:59] have made so many ports that
[04:19:01] you can... there's
[04:19:03] literally a radio mode that just
[04:19:05] you just go through all of them it's they're great
[04:19:10] and this is another thing where you know it's easy to take for granted
[04:19:14] you know oh you know i just got some music you know it's easy to take for granted. Oh, you just got some music
[04:19:16] and now it's like recorded from a different game
[04:19:18] or something but even just getting
[04:19:20] all this music to work is
[04:19:22] a monumental effort.
[04:19:25] Yeah. The tools that are used in the community like they are made by incredible people and they are...
[04:19:35] It takes monumental amounts of work so huge shout outs to everybody who's made
[04:19:42] who's making these happen. It's awesome we get to do this.
[04:19:50] And I guess I should mention this, so we're playing
[04:19:53] these are RHR levels and
[04:19:57] what is this race that has been happening well uh so basically rhr
[04:20:04] is a community of people that are just really interested in racing and they've been going on what is about to be week
[04:20:12] 300 of having uh levels that are raced every single week
[04:20:18] um yeah that's over six years or almost six years everybody so it's
[04:20:23] yeah it's they've been around for a very long time they're also the founders of that group are also uh very important people in making
[04:20:33] the races at sgdq happen um the level creators are very incredible.
[04:20:41] It's just a really awesome community of people.
[04:20:45] The racers are extremely talented, it's just a lot of fun.
[04:20:55] Alright so Glitch how are you feeling you know were you a little cold uh being in the commentator booth for so long yeah a little bit i think think you're warming up just fine
[04:21:11] I completely forgot this level.
[04:21:13] You wanna know how I can tell it's from my base?
[04:21:17] It's the death block.
[04:21:21] Yep, it's the death block. Yeah this is...
[04:21:26] Like I said it was her project
[04:21:28] Tubba was working on so
[04:21:30] It came from her base
[04:21:36] Oh my gosh
[04:21:41] glitch is making a lot of progress towards the end oh i got got twisted up a little bit, going the wrong way.
[04:21:44] I didn't miss that Glitch, but you know...
[04:21:46] So far, I think you made it the furthest so...
[04:21:49] Yeah, I was trying to beat that cycle
[04:21:51] because you only have so much time with the lava.
[04:21:53] I am sorry, Shepda.
[04:21:58] That never got caught in testing
[04:22:00] so that turns out...
[04:22:02] Oh, I'm sorry, Glitch.
[04:22:03] Turns out that issue's just there
[04:22:05] if you hit the on-off switch too fast Yeah, turns out that issue's just there.
[04:22:08] If you hit the on-off switch too fast
[04:22:11] The slot just doesn't come back
[04:22:14] So... my bad
[04:22:39] I'm not sure if that was in the chat, but this is a time where you're going to say oi! Oi! And, you know... Well it's just that at the very end
[04:22:41] Oh! There's a door!
[04:22:43] No shoot!
[04:22:47] Now we have what I thought.
[04:22:50] So,
[04:22:50] I replayed this level
[04:22:51] in preparation for this
[04:22:52] and I would like to go
[04:22:53] to my past self
[04:22:54] and sort of
[04:22:55] slap her
[04:22:56] for thinking that
[04:22:57] five Resnores
[04:22:57] and Shell Jumps
[04:22:58] was a good idea.
[04:22:59] But at the time, I thought it was a really good idea.
[04:23:12] No problem for GlitchGG! She is a glitch cat.
[04:23:16] That was really fun. We also have, um...
[04:23:20] Fail on the Resmores or the Bowie Blueys if you play in Japanese.
[04:23:25] They're pink, I like them!
[04:23:36] I need to request the pink Yoshi hat from Shoujo. GG's fail.
[04:23:41] And you know, shovedda would have been done but
[04:23:44] Shud was just too fast. So no...
[04:23:48] Has to intentionally slow down because she's too good
[04:23:52] Yeah let me know when to call this
[04:23:53] cause I don't think i'm getting through this level. You got
[04:23:57] it! We've got about three and a half minutes left on the 10-minute timer.
[04:24:07] Thank you for buying!
[04:24:15] Yeah, these are just... You know for an early level shoujo this looks pretty dang good.
[04:24:19] This is awesome!
[04:24:23] So-sojo game when?
[04:24:25] I... maybe i'll make one someday. I was thinking about it.
[04:24:31] I say that with some like fear in my voice. Because you're very talented.
[04:24:40] My new inspirations
[04:24:42] are like Casio, so
[04:24:44] I don't even know what I would make.
[04:24:47] You can take some ideas that I have for free because like you know
[04:24:50] if I would make levels
[04:24:54] I would be a jerk
[04:24:57] Try to think of good pie as a place where anything but like one of the things like i would do that
[04:25:01] i'd like to mess with people is like you put you instill the fear early and
[04:25:06] like you know you add like a couple things like two or three things
[04:25:09] with a very clear marker that oh you know this kaiza block is here they start learning to avoid
[04:25:15] it and then you have a couple ones of safety.
[04:25:18] You can't trust anymore after that, it's like okay so many of them
[04:25:22] have had problems now I have to assume everyone has problems even though
[04:25:25] most of them are good but that fear is always going to be in your head
[04:25:28] does this one have a kaizo block? Does this one have a kaizo block? but that fear is always going to be in your head.
[04:25:29] Does this one have a Kaizo block?
[04:25:32] And then I'd make sure whatever you do to avoid the first
[04:25:34] Kaizo blocks,
[04:25:35] I would take that into account that you're planning
[04:25:38] to avoid them and then just add more
[04:25:40] and more and more just uh you know get as much mind games on player as human possible
[04:25:47] so the subversion of expectations is a time-honored tradition.
[04:25:51] So I made it in the door
[04:25:52] as we were talking.
[04:25:54] Wait, how did that Resnor not get hit?
[04:25:57] Is it multiple hits per?
[04:25:58] It's two hits per Resnor.
[04:26:00] Yeah, I don't know why multiple hits per. It's two hits per Resnor. Ugh!
[04:26:02] Yeah, I don't know
[04:26:02] why I did that either.
[04:26:03] JoJo, why?
[04:26:04] I don't know!
[04:26:06] Did you know
[04:26:07] this was supposed
[04:26:09] to be for a
[04:26:09] beginner shell hack?
[04:26:12] Yes!
[04:26:15] So
[04:26:16] I shoved it
[04:26:18] so I don't remember how many levels
[04:26:20] I made for this, but I remember that shabda had to go
[04:26:23] through and nerf every single one of them
[04:26:28] you know glitch cat your fear is is warranted.
[04:26:58] It's amazing, you know there are a couple of basic bosses, you have the Big Boo and the Resnor. I don't really see the Koopa Kids too much but it's always interesting seeing the mechanics that happen. Good job, Shubda!
[04:26:59] Yeah, GG. 30 seconds to go, Shubda. So well done. Well done.
[04:27:07] So congrats everybody on finishing it. Again, these are sight reads that everybody's doing.
[04:27:11] Some may have played this a long time ago but none of these
[04:27:14] are rarest and our next level is Some may have played these a long time ago, but none of these are rehearsed.
[04:27:16] And our next level is going to be Week 190 A Paw in My Face by Ampersam.
[04:27:24] So Shojo what were you thinking thinking why did you pick this level um this level is
[04:27:32] uh so this level is inspired by cassia Mario World, which
[04:27:37] came out in 2020.
[04:27:40] And when it came out,
[04:27:41] it was
[04:27:41] extremely
[04:27:44] experimental.
[04:27:51] It had obstacles that people hadn't really seen before, and this is just sort of that philosophy in a race format. So i thought it would be fun to
[04:27:58] to give it to the racers now i do think it's a this one's a bit harder uh so i propose a race
[04:28:04] to the first checkpoint all right sounds good to me um If everybody's ready, we'll get started in 3-2-1 go. Best of luck!
[04:28:15] This one is made by Amper Sam. Big shouts to Amper. Amper Sam, big shouts to
[04:28:20] Amper. Amper's a lovely individual
[04:28:22] and admin for SMW
[04:28:24] Central. Just overall
[04:28:27] around great person.
[04:28:33] ... around great person. For a little bit of context about Casio,
[04:28:35] the first time I played it, it's only eight
[04:28:37] exits and I said to my...
[04:28:39] Oh! It's 8 exits How hard can it be?
[04:28:41] Four or five hours later
[04:28:42] I'm stumbling into the first checkpoint.
[04:28:44] Oh my gosh!
[04:28:47] I was there for that stream
[04:28:49] and it is something that I remember
[04:28:52] very well.
[04:28:59] The big hammer Bro on a floating platform. My nemesis in vanilla.
[04:29:08] Why are there so many? I mean, Hammer Bros in general are just such a jerk of an enemy.
[04:29:12] Do you know his full name? I mean, Hammer Bros in general are just such a jerk of an enemy.
[04:29:15] Do you know his full name?
[04:29:17] No, Enlighten Me shoved that up.
[04:29:20] The Amazing Flying Hammer Brother?
[04:29:22] Wow. I did not know that and that's amazing
[04:29:26] the amazing literally amazing in the job description yep amazing amazing hammer brother Amazing. Amazing Hammer Brother.
[04:29:41] One of the things that I really like about this level is the music and the palettes.
[04:29:47] This port was not created by Wyatt, who's the creator of Cassia Mario World.
[04:29:53] But one of
[04:29:56] the big things
[04:29:57] about Cassio
[04:29:57] was its soundtrack,
[04:29:59] which was comprised
[04:29:59] entirely of
[04:30:01] non-video game music
[04:30:03] and actually
[04:30:05] why it had a couple of
[04:30:07] a couple tracks of his own wow um so this one was not made by wyatt but
[04:30:15] this one is another port from the field.
[04:30:17] It's called A Paw In My Face which it's the same thing
[04:30:21] as in Casio though levels were named after the songs in them.
[04:30:25] That's cute. this is actually reported by a porter named jonah another very
[04:30:32] very talented creator and music quarter they've recorded a lot of awesome songs.
[04:30:44] Recording is a super cool activity.
[04:30:47] I started to record a couple tracks myself, but I can't do anything as good as this, but I think music recording
[04:30:50] is really cool.
[04:30:57] I'm still just trying to process the steps needed.
[04:31:04] These hammers are so rude. They're very mean.
[04:31:11] You can see the amazing
[04:31:13] hammer brother there
[04:31:14] juggling all of those
[04:31:19] hammers.
[04:31:21] That is pretty amazing.
[04:31:23] I've seen people do seven, but this many?
[04:31:27] Just a lot of hammers.
[04:31:29] Maybe a little bit easier in low gravity,
[04:31:31] but you still got to get the perfect form
[04:31:33] to throw your hammer in a perfect circle.
[04:31:35] I don't know if you've dealt with Earth's gravity before,
[04:31:39] but throwing something in a perfect circle
[04:31:41] is really, really, really difficult to do. If not impossible so the fact that
[04:31:46] this Hammer Bro can do it just a true testament to earning
[04:31:49] that amazing title in their name. They really have earned it.
[04:31:56] I've seen Glitchkite, you've gotten
[04:31:57] pretty far in this. It's how you get
[04:31:59] the
[04:31:59] second area of this.
[04:32:04] Like before the checkpoint, so this is very impressive.
[04:32:10] Yeah I've had to figure out how to consistently dodge that first hammer bro...
[04:32:13] I'm sorry excuse me amazing flying there you go don't
[04:32:17] don't insult their title you won it only I'm glad you picked this level, Shoja.
[04:32:32] This is another thing that I really appreciate in design.
[04:32:37] It's like, oh no!
[04:32:38] The goal was in frame by Glitch Cat.
[04:32:43] We have seen the halfway point.
[04:32:49] Why football man their jump yeah opportunity from
[04:32:56] dale also seeing that is our job it's a six-year-old meme, Shoujo?
[04:32:57] How old now?
[04:32:58] It's like a six-year-old meme.
[04:33:00] Wow!
[04:33:04] Um, but this
[04:33:05] is a good example
[04:33:06] of a level that slows the player down intentionally.
[04:33:11] It's like you have these really slow moving, I don't know what these little sea urchin-like things are...
[04:33:17] You have this whole section where you kind of just have to swing it sea urchin like thingies are.
[04:33:19] We have this whole section where you kind of just have to slowly
[04:33:20] move around it, really think about
[04:33:22] all of your jumps
[04:33:24] and there's a lot of times
[04:33:26] the most difficult things for me are these segments that are slow and fail.
[04:33:32] Good job getting to your first checkpoint, we're at 5 minutes and about 30 seconds here.
[04:33:37] But obviously keep on going, who knows? We will see it clear.
[04:33:47] I always get in my head whenever I slow down.
[04:33:53] I start to overthink stuff, and I think that's really what makes it difficult.
[04:34:00] One of the things that I like about this level design style in particular is that these obstacles
[04:34:06] are very simple in how they look. Like, oh it's only one potabo,
[04:34:12] so it's only one ring of hammers, you know? How hard can it be? And then
[04:34:16] it just is...
[04:34:20] It doesn't take a lot to figure- I don't feel like it takes too much to figure out what to do, with some exceptions.
[04:34:28] Figuring out how to consistently get past the first group of hammers in this level.
[04:34:35] Yeah, at this part, past the checkpoint that fails that,
[04:34:39] having to spin jump and go through the hammering.
[04:34:44] That's rude!
[04:34:45] That is so rude!
[04:34:48] It's really cool, though. I love this level so much. Amber did a great job
[04:34:50] with it.
[04:34:53] Yeah, and you can spin jump off of almost anything in this game.
[04:34:58] You can't spin jump off a hammer.
[04:35:01] Glitch good job on the checkpoint!
[04:35:04] Thank you. As soon as you say
[04:35:06] you can't spin jump on a hammer that's just giving someone in chat some idea
[04:35:09] like i'm gonna make a level where you spend your time all right make sure to
[04:35:11] add me to the credits for your inspiration there you go
[04:35:14] inspiration game masters by Kiara
[04:35:16] underscore TV.
[04:35:17] Just a bastion of ideas here.
[04:35:21] That's okay, you can have that one for free.
[04:35:24] Yeah.
[04:35:25] That's one of my favorite parts about streaming to Iso, is that I just kind of get to speak things into existence.
[04:35:30] Yeah, ASM of like you know...
[04:35:32] If I'm not gonna use it someone might.
[04:35:34] You're just chucking hammers and bouncing off of hammers
[04:35:36] Like everybody's chuckining them but they're
[04:35:38] actual objects all right chat get to it
[04:35:45] that's another one of those things where it's like, I forget who, someone alluded to it earlier.
[04:35:50] Where it was like oh is this a huge ask? Are you asking for them?
[04:35:53] I think Glitch Guy talked about this. Is this feature impossible?
[04:35:57] Is it doable and those of us that are this like you know is this feature impossible
[04:35:58] is it doable and you know those of us who
[04:36:01] aren't familiar with the you know speaking to the super nintendo may not
[04:36:07] know i am now very curious
[04:36:17] they're making a lot of progress
[04:36:36] and just as heads up we just crossed the eight minute mark about two more minutes left here I got the checkpoint, I'm pleased. Didn't take five hours like real Casio. you
[04:36:52] oh he's failed finished nicely done Nice! Failed finish! Nicely done. GG's
[04:36:54] Shoujo, even after you said let's just race to the
[04:36:56] first checkpoint but Vale says no
[04:36:58] going the whole way
[04:37:00] Well done Bill is extremely
[04:37:03] good at this video game.
[04:37:05] Everyone here is extremely
[04:37:07] good at this video game.
[04:37:08] I think everybody here is worthy of the title
[04:37:10] Game Master.
[04:37:13] See, I dropped the name of the show oh my goodness it's the name it's the
[04:37:15] name of this show
[04:37:19] a funny story i tested this level i don't remember doing that
[04:37:34] oh no let's go with the critical mistake.
[04:37:36] For shame! Oh no! I don't know what was going on with that because like...
[04:37:38] Well we'll see. Just gotta get back there and try again.
[04:37:41] See now because I have privileged information
[04:37:44] I can act like even though I could not do what any of these runners are doing
[04:37:48] at least right now
[04:37:49] I get to act like I do
[04:37:52] and then just be completely full with myself
[04:37:56] Oh my gosh and then just be completely full of myself. Like, oh, Pushcat doesn't know?
[04:37:57] Oh my gosh.
[04:37:59] You can tell me to get good at it.
[04:38:01] You've already done that. Yeah, there you go.
[04:38:02] You've already done that.
[04:38:03] Gotta be a learner.
[04:38:06] Gotta be a learner.
[04:38:09] Gotta be a learner. Alright, 5...4...3...2...1
[04:38:14] Go ahead and finish out the current attempt you are on.
[04:38:18] I threw that attempt away because you were counting down!
[04:38:20] Alright, fine, you know what? You get one more.
[04:38:23] Let's try one more, alright, alright.
[04:38:29] Don't say I never did anything for you, buddy. Okay.
[04:38:30] I won't.
[04:38:31] Okay, alright.
[04:38:32] Alright, GG.
[04:38:34] Nice job!
[04:38:35] Congratulations fail.
[04:38:37] So Shoujo has one more level for the Shojo selection.
[04:38:44] I'm trying to think of like some fancy culinary term to put for this. What have we got
[04:38:49] for your final pick?
[04:38:51] This is the rise and
[04:38:53] fall of a mid-air plumber
[04:38:55] Glitch was talking about
[04:38:57] mid-airs
[04:38:57] so what if, and hear me out, instead of making talking about mid-airs.
[04:39:00] So what if, and hear me out,
[04:39:02] instead of making mid-airs extremely difficult you made them really easy?
[04:39:04] What would that look like?
[04:39:06] Oh my goodness. Well let's find
[04:39:08] out right now. Get ready and on 3...2...1...go!
[04:39:16] So it's're talking about sprite interactions here.
[04:39:28] Basically after you kick shells they have a non-interaction period with Mario.
[04:39:33] And basically what you need to do for midairs is you need to have the shell underneath you long enough
[04:39:38] For that non interaction period to expire.
[04:39:41] Here that has been reduced by
[04:39:42] half, so mid-airs
[04:39:44] become significantly easier
[04:39:47] now.
[04:39:51] I'm not in the song, by the way.
[04:39:53] It's very appropriate for this.
[04:39:57] Dubna making it to the next room?
[04:40:01] Which made it too? we're all here things all here Wow
[04:40:08] let's get that smooth first make its a broom 3 you don't know what room a runner's on conveniently
[04:40:17] by the pipe please spawn pipe there'll be another right down the side
[04:40:22] oh this level was made by borgi who also did the artwork for uh
[04:40:28] for the sgdp races um very very talented creator and artist.
[04:40:36] It's very wonderful.
[04:40:44] I can't shout out everybody enough,
[04:40:47] but you know, I will shout out YouFailMe for clearing that last level unexpectedly.
[04:40:50] So make sure you go follow YouFailMe
[04:40:52] and all of our runners here today.
[04:40:54] They're showcasing just so much stuff, ruining their hands for our entertainment.
[04:41:02] But hey they do this all the time. You've got calluses built up right?
[04:41:08] At least for me. Like the first time I did a big kaizo level
[04:41:15] I think it was Invictus by Jezklik, one of our
[04:41:18] relay runners.
[04:41:20] That was the first one where I played through it
[04:41:22] and by the end I had blisters on my fingers
[04:41:24] because I just went too hard
[04:41:27] for too long.
[04:41:29] Speaking of Invictus...
[04:41:31] Oh, me too!
[04:41:35] Just get new hands, Forehead.
[04:41:40] That would do it! It did do it.
[04:41:42] Yeah, said by a woman that literally
[04:41:44] did that.
[04:41:48] Wait...hang on is there something I don't know?
[04:41:52] I had Wrist Reconstructions a few years ago for wrist pain
[04:41:58] So yeah so I literally have mechanical wrists.
[04:42:00] Whoa! Shout out to that soap badass.
[04:42:08] Anyway, Fail has made a lot of progress on the fifth area. Glitch on the fourth.
[04:42:17] I don't know how far this goes. Did we get a spoiler? Should I joke about how many rooms there are?
[04:42:22] There's one more room after this.
[04:42:25] After the fifth, that is.
[04:42:30] In other words...
[04:42:32] It'd be really weird if all the racers had different
[04:42:34] versions where they all just stopped at different rooms
[04:42:42] well so what's this trick at the end here? You have to like drop a P-Switch and then jump
[04:42:46] on a P-Switch, it's like a midair P-Switch jump.
[04:42:48] It's the thing that you do in
[04:42:51] the first trick of The Room is you do the same inputs as a regular midair,
[04:42:55] but instead of landing on a shell,
[04:42:57] you're landing on a P-switch.
[04:42:58] The silver P-switch will kill the munchers.
[04:43:01] Ah!
[04:43:02] Okay.
[04:43:07] Okay. Ah. And, uh...
[04:43:09] It's very forced
[04:43:11] trying to put the P-Switch on the munchers
[04:43:13] there won't work because those are sprite killing munchers so
[04:43:17] they will just kill the p-switch. So it's set up in a very particular way to make sure that you do
[04:43:23] what you have to. Last midair, last glass meter here and it's uh
[04:43:28] it's ridiculous kind of ridiculous actually
[04:43:33] it's very precise midair.
[04:43:41] Oh, jeez! Attack of Montress... at least there was a checkpoint there. I believe.
[04:43:52] Oh, that was clean! The 22 GG's fail.
[04:43:56] That was another awesome performance.
[04:43:59] Great job.
[04:44:01] Mid-airs are cool and fun.
[04:44:03] Mid-airs are cool and fun.
[04:44:06] I was going to say, if you're kind of used to the timing of regular midairs
[04:44:10] something like this can actually be a little bit more challenging.
[04:44:13] I completely agree. Especially the P-switch ones are especially a little bit...
[04:44:18] You've got to get used to those i was about
[04:44:22] to say glitch cat first try hit that would have been like 25 points
[04:44:27] that's my secret captain i'm bad at mid. That's why this was easy for me.
[04:44:31] It wasn't actually easy! This is still
[04:44:33] really hard.
[04:44:35] GG as Glitch Cat.
[04:44:39] You know, for our weekly races I tested this level so I could have suggested nerfs that would've come up.
[04:44:45] You should make a secret door that only I know about!
[04:44:48] The ultimate nerf.
[04:44:58] So you tested it and failed to race it, right?
[04:45:02] No I actually didn't race this week. I think I was visiting family.
[04:45:05] It's a cool old...
[04:45:09] Incredible series, you know what I mean?
[04:45:16] Maybe it's weird to say but i'll say it for you fail is a really really incredibly talented player and consistently one of the top finishers in our weekly races
[04:45:21] every week your gameplay is absolutely inspiring.
[04:45:23] Thank you, that was very kind.
[04:45:25] I'm very thankful to have the races
[04:45:28] every weekend just to
[04:45:29] play a lot of really awesome levels
[04:45:32] and compete with a lot of really awesome levels and compete with a lot of
[04:45:34] really awesome gamers.
[04:45:38] Gosh, this sucks.
[04:45:39] I was trying to find
[04:45:41] some way to turn
[04:45:42] fail into a heel
[04:45:43] the villain of the show he's just too nice i can't everybody
[04:45:58] the enemy of the stream.
[04:46:03] Kaizo is like so challenging that it's like we're all going through it together you know what i mean? So we're consoling each other like oh it's okay!
[04:46:05] I struggled on that level too don't worry You know what I mean? So we're like consoling each other. Like, oh it's okay.
[04:46:07] Like, I struggled on that level too.
[04:46:07] Don't worry.
[04:46:10] You know, like we're all going through the difficult thing.
[04:46:11] And then you've got BK.
[04:46:20] BK shows up to play messed-up standard hacks and eat a bunch of donuts.
[04:46:23] And cape, of course! Can't forget the cape.
[04:46:29] I'll say there will like three more tries here.
[04:46:34] And if you make it to the next one, you can do like three more tries on that stage. No, that's fine. That's fine.
[04:46:37] All good.
[04:46:38] These are very,
[04:46:39] very difficult levels.
[04:46:43] GG's everybody
[04:46:44] and Shojo
[04:46:46] that was the last
[04:46:47] of your selections
[04:46:48] let me see who we got next.
[04:46:49] Fail! You cleared two of those.
[04:46:51] So, we're gonna bring you into
[04:46:53] the commentator's booth
[04:46:55] because you have selected three levels
[04:46:57] for everybody else to go through.
[04:47:00] So I want you to tell me about the first selection that you have.
[04:47:04] Yeah, the first selection is by a creator who is no stranger
[04:47:08] to making race levels for the Saturday races.
[04:47:12] Uh, it's CO Cadillac.
[04:47:14] Um, and was actually pretty hard to find pick which level I wanted
[04:47:19] or want to raise cause they've made so many but uh yeah
[04:47:22] i picked one that's pretty unique um and you know i can comment on that when we
[04:47:27] get in the race itself but uh yes ceo is an amazing creator
[04:47:30] they actually just released a SMB2 game out into the wild as well.
[04:47:37] It's just extremely talented creator and player and I just wanted to showcase one of their
[04:47:43] many, many levels.
[04:47:44] And yeah, kind of almost pulled a rabbit
[04:47:46] out of the hat just because there are so
[04:47:48] many to pick from. But yeah, hopefully everybody
[04:47:50] enjoys this one.
[04:47:52] Alright, so wanted to check with
[04:47:53] Shoja since coming off a little cold having a little bit of a break there
[04:47:57] you ready to go? Yep! Awesome okay so let's get
[04:48:01] started in 3... 2... 1...
[04:48:04] Go! Good luck on
[04:48:06] Alice by a sea level.
[04:48:09] A water level!
[04:48:11] Yay!
[04:48:12] Pride fog. Any pride pog in chat?
[04:48:15] Oh, I'm sure we can get some pride pugs in the chat.
[04:48:18] Everybody let's see your pride pugs.
[04:48:23] So not only is this a water level,
[04:48:25] This actually starts out making the player go left.
[04:48:29] Which is... Some people have some very strong feelings about that in Kaizo Mario
[04:48:33] I don't know how you guys feel about going left some people
[04:48:37] hate it with a passion so i thought that was another pretty unique thing about this level
[04:48:47] i like water levels. Yeah, this is a cool...
[04:48:51] I think it's a nice change of pace. This is a cool level because
[04:48:55] people think water levels are very very slow pace not a lot of action but ceo
[04:48:59] did a good job this is actually uh tide water so it's pushing you it's forcefully
[04:49:04] pushing you a little bit a little bit to the uh to the left as you go.
[04:49:08] But yeah, just not a lot of elements
[04:49:11] that a lot of people work with.
[04:49:13] Except for shout-outs to Bobby Yaga
[04:49:14] who's a very well-known creator in the community,
[04:49:18] and they kind of pride themselves on making
[04:49:22] fun water levels.
[04:49:24] Another reason why I picked this level
[04:49:26] is that I actually got to meet Bobby Jäger at gdq he came all the way out from hungary
[04:49:30] uh a beautiful human being and yeah i just figured i'd showcase a water level they
[04:49:36] actually have a race level but i figured it's a little bit too difficult for this setting.
[04:49:41] It was...I think the first clear on that one in the races is about 30 or 40 minutes
[04:49:46] so I found a little bit easier water level to choose for the racers.
[04:49:56] A lot can be said about the dolphin mechanics as well,
[04:50:00] and how they work in second job making it to the checkpoints
[04:50:09] yes if i remember correctly this this section is fully in the water. It's not an extremely long section but yeah it kinda has you doing some things with items
[04:50:20] which item swimming is a pretty tough thing in super mario world but
[04:50:24] obviously all the players here have probably mastered it at this point it's very common
[04:50:32] in kaizo
[04:50:36] it's very difficult it's very uh you gotta have a pretty light touch especially depending on
[04:50:41] on how tight some people make the obstacles.
[04:50:45] I'm still very
[04:50:46] early in my Kaizo career
[04:50:47] so like I haven't even played a
[04:50:50] K-ball um so
[04:50:52] you know haven't run into one of those yet.
[04:50:55] It's okay, neither have 99% of the prize-up links.
[04:50:58] I will soon eventually!
[04:51:01] But right now the things that are the bane of my existence
[04:51:04] Are rainbow shells and item swimming so
[04:51:07] it's good that you mentioned that
[04:51:08] It is really difficult to be right
[04:51:11] Those are two big hurdles for new
[04:51:13] players, for sure.
[04:51:19] I remember when I was starting out that exactly the things you mentioned a
[04:51:23] couple of other Sprite specific things like fishing booze and um,
[04:51:27] you know just when you're trying to spin on like a saw and like maintaining your balance there's a lot of uh i didn't i don't even remember this room glitches on this is
[04:51:32] a funny little uh funny little remix with the bonus game those blocks see the bonus game.
[04:51:38] Those blocks... You don't see the bonus game used much, do you?
[04:51:39] Yeah, you really don't.
[04:51:42] Very nice glitch.
[04:51:45] A dolphin left me.
[04:51:48] Very nice shrub duh. Oh no! I shouldn't have said anything
[04:51:52] it's all my fault, you can blame me. You cast your curse.
[04:51:56] The commentator curse? it was all me.
[04:51:59] I didn't even see that fish
[04:52:01] there at the end so there are a couple
[04:52:02] fish and you know
[04:52:04] speaking of trolls
[04:52:06] and Kaiser blocks and everything.
[04:52:09] Um, Bill what do you think is like
[04:52:11] the most optimal place?
[04:52:13] The most optimal style of
[04:52:15] trolling in Poltergeist?
[04:52:17] Oh my goodness I've been trolled in every single way you can imagine at this point.
[04:52:21] Like you said earlier a lot of creators will try and get in the mind
[04:52:26] of the player and they will be like okay okay well they're going to
[04:52:31] dodge here to try and avoid the Kaizo
[04:52:33] and then they put it in the place
[04:52:35] that you... The other place.
[04:52:37] Like the place you're dodging to
[04:52:38] and those are probably the ones that'm the most susceptible to because just the instincts tell you
[04:52:43] like okay well there may be a kaizo kaizo block here let me let me dodge
[04:52:48] here and then they just boom the area you were trying to dodge was super safe.
[04:52:52] And they put it exactly in your dodging area.
[04:52:58] I feel like you can get a lot of people, a lot of seasoned players like that.
[04:53:02] You probably won't
[04:53:03] get as many new players
[04:53:04] but that is
[04:53:05] that's probably the way
[04:53:06] I'd go if you're trying
[04:53:07] to get somebody
[04:53:08] who's been playing
[04:53:09] Kaizo for a long time
[04:53:10] because it just kind of
[04:53:11] eventually you get those instincts that
[04:53:13] so you okay dodge there's gonna be one here and then you dodge right into it
[04:53:17] speaking of uh butch just dodged a
[04:53:21] little bit of a kaizo fish there himself.
[04:53:26] I died to it once and then I fell back on the second one.
[04:53:29] I remember when I first played this,
[04:53:31] I was so impressed that that fish can get you
[04:53:33] on both sides.
[04:53:35] And I thought that was really clever
[04:53:36] of CO to kind of...
[04:53:38] Yumper doesn't count! Dang it, Butch got it!
[04:53:40] 100 points to Glitch Cat for getting the yump at the end.
[04:53:43] GG.
[04:53:45] That's I'm getting the yump at the end. GG
[04:53:49] I was trying to curse it for everybody else since I did shove that really dirty
[04:53:52] My apologies
[04:53:56] I've spent a lot of time practicing Yumps,
[04:53:58] like perhaps an embarrassingly long amount of time.
[04:54:03] I was happy...
[04:54:05] I got my first Yump ever, like just a little bit ago.
[04:54:10] I felt like a god and that i could do no wrong
[04:54:13] The code...I could see it. Everything was fine.
[04:54:18] I could do anything for a couple short seconds until I immediately dive to the next level.
[04:54:26] It is really cool feeling.
[04:54:34] I'm just curious, Phil do you have a record for Yumps in a row?
[04:54:39] Have you played like 10 Yumps for Yoshi?
[04:54:41] Yeah, 10 Yumps which was created...
[04:54:45] There was just a silly little Kaizo game called uh 10 yumps created by fire 150 who's
[04:54:51] actually one of the relay creators and in their in one of the levels you just do ten jumps it's
[04:54:56] uh well they're they're nine P switches and then the final one is
[04:55:00] The big palace switch that Glitch just jumped off of. That's my
[04:55:04] Record I would say but maybe I could do more if they were more presented in front of me
[04:55:08] But yeah it's a pretty silly
[04:55:11] little skill
[04:55:13] to hone. I feel like
[04:55:14] you don't really have reason to unless
[04:55:16] you're really entrenched
[04:55:19] in the Kaizo hobby and are just looking to improve on kind of a random uh
[04:55:24] random part of your game that never really gets much use except for
[04:55:28] trying to jump off this switch palace yeah big shout outs to ceo i've seen that make an
[04:55:34] appearance in chat so shout out to seo for making the level you are currently watching
[04:55:39] and see how we love you thank you for all the all the levels you've given us, CL.
[04:55:43] Very very awesome maker.
[04:55:47] Yeah it's super awesome seeing a lot of the Kaios community show up today
[04:55:51] y'all are great.
[04:55:53] Alright, GG Shubda you made it through!
[04:55:59] This is just so scary
[04:56:01] this lava hover that you have to do.
[04:56:04] Yeah, those little...
[04:56:07] Don't worry! Those bonus game blocks you don't interact with.
[04:56:11] I forgot this was even in this level.
[04:56:14] It's just a funny little thing.
[04:56:16] Yeah, I love it.
[04:56:19] Wow! I am very far behind? Okay.
[04:56:22] No, you're ahead of me.
[04:56:28] That's okay. just a heads up we just crossed uh eight minutes
[04:56:38] um so we got about well 8 minutes and 20 seconds we got about a minute and a half to go for. Oh yeah, this is...
[04:56:40] Swimming is always
[04:56:42] just scary in general
[04:56:44] because it's like you have
[04:56:46] a bit of a forced up-down motion but there is some
[04:56:50] there's a lot of obscure SMW mechanics that
[04:56:53] you don't really notice. But, they can hold some buttons to change
[04:56:58] like how much that your vertical your vertical position
[04:57:02] changes during like a swim pump which is kind of essential for a lot
[04:57:06] of these segments.
[04:57:08] Actually can't even remember what it was because my brain did it automatically, so I don't know what button it is but...
[04:57:13] It's just something you press and you'll stay more level in the water.
[04:57:17] It's down. There you go.
[04:57:20] Thank you for that.
[04:57:23] It's
[04:57:23] down, actually.
[04:57:24] Well, I mean it's technically CO.
[04:57:27] I take it back. I take anything nice
[04:57:29] I might have said
[04:57:30] back.
[04:57:30] I hate that.
[04:57:31] Don't hate you
[04:57:33] though.
[04:57:36] It's so mean,
[04:57:38] you know? It's so mean.
[04:57:42] You know, you have made level...
[04:57:44] I think everybody here has made levels
[04:57:48] Anybody? Quick question We've got 10 seconds in here And just like, you know, anybody, quick question.
[04:57:49] We've got 10 seconds in here.
[04:57:52] So as we get...
[04:57:53] I'll just say,
[04:57:54] As we get out of this,
[04:57:56] let's go seven, six, five four, three
[04:58:01] two one
[04:58:03] Alright so last attempt if you
[04:58:05] would like to keep on going but we'll go into the next
[04:58:07] after this. Okay well
[04:58:09] So all of you... Yeah, GG's.
[04:58:14] Actually I'll finish this after we get to the next level.
[04:58:16] Phail what do we got now?
[04:58:18] What do we have next?
[04:58:20] I believe the next one is called attack of fuzzzilla
[04:58:26] oh yes i remember that this level was made by mithrilionaire who
[04:58:29] i thought may potentially be watching there another kaizo creator have made a several
[04:58:34] different kaizo games themselves we've had a few different race levels um and yeah i was like you
[04:58:40] know like we said earlier there are 300 weeks of these it was really hard to go through and pick
[04:58:46] pick levels because they're just also memorable and special but yeah i think once you get into
[04:58:51] this one this this one's just kind of funny.
[04:58:55] That's why I picked this one.
[04:58:55] It's also very fun
[04:58:56] but yeah,
[04:58:58] I thought this one
[04:58:58] may be one that
[04:58:59] the chat would enjoy
[04:59:01] seeing as well.
[04:59:02] Yeah we do have
[04:59:03] Mithrilionaire in the chat.
[04:59:04] So it's so awesome seeing everybody who made these levels be here
[04:59:07] as you can see it and this is going to be a question
[04:59:10] for everyone in chat but also you four as well
[04:59:13] all of you have made some levels.
[04:59:16] But when do you place a troll in a level?
[04:59:19] What goes through your head
[04:59:21] when you see a victim fall for it,
[04:59:24] hook wine and sinker get trolled by the troll
[04:59:27] how does that make you feel?
[04:59:29] My immediate answer is
[04:59:31] nothing because I don't do that
[04:59:33] Okay
[04:59:34] Should I just do nice?
[04:59:37] For me it depends on who it is if i see judge cook get trolled then it's hilarious but if i
[04:59:42] see like a newer kaizo player get trolled then i kind of feel bad about it.
[04:59:48] So i've been playing through one of Shudda's games and Shudda has apologized to me so much
[04:59:54] throughout it mainly because of my stupidity not understanding how Mario works, to the point where Shedda literally could not watch me
[05:00:03] Because what I was doing was so awful.
[05:00:07] Anyway... Yeah, I would get great enjoyment out of anybody falling for one of my traps.
[05:00:13] Probably no matter who it was but i'm a jerk so we'll leave it there.
[05:00:17] Anyway are you three ready to go for
[05:00:19] Attack of Fazilla?
[05:00:22] Yep. Alright, let's start
[05:00:24] in 3, 2, 1, go!
[05:00:29] City is under attack.
[05:00:34] Oh no!
[05:00:36] Oh, that's... Yeah. That's a large fuzzy.
[05:00:41] That's the large fuzzy!
[05:00:44] Yup.
[05:00:46] I remember this level was very memorable for me just because as soon as I spawned in
[05:00:49] it was like, oh wow.
[05:00:53] This is who we're dealing with.
[05:00:55] It kind of reminds me of 50s and 60s cheesy
[05:00:57] horror movies,
[05:01:00] sci-fi movies.
[05:01:03] Yeah, this level is pretty much completely
[05:01:05] designed around kind of
[05:01:07] escorting this large
[05:01:09] fuzzy
[05:01:11] basically to the end of the end of the level and uh yeah it's kind
[05:01:14] of going on this called 1f0 tile which is what keeps it going a lot of the
[05:01:20] obstacles are built where you just you're opening the path so you can continue on.
[05:01:28] I love this.
[05:01:31] I really like fuzzies.
[05:01:33] That's just... I think they're like adorable it's such a silly enemy
[05:01:38] i think they're actually so i think they're based on sprites
[05:01:41] if you've seen like uh my spirited away the little soot sprites that work in the boiler room.
[05:01:46] I think that's what they're supposed to be.
[05:01:49] Just a guess but...
[05:01:51] They look pretty similar.
[05:01:53] I feel like I ask this question every single time
[05:01:56] I have Super Mario on at some point
[05:01:58] but what is your favorite enemy
[05:02:00] chat from Super Mario World
[05:02:02] so mine, I don't see it too often
[05:02:04] so I wish that
[05:02:07] levels would have been created more with
[05:02:09] it but maybe they all exist
[05:02:11] and I just haven't played them yet.
[05:02:13] The hot head, the super
[05:02:15] extra large flame guy, flame orb thingy that goes around things and looks where it's going.
[05:02:20] It's so freaking cute! I love it.
[05:02:23] I can never get mad at that enemy.
[05:02:26] Just vibe in and having a good time i love this so much by far my favorite
[05:02:32] yeah i think a fan favorite sprite um just in for kaizo players would be the Rex.
[05:02:41] It's a very interesting sprite in the sense where it can
[05:02:44] pretty much be falling and you can almost
[05:02:46] jump into it and still get a bounce,
[05:02:48] so that way it's very it's
[05:02:50] very forgiving uh and it's also very just like satisfying to platform off of um i'm sure there's
[05:02:57] a lot of kaizo players in chat they could probably
[05:02:59] chime in with their uh with their favorite sprites or
[05:03:02] probably least favorite sprites that's for
[05:03:05] sure i know i know many people have some opinions on
[05:03:08] least favorite sprites yeah there's a lot of interesting ones here we got baby
[05:03:13] Mario crying and we've got the fab comes in with the kaizo 3 Bowser oh that's a good one classic one the the mega mole a lot of people say
[05:03:24] megamole a lot of love for the megalomull and then not roy um so i guess heck roy i guess
[05:03:30] specifically mount roy specifically mount roy So I guess, heck Roy, I guess.
[05:03:32] Specifically not Roy? Specifically not Roy.
[05:03:35] I'm glad nobody's getting down on my friends the dolphins.
[05:03:37] I like them.
[05:03:39] I like them they're fun.
[05:03:40] They're happy.
[05:03:41] They're not really an enemy they're just
[05:03:42] out there having a good time
[05:03:44] i like them a lot i like the one their
[05:03:45] cows as well
[05:03:59] so is the the way the fuzzy moves, is it kind of like based off of rainbow shell mechanics? I think it IS rainbow shell mechanics essentially yeah yeah that's it
[05:04:04] that's exactly how it feels and shoujo oh so close so close
[05:04:10] i'm so sad
[05:04:16] into the section is pretty tense nice little dance back and forth very
[05:04:21] nice glitch don't be hasty. That is an automatic checkpoint luckily.
[05:04:30] Whew!
[05:04:44] Yeah, I'm gonna thing about this level that Mythorian Air has done is there's a lot of obstacles where you're spinning. You're just spinning and then they make you
[05:04:47] trigger a outline block
[05:04:49] for you to land on to switch back
[05:04:51] to normal jump. There's a lot of really
[05:04:53] cool setups around just switching up
[05:04:55] your jump type.
[05:04:59] A lot of them are also set up to where if you're you know it's very you know this was made for a race so it's very readable and since you
[05:05:04] can also kind of stall a lot on the um on the big fuzzy you can kind of take your time and look
[05:05:09] look at obstacles a little bit more than you would have the time to in
[05:05:15] a level that wasn't built around giant fuzzy.
[05:05:18] I really admired the way this
[05:05:20] level was built as well.
[05:05:23] Can we get some shoutouts for
[05:05:24] the fuzzy bats also?
[05:05:26] Oh my gosh, I didn't even notice yep they're little fuzzy bats that's so good
[05:05:32] i'm not sure uh i don't if myth is in the chat i'm not sure who did those those graphics i assume
[05:05:37] that was a custom maybe custom drawn or custom graphic by someone
[05:05:40] that's a pretty awesome graphic yeah i saw myth hanging out at the start of this so
[05:05:44] um if you have that information sure we'd love to shout them out
[05:05:52] again We'd love to shout them out. Again, lots of love from the Kaizo community here today for y'all so good to see everybody.
[05:05:57] Having a good time- type one if you're enjoying this Kaizoshowcase tonight!
[05:06:01] I'm having a blast
[05:06:13] i'm sure all four of the runners would be typing what if they could the trillionaire drew the fuzzy bats themselves.
[05:06:17] Awesome, I kind of had a feeling didn't want to assume
[05:06:21] but that's awesome.
[05:06:27] It's so silly!
[05:06:35] This was a great pick for a level. Yeah's a bit of a tough level so you know if no but you know if it doesn't get get beaten you know you guys are still
[05:06:39] still gaming this is a pretty tough level at the final pipe here...
[05:06:44] Ugh! That's so many close
[05:06:46] calls at that pipe, just
[05:06:50] It ain't easy
[05:06:52] Just a heads up we're're at six and a half minutes everybody
[05:06:56] so again for those of you who may just be going in we're going through
[05:07:00] picks for all of our runners like some
[05:07:03] of the highlight levels that they've played through recently or remember fondly.
[05:07:08] And we're allotting 10 minutes per each of these levels for our runners to get as far as they possibly can or clear it so if no one clears, no pressure
[05:07:19] no big deal. It's all okay we get to enjoy the fuzzies. His giant hitbox is like, his giant
[05:07:37] hitbox is like, it's easy to work
[05:07:39] with and also really difficult
[05:07:41] because it's like, one you have a big
[05:07:43] landing but two, it's enormous
[05:07:45] yeah definitely there are several of the of the setups where it's
[05:07:52] you definitely are benefited from like trying to swing out as far
[05:07:56] as you can to pull it away from you.
[05:07:58] But then, you know,
[05:07:59] it's also trying to go fast
[05:08:00] so it's tough to balance. Everybody here on the final section.
[05:08:15] At least I'm thinking this is the final section.
[05:08:17] Yes, yes.
[05:08:20] Can anybody clear it in
[05:08:22] the final two minutes that we have?
[05:08:26] Everybody's gotten close! It's just like
[05:08:28] getting that final fuzzy out of the pipe which is not easy
[05:08:35] this is also one of my favorite bits of beta sound the miniature pipes
[05:08:39] and fast traveling through the pipes just feels so nice in there checkpoint
[05:08:46] last little journey across there we go glitch GG Glitch.
[05:08:54] Well done. The city is safe once again!
[05:08:58] Let's get a shout out for GlitchCat7, make sure to follow them.
[05:09:02] They are wonderful person, very wholesome all the time. Also great at pinball.
[05:09:04] I played some pinball with Glitch
[05:09:06] at its most recent SGPQ, always a blast, Glitch.
[05:09:11] Godzilla was awesome.
[05:09:12] I love Godzilla machines so much.
[05:09:13] Yeah, whoever picked out the machines for the GDQ Arcade,
[05:09:16] I want to say thanks to them because that was really good.
[05:09:20] So many good ones.
[05:09:22] Alright, Shroudo's through the pipe we have one minute left it is a little bit sad you do you did get to the end of the level and
[05:09:42] the fuzzy does fall into what looks like
[05:09:45] a pit of lava, so that's kind of sad.
[05:09:47] But you know, it's just helping
[05:09:49] Maybe he's just going for a swim.
[05:09:52] Like a fun water slide.
[05:09:54] Yeah I think there's levels where fuzzies just go on in the lava
[05:09:56] i don't think it hurts him too much yeah thanks for you're just like playing with them this is
[05:10:02] play time for the fuzzy problem is the fuzzy thing yeah you gotta help me find the water
[05:10:18] all right so we got our final 10 seconds here everybody
[05:10:22] shoujo at the pipe can she connect?
[05:10:28] And in through the pipe.
[05:10:31] Very smart to take that save there.
[05:10:34] Well done.
[05:10:35] Nice!
[05:10:36] Alright, GG's Shoujo
[05:10:39] getting in at the buzzer
[05:10:41] but still you have one more
[05:10:43] level for
[05:10:45] the other three to race through
[05:10:47] today. This one is I have it on my nose here
[05:10:51] this is going to be yard lift by twice pipes what do we got um
[05:10:57] this is twice pipes is one of my favorite uh race creators so i hades Is one of my favorite race creators
[05:11:00] So I had to pick one of their three levels
[05:11:02] This is probably the easiest of their
[05:11:04] Three but it's still pretty tough
[05:11:05] So you know just getting through the checkpoint in this one
[05:11:08] Will be very Impressive it may not may not get
[05:11:12] the full clear but i love this logo because it deals with sprite stacks and you can kind of see
[05:11:17] that on the title screen where this vine is carrying the chuck up to this platform uh so
[05:11:22] really i believe d to the fourth created this asm and a lot of people have utilized it over this
[05:11:28] over several years and this is this level's just got some brainy setups it's got a really
[05:11:33] really nice flow to it and uh yeah i just wanted to show twice pipes in love they're one of my
[05:11:37] one of my favorite creators and uh yeah racers have fun all right let's get ready everybody because
[05:11:44] you're gonna be starting in three two one go yeah this level uh deals like i was saying it has the these you can see this
[05:12:01] rexes normally aren't carried onto vines
[05:12:04] like this uh and yeah you'll see most of the setups involve
[05:12:08] um either fines or something that is stacked with a vine oh It's a hothead!
[05:12:15] Sorry, my favorite!
[05:12:17] There is the hot head.
[05:12:21] This first obstacle
[05:12:23] is actually a pretty good um exhibition of how i was saying the rexes have
[05:12:29] very very forgiving hitbox as you can see it's pretty much falling and
[05:12:33] players are jumping right into it to get that second bounce.
[05:12:37] And yeah, I feel like if you're not familiar with Super Mario World
[05:12:41] It probably looks like you would die but since its a rex
[05:12:44] You just get a bounce because they're good sprite.
[05:12:48] I'm so happy to see a hothead! Just look at him! Look at him! He's so cute!
[05:12:54] You can't even blame him... you can never get mad at a hothead.
[05:12:59] They're not aggressive to the player, they're just doing their thing.
[05:13:04] Did you know that the Hotheads' blink is actually an RNG call into the code?
[05:13:09] It is not a consistent blink from what I understand.
[05:13:12] That's a neat fun fact.
[05:13:14] I love the hotheads even more.
[05:13:22] You know, this is also a great...
[05:13:27] We have to race to the top of the vine that has a magic block on it before it becomes inaccessible. So right there
[05:13:30] I've shut this screen. I just love that really creative level here. Yeah, there's definitely
[05:13:36] several of the setups you're kind of racing the vine to either get whatever is on top of it
[05:13:42] or either that or it's going to put something up there
[05:13:46] and you need to fall off or jump off of it as it falls.
[05:13:50] It's just got a
[05:13:51] really nice flow to it as well
[05:13:53] once everything comes together.
[05:13:54] It's one of those levels that's a little hard
[05:13:56] to read on the first initial
[05:13:58] pass of some of the obstacles but once you kind of
[05:14:01] put everything together it has a really nice flow to it I'm confused.
[05:14:16] It's all...
[05:14:20] There's a lot of It's all...
[05:14:26] There are a lot of really silly mechanics with the vines.
[05:14:29] Especially how they can eat blocks.
[05:14:35] Yeah, you can actually see at this part with the glitches that you have to grow a vine to get rid of an outline block.
[05:14:40] Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to pass.
[05:14:42] So it's actually a good demonstration of that mechanic there.
[05:14:47] I know like, you can also just go through terrain
[05:14:49] I'm not sure if that's a coded ability or just how it behaves.
[05:14:55] It's always super interesting.
[05:15:02] Oh, I get it!
[05:15:04] Oh, I get it. Oh, I get
[05:15:05] it now too! They're beginning to
[05:15:07] understand, Phil.
[05:15:09] That is... I think every
[05:15:11] Twice Pipes level I play there's
[05:15:13] at least one obstacle where it says
[05:15:16] an O in the O moment.
[05:15:20] Those moments are tough when you're in a race
[05:15:24] as well it's
[05:15:27] yeah that was one great thing about the relay is levels were a bit
[05:15:31] a bit puzzlier but you know not as straightforward as some of the previous
[05:15:35] uh relay levels but yeah just having
[05:15:37] a team of three other people
[05:15:39] be like
[05:15:41] what do we need to do here? And then usually at least
[05:15:43] one person has an idea that ends up
[05:15:45] being close if not the solution.
[05:15:50] It's definitely a little bit tougher when you're just on your own
[05:15:55] and nobody to bounce off ideas.
[05:16:11] Oh, jeez. this looks really hard yeah this is
[05:16:15] a lot of people have used this this asm i would say
[05:16:20] i've never really seen anyone use it in
[05:16:23] this way
[05:16:24] there's a lot of a lot of in terms of
[05:16:26] the sprite stacking a lot of people
[05:16:28] you know like stack up a bat on a pin stacking. A lot of people stack
[05:16:30] a bat on a pencil, but
[05:16:33] I haven't seen too many people
[05:16:34] do
[05:16:37] a level with
[05:16:38] especially just this vine mechanic so that definitely left
[05:16:42] uh left an impression on me glitches on a really good way let's just cook and i see a pipe close
[05:17:13] five minute warning everybody. Yeah, utilizing the Koopas to get the kick is always something that's really interesting.
[05:17:19] I think i'm on a level right now where I have to do that, yeah I am doing a level with them you just manipulate, you kick a shell it'll get knocked back
[05:17:24] into a position then take it again so you can now jump on it
[05:17:26] so it's kind of like a vanilla way of recharging a shell
[05:17:31] yes uh blue koopas are notorious for being pretty versatile but also being pretty janky.
[05:17:40] Oh! Glitch! Very nice!
[05:17:43] Yep that was great yeah blue koopas are there something
[05:17:50] when they work they work very well I like to talk in races, especially sight reading races. There's sort of a dichotomy
[05:18:03] between consistency and one shots whether or not you're going to be consistent enough at
[05:18:08] an obstacle to keep getting tries at the part you need or whether or not
[05:18:11] you're gonna one shot something and learn uh what's coming up or make some progress that way.
[05:18:19] Yeah, I really like this obstacle
[05:18:21] the glitch is on with this baby
[05:18:23] Yoshi. It's a
[05:18:25] Yoshi that's in an egg. Essentially you get there i remember my first thought being
[05:18:30] what the heck do i need to do here it's very cool because you need to actually time when
[05:18:34] you hatch the oshi where it eats the koopa and then that causes the that causes
[05:18:39] the vine to start growing it's just you know when it happens it's like oh
[05:18:42] that makes sense but all those obstacles you get there is what what the heck is
[05:18:46] this i really like a lot of them i mean once you really like a lot of those.
[05:18:49] Once you've played
[05:18:50] a lot of Kaizo,
[05:18:51] I feel like
[05:18:51] you end up seeing
[05:18:52] a lot of stuff
[05:18:54] that you've seen before
[05:18:55] so I'm always
[05:18:56] very impressed
[05:18:56] when creators
[05:18:57] are able to
[05:18:58] show new obstacles that kind of like, you know
[05:19:03] really surprised me and yeah. This level loses some points for me for hurting the ninjis.
[05:19:13] Ninjis are some of my favorite enemies and I don't like when we hurt them. Oh this is...
[05:19:25] Oh shit! That was so close!
[05:19:29] I saw it, I saw what to do. The door, The final door glitch
[05:19:32] has all the lore.
[05:19:35] I also apologize
[05:19:36] I know this is a little bit of a
[05:19:38] D-pad check.
[05:19:39] I did not honestly think about that too much when I picked this, so I apologize if anybody
[05:19:44] doesn't like vines.
[05:19:47] I know one of my friends and creators, Beef Stew stew completely hates vines
[05:19:54] and i didn't quite think about that so apologies if anybody is not a fan of the up button so close glitch you're right there and our final two minutes here i believe in you
[05:20:13] it's tough when it's a hard trick right at the end because you have to keep farming attempts.
[05:20:17] That's what I'm kind of talking about with consistency, that the more times I can get back there
[05:20:21] The more chances I'll have to try something else or try a different order of operations all right so we're in our final 60 seconds for this level and for this half.
[05:20:51] We'll go into a break after this level finishes.
[05:20:56] I didn't realize those net blocks... I don't think they're vanilla unless they are. Are there certain noteblocks you can hit from the side?
[05:21:02] Yeah. Yes. Okay.
[05:21:17] It's hard to distinguish them, because my thought was you have to hit it from the side and then do a shell jump of some kind instead of just hitting the note block with the shell that makes sense yeah it's uh like i said
[05:21:20] this is definitely a bit of a more puzzly a bit of a more puzzley entry it says it's tougher
[05:21:26] tougher array especially 10 minutes.
[05:21:29] If I remember correctly the clear time on this was
[05:21:33] in the races definitely 15 minutes plus so...
[05:21:39] It's a tough one it's plus so
[05:21:42] oh
[05:21:53] i love when the vine is uh kind of like detached from its stem. It's kinda half a block over, but it's still going.
[05:21:56] It's great.
[05:21:57] Yep. Oh, goomba.
[05:22:05] All right, Gliscow I'm going to give you one more attempt on this before we head in...
[05:22:14] This one I am on right now?
[05:22:16] Yeah.
[05:22:17] Okay.
[05:22:19] Pressure's on!
[05:22:23] Let's on. Let's see...
[05:22:25] I'm still not exactly sure what my game plan for the end is,
[05:22:29] so if I get there
[05:22:31] Block jumps! Yeah yeah block jumps i'm just gonna have to improvise yeah yeah i guess i wanna
[05:22:38] i guess i want to get this first
[05:22:44] oh Oh!
[05:22:46] Oh, no, because I don't... Oh, that was silly.
[05:22:47] All right, all right, all right.
[05:22:48] I shouldn't have...
[05:22:49] I didn't need the grab block to throw up at the turn blocks below there.
[05:22:53] I could've hit that with my head,
[05:22:55] I wasn't even...
[05:22:57] That was really good! We got to see most of it
[05:22:59] That was really awesome
[05:23:01] to see and shoutouts
[05:23:03] to Twicepice like i feel like
[05:23:04] most of the creators of levels we've been playing have been showing up so
[05:23:07] twice five's awesome level that was super
[05:23:10] super good now we're gonna go into a very very brief break
[05:23:13] everybody before we get into our final sets of levels because we have shoved his
[05:23:17] picks coming up next and then last but not least glitch cats picks for the other three racers to go
[05:23:24] see you soon! is answer one so so so so so so so Spread their seeds, we're Jason
[05:25:24] Oh, we're Jason
[05:25:26] We need to change the world
[05:25:29] Spread our seeds, we're Jason
[05:25:32] Oh, we're Jason is so and welcome back to the break everybody we're in our final segment, we're going to see Shubda's and Glitch Cat's picks for levels they would like the other racers to go through and race on stage for y'all.
[05:26:14] Before we get into that couple quick announcements GDQ GDQ's next all-women and femme speedrunning event, Flame Fatales, returns August 18th through the 25th.
[05:26:21] Use!FF in Twitch chat to check out the schedule
[05:26:25] and let us know what you're looking forward to the most. And GDQ is
[05:26:29] also going to PAX West from August 30th through September 2nd. Schedule is now out, so use
[05:26:34] exclamation point PAX in Twitch chat for more info. Let us know what you're excited
[05:26:39] to see there as well.
[05:26:41] Alright, Shubda, we got a level
[05:26:43] by Shubda
[05:26:45] here at the start. What have
[05:26:47] we got here? And count our runners then whenever you're ready
[05:26:49] We have a
[05:26:51] nice little cake level for everybody
[05:26:53] I'll count in now and then explain
[05:26:55] a little bit more
[05:26:55] 3, 2, 1, go. So my skill set in Kaizo is a little bit different than everybody else's to that point,
[05:27:11] I spent a lot of time playing
[05:27:13] cape levels. Cape games.
[05:27:15] And so
[05:27:16] I felt that one thing that was missing
[05:27:18] from ROMHack races sorry
[05:27:23] a couple hundred
[05:27:25] levels into the
[05:27:27] races was
[05:27:29] cape with vanilla turnaround which races was Cape with Vanilla Turnaround,
[05:27:33] which means that
[05:27:34] there is no turnaround patch.
[05:27:36] Your turnaround is 50-50
[05:27:38] whether or not you look left or right
[05:27:40] after you twirl.
[05:27:42] And I just wanted
[05:27:44] a little bit more of that.
[05:27:47] So, a little bit more chaos?
[05:27:50] Yep.
[05:27:52] But it's
[05:27:54] fairly easy once you know what you're doing
[05:27:55] to control that chaos,
[05:27:58] I would say.
[05:28:00] Is it like...
[05:28:00] It flips back and forth on a four-frame window. So there are people who can
[05:28:14] read that
[05:28:16] especially after a first
[05:28:18] turnaround
[05:28:19] the fake out goal that
[05:28:22] Bill just went to
[05:28:24] I was like dang Shuddup picked a super easy level here.
[05:28:28] They're like no! That's so real.
[05:28:39] I maintain that dealing with non-patched turnaround is a valid skill, if that makes any sense. Oh absolutely yeah.
[05:28:51] What are all these mixed messages? Let's go with Adiar.
[05:28:57] What do you mean? I see the arrow pointing right after it just came from the left.
[05:29:01] Oh, those are actually telling you which way
[05:29:03] you want to be facing when you
[05:29:05] go down the next hole.
[05:29:08] Way smarter than me!
[05:29:14] I'm also noticing these uncollectable coins. Yeah, that was an accident.
[05:29:20] They're
[05:29:21] just act as 25
[05:29:22] which means regular air.
[05:29:25] GG fail.
[05:29:27] Nice! I'm also a huge fan of the
[05:29:30] of the unpatched cape turnaround uh along with shovda I'm taking this really slowly.
[05:29:53] One of those where you take it
[05:29:56] slowly and
[05:29:59] I just get in my head every time.
[05:30:01] Make mistakes that I wouldn't normally make.
[05:30:08] It is a very... oh, very nice glitch oh very nice very nice glitch
[05:30:14] it is a really nice open level so if you you know when you do get the
[05:30:18] the failed turnarounds you do have a lot of space to work with.
[05:30:23] So yeah, if you've put in a lot of time like most of us have
[05:30:28] getting good at bed cape and vanilla cape
[05:30:31] it's a little more forgiving than it looks, but also still very hard.
[05:30:36] I love the back pumping in this life. It just looks silly.
[05:30:41] I love the sprite. The cape sprite in general is one of my favorite sprites
[05:30:45] in Super Mario World, it's just a funny animation especially when you're not
[05:30:50] pumping right and getting air. Youio just bobbing up and down
[05:30:57] the cape is one of the deepest and most ancient rabbit hole wells
[05:31:01] of tech in mario world ggoujo all of you did awesome there
[05:31:05] super impressive
[05:31:09] but Shoujo, you had picked out two levels
[05:31:11] instead of three and I think there's a reason for that
[05:31:13] because the next level is quite a doozy.
[05:31:15] Yep.
[05:31:18] The next level is titled
[05:31:20] Bad Money by LinkDX2
[05:31:22] and I feel like we need to
[05:31:24] give credit to our Kaizo forefathers and foremothers
[05:31:28] and forenbeats. And LDAD has been around for a very long
[05:31:33] time, and you know, we got to respect that.
[05:31:41] Love it! The advanced Kaizo arrays and the menu
[05:31:45] and if you need it I have it over here
[05:31:48] What week is it?
[05:31:50] Seven
[05:31:54] This is one of the first
[05:31:58] Are we ready?
[05:31:59] Three minutes.
[05:32:01] Yeah, go ahead.
[05:32:02] Three, two, one, go.
[05:32:04] Good luck to Buck.
[05:32:05] Good luck to Buck. There are no judges that await you, only the executioner says Eldad. Alas! as the name implies and as our players are finding out, grabbing coins is a bad thing in this level.
[05:32:38] It will destroy you to grab any money which is why it's bad
[05:32:44] greed is bad
[05:32:48] a lesson i didn't expect to get from kaizo
[05:32:55] you've got to be mad at.
[05:33:06] What's wrong, Shurjo?
[05:33:08] We've got a coin snake here! here.
[05:33:17] So the coin snakes are controlled with the d-pad, as I
[05:33:19] found out very recently when I was forced
[05:33:21] to control coins with a d-pad and I was so confused
[05:33:24] with what I was supposed to do. Which is always
[05:33:28] a problem because you move Mario with the d-pad
[05:33:32] So, you have to kind of fight movingio and moving the coins at the same time
[05:33:36] to make sure they both end up where they need to be
[05:33:43] i think it's just neat being able to control two things at the same time.
[05:33:47] I don't like it.
[05:33:53] Oh come on.
[05:34:02] Yo nice checkpoint glitch. I do love...
[05:34:05] I was avoiding Kaizo blocks. Yeah, I do love... I was avoiding kazo blocks!
[05:34:07] Yeah, I didn't know if there was one or not.
[05:34:09] You had the coinblocks as well being
[05:34:11] enabled in it so that obstacle with
[05:34:13] this shell is really good.
[05:34:15] And this is super creative right here
[05:34:17] wow
[05:34:21] yeah if yoshi eats a berry you get a coin so I'll dance a cheeky one.
[05:34:44] Yeah, he is.
[05:34:46] It was part that Shojo's on
[05:34:47] that wall where half of the surface area gives you a coin.
[05:34:52] Just making the shell jump in the frame.
[05:34:56] No! Of course there are coins in those blocks! Of course! What else would be in the block?
[05:35:01] Of course it's coins! Maybe it's a thing that helps me... no, it's coins!
[05:35:06] How did you not expect that at this point, Clash?
[05:35:09] I don't.
[05:35:11] I don't know what I expected!
[05:35:13] It's some...
[05:35:15] thing for me.
[05:35:19] Some treasure.
[05:35:28] I do love the general sense from the kaizo level creators is that everything, everything can be an obstacle. If you try hard. And there's the age for filming.
[05:35:53] This was a coin, right? Of course.
[05:35:57] Yep yep. Add to checks!
[05:36:01] Oh... It's always coins! Oh my.
[05:36:17] Good reads for failure.
[05:36:23] Nope, jumped right on the berry.
[05:36:29] Oh these berries!
[05:36:33] Great pick this is such a cool level.
[05:36:36] I'm very curious how you even... Like, this whole time
[05:36:40] I've been thinking about, okay if I was playing this what would I do?
[05:36:44] And I can never come up with the solutions fast enough
[05:36:49] this segment that uh failed a glitch rod i don't know i have no idea how to even progress past it.
[05:36:59] There's a big lexicon of skill and weird, obscure properties in Kaizo
[05:37:03] so sometimes just being well studied
[05:37:06] you know the property they're asking for in that moment
[05:37:09] you know what i mean yeah i think you could ask the average kaizo player and they probably wouldn't
[05:37:15] even know that like eating something with Yoshi gave you a coin.
[05:37:19] It's really cool that
[05:37:23] Linkdead essentially built the whole section around that
[05:37:27] kind of unfamiliar vanilla mechanic.
[05:37:33] When Yoshi's mouth passes in front of a berry, he automatically eats it
[05:37:37] so it is a trick of positioning to try and avoid that.
[05:37:40] Yeah, that's tough. And this is why
[05:37:44] by the way everybody who plays Kaizo should spend
[05:37:48] a little bit of time speedrunning vanilla SMW.
[05:37:52] You learn cool little tricks like this.
[05:37:57] I ran in the 6, does that count? That absolutely counts.
[05:38:02] Yes!
[05:38:07] I think Fail's the only one here who hasn't run Vanilla actually. Shojo and I both did One-Handed 11 exit at one point.
[05:38:17] One-handed 11 exit at one point one handed yeah uh we need made food percent look pretty pretty enticing that's right i've done food pretend too. I forgot about that.
[05:38:23] I repressed it.
[05:38:25] This is a good opportunity to
[05:38:27] shout out the QDQ YouTube channel
[05:38:29] where all these hot fits boss will be
[05:38:33] So Shubbedad did SMW food percents
[05:38:35] last week, and
[05:38:37] food percents
[05:38:39] you play SMW but
[05:38:41] you have to eat a food item corresponding
[05:38:44] to the level that you beat. It's like Soda Lake!
[05:38:48] That's soda. Butter Bridge, you take a bite of butter maybe
[05:38:52] and you eat an entire donut
[05:38:56] a full-size donut for every single level in uh donut plans which i don't even
[05:39:02] know how it's even possible.
[05:39:07] It's a good time!
[05:39:11] You should watch it, but do not do it at home. Please.
[05:39:13] Leave it to the professionals.
[05:39:16] Don't try this at home.
[05:39:17] What about when they get to
[05:39:18] Entire Pizza Mountain?
[05:39:23] Or
[05:39:24] Bad of Ham Valley, yeah.
[05:39:35] I want someone to make a level called Fataman Valor.
[05:39:39] Oh, that's so funny.
[05:39:44] Carrie, I'm trying to come up with a creative name that I can't.
[05:39:49] Oh, this is...I didn't even think about this! This is so cool
[05:39:53] No!
[05:39:54] With the segment fail
[05:39:56] Yeah, it's very difficult. It's like an obstacle course.
[05:40:08] Also nice and enjoyable! So nice enjoyable time here.
[05:40:12] Nice chill tune.
[05:40:15] Yoshi does not want to do food percent.
[05:40:20] The anti-food percent, by the way.
[05:40:22] Yeah he's a little full right now.
[05:40:26] Oh!
[05:40:44] Oh! oh Oh! I'm just mesmerized watching this. It's so creative.
[05:40:58] There is a tech trick to get Yoshi to to eat the one up and not the berry
[05:41:02] and it involves which direction on the d-pad you're holding when you
[05:41:05] actually stick i'm really confused at what jojo
[05:41:09] just did there but the apple moves and then stopped animating like the one up turned into an apple
[05:41:18] that was cursed amazing just&W things, I suppose.
[05:41:26] Yeah this one who just did it, I couldn't tell you either.
[05:41:32] You did it again!
[05:41:35] Shub, do you know what's going on here? Chat, you know what's going on here?
[05:41:39] I believe
[05:41:43] It's because they're already eating the 1-up that the berry gets uneaten and kind of becomes an object instead of a sprite there, instead of an animating object
[05:41:56] I guess.
[05:42:00] I think that's also involved in the
[05:42:02] credit warp?
[05:42:06] Yeah. credit warp yeah i think you have to do that to a couple berries on purpose
[05:42:11] what a magical video game it really is So close there, Phil. Man.
[05:42:30] Too many apples! A lot of apples.
[05:42:34] It's difficult because Yoshi kind of turns around slowly,
[05:42:38] Mario turns left and right more quickly, and Yoshi
[05:42:40] kind of swings his head around.
[05:42:42] So avoiding those apples in that
[05:42:45] one tile gap is really challenging.
[05:42:48] Dude. I have all... is really challenging
[05:42:54] dude okay i have all three of our runners here or who first is going to be if they will get there before time is up
[05:42:58] through those segments.
[05:43:04] Oh! So many
[05:43:08] super close ones, Sergio almost getting through.
[05:43:13] Alright.
[05:43:15] Wait, hang on I think I get it.
[05:43:17] Glitch is cooking.
[05:43:19] Standby. Pause. Don't let her pause. glitch is cooking standby pause
[05:43:29] and then undownloaded.
[05:43:33] Maybe download it again? I think Shody's gonna be fine! i think shojo has made it furthest with the i think almost complete war now Oh, hmm.
[05:43:55] And for those of you wondering where we are spending a little bit more time on this level,
[05:43:59] Shredder only picked two levels so this one's just getting a little bit of extra time
[05:44:07] that being said we got five minutes left on this one Okay.
[05:44:21] I'm going to try and get the I gotta say, this is so much easier than playing with the
[05:44:31] crowd roaring at you
[05:44:33] having to switch chairs and stuff
[05:44:35] all right hang on let me uh pipe in the the crowd audience recordings here
[05:44:41] or something something etc
[05:44:45] i mean I appreciate it.
[05:44:47] We can just have
[05:44:51] GDQ at my house if you want. I can't fit everybody but
[05:44:55] hang out out back. Go back to the can't fit everybody, but you know.
[05:44:57] Hang out out back. Go back to the days of
[05:44:59] running an event from someone's basement.
[05:45:03] Oh,
[05:45:03] that would be cool.
[05:45:08] If I ever do a remote run,
[05:45:09] I'll do it from my basement.
[05:45:12] Just for nostalgia.
[05:45:15] This is where speedrunning was born
[05:45:17] in the dark of a basement.
[05:45:20] My basement's pretty dark!
[05:45:26] Oh my gosh, Shoujo's like pixels away from making it through that final nine pack of apples.
[05:45:33] Yeah, that's the one that's holding me up too. I'm not sure...
[05:45:40] There's been several really close attempts.
[05:45:49] Yeah, Shubna is a great pick.
[05:45:51] It's really creative level. I mean every single level has been creative what am i saying?
[05:45:57] For sure. For sure. I was playing through all of the race levels in the practice room before the GDQ relay, and this one really stuck out to me.
[05:46:08] Shoja's made it through the pipe or Shojo? The two
[05:46:12] names with S-O-H-O are
[05:46:14] confusing me so much. It's like, I know
[05:46:16] both of you very well. I love both of you,
[05:46:18] so I apologize for messing them up all the time.
[05:46:21] But wait, there's more! There's even
[05:46:23] more but they're opposite their two coins
[05:46:27] Yep these coins when you run over them will become
[05:46:31] regular coins. I'm never gonna eat another apple again
[05:46:47] team apple or team berry
[05:46:50] I'm on team berry
[05:46:53] yeah no love for team tomato I'm on team Barry, yeah.
[05:46:54] No love for Team Tomato?
[05:46:57] I think we all know this one's Tomatoes.
[05:47:04] I don't know... is there like an official designation of what these are? Or did Nintendo just go
[05:47:10] this is fruit. It's been- Nintendo has called it a bunch of things not even Nintendo knows what it actually is
[05:47:22] I thought Nintendo knew what was up
[05:47:28] Maybe they made the timeline and all that very official,
[05:48:03] very well thought out. Someone who's running through it knows it isn't! can you trick me with your coins l dad i remembered all right I think we'll going to see the ending
[05:48:12] Can I spoil what the end troll is?
[05:48:15] Sure
[05:48:15] What do you got?
[05:48:17] So at the very end of this level, you're supposed to hit the gold tape.
[05:48:22] But if you...
[05:48:24] How does it work again?
[05:48:26] If you don't hit the gold tape,
[05:48:28] the gold tape turns into a coin which you then collect
[05:48:31] and kills you. But I believe
[05:48:35] also there is an item at the end that if
[05:48:39] you don't take through the
[05:48:41] goal to turn it into an item,
[05:48:43] or to turn it into a power-up,
[05:48:45] then it also turns into a coin and kills
[05:48:47] you.
[05:48:48] You used the Glitch Cap for also making it through the pipe here.
[05:48:52] But let's go to like the final 30 seconds here so everybody can put in
[05:48:56] three more attempts or so to get as far as they can but
[05:49:00] Shojo first make it through
[05:49:03] the pipe, through all those apples
[05:49:05] and so you're gonna get 250 points
[05:49:09] Meaning less internet points
[05:49:13] Don't spend them all in one place.
[05:49:17] Can you spend those? Yes!
[05:49:21] I don't know what you've been doing All the time, so that's why I didn't tell doing. On costumes for your avatar?
[05:49:30] Can we get one more? You know, I never did this as well but
[05:49:32] you can have 100 more points
[05:49:40] for changing the Yoshi hats when I ask you to.
[05:49:44] I forgot that I did that. I can't really see what I'm wearing, so. We all can and it looks cute.
[05:49:45] That's great.
[05:49:47] Alright everybody, last attempt here
[05:49:49] So when you die we're done
[05:49:50] And we'll go on to
[05:49:52] Glitch Cats
[05:49:53] Final sets glitch cats you have some levels coming up final set
[05:50:01] all right good luck fail one more attempt through the apple gauntlet. GG's.
[05:50:07] Tough level!
[05:50:11] Super neat, GG's everybody!
[05:50:13] That was an awesome picture.
[05:50:16] But Glitch Cat, your time playing is over.
[05:50:20] I'm going to reel you back into the commentator booth with me
[05:50:23] because you have three levels.
[05:50:25] These are our final three levels of
[05:50:28] the Knights, playing all these
[05:50:30] in no particular order by the way. We're not like
[05:50:32] oh, all the levels before were okay but
[05:50:34] these are the actual secret best
[05:50:36] levels. Now everybody selected some
[05:50:39] stuff, we're just playing them
[05:50:41] they are fun and Pushcat
[05:50:43] what is the first one you have for us?
[05:50:45] What do you got? Ah okay yeah
[05:50:47] this is really neat. This is Planet Nowhere from Furpy McFrosting. You've seen Furpys levels at the 2022 relay and they also made a level for Mario Maker Relay at GDQ a while ago. Furpy
[05:51:00] is such a really
[05:51:02] cool and interesting maker, they're always
[05:51:04] trying to subvert expectations
[05:51:06] and whenever I see their name
[05:51:08] on a level, I never never know what to expect.
[05:51:11] So I thought this level would show off
[05:51:13] some really cool customization
[05:51:15] and some really cool gameplay.
[05:51:17] Alright! Runners are you ready?
[05:51:19] Yep. Ready?
[05:51:20] All right!
[05:51:21] Three, two, one...
[05:51:22] Go!
[05:51:23] Good luck.
[05:51:28] So I hope you like VVVVVVV.
[05:51:32] Because...
[05:51:37] B6?
[05:51:38] We're going to be switching gravity in this one.
[05:51:42] You'll see that pretty soon here.
[05:51:45] Whoa!
[05:51:49] So the glass blocks are fragile and you have to jump off them very quickly.
[05:51:54] And, uh, the on-off blocks reverse the direction of gravity.
[05:51:58] So, uh, the gla—the little clear glass blocks will break.
[05:52:01] Uh, gravity is reversed with the switches and
[05:52:04] the arrows, the yellow arrows will show the players where
[05:52:08] screen wrap is enabled. It's not enabled everywhere but it
[05:52:12] is enabled where the arrows indicate.
[05:52:15] Wow! Sojo, okay. Amazing reads there.
[05:52:19] I also really like this strange kind of alien wiggly background
[05:52:23] thing...I don't know, are they buildings?
[05:52:25] Are they strange alien creatures?
[05:52:27] I don't know. But Furpy's style
[05:52:29] is always just so above and beyond
[05:52:31] and I really like
[05:52:33] and respect him as a level maker so much.
[05:52:35] Yeah, here's my theory. We're at the microscopic levels.
[05:52:38] Those are like... you know...
[05:52:41] individual pieces of DNA or cells in your cellular organisms
[05:52:45] Oh! Or some other microbiology.
[05:52:47] I like that.
[05:52:48] I like that, yeah.
[05:52:50] Furpy also made a level for the
[05:52:52] 2022 relay where
[05:52:54] there's that mode 7 level where the level keeps rotating and zooming in, shifting and expanding. That one is a highlight.
[05:53:01] Yup! I think they were trying to top that a little bit for Shattered Reality from the
[05:53:08] previous relay. But yeah,
[05:53:10] Furpy's been around for a long, long time, and just
[05:53:12] every time...
[05:53:14] I mention something in my chat, and I'll say like
[05:53:16] oh, conventionally this happens in Kaizo or we do or don't
[05:53:19] do that. And for people just chime in like what if we did the opposite?
[05:53:23] Like they're always trying to think of how to subvert expectations
[05:53:27] That's always kind of been a thing in Kaizo. It's just
[05:53:29] sort of doing the thing that you didn't
[05:53:31] expect either with trolling or with some
[05:53:33] kind of custom mechanics
[05:53:34] And I think Furpy just really excels at that
[05:53:37] and makes marvelous creations.
[05:53:40] You know, I do like this chat theory here. Those are just pool noodles in the background
[05:53:44] Everybody's just waving them. Oh there you go!
[05:53:48] That's a great thing about stuff like this, it's up to
[05:53:50] the user to interpret it.
[05:53:53] Who knows? Maybe there is an official lore of what it actually is.
[05:54:00] So using a little bit of shell tech with this as well, you know throwing the
[05:54:04] Shell and getting the shell to hit switches while they're moving through
[05:54:07] And then not be purple purpley coins are kind of indicating
[05:54:12] where and when they want to
[05:54:14] throw that shell. This one, again, might be
[05:54:16] a little bit of a tough one. You know, we'll see
[05:54:18] Sojo kind of making it look easy though getting to that
[05:54:20] get into the spring part of that but i think this
[05:54:24] level is as well indicated and i think ferpy as a maker really does a good job of taking
[05:54:29] something really wild and far out like this and making it accessible.
[05:54:33] Oh, fail!
[05:54:34] I think I messed up.
[05:54:40] Oh my...
[05:54:46] I don't think that was intended. Oi!
[05:54:48] Oi...
[05:55:01] But you know, I mean one could do incredibly challenging and cryptic things with this kind of a gimmick And Furpy just has this excellent restraint, I guess maybe you could say in their level design
[05:55:06] where they just seem to know exactly how much is too much and how much...
[05:55:10] How to kind of guide the player through a difficult gimmick rather than
[05:55:13] just bamboozle them with it
[05:55:22] a lot of good progress being made here
[05:55:30] oh this is cool nice yeah there's fail figure it yeah figuring it out
[05:55:34] yep got to use the shell and
[05:55:37] the spring at the end there
[05:55:39] to kind of loop yourself around
[05:55:41] but it's tough to think when
[05:55:43] gravity is reversed you're doing
[05:55:45] the same kind of jumps The physics doing the same kind of jumps. The physics are the same,
[05:55:47] the jump height and regrabs
[05:55:48] and things work the same
[05:55:51] but it's difficult when you're upside down
[05:56:01] So it's not like inverted controls. Oh, nice timing too! Yep, no, non-inverted controls
[05:56:05] Left and right still function the same, you just happen to be upside down.
[05:56:08] And that is something to note, you know, I don't know because
[05:56:11] I like to try and tailor the commentary towards people who might not
[05:56:14] be as familiar with Kaizo. We hear people talk about
[05:56:17] re-grabs or slow fall.
[05:56:19] For those that don't know, I'm sure most people do
[05:56:21] but Mario falls more slowly when you are holding the jump button in midair
[05:56:26] and I think that comes into play here a little bit
[05:56:28] to slow you down as you're falling
[05:56:30] down or up in the level and then a re-grab
[05:56:34] is a method of double tapping the jump button to
[05:56:37] change the horizontal trajectory of a jump by slowing yourself down halfway through
[05:56:41] it and getting a wider horizontal and a lower vertical on the
[05:56:44] jump that's just a super awesome level to watch
[05:56:49] a lot of these levels are just really good where, you know,
[05:56:52] a lot of the moves are really precise
[05:56:54] but you can also just appreciate
[05:56:56] the beauty of the movement when it all goes plainly.
[05:56:58] It's super awesome.
[05:57:00] Shoujo through the door! Let's go along. Very good. Nice.
[05:57:07] So a little bit of a trick now uh whenever you're inside the barriers gravity is opposite of what it already was.
[05:57:15] So now the barriers are going to be switching gravity in addition to the switches and everything else going on.
[05:57:24] Just leveling up the mechanic?
[05:57:26] I think...
[05:57:27] Yeah, you know, a lot of this is really like
[05:57:29] the tricks look flashy
[05:57:32] and sometimes they're full of subtle tech and things but i really enjoy kaizo
[05:57:36] that looks good for an audience you know what i mean because this is such a kind of a visual medium
[05:57:41] it's often streamed or at marathons or whatever so i really like stuff that um just i don't know
[05:57:46] it just plays well and even if you don't really know what you're looking at you're seeing
[05:57:50] wild things happen and it's just entertaining in that way. Got a three minute warning for the runners here.
[05:58:10] No, sorry I was hoping I didn't pick levels that were too challenging. Like it was's... Like was mentioned before,
[05:58:17] we have...
[05:58:18] We're about to celebrate
[05:58:19] our 300th race
[05:58:21] over on our channel
[05:58:22] that's coming up
[05:58:23] on this Saturday
[05:58:24] on RHR
[05:58:25] and it was really difficult to kind of go through
[05:58:28] and pick two-to-three favorites from
[05:58:32] the giant catalog that we have with levels.
[05:58:36] And fail! Nicely done.
[05:58:39] You're good. Playing through these, it's hard to just go through an unpracticed kaisa level and do it.
[05:58:49] Especially like, live in front of an audience
[05:58:53] And so no worries at all for anybody not finished
[05:58:57] It's really hard to do, and it doesn't change
[05:59:00] that this is awesome to see
[05:59:02] all of these wonderful
[05:59:04] levels.
[05:59:08] Furby's
[05:59:08] doing a really good job here of indicating the path.
[05:59:11] You see that kind of pinkish coin that indicates where to throw the shell,
[05:59:15] and the gold coins indicating where the player actually wants to move.
[05:59:20] And I don't know... It that's such a it's a difficult
[05:59:22] thing to hit right and some makers lean more into the cryptic side of things looking at you morsel
[05:59:28] um where there was the setups are cryptic, but the result is really
[05:59:32] cool gameplay. And I think Furpy
[05:59:34] just does such a good job of riding that line
[05:59:36] between an incredibly far-out
[05:59:38] gimmick and functionally
[05:59:40] readable. Even if you're just kind of holding on
[05:59:43] you still can figure out the path fairly easily after a few tries Hey Shabda, nice job.
[05:59:59] Getting to that checkpoint as well.
[06:00:01] Our final 90 seconds here, everybody.
[06:00:12] Yeah I do see we have a lots of people unfamiliar with Kaizo in the chat here.
[06:00:17] So I'm glad that y'all are having a good time and remember like there's so many varying difficulties
[06:00:23] you don't to do stuff as hard as what we're showing off today. And let's talk many varying difficulties. You don't have to do stuff as hard
[06:00:24] as what we're showing off today,
[06:00:25] I just talked about it earlier in the stream.
[06:00:28] You can really find any number of games
[06:00:31] for any number of difficulties
[06:00:33] like really there is any level of gameplay
[06:00:36] you could go from like basically being able to beat vanilla
[06:00:38] S&W through stuff like
[06:00:40] this and way beyond
[06:00:42] what we're seeing here so
[06:00:44] it really is something for everybody if i may
[06:00:47] i'd like to i'd like to recommend um a plumber for all seasons uh that is what we call a standard
[06:00:53] hack so it's not kaizo it's just standard difficulty nice job sojo let's go um but uh really beautiful if
[06:01:01] you've played the original mario world uh you will have a really fun time playing
[06:01:05] uh kaisa or sorry plumber for all seasons.
[06:01:08] That's on SMW Central.
[06:01:10] And so now for this boy-boy fight,
[06:01:12] we've got the shell that is
[06:01:14] hitting the switch up there and flipping
[06:01:16] the gravity, and also the barriers which are also flipping the gravity and also the barriers which are
[06:01:19] also flipping the gravity so
[06:01:20] Sojo she does not want to go up
[06:01:23] into the munchers in the ceiling and she's
[06:01:24] attempting to figure out how to
[06:01:26] avoid doing that by matching her movements crossing the barrier with the shell hitting
[06:01:30] the switch and of course having to actually hit the resnores from below This was kind of a tough one.
[06:01:45] Y'all are being troopers about this one.
[06:01:47] So close.
[06:01:49] We're past the time, but Shojo I'm going to give you a couple attempts here
[06:01:53] since we are so close to the end. nicely very nice jojo g geez and you know fail electric finish the So, GGs. And
[06:02:12] fail will let you finish the one
[06:02:14] you're currently on before we get into
[06:02:16] the next level
[06:02:18] which is going to be... GG!
[06:02:20] Yeah, GG's fail. next up we have Abstract
[06:02:23] Evening, this is week 126
[06:02:25] by Mason underscore SMW
[06:02:27] Love shoutouts to a fellow
[06:02:29] member of team underscore
[06:02:30] I have a connection with everybody
[06:02:36] i think i might have made some difficult picks for this so we could always just
[06:02:39] judge by progress uh sorry sometimes i'm i'm a bad judge of what is difficult or not,
[06:02:46] but this is a really interesting level.
[06:02:48] QuietMason is a really talented player.
[06:02:51] They draw from a lot of experience with tech glitch abuse vanilla they really just kind
[06:02:57] of know it all and so it's really interesting to see sort of what a virtuoso decides to make
[06:03:02] i like this level too because it has sort of one gimmick that gets explored in a lot of detail.
[06:03:07] So we can go whenever you're ready.
[06:03:09] Let's start in 3, 2, 1... Go! go.
[06:03:20] And of course,
[06:03:22] it's indeed a four thanks because she's just done so much
[06:03:24] and really you can't throw a stone in Kaizo now without running into D4's name.
[06:03:29] ChazD4?
[06:03:32] Yeah, and like innumerable amounts of credits for helping make logs here possible.
[06:03:41] Yup! And so we've got some more D4 tech here these blocks.
[06:03:45] Yeah, I'm seeing how this works when you hit the yellow block it will produce a brown
[06:03:51] block in the direction of the arrow and we're going to use that to do a lot
[06:03:56] of tricky platforming and we're gonna see this gimmick iterated on in a lot of tricky platforming and we're going to see this gimmick uh iterated on in
[06:03:59] a lot of really cool ways so a little bit of platforming see how this kind
[06:04:06] of failed doing going for the shell jump.
[06:04:08] This level is kind of, there's some platforming
[06:04:10] There's a little bit of tech abuse
[06:04:12] There's an interesting custom gimmick
[06:04:14] I really like that from Mason
[06:04:16] They just walk all paths
[06:04:20] And you know, I mean like i don't know i talk about kaizo as kind of a
[06:04:21] branching tree of skills you can
[06:04:24] learn some platforming you learn the glitches
[06:04:26] or the vanilla interactions maybe you would want to go
[06:04:28] more for shells maybe you'd want to go more for shells. Maybe you'd wanna go for cape or
[06:04:31] something and for those that really get into it, you know, you kind of end up learning
[06:04:35] all the tech and when you put that altogether in a level, you get some really interesting
[06:04:39] results you get some really interesting results.
[06:04:44] It's always amazing how much there is, and how often veterans who've been doing this for a decade at this point or more still get surprised by new ways
[06:04:55] you're able to just create stuff in this game and this engine
[06:05:08] yeah you mentioned earlier the bosses in this. Every time I think there's no way we can come up with another new concept for Big Boo
[06:05:14] or Reznor. As soon as I think that
[06:05:16] someone always does
[06:05:17] There is always another Reznor
[06:05:19] and I just absolutely
[06:05:21] love that. It keeps me sticking around in Kaizo personally and it's
[06:05:25] just really honestly beautiful to see new things coming out all the time.
[06:05:33] It's a good exercise as well, because if you give like hey here is the task.
[06:05:38] Go design something go make something with this and you can think about it really hard
[06:05:46] and almost always at least for me i was like okay
[06:05:49] this is it this is the thing that can be made
[06:05:53] like you can't do anything else this this has to be it." And then
[06:05:56] you go and like show it to everybody else and see what everyone else has done
[06:06:00] You'll have ten people with ten wildly different things that they came up
[06:06:04] with as like, this is the thing i see and it's amazing every time
[06:06:11] yeah there's just so much to explore
[06:06:14] something to know too for this level in terms of tech this is a good highlighter
[06:06:17] of the um the slow fall property like i was talking about earlier that sometimes
[06:06:22] holding the jump button down the entire time you're jumping
[06:06:25] is not the thing to do, and so you're letting go
[06:06:28] of the jump button halfway through or
[06:06:30] on the way down to sort of cut
[06:06:32] the jump a little bit and
[06:06:34] make some progress. Oh! Fail, nice
[06:06:36] try, that was good.
[06:06:38] You gotta be standing on something to go in a horizontal pipe
[06:06:41] that is sticking out of the air like that so that final block
[06:06:44] was there too give a platform but it's moving
[06:06:47] a little bit quicker than you might expect. So tech
[06:06:50] comes into play, platforming comes into play and that custom gimmick.
[06:06:54] Again this level has a few sections in it.
[06:06:59] So we can always judge progress by how many sections.
[06:07:02] I want to say too that all these levels were at one point raced for our community races.
[06:07:07] And I think in a lot of cases they're being beaten faster than what was actually done
[06:07:12] on the day that they were raced so really big props to everybody for working through these
[06:07:23] so fail on section 2 now and the blocks are going to start behaving a little bit
[06:07:26] differently but they sort of bounce
[06:07:27] up or down when they get hit
[06:07:29] so in this case, Fail is stuck inside the little prison there
[06:07:35] I guess at the start and The Shell is hitting the block and moves it down giving them just
[06:07:39] enough time to run out from underneath it almost
[06:08:01] this is some tricky platforming. There's something very satisfying about the movement of these narrow blocks.
[06:08:29] There's not a lot of games, like when I think about it...
[06:08:31] You know hitting a block
[06:08:33] with your head in Mario is like like i'm trying to think of
[06:08:36] other games where that is like really really common you know what i mean
[06:08:39] it's a very mario thing and it's like actually really surprising just how much
[06:08:43] can be done with just bonking yourself into something.
[06:08:47] Yeah, I feel like that is a core defining aspect of Mario.
[06:08:53] And yeah you got me thinking now.
[06:08:59] Obviously you have games where you attack a box or something to get something out of it, but...
[06:09:02] Ones where you just jump into it from below is...
[06:09:06] Gosh, now I'm thinking about it so hard Glitch Cat.
[06:09:08] Thank you!
[06:09:12] Yeah what other platforming games
[06:09:14] do you bonk a box with your hand? Like I'm thinking
[06:09:16] Crash Bandicoot, you spin the crates to destroy
[06:09:19] them. Mario 2, you pick things up
[06:09:21] from the ground but
[06:09:22] or thinking like Celeste
[06:09:24] or Super Meat Boy platforming games
[06:09:27] You're not bonking your head into something,
[06:09:30] which is interesting because
[06:09:31] especially used for Kaizo, you're
[06:09:33] putting yourself in physical danger somehow
[06:09:35] by doing that, right? You're not just throwing
[06:09:37] a projectile at something. it showed gg's on the h very nice
[06:09:49] i remember to look at my timer,
[06:09:51] I'm getting so engrossed by this. Yeah these are- This is a fun one
[06:09:55] I actually forgot to start the timer for this one so I don't know where we're at
[06:09:59] I'll say we're at five minutes
[06:10:03] but here's a little trick coming up um that uh phil and
[06:10:06] soja are attempting to do you are riding on yoshi
[06:10:10] in the air and when you're doing that,
[06:10:11] at any time you're riding Yoshi,
[06:10:13] you can press A to sort of bail off of Yoshi
[06:10:16] and send him down into the pit
[06:10:18] where there's a fun water slide for him
[06:10:19] and he's fine.
[06:10:21] But if you
[06:10:22] bonk a block,
[06:10:24] as you're
[06:10:27] bailing off Yoshi, and Yoshi
[06:10:28] and Mario's head are close enough to the block,
[06:10:31] you can remount Yoshi in the air and get another jump off of that
[06:10:35] and that there you go phil just got it uh the sort of double bailout move
[06:10:39] um you need one bonk to activate the up block and another bonk
[06:10:44] to actually jump off of Yoshi and get up on the blocks.
[06:10:47] So kind of a tight trick of timing and positioning
[06:10:50] And that's again something, kind of a reason why I picked this
[06:10:53] Mason's designs really just play to
[06:10:54] a lot of skills at once in kaizo and i absolutely appreciate that Dory, my last pick is much more chill than this.
[06:11:09] And you know, and this isn't even for our weekly races where all these levels come from
[06:11:14] I mean we've had
[06:11:16] exactly i'm staffed for that and we have a testing team that tests the levels
[06:11:20] throughout the weeks in some weeks we've even said like
[06:11:22] i don't know if this is going to be our are they going to be able to handle
[06:11:26] this and they do right.
[06:11:28] And granted we schedule two hours
[06:11:29] to do it,
[06:11:30] to do the broadcast for our weekly
[06:11:32] races on Saturdays.
[06:11:34] But you know,
[06:11:35] the skill ceiling of some of the players has just risen astronomically in
[06:11:38] the past couple of years with everyone sharing knowledge and strats
[06:11:42] and continually building more and more imaginative things.
[06:11:50] I'm holding... Like,
[06:11:50] I always find myself
[06:11:51] like getting immersed
[06:11:53] in like
[06:11:53] with the feelings
[06:11:56] of what you must be
[06:11:57] going through
[06:11:57] because like
[06:11:57] I'm holding my breath
[06:11:58] as time goes by.
[06:12:03] It really is that
[06:12:07] consistency, right? You know, everyone wants
[06:12:09] to one-shot something especially in a race
[06:12:11] situation where they don't know their sight reading
[06:12:13] level. Everybody wants to get the one shot
[06:12:15] either to get a checkpoint or
[06:12:17] clear and make progress or just for the knowledge about what is coming
[06:12:20] up. But the consistency
[06:12:22] is what backs that up a little bit because
[06:12:24] more you can farm attempts at the part
[06:12:26] your trying to learn, the better of a chance
[06:12:28] you have to actually get through it.
[06:12:30] So just being able to learn something and then do it repeatedly is kind
[06:12:34] of just as important as being able to sight read, if that makes sense. Yeah, Shojo and Fale making some good progress through this level. This is your two minute warning, two minutes.
[06:12:56] Yo, Shabda in the pipe! Nicely done. Everybody now past the H.
[06:13:09] Yeah, there are several sections in this so sorry for picking a really tough one! No worries!
[06:13:17] This is all a showcase finishing the levels is optional like there are so many awesome levels out there, it would take months of shows to be able to do it all justice. It's just a small taste of what's available out there.
[06:13:38] Oh! Nice fail.
[06:13:44] That was, I think, a sight read on that door too. Very good.
[06:13:47] Yeah, I got a little bit of knowledge the first time and luckily it was what I thought it was.
[06:13:53] It's cool though. Hold on.
[06:13:56] Yeah, this one's neat! I thought maybe...
[06:14:02] So now the blocks are moving and they're sticking to the wall.
[06:14:07] And that's gonna provide a permanent platform.
[06:14:11] Super awesome!
[06:14:15] The X on the previous one is all vertical blocks, like whole way through.
[06:14:23] Now we're going in all of the other directions.
[06:14:26] Anyway final 30 seconds... Yeah that's kind of what I mean about
[06:14:30] about the gimmick being explored with a lot of iteration
[06:14:35] That's something i think is really strong in this level is you just
[06:14:38] here's this one idea of hit the block makes a brown block and you just see
[06:14:42] that explored from 100 different angles i think that's very very creative.
[06:14:49] I also love the upside-down clouds
[06:14:51] kind of messing with you.
[06:14:54] Oh yeah, those upside-down clouds are a
[06:14:55] one-way platform actually. You can
[06:14:57] only cross them
[06:14:58] in the direction they are not...
[06:15:00] The flatness is a barrier.
[06:15:02] Alright so we'll let Vale finish this
[06:15:04] attempt right here and move on
[06:15:06] to the final level
[06:15:08] of the Knights.
[06:15:11] GG's valiant efforts, everybody!
[06:15:16] Yeah, gg I take responsibility for the difficulty on that one.
[06:15:20] So our final level...
[06:15:22] Tell us about it, Splishcat, while we're getting
[06:15:23] set up. Oh, well, you know,
[06:15:25] okay, this one will hopefully be chill
[06:15:27] and since it's hot out maybe it'll
[06:15:29] cool us down a little bit. This was a special holiday
[06:15:32] level and I picked it because I
[06:15:34] think it's just adorable and it makes
[06:15:36] me happy. It's Furret's Big Holiday
[06:15:38] Adventure from
[06:15:40] C.O. Cadillac and the Borgi Man.
[06:15:43] This is just, I think it's so fun
[06:15:45] and features Furret
[06:15:47] that's my favorite Pokemon
[06:15:49] big Furret fan
[06:15:51] So we're going to help Fur it get home for the holidays awesome all right everybody you're
[06:15:56] starting in three two one go we have ten minutes i remember at the start of timer this time so we don't go too far over.
[06:16:08] So he doesn't hurt,
[06:16:10] he just walks and we're going to help Furret get home for the holiday.
[06:16:12] So Furret can't actually hurt you um so first just gonna be
[06:16:15] walking around and uh maybe at the end we'll need to see something special but i'll point that out
[06:16:20] when the time comes this is basically like the uh the moles in uh in the giant mega-moles
[06:16:26] In regular Mario World
[06:16:28] Only here it's Furret and I love Furret
[06:16:31] Just, I don't know. I just think he's really great
[06:16:34] He's real big and he walks around
[06:16:36] I don't know, I just love him
[06:16:38] Yeah! Isn't he great?
[06:16:40] He's just a great guy
[06:16:41] So bouncing off this Koopa to start
[06:16:44] out and holding B while running over those one tile gaps.
[06:16:49] Mario can run over that one tile while holding B,
[06:16:51] And then Furret will go in the Pokeball if Furret touches the Pokeballs so...
[06:16:56] Wanna watch out for that! then of course the rooms are numbered
[06:16:58] uh so fail and shove that just about to get into that next oh sorry about those
[06:17:02] note blocks getting into that room on the next attempt for sure so gotta build a bridge here uh the
[06:17:09] outlined blocks are kaizo blocks and we need to
[06:17:13] build a bridge for fur it uh so that ferret can cross over
[06:17:16] the gaps and then those blue blocks
[06:17:19] that you're seeing are
[06:17:21] solid for Mario,
[06:17:23] but they are transparent
[06:17:25] for sprites. So a shell is able to be
[06:17:27] thrown up and hit the switch, but Mario is not able to hit the
[06:17:30] switch with his head.
[06:17:31] And that is requiring players to bring the red shell with them.
[06:17:35] Additionally they have to clear the rock out of the way so that Furry can keep on walking.
[06:17:41] I love this level, like escorting a single thing because I had the idea of making
[06:17:46] a level where you save Yoshi,
[06:17:50] but it's the same Yoshi
[06:17:51] the whole time.
[06:17:52] So you're not like
[06:17:52] going through
[06:17:53] and getting new Yoshis
[06:17:55] or anything.
[06:17:55] It's the same one
[06:17:56] that you have to escort
[06:17:57] through the entire level
[06:17:58] and take to the end.
[06:18:01] I like that. And eventually got made in Mario Maker 2
[06:18:03] by an awesome,
[06:18:05] awesome friend of the show
[06:18:07] that we showcased
[06:18:09] when Shoujo was stuck in Mario Maker Purgatory.
[06:18:17] That was an excellent save from Shoujo there, the shell didn't break
[06:18:20] the blocks the whole way but she
[06:18:23] managed to get the shell off the kicking
[06:18:25] Koopa and break that block
[06:18:27] that wasn't broken initially. Yeah I don't think that was supposed
[06:18:29] to happen
[06:18:31] Shubda also moving on to the, what's that?
[06:18:33] Second section. Yeah two out of six rooms total
[06:18:37] and you can see the numbers on the side there. No!
[06:18:41] I'm sorry. You know what No!
[06:18:46] Yeah, I like a little bit of narrative structure in the levels.
[06:18:48] You know and I like the sort of emotional
[06:18:50] investment you get in caring
[06:18:52] for something and having to escort it
[06:18:54] you know i try to bring a little bit of love too to kaizo
[06:18:58] to a genre that is sometimes you know very difficult
[06:19:01] and brutal i like the like the little fun stuff.
[06:19:08] Nicely done, Sojo using the mushroom to spin
[06:19:11] the blocks out of the way
[06:19:13] and timing the jump so that Furret
[06:19:16] will be underneath Mario by the time he's
[06:19:18] done spinning.
[06:19:20] Oh, but the Disco Shell...
[06:19:22] He was so close! Poor Furret.
[06:19:25] If I fail, clear the disco shell!
[06:19:27] Is that the H?
[06:19:29] That's a cute
[06:19:31] R-H-R
[06:19:33] Yeah this was a special
[06:19:35] holiday one we had a couple years back.
[06:19:39] So adorable.
[06:19:43] He's a good guy! Or gal or non-binary all right first come in all types
[06:19:57] so fail having to watch out now because those furrets are going to go into the Pokeball there.
[06:20:02] Oh my god!
[06:20:03] And that means I gotta jump a little bit quicker.
[06:20:05] That's so cute!
[06:20:13] The Pokeballs are so cute. Such a cute level.
[06:20:21] Yeah that's how you can get rid of them but they're safe. They're just in the Pokeball. They're returning home.
[06:20:24] And when they fall off the screen it's just a fun water slide.
[06:20:27] Or maybe it's not a water slide because it's winter out.
[06:20:31] Maybe it's just a regular slide.
[06:20:34] But either way they are fine.
[06:20:36] I don't know.
[06:20:37] I like to come up with nicer headcanons sometimes.
[06:20:40] I don't know, just...
[06:20:41] I like that.
[06:20:42] Yeah,
[06:20:42] Shoujo and shoved up
[06:20:43] very,
[06:20:44] very close
[06:20:45] to making it
[06:20:46] two in the first H. Music is also very appropriate.
[06:21:00] Perfectly fine to have holiday theming in July. Don't worry about it.
[06:21:07] Yeah, I thought maybe we could do some ice. It's kind of hot out there. Maybe we could use a cool level.
[06:21:15] Also, for what it is worth
[06:21:17] the floor here is ice
[06:21:19] Ice is a global property
[06:21:21] of levels so if you make something icy in mario world it's just everything that
[06:21:25] you stand on will be ice on the ground so um the surfaces here are slippery and
[06:21:31] that makes it a little bit more challenging.
[06:21:50] So fail using those grab blocks to switch the red and green on-off blocks in order to make paths.
[06:22:24] Very cute. And again, that little visual indicators the green coins indicating where to throw just kind of helps the player out. I've said sometimes that like indication
[06:22:28] isn't to tell you what to do on your first time it's to remind you what to do
[06:22:32] on like the 10th time all right shabda is through hippie age. feels super nice and blue
[06:22:53] oh yeah so joe protecting protecting for it from
[06:22:57] the disco shell.
[06:23:00] Disco shells cannot be destroyed well, they can be
[06:23:02] destroyed but they can only be destroyed by a
[06:23:04] spin jump. Well there's other ways too
[06:23:06] but spin jumping to get rid of
[06:23:08] the disco shell is pretty common.
[06:23:11] Oh god! Spin jumping to get rid of the Disco Shell is pretty common. Oh, God!
[06:23:13] I'm a fool!
[06:23:17] No.
[06:23:18] So Grablocks have
[06:23:19] a timer. They flash for a little while and then they will expire
[06:23:23] and just disappear and so fail needing to time the drop that destroys those spinies
[06:23:29] with the exploration. Oh, wow!
[06:23:38] It's a big holiday adventure!
[06:23:51] ... holiday adventure too late oh Too late.
[06:23:57] Is there anything that you feel like it being near expiration, or is it just...
[06:24:04] There is actually! If you watch, the block is flashing very rapidly and as
[06:24:06] it gets close to expiration
[06:24:08] it will flash more slowly
[06:24:12] Just another reason to play Vanilla SMW.
[06:24:15] Because this is, you know what I mean? Like so many of us kind of started with that and you learn
[06:24:19] just these little things that end up mattering in Kaizo.
[06:24:23] Oh! What are you talking about? in Kaizo.
[06:24:25] Soldier 2 catching up here.
[06:24:28] And shoved her.
[06:24:31] Alright, yeah, everybody on room number 4 now.
[06:24:36] If I recall correctly, the last room is
[06:24:38] kind of free and I hope
[06:24:40] we get there because there's a special
[06:24:42] thing that they put into this level
[06:24:44] that maybe we'll get to see. I don't know, should I that they put into this level um,
[06:24:47] that maybe we'll get to see.
[06:24:47] I don't know,
[06:24:48] should I,
[06:24:48] should I?
[06:24:49] Maybe,
[06:24:50] maybe spoil it.
[06:24:50] Should I?
[06:24:51] Uh,
[06:24:52] hold off on that now.
[06:24:53] Okay,
[06:24:53] alright. Alright. all right
[06:25:03] this is also a great demonstration of concern there sojo got it no
[06:25:06] she got it she got yeah did you notice
[06:25:08] did you see it was a shiny fur yeah so yeah borghi and ceo uh worked in
[06:25:15] uh a special thing that every one of the ferrets has a certain percentage chance to be a shiny
[06:25:19] one and it happens randomly in the level which i just thought was very endearing super
[06:25:25] that's amazing that's so amazing. Wow!
[06:25:31] I'm glad we got one. Good job, way to get the shiny Furret.
[06:25:34] I literally didn't do anything.
[06:25:42] It's making me think too that we could probably use other Pokemon themed Kaiso levels. So if anybody has some good ideas to
[06:25:46] Use Pokemon for things you know
[06:25:48] Could have the new hot level on your hands.
[06:25:50] So we are at the 10 minutes but
[06:25:53] I don't want to finish
[06:25:56] on a Mercy kill level so
[06:25:58] We're gonna go until one of you makes it to the end here.
[06:26:01] We will see it.
[06:26:03] Best of luck.
[06:26:05] I got the okay, so...
[06:26:06] Okay, I think-I think we are pretty close, yeah.
[06:26:08] Okay.
[06:26:10] He's gotta get home! We gotta help to get home we gotta help get
[06:26:12] home for the holidays
[06:26:16] no i'm still gone
[06:26:23] that is tricky and Having a tough obstacle at the end like that really rewards consistency again because you
[06:26:28] want to kind of farm attempts at that part.
[06:26:41] Yeah, we can't let Ferret today.
[06:26:48] Oh, fail is through!
[06:26:52] Let's get home for it. Nicely done! So yeah I think last
[06:26:55] difficult section
[06:26:57] I wanna say
[06:26:59] and a little bit of platforming
[06:27:01] A little spin jumping on the grinder
[06:27:11] Oh nice strat from sojo okay very nice strat dropping the block at an angle so it smashes against the wall after it destroys one of the spinies and never
[06:27:17] makes its way to fur it pretty smart that was a really smart strat i like
[06:27:21] that
[06:27:23] i didn't even think of that myself.
[06:27:29] When I was testing this for the selection, I was like, oh okay just wait for the timeout.
[06:27:31] Yeah we do have Cio and Shaq. Clever.
[06:27:33] Guess I'll ask
[06:27:35] Was it your intention to time it?, was it your intention to time it?
[06:27:36] Or was it your intention to have it collide against a wall?
[06:27:39] Because that's super cool.
[06:27:41] Or was just like both of these work?
[06:27:43] We will see what people do.
[06:27:47] I love probing the brains of the
[06:27:49] creators and you know seeing what they
[06:27:52] thought when they were making it.
[06:27:55] Nicely done, fail in that pipe! Happy Holidays!
[06:28:01] Oh, why am I down here?
[06:28:04] Ah the one way...
[06:28:06] Because we made it home and all the furrets are hanging out together
[06:28:12] and sojo too let's go awesome gg is a fail gee geez fail
[06:28:25] yo you got the shiny one yeah the last one was a shiny one
[06:28:32] i will also be i will also beat the size. I just thought this would be a fun pick to wrap it up with.
[06:28:37] Yeah, absolutely. This is going 4-able.
[06:28:46] And G's Jojo, Well done!
[06:28:52] Yeah, I'm glad we got to see the end of the level there.
[06:28:57] Yay Furrets!
[06:29:00] But... We're going to basically tell it together.
[06:29:06] GGS Shrouda, thank you all to all of you for selecting so
[06:29:13] many awesome levels for everybody
[06:29:15] to play. So I
[06:29:17] hope everybody here
[06:29:19] on the show enjoyed playing all these levels
[06:29:21] your friends picked out for you.
[06:29:23] But I also hope everybody watching
[06:29:26] enjoyed the variety that we saw here today,
[06:29:29] super creative and it was awesome seeing so many
[06:29:33] of the level creators
[06:29:34] that we're showcasing here tonight in the chat with us,
[06:29:38] cheering us on.
[06:29:40] So again you all are awesome.
[06:29:43] We all really appreciate you and I want to just go through um to each of our runners here
[06:29:48] today, give some final thoughts and you know Glitch Pat the commentary trooper tonight's
[06:29:53] want to start with you thanks again for coming on.
[06:29:58] Thank you for having us! You know, absolutely love the game of Kaizo and
[06:30:02] I love presenting this and bringing it to people. We do have, like I've been talking about
[06:30:07] the weekly races if anyone is interested in
[06:30:09] learning a little bit more about Kaizo or
[06:30:11] joining our community we'll have links
[06:30:13] available and you can always check out
[06:30:15] You can get this hack, you can always check out uh you can get this hack you can grab some stuff that
[06:30:19] isn't as challenging um like kiara was mentioning wherever your skills are there's a mario
[06:30:25] mod for you and i hope to see more people checking it out and playing more Kaizen.
[06:30:29] And next up, Shabda, how about yourself?
[06:30:33] Thanks for having us as well. That's all I got.
[06:30:37] Yeah, thanks for coming on and
[06:30:39] thanks for surviving
[06:30:41] Food Percent last week. Again
[06:30:43] y'all should go check that out
[06:30:45] Just don't do it
[06:30:47] on a full stomach.
[06:30:51] Shoujo, thanks to you as well for coming on
[06:30:53] hope you enjoyed and any final
[06:30:55] shoutouts from you?
[06:30:57] Thanks for having us! Really, really fun. I want to give a massive very important shout out to RomHack Races.
[06:31:04] You can find their website at They are... all of these levels
[06:31:11] came from there and if you're interested in
[06:31:13] the races, if you're
[06:31:14] interested in seeing any of the race levels
[06:31:17] there's 299 of them
[06:31:19] please go there.
[06:31:21] It's an amazing community and amazing group of people.
[06:31:25] Definitely just wanted to give them a shout out.
[06:31:28] That's where all of this came from
[06:31:30] so it wouldn't have been possible without them.
[06:31:33] Awesome, thank you so much, Jojo.
[06:31:35] And Dale, last but not least,
[06:31:39] any final shout outs from yourself?
[06:31:43] Yeah, shout outs to Jez Cook, Java Brew
[06:31:45] Mark Alarm and The Beast
[06:31:47] the other Funky Fuzzies and Groovy Goombas
[06:31:49] who were on the big stage with us
[06:31:51] It was an honor to race with everybody and
[06:31:54] that was great to show off those levels again and show off some really awesome levels
[06:31:58] and yeah if any of this looked fun give it a try kaizo's it's fun and
[06:32:03] it's addicting and hope everybody
[06:32:07] as a recent converts uh to kaizo i'm starting like just late last year
[06:32:12] i've been having so much fun with it and i started from nothing
[06:32:15] so everybody can and uh yeah definitely check the announcement in chat to go there and find out some
[06:32:21] more information but make sure you follow all four of our wonderful runners glitch cat seven shoujo
[06:32:27] u fail me and shabda if you go into any other chats i'm sure they will be able to point you
[06:32:32] around give you some recommendations everybody Everybody like the Kaiser community is
[06:32:36] so welcoming. They welcomed
[06:32:38] me with open arms and gave me so many suggestions
[06:32:40] of games I could play
[06:32:42] or varying difficulties
[06:32:44] stepping up in difficulty. I'm sure
[06:32:47] all of them will be happy to
[06:32:49] help anybody start their
[06:32:50] Kaizo journey. You can go as far
[06:32:53] or as little as you want
[06:32:55] with it.
[06:32:56] Again, big shout-outs to everybody for joining me.
[06:32:58] That's gonna be it for Game Masters today.
[06:33:02] I hope you all had a blast because I did
[06:33:06] and before we get out
[06:33:08] just a couple final
[06:33:10] things for everybody
[06:33:11] Games Done Quick Express
[06:33:14] is coming to TwitchCon
[06:33:15] from September 20th to 22nd, submissions will be
[06:33:19] open from July 17th through the 24th.
[06:33:21] So use!GBQX
[06:33:23] in Twitch chat for more info
[06:33:25] and if you missed out
[06:33:27] on The First Step earlier today or this show, stay tuned because we're going to be replaying both shows coming up after the break.
[06:33:34] Tune in tomorrow at 7 p.m. Eastern for Random Number Generation and Time Capsule.
[06:33:40] So so so so so so so. so so so so so so so so so so so Hello, everybody. Hello everybody and welcome to the first step here on GDQ Hotfix.
[06:37:18] My name is Jay Hobbs and I am joined by...
[06:37:22] Hi, I'm Keyzer on...
[06:37:24] Who is...
[06:37:25] Today's Saj.
[06:37:26] ...on his phone.
[06:37:28] So as you might have guessed by us starting a little late, unfortunately we run into some technical difficulties today.
[06:37:34] Keyz's internet decided to go out about unfortunately we run into some technical difficulties today. Keys' internet
[06:37:34] decided to go out about right
[06:37:37] before we were supposed to go live
[06:37:38] with the show? Yep, like an hour
[06:37:41] ago I literally finished my
[06:37:43] own stream. I was playing this you know i was playing minecraft dungeons
[06:37:47] which by the way if you haven't played it before folks you really should it's a lot more fun than
[06:37:50] you might and uh yeah his isp is currently having an outage
[06:37:56] so that's unfortunate but
[06:37:58] it is what it is, live broadcast baby
[06:38:00] we're gonna persevere
[06:38:01] and if you are new to the first step here
[06:38:04] on GDQOpics
[06:38:05] the idea of the show
[06:38:06] here is that we try to show you low effort ways
[06:38:08] to get into speedrunning. Something
[06:38:10] that, normally what that
[06:38:12] is, it's like we play a game for the first time and then
[06:38:14] we just race it seeing how fast we can do without looking up
[06:38:18] anything about the speed run, without you know doing uh any practice nothing like that. Something
[06:38:23] we wanted to try with kind of the revamp of the show
[06:38:28] this new season and everything is
[06:38:30] we wanted to allow ourselves a little
[06:38:32] bit of looking at the speed run
[06:38:34] so we can maybe look up some simple tricks
[06:38:36] some simple guides but we're still going in
[06:38:38] with just one playthrough no practicing
[06:38:40] stuff like that
[06:38:41] but we do you know we are gonna let
[06:38:43] ourselves kind of look into
[06:38:45] a little bit more and i feel like that
[06:38:47] was this was a really good game for that, wasn't it, Keys?
[06:38:49] Because we got to learn just some basics.
[06:38:53] Yeah, so, I mean...
[06:38:54] One, just being able to play through it in general
[06:38:57] which was our original format anyway
[06:38:58] really makes a difference
[06:39:00] with this because this is definitely a game that after you
[06:39:02] play it for 10-15 minutes
[06:39:04] you get a lot of the concept.
[06:39:06] But also, the
[06:39:07] community just recently released a video like a day or two ago explaining how
[06:39:14] to get into speedrunning the current patch of this which is what we would be racing right
[06:39:19] now. Yeah but instead I will be doing for you all solo today
[06:39:23] but really really good video uh really really informative um if you are looking
[06:39:28] to expand your speed running community at all, do that.
[06:39:32] Those videos are really nice for people
[06:39:34] like us and also for everyone
[06:39:36] at home who wants to get into it
[06:39:37] I'm sure once I have
[06:39:40] a way to send a link again,
[06:39:42] I could put the YouTube video
[06:39:43] in chat so you all
[06:39:44] can get into it as well.
[06:39:46] And I was going to say
[06:39:46] everybody can go
[06:39:47] to the page
[06:39:48] and just go
[06:39:49] to the guide section
[06:39:50] and you'll find it there.
[06:39:51] Oh yeah,
[06:39:52] like a day or two
[06:39:53] going by. Yeah exactly.
[06:39:55] Without further ado I think we get right into this
[06:39:57] and then we can keep talking as we're going so
[06:39:59] I have a brand new character here
[06:40:01] level one nothing on him.
[06:40:04] I picked the one that looks exactly like me.
[06:40:07] So...
[06:40:08] Which is why
[06:40:09] this character. They got the blue
[06:40:12] on theming and everything.
[06:40:15] I'm just going to get started with it so time's going to begin in three two one go all right and uh i'm actually running some
[06:40:23] splits on this because I felt like it.
[06:40:24] So we launch into a cutscene and then the tutorial, which we can exit thankfully
[06:40:30] That was one of the things that we would not have known exactly without looking things up
[06:40:34] so we just thought that'd be more interesting,
[06:40:36] and then I believe... Oh, I think I just hit
[06:40:38] M and go to the next
[06:40:39] Creeper Woods. Yeah, there we go.
[06:40:43] So we're
[06:40:44] jumping right into Creeper Woods.
[06:40:46] A little thing that you could do here too, which I don't think it's really going to make a difference for our format specifically
[06:40:53] but could... What is the word?
[06:40:57] It's not selling your weapon, but it's like
[06:40:59] breaking it down. Oh that's what I was trying to
[06:41:01] remember what I was supposed to do at the beginning there
[06:41:03] and that's what it was yeah so
[06:41:05] You're suppose to salvage your uh...
[06:41:07] Salvage, that's right.
[06:41:09] Um, yeah, you want to like salvage
[06:41:11] your weapon and
[06:41:12] your two weapons
[06:41:15] your
[06:41:15] sword and your bow, because they will end up giving you one anyways for the beginning
[06:41:24] so that you're not completely without a weapon.
[06:41:28] Yeah, you basically get... like I said before you know, without a weapon.
[06:41:28] Yeah.
[06:41:33] You basically get for like a second or two of time investment,
[06:41:34] you get 30 emeralds.
[06:41:35] I think it is.
[06:41:40] And you can only get away with it this first level because the game just kind of looks at your inventory and goes hey this person has absolutely no way to do combat so we'll give you a sword and
[06:41:45] bow for free so it's just really easy emeralds now because we're not practiced you know i'm gonna have
[06:41:52] i'm going to be doing a little bit more of like killing some enemies to try to
[06:41:55] not die uh look at the map and stuff like that
[06:41:58] but uh oh i went right past something very important. Hold on, I'm going back.
[06:42:03] But what I'm gonna try to do when I remember to do it is roll and actually shoot the bow
[06:42:07] as I roll because that lets me continue the roll but actually um not really like stop to shoot so
[06:42:14] i'll show you here cause I could stand still if i'm like moving and then I shoot,
[06:42:16] I have to stop to do it.
[06:42:21] Um but basically firing the bow is very fast and will one-shot everything right now.
[06:42:28] And I'm coming into this little optional area because it gives us access to a merchant.
[06:42:34] Uh, hello?
[06:42:37] Yeah there's a handful of NPCs that you can rescue throughout this game
[06:42:42] that help improve
[06:42:44] your base, essentially.
[06:42:46] There's the one that Hobbs just got which is
[06:42:48] a basic
[06:42:50] villager that sells
[06:42:52] average stuff.
[06:42:55] There's also some other ones where
[06:42:57] you pay a more exorbitant price
[06:42:59] and you can potentially get something really good.
[06:43:01] There's also Gacha.
[06:43:02] There's the Gacha merchant. Yeah, and there's there's there's the gotcha merchant yeah and the reason we
[06:43:07] care about the merchant is actually because
[06:43:10] there are some uh
[06:43:13] a few good items that we really do care about getting most notably there's a few good items that we really do care about getting most notably there is
[06:43:17] a um a set of armor that will uh i'm also trying not to die um there is a set of armor that will make it so
[06:43:31] that you get a speed boost whenever you roll as opposed to right now where you
[06:43:34] actually get slowed down in every role um can i please yeah pretty uh typical
[06:43:44] pretty uh pretty difficult pretty typical diablo-style gameplay where, you know...
[06:43:50] ...items will have different enchantments and whatnot.
[06:43:54] Where did it put me? Oh, it put me way back here. Okay.
[06:43:56] I got a little ganged up on there
[06:43:58] and
[06:44:00] I had already used my healing potion so
[06:44:02] I can't remember what the name
[06:44:07] of the enchantment was but there is a
[06:44:09] i think it was a bow that i got that actually had this
[06:44:12] no wasn't a bows it was uh as an inventory item i could use
[06:44:16] but it kind of just pushed things back and stunned them
[06:44:20] for a little bit. It was really good for mob
[06:44:22] control. I was trying to get those
[06:44:24] arrows, but I should be fine.
[06:44:27] The problem
[06:44:28] is that these...
[06:44:31] Oh no, I just completely resized my screen. Hold on!
[06:44:35] That probably messed everything up.
[06:44:38] I did not know it let you do that. Okay hold on.
[06:44:42] We're gonna fix this on the fly this all counts
[06:44:48] that should uh hopefully i don't even know if it looked messed up on stream at all because like my sizing in obs might have been fine but um yeah it just completely resized so
[06:44:54] we're just gonna go ahead and take these guys out instead of trying to roll past them i'm new
[06:44:59] to the game i should have just done that to begin with.
[06:45:04] I don't think we need to go into here for anything.
[06:45:09] So the one nice thing is at least if I have to kill
[06:45:10] a few more enemies, I will level up
[06:45:12] a bit sooner and stuff. And you do want to at least if i have to kill a few more enemies i will level up
[06:45:12] um a bit sooner and stuff and you do want to level up
[06:45:16] at least once because you want to use enchantments oh yes good i got
[06:45:22] exactly uh what I wanted.
[06:45:25] We're gonna put this here. Alright, cool.
[06:45:27] All the boots. Yes.
[06:45:28] So this is one of the big things that we wanted was
[06:45:30] this relic.
[06:45:34] Relic?
[06:45:35] That's the name.
[06:45:36] They are boots of sweetness, they let you
[06:45:39] move really fast.
[06:45:41] And their cooldown is
[06:45:42] reasonable too.
[06:45:44] It's like a sickness potion. And their cooldown is like reasonable too. Yeah.
[06:45:46] It's like a sickness potion.
[06:45:49] Yeah, so now I can move really fast when I have the swiftness potion and
[06:45:51] that. I am missing one from over here.
[06:45:54] Dude, I don't remember them having the
[06:45:56] elders right on him like this.
[06:45:58] I'm just gonna take him out because I'm too nervous.
[06:46:02] But
[06:46:02] I am going to try to go up this way.
[06:46:04] Yeah! Which was something that they mentioned in the video
[06:46:11] yes some something that uh a lot of times whenever you see me and hobbs race
[06:46:15] anything on this show a lot of times
[06:46:17] you'll see one of us kind of goes gung-ho
[06:46:19] a little slower it takes out mobs a little more um best advice i could give
[06:46:25] to anyone picking up any game for the first time
[06:46:28] or whatever, just
[06:46:29] you know, go at your own pace.
[06:46:33] Yeah it's a speedrun
[06:46:34] but like safety strats are a real thing
[06:46:36] so something that I was neglecting to do
[06:46:40] was keep the map open a lot more
[06:46:41] because it obscures my vision
[06:46:44] a little bit,
[06:46:44] but these...
[06:46:46] The world we're going through is not like set
[06:46:49] exactly the same way every
[06:46:51] time. Uh so I don't remember- and
[06:46:53] not that I would remember anyways
[06:46:55] right now. There we go
[06:46:57] Um, exactly what everything is.
[06:47:00] So I'm near the end.
[06:47:02] There is...
[06:47:03] Yeah, so there
[06:47:06] is something else I want to try to do here real quick.
[06:47:08] I need to come up here
[06:47:09] and let's see if this works
[06:47:13] might take a couple tries here
[06:47:18] oh i'm so pleased that you're going for this because I don't think I was helping you.
[06:47:21] Yes! Here we go! I did it! Okay.
[06:47:24] So what I did was basically there's a little countdown timer at the end of every level and
[06:47:27] you just get that by hitting Go to Camp. you have to basically close the menu and press accept on
[06:47:39] on something at the same time uh i, I might get this crossbow.
[06:47:42] Well, I do want this as well. How much do I have right now?
[06:47:45] Oh, I don't have anywhere near enough!
[06:47:48] Oh you did get an armor that
[06:47:51] you haven't equipped yet that you could thank you i didn't see that yeah
[06:47:55] we'll salvage that i don't know let's go ahead and use that because why not
[06:47:59] um and i think this is actually okay tasty bone um what am i up to 183 so i'll get the bow if
[06:48:06] i have to but i'm gonna see if some of the other chests have spawned around here this
[06:48:10] is something i don't actually know yeah it doesn't look like it okay so does the village merchant have the
[06:48:17] like the locking yes you can always yeah i think getting the bow is actually better for me here.
[06:48:28] So we'll do
[06:48:29] that. I think that's at least better.
[06:48:32] We want to go
[06:48:33] to Cacti Canyon and make sure I'm on the lowest i wonder if i like didn't set creeper
[06:48:38] what's the lowest but i think i did because it was one shotting stuff um
[06:48:50] so i do want to try to get some um some more money now the vetcat mushroom there just increases our movement speed a little bit when we use it.
[06:48:59] That's why I wanted it but like...
[06:49:01] It's not as important as the armor that we could have seen.
[06:49:04] Oh my gosh!
[06:49:06] Oh wow! Yeah yeah that was i haven't actually used this bow before so like
[06:49:15] having to the depth of my thing really good because of the movement like hob said but also it
[06:49:20] increases your is it attack speed or attack yeah yeah your attack speed um
[06:49:29] i think that I have a, uh
[06:49:31] strength potion right now because
[06:49:33] I am so low health
[06:49:35] but I need to just stop here and kill things.
[06:49:40] Okay things okay like a really
[06:49:44] a really good inventory oh that was a
[06:49:45] good time level up
[06:49:46] oh my god That's so good.
[06:49:51] A good artifact inventory for Hobbs since we're trying to go fast is Boots of Swiftness, guess what?
[06:49:59] Boots of Swiftness again. And then the mushroom.
[06:50:01] It's a pretty good loadout for
[06:50:03] what we're doing. Yeah, so I'm going to play this a little safer.
[06:50:06] One of the things is...
[06:50:07] We wanted it to still be a show
[06:50:09] about getting in without doing a ton of research, being able to getting in without doing a ton of research being the speeder and i think
[06:50:13] it's kind of researcher kind of like planning so we didn't watch like every single how you
[06:50:18] do every part of every level right um we wanted it to seem
[06:50:22] to still be like minimal looking things up uh we just want
[06:50:25] to look up a few more like techniques and stuff mostly for fun
[06:50:28] um so i'm just gonna i'm worried about getting taken out by these guys.
[06:50:35] The Apple helps a lot
[06:50:42] Yeah Rangers when you're low health
[06:50:44] and not able to dodge
[06:50:46] as much because your cooldowns are not
[06:50:48] where you want them to be are probably the scariest
[06:50:50] part of the beginning I would say.
[06:50:53] Yeah they just like hit you from really far away oh i think
[06:50:58] two shots on them okay
[06:51:02] you're getting stronger
[06:51:04] yes You're getting stronger
[06:51:08] Yes
[06:51:17] I'm trying to hold on to this team see a little bit like let's do it here uh how do i I need to power the beacon
[06:51:22] that's probably one down here. I see that potion of swiftness so we'll try and
[06:51:24] do that too.
[06:51:26] Ow!
[06:51:27] There's a beacon over here. Good.
[06:51:30] Oh, I'm sure the audience has noticed already but in case you haven't
[06:51:34] if you look there is always that little yellow and black arrow.
[06:51:38] Really good for picking up the game because at least
[06:51:41] you have the idea of where to go.
[06:51:46] Actually I would say learning this game if you're newer to speedrunning is probably a lot easier than some other games because a lot of the difficulty of learning a new game is just directional awareness yeah i agree with that
[06:52:07] um oh can i not get up this way?
[06:52:10] Oh that is so unfortunate.
[06:52:11] I was really hoping I could...
[06:52:13] Not have to backtrack here but that's okay.
[06:52:16] Oh!
[06:52:18] We're good. Oh my goodness.
[06:52:19] Never needed more health in my life.
[06:52:22] I never need less help than me.
[06:52:24] There you go.
[06:52:25] Alright so Swiftness Potion now can get moving.
[06:52:29] Yeah so we really want the armor because like i said it speeds you up while
[06:52:33] i'm actually going to take a pit stop for this
[06:52:39] all right that was not oh i just realized you don't have d you don't have default controls.
[06:52:42] No, I remapped mine to be like League.
[06:52:45] Yeah that's game two.
[06:52:49] I can't really give you any crap because I read out to mine like I was playing Valorant.
[06:52:55] Yeah, I mean I knew you were going to be something like that.
[06:52:57] Like my walls and all the mouse and everything.
[06:53:03] I figured you're either gonna do like Valorant or like over, not a old school RuneScape.
[06:53:07] Yeah.
[06:53:17] So I normally wouldn't necessarily be to even bother with their supply chests But I need the extra like regeneration right now
[06:53:19] So when you pick up health
[06:53:20] You don't really get like a burst of health
[06:53:22] You get
[06:53:22] A regeneration buff you don't really get like a burst of health, you get um
[06:53:24] a regeneration buff for a little bit.
[06:53:28] Uh
[06:53:29] so
[06:53:29] oh right
[06:53:30] I need the blue one
[06:53:31] it's probably over here.
[06:53:36] Also It's probably over here. Also, if you roll off of ledges,
[06:53:37] you go really far which is super fun.
[06:53:40] Okay.
[06:53:42] So...
[06:53:44] Yep! Familiar with this.
[06:53:47] Yeah so I need a key right now.
[06:53:50] Oh that's really helpful.
[06:53:54] That's a really fortunate drop.
[06:53:56] Oh, except there was only one wave. I thought there were more.
[06:54:00] Never mind. We'll use it for the next thing.
[06:54:04] So these keys can I mean, you can use it for the next thing. Yeah. Yeah.
[06:54:10] So these keys can be obnoxious because if you get hit,
[06:54:12] they fall and then they can potentially run away from you.
[06:54:14] Yeah.
[06:54:14] Like that.
[06:54:16] Yeah. Well, Yeah, like that. Yeah!
[06:54:19] Well,
[06:54:20] that's unfortunate. There goes the TNT. That's fine.
[06:54:23] I don't need that regular chest.
[06:54:25] Um, so right now my
[06:54:27] my uh So right now my arrows, my bow, my crossbow is like way better than my regular attack.
[06:54:37] I'm trying to just mostly use my bow, but like
[06:54:42] you know sometimes we're gonna have to
[06:54:46] use regular attacks too which kind of helps stagger enemies.
[06:54:49] Alright. I decided to clear them out
[06:54:51] because I knew they were just going to get in my way on the way back
[06:54:53] if I didn't. And the
[06:54:55] game does spawn more so yeah
[06:54:57] gotta be careful.
[06:55:00] But I'm trying not to kill a bunch of
[06:55:02] enemies which you know... as you'd imagine in
[06:55:04] the game where they expect you to stop
[06:55:06] and kill like everything that
[06:55:08] Oh did I not hit it?
[06:55:13] Yeah, that's okay. You get three lives per level,
[06:55:16] I think.
[06:55:17] Did I already die once on this level?
[06:55:20] I just forgot. You did like right at the beginning
[06:55:25] all right we're gonna take it slightly easier
[06:55:30] does the key go back to where you picked up the coin?
[06:55:33] Oh, no it's on this guy. It was on him.
[06:55:35] Oh! I didn't know that could happen.
[06:55:40] Yeah so I was trying to just initiate that and then kill them but unfortunately it didn't work out too well for me.
[06:55:46] Alright at least we got a strength potion which helps our uh...
[06:55:50] It doesn't help our bow I don't think which sucks.
[06:55:53] I could be wrong maybe it does but
[06:55:54] um I think it just helps
[06:55:57] the sword.
[06:56:02] So when you were doing your
[06:56:04] initial playthrough of this, did you have
[06:56:06] a favorite weapon at all?
[06:56:10] I kind of messed around with the
[06:56:12] few. I definitely felt that the bow was very strong uh there were some
[06:56:16] upgrades to the bow that were very good most notably one that increased
[06:56:21] the attack speed every time you use it. Which I thought was
[06:56:25] really, really good
[06:56:26] because
[06:56:29] it let you just fire
[06:56:31] a ton.
[06:56:33] Right.
[06:56:41] Okay, I was trying to hold off on using a potion there once I saw that Torque spawn but now we need to just...
[06:56:51] Oh, multiple boys. Okay. Yeah, my initial playthrough was actually with a buddy of ours.
[06:56:56] So I ungebungled
[06:56:57] with melee and he's the
[06:56:59] foe, and he was very clearly doing
[06:57:01] a lot more than I was.
[06:57:05] Yeah,
[06:57:05] I think there's good military too but um the bow is definitely like helpful for
[06:57:12] somebody who's like under level or doesn't know what they're doing like i actually did
[06:57:15] some of the levels on like a little higher difficulty than they recommended here and there
[06:57:21] um is there somebody back here
[06:57:26] uh because i was late, I was wondering if maybe
[06:57:29] going to a higher
[06:57:31] difficulty to have a slightly worse time
[06:57:33] but getting a better weapon out of it
[06:57:35] was maybe gonna be worth it
[06:57:37] It didn't really end up being worth
[06:57:39] it because the levels kind of like scale to
[06:57:44] your stuff okay so then this is the ending thing right so let's try to do
[06:57:47] this again
[06:57:55] there we go all right so that's Cacti Canyon.
[06:58:05] So we get credit for completing the run. Honestly not too bad for not being practiced.
[06:58:08] Honestly I'm pretty happy with just not kicking a game over throughout this run.
[06:58:12] If we have that, I will be ecstatic.
[06:58:16] Let's salvage what we can.
[06:58:20] I don't think we care about a cutlass although it does have sharpness on it.
[06:58:25] So maybe I care about that?
[06:58:28] But, we're going to salvage this stuff.
[06:58:36] Uh, I want to try to save my like upgrades for the the armor the fact that i'm not getting the armor is like really bad right now
[06:58:40] um it's very unfortunate but oh you know since we're not racing i can tell you this
[06:58:46] uh you could just right click on the weapon and it'll auto yeah i actually know that i
[06:58:51] keep forgetting okay okay all right so yeah our recommended power at this point is
[06:58:55] 10 and i'm at three so you will probably i need to keep that in mind and actually stop and kill some
[06:59:01] things more often especially because i haven't gotten the armor or really like any armor of note.
[06:59:08] Um, I believe that some of the levels have like chances for armor this is also one of the ones that has chances for the swiftness uh relic i think um
[06:59:22] so that is like if i can get another swiftness relic then I can actually
[06:59:26] have two active
[06:59:28] you know, two at once.
[06:59:33] You'll never go slow
[06:59:34] again!
[06:59:38] It's amazing what happens when you have a complete pair of shoes.
[06:59:40] Oh, this is the wrong way.
[06:59:45] Uh oh. Now
[06:59:48] use the Uh oh. Use the dog to try and distract them a little bit.
[06:59:52] Go ahead and also heal here.
[06:59:56] Again, as we go through this run I'll remind everyone in chat every now and again.
[07:00:01] If you want to pick up this game it seems like a really easy and friendly
[07:00:05] game to get into just go to the page
[07:00:09] and there is a tutorial that was released like a day
[07:00:11] or two ago for current patch
[07:00:13] if current patch is your
[07:00:15] thing. Yeah which it seems so the thing about
[07:00:17] I did look into any% a little bit as well.
[07:00:20] And any% looked kind of neat but is very different. You pretty much do a glitch to like get very overpowered from the tower at the start and then you speed through everything else being overpowered.
[07:00:31] So they made current patch so that
[07:00:36] there was something where you had to actually
[07:00:38] go through more of the game oh they hit me yeah i know um
[07:00:46] speedrun wise the glaive is one of the like melee weapons that we would actually want to try to get and get lucky
[07:00:59] it's kind of unfortunate that you're not really getting what you need from Devendure.
[07:01:03] Yeah, but it's the thing is like you could reset around that
[07:01:06] if you were doing serious attempts at this game
[07:01:09] But since we are just doing a one-off
[07:01:12] I'm not going to bother with resetting
[07:01:13] around and stuff like that.
[07:01:19] There we go.
[07:01:20] I was really hoping maybe
[07:01:21] we'd get something very good there.
[07:01:24] You might be able to just bypass this enderman, but I think I'm going to take him out just
[07:01:27] to be safe.
[07:01:31] Uh oh... so the spiders can actually kind of annoying because they will freeze you in place.
[07:01:37] Hey, we got armor so...
[07:01:39] Can you guys just spend a second to put that on?
[07:01:42] There we go.
[07:01:43] Because at least it'll help me out a little bit as i'm rolling through all this stuff
[07:01:48] I don't know what this particular armor has on it but you know
[07:01:53] It'll be helpful
[07:02:06] yeah i think i think one of my funniest deaths that i had was a spider froze me.
[07:02:08] And then whatever that ghost-looking thing
[07:02:11] that sets the 3x3
[07:02:12] blue fire on you, there were two of them
[07:02:15] and I got snapped out.
[07:02:18] Yeah. fire on you there were two of them and i got snapped out yeah um i do have enough money for the um mushroom
[07:02:26] yeah i would still prefer the armor as
[07:02:28] i mentioned oh i just got mega hurt from that
[07:02:32] oh
[07:02:36] uh that's unfortunate. Okay.
[07:02:45] Alright.
[07:02:52] Good, that didn't fall down all the way I thought it was going to.
[07:02:54] That's terrifying!
[07:02:58] Yeah. It's like...I knew it wasn't gonna kill him but
[07:02:59] helps a lot with these husks
[07:03:04] and you'll notice because of that regeneration thing i'm using uh
[07:03:08] i'm grabbing apples and stuff even when
[07:03:10] I'm full health because I know I'm gonna take a hit.
[07:03:16] Nice.
[07:03:17] The dog is actually kind of helping out a lot
[07:03:18] here, I feel like. Or maybe
[07:03:20] there's just standing in
[07:03:21] the blades.
[07:03:23] Okay, there we go. Oh, it can't go that way.
[07:03:26] Or maybe I could have, but
[07:03:27] slightly differently.
[07:03:43] There we are again. there we go yeah but i will still conserve things a little bit here um where yeah i think Um, where? Yeah. I think I'm gonna go this way. Yep.
[07:03:46] Ow!
[07:03:53] Am I going this way?
[07:04:01] There's a party going on here. Yeah yeah we're gonna go ahead and
[07:04:06] we're gonna take things out here just to play it safe
[07:04:11] okay if i were more familiar with like exactly how certain parts of the procedural generation are done, then I would be able to just fly through a lot more of this. But since i'm not and i'm new i'm gonna like you know
[07:04:27] take more stuff out and because i have like no health right now oh that was
[07:04:33] a well-timed level we can get right past them
[07:04:36] he can't keep getting away with this i'm barely getting away with it dude
[07:04:42] uh there is a chest and i am gonna to check just no now i'm not
[07:04:47] i was like i do still kind of want another
[07:04:50] one of the foods or something oh no dad there it is yeah that's what
[07:04:55] happens if you get hit by one of the spider projectiles.
[07:05:05] Should have just gone around this way.
[07:05:14] Okay, fetch the staff.
[07:05:21] Yeah we have to like initiate this little cutscene here.
[07:05:25] Is there anything around here I can get in the meantime? Doesn't look like it. Ow ow ow, ow, ow.
[07:05:30] Ow! Oh my...
[07:05:33] This is bad. I'm dead again.
[07:05:35] Oh no.
[07:05:38] Whew! Okay.
[07:05:42] You got this, you just try to make it spicy
[07:05:44] I thought the adds were going to be a problem but
[07:05:46] It was actually just the main one
[07:05:48] Actually this swiftness potion is going to help a ton.
[07:05:59] Whoa!
[07:06:02] What Whoa! When I did this level casually, I was also way stronger.
[07:06:07] I was doing it on a little higher difficulty but i was way stronger which helped
[07:06:13] um so i'm not used to i didn't i don't even know what some of these bosses was run up melee like a madman and
[07:06:29] run away and cry until I can heal again.
[07:06:35] We're just going to do some hiding, not ideal, and I'm
[07:06:37] back out of arrows so that's very untoward
[07:06:39] now. I should have saved more throughout the level I guess.
[07:06:43] Oh dude I was kind of glitching him out for throughout the level i guess
[07:06:48] oh dude i'm kind of like i was kind of glitching him out for a second oh no
[07:06:55] okay it's fine. It's fine.
[07:06:59] The hats are killing me, dude.
[07:07:03] Oh being out of uh... Oh this is rough. Yeah being out of arrows right now is real bad.
[07:07:07] OK. All right.
[07:07:12] I got some more arrows from that but
[07:07:17] dude
[07:07:31] these projectiles do a ton i think i need to just play it safer Play it different. Ow!
[07:07:33] I'm dead, right?
[07:07:37] I feel like I got slowed or something there.
[07:07:41] This is a problem. You got you got this I'm trying to like group them up where i'm hitting both the boss and the ads because Okay.
[07:08:17] Wow.
[07:08:20] That was the right play on this is that
[07:08:23] was that was the right thing to do
[07:08:26] you finished him off before he could get
[07:08:28] his attack off once i noticed i could kind of bug him out
[07:08:34] you gotta be kidding me now is not the time to be out of arrows
[07:08:38] and have these jerks. Okay, okay,
[07:08:41] I really want the pig because he probably
[07:08:43] has some arrows.
[07:08:45] No! Oh...
[07:08:49] Ugh. Okay well we'll give that another try this is really hard under leveled and at least
[07:08:55] this will refresh the um the merchant i can get the death cap uh mushroom and maybe okay just that
[07:09:05] uh did we have anything we got a better sword so let's do that
[07:09:10] um where you short goals are honestly also really good
[07:09:13] because I think these use three
[07:09:15] Does it use 3 per?
[07:09:17] I feel like it might
[07:09:19] So I think I'm actually gonna
[07:09:21] Use the shortbow but i'm not going to um
[07:09:25] i'm not gonna salvage it just yet
[07:09:29] all right we'll give another try we'll give him another try
[07:09:36] this does have me nervous for later levels though.
[07:09:44] You got this! Oh, right.
[07:09:44] I don't have the...
[07:09:45] Oh boy.
[07:09:47] Ow!
[07:09:48] Ow!
[07:09:48] Ow!
[07:09:49] Oh my god!
[07:09:52] They're just knocking me around.
[07:09:54] Give me the business
[07:09:56] a wombo combo it's real i really need to use the dog to distract them more
[07:10:05] oh this this weapon
[07:10:06] attacks real fast.
[07:10:08] This way, this way.
[07:10:14] So the one problem with
[07:10:16] the cat mushroom is it's got a pretty long cooldown.
[07:10:24] Oh I must have attacked right away.
[07:10:28] Darn!
[07:10:29] I wanted to hold on to that shadow.
[07:10:30] Alright but I didn't have to use my health potion this time so that's good. Oh, yeah.
[07:10:42] We're going to
[07:10:44] well this thing is decent range.
[07:10:46] Okay that's gonna help a lot actually
[07:10:48] This melee weapon because that is one of the main reasons they use
[07:10:51] The glaive in runs
[07:10:53] Is for its range so
[07:11:03] Yeah cause it's high damage Yeah, because he's got so much save right now. My favorite melee weapons to use were like any dual wielded daggers but man
[07:11:08] were they terrible when you were surrounded. Yeah I did like the daggers but man were they terrible when you were surrounded yeah i did like
[07:11:11] the daggers as well but not for the run i was like i knew
[07:11:14] they were not going to be an answer for the run for sure yeah yeah for sure
[07:11:19] i lost it back there It's so hard to notice
[07:11:21] that it's not on your back. Yeah, now
[07:11:25] it's spawning more. Okay, we're just gonna play safe and take them out
[07:11:29] I've got a lot more arrows this time.
[07:11:32] Yeah see they have blades so
[07:11:36] They are doing you know they were out ranging me by a lot.
[07:11:45] Come back here, all right now we're good. something I can kind of do.
[07:11:56] Well, that was silly me
[07:11:59] from there to kind of do here and there is
[07:12:02] use Something I can kind of do here and there is use something to like stun an enemy. Use a bow shot to stun him or something, and then a melee to do more damage.
[07:12:21] Having the potion right there so i could just dodge
[07:12:25] that enderman entirely was very helpful
[07:12:32] I went slightly around the slow way there but i wanted to avoid getting
[07:12:35] hit too much
[07:12:38] I think we're still going the right way so that's good
[07:12:43] Do we have to go up this way? way no no we gotta go down this way
[07:12:51] now that i have the mushroom too that'll help a lot with the boss
[07:12:55] oh yeah for sure
[07:13:19] yeah okay we got some waves here I think that mushroom in general is just going to be super helpful for whenever you have to deal with mobs like this.
[07:13:22] Yeah, unfortunately it was on cooldown but I will probably use it in a second.
[07:13:27] I just want to use it when I've got like the most effectiveness out of it you know
[07:13:32] Like now. Ow!
[07:13:36] So we didn't talk about it before but you do get one motion at a time.
[07:13:40] The problem is that it's a pretty long cooldown so...
[07:13:48] I'm gonna use the pit if i can.
[07:13:55] Just gonna fire at this guy I can't believe your- This is Sparta income
[07:13:57] That's so rude
[07:13:59] I got a real quick, um... Beef Armor
[07:14:01] does not have
[07:14:03] any of the things that we want.
[07:14:05] Neither does this. Although
[07:14:07] Artifact Cooldown might be nice.
[07:14:09] I'm just checking all of these um
[07:14:16] to see uh i think it was the bow in particular i wanted to see what it had. Not great.
[07:14:23] Yeah, I don't really want
[07:14:24] to level up any of those. I might level
[07:14:26] up the cooldown just because we're not getting lucky
[07:14:28] and because we can get two of them.
[07:14:31] So
[07:14:31] I'm going to go ahead and do that. We can always we can get two of them.
[07:14:34] I'm going to go ahead and do that.
[07:14:35] We can always salvage the armor if I really want the points back,
[07:14:37] which is something
[07:14:38] that I really appreciated
[07:14:38] about this game.
[07:14:41] Yeah, it's really nice
[07:14:42] that you can try out different things and not get punished for it
[07:14:49] w move devs w move I'm just excited to see how much better the boss fight goes.
[07:15:03] We'll see hopefully well
[07:15:08] i think the range is going to be the big biggest thing honestly
[07:15:11] it's called for sure a lot that night yeah my thinking is that like i
[07:15:23] i can kind of go ham with melee until i need to heal and then I can stay at range.
[07:15:31] Although, I might even try to derange out the adds first.
[07:15:41] Back to my
[07:15:45] league kiting skills.
[07:15:54] I'm actually gonna go ahead and use the...
[07:15:58] Those unfortunate, uh... ahead and use that up
[07:16:01] it was unfortunate uh
[07:16:08] oh no the world i don't know if I've ever seen that. I'm not.
[07:16:21] This is so easy. Okay. No, no, don't get stuck!
[07:16:31] Oh jeez I got stuck for a second. That was very scary.
[07:16:43] Alright, I gotta push him back.
[07:16:49] See how that hit me.
[07:16:51] All right, I think we can finish in here.
[07:16:53] Oh yeah, that's easy.
[07:16:55] And I got the glaive this time.
[07:16:57] What? Okay, there we go.
[07:17:05] And this time
[07:17:05] we went ahead
[07:17:07] and killed that
[07:17:08] before the Enderman
[07:17:08] got here.
[07:17:16] You just wanted to show everyone at home what a bad attempt and a good attempt looks like.
[07:17:19] I get it, you get it.
[07:17:26] Professional speedrunners on this this show boy howdy
[07:17:34] hey cool all right much better second blow through.
[07:17:37] I'm happier with the position we're in going forward, too, knowing that I have a glaive
[07:17:39] now and a shortbow
[07:17:40] and a second boots of swiftness. Let's go!
[07:17:44] Oh, nice! we can put that on
[07:17:46] we also have some cooldown reduction now too
[07:17:49] put this on salvage that um probably put on oh this has the all
[07:17:54] the cool down stuff but i think i'm gonna put on... Oh, this has all the cooldown stuff.
[07:17:55] But I think I'm going to put on
[07:17:57] the better armor
[07:17:57] just for safety
[07:18:00] and then I can still get
[07:18:01] the cooldown
[07:18:01] if the glaive doesn't have
[07:18:03] something I want.
[07:18:05] I don't really care about either of those things so
[07:18:09] we'll just grab that um and salvage the rest of this
[07:18:17] yeah cooldown reduction is huge.
[07:18:19] Um yeah we're still not getting
[07:18:21] lucky on the
[07:18:23] other stuff
[07:18:25] but that's fine. So now we go to Redstone Mines
[07:18:28] which is actually going to be easier.
[07:18:29] You do Desert Temple early
[07:18:31] like it's unlocked
[07:18:34] but it's harder
[07:18:36] than Redstone Mines because you can get the boots from
[07:18:40] it um and i think like an armor
[07:18:44] you do it first ideally so i could have
[07:18:47] like if i if i died again i probably would have just changed which thing i was going for
[07:18:51] and yeah look at like now that i've got the glaive
[07:18:54] i'm gonna be going through things a lot faster
[07:18:58] oh my gosh and the double boots like I've never had this so this is like wild
[07:19:04] This is beautiful to watch
[07:19:13] Oh my god, I'm not even using the mushroom on top of it. Oh, I need to go this way.
[07:19:15] We'll grab the generation set and skip the...
[07:19:19] Alright, gotta free the villagers. skip the...
[07:19:22] Alright, gotta free the villagers. Okay okay I get it I get it! I get it! Oh my god!
[07:19:35] I saved all the villagers but then I didn't get through the door because I thought it was the other way.
[07:19:38] They were very mad that you did that.
[07:19:40] Yeah. Yeah, I think he did that.
[07:19:45] Oh we're going to hit by the wrong person. Alright, we're fine this time.
[07:19:49] No problem.
[07:19:51] There's something I can appreciate about this run that you're all seeing right now,
[07:19:53] and you don't really think about too much casually is a lot of times runs like
[07:20:00] this.
[07:20:01] The fancier bells and whistles really aren't a way to go faster.
[07:20:04] Cause like you think about it increasing movement speed and
[07:20:08] increasing cool down time or decreasing however you say it
[07:20:12] like makes enough of a difference even though it's such
[07:20:15] a basic thing. Like it's not like your
[07:20:19] arrows shoot fire and also have a 5% chance
[07:20:23] getting a crit or something like that. It's nice when
[07:20:25] that works, but...
[07:20:27] Yeah, I do appreciate
[07:20:29] the fact that you do care about
[07:20:31] getting some upgrades in here though.
[07:20:33] There are some stuff you want to grab it's not just
[07:20:37] we start with like this one thing and then that's it oh definitely i'm gonna die again
[07:20:43] yeah once you've rolled you're like uh oh I have no way to get away
[07:20:47] from things so we're gonna play this room safe
[07:20:49] since I've died twice now
[07:20:50] um I know it's not the same room but it's the same type of room
[07:20:53] yeah we're gonna use that range to our advantage.
[07:20:59] Grab some arrows.
[07:21:05] The problem is just that they can really stack up on you fast, and if you get in a bad way like...
[07:21:11] Like it's something that takes multiple hits. It gets rough.
[07:21:16] See how close I was to actually defeating them all?
[07:21:20] Last time.
[07:21:25] There we go.
[07:21:31] And there's one back here.
[07:21:38] We need to go this way now... Ow! ow
[07:21:41] the cart got me
[07:21:45] bless the cart
[07:21:49] what a jerk.
[07:21:55] Oh boy, alright
[07:21:59] I'm gonna play this a little safe and just kind of wait here for a sec.
[07:22:03] Yeah, it sounds like my potion's almost back.
[07:22:06] I'm going the wrong way. Maybe we have to take them out, I don't know.
[07:22:15] I didn't think we had to but...
[07:22:20] I will just just be safe um no we didn't
[07:22:27] god these these cards are vicious sometimes yeah all right there it is this is where I needed
[07:22:39] they got that creeper way oh this is a boss oh boy okay i do not feel well equipped for
[07:22:46] this but i think i can play to range because he doesn't summon ads
[07:22:50] and i did just get my health back so that's good
[07:22:54] and here's that attack speed
[07:23:02] play the range a little bit until he goes and does that.
[07:23:05] Now we should be good, alright. Good! Much better
[07:23:09] than the other boss. Now we just need to get out
[07:23:13] Ah don't get stuck.
[07:23:19] I am sitting in lava.
[07:23:21] I'm gonna die from the lava on it.
[07:23:22] I gotta... Oh my gosh.
[07:23:24] Okay, now this is greedy.
[07:23:26] Trying to go for this wall and Oh my gosh. Okay, now this is greedy.
[07:23:29] Trying to go for this wall and like...
[07:23:31] Switch low health.
[07:23:37] The problem is these are one frame apart that you need need to press these buttons. So it's just a little tricky.
[07:23:39] Okay!
[07:23:42] Mine's done. Hey I didn't get more than that one, so that's good.
[07:23:45] Well done. that one so that's good well done
[07:23:52] item of casting i don't know if that matters
[07:23:55] um is this a better glaive? Sure is.
[07:24:01] Yeah, look at that.
[07:24:03] And it's just a... no, it's a hunting bow.
[07:24:05] I was like if that's a mechanical bow.
[07:24:07] Oh, it's the same glaive. How could you lie to me, Keese?
[07:24:09] I thought it was an 11. My bad.
[07:24:11] Yeah.
[07:24:13] I'm gonna check...
[07:24:15] I think I will take this one
[07:24:17] in case I, um...
[07:24:23] Yeah.
[07:24:26] Sorry, I'm just trying to see if any of these armors look mad or anything.
[07:24:29] I don't really know how this
[07:24:30] works we're gonna get rid of it um
[07:24:33] I'll take the uh what's it called the the other art the other um
[07:24:38] glaive just in case we level up more,
[07:24:41] and I want to put on the thing that does
[07:24:43] a little bit more damage.
[07:24:53] Hey look our spiders come in new flavors. How exciting!
[07:24:54] Yeah cave spiders are much less brutal in this game than they are in actual Minecraft, I think.
[07:25:03] Personally?
[07:25:09] Yeah, you can definitely
[07:25:10] see the power of having so much movement speed increase as your artifacts,
[07:25:18] because the Hobbs is just going ham through these mobs.
[07:25:24] Oh get out here oh no
[07:25:33] okay good Okay, good.
[07:25:43] God it plays so fast with all of our artifacts! We're okay, we can get out of this.
[07:25:48] I believe... yes!
[07:25:53] Well done!
[07:26:07] Okay, greedy.
[07:26:08] Greedy of me.
[07:26:09] Yeah, I wanted a strength potion.
[07:26:10] That was a choice?
[07:26:11] Yeah.
[07:26:14] Hey, for what it's worth I would have done the same.
[07:26:15] Exactly.
[07:26:19] I thought I would be able to take them out fast enough because i had the death cap thing up but that was wrong yeah i don't like these guys chasing
[07:26:23] me searching uh catch up and deal zombies are too slow to really do anything, so they're fine.
[07:26:35] Don't think we actually have to take him out, so...
[07:26:42] I think we just need to activate all these things. Ow!
[07:26:46] It's fine.
[07:26:49] I dunno where he is. It's fine. I don't know where the actual exit is, so ideally
[07:26:53] I would be doing this in a way such that I go
[07:26:57] near the exit and...I think i'm kind of doing that maybe you can't quite tell
[07:27:07] let's say you are so the people at home are more impressed.
[07:27:10] Yeah.
[07:27:15] Ow, we'll go ahead and use our potion now.
[07:27:18] Take care of that...
[07:27:20] Summon, dude.
[07:27:21] Just be safe. Same with you.
[07:27:24] Yeah I don't want you blocking me in again.
[07:27:27] Ow! I got stuck on a corner.
[07:27:33] I'm gonna sit back here on this one just be safe
[07:27:39] since I have no potion, I'm kind of wanting to play it a bit safer right now uh Where do I get? I guess just follow the objective marker. At least it doesn't seem like you have to fight the golems.
[07:27:56] Okay, come on stupid illagers!
[07:27:59] Yes that was a well timed level up.
[07:28:02] What? How do you keep getting me? Yes, that was a well-timed level up.
[07:28:06] How do you keep getting these level ups?
[07:28:09] I need them, that's how.
[07:28:12] Incredible.
[07:28:18] This is not the way to go is it oh i pressed the potion too late i pressed it but just a little too late a little too late
[07:28:22] it's okay so i think i got baited by the objective marker there, but I think
[07:28:28] actually had to go this way... yeah that was what happened. It's like a maze.
[07:28:51] Please be in supply chest, yes good.
[07:28:53] Fine get out of here.
[07:28:55] He really is fine get out of here
[07:28:58] he really wanted those arrows
[07:29:02] i'm gonna play it a little safe while my um
[07:29:06] health potionions still out oh we're at a boss aren't we or at least
[07:29:11] waves no we're at boss okay i don't remember how this one works.
[07:29:21] Alright, well while Hobbs is messing around with the boss I'm gonna do my
[07:29:23] best to try and remember what our announcements
[07:29:24] usually are since my screen real estate
[07:29:27] is kind of not there.
[07:29:29] But I want to remind everyone that we will be taking a break
[07:29:33] soon, in five or ten minutes, I don't know.
[07:29:37] And I just want to remind everyone that's a good time for
[07:29:40] everyone to get up, stretch your legs, get some water, take a bio
[07:29:44] break. Want to remind you all that we on the first step like
[07:29:48] these breaks because it shows all of you at home that when you're learning
[07:29:51] speedrunning, you don't have to do it in one go. Please please don't ever
[07:29:55] pressure yourself into committing more time than you have
[07:29:59] We know there's family stuff, school
[07:30:01] stuff, etc., but
[07:30:03] you can speedrun at your own pace
[07:30:06] Also, don't
[07:30:07] forget that we play ads
[07:30:10] during the breaks.
[07:30:12] If you don't want to see the ads, you can always subscribe
[07:30:13] to the channel. You'll get ad-free viewing.
[07:30:15] You'll get to hear a bunch of awesome music
[07:30:17] during the breaks. The breaks are usually
[07:30:18] about five minutes.
[07:30:21] Also, we're not the only show tonight!
[07:30:23] Our good pal Kiara
[07:30:24] is doing Game Masters
[07:30:27] after this so be sure to
[07:30:29] stick around once we are done with
[07:30:31] this episode of The First Step.
[07:30:32] Also, thank you all very much for tuning in
[07:30:34] when one of us is on a phone.
[07:30:36] Yes, really appreciate it.
[07:30:39] And thank you, Keith,
[07:30:40] for affording me the opportunity to focus
[07:30:41] for a second there.
[07:30:44] Mm-hmm. There we go!
[07:30:49] Do I need to take him out? Is that why music is still weird yep okay is not okay
[07:31:06] uh since i got cornered i'm like not gonna play around with this
[07:31:10] you know yeah fair fair
[07:31:14] what oh it's like where am I going?
[07:31:21] I'm not even doing the thing this time.
[07:31:24] I'll sit through the seven seconds or whatever.
[07:31:29] I didn't want to chance it.
[07:31:34] So we got two levels left, that's all!
[07:31:36] There are only two more levels but as you can see things get harder as we go.
[07:31:40] Oh yeah!
[07:31:42] I'm gonna keep checking for our armor. Ocelot is...
[07:31:48] Oh, this is it!
[07:31:51] This is not the armor we wanted?
[07:31:53] I don't think but this has
[07:31:55] swift-footed... yes
[07:31:57] which I need to salvage this one
[07:31:59] but
[07:31:59] yes okay so that's
[07:32:03] going to help a ton and now
[07:32:04] let's go ahead and get the shield
[07:32:06] little shield thing why not um oh this this had rush too so we even got
[07:32:11] a backup armor there if we needed to and power bow i don't think we want.
[07:32:22] They're going to be flying though!
[07:32:26] Oh, they go flying back? No no, you're gonna be
[07:32:28] flying because of all this speed.
[07:32:30] Yeah, it uses charged attacks so I don't want to have to sit there and charge up attacks.
[07:32:37] Alright, high block hauls.
[07:32:40] This level is so hard.
[07:32:42] I will, once again,
[07:32:44] probably need to play things safe and kill some enemies
[07:32:45] here and there.
[07:32:48] Yeah, look at how fast
[07:32:50] we're going now.
[07:32:51] Ow! If I yeah look at how like fast we're going now ow if i could just look at how fast you guy
[07:32:56] hooray everything's faster now
[07:33:00] i got cornered was the problem.
[07:33:03] Please, keep moving! Keep moving!
[07:33:07] Thank you.
[07:33:11] I need to remember To dodge more now too
[07:33:13] Is the problem
[07:33:13] Like, I haven't
[07:33:14] Been wanting to do this
[07:33:15] Yeah, you get in the habit
[07:33:16] Of not doing it
[07:33:17] And now that it's
[07:33:17] Optimal
[07:33:18] You're just
[07:33:18] Used to not doing it
[07:33:20] Don't like
[07:33:21] The situation
[07:33:22] I'm in.
[07:33:25] We're gonna take you out.
[07:33:27] Sky or Crossbow?
[07:33:28] We might actually switch to that real quick.
[07:33:30] Yep, B-1.
[07:33:35] B-2. even
[07:34:01] ah brutal okay I should have... I don't want to say that once you get past this level,
[07:34:02] You're home free.
[07:34:04] Because the run is still going to be difficult.
[07:34:07] But... this is definitely
[07:34:12] a huge difficulty ramp compared to some of the other levels even going to the desert early yeah because this is the one that getting a huge relief yeah this is the one that needs um oh i did not know
[07:34:20] that was coming and i keep pressing the potion just a fraction too late that's really unfortunate unfortunate
[07:35:00] i did not mean to push in there so that's really unfortunate fine thank you blade I'm gonna try to use the scatter shot since I don't have a potion right now
[07:35:08] Oh my gosh, I wanted the shadow potion there but like immediately attacked. So I didn't know it was coming. Yes! We got the potion, okay.
[07:35:27] Always gotta
[07:35:27] keep us on our toes. Yeah.
[07:35:36] Oh and the apple nice oh no i ran out of the attack speed okay
[07:35:40] i'll pick that up just to salvage.
[07:35:42] We're gonna play this safe and kite them down here.
[07:35:50] Yes, another apple! Very helpful.
[07:35:52] And I'm about to get my Deathcap back so here we go.
[07:35:59] Oh they spawn more, I thought for sure it was at the end of them, but
[07:36:04] it spawned behind me. I was not expecting that. It's not ready
[07:36:08] for it at all. These guys have ridiculous range. It's really frustrating.
[07:36:19] Oh! It's really frustrating. Did I salvage the bow?
[07:36:21] I hope I didn't, the other bow because
[07:36:23] I'm not sure if I want the scatter shot using i think you just made a quick swap
[07:36:28] okay oh it does only use one ammo it looks like which i'm surprised by i thought he was using three.
[07:36:41] Okay, these have like...
[07:36:44] You know what? Arrows are kind of the errors right now so
[07:36:49] supplies looks good
[07:36:54] oh let's go food
[07:36:58] uh i need to go down
[07:37:05] it's so funny that you're surrounded by like 100 zombies and this is the reprieve room.
[07:37:11] This is the smooth sailing room.
[07:37:15] Oh, I didn't realize that I needed...
[07:37:20] Hey look! You got the enchantments
[07:37:35] i needed a little gold dude here where is it I'm just taking him out because like
[07:37:36] I don't know where the
[07:37:37] Yeah, at this point
[07:37:38] it's fine.
[07:37:40] And i saw that my deathcap has been
[07:37:42] uh, mushrooming to him back up
[07:37:48] God, glaive is so good.
[07:37:51] Yeah, um...
[07:37:53] So I don't know where the gold key guy is
[07:37:57] because i'm wondering if it's in here?
[07:38:03] Do I have to do this? Like, I don't know.
[07:38:07] Well, it is giving you the markers so...
[07:38:31] Oh, you're right! you're right i can't remember I'm gonna use this potion, kind of stall things out just a little bit. Try to let that health potion come back yeah there we go and
[07:38:33] then i'll steal big damage there we go
[07:38:45] all right All right. Yeah, I think we did have to come down here.
[07:38:49] I probably didn't have to kill the evoker but... I probably had to kill the evoker but i probably had to kill the evokers
[07:38:58] that's the way that's the way to describe that yeah
[07:39:01] um or maybe they didn't have to come down here. What the heck?
[07:39:11] Um, I think it was just leading me to the exit.
[07:39:16] Ah! I think it was just leading me to the exit. Ah, surprised they didn't tell you to turn around then.
[07:39:20] Yeah. Although this seems to be a different objective so maybe that was another way around
[07:39:28] yeah maybe oh yeah you're at the buffet
[07:39:31] yeah uh it looks like we are just about at
[07:39:35] the time for our break
[07:39:37] so i think I'm just going to kind of get to
[07:39:41] the next supply chest and then we'll take a break
[07:39:45] i need to remember that I need to roll.
[07:39:51] Rolling around at the speed of sound.
[07:39:56] Yeah, it's like if I had Had it from the beginning of the run
[07:39:58] I'd be used to just mashing it
[07:40:00] But because you kind of don't want to
[07:40:02] Once you get the boots
[07:40:03] Alright, I'm not Hmm.
[07:40:10] All right, I'm not getting baited by the chest
[07:40:14] down there a whole bunch of stuff spawns whoa that was weird Whoa.
[07:40:20] That was weird.
[07:40:21] Got pushed around the wrong way.
[07:40:25] Alright, where's
[07:40:26] the next supply?
[07:40:29] Chest... No!
[07:40:30] Oh, okay. Well...
[07:40:33] We're
[07:40:35] going to take a break and
[07:40:37] be right back. So as soon as I'm
[07:40:38] back in camp here, i'll count us in
[07:40:41] uh
[07:40:42] and we're gonna pause in three two one
[07:40:44] pause
[07:40:45] uh we'll be right back folks thank you
[07:40:47] so much for watching and before
[07:40:49] we let you go uh please remember that GDQ's All Women and Femmes Speedrunning Event
[07:40:55] Playing for Towels is coming back next month August 18th to the 25th.
[07:41:00] So use exclamation point FF in chat
[07:41:02] if you want to learn more about that
[07:41:04] to check out,
[07:41:05] you know,
[07:41:05] the schedule
[07:41:06] and let us know
[07:41:07] what you're looking forward
[07:41:08] to the most.
[07:41:08] So we will be back
[07:41:10] in just a few minutes.
[07:41:10] Don't go anywhere so so so so so so I'm not sure if you can see it, but the game is a bit more complex than the original.
[07:42:34] The first two levels are pretty much identical in that they're all very similar.. so. so so so so so so so so so so so so Thank you. so so so so so so so Welcome back from the break, folks.
[07:46:53] Thanks for sticking through it.
[07:46:54] We are going to get right back into the run here so 3-2-1 resume!
[07:47:01] I'm going to go back to Highblock Halls...
[07:47:04] I am on like lowest that I can be on We're going to go back to high block halls.
[07:47:04] I am on the lowest, right? That it can be on?
[07:47:06] Yeah.
[07:47:09] That is something that I've been kind of forgetting to check but I think I have been generally.
[07:47:14] So we learned there
[07:47:15] we need to play
[07:47:16] a little bit
[07:47:17] safer.
[07:47:18] I feel like it was
[07:47:19] near the end of
[07:47:19] the level too
[07:47:20] which is really
[07:47:20] unfortunate.
[07:47:33] I'm going to go I think some of it too, when you figured out how your playstyle should be for this level after you had already lost a couple of lives yeah like early
[07:47:38] yeah now we know it's all part of the process folks this is how you learn
[07:47:44] and again like keys i looked up a little bit for this run but we specifically didn't really watch how they get through all the levels besides the first one. So, oh my gosh.
[07:47:56] Okay well that's, I think I saw an apple or something.
[07:48:01] I'm stuck.
[07:48:02] Oh boy!
[07:48:03] I was stuck. That was very...
[07:48:08] Just going to play this safe as much as I would like.
[07:48:13] Another power bow.
[07:48:15] You should hover over your blinking heart to see how much health you for oh my god there was an apple all
[07:48:23] right see the problem is when i just get stuck in spots like that.
[07:48:32] Oh boy.
[07:48:33] This is not where I wanted to go.
[07:48:36] Yeah so I'm just going to have to take them out now.
[07:48:39] Yeah see they hit for so far range i'm trying to get the strength potion to finish them
[07:48:45] off but uh all right we're okay we're okay
[07:48:55] good
[07:48:58] so many, dude.
[07:49:05] It is both a blessing and a curse that
[07:49:05] remains the same when you die in comeback.
[07:49:09] Yeah.
[07:49:17] I just hate how long of range those guys have. Um, hmm...
[07:49:21] I feel like I'm coming close to the first required fight, right?
[07:49:30] So I kind of want to thin the herd.
[07:49:33] Wasn't the first one kind of soon?
[07:49:36] I believe so. I feel like it was right here.
[07:49:43] You are annoying, sir.
[07:49:46] Oh my gosh! There's so many of them!
[07:49:51] And I'm low on arrows...
[07:49:54] These guys are just the worst because of that range. and I'm low on arrows.
[07:49:55] These guys are just the worst because of that range.
[07:49:57] See, how do you still hit me? I think this level encapsulates
[07:50:12] entirely why
[07:50:13] you definitely want to grind a little bit casually.
[07:50:16] Yeah. Well, casually it's like your pro... You definitely want to grind a little bit casually.
[07:50:20] Well, casually it's like you're probably keeping up with the level scaling. Where am I going?
[07:50:23] I'm getting confused on where to go now...
[07:50:26] Oh my gosh, yeah.
[07:50:28] This level layout is a little less straightforward than it was last time too
[07:50:33] and I did not have the map up because I am a fool.
[07:50:40] Alright, we're gonna just get through here safely
[07:50:43] because I've already lost too many lives here.
[07:50:47] I really do wish though that you can have
[07:50:49] That map overlay and like have it
[07:50:51] Smaller in a corner
[07:50:53] Yeah
[07:50:54] Cause I think
[07:50:56] I'm sure that's why you're doing it too,
[07:50:59] but I very rarely had it up
[07:51:01] because it felt like a distraction
[07:51:03] a lot of times.
[07:51:04] Yeah,
[07:51:04] it does make it kind of hard
[07:51:06] to see the enemies sometimes.
[07:51:08] Ugh.
[07:51:11] I want to go get the, like, you know, enchanter but...
[07:51:15] Jeez! uh Damn, we are close to getting this health potion back.
[07:51:45] Of course you're back.
[07:51:48] Let me away!
[07:51:50] So the other thing is that you don't roll towards your cursor, which I'm not used to.
[07:51:53] I would think that you'd roll toward your cursor and I keep making that mistake.
[07:51:57] You rolled in the direction you're facing.
[07:51:59] Yeah, I struggle with that as well. Yeah so that's messing me up quite a bit
[07:52:09] okay there we go we have a stealth potion now so we can sneak on through.
[07:52:20] Uh, okay this is where last time
[07:52:23] I went through the boss thing.
[07:52:27] And I'm going the wrong way this time, apparently.
[07:52:31] God,
[07:52:32] these layouts are rough. Yeah.
[07:52:38] Oh, it's just not here so this time i do have to do this
[07:52:47] at least you found the key this time yeah but now i have... Oh boy this is not good.
[07:52:53] You know what? We just wanted a new level layout!
[07:52:59] That level layout was brutal that's okay we'll give another try like i said i haven't gone through with this like mindset before
[07:53:04] right like these are the stumbling blocks blocks you would hit on your first run
[07:53:09] and you gotta not let this deter you like i'm a big proponent of first runs
[07:53:14] are the best because they meant they mean you get a second run. And second
[07:53:18] runs are so nice, because you just save
[07:53:20] tons of time.
[07:53:22] Which is really motivating.
[07:53:25] You know... Oh, definitely.
[07:53:26] What I would do after here is I is go finish watching the video I started watching that tells you how to run the game and like go look at what was my most problematic levels, right?
[07:53:40] Or where were my most problematic levels, right? What were my most problematic levels and go look
[07:53:42] at those specifically.
[07:53:45] Be like, okay, how do I deal with these situations
[07:53:48] that I got put in last time?
[07:53:52] Like for now all I can do is just try to make it a bit safer right also i don't think your role actually gives you iframes
[07:53:59] i could be wrong about that, but like...
[07:54:01] I think it's more just about getting through things
[07:54:03] quickly.
[07:54:09] Alright.
[07:54:12] Look how fast we go when we do have everything on so nice
[07:54:18] how did he hit you still yeah that's ridiculous
[07:54:23] yes there's a lot of spots where they
[07:54:25] hit me even though it doesn't feel like I should have gotten hit
[07:54:27] Mhm
[07:54:36] Oh Okay.
[07:54:44] This room looks exactly like your first attempt. Yeah, I don't like that I don't have...
[07:54:48] Oh wait no, I do have the potion now, okay good.
[07:54:52] ... Okay, good.
[07:55:01] Kind of holding onto that potion a little bit...
[07:55:27] Yeah in case I can get regeneration things. Let's go. all right now i'm gonna use that potion to play it safe. And take care of some of the ones
[07:55:31] annoying me down here.
[07:55:35] ... Oh, I got an important update on my internet.
[07:55:51] Did they tell you it's out?
[07:55:54] It was a squirrel!
[07:55:56] Oh no...
[07:55:59] So obviously that
[07:56:00] squirrel is no longer with us, but...
[07:56:04] Okay, we're
[07:56:05] going to play the safe. I have learned.
[07:56:06] Ah! Get out of here. No, no, no, no. the rest of you don't come over
[07:56:10] here all right good i was like i need to just play it safe
[07:56:13] and wait for my potion
[07:56:16] yeah now remember this time these guys are going to spawn so
[07:56:24] they're so brutal oh you can't roll too quickly i keep forgetting
[07:56:32] you have to like click back and then roll ow
[07:56:36] i did it again
[07:56:39] okay we're okay.
[07:56:48] We're gonna wait on this potion.
[07:56:55] A little bit... I can only wait so long,
[07:56:58] and I am a speedrunner.
[07:57:01] And I have it in me to wait for so long.
[07:57:03] Yes, alright we got through it. Much better. Last time didn't we die
[07:57:07] like twice there or something?
[07:57:11] Yeah yeah Yeah, yeah. Then we get to the supply room, so we can get this health back. through the well
[07:57:35] this time i'm just gonna not kill the thing though I am still going to
[07:57:39] go for the pig in case we can get
[07:57:43] that's the wrong way.
[07:57:53] Ow! Uh, this way... Ow.
[07:57:55] Uh, this way...
[07:58:02] Okay we're gonna heal!
[07:58:05] Alright good.
[07:58:09] We learned from last time this was a good choke point to just kinda like handle these so they don't...
[07:58:16] This run through definitely feels a lot more manageable this time. This way. way Come on.
[07:58:57] You're zooming! Come on. Zooming!
[07:59:00] Not rolling down there...
[07:59:02] Almost made the mistake this time though.
[07:59:08] Nice, okay cool.
[07:59:12] He does.
[07:59:25] Alright! I was so close to the end last time you really were we're doing a fight in here now but like
[07:59:28] oh man Oh man. Unfortunately, I think I aggroed some of the enemies from down below but it's okay
[07:59:57] good oh that was some clutch bread dude Ooh.
[08:00:16] I don't know how much experience you get from these mobs,
[08:00:17] but I wonder if you'll hit 11.
[08:00:20] Oh,
[08:00:21] all right.
[08:00:23] We have all our lives this time.
[08:00:24] So that's yeah.
[08:00:25] Yeah. You're in such a good position yeah
[08:00:31] there we go i wanted to get rid of that guy at the beginning but so and we got
[08:00:34] a strengthion this time.
[08:00:42] So, that's good. Strength Potion is so helpful because now we can start one-shotting some of these enemies.
[08:00:53] And I got another one!
[08:00:56] Yeah, so I will wait for this one to wear off
[08:00:57] because I don't think they stack
[08:00:59] could be wrong but it's about
[08:01:01] to wear off so we'll grab it now
[08:01:05] That was a bad time for me to use the Deathcap because you know, the enemies haven't spawned
[08:01:10] yet but I can level up.
[08:01:13] Nope, I'm gonna get away. Light's safe.
[08:01:21] Good bread!
[08:01:23] Bread?
[08:01:25] The game is really trying to make it up to you.
[08:01:29] There's pork up there too that I'd really want, but
[08:01:33] Good. Alright got it
[08:01:35] And we need to go to you
[08:01:37] Alright now we can probably just melee everything with the Deathcap mushroom.
[08:01:42] Maybe there's one more wave? Ugh! Alright, I need to get... Ugh.
[08:01:50] Alright, I need to get out of this situation.
[08:01:59] I would really like to go take out the one who's buffing them, but...
[08:02:04] ...I'm not sure if I can get to them safely.
[08:02:08] Yeah see this is a little risky, but we got there. Okay good.
[08:02:12] Nice!
[08:02:18] You know what I didn't check? Does this thing have...
[08:02:25] Oh piercing okay we can get that that would've been smarter to check sooner but
[08:02:30] better late than never yeah i was hoping maybe it had the thing with the fire rate there's still another wave. Okay, that's fine.
[08:02:40] Ow, ow, ow.
[08:02:46] I... Oh, it slipped out of the window for a second.
[08:02:50] Come on help us up there we go!
[08:02:52] Oh my god
[08:02:59] yeah i really wanted to kill the enchanter
[08:03:02] dude i got one of them
[08:03:07] now i can get the other we have a little bit of invulnerability after dying so There we go. Okay.
[08:03:20] Here it is!
[08:03:24] Alright, try to do this thing again.
[08:03:33] There we go.
[08:03:36] Alright! We got through through high block pulse um hardest level done yeah obsidian pinnacle is
[08:03:42] obviously still hard but like most of it is just the boss fight here we got another cat mushroom i don't
[08:03:49] think you really care about replacing one of
[08:03:52] the boots so i think we'll just stick actually you know kind of am gonna
[08:03:57] replace it for the attack speed right? Like...
[08:04:02] You could keep the boots and then swap to having two mushrooms like on the fight oh good call that's what i'll do
[08:04:14] um all right cool we'll do that check last
[08:04:18] chance real quick if there's anything we care about there's not um and just get going
[08:04:26] all right yeah because i can't i can't pick any of these others.
[08:04:30] You have to have a minimum difficulty of this.
[08:04:32] Recommended power 16. We're at 10 so we're obviously still quite underleveled.
[08:04:38] But...
[08:04:39] ...we are in a position that hopefully should be a bit better for us this time
[08:04:46] and this one has a lot of bouncing wrong i didn't even mean to hit
[08:04:55] okay roll please the amount of times i bounced into a
[08:05:00] mob oh my god good
[08:05:07] go okay okay we're good we We're good. We're good. Leave me alone
[08:05:17] Leave me alone. All right we have to fight i'm dead Is Yeah.
[08:05:28] Get back off the thing. Okay, okay.
[08:05:32] Ah! Yeah see it is spawning me like right Huh?
[08:05:38] Yeah, see it is spawning me right in their group of them. That was brutal. Ow! wow yeah when i was playing sketch i was one-shotting everything and trying to get through it quickly
[08:05:53] so they're trying to get through it uh
[08:05:55] taking everybody out. So I do need to play this a lot safer, hopefully. Okay, um...
[08:06:13] Oh now is not a good time to click out of the window!
[08:06:16] Ah! We, okay, okay.
[08:06:19] Apparently just click out the window more
[08:06:21] that's how you survive.
[08:06:33] Okay. Alright, grab this. I want to...
[08:06:34] Kind of went slow there intentionally.
[08:06:36] Dang, I was really hoping to hit them with that. It's fine.
[08:06:44] Man!
[08:06:45] Those axe hits are so brutal.
[08:06:48] They hit from so far away. I'm kinda like stalling a little bit for my health potion.
[08:06:52] Mm-hmm.
[08:06:57] Because I think we're going to have a fight here.
[08:07:00] Yeah.
[08:07:04] Okay, I'm gonna try not to use the health potion right away but...
[08:07:08] ... I don't know what you're doing, but... Yep, we got you too. I just want to remind everyone in chat while Hobbs is going through these waves, don't
[08:07:38] forget we are not the only show on tonight.
[08:07:41] Our good friend Kiara has game masters
[08:07:44] immediately after TFS is done I believe it's kaizo Mario levels yeah should be very cool.
[08:07:57] Always a fun watch
[08:07:59] the weekends are this definitely a
[08:08:06] take some enemies out of room if I've ever seen one.
[08:08:16] I don't like how low I am on arrows. It is what it is.
[08:08:26] Yeah, just really felt like I needed to take them all out there.
[08:08:37] Uh, then some supplies... Oh arrows!
[08:08:44] Do you know if you get a set amount of arrows or is it random?
[08:08:51] Me neither. I don't believe we actually need to fight this golem.
[08:08:56] Maybe we do.
[08:08:59] I don't think
[08:09:00] this is required yet.
[08:09:02] I think we need to fight the golem in order
[08:09:03] to get the...
[08:09:06] Well, do we?
[08:09:08] Does the golem bring
[08:09:09] the bridge up or do I need to go through that tunnel?
[08:09:14] You know what? We're going to fight the golem.
[08:09:15] I don't think the golem will be too bad.
[08:09:25] Oh! the goal i don't think the going will be too bad and especially if he just doesn't want to do it
[08:09:36] it does seem like some of the bosses just kind of break if you stand right
[08:09:38] up next to them.
[08:09:42] So there we go, all right cool. Did he drop arrows or anything? No.
[08:09:49] Okay so it didn't.
[08:09:51] Here's what I'm up to now. It's like we just roll
[08:09:55] it look like there's a visible wall
[08:09:59] not this way. This way. Yeah because we are absolutely just going to run through
[08:10:06] this. It's horrible looking! Ow, ow, ow! Dang. Alright. Come on.
[08:10:27] Alright we're making it spicy. This way.
[08:10:36] Supplies.
[08:10:38] Let me out, let me out, let me out!
[08:10:40] Okay good.
[08:10:42] So we did have to go through there so I didn't have to fight the ghoul.
[08:10:45] Good to know for the future if we have to like redo this level. come on how are you even reaching him Wait, this is hideous.
[08:11:10] Pick them out first. Alright.
[08:11:19] Whatever you learn, don't fight the golem. What did we learn?
[08:11:27] Don't fight the golem. Oh man, do I have to
[08:11:31] fight this golem? Oh wait no maybe we should just go this way
[08:11:35] Hey level up maybe we'll just go this way
[08:11:37] hey a little and it's drink potion sweet
[08:11:41] um springboard all right i have learned in the springy sections i just gotta
[08:11:45] fight them right like yeah as well yeah absolutely somehow
[08:11:56] it would be one thing if there were none of these shielded enemies with the maces
[08:12:00] they're the real like brutal part oh definitely I'm just going to go ahead and... Ha! I sprung over there.
[08:12:23] I'm just gonna go ahead and take advantage of this.
[08:12:31] I would like to save some of these arrows, because I feel like I might need them for the final boss.
[08:12:37] Yes! Maybe another strength potion.
[08:12:44] And now we have a stealth potion so that we can really get moving.
[08:12:48] Oh, you love to see it.
[08:12:50] Yeah. Oh, you're right see it. Yeah.
[08:12:51] Oh, you're right at the end too.
[08:12:54] Oh boy. Uh this is not a place for
[08:12:57] a Ted run out though.
[08:13:07] No! Okay, okay.
[08:13:11] I'm gonna hang out for a sec. Yeah, yeah!
[08:13:13] Especially since the boss is like right up those stairs
[08:13:15] There's a big claymore
[08:13:17] 21... do i wanna go for that?
[08:13:19] The problem is it takes forever to attack
[08:13:23] But look at that strength increase.
[08:13:27] I don't think this is generally regarded what you do.
[08:13:31] Let's go for it, We'll see how it goes.
[08:13:35] Yeah! I didn't want to influence this.
[08:13:39] I think we'll do this. The healing thing sounds nice, but
[08:13:43] I don't think it will come into play as much as we would have.
[08:13:51] I gotta remember to roll, dude. I'm never rolling.
[08:13:54] Alright now this should be good luck yeah the first part
[08:14:03] oh second part is really hard.
[08:14:08] What one life and a dream? This Dude, this weapon.
[08:14:21] Very glad I got it.
[08:14:22] What a game changer!
[08:14:23] Also the fact that it has the thing where when you use a relic you get extra damage um on your
[08:14:31] next fit is huge because we have pretty spammable relics yeah oh did you see much?
[08:14:40] It sure did. Out.
[08:14:57] Oh, it spawned that right on me! I didn't realize it was the last life too, that's unfortunate. That would have made it a bit safer and done some more arrow shots.
[08:15:03] Okay well that's fine, it's fine.
[08:15:06] Moving right back into it.
[08:15:09] I should've checked the shop or something but i don't think there's really right back into it
[08:15:10] so i could have checked the shop or something but i don't think there's
[08:15:12] really anything big that would help us so now here's the problem is i don't
[08:15:15] know if this weapon we grabbed this why didn't like get rid of the glaive
[08:15:19] i don't know if it's going to be good for regular enemies you know
[08:15:23] right
[08:15:29] it still has like decent range.
[08:15:32] Yeah, it's not the worst.
[08:15:34] I think everything that was hitting you with the glaive
[08:15:36] is probably just going to be a problem regardless,
[08:15:41] like the axe guys or the maces or whatever it
[08:15:44] is nice thing is it's got like a combo with
[08:15:48] a real big third head so but I do that I kind of need to, yeah, just fight enemies more unfortunately. In this section.
[08:16:05] How is that still hitting me, dude?
[08:16:09] I maybe should have gotten the enchant on it for healing after a mob but my...
[08:16:13] Because I was thinking about
[08:16:14] it for the context of the boss fight i knew that wasn't right that much there
[08:16:22] oh my gosh
[08:16:26] what happened Oh my gosh. An apple!
[08:16:34] Ow, yes it has a long attack or long wind up on the attacks that's kind of brutal
[08:16:39] oh okay Apparently this is the way I need to go.
[08:16:50] I was even going the wrong way dude.
[08:16:52] I'm waiting on a self potion if it wasn't obvious, like I really...
[08:16:55] ...I really need it.
[08:16:56] Here we can salvage a couple things.
[08:16:58] No, we can't get rid of our armor obviously.
[08:17:01] Why did that mob do an Indy 900?
[08:17:05] Don't think I want a regular crossbow.
[08:17:08] Oh, I did forget to switch to the Deathcap Mushroom too at the end.
[08:17:14] Remind me about that this next time.
[08:17:16] Yeah yeah yeah, yeah!
[08:17:21] Ohhhh I don't like this...
[08:17:25] Ohhh geez
[08:17:46] Ha ha ha Hey, you made it further you actually want. And I just get two of them dropping back to back.
[08:17:49] That's funny.
[08:17:52] Out of curiosity, it doesn't have it anyways.
[08:17:56] Those are the one that one of the ones
[08:17:57] that can have
[08:17:59] you know, the dash not that i don't remember what it's called the roll master thing
[08:18:03] basically ow ow why am i back here why am i back here? Why am I back here?
[08:18:12] Oh my god. Clutch bread. Clutch apple.
[08:18:16] Another clutch apple. How do you keep getting away with this?!
[08:18:20] Hmm! Uh, what? keep getting away with this.
[08:18:23] Oh, what?
[08:18:25] I'm going to fight more.
[08:18:29] I mean,
[08:18:30] fight in quotations.
[08:18:34] They're just getting spanked right now. yeah but that's while while it's still spawning these enemies you know yeah yeah that's fair Oh, sweet.
[08:18:49] That was really well-timed on the shadow thing. All right, good.
[08:18:57] Oh, that was a big hit.
[08:18:59] Yeah, you get more damage when you come out of the shadow attack.
[08:19:03] Yeah, definitely the time to clear out a big mob yeah Hey, good time for a level up.
[08:19:32] We have learned we don't need that. Just have to go through here
[08:19:43] i love how fast that is by the way you go in oh yeah there's a golem in here
[08:19:50] that's great
[08:19:54] wait is he buffing the golem did i just see that oh maybe oh i'm so focused on where I need to go.
[08:20:05] How'd they still hit me? Nope, not that way. This way.
[08:20:12] Over here.
[08:20:14] Just a reminder again folks in the chat
[08:20:17] If this looks like a game you want to speed run go to's uh page of
[08:20:22] minecraft dungeons and there's a brand new guide that came out a day or two ago for current patch
[08:20:29] if this is the category where you want to give a shot sometimes people
[08:20:31] just don't like dealing with that stuff which i totally get yeah and like the run is very different
[08:20:37] for any percent like you just get overpowered early from a glitch
[08:20:41] and then do the run which in its own right can be very fun don't get me wrong
[08:20:45] but for some people they want to like tackle a bit more of the difficulty
[08:20:49] of it. It kind of the difficulty of it.
[08:20:52] It kind of reminds me of like, Pokemon runs where there's manipulation
[08:20:54] versus no manipulation.
[08:20:57] Different tastes is all...
[08:21:00] Alright we're definitely going to have
[08:21:01] to take out the enemies
[08:21:03] here because I've already lost
[08:21:05] one or two lives.
[08:21:07] Whatever it is
[08:21:07] I don't want to lose more before you loss.
[08:21:19] I believe the guide is by exotic panda now i hope i remember remembering the name now i can uh use the stealth version and not have to oh my god zoom in
[08:21:26] uh oh stop us right now um no don't roll forward
[08:21:46] oh i almost got the help all right into the apple too yeah almost got it okay
[08:21:51] that's so unfortunate when that stuff was right i definitely couldn't i didn't have the ability to like pay attention to that and
[08:21:54] try to move through the area fast
[08:21:58] i don't want these enemies like shooting at me later so yeah it's fair.
[08:22:16] Okay, all right, folks I see how it is.
[08:22:20] That's still hit me.
[08:22:32] Get out of here. Oh, I think it went to the park.
[08:22:36] Clutch pork! Yeah. clutch pork yeah I can play more
[08:22:56] yeah
[08:22:57] wait there's gonna be like a fight here yeah yeah
[08:23:03] wait there's gonna be like a fight here isn't there so i should probably
[08:23:17] play this safe oh
[08:23:23] how are you hitting me? Unbelievable. Get out of here!
[08:23:26] Gone.
[08:23:28] Oh, I know this is the final staircase.
[08:23:30] Oh okay well you know what...'m fine with taking them all out
[08:23:34] so i think i'm gonna kind of hang here for a sec i definitely want that potion to come back
[08:23:39] before going into this fight based on how things went last time.
[08:23:43] Also, don't forget the second mushroom too.
[08:23:45] Oh yeah, you know what? We'll do that right now.
[08:23:48] Although
[08:23:49] if I'm spamming hits from this
[08:23:50] I actually don't know if I want that.
[08:23:53] Oh, that's true because you got the enchantment.
[08:23:57] Yeah exactly, the artifact synergy.
[08:24:00] It's fine.
[08:24:04] We'll give it a shot.
[08:24:08] I'll hit it now, just pop that potion right away You do have some lives available this time so...
[08:24:12] I think I got like one extra one.
[08:24:15] It's better than zero.
[08:24:28] Pretty good.
[08:24:38] Oh, come back here. He's being very rude.
[08:24:41] And I kind of just face tank a lot of that because I was trying to power them down fast
[08:24:47] yeah see this is the thing i keep wanting the roll to have
[08:24:50] iframes and it doesn't you can't roll through things in this
[08:25:02] oh come on spawn the laser on me dude uh okay all right i'll figure this out we'll figure this out
[08:25:16] oh my gosh.
[08:25:23] I don't like what's happening right now.
[08:25:27] Ow! Ugh, is that lazy? like what's happening right now
[08:25:29] ow oh it's that laser again man
[08:25:36] all right i think we'll go back to the glaive too
[08:25:38] but i do think i'm probably mostly just
[08:25:40] gonna need to like use a lot of ranged
[08:25:42] attacks and play it safe.
[08:25:44] Real quick, we'll check the merchant if there's
[08:25:46] anything...
[08:25:48] No. There's nothing here we care about.
[08:25:51] We can't use either of these because they don't have the dashing
[08:25:54] so let's get rid of them
[08:25:56] I'll go back to... Oh!
[08:25:58] What's a crossbow but not a scatter.
[08:26:06] Maybe we just do a regular crossbow?
[08:26:10] And already wounded enemies or something
[08:26:12] i don't know yeah
[08:26:16] i would consider it but
[08:26:18] i also have no clue
[08:26:20] how much dps you're getting early
[08:26:26] um i think we'll use that we're gonna we're gonna do uh or never gonna do
[08:26:31] against wounded enemies.
[08:26:33] We're going to Salvage our Scattercross Bow
[08:26:37] get some knockback and then get another boost there. Yeah I think that's the play
[08:26:41] And we are going to switch back to the glaive
[08:26:46] Which means...
[08:26:48] I kinda don't wanna salvage it but I do want the point back
[08:26:50] But I don't need the point, it's fine
[08:26:57] Not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting this to be as hard as it was.
[08:27:00] You know, gotta give runners credit.
[08:27:02] They get through this game so fast.
[08:27:05] This is two TFS episodes in a row where
[08:27:07] that's the prevalent
[08:27:09] theme, I didn't expect this to be as hard
[08:27:13] I mean I expected Hades Fresh fresh file to be that hard
[08:27:19] i honestly thought it'd be like i knew would be
[08:27:21] hard i didn't think it would be as hard as it was
[08:27:28] uh that was i did not mean to pick up the tnt
[08:27:32] okay i'm just yeah i'm playing a little safe here folks
[08:27:35] apologies I'm playing it a little safe here, but apologies.
[08:27:40] That knockback is nice!
[08:27:43] The fire rate doesn't seem that great though.
[08:27:59] I don't have a roll right now. Oh, come on!
[08:28:02] Holy...
[08:28:04] Good, alright. Oof! I think it goes without saying that no matter what the game is,
[08:28:16] It's always fun to watch high level players go through these games super quick uh
[08:28:24] never never doubt how talented the people are that do any sort of runs. Like,
[08:28:33] they make it look so easy and it never is. Yeah.
[08:28:34] They would probably be just flying through all this right now
[08:28:36] but I'm having to play it safe because
[08:28:38] I'm once again out of
[08:28:40] healing.
[08:28:44] Can they hit me?
[08:28:45] I don't know, I gotta-I gotta...
[08:28:47] I'm gonna try to just rush through this next thing but
[08:28:49] I need the health to do it.
[08:28:51] Yeah there we go
[08:28:56] good okay good movement
[08:29:01] no No.
[08:29:02] No.
[08:29:04] Dad!
[08:29:08] No, no buffing.
[08:29:16] We don't do that in this household.
[08:29:17] Yeah, bad.
[08:29:18] And again,
[08:29:19] this comes from like another we didn't watch the whole
[08:29:21] Oh my God. Okay. we didn't watch that um
[08:29:26] the whole like tutorial video again like we didn't watch the
[08:29:30] individual level things which is where they would have gotten into more combat
[08:29:33] strategies so which is where they would have gotten into more combat strategies.
[08:29:37] I'm gonna play more.
[08:29:39] Incredible.
[08:29:41] So we'd have a better idea of how to take things out if we
[08:29:45] watched all of that.
[08:29:48] Oh, I have no idea which again you
[08:29:49] can find that
[08:29:50] you can find that at the speedrun
[08:29:53] dot com website for this
[08:29:56] game it's just in
[08:29:57] the guide section
[08:29:58] yeah
[08:29:58] like an hour and a
[08:30:03] half video
[08:30:04] yeah
[08:30:05] but it's full of a lot of people 15 or so for me yeah hour and a half video. Yeah, we only watched like
[08:30:07] 15 or 30 minutes of it
[08:30:11] just to kind of get the basics
[08:30:21] This was greedy, but it paid off. Let's go!
[08:30:22] He can't keep getting away with this!
[08:30:25] What is your definition of getting away with this. What is your definition of getting away with?
[08:30:33] Ah, have your time.
[08:30:37] I'm so convinced there's a way to just get
[08:30:39] To the other side of that
[08:30:40] No don't attack the pig
[08:30:42] Just go
[08:30:44] You have to fight
[08:30:47] The casual instincts.
[08:30:48] I'm not trying to, my mouse's cursor is on top of it
[08:30:51] and it's causing it to attack.
[08:30:58] Oh yeah that knockback is like huge to give you some space
[08:31:02] speaking of space i was like i need to wait on the south ocean i am at one hp literally all right now we rush Okay. Yeah, here. That's a lot cleaner than your last couple of runs through.
[08:31:28] Maybe.
[08:31:29] It's still terrifying though.
[08:31:30] Oh no it's still terrifying oh no
[08:31:32] it's scary how old they do so much
[08:31:41] did they chase so far too.
[08:31:44] No!
[08:31:47] Ow ow.
[08:31:52] Clutch Apple let me roll.
[08:31:54] I need you to not be buffed anymore.
[08:31:58] I'm going to pop the person
[08:32:15] and I mean, if you were going to die, I guess flying backwards into a backflip is one way to do it.
[08:32:20] Alright, leave them alone...
[08:32:22] No!
[08:32:24] Nooo! Ow!
[08:32:25] You hurt so much.
[08:32:29] Yes, no!
[08:32:31] I was so excited.
[08:32:33] Just stalling just a little bit for the potion. Just stalling just a little bit for the potion
[08:32:38] I'm not gonna fully wait on it because there weren't that many
[08:32:40] enemies right here but
[08:32:42] they are here! I wish I waited
[08:32:44] on it
[08:32:49] oh i pressed it i pressed the dart like at the same time that i died i
[08:32:53] pressed the potion so bummer you still have more lives than previous attempts though so it's true
[08:33:04] uh no no i've learned i'm not going to try and brute force that.
[08:33:14] Yeah, I have learned from my past mistakes.
[08:33:18] I am not gonna try to brute force through those enemies.
[08:33:21] I'm just going to take you out.
[08:33:29] What the heck? It's like turning me around. I think my mouse curse is going outside of the window.
[08:33:32] That's a couple weird issues.
[08:33:34] I'm gonna heal now so that it comes back for the second phase, hopefully.
[08:33:38] Because he has this long animation. I'm gonna heal now so that it comes back for the second phase, hopefully.
[08:33:39] Because he has this long animation.
[08:33:42] Alright once again! More lives!
[08:33:45] And now that i'm using the glaive we're going to switch to this.
[08:33:50] Hopefully uh... the glaive we're gonna switch to this
[08:33:54] hopefully uh hopefully he doesn't go too too wild with the lasers yeah Hey, what a lot of them. some blood I didn't mean to use both mushrooms when I did.
[08:34:29] I don't feel like chasing him on that side.
[08:34:34] Get back over here!
[08:34:36] Oh, come on.
[08:34:40] Alright, I guess we're gonna chase you.
[08:34:44] I'm going to gonna chase him. I'm gonna pop the potion now just in case he spawns lasers on me.
[08:35:13] Oh! Oh, see? up cc so
[08:35:16] playing it safer Playing it safe, right? Get out of the way.
[08:35:24] Oh my gosh they're so fast.
[08:35:31] Popping that potion immediately. I'm out of arrows. That's not good.
[08:35:35] Yeah if that laser comes over me That's not good.
[08:35:37] Yeah, if that laser comes over me I am just dead.
[08:35:43] Alright but we got him halfway.
[08:35:58] It seems like he has a predictable pattern.
[08:36:07] Oh, I was hoping he was stuck. Oh man, I had nowhere to go! Oh, dude.
[08:36:24] How do you handle that?
[08:36:26] That's so brutal.
[08:36:28] It's a rough boss.
[08:36:30] Yeah, very brutal.
[08:36:33] So I think
[08:36:34] he just lined up and did this
[08:36:38] every single time
[08:36:39] and there's like a secret attack where this every single time.
[08:36:41] And there's like a secret attack we haven't seen yet, but it seems
[08:36:43] like he does the
[08:36:44] scatter bullet,
[08:36:46] then he gets into position,
[08:36:49] then he does the four-way laser yeah
[08:36:52] then he gets into position again then he
[08:36:55] does the like three or four extra heads that pop up
[08:36:57] then repeat yeah the problem is always with
[08:37:01] the batter big laser other lasers the problem is with the ladder big laser other lasers
[08:37:03] the problem is the way the scatter plus um okay that's fun
[08:37:16] yeah the problem is the way the like scatter plus laser patterns can happen
[08:37:21] yeah Yeah, yeah.
[08:37:28] I'm dead.
[08:37:31] Okay okay okay come on.
[08:37:35] No why would you spot me here?
[08:37:43] I liked your idea when he got to the four lasers, you would just like kind of stutter shoot him with the arrows.
[08:37:48] Yeah...
[08:37:50] I'm getting greedy now!
[08:37:53] Um, that is not the direction I was trying to roll.
[08:38:00] That got me killed!
[08:38:04] I was trying to roll this way.
[08:38:07] Stop attacking! Oh, oh my gosh
[08:38:33] i tried to roll off but i just used the roll. No.
[08:38:43] And i accidentally potion really early but we're fine uh Okay.
[08:39:03] Swiftness potion. I'm so curious, Keese, how this would have gone if we were both going.
[08:39:22] Like, if you would've just crushed it somehow?
[08:39:25] Oh, I think I'd be in the same exact boat as you for the final box we bring over.
[08:39:49] Okay. Alright, at least we're heading in with basically full health into here. They're just so fast, dude.
[08:39:57] Uh... I could have gone that way though
[08:40:01] but it been fine.
[08:40:08] I think I need a potion here. Oh, no! Okay, okay.
[08:40:16] Got through that pretty quickly and I was really staring at the map. Dude, these Golem boss fight areas are fantastic now.
[08:40:33] Just don't do them a nice little break
[08:40:42] i'm talking quiet because the internet but the audio balance but my internet's back
[08:40:49] all right geez you got it back your internet's back that's so good
[08:40:53] my internet My internet's back.
[08:40:59] Stupid squirrels!
[08:41:03] Oh my gosh, I'm not dead.
[08:41:12] How am I not dead?
[08:41:14] Oh well this is bad.
[08:41:16] Didn't want to hit that spring
[08:41:19] okay okay
[08:41:22] I think what we're gonna do, I'll get this one more well hmm
[08:41:25] I don't know if we have time dang. I was gonna say if we had time for you to like go
[08:41:29] they're like set up and then let's try
[08:41:31] to do one final race
[08:41:33] maybe we could do that of like the tower
[08:41:35] or something
[08:41:38] look i'm just happy to have internet again.
[08:41:40] Okay?
[08:41:44] I am down for whatever!
[08:41:51] Think I'm gonna give this level
[08:41:53] one more attempt and if
[08:41:55] it goes rough we're going to break
[08:41:57] and see like if we can get keys in here
[08:41:59] as well for the last little bit of show here.
[08:42:02] But either way, I'm just happy that
[08:42:05] I can see stuff on my monitors again.
[08:42:09] Yeah. Oh man, why do you get like stuck there? Hit him, please.
[08:42:26] Thank you.
[08:42:29] Okay, okay.
[08:42:30] I'm going to go get the other one. Thank you.
[08:42:35] Woo! Okay, okay. We're gonna stall here on 2 HP
[08:42:38] for our health potion
[08:42:42] Or we get an apple, that helps.
[08:42:45] I think I can make this.
[08:42:48] We're okay, yeah.
[08:42:52] And we got that on motion. Got some pork.
[08:43:16] That'll help us stay healthy here.
[08:43:23] That should be that. All right, good!
[08:43:47] This way... I did not like where I backed myself into here, but it is what it is.
[08:43:52] And somehow I got out of it.
[08:43:54] Okay, you gaming? Okay.
[08:44:05] And we're good! Let's go, just get hit by everything...
[08:44:11] No.
[08:44:12] I just don't want any summoners or enchanters to live.
[08:44:17] I don't know what they're called that wasn't obvious
[08:44:22] I just kept calling them enchanters the steps that fits the bill
[08:44:28] that's what they're doing, They're enchanting enemies right?
[08:44:40] Okay, I need to and push for sure.
[08:44:43] Go go go go!
[08:44:45] Go go go go go go!
[08:44:47] Ow ow ow!
[08:44:49] I couldn't roll!
[08:44:50] I was just stun locked up against the wall.
[08:44:54] Lad me through.
[08:44:56] Let's go!
[08:44:58] Oh, this one is going...
[08:45:00] No, it is still going down i think
[08:45:04] yeah it's still this way it looked like it was gonna
[08:45:07] be going the other way there's a trick Wait, why are there enchanted enchanters?
[08:45:24] Wait that's a fig. Apparently!
[08:45:28] That's so lame.
[08:45:32] Alright Alright.
[08:45:43] I don't want to be in this position right now.
[08:45:46] We're gonna heal.
[08:45:54] Good! Good.
[08:46:00] No, you're blocking it! Thank you.
[08:46:15] Oh no! Thank you. Making sure we get through here and we got a stealth potions really push
[08:46:20] through
[08:46:25] all right so pushing just ended but we're pretty much right at the top here.
[08:46:31] No!
[08:46:32] Why did it do that again?
[08:46:37] That's so frustrating.
[08:46:39] Okay, well that's unfortunate
[08:46:43] my mouse cursor once again went over the
[08:46:47] game window
[08:46:51] i think we're gonna be fine
[08:47:00] all right All right. Oh, you know what I'm gonna do here too?
[08:47:04] I'm going to switch to this.
[08:47:08] I think it is better to have the clay more at the end here for the bigger damage.
[08:47:16] Okay, knock me out.
[08:47:18] Wait.
[08:47:20] That's huge! Yeah we're out of here. Wait.
[08:47:21] That's huge!
[08:47:23] Yeah, we're out of the arena now.
[08:47:25] What the heck?
[08:47:33] Does that mean you have to fight the giant spider? I would love that.
[08:47:36] Wait a minute.
[08:47:40] Ow, hit it twice.
[08:47:43] Where's he going?
[08:47:45] Where'd he go?
[08:47:48] Imagine if that meant the heads, like...
[08:47:51] all spawned in there.
[08:47:52] Okay! He went back there for the animation so we'll jump back in.
[08:47:56] Darn! Imagine.
[08:48:07] Ow At least your potion's almost back.
[08:48:15] Yeah, I know. I'm trying to make sure that I don't die before it gets bad.
[08:48:23] Yeah, we just gotta stall. No! Oh my gosh. I ran out of room.
[08:48:26] He's not making it easy.
[08:48:28] No.
[08:48:31] Stop spawning it on me!
[08:48:39] Ooh... I'm just wanting it on me. Dude, I don't know how I'm going to survive this one. Okay.
[08:48:49] He still made really good headway.
[08:48:52] Yeah, true. Oh no! oh my god
[08:49:03] he put like he's putting a whole circle around himself so I can't get to him.
[08:49:08] He's barricading himself, he's being smart.
[08:49:11] I hate smart bosses. Oh, his head spawned weird. playing this like so safe now
[08:49:33] i'm dead yeah but he's, but he's real low.
[08:49:40] He's real low.
[08:49:43] I feel good
[08:49:44] about this one.
[08:49:46] We've seen how fast I can die.
[08:49:48] Yeah, that's true yes okay nice i'm not changing my opinion you still died
[08:49:58] okay
[08:50:01] yeah it was like I am not chasing a laser
[08:50:03] I'm dodging that laser for sure
[08:50:05] And that's time
[08:50:07] Nice!
[08:50:09] Didn't mean to skip the cutscene, but I was splitting
[08:50:12] all my other splits. Alright! A little longer than
[08:50:14] I was expecting... But
[08:50:16] Whew! We did get through it
[08:50:18] That last level was brutal
[08:50:20] Yeah! Okay level was brutal. It's not expected for the next.
[08:50:25] Okay, we got just a little bit of time left here in the show folks so
[08:50:26] we're going to take another quick break and
[08:50:28] be back and now that Keyes' internet is
[08:50:30] working again maybe we'll have a little chat during the break and see what
[08:50:33] we can do in this time but before we get to the break i just wanted to remind folks that if you
[08:50:40] missed any of summer games on quick 2024 and you want to check it out,
[08:50:43] you can go subscribe at slash GameStoneQuick.
[08:50:48] And, of course, GDQ is going to be at PAX West again this year as well.
[08:50:52] That is happening August 30th to September 2nd,
[08:50:55] so please if you want
[08:50:56] to come check that out
[08:50:59] if you're going to be at PAX West,
[08:51:00] come check us out and hang out
[08:51:02] for some of the speedruns we've got going on can use exclamation point pax p-a-x
[08:51:06] in the chat to get the full schedule all right uh for that or with that
[08:51:11] done we are gonna be back in just a few minutes Jump, jump, turn. Jump, jump, turn.
[08:51:27] Turn, turn, stop.
[08:51:29] Please, please, please, please, please.
[08:51:33] Here, the Sea Wreck-Itty Biddle.
[08:52:09] Here, the Sea Tee Pit. is um so Chik punch, chok block Duck turn jump
[08:52:12] Chik pose
[08:52:15] Chok chop punch
[08:52:17] Turn block
[08:55:11] Chik punch chop punch so uh so I'm going to go ahead and do that. so so so so so so so so so so Welcome back everybody from the break. I'm finally here! My internet is back! I'm so happy, I'm super bummed that we don't have enough time for us to do
[08:55:15] an actual head-to-head of the actual story but we discussed it over the
[08:55:19] break. We're gonna take the remaining 30 minutes of
[08:55:21] the show and just see who can get furthest in
[08:55:23] the tower. I have no experience in this at
[08:55:25] The Cogs, you dabbled in it a tiny bit.
[08:55:27] I did it just like once yeah
[08:55:29] And i didn't even finish it So what this is is basically we start
[08:55:32] at an even playing field.
[08:55:33] We start with nothing
[08:55:34] and as we go through the tower
[08:55:37] each floor you're going to be provided
[08:55:39] a set of rewards to pick from.
[08:55:40] You get to choose one keys keys one of those rewards is like
[08:55:43] one of the level up resources the enchantment things um and all the rest are like you know
[08:55:49] either artifacts or weapons or armor that kind of thing. And the goal
[08:55:53] is to just get all the way through the end
[08:55:55] most floors are combat floors but there
[08:55:57] are some like shops and other things
[08:55:59] The shops just give you one item
[08:56:01] if you want
[08:56:02] That's pretty much it we're gonna see how
[08:56:06] how far we can get the next half hour or so so if you wanna count us down keys
[08:56:10] heck yeah we're gonna start in three two one go i was fully expecting another screen
[08:56:21] god i'm so excited to play this i was watching the whole time and like damn that's i know
[08:56:25] i know it's okay he's gonna have to like race or do some co-ops another time um so it's really
[08:56:31] weird having nothing to begin with feels really odd uh and yeah every combat floor you have to take out everything
[08:56:39] um before the end like anything will open.
[08:56:55] And I got knocked off, okay. That's fine. But you get up again?
[08:56:57] Uh... oh I was- that would have actually been
[08:56:59] perfect if
[08:57:01] I had killed every enemy.
[08:57:11] Definitely Definitely weird not having my usual stuff. Yeah.
[08:57:12] No!
[08:57:13] I threw my TNT and horribly, horribly missed.
[08:57:20] Was that not everyone?
[08:57:22] Okay.
[08:57:23] I'm going to grab these soulfish because they're
[08:57:25] unique.
[08:57:26] Oh no, I go to camp.
[08:57:28] I will say by the way, the speed things are still helpful if you see them because you have to like get to the end portal each time, you know? So...
[08:57:46] Oh. Okay.
[08:57:53] I keep hitting my inventory in hopes that like i start going faster
[08:58:04] it feels wrong not having stuff What's... Okay, I was like when are the new things gonna spawn?
[08:58:07] Oh there's stuff back here.
[08:58:09] Still. Alright good! Oh, there's stuff back here.
[08:58:14] Alright good! Floor 2 cleared but I gotta get up to the top
[08:58:17] Yeah so this is why it's still helpful
[08:58:18] to have
[08:58:23] Rapid crosswind soul um rapid crossbow there is
[08:58:27] I'm gonna go ahead and
[08:58:35] get the crossbow Yeah, floor two cleared. Nice. So this is actually the category that Shockwave ran ran at sgdq except he did blind tower which is effectively what we're
[08:58:48] doing because the tower changes once a week from what I understand.
[08:58:55] So that you could, like, route it but he did where
[08:58:58] he didn't know
[08:58:58] what, you know,
[08:59:00] things he was gonna find
[08:59:01] which is basically
[08:59:01] what we're doing too
[08:59:02] because we didn't
[08:59:03] we just haven't done this before
[08:59:07] I have more up
[08:59:18] Is that it? Oh, I didn't see the weather. That it?
[08:59:20] No!
[08:59:21] Where's their enemy?
[08:59:22] I could have sworn those all of them.
[08:59:24] What is... I could have sworn that was all of them.
[08:59:30] What is... what is going on?
[08:59:32] Blend in!
[08:59:36] Oh, I hate this floor so far. Not even that it's hard, I just hate this floor so far.
[08:59:38] Not even that it's hard, I just hate this.
[08:59:41] Wasting my time!
[08:59:46] Uh...I might get an increased fire rate on this thing. Yeah, we're gonna replace our trust board.
[08:59:49] Oh god I'm allergic to this floor!
[08:59:55] Yeah i really like the increased fire rate thing very nice
[09:00:04] oh hello
[09:00:08] i don't know how I'm alive.
[09:00:12] Dude, I keep getting TNT drops from creepers.
[09:00:18] Where are the other enemies
[09:00:23] oh you're way over there i see what you mean by the camouflage
[09:00:27] yeah yeah of course that was the last enemy!
[09:00:31] So rude.
[09:00:37] This one has the...
[09:00:39] thing, but you know what? i think this is gonna be more
[09:00:42] important i think actual armor is going to be more helpful so Heh heh heh!
[09:01:13] It might not be like the best for runs, but I do really like having the fire because like you can shoot something and ignore it and go to something else
[09:01:20] oh didn't see you
[09:01:24] I needed to go this way anyways apparently
[09:01:28] No no no
[09:01:30] I died already
[09:01:32] Oh no really? you wanna get three for the whole thing
[09:01:36] yeah I got I got chilled so my movement was slowed down
[09:01:43] right when a creeper showed up part of the problem
[09:01:46] with this for us is that we don't know what all of the uh
[09:01:51] all of the like artifacts and stuff are so there's to be a little bit of waiting here and there for us.
[09:01:56] Oh I'm so slow!
[09:02:04] ... Ow, ow. Plants.
[09:02:25] Blood's stuck? Okay. Oh well. like stuck okay I look so cool in this armor
[09:02:53] where did that open oh it opened over here all right
[09:02:59] yeah there's a lot of armor in the skin I can't even use them. My artifact, forgot.
[09:03:03] Um... fortune spear? Beehive armor?
[09:03:08] There's only so many options.
[09:03:10] Okay, we're gonna get the spear.
[09:03:13] Oh also there is underwater floors people.
[09:03:16] No! No don't say that!
[09:03:19] Water levels are the worst
[09:03:24] in every game
[09:03:30] ouch ouch all right hold Ouch. Ouch! Alright, well we're gonna be sad that we're dying.
[09:03:39] Whew!
[09:03:41] Okay. Uh... this is the exit.
[09:03:43] Go through that.
[09:03:46] I think we're gonna grab this
[09:03:54] i need to start getting some enchantment points actually
[09:03:58] should have done that here probably Oh boy. Oh, okay I took my first death.
[09:04:10] I did not know how that relic worked or that artifact whatever it's called
[09:04:17] good i need you to die i'm so far behind Ow. Ow, I'm almost dead again!
[09:04:28] That's not good.
[09:04:44] I see. Yep, I'm dead. Oh boy! Alright well that's really not good.
[09:04:50] Too reckless.
[09:04:53] Yeah keep doing that, keep doing that. Keep doing that.
[09:04:56] No!
[09:04:59] I have internet now, Hobbs
[09:05:02] I can't be nice.
[09:05:05] I want you to have some competition though. Ah!
[09:05:08] Ah!
[09:05:10] Ah!
[09:05:12] Alright, that's two deaths for me.
[09:05:14] Oh no.
[09:05:20] Uh oh. Oh. What starts the whole floor over?
[09:05:22] Yeah, bail.
[09:05:25] I wonder if you did on the same floor idea.
[09:05:30] I don't know. few did on the same floor I did. That's on floor six,
[09:05:32] the one with the
[09:05:32] prana plants.
[09:05:34] I just cleared floor eight.
[09:05:37] The shulker floor.
[09:05:39] I spent a decent amount of time It's the shulker floor.
[09:05:44] I spent a decent amount of time sulking over what I wanted to buy.
[09:05:46] Oh, actually do you need after-meet these?
[09:05:48] I didn't think I had to!
[09:05:51] I thought they were just there for their combat potential. Well, it's unfortunate that I would have been activating them as I went. uh
[09:06:05] why is this floor so big Okay, longbow with farmer's wound club versus crossbow.
[09:06:16] I don't think I want any of those so I'm just gonna get the enchantment point which by the
[09:06:20] way i should be doing on
[09:06:22] these beehive armor a chance to summon a bee
[09:06:27] all right
[09:06:31] i don't i don't care if that's good or not.
[09:06:34] Can someone be when you roll? Yes!
[09:06:42] Yeah! My first roll summoned a bee.
[09:06:57] Wait, how do I get air? Oh.
[09:06:58] I see.
[09:06:59] Aw this is terrible!
[09:07:00] I hate it here. Okay, I didn't know how that artifact worked.
[09:07:09] I wanted to use it at the end there to learn so...
[09:07:11] I don't love it but...
[09:07:13] Um, whoal Blade...
[09:07:20] Yeah, I don't really like our current one so
[09:07:22] I'm gonna do that.
[09:07:30] And then we need to upgrade its Oh, my B. Oh, there's a merchant floor.
[09:07:37] Wait! A bee stinger? Chance to summon bee?!
[09:07:41] Oh my god I have a bee build.
[09:07:45] This is so stupid.
[09:07:48] Oh, I can make one of these unique. Alright.
[09:07:50] Make this one.
[09:08:02] Eh-heh-heh-heh-heh! I'm on the first boss floor, he's... This boss floor?
[09:08:04] Yeah.
[09:08:05] Ah ha!
[09:08:06] I am so stupid.
[09:08:16] No, I killed my own bees!
[09:08:18] Ow... Oh no, I died.
[09:08:22] I'm on my last chance already Keyes.
[09:08:24] Aw dang.
[09:08:27] I'm like stalling for my potion right now.
[09:08:35] Oh, never mind. There's an apple. Who needs a potion?
[09:08:39] Um...I think I glitched out the ghast, and I'm okay with that.
[09:08:47] I'm gonna just tank some damage here so I can finish off this ghast.
[09:08:50] I thought I was outta the way for that no
[09:08:53] okay my pig is on fire it's a disaster oh okay
[09:09:01] ouch Ouch. Oh, no, no, no, no.
[09:09:05] Well I died again.
[09:09:08] I have failed the tower.
[09:09:10] I will start from the bottom and try again.
[09:09:12] All right. Cool. Cool. i will start from the bottom and try again all right cool hi i have
[09:09:16] i can play it slightly slow which i need because man am i hurting
[09:09:23] yeah you definitely have a go because man am i hurting
[09:09:41] yeah you definitely have a huge level like a huge I don't know which difficulty I'm on either. I didn't think about that until now.
[09:09:43] It's possible we're not on casual difficulty or maybe you can't even do it on that difficulty. so I do love how I can just summon bees. let's see it is cool
[09:10:22] oh there's a burst cross but
[09:10:25] what is still alive come on man I thought I got everything on that side.
[09:10:31] No you know what?
[09:10:34] There we go. Unfortunate. unfortunate
[09:10:42] well now
[09:10:45] i think we'll grab this first
[09:10:57] All right Get them bees Right.
[09:11:01] Get em bees!
[09:11:15] The good news is I learned a little bit about what upgrades are going to be available, so I can try to use that to my advantage.
[09:11:29] Age 9 cleaver. Okay, oh no! is going to spawn here.
[09:11:34] Hey,
[09:11:44] let's keep getting that. I want to upgrade my stuff more.
[09:11:48] Yep, we're gonna get the Soul Engine.
[09:11:52] Sounds great.
[09:11:54] What the heck?
[09:11:58] Oh, they're unique Smiths.
[09:12:00] Okay.
[09:12:01] Oh yeah, they'll upgrade one of your things to unique.
[09:12:05] Well, unlucky for me, all of my stuff is unique.
[09:12:11] Yep, that is unlucky for you.
[09:12:14] All right, I'm on the boss floor.
[09:12:16] Nice! That's where I died.
[09:12:24] How did I manage to throw the TNT in the one pit in this level?
[09:12:28] Alright.
[09:12:29] Get him bees!
[09:12:31] Yep.
[09:12:32] See you later. Alright, uh... Get him bees!
[09:12:36] Yeah. Sucked. Okay.
[09:12:42] I'm on bat floor. combat floor Oh, wow. That was fast. Alright good
[09:13:11] How do we get our arrows back?
[09:13:14] Find some
[09:13:19] But where on On the floor. Oh, well that's unfortunate.
[09:13:29] I remember what these are. Let's go!
[09:13:33] It's definitely upgrade this.
[09:13:37] Oh my god!
[09:13:40] The bees aren't enough right now.
[09:13:45] Oh, oh I'm so dead.
[09:13:48] There's no way I survived, right?
[09:13:51] Yeah! Alright.
[09:13:55] That's fine. I got one more chance. And I have my arrows
[09:13:59] back.
[09:14:05] Ha, I can sound the horn and go the wrong way but get a little movement speed boost
[09:14:12] Alright so we're not going to switch her armor.
[09:14:14] I don't like the Eye of the Guardian.
[09:14:17] Uh...
[09:14:17] I think we're just gonna get one of these
[09:14:19] and upgrade our movement speed boost.
[09:14:21] I want to kill the ghast first,
[09:14:23] I'm struggling with its projectiles more than anything else
[09:14:25] Yeah
[09:14:27] I managed to glitch it out
[09:14:29] at the time actually did kill it but then I died anyways
[09:14:50] ... anyways Act through the plants. I don't actually know if I need to kill all the plants because I feel like they get summoned
[09:14:57] by these little cactus dudes.
[09:15:01] Okay, the ghast is dead.
[09:15:05] This feels a lot more doable to me. I'm not giving beehive armor.
[09:15:28] I will get the fortune spear, I think.
[09:15:33] Come on. Yes!
[09:15:43] Cher is doing a good job of not letting me approach him.
[09:16:05] No, no, nope. I'mma play it super safe and I'm just gonna run in a lot of circles until I can potion again. Very fair. I could give the bee stinger a chance to summon a bee. Yeah,
[09:16:13] i have that too! Of course you do. I have a full B build. I don't think I'm going to.
[09:16:35] Ow! Oh my gosh, that's so much damage.
[09:16:40] Oh, I did not realize the Beastinger does such little, but just hits a lot
[09:16:47] It's cool. But like also I don't know if it's the best what I'm trying to do here
[09:16:53] He's so close to dead. What's all my...
[09:16:56] Run in circles, run in circles, run in circles!
[09:16:59] It's not worth the risk.
[09:17:01] Needed to make sure they died.
[09:17:07] Good, good. I believe a little more now.
[09:17:12] Gotta be out of that kill, let's go. Yeah!
[09:17:28] Floor 11 cleared.
[09:17:29] Nice.
[09:17:30] Let's go, bees.
[09:17:32] I'm getting to floor 9 next.
[09:17:36] Blended robe. That's probably way better than the b thing but i gotta commit i gotta commit to this all right
[09:17:45] um i feel like
[09:17:46] I'm catching up.
[09:17:48] Oh, definitely.
[09:17:49] I'm playing super safe.
[09:17:54] It's just
[09:17:55] kind of your afforded right as the one in the lead at the moment.
[09:17:59] Yeah!
[09:18:02] Like I have to play aggressive.
[09:18:04] Yeah, yeah, yeah. aggressive yeah i am
[09:18:07] sweet bees join me
[09:18:16] the bees are doing work.
[09:18:21] I don't know what any of these are.
[09:18:25] We're about to probably get the Unique Merchant, so yeah, I'm gonna get the Coral Blade.
[09:18:32] Alright.
[09:18:33] I don't like the Beast Stinger that much.
[09:18:39] Make this unique, thank you is he thundering?
[09:18:44] Armour that's each
[09:18:48] All right I'm on onto the boss floor.
[09:18:49] Let's see how this goes.
[09:18:55] I'm all about having ads.
[09:19:03] I glitched out the gas again, let's go!
[09:19:10] Oh no, it spawned in. Oh no!
[09:19:11] Oh I'm so almost dead already.
[09:19:13] OH MY GOSH!
[09:19:15] WHAT?!
[09:19:16] Once it spawned in it just killed me right away.
[09:19:48] Get him bees! oh that wasn't a teammate that was a spider following me the whole time. Ghost Kindler briefly gained ghost form
[09:19:50] when rolling.
[09:19:53] Okay, listen, I like for the game ghost form when rolling okay listen i like the bees but like oh that's so close
[09:20:13] why is there more water?
[09:20:19] I'm so close to dead.
[09:20:23] Wait, how do I even... Yes! I'm so close to dead!
[09:20:25] Wait, how do I even...
[09:20:27] Yes, you got that.
[09:20:29] Oh, I see.
[09:20:32] No, I don't see. Huh? I just busted.
[09:20:44] Oh my gosh, that hurt.
[09:20:54] Stun stun stun stun stunag. Yes! Good.
[09:20:58] Got through it thank god.
[09:21:01] I think we're gonna use that opportunity to upgrade our armor
[09:21:05] Cause that clearly needed an upgrade
[09:21:10] or let's do more damage well i don't have any pets so So.
[09:21:27] That was scary.
[09:21:30] How's it going for you what floor are you on dead i died on 14.
[09:21:33] oh okay so you got the furthest so far yeah
[09:21:38] ah now yeah now i'm on for a drag though
[09:21:40] no
[09:21:42] but you know what upgrades are coming
[09:21:46] because they're the same
[09:21:52] oh because they're the same. Oh, I'm out of arrows.
[09:21:54] Oh, I want that B build again.
[09:21:56] That was great.
[09:22:03] Uh do I want thundering arrows or... Oh Guardian Vexes sound great.
[09:22:06] We'll go with that. oh i'm not one shining creepers anymore that's scary oh no Ow.
[09:22:29] Ow! No! They're enemies. Oh, they are there.
[09:22:32] The last one?
[09:22:33] Awesome.
[09:22:34] I'm going to go get the other one. there.
[09:22:45] Last one? Awesome.
[09:22:52] I think we're going to get another armor.
[09:22:57] I'm so nervous about another armor so like nervous what the arm is oh
[09:23:23] there we go All right. uh you're on the floor that i was on i need to die yeah if i can get to the next floor i win right and we're almost out of time yeah I think I'm going to make it through this one.
[09:23:42] No, don't say such horrible things. Only my internet stayed out
[09:23:50] I finally got like a couple of decent artifacts
[09:23:57] Floor cleared No I finally got like a couple of decent artifacts.
[09:23:59] More cleared now.
[09:24:04] Well, Gigi Yeah.
[09:24:04] All right. I'll just see how high you can get in the remaining time boots of swiftness.
[09:24:07] Let's go. Yeah, I can get in the remaining time. Boots of Swiftness! Let's go! Yeah, I can't place them more.
[09:24:11] They took their sweet time to show up, didn't they?
[09:24:13] Oh, and if you had gotten here, Keyes, it's a shop.
[09:24:16] Ow!
[09:24:17] Powersmith increases the power of the chosen item.
[09:24:20] Let's upgrade this! Cool.
[09:24:26] Oh, I didn't see it had Echo. Oh my gosh, that's awesome!
[09:24:35] Oh yeah this floor...I hate this floor. Floor 60
[09:24:39] Let's go.
[09:24:46] Yeah, now my weapon is really doing some good damage.
[09:24:49] Just not like one-shotting anything, but...
[09:24:58] Oh come on.
[09:25:05] Nice!
[09:25:09] Yeah let's upgrade our bow because it has not been upgraded in a while. Who is alive still?
[09:25:12] Am I getting camouflaged again? Uh...
[09:25:26] Ow. That one's too good.
[09:25:28] Ya jerk!
[09:25:49] How does this work All right.
[09:25:58] Not sure if I'm going to make it through the rest of this floor in our time, so wanted to say thank you everybody for tuning in sorry we couldn't have a race here at the beginning at least we got something
[09:26:01] near the end here yeah and uh please tune in every other Monday.
[09:26:07] I almost said it, Keith.
[09:26:10] Please tune in every other Monday at 7 p.m. Eastern for the first step here on Gdq hotfix don't go anywhere though make sure you stay tuned
[09:26:20] because we got game masters coming up right after this i right when
[09:26:26] right when time was called, I finished
[09:26:28] my floor so I'm pleased.
[09:26:30] Yeah, I'm finishing mine too because
[09:26:32] it's right here.
[09:26:34] Don't go anywhere folks!
[09:26:36] We got Game Masters coming up right after this there's still some enemies
[09:26:40] that need to go away i'm gonna guess that's all the all. It wasn't. Okay, well then
[09:26:49] why don't we see you next
[09:26:51] time folks? Oh, oh real
[09:26:53] quick folks just as a
[09:26:55] heads up I will not be
[09:26:57] and it kind of sucks in this episode but the way it did too I will not be... It kind of sucks that this episode went the way it did, too.
[09:26:59] I will not be here next episode.
[09:27:02] We will have a special guest on, though.
[09:27:04] It'll be a fun time.
[09:27:06] Give them the same love that you give me.
[09:27:07] Don't give them any of the ribbing you give me.'t give them any of the the ribbing you give me yeah with that please stay tuned kiara
[09:27:15] take it away when you come back from the break buddy that's right.. uh. so. do so so. so so so so um. so so so so Thanks for watching!. Welcome back from the break everybody and welcome to Game Masters.
[09:31:51] I'm your host Kiara underscore TV,
[09:31:53] And we're going to have a wonderful Kaizo showcase today with four awesome runners.
[09:31:57] Before we get into that, I want to remind you to join us Kaizo showcased today with four awesome runners.
[09:31:58] Before we get into that, I want to remind you
[09:32:00] to join the official GDQ Discord and add the Hotfix role
[09:32:03] where you can keep tabs on upcoming events
[09:32:05] talk with staff and showrunners like me
[09:32:08] and more. Use
[09:32:09] xmichpoint discord in Twitch chat for more info
[09:32:11] And if you missed out on any of
[09:32:13] our shows or events, be sure to check
[09:32:15] out the VODs on
[09:32:17] slash games donequick.
[09:32:20] I am joined here by four awesome Kaizo runners Shojo, Shubda, YouFailMe and Glitchcat7
[09:32:28] who all participated in the most recent Kaizo
[09:32:30] relay race at SGDQ
[09:32:32] 2024. If you missed it,
[09:32:34] Avad's awesome. It's an awesome race full of
[09:32:36] incredible levels. We're going to be going back
[09:32:38] into the SGDQ 2024 levels. levels we're gonna be doing an individual race this time
[09:32:44] and doing a deep dive on what it took to make these levels come together
[09:32:48] so shoujo welcome to the show. How are you doing?
[09:32:52] Doing alright, thank you. Awesome! You got shoved a hello
[09:32:56] Hello. And you fail me
[09:33:00] Hello thanks for having me. And join
[09:33:03] me on comms for the first part. It's
[09:33:04] the one and only GlitchCat7.
[09:33:07] Hello, hello. What up? Awesome.
[09:33:09] So we are going to be giving
[09:33:10] our runners eight minutes for these levels.
[09:33:14] Whoever wins, you know...
[09:33:15] We're not keeping track of points or anything, we know it's a friendly race from everybody
[09:33:21] but Glitch Cat is gonna give us some insights into all of these levels.
[09:33:25] Maybe you missed the SGDQ show? Some of these levels are wild! I don't know how they came
[09:33:30] together. It's just pure think what the Kaizen community can
[09:33:34] do because every single
[09:33:36] one of these levels that you're going to see today
[09:33:38] is like a collaboration between
[09:33:40] so many different people. Because not only
[09:33:42] designing the levels, but coming up with all these mechanics
[09:33:45] and then making them actually work
[09:33:47] within Super Mario World is no easy task.
[09:33:50] And big shout-outs to
[09:33:52] all of the Kaizo creators
[09:33:54] for giving us so much fun stuff to play.
[09:33:58] And it's just like an endless, seemingly endless amounts of levels.
[09:34:02] But everybody are you ready to starts with track one
[09:34:07] yes let's do it awesome okay so we're gonna go ahead and start
[09:34:11] in three two one go we have eight minutes best! So Glitch Cat what do we got here?
[09:34:19] Well this is a level from Light Aligns and Sela
[09:34:23] and uh this has a really really interesting mechanic right off the bat
[09:34:26] um you got the meter that's counting now, green it goes
[09:34:29] to yellow, it goes to red... That is the timer when that meter expires the players will switch sides
[09:34:35] like teleport over to the side and And so they're doing things on
[09:34:39] one side that affect the other side and then they need
[09:34:41] to move really quickly to get where they
[09:34:42] need to be. This was I think a really good
[09:34:44] one to start off with because it's kind of like
[09:34:46] it's honestly maybe one of the most straightforward levels
[09:34:49] that we're racing.
[09:34:50] That's for sure.
[09:34:54] I guess something to note here,
[09:34:55] the meter, you know,
[09:34:57] it might look kind of slow
[09:34:58] but this is actually really quick.
[09:34:59] You really have to optimize your movements with the meter
[09:35:03] to get everything done in time and also add
[09:35:06] to that you're sort of mirrored based on where you are so if
[09:35:09] you're not jumping or aligned properly,
[09:35:10] you can just teleport into the wall and Mario does not like to be in walls.
[09:35:16] So Shubda are first to enter
[09:35:19] the checkpoints but, but Shubda
[09:35:21] and you fail me right behind them.
[09:35:24] I want to ask Shubda, how did
[09:35:25] you feel like as this as the opener
[09:35:27] level for GBQ? How do
[09:35:29] you feel about it? Like, was just like...
[09:35:31] Did it come as a surprise
[09:35:32] like oh this is
[09:35:33] a really neat mechanic
[09:35:34] I haven't had to worry
[09:35:35] about yet.
[09:35:36] Um,
[09:35:37] I actually called
[09:35:38] in the practice room
[09:35:39] that if we had
[09:35:40] a light well
[09:35:41] we knew we would have a light alignment in the yellow level.
[09:35:42] But when we did,
[09:35:43] it would be
[09:35:43] at vertical level.
[09:35:45] So this was not
[09:35:48] a surprise to me.
[09:35:49] The back and forth
[09:35:49] was a little bit.
[09:35:51] But it was not as much of a surprise
[09:35:53] as it could have been awesome well you failed me that was
[09:35:57] awesome making it to the second pipe and gg
[09:36:01] that was in under two minutes.
[09:36:03] Holy crap.
[09:36:05] That was really,
[09:36:06] really good.
[09:36:07] But you know,
[09:36:08] we have a couple of minutes to let the other runs go and you failed me.
[09:36:12] How do you?
[09:36:13] Well,
[09:36:15] first of all, Gigi that was awesome. Thank you. I remember
[09:36:19] the second half very well because I literally failed that ending
[09:36:23] And then The Beast got it the next attempt
[09:36:25] so that one's you know that one's lived a little bit rent-free
[09:36:28] so glad i didn't fail that ending this time
[09:36:32] very good very good yeah that was a very impressive performance.
[09:36:37] So we're not doing this with no information obviously.
[09:36:42] We have honestly today two representatives from each team, which is awesome.
[09:36:46] So didn't really plan it out that way.
[09:36:49] It's kind of just like how it works.
[09:36:51] But GG shoved up our second finisher.
[09:36:56] Something to note about this level bit is kind of obvious if you think about it, but
[09:37:00] it might not be...
[09:37:01] This is actually an auto-scroller too.
[09:37:03] The level is moving up on its own so um you know that puts an extra time pressure on this the
[09:37:09] sailor and lighter lines are really known for these kind of really kind of far out beautiful
[09:37:14] gimmicks that are like easily digestible like once you understand what you're doing,
[09:37:18] oh it's not that bad but working
[09:37:21] through it can be kind of a challenge.
[09:37:22] This was tricky on stage to
[09:37:24] figure out exactly where you needed
[09:37:26] to be when the meter would expire.
[09:37:29] Sometimes, you'd be a little bit off position and
[09:37:31] I know that I'm aiming for the red blocks
[09:37:33] or ice blocks or whatever but you'd be slightly
[09:37:35] off-position and wouldn't make it.
[09:37:39] One thing that I didn't wouldn't make it. Go ahead.
[09:37:40] One thing that I didn't notice until
[09:37:42] watching, I think a few people play
[09:37:44] this after the fact is
[09:37:45] there's kind of some decorations spread
[09:37:48] out through the level. The little kind of pink...
[09:37:51] They're not quite vines, I guess chains?
[09:37:53] Those are supposed to serve as a
[09:37:55] bit of guidance from where you
[09:37:57] want to be during your teleport.
[09:37:59] It was very... it was so subtle that I don't think
[09:38:01] anybody noticed it during the race,
[09:38:04] but I thought that was a cool little thing
[09:38:05] that they added.
[09:38:06] Yeah, and Emily GGs.
[09:38:08] So everybody finish in under half time
[09:38:10] I allotted for you.
[09:38:11] It turns out y'all are pretty good at Kaizo!
[09:38:16] The last thing that I want to mention,
[09:38:18] that I really appreciate in that level
[09:38:21] is like the auto scroller itself,
[09:38:22] like the actual speed of the vertical screen
[09:38:25] is like pretty slow.
[09:38:27] But it gives you so much left and right movement
[09:38:30] to fit in where it just still feels like even though visually, externally
[09:38:34] it's going slow. There is so much to do but it still feels really fast having
[09:38:37] accomplished so much stuff and changing your momentum that direction
[09:38:41] so many times to be able to clear it. So awesome work y'all! Are you
[09:38:46] ready for track two? Yep, excellent! So this one is by Fire150. Let's get going in 3...2...1...
[09:38:59] I've always said that in Super Mario World it can be a hard sell to do what I would call a limiting gimmick
[09:39:05] or a gimmick in the level where some of
[09:39:07] your base powers are removed.
[09:39:10] Fire sells it on this one.
[09:39:11] The gimmick here going on is that
[09:39:13] you can only jump while the P-Switch
[09:39:16] is active. And also, the P-Switch
[09:39:18] making those coins appear and certain things
[09:39:20] so you have to kind of figure out how
[09:39:22] to get a lift
[09:39:24] either falling in the air or bouncing off an object
[09:39:26] if the P-Switch has already timed out.
[09:39:29] How does that even work?
[09:39:31] What do you do
[09:39:33] with ASM to make it so you can't
[09:39:35] be a game mechanic?
[09:39:41] I am not a coder myself uh so magic uh i never know honestly sometimes when it comes to like mario world stuff if i'm asking d4 or
[09:39:44] someone like i have no idea what the scope of what i'm asking for is it's
[09:39:48] like am I asking to open a window or install a swimming pool metaphorically
[09:39:55] i want to take note too if that trick sho Shubda just got it, Phil just got it
[09:39:59] At the end there they have to... The P-Switch has expired
[09:40:03] and um, they've got the shell underneath them
[09:40:05] And then they're throwing the P-Switch up
[09:40:07] and it goes through Mario
[09:40:08] And when it gets to Mario's feet,
[09:40:10] It touches Mario's feet so it activates.
[09:40:12] Actually as far as I know,
[09:40:13] I invented that trick!
[09:40:14] Long time ago.
[09:40:15] Congratulations!
[09:40:17] You're famous!
[09:40:22] Wow... You're famous. So I guess mechanics for the second half,
[09:40:24] um...the big thing is this Yoshi elevator.
[09:40:28] Yoshi behaves this way when
[09:40:30] Yoshi is stuck in a wall he will
[09:40:32] clip upward like that until he
[09:40:34] is not stuck in the wall anymore
[09:40:36] so right at the end there with
[09:40:37] that big kind of block uh
[09:40:39] coins they want to get yoshi into the
[09:40:41] coins and those coins are not solid then the p-switch expires
[09:40:44] and then once their solid blocks yoshi is going to teleport up but
[09:40:47] they have to time their jump so that they're in the air when the
[09:40:50] piece which expires and time
[09:40:52] that to land on yoshi when he's up there um
[09:40:54] that is not easy to do and that was especially difficult to do
[09:40:57] on stage you have to kind of hear the sound of
[09:41:00] the piece which running out.
[09:41:02] It makes a little chirp sound.
[09:41:05] Yes, this is kinda like a question for everybody.
[09:41:10] So obviously we're playing. We're online.
[09:41:13] We are all in our own stream rooms and going through everything.
[09:41:17] What's the difference like? Playing in a crowded room
[09:41:21] you got whole bunch of people cheering on and how does
[09:41:25] that affect your game I guess? Does it make things harder for you?
[09:41:31] Does the energy translate to you and just feel like you can do anything?
[09:41:36] How does that work for you?
[09:41:40] It gives me a lot of stress. Actually, my hands were shaking extremely badly for the first three levels during the actual event.
[09:41:50] My hands were shaking really badly for the first three levels of
[09:41:56] the of the actual of the actual race um
[09:42:01] which wasn't great it's not that's make these play. It just gives me a lot of stress.
[09:42:07] Yeah, I'm the same way.
[09:42:08] I get like a lot of
[09:42:10] tournament nerves where it's like, okay
[09:42:12] I'm on the clock. I have to do this
[09:42:15] or something huge is on the line, yeah
[09:42:17] my hands shake if you fail these
[09:42:19] GG's
[09:42:23] Congratulations
[09:42:27] That final room is very very silly because
[09:42:30] You can't jump and you have to get to the slope in time
[09:42:33] To slide
[09:42:34] To kill the buzzy beetle at the end
[09:42:37] And of course,
[09:42:38] but Fire was very generous
[09:42:39] and gave the player a checkpoint.
[09:42:41] Yeah.
[09:42:43] Funny ending.
[09:42:45] If there wasn't
[09:42:46] a checkpoint there
[09:42:47] that would kind of shake things up a little bit because you have to go all the way back around.
[09:42:50] I was going to say, to speak to the stage experience, I'll be real,
[09:42:53] I could barely hear anything with the crowd between the crowd,
[09:42:57] the donations being called out
[09:42:59] the commentary didn't catch that the only way that i knew
[09:43:02] i could hear my teammates and the only way i knew something happened was when
[09:43:04] the crowd roared like okay cool something
[09:43:07] something cool has happened but um yeah couldn't hear anything at all really.
[09:43:12] It was a surreal experience for sure and I'm right with Glitch it
[09:43:18] was...I think I didn't hear the crowd at all.
[09:43:20] I don't know if I just mentally tuned them out every once in a while
[09:43:23] and heard something that BD would say.
[09:43:27] Yeah, definitely being on the stage is a lot harder
[09:43:29] because those really small, like kind of careless
[09:43:32] deaths really penalize you a
[09:43:34] lot. Luckily with the
[09:43:35] three-person format it was
[09:43:37] a lot more forgiving but yeah
[09:43:39] you just die two or three quick times and then you rotate
[09:43:43] And you're like well I'll get another attempt in about 2 minutes
[09:43:47] It's not much room for error which really puts you out of your comfort zone
[09:43:55] Yeah you know really puts you out of your comfort zone i think yeah
[09:44:01] all right so so speaking of you know tournament nerves and race against the clocks all eyes are on you now shepka yeah no this
[09:44:06] is uh this is harder than it was on stage because i don't have a shojo to rely on The P-Switch trick with the Yoshi is not something I expected to show up in this at all.
[09:44:25] I thought that would be considered too hard.
[09:44:29] Yeah, spitting that P-Switch out under your feet.
[09:44:33] I think one of the coolest things about Kaizo is,
[09:44:36] me and Glitch were talking about it early on where
[09:44:40] Mario World's a game full of cracks.
[09:44:42] And you know, Glitch Pay You So Wisely said
[09:44:44] it lets the light in for all this creativity that can happen.
[09:44:48] But taking something that's like a glitch in the base game
[09:44:51] and then utilizing it to create platform mechanics is so awesome.
[09:44:57] That's, like my favorite obviously
[09:44:59] is Yoshi getting stuck in a wall
[09:45:02] and using as an Yoshivator which is...
[09:45:05] It makes me laugh every single time I see it it's one of my favorite mechanics i've seen used
[09:45:09] so super super happy to uh see it there let's cat what do we got for the next level you can
[09:45:15] go ahead and count this one in for our members.
[09:45:19] We've got some shells,
[09:45:24] and Shao-Shao is a very talented maker of shells.
[09:45:27] Obviously when a shell is moving Mario can bounce on it
[09:45:29] and when the shell isn't moving he can't.
[09:45:31] He kicks it and gets it active so the main trick here is the Shell Jump which is
[09:45:33] very common kind of thing now in Kaizo. It used to
[09:45:35] seem impossible but now
[09:45:37] it's pretty commonplace and Shao shao has created a level uh around some shell mechanics
[09:45:42] with an interesting twist that we're about to learn about so if you all are ready i can do
[09:45:46] the countdown three two one go good luck have fun everybody who's gonna defrost Three, two, one, go.
[09:45:49] Good luck.
[09:45:50] Have fun, everybody.
[09:45:51] Who's going to dethrone you?
[09:45:52] Fail me.
[09:45:53] Starting to get some villain energy, everybody.
[09:45:55] I don't know if Shao Shao is watching the show.
[09:45:58] I have committed to getting the moon at the end of the level.
[09:46:03] Which is
[09:46:03] pretty tough, but yeah.
[09:46:07] So Chal, if you're out there,
[09:46:09] I'm going to try and get the moon for you.
[09:46:12] And you have to do a midair to get the moon right?
[09:46:14] Yeah. Oh my gosh.
[09:46:16] Oh nice we're going to see a midair!
[09:46:18] So in this level...
[09:46:20] Well two things. In this level, coins...
[09:46:23] You can't actually grab the shells, normally you can pick them up but when
[09:46:27] touch a coin, a shell will appear in Mario's hand so in addition to
[09:46:31] gauging the angle that the shells are rebounding
[09:46:33] off the wall, bouncing off the shells and things
[09:46:35] you have to aim yourself so that you're
[09:46:37] touching coins in the air
[09:46:39] And then okay, Shabda going for the midair
[09:46:41] I can explain that. So a-air is a trick that was originally
[09:46:44] developed by the vanilla speed runners actually to skip a little bit in yoshi's island three um
[09:46:50] what's going on is you are abusing you're basically throwing the shell underneath
[09:46:55] Mario's feet. When Mario
[09:46:57] is holding the shell and turns left
[09:46:58] or right, right? You're holding the shell left,
[09:47:00] you're holding the shell right. But in between
[09:47:02] that there is a brief moment where Mario is basically holding the shell facing toward the camera.
[09:47:08] And if you throw the shell in that moment with a tight frame window,
[09:47:12] you throw the shell at an angle that it winds up underneath Mario's
[09:47:16] feet, and in so doing you can bounce
[09:47:18] off of the shell completely in midair.
[09:47:20] Hence the term midair. Fun fact
[09:47:22] too, it used to be called a shell jump
[09:47:24] but shell jump has become a colloquialism
[09:47:26] for the rebounding off the walls
[09:47:28] and midair is now the term for
[09:47:30] doing that. They were also available
[09:47:32] in Mario Maker. We have seen them at GDQs
[09:47:35] before in Mario Maker but I don't know if we've seen a midair on the GDQ stage.
[09:47:39] You definitely have during Reset Phase Small Only.
[09:47:43] Yes, that was. That's correct.
[09:47:45] Yeah, I think that was the first time someone has gotten a
[09:47:48] midair on gdq stage she did say uh double meter actually she sure did
[09:47:54] you know i want to there are a couple of variants. and becomes the indicator. It's a small thing, but it makes me so happy.
[09:48:12] And GG is.
[09:48:16] That time counts it,
[09:48:17] but we're going to have to penalize you five seconds for starting at the checkpoint.
[09:48:22] I don't know what happened!
[09:48:24] But...
[09:48:25] I guess I've played this before and I just didn't beat it.
[09:48:30] I think
[09:48:31] you're good,
[09:48:32] even with that penalty.
[09:48:35] GG.
[09:48:36] I didn't go for the midair though.
[09:48:39] Now that we know about mid-airs...
[09:48:41] If either Shavda or you
[09:48:43] fail me can get this mid-air.
[09:48:45] We've got just about three minutes
[09:48:47] into the levels and we have about five minutes
[09:48:49] left for this one. We're doing pretty good on time i think
[09:48:52] all right
[09:49:00] if you do that you don't actually have to do anything in this room
[09:49:03] Because the switch state hasn't changed
[09:49:04] Wow, GG as you fail
[09:49:07] That was awesome
[09:49:08] Add to the highlights
[09:49:11] Awesome
[09:49:12] It's a it's a p-speed you may be able
[09:49:15] to make it with no piece people that's not a huge distance
[09:49:19] yeah i was going to note that about midairs that there are a lot of
[09:49:22] variations of the midair because you're basically just abusing note that about midairs, there are a lot of variations
[09:49:23] of the midair because you're basically just abusing like I said that property
[09:49:26] where Mario is holding the shell toward the camera.
[09:49:29] The most common version is with p-speed because mario needs to be
[09:49:32] moving a little bit faster to catch up with the shell.
[09:49:35] There are faster types of speed
[09:49:37] in Mario World if you're shot out of
[09:49:39] a cannon or if you are
[09:49:40] sliding on your butt down a slope
[09:49:43] you can also do that with Emitter. But the no-P
[09:49:45] speed variation is not only harder but a little more luck dependent because
[09:49:49] you're depending on some subpixels.
[09:49:53] Shoutouts to TJB as well they have a very very awesome
[09:49:57] uh kaizo that gives you a lot of help for learning that airs it literally just gives
[09:50:03] you feedback on what you're doing wrong like for each input
[09:50:07] so if you're if you're holding left for
[09:50:09] too long or if you're holding Y for
[09:50:10] too long it gets you that feedback
[09:50:12] that's where I learned how to do midairs
[09:50:14] and shoutouts TJB data I know they also had a really big play in the
[09:50:19] 2022 relay just helping everything come together kind of at the last minute so
[09:50:23] great member of the community and yeah there's a lot of good things.
[09:50:30] Yeah to that point too
[09:50:32] you know because we know TJB they're just absolutely an incredible player
[09:50:36] this kind of thing used to be like sort of impossible right you
[09:50:40] know we're seeing people kind of casually pull off mid-airs uh right here just kind of just pulling
[09:50:45] them out of their pocket but that used to be like
[09:50:48] five ten six seven years ago like that used to be an impossible sort of trick
[09:50:52] that only you would get you know one in 50 or
[09:50:55] something and people spent a lot of time learning that and improving their technique did anybody hit this during the relay
[09:51:01] by the way there is a kaizo block here i heard about it afterwards and i had no idea
[09:51:09] that's really funny gg I had no idea. Yep.
[09:51:12] That's really funny. GG's again, so far
[09:51:14] everybody's doing great.
[09:51:16] We finished that in under six minutes,
[09:51:18] with a midair by but you failed me so...
[09:51:21] Plus ten points for the midair. We're not keeping track of score
[09:51:25] But you get ten points for that
[09:51:29] Alright! So level four. This one I think got quite the reaction out of the crowd and I
[09:51:37] think the runners on this one. Shubda, I know you know a lot about what happens here.
[09:51:44] And before we actually see what's happening in this
[09:51:47] I'd love for you to like talk
[09:51:48] about what went into making this work?
[09:51:53] You said I know anything. Oh, wait, okay.
[09:51:55] Alright, so...
[09:51:57] I don't know what
[09:51:59] that one is doing.
[09:52:01] I'll say my bad. My mistake. I'll say what my bad. My mistake.
[09:52:04] I'll say what I know because I was talking to D4
[09:52:08] who basically made a... in ASM and Assembly
[09:52:12] A video decoder for the Super Nintendo to play a video file. And that's
[09:52:20] the level, that's how it handles everything. It looks up all of the, you know, collision
[09:52:25] and hits based off of I think it's like a color lookup.
[09:52:30] Like pixel lookup of where you're at so
[09:52:34] It's absolutely ridiculous.
[09:52:36] Everybody correct me if I'm wrong.
[09:52:37] If I,
[09:52:37] if I messed that up,
[09:52:38] I'm going off of a conversation I had with them.
[09:52:41] But I,
[09:52:43] I just don't know how this is working on a super pit note.
[09:52:46] It's so impressive, and I won't say any more unless someone else has something to add
[09:52:51] So we can go ahead and get this one going in 3...2 reason why this is letterboxd is because the SNES has a
[09:53:04] routine where it draws on the screen
[09:53:07] and that can get overloaded
[09:53:08] if you are doing too much processing
[09:53:10] while, you know, you're drawing to the screen.
[09:53:13] So basically the entire screen is blanking
[09:53:15] on the top and the bottom
[09:53:17] so the level itself has to be in letterboxd
[09:53:25] it's just a spectacle to watch
[09:53:29] shout outs to the Bloody Tears remix, apparently that was kind of an accident
[09:53:34] I'm told that Wolsk selected that without knowing that
[09:53:37] Bloody Tears is a meme in the
[09:53:39] kaizo community and uh they were just like oh that's perfect we have to use
[09:53:42] that
[09:53:45] but this is i mean this is just such an achievement and i love my favorite
[09:53:48] honestly one of my favorite moments from the
[09:53:50] whole relay was when the sgdq came on the screen and the crowd roared there's something about that
[09:53:54] that just looks like so special oh my gosh yeah so this is the level you can't fail.
[09:54:03] You'll go through it's an auto scroller oh no!
[09:54:07] An oh-no anime. This was a mistake after all i can't believe this
[09:54:13] but yeah show the hit count here we'll see who can uh get through below the pits
[09:54:20] you notice a lot of little uh little references and shout outs to fan games and other things.
[09:54:25] Actually watch for TASBOT, they're coming up. The Mario there doing the backwards long jump
[09:54:30] It's the bad apple references and the Franker Z.
[09:54:33] I think they're showing up
[09:54:34] here pretty soon.
[09:54:38] Yeah, this is...
[09:54:41] I don't know what he had to summon, like what deal she had to make to get this to work.
[09:54:49] But we're ever thankful for this.
[09:54:52] Dita the Fourth is one of the most brilliant minds in Kaizo right now, and she has just made...
[09:54:58] In addition to this, I mean, she was part of the 2022 relay.
[09:55:01] She made a whole editor for a different game.
[09:55:03] She's just given us so much and
[09:55:06] she's just such an absolutely wonderful person yeah i'm
[09:55:09] chast with dan savaz as well
[09:55:14] and dan was there
[09:55:16] but you know that down was integral no yeah he's amazing
[09:55:23] i'm surprised they're not melons though you know instead of little things all melons
[09:55:33] Apparently it was panga who suggested that 69 be one of the answers for the relay.
[09:55:39] Or how many exits are in Mario World.
[09:55:41] That sounds like Panga, yeah.
[09:55:45] I do want to bring attention to shojo here still at two hits absolutely incredible There was TAS Bar.
[09:56:02] Yeah, there's Doomguy I saw, you know, Frankerzee in there.
[09:56:05] Any Frankerses you shot?
[09:56:07] I haven't asked chat to post emos yet, so...
[09:56:11] I want some dogs.
[09:56:12] Give the little one some dogs.
[09:56:15] Back in high school my router password was
[09:56:17] dogface no space with underscores That's how much I love Franker Z.
[09:56:24] Franker Z, Franker Z, Franker Z.
[09:56:27] Yeah we got some info from chat as well that it's based off of the color value
[09:56:32] of a pixel, what counts as a hit.
[09:56:35] What counts as stuff you can jump on and what actually.
[09:56:42] It's just for visual effects, but yeah.
[09:56:46] Shoujo Thousand Crow I think I saw three hits total
[09:56:49] for that.
[09:56:51] GG.
[09:56:54] Which is ridiculous.
[09:56:56] It's a bullet hell game in Mario, and
[09:56:58] that's just awesome to see.
[09:56:59] I wanted to say
[09:57:01] people at this point are maybe... But again, shout out to them. I wanted to say like...
[09:57:03] I think people at this point are maybe
[09:57:05] desensitized to seeing incredible things
[09:57:07] in Mario World but just
[09:57:09] underscore that is one of the most impressive
[09:57:11] achievements we've seen in Mario World modification. That is just
[09:57:15] unbelievable what had to happen to create that.
[09:57:19] If you'd like a fun fact, that is the only Mario World game
[09:57:24] That requires an SD card at high speed
[09:57:29] Otherwise the level flickers
[09:57:31] Yeah mine flickered a little bit
[09:57:33] It's still very much playable but i did notice that and
[09:57:36] i was like should i go buy a new sd card i think i'll be okay
[09:57:43] i like it boggles my mind.
[09:57:46] It's like if nobody has coded an ASM, you know just go Google
[09:57:50] ASM. It's just like a whole bunch of series of low level computer
[09:57:54] instructions with three
[09:57:56] alpha numeric codes
[09:57:58] that signify an instruction
[09:58:00] and then a whole bunch of random crap after it.
[09:58:02] Even reading through it
[09:58:04] with notes and explanation of how each line works i still don't get it
[09:58:09] and then you can go and make something like pretty much everything you're seeing today
[09:58:14] has like some sort of custom assembly coding
[09:58:17] that went into it to make it possible.
[09:58:20] Anyway,
[09:58:22] Glitch Cat,
[09:58:23] we got track five coming up.
[09:58:26] Tell me about it. what we got here.
[09:58:29] This one
[09:58:30] is brainy.
[09:58:31] The setups can be a little cryptic and I think
[09:58:34] this one in particular really
[09:58:36] encouraged team communication.
[09:58:38] I know, you know all of us on the Goombas and across the hall
[09:58:41] and the Fuzzies we're all just kind of discussing it talking about it
[09:58:44] this uses a couple of obscure kind of properties
[09:58:47] in Mario World that I can explain along the way when we get there.
[09:58:50] But this was by Blagon who has made some other really brainy stuff.
[09:58:54] And you know, Shoujo, you won that once how about we have you count us then?
[09:59:01] Oh okay. you won that once how about we have you count us then it was a three two one go oh okay um
[09:59:13] three two one go don't worry i know how to count i learned thank you for that so the gimmick in this level is that mario will become big mario when in the air and big mario can spin jump to destroy those yellow turn blocks and also can take damage
[09:59:24] on the munchers that gives him eye frames right and so you can run through a dangerous
[09:59:28] surface that you otherwise would die on.
[09:59:31] Big Mario is also two tiles high instead of the one tile for
[09:59:34] Small Mario, and that means in some of these situations
[09:59:37] the racers are going to have to crouch to get underneath
[09:59:40] gaps. You see kind of Fail down there crouching,
[09:59:43] and that was a thing, and it happened to me during
[09:59:45] the race as well. It's just sort
[09:59:47] of a thing. If you take damage right when one
[09:59:49] of those kicking Koopas is on the very
[09:59:51] edge of a ledge like that, they have a chance
[09:59:53] to just fall off into the lava
[09:59:55] and then you have no more kicking Koopa.
[09:59:58] Yeah, a bit of a frame
[09:59:59] failure there.
[10:00:01] I didn't know that was framed perfect yeah people have used
[10:00:04] that in sort of trick uh games with glitches and things that um you have to
[10:00:10] do that on purpose but to point out too,
[10:00:15] so Sojo was working on that obstacle earlier. They want to
[10:00:17] take damage on the Rex.
[10:00:19] There's that Rex that's walking around and they wanna
[10:00:20] jump so they're big and then
[10:00:22] they take damage on the Rex and now they're small but when they take damage on the wrecks And now they are small
[10:00:25] But when they do take damage it turns the wrecks around
[10:00:27] Because otherwise its going to walk off into
[10:00:29] The lava, and they want it to be walking
[10:00:31] To the right so that they can get a jump up there
[10:00:33] And uh...the other thing to out, Shavda already making it
[10:00:37] to this checkpoint, these turn blocks
[10:00:39] these yellow turnblocks that you see
[10:00:41] They rotate for a set period of time and then they stop rotating
[10:00:45] So by taking damage and running into that
[10:00:47] horizontal passageway with the shell what they want to do is make four turn blocks rotate
[10:00:54] there can only be four turn blocks rotating at a time so by rotating the first one to get in
[10:00:59] and then hitting the other ones and hitting that final one it stops the block on the left from
[10:01:03] rotating and that rebounds the shell so they can take damage on the vine.
[10:01:07] That is a pretty obscure property of Super Mario World,
[10:01:10] but it's being used to pretty cool effect here
[10:01:13] And it makes them have to operate on the timer that is their iFrames
[10:01:16] Nice job Sojo! Also Shajo also shout outs to blackon for
[10:01:20] putting this beautiful face in the ground here underneath the turn block setup
[10:01:27] probably didn't get noticed by many, but...
[10:01:30] Some beautiful faces in the walls.
[10:01:35] The aesthetics here are really on point and i also love the uh transparent pink lava it's very pretty
[10:01:43] gg is shrubbed up
[10:01:53] this one was really hard to do on stage. Yeah, for me personally I thought this was the hardest level because
[10:01:59] The first setups in both sections were really tough.
[10:02:02] So it was very hard to build a lot of consistency
[10:02:05] in both sections.
[10:02:07] It almost felt like, you know,
[10:02:08] I was kind of lucky to get the opening trick
[10:02:10] one out of three times and then so by the time i got
[10:02:13] it is usually time to switch off to the next person yeah this was definitely
[10:02:17] i agree this was one of the tougher ones. Very good, um now
[10:02:26] okay I'm seeing that we have a you know flag on in the chat so thank thank you for making that, that was awesome!
[10:02:35] And this is a special track, Track 6 from
[10:02:41] Margo and Maddie at 69X0420.
[10:02:45] Absolutely incredible.
[10:02:47] Love them.
[10:02:51] Shoujo, what can you tell me
[10:02:52] about this level?
[10:02:54] Well... So, Shojo, what can you tell me about this level?
[10:02:56] Well...
[10:02:59] This is the level in the race that I said I had an advantage on because
[10:03:01] I was practicing speedrunning a Maddie game
[10:03:03] for like a couple months beforehand.
[10:03:05] It is absolutely what you'd expect
[10:03:07] from Margo and Maddy.
[10:03:08] It is very ASM heavy
[10:03:11] and it is
[10:03:13] definitely on brand for them.go um margot maddie worked really
[10:03:17] really well together um
[10:03:20] it's just a really good level that involves a shell you control it by
[10:03:24] pressing l or r on your controller to make it move left or right.
[10:03:29] And they make some really cool tricks with it.
[10:03:32] I can't wait to see it, so go ahead and start in 3, 2,
[10:03:37] 1, go!
[10:03:39] Good luck.
[10:03:41] Maddie is a very awesome individual.
[10:03:44] I started at a checkpoint again.
[10:03:45] This sucks.
[10:03:47] Stop cheating! Oh my gosh...
[10:03:50] I don't remember playing up to this point!
[10:03:54] It's like, get her off the stage!
[10:04:01] I have cheated.
[10:04:04] Alright so here is what we will have you do
[10:04:07] You can go to the end, and then your goal...
[10:04:10] you will end going back in and hitting a checkpoint.
[10:04:13] How about it?
[10:04:14] Oh sure.
[10:04:16] Yeah yeah just like a okay sure
[10:04:18] Just do it in reverse. Reverse checkpoint order Yeah, yeah. It's just like a... Okay sure.
[10:04:19] You're just doing it in reverse.
[10:04:20] Reverse checkpoint order.
[10:04:21] Yeah.
[10:04:23] This ain't OOT!
[10:04:29] So I guess to speak to the gimmick of this level a little bit, it's the distinction between active and inactive shells.
[10:04:38] Just kind of a shorthand of my own inactive shells are stationary
[10:04:42] they're not doing that little spinning animation
[10:04:43] active shells are moving you can only
[10:04:45] bounce on an active shell but in this
[10:04:47] case instead of having to actually
[10:04:49] hold and kick the shell, Maddie and
[10:04:52] Margo have so graciously allowed us
[10:04:54] to press L or R
[10:04:56] to kick the shell at a distance
[10:04:58] and start it moving and make it active.
[10:05:00] So that's kind of what is going on here, they're using
[10:05:02] the kicking the shell to bounce on it
[10:05:04] and then in Shavda's room
[10:05:06] keep
[10:05:07] kicking the shell to the right
[10:05:10] so that it does not hit the on-off block
[10:05:13] and send them into the abyss.
[10:05:15] Shoutouts to this Kaizo block
[10:05:17] that the beast dodged
[10:05:19] first try, and everyone
[10:05:21] on my team I think hit twice each.
[10:05:24] Shoutouts to Fab for being a gamer.
[10:05:32] You're also seeing these
[10:05:35] on-off switches that swap the state of
[10:05:37] the blue and pink blocks.
[10:05:39] The on-off blocks
[10:05:40] have to be hit by something, so Mario's
[10:05:43] head or a shell, But then there are also
[10:05:45] on-off coins
[10:05:46] and they can just be touched by an enemy
[10:05:49] or by Mario. They don't actually have to be hit
[10:05:51] like a block would. And they're
[10:05:53] using both of those in conjunction to
[10:05:56] create some interesting situations.
[10:05:59] Yeah, it seems like a lot to just wrap your head around
[10:06:02] Anytime the L or R buttons are involved
[10:06:05] you can really use L on R buttons are involved, like toggling on-off.
[10:06:07] You can really use L and R off as a toggle for practically anything it seems like.
[10:06:12] But anytime it gets involved...
[10:06:15] This is really a three button game at its core you know you got spin, you gotta jump,
[10:06:19] you got run and adding in additional things to do on top of those really just like punishes your brain.
[10:06:30] I was in the practice room before the relay, and the day of
[10:06:33] I took apart and cleaned my controller
[10:06:35] And when I saw this level, the first thing I thought was
[10:06:37] I'm REALLY glad I cleaned my L&R plans!
[10:06:40] Just in case I need to use them.
[10:06:42] Alright G1 for Shojo
[10:06:44] G number one
[10:06:46] Doesn't count
[10:06:47] It doesn't count? I gotta get back to the checkpoint.
[10:06:48] Gotta go to the checkpoint, but you failed me!
[10:06:51] What's going on right here at the start with... or at the end here?
[10:06:55] With the techs coming up?
[10:06:57] Yeah, so you have to get a
[10:07:00] life which I guess
[10:07:02] you don't know until you hit the hint
[10:07:03] but yeah, if you
[10:07:05] I don't know who would get here and think to do that
[10:07:08] intuitively but after you see that,
[10:07:10] it should trigger your brain
[10:07:12] that you need to get a bounce combo
[10:07:13] with the shell,
[10:07:14] meaning you just need
[10:07:15] to bounce on it.
[10:07:16] I think it's eight times
[10:07:18] rack up enough points where you get a one-up and then the state will change
[10:07:24] and allow you to pass that's so cool that's the only time in the level when
[10:07:30] that is the thing that swaps the state.
[10:07:32] Every other time we're hitting the coins or blocks to change the state of
[10:07:36] the block. Also, that hint is just super funny.
[10:07:40] I haven't played any of uh baddie's
[10:07:43] um games but every single one i've seen like
[10:07:48] i've watched shoujo play it a lot
[10:07:51] some like the
[10:07:52] Sonic themed
[10:07:53] ones.
[10:07:53] Like there's
[10:07:54] always a whole
[10:07:54] bunch of
[10:07:54] really cheeky
[10:07:56] moments in
[10:07:57] them and
[10:07:58] also a lot
[10:07:59] of wholesome
[10:07:59] moments so
[10:08:00] it definitely
[10:08:01] feels very
[10:08:02] them so to speak So it definitely feels very them.
[10:08:05] Yep, they have a ton of personality and it really shines through a lot
[10:08:09] and makes it adds to the experience a lot I think as a player.
[10:08:14] That's just me. experience a lot i think as a player
[10:08:19] that's just something i love so much about kaizo that you know like I've always kind of considered playing a level, you're having
[10:08:22] a conversation with the maker uh you know while
[10:08:25] you're playing, you're kind of reading their mind and seeing what they value
[10:08:27] about level design and what they choose to challenge you to do
[10:08:30] and um that's just i don't always something I've loved about it. That you can really see
[10:08:34] someone's personality
[10:08:35] through the kinds of things
[10:08:36] that they make
[10:08:36] and kind of get
[10:08:37] up close with that
[10:08:38] in an interesting way.
[10:08:39] Yeah,
[10:08:40] so much work
[10:08:41] since I started the show
[10:08:42] but
[10:08:43] it really is true
[10:08:44] like how much work
[10:08:45] goes into it.
[10:08:46] GG's!
[10:08:46] JoJo making two points!
[10:08:47] For real?
[10:08:49] A little bit roundabout way.
[10:08:54] But just... Like any game that has made but just like any
[10:08:57] game that is made
[10:08:59] it's not just made by one person
[10:09:02] and so you'll usually see
[10:09:03] a whole bunch of credits listed
[10:09:05] from the music that goes in and just like gives each game their own unique
[10:09:11] feel to all the custom coding involved mechanics work to all of the custom sprites
[10:09:19] and artwork that goes in.
[10:09:22] So I know
[10:09:23] Shredda you have some very elaborate
[10:09:25] overworlds that people have made
[10:09:26] and it adds so much character
[10:09:29] to any individual game
[10:09:31] and it's just awesome
[10:09:33] because you have all these
[10:09:35] people spending a lot of time
[10:09:37] making these but also
[10:09:40] just having a huge community
[10:09:42] of people wanting to play them.
[10:09:44] That's just like a magical combo
[10:09:46] where it's like okay, people want to make levels,
[10:09:47] people want to play levels and it just has evolved
[10:09:50] over so many years into this.
[10:09:52] And just so much variety
[10:09:54] and so much creativity
[10:09:56] and just so much awesome stuff.
[10:09:58] Yeah.
[10:09:59] Fun fact with that. Apparently the producers were going to hire Devazir Blue
[10:10:05] To do the overworld for this game, for the relay
[10:10:09] But he put all of his energy
[10:10:12] into the one that I hired him
[10:10:14] for that he couldn't do it anymore.
[10:10:17] Yeah.
[10:10:18] And it is
[10:10:20] an absolutely incredible world.
[10:10:23] Chendo, why don't you plug that?
[10:10:26] Plug that a bit of the game people can play that you've made.
[10:10:29] Oh yeah! It's called A Road for Emily.
[10:10:32] It's for Shoujo here.
[10:10:32] It's a nice, easy hack
[10:10:34] that everybody can play.
[10:10:37] That's a lie!
[10:10:38] I would like to say
[10:10:39] that that's not true.
[10:10:42] I don't know,
[10:10:42] the dumb shudder level was alright.
[10:10:44] Yeah it only took Shojo 5 hours? That's not that bad.
[10:10:48] One stream.
[10:10:52] That's the mark, yeah.
[10:10:55] Yeah but definitely check out SMW Central
[10:10:59] to go look at all these games that you can play
[10:11:03] and really we have two more levels in this all these games that you can play and like really, you know,
[10:11:04] we have two more levels in this.
[10:11:06] We still have a lot more show after this as well.
[10:11:08] So you're not going to go anywhere.
[10:11:10] Um,
[10:11:11] but you,
[10:11:12] you'll see a lot of very difficult stuff,
[10:11:14] um, that is part of like G key races. Um, You'll see a lot of very difficult stuff
[10:11:15] that is part of like GQ races,
[10:11:17] showcases what we're doing here.
[10:11:20] But there's a lot more to Kaizo
[10:11:22] than just ultra-difficult games. So you know, a lot of them will have like there's
[10:11:28] like a varying difficulty there's like a difficulty grading
[10:11:30] uh system on there so you can find games like of any difficulty
[10:11:35] you know things that are kind that are close to vanilla Super Mario
[10:11:38] World.
[10:11:38] And it's just new levels in that style.
[10:11:41] There's actually ground in those that is not going to kill you.
[10:11:46] So there really is options where if you enjoy Super Mario World at all,
[10:11:50] There's probably a game for you out there that I think is very worth your time.
[10:11:55] Because you don't have to go do all the ultra
[10:11:58] difficult stuff to have fun with
[10:12:00] this hobby.
[10:12:03] But yeah,
[10:12:04] Glitch Cat, we got two more levels here.
[10:12:07] Tell me about level seven.
[10:12:09] There's a lot of violence in Repose.
[10:12:13] Man this one is interesting.
[10:12:14] I had a lot of fun with this and
[10:12:17] for those that have seen the relay, I won't spoil it.
[10:12:21] But the moment that Just Cook had at the end,
[10:12:23] that only took a few seconds.
[10:12:25] But perceptually, I think for all of us,
[10:12:26] that took hours.
[10:12:29] Time slowed down and stretched out in that moment. this was made by alex and snore run pyro i hope
[10:12:33] i'm saying their name right um there's some there's some interesting things going on here
[10:12:37] and i suddenly understood as soon as i saw this why we were asked to practice a certain touhou s cac before the
[10:12:43] relay very good um let's go ahead and get started on this you have eight minutes, and three, two, one...
[10:12:52] go!
[10:12:56] Hey I'm not starting in the checkpoint this time, wow. Alright, congratulations you did it JoJo.
[10:13:00] So the gimmick here is that Congratulations, you did a good job.
[10:13:09] So the gimmick here is that these shells have decided to take vengeance against Mario
[10:13:13] and they are shooting these blue, I guess they're cluster sprites or these little blue bullets on a cycle.
[10:13:17] And shells have their own sort of pattern for shooting those bullets
[10:13:21] The green ones are shooting horizontally, the red one is shooting
[10:13:24] vertically and we'll see some other patterns later
[10:13:26] so figuring out how to
[10:13:28] use the shell for
[10:13:30] the shell jump there off the wall but timing
[10:13:32] it to avoid the shots. And then you see
[10:13:35] Sojo up there dodging on that
[10:13:37] donut platform, they can't stand
[10:13:39] because it'll fall so she wants
[10:13:41] to keep moving left and right to avoid
[10:13:43] these shots from that red shell. And we're going to see some more
[10:13:45] different types of shot patterns coming up
[10:13:47] in a little bit, but nudging... There's the blue one
[10:13:49] on fail screen.
[10:13:51] The blue one shoots horizontally and then
[10:13:53] vertically so timing when you nudge the shell into
[10:13:57] the pit to get it moving for a jump uh and then jumping on it is um trickier than it seems.
[10:14:05] That's a lot of the fun of these levels as well, is um...
[10:14:10] I see like a lot of Kaizo levels as like a puzzle where you're trying to figure
[10:14:13] out it's like okay, how am i doing this jump? What
[10:14:15] is the timing here that i gotta do
[10:14:19] there's like a lot of mechanical skill involved and
[10:14:22] shoved it that was awesome
[10:14:26] making it look easy there.
[10:14:32] One thing to note too, just a little... kind of an obscure mechanic
[10:14:36] Right at the end when they get into that checkpoint,
[10:14:38] They are Big Mario. And Big Mario's spinning will break through
[10:14:41] The yellow turn blocks but by taking damage
[10:14:44] On the one lingering bullet there as
[10:14:47] They're falling down, they break their spin jump and that's what's
[10:14:49] allowing them to not plummet.
[10:14:54] And then in the second section here
[10:14:55] with fail and
[10:14:57] shove air on, we've also got the, in addition to shells firing at you
[10:15:02] in every direction, you've got the sort of moving up-and-down platforms
[10:15:06] The munchers and things. And two, something I didn't even notice during
[10:15:09] the relay but I'd really like to shout out
[10:15:11] because they're very cool. CircleFrendo
[10:15:12] who's a really excellent coder
[10:15:14] and helper in our community. Check out the
[10:15:16] waterfalls in the background. See how smooth
[10:15:19] they're moving?
[10:15:21] Circle Frendo did that.
[10:15:22] It was really,
[10:15:23] really pretty.
[10:15:24] You just kind of remind me of like the SMB2 USA
[10:15:26] and the All-Stars version.
[10:15:28] Is that what that is
[10:15:29] back there?
[10:15:30] I think that is, yeah.
[10:15:31] Because like
[10:15:31] that was really
[10:15:31] sort of a modified
[10:15:32] version of that.
[10:15:33] It's like a couple
[10:15:33] frames for the
[10:15:34] animations.
[10:15:35] Yeah.
[10:15:36] They've got
[10:15:36] that nice kind
[10:15:37] of translucency
[10:15:38] and the really
[10:15:39] smooth waterfall
[10:15:40] animation.
[10:15:41] I didn't even notice that until someone pointed it out later,
[10:15:43] because I was so focused on not getting shot by these shells!
[10:15:47] And then in this final section too we've got the
[10:15:51] disco shell. That's the flashing colored shell that you're seeing
[10:15:54] that tracks Mario's movement
[10:15:56] and has a kind of a wedge shaped hit box,
[10:15:58] so it's a little bit harder to bounce off
[10:15:59] than a normal shell
[10:16:01] And since it tracks Mario's movement you can lead it off the edge
[10:16:05] and into the pit so it will not be a threat as they're making their way to
[10:16:08] the final pipe there. Yeah this is really close between EPLD
[10:16:11] and the instructor here.
[10:16:15] So, both in this final section.
[10:16:21] See how Fail is bouncing
[10:16:23] off the right side of that disco shell?
[10:16:25] That's because they're working with the angle.
[10:16:27] Oh geez yeah then here it is.
[10:16:32] I'm kind of amazed that the superintendent doesn't cry with all these projectiles.
[10:16:37] Because I thought, as soon as you get like four projectiles on screen it just wants to not exist anymore.
[10:16:44] It works! I'm amazed everything works
[10:16:48] maybe i'm thinking more nintendo
[10:16:53] man nice job getting in the uh getting
[10:16:55] that zone i say when when just cook got into that room
[10:16:58] the first time we all just collectively gasped and time slowed down and you know to watch it back
[10:17:04] that took only a couple of seconds but like in our perspective, at least in mine,
[10:17:08] that took forever.
[10:17:09] It was just like, Matrix!
[10:17:13] So what I've done here is I've broken it.
[10:17:23] You got the kill screen what did you do explain yourself this always happens to me oh my god let's hit the on-off switch! This always happens.
[10:17:31] So, the secret ending there...
[10:17:33] Whoa, yeah getting a really pretty
[10:17:35] screen and winning the game.
[10:17:39] You know winning the game. Alright, you know...
[10:17:40] You know, 25 points
[10:17:42] for Shojo for showcasing
[10:17:44] the kill screen of Super Mario World.
[10:17:47] He did it!
[10:17:50] It's just he was afraid of your skills, the game was like no I can't compete with her.
[10:17:54] You know what? I'm really happy that didn't happen on stage.
[10:17:58] Ya know um...
[10:18:00] I wanna give a shout out
[10:18:00] To the Super Nintendo
[10:18:01] For being willing to
[10:18:03] I mean, I guess unwilling
[10:18:05] But being a trooper
[10:18:07] And going through all the stuff that we do to it
[10:18:09] Do all this stuff.
[10:18:13] So,
[10:18:14] you know...
[10:18:16] I apologize to
[10:18:17] Shoujo's Super Nintendo
[10:18:20] on behalf of Shoujo. You did great, Super Nintendo, Monty Health JoJo.
[10:18:23] You did great, Super Nintendo! We love you.
[10:18:26] You're doing your best.
[10:18:28] Got one more level here in this segment to do it.
[10:18:31] I believe in you.
[10:18:33] Shubda, tell us about the final level here and you can go ahead
[10:18:35] and count us down this time.
[10:18:38] All I remember
[10:18:39] is that there's a friend named Lara,
[10:18:41] right? Lara the Pokey.
[10:18:43] And she's going to help us along our way
[10:18:46] using LNR.
[10:18:48] And that's all I remember.
[10:18:50] Three, two,
[10:18:52] one, go!
[10:18:53] Good luck, good luck.
[10:18:57] A big shout-out to this level was made by
[10:18:59] HeroSoft and WhomWhyNot
[10:19:01] who are just a pair of
[10:19:03] great, wonderful silly friends.
[10:19:05] This is a very
[10:19:07] hero and whom-why not level
[10:19:09] with the narrative structure
[10:19:11] this is the wild, wild westview
[10:19:13] and they have to use Laura the Pokey here
[10:19:16] to help save these Goombas. See how
[10:19:18] they're saying help? And Laura has
[10:19:20] a couple of abilities. Laura can
[10:19:22] act like a shield to reflect that
[10:19:24] mole. If enemies touch the stranded Goombas,
[10:19:27] they will run away in fear and not be able to be saved
[10:19:31] So Laura can reflect objects and act as a shield
[10:19:35] That's what they're using here in the first section uh they
[10:19:36] spawn laura in with lr and then there's a little tracker on
[10:19:40] the screen that shows where laura is going to spawn
[10:19:42] that's that little indicator that's floating around by Mario.
[10:19:49] I want to point out too for... Oh, go ahead.
[10:19:50] No, no, no.
[10:19:50] Okay, well
[10:19:54] for people that are unaware there is sort of
[10:19:56] a visual lexicon of indicators in super mario world and
[10:20:00] that helps the players understand what to do at a glance so you're seeing both purple and gold coins
[10:20:06] that are hanging out here on the screen gold Gold coins, uh, are common shorthand
[10:20:09] for do a regular jump
[10:20:11] and purple coins are shorthand for do a spin
[10:20:13] jump so it's letting the players know what they need ahead
[10:20:15] of time because you have to
[10:20:17] spin-jump off of Laura's head, because Laura is sort of spiky.
[10:20:23] I also love how practically everything...
[10:20:25] every asset in this level
[10:20:27] is like custom art.
[10:20:29] Really a striking appearance it almost
[10:20:30] looks like a completely different game
[10:20:34] yeah the multiple layers of parallax scroll in the background is
[10:20:37] really beautiful so here here in Fail Screen,
[10:20:42] Laura can also ride the trolley
[10:20:44] which is situated down there at the bottom
[10:20:46] so they need to sort of unspawn
[10:20:48] Laura because Laura can't touch
[10:20:50] the blue flames that are hanging out.
[10:20:52] And so they need to make sure that
[10:20:54] Laura unspawns, call her
[10:20:56] back. You can press L or R to call
[10:20:58] Laura out and then L or R to
[10:20:59] make Laura go back into the ground.
[10:21:03] So avoiding those blue flames and uh keeping up with the trolley there i was kind of sad that that section wasn't a
[10:21:06] little bit longer i hope in the director's cut that the uh
[10:21:09] that little section where laura can be on the cart is longer
[10:21:13] because it was very cool. I thought that was a really cool concept
[10:21:15] So Phil, what does this director's cut?
[10:21:19] Um
[10:21:19] Uh, I believe
[10:21:21] that uh, I'm sure BD and other producers may be in chat
[10:21:25] but I believe the idea is they're going to work on a
[10:21:29] director's cut where a lot of the levels
[10:21:31] that were made a little bit friendlier, or relay
[10:21:35] safe. Um...
[10:21:37] Maybe with nerfs or sections cut
[10:21:39] those will now be included
[10:21:41] and I think that's the version that is going
[10:21:43] to be submitted uh to smw central to be officially hosted by
[10:21:47] the site so essentially it's just it'll be more content more awesome levels yeah we do
[10:21:52] what we have bd in the chat that says, oh don't worry about it
[10:21:56] It will be
[10:21:57] I think we're also planning on
[10:22:00] having a little reprise
[10:22:02] of The Race once the director's cut comes out
[10:22:04] so there might be a fun community event where folks can
[10:22:07] race the new versions of the levels.
[10:22:11] Yeah, the version of these levels with no stage safety is what bd sounds fun
[10:22:20] yeah you know i mean a lot goes into creating
[10:22:22] a game for for marathon in particular
[10:22:25] for gdq um you know having been a racer and also on the testing team
[10:22:28] for the 2022 relay. You know we're always making concerns about
[10:22:32] is this too difficult? Are we going to be able to complete it
[10:22:36] in the given time limit because nobody know nobody wants to dnf on a level
[10:22:40] oh and here's my favorite part you fail me getting to the uh the mole pyramid
[10:22:46] uh nothing can actually hurt you here, unless Fail were to
[10:22:49] jump into the blue spikes that are hanging out on the ceiling.
[10:22:53] But by bouncing off of Laura, the mole will bounce up
[10:22:57] a level on the pyramid and the mole is also tracking mario's position so by manipulating mario yeah uh-huh
[10:23:03] isn't it fun yeah i had a lovely time with this
[10:23:07] on stage when i realized that nothing was actually going to come and get me here, and I just
[10:23:11] needed to hang out long enough.
[10:23:14] But yeah,
[10:23:15] by moving Mario around to manipulate
[10:23:16] Mario's position, the mole is also trying to track
[10:23:19] where Mario is, and by using the mole and mario together
[10:23:22] they're able to ascend the mighty pyramid yeah like i don't know if y'all notice
[10:23:26] like everybody got to this checkpoint here on a train which is i love this asset
[10:23:30] here it looks so good. Within like
[10:23:32] two seconds of each other, so
[10:23:33] GG's! That was absolutely
[10:23:36] incredible.
[10:23:38] Great clears! Yeah.
[10:23:40] This is tight, so I think fail got it first
[10:23:45] and then Shoujo and Shoveled Out are basically tied
[10:23:47] That was absolutely incredible
[10:23:49] Oh my god wow that was crazy close
[10:23:51] Probably like two seconds between you.
[10:23:53] Gee-geez!
[10:23:54] We love a good sync on the final level.
[10:23:57] Well everybody, excellent work just crushing through uh the sgdq levels um and glitch cat thanks for all
[10:24:07] the insightful commentary as always this was great um and everybody we're going to go into a short break here.
[10:24:17] This was just part one of our show, you know kind of like giving a closer look
[10:24:22] A deeper look at all the levels that went through
[10:24:24] the SGDQ 2024 showcase.
[10:24:27] Make sure as well to go check out the YouTube channel,
[10:24:30] slash gamestepquick for...
[10:24:33] And just go watch that race.
[10:24:35] Go watch the live race it's super awesome to see
[10:24:37] you know them figure it out real time
[10:24:40] And now that you know a little bit
[10:24:42] that goes into it
[10:24:43] You can see how they must've been feeling
[10:24:45] on the stage seeing some of this stuff
[10:24:47] for the first time but when we come back from the break all four of our runners here today have gone
[10:24:53] through and selected a handful of levels that they really like we're gonna be challenging
[10:24:58] the other three to race through them so that's what you had to look forward
[10:25:02] to after the break don't go anywhere I'm a little sad. so so so so so so so so
[10:29:59] you so so so so so so so so so Thank you. so so so so so so so so.. so so so uh so so so And welcome back to Game Masters.
[10:31:26] Hope you all enjoyed the break.
[10:31:27] This is the Game Masters Kaizo Edition special,
[10:31:29] going through a whole bunch of awesome kaizo levels made by the community. Before we get into our next segment, I want to remind you all that your subs, Prime Gaming Subs, GIFT Subs and BitchCheered on the GDQ channel to help support Games Done Quick Hotfix.
[10:31:43] If you enjoy watching speedruns, consider subscribing
[10:31:45] to the channel. It really helps a lot, so thank
[10:31:47] you. And also go to
[10:31:49] slash hotfix
[10:31:51] for more info on our weekly shows and
[10:31:53] our weekend specials.
[10:31:55] This is going to be our second segment here
[10:31:57] and the way this is going to work is, you know, we have
[10:31:59] all four of our runners who are going to be
[10:32:01] participating so we're saying goodbye temporarily
[10:32:04] to Glitch Cat on Commissary because he
[10:32:06] is going to be playing, but all four
[10:32:09] of our runners have selected among their favorite race
[10:32:12] levels and are challenging the others to play them.
[10:32:16] So we're just going to rotate through all of our runners' favorites,
[10:32:19] and you know, we'll see how the others can do.
[10:32:22] I do want to point out that a a lot of this is going to be sight
[10:32:25] reading so although our runners may have seen the
[10:32:28] levels these are not practiced they are not rehearsed
[10:32:31] so we're gonna do it live and i have uh for bumping up the time to 10 minutes
[10:32:36] per level that they will
[10:32:38] have to race and whoever wins
[10:32:40] wins. If nobody wins, we'll see who
[10:32:42] got the checkpoints first but again
[10:32:44] you know the points are made up and don't matter.
[10:32:47] But I'll assign them 100 points to everybody
[10:32:49] for being a
[10:32:51] great sport this whole time. Let's go ahead
[10:32:53] and bring in our
[10:32:55] first set of levels that Shojo has picked
[10:32:57] out. So, Shojo what do you have
[10:32:59] on the dock for us?
[10:33:03] This first level is by me
[10:33:05] and I picked it because its by me, and I picked it because it's by me.
[10:33:08] As...
[10:33:12] Yeah so the first level
[10:33:16] yeah thank you. The first level is by me, which I picked because it's by me.
[10:33:24] The second level is a really cool level that's inspired by one of my favorite games, Casio.
[10:33:31] And then the third level is just really funny.
[10:33:35] Alright well I can't wait to see it! Runners are you ready?
[10:33:40] Yeah yeah. Let's go! Awesome! So let's start our first race
[10:33:44] in 3...2...1...go! Good luck, have fun.
[10:33:55] Feel on y'all's sepal? Pultured.
[10:34:01] I love that Yoshi is saying good luck and have fun, of course. Our baby Yoshi's on the title screen.
[10:34:07] So this is sort of the first level that i ever seriously made um i was
[10:34:15] i was as very suddenly to do so to make a level and i said okay okay. Or rather,
[10:34:22] I offered to make one because
[10:34:25] I was making a series of levels for
[10:34:28] one of Shubka's in development hacks at the time.
[10:34:35] This was supposed to go in that but it ended up being a race level so i don't think it turned out too bad for
[10:34:39] what it is
[10:34:45] which is doing very well already. The song also slaps so hard, but do you recall what the selection was?
[10:34:52] I do not know.
[10:34:56] You know,
[10:34:57] I'm going to give a thousand points
[10:34:59] to the Super Nintendo sound chip
[10:35:00] for just being another
[10:35:03] trooper in aspect of the super nintendo that just
[10:35:05] has worked great for kaizo games because you get some really good sounding music oh yeah it's uh
[10:35:12] it's incredible one of my favorite things to do is go to smw central and listen
[10:35:16] to the entire music catalog because people have made so many ports that you can there's
[10:35:23] literally a radio mode that just you just go through all of them.
[10:35:27] They're great!
[10:35:31] And this is another thing where it's easy to take for granted
[10:35:35] Oh, I got some music and it's like ported for granted, you know. Oh, I just got some music
[10:35:37] and now it's like ported from a different game or something
[10:35:39] but even just getting all this
[10:35:41] music to work is a monumental effort
[10:35:45] Yeah the tools that are used in the community like they are made by incredible people and
[10:35:53] it takes monumental amounts of work so
[10:35:59] huge shout outs to everybody who's made
[10:36:02] making these happen, it's awesome we get to do this
[10:36:09] music it's awesome we get to do this
[10:36:13] and you know i guess i should mention this so we're playing this from like
[10:36:14] these are rhr levels
[10:36:16] and you know what is this race that has been happening?
[10:36:21] Well, so basically RHR
[10:36:24] Is a community of people
[10:36:26] That are just really interested in racing
[10:36:28] And they've been going on What is about to be week 300 of having
[10:36:35] levels that are raced every single week yeah that is over six years or almost six
[10:36:41] years everybody so it's yeah, It's been around for
[10:36:45] very long time there also um the
[10:36:49] founders of that group are also very important people in making the races at SGDQ happen.
[10:36:58] The level creators are very incredible.
[10:37:04] It's just a really awesome community of people.
[10:37:07] The racers are extremely talented.
[10:37:09] It's just a lot of fun.
[10:37:13] All right, so Glitch Cat, how are feeling? Were your little colds being in the commentator booth for so long?
[10:37:17] A little bit.
[10:37:21] You're warming up just fine.
[10:37:30] I completely forgot this level!
[10:37:35] Do you want to know how I can tell it's from my base?
[10:37:39] It's the Death Block.
[10:37:41] Yep, it's the Death Block.
[10:37:43] Yeah, this is...
[10:37:45] Like I said, it was her project
[10:37:47] that Tubbo was working on
[10:37:49] so it came from
[10:37:50] her base.
[10:37:53] Oh my gosh.
[10:37:56] Twitch? Oh my gosh. Glitch is making a lot of progress towards the end!
[10:38:00] I got twisted up a little bit, going the wrong way...
[10:38:04] I didn't miss that glitch but
[10:38:06] so far I think you've made it further.
[10:38:10] Yeah, I was trying to
[10:38:11] beat that cycle because you only have so much
[10:38:12] time with the lava.
[10:38:14] I'm sorry Shepta.
[10:38:16] That never got I am sorry, Shepta.
[10:38:19] That never got caught in testing so that would
[10:38:21] turns out... Oh, I'm sorry Glitch!
[10:38:23] Yeah it turns out that issue's just there
[10:38:25] if you hit the on-off switch too fast,
[10:38:28] the saw just doesn't
[10:38:30] come back so
[10:38:32] my bad.
[10:38:36] I'm
[10:38:36] not sure if it just took us to the chat but is this a time where you're gonna say oi? And, you know...
[10:38:57] Blitz is up at the very end
[10:39:02] oh there's a door!
[10:39:06] now we have
[10:39:08] what I thought so i replayed this level in preparation for
[10:39:12] this and i would like to go to my past self and sort of uh slap her for thinking that
[10:39:17] five resnores and shell jumps was a good idea but at the time i thoughtjumps was a good idea. But at the time, I thought
[10:39:21] it was a really good idea.
[10:39:30] No problem for Glitch GG.
[10:39:32] GG's a glitch cat!
[10:39:36] That was really fun. We also have, um...
[10:39:40] Fail on the Resinors.
[10:39:44] Or the Booey Booyies, if you play in Japanese.
[10:39:45] They're pink! I like them!
[10:39:47] Yeah.
[10:39:51] I need to request the pink Yoshi hats from JoJo.
[10:39:55] GG!
[10:39:56] GGs fail.
[10:40:01] And you know, Shud would have been done but Shud was just too fast. So no...
[10:40:08] Has to intentionally slow down because she's too good.
[10:40:12] Yeah let me know when to call this because I don't think
[10:40:15] I'm getting through this level. You got it!
[10:40:19] We've got about three and a half minutes left on the timeout timer.
[10:40:23] Thank you. That's awkward.
[10:40:27] Thank you for flying!
[10:40:33] Yeah, these are just...
[10:40:38] You know for an early level shoujo this looks pretty dang good.
[10:40:40] This is awesome!
[10:40:44] Shoujo game win! maybe I'll make one someday I was thinking about it
[10:40:51] say that with some like fear in my voice because you're very talented
[10:41:01] my newer inspirations are like cassio so i don't even know what
[10:41:05] i would make yeah You can take some ideas
[10:41:08] that I have for free, because like you know
[10:41:10] if I would make bubbles
[10:41:14] I would be a jerk
[10:41:16] so try to think about good Kai as a place where anything but like one of the things I would do that I like to mess with people is like
[10:41:24] You put instilled the fear early and like, you know, you add like a couple things like two or three things with a very clear marker
[10:41:31] that oh you know this kaisa block is here they start wanting to avoid it
[10:41:35] and then you have a couple ones of safety even You can't trust anymore after that,
[10:41:40] it's like okay, so many of them
[10:41:42] have had problems, now I have to assume
[10:41:44] everyone has problems even though most of them are good
[10:41:46] but that fear is always going to be
[10:41:48] in your head, this one has a Kaiser, does this one have a Kaizo block?
[10:41:51] And then I'd make sure whatever you do
[10:41:53] to avoid the first Kaizoblocks
[10:41:57] I would take into account that
[10:41:59] you're planning to avoid them, and then just add more and more
[10:42:01] just to get as much mind games
[10:42:03] on the player as possible.
[10:42:07] The subversion of expectations is a
[10:42:09] time-honored tradition.
[10:42:12] Dugma made it in the door
[10:42:14] as we were talking.
[10:42:17] Wait, how did that Resnor not get hit?
[10:42:19] Is it multiple hits per?
[10:42:21] It's two hits per Resnor. Yeah I don't know why I did that either.
[10:42:24] Shoja, WHY?
[10:42:25] I DON'T KNOW!
[10:42:27] Did you know this was supposed to be for a beginner shell hack?
[10:42:32] Yes... for a beginner shell hack so i shoved it so i don't remember how many levels
[10:42:40] i made for this but i remember that shabda had to go through and nerf every single one of them
[10:42:48] you know glitch cut a couple couple basic bosses. You got the Big Boo, you got the Resnor
[10:43:10] I don't really see the Koopa Kids too much but it's always interesting seeing the mechanics that happen.
[10:43:18] Good job, Shebda!
[10:43:19] Yeah, GG! 30 seconds to go, Sheba! So well done. Well done.
[10:43:29] And so congrats everybody on finishing it again. These are sight reads that everybody's doing now.
[10:43:32] Some may have played these a long time ago
[10:43:34] but none of these are rarest. And our next
[10:43:37] level is going to be
[10:43:39] Week 190, A Paw
[10:43:41] in My Face by Ampersam.
[10:43:44] So Shojo, what
[10:43:45] were you thinking? Why did you pick this level?
[10:43:50] This level is inspired by
[10:43:56] Mario World which came out in 2020.
[10:44:00] And when it came out,
[10:44:01] It was extremely experimental.
[10:44:07] It had obstacles that people hadn't really seen before
[10:44:11] and this is just sort of that philosophy in a race format uh so i thought it would
[10:44:16] be i thought it would be fun to give it to the racers now i do think it's a this one's a bit harder
[10:44:22] uh so i propose a race to the first checkpoint
[10:44:26] all right sounds good to me.
[10:44:30] Everybody's ready? We'll get started in three, two, one go.
[10:44:33] Best of luck.
[10:44:37] This one is made by Amper Sam.
[10:44:40] Big shouts to Amper.
[10:44:41] Amper is a lovely individual and admin
[10:44:43] for SMW Central.
[10:44:46] Just overall around
[10:44:47] great person.
[10:44:56] And for a little bit of context about Casio, the first time I played it, It's only eight exits.
[10:44:57] And I said to my- I said like, oh, it's eight exits.
[10:45:00] How hard can it be?
[10:45:01] Four or five hours later
[10:45:03] I'm stumbling into the first checkpoint
[10:45:07] I was there for that stream
[10:45:11] It is something that I remember very well.
[10:45:19] Got the hand of the big hammer bro on a floating platform my nemesis in vanilla
[10:45:28] why are there so many i mean hammer bros in general are just such a jerk of an enemy
[10:45:34] do you know his
[10:45:34] full name? Uh, no.
[10:45:37] Enlighten me, Shepda.
[10:45:38] The Amazing Flying Hammer Brother?
[10:45:42] Wow.
[10:45:43] I did not know that and that's amazing
[10:45:46] the amazing literally amazing in the job description yep amazing amazing hammer brother Amazing Hammer Brother.
[10:46:01] One of the things that I really like about this level is the music and the palettes.
[10:46:07] This one,
[10:46:08] this port was not created by Wyatt
[10:46:12] who's the creator of Casio Mario World
[10:46:15] but one of the big things about
[10:46:17] Cassio was its soundtrack, which
[10:46:19] was comprised entirely of
[10:46:21] non-video game music
[10:46:23] and actually
[10:46:25] Wyatt had a couple of tracks of his own.
[10:46:30] Wow!
[10:46:32] So this one was not made by Wyatt,
[10:46:35] but this is another port from the field.
[10:46:38] It's called A Paw In My Face but this one is another port from the field.
[10:46:40] It's called A Paw in My Face,
[10:46:42] which it's the same thing as in Cassia.
[10:46:45] The levels were named after the songs in them.
[10:46:46] Oh, that's cute.
[10:46:47] Yeah. This was actually actually reported by a porter named jonah another very
[10:46:52] very talented creator and music order they've recorded a lot of awesome songs
[10:47:02] recording is a super cool activity i like i've started to part a couple
[10:47:06] of tracks myself i can't do anything as good as this but I think these
[10:47:09] recording is really cool.
[10:47:17] So, like I'm still just trying to process the steps needed.
[10:47:23] These hammers are so rude. They're very mean.
[10:47:35] You can see, you can see the amazing Hammer Brother there.
[10:47:40] Juggling all of those hammers.
[10:47:43] That is pretty amazing! I've seen people use seven, but this many?
[10:47:47] A lot of hammers.
[10:47:51] Maybe a little bit easier in low gravity, but you still gotta get like the perfect form
[10:47:53] to throw your hammer in a perfect circle.
[10:47:56] I don't know if you've dealt with Earth's gravity before
[10:47:59] but throwing something in a perfect circle
[10:48:01] is really difficult to do.
[10:48:04] If not impossible so the fact that this
[10:48:06] Hammer Bro can do it
[10:48:07] just a true testament to earning that
[10:48:10] amazing title in their name
[10:48:11] they really have earned it.
[10:48:17] I've seen that Glitchcut, you've gotten pretty far in this.
[10:48:19] That's how you get to the
[10:48:20] quote-unquote second area
[10:48:23] of this
[10:48:23] before the checkpoint, so... quote-unquote second area of this,
[10:48:25] like before the checkpoint. So
[10:48:27] very impressive.
[10:48:30] Yeah I've had to figure out how
[10:48:31] to consistently dodge that first
[10:48:32] hammer bro...
[10:48:33] I'm sorry excuse me amazing flying don't don't insult their title you won and
[10:48:40] only This is another, I'm glad you picked this level Shojo because this is another thing that
[10:48:55] I really appreciate and design.
[10:48:57] It's like, oh no!
[10:48:58] Yeah, the goal was in frame by Glitch Cat.
[10:49:03] We have seen the halfway point.
[10:49:06] Why football man? No jump. Yeah. It's a halfway point. Why Footballman no jump?
[10:49:08] Yeah, opportunity from Bale also seeing the checkpoint really close.
[10:49:13] That is a hard jump.
[10:49:15] That is a six-year old meme Shoujo.
[10:49:17] How old now?! That's like a six-year old meme, Shoujo? How old now?!
[10:49:19] That's like a six year old meme.
[10:49:25] But this is a good example of
[10:49:27] the level that slows the player down intentionally.
[10:49:31] It's like you have these really slow moving... I don't know what these little sea urchin-like things are,
[10:49:37] but yeah there's this whole section where you kind of just have to slowly move around it, like
[10:49:42] really think about all of your jumps and there's a lot of times the most difficult things for me
[10:49:49] are these segments that fail and fail.
[10:49:53] Good job getting to your first checkpoint, we're at five minutes
[10:49:56] and about 30 seconds here but obviously keep on going
[10:50:00] who knows maybe we'll see a player.
[10:50:07] I always get in my head whenever I slow down.
[10:50:12] I start to overthink stuff, and I think that's really
[10:50:16] what makes it difficult.
[10:50:20] One of the things that I like about this level design style in particular is
[10:50:25] that these obstacles are very simple in how they look.
[10:50:30] Like,
[10:50:30] Oh,
[10:50:31] it's only,
[10:50:31] you know,
[10:50:31] it's only one photo bow. It's so it's only one pot of bow, it's only
[10:50:33] one ring of hammers, you know? How hard
[10:50:35] can it be? And then it just is.
[10:50:39] It doesn't take a lot
[10:50:41] to figure... I don't feel like
[10:50:43] it takes too much to figure out what to do with some exceptions like um
[10:50:49] figuring out how to consistently get past like the first group of hammers in this level.
[10:50:55] Yeah, at this part, past a checkpoint that fails
[10:50:59] at having to spin jump and go through the hammering...
[10:51:03] That's rude! that is so rude.
[10:51:06] It's really cool though.
[10:51:08] I love this level so much.
[10:51:09] Amper did a great job with it.
[10:51:13] Yeah and you can spin jump off of almost anything in this game.
[10:51:18] You can't spin jump off a hammer.
[10:51:21] Glitch good job on the checkpoint!
[10:51:24] Thank you. As soon as you say you can't
[10:51:27] spin jump on a hammer, that's just giving someone in chat
[10:51:29] some idea like I'm going to make a level where you
[10:51:30] spin jump on hammers. Alright, make sure to add me to the credits
[10:51:32] for your inspiration. There you go. Inspiration
[10:51:35] Game Masters by qr underscore tv
[10:51:38] just a bastion of ideas here let's pick and have that one for free
[10:51:44] yeah that's one of my favorite parts about streaming to ISO is I just kind of get
[10:51:49] to speak things into existence.
[10:51:50] Yeah, ASM of like you know...
[10:51:52] If I'm not going to use it someone might.
[10:51:53] You're just chucking hammers and bouncing off the cameras
[10:51:56] and everybody's chuckin tracking them but they're
[10:51:58] actual objects.
[10:51:59] All right chat get to it.
[10:52:05] That's another one of those
[10:52:06] things where it's like you
[10:52:08] forget who someone alluded to it earlier
[10:52:10] whereas like oh is this a huge ask are you asking for him i think glitch guy you were talking about
[10:52:15] this like you know is this feature impossible is it doable and?" And those of us who aren't familiar with
[10:52:24] speaking to the Super Nintendo may not know.
[10:52:33] I am now very curious about possible
[10:52:42] making a lot of progress. Yeah, and just
[10:52:43] across the eight-minute mark.
[10:52:45] We have about two more minutes left here.
[10:52:55] I got to checkpoint, I'm pleased. Didn't take five hours like real Casio. oh
[10:53:09] he's failed finished nicely done ggs you showed it even after
[10:53:14] you said you know let's just race to the first checkpoint but dale says now going
[10:53:19] the whole way well is extremely good at this video game.
[10:53:26] Everyone here is extremely good at this video game.
[10:53:30] Yeah, I think everybody here is worthy of the title Game Master!
[10:53:34] Ah see, I dropped the name of the show oh my goodness it's the name
[10:53:35] that's the name of this show
[10:53:39] yeah funny story i tested this level i
[10:53:41] don't remember doing that.
[10:53:53] Oh no, Glitch Cat with the critical mistake! For shame! I don't know what was going on with that because like
[10:53:58] well we'll see let's go get back there and try again
[10:54:01] see now because i have privileged information
[10:54:04] i can act like even though I could not do
[10:54:07] what any of these runners are doing
[10:54:09] at least right now
[10:54:11] I get to act like I do
[10:54:13] and then just be completely full
[10:54:15] of myself Oh my gosh.
[10:54:18] You can tell me to get good.
[10:54:20] You've already done that.
[10:54:22] Yeah, there you go.
[10:54:23] Gotta be a learner.
[10:54:28] Gotta be a learner gotta be a learner all right five four
[10:54:32] three two one i'll say go ahead and
[10:54:35] finish out the current attempt you are
[10:54:37] on i threw that attempt away because you ahead and finish out the current attempt you are on.
[10:54:40] I threw that attempt away because you were counting down.
[10:54:42] Alright, you know what? Fine. You'll get one more.
[10:54:44] Let's try one more. Alright, alright.
[10:54:49] Don't say I never did anything for you, buddy. Okay.
[10:54:51] I won't.
[10:54:55] Congratulations fail!
[10:54:57] So Shoujo has one more level for the Shoujo selection.
[10:55:04] I'm trying to think of like some fancy culinary term
[10:55:08] to put for this, what do we got for your final pick?
[10:55:11] This is the rise and fall
[10:55:14] of a midair plumber.
[10:55:16] Glitch was talking
[10:55:17] about midairs,
[10:55:18] so what if,
[10:55:23] and hear me out, instead of making knitters extremely difficult you made them really easy? What would that look like?
[10:55:26] Oh my goodness well let's find out right now get Get ready, and on three, two, one, go!
[10:55:36] So it's worth talking about...
[10:55:41] Yeah so it's worth talking about
[10:55:43] sprite interactions
[10:55:47] here. Basically after you kick shells they have a
[10:55:51] non-interaction period with Mario.
[10:55:53] And basically what you need to do for midairs
[10:55:55] is you need to have the shell underneath you
[10:55:57] long enough for that non-interaction period
[10:55:59] to expire. Here
[10:56:01] that has been reduced by half.
[10:56:04] So midair's become significantly easier now.
[10:56:11] Love this song, by the way.
[10:56:15] It was very appropriate for this.
[10:56:19] Dubna making it to the next room?
[10:56:22] Blitch made it too!
[10:56:24] We're all here. We're all here.
[10:56:25] Gang's all here.
[10:56:27] Wow, glitch cut that was smooth.
[10:56:31] Our first make it to room 3!
[10:56:36] You don't know what room of runner's on conveniently by the pipe please spawn pipe
[10:56:39] there'll be a number right there on the side
[10:56:42] so this level was made by borgi, who also did the artwork for the SGDK races.
[10:56:52] Very very talented creator and artist.
[10:56:56] It's very wonderful.
[10:57:02] I can't shout
[10:57:03] out everybody enough,
[10:57:05] but you know,
[10:57:06] I will shout
[10:57:06] out YouFailMe for clearing that last level
[10:57:09] unexpectedly so make sure you go follow YouFailMe and all of our runners here today
[10:57:14] they're showcasing just so much stuff ruining
[10:57:19] their hands for our entertainment
[10:57:34] at least for me like the first time I did a big kaizo levels. I think it was Invictus by Jezgik, one of our relay runners.
[10:57:40] That was like the first one where
[10:57:42] I played through it and by the end
[10:57:44] I had blisters on my fingers because
[10:57:46] I just went too hard for too long.
[10:57:50] Speaking of Invictus... I have a permanent callous on my thumb. Oh, me too.
[10:57:54] Same.
[10:57:55] Just get new hands,
[10:57:56] forehead.
[10:57:58] That would do it.
[10:58:01] Yeah, said by a That would do it. It did do it?
[10:58:03] Yeah, said by a woman that literally did that.
[10:58:07] Wait.
[10:58:08] Hang on, is there something
[10:58:10] I don't know?
[10:58:11] I had Rift Reconstructions Hang on, is there something I don't know?
[10:58:16] I had Wrist Reconstructions a few years ago for Wristspanes.
[10:58:20] But yeah so I literally have mechanical wrists.
[10:58:23] Whoa... shoutout to that soap badass!
[10:58:29] Anyway, um...
[10:58:31] Fail has made a lot of progress on the fifth area glitch on the fourth
[10:58:37] i don't know how far this goes you get a spoiler shadow copy room There's one more room after this.
[10:58:45] After the fifth,
[10:58:46] that is.
[10:58:50] And otherwise...
[10:58:51] That would be really weird
[10:58:52] if all the racers had different versions where they all just stopped at different rooms.
[10:59:02] So what's this trick at the end here you have to like drop a p
[10:59:05] switch and then jump on the p-switch as like a midair p-switch drum
[10:59:09] so it's the first it's the thing that you do in the first trick of the room is
[10:59:13] you do the same inputs as a regular midair but instead
[10:59:16] of landing on a shell, you're landing on a p-switch. The silver P switch will kill
[10:59:20] the munchers there won't work, because those sprite-killing munchers, so
[10:59:37] they will just kill the P switch.
[10:59:40] So it's set up in a very
[10:59:41] particular way to make sure that you do what you have
[10:59:43] to.
[10:59:45] Last midair here Last midair here, and it's
[10:59:48] kind of ridiculous
[10:59:50] actually.
[10:59:53] It's very
[10:59:54] precise midair.
[11:00:00] Oh! Nice midair. Oh jeez.
[11:00:02] Attack of Munchers, at least there's a checkpoint there. I believe.
[11:00:12] Oh, that was clean! The 22 GBs fail. That was another awesome performance.
[11:00:21] Great job. fail that was another awesome performance great job mid-airs are cool and fun videos are cool and fun
[11:00:27] i was going to say if you're kind of used to the timing Of regular mid-airs
[11:00:31] Something like this can actually be a little bit more challenging
[11:00:33] I completely agree
[11:00:35] Especially the P switch ones
[11:00:37] Are especially a little bit
[11:00:39] Going to get used to those i was about
[11:00:42] to say if glitch cat first tried it that would have been like 25 points
[11:00:47] that's my secret captain i'm bad at knitters that's why this was easy for me it wasn't actually easy
[11:00:52] this is still really hard gg is glitch cat
[11:00:59] you know for our weekly races i tested this level so i could have suggested nerfs that
[11:01:03] would have come up you should make a secret door that only i know about the ultimate nerd ultimate nerf.
[11:01:17] So you tested it and failed to race it, right?
[11:01:20] I actually didn't race this week.
[11:01:22] Oh okay. I think that was uh visiting family
[11:01:30] incredible series maybe it's weird to say but i but I'll say it for you.
[11:01:35] Fail is a really incredibly talented player and consistently one of the top finishers in our weekly races every week.
[11:01:42] Your gameplay is absolutely inspiring.
[11:01:44] Thank you. That was you very kind I'm very
[11:01:45] thankful to have the races every weekend just play a lot of really awesome levels
[11:01:52] and compete with a lot of really awesome gamers.
[11:01:58] Gosh, this sucks! I was like...
[11:02:00] I was trying to find some way to turn Fail into a Heal
[11:02:04] the villain of the show It's just too nice like i can't everybody's so
[11:02:09] dying do that with anyone here
[11:02:13] yeah it's like i gotta be the jerk, you know?
[11:02:16] The enemy of the stream.
[11:02:19] Kaizo is so challenging that it's like we're all going through
[11:02:22] it together, you know what I mean?
[11:02:23] So we're consoling each other, like, oh, it's okay.
[11:02:26] I struggled on that level too don't worry
[11:02:28] we're all going through the difficult thing
[11:02:30] And then you've got BK
[11:02:36] BK shows up to play messedup standard hacks and eat a bunch of donuts.
[11:02:42] And cape, of course! Can't forget the cape.
[11:02:45] And Shabdahl will say we'll do like three more tries here.
[11:02:52] And if you make it to the next one,
[11:02:53] you can get like 3 more tries on that stage.
[11:02:54] No, that's fine. That's fine.
[11:02:57] All good.
[11:02:58] These are very difficult levels. GG's everybody! And Shojo that was the last of your selections and let me see we got next you know fail you cleared two
[11:03:11] of those um so we're gonna bring you into the commentators booth here because you have selected
[11:03:17] three levels for everybody else to go through so i want you to tell me about
[11:03:22] the the first selection that you have yeah the first selection uh is by a creator who
[11:03:28] is no stranger to making race levels for the saturday races uh it's co cadelic
[11:03:34] it was actually pretty hard to find pick which level i wanted
[11:03:39] for one per race because they've made so many.
[11:03:41] But yeah, I picked one that's pretty unique
[11:03:44] and you know
[11:03:45] I can comment on that when we get in the race
[11:03:47] itself but yeah
[11:03:49] CO is an amazing creator
[11:03:50] They actually just released a SMB2
[11:03:53] game onto
[11:03:55] Out into the Wild as well
[11:03:57] It's just extremely, extremely talented
[11:03:59] creator and player and I just wanted
[11:04:01] to showcase one of their many, many levels.
[11:04:04] And yeah, kind of
[11:04:06] almost pulled a rabbit out of the hat
[11:04:08] because there are so many to pick from.
[11:04:10] Hopefully everybody enjoys this one!
[11:04:12] Alright, so wanted to check with Shoja since coming off a little cold, having a
[11:04:17] little bit of a break there.
[11:04:17] Are you ready to go?
[11:04:19] Yep.
[11:04:20] Awesome.
[11:04:20] Okay, so let's get started in 3, 2, 1.
[11:04:25] Go good luck on Alice by a
[11:04:29] water level.
[11:04:31] Yeah, I'm proud of any pride
[11:04:34] fog and chat.
[11:04:35] Oh, I'm sure we can get some pride pogs in the chat.
[11:04:38] Everybody let's see your pride pogs!
[11:04:43] So not only is this a water level,
[11:04:46] this actually starts out making the player go left.
[11:04:49] Which is...
[11:04:50] Some people have some very strong feelings about that in Kaizo Mario.
[11:04:54] I don't know how you guys feel about going left.
[11:05:05] Some people hate it with a passion, so I thought that was another pretty unique thing about this level.
[11:05:08] I like water levels. Yeah, this is a cool... I think it's a nice change of pace.
[11:05:12] This is a cool level because it's not fully you know people think water levels
[11:05:16] they think very slow paced and not a lot of action but ceo did
[11:05:20] a good job this is actually uh tide water so it's pushing you it's forcefully pushing
[11:05:25] you a little bit a little bit to the uh to the left as you go. But yeah, just not a lot of elements
[11:05:31] that a lot of people work with
[11:05:32] except for shout-outs to Bobby Yaga
[11:05:34] who's a very well-known creator in the community
[11:05:38] and they kind of pride themselves
[11:05:40] on making
[11:05:41] fun water levels. Another
[11:05:44] reason why I picked this level, I actually got
[11:05:46] to meet Bobby Yega
[11:05:48] at GDQ. He came all the way out from Hungary,
[11:05:51] a beautiful human being
[11:05:52] and yeah, I just figured
[11:05:53] I'd showcase a water level.
[11:05:56] They actually have a race level
[11:05:58] but I figured it's
[11:05:59] a little bit too difficult for this setting it was uh
[11:06:02] i think the first clear on that one in the races was about 30 or 40 minutes so
[11:06:06] i found a found a little bit easier water level to choose for the racers.
[11:06:16] A lot can be said about the dolphin mechanics as well,
[11:06:20] and how they work. Gl know glitch second job making it to
[11:06:24] the checkpoints very nice
[11:06:29] yes if i remember correctly this this section is fully in the water.
[11:06:33] It's not an extremely long section but yeah it kind of has you
[11:06:37] doing some things with some items which item
[11:06:41] swimming is a pretty tough thing in super mario world but obviously all the
[11:06:45] all the players here have probably mastered it at this point it's very very common in Kaizo.
[11:06:57] That's very difficult, it's very uh...
[11:06:59] You gotta have a pretty light touch
[11:07:01] especially depending on how tight some people
[11:07:03] make the obstacles.
[11:07:05] I'm still very early in my Kaizo career,
[11:07:08] so like I haven't even played a cake level.
[11:07:12] So you know,
[11:07:13] I haven't run into one of those yet.
[11:07:15] It's okay. Neither have 99% of Kaiser place.
[11:07:19] I will soon eventually.
[11:07:21] Right now the things that are the bane
[11:07:23] of my existence
[11:07:24] are rainbow shells and items spilling so it's good that you mentioned
[11:07:28] that. It is really difficult to do right? Those are two big hurdles for new players
[11:07:33] for sure. I remember when
[11:07:36] I was starting out
[11:07:37] that exactly the
[11:07:38] things you mentioned,
[11:07:39] a couple of other
[11:07:40] sprite-specific
[11:07:41] things like
[11:07:41] fishing booze
[11:07:42] and just
[11:07:44] when you're
[11:07:45] trying to spin
[11:07:46] on a saw
[11:07:47] and maintaining your balance.
[11:07:49] There's a lot of...
[11:07:50] I don't even remember this room glitches on.
[11:07:52] This is a funny little
[11:07:53] remix of the bonus game.
[11:07:57] Those blocks... You don't see the bonus game used Those blocks...
[11:07:58] You don't see the
[11:07:58] bonus game used much,
[11:07:59] do you?
[11:07:59] Yeah, you really
[11:08:00] don't.
[11:08:02] Very nice glitch.
[11:08:06] A dolphin left me.
[11:08:09] Alright, very nice shrub there. Oh! So, a dolphin left me. Very nice Shrubda!
[11:08:10] Oh no I shouldn't have said anything it's all my fault you can blame me.
[11:08:13] You cast your curse.
[11:08:16] The commentator curse? It was all on me. I didn't even see that fish there at
[11:08:21] the end, so there are a couple fish and you know speaking of trolls
[11:08:27] kaiser blocks and everything.
[11:08:33] Phil, what do you think is like the most optimal place?
[11:08:36] The most optimal style of trolling the player?
[11:08:39] Oh my goodness I've been trolled in every single way
[11:08:42] you can imagine at this point and they're all like he said earlier so a lot of creators will try and get in the mind of the player and and they
[11:08:48] will they will be like okay well they're gonna dodge here to try and avoid the kaizo and then they put
[11:08:53] it in the place that you the other place like the place you're diving too and those those are
[11:09:00] probably the ones that i'm the most susceptible to because just the instincts tell you like, okay well there may be a kaizo block here.
[11:09:07] Let me dodge here and then they just boom! The area you were trying to dodge was super safe and they put it exactly in your,
[11:09:14] in your,
[11:09:15] uh,
[11:09:15] in your life,
[11:09:16] in your like dodging areas.
[11:09:17] So that's,
[11:09:18] I feel like you can get a lot of people,
[11:09:20] a lot of seasoned players like that.
[11:09:22] You probably won't get as many new
[11:09:24] players, but that's probably
[11:09:26] the way I'd go if you're trying to get
[11:09:27] someone who's been playing Kaizo for a long time
[11:09:30] because it just kind of...
[11:09:32] Eventually you get those instincts that
[11:09:33] show you okay dodge there's going to be one here and then
[11:09:36] we dodged right into it speaking of uh glitch just dodged a little bit
[11:09:42] of a kaizo fish there himself.
[11:09:46] I died to it once and then I fell back on the second one.
[11:09:49] I remember when I first played this,
[11:09:51] I was so impressed that that fish can get you
[11:09:53] on both sides
[11:09:54] And I thought that was a
[11:09:56] clever of CO to kind of...
[11:09:58] Yump or doesn't count! Dang it, Glitch got
[11:10:00] it! 100 points to Glitchcat for getting
[11:10:02] me yumped at the end.
[11:10:07] I was trying to curse it for everybody else
[11:10:09] since I did shove it really dirty
[11:10:13] My apologies
[11:10:17] I've spent a lot of time practicing yumps, like
[11:10:19] perhaps an embarrassingly long amount of time.
[11:10:23] I was happy
[11:10:24] um...
[11:10:25] I got my first yump ever, like just a little bit ago.
[11:10:30] I felt like a god and that i could do no wrong
[11:10:34] The code...I could see it. Everything was fine.
[11:10:39] I could beat anything for a couple short seconds until I immediately died at the next level.
[11:10:47] It is really cool feeling
[11:10:55] I'm just curious fail. Do you have a record for jumps in a row um i have you played like like 10 yumps
[11:11:00] free ocean yeah tin yumps uh which was created hey um there was a there was just
[11:11:06] a silly a silly little kaizo game called uh 10 yumps created by fire 150 who's actually one of the
[11:11:12] relay creators and then they're in one of the levels you just do tin jumps it's uh well there
[11:11:17] are nine p switches and then the final one is
[11:11:20] is the big palace switch that butch just jumped off of
[11:11:23] that's uh that's my record i would say maybe i could do more if they were more
[11:11:27] presented in front of me but yeah it's a pretty
[11:11:30] it's a pretty it's a pretty silly
[11:11:31] little skill to hone I feel
[11:11:34] like not you don't really have a
[11:11:36] reason to unless you're really you know
[11:11:38] entrenched in the kaizo hobby
[11:11:40] and they're just looking to improve on kind of a random
[11:11:45] random part of your game that never really gets much use except for
[11:11:48] trying to jump off the switch palace yeah uh big shout outs to ce CO I've seen make an appearance in chat so shout
[11:11:55] out to CO for making the level you are currently watching.
[11:11:59] Thanks CO we love you! Thank you for all the levels you've given us, CL.
[11:12:03] Very very awesome maker.
[11:12:07] Yeah it's super awesome seeing a lot of the Kaios community show up today
[11:12:11] y'all are great
[11:12:13] Alright GG shoved out you made it through
[11:12:19] this is just so scary this lava hover that you have to do yeah those uh don't worry those the bone scale blocks
[11:12:30] you don't interact with i forgot this was even in this level It's just a funny little thing.
[11:12:36] Yeah, I love it.
[11:12:39] Wow!
[11:12:40] I am very far behind. Okay.
[11:12:42] No, you're ahead of me.
[11:12:45] That's okay. Just a heads up we just crossed uh eight minutes um so we got about
[11:12:50] well 8 minutes and 20 seconds you got about a minute and a half to go for.
[11:12:59] Yeah, this is...
[11:13:01] Swimming is always just
[11:13:03] scary in general because it's like
[11:13:05] you have a bit of a forced up down
[11:13:08] motion, but there is some.
[11:13:10] There's a lot of obscure SMW mechanics that you don't really
[11:13:14] notice they can hold some buttons to change how much your vertical position changes during a swim pump, which is kind of essential for a lot of these segments.
[11:13:28] Actually I can't even remember what it was
[11:13:29] because my brain did it automatically, so I don't
[11:13:31] know what button it is but
[11:13:33] it's something you press and that way
[11:13:35] you'll stay more level in the water
[11:13:37] It's down. There you go.
[11:13:40] Thank you for that. Sorry, it-it's down
[11:13:44] actually. Well I mean it's back to its CEO! I take it back
[11:13:48] I take anything nice I might have said
[11:13:50] back.
[11:13:50] I hate that
[11:13:51] don't hate you
[11:13:53] though.
[11:13:57] It's so mean,
[11:13:58] you know, you know, mean.
[11:14:01] You know,
[11:14:05] you have made level... I think everybody here has made levels.
[11:14:07] And just like anybody
[11:14:09] quick question. We got 10 seconds in here um so as
[11:14:13] we get i'll just say as we get out of this let's go seven six five four three two
[11:14:22] one all right so
[11:14:24] last attempt if you'd like it keep on going
[11:14:26] we'll go to the next one after this
[11:14:28] okay well that was
[11:14:30] yeah ggs
[11:14:32] actually I'll well, that was... Yeah, GG's.
[11:14:35] Actually, I'll finish this after we get to the next level.
[11:14:36] What do we have next?
[11:14:40] I believe
[11:14:41] the next one is
[11:14:42] called Attack of Fuzzzilla.
[11:14:46] Oh, yes, I remember that this level was made by Mithrilionaire
[11:14:49] who I thought may potentially be watching.
[11:14:52] They're another Kaizo creator and have made several
[11:14:54] different Kaizo games themselves.
[11:14:56] Made a few different race levels
[11:14:58] and yeah, I was...
[11:15:00] Like we said earlier, there are 300 weeks
[11:15:02] of these. It was really hard to go through
[11:15:05] and pick levels
[11:15:08] because they're just all so memorable
[11:15:09] and special, but yeah,
[11:15:10] I think once you get into this one,
[11:15:12] this one's just kind of funny.
[11:15:13] That's why I picked this one.
[11:15:15] It's also very fun, but yeah,
[11:15:18] I thought this one may be one that the chat would enjoy seeing as well.
[11:15:22] Yeah, we do have Mythbrillionaire in the chat.
[11:15:24] So it's so awesome seeing everybody who
[11:15:26] made these levels be here, as we can see it.
[11:15:29] And this is going to be a question
[11:15:31] for everybody in chat, but also
[11:15:32] you four as well, who
[11:15:34] all of you have made some levels, but when you place a troll in a level
[11:15:39] what goes through your head when you see a victim fall for it?
[11:15:44] Hook, line and sinker get trolled by the troll.
[11:15:47] How does that make you feel?
[11:15:50] My immediate answer is nothing because I don't do that.
[11:15:54] Show just too nice?
[11:15:57] For me it depends on who it is if JoJo's too nice?
[11:15:59] For me, it depends on who it is. If I see Juz'kuk
[11:16:01] get trolled then it's hilarious
[11:16:02] but if I see a newer Kaizo player
[11:16:04] get trolled then I kind of
[11:16:07] feel bad about it
[11:16:08] So I've been playing for you want to shove this game then I kind of feel bad about it.
[11:16:10] So, I've been playing through one of Shudda's games
[11:16:13] and Shudda has apologized to me so much
[11:16:15] throughout it
[11:16:18] mainly because of my stupidity not understanding how Mario works, to the point where Shadow literally could not watch me
[11:16:23] Because what I was doing was so awful
[11:16:27] Anyway...
[11:16:29] Yeah, I would get great enjoy enjoyment out of anybody falling for one
[11:16:32] of my traps. Probably no matter who it was but I'm a jerk so we'll leave it
[11:16:37] there. Anyway are you three ready to go for attack of fazilla
[11:16:43] all right let's start in three two one go
[11:16:49] good luck city is under attack Good luck.
[11:16:54] The city is under attack! Oh no...
[11:16:58] Oh, that's a large fuzzy!
[11:17:04] That's a large fuzzy that's the large fuzzy yep i remember that this this level is very memorable for me just because as
[11:17:09] soon as i spawned in i was like oh oh wow! This is who we're dealing with.
[11:17:14] It kind of reminds me
[11:17:15] of the 50s and 60s
[11:17:17] cheesy horror movies
[11:17:19] sci-fi movies.
[11:17:22] Yeah, this level's pretty much
[11:17:24] completely designed around
[11:17:26] kind of escorting
[11:17:28] this large fuzzy
[11:17:30] throughout the... basically to
[11:17:32] end of the level
[11:17:34] and uh yeah it's kind of going on this called 1f0 tile which
[11:17:38] is what keeps it going and a lot of the obstacles are built where you just
[11:17:41] you're opening the path so you can continue on.
[11:17:48] I love this.
[11:17:51] I really like fuzzies, that's just...
[11:17:53] I think they're like adorable.
[11:17:55] It's such a silly enemy.
[11:17:58] I think they're actually so
[11:17:59] I think they're based on
[11:18:01] Soot Sprites.
[11:18:02] If you've seen
[11:18:02] like Spirited Away
[11:18:04] the little Soot Sprites
[11:18:05] that work in the boiler room
[11:18:06] i think that's what they're like supposed to be it's just a guess but
[11:18:11] they look pretty similar you know i feel like i ask this question every single
[11:18:16] time i have super mar Mario on at some point,
[11:18:18] but what is your favorite enemy chat from Super Mario World?
[11:18:22] So mine...I don't see it too often.
[11:18:24] So I wish that levels would have been created more with it, but maybe they all exist.
[11:18:31] I just haven't played them yet.
[11:18:33] The hot head, the extra large flame flame guy, flame orb
[11:18:39] thingy that goes around things and looks
[11:18:40] where it's going. It's so freaking
[11:18:42] cute. I love it. I can never get
[11:18:44] mad at that enemy.
[11:18:47] Just vibe in
[11:18:48] have a good time.
[11:18:49] I love it so much. By far
[11:18:51] my favorite. Yeah, I think
[11:18:53] a fan-favorite sprite
[11:18:55] for Kaizo players
[11:18:58] would be the the rex um it's it's a very interesting sprite
[11:19:03] in the sense where it can pretty much be falling and you could almost just jump
[11:19:07] into it and still get about so in that way it's very forgiving
[11:19:11] uh...and it's also very
[11:19:13] satisfying to platform off of
[11:19:17] I'm sure there are a lot of Kaizo players in chat
[11:19:19] they could probably chime in with their
[11:19:20] favorite sprites or probably
[11:19:23] least favorite sprites. That's
[11:19:25] for sure. I know many people have some
[11:19:27] opinions on least favorite
[11:19:29] sprites. Yeah, there's a lot of
[11:19:32] interesting ones here. We got Baby
[11:19:34] Mario crying.
[11:19:36] Fab comes in with the
[11:19:38] Kaizo 3 Bowser.
[11:19:40] Oh that's a good one. The last one?
[11:19:43] The Mega Mole. A lot of people say Mega Mole
[11:19:45] a lot of love for the Mega Mole
[11:19:47] and then Not Roy
[11:19:49] So I guess Heck Roy
[11:19:51] Specifically Not Roy Specifically not Roy? Specifically not Roy.
[11:19:55] I'm glad nobody's getting down on my friends the dolphins
[11:19:57] I like them
[11:19:59] They're fun, they're happy
[11:20:01] They're not really an enemy They're just out there having a good time.
[11:20:04] I like them a lot.
[11:20:05] I like the one with their cows as well.
[11:20:13] So is the way
[11:20:15] the fuzzy moves, is it kind of
[11:20:17] like based off of Rainbow Shell
[11:20:18] mechanics?
[11:20:20] I think it is Rainbow Shell mechanics
[11:20:23] essentially. Yeah that's exactly how
[11:20:25] it feels and shoujo oh so close so close
[11:20:31] i'm so sad into the section is pretty tense nice little dance back and forth very
[11:20:41] nice glitch don't be hasty that is a automatic check
[11:21:04] yeah one really cool thing about this level that Mythorian Air has done is there's a lot of obstacles where you're spinning. You're just spinning and then they make you you know trigger a outline block that for you to land on the switch
[11:21:10] back to normal jump there's a lot of really cool setups
[11:21:13] around just switching up your jump type and
[11:21:16] then you know a lot of them are also set
[11:21:19] up to where if you' know it's very...this was made for
[11:21:22] a race so it's very readable and since you can also kind
[11:21:25] of stall a lot on the big fuzzy
[11:21:28] you could kinda take your time and look
[11:21:29] looking at obstacles a little bit more than you would have
[11:21:34] the time to in a level that wasn't built around
[11:21:37] a giant fuzzy so yeah yeah, I just really admired
[11:21:40] the way this level was built as well.
[11:21:44] Can we get some shoutouts for the Fuzzy Bats also?
[11:21:46] Oh is that- oh my god!
[11:21:48] I didn't even notice.
[11:21:51] They're little fuzzy bats!
[11:21:52] That's so good.
[11:21:53] I'm not sure if Myth is in the chat
[11:21:55] but I'm not sure
[11:21:55] who did those graphics
[11:21:57] because I assume
[11:21:57] that was a custom
[11:21:58] maybe custom drawn
[11:21:59] or custom graphic by someone. That's a pretty awesome
[11:22:01] graphic. Yeah, I saw Myth hanging out at the
[11:22:03] start of this so
[11:22:04] if you had that information shared we'd love
[11:22:07] to shout him out.
[11:22:12] Again lots of love from the kaizo community here today for y'all so
[11:22:15] good to see everybody you're having a good time type one if
[11:22:18] you're enjoying this shot kaiso showcase tonight
[11:22:21] i'm having a blast.
[11:22:25] I'm sure all four of the runners would be typing
[11:22:26] one if they could.
[11:22:36] The Trillionaire drew the fuzzy bats themselves. That's awesome, I kind of had a feeling, didn't want to assume but that's awesome.
[11:22:41] Awesome.
[11:22:42] It looked great. to assume but that's awesome awesome look great
[11:22:46] it's so silly
[11:22:50] this was a great pick for a level.
[11:22:54] Yeah, it's a bit of a tough level so if it doesn't get beaten you guys are still gaming.
[11:23:00] It is a pretty tough level.
[11:23:02] Shout out the final pipe here!
[11:23:05] That's so many close calls at that
[11:23:07] pipe, just...
[11:23:11] It ain't easy. Just a heads up we're
[11:23:13] at six and half half minutes everybody.
[11:23:16] So again for those of you who may just be going in,
[11:23:19] We are going through picks for all our runners
[11:23:23] Like some of the highlight levels that they've played through recently, or
[11:23:26] remember family.
[11:23:28] And we're allotting 10 minutes per
[11:23:31] each of these levels for our
[11:23:33] runners to get as far as they
[11:23:35] possibly can. Or clear it it so if no one clears,
[11:23:38] there's no pressure. No big deal. It's all okay
[11:23:43] We get to enjoy the fuzzies.
[11:24:02] This giant hitbox is like, it's easy to work with and also really difficult. Because it's like one you have a big landing but two it's enormous.
[11:24:07] Yeah definitely there's several of the
[11:24:09] setups where it's...
[11:24:12] You definitely are
[11:24:13] benefited from trying to swing
[11:24:15] out as far as you can to pull
[11:24:17] it away from you but then
[11:24:18] it's also trying to go fast so it's it's uh it's tough to balance Everybody here on the final section.
[11:24:35] At least I'm thinking this is the final section.
[11:24:39] Yes, yes. Can anybody clear it in the final two minutes that we have
[11:24:45] everybody's gotten close it's just like getting that final fuzzy out of the pipe which is not easy
[11:24:56] this is also one of my favorite bits of pay to sound that the miniature pipes
[11:24:59] and fast traveling through the pipes. It just feels so nice.
[11:25:05] Checkpoint...
[11:25:07] Last little journey across
[11:25:09] There we go, GG glitch!
[11:25:13] The city is safe once again!
[11:25:18] Yeah, let's get a shoutout for Glitchcat7, make sure to go up and follow them.
[11:25:24] They're a wonderful person, very wholesome all the time, also great at pinball. I played some pinball with Glitch at
[11:25:26] its most recent SGDQ. Always a blast
[11:25:28] Glitch
[11:25:30] That Godzilla was awesome
[11:25:32] I love Godzilla machines so much Whoever picked out the machines for the GDQ Arcade
[11:25:36] I want to say thanks to them because that was really good.
[11:25:40] So many good ones.
[11:25:42] All right shoved us through the pipe!
[11:26:03] We have one minute left That is a little bit sad. You do get to the end of the level and The fuzzy does fall into what looks like a pit of lava so that's kind of sad but you know
[11:26:08] just helping maybe it's just going for his yeah yeah look at fun water slides yeah i
[11:26:14] think there's models where fuzzies just go on in the lava.
[11:26:16] I don't think it hurts them too much.
[11:26:18] Yeah we can only...
[11:26:19] It's like, aw thanks for- you're just playing with them.
[11:26:21] This is playtime for the fuzzy.
[11:26:23] Problem is the fuzzy doesn't know his train right?
[11:26:24] Yeah, he gotta help me find the water system.
[11:26:36] Alright so we got our final 10 seconds here, everybody.
[11:26:41] ChoJo at the pipe!
[11:26:50] Can she connect? In through the pipe. Very smart to take that save there.
[11:26:53] Well done.
[11:26:55] GG! Nice!
[11:26:56] Alright, GG is Shojo giving in at the buzzer um but bill you have one more level uh for
[11:27:05] the other three to race through today this one is i have it on my notes here,
[11:27:11] this is going to be Yardlift by TwicePipes
[11:27:15] What do we got here Phil? Yes, um, this is...TwicePipes
[11:27:19] is one of my favorite, uh, race creators.
[11:27:20] So I had to pick one of their three levels.
[11:27:22] This is probably the easiest of the three,
[11:27:24] but it's still pretty tough.
[11:27:26] Uh,
[11:27:26] so,
[11:27:26] you know,
[11:27:26] just getting through the checkpoint in this one will be,
[11:27:28] will be,
[11:27:29] uh,
[11:27:29] very,
[11:27:30] very impressive. it may not may
[11:27:32] not get the full clear but i love this level because it's
[11:27:35] deals with sprite stacks and you can kind of see that on
[11:27:38] the title screen where this vine is carrying the chuck up to this platform uh so really i believe d to the fourth
[11:27:44] created this asm and a lot of people have utilized it over this over several years
[11:27:49] and this is this level's just got some brainy setups.
[11:27:52] It's got a really, really nice flow to it
[11:27:54] and yeah, I just wanted to show Twice Pipes some love.
[11:27:57] They're one of my favorite creators
[11:27:59] and yeah, hope the racers have fun.
[11:28:02] All right, get ready everybody because we're going to be starting in 3...2...1...go!
[11:28:12] Music Yeah, this little deal's like I was saying has these you could see this Rex is normally aren't carried onto vines like this.
[11:28:26] You'll see most of the setups involve either vines or something that is stacked with a vine.
[11:28:34] It's a hothead! Sorry, I failed it. There's a hothead sorry yeah there's
[11:28:37] a hot head yes
[11:28:40] yeah and this this also this first
[11:28:42] obstacle is actually pretty good
[11:28:44] um ex or uh exhibition of how shit pretty good.
[11:28:48] Exhibition of how I was saying the Rexes have
[11:28:49] very, very forgiving
[11:28:50] hitbox as you can see
[11:28:52] it's pretty much
[11:28:52] falling and players are
[11:28:54] jumping right into it
[11:28:55] to get that second bounce.
[11:28:57] And yeah, I feel like if you're
[11:28:59] not familiar with Super Mario World,
[11:29:01] it probably looks like you would die, but
[11:29:03] since it's a Rex, you just get
[11:29:04] a bounce because they're good
[11:29:07] sprite i'm so happy to see a hothead there's
[11:29:11] look at them look at him it's so cute it's just
[11:29:14] even blank and you you can never get mad at a hothead.
[11:29:20] They're not aggressive to the player they're just doing their thing.
[11:29:24] Did you know that the hotheads blink is actually an RNG call into the code.
[11:29:29] It is not a consistent blink from what I
[11:29:31] understand.
[11:29:33] That's a neat fun fact.
[11:29:34] I love the hotheads even more!
[11:29:40] You know, this is also a great
[11:29:42] uh...
[11:29:44] We had to race
[11:29:46] to the top of the vine
[11:29:48] that has a magic block on it before it becomes inaccessible, so right there on the screen. I just love that.
[11:29:54] Really creative level here.
[11:29:57] Yeah, several of these setups you're racing the vine to either get whatever is on top
[11:30:02] of it or either that or it's going to put something up there and then you need to fall
[11:30:07] or jump off of it as it falls. It's got a really nice flow to it
[11:30:12] once everything comes together.
[11:30:14] It's one of those levels that is hard to read on the first
[11:30:18] initial pass of some obstacles, but once you put
[11:30:21] everything together it has a really nice flow I'm confused.
[11:30:36] It's all...
[11:30:40] There are a lot of really silly mechanics with the mines. Especially like how they can eat blocks.
[11:30:49] Yeah, you can actually see at this part with the glitch is that
[11:30:55] um your, you have to grow a vine
[11:30:58] to get rid of an outline block otherwise
[11:31:01] you wouldn't be able to pass
[11:31:02] so it's actually a good demonstration of that mechanic there.
[11:31:07] I know you can also just go through terrain, but I'm not sure if that is a coded ability or how it behaves.
[11:31:16] It's always super interesting.
[11:31:24] Oh, I get it! Oh! I get it now too!
[11:31:27] They're beginning to understand Phil.
[11:31:31] That is...I think every Twice Vibes level
[11:31:33] I play there's at least one
[11:31:35] obstacle where it's a oh and no moment
[11:31:40] yeah those moments are tough um when you're when you're in a race as well
[11:31:48] yeah that was one great thing about the relay is
[11:31:50] levels were a bit
[11:31:52] puzzlier, but not as straightforward
[11:31:54] as some of the previous
[11:31:56] relay levels, but yeah just having a team of three other people to be like
[11:32:01] okay what do we need to do here? And then usually at least one person has an idea that ends up being
[11:32:07] close to if not the solution.
[11:32:11] It's definitely a little bit tougher when you're just
[11:32:14] on your own and nobody to bounce off ideas
[11:32:31] oh jesus This looks really hard. It is.
[11:32:35] Yeah this is...
[11:32:37] A lot of people have used
[11:32:39] this ASM. I would say,
[11:32:41] I've never really seen anyone use it in this way.
[11:32:45] In terms of the sprite stacking a lot of people
[11:32:49] will stack up a bat on a pencil but I haven't seen too many people too
[11:32:56] many people do a level with like explicitly just this vine mechanic. So that definitely left
[11:33:03] an impression on me and Glitch
[11:33:04] on a really good point.
[11:33:05] I see a pipe pretty close.
[11:33:10] Hmm.
[11:33:11] Five minute warning everybody Yeah, utilizing the Koopas to get the kick is always something that's really interesting i think i'm on a level right now where i have to
[11:33:37] do that uh yeah i am i am doing a level with that we have to just manipulate you kick a
[11:33:41] shell it'll get knocked back into a position and then kick it again
[11:33:45] so you can now jump on it.
[11:33:47] So it's kind of like a vanilla way
[11:33:49] of recharging a shell.
[11:33:51] Yes, blue koopas are notorious
[11:33:54] for being um pretty versatile but also being
[11:33:59] pretty janky oh glitch through the pipe yep that was
[11:34:04] that was great yeah blue koopas are there something when they work they work very well I like to talk in races, especially sight reading races.
[11:34:22] There's sort of a dichotomy between consistency and one shots,
[11:34:26] whether or not you're going to be consistent enough
[11:34:28] at an obstacle, keep getting tries at the part that you need
[11:34:32] or whether or not your gonna one shot something and learn what's coming up
[11:34:36] or make some progress that way.
[11:34:39] Yeah, I really like this obstacle that Glitch is on with
[11:34:43] his baby Yoshi... a Yoshi that's in an egg
[11:34:47] essentially when you get there
[11:34:49] my i remember my first thought being what the heck do i need to do here it's
[11:34:52] it's very cool because you need to actually
[11:34:54] time when you hatch the yoshi where it eats the koopa and then that causes
[11:34:58] the that causes the vine to start
[11:35:00] growing it's just
[11:35:01] you know when it happens
[11:35:02] it's like oh that makes sense but
[11:35:04] all those obstacles you get there is
[11:35:05] like what what the heck is this
[11:35:08] i really like a lot of them i mean once you've played a lot of Kaizo,
[11:35:11] I feel like you end up seeing
[11:35:13] a lot of stuff that
[11:35:15] you've seen before so
[11:35:17] I'm always very impressed when creators are able to
[11:35:19] show new obstacles that kind of like, you know, really surprise me.
[11:35:30] This level loses some points for me for hurting the ninjis.
[11:35:33] Ninjis are some of my favorite enemies and I don't like when we hurt them. Oh this is...
[11:35:45] Oh shit! That was so close!
[11:35:49] I saw it, and I saw what to do. The door, the final door glitch has all
[11:35:53] the lore
[11:35:55] i also apologize i know this is a little
[11:35:58] bit of a d-pad check
[11:35:59] um i did not honestly think about that
[11:36:02] too much when i picked this, so I apologize
[11:36:04] if anybody doesn't like
[11:36:06] vines.
[11:36:07] One of my friends
[11:36:10] and creators, Beef Stew
[11:36:12] completely hates bonds and i didn't quite think about that so apologies if anybody
[11:36:19] is not a fan of the up button
[11:36:28] so close So close Glitch, you're right there. Got our final two minutes here I believe in you.
[11:36:33] It's tough when it's a hard trick right at the end because you have to keep farming attempts. That's what I'm kind of talking about with consistency, that the more times I can get back there,
[11:36:41] The more chances I'll have to try something else or try a different order of operations Alright, so we are in our final 60 seconds for this level and for this half.
[11:37:12] So go into a break after this level finishes.
[11:37:16] I didn't realize those notebooks... i don't think they're vanilla unless they are
[11:37:21] are there certain no blocks you can't hit from the side yeah yes okay
[11:37:29] it's hard to distinguish them because my thought was you have
[11:37:33] to hit it from the side and then do a shell jump of some kind instead of just
[11:37:36] hitting with the show that That makes sense, yeah.
[11:37:40] Like I said, this is definitely
[11:37:41] a bit of a more puzzly
[11:37:43] entry. It's
[11:37:46] tough for Ray, especially
[11:37:48] 10-minute time.
[11:37:51] If I remember correctly the the clear time when this was race in the races was definitely
[11:37:55] you know 15 minutes plus so Oh, that's a tough one.
[11:38:07] I love when the vine is kind of like detached from its stem
[11:38:13] it's like kind of like half a block over but still going it's great Oh, goomba.
[11:38:28] Alright, Gliscow I'm gonna give you one more attempt on this before we head into... This one I'm going to give you one more attempt on this before we head in.
[11:38:33] This is what I am on right now?
[11:38:35] Yeah.
[11:38:36] Okay.
[11:38:39] Pressure's on.
[11:38:42] Let's see, still not exactly sure where it went. Come on.
[11:38:43] Let's see, I'm still not exactly sure what my game plan for the end is so if I get there...
[11:38:50] Block jumps!
[11:38:51] ...I was just gonna have to improvise. Yeah, yeah...
[11:38:55] I guess I wanna
[11:38:59] I guess I want to get this first
[11:39:03] Oh! Oh, no.
[11:39:05] Because I don't...
[11:39:07] That was silly.
[11:39:09] All right.
[11:39:11] I didn't need the grab block to throw up at the turn blocks below there.
[11:39:13] I could have hit that with my head i wasn't even
[11:39:15] okay yeah awesome all right close enough no
[11:39:17] that was really good we got to see most of it um
[11:39:19] that was really awesome to see and uh you know shout outs to twice by like i
[11:39:24] feel like both of the creators of l and levels people playing have been showing up so
[11:39:27] twice five's awesome level that was super super good now we're gonna go into a very very brief
[11:39:33] break everybody before we get into our final sets of levels because we have shoved his picks coming
[11:39:38] up next and then last but not least glitch cats picks for the other three racers to go see you soon! is uh Never know when it will change The, the radiation so uh I'm not a bad boy I don't want to be scared
[11:40:52] I'm not a bad boy
[11:40:54] I'm not a bad boy
[11:42:28] I'm not a bad boy so so so so is of uh and welcome back to the break everybody we're in our final segment where we're going to see Shubda's and Glitchcat's picks for levels they would like the other
[11:42:30] racers to go through and race
[11:42:32] on stage for y'all
[11:42:33] before we get into that a couple quick announcements
[11:42:36] GDQ's next all women and femme speed running event flame fatales
[11:42:39] returns august 18th through the 25th use exclamation point ff in twitch chat to check out
[11:42:45] the schedule and let us know what you're looking forward to the most. And GDQ is also going
[11:42:49] to PAX West from August 30th through September 2nd. Schedule is now out so use!PAX in Twitch
[11:42:56] chat for more info, and let us know what you're excited to
[11:42:59] see there as well all right shabda we got a level uh by
[11:43:04] shoved here at the starts uh what do we got
[11:43:07] here and we can count our runners in
[11:43:09] whenever you're ready.
[11:43:10] We have a nice little cape level for everybody. I'll count them now
[11:43:14] and then explain a little bit more. 3, 2,
[11:43:18] 1, go go so my
[11:43:22] skill set in Kaizo is
[11:43:25] a little bit different than everybody else's
[11:43:27] to
[11:43:28] that point
[11:43:31] I spent a lot of time playing
[11:43:33] cape levels, cape games
[11:43:35] and so
[11:43:36] I felt that one thing that was missing
[11:43:39] from ROMHack Races
[11:43:40] sorry uh from ROMHack Races.
[11:43:45] Sorry, a couple hundred levels into
[11:43:47] the races
[11:43:49] was
[11:43:51] cape with vanilla turnaround which means that there is no turnaround patch your turnaround
[11:43:57] is 50 50 whether or not you look left or right after you you twirl.
[11:44:04] And I just wanted a little bit
[11:44:06] more of that.
[11:44:07] So, a little bit more chaos.
[11:44:10] Yep.
[11:44:12] But it's fairly easy once you know what you're doing to control that chaos, I would say.
[11:44:19] Is it like truly a flip every time?
[11:44:23] It is...
[11:44:25] it flips back and forth
[11:44:27] on a, I believe
[11:44:29] a four frame window
[11:44:31] so there are people
[11:44:33] who can
[11:44:34] read that there are people who can read
[11:44:36] that, especially after
[11:44:38] a first turnaround.
[11:44:40] Sorry, the fake-out goal
[11:44:42] that Bale just went to
[11:44:44] I was like dang Shogun picked a super easy level here. They're like no that's not the end
[11:44:58] That's so rude. I maintain that dealing with non-patched turnarounds is a valid skill, if that makes any sense.
[11:45:06] Oh absolutely yeah
[11:45:11] what are all these mixed messages
[11:45:14] let's go about here what do you? I see the arrow pointing right after
[11:45:19] it just came from the left. Oh those are actually telling you which
[11:45:24] way you want to be facing when you go down the next hole. Smart!
[11:45:28] Way smarter than me.
[11:45:33] I'm also noticing these
[11:45:35] uncollectible coins...
[11:45:37] Yeah that was an accident um they're just act as 25 which means regular air gg fail ggs fail
[11:45:48] nice i'm also a huge fan of the unpatched cape turnaround, along with Shavda.
[11:45:57] Jeez.
[11:46:01] Both Fletch and Shoujo
[11:46:03] are on the second half of their level, good luck to you two!
[11:46:07] I've been taking this really
[11:46:09] slowly.
[11:46:14] One of those where you take it slowly and
[11:46:19] I just get in my head every time,
[11:46:23] make mistakes that I wouldn't normally make
[11:46:33] this uh it is very very nice very glitch. It is a really nice open
[11:46:35] level, so if you
[11:46:37] get the failed
[11:46:39] turnarounds, you do have a lot of space
[11:46:41] to work with. so yeah you've put in uh put in a lot
[11:46:45] of time like most of us have getting good at ed cape and vanilla
[11:46:50] cape is it's
[11:46:53] a little more forgiving than it looks, but also still very hard.
[11:46:57] I love the back pumping in this place.
[11:47:00] Just look silly.
[11:47:01] I love the sprite.
[11:47:03] The cape spritin' general is one of my favorite sprites in Super Mario World.
[11:47:07] It's just a funny animation, especially when you're not pumping right and getting air.
[11:47:12] You see Mario bobbing up and down.
[11:47:18] The cave is one of the deepest and most ancient
[11:47:20] rabbit hole wells of tech in
[11:47:22] Mario World. Gigi, Shoujo all
[11:47:24] of you did awesome there. Super impressive. But Shouda, you had picked out two levels instead of three and I think there's a reason for that because the next level is quite a doozy.
[11:47:36] Yep. because the next level is quite a doozy. Yep, yep.
[11:47:37] The next level
[11:47:39] is titled Bad Money by
[11:47:41] LinkedX2 and I feel like
[11:47:43] we need to give credit
[11:47:45] to our Kaizo forefathers and foremothers
[11:47:48] and forenbeats. And LDAD has been around for
[11:47:52] a very long time, and you know
[11:47:56] we gotta respect that.
[11:48:01] Love it. The advanced Kaizo arrays and the menu. And if you need it I have it over here.
[11:48:08] What week is it?
[11:48:11] Seven?
[11:48:13] This is one of the first.
[11:48:17] Are we ready?
[11:48:19] Three minutes.
[11:48:21] 3, 2, 1, go!
[11:48:58] There are no judges that await you, only the executioner says Eldad. Alas! As the name implies, and as our players are finding out, grabbing coins is a bad thing in this level. It will destroy you to grab any money, which is why it's bad.
[11:49:05] Greed is bad!
[11:49:09] A lust I didn't expect to get from Kaizo.
[11:49:17] You gotta be kidding me! I don't know who to be mad at.
[11:49:26] What's wrong, Xiaojiao?
[11:49:28] We've got a coin snake here!
[11:49:36] So the coin snakes are controlled with
[11:49:38] the d-pad as I found out
[11:49:40] very recently when I was forced to
[11:49:42] control coins with a d-pad and I was so confused
[11:49:44] with what I was supposed to do.
[11:49:47] Which is always a problem because
[11:49:50] you move Mario with the D-Pad,
[11:49:52] So you have to kind of fight moving Mario
[11:49:54] and moving the coins at the same time,
[11:49:56] to make sure they both end up where they need to be.
[11:50:03] I think it's just neat being able to control two things at the same time i don't like it
[11:50:13] oh come on.
[11:50:24] Yo, nice checkpoint glitch.
[11:50:25] I do love... I was avoiding kaizo blocks.
[11:50:28] Yeah, I didn't know if there was one or not.
[11:50:30] You have the coin blocks as well being
[11:50:32] that obstacle with the shell is really good.
[11:50:36] And this is super creative right here. Wow.
[11:50:41] Yeah, if Yoshi eats a berry you get a coin. so Oh, that's a cheeky one.
[11:51:04] Yeah he is.
[11:51:06] This part that Shojo's on...
[11:51:08] That wall where half of the surface area gives you a coin?
[11:51:17] No! Of course there's coins in those blocks, of course! What else would be in the block?! Of course it's coins in those blocks, of course!
[11:51:20] What else would be in the block?
[11:51:22] Of course it's coins.
[11:51:24] Maybe it's a thing that helps me...
[11:51:25] No, it's coins!
[11:51:26] But then you like how did you not expect that coin clutch?
[11:51:29] I don't know what
[11:51:32] I'm expecting. It's something for me
[11:51:36] No, some treasure
[11:51:40] ... some treasure.
[11:51:50] I do love the general sense track from the kaizo level creators is that
[11:51:54] everything everything can be an obstacle if you try hard everything and there's the age expectations this was a coin right of course yep
[11:52:18] yep had to check it's a knowledge
[11:52:38] it's always coins! my good reads from failure
[11:52:46] oh right on the very Oh, don't run. I'm the berry.
[11:52:52] Ah these berries!
[11:52:56] Great pick this is such a cool level i'm very curious how
[11:52:58] you like i'm trying to think this whole time i've been thinking about okay if i was playing
[11:53:03] this what would i do and i can never come up with the solutions fast enough
[11:53:08] at this segment that uh phil and glitch are on
[11:53:12] i don't know i have no idea how to even progress past it.
[11:53:22] There's a big lexicon of skill and weird, obscure properties in Kaizo
[11:53:24] so sometimes just being well studied
[11:53:27] you know the property they're asking you for
[11:53:29] in that moment.
[11:53:30] I think you could ask
[11:53:33] the average Kaizo player and they probably
[11:53:35] wouldn't even know that eating something
[11:53:37] with Yoshi gave you a coin.
[11:53:44] It's really cool that linkedin essentially built the whole section around around that kind of unfamiliar vanilla mechanic.
[11:53:54] Yeah, when Yoshi's mouth passes in front of a berry he automatically eats it
[11:53:57] so it's a trick of positioning to try and avoid that yeah that's tough and this is why by the way
[11:54:05] everybody who plays kaizo should spend a little bit of time speedrunning vanilla SMW.
[11:54:12] You learn cool little tricks like this.
[11:54:16] I ran in the 6, does that count? That absolutely counts!
[11:54:20] Yes! Absolutely, Kaz.
[11:54:22] Yes!
[11:54:27] I think Fail's the only one here who hasn't run Vanilla, actually.
[11:54:30] Shoujo and I both did One-Handed 11 exit at one point.
[11:54:32] One-handed? Yeah. Okay. 11 exit at one point one handed yeah uh we need made food percent look pretty pretty enticing
[11:54:39] oh that's right i've done food percent too. I forgot about that.
[11:54:43] I repressed it.
[11:54:45] This is a good opportunity to shout out
[11:54:47] the GDQ YouTube channel where all these hot fits laws will
[11:54:50] be.
[11:54:52] Yeah make sure so Shubbed did SMW food percents last week. And food percents, you play SMW but you have to eat a food item corresponding
[11:55:05] to the level that you beat.
[11:55:07] It's like Soda Lake, that's soda.
[11:55:10] Butter Bridge!
[11:55:11] You take a bite of butter maybe
[11:55:14] and you eat an entire donut, a full-size donut for every single level in Donut Plains
[11:55:21] which I don't even know how it's humanly possible so...
[11:55:26] It was a good time.
[11:55:28] You should all
[11:55:29] go watch it.
[11:55:30] Do not do it at home, please.
[11:55:34] Leave it
[11:55:35] to the professionals. Don't try this at home.
[11:55:37] What about when they get to... what about when they get to Entire Pizza Mountain?
[11:55:43] Or a bed of Ham Valley. Yeah.
[11:55:55] I want someone to make a level called Fataman Valley.
[11:56:00] Oh, that's so funny.
[11:56:05] Carrie, I'm trying to come up with a creative name but I can't.
[11:56:09] Oh this is...I don't even think about
[11:56:11] this! This is so cool
[11:56:13] that this segment failed.
[11:56:15] Yeah, it's very difficult
[11:56:17] It's like a obstacle course.
[11:56:29] Also nice enjoyable time here. Nice chill team.
[11:56:35] Yoshi does not want to do food percent.
[11:56:39] The anti-island yeah he's a little full right now Oh. Oh!
[11:57:04] I'm just mesmerized watching this it's so creative
[11:57:19] there's a tech trick to get yoshi to eat the one up and not
[11:57:22] the berry and it involves which direction
[11:57:24] of the D-pad you're holding when you actually
[11:57:26] stick his tongue out. I'm really confused at what
[11:57:28] JoJo just did there...
[11:57:32] The apple moves and then stopped animating like the one up turned into an apple that was
[11:57:39] first amazing just smw things i suppose
[11:57:45] yes amazing. Just SMW things, I suppose. Yeah, as long who just did
[11:57:47] it, I couldn't tell you either.
[11:57:51] You did it again!
[11:57:56] Shut up, do you know what's going on here? Chat,
[11:57:58] do you know what's going on here?
[11:58:02] I believe it's because
[11:58:04] they're already eating the one-up that
[11:58:07] the berry gets uneaten and
[11:58:11] kind of becomes an object instead of a sprite there,
[11:58:15] or whatever. Instead of an animating object, I guess.
[11:58:19] I think that's also involved in the
[11:58:23] credit warp? Yeah. I think you have to do that too, a couple berries on purpose.
[11:58:29] What a magical video game it really is.
[11:58:43] Ugh, so close! So close there, Phil. Man!
[11:58:47] Too many apples! Man.
[11:58:50] Too many apples.
[11:58:51] Other apples.
[11:58:55] It's difficult because Yoshi kind of turns around slowly,
[11:58:58] Mario turns left and right more quickly
[11:59:00] and Yoshi kind of swings his head around
[11:59:02] so avoiding
[11:59:04] those apples in that one tile gap is really
[11:59:06] challenging
[11:59:13] We have all three of our runners here. If they will get there before time is up.
[11:59:29] So many super close ones Ser Sergio almost getting through.
[11:59:33] Alright.
[11:59:35] Wait, hang on.
[11:59:36] I think I get it.
[11:59:39] Flitch is cooking. Stand by.
[11:59:40] Pause. Don't let him pause.
[11:59:43] Or not.
[11:59:47] The lore is being downloaded.
[11:59:49] And then un-downloaded.
[11:59:53] Maybe download it again i think shoujo has made it furthest with the i think almost complete war now Hmm.
[12:00:16] And for those of you wondering where you are spending a little bit more time on this level, Shedda only picked two levels so this one's just getting a little bit of extra time due to the difficulty.
[12:00:27] That being said, we got five minutes left on this one. Okay. I gotta say, this is so much easier than playing with the crowd roaring at you and having to switch chairs and stuff.
[12:00:56] Alright hang on let me uh pipe in the the crowd
[12:00:58] audience recordings here or something something etc i mean I appreciate it.
[12:01:10] We can just have GDQ at my house if we want.
[12:01:14] I can't fit everybody but you know hang out
[12:01:18] go back to the days
[12:01:19] of running an event
[12:01:20] from someone's basement
[12:01:21] oh that would be cool
[12:01:24] if I ever do a remote run,
[12:01:29] I'll do it from my basement.
[12:01:31] Heck yeah.
[12:01:32] This is for nostalgia.
[12:01:35] This is where speedrunning was born
[12:01:37] in the dark of the basement.
[12:01:40] My basement's pretty dark!
[12:01:46] Oh my gosh,
[12:01:48] Shoujo is like pixels away from making it through that final nine pack of apples.
[12:01:55] Yeah, that's the one that's holding me up too.
[12:01:58] I'm not sure...
[12:02:03] There have been several really close attempts
[12:02:15] yeah this is a great thing it It's really creative level. I mean every single level has been creative on this one.
[12:02:29] For sure. For sure. I was playing through all of the race levels in the practice room before the GDQ relay, and this one really stuck out to me. Shoja's made it through the pipe! The two names with s-o-h-o are confusing so much
[12:02:35] it's like i know both of you very well i love both of these so i apologize for messing them
[12:02:39] up all the time but wait there's more and there's even more but they're opposite.
[12:02:46] Yep these coins when you run over them will become
[12:02:50] regular coins coins. I'm never going to eat another apple again.
[12:03:08] You on Apple or Team Berry?
[12:03:11] I'm on team berry, yeah.
[12:03:14] No love for team tomato?
[12:03:16] I think we all know who's on tomatoes.
[12:03:24] I don't know, is there like an official designation of what these are? Or did Nintendo just go, this is fruit?
[12:03:33] It's been...Nintendo has called it a bunch of things. Not even Nintendo knows what it actually is.
[12:03:42] I thought Nintendo knew what was up, because they made this all the timeline and all that. Very official, very well thought out.
[12:03:50] Someone who's running through it... No it isn't!
[12:04:22] You're not tricking me with your coins l dad i remembered so happy
[12:04:35] mine is not happy and chill so since i don't think we're going to see the ending, can I spoil what the end troll is? Sure. What do you got?
[12:04:37] So at the very end of this level you're supposed to hit the uh
[12:04:41] the gold tape but if you how does it work again if you if you
[12:04:47] don't have the goal tape the gold tape turns into a coin
[12:04:50] which you then collect and
[12:04:52] kill you.
[12:04:54] But I believe also
[12:04:56] there is an item at the end
[12:04:58] that if you don't take
[12:05:00] through the goal to turn it into
[12:05:02] an item, or to turn it into
[12:05:04] a power-up, then it also turns
[12:05:06] into a coin and kills you.
[12:05:09] Alright, GG's to Glitch Guy for also making
[12:05:11] it through the pipe here.
[12:05:12] But let's go to like, the final 30 seconds here so everybody can put in
[12:05:16] three more attempts or so to get as far
[12:05:19] as they can but you know, Shojo
[12:05:22] first make it
[12:05:23] through the pipe
[12:05:23] do all those apples
[12:05:25] so you're gonna get
[12:05:26] 250 points
[12:05:27] yay
[12:05:28] meaningless internet
[12:05:29] points
[12:05:30] yeah
[12:05:31] don't spend them
[12:05:33] all in one place.
[12:05:35] You can spend those? Yes!
[12:05:39] I don't know what you've been doing with all the time that we get to do. On costumes for your avatar
[12:05:49] i'll get one more you know i never did this as well but you know you can have
[12:05:53] 100 more points for changing the
[12:05:56] Yoshi hats when I ask
[12:05:58] you to.
[12:06:00] I forgot I did that,
[12:06:02] I can't really see what I'm wearing so
[12:06:03] we all can and it looks cute.
[12:06:06] That's great.
[12:06:07] All right, everybody.
[12:06:09] Last attempt here.
[12:06:10] So when you die, we're done and go on to
[12:06:16] the final set You have some levels coming up. Final set.
[12:06:21] Alright, good luck fail one more attempt through the apple gauntlet.
[12:06:25] GG is?
[12:06:27] Tough level.
[12:06:30] Super neat. GG's everybody.
[12:06:32] Very awesome.
[12:06:33] That was an awesome pick, Tadja. Thanks for picking it.
[12:06:37] But Glitch Cat, your time playing is over.
[12:06:40] I'm going to reel you back into the commentator booth with me
[12:06:43] because you have three levels.
[12:06:45] These are our final three levels of the nights.
[12:06:49] Playing all these in no particular order
[12:06:51] by the way, we're not like oh all the levels before
[12:06:53] were okay but these are the actual
[12:06:55] secret best levels.
[12:06:58] Everybody selected some stuff, we're just playing
[12:07:00] them, they are fun and Coach Cap what is the first one
[12:07:04] that you have for us? What do you got? Okay yeah this is really neat
[12:07:08] This is Planet Nowhere from FurpyMcFrosting.
[12:07:11] You've seen Furpy's levels at the 2022 relay,
[12:07:15] and they also made a level for a Mario Maker relay
[12:07:18] at GDQ a while ago.
[12:07:24] Furpy is such a really really cool and interesting maker they're always trying to kind of subvert expectations and whenever i see their name on
[12:07:28] a level i just i never never know what to expect so i thought this one would show
[12:07:32] off um some really cool customization and some really cool gameplay all right runners are you
[12:07:38] ready yep all right three two one go good luck Yep. Ready? Alright, 3...2...1...go!
[12:07:43] Good luck.
[12:07:49] So I hope you like
[12:07:51] VVVVVVV Cause uh like uh vvvvvv because uh
[12:07:57] b6 so yeah we're gonna be switching gravity in this one you'll see that pretty soon here.
[12:08:08] So the glass blocks are fragile,
[12:08:12] and you have to jump off them very quickly.
[12:08:15] And the on-off blocks reverse
[12:08:16] the direction of gravity.
[12:08:18] So the little clear glass
[12:08:20] blocks will break. Gravity is reversed
[12:08:22] with the switches, and the arrows,
[12:08:25] the yellow arrows will show the players where screen wrap
[12:08:28] is enabled. It's not enabled everywhere but it is
[12:08:32] enabled where the arrows indicate.
[12:08:36] So, wow, sojoe, okay.
[12:08:39] Amazing, amazing reads there.
[12:08:43] I also really like this strange kind of alien wiggly background thing.
[12:08:47] I don't know, are they buildings? Are they strange alien creatures? I don't know but
[12:08:49] Furpy's style is always just so
[12:08:51] above and beyond and
[12:08:53] really like and respect them as a level maker
[12:08:55] so much. Yeah here's my my theory. We're at the
[12:08:57] microscopic levels, those are like
[12:08:59] you know...
[12:09:01] individual pieces of DNA or
[12:09:03] cells in your cellular organisms
[12:09:05] or some other microbiology.
[12:09:07] I like that, yeah!
[12:09:10] Furpy also made a level for the 2022
[12:09:13] Relay where it was that Mode 7
[12:09:16] Level where the level keeps rotating and zooming
[12:09:18] in and shifting and expanding. That was
[12:09:20] also Furby's highlight.
[12:09:23] Yup, yeah, and that
[12:09:24] was one of, you know, I think they were trying to top that
[12:09:26] a little bit for Sh shattered reality from the previous relay
[12:09:29] uh but yeah furby's been around for a long long time and just every every time
[12:09:34] i you know i mentioned something like in my chat and i'll say like oh conventionally this
[12:09:37] happens in kaizo or we do or don't do that
[12:09:40] and for people just chime in like what if we
[12:09:42] did the opposite? Like they're always trying to think
[12:09:44] of how to just subvert expectations
[12:09:46] and I think that's always kind of been
[12:09:48] a thing in Kaizo. It's just sort of doing
[12:09:51] the thing that you didn't expect, either with
[12:09:52] trolling or with some kind of custom mechanics
[12:09:55] and I think Furfew
[12:09:56] really excels at that and makes
[12:09:58] marvelous creations.
[12:10:02] You know, I do like this chat theory here those are just pool noodles in the background everybody's just waving them oh there you go
[12:10:07] that's a great thing about stuff like this it's up to the user to interpret it who knows maybe there's
[12:10:14] official lore of what it actually is so using a little bit of shell tech with this as well, throwing the shell and getting the shell to hit switches while they're moving through.
[12:10:28] And then the purpley coins are kind of indicating where and when they want to throw that shell this one
[12:10:36] again might be a little bit of a tough one uh you know we'll see sojoe kind of making it look easy
[12:10:39] though get into that getting to the spring part of that but i think this level is
[12:10:45] is well indicated and i think ferpy as a maker really does a good job of
[12:10:49] taking something really wild and far out like this, and making it accessible.
[12:10:53] Oh, fail!
[12:10:54] Uh-oh.
[12:10:55] I think I messed up.
[12:11:00] Oh my...
[12:11:03] I don't think that was intended.
[12:11:13] One could do incredibly challenging and cryptic things with this kind of a gimmick
[12:11:21] and Furpy just has this excellent restraint I guess maybe you can say in their level design where they just seem to know exactly how much is too much and
[12:11:30] how to guide the player through a difficult gimmick rather than bamboozle them with it.
[12:11:41] A lot of good progress being made here.
[12:11:54] Ooh! oh this is cool nice yeah there's fail figure it yeah figuring it out very cool yep got to use the shell and
[12:11:59] spring at the end there to
[12:12:01] loop yourself around, but it's tough
[12:12:03] think when gravity is reversed
[12:12:05] you're doing the same kind of jumps. The physics are
[12:12:07] the same. The jump height regrabs are the same the jump height and and re-grabs and things work
[12:12:09] the same um but uh it's difficult when you're upside down
[12:12:20] so it's not like inverted controls. Oh, nice timing too!
[12:12:22] Yep, no, not inverted
[12:12:24] controls. Left and right still
[12:12:26] function the same, you just happen to be
[12:12:28] upside down. And that is something to note,
[12:12:30] I don't know, because I like to try to tailor the
[12:12:32] commentary towards people that might not be as
[12:12:34] familiar with Kaizo.
[12:12:36] We hear people talk about re-grabs or
[12:12:38] slow fall. For those that don't know, I'm sure most people do
[12:12:41] but Mario falls more
[12:12:43] slowly when you are holding the jump button
[12:12:45] in midair and I think that comes
[12:12:47] into play here a little bit to slow you down as
[12:12:49] you're falling down or up in the level.
[12:12:52] And then a regrab
[12:12:53] is a method of double-tapping
[12:12:56] the jump button to change the horizontal
[12:12:58] trajectory of a jump by
[12:13:00] slowing yourself down halfway through it and getting a wider horizontal
[12:13:03] in the lower vertical on the jump that's just a super awesome level to watch a lot
[12:13:09] of these levels are just really good where, you know...
[12:13:12] a lot of the moves are really precise but you can also just appreciate
[12:13:16] the beauty of the movement when it all goes cleanly.
[12:13:18] It's super awesome.
[12:13:20] Shojo through the door!
[12:13:21] Nicely done, Sojo!
[12:13:22] Let's go along. Very good.
[12:13:26] Nice.
[12:13:28] So a little bit of a trick now
[12:13:30] Whenever you're inside the barriers
[12:13:32] Gravity is opposite of what it
[12:13:35] already was. So now the barriers
[12:13:37] are going to be switching gravity
[12:13:38] in addition to the switches
[12:13:40] and everything else going on.
[12:13:43] So much fun with that.
[12:13:44] Just leveling up
[12:13:45] the mechanic?
[12:13:47] Yeah, you know a lot of this is really
[12:13:49] like, you know the tricks
[12:13:51] look flashy and sometimes they're full of subtle
[12:13:53] tech and things but I really enjoy kaizo that looks good for an
[12:13:58] audience you know what i mean because this is such a kind of a visual medium it's often streamed or
[12:14:02] at marathons so i really like stuff that just plays well.
[12:14:06] And even if you don't know what you're looking at
[12:14:08] and seeing wild things happen
[12:14:10] it's entertaining in that way. Got a three minute warning for the runners here.
[12:14:29] No, sorry I was hoping I didn't pick levels that were too challenging
[12:14:34] Like it was mentioned before,
[12:14:39] we're about to celebrate our 300th race
[12:14:41] over on our channel. That's coming up
[12:14:43] this Saturday
[12:14:44] on RHR and it was really
[12:14:47] difficult to go of go through
[12:14:48] and pick two to three favorites from the giant catalog that we have
[12:14:53] with levels.
[12:14:56] And fail, nicely done.
[12:15:00] You're good. and fail nicely done
[12:15:02] okay you're good you know playing through these like
[12:15:04] it's hard to just like go through
[12:15:06] an unpracticed kaizo level
[12:15:08] and do it especially like live in front of an audience
[12:15:14] and so no worries at all for anybody not finishing
[12:15:18] it's really hard to do and it doesn't change that this is awesome
[12:15:21] to see all of these wonderful levels.
[12:15:27] Furby's doing a really good job here
[12:15:29] of indicating the path. You see that
[12:15:32] pinkish coin that indicates where to throw the shell, and the gold
[12:15:36] coins indicating where the player actually wants to move
[12:15:40] I don't know... It's such's such a... It's a difficult thing
[12:15:42] to hit, right? And some makers lean more
[12:15:44] into the cryptic side of things
[12:15:47] looking at you, Morsel,
[12:15:48] where the setups are
[12:15:50] cryptic but the result is really cool gameplay uh and i think ferpy just does such
[12:15:55] a good job of kind of riding that line between an incredibly far out gimmick and functionally
[12:16:00] readable like even if you're just kind of holding on, you still can
[12:16:04] figure out the path fairly easily after a few
[12:16:06] tries.
[12:16:12] Ooh. oh
[12:16:17] hey shabba nice job getting to that checkpoint as well
[12:16:21] yeah our final 90 seconds here, everybody.
[12:16:31] I do see we have lots of people unfamiliar with Kaizo in the chat here.
[12:16:37] So, I'm glad that y'all are having a good time and remember like there's so many varying difficulties
[12:16:43] you don't have to do stuff as hard as what we're showing off today.
[12:16:46] I just talked about it earlier in the stream,
[12:16:50] you can really find any number of games
[12:16:52] for any number of difficulties
[12:16:54] like really there's any level of gameplay
[12:16:57] and go from basically being able to beat vanilla SMW through stuff like this and way beyond what we're seeing here so
[12:17:04] it really is something for everybody. If I may, go ahead.
[12:17:07] I'd like to recommend a plumber
[12:17:09] for all seasons that
[12:17:11] is what we call a standard hack
[12:17:13] so it's not Kaizo
[12:17:15] It's just standard difficulty
[12:17:16] Nice job, Sojo!
[12:17:17] Let's go!
[12:17:18] Sure!
[12:17:19] But really beautiful if you've played the original Mario World,
[12:17:24] You will have a really fun time playing Kaizo-
[12:17:26] Or sorry, Plumber for all seasons That's on SMW Central.
[12:17:29] And so now, for this boy-boy fight we've got the shell
[12:17:33] that is hitting the switch up there and flipping the gravity
[12:17:37] and also the barriers which are also flipping the gravity and also the barriers which are also flipping the gravity
[12:17:40] so Sojo she
[12:17:42] does not want to go up into the munchers in the ceiling
[12:17:44] and she's attempting to figure out how
[12:17:46] to avoid doing that by
[12:17:48] matching her movements crossing the barrier with the shell hitting
[12:17:51] the switch and of course having to actually hit the resnores from below Gosh.
[12:18:03] This was kind of a tough one, y'all are being troopers about this one.
[12:18:09] So close.
[12:18:10] We're past the time, but Shojo I i'm gonna give you like a couple attempts here
[12:18:13] to do it since you're so close to the ends i believe in you Nicely done.
[12:18:27] Very nice, Jojo.
[12:18:29] Gee, geez.
[12:18:31] And Fail will let you finish the one you're currently on before we get into
[12:18:36] the next level which is going to be gg's fail so next up we have Abstract Evening
[12:18:44] this is week 126 by
[12:18:45] Mason underscore SMW
[12:18:47] shoutouts to a fellow member of team
[12:18:50] underscore
[12:18:50] I have a connection with everybody.
[12:18:53] I think I might've made some difficult picks for this, so we could always just judge by progress.
[12:18:59] Sorry! Sometimes I'm a bad judge of what is difficult or not, but this is a really interesting level.
[12:19:08] QuietMason is a really talented player. They draw from a lot of experience with tech, glitch abuse, Vanilla.
[12:19:17] They really just kind of know it all and so it's really interesting to see sort of what a Virtuoso decides to make.
[12:19:22] I like this level too because it has one gimmick that gets explored in a lot
[12:19:27] of detail so we can go whenever you're ready let's start in three two
[12:19:32] one go huh yeah it's the d4 and of course some d to the four thanks uh because she's just done so much
[12:19:44] and really you can't throw a stone in kaizo now without running into d4's name just before
[12:19:52] yeah and like innumerable amounts of credits for you know helping make a lot
[12:19:58] of these games possible. Yep, and so we got some
[12:20:02] more D4 tech here with these blocks. I'm seeing how
[12:20:06] this works when you hit
[12:20:08] the yellow block it will produce a brown block
[12:20:12] in the direction of the arrow and we're going to use that to do
[12:20:15] a lot of tricky platforming and we're gonna see this gimmick iterated on in a lot
[12:20:20] of really cool ways.
[12:20:24] So a little bit of platforming. See how
[12:20:26] this kind of failed going for the
[12:20:28] shell jump? How this level is kind of, there's
[12:20:30] some platforming, there's a little bit of tech abuse
[12:20:32] There's an interesting custom gimmick
[12:20:34] I really like that from Mason
[12:20:36] They really just kind of walk all paths
[12:20:38] And you know, I mean i mean like i don't
[12:20:40] know i talk about kaizo as kind of a branching tree of skills
[12:20:44] you can learn some platforming you learn the glitches or the vanilla
[12:20:47] interactions maybe you would want to go more for shells maybe you'd want to
[12:20:49] go for cape or something um and for those that really get
[12:20:53] into it you know you kind of end up learning all of the tech and when you put that all together
[12:20:57] in a level you get some really interesting results so it's always amazing how much there is and how often veterans who've been doing this
[12:21:08] for a decade at this point or more still get surprised
[12:21:14] by new ways you're able
[12:21:16] to create stuff in
[12:21:17] this game, in this engine.
[12:21:27] Yeah, you mentioned earlier, you mentioned earlier the bosses in this. And every time I think there's no way we can come up with another new concept for Big Boo or Reznor.
[12:21:35] As soon as I think that, someone always does.
[12:21:37] There is always another Reznor.
[12:21:40] And I just absolutely love that.
[12:21:42] It keeps me sticking around in Kaizo personally,
[12:21:45] and it's just really honestly beautiful to see
[12:21:48] new things coming out all the time.
[12:21:53] It's a good exercise as well, because if you give like hey here is the task.
[12:21:58] Go design something go make something with this and you can think about it really hard
[12:22:06] and almost always at least for me I was like
[12:22:09] okay, this is it
[12:22:10] This is the thing that can be made
[12:22:13] Like you can't do anything else
[12:22:14] This has to be it And And then you go and like,
[12:22:17] show it to everybody else and see what everyone else has done. You'll have ten people with
[12:22:21] ten wildly different things that they came up with as this is
[12:22:25] the thing I see. it's amazing every time
[12:22:31] yeah there's just so much to explore something to know too for
[12:22:35] this level in terms of tech this is a good highlighter of the slow fall property
[12:22:40] like I was talking about earlier that sometimes holding the jump button down the entire time
[12:22:45] you're jumping is not the thing to do and so you're letting go of the jump button halfway through or um
[12:22:51] on the way down to sort of cut the jump a little bit and make some progress oh fail
[12:22:56] nice try that was good i've got to be standing on something
[12:23:00] to go in a horizontal pipe
[12:23:01] that is sticking out of the air like that
[12:23:03] so that final block was there
[12:23:05] to give a platform,
[12:23:06] but it's moving a little bit quicker
[12:23:08] than you might expect
[12:23:09] so tech comes into play, platforming
[12:23:11] comes into play and that custom gimmick.
[12:23:14] Again this level has a few sections in it it so we can always judge progress by how many
[12:23:22] sections.
[12:23:23] I want to say too that all these levels were at one point raced for our community races
[12:23:28] and I think in a lot of cases they're being beaten faster than what was actually
[12:23:32] done on the day that they were raced. So really big props to everybody for working
[12:23:36] through these.
[12:23:49] So Phalanx section two now and the blocks are going to start behaving a little bit differently, but they sort of bounce up or down when they get hit. So in this case, fail is stuck inside the um little prison there i guess at the start and
[12:23:56] the shell is hitting the block and moves it down giving them just enough time to run out from
[12:24:02] underneath it. so some tricky platforming. There's something very satisfying about the movement of these arrow blocks. Yeah, there's not a lot of games.
[12:24:49] Like when I think about it...
[12:24:52] You know, hitting
[12:24:53] a block with your head in Mario
[12:24:55] is like...
[12:24:56] I'm trying to think of other games where that
[12:24:57] is really, really common.
[12:24:59] You know what I mean? That's a very Mario thing
[12:25:01] and it's actually really surprising just how much
[12:25:03] can be done with just bonking yourself into something.
[12:25:06] Yeah, I feel like that is
[12:25:07] like a core defining aspect of mario and yeah you got me thinking now
[12:25:16] obviously have games where
[12:25:18] you attack a box or something
[12:25:19] to get something out of it, but
[12:25:21] ones where you just jump into
[12:25:24] it from below is...
[12:25:26] Gosh, now I'm thinking about it
[12:25:28] so hard, Glitchitchcut. Thank you.
[12:25:29] Yeah! What other
[12:25:33] platforming games do you bonk a box with your head? Like Crash Bandicoot
[12:25:37] You spin the crates to destroy them.
[12:25:40] Mario 2, you pick things up from the ground but
[12:25:42] like or thinking like Celeste
[12:25:44] right? Like or Super Meat Boy
[12:25:46] platforming games. You're not
[12:25:48] bonking your head into something, which is interesting because like
[12:25:51] especially used for Kaizo you are putting yourself in physical danger somehow by doing that right?
[12:25:56] You're not just throwing a projectile at something.
[12:26:01] Also Shojo GG's on the H.
[12:26:03] Very nice.
[12:26:09] I remember looking at my timer, and I'm getting so engrossed by this.
[12:26:12] Yeah, these are fun ones.
[12:26:16] I actually forgot to start the timer for this one, so I don't know where we're at.
[12:26:18] I'll say we're at five minutes.
[12:26:25] But here's a little trick coming up that Phil and
[12:26:26] Soja are attempting to do, you are
[12:26:28] riding on Yoshi in the air
[12:26:31] and when you're doing that anytime you are riding Yoshi
[12:26:33] you can press A to
[12:26:35] sort of bail off of Yoshi
[12:26:37] and send him down into the pit where there is a fun water slide
[12:26:39] for him and he's fine
[12:26:41] but if you bonk a block,
[12:26:44] excuse me, if you bonk a block
[12:26:46] as you're bailing off Yoshi
[12:26:48] and Mario's head are close
[12:26:50] enough to the block, you can remount
[12:26:52] Yoshi in the air and get another jump off of that.
[12:26:54] And there you go, fail just got it!
[12:26:56] The sort-of double bailout move.
[12:26:59] You need one bonk to activate the up block
[12:27:02] and another bonk to actually jump off of Yoshi
[12:27:05] and get up on the block.
[12:27:07] So kind of a tight trick
[12:27:08] of timing and positioning.
[12:27:10] And that's, again, something
[12:27:11] kind of a reason why I picked this.
[12:27:13] Mason's designs really just play
[12:27:14] to a lot of skills at once in kaizo and i absolutely
[12:27:19] appreciate that Don't worry, my last pick is much more chill than this.
[12:27:29] And you know, and this isn't even for our weekly races where all these levels come from
[12:27:34] I mean we've had... I'm staffed for that
[12:27:37] and we have a testing team
[12:27:39] that tests the levels throughout the weeks
[12:27:41] In some weeks we even said like
[12:27:43] I don't know if this is gonna be our
[12:27:45] Are they going to handle this? And they do.
[12:27:48] Right? And granted we schedule two hours
[12:27:50] to do the broadcast for our
[12:27:52] weekly races on Saturdays
[12:27:54] but you know the skill
[12:27:56] ceiling of some of the players has just risen
[12:27:58] astronomically in the past couple of
[12:27:59] years with everyone
[12:28:01] sharing knowledge and strats and just
[12:28:03] continually building more and more
[12:28:04] imaginative things I'm holding, like, I always find myself
[12:28:11] getting immersed in
[12:28:13] with the feelings
[12:28:16] of what you must be going through
[12:28:17] because I'm holding my breath
[12:28:18] and Ty's like of what you must be going through, because I'm holding my breath.
[12:28:19] And just like as time goes by...
[12:28:24] It's so intense.
[12:28:25] Yeah it really is that consistency right?
[12:28:29] Everyone wants to one shot, especially in a race situation
[12:28:32] where they don't know their sight reading level.
[12:28:34] Everybody wants the one shot either for getting a checkpoint or get clear and make progress
[12:28:38] or just for the knowledge about what is coming up.
[12:28:41] But the consistency is what backs that
[12:28:43] up a little bit because the more you can farm
[12:28:45] attempts at the part you're trying to learn,
[12:28:47] the better of a chance you have to actually get through
[12:28:49] it. So just being able to learn something
[12:28:52] and then do it repeatedly is kind of just as important as being able to sight read,
[12:28:56] if that makes sense. Yeah, Shojo and Fail making some good progress through this level.
[12:29:09] This is your two minute warning. Two minutes.
[12:29:16] Yo, Shabda in the pipe! Nicely done.
[12:29:18] Everybody now past the H. Yeah, there are several sections in this so sorry for picking a really tough one.
[12:29:31] No worries!
[12:29:33] This is all a showcase!
[12:29:34] Finishing the levels
[12:29:36] is optional.
[12:29:42] There are so many awesome levels out there.
[12:29:46] It would take months of shows to be able to do it all justice.
[12:29:51] It's just a small taste of what's available out there
[12:29:59] oh nice fail
[12:30:05] that was i think a sight read on that door too.
[12:30:06] Very good.
[12:30:07] Yeah, I got a little bit of knowledge the first time and luckily it was what I thought
[12:30:11] it was.
[12:30:12] Love it.
[12:30:13] This is insane!
[12:30:14] I'm going to go back in there and see if I can get this thing off. I love it.
[12:30:19] Yeah, this one's neat!
[12:30:25] So now the blocks are moving and they're sticking to the wall.
[12:30:28] And that's going to provide a permanent platform.
[12:30:31] Super awesome.
[12:30:36] Excellent.
[12:30:36] The previous one is all vertical blocks, like the whole way through.
[12:30:43] Now we're going in all of the other directions.
[12:30:46] Anyway final 30 seconds left.
[12:30:47] Yeah that's kind of what I mean about
[12:30:49] the gimmick being explored
[12:30:53] with a lot of iteration
[12:30:55] That is something I think is really strong
[12:30:57] in this level There you just... here's this one idea
[12:31:00] of hit the block makes a brown
[12:31:02] block and you just see that explored from 100
[12:31:04] different angles. And I think that's very
[12:31:06] creative.
[12:31:08] Love the upside down clouds kind of messing with you.
[12:31:13] Oh yeah, those upside-down clouds are a one way platform actually. You can only cross them in the direction they are not.
[12:31:21] The flatness is a barrier.
[12:31:23] All right, so we'll let Bale finish this attempt right here
[12:31:25] and move on to the final level of the Knights.
[12:31:32] GG's valiant efforts, everybody!
[12:31:36] Yeah, gg I take responsibility for
[12:31:38] the difficulty on that one. No, it's all good
[12:31:40] So our final level, tell us about it
[12:31:43] Squish Pat while they get set up
[12:31:44] Well you know okay this one
[12:31:46] will hopefully be chill and since
[12:31:49] it's hot out maybe it'll cool us down a little bit
[12:31:51] This was a special holiday level and i picked
[12:31:53] it because i think it's just adorable and it makes me happy it's for its big
[12:31:58] holiday adventure from ceo cadelic and the borgie man um this is just i think it's so fun
[12:32:05] and it features for it and i that's my favorite pokemon
[12:32:09] big big ferret fan uh so we're going to help
[12:32:12] furit get home for the holidays.
[12:32:13] Awesome! Alright everybody, you are starting in 3...2...1...go!
[12:32:19] We have 10 minutes. I remembered to start the timer this time so we don't go too far over.
[12:32:29] So he doesn't hurt,
[12:32:31] he just walks and we're going to help Furret get home for the holiday. So Furret can't
[12:32:33] actually hurt you, um, so Furret's just going to be walking around,
[12:32:36] and maybe at the end we'll get to see something special,
[12:32:40] but I'll point that out when the time comes.
[12:32:42] This is basically like the moles in the giant mega-moles
[12:32:46] in regular Mario World. Only here
[12:32:49] it's Furret, and I love Furret.
[12:32:51] Just, I don't know, I just think he's really
[12:32:53] great. He's like
[12:32:54] real big, and he walks around.
[12:32:56] I don't know, I just love him.
[12:32:59] Yeah, isn't he great?
[12:33:00] And he's just a great guy.
[12:33:03] So bouncing off this Koopa to start out
[12:33:05] and holding B while running over those one tile gaps. Mario can run over the
[12:33:10] one tile while holding B, and then Furret will go in the Pokeball if Furret touches
[12:33:14] the Pokeball so you want to watch out for that and then of course the rooms are numbered uh
[12:33:19] so fail and shoved just about to get into that next oh sorry about those note blocks getting
[12:33:24] into that room on the next attempt for sure so gotta build a bridge here, the outlined blocks are kaizo
[12:33:32] blocks and we need to build a bridge for Furret so that Furret can cross
[12:33:36] over the gaps and then those blue blocks that you're seeing are
[12:33:40] solid for
[12:33:42] Mario, but they are transparent
[12:33:44] for sprites. So a shell
[12:33:46] is able to be thrown up and
[12:33:48] hit the switch, but Mario is not able to hit the switch with his head
[12:33:51] and that is requiring the players to bring the red shell with them uh additionally they have
[12:33:56] to clear the rock out of the way so that Furry can keep on walking.
[12:34:01] I love this level, like escorting a single thing
[12:34:04] because I had the idea of making a level
[12:34:07] where you save Yoshi
[12:34:10] but it's the same Yoshi
[12:34:11] the whole time.
[12:34:12] So you're not like going through
[12:34:14] and getting new Yoshis or anything.
[12:34:16] It's the same one you have to escort
[12:34:17] from the entire level
[12:34:18] and take to the end.
[12:34:21] I liked that.
[12:34:22] It eventually got made in Mario Maker 2
[12:34:23] by an awesome, awesome
[12:34:26] friend of the show
[12:34:27] that we showcased
[12:34:29] when Shoujo was
[12:34:31] stuck in Mario Maker Purgatory.
[12:34:37] That was an excellent save from Shoujo there, the shell didn't break
[12:34:40] the blocks the whole way, but she managed to
[12:34:44] get the shell off the kicking Koopa and
[12:34:46] break the block that wasn't broken initially.
[12:34:48] Yeah, I don't think that's supposed to happen.
[12:34:51] She'll be also moving
[12:34:52] on to the... What's that? Second section.
[12:34:55] Yeah two out of six rooms total and you can see
[12:34:57] The numbers on the side there
[12:34:59] No!
[12:35:03] I like a little bit of narrative structure in the levels.
[12:35:08] And I like the sort of emotional investment you get
[12:35:11] in caring for something and having to escort it.
[12:35:14] You know, try to bring a little bit of love
[12:35:16] to Kaizo
[12:35:17] to a genre that is sometimes
[12:35:19] very difficult and brutal.
[12:35:22] I like the little fun stuff.
[12:35:30] Nicely done, Sojo using the mushroom to spin
[12:35:31] the blocks out of
[12:35:33] the way and
[12:35:34] timing the jump so
[12:35:36] that Furret will be underneath Mario by the time he's done spinning.
[12:35:39] And um...
[12:35:40] No!
[12:35:41] Oh, but the Disco Shell...
[12:35:42] So close. Poor Furret.
[12:35:45] If I fail, clear the Disco Shell shell is that the h that's a cute uh cute rhr
[12:35:53] yeah this was a special um holiday one uh that we had a couple years back.
[12:35:58] So adorable, I love it.
[12:36:02] Yay! He's a good guy... or gal
[12:36:06] or non-binary all right birds come in all types
[12:36:17] so fail having to watch out now because those furrets are going to go into the Pokeball there.
[12:36:22] Oh my god!
[12:36:23] And that means I gotta jump a little bit quicker.
[12:36:25] That's so cute!
[12:36:29] Yeah, the Pokeballs are so cute.
[12:36:30] Such a cute level.
[12:36:36] Yeah that's how you can get rid of them but they're safe. They just end the Pokeball
[12:36:41] They're returning home
[12:36:44] And when they fall off the screen it's just a fun water slide
[12:36:47] Or maybe it's not a water slide because it's winter out Maybe it's on a water slide because it's winter out.
[12:36:51] Maybe it's just a regular slide.
[12:36:53] Oh, no.
[12:36:54] But either way, they're fine.
[12:36:56] I don't know.
[12:36:56] I like to come up with nicer headcanons sometimes.
[12:36:59] I don't know.
[12:37:00] I'm just...
[12:37:01] I like that. Yeah, Shoujo
[12:37:03] and shoved a very, very close
[12:37:05] to making it 2
[12:37:06] first H.
[12:37:16] Music Music is also very appropriate.
[12:37:25] Perfectly fine to have holiday theming in july don't worry about it
[12:37:30] yeah i thought you know maybe we could do some ice it's kind of hot out there
[12:37:34] you know maybe we could use a cool level.
[12:37:37] Also for what it's worth the floor here is ice
[12:37:39] Ice is a global
[12:37:40] property of levels so if you make
[12:37:43] something icy in Mario World it's just everything
[12:37:45] that you stand on will be ice on the ground. So um...
[12:37:49] The surfaces here are slippery and that makes it a little bit more challenging.
[12:37:53] ... little bit more challenging.
[12:38:09] So Phale using those grab blocks to switch the red and green on-off blocks in order to make paths.
[12:38:44] Very true. And again, that little visual indicators, the green coins indicating where to throw just kind of helps the player out. I've said sometimes that like indication isn't to tell you what to do on your first time,
[12:38:51] it's to remind you what to do on the 10th time.
[12:38:54] Alright Shabda is through! Hit the H.
[12:39:14] Nice and fast. Oh yeah, Sojo. Protecting from the Disco Shell.
[12:39:18] Disco shells cannot be destroyed...
[12:39:21] Well, they can be destroyed, but
[12:39:23] they can only be destroyed by a Spin Jump.
[12:39:25] Well, there's other ways too, but
[12:39:27] Spin Jumping to get rid of the Disco Shell is pretty common.
[12:39:32] Oh, they are! Bringing that get rid of the Disco Shell is pretty common. And yeah, bringing that...
[12:39:38] So Grablocks have a timer
[12:39:40] they flash for a little while and then they will
[12:39:42] expire and just disappear, so Phil needing to time the
[12:39:46] drop that destroys those spinies with the expiration of the block.
[12:39:50] Oh wow! expiration. No! Wow.
[12:39:59] It's a big holiday adventure. oh too late. Is there anything that you feel
[12:40:14] of it being near expiration
[12:40:16] or is it just you gotta know?
[12:40:18] There is actually!
[12:40:20] If you watch carefully the block
[12:40:22] is flashing very rapidly
[12:40:25] and as it gets close to
[12:40:27] expiration
[12:40:28] it will flash more slowly.
[12:40:33] Just another
[12:40:33] reason to play Vanilla SMW.
[12:40:35] Because this is, you know what I mean?
[12:40:37] Like so many of us kind of started with that and you learn
[12:40:39] just these little things that end up mattering in Kaizo.
[12:40:45] Soldier 2 catching up here.
[12:40:48] And shoved a...
[12:40:50] Alright! Yeah everybody on
[12:40:52] room number 4 now.
[12:40:56] If I recall correctly,
[12:40:57] the last room is kind of free
[12:40:59] and I hope we get there because
[12:41:01] there's a special thing that they
[12:41:03] put into this level
[12:41:04] that maybe we'll get to see. I don't know, should I
[12:41:08] say... Maybe spoil it? Should I? Hold off on this one now.
[12:41:12] Okay, alright. This is also a great demonstration of...
[12:41:24] There!
[12:41:25] Sojo got it.
[12:41:26] Let's go.
[12:41:27] She got it, she got... Yeah did you notice? Did you see?
[12:41:29] It was a shiny Furritz.
[12:41:31] So yeah, Borgi and
[12:41:33] Cio worked in
[12:41:35] a special thing that every one of the
[12:41:37] Furrits has a certain percentage chance to be a Shiny one,
[12:41:40] and it happens randomly in the level,
[12:41:42] which I just thought was very endearing.
[12:41:45] That's amazing!
[12:41:46] That's so amazing! Wow.
[12:41:48] Yeah, I'm glad we got one
[12:41:50] good job way to get way to get the shiny furry
[12:41:52] i literally didn't do anything
[12:41:58] it's making me think too we could probably use other Pokemon themed
[12:42:02] uh...kai type of levels. So if anybody has some good ideas to
[12:42:06] use Pokemon for things you know
[12:42:09] You can have the new hot level on your hands
[12:42:14] So we are at the 10 minutes, but I don't want to finish on an anniversary kill level.
[12:42:17] So we're going to go until one of you makes it to the end here we will see
[12:42:23] best of luck i got the okay so i think i think we are pretty close yeah
[12:42:28] okay he's gotta get home we We gotta help Derek get home.
[12:42:32] Gotta get home for the holidays.
[12:42:36] No, he's still gone.
[12:42:42] That is tricky and having a tough obstacle at the end like that really rewards consistency again because you want to farm attempts at that part. so
[12:42:59] yeah we can't left for it to just be left in my here. We gotta escort him and save him.
[12:43:07] Oh, fail is through!
[12:43:11] Alright let's get home for it.
[12:43:13] Nicely done so yeah i think last
[12:43:16] last difficult section i want to say and a little bit of platforming
[12:43:20] a little bit of uh spin jumping on the grinder oh nice strat from Sojo! Okay. Very nice strat. Dropping the block at an angle so it smashes against the wall after it destroys one of the spinies and never makes its way to fur
[12:43:38] it pretty smart that was a really smart strat I like that I didn't even think
[12:43:44] about myself when i was like testing this for the selection I was I didn't even think of that myself.
[12:43:49] When I was testing this for the selection, I was like, oh okay just wait for the timeout.
[12:43:51] You know we do have Cio in chat.
[12:43:53] I guess I'll ask
[12:43:55] Was it your intention to time it?
[12:43:57] Or was it your intention To have it collide against a wall,
[12:43:59] because that's super cool.
[12:44:01] Or was just like both of these work?
[12:44:03] I know we'll see what people do.
[12:44:07] I love probing the brains of the creators and seeing what they thought when they were making it.
[12:44:15] Nicely done, fail in that pipe!
[12:44:18] Happy Holidays! and fail in that pipe. Happy holidays!
[12:44:20] Oh, what am I doing here?
[12:44:24] Ah the one way. Cause we made it home
[12:44:28] and all of the ferrets are hanging out together.
[12:44:34] And so, Joe2, let's go!
[12:44:35] Awesome!
[12:44:38] Gee, geez,
[12:44:39] fail.
[12:44:43] Oh, you got the shiny one! The last one was a shiny one.
[12:44:49] I will also beat this level.
[12:44:52] I just thought this would be a fun pick to wrap it up with.
[12:44:56] Yeah, absolutely. This is the normal one. adorable.
[12:45:06] And G-G's Jojo, well done! Yeah I'm glad we got to see the end of the level there yay ferrets
[12:45:20] um but um But we're going to basically call it a night.
[12:45:26] GG's Shravda, thank you all
[12:45:30] To all of you for selecting so many awesome levels
[12:45:35] for everybody to play. So I hope everybody
[12:45:39] here on the show enjoyed playing all these levels your friends picked out
[12:45:43] for you, But I also
[12:45:45] hope everybody watching enjoyed
[12:45:47] the variety that we saw here
[12:45:49] today, super creative and
[12:45:51] it was awesome seeing so many
[12:45:53] of the level creators that we're showcasing here
[12:45:56] tonight in the chat with us,
[12:45:58] cheering us on.
[12:46:00] So again, you all are awesome.
[12:46:03] We all really
[12:46:04] appreciate you and I want to just go through
[12:46:06] each of our runners here today
[12:46:08] and give some final thoughts,
[12:46:10] Glitch Pat the commentary
[12:46:12] trooper tonight
[12:46:14] so we'll start with you thanks again for coming on thank you for having us um that
[12:46:20] you know absolutely love the game of kaizo and i love uh presenting this and bringing it to people
[12:46:25] uh we do have like i've been talking about the weekly races. If anyone
[12:46:28] is interested in learning a little bit more about
[12:46:30] Kaizo or joining our community
[12:46:32] we'll have links available and you can always
[12:46:34] check out
[12:46:36] You can get this hack you can grab some stuff that isn't as challenging um like
[12:46:41] kiara was mentioning wherever your skills are there's a mario mod for you and i hope to see
[12:46:46] more people checking it out and playing more Kaiser.
[12:46:49] Next up, Shabda, how about yourself?
[12:46:53] Thanks for having us as well.
[12:46:55] That's all I got.
[12:46:57] Thanks for coming on and thanks for surviving food percent last week. Again y'all should go check that out.
[12:47:06] Just don't do it on a full stomach.
[12:47:09] Now Shojo,
[12:47:11] thanks to you as well for
[12:47:12] coming on. Hope you enjoyed and
[12:47:15] any final shout outs from you?
[12:47:17] Thanks for having us.
[12:47:19] Really really fun. I want to give a massive very important shout
[12:47:23] out to RomHack Races. You can find their website at
[12:47:27] Very good.
[12:47:28] They are...
[12:47:29] Awesome.
[12:47:30] All of these levels came from there.
[12:47:32] And if you're interested in the races,
[12:47:34] If you're interested in seeing any of the race levels
[12:47:37] There's 299 of them
[12:47:40] Please go there
[12:47:41] It's an amazing community and amazing group of people um definitely
[12:47:47] just wanted to give them a shout out that's where that's where all
[12:47:49] of this came from so it wouldn't have been possible without them.
[12:47:55] Awesome. Thank you so much, Jojo.
[12:47:57] And Bale,
[12:47:59] last but not least,
[12:48:00] any final shout-outs for yourself?
[12:48:03] Yeah, shout-outs to Jez Cook,
[12:48:06] Jabba Brew, Mark Alarm, and The Beast,
[12:48:07] the other Funky Fuzzies and Groovy Goombas who were on
[12:48:10] the big stage with us.
[12:48:12] It was an honor to race with everybody and it was great
[12:48:14] to show off those levels again, and show off some really awesome levels
[12:48:18] And yeah if any of this looked fun give it a try. Kaizo's
[12:48:22] is fun and its addicting and hope everybody as a recent converts to kaizo starting
[12:48:31] like just late last year i've been having so much fun with it. And I started from nothing,
[12:48:36] So everybody can and yeah definitely
[12:48:38] Check the announcement in chat to go
[12:48:40] There and find out some more information
[12:48:42] But make sure you follow all four of
[12:48:44] Our wonderful runners Glitch Cat shoujo you fail me and shabda if you
[12:48:50] go into any other chats i'm sure they will be able to point you around give you some
[12:48:54] recommendations everybody like the kaizo community is so welcoming
[12:48:57] they welcomed me with open arms and gave
[12:48:59] me so many suggestions of
[12:49:01] games I could play, of varying difficulties
[12:49:04] stepping up in difficulty
[12:49:05] and I'm sure all of them will be happy to help anybody
[12:49:10] start their kaizo journey you can go as far or as little as you want with it again
[12:49:17] big shout outs to everybody for joining me.
[12:49:18] That's going to be it for Game
[12:49:20] Masters today.
[12:49:22] I hope you all had a blast
[12:49:24] because I did and
[12:49:26] before we get out,
[12:49:31] just a couple final things for everybody.
[12:49:35] Games Done Quick Express is coming to TwitchCon.
[12:49:38] So from September 20th to 22nd,
[12:49:39] submissions will be open from July 17th through the 24th.
[12:49:42] So use exclamation point GDQX
[12:49:43] in Twitch chat for more info.
[12:49:45] And if you missed out
[12:49:47] on The First Step earlier today
[12:49:49] or this show.
[12:49:51] Stay tuned because we're gonna be replaying both shows
[12:49:53] coming up after break and tune in tomorrow
[12:49:55] at 7 p.m Eastern,